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Apr 20th, 2013
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  1. Geography Pastpaper Qs Urban landuse + population movment
  3. Q1 Aerial Photograph
  6. B. Uraban land use
  8. For this answer I am going to disucs Harris and Ullman's Multiple
  9. nuclei theory. The multiple nuclei theory was devloped by chauncy
  10. Harris and Edward Ullman in 1945. The thoery suggests that urban
  11. areas grew aorund multiple business districts. They belived that it
  12. was possible to have more then one urban business distcit. Dublin
  13. city fits into teh multiple nuclei theory in many ways. The central
  14. bussiness district (CBD) is at teh centre of Dublin. All major
  15. transport routes meet in the centre meaning that acess is good.
  16. There are some low class resedential proptries near the district
  17. as well as the main commerical and financial center.
  19. The Dublin region does infact have multiple nuclei. These devloped as
  20. the city expanded into nearby villages and towns, each having there own
  21. industrial centre. Areas like Blackrock in the south of the city and
  22. sowards in the north have their own business districts and retial areas.
  23. These were once towns on the outskirts of the city whih were absorbed as
  24. the city expande.
  26. Following teh theory similar services and industires have located close to one another. Ballsbridge has a large number of embassies. Many financial institutions locate if the IFSC. There are a number of industrial suburbs on the outskirts of teh city. Sandyford industrial estate on the south side and Ballymount industrial estate on the north side are two examples. These have grown on the outskirts of the city were they can take advatage of the cheap land and room for expansion.
  28. In the theory social stratificatoin will result in seprate lower middle and higher class areas. Social stratification occurs in dublin. Dublin can be divided into two zones by a line running south west from howth to Rathcoole. Residents of the south east dublin genrally have a high income. In contrast,income levls in teh north west of teh city are grenerallly low to middle. A difference in the type of houses also reflects this.
  31. B postive and negative impacts of Migration
  33. One impact on the donor and reciver countires respectivly.
  35. One impact on the donor county is the depopulation of rural towns and villages A growing population of youth is needed to encourge inward investment. A more young
  36. people leave rural areas in serach of work local services such as post offices close schools amalgamate and social amenites such as Gaelic football teams decline. This leads to a lack of choice in the region as seen in teh west of rieland. Farming paractices do not improve since there are no young people to train and take over teh farms. This
  37. can have a knock on effect on teh quality of the land and livestonk of the region. This migration of hihgly skilled workfroce causes a brain drain. This is occuring in Ireland during the current economic recession often as far away as Australia. This slows down
  38. economic devlopment of the donor coutnry. The investment in education is reduced, tax
  39. contributions are lost and spending power on goods and services decreases. In 2005 17%
  40. of all Polish migrants to Ireland were aged 25 or over and many with third level
  41. qualifications. This had a major impact on the Polish economy as there skills and talents
  42. were permentaly lost.
  46. Large scale immigration puts pressure on a country's resources especially housing, educational and medical services. Thse services are needed by newly arrived immigrants immediatly but the country's government cannon implement chages in these sectors quickly. These services are stretched as seen in daily hospital waiting times. The government will have to invest heavly inthese areas in teh futre but funds may have to be diverted from other areas such as transport to faclitate this. This can lead to resentment at the migrant populaiton and lack of integration. This lack of integration causes problems gettoisation, rasism and discrimination as immigratns
  47. tend to locate in teh same areas of towns and cities. This also prevents them from integrating fully with thier new society. A minister for integration was appointed in ireland 2007 to help migrant workes and thier families integrate into Irish schools, soical activites and workplacs. This new role has now been replaced by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant integration. It was set up to devlop, driveand co-ordinate policy in realation to the inegration of leagally resident migrants.
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