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Sep 22nd, 2019
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  4. on load:
  5. set {_&} to "&"
  6. if yaml value "CHAT-FORMAT" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  7. set yaml value "CHAT-FORMAT" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%3{player} %{_&}%8%{_&}%l{arrow-right} %{_&}%7{message}"
  8. if yaml value "COMMANDS.KILL" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  9. set yaml value "COMMANDS.KILL" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "eco give {player} 5"
  10. if yaml value "COMMANDS.WIN" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  11. set yaml value "COMMANDS.WIN" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "eco give {player} 20"
  12. if yaml value "COMMANDS.GOAL" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  13. set yaml value "COMMANDS.GOAL" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "eco give {player} 10"
  14. if yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  15. set yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to 30
  16. if yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  17. set yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "red bed"
  18. if yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  19. set yaml value "ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%c%{_&}%lLeave the game."
  20. if yaml value "MESSAGES.PREFIX" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  21. set yaml value "MESSAGES.PREFIX" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%6%{_&}%lTNTTag %{_&}%8%{_&}%l{arrow-right} %{_&}%7"
  22. if yaml value "MESSAGES.JOIN-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  23. set yaml value "MESSAGES.JOIN-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%a{player} %{_&}%ehas joined to the game &e(&b{player-count}&e/&b{max-players}&e)."
  24. if yaml value "MESSAGES.LEFT-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  25. set yaml value "MESSAGES.LEFT-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%a{player} %{_&}%ehas left the game."
  26. if yaml value "MESSAGES.STARTING-IN" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  27. set yaml value "MESSAGES.STARTING-IN" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%eStarting in %{_&}%6{seconds} %{_&}%eseconds"
  28. if yaml value "SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  29. set yaml value "SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%eMC.SERVER.NET"
  30. if yaml value "STATUS.INGAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  31. set yaml value "STATUS.INGAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%cINGAME"
  32. if yaml value "STATUS.STARTING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  33. set yaml value "STATUS.STARTING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%3STARTING..."
  34. if yaml value "STATUS.WAITING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  35. set yaml value "STATUS.WAITING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%aWAITING"
  36. if yaml value "STATUS.RESTARTING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  37. set yaml value "STATUS.RESTARTING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%cRESTARTING..."
  38. if yaml value "MESSAGES.IN-GAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  39. set yaml value "MESSAGES.IN-GAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%cYou are already in game."
  40. if yaml value "MESSAGES.NOT-IN-GAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  41. set yaml value "MESSAGES.NOT-IN-GAME" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%c%{_&}%lYou are not in game."
  42. if yaml value "MESSAGES.KILL-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  43. set yaml value "MESSAGES.KILL-MESSAGE" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" to "%{_&}%7{victim} %{_&}%7was killed by %{_&}%7{killer}"
  44. if yaml list "MESSAGES.SUMMARY" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  45. add "%{_&}%a----------------------------------------------", " ", " %{_&}%e%{_&}%lTNTTag ", " ", " %{_&}%e1st Place: - %{_&}%7{1} ", " %{_&}%e2nd Place: - %{_&}%7{2} ", " %{_&}%e3rd Place: - %{_&}%7{3} ", " " and "%{_&}%a----------------------------------------------" to {_SUMMARY::*}
  46. loop {_SUMMARY::*}:
  47. add "%loop-value%" to yaml list "MESSAGES.SUMMARY" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml"
  48. if yaml list "MESSAGES.ROUND" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml" is not set:
  49. add "", " %{_&}%f%{_&}%lRound {round} Has Started! ", " %{_&}%eThe TNT has been released to {players}", "" and " {run-or-tag}" to {_ROUND::*}
  50. loop {_ROUND::*}:
  51. add "%loop-value%" to yaml list "MESSAGES.ROUND" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml"
  52. delete {tnt::*}
  54. set {tnt::CONFIG::%loop-value%} to yaml value "%loop-value%" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml"
  55. loop {tnt::CONFIG::*}:
  56. replace all "&" with "§" in {tnt::CONFIG::%loop-index%}
  57. replace all "{arrow-right}" with "»" in {tnt::CONFIG::%loop-index%}
  58. replace all "{arrow-left}" with "«" in {tnt::CONFIG::%loop-index%}
  61. function format_slot(inv: inventory, slot: number, amount: number, item: item, name: text = "", lore: text = ""):
  62. {_lore} is not "":
  63. set {_line} to 1
  64. loop {_lore} split at "||":
  65. set line {_line} of the lore of {_item} to colored loop-value
  66. add 1 to {_line}
  67. set slot {_slot} of {_inv} to {_amount} of {_item} named {_name}
  69. command /tnttag [<text = help>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  70. aliases: tnt
  71. executable by: players
  72. trigger:
  73. if arg-1 is "help" or "createarena" or "SetSpawn" or "join" or "leave" or "setlobby" or "deleteArena" or "list" or "autojoin" or "savearena" or "autojoin" or "stats" or "SetArenaLobby" or "start" or "reload" or "SetMin" or "SetMax" or "SetSpawn" or "SetMapName":
  74. if player have permission "tnt.player":
  75. if arg 1 is "help":
  76. send "&7&l------------&8[ &6&ltntTag &8]&7&l------------"
  77. send "&7/tnt list"
  78. send "&7/tnt join &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  79. send "&7/tnt autojoin"
  80. send "&7/tnt leave"
  81. if player have permission "tnt.admin":
  82. send "&7/tnt Start"
  83. send "&7/tnt ResetStats &8(&7player_name&8)"
  84. send "&7/tnt SetLobby"
  85. send "&7/tnt CreateArena &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  86. send "&7/tnt SetArenaLobby &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  87. send "&7/tnt SetMin &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  88. send "&7/tnt SetMax &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  89. send "&7/tnt SetSpawn &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  90. send "&7/tnt SetMapName &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  91. send "&7/tnt SaveArena &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  92. send "&7/tnt DeleteArena &8(&7arena_name&8)"
  93. send "&7&l------------------------------------------"
  94. stop
  95. if arg 1 is "join":
  96. tnt_join(player, arg-2)
  97. if arg 1 is "list":
  98. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is not set:
  99. open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&8&l» &7TNTTag - ARENAS" to player
  100. set {_slot} to 10
  101. set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 26, 35, 44, 18, 27, 36, 9, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 8 of player's current inventory to green glass pane named "&8 "
  102. loop {tnt.arenas::*}:
  103. format_slot(player's current inventory, {_slot}, 1, green clay, "&e", "&8&l» &7ARENA: &e&l%loop-value%||||&8&l» &7MAP: &a%{}%||||&8&l» &7PLAYING: &a%size of {tnt.arena.%loop-value%.ninjas::*}%&7/&a%{tnt.arena.%loop-value%.max}%||||&8&l» &7STATE: &a%{tnt.arena.%loop-value%.status}%")
  104. add 1 to {_slot}
  105. if {_slot} is 17 or 26 or 35:
  106. add 2 to {_slot}
  107. if arg 1 is "leave":
  108. tnt_leave(player)
  109. if arg 1 is "autojoin":
  110. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is not set:
  111. loop {tnt.arenas::*}:
  112. if {tnt.arena.%loop-value%.status} is "WAITING" or "STARTING":
  113. tnt_join(player, loop-value)
  114. stop
  115. if arg-1 is "stats":
  116. send "&e&l✦&7&l&m--------------------------------------&e&l✦"
  117. send ""
  118. send "&8&l» &6&lTNTTag STATS &8&l«"
  119. send ""
  120. send "&6&l» &7&lWins &c%{tnt.stats.wins::%uuid of player%}%"
  121. send "&6&l» &7&lLoses &c%{tnt.stats.loses::%uuid of player%}%"
  122. send ""
  123. send "&e&l✦&7&l&m--------------------------------------&e&l✦"
  124. if arg 1 is "createarena":
  125. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  126. if arg-2 is set:
  127. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.state} is not set:
  128. set {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.state} to "created"
  129. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been created!"
  130. else:
  131. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena already exists!"
  132. else:
  133. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aSpecify Arena!"
  134. if arg 1 is "SetArenaLobby" or "SetMax" or "SetMin" or "SetSpawn" or "SetMapName":
  135. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  136. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.state} is "created" or "ready":
  137. if arg 1 is "SetArenaLobby":
  138. set {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.lobby} to location of player
  139. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLobby for Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!"
  140. if arg 1 is "SetMax":
  141. set {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.max} to arg-3 parsed as number
  142. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aMaximum players for Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!"
  143. if arg 1 is "SetMapName":
  144. set {} to arg-3
  145. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aMap Name for Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!"
  146. if arg 1 is "SetMin":
  147. set {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.min} to arg-3 parsed as number
  148. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aMinimum players for Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!"
  149. if arg 1 is "SetSpawn":
  150. set {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.spawn} to location of player
  151. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aSpawn for Arena &3%arg-2% &ahas been set!"
  152. else:
  153. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena not exists"
  154. if arg 1 is "setlobby":
  155. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  156. set {tnt.lobby} to location of player
  157. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLobby set."
  158. if arg 1 is "resetstats":
  159. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  160. set {_p} to arg-2 parsed as player
  161. tnt_stats("reset", {_p})
  162. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &cReseted Stats for &a%{_p}%"
  163. if arg 1 is "start":
  164. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  165. #size of {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.ninjas::*} > 1
  166. tnt_start({tnt.player::%uuid of player%.arena})
  167. if arg 1 is "reload":
  168. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  169. broadcast "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aReloading..."
  170. make console execute command "sk reload %script%"
  171. if arg 1 is "savearena":
  172. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  173. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.state} is "created":
  174. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.lobby} is set:
  175. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.spawn} is set:
  176. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.max} is set:
  177. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.min} is set:
  178. if {} is set:
  179. set {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.state} to "ready"
  180. add arg-2 to {tnt.arenas::*}
  181. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been saved."
  182. tnt_resetarena(arg-2)
  183. else:
  184. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aMap name is not set!"
  185. else:
  186. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aMinimum players is not set!"
  187. else:
  188. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aMaximum players is not set!"
  189. else:
  190. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aArena spawn is not set!"
  191. else:
  192. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLobby is not set!"
  193. else:
  194. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena not exists"
  195. if arg 1 is "deletearena":
  196. if player has permission "tnt.admin":
  197. if {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.state} is set:
  198. tnt_resetarena(arg-2)
  199. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.lobby}
  200. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.seconds}
  201. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.minutes}
  202. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.status}
  203. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.min}
  204. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.max}
  205. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.ninjas::*}
  206. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.bad-ninjas::*}
  207. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.exploding-ninjas::*}
  208. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.state}
  209. delete {tnt.arena.%arg-2%.explode}
  210. loop 3 times:
  211. delete {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.summary.%loop-number%}
  212. remove arg-2 from {tnt.arenas::*}
  213. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aArena &c%arg-2% &ahas been deleted."
  214. else:
  215. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aThis arena not exists"
  218. on chat:
  219. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME" or "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  220. cancel event
  221. set {_msg} to {tnt::CONFIG::CHAT-FORMAT}
  222. replace all "{player}" in {_msg} with player's displayname
  223. replace all "&" with " " in message
  224. replace all "{message}" with message in {_msg}
  225. send {_msg} to {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.ninjas::*} and {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%uuid of player%.arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}
  227. on drop:
  228. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME" or "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  229. cancel event
  231. on hunger bar change:
  232. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME" or "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  233. set player's hunger to 20
  236. on damage of player:
  237. if {tnt.player::%uuid of victim%.state} is "IN-GAME":
  238. if {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.status} is "STARTING" or "WAITING":
  239. cancel event
  240. damage cause is void
  241. teleport victim to {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.lobby}
  242. if {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
  243. heal victim
  244. attacker is player:
  245. if {tnt.player::%uuid of attacker%.has-tnt} is set:
  246. tnt_set({tnt.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}, victim)
  247. delete {tnt.player::%uuid of attacker%.has-tnt}
  248. remove attacker from {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%uuid of victim%.arena}%.exploding-ninjas::*}
  249. clear attacker's inventory
  250. milk attacker
  251. apply potion of speed 2 without any particles to attacker for 7 days
  252. launch "CREEPER" firework at block above victim timed 0 coloured "GREEN"
  253. make console execute command "nte player %attacker% prefix &7"
  254. send "%attacker's prefix%%attacker% &cTagged you!" to victim
  255. send "&aYou tagged %victim's prefix%%victim%!" to attacker
  256. else:
  257. cancel event
  258. if {tnt.player::%uuid of victim%.state} is "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  259. cancel event
  260. if {tnt.player::%uuid of attacker%.state} is "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  261. cancel event
  263. function tnt_check_win(arena: text):
  264. size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} is 1
  265. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "RESTARTING"
  266. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}:
  267. set {_p} to loop-value-1
  268. loop yaml list "MESSAGES.SUMMARY" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml":
  269. set {_msg} to loop-value-1
  270. replace all "{1}" with "%{_p}%" in {_msg}
  271. loop "1", "2" and "3":
  272. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.summary.%loop-value-2%} is set:
  273. replace all "{%loop-value-2%}" with "%{tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.summary.%loop-value-2%}%" in {_msg}
  274. else:
  275. replace all "{%loop-value-2%}" with "&7Loading..." in {_msg}
  276. send coloured {_msg} to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} and {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}
  277. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  278. add 1 to {tnt.stats.wins::%{_uuid}%}
  279. loop 10 times:
  280. launch "BALL" firework at location of {_p} timed 1 coloured "RED" and "BLUE" AND "YELLOW" AND "GREEN"
  281. wait a second
  282. tnt_resetarena({_arena})
  285. function tnt_remove(p: player, arena: text):
  286. remove {_p} from {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  287. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
  288. tnt_check_win({_arena})
  290. on load:
  291. delete {tnt.player::*}
  292. send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console
  293. send " " to console
  294. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aLoading &ev.0.0.1&a..." to console
  295. wait a tick
  296. broadcast "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aPlugin loaded!"
  297. send " " to console
  298. send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console
  299. loop {tnt.arenas::*}:
  300. delete {tnt.arena.%loop-value-1%.ninjas::*} and {tnt.arena.%loop-value-1%.bad-ninjas::*}
  301. tnt_resetarena(loop-value)
  304. on unload:
  305. send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console
  306. send " " to console
  307. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &aDisabling &ev.0.0.1&a..." to console
  308. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &ev.0.0.1 &adisabled!" to console
  309. send " " to console
  310. send "&7&l--------------------------------------------" to console
  313. function tnt_stats(do: text, p: player):
  314. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  315. {_do} is "check":
  316. loop "loses" and "wins":
  317. {tnt.stats.%loop-value%::%{_uuid}%} is not set
  318. set {tnt.stats.%loop-value%::%{_uuid}%} to 0
  319. {_do} is "reset":
  320. loop "loses" and "wins":
  321. set {tnt.stats.%loop-value%::%{_uuid}%} to 0
  323. function tnt_leave(p: player):
  324. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  325. if {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.state} is "IN-GAME":
  326. set {_arena} to {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}
  327. set {_msg} to {tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.LEFT-MESSAGE}
  328. replace all "{player}" in {_msg} with {_p}'s display name
  329. tnt_remove({_p}, {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena})
  330. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{_msg}%" to {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}
  331. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}:
  332. size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} = 4 or 3 or 2 or 1:
  333. set {_size} to size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  334. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.summary.%{_size}%} to loop-value-2
  335. tnt_check_win({tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena})
  336. tnt_clear_player({_p})
  337. tnt_deleteBoard({_p})
  338. loop "arena" and "state" and "has-tnt":
  339. delete {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.%loop-value%}
  340. teleport {_p} to {tnt.lobby}
  341. else:
  342. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.NOT-IN-GAME}%" to {_p}
  345. function tnt_join(p: player, arena: text):
  346. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  347. if {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.state} is not set:
  348. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.state} is "ready":
  349. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "WAITING" or "STARTING":
  350. if size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} < {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.max}:
  351. tnt_clear_player({_p})
  352. set {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.state} to "IN-GAME"
  353. set {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena} to {_arena}
  354. set {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.kills} to 0
  355. set slot 8 of {_p} to {tnt::CONFIG::ITEMS.LEAVE} parsed as material named "%{tnt::CONFIG::ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME}%"
  356. add {_p} to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  357. if size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} = 2:
  358. tnt_start_countdown({_arena})
  359. set {_msg} to {tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.JOIN-MESSAGE}
  360. replace all "{player}" in {_msg} with {_p}'s displayname
  361. replace all "{player-count}" in {_msg} with "%size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}%"
  362. replace all "{max-players}" in {_msg} with "%{tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.max}%"
  363. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{_msg}%" to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  364. teleport {_p} to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.lobby}
  365. tnt_createBoard({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 10)
  366. else:
  367. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &7This arena is full" to {_p}
  368. else:
  369. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &7This game is running" to {_p}
  370. else:
  371. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% &7This arena not exists" to {_p}
  372. else:
  373. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.IN-GAME}%" to {_p}
  375. on join:
  376. tnt_stats("check", player)
  378. on right click:
  379. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME" or "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  380. name of event-item is {tnt::CONFIG::ITEMS.LEAVE-NAME}:
  381. cancel event
  382. tnt_leave(player)
  383. on quit:
  384. tnt_leave(player)
  386. on break:
  387. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME" or "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  388. cancel event
  390. on place:
  391. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME" or "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  392. cancel event
  394. on inventory click:
  395. if display name of top inventory of player is "&8&l» &7TNTTag - ARENAS":
  396. cancel event
  397. event-item is green clay
  398. set {_arena} to line 1 of the lore of event-item
  399. tnt_join(player, last element of {_arena} split at "&8&l» &7ARENA: &e&l")
  400. if {tnt.player::%uuid of player%.state} is "IN-GAME" or "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  401. cancel event
  403. function tnt_start_round(arena: text):
  404. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.explode} to 55
  405. tnt_timer({_arena})
  406. size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} > 4:
  407. set {_total} to size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  408. set {_r} to rounded {_total} * 20/100
  409. set {_backup::*} to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  410. loop {_r} times:
  411. set {_p} to a random element out of {_backup::*}
  412. remove {_p} from {_backup::*}
  413. tnt_set({_arena}, {_p})
  414. else:
  415. tnt_set({_arena}, random element out of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*})
  416. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}:
  417. loop yaml list "MESSAGES.ROUND" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml":
  418. set {_msg} to loop-value-2
  419. replace all "{round}" with "%{tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.round}%" in {_msg}
  420. replace all "{players}" with "&7%{tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.exploding-ninjas::*}%" in {_msg}
  421. if {tnt.player::%uuid of loop-value-1%.has-tnt} is set:
  422. set {_tag} to "&cYou START as IT! Tag Someone"
  423. else:
  424. set {_tag} to "&aYou did NOT start as IT! Run away!"
  425. replace all "{run-or-tag}" with "%{_tag}%" in {_msg}
  426. send coloured {_msg} to loop-value-1
  428. function tnt_timer(arena: text):
  429. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.explode} times:
  430. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
  431. remove 1 from {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.explode}
  432. {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.explode} = 0:
  433. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.exploding-ninjas::*}:
  434. loop blocks in radius 3 of loop-value-2:
  435. show large explosion at loop-value-3
  436. play sound "ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE" with volume 1 at loop-value-2
  437. size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} = 4 or 3 or 2 or 1:
  438. set {_size} to size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  439. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.summary.%{_size}%} to loop-value-2
  440. remove loop-value-2 from {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  441. remove loop-value-2 from {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.exploding-ninjas::*}
  442. add loop-value-2 to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}
  443. send "&7%loop-value-2% &eblew up!" to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} and {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}
  444. delete {tnt.player::%uuid of loop-value-2%.has-tnt}
  445. add 1 to {tnt.stats.loses::%uuid of loop-value-2%}
  446. tnt_setspec(loop-value-2)
  447. size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} = 1:
  448. tnt_check_win({_arena})
  449. else:
  450. add 1 to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.round}
  451. wait 5 seconds
  452. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
  453. tnt_start_round({_arena})
  454. else:
  455. stop
  456. wait a second
  458. function tnt_set(arena: text, p: player):
  459. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  460. if {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.has-tnt} is not set:
  461. set {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.has-tnt} to true
  462. add {_p} to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.exploding-ninjas::*}
  463. loop numbers between 0 and 8:
  464. set slot loop-number of {_p} to tnt named "&cTNT"
  465. set {_p}'s helmet to tnt
  466. apply potion of speed 4 without any particles to {_p} for 7 days
  467. send "%{_p}'s prefix%%{_p}% &7is IT!" to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  468. make console execute command "nte player %{_p}% prefix &c"
  469. while {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.has-tnt} is set:
  470. show mob spawner flames at {_p}
  471. wait a second
  475. function tnt_setspec(p: player):
  476. tnt_clear_player({_p})
  477. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  478. set {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.state} to "IN-GAME-SPEC"
  479. set {_p}'s gamemode to adventure
  480. set {_p}'s flight mode to true
  481. apply potion of invisibility without any particles to {_p} for 7 days
  482. push {_p} upwards at speed 2
  483. make console execute command "nte player %{_p}% clear"
  484. hide {_p} from all players
  485. send title "&c&lBOOM" with subtitle "&7&nYou are eliminated!" to {_p} for 3 seconds
  487. function tnt_start(arena: text):
  488. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.explode} to 55
  489. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "INGAME"
  490. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.round} to 1
  491. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}:
  492. tnt_clear_player(loop-value)
  493. tnt_createBoard(loop-value, "TNT-GAME", 11)
  494. apply blindness to loop-value for 1 second
  495. apply potion of speed 2 without any particles to loop-value for 7 days
  496. teleport loop-value-1 to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.spawn}
  497. make console execute command "nte player %loop-value-1% prefix &7"
  498. wait a second
  499. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
  500. tnt_start_round({_arena})
  503. function tnt_start_countdown(arena: text):
  504. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "STARTING"
  505. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} times:
  506. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} is "STARTING" or "WAITING":
  507. size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} >= {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.min}:
  508. wait a second
  509. remove 1 from {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}
  510. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 10:
  511. set {_msg} to {tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.STARTING-IN}
  512. replace all "{seconds}" in {_msg} with "%{tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}%"
  513. send "%{tnt::CONFIG::MESSAGES.PREFIX}% %{_msg}%" to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*}
  514. {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} > 1:
  515. send title "&eGame Starts in &a%{tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}%" with subtitle "&eSeconds" to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} for a second
  516. else:
  517. send title "&eGame Starts in &a%{tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds}%" with subtitle "&eSecond" to {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} for a second
  518. if {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} = 1:
  519. size of {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} >= {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.min}:
  520. tnt_start({_arena})
  521. else:
  522. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "WAITING"
  523. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} to yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml"
  524. stop
  526. function tnt_resetarena(arena: text):
  527. loop {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} and {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.bad-ninjas::*}:
  528. if {tnt.player::%uuid of loop-value%.state} is "IN-GAME-SPEC":
  529. reveal loop-value to all players
  530. loop "arena" and "state" and "has-tnt":
  531. delete {tnt.player::%uuid of loop-value-1%.%loop-value-2%}
  532. tnt_clear_player(loop-value-1)
  533. tnt_deleteBoard(loop-value-1)
  534. set loop-value-1's gamemode to spectator
  535. push loop-value-1 upwards at speed 0.5
  536. teleport loop-value-1 to {tnt.lobby}
  537. set loop-value-1's gamemode to survival
  538. loop 3 times:
  539. delete {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.summary.%loop-number%}
  540. delete {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.ninjas::*} and {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.bad-ninjas::*} and {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.exploding-ninjas::*}
  541. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.seconds} to yaml value "TIMERS.WAITING" from file "plugins/TNTTag/config.yml"
  542. set {tnt.arena.%{_arena}%.status} to "WAITING"
  544. function tnt_clear_player(p: player):
  545. heal {_p}
  546. extinguish {_p}
  547. set {_p}'s food to 20
  548. clear {_p}'s level
  549. clear {_p}'s inventory
  550. set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
  551. set {_p}'s flight mode to false
  552. milk {_p}
  554. function tnt_deleteBoard(p: player):
  555. loop "TNT-GAME" and "TNT-WAITING":
  556. if stylish scoreboard "%loop-value-1%-%{_p}%" exists:
  557. loop 15 times:
  558. delete the id based score "%{_p}%Slot%loop-number-2%" in stylish scoreboard "%loop-value-1%-%{_p}%"
  559. delete stylish scoreboard "%loop-value-1%-%{_p}%"
  561. function tnt_setSlot(p: player, board: text, slot: integer, t: text):
  562. add "&a", "&b", "&c", "&d", "&e", "&1", "&2", "&3", "&4", "&5", "&6", "&7", "&8", "&9" and "&f" to {_d::*}
  563. if {_slot} is between 1 and 15:
  564. set text of id "%{_p}%Slot%{_slot}%" to "%{_d::%{_slot}%}%%{_t}%"
  566. function tnt_createBoard(p: player, t: text, size: integer = 15):
  567. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  568. tnt_deleteBoard({_p})
  569. add "&a", "&b", "&c", "&d", "&e", "&1", "&2", "&3", "&4", "&5", "&6", "&7", "&8", "&9" and "&f" to {_d::*}
  570. if stylish scoreboard "%{_t}%-%{_p}%" does not exist:
  571. create new stylish scoreboard named "%{_t}%-%{_p}%"
  572. loop {_size} times:
  573. create a new id based score "%{_p}%Slot%loop-number%" with text "%{_d::%loop-number%}%" slot loop-number for stylish scoreboard "%{_t}%-%{_p}%"
  574. wait a tick
  575. set stylish scoreboard of {_p} to "%{_t}%-%{_p}%"
  576. if {_t} is "TNT-GAME":
  577. set title of stylish scoreboard "TNT-GAME-%{_p}%" to "&e&lTNT TAG"
  578. while {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.status} is "INGAME":
  579. if {tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.has-tnt} is set:
  580. set {_target} to "&cTag Someone!"
  581. loop {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}:
  582. if {tnt.player::%uuid of loop-value%.has-tnt} is not set:
  583. set {_closest} to distance between loop-value-1 and {_p}
  584. distance between loop-value-1 and {_p} < {_closest}:
  585. set {_closest} to distance between loop-value-1 and {_p}
  586. send action bar "&cYou're IT, &ctag Someone! &7(&aNearest player %{_closest}%m&7)" to {_p}
  587. else:
  588. set {_target} to "&aRun away!"
  589. send action bar "&aRun away!" to {_p}
  590. if stylish scoreboard "TNT-GAME-%{_p}%" exists:
  591. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 11, "&7%now%")
  592. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 10, "")
  593. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 9, "&7Round ##%{tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.round}%")
  594. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 8, "")
  595. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 7, "&eExplosion In &c%{tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.explode}%&cs")
  596. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 6, "")
  597. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 5, "&fGoal: %{_target}%")
  598. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 4, "")
  599. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 3, "&fAlive: &a%size of {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}% &aPlayers")
  600. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 2, "")
  601. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-GAME", 1, "%{tnt::CONFIG::SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE}%")
  602. else:
  603. stop
  604. wait a second
  605. if {_t} is "TNT-WAITING":
  606. set title of stylish scoreboard "TNT-WAITING-%{_p}%" to "&e&lTNT TAG"
  607. while {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.status} is "WAITING" or "STARTING":
  608. if stylish scoreboard "TNT-WAITING-%{_p}%" exists:
  609. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 10, "&7%now%")
  610. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 9, "")
  611. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 8, "&fMap: &a%{tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}}%")
  612. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 7, "&fPlayers: &a%size of {tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.ninjas::*}%/%{tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.max}%")
  613. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 6, "")
  614. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 5, "&fStarting in: &a%{tnt.arena.%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%.seconds}%s")
  615. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 4, "")
  616. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 3, "&fArena: &a%{tnt.player::%{_uuid}%.arena}%")
  617. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 2, "")
  618. tnt_setSlot({_p}, "TNT-WAITING", 1, "%{tnt::CONFIG::SCOREBOARD.WEBSITE}%")
  619. else:
  620. stop
  621. wait a second
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