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Mar 23rd, 2019
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  1. ### Global Variables ###
  2. # %primary% (Primary Color), %secondary% (Secondary Color),
  3. # %servername% (Server Name), %website% (Server Website),
  4. # %teamspeak% (Server Teamspeak), %store% (Server Store)
  5. ########################
  7. ### Variables for Help ###
  8. # %map% (Current Map Number), %mapstartdate% (Map Start [Nov. 22nd])
  9. # %warzone% (Warzone Size), %border% (World Border Size)
  10. ##########################
  12. help:
  13. main:
  14. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  15. - "%primary%&l%servername% &7- %secondary%Help"
  16. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  17. - "&9Map Information:"
  18. - "&eCurrent Map (#%map%): &7Started on %mapstartdate%"
  19. - "&eOverworld Border: &7%border%"
  20. - "&eWarzone Until: &7%warzone%"
  21. - "&eEnchantment Limits: &7Sharpness 1, Protection 2, Power 4"
  22. - "&eDeathban: &72 hours"
  23. - " "
  24. - "&9Helpful Commands:"
  25. - "&e/report <player> <reason> &7- Report players with this."
  26. - "&e/request <message> &7- Request assistance."
  27. - " "
  28. - "&9Chat Commands:"
  29. - "&eGlobal Chat: &7Prefix your message with '&d!&7' or type &7'&d/gc&7' to set."
  30. - "&eFaction Chat: &7Prefix your message with '&d@&7' or type &7'&d/tc&7' to set."
  31. - "&eOfficer Chat: &7Prefix your message with '&d^&7' or type &7'&d/oc&7' to set."
  32. - "&eGlobal Chat: &7Type '&d/tgc&7' to toggle chat visibility."
  33. - " "
  34. - "&9Other Information:"
  35. - "&eOfficial Teamspeak: &d%teamspeak%"
  36. - "&eWebsite: &d%website%/"
  37. - "&eRules: &d%website%/rules"
  39. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  40. coords:
  41. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  42. - "%primary%&lCoords %secondary%Help"
  43. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  44. - "&aSpawn &7- &a0, 0"
  45. - "&cYay KoTH &7- &a2500, 2500"
  46. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  47. economy:
  48. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  49. - "%primary%&lEconomy %secondary%Help"
  50. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  51. - "&e/eco set <target> <balance> - Set a player's balance"
  52. - "&e/eco give <target> <balance> - Give a player money"
  53. - "&e/eco take <target> <balance> - Take money from a player"
  54. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  55. lives:
  56. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  57. - "%primary%&lLives %secondary%Help"
  58. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  59. - "&e/lives set <target> <amount> - Set a player's lives"
  60. - "&e/lives add <target> <amount> - Give a player lives"
  61. - "&e/lives take <target> <amount> - Take lives from a player"
  62. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  63. pvp:
  64. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  65. - "%primary%&lPvP %secondary%Help"
  66. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  67. - "&e/pvp enable - Set a player's lives"
  68. - "&e/pvp revive <target> - Set a player's Pvp time"
  69. - "&e/pvp give <target> - Give a player a Pvp timer"
  70. - "&e/pvp set <target> <amount> - Set a player's Pvp time"
  71. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  72. filter:
  73. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  74. - "%primary%&lFilter %secondary%Help"
  75. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  76. - "&e/filter list - See all of your filtered materials"
  77. - "&e/filter toggle - Toggle your item filter on and off"
  78. - "&e/filter add <material> - Add an item to your filter"
  79. - "&e/filter remove <material> - Remove an item from your filter"
  80. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  82. faction:
  83. help:
  84. main:
  85. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  86. - "%primary%&l%servername% &7- %secondary%Faction Help"
  87. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  88. - "&9General Commands:"
  89. - "&e/f create <name> &7- Create a new faction"
  90. - "&e/f join <name> &7- Accept a pending invitation"
  91. - "&e/f lives &7- Show lives usage"
  92. - "&e/f home &7- Teleport to your faction home"
  93. - "&e/f stuck &7- Teleport out of enemy territory"
  94. - "&e/f deposit <amount;all> &7- Deposit money into your faction"
  95. - "&e/f leave &7- Leave your current team"
  96. - "&e/f subclaim &7- Show the subclaim help page"
  97. - " "
  98. - "&9Information Commands:"
  99. - "&e/f who [faction;player] &7- Show faction information"
  100. - "&e/f list &7- Show a list of online factions"
  101. - "&e/f map &7- Show nearby claims"
  102. - " "
  103. - "&9Captains Commands:"
  104. - "&e/f invite <player> &7- Invite a player to the faction"
  105. - "&e/f uninvite <player> &7- Revoke an invitation"
  106. - "&e/f kick <player> &7- Kick a player from the faction"
  107. - "&e/f invites &7- Show all invitations"
  108. - "&e/f claim &7- Start a claim for your faction"
  109. - "&e/f sethome &7- Set your faction's home"
  110. - "&e/f withdraw <amount;all> &7- Withdraw money from the faction"
  111. - " "
  112. - "&9Coleader Commands:"
  113. - "&e/f captain &7- Show captain management commands"
  114. - "&e/f unclaim &7- Remove the faction's claim"
  115. - "&e/f announcement [message] &7- Set the faction's announcement"
  116. - " "
  117. - "&9Leader Commands:"
  118. - "&e/f coleader &7- Show officer management commands"
  119. - "&e/f revive <player> &7- Revive a teammate using faction lives"
  120. - "&e/f rename <name> &7- Rename your faction"
  121. - "&e/f disband &7- Disband your faction"
  122. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  123. captain:
  124. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  125. - "%primary%&lCaptain %secondary%Help"
  126. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  127. - "&e/f captain add <player> &7- Add a captain to the Faction"
  128. - "&e/f captain remove <player> &7- Remove a captain to the Faction"
  129. - "&e/f captain list &7- List all of the captains in the Faction"
  130. coleader:
  131. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  132. - "%primary%&lColeader %secondary%Help"
  133. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  134. - "&e/f coleader add <player> &7- Add a coleader to the Faction"
  135. - "&e/f coleader remove <player> &7- Remove a coleader to the Faction"
  136. - "&e/f coleader list &7- List all of the coleaders in the Faction"
  137. subclaiming:
  138. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  139. - "%primary%&lSubclaiming %secondary%Help"
  140. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  141. - "&7Place a sign on top of a container block and in"
  142. - "&7the first line type [Subclaim]. In the second line"
  143. - "&7type the name of the member the container belongs to."
  144. - "&7Example:"
  145. - "[Subclaim]"
  146. - "itsjhalt"
  147. claiming:
  148. - "&6Faction land claim started."
  149. - "&eLeft click at a corner of the land you'd like to claim."
  150. - "&eRight click on the second corner of the land you'd like to claim."
  151. - "&eCrouch left click the air to purchase your claim."
  152. show:
  153. system:
  154. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  155. - "%name%"
  156. - "&eLocation: &f%home%"
  157. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  158. player:
  159. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  160. - "&9%name% &7[%online%/%players%] &3- &eHQ: &f%home%"
  161. - "&eLeader: %leader%"
  162. - "&eColeaders: %coleaders%"
  163. - "&eCaptains: %captains%"
  164. - "&eMembers: %members%"
  165. - "&eBalance: &9$%balance%"
  166. - "&eKOTH Captures: &9%kothcaptures%"
  167. - "&eDeaths until Raidable: &a%dtr%%dtrsymbol%"
  168. - "&eTime Until Regen: &9%regen%"
  169. - "&eStatus: &9%open%" # Only shows if open
  170. - "&eLives: &c%lives%" # Member + Staff Only
  171. - "&eAnnouncement: &d%announcement%" # Member + Staff Only
  172. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  174. shop:
  175. lines:
  176. buy:
  177. - "&aBought"
  178. - "x%amount% %item%"
  179. - "&afor"
  180. - "&f$%price%"
  181. sell:
  182. - "&aSold"
  183. - "x%amount% %item%"
  184. - "&afor"
  185. - "&f$%price%"
  186. insufficient:
  187. - "&cInsufficient"
  188. - "&cfunds for"
  189. - "%item%"
  190. - " "
  191. no-items:
  192. - "&cYou have"
  193. - "&cno"
  194. - "%item%"
  195. - " "
  197. other:
  198. lff:
  199. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  200. - "%primary%%player% &eis looking for a &6faction&e!"
  201. - "&7&m----------------------------------------------------"
  203. ### Variables for Faction Show (System Factions) ###
  204. # %name% (Faction Name)
  205. # %home% (Faction Home [x, y, z])
  206. ####################################################
  208. ### Variables for Faction Show (Player Factions) ###
  209. # %name% (Faction Name)
  210. # %home% (Faction Home [x, y, z])
  211. # %online% (Online Count)
  212. # %players% (Player Count)
  213. # %leader% (Leader)
  214. # %coleaders%
  215. # %captains%
  216. # %members%
  217. # %balance%
  218. # %kothcaptures%
  219. # %dtr%
  220. # %maxdtr%
  221. # %regen%
  222. # %open%
  223. # %lives% # Member + Staff Only
  224. # %announcement% # Member + Staff Only
  225. ####################################################
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