
keepstar tutorial

May 20th, 2018
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  1. 1. create new droplet on Digital Ocean (1 GB Memory / 25 GB Disk / AMS3 - Ubuntu 16.04.4 x64)
  2. 2. create new app for Discord in
  3. 2.1. Put a name for the app and set "Redirect URL" to http://<server_ip>/auth/
  4. 2.2 click "generate oauth url" button and select "Bot". save the app.
  5. 2.3 invite bot in your discord server with this url:<CLIENT_ID>&scope=bot&permissions=0
  6. 3. create new app in eve online developer website, at
  7. 3.1 put a name and description, set a "Connection Type" to "Authentication Only" and set "Callback URL" to http://<server_ip>/auth/
  8. 4. SSH login to your server (putty)
  9. 5. update local package with "apt-get update"
  10. 6. allow SSH connection in firewall with "ufw allow OpenSSH"
  11. 7. enable firewall with "ufw enable"
  12. 8. do command "ufw status" to check if SSH connections are still allowed
  13. 9. install apache with "apt-get install apache2"
  14. 10. allow incoming traffic for apache with " ufw allow 'Apache Full' "
  15. 11. check if apache web server is running with "systemctl status apache2"
  16. 12. install PHP with "apt install php"
  17. 13. install PHP plugin with "apt-get install php-sqlite3 php-curl php-xml"
  18. 14. cd to /var/www/ and do command "git clone"
  19. 15. cd to /Keepstar/
  20. 16. install "composer" with command "apt install composer"
  21. 17. do command "composer install" to install all dependencies
  22. 18. cd to /config/ folder and edit the example config file with command "nano". Save this file with name "config.php"
  23. 19. do command "sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/Keepstar"
  24. 20. Setup a cron job with "crontab -u www-data -e" and put 0 */2 * * * php /var/www/Keepstar/cron.php
  25. 21. make new "keepstar.conf" file in "etc/apache2/conf-available/" and paste this inside:
  27. <VirtualHost *:80>
  28. ServerAdmin
  29. ServerName <ip_of_your_server>
  30. DocumentRoot /var/www/Keepstar/public
  31. ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
  32. CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  33. <Directory /var/www/Keepstar/public>
  34. Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  35. AllowOverride All
  36. Order allow,deny
  37. allow from all
  38. </Directory>
  39. </VirtualHost>
  42. 22. do command "a2ensite mywebsite" to enable new site
  43. 23. do command "apache2 reload" to activate new site
  44. 24. visit http://<your_server_ip>/admin/
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