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Jan 31st, 2011
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  1. V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 1465):
  2. D/DxSecureClock( 1357): Time has been modified.
  3. D/DxSecureClock( 1357): Updated deltas successfully.
  4. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1465): handleCarrierInfoUpdate: plmn = WIND GR, spn = null
  5. D/MobileDataStateTracker-mobile( 1465): default Received state= DISCONNECTED, old= DISCONNECTED, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= default
  7. D/PhoneApp( 1574): - state: DISCONNECTED
  8. D/PhoneApp( 1574): - reason: null
  9. D/MccTable( 1574): updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=202, mnc=10
  10. D/NotificationMgr( 1574): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
  11. D/PhoneApp( 1574): updateProximitySensorMode: state = IDLE
  12. D/NetworkLocationProvider( 1465): onDataConnectionStateChanged 1
  13. D/PhoneApp( 1574): updateProximitySensorMode: lock already released.
  14. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1465): handleCarrierInfoUpdate: plmn = null, spn = TIM GR
  15. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1465): KeyguardUpdateMonitor: stateExtra = LOADED
  16. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1465): KeyguardUpdateMonitor: SimArgs -> READY
  17. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1465): handleSimStateChange: intentValue = READY , mSimState = READY
  18. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): onSimStateChanged: READY
  19. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): resetStateLocked
  20. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): handleReset
  21. D/KeyguardViewManager( 1465): reset()
  22. V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 1465):
  23. V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 1465):
  24. I/ActivityThread( 1935): Publishing provider
  25. I/PackageManager( 1465): Updating external media status from unmounted to mounted
  26. I/ActivityThread( 1946): Publishing provider com.dataviz.stargate.shregi: com.dataviz.stargate.RegistrationInfoShare
  27. I/ActivityThread( 1946): Publishing provider com.dataviz.stargate.status: com.dataviz.stargate.RoadSyncStatusProvider
  28. I/ActivityThread( 1946): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.tasks: com.dataviz.tasks.TasksProvider
  29. I/ActivityThread( 1946): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.messaging: com.dataviz.stargate.MessageDbAdapter
  30. I/ActivityThread( 1946): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.calendar: com.dataviz.calendar.CalendarProvider
  31. V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 1465):
  32. D/DataConnectionTracker( 1574): [mpdp] isEnableMulPdp:true
  33. I/ActivityThread( 1946): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.folders: com.dataviz.stargate.FoldersProvider
  34. D/TelephonyProvider( 1574): Setting numeric '20210' to be the current operator
  35. D/DataConnectionTracker( 1574): EVENT_MPDP_TRY_SETUP_DATA:0
  36. D/LauncherModel( 1608): ----> running workspace loader (2)
  37. D/Launcher( 1608): -- loadPreferences()
  38. D/CallNotifier( 1574): onCfiChanged(): false
  39. D/NotificationMgr( 1574): updateCfiAll(): false
  40. D/NotificationMgr( 1574): updateCfi(): false
  41. D/LauncherModel( 1608): ----> items cloned, ready to refresh UI
  42. D/Launcher( 1608): about to setAppWidget for id=15, info=AppWidgetProviderInfo(provider=ComponentInfo{})
  43. D/TelephonyManager( 1946): listen=android.telephony.PhoneStateListener$1@301ea0f0 event=64
  44. I/RoadSync( 1946): - Monitoring data connection state (0).
  45. I/StargatePhoneBootReciever.onReceive(): ( 1946): full
  46. I/SyncScheduleReceiver.onReceive(): ( 1946): not null
  47. I/AlertReceiver.onReceive(): ( 1946): other
  48. D/Launcher( 1608): about to setAppWidget for id=14, info=AppWidgetProviderInfo(provider=ComponentInfo{})
  49. I/CalendarReceiver.onReceive(): ( 1946): ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED
  50. D/Launcher( 1608): about to setAppWidget for id=12, info=AppWidgetProviderInfo(provider=ComponentInfo{com.curvefish.widgets.wifionoff/com.curvefish.widgets.wifionoff.Widget})
  51. D/Launcher( 1608): about to setAppWidget for id=11, info=AppWidgetProviderInfo(provider=ComponentInfo{com.protocol.x.USB/com.protocol.x.USB.DualSDWidget})
  52. D/Launcher( 1608): about to setAppWidget for id=10, info=AppWidgetProviderInfo(provider=ComponentInfo{com.curvefish.widgets.gpsonoff/com.curvefish.widgets.gpsonoff.Widget})
  53. D/Launcher( 1608): about to setAppWidget for id=9, info=AppWidgetProviderInfo(provider=ComponentInfo{})
  54. D/Calendar( 1935): Schedule alarm at 1296517800000 Tue, Feb 01, 2011 01:50am
  55. D/Calendar( 1935): Schedule alarm at 1296517800000 Tue, Feb 01, 2011 01:50am
  56. I/ActivityThread( 1988): Publishing provider
  57. I/ActivityThread( 1988): Publishing provider
  58. I/ActivityThread( 1988): Publishing provider
  59. D/Calendar( 1935): missed alarms found: 0
  60. D/Exchange( 1988): BootReceiver onReceive
  61. D/EAS SyncManager( 1988): !!! EAS SyncManager, onCreate
  62. D/EAS SyncManager( 1988): !!! EAS SyncManager, onStartCommand
  63. D/Eas Debug( 1988): Logging:
  64. D/DatebaseHelper( 2007): [DatebaseHelper::IsDBVersionTableExist]: Check version table
  65. D/DatebaseHelper( 2007): [DatebaseHelper::IsDBVersionTableExist]: version table is found
  66. D/DataConnectionTracker( 1574): [mpdp] isEnableMulPdp:true
  67. I/ActivityThread( 2051): Publishing provider gmail-ls:
  68. D/DxSecureClock( 1357): Time has been modified.
  69. D/DxSecureClock( 1357): Updated deltas successfully.
  70. I/ActivityThread( 2051): Publishing provider
  71. I/ActivityThread( 2051): Publishing provider
  72. I/ActivityThread( 2051): Publishing provider gmail-downloads:
  73. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1465): handleCarrierInfoUpdate: plmn = null, spn = TIM GR
  74. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1465): handleCarrierInfoUpdate: plmn = null, spn = TIM GR
  75. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 2062): onCreate()
  76. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.settings.BackupRestore( 2062): restoreMySettings_ifNeeded()
  77. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.settings.BackupRestore( 2062): Internal settings found => No need to restore.
  78. W/Resources( 2062): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x80 a=-1}
  79. W/Resources( 2062): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  80. W/Resources( 2062): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1 a=-1}
  81. W/Resources( 2062): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  82. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 2062): Starting scheduler service ...
  83. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.BootReceiver( 2062): Boot completed => Starting scheduler service ...
  84. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): onCreate()
  85. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): scheduleNextWakeup(): Invoked with idToExcludeForToday=null
  86. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): scheduleNextWakeup(): No next wakeup scheduled.
  87. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): onStart()
  88. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): onStart()
  89. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): onDestroy()
  90. D/GoogleLoginService( 1643): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator }
  91. W/MessageQueue( 2051): Handler{303aae58} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  92. W/MessageQueue( 2051): java.lang.RuntimeException: Handler{303aae58} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
  93. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(
  94. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(
  95. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(
  96. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at
  97. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.accounts.AccountManager$BaseFutureTask.postRunnableToHandler(
  98. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.accounts.AccountManager$Future2Task.done(
  99. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerSet(
  100. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.set(
  101. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.accounts.AccountManager$BaseFutureTask.access$700(
  102. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.accounts.AccountManager$BaseFutureTask$Response.onResult(
  103. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.accounts.IAccountManagerResponse$Stub.onTransact(
  104. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  105. W/MessageQueue( 2051): at Method)
  106. I/ActivityThread( 2084): Publishing provider
  107. D/vending ( 2084): [1] VendingApplication.onCreate(): Resetting ServiceLocator from app
  108. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1710/status
  109. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1750/status
  110. I/ActivityThread( 2097): Publishing provider
  111. I/ActivityThread( 2097): Publishing provider
  112. W/Genie ( 2097): Cache file not found: /data/data/ (No such file or directory)
  113. D/vending ( 2084): [9] LocalAssetCache.buildCache(): No package info for INSTALLED asset -4046888911855530979 (
  114. D/vending ( 2084): [9] LocalAssetCache.buildCache(): No package info for INSTALLED asset -5763455896503799437 (
  115. D/vending ( 2084): [9] LocalAssetCache.buildCache(): No package info for INSTALLED asset 5648557442594214720 (com.sygic.aura)
  116. D/Genie ( 2097): onRedrawComplete, no data so requesting refresh. Model: NEW: showing news 0 of 0 [no weather]
  117. D/Genie ( 2097): No last fix, requesting location fix...
  118. W/Settings( 2146): Setting location_providers_allowed has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
  119. I/b ( 2173): Registering default exceptions handler
  120. I/b ( 2173): TRACE_VERSION: 1.0.2
  121. D/b ( 2173): APP_VERSION:
  122. D/b ( 2173): APP_PACKAGE:
  123. D/b ( 2173): Looking for exceptions in: /data/data/
  124. W/Service ( 2173): setForeground: ignoring old API call on
  125. D/FlurryAgent( 2173): Starting new session
  126. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Updating widgets
  127. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Updating 9
  128. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Service enabled
  129. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Checking the Locale
  130. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): It renders as Jan
  131. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Looking for new provider location
  132. I/b ( 2173): Registering default exceptions handler
  133. I/b ( 2173): TRACE_VERSION: 1.0.2
  134. D/b ( 2173): APP_VERSION:
  135. D/b ( 2173): APP_PACKAGE:
  136. D/b ( 2173): Looking for exceptions in: /data/data/
  137. E/Tethering( 1465): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
  138. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Entering loop
  139. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  140. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Τρύφωνας tz is UTC
  141. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  142. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Wed Feb 02 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  143. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Τρύφωνας is in tz UTC, fixing
  144. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  145. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Wed Feb 02 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  146. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500148043
  147. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  148. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 1
  149. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate is in the past, strange?
  150. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=0
  151. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): setNextUpdate=1296597600000
  152. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  153. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης tz is UTC
  154. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  155. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Thu Feb 03 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  156. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης is in tz UTC, fixing
  157. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  158. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Thu Feb 03 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  159. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500148048
  160. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  161. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 2
  162. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  163. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  164. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης tz is UTC
  165. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Wed Feb 02 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  166. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Fri Feb 04 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  167. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης is in tz UTC, fixing
  168. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Wed Feb 02 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  169. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Fri Feb 04 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  170. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500148052
  171. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  172. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 3
  173. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  174. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, action: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED, mSimStateLatest: 0
  175. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, bootCompleted: true, simReady: false, simNotReady: false, simAbsent: false, simLocked: false, pbrLoaded: false
  176. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED received, simState: NOT_READY
  177. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, bootCompleted && simNotReady, mSimStateLatest: 0
  178. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Alarm intent created
  179. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): UpdateService created
  180. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Observer registered.
  181. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Processing thread started
  182. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Updating widgets
  183. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Updating 9
  184. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Service enabled
  185. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Checking the Locale
  186. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): It renders as Jan
  187. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Looking for new provider location
  188. D/vending ( 2084): [11] Clearing cache in response to android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
  189. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, action: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED, mSimStateLatest: 1
  190. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, bootCompleted: true, simReady: false, simNotReady: false, simAbsent: false, simLocked: false, pbrLoaded: false
  191. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED received, simState: READY
  192. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, bootCompleted && simReady, sync thread is started
  193. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable starts
  194. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable mWakeLock.acquire
  195. D/vending ( 2084): [12] Clearing cache in response to android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
  196. I/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, OOBE is ready. mDeviceProvisioned: 1
  197. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, action: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED, mSimStateLatest: 2
  198. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, bootCompleted: false, simReady: false, simNotReady: false, simAbsent: false, simLocked: false, pbrLoaded: false
  199. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED received, simState: IMSI
  200. D/vending ( 2084): [13] Clearing cache in response to android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
  201. V/UpdateNotifier:SystemEventRx( 1861): SystemEventReceiver --RemindMeService
  202. W/updateNotifiter( 1861): setting time = 1189
  203. I/UpdateNotifier:AlarmHelper( 1861): Setup an alarm time_to_first=514392000, repeatTime =604800000
  204. V/updateNotifiter( 1861): RemindMeService() onCreate()
  205. I/SyncScheduleReceiver.onReceive(): ( 1946): not null
  206. I/AlertReceiver.onReceive(): ( 1946): other
  207. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Updating widgets
  208. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Updating 9
  209. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Service enabled
  210. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Checking the Locale
  211. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): It renders as Jan
  212. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Looking for new provider location
  213. D/FakeLoading( 1827): onCreate
  214. D/FakeLoading( 1827): onResume, move to back
  215. D/FakeLoading( 1827): onPause
  216. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Entering loop
  217. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  218. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Τρύφωνας tz is UTC
  219. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  220. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Wed Feb 02 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  221. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Τρύφωνας is in tz UTC, fixing
  222. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  223. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Wed Feb 02 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  224. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500149050
  225. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  226. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 1
  227. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  228. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  229. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης tz is UTC
  230. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  231. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Thu Feb 03 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  232. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης is in tz UTC, fixing
  233. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  234. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Thu Feb 03 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  235. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500149055
  236. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  237. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 2
  238. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  239. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  240. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης tz is UTC
  241. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Wed Feb 02 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  242. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Fri Feb 04 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  243. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης is in tz UTC, fixing
  244. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Wed Feb 02 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  245. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Fri Feb 04 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  246. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500149067
  247. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  248. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 3
  249. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  250. D/Launcher( 1608): -- loadPreferences()
  251. D/ContactsProvider( 1827): deleteSIMContacts
  252. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Entering loop
  253. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  254. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Τρύφωνας tz is UTC
  255. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  256. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Wed Feb 02 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  257. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Τρύφωνας is in tz UTC, fixing
  258. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  259. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Wed Feb 02 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  260. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500149795
  261. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  262. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 1
  263. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  264. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  265. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης tz is UTC
  266. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  267. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Thu Feb 03 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  268. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης is in tz UTC, fixing
  269. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Tue Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  270. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Thu Feb 03 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  271. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500149804
  272. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  273. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 2
  274. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  275. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Loading event data
  276. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης tz is UTC
  277. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Wed Feb 02 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  278. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Fri Feb 04 02:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  279. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): Γιορτή:Ιορδάνης,Ασημίνα,Ασημάκης is in tz UTC, fixing
  280. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): start time is Wed Feb 02 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  281. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): end time is Fri Feb 04 00:00:00 GMT+02:00 2011
  282. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): current time is 1296500149813
  283. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): offset is 0
  284. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): displaying line 3
  285. D/SmoothCalendar( 2180): mNextUpdate=1296597600000
  286. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  287. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  288. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  289. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  290. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  291. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  292. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  293. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  294. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  295. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  296. W/Settings( 2146): Setting location_providers_allowed has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
  297. D/Genie ( 2097): onRedrawComplete, no data so requesting refresh. Model: NEW: showing news 0 of 0 [no weather]
  298. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, action: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED, mSimStateLatest: 2
  299. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, bootCompleted: false, simReady: false, simNotReady: false, simAbsent: false, simLocked: false, pbrLoaded: false
  300. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): onReceive, ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED received, simState: LOADED
  301. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, after account search, simAccountId: 0
  302. D/vending ( 2084): [14] Clearing cache in response to android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
  303. I/ActivityThread( 2229): Publishing provider
  304. I/ActivityThread( 2229): Publishing provider
  305. D/MediaUploader( 2229): UploaderApplication.onCreate
  306. D/MediaUploader( 2229): nonWifiLimit=20971520, default=20971520
  307. I/MediaUploader( 2229): No need to wake up
  308. D/Genie ( 2097): onRedrawComplete, no data so requesting refresh. Model: NEW: showing news 0 of 0 [no weather]
  309. D/MediaScanner( 1777): prescan time: 4086ms
  310. D/MediaScanner( 1777): scan time: 1119ms
  311. D/MediaScanner( 1777): postscan time: 6664ms
  312. D/MediaScanner( 1777): total time: 11869ms
  313. D/MediaScannerService( 1777): done scanning volume internal notfication
  314. D/MediaScannerService( 1777): start scanning volume internal
  315. D/MediaScanner( 1777): prescan time: 165ms
  316. D/MediaScanner( 1777): scan time: 281ms
  317. D/MediaScanner( 1777): postscan time: 2ms
  318. D/MediaScanner( 1777): total time: 448ms
  319. D/MediaScannerService( 1777): done scanning volume internal
  320. D/MediaScannerService( 1777): start scanning volume external
  321. V/MediaProvider( 1777): /mnt/sdcard volume ID: -520284141
  322. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.BootReceiver( 2062): External applications are available => Starting scheduler service ...
  323. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): onCreate()
  324. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): scheduleNextWakeup(): Invoked with idToExcludeForToday=null
  325. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): scheduleNextWakeup(): No next wakeup scheduled.
  326. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): onStart()
  327. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2062): onDestroy()
  328. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1754/status
  329. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1851/status
  330. V/MediaProvider( 1777): Attached volume: external
  331. D/vending ( 2084): [16] LocalAssetCache.updateOnePackage(): No local info for com.arxnet.greekepg
  332. I/ActivityThread( 2262): Publishing provider
  333. I/ActivityThread( 2262): Publishing provider
  334. D/GoogleLoginService( 1643): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator }
  335. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, prjoect A1|A3|A4, adnStatusCausedByFdn: true
  336. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, loadingSIM: 1
  337. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 0 times.
  338. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  339. D/vending ( 2084): [19] LocalAssetCache.updateOnePackage(): No local info for
  340. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  341. D/su ( 2202): 10086 com.protocol.x.USB executing 0 /system/bin/sh using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
  342. D/MediaScanner( 1777): prescan time: 638ms
  343. D/MediaScanner( 1777): scan time: 1494ms
  344. D/MediaScanner( 1777): postscan time: 1ms
  345. D/MediaScanner( 1777): total time: 2133ms
  346. D/MediaScannerService( 1777): done scanning volume external
  347. I/LauncherModel( 1608): found one YΞ HPEΞ£IEΞ£
  348. D/Genie ( 2097): Request location failed, requesting data without location.
  349. D/Genie ( 2097): Requesting data...
  350. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/2113/status
  351. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/2146/status
  352. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/2167/status
  353. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1628/status
  354. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1918/status
  355. D/Genie ( 2097): Request failed at, 20:55, January 31 next auto-refresh time =10800000
  356. D/Genie ( 2097): Commited FileCache, deleted 0 obselete files and kept 32 files.
  357. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  358. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  359. W/FlurryAgent( 2173): onStartSession called with duplicate context, use a specific Activity or Service as context instead of using a global context
  360. I/b ( 2173): Registering default exceptions handler
  361. I/b ( 2173): TRACE_VERSION: 1.0.2
  362. D/b ( 2173): APP_VERSION:
  363. D/b ( 2173): APP_PACKAGE:
  364. D/b ( 2173): Looking for exceptions in: /data/data/
  365. I/LicenseChecker( 2173): Using cached license response
  366. W/UpdateWeatherService( 2173): Failed to update weather: no network connection.
  367. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 1 times.
  368. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  369. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  370. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  371. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  372. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/2291/status
  373. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 2 times.
  374. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  375. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  376. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  377. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  378. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 3 times.
  379. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  380. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  381. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  382. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  383. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 4 times.
  384. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  385. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  386. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  387. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  388. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 5 times.
  389. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  390. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  391. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  392. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  393. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 6 times.
  394. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  395. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  396. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  397. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  398. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 7 times.
  399. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  400. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  401. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  402. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  403. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 8 times.
  404. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  405. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  406. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  407. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  408. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, trying to load sim contacts at 9 times.
  409. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: efType=28474
  410. D/Adn ( 1574): AdnRecordSize = 30
  411. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] adnRecords.size=250
  412. D/IccProvider( 1574): [IccProvider] loadFromEf: return results
  413. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable, run, load SIM failed, or no any contact in SIM
  414. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): Noticication cancel success
  415. D/BootBroadcastReceiver( 1827): SyncRunnable mWakeLock.release
  416. E/Tethering( 1465): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
  417. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): keyguardDone(true)
  418. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): handleKeyguardDone
  419. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): handleHide
  420. D/DxDrmJavaWrap( 1465): enter JNI_OnLoad()
  421. D/DxDrmJavaWrap( 1465): Pool was allocated at address: 0x305bb3d8
  422. D/DxDrmJavaWrap( 1465): exit JNI_OnLoad(65540)
  423. I/Ringtone( 1465): reset stream type from 2 to 1
  424. D/KeyguardViewManager( 1465): hide()
  425. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): adjustUserActivityLocked mShowing: false mHidden: false
  426. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 2
  427. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): getOutput() stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channels c, flags 0
  428. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): startOutput() output 1, stream 1
  429. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1
  430. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 2
  431. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): getNewDevice() selected device 2
  432. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): setOutputDevice() output 1 device 2 delayMs 0
  433. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): setOutputDevice() setting same device 2 or null device for output 1
  434. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): stopOutput() output 1, stream 1
  435. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0
  436. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): getNewDevice() selected device 0
  437. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): setOutputDevice() output 1 device 0 delayMs 0
  438. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0 or null device for output 1
  439. D/FakeLoading( 1827): onStop
  440. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  441. D/SmartKeyboard( 1565): Clearing dictionary
  442. D/SmartKeyboard( 1565): Clearing dictionary
  443. I/SmartKeyboard( 1565): Loaded user dictionary in 2msec
  444. W/System.err( 1565):$NameNotFoundException: net.cdeguet.smartkeyboardpro.el
  445. W/System.err( 1565): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getApplicationInfo(
  446. W/System.err( 1565): at$ApplicationPackageManager.getResourcesForApplication(
  447. W/System.err( 1565): at net.cdeguet.smartkeyboardpro.DictionaryFactory.b(Unknown Source)
  448. W/System.err( 1565): at net.cdeguet.smartkeyboardpro.Suggest.b(Unknown Source)
  449. W/System.err( 1565): at net.cdeguet.smartkeyboardpro.SmartKeyboard.onInitializeInterface(Unknown Source)
  450. W/System.err( 1565): at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService.initialize(
  451. W/System.err( 1565): at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService$InputMethodImpl.bindInput(
  452. W/System.err( 1565): at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.executeMessage(
  453. W/System.err( 1565): at$MyHandler.handleMessage(
  454. W/System.err( 1565): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  455. W/System.err( 1565): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  456. W/System.err( 1565): at
  457. W/System.err( 1565): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  458. W/System.err( 1565): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  459. W/System.err( 1565): at$
  460. W/System.err( 1565): at
  461. W/System.err( 1565): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  462. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  463. W/AudioFlinger( 1345): write blocked for 191 msecs, 1 delayed writes, thread 0xf268
  464. I/wlan_tool( 2330): loaddriver+
  465. I/wlan_tool( 2331): wifi loading
  466. I/wlan_tool( 2337): Try to load driver with "ifname=wlan0"
  467. I/wlan_tool( 2340): WIFI_BIN =0
  468. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1465): handleTimeout
  469. D/Tethering( 1465): wlan0 is not a tetherable iface, ignoring
  470. I/wlan_tool( 2356): Setup bt off
  471. I/wlan_tool( 2359): ar6000 driver loaded
  472. I/wlan_tool( 2361): loaddriver-
  473. I/wlan_tool( 2369): wpa_supplicant+
  474. E/WifiHW ( 1465): wifi_connect_to_supplicant: ifname = /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant/wlan0
  475. E/WifiHW ( 1465): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant/wlan0": No such file or directory
  476. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  477. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity 302 ms (total 49385 ms)
  478. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): sun_path = wpa_DIR=/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi
  479. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): [wpa_supplicant_ctrl_iface_init] buf = DIR=/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi
  480. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  481. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
  482. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): WPS-AP-AVAILABLE
  483. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): Trying to associate with 00:24:17:47:52:2b (SSID='ThomsonA8B954' freq=2437 MHz)
  484. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:24:17:47:52:2b
  485. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=4 BSSID=00:24:17:47:52:2b
  486. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): Associated with 00:24:17:47:52:2b
  487. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/2062/status
  488. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  489. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity 289 ms (total 289 ms)
  490. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  491. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  492. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  493. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  494. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:24:17:47:52:2b [PTK=TKIP GTK=TKIP]
  495. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=7 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  496. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:24:17:47:52:2b completed (auth) [id=4 id_str=]
  497. E/WifiHW ( 1465): wifi_connect_to_supplicant: ifname = /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant/wlan0
  498. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Connection to supplicant established, state=COMPLETED
  499. D/WifiStateTracker( 1465): DhcpHandler: DHCP request started
  500. D/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): setDetailed state, old =IDLE and new state=OBTAINING_IPADDR
  501. I/wlan_tool( 2397): dhcpcd+
  502. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  503. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity 420 ms (total 420 ms)
  504. E/dun_service( 1352): process rmnet event
  505. I/dun_service( 1352): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
  506. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
  507. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): DhcpHandler: DHCP request succeeded
  508. D/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): setDetailed state, old =OBTAINING_IPADDR and new state=CONNECTED
  509. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): IP configuration: ipaddr gateway netmask dns1 dns2 DHCP server lease 86400 seconds
  510. V/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): Setting TCP values: [4095,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208] which comes from [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]
  511. D/Tethering( 1465): Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
  512. D/Tethering( 1465): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  513. E/HierarchicalStateMachine( 1465): TetherMaster - unhandledMessage: msg.what=3
  514. I/GTalkService( 1643): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- connectivity changed
  515. I/GTalkService( 1643): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- start GTalk service ---
  516. D/Genie ( 2097): No last fix, requesting location fix...
  517. E/Tethering( 1465): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
  518. I/SyncScheduleReceiver.onReceive(): ( 1946): not null
  519. I/MediaUploader( 2229): No need to wake up
  520. D/NetworkLocationProvider( 1465): updateNetworkState(): Updating network state to 2
  521. I/ActivityThread( 2433): Publishing provider com.cooliris.picasa.contentprovider: com.cooliris.picasa.PicasaContentProvider
  522. D/GTalkService( 1643): [GTalkService.1] ### onCreate ###
  523. D/GTalkService( 1643): [GTalkService.1] setBackgroundDataWithLock: mBackgroundDataEnabled=true
  524. D/GTalkService( 1643): [GTalkService.1] onStartCommand: found 0 connections, force audit connections...
  525. D/GoogleLoginService( 1643): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator }
  526. V/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 1345): releaseOutput() 1
  527. I/CheckinService( 1643): Preparing to send checkin request
  528. I/EventLogService( 1643): Accumulating logs since 1296500140845
  529. I/CheckinTask( 1643): Sending checkin request (725 bytes)
  530. W/SSLCertificateSocketFactory( 1988): Bypassing SSL security checks at caller's request
  531. D/GTalkService( 1643): [GTalkConnection.28] init
  532. D/GoogleLoginService( 1643): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator }
  533. I/CheckinTask( 1643): Checkin success: (1 requests sent)
  534. I/CheckinService( 1643): From server: Intent { act=android.server.checkin.FOTA_CANCEL }
  535. I/CheckinService( 1643): From server: Intent { (has extras) }
  536. D/vending ( 2084): [1] UpdatesAvailableReceiver.onReceive(): Received updates available notification
  537. D/LocationMasfClient( 1465): getNetworkLocation(): Location not found in cache, making network request
  538. D/GoogleLoginService( 1643): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator }
  539. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
  540. D/GpsLocationProvider( 1465): NTP server returned: 1296500214122 (Mon Jan 31 20:56:54 GMT+02:00 2011) reference: 97139 certainty: 149 system time offset: 282
  541. D/GpsXtraDownloader( 1465): Downloading XTRA data from
  542. W/LocationMasfClient( 1465): uploadCollectionReport(): no ReplyElement
  543. D/LocationMasfClient( 1465): getNetworkLocation(): Number of prefetched entries 1
  544. D/LocationMasfClient( 1465): getNetworkLocation(): Returning network location with accuracy 3099.0
  545. D/Genie ( 2097): Got updated location: 40.28996, 21.775963 +/-3099.0
  546. D/Genie ( 2097): Requesting data...
  547. D/vending ( 2084): [23] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=mydownloads, NotificationID=710204607, Title=Updates available, Message=Update(s) found.]
  548. E/loc_api_rpc_glue( 1465): loc_select_callback: buffer full for this synchronous Loc API call, mask: 0x0
  549. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
  550. D/Launcher( 1608): -- loadPreferences()
  551. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  552. D/Genie ( 2097): Server returned payload size 41
  553. D/Genie ( 2097): Refresh Complete, notifying success.
  554. D/Genie ( 2097): Updating weather database: WEATHER: Mostly Cloudy
  555. D/Genie ( 2097): Fix the location successfully from network
  556. D/Genie ( 2097): UpdateReceiver.onReceive
  557. D/Genie ( 2097): Commited FileCache, deleted 0 obselete files and kept 44 files.
  558. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  559. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity 866 ms (total 866 ms)
  560. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  561. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity 255 ms (total 255 ms)
  562. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  563. D/vending ( 2084): [27] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5856060542056414842 / DOWNLOAD_PENDING
  564. D/GoogleLoginService( 1643): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator }
  565. D/vending ( 2084): [32] AssetDownloader.downloadAndInstall(): Initiating Download for 1 applications.
  566. I/vending ( 2084): [32] DownloadManagerUtil.enqueueDownload(): Enqueue for download$Request@304cbd48
  567. D/vending ( 2084): [32] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5856060542056414842 / null
  568. D/vending ( 2084): [32] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5856060542056414842 / DOWNLOADING
  569. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EL
  570. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  571. D/vending ( 2084): [34] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.handleDownloadCompletedAction(): Got a download completed intent.
  572. I/vending ( 2084): [34] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.startNextDownload(): Found Paused URI null
  573. I/vending ( 2084): [34] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.startNextDownload(): No more paused downloads.
  574. D/vending ( 2084): [34] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5856060542056414842 / null
  575. D/vending ( 2084): [34] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.installFromUri(): Calling install uri=content://downloads/download/7 src=null asset=5856060542056414842 (org.underdev.penetrate:0) [DOWNLOADING] name=Penetrate last=TRUE
  576. D/vending ( 2084): [34] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5856060542056414842 / INSTALLING
  577. D/vending ( 2084): [34] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=5856060542056414842, NotificationID=1908104419, Title=Penetrate, Message=Installing…]
  578. E/Tethering( 1465): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
  579. D/PackageParser( 1465): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl58949.tmp
  580. I/PackageManager( 1465): Removing non-system package:org.underdev.penetrate
  581. D/PackageManager( 1465): Scanning package org.underdev.penetrate
  582. I/PackageManager( 1465): /data/app/org.underdev.penetrate-2.apk changed; unpacking
  583. D/PackageManager( 1465): Receivers:
  584. D/PackageManager( 1465): Activities: org.underdev.penetrate.Penetrate org.underdev.penetrate.Results org.underdev.penetrate.Preferences
  585. D/PackageManager( 1465): New package installed in /data/app/org.underdev.penetrate-2.apk
  586. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 2524): onCreate()
  587. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.settings.BackupRestore( 2524): restoreMySettings_ifNeeded()
  588. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.settings.BackupRestore( 2524): Internal settings found => No need to restore.
  589. W/Resources( 2524): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x80 a=-1}
  590. W/Resources( 2524): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  591. W/Resources( 2524): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1 a=-1}
  592. W/Resources( 2524): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x3 a=-1}
  593. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.MainApplication( 2524): Starting scheduler service ...
  594. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2524): onCreate()
  595. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2524): scheduleNextWakeup(): Invoked with idToExcludeForToday=null
  596. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2524): scheduleNextWakeup(): No next wakeup scheduled.
  597. D/vending ( 2084): [35] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -5246636814517163549 / UNINSTALLED
  598. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2524): onStart()
  599. I/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup.schedules.SchedulerService( 2524): onDestroy()
  600. D/vending ( 2084): [36] LocalAssetCache.updateOnePackage(): No local info for org.underdev.penetrate
  601. I/ActivityThread( 2546): Publishing provider com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider: com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider
  602. D/InstallReceiver( 2509): org.underdev.penetrate
  603. D/vending ( 2084): [37] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5856060542056414842 / INSTALLED
  604. I/LauncherModel( 1608): found one Penetrate
  605. I/LauncherModel( 1608): found one Penetrate
  606. D/vending ( 2084): [8] MyPackageInstallObserver.packageInstalled(): Package 'org.underdev.penetrate' installed!
  607. D/vending ( 2084): [8] MyPackageInstallObserver.packageInstalled(): Source=null last=TRUE asset=5856060542056414842 (org.underdev.penetrate:0) [DOWNLOADING]
  608. D/vending ( 2084): [8] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=5856060542056414842, NotificationID=1908104419, Title=Penetrate, Message=Successfully updated.]
  609. I/AdMobSDK( 2577): AdMob SDK version is 20101109-ANDROID-3312276cc1406347
  610. I/AdMobSDK( 2577): To get test ads on this device use AdManager.setTestDevices( new String[] { "76736F39D81923AD13DFD20221CB90B9" } )
  611. I/AdMobSDK( 2577): Publisher ID set to a14bcddd36b8373
  612. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1690/status
  613. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1809/status
  614. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1837/status
  615. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1879/status
  616. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1896/status
  617. I/CheckinService( 1643): Preparing to send checkin request
  618. I/EventLogService( 1643): Accumulating logs since 1296500209025
  619. I/CheckinTask( 1643): Sending checkin request (2212 bytes)
  620. D/SearchDialog( 2084): launching Intent { act=android.intent.action.SEARCH flg=0x10000000 (has extras) }
  621. I/SearchDialog( 2084): Starting (as ourselves) #Intent;action=android.intent.action.SEARCH;launchFlags=0x10000000;;S.query=alogcat;S.user_query=alo;end
  622. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  623. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity 310 ms (total 310 ms)
  624. I/CheckinTask( 1643): Checkin success: (1 requests sent)
  625. I/CheckinService( 1643): From server: Intent { act=android.server.checkin.FOTA_CANCEL }
  626. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  627. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  628. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity 385 ms (total 385 ms)
  629. D/vending ( 2084): [27] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -8667028677416061123 / DOWNLOAD_PENDING
  630. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  631. D/vending ( 2084): [45] AssetDownloader.downloadAndInstall(): Initiating Download for 1 applications.
  632. I/vending ( 2084): [45] DownloadManagerUtil.enqueueDownload(): Enqueue for download$Request@3054fb08
  633. D/vending ( 2084): [45] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -8667028677416061123 / null
  634. D/vending ( 2084): [45] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -8667028677416061123 / DOWNLOADING
  635. D/vending ( 2084): [46] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.handleDownloadCompletedAction(): Got a download completed intent.
  636. I/vending ( 2084): [46] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.startNextDownload(): Found Paused URI null
  637. I/vending ( 2084): [46] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.startNextDownload(): No more paused downloads.
  638. D/vending ( 2084): [46] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -8667028677416061123 / null
  639. D/vending ( 2084): [46] DownloadManagerBroadcastReceiver.installFromUri(): Calling install uri=content://downloads/download/8 src=null asset=-8667028677416061123 (org.jtb.alogcat:0) [DOWNLOADING] name=aLogcat - Logcat Application last=TRUE
  640. D/vending ( 2084): [46] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -8667028677416061123 / INSTALLING
  641. D/vending ( 2084): [46] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=-8667028677416061123, NotificationID=1588841780, Title=aLogcat - Logcat Application, Message=Installing…]
  642. D/PackageParser( 1465): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl58950.tmp
  643. D/PackageManager( 1465): Scanning package org.jtb.alogcat
  644. I/PackageManager( 1465): /data/app/org.jtb.alogcat-1.apk changed; unpacking
  645. D/PackageManager( 1465): Services: org.jtb.alogcat.SaveService
  646. D/PackageManager( 1465): Receivers: org.jtb.alogcat.WakeLockReceiver org.jtb.alogcat.SaveReceiver
  647. D/PackageManager( 1465): Activities: org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity org.jtb.alogcat.PrefsActivity
  648. D/PackageManager( 1465): New package installed in /data/app/org.jtb.alogcat-1.apk
  649. D/InstallReceiver( 2509): org.jtb.alogcat
  650. D/vending ( 2084): [47] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): -8667028677416061123 / INSTALLED
  651. D/vending ( 2084): [6] MyPackageInstallObserver.packageInstalled(): Package 'org.jtb.alogcat' installed!
  652. D/vending ( 2084): [6] MyPackageInstallObserver.packageInstalled(): Source=null last=TRUE asset=-8667028677416061123 (org.jtb.alogcat:0) [DOWNLOADING]
  653. D/vending ( 2084): [6] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=-8667028677416061123, NotificationID=1588841780, Title=aLogcat - Logcat Application, Message=Successfully installed.]
  654. V/alogcat ( 2601): created
  655. D/alogcat ( 2601): canceling periodic saves
  656. V/alogcat ( 2601): started
  657. V/alogcat ( 2601): resumed
  658. D/alogcat ( 2601): starting ...
  659. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: 255 ms (total 255 ms)
  660. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  661. W/KeyCharacterMap( 2601): Can't open keycharmap file
  662. W/KeyCharacterMap( 2601): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/cypress-ts.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65541.devname='cypress-ts'
  663. W/KeyCharacterMap( 2601): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
  664. V/alogcat ( 2601): paused
  665. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  666. W/KeyCharacterMap( 1565): Can't open keycharmap file
  667. W/KeyCharacterMap( 1565): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/cypress-ts.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65541.devname='cypress-ts'
  668. W/KeyCharacterMap( 1565): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
  669. D/alogcat ( 2601): stopping ...
  670. V/alogcat ( 2601): destroyed
  671. D/alogcat ( 2601): stopped
  672. D/Launcher( 1608): -- loadPreferences()
  673. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  674. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 15 received
  675. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 0 received
  676. I/wpa_supplicant( 2370): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=0 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  677. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING - signal 15 received]
  678. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Connection to supplicant lost
  679. E/dun_service( 1352): process rmnet event
  680. I/dun_service( 1352): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
  681. D/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Reset connections and stopping DHCP
  682. D/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): setDetailed state, old =CONNECTED and new state=DISCONNECTED
  683. D/Tethering( 1465): Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
  684. D/Tethering( 1465): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  685. E/HierarchicalStateMachine( 1465): TetherMaster - unhandledMessage: msg.what=3
  686. D/NetworkLocationProvider( 1465): updateNetworkState(): Updating network state to 1
  687. I/GTalkService( 1643): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- connectivity changed
  688. I/GTalkService( 1643): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- start GTalk service ---
  689. I/MediaUploader( 2229): No need to wake up
  690. D/Smack ( 1643): [XMPPConn] close connection, notifyClosed=false
  691. W/Smack/Packet( 1643): notify conn break (IOEx), close connection
  692. D/Smack ( 1643): [XMPPConn] close: socket already closed, bail
  693. D/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Disabling interface
  694. I/wlan_tool( 2640): unloaddriver+
  695. I/wlan_tool( 2641): wifi unloading
  696. I/wlan_tool( 2646): unloaddriver-
  697. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1935/status
  698. W/Process ( 1465): Unable to open /proc/1946/status
  699. E/WifiAdspSession( 2007): [WifiAdspSession::resetValues]: Set mActiveSocketChannel to null
  700. E/WifiAdspSession( 2007): [WifiAdspSession::close]
  701. E/Tethering( 1465): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
  702. I/wlan_tool( 2657): loaddriver+
  703. I/wlan_tool( 2658): wifi loading
  704. I/wlan_tool( 2662): Driver is initialized. load it
  705. I/wlan_tool( 2665): ar6000 driver loaded
  706. I/wlan_tool( 2667): loaddriver-
  707. I/wlan_tool( 2675): wpa_supplicant+
  708. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): sun_path = wpa_DIR=/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi
  709. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): [wpa_supplicant_ctrl_iface_init] buf = DIR=/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi
  710. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=2 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  711. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
  712. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): WPS-AP-AVAILABLE
  713. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): Trying to associate with 00:24:17:47:52:2b (SSID='ThomsonA8B954' freq=2437 MHz)
  714. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:24:17:47:52:2b
  715. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=4 BSSID=00:24:17:47:52:2b
  716. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): Associated with 00:24:17:47:52:2b
  717. E/WifiHW ( 1465): wifi_connect_to_supplicant: ifname = /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant/wlan0
  718. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  719. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00]
  720. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Connection to supplicant established, state=FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
  721. D/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): setDetailed state, old =DISCONNECTED and new state=AUTHENTICATING
  722. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  723. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00]
  724. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  725. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00]
  726. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Changing supplicant state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE ==> FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
  727. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Changing supplicant state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE ==> FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE
  728. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Changing supplicant state: FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE ==> GROUP_HANDSHAKE
  729. D/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): setDetailed state, old =AUTHENTICATING and new state=AUTHENTICATING
  730. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  731. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:24:17:47:52:2b [PTK=TKIP GTK=TKIP]
  732. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=7 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
  733. I/wpa_supplicant( 2676): CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:24:17:47:52:2b completed (auth) [id=4 id_str=]
  734. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00]
  735. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:24:17:47:52:2b [PTK=TKIP GTK=TKIP]]
  736. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=4 state=7 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00]
  737. V/WifiMonitor( 1465): Event [CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:24:17:47:52:2b completed (auth) [id=4 id_str=]]
  738. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Changing supplicant state: GROUP_HANDSHAKE ==> GROUP_HANDSHAKE
  739. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): Changing supplicant state: GROUP_HANDSHAKE ==> COMPLETED
  740. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): New network state is CONNECTED
  741. D/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): setDetailed state, old =AUTHENTICATING and new state=OBTAINING_IPADDR
  742. D/WifiStateTracker( 1465): DhcpHandler: DHCP request started
  743. I/wlan_tool( 2689): dhcpcd+
  744. V/alogcat ( 2601): created
  745. D/alogcat ( 2601): starting ...
  746. D/alogcat ( 2601): canceling periodic saves
  747. V/alogcat ( 2601): started
  748. V/alogcat ( 2601): resumed
  749. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  750. I/ActivityManager( 1465): Displayed activity org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: 246 ms (total 246 ms)
  751. I/SmartKeyboardPro( 1565): Trying to load dictionary: EN
  752. E/dun_service( 1352): process rmnet event
  753. I/dun_service( 1352): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents
  754. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): DhcpHandler: DHCP request succeeded
  755. D/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): setDetailed state, old =OBTAINING_IPADDR and new state=CONNECTED
  756. V/WifiStateTracker( 1465): IP configuration: ipaddr gateway netmask dns1 dns2 DHCP server lease 86400 seconds
  757. V/NetworkStateTracker( 1465): Setting TCP values: [4095,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208] which comes from [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]
  758. D/Tethering( 1465): Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
  759. D/Tethering( 1465): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
  760. E/HierarchicalStateMachine( 1465): TetherMaster - unhandledMessage: msg.what=3
  761. D/NetworkLocationProvider( 1465): updateNetworkState(): Updating network state to 2
  762. I/GTalkService( 1643): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- connectivity changed
  763. I/GTalkService( 1643): [ServiceAutoStarter] --- start GTalk service ---
  764. I/ActivityThread( 2720): Publishing provider com.dataviz.stargate.shregi: com.dataviz.stargate.RegistrationInfoShare
  765. I/ActivityThread( 2720): Publishing provider com.dataviz.stargate.status: com.dataviz.stargate.RoadSyncStatusProvider
  766. I/ActivityThread( 2720): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.tasks: com.dataviz.tasks.TasksProvider
  767. I/ActivityThread( 2720): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.messaging: com.dataviz.stargate.MessageDbAdapter
  768. I/ActivityThread( 2720): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.calendar: com.dataviz.calendar.CalendarProvider
  769. I/ActivityThread( 2720): Publishing provider com.dataviz.roadsync.folders: com.dataviz.stargate.FoldersProvider
  770. I/CheckinService( 1643): Preparing to send checkin request
  771. I/EventLogService( 1643): Accumulating logs since 1296500242957
  772. D/TelephonyManager( 2720): listen=android.telephony.PhoneStateListener$1@303a4870 event=64
  773. I/RoadSync( 2720): - Monitoring data connection state (0).
  774. I/SyncScheduleReceiver.onReceive(): ( 2720): not null
  775. I/MediaUploader( 2229): No need to wake up
  776. I/CheckinTask( 1643): Sending checkin request (2361 bytes)
  777. I/CheckinTask( 1643): Checkin success: (1 requests sent)
  778. I/CheckinService( 1643): From server: Intent { act=android.server.checkin.FOTA_CANCEL }
  779. E/Tethering( 1465): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
  780. W/KeyCharacterMap( 2601): Can't open keycharmap file
  781. W/KeyCharacterMap( 2601): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/cypress-ts.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65541.devname='cypress-ts'
  782. W/KeyCharacterMap( 2601): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
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