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May 22nd, 2019
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  1. 1. main class ( “Demo-Driver” )
  2. a. Create a Java file of “public class RandomAccessBinaryFileRecursiveBinarySearch”
  3. class containing the main method.
  4. b. It will create a Scanner object to receive a value into “nextShort()” from the user to
  5. search the file for.
  6. c. It will create a “File” object for “BinFileShort”.
  7. d. It will create a “RandomAccessFile” object to read the file data.
  8. e. Create “BinaryRecursiveSearch” object to call the recursive binary search method.
  9. f. In a loop, get a short to search for. You can use a “Y” or “N” algorithm to test for end of
  10. program as the binary search program did. I quickly tired of typing the “Y” and looped
  11. until a sentinel value was read.
  12. g. Invoke the binary search:
  13. long result = fileArray.binarySearch( randomAccessFile, 0, 4999,
  14. searchValue, callNumber);
  15. The “callNumber” allows to determine how many recursions it took. It is optional.
  16. h. Display whether or not the value was found.
  17. Enter a value to search for: 7398
  18. Call binarySearch. Times called 1
  19. 7398 was found at element 2499
  20. 2. Library class “BinaryRecursiveSearch”
  21. a. Create a Java file of “public class BinaryRecursiveSearch” class containing the “binarySearch”
  22. method.
  23. b. Check to see if the value searched for was not found. If so, return the long “-1.”
  24. c. Calculate the middle position of the area being searched.
  25. d. Resolve the byte-short alignment: “long positionValueForShort = 2 * positionValue;” .
  26. e. Seek that position.
  27. f. Read the short at that position: readShort().
  28. g. Recursively call the left half or right half of “binarySearch()” .
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