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Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. export nelder_mead
  2. """
  3. nelder_mead(nlp)
  4. This implementation follows the algorithm described in chapter 9 of [1].
  5. [1] Numerical Optimization (Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright), Springer, 2006.
  6. """
  7. function nelder_mead(nlp :: AbstractNLPModel;
  8. x :: AbstractVector = copy(nlp.meta.x0),
  9. vertices :: AbstractArray = Array{typeof(x)}(undef, nlp.meta.nvar+1),
  10. tol :: Real = √eps(eltype(x)),
  11. max_time :: Float64 = 30.0,
  12. max_eval :: Int = -1)
  14. # Initial simplex
  15. n = nlp.meta.nvar
  16. # If the user doesn't provide any vertices points, should it be initialized with undef?
  17. # Another alternative is to make sure the user provides a matrix instead of an Array
  18. if !(isassigned(vertices))
  19. vertices[1] = x
  20. for j in 1:n
  21. xt = copy(x)
  22. xt[j] += xt[j] == 0 ? 0.00025 : 0.05
  23. vertices[j+1] = xt
  24. end
  25. end
  27. # Really unsure about both these lines, looks concise, but feels wrong
  28. # Since we're storing an array of different types, the data resulting datatype is Any
  29. # Another alternative is to instead of using a single array, use two, one for the points, another for the obj value.
  30. vertices = hcat(vertices, map(x->obj(nlp, x), vertices))
  31. vertices = vertices[sortperm(vertices[:, 2]), :]
  32. println("Vertices Datatype : " typeof(vertices))
  34. k = 0
  35. el_time = 0.0
  36. start_time = time()
  37. tired = neval_obj(nlp) > max_eval >= 0 || el_time > max_time
  38. norm_opt = norm(vertices[1, 2] - vertices[n+1, 2])
  39. optimal = norm_opt < tol
  40. T = eltype(x)
  41. status =:unknown
  42. @info log_header([:iter, :f, :nrm], [Int, T, T], hdr_override=Dict(:f => "f(x)", :nrm => "‖x₁ - xₙ+1‖"))
  44. while !(optimal || tired)
  46. shrink = true
  47. x_cen = sum(vertices[i, 1] for i in 1:n)/n
  48. μ(t) = x_cen + t * (vertices[n+1, 1] - x_cen)
  49. x_ref = μ(-1)
  50. f_ref = obj(nlp, x_ref)
  51. f_bver = vertices[1, 2]
  53. @info log_row(Any[k, f_bver, norm_opt])
  55. # Reflection
  56. if vertices[1,2] <= f_ref < vertices[n,2]
  57. vertices[n+1,1] = x_ref
  58. shrink = false
  59. # Expansion
  60. elseif f_ref < vertices[1, 2]
  61. x_exp = μ(-2)
  62. f_exp = obj(nlp,x_exp)
  63. f_exp < f_ref ? vertices[n+1, 1] = x_exp : vertices[n+1, 1] = x_ref
  64. shrink = false
  65. # Contraction
  66. elseif f_ref >= vertices[n, 2]
  67. # Outside
  68. if vertices[n, 2] <= f_ref < vertices[n+1, 2]
  69. x_ocn = μ(-0.5)
  70. f_ocn = obj(nlp, x_ocn)
  71. if f_ocn <= f_ref
  72. vertices[n+1, 1] = x_ocn
  73. shrink = false
  74. end
  75. # Inside
  76. else
  77. x_icn = μ(0.5)
  78. f_icn = obj(nlp, x_icn)
  79. if f_icn < vertices[n+1, 2]
  80. vertices[n+1, 1]= x_icn
  81. shrink = false
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  86. if shrink
  87. for i in 2:n+1
  88. vertices[i, 1] = 0.5 * (vertices[1, 1] + vertices[i, 1])
  89. end
  90. end
  92. vertices[1:n+1, 2] = map(x->obj(nlp, x), vertices[1:n+1, 1])
  93. vertices = vertices[sortperm(vertices[:, 2]), :]
  94. k += 1
  95. x = vertices[1, 1]
  96. tired = neval_obj(nlp) > max_eval >= 0 || el_time > max_time
  97. norm_opt = norm(vertices[1, 2] - vertices[n+1, 2])
  98. optimal = norm_opt < tol
  99. el_time = time() - start_time
  101. # As the algorithm goes, Float32 becomes Float64 and the same happens with Float16.
  102. # No clue why
  103. println("Vertices eltype : " eltype(vertices[1]))
  104. for i in 1:nlp.meta.nvar+1
  105. println("Vertice " ,i , " : " vertices[i,:])
  106. end
  108. end
  110. if optimal
  111. status = :acceptable
  112. elseif tired
  113. if neval_obj(nlp) > max_eval ≥ 0
  114. status = :max_eval
  115. elseif el_time >= max_time
  116. status = :max_time
  117. end
  118. end
  120. return GenericExecutionStats(status, nlp, solution=vertices[1, 1], objective=vertices[1, 2],
  121. iter = k, elapsed_time = el_time)
  122. end
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