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Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. MT_BG = 0x000000
  2. MT_FG = 0xFFFFFF
  3. DAY = 0xFFFF00
  4. EVENING = 0x202080
  5. NIGHT = 0x000080
  6. MORNING = 0x404000
  7. RT_BG = 0x000000
  8. RT_FG = 0xFFFFFF
  9. TIMEZONE = 0
  10. CORRECT = 0
  11. W, H = 40, 8
  12. REDSTONE = false
  13. TOUCH = true
  14. KEY1 = 13
  15. KEY2 = 28
  16. SHOWSECS = true
  17. AUTOMODE = true
  18. SWDATEMT = true
  19. SWDATERT = true
  20. SWDTMMT = true
  21. SWDTMRT = true
  23. local com = require("component")
  24. local gpu = com.gpu
  25. local unicode = require("unicode")
  26. local fs = require("filesystem")
  27. local event = require("event")
  28. local term = require("term")
  30. oldw, oldh = gpu.getResolution()
  31. gpu.setResolution(W, H)
  32. w, h = gpu.getResolution()
  33. mode = AUTOMODE
  34. noExit = true
  37. local nums = {}
  38. nums[0] = {"███", "█ █", "█ █", "█ █", "███"}
  39. nums[1] = {"██ ", " █ ", " █ ", " █ ", "███"}
  40. nums[2] = {"███", " █", "███", "█ ", "███"}
  41. nums[3] = {"███", " █", "███", " █", "███"}
  42. nums[4] = {"█ █", "█ █", "███", " █", " █"}
  43. nums[5] = {"███", "█ ", "███", " █", "███"}
  44. nums[6] = {"███", "█ ", "███", "█ █", "███"}
  45. nums[7] = {"███", " █", " █", " █", " █"}
  46. nums[8] = {"███", "█ █", "███", "█ █", "███"}
  47. nums[9] = {"███", "█ █", "███", " █", "███"}
  49. dts = {}
  50. dts[1] = "Night"
  51. dts[2] = "Morning"
  52. dts[3] = "Day"
  53. dts[4] = "Evening"
  55. local function centerX(str)
  56. local len
  57. if type(str) == "string" then
  58. len = unicode.len(str)
  59. elseif type(str) == "number" then
  60. len = str
  61. else
  62. error("Number excepted")
  63. end
  64. local whereW, _ = math.modf(w / 2)
  65. local whereT, _ = math.modf(len / 2)
  66. local where = whereW - whereT + 1
  67. return where
  68. end
  70. local function centerY(lines)
  71. local whereH, _ = math.modf(h / 2)
  72. local whereT, _ = math.modf(lines / 2)
  73. local where = whereH - whereT + 1
  74. return where
  75. end
  77. local t_correction = tz * 3600
  79. local function getTime()
  80. local file ='/tmp/clock.dt', 'w')
  81. file:write('')
  82. file:close()
  83. local lastmod = tonumber(string.sub(fs.lastModified('/tmp/clock.dt'), 1, -4)) + t_correction
  85. local year ='%Y', lastmod)
  86. local month ='%m', lastmod)
  87. local day ='%d', lastmod)
  88. local weekday ='%A', lastmod)
  89. local hour ='%H', lastmod)
  90. local minute ='%M', lastmod)
  91. local sec ='%S', lastmod)
  92. return year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, sec
  93. end
  95. local function sn(num)
  96. -- SplitNumber
  97. local n1, n2
  98. if num >= 10 then
  99. n1, n2 = tostring(num):match("(%d)(%d)")
  100. n1, n2 = tonumber(n1), tonumber(n2)
  101. else
  102. n1, n2 = 0, num
  103. end
  104. return n1, n2
  105. end
  107. local function drawNumbers(hh, mm, ss)
  108. local firstLine = centerY(5)
  109. local n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6
  110. n1, n2 = sn(hh)
  111. n3, n4 = sn(mm)
  112. if ss ~= nil then
  113. n5, n6 = sn(ss)
  114. end
  115. --print(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, type(n1))
  116. for i = 1, 5, 1 do
  117. local sep
  118. if i == 2 or i == 4 then
  119. sep = " . "
  120. else
  121. sep = " "
  122. end
  123. local lineToDraw = ""
  124. if ss ~= nil then
  125. lineToDraw = nums[n1][i] .. " " .. nums[n2][i] .. sep .. nums[n3][i] .. " " .. nums[n4][i] .. sep .. nums[n5][i] .. " " .. nums[n6][i]
  126. else
  127. lineToDraw = nums[n1][i] .. " " .. nums[n2][i] .. sep .. nums[n3][i] .. " " .. nums[n4][i]
  128. end
  129. gpu.set(centerX(lineToDraw), firstLine + i - 1, lineToDraw)
  130. end
  131. end
  133. local function setDaytimeColor(hh, mm)
  134. local daytime
  135. if (hh == 19 and mm >= 30) or (hh > 19 and hh < 22) then
  136. daytime = 4
  137. gpu.setForeground(EVENING)
  138. elseif hh >= 22 or hh < 6 then
  139. daytime = 1
  140. gpu.setForeground(NIGHT)
  141. elseif hh >= 6 and hh < 12 then
  142. daytime = 2
  143. gpu.setForeground(MORNING)
  144. elseif (hh >= 12 and hh < 19) or (hh == 19 and mm < 30) then
  145. daytime = 3
  146. gpu.setForeground(DAY)
  147. end
  148. return daytime
  149. end
  151. local function drawMT()
  152. local year, month, day, hh, mm ="(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)%s(%d+):(%d+):%d+")
  153. hh, mm = tonumber(hh), tonumber(mm)
  154. gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ")
  155. drawNumbers(hh, mm)
  156. if SWDTMMT then
  157. local dtm = setDaytimeColor(hh, mm)
  158. gpu.set(centerX(dts[dtm]), centerY(5) - 1, dts[dtm])
  159. end
  160. gpu.setForeground(MT_FG)
  161. if SWDATEMT then
  162. gpu.set(centerX(year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day), centerY(1) + 3, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day)
  163. end
  164. end
  166. local function drawRT()
  167. local year, month, day, wd, hh, mm, ss = getTime()
  168. gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ")
  169. hh, mm, ss = tonumber(hh), tonumber(mm), tonumber(ss)
  170. if not SHOWSECS then
  171. ss = nil
  172. end
  173. drawNumbers(hh, mm, ss)
  174. if SWDTMRT then
  175. local dtm = setDaytimeColor(hh, mm)
  176. gpu.set(centerX(dts[dtm]), centerY(5) - 1, dts[dtm])
  177. end
  178. gpu.setForeground(RT_FG)
  179. local infoLine = wd .. ", " .. year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day .. "::GMT" .. TIMEZONE
  180. if SWDATERT then
  181. gpu.set(centerX(infoLine), centerY(1) + 3, infoLine)
  182. end
  183. end
  185. local function cbFunc()
  186. if mode == true then mode = false gpu.setBackground(RT_BG) gpu.setForeground(RT_FG) else mode = true gpu.setBackground(MT_BG) gpu.setForeground(MT_FG) end
  187. end
  189. local function checkKey(name, addr, key1, key2)
  190. if key1 == KEY1 and key2 == KEY2 then
  191. noExit = false
  192. end
  193. end
  195. gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ")
  196. if TOUCH then
  197. event.listen("touch", cbFunc)
  198. end
  199. if REDSTONE then
  200. event.listen("redstone_changed", cbFunc)
  201. end
  202. event.listen("key_down", checkKey)
  203. term.setCursor(1, 1)
  204. while noExit do
  205. if mode == true then
  206. drawMT()
  207. else
  208. drawRT()
  209. end
  210. os.sleep(1)
  211. end
  212. gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
  213. gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
  214. gpu.setResolution(oldw, oldh)
  215. gpu.fill(1, 1, oldw, oldh, " ")
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