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a guest
Aug 18th, 2017
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text 14.67 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Sincronizando con las bases de datos...
  3. Fallo al sincronizar bases de datos:
  4. no se pudo bloquear la base de datos
  6. Comenzando la actualización completa del sistema...
  7. Resolviendo dependencias...
  8. Comprobando conflictos entre paquetes...
  9. Descargando...
  10. Descargando linux-4.12.8-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  11. Descargando linux-headers-4.12.8-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  12. Descargando nvidia-dkms-384.59-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  13. Descargando confuse-3.2.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  14. Descargando libftdi-1.3-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  15. Verificando claves en la base de datos...
  16. Verificando la integridad de los paquetes...
  17. Cargando archivos de paquetes...
  18. Verificando conflictos entre paquetes...
  19. Comprobando espacio disponible en el disco...
  20. Ejecutando rutinas pre-operación...
  21. Remove DKMS modules
  22. ==> dkms remove nvidia/384.59 -k 4.9.43-1-lts
  23. ==> dkms remove nvidia/384.59 -k 4.12.6-1-ARCH
  24. Actualizando confuse (3.2-1 -> 3.2.1-1)...
  25. Actualizando libftdi (1.3-4 -> 1.3-5)...
  26. Actualizando linux (4.12.6-1 -> 4.12.8-1)...
  27. >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
  28. Actualizando linux-headers (4.12.6-1 -> 4.12.8-1)...
  29. Actualizando nvidia-dkms (384.59-4 -> 384.59-5)...
  30. Ejecutando rutinas post-operación...
  31. Install DKMS modules
  32. ==> dkms install nvidia/384.59 -k 4.9.43-1-lts
  33. ==> dkms install nvidia/384.59 -k 4.12.8-1-ARCH
  34. Updating linux initcpios
  35. ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'default'
  36. -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
  37. ==> Starting build: 4.12.8-1-ARCH
  38. -> Running build hook: [base]
  39. -> Running build hook: [udev]
  40. -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  41. -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  42. -> Running build hook: [block]
  43. -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  44. -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  45. -> Running build hook: [resume]
  46. -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  47. -> Running build hook: [fsck]
  48. ==> Generating module dependencies
  49. ==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
  50. ==> Image generation successful
  51. ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback'
  52. -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
  53. ==> Starting build: 4.12.8-1-ARCH
  54. -> Running build hook: [base]
  55. -> Running build hook: [udev]
  56. -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  57. -> Running build hook: [block]
  58. ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
  59. ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
  60. -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  61. -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  62. -> Running build hook: [resume]
  63. -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  64. -> Running build hook: [fsck]
  65. ==> Generating module dependencies
  66. ==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
  67. ==> Image generation successful
  68. Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
  69. Operación finalizada con éxito.
  72. Preparando...
  73. Resolviendo dependencias...
  74. Comprobando conflictos entre paquetes...
  75. Descargando...
  76. Descargando ninja-1.7.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  77. Descargando chrpath-0.16-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  78. Descargando dee-1.2.7-10-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  79. Descargando libunity-7.1.4-5-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
  80. Verificando claves en la base de datos...
  81. Verificando la integridad de los paquetes...
  82. Cargando archivos de paquetes...
  83. Verificando conflictos entre paquetes...
  84. Comprobando espacio disponible en el disco...
  85. Instalando dee (1.2.7-10)...
  86. Instalando libunity (7.1.4-5)...
  87. Instalando ninja (1.7.2-1)...
  88. Instalando chrpath (0.16-1)...
  89. Ejecutando rutinas post-operación...
  90. Compiling GSettings XML schema files...
  91. Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
  93. Construyendo depot-tools-git...
  94. Cloning into 'depot-tools-git'...
  95. remote: Counting objects: 76, done.
  96. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (53/53), done.
  97. remote: Total 76 (delta 36), reused 56 (delta 21)
  98. Unpacking objects: 100% (76/76), done.
  99. ==> Creando el paquete: depot-tools-git r4534.5aeeb72c-1 (vie ago 18 13:35:02 CEST 2017)
  100. ==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se ejecuta...
  101. ==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se compila...
  102. ==> Recibiendo las fuentes...
  103. -> Clonando depot-tools-git del repositorio git...
  104. Cloning into bare repository '/tmp/pamac-build-mertellx-a/depot-tools-git/depot-tools-git'...
  105. remote: Sending approximately 26.87 MiB ...
  106. remote: Counting objects: 24514, done
  107. remote: Finding sources: 100% (18741/18741)
  108. remote: Total 42247 (delta 18618), reused 42247 (delta 18618)
  109. Receiving objects: 100% (42247/42247), 36.56 MiB | 458.00 KiB/s, done.
  110. Resolving deltas: 100% (18618/18618), done.
  111. -> ha sido encontrado
  112. -> ha sido encontrado
  113. ==> Validando los archivos source con sha512sums...
  114. depot-tools-git ... Omitido
  115. ... Aprobado
  116. ... Aprobado
  117. ==> Extrayendo las fuentes...
  118. -> Creando copia de trabajo de depot_tools del repositorio git...
  119. Cloning into 'depot-tools-git'...
  120. done.
  121. ==> Iniciando prepare()...
  122. ==> Patching scripts for python2 usage...
  123. ==> Iniciando pkgver()...
  124. ==> Versión actualizada: depot-tools-git r4583.6f1a5145-1
  125. ==> Entrando en entorno fakeroot...
  126. ==> Iniciando package()...
  127. ==> Depurando la instalación...
  128. -> Quitando los archivos libtool...
  129. -> Purgando los archivos innecesarios...
  130. -> Quitando los archivos de las bibliotecas estáticas...
  131. -> Comprimiendo las páginas del manual e información...
  132. ==> Buscando problemas de empaquetado...
  133. ==> Creando el paquete «depot-tools-git»...
  134. -> Generando el archivo .PKGINFO...
  135. -> Generando el archivo .BUILDINFO...
  136. -> Añadiendo el archivo install...
  137. -> Generando el archivo .MTREE...
  138. -> Comprimiendo el paquete...
  139. ==> Abandonando el entorno fakeroot.
  140. ==> Compilación terminada: depot-tools-git r4583.6f1a5145-1 (vie ago 18 13:36:36 CEST 2017)
  141. ==> Limpiando...
  143. Resolviendo dependencias...
  144. Comprobando conflictos entre paquetes...
  145. Verificando claves en la base de datos...
  146. Verificando la integridad de los paquetes...
  147. Cargando archivos de paquetes...
  148. Verificando conflictos entre paquetes...
  149. Comprobando espacio disponible en el disco...
  150. Instalando depot-tools-git (r4583.6f1a5145-1)...
  151. >>>> Please note that this tools and some related projects (for example ChromeOS) use python2.
  152. >>>> They assume that python2 is the default python interpreter. ArchLinux default is python3, so be prepared to fix python references in your works.
  153. >>>> This package contains a script. Use it to fix python2 references in python's script created after 'repo init' command
  154. >>>> For getting started with depot_tools, visit this page:
  155. >>>> Add export PATH="${PATH}:/opt/depot_tools" to .bashrc/.zshrc or setenv PATH "${PATH}:/opt/depot_tools" to ~/.tcshrc if you don't find any depot_tools related commands."
  156. Ejecutando rutinas post-operación...
  157. Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
  159. Construyendo google-breakpad-git...
  160. Cloning into 'google-breakpad-git'...
  161. remote: Counting objects: 35, done.
  162. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done.
  163. remote: Total 35 (delta 4), reused 35 (delta 4)
  164. Unpacking objects: 100% (35/35), done.
  165. ==> Creando el paquete: google-breakpad-git r1603.32a9e038-1 (vie ago 18 13:36:50 CEST 2017)
  166. ==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se ejecuta...
  167. ==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se compila...
  168. ==> Recibiendo las fuentes...
  169. ==> Extrayendo las fuentes...
  170. ==> Iniciando prepare()...
  171. Running: /usr/bin/python2 /opt/depot_tools/ root
  172. Running: /usr/bin/python2 /opt/depot_tools/ config --spec 'solutions = [
  173. {
  174. "url": "",
  175. "managed": False,
  176. "name": "src",
  177. "custom_deps": {},
  178. },
  179. ]
  180. '
  181. Running: /usr/bin/python2 /opt/depot_tools/ sync
  183. src/src/tools/gyp (ERROR)
  184. ----------------------------------------
  185. [0:01:52] Started.
  186. [0:01:52]
  188. ________ running 'git -c core.deltaBaseCacheLimit=2g clone --no-checkout --progress /tmp/pamac-build-mertellx-a/google-breakpad-git/src/google-breakpad-git/src/src/tools/_gclient_gyp_LGV8bv' in '/tmp/pamac-build-mertellx-a/google-breakpad-git/src/google-breakpad-git'
  189. [0:01:52] Cloning into '/tmp/pamac-build-mertellx-a/google-breakpad-git/src/google-breakpad-git/src/src/tools/_gclient_gyp_LGV8bv'...
  190. [0:01:55] remote: Sending approximately 11.46 MiB ...
  191. [0:01:56] Receiving objects: 0% (1/17924)
  192. [0:01:57] Receiving objects: 1% (310/17924), 131.97 KiB | 91.00 KiB/s
  193. [0:01:58] Receiving objects: 8% (1434/17924), 387.89 KiB | 193.00 KiB/s
  194. [0:01:59] Receiving objects: 10% (1793/17924), 579.83 KiB | 209.00 KiB/s
  195. [0:02:00] Receiving objects: 23% (4123/17924), 707.79 KiB | 193.00 KiB/s
  196. [0:02:01] Receiving objects: 27% (4907/17924), 1.19 MiB | 252.00 KiB/s
  197. [0:02:02] Receiving objects: 29% (5277/17924), 1.44 MiB | 239.00 KiB/s
  198. [0:02:03] Receiving objects: 33% (5915/17924), 1.69 MiB | 269.00 KiB/s
  199. [0:02:05] Receiving objects: 46% (8246/17924), 1.82 MiB | 240.00 KiB/s
  200. [0:02:06] Receiving objects: 64% (11472/17924), 2.07 MiB | 184.00 KiB/s
  201. [0:02:08] Receiving objects: 67% (12045/17924), 2.25 MiB | 155.00 KiB/s
  202. [0:02:09] Receiving objects: 67% (12054/17924), 2.32 MiB | 123.00 KiB/s
  203. [0:02:11] Receiving objects: 69% (12406/17924), 2.50 MiB | 105.00 KiB/s
  204. [0:02:12] Receiving objects: 74% (13357/17924), 2.63 MiB | 108.00 KiB/s
  205. [0:02:13] Receiving objects: 80% (14344/17924), 3.07 MiB | 139.00 KiB/s
  206. [0:02:14] Receiving objects: 81% (14519/17924), 3.32 MiB | 157.00 KiB/s
  207. [0:02:15] Receiving objects: 82% (14698/17924), 3.63 MiB | 223.00 KiB/s
  208. [0:02:18] Receiving objects: 84% (15194/17924), 4.07 MiB | 249.00 KiB/s
  209. [0:02:19] Receiving objects: 85% (15278/17924), 4.56 MiB | 254.00 KiB/s
  210. [0:02:20] Receiving objects: 85% (15340/17924), 4.75 MiB | 263.00 KiB/s
  211. [0:02:21] Receiving objects: 85% (15382/17924), 5.06 MiB | 270.00 KiB/s
  212. [0:02:22] Receiving objects: 86% (15462/17924), 5.38 MiB | 283.00 KiB/s
  213. [0:02:23] Receiving objects: 88% (15774/17924), 5.75 MiB | 321.00 KiB/s
  214. [0:02:25] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 6.19 MiB | 260.00 KiB/s
  215. [0:02:26] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 6.88 MiB | 328.00 KiB/s
  216. [0:02:28] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 7.38 MiB | 350.00 KiB/s
  217. [0:02:29] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 8.00 MiB | 371.00 KiB/s
  218. [0:02:31] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 8.38 MiB | 361.00 KiB/s
  219. [0:02:33] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 8.94 MiB | 297.00 KiB/s
  220. [0:02:34] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 9.44 MiB | 304.00 KiB/s
  221. [0:02:36] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 10.13 MiB | 311.00 KiB/s
  222. [0:02:37] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 10.56 MiB | 383.00 KiB/s
  223. [0:02:40] Receiving objects: 96% (17290/17924), 11.13 MiB | 326.00 KiB/s
  224. [0:02:40] remote: Total 17924 (delta 11275), reused 17924 (delta 11275)
  225. [0:02:40] Receiving objects: 100% (17924/17924), 11.13 MiB | 326.00 KiB/s
  226. [0:02:40] Resolving deltas: 0% (0/11275)
  227. [0:02:40] Resolving deltas: 10% (1134/11275)
  228. [0:02:41] Resolving deltas: 100% (11275/11275)
  229. [0:02:47] Checked out e8ab0833a42691cd2184bd4c45d779e43821d3e0 to a detached HEAD. Before making any commits
  230. in this repo, you should use 'git checkout <branch>' to switch to
  231. an existing branch or use 'git checkout origin -b <branch>' to
  232. create a new branch for your work.
  233. [0:02:47]
  234. ----------------------------------------
  235. Traceback (most recent call last):
  236. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 2531, in <module>
  237. sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
  238. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 2517, in main
  239. return dispatcher.execute(OptionParser(), argv)
  240. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 252, in execute
  241. return command(parser, args[1:])
  242. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 2272, in CMDsync
  243. ret = client.RunOnDeps('update', args)
  244. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 1439, in RunOnDeps
  245. work_queue.flush(revision_overrides, command, args, options=self._options)
  246. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 1055, in run
  247.*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  248. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 891, in run
  249. self.ParseDepsFile()
  250. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 690, in ParseDepsFile
  251. gclient_eval.Exec(deps_content, global_scope, local_scope, filepath)
  252. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 209, in Exec
  253. _visit_in_module(stmt)
  254. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 193, in _visit_in_module
  255. value = _gclient_eval(node.value, global_scope, filename=filename)
  256. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 173, in _gclient_eval
  257. return _convert(node_or_string)
  258. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 146, in _convert
  259. for k, v in zip(node.keys, node.values))
  260. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 69, in __init__
  261. self.__update(*args, **kwds)
  262. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 571, in update
  263. for key, value in other:
  264. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 146, in <genexpr>
  265. for k, v in zip(node.keys, node.values))
  266. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 146, in _convert
  267. for k, v in zip(node.keys, node.values))
  268. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 69, in __init__
  269. self.__update(*args, **kwds)
  270. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 571, in update
  271. for key, value in other:
  272. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 146, in <genexpr>
  273. for k, v in zip(node.keys, node.values))
  274. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 165, in _convert
  275. return _convert(node.left) + _convert(node.right)
  276. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 167, in _convert
  277. return _convert(node.left) % _convert(node.right)
  278. TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
  279. Traceback (most recent call last):
  280. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 299, in <module>
  281. sys.exit(main())
  282. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 294, in main
  283. return run(options, spec, root)
  284. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 288, in run
  285. return checkout.init()
  286. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 131, in init
  287. self.run_gclient(*sync_cmd)
  288. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 78, in run_gclient
  289. return + cmd, **kwargs)
  290. File "/opt/depot_tools/", line 68, in run
  291. return subprocess.check_output(cmd, **kwargs)
  292. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 219, in check_output
  293. raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
  294. subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '('/usr/bin/python2', '/opt/depot_tools/', 'sync')' returned non-zero exit status 1
  295. ==> ERROR: Se produjo un fallo en prepare().
  296. Cancelando...
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