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a guest
Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. Game.MenuURL ""
  2. Game.Language "english"
  3. Game.SkipTitleSplash "0"
  4. Game.SkipIntroVideos "0"
  5. Game.LogName "dorito.log"
  6. Game.RconPort "11776"
  7. Game.MedalPack "default"
  8. Game.IconSet "360"
  9. Game.FirstRun "0"
  10. Game.ExpandedScoreboard "0"
  11. Game.HideChat "0"
  12. Game.SuppressJuggling "0"
  13. Game.ScreenshotsFolder "%userprofile%\Pictures\Screenshots\blam"
  14. Game.ScreenshotNoticeDisabled "0"
  15. Game.CefMedals "0"
  16. Game.FPSLimiter "1"
  17. Game.Discord.Enable "1"
  18. Game.Discord.AutoAccept "0"
  19. Graphics.Saturation "1.000000"
  20. Graphics.Bloom "0.000000"
  21. Graphics.UIScaling "1"
  22. Graphics.CustomHUDColorsEnabled "0"
  23. Graphics.CustomHUDColorsPrimary "#0E6249"
  24. Graphics.CustomHUDColorsSecondary "#27CB9B"
  25. Weapon.JSON.File "default"
  26. Player.Armor.Helmet ""
  27. Player.Armor.Chest ""
  28. Player.Armor.RightShoulder ""
  29. Player.Armor.LeftShoulder ""
  30. Player.Colors.Primary "#830147"
  31. Player.Colors.Secondary "#830147"
  32. Player.Colors.Visor "#FC8BB9"
  33. Player.Colors.Lights "#830147"
  34. Player.Name "Egg Man"
  35. Player.ServiceTag "SHOE"
  36. Player.Gender "male"
  37. Server.Name "Halo Online 0.6"
  38. Server.Message "FAGGGGETS"
  39. Server.Password ""
  40. Server.Countdown "5"
  41. Server.CountdownLobby "1"
  42. Server.MaxPlayers "16"
  43. Server.Port "11775"
  44. Server.GamePort "11774"
  45. Server.ShouldAnnounce "1"
  46. Server.NumberOfTeams "2"
  47. Server.TeamSize "1"
  48. Server.SprintEnabled "1"
  49. Server.HitMarkersEnabled "1"
  50. Server.BottomlessClipEnabled "0"
  51. Server.UnlimitedSprint "0"
  52. Server.DualWieldEnabled "1"
  53. Server.AssassinationEnabled "0"
  54. Server.FloodFilterEnabled "1"
  55. Server.FloodMessageScoreShort "2"
  56. Server.FloodMessageScoreLong "5"
  57. Server.FloodTimeoutScore "10"
  58. Server.FloodTimeoutSeconds "120"
  59. Server.FloodTimeoutResetSeconds "1800"
  60. Server.ChatLogEnabled "1"
  61. Server.ChatLogFile "chat.log"
  62. Server.VotingEnabled "1"
  63. Server.MapVotingTime "30"
  64. Server.NumberOfRevotesAllowed "3"
  65. Server.NumberOfVotingOptions "3"
  66. Server.RconPassword "123456aa"
  67. Server.ChatCommandKickPlayerEnabled "1"
  68. Server.ChatCommandShuffleTeamsEnabled "1"
  69. Server.ChatCommandEndGameEnabled "1"
  70. Server.SendChatToRconClients "0"
  71. Server.VotePassPercentage "50"
  72. Server.TempBanDuration "2"
  73. Server.ChatCommandVoteTime "45"
  74. Server.TimeBetweenVoteEndAndGameStart "4"
  75. Server.VotingDuplicationLevel "1"
  76. Server.TeamShuffleEnabled "1"
  77. Server.VotingJsonPath "mods/server/voting.json"
  78. Server.VetoJsonPath "mods/server/veto.json"
  79. Server.SignalServerPort "11777"
  80. Server.VetoSystemEnabled "1"
  81. Server.NumberOfVetoVotes "1"
  82. Server.VetoVoteTime "20"
  83. Server.VetoWinningOptionShownTime "10"
  84. Server.VetoVotePassPercentage "50"
  85. Server.VetoSystemSelectionType "0"
  86. Server.Http.CacheTime "5"
  87. Settings.Antialiasing "1"
  88. Settings.AutoCentering "0"
  89. Settings.Brightness "50"
  90. Settings.Contrast "50"
  91. Settings.DetailsQuality "high"
  92. Settings.DisplayHints "0"
  93. Settings.EffectsQuality "high"
  94. Settings.Fullscreen "1"
  95. Settings.ScreenResolution "default"
  96. Settings.HUDShake "0"
  97. Settings.InvertLook "0"
  98. Settings.InvertMouse "0"
  99. Settings.LightingQuality "high"
  100. Settings.LookSensitivity "50"
  101. Settings.MotionBlur "1"
  102. Settings.MouseAcceleration "0"
  103. Settings.MouseFilter "0"
  104. Settings.Gamepad "0"
  105. Settings.MouseSensitivityHorizontal "25"
  106. Settings.MouseSensitivityVertical "25"
  107. Settings.MouseSensitivityVehicleHorizontal "25"
  108. Settings.MouseSensitivityVehicleVertical "25"
  109. Settings.PlayerMarkerColors "default"
  110. Settings.PostprocessingQuality "high"
  111. Settings.ShadowQuality "high"
  112. Settings.TextureFilteringQuality "high"
  113. Settings.TextureResolution "high"
  114. Settings.ToggleCrouch "0"
  115. Settings.VSync "1"
  116. Settings.MasterVolume "100"
  117. Settings.SfxVolume "100"
  118. Settings.MusicVolume "100"
  119. Settings.AudioOutputDevice "0"
  120. Camera.CenteredCrosshairFirst "0"
  121. Camera.CenteredCrosshairThird "1"
  122. Camera.FOV "90.000000"
  123. Camera.HideHUD "0"
  124. Camera.Speed "0.100000"
  125. Camera.ShowCoordinates "0"
  126. Input.RawInput "1"
  127. Input.ControllerPort "0"
  128. Input.ControllerSensitivityX "120.000000"
  129. Input.ControllerSensitivityY "60.000000"
  130. Input.ControllerVibrationIntensity "1.000000"
  131. Input.ControllerStickLayout "0"
  132. Input.SpectateSensitivity "1.000000"
  133. Input.ControllerInvertY "0"
  134. Input.ToggleSprint "0"
  135. Input.TapScoreboard "1"
  136. UPnP.Enabled "1"
  137. Forge.RotationSensitivity "1.000000"
  138. Forge.MonitorSpeed "3"
  139. Forge.MonitorNoclip "0"
  140. Forge.SelectionRenderer "0"
  141. Forge.Magnets "0"
  142. Forge.MagnetsVisible "1"
  143. Forge.GrabDistance "5.000000"
  144. Forge.MagnetsStrength "0.300000"
  145. VoIP.Enabled "1"
  146. VoIP.PTT_Enabled "1"
  147. VoIP.MicrophoneID ""
  148. VoIP.EchoCancelation "1"
  149. VoIP.AGC "1"
  150. VoIP.NoiseSupress "1"
  151. VoIP.PTTSoundEnabled "1"
  152. VoIP.SpeakingPlayerOnHUD "0"
  153. VoIP.StereoVoice "1"
  154. Tweaks.IntelBloomPatch "0"
  155. Tweaks.AggressiveAudioDiscarding "0"
  156. Tweaks.DisableReactorFog "0"
  157. Tweaks.DisableWeaponOutline "0"
  158. Tweaks.DisableHitMarkers "0"
  159. Tweaks.ReachStyleFrags "0"
  160. Tweaks.FlatHUD "0"
  162. Input.ControllerAction "Sprint" "LS"
  163. Input.ControllerAction "Jump" "A"
  164. Input.ControllerAction "Crouch" "X"
  165. Input.ControllerAction "Use" "RB"
  166. Input.ControllerAction "DualWield" "LB"
  167. Input.ControllerAction "UseEquipment" "LB"
  168. Input.ControllerAction "Fire" "RT"
  169. Input.ControllerAction "FireLeft" "LT"
  170. Input.ControllerAction "Reload" "RB"
  171. Input.ControllerAction "ReloadLeft" "LB"
  172. Input.ControllerAction "Zoom" "RS"
  173. Input.ControllerAction "SwitchWeapons" "Y"
  174. Input.ControllerAction "Melee" "B"
  175. Input.ControllerAction "Grenade" "LT"
  176. Input.ControllerAction "SwitchGrenades" "Right"
  177. Input.ControllerAction "Flashlight" "Up"
  178. Input.ControllerAction "VehicleAccelerate"
  179. Input.ControllerAction "VehicleBrake"
  180. Input.ControllerAction "VehicleBoost" "LT"
  181. Input.ControllerAction "VehicleRaise" "A"
  182. Input.ControllerAction "VehicleDive" "X"
  183. Input.ControllerAction "VehicleFire" "RT"
  184. Input.ControllerAction "VehicleAltFire" "LT"
  185. Input.ControllerAction "BansheeBomb" "B"
  186. Input.ControllerAction "Menu" "Start"
  187. Input.ControllerAction "Scoreboard" "Select"
  188. Input.ControllerAction "Chat"
  189. Input.ControllerAction "TeamChat"
  190. Input.ControllerAction "VoiceChat" "Down"
  191. Input.ControllerAction "UiLeftTrigger" "LT"
  192. Input.ControllerAction "UiRightTrigger" "RT"
  193. Input.ControllerAction "UiUp" "Up"
  194. Input.ControllerAction "UiDown" "Down"
  195. Input.ControllerAction "UiLeft" "Left"
  196. Input.ControllerAction "UiRight" "Right"
  197. Input.ControllerAction "UiLeftStick" "LS"
  198. Input.ControllerAction "UiRightStick" "RS"
  199. Input.ControllerAction "UiA" "A"
  200. Input.ControllerAction "UiB" "B"
  201. Input.ControllerAction "UiX" "X"
  202. Input.ControllerAction "UiY" "Y"
  203. Input.ControllerAction "UiLeftBumper" "LB"
  204. Input.ControllerAction "UiRightBumper" "RB"
  205. Input.ControllerAction "NextPlayer" "Right"
  206. Input.ControllerAction "PrevPlayer" "Left"
  208. Input.KeyboardAction "Forward" "W" "Up"
  209. Input.KeyboardAction "Back" "S" "Down"
  210. Input.KeyboardAction "Left" "A" "Left"
  211. Input.KeyboardAction "Right" "D" "Right"
  212. Input.KeyboardAction "Sprint" "LShift"
  213. Input.KeyboardAction "Jump" "Space"
  214. Input.KeyboardAction "Crouch" "LControl"
  215. Input.KeyboardAction "Use" "E"
  216. Input.KeyboardAction "DualWield" "Z"
  217. Input.KeyboardAction "UseEquipment" "1"
  218. Input.KeyboardAction "Fire" "MouseLeft"
  219. Input.KeyboardAction "FireLeft" "MouseRight"
  220. Input.KeyboardAction "Reload" "R"
  221. Input.KeyboardAction "ReloadLeft" "Z"
  222. Input.KeyboardAction "Zoom" "MouseRight"
  223. Input.KeyboardAction "SwitchWeapons" "MouseWheelUp" "MouseWheelDown"
  224. Input.KeyboardAction "Melee" "Q" "V"
  225. Input.KeyboardAction "Grenade" "F" "MouseMiddle"
  226. Input.KeyboardAction "SwitchGrenades" "G"
  227. Input.KeyboardAction "Flashlight" "2"
  228. Input.KeyboardAction "VehicleAccelerate" "W" "Up"
  229. Input.KeyboardAction "VehicleBrake" "S" "Down"
  230. Input.KeyboardAction "VehicleBoost" "LShift"
  231. Input.KeyboardAction "VehicleRaise" "Space" "MouseWheelUp"
  232. Input.KeyboardAction "VehicleDive" "LControl" "MouseWheelDown"
  233. Input.KeyboardAction "VehicleFire" "MouseLeft"
  234. Input.KeyboardAction "VehicleAltFire" "MouseRight"
  235. Input.KeyboardAction "BansheeBomb" "Q" "V"
  236. Input.KeyboardAction "Menu" "Escape"
  237. Input.KeyboardAction "Scoreboard" "Tab"
  238. Input.KeyboardAction "Chat" "T"
  239. Input.KeyboardAction "TeamChat" "Y"
  240. Input.KeyboardAction "VoiceChat" "CapsLock"
  241. Input.KeyboardAction "UiLeftTrigger"
  242. Input.KeyboardAction "UiRightTrigger"
  243. Input.KeyboardAction "UiUp" "Up"
  244. Input.KeyboardAction "UiDown" "Down"
  245. Input.KeyboardAction "UiLeft" "Left"
  246. Input.KeyboardAction "UiRight" "Right"
  247. Input.KeyboardAction "UiLeftStick"
  248. Input.KeyboardAction "UiRightStick"
  249. Input.KeyboardAction "UiA" "Enter" "Space"
  250. Input.KeyboardAction "UiB" "Escape" "Back"
  251. Input.KeyboardAction "UiX" "X"
  252. Input.KeyboardAction "UiY" "Delete"
  253. Input.KeyboardAction "UiLeftBumper" "Q"
  254. Input.KeyboardAction "UiRightBumper" "E"
  255. Input.KeyboardAction "NextPlayer" "D"
  256. Input.KeyboardAction "PrevPlayer" "A"
  257. bind F4 Game.ShowScreen discord
  258. bind F11 game.showscreen browser
  259. bind PrintScreen Game.TakeScreenshot
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