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May 16th, 2018
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  1. declare-option -docstring %{shell command to which the path of a copy of the current buffer will be passed
  2. The output returned by this command is expected to comply with the following format:
  3. {filename}:{line}:{column}: {kind}: {message}} \
  4. str lintcmd
  6. declare-option -hidden line-specs lint_flags
  7. declare-option -hidden range-specs lint_errors
  9. define-command lint -docstring 'Parse the current buffer with a linter' %{
  10. %sh{
  11. dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-lint.XXXXXXXX)
  12. mkfifo "$dir"/fifo
  13. # some linters doesn't work well on displaced copies
  14. # e.g. eslint demands local eslint and checks imports
  15. #printf '%s\n' "evaluate-commands -no-hooks write $dir/buf"
  16. printf '%s\n' "evaluate-commands -no-hooks write"
  18. printf '%s\n' "evaluate-commands -draft %{
  19. edit! -fifo $dir/fifo -debug *lint-output*
  20. set-option buffer filetype make
  21. set-option buffer make_current_error_line 0
  22. hook -group fifo buffer BufCloseFifo .* %{
  23. nop %sh{ rm -r '$dir' }
  24. remove-hooks buffer fifo
  25. }
  26. }"
  28. { # do the parsing in the background and when ready send to the session
  30. # some linters doesn't work well on displaced copies
  31. # e.g. eslint demands local eslint and checks imports
  32. #eval "$kak_opt_lintcmd '$dir'/buf" | sort -t: -k2,2 -n > "$dir"/stderr
  33. cd $(dirname $kak_buffile)
  34. eval "$kak_opt_lintcmd '$kak_buffile'" | sort -t: -k2,2 -n > "$dir"/stderr
  35. printf '%s\n' "evaluate-commands -client $kak_client echo 'Linted'" | kak -p "$kak_session"
  37. # Flags for the gutter:
  38. # line3|{red}:line11|{yellow}
  39. # Contextual error messages:
  40. # l1,c1,err1
  41. # ln,cn,err2
  42. awk -F: -v file="$kak_buffile" -v stamp="$kak_timestamp" '
  43. /:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: ([Ff]atal )?[Ee]rror/ {
  44. flags = flags $2 "|{red}█:"
  45. }
  46. /:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:/ {
  47. if ($4 !~ /[Ee]rror/) {
  48. flags = flags $2 "|{yellow}█:"
  49. }
  50. }
  51. /:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:/ {
  52. errors = errors ":" $2 "." $3 "," $2 "." $3 "|" substr($4,2)
  53. # fix case where $5 is not the last field because of extra :s in the message
  54. for (i=5; i<=NF; i++) errors = errors "\\:" $i
  55. errors = substr(errors, 1, length(errors)-1) " (col " $3 ")"
  56. }
  57. END {
  58. print "set-option \"buffer=" file "\" lint_flags %{" stamp ":" substr(flags, 1, length(flags)-1) "}"
  59. errors = substr(errors, 1, length(errors)-1)
  60. gsub("~", "\\~", errors)
  61. print "set-option \"buffer=" file "\" lint_errors %~" stamp errors "~"
  62. }
  63. ' "$dir"/stderr | kak -p "$kak_session"
  65. cut -d: -f2- "$dir"/stderr | sed "s@^@$kak_bufname:@" > "$dir"/fifo
  67. } >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null &
  68. }
  69. }
  71. define-command -hidden lint-show %{
  72. update-option buffer lint_errors
  73. %sh{
  74. desc=$(printf '%s\n' "$kak_opt_lint_errors" | sed -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g' | tail -n +2 |
  75. sed -ne "/^$kak_cursor_line\.[^|]\+|.*/ { s/^[^|]\+|//g; s/'/\\\\'/g; s/\\\\:/:/g; p; }")
  76. if [ -n "$desc" ]; then
  77. printf '%s\n' "info -anchor $kak_cursor_line.$kak_cursor_column '$desc'"
  78. fi
  79. } }
  81. define-command lint-enable -docstring "Activate automatic diagnostics of the code" %{
  82. add-highlighter window flag_lines default lint_flags
  83. hook window -group lint-diagnostics NormalIdle .* %{ lint-show }
  84. hook window -group lint-diagnostics WinSetOption lint_flags=.* %{ info; lint-show }
  85. }
  87. define-command lint-disable -docstring "Disable automatic diagnostics of the code" %{
  88. remove-highlighter window/hlflags_lint_flags
  89. remove-hooks window lint-diagnostics
  90. }
  92. define-command lint-next-error -docstring "Jump to the next line that contains an error" %{
  93. update-option buffer lint_errors
  94. %sh{
  95. printf '%s\n' "$kak_opt_lint_errors" | sed -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g' | tail -n +2 | {
  96. while IFS='|' read -r candidate rest
  97. do
  98. first_range=${first_range-$candidate}
  99. if [ "${candidate%%.*}" -gt "$kak_cursor_line" ]; then
  100. range=$candidate
  101. break
  102. fi
  103. done
  104. range=${range-$first_range}
  105. if [ -n "$range" ]; then
  106. printf '%s\n' "select $range"
  107. else
  108. printf 'echo -markup "{Error}no lint diagnostics"\n'
  109. fi
  110. }
  111. }}
  113. define-command lint-previous-error -docstring "Jump to the previous line that contains an error" %{
  114. update-option buffer lint_errors
  115. %sh{
  116. printf '%s\n' "$kak_opt_lint_errors" | sed -e 's/\([^\\]\):/\1\n/g' | tail -n +2 | sort -t. -k1,1 -rn | {
  117. while IFS='|' read -r candidate rest
  118. do
  119. first_range=${first_range-$candidate}
  120. if [ "${candidate%%.*}" -lt "$kak_cursor_line" ]; then
  121. range=$candidate
  122. break
  123. fi
  124. done
  125. range=${range-$first_range}
  126. if [ -n "$range" ]; then
  127. printf '%s\n' "select $range"
  128. else
  129. printf 'echo -markup "{Error}no lint diagnostics"\n'
  130. fi
  131. }
  132. }}
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