
Adjective World Lists

Feb 22nd, 2019
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  1. able
  2. abundant
  3. acid
  4. adorable
  5. adventurous
  6. aggressive
  7. agreeable
  8. alert
  9. alive
  10. amused
  11. ancient
  12. angry
  13. annoyed
  14. annoying
  15. anxious
  16. arrogant
  17. ashamed
  18. attractive
  19. automatic
  20. average
  21. awake
  22. awful
  23. bad
  24. bative
  25. beautiful
  26. bent
  27. better
  28. bewildered
  29. big
  30. bitter
  31. black
  32. bloody
  33. blue
  34. blushing
  35. boiling
  36. bored
  37. brainy
  38. brave
  39. breakable
  40. breezy
  41. brief
  42. bright
  43. broad
  44. broken
  45. brown
  46. bumpy
  47. busy
  48. calm
  49. careful
  50. careless
  51. cautious
  52. certain
  53. charming
  54. cheap
  55. cheerful
  56. chemical
  57. chief
  58. chilly
  59. chubby
  60. clean
  61. clear
  62. clever
  63. cloudy
  64. clumsy
  65. cold
  66. colorful
  67. colossal
  68. concerned
  69. condemned
  70. confused
  71. conscious
  72. cooing
  73. cool
  74. cooperative
  75. courageous
  76. crazy
  77. creepy
  78. crooked
  79. crowded
  80. cruel
  81. cuddly
  82. curious
  83. curly
  84. curved
  85. cut
  86. cute
  87. damaged
  88. damp
  89. dangerous
  90. dark
  91. dead
  92. deafening
  93. dear
  94. deep
  95. defeated
  96. defiant
  97. delicate
  98. delicious
  99. delightful
  100. dependent
  101. depressed
  102. determined
  103. different
  104. difficult
  105. dirty
  106. disgusted
  107. distinct
  108. disturbed
  109. dizzy
  110. doubtful
  111. drab
  112. dry
  113. dull
  114. dusty
  115. eager
  116. early
  117. Early
  118. easy
  119. elastic
  120. elated
  121. electric
  122. elegant
  123. embarrassed
  124. empty
  125. enchanting
  126. encouraging
  127. energetic
  128. enthusiastic
  129. envious
  130. equal
  131. evil
  132. excited
  133. exciting
  134. expensive
  135. exuberant
  136. faint
  137. fair
  138. faithful
  139. FALSE
  140. famous
  141. fancy
  142. fantastic
  143. fast
  144. fat
  145. feeble
  146. female
  147. fertile
  148. few
  149. fierce
  150. filthy
  151. fine
  152. first
  153. fixed
  154. flaky
  155. flat
  156. fluffy
  157. fluttering
  158. foggy
  159. foolish
  160. fortable
  161. fragile
  162. frail
  163. frantic
  164. free
  165. freezing
  166. frequent
  167. fresh
  168. friendly
  169. frightened
  170. full
  171. funny
  172. future
  173. fuzzy
  174. general
  175. gentle
  176. gifted
  177. gigantic
  178. glamorous
  179. gleaming
  180. glorious
  181. good
  182. gorgeous
  183. graceful
  184. gray
  185. greasy
  186. great
  187. green
  188. grieving
  189. grotesque
  190. grubby
  191. grumpy
  192. handsome
  193. hanging
  194. happy
  195. hard
  196. harsh
  197. healthy
  198. heavy
  199. helpful
  200. helpless
  201. high
  202. hilarious
  203. hissing
  204. hollow
  205. homeless
  206. homely
  207. horrible
  208. hot
  209. huge
  210. humid
  211. hungry
  212. hurt
  213. hushed
  214. husky
  215. icy
  216. ill
  217. immense
  218. important
  219. impossible
  220. inexpensive
  221. innocent
  222. inquisitive
  223. interesting
  224. itchy
  225. jealous
  226. jittery
  227. jolly
  228. joyous
  229. juicy
  230. kind
  231. large
  232. last
  233. late
  234. lazy
  235. left
  236. light
  237. like
  238. little
  239. lively
  240. living
  241. lonely
  242. long
  243. loose
  244. loud
  245. lousy
  246. lovely
  247. low
  248. lucky
  249. magnificent
  250. male
  251. mammoth
  252. many
  253. married
  254. massive
  255. material
  256. medical
  257. melodic
  258. melted
  259. military
  260. miniature
  261. misty
  262. mixed
  263. moaning
  264. modern
  265. mon
  266. motionless
  267. muddy
  268. mushy
  269. mute
  270. mysterious
  271. narrow
  272. nasty
  273. natural
  274. naughty
  275. necessary
  276. nervous
  277. new
  278. nice
  279. noisy
  280. normal
  281. numerous
  282. nutritious
  283. nutty
  284. obedient
  285. obnoxious
  286. odd
  287. old
  288. open
  289. opposite
  290. outrageous
  291. outstanding
  292. panicky
  293. parallel
  294. past
  295. perfect
  296. petite
  297. physical
  298. plain
  299. plastic
  300. pleasant
  301. plete
  302. plex
  303. poised
  304. political
  305. poor
  306. popular
  307. possible
  308. powerful
  309. precious
  310. premium
  311. present
  312. prickly
  313. private
  314. probable
  315. proud
  316. public
  317. puny
  318. purring
  319. puzzled
  320. quaint
  321. quick
  322. quiet
  323. rainy
  324. rapid
  325. raspy
  326. ready
  327. real
  328. red
  329. regular
  330. relieved
  331. repulsive
  332. resonant
  333. responsible
  334. rich
  335. right
  336. ripe
  337. rotten
  338. rough
  339. round
  340. sad
  341. safe
  342. salty
  343. same
  344. scary
  345. scattered
  346. scrawny
  347. screeching
  348. second
  349. secret
  350. selfish
  351. separate
  352. serious
  353. shaggy
  354. shaky
  355. shallow
  356. sharp
  357. shiny
  358. shivering
  359. short
  360. shrill
  361. shut
  362. shy
  363. silent
  364. silky
  365. silly
  366. simple
  367. skinny
  368. sleepy
  369. slimy
  370. slippery
  371. slow
  372. small
  373. smiling
  374. smoggy
  375. smooth
  376. snowy
  377. soft
  378. solid
  379. sore
  380. sour
  381. sparkling
  382. special
  383. spicy
  384. splendid
  385. spotless
  386. square
  387. squealing
  388. stale
  389. steady
  390. steep
  391. sticky
  392. stiff
  393. stormy
  394. straight
  395. strange
  396. strong
  397. stupid
  398. substantial
  399. successful
  400. sudden
  401. sunny
  402. super
  403. sweet
  404. swift
  405. talented
  406. tall
  407. tame
  408. tart
  409. tasteless
  410. tasty
  411. teeny
  412. tender
  413. tense
  414. terrible
  415. testy
  416. thankful
  417. thick
  418. thin
  419. thirsty
  420. thoughtful
  421. thoughtless
  422. thundering
  423. tight
  424. tiny
  425. tired
  426. tough
  427. troubled
  428. TRUE
  429. ugliest
  430. ugly
  431. uneven
  432. uninterested
  433. unlucky
  434. unsightly
  435. unusual
  436. upset
  437. uptight
  438. vast
  439. victorious
  440. violent
  441. vivacious
  442. voiceless
  443. waiting
  444. wandering
  445. warm
  446. weak
  447. weary
  448. wet
  449. whispering
  450. white
  451. wicked
  452. wide
  453. wild
  454. windy
  455. wise
  456. witty
  457. wonderful
  458. wooden
  459. worried
  460. wrong
  461. yellow
  462. young
  463. yummy
  464. zany
  465. zealous
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