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Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. -- code compiled by Roblox-TS
  2. local _exports;
  3. local getSignificantDigits = function(n)
  4. local str = tostring(n);
  5. local a, b, num = str:find("(%-?%d+%.?%d*)");
  6. if b then
  7. local magStr = str:match("e([+-]%d+)", b + 1);
  8. local magnitudeStr = (magStr and ("e") .. magStr or "");
  9. if tonumber(str) == n then
  10. return str;
  11. else
  12. str = ((num)):sub(1, -2);
  13. local diff = tostring(n - tonumber((str) .. magnitudeStr));
  14. local extraDigitA, extraDigitB, extraDigitC = diff:match("%-?(%d+)%.?(%d*)e?%-?(%d*)");
  15. if extraDigitA then
  16. local extraDigits = ((extraDigitA)) .. extraDigitB;
  17. local posA = str:find(".", 1, true);
  18. local firstSigFig = (#str) - (posA or 0) + 1;
  19. if extraDigitC ~= "" then
  20. extraDigits = (("0"):rep((tonumber(extraDigitC) or 0) - firstSigFig)) .. extraDigits;
  21. else
  22. extraDigits = extraDigits:sub(firstSigFig + 1);
  23. end;
  24. do
  25. local i = 1;
  26. while tonumber((str) .. magnitudeStr) ~= n do
  27. str = (str) .. (extraDigits:sub(i, i));
  28. if i > 200 then
  29. return error(("Couldn't get accurate number: ") .. n);
  30. end;
  31. i = i + 1;
  32. end;
  33. end;
  34. return (str) .. magnitudeStr;
  35. end;
  36. end;
  37. end;
  38. return error(("Couldn't match number: ") .. n);
  39. end;
  40. _exports = getSignificantDigits;
  41. return _exports;
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