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a guest
Feb 4th, 2018
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text 333.22 KB | None | 0 0
  1. p;4X
  2. P;4X
  3. 0;4X
  4. p:4X
  5. P:4X
  6. 0:4X
  7. p94X
  8. P94X
  9. 094X
  10. p84X
  11. P84X
  12. 084X
  13. p74X
  14. P74X
  15. 074X
  16. p64X
  17. P64X
  18. 064X
  19. p54X
  20. P54X
  21. 054X
  22. p44X
  23. P44X
  24. 044X
  25. p34X
  26. P34X
  27. 034X
  28. p24X
  29. P24X
  30. 024X
  31. p14X
  32. P14X
  33. 014X
  34. p04X
  35. P04X
  36. 004X
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  38. P/4X
  39. 0/4X
  40. p.4X
  41. P.4X
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  43. p-4X
  44. P-4X
  45. 0-4X
  46. p,4X
  47. P,4X
  48. 0,4X
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  50. P+4X
  51. 0+4X
  52. p*4X
  53. P*4X
  54. 0*4X
  55. p)4X
  56. P)4X
  57. 0)4X
  58. p(4X
  59. P(4X
  60. 0(4X
  61. p'4X
  62. P'4X
  63. 0'4X
  64. p&4X
  65. P&4X
  66. 0&4X
  67. p%4X
  68. P%4X
  69. 0%4X
  70. p$4X
  71. P$4X
  72. 0$4X
  73. p#4X
  74. P#4X
  75. 0#4X
  76. p"4X
  77. P"4X
  78. 0"4X
  79. p!4X
  80. P!4X
  81. 0!4X
  82. p 4X
  83. P 4X
  84. 0 4X
  85. p 4X
  86. P 4X
  87. 0 4X
  88. ?::::::
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  91. ?YYYYYY
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  93. ?^^^^^^
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  96. ?VVVVVV
  97. ?333333
  98. ?333333
  99. ?333333
  100. ?333333
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  506. MbP?
  507. MbP?
  508. MbP?
  509. ffffff
  510. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  511. >Mail
  512. AndroidCloudToDeviceMessage
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  514. Normal
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  518. Error
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  523. Unsubscribed
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  525. Error
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  529. Error
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  533. SuccessfulConnection
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  535. Android
  536. None
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  538. Both
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  586. Deleted
  587. Getting into delete
  588. Could not fetch.
  589. out of delete
  590. wishlistToChart
  591. Bitcoin
  592. btcusd
  593. exchangePopup
  594. generic:Bitcoin
  595. Ho Ho Money is Here
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  648. B16@0:8
  649. B24@0:8#16
  650. B24@0:8:16
  651. ^v16@0:8
  652. hash
  653. Tq,N,R
  654. superclass
  655. T#,N,R
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  657. T@"NSString",N,R
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  660. @"NSString"16@0:8
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  662. @16@0:8
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  714. thresholdCurrency
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  717. token
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  755. T@"UIButton",N,W,Vthresholdbackgroud
  756. Crypto_Price_Tracker1
  757. B48@0:8@16{_NSRange=QQ}24@40
  758. Reminder date
  759. Reminder day
  760. Sunday
  761. v8@?0
  762. Reminder Date
  763. Monthly
  764. Reminder Day
  765. Weekly
  766. Daily
  767. Add clicked
  768. alertCell
  769. When 1
  770. is
  771. HelveticaNeue-Bold
  772. once
  773. repeat
  774. is decreased by
  775. is increased by
  776. price, every
  777. every month at
  778. at
  779. price, everyday at
  780. 0300
  781. 09:00 AM
  782. Dismissing Keyboard
  783. users/
  784. thresholds/lesserThan/
  785. original_currency
  786. repeating
  787. sound
  788. userPath
  789. threshold_amount
  790. time
  791. timeBasedFrequencyType
  792. databaseId
  793. alertType
  794. exchange
  795. coinName
  796. coinShortName
  797. coinSymbol
  798. weekDay
  799. week
  800. dayOfMonth
  801. thresholdType
  802. thresholdOriginalAmount
  803. thresholds/greaterThan/
  804. Main
  805. OperatorPopup
  806. timeReminders/monthly/
  807. timeReminders/weekly/
  808. timeReminders/daily/
  809. datePopup
  810. reminderPopup
  811. Monday
  812. Tuesday
  813. Wednesday
  814. Thursday
  815. Friday
  816. Saturday
  817. Keyboard will show!
  818. thresholds
  819. greaterThan
  820. lesserThan
  821. timeReminders
  822. daily
  823. monthly
  824. weekly
  825. users
  826. v16@?0@"FIRDataSnapshot"8
  827. generic:BTC
  828. UITextFieldDelegate
  829. v32@0:8@16q24
  830. B24@0:8@"UITextField"16
  831. v24@0:8@"UITextField"16
  832. v32@0:8@"UITextField"16q24
  833. B48@0:8@"UITextField"16{_NSRange=QQ}24@"NSString"40
  834. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker23PortfolioViewController
  835. @24@0:8@16
  836. portfolioButton
  837. blackBackgroundView
  838. totalPriceLabel
  839. addTradeButton
  840. crossButton
  841. amountTextfield
  842. priceTextField
  843. profitLossTextField
  844. holdingTitle
  845. portfolioGradientLayer
  846. portfolio
  847. portfolioData
  848. currencyName
  849. amount
  850. buyPrice
  851. isAlreadyAdded
  852. selectedIndex
  853. T@"UIButton",N,W,VportfolioButton
  854. T@"UIView",N,W,VblackBackgroundView
  855. T@"UILabel",N,W,VtotalPriceLabel
  856. T@"UIButton",N,W,VaddTradeButton
  857. T@"UITextField",N,W,VamountTextfield
  858. T@"UITextField",N,W,VpriceTextField
  859. T@"UITextField",N,W,VprofitLossTextField
  860. T@"UILabel",N,W,VholdingTitle
  861. Coin
  862. Correcting the value
  863. Edit your holding
  864. Add a new holding
  865. symbol == %@
  866. portfolioCell
  867. addCell
  868. All Cryptos
  869. Failed saving
  870. Created a wish
  871. FiatPopup
  872. CoinPopup
  873. v12@?0B8
  874. Keyboard will hide!
  875. Gone
  876. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker35ReminderPopupViewControllerDelegate_pD
  877. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker27ReminderPopupViewController
  878. v24@0:8@16
  879. reminders
  880. outerView
  881. outerHeight
  882. T@"UIView",N,W,VouterView
  883. T@"NSLayoutConstraint",N,W,VouterHeight
  884. Reminder Frequency Clicked
  885. reminderCell
  886. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker31FiatPopupViewControllerDelegate_pD
  887. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker23FiatPopupViewController
  888. delegate
  889. fiat
  890. US Dollars
  891. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker8BundleEx
  892. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker28ChangeLanguageViewController
  893. changeLanguageButton
  894. changeLanguageGradientLayer
  895. prefferedLanguage
  896. languages
  897. T@"UIButton",N,W,VchangeLanguageButton
  898. lang langOrig langCode
  899. Hello
  900. AppleLanguages
  901. AppleTextDirection
  902. NSForceRightToLeftWritingDirection
  903. lproj
  904. languageCell
  905. English
  906. Chinese
  907. zh-Hans
  908. Japanese
  909. French
  910. Turkish
  911. Korean
  912. Russian
  913. Spanish
  914. es-419
  915. Portuguese
  916. pt-BR
  917. German
  918. Deutsche
  919. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker19AboutViewController
  920. aboutButton
  921. aboutGradientLayer
  922. aboutTextView
  923. T@"UIButton",N,W,VaboutButton
  924. T@"UITextView",N,W,VaboutTextView
  925. Text About
  926. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker9CryptoApi
  927. currency
  928. OS_dispatch_queue
  929. com.aviral.Crypto
  931. result
  932. Am I back on the main thread:
  934. cap24hrChange
  935. long
  936. mktcap
  937. perc
  938. shapeshift
  939. short
  940. supply
  941. usdVolume
  942. volume
  943. vwapData
  944. vwapDataBTC
  946. base
  948. rates
  950. price date
  951. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker23CryptoMainTableViewCell
  952. cellStackView
  953. currencyTypeView
  954. currencyAmount
  955. cryptoShortName
  956. cryptoLongName
  957. greyView
  958. textGradientLayer
  959. textGradientShortLabelLayer
  960. cryptoCurrecnyAmountLabel
  961. T@"UIStackView",N,W,VcellStackView
  962. T@"UIView",N,W,VcurrencyTypeView
  963. T@"UIView",N,W,VcurrencyAmount
  964. T@"UIButton",N,W,VcryptoShortName
  965. T@"UIButton",N,W,VcryptoLongName
  966. T@"UIView",N,W,VgoldenView
  967. T@"UIView",N,W,VgreyView
  968. T@"UILabel",N,W,VcryptoCurrecnyAmountLabel
  969. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker20SettingTableViewCell
  970. v24@0:8B16B20
  971. settingButton
  972. settingLabel
  973. settingBorder
  974. T@"UIButton",N,W,VsettingButton
  975. T@"UILabel",N,W,VsettingLabel
  976. T@"UIView",N,W,VsettingBorder
  977. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker18FeelViewController
  978. websiteButton
  979. emailButton
  980. rateButton
  981. feelButton
  982. feelGradientLayer
  983. T@"UIButton",N,W,VwebsiteButton
  984. T@"UIButton",N,W,VemailButton
  985. T@"UIButton",N,W,VrateButton
  986. T@"UIButton",N,W,VfeelButton
  989. itms-apps://
  990. MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate
  991. v40@0:8@"MFMailComposeViewController"16q24@"NSError"32
  992. B24@0:8@16
  993. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker30FiatPopupTableViewCellDelegate_pD
  994. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker22FiatPopupTableViewCell
  995. fiatButtonHeading
  996. fiatShort
  997. T@"UIButton",N,W,VfiatButtonHeading
  998. T@"UIButton",N,W,VfiatShort
  999. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker16CryptoMarkerView
  1000. v16@0:8
  1001. v32@0:8@16@24
  1002. @48@0:8{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}16
  1003. label
  1004. dateLabel
  1005. labelView
  1006. T@"UILabel",N,&,Vlabel
  1007. T@"UILabel",N,&,VdateLabel
  1008. T@"UIView",N,W,VlabelView
  1009. MMM dd,yyyy h:mm a
  1010. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker22PortfolioTableViewCell
  1011. coinTitleLabel
  1012. coinValue
  1013. currentPriceLabel
  1014. hourGainLabel
  1015. costLabel
  1016. totalGainLabel
  1017. T@"UILabel",N,W,VcoinTitleLabel
  1018. T@"UILabel",N,W,VcoinValue
  1019. T@"UILabel",N,W,VcurrentPriceLabel
  1020. T@"UILabel",N,W,VhourGainLabel
  1021. T@"UILabel",N,W,VcostLabel
  1022. T@"UILabel",N,W,VtotalGainLabel
  1023. So7CGColorC
  1024. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker35ExchangePopupViewControllerDelegate_pD
  1025. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker27ExchangePopupViewController
  1026. exchanges
  1027. exchange Clicked
  1028. exchangeCell
  1029. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker20TabBarViewController
  1030. arrayOfImageNameForUnselectedState
  1031. arrayOfImageNameForSelectedState
  1032. MainTabDisabled
  1033. WishlistTabDisabled
  1034. AlertTabDisabled
  1035. PortfolioTabDisabled
  1036. SettingTabDisabled
  1037. MainTabEnabled
  1038. WishlistTabEnabled
  1039. AlertTabEnabled
  1040. PortfolioTabEnabled
  1041. SettingTabEnabled
  1042. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker35OperatorPopupViewControllerDelegate_pD
  1043. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker27OperatorPopupViewController
  1044. operatorList
  1045. title symbol
  1046. operator Clicked
  1047. fiatCell
  1048. more than
  1049. less than
  1050. increased by %
  1051. decreased by %
  1052. symbol name symbol_native decimal_digits rounding code name_plural
  1053. US Dollar
  1054. US dollars
  1055. Canadian Dollar
  1056. Canadian dollars
  1057. Euro
  1058. euros
  1059. United Arab Emirates Dirham
  1060. UAE dirhams
  1061. Afghan Afghani
  1062. Afghan Afghanis
  1063. Albanian Lek
  1064. Armenian Dram
  1065. Armenian drams
  1066. Argentine Peso
  1067. Argentine pesos
  1068. Australian Dollar
  1069. Australian dollars
  1070. man.
  1071. Azerbaijani Manat
  1072. Azerbaijani manats
  1073. Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark
  1074. Bosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks
  1075. Bangladeshi Taka
  1076. Bangladeshi takas
  1077. Bulgarian Lev
  1078. Bulgarian leva
  1079. Bahraini Dinar
  1080. Bahraini dinars
  1081. Burundian Franc
  1082. Burundian francs
  1083. Brunei Dollar
  1084. Brunei dollars
  1085. Bolivian Boliviano
  1086. Bolivian bolivianos
  1087. Brazilian Real
  1088. Brazilian reals
  1089. Botswanan Pula
  1090. Botswanan pulas
  1091. Belarusian Ruble
  1092. Belarusian rubles
  1093. Belize Dollar
  1094. Belize dollars
  1095. Congolese Franc
  1096. FrCD
  1097. Congolese francs
  1098. Swiss Franc
  1099. Swiss francs
  1100. Chilean Peso
  1101. CLP$
  1102. Chilean pesos
  1103. Chinese Yuan
  1104. Chinese yuan
  1105. Colombian Peso
  1106. COL$
  1107. Colombian pesos
  1108. Cape Verdean Escudo
  1109. Cape Verdean escudos
  1110. Czech Republic Koruna
  1111. Czech Republic korunas
  1112. Djiboutian Franc
  1113. Djiboutian francs
  1114. Danish Krone
  1115. Danish kroner
  1116. Dominican Peso
  1117. Dominican pesos
  1118. Algerian Dinar
  1119. Algerian dinars
  1120. Estonian Kroon
  1121. Estonian kroons
  1122. Egyptian Pound
  1123. Egyptian pounds
  1124. Eritrean Nakfa
  1125. Eritrean nakfas
  1126. Ethiopian Birr
  1127. Ethiopian birrs
  1128. British Pound Sterling
  1129. British pounds sterling
  1130. Georgian Lari
  1131. Georgian laris
  1132. Ghanaian Cedi
  1133. Ghanaian cedis
  1134. Guinean Franc
  1135. Guinean francs
  1136. Guatemalan Quetzal
  1137. Guatemalan quetzals
  1138. Hong Kong Dollar
  1139. Hong Kong dollars
  1140. Honduran Lempira
  1141. Honduran lempiras
  1142. Croatian Kuna
  1143. Croatian kunas
  1144. Hungarian Forint
  1145. Hungarian forints
  1146. Indonesian Rupiah
  1147. Indonesian rupiahs
  1148. Israeli New Sheqel
  1149. Israeli new sheqels
  1150. Indian Rupee
  1151. Indian rupees
  1152. Iraqi Dinar
  1153. Iraqi dinars
  1154. Iranian Rial
  1155. Iranian rials
  1156. Jamaican Dollar
  1157. Jamaican dollars
  1158. Jordanian Dinar
  1159. Jordanian dinars
  1160. Japanese Yen
  1161. Japanese yen
  1162. Kenyan Shilling
  1163. Kenyan shillings
  1164. Cambodian Riel
  1165. Cambodian riels
  1166. Comorian Franc
  1167. Comorian francs
  1168. South Korean Won
  1169. South Korean won
  1170. Kuwaiti Dinar
  1171. Kuwaiti dinars
  1172. Kazakhstani Tenge
  1173. Kazakhstani tenges
  1174. Lebanese Pound
  1175. Lebanese pounds
  1176. SLRs
  1177. Sri Lankan Rupee
  1178. SL Re
  1179. Sri Lankan rupees
  1180. Lithuanian Litas
  1181. Lithuanian litai
  1182. Latvian Lats
  1183. Latvian lati
  1184. Libyan Dinar
  1185. Libyan dinars
  1186. Moroccan Dirham
  1187. Moroccan dirhams
  1188. Moldovan Leu
  1189. Moldovan lei
  1190. Malagasy Ariary
  1191. Malagasy Ariaries
  1192. Macedonian Denar
  1193. Macedonian denari
  1194. Myanma Kyat
  1195. Myanma kyats
  1196. MOP$
  1197. Macanese Pataca
  1198. Macanese patacas
  1199. MURs
  1200. Mauritian Rupee
  1201. Mauritian rupees
  1202. Mexican Peso
  1203. Mex$
  1204. Mexican pesos
  1205. Malaysian Ringgit
  1206. Malaysian ringgits
  1207. Mozambican Metical
  1208. Mozambican meticals
  1209. Namibian Dollar
  1210. Namibian dollars
  1211. Nigerian Naira
  1212. Nigerian nairas
  1213. Norwegian Krone
  1214. Norwegian kroner
  1215. NPRs
  1216. Nepalese Rupee
  1217. Nepalese rupees
  1218. New Zealand Dollar
  1219. New Zealand dollars
  1220. Omani Rial
  1221. Omani rials
  1222. Panamanian Balboa
  1223. Panamanian balboas
  1224. Peruvian Nuevo Sol
  1225. Peruvian nuevos soles
  1226. Philippine Peso
  1227. Philippine pesos
  1228. PKRs
  1229. Pakistani Rupee
  1230. Pakistani rupees
  1231. Polish Zloty
  1232. Polish zlotys
  1233. Paraguayan Guarani
  1234. Paraguayan guaranis
  1235. Qatari Rial
  1236. Qatari rials
  1237. Romanian Leu
  1238. Romanian lei
  1239. din.
  1240. Serbian Dinar
  1241. Serbian dinars
  1242. Russian Ruble
  1243. Russian rubles
  1244. Rwandan Franc
  1245. Rwandan francs
  1246. Saudi Riyal
  1247. Saudi riyals
  1248. Sudanese Pound
  1249. Sudanese pounds
  1250. Swedish Krona
  1251. Swedish kronor
  1252. Singapore Dollar
  1253. Singapore dollars
  1254. Somali Shilling
  1255. Somali shillings
  1256. Syrian Pound
  1257. Syrian pounds
  1258. Thai Baht
  1259. Thai baht
  1260. Tunisian Dinar
  1261. Tunisian dinars
  1262. Turkish Lira
  1263. Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
  1264. Trinidad and Tobago dollars
  1265. New Taiwan Dollar
  1266. New Taiwan dollars
  1267. Tanzanian Shilling
  1268. Tanzanian shillings
  1269. Ukrainian Hryvnia
  1270. Ukrainian hryvnias
  1271. Ugandan Shilling
  1272. Ugandan shillings
  1273. Uruguayan Peso
  1274. Uruguayan pesos
  1275. Uzbekistan Som
  1276. Uzbekistan som
  1277. Bs.F.
  1278. Vietnamese Dong
  1279. Vietnamese dong
  1280. FCFA
  1281. CFA Franc BEAC
  1282. CFA francs BEAC
  1283. CFA Franc BCEAO
  1284. CFA francs BCEAO
  1285. Yemeni Rial
  1286. Yemeni rials
  1287. South African Rand
  1288. South African rand
  1289. Zambian Kwacha
  1290. Zambian kwachas
  1291. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker31CoinPopupViewControllerDelegate_pD
  1292. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker23CoinPopupViewController
  1293. searchBar
  1294. outerViewHeight
  1295. searchActive
  1296. coinExchanges
  1297. coinAllCrypto
  1298. filteredCoinExchanges
  1299. filteredCoinAllCrypto
  1300. T@"UISearchBar",N,W,VsearchBar
  1301. T@"NSLayoutConstraint",N,W,VouterViewHeight
  1302. fiat Clicked
  1303. generic:
  1304. coinCell
  1305. Exchange is
  1306. All cryptos
  1307. UISearchBarDelegate
  1308. B24@0:8@"UISearchBar"16
  1309. v24@0:8@"UISearchBar"16
  1310. v32@0:8@"UISearchBar"16@"NSString"24
  1311. B48@0:8@"UISearchBar"16{_NSRange=QQ}24@"NSString"40
  1312. v32@0:8@"UISearchBar"16q24
  1313. UIBarPositioningDelegate
  1314. q24@0:8@"<UIBarPositioning>"16
  1315. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker18AlertTableViewCell
  1316. goldenView
  1317. alertLabel
  1318. alertSubLabel
  1319. alertTrail
  1320. T@"UILabel",N,W,ValertLabel
  1321. T@"UILabel",N,W,ValertSubLabel
  1322. T@"NSLayoutConstraint",N,W,ValertTrail
  1323. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker25CryptoChartViewController
  1324. @32@0:8@16@24
  1325. coinAll
  1326. allCryptoPrices
  1327. coinNameGradientLayer
  1328. coinNameLabel
  1329. chartView
  1330. lineChartView
  1331. chartViewHeight
  1332. segmentControl
  1333. currentPrice
  1334. marketCap
  1335. lastMonth
  1336. isCryptoSet
  1337. exchangeSymbol
  1338. queryType
  1339. historyRef
  1340. userRef
  1341. hourRef
  1342. T@"UIButton",N,W,VcoinNameLabel
  1343. T@"UIView",N,W,VchartView
  1344. T@"_TtC6Charts13LineChartView",N,W,VlineChartView
  1345. T@"NSLayoutConstraint",N,W,VchartViewHeight
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  1347. T@"UILabel",N,W,VcurrentPrice
  1348. T@"UILabel",N,W,VmarketCap
  1349. T@"UILabel",N,W,VlastMonth
  1350. 1day/
  1351. 365day/
  1352. 90day/
  1353. 30day/
  1354. 7day/
  1355. Got coins
  1356. DataSet 1
  1357. historicalData
  1358. 24Hour/
  1359. %.2f
  1360. _TtP6Charts17ChartViewDelegate_
  1361. v40@0:8@16d24d32
  1362. v40@0:8@"_TtC6Charts13ChartViewBase"16@"_TtC6Charts14ChartDataEntry"24@"ChartHighlight"32
  1363. v24@0:8@"_TtC6Charts13ChartViewBase"16
  1364. v40@0:8@"_TtC6Charts13ChartViewBase"16d24d32
  1365. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker11AppDelegate
  1366. B48@0:8@16@24@32@40
  1367. window
  1368. runIncrementerSetting
  1369. minimumRunCount
  1371. T@"UIWindow",N,&,Vwindow
  1372. v40@0:8@16@24@?32
  1373. [RemoteNotification] applicationState:
  1374. didReceiveRemoteNotification for iOS9:
  1375. inactive
  1376. background
  1377. active
  1378. [RemoteNotification] didRefreshRegistrationToken:
  1379. [UserNotificationCenter] applicationState:
  1380. didReceiveResponse:
  1381. willPresentNotification:
  1382. numberOfRuns
  1383. Crypto Price Tracker
  1384. v24@?0@"NSPersistentStoreDescription"8@"NSError"16
  1385. /Users/harshitaarora/Documents/GitHub/Crypto-Price-Tracker/Crypto Price Tracker/Crypto Price Tracker/AppDelegate.swift
  1386. Fatal error
  1387. Unresolved error
  1388. Show Review
  1389. Runs are not enough to request review!
  1390. Run Counts are
  1391. didFinishLaunchingWithOptions for iOS9:
  1392. v20@?0B8@"NSError"12
  1393. UIApplicationDelegate
  1394. v40@0:8@16q24d32
  1395. v56@0:8@16{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}24
  1396. v48@0:8@16@24@32@?40
  1397. v56@0:8@16@24@32@40@?48
  1398. v32@0:8@16@?24
  1399. Q32@0:8@16@24
  1400. B40@0:8@16@24@?32
  1401. T@"UIWindow",N,&
  1402. v24@0:8@"UIApplication"16
  1403. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24
  1404. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSURL"24
  1405. B48@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSURL"24@"NSString"32@40
  1406. B40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSURL"24@"NSDictionary"32
  1407. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16q24d32
  1408. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16q24
  1409. v56@0:8@"UIApplication"16{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}24
  1410. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UIUserNotificationSettings"24
  1411. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSData"24
  1412. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSError"24
  1413. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24
  1414. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UILocalNotification"24
  1415. v48@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"UILocalNotification"32@?<v@?>40
  1416. v56@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"NSDictionary"32@"NSDictionary"40@?<v@?>48
  1417. v48@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"NSDictionary"32@?<v@?>40
  1418. v56@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"UILocalNotification"32@"NSDictionary"40@?<v@?>48
  1419. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24@?<v@?Q>32
  1420. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@?<v@?Q>24
  1421. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UIApplicationShortcutItem"24@?<v@?B>32
  1422. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@?<v@?>32
  1423. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24@?<v@?@"NSDictionary">32
  1424. @"UIWindow"16@0:8
  1425. v24@0:8@"UIWindow"16
  1426. Q32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UIWindow"24
  1427. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24
  1428. @"UIViewController"40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSArray"24@"NSCoder"32
  1429. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSCoder"24
  1430. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSCoder"24
  1431. B40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSUserActivity"24@?<v@?@"NSArray">32
  1432. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"NSError"32
  1433. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSUserActivity"24
  1434. UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
  1435. v40@0:8@"UNUserNotificationCenter"16@"UNNotification"24@?<v@?Q>32
  1436. v40@0:8@"UNUserNotificationCenter"16@"UNNotificationResponse"24@?<v@?>32
  1437. FIRMessagingDelegate
  1438. v32@0:8@"FIRMessaging"16@"NSString"24
  1439. v32@0:8@"FIRMessaging"16@"FIRMessagingRemoteMessage"24
  1440. v24@0:8@"FIRMessagingRemoteMessage"16
  1441. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker34ExchangePopupTableViewCellDelegate_pD
  1442. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker26ExchangePopupTableViewCell
  1443. @32@0:8q16@24
  1444. exchangeButton
  1445. T@"UIButton",N,W,VexchangeButton
  1446. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker27ChangeLanguageTableViewCell
  1447. languageLabel
  1448. languageSubLevel
  1449. tickImage
  1450. T@"UILabel",N,W,VlanguageLabel
  1451. T@"UILabel",N,W,VlanguageSubLevel
  1452. T@"UIImageView",N,W,VtickImage
  1453. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker24CryptoMainViewController
  1454. v20@0:8B16
  1455. exchangeButtonBorder
  1456. currencyButton
  1457. exchangeButtonBottomBar
  1458. currencyButtonBottomBar
  1459. topView
  1460. gradientLayer
  1461. activityIndicator
  1462. coinPrices
  1463. allCryptoMain
  1464. filtertedCoinPrices
  1465. filteredAllCryptoMain
  1466. coinSelected
  1467. coinSelectedExchange
  1468. T@"UIButton",N,W,VexchangeButtonBorder
  1469. T@"UIButton",N,W,VcurrencyButton
  1470. T@"UIView",N,W,VexchangeButtonBottomBar
  1471. T@"UIView",N,W,VcurrencyButtonBottomBar
  1472. T@"UIView",N,W,VtopView
  1473. mainToChartView
  1474. currencyCell
  1475. gettingPrices
  1476. Hola Coins
  1477. searchField
  1478. Got error for the API
  1479. get basic base prices
  1480. Okay, fetched base price.
  1481. _T020Crypto_Price_Tracker37DatePickerPopupViewControllerDelegate_pD
  1482. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker29DataPickerPopupViewController
  1483. datePicker
  1484. doneButton
  1485. doneButtonGradientLayer
  1486. isDatePicker
  1487. T@"UIDatePicker",N,W,VdatePicker
  1488. T@"UIButton",N,W,VdoneButton
  1489. HHmm
  1490. hh:mm a
  1491. textColor
  1492. highlightsToday
  1493. device_id
  1494. locale
  1495. last_trigger
  1496. _TtC20Crypto_Price_Tracker22SettingsViewController
  1497. facebookButton
  1498. twitterButton
  1499. settingGradientLayer
  1500. settingArray
  1501. T@"UIButton",N,W,VfacebookButton
  1502. T@"UIButton",N,W,VtwitterButton
  1503. title image
  1504. Share
  1505. I just discovered this awesome new app for tracking cryptocurrency prices, managing my portfolio, and setting alerts. Check it out on the App Store!
  1506. contact
  1507. Rate Review
  1508. Feel
  1509. SettingToFeel
  1510. language
  1511. settingToChange
  1512. About
  1513. settingToAbout
  1514. RateApp
  1515. false
  1516. true
  1517. settingCell
  1518. About Crypto Price Tracker
  1519. Icon_About
  1520. Change language
  1521. Icon_Language
  1522. How do you feel about the app?
  1523. Icon_Feel
  1524. Rate & Review on the App Store
  1525. Icon_RateReview
  1526. Contact the developer
  1527. Icon_Contact
  1528. Share Crypto Price Tracker
  1529. Icon_Share
  1530. NSObject
  1531. q16@0:8
  1532. #16@0:8
  1533. ^@24@0:8:16
  1534. ^@32@0:8:16@24
  1535. Portfolio
  1536. T@"NSString",N,D,C
  1537. shortName
  1538. Wishlist
  1539. Td,N,D
  1540. name
  1541. Unable to fetch Google App ID from identity
  1542. Unable to fetch Google App ID from default options
  1543. Unable to fetch App Instance ID from identity
  1544. Unable to fetch App Instance ID from identity shared instance
  1545. %lld
  1546. googleAppID
  1547. T@"NSString",R,C,N
  1548. appInstanceID
  1549. adEventID
  1550. libraryVersion
  1551. search
  1552. campaign
  1553. medium
  1554. source
  1555. term
  1556. _cmp
  1557. auto
  1558. click_timestamp
  1559. ADClient
  1560. iad-keyword
  1561. iad-campaign-name
  1562. iad-attribution
  1563. iad-campaign-id
  1564. 1234567890
  1565. CampaignName
  1566. Apple
  1567. Cannot init Search Ad reporter. Queue must be provided
  1568. Cannot init Search Ad reporter. Persisted config must be provided
  1569. Search Ad campaign attribution was already reported. Do not start Search Ad Reporter.
  1570. Search Ad campaign report alarm
  1571. iAd framework is not linked. Search Ad Attribution Reporter is disabled.
  1572. Search Ad report not scheduled. Search Ad campaign attribution was already reported.
  1573. Search Ad Campaign attribution alarm is already scheduled
  1574. Search Ad Campaign attribution exceeds the max number of retries. Do not schedule again.
  1575. Search Ad Campaign attribution alarm is already canceled
  1576. Scheduling Search Ad Report timer
  1577. Search Ad Campaign is already tracked
  1578. Search Ad Campaign does not have click_timestamp.
  1579. Cannot send request for Search Ad campaign attribution. Error
  1580. Cannot get Search Ad campaign attribution. Search Ad details are empty
  1581. Search Ad Reporter returns dummy data. Will retry next time.
  1582. v24@?0@"NSDictionary"8@"NSError"16
  1583. v24@?0@"NSDate"8@"NSDate"16
  1584. searchAdReporterEnabled
  1585. TB,N,GisSearchAdReporterEnabled,V_searchAdReporterEnabled
  1586. FIRA_
  1587. object
  1588. T@,W,N,V_object
  1589. I-ACS%06ld
  1590. AppDelegateProxy cannot add nil interceptor.
  1591. TQ,R
  1592. T#,R
  1593. T@"NSString",R,C
  1594. T@"UIWindow",&,N
  1595. AppDelegateProxy interceptor does not conform to UIApplicationDelegate
  1596. %@%p
  1597. AppDelegateProxy cannot create Interceptor ID.
  1598. AppDelegateProxy cannot unregister empty interceptor ID.
  1599. AppDelegateProxy cannot unregister interceptor that was not registered. Interceptor ID %@
  1600. Firebase Analytics App Delegate Proxy is disabled. To log deep link campaigns manually, call the methods in FIRAnalytics+AppDelegate.h.
  1601. Cannot create Firebase Analytics because App Delegate instance is nil. To log deep link campaigns manually, call the methods in FIRAnalytics+AppDelegate.h.
  1602. Cannot create Firebase Analytics App Delegate Proxy. To log deep link campaigns manually, call the methods in FIRAnalytics+AppDelegate.h. Exception
  1603. %@-%0.0f
  1604. Cannot create a Firebase Analytics proxy for App Delegate. Subclass already exists. Original Class, subclass
  1605. Cannot create a Firebase Analytics proxy for App Delegate. Original Class, subclass
  1606. Cannot create a subclass of App Delegate. Subclass must be the same size as the original class. Original class
  1607. Successfully created Firebase Analytics App Delegate Proxy automatically. To disable the proxy, set the flag %@ to NO in the Info.plist
  1608. Class already has instance implementation.
  1609. AppDelegateProxy cannot find interceptor with ID %@. Removing the interceptor.
  1610. v32@?0@8@16^B24
  1611. <%@: %p>
  1612. v16@?0@"<UIApplicationDelegate>"8
  1613. FIRA_continueUserActivityIMP
  1614. FIRA_handleBackgroundSessionIMP
  1615. FIRA_openURLOptionsIMP
  1616. FIRA_openURLSourceApplicationAnnotationIMP
  1617. FIRA_realClass
  1618. Event filter is nil. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1619. Event is nil. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1620. Event filter name does not match event name. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1621. Event aggregates name does not match event name. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1622. Event filter does not have parameter name. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1623. Event does not have parameter required by filter. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1624. Event param is a string and the filter does not have a string filter. Audience filter will not be evaluated. Event name, event params, filter
  1625. Property filter is nil. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1626. User property is nil. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1627. User property name does not match property filter name. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1628. Property filter does not have filter. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1629. Unknown user property type. Audience filter will not be evaluated. Property Name
  1630. Filter has neither a number nor string filter. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1631. String value is not a numeric value. Audience filter will not be evaluated. Value, filter
  1632. Value is not within double range. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1633. Value is not a string. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1634. comparisonValue
  1635. T@"NSDecimalNumber",&,N,V_comparisonValue
  1636. maxComparisonValue
  1637. T@"NSDecimalNumber",&,N,V_maxComparisonValue
  1638. minComparisonValue
  1639. T@"NSDecimalNumber",&,N,V_minComparisonValue
  1640. valid
  1641. TB,N,GisValid,V_valid
  1642. Number filter has no comparison type
  1643. Number filter has unknown comparison type
  1644. Numeric filter does not have a valid comparison value. Filter
  1645. Numeric filter does not have a valid min comparison value. Filter
  1646. Numeric filter does not have a valid max comparison value. Filter
  1647. Number filter has a real unknown comparison type
  1648. '+'#
  1649. Number filter is invalid, the comparison filter is not valid. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1650. Validated double number filter has unknown comparison type. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1651. Number filter is invalid. Audience filter will not be evaluated. Filter
  1652. Parsed decimal number comparison values are not valid. Audience filter will not be evaluated. Filter
  1653. Validated decimal number for number filter has unknown comparison type. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1654. Number filter has no comparison value
  1655. Number filter comparison value is not a number
  1656. Number filter does not have both min and max comparison values
  1657. Number filter min comparison value is not a number
  1658. Number filter max comparison value is not a number
  1659. String filter has no match type
  1660. String filter has unknown match type
  1661. String filter has no expression
  1662. String filter has no expression list
  1663. Unable to parse regular expression
  1664. Evaluation string is nil. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1665. String filter is invalid. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1666. Validated string filter has unknown comparison type. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1667. Parsed regex is nil. Audience filter will not be evaluated
  1668. creationTimestamp
  1669. Td,N,V_creationTimestamp
  1670. TB,N,GisActive,V_active
  1671. triggeredTimestamp
  1672. Td,N,V_triggeredTimestamp
  1673. T@"NSString",C,N,V_name
  1674. origin
  1675. T@"NSString",C,N,V_origin
  1676. value
  1677. T@"FIRAValue",C,N,V_value
  1678. triggerEventName
  1679. T@"NSString",C,N,V_triggerEventName
  1680. triggerTimeout
  1681. Td,N,V_triggerTimeout
  1682. timeToLive
  1683. Td,N,V_timeToLive
  1684. triggeredEvent
  1685. T@"FIRAEvent",C,N,V_triggeredEvent
  1686. timedOutEvent
  1687. T@"FIRAEvent",C,N,V_timedOutEvent
  1688. expiredEvent
  1689. T@"FIRAEvent",C,N,V_expiredEvent
  1690. processEventOnWorkerQueue:
  1691. Unable to process event for conditional user property. Event is nil
  1692. q8@?0
  1693. removeTimedOutCUPWithTimedOutEvents:
  1694. Unable to fetch timed out conditional user properties. Error
  1695. Conditional user property has timed out. Name
  1696. Unable to delete timed out condition user property. Name, error
  1697. removeExpiredCUPWithExpiredEvents:
  1698. Unable to fetch expired conditional user properties. Error
  1699. Conditional user property has expired. Name, expired event
  1700. Unable to remove conditional user property. Failed to delete the user property. Name, origin, error
  1701. Unable to delete expired condition user property. Name, error
  1702. updateConditionalUserPropertiesBasedOnEventNameOnWorkerQueue:
  1703. Unable to fetch triggering conditional user properties. Event name, error
  1704. Unable to update user property from conditional user property. Name, origin, error
  1705. User property updated. Name, origin, value
  1706. Unable to update conditional user property. Name, origin, error
  1707. Invalid conditional user property timeout. Trigger timeout
  1708. Invalid conditional user property time to live. Time to live
  1709. Unable to set conditional user property. Conditional user property is nil
  1710. FIRAConditionalUserPropertyController:89
  1711. FIRAConditionalUserPropertyController:111
  1712. Unable to query for conditional user properties. Name prefix is not a string. Class
  1713. Unable to query for conditional user properties. Origin is not a string. Class
  1714. Unable to query for conditional user properties. Firebase Analytics is disabled
  1715. FIRAConditionalUserPropertyController:158
  1716. Unable to query for conditional user properties. Name prefix, origin, error
  1717. setConditionalUserPropertyOnWorkerQueue
  1718. Unable to set conditional user property. Firebase Analytics is disabled
  1719. Unable to set conditional user property on worker queue. Conditional user property is nil
  1720. Unable to query conditional user property. Name, origin, error
  1721. Updating a conditional user property with different origin. Name, origin, saved origin
  1722. User property updated. Name, origin
  1723. Conditional user property added. Name, origin
  1724. Unable to insert user property from conditional user property. Name, origin, error
  1725. removeConditionalUserPropertyOnWorkerQueue:
  1726. Unable to remove conditional user property. Firebase Analytics is disabled
  1727. Unable to remove conditional user property on worker queue. Conditional user property is nil
  1728. Unable to remove conditional user property. Cannot query conditional user property. Name, origin, error
  1729. Unable to remove conditional user property. Conditional user property doesn't exist. Name, origin
  1730. Unable to remove conditional user property. Failed to execute the delete operation. Name, origin, error
  1731. Failed to create app metadata object. Received negative last bundle index.
  1732. Bundle index overflow. Bundle index reset to 0.
  1733. lastBundleIndex
  1734. Ti,R,N,V_lastBundleIndex
  1735. lastBundleStartTimestamp
  1736. Td,N,V_lastBundleStartTimestamp
  1737. lastBundleEndTimestamp
  1738. Td,N,V_lastBundleEndTimestamp
  1739. Ti,R,N,V_day
  1740. conversionsCount
  1741. Ti,R,N,V_conversionsCount
  1742. allEventsCount
  1743. Ti,R,N,V_allEventsCount
  1744. publicEventsCount
  1745. Ti,R,N,V_publicEventsCount
  1746. errorEventsCount
  1747. Ti,R,N,V_errorEventsCount
  1748. realtimeCount
  1749. Ti,R,N,V_realtimeCount
  1750. Event name
  1751. Event origin
  1752. Event parameter name
  1753. Event parameter value
  1754. User property name
  1755. User property value
  1756. Screen parameter value
  1757. Conditional user property origin
  1758. Conditional user property name
  1759. Conditional user property value
  1760. firebase_
  1761. +gtm
  1762. is required and can't be nil
  1763. must be of type NSString
  1764. is required and can't be empty
  1765. is too long. The maximum supported length is %d
  1766. is too short. The minimum supported length is %d
  1767. must contain only letters, numbers, or underscores
  1768. must start with a letter
  1769. cannot be nil
  1770. must be a FIRAValue instance. value
  1771. Event name is reserved. Ignoring event
  1772. Event name uses reserved prefix. Ignoring event
  1773. Parameter name uses reserved prefix. Ignoring parameter
  1774. User property name is reserved. Ignoring user property
  1775. User property name uses reserved prefix. Ignoring user property
  1776. Object
  1777. Ignoring parameter. Parameter name is nil. Event name
  1778. Cannot create an event from event proto. Origin parameter is not a string. Event name
  1779. Unknown event parameter type from converting an event proto into FIRAEvent instance. Event param name
  1780. _err
  1781. _dbg
  1782. Event parameter value must be of type NSString or NSNumber. Type
  1783. Event cannot contain more than %d parameters
  1784. Event created with previous timestamp after current timestamp
  1785. Realtime parameter must be an int64. Event name
  1786. Received invalid screen class
  1787. Received invalid screen name
  1788. Invalid event param value. Event name, param name
  1789. T@"NSString",R,N,V_origin
  1790. T@"NSString",R,N,V_name
  1791. timestamp
  1792. Td,R,N,V_timestamp
  1793. previousTimestamp
  1794. Td,R,N,V_previousTimestamp
  1795. parameters
  1796. T@"NSDictionary",R,N,V_parameters
  1797. conversion
  1798. TB,N,GisConversion
  1799. realtime
  1800. TB,N,GisRealtime
  1801. debug
  1802. TB,N,GisDebug
  1803. protoEvent
  1804. T@"FIRAPBEvent",R,N
  1805. Failed to create event aggregates object. Received negative count.
  1806. Lifetime count overflow. Lifetime count reset to 0.
  1807. Bundle count overflow. Bundle count reset to 0.
  1808. lifetimeCount
  1809. Ti,R,N,V_lifetimeCount
  1810. currentBundleCount
  1811. Ti,R,N,V_currentBundleCount
  1812. lastFireTimestamp
  1813. Td,N,V_lastFireTimestamp
  1814. lastBundledTimestamp
  1815. Td,N,V_lastBundledTimestamp
  1816. lastSampledComplexEventID
  1817. T@"NSNumber",&,N,V_lastSampledComplexEventID
  1818. lastSamplingRate
  1819. Ti,N,V_lastSamplingRate
  1820. lastExemptFromSampling
  1821. TB,N,V_lastExemptFromSampling
  1822. audienceID
  1823. Ti,R,N,V_audienceID
  1824. filterID
  1825. Ti,R,N,V_filterID
  1826. eventName
  1827. T@"NSString",R,N,V_eventName
  1828. data
  1829. T@"NSData",R,N,V_data
  1830. currentResults
  1831. T@"NSData",R,N,V_currentResults
  1832. previousResults
  1833. T@"NSData",R,N,V_previousResults
  1834. propertyName
  1835. T@"NSString",R,N,V_propertyName
  1836. Failed to create raw event data. Received invalid raw event.
  1837. Failed to create raw event data. Received invalid row ID. Row ID
  1838. rawEvent
  1839. T@"FIRAEvent",R,N,V_rawEvent
  1840. rowID
  1841. Tq,R,N,V_rowID
  1842. metadataFingerprint
  1843. Tq,R,N,V_metadataFingerprint
  1844. T@"FIRAValue",R,N,V_value
  1845. lastSetTimestamp
  1846. Td,R,N,V_lastSetTimestamp
  1847. isPublic
  1848. TB,R,N
  1849. protoUserAttribute
  1850. T@"FIRAPBUserAttribute",R,N
  1851. Cannot create Value type with nil value
  1852. Cannot create Value type with unsupported value. The Value has to be NSNumber or NSString. Value
  1853. Cannot create String value with nil
  1854. Cannot create String value with non-string value. Value
  1855. valueType
  1856. Tq,R,N,V_valueType
  1857. isDouble
  1858. doubleValue
  1859. Td,R,N
  1860. isInt64
  1861. int64Value
  1862. Tq,R,N
  1863. isString
  1864. stringValue
  1865. T@"NSString",R,N
  1867. Received empty database path on init
  1868. Failed to delete existing database file. Error
  1869. Failed to recreate database file. Error
  1870. Received empty table name for ensure table
  1871. Received empty elementary column info for ensure table
  1872. Failed to create statement for table
  1873. Failed to create alter statement for table
  1874. Received empty table name for ensure table schema
  1875. Received empty column info for ensure table schema
  1876. Table does not exist for ensure table schema
  1877. _old
  1878. Received no table columns for ensure table
  1879. Received empty create statement for ensure table
  1880. Ensure table failed. Database not open.
  1881. Received empty table name for drop table
  1882. DROP TABLE %@
  1883. Received empty old name for rename table
  1884. Received empty new name for rename table
  1885. Received duplicate name for rename table
  1887. Received empty source name for copy table
  1888. Received empty destination name for copy table
  1889. Received duplicate name for copy table
  1891. Received empty table name for validate table
  1892. Received no table columns for validate table
  1893. Validate table failed. Database not open.
  1894. Table is missing required columns
  1895. PRAGMA table_info(%@)
  1896. Table contains unknown non-optional columns
  1897. Received empty table name for table exists
  1898. Table exists failed. Database not open.
  1899. SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?
  1900. Received empty table name for row count
  1901. Row count failed. Database not open.
  1902. SELECT count(1) FROM %@
  1903. WHERE %@=?
  1904. Received empty table name for get columns
  1905. Get table columns failed. Database not open.
  1906. Received empty table name for column info
  1907. Get table column info failed. Database not open.
  1908. Received empty record for upsert
  1909. Received empty table name for upsert
  1910. Upsert record failed. Database not open.
  1911. Empty record for update
  1912. Empty table name for update
  1913. Empty column name for update
  1914. Nil column value for update
  1915. Update record failed. Database not open.
  1916. Received empty table name for delete record
  1917. Received empty column for delete record
  1918. Received nil value for delete record
  1919. Delete record failed. Database not open.
  1920. DELETE FROM %@ WHERE %@=?
  1921. delete record
  1922. Received empty condition for delete record
  1923. Delete records with condition failed. Database not open.
  1924. DELETE FROM %@ WHERE %@
  1925. delete records with condition
  1926. Received empty table name for delete all records
  1927. Delete all records failed. Database not open.
  1928. DELETE FROM %@
  1929. delete all records
  1930. B20@?0i8@"NSDictionary"12
  1931. Received empty query for records for query
  1932. Received empty filter for selecting records
  1933. Query records failed. Database not open.
  1934. select
  1935. Received invalid select query
  1936. Failed to get column name
  1937. Value is nil for column
  1938. Database contains records that were all filtered out
  1939. Received empty query to get numeric result
  1940. Query numeric result failed. Database not open.
  1941. Found result that was not numeric
  1942. query numeric result
  1943. Received nil transaction block
  1944. Perform transaction failed. Database not open
  1945. Failed to begin transaction
  1946. Failed to rollback transaction after exception
  1947. Transaction failed
  1948. Failed to rollback transaction
  1949. Failed to end transaction
  1950. Begin transaction failed. Database not open
  1952. End transaction failed. Database not open
  1954. Rollback transaction failed. Database not open
  1955. ROLLBACK
  1956. Statement for query failed. Database not open.
  1957. Received empty parameters
  1958. WHERE
  1959. Statement is not the same one in the cache
  1960. Received empty SQL string to prepare
  1961. Prepare SQL failed. Database not open.
  1962. prepare statement
  1963. Query contained more than one SQL statement.
  1964. Received empty SQL string to execute
  1965. Execute SQL failed. Database not open.
  1966. Execute SQL statement failed. Statement is NULL.
  1967. Execute SQL statement failed. Database not open.
  1968. execute statement
  1969. initialize sqlite handle
  1970. Failed to exclude database file from backup
  1971. Validate database failed. Database not open.
  1972. PRAGMA integrity_check
  1973. validate database
  1974. Failed to close database. Got error code
  1975. Failed to delete database
  1976. Record has value of unexpected type
  1977. %@,
  1979. ) VALUES (
  1980. Record has value of unexpected type (update)
  1981. %@=?,
  1982. Failed to bind parameter of unexpected type to update statement
  1983. UPDATE %@ SET %@ WHERE %@=?
  1984. Failed to bind to NULL statement
  1985. bind values
  1986. v32@?0@8Q16^B24
  1987. Failed to get last error message. Database not open
  1988. Database operation "%@" failed with sqlite code %d and error message "%@"
  1989. Unknown operation
  1990. sqliteHandle
  1991. T^{sqlite3=},R,N
  1992. T@"NSString",R,N,V_databasePath
  1994. %@ %@,
  1995. ALTER TABLE %@ ADD COLUMN %@ %@
  1996. Ignoring call to begin ad unit exposure. Received empty ad unit ID
  1997. Reached limit on ad units. Ignoring ad unit with ID
  1998. Ignoring call to end ad unit exposure. Received empty ad unit ID
  1999. Unknown ad unit. Ignoring ad unit with ID
  2000. Ad exposure not logged. Reporting is disabled.
  2001. Ad exposure not logged. App is not active.
  2002. Ad exposure not logged. Exposure time was less than 1 sec
  2003. Ad unit exposure not logged. Reporting is disabled.
  2004. Ad unit exposure not logged. Received empty ad unit ID
  2005. Ad unit exposure not logged. App is not active.
  2006. Ad unit exposure not logged. Exposure time was less than 1 sec
  2007. reportingEnabled
  2008. TB,N,GisReportingEnabled,V_reportingEnabled
  2009. FIRAAdExposureReporter
  2010. Timer
  2011. tried to schedule an empty block
  2012. fired
  2013. scheduled to fire in approx. (s)
  2014. canceled
  2015. is not active
  2016. scheduledTimestamp
  2017. T@"NSDate",R,N,V_scheduledTimestamp
  2018. Unable to query event filters for event. Event will not be evaluated. Event name, error
  2019. Unable to query filter result for audience. Event will not be evaluated. Event name, error
  2020. Event filter contains no data. Event will not be evaluated. Event name, filter ID, audience ID
  2021. Unable to save updated Audience filter results. Event will not be evaluated. Event name, error
  2022. Unable to query property filters for property. Property will not be evaluated. Property name, error
  2023. Unable to query filter result for audience. Property will not be evaluated. Property name, error
  2024. User property filter contains no data. User property will not be evaluated. User property name, filter ID, audience ID
  2025. Unable to save updated Audience filter results. User property will not be evaluated. User property name, error
  2026. Configuration contains too many audiences. Audiences will not be saved. Audience count
  2027. Audience definition is invalid. Audience will not be saved. Audience, error
  2028. Unable to delete existing Audience event filters. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2029. Unable to delete existing Audience user property filters. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2030. Unable to save Audience event filters. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2031. Unable to save Audience user property filters. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2032. Unable to query current user properties. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2033. Unable to query Audience filter results. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2034. Too many Audience filter results. Deleting filter results for deleted Audiences. Filter result count, max filter result count
  2035. Unable to query current Audience IDs. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2036. Unable to delete stale Audience filter results. Audiences will not be saved. Error
  2037. Unable to query Audience filter results. Audience results will not be bundled. Error
  2038. Current result data is nil. Audience result will not be bundled. Audience ID
  2039. Current result status is 0. Audience result will not be bundled. Audience ID
  2040. Unable to save updated Audience filter results. Audience results will not be bundled. Error
  2041. Audience filter result is non-nil and is missing status or results array. Audience result will not be bundled. Audience ID, result data
  2042. Missing audience ID
  2043. Audience ID is negative
  2044. Duplicate audience ID
  2045. Audience missing filters arrays
  2046. Audience filter count out of range
  2047. Event filter missing event name
  2048. Missing event filter ID
  2049. Event filter ID is out of range
  2050. Duplicate event filter ID
  2051. Event filter has float event count filter
  2052. Event filter has invalid event count filter
  2053. Event filter parameters filters count out of range
  2054. Event filter missing parameter name
  2055. Event filter must have exactly one of number or string filter
  2056. Event filter has invalid number filter
  2057. Event filter has invalid string filter
  2058. Property filter missing property name
  2059. Missing property filter ID
  2060. Property filter ID is out of range
  2061. Duplicate property filter ID
  2062. Property filter has no filter
  2063. Property filter must have exactly one of number or string filter
  2064. Property filter has invalid string filter
  2065. FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled
  2066. en_US
  2067. google-app-measurement.sql
  2068. CFBundleShortVersionString
  2069. -noFIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled
  2070. -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled
  2071. FIRAnalytics
  2078. manual_install
  2079. Google/Measurement
  2080. _ltv_
  2082. aclid
  2083. anid
  2084. utm_campaign
  2085. utm_content
  2086. gclid
  2087. utm_medium
  2088. utm_source
  2089. utm_term
  2090. FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled
  2091. FirebaseScreenReportingEnabled
  2092. app_metadata
  2093. rowid
  2094. last_bundle_index
  2095. last_bundle_start_timestamp
  2096. last_bundle_end_timestamp
  2097. daily_conversions_count
  2098. daily_events_count
  2099. daily_public_events_count
  2100. daily_error_events_count
  2101. daily_real_time_conversion_events_count
  2102. remote_config_data
  2103. remote_config_timestamp
  2104. raw_events
  2105. metadata_fingerprint
  2106. is_realtime
  2107. raw_events_metadata
  2108. metadata
  2109. queue
  2110. bundle_end_timestamp
  2111. events
  2112. lifetime_count
  2113. current_bundle_count
  2114. last_fire_timestamp
  2115. last_bundled_timestamp
  2116. last_sampled_complex_event_id
  2117. last_sampling_rate
  2118. last_exempt_from_sampling
  2119. user_attributes
  2120. set_timestamp
  2121. event_filters
  2122. audience_id
  2123. filter_id
  2124. event_name
  2125. property_filters
  2126. property_name
  2127. audience_filter_values
  2128. current_results
  2129. previous_results
  2130. purchase_transactions
  2131. fingerprint
  2132. conditional_properties
  2133. trigger_event_name
  2134. trigger_timeout
  2135. creation_timestamp
  2136. triggered_timestamp
  2137. time_to_live
  2138. timed_out_event
  2139. triggered_event
  2140. expired_event
  2141. Received empty database name in init
  2142. Failed to open database
  2143. Failed to create or validate required database tables
  2144. Failed to delete old database file after failed validation. Error
  2145. Failed to initialize App Metadata table
  2146. Failed to query app metadata
  2147. @"NSDictionary"16@?0@8
  2148. Unable to update the app metadata. Error
  2149. @16@?0@"NSDictionary"8
  2150. metadata_fingerprint == ?
  2151. metadata_fingerprint NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT metadata_fingerprint FROM raw_events)
  2152. SELECT NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM raw_events LIMIT 1)
  2153. Received empty event for inserting in the database
  2154. SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM raw_events
  2155. SELECT rowid, * FROM raw_events WHERE metadata_fingerprint = ? ORDER BY rowid ASC LIMIT ?
  2156. SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM raw_events WHERE metadata_fingerprint = ? LIMIT 1)
  2157. rowid <= ?
  2158. rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM raw_events ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT -1 OFFSET ?)
  2159. Cannot delete stale raw events given negative time period
  2160. abs(timestamp - cast(? as REAL)) > cast(? as REAL)
  2161. SELECT metadata_fingerprint, MIN(rowid) FROM raw_events
  2162. Only one event metadata should be processed
  2163. Received empty dictionary for getting raw event data
  2164. Unable to find row ID in the database dictionary
  2165. Unable to find event data in the database dictionary
  2166. Unable to find event metadata in the database dictionary
  2167. Failed to initialize raw event data from dictionary
  2168. SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM raw_events WHERE is_realtime = 1 LIMIT 1)
  2170. Failed to insert nil bundle
  2171. Failed to insert bundle without App ID
  2172. Failed to insert bundle without valid timestamp
  2173. Storing bundle outside of the max uploading time span
  2174. Failed to compress bundle
  2175. Cannot compress data. Error
  2176. Saving bundle. size (bytes)
  2177. SELECT rowid, data FROM queue ORDER BY bundle_end_timestamp ASC LIMIT ?
  2178. Received empty row IDs to delete bundles
  2179. Received invalid type for row ID to delete bundles
  2180. rowid IN (%@)
  2181. Cannot delete stale bundles after negative time period
  2182. abs(bundle_end_timestamp - cast(? as REAL)) > cast(? as REAL)
  2183. SELECT MAX(bundle_end_timestamp) FROM queue
  2184. SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM queue WHERE is_realtime = 1 LIMIT 1)
  2185. SELECT count(1) FROM events WHERE name NOT LIKE '!_%%' ESCAPE '!'
  2186. SELECT count(1) FROM user_attributes WHERE name NOT LIKE '!_%%' ESCAPE '!'
  2187. Received empty user property origin for count query
  2188. SELECT count(1) FROM user_attributes WHERE origin = ?
  2189. Received empty user property name for exists query
  2190. SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM user_attributes WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1)
  2191. SELECT * FROM user_attributes WHERE name LIKE ? || '%' ORDER BY set_timestamp DESC
  2192. SELECT audience_id FROM event_filters UNION SELECT audience_id FROM property_filters
  2193. Received nil audience ID for querying all audience IDs
  2194. Received empty event name for getting event filters
  2195. Received empty property name for getting property filters
  2196. Received empty filter results to delete
  2197. Received unknown type to delete filter result
  2198. %@ IN (%@)
  2199. Received empty event filters to update
  2200. Received unknown data type to update event filter
  2201. Received empty property filters to update
  2202. Received unknown data type to update property filter
  2203. Received empty filter results to update
  2204. Received unknown data type to update filter result
  2205. Received empty event filters to delete
  2206. Received unknown type to delete event filter
  2207. (audience_id=%d AND filter_id=%d)
  2208. OR
  2209. Received empty property filters to delete
  2210. Received unknown type to delete property filter
  2211. Invalid measurement config data
  2212. Missing GMP app ID in measurement configuration
  2213. SELECT remote_config_data FROM app_metadata LIMIT 1
  2214. Remote config data is corrupted
  2215. SELECT remote_config_timestamp FROM app_metadata LIMIT 1
  2216. SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM purchase_transactions WHERE fingerprint = ? LIMIT 1)
  2217. rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM purchase_transactions ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT -1 OFFSET ?)
  2218. active=0 and abs(? - creation_timestamp) > trigger_timeout
  2219. active=1 and abs(? - triggered_timestamp) > time_to_live
  2220. Received nil/empty event name for querying triggered conditional user properties
  2221. active=0 and trigger_event_name=? and abs(? - creation_timestamp) <= trigger_timeout
  2222. %@ LIKE ?
  2223. %@ LIKE ? || '%%'
  2224. AND
  2225. 1 == 1
  2226. Received empty condition for querying a conditional user property
  2227. SELECT rowid, * FROM %@ WHERE %@
  2228. Failed to ensure table. Table, error
  2229. Received nil block to get all data types
  2230. SELECT rowid, * FROM %@ ORDER BY rowid LIMIT %ld
  2231. Received empty table name to create data type from table
  2232. Received empty column name to create data type from table
  2233. Received nil column value to create data type from table
  2234. Received nil block to create data type from table
  2235. SELECT rowid, * FROM %@ WHERE %@ = ?
  2236. Failed to initialize data types from dictionaries
  2237. Received empty table name for inserting
  2238. Received nil block to create dictionary for inserting
  2239. Failed to insert unknown data type
  2240. Received empty data type to upsert
  2241. Received empty table name for checking upsert
  2242. Received nil block to create dictionary for upserting
  2243. Failed to insert data type. Table is full
  2244. Failed to insert/update unknown data type
  2245. Received empty data type to update
  2246. Received empty table name for updating
  2247. Received nil block to create dictionary for updating
  2248. Failed to update record. Item doesn't exist
  2249. Failed to update unknown data type
  2250. Received empty dictionary for getting app metadata
  2251. Received empty app metadata for getting dictionary representation
  2252. Received empty dictionary for getting daily counts
  2253. Received empty daily counts for getting dictionary representation
  2254. Received empty measurement bundle metadata for getting dictionary representation
  2255. Received empty dictionary for getting measurement bundle
  2256. Event metadata should not be empty for getting measurement bundle
  2257. Received empty raw event data for getting dictionary representation
  2258. Failed to parse event from data
  2259. Cannot create an event from database. Origin parameter is not a string
  2260. Unknown event parameter type from converting an event from database. Event param name
  2261. Cannot create an event from database. Missing origin parameter
  2262. Cannot decompress an empty bundle data
  2263. Cannot decompress data. Error
  2264. Unable to parse bundle from decompressed data
  2265. Received empty event aggregates object for getting dictionary representation
  2266. Received event aggregates object with empty name for getting dictionary representation
  2267. Received empty user property for getting dictionary representation
  2268. Received user property with empty origin for getting dictionary representation
  2269. Received user property with empty name for getting dictionary representation
  2270. Received empty string value for user property
  2271. Received empty dictionary for getting event filter
  2272. Received empty event filter for getting dictionary representation
  2273. Received event filter with empty event name for getting dictionary representation
  2274. Received event filter with empty data for getting dictionary representation
  2275. Received empty dictionary for getting property filter
  2276. Received empty property filter for getting dictionary representation
  2277. Received property filter with empty property name for getting dictionary representation
  2278. Received property filter with empty data for getting dictionary representation
  2279. Received empty dictionary for getting filter result
  2280. Received empty filter result for getting dictionary representation
  2281. Received filter result with empty data for getting dictionary representation
  2282. Cannot create conditional user property from database. Triggered event data is invalid. Name, error
  2283. Cannot create conditional user property from database. Timed out event data is invalid. Name, error
  2284. Cannot create conditional user property from database. Expired event data is invalid. Name, error
  2285. Failed to convert data to an event. Data must be a NSData instance
  2286. Failed to initialize event from proto data
  2287. Received empty conditional user property for getting dictionary representation
  2288. Received conditional user property with empty name for getting dictionary representation
  2289. Received conditional user property with empty origin for getting dictionary representation
  2290. Received conditional user property with nil value for getting dictionary representation
  2297. (%@, %@)
  2298. BLOB
  2299. TEXT
  2300. REAL
  2301. INTEGER
  2302. Failed to get device model
  2303. Failed to get preferred language
  2304. deviceModel
  2305. deviceOSVersion
  2306. userDefaultLanguage
  2307. timeZoneOffsetMinutes
  2308. Ti,R,N
  2309. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  2310. 40005000
  2311. Identity's shared instance is nil
  2312. Google App ID from GoogleService-Info.plist is empty. Please, define GOOGLE_APP_ID in GoogleService-Info.plist for Analytics to work reliably.
  2313. Unable to create measurement identity, missing a valid persisted config instance
  2314. Cannot set empty Google App ID
  2315. Failed to get InstanceID
  2316. app version numeric has non-numeric characters
  2317. appID
  2318. T@"NSString",R,N,V_appID
  2319. appVersion
  2320. T@"NSString",R,N,V_appVersion
  2321. appVersionMajor
  2322. T@"NSNumber",R,N,V_appVersionMajor
  2323. appVersionMinor
  2324. T@"NSNumber",R,N,V_appVersionMinor
  2325. appVersionRelease
  2326. T@"NSNumber",R,N,V_appVersionRelease
  2327. resettableDeviceID
  2328. hasLimitedAdTracking
  2329. limitedAdTracking
  2330. appIDFromGMP
  2331. fromAppStore
  2332. TB,R,N,GisFromAppStore
  2333. identifierForVendor
  2334. devCertHash
  2335. Tq,R,N,V_devCertHash
  2336. firebaseInstanceID
  2337. ecommerce_purchase
  2338. content
  2339. _iap
  2340. _pfo
  2341. _pgmp
  2342. _uwa
  2343. validated
  2344. sandbox
  2345. _eid
  2346. _efs
  2347. _fot
  2348. If-Modified-Since
  2349. Last-Modified
  2350. UIApplicationLaunchOptionsUserActivityDictionaryKey
  2351. UIApplicationLaunchOptionsUserActivityKey
  2352. NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb
  2353. /google/measurement/deep_link
  2354. /google/measurement/deep_link_timestamp_seconds
  2355. FIRAnalyticsMeasurementBackgroundTask
  2356. Firebase Analytics has not been created. Please, configure Firebase by calling [FIRApp configure]
  2357. Do not call handleNonFirstOpenOpenURL on the measurement worker queue
  2358. FIRAMeasurement:300
  2359. handleOpenURLOnWorkerQueue:clickTimestampInMs:eventTimestampInSeconds:
  2360. Deep Link Web URL query is empty
  2361. Deep Link does not contain valid required params. URL params
  2362. User Activity is empty. User Activity
  2363. Deep Link is only supported on iOS 9 and above
  2364. NSUserActivity
  2365. NSUserActivity is not supported
  2366. User Activity does not have Deep Link. User Activity
  2367. Firebase Analytics v.%@ started
  2368. To disable debug logging set the following application argument: -noFIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled (see
  2369. To enable debug logging set the following application argument: -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled (see
  2370. Debug logging enabled
  2371. Failed to initialize network component
  2372. Measurement timer
  2373. FIRAMeasurement:583
  2374. setIsEnabledOnWorkerQueue
  2375. Failed to start Firebase Analytics. Firebase Analytics is disabled
  2376. Firebase Analytics enabled
  2377. Firebase Analytics disabled
  2378. startMeasurementOnWorkerQueue
  2379. Failed to delete old database file. Error
  2380. Failed to exclude directory from backup. Error
  2381. Firebase Analytics is ready to receive events
  2382. Unable to delete stale data. Error
  2383. FIRAMeasurement:784
  2384. reportStoredCampaignEventWithClickTimestampInMillisOnWorkerQueue:
  2385. reportFirstOpenOnWorkerQueue
  2386. Failed to query first open property. Error
  2387. Failed to query first open after install property after setting it. Error
  2388. Failed to set first open after install property
  2389. Failed to query first open property after setting it. Error
  2390. Failed to set first open property
  2391. reportAppUpdateOnWorkerQueue
  2392. reportOSUpdateOnWorkerQueue
  2393. Unable to read attributes of path. Path, error
  2394. FIRAMeasurement:1062
  2395. FIRAMeasurement:1070
  2396. updateSchedule
  2397. Upload has been suspended. Will update scheduling later. Seconds
  2398. No data to upload. Upload task will not be scheduled
  2399. No next uploading time. Upload task will not be scheduled
  2400. No network. Upload task will not be scheduled
  2401. Do not schedule an upload task. Task already exists. Will be executed in seconds
  2402. FIRAMeasurement:1211
  2403. Upload task scheduled to be executed in approx. (s)
  2404. Failed to query latest raw event time. Error
  2405. Failed to query latest bundle time. Error
  2406. Failed to query for real-time bundle indicator. Error
  2407. Failed to query for real-time raw event indicator. Error
  2408. uploadData
  2409. Starting data upload
  2410. Network operation is pending. Ignoring upload request
  2411. Network not connected, ignoring upload request
  2412. Failed to query bundles. Error
  2413. No data to upload
  2414. Uploading events. Elapsed time since last successful upload (s)
  2415. Measurement data sent to network. Timestamp (ms), data
  2416. v32@?0@"NSHTTPURLResponse"8@"NSData"16@"NSError"24
  2417. Unable to create network session.
  2418. Firebase is uploading but network is not uploading
  2419. Bundle filter must not specify both resettableDeviceID and vendorDeviceID
  2420. v32@?0@"NSArray"8Q16^B24
  2421. Network upload failed. Will retry later. Code, error
  2422. Successful upload. Got network response. Code, size
  2423. Unable to delete uploaded bundles. Uploads will be suspended for seconds
  2424. Bundle list is empty. Cancelling upload
  2425. Set uploading progress before finishing the previous upload
  2426. Attempted to log nil event
  2427. FIRAMeasurement:1696
  2428. handleEventOnWorkerQueue:
  2429. Firebase Analytics is disabled. Event not logged
  2430. Unable to process conditional user property. Event name, origin
  2431. writeEventOnWorkerQueue:
  2432. Logging event: origin, name, params
  2433. Rejected event. Contact Firebase Support for more information. Event name
  2434. Cannot record lifetime value of event. Name, currency code, transaction value
  2435. Data loss. Unable to query daily event counts. Error
  2436. Data loss. Too many events logged. Name, limit
  2437. Too many error events logged. Error code, limit
  2438. Data loss. Too many public events logged. Name, limit
  2439. Conversion event is under real-time daily limit. Marking the event as real-time. Event name, parameters
  2440. Conversion event is not subject to real-time daily limit. Marking the event as real-time. Event name, parameters
  2441. Too many real-time events. Event is no longer real-time. Event name, parameters
  2442. Data loss. Unable to update daily event counts. Name, error
  2443. Event dropped. Event name, event params
  2444. Unable to query event aggregates. Name, error
  2445. Unable to query event count. Error
  2446. Unable to set event. Reached limit on set events. Name
  2447. Data loss. Cannot record event aggregates. Error
  2448. Data loss. Cannot query user properties. Error
  2449. Data loss. Cannot record event metadata. Error
  2450. Data loss. Unable to check raw event storage limit. Error
  2451. Data loss. Too many events stored on disk. Deleted count
  2452. Data loss. Cannot record raw event. Error
  2453. Event logged. Event name, event params
  2454. Debug mode is enabled. Marking event as debug and real-time. Event name, parameters
  2455. Attempted to remove nil user property
  2456. FIRAMeasurement:2172
  2457. removeUserAttributeOnWorkerQueue:
  2458. Removing user property. Name
  2459. Firebase Analytics is disabled. User property not removed
  2460. Unable to remove user property. Name, error
  2461. User property removed. Name
  2462. Attempted to set nil user property
  2463. FIRAMeasurement:2217
  2464. setUserAttributeOnWorkerQueue:
  2465. Setting user property. Name, value
  2466. Firebase Analytics is disabled. User property not set
  2467. Unable to query existence of user property. Name, error
  2468. Unable to query user property count. Origin, error
  2469. Unable to set user property. Reached limit on set user properties for origin. Origin, name, value
  2470. Unable to set user property. Name, value, error
  2471. Unable to evaluate user property. Name, value
  2472. User property set. Name, value
  2473. userAttributeWithName callback is nil
  2474. Unable to get user attribute by name. Name
  2475. FIRAMeasurement:2331
  2476. Unable to retrieve user properties. Callback is nil
  2477. Unable to retrieve user properties. Error
  2478. Cannot add invalid public user property name or value.
  2479. FIRAMeasurement:2380
  2480. Origin for querying MaxUserProperties cannot be nil
  2481. MaxUserProperties callback cannot be nil. Origin
  2482. bundleRawEvents
  2483. Unable to fetch next event metadata. Error
  2484. Failed to bundle raw event. Error
  2485. Inconsistent state, raw event is expected. Error
  2486. Unable to fetch event metadata. Metadata fingerprint, error
  2487. B32@?0@8Q16^B24
  2488. Rejected all events. Contact Firebase Support for more information.
  2489. Failed to query daily event counts. Error
  2490. Too many conversion events. Not logging event as conversion. Name, limit
  2491. Event is under real-time event count daily limit. Marking the event as real-time. Event name, parameters
  2492. Number of real-time events is over the real-time event count daily limit. Event is no longer real-time. Event name, parameters
  2493. Event is not subject to real-time event count daily limit. Marking an event as real-time. Event name, parameters
  2494. Failed to update daily event counts. Name, error
  2495. Failed to query event aggregates. Name, error
  2496. Failed to update event aggregates. Error
  2497. Bundle was dropped because no events were left after sampling
  2498. Unable to fetch app metadata for bundling events. Error
  2499. Unable to read audience evaluation results
  2500. Added missing App ID to event metadata.
  2501. Unable to insert bundle. Error
  2502. Bundle added to the upload queue. BundleID, timestamp (ms)
  2503. Failed to check if queue table is empty. Error
  2504. Failed to check if raw events table is empty. Error
  2505. Failed to delete bundles from database. Error
  2506. Unable to query current user properties. Error
  2507. Unable to extract first open timestamp. Empty user properties
  2508. Unable to get configuration. Invalid server URL.
  2509. Fetching configuration from the server
  2510. Fetched configuration. Status code
  2511. Unable to get the configuration from server. Network request failed. Code, Error
  2512. Network fetch failed. Will retry later. Code, error
  2513. Configuration not found. Using default configuration
  2514. Configuration has not been modified. Using the same configuration. Code
  2515. Unable to update the configuration last set timestamp in database. Error
  2516. Successful fetched configuration from the server. Got network response. Code, size
  2517. Configuration data is invalid.
  2518. Configuration does not have valid GMP App ID.
  2519. Failed to update audiences with new server configuration
  2520. Failed to update configuration with new server configuration
  2521. FIRAMeasurement:3293
  2522. Purchase has nil or empty fingerprint. Purchase will not be checked for duplicates. Product ID
  2523. Failed to save purchase fingerprint. Purchase will not be checked for duplicates. Product ID, error
  2524. Purchase is a duplicate and will not be reported. Product ID
  2525. Cancelling background upload task. Task ID
  2526. Network operation is pending. Ignoring request to fetch configuration
  2527. FIRAMeasurement:3388
  2528. App will resign active state. Scheduling data upload
  2529. Background task started. Task ID
  2530. FIRAMeasurement:3427
  2531. Invalid sampling rate provided
  2532. Unable to query all event aggregates for cache. error
  2533. Dropping event at sampling. Event has no name
  2534. Missing parameter(s) from an extra param event. Event name, parameters
  2535. Unable to query event aggregates to update database. Name, error
  2536. Failed to update event aggregates after removing removing events due to sampling. Error
  2537. isNetworkRequestPending
  2538. TB,R,N,V_isNetworkRequestPending
  2539. wasEnabledDuringInitialization
  2540. TB,R,N,V_wasEnabledDuringInitialization
  2541. enabled
  2542. TB,N,GisEnabled,V_enabled
  2543. identity
  2544. T@"FIRAIdentity",R,N,V_identity
  2545. scheduler
  2546. T@"FIRAScheduler",R,N,V_scheduler
  2547. database
  2548. T@"FIRADatabase",R,N,V_database
  2549. sessionReporter
  2550. T@"FIRASessionReporter",R,N,V_sessionReporter
  2551. Unable to delete raw events. RowID, error
  2552. Unable to query existence of raw event. Metadata, error
  2553. Unable to delete raw event metadata. Metadata, error
  2554. Failed to create sampling rate parameter
  2555. Event parameter already exists. Parameter name
  2556. Failed to create exempt from sampling parameter
  2557. Debug mode is on
  2558. Debug mode is off
  2559. ERROR
  2560. WARNING
  2561. NOTICE
  2562. DEBUG
  2563. (Message was nil)
  2564. (Message was empty)
  2565. : %@
  2566. %@: %@
  2567. (nil)
  2568. <%@ %p>
  2569. %lld...%lld
  2570. SELF != ''
  2571. %@ %@
  2572. FIRA
  2573. Failed to exclude monitor preferences file from backup
  2574. %@%c_%lld:%@
  2575. debugModeEnabled
  2576. TB,N,GisDebugModeEnabled,V_debugModeEnabled
  2577. encodeContexts
  2578. TB,N,V_encodeContexts
  2579. FIRAMonitorQueue
  2580. /google/measurement/measurement_enabled_state
  2581. PersistedConfig's shared instance is nil
  2582. Failed to exclude preferences file from backup
  2583. lastDeleteStaleBundlesTimestamp
  2584. Td,N
  2585. searchAdCampaignValue
  2586. T@"NSNumber",C,N
  2587. lastSearchAdLookUpTimestamp
  2588. searchAdRetryCount
  2589. Tq,N
  2590. T@"NSString",C,N
  2591. hashedIDFA
  2592. configServerLastModifiedString
  2593. measurementEnabledState
  2594. lastBackoffTimestamp
  2595. lastSuccessfulUploadTimestamp
  2596. lastFailedUploadTimestamp
  2597. osVersion
  2598. T@"NSString",C,N,SsetOSVersion:
  2599. midnightOffset
  2600. lastMonitorDataSampledTimestamp
  2601. firstOpenTimestampMilliseconds
  2602. startNewSession
  2603. TB,N
  2604. lastEngagementCheckpointClockTime
  2605. engagementTimeBeforeSessionStart
  2606. FIRAPersistedConfig
  2607. /google/measurement/health_monitor
  2608. /google/measurement/monitor_migration_state
  2609. /google/measurement/last_delete_stale
  2610. /google/measurement/last_backoff
  2611. /google/measurement/last_successful_upload
  2612. /google/measurement/last_failed_upload
  2613. /google/measurement/is_search_ad_campaign
  2614. /google/measurement/search_ad_last_attempt_timestamp
  2615. /google/measurement/search_ad_number_of_retries
  2616. /google/measurement/app_instance_id
  2617. /google/measurement/gmp_app_id
  2618. /google/measurement/hashed_idfa
  2619. /google/measurement/debug_mode
  2620. /google/measurement/app_version
  2621. /google/measurement/os_version
  2622. /google/measurement/midnight_offset
  2623. /google/measurement/last_monitor_data_sampled_timestamp
  2624. /google/measurement/last_modified_since_key
  2625. /google/measurement/first_open_timestamp_ms
  2626. /google/measurement/start_new_session
  2627. /google/measurement/last_engagement_end
  2628. /google/measurement/et_before_session_start
  2629. app_instance_id
  2630. gmp_version
  2631. platform
  2632. measurement.audience.max_count
  2633. measurement.audience.filter_max_count_per_audience
  2634. measurement.audience.parameter_max_count_filter
  2635. measurement.audience.filter_result_max_count
  2636. measurement.lifetimevalue.max_currency_tracked
  2638. measurement.monitoring.sample_period_millis
  2639. measurement.upload.stale_data_deletion_interval
  2640. measurement.ad_id_cache_time
  2641. measurement.upload.max_bundles_created_per_iteration
  2642. measurement.upload.max_conversions_per_day
  2643. measurement.upload.max_error_events_per_day
  2644. measurement.upload.max_events_per_day
  2645. measurement.upload.max_public_events_per_day
  2646. measurement.upload.max_queue_time
  2647. measurement.upload.max_bundles
  2648. measurement.upload.max_events_per_bundle
  2649. measurement.upload.max_batch_size
  2650. measurement.upload.backoff_period
  2651. measurement.upload.debug_upload_interval
  2652. measurement.upload.interval
  2653. measurement.upload.initial_upload_delay_time
  2654. measurement.upload.max_realtime_events_per_day
  2655. measurement.upload.retry_time
  2656. measurement.upload.retry_count
  2657. measurement.upload.realtime_upload_interval
  2658. measurement.upload.upload_when_app_in_background_enabled
  2659. measurement.upload.parse_purchase_data_enabled
  2660. measurement.upload.dedupe_purchases_enabled
  2661. measurement.upload.blacklist_internal
  2662. measurement.upload.blacklist_public
  2663. measurement.event_sampling_enabled
  2666. measurement.config.cache_time
  2667. measurement.session.default_minimum_interval
  2668. measurement.session.default_timeout_interval
  2669. measurement.session.event_user_engagement_interval
  2670. measurement.search_ad_enabled
  2671. Cannot init remote configuration without valid GMP App ID
  2672. Cannot init remote configuration without valid database
  2673. updateMeasurementConfig:
  2674. Cannot update the default measurement configuration
  2675. Cannot set empty measurement config to database
  2676. Cannot set measurement config when GMP App ID does not match
  2677. Cannot store config into the database
  2678. Cannot find event config with empty event name
  2679. Cannot fetch the last update timestamp from the default configuration
  2680. Cannot fetch the last configuration update timestamp from the default instance
  2681. Failed to query last configuration update timestamp. Error
  2682. Cannot create a URL to fetch a configuration with empty app instance ID or empty platform (app instance, platform)
  2683. Cannot parse empty measurement config. Using default values
  2684. Cannot cache event configuration with an empty configuration name
  2685. Successfully parsed a configuration. Version
  2686. measurementConfigFromDatabase
  2687. Cannot retrieve a measurement configuration from the database for the default instance
  2688. Cannot retrieve configuration data from database. Error
  2689. Configuration was not found in database. The configuration will be fetched from the network when necessary
  2690. Cannot parse number from non-string
  2691. Cannot cache empty configuration value
  2692. Cannot get setting with empty key from cache
  2693. @"NSNumber"16@?0@"NSNumber"8
  2694. lastRemoteConfigUpdateTimestamp
  2695. expired
  2696. TB,R,N,GisExpired
  2697. version
  2698. TB,R,N,GisSearchAdReporterEnabled
  2699. maxAudienceCount
  2700. maxFiltersPerAudience
  2701. maxFilterResultCount
  2702. maxParametersPerFilter
  2703. maxQueueTime
  2704. databaseDeleteStaleBundlesInterval
  2705. adIDCacheTime
  2706. monitoringSamplePeriod
  2707. networkBackgroundSessionEnabled
  2708. TB,R,N,GisNetworkBackgroundSessionEnabled
  2709. networkTimeout
  2710. sessionDefaultMinimumInterval
  2711. sessionDefaultTimeoutInterval
  2712. sessionEventUserEngagementInterval
  2713. uploadWhenAppInBackgroundEnabled
  2714. parsePurchaseDataEnabled
  2715. dedupePurchasesEnabled
  2716. maxConversionsPerDay
  2717. maxEventsPerDay
  2718. maxPublicEventsPerDay
  2719. maxErrorEventsPerDay
  2720. maxTrackedCurrencies
  2721. maxEventsStored
  2722. maxBundlesCreatedPerIteration
  2723. uploadingBackoffInterval
  2724. uploadingInterval
  2725. uploadingInitialDelayInterval
  2726. uploadMaxBundlesLimit
  2727. uploadMaxEventsPerBundle
  2728. uploadMaxSizeLimitBytes
  2729. uploadingRetryCount
  2730. uploadingRetryInterval
  2731. maxRealtimeEventCountPerDay
  2732. uploadingDebugModeInterval
  2733. uploadingRealTimeInterval
  2734. blacklistInternal
  2735. blacklistPublic
  2736. eventSamplingEnabled
  2737. TB,R,N,GisEventSamplingEnabled
  2738. remoteConfigCacheTimeInterval
  2739. Exception on worker queue. Block ID=%@. Exception
  2740. <empty method name>
  2741. Method %@ should execute on background thread
  2742. workerQueue
  2743. T@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>",R,N,V_workerQueue
  2744. kFIRASessionReporterEngagementTimerDidFire
  2745. Session timer
  2746. Engagement timer
  2747. Received negative minimum session duration. Setting to 0.0 instead.
  2748. Received negative timeout session duration. Setting to 0.0 instead.
  2749. Session start event not logged. Application is not active
  2750. User engagement event not logged. Application is not active
  2751. Scheduling session start timer
  2752. Scheduling user engagement timer
  2753. Incurred engagement time is negative. Setting to 0.0 instead
  2754. minimumSessionInterval
  2755. Td,N,V_minimumSessionInterval
  2756. timeoutSessionInterval
  2757. Td,N,V_timeoutSessionInterval
  2758. kFIRAnalyticsWillStartNotification
  2759. _aeid
  2760. FIRAnalyticsConfigurationSetEnabledNotification
  2761. FIRAnalyticsConfigurationSetMinimumSessionIntervalNotification
  2762. FIRAnalyticsConfigurationSetSessionTimeoutIntervalNotification
  2763. FIRAnalyticsOperationQueue
  2764. Analytics requires Google App ID from GoogleService-Info.plist. Your data may be lost. Google App ID has been changed. Original, new ID
  2765. Received setEnabled notification without NSNumber
  2766. Received setMinimumSessionInterval notification without NSNumber
  2767. Received setSessionTimeoutInterval notification without NSNumber
  2768. Event not logged. Call +[FIRApp configure]
  2769. No events to log. Invalid event(s). Name, origin, parameters
  2770. Attempted to log nil event. Origin, name, parameters
  2771. User property must be NSString. Value
  2772. User property not set. Call +[FIRApp configure]
  2773. User ID must be NSString. User ID
  2774. Unable to set user property. Origin is invalid. Origin, name
  2775. Analytics userProperties callback cannot be nil
  2776. Cannot query for Firebase Analytics user properties. Queue cannot be nil
  2777. Cannot query for public user properties when Firebase Analytics is disabled
  2778. v16@?0@"NSDictionary"8
  2779. Cannot query Firebase Analytics for max user properties. Origin must be a non-empty string
  2780. Cannot query Firebase Analytics for max user properties. Queue cannot be nil. Origin
  2781. Cannot query Firebase Analytics for max user properties. MaxUserProperties callback cannot be nil. Origin
  2782. v12@?0i8
  2783. Attempted addition of nil log event listener.
  2784. Attempted removal of nil log event.
  2785. Attempted removal of nil log event listener.
  2786. Attempted removal of log event listener with invalid token.
  2787. TAGManager
  2788. initializeSharedInstance
  2789. TAGManager class doesn't define initializeSharedInstance
  2790. Converting AdEvent ID param from string to int64
  2791. AdEvent ID string is not a number
  2792. FIRAnalyticsQueue
  2793. FIRAnalyticsTimestampQueue
  2794. ASIdentifierManager
  2795. The AdSupport Framework is not currently linked. Some features will not function properly. Learn more at
  2796. advertisingIdentifierString
  2798. v24@?0@"NSString"8^B16
  2799. v32@?0@"NSString"8@16^B24
  2800. v32@?0@"NSDictionary"8@"NSSet"16@"NSError"24
  2801. quantity
  2802. _iapx
  2803. product_id
  2804. product_name
  2805. Parsed data is on simulator
  2806. Parsed data is sandbox
  2807. Version data is nil
  2808. Version data is not data
  2809. Version data is empty
  2810. Version data.bytes is NULL
  2811. V data is too short. Length
  2812. V data byte 0 is wrong. Value
  2813. V data byte 1 is wrong. Value, expected
  2814. Parsed data is nil
  2815. Parsed data is not data
  2816. Parsed data is empty
  2817. Parsed data.bytes is NULL
  2818. Device ID data is nil
  2819. I data is missing
  2820. O data is missing
  2821. B data is missing
  2822. H data is missing
  2823. H data does not match
  2824. B data is too short. Length
  2825. B data byte 0 is wrong. Value
  2826. B data byte 1 is wrong. Value, expected value
  2827. B data does not match actual string
  2828. v16@?0@"NSArray"8
  2829. Transaction is nil
  2830. Transaction identifier is nil. Code
  2831. Transaction identifier is empty. Code
  2832. Transaction identifier is only zeroes. Code
  2833. reportingWasDisabled
  2834. TB,R,N,V_reportingWasDisabled
  2835. Invalid product identifiers.
  2836. v32@?0@"SKProduct"8Q16^B24
  2837. adunit_exposure
  2838. ad_activeview
  2839. ad_click
  2840. ad_exposure
  2841. ad_impression
  2842. ad_query
  2843. app_clear_data
  2844. app_exception
  2845. app_remove
  2846. app_update
  2847. error
  2848. firebase_campaign
  2849. firebase_extra_parameter
  2850. first_open
  2851. in_app_purchase
  2852. notification_dismiss
  2853. notification_foreground
  2854. notification_open
  2855. notification_receive
  2856. os_update
  2857. screen_view
  2858. session_start
  2859. user_engagement
  2860. _nmid
  2861. _nmn
  2862. _nmt
  2863. _ndt
  2864. _epc
  2865. ad_event_id
  2866. ad_unit_id
  2867. engagement_time_msec
  2868. exposure_time
  2869. firebase_conversion
  2870. firebase_debug
  2871. firebase_error
  2872. firebase_error_length
  2873. firebase_error_value
  2874. firebase_event_id
  2875. firebase_event_name
  2876. firebase_event_origin
  2877. firebase_extra_params_ct
  2878. firebase_group_name
  2879. firebase_index
  2880. firebase_list_length
  2881. firebase_previous_class
  2882. firebase_previous_id
  2883. firebase_previous_screen
  2884. firebase_realtime
  2885. firebase_screen
  2886. firebase_screen_class
  2887. firebase_screen_id
  2888. message_id
  2889. message_name
  2890. message_time
  2891. message_device_time
  2892. previous_app_version
  2893. previous_first_open_count
  2894. previous_gmp_app_id
  2895. previous_os_version
  2896. topic
  2897. update_with_analytics
  2898. firebase_last_notification
  2899. first_open_after_install
  2900. first_open_time
  2901. last_deep_link_referrer
  2902. _ldl
  2903. user_id
  2904. Cannot record transaction with invalid currency code
  2905. Cannot record transaction with invalid transaction value
  2906. Cannot record transaction with value that is out of bounds
  2907. Failed to query all Lifetime Value User properties. Error
  2908. Unable to delete Lifetime Value User property. Name, error
  2909. Unable to upsert Lifetime Value User Attribute in database. Name, error
  2910. Lifetime value has been updated in database
  2911. %d:%@:%@
  2912. %d:%@
  2913. className
  2914. T@"NSString",R,N,V_className
  2915. instanceID
  2916. Tq,R,N,V_instanceID
  2917. isManuallySet
  2918. TB,N,V_isManuallySet
  2919. Root view controller not found
  2920. FIRAScreenViewReporter
  2921. Ignoring call to setScreenName:screenClass:. Screen reporting is disabled.
  2922. setScreenName:screenClass: must be called after a view controller has appeared
  2923. Ignoring duplicate screen name and screen class
  2924. Set screen name and screen class
  2925. Received nil view controller
  2926. View controller already tracked. Class, ID
  2927. Trimmed name of default screen class. Original screen class, trimmed screen class
  2928. Received invalid default screen class
  2929. Tracking view controller. Class, ID
  2930. Screen view event not logged. App is not active.
  2931. Screen view event not logged. Screen parameters were empty
  2932. Firebase screen reporting is disabled. UIViewController transitions will not be logged.
  2933. Failed to set implementation of -[UIViewController viewDidAppear:]. UIViewController transitions will not be logged.
  2934. Failed to set implementation of -[UIViewController viewDidDisappear:]. UIViewController transitions will not be logged.
  2935. Firebase screen reporting is enabled. Call +[FIRAnalytics setScreenName:setScreenClass:] to set the screen name or override the default screen class name. To disable screen reporting, set the flag %@ to NO (boolean) in the Info.plist
  2936. Found unknown associated object
  2937. firaScreen
  2938. T@"FIRAScreen",&,N
  2939. firaStack
  2940. T@"NSPointerArray",&,N
  2941. sandboxReceipt
  2942. x86_64
  2943. i386
  2944. .appex
  2945. UIApplication
  2946. sharedApplication
  2947. SC_Info
  2948. embedded
  2949. mobileprovision
  2950. NoError
  2951. InvalidGMPAppID
  2952. InvalidEventName
  2953. InvalidParameterName
  2954. InvalidParameterValue
  2955. ParameterLimitReached
  2956. InvalidUserPropertyName
  2957. UserPropertyValueTooLong
  2958. EventLimitReached
  2959. UserPropertyLimitReached
  2960. ConversionEventLimitReached
  2961. EventIsBlacklisted
  2962. UserPropertyIsBlacklisted
  2963. EventNameIsReserved
  2964. ParameterNameIsReserved
  2965. UserPropertyNameIsReserved
  2966. PublicEventLimitReached
  2967. InvalidUserPropertyOrigin
  2968. TooManyExtraParamEvents
  2969. Unable to check the name. Name is not a string
  2970. Unable to check the name. Name is empty
  2971. Unable to check the event name. Name is empty
  2972. q24@?0@"NSString"8@"NSString"16
  2973. Invalid event parameter. Parameter must be a number, string or array. Param key, param value
  2974. Cannot create child events. Main event name cannot be nil
  2975. Cannot create child events. Event's group name cannot be nil
  2976. Event has too many extra param events. Dropping all of extra param events. Event name
  2977. Invalid extra param structure. Must be a dictionary. Parameters
  2978. Cannot create a child event. Original name, group name
  2979. Couldn't create extra param event. Original event name, param key, param value
  2980. dummy_event
  2981. Cannot create dummy main event!
  2982. Main event is nil. Origin, name, params
  2983. @"NSString"8@?0
  2984. Failed to malloc bytes for trimming. Bytes
  2985. Trimmed UTF32 string was nil
  2986. NSSearchPath for Library directory is empty
  2987. Preferences
  2988. plist
  2989. NSSearchPath for ApplicationSupport directory is empty
  2990. Received empty name for deleting database file
  2991. _exp_
  2992. experiment_id
  2993. %@ (%@)
  2994. %@ = %@;
  2995. FIRAMonitorContext
  2996. ^[+-]?(([0-9]+\.?)|([0-9]*\.[0-9]+))$
  2997. Unable to initialize decimal number regexp. Regex, error
  2998. String value does not represent a numeric value. Value
  2999. Unable to create a NSDecimalNumber from string value. Value
  3000. Unable to create a NSDecimalNumber from string value: loss of precision. Value
  3001. Unable to generate random integer
  3002. %@=%@
  3003. %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x
  3004. <ERROR> Audience decoder failed: %s
  3005. <ERROR> Audience decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3006. <ERROR> Audience decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3007. <ERROR> Audience decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3008. <ERROR> Audience decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3009. <ERROR> Audience decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3010. <ERROR> Audience decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated Audience
  3011. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: %s
  3012. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3013. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3014. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3015. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3016. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3017. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3018. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated AudienceLeafFilterResult
  3019. <ERROR> EventConfig decoder failed: %s
  3020. (none)
  3021. <ERROR> EventConfig decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3022. <ERROR> EventConfig decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3023. <ERROR> EventConfig decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3024. <ERROR> EventConfig decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3025. <ERROR> EventConfig decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated EventConfig
  3026. <ERROR> Event decoder failed: %s
  3027. <ERROR> Event decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3028. <ERROR> Event decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3029. <ERROR> Event decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3030. <ERROR> Event decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3031. <ERROR> Event decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3032. <ERROR> Event decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated Event
  3033. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: %s
  3034. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3035. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3036. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3037. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3038. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3039. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3040. <ERROR> EventFilter decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated EventFilter
  3041. <ERROR> EventParam decoder failed: %s
  3042. <ERROR> EventParam decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3043. <ERROR> EventParam decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3044. <ERROR> EventParam decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3045. <ERROR> EventParam decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3046. <ERROR> EventParam decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated EventParam
  3047. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: %s
  3048. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3049. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3050. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3051. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3052. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3053. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3054. <ERROR> Filter decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated Filter
  3055. <ERROR> MeasurementBatch decoder failed: %s
  3056. <ERROR> MeasurementBatch decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3057. <ERROR> MeasurementBatch decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3058. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: %s
  3059. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3060. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3061. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3062. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3063. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3064. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3065. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated MeasurementBundle
  3066. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig decoder failed: %s
  3067. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3068. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3069. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3070. <ERROR> NumberFilter decoder failed: %s
  3071. <ERROR> NumberFilter decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3072. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: %s
  3073. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3074. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3075. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3076. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3077. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3078. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3079. <ERROR> PropertyFilter decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated PropertyFilter
  3080. <ERROR> ResultData decoder failed: %s
  3081. <ERROR> ResultData decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3082. <ERROR> ResultData decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3083. <ERROR> Setting decoder failed: %s
  3084. <ERROR> Setting decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3085. <ERROR> Setting decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3086. <ERROR> Setting decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3087. <ERROR> Setting decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3088. <ERROR> Setting decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated Setting
  3089. <ERROR> StringFilter decoder failed: %s
  3090. <ERROR> StringFilter decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3091. <ERROR> StringFilter decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3092. <ERROR> UserAttribute decoder failed: %s
  3093. <ERROR> UserAttribute decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3094. <ERROR> UserAttribute decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3095. <ERROR> UserAttribute decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3096. <ERROR> UserAttribute decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3097. <ERROR> UserAttribute decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated UserAttribute
  3098. <ERROR> Audience Encoder: 'property_filters' should have been allocated
  3099. <ERROR> Audience Encoder: 'event_filters' should have been allocated
  3100. <ERROR> Event Encoder: 'params' should have been allocated
  3101. <ERROR> EventFilter Encoder: 'filters' should have been allocated
  3102. <ERROR> MeasurementBatch Encoder: 'bundles' should have been allocated
  3103. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle Encoder: 'events' should have been allocated
  3104. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle Encoder: 'user_attributes' should have been allocated
  3105. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle Encoder: 'audience_evaluation_results' should have been allocated
  3106. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig Encoder: 'settings' should have been allocated
  3107. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig Encoder: 'event_config' should have been allocated
  3108. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig Encoder: 'audiences' should have been allocated
  3109. <ERROR> ResultData Encoder: 'status' should have been allocated
  3110. <ERROR> ResultData Encoder: 'results' should have been allocated
  3111. <ERROR> StringFilter Encoder: 'expression_list' should have been allocated
  3112. messageID
  3113. Tr*,R,N
  3114. messageInfo
  3115. T^{?=^^v^i*},R,N
  3116. initMessageInfoFn
  3117. T^?,R,N
  3118. deallocMessageFieldFn
  3119. copyMessageInfoFn
  3120. T^{?=^^v^i*},R,N,V_messageInfo
  3121. Audience
  3122. AudienceLeafFilterResult
  3123. EventConfig
  3124. EventParam
  3125. Filter
  3126. MeasurementBatch
  3127. NumberFilter
  3128. PropertyFilter
  3129. ResultData
  3130. Setting
  3131. StringFilter
  3132. UserAttribute
  3133. <ERROR> Audience: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3134. <ERROR> Cannot allocate Audience arrays. Missing params field (property_filters)
  3135. <ERROR> Cannot allocate Audience arrays. Missing params field (event_filters)
  3136. <ERROR> AudienceLeafFilterResult: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3137. <ERROR> Event: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3138. Event
  3139. <ERROR> Cannot allocate Event arrays. Missing params field (params)
  3140. <ERROR> EventConfig: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3141. <ERROR> EventFilter: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3142. EventFilter
  3143. <ERROR> Cannot allocate EventFilter arrays. Missing params field (filters)
  3144. <ERROR> EventParam: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3145. <ERROR> Filter: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3146. <ERROR> MeasurementBatch: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3147. <ERROR> Cannot allocate MeasurementBatch arrays. Missing params field (bundles)
  3148. <ERROR> MeasurementBundle: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3149. MeasurementBundle
  3150. <ERROR> Cannot allocate MeasurementBundle arrays. Missing params field (events)
  3151. <ERROR> Cannot allocate MeasurementBundle arrays. Missing params field (user_attributes)
  3152. <ERROR> Cannot allocate MeasurementBundle arrays. Missing params field (audience_evaluation_results)
  3153. <ERROR> MeasurementConfig: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3154. MeasurementConfig
  3155. <ERROR> Cannot allocate MeasurementConfig arrays. Missing params field (settings)
  3156. <ERROR> Cannot allocate MeasurementConfig arrays. Missing params field (event_config)
  3157. <ERROR> Cannot allocate MeasurementConfig arrays. Missing params field (audiences)
  3158. <ERROR> NumberFilter: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3159. <ERROR> PropertyFilter: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3160. <ERROR> ResultData: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3161. <ERROR> Cannot allocate ResultData arrays. Missing params field (status)
  3162. <ERROR> Cannot allocate ResultData arrays. Missing params field (results)
  3163. <ERROR> Setting: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3164. <ERROR> StringFilter: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3165. <ERROR> Cannot allocate StringFilter arrays. Missing params field (expression_list)
  3166. <ERROR> UserAttribute: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3167. AdMob
  3168. Auth
  3169. AuthUI
  3170. Crash
  3171. Database
  3172. DynamicLinks
  3173. Firestore
  3174. InstanceID
  3175. Invites
  3176. Messaging
  3177. Measurement
  3178. Performance
  3179. RemoteConfig
  3180. Storage
  3181. Analytics
  3182. SignIn
  3184. FIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification
  3185. FIRAppDeleteNotification
  3186. FIRAppIsDefaultAppKey
  3187. FIRAppNameKey
  3188. FIRGoogleAppIDKey
  3189. FIRAppDiagnosticsNotification
  3190. ConfigType
  3191. Error
  3192. FIRApp
  3193. SDKName
  3194. SDKVersion
  3195. FIRAuthStateDidChangeInternalNotification
  3196. FIRAuthStateDidChangeInternalNotificationAppKey
  3197. FIRAuthStateDidChangeInternalNotificationTokenKey
  3199. `[FIRApp configure];` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) could not find a valid GoogleService-Info.plist in your project. Please download one from %@.
  3200. Options is nil. Please pass a valid options.
  3201. Default app has already been configured.
  3202. I-COR000001
  3203. Configuring the default app.
  3204. MinimumOSVersion
  3205. I-COR000026
  3206. Support for iOS 7 is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Please upgrade your app to target iOS 8 or above.
  3207. Neither name nor options can be nil.
  3208. Name cannot be empty.
  3209. Name cannot be __FIRAPP_DEFAULT.
  3210. App name should only contain Letters, Numbers, Underscores, and Dashes.
  3211. App named %@ has already been configured.
  3212. I-COR000002
  3213. Configuring app named %@
  3214. I-COR000003
  3215. The default Firebase app has not yet been configured. Add `[FIRApp configure];` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) to your application initialization. Read more:
  3216. I-COR000004
  3217. App with name %@ does not exist.
  3218. I-COR000005
  3219. No app has been configured yet.
  3220. I-COR000006
  3221. Deleting app named %@
  3222. I-COR000007
  3223. App does not exist.
  3224. Configuration fails. It may be caused by an invalid GOOGLE_APP_ID in GoogleService-Info.plist or set in the customized options.
  3225. FIRAppIndexing
  3226. I-COR000024
  3227. Firebase App Indexing on iOS is deprecated. You don't need to take any action at this time. Learn more about Firebase App Indexing at
  3228. I-COR000022
  3229. Firebase Analytics is not available.
  3230. Unable to parse GoogleService-Info.plist in order to configure services.
  3231. Check formatting and location of GoogleService-Info.plist.
  3232. Configuration failed for service %@.
  3233. Unable to validate Google App ID
  3234. Check formatting and location of GoogleService-Info.plist or GoogleAppID set in the customized options.
  3235. I-COR000008
  3236. The project's Bundle ID is inconsistent with either the Bundle ID in '%@.%@', or the Bundle ID in the options if you are using a customized options. To ensure that everything can be configured correctly, you may need to make the Bundle IDs consistent. To continue with this plist file, you may change your app's bundle identifier to '%@'. Or you can download a new configuration file that matches your bundle identifier from %@ and replace the current one.
  3237. I-COR000025
  3238. FIRAuth getUID implementation wasn't set.
  3239. I-COR000009
  3240. The GOOGLE_APP_ID either in the plist file '%@.%@' or the one set in the customized options is invalid. If you are using the plist file, use the iOS version of bundle identifier to download the file, and do not manually edit the GOOGLE_APP_ID. You may change your app's bundle identifier to '%@'. Or you can download a new configuration file that matches your bundle identifier from %@ and replace the current one.
  3241. ^\d+:
  3242. ^\d+:ios:[a-f0-9]+$
  3243. alreadySentConfigureNotification
  3244. TB,N,V_alreadySentConfigureNotification
  3245. alreadySentDeleteNotification
  3246. TB,N,V_alreadySentDeleteNotification
  3247. getTokenImplementation
  3248. T@?,C,N,V_getTokenImplementation
  3249. getUIDImplementation
  3250. T@?,C,N,V_getUIDImplementation
  3251. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_name
  3252. options
  3253. T@"FIROptions",R,C,N,V_options
  3254. Reentering registeredObjectWithHost:key:creationBlock: not allowed
  3255. host: %@ key: %@
  3256. CFBundleURLTypes
  3257. CFBundleURLSchemes
  3258. analyticsConfiguration
  3259. T@"FIRAnalyticsConfiguration",&,N,V_analyticsConfiguration
  3260. logLevel
  3261. Tq,N,V_logLevel
  3262. com.firebase
  3263. com.firebase.cloudmessaging
  3264. com.firebase.core
  3265. com.firebase.instanceid
  3266. [Firebase/Analytics]
  3267. [Firebase/Core]
  3268. [Firebase/Database]
  3269. [Firebase/InstanceID]
  3270. [Firebase/Messaging]
  3271. -FIRDebugDisabled
  3272. -FIRDebugEnabled
  3273. -FIRLoggerForceSTDERR
  3274. /google/firebase/debug_mode
  3276. FIRLoggingClientQueue
  3277. I-COR000023
  3278. Invalid logger level, %ld
  3279. %@[%@] %@
  3280. FIRMutableDictionary
  3281. Content-Encoding
  3282. gzip
  3283. Content-Length
  3284. Content-Type
  3285. application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  3286. POST
  3287. Firebase/Network
  3288. v40@?0@"NSHTTPURLResponse"8@"NSData"16@"NSString"24@"NSError"32
  3289. Uploading data. Host
  3290. Downloading data. Host
  3291. I-NET%06ld
  3292. Cannot set the network logger delegate: delegate does not conform to the network logger protocol.
  3293. Failed to create network request
  3294. Failed to create network request. Code, error
  3295. networkConnected
  3296. TB,R,N,GisNetworkConnected,V_networkConnected
  3297. uploadInProgress
  3298. TB,R,N,GhasUploadInProgress
  3299. reachabilityDelegate
  3300. T@"<FIRNetworkReachabilityDelegate>",W,N,V_reachabilityDelegate
  3301. loggerDelegate
  3302. T@"<FIRNetworkLoggerDelegate>",W,N,V_loggerDelegate
  3303. isDebugModeEnabled
  3304. TB,N,V_isDebugModeEnabled
  3305. timeoutInterval
  3306. Td,N,V_timeoutInterval
  3307. <%@/%@> %@
  3308. INFO
  3310. FIRNetworkTemporaryDirectory
  3311. Context
  3313. %@-%@
  3314. Failed to retrieve background session with ID %@ after app is relaunched.
  3315. Failed to write request data to file
  3316. Cannot create network session
  3317. Unable to read downloaded data from empty temp path
  3318. Cannot read the content of downloaded data
  3319. Background session finished
  3320. Network Error: Empty network response
  3321. Received empty server trust for host. Host
  3322. Unable to verify server identity. Host
  3323. Received SSL challenge for host. Host
  3324. Cancelling authentication challenge for host. Host
  3325. Cannot evaluate server trust. Error, host
  3326. Cannot store nil system completion handler in network
  3327. Cannot store system completion handler with empty network session identifier
  3328. Got multiple system handlers for a single session ID
  3329. Cannot get files from the temporary network folder. Error
  3330. Failed to remove temporary uploading data file. Error
  3331. FIRUpload_temp_%@
  3332. Error while trying to access Network temp folder. Error
  3333. Cannot create temporary directory. Error
  3334. Cannot exclude temporary folder from iTunes backup
  3335. Encounter network error. Code, error
  3336. backgroundNetworkEnabled
  3337. TB,N,GisBackgroundNetworkEnabled,V_backgroundNetworkEnabled
  3338. API_KEY
  3341. CLIENT_ID
  3346. BUNDLE_ID
  3347. PROJECT_ID
  3353. 40013000
  3354. GoogleService-Info
  3355. Attempted to modify options after it's set on FIRApp. Please modify all properties before initializing FIRApp.
  3356. I-COR000011
  3357. The configuration file is not a dictionary: '%@.%@'.
  3358. I-COR000012
  3359. Could not locate configuration file: '%@.%@'.
  3360. Please specify a valid Google App ID.
  3361. Please specify a valid GCM Sender ID.
  3362. I-COR000013
  3363. The plist file path is nil.
  3364. I-COR000014
  3365. The configuration file at %@ does not exist or is not a well-formed plist file.
  3366. optionsDictionary
  3367. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_optionsDictionary
  3368. analyticsOptionsDictionary
  3369. T@"NSDictionary",R,N
  3370. isAnalyticsCollectionEnabled
  3371. isAnalyticsCollectionDeactivated
  3372. libraryVersionID
  3373. usingOptionsFromDefaultPlist
  3374. TB,N,V_usingOptionsFromDefaultPlist
  3375. isMeasurementEnabled
  3376. isAnalyticsEnabled
  3377. isSignInEnabled
  3378. editingLocked
  3379. TB,N,GisEditingLocked,V_editingLocked
  3380. APIKey
  3381. bundleID
  3382. clientID
  3383. trackingID
  3384. GCMSenderID
  3385. projectID
  3386. androidClientID
  3387. databaseURL
  3388. deepLinkURLScheme
  3389. T@"NSString",C,N,V_deepLinkURLScheme
  3390. storageBucket
  3391. Unknown
  3392. Connected
  3393. Disconnected
  3394. Cannot change reachability API while reachability is running. Call stop first.
  3395. Reachability delegate doesn't conform to Reachability protocol.
  3396. Reachability delegate doesn't conform to Logger protocol.
  3397. Invalid host specified
  3398. Failed to start reachability handle
  3399. Monitoring the network status
  3400. Network status has changed. Code, status
  3401. reachabilityApi
  3402. Tr^{FIRReachabilityApi=^?^?^?^?^?},N,VreachabilityApi_
  3403. reachabilityStatus
  3404. Ti,N,VreachabilityStatus_
  3405. host
  3406. T@"NSString",C,N,Vhost_
  3407. reachability
  3408. T^{__SCNetworkReachability=},N,Vreachability_
  3409. T@"<FIRReachabilityDelegate>",W,N,VreachabilityDelegate_
  3410. T@"<FIRNetworkLoggerDelegate>",W,N,VloggerDelegate_
  3411. isActive
  3412. FirebaseAppStoreReceiptURLCheckEnabled
  3413. I-COR000016
  3414. Failed to create %@, error (%d)
  3415. Ti,N,V_fd
  3416. numBytes
  3417. TQ,N,V_numBytes
  3418. v32@?0@"NSNumber"8@"FIRClearcutWriter"16^B24
  3419. logSourceToWriter
  3420. T@"NSMutableDictionary",R,C,N,V_logSourceToWriter
  3421. accountLogDirectory
  3422. T@"NSString",C,N,V_accountLogDirectory
  3423. logSource
  3424. Ti,R,N,V_logSource
  3425. account
  3426. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_account
  3427. path
  3428. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_path
  3430. clearcut
  3431. FIRClearcutLogger
  3432. I-COR000017
  3433. Failure to write data for account %@, logSource %d. Discarding.
  3434. v32@?0@"NSString"8@"FIRClearcutAccountData"16^B24
  3435. FIRClearcutLogger.sendLogs
  3436. I-COR000020
  3437. Error posting to Clearcut: %@, with Status Code: %ld
  3438. logDirectory
  3439. T@"NSString",C,N,V_logDirectory
  3440. accounts
  3441. T@"NSMutableDictionary",R,C,N,V_accounts
  3442. sendDelayMillis
  3443. Tq,N,V_sendDelayMillis
  3444. uploadRetriesRemaining
  3445. Ti,N,V_uploadRetriesRemaining
  3446. sendScheduled
  3447. TB,N,V_sendScheduled
  3448. network
  3449. T@"FIRNetwork",&,N,V_network
  3450. pendingRequests
  3451. T@"NSMutableArray",R,C,N,V_pendingRequests
  3452. backgroundTaskId
  3453. TQ,D,N
  3454. applicationBuild
  3455. T@"NSString",C,V_applicationBuild
  3456. maxRequestNumBytes
  3457. TQ,V_maxRequestNumBytes
  3458. installIdentifier
  3459. T@"NSString",C,V_installIdentifier
  3460. serverURL
  3461. T@"NSURL",C,V_serverURL
  3462. zwiebackCookie
  3463. T@"NSString",C,V_zwiebackCookie
  3464. fetcherCookieStorageMethod
  3465. Tq,N,V_fetcherCookieStorageMethod
  3466. T@"<FIRClearcutLoggerDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  3467. I-COR000015
  3468. Failed to create directory: %@
  3470. greenhouse
  3471. GADBannerView
  3472. FIRInvites
  3473. FIRMessaging
  3474. FIRRemoteConfig
  3475. FCRClient
  3476. FIRDatabase
  3477. FIRDynamicLinks
  3478. FIRAuth
  3479. FUIAuth
  3480. FIRFirestore
  3481. FIRPerformance
  3482. FIRStorage
  3483. GIDSignIn
  3484. GGLContext
  3485. System/Library
  3486. Developer/Library
  3487. usr/lib
  3488. DTXcodeBuild
  3489. DTSDKBuild
  3490. Google/FIRApp
  3491. I-COR100001
  3492. Unable to create internal state storage: %@
  3493. I-COR100003
  3494. Unable to update internal resource: %@
  3495. I-COR100004
  3496. Unable to persist internal state: %@
  3497. <ERROR> ClientInfo decoder failed: %s
  3498. <ERROR> ClientInfo decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3499. <ERROR> ClientInfo decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3500. <ERROR> IosClientInfo decoder failed: %s
  3501. <ERROR> IosClientInfo decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3502. <ERROR> LogEvent decoder failed: %s
  3503. <ERROR> LogEvent decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3504. <ERROR> LogEvent decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3505. <ERROR> LogEvent decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3506. <ERROR> LogEvent decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3507. <ERROR> LogEvent decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3508. <ERROR> LogEvent decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated LogEvent
  3509. <ERROR> LogRequest decoder failed: %s
  3510. <ERROR> LogRequest decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3511. <ERROR> LogRequest decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3512. <ERROR> LogRequest decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3513. <ERROR> ErrorInfo decoder failed: %s
  3514. <ERROR> ErrorInfo decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3515. <ERROR> ErrorInfo decoder failed: Invalid arg parameter
  3516. <ERROR> ErrorInfo decoder failed: Unable to extract buffer from stream
  3517. <ERROR> ErrorInfo decoder failed: Unable to initialize MessageInfo
  3518. <ERROR> ErrorInfo decoder failed: Unable to decode repeated ErrorInfo
  3519. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration decoder failed: %s
  3520. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration decoder failed: message_info is NULL
  3521. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration decoder failed: Unable to set decoders
  3522. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration decoder failed: Unable to allocate arrays
  3523. <ERROR> LogEvent Encoder: 'test_code' should have been allocated
  3524. <ERROR> LogRequest Encoder: 'log_event' should have been allocated
  3525. <ERROR> LogRequest Encoder: 'serialized_log_events' should have been allocated
  3526. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration Encoder: 'sdk_service_enabled' should have been allocated
  3527. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration Encoder: 'sdk_service_installed' should have been allocated
  3528. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration Encoder: 'subspec_error_info' should have been allocated
  3529. ClientInfo
  3530. IosClientInfo
  3531. LogEvent
  3532. LogRequest
  3533. ErrorInfo
  3534. ICoreConfiguration
  3535. <ERROR> ClientInfo: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3536. <ERROR> IosClientInfo: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3537. <ERROR> LogEvent: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3538. <ERROR> Cannot allocate LogEvent arrays. Missing params field (test_code)
  3539. <ERROR> LogRequest: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3540. <ERROR> Cannot allocate LogRequest arrays. Missing params field (log_event)
  3541. <ERROR> Cannot allocate LogRequest arrays. Missing params field (serialized_log_events)
  3542. <ERROR> ErrorInfo: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3543. <ERROR> ICoreConfiguration: Cannot deallocate field %d: Unknown field
  3544. <ERROR> Cannot allocate ICoreConfiguration arrays. Missing params field (sdk_service_enabled)
  3545. <ERROR> Cannot allocate ICoreConfiguration arrays. Missing params field (sdk_service_installed)
  3546. <ERROR> Cannot allocate ICoreConfiguration arrays. Missing params field (subspec_error_info)
  3547. child:
  3548. hasChild:
  3549. @16@?0@"FNamedNode"8
  3550. Snap (%@) %@
  3551. T@"FIRDatabaseReference",&,N,V_ref
  3552. node
  3553. T@"FIndexedNode",&,N,V_node
  3554. T@,R,N
  3555. childrenCount
  3556. TQ,R,N
  3557. children
  3558. T@"NSEnumerator",R,N
  3559. priority
  3560. v16@?0@"NSNotification"8
  3561. FIRAppNotConfigured
  3562. Failed to get default Firebase Database instance. Must call `[FIRApp configure]` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) before using Firebase Database.
  3563. InvalidFIRApp
  3564. nil FIRApp instance passed to databaseForApp.
  3565. MissingDatabaseURL
  3566. Failed to get FirebaseDatabase instance: Specify DatabaseURL within FIRApp or from your databaseForApp:URL: call.
  3567. InvalidDatabaseURL
  3568. The Database URL '%@' cannot be parsed. Specify a valid DatabaseURL within FIRApp or from your databaseForApp:URL: call.
  3569. Configured Database URL '%@' is invalid. It should point to the root of a Firebase Database but it includes a path: %@
  3570. default
  3571. %s_%s
  3572. Dec 14 2017
  3573. I-RDB024001
  3574. BUILD Version: %@
  3575. referenceWithPath
  3576. Invalid nil url passed to referenceFromURL:
  3577. referenceFromURL:
  3578. Invalid URL (%@) passed to getReference(). URL was expected to match configured Database URL: %@
  3579. setPersistenceEnabled
  3580. setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes
  3581. setCallbackQueue
  3582. FIRDatabaseAlreadyInUse
  3583. Calls to %@ must be made before any other usage of FIRDatabase instance.
  3584. repoInfo
  3585. T@"FRepoInfo",&,N,V_repoInfo
  3586. config
  3587. T@"FIRDatabaseConfig",&,N,V_config
  3588. repo
  3589. T@"FRepo",&,N,V_repo
  3590. T@"FIRApp",R,W,N,V_app
  3591. persistenceEnabled
  3592. persistenceCacheSizeBytes
  3593. TQ,N
  3594. callbackQueue
  3595. T@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>",&,N
  3596. 4.1.3
  3597. Can't create config objects!
  3598. Can't modify config objects after they are in use for FIRDatabaseReferences.
  3599. The minimum cache size must be at least 1MB
  3600. Firebase Database currently doesn't support a cache size larger than 100MB
  3601. ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$
  3602. Name can only contain [a-zA-Z0-9-_]
  3603. isFrozen
  3604. TB,R,N,V_isFrozen
  3605. sessionIdentifier
  3606. T@"NSString",R,N,V_sessionIdentifier
  3607. authTokenProvider
  3608. T@"<FAuthTokenProvider>",&,N,V_authTokenProvider
  3609. forceStorageEngine
  3610. T@"<FStorageEngine>",&,N,V_forceStorageEngine
  3611. TB,N,V_persistenceEnabled
  3612. TQ,N,V_persistenceCacheSizeBytes
  3613. T@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>",&,N,V_callbackQueue
  3614. FirebaseWorker
  3615. InvalidArgumentError
  3616. Queries are limited to two constraints
  3617. InvalidQueryParameter
  3618. Can't use queryStartingAtValue:childKey: or queryEqualTo:andChildKey: in combination with queryOrderedByKey
  3619. Can't use queryStartingAtValue: with other types than string in combination with queryOrderedByKey
  3620. Can't use queryEndingAtValue:childKey: or queryEqualToValue:childKey: in combination with queryOrderedByKey
  3621. Can't use queryEndingAtValue: with other types than string in combination with queryOrderedByKey
  3622. When using queryOrderedByPriority, values provided to queryStartingAtValue:, queryEndingAtValue:, or queryEqualToValue: must be valid priorities.
  3623. Cannot combine queryEqualToValue: and queryStartingAtValue:
  3624. Cannot combine queryEqualToValue: and queryEndingAtValue:
  3625. Cannot use multiple queryOrderedBy calls!
  3626. You can only pass nil, NSString or NSNumber to %@
  3627. queryStartingAtValue:
  3628. You must use queryStartingAtValue: instead of queryStartingAtValue:childKey: when using queryOrderedByKey:
  3629. queryStartingAtValue:childKey:
  3630. Can't call %@ after queryStartingAtValue or queryEqualToValue was previously called
  3631. queryEndingAtValue:
  3632. You must use queryEndingAtValue: instead of queryEndingAtValue:childKey: when using queryOrderedByKey:
  3633. queryEndingAtValue:childKey:
  3634. Can't call %@ after queryEndingAtValue or queryEqualToValue was previously called
  3635. queryEqualToValue:
  3636. You must use queryEqualToValue: instead of queryEqualTo:childKey: when using queryOrderedByKey:
  3637. queryEqualToValue:childKey:
  3638. Can't call %@ after queryStartingAtValue, queryEndingAtValue or queryEqualToValue was previously called
  3639. Limit can't be zero
  3640. Limit must be less than 2,147,483,648
  3641. Can't call queryLimitedToFirst: if a limit was previously set
  3642. Can't call queryLimitedToLast: if a limit was previously set
  3643. $key
  3644. .key
  3645. (queryOrderedByChild:) %@ is invalid. Use queryOrderedByKey: instead.
  3646. $priority
  3647. .priority
  3648. (queryOrderedByChild:) %@ is invalid. Use queryOrderedByPriority: instead.
  3649. $value
  3650. .value
  3651. (queryOrderedByChild:) %@ is invalid. Use queryOrderedByValue: instead.
  3652. queryOrderedByChild:
  3653. (queryOrderedByChild:) with an empty path is invalid. Use queryOrderedByValue: instead.
  3654. observeEventType:withBlock:
  3655. observeEventType:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:
  3656. observeEventType:withBlock:withCancelBlock:
  3657. v24@?0@"FIRDataSnapshot"8@"NSString"16
  3658. observeEventType:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:withCancelBlock:
  3659. Can't keep query on .info tree synced (this already is the case).
  3660. v16@?0@"NSError"8
  3661. (%@ %@)
  3662. T@"FRepo",&,N,Vrepo
  3663. T@"FPath",&,N,Vpath
  3664. queryParams
  3665. T@"FQueryParams",&,N,VqueryParams
  3666. orderByCalled
  3667. TB,N,V_orderByCalled
  3668. priorityMethodCalled
  3669. TB,N,V_priorityMethodCalled
  3670. T@"FIRDatabaseReference",R,N
  3671. setValue:
  3672. FIRMutableData (top-most transaction) %@ %@
  3673. FIRMutableData (%@) %@
  3674. T@"FSnapshotHolder",&,N,Vdata
  3675. prefixPath
  3676. T@"FPath",&,N,VprefixPath
  3677. T@,&,N
  3678. isSuccess
  3679. TB,N,VisSuccess
  3680. update
  3681. T@"FIRMutableData",&,N,Vupdate
  3682. datastale
  3683. auth
  3684. unauth
  3685. cred
  3686. view
  3687. server_kill
  3688. waiting_for_open
  3689. repo_interrupt
  3690. .info
  3691. connected
  3692. serverTimeOffset
  3693. string
  3694. boolean
  3695. number
  3696. null
  3697. write_canceled
  3698. maxretry
  3699. disconnect
  3700. v16@?0@"NSString"8
  3701. splitStrategy
  3702. T@?,C,N,V_splitStrategy
  3703. currentPaths
  3704. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_currentPaths
  3705. currentHashes
  3706. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_currentHashes
  3707. Number of posts need to be n-1 for n hashes in FCompoundHash
  3708. B16@?0@"FCompoundHashBuilder"8
  3709. v32@?0@"NSString"8@"<FNode>"16^B24
  3710. posts
  3711. T@"NSArray",&,N,V_posts
  3712. hashes
  3713. T@"NSArray",&,N,V_hashes
  3714. startListening
  3715. T@?,C,N,VstartListening
  3716. stopListening
  3717. T@?,C,N,VstopListening
  3718. query
  3719. T@"FQuerySpec",&,N,V_query
  3720. tagId
  3721. T@"NSNumber",&,N,V_tagId
  3722. syncTreeHash
  3723. T@"<FSyncTreeHash>",&,N,V_syncTreeHash
  3724. onComplete
  3725. T@?,C,N,V_onComplete
  3726. action
  3727. T@"NSString",&,N,V_action
  3728. request
  3729. T@"NSDictionary",&,N,V_request
  3730. onCompleteBlock
  3731. T@?,C,N,V_onCompleteBlock
  3732. sent
  3733. TB,N,V_sent
  3734. I-RDB034001
  3735. Listen called for %@
  3736. I-RDB034002
  3737. Unlistening for %@
  3738. I-RDB034003
  3739. On ready
  3740. FirebaseDatabaseServerError
  3741. I-RDB034004
  3742. Got on disconnect due to %s
  3743. server_reset
  3744. other
  3745. I-RDB034005
  3746. Firebase Database connection was forcefully killed by the server. Will not attempt reconnect. Reason: %@
  3747. I-RDB034006
  3748. Connection interrupted for: %@
  3749. I-RDB034007
  3750. Connection no longer interrupted for: %@
  3751. I-RDB034008
  3752. Scheduling connection attempt
  3753. I-RDB034009
  3754. Trying to fetch auth token
  3755. I-RDB034010
  3756. Error fetching token: %@
  3757. I-RDB034011
  3758. Successfully fetched token, opening connection
  3759. I-RDB034012
  3760. Not opening connection after token refresh, because connection was set to disconnected.
  3761. I-RDB034013
  3762. Ignoring fetch token result, because this was not the latest attempt.
  3763. v24@?0@"NSString"8@"NSError"16
  3764. UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification
  3765. I-RDB034016
  3766. Failed to set up network reachability monitoring
  3767. expired_token
  3768. I-RDB034017
  3769. Authentication failed: %@ (%@)
  3770. I-RDB034018
  3771. I-RDB034019
  3772. Auth token revoked: %@ (%@)
  3773. I-RDB034020
  3774. permission_denied
  3775. I-RDB034021
  3776. onDisconnect %@: %@
  3777. I-RDB034022
  3778. Ignoring on complete for put %@ because it was already removed
  3779. I-RDB034023
  3780. Unlisten on %@ for %@
  3781. I-RDB034024
  3782. Was connected, and added as index: %@
  3783. I-RDB034025
  3784. Wasn't connected or writes paused, so added to outstanding puts only. Path: %@
  3785. I-RDB034026
  3786. Listen for %@
  3787. I-RDB034027
  3788. Listen response %@
  3789. no_index
  3790. ".indexOn": "%@"
  3791. I-RDB034028
  3792. Using an unspecified index. Your data will be downloaded and filtered on the client. Consider adding %@ at %@ to your security rules for better performance
  3793. Client was disconnected while running a transaction
  3794. I-RDB034029
  3795. handleServerMessage: %@, %@
  3796. I-RDB034030
  3797. Malformed data response from server missing path or data: %@
  3798. I-RDB034031
  3799. I-RDB034032
  3800. Unsupported action from server: %@
  3801. I-RDB034033
  3802. Calling restore state
  3803. I-RDB034034
  3804. Not restoring auth because token is nil
  3805. I-RDB034035
  3806. Restoring auth
  3807. I-RDB034036
  3808. Restoring listen for %@
  3809. v32@?0@"FQuerySpec"8@"FOutstandingQuery"16^B24
  3810. I-RDB034037
  3811. Restoring put: %d
  3812. I-RDB034038
  3813. Restoring put: skipped nil: %d
  3814. I-RDB034039
  3815. Trying to remove listener for query %@ but no listener exists
  3816. I-RDB034040
  3817. Removing all listens at path %@
  3818. I-RDB034041
  3819. Handling timestamp: %@
  3820. I-RDB034042
  3821. Failed to send stats: %@
  3822. I-RDB034043
  3823. Not sending stats because stats are empty
  3824. persistence.ios.enabled
  3825. sdk.objc.%@
  3826. I-RDB034044
  3827. Sending first connection stats
  3828. T@"FConnection",&,N,V_realtime
  3829. listens
  3830. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_listens
  3831. outstandingPuts
  3832. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_outstandingPuts
  3833. onDisconnectQueue
  3834. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_onDisconnectQueue
  3835. putCounter
  3836. T@"FAtomicNumber",&,N,V_putCounter
  3837. requestNumber
  3838. T@"FAtomicNumber",&,N,V_requestNumber
  3839. requestCBHash
  3840. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_requestCBHash
  3841. unackedListensCount
  3842. TQ,N,V_unackedListensCount
  3843. putsToAck
  3844. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_putsToAck
  3845. dispatchQueue
  3846. T@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>",&,N,V_dispatchQueue
  3847. lastSessionID
  3848. T@"NSString",&,N,V_lastSessionID
  3849. interruptReasons
  3850. T@"NSMutableSet",&,N,V_interruptReasons
  3851. retryHelper
  3852. T@"FIRRetryHelper",&,N,V_retryHelper
  3853. authToken
  3854. T@"NSString",&,N,V_authToken
  3855. forceAuthTokenRefresh
  3856. TB,N,V_forceAuthTokenRefresh
  3857. currentFetchTokenAttempt
  3858. TQ,N,V_currentFetchTokenAttempt
  3859. T@"<FPersistentConnectionDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  3860. pauseWrites
  3861. TB,N,V_pauseWrites
  3862. I-RDB034014
  3863. Network became reachable. Trigger a connection attempt
  3864. I-RDB034015
  3865. Network is not reachable
  3866. Unknown view from paramter: %@
  3867. limitSet
  3868. TB,N,V_limitSet
  3869. limit
  3870. Tq,N,V_limit
  3871. viewFrom
  3872. T@"NSString",&,N,V_viewFrom
  3873. indexStartValue
  3874. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_indexStartValue
  3875. indexStartKey
  3876. T@"NSString",&,N,V_indexStartKey
  3877. indexEndValue
  3878. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_indexEndValue
  3879. indexEndKey
  3880. T@"NSString",&,N,V_indexEndKey
  3881. index
  3882. T@"<FIndex>",&,N,V_index
  3883. FQuerySpec (path: %@, params: %@)
  3884. T@"FPath",&,N,V_path
  3885. params
  3886. T@"FQueryParams",&,N,V_params
  3887. RangeMerge (optExclusiveStart = %@, optExclusiveEng = %@, updates = %@)
  3888. optExclusiveStart
  3889. T@"FPath",&,N,V_optExclusiveStart
  3890. optInclusiveEnd
  3891. T@"FPath",&,N,V_optInclusiveEnd
  3892. updates
  3893. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_updates
  3894. %@_%@
  3895. %@/%@
  3896. @"NSArray"40@?0@"FQuerySpec"8@"NSNumber"16@"<FSyncTreeHash>"24@?<@"NSArray"@?@"NSString">32
  3897. v24@?0@"FQuerySpec"8@"NSNumber"16
  3898. Persisted write
  3899. v24@?0@"NSString"8@"NSString"16
  3900. Restored writes were not in order!
  3901. I-RDB038001
  3902. Restoring overwrite with id %ld
  3903. I-RDB038002
  3904. Restoring merge with id %ld
  3905. v32@?0@"FWriteRecord"8Q16^B24
  3906. I-RDB038003
  3907. Setting: %@ with %@ pri: %@
  3908. setValue: or removeValue:
  3909. I-RDB038004
  3910. Updating: %@ with %@
  3911. updateChildValues:
  3912. I-RDB038005
  3913. Cancelling transactions at path: %@
  3914. v32@?0@"FPath"8@"<FNode>"16^B24
  3915. I-RDB038006
  3916. update called with empty data. Doing nothing
  3917. I-RDB038007
  3918. cancelDisconnectOperations: at %@ failed: %@
  3919. I-RDB038008
  3920. onDisconnectSetValue: or onDisconnectRemoveValue: at %@ failed: %@
  3921. I-RDB038009
  3922. onDisconnectUpdateChildValues: at %@ failed %@
  3923. I-RDB038010
  3924. Purging outstanding writes
  3925. I-RDB038011
  3926. Removing event registration with hande: %lu
  3927. I-RDB038012
  3928. %@ at %@ failed: %@
  3929. I-RDB038013
  3930. onDataUpdateForPath: %@ withMessage: %@
  3931. I-RDB038014
  3932. onRangeMerge: %@ => %@
  3933. UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification
  3934. I-RDB038015
  3935. Registering for background notification.
  3936. I-RDB038016
  3937. Skipped registering for background notification.
  3938. I-RDB038017
  3939. Entering background. Starting background task to finish work.
  3940. I-RDB038018
  3941. Background task completed. Queue time: %f
  3942. I-RDB038019
  3943. Running onDisconnectEvents
  3944. v24@?0@"FPath"8@"<FNode>"16
  3945. I-RDB038020
  3946. runTransactionBlock: usage detected while persistence is enabled. Please be aware that transactions *will not* be persisted across app restarts. See for more details.
  3947. v16@?0@"FTree"8
  3948. I-RDB038021
  3949. Transaction at %@ set to SENT
  3950. badhash
  3951. I-RDB038022
  3952. Transaction put response: %@ : %@
  3953. I-RDB038023
  3954. runTransactionBlock: at %@ failed: %@
  3955. q24@?0@"FTupleTransaction"8@"FTupleTransaction"16
  3956. B16@?0@"FTree"8
  3957. serverClock
  3958. T@"FOffsetClock",&,N,V_serverClock
  3959. persistenceManager
  3960. T@"FPersistenceManager",&,N,V_persistenceManager
  3961. T@"FIRDatabase",&,N,V_database
  3962. T@"FAuthenticationManager",&,N,V_auth
  3963. infoSyncTree
  3964. T@"FSyncTree",&,N,V_infoSyncTree
  3965. writeIdCounter
  3966. Tq,N,V_writeIdCounter
  3967. hijackHash
  3968. TB,N,V_hijackHash
  3969. transactionQueueTree
  3970. T@"FTree",&,N,V_transactionQueueTree
  3971. loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning
  3972. TB,N,V_loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning
  3973. interceptServerDataCallback
  3974. T@?,C,N,V_interceptServerDataCallback
  3975. connection
  3976. T@"FPersistentConnection",&,N,V_connection
  3977. infoData
  3978. T@"FSnapshotHolder",&,N,V_infoData
  3979. onDisconnect
  3980. T@"FSparseSnapshotTree",&,N,V_onDisconnect
  3981. eventRaiser
  3982. T@"FEventRaiser",&,N,V_eventRaiser
  3983. serverSyncTree
  3984. T@"FSyncTree",&,N,V_serverSyncTree
  3985. dataUpdateCount
  3986. Tq,N,V_dataUpdateCount
  3987. rangeMergeUpdateCount
  3988. Tq,N,V_rangeMergeUpdateCount
  3989. firebase:host:%@
  3990. http%@://%@
  3993. %@://%@/.ws?%@=%@&ns=%@
  3994. %@&ls=%@
  3995. domain
  3996. T@"NSString",&,N,Vdomain
  3997. T@"NSString",R,N,Vhost
  3998. namespace
  3999. T@"NSString",R,N,Vnamespace
  4000. internalHost
  4001. T@"NSString",&,N,VinternalHost
  4002. secure
  4003. TB,R,N,Vsecure
  4004. RepoExists
  4005. createRepo called for Repo that already exists.
  4006. I-RDB040001
  4007. Disposing all repos for Config with name %@
  4008. rootNode
  4009. T@"<FNode>",&,N,VrootNode
  4010. v24@?0@"NSString"8@"FSparseSnapshotTree"16
  4011. v32@?0@"FChange"8Q16^B24
  4012. v32@?0@"FQueryParams"8@"FView"16^B24
  4014. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_views
  4015. T@"FView",&,N,V_view
  4016. B24@?0@"FPath"8@"FSyncPoint"16
  4017. v24@?0@"NSString"8@"FSyncPoint"16
  4018. B32@?0@"FQuerySpec"8Q16^B24
  4019. v32@?0@"FQuerySpec"8Q16^B24
  4020. @24@?0@"FPath"8@"FSyncPoint"16
  4021. v32@?0@"FView"8Q16^B24
  4022. @"<FNode>"24@?0@"FPath"8@"FSyncPoint"16
  4023. v32@?0@"NSString"8@"NSArray"16^B24
  4024. @"NSArray"32@?0@"FPath"8@"FSyncPoint"16@"NSDictionary"24
  4025. @32@?0@"FPath"8@"FSyncPoint"16@"NSDictionary"24
  4026. Listener at %@ failed: %@
  4027. @"NSArray"16@?0@"NSString"8
  4028. v32@?0@"NSString"8@"FImmutableTree"16^B24
  4029. syncPointTree
  4030. T@"FImmutableTree",&,N,V_syncPointTree
  4031. pendingWriteTree
  4032. T@"FWriteTree",&,N,V_pendingWriteTree
  4033. tagToQueryMap
  4034. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_tagToQueryMap
  4035. queryToTagMap
  4036. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_queryToTagMap
  4037. listenProvider
  4038. T@"FListenProvider",&,N,V_listenProvider
  4039. queryTagCounter
  4040. T@"FAtomicNumber",&,N,V_queryTagCounter
  4041. keepSyncedQueries
  4042. T@"NSMutableSet",&,N,V_keepSyncedQueries
  4043. Can't pass nil as overwrite parameter to an overwrite write record
  4044. Can't pass nil as merge parameter to an merge write record
  4045. Can't get overwrite for merge write record!
  4046. Can't get merge for overwrite write record!
  4047. FWriteRecord { writeId = %lu, path = %@, overwrite = %@, visible = %d }
  4048. FWriteRecord { writeId = %lu, path = %@, merge = %@ }
  4049. writeId
  4050. Tq,N,V_writeId
  4051. overwrite
  4052. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_overwrite
  4053. merge
  4054. T@"FCompoundWrite",&,N,V_merge
  4055. visible
  4056. TB,N,V_visible
  4057. B32@?0@"FWriteRecord"8Q16^B24
  4058. B16@?0@"FWriteRecord"8
  4059. visibleWrites
  4060. T@"FCompoundWrite",&,N,V_visibleWrites
  4061. allWrites
  4062. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,VallWrites
  4063. lastWriteId
  4064. Tq,N,VlastWriteId
  4065. writeTree
  4066. T@"FWriteTree",&,N,V_writeTree
  4067. FAckUserWrite { path=%@, revert=%d, affectedTree=%@ }
  4068. T@"FOperationSource",R,N
  4069. type
  4070. T@"FPath",R,N
  4071. T@"FOperationSource",R,N,V_source
  4072. Tq,R,N,V_type
  4073. T@"FPath",R,N,V_path
  4074. affectedTree
  4075. T@"FImmutableTree",R,N,V_affectedTree
  4076. revert
  4077. TB,R,N,V_revert
  4078. FMerge { path=%@, soruce=%@ children=%@}
  4079. T@"FOperationSource",&,N,Vsource
  4080. Tq,N,Vtype
  4081. T@"FCompoundWrite",&,N,Vchildren
  4082. FOperationSource { fromUser=%d, fromServer=%d, queryId=%@, tagged=%d }
  4083. fromUser
  4084. TB,N,VfromUser
  4085. fromServer
  4086. TB,N,VfromServer
  4087. isTagged
  4088. TB,N,V_isTagged
  4089. FOverwrite { path=%@, source=%@, snapshot=%@ }
  4090. snap
  4091. T@"<FNode>",&,N,Vsnap
  4092. block
  4093. T@?,C,N,V_block
  4094. I-RDB054001
  4095. Canceling existing retry attempt
  4096. I-RDB054002
  4097. Scheduling retry in %fs
  4098. I-RDB054003
  4099. I-RDB054004
  4100. No existing retry attempt to cancel
  4101. minRetryDelayAfterFailure
  4102. Td,N,V_minRetryDelayAfterFailure
  4103. maxRetryDelay
  4104. Td,N,V_maxRetryDelay
  4105. retryExponent
  4106. Td,N,V_retryExponent
  4107. jitterFactor
  4108. Td,N,V_jitterFactor
  4109. lastWasSuccess
  4110. TB,N,V_lastWasSuccess
  4111. currentRetryDelay
  4112. Td,N,V_currentRetryDelay
  4113. scheduledRetry
  4114. T@"FIRRetryHelperTask",&,N,V_scheduledRetry
  4115. B16@?0@8
  4116. FImmutableTree { value=
  4117. <nil>
  4118. , children={
  4119. } }
  4120. T@,&,N,Vvalue
  4121. T@"FImmutableSortedDictionary",&,N,Vchildren
  4122. FirebaseDatabaseInternalError
  4123. innerPath (%@) is not within outerPath (%@)
  4124. pieceNum
  4125. Tq,N,V_pieceNum
  4126. pieces
  4127. T@"NSArray",&,N,V_pieces
  4128. T@"NSString",&,N,Vname
  4129. parent
  4130. T@"FTree",&,N,Vparent
  4131. T@"FTreeNode",&,N,Vnode
  4132. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,Vchildren
  4133. childCount
  4134. Ti,N,VchildCount
  4135. isFullyInitialized
  4136. TB,N,V_isFullyInitialized
  4137. isFiltered
  4138. TB,N,V_isFiltered
  4139. indexedNode
  4140. T@"FIndexedNode",&,N,V_indexedNode
  4141. T@"<FNode>",R,N
  4142. %@: cancel
  4143. eventRegistration
  4144. T@"<FEventRegistration>",&,N,VeventRegistration
  4145. T@"NSError",&,N,Verror
  4146. event: %d, data: %@
  4147. prevKey
  4148. T@"NSString",&,N,V_prevKey
  4149. T@"FIndexedNode",R,N,V_indexedNode
  4150. childKey
  4151. T@"NSString",R,N,V_childKey
  4152. oldIndexedNode
  4153. T@"FIndexedNode",R,N,V_oldIndexedNode
  4154. I-RDB061001
  4155. Raising cancel value event on %@
  4156. I-RDB061002
  4157. Raising event callback (%ld) on %@
  4158. handle
  4159. callbacks
  4160. T@"NSDictionary",C,N,V_callbacks
  4161. cancelCallback
  4162. T@?,C,N,V_cancelCallback
  4163. TQ,N,V_handle
  4164. event %d, data: %@
  4165. snapshot
  4166. T@"FIRDataSnapshot",&,N,Vsnapshot
  4167. prevName
  4168. T@"NSString",&,N,VprevName
  4169. eventType
  4170. Tq,N,VeventType
  4171. Can't use default constructor
  4172. T@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>",&,N,V_queue
  4173. Should never create event for FKeepSyncedEventRegistration
  4174. Should never raise event for FKeepSyncedEventRegistration
  4175. I-RDB065001
  4176. I-RDB065002
  4177. Raising value event on %@
  4178. callback
  4179. T@?,C,N,V_callback
  4180. changes
  4181. T@"NSArray",&,N,V_changes
  4182. T@"NSArray",&,N,V_events
  4183. FView (%@)
  4184. processor
  4185. T@"FViewProcessor",&,N,V_processor
  4186. viewCache
  4187. T@"FViewCache",&,N,V_viewCache
  4188. eventRegistrations
  4189. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_eventRegistrations
  4190. eventGenerator
  4191. T@"FEventGenerator",&,N,V_eventGenerator
  4192. cachedEventSnap
  4193. T@"FCacheNode",&,N,V_cachedEventSnap
  4194. cachedServerSnap
  4195. T@"FCacheNode",&,N,V_cachedServerSnap
  4196. completeEventSnap
  4197. completeServerSnap
  4198. Illegal combination of changes: %@ occurred after %@
  4199. changeMap
  4200. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_changeMap
  4201. indexedFilter
  4202. T@"<FNodeFilter>",R,N
  4203. T@"<FIndex>",R,N
  4204. rangedFilter
  4205. T@"FRangedFilter",&,N,V_rangedFilter
  4206. reverse
  4207. TB,N,V_reverse
  4208. clock
  4209. T@"<FClock>",&,N,V_clock
  4210. offset
  4211. Td,N,V_offset
  4212. InternalInconsistencyError
  4213. Should only compare child_ events
  4214. q24@?0@"FChange"8@"FChange"16
  4215. initWithUrl:
  4216. childByAutoId:
  4217. setValue:withCompletionBlock:
  4218. setValue:andPriority:
  4219. setValue:andPriority:withCompletionBlock:
  4220. removeValue:
  4221. removeValueWithCompletionBlock:
  4222. setPriority:
  4223. setPriority:withCompletionBlock:
  4224. updateChildValues:withCompletionBlock:
  4225. onDisconnectSetValue:
  4226. onDisconnectSetValue:withCompletionBlock:
  4227. onDisconnectSetValue:andPriority:
  4228. onDisconnectSetValue:andPriority:withCompletionBlock:
  4229. onDisconnectRemoveValue:
  4230. onDisconnectRemoveValueWithCompletionBlock:
  4231. onDisconnectUpdateChildValues:
  4232. onDisconnectUpdateChildValues:withCompletionBlock:
  4233. runTransactionBlock:
  4234. runTransactionBlock:andCompletionBlock:
  4235. runTransactionBlock:andCompletionBlock:withLocalEvents:
  4236. root
  4237. T@"FIRDatabase",R,N
  4238. FKeyIndex
  4239. maxPost
  4240. T@"FNamedNode",&,N,V_maxPost
  4241. FListenComplete { path=%@, source=%@ }
  4242. T@"FOperationSource",&,N,V_source
  4243. Tq,N,V_type
  4244. NamedNode[%@] %@
  4245. T@"NSString",&,N,V_name
  4246. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_node
  4247. Invalid path for PathIndex: %@
  4248. FPathIndex(%@)
  4250. FPriorityIndex
  4251. T@"<FNodeFilter>",&,N,V_indexedFilter
  4252. startPost
  4253. T@"FNamedNode",&,N,V_startPost
  4254. endPost
  4255. T@"FNamedNode",&,N,V_endPost
  4256. enumerator
  4257. T@"NSEnumerator",&,N,V_enumerator
  4258. transform
  4259. T@?,C,N,V_transform
  4260. FValueIndex
  4261. writes
  4262. T@"FWriteTreeRef",&,N,V_writes
  4263. optCompleteServerCache
  4264. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_optCompleteServerCache
  4265. Unknown operation encountered %zd.
  4266. v32@?0@"NSString"8@"FCompoundWrite"16^B24
  4267. v24@?0@"FPath"8@16
  4268. filter
  4269. T@"<FNodeFilter>",&,N,V_filter
  4270. listener
  4271. T@?,C,N,V_listener
  4272. T@"FIRApp",W,N,V_app
  4273. T@"FIRApp",&,N,V_app
  4274. authListeners
  4275. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_authListeners
  4276. maxSize
  4277. TQ,N,V_maxSize
  4278. server_data
  4279. /server_cache/
  4280. /server_cache~
  4281. /tracked_queries/
  4282. /tracked_query_keys/
  4283. I-RDB076001
  4284. Failed to write version for database: %@
  4285. Unrecognized database version: %@
  4286. firebase
  4287. %@/1/%@/v1
  4288. I-RDB076002
  4289. Legacy database found, migrating...
  4290. outstanding_puts
  4291. I-RDB076003
  4292. Failed to migrate legacy write, meh!
  4293. v32@?0@"NSString"8@"NSData"16^B24
  4294. I-RDB076004
  4295. Migrated %lu writes
  4296. I-RDB076005
  4297. Deleting legacy database...
  4298. I-RDB076006
  4299. Failed to delete legacy database: %@
  4300. I-RDB076007
  4301. Finished migrating legacy database.
  4302. I-RDB076008
  4303. Failed to migrate old database: %@
  4304. I-RDB076009
  4305. Deleting database at path %@
  4306. Failed to delete database files: %@
  4307. v32@?0@"NSString"8Q16^B24
  4308. I-RDB076036
  4309. Failed to read database persistence file '%@': %@
  4310. Error initializing persistence: %@
  4311. FirebaseDatabasePersistenceFailure
  4312. I-RDB076010
  4313. Failed to remove all users writes on disk!
  4314. I-RDB076011
  4315. Removed %lu writes in %fms
  4316. I-RDB076012
  4317. Failed to deserialize write (%@), likely because of out of range doubles (Error: %@)
  4318. I-RDB076013
  4319. Removing failed write with key %@
  4320. Failed to deserialize write: %@
  4321. q24@?0@"FWriteRecord"8@"FWriteRecord"16
  4322. I-RDB076014
  4323. Loaded %lu writes in %fms
  4324. I-RDB076015
  4325. Loaded node with %d children at %@ in %fms
  4326. I-RDB076016
  4327. Loaded node with %d children for %lu keys at %@ in %fms
  4328. I-RDB076017
  4329. Failed to update server cache on disk!
  4330. I-RDB076018
  4331. Saved %lu leaf nodes for overwrite in %fms
  4332. I-RDB076019
  4333. I-RDB076020
  4334. Saved %lu leaf nodes for merge in %fms
  4335. I-RDB076021
  4336. Failed to prune cache on disk!
  4337. I-RDB076022
  4338. Pruned %lu paths, kept %lu paths in %fms
  4339. I-RDB076023
  4340. Failed to deserialize tracked query (%@), likely because of out of range doubles (Error: %@)
  4341. I-RDB076024
  4342. Removing failed tracked query with key %@
  4343. Failed to deserialize tracked query: %@
  4344. I-RDB076025
  4345. Loaded %lu tracked queries in %fms
  4346. I-RDB076026
  4347. Failed to remove tracked query on disk!
  4348. I-RDB076027
  4349. Removed query with id %lu (and removed %lu keys) in %fms
  4350. I-RDB076028
  4351. Saved tracked query %lu in %fms
  4352. v32@?0@"NSString"8@"NSString"16^B24
  4353. I-RDB076029
  4354. Failed to set tracked queries on disk!
  4355. I-RDB076030
  4356. Set %lu tracked keys (%lu added, %lu removed) for query %lu in %fms
  4357. I-RDB076031
  4358. Failed to update tracked queries on disk!
  4359. I-RDB076032
  4360. Added %lu tracked keys, removed %lu for query %lu in %fms
  4361. I-RDB076033
  4362. Loaded %lu tracked keys for query %lu in %fms
  4363. %@%@/
  4364. I-RDB076034
  4365. Failed to load primitive %@, likely because doubles where out of range (Error: %@)
  4366. Failed to deserialiaze primitive: %@
  4367. FailedToCreatePersistenceDir
  4368. Failed to create persistence directory.
  4369. I-RDB076035
  4370. Failed to mark firebase database folder as do not backup: %@
  4371. Error marking as do not backup
  4372. Failed to mark folder %@ as do not backup
  4373. basePath
  4374. T@"NSString",&,N,V_basePath
  4375. writesDB
  4376. T@"APLevelDB",&,N,V_writesDB
  4377. serverCacheDB
  4378. T@"APLevelDB",&,N,V_serverCacheDB
  4379. %@%@
  4380. %@%lu
  4381. %@%lu/
  4382. %@%lu/%@
  4383. T@,&,N,Vdata
  4384. T@,&,N,V_priority
  4385. T@,&,N,Vpriority
  4386. T@"NSDictionary",&,N,Vdata
  4387. I-RDB078001
  4388. Reached prune check threshold. Checking...
  4389. I-RDB078002
  4390. Server cache size: %lu
  4391. I-RDB078003
  4392. Cache size after pruning: %lu
  4393. I-RDB078004
  4394. Pruning round took %fms
  4395. storageEngine
  4396. T@"<FStorageEngine>",&,N,V_storageEngine
  4397. cachePolicy
  4398. T@"<FCachePolicy>",&,N,V_cachePolicy
  4399. trackedQueryManager
  4400. T@"FTrackedQueryManager",&,N,V_trackedQueryManager
  4401. serverCacheUpdatesSinceLastPruneCheck
  4402. TQ,N,V_serverCacheUpdatesSinceLastPruneCheck
  4403. B16@?0@"NSNumber"8
  4404. Can't prune path that was kept previously!
  4405. pruneForest
  4406. T@"FImmutableTree",&,N,V_pruneForest
  4407. queryId
  4408. TQ,N,V_queryId
  4409. lastUse
  4410. Td,N,V_lastUse
  4411. isComplete
  4412. TB,N,V_isComplete
  4413. TB,N,V_isActive
  4414. I-RDB081001
  4415. Setting active query %lu from previous app start inactive
  4416. v32@?0@"FTrackedQuery"8Q16^B24
  4417. I-RDB081002
  4418. Trying to set a query complete that is not tracked!
  4419. v32@?0@"FQueryParams"8@"FTrackedQuery"16^B24
  4420. v24@?0@"FPath"8@"NSDictionary"16
  4421. B16@?0@"NSDictionary"8
  4422. q24@?0@"FTrackedQuery"8@"FTrackedQuery"16
  4423. v24@?0@"NSNumber"8^B16
  4424. Tracked queries and queries stored on disk don't match
  4425. trackedQueryTree
  4426. T@"FImmutableTree",&,N,V_trackedQueryTree
  4427. currentQueryId
  4428. TQ,N,V_currentQueryId
  4429. I-RDB082001
  4430. Calling open in FConnection
  4431. I-RDB082002
  4432. Closing realtime connection.
  4433. I-RDB082003
  4434. Calling close again.
  4435. InvalidConnectionState
  4436. Tried to send data on an unconnected FConnection
  4437. I-RDB082004
  4438. Sending data (contents hidden)
  4439. I-RDB082005
  4440. Sending: %@
  4441. I-RDB082006
  4442. Realtime connection failed.
  4443. I-RDB082007
  4444. Realtime connection lost.
  4445. I-RDB082008
  4446. Unrecognized server packet type: %@
  4447. I-RDB082009
  4448. Unrecognized raw server packet received: %@
  4449. I-RDB082010
  4450. Got data message: %@
  4451. I-RDB082011
  4452. Got control message: %@
  4453. I-RDB082012
  4454. Unknown control message returned from server: %@
  4455. I-RDB082013
  4456. Connection shutdown command received. Shutting down...
  4457. I-RDB082014
  4458. Realtime connection established
  4459. I-RDB082015
  4460. Got a reset; killing connection to: %@; Updating internalHost to: %@
  4461. conn
  4462. T@"FWebSocketConnection",&,N,Vconn
  4463. T@"FRepoInfo",&,N,VrepoInfo
  4464. T@"<FConnectionDelegate>",W,N,Vdelegate
  4465. I-RDB083001
  4466. (wsc:%@) Connecting to: %@ as %@
  4467. UIDevice
  4468. /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
  4469. ProductVersion
  4470. ProductName
  4471. Firebase/%@/%@/%@/%@_%@
  4472. I-RDB083002
  4473. (wsc:%@) FWebSocketConnection open.
  4474. I-RDB083003
  4475. (wsc:%@) FWebSocketConnection is being closed.
  4476. I-RDB083004
  4477. (wsc:%@) nop
  4478. I-RDB083005
  4479. (wsc:%@) No more websocket; invalidating nop timer.
  4480. I-RDB083006
  4481. (wsc:%@) handleNewFrameCount: %d
  4482. I-RDB083007
  4483. (wsc:%@) handleIncomingFrame sending complete frame: %d
  4484. I-RDB083008
  4485. (wsc:%@) webSocketDidOpen
  4486. I-RDB083009
  4487. (wsc:%@) nop timer kicked off
  4488. I-RDB083010
  4489. (wsc:%@) didFailWithError didFailWithError: %@
  4490. I-RDB083011
  4491. (wsc:%@) didCloseWithCode: %ld %@
  4492. I-RDB083012
  4493. (wsc:%@) Websocket timed out on connect
  4494. I-RDB083013
  4495. Websocket is closing itself
  4496. I-RDB083014
  4497. (wsc:%@) resetting keepalive, to %@ ; old: %@
  4498. webSocket
  4499. T@"FSRWebSocket",&,N,VwebSocket
  4500. connectionId
  4501. T@"NSNumber",&,N,VconnectionId
  4502. totalFrames
  4503. Ti,N,V_totalFrames
  4504. buffering
  4505. userAgent
  4506. T@"<FWebSocketDelegate>",W,N,Vdelegate
  4507. Can't create empty node with priority!
  4508. priority:
  4509. q24@?0@"FNamedNode"8@"FNamedNode"16
  4510. :%@:%@
  4511. v32@?0@"FNamedNode"8Q16^B24
  4512. @16@?0@"NSString"8
  4513. lazyHash
  4514. T@"NSString",&,N,V_lazyHash
  4515. T@"FImmutableSortedDictionary",&,N,V_children
  4516. priorityNode
  4517. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_priorityNode
  4518. T@"FImmutableTree",&,N,V_writeTree
  4519. Index not available in IndexedNode!
  4520. v24@?0@"FNamedNode"8^B16
  4521. indexed
  4522. T@"FImmutableSortedSet",&,N,V_indexed
  4523. T@"<FNode>",&,N,VpriorityNode
  4524. nodeFrom:priority:
  4525. InvalidFirebaseData
  4526. (%@) Max object depth exceeded: %@...
  4527. InvalidLeafValueType
  4528. (%@) Invalid data type used with .value. Can only use NSString and NSNumber or be null. Found %@ instead.
  4529. (%@) Cannot store object of type %@ at %@. Can only store objects of type NSNumber, NSString, NSDictionary, and NSArray.
  4530. q24@?0@"FPath"8@"FPath"16
  4531. (%@) Invalid path in object. Path (%@) is an ancestor of (%@).
  4532. Unknown value for hashing: %@
  4533. Unknown leaf type: %@
  4534. lock
  4535. T@"NSLock",&,N,Vlock
  4536. userCallback
  4537. T@?,C,N,VuserCallback
  4538. TQ,N,Vhandle
  4539. AllowedEventsValidation
  4540. FEventEmitters must be initialized with at least one valid event.
  4541. You must override getInitialEvent: when subclassing FEventEmitter
  4542. InvalidEventType
  4543. %@ is not a valid event type. %@ is the list of valid events.
  4544. allowedEvents
  4545. T@"NSArray",&,N,VallowedEvents
  4546. listeners
  4547. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,Vlisteners
  4548. -0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  4549. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_~
  4550. https
  4551. No Firebase database specified.
  4552. No Firebase database found for input: %@
  4553. I-RDB095002
  4554. ---> Parsed (%@) to: (%@,%@); ns=(%@); path=(%@)
  4555. Permission Denied
  4556. unavailable
  4557. Service is unavailable
  4558. Write cancelled by user
  4559. %02x
  4560. [MAX_NAME]
  4561. [MIN_NAME]
  4562. localUid
  4563. T@"FAtomicNumber",&,N,VlocalUid
  4564. [].#$
  4565. [].#$/
  4566. WritablePathValidation
  4567. (%@) failed to path %@: Can't modify data under %@
  4568. KnownEventTypeValidation
  4569. (%@) Unknown event type: %d
  4570. InvalidPathValidation
  4571. (%@) Must be a non-empty string and not contain '.' '#' '$' '[' or ']'
  4572. ^\/*\.info(\/|$)
  4573. InvalidKeyValidation
  4574. (%@) Must be a non-empty string and not contain '/' '.' '#' '$' '[' or ']'
  4575. Can't have empty string or nil for custom token
  4576. (%@) String exceeds max size of %u utf8 bytes: %@
  4577. (%@) Cannot store NaN at path: %@.
  4578. (%@) Cannot store other keys with server value keys.%@.
  4579. (%@) Non-string keys are not allowed in object at path: %@
  4580. (%@) Invalid key in object at path: %@. Keys must be non-empty and cannot contain '/' '.' '#' '$' '[' or ']'
  4581. (%@) Invalid key in object. Keys must be non-empty and cannot contain '.' '#' '$' '[' or ']'
  4582. (%@) Cannot store NaN as priority at path: %@.
  4583. (%@) Cannot store true/false as priority at path: %@.
  4584. (%@) Cannot store other keys with server value keys as priority at path: %@.
  4585. (%@) Cannot store an NSDictionary as priority at path: %@.
  4586. (%@) Cannot store an NSArray as priority at path: %@.
  4587. !*'"();:@&=+$,/?%#[]%
  4588. TB,N,Vboolean
  4589. T@?,C,N,Vblock
  4590. status
  4591. T@"NSString",&,N,Vstatus
  4592. errorReason
  4593. T@"NSString",&,N,V_errorReason
  4594. T@"FIRDatabaseReference",&,N,Vone
  4595. T@"FIRDatabaseReference",&,N,Vtwo
  4596. three
  4597. T@"FIRDatabaseReference",&,N,Vthree
  4598. T@"<FNode>",&,N,Vnode
  4599. T@,&,N,Vobj
  4600. objA
  4601. T@,&,N,VobjA
  4602. objB
  4603. T@,&,N,VobjB
  4604. pathString
  4605. T@"NSString",&,N,VpathString
  4606. T@"NSString",&,N,Vaction
  4607. T@?,C,N,VonComplete
  4608. removedQueries
  4609. T@"NSArray",&,N,VremovedQueries
  4610. cancelEvents
  4611. T@"NSArray",&,N,VcancelEvents
  4612. setId
  4613. T@"NSNumber",&,N,VsetId
  4614. T@"NSString",&,N,Vstring
  4615. from
  4616. T@"FTupleStringNode",&,N,Vfrom
  4617. T@"FTupleStringNode",&,N,Vto
  4618. abortStatus
  4619. T@"NSString",&,N,V_abortStatus
  4620. abortReason
  4621. T@"NSString",&,N,V_abortReason
  4622. T@?,C,N,V_update
  4623. Tq,N,V_status
  4624. order
  4625. T@"NSNumber",&,N,V_order
  4626. applyLocally
  4627. TB,N,V_applyLocally
  4628. retryCount
  4629. Ti,N,V_retryCount
  4630. unwatcher
  4631. T@?,C,N,V_unwatcher
  4632. currentWriteId
  4633. T@"NSNumber",&,N,V_currentWriteId
  4634. currentInputSnapshot
  4635. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_currentInputSnapshot
  4636. currentOutputSnapshotRaw
  4637. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_currentOutputSnapshotRaw
  4638. currentOutputSnapshotResolved
  4639. T@"<FNode>",&,N,V_currentOutputSnapshotResolved
  4640. datasnapshotPrevnameCallback
  4641. T@?,C,N,VdatasnapshotPrevnameCallback
  4642. datasnapshotCallback
  4643. T@?,C,N,VdatasnapshotCallback
  4644. T@?,C,N,VcancelCallback
  4645. T@"FQueryParams",C,N,VqueryParams
  4646. Tq,N,V_pos
  4647. keys
  4648. T@"NSArray",&,N,V_keys
  4649. Can't create FImmutableSortedDictionary with keys with same ordering!
  4650. Can't get predecessor key for non-existent key
  4651. comparator
  4652. T@?,C,N,V_comparator
  4653. values
  4654. T@"NSArray",&,N,V_values
  4655. You must override %@ in a subclass
  4656. FImmutableSortedSet (
  4657. v24@?0@8^B16
  4658. dictionary
  4659. T@"FImmutableSortedDictionary",&,N,V_dictionary
  4660. [key=%@ val=%@ color=%@]
  4661. color
  4662. T@"NSNumber",&,N
  4663. left
  4664. T@"<FLLRBNode>",&,N
  4665. right
  4666. T@,&,N,Vkey
  4667. T@"NSNumber",&,N,Vcolor
  4668. T@"<FLLRBNode>",&,N,Vleft
  4669. T@"<FLLRBNode>",&,N,Vright
  4670. check
  4671. Red node has a red child
  4672. Right child is red
  4673. (%@ -> %@)blackDepth: %d ; self.right check: %d
  4674. black
  4675. NonexistentKey
  4676. getPredecessorKey called with nonexistent key.
  4677. B24@?0@8@16
  4678. v24@?0@"NSNumber"8Q16
  4679. T@"<FLLRBNode>",&,N,V_root
  4680. immutableSortedDictionary
  4681. T@"FTreeSortedDictionary",&,N,V_immutableSortedDictionary
  4682. stack
  4683. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_stack
  4684. isReverse
  4685. TB,N,V_isReverse
  4686. 258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11
  4687. FSRWebSocketErrorDomain
  4688. Sec-WebSocket-Accept
  4689. org.lolrus.SocketRocket
  4690. received bad response code from server %u
  4691. Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept response
  4692. Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
  4693. Server specified Sec-WebSocket-Protocol that wasn't requested
  4694. v24@?0@"FSRWebSocket"8@"NSData"16
  4695. Host
  4696. %@:%@
  4697. Upgrade
  4698. websocket
  4699. Connection
  4700. User-Agent
  4701. Sec-WebSocket-Key
  4702. Sec-WebSocket-Version
  4703. Origin
  4704. Payload for close must be larger than 2 bytes
  4705. Cannot have close code of %d
  4706. Close reason MUST be valid UTF-8
  4707. Text frames must be valid UTF-8
  4708. Unknown opcode %u
  4709. Fragmented control frames not allowed
  4710. Control frames cannot have payloads larger than 126 bytes
  4711. Server used RSV bits
  4712. all data frames after the initial data frame must have opcode 0
  4713. cannot continue a message
  4714. Client must receive unmasked data
  4715. Error writing to stream
  4716. Q16@?0@"NSData"8
  4717. Message too big
  4718. Invalid server cert
  4719. Stream end encountered
  4720. readyState
  4721. Ti,N,V_readyState
  4722. delegateOperationQueue
  4723. T@"NSOperationQueue",&,N,V_delegateOperationQueue
  4724. delegateDispatchQueue
  4725. T@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>",&,N,V_delegateDispatchQueue
  4726. T@"<FSRWebSocketDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  4727. T@"NSURL",R,&,N,V_url
  4728. protocol
  4729. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_protocol
  4730. consumer
  4731. T@?,R,C,N,V_scanner
  4732. handler
  4733. T@?,R,C,N,V_handler
  4734. bytesNeeded
  4735. TQ,N,V_bytesNeeded
  4736. readToCurrentFrame
  4737. TB,R,N,V_readToCurrentFrame
  4738. unmaskBytes
  4739. TB,R,N,V_unmaskBytes
  4740. FSR_SSLPinnedCertificates
  4741. T@"NSArray",R,&,N
  4742. T@"NSArray",&,N
  4743. http
  4744. %@://%@:%@/
  4745. %@://%@/
  4746. com.squareup.SocketRocket.NetworkThread
  4747. runLoop
  4748. T@"NSRunLoop",R,N,V_runLoop
  4749. APLevelDBErrorDomain
  4750. key must be an NSString
  4751. key must be NSString or NSData
  4752. object must be NSString or NSData
  4753. T^{DB=^^?},R,N,V_db
  4754. T@"NSString",R,N,V_path
  4755. BadInitializer
  4756. Use the designated initializer, -initWithLevelDB:, instead.
  4757. levelDB
  4758. T@"APLevelDB",&,N,V_levelDB
  4759. +[FIRInstanceID(FIRApp) didReceiveConfigureSDKNotification:]
  4760. Firebase Instance ID only works with the default app.
  4761. appNamed:
  4762. Could not find FIRApp named '%@'
  4763. Could not find FIRApp's 'options' property.
  4764. FIROptions object was invalid (no GCMSenderID property).
  4765. -[FIRInstanceID(FIRApp) configureInstanceIDWithOptions:app:]
  4766. Firebase not set up correctly, nil or empty senderID.
  4767. GCM_SENDER_ID must not be nil or empty.
  4768. Unknown reason
  4769. Could not configure Firebase InstanceID. %@
  4770. sendLogsWithServiceName:version:error:
  4771. com.firebase.iid.notif.refresh-token
  4772. Invalid nil handler.
  4773. Entitlements.aps-environment
  4774. development
  4775. -[FIRInstanceID tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:handler:]
  4776. v24@?0@"FIRInstanceIDKeyPair"8@"NSError"16
  4777. v24@?0@"FIRInstanceIDCheckinPreferences"8@"NSError"16
  4778. -[FIRInstanceID deleteTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:handler:]
  4779. -[FIRInstanceID asyncLoadKeyPairWithHandler:]_block_invoke_2
  4780. Failed to retreieve keyPair %@
  4781. -[FIRInstanceID getIDWithHandler:]
  4782. -[FIRInstanceID deleteIDWithHandler:]
  4783. -[FIRInstanceID deleteIdentity:]
  4784. Failed to delete tokens from the cache %@
  4785. -[FIRInstanceID fetchDefaultToken]_block_invoke
  4786. Failed to retrieve the default GCM token after %zd retries
  4787. Got default token %@
  4788. -[FIRInstanceID defaultTokenWithHandler:]_block_invoke
  4789. Failed to fetch default token %@
  4790. Received APNS token while fetching default token. Refetching default token.
  4791. Successfully fetched default token.
  4792. -[FIRInstanceID setAPNSToken:type:]
  4793. Trying to reset APNS token to the same value. Will return
  4794. FIRAppEnvironmentUtil
  4795. isSimulator
  4796. Running InstanceID on a simulator doesn't have APNS. Use prod profile by default.
  4797. embedded.mobileprovision
  4798. isFromAppStore
  4799. isAppStoreReceiptSandbox
  4800. Error while reading embedded mobileprovision %@
  4801. <plist
  4802. </plist>
  4803. Couldn't read plist fetched from embedded mobileprovision
  4804. Error while converting assumed plist to dict %@
  4805. ProvisionedDevices
  4806. -[FIRInstanceID isProductionApp]
  4807. Provisioning profile has specifically provisioned devices, most likely a Dev profile.
  4808. APNS Environment in profile: %@
  4809. No aps-environment set. If testing on a device APNS is not correctly configured. Please recheck your provisioning profiles. If testing on a simulator this is fine since APNS doesn't work on the simulator.
  4810. -[FIRInstanceID logAPNSConfigurationError:]
  4811. fcmSenderID
  4812. T@"NSString",C,N,V_fcmSenderID
  4813. firebaseAppID
  4814. T@"NSString",C,N,V_firebaseAppID
  4815. apnsTokenData
  4816. T@"NSData",&,N,V_apnsTokenData
  4817. apnsTokenType
  4818. Tq,N,V_apnsTokenType
  4819. APNSTupleString
  4820. T@"NSString",C,N,V_APNSTupleString
  4821. defaultFCMToken
  4822. T@"NSString",C,N,V_defaultFCMToken
  4823. tokenManager
  4824. T@"FIRInstanceIDTokenManager",&,N,V_tokenManager
  4825. keyPairStore
  4826. T@"FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore",&,N,V_keyPairStore
  4827. isFetchingDefaultToken
  4828. TB,V_isFetchingDefaultToken
  4829. isDefaultTokenFetchScheduled
  4830. TB,V_isDefaultTokenFetchScheduled
  4831. retryCountForDefaultToken
  4832. Tq,N,V_retryCountForDefaultToken
  4833. retryCountForCheckinRefresh
  4834. Tq,N,V_retryCountForCheckinRefresh
  4835. device_token
  4836. deviceToken
  4837. T@"NSData",R,N,V_deviceToken
  4838. TB,R,N,GisSandbox,V_sandbox
  4840. T@"NSString",C,N,V_account
  4841. service
  4842. T@"NSString",C,N,V_service
  4843. T@"NSData",C,N,V_data
  4844. modificationDate
  4845. T@"NSDate",C,N,V_modificationDate
  4846. instanceid.test
  4847. temp
  4848. -[FIRInstanceIDAuthKeychain defaultAccessGroup]_block_invoke
  4849. Could not determine the app's default Keychain access group (%d)
  4850. generic
  4851. T@"NSString",&,N,V_generic
  4852. identifier
  4853. T@"NSString",C,N,V_identifier
  4854. defaultAccessGroup
  4855. -[FIRInstanceIDAuthService scheduleCheckin:]
  4856. Checkin sync already scheduled. Will not schedule.
  4857. -[FIRInstanceIDAuthService performScheduledCheckin]_block_invoke
  4858. Checkin error %@.
  4859. Checkin success.
  4860. -[FIRInstanceIDAuthService fetchCheckinInfoWithHandler:]_block_invoke
  4861. Failed to checkin device %@
  4862. Successfully got checkin credentials
  4863. Unable to save checkin info, resetting checkin preferences in memory.
  4864. store
  4865. T@"FIRInstanceIDStore",&,N,V_store
  4866. checkinService
  4867. T@"FIRInstanceIDCheckinService",&,N,V_checkinService
  4868. checkinPreferences
  4869. T@"FIRInstanceIDCheckinPreferences",&,N,V_checkinPreferences
  4870. checkinHandlers
  4871. T@"NSMutableArray",R,N,V_checkinHandlers
  4872. isCheckinInProgress
  4873. TB,V_isCheckinInProgress
  4874. scheduledCheckinTimer
  4875. T@"NSTimer",&,V_scheduledCheckinTimer
  4876. checkinRetryCount
  4877. Ti,V_checkinRetryCount
  4878. -[FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist writeDictionary:error:]
  4879. Failed to write to %@.plist
  4880. Error excluding %@ from backup, %@
  4881. -[FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist moveToApplicationSupportSubDirectory:]
  4882. Failed to move file %@ from %@ to %@. Error: %@
  4883. %@.plist
  4884. -[FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist pathWithName:inDirectory:]
  4885. Invalid plist directory type: %zd
  4886. fileName
  4887. T@"NSString",C,N,V_fileName
  4888. applicationSupportSubDirectory
  4889. T@"NSString",C,N,V_applicationSupportSubDirectory
  4890. fileInApplicationSupport
  4891. TB,N,V_fileInApplicationSupport
  4892. cachedPlistContents
  4893. T@"NSDictionary",&,N,V_cachedPlistContents
  4894. %@%@%@
  4895. deviceID
  4896. T@"NSString",C,N,V_deviceID
  4897. secretToken
  4898. T@"NSString",C,N,V_secretToken
  4899. digest
  4900. T@"NSString",C,N,V_digest
  4901. versionInfo
  4902. T@"NSString",C,N,V_versionInfo
  4903. deviceDataVersion
  4904. T@"NSString",C,N,V_deviceDataVersion
  4905. gServicesData
  4906. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_gServicesData
  4907. lastCheckinTimestampMillis
  4908. Tq,N,V_lastCheckinTimestampMillis
  4909. hasPreCachedAuthCredentials
  4910. TB,N,V_hasPreCachedAuthCredentials
  4912. GMSInstanceIDDeviceAuthIdKey
  4913. GMSInstanceIDSecretTokenKey
  4914. GMSInstanceIDDigestKey
  4915. GMSInstanceIDLastCheckinTimestampKey
  4916. GMSInstanceIDVersionInfo
  4917. GMSInstanceIDGServicesData
  4918. GMSInstanceIDDeviceDataVersion
  4920. application/json
  4921. content-type
  4922. -[FIRInstanceIDCheckinService checkinWithExistingCheckin:completion:]_block_invoke
  4923. Device checkin HTTP fetch error. Error Code: %ld
  4924. Error serializing json object. Error Code: %ld
  4925. android_id
  4926. security_token
  4927. time_msec
  4928. Invalid last checkin timestamp in future.
  4929. device_data_version_info
  4930. Checkin successful with authId: %@, digest: %@, lastCheckinTimestamp: %lld
  4931. version_info
  4932. setting
  4933. v32@?0@"NSData"8@"NSURLResponse"16@"NSError"24
  4934. -[FIRInstanceIDCheckinService checkinWithExistingCheckin:completion:]
  4935. Test block set, will not hit the server
  4936. IOS_%@
  4937. checkin
  4938. iosbuild
  4939. model
  4940. os_version
  4941. user_number
  4942. last_checkin_msec
  4943. fragment
  4944. logging_id
  4945. timezone
  4946. user_serial_number
  4947. -[FIRInstanceIDCheckinService checkinParametersWithExistingCheckin:]
  4948. Checkin parameters: %@
  4949. session
  4950. T@"NSURLSession",&,N,V_session
  4954. -[FIRInstanceIDCheckinStore saveCheckinPreferences:error:]
  4955. Failed to get checkin keychain content from memory.
  4956. Failed to get checkin plist contents from memory.
  4957. Failed to save checkin auth credentials to Keychain %@
  4958. Failed to save checkin plist contents.Will delete auth credentials
  4959. Failed to remove checkin auth credentials from Keychain %@.
  4960. -[FIRInstanceIDCheckinStore removeCheckinPreferencesWithError:]
  4961. Failed to remove checkin auth credentials from Keychain %@
  4962. -[FIRInstanceIDCheckinStore cachedCheckinPreferences]
  4963. Failed to read checkin auth credentials from keychain %@
  4964. -[FIRInstanceIDCheckinStore migrateCheckinItemIfNeeded]
  4965. Unable to migrate checkin. Error: %@
  4966. Migrated checkin to new Keychain service/account
  4967. T@"FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist",&,N,V_plist
  4968. keychain
  4969. T@"FIRInstanceIDAuthKeychain",&,N,V_keychain
  4970. bundleIdentifierForKeychainAccount
  4972. com.firebase.iid.notif.apns-token
  4973. com.firebase.iid.notif.fcm-token
  4974. com.firebase.iid.notif.fcm-token-fail
  4976. Google/FirebaseInstanceID
  4977. apns_token
  4978. apns_sandbox
  4979. gmp_app_id
  4980. Firebase InstanceID Key Pair Private Key
  4981. Firebase InstanceID Key Pair Public Key
  4982. Firebase InstanceID Key Pair
  4983. +[FIRInstanceIDKeyPair generateRSA2048KeyPairWithPrivateTag:publicTag:error:]
  4984. Could not update attributes of the key pair to be accessible after first unlock. Public Key update status: %d, Private Keyupdate status: %d
  4985. +[FIRInstanceIDKeyPair keyPairForPrivateKeyTag:publicKeyTag:error:]
  4986. Cannot retrieve keypair with tag %@
  4987. +[FIRInstanceIDKeyPair deleteKeyPairWithPrivateTag:publicTag:error:]
  4988. Error removing keypair status: %d
  4989. +[FIRInstanceIDKeyPair appIdentityWithKeyPair:]
  4990. Unable to create a valid asymmetric crypto key
  4991. publicKeyData
  4992. T@"NSData",&,N,V_publicKeyData
  4993. privateKeyData
  4994. T@"NSData",&,N,V_privateKeyData
  4999. -[FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore hasCachedKeyPairs]
  5000. Failed to get cached keyPair %@
  5001. Failed to remove keyPair creationTime plist %@
  5002. -[FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore appIdentityWithError:]
  5003. Keypair could not be loaded from Keychain. Error: %@
  5004. -[FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore loadKeyPairWithError:]
  5005. Keychain not accessible, Entitlements missing error (-34018). Will not check token in cache.
  5006. -[FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore generateAndSaveKeyWithSubtype:creationTime:error:]
  5007. Unable to generate keypair.
  5008. Failed to save keypair data to plist %@
  5009. -[FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore validCachedKeyPairWithSubtype:error:]
  5010. Failed to delete keyPair for subtype %@, error %@
  5011. -[FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore deleteSavedKeyPairWithSubtype:error:]
  5012. Unable to remove keypair creation time from plist %@
  5013. Unable to remove RSA keypair
  5014. -[FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore removeKeyPairCreationTimePlistWithError:]
  5015. Unable to delete keypair creation times plist
  5016. keyPair
  5017. T@"FIRInstanceIDKeyPair",&,N,V_keyPair
  5018. keychainEntitlementsErrorCount
  5019. Ti,N,V_keychainEntitlementsErrorCount
  5020. T@"NSObject<FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStoreDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  5021. I-IID%06ld
  5022. g-checkin
  5023. GMSInstanceID-version
  5024. +[FIRInstanceIDStore createApplicationSupportSubDirectory:]
  5025. Cannot create directory %@, error: %@
  5026. Found file instead of directory at %@
  5027. -[FIRInstanceIDStore resetCredentialsIfNeeded]
  5028. Removed cached checkin preferences from Keychain.
  5029. Couldn't remove cached checkin preferences. Error: %@
  5030. App reset detected. Will delete server registrations.
  5031. App reset detected but no valid checkin auth preferences found. Will not delete server registrations.
  5032. -[FIRInstanceIDStore saveLibraryVersion]
  5033. InstanceID library version %@
  5034. -[FIRInstanceIDStore removeCachedTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:]
  5035. Will not delete token with invalid entity: %@, scope: %@
  5036. checkinStore
  5037. T@"FIRInstanceIDCheckinStore",&,N,V_checkinStore
  5038. tokenStore
  5039. T@"FIRInstanceIDTokenStore",&,N,V_tokenStore
  5040. T@"NSObject<FIRInstanceIDStoreDelegate>",R,W,N,V_delegate
  5041. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_
  5042. <Base%d StringEncoder: %@>
  5043. delete
  5044. iid-operation
  5045. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenDeleteOperation performTokenOperation]
  5046. Unregister request to %@ content: %@
  5047. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenDeleteOperation handleResponseWithData:response:error:]
  5048. Device unregister HTTP fetch error. Error code: %ld
  5049. deleted=
  5050. Invalid unregister response %@
  5051. info
  5052. sender
  5053. X-subtype
  5054. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenFetchOperation performTokenOperation]
  5055. Register request to %@ content: %@
  5056. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenFetchOperation handleResponseWithData:response:error:]
  5057. Token fetch HTTP error. Error Code: %zd
  5059. Identity is invalid. Server request identity reset.
  5060. Invalid fetch response, expected 'token' or 'Error' key
  5061. authorized_entity
  5062. scope
  5063. app_version
  5064. firebase_app_id
  5065. apns_info
  5066. cache_time
  5067. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenInfo initWithCoder:]
  5068. Could not parse raw APNS Info while parsing archived token info.
  5069. authorizedEntity
  5070. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_authorizedEntity
  5071. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_scope
  5072. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_token
  5073. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_appVersion
  5074. T@"NSString",R,C,N,V_firebaseAppID
  5075. APNSInfo
  5076. T@"FIRInstanceIDAPNSInfo",&,N,V_APNSInfo
  5077. cacheTime
  5078. T@"NSDate",C,N,V_cacheTime
  5080. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenManager fetchNewTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:keyPair:options:handler:]
  5081. Fetch new token for authorizedEntity: %@, scope: %@
  5082. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenManager fetchNewTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:keyPair:options:handler:]_block_invoke
  5083. Token fetch successful, token: %@, authorizedEntity: %@, scope:%@
  5084. v32@?0q8@"NSString"16@"NSError"24
  5085. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenManager store:didDeleteFCMScopedTokensForCheckin:]_block_invoke
  5086. Failed to delete GCM server registrations on app reset.
  5087. Successfully deleted GCM server registrations on app reset
  5088. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenManager checkForTokenRefreshPolicy]
  5089. Invalidating cached token for %@ (%@) due to app version change.
  5090. Invalidating cached token for %@ (%@) due to token is no longer fresh.
  5091. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenManager updateTokensToAPNSDeviceToken:isSandbox:]
  5092. Invalidating cached token for %@ (%@) due to APNs token change.
  5093. instanceIDStore
  5094. T@"FIRInstanceIDStore",&,N,V_instanceIDStore
  5095. authService
  5096. T@"FIRInstanceIDAuthService",&,N,V_authService
  5097. tokenOperations
  5098. T@"NSOperationQueue",R,N,V_tokenOperations
  5099. currentAPNSInfo
  5100. T@"FIRInstanceIDAPNSInfo",&,N,V_currentAPNSInfo
  5101. appid
  5102. X-scope
  5103. X-cliv
  5105. isExecuting
  5106. isFinished
  5107. Authorization
  5108. X-osv
  5109. device
  5110. plat
  5111. app_ver
  5112. fiid-%@
  5113. AidLogin %@:%@
  5114. dataTask
  5115. T@"NSURLSessionDataTask",&,V_dataTask
  5116. completionHandlers
  5117. T@"NSMutableArray",R,V_completionHandlers
  5118. testBlock
  5119. T@?,C,N,V_testBlock
  5120. Tq,R,N,V_action
  5121. T@"NSString",R,N,V_authorizedEntity
  5122. T@"NSString",R,N,V_scope
  5123. T@"NSDictionary",R,N,V_options
  5124. Tq,R,N,V_result
  5126. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenStore tokenInfoWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:]
  5127. Couldn't retrieve token from Keychain: %@
  5128. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenStore cachedTokenInfos]
  5129. Couldn't retrieve cached tokens from Keychain: %@
  5130. +[FIRInstanceIDTokenStore tokenInfoFromKeychainItem:]
  5131. Unable to parse token info from Keychain item; item was in an invalid format
  5132. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenStore saveTokenInfo:]
  5133. Error unable to save token info to keychain %@
  5134. Cached new token info for authorizedEntity: %@, scope: %@
  5135. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenStore removeTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:error:]
  5136. Error failed to delete token from Keychain %@
  5137. Successfully removed token from keychain for auth entity: %@ scope: %@
  5138. -[FIRInstanceIDTokenStore removeAllTokensWithError:]
  5139. Error failed to remove all tokens from keychain %@
  5140. Successfully removed all IID tokens
  5141. T@"NSString",R,N,V_value
  5142. FIRMessagingSDKVersion
  5143. FIRMessagingSDKCurrentLocale
  5145. FIRInstanceIDAppIdentifier
  5146. The mainBundle's bundleIdentifier returned '%@'. Bundle identifier expected to be non-empty.
  5147. -beta
  5148. 2.0.8
  5149. logInternalEventWithOrigin:name:parameters:
  5150. setInternalUserProperty:forName:
  5151. FIRMessagingLog
  5152. alert
  5153. badge
  5154. Firebase
  5155. notification
  5156. google.c.a.c_id
  5157. google.c.a.c_l
  5158. google.c.a.ts
  5159. google.c.a.udt
  5161. +[FIRMessagingLog logEvent:withNotification:]
  5162. No data found in notification. Will not log any analytics events.
  5163. Nil composer id for event: %@. Do not log message.
  5164. /topics/
  5165. %@: FIRMessaging analytics event %@ has no params, will not log analytics event.
  5166. %@: Sending event: %@ params: %@
  5167. %@: Failed to set user property: %@ value: %@
  5168. +[FIRMessagingLog logAnalyticsEventWithOrigin:name:parameters:]
  5169. Encountered exception sending notification event to Analytics.
  5170. %@: Missing selector %@, failed to send event to Analytics.
  5171. com.firebase.iid
  5172. Missing device credentials. Retry later.
  5173. instanceIDErrorCode
  5175. com.firebase.messaging.notif.send-success
  5176. com.firebase.messaging.notif.send-error
  5177. com.firebase.messaging.notif.messages-deleted
  5178. com.firebase.messaging.notif.connection-state-changed
  5179. com.firebase.messaging.notif.fcm-token-refreshed
  5180. appData
  5181. T@"NSDictionary",&,N,V_appData
  5182. -[FIRMessaging start]
  5183. FIRMessaging library version %@
  5184. rmq2
  5185. -[FIRMessaging teardown]
  5186. Did successfully teardown
  5187. logMessage:
  5188. -[FIRMessaging retrieveFCMTokenForSenderID:completion:]
  5189. Sender ID not supplied. It is required for a token fetch, to identify the sender.
  5190. Couldn't fetch token because a Sender ID was not supplied. A valid Sender ID is required to fetch an FCM token
  5191. APNS device token not set before retrieving FCM Token for Sender ID '%@'. Notifications to this FCM Token will not be delivered over APNS.Be sure to re-retrieve the FCM token once the APNS device token is set.
  5192. -[FIRMessaging deleteFCMTokenForSenderID:completion:]
  5193. Sender ID not supplied. It is required to delete an FCM token.
  5194. Couldn't delete token because a Sender ID was not supplied. A valid Sender ID is required to delete an FCM token
  5195. -[FIRMessaging validateDelegateConformsToTokenAvailabilityMethods]
  5196. The object %@ does not respond to -messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken:, nor -messaging:didRefreshRegistrationToken:. Please implement -messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken: to be provided with an FCM token.
  5197. -[FIRMessaging subscribeToTopic:]
  5198. Cannot parse topic name %@. Will not subscribe.
  5199. Cannot subscribe to topic: %@ with token: %@
  5200. -[FIRMessaging unsubscribeFromTopic:]
  5201. Cannot parse topic name %@. Will not unsubscribe.
  5202. Cannot unsubscribe to topic: %@ with token: %@
  5203. -[FIRMessaging sendMessage:to:withMessageID:timeToLive:]
  5204. Sending message: %@ with id: %@
  5205. -[FIRMessaging receiver:receivedRemoteMessage:]
  5206. FIRMessaging received data-message, but FIRMessagingDelegate's-messaging:didReceiveMessage: not implemented
  5207. -[FIRMessaging onNetworkStatusChanged]
  5208. Attempting to establish direct channel.
  5209. -[FIRMessaging didReceiveDefaultInstanceIDToken:]
  5210. Invalid default FCM token type %@
  5211. -[FIRMessaging didReceiveAPNSToken:]
  5212. Invalid APNS token type %@
  5213. +[FIRMessaging createApplicationSupportSubDirectory:]
  5214. sq_AL
  5215. be_BY
  5216. bg_BG
  5217. ca_ES
  5218. hr_HR
  5219. cs_CZ
  5220. da_DK
  5221. et_EE
  5222. fi_FI
  5223. iw_IL
  5224. hi_IN
  5225. hu_HU
  5226. is_IS
  5227. in_ID
  5228. id_ID
  5229. ga_IE
  5230. ko_KR
  5231. ko-KR
  5232. lv_LV
  5233. lt_LT
  5234. mk_MK
  5235. ms_MY
  5236. mt_MT
  5237. pl_PL
  5238. pl-PL
  5239. ro_RO
  5240. ru_RU
  5241. ru_BY
  5242. ru_KZ
  5243. ru-RU
  5244. sk_SK
  5245. sl_SI
  5246. sv_SE
  5247. sv-SE
  5248. tr-TR
  5249. tr_TR
  5250. uk_UA
  5251. vi_VN
  5252. ar_DZ
  5253. ar_BH
  5254. ar_EG
  5255. ar_IQ
  5256. ar_JO
  5257. ar_KW
  5258. ar_LB
  5259. ar_LY
  5260. ar_MA
  5261. ar_OM
  5262. ar_QA
  5263. ar_SA
  5264. ar_SD
  5265. ar_SY
  5266. ar_TN
  5267. ar_AE
  5268. ar_YE
  5269. ar_GB
  5270. ar-IQ
  5271. ar_US
  5272. zh_Hans
  5273. zh_CN
  5274. zh_SG
  5275. zh_Hant
  5276. zh_HK
  5277. zh_TW
  5278. zh-Hant
  5279. zh-HK
  5280. zh-TW
  5281. nl_BE
  5282. nl_NL
  5283. nl-NL
  5284. en_AU
  5285. en_CA
  5286. en_IN
  5287. en_IE
  5288. en_MT
  5289. en_NZ
  5290. en_PH
  5291. en_SG
  5292. en_ZA
  5293. en_GB
  5294. en_AE
  5295. en-AE
  5296. en_AS
  5297. en-AU
  5298. en_BD
  5299. en-CA
  5300. en_EG
  5301. en_ES
  5302. en-GB
  5303. en_HK
  5304. en_ID
  5305. en-IN
  5306. en_NG
  5307. en-PH
  5308. en_PK
  5309. en-SG
  5310. en-US
  5311. fr_BE
  5312. fr_CA
  5313. fr_FR
  5314. fr_LU
  5315. fr_CH
  5316. fr-CA
  5317. fr-FR
  5318. fr_MA
  5319. de_AT
  5320. de_DE
  5321. de_LU
  5322. de_CH
  5323. de-DE
  5324. el_CY
  5325. el_GR
  5326. it_IT
  5327. it_CH
  5328. it-IT
  5329. ja_JP
  5330. ja_JP_JP
  5331. ja-JP
  5332. no_NO
  5333. no_NO_NY
  5334. nb_NO
  5335. pt_BR
  5336. pt_PT
  5337. pt-PT
  5338. sr_BA
  5339. sr_ME
  5340. sr_RS
  5341. sr_Latn_BA
  5342. sr_Latn_ME
  5343. sr_Latn_RS
  5344. es_ES
  5345. es-ES
  5346. es_MX
  5347. es-MX
  5348. es_US
  5349. es-US
  5350. es_419
  5351. es_AR
  5352. es_BO
  5353. es_CL
  5354. es_CO
  5355. es_CR
  5356. es_DO
  5357. es_EC
  5358. es_SV
  5359. es_GT
  5360. es_HN
  5361. es_NI
  5362. es_PA
  5363. es_PY
  5364. es_PE
  5365. es_PR
  5366. es_UY
  5367. es_VE
  5368. es-AR
  5369. es-CL
  5370. es-CO
  5371. th_TH
  5372. th_TH_TH
  5373. defaultFcmToken
  5374. T@"NSString",&,N,V_defaultFcmToken
  5375. instanceIDProxy
  5376. T@"FIRMessagingInstanceIDProxy",&,N,V_instanceIDProxy
  5377. isClientSetup
  5378. TB,N,V_isClientSetup
  5379. client
  5380. T@"FIRMessagingClient",&,N,V_client
  5381. T@"FIRReachabilityChecker",&,N,V_reachability
  5382. dataMessageManager
  5383. T@"FIRMessagingDataMessageManager",&,N,V_dataMessageManager
  5384. pubsub
  5385. T@"FIRMessagingPubSub",&,N,V_pubsub
  5386. rmq2Manager
  5387. T@"FIRMessagingRmqManager",&,N,V_rmq2Manager
  5388. receiver
  5389. T@"FIRMessagingReceiver",&,N,V_receiver
  5390. syncMessageManager
  5391. T@"FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager",&,N,V_syncMessageManager
  5392. loggedMessageIDs
  5393. T@"NSMutableSet",&,N,V_loggedMessageIDs
  5394. T@"<FIRMessagingDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  5395. remoteMessageDelegate
  5396. T@"<FIRMessagingDelegate>",W,N
  5397. shouldEstablishDirectChannel
  5398. TB,N,V_shouldEstablishDirectChannel
  5399. isDirectChannelEstablished
  5400. APNSToken
  5401. T@"NSData",C,N
  5402. FCMToken
  5403. hasValidCheckinInfo
  5404. FIRInstanceID
  5405. cachedCheckinPreferences
  5406. T@,&,N,V_checkinPreferences
  5407. deviceAuthID
  5409. -[FIRMessagingClient teardown]
  5410. -[FIRMessagingClient updateSubscriptionWithToken:topic:options:shouldDelete:handler:]_block_invoke
  5411. Failed to subscribe to topic %@
  5412. Successfully unsubscribed from topic %@
  5413. Successfully subscribed to topic %@
  5414. v24@?0q8@"NSError"16
  5415. -[FIRMessagingClient retryConnectionImmediately:]
  5416. FIRMessaging connection will not reconnect to MCS. Stay connected: %d
  5417. FIRMessaging Connection skip retry, active
  5418. FIRMessaging Connection skip retry, connected
  5419. Try to connect to MCS immediately
  5420. Try to connect to MCS lazily
  5421. FIRMessaging is already connected
  5422. -[FIRMessagingClient connect]
  5423. Failed to connect to MCS. No deviceID and secret found.
  5424. v24@?0q8@"GtalkDataMessageStanza"16
  5425. -[FIRMessagingClient scheduleConnectRetry]
  5426. Internet not reachable when signing into MCS during a retry
  5427. No internet available, cannot connect to FIRMessaging
  5428. Failed to sign in to MCS, retry in %lu seconds
  5429. clientDelegate
  5430. T@"<FIRMessagingClientDelegate>",W,N,V_clientDelegate
  5431. T@"FIRMessagingConnection",&,N,V_connection
  5432. registrar
  5433. T@"FIRMessagingRegistrar",&,N,V_registrar
  5434. senderId
  5435. T@"NSString",&,N,V_senderId
  5436. T@"FIRMessagingRmqManager",W,N,V_rmq2Manager
  5437. T@"FIRReachabilityChecker",W,N,V_reachability
  5438. lastConnectedTimestamp
  5439. Tq,N,V_lastConnectedTimestamp
  5440. lastDisconnectedTimestamp
  5441. Tq,N,V_lastDisconnectedTimestamp
  5442. connectRetryCount
  5443. TQ,N,V_connectRetryCount
  5444. stayConnected
  5445. TB,N,V_stayConnected
  5446. connectionTimeoutInterval
  5447. Td,N,V_connectionTimeoutInterval
  5448. didScheduleReconnect
  5449. TB,N,V_didScheduleReconnect
  5450. connectHandler
  5451. T@?,C,N,V_connectHandler
  5452. T@"FIRMessagingDataMessageManager",W,N,V_dataMessageManager
  5453. isConnected
  5454. isConnectionActive
  5455. shouldStayConnected
  5456. FCM_MCS_HOST
  5457. buffer
  5458. T@"NSData",&,N,V_buffer
  5459. state
  5460. T{?=^vQQ},N,V_state
  5461. streamId
  5462. Ti,N,V_streamId
  5463. d2sID
  5464. T@"NSString",&,N,V_d2sID
  5465. host: %@, port: %lu, stream id in: %d, stream id out: %d
  5466. -[FIRMessagingConnection connectToSocket:]
  5467. Start connecting to FIRMessaging service.
  5468. -[FIRMessagingConnection secureSocketDidConnect:]
  5469. Connected to FIRMessaging service.
  5470. -[FIRMessagingConnection didDisconnectWithSecureSocket:]
  5471. Secure socket disconnected from FIRMessaging service.
  5472. -[FIRMessagingConnection secureSocket:didReceiveData:withTag:]
  5473. Invalid tag %d for proto
  5474. Should not receive generated message when the connection is not connected.
  5475. Should not receive generated message when the connection is not signed in.
  5476. -[FIRMessagingConnection sendProto:]
  5477. Cannot send generated message when the connection is not connected.
  5478. Cannot send generated message when the connection is not signed in.
  5480. android-%llx
  5481. -[FIRMessagingConnection sendLoginRequest:token:]
  5482. There are unacked persistent Ids in the login request: %@
  5483. new_vc
  5484. -[FIRMessagingConnection handleIqStanza:]
  5485. Unknown ack extension id %d.
  5486. Ip stanza without extension.
  5487. -[FIRMessagingConnection didReceiveLoginResponse:]
  5488. Login error with type: %@, message: %@.
  5489. Logged onto MCS service.
  5490. -[FIRMessagingConnection didReceiveUnhandledProto:]
  5491. Received unhandled proto
  5492. -[FIRMessagingConnection willProcessProto:]
  5493. RMQ: Receiving %@ with rmq_id: %@ incoming stream Id: %d
  5494. RMQ: Receiving %@ with incoming stream Id: %d.
  5495. RMQ: Add unacked persistent Id: %@.
  5496. -[FIRMessagingConnection willSendProto:]
  5497. RMQ: Sending %@ with outgoing stream Id: %d.
  5498. RMQ: Mark persistent Ids as acked: %@.
  5499. -[FIRMessagingConnection confirmAckedS2dIdsWithStreamId:]
  5500. RMQ: Server last received stream Id: %d.
  5501. RMQ: There are unsent messages that should be send...
  5502. server received: %d
  5503. last stream id sent: %d
  5504. B32@?0@8@16^B24
  5505. RMQ: Mark persistent Ids as confirmed by stream id %@: %@.
  5506. -[FIRMessagingConnection connectionTimedOut]
  5507. Connection to FIRMessaging service timed out.
  5508. -[FIRMessagingConnection logMessage:messageType:isOut:]
  5509. Send msg: %@ type: %d inStreamId: %d outStreamId: %d
  5510. TQ,N,V_state
  5511. T@"NSString",C,N,V_host
  5512. port
  5513. TQ,N,V_port
  5514. authId
  5515. T@"NSString",&,N,V_authId
  5516. T@"NSString",&,N,V_token
  5517. socket
  5518. T@"FIRMessagingSecureSocket",&,N,V_socket
  5519. lastLoginServerTimestamp
  5520. Tq,N,V_lastLoginServerTimestamp
  5521. lastStreamIdAcked
  5522. Ti,N,V_lastStreamIdAcked
  5523. inStreamId
  5524. Ti,N,V_inStreamId
  5525. outStreamId
  5526. Ti,N,V_outStreamId
  5527. unackedS2dIds
  5528. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_unackedS2dIds
  5529. ackedS2dMap
  5530. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_ackedS2dMap
  5531. d2sInfos
  5532. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_d2sInfos
  5533. sendOnConnectMessages
  5534. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_sendOnConnectMessages
  5535. T@"NSRunLoop",&,N,V_runLoop
  5536. lastHeartbeatPingTimestamp
  5537. Tq,N,V_lastHeartbeatPingTimestamp
  5538. T@"<FIRMessagingConnectionDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  5539. rawData
  5540. collapse_key
  5542. google.ttl
  5543. google.delay
  5544. google.msg_id
  5546. gcm.
  5547. gcm.message_id
  5548. content-available
  5549. gcm.duplex
  5550. gcm.ttl
  5551. gcm.app_link
  5552. Google/FirebaseMessaging
  5553. FIRMessagingAnalytics
  5554. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  5558. gcm.notification.body
  5559. gcm.notification.title
  5560. gcm.notification.badge
  5561. gcm.notification.click_action
  5562. gcm.notification.sound
  5563. gcm.notification.content-available
  5564. +[FIRMessagingContextManagerService isContextManagerMessage:]
  5565. Received message missing local start time, dropped.
  5566. +[FIRMessagingContextManagerService handleContextManagerMessage:]
  5567. %@ Received context manager message with local time %@
  5568. +[FIRMessagingContextManagerService handleContextManagerLocalTimeMessage:]
  5569. Invalid local start date format %@. Message dropped
  5570. No end date specified for message, start date elapsed. Message dropped.
  5571. End date %@ has already passed. Message dropped.
  5574. google.
  5575. message_type
  5576. deleted_messages
  5577. gcm.notification.
  5578. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager handleMCSDataMessage:]
  5579. Received message for FIRMessaging from downstream %@
  5580. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager parseDataMessage:]
  5581. Invalid key in MCS message: %@
  5582. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager didReceiveParsedMessage:]
  5583. Invalid message type received: %@
  5584. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager sendDataMessageStanza:]
  5585. FIRMessaging using %@ as collapse key
  5586. Trying to send data message without a secret token. Authentication failed.
  5587. Delaying Message %@
  5588. Queued message: %@
  5589. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager sendDelayedMessages:]
  5590. %@ Sending delayed message %@
  5591. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager addData:toStanza:]
  5592. Ignoring key: %@
  5593. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager willSendDataMessageSuccess:withMessageId:]
  5594. send message success: %@
  5595. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager willSendDataMessageFail:withMessageId:error:]
  5596. Send message fail: %@ error: %lu
  5597. v28@?0q8c16@"NSData"20
  5598. -[FIRMessagingDataMessageManager resendMessagesWithConnection:]
  5599. Resent: %@
  5600. T@"FIRMessagingClient",W,N,V_client
  5601. T@"FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager",W,N,V_syncMessageManager
  5602. T@"<FIRMessagingDataMessageManagerDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  5603. delayedMessagesQueue
  5604. T@"FIRMessagingDelayedMessageQueue",&,N,V_delayedMessagesQueue
  5605. Ti,N,V_ttl
  5606. T@"NSString",C,N,V_deviceAuthID
  5607. maxAppDataSize
  5608. Ti,N,V_maxAppDataSize
  5609. upstreamForceReconnect
  5610. Tc,N,V_upstreamForceReconnect
  5611. rmqScanner
  5612. T@"<FIRMessagingRmqScanner>",R,W,N,V_rmqScanner
  5613. sendDelayedMessagesHandler
  5614. T@?,R,C,N,V_sendDelayedMessagesHandler
  5615. persistedMessageCount
  5616. Ti,N,V_persistedMessageCount
  5617. scheduledTimeoutMilliseconds
  5618. Tq,N,V_scheduledTimeoutMilliseconds
  5619. lastDBScanTimestampSeconds
  5620. Tq,N,V_lastDBScanTimestampSeconds
  5621. messages
  5622. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_messages
  5623. sendTimer
  5624. T@"NSTimer",&,N,V_sendTimer
  5625. setAPNSToken:type:
  5626. tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:handler:
  5627. deleteTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:handler:
  5628. I-FCM%06ld
  5629. <Packet: Tag - %d, Length - %lu>, RmqId - %@
  5630. <Packet: Tag - %d, Length - %lu>
  5631. T@"NSData",&,N,V_data
  5632. Tc,N,V_tag
  5633. rmqId
  5634. T@"NSString",N,V_rmqId
  5635. packetsContainer
  5636. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_packetsContainer
  5637. count
  5638. isEmpty
  5639. topics
  5640. batches
  5641. topicHandlers
  5642. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_topicHandlers
  5643. T@"NSMutableSet",R,C,N,V_topics
  5644. -[FIRMessagingPendingTopicsList resumeOperationsIfNeeded]
  5645. Attempted to update pending topics without a delegate
  5646. archiveDate
  5647. T@"NSDate",&,N,V_archiveDate
  5648. topicBatches
  5649. T@"NSMutableArray",&,N,V_topicBatches
  5650. currentBatch
  5651. T@"FIRMessagingTopicBatch",&,N,V_currentBatch
  5652. topicsInFlight
  5653. T@"NSMutableSet",&,N,V_topicsInFlight
  5654. T@"NSObject<FIRMessagingPendingTopicsListDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  5655. numberOfBatches
  5656. %@: (rmqID: %@, apns: %d, mcs: %d, expiry: %@
  5657. rmqID
  5658. T@"NSString",&,N,V_rmqID
  5659. expirationTime
  5660. Tq,N,V_expirationTime
  5661. apnsReceived
  5662. TB,N,V_apnsReceived
  5663. mcsReceived
  5664. TB,N,V_mcsReceived
  5665. com.firebase.messaging.pending-subscriptions
  5666. -[FIRMessagingPubSub subscribeWithToken:topic:options:handler:]
  5667. Invalid FIRMessaging Pubsub topic %@
  5668. Invalid options passed to FIRMessagingPubSub with non-string keys or values.
  5669. -[FIRMessagingPubSub unsubscribeWithToken:topic:options:handler:]
  5670. /topics/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.~%]+)
  5671. pendingTopicUpdates
  5672. T@"FIRMessagingPendingTopicsList",&,N,V_pendingTopicUpdates
  5673. cache
  5674. T@"FIRMessagingPubSubCache",R,N,V_cache
  5675. T@"FIRMessagingCheckinService",&,N,V_checkinService
  5676. topicOperations
  5677. T@"NSOperationQueue",R,N,V_topicOperations
  5678. operationInProgressError
  5679. T@"NSError",&,N,V_operationInProgressError
  5680. -[FIRMessagingReceiver willSendDataMessageWithID:error:]
  5681. Fail to send upstream message: %@ error: %@
  5682. Will send upstream message: %@
  5683. -[FIRMessagingReceiver didSendDataMessageWithID:]
  5684. Did send upstream message: %@
  5685. -[FIRMessagingReceiver didDeleteMessagesOnServer]
  5686. Will send deleted messages notification
  5687. v16@?0Q8
  5688. -[FIRMessagingReceiver scheduleNotificationForMessage:]_block_invoke
  5689. None of the remote notification callbacks implemented by UIApplicationDelegate
  5690. gcm-%d
  5691. T@"<FIRMessagingReceiverDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  5692. -[FIRMessagingRegistrar updateSubscriptionToTopic:withToken:options:shouldDelete:handler:]
  5693. Device check in error, no auth credentials found
  5694. stopAllSubscriptions
  5695. TB,N,V_stopAllSubscriptions
  5696. pubsubRegistrar
  5697. T@"FIRMessagingPubSubRegistrar",&,N,V_pubsubRegistrar
  5698. userNotificationCenter:willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler:
  5699. userNotificationCenter:didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler:
  5700. UNUserNotificationCenter
  5701. currentNotificationCenter
  5702. applicationReceivedRemoteMessage:
  5703. -[FIRMessagingRemoteNotificationsProxy addDelegateObserverToUserNotificationCenter:]
  5704. Encountered exception trying to add a KVO observer for UNUserNotificationCenter's 'delegate' property: %@
  5705. -[FIRMessagingRemoteNotificationsProxy removeUserNotificationCenterDelegateObserver]
  5706. Encountered exception trying to remove a KVO observer for UNUserNotificationCenter's 'delegate' property: %@
  5707. -[FIRMessagingRemoteNotificationsProxy swizzleSelector:inClass:withImplementation:inProtocol:]
  5708. Could not add method for %@ to class %@
  5709. aNonExistantMethod
  5710. UNNotification
  5711. UNNotificationResponse
  5712. UNNotificationRequest
  5713. UNNotificationContent
  5714. userInfo
  5715. FCM_swizzle_appDidFailToRegisterForRemoteNotifications
  5716. Error in application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: %@
  5717. originalAppDelegateImps
  5718. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_originalAppDelegateImps
  5719. swizzledSelectorsByClass
  5720. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_swizzledSelectorsByClass
  5721. didSwizzleMethods
  5722. TB,N,V_didSwizzleMethods
  5723. didSwizzleAppDelegateMethods
  5724. TB,N,V_didSwizzleAppDelegateMethods
  5725. hasSwizzledUserNotificationDelegate
  5726. TB,N,V_hasSwizzledUserNotificationDelegate
  5727. isObservingUserNotificationDelegateChanges
  5728. TB,N,V_isObservingUserNotificationDelegateChanges
  5729. userNotificationCenter
  5730. T@,&,N,V_userNotificationCenter
  5731. currentUserNotificationCenterDelegate
  5732. T@,&,N,V_currentUserNotificationCenterDelegate
  5733. FIRMessagingRmqStore:
  5734. outgoingRmqMessages
  5735. lastrmqid
  5736. s2dRmqIds
  5737. s2dRmqIds_1
  5738. incomingSyncMessages
  5739. create TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %@%@ (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, rmq_id INTEGER, type INTEGER, ts INTEGER, data BLOB)
  5740. create TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %@%@ (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, rmq_id INTEGER)
  5741. create TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %@%@ (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, rmq_id TEXT)
  5742. create TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %@%@ (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, rmq_id TEXT, expiration_ts INTEGER, apns_recv INTEGER, mcs_recv INTEGER)
  5743. drop TABLE if exists %@%@
  5744. rmq_id
  5745. rmq_id, type, data
  5746. rmq_id, expiration_ts, apns_recv, mcs_recv
  5747. expiration_ts
  5748. apns_recv
  5749. mcs_recv
  5750. %d - %s
  5751. -[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore moveToApplicationSupportSubDirectory:]
  5752. Failed to delete old copy of %@.sqlite in Documents %@
  5753. %@.sqlite
  5754. Invalid directory type %zd
  5755. +[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore pathForDatabase:inDirectory:]
  5756. Couldn't create table: %@ %@
  5757. -[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore createTableWithName:command:]
  5758. -[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore dropTableWithName:]
  5759. Failed to remove table %@
  5760. Could not open existing RMQ database at path %@, error: %@
  5761. -[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore openDatabase:]
  5762. Could not create RMQ database at path %@, error: %@
  5763. INSERT INTO %@ (%@) VALUES (?)
  5764. INSERT INTO %@ (%@, %@, %@) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
  5766. %@ = ? OR
  5767. -[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore deleteMessagesFromTable:withRmqIds:]
  5768. Failed to bind rmqID %@
  5769. %@ Trying to delete %d s2D ID's, successfully deleted %d
  5771. INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %@ (%@, %@) VALUES (?, ?)
  5772. SELECT %@ FROM %@ ORDER BY %@ ASC
  5773. -[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore unackedS2dRmqIds]
  5774. %@: Could not find s2d ids
  5775. SELECT %@ FROM %@ WHERE %@ != 0 ORDER BY %@ ASC
  5776. SELECT %@ FROM %@ WHERE %@ = '%@'
  5777. DELETE FROM %@ WHERE %@ < %lld OR (%@ = 1 AND %@ = 1)
  5778. Failed to save delete expired sync messages from store.
  5779. INSERT INTO %@ (%@, %@, %@, %@) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
  5780. Failed to save sync message to store.
  5781. UPDATE %@ SET %@ = %d WHERE %@ = ?
  5782. Failed to update sync message
  5783. -[FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore logError]
  5784. %@ error: code (%d) message: %@
  5785. databaseName
  5786. T@"NSString",&,N,V_databaseName
  5787. currentDirectory
  5788. TQ,N,V_currentDirectory
  5789. FIRMessagingRmq:
  5790. -[FIRMessagingRmqManager loadRmqId]
  5791. %@: outstanding categories %ld
  5792. rmq2Store
  5793. T@"FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore",&,N,V_rmq2Store
  5794. outstandingMessages
  5795. T@"NSMutableDictionary",&,N,V_outstandingMessages
  5796. Tq,N,V_rmqId
  5797. -[FIRMessagingSecureSocket connectToHost:port:onRunLoop:]
  5798. Opening secure socket to FIRMessaging service
  5799. Failed to initialize socket.
  5800. -[FIRMessagingSecureSocket disconnect]
  5801. The socket is not open or already closed.
  5802. -[FIRMessagingSecureSocket stream:handleEvent:]
  5803. Try to read from socket that is not opened
  5804. Error occured when reading incoming stream
  5805. %@ end encountered
  5806. Input stream
  5807. Output stream
  5808. Unknown stream
  5809. Secure socket to FIRMessaging service opened
  5810. %@ error occurred
  5811. Try to write to socket that is not opened
  5812. -[FIRMessagingSecureSocket openStream:isVOIPStream:]
  5813. stream should not be open.
  5814. -[FIRMessagingSecureSocket performRead]
  5815. Version do not match. Received %d, Expecting %d
  5816. Input buffer is not valid.
  5817. Failed to read input stream. Bytes read %ld, Used buffer size %lu, Unused buffer size %lu
  5818. Input buffer exceed 1M, disconnect socket
  5819. Input buffer limit exceeded. Used input buffer size %lu, Total input buffer size %lu. No unused buffer left. Increase buffer size.
  5820. -[FIRMessagingSecureSocket processCurrentInputBuffer:outOffset:]
  5821. Buffer data corrupted.
  5822. Incomplete data, buffered data length %ld, expected length %d
  5823. inStream
  5824. T@"NSInputStream",&,N,V_inStream
  5825. outStream
  5826. T@"NSOutputStream",&,N,V_outStream
  5827. inputBuffer
  5828. T@"NSMutableData",&,N,V_inputBuffer
  5829. inputBufferLength
  5830. TQ,N,V_inputBufferLength
  5831. outputBuffer
  5832. T@"NSMutableData",&,N,V_outputBuffer
  5833. outputBufferLength
  5834. TQ,N,V_outputBufferLength
  5835. packetQueue
  5836. T@"FIRMessagingPacketQueue",&,N,V_packetQueue
  5837. isVersionSent
  5838. TB,N,V_isVersionSent
  5839. isVersionReceived
  5840. TB,N,V_isVersionReceived
  5841. isInStreamOpen
  5842. TB,N,V_isInStreamOpen
  5843. isOutStreamOpen
  5844. TB,N,V_isOutStreamOpen
  5845. currentRmqIdBeingSent
  5846. T@"NSString",&,N,V_currentRmqIdBeingSent
  5847. currentProtoTypeBeingSent
  5848. Tc,N,V_currentProtoTypeBeingSent
  5849. T@"<FIRMessagingSecureSocketDelegate>",W,N,V_delegate
  5850. -[FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager removeExpiredSyncMessages]
  5851. Error while deleting expired sync messages %@
  5852. Successfully deleted %d sync messages from store
  5853. -[FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager didReceiveSyncMessage:viaAPNS:viaMCS:]
  5854. Invalid nil rmqID for sync message.
  5855. Failed to save sync message with rmqID %@
  5856. Added sync message to cache: %@
  5857. Failed to update APNS state for sync message %@
  5858. Failed to update MCS state for sync message %@
  5859. Failed to delete sync message %@
  5860. Successfully deleted sync message from cache %@
  5861. rmqManager
  5862. T@"FIRMessagingRmqManager",&,N,V_rmqManager
  5865. -[FIRMessagingTopicOperation performSubscriptionChange]
  5866. Unable to encode the topic '%@' during topic subscription change. Please ensure that the topic name contains only valid characters.
  5867. sender=%@&app=%@&device=%@&app_ver=%@&X-gcm.topic=%@&X-scope=%@
  5868. &delete=true
  5869. Topic subscription request: %@
  5870. -[FIRMessagingTopicOperation performSubscriptionChange]_block_invoke
  5871. Device registration HTTP fetch error. Error Code: %ld
  5872. Invalid registration request, response
  5873. %@
  5874. %@
  5875. T@"NSString",C,N,V_topic
  5876. Tq,N,V_action
  5877. T@"NSString",C,N,V_token
  5878. T@"NSDictionary",C,N,V_options
  5879. completion
  5880. T@?,C,N,V_completion
  5881. FIRMessagingCurrentAppVersion
  5882. Could not find current app version
  5883. FIRMessagingGetFreeDiskSpaceInMB
  5884. Device has capacity %llu MB with %llu MB free.
  5885. Error in retreiving device's free memory %@
  5886. %@:%@%@
  5888. fcmErrorCode
  5889. +[FIRMessaging(FIRApp) didReceiveConfigureSDKNotification:]
  5890. Firebase Messaging only works with the default app.
  5891. Google Sender ID must not be nil or empty.
  5893. -[FIRMessaging(FIRApp) configureMessaging:]
  5894. FIRMessaging Remote Notifications proxy enabled, will swizzle remote notification receiver handlers. If you'd prefer to manually integrate Firebase Messaging, add "%@" to your Info.plist, and set it to NO. Follow the instructions at:
  5895. to ensure proper integration.
  5896. Firebase Messaging has stopped your project because there are missing or incorrect values provided in %@.%@ that may prevent your app from behaving as expected:
  5897. Error: %@
  5898. Please fix these issues to ensure that Firebase is correctly configured in your project.
  5899. Firebase Messaging has stopped your project because there are missing or incorrect values in Firebase's configuration options that may prevent your app from behaving as expected:
  5900. Error:%@
  5901. Please fix these issues to ensure that Firebase is correctly configured in your project.
  5902. GtalkCellTower
  5903. Ti,D,N
  5904. hasStreamId
  5905. TB,D,N
  5906. lastStreamIdReceived
  5907. hasLastStreamIdReceived
  5908. Tq,D,N
  5909. hasStatus
  5910. cellTower
  5911. T@"GtalkCellTower",&,D,N
  5912. hasCellTower
  5913. intervalMs
  5914. hasIntervalMs
  5915. GtalkExtension
  5916. code
  5917. hasCode
  5918. message
  5919. T@"NSString",C,D,N
  5920. hasMessage
  5921. hasType
  5922. extension
  5923. T@"GtalkExtension",&,D,N
  5924. hasExtension
  5925. hasName
  5926. hasValue
  5927. hasIp
  5928. timeout
  5929. hasTimeout
  5930. uploadStat
  5931. hasUploadStat
  5932. GtalkSetting
  5933. GtalkHeartbeatStat
  5934. GtalkClientEvent
  5935. id_p
  5936. hasId_p
  5937. hasDomain
  5938. user
  5939. hasUser
  5940. resource
  5941. hasResource
  5942. hasAuthToken
  5943. hasDeviceId
  5944. lastRmqId
  5945. hasLastRmqId
  5946. T@"NSMutableArray",&,D,N
  5947. settingArray_Count
  5948. TQ,R,D,N
  5949. compress
  5950. hasCompress
  5951. receivedPersistentIdArray
  5952. receivedPersistentIdArray_Count
  5953. includeStreamIds
  5954. hasIncludeStreamIds
  5955. heartbeatStat
  5956. T@"GtalkHeartbeatStat",&,D,N
  5957. hasHeartbeatStat
  5958. useRmq2
  5959. hasUseRmq2
  5960. accountId
  5961. hasAccountId
  5962. hasAuthService
  5963. networkType
  5964. hasNetworkType
  5965. tokenVersionInfo
  5966. hasTokenVersionInfo
  5967. gcmStartTimeMs
  5968. hasGcmStartTimeMs
  5969. clientEventArray
  5970. clientEventArray_Count
  5971. onFallback
  5972. hasOnFallback
  5973. GtalkLoginRequest_AuthService
  5974. GtalkErrorInfo
  5975. GtalkHeartbeatConfig
  5976. hasJid
  5977. T@"GtalkErrorInfo",&,D,N
  5978. hasError
  5979. heartbeatConfig
  5980. T@"GtalkHeartbeatConfig",&,D,N
  5981. hasHeartbeatConfig
  5982. serverTimestamp
  5983. hasServerTimestamp
  5984. persistentId
  5985. hasPersistentId
  5986. text
  5987. hasText
  5988. data_p
  5989. hasData_p
  5990. hasRmqId
  5991. hasFrom
  5992. hasTo
  5993. subject
  5994. hasSubject
  5995. body
  5996. hasBody
  5997. thread
  5998. hasThread
  5999. extensionArray
  6000. extensionArray_Count
  6001. nosave
  6002. hasNosave
  6003. hasTimestamp
  6004. read
  6005. hasRead
  6006. GtalkMessageStanza_MessageType
  6007. show
  6008. hasShow
  6009. hasPriority
  6010. hasClient
  6011. avatarHash
  6012. hasAvatarHash
  6013. capabilitiesFlags
  6014. hasCapabilitiesFlags
  6015. GtalkPresenceStanza_PresenceType
  6016. GtalkPresenceStanza_ShowType
  6017. GtalkPresenceStanza_ClientType
  6018. GtalkPresenceStanza
  6019. presenceArray
  6020. presenceArray_Count
  6021. GtalkBatchPresenceStanza_Type
  6022. GtalkIqStanza_IqType
  6023. hasKey
  6024. GtalkAppData
  6025. category
  6026. hasCategory
  6027. hasToken
  6028. appDataArray
  6029. appDataArray_Count
  6030. fromTrustedServer
  6031. hasFromTrustedServer
  6032. permission
  6033. hasPermission
  6034. regId
  6035. hasRegId
  6036. pkgSignature
  6037. hasPkgSignature
  6038. clientId
  6039. hasClientId
  6040. deviceUserId
  6041. hasDeviceUserId
  6042. hasTtl
  6043. hasSent
  6044. queued
  6045. hasQueued
  6046. T@"NSData",C,D,N
  6047. hasRawData
  6048. maxDelay
  6049. hasMaxDelay
  6050. actualDelay
  6051. hasActualDelay
  6052. immediateAck
  6053. hasImmediateAck
  6054. deliveryReceiptRequested
  6055. hasDeliveryReceiptRequested
  6056. externalMessageId
  6057. hasExternalMessageId
  6058. flags
  6059. hasFlags
  6060. foreground
  6061. hasForeground
  6062. knownCongestionStatus
  6063. hasKnownCongestionStatus
  6064. numberDiscardedEvents
  6065. TI,D,N
  6066. hasNumberDiscardedEvents
  6067. networkPort
  6068. hasNetworkPort
  6069. timeConnectionStartedMs
  6070. hasTimeConnectionStartedMs
  6071. timeConnectionEndedMs
  6072. hasTimeConnectionEndedMs
  6073. errorCode
  6074. hasErrorCode
  6075. timeConnectionEstablishedMs
  6076. hasTimeConnectionEstablishedMs
  6077. GtalkClientEvent_Type
  6078. mobilegtalk
  6079. Gtalk
  6080. GtalkRosterItem
  6081. etag
  6082. hasEtag
  6083. notModified
  6084. hasNotModified
  6085. itemArray
  6086. itemArray_Count
  6087. avatarWidth
  6088. hasAvatarWidth
  6089. avatarHeight
  6090. hasAvatarHeight
  6091. subscription
  6092. hasSubscription
  6093. hasAsk
  6094. groupArray
  6095. groupArray_Count
  6096. quickContact
  6097. hasQuickContact
  6098. display
  6099. hasDisplay
  6100. rejected
  6101. hasRejected
  6102. GtalkRosterItem_SubscriptionType
  6103. GtalkRosterItem_AskType
  6104. GtalkRosterItem_DisplayType
  6105. GtalkPhoto
  6106. hasVersion
  6107. fullName
  6108. hasFullName
  6109. photo
  6110. T@"GtalkPhoto",&,D,N
  6111. hasPhoto
  6112. modified
  6113. hasModified
  6114. hasNode
  6115. hasVer
  6116. hasExt
  6117. hash_p
  6118. hasHash_p
  6119. GtalkSharedStatus_StatusList
  6120. statusMax
  6121. hasStatusMax
  6122. statusListMax
  6123. hasStatusListMax
  6124. statusListContentsMax
  6125. hasStatusListContentsMax
  6126. statusListArray
  6127. statusListArray_Count
  6128. invisible
  6129. hasInvisible
  6130. statusMinVersion
  6131. hasStatusMinVersion
  6132. GtalkSharedStatus_ShowType
  6133. GtalkSharedStatus
  6134. statusArray
  6135. statusArray_Count
  6136. GtalkOtrItem
  6137. nosaveDefault
  6138. hasNosaveDefault
  6139. changedByBuddy
  6140. hasChangedByBuddy
  6141. idle
  6142. hasIdle
  6143. away
  6144. hasAway
  6145. available
  6146. hasAvailable
  6147. deviceIdle
  6148. hasDeviceIdle
  6149. mobileIndicator
  6150. hasMobileIndicator
  6151. sharedStatusVersion
  6152. hasSharedStatusVersion
  6153. rosterEtag
  6154. hasRosterEtag
  6155. otrEtag
  6156. hasOtrEtag
  6157. vcardQueryStanzaId
  6158. hasVcardQueryStanzaId
  6159. capabilitiesExtFlags
  6160. hasCapabilitiesExtFlags
  6161. idArray
  6162. idArray_Count
  6163. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. HasField operation can't be performed. Message name %s
  6164. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. ClearField can't be performed
  6165. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. GetBool can't be performed
  6166. <Nano/Failure> Field type isn't a scalar BOOL. Message: %s, field ID: %d
  6167. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetBool can't be performed
  6168. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. GetInt32 can't be performed
  6169. <Nano/Failure> Field type isn't a scalar INT32. Message: %s, field ID: %d
  6170. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetInt32 can't be performed
  6171. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. GetInt64 can't be performed
  6172. <Nano/Failure> Field type isn't a scalar INT64. Message: %s, field ID: %d
  6173. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetInt64 can't be performed
  6174. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. GetDouble can't be performed
  6175. <Nano/Failure> Field type isn't a scalar DOUBLE. Message: %s, field ID: %d
  6176. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetDouble can't be performed
  6177. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. GetString can't be performed
  6178. <Nano/Failure> Field type isn't a scalar STRING. Message: %s, field ID: %d
  6179. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetString can't be performed
  6180. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetBytes can't be performed
  6181. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. GetMessage can't be performed
  6182. <Nano/Failure> Field type isn't a scalar MESSAGE. Message: %s, field ID: %d
  6183. <ERROR> Provided class doesn't implement initWithMessageInfo: method. Class: %@
  6184. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetMessage can't be performed
  6185. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. GetArray can't be performed
  6186. <Nano/Failure> Field type isn't REPEATED. Message: %s, field ID: %d
  6187. <ERROR> Repeated field should have been allocated
  6188. ProtocolBuffer message hasn't been initialized. SetArray can't be performed
  6189. <ERROR> Unable to convert NULL data to an ObjC object
  6190. <ERROR> Unable to convert byte data to an ObjC object. Unknown type. %d
  6191. <ERROR> Unable to set NULL data to an ObjC object
  6192. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Boolean fields expect NSNumber. Type: %@
  6193. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Int32 fields expect NSNumber. Type: %@
  6194. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Int64 fields expect NSNumber. Type: %@
  6195. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Float fields expect NSNumber. Type: %@
  6196. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Double fields expect NSNumber. Type: %@
  6197. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Enum fields expect NSNumber. Type: %@
  6198. <ERROR> Invalid object type. String fields expect NSString. Type: %@
  6199. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Bytes fields expect NSData. Type: %@
  6200. <ERROR> Invalid object type. Message fields expect NANOMessageBase. Type: %@
  6201. <ERROR> Unable to convert ObjC object to byte data. Unknown type. %d
  6202. <ERROR> Unable to initialize the array. Array pointer is NULL
  6203. <ERROR> Unable to dealloc string field. String struct is NULL
  6204. <ERROR> Unable to set bool. Destination pointer is NULL
  6205. <ERROR> Unable to set uint32. Destination pointer is NULL
  6206. <ERROR> Unable to set uint64. Destination pointer is NULL
  6207. <ERROR> Unable to set float. Destination pointer is NULL
  6208. <ERROR> Unable to set double. Destination pointer is NULL
  6209. <ERROR> Unable to set string. Destination array is NULL
  6210. Unable to process proto stream. Buffer is too big. %zu > %d
  6211. <ERROR> String decoder failed: string data is NULL
  6212. tableView
  6213. setTableView:
  6214. goldenBackground
  6215. setGoldenBackground:
  6216. blackBackground
  6217. setBlackBackground:
  6218. WishlistTitleButton
  6219. setWishlistTitleButton:
  6220. bottomPopupView
  6221. setBottomPopupView:
  6222. subBackView
  6223. setSubBackView:
  6224. selectCoinButton
  6225. setSelectCoinButton:
  6226. selectExchangeButton
  6227. setSelectExchangeButton:
  6228. selectCurrencyButton
  6229. setSelectCurrencyButton:
  6230. addButton
  6231. setAddButton:
  6232. crossButton
  6233. setCrossButton:
  6234. viewWillDisappear:
  6235. viewWillAppear:
  6236. viewDidLoad
  6237. fetchData
  6238. crossButtonClicked:
  6239. selectCoinButtonClicked:
  6240. selectExchangeButtonClicked:
  6241. selectCurrencyButtonClicked:
  6242. addButtonClicked:
  6243. prepareForSegue:sender:
  6244. initWithNibName:bundle:
  6245. initWithCoder:
  6246. .cxx_destruct
  6247. tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
  6248. tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
  6249. tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
  6250. tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
  6251. tableView:canEditRowAtIndexPath:
  6252. tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath:
  6253. setTitle:forState:
  6254. beginUpdates
  6255. deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:
  6256. endUpdates
  6257. sharedApplication
  6258. delegate
  6259. viewContext
  6260. initWithEntityName:
  6261. setPredicate:
  6262. userInfo
  6263. count
  6264. deleteObject:
  6265. save:
  6266. performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:
  6267. dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:
  6268. titleLabel
  6269. setText:
  6270. setAlpha:
  6271. setAdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth:
  6272. setMinimumScaleFactor:
  6273. entityForName:inManagedObjectContext:
  6274. initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext:
  6275. setValue:forKey:
  6276. reloadData
  6277. storyboardWithName:bundle:
  6278. instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:
  6279. appearance
  6280. clearColor
  6281. setBackgroundColor:
  6282. setCornerRadius:
  6283. presentViewController:animated:completion:
  6284. whiteColor
  6285. layer
  6286. setBorderWidth:
  6287. CGColor
  6288. setBorderColor:
  6289. initWithRed:green:blue:alpha:
  6290. init
  6291. bounds
  6292. setFrame:
  6293. setColors:
  6294. setStartPoint:
  6295. setEndPoint:
  6296. addSublayer:
  6297. setClipsToBounds:
  6298. setUserInteractionEnabled:
  6299. tabBarController
  6300. tabBar
  6301. frame
  6302. view
  6303. animateWithDuration:animations:completion:
  6304. setTransform:
  6305. bringSubviewToFront:
  6306. animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion:
  6307. valueForKey:
  6308. setMaskView:
  6309. setLocations:
  6310. blackColor
  6311. identifier
  6312. destinationViewController
  6313. navigationController
  6314. scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:
  6315. setNavigationBarHidden:
  6316. invalidate
  6317. dealloc
  6318. tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:
  6319. tableView:willDisplayHeaderView:forSection:
  6320. tableView:willDisplayFooterView:forSection:
  6321. tableView:didEndDisplayingCell:forRowAtIndexPath:
  6322. tableView:didEndDisplayingHeaderView:forSection:
  6323. tableView:didEndDisplayingFooterView:forSection:
  6324. tableView:heightForHeaderInSection:
  6325. tableView:heightForFooterInSection:
  6326. tableView:estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath:
  6327. tableView:estimatedHeightForHeaderInSection:
  6328. tableView:estimatedHeightForFooterInSection:
  6329. tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:
  6330. tableView:viewForFooterInSection:
  6331. tableView:accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath:
  6332. tableView:accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath:
  6333. tableView:shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath:
  6334. tableView:didHighlightRowAtIndexPath:
  6335. tableView:didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath:
  6336. tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath:
  6337. tableView:willDeselectRowAtIndexPath:
  6338. tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:
  6339. tableView:editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:
  6340. tableView:titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath:
  6341. tableView:editActionsForRowAtIndexPath:
  6342. tableView:leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:
  6343. tableView:trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:
  6344. tableView:shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath:
  6345. tableView:willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:
  6346. tableView:didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath:
  6347. tableView:targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath:toProposedIndexPath:
  6348. tableView:indentationLevelForRowAtIndexPath:
  6349. tableView:shouldShowMenuForRowAtIndexPath:
  6350. tableView:canPerformAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:
  6351. tableView:performAction:forRowAtIndexPath:withSender:
  6352. tableView:canFocusRowAtIndexPath:
  6353. tableView:shouldUpdateFocusInContext:
  6354. tableView:didUpdateFocusInContext:withAnimationCoordinator:
  6355. indexPathForPreferredFocusedViewInTableView:
  6356. tableView:shouldSpringLoadRowAtIndexPath:withContext:
  6357. numberOfSectionsInTableView:
  6358. tableView:titleForHeaderInSection:
  6359. tableView:titleForFooterInSection:
  6360. tableView:canMoveRowAtIndexPath:
  6361. sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:
  6362. tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:atIndex:
  6363. tableView:moveRowAtIndexPath:toIndexPath:
  6364. scrollViewDidScroll:
  6365. scrollViewDidZoom:
  6366. scrollViewWillBeginDragging:
  6367. scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset:
  6368. scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate:
  6369. scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating:
  6370. scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:
  6371. scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:
  6372. viewForZoomingInScrollView:
  6373. scrollViewWillBeginZooming:withView:
  6374. scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale:
  6375. scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:
  6376. scrollViewDidScrollToTop:
  6377. scrollViewDidChangeAdjustedContentInset:
  6378. isEqual:
  6379. hash
  6380. superclass
  6381. class
  6382. self
  6383. performSelector:
  6384. performSelector:withObject:
  6385. performSelector:withObject:withObject:
  6386. isProxy
  6387. isKindOfClass:
  6388. isMemberOfClass:
  6389. conformsToProtocol:
  6390. respondsToSelector:
  6391. retain
  6392. release
  6393. autorelease
  6394. retainCount
  6395. zone
  6396. description
  6397. debugDescription
  6398. alertButton
  6399. setAlertButton:
  6400. topConstraint
  6401. setTopConstraint:
  6402. firstPopupView
  6403. setFirstPopupView:
  6404. timeBasedAlertButton
  6405. setTimeBasedAlertButton:
  6406. thresholdBasedAlertButton
  6407. setThresholdBasedAlertButton:
  6408. timeBasedView
  6409. setTimeBasedView:
  6410. thresholdBasedView
  6411. setThresholdBasedView:
  6412. timeBasedAlertCrossButton
  6413. setTimeBasedAlertCrossButton:
  6414. timeBasedAlertExchangeButton
  6415. setTimeBasedAlertExchangeButton:
  6416. timeBasedAlertCoinButton
  6417. setTimeBasedAlertCoinButton:
  6418. timeBasedAlertReminderFrequency
  6419. setTimeBasedAlertReminderFrequency:
  6420. timeBasedAlertReminderDateLabel
  6421. setTimeBasedAlertReminderDateLabel:
  6422. timeBasedAlertReminderDateButton
  6423. setTimeBasedAlertReminderDateButton:
  6424. timeBasedAlertReminderTimeButton
  6425. setTimeBasedAlertReminderTimeButton:
  6426. timeBasedSetAlertButton
  6427. setTimeBasedSetAlertButton:
  6428. timeBasedReminderTopConstraint
  6429. setTimeBasedReminderTopConstraint:
  6430. timeBasedBackground
  6431. setTimeBasedBackground:
  6432. thresholdFiatButton
  6433. setThresholdFiatButton:
  6434. thresholdExchangeButton
  6435. setThresholdExchangeButton:
  6436. thresholdOperatorButton
  6437. setThresholdOperatorButton:
  6438. thresholdCoinButton
  6439. setThresholdCoinButton:
  6440. thresholdCoinPriceTextField
  6441. setThresholdCoinPriceTextField:
  6442. thresholdRepeatSwitch
  6443. setThresholdRepeatSwitch:
  6444. thresholdSetAlertButton
  6445. setThresholdSetAlertButton:
  6446. thresholdPercentLabel
  6447. setThresholdPercentLabel:
  6448. thresholdbackgroud
  6449. setThresholdbackgroud:
  6450. timeBasedAlertButtonClicked:
  6451. thresholdBasedAlertButtonClicked:
  6452. timeBasedAlertExchangeButtonClicked:
  6453. timeBasedAlertCoinButtonClicked:
  6454. timeBasedAlertReminderFrequencyButtonClicked:
  6455. timeBasedAlertReminderDayDateButtonClicked:
  6456. timeBasedAlertReminderTimeButtonClicked:
  6457. timeBasedSetAlertButtonClicked:
  6458. thresholdCoinButtonClicked:
  6459. thresholdOperatorButtonClicked:
  6460. thresholdFiatButtonClicked:
  6461. thresholdExchangeButtonClicked:
  6462. thresholdSetAlertButtonClicked:
  6463. dismissKeyboard
  6464. keyboardDidShow:
  6465. textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:
  6466. textFieldDidEndEditing:
  6467. textFieldDidBeginEditing:
  6468. setConstant:
  6469. initWithTarget:action:
  6470. addGestureRecognizer:
  6471. endEditing:
  6472. text
  6473. deselectRowAtIndexPath:animated:
  6474. setOn:animated:
  6475. child:
  6476. removeValue
  6477. initWithString:
  6478. fontWithName:size:
  6479. addAttribute:value:range:
  6480. setAttributedText:
  6481. setNumberStyle:
  6482. initWithInteger:
  6483. stringFromNumber:
  6484. removeGestureRecognizer:
  6485. isOn
  6486. childByAutoId
  6487. setValue:
  6488. setDatePickerMode:
  6489. setMinimumDate:
  6490. setDelegate:
  6491. database
  6492. reference
  6493. messaging
  6494. FCMToken
  6495. currentDevice
  6496. identifierForVendor
  6497. keepSynced:
  6498. observeEventType:withBlock:
  6499. defaultCenter
  6500. addObserver:selector:name:object:
  6501. children
  6502. textFieldShouldBeginEditing:
  6503. textFieldShouldEndEditing:
  6504. textFieldDidEndEditing:reason:
  6505. textFieldShouldClear:
  6506. textFieldShouldReturn:
  6507. portfolioButton
  6508. setPortfolioButton:
  6509. blackBackgroundView
  6510. setBlackBackgroundView:
  6511. totalPriceLabel
  6512. setTotalPriceLabel:
  6513. addTradeButton
  6514. setAddTradeButton:
  6515. amountTextfield
  6516. setAmountTextfield:
  6517. priceTextField
  6518. setPriceTextField:
  6519. profitLossTextField
  6520. setProfitLossTextField:
  6521. holdingTitle
  6522. setHoldingTitle:
  6523. coinButtonClicked:
  6524. currencyButtonClicked:
  6525. addTradeButtonClicked:
  6526. keyboardWillHide
  6527. keyboardDidHide:
  6528. objectAtIndex:
  6529. outerView
  6530. setOuterView:
  6531. outerHeight
  6532. setOuterHeight:
  6533. indexPathForCell:
  6534. localizedStringForKey:value:table:
  6535. initWithPath:
  6536. changeLanguageButton
  6537. setChangeLanguageButton:
  6538. standardUserDefaults
  6539. setObject:forKey:
  6540. synchronize
  6541. instantiateInitialViewController
  6542. setRootViewController:
  6543. setSemanticContentAttribute:
  6544. setBool:forKey:
  6545. mainBundle
  6546. pathForResource:ofType:
  6547. aboutButton
  6548. setAboutButton:
  6549. aboutTextView
  6550. setAboutTextView:
  6551. countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
  6552. objectForKey:
  6553. isMainThread
  6554. cellStackView
  6555. setCellStackView:
  6556. currencyTypeView
  6557. setCurrencyTypeView:
  6558. currencyAmount
  6559. setCurrencyAmount:
  6560. cryptoShortName
  6561. setCryptoShortName:
  6562. cryptoLongName
  6563. setCryptoLongName:
  6564. goldenView
  6565. setGoldenView:
  6566. greyView
  6567. setGreyView:
  6568. cryptoCurrecnyAmountLabel
  6569. setCryptoCurrecnyAmountLabel:
  6570. awakeFromNib
  6571. setSelected:animated:
  6572. initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:
  6573. settingButton
  6574. setSettingButton:
  6575. settingLabel
  6576. setSettingLabel:
  6577. settingBorder
  6578. setSettingBorder:
  6579. websiteButton
  6580. setWebsiteButton:
  6581. emailButton
  6582. setEmailButton:
  6583. rateButton
  6584. setRateButton:
  6585. feelButton
  6586. setFeelButton:
  6587. rateAndReviewClicked:
  6588. contactClicked:
  6589. websiteClicked:
  6590. mailComposeController:didFinishWithResult:error:
  6591. canSendMail
  6592. setMailComposeDelegate:
  6593. setToRecipients:
  6594. setSubject:
  6595. setMessageBody:isHTML:
  6596. dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:
  6597. canOpenURL:
  6598. openURL:options:completionHandler:
  6599. openURL:
  6600. fiatButtonHeading
  6601. setFiatButtonHeading:
  6602. fiatShort
  6603. setFiatShort:
  6604. fiatButtonClicked:
  6605. label
  6606. setLabel:
  6607. dateLabel
  6608. setDateLabel:
  6609. labelView
  6610. setLabelView:
  6611. refreshContentWithEntry:highlight:
  6612. initWithFrame:
  6613. setDateFormat:
  6614. stringFromDate:
  6615. layoutIfNeeded
  6616. coinTitleLabel
  6617. setCoinTitleLabel:
  6618. coinValue
  6619. setCoinValue:
  6620. currentPriceLabel
  6621. setCurrentPriceLabel:
  6622. hourGainLabel
  6623. setHourGainLabel:
  6624. costLabel
  6625. setCostLabel:
  6626. totalGainLabel
  6627. setTotalGainLabel:
  6628. items
  6629. imageNamed:
  6630. setImage:
  6631. imageWithRenderingMode:
  6632. setSelectedImage:
  6633. searchBar
  6634. setSearchBar:
  6635. outerViewHeight
  6636. setOuterViewHeight:
  6637. searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:
  6638. searchBarCancelButtonClicked:
  6639. searchBarSearchButtonClicked:
  6640. searchBar:textDidChange:
  6641. searchBarShouldBeginEditing:
  6642. searchBarShouldEndEditing:
  6643. searchBarTextDidEndEditing:
  6644. searchBar:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText:
  6645. searchBarBookmarkButtonClicked:
  6646. searchBarResultsListButtonClicked:
  6647. searchBar:selectedScopeButtonIndexDidChange:
  6648. positionForBar:
  6649. alertLabel
  6650. setAlertLabel:
  6651. alertSubLabel
  6652. setAlertSubLabel:
  6653. alertTrail
  6654. setAlertTrail:
  6655. coinNameLabel
  6656. setCoinNameLabel:
  6657. chartView
  6658. setChartView:
  6659. lineChartView
  6660. setLineChartView:
  6661. chartViewHeight
  6662. setChartViewHeight:
  6663. segmentControl
  6664. setSegmentControl:
  6665. currentPrice
  6666. setCurrentPrice:
  6667. marketCap
  6668. setMarketCap:
  6669. lastMonth
  6670. setLastMonth:
  6671. segmentClicked:
  6672. selectedSegmentIndex
  6673. systemFontOfSize:
  6674. value
  6675. chartValueSelected:entry:highlight:
  6676. chartValueNothingSelected:
  6677. chartScaled:scaleX:scaleY:
  6678. chartTranslated:dX:dY:
  6679. window
  6680. setWindow:
  6681. application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
  6682. applicationWillResignActive:
  6683. applicationDidEnterBackground:
  6684. applicationWillEnterForeground:
  6685. applicationDidBecomeActive:
  6686. applicationWillTerminate:
  6687. application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:
  6688. application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
  6689. userNotificationCenter:willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler:
  6690. userNotificationCenter:didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler:
  6691. messaging:didRefreshRegistrationToken:
  6692. application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:
  6693. applicationState
  6694. notification
  6695. request
  6696. content
  6697. initWithName:
  6698. loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:
  6699. requestReview
  6700. setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:
  6701. setStatusBarHidden:
  6702. configure
  6703. setPersistenceEnabled:
  6704. registerForRemoteNotifications
  6705. settingsForTypes:categories:
  6706. registerUserNotificationSettings:
  6707. currentNotificationCenter
  6708. requestAuthorizationWithOptions:completionHandler:
  6709. applicationDidFinishLaunching:
  6710. application:handleOpenURL:
  6711. application:openURL:options:
  6712. applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning:
  6713. applicationSignificantTimeChange:
  6714. application:willChangeStatusBarOrientation:duration:
  6715. application:didChangeStatusBarOrientation:
  6716. application:willChangeStatusBarFrame:
  6717. application:didChangeStatusBarFrame:
  6718. application:didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:
  6719. application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:
  6720. application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:
  6721. application:didReceiveLocalNotification:
  6722. application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification:completionHandler:
  6723. application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:withResponseInfo:completionHandler:
  6724. application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:completionHandler:
  6725. application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification:withResponseInfo:completionHandler:
  6726. application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:
  6727. application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler:
  6728. application:performActionForShortcutItem:completionHandler:
  6729. application:handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler:
  6730. application:handleWatchKitExtensionRequest:reply:
  6731. applicationShouldRequestHealthAuthorization:
  6732. applicationProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable:
  6733. applicationProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable:
  6734. application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:
  6735. application:shouldAllowExtensionPointIdentifier:
  6736. application:viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder:
  6737. application:shouldSaveApplicationState:
  6738. application:shouldRestoreApplicationState:
  6739. application:willEncodeRestorableStateWithCoder:
  6740. application:didDecodeRestorableStateWithCoder:
  6741. application:willContinueUserActivityWithType:
  6742. application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:
  6743. application:didFailToContinueUserActivityWithType:error:
  6744. application:didUpdateUserActivity:
  6745. messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken:
  6746. messaging:didReceiveMessage:
  6747. applicationReceivedRemoteMessage:
  6748. exchangeButton
  6749. setExchangeButton:
  6750. exchangeButtonClicked:
  6751. languageLabel
  6752. setLanguageLabel:
  6753. languageSubLevel
  6754. setLanguageSubLevel:
  6755. tickImage
  6756. setTickImage:
  6757. exchangeButtonBorder
  6758. setExchangeButtonBorder:
  6759. currencyButton
  6760. setCurrencyButton:
  6761. exchangeButtonBottomBar
  6762. setExchangeButtonBottomBar:
  6763. currencyButtonBottomBar
  6764. setCurrencyButtonBottomBar:
  6765. topView
  6766. setTopView:
  6767. getAllCryptos
  6768. getPrices
  6769. startAnimating
  6770. setFill
  6771. resizableImageWithCapInsets:
  6772. setSelectionIndicatorImage:
  6773. stopAnimating
  6774. setHidesWhenStopped:
  6775. setActivityIndicatorViewStyle:
  6776. addSubview:
  6777. leftView
  6778. image
  6779. setTintColor:
  6780. datePicker
  6781. setDatePicker:
  6782. doneButton
  6783. setDoneButton:
  6784. doneButtonClicked:
  6785. date
  6786. stringForObjectValue:
  6787. setTimeZone:
  6788. setAMSymbol:
  6789. setPMSymbol:
  6790. setValue:forKeyPath:
  6791. facebookButton
  6792. setFacebookButton:
  6793. twitterButton
  6794. setTwitterButton:
  6795. facebookButtonClicked:
  6796. twitterButtonClicked:
  6797. initWithActivityItems:applicationActivities:
  6798. popoverPresentationController
  6799. setSourceView:
  6800. setImage:forState:
  6801. userInterfaceIdiom
  6802. mainScreen
  6803. nativeBounds
  6804. amount
  6805. buyPrice
  6806. currencyName
  6807. currencySymbol
  6808. currencyValue
  6809. exchange
  6810. name
  6811. price
  6812. shortName
  6813. symbol
  6814. setSymbol:
  6815. setShortName:
  6816. setPrice:
  6817. setName:
  6818. setExchange:
  6819. setCurrencyValue:
  6820. setCurrencySymbol:
  6821. setCurrencyName:
  6822. setBuyPrice:
  6823. setAmount:
  6824. alloc
  6825. hasSharedInstance
  6826. sharedInstance
  6827. identity
  6828. appIDFromGMP
  6829. monitor
  6830. logWithLevel:messageCode:message:
  6831. defaultOptions
  6832. googleAppID
  6833. appInstanceID
  6834. randomInt64
  6835. stringWithFormat:
  6836. firebaseAnalyticsLibraryVersion
  6837. adEventID
  6838. libraryVersion
  6839. searchAdRetryCount
  6840. searchAdCampaignValue
  6841. initWithDispatchQueue:name:
  6842. adClientInstance
  6843. scheduleSearchAdReport
  6844. cancelScheduling
  6845. timeIntervalSince1970
  6846. setLastSearchAdLookUpTimestamp:
  6847. lookUpAdConversionDetails
  6848. isSearchAdReporterEnabled
  6849. cancel
  6850. scheduledTimestamp
  6851. lastSearchAdLookUpTimestamp
  6852. maybeLogIAdCampaignEvent
  6853. runAfterDelay:withBlock:
  6854. sharedClient
  6855. numberWithBool:
  6856. setSearchAdCampaignValue:
  6857. setObject:forKeyedSubscript:
  6858. length
  6859. firstOpenTimestampMilliseconds
  6860. numberWithLongLong:
  6861. logInternalEventWithOrigin:name:parameters:
  6862. setSearchAdRetryCount:
  6863. requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:
  6864. logWithLevel:messageCode:message:context:
  6865. allValues
  6866. firstObject
  6867. objectForKeyedSubscript:
  6868. boolValue
  6869. logCampaignEventWithSearchAdCampaign:campaign:term:
  6870. methodForSelector:
  6871. lookupAdConversionDetails:
  6872. determineAppInstallationAttributionWithCompletionHandler:
  6873. initWithWorkerQueue:persistedConfig:
  6874. start
  6875. setSearchAdReporterEnabled:
  6876. _searchAdReporterAlarm
  6877. _persistedConfig
  6878. _searchAdReporterEnabled
  6879. object
  6880. setObject:
  6881. _object
  6882. addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:
  6883. removeObserver:forKeyPath:
  6884. observeUIApplication
  6885. observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:
  6886. _isObserving
  6887. application:userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWithMetadata:
  6888. interceptors
  6889. removeObjectForKey:
  6890. isAppDelegateProxyEnabled
  6891. createSubclassWithObject:
  6892. stringByAppendingString:
  6893. logWithLevel:messageCode:message:context:context:
  6894. UTF8String
  6895. addInstanceMethodWithSelector:fromClass:toClass:
  6896. implementationOfMethodSelector:fromClass:
  6897. valueWithPointer:
  6898. fakeDescription
  6899. addInstanceMethodWithDestinationSelector:withImplementationFromSourceSelector:fromClass:toClass:
  6900. infoDictionary
  6901. dictionary
  6902. enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:
  6903. handleOpenURL:
  6904. pointerValue
  6905. notifyInterceptorsWithMethodSelector:callback:
  6906. handleEventsForBackgroundURLSessionID:completionHandler:
  6907. deepLinkFromUserActivity:
  6908. absoluteString
  6909. registerAppDelegateInterceptor:
  6910. unregisterAppDelegateInterceptorWithID:
  6911. proxyOriginalDelegate:
  6912. logWithLevel:messageCode:message:context:context:context:
  6913. lifetimeCount
  6914. parameters
  6915. isString
  6916. isInt64
  6917. isDouble
  6918. stringValue
  6919. doubleValue
  6920. int64Value
  6921. numberWithInt:
  6922. comparisonValue
  6923. setComparisonValue:
  6924. maxComparisonValue
  6925. setMaxComparisonValue:
  6926. minComparisonValue
  6927. setMinComparisonValue:
  6928. isValid
  6929. setValid:
  6930. _valid
  6931. _comparisonValue
  6932. _maxComparisonValue
  6933. _minComparisonValue
  6934. localeWithLocaleIdentifier:
  6935. setLocale:
  6936. setPositiveFormat:
  6937. numberFromString:
  6938. initWithLongLong:
  6939. compare:
  6940. initWithPattern:options:error:
  6941. rangeOfFirstMatchInString:options:range:
  6942. hasPrefix:
  6943. hasSuffix:
  6944. rangeOfString:options:
  6945. rangeOfString:
  6946. setOrigin:
  6947. setTriggerEventName:
  6948. setTriggerTimeout:
  6949. setTimeToLive:
  6950. setTriggeredEvent:
  6951. setTimedOutEvent:
  6952. setExpiredEvent:
  6953. setCreationTimestamp:
  6954. setActive:
  6955. setTriggeredTimestamp:
  6956. copyWithZone:
  6957. origin
  6958. triggerEventName
  6959. triggerTimeout
  6960. timeToLive
  6961. triggeredEvent
  6962. timedOutEvent
  6963. expiredEvent
  6964. creationTimestamp
  6965. isActive
  6966. triggeredTimestamp
  6967. _active
  6968. _name
  6969. _origin
  6970. _value
  6971. _triggerEventName
  6972. _triggerTimeout
  6973. _timeToLive
  6974. _triggeredEvent
  6975. _timedOutEvent
  6976. _expiredEvent
  6977. _creationTimestamp
  6978. _triggeredTimestamp
  6979. checkOnBackgroundThreadWithMethodName:
  6980. removeTimedOutCUPWithTimedOutEvents:
  6981. addObjectsFromArray:
  6982. removeExpiredCUPWithExpiredEvents:
  6983. updateConditionalUserPropertiesWithEventNameOnWorkerQueue:
  6984. performTransaction:
  6985. writeEventOnWorkerQueue:
  6986. timedOutConditionalUserPropertiesWithError:
  6987. deleteConditionalUserPropertyWithName:error:
  6988. initWithOrigin:isPublic:name:timestamp:previousTimestamp:parameters:
  6989. addObject:
  6990. copy
  6991. expiredConditionalUserPropertiesWithError:
  6992. deleteUserAttributeWithName:error:
  6993. triggeredConditionalUserPropertiesWithEventName:error:
  6994. initWithOrigin:name:value:lastSetTimestamp:
  6995. updateUserAttribute:error:
  6996. updateConditionalUserProperty:error:
  6997. processEventOnWorkerQueue:
  6998. isValidConditionalUserPropertyOrigin:failureCode:
  6999. isValidConditionalUserPropertyName:failureCode:
  7000. isValidConditionalUserPropertyValue:failureCode:
  7001. numberWithDouble:
  7002. scheduler
  7003. setConditionalUserPropertyOnWorkerQueue:
  7004. removeConditionalUserPropertyOnWorkerQueue:
  7005. scheduleOnWorkerQueueBlockID:block:
  7006. isEnabled
  7007. conditionalUserPropertiesWithPrefix:filterByOrigin:error:
  7008. conditionalUserPropertyWithName:error:
  7009. setConditionalUserProperty:forName:
  7010. clearConditionalUserPropertyWithClearEvent:forName:
  7011. conditionalUserPropertiesWithNamePrefix:filterByOrigin:
  7012. initWithLastBundleIndex:lastBundleStartTimestamp:lastBundleEndTimestamp:
  7013. incrementLastBundleIndex
  7014. lastBundleIndex
  7015. lastBundleStartTimestamp
  7016. setLastBundleStartTimestamp:
  7017. lastBundleEndTimestamp
  7018. setLastBundleEndTimestamp:
  7019. _lastBundleIndex
  7020. _lastBundleStartTimestamp
  7021. _lastBundleEndTimestamp
  7022. initWithDay:conversionsCount:allEventsCount:publicEventsCount:errorEventsCount:realtimeCount:
  7023. incrementCountsForCurrentDay:isPublicEvent:isConversion:
  7024. incrementErrorEventsCountForCurrentDay:
  7025. incrementRealtimeCountsForCurrentDay:
  7026. decrementAllEventsCount
  7027. conversionsCount
  7028. allEventsCount
  7029. publicEventsCount
  7030. errorEventsCount
  7031. realtimeCount
  7032. _day
  7033. _conversionsCount
  7034. _allEventsCount
  7035. _publicEventsCount
  7036. _errorEventsCount
  7037. _realtimeCount
  7038. letterCharacterSet
  7039. mutableCopy
  7040. nonBaseCharacterSet
  7041. invertedSet
  7042. formIntersectionWithCharacterSet:
  7043. decimalDigitCharacterSet
  7044. formUnionWithCharacterSet:
  7045. addCharactersInString:
  7046. fira_UTF32Length
  7047. isValidString:minLength:maxLength:type:failureCode:
  7048. rangeOfCharacterFromSet:
  7049. isValidInternalName:maxLength:type:failureCode:
  7050. fira_getUTF32Bytes:maxBytes:
  7051. longCharacterIsMember:
  7052. isValidPublicName:maxLength:type:failureCode:
  7053. isValidValue:minLength:maxLength:type:failureCode:
  7054. substringToIndex:
  7055. initialize
  7056. isValidPublicEventName:failureCode:
  7057. isValidPublicEventParameterName:failureCode:
  7058. isValidPublicEventParameterValue:failureCode:
  7059. isValidInternalEventOrigin:failureCode:
  7060. isValidForwardedEventOrigin:failureCode:
  7061. isValidInternalEventName:failureCode:
  7062. isValidInternalEventParameterName:failureCode:
  7063. isValidInternalEventParameterValue:failureCode:
  7064. isValidPublicUserAttributeName:failureCode:
  7065. isValidPublicUserAttributeValue:failureCode:
  7066. isValidInternalUserAttributeName:failureCode:
  7067. isValidInternalUserAttributeValue:failureCode:
  7068. isValidScreenParameterValue:failureCode:
  7069. initWithInt64:
  7070. initWithDouble:
  7071. initWithEventProto:
  7072. isValidParameterKey:isPublicEvent:errorParameters:
  7073. valueFromObject:
  7074. removeObjectsForKeys:
  7075. addEntriesFromDictionary:
  7076. normalizedParametersForParameters:isPublicEvent:
  7077. initWithDictionary:copyItems:
  7078. initWithMessageInfo:
  7079. copyWithPreviousTimestamp:
  7080. copyWithParameters:
  7081. isConversion
  7082. setConversion:
  7083. isRealtime
  7084. setRealtime:
  7085. isDebug
  7086. setDebug:
  7087. addScreenParameters:
  7088. protoEvent
  7089. timestamp
  7090. previousTimestamp
  7091. _parameters
  7092. _timestamp
  7093. _previousTimestamp
  7094. allKeys
  7095. sortedArrayUsingSelector:
  7096. objectAtIndexedSubscript:
  7097. initWithName:lifetimeCount:currentBundleCount:lastFireTimestamp:
  7098. incrementLifetimeCount
  7099. incrementCurrentBundleCount
  7100. currentBundleCount
  7101. lastFireTimestamp
  7102. setLastFireTimestamp:
  7103. lastBundledTimestamp
  7104. setLastBundledTimestamp:
  7105. lastSampledComplexEventID
  7106. setLastSampledComplexEventID:
  7107. lastSamplingRate
  7108. setLastSamplingRate:
  7109. lastExemptFromSampling
  7110. setLastExemptFromSampling:
  7111. _lastExemptFromSampling
  7112. _lifetimeCount
  7113. _currentBundleCount
  7114. _lastSamplingRate
  7115. _lastFireTimestamp
  7116. _lastBundledTimestamp
  7117. _lastSampledComplexEventID
  7118. initWithAudienceID:filterID:eventName:data:
  7119. audienceID
  7120. filterID
  7121. eventName
  7122. data
  7123. _audienceID
  7124. _filterID
  7125. _eventName
  7126. _data
  7127. initWithAudienceID:currentResults:previousResults:
  7128. currentResults
  7129. previousResults
  7130. _currentResults
  7131. _previousResults
  7132. initWithAudienceID:filterID:propertyName:data:
  7133. propertyName
  7134. _propertyName
  7135. initWithRawEvent:rowID:metadataFingerprint:
  7136. rawEvent
  7137. rowID
  7138. metadataFingerprint
  7139. _rawEvent
  7140. _rowID
  7141. _metadataFingerprint
  7142. characterAtIndex:
  7143. isPublic
  7144. protoUserAttribute
  7145. lastSetTimestamp
  7146. _lastSetTimestamp
  7147. longLongValue
  7148. initWithValueType:value:
  7149. valueType
  7150. _valueType
  7151. openAndValidateDatabase:
  7152. closeAndDeleteDatabase
  7153. closeDatabase
  7154. ensureTableWithName:createSQL:requiredColumnNames:addOnColumns:error:
  7155. columnInfoForTableWithName:error:
  7156. renameTable:toName:error:
  7157. ensureTableWithName:elementaryColumnInfo:addOnColumnInfo:error:
  7158. copyContentsFromTable:toTable:error:
  7159. dropTableWithName:error:
  7160. ensureSchemaOfTableWithName:elementaryColumnInfo:addOnColumnInfo:error:
  7161. sqliteHandle
  7162. tableExists:error:
  7163. executeSQL:error:
  7164. validateTableWithName:requiredColumnNames:addOnColumns:error:
  7165. columnsForTableWithName:error:
  7166. initWithArray:
  7167. isSubsetOfSet:
  7168. minusSet:
  7169. containsObject:
  7170. removeObject:
  7171. statementForQuery:error:
  7172. stringWithUTF8String:
  7173. cleanUpStatement:forQuery:
  7174. prepareSQL:error:
  7175. arrayWithObjects:count:
  7176. bindValues:toStatement:error:
  7177. rowCountForTableWithName:columnName:columnValue:error:
  7178. initWithFormat:
  7179. appendFormat:
  7180. numberForQuery:parameterValues:error:
  7181. array
  7182. initWithUTF8String:
  7183. upsertStatementForRecord:inTableWithName:error:
  7184. executeSQLStatement:error:
  7185. updateStatementForRecord:inTableWithName:columnName:columnValue:error:
  7186. setDatabaseError:operation:
  7187. statementForQuery:parameterValues:error:
  7188. recordsForQuery:parameterValues:error:withFilter:
  7189. initWithCapacity:
  7190. valueAtColumn:forStatement:
  7191. null
  7192. beginTransaction
  7193. rollbackTransaction
  7194. endTransaction
  7195. fileExistsAtPath:
  7196. attributesOfItemAtPath:error:
  7197. dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:
  7198. setAttributes:ofItemAtPath:error:
  7199. stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
  7200. createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error:
  7201. validateDatabaseWithError:
  7202. finalizeAndClearStatements
  7203. removeItemAtPath:error:
  7204. removeAllObjects
  7205. dataWithBytes:length:
  7206. replaceCharactersInRange:withString:
  7207. appendString:
  7208. deleteCharactersInRange:
  7209. bytes
  7210. enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:
  7211. lastErrorMessage
  7212. isWritableFileAtPath:
  7213. attributesOfFileSystemForPath:error:
  7214. unsignedLongLongValue
  7215. numberWithLong:
  7216. componentsJoinedByString:
  7217. errorDescriptionForDatabaseOperation:
  7218. monitorContextForDatabaseOperation:
  7219. initWithDatabasePath:
  7220. ensureTableWithName:elementaryColumnInfo:addOnColumnInfo:modifyColumnInfo:error:
  7221. rowCountForTableWithName:error:
  7222. upsertRecord:inTableWithName:error:
  7223. updateRecord:inTableWithName:columnName:columnValue:error:
  7224. deleteRecordFromTableWithName:columnName:columnValue:error:
  7225. deleteRecordsFromTableWithName:condition:parameterValues:error:
  7226. deleteAllRecordsFromTableWithName:error:
  7227. recordsForQuery:parameterValues:error:
  7228. databasePath
  7229. _sqliteHandle
  7230. _statementCache
  7231. _queueLabel
  7232. _databasePath
  7233. lastObject
  7234. componentsSeparatedByString:
  7235. currentTime
  7236. handleEngagementTimer:
  7237. removeObserver:
  7238. intValue
  7239. screenParameters
  7240. logAdUnitExposureEventOnSerialQueueWithID:endTime:screenParameters:
  7241. logAdExposureEventOnSerialQueueWithEndTime:screenParameters:
  7242. logExposureEventsOnSerialQueueWithEndTime:screenParameters:
  7243. updateStartTimesOnSerialQueue:
  7244. initWithDictionary:
  7245. logExposureEventsWithScreenParameters:
  7246. beginAdUnitExposure:
  7247. endAdUnitExposure:
  7248. handleScreenDidChangeFromScreen:toScreen:
  7249. handleAppDidBecomeActive
  7250. handleAppWillResignActiveWithScreen:
  7251. isReportingEnabled
  7252. setReportingEnabled:
  7253. _adUnitCounts
  7254. _adUnitStartTimes
  7255. _adExposureStartTime
  7256. _queue
  7257. _reportingEnabled
  7258. dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:
  7259. hasActiveTimer
  7260. _timer
  7261. _scheduledTimestamp
  7262. eventFiltersForEventName:error:
  7263. filterResultForAudienceID:error:
  7264. isFilterResult:trueForFilterID:
  7265. initWithBuffer:
  7266. updatedFilterResultWithFilterID:audienceID:currentFilterResult:newEvaluationResult:
  7267. updateFilterResults:error:
  7268. propertyFiltersForPropertyName:error:
  7269. remoteConfig
  7270. maxAudienceCount
  7271. numberWithUnsignedInteger:
  7272. isValidAudienceProto:usedAudienceIDs:error:
  7273. protoBuffer
  7274. maybeDeleteStaleFilterResults:
  7275. deleteAllEventFilters:
  7276. deleteAllPropertyFilters:
  7277. updateEventFilters:error:
  7278. updatePropertyFilters:error:
  7279. userAttributesIncludingInternal:error:
  7280. evaluateFiltersForUserProperty:
  7281. allFilterResults:
  7282. maxFilterResultCount
  7283. allAudienceIDs:
  7284. allObjects
  7285. deleteFilterResults:error:
  7286. numberWithUnsignedLongLong:
  7287. initWithObjects:
  7288. maxFiltersPerAudience
  7289. maxParametersPerFilter
  7290. initWithDatabase:
  7291. evaluateFiltersForEvent:eventAggregates:
  7292. updateAudiences:
  7293. resultsForBundling:
  7294. _database
  7295. ensureAllTables
  7296. initializeAppMetadata
  7297. queryAppMetadata:
  7298. upsertDataType:inTableWithName:columnName:columnValue:tableLimit:error:createDictionaryBlock:
  7299. dataTypesFromTableWithName:columnName:columnValue:error:createDataTypeBlock:
  7300. updateDataType:inTableWithName:columnName:columnValue:error:createDictionaryBlock:
  7301. midnightOffset
  7302. fira_64LSBMD5
  7303. queryRawEventsMetadataWithFingerprint:error:
  7304. insertDataType:inTableWithName:error:createDictionaryBlock:
  7305. numberWithInteger:
  7306. rawEventDataFromDictionary:error:
  7307. maxEventsStored
  7308. deleteUnusedRawEventsMetadata:
  7309. maybeDeleteStaleData:
  7310. maxQueueTime
  7311. gtm_dataByGzippingData:error:
  7312. stringByPaddingToLength:withString:startingAtIndex:
  7313. lastDeleteStaleBundlesTimestamp
  7314. databaseDeleteStaleBundlesInterval
  7315. deleteStaleRawEventsDataOlderThanMaxAge:error:
  7316. deleteStaleBundlesOlderThanMaxAge:error:
  7317. setLastDeleteStaleBundlesTimestamp:
  7318. allDataTypesFromTableWithName:tableLimit:error:createDataTypeBlock:
  7319. conditionalUserPropertiesWithCondition:parameterValues:error:
  7320. integerValue
  7321. initWithDatabaseName:persistedConfig:
  7322. updateAppMetadata:error:
  7323. dailyCounts:
  7324. updateDailyCounts:error:
  7325. insertIfNotExistsRawEventMetadata:error:
  7326. deleteRawEventMetadataWithMetadataFingerprint:error:
  7327. isRawEventsTableEmpty:
  7328. insertRawEvent:metadataFingerprint:isRealtime:error:
  7329. queryLatestRawEventTime:
  7330. rawEventsWithMetadataFingerprint:error:eventFilter:
  7331. containsRawEventWithMetadataFingerprint:error:
  7332. deleteRawEventsWithMaxRowID:error:
  7333. deleteRawEventsOverAbsoluteLimit:
  7334. nextMetadataFingerprintToProcess:
  7335. containsRealtimeRawEventsWithError:
  7336. isQueuedBundleTableEmpty:
  7337. insertBundle:isRealtime:error:
  7338. queryBundlesWithCountLimit:sizeLimit:error:
  7339. deleteBundlesWithRowIDs:error:
  7340. queryLatestBundleTime:
  7341. containsRealtimeBundlesWithError:
  7342. publicEventCount:
  7343. allEventAggregates:
  7344. eventAggregatesWithName:error:
  7345. updateEventAggregates:error:
  7346. publicUserAttributeCount:
  7347. userAttributeCountForOrigin:error:
  7348. containsUserAttributeWithName:error:
  7349. userAttributeWithName:error:
  7350. allLifetimeValueUserAttributes:
  7351. deleteEventFilters:error:
  7352. deletePropertyFilters:error:
  7353. updateRemoteConfig:error:
  7354. updateRemoteConfigSuccessfulTimestamp:error:
  7355. queryMeasurementConfigWithError:
  7356. lastRemoteConfigUpdateTimestamp:
  7357. insertIfNotDuplicatePurchaseFingerprint:error:
  7358. _sqliteStore
  7359. gtm_dataByInflatingData:error:
  7360. deviceModel
  7361. systemVersion
  7362. preferredLanguages
  7363. lowercaseString
  7364. localTimeZone
  7365. secondsFromGMT
  7366. deviceOSVersion
  7367. userDefaultLanguage
  7368. timeZoneOffsetMinutes
  7369. _deviceModel
  7370. initWithPersistedConfig:options:
  7371. bundleIdentifier
  7372. objectForInfoDictionaryKey:
  7373. numericFieldsFromAppVersionNumeric:
  7374. hashedIDFA
  7375. randomAppInstanceID
  7376. setAppInstanceID:
  7377. updateIdentifiers
  7378. hasLimitedAdTracking
  7379. isFAS
  7380. resettableDeviceID
  7381. UUIDString
  7382. timeIntervalSinceNow
  7383. adIDCacheTime
  7384. limitedAdTracking
  7385. advertisingIdentifierString
  7386. fira_MD5String
  7387. setHashedIDFA:
  7388. UUID
  7389. stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:
  7390. instanceID
  7391. appInstanceID:
  7392. componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:
  7393. notCalled
  7394. setAppIDFromGMP:
  7395. isFromAppStore
  7396. firebaseInstanceID
  7397. appID
  7398. appVersion
  7399. appVersionMajor
  7400. appVersionMinor
  7401. appVersionRelease
  7402. devCertHash
  7403. _lastAppInstanceIDUpdateTimestamp
  7404. _hashedIDFA
  7405. _resettableDeviceID
  7406. _appInstanceID
  7407. _limitedAdTracking
  7408. _identifierForVendorString
  7409. _appIDFromGMP
  7410. _appID
  7411. _appVersion
  7412. _appVersionMajor
  7413. _appVersionMinor
  7414. _appVersionRelease
  7415. _devCertHash
  7416. initWithOptions:
  7417. initWithLibraryVersion:
  7418. defaultInstance
  7419. workerQueue
  7420. handleOpenURL:clickTimestampInMs:eventTimestampInSeconds:
  7421. handleDebugModeWithURL:
  7422. handleDeepLink:clickTimestampInMs:eventTimestampInSeconds:
  7423. handleOpenURLOnWorkerQueue:clickTimestampInMs:eventTimestampInSeconds:
  7424. query
  7425. fira_dictionaryWithHttpArgumentsString:
  7426. isValidCampaignURLParamDictionary:
  7427. handleEventOnWorkerQueue:
  7428. notifyEventListeners:
  7429. handleAppDidFinishLaunching:
  7430. webpageURL
  7431. instancesRespondToSelector:
  7432. activityType
  7433. isDebugModeEnabled
  7434. initWithReachabilityHost:
  7435. setLoggerDelegate:
  7436. setIsDebugModeEnabled:
  7437. initWithWorkerQueueLabel:
  7438. initWithDatabaseName:persistedConfig:network:scheduler:alarm:options:
  7439. loadTimestamp
  7440. shouldEnableMeasurement:
  7441. setEnabled:
  7442. swapBackgroundTaskWithNewTaskID:
  7443. isAnalyticsCollectionDeactivated
  7444. measurementEnabledState
  7445. isAnalyticsCollectionEnabled
  7446. setEnabledOnWorkerQueue:
  7447. startMeasurementOnWorkerQueue
  7448. clearValues
  7449. clearMonitoringData
  7450. initWithGMPAppID:database:
  7451. pathWithComponents:
  7452. setEncodeContexts:
  7453. reportFirstOpenOnWorkerQueue
  7454. reportStoredCampaignEventOnWorkerQueue:
  7455. reportAppUpdateOnWorkerQueue
  7456. reportOSUpdateOnWorkerQueue
  7457. reportingWasDisabled
  7458. enableReporting
  7459. initWithPersistedConfig:
  7460. handleAppDidBecomeActiveEvent:
  7461. handleAppWillResignActiveEvent:
  7462. handleAppWillEnterForegroundNotification:
  7463. updateSchedule
  7464. URLWithString:
  7465. isAppUpdateWithAnalytics
  7466. setUserAttributeOnWorkerQueue:
  7467. keychainValueWithIdentifier:appID:
  7468. upsertKeychainValue:withIdentifier:appID:
  7469. timestampMillisRoundedUpToNextHour:
  7470. setFirstOpenTimestampMilliseconds:
  7471. isEqualToString:
  7472. setAppVersion:
  7473. osVersion
  7474. setOSVersion:
  7475. defaultManager
  7476. parseVersion
  7477. setMinimumSessionInterval:
  7478. setTimeoutSessionInterval:
  7479. setReachabilityDelegate:
  7480. terminateBackgroundTask
  7481. hasDataToUpload
  7482. nextUploadingTime
  7483. isNetworkConnected
  7484. lastBackoffTimestamp
  7485. initWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
  7486. uploadingBackoffInterval
  7487. initWithTimeInterval:sinceDate:
  7488. uploadData
  7489. lastSuccessfulUploadTimestamp
  7490. lastFailedUploadTimestamp
  7491. uploadingInterval
  7492. uploadingRealTimeInterval
  7493. uploadingInitialDelayInterval
  7494. uploadingRetryCount
  7495. uploadingRetryInterval
  7496. uploadingDebugModeInterval
  7497. isNetworkReadyForRequest
  7498. isExpired
  7499. bundleRawEvents
  7500. maxBundlesCreatedPerIteration
  7501. uploadMaxBundlesLimit
  7502. uploadMaxSizeLimitBytes
  7503. fetchRemoteConfig
  7504. filteredBundlesWithCompatibleAppID:resettableDeviceID:vendorDeviceID:bundlesToUpload:
  7505. setUploadInProgressWithBundleIDs:
  7506. setLastFailedUploadTimestamp:
  7507. networkTimeout
  7508. setTimeoutInterval:
  7509. isNetworkBackgroundSessionEnabled
  7510. networkUploadCompletionHandlerWithResponse:error:
  7511. postURL:payload:queue:usingBackgroundSession:completionHandler:
  7512. hasUploadInProgress
  7513. subarrayWithRange:
  7514. statusCode
  7515. setLastBackoffTimestamp:
  7516. expectedContentLength
  7517. setLastSuccessfulUploadTimestamp:
  7518. removeBundlesFromDatabaseWithIDs:
  7519. isEventBlacklisted:
  7520. blacklistInternal
  7521. blacklistPublic
  7522. isPurchaseEvent:
  7523. recordLifetimeValueToDatabase:event:
  7524. maxEventsPerDay
  7525. maxErrorEventsPerDay
  7526. maxPublicEventsPerDay
  7527. isEventCustomConversion:
  7528. maxRealtimeEventCountPerDay
  7529. maybeAddDebugAndRealtimeParameters:
  7530. createRawEventMetadataWithUserAttributes:
  7531. removeUserAttributeOnWorkerQueue:
  7532. uploadMaxEventsPerBundle
  7533. indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:
  7534. removeObjectsAtIndexes:
  7535. maxConversionsPerDay
  7536. parsePurchaseDataEnabled
  7537. isASRS
  7538. parseData
  7539. isEventSamplingEnabled
  7540. sampleEvents:error:
  7541. lastMonitorDataSampledTimestamp
  7542. monitoringSamplePeriod
  7543. monitoringDataForDispatchWithSamplePeriod:lastSampledTimestamp:
  7544. setLastMonitorDataSampledTimestamp:
  7545. version
  7546. remoteConfigURLWithAppInstanceID:platform:SDKVersion:
  7547. configServerLastModifiedString
  7548. networkRemoteConfigFetchCompletionHandler:data:error:
  7549. getURL:headers:queue:usingBackgroundSession:completionHandler:
  7550. allHeaderFields
  7551. setConfigServerLastModifiedString:
  7552. updateMeasurementConfig:
  7553. uploadDataOrRegisterAlarm
  7554. dedupePurchasesEnabled
  7555. transactionState
  7556. transactionFingerprint:
  7557. payment
  7558. productIdentifier
  7559. endBackgroundTask:
  7560. lastRemoteConfigUpdateTimestamp
  7561. synchronizeToDisk
  7562. uploadWhenAppInBackgroundEnabled
  7563. beginBackgroundTaskWithName:expirationHandler:
  7564. dispatchAsyncOnSerialQueue:
  7565. firNetwork_logWithLevel:messageCode:message:contexts:
  7566. logWithLevel:messageCode:message:contexts:
  7567. eventHasSamplingRate:
  7568. samplingRateForEvent:
  7569. canEventBeSampled:
  7570. isEventBundledAfterRoll:
  7571. initializeSharedInstanceWithOptions:
  7572. load
  7573. firNetwork_logWithLevel:messageCode:message:context:
  7574. firNetwork_logWithLevel:messageCode:message:
  7575. reachabilityDidChange
  7576. handleNonFirstOpenEventURL:eventTimestampInSeconds:
  7577. fileAttributesForPath:
  7578. setSessionTimeoutInterval:
  7579. logEvent:
  7580. removeUserAttribute:
  7581. setUserAttribute:
  7582. userAttributeWithName:callback:
  7583. userPropertiesIncludingInternal:callback:
  7584. maxUserPropertiesForOrigin:callback:
  7585. firstOpenTimestamp
  7586. filterPurchaseTransactions:callback:
  7587. sessionReporter
  7588. isNetworkRequestPending
  7589. wasEnabledDuringInitialization
  7590. _options
  7591. _databaseName
  7592. _initializeComponentsOnce
  7593. _alarm
  7594. _audience
  7595. _identity
  7596. _network
  7597. _remoteConfig
  7598. _scheduler
  7599. _sessionReporter
  7600. _searchAdReporter
  7601. _uploadingBundleIDs
  7602. _previousGMPAppID
  7603. _backgroundUpdateTask
  7604. _initTimestamp
  7605. _suspendedUploadTimestamp
  7606. _enabled
  7607. _isNetworkRequestPending
  7608. _wasEnabledDuringInitialization
  7609. initWithLogLevel:logger:libraryVersion:
  7610. initWithSuiteName:
  7611. migrateMonitorDataOnMonitorQueue
  7612. loadMonitoringDataFromUserDefaultsOnMonitorQueue
  7613. processInfo
  7614. arguments
  7615. setDebugModeEnabled:
  7616. isLoggableLevel:
  7617. isMonitorableLevel:
  7618. stringWithLogMessage:logLevel:contexts:encodeContexts:
  7619. logToConsole:message:logLevel:
  7620. encodedStringWithContextArray:insertSpaces:
  7621. stringByAppendingFormat:
  7622. insertOrUpdateMonitoringDataWithMessage:encodedContext:logLevel:
  7623. saveMonitoringDataToUserDefaultsOnMonitorQueue
  7624. encodedStringWithContextObject:
  7625. lastFIRASymbolFromException:
  7626. domain
  7627. callStackSymbols
  7628. predicateWithFormat:
  7629. whitespaceCharacterSet
  7630. filteredArrayUsingPredicate:
  7631. arrayForKey:
  7632. FIRLoggerLevelFromLogLevel:
  7633. isSilentLevel:
  7634. logMessage:messageCode:withLogLevel:
  7635. monitoringDataKeyWithMessage:logLevel:libraryVersion:
  7636. insertOrUpdateSampledDataWithKey:encodedContext:
  7637. sampledData
  7638. synchronizeToDiskOnMonitorQueue
  7639. integerForKey:
  7640. setInteger:forKey:
  7641. logLevelDescriptionFromLogLevel:
  7642. setLogLevel:
  7643. encodeContexts
  7644. _logLevel
  7645. _logger
  7646. _monitoringSampledData
  7647. _monitorQueue
  7648. _libraryVersion
  7649. _monitorUserDefaults
  7650. _excludeBackupOnceToken
  7651. _debugModeEnabled
  7652. _encodeContexts
  7653. removePersistentDomainForName:
  7654. doubleForKey:
  7655. setDouble:forKey:
  7656. int64ForKey:
  7657. setInt64:forKey:
  7658. stringForKey:
  7659. setString:forKey:
  7660. int64ForKey:userDefault:
  7661. boolForKey:
  7662. scheduleSynchronizeToDisk
  7663. cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object:
  7664. performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
  7665. startNewSession
  7666. setStartNewSession:
  7667. lastEngagementCheckpointClockTime
  7668. setLastEngagementCheckpointClockTime:
  7669. engagementTimeBeforeSessionStart
  7670. setEngagementTimeBeforeSessionStart:
  7671. _userDefaults
  7672. _serialQueue
  7673. initWithGMPAppID:database:measurementConfig:
  7674. measurementConfigFromDatabase
  7675. parseRemoteConfigFromMeasurementConfig:
  7676. eventConfigWithName:
  7677. remoteConfigCacheTimeInterval
  7678. fira_queryString
  7679. timeIntervalInSecondsFromCacheWithKey:defaultValue:maxValue:minValue:
  7680. intValueFromCacheWithKey:defaultValue:maxValue:minValue:
  7681. int64ValueFromCacheWithKey:defaultValue:maxValue:minValue:
  7682. cacheValue:forKey:
  7683. numberFromCacheWithKey:defaultValue:maxValue:minValue:block:
  7684. sessionDefaultMinimumInterval
  7685. sessionDefaultTimeoutInterval
  7686. sessionEventUserEngagementInterval
  7687. maxTrackedCurrencies
  7688. numberFromCacheWithKey:defaultValue:maxValue:minValue:
  7689. int64ValueFromCacheWithKey:defaultValue:
  7690. _isDefaultInstance
  7691. _cachedValueByRemoteConfigKeys
  7692. _cachedEventConfigByEventName
  7693. _numberFormatter
  7694. _remoteConfigProto
  7695. _workerQueue
  7696. currentUptime
  7697. shouldStartNewSession
  7698. rescheduleSessionStartTimer
  7699. rescheduleUserEngagementTimer
  7700. currentClockTime
  7701. logUserEngagementEventWithScreen:
  7702. incurredEngagementTime
  7703. logSessionStartEvent
  7704. postNotificationName:object:
  7705. logUserEngagementEvent
  7706. minimumSessionInterval
  7707. timeoutSessionInterval
  7708. _sessionStartTimer
  7709. _userEngagementTimer
  7710. _engagementStartUptime
  7711. _minimumSessionInterval
  7712. _timeoutSessionInterval
  7713. setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:
  7714. setSuspended:
  7715. postNotificationName:object:userInfo:
  7716. createAppDelegateProxy
  7717. maybeEnableTagManager
  7718. observeNotificationsForAnalyticsConfiguration:
  7719. unsuspendOperationQueue
  7720. addOperationWithBlock:
  7721. setScreenName:screenClass:
  7722. handleSetEnabled:
  7723. handleSetMinimumSessionInterval:
  7724. handleSetSessionTimeoutInterval:
  7725. setAnalyticsEnabled:
  7726. notifyEventListenersOnSerialQueue:
  7727. logEventWithOrigin:name:parameters:
  7728. logEventWithOrigin:isPublicEvent:name:parameters:
  7729. isDefaultAppConfigured
  7730. logEventOnSerialQueueWithOrigin:isPublicEvent:name:parameters:timestamp:ignoreEnabled:ignoreInterceptor:addedScreenParameters:
  7731. queueOperationWithBlock:
  7732. eventsToLogWithEventID:origin:isPublic:name:timestamp:parameters:
  7733. logEventsOnWorkerQueue:notifyEventListeners:
  7734. setInternalUserProperty:forName:withOrigin:
  7735. removeUserAttributeForName:
  7736. removeInternalUserAttributeForName:
  7737. isCurrentQueueSerialQueue
  7738. valueWithNonretainedObject:
  7739. startWithConfiguration:options:
  7740. handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler:
  7741. logEventWithName:parameters:
  7742. logEventWithOrigin:isPublicEvent:name:parameters:timestamp:ignoreEnabled:ignoreInterceptor:
  7743. handleUserActivity:
  7744. setOpenURLListener:
  7745. setUserPropertyString:forName:
  7746. setUserID:
  7747. setUserAttributeNumber:forName:
  7748. setInternalUserProperty:forName:
  7749. userPropertiesIncludingInternal:queue:callback:
  7750. setLogEventInterceptor:
  7751. addLogEventListener:
  7752. removeLogEventListener:
  7753. maxUserPropertiesForOrigin:queue:callback:
  7754. sharedManager
  7755. isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled
  7756. advertisingIdentifier
  7757. initWithIdentifierManager:
  7758. _sharedIdentifierManager
  7759. unionSet:
  7760. requestProductsWithProductIdentifiers:queue:completionHandler:
  7761. cachedProductForProductIdentifier:
  7762. _invalidProductIdentifiers
  7763. _validProducts
  7764. _lockQueue
  7765. disableReporting
  7766. defaultQueue
  7767. addTransactionObserver:
  7768. removeTransactionObserver:
  7769. decimalNumberByMultiplyingBy:
  7770. priceLocale
  7771. localizedTitle
  7772. isNOD
  7773. appStoreReceiptURL
  7774. dataWithContentsOfURL:
  7775. parseDataBytes:
  7776. parseVersionBytes:
  7777. matchVWithData:atIndex:
  7778. numberWithUnsignedChar:
  7779. numberWithUnsignedLong:
  7780. subdataWithRange:
  7781. initWithData:encoding:
  7782. deviceIDData
  7783. matchOWithData:atIndex:
  7784. matchBWithData:atIndex:
  7785. matchHWithData:atIndex:
  7786. matchIWithData:atIndex:
  7787. appendData:
  7788. initWithLength:
  7789. mutableBytes
  7790. getUUIDBytes:
  7791. matchByteSequence:withData:atIndex:
  7792. unsignedCharValue
  7793. paymentQueue:updatedFilteredTransactions:
  7794. quantity
  7795. reportTransactionsFromArray:
  7796. transactionIdentifier
  7797. error
  7798. code
  7799. characterSetWithCharactersInString:
  7800. paymentQueue:updatedTransactions:
  7801. paymentQueue:removedTransactions:
  7802. paymentQueue:restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError:
  7803. paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:
  7804. paymentQueue:updatedDownloads:
  7805. _reportingWasDisabled
  7806. initWithProductIdentifiers:
  7807. fira_errorWithCode:description:
  7808. requestWithQueue:completionHandler:
  7809. products
  7810. invalidProductIdentifiers
  7811. productsRequest:didReceiveResponse:
  7812. requestDidFinish:
  7813. request:didFailWithError:
  7814. _productsRequest
  7815. _completionHandler
  7816. uppercaseString
  7817. isValidUserDefaultsArrayEntry:
  7818. sampledDataEntryWithKey:timestamp:context:population:
  7819. setObject:atIndexedSubscript:
  7820. dateByAddingTimeInterval:
  7821. monitoringURLParamWithKey:population:context:
  7822. _sampledData
  7823. initWithName:className:instanceID:
  7824. className
  7825. isManuallySet
  7826. setIsManuallySet:
  7827. _isManuallySet
  7828. _className
  7829. _instanceID
  7830. pointerAtIndex:
  7831. handleWindowDidResign:
  7832. handleApplicationDidBecomeActive:
  7833. handleApplicationWillResignActive:
  7834. firaScreen
  7835. setFiraScreen:
  7836. postScreenDidChangeNotificationWithPreviousScreen:newScreen:
  7837. logViewScreenEventWithPreviousScreen:newScreen:
  7838. keyWindow
  7839. rootViewController
  7840. weakObjectsPointerArray
  7841. setFiraStack:
  7842. removePointerAtIndex:
  7843. addPointer:
  7844. setCurrentViewController:
  7845. isAppActive
  7846. getScreenName:screenClass:
  7847. viewControllerDidAppear:
  7848. viewControllerDidDisappear:
  7849. _currentViewController
  7850. _currentScreen
  7851. _previousScreen
  7852. _allowScreenParameters
  7853. _allowPostScreenDidChangeNotification
  7854. _allowScreenViewEvent
  7855. _isAppActive
  7856. _currentScreenInstanceID
  7857. isViewLoaded
  7858. parentViewController
  7859. childViewControllers
  7860. visibleViewController
  7861. selectedViewController
  7862. viewControllers
  7863. presentedViewController
  7864. isBeingPresented
  7865. compact
  7866. firaStack
  7867. substringFromIndex:
  7868. bundleForClass:
  7869. isDescendantOfView:
  7870. viewDidAppear:
  7871. fira_viewDidAppear:
  7872. viewDidDisappear:
  7873. fira_viewDidDisappear:
  7874. lastPathComponent
  7875. bundlePath
  7876. isAEX
  7877. stringByAppendingPathComponent:
  7878. initWithLocaleIdentifier:
  7879. compare:options:range:locale:
  7880. sortedArrayUsingComparator:
  7881. initWithBytesNoCopy:length:encoding:freeWhenDone:
  7882. initFileURLWithPath:
  7883. setResourceValue:forKey:error:
  7884. stringByAppendingPathExtension:
  7885. dataUsingEncoding:
  7886. searchDirectoryForIdentifier:withAppID:
  7887. keychainDataWithIdentifier:appID:
  7888. deleteKeychainValueWithIdentifier:appID:
  7889. fira_errorWithCode:description:monitorContext:
  7890. initWithDomain:code:userInfo:
  7891. regularExpressionWithPattern:options:error:
  7892. decimalNumberWithString:locale:
  7893. notANumber
  7894. isEqualToNumber:
  7895. zero
  7896. decimalNumberWithMantissa:exponent:isNegative:
  7897. fira_MD5Data
  7898. fira_64LeastSignificantBits
  7899. getBytes:length:
  7900. reverseObjectEnumerator
  7901. fira_stringByUnescapingFromURLArgument
  7902. stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:
  7903. dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:
  7904. stringWithString:
  7905. replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:
  7906. stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:
  7907. lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:
  7908. getBytes:maxLength:usedLength:encoding:options:range:remainingRange:
  7909. dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:
  7910. messageID
  7911. messageInfo
  7912. initMessageInfoFn
  7913. deallocMessageFieldFn
  7914. copyMessageInfoFn
  7915. _messageInfo
  7916. postNotificationName:value:
  7917. setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled:
  7918. errorForMissingOptions
  7919. raise:format:
  7920. configureDefaultAppWithOptions:sendingNotifications:
  7921. alreadySentConfigureNotification
  7922. initInstanceWithName:options:
  7923. addAppToAppDictionary:
  7924. sendNotificationsToSDKs:
  7925. setAlreadySentConfigureNotification:
  7926. dictionaryWithDictionary:
  7927. alreadySentDeleteNotification
  7928. setAlreadySentDeleteNotification:
  7929. configureCore
  7930. setEditingLocked:
  7931. checkExpectedBundleID
  7932. isAppIDValid
  7933. usingOptionsFromDefaultPlist
  7934. errorForInvalidAppID
  7935. analyticsConfiguration
  7936. options
  7937. relevantBundles
  7938. expectedBundleID
  7939. hasBundleIdentifier:inBundles:
  7940. validateAppID:
  7941. matchesInString:options:range:
  7942. range
  7943. substringWithRange:
  7944. validateAppIDFormat:withVersion:
  7945. validateAppIDFingerprint:withVersion:
  7946. numberOfMatchesInString:options:range:
  7947. scannerWithString:
  7948. scanHexLongLong:
  7949. bundleID
  7950. configureWithOptions:
  7951. configureWithName:options:
  7952. defaultApp
  7953. appNamed:
  7954. allApps
  7955. resetApps
  7956. errorForSubspecConfigurationFailureWithDomain:errorCode:service:reason:
  7957. actualBundleID
  7958. deleteApp:
  7959. getTokenForcingRefresh:withCallback:
  7960. getUID
  7961. sendLogsWithServiceName:version:error:
  7962. getTokenImplementation
  7963. setGetTokenImplementation:
  7964. getUIDImplementation
  7965. setGetUIDImplementation:
  7966. _alreadySentConfigureNotification
  7967. _alreadySentDeleteNotification
  7968. _getTokenImplementation
  7969. _getUIDImplementation
  7970. registeredObjectWithHost:key:creationBlock:
  7971. optionsDictionaryPathWithResourceName:andFileType:inBundles:
  7972. relevantURLSchemes
  7973. setLoggerLevel:
  7974. setAnalyticsConfiguration:
  7975. logLevel
  7976. _analyticsConfiguration
  7977. errorWithDomain:code:userInfo:
  7978. initWithFormat:arguments:
  7979. logWithLevel:withService:withCode:withMessage:withArgs:
  7980. _objects
  7981. initWithReachabilityDelegate:loggerDelegate:withHost:
  7982. stop
  7983. handleErrorWithCode:queue:withHandler:
  7984. initWithURL:cachePolicy:timeoutInterval:
  7985. setValue:forHTTPHeaderField:
  7986. setHTTPBody:
  7987. setHTTPMethod:
  7988. initWithNetworkLoggerDelegate:
  7989. setBackgroundNetworkEnabled:
  7990. sessionIDFromAsyncPOSTRequest:completionHandler:
  7991. setAllHTTPHeaderFields:
  7992. sessionIDFromAsyncGETRequest:completionHandler:
  7993. reachability:statusChanged:
  7994. reachabilityDelegate
  7995. loggerDelegate
  7996. timeoutInterval
  7997. _reachability
  7998. _requests
  7999. _networkConnected
  8000. _isDebugModeEnabled
  8001. _reachabilityDelegate
  8002. _loggerDelegate
  8003. _timeoutInterval
  8004. fileURLWithPathComponents:
  8005. fetcherWithSessionIdentifier:
  8006. addSystemCompletionHandler:forSession:
  8007. temporaryFilePathWithSessionID:
  8008. maybeRemoveTempFilesAtURL:expiringTime:
  8009. ensureTemporaryDirectoryExists
  8010. HTTPBody
  8011. path
  8012. writeToFile:options:error:
  8013. excludeFromBackupForURL:
  8014. backgroundSessionConfigWithSessionID:
  8015. populateSessionConfig:withRequest:
  8016. mainQueue
  8017. sessionWithConfiguration:delegate:delegateQueue:
  8018. uploadTaskWithRequest:fromFile:
  8019. defaultSessionConfiguration
  8020. setURLCache:
  8021. uploadTaskWithRequest:fromData:
  8022. callCompletionHandler:withResponse:data:error:
  8023. sessionIDToFetcherMap
  8024. resume
  8025. downloadTaskWithRequest:
  8026. dataWithContentsOfFile:options:error:
  8027. configuration
  8028. callSystemCompletionHandler:
  8029. response
  8030. removeTempItemAtURL:
  8031. protectionSpace
  8032. authenticationMethod
  8033. serverTrust
  8034. credentialForTrust:
  8035. sessionIDToSystemCompletionHandlerDictionary
  8036. backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:
  8037. backgroundSessionConfiguration:
  8038. contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:error:
  8039. getResourceValue:forKey:error:
  8040. removeItemAtURL:error:
  8041. localizedDescription
  8042. setSessionID:
  8043. strongToWeakObjectsMapTable
  8044. URLByAppendingPathComponent:
  8045. checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:
  8046. createDirectoryAtURL:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error:
  8047. allHTTPHeaderFields
  8048. setHTTPAdditionalHeaders:
  8049. setTimeoutIntervalForRequest:
  8050. setTimeoutIntervalForResource:
  8051. cachePolicy
  8052. setRequestCachePolicy:
  8053. URLSession:didBecomeInvalidWithError:
  8054. URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:
  8055. URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession:
  8056. URLSession:task:willPerformHTTPRedirection:newRequest:completionHandler:
  8057. URLSession:task:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:
  8058. URLSession:task:needNewBodyStream:
  8059. URLSession:task:didSendBodyData:totalBytesSent:totalBytesExpectedToSend:
  8060. URLSession:task:didFinishCollectingMetrics:
  8061. URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError:
  8062. URLSession:downloadTask:didFinishDownloadingToURL:
  8063. URLSession:downloadTask:didWriteData:totalBytesWritten:totalBytesExpectedToWrite:
  8064. URLSession:downloadTask:didResumeAtOffset:expectedTotalBytes:
  8065. isBackgroundNetworkEnabled
  8066. _sessionID
  8067. _sessionConfig
  8068. _networkDirectoryURL
  8069. _downloadedData
  8070. _uploadingFileURL
  8071. _request
  8072. _backgroundNetworkEnabled
  8073. defaultOptionsDictionary
  8074. initInternalWithOptionsDictionary:
  8075. plistFilePathWithName:
  8076. dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:
  8077. allocWithZone:
  8078. optionsDictionary
  8079. setOptionsDictionary:
  8080. deepLinkURLScheme
  8081. setDeepLinkURLScheme:
  8082. isEditingLocked
  8083. setUsingOptionsFromDefaultPlist:
  8084. checkEditingLocked
  8085. analyticsOptionsDictionary
  8086. isMeasurementEnabled
  8087. resetDefaultOptions
  8088. initWithGoogleAppID:bundleID:GCMSenderID:APIKey:clientID:trackingID:androidClientID:databaseURL:storageBucket:deepLinkURLScheme:
  8089. initWithContentsOfFile:
  8090. initWithGoogleAppID:GCMSenderID:
  8091. APIKey
  8092. setAPIKey:
  8093. clientID
  8094. setClientID:
  8095. trackingID
  8096. setTrackingID:
  8097. GCMSenderID
  8098. setGCMSenderID:
  8099. projectID
  8100. setProjectID:
  8101. androidClientID
  8102. setAndroidClientID:
  8103. setGoogleAppID:
  8104. libraryVersionID
  8105. setLibraryVersionID:
  8106. databaseURL
  8107. setDatabaseURL:
  8108. storageBucket
  8109. setStorageBucket:
  8110. setBundleID:
  8111. isAnalyticsEnabled
  8112. isSignInEnabled
  8113. _analyticsOptionsDictionary
  8114. _createAnalyticsOptionsDictionaryOnce
  8115. _usingOptionsFromDefaultPlist
  8116. _editingLocked
  8117. _deepLinkURLScheme
  8118. _optionsDictionary
  8119. statusForFlags:
  8120. numberWithUnsignedInt:
  8121. reachabilityApi
  8122. setReachabilityApi:
  8123. reachabilityFlagsChanged:
  8124. reachability
  8125. setReachability:
  8126. reachabilityStatus
  8127. setReachabilityStatus:
  8128. host
  8129. setHost:
  8130. reachabilityStatus_
  8131. reachabilityApi_
  8132. reachability_
  8133. host_
  8134. reachabilityDelegate_
  8135. loggerDelegate_
  8136. isSimulator
  8137. isAppStoreReceiptSandbox
  8138. hasSCInfoFolder
  8139. hasEmbeddedMobileProvision
  8140. isAppExtension
  8141. close
  8142. setFd:
  8143. writeLogEvent:
  8144. numBytes
  8145. setNumBytes:
  8146. _numBytes
  8147. logSourceToWriter
  8148. accountLogDirectory
  8149. filenameWithCurrentTimeInDirectory:
  8150. initWithAccountLogDirectory:
  8151. writerForLogSource:
  8152. removeWriterForLogSource:
  8153. flushWriters
  8154. setAccountLogDirectory:
  8155. _logSourceToWriter
  8156. _accountLogDirectory
  8157. initWithLogSource:account:path:
  8158. logSource
  8159. account
  8160. _logSource
  8161. _account
  8162. _path
  8163. scheduleNextSend
  8164. setBackgroundTaskId:
  8165. flushWithCompletionHandler:
  8166. sendLogsWithCompletionHandler:
  8167. accountDataForAccount:
  8168. maxRequestNumBytes
  8169. accounts
  8170. logDirectory
  8171. contentsAtPath:
  8172. applicationBuild
  8173. installIdentifier
  8174. zwiebackCookie
  8175. contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:error:
  8176. pendingRequests
  8177. backgroundTaskId
  8178. clearcutLoggerWillSendLogs:
  8179. updatePendingRequests
  8180. sendNextPendingRequestWithCompletionHandler:
  8181. removeLastObject
  8182. sendScheduled
  8183. network
  8184. setSendScheduled:
  8185. sendDelayMillis
  8186. uploadRetriesRemaining
  8187. nextPendingRequest
  8188. logRequestFromPath:logSource:
  8189. serverURL
  8190. setUploadRetriesRemaining:
  8191. logEvent:logSource:account:
  8192. setApplicationBuild:
  8193. setMaxRequestNumBytes:
  8194. setInstallIdentifier:
  8195. setServerURL:
  8196. setZwiebackCookie:
  8197. fetcherCookieStorageMethod
  8198. setFetcherCookieStorageMethod:
  8199. setLogDirectory:
  8200. setSendDelayMillis:
  8201. setNetwork:
  8202. _backgroundTaskId
  8203. _pendingRequestsLock
  8204. _sendScheduled
  8205. _uploadRetriesRemaining
  8206. _applicationBuild
  8207. _maxRequestNumBytes
  8208. _installIdentifier
  8209. _serverURL
  8210. _zwiebackCookie
  8211. _fetcherCookieStorageMethod
  8212. _delegate
  8213. _logDirectory
  8214. _accounts
  8215. _sendDelayMillis
  8216. _pendingRequests
  8217. logDiagnostics:
  8218. installString
  8219. mapFromServiceStringToTypeEnum:
  8220. stringWithCString:encoding:
  8221. filePathURLWithName:
  8222. stringAtURL:
  8223. writeString:toURL:
  8224. fileURLWithPath:
  8225. stringWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error:
  8226. writeToURL:atomically:encoding:error:
  8227. populateLogProtoWithCommonInfo:app:
  8228. populateLogProtoWithInstalledServices:
  8229. populateLogProtoWithNumberOfLinkedFrameworks:
  8230. populateLogProtoWithInfoPlistValues:
  8231. sendLogsToClearcut:withCompletion:
  8232. node
  8233. valForExport:
  8234. validateFrom:validPathString:
  8235. initWith:
  8236. getChild:
  8237. indexedNodeWithNode:
  8238. initWithRef:indexedNode:
  8239. isEmpty
  8240. getPriority
  8241. isLeafNode
  8242. numChildren
  8243. childEnumerator
  8244. initWithEnumerator:andTransform:
  8245. valueInExportFormat
  8246. childSnapshotForPath:
  8247. hasChild:
  8248. priority
  8249. hasChildren
  8250. exists
  8251. childrenCount
  8252. setRef:
  8253. setNode:
  8254. _ref
  8255. _node
  8256. instances
  8257. config
  8258. disposeRepos:
  8259. addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock:
  8260. databaseForApp:
  8261. databaseForApp:URL:
  8262. parseUrl:
  8263. repoInfo
  8264. authTokenProviderForApp:
  8265. initWithSessionIdentifier:authTokenProvider:
  8266. initWithApp:repoInfo:config:
  8267. ensureRepo
  8268. setLoggingEnabled:
  8269. buildVersion
  8270. repo
  8271. empty
  8272. initWithRepo:path:
  8273. validateFrom:validRootPathString:
  8274. validateFrom:validURL:
  8275. sharedQueue
  8276. purgeOutstandingWrites
  8277. interrupt
  8278. assertUnfrozen:
  8279. persistenceEnabled
  8280. setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes:
  8281. persistenceCacheSizeBytes
  8282. setCallbackQueue:
  8283. callbackQueue
  8284. createRepo:config:database:
  8285. setRepo:
  8286. databaseWithURL:
  8287. createDatabaseForTests:config:
  8288. sdkVersion
  8289. referenceWithPath:
  8290. referenceFromURL:
  8291. goOnline
  8292. goOffline
  8293. setRepoInfo:
  8294. setConfig:
  8295. _app
  8296. _repoInfo
  8297. _config
  8298. _repo
  8299. isFrozen
  8300. assertUnfrozen
  8301. configForName:
  8302. defaultConfig
  8303. setAuthTokenProvider:
  8304. freeze
  8305. sessionIdentifier
  8306. authTokenProvider
  8307. forceStorageEngine
  8308. setForceStorageEngine:
  8309. _persistenceEnabled
  8310. _isFrozen
  8311. _persistenceCacheSizeBytes
  8312. _callbackQueue
  8313. _sessionIdentifier
  8314. _authTokenProvider
  8315. _forceStorageEngine
  8316. initWithRepo:path:params:orderByCalled:priorityMethodCalled:
  8317. setPath:
  8318. initWithName:reason:userInfo:
  8319. setQueryParams:
  8320. setOrderByCalled:
  8321. setPriorityMethodCalled:
  8322. queryParams
  8323. initWithPath:params:
  8324. index
  8325. keyIndex
  8326. hasStart
  8327. indexStartKey
  8328. minName
  8329. indexStartValue
  8330. hasEnd
  8331. indexEndKey
  8332. maxName
  8333. indexEndValue
  8334. priorityIndex
  8335. validatePriorityValue:
  8336. orderByCalled
  8337. queryStartingAtInternal:childKey:from:priorityMethod:
  8338. validateIndexValueType:fromMethod:
  8339. validateFrom:validKey:
  8340. nodeFrom:
  8341. startAt:childKey:
  8342. validateQueryEndpointsForParams:
  8343. priorityMethodCalled
  8344. queryEndingAtInternal:childKey:from:priorityMethod:
  8345. endAt:childKey:
  8346. queryEqualToInternal:childKey:from:priorityMethod:
  8347. limitSet
  8348. validateLimitRange:
  8349. limitToFirst:
  8350. limitToLast:
  8351. validateNoPreviousOrderByCalled
  8352. pathWithString:
  8353. orderBy:
  8354. valueIndex
  8355. validateFrom:knownEventType:
  8356. observeEventType:withBlock:withCancelBlock:
  8357. observeEventType:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:withCancelBlock:
  8358. LUIDGenerator
  8359. observeValueEventWithHandle:withBlock:cancelCallback:
  8360. observeChildEventWithHandle:withCallbacks:cancelCallback:
  8361. initWithRepo:handle:callback:cancelCallback:
  8362. querySpec
  8363. addEventRegistration:forQuery:
  8364. initWithRepo:handle:callbacks:cancelCallback:
  8365. removeEventRegistration:forQuery:
  8366. removeObserverWithHandle:
  8367. getFront
  8368. keepQuery:synced:
  8369. observeSingleEventOfType:withBlock:withCancelBlock:
  8370. observeSingleEventOfType:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:withCancelBlock:
  8371. validateEqualToCall
  8372. queryStartingAtValue:
  8373. queryStartingAtValue:childKey:
  8374. queryEndingAtValue:
  8375. queryEndingAtValue:childKey:
  8376. queryEqualToValue:
  8377. queryEqualToValue:childKey:
  8378. queryLimitedToFirst:
  8379. queryLimitedToLast:
  8380. queryOrderedByChild:
  8381. queryOrderedByKey
  8382. queryOrderedByValue
  8383. queryOrderedByPriority
  8384. observeEventType:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:
  8385. removeAllObservers
  8386. observeSingleEventOfType:withBlock:
  8387. observeSingleEventOfType:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:
  8388. _orderByCalled
  8389. _priorityMethodCalled
  8390. updateSnapshot:withNewSnapshot:
  8391. initWithPrefixPath:andSnapshotHolder:
  8392. setPrefixPath:
  8393. setData:
  8394. prefixPath
  8395. childFromString:
  8396. parent
  8397. nodeFrom:withValidationFrom:
  8398. getNode:
  8399. updatePriority:
  8400. getBack
  8401. nodeValue
  8402. initWithNode:
  8403. childDataByAppendingPath:
  8404. setPriority:
  8405. hasChildAtPath:
  8406. isEqualToData:
  8407. setIsSuccess:
  8408. setUpdate:
  8409. successWithValue:
  8410. abort
  8411. update
  8412. isSuccess
  8413. currentPathWithDepth:
  8414. initWithPieces:andPieceNum:
  8415. appendHashV2RepresentationForString:toString:
  8416. isBuildingRange
  8417. string
  8418. appendKey:toString:
  8419. enumerateCurrentPathToDepth:withBlock:
  8420. ensureRange
  8421. appendHashRepresentationForLeafNode:toString:hashVersion:
  8422. splitStrategy
  8423. endRange
  8424. currentHashes
  8425. base64EncodedSha1:
  8426. currentPaths
  8427. initWithSplitStrategy:
  8428. currentHashLength
  8429. currentPath
  8430. processLeaf:
  8431. startChild:
  8432. endChild
  8433. finishHashing
  8434. setSplitStrategy:
  8435. setCurrentPaths:
  8436. setCurrentHashes:
  8437. optHashValueBuilder
  8438. lastLeafDepth
  8439. currentPathDepth
  8440. needsComma
  8441. _splitStrategy
  8442. _currentPaths
  8443. _currentHashes
  8444. setPosts:
  8445. setHashes:
  8446. estimateSerializedNodeSize:
  8447. simpleSizeSplitStrategyForNode:
  8448. fromNode:splitStrategy:
  8449. initWithPosts:hashes:
  8450. processNode:builder:
  8451. enumerateChildrenAndPriorityUsingBlock:
  8452. fromNode:
  8453. posts
  8454. hashes
  8455. _posts
  8456. _hashes
  8457. startListening
  8458. setStartListening:
  8459. stopListening
  8460. setStopListening:
  8461. setQuery:
  8462. tagId
  8463. setTagId:
  8464. syncTreeHash
  8465. setSyncTreeHash:
  8466. onComplete
  8467. setOnComplete:
  8468. _query
  8469. _tagId
  8470. _syncTreeHash
  8471. _onComplete
  8472. action
  8473. setAction:
  8474. setRequest:
  8475. onCompleteBlock
  8476. setOnCompleteBlock:
  8477. sent
  8478. setSent:
  8479. _sent
  8480. _action
  8481. _onCompleteBlock
  8482. setInterruptReasons:
  8483. setListens:
  8484. setOutstandingPuts:
  8485. setOnDisconnectQueue:
  8486. setPutCounter:
  8487. setRequestNumber:
  8488. setRequestCBHash:
  8489. setUnackedListensCount:
  8490. setPutsToAck:
  8491. initWithDispatchQueue:minRetryDelayAfterFailure:maxRetryDelay:retryExponent:jitterFactor:
  8492. setupNotifications
  8493. interruptForReason:
  8494. resumeForReason:
  8495. listens
  8496. connected
  8497. sendListen:
  8498. putInternal:forAction:forPath:withHash:withCallback:
  8499. canSendWrites
  8500. sendOnDisconnectAction:forPath:withData:andCallback:
  8501. setPathString:
  8502. onDisconnectQueue
  8503. removeListen:
  8504. params
  8505. sendUnlisten:queryParams:tagId:
  8506. setAuthToken:
  8507. sendAuthAndRestoreStateAfterComplete:
  8508. sendUnauth
  8509. handleTimestamp:
  8510. sendConnectStats
  8511. restoreAuth
  8512. setLastSessionID:
  8513. dispatchQueue
  8514. onConnect:
  8515. requestCBHash
  8516. onDataPushWithAction:andBody:
  8517. cancelSentTransactions
  8518. shouldReconnect
  8519. retryHelper
  8520. signalSuccess
  8521. tryScheduleReconnect
  8522. onDisconnect:
  8523. interruptReasons
  8524. realtime
  8525. forceAuthTokenRefresh
  8526. setForceAuthTokenRefresh:
  8527. currentFetchTokenAttempt
  8528. setCurrentFetchTokenAttempt:
  8529. openNetworkConnectionWithToken:
  8530. fetchTokenForcingRefresh:withCallback:
  8531. retry:
  8532. lastSessionID
  8533. initWith:andDispatchQueue:lastSessionID:
  8534. open
  8535. enteringForeground
  8536. authToken
  8537. restoreState
  8538. sendAction:body:sensitive:callback:
  8539. removeAllListensAtPath:
  8540. outstandingPuts
  8541. unackedListensCount
  8542. setBlock:
  8543. setStatus:
  8544. setErrorReason:
  8545. putsToAck
  8546. toString
  8547. dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
  8548. wireProtocolParams
  8549. putCounter
  8550. getAndIncrement
  8551. sendPut:
  8552. dictionaryWithObject:forKey:
  8553. simpleHash
  8554. includeCompoundHash
  8555. compoundHash
  8556. wireFormat
  8557. warnOnListenWarningsForQuery:payload:
  8558. ackPuts
  8559. queryDefinition
  8560. requestNumber
  8561. getNextRequestNumber
  8562. sendRequest:sensitive:
  8563. onDataUpdate:forPath:message:isMerge:tagId:
  8564. initWithStart:end:updates:
  8565. onRangeMerge:forPath:tagId:
  8566. onAuthRevokedWithStatus:andReason:
  8567. onListenRevoked:
  8568. pathString
  8569. block
  8570. status
  8571. errorReason
  8572. onServerInfoUpdate:updates:
  8573. sendStats:
  8574. onReady:atTime:sessionID:
  8575. onDataMessage:withMessage:
  8576. onDisconnect:withReason:
  8577. onKill:withReason:
  8578. initWithRepoInfo:dispatchQueue:config:
  8579. listen:tagId:hash:onComplete:
  8580. putData:forPath:withHash:withCallback:
  8581. mergeData:forPath:withCallback:
  8582. onDisconnectPutData:forPath:withCallback:
  8583. onDisconnectMergeData:forPath:withCallback:
  8584. onDisconnectCancelPath:withCallback:
  8585. unlisten:tagId:
  8586. refreshAuthToken:
  8587. isInterruptedForReason:
  8588. dumpListens
  8589. pauseWrites
  8590. setPauseWrites:
  8591. setDispatchQueue:
  8592. setRetryHelper:
  8593. connectionState
  8594. firstConnection
  8595. reconnectDelay
  8596. lastConnectionAttemptTime
  8597. lastConnectionEstablishedTime
  8598. _pauseWrites
  8599. _forceAuthTokenRefresh
  8600. _realtime
  8601. _listens
  8602. _outstandingPuts
  8603. _onDisconnectQueue
  8604. _putCounter
  8605. _requestNumber
  8606. _requestCBHash
  8607. _unackedListensCount
  8608. _putsToAck
  8609. _dispatchQueue
  8610. _lastSessionID
  8611. _interruptReasons
  8612. _retryHelper
  8613. _authToken
  8614. _currentFetchTokenAttempt
  8615. viewFrom
  8616. limit
  8617. indexFromQueryDefinition:
  8618. loadsAllData
  8619. initWithIndex:
  8620. initWithQueryParams:
  8621. hasAnchoredLimit
  8622. isViewFromLeft
  8623. fromQueryObject:
  8624. limitTo:
  8625. startAt:
  8626. endAt:
  8627. nodeFilter
  8628. isDefault
  8629. setLimitSet:
  8630. setViewFrom:
  8631. setIndex:
  8632. setLimit:
  8633. setIndexStartValue:
  8634. setIndexStartKey:
  8635. setIndexEndValue:
  8636. setIndexEndKey:
  8637. _limitSet
  8638. _viewFrom
  8639. _index
  8640. _limit
  8641. _indexStartValue
  8642. _indexStartKey
  8643. _indexEndValue
  8644. _indexEndKey
  8645. defaultQueryAtPath:
  8646. setParams:
  8647. _params
  8648. updates
  8649. updateRangeInNode:node:updates:
  8650. optExclusiveStart
  8651. optInclusiveEnd
  8652. contains:
  8653. emptyNode
  8654. enumerateChildrenUsingBlock:
  8655. getImmediateChild:
  8656. updateImmediateChild:withNewChild:
  8657. applyToNode:
  8658. setOptExclusiveStart:
  8659. setOptInclusiveEnd:
  8660. setUpdates:
  8661. _optExclusiveStart
  8662. _optInclusiveEnd
  8663. _updates
  8664. setDatabase:
  8665. clock
  8666. initWithClock:offset:
  8667. setServerClock:
  8668. setConnection:
  8669. initWithQueue:
  8670. setEventRaiser:
  8671. deferredInit
  8672. connection
  8673. listenForTokenChanges:
  8674. setDataUpdateCount:
  8675. setRangeMergeUpdateCount:
  8676. setInterceptServerDataCallback:
  8677. namespace
  8678. initWithMaxSize:
  8679. runLegacyMigration:
  8680. initWithStorageEngine:cachePolicy:
  8681. setPersistenceManager:
  8682. initTransactions
  8683. setOnDisconnect:
  8684. setInfoData:
  8685. infoData
  8686. infoSyncTree
  8687. applyServerOverwriteAtPath:newData:
  8688. eventRaiser
  8689. raiseCallback:
  8690. initWithListenProvider:
  8691. setInfoSyncTree:
  8692. raiseEvents:
  8693. persistenceManager
  8694. initWithPersistenceManager:listenProvider:
  8695. setServerSyncTree:
  8696. restoreWrites
  8697. updateInfo:withValue:
  8698. userWrites
  8699. serverClock
  8700. generateServerValues:
  8701. writeId
  8702. warnIfWriteFailedAtPath:status:message:
  8703. ackWrite:rerunTransactionsAtPath:status:
  8704. setWriteIdCounter:
  8705. isOverwrite
  8706. overwrite
  8707. resolveDeferredValueSnapshot:withServerValues:
  8708. serverSyncTree
  8709. applyUserOverwriteAtPath:newData:writeId:isVisible:
  8710. merge
  8711. resolveDeferredValueCompoundWrite:withServerValues:
  8712. applyUserMergeAtPath:changedChildren:writeId:
  8713. nextWriteId
  8714. saveUserOverwrite:atPath:writeId:
  8715. callOnComplete:withStatus:errorReason:andPath:
  8716. abortTransactionsAtPath:error:
  8717. rerunTransactionsForPath:
  8718. saveUserMerge:atPath:writeId:
  8719. enumerateWrites:
  8720. onDisconnect
  8721. forgetPath:
  8722. rememberData:onPath:
  8723. removeAllWrites
  8724. handle
  8725. removeEventRegistration:forQuery:cancelError:
  8726. errorForStatus:andReason:
  8727. ackUserWriteWithWriteId:revert:persist:clock:
  8728. dataUpdateCount
  8729. interceptServerDataCallback
  8730. compoundWriteWithValueDictionary:
  8731. applyTaggedQueryMergeAtPath:changedChildren:tagId:
  8732. applyTaggedQueryOverwriteAtPath:newData:tagId:
  8733. applyServerMergeAtPath:changedChildren:
  8734. rangeMergeUpdateCount
  8735. applyTaggedServerRangeMergeAtPath:updates:tagId:
  8736. applyServerRangeMergeAtPath:updates:
  8737. runOnDisconnectEvents
  8738. didEnterBackground
  8739. beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:
  8740. resolveDeferredValueTree:withServerValues:
  8741. forEachTreeAtPath:do:
  8742. setTransactionQueueTree:
  8743. setHijackHash:
  8744. setLoggedTransactionPersistenceWarning:
  8745. loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning
  8746. setOrder:
  8747. setApplyLocally:
  8748. setRetryCount:
  8749. setUnwatcher:
  8750. setCurrentWriteId:
  8751. setCurrentInputSnapshot:
  8752. setCurrentOutputSnapshotRaw:
  8753. setCurrentOutputSnapshotResolved:
  8754. latestStateAtPath:excludeWriteIds:
  8755. unwatcher
  8756. currentInputSnapshot
  8757. transactionQueueTree
  8758. subTree:
  8759. getValue
  8760. currentWriteId
  8761. applyLocally
  8762. sendAllReadyTransactions
  8763. calcCompleteEventCacheAtPath:excludeWriteIds:
  8764. pruneCompletedTransactionsBelowNode:
  8765. sendReadyTransactionsForTree:
  8766. buildTransactionQueueAtNode:
  8767. indexOfObjectPassingTest:
  8768. sendTransactionQueue:atPath:
  8769. forEachChild:
  8770. dataHash
  8771. retryCount
  8772. relativePathFrom:to:
  8773. currentOutputSnapshotRaw
  8774. updateChild:withNewChild:
  8775. hijackHash
  8776. currentOutputSnapshotResolved
  8777. raiseCallbacks:
  8778. setAbortStatus:reason:
  8779. getAncestorTransactionNodeForPath:
  8780. rerunTransactionQueue:atPath:
  8781. abortStatus
  8782. abortError
  8783. popFront
  8784. aggregateTransactionQueuesForNode:andQueue:
  8785. order
  8786. sortUsingComparator:
  8787. removeObjectAtIndex:
  8788. forEachChildMutationSafe:
  8789. abortTransactionsAtNode:error:
  8790. forEachAncestor:
  8791. forEachDescendant:
  8792. removeObjectsInRange:
  8793. initWithRepoInfo:config:database:
  8794. dispose
  8795. serverTime
  8796. set:withNode:withCallback:
  8797. update:withNodes:withCallback:
  8798. onDisconnectCancel:withCallback:
  8799. onDisconnectSet:withNode:withCallback:
  8800. onDisconnectUpdate:withNodes:withCallback:
  8801. startTransactionOnPath:update:onComplete:withLocalEvents:
  8802. auth
  8803. setAuth:
  8804. writeIdCounter
  8805. _hijackHash
  8806. _loggedTransactionPersistenceWarning
  8807. _auth
  8808. _serverClock
  8809. _persistenceManager
  8810. _infoSyncTree
  8811. _writeIdCounter
  8812. _transactionQueueTree
  8813. _interceptServerDataCallback
  8814. _connection
  8815. _infoData
  8816. _onDisconnect
  8817. _eventRaiser
  8818. _serverSyncTree
  8819. _dataUpdateCount
  8820. _rangeMergeUpdateCount
  8821. secure
  8822. connectionURLWithLastSessionID:
  8823. internalHost
  8824. initWithHost:isSecure:withNamespace:
  8825. setInternalHost:
  8826. clearInternalHostCache
  8827. isDemoHost
  8828. isCustomHost
  8829. connectionURL
  8830. setDomain:
  8831. configs
  8832. getRepo:config:
  8833. interrupt:
  8834. interruptAll
  8835. resume:
  8836. resumeAll
  8837. addWrite:atPath:
  8838. resolveDeferredValue:withServerValues:
  8839. initWithValue:withPriority:
  8840. setRootNode:
  8841. rootNode
  8842. findPath:
  8843. setViews:
  8845. applyOperation:writesCache:serverCache:
  8846. changes
  8847. type
  8848. childKey
  8849. updateTrackedQueryKeysWithAddedKeys:removedKeys:forQuery:
  8850. events
  8851. source
  8852. applyOperation:toView:writesCache:serverCache:
  8853. isFullyInitialized
  8854. calculateCompleteEventCacheWithCompleteServerCache:
  8855. calculateCompleteEventChildrenWithCompleteServerChildren:
  8856. indexedNodeWithNode:index:
  8857. initWithIndexedNode:isFullyInitialized:isFiltered:
  8858. initWithEventCache:serverCache:
  8859. initWithQuery:initialViewCache:
  8860. eventCache
  8861. setTrackedQueryKeys:forQuery:
  8862. addEventRegistration:forExistingViewForQuery:
  8863. addEventRegistration:
  8864. initialEvents:
  8865. hasCompleteView
  8866. removeEventRegistration:cancelError:
  8867. initWithRemovedQueries:cancelEvents:
  8868. completeServerCacheFor:
  8869. viewForQuery:
  8870. completeView
  8871. initWithPersistenceManager:
  8872. addEventRegistration:forNonExistingViewForQuery:writesCache:serverCache:
  8873. queryViews
  8874. completeServerCacheAtPath:
  8875. viewExistsForQuery:
  8876. _views
  8877. serverCache
  8878. initWithView:onComplete:
  8879. setView:
  8880. _view
  8881. setSyncPointTree:
  8882. setPendingWriteTree:
  8883. setTagToQueryMap:
  8884. setQueryToTagMap:
  8885. setListenProvider:
  8886. setQueryTagCounter:
  8887. setKeepSyncedQueries:
  8888. pendingWriteTree
  8889. addOverwriteAtPath:newData:writeId:isVisible:
  8890. userInstance
  8891. initWithSource:path:snap:
  8892. applyOperationToSyncPoints:
  8893. addMergeAtPath:changedChildren:writeId:
  8894. initWithSource:path:children:
  8895. writeForId:
  8896. removeWriteId:
  8897. visible
  8898. removeUserWrite:
  8899. applyUserWrite:toServerCacheAtPath:
  8900. applyUserMerge:toServerCacheAtPath:
  8901. setValue:atPath:
  8902. initWithPath:affectedTree:revert:
  8903. updateServerCacheWithNode:forQuery:
  8904. serverInstance
  8905. updateServerCacheWithMerge:atPath:
  8906. syncPointTree
  8907. valueAtPath:
  8908. setQueryComplete:
  8909. initWithSource:path:
  8910. queryForTag:
  8911. forServerTaggedQuery:
  8912. applyTaggedOperation:atPath:
  8913. childWritesForPath:
  8914. forEachOnPath:whileBlock:
  8915. setQueryActive:
  8916. queryTagCounter
  8917. queryToTagMap
  8918. tagToQueryMap
  8919. serverCacheForQuery:
  8920. setupListenerOnQuery:view:
  8921. subtreeAtPath:
  8922. removeValueAtPath:
  8923. removedQueries
  8924. cancelEvents
  8925. setQueryInactive:
  8926. findOnPath:andApplyBlock:
  8927. collectDistinctViewsForSubTree:
  8928. createListenerForView:
  8929. listenProvider
  8930. queryForListening:
  8931. tagForQuery:
  8932. removeTags:
  8933. keepSyncedQueries
  8934. instance
  8935. removeAllUserWrites
  8936. calculateCompleteEventCacheAtPath:completeServerCache:excludeWriteIds:includeHiddenWrites:
  8937. foldWithBlock:
  8938. applyTaggedListenCompleteAtPath:tagId:
  8939. applyListenCompleteAtPath:
  8940. applyOperationHelper:syncPointTree:serverCache:writesCache:
  8941. applyOperationDescendantsHelper:syncPointTree:serverCache:writesCache:
  8942. operationForChild:
  8943. get:
  8944. childWriteTreeRef:
  8945. _syncPointTree
  8946. _pendingWriteTree
  8947. _tagToQueryMap
  8948. _queryToTagMap
  8949. _listenProvider
  8950. _queryTagCounter
  8951. _keepSyncedQueries
  8952. setOverwrite:
  8953. setMerge:
  8954. setWriteId:
  8955. setVisible:
  8956. initWithPath:overwrite:writeId:visible:
  8957. initWithPath:merge:writeId:
  8958. compoundWrite
  8959. isMerge
  8960. _visible
  8961. _writeId
  8962. _merge
  8963. _overwrite
  8964. emptyWrite
  8965. setVisibleWrites:
  8966. setAllWrites:
  8967. setLastWriteId:
  8968. initWithPath:writeTree:
  8969. allWrites
  8970. visibleWrites
  8971. addCompoundWrite:atPath:
  8972. record:containsPath:
  8973. resetTree
  8974. removeWriteAtPath:
  8975. completeNodeAtPath:
  8976. childCompoundWriteAtPath:
  8977. hasCompleteWriteAtPath:
  8978. layerTreeFromWrites:filter:treeRoot:
  8979. completeChildren
  8980. isCompleteForChild:
  8981. compareKey:andNode:toOtherKey:andNode:reverse:
  8982. nodeWithName:node:
  8983. defaultFilter
  8984. completeWriteDataAtPath:
  8985. calculateCompleteEventChildrenAtPath:completeServerChildren:
  8986. calculateEventCacheAfterServerOverwriteAtPath:childPath:existingEventSnap:existingServerSnap:
  8987. calculateCompleteChildAtPath:childKey:cache:
  8988. shadowingWriteAtPath:
  8989. calculateNextNodeAfterPost:atPath:completeServerData:reverse:index:
  8990. lastWriteId
  8991. _visibleWrites
  8992. setWriteTree:
  8993. writeTree
  8994. calculateEventCacheAfterServerOverwriteWithChildPath:existingEventSnap:existingServerSnap:
  8995. calculateNextNodeAfterPost:completeServerData:reverse:index:
  8996. calculateCompleteChild:cache:
  8997. _writeTree
  8998. affectedTree
  8999. revert
  9000. _revert
  9001. _source
  9002. _type
  9003. _affectedTree
  9004. setSource:
  9005. setType:
  9006. setChildren:
  9007. rootWrite
  9008. setFromUser:
  9009. setFromServer:
  9010. setIsTagged:
  9011. initWithFromUser:fromServer:queryParams:tagged:
  9012. fromUser
  9013. fromServer
  9014. isTagged
  9015. _isTagged
  9016. setSnap:
  9017. snap
  9018. initWithBlock:
  9019. isCanceled
  9020. execute
  9021. _block
  9022. scheduledRetry
  9023. setScheduledRetry:
  9024. lastWasSuccess
  9025. currentRetryDelay
  9026. minRetryDelayAfterFailure
  9027. setCurrentRetryDelay:
  9028. retryExponent
  9029. maxRetryDelay
  9030. jitterFactor
  9031. randomDouble
  9032. setLastWasSuccess:
  9033. setMinRetryDelayAfterFailure:
  9034. setMaxRetryDelay:
  9035. setRetryExponent:
  9036. setJitterFactor:
  9037. _lastWasSuccess
  9038. _minRetryDelayAfterFailure
  9039. _maxRetryDelay
  9040. _retryExponent
  9041. _jitterFactor
  9042. _currentRetryDelay
  9043. _scheduledRetry
  9044. emptyChildren
  9045. stringComparator
  9046. dictionaryWithComparator:
  9047. initWithValue:
  9048. initWithPath:value:
  9049. findRootMostMatchingPath:predicate:
  9050. rootMostValueOnPath:matching:
  9051. leafMostValueOnPath:matching:
  9052. enumerateComponentsUsingBlock:
  9053. containsValueMatching:
  9054. initWithValue:children:
  9055. insertKey:withValue:
  9056. removeKey:
  9057. setTree:atPath:
  9058. foldWithPathSoFar:withBlock:
  9059. findOnPath:pathSoFar:andApplyBlock:
  9060. forEachOnPath:pathSoFar:whileBlock:
  9061. forEachOnPath:pathSoFar:performBlock:
  9062. forEachPathSoFar:withBlock:
  9063. findRootMostValueAndPath:
  9064. rootMostValueOnPath:
  9065. leafMostValueOnPath:
  9066. forEachOnPath:performBlock:
  9067. forEach:
  9068. setPieces:
  9069. setPieceNum:
  9070. pieceNum
  9071. pieces
  9072. toStringWithTrailingSlash:
  9073. compareKey:toKey:
  9074. toStringWithTrailingSlash
  9075. _pieceNum
  9076. _pieces
  9077. setParent:
  9078. initWithName:withParent:withNode:
  9079. updateParents
  9080. setChildCount:
  9081. childCount
  9082. forEachDescendant:includeSelf:childrenFirst:
  9083. forEachAncestor:includeSelf:
  9084. forEachImmediateDescendantWithValue:
  9085. updateChild:withNode:
  9086. clear
  9087. valueExistsAtOrAbove:
  9088. setIndexedNode:
  9089. setIsFullyInitialized:
  9090. setIsFiltered:
  9091. isFiltered
  9092. indexedNode
  9093. isCompleteForPath:
  9094. _isFullyInitialized
  9095. _isFiltered
  9096. _indexedNode
  9097. setEventRegistration:
  9098. setError:
  9099. eventRegistration
  9100. fireEvent:queue:
  9101. fireEventOnQueue:
  9102. isCancelEvent
  9103. initWithEventRegistration:error:path:
  9104. initWithType:indexedNode:childKey:oldIndexedNode:
  9105. oldIndexedNode
  9106. setPrevKey:
  9107. initWithType:indexedNode:
  9108. initWithType:indexedNode:childKey:
  9109. changeWithPrevKey:
  9110. prevKey
  9111. _childKey
  9112. _prevKey
  9113. _oldIndexedNode
  9114. setHandle:
  9115. setCallbacks:
  9116. setCancelCallback:
  9117. callbacks
  9118. initWithEventType:eventRegistration:dataSnapshot:prevName:
  9119. cancelCallback
  9120. eventType
  9121. snapshot
  9122. prevName
  9123. responseTo:
  9124. createEventFrom:query:
  9125. createCancelEventFromError:path:
  9126. matches:
  9127. _callbacks
  9128. _cancelCallback
  9129. _handle
  9130. setSnapshot:
  9131. setPrevName:
  9132. setEventType:
  9133. initWithEventType:eventRegistration:dataSnapshot:
  9134. queue
  9135. raiseCallbacks:queue:
  9136. setQueue:
  9137. setCallback:
  9138. callback
  9139. _callback
  9140. initWithChanges:events:
  9141. setChanges:
  9142. setEvents:
  9143. _changes
  9144. _events
  9145. initWithFilter:
  9146. setProcessor:
  9147. cachedServerSnap
  9148. cachedEventSnap
  9149. updateFullNode:withNewNode:accumulator:
  9150. filtersNodes
  9151. setViewCache:
  9152. setEventRegistrations:
  9153. initWithQuery:
  9154. setEventGenerator:
  9155. viewCache
  9156. completeServerSnap
  9157. eventRegistrations
  9158. processor
  9159. applyOperationOn:operation:writesCache:completeCache:
  9160. generateEventsForChanges:eventCache:registration:
  9161. eventGenerator
  9162. generateEventsForChanges:eventCache:eventRegistrations:
  9163. _processor
  9164. _viewCache
  9165. _eventRegistrations
  9166. _eventGenerator
  9167. setCachedEventSnap:
  9168. setCachedServerSnap:
  9169. updateEventSnap:isComplete:isFiltered:
  9170. updateServerSnap:isComplete:isFiltered:
  9171. completeEventSnap
  9172. _cachedEventSnap
  9173. _cachedServerSnap
  9174. setChangeMap:
  9175. changeMap
  9176. trackChildChange:
  9177. _changeMap
  9178. updateChildIn:forChildKey:newChild:affectedPath:fromSource:accumulator:
  9179. updatePriority:forNode:
  9180. indexedFilter
  9181. setRangedFilter:
  9182. setReverse:
  9183. rangedFilter
  9184. matchesKey:andNode:
  9185. fullLimitUpdateNode:forChildKey:newChild:fromSource:accumulator:
  9186. reverse
  9187. firstChild
  9188. lastChild
  9189. childByIndex:afterChild:isReverse:
  9190. endPost
  9191. startPost
  9192. enumerateChildrenReverse:usingBlock:
  9193. _reverse
  9194. _rangedFilter
  9195. offset
  9196. setClock:
  9197. setOffset:
  9198. _clock
  9199. _offset
  9200. indexedValueChangedBetween:and:
  9201. generateEvents:forType:changes:eventCache:eventRegistrations:
  9202. compareKey:andNode:toOtherKey:andNode:
  9203. generateEventForChange:registration:eventCache:
  9204. predecessorForChildKey:childNode:index:
  9205. urlEncoded:
  9206. validateFrom:writablePath:
  9207. setValueInternal:andPriority:withCompletionBlock:from:
  9208. nodeFrom:priority:withValidationFrom:
  9209. setPriorityInternal:withCompletionBlock:from:
  9210. updateChildValuesInternal:withCompletionBlock:from:
  9211. compoundWriteFromDictionary:withValidationFrom:
  9212. onDisconnectSetValueInternal:andPriority:withCompletionBlock:from:
  9213. onDisconnectUpdateChildValuesInternal:withCompletionBlock:from:
  9214. cancelDisconnectOperationsWithCompletionBlock:
  9215. runTransactionBlock:andCompletionBlock:withLocalEvents:
  9216. initWithConfig:
  9217. root
  9218. childByAppendingPath:
  9219. setValue:withCompletionBlock:
  9220. setValue:andPriority:
  9221. setValue:andPriority:withCompletionBlock:
  9222. removeValueWithCompletionBlock:
  9223. setPriority:withCompletionBlock:
  9224. updateChildValues:
  9225. updateChildValues:withCompletionBlock:
  9226. onDisconnectSetValue:
  9227. onDisconnectSetValue:withCompletionBlock:
  9228. onDisconnectSetValue:andPriority:
  9229. onDisconnectSetValue:andPriority:withCompletionBlock:
  9230. onDisconnectRemoveValue
  9231. onDisconnectRemoveValueWithCompletionBlock:
  9232. onDisconnectUpdateChildValues:
  9233. onDisconnectUpdateChildValues:withCompletionBlock:
  9234. cancelDisconnectOperations
  9235. runTransactionBlock:
  9236. runTransactionBlock:andCompletionBlock:
  9237. initWithName:andNode:
  9238. setMaxPost:
  9239. compareNamedNode:toNamedNode:
  9240. isDefinedOn:
  9241. minPost
  9242. maxPost
  9243. makePost:name:
  9244. _maxPost
  9245. maxNode
  9246. setIndexedFilter:
  9247. startPostFromQueryParams:
  9248. setStartPost:
  9249. endPostFromQueryParams:
  9250. setEndPost:
  9251. _startPost
  9252. _endPost
  9253. _indexedFilter
  9254. setEnumerator:
  9255. enumerator
  9256. nextObject
  9257. transform
  9258. _enumerator
  9259. _transform
  9260. completeChild:
  9261. setWrites:
  9262. setOptCompleteServerCache:
  9263. optCompleteServerCache
  9264. writes
  9265. initWithWrites:viewCache:serverCache:
  9266. _writes
  9267. _optCompleteServerCache
  9268. setFilter:
  9269. applyUserOverwriteTo:changePath:changedSnap:writesCache:completeCache:accumulator:
  9270. applyServerOverwriteTo:changePath:snap:writesCache:completeCache:filterServerNode:accumulator:
  9271. applyUserMergeTo:path:changedChildren:writesCache:completeCache:accumulator:
  9272. applyServerMergeTo:path:changedChildren:writesCache:completeCache:filterServerNode:accumulator:
  9273. ackUserWriteOn:ackPath:affectedTree:writesCache:completeCache:accumulator:
  9274. revertUserWriteOn:path:writesCache:completeCache:accumulator:
  9275. listenCompleteOldCache:path:writesCache:serverCache:accumulator:
  9276. maybeAddValueFromOldViewCache:newViewCache:changes:
  9277. initWithViewCache:changes:
  9278. filter
  9279. generateEventCacheAfterServerEvent:path:writesCache:source:accumulator:
  9280. cache:hasChild:
  9281. childCompoundWrites
  9282. addWrite:atKey:
  9283. _filter
  9284. authStateDidChangeNotification:
  9285. listener
  9286. initWithListener:app:
  9287. setListener:
  9288. setApp:
  9289. _listener
  9290. authListeners
  9291. initWithFirebaseApp:
  9292. setAuthListeners:
  9293. _authListeners
  9294. maxSize
  9295. shouldPruneCacheWithSize:numberOfTrackedQueries:
  9296. shouldCheckCacheSize:
  9297. percentOfQueriesToPruneAtOnce
  9298. maxNumberOfQueriesToKeep
  9299. setMaxSize:
  9300. _maxSize
  9301. noCachePolicy
  9302. firebaseDir
  9303. setBasePath:
  9304. basePath
  9305. ensureDir:markAsDoNotBackup:
  9306. runMigration
  9307. openDatabases
  9308. stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:error:
  9309. writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error:
  9310. levelDBWithPath:error:
  9311. unarchiveObjectWithData:
  9312. nodeFrom:priority:
  9313. enumerateKeysAndValuesAsData:
  9314. createDB:
  9315. setServerCacheDB:
  9316. setWritesDB:
  9317. purgeDatabase:
  9318. serverCacheDB
  9319. writesDB
  9320. exceptionWithName:reason:userInfo:
  9321. dataWithJSONObject:options:error:
  9322. setData:forKey:
  9323. beginWriteBatch
  9324. enumerateKeys:
  9325. commit
  9326. JSONObjectWithData:options:error:
  9327. internalNestedDataForPath:
  9328. removeAllLeafNodesOnPath:batch:
  9329. removeAllWithPrefix:batch:database:
  9330. saveNodeInternal:atPath:batch:counter:
  9331. internalSetNestedData:forKey:withBatch:counter:
  9332. exactSizeFrom:to:
  9333. shouldPruneUnkeptDescendantsAtPath:
  9334. enumerateKeysWithPrefix:usingBlock:
  9335. unsignedIntegerValue
  9336. initWithId:query:lastUse:isActive:isComplete:
  9337. enumerateKeysWithPrefix:asData:
  9338. queryId
  9339. lastUse
  9340. isComplete
  9341. enumerateKeysWithPrefix:asStrings:
  9342. serializePrimitive:
  9343. iteratorWithLevelDB:
  9344. seekToKey:
  9345. internalNestedDataFromIterator:andKeyPrefix:
  9346. valueAsData
  9347. deserializePrimitive:
  9348. nextKey
  9349. longValue
  9350. fixDoubleParsing:
  9351. serverCacheAtPath:
  9352. serverCacheForKeys:atPath:
  9353. updateServerCache:atPath:merge:
  9354. serverCacheEstimatedSizeInBytes
  9355. pruneCache:atPath:
  9356. loadTrackedQueries
  9357. removeTrackedQuery:
  9358. saveTrackedQuery:
  9359. setTrackedQueryKeys:forQueryId:
  9360. updateTrackedQueryKeysWithAddedKeys:removedKeys:forQueryId:
  9361. trackedQueryKeysForQuery:
  9362. purgeEverything
  9363. _basePath
  9364. _writesDB
  9365. _serverCacheDB
  9366. encodeObject:forKey:
  9367. decodeObjectForKey:
  9368. encodeWithCoder:
  9369. initWithPath:andData:andPriority:
  9370. _priority
  9371. initWithPath:andPriority:
  9372. initWithPath:andData:
  9373. storageEngine
  9374. initWithStorageEngine:clock:
  9375. setStorageEngine:
  9376. setTrackedQueryManager:
  9377. trackedQueryManager
  9378. isQueryComplete:
  9379. findTrackedQuery:
  9380. knownCompleteChildrenAtPath:
  9381. doPruneCheckAfterServerUpdate
  9382. hasActiveDefaultQueryAtPath:
  9383. ensureCompleteTrackedQueryAtPath:
  9384. setQueriesCompleteAtPath:
  9385. serverCacheUpdatesSinceLastPruneCheck
  9386. setServerCacheUpdatesSinceLastPruneCheck:
  9387. numberOfPrunableQueries
  9388. pruneOldQueries:
  9389. prunesAnything
  9390. setCachePolicy:
  9391. _storageEngine
  9392. _cachePolicy
  9393. _trackedQueryManager
  9394. _serverCacheUpdatesSinceLastPruneCheck
  9395. initWithForest:
  9396. pruneForest
  9397. pruneTree
  9398. keepTree
  9399. childAtPath:
  9400. setPruneValue:forAll:atPath:
  9401. shouldKeepPath:
  9402. affectsPath:
  9403. prunePath:
  9404. keepPath:
  9405. keepAll:atPath:
  9406. pruneAll:atPath:
  9407. enumarateKeptNodesUsingBlock:
  9408. setPruneForest:
  9409. _pruneForest
  9410. initWithId:query:lastUse:isActive:
  9411. updateLastUse:
  9412. setComplete
  9413. setActiveState:
  9414. setQueryId:
  9415. setLastUse:
  9416. setIsComplete:
  9417. setIsActive:
  9418. _isComplete
  9419. _isActive
  9420. _queryId
  9421. _lastUse
  9422. currentQueryId
  9423. setCurrentQueryId:
  9424. cacheTrackedQuery:
  9425. normalizeQuery:
  9426. trackedQueryTree
  9427. setQueryActive:forQuery:
  9428. isIncludedInDefaultCompleteQuery:
  9429. assertValidTrackedQuery:
  9430. setTrackedQueryTree:
  9431. numberOfQueriesToPrune:prunableCount:
  9432. filteredQueryIdsAtPath:
  9433. isEqualToArray:
  9434. verifyCache
  9435. _trackedQueryTree
  9436. _currentQueryId
  9437. initWith:andQueue:lastSessionID:
  9438. setConn:
  9439. conn
  9440. closeWithReason:
  9441. sendData:sensitive:
  9442. send:
  9443. onDataMessage:
  9444. onControl:
  9445. onConnectionShutdownWithReason:
  9446. onReset:
  9447. onHandshake:
  9448. onConnection:readyAtTime:sessionID:
  9449. onMessage:withMessage:
  9450. onDisconnect:wasEverConnected:
  9451. state
  9452. setConnectionId:
  9453. setTotalFrames:
  9454. userAgent
  9455. connectionId
  9456. initWithURL:
  9457. initWithURLRequest:queue:andUserAgent:
  9458. setWebSocket:
  9459. webSocket
  9460. setDelegateDispatchQueue:
  9461. model
  9462. sanitizedForUserAgent:
  9463. closeIfNeverConnected
  9464. resetKeepAlive
  9465. splitString:intoMaxSize:
  9466. totalFrames
  9467. handleNewFrameCount:
  9468. buffering
  9469. appendFrame:
  9470. extractFrameCount:
  9471. handleIncomingFrame:
  9472. nop:
  9473. onClosed
  9474. shutdown
  9475. fireDate
  9476. timeIntervalSinceDate:
  9477. setFireDate:
  9478. webSocket:didReceiveMessage:
  9479. webSocketDidOpen:
  9480. webSocket:didFailWithError:
  9481. webSocket:didCloseWithCode:reason:wasClean:
  9482. everConnected
  9483. isClosed
  9484. keepAlive
  9485. _totalFrames
  9486. keyComparator
  9487. initWithPriority:children:
  9488. setPriorityNode:
  9489. priorityNode
  9490. intForString:
  9491. lazyHash
  9492. setLazyHash:
  9493. enumerateKeysAndObjectsReverse:usingBlock:
  9494. keyEnumerator
  9495. getPredecessorKey:
  9496. minKey
  9497. maxKey
  9498. predecessorChildKey:
  9499. initWithChildren:
  9500. childrenGetter:
  9501. _children
  9502. _priorityNode
  9503. _lazyHash
  9504. initWithWriteTree:
  9505. applySubtreeWrite:atPath:toNode:
  9506. isEqualToDictionary:
  9507. compoundWriteWithNodeDictionary:
  9508. initWithNode:index:
  9509. initWithNode:index:indexed:
  9510. indexed
  9511. fallbackIndex
  9512. setIndexed:
  9513. setWithKeysFromDictionary:comparator:
  9514. ensureIndexed
  9515. predecessorEntry:
  9516. enumerateObjectsReverse:usingBlock:
  9517. objectEnumerator
  9518. hasIndex:
  9519. _indexed
  9520. validatePriorityNode:
  9521. getJavascriptType:
  9522. compareToLeafNode:
  9523. valueTypeOrder
  9524. indexOfObject:
  9525. compare:options:
  9526. withIndex:
  9527. isIndexed:
  9528. forEachChildDo:
  9529. nodeFrom:priority:withValidationFrom:atDepth:path:
  9530. internalNodeFrom:priority:withValidationFrom:atDepth:path:
  9531. validateFrom:isValidPriorityValue:withPath:
  9532. validateFrom:isValidLeafValue:withPath:
  9533. dictionaryWithCapacity:
  9534. validateFrom:validDictionaryKey:withPath:
  9535. fromDictionary:withComparator:
  9536. arrayWithCapacity:
  9537. validateFrom:validUpdateDictionaryKey:withValue:
  9538. ieee754StringForNumber:
  9539. estimateLeafNodeSize:
  9540. setLock:
  9541. lock
  9542. unlock
  9543. number
  9544. userCallback
  9545. setUserCallback:
  9546. setAllowedEvents:
  9547. setListeners:
  9548. validateEventType:
  9549. listeners
  9550. triggerListener:withData:
  9551. addEventListener:forEventType:
  9552. getInitialEventForType:
  9553. removeEventListenerWithHandle:forEventType:
  9554. allowedEvents
  9555. initWithAllowedEvents:queue:
  9556. triggerEventType:data:
  9557. removeObserverForEventType:withHandle:
  9558. stringWithCharacters:length:
  9559. cStringUsingEncoding:
  9560. initWithBytes:length:
  9561. base64EncodedStringFromData:
  9562. stringByRemovingPercentEncoding
  9563. stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:
  9564. stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:
  9565. urlDecoded:
  9566. setLocalUid:
  9567. arrayWithObject:
  9568. singleton
  9569. localUid
  9570. decodePath:
  9571. objCType
  9572. scanInteger:
  9573. getLoggingEnabled
  9574. isValidPathString:
  9575. stringByReplacingMatchesInString:options:range:withTemplate:
  9576. isValidKey:
  9577. stringNonempty:
  9578. maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:
  9579. parseAndValidateKey:fromFunction:path:
  9580. validateFrom:isValidPriorityValue:withPath:throwError:
  9581. validateToken:
  9582. handleError:withUserCallback:
  9583. handleError:withSuccessCallback:
  9584. urlDecoded
  9585. urlEncoded
  9586. boolean
  9587. setBoolean:
  9588. _errorReason
  9589. setOne:
  9590. setTwo:
  9591. three
  9592. setThree:
  9593. initWithNode:andPath:
  9594. setObj:
  9595. initWithObject:andNode:
  9596. objA
  9597. setObjA:
  9598. objB
  9599. setObjB:
  9600. setRemovedQueries:
  9601. setCancelEvents:
  9602. setSetId:
  9603. initWithSetId:andPath:
  9604. setId
  9605. setString:
  9606. initWithString:andNode:
  9607. from
  9608. setFrom:
  9609. setTo:
  9610. setAbortStatus:
  9611. setAbortReason:
  9612. abortReason
  9613. _applyLocally
  9614. _retryCount
  9615. _update
  9616. _status
  9617. _order
  9618. _unwatcher
  9619. _abortStatus
  9620. _abortReason
  9621. _currentWriteId
  9622. _currentInputSnapshot
  9623. _currentOutputSnapshotRaw
  9624. _currentOutputSnapshotResolved
  9625. initWithHandle:
  9626. datasnapshotCallback
  9627. setDatasnapshotCallback:
  9628. datasnapshotPrevnameCallback
  9629. setDatasnapshotPrevnameCallback:
  9630. keys
  9631. initWithKeys:startPos:isReverse:
  9632. setPos:
  9633. setKeys:
  9634. _pos
  9635. _keys
  9636. initWithComparator:keys:values:
  9637. comparator
  9638. findKey:
  9639. values
  9640. arrayWithArray:
  9641. findInsertPositionForKey:
  9642. insertObject:atIndex:
  9643. initWithComparator:
  9644. keyEnumeratorFrom:
  9645. reverseKeyEnumerator
  9646. reverseKeyEnumeratorFrom:
  9647. setComparator:
  9648. setValues:
  9649. _comparator
  9650. _values
  9651. setDictionary:
  9652. _dictionary
  9653. initWithKey:withValue:withColor:withLeft:withRight:
  9654. copyWith:withValue:withColor:withLeft:withRight:
  9655. insertKey:forValue:withComparator:
  9656. remove:withComparator:
  9657. inorderTraversal:
  9658. reverseTraversal:
  9659. isRed
  9660. check
  9661. setKey:
  9662. color
  9663. setColor:
  9664. left
  9665. setLeft:
  9666. right
  9667. setRight:
  9668. fixUp
  9669. moveRedLeft
  9670. removeMin
  9671. rotateLeft
  9672. rotateRight
  9673. colorFlip
  9674. moveRedRight
  9675. checkMaxDepth
  9676. setRoot:
  9677. initWithComparator:withRoot:
  9678. initWithImmutableSortedDictionary:startKey:isReverse:
  9679. buildBalancedTree:dictionary:subArrayStartIndex:length:
  9680. rootFrom12List:keyList:dictionary:
  9681. _root
  9682. setImmutableSortedDictionary:
  9683. setStack:
  9684. setIsReverse:
  9685. immutableSortedDictionary
  9686. isReverse
  9687. stack
  9688. _isReverse
  9689. _immutableSortedDictionary
  9690. _stack
  9691. stringBySHA1ThenBase64Encoding
  9692. scheme
  9693. _SR_commonInit
  9694. initWithURLRequest:protocols:queue:andUserAgent:
  9695. initWithURLRequest:protocols:
  9696. initWithURL:protocols:
  9697. _initializeStreams
  9698. _connect
  9699. _failWithError:
  9700. _checkHandshake:
  9701. setReadyState:
  9702. _readFrameNew
  9703. _performDelegateBlock:
  9704. _HTTPHeadersDidFinish
  9705. _readHTTPHeader
  9706. _readUntilHeaderCompleteWithCallback:
  9707. port
  9708. SR_origin
  9709. _writeData:
  9710. setProperty:forKey:
  9711. FSR_SSLPinnedCertificates
  9712. FSR_networkRunLoop
  9713. scheduleInRunLoop:forMode:
  9714. removeFromRunLoop:forMode:
  9715. closeWithCode:reason:
  9716. readyState
  9717. _disconnect
  9718. _sendFrameWithOpcode:data:
  9719. _scheduleCleanup
  9720. assertOnWorkQueue
  9721. _pumpWriting
  9722. _closeWithProtocolError:
  9723. _readFrameContinue
  9724. _handleMessage:
  9725. handleCloseWithData:
  9726. handlePing:
  9727. handlePong
  9728. _handleFrameWithData:opCode:
  9729. _addConsumerWithDataLength:callback:readToCurrentFrame:unmaskBytes:
  9730. _handleFrameHeader:curData:
  9731. setLength:
  9732. hasSpaceAvailable
  9733. write:maxLength:
  9734. streamStatus
  9735. _addConsumerWithScanner:callback:dataLength:
  9736. consumerWithScanner:handler:bytesNeeded:readToCurrentFrame:unmaskBytes:
  9737. _pumpScanner
  9738. _cleanupSelfReference:
  9739. timerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:
  9740. addTimer:forMode:
  9741. _readUntilBytes:length:callback:
  9742. _addConsumerWithScanner:callback:
  9743. bytesNeeded
  9744. consumer
  9745. dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:
  9746. readToCurrentFrame
  9747. unmaskBytes
  9748. setBytesNeeded:
  9749. handler
  9750. _innerPumpScanner
  9751. propertyForKey:
  9752. safeHandleEvent:stream:
  9753. didConnect
  9754. streamError
  9755. hasBytesAvailable
  9756. read:maxLength:
  9757. appendBytes:length:
  9758. stream:handleEvent:
  9759. initWithURLRequest:
  9760. unscheduleFromRunLoop:forMode:
  9761. protocol
  9762. delegateOperationQueue
  9763. setDelegateOperationQueue:
  9764. delegateDispatchQueue
  9765. _webSocketVersion
  9766. _delegateOperationQueue
  9767. _delegateDispatchQueue
  9768. _workQueue
  9769. _consumers
  9770. _inputStream
  9771. _outputStream
  9772. _readBuffer
  9773. _readBufferOffset
  9774. _outputBuffer
  9775. _outputBufferOffset
  9776. _currentFrameOpcode
  9777. _currentFrameCount
  9778. _readOpCount
  9779. _currentStringScanPosition
  9780. _currentFrameData
  9781. _closeReason
  9782. _secKey
  9783. _pinnedCertFound
  9784. _currentReadMaskKey
  9785. _currentReadMaskOffset
  9786. _consumerStopped
  9787. _closeWhenFinishedWriting
  9788. _failed
  9789. _secure
  9790. _urlRequest
  9791. _userAgent
  9792. _receivedHTTPHeaders
  9793. _sentClose
  9794. _didFail
  9795. _cleanupScheduled
  9796. _closeCode
  9797. _isPumping
  9798. _scheduledRunloops
  9799. _selfRetain
  9800. _requestedProtocols
  9801. _consumerPool
  9802. _readyState
  9803. _url
  9804. _protocol
  9805. setupWithScanner:handler:bytesNeeded:readToCurrentFrame:unmaskBytes:
  9806. _scanner
  9807. _handler
  9808. _bytesNeeded
  9809. _readToCurrentFrame
  9810. _unmaskBytes
  9811. initWithBufferCapacity:
  9812. returnConsumer:
  9813. _poolSize
  9814. _bufferedConsumers
  9815. propertyForKey:inRequest:
  9816. setProperty:forKey:inRequest:
  9817. setFSR_SSLPinnedCertificates:
  9818. runLoop
  9819. currentRunLoop
  9820. distantFuture
  9821. runMode:beforeDate:
  9822. main
  9823. _waitGroup
  9824. _runLoop
  9825. initWithPath:error:
  9826. defaultCreateOptions
  9827. initWithCString:encoding:
  9828. initWithBytes:length:encoding:
  9829. initWithLevelDB:
  9830. dataForKey:
  9831. enumerateKeysAndValuesAsStrings:
  9832. approximateSizeFrom:to:
  9833. commitWriteBatch:
  9834. .cxx_construct
  9835. _readOptions
  9836. _writeOptions
  9837. seekToFirst
  9838. seekToLast
  9839. valueAsString
  9840. levelDB
  9841. setLevelDB:
  9842. _iter
  9843. _levelDB
  9844. _batch
  9845. didReceiveConfigureSDKNotification:
  9846. logFuncDebug:messageCode:msg:
  9847. exitWithReason:forFirebaseApp:
  9848. configureInstanceIDWithOptions:app:
  9849. logFuncError:messageCode:msg:
  9850. setFcmSenderID:
  9851. setFirebaseAppID:
  9852. didCompleteConfigure
  9853. configureErrorWithReason:
  9854. sendLogsForFirebaseApp:withError:
  9855. methodSignatureForSelector:
  9856. invocationWithMethodSignature:
  9857. setSelector:
  9858. setTarget:
  9859. setArgument:atIndex:
  9860. invoke
  9861. tokenManager
  9862. authService
  9863. checkinPreferences
  9864. fetchCheckinInfoWithHandler:
  9865. keyPairStore
  9866. appIdentityWithError:
  9867. cachedCheckinPreferences
  9868. initPrivately
  9869. stopAllTokenOperations
  9870. fcmSenderID
  9871. cachedTokenIfAvailable
  9872. fetchDefaultToken
  9873. cachedTokenInfoWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:
  9874. token
  9875. notificationWithName:object:
  9876. enqueueNotification:postingStyle:
  9877. isSandboxApp
  9878. errorWithFIRInstanceIDErrorCode:
  9879. firebaseAppID
  9880. initWithTokenOptionsDictionary:
  9881. APNSInfo
  9882. isEqualToAPNSInfo:
  9883. fetchNewTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:keyPair:options:handler:
  9884. asyncLoadKeyPairWithHandler:
  9885. deleteTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:keyPair:handler:
  9886. loadKeyPairWithError:
  9887. deleteIdentity:
  9888. deleteAllTokensWithKeyPair:handler:
  9889. deleteAllTokensLocallyWithError:
  9890. deleteSavedKeyPairWithSubtype:error:
  9891. removeKeyPairCreationTimePlistWithError:
  9892. errorWithFIRInstanceIDErrorCode:userInfo:
  9893. resetCheckin:
  9894. checkForTokenRefreshPolicy
  9895. setDefaultFCMToken:
  9896. scheduleCheckin:
  9897. hasApplicationSupportSubDirectory:
  9898. createApplicationSupportSubDirectory:
  9899. setupTokenManager
  9900. setupKeyPairManager
  9901. setupNotificationListeners
  9902. setTokenManager:
  9903. setKeyPairStore:
  9904. invalidateKeyPairsIfNeeded
  9905. notifyIdentityReset
  9906. retryCountForDefaultToken
  9907. maxRetryCountForDefaultToken
  9908. maxRetryIntervalForDefaultTokenInSeconds
  9909. minIntervalForDefaultTokenRetry
  9910. isFetchingDefaultToken
  9911. defaultFCMToken
  9912. defaultTokenWithHandler:
  9913. isDefaultTokenFetchScheduled
  9914. apnsTokenData
  9915. apnsTokenType
  9916. setIsFetchingDefaultToken:
  9917. setRetryCountForDefaultToken:
  9918. retryIntervalToFetchDefaultToken
  9919. setIsDefaultTokenFetchScheduled:
  9920. APNSTupleString
  9921. logFuncInfo:messageCode:msg:
  9922. tokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:handler:
  9923. setApnsTokenType:
  9924. setApnsTokenData:
  9925. setAPNSTupleString:
  9926. updateTokensToAPNSDeviceToken:isSandbox:
  9927. authorizedEntity
  9928. scope
  9929. isProductionApp
  9930. logAPNSConfigurationError:
  9931. scanUpToString:intoString:
  9932. propertyListWithData:options:format:error:
  9933. valueForKeyPath:
  9934. keyPairStoreDidDeleteKeyPair:
  9935. stopAllRequests
  9936. deleteTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:handler:
  9937. getIDWithHandler:
  9938. deleteIDWithHandler:
  9939. setAPNSToken:type:
  9940. retryCountForCheckinRefresh
  9941. setRetryCountForCheckinRefresh:
  9942. _isFetchingDefaultToken
  9943. _isDefaultTokenFetchScheduled
  9944. _fcmSenderID
  9945. _firebaseAppID
  9946. _apnsTokenData
  9947. _apnsTokenType
  9948. _APNSTupleString
  9949. _defaultFCMToken
  9950. _tokenManager
  9951. _keyPairStore
  9952. _retryCountForDefaultToken
  9953. _retryCountForCheckinRefresh
  9954. decodeBoolForKey:
  9955. initWithDeviceToken:isSandbox:
  9956. deviceToken
  9957. isSandbox
  9958. encodeBool:forKey:
  9959. _sandbox
  9960. _deviceToken
  9961. setAccount:
  9962. setService:
  9963. setModificationDate:
  9964. keychainItemFromDictionary:
  9965. service
  9966. modificationDate
  9967. _service
  9968. _modificationDate
  9969. generic
  9970. keychainQueryForService:account:accessGroup:generic:
  9971. keychainQueryForService:account:accessGroup:
  9972. logFuncWarning:messageCode:msg:
  9973. itemsMatchingService:account:accessGroup:error:
  9974. removeItemsMatchingService:account:accessGroup:error:
  9975. initWithIdentifier:
  9976. defaultAccessGroup
  9977. itemForService:account:accessGroup:error:
  9978. setData:forService:accessibility:account:accessGroup:error:
  9979. removeAllItemsWithError:
  9980. setGeneric:
  9981. setIdentifier:
  9982. _generic
  9983. _identifier
  9984. initWithCheckinService:store:
  9985. hasValidCheckinInfo
  9986. scheduledCheckinTimer
  9987. performScheduledCheckin
  9988. calculateNextCheckinRetryIntervalInSeconds
  9989. startCheckinTimerWithDuration:
  9990. onScheduledCheckinTimerFired:
  9991. setScheduledCheckinTimer:
  9992. setTolerance:
  9993. clearScheduledCheckinTimer
  9994. checkinRetryCount
  9995. setCheckinRetryCount:
  9996. checkinHandlers
  9997. notifyCheckinHandlersWithCheckin:error:
  9998. checkinService
  9999. cachedCheckinMatchesCheckin:
  10000. setHasPreCachedAuthCredentials:
  10001. setCheckinPreferences:
  10002. store
  10003. saveCheckinPreferences:error:
  10004. reset
  10005. checkinWithExistingCheckin:completion:
  10006. stopFetching
  10007. removeCheckinPreferences:
  10008. deviceID
  10009. secretToken
  10010. initWithStore:
  10011. stopCheckinRequest
  10012. setStore:
  10013. setCheckinService:
  10014. isCheckinInProgress
  10015. setIsCheckinInProgress:
  10016. _isCheckinInProgress
  10017. _checkinRetryCount
  10018. _store
  10019. _checkinService
  10020. _checkinPreferences
  10021. _checkinHandlers
  10022. _scheduledCheckinTimer
  10023. moveToApplicationSupportSubDirectory:
  10024. plistDirectory
  10025. plistPathInDirectory:
  10026. writeToFile:atomically:
  10027. fileName
  10028. setCachedPlistContents:
  10029. resourceValuesForKeys:error:
  10030. cachedPlistContents
  10031. applicationSupportSubDirectory
  10032. setFileInApplicationSupport:
  10033. fileExistsAtPath:isDirectory:
  10034. doesFileExistInDirectory:
  10035. moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:
  10036. fileInApplicationSupport
  10037. pathWithName:inDirectory:
  10038. initWithFileName:applicationSupportSubDirectory:
  10039. writeDictionary:error:
  10040. deleteFile:
  10041. contentAsDictionary
  10042. moveToApplicationSupportSubDirectory
  10043. doesFileExist
  10044. setFileName:
  10045. setApplicationSupportSubDirectory:
  10046. _fileInApplicationSupport
  10047. _cachedPlistContents
  10048. _fileName
  10049. _applicationSupportSubDirectory
  10050. checkinDeviceIDFromKeychainContent:
  10051. checkinSecretFromKeychainContent:
  10052. initWithDeviceID:secretToken:
  10053. setDeviceID:
  10054. setSecretToken:
  10055. setDigest:
  10056. setVersionInfo:
  10057. setGServicesData:
  10058. setDeviceDataVersion:
  10059. setLastCheckinTimestampMillis:
  10060. checkinKeychainContent:forIndex:
  10061. updateWithCheckinPlistContents:
  10062. checkinKeychainContent
  10063. preferencesFromKeychainContents:
  10064. digest
  10065. versionInfo
  10066. deviceDataVersion
  10067. lastCheckinTimestampMillis
  10068. gServicesData
  10069. hasCheckinInfo
  10070. checkinPlistContents
  10071. hasPreCachedAuthCredentials
  10072. _hasPreCachedAuthCredentials
  10073. _deviceID
  10074. _secretToken
  10075. _deviceDataVersion
  10076. _digest
  10077. _versionInfo
  10078. _gServicesData
  10079. _lastCheckinTimestampMillis
  10080. setAllowsCellularAccess:
  10081. sessionWithConfiguration:
  10082. setSessionDescription:
  10083. session
  10084. invalidateAndCancel
  10085. requestWithURL:
  10086. checkinParametersWithExistingCheckin:
  10087. dataTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:
  10088. setCheckinTestBlock:
  10089. setSession:
  10090. _session
  10091. initWithCheckinPlist:keychain:
  10092. plist
  10093. keychain
  10094. bundleIdentifierForKeychainAccount
  10095. migrateCheckinItemIfNeeded
  10096. initWithCheckinPlistFileName:applicationSupportSubDirectory:
  10097. hasCheckinPlist
  10098. removeCheckinPreferencesWithError:
  10099. setPlist:
  10100. setKeychain:
  10101. _plist
  10102. _keychain
  10103. queryDictWithTag:addReturnAttr:withTypeData:
  10104. keyDataWithTag:
  10105. initWithPrivateKey:publicKey:publicKeyData:privateKeyData:
  10106. cachedKeyRefWithTag:
  10107. publicKey
  10108. publicKeyData
  10109. dataWithData:
  10110. replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:
  10111. generateRSA2048KeyPairWithPrivateTag:publicTag:error:
  10112. keyPairForPrivateKeyTag:publicKeyTag:error:
  10113. updateKeyRef:fromTag:toTag:
  10114. deleteKeyPairWithPrivateTag:publicTag:error:
  10115. appIdentityWithKeyPair:
  10116. privateKey
  10117. setPublicKeyData:
  10118. privateKeyData
  10119. setPrivateKeyData:
  10120. _privateKey
  10121. _publicKey
  10122. _publicKeyData
  10123. _privateKeyData
  10124. keyStoreFileName
  10125. cachedKeyPairWithSubtype:error:
  10126. keyPair
  10127. keychainEntitlementsErrorCount
  10128. migrateKeyPairCacheIfNeeded
  10129. validCachedKeyPairWithSubtype:error:
  10130. setKeyPair:
  10131. setKeychainEntitlementsErrorCount:
  10132. generateAndSaveKeyWithSubtype:creationTime:error:
  10133. publicTagWithSubtype:
  10134. privateTagWithSubtype:
  10135. creationTimeKeyWithSubtype:
  10136. legacyPublicTagWithSubtype:
  10137. legacyPrivateTagWithSubtype:
  10138. hasCachedKeyPairs
  10139. _keychainEntitlementsErrorCount
  10140. _keyPair
  10141. rfc4648Base64WebsafeStringEncoding
  10142. setDoPad:
  10143. encode:
  10144. formatMessageCode:
  10145. logFuncNotice:messageCode:msg:
  10146. defaultStore
  10147. initWithCheckinStore:tokenStore:delegate:
  10148. resetCredentialsIfNeeded
  10149. saveLibraryVersion
  10150. pathForApplicationSupportSubDirectory:
  10151. hasSavedLibraryVersion
  10152. checkinStore
  10153. store:didDeleteFCMScopedTokensForCheckin:
  10154. tokenStore
  10155. tokenInfoWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:
  10156. cachedTokenInfos
  10157. saveTokenInfo:
  10158. removeTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:error:
  10159. removeAllTokensWithError:
  10160. removeApplicationSupportSubDirectory:error:
  10161. initWithDelegate:
  10162. currentSavedLibraryVersion
  10163. removeCachedTokenWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:
  10164. removeAllCachedTokensWithError:
  10165. setCheckinStore:
  10166. setTokenStore:
  10167. _checkinStore
  10168. _tokenStore
  10169. stringEncodingWithString:
  10170. setPaddingChar:
  10171. dataWithLength:
  10172. doPad
  10173. decode:
  10174. charMapData_
  10175. charMap_
  10176. reverseCharMap_
  10177. shift_
  10178. mask_
  10179. doPad_
  10180. paddingChar_
  10181. padLen_
  10182. initWithAction:forAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:checkinPreferences:keyPair:
  10183. HTTPAuthHeaderFromCheckin:
  10184. requestWithAuthHeader:
  10185. standardQueryItemsWithDeviceID:scope:
  10186. queryItemWithName:value:
  10187. queryItemsWithKeyPair:
  10188. handleResponseWithData:response:error:
  10189. testBlock
  10190. sharedURLSession
  10191. setDataTask:
  10192. dataTask
  10193. finishWithResult:token:error:
  10194. initWithScope:checkinPreferences:keyPair:action:
  10195. performTokenOperation
  10196. parseFetchTokenResponse:
  10197. initWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:checkinPreferences:keyPair:
  10198. archivedDataWithRootObject:
  10199. cacheTime
  10200. initWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:token:appVersion:firebaseAppID:
  10201. isFresh
  10202. setAPNSInfo:
  10203. setCacheTime:
  10204. _authorizedEntity
  10205. _scope
  10206. _token
  10207. _APNSInfo
  10208. _cacheTime
  10209. configureTokenOperations
  10210. qualityOfService
  10211. setQualityOfService:
  10212. createFetchOperationWithAuthorizedEntity:scope:options:keyPair:
  10213. instanceIDStore
  10214. addCompletionHandler:
  10215. tokenOperations
  10216. addOperation:
  10217. createDeleteOperationForScope:checkinPreferences:keyPair:action:
  10218. cancelAllOperations
  10219. currentAppVersion
  10220. currentAPNSInfo
  10221. setCurrentAPNSInfo:
  10222. setAuthService:
  10223. setInstanceIDStore:
  10224. _authService
  10225. _instanceIDStore
  10226. _tokenOperations
  10227. _currentAPNSInfo
  10228. completionHandlers
  10229. willChangeValueForKey:
  10230. didChangeValueForKey:
  10231. isCancelled
  10232. setExecuting:
  10233. isFinished
  10234. setFinished:
  10235. isAsynchronous
  10236. isExecuting
  10237. result
  10238. setTestBlock:
  10239. _isFinished
  10240. _isExecuting
  10241. _result
  10242. _dataTask
  10243. _completionHandlers
  10244. _testBlock
  10245. initWithKeychain:
  10246. serviceKeyForAuthorizedEntity:scope:
  10247. tokenInfoFromKeychainItem:
  10248. initWithName:value:
  10249. setQueryItems:
  10250. logEvent:withNotification:
  10251. containsString:
  10252. logAnalyticsEventWithOrigin:name:parameters:
  10253. canLogNotification:
  10254. logOpenNotification:
  10255. logForegroundNotification:
  10256. logMessage:
  10257. instanceIDErrorCode
  10258. FIRInstanceIDErrorMissingCheckin
  10259. initWithStatus:
  10260. appData
  10261. initWithMessage:
  10262. setAppData:
  10263. _appData
  10264. teardown
  10265. setupReceiver
  10266. setupApplicationSupportSubDirectory
  10267. setupRmqManager
  10268. setupClient
  10269. setupSyncMessageManager
  10270. setupDataMessageManager
  10271. setupTopics
  10272. setIsClientSetup:
  10273. didReceiveDefaultInstanceIDToken:
  10274. defaultInstanceIDTokenWasRefreshed:
  10275. didReceiveAPNSToken:
  10276. applicationStateChanged
  10277. setReceiver:
  10278. receiver
  10279. rmq2Manager
  10280. initWithDelegate:reachability:rmq2Manager:
  10281. setClient:
  10282. client
  10283. syncMessageManager
  10284. initWithDelegate:client:rmq2Manager:syncMessageManager:
  10285. setDataMessageManager:
  10286. dataMessageManager
  10287. refreshDelayedMessages
  10288. initWithDatabaseName:
  10289. setRmq2Manager:
  10290. loadRmqId
  10291. initWithClient:
  10292. setPubsub:
  10293. initWithRmqManager:
  10294. setSyncMessageManager:
  10295. removeExpiredSyncMessages
  10296. saveS2dMessageWithRmqId:
  10297. isAPNSSyncMessage:
  10298. didReceiveAPNSSyncMessage:
  10299. loggedMessageIDs
  10300. handleContextManagerMessage:
  10301. handleIncomingLinkIfNeededFromMessage:
  10302. isContextManagerMessage:
  10303. linkURLFromMessage:
  10304. initWithActivityType:
  10305. setWebpageURL:
  10306. instanceIDProxy
  10307. defaultFcmToken
  10308. fcm_errorWithCode:userInfo:
  10309. APNSToken
  10310. validateDelegateConformsToTokenAvailabilityMethods
  10311. notifyDelegateOfFCMTokenAvailability
  10312. shouldEstablishDirectChannel
  10313. updateAutomaticClientConnection
  10314. isConnectionActive
  10315. shouldBeConnectedAutomatically
  10316. isConnected
  10317. notifyOfDirectChannelConnectionChange
  10318. connectWithHandler:
  10319. disconnect
  10320. hasTopicsPrefix:
  10321. addPrefixToTopic:
  10322. isValidTopicWithPrefix:
  10323. normalizeTopic:
  10324. pubsub
  10325. subscribeToTopic:
  10326. unsubscribeFromTopic:
  10327. createFIRMessagingMessageWithMessage:to:withID:timeToLive:delay:
  10328. sendDataMessageStanza:
  10329. currentLocale
  10330. onNetworkStatusChanged
  10331. isNetworkAvailable
  10332. shouldStayConnected
  10333. retryConnectionImmediately:
  10334. scheduleSync:
  10335. setDefaultFcmToken:
  10336. firebaseLocales
  10337. preferredLocalizationsFromArray:forPreferences:
  10338. firebaselocalesMap
  10339. FIRMessagingSDKVersion
  10340. FIRMessagingSDKCurrentLocale
  10341. receiver:receivedRemoteMessage:
  10342. setRemoteMessageDelegate:
  10343. remoteMessageDelegate
  10344. appDidReceiveMessage:
  10345. setAPNSToken:
  10346. retrieveFCMTokenForSenderID:completion:
  10347. deleteFCMTokenForSenderID:completion:
  10348. setShouldEstablishDirectChannel:
  10349. isDirectChannelEstablished
  10350. connectWithCompletion:
  10351. sendMessage:to:withMessageID:timeToLive:
  10352. setAPNSToken:error:
  10353. networkType
  10354. setInstanceIDProxy:
  10355. isClientSetup
  10356. setLoggedMessageIDs:
  10357. _shouldEstablishDirectChannel
  10358. _isClientSetup
  10359. _defaultFcmToken
  10360. _instanceIDProxy
  10361. _client
  10362. _dataMessageManager
  10363. _pubsub
  10364. _rmq2Manager
  10365. _receiver
  10366. _syncMessageManager
  10367. _loggedMessageIDs
  10368. instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:
  10369. getReturnValue:
  10370. tryToLoadPrefetchedCheckinPreferences
  10371. deviceAuthID
  10372. checkinFetched:
  10373. setStayConnected:
  10374. setConnectHandler:
  10375. registrar
  10376. cancelAllRequests
  10377. cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:
  10378. stayConnected
  10379. tryToLoadValidCheckinInfo
  10380. updateSubscriptionToTopic:withToken:options:shouldDelete:handler:
  10381. tryToConnect
  10382. didScheduleReconnect
  10383. setDidScheduleReconnect:
  10384. setLastDisconnectedTimestamp:
  10385. connect
  10386. setConnectRetryCount:
  10387. connectHandler
  10388. errorWithFCMErrorCode:
  10389. setupConnectionAndConnect
  10390. disconnectWithTryToConnectLater:
  10391. signOut
  10392. didConnectTimeout
  10393. sendProto:
  10394. sendOnConnectOrDrop:
  10395. scheduleConnectRetry
  10396. setLastConnectedTimestamp:
  10397. setDeviceAuthID:secretToken:
  10398. processPacket:
  10399. didReceiveParsedMessage:
  10400. setWithArray:
  10401. scanWithRmqMessageHandler:dataMessageHandler:
  10402. didSendDataMessageStanza:
  10403. removeRmqMessagesWithRmqIds:
  10404. setupConnection
  10405. mainRunLoop
  10406. initWithAuthID:token:host:port:runLoop:rmq2Manager:fcmManager:
  10407. connectRetryCount
  10408. connectionTimeoutInterval
  10409. signIn
  10410. nextRetryInterval
  10411. connection:didCloseForReason:
  10412. didLoginWithConnection:
  10413. connectionDidRecieveMessage:
  10414. connectionDidReceiveAckForRmqIds:
  10415. updateSubscriptionWithToken:topic:options:shouldDelete:handler:
  10416. sendMessage:
  10417. clientDelegate
  10418. setClientDelegate:
  10419. setRegistrar:
  10420. senderId
  10421. setSenderId:
  10422. lastConnectedTimestamp
  10423. lastDisconnectedTimestamp
  10424. setConnectionTimeoutInterval:
  10425. _stayConnected
  10426. _didScheduleReconnect
  10427. _clientDelegate
  10428. _registrar
  10429. _senderId
  10430. _lastConnectedTimestamp
  10431. _lastDisconnectedTimestamp
  10432. _connectRetryCount
  10433. _connectionTimeoutInterval
  10434. _connectHandler
  10435. environment
  10436. initWithData:
  10437. readTag:
  10438. readLength:
  10439. readDataWithLength:
  10440. buffer
  10441. setBuffer:
  10442. setState:
  10443. _buffer
  10444. _state
  10445. streamId
  10446. d2sID
  10447. initWithStreamId:d2sId:
  10448. setStreamId:
  10449. setD2sID:
  10450. _streamId
  10451. _d2sID
  10452. unackedS2dRmqIds
  10453. inStreamId
  10454. outStreamId
  10455. setupConnectionSocket
  10456. socket
  10457. connectToSocket:
  10458. setSocket:
  10459. connectToHost:port:onRunLoop:
  10460. sendOnConnectMessages
  10461. sendClose
  10462. setLastStreamIdAcked:
  10463. setInStreamId:
  10464. setOutStreamId:
  10465. resetUnconfirmedAcks
  10466. authId
  10467. sendLoginRequest:token:
  10468. isSubclassOfClass:
  10469. parseFromData:error:
  10470. cancelConnectionTimeoutTask
  10471. sendHeartbeatPing
  10472. willProcessProto:
  10473. didReceiveLoginResponse:
  10474. didReceiveDataMessageStanza:
  10475. didReceiveHeartbeatPing:
  10476. didReceiveHeartbeatAck:
  10477. didReceiveClose:
  10478. handleIqStanza:
  10479. didReceiveUnhandledProto:
  10480. logMessage:messageType:isOut:
  10481. willSendProto:
  10482. sendData:withTag:rmqId:
  10483. setAccountId:
  10484. setId_p:
  10485. setDeviceId:
  10486. currentNetworkType
  10487. setNetworkType:
  10488. setResource:
  10489. setUser:
  10490. setUseRmq2:
  10491. setLastRmqId:
  10492. loginRequestWithToken:authID:
  10493. d2sInfos
  10494. unackedS2dIds
  10495. receivedPersistentIdArray
  10496. settingArray
  10497. scheduleConnectionTimeoutTask
  10498. setData_p:
  10499. setExtension:
  10500. createStreamAck
  10501. hasExtension
  10502. extension
  10503. id_p
  10504. didReceiveStreamAck:
  10505. didReceiveSelectiveAck:
  10506. hasError
  10507. message
  10508. serverTimestamp
  10509. setLastLoginServerTimestamp:
  10510. sendHeartbeatAck
  10511. data_p
  10512. mergeFromData:extensionRegistry:
  10513. idArray
  10514. resendMessagesWithConnection:
  10515. confirmAckedD2sIdsWithStreamId:
  10516. confirmAckedS2dIdsWithStreamId:
  10517. immediateAck
  10518. lastStreamIdAcked
  10519. sendStreamAck
  10520. ackedS2dMap
  10521. keysOfEntriesPassingTest:
  10522. removeS2dIds:
  10523. connectionTimedOut
  10524. secureSocket:didReceiveData:withTag:
  10525. secureSocket:didSendProtoWithTag:rmqId:
  10526. secureSocketDidConnect:
  10527. didDisconnectWithSecureSocket:
  10528. didReceiveAckForRmqIds:
  10529. lastHeartbeatPingTimestamp
  10530. setLastHeartbeatPingTimestamp:
  10531. setPort:
  10532. setAuthId:
  10533. setToken:
  10534. lastLoginServerTimestamp
  10535. setUnackedS2dIds:
  10536. setAckedS2dMap:
  10537. setD2sInfos:
  10538. setSendOnConnectMessages:
  10539. setRunLoop:
  10540. _lastStreamIdAcked
  10541. _inStreamId
  10542. _outStreamId
  10543. _lastHeartbeatPingTimestamp
  10544. _host
  10545. _port
  10546. _authId
  10547. _socket
  10548. _lastLoginServerTimestamp
  10549. _unackedS2dIds
  10550. _ackedS2dMap
  10551. _d2sInfos
  10552. _sendOnConnectMessages
  10553. handleContextManagerLocalTimeMessage:
  10554. dateFromString:
  10555. scheduleLocalNotificationForMessage:atDate:
  10556. defaultTimeZone
  10557. setAlertBody:
  10558. setAlertTitle:
  10559. setSoundName:
  10560. setApplicationIconBadgeNumber:
  10561. setCategory:
  10562. parseDataFromMessage:
  10563. setUserInfo:
  10564. scheduleLocalNotification:
  10565. setDeviceAuthID:
  10566. sendDelayedMessages:
  10567. initWithRmqScanner:sendDelayedMessagesHandler:
  10568. setDelayedMessagesQueue:
  10569. category
  10570. handleMCSDataMessage:
  10571. parseDataMessage:
  10572. rawData
  10573. persistentId
  10574. appDataArray
  10575. didDeleteMessagesOnServer
  10576. didReceiveMCSSyncMessage:
  10577. filterInternalFIRMessagingKeysFromMessage:
  10578. didReceiveMessage:withIdentifier:
  10579. categoryForUpstreamMessages
  10580. setTtl:
  10581. delayForMessage:
  10582. setMaxDelay:
  10583. willSendDataMessageFail:withMessageId:error:
  10584. addData:toStanza:
  10585. saveRmqMessage:error:
  10586. willSendDataMessageSuccess:withMessageId:
  10587. delayMessage:
  10588. delayedMessagesQueue
  10589. removeDelayedMessages
  10590. tryToSendDataMessageStanza:
  10591. setActualDelay:
  10592. didSendDataMessageWithID:
  10593. addParamWithKey:value:toStanza:
  10594. setRawData:
  10595. willSendDataMessageWithID:error:
  10596. handleExpirationForDataMessage:
  10597. queueMessage:
  10598. upstreamForceReconnect
  10599. maxAppDataSize
  10600. setMaxAppDataSize:
  10601. setUpstreamForceReconnect:
  10602. _upstreamForceReconnect
  10603. _ttl
  10604. _maxAppDataSize
  10605. _delayedMessagesQueue
  10606. _deviceAuthID
  10607. messages
  10608. persistedMessageCount
  10609. setPersistedMessageCount:
  10610. maxDelay
  10611. calculateTimeoutInMillisWithDelayInSeconds:
  10612. isTimeoutScheduled
  10613. scheduledTimeoutMilliseconds
  10614. scheduleTimeoutInMillis:
  10615. cancelTimeout
  10616. messageCount
  10617. rmqScanner
  10618. hasMaxDelay
  10619. lastDBScanTimestampSeconds
  10620. setLastDBScanTimestampSeconds:
  10621. sendDelayedMessagesHandler
  10622. setScheduledTimeoutMilliseconds:
  10623. sendMessages
  10624. setMessages:
  10625. sendTimer
  10626. setSendTimer:
  10627. _persistedMessageCount
  10628. _rmqScanner
  10629. _sendDelayedMessagesHandler
  10630. _scheduledTimeoutMilliseconds
  10631. _lastDBScanTimestampSeconds
  10632. _messages
  10633. _sendTimer
  10634. standardLogger
  10635. initWithTag:rmqId:data:
  10636. rmqId
  10637. packetWithTag:rmqId:data:
  10638. setTag:
  10639. setRmqId:
  10640. _tag
  10641. _rmqId
  10642. packetsContainer
  10643. push:
  10644. pushHead:
  10645. setPacketsContainer:
  10646. _packetsContainer
  10647. encodeInteger:forKey:
  10648. topics
  10649. decodeIntegerForKey:
  10650. initWithAction:
  10651. topicHandlers
  10652. setTopicHandlers:
  10653. _topics
  10654. _topicHandlers
  10655. topicBatches
  10656. pruneTopicBatches:
  10657. member:
  10658. pendingTopicsListDidUpdate:
  10659. currentBatch
  10660. setCurrentBatch:
  10661. resumeOperationsIfNeeded
  10662. pendingTopicsListCanRequestTopicUpdates:
  10663. topicsInFlight
  10664. beginUpdateForCurrentBatchTopic:
  10665. subscriptionErrorIsRecoverable:
  10666. pendingTopicsList:requestedUpdateForTopic:action:completion:
  10667. numberOfBatches
  10668. addOperationForTopic:withAction:completion:
  10669. archiveDate
  10670. setArchiveDate:
  10671. setTopicBatches:
  10672. setTopicsInFlight:
  10673. _archiveDate
  10674. _topicBatches
  10675. _currentBatch
  10676. _topicsInFlight
  10677. expirationTime
  10678. dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
  10679. rmqID
  10680. mcsReceived
  10681. apnsReceived
  10682. initWithRMQID:expirationTime:
  10683. setRmqID:
  10684. setApnsReceived:
  10685. setMcsReceived:
  10686. setExpirationTime:
  10687. _apnsReceived
  10688. _mcsReceived
  10689. _rmqID
  10690. _expirationTime
  10691. restorePendingTopicsList
  10692. verifyPubSubOptions:
  10693. fcm_trimNonStringValues
  10694. pendingTopicUpdates
  10695. subscribeWithToken:topic:options:handler:
  10696. unsubscribeWithToken:topic:options:handler:
  10697. archivePendingTopicsList:
  10698. setPendingTopicUpdates:
  10699. fcm_hasNonStringKeysOrValues
  10700. topicRegex
  10701. cache
  10702. _cache
  10703. _pendingTopicUpdates
  10704. topicOperations
  10705. initWithTopic:action:token:options:checkinService:completion:
  10706. initWithCheckinService:
  10707. stopAllSubscriptionRequests
  10708. operationInProgressError
  10709. setOperationInProgressError:
  10710. _topicOperations
  10711. _operationInProgressError
  10712. nextMessageID
  10713. scheduleIos10NotificationForMessage:withIdentifier:
  10714. scheduleNotificationForMessage:
  10715. notificationWithName:object:userInfo:
  10716. doUpdateSubscriptionForTopic:token:options:shouldDelete:completion:
  10717. setStopAllSubscriptions:
  10718. pubsubRegistrar
  10719. setPubsubRegistrar:
  10720. stopAllSubscriptions
  10721. _stopAllSubscriptions
  10722. _pubsubRegistrar
  10723. sharedProxy
  10724. swizzleMethodsIfPossible
  10725. unswizzleAllMethods
  10726. setSwizzledSelectorsByClass:
  10727. originalAppDelegateImps
  10728. setOriginalAppDelegateImps:
  10729. removeUserNotificationCenterDelegateObserver
  10730. didSwizzleMethods
  10731. swizzleAppDelegateMethods:
  10732. listenForDelegateChangesInUserNotificationCenter:
  10733. setDidSwizzleMethods:
  10734. swizzledSelectorsByClass
  10735. unswizzleSelector:inClass:
  10736. swizzleSelector:inClass:withImplementation:inProtocol:
  10737. setDidSwizzleAppDelegateMethods:
  10738. swizzleUserNotificationCenterDelegate:
  10739. addDelegateObserverToUserNotificationCenter:
  10740. currentUserNotificationCenterDelegate
  10741. setCurrentUserNotificationCenterDelegate:
  10742. setHasSwizzledUserNotificationDelegate:
  10743. setUserNotificationCenter:
  10744. setIsObservingUserNotificationDelegateChanges:
  10745. userNotificationCenter
  10746. removeObserver:forKeyPath:context:
  10747. unswizzleUserNotificationCenterDelegate:
  10748. getValue:
  10749. arrayByAddingObject:
  10750. nonExistantMethodImplementationForClass:
  10751. saveOriginalImplementation:forSelector:
  10752. trackSwizzledSelector:ofClass:
  10753. originalImplementationForSelector:
  10754. removeImplementationForSelector:
  10755. canSwizzleMethods
  10756. swizzleMethods
  10757. didSwizzleAppDelegateMethods
  10758. hasSwizzledUserNotificationDelegate
  10759. isObservingUserNotificationDelegateChanges
  10760. _didSwizzleMethods
  10761. _didSwizzleAppDelegateMethods
  10762. _hasSwizzledUserNotificationDelegate
  10763. _isObservingUserNotificationDelegateChanges
  10764. _originalAppDelegateImps
  10765. _swizzledSelectorsByClass
  10766. _userNotificationCenter
  10767. _currentUserNotificationCenterDelegate
  10768. openDatabase:
  10769. databaseName
  10770. pathForDatabase:inDirectory:
  10771. removeDatabase
  10772. currentDirectory
  10773. createTableWithName:command:
  10774. updateDbWithStringRmqID
  10775. dropTableWithName:
  10776. logErrorAndFinalizeStatement:
  10777. logError
  10778. deleteMessagesFromTable:withRmqIds:
  10779. updateSyncMessageWithRmqID:column:value:error:
  10780. lastErrorCode
  10781. removeDatabase:
  10782. saveUnackedS2dMessageWithRmqId:
  10783. saveMessageWithRmqId:tag:data:error:
  10784. queryHighestRmqId
  10785. queryLastRmqId
  10786. updateLastOutgoingRmqId:
  10787. scanOutgoingRmqMessagesWithHandler:
  10788. querySyncMessageWithRmqID:
  10789. deleteSyncMessageWithRmqID:
  10790. deleteExpiredOrFinishedSyncMessages:
  10791. saveSyncMessageWithRmqID:expirationTime:apnsReceived:mcsReceived:error:
  10792. updateSyncMessageViaAPNSWithRmqID:error:
  10793. updateSyncMessageViaMCSWithRmqID:error:
  10794. setDatabaseName:
  10795. setCurrentDirectory:
  10796. _currentDirectory
  10797. loadInitialOutgoingPersistentId
  10798. outstandingMessages
  10799. querylastRmqId
  10800. nextRmqId
  10801. saveMessage:withRmqId:tag:error:
  10802. rmq2Store
  10803. ackReceivedForRmqId:
  10804. saveLastOutgoingRmqId:
  10805. removeDatabaseWithName:
  10806. removeRmqMessagesWithRmqId:
  10807. setRmq2Store:
  10808. setOutstandingMessages:
  10809. _rmq2Store
  10810. _outstandingMessages
  10811. setInStream:
  10812. setOutStream:
  10813. inStream
  10814. outStream
  10815. setIsInStreamOpen:
  10816. setIsOutStreamOpen:
  10817. openStream:isVOIPStream:
  10818. closeStream:
  10819. packetQueue
  10820. performWrite
  10821. performRead
  10822. isInStreamOpen
  10823. isOutStreamOpen
  10824. isVersionReceived
  10825. setIsVersionReceived:
  10826. inputBuffer
  10827. inputBufferLength
  10828. setInputBufferLength:
  10829. increaseLengthBy:
  10830. processCurrentInputBuffer:outOffset:
  10831. replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:
  10832. isVersionSent
  10833. setIsVersionSent:
  10834. outputBuffer
  10835. setCurrentRmqIdBeingSent:
  10836. setCurrentProtoTypeBeingSent:
  10837. setOutputBuffer:
  10838. streamWithData:
  10839. writeRawVarint32:
  10840. writeBytesNoTag:
  10841. setOutputBufferLength:
  10842. outputBufferLength
  10843. currentProtoTypeBeingSent
  10844. currentRmqIdBeingSent
  10845. setInputBuffer:
  10846. setPacketQueue:
  10847. _isVersionSent
  10848. _isVersionReceived
  10849. _isInStreamOpen
  10850. _isOutStreamOpen
  10851. _currentProtoTypeBeingSent
  10852. _inStream
  10853. _outStream
  10854. _inputBuffer
  10855. _inputBufferLength
  10856. _outputBufferLength
  10857. _packetQueue
  10858. _currentRmqIdBeingSent
  10859. rmqManager
  10860. didReceiveSyncMessage:viaAPNS:viaMCS:
  10861. expirationTimeForSyncMessage:
  10862. setRmqManager:
  10863. _rmqManager
  10864. finishWithResult:error:
  10865. performSubscriptionChange
  10866. completion
  10867. URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet
  10868. topic
  10869. sharedSession
  10870. setTaskDescription:
  10871. setTopic:
  10872. setOptions:
  10873. setCompletion:
  10874. _topic
  10875. _completion
  10876. hasPersistentId
  10877. setPersistentId:
  10878. hasLastStreamIdReceived
  10879. lastStreamIdReceived
  10880. setLastStreamIdReceived:
  10881. fcm_string
  10882. fcmErrorCode
  10883. configureMessaging:
  10884. exitApp:withError:
  10885. localizedFailureReason
  10886. allocDescriptorForClass:rootClass:file:fields:fieldCount:storageSize:flags:
  10887. descriptor
  10888. allocDescriptorForName:valueNames:values:count:enumVerifier:
  10889. setupExtraTextInfo:
  10890. initWithPackage:objcPrefix:syntax:
  10891. setupContainingMessageClassName:
  10892. numberWithFloat:
  10893. unsignedIntValue
  10894. floatValue
  10895. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker22WishlistViewControllerC
  10896. So16UIViewControllerC
  10897. SQySo11UITableViewCGXw
  10898. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
  10899. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
  10900. SQySo15CAGradientLayerCG
  10901. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker13WishlistModelV
  10902. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A3ApiCG
  10903. SaySo15NSManagedObjectCG
  10904. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker13WishlistModelVG
  10905. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker13WishlistModelVG
  10906. 11PopupDialogAACSg
  10907. So5TimerCSg
  10908. SC6CGRectV
  10909. SC22UIViewAnimationOptionsV
  10910. s25ExpressibleByArrayLiteral_p
  10911. ArrayLiteralElement
  10912. s10SetAlgebra_p
  10913. Element
  10914. SC27UITableViewCellEditingStyleO
  10915. s16RawRepresentable_p
  10916. RawValue
  10917. SC21NSAttributedStringKeyV
  10918. s21_ObjectiveCBridgeable_p
  10919. _ObjectiveCType
  10920. So8NSStringC
  10921. SC18UIApplicationStateO
  10922. SC29UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKeyV
  10923. SC33UNNotificationPresentationOptionsV
  10924. SC20UIUserInterfaceIdiomO
  10925. So8NSLocaleC17LanguageDirectionO
  10926. So14NSNotificationC4NameV
  10927. SC22UNAuthorizationOptionsV
  10928. SC22UIUserNotificationTypeV
  10929. s9OptionSet_p
  10930. So11UITableViewC
  10931. So12UIScrollViewC
  10932. So6UIViewC
  10933. So11UIResponderC
  10934. So8UIButtonC
  10935. So9UIControlC
  10936. So15CAGradientLayerC
  10937. So7CALayerC
  10938. So15NSManagedObjectC
  10939. So8NSObjectC
  10940. So5TimerC
  10941. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker19AlertViewControllerC
  10942. So16UIViewControllerC
  10943. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
  10944. SQySo11UITableViewCGXw
  10945. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
  10946. SQySo18NSLayoutConstraintCGXw
  10947. SQySo15CAGradientLayerCG
  10948. SQySo7UILabelCGXw
  10949. SQySo11UITextFieldCGXw
  10950. SQySo8UISwitchCGXw
  10951. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A3ApiCG
  10952. 11PopupDialogAACSg
  10953. So5TimerCSg
  10954. SQySo22UITapGestureRecognizerCG
  10955. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker10AlertModelVG
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  10957. s10DictionaryVyS2SG
  10958. SC6CGRectV
  10959. So8UIButtonC
  10960. So9UIControlC
  10961. So11UITableViewC
  10962. So12UIScrollViewC
  10963. So6UIViewC
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  10966. So8NSObjectC
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  10969. So7UILabelC
  10970. So11UITextFieldC
  10971. So8UISwitchC
  10972. So5TimerC
  10973. So22UITapGestureRecognizerC
  10974. So19UIGestureRecognizerC
  10975. So17DatabaseReferenceC
  10976. So13DatabaseQueryC
  10977. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker23PortfolioViewControllerC
  10978. So16UIViewControllerC
  10979. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
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  10983. SQySo11UITextFieldCGXw
  10984. SQySo18NSLayoutConstraintCGXw
  10985. SQySo15CAGradientLayerCG
  10986. SQySo22UITapGestureRecognizerCG
  10987. So5TimerCSg
  10988. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A3ApiCG
  10989. 11PopupDialogAACSg
  10990. SaySo15NSManagedObjectCG
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  10992. SC6CGRectV
  10993. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker14PortfolioModelV
  10994. 12CoreGraphics7CGFloatV
  10995. So8UIButtonC
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  10997. So11UITableViewC
  10998. So12UIScrollViewC
  10999. So6UIViewC
  11000. So11UIResponderC
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  11002. So11UITextFieldC
  11003. So18NSLayoutConstraintC
  11004. So8NSObjectC
  11005. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11006. So7CALayerC
  11007. So22UITapGestureRecognizerC
  11008. So19UIGestureRecognizerC
  11009. So5TimerC
  11010. So15NSManagedObjectC
  11011. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker35ReminderPopupViewControllerDelegate_p
  11012. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker27ReminderPopupViewControllerC
  11013. So16UIViewControllerC
  11014. SaySSG
  11015. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
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  11017. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker35ReminderPopupViewControllerDelegate_pSg
  11018. SQySo18NSLayoutConstraintCGXw
  11019. So6UIViewC
  11020. So11UIResponderC
  11021. So11UITableViewC
  11022. So12UIScrollViewC
  11023. So18NSLayoutConstraintC
  11024. So8NSObjectC
  11025. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker11FiatDetailsV
  11026. SQySSG
  11027. SQySdG
  11028. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker14PortfolioModelV
  11029. SQySSG
  11030. SQySdG
  11031. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker31FiatPopupViewControllerDelegate_p
  11032. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker23FiatPopupViewControllerC
  11033. So16UIViewControllerC
  11034. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
  11035. SQySo11UITableViewCGXw
  11036. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker31FiatPopupViewControllerDelegate_pSg
  11037. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker11FiatDetailsVG
  11038. So6UIViewC
  11039. So11UIResponderC
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  11042. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker8BundleExC
  11043. So6BundleC
  11044. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker28ChangeLanguageViewControllerC
  11045. So16UIViewControllerC
  11046. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
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  11049. SaySS4lang_SS0A4OrigSS0A4CodetG
  11050. So8UIButtonC
  11051. So9UIControlC
  11052. So11UITableViewC
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  11054. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11055. So7CALayerC
  11056. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker19AboutViewControllerC
  11057. So16UIViewControllerC
  11058. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
  11059. SQySo15CAGradientLayerCG
  11060. SQySo10UITextViewCGXw
  11061. So8UIButtonC
  11062. So9UIControlC
  11063. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11064. So7CALayerC
  11065. So10UITextViewC
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  11067. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A3ApiC
  11068. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0VG
  11069. SaySSG
  11070. s10DictionaryVySS20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinC0VG
  11071. SbXb
  11072. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0VGXb
  11073. s10DictionaryVySS20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinC0VGXb
  11074. SaySSGXb
  11075. SbSay20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0VGs10DictionaryVySSACGIxyxx_
  11076. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapVG
  11077. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapVGXb
  11078. SbSay20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapVGIxyx_
  11079. s10DictionaryVySS20Crypto_Price_Tracker5CoinsVG
  11080. s10DictionaryVySS20Crypto_Price_Tracker5CoinsVGXb
  11081. Sbs10DictionaryVySS20Crypto_Price_Tracker5CoinsVGIxyx_
  11082. s10DictionaryVySSSdG
  11083. s10DictionaryVySSSdGXb
  11084. Sbs10DictionaryVySSSdGIxyx_
  11085. SaySd5price_Sd4datetG
  11086. SdXb
  11087. SaySd5price_Sd4datetGXb
  11088. SbSaySd5price_Sd4datetGS2dIxyxyy_
  11089. SbSaySSGIxyx_
  11090. s7_Mirror_p
  11091. s7_Mirror_pXb
  11092. yXlXmT
  11093. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A17MainTableViewCellC
  11094. So15UITableViewCellC
  11095. SQySo11UIStackViewCGXw
  11096. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
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  11100. So11UIStackViewC
  11101. So6UIViewC
  11102. So11UIResponderC
  11103. So8UIButtonC
  11104. So9UIControlC
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  11106. So7CALayerC
  11107. So7UILabelC
  11108. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker20SettingTableViewCellC
  11109. So15UITableViewCellC
  11110. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
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  11113. SQySo15CAGradientLayerCG
  11114. So8UIButtonC
  11115. So9UIControlC
  11116. So7UILabelC
  11117. So6UIViewC
  11118. So11UIResponderC
  11119. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11120. So7CALayerC
  11121. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker18FeelViewControllerC
  11122. So16UIViewControllerC
  11123. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
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  11125. So8UIButtonC
  11126. So9UIControlC
  11127. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11128. So7CALayerC
  11129. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker30FiatPopupTableViewCellDelegate_p
  11130. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker22FiatPopupTableViewCellC
  11131. So15UITableViewCellC
  11132. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker30FiatPopupTableViewCellDelegate_pG
  11133. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
  11134. So8UIButtonC
  11135. So9UIControlC
  11136. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapV
  11137. SQySdG
  11138. SQySSG
  11139. SQySbG
  11140. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A10MarkerViewC
  11141. 6Charts10MarkerViewC
  11142. SQySo7UILabelCG
  11143. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
  11144. So7UILabelC
  11145. So6UIViewC
  11146. So11UIResponderC
  11147. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker22PortfolioTableViewCellC
  11148. So15UITableViewCellC
  11149. SQySo7UILabelCGXw
  11150. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
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  11152. So7UILabelC
  11153. So6UIViewC
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  11157. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker35ExchangePopupViewControllerDelegate_p
  11158. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker27ExchangePopupViewControllerC
  11159. So16UIViewControllerC
  11160. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
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  11162. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker35ExchangePopupViewControllerDelegate_pSg
  11163. SaySSG
  11164. So6UIViewC
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  11167. So12UIScrollViewC
  11168. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker20TabBarViewControllerC
  11169. So18UITabBarControllerC
  11170. SaySSG
  11171. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker35OperatorPopupViewControllerDelegate_p
  11172. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker27OperatorPopupViewControllerC
  11173. So16UIViewControllerC
  11174. SaySS5title_SS6symboltG
  11175. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
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  11177. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker35OperatorPopupViewControllerDelegate_pSg
  11178. So6UIViewC
  11179. So11UIResponderC
  11180. So11UITableViewC
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  11182. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker31CoinPopupViewControllerDelegate_p
  11183. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker23CoinPopupViewControllerC
  11184. So16UIViewControllerC
  11185. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
  11186. SQySo11UITableViewCGXw
  11187. SQySo11UISearchBarCGXw
  11188. SQySo18NSLayoutConstraintCGXw
  11189. SQySSG
  11190. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker31CoinPopupViewControllerDelegate_pSg
  11191. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0VG
  11192. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapVG
  11193. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0V
  11194. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapV
  11195. SSSg
  11196. So6UIViewC
  11197. So11UIResponderC
  11198. So11UITableViewC
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  11200. So11UISearchBarC
  11201. So18NSLayoutConstraintC
  11202. So8NSObjectC
  11203. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker13WishlistModelV
  11204. SQySSG
  11205. SQySdG
  11206. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker18AlertTableViewCellC
  11207. So15UITableViewCellC
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  11212. So6UIViewC
  11213. So11UIResponderC
  11214. So7UILabelC
  11215. So18NSLayoutConstraintC
  11216. So8NSObjectC
  11217. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11218. So7CALayerC
  11219. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker5CoinsV
  11220. SQySSG
  11221. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A19ChartViewControllerC
  11222. So16UIViewControllerC
  11223. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapVG
  11224. SaySd5price_Sd4datetG
  11225. SQySo15CAGradientLayerCG
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  11228. SQy6Charts13LineChartViewCGXw
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  11232. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A3ApiCG
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  11236. So8UIButtonC
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  11246. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker11AppDelegateC
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  11250. s11AnyHashableV
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  11257. So15UITableViewCellC
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  11263. So15UITableViewCellC
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  11273. So11UIImageViewC
  11274. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A18MainViewControllerC
  11275. So16UIViewControllerC
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  11280. So23UIActivityIndicatorViewC
  11281. Say20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0VG
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  11283. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker7CoinCapVG
  11284. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0VG
  11285. So5TimerCSg
  11286. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker0A3ApiCG
  11287. 11PopupDialogAACSg
  11288. SQySo11UISearchBarCGXw
  11289. SQySo22UITapGestureRecognizerCG
  11290. s9SubstringV
  11291. So8UIButtonC
  11292. So9UIControlC
  11293. So11UITableViewC
  11294. So12UIScrollViewC
  11295. So6UIViewC
  11296. So11UIResponderC
  11297. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11298. So7CALayerC
  11299. So5TimerC
  11300. So8NSObjectC
  11301. So11UISearchBarC
  11302. So22UITapGestureRecognizerC
  11303. So19UIGestureRecognizerC
  11304. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker37DatePickerPopupViewControllerDelegate_p
  11305. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker29DataPickerPopupViewControllerC
  11306. So16UIViewControllerC
  11307. SQySo12UIDatePickerCGXw
  11308. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
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  11311. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker37DatePickerPopupViewControllerDelegate_pSg
  11312. So12UIDatePickerC
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  11314. So6UIViewC
  11315. So11UIResponderC
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  11319. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker04CoinB0V
  11320. SQySSG
  11321. SQySdG
  11322. SQy20Crypto_Price_Tracker5CoinsVG
  11323. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker10AlertModelV
  11324. SQySSG
  11325. SQySbG
  11326. SQySiG
  11327. SQySdG
  11328. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker7SettingO
  11329. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker22SettingsViewControllerC
  11330. So16UIViewControllerC
  11331. SQySo8UIButtonCGXw
  11332. SQySo6UIViewCGXw
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  11340. So11UITableViewC
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  11342. So15CAGradientLayerC
  11343. So7CALayerC
  11344. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker9PortfolioC
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  11346. 20Crypto_Price_Tracker8WishlistC
  11347. So15NSManagedObjectC
  11348. tableView
  11349. goldenBackground
  11350. blackBackground
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  11355. selectExchangeButton
  11356. selectCurrencyButton
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  11369. price
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  11371. symbol
  11372. exchangeSelected
  11373. coinSelected
  11374. currencySelected
  11375. wishList
  11376. wishListData
  11377. selectedData
  11378. popup
  11379. timer
  11380. alertButton
  11381. tableView
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  11385. subBackView
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  11392. timeBasedView
  11393. thresholdBasedView
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  11395. timeBasedAlertExchangeButton
  11396. timeBasedAlertCoinButton
  11397. timeBasedAlertReminderFrequency
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  11401. timeBasedSetAlertButton
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  11406. isTimeBasedTimePopup
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  11409. timebasedCoin
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  11411. timebasedCoinShortName
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  11413. timebasedReminderLocalTime
  11414. timebasedReminderDay
  11415. timebasedReminderDayIndex
  11416. timebasedReminderDate
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  11425. thresholdbackgroud
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  11429. thresholdCoin
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  11431. thresholdCoinShortName
  11432. thresholdOperatorSymbol
  11433. thresholdAmount
  11434. thresoldRepeat
  11435. thresholdCurrency
  11436. thresholdCoinValue
  11437. popup
  11438. timer
  11439. locale
  11440. deviceId
  11441. token
  11442. alertData
  11443. userKey
  11444. databasePath
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  11447. greaterThanRef
  11448. lesserThandRef
  11449. timeRemindersRef
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  11451. montlyRef
  11452. weeklyRef
  11453. userRef
  11454. dataEntryDictionary
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  11458. goldenBackground
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  11468. profitLossTextField
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  11481. currencyValue
  11482. currencySymbol
  11483. name
  11484. price
  11485. shortName
  11486. symbol
  11487. amount
  11488. buyPrice
  11489. isAlreadyAdded
  11490. selectedIndex
  11491. reminders
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  11503. exchange
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  11505. price
  11506. shortName
  11507. symbol
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  11509. amount
  11510. hourGain
  11511. totalGain
  11512. currentTotalPrice
  11513. totalCost
  11514. outerView
  11515. tableView
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  11517. fiat
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  11522. languages
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  11549. cap24hrChange
  11550. long
  11551. mktcap
  11552. perc
  11553. price
  11554. shapeshift
  11555. short
  11556. supply
  11557. usdVolume
  11558. volume
  11559. vwapData
  11560. vwapDataBTC
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  11573. tableView
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  11575. exchanges
  11576. arrayOfImageNameForUnselectedState
  11577. arrayOfImageNameForSelectedState
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  11581. delegate
  11582. outerView
  11583. tableView
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  11586. exchange
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  11592. filteredCoinAllCrypto
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  11618. marketCap
  11619. lastMonth
  11620. isCryptoSet
  11621. exchangeSymbol
  11622. queryType
  11623. historyRef
  11624. userRef
  11625. hourRef
  11626. window
  11627. runIncrementerSetting
  11628. minimumRunCount
  11630. delegate
  11631. exchangeButton
  11632. languageLabel
  11633. languageSubLevel
  11634. goldenView
  11635. goldenBarGradientLayer
  11636. tickImage
  11637. exchangeButton
  11638. exchangeButtonBorder
  11639. currencyButton
  11640. tableView
  11641. goldenBackground
  11642. blackBackground
  11643. exchangeButtonBottomBar
  11644. currencyButtonBottomBar
  11645. topView
  11646. gradientLayer
  11647. textGradientLayer
  11648. blackGradientLater
  11649. activityIndicator
  11650. coinPrices
  11651. allCryptoMain
  11652. filtertedCoinPrices
  11653. filteredAllCryptoMain
  11654. coinSelected
  11655. coinSelectedExchange
  11656. timer
  11657. symbol
  11658. popup
  11659. searchBar
  11660. searchActive
  11661. datePicker
  11662. outerView
  11663. doneButton
  11664. doneButtonGradientLayer
  11665. delegate
  11666. isDatePicker
  11667. symbol
  11668. exchange
  11669. price
  11670. coin
  11671. device_id
  11672. locale
  11673. original_currency
  11674. repeating
  11675. sound
  11676. time
  11677. timebasedReminderLocalTime
  11678. timeBasedFrequencyType
  11679. databaseId
  11680. alertType
  11681. exchange
  11682. coinName
  11683. coinShortName
  11684. coinSymbol
  11685. weekDay
  11686. week
  11687. dayOfMonth
  11688. thresholdType
  11689. threshold_amount
  11690. thresholdOriginalAmount
  11691. last_trigger
  11692. thresholdOperatorSymbol
  11693. about
  11694. language
  11695. feel
  11696. rateReview
  11697. contact
  11698. share
  11699. settingButton
  11700. goldenView
  11701. tableView
  11702. facebookButton
  11703. twitterButton
  11704. settingGradientLayer
  11705. goldenBarGradientLayer
  11706. settingArray
  11707. FIRAIdentifiers
  11708. FIRASearchAdReporter
  11709. FIRAZeroingWeakContainer
  11710. FIRAAppDelegateObserver
  11711. UIApplicationDelegate
  11712. NSObject
  11713. FIRAAppDelegateProxy
  11714. FIRAAudienceComparisonValues
  11715. FIRAConditionalUserProperty
  11716. NSCopying
  11717. Private
  11718. FIRAConditionalUserPropertyController
  11719. FIRAAppMetadata
  11720. FIRADailyCounts
  11721. FIRADataTypeValidator
  11722. ProtoBuffer
  11723. FIRAEvent
  11724. FIRAEventAggregates
  11725. FIRAEventFilter
  11726. FIRAFilterResult
  11727. FIRAPropertyFilter
  11728. FIRARawEventData
  11729. FIRAUserAttribute
  11730. FIRAValue
  11731. FIRASqliteStore
  11732. FIRAAdExposureReporter
  11733. FIRAAlarm
  11734. FIRAAudience
  11735. FIRADatabase
  11736. FIRAEnvironmentInfo
  11737. FIRAIdentity
  11738. FIRAMeasurement
  11739. FIRNetworkLoggerDelegate
  11740. FIRNetworkReachabilityDelegate
  11741. FIRAMonitor
  11742. FIRAPersistedConfig
  11743. FIRARemoteConfig
  11744. FIRAScheduler
  11745. FIRASessionReporter
  11746. FIRAnalytics
  11747. FIRAASIdentifierManager
  11748. FIRAInAppPurchaseProductCache
  11749. FIRAInAppPurchaseTransactionReporter
  11750. SKPaymentTransactionObserver
  11751. FIRAProductsRequest
  11752. SKProductsRequestDelegate
  11753. SKRequestDelegate
  11754. FIRALifetimeValueRecorder
  11755. FIRAASLLogger
  11756. FIRALogging
  11757. FIRAMonitoringSampledData
  11758. FIRAScreen
  11759. FIRAScreenViewReporter
  11760. FIRAScreenClassName
  11761. FIRAAEU
  11762. FIRAKeychainWrapper
  11763. FIRAAdditions
  11764. FIRANumericUtil
  11765. FIRNSDictionaryQuery
  11766. FIRD5Additions
  11767. URLArguments
  11768. FIRAUTF32
  11769. FIRAPBAudience
  11770. NANOMessageBase
  11771. FIRAPBAudienceLeafFilterResult
  11772. FIRAPBEvent
  11773. FIRAPBEventConfig
  11774. FIRAPBEventFilter
  11775. FIRAPBEventParam
  11776. FIRAPBFilter
  11777. FIRAPBMeasurementBatch
  11778. FIRAPBMeasurementBundle
  11779. FIRAPBMeasurementConfig
  11780. FIRAPBNumberFilter
  11781. FIRAPBPropertyFilter
  11782. FIRAPBResultData
  11783. FIRAPBSetting
  11784. FIRAPBStringFilter
  11785. FIRAPBUserAttribute
  11786. FIRAnalyticsConfiguration
  11787. FIRApp
  11788. FIRAppAssociationRegistration
  11789. FIRBundleUtil
  11790. FIRConfiguration
  11791. FIRLoggerWrapper
  11792. FIRMutableDictionary
  11793. FIRNetwork
  11794. FIRReachabilityDelegate
  11795. FIRNetworkURLSession
  11796. NSURLSessionDelegate
  11797. NSURLSessionTaskDelegate
  11798. NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate
  11799. FIROptions
  11800. FIRReachabilityChecker
  11801. FIRAppEnvironmentUtil
  11802. FIRClearcutWriter
  11803. FIRClearcutAccountData
  11804. FIRClearcutRequest
  11805. FIRClearcutLogger
  11806. FIRDiagnostics
  11807. CLRPBClientInfo
  11808. CLRPBIosClientInfo
  11809. CLRPBLogEvent
  11810. CLRPBLogRequest
  11811. FIRPBErrorInfo
  11812. FIRPBICoreConfiguration
  11813. FIRDataSnapshot
  11814. FIRDatabase
  11815. FIRDatabaseConfig
  11816. FIRDatabaseQuery
  11817. FIRMutableData
  11818. FIRServerValue
  11819. FIRTransactionResult
  11820. FCompoundHashBuilder
  11821. FCompoundHash
  11822. FListenProvider
  11823. FOutstandingQuery
  11824. FOutstandingPut
  11825. FPersistentConnection
  11826. FConnectionDelegate
  11827. FQueryParams
  11828. FQuerySpec
  11829. FRangeMerge
  11830. FRepo
  11831. FPersistentConnectionDelegate
  11832. FRepoInfo
  11833. FRepoManager
  11834. FServerValues
  11835. FSnapshotHolder
  11836. FSparseSnapshotTree
  11837. FSyncPoint
  11838. FListenContainer
  11839. FSyncTreeHash
  11840. FSyncTree
  11841. FWriteRecord
  11842. FWriteTree
  11843. FWriteTreeRef
  11844. FAckUserWrite
  11845. FOperation
  11846. FMerge
  11847. FOperationSource
  11848. FOverwrite
  11849. FIRRetryHelperTask
  11850. FIRRetryHelper
  11851. FImmutableTree
  11852. FPath
  11853. FTree
  11854. FTreeNode
  11855. FCacheNode
  11856. FCancelEvent
  11857. FEvent
  11858. FChange
  11859. FChildEventRegistration
  11860. FEventRegistration
  11861. FDataEvent
  11862. FEventRaiser
  11863. FKeepSyncedEventRegistration
  11864. FValueEventRegistration
  11865. FViewOperationResult
  11866. FView
  11867. FViewCache
  11868. FChildChangeAccumulator
  11869. FIndexedFilter
  11870. FNodeFilter
  11871. FLimitedFilter
  11872. FSystemClock
  11873. FClock
  11874. FOffsetClock
  11875. FEventGenerator
  11876. FIRDatabaseReference
  11877. FIndex
  11878. FKeyIndex
  11879. FListenComplete
  11880. FMaxNode
  11881. FNamedNode
  11882. FPathIndex
  11883. FPriorityIndex
  11884. FRangedFilter
  11885. FTransformedEnumerator
  11886. FValueIndex
  11887. FNoCompleteChildSource
  11888. FCompleteChildSource
  11889. FWriteTreeCompleteChildSource
  11890. FViewProcessor
  11891. FViewProcessorResult
  11892. FAuthStateListenerWrapper
  11893. FIRFirebaseAuthTokenProvider
  11894. FAuthTokenProvider
  11895. FIRNoopAuthTokenProvider
  11896. FLRUCachePolicy
  11897. FCachePolicy
  11898. FNoCachePolicy
  11899. FLevelDBStorageEngine
  11900. FStorageEngine
  11901. FPendingPut
  11902. NSCoding
  11903. FPendingPutPriority
  11904. FPendingUpdate
  11905. FPersistenceManager
  11906. FPruneForest
  11907. FTrackedQuery
  11908. FTrackedQueryManager
  11909. FConnection
  11910. FWebSocketDelegate
  11911. FWebSocketConnection
  11912. FSRWebSocketDelegate
  11913. FChildrenNode
  11914. FNode
  11915. FCompoundWrite
  11916. FEmptyNode
  11917. FIndexedNode
  11918. FLeafNode
  11919. FSnapshotUtilities
  11920. FAtomicNumber
  11921. FEventListener
  11922. FEventEmitter
  11923. FNextPushId
  11924. FParsedUrl
  11925. FStringUtilities
  11926. FUtilities
  11927. 0 1@
  11928. FValidation
  11929. FURLUtils
  11930. FTupleBoolBlock
  11931. FTupleCallbackStatus
  11932. FTupleFirebase
  11933. FTupleNodePath
  11934. FTupleObjectNode
  11935. FTupleObjects
  11936. FTupleOnDisconnect
  11937. FTuplePathValue
  11938. FTupleRemovedQueriesEvents
  11939. FTupleSetIdPath
  11940. FTupleStringNode
  11941. FTupleTSN
  11942. FTupleTransaction
  11943. FTupleUserCallback
  11944. FArraySortedDictionaryEnumerator
  11945. FArraySortedDictionary
  11946. FImmutableSortedDictionary
  11947. FImmutableSortedSet
  11948. FLLRBEmptyNode
  11949. FLLRBNode
  11950. FLLRBValueNode
  11951. 0 0B
  11952. FTreeSortedDictionary
  11953. FTreeSortedDictionaryEnumerator
  11954. FSRWebSocket
  11955. NSStreamDelegate
  11956. S24"
  11957. FSRIOConsumer
  11958. FSRIOConsumerPool
  11959. FCertificateAdditions
  11960. _FSRRunLoopThread
  11961. FSRUtilities
  11962. APLevelDB
  11963. APLevelDBIterator
  11964. APLevelDBWriteBatch
  11965. FIRInstanceID
  11966. FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStoreDelegate
  11967. FIRInstanceIDAPNSInfo
  11968. FIRInstanceIDAuthKeychainItem
  11969. FIRInstanceIDAuthKeychain
  11970. FIRInstanceIDAuthService
  11971. FIRInstanceIDBackupExcludedPlist
  11972. Internal
  11973. FIRInstanceIDCheckinPreferences
  11974. FIRInstanceIDCheckinService
  11975. FIRInstanceIDCheckinStore
  11976. FIRInstanceIDKeyPair
  11977. FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStore
  11978. FIRInstanceIDLogger
  11979. FIRInstanceIDStore
  11980. FIRInstanceIDStringEncoding
  11981. FIRInstanceIDTokenDeleteOperation
  11982. FIRInstanceIDTokenFetchOperation
  11983. FIRInstanceIDTokenInfo
  11984. FIRInstanceIDTokenManager
  11985. FIRInstanceIDStoreDelegate
  11986. FIRInstanceIDTokenOperation
  11987. FIRInstanceIDTokenStore
  11988. FIRInstanceIDURLQueryItem
  11989. FIRMessagingLog
  11990. FIRMessagingMessageInfo
  11991. FIRMessagingRemoteMessage
  11992. FIRMessaging
  11993. FIRMessagingClientDelegate
  11994. FIRMessagingReceiverDelegate
  11995. FIRMessagingCheckinService
  11996. FIRMessagingClient
  11997. FIRMessagingConnectionDelegate
  11998. FIRMessagingCodedInputStream
  11999. FIRMessagingD2SInfo
  12000. FIRMessagingConnection
  12001. FIRMessagingSecureSocketDelegate
  12002. FIRMessagingContextManagerService
  12003. FIRMessagingDataMessageManager
  12004. FIRMessagingDelayedMessageQueue
  12005. FIRMessagingInstanceIDProxy
  12006. FIRMessagingLogger
  12007. FIRMessagingPacket
  12008. FIRMessagingPacketQueue
  12009. FIRMessagingTopicBatch
  12010. FIRMessagingPendingTopicsList
  12011. FIRMessagingPersistentSyncMessage
  12012. FIRMessagingPubSub
  12013. FIRMessagingPendingTopicsListDelegate
  12014. FIRMessagingPubSubRegistrar
  12015. FIRMessagingReceiver
  12016. FIRMessagingDataMessageManagerDelegate
  12017. FIRMessagingRegistrar
  12018. FIRMessagingRemoteNotificationsProxy
  12019. FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore
  12020. FIRMessagingRmqManager
  12021. FIRMessagingRmqScanner
  12022. FIRMessagingSecureSocket
  12023. FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager
  12024. FIRMessagingTopicOperation
  12025. GtalkGtalkCoreRoot
  12026. GtalkHeartbeatPing
  12027. GtalkHeartbeatAck
  12028. GtalkErrorInfo
  12029. GtalkSetting
  12030. GtalkHeartbeatStat
  12031. GtalkHeartbeatConfig
  12032. GtalkLoginRequest
  12033. GtalkLoginResponse
  12034. GtalkBindAccountRequest
  12035. GtalkBindAccountResponse
  12036. GtalkStreamErrorStanza
  12037. GtalkClose
  12038. GtalkExtension
  12039. GtalkMessageStanza
  12040. GtalkPresenceStanza
  12041. GtalkBatchPresenceStanza
  12042. GtalkIqStanza
  12043. GtalkAppData
  12044. GtalkDataMessageStanza
  12045. GtalkTalkMetadata
  12046. GtalkCellTower
  12047. GtalkClientEvent
  12048. GtalkGtalkExtensionsRoot
  12049. GtalkRosterQuery
  12050. GtalkRosterItem
  12051. GtalkRmqLastId
  12052. GtalkRmqAck
  12053. GtalkVCard
  12054. GtalkPhoto
  12055. GtalkChatRead
  12056. GtalkChatClosed
  12057. GtalkCapabilities
  12058. GtalkSharedStatus
  12059. GtalkSharedStatus_StatusList
  12060. GtalkOtrQuery
  12061. GtalkOtrItem
  12062. GtalkIdle
  12063. GtalkPostAuthBatchQuery
  12064. GtalkStreamAck
  12065. GtalkSelectiveAck
  12066. PodsDummy_Pods_Crypto_Price_Tracker
  12067. @16@0:8
  12068. @32@0:8@16@24
  12069. v16@0:8
  12070. v36@0:8B16@20@28
  12071. B16@0:8
  12072. v20@0:8B16
  12073. @"FIRAAlarm"
  12074. @"FIRAPersistedConfig"
  12075. v24@0:8@16
  12076. v48@0:8@16@24@32^v40
  12077. v24@0:8@"UIApplication"16
  12078. B32@0:8@16@24
  12079. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24
  12080. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSURL"24
  12081. B48@0:8@16@24@32@40
  12082. B48@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSURL"24@"NSString"32@40
  12083. B40@0:8@16@24@32
  12084. B40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSURL"24@"NSDictionary"32
  12085. v40@0:8@16q24d32
  12086. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16q24d32
  12087. v32@0:8@16q24
  12088. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16q24
  12089. v56@0:8@16{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}24
  12090. v56@0:8@"UIApplication"16{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}24
  12091. v32@0:8@16@24
  12092. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UIUserNotificationSettings"24
  12093. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSData"24
  12094. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSError"24
  12095. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24
  12096. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UILocalNotification"24
  12097. v48@0:8@16@24@32@?40
  12098. v48@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"UILocalNotification"32@?<v@?>40
  12099. v56@0:8@16@24@32@40@?48
  12100. v56@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"NSDictionary"32@"NSDictionary"40@?<v@?>48
  12101. v48@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"NSDictionary"32@?<v@?>40
  12102. v56@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"UILocalNotification"32@"NSDictionary"40@?<v@?>48
  12103. v40@0:8@16@24@?32
  12104. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24@?<v@?Q>32
  12105. v32@0:8@16@?24
  12106. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@?<v@?Q>24
  12107. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UIApplicationShortcutItem"24@?<v@?B>32
  12108. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@?<v@?>32
  12109. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSDictionary"24@?<v@?@"NSDictionary">32
  12110. Q32@0:8@16@24
  12111. Q32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"UIWindow"24
  12112. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24
  12113. @40@0:8@16@24@32
  12114. @"UIViewController"40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSArray"24@"NSCoder"32
  12115. B32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSCoder"24
  12116. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSCoder"24
  12117. B40@0:8@16@24@?32
  12118. B40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSUserActivity"24@?<v@?@"NSArray">32
  12119. v40@0:8@16@24@32
  12120. v40@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSString"24@"NSError"32
  12121. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"NSUserActivity"24
  12122. v32@0:8@"UIApplication"16@"CKShareMetadata"24
  12123. @"UIWindow"16@0:8
  12124. v24@0:8@"UIWindow"16
  12125. B24@0:8@16
  12126. #16@0:8
  12127. @24@0:8:16
  12128. @32@0:8:16@24
  12129. @40@0:8:16@24@32
  12130. B24@0:8#16
  12131. B24@0:8@"Protocol"16
  12132. B24@0:8:16
  12133. Vv16@0:8
  12134. Q16@0:8
  12135. ^{_NSZone=}16@0:8
  12136. @"NSString"16@0:8
  12137. @24@0:8@16
  12138. v40@0:8:16#24#32
  12139. v48@0:8:16:24#32#40
  12140. ^?32@0:8:16#24
  12141. v32@0:8:16@?24
  12142. @"NSDecimalNumber"
  12143. @24@0:8^{_NSZone=}16
  12144. d16@0:8
  12145. v24@0:8d16
  12146. @"NSString"
  12147. @"FIRAValue"
  12148. @"FIRAEvent"
  12149. B24@0:8^@16
  12150. @36@0:8i16d20d28
  12151. i16@0:8
  12152. @40@0:8i16i20i24i28i32i36
  12153. v28@0:8i16B20B24
  12154. v20@0:8i16
  12155. B56@0:8@16q24q32q40^q48
  12156. B48@0:8@16q24q32^q40
  12157. B32@0:8@16^q24
  12158. @28@0:8@16B24
  12159. B36@0:8@16B24@28
  12160. @60@0:8@16B24@28d36d44@52
  12161. @24@0:8d16
  12162. @"NSMutableDictionary"
  12163. @40@0:8@16i24i28d32
  12164. @"NSNumber"
  12165. @40@0:8i16i20@24@32
  12166. @"NSData"
  12167. @36@0:8i16@20@28
  12168. @40@0:8@16q24q32
  12169. q16@0:8
  12170. @48@0:8@16@24@32d40
  12171. @24@0:8q16
  12172. @32@0:8q16@24
  12173. ^{sqlite3=}16@0:8
  12174. B48@0:8@16@24@32^@40
  12175. B56@0:8@16@24@32@40^@48
  12176. B32@0:8@16^@24
  12177. B40@0:8@16@24^@32
  12178. @48@0:8@16@24@32^@40
  12179. @32@0:8@16^@24
  12180. @40@0:8@16@24^@32
  12181. @48@0:8@16@24^@32@?40
  12182. B24@0:8@?16
  12183. ^{sqlite3_stmt=}32@0:8@16^@24
  12184. ^{sqlite3_stmt=}40@0:8@16@24^@32
  12185. v32@0:8^{sqlite3_stmt=}16@24
  12186. B32@0:8^{sqlite3_stmt=}16^@24
  12187. @28@0:8i16^{sqlite3_stmt=}20
  12188. ^{sqlite3_stmt=}56@0:8@16@24@32@40^@48
  12189. B40@0:8@16^{sqlite3_stmt=}24^@32
  12190. v32@0:8^@16@24
  12191. ^{sqlite3=}
  12192. v32@0:8d16@24
  12193. v40@0:8@16d24@32
  12194. @"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>"
  12195. v32@0:8d16@?24
  12196. @"NSObject<OS_dispatch_source>"
  12197. @"NSDate"
  12198. B28@0:8@16i24
  12199. @"FIRADatabase"
  12200. @24@0:8^@16
  12201. @32@0:8q16^@24
  12202. B32@0:8q16^@24
  12203. B44@0:8@16q24B32^@36
  12204. @40@0:8q16^@24@?32
  12205. B32@0:8d16^@24
  12206. B36@0:8@16B24^@28
  12207. @40@0:8q16q24^@32
  12208. @28@0:8B16^@20
  12209. @28@0:8i16^@20
  12210. @48@0:8@16q24^@32@?40
  12211. @56@0:8@16@24@32^@40@?48
  12212. B48@0:8@16@24^@32@?40
  12213. B72@0:8@16@24@32@40q48^@56@?64
  12214. B64@0:8@16@24@32@40^@48@?56
  12215. @"FIRASqliteStore"
  12216. v48@0:8q16q24@32@40
  12217. v48@0:8q16q24@"NSString"32@"NSArray"40
  12218. v48@0:8q16q24@"NSString"32@40
  12219. v40@0:8q16q24@32
  12220. v40@0:8q16q24@"NSString"32
  12221. v32@0:8@16d24
  12222. v40@0:8@16@24d32
  12223. @64@0:8@16@24@32@40@48@56
  12224. q24@0:8q16
  12225. @48@0:8@16@24@32@40
  12226. v28@0:8B16@?20
  12227. v24@0:8Q16
  12228. B20@0:8i16
  12229. @"FIROptions"
  12230. @"FIRAAudience"
  12231. @"FIRAIdentity"
  12232. @"FIRNetwork"
  12233. @"FIRARemoteConfig"
  12234. @"FIRAScheduler"
  12235. @"FIRASessionReporter"
  12236. @"FIRASearchAdReporter"
  12237. @"NSArray"
  12238. B24@0:8q16
  12239. @44@0:8@16q24@32B40
  12240. @40@0:8q16@24q32
  12241. v24@0:8q16
  12242. v56@0:8q16q24@32@40@48
  12243. v64@0:8q16q24@32@40@48@56
  12244. @32@0:8d16d24
  12245. v40@0:8q16@24q32
  12246. v40@0:8@16@24q32
  12247. @"FIRAASLLogger"
  12248. @"FIRAMonitoringSampledData"
  12249. @"NSUserDefaults"
  12250. q24@0:8@16
  12251. q32@0:8@16@24
  12252. d24@0:8@16
  12253. v32@0:8q16@24
  12254. i24@0:8@16
  12255. @40@0:8@16@24q32
  12256. @56@0:8@16@24@32@40@?48
  12257. d48@0:8@16d24d32d40
  12258. i36@0:8@16i24i28i32
  12259. q48@0:8@16q24q32q40
  12260. q32@0:8@16q24
  12261. @"FIRMutableDictionary"
  12262. @"NSNumberFormatter"
  12263. @"FIRAPBMeasurementConfig"
  12264. v24@0:8@?16
  12265. v28@0:8@16B24
  12266. v44@0:8@16B24@28@36
  12267. v60@0:8@16B24@28@36d44B52B56
  12268. v68@0:8@16B24@28@36d44B52B56@60
  12269. @60@0:8q16@24B32@36d44@52
  12270. v36@0:8B16@20@?28
  12271. @24@0:8@?16
  12272. @"ASIdentifierManager"
  12273. @"NSMutableSet"
  12274. @28@0:8@16i24
  12275. @36@0:8@16@24i32
  12276. v32@0:8@"SKPaymentQueue"16@"NSArray"24
  12277. v32@0:8@"SKPaymentQueue"16@"NSError"24
  12278. v24@0:8@"SKPaymentQueue"16
  12279. v32@0:8@"SKProductsRequest"16@"SKProductsResponse"24
  12280. v24@0:8@"SKRequest"16
  12281. v32@0:8@"SKRequest"16@"NSError"24
  12282. @"SKProductsRequest"
  12283. v40@0:8@16q24q32
  12284. v40@0:8@"NSString"16q24q32
  12285. @"NSMutableArray"
  12286. v32@0:8^@16^@24
  12287. @"UIViewController"
  12288. @"FIRAScreen"
  12289. @40@0:8q16@24@32
  12290. v32@0:8^v16Q24
  12291. @24@0:8^{?=^^v^i*}16
  12292. @24@0:8@"NSData"16
  12293. @"NSData"16@0:8
  12294. r*16@0:8
  12295. ^{?=^^v^i*}16@0:8
  12296. ^?16@0:8
  12297. ^{?=^^v^i*}
  12298. @48@0:8@16q24@32@40
  12299. @?16@0:8
  12300. @40@0:8@16@24@?32
  12301. @"FIRAnalyticsConfiguration"
  12302. v56@0:8q16@24@32@40*48
  12303. v28@0:8@16i24
  12304. v28@0:8@"FIRReachabilityChecker"16i24
  12305. @52@0:8@16@24@32B40@?44
  12306. v40@0:8q16@24@?32
  12307. @"FIRReachabilityChecker"
  12308. @"<FIRNetworkReachabilityDelegate>"
  12309. @"<FIRNetworkLoggerDelegate>"
  12310. v32@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSError"24
  12311. v40@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLAuthenticationChallenge"24@?<v@?q@"NSURLCredential">32
  12312. v24@0:8@"NSURLSession"16
  12313. v56@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLSessionTask"24@"NSHTTPURLResponse"32@"NSURLRequest"40@?<v@?@"NSURLRequest">48
  12314. v48@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLSessionTask"24@"NSURLAuthenticationChallenge"32@?<v@?q@"NSURLCredential">40
  12315. v40@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLSessionTask"24@?<v@?@"NSInputStream">32
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  12317. v56@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLSessionTask"24q32q40q48
  12318. v40@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLSessionTask"24@"NSURLSessionTaskMetrics"32
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  12321. v56@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLSessionDownloadTask"24q32q40q48
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  12323. v48@0:8@"NSURLSession"16@"NSURLSessionDownloadTask"24q32q40
  12324. @32@0:8@16@?24
  12325. v32@0:8@?16@24
  12326. v48@0:8@?16@24@32@40
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  12331. @"NSDictionary"
  12332. r^{FIRReachabilityApi=^?^?^?^?^?}16@0:8
  12333. v24@0:8r^{FIRReachabilityApi=^?^?^?^?^?}16
  12334. i20@0:8I16
  12335. v20@0:8I16
  12336. ^{__SCNetworkReachability=}16@0:8
  12337. v24@0:8^{__SCNetworkReachability=}16
  12338. r^{FIRReachabilityApi=^?^?^?^?^?}
  12339. ^{__SCNetworkReachability=}
  12340. @"<FIRReachabilityDelegate>"
  12341. @20@0:8i16
  12342. v36@0:8@16i24@28
  12343. @"NSObject"
  12344. @"<FIRClearcutLoggerDelegate>"
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  12347. ^{NSMutableDictionary=#}16@0:8
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  12354. @48@0:8@16@24@32B40B44
  12355. @44@0:8@16@24@32B40
  12356. @24@0:8Q16
  12357. Q32@0:8q16@?24
  12358. Q40@0:8q16@?24@?32
  12359. v40@0:8Q16@?24@?32
  12360. v40@0:8Q16@24@?32
  12361. v32@0:8q16@?24
  12362. v40@0:8q16@?24@?32
  12363. @"FPath"
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  12365. @"FSnapshotHolder"
  12366. @"FIRMutableData"
  12367. @"NSMutableString"
  12368. @?24@0:8@16
  12369. @"FQuerySpec"
  12370. @"<FSyncTreeHash>"
  12371. v40@0:8@"FConnection"16@"NSNumber"24@"NSString"32
  12372. v32@0:8@"FConnection"16@"NSDictionary"24
  12373. v28@0:8@"FConnection"16i24
  12374. v32@0:8@"FConnection"16@"NSString"24
  12375. v44@0:8@16@24B32@?36
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  12377. @"FConnection"
  12378. @"FAtomicNumber"
  12379. @"FIRRetryHelper"
  12380. @"<FIndex>"
  12381. @"<FNode>"
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  12383. v52@0:8@"FPersistentConnection"16@"NSString"24@32B40@"NSNumber"44
  12384. v40@0:8@"NSArray"16@"NSString"24@"NSNumber"32
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  12386. v32@0:8@"FPersistentConnection"16@"NSDictionary"24
  12387. v40@0:8q16@24@32
  12388. v44@0:8@16@?24@?32B40
  12389. @"FAuthenticationManager"
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  12398. @36@0:8@16B24@28
  12399. @"FCompoundHash"16@0:8
  12400. @"FView"
  12401. @44@0:8@16@24q32B40
  12402. @40@0:8q16B24B28@32
  12403. @"FImmutableTree"
  12404. @"FWriteTree"
  12405. @"FListenProvider"
  12406. @"FCompoundWrite"
  12407. @40@0:8@16@?24@32
  12408. v44@0:8@16@24q32B40
  12409. @52@0:8@16@24@32B40@44
  12410. @44@0:8@16@24B32@36
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  12412. @"FOperationSource"16@0:8
  12413. @"FPath"16@0:8
  12414. @36@0:8@16@24B32
  12415. @"FOperationSource"
  12416. @36@0:8B16B20@24B32
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  12419. @"FImmutableSortedDictionary"
  12420. @32@0:8@16q24
  12421. @20@0:8B16
  12422. v32@0:8@?16B24B28
  12423. B28@0:8@?16B24
  12424. @"FTreeNode"
  12425. @32@0:8@16B24B28
  12426. v24@0:8@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>"16
  12427. @"<FEventRegistration>"
  12428. @"NSError"
  12429. @48@0:8q16@24@32@40
  12430. @"FDataEvent"32@0:8@"FChange"16@"FQuerySpec"24
  12431. v32@0:8@"<FEvent>"16@"NSObject<OS_dispatch_queue>"24
  12432. @"FCancelEvent"32@0:8@"NSError"16@"FPath"24
  12433. B24@0:8@"<FEventRegistration>"16
  12434. @48@0:8@16Q24@32@?40
  12435. @"FIRDataSnapshot"
  12436. @48@0:8@16Q24@?32@?40
  12437. @"FViewProcessor"
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  12440. @"FCacheNode"
  12441. @"FIndexedNode"64@0:8@"FIndexedNode"16@"NSString"24@"<FNode>"32@"FPath"40@"<FCompleteChildSource>"48@"FChildChangeAccumulator"56
  12442. @"FIndexedNode"40@0:8@"FIndexedNode"16@"FIndexedNode"24@"FChildChangeAccumulator"32
  12443. @"FIndexedNode"32@0:8@"<FNode>"16@"FIndexedNode"24
  12444. @"<FNodeFilter>"16@0:8
  12445. @"<FIndex>"16@0:8
  12446. @56@0:8@16@24@32@40@48
  12447. @"FRangedFilter"
  12448. @32@0:8@16d24
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  12450. v56@0:8@16q24@32@40@48
  12451. v48@0:8@16@24@?32@40
  12452. v40@0:8@16@?24@32
  12453. v32@0:8@?16@?24
  12454. v36@0:8@?16@?24B32
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  12459. q32@0:8@"FNamedNode"16@"FNamedNode"24
  12460. B24@0:8@"<FNode>"16
  12461. B32@0:8@"<FNode>"16@"<FNode>"24
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  12463. @"FNamedNode"32@0:8@"<FNode>"16@"NSString"24
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  12468. @"FNamedNode"36@0:8@"<FIndex>"16@"FNamedNode"24B32
  12469. @"FWriteTreeRef"
  12470. @68@0:8@16@24@32@40@48B56@60
  12471. @32@0:8@?16@24
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  12473. v24@0:8@?<v@?@"NSString">16
  12474. B32@0:8Q16Q24
  12475. B24@0:8Q16
  12476. f16@0:8
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  12479. v40@0:8@"FCompoundWrite"16@"FPath"24Q32
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  12484. v36@0:8@"<FNode>"16@"FPath"24B32
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  12486. v32@0:8@"FPruneForest"16@"FPath"24
  12487. v24@0:8@"FTrackedQuery"16
  12488. v32@0:8@16Q24
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  12499. @44@0:8Q16@24d32B40
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  12522. v28@0:8B16@?<v@?@"NSString"@"<FNode>"^B>20
  12523. @"NSEnumerator"16@0:8
  12524. @"FImmutableSortedSet"
  12525. @52@0:8@16@24@32i40@44
  12526. Q24@0:8@16
  12527. @"NSLock"
  12528. Q32@0:8@16@?24
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  12532. @"FTupleStringNode"
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  12535. @56@0:8@16@24^{NSNumber=#}32@40@48
  12536. @56@0:8@16@24^{NSNumber=#}32@"<FLLRBNode>"40@"<FLLRBNode>"48
  12537. @"<FLLRBNode>"40@0:8@16@24@?<q@?@@>32
  12538. @"<FLLRBNode>"32@0:8@16@?<q@?@@>24
  12539. B24@0:8@?<B@?@@>16
  12540. @"<FLLRBNode>"16@0:8
  12541. ^{NSNumber=#}16@0:8
  12542. v24@0:8^{NSNumber=#}16
  12543. v24@0:8@"<FLLRBNode>"16
  12544. ^{NSNumber=#}
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  12551. v40@0:8{?=BCBQ}16@32
  12552. v40@0:8Q16@?24B32B36
  12553. v40@0:8@?16@?24Q32
  12554. v40@0:8r^v16Q24@?32
  12555. v28@0:8i16@20
  12556. @"NSOperationQueue"
  12557. @"NSInputStream"
  12558. @"NSOutputStream"
  12559. @"NSMutableData"
  12560. [4C]
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  12564. v48@0:8@?16@?24Q32B40B44
  12565. @48@0:8@?16@?24Q32B40B44
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  12567. @"NSRunLoop"
  12568. {Options=^{Comparator}BBB^{Env}^{Logger}Qi^{Cache}QiQiB^{FilterPolicy}}16@0:8
  12569. ^{DB=^^?}16@0:8
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  12579. v24@0:8^@16
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  12593. ^{__SecKey=}16@0:8
  12594. ^{__SecKey=}
  12595. @40@0:8@16q24^@32
  12596. @"NSObject<FIRInstanceIDKeyPairStoreDelegate>"
  12597. @"FIRInstanceIDKeyPair"
  12598. v40@0:8r*16q24@32
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  12602. v20@0:8c16
  12603. [128i]
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  12606. v32@0:8@"FIRInstanceIDStore"16@"FIRInstanceIDCheckinPreferences"24
  12607. @"FIRInstanceIDAuthService"
  12608. @64@0:8q16@24@32@40@48@56
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  12610. @32@0:8Q16@24
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  12614. c16@0:8
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  12626. i24@0:8@"NSArray"16
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  12628. @"FIRMessagingConnection"
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  12631. B24@0:8*16
  12632. B24@0:8^i16
  12633. @20@0:8I16
  12634. {?=^vQQ}16@0:8
  12635. v40@0:8{?=^vQQ}16
  12636. {?="bytes"^v"bufferSize"Q"bufferPos"Q}
  12637. @28@0:8i16@20
  12638. v36@0:8@16@24c32
  12639. v36@0:8@"FIRMessagingSecureSocket"16@"NSData"24c32
  12640. v36@0:8@16c24@28
  12641. v36@0:8@"FIRMessagingSecureSocket"16c24@"NSString"28
  12642. v24@0:8@"FIRMessagingSecureSocket"16
  12643. @72@0:8@16@24@32Q40@48@56@64
  12644. v32@0:8@16i24B28
  12645. @"<FIRMessagingConnectionDelegate>"
  12646. @"FIRMessagingSecureSocket"
  12647. i32@0:8@16@24
  12648. @"<FIRMessagingDataMessageManagerDelegate>"
  12649. @"FIRMessagingDelayedMessageQueue"
  12650. q20@0:8i16
  12651. @"<FIRMessagingRmqScanner>"
  12652. @36@0:8c16@20@28
  12653. v40@0:8@16q24@?32
  12654. @"NSObject<FIRMessagingPendingTopicsListDelegate>"
  12655. @"FIRMessagingTopicBatch"
  12656. v48@0:8@16@24q32@?40
  12657. v48@0:8@"FIRMessagingPendingTopicsList"16@"NSString"24q32@?<v@?q@"NSError">40
  12658. v24@0:8@"FIRMessagingPendingTopicsList"16
  12659. B24@0:8@"FIRMessagingPendingTopicsList"16
  12660. @"FIRMessagingPubSubCache"
  12661. @"FIRMessagingPendingTopicsList"
  12662. @"FIRMessagingCheckinService"
  12663. v32@0:8@"NSDictionary"16@"NSString"24
  12664. v32@0:8@"NSString"16@"NSError"24
  12665. @"<FIRMessagingReceiverDelegate>"
  12666. @"FIRMessagingPubSubRegistrar"
  12667. v32@0:8^?16:24
  12668. ^?24@0:8:16
  12669. v32@0:8:16#24
  12670. v24@0:8:16
  12671. v48@0:8:16#24^?32@40
  12672. ^?24@0:8#16
  12673. B44@0:8q16c24@28^@36
  12674. i24@0:8^@16
  12675. B48@0:8@16q24B32B36^@40
  12676. B44@0:8@16@24B32^@36
  12677. v24@0:8^{sqlite3_stmt=}16
  12678. v32@0:8@?<v@?qc@"NSData">16@?<v@?q@"GtalkDataMessageStanza">24
  12679. B44@0:8@16q24c32^@36
  12680. @"FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore"
  12681. v40@0:8@16Q24@32
  12682. Q32@0:8@16^Q24
  12683. @"<FIRMessagingSecureSocketDelegate>"
  12684. @"FIRMessagingPacketQueue"
  12685. B32@0:8@16B24B28
  12686. @64@0:8@16q24@32@40@48@?56
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