

Dec 2nd, 2017
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  1. // ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
  2. // '~~~ mastercomfig TF2 config ~~~'
  3. // ---------------------------------
  4. // Version: 6.1.2-beta | December 16 2017
  5. // ---------------------------------
  6. // ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
  8. // =================
  9. // '--- Network ---'
  10. // =================
  11. // ---------------
  12. // '-- General --'
  13. // ---------------
  14. // Sets rates and interp for better networking
  15. net_queued_packet_thread 1 // Queue split packets on Windows
  16. net_compresspackets 1 // Compress to avoid split packets
  17. net_maxroutable 956 // Use max reliable packet size
  18. net_compresspackets_minsize 0 // Always compress packets on <2.6Mbps upload
  19. net_maxcleartime 0.001 // Override rate for minimum network delay
  20. net_maxpacketdrop 1000 // Use faster packet drop threshold
  21. net_splitrate 2 // Split 2 packets per frame, reduces choke
  22. net_splitpacket_maxrate 87649 // Split packet rate for 0.7Mbps stable upload
  23. cl_predictweapons 1 // Ensure weapon firing prediction is turned on
  26. // -------------------
  27. // '-- Matchmaking --'
  28. // -------------------
  29. // Adjusts casual/competitive matchmaking settings
  31. tf_mm_custom_ping_enabled 1 // Enable custom ping tolerance
  32. tf_mm_debug_level 0 // Remove matchmaking debug output
  33. tf_mm_partyclient_debug 0 // Remove party debug output
  34. tf_party_join_request_mode 0 // Mode for party join requests: 0 - open join, 1 - request join, 2 - invite join
  35. tf_party_force_update // Force an update to the party system on launch
  37. // ===================
  38. // '--- Rendering ---'
  39. // ===================
  40. // -----------------
  41. // '-- Threading --'
  42. // -----------------
  43. // These settings will take advantage of your CPU cores
  45. cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 0 // Use traditional behavior for CPUs with less than 4 cores
  46. r_threaded_renderables 1 // Asynchronously set up bones on animated entities
  47. r_threaded_particles 1 // Process particle systems in parallel
  48. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 0 // Use traditional behavior for CPUs with less than 4 cores
  49. mat_queue_mode -1 // Let the engine determine the optimal mode for CPUs with less than 4 cores
  50. studio_queue_mode 1 // Use queue calls for studio renders
  51. //host_thread_mode 1 // Use the threaded frame behavior
  53. // -----------------------------
  54. // '-- Material System Queue --'
  55. // -----------------------------
  56. // These settings will take advantage of the material system, depending on how mat_queue_mode is set
  58. r_queued_decals 0 // Disabled by default due to crashes
  59. r_queued_post_processing 0 // Disabled by default because it usually fails to render the post processing
  60. // effects in time for the frame render
  61. r_queued_ropes 0 // Disable queued ropes for CPUs with less than 4 cores
  63. // -----------
  64. // '-- LOD --'
  65. // -----------
  66. // Controls the quality of objects based on distance
  68. r_rootlod 2 // Maximum performance for models
  69. lod_TransitionDist -1 // Do not fade in map objects for maximum performance
  70. r_lod -1 // Use r_rootlod to properly fade through LODs.
  71. mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 1024 // Reduce mesh vertices to minimum
  73. // ----------------
  74. // '-- Lighting --'
  75. // ----------------
  76. // Lights projected onto characters and other dynamic models
  78. r_ambientboost 0 // Disable if you need to save the small amount of CPU this uses
  79. r_ambientmin 0.6 // Allow for ambient boosting even in brighter light levels, makes characters stand out
  80. r_rimlight 0 // Disable light around character edges, very small FPS increase, rimlight uses GPU only
  81. mat_phong 0 // Disable phong for flatter shading
  82. r_lightaverage 0 // Disable this lighting job that uses a lot of CPU even if it is not needed/noticeable
  83. r_dynamic 0 // Disable dynamic lighting (muzzle flash lighting, explosions and other lighted effects)
  84. r_maxdlights 0 // Do not allow any dynamic lights
  85. r_worldlightmin 0.004 // Reject all world lighting
  86. r_worldlights 0 // Disable world lights
  87. mat_disable_fancy_blending 1 // Disable fancy blending
  88. mat_disable_lightwarp 1 // Disable light warps
  90. // ---------------
  91. // '-- Shadows --'
  92. // ---------------
  93. // Shadows cast from characters
  95. r_shadows 0 // Disable shadows for a big FPS increase
  96. r_shadowrendertotexture 0 // Do not use two materials for shadows (uses memory and rendering time)
  97. cl_blobbyshadows 1 // Render a blob for shadows
  98. r_flashlightdepthres 32 // Reduce the shadow depth texture resolution. Only works when depth textures are
  99. // on
  100. r_flashlightdepthtexture 0 // Disable the CPU intensive depth texturing for shadows
  101. r_flashlightrender 0 // Disable flashlight shadow
  102. r_flashlightmodels 0 // Disable lighting models
  103. r_flashlightscissor 1 // Disable shadow rendering where it is unneeded
  104. nb_shadow_dist 0 // Disable shadow distance
  105. r_shadowmaxrendered 11 // for 6s
  107. // ---------------
  108. // '-- Effects --'
  109. // ---------------
  110. // Weapon and other light effects
  112. cl_ejectbrass 0 // Disable shell ejection from pistols, shotgun, minigun, etc
  113. muzzleflash_light 0 // Disable muzzle flash lights
  114. cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st 0 // Disable muzzle flash lights in first person
  115. tracer_extra 0 // Remove extra fluff to bullet lines that make them thicker
  116. r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 // Do not draw tracers when you are in first person
  117. cl_show_splashes 0 // Disable water splashes
  118. cl_fasttempentcollision 10000 // Skip collision checking
  120. // -------------
  121. // '-- Water --'
  122. // -------------
  123. // Water reflections
  125. r_cheapwaterstart 0 // Use cheap water as much as possible
  126. r_cheapwaterend 0 // Use cheap water as much as possible
  127. r_waterforceexpensive 0 // Do not force expensive water
  128. r_WaterDrawReflection 0 // Water reflections disabled for more performance
  129. r_waterforcereflectentities 0 // Do not forcing entity water reflections
  130. r_WaterDrawRefraction 0 // Disable water refraction for maximum FPS
  131. r_ForceWaterLeaf 1 // Draw half of the leaf for water to optimize culls
  133. // -----------------
  134. // '-- Particles --'
  135. // -----------------
  136. // Particle effects
  138. cl_particle_batch_mode 2 // Batch particles with optimized mode, is a bit buggy
  139. tf_particles_disable_weather 1 // Disable rain, snow and ash particles
  140. mat_reduceparticles 1 // Reduce number of particles, but it only helps a little bit because the real
  141. // performance impact comes from creating particle systems
  142. cl_new_impact_effects 0 // Use the old particle system which is lighter
  143. r_drawflecks 0 // Do not create particle systems when things hit surfaces, increases FPS and reduces
  144. // distractions
  145. r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms 0 // Early finish to unused particle performance stats
  147. // -----------------------
  148. // '-- Post Processing --'
  149. // -----------------------
  150. // Extra visual effects
  152. mat_postprocessing_combine 1 // Combine post processing effects
  153. mat_hdr_level 0 // LDR
  154. mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor 0 // Completely disable bloom on LDR
  155. building_cubemaps 1 // Disables various post processing effects
  156. mat_colorcorrection 0 // Disable color correction
  157. mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1 // Disable entity color correction
  158. pyro_dof 0 // Skip a SSAO depth pass for pyrovision
  159. pyro_vignette 0 // Disable vignette for pyrovision
  160. pyro_vignette_distortion 0 // Disable vignette distortion for pyrovision
  161. pyro_max_intensity 0 // Disable more pyrovision visual effects
  162. pyro_max_rate 0 // ^
  163. pyro_max_side_length 0 // ^
  164. pyro_max_side_width 0 // ^
  165. pyro_min_intensity 0 // ^
  166. pyro_min_rate 0 // ^
  167. pyro_min_side_length 0 // ^
  168. pyro_min_side_width 0 // ^
  170. // -------------------
  171. // '-- Motion Blur --'
  172. // -------------------
  173. // These settings will adjust the blurring effect from rotation and movement
  175. mat_motion_blur_enabled 0 // Disable motion blur
  176. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 0 // Disable forward motion blur
  177. mat_motion_blur_strength 0 // Adjust overall blur strength
  180. // ------------------------------
  181. // '-- Antialiasing/Filtering --'
  182. // ------------------------------
  183. // These settings will adjust the smoothing of jagged edges and textures
  185. mat_antialias 0 // Do not do antialiasing (commented due to HUD and overlay glitches, set it once and then comment it out)
  186. mat_aaquality 0 // Disable CSAA
  187. mat_alphacoverage 0 // Disable alpha-to-coverage, which improves AA on thin overlapping surfaces
  188. mat_software_aa_strength 0 // Do not do software AA
  189. mat_software_aa_strength_vgui 0 // Do not do software AA on the HUD
  190. mat_trilinear 1 // Use trilinear as it improves texture filtering for little
  191. mat_forceaniso 0 // Disable higher levels of anisotropic filtering
  193. // ------------------
  194. // '-- Characters --'
  195. // ------------------
  196. // These settings will adjust the characters in the game
  198. r_flex 0 // Disable facial animations
  199. flex_rules 0 // Disable facial animations
  200. anim_3wayblend 0 // Disable 3-way animation blending
  201. ai_expression_optimization 1 // Do an extra visibility check for flex animations if we are above the target FPS,
  202. // otherwise, disable flex anims
  203. ai_expression_frametime 0 // Disable expressions entirely
  204. r_teeth 0 // Do not render teeth, small FPS boost
  205. cl_SetupAllBones 0 // Do not force every animation component of a model to be set up
  206. flex_smooth 0 // Do not smooth facial animations
  207. mp_usehwmmodels -1 // Do not use or load high quality characters
  208. mp_usehwmvcds -1 // Do not use or load high quality character facial expressions
  209. r_glint_procedural 1 // Use CPU eye glinting, for fast CPUs and slow GPUs
  210. r_eyes 0 // Disable eyes
  211. r_eyemove 0 // Disable eye movement
  212. tf_clientsideeye_lookats 0 // Disable eye lookats
  213. blink_duration 0.02 // Very fast eye blink
  215. // --------------
  216. // '-- Decals --'
  217. // --------------
  218. // Overlay textures on models
  220. r_decals 0 // Disable decals
  221. mp_decals 0 // Disable decals
  222. r_drawbatchdecals 0 // Do not batch decals with low max decal count
  223. r_spray_lifetime 0 // Clear sprays immediately
  224. cl_playerspraydisable 1 // Disable player sprays
  225. r_decal_cullsize 256 // Hide decals unless you are very close to them. This allows to check spread
  226. // without decal rendering elsewhere.
  227. r_decal_cover_count 1 // Remove decal when there is 1 decal in its place/close to completely covering it
  228. r_decal_overlap_area 0.4 // Remove decal when there is another decal barely covering it
  229. r_decal_overlap_count 0 // Do not allow decals to overlap each other
  230. r_drawmodeldecals 0 // Disable blood decals on bodies. Will prevent new objects to be created that decals apply onto.
  231. r_renderoverlayfragment 0 // Disable overlays, small performance increase
  232. r_maxmodeldecal 0 // Optimize maximum model decal count
  233. r_overlayfadeenable 0 // Fading overlays can cause small performance issues
  234. r_overlayfademax 1000 // Optimize overlay fades if it happens to be enabled
  235. r_overlayfademin 999 // Optimize overlay fades if it happens to be enabled
  237. // ------------
  238. // '-- Gibs --'
  239. // ------------
  240. // Body parts created on violent deaths
  242. cl_burninggibs 0 // Disable burning gibs, performance impact
  243. props_break_max_pieces 0 // Disables gibs and prop breaking
  244. violence_hgibs 1 // Disabling any of these CVars enables silly gibs, which result in lower performance
  245. violence_agibs 1 // ^
  246. violence_hblood 1 // ^
  247. violence_ablood 1 // ^
  249. // -------------
  250. // '-- Props --'
  251. // -------------
  252. // Various small objects
  254. r_decalstaticprops 0 // Do not use some lighting data for static props, disable decals on static props
  255. cl_phys_props_enable 0 // Disable client side physics props
  256. cl_phys_props_max 20 // Reduce the physics props limit to a sane one for TF2
  257. cl_phys_props_respawndist 0 // Do not spawn props until we can see them
  258. cl_phys_props_respawnrate 120 // Respawn physics props at a slower rate
  259. r_propsmaxdist 0 // Maximum distance from where client side physics props are visible
  260. r_drawdetailprops 0 // Disable detail props for saving a good bit of FPS
  261. cl_detaildist 0 // Draw detail props up to this distance
  262. cl_detailfade 0 // Do not fade in detail props
  263. r_staticprop_lod 63 // Force lowest LOD (lowest quality)
  264. r_PhysPropStaticLighting 1 // Use premade lighting for props, increases FPS
  266. // ----------------
  267. // '-- Ragdolls --'
  268. // ----------------
  269. // Full bodies with adjustable physics simulation and fading on death
  271. cl_ragdoll_collide 0 // Disable ragdoll collisions
  272. cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0 // Remove ragdoll fade out delay
  273. cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1 // Effectively disables ragdolls by instantly fading them
  274. cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 // Disable ragdoll physics, where most of the performance from ragdolls comes
  275. // from
  276. g_ragdoll_fadespeed 10000 // The rate of ragdoll fading (higher is faster fading rate, so 0 will not fade and cause memleaks)
  277. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 10000 // ^ but in low violence
  278. ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0 // Instantly sleep ragdolls
  280. // ---------------
  281. // '-- General --'
  282. // ---------------
  283. // General/overall graphics settings
  285. mat_reducefillrate 1 // Simplify material shading
  286. mat_bumpmap 0 // Disable bumpmap materials
  287. mat_specular 0 // Disable specular materials
  288. mat_viewportscale 1 // Adjust render resolution (adjust as a % from 1.0 to 0.1 in increments of 0.1 or 0.05). This is
  289. // useful for if your GPU struggles to render a lot of pixels
  290. mat_viewportupscale 1 // Upscale when using mat_viewportscale
  291. r_3dsky 0 // Disable 3D sky
  292. r_dopixelvisibility 0 // Do not do CPU intensive pixelvis (disabled anyway by building_cubemaps 1)
  293. r_drawpixelvisibility 0 // Do not draw debug for partial visibility checking
  294. r_pixelvisibility_partial 0 // Do not use a costly precise partial visibility algorithm
  295. cl_drawmonitors 0 // Do not draw monitors
  296. cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0 // Always disable jigglebones
  297. mat_picmip -1 // Use highest quality textures
  299. // -------------
  300. // '-- Ropes --'
  301. // -------------
  302. // Ropes in Mannpower and as decoration in maps
  304. rope_rendersolid 0 // Skip rendering solid part of ropes
  305. r_ropetranslucent 0 // Skip simulating ropes
  306. rope_solid_minalpha 0 // Skip drawing non-solid part of ropes
  307. rope_solid_minwidth 0.1 // Skip drawing ropes if they are not large enough on screen
  308. rope_smooth 0 // Skip a long smoothing operation for ropes
  309. rope_subdiv 0 // Skip heavy loops for rope subdivisions
  310. rope_collide 0 // Skip CPU heavy world collisions for ropes
  311. rope_wind_dist 0 // Do not apply CPU intensive wind to ropes
  312. rope_averagelight 0 // Simplify rope lighting for weak GPUs, at the cost of a bit of CPU time
  314. // --------------------
  315. // '-- Optimization --'
  316. // --------------------
  317. // These settings will optimize TF2 without having any very noticeable effects to the user
  319. fps_max 0 // Some systems are experiencing FPS caps well below the limit when FPS is limited as a result of a recent bug
  320. engine_no_focus_sleep 0 // Do not limit FPS when the engine is not focused because the focus detection
  321. // can be buggy on some systems or while streaming and may limit your FPS,
  322. // without you knowing
  323. r_fastzreject 1 // Modern GPUs (hardware feature level d3d10) do not need the help
  324. r_entityclips 1 // Skip clipping entities, saves CPU time
  325. disp_dynamic 0 // Do not use dynamic meshses for world geometry (displacements)
  326. r_hunkalloclightmaps 0 // If a lightmap cannot be fit into the hunk, use dynamic memory
  327. r_frustumcullworld 1 // Cull on world draw
  328. r_worldlistcache 1 // Cache some world rendering
  329. mat_clipz 1 // Clips what is drawn for a performance improvement
  330. r_occludermincount 0 // Force using at least 1 occluder for performance balance between open scenes and
  331. // cluttered ones
  332. r_lightcache_zbuffercache 1 // Load z cache data with the map
  333. r_drawopaquestaticpropslast 1 // Ensure that the modern and currently preferred rendering method is used
  334. mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil 1 // Do not use stencil buffer for occlusion queries
  335. host_flush_threshold 0 // Early finish to a Xbox 360 only flush task
  336. r_norefresh 1 // Do not store a useless and unused frame time variable
  337. fast_fogvolume 1 // Use optimized fog rendering
  338. r_pixelfog 1 // Use a pixel shader for fog if possible
  339. mat_bufferprimitives 1 // Buffer primitives
  340. mat_compressedtextures 1 // Allow for compressed textures
  341. mat_filterlightmaps 1 // Filter lightmaps
  342. mat_filtertextures 1 // Filter textures
  343. mat_mipmaptextures 1 // Mipmap textures
  344. mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures 1 // Use compressed HDR textures
  345. r_occlusion 1 // Use less CPU at the cost of a bit more GPU usage
  347. // --------------
  348. // '-- OpenGL --'
  349. // --------------
  350. // Optimizations for OpenGL platforms (Linux and macOS)
  352. echo "OpenGL commands running. If you see unknown command errors on Windows, you can safely ignore them."
  353. gl_pow2_tempmem 1 // Makes memory allocation behavior more stable
  354. mat_texture_reload_frame_swap_workaround 1 // Work around texture data being unnecessarily stored on some drivers by doing frame swaps
  355. gl_radar7954721_workaround_mixed 0 // Disable outdated cross gamma blit workaround
  356. gl_batch_tex_creates 0 // Batch texture creation and removal to reduce calls
  357. gl_batch_tex_destroys 0 // ^
  358. gl_minimize_rt_tex 1 // Cut mipmaps for RTs if they were not requested
  359. gl_nullqueries 1 // Skip queries
  360. gl_mtglflush_at_tof 1 // Makes frames output smoother, at slightly less FPS
  361. gl_debug_output 0 // Disable debug messages
  362. gl_magnify_resolve_mode 1 // Use fastest resolve mode when up scaling too
  363. gl_paircache_rows_lg2 11 // Increase shader pair cache size
  364. gl_paircache_ways_lg2 5 // Keep some loops small by using minimum ways size
  365. echo "OpenGL commands finished running."
  367. // =============
  368. // '--- HUD ---'
  369. // =============
  370. // ---------------
  371. // '-- General --'
  372. // ---------------
  373. // General/misc HUD settings
  375. cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0 // Disable live player model in HUD, also partially fixes animation bug
  376. hud_fastswitch 1 // Weapon switch behavior
  377. // 0 - PC Buckets
  378. // select weapons from the side of your screen, fire to confirm
  379. // 1 - PC Fast Switch
  380. // fast switch for PC buckets (no fire to confirm)
  381. // 2 - Buckets Plus:
  382. // fast switch
  383. // weapon selection window comes up at the middle of your screen
  384. // can select weapons without ammo (but not switch to them)
  385. // 3 - Carousel scroll:
  386. // fast switch
  387. // slot 1 = last weapon, slot 2 = next weapon,
  388. // slot 3 = swap weapon, slot 4 = previous weapon
  389. tf_mm_dashboard_slide_panel_step 10 // Change the speed of the matchmaking panel
  390. tf_item_inspect_model_auto_spin 0 // Do not auto spin items in the inspect view
  391. tf_item_inspect_model_spin_rate 30 // Rate at which items spin in the inspect view
  392. tf_quest_map_tuner_wobble_magnitude 0 // Disable the red tuner on the contracker
  393. sv_motd_unload_on_dismissal 1 // Server will tell the player to unload the MOTD
  394. tf_halloween_bonus_ducks_cooldown 10 // Delay in seconds before BONUS DUCKS sound again
  395. tf_healthicon_height_offset 10 // Offset of heath icon
  396. tf_hud_num_building_alert_beeps 2 // Numbers of beeps when an alert pops up on an engie building
  397. tf_rd_finale_beep_time 10 // Beep time during robot destruction victory
  398. tf_hud_show_servertimelimit 1 // Show server map time
  399. tf_hud_target_id_alpha 100 // Transparency of target ID
  400. tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1 // Hide floating health bar
  401. tf_hud_target_id_offset 0 // Vertical offset of target ID
  402. tf_hud_target_id_show_avatars 0 // Show avatars: 0 - never, 1 - for everyone, 2 - for friends
  403. hud_freezecamhide 1 // Hide the HUD during freeze-cam
  404. tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1 // Use text for ping in the scoreboard
  406. // ----------------
  407. // '-- Messages --'
  408. // ----------------
  409. // Text chat, console output, etc
  411. hud_saytext_time 10 // How long in seconds chat messages stay on screen
  412. cl_showtextmsg 1 // Enable text messages in console(chat, messages)
  413. cl_showpluginmessages 1 // Show messages from server plugins
  414. cl_chatfilters 63 // Chat Filter - enable parts of chat:
  415. // join/leave (1), name change (2), chat (4), server messages (8), team change (16),
  416. // achievements (32)
  417. // Add a combination of these numbers together to enable that combination
  418. // for example, name change (2) + team change (16) = 18
  419. // 0 for everything disabled
  420. cl_mute_all_comms 1 // Disable text and voice for muted players
  421. hud_deathnotice_time 5.5 // How long in seconds a killfeed item stays on screen
  422. tf_chat_popup_hold_time 2 // How long party messages appear on the main menu
  424. // ----------------
  425. // '-- Backpack --'
  426. // ----------------
  427. // Inventory, economy and backpack
  429. tf_time_loading_item_panels 0.0001 // Decrease time spent per frame loading item panels
  430. cl_spec_carrieditems 1 // Show spectated player items
  431. tf_backpack_page_button_delay 0.25 // Decrease button delay for moving items
  433. // -------------------
  434. // '-- Killstreaks --'
  435. // -------------------
  436. // Killstreak messages from weapons
  438. cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha 255 // Disable transparency for lowend computers
  439. cl_hud_killstreak_display_fontsize 0 // Killstreak font size (0 to 2)
  440. cl_hud_killstreak_display_time 0 // Disable killstreak banner
  442. // -----------------
  443. // '-- Crosshair --'
  444. // -----------------
  445. // Aiming recticle or crosshair
  447. cl_crosshairalpha 255 // Disable transparency for lowend computers
  449. // ---------------------
  450. // '-- Notifications --'
  451. // ---------------------
  452. // In-game notifications for trade offers, requests, events, etc
  454. cl_notifications_max_num_visible 1 // Reduce number of visible notifications
  455. cl_notifications_move_time 0.1 // Make notification transition shorter
  456. tf_notifications_push_bottom 0 // Keep notifications at the top of the stack
  457. cl_vote_ui_active_after_voting 0 // Hide the vote UI after voting
  458. cl_vote_ui_show_notification 1 // Show voting notifications
  459. tf_hud_notification_duration 2 // How long notifications should display
  461. // -----------------
  462. // '-- Contracts --'
  463. // -----------------
  464. // Contracts as part of campaigns
  465. tf_quest_notification_line_delay 0.2 // Shorter voice line delay after contract
  467. // --------------------
  468. // '-- Achievements --'
  469. // --------------------
  470. // Achievement effects and HUD tracker
  472. hud_achievement_glowtime 1 // Glow achievements for a little while shorter
  473. hud_achievement_tracker 2 // Achievements tracked at once
  474. hud_achievement_count 4 // Max achievements shown on HUD
  476. // ------------
  477. // '-- Info --'
  478. // ------------
  479. // Additional HUD elements for extra info
  480. // Adding additional HUD elements decreases FPS by a small amount
  481. cl_mvm_wave_status_visible_during_wave 1 // MvM wave information during the wave
  483. // ----------------
  484. // '-- Tutorial --'
  485. // ----------------
  486. // Disable tutorial messages
  487. cl_ask_favorite_opt_out 1
  488. cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out 1
  489. replay_quitmsg_dontaskagain 1
  490. cl_ask_bigpicture_controller_opt_out 1
  491. tf_explanations_store 1
  492. tf_explanations_discardpanel 1
  493. tf_explanations_backpackpanel 1
  494. tf_explanations_charinfopanel 1
  495. tf_explanations_craftingpanel 1
  496. tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel 1
  497. tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums 1
  498. tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout 1
  499. tf_training_has_prompted_for_options 1
  500. tf_training_has_prompted_for_training 1
  501. tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice 1
  502. cl_showhelp 0
  503. tf_taunt_always_show_hint 0
  504. sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning 1
  505. tf_coach_request_nevershowagain 1
  506. tf_show_maps_details_explanation_count 0
  507. tf_show_taunt_explanation_in_class_loadout 0
  508. tf_show_preset_explanation_in_class_loadout 0
  509. cl_hud_playerclass_playermodel_showed_confirm_dialog 1
  510. tf_find_a_match_hint_viewed 1
  511. tf_quest_map_intro_viewed 1
  512. tf_warpaint_explanation_viewed 1
  513. tf_inspect_hint_count 1
  514. tf_mvm_tabs_discovered 1
  515. tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls 1
  516. tf_hud_notification_show_count_ghost_controls_no_respawn 1
  517. tf_hud_notification_show_count_kart_controls 1
  518. cl_promotional_codes_button_show 0
  519. cl_training_class_unlock_all
  521. // ==============
  522. // '--- View ---'
  523. // ==============
  524. // The character view and viewmodel
  526. fov_desired 90 // See more of the battlefield
  527. viewmodel_fov 70 // FOV for your viewmodel, recommend to adjust from 54 to 70
  528. cl_flipviewmodels 0 // Right viewmodels, shoot right of a corner
  529. tf_use_min_viewmodels 1 // Move viewmodel to cover less of the screen
  530. cl_first_person_uses_world_model 0 // Draw viewmodel
  531. glow_outline_effect_enable 0 // Disable all xrays
  532. tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 1 // Enable spawn xrays
  533. tf_spec_xray_disable 1 // Disable xrays while spectating
  534. tf_spectate_pyrovision 0 // Do not force use pyrovision in spectator mode
  535. spec_autodirector 0 // Choose best view mode automatically
  537. // ---------------
  538. // '-- Console --'
  539. // ---------------
  540. // Developer console customization
  541. con_nprint_bgalpha 255 // Disable transparency for lowend computers
  542. con_nprint_bgborder 0 // Disable border on lowend computers
  543. // ================
  544. // '--- Memory ---'
  545. // ================
  546. // Adjustments to memory allocation
  547. lzma_persistent_buffer 1 // Keep the LZMA compression system in memory to prevent reloads of it
  548. cl_always_flush_models 1 // Remove models from memory every map load (for low memory systems only)
  549. mat_levelflush 1 // Clear temporary memory to prevent crashes to desktop
  550. sv_forcepreload 0 // Disable harmful force preload enabled in other configs
  551. // ====================
  552. // '--- Filesystem ---'
  553. // ====================
  554. // -------------
  555. // '-- Sizes --'
  556. // -------------
  557. // Set buffer and file read sizes
  558. filesystem_buffer_size 262144 // Use a 256KB buffer for the filesystem
  559. filesystem_max_stdio_read 256 // Read up to our buffer (256KB)
  560. // ---------------
  561. // '-- General --'
  562. // ---------------
  563. // Set up filesystem parameters
  564. filesystem_native 1 // Use native filesystem calls if available
  565. filesystem_unbuffered_io 1 // Allow for unbuffered IO where appropriate since it can be async
  566. // -------------------
  567. // '-- Model Cache --'
  568. // -------------------
  569. // Prefers stability and performance with model info rather than faster load times
  571. mod_load_anims_async 0 // Disable async animation loading
  572. mod_load_mesh_async 0 // Disable async mesh loading
  573. mod_load_vcollide_async 0 // Disable async vcollide loading
  574. mod_touchalldata 1 // Load more data
  575. mod_forcedata 1 // Load more data
  576. mod_forcetouchdata 1 // Enable aggressive caching/preloading
  577. // ===============
  578. // '--- Sound ---'
  579. // ===============
  580. // -----------------
  581. // '-- Threading --'
  582. // -----------------
  583. // Threading options to take advantage of modern CPUs for the sound system
  584. snd_async_fullyasync 1 // Play sounds independently of main engine work
  585. snd_async_minsize 262144 // If you are still having audio stutter,
  586. // wait even longer
  587. // (usually for HDDs with CPUs with less than 4 cores)
  588. snd_mix_async 0 // Disable async mixing on CPUs with less than 4 cores
  589. phonemedelay 0.05 // Do not delay phonemes a lot with an async sound system
  590. // ---------------
  591. // '-- General --'
  592. // ---------------
  593. // General/misc sound settings
  594. volume 1 // Set the master volume
  595. snd_musicvolume 1 // Set music volume
  596. snd_delay_sound_shift 0.1 // Allow for better synced sounds on slow CPUs. No performance benefit.
  597. snd_mixahead 0.08 // Balance between sound delay and less demand on the CPU
  598. //cl_soundemitter_flush // Command to clear out the loaded sounds file
  599. //cl_soundscape_flush // Command to clear out the loaded soundscapes file
  600. // ---------------
  601. // '-- Quality --'
  602. // ---------------
  603. // Adjust the quality of sound
  604. snd_pitchquality 0 // Use linear mixer for sound, little performance benefit
  605. snd_disable_mixer_duck 1 // Disable some sounds being mixed to be louder than others
  606. snd_surround_speakers -1 // Autodetect speaker configuration from OS
  607. snd_legacy_surround 0 // Disable surround sound effect
  608. // ----------------------
  609. // '-- Spatialization --'
  610. // ----------------------
  611. // Adjust spatialization (sound travel and volume falloff) and DSP effects (sound filters)
  612. dsp_enhance_stereo 0 // Disable spatial DSP effects and delays
  613. dsp_slow_cpu 1 // Disable initialization of spatialization
  614. snd_spatialize_roundrobin 3 // Spatialize sounds every 8 frames (2^3) using round-robin algorithm.
  615. // Pretty reasonable performance benefit, but delay in spatialization.
  616. dsp_room 0 // Disable automatic DSP
  617. dsp_facingaway 0 // Disable the facing away DSP effect
  618. dsp_speaker 0 // Disable administrator effect
  619. dsp_water 0 // Disable water muffling effect
  620. dsp_spatial 0 // Disable spatial effect
  621. dsp_db_mixdrop 1 // Disable volume scaling
  622. dsp_db_min 0 // ^
  623. dsp_mix_min 0 // ^
  624. dsp_mix_max 0 // ^
  625. +snd_duckerattacktime 1.0 // Enhanced ducking values
  626. +snd_duckerreleasetime 0.5 // ^
  627. // --------------------
  628. // '-- Optimization --'
  629. // --------------------
  630. // Optimizations with no noticeable effect on the listener
  632. snd_lockpartial 1 // Use interleaved, partial locking sound algorithm
  633. snd_cull_duplicates 0 // Do not try to find duplicate playing sounds, it is a lot of work on the CPU
  634. voice_steal 2 // Reuse unimportant sound channels, increases FPS and sound quality
  635. voice_buffer_ms 100 // Buffer voice stream for better quality, at a slight delay
  636. snd_noextraupdate 1 // Do not update sound twice
  637. snd_defer_trace 1 // Defer DSP spatialization to the next frame
  638. phonemefilter 0.01 // Do not box filter phonemes
  639. phonemesnap 0 // Do not crossfade a second phoneme on any LOD
  640. // ===============
  641. // '--- Input ---'
  642. // ===============
  643. // ---------------
  644. // '-- General --'
  645. // ---------------
  646. // Usability and general input adjustments
  647. //tf_medigun_autoheal 1 // Keep healing allies, bugged since Jungle Inferno
  648. // ----------------
  649. // '-- Keyboard --'
  650. // ----------------
  651. // Keyboard adjustments
  652. in_usekeyboardsampletime 1 // Determine key time from smoothed frametime
  653. // -------------
  654. // '-- Mouse --'
  655. // -------------
  656. // Mouse movement and aiming
  657. m_pitch 0.022 // Pitch factor
  658. m_yaw 0.022 // Yaw factor
  659. m_limitedcapture_workaround 1 // Workaround for mouse capture issues introduced in Windows 10 build 1703
  660. m_mousespeed 0 // Disable Windows mouse acceleration (-noforcemspd)
  661. m_mouseaccel1 0 // ^ (-noforcemaccel)
  662. m_mouseaccel2 0 // ^ (-noforcemaccel)
  663. m_rawinput 1 // Use raw input from mouse
  664. m_customaccel 0 // custom mouse acceleration
  665. // 0 - no custom acceleration
  666. // 1 - mouse acceleration = min(m_customaccel_max, pow(raw_mouse_delta, m_customaccel_exponent) * m_customaccel_scale + sensitivity)
  667. // 2 - Same as 1, with but x and y sensitivity are scaled by m_pitch and m_yaw respectively.
  668. // 3 - mouse acceleration = pow(raw_mouse_delta, m_customaccel_exponent - 1) * sensitivity
  669. m_customaccel_scale 0.04 // ^
  670. m_customaccel_max 0 // ^
  671. m_customaccel_exponent 1 // ^
  672. cl_idealpitchscale 1.3 // When changing pitch, use this rate
  673. echo " "
  674. echo " *************************** "
  675. echo " *************************** "
  676. echo " ** mastercomfig 6.1.2-beta loaded ** "
  677. echo " *************************** "
  678. echo " *************************** "
  679. echo " "
  680. echo "If you are having issues in local servers, like being unable to fire or move, set host_thread_mode 0."
  681. echo "Remember to set host_thread_mode 1 once you are done with your local server."
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