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a guest
Dec 14th, 2018
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text 2.15 KB | None | 0 0
  1. begin{center}
  2. setchemfig{cram width=3pt}
  3. schemestart
  4. subscheme{
  5. chemleft[
  6. chemfig{@{F}Lewis{0:2:4:6:,F}}
  7. chemright]}
  8. +
  9. chemfig{F-@{B}{phantom{B}}(-[2,0,,,draw=none]{})(<[:-20]F)<:[:20]F}
  10. arrow{->}
  11. chemleft[
  12. chemfig{chembelow[0.5pt]{F}{scriptstylehspace{4.5mm}oplus}-[:-90,0.8]@{cb}chemabove[0.5pt]{B}{scriptstylehspace{4.5mm}ominus}(<:[:-40,0.8]F)(<[:-70,0.8]F)-[:-140]F}
  13. chemright]
  14. schemestop
  15. tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
  16. begin{scope}[overlay,shift={(B)}]
  17. draw[-] (-0.1,0.2) ..controls +(120:1) and +(60:1) .. (0.1,0.2);
  18. draw[-,fill=black!10] (-0.1,-0.2) ..controls +(-120:1) and +(-60:1) ..
  19. +(0.2,0);
  20. end{scope}
  21. node[fill=white,inner sep=0.1pt] at (B){{fontfamily{cmr}selectfont
  22. B
  23. }};
  24. draw[-latex,shorten <=2pt] (F) ..controls +(90:1.7cm)and+(90:1cm)..
  25. ([yshift=9pt]B.north);
  26. }
  27. tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
  28. draw[-latex,shorten <=2pt,densely dashed] ([yshift=9pt]cb.north) ..controls +(180:0.7) and +(-90:1).. +(-0.7,1) node[above,align=center] {scriptsize coordinate scriptsize covalent\ scriptsize bond};
  29. }
  30. chemmove{node[xshift=6pt] at (c2.north east) {$-$};}
  31. chemmove{node[xshift=6pt] at (c3.north east) {$-$};}
  32. end{center}
  34. setchemfig{cram width=3pt}
  35. chemnameinit{}
  36. schemestart
  37. chemname{chemfig{H_{3}C-C(=[:45]O)-[:-45]O-[:0]H}}{tikzmarknode{A}{Acetic
  38. Acid}}
  39. +
  40. chemname{chemfig{H_{3}C-Lewis{2:,N}(<:[:-15]H)<[:-40]H}}{tikzmarknode{B}{Methylamine}}
  41. arrow{<=>}
  42. chemname{chemfig{H_{3}C-C(=[:45]O)-[:-45]Orlap{${}^-$}}}{tikzmarknode{C}{Acetate
  43. Ion}}
  44. +
  45. chemname{chemfig{H_{3}C-Nrlap{${}^+$}(-[:45]H)(<:[:-15]H)<[:-40]H}}{tikzmarknode{D}{Mathylammonium
  46. Ion}}
  47. schemestop
  48. begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
  49. node[below=3mm of A,fill=dullblue,draw,ellipse] (Acid1) {Acid};
  50. node[below=3mm of B,draw,ellipse] (Base1) {Base};
  51. node[below=3mm of C,fill=dullblue,draw,ellipse] (Base2) {Base};
  52. node[below=3mm of D,draw,ellipse] (Acid2) {Acid};
  53. draw[blue!50] (Acid1) -- ++ (0,-1.5) coordinate(aux) -| (Base2);
  54. draw (Base1) -- ++ (0,-2) -| (Acid2);
  55. node[anchor=south,blue!50,fill=white,outer sep=1pt] at (aux-|Base1) {Conjugate pair};
  56. end{tikzpicture}
  58. usepackage{chemfig}
  59. usepackage{tikz}
  60. usetikzlibrary{tikzmark,positioning,shapes.geometric}
  61. definecolor{dullblue}{RGB}{178,201,231}
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