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Oct 12th, 2018
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  1. musicbrainz@debbay:~/musicbrainz-server$ carton install --prompt --deployment
  2. Unknown option: prompt
  3. Installing modules using carton.lock (deployment mode)
  4. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution ExtUtils::CBuilder (0.27)
  5. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution ExtUtils::ParseXS (2.21)
  6. ! Bailing out the installation for Module-Build-0.3800. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  7. ! Bailing out the installation for Test-Exception-0.31. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  8. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution IO::Compress::Bzip2 (2.021)
  9. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 (2.021)
  10. ! Bailing out the installation for HTTP-Message-6.02. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  11. Successfully installed Test-Mock-LWP-0.06
  12. ! Bailing out the installation for Catalyst-Runtime-5.90007. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  13. ! Bailing out the installation for Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart-0.93. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  14. You have DBIx::Connector (0.42)
  15. You have MooseX::Singleton (0.26)
  16. You have String::ShellQuote (1.04)
  17. You have Net::Amazon::S3::Policy (0.1.2)
  18. You have Test::Aggregate (0.364)
  19. You have Plack::Middleware::Debug (0.14)
  20. You have CGI::Expand (2.03)
  21. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution Locale::Maketext::Simple (0.19)
  22. ! Bailing out the installation for Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-0.10. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  23. You have Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP (1.013)
  24. You have Template::Plugin::JavaScript (0.02)
  25. You have Data::UUID::MT (0.004)
  26. You have Catalyst::View::TT (0.36)
  27. You have Statistics::Basic (1.6602)
  28. You have Test::Routine (0.009)
  29. You have XML::Simple (2.18)
  30. You have Text::Trim (1.02)
  31. You have Net::Amazon::AWSSign (0.09)
  32. You have TryCatch (1.003000)
  33. You have Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Memcached (0.04)
  34. You have Net::CoverArtArchive (1.02)
  35. You have JSON::XS (2.3)
  36. You have Catalyst::Plugin::Cache (0.10)
  37. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution Storable (2.21)
  38. ! Bailing out the installation for Bit-Vector-7.1. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  39. ! Bailing out the installation for Date-Calc-6.3. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  40. You have Data::Compare (1.22)
  41. You have MooseX::ABC (0.05)
  42. You have Cache (2.04)
  43. You have Cache::Memcached::Fast (0.19)
  44. You have HTML::Tiny (1.05)
  45. You have Data::Page (2.02)
  46. You have Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding (1.3)
  47. You have Catalyst::Devel (1.36)
  48. You have HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath (0.12)
  49. You have Method::Signatures::Simple (0.06)
  50. You have Javascript::Closure (0.07)
  51. You have Test::Mock::Class (0.0303)
  52. You have Email::Sender (0.110000)
  53. You have MooseX::Types::URI (0.03)
  54. You have List::UtilsBy (0.06)
  55. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution IO::Pty (1.08)
  56. ! Bailing out the installation for IPC-Run-0.84. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  57. You have LWP::UserAgent::Mockable (1.10)
  58. You have Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap (0.14)
  59. You have MooseX::Runnable (0.03)
  60. You have XML::Generator (1.03)
  61. You have Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::HTTP (0.001000)
  62. You have IO::All (0.41)
  63. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution Term::ANSIColor (2.01)
  64. ! Bailing out the installation for Text-Aligner-0.07. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  65. ! Bailing out the installation for Text-Table-1.116. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  66. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution Module::Load::Conditional (0.38)
  67. ! Bailing out the installation for RDF-Trine-0.134. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  68. ! Bailing out the installation for RDF-RDFa-Parser-1.094. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  69. You have RDF::Query (2.905)
  70. You have DateTime::Format::Pg (0.16005)
  71. You have Test::XPath (0.16)
  72. You have Text::Unaccent (1.08)
  73. You have Env::Path (0.18)
  74. You have Test::WWW::Selenium::Catalyst (0.07)
  75. ! Couldn't find module or a distribution Crypt::SSLeay (0)
  76. ! Bailing out the installation for SOAP-Lite-0.714. Retry with --prompt or --force.
  77. You have XML::RSS::Parser::Lite (0.10)
  78. You have Net::Amazon::S3 (0.56)
  79. You have Encode::Detect (1.01)
  80. You have Function::Parameters (0.04)
  81. You have Locale::TextDomain (1.20)
  82. You have CSS::Minifier (0.01)
  83. You have Catalyst::Plugin::ErrorCatcher (
  84. You have String::TT (0.03)
  85. You have Data::Dumper::Concise (2.020)
  86. You have XML::SemanticDiff (1.0000)
  87. You have HTML::FormHandler (0.36002)
  88. You have Algorithm::Merge (0.08)
  89. You have String::CamelCase (0.02)
  90. You have Locale::PO (0.21)
  91. You have Log::Dispatch (2.29)
  92. You have XML::XPath (1.13)
  93. You have MooseX::Clone (0.05)
  94. You have DBD::Pg (2.18.0)
  95. You have Email::MIME (1.907)
  96. You have Text::WikiFormat (0.79)
  97. You have FCGI::ProcManager (0.24)
  98. You have Test::Magpie (0.05)
  99. You have Template::Plugin::Class (0.14)
  100. You have HTML::Selector::XPath (0.14)
  101. 1 distribution installed
  102. Installing modules failed
  103. musicbrainz@debbay:~/musicbrainz-server$
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