
Smooth scrolly text Commodore C64 BASIC

May 28th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. 0 poke 53280, peek(53281)
  2. 1 let l$="{control+n}{home}"
  3. 2 let a$=" Here is a little scrolly dem
  4. 3 let a$=a$+"o using a 'go to'-less tec
  5. 4 let a$=a$+"hnique. Hellos to Ruby Mae
  6. 5 let a$=a$+". Press a key to exit.....
  7. 6 print"{clr/home}"
  8. 7 let i=.:let o=1:let l=len(a$)-o
  9. 8 let s=53270:let r=7:let kb=198
  10. 9 let w=53273:let sl=39
  11. 10 let x=7:poke 56334,peek(56334)and254
  12. 11 fori=.toostep.:pokew,o:waitw,o:::::::::
  13. 12 pokes,x:printl$left$(a$,sl):x=x-o:ifx<.thena$=right$(a$,l)+left$(a$,o)
  14. 13 i=peek(kb):ifx<.thenx=7
  15. 14 next
  16. 15 poke s,200
  17. 16 poke 56334,peek(56334) or 1:get k$:poke kb,.
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