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May 19th, 2019
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  1. -- A basic encounter script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations.
  2. attacknum = 0
  3. textnum = 0
  4. music = "Bonetrousle3.0" --Either OGG or WAV. Extension is added automatically. Uncomment for custom music.
  5. encountertext = "Devil Sans Emerges!" --Modify as necessary. It will only be read out in the action select screen.
  6. wavetimer = 4
  7. arenasize = {155, 130}
  8. SetGlobal("hurtTime",-10)
  9. CanAttack = 1
  10. kill = 1
  11. SetGlobal('damage', 15)
  12. can = 1
  13. Skin = 0
  14. Lol =3
  15. SetPPCollision(true)
  17. NewAudio.CreateChannel("1")
  18. NewAudio.PlaySound( "1","Nyeh Heh Heh",true,0.65)
  19. enemies = {
  20. "AsrielFlowur"
  21. }
  23. enemypositions = {
  24. {0, 0}
  25. }
  26. Yar = 1
  27. Destroy = 0
  28. thetimer = 0
  29. AttackAnim = 0
  30. function Update()
  32. if AttackAnim == 1 then
  33. AnimateFloweyDown()
  34. else
  35. AnimateNone()
  36. end
  38. DEBUG(Destroy)
  40. if (GetGlobal("blackScreen") == true) then
  41. if Yar == 1 then
  42. screenbullet = CreateProjectileAbs("screenfade/white",320,240)
  43. screenbullet.SetVar('tile', 1)
  44. screenbullet.SetVar('Destruction', 0)
  45. screenbullet.sprite.alpha = 1
  46. if Destroy == 1 then
  47. screenbullet.SetVar("Destruction",1)
  48. Yar = 0
  49. screenbullet.Remove()
  50. end
  51. end
  52. end
  56. SetButtonLayer("Bottom")
  57. if Skin == 1 then
  58. enemies[1].Call("SetSprite","papy/Down")
  59. elseif Skin == 2 then
  60. enemies[1].Call("SetSprite","papy/Up")
  61. elseif Skin == 3 then
  62. enemies[1].Call("SetSprite","papy/Left")
  63. elseif Skin == 4 then
  64. enemies[1].Call("SetSprite","papy/Right")
  65. end
  66. end
  68. possible_attacks = {"Husky/blue_H","Husky/at2"}
  70. spawntimer7 = 0
  72. function EncounterStarting()
  73. require "Animations/Test"
  74. State("ENEMYDIALOGUE")
  75. = "Oliver"
  76. = 20
  77. Player.hp = 99
  78. SetGlobal("hurtTime",false)
  79. Inventory.AddCustomItems({"Pure Hope"}, {0})
  80. Inventory.SetInventory({"Pure Hope"})
  81. end
  83. function Husky1()
  85. end
  87. function EnemyDialogueStarting()
  89. local intro = GetGlobal("intro")
  90. if intro == true then
  91. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',("You Have Stood\n In My Way Long\n Enough!"))
  92. SetGlobal("intro",false)
  93. end
  94. textnum = textnum + 1
  95. attacknum = attacknum + 1
  97. if can == 1 then
  98. if textnum == 1 then
  99. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue', {
  100. "[noskip][effect:twitch][effect:shake][func:BlackScreen][w:20][func:Begining][w:50][func:BeginingEnd][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Beg]See?\nI never betrayed\nyou![w:10][next]",
  101. "[noskip][effect:twitch][effect:shake][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Beg]It was all a\ntrick, see?[w:10][next]",
  102. "[noskip][effect:twitch][effect:shake][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Beg]I was waiting to\nkill him for you![w:10][next]",
  103. "[noskip][effect:twitch][effect:shake][func:SetSprite,AFlower/BestFr]After all it's me\nyour best friend![w:10][next]",
  104. "[noskip][effect:twitch][effect:shake][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Helpfull]I'm helpful, I can\nbe useful to you[w:10][next]",
  105. "[noskip][effect:twitch][effect:shake][func:SetSprite,AFlower/BestFr]I promise I won't\nget in your way[w:10][next]",
  106. "[noskip][effect:twitch][effect:shake][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Beg]I can help...\n[w:5]I can...\n[w:5]I can...[w:10][next]",
  107. "[noskip][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Scared][effect:twitch][effect:shake][w:10]Please [w:10]don't \n[w:10]kill[w:10] me.[w:10][next]","[func:SetSprite,AFlower/Scared][func:AttackAnims][effect:twitch][effect:shake][w:35]You Know[w:10] what[w:10][w:10][next]","[func:EndAttackAnims][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Angry]You are going\nto kill me.[w:10][next]","[noskip][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Angry][effect:twitch][effect:shake][w:2]And I don't know[w:10]\nif I can stop you.[w:10][next]","[noskip][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Angry][effect:twitch][effect:shake][w:2]But I have to\ntry any way[w:10][next]","[noskip][func:SetSprite,AFlower/Angry][effect:twitch][effect:shake]Souls.\nMaby you will\nnow work.[w:10][next]","[noskip][func:ChangeAnims][w:25],[func:EndChangeAnims][next]","[noskip][w:20][func:Monster][next]","[noskip]So[w:5][next]","[noskip][next]","[noskip]Can you beat me now[func:Begin][w:5][next]"
  108. })
  110. Audio.Pause()
  112. elseif textnum == 2 then
  113. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Great]Nyeh Heh Heh\nSans taught me\nsome tricks",
  114. "[func:SetSprite,Papy/Happy]Can not wait\nTo try them"})
  115. elseif textnum == 3 then
  116. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Happy]Heh\nI will become",
  117. "Soooo",
  118. "[func:SetSprite,Papy/Bring]Pop\nPop\nPop\nPOPULAR"})
  120. elseif textnum == 4 then
  121. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Happy]Human\nbow down before\nthe ggggreat\nPapyrus",
  122. "[func:SetSprite,Papy/Great]Or not...",})
  123. elseif textnum == 5 then
  124. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Happy]Do you want\n To hang out\n after I capture\nyou"})
  125. elseif textnum == 6 then
  126. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Happy]Nyeh Heh Ow.\nI trust you\nwill come to\nyour sences",
  127. "[func:SetSprite,Papy/Great]I hope"})
  128. elseif textnum == 7 then
  129. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Angry]Human\nI command\nyou to back\ndown"})
  130. elseif textnum == 8 then
  131. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Great]Nyeh Heh Heh\nWell done\nHuman\nYou are doing \nwell"})
  132. elseif textnum == 9 then
  133. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Papy/Cry]Human\nThis hurts\nstop"})
  134. elseif textnum == 10 then
  135. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{" [func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CNeutral]Hah.\nVery determined.\nLets\'Justify\' That"})
  136. elseif textnum == 11 then
  137. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"Okay, \nHere we go\nThis will\nNeed alot of\nJustice"})
  138. elseif textnum == 12 then
  139. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CNeutral]You are\nstrong","I'll give\nyou that"})
  140. elseif textnum == 13 then
  141. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CNeutral]You're not\nBrave enough\nfor this\nthough","(Tip):Brave soul:\nUse space\nto change \nand match\nclours"})
  142. elseif textnum == 14 then
  143. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CNeutral]You really\nneed to\nslow down"})
  144. elseif textnum == 15 then
  145. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CMad]That's it\nIf you do\nnot die\nI will use\nmy special attack"})
  146. elseif textnum == 16 then
  147. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CJoy]Okay\nYou asked for it","I will\nhave to drop\nmy shield\nthough"})
  148. enemies[1].SetVar("Yes", 0)
  149. elseif textnum == 17 then
  150. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CNeutral]Wait\nWhy did\nYou not\nkill me"})
  151. elseif textnum == 18 then
  152. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CNeutral]Uh\nI'm killing\nYou so\nyou try to\nkill me right?"})
  153. elseif textnum == 19 then
  154. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CNeutral]Are You\ntrying to\nmercy me?"})
  155. elseif textnum == 20 then
  156. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CJoy]Oh wow.\nFine\nYou may spare\n me"})
  157. enemies[1].SetVar("name", "[starcolor:ffff00][color:ffff00]C H A R A")
  158. elseif textnum == 21 then
  159. enemies[1].SetVar('currentdialogue',{"[func:SetSprite,Chara/Battle/CMad]Not"})
  160. end
  161. end
  162. end
  164. function EnemyDialogueEnding()
  165. if CanAttack == 1 then
  166. if attacknum == 1 then
  167. Audio.StopAll()
  168. Audio.Play()
  169. nextwaves = {"Pap/5"}
  170. = 20
  171. Player.Heal(99)
  172. elseif attacknum == 2 then
  173. nextwaves = {"Pap/2"}
  174. Player.Heal(99)
  175. elseif attacknum == 3 then
  176. nextwaves = {"Pap/3"}
  177. Player.Heal(99)
  178. elseif attacknum == 4 then
  179. nextwaves = {"Pap/4"}
  180. Player.Heal(99)
  181. elseif attacknum == 5 then
  182. nextwaves = {"Pap/5"}
  183. Player.Heal(99)
  184. elseif attacknum == 6 then
  185. nextwaves = {"Pap/6"}
  186. Player.Heal(99)
  187. elseif attacknum == 7 then
  188. nextwaves = {"Pap/7"}
  189. Player.Heal(99)
  190. elseif attacknum == 8 then
  191. nextwaves = {"Pap/8"}
  192. Player.Heal(99)
  193. elseif attacknum == 9 then
  194. nextwaves = {"As/9"}
  195. Player.Heal(99)
  196. elseif attacknum == 10 then
  197. nextwaves = {"As/10"}
  198. Player.Heal(99)
  199. elseif attacknum == 11 then
  200. nextwaves = {"As/11"}
  201. Player.Heal(99)
  202. elseif attacknum == 12 then
  203. nextwaves = {"As/12"}
  204. Player.Heal(99)
  205. elseif attacknum == 13 then
  206. nextwaves = {"As/13"}
  207. Player.Heal(99)
  208. elseif attacknum == 14 then
  209. nextwaves = {"As/14"}
  210. Player.Heal(99)
  211. elseif attacknum == 15 then
  212. nextwaves = {"As/15"}
  213. Player.Heal(99)
  214. elseif attacknum == 16 then
  215. nextwaves = {"As/16"}
  216. Player.Heal(99)
  217. elseif attacknum == 17 then
  218. nextwaves = {"Husky/Blank"}
  219. elseif attacknum == 18 then
  220. nextwaves = {"Husky/Blank"}
  221. elseif attacknum == 19 then
  222. nextwaves = {"Husky/Blank"}
  223. elseif attacknum == 20 then
  224. nextwaves = {"Husky/Blank"}
  225. elseif attacknum == 21 then
  226. nextwaves = {"As/Ha"}
  227. attacknum = 0
  228. end
  229. end
  230. if CanAttack == 0 then
  231. nextwaves = {"Husky/Blank"}
  232. end
  233. end
  235. function DefenseEnding()
  236. encountertext = RandomEncounterText()
  237. end
  239. function HandleSpare()
  240. State("ENEMYDIALOGUE")
  241. end
  242. function HandleItem(ItemID)
  243. if ItemID == "PURE HOPE" then
  244. Player.Heal(50)
  245. BattleDialog({"Devil Sans's soul was consumed.[w:10]\nYou recovered 50 HP!"})
  246. end
  247. end
  249. function OnHit(bullet)
  250. if (bullet.GetVar('Destruction')) == 1 then
  251. whitebullet.Remove()
  252. elseif(bullet.GetVar('tile')) == 0 then
  253. Player.Hurt(1)
  254. end
  255. end
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