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a guest
Sep 18th, 2018
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  1. <Page class="page" actionBarHidden="true">
  2. <StackLayout>
  3. <GridLayout rows="auto" columns="75,*,75" class="action-bar p-10">
  4. <Button text="Close" class="text-left action-item" row="0" col="0"></Button>
  5. <Label text="Home" class="text-center action-bar-title" row="0" col="1"></Label>
  6. </GridLayout>
  7. <GridLayout rows="*,auto,*" >
  8. <StackLayout row="1" class="form">
  9. <TextField class="input input-rounded"></TextField>
  10. <Button class="btn btn-primary" @tap="$router.push('/counter')">Counter</Button>
  11. <Button class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded-sm" @tap="$router.push('/hello')">Hello World</Button>
  12. </StackLayout>
  13. </GridLayout>
  14. </StackLayout>
  15. </Page>
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