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Oct 9th, 2013
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  1. # -- Languages --
  3. # - Login -
  4. joinSpec = '&2Du joined als ein spectator.' # Displays when you join the game as a spectator.
  5. joinTribute = '&2Bu joined als Spieler.' # Displays when you join as a tribute.
  6. joinAdmin = '&redDu bist ein Admin! Um mitzuspielen mach\'/sg join\''
  7. joinKickOther = '&2Du hast die von einem anderen Spieler übernommen.'
  8. joinKick = '&redDu wurdest gekickt vom Server. &0[&ePremium join&0]'
  9. joinKickFull = '&redDer Server ist voll mit VIP Spielern.'
  10. joinKickSoft = '&redDu wurdest gekickt vom Server. &0[&ePremium join&0]'
  11. joinKickSoftFull = '&redDas Spiel ist voll mit VIP Spieler.'
  12. joinBanned = '&4Du bist vom SurvivalGames-Server gebannt!!!'
  13. joinFull = '&redDer Server ist Voll versuche es Später!'
  14. joinServerDisabled = '&redDieser Server ist derzeit deaktiviert.'
  16. # - Lobby -
  17. welcome = '' # The welcome message.
  18. lobbyCountdown = '&2%time% &2noch bis das Spiel beginnt.' # The countdown messages before the game starts.
  19. nextArena = '&2Nächste Arena: &2%arena%' # Displays the next map to be played.
  21. # - Voting -
  22. votedForArena = '&b%tdisplay% &2hat für &b%arena%! &2gevotet'
  23. alreadyVoted = '&redDu hast schon für %arena% &redgevotet.'
  24. arenaJustPlayed = '&redDie %arena% wurdeschon gespielt.'
  25. voteInLobby = '&redDu kannst nur in der Sg-Lobby voten!.'
  26. arenaVotes = '/sg vote %arenanum% >> %arenaname% [ %arenavotes% vote(s) ]' # Displays the name and votes for an arena.
  27. voteInfo = '-- Voting --' # Displays the vote info for each arena. /sg vote
  28. + 'Next map: %nextarena%'
  29. + '%arenavotes%'
  30. + '-- ------ --'
  32. # - Scoreboard -
  33. scoreLobbyTitle = '&6Lobby'
  34. scoreLobbyTime = '&redNoch'
  35. scoreVoteArena = '%arenaname%'
  36. scoreVoteMost = '&bNächste Map'
  37. scoreGameTitle = '&6SurvivalGames'
  38. scoreGameTime = '&redNoch'
  39. scoreGameTributes = '&2Spieler'
  40. scoreGameSpectators = '&2Zuschauer'
  42. # - Game -
  43. gameCountdown = '&1%time% &2bis das Spiel beginnt.' # Displayed when the game is counting down.
  44. gameHasBegun = '&2Das Spiel hat begonnen! Viel Glück!' # Displayed when the game has begun.
  45. graceBegin = '&1%time% &2Grace Period!' # Displayed when grace period begins.
  46. graceEnd = '&2Grace Period ist aus! ihr könnt euch jetzt schlagen!' # Displayed when grace period is over.
  47. chestsRefilled = '&red Die Kisten sind wieder Voll!' # Displayed when chests are refilled.
  48. timeLimitOver = '&redDie SG-Runde ist vorbei!' # Displayed at the end of the survival round.
  50. # - Player -
  51. tributeFallen = 'Tribute - %tdisplay% has fallen.' # Message broadcasted when a tribute dies.
  52. tributesRemaining = '%amount% tribute(s) remain.' # Message displayed to dying player.
  53. youRevived = 'You were revived!' # Message displayed to revived player.
  54. youKilled = 'You eliminated %tdisplay%!' # Message displayed When a player kills another.
  55. youDied = 'You were eliminated from the games by %tdisplay%!' # Message displayed to dying player.
  56. nowSpec = 'You are now a spectator. Spectators are invisible and can not be heard by tributes.' # Message displayed when a player becomes a spectator.
  57. + 'To spectate tributes, swing your arm to teleport to the next tribute.'
  58. cannon = 'A cannon could be heard in the distance.' # Message displayed when a cannon is fired.
  60. # - Deathmatch -
  61. minTributesRemain = '%amount% or less tributes remain!' # Displayed when the amount of tributes remaining are less then the minimum.
  62. dmTeleport = 'President Snow does not like it when you run.'
  63. dmCountdown = 'Deathmatch will begin in %time%!' # Message displayed for deathmatch countdown.
  64. dmStart = 'We will now begin the final deathmatch!' # Message displayed when deathmatch starts.
  66. # - End Game -
  67. tributeWon = 'Tribute - %tdisplay% has won the Survival Games!' # Displays who won the game.
  68. gameOver = 'The Survival Games are over and will restart soon...' # Message displayed on game over.
  69. gameRestarting = 'The Survival Games are restarting...' # Message displayed on game restart.
  71. # -- Commands --
  73. # - Tribute -
  74. listTributes = 'Tributes: (%amount%) %tributes%'
  75. listSpectators = 'Spectators: (%amount%) %spectators%'
  76. listWaiting = 'Players waiting: (%amount%) %waiting%'
  77. youWereAdded = 'You were added to the game.'
  78. youChangeRank = 'You are now a %rank%.'
  79. youNotTribute = '&redYou are not a tribute.'
  80. playerStats = '-- %tdisplay%\'s Stats (total/streak/high) --'
  81. + 'Kills: %kills% / %killstreak% / %bestkillstreak%'
  82. + 'Deaths: %deaths% / %deathstreak% / %worstdeathstreak%'
  83. + 'Animals Killed: %animalskilled%'
  84. + 'Mobs Killed: %mobskilled%'
  85. + 'Wins: %wins% / %winstreak% / %bestwinstreak%'
  86. + 'Ties: %ties%'
  87. + 'Losses: %losses% / %losestreak% / %worstlosestreak%'
  88. + 'Games Played: %gamesplayed%'
  89. + 'Time Played: %timeplayed%'
  90. + 'Last Played: %lastplayed%'
  91. + 'Chests Looted: %looted%'
  92. + 'Points: %points%'
  93. bountyTitle = '&dark_greenBounty'
  94. timeLeftLobby = 'Time remaining: %time%s' # Displays the time left before a game starts.
  95. timeLeftStarting = 'Starting in %time%.' # Displays the time left before a game starts.
  96. timeLeftPreDM = 'Deathmatch starts in %time%.' # Displays the time left before a deathmatch starts.
  97. timeLeftGame = '%time% until deathmatch.' # Displays the time left before deathmatch begins.
  98. timeLeftDm = 'Time remaining: %time%s' # Displays the time left before a game ends.
  99. topList = '-- Top 5 Rank (Page %page%) --'
  100. + '%topranks%'
  101. topItem = '%rank%] %target% > %points% points / %wins% wins / %kills% kills'
  102. bountySet = '%display% has placed %amount% bounty on %tdisplay%. %tdisplay%\'s bounty is now %bounty%.'
  103. bountyCantAfford = 'You cannot afford to put %bounty% bounty on %tdisplay%. You have %points% points.'
  104. bountyGained = 'You have gained bounty. If you win the game you will win %bounty% points!'
  105. wonPoints = 'You have won %points% points!'
  106. lostPoints = '&redYou have lost %points% points.'
  108. # - Spectator -
  109. changeSpectate = 'Now spectating: %tdisplay%' # Message displayed when spectating new player.
  111. # - Admin -
  112. adminJoinFirst = 'You must join the games first! /sg join'
  113. adminGameStarted = 'You started the survival games in %arena%!'
  114. adminNoTributes = '&redThere are no tributes to play.'
  115. adminDeathmatchStart = 'You started the deathmatch.'
  116. adminAlreadyStarted = '&redThe game has already started.'
  117. adminGameStopped = 'You stopped the survival games.'
  118. adminGameNotStarted = '&redThe game has not been started yet.'
  119. adminRefillChests = 'You have refilled the chests.'
  120. adminChangeRank = 'You changed %tdisplay% to a %rank%'
  121. adminViewInv = 'You are viewing %tdisplay%\'s inventory.'
  122. adminPlayerAdded = 'You have added %tdisplay% to the game.'
  123. adminAddedSelf = 'You have added yourself to the game.'
  124. adminPlayerRemoved = 'You have removed %tdisplay% from the game.'
  125. adminRemovedSelf = 'You have removed yourself from the game.'
  126. adminEditBegun = 'You are now editing \'%arenaname%\'.'
  127. + '/sg save - Saves your changes.'
  128. adminSaving = 'Edits to \'%arenaname%\' are being saved...'
  129. adminSave = 'Edits to \'%arenaname%\' have been saved.'
  130. adminNotEditing = 'You are not editing this arena. /sg edit'
  131. adminAlreadyEditing = 'You are already editing this arena. /sg save'
  132. adminSpecSpawnSet = 'Spectator spawn has been set to %location%.'
  133. adminNotSpawn = '&redThere is no spawn with number %number%.'
  134. adminNoSpawns = '&redNo spawns have been set here yet.'
  135. adminTpSpawn = 'You have tped to spawn %number% at %location%.'
  136. adminSpawnSet = 'Spawn number %number% has been set at %location%.'
  137. adminSpawnRemove = 'Spawn number %number% has been removed.'
  138. adminSpawnList = '-------------------------------------------'
  139. + '%spawns%'
  140. + '-------------------------------------------'
  141. adminSpawnListItem = '%number% - %location%'
  142. adminDMCenterSet = 'Deathmatch center set to %location%.'
  143. adminDMSpecSpawnSet = 'Deathmatch spectator spawn has been set to %location%.'
  144. adminNotDMSpawn = '&redThere is no deathmatch spawn with number %number%.'
  145. adminNoDMSpawns = '&redNo deathmatch spawns have been set here yet.'
  146. adminTpDMSpawn = 'You have tped to deathmatch spawn %number% at %location%.'
  147. adminDMSpawnSet = 'Deathmatch spawn number %number% has been set at %location%.'
  148. adminDMSpawnRemove = 'Deathmatch spawn number %number% has been removed.'
  149. adminDMSpawnList = '-------------------------------------------'
  150. + '%spawns%'
  151. + '-------------------------------------------'
  152. adminDMSpawnListItem = '%number% - %location%'
  153. adminLobbySpawnSet = 'Lobby spawn set to %location%.'
  154. adminEditList = '-------------------------------------------'
  155. + '%arenas%'
  156. + '-------------------------------------------'
  157. adminEditListItem = '%worldname% - %arenaname% (%enabled%)'
  158. arenaAlreadyEnabled = '%arenaname% is already enabled.'
  159. arenaAlreadyDisabled = '%arenaname% is already disabled.'
  160. arenaAlreadyExists = '&redAn arena already exists in the world \'%worldname%\'.' # Message appears when trying to add an already existing arena.
  161. arenaAdding = 'Adding arena \'%worldname%\'...' # Message appears when adding a new arena.
  162. arenaAdded = 'Arena \'%arenaname%\' has been added!' # Message appears when an arena was added.
  163. + 'Loaded %spawns% spawns.'
  164. + 'Loaded %dmspawns% deathmatch spawns.'
  165. + 'Loaded %containers% containers for rewards.'
  166. + 'Loaded %placelist% block place exceptions.'
  167. + 'Loaded %placelist% block break exceptions.'
  168. arenaNotAdded = '&redArena has not been added. Could not find world \'%worldname%\'.' # Message appears when trying to add a non-existing arena.
  169. arenaRemoved = 'Arena \'%worldname%\' has been removed.' # Message appears when an arena has been removed.
  171. # - World -
  172. arenaLoaded = '%arenaname% is now available!' # Displayed when a arena is enabled.
  173. arenaUnloaded = '%arenaname% is no longer available.' # Displayed when a arena is disabled.
  175. # - Global -
  176. serverShutdown = '&redServer is restarting...' # The name of the inventory for crates.
  177. pluginPrefix = '&e[&bSG&e] ' # The prefix for the plugin.
  178. pluginSuffix = '' # The suffix for the plugin.
  179. helpTitle = '[&green%plugin%&white] Command Help (Page %page%)' # The title shown for the help.
  180. helpItem = '&green/%label%&white - %desc%' # The title shown for the help.
  181. noHelp = 'No help available.'
  182. stateMessageGame = '-------------------------------------------' # A periodic message that provides info about the game.
  183. + '%tributesleft% tributes remain.'
  184. + '%timetilldm%s until deathmatch.'
  185. + '%spectators% spectators watching the games.'
  186. + '-------------------------------------------'
  187. stateMessageLobby = '-------------------------------------------' # A periodic message that provides info about the game.
  188. + 'Next map: %nextarena%'
  189. + '%arenavotes%'
  190. + '%waitingplayers%/%maxplayers% tributes waiting to play.'
  191. + '%timetillgame% left until the games begin.'
  192. + '-------------------------------------------'
  193. stateMessageLobbyWaiting = '-------------------------------------------' # A periodic message that provides info about the game.
  194. + 'Next map: %nextarena%'
  195. + '%arenavotes%'
  196. + '%waitingplayers%/%maxplayers% tributes waiting to play.'
  197. + 'Waiting for at least %playersneeded% more players.'
  198. + '-------------------------------------------'
  200. # - Config -
  201. configSet = '%key% has been set to %value% for %file%.' # Message shows when a config property has been set.
  202. configRemoved = '%key% has been removed from %file%.' # Message shows when a config property has been removed.
  203. configNotFile = 'The file \'%file%\' does not exist. Don\'t forget the path.' # Message shows when a config file does not exist.
  204. configNotKey = 'The property %key% was not found in the %file% file.' # Message shows when a config property does not exist.
  205. configGetList = '-- %file% config: --' # Message shows when a config property does not exist.
  206. + '%configs%'
  207. configGet = '%key% = \'%value%\' %comment%' # Message shows when a config property does not exist.
  209. # - Errors -
  210. noLoadedArenas = '&redNo arenas have been loaded.' # Message shows when no arenas have been loaded.
  211. arenaNotFound = '&redArena \'%worldname%\' not found.' # Message displayed when a user enters an invalid arena. /sg worlds
  212. outOfRange = '&redPlease choose a number between %min% and %max%.'
  213. notNumber = '&red%number% is not a number.'
  214. playerNotFound = '%notfound% was not found on the server.'
  215. playerInGame = '%tdisplay% is playing the game.'
  216. playerIsGM = '%tdisplay% is a game maker.'
  217. noSpecInv = '&redYou can not view a spectator\'s inventory!'
  218. noLobbyInv = '&redYou can not view a player\'s inventory in the lobby!'
  219. notInLobby = '&redYou are not in the lobby!'
  220. noPermission = 'You do not have permission to do this.' # Displayed when a user does not have permission.
  221. notPlayer = 'This is only available in-game.'
  222. notTribute = '%tdisplay% is not a tribute.'
  223. unknownCommand = 'Unknown %plugin% command: %command%' # The message displayed when an unknown command is entered.
  225. # -- Standard Variables -- (Warning do not uncomment this area)
  226. # %vars% = Shows a list of all available variables for a language.
  227. # %user% = The player who is receiving the message.
  228. # %display% = The display name for the player who is receiving the message.
  229. # %target% = The player targeted by the event or command.
  230. # %tdisplay% = The display name for the player targeted by the event or command.
  231. # %plugin% = The name of this plugin.
  232. # %version% = The version of this plugin.
  235. # -- Colors -- (Char Codes can also be used: &c)
  238. # &WHITE, &MAGIC
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