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a guest
Nov 19th, 2019
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  1. def draw_ninja(pos,width):
  2. #draw a ninja as requested such that pos is the righ-down position of the ninja
  3. #and width is the size of the bounding box of the ninja (and should be used to determine
  4. #the unit size of the squares in the bounding box
  5. c=width//6
  6. w=get_value_of("_w")
  7. print(pos)
  8. """
  9. corps=create_rectangle(pos,c,c,(255,0,0))
  10. jambe1=create_rectangle(pos,c,c,(255,0,0))
  12. bandeau=create_rectangle(pos,c,c,(255,0,0))
  13. """
  14. jambe2=create_rectangle((pos[0],pos[1]),c,c,(0,0,0))
  15. """
  16. casebandeau1=create_rectangle((pos,w["height"]-c*6),c,c,(255,0,0))
  17. casebandeau2=create_rectangle(pos,c,c,(255,0,0))
  18. oeil=create_rectangle(pos,c,c,(255,0,0))
  20. draw_rectangle(corps)
  21. draw_rectangle(jambe1)
  23. draw_rectangle(bandeau)
  24. """
  25. draw_rectangle(jambe2)
  26. """
  27. draw_rectangle(casebandeau1)
  28. draw_rectangle(casebandeau2)
  29. draw_rectangle(oeil)
  30. """
  31. return
  33. def draw_stick(pos,lenght,thickness):
  34. #draw a vertical stick of a given thickness such that the bottom of the stick is at position pos and
  35. #it goes up until the given lenght
  36. return
  38. def draw_platforms(min_gap, min_platform_width, platform_height):
  39. #draw two platforms of height platform_height
  40. #the first platform starts from the left border of the window and is exactly of width min_platform_width
  41. #there is a minimal gap of min_gap between the two platforms
  42. #moreover the second platform has a random size respecting the min_platform_width and the fact that
  43. #a minimal gap of min_gap with the right border of the window should exist
  44. #The second platform has a 10x10 square right in the top middle to indicate the perfect lenght for the stick
  45. #The function returns the position of the top right corner of the first platform and the perfect distance for the stick
  46. return ((0,0),0)
  48. def draw_score():
  49. #draw a random number in [0,10] at the top-center of the window
  50. _w=get_value_of("_w")
  51. s=randrange(0,10)
  52. score=create_text(str(s), (_w["width"]/2,0), (255,0,0), 20, textanchor="topmiddle")
  53. draw_text(score)
  54. return
  56. def draw():
  57. #should not been modified
  58. _state=get_value_of("_state")
  59. if _state=="init":
  60. print("init")
  61. set_value_of("_w",initialize(randrange(200,600),randrange(400,600),'Ninja'))
  62. set_value_of("_state","draw")
  63. set_value_of("_cpt",0)
  64. return
  65. if _state=="draw":
  66. set_value_of("_cpt",get_value_of("_cpt")+1)
  67. if get_value_of("_cpt")>5:
  68. set_value_of("_state","destroy")
  69. return
  70. w=get_value_of("_w")
  71. fill_window((255,255,255))
  72. (p,d)=draw_platforms(w["width"]//10,2*w["width"]//10,w["height"]//10)
  73. draw_ninja(p,w["width"]//10)
  74. draw_stick(p,d,w["width"]//100)
  75. draw_score()
  76. return
  77. if _state=="destroy":
  78. uninitialize()
  79. return
  82. def main_app():
  83. set_value_of("_state","init")
  84. repeat_process(3000,draw)
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