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disconnect dongle

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Dec 12th, 2018
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  1. 12-13 16:17:02.445 1361 4536 D PMS : acquireWL(f854490): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK RILJ_ACK_WL 0x1 2138 1001 null
  2. --------- beginning of main
  3. 12-13 16:17:02.453 1989 1989 D TelephonyCallback: SignalStrength: 4
  4. 12-13 16:17:02.455 2138 2138 I WFCIntentConsumer: receive intent android.intent.action.SIG_STR
  5. 12-13 16:17:02.455 2138 2388 D WFCIntentConsumer: handleMessage >>>android.intent.action.SIG_STR
  6. 12-13 16:17:02.455 2138 2495 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 phoneId=0
  7. 12-13 16:17:02.455 1989 1989 D SIGNAL_ICON: level=4/5
  8. 12-13 16:17:02.455 1989 1989 D StatusBar.NetworkController: dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_4|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_inandout_4 (gone) F]
  9. 12-13 16:17:02.455 2138 2388 D WFCIntentConsumer: frequent Intent filtered, do not pass to wfc.
  10. 12-13 16:17:02.456 2138 2495 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 retVal=false
  11. 12-13 16:17:02.648 1361 2273 D PMS : releaseWL(f854490): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK RILJ_ACK_WL 0x1 null 0x0
  12. 12-13 16:17:04.437 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  13. 12-13 16:17:04.437 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: processMsg: ConnectedState
  14. 12-13 16:17:04.437 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  15. 12-13 16:17:04.459 852 1943 E android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: uevent received SUBSYSTEM=dual_role_usb
  16. 12-13 16:17:04.459 852 1943 I android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: otg_default
  17. 12-13 16:17:04.462 852 1943 I android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: canChangeMode: 1 canChagedata: 0 canChangePower:0
  18. 12-13 16:17:04.469 1361 1909 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default
  19. 12-13 16:17:04.471 1361 1420 I UsbPortManager: USB port changed: port=UsbPort{id=otg_default, supportedModes=dual}, status=UsbPortStatus{connected=false, currentMode=none, currentPowerRole=no-power, currentDataRole=no-data, supportedRoleCombinations=[no-power:no-data]}, canChangeMode=true, canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false
  20. 12-13 16:17:04.473 1361 1361 I UsbDeviceManager: updateHostState UsbPort{id=otg_default, supportedModes=dual} status=UsbPortStatus{connected=false, currentMode=none, currentPowerRole=no-power, currentDataRole=no-data, supportedRoleCombinations=[no-power:no-data]}
  21. 12-13 16:17:04.485 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: CMD_RSSI_POLL: TxBytes = 8766, RxBytes = 12924
  22. 12-13 16:17:04.486 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  23. 12-13 16:17:04.563 1361 1916 I EventHub: Removing device HTC HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone Jack due to epoll hang-up event.
  24. 12-13 16:17:04.563 1361 1916 I EventHub: Removed device: path=/dev/input/event9 name=HTC HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone Jack id=10 fd=294 classes=0x80000001
  25. 12-13 16:17:04.565 1361 1916 I InputReader: Device removed: id=10, name='HTC HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone Jack', sources=0x00000101
  26. 12-13 16:17:04.569 1361 1405 D StatusBarManagerService: setSystemUiVisibility(0x708)
  27. 12-13 16:17:04.569 1361 1405 D StatusBarManagerService: hiding MENU key
  28. 12-13 16:17:04.571 1989 1989 I StatusBar: floatingMenu(showMenu:false hideMenu:false|false|true)
  29. 12-13 16:17:04.583 1361 1916 I EventHub: Removing device '/dev/input/event9' due to inotify event
  30. 12-13 16:17:04.586 1361 1419 D UsbAlsaManager: ALSA device removed: AlsaDevice: [card: 1, device: 0, type: 1]
  31. 12-13 16:17:04.588 1361 1419 D UsbAlsaManager: ALSA device removed: AlsaDevice: [card: 1, device: 0, type: 2]
  32. 12-13 16:17:04.593 1361 1985 I UsbAlsaManager: USB Audio Device Removed: UsbAudioDevice: [card: 1, device: 0, name: USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J, hasPlayback: true, hasCapture: true, class: 0x80000002]
  33. 12-13 16:17:04.593 1361 1985 I AudioService: setWiredDeviceConnectionState(type: 4000 state: 0 nm: USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J addr:card=1;device=0; caller: UsbAlsaManager)
  34. 12-13 16:17:04.594 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  35. 12-13 16:17:04.595 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  36. 12-13 16:17:04.595 1361 1985 D AudioService: checkSendBecomingNoisyIntent device = 4000 state = 0 (devices = 4000 ldevice = 4000)
  37. 12-13 16:17:04.595 1361 1985 D AudioService: mAudioHandler sendMsg msg = 15 time = 216125 delay = 0 lastMsgTime = 170254
  38. 12-13 16:17:04.596 1361 1985 D PMS : acquireWL(fe3d58e): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK handleAudioEvent 0x1 1361 1000 null
  39. 12-13 16:17:04.596 1361 1985 D AudioService: mAudioHandler sendMsg msg = 100 time = 216826 delay = 700 lastMsgTime = 216826
  40. 12-13 16:17:04.596 1361 1985 I AudioService: setWiredDeviceConnectionState(type: 80001000 state: 0 nm: USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J addr:card=1;device=0; caller: UsbAlsaManager)
  41. 12-13 16:17:04.596 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  42. 12-13 16:17:04.597 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  43. 12-13 16:17:04.597 1361 1985 D AudioService: checkSendBecomingNoisyIntent device = 80001000 state = 0 (devices = 4000 ldevice = 4000)
  44. 12-13 16:17:04.600 1361 1985 D AudioService: mAudioHandler sendMsg msg = 100 time = 216856 delay = 727 lastMsgTime = 216856
  45. 12-13 16:17:04.601 1361 1361 D AudioService: intent ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED VID = 2996 PID = 992
  46. 12-13 16:17:04.604 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=2
  47. 12-13 16:17:04.604 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=2
  48. 12-13 16:17:04.604 11713 11713 D AudioManager: isHeadsetPlugged = true
  49. 12-13 16:17:04.606 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=2
  50. 12-13 16:17:04.606 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=2
  51. 12-13 16:17:04.607 2917 2917 D AudioManager: isHeadsetPlugged = true
  52. 12-13 16:17:04.618 12105 12105 I SmartNS_PSReceiver: onReceive:android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED
  53. 12-13 16:17:04.619 12105 12105 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644
  54. 12-13 16:17:04.625 12105 12105 I SmartNS_PSService: onReceive:android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED
  55. 12-13 16:17:04.626 12105 12105 I SmartNS_PSService: defaultType:0
  56. 12-13 16:17:04.626 12105 12105 I SmartNS_PSService: runUSBDetach
  57. 12-13 16:17:04.627 12105 12105 D SmartNS_Utility: usb_cable_connect = 0
  58. 12-13 16:17:04.628 12105 12105 D SmartNS_Utility: usb_cable_connect = 0
  59. 12-13 16:17:04.629 12105 12105 D SmartNS_Utility: readAttrFile: /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/data_role: none
  60. 12-13 16:17:04.631 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setFinalContact(0.0,false)
  61. 12-13 16:17:04.631 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setContact(,0.0,false)
  62. 12-13 16:17:04.639 12105 12105 D SmartNS_Utility: isUSBTetheringConnected: false
  63. 12-13 16:17:04.639 12105 12105 I SmartNS_Utility: getCurrentUSBMode: 0
  64. 12-13 16:17:04.640 12105 12105 I SmartNS_Utility: setConnectionNotification current Type:0 visible:false isNSOpening: false
  65. 12-13 16:17:04.640 12105 12105 D SmartNS_Utility: readAttrFile: /sys/class/dual_role_usb/otg_default/data_role: none
  66. 12-13 16:17:04.641 12105 12105 E SmartNS_Utility: /sys/devices/platform/android_usb/usb_denied (No such file or directory)
  67. 12-13 16:17:04.641 12105 12105 E SmartNS_Utility: read property /sys/devices/platform/android_usb/usb_denied failed
  68. 12-13 16:17:04.641 12105 12105 D SmartNS_Utility: state = 0
  69. 12-13 16:17:04.799 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(45515a8): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 1361 1000 null
  70. 12-13 16:17:04.803 1361 11502 I BatteryService: n_update end
  71. 12-13 16:17:04.804 1361 11502 D PMS : releaseWL(45515a8): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 null 0x0
  72. 12-13 16:17:04.806 1361 1424 W SystemReader: Cannot find sku_id, use default value instead
  73. 12-13 16:17:04.806 1361 1424 D HtcPowerSaver: updateBatteryInfo
  74. 12-13 16:17:04.807 1361 1361 D UsbnetService: BroadcastReceiver::onReceive+
  75. 12-13 16:17:04.807 1361 1361 D UsbnetService: onReceive BATTERY_CHANGED
  76. 12-13 16:17:04.807 1361 1361 D UsbnetService: --> pluggedType = 0, mPluggedType = 0, mScreenOff = false
  77. 12-13 16:17:04.807 1361 1361 D UsbnetService: BroadcastReceiver::onReceive-
  78. 12-13 16:17:04.808 1361 1420 D UsbDeviceManager: [USB] handleMessage: 9; pre_mConnected=false, pre_mConfiguration=false
  79. 12-13 16:17:04.808 1361 1361 I DeviceIdleController: updateChargingLocked: charging=false
  80. 12-13 16:17:04.808 1361 1361 D PMS : runPSCheck
  81. 12-13 16:17:04.808 1361 1361 D HtcPowerSaver: Checking...
  82. 12-13 16:17:04.808 1361 1361 I HtcPowerSaver: >> updateStatus
  83. 12-13 16:17:04.808 1361 1361 I HtcPowerSaver: << updateStatus
  84. 12-13 16:17:04.809 1361 1925 D WifiController: handleMessage: E msg.what=155652
  85. 12-13 16:17:04.809 1361 1925 D WifiController: processMsg: DeviceActiveState
  86. 12-13 16:17:04.810 1361 1925 D WifiController: processMsg: StaEnabledState
  87. 12-13 16:17:04.810 1361 1925 D WifiController: processMsg: DefaultState
  88. 12-13 16:17:04.810 1361 1925 D WifiController: handleMessage: X
  89. 12-13 16:17:04.813 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(cc398c1): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 1361 1000 null
  90. 12-13 16:17:04.814 1361 11502 I BatteryService: n_update end
  91. 12-13 16:17:04.815 1361 11502 D PMS : releaseWL(cc398c1): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK BatteryServiceUpdateStats_3 0x1 null 0x0
  92. 12-13 16:17:04.816 1989 1989 I BatteryController: (lvl,plug,charged,charging)=(87,f,f,f) [status,health,timeout,unsupprt]=[3,2,f,f]
  93. 12-13 16:17:04.933 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(e190866): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK RILJ_ACK_WL 0x1 2138 1001 null
  94. 12-13 16:17:04.956 1989 1989 D TelephonyCallback: SignalStrength: 4
  95. 12-13 16:17:04.961 1989 1989 D SIGNAL_ICON: level=4/5
  96. 12-13 16:17:04.962 1989 1989 D StatusBar.NetworkController: dumpIcon[(gone) stat_sys_5signal_4|null stat_sys_wifi_signal_inandout_4 (gone) F]
  97. 12-13 16:17:04.963 2138 2495 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 phoneId=0
  98. 12-13 16:17:04.963 2138 2138 I WFCIntentConsumer: receive intent android.intent.action.SIG_STR
  99. 12-13 16:17:04.963 2138 2495 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getDataEnabled: subId=1 retVal=false
  100. 12-13 16:17:04.964 2138 2388 D WFCIntentConsumer: handleMessage >>>android.intent.action.SIG_STR
  101. 12-13 16:17:04.965 2138 2388 D WFCIntentConsumer: frequent Intent filtered, do not pass to wfc.
  102. 12-13 16:17:05.136 1361 11502 D PMS : releaseWL(e190866): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK RILJ_ACK_WL 0x1 null 0x0
  103. 12-13 16:17:05.298 1361 1940 I AudioService: onSetWiredDeviceConnectionState(dev:4000 state:0 address:card=1;device=0; deviceName:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J caller: UsbAlsaManager);
  104. 12-13 16:17:05.298 1361 1940 D AudioService: setBTA2dpOnInt, on=true
  105. 12-13 16:17:05.298 1361 1940 D AudioService: mAudioHandler sendMsg msg = 12 time = 216828 delay = 0 lastMsgTime = 216856
  106. 12-13 16:17:05.299 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=6
  107. 12-13 16:17:05.299 982 1401 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setForceUse() usage 1, config 0, mPhoneState 0
  108. 12-13 16:17:05.300 982 1401 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  109. 12-13 16:17:05.301 982 1401 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:982_2 identical 6 lines
  110. 12-13 16:17:05.301 982 1401 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  111. 12-13 16:17:05.302 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: updateEffectDevice enter
  112. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: updateEffectDevice 16384
  113. 12-13 16:17:05.311 1361 1419 D HtcAudioEndpointObserver: event=8
  114. 12-13 16:17:05.311 1361 1419 D HtcAudioDevice: onDeviceStateChange device=16384
  115. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
  116. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  117. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  118. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002
  119. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device 0000
  120. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 3 3 to -41.0 Db(0.008913) from -34.0 Db(0.019953)
  121. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  122. 12-13 16:17:05.311 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 4 2 to -34.0 Db(0.019953) from -21.6 Db(0.083177)
  123. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  124. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  125. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  126. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x4000
  127. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device 0000
  128. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x4000 3 3 to -48.0 Db(0.003981) from -40.0 Db(0.010000)
  129. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  130. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  131. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
  132. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  133. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x4000
  134. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device 0000
  135. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x4000 3 3 to -48.0 Db(0.003981) from -40.0 Db(0.010000)
  136. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  137. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  138. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
  139. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  140. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002
  141. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device 0000
  142. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 3 3 to -41.0 Db(0.008913) from -34.0 Db(0.019953)
  143. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  144. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 4 2 to -34.0 Db(0.019953) from -21.6 Db(0.083177)
  145. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  146. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  147. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
  148. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  149. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002
  150. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device 0000
  151. 12-13 16:17:05.312 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 3 3 to -41.0 Db(0.008913) from -34.0 Db(0.019953)
  152. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  153. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 4 2 to -34.0 Db(0.019953) from -21.6 Db(0.083177)
  154. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 1401 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  155. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 1401 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  156. 12-13 16:17:05.313 1361 1940 I AudioService: handleDeviceConnection(false dev:4000 address:card=1;device=0; name:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J)
  157. 12-13 16:17:05.313 1361 1940 I AudioService: deviceKey:0x4000:card=1;device=0;
  158. 12-13 16:17:05.313 1361 1940 I AudioService: deviceSpec:[type:0x4000 name:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J address:card=1;device=0;] is(already)Connected:true
  159. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=1
  160. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 982 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x4000, state 0, address card=1;device=0; name USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J
  161. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 982 W AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionState() disconnecting output device 4000
  162. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding set parameter string card=1;device=0;disconnect=16384, io 0 ,delay 0
  163. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 3 at index 0, num commands 0
  164. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 1398 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string card=1;device=0;disconnect=16384, io 0
  165. 12-13 16:17:05.313 982 1398 V AudioFlg: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue card=1;device=0;disconnect=16384, calling pid 982
  166. 12-13 16:17:05.314 837 1394 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: card=1;device=0;disconnect=16384
  167. 12-13 16:17:05.314 837 1394 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
  168. 12-13 16:17:05.314 837 1394 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
  169. 12-13 16:17:05.315 837 837 D r_submix: adev_set_parameters: card=1;device=0;disconnect=16384
  170. 12-13 16:17:05.315 982 1398 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
  171. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputsForDevice(): disconnecting adding output 37
  172. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputsForDevice(): clearing direct output profile 0 on module 0
  173. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputsForDevice(): clearing direct output profile 1 on module 0
  174. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputsForDevice(): clearing direct output profile 4 on module 0
  175. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputsForDevice(): clearing direct output profile 5 on module 0
  176. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputsForDevice(): clearing direct output profile 9 on module 0
  177. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  178. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputForStrategy() strategy 1, moving from output 13 to output 13
  179. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 0
  180. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 6
  181. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  182. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputForStrategy() strategy 5, moving from output 13 to output 13
  183. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 7
  184. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  185. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserver identical 1 line
  186. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  187. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputForStrategy() strategy 7, moving from output 13 to output 13
  188. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 10
  189. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  190. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputForStrategy() strategy 0, moving from output 13 to output 13
  191. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutputForMusicEffects selected output 13
  192. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 1
  193. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 3
  194. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  195. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputForStrategy() strategy 4, moving from output 13 to output 13
  196. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 8
  197. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkOutputForStrategy(): policy related outputs
  198. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkOutputForStrategy() strategy 8, moving from output 13 to output 13
  199. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: invalidateStream() stream 12
  200. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: closeOutput(37)
  201. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: closeOutput() closing also duplicated output 45
  202. 12-13 16:17:05.317 982 982 V AudioFlg: closeOutput() 45
  203. 12-13 16:17:05.319 837 837 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(14: hifi-playback) kvpairs: exiting=1
  204. 12-13 16:17:05.320 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(61bd7a7): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioDup 0x1 0 1041 null
  205. 12-13 16:17:05.322 1361 11502 D PMS : releaseWL(61bd7a7): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioDup 0x1 null 0x0
  206. 12-13 16:17:05.322 982 982 V AudFlgTr: PlaybackThread::Track destructor
  207. 12-13 16:17:05.322 982 982 V AudFlgTr: PlaybackThread::Track destructor
  208. 12-13 16:17:05.323 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutputForMusicEffects selected output 13
  209. 12-13 16:17:05.323 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding set parameter string closing=true, io 37 ,delay 0
  210. 12-13 16:17:05.323 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 3 at index 0, num commands 0
  211. 12-13 16:17:05.323 982 1398 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string closing=true, io 37
  212. 12-13 16:17:05.323 982 1398 V AudioFlg: setParameters(): io 37, keyvalue closing=true, calling pid 982
  213. 12-13 16:17:05.323 982 12101 D AudioFlinger: set
  214. 12-13 16:17:05.324 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(7b9e454): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 0 1041 null
  215. 12-13 16:17:05.325 837 837 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(14: hifi-playback) kvpairs: closing=true
  216. 12-13 16:17:05.329 12266 12266 W logcat : type=1400 audit(0.0:14886): avc: denied { read } for name="event-log-tags" dev="tmpfs" ino=20876 scontext=u:r:htc_ebdlogd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:runtime_event_log_tags_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  217. 12-13 16:17:05.329 837 837 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(14: hifi-playback) kvpairs: exiting=1
  218. 12-13 16:17:05.329 982 12101 D AudioFlinger: set
  219. 12-13 16:17:05.331 1361 11502 D PMS : releaseWL(7b9e454): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK AudioMix 0x1 null 0x0
  220. 12-13 16:17:05.331 837 837 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_output_stream: enter:stream_handle(hifi-playback)
  221. 12-13 16:17:05.331 837 837 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xebf48700) usecase(14: hifi-playback)
  222. 12-13 16:17:05.331 837 837 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit
  223. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: selectOutputForMusicEffects selected output 13
  224. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
  225. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  226. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002
  227. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device 0000
  228. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 3 3 to -41.0 Db(0.008913) from -34.0 Db(0.019953)
  229. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  230. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 4 2 to -34.0 Db(0.019953) from -21.6 Db(0.083177)
  231. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  232. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  233. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
  234. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 0
  235. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002
  236. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device 0000
  237. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 3 3 to -41.0 Db(0.008913) from -34.0 Db(0.019953)
  238. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  239. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb 0x2 4 2 to -34.0 Db(0.019953) from -21.6 Db(0.083177)
  240. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: HTC_volIndexToDb:htc_volume_table_type_t music 3 non_music 7 ringtone 0
  241. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 V AudioPolicyManagerCustom: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
  242. 12-13 16:17:05.333 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: updateEffectDevice enter
  243. 12-13 16:17:05.334 982 982 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: updateEffectDevice 2
  244. 12-13 16:17:05.334 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding update audio port list
  245. 12-13 16:17:05.334 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 10 at index 0, num commands 0
  246. 12-13 16:17:05.334 1361 1940 D AudioService: onDeviceDisconnected, device = 4000
  247. 12-13 16:17:05.334 1361 1419 D HtcAudioEndpointObserver: event=8
  248. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1940 I AudioService: sendDeviceConnectionIntent(dev:0x4000 state:0x0 address:card=1;device=0; name:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J);
  249. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1419 D HtcAudioDevice: onDeviceStateChange device=2
  250. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1419 D HtcAudioDevice: notifyAudioDeviceStateChange E
  251. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1419 D HtcAudioDevice: notifyAudioDeviceStateChange :$1@ee308d1
  252. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1940 D AudioService: checkWiredDeviceConnectState Disconnect USB device
  253. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1419 D HtcAudioDevice: mOutputDevice=2 mDeviceType=2
  254. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1419 D OneDotOneEffectManager: updateSoundEffect effectChanged = false isBoomsoundSupport = true , mCurrentSoundEffect = 800
  255. 12-13 16:17:05.335 1361 1419 D HtcEffectManagerBase: broadcastDeviceChange isDeviceOutput_Headset : false
  256. 12-13 16:17:05.335 982 1399 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing update audio port list
  257. 12-13 16:17:05.335 982 1399 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
  258. 12-13 16:17:05.336 1989 1989 D PhoneStatusBarPolicy: updateHeadsetPlug(false, true)
  259. 12-13 16:17:05.337 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  260. 12-13 16:17:05.337 2917 2917 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
  261. 12-13 16:17:05.337 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=30
  262. 12-13 16:17:05.337 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xf4899238
  263. 12-13 16:17:05.337 982 1401 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 10
  264. 12-13 16:17:05.337 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  265. 12-13 16:17:05.337 982 1400 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=30
  266. 12-13 16:17:05.337 982 1400 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 10 ports 0xf231e000
  267. 12-13 16:17:05.338 982 1400 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 10 ports needed 10
  268. 12-13 16:17:05.338 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  269. 12-13 16:17:05.338 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  270. 12-13 16:17:05.338 1361 1419 D HtcAudioDevice: notifyAudioDeviceStateChange X
  271. 12-13 16:17:05.338 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  272. 12-13 16:17:05.339 2746 2746 D AS_BoomSoundReceiver: onReceive:
  273. 12-13 16:17:05.339 2746 2746 D AS_BoomSoundReceiver: Device state = 0
  274. 12-13 16:17:05.340 1989 1989 D SignalBarView: onMeasure() mLeft != null width =51 height =51
  275. 12-13 16:17:05.340 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=34
  276. 12-13 16:17:05.341 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  277. 12-13 16:17:05.341 1989 1989 D SignalBarView: onMeasure() mLeft != null width =51 height =51
  278. 12-13 16:17:05.341 1361 1361 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
  279. 12-13 16:17:05.341 1361 1361 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }, a2dp=true
  280. 12-13 16:17:05.341 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  281. 12-13 16:17:05.341 1361 1361 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: true, : WHC.oADR@AH4
  282. 12-13 16:17:05.341 1989 1989 D SignalBarView: onMeasure() mLeft != null width =51 height =51
  283. 12-13 16:17:05.342 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  284. 12-13 16:17:05.343 982 982 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) /system/bin/audioserver identical 3 lines
  285. 12-13 16:17:05.343 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  286. 12-13 16:17:05.344 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  287. 12-13 16:17:05.344 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  288. 12-13 16:17:05.344 1989 2278 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 5
  289. 12-13 16:17:05.344 2917 2917 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }, a2dp=true
  290. 12-13 16:17:05.344 2746 2746 D AS_ProfileManager: loadProfileParameter:
  291. 12-13 16:17:05.345 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  292. 12-13 16:17:05.345 1989 2278 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 0
  293. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  294. 12-13 16:17:05.346 2746 2746 D AS_ProfileManager: enableAdaptiveSound: enabled = false noise level = 1 (Already set parameters)
  295. 12-13 16:17:05.346 1361 1940 I AudioService: onSetWiredDeviceConnectionState(dev:80001000 state:0 address:card=1;device=0; deviceName:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J caller: UsbAlsaManager);
  296. 12-13 16:17:05.346 1361 1940 I AudioService: handleDeviceConnection(false dev:80001000 address:card=1;device=0; name:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J)
  297. 12-13 16:17:05.346 1361 1940 I AudioService: deviceKey:0x80001000:card=1;device=0;
  298. 12-13 16:17:05.346 1361 1940 I AudioService: deviceSpec:[type:0x80001000 name:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J address:card=1;device=0;] is(already)Connected:true
  299. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=1
  300. 12-13 16:17:05.346 2746 2746 D AS_ProfileConfGain: renameToDisableConfFilePath: ret = false
  301. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 982 D AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionStateInt() device: 0x80001000, state 0, address card=1;device=0; name USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J
  302. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 982 W AudioPolicyManagerCustom: setDeviceConnectionState() disconnecting input device 80001000
  303. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding set parameter string card=1;device=0;disconnect=-2147479552, io 0 ,delay 0
  304. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 3 at index 0, num commands 0
  305. 12-13 16:17:05.346 1989 1989 V MediaRouter: Dispatching route change: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
  306. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 1398 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string card=1;device=0;disconnect=-2147479552, io 0
  307. 12-13 16:17:05.346 2746 2746 D AS_ProfileConfGain: renameToDisableGainFile: ret = false
  308. 12-13 16:17:05.346 982 1398 V AudioFlg: setParameters(): io 0, keyvalue card=1;device=0;disconnect=-2147479552, calling pid 982
  309. 12-13 16:17:05.347 837 837 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: card=1;device=0;disconnect=-2147479552
  310. 12-13 16:17:05.347 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  311. 12-13 16:17:05.347 837 837 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_set_anc_parameters: anc_enabled:0
  312. 12-13 16:17:05.347 837 837 D sound_trigger_hw: handle_device_switch: device 0x80001000 Disconnected
  313. 12-13 16:17:05.347 837 837 D audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_fbsp_set_parameters: Speaker protection disabled
  314. 12-13 16:17:05.347 837 1394 D r_submix: adev_set_parameters: card=1;device=0;disconnect=-2147479552
  315. 12-13 16:17:05.347 982 1398 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
  316. 12-13 16:17:05.347 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkInputsForDevice(): clearing direct input profile 0 on module 0
  317. 12-13 16:17:05.347 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: checkInputsForDevice(): clearing direct input profile 3 on module 0
  318. 12-13 16:17:05.348 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding update audio port list
  319. 12-13 16:17:05.348 982 982 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 10 at index 0, num commands 0
  320. 12-13 16:17:05.348 982 1399 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing update audio port list
  321. 12-13 16:17:05.348 982 1399 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
  322. 12-13 16:17:05.348 1361 1940 D AudioService: onDeviceDisconnected, device = 80001000
  323. 12-13 16:17:05.348 1361 1940 I AudioService: sendDeviceConnectionIntent(dev:0x80001000 state:0x0 address:card=1;device=0; name:USB-Audio - HTC Type-C to 3.5mm Headphone J);
  324. 12-13 16:17:05.348 1361 1940 D AudioService: sendDeviceConnectionIntent, this signal might not complete or no need to sendbroadcast
  325. 12-13 16:17:05.348 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  326. 12-13 16:17:05.348 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=30
  327. 12-13 16:17:05.348 1989 1989 V MediaRouter: Audio routes updated: AudioRoutesInfo{ type=SPEAKER }, a2dp=true
  328. 12-13 16:17:05.348 1361 1940 D PMS : releaseWL(fe3d58e): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK handleAudioEvent 0x1 null 0x0
  329. 12-13 16:17:05.348 1989 2278 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 3
  330. 12-13 16:17:05.348 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  331. 12-13 16:17:05.351 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  332. 12-13 16:17:05.351 982 1400 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=23
  333. 12-13 16:17:05.351 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 0 ports 0xf4899220
  334. 12-13 16:17:05.351 982 982 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 0 ports needed 9
  335. 12-13 16:17:05.351 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=28
  336. 12-13 16:17:05.352 1361 1940 D HtcAudioDevice: music active=false, activeRemotely=false
  337. 12-13 16:17:05.352 1361 1940 D HtcAudioDevice: isAs20Headset false
  338. 12-13 16:17:05.352 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  339. 12-13 16:17:05.352 1361 1940 D OneDotOneEffectManager: onMessageBeatsNotify active = false, enabled = false
  340. 12-13 16:17:05.352 982 1400 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=30
  341. 12-13 16:17:05.352 982 1400 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0 type 0 num_ports 9 ports 0xf2347000
  342. 12-13 16:17:05.352 1361 1940 D HtcEffectManagerBase: [BI] writeBIData : speaker : 0
  343. 12-13 16:17:05.352 982 1400 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 9 ports needed 9
  344. 12-13 16:17:05.352 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  345. 12-13 16:17:05.353 982 1401 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  346. 12-13 16:17:05.354 982 1400 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=34
  347. 12-13 16:17:05.355 982 1400 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  348. 12-13 16:17:05.355 1361 1361 I Telecom : WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADR@AH8
  349. 12-13 16:17:05.355 1361 2239 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: DISCONNECT_WIRED_HEADSET=2, arg1=0: WHC.oADR->CARSM.pM_DISCONNECT_WIRED_HEADSET@AH8
  350. 12-13 16:17:05.355 1361 2239 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Wired headset disconnected: WHC.oADR->CARSM.pM_DISCONNECT_WIRED_HEADSET@AH8
  351. 12-13 16:17:05.356 1361 2239 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE=1005, arg1=0: WHC.oADR->CARSM.pM_DISCONNECT_WIRED_HEADSET->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE@AH8
  352. 12-13 16:17:05.356 1361 2239 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SWITCH_EARPIECE=1001, arg1=0: WHC.oADR->CARSM.pM_DISCONNECT_WIRED_HEADSET->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@AH8
  353. 12-13 16:17:05.356 1361 2180 D HtcSystemUPManager: HtcSystemUPolicy [canLog (default)] category: SoundEffect, enable: true
  354. 12-13 16:17:05.356 1361 2239 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state QuiescentHeadsetRoute: WHC.oADR->CARSM.pM_DISCONNECT_WIRED_HEADSET->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@AH8
  355. 12-13 16:17:05.356 1361 2239 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: WHC.oADR->CARSM.pM_DISCONNECT_WIRED_HEADSET->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_BASELINE_ROUTE->CARSM.pM_SWITCH_EARPIECE@AH8
  356. 12-13 16:17:05.356 982 982 D IAudioPolicyService: onTransact(), code=25
  357. 12-13 16:17:05.473 1361 1420 D UsbDeviceManager: [USB] handleMessage: 7; pre_mConnected=false, pre_mConfiguration=false
  358. 12-13 16:17:05.473 1361 1420 D UsbDeviceManager: broadcasting Intent { act=android.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE flg=0x31000000 (has extras) } extras: Bundle[{host_connected=false, connected=false, unlocked=false, config_changed=false, adb=true, configured=false}]
  359. 12-13 16:17:05.474 1361 1361 D UsbnetService: BroadcastReceiver::onReceive+
  360. 12-13 16:17:05.474 1361 1917 D StorageManagerService: Unmount PCTOOL.ISO
  361. 12-13 16:17:05.474 1361 1361 D UsbnetService: onReceive ACTION_USB_STATE: false,false
  362. 12-13 16:17:05.474 1361 1361 D UsbnetService: BroadcastReceiver::onReceive-
  363. 12-13 16:17:05.474 1361 1917 D VoldConnector: SND -> {15 mountISO unmount /system/etc/PCTOOL.ISO /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/mass_storage.0/lun.0/file}
  364. 12-13 16:17:05.475 1361 1917 D VoldConnector: {15 mountISO unmount /system/etc/PCTOOL.ISO /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/mass_storage.0/lun.0/file} is sent
  365. 12-13 16:17:05.475 1361 1413 D Tethering: got USB_STATE change: usbConnected=false, rndisEnabled=false, mUsbTetherRequested=false
  366. 12-13 16:17:05.476 1361 1918 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 15 mountISO operation succeeded}
  367. 12-13 16:17:05.476 1361 1917 D StorageManagerService: unmountISO --
  368. 12-13 16:17:05.476 1361 1917 D VoldConnector: SND -> {16 mountISO unmount /system/etc/SenseLink.ISO /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/mass_storage.0/lun.1/file}
  369. 12-13 16:17:05.476 1361 1917 D VoldConnector: {16 mountISO unmount /system/etc/SenseLink.ISO /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/mass_storage.0/lun.1/file} is sent
  370. 12-13 16:17:05.477 697 710 E Vold : Cannot open /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/mass_storage.0/lun.1/file lunfile
  371. 12-13 16:17:05.477 1361 1918 D VoldConnector: RCV <- {401 16 mountISO operation failed (No such device)}
  372. 12-13 16:17:05.482 11400 11400 D MtpReceiver: [MTP][handleUsbStateAsync]+
  373. 12-13 16:17:05.482 11400 11400 D MtpReceiver: [MTP][handleUsbStateAsync]-
  374. 12-13 16:17:05.483 11400 12273 D MtpReceiver: [MTP][handleUsbState]+
  375. 12-13 16:17:05.489 11400 12273 D MediaProvider: [delete][1]#0#
  376. 12-13 16:17:05.489 11400 12273 D MtpReceiver: [MTP][handleUsbState]-
  377. 12-13 16:17:05.489 11400 12273 D MtpReceiver: [MTP][handleMessage]-
  378. 12-13 16:17:05.690 744 744 D Zygote : fork++
  379. 12-13 16:17:05.715 744 744 D Zygote : fork-- pid: 12274
  380. 12-13 16:17:05.719 12274 12274 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:14887): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:wififtmd_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8736 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:wififtmd_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  381. 12-13 16:17:05.721 1361 11502 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
  382. 12-13 16:17:05.719 12274 12274 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:14888): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:htc_vp9_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8737 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:htc_vp9_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  383. 12-13 16:17:05.719 12274 12274 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:14889): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:spcomlib_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8738 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:spcomlib_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  384. 12-13 16:17:05.719 12274 12274 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:14890): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_rild_libpath_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8739 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_rild_libpath_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  385. 12-13 16:17:05.719 12274 12274 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:14891): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:per_mgr_state_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8740 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:per_mgr_state_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
  386. 12-13 16:17:05.721 1361 11502 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
  387. 12-13 16:17:05.854 2673 12293 D SQLiteConnection: DB info: open connection, path: /data/user/0/, handle: 0x7141d0c500, flag: 0x6, FH handler: 0x7141c73640, count: 1
  388. 12-13 16:17:05.922 12274 12274 W native : Ignoring RegisterValidateFunction() for flag pointer 0x7147164f38: no flag found at that address
  389. 12-13 16:17:05.932 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setFinalContact(0.0,false)
  390. 12-13 16:17:05.932 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setContact(,0.0,false)
  391. 12-13 16:17:05.932 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setFinalContact(0.0,false)
  392. 12-13 16:17:05.932 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setContact(,0.0,false)
  393. 12-13 16:17:05.933 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setFinalContact(0.0,false)
  394. 12-13 16:17:05.933 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setContact(,0.0,false)
  395. 12-13 16:17:05.935 12274 12274 W PrimesInit: Primes instant initialization
  396. 12-13 16:17:05.937 12274 12295 W Primes : background initialization
  397. 12-13 16:17:05.944 12274 12295 I PrimesTesting: GserviceFlagsSupplier.get()
  398. 12-13 16:17:05.949 12274 12274 I VrCoreApplication: Initializing primary process.
  399. 12-13 16:17:05.953 12274 12274 W ThermalInfoCache: Could not create ThermalInfoCache, exception while querying limits: java.lang.SecurityException: The caller is not a device owner, bound VrListenerService, or holding the DEVICE_POWER permission.
  400. 12-13 16:17:05.966 12127 12127 D [FW]UsbDeviceStateReceiver: UsbDeviceStateReceiver: intent.action: android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED
  401. 12-13 16:17:05.969 1361 1924 V NetworkPolicy: updateRuleForRestrictBackgroundUL(10058): isForeground=true, isBlacklisted=false, isWhitelisted=false, oldRule=0 (NONE), newRule=0 (NONE), newUidRules=0 (NONE), oldUidRules=0 (NONE)
  402. 12-13 16:17:05.970 1361 1924 V NetworkPolicy: updateRulesForPowerRestrictionsUL(10058), isIdle: false, mRestrictPower: false, mDeviceIdleMode: false, isForeground=true, isWhitelisted=false, oldRule=0 (NONE), newRule=0 (NONE), newUidRules=0 (NONE), oldUidRules=0 (NONE)
  403. 12-13 16:17:05.970 12127 12127 D [FW]FirmwareUpdateService: onCreate
  404. 12-13 16:17:05.970 1361 1924 V NetworkPolicy: updateRulesForPowerRestrictionsUL(10058), isIdle: false, mRestrictPower: false, mDeviceIdleMode: false, isForeground=true, isWhitelisted=false, oldRule=0 (NONE), newRule=0 (NONE), newUidRules=0 (NONE), oldUidRules=0 (NONE)
  405. 12-13 16:17:05.970 12127 12127 I SAVITECH: Copyright©2014-2017 SAVITECH CORP. All rights reserved
  406. 12-13 16:17:05.970 12127 12127 I SAVITECH: LIB-Fw UpdateEE-VERSION 1.2.3 (20170525 ONLY For HTC v1.4 )
  407. 12-13 16:17:05.970 12127 12127 I SAVITECH: User Accept Savitech CopyRight
  408. 12-13 16:17:05.971 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setFinalContact(0.0,false)
  409. 12-13 16:17:05.971 1361 1937 D ValidateNoPeople: setContact(,0.0,false)
  410. 12-13 16:17:05.973 12127 12127 D [FW]FirmwareUpdateService: onStartCommand
  411. 12-13 16:17:05.974 12127 12127 D [FW]FirmwareUpdateService: packageName:
  412. 12-13 16:17:05.974 12127 12127 D [FW]FirmwareUpdateService: versionName: 1.20.990292, versionCode: 153021255
  413. 12-13 16:17:05.974 12127 12127 D [FW]FirmwareUpdateService: action is android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED
  414. 12-13 16:17:05.981 1361 1924 V NetworkPolicy: updateRuleForRestrictBackgroundUL(10058): isForeground=false, isBlacklisted=false, isWhitelisted=false, oldRule=0 (NONE), newRule=0 (NONE), newUidRules=0 (NONE), oldUidRules=0 (NONE)
  415. 12-13 16:17:05.981 1361 1924 V NetworkPolicy: updateRulesForPowerRestrictionsUL(10058), isIdle: false, mRestrictPower: false, mDeviceIdleMode: false, isForeground=false, isWhitelisted=false, oldRule=0 (NONE), newRule=0 (NONE), newUidRules=0 (NONE), oldUidRules=0 (NONE)
  416. 12-13 16:17:05.982 1361 1361 D ValidateNoPeople: setFinalContact(0.0,false)
  417. 12-13 16:17:05.982 1361 1361 D ValidateNoPeople: setContact(android,0.0,false)
  418. 12-13 16:17:05.982 1361 1361 D ValidateNoPeople: setFinalContact(0.0,false)
  419. 12-13 16:17:05.982 1361 1361 D ValidateNoPeople: setContact(,0.0,false)
  420. 12-13 16:17:05.983 1361 1361 I NotificationService: Cannot find enqueued record for key: 0||1|null|10058
  421. 12-13 16:17:05.983 12274 12274 I GConfigDataUpdater: Config fetched successfully, updated cached parameters.
  422. 12-13 16:17:05.984 12274 12274 I CheckboxLoggingPolicy: Updating logging mode to NO_LOGGING with 0 account(s).
  423. 12-13 16:17:06.015 1989 1989 I StatusBar: updateEmptyShade(true,true)
  424. 12-13 16:17:06.015 1989 1989 I StackScroller: setBlockTouch:false
  425. 12-13 16:17:07.357 1361 1574 D AlarmManager: sending alarm to uid=1000, package=android,$ListenerWrapper@18e4af0, listenerTag=WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Periodic Scan Timer, t=2, cnt=1, w=200586, Int=0, ws=null
  426. 12-13 16:17:07.359 1361 1574 D PMS : acquireWL(a0b3869): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *alarm* 0x1 1361 1000 WorkSource{1000}
  427. 12-13 16:17:07.361 1361 1574 D AlarmManager: sending alarm to uid=1000, package=android,$ListenerWrapper@c2d32ee, listenerTag=*job.delay*, t=2, cnt=1, w=212272, Int=0, ws=WorkSource{10055}
  428. 12-13 16:17:07.362 1361 1574 D AlarmManager: sending alarm to uid=1000, package=android,$ListenerWrapper@6d7638f, listenerTag=*job.deadline*, t=2, cnt=1, w=212272, Int=0, ws=WorkSource{10055}
  429. 12-13 16:17:07.363 1361 1574 D AlarmManager: sending alarm PendingIntent{9a5261c: PendingIntentRecord{5f6f97d broadcastIntent}},, t=2, cnt=1, w=218885, Int=0, ws=WorkSource{10022}
  430. 12-13 16:17:07.368 1361 1403 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
  431. 12-13 16:17:07.382 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(8588ba1): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  432. 12-13 16:17:07.392 1361 11502 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  433. 12-13 16:17:07.394 1361 11502 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  434. 12-13 16:17:07.396 1361 1402 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(7)
  435. 12-13 16:17:07.397 1361 1361 D PMS : releaseWL(a0b3869): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *alarm* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  436. 12-13 16:17:07.398 1361 1361 D PMS : acquireWL(7c4b1c6): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *job*/$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService 0x1 1361 1000 WorkSource{10055}
  437. 12-13 16:17:07.399 4700 4700 I Finsky : [2]$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(8): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9002
  438. 12-13 16:17:07.404 1361 1371 I ActivityManager: Recipient 11654
  439. 12-13 16:17:07.408 1361 1405 D StatusBarManagerService: setSystemUiVisibility(0x708)
  440. 12-13 16:17:07.409 1361 1405 D StatusBarManagerService: hiding MENU key
  441. 12-13 16:17:07.410 1361 1907 W SensorService: D/Accel[1](x, y, z, t) = ( -0.2, -0.1, 9.9, 218907ms), sys_time = 218939ms
  442. 12-13 16:17:07.410 1989 1989 I StatusBar: floatingMenu(showMenu:false hideMenu:false|false|true)
  443. 12-13 16:17:07.412 4700 4700 I Finsky : [2] Scheduling fallback job with id: 9034, and delay: 43200000 ms
  444. 12-13 16:17:07.416 4700 4700 I Finsky : [2] Scheduling fallback in 64799998 (absolute: 65018943)
  445. 12-13 16:17:07.417 1361 4536 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10055 is allowed on unmetered network
  446. 12-13 16:17:07.417 1361 4536 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10055 is allowed on unmetered network
  447. 12-13 16:17:07.423 1361 4536 D PMS : acquireWL(1c61cb4): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  448. 12-13 16:17:07.424 1361 11502 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10055 is allowed on unmetered network
  449. 12-13 16:17:07.427 1361 4536 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10055 is allowed on unmetered network
  450. 12-13 16:17:07.430 4700 4700 I Finsky : [2] DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1544678227421, isCharging=false, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true}
  451. 12-13 16:17:07.436 4700 12304 I Finsky : [243] Jobs in database: 1-1337 16-16161616 26-1414141414
  452. 12-13 16:17:07.439 4700 4700 I Finsky : [2] Running job: 16-16161616
  453. 12-13 16:17:07.440 4700 4700 I Finsky : [2] RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0
  454. 12-13 16:17:07.440 4700 4700 I Finsky : [2] Running queue: 16-16161616
  455. 12-13 16:17:07.444 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(1e4e7f): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK FlushLogs 0x1 4700 10055 null
  456. 12-13 16:17:07.447 4700 12306 I Finsky : [245] Flushing event logs for [UKishoqOWNwlJvbcTnt3Xc7czag]
  457. 12-13 16:17:07.448 4700 4777 I PlayCommon: [114] Preparing logs for uploading
  458. 12-13 16:17:07.448 1361 2273 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10055 is allowed on unmetered network
  459. 12-13 16:17:07.451 1361 2273 D PMS : acquireWL(e0c4e4c): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  460. 12-13 16:17:07.453 2917 11710 I TelephonySpam: TelephonySpamChimeraService - Running Telephony Spam Chimera Service
  461. 12-13 16:17:07.455 4700 4777 I PlayCommon: [114] Connecting to server:
  462. 12-13 16:17:07.462 2917 11710 I TelephonySpam: TelephonySpamChimeraService - Cleaning SIP Header local table of old entries
  463. 12-13 16:17:07.466 2917 7147 I TelephonySpam: TelephonySpamChimeraService - Running Telephony Spam Chimera Service
  464. 12-13 16:17:07.472 2917 11710 D SQLiteConnection: DB info: open connection, path: /data/user/0/, handle: 0x7161386c00, flag: 0x6, FH handler: 0x7134ac0740, count: 1
  465. 12-13 16:17:07.475 2917 11710 I TelephonySpam: TelephonySpamChimeraService - Syncing Call Spam List
  466. 12-13 16:17:07.475 1361 2273 D PMS : releaseWL(8588ba1): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  467. 12-13 16:17:07.475 2917 11710 I TelephonySpam: SpamListSync - SpamListSyncChimeraService.syncSpamList called with tag: telephonyspam.SpamListSyncOneOffTask, extras: Bundle[{SpamList Type=0, Action=1.0}]
  468. 12-13 16:17:07.475 1361 2273 D PMS : releaseWL(e0c4e4c): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  469. 12-13 16:17:07.476 1361 2273 D PMS : acquireWL(5e0ae95): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  470. 12-13 16:17:07.478 2917 11710 I TelephonySpam: SpamListSync - Call spam module disabled. Skipping spam list syncing.
  471. 12-13 16:17:07.479 1361 2273 D PMS : releaseWL(5e0ae95): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  472. 12-13 16:17:07.480 1361 4536 D PMS : releaseWL(1c61cb4): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  473. 12-13 16:17:07.480 1361 4536 D PMS : acquireWL(219ebaa): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  474. 12-13 16:17:07.481 1361 4536 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  475. 12-13 16:17:07.486 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
  476. 12-13 16:17:07.486 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: processMsg: ConnectedState
  477. 12-13 16:17:07.486 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: processMsg: L2ConnectedState
  478. 12-13 16:17:07.497 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(a53539b): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  479. 12-13 16:17:07.501 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: CMD_RSSI_POLL: TxBytes = 8868, RxBytes = 13017
  480. 12-13 16:17:07.502 1361 1926 D WifiStateMachine: handleMessage: X
  481. 12-13 16:17:07.519 1361 11502 D PMS : releaseWL(219ebaa): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  482. 12-13 16:17:07.520 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(c098e77): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  483. 12-13 16:17:07.521 1361 11502 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  484. 12-13 16:17:07.521 1361 11502 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  485. 12-13 16:17:07.538 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(841ae4): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  486. 12-13 16:17:07.555 1361 2273 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  487. 12-13 16:17:07.555 1361 4536 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  488. 12-13 16:17:07.561 1361 4536 D PMS : releaseWL(c098e77): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  489. 12-13 16:17:07.562 1361 4536 D PMS : releaseWL(a53539b): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  490. 12-13 16:17:07.563 1361 4536 D PMS : acquireWL(8c91b4d): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  491. 12-13 16:17:07.567 1361 4536 D PMS : releaseWL(8c91b4d): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  492. 12-13 16:17:07.578 1361 4536 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  493. 12-13 16:17:07.579 1361 4536 D NetworkPolicy: uid 10022 is allowed on unmetered network
  494. 12-13 16:17:07.585 1361 4536 D PMS : releaseWL(841ae4): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
  495. 12-13 16:17:07.588 1361 11502 D PMS : acquireWL(97e9b13): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 2673 10022 WorkSource{10022}
  496. 12-13 16:17:07.591 1361 4536 D PMS : releaseWL(97e9b13): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK *net_scheduler* 0x1 WorkSource{10022} 0x0
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