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a guest
Jul 18th, 2018
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  1. var do_myAccount = function(btn) {
  2. btn.el.frame();
  3. };
  4. var man_acc_button = new Ext.Button({
  5. text : 'My Account',
  6. iconCls : 'icon-control_power',
  7. handler : do_myAccount
  8. });
  9. var man_acc_button2 = new Ext.Button({
  10. text : 'My Account',
  11. iconCls : 'icon-control_power',
  12. handler : do_myAccount
  13. });
  14. var userButtons = {
  15. xtype : 'panel',
  16. layout : 'vbox',
  17. frame : false,
  18. height : 100,
  19. width : 100,
  20. layoutConfig : {
  21. pack : 'center',
  22. align : 'center'
  23. },
  24. items : [
  25. {items : man_acc_button },
  26. {html : "<br/>", height : 10},
  27. {items : man_acc_button2 }]
  28. };
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