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Feb 16th, 2019
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  1. Subtle Psychological Tricks That Work on People
  4. Eating calms people down, you’re less likely to be attacked if eating.
  5. For example, if you’re sitting down eating a sandwich, a person with bad intentions is more reluctant to approach you or verbally attack you because the act of eating has a calming effect to both you and your foe.
  7. Look at people at their forehead to make them feel scrutinized.
  8. Staring at someones forehead or hairline as they speak will make them feel very uncomfortable and not making eye contact shows that you don’t really find interesting what they’re saying and it will drive them crazy thinking that they have something on their face or hair by not focusing on their eyes.
  11. Sit next to the person you think will be aggressive towards you, it will make them feel guilty.
  12. If your foe sits across the table from you, they are more likely to shout and yell from across and behave in an aggressive manner. But if you sit right next to them, it’ll be awkward to have their body facing the same direction as you while having to turn their head to act aggressive. Being right next to the person makes them feel guilty and awkward thinking about talking badly about you when you’re right next to them.
  14. Say “start with this” instead of “do this” to make them do stuff, then say “continue with this”.
  15. foobar
  18. Look people in the eye when communicating.
  19. Looking at the person in their eyes makes them feel acknowledged and important which means they’ll like you more. Try remembering the color of their eyes to not feel awkward making eye contract.
  21. Make a pause in conversation and continue eye contact to get the other person to talk.
  23. This is useful when trying to get information from the other person. For example, when you ask a question but received a very short answer, simply keep making eye contact in silence and eventually the person will resume talking to avoid awkward silence because it makes them uncomfortable.
  26. Ask a person a question even if you already know the answer to, to approve the other persons attitude towards you.
  27. foobar
  30. Someone talking on the phone will give you what they’re holding without noticing. You can also give them things to hold and they won’t notice.
  31. The vice versa also works. You can get someone to help you do something for example like moving boxes if you hand them the box while talking. Handing them the object while talking to them keeps them distract it and they’ll be helping you out without realizing it.
  34. Give a person a small request to establish a connection with the person and they’ll be more likely to do bigger favors.
  35. foobar
  38. Start nodding a little while asking a question to subconsciously make the other person say yes.
  39. For example, waiters use this technique all the time to convince that you get the shrimp-and-pasta plate. The listener tends to agree with the speaker when the speaker is subtlety nodding.
  42. Act disappointed when given an offer and the other person will feel guilty.
  43. foobar
  46. Kill them with kindness to make them feel guilty.
  47. foobar
  50. Use water bottle to take sips from when giving speech to take breaks.
  51. foobar
  54. Stare people’s shoes to make them go crazy if they’re staring at you in a crowded place like a subway.
  55. foobar
  58. Offering someone a small gift can change their thoughts about you.
  59. foobar
  62. Tell yourself you’re going to do something for just 5 minutes, most of the time you’ll end up doing it for more time.
  63. foobar
  66. People fear loss
  67. , (why only 2 left! works)
  70. Give people two choices to make them do something that you want.
  71. For example, if you ask a kid if they want “2 stalks of broccoli” or “5 stalks of broccoli”, they’ll choose an answer and feel like they’re in control because they made the decision when ultimately you still got them to do what you want which was to eat broccoli.
  74. Ask for something huge before asking for what you really want.
  75. (person will fell guilty for not getting your first request)
  78. People will talk themselves to avoid silence and end up spilling information.
  79. foobar
  82. Start with agreement to find common ground and then disagree to better convince person.
  83. foobar
  86. Admit you did something wrong even for little things to make you seem more trustworthy.
  87. foobar
  90. Argue secondary argument to make first argument seem valid.
  91. (instead of should we build a school? say how much will the school cost?)
  94. Say the person’s name to make them like you more.
  95. Don’t over do it or it’ll be creepy.
  98. To be taken more seriously, say that your father taught it to you because people take advice of elders and parents more seriously.
  99. foobar
  102. See who’s looking at who when they laugh because it’s the person they’re owned by.
  103. In group settings when people are laughing, a person will look at the person they’re closest or want to feel close to. This person is typically someone with a higher social status than them.
  106. Make people see how they look, they’ll be less rude towards you.
  107. Having a mirror behind you will make the person feel uncomfortable about how they look when they’re angry and will automatically be nicer.
  110. Make eye contact with people when walking in a path to make a path for you.
  111. People look at your eyes to see which direction you are walking and will move out of the way when seeing straight through them.
  114. Say something embarrassing about yourself to make lies more believable.
  115. A lie is more believable when it includes an embarrassing moment that occurred. For example, instead of lying about not being a bob’s house by saying “I was not at bob’s house this weekend”, what you should say is “I haven’t been at bob’s house in so long because of that incident I flooded the toilet, so I hanged out with Charlie instead”. The former comes of as more believable because you are being quite specific by providing embarrassing details.
  117. Always have warm hands when shaking people’s hands.
  118. Warm hands give the feeling of a warm friendly invitation and atmosphere, while cold hands give the feeling of unwelcomeness.
  121. Look from right to left when scanning a room to slow down search and find what you’re looking for.
  122. You’re most likely to miss things when scanning from left to right because your eyes are use to always looking in that direction. Looking from right to left slows down your head and eye movements resulting in a more detailed search.
  125. Say “I need your help” and people feel will feel guilty for not helping you.
  126. It’s a simple way of getting people to help you out because people tend to avoid guilt.
  129. Chewing gum helps your brain focus.
  130. Blood flow is increased to the brain resulting in an improved ability to focus. Chewing gum while taking a test can help you concentrate better.
  132. Ask a random question right before a task that requires thinking to throw them off-guard.
  133. It will distract their focus and they’ll be off-guard which means they’ll panic to complete the task and go with the most common response. For example, right before playing rock-paper-scissors, ask a random question and there’s a good chance that they’ll always pick scissors the first time.
  137. Borrow something small like a pen from someone who’s not a fan of you to change their minds about you.
  138. The other person will slowly start warming up to you and conclude that you’re not a bad person after all the more you’re willing to talk to them even if it’s something as small as borrowing a pen.
  141. Mirror behavior and become a chameleon to be more likable.
  142. This is known as mimicry. By copying speech patterns, movement’s, and mannerisms, you blend in into the environment which makes yourself more likable.
  144. When you approach a group of people, notice if they turn their feet towards you when you join the group.
  145. If they do, you are welcome. If they turn their bodies or heads but keep their feet pointed away from you, then you are not welcome or have interrupted at a wrong time.
  147. People are great at remembering what happened during the beginning or end.
  148. For example, try arranging an interview in the morning or towards the end of the work day, but not in middle. People tend to forget what happens in between and recall better things in the beginning or end. There’s a good chance you’ll remember this last trick.
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