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a guest
Aug 19th, 2012
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  1. /* this is the gnuplot file. i saved it as histoerrorbartest.gpl */
  2. reset
  3. fontsize = 12
  4. set term postscript enhanced eps fontsize
  5. set output "histoerrorbartest.eps"
  6. set boxwidth 0.9
  7. set style fill solid 1.00 border 0
  8. set style histogram errorbars gap 2 lw 1
  9. set style data histograms
  10. set xtics rotate by -45
  11. set bars 0.5
  12. set yrange [ 0.00000 : 10/3*fontsize + 85 ]
  13. set datafile separator ","
  14. plot 'histoerrorbartest.dat' using 2:3:4:xtic(1) ti "Subsampling (every 512th packet)" linecolor rgb "#555555", \
  15. '' using 5:6:7 ti "Bloom filter without reset" lt 1 lc rgb "#777777", \
  16. '' using 8:9:10 ti "Bloom filter with periodic reset" lt 1 lc rgb "#999999", \
  17. '' using 11:12:13 ti "coreB" lt 1 lc rgb "#BBBBBB", \
  18. '' using 14:15:16 ti "coreB+" lt 1 lc rgb "#DDDDDD", \
  19. '' using 17:18:19 ti "coreB Twist" lt 1 lc rgb "#FFFFFF", \
  20. 100 with lines lt 1 lc rgb "black" notitle
  22. /* this is the datafile. save it as histoerrorbartest.dat in the same folder as the histoerrorbartest.gpl */
  24. #parameter,avg,min,max,avg,min,max,...
  25. param_1 ,20,50,15,60,15,92,45,20,48,80,70,88,30,20,70,12,10,17
  26. param_2 ,40,35,42,30,20,45,33,30,35,55,38,60,15,12,20,35,30,48
  27. param_3 ,70,65,75,10,8,15,65,65,98,58,48,77,68,45,77,75,40,88
  28. param_4 ,20,50,15,60,15,92,45,20,48,80,70,88,30,20,70,12,10,17
  29. param_5 ,40,35,42,30,20,45,33,30,35,55,38,60,15,12,20,35,30,48
  30. param_6 ,70,65,75,10,8,15,65,65,98,58,48,77,68,45,77,75,40,88
  31. param_7 ,20,50,15,60,15,92,45,20,48,80,70,88,30,20,70,12,10,17
  32. param_8 ,40,35,42,30,20,45,33,30,35,55,38,60,15,12,20,35,30,48
  33. param_9 ,50,30,70,50,30,70,50,30,70,50,30,70,50,30,70,50,30,70
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