
The Largest List of Chat Acronymsa & Text Message Shorthand.

May 16th, 2012
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  1. AAMOF as a matter of fact
  2. ABFL a big fat lady
  3. ABT about
  4. ADN any day now
  5. AFAIC as far as I’m concerned
  6. AFAICT as far as I can tell
  7. AFAICS as far as I can see
  8. AFAIK as far as I know
  9. AFAYC as far as you’re concerned
  10. AFK away from keyboard
  11. AH asshole
  12. AISI as I see it
  13. AIUI as I understand it
  14. AKA also known as
  15. AML all my love
  16. ANFSCD and now for something completely different
  17. ASAP as soon as possible
  18. ASL assistant section leader
  19. ASL age, sex, location
  20. ASLP age, sex, location, picture
  21. A/S/L age/sex/location
  22. ASOP assistant system operator
  23. ATM at this moment
  24. AWA as well as
  25. AWHFY are we having fun yet?
  26. AWGTHTGTTA are we going to have to go trough this again?
  27. AWOL absent without leave
  28. AWOL away without leave
  29. AYOR at your own risk
  30. AYPI? and your point is?
  31. B
  32. top
  33. B4 before
  34. B4N bye for now
  35. BAC back at computer
  36. BAG busting a gut
  37. BAK back at the keyboard
  38. BBIAB be back in a bit
  39. BBL be back later
  40. BBLBNTSBO... be back later but not to soon because of...
  41. BBR burnt beyond repair
  42. BBS be back soon
  43. BBS bulletin board system
  44. BC be cool
  45. B/C because
  46. BCnU be seeing you
  47. BEG big evil grin
  48. BF boyfriend
  49. B/F boyfriend
  50. BFN bye for now
  51. BG big grin
  52. BION believe it or not
  53. BIOYIOB blow it out your I/O port
  54. BITMT but in the meantime
  55. BM bite me
  56. BMB bite my bum
  57. BMTIPG brilliant minds think in parallel gutters
  58. BKA better known as
  59. BL belly laughing
  60. BOB back off bastard
  61. BOL be on later
  62. BOM bitch of mine
  63. BOT back on topic
  64. BRB be right back
  65. BRBB be right back bitch
  66. BRBS be right back soon
  67. BRH be right here
  68. BRS big red switch
  69. BS big smile
  70. BS bull shit
  71. BSF but seriously folks
  72. BST but seriously though
  73. BTA but then again
  74. BTAIM be that as it may
  75. BTDT been there done that
  76. BTOBD be there or be dead
  77. BTOBS be there or be square
  78. BTSOOM beats the shit out of me
  79. BTW by the way
  80. BUDWEISER because you deserve what every individual should ever receive
  81. BWQ buzz word quotient
  82. BWTHDIK but what the heck do I know
  83. BYOB bring your own bottle
  84. BYOH Bat You Onna Head
  85. C
  86. top
  87. C&G chuckle and grin
  88. CAD ctrl-alt-delete
  89. CADET can’t add, doesn’t even try
  90. CDIWY couldn’t do it without you
  91. CFV call for votes
  92. CFS care for secret?
  93. CFY calling for you
  94. CID crying in disgrace
  95. CIM CompuServe information manager
  96. CLM career limiting move
  97. CM@TW catch me at the web
  98. CMIIW correct me if I’m wrong
  99. CNP continue in next post
  100. CO conference
  101. CRAFT can’t remember a f**king thing
  102. CRS can’t remember shit
  103. CSG chuckle snicker grin
  104. CTS changing the subject
  105. CU see you
  106. CU2 see you too
  107. CUL see you later
  108. CUL8R see you later
  109. CWOT complete waste of time
  110. CWYL chat with you later
  111. CYA see ya
  112. CYA cover your ass
  113. CYAL8R see ya later
  114. CYO see you online
  115. D
  116. top
  117. DBA doing business as
  118. DCed disconnected
  119. DFLA disenhanced four-letter acronym
  120. DH darling husband
  121. DIIK darn if i know
  122. DGA digital guardian angel
  123. DGARA don’t give a rats ass
  124. DIKU do I know you?
  125. DIRTFT do it right the first time
  126. DITYID did I tell you I’m distressed
  127. DIY do it yourself
  128. DL download
  129. DL dead link
  130. DLTBBB don’t let the bad bugs bite
  131. DMMGH don’t make me get hostile
  132. DQMOT don’t quote me on this
  133. DND do not disturb
  134. DTC damn this computer
  135. DTRT do the right thing
  136. DUCT did you see that?
  137. DWAI don’t worry about it
  138. DWIM do what I mean
  139. DWIMC do what I mean, correctly
  140. DWISNWID do what I say, not what I do
  141. DYJHIW don’t you just hate it when...
  142. DYK do you know
  143. E
  144. top
  145. EAK eating at keyboard
  146. EIE enough is enough
  147. EG evil grin
  148. EMFBI excuse me for butting in
  149. EMFJI excuse me for jumping in
  150. EMSG email message
  151. EOD end of discussion
  152. EOF end of file
  153. EOL end of lecture
  154. EOM end of message
  155. EOS end of story
  156. EOT end of thread
  157. ETLA extended three letter acronym
  158. EYC excitable, yet calm
  159. F
  160. top
  161. F female
  162. F/F face to face
  163. F2F face to face
  164. FAQ frequently asked questions
  165. FAWC for anyone who cares
  166. FBOW for better or worse
  167. FBTW fine, be that way
  168. FCFS first come, first served
  169. FCOL for crying out loud
  170. FIFO first in, first out
  171. FISH first in, still here
  172. FLA four-letter acronym
  173. FOAD f**k off and die
  174. FOAF friend of a friend
  175. FOB f**k off bitch
  176. FOC free of charge
  177. FOCL falling of chair laughing
  178. FOFL falling on the floor laughing
  179. FOS freedom of speech
  180. FOTCL falling of the chair laughing
  181. FTF face to face
  182. FTTT from time to time
  183. FU f**ked up
  184. FUBAR f**ked up beyond all recognition
  185. FUDFUCT fear, uncertainty and doubt
  186. FUCT failed under continuas testing
  187. FURTB full up ready to burst (about hard disk drives)
  188. FW freeware
  189. FWIW for what it’s worth
  190. FYA for your amusement
  191. FYE for your entertainment
  192. FYEO for your eyes only
  193. FYI for your information
  194. G
  195. top
  196. G grin
  197. G2B going to bed
  198. G&BIT grin & bear it
  199. G2G got to go
  200. G2GGS2D got to go get something to drink
  201. G2GTAC got to go take a crap
  202. G2GTAP got to go take a pee
  203. GA go ahead
  204. GA good afternoon
  205. GAFIA get away from it all
  206. GAL get a life
  207. GAS greetings and salutations
  208. GBH great big hug
  209. GBH&K great big huh and kisses
  210. GBR garbled beyond recovery
  211. GBY god bless you
  212. GD&H grinning, ducking and hiding
  213. GD&R grinning, ducking and running
  214. GD&RAFAP grinning, ducking and running as fast as possible
  215. GD&REF&F grinning, ducking and running even further and faster
  216. GD&RF grinning, ducking and running fast
  217. GD&RVF grinning, ducking and running very
  218. GD&W grin, duck and wave
  219. GDW grin, duck and wave
  220. GE good evening
  221. GF girlfriend
  222. GFETE grinning from ear to ear
  223. GFN gone for now
  224. GFU good for you
  225. GG good game
  226. GGU2 good game you two
  227. GIGO garbage in garbage out
  228. GJ good job
  229. GL good luck
  230. GL&GH good luck and good hunting
  231. GM good morning / good move / good match
  232. GMAB give me a break
  233. GMAO giggling my ass off
  234. GMBO giggling my butt off
  235. GMTA great minds think alike
  236. GN good night
  237. GOK god only knows
  238. GOWI get on with it
  239. GPF general protection fault
  240. GR8 great
  241. GR&D grinning, running and ducking
  242. GtG got to go
  243. GTSY glad to see you
  244. H
  245. top
  246. H hug
  247. H/O hold on
  248. H&K hug and kiss
  249. HAK hug and kiss
  250. HAGD have a good day
  251. HAGN have a good night
  252. HAGS have a good summer
  253. HAG1 have a good one
  254. HAHA having a heart attack
  255. HAND have a nice day
  256. HB hug back
  257. HB hurry back
  258. HDYWTDT how do you work this dratted thing
  259. HF have fun
  260. HH holding hands
  261. HHIS hanging head in shame
  262. HHJK ha ha, just kidding
  263. HHOJ ha ha, only joking
  264. HHOK ha ha, only kidding
  265. HHOS ha ha, only seriously
  266. HIH hope it helps
  267. HILIACACLO help I lapsed into a coma and can’t log off
  268. HIWTH hate it when that happens
  269. HLM he loves me
  270. HMS home made smiley
  271. HMS hanging my self
  272. HMT here’s my try
  273. HMWK homework
  274. HOAS hold on a second
  275. HSIK how should i know
  276. HTH hope this helps
  277. HTHBE hope this has been enlightening
  278. HYLMS hate you like my sister
  279. I
  280. top
  281. IAAA I am an accountant
  282. IAAL I am a lawyer
  283. IAC in any case
  284. IC I see
  285. IAE in any event
  286. IAG it’s all good
  287. IAG I am gay
  288. IAIM in an Irish minute
  289. IANAA I am not an accountant
  290. IANAL I am not a lawyer
  291. IBN I’m bucked naked
  292. ICOCBW I could of course be wrong
  293. IDC I don’t care
  294. IDGI I don’t get it
  295. IDGARA I don’t give a rat’s ass
  296. IDGW in a good way
  297. IDI I doubt it
  298. IDK I don’t know
  299. IDTT I’ll drink to that
  300. IFVB I feel very bad
  301. IGP I gotta pee
  302. IGTP I get the point
  303. IHTFP I hate this f**king place
  304. IHTFP I have truly found paradise
  305. IHU I hate you
  306. IHY I hate you
  307. II I’m impressed
  308. IIT I’m impressed too
  309. IIR if I recall
  310. IIRC if I recall correctly
  311. IJWTK I just want to know
  312. IJWTS I just want to say
  313. IK I know
  314. IKWUM I know what you mean
  315. ILBCNU I’ll be seeing you
  316. ILU I love you
  317. ILY I love you
  318. ILYFAE I love you forever and ever
  319. IMAO in my arrogant opinion
  320. IMFAO in my f***ing arrogant opinion
  321. IMBO in my bloody opinion
  322. IMCO in my considered opinion
  323. IME in my experience
  324. IMHO in my humble opinion
  325. IMNSHO in my, not so humble opinion
  326. IMO in my opinion
  327. IMOBO in my own biased opinion
  328. IMPOV in my point of view
  329. IMP I might be pregnant
  330. INAL I’m not a lawyer
  331. INPO in no particular order
  332. IOIT I’m on Irish Time
  333. IOW in other words
  334. IRL in real life
  335. IRMFI I reply merely for information
  336. IRSTBO it really sucks the big one
  337. IS I’m sorry
  338. ISEN internet search environment number
  339. ISTM it seems to me
  340. ISTR I seem to recall
  341. ISWYM I see what you mean
  342. ITFA in the final analysis
  343. ITRO in the reality of
  344. ITRW in the real world
  345. ITSFWI if the shoe fits, wear it
  346. IVL in virtual live
  347. IWALY I will always love you
  348. IWBNI it would be nice if
  349. IYKWIM if you know what I mean
  350. IYSWIM if you see what I mean
  351. J
  352. top
  353. JAM just a minute
  354. JAS just a second
  355. JASE just another system error
  356. JAWS just another windows shell
  357. JIC just in case
  358. JJWY just joking with you
  359. JK just kidding
  360. J/K just kidding
  361. JMHO just my humble opinion
  362. JMO just my opinion
  363. JP just playing
  364. J/P just playing
  365. JTLYK just to let you know
  366. JW just wondering
  367. K
  368. top
  369. K OK
  370. K kiss
  371. KHYF know how you feel
  372. KB kiss back
  373. KISS keep it simple sister
  374. KIS(S) keep it simple (stupid)
  375. KISS keeping it sweetly simple
  376. KIT keep in touch
  377. KMA kiss my ass
  378. KMB kiss my butt
  379. KMSMA kiss my shiny metal ass
  380. KOTC kiss on the cheek
  381. KOTL kiss on the lips
  382. KUTGW keep up the good work
  383. KWIM know what I mean?
  384. L
  385. top
  386. L laugh
  387. L8R later
  388. L8R G8R later gator
  389. LAB life’s a bitch
  390. LAM leave a message
  391. LBR little boys room
  392. LD long distance
  393. LIMH laughing in my head
  394. LG lovely greetings
  395. LIMH laughing in my head
  396. LGR little girls room
  397. LHM Lord help me
  398. LHU Lord help us
  399. LL&P live long & prosper
  400. LNK love and kisses
  401. LMA leave me alone
  402. LMABO laughing my ass back on
  403. LMAO laughing my ass off
  404. MBO laughing my butt off
  405. LMHO laughing my head off
  406. LMFAO laughing my fat ass off
  407. LMK let me know
  408. LOL laughing out loud
  409. LOL lots of love
  410. LOL lots of luck
  411. LOLA laughing out loud again
  412. LOML light of my life (or love of my life)
  413. LOMLILY light of my life, I love you
  414. LOOL laughing out outrageously loud
  415. LSHIPMP laughing so hard I pissed my pants
  416. LSHMBB laughing so hard my belly is bouncing
  417. LSHMBH laughing so hard my belly hurts
  418. LTNS long time no see
  419. LTR long term relationship
  420. LTS laughing to self
  421. LULAS love you like a sister
  422. LUWAMH love you with all my heart
  423. LY love ya
  424. LYK let you know
  425. LYL love ya lots
  426. LYLAB love ya like a brother
  427. LYLAS love ya like a sister
  428. M
  429. top
  430. M male
  431. MB maybe
  432. MYOB mind your own business
  433. M8 mate
  434. N
  435. top
  436. N in
  437. N2M not too much
  438. N/C not cool
  439. NE1 anyone
  440. NETUA nobody ever tells us anything
  441. NFI no f***ing idea
  442. NL not likely
  443. NM never mind / nothing much
  444. N/M never mind / nothing much
  445. NMH not much here
  446. NMJC nothing much, just chillin’
  447. NOM no offense meant
  448. NOTTOMH not of the top of my mind
  449. NOYB none of your business
  450. NOYFB none of your f***ing business
  451. NP no problem
  452. NPS no problem sweet(ie)
  453. NTA non-technical acronym
  454. N/S no shit
  455. NVM nevermind
  456. O
  457. top
  458. OBTW oh, by the way
  459. OIC oh, I see
  460. OF on fire
  461. OFIS on floor with stitches
  462. OK abbreviation of oll korrect (all correct)
  463. OL old lady (wife, girlfriend)
  464. OM old man (husband, boyfriend)
  465. OMG oh my god / gosh / goodness
  466. OOC out of character
  467. OT Off topic / other topic
  468. OTOH on the other hand
  469. OTTOMH off the top of my head
  470. P
  471. top
  472. P@H parents at home
  473. PAH parents at home
  474. PAW parents are watching
  475. PDS please don’t shoot
  476. PEBCAK problem exists between chair and keyboard
  477. PIZ parents in room
  478. PLZ please
  479. PM private message
  480. PMJI pardon my jumping in (Another way for PMFJI)
  481. PMFJI pardon me for jumping in
  482. PMP peed my pants
  483. POAHF put on a happy face
  484. POOF I have left the chat
  485. POTB pats on the back
  486. POS parents over shoulder
  487. PPL people
  488. PS post script
  489. PSA public show of affection
  490. Q
  491. top
  492. Q4U question for you
  493. QSL reply
  494. QSO conversation
  495. QT cutie
  496. R
  497. top
  498. RCed reconnected
  499. RE hi again (same as re’s)
  500. RME rolling my eyses
  501. ROFL rolling on floor laughing
  502. ROFLAPMP rolling on floor laughing and peed my pants
  503. ROFLMAO rolling on floor laughing my ass off
  504. ROFLOLAY rolling on floor laughing out loud at you
  505. ROFLOLTSDMC rolling on floor laughing out loud tears streaming down my cheeks
  506. ROFLOLWTIME rolling on floor laughing out loud with tears in my eyes
  507. ROFLOLUTS rolling on floor laughing out loud unable to speak
  508. ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
  509. RVD really very dumb
  510. RUTTM are you talking to me
  511. RTF read the FAQ
  512. RTFM read the f***ing manual
  513. RTSM read the stupid manual
  514. S
  515. top
  516. S2R send to receive
  517. SAMAGAL stop annoying me and get a live
  518. SCNR sorry, could not resist
  519. SETE smiling ear to ear
  520. SH so hot
  521. SH same here
  522. SHICPMP so happy I could piss my pants
  523. SHID slaps head in disgust
  524. SHMILY see how much I love you
  525. SNAFU situation normal, all F***ed up
  526. SO significant other
  527. SOHF sense of humor failure
  528. SOMY sick of me yet?
  529. SPAM stupid persons’ advertisement
  530. SRY sorry
  531. SSDD same shit different day
  532. STBY sucks to be you
  533. STFU shut the f*ck up
  534. STI stick(ing) to it
  535. STW search the web
  536. SWAK sealed with a kiss
  537. SWALK sweet, with all love, kisses
  538. SWL screaming with laughter
  539. SIM shit, it’s Monday
  540. SITWB sorry, in the wrong box
  541. S/U shut up
  542. SYS see you soon
  543. SYSOP system operator
  544. T
  545. top
  546. TA thanks again
  547. TCO taken care of
  548. TGIF thank god its Friday
  549. THTH to hot to handle
  550. THX thanks
  551. TIA thanks in advance
  552. TIIC the idiots in charge
  553. TJM that’s just me
  554. TLA three-letter acronym
  555. TMA take my advice
  556. TMI to much information
  557. TMS to much showing
  558. TNSTAAFL there’s no such thing as a free lunch
  559. TNX thanks
  560. TOH to other half
  561. TOY thinking of you
  562. TPTB the powers that be
  563. TSDMC tears streaming down my cheeks
  564. TT2T to tired to talk
  565. TTFN ta ta for now
  566. TTT thought that, too
  567. TTUL talk to you later
  568. TTYIAM talk to you in a minute
  569. TTYL talk to you later
  570. TTYLMF talk to you later my friend
  571. TU thank you
  572. TWMA till we meet again
  573. TX thanx
  574. TY thank you
  575. TYVM thank you very much
  576. U
  577. top
  578. U2 you too
  579. UAPITA you’re a pain in the ass
  580. UR your
  581. UW you’re welcom
  582. URAQT! you are a cutie!
  583. V
  584. top
  585. VBG very big grin
  586. VBS very big smile
  587. W
  588. top
  589. W8 wait
  590. W8AM wait a minute
  591. WAY what about you
  592. WAY who are you
  593. WB welcome back
  594. WBS write back soon
  595. WDHLM why doesn’t he love me
  596. WDYWTTA What Do You Want To Talk About
  597. WE whatever
  598. W/E whatever
  599. WFM works for me
  600. WNDITWB we never did it this way before
  601. WP wrong person
  602. WRT with respect to
  603. WTF what/who the F***?
  604. WTG way to go
  605. WTGP want to go private?
  606. WTH what/who the heck?
  607. WTMI way to much information
  608. WU what’s up?
  609. WUD what’s up dog?
  610. WUF where are you from?
  611. WUWT whats up with that
  612. WYMM will you marry me?
  613. WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
  614. X
  615. top
  616. XTLA extended three letter acronym
  617. Y
  619. Y why?
  620. Y2K you’re too kind
  621. YATB you are the best
  622. YBS you’ll be sorry
  623. YG young gentleman
  624. YHBBYBD you’d have better bet your bottom dollar
  625. YKYWTKM you know you want to kiss me
  626. YL young lady
  627. YL you ’ll live
  628. YM you mean
  629. YM young man
  630. YMMD you’ve made my day
  631. YMMV your mileage may vary
  632. YVM you’re very welcom
  633. YW you’re welcome
  634. YWIA you’re welcome in advance
  635. YWTHM you want to hug me
  636. YWTLM you want to love me
  637. YWTKM you want to kiss me
  638. YOYO you’re on your own
  639. YY4U two wise for you
  640. Z
  641. top
  643. more...
  644. top
  645. ? huh?
  646. ?4U question for you
  647. >U screw you!
  648. /myB kick my boobs
  649. 2U2 to you too
  650. 2MFM to much for me
  651. 4AYN for all you know
  652. 4COL for crying out loud
  653. 4SALE for sale
  654. 4U for you
  655. =w= whatever
  656. *G* giggle or grin
  657. *H* hug
  658. *K* kiss
  659. *S* smile
  660. *T* tickle
  661. *W* wink
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