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a guest
Jun 18th, 2017
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  1. prefix: '&7[&cPractice&7] '
  2. circle-radius: 10
  3. wait-before-teleport: 3
  4. wait-before-spectator: 3
  5. allow-spectating: true
  6. spectator-teleporter-distance: 100
  7. spectator-stay-away: false
  8. spectator-timer-period: 20
  9. separate-queues: true
  10. queue-cooldown: true
  11. queue-cooldown-time: 5
  12. elo-queue-cooldown: true
  13. elo-queue-cooldown-time: 5
  14. lag-broadcast: true
  15. limit-default-hit-delay: false
  16. autostack-arenas-on-enable: 0
  17. make-arenas-automatically: false
  18. arenas-world: Duelos
  19. replace-dirt-with-grass: true
  20. combo-kb-modifier: 0.68
  21. player-kits-auto-save-period: 600
  22. player-stats-auto-save-period: 300
  23. inventory-message-your: '&eTu equipo: &a'
  24. inventory-message-opponent: '&eEquipo enemigo: &c'
  25. fight-inventory-message: '&e<player>,'
  26. bot-attack-range: 5.45
  27. bot-name: BOT_<player>
  28. tab-list:
  29. enabled: true
  30. update-time: 120
  31. async-update: false
  32. slots:
  33. - '&7&m-----------------'
  34. - '&7&m-----------------'
  35. - '&7&m----------------'
  36. - '&7'
  37. - '&6&lPapu Practice'
  38. - '&7'
  39. - '&a&l&nELO'
  40. - '&b&l&nEstadisticas'
  41. - '&6&l&nInfo'
  42. - '&9Combo &e<elo_comboelo>'
  43. - ''
  44. - ''
  45. - '&9BuildUHC: &e<elo_builduhcelo>'
  46. - '&aAsesinatos: &e<kills>'
  47. - '&5Hora: &e<time>'
  48. - '&9No Debuff: &e<elo_nodebuffelo>'
  49. - '&cMuertes: &e<deaths>'
  50. - '&dPing: &e<ping>'
  51. - '&9Gapple: &e<elo_gappleelo>'
  52. - '&9Tour wins: &e<brackets_wins>'
  53. - '&6Kit: &e<kit>'
  54. - '&9Soup: &e<elo_soupelo>'
  55. - '&bLMS Wins: &e<lms_wins>'
  56. - '&3Online: &e<players>/200'
  57. - '&9Debuff &e<elo_debuffelo>'
  58. - ''
  59. - ''
  60. - '&eForo:'
  61. - '&eTienda:'
  62. - '&eIP:'
  63. - '&'
  64. - '&'
  65. - '&'
  66. - ''
  67. - ''
  68. - ''
  69. - '&eComandos útiles:'
  70. - '&dQueue Info:'
  71. - '&cEvent info:'
  72. - '&7/duel'
  73. - '&aEn juego: &e<in_fight>'
  74. - '&aEvento: &6<next_event_name>'
  75. - '&7/stats'
  76. - '&aUnranked: &e<in_unranked_queue>'
  77. - '&aTime: &e<next_event_time>'
  78. - '&7/helpop'
  79. - '&aRanked: &e<in_ranked_queue>'
  80. - ''
  81. - '&7/party'
  82. - '&aTPS: &e<tps>'
  83. - '&9Party Info:'
  84. - '&7/spectate'
  85. - ''
  86. - '&aOwner: &e<party_owner>'
  87. - '&7/koth join'
  88. - ''
  89. - '&aMiembros: &e<party_members>'
  90. - '&7&m-----------------'
  91. - '&7&m-----------------'
  92. - '&7&m----------------'
  93. scoreboard:
  94. enabled: true
  95. update-time: 10
  96. teleport-update: true
  97. async-update: false
  98. enderpearl-cooldown-only-in-fight: true
  99. title: '&c&lPapu Practice &6&l[Beta] '
  100. default:
  101. - '&7&m------------------------'
  102. - '&3Online: &a<players>'
  103. - '&9En cola: &a<in_queue>'
  104. - '&dEn juego: &a<in_fight>'
  105. - '&7&m------------------------'
  106. - '&eCombo &a<elo_comboelo>'
  107. - '&eBuild UHC: &a<elo_builduhcelo>'
  108. - '&eNo Debuff: &a<elo_nodebuffelo>'
  109. - '&eGapple: &a<elo_gappleelo>'
  110. - '&eSoup PvP: &a<elo_soupelo>'
  111. - '&eDebuff &a<elo_debuffelo>'
  112. - '&7&m------------------------'
  113. - ' &'
  114. duel:
  115. - '&7&m------------------------'
  116. - '&6Kit &7- &f<raw_kit>'
  117. - '&c&lOponente: &f<opponent>'
  118. - '&6&lDuracion: &f<duration>'
  119. - '&7&m------------------------'
  120. party-ffa:
  121. - '&7&m------------------------'
  122. - '&aJugadores vivos: &e<own_team_left>&8/&e<party_members>'
  123. - '&6Duracion del duelo: &f<duration>m'
  124. - '&7&m------------------------'
  125. party-split:
  126. - '&7&m------------------------'
  127. - '&aMiembros vivos: &e<own_team_left>&8/&e<own_team_members>'
  128. - '&cEnemigos vivos: &e<enemy_team_left>&8/&e<enemy_team_members>'
  129. - '&6Duracion del duelo: &f<duration>m'
  130. - '&7&m------------------------'
  131. party-vs-party:
  132. - '&7&m------------------------'
  133. - '&c&lOponente: &e<enemy_team_owner>&6''s Party'
  134. - '&aMiembros vivos: &e<own_team_left>&8/&e<party_members>'
  135. - '&cEnemigos vivos: &e<enemy_team_left>&8/&e<enemy_team_members>'
  136. - '&6Duracion del duelo: &f<duration>'
  137. - '&7&m------------------------'
  138. brackets:
  139. - '&7&m------------------------'
  140. - '&c&lDuelo: &e<current_fight_player1> &6vs &e<current_fight_player2>'
  141. - '&6&lEvent Duration: &e<total_duration>m'
  142. - '&7&m------------------------'
  143. juggernaut:
  144. - '&7&m------------------------'
  145. - '&c&lJuggernaut: &e<juggernaut>'
  146. - '&6Event Duration: &e<total_duration>m'
  147. - '&7&m------------------------'
  148. lms:
  149. - '&7&m------------------------'
  150. - '&6Jugadores restantes: &e<alive>&6/&e<lms_players>'
  151. - '&6Duracion: &f<total_duration>m'
  152. - '&7&m------------------------'
  153. koth:
  154. - '&7&m------------------------'
  155. - '&a&lTemple: &f<timer>m'
  156. - '&c&lEvent Duration: &f<total_duration>'
  157. - '&7&m------------------------'
  158. - '&6&lCapper: &e<capper>'
  159. - '&d&lEquipo: &f<capper_team>'
  160. queue:
  161. - '&7&m------------------------'
  162. - '&dKit: &a<kit>'
  163. - '&6Elo range: &e<search_range1>&8-&e<search_range2>'
  164. - '&eEn duelo: &a<in_fight>'
  165. - '&eEn cola: &a<in_queue>'
  166. - '&7&m------------------------'
  167. party-addition:
  168. - '&6Party Members: &e<party_members>'
  169. enderpearl-cooldown-addition:
  170. - '&dEnderpearl: &f<enderpearl_cooldown>s'
  171. economy:
  172. enabled: true
  173. kill-give: true
  174. kill-amount: 10
  175. death-withdraw: true
  176. withdraw-amount: 5
  177. cache-messages: true
  178. enable-colored-names: true
  179. rollback-arenas: true
  180. join-lobby-teleport: true
  181. allow-teleporting-in-fight: false
  182. allow-short-teleports: true
  183. max-teleport-distance: 10
  184. disable-grass-spread: true
  185. disable-crafting-in-fight: true
  186. anti-rain: true
  187. anti-lava-generator: false
  188. disable-building-without-build-kit: true
  189. prevent-item-dropping: true
  190. enderpearl-cooldown:
  191. enabled: true
  192. cooldown: 10
  193. format: '0.0'
  194. interval: 1
  195. pearl-name: '&bEnderpearl Cooldown: &d<time>&cs'
  196. cooldown-message: '&9&l(Enderpearl) &cDebes esperar &c<time> &csegundos para usar
  197. perla!'
  198. database:
  199. mysql: true
  200. host: hidden
  201. port: 3306
  202. user: hidden
  203. password: hidden
  204. name: practice
  205. clickable-messages: true
  206. clickable-message: '&7[&aClick aqui&7]'
  207. save-elo-fights: true
  208. save-all-fights: false
  209. max-recording-time: 300
  210. record-all-fights: true
  211. record-elo-fights: true
  212. remove-record-after: 0.5
  213. date-format: dd/MM HH:mm:ss
  214. current-time-format: HH:mm
  215. server-time-increase: 0
  216. ranked:
  217. elo-range-time: 5
  218. elo-range-increase: 50
  219. anyone-after: 60
  220. match:
  221. block-all-commands: false
  222. blocked-commands:
  223. - /kit
  224. - /essentials:kit
  225. - /exampleblockedcommand
  226. - /examplepluginname:exampleblockedcommand
  227. spectator-block-all-commands: false
  228. spectator-blocked-commands:
  229. - /kit
  230. - /essentials:kit
  231. - /exampleblockedcommand
  232. - /examplepluginname:exampleblockedcommand
  233. default-language: english
  234. countdown-time: 5
  235. party-settings-title: '&6Opciones de team'
  236. max-party-members: 10
  237. playback-gui-title: '&bDuelos recientes'
  238. inventory-title: '&bSeleccionar kit'
  239. queue-inventory-title: '&1Selecciona un kit'
  240. quit-item-name: '&cSalir de la cola'
  241. kit-editor-in-kit-selector: true
  242. kit-selector-editor-name: '&3Custom Kit Editor'
  243. kit-selector-editor-material: BOOK
  244. kit-editor-title: '&6Editar Kits'
  245. kit-editor-anvil: false
  246. kit-editor-save-sing-line-1: §aGuardar kit
  247. kit-editor-leave-line-1: §aRegresar
  248. kit-editor-reset-kit-line-1: §aReiniciar
  249. remove-drops: 3
  250. automatic-max-rollback-rate: flase
  251. max-block-changes-per-tick-per-arena: 10
  252. max-block-checks-per-tick-per-arena: 300
  253. max-block-changes-per-tick-brackets-arena: 50
  254. max-block-checks-per-tick-brackets-arena: 750
  255. in-queue: '&eEn cola: &a<players>'
  256. in-match: '&eEn juego: &a<players>'
  257. duel-inventory: true
  258. duel-inventory-title: '&cOpciones de duelo'
  259. duel-inventory-duel: '&aEnviar un duelo'
  260. duel-inventory-pending: '&bDuelos pendientes'
  261. duel-inventory-toggle-disabled: '&aActivar peticiones de duelos'
  262. duel-inventory-toggle-enabled: '&cDesactivar peticiones de duelos'
  263. fight-inventory:
  264. item-start-slot: 1
  265. helmet-slot: 37
  266. chestplate-slot: 38
  267. leggings-slot: 39
  268. boots-slot: 40
  269. food-slot: 43
  270. health-slot: 41
  271. pots-slot: 42
  272. name-slot: 44
  273. food: '&6Comida: <food>/20'
  274. health: '&dVida: <health>/20'
  275. dead: '&cJugador derrotado'
  276. pots: '&dEfecto &8- &aMultiplicador &8- &6Duracion'
  277. effect: '&b<type> &8- &e<amplifier> &8- &c<duration> minutos'
  278. inventory: '&aFight Inventory'
  279. name: '&eInventario de &6<name>'
  280. starting-elo: 1000
  281. show-stats:
  282. deaths: true
  283. kills: true
  284. elo: true
  285. party-wins: true
  286. lms: true
  287. brackets: true
  288. party:
  289. in-match-party: '&c<name>&e''s party &7(&cen duelo&7)'
  290. not-in-match-party: '&c<name>''s party &7(&aen lobby&7)'
  291. your-party: '&6Tu equipo'
  292. inventory-title: '&bDuelo de equipos'
  293. ffa-item: DIAMOND
  294. ffa-item-name: '&bParty FFA'
  295. ffa-item-lore:
  296. - '&9Pelea contra otros'
  297. - '&9miembros de tu equipo'
  298. split-item: DIAMOND_SWORD
  299. split-item-name: '&bParty Split'
  300. split-item-lore:
  301. - '&9Divide tu equipo en dos partes y'
  302. - '&9lucha contra la parte enemiga'
  303. chat-format: '&7[&5Equipo&7] &a<player>: &b<message>'
  304. create:
  305. costs: true
  306. amount: 20
  307. request-cooldown: 5000
  308. party-invite-cooldown: 3000
  309. team1-prefix: '&9'
  310. team2-prefix: '&c'
  311. back-button-name: '&cRegresar'
  312. preview-custom-kit: '&6Click para ver el kit personalizado'
  313. public-party-broadcast-time: 30
  314. language:
  315. title: '&bSelect your language'
  316. your-language-item: WOOL
  317. your-language: '&b&lYour language: <language>'
  318. inv-size: 18
  319. preview:
  320. shift-click-preview: true
  321. select-kit-title: '&9Seleccionar un kit'
  322. title: '&9Kit Preview'
  323. pots: '&cEfectos:'
  324. potions: '&b<type> &8- &a<amplifier> &8- &c<duration> minutos'
  325. elo-item: GOLD_INGOT
  326. elo-name: '&eELO: &a<value>'
  327. custom-kit:
  328. enabled: true
  329. default-name: '&bCrear kit personalizado'
  330. icon-material: DIAMOND_SWORD
  331. premade: premadecustomkit
  332. second-line: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:2
  333. main-title: '&cKit personalizado'
  334. new-name: '&6Nombre del kit: &r<name>'
  335. custom-kit-name: '&cIcono del kit'
  336. helmets: '&cCasco del kit'
  337. chestplates: '&cPeto del kit'
  338. leggings: '&cPerneras del kit'
  339. boots: '&cBotas del kit'
  340. item: '&cItem del kit: '
  341. air: '&6Nada'
  342. horse: '&cHorse: <value>'
  343. combo: '&cCombo: <value>'
  344. bow: '&cBow: <value>'
  345. build: '&cBuildUHC: <value>'
  346. horse-item: GOLD_BARDING
  347. combo-item: CLAY
  348. bow-item: BOW
  349. build-item: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  350. use-custom-items: false
  351. replaces-kits:
  352. - thisKitWillBeReplacedWithThePlayersCustomKit
  353. sign-stats:
  354. line-1: '&8[&4Stats&8]'
  355. line-2: '&aClick para ver!'
  356. player-line: '&2<player>'
  357. brackets-line: '&3Brackets Wins'
  358. kills-line: '&aAsesinatos'
  359. deaths-line: '&cMuertes'
  360. lms-line: '&1LMS Wins'
  361. party-wins-line: '&5Party Wins'
  362. elo-line: <kit>
  363. value: '&b<value>'
  364. global-elo: 'Global'
  365. locations:
  366. elo:
  367. NoDebuff: 1.0, 64.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, world
  368. kills: 1.0, 64.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, world
  369. lms: -1.0, 64.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, world
  370. deaths: 0.0, 64.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, world
  371. party-wins: 1.0, 63.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, world
  372. brackets: -1.0, 63.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, world
  373. automatic-events:
  374. broadcast:
  375. delay: 10
  376. times: 5
  377. lms: '&7[&cLMS&7] &eEl evento &cLast Man Stading &eva a empezar! Escribe &7/lms
  378. join &epara entrar!'
  379. brackets: '&7[&cTournament&7] &eEl &9torneo &eva a empezar! Escribe &7/brackets
  380. join &epara entrar!'
  381. juggernaut: '&7[&cJuggernaut&7] &eEl evento &bJuggernaut &eva a empezar! Escribe
  382. &7/juggernaut join &epara entrar!'
  383. koth: '&7[&cKoTH&7] &eEl evento &6KoTH &eva a empezar! Escribe &7/koth join &epara
  384. entrar!'
  385. juggernaut-kit: Gapple
  386. juggernaut-player-kit: NoDebuff
  387. koth-kit: NoDebuff
  388. lms-kit: NoDebuff
  389. brackets-kit: NoDebuff
  390. times:
  391. - 15:30:lms
  392. - 16:30:koth
  393. - 19:30:brackets
  394. - 20:30:juggernaut
  395. - 22:30:lms
  396. - 01:30:koth
  397. - 09:30:brackets
  398. - 11:30:juggernaut
  399. brackets:
  400. winner-cmd: eco give <player> 100
  401. auto-start: 8
  402. auto-start-after-seconds: 10
  403. lobby:
  404. ==: Location
  405. world: world
  406. x: 495.7049180588436
  407. y: 128.0
  408. z: -495.94732893979955
  409. pitch: 23.46127
  410. yaw: 267.23245
  411. koth:
  412. arena: optionalKothArena
  413. anytime-join: true
  414. team1: '&9Equipo Azul'
  415. team2: '&cEquipo Rojo'
  416. timer: 300
  417. spawn1:
  418. ==: Location
  419. world: world
  420. x: 1000.4232208099437
  421. y: 100.0
  422. z: 940.4503726991846
  423. pitch: -2.60837
  424. yaw: -0.13950214
  425. spawn2:
  426. ==: Location
  427. world: world
  428. x: 1000.4543705608187
  429. y: 100.0
  430. z: 1058.116776666356
  431. pitch: 0.79873574
  432. yaw: -179.71399
  433. corner1:
  434. ==: Location
  435. world: world
  436. x: 1003.6999999880791
  437. y: 107.0
  438. z: 1003.6999999880791
  439. pitch: 61.926178
  440. yaw: -205.36746
  441. corner2:
  442. ==: Location
  443. world: world
  444. x: 997.3000000119209
  445. y: 112.84759583948104
  446. z: 997.3000000119209
  447. pitch: -16.63764
  448. yaw: -223.40508
  449. lobby: 0.511844761197904, 60.0, 0.46388664041311434, -0.60125524, -2.5930705, world
  450. editing-place: 30.4755016364914, 59.0, 18.44404298537107, -1.0020884, 4.020726, world
  451. lms:
  452. spawn:
  453. ==: Location
  454. world: world
  455. x: 500.5
  456. y: 100.0
  457. z: 500.5
  458. pitch: -9.623014
  459. yaw: -223.40508
  460. juggernaut:
  461. spawn:
  462. ==: Location
  463. world: world
  464. x: -499.5
  465. y: 100.0
  466. z: -499.5
  467. pitch: 0.39788392
  468. yaw: -272.70782
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