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Upcoming GW2 Patch Notes

a guest
Sep 12th, 2013
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  1. Features:
  2. Added new condition damage floaters: An option to use the more iconic damage floaters.
  3. New Fact System: Added trait facts. Showing linked skills in traits. Traits and skills update facts when affects by other traits.
  4. General:
  5. Aoe spells with that have a maximum number of targets will now count combatants that block or evade the attack towards that maximum
  6. Fixed a bug where some 0 damage spells (Tainted shackles among others) did not place their casters in combat.
  7. Fixed a bug that disabled utility skill swapping while transformed
  8. Stun breakers now break blowouts and launch as well
  9. Tab targeting now prioritizes players over npcs (including minions)(mesmer clones are an exception)
  10. Made adjustments to click targeting to make it more precise
  11. Fixed a bug that caused extra “Miss” floaters to display whenever an attack was dodged, evaded, or missed due to blind
  12. Fixed a bug that made F1-F4 skills display the wrong amount of damage (too little if your weapon was better than common rarity)
  13. Weapon skills that hide your weapon no longer hide your back item
  14. Engineer turrets will now target whatever enemy was last hit by their owner whenever possible
  15. Runes of lyssa now work properly on all elites
  16. Fixed a bug where stuns would always round up their duration to the nearest second if you had extra stun duration from items or trait
  17. All duration stacking boons(Aegis, Fury, protection, Regeneration, Retaliation, Swiftness, and Vigor) and conditions(Blind, Burning, Chilled, Cripple, immobilze(now stacks duration), and Poison) now stack to a maximum of 5 times.
  18. All player controlled minions. excluding Mesmer phantasm and clones because they were already increased in a previous patch, now have 71.43% more hit points in a PvE map.
  19. Dark Projectile Combo: The damage portion of the life siphon bolt now slightly scales off power.
  20. Dark Whirl Combo: The damage portion of the life siphon bolt now slightly scales off power.
  21. Made it a bit easier to retarget channeled skills (now if you try to recast them on a separate target, it will cancel your current instance of the skill and start casting it again on the other target)
  22. Made it harder to accidentally waste your downed 2 skill when you get downed while trying to use your weapon 2 skill
  23. Skills that buff allies in an aoe now prioritize party members
  24. Elementalist:
  25. Shocking Aura: Added the shocking aura buff to the skill fact.
  26. Elemental Attunement: Normalized this trait so that each boon can apply up to 5 allies within a 240 radius.
  27. Evasive Arcana: Normalized the radius of each spell created to 180.
  28. Persisting Flames: The duration increase for fire fields is now consistent.
  29. Burning Fire: This trait now lists the proper skill names in its description.
  30. Written in Stone: Fixed an issue which caused Signet of Air to lose its effect partially though the skill’s recharge.
  31. Glyph of Storms: This skill now properly displays the duration of each spell.
  32. Geyser: Increased the base radius to 180. Increased the radius when equipped with the blasting staff trait to 240. Fixed a bug so that the water field radius would match the increased radius with the blasting staff trait.
  33. Water Blast: Increased the healing stat scaling from 10% to 25%. Slightly decreased base heal at low levels but it will heal for same base at level 80.
  34. Conjure Flame Axe:
  35. Lava Axe: This skill now grants 1 stack of might for 8 seconds when striking an enemy.
  36. Explosive Lava Axe: This skill is now a blast finisher.
  37. Flame Leap: Reduced the recharge to 15 seconds.
  38. Conjure Lightning Hammer:
  39. Lightning Leap: This skill will now hit up to 3 targets.
  40. Wind Blast: Increased the launch distance to 600.
  41. Lightning Storm: Increased the lightning impact radius from 60 to 120. This skill can now be used while moving.
  42. Static Field: This skill will now stun a target entering the field instead of dazing them. Increased the radius from 180 to 240.
  43. Conjure Frost Bow:
  44. Water Arrow: Increased the velocity by 20%. Normalized the healing radius to 240 around the target. Increased the base heal by 20% Increased the healing scaling from 10% to 30%.
  45. Frost Volley: Reduced the recharge to 4 seconds.
  46. Frost Fan: Updated the chill skill fact to display the proper duration.
  47. Ice Storm: Increased impact radius from 90 to 120.
  48. Deep Freeze: Reduced the cast time of this skill to 1.5 seconds.
  49. Engineer:
  50. Bomb Kit – Bomb: Base radius increased from 120 to 180. Radius when traited with Forceful Explosives is increased to 240.
  51. Bomb Kit – Fire Bomb: Base radius increased from 120 to 180. Radius when traited with Forceful Explosives is increased to 240.
  52. Bomb Kit – Glue Bomb: Radius when traited with Forceful Explosives decreased from 360 to 300.
  53. Kit Refinement – Magnetic Bomb: Radius when traited with Forceful Explosives decreased from 360 to 300.
  54. Self-Regulating Defenses: This trait now functions with Fast-Acting Elixirs.
  55. Hidden Flask: This trait now functions with Fast-Acting Elixirs.
  56. Autodefense Bomb Dispenser: This trait now functions with Short Fuse.
  57. Sharpshooter: Critical chance increased from 30% to 33%.
  58. Metal Plating: Damage reduction has been increased from 30% to 33%.
  59. Homing Torpedo: This skill will no longer fail to strike larger worm creatures.
  60. Glue Bomb: Added an unblockable fact.
  61. Smoke Vent: This skill now has a range indicator.
  62. Steel Packed Powder:: Fixed a bug so that the vulnerability condition will be applied when is equipped on the grenade skill and not the Reserve Mines trait.
  63. Elixir C: This skill now functions with Potent Elixirs.
  64. Toss Elixir R: This skill now functions with Potent Elixirs. Resurrection has been normalized to 17%, from a random percentage chance (14-20%). Underwater version now functions the same as well.
  65. Toss Elixir S: This ability now only grants stealth. Base duration of stealth increased to 5 seconds.
  66. Toss Elixir B: This ability now grants stability to allies, in addition to a random boon. Base recharge increased to 30 seconds.
  67. Elixir H: Normalized protection duration from 7 seconds to 6 when traited with Potent Elixirs.
  68. Mine Field: Base explosion radius increased from 120 to 180.
  69. Reserve Mines: Base explosion radius increased from 120 to 180.
  70. Throw Napalm: This skill now leaves a fire field behind for 3 seconds when it lands that burns enemies for 1 second every second. Burning duration of Throw Napalm on impact reduced to 4 seconds from 5.
  71. Rifle Turret – Automatic Fire: Bleeding has been removed. This ability now applies 8 seconds of vulnerability each hit.
  72. Guardian:
  73. Symbol of Judgement: Added revive percent, pulse, and number of targets skill facts.
  74. Symbol of Faith: Removed the range fact.
  75. Zealot’s Speed: The Symbol of Wrath created by this trait will now have a 180 base radius and 240 radius when traited with Write of Exaltation to be consistent with other symbols.
  76. Perfect Inscriptions: This trait now increases the effectiveness of the condition removal passive on Signet of Resolve.
  77. Protector’s Strike: Updated the damage skill fact to more accurately display the correct amount.
  78. Healing Breeze: Doubled the base heal when healing allies. Increased the healing scaling from 20% to 40% when healing allies.
  79. Mesmer:
  80. Descent into madness: Fixed the Chaos Storm created by this skill to match the actual Chaos Storm skill functionality.
  81. Illusionary Defense: Fixed this trait to properly decrease damage taken by 3% per illusion.
  82. Feedback: Added a radius skill fact. Updated the skill facts to display changes from traits.
  83. Medic’s Feedback: Increase the duration of the feedback bubble created by this trait to match the actual duration of the feedback skill.
  84. Winds of Chaos: Fixed the bleeding skill fact to display the proper duration when the Chaotic Dampening trait is equipped.
  85. Mender’s Purity: This trait now functions with racial skills Healing Seed and Prayer to Dwayna.
  86. Power Cleanse: This skill now removes 2 conditions from up to 5 allies in a 240 radius.
  87. Necromancer:
  88. Life Force meter improvements:
  89. Meter has been resized in order to properly display the entire bar. Previously about 10% of the bar was hidden.
  90. The current Life Force value is now displayed on the bar.
  91. The current and max Life Force is now displayed on the tooltip.
  92. Spectral Armor: Increased the duration from 8 seconds to 9 seconds when traited with Spectral Attunement to match the intended duration increase.
  93. Lingering Curses: This trait will no longer increase the duration of blind on the Deathly Swarm skill.
  94. Target The Weak: This trait will now properly increase damage when the target has the torment condition.
  95. Mark of Revival: Increased the base radius of the Reaper’s Mark created by this trait to 180 to be consistent with other marks.
  96. Mark of Evasion: Increased the base radius of the Mark of Blood created by this trait to 180 to be consistent with other marks.
  97. Spectral Armor: Added a duration fact.
  98. Spinal Shivers: Added a damage fact for each damage value based on the boons the target current has on them.
  99. Locust Swarm: Increased base cripple to 2 seconds.
  100. Bashee’s Wail: Normalized this trait to increase the effectiveness of warhorn skills by 50%.
  101. Vampiric Precision: The life siphon correctly scale with the bloodthirst trait. The damage portion of the life siphon from this trait now scales slightly based on power.The healing portion of the life siphon from this trait now scales slightly based on healing power.
  102. Vampiric Rituals: The damage portion of the life siphon from this trait now scales slightly based on power.The healing portion of the life siphon from this trait now scales slightly based on healing power.
  103. Vampiric Master: This trait will now cause minions to properly deal damage when siphoning life. The damage portion of the life siphon from this trait now scales slightly based on power.
  104. Unyielding Blast: Fixed a bug so this trait will now properly apply vulnerability when using life blast underwater.
  105. Ranger:
  106. Nature’s Voice: This trait no longer carries the effects of Evasive Purity as well as the on-shout swiftness and regeneration.
  107. Soften the Fall: Maximum targets increased from 3 to 5.
  108. Companion’s Defense: Protection now occurs at the end of the ranger’s dodge-roll, instead of the beginning.
  109. Spike Trap: This skill’s tooltip now appropriately displays when Trapper’s Expertise is equipped. Updated the skill tooltips to include the immobilize condition that occurs.
  110. Rending Pounce (Jaguar): This skills tooltip now displays the correct amount of bleeding applied.
  111. Healing Spring: Reduces the field duration to 10 seconds. It now pulses every 2 seconds instead of 3 so it will still provide the same amount of regeneration and condition removal, just in a more condense time frame.
  112. Vigorous Renewal: This trait now grants vigor to the ranger and nearby allies when the healing spring skill is cast and not every pulse.
  113. Maul: Damage for this skill has been increased by 15%. Vulnerability has been increased from 3 to 5 stacks and the duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.
  114. Thief:
  115. Shadow Refuge: This skill now functions with the Meld in Shadows trait.
  116. Shadow Pursuit:This skill now functions with the Meld in Shadows trait.
  117. Blinding Powder: Stealth duration has been decreased from 5 to 4 seconds when traited with Meld in Shadows. Skill remains at 3 seconds base.This skill is now a blast finisher.
  118. Merciful Ambush: This skill now functions with the Meld in Shadows trait for the recipient of stealth.
  119. Fixed a bug where some skills would remove the visual effect of stealth from the player
  120. Destroy Shadow Trap: This skill now has a 1.5s cast time. It plays an effect at the thief and the trap location when it is being cast. Added 5 seconds of regeneration.
  121. Meld with Shadows now only increases Blinding Power stealth by 1 second so it is consistent with the traits functionality.
  122. Venomous Aura: Increased the venom share radius to 360.
  123. Warrior:
  124. Sharpened Axes: The adrenaline gain on critical hit portion of this trait now applies to all axe skills.
  125. Battle Standard: This skill no longer applies boons until the end of the cast to prevent unintended behavior with canceling the it.
  126. Mobile Strikes: This trait now functions with the elementalist Conjure Lightning skill – Lightning Leap.
  127. Reckless Dodge: Increased radius to 180. Increased number of targets from 3 to 5.
  128. Vigorous Shouts: Increased the base healing by 25%. Increased the healing stat scaling from 80% to 90%.
  129. Lung Capacity: This trait has been moved to tier 1.
  130. Empower Allies: This trait has been moved to tier 2.
  131. Staggering Blow: This skill can now be used while moving. Reduced the cast time to 0.5 seconds.
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