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Jan 5th, 2013
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  5. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Channel ID: -36216342
  8. Channel Name: Private Chat (Zapawork)
  9. Listener: islador
  10. Session started: 2013.01.05 03:34:28
  11. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [ 2013.01.05 03:34:33 ] islador > Howdy zapa!
  14. [ 2013.01.05 03:34:43 ] Zapawork > Hello islador
  15. [ 2013.01.05 03:35:04 ] islador > Sorry to have ketp you waiting there. My sister is home for the night and I thought I should go say hi
  16. [ 2013.01.05 03:36:33 ] islador > So like my mail said I'd love to write a piece for about eve vegas, a bit about it's last two years, as well as the changes to this year and other little things you're excited about. Starting with, of course, an explanation of what eve
  17. [ 2013.01.05 03:36:34 ] islador > vegas is
  18. [ 2013.01.05 03:36:35 ] islador > Sound good?
  19. [ 2013.01.05 03:36:42 ] Zapawork > nacl
  20. [ 2013.01.05 03:36:44 ] Zapawork > back
  21. [ 2013.01.05 03:36:46 ] Zapawork > let me read up
  22. [ 2013.01.05 03:37:04 ] Zapawork > Sounds good
  23. [ 2013.01.05 03:37:09 ] Zapawork > You ask the questions I'll answer
  24. [ 2013.01.05 03:37:20 ] islador > Ok, lets get this started
  25. [ 2013.01.05 03:37:37 ] islador > For those of our readers who may not know what EVE Vegas is, can you give me an explanation of the event?
  26. [ 2013.01.05 03:39:32 ] Zapawork > Eve Vegas is a Las Vegas based player convention that allows both ccp developers and players to speak to other players about the game we all play. It's a Eve convention made by players for players.
  27. [ 2013.01.05 03:40:14 ] islador > How long has EVE Vegas been running?
  28. [ 2013.01.05 03:41:53 ] Zapawork > This will be our third year under the current organizers, there were two attempts before us.
  29. [ 2013.01.05 03:43:10 ] islador > In the past you've run a single large room convention style. You've mentioned a departure from this style and the featuring of workshops in your EVE-O thread. Can you tell me a little more about this new style?
  30. [ 2013.01.05 03:44:42 ] Zapawork > Sure, we will still have a main large convention room for keynote speakers like CCP Soundwave whose decisions effect everyone in the game. But we also want to split players who really are focused on a specific part of eve like mission running, worm hole
  31. [ 2013.01.05 03:45:13 ] Zapawork > s low sec, null sec, etc.. to get a chance to sit in a room with the dev who controls their future and have a two way conversation about the game they play.
  32. [ 2013.01.05 03:46:22 ] Zapawork > We want everyone who plays Eve and will play Dust to have a chance to learn about what changes are coming and have a chance at impacting the game they want to play.
  33. [ 2013.01.05 03:46:46 ] islador > In the past EVE Vegas has drawn only a couple hundred attendees, are you hoping to cash in on this to create a more casual event where the attendees can interact more with the devs or are you hoping to see a larger attendence then in the past years?
  34. [ 2013.01.05 03:47:58 ] Zapawork > I want to the event to grow, we have a couple o things in the works that we hope can bring last years number of over 200 to over 300 but its too early to reaveal those things yet as they have yet to finalized.
  35. [ 2013.01.05 03:48:48 ] Zapawork > I think Eve Vegas can only reach its real potential when it continues to grow allowing more Devs to come to Las Vegas and give more US players an alternative to Fanfest if they can't make it to Iceland.
  36. [ 2013.01.05 03:49:06 ] Zapawork > That and with larger attendance comes more sponsors and the ability to do bigger and more fun things with the attendees.
  37. [ 2013.01.05 03:49:48 ] islador > Oh cool! Now these smaller rooms, that sounds like it's going to require more effort on CCP's part. Are the Devs more or less excited about the new style then in previous years?
  38. [ 2013.01.05 03:51:40 ] Zapawork > Community is excited, we are working through which departments/devs to line up and get commitments from and the Devs who came last year are very excited about another trip to vegas at the very least. The Devs from CCP are different than most companies
  39. [ 2013.01.05 03:51:59 ] Zapawork > they really want to talk to players and find out what they can do to push the game into new areas that will bring more playres to the mix.
  40. [ 2013.01.05 03:52:17 ] islador > That is an awesome thing to hear from someone who has first hand dealings with them!
  41. [ 2013.01.05 03:52:39 ] Zapawork > Not many MMOs have lasted 10 years and none have stayed as fresh or current as Eve has, the last year has really shown that they are listening again.
  42. [ 2013.01.05 03:53:32 ] islador > That it has. Along with this new convention style theres been another change as well right? Something about a different casino at better prices?
  43. [ 2013.01.05 03:55:22 ] Zapawork > Yes, each vegas property seperately solicits our business even those owned by the same company. We are a medium sized group and the Rio very agressively sought out our business. I was unsure if I wanted to switch from the Paris which hosted us the last
  44. [ 2013.01.05 03:56:49 ] Zapawork > two years and was conviently located in the middle of the strip. So at the end of this years convention I laid it out to the attendees the option of moving slightly off the strip to the Rio which is all suites and $99 a night under our contract or stay
  45. [ 2013.01.05 03:57:57 ] Zapawork > at Paris which increased our rate to $129. When I mentioned that Rio was willing to give us many more large suite upgrades, limo rides and Diamond cards to give away the votes came out overwhelming in favor of the Rio.
  46. [ 2013.01.05 03:58:27 ] Zapawork > For me though the decision to go with the Rio became a possibility after I got a tour of their convention space.
  47. [ 2013.01.05 03:58:45 ] islador > Can you tell me a little bit about the space?
  48. [ 2013.01.05 03:59:13 ] Zapawork > The Rio when it was bought by what is now Caesars Entertainment built a massive modern convention complex, the same convention complex that hosts the world series of poker btw.
  49. [ 2013.01.05 04:00:09 ] islador > Oh wow, so it's shiny and new compared to the Paris?
  50. [ 2013.01.05 04:00:26 ] Zapawork > They gave us the right to use their rotunda to have Eve videos playing in their monitors and go check in as you walk into the convention area. They also gave us a fantastic ballroom called 'Brasilia' that has a built in stage area with great sound and
  51. [ 2013.01.05 04:00:28 ] Zapawork > lighting.
  52. [ 2013.01.05 04:00:50 ] Zapawork > Oh yeah, compared to the Paris space I was blown away. I had many hesitations about what the Rio would be like from the outside, but once I walked in I couldn't believe it.
  53. [ 2013.01.05 04:01:21 ] islador > That sounds like quite a step up! The price is also going to be quite nice for many of the convention goers
  54. [ 2013.01.05 04:02:33 ] Zapawork > You know its funny, when we did the room blocks last year for the Paris/Ballys split we expected alot of players to book the cheaper Ballys rooms. We were wrong.
  55. [ 2013.01.05 04:02:54 ] Zapawork > The Paris rooms not only sold out first I had to extend the paris room blocks twice to make more room for attendees who wanted to spend a little more to have a nicer room.
  56. [ 2013.01.05 04:03:16 ] Zapawork > So what I've learned is that Eve players when they come to vegas are willing to spend a little more to get the most they can out of it.
  57. [ 2013.01.05 04:03:45 ] Zapawork > The Rio though is an all suite hotel and part of our agreement is that we are only getting the renovated rooms, so they are really nice. I'll be getting pictures to post later to show everyone.
  58. [ 2013.01.05 04:04:04 ] Zapawork > In addition we still got them to throw in free internet and night club passes.
  59. [ 2013.01.05 04:04:31 ] islador > That sounds awesome. Have you had a chance to do any work on the content for the convetion yet? If so is there anything that excites you about what the devs may bring to the table?
  60. [ 2013.01.05 04:05:50 ] Zapawork > Dev wise Im still in talks with Community about how many Devs they can commit, CCP was very impressed about how organized Eve Vegas was and the level of event we brought last year so they are working to support us this yar more than ever
  61. [ 2013.01.05 04:06:08 ] Zapawork > As soon as I work out which devs are coming I'll start making announcements though.
  62. [ 2013.01.05 04:06:54 ] Zapawork > In addition to dev speakers we will again be looking for player speakers, if CCP can budget to fly their devs over this year we may even pay for player speakers to come out. Our goal is to get those players who make the biggest
  63. [ 2013.01.05 04:07:09 ] Zapawork > impact in the game be there to talk to other players about what it takes to be successful in Eve.
  64. [ 2013.01.05 04:08:21 ] Zapawork > Beyond that we have some great ideas in the works involving a modified pub crawl, an alternative to the pub crawl, a bigger and better reception/party and we are looking for more ways to make our event irresitible to players.
  65. [ 2013.01.05 04:09:54 ] islador > That is awesome, It's nice to see the event is really evolving. Historically EVE Vegas has been an excellent podium for players to speak about topics close to them. I'm glad to hear that tradition may be getting a boost!
  66. [ 2013.01.05 04:10:11 ] islador > Is there a form or other method for players to go about submitting presentation ideas?
  67. [ 2013.01.05 04:11:14 ] Zapawork > Yes, we are watching a couple places. There is the Eve Online Forums where we have a thread open in the Out of Game events forum. We also have a facebook page where we talk to players and of course twitter.
  68. [ 2013.01.05 04:11:24 ] Zapawork > Lastly they can always email us at
  69. [ 2013.01.05 04:13:04 ] islador > What sort of presentation expectations should volunteering speakers be ready to meet?
  70. [ 2013.01.05 04:14:12 ] Zapawork > We are looking for interesting topics that aren't already covered in the player guides, that they have personal experience succeedng in that appeal to one of our player niches.
  71. [ 2013.01.05 04:14:45 ] islador > Can you provide an example of those niches?
  72. [ 2013.01.05 04:15:06 ] Zapawork > In the end all submissions will be judged by my review committee as we fill the spots, I haven't decided how many spots there will be this year I think 16 total speaker was a little much last year.
  73. [ 2013.01.05 04:16:12 ] Zapawork > Sure Industry, Worm Hole living, Alliance running, Corporation success, Low sec pirating, null sec success outside of renting and coaltion joining, faction warfare
  74. [ 2013.01.05 04:16:46 ] Zapawork > Anything that players are doing and looking for a successful player lead them to the next level of their Eve experience
  75. [ 2013.01.05 04:17:42 ] islador > Wow, that sounds like it could make a very exciting convention
  76. [ 2013.01.05 04:18:41 ] Zapawork > Thats the plan, the first year we ran it we had to ask people to speak. The second year we had more people offering to speak than we had slots. This year with the possibility of a free room, plane ride and ticket I'm hoping we can get the
  77. [ 2013.01.05 04:18:55 ] Zapawork > best of the best to come and give other players their reason they need to attend.
  78. [ 2013.01.05 04:19:29 ] islador > Wow! Is there a submission deadline prospective speakers should be aware of?
  79. [ 2013.01.05 04:20:16 ] Zapawork > We haven't announced the call for speakers yet, but we will after Fan fest.
  80. [ 2013.01.05 04:21:11 ] islador > Awesome, well I believe I have run out of pertinent questions. Do you have any thing you'd like to mention?
  81. [ 2013.01.05 04:22:08 ] Zapawork > Get involved on the forums, facebook or twitter and make sure we know what you want. We don't make money running EveVegas (we've lost money each year), for us its about making an event for players that they want to go to.
  82. [ 2013.01.05 04:22:22 ] Zapawork > Help us make it all it can be, give us your ideas and tell your corp mates.
  83. [ 2013.01.05 04:25:11 ] islador > And end interview!
  84. [ 2013.01.05 04:25:41 ] islador > Delightful! Thanks m8. I'll try to get this pushed out for sunday, though we may get lucky and get it done for saturday
  85. [ 2013.01.05 04:25:41 ] Zapawork > cool
  86. [ 2013.01.05 04:25:52 ] islador > Sounds really awesome btw! I can't wait to be there, even if i don't make the presenters cut
  87. [ 2013.01.05 04:26:22 ] Zapawork > See ya man, thanks for the exposure
  88. [ 2013.01.05 04:26:37 ] islador > No problem! I love to see vegas
  89. [ 2013.01.05 04:26:44 ] Zapawork > same here :)
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