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Oct 20th, 2018
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  1. STRINGS = {
  2. # Global messages
  3. "bot.added_by": "Tarafından eklendi",
  4. "bot.alias": "Takma Ad",
  5. "bot.aliases": "Takma Adlar",
  6. "bot.canvas": "Canvas",
  7. "bot.canvases": "Canvases",
  8. "bot.coordinates": "Koordinatlar",
  9. "bot.date_added": "Ekleme tarihi",
  10. "bot.date_modified": "Değiştirilme tarihi",
  11. "bot.dimensions": "Dimensions",
  12. "bot.errors": "Hatalar",
  13. "bot.examples": "Örnekler",
  14. "bot.faction": "Faction",
  15. "": "İsim",
  16. "": "Hayır",
  17. "bot.or_all_caps": "Veya",
  18. "": "Sayfa",
  19. "bot.percent": "Percent",
  20. "bot.private": "Private",
  21. "bot.public": "Public",
  22. "bot.size": "Size",
  23. "bot.subcommands": "Subcommands",
  24. "": "Total",
  25. "bot.update": "I have updated to version **{0}**! Here's the changelog:",
  26. "bot.update_no_changelog": "I have updated to version **{0}**! Visit for the full changelog.",
  27. "bot.usage": "Usage",
  28. "bot.visibility": "Visibility",
  29. "bot.yes": "Evet",
  31. # Error messages
  32. "error.bad_image": "An error occurred while attempting to open an image. Ensure that the supplied image is not corrupted.",
  33. "error.bad_png": "This image seems to be corrupted. Try re-saving it with an image editor or using `{0}quantize`.",
  34. "error.cannot_fetch_template": "Could not access template URL. (Was the original attachment deleted?)",
  35. "error.cooldown": "That command is on cooldown. Try again in {0:.01f}s.",
  36. "error.faction_not_found": "That faction could not be found.",
  37. "error.http": "There was an error retrieving data from a remote location. Try again later.",
  38. "error.http_canvas": "{0} seems to be having connection issues. Try again later.",
  39. "error.invalid_color": "That is not a valid color.",
  40. "error.invalid_option": "That is not a valid option. Please try again.",
  41. "error.jpeg": "Seriously? A JPEG? Gross! Please create a PNG template instead.",
  42. "error.no_attachment": "That command requires an attachment.",
  43. "error.no_dm": "That command only works in guilds.",
  44. "error.no_self_permission": "I do not have the permission to do that in this channel.",
  45. "error.no_templates": "This guild currently has no templates.",
  46. "error.no_templates_for_canvas": "This guild currently has no templates for that canvas.",
  47. "error.no_user_permission": "You do not have permission to use that command.",
  48. "error.not_png": "That command requires a PNG image.",
  49. "error.non_discord_url": "I can only accept Discord attachment URLs.",
  50. "error.template_not_found": "That template could not be found.",
  51. "error.timed_out": "Command timed out.",
  52. "error.unknown": "An unknown error occurred. The dev has been notified.",
  53. "error.why": "But... why?",
  55. # Animotes command messages
  56. "animotes.opt_in": "You have successfully **opted-in** to emoji conversion.",
  57. "animotes.opt_out": "You have successfully **opted-out** of emoji conversion.",
  59. # Canvas command messages
  60. "canvas.diff": "{0}/{1} | {2} errors | {3} complete",
  61. "canvas.diff_bad_color": "{0}/{1} | {2} errors | {bad} bad color | {3} complete",
  62. "canvas.diff_error_list": "({}, {}) is {}, should be {}",
  63. "canvas.invalid_input": "Invalid input: does not match any template name or supported coordinates format.",
  64. "canvas.large_template": "(Processing large template, this might take a few seconds...)",
  65. "canvas.quantize": "Fixed {0} pixels.",
  66. "canvas.repeat_not_found": "Could not find a valid command to repeat.",
  68. # Configuration command messages
  69. "configuration.alert_channel_cleared": "Alert channel has been cleared.",
  70. "configuration.alert_channel_set": "Alert channel has been set to {0}.",
  71. "configuration.autoscan_disabled": "Autoscan has been disabled.",
  72. "configuration.autoscan_enabled": "Autoscan has been enabled.",
  73. "configuration.canvas_check_1": "This guild's default canvas is **{0}**.",
  74. "configuration.canvas_check_2": "To change the default canvas, run this command again with a supported canvas. (Use `{0}help canvas` to see a list.)",
  75. "configuration.canvas_set": "Default canvas has been set to **{0}**.",
  76. "configuration.language_check_1": "This guild's current language is **{0}**.",
  77. "configuration.language_check_2": "To set a new language, run this command again with one of the following options:",
  78. "configuration.language_set": "Language has been set to **English (US)**.",
  79. "configuration.prefix_set": "Prefix for this guild has been set to **{0}**.",
  80. "configuration.role_list_header": "Roles List",
  81. "configuration.role_list_botadmin": "Can do anything an Administrator can do",
  82. "configuration.role_list_footer": "Use '{0}role <type>' to view the current linked role.",
  83. "configuration.role_list_templateadder": "Can add templates, and remove templates they added themself",
  84. "configuration.role_list_templateadmin": "Can add and remove any template",
  85. "configuration.role_not_found": "That role could not be found.",
  86. "configuration.role_bot_admin_check": "Bot admin privileges are currently assigned to `@{0}`.",
  87. "configuration.role_bot_admin_cleared": "Bot admin privileges successfully cleared.",
  88. "configuration.role_bot_admin_not_set": "Bot admin privileges have not been assigned to a role.",
  89. "configuration.role_bot_admin_set": "Bot admin privileges assigned to role `@{0}`.",
  90. "configuration.role_template_adder_check": "Template adder privileges are currently assigned to `@{0}`.",
  91. "configuration.role_template_adder_cleared": "Template adder privileges successfully cleared.",
  92. "configuration.role_template_adder_not_set": "Template adder privileges have not been assigned to a role.",
  93. "configuration.role_template_adder_set": "Template adder privileges assigned to role `@{0}`.",
  94. "configuration.role_template_admin_check": "Template admin privileges are currently assigned to `@{0}`.",
  95. "configuration.role_template_admin_cleared": "Template admin privileges successfully cleared.",
  96. "configuration.role_template_admin_not_set": "Template admin privileges have not been assigned to a role.",
  97. "configuration.role_template_admin_set": "Template admin privileges assigned to role `@{0}`.",
  99. # Faction command messages
  100. "faction.alias_already_exists": "A faction with that alias already exists.",
  101. "faction.already_faction": "This guild is already a faction.",
  102. "faction.assembled": "Faction `{}` assembled.",
  103. "faction.clear_alias": "Faction alias cleared.",
  104. "faction.clear_color": "Faction color cleared.",
  105. "faction.clear_description": "Faction description cleared.",
  106. "faction.clear_emblem": "Faction emblem cleared.",
  107. "faction.clear_hide": "Unhid faction `{}`.",
  108. "faction.clear_invite": "Faction invite cleared. NOTE: Invite link is still active and must be removed manually.",
  109. "faction.currently_hidden": "The following factions are currently hidden:",
  110. "faction.disbanded": "Faction successfully disbanded.",
  111. "faction.err.alias_length": "Faction aliases must be between 1 and 5 characters.",
  112. "faction.err.description_length": "Faction descriptions must be at most 240 characters.",
  113. "faction.err.invalid_invite": "That is not a valid invite.",
  114. "faction.err.invite_not_this_guild": "You must use an invite to this guild.",
  115. "faction.err.name_length": "Faction names must be between 6 and 32 characters.",
  116. "faction.faction_list_footer_1": "Use '{0}faction <page>' to see that page",
  117. "faction.faction_list_footer_2": "Use '{0}faction info <name>' to see more info on a faction",
  118. "faction.list_header": "Faction List",
  119. "faction.must_be_a_faction": "This guild needs to become a faction to use that command.",
  120. "faction.name_already_exists": "A faction with that name already exists.",
  121. "faction.no_alias": "This faction does not have an alias.",
  122. "faction.no_description": "This faction does not have a description.",
  123. "faction.no_emblem": "This faction does not have an emblem.",
  124. "faction.no_invite": "This faction has not set a public invite.",
  125. "faction.no_factions": "There doesn't seem to be any guilds yet...",
  126. "faction.no_factions_hidden": "This guild has not hidden any factions.",
  127. "faction.not_a_faction_yet": "This guild has not created a faction yet.",
  128. "faction.set_alias": "Faction alias set to `{}`.",
  129. "faction.set_color": "Faction color set.",
  130. "faction.set_description": "Faction description set.",
  131. "faction.set_emblem": "Faction emblem set.",
  132. "faction.set_invite": "Faction invite set.",
  133. "faction.set_hide": "Hid faction `{}`.",
  134. "faction.set_name": "Faction renamed to `{}`.",
  136. # General command messages
  137. "general.err.cannot_get_changelog": "There was an error fetching the changelog. Visit to see all releases.",
  138. "general.help_command_list_header": "Command List",
  139. "general.help_more_info": "Use `{}help <command>` to view more info about a specific command.",
  140. "general.help_subcommand": "# Use '{}help {} (subcommand)' to view more info about a subcommand",
  141. "": "Pinging...",
  142. "general.pong": "Pong! | **{0}ms**",
  143. "general.suggest": "Your suggestion has been sent. Thank you for your input!",
  144. "general.version": "My version number is **{0}**",
  146. # Template command messages
  147. "template.added": "Template '{0}' added!",
  148. "template.calculating": "Calculating...",
  149. "template.duplicate_list_open": "The following templates already match this image:",
  150. "template.duplicate_list_close": "Create a new template anyway?",
  151. "template.err.max_templates": "This guild already has the maximum number of templates. Please remove a template before adding another.",
  152. "template.err.name_exists": "A template with that name already exists. Please choose a different name.",
  153. "template.err.name_not_found": "Could not find template with name `{0}`.",
  154. "template.err.name_too_long": "That name is too long. Please use a name under {0} characters.",
  155. "template.err.no_public_templates": "There are currently no public templates.",
  156. "template.err.not_owner": "You do not have permission to modify that template.",
  157. "template.fetching_data": "Fetching data from {}...",
  158. "template.link_to_canvas": "Link to canvas",
  159. "template.list_all_footer_1": "Use '{0}template all <page>' to see that page",
  160. "template.list_all_footer_2": "Use '{0}template info -f <faction> <name>' to see more info on a template",
  161. "template.list_header": "Template List",
  162. "template.list_footer_1": "Use '{0}template <page>' to see that page",
  163. "template.list_footer_2": "Use '{0}template info <name>' to see more info on a template",
  164. "template.name_exists_ask_replace": "A template with the name '{0}' already exists for {1} at ({2}, {3}). Replace it?",
  165. "template.not_quantized": "This image contains colors that are not part of this canvas's palette. Would you like to quantize it?",
  166. "template.remove": "Successfully removed '{0}'.",
  167. "template.template_report_header": "Template Report",
  168. "template.updated": "Template '{0}' updated!",
  170. # Command brief help
  171. "brief.alertchannel": "Set or clear the channel used for update alerts.",
  172. "brief.alertchannel.clear": "Clears the alert channel.",
  173. "brief.alertchannel.set": "Sets the alert channel.",
  174. "brief.assemble": "Assemble this guild into a faction.",
  175. "brief.autoscan": "Toggles automatic preview and diff.",
  176. "brief.canvas": "Sets the default canvas website for this guild.",
  177. "brief.canvas.pixelcanvas": "Sets the default canvas to",
  178. "brief.canvas.pixelzio": "Sets the default canvas to",
  179. "brief.canvas.pixelzone": "Sets the default canvas to",
  180. "brief.canvas.pxlsspace": "Sets the default canvas to",
  181. "brief.changelog": "Gets a link to my releases page.",
  182. "brief.diff": "Checks completion status of a template on a canvas.",
  183. "brief.diff.pixelcanvas": "Creates a diff using",
  184. "brief.diff.pixelzio": "Creates a diff using",
  185. "brief.diff.pixelzone": "Creates a diff using",
  186. "brief.diff.pxlsspace": "Creates a diff using",
  187. "brief.disband": "Disband this guild's faction.",
  188. "brief.ditherchart": "Gets a chart of canvas colors dithered together.",
  189. "brief.ditherchart.pixelcanvas": "Gets a dither chart of colors.",
  190. "brief.ditherchart.pixelzio": "Gets a dither chart of colors.",
  191. "brief.ditherchart.pixelzone": "Gets a dither chart of colors.",
  192. "brief.ditherchart.pxlsspace": "Gets a dither chart of colors.",
  193. "brief.faction": "Manages this guild's faction.",
  194. "": "View or modify the name of this guild's faction.",
  195. "": "Set the name of this guild's faction.",
  196. "brief.faction.alias": "View or modify the alias of this guild's faction.",
  197. "brief.faction.alias.clear": "Clear the alias of this guild's faction.",
  198. "brief.faction.alias.set": "Set the alias of this guild's faction.",
  199. "brief.faction.invite": "View or modify the invite link.",
  200. "brief.faction.invite.clear": "Clear the invite link.",
  201. "brief.faction.invite.set": "Set the invite link.",
  202. "brief.faction.desc": "View or modify the description.",
  203. "brief.faction.desc.clear": "Clear the description.",
  204. "brief.faction.desc.set": "Set the description.",
  205. "brief.faction.emblem": "View or modify the emblem image.",
  206. "brief.faction.emblem.clear": "Clear the emblem image.",
  207. "brief.faction.emblem.set": "Set the emblem image.",
  208. "brief.faction.color": "View or modify the color.",
  209. "brief.faction.color.clear": "Clear the color.",
  210. "brief.faction.color.set": "Set the color.",
  211. "brief.factioninfo": "Get info about a faction.",
  212. "brief.factionlist": "List all factions.",
  213. "brief.github": "Gets a link to my GitHub repository.",
  214. "brief.gridify": "Adds a grid to a template.",
  215. "": "Displays this message.",
  216. "brief.hide": "Hide a faction from public lists.",
  217. "": "Get info about a faction.",
  218. "brief.invite": "Gets my invite link.",
  219. "brief.language": "Sets my language.",
  220. "": "Pong!",
  221. "brief.prefix": "Sets my command prefix for this guild.",
  222. "brief.preview": "Previews the canvas at a given coordinate.",
  223. "brief.preview.pixelcanvas": "Creates a preview using",
  224. "brief.preview.pixelzio": "Creates a preview using",
  225. "brief.preview.pixelzone": "Creates a preview using",
  226. "brief.preview.pxlsspace": "Creates a preview using",
  227. "brief.quantize": "Rough converts an image to the palette of a canvas.",
  228. "brief.quantize.pixelcanvas": "Quantizes colors using the palette of",
  229. "brief.quantize.pixelzio": "Quantizes colors using the palette of",
  230. "brief.quantize.pixelzone": "Quantizes colors using the palette of",
  231. "brief.quantize.pxlsspace": "Quantizes colors using the palette of",
  232. "brief.register": "Opt-in to animated emoji replacement.",
  233. "brief.repeat": "Repeats the last used canvas command.",
  234. "brief.role": "Assign bot privileges to a role.",
  235. "brief.role.botadmin": "Configure Bot Admin privileges.",
  236. "brief.role.botadmin.clear": "Clear the role assigned to Bot Admin.",
  237. "brief.role.botadmin.set": "Set the role assigned to Bot Admin.",
  238. "brief.role.templateadder": "Configure Template Adder privileges.",
  239. "brief.role.templateadder.clear": "Clear the role assigned to Template Adder.",
  240. "brief.role.templateadder.set": "Set the role assigned to Template Adder.",
  241. "brief.role.templateadmin": "Configure Template Admin privileges.",
  242. "brief.role.templateadmin.clear": "Clear the role assigned to Template Admin.",
  243. "brief.role.templateadmin.set": "Set the role assigned to Template Admin.",
  244. "brief.suggest": "Sends a suggestion to the developer.",
  245. "brief.template": "Manages templates.",
  246. "brief.template.add": "Adds a template.",
  247. "brief.template.add.pixelcanvas": "Adds a template for",
  248. "brief.template.add.pixelzio": "Adds a template for",
  249. "brief.template.add.pixelzone": "Adds a template for",
  250. "brief.template.add.pxlsspace": "Adds a template for",
  251. "brief.template.all": "List all templates for all factions.",
  252. "brief.template.check": "Check the completion status of all templates.",
  253. "brief.template.check.pixelcanvas": "Check the completion status of all templates.",
  254. "brief.template.check.pixelzio": "Check the completion status of all templates.",
  255. "brief.template.check.pixelzone": "Check the completion status of all templates.",
  256. "brief.template.check.pxlsspace": "Check the completion status of all templates.",
  257. "": "Displays info about a template.",
  258. "brief.template.remove": "Removes a template.",
  259. "brief.unhide": "Unhide a faction from public lists.",
  260. "brief.unregister": "Opt-out of animated emoji replacement.",
  261. "brief.version": "Gets my version number.",
  263. # Command long help
  264. "help.alertchannel.set": "Use the #channel mention syntax with this command to ensure the correct channel is set.",
  265. "help.assemble": "Faction names and aliases must be unique. Names must be between 6 and 32 characters, case sensitive. Aliases must be between 1 and 5 characters, case insensitive.",
  266. "help.autoscan":
  267. """If enabled, I will watch all messages for coordinates and automatically create previews and diffs according to these rules:
  268. - Any message with coordinates in the form "@0, 0" will trigger a preview for the default canvas (see `{p}help canvas`)
  269. - Any message with a link to a supported canvas will trigger a preview for that canvas.
  270. - Any message with coordinates in the form "0, 0" with a PNG attached will trigger a diff for the default canvas.
  271. - Previews take precedence over diffs""",
  272. "help.canvas": "Defaults to",
  273. "help.diff":
  274. """Images must be in PNG format.
  275. Error pixels will be marked in red. Pixels that do not match the canvas palette ('bad color') will be marked in blue (see `{p}help quantize`).
  276. You cannot zoom an image to contain more than 4 million pixels.
  277. Use the `-e` flag to print out the specific coordinates of the first 15 error pixels.""",
  278. "help.faction.create":
  279. """Factions must have unique names (6 to 32 chars, case sensitive) and, if at all, unique aliases (1 to 5 chars, case insensitive).
  280. A guild can only have one faction at any given time.""",
  281. "help.faction.hide": "You can still view info about hidden factions if you explicitly use their name or alias in commands with the `-f` paramater.",
  282. "": "Faction names must be unique. Min 6 chars, max 32 chars. Case sensitive.",
  283. "help.faction.alias.set": "Faction aliases must be unique. Min 1 char, max 32 chars. Case insensitive.",
  284. "help.faction.desc.set": "Max 240 characters.",
  285. "help.faction.emblem.set": "URLs must be Discord URLs.",
  286. "help.faction.color.set": "Color must be a valid hexidecimal number. Default 0xCF6EE4.",
  287. "help.gridify": "You cannot zoom an image to contain more than 4 million pixels.",
  288. "help.prefix": "Max length is 5 characters. You really shouldn't need more than 2.",
  289. "help.preview": "Maximum zoom is 16. Minimum zoom is -8.",
  290. "help.quantize":
  291. """This should primarily be used if `{p}diff` is telling you your image has 'bad color' in it.
  292. Using this command to create templates from raw images is not suggested.""",
  293. "help.register":
  294. """You only need to register once for this to apply to all guilds.
  295. This feature requires that I have the Manage Messages permission.""",
  296. "help.repeat": "This command only applies to 'preview', 'diff', and their autoscan invocations. Only 50 messages back will be searched.",
  297. "help.role.botadmin": "If a user has a role with this privilege bound to it, that user can use any of my commands with no restrictions. They will have the same permissions as guild Administrators.",
  298. "help.role.templateadder": "If this privilege is bound to a role, all regular members will lose the ability to modify templates unless they have that role.",
  299. "help.role.templateadmin": "If a user has a role with this privilege bound to it, that user can add and remove any template using the 'templates' command, regardless of ownership.",
  300. "help.template.add":
  301. """Image must be in PNG format. If the image is not quantized to the target canvas's palette, I will offer to quantize it for you.
  302. A guild can have up to 25 templates at any time.
  303. Templates must have unique names (max 32 chars, case sensitive). If you attempt to add a new template with the same name as an existing one, it will be replaced if you have permission to remove the old one (see `{p}help remove`).
  304. I only store URLs to templates. If the message that originally uploaded a template is deleted, its URL will break and the template will be lost. Save backups to your computer just in case.""",
  305. "": "Use the `-r` flag to return just the raw image without extra info. You can also add a zoom factor when using this option.",
  306. "help.template.remove": "This command can only be used if the template being removed was added by you, unless you are a Template Admin, Bot Admin, or have the Administrator permission (see 'role').",
  307. "help.unregister": "You only need to unregister once for this to apply to all guilds.",
  309. # Command signatures
  310. "signature.alertchannel": "(subcommand)",
  311. "signature.alertchannel.set": "<channel>",
  312. "signature.assemble": "<name> (alias)",
  313. "signature.canvas": "(subcommand)",
  314. "signature.diff": ["(subcommand) (-e) <coordinates> (zoom)", "(-e) (-f faction) <template> (zoom)"],
  315. "signature.diff.pixelcanvas": "(-e) <coordinates> (zoom)",
  316. "signature.diff.pixelzio": "(-e) <coordinates> (zoom)",
  317. "signature.diff.pixelzone": "(-e) <coordinates> (zoom)",
  318. "signature.diff.pxlsspace": "(-e) <coordinates> (zoom)",
  319. "signature.ditherchart": "(subcommand)",
  320. "signature.faction": "(subcommand)",
  321. "": "(subcommand)",
  322. "": "<name>",
  323. "signature.faction.alias": "(subcommand)",
  324. "signature.faction.alias.set": "<alias>",
  325. "signature.faction.desc": "(subcommand)",
  326. "signature.faction.desc.set": "<description>",
  327. "signature.faction.emblem": "(subcommand)",
  328. "signature.faction.emblem.set": ["", "<url>"],
  329. "signature.faction.color": "(subcommand)",
  330. "signature.faction.color.set": "<color>",
  331. "signature.factioninfo": "(faction)",
  332. "signature.gridify": ["#(size)", "<template> #(size)"],
  333. "signature.hide": "<faction>",
  334. "": "<faction>",
  335. "signature.language": "(code)",
  336. "signature.prefix": "<prefix>",
  337. "signature.preview": "(subcommand) <coordinates> #(zoom)",
  338. "signature.preview.pixelcanvas": "<coordinates> #(zoom)",
  339. "signature.preview.pixelzio": "<coordinates> #(zoom)",
  340. "signature.preview.pixelzone": "<coordinates> #(zoom)",
  341. "signature.preview.pxlsspace": "<coordinates> #(zoom)",
  342. "signature.quantize": "(subcommand)",
  343. "signature.quantize.pixelcanvas": ["", "<template>"],
  344. "signature.quantize.pixelzio": ["", "<template>"],
  345. "signature.quantize.pixelzone": ["", "<template>"],
  346. "signature.quantize.pxlsspace": ["", "<template>"],
  347. "signature.role": "(role)",
  348. "signature.role.botadmin": "(subcommand)",
  349. "signature.role.botadmin.set": "<role>",
  350. "signature.role.templateadder": "(subcommand)",
  351. "signature.role.templateadder.set": "<role>",
  352. "signature.role.templateadmin": "(subcommand)",
  353. "signature.role.templateadmin.set": "<role>",
  354. "signature.suggest": "<suggestion>",
  355. "signature.template": "(subcommand)",
  356. "signature.template.add": "(subcommand) <name> <x> <y> (url)",
  357. "signature.template.add.pixelcanvas": "<name> <x> <y> (url)",
  358. "signature.template.add.pixelzio": "<name> <x> <y> (url)",
  359. "signature.template.add.pixelzone": "<name> <x> <y> (url)",
  360. "signature.template.add.pxlsspace": "<name> <x> <y> (url)",
  361. "signature.template.check": "(subcommand)",
  362. "": "(-r) (-f faction) <template> (zoom)",
  363. "signature.template.remove": "<template>",
  364. "signature.unhide": "(faction)",
  366. # Examples
  367. "example.alertchannel": [("clear", "Clear the alert channel if there is one"),
  368. ("set #bot-spam", "Set the alert channel to a channel named 'bot-spam")],
  369. "example.alertchannel.set": [("#bot-spam", "Set the alert channel to a channel named 'bot-spam'")],
  370. "example.assemble": [("CoolFaction", "Assembles your guild into a faction named 'CoolFaction'"),
  371. ("\"Cool Faction\" cf", "Assembles your guild into a faction named 'Cool Faction' with alias 'cf'")],
  372. "example.canvas": [("", "Show the currently set default canvas"),
  373. ("pc", "Set the default canvas to")],
  374. "example.diff": [("pc 100 100", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100)"),
  375. ("520 -94 7", "(with an attachment) Check an image against the default canvas at (520, -94) and magnify the result 7 times"),
  376. ("-e -256 345", "(with an attachment) Check an image against the default canvas at (-256, 345) and print a short list of specific error pixels"),
  377. ("\"My Template\"", "Check a template named 'My Template'"),
  378. ("-f CoolFaction CoolTemplate", "Check a template named 'CoolTemplate' belonging to the faction 'CoolFaction'"),
  379. ("-e -f CoolFaction CoolTemplate", "Check a template named 'CoolTemplate' belonging to the faction 'CoolFaction' and print a short list of specific error pixels")],
  380. "example.diff.pixelcanvas": [("100 100", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100)"),
  381. ("100 100 7", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100) and magnify the result 7 times")],
  382. "example.diff.pixelzio": [("100 100", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100)"),
  383. ("100 100 7", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100) and magnify the result 7 times")],
  384. "example.diff.pixelzone": [("100 100", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100)"),
  385. ("100 100 7", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100) and magnify the result 7 times")],
  386. "example.diff.pxlsspace": [("100 100", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100)"),
  387. ("100 100 7", "(with an attachment) Check an image against at (100, 100) and magnify the result 7 times")],
  388. "example.ditherchart": [("pc", "Get the ditherchart for")],
  389. "example.faction": [("name", "Print your faction's current name"),
  390. ("desc set Hello World!", "Sets your faction's description to 'Hello World!'"),
  391. ("alias clear", "Clears your faction's alias")],
  392. "example.faction.alias": [("", "Print your faction's current alias"),
  393. ("set abc", "Sets your faction's alias to 'abc'"),
  394. ("clear", "Clears your faction's alias")],
  395. "example.faction.color": [("", "Print your faction's current color"),
  396. ("set FFFFFF", "Sets your faction's color to 'FFFFFF'"),
  397. ("clear", "Resets your faction color to the default")],
  398. "example.faction.desc": [("", "Print your faction's current description"),
  399. ("set Hello World!", "Sets your faction's description to 'Hello World!'"),
  400. ("clear", "Clears your faction's description")],
  401. "example.faction.emblem": [("", "Print your faction's current emblem"),
  402. ("set", "Set your faction emblem to the image at the URL"),
  403. ("clear", "Clears your faction's emblem")],
  404. "example.faction.invite": [("", "Print your faction's current invite link"),
  405. ("set", "Automatically creates a new instant invite to this channel and sets it"),
  406. ("set aAbBcC", "Sets your faction's public invite link to an existing invite with the ID 'aAbBcC'"),
  407. ("set<id>", "Sets your faction's public invite link to an existing URL"),
  408. ("clear", "Clears your faction's invite link")],
  409. "": [("", "Print your faction's current name"),
  410. ("set \"My Cool New Faction\"", "Sets your faction's name to 'My Cool New Faction'")],
  411. "example.factioninfo": [("\"That Faction\"", "Gets info about a faction named 'That Faction'"),
  412. ("abc", "Gets info about a faction with the alias 'abc'")],
  413. "example.gridify": [("#8", "(with an attachment) Gridify an image magnified 8 times"),
  414. ("MyTemplate #16", "Gridify a template named 'MyTemplate' magnified 16 times"),
  415. ("-c 080808 MyTemplate #10", "Gridify a template named 'MyTemplate' magnified 10 times using hex 0x080808 as the grid color")],
  416. "example.hide": [("\"GTFO Faction\"", "Hides a faction named 'GTFO Faction'"),
  417. ("gtfo", "Hides a faction with the alias 'gtfo'")],
  418. "example.language": [("", "View my current language and available language options"),
  419. ("en-us", "Set my language to English (US)")],
  420. "example.prefix": [("", "View my current prefix"),
  421. ("#", "Set my command prefix to '#'")],
  422. "example.preview": [("pc 900 900", "Preview centered on (900, 900)"),
  423. ("900 900 7", "Preview the default canvas centered on (900, 900) magnified 7 times"),
  424. ("900 900 -7", "Preview the default canvas centered on (900, 900) zoomed out 7 times")],
  425. "example.preview.pixelcanvas": [("900 900", "Preview centered on (900, 900)"),
  426. ("900 900 7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) magnified 7 times"),
  427. ("900 900 -7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) zoomed out 7 times")],
  428. "example.preview.pixelzio": [("900 900", "Preview centered on (900, 900)"),
  429. ("900 900 7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) magnified 7 times"),
  430. ("900 900 -7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) zoomed out 7 times")],
  431. "example.preview.pixelzone": [("900 900", "Preview centered on (900, 900)"),
  432. ("900 900 7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) magnified 7 times"),
  433. ("900 900 -7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) zoomed out 7 times")],
  434. "example.preview.pxlsspace": [("900 900", "Preview centered on (900, 900)"),
  435. ("900 900 7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) magnified 7 times"),
  436. ("900 900 -7", "Preview centered on (900, 900) zoomed out 7 times")],
  437. "example.quantize": [("", "(with an attachment) Quantize an attachment to the palette of the default canvas"),
  438. ("pc", "(with an attachment) Quantize an attachment to the palette of"),
  439. ("pc MyTemplate", "Quantize a template named 'MyTemplate' to the palette of")],
  440. "example.quantize.pixelcanvas": [("", "(with an attachment) Quantize an attachment to the palette of the default canvas"),
  441. ("pc", "(with an attachment) Quantize an attachment to the palette of"),
  442. ("pc MyTemplate", "Quantize a template named 'MyTemplate' to the palette of")],
  443. "example.quantize.pixelzio": [("", "(with an attachment) Quantize an attachment to the palette of"),
  444. ("MyTemplate", "Quantize a template named 'MyTemplate' to the palette of")],
  445. "example.quantize.pixelzone": [("", "(with an attachment) Quantize an attachment to the palette of"),
  446. ("MyTemplate", "Quantize a template named 'MyTemplate' to the palette of")],
  447. "example.quantize.pxlsspace": [("", "(with an attachment) Quantize an attachment to the palette of"),
  448. ("pc MyTemplate", "Quantize a template named 'MyTemplate' to the palette of")],
  449. "example.role": [("", "Show the available permissions"),
  450. ("botadmin", "Show the role tied to the botadmin permission"),
  451. ("botadmin set admin-role", "Set the botadmin permission to a role called 'admin-role'")],
  452. "example.role.botadmin": [("", "Show the role tied to the botadmin permission"),
  453. ("set admin-role", "Set the botadmin permission to a role called 'admin-role'"),
  454. ("clear", "Clear the botadmin permission")],
  455. "example.role.botadmin.set": [("admin-role", "Set the botadmin permission to a role called 'admin-role'")],
  456. "example.role.templateadder": [("", "Show the role tied to the templateadder permission"),
  457. ("set adder-role", "Set the templateadder permission to a role called 'adder-role'"),
  458. ("clear", "Clear the templateadder permission")],
  459. "example.role.templateadder.set": [("adder-role", "Set the templateadder permission to a role called 'adder-role'")],
  460. "example.role.templateadmin": [("", "Show the role tied to the templateadmin permission"),
  461. ("set t-admin-role", "Set the templateadmin permission to a role called 't-admin-role'"),
  462. ("clear", "Clear the templateadmin permission")],
  463. "example.role.templateadmin.set": [("t-admin-role", "Set the templateadmin permission to a role called 't-admin-role'")],
  464. "example.suggest": [("you're mom gay lol", "Send 'you're mom gay lol' to the dev as a suggestion")],
  465. "example.template": [("", "List all templates for this guild"),
  466. ("all", "List all public templates for all factions"),
  467. ("add pc MyTemplate 100 100", "(with an attachment) Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100)"),
  468. ("-f OtherFaction", "List all public templates for a faction named 'OtherFaction'")],
  469. "example.template.add": [("MyTemplate 100 100", "(with an attachment) Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for the default canvas at (100, 100)"),
  470. ("pc MyTemplate 100 100", "(with an attachment) Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100)"),
  471. ("pc MyTemplate 100 100", "Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100) using the image at the URL")],
  472. "example.template.add.pixelcanvas": [("MyTemplate 100 100", "(with an attachment) Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100)"),
  473. ("MyTemplate 100 100", "Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100) using the image at the URL")],
  474. "example.template.add.pixelzio": [("MyTemplate 100 100", "(with an attachment) Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100)"),
  475. ("MyTemplate 100 100", "Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100) using the image at the URL")],
  476. "example.template.add.pixelzone": [("MyTemplate 100 100", "(with an attachment) Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100)"),
  477. ("MyTemplate 100 100", "Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100) using the image at the URL")],
  478. "example.template.add.pxlsspace": [("MyTemplate 100 100", "(with an attachment) Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100)"),
  479. ("MyTemplate 100 100", "Create a template named 'MyTemplate' for at (100, 100) using the image at the URL")],
  480. "example.template.check": [("", "Check completion status of all this guild's templates"),
  481. ("pc", "Check completion status of all this guild's templates")],
  482. "": [("MyTemplate", "Get info on a template named 'MyTemplate'"),
  483. ("-f CoolFaction CoolTemplate", "Get info on a template named 'CoolTemplate' belonging to a faction named 'CoolFaction'"),
  484. ("-r RawTemplate 5", "Get just the image for template named 'RawTemplate' magnified 5 times"),
  485. ("-r -f CoolFaction CoolRawTemplate 4", "Get just the image for a template named 'CoolRawTemplate' belonging to a faction named 'CoolFaction' magnified 4 times")],
  486. "example.template.remove": [("MyTemplate", "Remove a template named 'MyTemplate'")],
  487. "example.unhide": [("", "Lists all currently hidden factions"),
  488. ("\"GTFO Faction\"", "Unhides a faction named 'GTFO Faction'"),
  489. ("gtfo", "Unhides a faction with the alias 'gtfo'")],
  491. # Canvas colors
  492. "color.unknown": "Unknown",
  494. "color.pixelcanvas.0": "White",
  495. "color.pixelcanvas.1": "Light Grey",
  496. "color.pixelcanvas.2": "Dark Grey",
  497. "color.pixelcanvas.3": "Black",
  498. "color.pixelcanvas.4": "Pink",
  499. "color.pixelcanvas.5": "Red",
  500. "color.pixelcanvas.6": "Orange",
  501. "color.pixelcanvas.7": "Brown",
  502. "color.pixelcanvas.8": "Yellow",
  503. "color.pixelcanvas.9": "Light Green",
  504. "color.pixelcanvas.10": "Green",
  505. "color.pixelcanvas.11": "Cyan",
  506. "color.pixelcanvas.12": "Teal",
  507. "color.pixelcanvas.13": "Blue",
  508. "color.pixelcanvas.14": "Light Purple",
  509. "color.pixelcanvas.15": "Purple",
  511. "color.pixelzio.0": "White",
  512. "color.pixelzio.1": "Light Grey",
  513. "color.pixelzio.2": "Dark Grey",
  514. "color.pixelzio.3": "Black",
  515. "color.pixelzio.4": "Pink",
  516. "color.pixelzio.5": "Red",
  517. "color.pixelzio.6": "Orange",
  518. "color.pixelzio.7": "Brown",
  519. "color.pixelzio.8": "Yellow",
  520. "color.pixelzio.9": "Light Green",
  521. "color.pixelzio.10": "Green",
  522. "color.pixelzio.11": "Cyan",
  523. "color.pixelzio.12": "Teal",
  524. "color.pixelzio.13": "Blue",
  525. "color.pixelzio.14": "Light Purple",
  526. "color.pixelzio.15": "Purple",
  528. "color.pixelzone.0": "Dark Grey",
  529. "color.pixelzone.1": "Black",
  530. "color.pixelzone.2": "Light Grey",
  531. "color.pixelzone.3": "White",
  532. "color.pixelzone.4": "Brown",
  533. "color.pixelzone.5": "Pink",
  534. "color.pixelzone.6": "Light Purple",
  535. "color.pixelzone.7": "Purple",
  536. "color.pixelzone.8": "Red",
  537. "color.pixelzone.9": "Orange",
  538. "color.pixelzone.10": "Yellow",
  539. "color.pixelzone.11": "Light Green",
  540. "color.pixelzone.12": "Green",
  541. "color.pixelzone.13": "Cyan",
  542. "color.pixelzone.14": "Teal",
  543. "color.pixelzone.15": "Blue",
  545. "color.pxlssapce.0": "White",
  546. "color.pxlssapce.1": "Lightest Grey",
  547. "color.pxlssapce.2": "Mid Light Grey",
  548. "color.pxlssapce.3": "Mid Dark Grey",
  549. "color.pxlssapce.4": "Darkest Grey",
  550. "color.pxlssapce.5": "Black",
  551. "color.pxlssapce.6": "Pink",
  552. "color.pxlssapce.7": "Red",
  553. "color.pxlssapce.8": "Maroon",
  554. "color.pxlssapce.9": "Beige",
  555. "color.pxlssapce.10": "Tan",
  556. "color.pxlssapce.11": "Orange",
  557. "color.pxlssapce.12": "Light Brown",
  558. "color.pxlssapce.13": "Dark Brown",
  559. "color.pxlssapce.14": "Yellow",
  560. "color.pxlssapce.15": "Light Green",
  561. "color.pxlssapce.16": "Mid Green",
  562. "color.pxlssapce.17": "Dark Green",
  563. "color.pxlssapce.18": "Cyan",
  564. "color.pxlssapce.19": "Teal",
  565. "color.pxlssapce.20": "Blue",
  566. "color.pxlssapce.21": "Lavender",
  567. "color.pxlssapce.22": "Magenta",
  568. "color.pxlssapce.23": "Purple",
  569. }
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