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Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. command /maxkillchange <integer>:
  2. trigger:
  3. set {goal} to arg
  4. message "目標KILL数を%arg%に設定しました。" to the player
  5. command /warstart:
  6. trigger:
  7. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""§a§l3""}"
  8. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0.1 1"
  9. wait for a second
  10. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""§e§l2""}"
  11. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0.1 1"
  12. wait for a second
  13. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""§c§l1""}"
  14. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 0.1 1"
  15. wait for a second
  16. set {playing} to true
  17. set {Mushroom.kills} to 0
  18. set {Creeper.kills} to 0
  19. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""§d§lGAME START""}"
  20. on death of player:
  21. if {playing} is true:
  22. if {} is "Mushroom":
  23. add 1 to {Mushroom.kills}
  24. if {Mushroom.kills} is {goal}:
  25. set {playing} to false
  26. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""§c§lMushroomチームの勝ち!""}"
  27. loop all players:
  28. if {} is "Mushroom":
  29. give a sunflower named "&6&lWinner medal" to loop-player
  30. if {firework} is more than 0:
  31. give 2 sunflowers named "&c&lMushroom medal" to loop-player
  32. else:
  33. give a sunflower named "&c&lMushroom medal" to loop-player
  34. if {firework} is more than 0:
  35. subtract 1 from {firework}
  36. if {firework} is 0:
  37. broadcast "&6&lWinfireworksの効果が切れました。"
  38. else:
  39. broadcast "&6&lWinfireworksの効果はあと%{firework}%試合続きます。"
  40. else:
  41. add 1 to {Creeper.kills}
  42. if {Creeper.kills} is {goal}:
  43. set {playing} to false
  44. execute console command "/title @a title {""text"":""§a§lCreeperチームの勝ち!""}"
  45. loop all players:
  46. if {} is "Creeper":
  47. give a sunflower named "&6&lWinner medal" to loop-player
  48. if {firework} is more than 0:
  49. give 2 sunflowers named "&a&lCreeper medal" to loop-player
  50. else:
  51. give a sunflower named "&a&lCreeper medal" to loop-player
  52. if {firework} is more than 0:
  53. subtract 1 from {firework}
  54. if {firework} is 0:
  55. broadcast "&6&lWinfireworksの効果が切れました。"
  56. else:
  57. broadcast "&6&lWinfireworksの効果はあと%{firework}%試合続きます。"
  58. else:
  59. broadcast "あと%{goal} - {Creeper.kills}%KILLで&a&lCreeper&rチームの勝ちとなります。"
  60. command /warstop:
  61. trigger:
  62. set {playing} to false
  63. broadcast "&cWarを終わらせました。"
  64. on rightclick with firework:
  65. if player's tool's name is "§bWinfireworks":
  66. cancel event
  67. execute player command "/clear @s diamond 0 1 {display:{Name:""§bWinfireworks""}}"
  68. execute player command "/summon fireworks_rocket ~ ~ ~ {Motion:[0.0,0.75,0.0],LifeTime:15,FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:2,Colors:[I;16768310,8716070,16777215],FadeColors:[I;8339711,16729927,2389247]}]}}}}"
  69. add 10 to {firework}
  70. broadcast "&b&l%player%さんがWinfireworksを使用して報酬を2倍にしてくれました!効果はあと%{firework}%試合続きます。"
  71. command /fireworkreset:
  72. trigger:
  73. set {firework} to 0
  74. broadcast "&b&l効果持続試合数をリセットしました。"
  76. on rightclick:
  77. if player's tool is gray dye named "§7不参加":
  78. execute player command "/replaceitem entity @s slot.hotbar.3 dye 1 10 {display:{Name:""§a参加""}}"
  79. add player to {member::*}
  80. broadcast "&a&l%player%さんが参加しました!現在:%size of {member::*}%"
  81. stop
  82. if player's tool is lime dye named "§a参加":
  83. execute player command "/replaceitem entity @s slot.hotbar.3 dye 1 8 {display:{Name:""§7不参加""}}"
  84. remove player from {member::*}
  85. broadcast "&c&l%player%さんが退出しました!現在:%size of {member::*}%"
  86. every 8 minutes:
  87. execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
  88. broadcast "&c&lMobを処理しました。"
  89. execute console command "/sk reload all"
  90. broadcast "&c&lSkriptをリロードしました。"
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