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May 22nd, 2019
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  1. # Changelog
  3. * Use latest all-in-one image in hotrod ([#1555](, [@everett980](
  4. * Add CA certs to all-in-one image ([#1554](, [@chandresh-pancholi](
  5. * temporarily expose grpc conn ([#1547](, [@guanw](
  7. ## v1.12.0 (2019-05-16)
  8. * Add all storages to env command ([#1541](, [@pavolloffay](
  9. * Prepare release 1.12.0 ([#1538](, [@pavolloffay](
  10. * Bump UI to 1.2.0 ([#1536](, [@pavolloffay](
  11. * Update python script shebang to explicitly reference used python vers… ([#1534](, [@objectiser](
  12. * Memory store limit queries return most recent traces ([#1394](, [@jacobmarble](
  13. * Add grpc_resolver using external discovery service ([#1498](, [@guanw](
  14. * Create README for developing grpc storage plugins #1518 ([#1525](, [@chvck](
  15. * Remove empty test ([#1517](, [@yurishkuro](
  16. * gRPC Plugin framework ([#1461](, [@chvck](
  17. * Remove ES dependency from crossdock ([#1514](, [@yurishkuro](
  18. * Simplify grpc_hanlder_test.go ([#1509](, [@stefanvassilev](
  19. * DRY query servers in all-in-one ([#1503](, [@yurishkuro](
  20. * supports customized kafka client id ([#1507](, [@newly12](
  21. * Enable staticcheck linter and fix warnings ([#1505](, [@yurishkuro](
  22. * Refactor grpc server creation in own package ([#1487](, [@stefanvassilev](
  23. * Install gosec from vendor and pin to 1.3.0 ([#1502](, [@yurishkuro](
  24. * Add span format tag for jaeger-collector ([#1493](, [@guo0693](
  25. * upgrade grpc to 1.20.1 ([#1492](, [@guanw](
  26. * Pin urllib3 version to unblock image build ([#1495](, [@yurishkuro](
  27. * [agent] Refactor gRPC builder into reusable module ([#1452](, [@guanw](
  28. * Switch from counter to a gauge for partitions held ([#1485](, [@bobrik](
  29. * Support gRPC for query service ([#1307](, [@annanay25](
  30. * Remove check for tags + duration in query parser ([#1477](, [@bobrik](
  31. * Expose tls.InsecureSkipVerify to es.tls.* CLI flags ([#1473](, [@stefanvassilev](
  32. * Fix HotRod job pool termination (#1453) ([#1454](, [@mfrw](
  33. * Add CORS handling for Zipkin collector service, fixes #703 ([#1463](, [@JonasVerhofste](
  34. * Move adaptive sampling processor ([#1179](, [@black-adder](
  35. * Return info msg for `/health` endpoint ([#1465](, [@stefanvassilev](
  36. * Avoid process crash when elasticsearch response is nil ([#1467](, [@YEXINGZHE54](
  37. * Add pprof and create admin endpoint ([#1375](, [@konradgaluszka](
  38. * Add inbound transport as label to collector metrics ([#1446](, [@guanw](
  39. * Set default zap sampling config to nil ([#1460](, [@psinghal20](
  40. * Refactor handlers to separate transport and span format concerns ([#1458](, [@yurishkuro](
  41. * Sorted key/value store (badger) backed storage plugin ([#760](, [@burmanm](
  42. * Lower coverage threshold ([#1457](, [@yurishkuro](
  43. * Add gRPC plugin proto changes ([#1323](, [@chvck](
  44. * New layout for proto definitions and generated files ([#1427](, [@annanay25](
  45. * Add Admin port and group all ports in one file ([#1442](, [@yurishkuro](
  46. * Ignore autogenerated files from import-order-cleanup ([#1445](, [@annanay25](
  47. * Parameterize crossdock test_driver ([#1441](, [@yurishkuro](
  48. * Fixed typo in the ES 'flush-interval' option. ([#1439](, [@jpkrohling](
  49. * Upgrade Go to 1.12.1 ([#1437](, [@yurishkuro](
  50. * Verify that proto-generated files are up-to-date ([#1433](, [@yurishkuro](
  51. * Regenerate grpc-gateway code ([#1432](, [@yurishkuro](
  52. * Adds support for agent level tag ([#1396](, [@annanay25](
  53. * Remove deprecated kafka flags ([#1424](, [@ledor473](
  54. * Ensure grpclog is only set once ([#1423](, [@objectiser](
  55. * use RawMessage in check of value for being json ([#1421](, [@funny-falcon](
  56. * Rewrite if-else to switch statements ([#1412](, [@sosiska](
  57. * Add a Downsampling writer that drop a percentage of spans ([#1353](, [@guanw](
  58. * Increase grpc retry to 1000 in xdock ([#1419](, [@pavolloffay](
  59. * Replacing the wrong link with the correct. ([#1416](, [@sosiska](
  61. ## v1.11.0 (2019-03-07)
  62. * Do not add indices to not empty alias ([#1408](, [@pavolloffay](
  63. * Add missing items to changelog for 1.11 ([#1409](, [@pavolloffay](
  64. * Preparing release 1.11 ([#1402](, [@pavolloffay](
  65. * Make rollover idempotent ([#1407](, [@pavolloffay](
  66. * [fix] Allow importing code as library via dep ([#1404](, [@guanw](
  67. * Allow thrift reporter even if grpc hosts are not provided ([#1400](, [@pavolloffay](
  68. * Bump jaeger UI to 1.1.0 ([#1398](, [@pavolloffay](
  69. * Support secure gRPC channel between agent and collector ([#1391](, [@yurishkuro](
  70. * Fix some misspells in logger_test.go ([#1390](, [@JoeWrightss](
  71. * Allow to use TLS with ES basic auth ([#1388](, [@pavolloffay](
  72. * Deprecate colon in index prefix in ES dependency store ([#1386](, [@pavolloffay](
  73. * Make grpc reporter default and add retry ([#1384](, [@pavolloffay](
  74. * Alphabetically sorted modules import ([#1381](, [@truongnh1992](
  75. * Update a deprecated link in test file ([#1379](, [@longkb](
  76. * Fix typo in comment ([#1374](, [@JoeWrightss](
  77. * Kafka: Add new Consumer and Producer flags ([#1360](, [@ledor473](
  78. * Use CQLSH_HOST in final call to cqlsh as well ([#1372](, [@funny-falcon](
  80. ## v1.10.1 (2019-02-21)
  81. * Preparing release 1.10.1 ([#1368](, [@black-adder](
  82. * Discover dependencies table version automatically ([#1364](, [@black-adder](
  83. * Remove the duplicated words ([#1366](, [@longkb](
  84. * Remove duplicated words in comments ([#1362](, [@truongnh1992](
  85. * Separate query-service functionality from http handler ([#1312](, [@annanay25](
  86. * Skip deploy in non deploy jobs ([#1358](, [@pavolloffay](
  87. * Remove unused function ([#1355](, [@datuanmac](
  88. * Fix unsorted imports ([#1347](, [@huynq0911](
  90. ## v1.10.0 (2019-02-15)
  91. * Preparing release 1.10.0 ([#1352](, [@pavolloffay](
  92. * Use esc to embed static files in go ([#1348](, [@pavolloffay](
  93. * Adding `/usr/bin/env bash` ([#1351](, [@truongnh1992](
  94. * Remove SASI indices ([#1328](, [@black-adder](
  95. * Change http to https for security links ([#1345](, [@trungnvfet](
  96. * Support certificates in elasticsearch scripts ([#1339](, [@pavolloffay](
  97. * Use Zipkin annotations if the timestamp is zero ([#1341](, [@geobeau](
  98. * Make Elasticsearch archive storage optional ([#1334](, [@pavolloffay](
  99. * Use roundRobin balancing even if only one hostname ([#1329](, [@benley](
  100. * Add cassandra integration tests ([#1337](, [@black-adder](
  101. * Update Sarama to 1.20.1 ([#1336](, [@ledor473](
  102. * Rollover api for main indices ([#1309](, [@pavolloffay](
  103. * Pin sarama-cluster to 2.1.13 ([#1326](, [@yurishkuro](
  104. * Require a slightly newer version of grpc-go ([#1324](, [@benley](
  105. * Load elasticsearch auth token from file ([#1319](, [@pavolloffay](
  106. * Added link to the maintainer's GitHub profile pages ([#1320](, [@jpkrohling](
  107. * Make it possible for to use a username/password ([#1318](, [@gregoryfranklin](
  108. * The implementation of FindTraceIDs function for ElasticSearch reader. ([#1280](, [@vlamug](
  109. * Added whitespace tolerance for value for ES servers and kafka brokers ([#1305](, [@verma-varsha](
  110. * Pass primary ES client to the main span writer ([#1304](, [@pavolloffay](
  111. * let cassandra servers contain whitespace in config ([#1301](, [@karlpokus](
  112. * remove ErrorBusy, it essentially duplicates SpansDropped ([#1091](, [@cstyan](
  113. * Remove comments after merge conflics ([#1296](, [@pavolloffay](
  114. * Support archive traces for ES storage ([#1197](, [@pavolloffay](
  115. * Add documentation step into release guide ([#1295](, [@pavolloffay](
  116. * Add date to changelog to 1.9 release ([#1294](, [@pavolloffay](
  118. ## v1.9.0 (2019-01-21)
  119. * Preparing release 1.9.0 ([#1292](, [@pavolloffay](
  120. * Use node 8 when building docker images ([#1293](, [@pavolloffay](
  121. * Bump UI to 1.0.0 ([#1291](, [@pavolloffay](
  122. * Update exposed ports in ingester dockerfile ([#1289](, [@objectiser](
  123. * Change index prefix from : to - ([#1284](, [@pavolloffay](
  124. * Update to Sarama 1.20.0 ([#1248](, [@marqc](
  125. * Add CLI configurable MaxNumSpans while retrieving spans from ES. ([#1283](, [@annanay25](
  126. * Add tracegen utility for generating traces ([#1245](, [@yurishkuro](
  127. * Use DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy as fallback for TokenAwarePolicy ([#1285](, [@vprithvi](
  128. * Update to jaeger-lib 2 and latest sha for jaeger-client-go, to pick u… ([#1282](, [@objectiser](
  129. * Pin cql version to a versin used before migration to dep ([#1286](, [@pavolloffay](
  130. * Fix sampling strategies overwriting service entry when no sampling ty… ([#1244](, [@objectiser](
  131. * Exclude query/statik package from coverage ([#1279](, [@pavolloffay](
  132. * Bump UI to latest ([#1277](, [@pavolloffay](
  133. * Fix nocover target to fail on directories without coverage ([#1274](, [@yurishkuro](
  134. * Fix lint ([#1273](, [@yurishkuro](
  135. * Fix dot replacement for int ([#1272](, [@objectiser](
  136. * Add C* query to error logs ([#1250](, [@vprithvi](
  137. * Rerun make proto ([#1266](, [@yurishkuro](
  138. * Fix tools pruned by dep ([#1260](, [@isaachier](
  139. * Add Zipkin Thrift as kafka ingestion format ([#1256](, [@geobeau](
  140. * Unpin dependencies in Gopkg.toml ([#1252](, [@vprithvi](
  141. * Add `FindTraceID` to the spanstore interface ([#1246](, [@vprithvi](
  142. * Dep migration ([#1240](, [@isaachier](
  143. * Add locking around partitionIDToState map accesses ([#1239](, [@vprithvi](
  144. * Document branches in contributing guidelines ([#1233](, [@pavolloffay](
  145. * Temporarily switch back to tchannel in crossdock ([#1230](, [@yurishkuro](
  146. * Backport from 1.8.2 to master ([#1228](, [@pavolloffay](
  147. * Fix gRPC test case ([#1220](, [@isaachier](
  148. * Add naming convention for maintenance branches ([#1211](, [@pavolloffay](
  149. * Add changelog for 1.8.1 (#1209) ([#1210](, [@pavolloffay](
  150. * Fix misleading log line ([#1206](, [@yurishkuro](
  151. * Reorganize config manager packages in agent ([#1198](, [@pavolloffay](
  152. * Remove unused code ([#1199](, [@pavolloffay](
  153. * [agent] Make timeout for reporting configurable ([#1034](, [@gouthamve](
  154. * Add gRPC metrics to agent ([#1180](, [@pavolloffay](
  155. * Dedupe process in grpc reporter ([#1181](, [@pavolloffay](
  156. * Add archive traces to all-in-one ([#1189](, [@pavolloffay](
  157. * Close gRPC for collecting and reporting ([#1187](, [@pavolloffay](
  158. * Rename tcollector proxy metric in agent ([#1182](, [@pavolloffay](
  159. * Start moving components of adaptive sampling to OSS ([#973](, [@black-adder](
  160. * Fix metrics handler registration in agent ([#1178](, [@pavolloffay](
  161. * Add hyperlink to OpenTracing specification ([#1175](, [@Bert-R](
  162. * Fix empty grpc address ([#1176](, [@pavolloffay](
  163. * Add gRPC communication between agent and collector ([#1165](, [@pavolloffay](
  165. ## v1.8.0 (2018-11-13)
  166. * Remove collector from tchannel reporter flag ([#1174](, [@pavolloffay](
  167. * Prepare release 1.8 ([#1170](, [@pavolloffay](
  168. * Provide more information for timeout ([#1171](, [@clyang82](
  169. * Configurable deadlock detector interval for ingester. (resubmit) ([#1134](, [@marqc](
  170. * [Storage] Emit spans for elastic storage backend ([#1128](, [@annanay25](
  171. * Fixed "Using Client Certificate for Elastic Search Authentication" ([#1139](, [@clyang82](
  172. * Small make improvements: ignore binaries, update on go get ([#1166](, [@pavolloffay](
  173. * Add Weaveworks to ([#1161](, [@yurishkuro](
  174. * [ingester] Add metrics& healthcheck, rename Kafka cli flags ([#1094](, [@ledor473](
  175. * Fix flaky elasticsearch integration test ([#1160](, [@pavolloffay](
  176. * Add Vistar to ([#1157](, [@zdicesare](
  177. * Use UTC time in integration tests ([#1151](, [@yurishkuro](
  178. * Add a metric for number of partitions held ([#1154](, [@vprithvi](
  179. * Bump ES docker version ([#1156](, [@pavolloffay](
  180. * Upgrade UI ([#1143](, [@yurishkuro](
  181. * Refactor agent configuration ([#1092](, [@pavolloffay](
  182. * Log jaeger-collector tchannel port ([#1136](, [@mindaugasrukas](
  183. * Rename `params.Factory` to `params.MetricFactory` ([#1146](, [@vprithvi](
  184. * Fix typo on package name instructions for ElasticSearch ([#1142](, [@bltavares](
  185. * [Storage] Fix childspan context while tracing cassandra queries ([#1131](, [@annanay25](
  186. * Add as an adopter ([#1121](, [@caniszczyk](
  187. * Support tracer env based initialization in hotrod ([#1115](, [@eundoosong](
  188. * Refactor es storage ([#1111](, [@pavolloffay](
  189. * Fix golit link ([#1112](, [@pavolloffay](
  190. * change CollectorZipkinHTTPort to CollectorZipkinHTTPPort ([#1110](, [@hchenxa](
  191. * Deadlock detector hack for Kafka driver instability ([#1087](, [@vprithvi](
  192. * Use Go 1.11 in Travis ([#1104](, [@isaachier](
  193. * Fix processor overriding ReadBuf data ([#1099](, [@pavolloffay](
  194. * Specify metric name/tags via annotation ([#1096](, [@objectiser](
  195. * Consolidate query metrics and include result tag ([#1075](, [@objectiser](
  196. * Ingester binaries & Docker ([#1086](, [@ledor473](
  197. * Tag images with commit SHA ([#1082](, [@pavolloffay](
  198. * Feature/imports ([#1080](, [@GNURub](
  199. * Fix typo in changelog ([#1081](, [@pavolloffay](
  200. * Revert "Fix failing kafka integration test" ([#1077](, [@pavolloffay](
  201. * Make the metrics produced by jaeger query scoped to the query compone… ([#1074](, [@objectiser](
  202. * Fix failing kafka integration test ([#1068](, [@pavolloffay](
  203. * Fix deploy process not being run ([#1070](, [@pavolloffay](
  205. ## v1.7.0 (2018-09-19)
  206. * Preparing release 1.7.0 ([#1060](, [@pavolloffay](
  207. * Remove standalone-linux binary ([#1067](, [@objectiser](
  208. * Rename standalone ([#1062](, [@pavolloffay](
  209. * Add a 'save failed by service' metric, as currently a counter is only… ([#1064](, [@objectiser](
  210. * Bump UI to latest ([#1061](, [@pavolloffay](
  211. * Allow storing tags as object fields in ES - better kibana support ([#1018](, [@pavolloffay](
  212. * Revert "Use Go 1.11 in Travis" ([#1055](, [@black-adder](
  213. * Use Go 1.11 in Travis ([#1053](, [@isaachier](
  214. * Add gosimple ([#1046](, [@isaachier](
  215. * Enable tracing of Cassandra queries ([#1038](, [@yurishkuro](
  216. * Update tools when installing ([#1049](, [@pavolloffay](
  217. * Fix gosec 107 - request with variable URL ([#1048](, [@pavolloffay](
  218. * Fix Go 1.11 incompatibilities ([#1040](, [@isaachier](
  219. * Cache offset commits ([#1032](, [@vprithvi](
  220. * Log every error from Sarama error channel ([#1023](, [@ledor473](
  221. * Add an empty statik package ([#1024](, [@vprithvi](
  222. * fix typo ([#1025](, [@tsl-karlp](
  223. * Shutdown sarama consumer cleanly ([#987](, [@vprithvi](
  224. * Make ES index name configurable ([#1009](, [@pavolloffay](
  225. * Fix hard-coded ES spanType ([#1012](, [@pavolloffay](
  226. * Add flags to allow changing ports for HotROD services ([#951](, [@cboornaz17](
  227. * Use netcat to detect when Kafka is up ([#1005](, [@isaachier](
  228. * Use reliable bad address to guarantee failure ([#1003](, [@isaachier](
  229. * bwestlin/consistency fix ([#1001](, [@whistlinwilly](
  230. * Include protoc-gen-go in proto-install make target ([#996](, [@yurishkuro](
  231. * Fix logging in the integration tests ([#986](, [@yurishkuro](
  232. * Pin proto / gogo versions for repeatable builds ([#984](, [@yurishkuro](
  233. * fix panic: duplicate metrics collector registration attempted ([#975](, [@yancl](
  234. * Remove spaces from ES schema ([#978](, [@pavolloffay](
  235. * Add error logging for individual ES bulk reposes ([#977](, [@pavolloffay](
  236. * Ingester integration test ([#968](, [@davit-y](
  237. * Ingester Main ([#952](, [@davit-y](
  238. * Parse media types in the Content-Type header correctly ([#964](, [@netshade](
  239. * Log internal server errors in http handler ([#958](, [@pavolloffay](
  240. * Ingester Consumer ([#942](, [@davit-y](
  241. * Ingester Processor ([#944](, [@davit-y](
  242. * Add producer folder to pkg/kafka/config ([#957](, [@davit-y](
  243. * Support reading multiple trace IDs from archive reader ([#956](, [@black-adder](
  244. * Use tags in agent metrics ([#950](, [@eundoosong](
  245. * Rearrange info about DCO, add tips for squashing ([#953](, [@yurishkuro](
  246. * Fix HotROD Docker command ([#949](, [@jpkrohling](
  247. * Move over internal ingester code to OSS ([#940](, [@vprithvi](
  248. * Rename gas to gosec ([#946](, [@vprithvi](
  249. * Update Makefile build_ui target to lerna structure ([#798](, [@tiffon](
  250. * Add support for Cassandra reconnect interval ([#934](, [@nyanshak](
  251. * Fix deploy step ([#926](, [@yurishkuro](
  253. ## v1.6.0 (2018-07-10)
  254. * Prepare release 1.6.0 ([#924](, [@yurishkuro](
  255. * Do not exceed ES _id length limit ([#905](, [@tmszdmsk](
  256. * Update Dockerfiles to reference executable via ENTRYPOINT ([#815](, [@zdicesare](
  257. * Fix cassandra DisableAutodiscovery config variable name ([#923](, [@black-adder](
  258. * Add TunnelConnection param to cassandra config for local development … ([#912](, [@whistlinwilly](
  259. * Package static assets inside the query-service binary ([#918](, [@yurishkuro](
  260. * Fix ES 6.x index already exists race condition ([#921](, [@pavolloffay](
  261. * Include HotROD binary in the distributions ([#917](, [@yurishkuro](
  262. * Improve HotROD demo ([#915](, [@yurishkuro](
  263. * Detect HTTP payload format from Content-Type ([#916](, [@yurishkuro](
  264. * Remove unnecessary parameter ([#823](, [@vprithvi](
  265. * connCheckTimeout as flag ([#911](, [@Henrod](
  266. * Require 100% coverage ([#909](, [@yurishkuro](
  267. * ES storage: logging number of total and failed requests ([#902](, [@tmszdmsk](
  268. * ES storage: not logging requests on error ([#901](, [@tmszdmsk](
  269. * Rename proto files and fix lint ([#900](, [@yurishkuro](
  270. * Make protobuf the default encoding for Kafka; clean-up help text ([#899](, [@yurishkuro](
  271. * Ability to use multiple storage types ([#880](, [@davit-y](
  272. * Fix missing Zipkin error messages ([#891](, [@hananiel](
  273. * Add SpotHero to adopters ([#889](, [@benjigoldberg](
  274. * Update collector metric counters to have a name ([#886](, [@black-adder](
  275. * Avoid race condition on logging the buffer size ([#884](, [@jpkrohling](
  276. * Decouple DB and JSON conversions from protobuf strings ([#882](, [@yurishkuro](
  277. * Change metric tag from "service" to "svc" ([#883](, [@black-adder](
  278. * Make new proto RefType backwards compatible in cassandra ([#881](, [@black-adder](
  279. * Log debug message when span reported ([#879](, [@jpkrohling](
  280. * Replace coveralls badge with codecov badge ([#878](, [@eundoosong](
  281. * Expose span flags ([#877](, [@black-adder](
  282. * Add cassandra index filter ([#876](, [@black-adder](
  283. * Add Kafka Integration Test ([#873](, [@davit-y](
  284. * gofmt ([#874](, [@whilei](
  285. * Use protobuf marshaller ([#868](, [@davit-y](
  286. * Remove pin ([#869](, [@black-adder](
  287. * Add Kafka as a Storage Plugin ([#862](, [@davit-y](
  288. * Replace domain model with Protobuf/gogo-generated model ([#856](, [@yurishkuro](
  289. * Adding ([#864](, [@PikBot](
  290. * Close span writer in standalone ([#863](, [@pavolloffay](
  291. * Process IP problem/inconsistency (#821) ([#865](, [@olimpias](
  292. * Use NewSpanID()/NewTraceID() instead of type-specific intializations ([#861](, [@yurishkuro](
  293. * Do not create duplicate child-of reference from parentSpanId ([#860](, [@yurishkuro](
  294. * Switch to codecov ([#857](, [@yurishkuro](
  295. * Log configuration options for memory storage ([#852](, [@jpkrohling](
  296. * Add jpkrohling to maintainers / code owners ([#851](, [@yurishkuro](
  298. ## v1.5.0 (2018-05-28)
  299. * Preparing release 1.5.0 ([#847](, [@jpkrohling](
  300. * Add bounds to memory storage ([#845](, [@jpkrohling](
  301. * Add metric for debug traces ([#796](, [@black-adder](
  302. * Change metrics naming scheme ([#776](, [@jpkrohling](
  303. * Bump gocql version ([#829](, [@jpkrohling](
  304. * Remove ParentSpanID from domain model ([#831](, [@yurishkuro](
  305. * Make gas run quiet ([#838](, [@yurishkuro](
  306. * Add 'gas' for security problems scanning ([#830](, [@jpkrohling](
  307. * Add ability to adjust static sampling probabilities per operation ([#827](, [@black-adder](
  308. * Support log-level flag on agent ([#828](, [@black-adder](
  309. * Remove unused function ([#822](, [@vprithvi](
  310. * Add healthcheck to standalone ([#784](, [@eundoosong](
  311. * Do not use KeyValue fields directly and use KeyValues as decorator only ([#810](, [@yurishkuro](
  312. * Add ContaAzul to the adopters list ([#806](, [@B0go](
  313. * Add Issue template and pull request template ([#805](, [@B0go](
  314. * Upgrade to go 1.10 ([#792](, [@vprithvi](
  315. * Fail test if the expected and actual traces differ (#777) ([#781](, [@burmanm](
  316. * Revert 7a9ca55 ([#788](, [@yurishkuro](
  317. * Fix for installing golint ([#786](, [@yurishkuro](
  318. * Tune create on custom index to not be created if it already exists. ([#782](, [@gregswift](
  320. ## v1.4.1 (2018-04-21)
  321. * Publish binaries to GitHub Releases ([#766](, [@]())
  323. ## v1.4.0 (2018-04-20)
  324. * Prepare release 1.4.0 ([#780](, [@yurishkuro](
  325. * Change dbmodel.TagFilter to take span as argument ([#772](, [@yurishkuro](
  326. * Support scrolling for elasticsearch ([#696](, [@sramakr](
  327. * Use different "good commit message" reference and inline it ([#770](, [@yurishkuro](
  328. * Log errors from HotROD servers ([#769](, [@yurishkuro](
  329. * Add prettyPrint param to API endpoints ([#764](, [@yurishkuro](
  330. * Configure Gorilla router to allow slash in path params ([#736](, [@yurishkuro](
  331. * Add go-bindata-assetfs to glide ([#752](, [@cory-klein](
  333. ## v1.3.0 (2018-03-27)
  334. * Prepare release 1.3.0 ([#757](, [@yurishkuro](
  335. * Make sure when --es.num-replicas=0, ES indexes have numReplicas set to 0 instead of 1 ([#754](, [@]())
  336. * Allow overriding base path for UI/API routes; rm --query.prefix ([#748](, [@yurishkuro](
  337. * Publis hotrod only when TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS is true ([#753](, [@pavolloffay](
  338. * Dockerize es-indices-clean script ([#741](, [@pavolloffay](
  339. * Publish hotrod image to docker hub ([#702](, [@pavolloffay](
  340. * Use the default metricsFactory if not provided ([#739](, [@ledor473](
  341. * Apply namespace when creating Prometheus metrics factory (fix for #732) ([#733](, [@yurishkuro](
  342. * Fixes #697 - Disable compression on Prom Handler ([#735](, [@jpkrohling](
  343. * Avoid duplicate expvar metrics - fixes #716 ([#726](, [@yurishkuro](
  344. * Move static handler registration into a shared function ([#725](, [@yurishkuro](
  345. * Add sampling handler to main ([#720](, [@black-adder](
  346. * fix typos in healthcheck handler ([#721](, [@eundoosong](
  347. * Make sure different tracers in HotROD process use different RNG seeds ([#718](, [@yurishkuro](
  348. * Add sampling handler and sampling strategy store ([#674](, [@black-adder](
  349. * Test that processes with identical tags are deduped ([#708](, [@yurishkuro](
  350. * Use UTC for model timezone ([#712](, [@vprithvi](
  351. * Wait group should add before the goroutine creating ([#711](, [@oiooj](
  352. * Pin testify version to 1.2.1 ([#710](, [@pavolloffay](
  353. * Add a flag to control Cassandra consistency level ([#700](, [@yurishkuro](
  354. * Rename multiplex to composite ([#701](, [@zkanda](
  355. * Hotrod Containerized ([#694](, [@gbaufake](
  356. * export model and protocol type ([#691](, [@oiooj](
  357. * Collect metrics from ES bulk service ([#688](, [@pavolloffay](
  359. ## v1.2.0 (2018-02-07)
  360. * Preparing release 1.2.0 ([#689](, [@yurishkuro](
  361. * Add options to Cassandra to control indexing ([#680](, [@vprithvi](
  362. * Remove the override of GOMAXPROCS ([#679](, [@oiooj](
  363. * Add script that auto orders imports ([#676](, [@black-adder](
  364. * Extend integration tests to memory storage ([#672](, [@yurishkuro](
  365. * Make agent host port configurable in hotrod ([#663](, [@pavolloffay](
  366. * Use elasticsearch bulk API ([#656](, [@pavolloffay](
  367. * Use different server for yarn gpg key ([#660](, [@yurishkuro](
  368. * Add signal handling to standalone ([#657](, [@pavolloffay](
  369. * Fix flaky test ([#655](, [@yurishkuro](
  370. * Add SeatGeek to ([#654](, [@ekelleyv](
  371. * Add Features section to the readme ([#650](, [@yurishkuro](
  372. * Use UTC timezone for ES indices ([#646](, [@pavolloffay](
  373. * Migrate docs to documentation/ repo ([#647](, [@yurishkuro](
  374. * Fix elasticsearch create index race condition error ([#641](, [@pavolloffay](
  375. * Fix variable name in the help line ([#645](, [@yurishkuro](
  376. * Rename SPAN_STORAGE to SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE to be backwards compatible ([#643](, [@yurishkuro](
  377. * Fix typos in agent files ([#640](, [@isaachier](
  378. * Clarify supported storage backends and versions ([#639](, [@yurishkuro](
  379. * Support archive storage in the query-service ([#604](, [@yurishkuro](
  380. * Introduce storage factory framework and composable CLI ([#625](, [@yurishkuro](
  381. * Verify that all packages have tests ([#635](, [@yurishkuro](
  383. ## v1.1.0 (2018-01-04)
  384. * Preparing release 1.1.0 ([#612](, [@yurishkuro](
  385. * Make agent tests more robust ([#632](, [@yurishkuro](
  386. * Refactor healthcheck pkg, fix race condition in tests ([#631](, [@yurishkuro](
  387. * Simplify install-glide command ([#630](, [@kxxoling](
  388. * Update Docs ([#623](, [@black-adder](
  389. * Init operationNames's cache capacity ([#621](, [@jukylin](
  390. * Add support for retrieving unadjusted/raw spans ([#615](, [@yurishkuro](
  391. * Add adjuster that removes bad span references ([#614](, [@yurishkuro](
  392. * Add ChainedTagFilter ([#607](, [@black-adder](
  393. * Extend query API to allow passing tags as JSON string ([#602](, [@yurishkuro](
  394. * Add CA certificates to collector/query images ([#598](, [@yurishkuro](
  395. * skip nil and zero length hits, fix #556 ([#601](, [@NeoCN](
  396. * Ensure Cassandra bucket number is not negative ([#599](, [@yurishkuro](
  397. * Parse zipkin v2 high trace id ([#596](, [@pavolloffay](
  398. * Zipin add lc to keep service name ([#594](, [@pavolloffay](
  399. * Fix SIGSEGV in tbuffered_server ([#592](, [@manannayak](
  400. * Add log to avoid warning for ineffectual assignment ([#584](, [@isaachier](
  401. * make cassandra service_name_index inserts idempotent ([#587](, [@]())
  403. ## v1.0.0 (2017-12-06)
  404. * Preparing release 1.0 ([#580](, [@yurishkuro](
  405. * Report card fixes ([#583](, [@isaachier](
  406. * Fix issue where Domain to UI model converter double reports the same … ([#579](, [@black-adder](
  407. * Describe release process ([#573](, [@yurishkuro](
  408. * Docs add dependencies tab option ([#568](, [@pavolloffay](
  409. * test-driver increase wait time in healthcheck ([#565](, [@pavolloffay](
  410. * Fix jaeger agent embedded reporter builder bug ([#570](, [@vprithvi](
  411. * Use UTC time zone in es storage findIndices test ([#569](, [@vprithvi](
  412. * Test parsing trace IDs with upper/lower cases ([#567](, [@yurishkuro](
  413. * Support Prometheus metrics as default mode ([#516](, [@yurishkuro](
  414. * Configure cqlsh for TLS for schema setup. ([#559](, [@rbtcollins](
  415. * use utc time zone in es storage getIndices test ([#558](, [@seregayoga](
  416. * Enable TLS client connections to Cassandra ([#555](, [@rbtcollins](
  417. * Remove HAProxy zipkin check ([#554](, [@black-adder](
  418. * Docs: update migration from zipkin ([#541](, [@pavolloffay](
  419. * Prepare release 0.10.0 ([#543](, [@black-adder](
  420. * Adding HTTP compression ([#545](, [@ledor473](
  421. * Docs: mention golang version ([#540](, [@pavolloffay](
  422. * Collect Zipkin v2 json ([#518](, [@pavolloffay](
  423. * ES fix aggregation errors when index is empty ([#535](, [@pavolloffay](
  424. * Finish replacing uber/jaeger with jaegertracing/jaeger ([#537](, [@yurishkuro](
  425. * docs(example): fix go get url ([#536](, [@javierprovecho](
  426. * Change maintainer nominations to public ([#534](, [@yurishkuro](
  427. * Introduce logging level configuration ([#514](, [@pavolloffay](
  428. * Bump idl with zipkin swagger and messaging annos ([#533](, [@pavolloffay](
  429. * Add ([#530](, [@yurishkuro](
  430. * Added weekly meeting details to README ([#527](, [@jpkrohling](
  431. * Update README and docs with new C++ client lib. ([#525](, [@hypnoce](
  432. * Change package from uber to jaegertracing ([#528](, [@objectiser](
  433. * Introduce version command and handler ([#517](, [@pavolloffay](
  434. * Add info on UI configuration to docs ([#515](, [@tiffon](
  435. * Add startTimeMillis field to JSON Spans submitted to ElasticSearch, ([#491](, [@]())
  436. * Change Running Instructions ([#512](, [@MarckK](
  437. * Remove unnecessary links to xdock test_driver ([#507](, [@pavolloffay](
  438. * Xdock compose, test driver links jaeger services ([#505](, [@pavolloffay](
  439. * Update ([#498](, [@]())
  440. * use the now exported expvarHandler… ([#504](, [@dstroot](
  441. * allow overriding replication factor for 'test' ([#501](, [@Dieterbe](
  442. * Zipkin use net.parseIP and model functions for IDs ([#500](, [@pavolloffay](
  443. * Added CII Best Practices badge ([#499](, [@jpkrohling](
  444. * docker-compose and reuse it in crossdock ([#493](, [@pavolloffay](
  445. * Zipkin json binAnnotation value number ([#496](, [@pavolloffay](
  446. * Allow embedding custom UI config in index.html ([#490](, [@yurishkuro](
  447. * Split zipkin span which contains server and client annotations ([#453](, [@pavolloffay](
  448. * Add Kausal to ([#495](, [@tomwilkie](
  450. ## v0.9.0 (2017-10-25)
  451. * Preparing release 0.9.0 ([#494](, [@black-adder](
  452. * Bump UI ([#492](, [@black-adder](
  453. * Handle ports > 32k in Zipkin JSON ([#488](, [@yurishkuro](
  454. * Correct typo: Isio -> Istio ([#474](, [@douglas-reid](
  455. * passes error message if KEYSPACE does not have valid character ([#487](, [@dexter816](
  456. * replace "" with "" ([#482](, [@NeoCN](
  457. * Upgrade to Go 1.9 ([#410](, [@yurishkuro](
  458. * Rename future copyright headers to The Jaeger Authors ([#476](, [@yurishkuro](
  459. * Remove hotrod-specific dependencies ([#470](, [@yurishkuro](
  460. * Add cassandra tag filter ([#442](, [@black-adder](
  461. * Support configuration files ([#462](, [@pavolloffay](
  462. * Remove unused flags ([#463](, [@pavolloffay](
  463. * Trace the dedicated query server ([#454](, [@rbtcollins](
  464. * Explain sign-off requirements ([#417](, [@yurishkuro](
  465. * Add Building From Source section ([#449](, [@yurishkuro](
  466. * Add FOSSA license scanning badge ([#430](, [@caniszczyk](
  467. * Fixed broken link ([#441](, [@kevinearls](
  468. * Add Jaeger related istio and envoy links ([#437](, [@objectiser](
  469. * Docs spark job ([#434](, [@pavolloffay](
  470. * Fix external links ([#431](, [@yurishkuro](
  471. * Update News page to include CNCF announcement ([#429](, [@yurishkuro](
  473. ## v0.8.0 (2017-09-24)
  474. * Add CNCF Code of Conduct ([#415](, [@caniszczyk](
  475. * use `http-status` as log field name when set new HTTP status for the health check ([#413](, [@NeoCN](
  476. * Define import path in preparation of repository move to jaegertracing ([#408](, [@yurishkuro](
  477. * Mention CNCF in README ([#402](, [@caniszczyk](
  478. * Fix crossdock test-driver upload to Hub ([#400](, [@yurishkuro](
  479. * Docs: quickstart enable zipkin ([#398](, [@pavolloffay](
  480. * add Weave to list of adopters ([#396](, [@jnewmano](
  481. * Adding Under Armour to adopters ([#393](, [@ejwood79](
  482. * Update to Apache 2.0 License ([#391](, [@yurishkuro](
  483. * Docker images do not push SHA and travis build number tags ([#376](, [@pavolloffay](
  484. * Add GrafanaLabs and FarmersEdge to Adopters ([#390](, [@yurishkuro](
  485. * Remove thrift image when it is done ([#382](, [@pavolloffay](
  486. * Zipkin json and thrift xdock tests ([#378](, [@pavolloffay](
  487. * Documented how to run the agent via Docker with a remote collector ([#388](, [@jpkrohling](
  488. * Minor doc fixes. ([#383](, [@isaachier](
  489. * Add Pavol Loffay to CODEOWNERS ([#381](, [@yurishkuro](
  490. * Makefile use GNU sed and force thrift to use the same user ([#377](, [@pavolloffay](
  491. * Add roadmap to docs ([#368](, [@yurishkuro](
  492. * Replaced base Docker images for agent/collector/query ([#363](, [@jpkrohling](
  493. * Docker images update :latest tag per commit in master ([#364](, [@pavolloffay](
  494. * log error message when unable to connect to jaeger-collector ([#356](, [@jnewmano](
  495. * Mention UDP buffer size restrictions ([#352](, [@yurishkuro](
  497. ## v0.7.0 (2017-08-22)
  498. * Preparing release 0.7.0 ([#351](, [@black-adder](
  499. * Use semver of jaeger-lib ([#350](, [@yurishkuro](
  500. * Update Zipkin toDomain to handle 128bit traceId and ipv6 ([#349](, [@yurishkuro](
  501. * Zipkin json encoding via HTTP ([#348](, [@yurishkuro](
  502. * Implement forfeit lock. ([#345](, [@isaachier](
  503. * Doc improve migration from zipkin ([#343](, [@pavolloffay](
  504. * Document zipkin http endpoint ([#341](, [@pavolloffay](
  505. * Add adopters list ([#340](, [@yurishkuro](
  506. * Remove loggers from zipkin sanitizers ([#336](, [@pavolloffay](
  507. * Update thrift idl ([#338](, [@yurishkuro](
  508. * Zipkin span start time and duration sanitizer ([#333](, [@pavolloffay](
  509. * Added liveness and readiness checks to collector and query ([#280](, [@jpkrohling](
  510. * Add note about number of shards and replicas for ES ([#330](, [@mh-park](
  512. ## v0.6.0 (2017-08-10)
  513. * Preparing release 0.6.0 ([#328](, [@black-adder](
  514. * Change ElasticSearch replicas default value ([#325](, [@mh-park](
  515. * Refactor storage configuration ([#322](, [@pavolloffay](
  516. * TODO about default values in storage options ([#329](, [@pavolloffay](
  517. * Zipkin error tag sanitizer ([#327](, [@pavolloffay](
  518. * Change default ElasticSearch server flag value ([#324](, [@mh-park](
  519. * Add basic authenticator to configs for Cassandra ([#323](, [@mh-park](
  520. * Raise timeout for ES cleanup script ([#317](, [@mh-park](
  521. * Add ElasticSearch to deployment docs ([#318](, [@mh-park](
  522. * C* Remove default proto version from query command ([#321](, [@pavolloffay](
  523. * Add link to HotROD talk recording ([#319](, [@yurishkuro](
  524. * Remove default cassandra ProtoVersion ([#316](, [@black-adder](
  525. * Pass only necessary arguments to multiRead fn in ES plugin ([#315](, [@mh-park](
  526. * Rename make storage-integration-test command to fit its function ([#314](, [@mh-park](
  527. * Add links to storage backends (cassandra, elasticsearch) ([#313](, [@mh-park](
  528. * Do not fail multi-trace search if some traces are not found ([#311](, [@yurishkuro](
  529. * Add ElasticSearch flags to query/collector ([#309](, [@mh-park](
  530. * Refactor Viperize function ([#308](, [@black-adder](
  531. * Cobra viper configuration keep it simple ([#307](, [@pavolloffay](
  532. * Make ES number of shards and replicas configurable ([#303](, [@mh-park](
  533. * Split ES types into separate indices (for ES 6+) ([#301](, [@mh-park](
  534. * Modify ES Reader to use MultiSearch for bulk reading ([#299](, [@mh-park](
  535. * Fix ES to retrieve most recent traces ([#297](, [@mh-park](
  536. * Zipkin api/v1/spans endpoint ([#282](, [@pavolloffay](
  537. * Add README for ElasticSearch plugin ([#288](, [@mh-park](
  538. * Add exists check to ES writer ([#293](, [@mh-park](
  539. * Fix hostPort variable name ([#291](, [@black-adder](
  540. * Add ES Curator script ([#284](, [@mh-park](
  541. * Add ES Search IgnoreUnavailable indices flag ([#271](, [@mh-park](
  542. * Configuration viper/cobra - agent only ([#245](, [@pavolloffay](
  543. * Add link to OpenShift commons briefs blog about Jaeger+Prometheus on … ([#281](, [@objectiser](
  545. ## v0.5.2 (2017-07-20)
  546. * Simplify API conformance tests ([#279](, [@yurishkuro](
  547. * Switched the Cassandra Schema image to use the official image as base image ([#278](, [@jpkrohling](
  548. * Support configurable metrics backend in the agent ([#275](, [@yurishkuro](
  549. * Delete unused metric in ES ([#276](, [@mh-park](
  550. * ES Metrics ([#257](, [@mh-park](
  551. * Add ES Dependency Store ([#269](, [@mh-park](
  552. * Move ES Service/Operation Reader to other file ([#270](, [@mh-park](
  553. * Add ES to Query Service ([#250](, [@mh-park](
  554. * Add ES to Collector Service ([#251](, [@mh-park](
  555. * Fix ES Storage integration test ([#267](, [@mh-park](
  556. * Resolve TODOs in ElasticSearch ([#262](, [@mh-park](
  557. * Add Storage Integration Testing ([#236](, [@mh-park](
  558. * Refactor Cassandra schema scripts ([#243](, [@yurishkuro](
  560. ## v0.5.1 (2017-07-04)
  561. * Capture output streams of child processes ([#247](, [@yurishkuro](
  562. * Push to Docker Hub on release tags ([#246](, [@yurishkuro](
  563. * Append trailing slash to static asset root ([#242](, [@yurishkuro](
  564. * Remove unused flags ([#241](, [@yurishkuro](
  566. ## v0.5.0 (2017-07-01)
  567. * Acquire read lock in FindTraces ([#240](, [@yurishkuro](
  568. * Add baggage http endpoint to agent ([#190](, [@black-adder](
  569. * Add ES-Reader FindTraces ([#234](, [@mh-park](
  570. * Add ES-Reader GetTrace ([#224](, [@mh-park](
  571. * Scope jaeger sampling model in model/sampling ([#231](, [@black-adder](
  572. * Add adaptive sampling crossdock tests ([#230](, [@black-adder](
  573. * Test posting Thrift to HTTP endpoint via Jaeger client ([#227](, [@yurishkuro](
  574. * Test posting Thrift to HTTP endpoint via Jaeger client ([#226](, [@yurishkuro](
  575. * Add distributed lock ([#223](, [@black-adder](
  576. * Separate Reporter builder from Agent builder ([#221](, [@yurishkuro](
  577. * Add sampling store ([#222](, [@black-adder](
  578. * Create ES-Reader GetServices/Operations ([#220](, [@mh-park](
  579. * Add ES writer ([#200](, [@mh-park](
  580. * Fix spelling typos ([#216](, [@yurishkuro](
  581. * Add links to Docker images, update documentation ([#214](, [@yurishkuro](
  582. * Accept jaeger.Batch Thrift type in HTTP handler ([#209](, [@yurishkuro](
  583. * Rename handler files to http_handler ([#208](, [@yurishkuro](
  584. * Add Gitter chat links ([#203](, [@yurishkuro](
  585. * Fix race condition in testutils.logger ([#198](, [@black-adder](
  586. * Bump jaeger-ui ([#196](, [@black-adder](
  587. * Add Jaeger model to ES model Converter and vice versa ([#187](, [@mh-park](
  588. * Do not omit empty arrays in JSON ([#195](, [@yurishkuro](
  589. * fix typo ([#193](, [@wuman](
  590. * Remove zipkin span sanitizer logs ([#192](, [@vprithvi](
  591. * Update standalone dockerfile and docs ([#191](, [@vprithvi](
  592. * Start http jaeger-collector when starting standalone ([#185](, [@vprithvi](
  593. * Pull UI fix ([#186](, [@yurishkuro](
  594. * Add http zipkin.thrift support ([#180](, [@vprithvi](
  595. * Specify the docker tag during the build ([#182](, [@jpkrohling](
  596. * Added Dockerfile to individual components ([#157](, [@jpkrohling](
  597. * Docs add link to oc, k8s templates and links to all repositories ([#173](, [@pavolloffay](
  598. * Define ports exposed by jaeger components ([#167](, [@yurishkuro](
  599. * Typo fix ([#163](, [@mwarkentin](
  600. * Introduce APIHandler that listens on new http port for collector. ([#156](, [@badiib](
  601. * Remove TChannel thrift client options ([#154](, [@black-adder](
  602. * Allow agent to use a static list to connect to multiple collectors (#134) ([#137](, [@yuekui2](
  603. * Skip upload to docker hub from forked repo PRs ([#153](, [@black-adder](
  604. * Use latest UI ([#149](, [@yurishkuro](
  605. * Replace logo ([#148](, [@yurishkuro](
  606. * Add links to HotROD tutorial ([#147](, [@yurishkuro](
  607. * Do not count same-service spans as parent/child dependency ([#143](, [@yurishkuro](
  608. * Do not lowercase Operation on write. ([#142](, [@badiib](
  609. * Add default for cassandra.connections-per-host ([#138](, [@black-adder](
  610. * Add documentation on deployment ([#135](, [@yurishkuro](
  611. * Bump jaeger-idl and generate new thrift ([#133](, [@black-adder](
  612. * Change archive storage to be a fallback for /api/traces/ route ([#131](, [@yurishkuro](
  613. * Simplify span processor queue and improve its test coverage ([#126](, [@yurishkuro](
  614. * Remove unused `services` dir ([#128](, [@yurishkuro](
  615. * Use standard adjusters from all-in-one ([#127](, [@yurishkuro](
  616. * Move applyDefaults to casandra.Configuration ([#125](, [@yurishkuro](
  617. * Add standalone test ([#122](, [@black-adder](
  618. * Add tracer option to query service ([#124](, [@black-adder](
  619. * Upload test driver ([#120](, [@black-adder](
  620. * Calculate dependency counts in memory ([#118](, [@badiib](
  621. * Reduce size of all in one image ([#117](, [@black-adder](
  622. * Pre-allocate array and break out of loop early ([#116](, [@seregayoga](
  623. * Rename the main page and tweak the theme ([#114](, [@yurishkuro](
  624. * Fix github link ([#113](, [@vprithvi](
  625. * Fix typos in the architecture README ([#111](, [@black-adder](
  626. * Add announcement ([#112](, [@vprithvi](
  627. * Hide nvm inside bash script ([#110](, [@black-adder](
  628. * Improve travis build times ([#109](, [@black-adder](
  629. * Update documentation ([#102](, [@vprithvi](
  630. * Add crossdock tests to travis ([#108](, [@black-adder](
  631. * Add crossdock tests ([#97](, [@black-adder](
  632. * Fix license link ([#107](, [@vprithvi](
  633. * Fix race condition ([#103](, [@black-adder](
  634. * add test for RegisterRoutes in static_handler_test.go ([#101](, [@]())
  635. * Fix collector service name ([#105](, [@black-adder](
  636. * Add an emptyCache test for service name sanitizer ([#99](, [@]())
  637. * Use yarn for UI build ([#100](, [@black-adder](
  638. * Fix schema generation script, duration_index bucket was the wrong type ([#98](, [@badiib](
  639. * Introduce limit multiple ([#96](, [@badiib](
  640. * Use Markdown for docs ([#78](, [@vprithvi](
  641. * Only upload to docker hub on master branch ([#94](, [@black-adder](
  642. * Fix panic in auto_refresh_cache_test ([#93](, [@black-adder](
  643. * Speed-up CI by separating tests and all-in-one docker build ([#86](, [@black-adder](
  644. * Add CQL schema generation script ([#92](, [@badiib](
  645. * Make agent hostPort more docker friendly ([#88](, [@black-adder](
  646. * Add testing script, set page size to 0, add cql definition file ([#87](, [@badiib](
  647. * Fix auto refresh cache tests ([#90](, [@black-adder](
  648. * Add tchannel option to agent builder ([#74](, [@black-adder](
  649. * Remove SASI indices from Cassandra3 implementation ([#80](, [@badiib](
  650. * Add standalone Dockerfile that runs agent, collector, and query ([#69](, [@badiib](
  651. * Serve static UI files from query service ([#79](, [@black-adder](
  652. * Add CollectorServiceName option to agent builder ([#77](, [@black-adder](
  653. * Upgrade to 1.x ([#75](, [@yurishkuro](
  654. * Migrate SortLogFields model adjuster; add StandardAdjusters for query service ([#71](, [@yurishkuro](
  655. * Create standalone jaeger main with a backing in memory store. ([#68](, [@badiib](
  656. * Add collector and query services. ([#67](, [@badiib](
  657. * Add limit to query builder ([#59](, [@black-adder](
  658. * Adding domain to jaeger.thrift transformer ([#65](, [@]())
  659. * Upgrade jaeger-lib ([#66](, [@yurishkuro](
  660. * Upgrade jaeger-client-go to 2.3.0 ([#64](, [@yurishkuro](
  661. * Support search by multiple trace IDs ([#63](, [@yurishkuro](
  662. * Trace query service routes ([#62](, [@yurishkuro](
  663. * Migrate jaeger-agent implementation from internal repository ([#61](, [@yurishkuro](
  664. * Add service discovery abstraction and tchannel peer list manager ([#60](, [@yurishkuro](
  665. * Add ability to archive traces ([#57](, [@yurishkuro](
  666. * Change route /services/operations to /operations ([#55](, [@yurishkuro](
  667. * Distinguish trace not found condition ([#56](, [@yurishkuro](
  668. * Add RPC metrics to hotrod demo ([#54](, [@yurishkuro](
  669. * Introduce Factory pattern for building APIHandler ([#53](, [@badiib](
  670. * Introduce query API handler and query parser ([#52](, [@badiib](
  671. * Add ScanCAS function to gocql.Query ([#51](, [@black-adder](
  672. * Add jaeger thrift to domain model converter ([#50](, [@badiib](
  673. * Add the cassandra implementation for the dependency and span store. ([#48](, [@badiib](
  674. * Introduce interfaces for service dependencies and span storage. ([#47](, [@badiib](
  675. * Migrate Cassandra utils ([#46](, [@yurishkuro](
  676. * Rewrite peer.ipv4 tags to string representation ([#45](, [@yurishkuro](
  677. * Document project structure ([#44](, [@yurishkuro](
  678. * Use strong types for time and duration fields ([#42](, [@yurishkuro](
  679. * Migrate a couple of utils ([#41](, [@yurishkuro](
  680. * Add demo tracing app ([#40](, [@yurishkuro](
  681. * Make FlagDebug public and move it to the model package ([#39](, [@badiib](
  682. * Add IP tag adjuster ([#38](, [@yurishkuro](
  683. * Convert zipkin Debug boolean to a model Flags setting ([#37](, [@badiib](
  684. * Init submodule lazily when generating Thrift ([#35](, [@yurishkuro](
  685. * Make tchan-jaeger by omitting oneway keyword ([#34](, [@badiib](
  686. * Do not use go generate to run md-to-godoc ([#33](, [@yurishkuro](
  687. * removing a comment that does not apply to its relative function ([#32](, [@badiib](
  688. * Add DependencyFromDomain to handle conversion for DependencyLink ([#31](, [@badiib](
  689. * Add a DependencyLink struct ([#30](, [@badiib](
  690. * Introduce zipkin to domain converter ([#28](, [@badiib](
  691. * introducing from domain to json converter ([#27](, [@badiib](
  692. * introducing JSON model prior to introducing converters ([#26](, [@badiib](
  693. * Extend model to allow adjusters to record problems in the relevant spans ([#25](, [@yurishkuro](
  694. * Add more general hash code methods ([#23](, [@yurishkuro](
  695. * Add string representation to SpanRefType's ([#22](, [@yurishkuro](
  696. * Add Process.Hash() ([#21](, [@yurishkuro](
  697. * Marshal model.TraceID and model.SpanID to/from a string ([#20](, [@yurishkuro](
  698. * Add ability to serialize model.ValueType as string ([#19](, [@yurishkuro](
  699. * Implement KeyValues.Equal() ([#18](, [@yurishkuro](
  700. * Add Equal() to Process and KeyValue ([#17](, [@yurishkuro](
  701. * Add tchannel thrift bindings ([#16](, [@yurishkuro](
  702. * Setup package structure for model converters ([#15](, [@yurishkuro](
  703. * Implement span ID deduper ([#13](, [@yurishkuro](
  704. * Generate thrift files ([#14](, [@yurishkuro](
  705. * Implement simple clock skew adjuster ([#12](, [@yurishkuro](
  706. * Remove Tag/Tags types, use KeyValue instead ([#11](, [@yurishkuro](
  707. * Introduce model adjusters ([#10](, [@yurishkuro](
  708. * Introduce Tags type alias with methods ([#9](, [@yurishkuro](
  709. * Add utility for wrapping multiple errors ([#7](, [@yurishkuro](
  710. * Fix to include test files ([#8](, [@yurishkuro](
  711. * Add internal domain model ([#6](, [@yurishkuro](
  712. * Use md-to-godoc ([#3](, [@yurishkuro](
  713. * Add license, contributing, fix coverage script ([#2](, [@yurishkuro](
  714. * Add travis build and coverage ([#1](, [@yurishkuro](
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