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Mar 30th, 2020
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  1. options:
  2. job_price: 100 #jobの価格
  4. #未購入のjob名は&c
  5. #購入済みのjob名は&a AND loreにUnlockedと書く
  7. command /jobshop:
  8. trigger:
  9. open chest with 3 row named "&6Job SHOP" to player
  10. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to glowing stone pickaxe named "&cMiner"
  11. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to bow named "&cArcher"
  12. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to experience bottle named "&cEnchanter"
  13. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to fire charge named "&6Pyro"
  14. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to feather named "&6Acrobat"
  15. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to fishing rod named "&6Scout"
  16. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to record cat named "&6Swapper"
  17. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to brick block named "&6Builder"
  18. #set slot (スロット) of player's current inventory to (表示アイテム) named "(職業名)"
  19. if {buy_job.%player%.miner} is true:
  20. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to glowing stone pickaxe named "&6Miner" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  21. if {buy_job.%player%.archer} is true:
  22. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to bow named "&6Archer" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  23. if {buy_job.%player%.enchanter} is true:
  24. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to experience bottle named "&6Enchanter" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  25. if {buy_job.%player%.pyro} is true:
  26. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to fire charge named "&6Pyro" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  27. if {buy_job.%player%.actobat} is true:
  28. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to feather named "&6Acrobat" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  29. if {buy_job.%player%.scout} is true:
  30. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to fishing rod named "&6Scout" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  31. if {buy_job.%player%.swapper} is true:
  32. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to record cat named "&6Swapper" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  33. if {buy_job.%player%.builder} is true:
  34. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to brick block named "&6Builder" with lore "&aUnlocked"
  35. #上をまねる
  37. #ここは弄らなくてもOK
  38. on inventory click:
  39. name of player's current inventory contain "Job SHOP"
  40. clicked item is set
  41. cancel event
  42. if lore of clicked item contain "Unlocked": #loreにunlockedという文字が含まれていたら
  43. stop #何もしない
  44. if {xp.%player%} is not set: #XPの変数がセットされてなかったら
  45. set {xp.%player%} to 0 #XPの変数を0にセットする
  46. #購入処理
  47. #クリックしたアイテム、色なしの小文字のjob名を入れる (変数用) uncolored、色なし in lower case、全部小文字にする
  48. set {_job_name_lower} to uncolored name of clicked item in lower case
  49. #クリックしたアイテムの名前 #(broadcast用)
  50. set {_job_name_normal} to name of clicked item
  51. if {xp.%player%} < {@job_price}:
  52. send "&c%{@job_price} - {xp.%player%}%XP足りません!"
  53. stop
  54. set {buy_job.%player%.%{_job_name_lower}%} to true
  55. remove {@job_price} from {xp.%player%}
  56. broadcast "&e%player%&aさんが&6%{_job_name_normal}%&aを開放しました!"
  57. #共通処理
  58. close player's inventory
  59. execute player command "/jobshop"
  61. #職業チェンジのポータル
  62. on portal:
  63. cancel event
  64. if {red::*} contain player:
  65. teleport player to {map_setting_spawn_red::1}
  66. if {blue::*} contain player:
  67. teleport player to {map_setting_spawn_blue::1}
  68. wait 10 tick
  69. open chest with 3 row named "&6&lSelect Job" to player
  70. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to crafting table named "&6Civilian"
  71. set slot 1 of player's current inventory to glowing stone pickaxe named "&6Miner"
  72. set slot 2 of player's current inventory to bow named "&6Archer"
  73. set slot 3 of player's current inventory to experience bottle named "&6Enchanter"
  74. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to fire charge named "&6Pyro"
  75. set slot 5 of player's current inventory to feather named "&6Acrobat"
  76. set slot 6 of player's current inventory to fishing rod named "&6Scout"
  77. set slot 7 of player's current inventory to record cat named "&6Swapper"
  78. set slot 8 of player's current inventory to brick block named "&6Builder"
  79. #set slot (スロット) of player's current inventory to (表示アイテム) named "(職業名)"
  81. #何もしなくてOK
  82. #職業選択
  83. on inventory click:
  84. name of player's current inventory contain "Select Job"
  85. clicked item is set
  86. cancel event
  87. if {all_free_job} is true: #もし全職業開放をtrueにしてたら
  88. command "/givejobitem %player% %uncolored name of clicked item in lower case%"
  89. close player's inventory
  90. stop
  91. if {buy_job.%player%.%uncolored name of clicked item in lower case%} is not true: #クリックした名前の職業を持ってなかったら
  92. stop #何もしない
  93. command "/givejobitem %player% %uncolored name of clicked item in lower case%"
  94. #引数はアイテムの名前 in lower caseは全部小文字にするやつ uncoloredは色消す奴 /givejobitem siso_AZ &6Civilianとかになるから
  95. close player's inventory
  97. #職業ごとにアイテムを
  98. command /givejobitem [<player>] [<text>]:
  99. permission: admin
  100. trigger:
  101. set {job.%arg 1%} to arg-2
  102. set {defaultjob.%player%} to false
  103. remove_job_item(arg 1)
  104. #Armor
  105. if {red::*} contain arg 1:
  106. set {_item} to leather helmet
  107. dye {_item} red
  108. set helmet of arg 1 to {_item} named "&cRedArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  109. set {_item} to leather chestplate
  110. dye {_item} red
  111. set chestplate of arg 1 to {_item} named "&cRedArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  112. set {_item} to leather leggings
  113. dye {_item} red
  114. set leggings of arg 1 to {_item} named "&cRedArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  115. set {_item} to leather boots
  116. dye {_item} red
  117. set boots of arg 1 to {_item} named "&cRedArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  118. if {blue::*} contain arg 1:
  119. set {_item} to leather helmet
  120. dye {_item} blue
  121. set helmet of arg 1 to {_item} named "&bBlueArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  122. set {_item} to leather chestplate
  123. dye {_item} blue
  124. set chestplate of arg 1 to {_item} named "&bBlueArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  125. set {_item} to leather leggings
  126. dye {_item} blue
  127. set leggings of arg 1 to {_item} named "&bBlueArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  128. set {_item} to leather boots
  129. dye {_item} blue
  130. set boots of arg 1 to {_item} named "&bBlueArmor" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  131. #Kit Item
  132. if {job.%arg 1%} is set:
  133. if {job.%arg 1%} is "civilian":
  134. give arg-1 wooden sword named "&6Wooden Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  135. give arg-1 stone pickaxe named "&6Stone Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  136. give arg-1 stone axe named "&6Stone Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  137. give arg-1 stone shovel named "&6Stone Shovel" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  138. give arg-1 book named "&6Craft Book" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  139. if {job.%arg 1%} is "miner":
  140. give arg-1 wooden sword named "&6Wooden Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  141. set {_Miner} to stone pickaxe
  142. enchant {_Miner} with efficiency 1
  143. give arg-1 {_Miner} named "&6Miner Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  144. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  145. give arg-1 8 coal
  146. give arg-1 furnace
  147. if {job.%arg 1%} is "archer":
  148. give arg-1 wooden sword named "&6Wooden Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  149. give arg-1 wooden pickaxe named "&6Wooden Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  150. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  151. give arg-1 wooden shovel named "&6Wooden Shovel" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  152. give arg-1 book named "&eArrow Drop &aREADY" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  153. give arg-1 bow named "&6Bow" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  154. give arg-1 16 arrow named "&6Arrow" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  155. if {job.%arg 1%} is "enchanter":
  156. give arg-1 wooden sword named "&6Wooden Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  157. give arg-1 wooden pickaxe named "&6Wooden Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  158. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  159. give arg-1 experience bottle named "&aLevel Boost &aREADY" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  160. if {job.%arg 1%} is "pyro":
  161. give arg-1 stone sword named "&6Stone Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  162. give arg-1 wooden pickaxe named "&6Wooden Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  163. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  164. give arg-1 fire charge named "&cPyro &aREADY" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  165. if {job.%arg 1%} is "acrobat":
  166. give arg-1 wooden sword named "&6Wooden Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  167. give arg-1 wooden pickaxe named "&6Wooden Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  168. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  169. give arg-1 bow named "&6Bow" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  170. give arg-1 12 arrow named "&6Arrow" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  171. if {job.%arg 1%} is "scout":
  172. give arg-1 golden sword named "&6Gold Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  173. give arg-1 wooden pickaxe named "&6Wooden Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  174. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  175. give arg-1 fishing rod named "&6Grapple" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  176. if {job.%arg 1%} is "swapper":
  177. give arg-1 wooden sword named "&6Wooden Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  178. give arg-1 wooden pickaxe named "&6Wooden Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  179. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  180. give arg-1 record cat named "&6SwapRecord &aREADY" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  181. if {job.%arg 1%} is "builder":
  182. give arg-1 wooden sword named "&6Wooden Sword" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  183. give arg-1 wooden pickaxe named "&6Wooden Pickaxe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  184. give arg-1 wooden axe named "&6Wooden Axe" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  185. give arg-1 wooden shovel named "&6Wooden shovel" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  186. give arg-1 book named "&6Blocks &6READY" with lore "&6Soulbound"
  187. #上をまねる
  189. #職業固有のアイテムを消去
  190. function remove_job_item(p: player):
  191. loop all items in {_p}'s inventory:
  192. if lore of loop-item contain "&6Soulbound":
  193. remove loop-item from {_p}'s inventory
  195. #ここからKitの効果とか
  196. #swapper
  197. on rightclick holding record cat:
  198. set {_target_location} to location of target entity
  199. set {_player_location} to location of player
  200. teleport target entity to {_player_location}
  201. teleport player to {_target_location}
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