Guest User


a guest
Oct 4th, 2017
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  1. --Var init
  2. local RP_BOOL = true
  3. os.loadAPI("StringUtils")
  4. local modem = peripheral.find("modem")
  5. local MODEM_CHANNEL = 644
  7. --Log
  8. local function log(ID, oMSG, reason)
  9. local FILE ="/log", "a")
  11. if type(oMSG) == "string" then
  12. toMSG = "bad type(string)"
  13. elseif type(oMSG) == "table" then
  14. if oMSG["type"] ~= nil then
  15. toMSG = "bad table"
  16. else
  17. toMSG = oMSG["type"]
  18. end
  19. else
  20. toMSG = "unknown"
  21. end
  23. local TEMP = "[LOG] ID:"..ID.." toMSG: "..toMSG.." Reason: "..reason
  24. print(TEMP)
  25. FILE.writeLine(TEMP)
  26. FILE.close()
  28. return true
  29. end
  32. --Users management
  33. local USER_FILE = "/users"
  34. local DB_SCHEM = {Users = {}, Password = {}, Biolock = {}, AccessLevel = {}, Token= {}, Where= {}}
  35. local function USERS_CREATEDB()
  36. local USER_TEMP =, "w")
  37. USER_TEMP.write(textutils.serialise(DB_SCHEM))
  38. USER_TEMP.close()
  39. end
  41. local function USERS_GET()
  42. local OBJECT_UF =, "r")
  43. local USERS = textutils.unserialise(OBJECT_UF.readAll())
  44. if USERS == nil then
  46. USERS = textutils.unserialise(OBJECT_UF.readAll())
  47. end
  48. OBJECT_UF.close()
  49. return USERS
  50. end
  52. local function USERS_ID(users, tofind)
  53. local ID = nil
  54. for i = 1,#users["Users"] do
  55. if tofind == nil then
  56. ID = i
  57. else
  58. if users["Users"][i] == tofind then
  59. ID = i
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
  63. return ID
  64. end
  66. local function USERS_BIOLOCK(users, tofind)
  67. local ID = nil
  68. for i = 1,#users["Biolock"] do
  69. if tofind == nil then return false
  70. else
  71. if users["Biolock"][i] == tofind then
  72. ID = i
  73. end
  74. end
  75. end
  76. return ID
  77. end
  79. local function USERS_TOKEN(users, tofind)
  80. local ID = nil
  81. for i = 1,#users["Token"] do
  82. if tofind == nil then return false
  83. else
  84. if users["Token"][i] == tofind then
  85. ID = i
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. return ID
  90. end
  92. local function USERS_WHERE(users, tofind)
  93. local ID = nil
  94. for i = 1,#users["Where"] do
  95. if tofind == nil then return false
  96. else
  97. if users["Where"][i] == tofind then
  98. ID = i
  99. end
  100. end
  101. end
  102. return ID
  103. end
  105. local function USERS_CREATE(name, pass, biolock, accesslevel)
  106. local oUSERS = USERS_GET()
  107. local fUSERS = oUSERS
  108. local lastID = USERS_ID(oUSERS)
  110. --Check if user already exist because or AL will not fuck my script ;(
  111. if USERS_ID(oUSERS, name) ~= nil then return false end
  112. if accesslevel > 5 or accesslevel < 1 then return false end
  113. if lastID == nil then lastID = 1 else lastID = lastID + 1 end
  114. if name == nil or pass == nil or accesslevel == nil then
  115. return false
  116. end
  117. if biolock == nil then biolock = "unknown" end
  118. --end of check
  120. fUSERS["Users"][lastID] = name
  121. fUSERS["Password"][lastID] = StringUtils.SHA1(pass)
  122. fUSERS["Biolock"][lastID] = biolock
  123. fUSERS["Token"][lastID] = "unknown"
  124. fUSERS["AccessLevel"][lastID] = accesslevel
  125. fUSERS["Where"][lastID] = "unknown"
  126. local TO_SAVE =,"w")
  127. TO_SAVE.write(textutils.serialise(fUSERS))
  128. TO_SAVE.close()
  129. return true
  130. end
  132. local function USERS_UPDATE(toUpdate, userID, newUpdate)
  133. if type(toUpdate) ~= "string" or type(userID) ~= "number" or newUpdate == nil then return false end
  134. local oUSERS = USERS_GET()
  135. --Check if id exist
  136. local lastID = USERS_ID(oUSERS)
  137. if userID > lastID then return false end
  139. if toUpdate == "token" then
  140. oUSERS["Token"][userID] = newUpdate
  141. local TO_SAVE =,"w")
  142. TO_SAVE.write(textutils.serialise(oUSERS))
  143. TO_SAVE.close()
  144. return true
  145. elseif toUpdate == "accesslevel" then
  146. if type(newUpdate) ~= "number" then return false end
  147. oUSERS["AccessLevel"][userID] = newUpdate
  148. local TO_SAVE =,"w")
  149. TO_SAVE.write(textutils.serialise(oUSERS))
  150. TO_SAVE.close()
  151. return true
  152. end
  154. end
  156. --Encryption and modems
  157. local function SEND(sID, content, uID)
  158. if type(sID) ~= "number" or content == nil or type(uID) ~= "number" then return false end
  159. local Users = USERS_GET()
  160. local Token = Users[Tokens][uID]
  161. --local serialised = textutils.serialise(content)
  162. --local FinalTable = StringUtils.encrypt(serialised) DO NOT WORK
  163. modem.transmit(MODEM_CHANNEL, MODEM_CHANNEL, content)
  164. end
  167. --Token functions
  169. local function TOKEN_GEN()
  170. local TOKEN_LENGHT = 25
  171. local TOKEN = ""
  172. local TOKEN_TABLE = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","#", "$", "*"}
  173. local x = 0
  174. while TOKEN_LENGHT > 0 do
  175. x=x+1
  176. local mRandom = math.random(1,#TOKEN_TABLE)
  177. TOKEN = TOKEN..TOKEN_TABLE[mRandom]
  179. print("Generating Token: "..tostring(x).."/25")
  180. end
  181. return TOKEN
  182. end
  184. local function TOKEN_CREATE(id)
  185. local USERS = USERS_GET()
  186. if type(id) ~= "number" then return false end
  187. local newToken = TOKEN_GEN()
  188. --Check if token already exist
  189. local YES = false
  190. while YES do
  191. if USERS_TOKEN(USERS, newToken) == nil then YES = false else
  192. newToken = TOKEN_GEN() end
  193. end
  194. --Write the new token
  195. if USERS_UPDATE("token", id, newToken) then
  196. return newToken
  197. else
  198. return false
  199. end
  200. end
  202. --We need the famous Gitano Parser !
  203. local function gitanoParser(sTable,sID)
  204. print(sTable.type)
  205. if sTable.type == "mdr" then
  206. log(sID, sTable, "bad type")
  207. return false
  208. elseif sTable.type == "token" then
  209. if sTable.todo == "createToken" then
  210. if type(sTable.enc) ~= "string" or type(sTable.Username) ~= "string" or type(sTable.math) ~= "string" then SEND(sID, "nil entry") else
  211. local oTable = USERS_GET()
  212. local uID = USERS_ID(oTable,sTable.Username)
  213. if uID == nil then send(sID, "Unknown user") return false end
  214. local SHA1Pass = oTable["Password"][uID]
  215. local crypted = StringUtils.decrypt(sTable.enc, SHA1Pass)
  216. if crypted == sTable.math then
  217. --He got it we need to give a token to him
  218. local Token = TOKEN_CREATE(uID)
  219. SEND(sID, Token)
  220. print("Token created for: "..sTable["Username"])
  221. print("New Token hash: "..StringUtils.SHA1(Token))
  222. else
  223. SEND(sID, "Bad password")
  224. end
  225. end
  226. elseif sTable.todo == "getToken" then
  227. if type(sTable.enc) ~= "string" or type(sTable.Username) ~= "string" or type(sTable.math) ~= "string" then SEND(sID, "nil entry") else
  228. local oTable = USERS_GET()
  229. local uID = USERS_ID(oTable,sTable.Username)
  230. if uID == nil then SEND(sID, "Unknown user") return false end
  231. local SHA1Pass = oTable["Password"][uID]
  232. local crypted = StringUtils.decrypt(sTable.enc, SHA1Pass)
  233. if crypted == sTable.math then
  234. --He got it we need to give a token to him
  235. SEND(sID, oTable["Token"][uID])
  236. else
  237. SEND(sID, "Bad password")
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end
  242. elseif sTable.type == "log" then
  243. elseif sTable.type == "ping" then
  244. SEND(sID, "true")
  245. log(sID, sTable, "ping")
  246. elseif sTable.type == "WAS" then --Wow address system
  247. elseif sTable.type == "database" then
  248. if sTable.todo == "createUser" then
  249. if sTable.Username == nil or sTable.Password == nil or sTable.Biolock == nil or type(sTable.accesslevel) == number then
  250. print("User creation failed")
  251. SEND(sID, "nil in table")
  252. else
  253. if USERS_CREATE(sTable.Username,sTable.Password,sTable.Biolock,sTable.accesslevel) then
  254. print("User Created")
  255. SEND(sID, "true")
  256. else
  257. print("Failed to create")
  258. SEND(sID, "error")
  259. end
  260. end
  261. elseif sTable.todo == "reset" then
  263. print("Database reseted") --Pls add a Terminal confirm
  264. SEND(sID, "true")
  265. elseif sTable.todo == "Userinfo" then
  266. if sTable.Username == nil then
  267. SEND(sID, false)
  268. --finish error
  269. else
  270. local TUserTable = USERS_GET()
  271. local Tid = USERS_ID(TUserTable, sTable.Username)
  272. if Tid == nil then print("Nil TID") SEND(sID, "nil id") else
  273. local Tbiolock = TUserTable["Biolock"][Tid]
  274. local TAccessL = TUserTable["AccessLevel"][Tid]
  275. local TEMP_TABLE = {id = Tid, biolockid = Tbiolock, accesslevel = TAccessL}
  277. print("Succefuly sended")
  278. end
  279. end
  280. end
  281. elseif sTable.type == "network" then
  282. else
  283. SEND(sID, "bad TableType")
  284. end
  285. end
  287. --Starting
  288. term.write("Modem state: ")
  289. if modem.isOpen(MODEM_CHANNEL) then print("True") else print("False") end
  290. if modem.isOpen(MODEM_CHANNEL) ~= true then end
  291. print("Modem opened\nID: ".. os.computerID())
  293. local function receiveparse()
  294. while RP_BOOL do
  295. local modemSide, sID, rID, msg, distance = rednet.receive()
  296. if type(msg) ~= "table" then SEND(sID, "Please use API") log(sID, msg, "Dont use a table") else
  297. gitanoParser(msg,sID) -- redirect to gitanoParser
  298. end
  299. end
  300. end
  302. parallel.waitForAll(receiveparse)
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