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Jun 19th, 2017
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  1. local player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer
  2. local playerInputs = game:GetService'UserInputService'
  3. local connections = {}
  4. local character = player.Character
  5. --wfc short for WaitForChild
  6. local function wfc(parent, child)
  7. return parent:WaitForChild(child)
  8. end
  9. local torso = wfc(character, 'Torso')
  10. local camera = wfc(workspace, 'Camera')
  11. --player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockedFirstPerson
  12. --o short for object
  13. local function o(instanceName)
  14. local instance =
  15. return (function(properties)
  16. for property, value in next, properties do
  17. instance[property] = value
  18. end
  19. return instance
  20. end)
  21. end
  22. --v3 short for Vector3
  23. v3 =
  24. --cf short for CFrame
  25. cf =
  26. --ca short for CFrame Angles
  27. ca = CFrame.Angles
  28. --bc short for BrickColor
  29. bc =
  30. --rad short for Radians
  31. rad = math.rad
  32. --cos short for Cosine
  33. cos = math.cos
  34. --sin short for Sine
  35. sin = math.sin
  36. --abs short for Absolute Value
  37. abs = math.abs
  38. --
  39. wfc(character, 'Animate').Disabled = true
  40. if camera:FindFirstChild('Client') then
  41. camera.Client:Destroy()
  42. end
  43. local clientView = o'Model'{
  44. Name = 'Client',
  45. Parent = camera
  46. }
  47. local fakeLeftArm = o'Part'{
  48. Name = 'Fake Left Arm',
  49. Parent = clientView,
  50. Anchored = false,
  51. CanCollide = true,
  52. TopSurface = 1,
  53. BottomSurface = 0,
  54. BrickColor = bc('Wheat'),
  55. Material = 'SmoothPlastic',
  56. Size = v3(1, 2, 1)
  57. }
  58. local fakeRightArm = fakeLeftArm:Clone()
  59. fakeRightArm.Name = 'Fake Right Arm'
  60. fakeRightArm.Parent = clientView
  61. local weldLA = o'Weld'{
  62. Name = 'Fake Left Arm Weld',
  63. Parent = fakeLeftArm,
  64. Part0 = torso,
  65. Part1 = fakeLeftArm,
  66. C0 = cf(-1.5, 0.5, -0.75) * ca(rad(90), 0, 0)
  67. }
  68. local weldRA = o'Weld'{
  69. Name = 'Fake Right Arm Weld',
  70. Parent = fakeRightArm,
  71. Part0 = torso,
  72. Part1 = fakeRightArm,
  73. C0 = cf(1.5, 0.5, -0.75) * ca(rad(90), 0, 0)
  74. }
  75. --
  76. for i = 0, 360 do
  77. weldLA.C1 = cf() * ca(rad(i), 0, 0)
  78. end
  80. connections['onInput'] = playerInputs.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, onUI)
  81. --[[
  82. Enum.UserInputType
  83. Keyboard, MouseButton1, MouseButton2, MouseButton3, Touch, Gamepad1, MouseWheel
  84. ]]--
  85. end)
  86. connections['deadInput'] = playerInputs.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, onUI)
  88. end)
  90. connections['changedInput'] = playerInputs.InputChanged:Connect(function(input, onUI)
  91. local inputType = input.UserInputType
  92. if inputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
  93. local cameraFrame = camera.CoordinateFrame
  94. local direction = cameraFrame.lookVector
  95. local yaw = math.atan2(direction.x, -direction.z)
  96. local pitch = math.atan(math.sqrt(math.pow(direction.x, 2) + math.pow(direction.z, 2)) / direction.y)
  97. weldLA.C1 = cf() * ca(cos(pitch) * (pitch > 0 and -1 or 1), 0, 0)
  98. weldRA.C1 = weldLA.C1
  99. end
  100. end)
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