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a guest
Aug 18th, 2018
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text 5.06 MB | None | 0 0
  1. {
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  8. "source": "import pandas as pd\nfrom pandas import Series\nimport numpy\nfrom nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer\nimport re\nimport nltk\nfrom nltk import WordPunctTokenizer\nfrom collections import OrderedDict\nfrom fuzzywuzzy import process \nfrom difflib import SequenceMatcher\nfrom fuzzywuzzy import fuzz\nimport csv\nimport xlrd\nimport openpyxl \nfrom openpyxl import Workbook",
  9. "execution_count": 2,
  10. "outputs": []
  11. },
  12. {
  13. "metadata": {},
  14. "cell_type": "markdown",
  15. "source": "#### Parse FDIC text file into list of party names and matter references"
  16. },
  17. {
  18. "metadata": {
  19. "trusted": true
  20. },
  21. "cell_type": "code",
  22. "source": "with open('HKT.txt', 'r') as myfile:\n FDIC_raw =\nFDIC_list = re.split('Retention', FDIC_raw)\n\nwpt = nltk.WordPunctTokenizer()\nstop_words = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')\nstop_words.append('FORECLOSURE')\nstop_words.append('JUDICIAL')\nstop_words.append('Institution Name')\nstop_words.append('FIN')\nstop_words.append('Matter Name')\nstop_words.append('System')\nstop_words.append('Matter Nbr')\nstop_words.append('Date Closed')\nstop_words.append('Matter Type')\nstop_words.append('LAW')\nstop_words.append('RETENTION')\nstop_words.append('PERIOD')\nstop_words.append('LAW')\nstop_words.append('Name')\nstop_words.append('HAS')\nstop_words.append('ENDED')\nstop_words.append('Matter')\nstop_words.append('Institution')\nstop_words.append('Date')\nstop_words.append('Closed')\nstop_words.append('LEGH')\nstop_words.append('Last')\nstop_words.append('Updated')\nstop_words.append('Nbr')\nstop_words.append('AIC')\nstop_words.append('Type')\n\ndef normalize_document(doc):\n doc = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z\\s]', '', doc, re.I|re.A)\n doc = doc.strip()\n tokens = wpt.tokenize(doc)\n filtered_tokens = [token for token in tokens if token not in stop_words]\n doc = ' '.join(filtered_tokens).lower()\n return doc\n\ncleaned_list = []\nfor item in FDIC_list:\n clean_item = normalize_document(item)\n cleaned_list.append(clean_item)",
  23. "execution_count": 3,
  24. "outputs": []
  25. },
  26. {
  27. "metadata": {},
  28. "cell_type": "markdown",
  29. "source": "#### Write each line of text to a row in csv file"
  30. },
  31. {
  32. "metadata": {
  33. "trusted": true
  34. },
  35. "cell_type": "code",
  36. "source": "wb = Workbook()\nws =\ncolumn_cell_A = 'A'\nws[column_cell_A+'1'] = 'text'\ni = 2\nfor item in cleaned_list:\n ws[column_cell_A+str(i)] = str(item)\n i = i+1\\"output_FDIC.xlsx\")\nx = xlrd.open_workbook('output_FDIC.xlsx')\nx1 = x.sheet_by_name('Sheet')\ncsvfile = open('FD_List.csv', 'w+')\nwritecsv = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)\nnum = x1.nrows\nfor rownum in range(x1.nrows): \n writecsv.writerow(x1.row_values(rownum))\ncsvfile.close() ",
  37. "execution_count": 4,
  38. "outputs": []
  39. },
  40. {
  41. "metadata": {},
  42. "cell_type": "markdown",
  43. "source": "#### Load H&K storage log CSV as DataFrame"
  44. },
  45. {
  46. "metadata": {
  47. "trusted": true
  48. },
  49. "cell_type": "code",
  50. "source": "df_hk = pd.read_csv('./HK.csv')\ndf_hk = pd.DataFrame(df_hk).apply(lambda x: x.astype(str).str.lower())\ndf_hk['Desc'] = df_hk.apply(lambda x :','.join(x.astype(str)),axis=1)\ndf_hk.head(5000)",
  51. "execution_count": 17,
  52. "outputs": [
  53. {
  54. "output_type": "display_data",
  55. "data": {
  56. "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
  57. "version_major": 2,
  58. "version_minor": 0,
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  62. "metadata": {}
  63. }
  64. ]
  65. },
  66. {
  67. "metadata": {},
  68. "cell_type": "markdown",
  69. "source": "#### Load FDIC data into DataFrame"
  70. },
  71. {
  72. "metadata": {
  73. "scrolled": true,
  74. "trusted": true
  75. },
  76. "cell_type": "code",
  77. "source": "df_FDIC = pd.read_csv(\"./FD_List.csv\")\ndf_FDIC.head(890)",
  78. "execution_count": 6,
  79. "outputs": [
  80. {
  81. "output_type": "display_data",
  82. "data": {
  83. "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
  84. "version_major": 2,
  85. "version_minor": 0,
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  89. "metadata": {}
  90. }
  91. ]
  92. },
  93. {
  94. "metadata": {},
  95. "cell_type": "markdown",
  96. "source": "#### Use FuzzyWuzzy to find best matches for FDIC query terms"
  97. },
  98. {
  99. "metadata": {
  100. "trusted": true
  101. },
  102. "cell_type": "code",
  103. "source": "choices = df_hk[\"Desc\"]\nquery = df_FDIC[\"text\"]\nwb = Workbook()\nws =\ncolumn_cell_A = 'A'\ncolumn_cell_B = 'B'\ncolumn_cell_C = 'C'\nws[column_cell_A+'1'] = 'Query'\nws[column_cell_B+'1'] = 'Results'\nws[column_cell_C+'1'] = 'H&K Box Num'\ni = 2\nfor q in query:\n match = process.extractOne(q,choices=choices,scorer=fuzz.token_sort_ratio, score_cutoff=58)\n if match != None:\n index = match[2]\n box_num = df_hk['HKBoxNum'][index]\n found = match[0]\n print('*******************************')\n print('Looking for:' + '' + q)\n print('*******************************')\n print('Found:' + '' + found)\n print('*******************************')\n print('Box Number' + ' ' + box_num)\n ws[column_cell_A+str(i)] = q\n ws[column_cell_B+str(i)] = match[0]\n ws[column_cell_C+str(i)] = box_num\n i = i+1\\"final.xlsx\")\n ",
  104. "execution_count": 18,
  105. "outputs": [
  106. {
  107. "output_type": "stream",
  108. "text": "*******************************\nLooking for:c e associates ltd cms a s ch secured\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conserv. ambass.,c & e associates ltd.,9056,9056\n*******************************\nBox Number 9056\n*******************************\nLooking for:green ruel b cms a i real estate asset matter\n*******************************\nFound:birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,active file,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:livingston steven and kimberly rlis e lk\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser american pioneer,steven & kimberly livingston,tcf0008361,av9509\n*******************************\nBox Number av9509\n*******************************\nLooking for:american pioneer savings bank swann rlis c lk richard\n*******************************\nFound:watertown savings bank,fdic purchase -first american bank loans,nan,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:livingston steven and kimberley cms a as ch asset secured\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser american pioneer,steven & kimberly livingston,tcf0008361,av9509\n*******************************\nBox Number av9509\n*******************************\nLooking for:american pioneer savings bank mcauliffe terence rlis c lk r cms\n*******************************\nFound:watertown savings bank,fdic purchase -first american bank loans,nan,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:livingston steven and rlis c ba chapter kimberley cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser american pioneer,steven & kimberly livingston,tcf0008361,av9509\n*******************************\nBox Number av9509\n*******************************\nLooking for:american pioneer savings bank roche rlis c ba chapter stephen cms\n*******************************\nFound:watertown savings bank,fdic purchase -first american bank loans,nan,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:american pioneer savings bank mincey cms a i real john estate not classified for dol\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. john mincey,tcf0007576,as4797\n*******************************\nBox Number as4797\n*******************************\nLooking for:orlando village associated ltd cms a i real estate asset matter\n*******************************\nFound:birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,active file,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:bell federal savings bank industrial air rlis c lk park cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc/bell federal,industrial air park,8783,8783\n*******************************\nBox Number 8783\n*******************************\nLooking for:sonoma lake estates rlis c lk homeowners assoc cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8909,8909\n*******************************\nBox Number 8909\n*******************************\nLooking for:bell federal savings bank mahsti inc et rlis c lk al cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-bell federal savings,assign. of mahsti, inc.,8802,8802\n*******************************\nBox Number 8802\n*******************************\nLooking for:bell federal savings bank mccoysanctuary et rlis t lk al cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-bell federal savings,leonard z. eppel,8914,8914\n*******************************\nBox Number 8914\n*******************************\nLooking for:st andrews country club cms c n sale of assets\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser. broadview,st. andrews country club,8379,8379\n*******************************\nBox Number 8379\n*******************************\nLooking for:broadview savings bank walker rebecca rlis c lo tax action\n*******************************\nFound:rtc- broadview,adv. rebecca walker,9118,9118\n*******************************\nBox Number 9118\n*******************************\nLooking for:broadview savings bank naples property sale cms a n sale of of assets\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-broadview fsb,sale of naples property,8296,8296\n*******************************\nBox Number 8296\n*******************************\nLooking for:woodbridge plaza cms a n sale of assets\n*******************************\nFound:rtc/centrust,sale/woodbridge plaza,8217,8217\n*******************************\nBox Number 8217\n*******************************\nLooking for:commonwealth federal sl assoc pizza maker inc vs cms a d suit against commonwealth association sl\n*******************************\nFound:f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,title ins. - commonwealth vs.,tcf0010244,bg0920\n*******************************\nBox Number bg0920\n*******************************\nLooking for:commonwealth federal sl assoc shore line group ltd i cms a i real estate not classified for dol\n*******************************\nFound:f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,advice re shore line group,,tcf0009392,bd6345\n*******************************\nBox Number bd6345\n*******************************\nLooking for:commonwealth federal sl assoc kissimmee osceola plaza ltd leo mark et al cms a i real estate not classified for dol\n*******************************\nFound:f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,kissimmee-osceola plaza, ltd &,tcf0010244,bg0920\n*******************************\nBox Number bg0920\n*******************************\nLooking for:united developers enrique rlis c lk garcia cms\n*******************************\nFound:commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers,garcia,85598,8905\n*******************************\nBox Number 8905\n*******************************\nLooking for:commonwealth federal sl assoc kaddis albert jeans cms a as ch asset secured\n*******************************\nFound:f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,in re albert & jean kaddis,tcf0007285,aq1197\n*******************************\nBox Number aq1197\n*******************************\nLooking for:mark leo commonwealth v cms a d contract action\n*******************************\nFound:fdic commonwealth,lease/martial arts ctr.,7959,7959\n*******************************\nBox Number 7959\n*******************************\nLooking for:knox mini rlis c lk storage cms\n*******************************\nFound:fdic,knox mini storage,9812,9812\n*******************************\nBox Number 9812\n*******************************\nLooking for:commonwealth federal sl assoc wp cms a i real properties estate not classified for dol\n*******************************\nFound:rtc/commonwealth federal,associated properties,8771,8771\n*******************************\nBox Number 8771\n*******************************\nLooking for:beach bluff apartments rlis t bc chapter ltd cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc beach bluff apartments,nan,dsj005332,32-049\n*******************************\nBox Number 32-049\n*******************************\nLooking for:intl medical centers cms c i real estate asset matter\n*******************************\nFound:birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,active file,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:franklin development group inc samda rlis c lk\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-rec freedom s&l,franklin development group,,tcf0010125,bg0589\n*******************************\nBox Number bg0589\n*******************************\nLooking for:freedom s la seminole electric supply company cms a i real estate asset matter\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole electric supply,225349191,225349191\n*******************************\nBox Number 225349191\n*******************************\nLooking for:hollywood fsb recording conveyance documents hollywood federal rlis cms c nz nonlitigation other\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-hollywood federal,record./conveyance/docum,8910,8910\n*******************************\nBox Number 8910\n*******************************\nLooking for:sabal lakes development rlis c lk inc cms homefed bank fa\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-rec home fed savings bk,sabal lakes development, inc.,tcf0011017,bl1589\n*******************************\nBox Number bl1589\n*******************************\nLooking for:malibu savings bank\n*******************************\nFound:eliot savings bank,fdic,nan,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n",
  109. "name": "stdout"
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  111. {
  112. "output_type": "stream",
  113. "text": "*******************************\nLooking for:miami savings bank\n*******************************\nFound:eliot savings bank,fdic,nan,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:park bank silvernail mirror and glass inc cms c s chapter secured\n*******************************\nFound:f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. silvernail mirror & glass,,tcf0007068,aq0555\n*******************************\nBox Number aq0555\n*******************************\nLooking for:meares james dorothy cms c i real estate asset matter\n*******************************\nFound:birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,active file,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:park bank hartney neil cms c i real nancy estate asset matter\n*******************************\nFound:f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. hartney, neil & nancy,tcf0007657,au1248\n*******************************\nBox Number au1248\n*******************************\nLooking for:pima s la general matters holl cms a n researchopinion\n*******************************\nFound:legal department,pr - loss prevention - general matters,768010718,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n*******************************\nLooking for:litigation advice rlis c lz litigation other general cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,tcf0008896,ay6005\n*******************************\nBox Number ay6005\n*******************************\nLooking for:professional savings bank lipp jules professional rlis t lk office cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc/professional savings,v. jules lipp,489337530,85707\n*******************************\nBox Number 85707\n*******************************\nLooking for:first florida equities rlis c lz litigation other ltd cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc vs. first florida equities, ltd.,none,489520026,50146\n*******************************\nBox Number 50146\n*******************************\nLooking for:rtc resolution trust corporation commercial auctions general rlis c nz nonlitigation other\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - jetport commerce,tcf0006895,ap9362\n*******************************\nBox Number ap9362\n*******************************\nLooking for:security federal s l assoc bragg henry a and roxanne m cms c i real estate not classified for dol\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-rec security federal s&l,vs. henry a. bragg, iii, et al,tcf0007575,as4796\n*******************************\nBox Number as4796\n*******************************\nLooking for:diedrich darby l rlis c lk kathryn cms\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser security homestead,darby l. & kathryn diedrich,625587419,23372\n*******************************\nBox Number 23372\n*******************************\nLooking for:security s la harder hall properties sale cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation\n*******************************\nFound:rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0008365,av9513\n*******************************\nBox Number av9513\n*******************************\nLooking for:sunbelt savings pinebrook lake club ltd cms a d mixed collateraldefensive\n*******************************\nFound:sunbelt savings, fsb,pine brook lake club, ltd.,tcf0008831,ay2060\n*******************************\nBox Number ay2060\n*******************************\nLooking for:beacon utility corp colony land title corp cms c i real estate asset matter\n*******************************\nFound:birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,active file,nan\n*******************************\nBox Number nan\n",
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  377. "bj6447",
  378. "jhs",
  379. "nan",
  380. "nan",
  381. "seq: 0064",
  382. "tampa",
  383. "201792",
  384. "nan",
  385. "nan",
  386. "nan",
  387. "nan",
  388. "nan",
  389. "nan",
  390. "nan",
  391. "nan",
  392. "nan",
  393. "nan",
  394. "nan",
  395. "nan",
  396. "nan",
  397. "nan",
  398. "nan",
  399. "nan",
  400. "nan",
  401. "nan",
  402. "nan",
  403. "nan",
  404. "nan",
  405. "nan",
  406. "nan"
  407. ],
  408. [
  409. "nan",
  410. "nan",
  411. "rtc procedure manuel",
  412. "nan",
  413. "tcf0018090",
  414. "nan",
  415. "nan",
  416. "06/20/2001",
  417. "bp1778",
  418. "rde",
  419. "nan",
  420. "nan",
  421. "seq: 0004",
  422. "tampa",
  423. "205686",
  424. "nan",
  425. "nan",
  426. "nan",
  427. "nan",
  428. "nan",
  429. "nan",
  430. "nan",
  431. "nan",
  432. "nan",
  433. "nan",
  434. "nan",
  435. "nan",
  436. "nan",
  437. "nan",
  438. "nan",
  439. "nan",
  440. "nan",
  441. "nan",
  442. "nan",
  443. "nan",
  444. "nan",
  445. "nan",
  446. "nan"
  447. ],
  448. [
  449. "nan",
  450. "nan",
  451. "rtc procedure manuel",
  452. "nan",
  453. "tcf0018091",
  454. "nan",
  455. "nan",
  456. "06/20/2001",
  457. "bp1779",
  458. "rde",
  459. "nan",
  460. "nan",
  461. "seq: 0004",
  462. "tampa",
  463. "205687",
  464. "nan",
  465. "nan",
  466. "nan",
  467. "nan",
  468. "nan",
  469. "nan",
  470. "nan",
  471. "nan",
  472. "nan",
  473. "nan",
  474. "nan",
  475. "nan",
  476. "nan",
  477. "nan",
  478. "nan",
  479. "nan",
  480. "nan",
  481. "nan",
  482. "nan",
  483. "nan",
  484. "nan",
  485. "nan",
  486. "nan"
  487. ],
  488. [
  489. "nan",
  490. "1743",
  491. "bingham richard",
  492. "fdic- mort frclsr",
  493. "tcf0018600",
  494. "nan",
  495. "nan",
  496. "6/20/2001",
  497. "aj5201",
  498. "kjp",
  499. "nan",
  500. "nan",
  501. "seq: 0034",
  502. "tampa",
  503. "244662",
  504. "nan",
  505. "nan",
  506. "nan",
  507. "nan",
  508. "nan",
  509. "nan",
  510. "nan",
  511. "nan",
  512. "nan",
  513. "nan",
  514. "nan",
  515. "nan",
  516. "nan",
  517. "nan",
  518. "nan",
  519. "nan",
  520. "nan",
  521. "nan",
  522. "nan",
  523. "nan",
  524. "nan",
  525. "nan",
  526. "nan"
  527. ],
  528. [
  529. "nan",
  530. "11-47",
  531. "brandon state bank",
  532. "remote facility 1974-fdic",
  533. "tcf0018844",
  534. "nan",
  535. "nan",
  536. "6/20/2001",
  537. "aj5449",
  538. "nan",
  539. "nan",
  540. "nan",
  541. "seq: 0106",
  542. "tampa",
  543. "247310",
  544. "nan",
  545. "nan",
  546. "nan",
  547. "nan",
  548. "nan",
  549. "nan",
  550. "nan",
  551. "nan",
  552. "nan",
  553. "nan",
  554. "nan",
  555. "nan",
  556. "nan",
  557. "nan",
  558. "nan",
  559. "nan",
  560. "nan",
  561. "nan",
  562. "nan",
  563. "nan",
  564. "nan",
  565. "nan",
  566. "nan"
  567. ],
  568. [
  569. "nan",
  570. "nan",
  571. "fdic disallowances",
  572. "nan",
  573. "tcf0019032",
  574. "nan",
  575. "nan",
  576. "6/20/2001",
  577. "bp8075",
  578. "wmc",
  579. "nan",
  580. "nan",
  581. "seq: 0004",
  582. "tampa",
  583. "248111",
  584. "nan",
  585. "nan",
  586. "nan",
  587. "nan",
  588. "nan",
  589. "nan",
  590. "nan",
  591. "nan",
  592. "nan",
  593. "nan",
  594. "nan",
  595. "nan",
  596. "nan",
  597. "nan",
  598. "nan",
  599. "nan",
  600. "nan",
  601. "nan",
  602. "nan",
  603. "nan",
  604. "nan",
  605. "nan",
  606. "nan"
  607. ],
  608. [
  609. "nan",
  610. "nan",
  611. "rtc franklin savings",
  612. "commonwealth",
  613. "tcf0019033",
  614. "nan",
  615. "nan",
  616. "6/20/2001",
  617. "bp8105",
  618. "wmc",
  619. "nan",
  620. "nan",
  621. "seq: 0004",
  622. "tampa",
  623. "248112",
  624. "nan",
  625. "nan",
  626. "nan",
  627. "nan",
  628. "nan",
  629. "nan",
  630. "nan",
  631. "nan",
  632. "nan",
  633. "nan",
  634. "nan",
  635. "nan",
  636. "nan",
  637. "nan",
  638. "nan",
  639. "nan",
  640. "nan",
  641. "nan",
  642. "nan",
  643. "nan",
  644. "nan",
  645. "nan",
  646. "nan"
  647. ],
  648. [
  649. "nan",
  650. "nan",
  651. "rtc seminars",
  652. "nan",
  653. "tcf0019034",
  654. "nan",
  655. "nan",
  656. "6/20/2001",
  657. "bp8111",
  658. "wmc",
  659. "nan",
  660. "nan",
  661. "seq: 0004",
  662. "tampa",
  663. "248113",
  664. "nan",
  665. "nan",
  666. "nan",
  667. "nan",
  668. "nan",
  669. "nan",
  670. "nan",
  671. "nan",
  672. "nan",
  673. "nan",
  674. "nan",
  675. "nan",
  676. "nan",
  677. "nan",
  678. "nan",
  679. "nan",
  680. "nan",
  681. "nan",
  682. "nan",
  683. "nan",
  684. "nan",
  685. "nan",
  686. "nan"
  687. ],
  688. [
  689. "nan",
  690. "nan",
  691. "rtc misc. files",
  692. "nan",
  693. "tcf0019035",
  694. "nan",
  695. "nan",
  696. "6/20/2001",
  697. "bp8112",
  698. "wmc",
  699. "nan",
  700. "nan",
  701. "seq: 0004",
  702. "tampa",
  703. "248114",
  704. "nan",
  705. "nan",
  706. "nan",
  707. "nan",
  708. "nan",
  709. "nan",
  710. "nan",
  711. "nan",
  712. "nan",
  713. "nan",
  714. "nan",
  715. "nan",
  716. "nan",
  717. "nan",
  718. "nan",
  719. "nan",
  720. "nan",
  721. "nan",
  722. "nan",
  723. "nan",
  724. "nan",
  725. "nan",
  726. "nan"
  727. ],
  728. [
  729. "nan",
  730. "nan",
  731. "rtc centrust comm. bank",
  732. "nan",
  733. "tcf0019036",
  734. "nan",
  735. "nan",
  736. "6/20/2001",
  737. "bp8113",
  738. "wmc",
  739. "nan",
  740. "nan",
  741. "seq: 0004",
  742. "tampa",
  743. "248115",
  744. "nan",
  745. "nan",
  746. "nan",
  747. "nan",
  748. "nan",
  749. "nan",
  750. "nan",
  751. "nan",
  752. "nan",
  753. "nan",
  754. "nan",
  755. "nan",
  756. "nan",
  757. "nan",
  758. "nan",
  759. "nan",
  760. "nan",
  761. "nan",
  762. "nan",
  763. "nan",
  764. "nan",
  765. "nan",
  766. "nan"
  767. ],
  768. [
  769. "nan",
  770. "nan",
  771. "rtc freedom fed. yorkstown",
  772. "nan",
  773. "tcf0019037",
  774. "nan",
  775. "nan",
  776. "6/20/2001",
  777. "bp8114",
  778. "wmc",
  779. "nan",
  780. "nan",
  781. "seq: 0004",
  782. "tampa",
  783. "248116",
  784. "nan",
  785. "nan",
  786. "nan",
  787. "nan",
  788. "nan",
  789. "nan",
  790. "nan",
  791. "nan",
  792. "nan",
  793. "nan",
  794. "nan",
  795. "nan",
  796. "nan",
  797. "nan",
  798. "nan",
  799. "nan",
  800. "nan",
  801. "nan",
  802. "nan",
  803. "nan",
  804. "nan",
  805. "nan",
  806. "nan"
  807. ],
  808. [
  809. "nan",
  810. "nan",
  811. "rtc altus fed. buena vista",
  812. "nan",
  813. "tcf0019038",
  814. "nan",
  815. "nan",
  816. "6/20/2001",
  817. "bp8115",
  818. "wmc",
  819. "nan",
  820. "nan",
  821. "seq: 0004",
  822. "tampa",
  823. "248117",
  824. "nan",
  825. "nan",
  826. "nan",
  827. "nan",
  828. "nan",
  829. "nan",
  830. "nan",
  831. "nan",
  832. "nan",
  833. "nan",
  834. "nan",
  835. "nan",
  836. "nan",
  837. "nan",
  838. "nan",
  839. "nan",
  840. "nan",
  841. "nan",
  842. "nan",
  843. "nan",
  844. "nan",
  845. "nan",
  846. "nan"
  847. ],
  848. [
  849. "nan",
  850. "nan",
  851. "rtc gen. & misc.",
  852. "nan",
  853. "tcf0019039",
  854. "nan",
  855. "nan",
  856. "6/20/2001",
  857. "bp8116",
  858. "wmc",
  859. "nan",
  860. "nan",
  861. "seq: 0004",
  862. "tampa",
  863. "248118",
  864. "nan",
  865. "nan",
  866. "nan",
  867. "nan",
  868. "nan",
  869. "nan",
  870. "nan",
  871. "nan",
  872. "nan",
  873. "nan",
  874. "nan",
  875. "nan",
  876. "nan",
  877. "nan",
  878. "nan",
  879. "nan",
  880. "nan",
  881. "nan",
  882. "nan",
  883. "nan",
  884. "nan",
  885. "nan",
  886. "nan"
  887. ],
  888. [
  889. "nan",
  890. "nan",
  891. "rtc conflict waivers",
  892. "nan",
  893. "tcf0019040",
  894. "nan",
  895. "nan",
  896. "6/20/2001",
  897. "bp8117",
  898. "wmc",
  899. "nan",
  900. "nan",
  901. "seq: 0004",
  902. "tampa",
  903. "248119",
  904. "nan",
  905. "nan",
  906. "nan",
  907. "nan",
  908. "nan",
  909. "nan",
  910. "nan",
  911. "nan",
  912. "nan",
  913. "nan",
  914. "nan",
  915. "nan",
  916. "nan",
  917. "nan",
  918. "nan",
  919. "nan",
  920. "nan",
  921. "nan",
  922. "nan",
  923. "nan",
  924. "nan",
  925. "nan",
  926. "nan"
  927. ],
  928. [
  929. "nan",
  930. "nan",
  931. "fdic",
  932. "ijf pencil file",
  933. "d1715",
  934. "nan",
  935. "6/5/98 - pencil file",
  936. "nan",
  937. "d1715",
  938. "ijf",
  939. "nan",
  940. "nan",
  941. "closed file number: f-701-98 + location: i",
  942. "fort lauderdale",
  943. "331788",
  944. "nan",
  945. "nan",
  946. "nan",
  947. "nan",
  948. "nan",
  949. "nan",
  950. "nan",
  951. "nan",
  952. "nan",
  953. "nan",
  954. "nan",
  955. "nan",
  956. "nan",
  957. "nan",
  958. "nan",
  959. "nan",
  960. "nan",
  961. "nan",
  962. "nan",
  963. "nan",
  964. "nan",
  965. "nan",
  966. "nan"
  967. ],
  968. [
  969. "nan",
  970. "nan",
  971. "jon k. stage",
  972. "misc. pencil files",
  973. "28001189",
  974. "nan",
  975. "florvil;pd;merrill lynch;hsa;rtc;nationsbank;misc;sports authority;tampa airlines;ike carter;mikey markoff;chip coram;mike connally; fl financial assistance",
  976. "nan",
  977. "d363",
  978. "jks",
  979. "nan",
  980. "nan",
  981. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  982. "fort lauderdale",
  983. "333267",
  984. "nan",
  985. "nan",
  986. "nan",
  987. "nan",
  988. "nan",
  989. "nan",
  990. "nan",
  991. "nan",
  992. "nan",
  993. "nan",
  994. "nan",
  995. "nan",
  996. "nan",
  997. "nan",
  998. "nan",
  999. "nan",
  1000. "nan",
  1001. "nan",
  1002. "nan",
  1003. "nan",
  1004. "nan",
  1005. "nan",
  1006. "nan"
  1007. ],
  1008. [
  1009. "nan",
  1010. "nan",
  1011. "fdic",
  1012. "rtc - correspondence",
  1013. "d545",
  1014. "nan",
  1015. "nan",
  1016. "nan",
  1017. "d545",
  1018. "rwt",
  1019. "nan",
  1020. "nan",
  1021. "closed file number: 939-96 + location: i",
  1022. "fort lauderdale",
  1023. "333876",
  1024. "nan",
  1025. "nan",
  1026. "nan",
  1027. "nan",
  1028. "nan",
  1029. "nan",
  1030. "nan",
  1031. "nan",
  1032. "nan",
  1033. "nan",
  1034. "nan",
  1035. "nan",
  1036. "nan",
  1037. "nan",
  1038. "nan",
  1039. "nan",
  1040. "nan",
  1041. "nan",
  1042. "nan",
  1043. "nan",
  1044. "nan",
  1045. "nan",
  1046. "nan"
  1047. ],
  1048. [
  1049. "nan",
  1050. "nan",
  1051. "toberman adv rtc",
  1052. "nan",
  1053. "fws0042381",
  1054. "nan",
  1055. "pleadings case #92-361; dairy queen territorial agreement; correspondence; attorney notes",
  1056. "nan",
  1057. "231",
  1058. "sn",
  1059. "nan",
  1060. "nan",
  1061. "closed file number: 96-634 + location: 2",
  1062. "west palm beach",
  1063. "580988",
  1064. "nan",
  1065. "nan",
  1066. "nan",
  1067. "nan",
  1068. "nan",
  1069. "nan",
  1070. "nan",
  1071. "nan",
  1072. "nan",
  1073. "nan",
  1074. "nan",
  1075. "nan",
  1076. "nan",
  1077. "nan",
  1078. "nan",
  1079. "nan",
  1080. "nan",
  1081. "nan",
  1082. "nan",
  1083. "nan",
  1084. "nan",
  1085. "nan",
  1086. "nan"
  1087. ],
  1088. [
  1089. "nan",
  1090. "nan",
  1091. "nan",
  1092. "nan",
  1093. "233254208",
  1094. "nan",
  1095. "ck/1412bway blyle draftsck/1412casale ltdck/lanebryantck/fashiondevelopmentck/robynmeridithck/knitventureck/veggiesrestaurantck/modernshirtck/jessicamcclintockck/duanereadeck/ sheetsck/brooklynbrid",
  1096. "nan",
  1097. "899",
  1098. "not available",
  1099. "nan",
  1100. "nan",
  1101. "gilbert segall & young",
  1102. "new york city",
  1103. "719727",
  1104. "nan",
  1105. "nan",
  1106. "nan",
  1107. "nan",
  1108. "nan",
  1109. "nan",
  1110. "nan",
  1111. "nan",
  1112. "nan",
  1113. "nan",
  1114. "nan",
  1115. "nan",
  1116. "nan",
  1117. "nan",
  1118. "nan",
  1119. "nan",
  1120. "nan",
  1121. "nan",
  1122. "nan",
  1123. "nan",
  1124. "nan",
  1125. "nan",
  1126. "nan"
  1127. ],
  1128. [
  1129. "nan",
  1130. "nan",
  1131. "nan",
  1132. "nan",
  1133. "233258197",
  1134. "nan",
  1135. "ck- 304 park avenue south� � cavalier� (a) (b) (f)ck- nj rtc",
  1136. "nan",
  1137. "1068",
  1138. "not available",
  1139. "nan",
  1140. "nan",
  1141. "gilbert segall & young",
  1142. "new york city",
  1143. "720082",
  1144. "nan",
  1145. "nan",
  1146. "nan",
  1147. "nan",
  1148. "nan",
  1149. "nan",
  1150. "nan",
  1151. "nan",
  1152. "nan",
  1153. "nan",
  1154. "nan",
  1155. "nan",
  1156. "nan",
  1157. "nan",
  1158. "nan",
  1159. "nan",
  1160. "nan",
  1161. "nan",
  1162. "nan",
  1163. "nan",
  1164. "nan",
  1165. "nan",
  1166. "nan"
  1167. ],
  1168. [
  1169. "nan",
  1170. "nan",
  1171. "nan",
  1172. "nan",
  1173. "233255522",
  1174. "nan",
  1175. "74-01shore road/rtc - entire file",
  1176. "nan",
  1177. "2277",
  1178. "not available",
  1179. "nan",
  1180. "nan",
  1181. "gilbert segall & young",
  1182. "new york city",
  1183. "723851",
  1184. "nan",
  1185. "nan",
  1186. "nan",
  1187. "nan",
  1188. "nan",
  1189. "nan",
  1190. "nan",
  1191. "nan",
  1192. "nan",
  1193. "nan",
  1194. "nan",
  1195. "nan",
  1196. "nan",
  1197. "nan",
  1198. "nan",
  1199. "nan",
  1200. "nan",
  1201. "nan",
  1202. "nan",
  1203. "nan",
  1204. "nan",
  1205. "nan",
  1206. "nan"
  1207. ],
  1208. [
  1209. "nan",
  1210. "nan",
  1211. "nan",
  1212. "nan",
  1213. "489400692",
  1214. "nan",
  1215. "teplica/braziliancourt(a)corresp. - 11/1/98 through 6/26/96(b)bill corresp. - 11/7/95 through 6/30/96-liquorlicense-originaladdendum to psa with rtc-landmarkdesignation-tigerfinancial-rtc bid package-internationalequities-brokerage-qualificationof twt in",
  1216. "nan",
  1217. "2568",
  1218. "not available",
  1219. "nan",
  1220. "nan",
  1221. "gilbert segall & young",
  1222. "new york city",
  1223. "725285",
  1224. "nan",
  1225. "nan",
  1226. "nan",
  1227. "nan",
  1228. "nan",
  1229. "nan",
  1230. "nan",
  1231. "nan",
  1232. "nan",
  1233. "nan",
  1234. "nan",
  1235. "nan",
  1236. "nan",
  1237. "nan",
  1238. "nan",
  1239. "nan",
  1240. "nan",
  1241. "nan",
  1242. "nan",
  1243. "nan",
  1244. "nan",
  1245. "nan",
  1246. "nan"
  1247. ],
  1248. [
  1249. "nan",
  1250. "nan",
  1251. "nan",
  1252. "nan",
  1253. "489400617",
  1254. "nan",
  1255. "klafter/fdic(a)corresp. - 1/1/95 through 7/8/98(b)bill corresp. - 2/28/95 through 11/21/97-liensearch",
  1256. "nan",
  1257. "2577",
  1258. "not available",
  1259. "nan",
  1260. "nan",
  1261. "gilbert segall & young",
  1262. "new york city",
  1263. "725335",
  1264. "nan",
  1265. "nan",
  1266. "nan",
  1267. "nan",
  1268. "nan",
  1269. "nan",
  1270. "nan",
  1271. "nan",
  1272. "nan",
  1273. "nan",
  1274. "nan",
  1275. "nan",
  1276. "nan",
  1277. "nan",
  1278. "nan",
  1279. "nan",
  1280. "nan",
  1281. "nan",
  1282. "nan",
  1283. "nan",
  1284. "nan",
  1285. "nan",
  1286. "nan"
  1287. ],
  1288. [
  1289. "nan",
  1290. "nan",
  1291. "nan",
  1292. "nan",
  1293. "233259280",
  1294. "nan",
  1295. "grunfeld desiderio/mandel v. grunfeld-courtcase reconciliation dtd 1/17/96",
  1296. "nan",
  1297. "2768",
  1298. "not available",
  1299. "nan",
  1300. "nan",
  1301. "gilbert segall & young",
  1302. "new york city",
  1303. "725788",
  1304. "nan",
  1305. "nan",
  1306. "nan",
  1307. "nan",
  1308. "nan",
  1309. "nan",
  1310. "nan",
  1311. "nan",
  1312. "nan",
  1313. "nan",
  1314. "nan",
  1315. "nan",
  1316. "nan",
  1317. "nan",
  1318. "nan",
  1319. "nan",
  1320. "nan",
  1321. "nan",
  1322. "nan",
  1323. "nan",
  1324. "nan",
  1325. "nan",
  1326. "nan"
  1327. ],
  1328. [
  1329. "nan",
  1330. "nan",
  1331. "nan",
  1332. "nan",
  1333. "489400694",
  1334. "nan",
  1335. "thesister funddescriptioninformation�sister say�employeehandbookauditlettersbillingfactsheet1991annual reportconflictissuebylawsduelcharitable activities 1990annual report1988& 1989 annual report",
  1336. "nan",
  1337. "3105",
  1338. "not available",
  1339. "nan",
  1340. "nan",
  1341. "gilbert segall & young",
  1342. "new york city",
  1343. "726936",
  1344. "nan",
  1345. "nan",
  1346. "nan",
  1347. "nan",
  1348. "nan",
  1349. "nan",
  1350. "nan",
  1351. "nan",
  1352. "nan",
  1353. "nan",
  1354. "nan",
  1355. "nan",
  1356. "nan",
  1357. "nan",
  1358. "nan",
  1359. "nan",
  1360. "nan",
  1361. "nan",
  1362. "nan",
  1363. "nan",
  1364. "nan",
  1365. "nan",
  1366. "nan"
  1367. ],
  1368. [
  1369. "nan",
  1370. "nan",
  1371. "nan",
  1372. "nan",
  1373. "489326808",
  1374. "nan",
  1375. "61oliverrefinancing1998titlepapers(f)final agreement(h)title reportclosingdocumentblock line revisions 9-24-9410-12-89 mortgage modifications10-31-94 m/l revisions11-4-94 m/l revisions61eleven / merrill lynch 11/93m/ldroft",
  1376. "nan",
  1377. "3132",
  1378. "not available",
  1379. "nan",
  1380. "nan",
  1381. "gilbert segall & young",
  1382. "new york city",
  1383. "727008",
  1384. "nan",
  1385. "nan",
  1386. "nan",
  1387. "nan",
  1388. "nan",
  1389. "nan",
  1390. "nan",
  1391. "nan",
  1392. "nan",
  1393. "nan",
  1394. "nan",
  1395. "nan",
  1396. "nan",
  1397. "nan",
  1398. "nan",
  1399. "nan",
  1400. "nan",
  1401. "nan",
  1402. "nan",
  1403. "nan",
  1404. "nan",
  1405. "nan",
  1406. "nan"
  1407. ],
  1408. [
  1409. "nan",
  1410. "nan",
  1411. "nan",
  1412. "nan",
  1413. "489326861",
  1414. "nan",
  1415. "drew industries incorporatednols(4 redwelds)1997annual reportlesliebuilding products, inc. 1997 annual reportcorporategovernance materials",
  1416. "nan",
  1417. "3176",
  1418. "not available",
  1419. "nan",
  1420. "nan",
  1421. "gilbert segall & young",
  1422. "new york city",
  1423. "727112",
  1424. "nan",
  1425. "nan",
  1426. "nan",
  1427. "nan",
  1428. "nan",
  1429. "nan",
  1430. "nan",
  1431. "nan",
  1432. "nan",
  1433. "nan",
  1434. "nan",
  1435. "nan",
  1436. "nan",
  1437. "nan",
  1438. "nan",
  1439. "nan",
  1440. "nan",
  1441. "nan",
  1442. "nan",
  1443. "nan",
  1444. "nan",
  1445. "nan",
  1446. "nan"
  1447. ],
  1448. [
  1449. "nan",
  1450. "nan",
  1451. "nan",
  1452. "nan",
  1453. "489408062",
  1454. "nan",
  1455. "rogers& wells/ third party (c)client�s papersoriginalr&w answer & objectionsdepositionnotices served 6-21-96 with proof of serviceryan v. aigrette pleading partyclaim �possible experts�(h)brief of plaintiffs & appellantattorneytime insuran",
  1456. "nan",
  1457. "3207",
  1458. "not available",
  1459. "nan",
  1460. "nan",
  1461. "gilbert segall & young",
  1462. "new york city",
  1463. "727193",
  1464. "nan",
  1465. "nan",
  1466. "nan",
  1467. "nan",
  1468. "nan",
  1469. "nan",
  1470. "nan",
  1471. "nan",
  1472. "nan",
  1473. "nan",
  1474. "nan",
  1475. "nan",
  1476. "nan",
  1477. "nan",
  1478. "nan",
  1479. "nan",
  1480. "nan",
  1481. "nan",
  1482. "nan",
  1483. "nan",
  1484. "nan",
  1485. "nan",
  1486. "nan"
  1487. ],
  1488. [
  1489. "nan",
  1490. "nan",
  1491. "nan",
  1492. "nan",
  1493. "233261026",
  1494. "nan",
  1495. "610livergrantortrust draftssmokedetector affidictsapprosal# 4 (rtc)closingstatementtransfertax (91,92)",
  1496. "nan",
  1497. "3314",
  1498. "not available",
  1499. "nan",
  1500. "nan",
  1501. "gilbert segall & young",
  1502. "new york city",
  1503. "727911",
  1504. "nan",
  1505. "nan",
  1506. "nan",
  1507. "nan",
  1508. "nan",
  1509. "nan",
  1510. "nan",
  1511. "nan",
  1512. "nan",
  1513. "nan",
  1514. "nan",
  1515. "nan",
  1516. "nan",
  1517. "nan",
  1518. "nan",
  1519. "nan",
  1520. "nan",
  1521. "nan",
  1522. "nan",
  1523. "nan",
  1524. "nan",
  1525. "nan",
  1526. "nan"
  1527. ],
  1528. [
  1529. "nan",
  1530. "nan",
  1531. "nan",
  1532. "nan",
  1533. "233261026",
  1534. "nan",
  1535. "61oliver(a)corresp. 2-27-92 thru 9-25-92management9-91 thru 10-25-94rtccurrentnegotiationsstatementagreement � grogan docsprelinnotestitleins.noticedegants 10-30-92",
  1536. "nan",
  1537. "3314",
  1538. "not available",
  1539. "nan",
  1540. "nan",
  1541. "gilbert segall & young",
  1542. "new york city",
  1543. "727912",
  1544. "nan",
  1545. "nan",
  1546. "nan",
  1547. "nan",
  1548. "nan",
  1549. "nan",
  1550. "nan",
  1551. "nan",
  1552. "nan",
  1553. "nan",
  1554. "nan",
  1555. "nan",
  1556. "nan",
  1557. "nan",
  1558. "nan",
  1559. "nan",
  1560. "nan",
  1561. "nan",
  1562. "nan",
  1563. "nan",
  1564. "nan",
  1565. "nan",
  1566. "nan"
  1567. ],
  1568. [
  1569. "nan",
  1570. "nan",
  1571. "nan",
  1572. "nan",
  1573. "233259279",
  1574. "nan",
  1575. "klfter / fdic / general",
  1576. "nan",
  1577. "3391",
  1578. "not available",
  1579. "nan",
  1580. "nan",
  1581. "gilbert segall & young",
  1582. "new york city",
  1583. "728149",
  1584. "nan",
  1585. "nan",
  1586. "nan",
  1587. "nan",
  1588. "nan",
  1589. "nan",
  1590. "nan",
  1591. "nan",
  1592. "nan",
  1593. "nan",
  1594. "nan",
  1595. "nan",
  1596. "nan",
  1597. "nan",
  1598. "nan",
  1599. "nan",
  1600. "nan",
  1601. "nan",
  1602. "nan",
  1603. "nan",
  1604. "nan",
  1605. "nan",
  1606. "nan"
  1607. ],
  1608. [
  1609. "-",
  1610. "-",
  1611. "rtc",
  1612. "general file",
  1613. "8292",
  1614. "nan",
  1615. "-",
  1616. "nan",
  1617. "8292",
  1618. "-",
  1619. "-",
  1620. "nan",
  1621. "closed file number: 1214-92 + location: c",
  1622. "fort lauderdale",
  1623. "323592",
  1624. "nan",
  1625. "nan",
  1626. "nan",
  1627. "nan",
  1628. "nan",
  1629. "nan",
  1630. "nan",
  1631. "nan",
  1632. "nan",
  1633. "nan",
  1634. "nan",
  1635. "nan",
  1636. "nan",
  1637. "nan",
  1638. "nan",
  1639. "nan",
  1640. "nan",
  1641. "nan",
  1642. "nan",
  1643. "nan",
  1644. "nan",
  1645. "nan",
  1646. "nan"
  1647. ],
  1648. [
  1649. "-",
  1650. "-",
  1651. "rtc/first nat'l bank",
  1652. "general file",
  1653. "8345",
  1654. "nan",
  1655. "-",
  1656. "nan",
  1657. "8345",
  1658. "jh",
  1659. "-",
  1660. "nan",
  1661. "closed file number: 1542-92 + location: c",
  1662. "fort lauderdale",
  1663. "323930",
  1664. "nan",
  1665. "nan",
  1666. "nan",
  1667. "nan",
  1668. "nan",
  1669. "nan",
  1670. "nan",
  1671. "nan",
  1672. "nan",
  1673. "nan",
  1674. "nan",
  1675. "nan",
  1676. "nan",
  1677. "nan",
  1678. "nan",
  1679. "nan",
  1680. "nan",
  1681. "nan",
  1682. "nan",
  1683. "nan",
  1684. "nan",
  1685. "nan",
  1686. "nan"
  1687. ],
  1688. [
  1689. "-",
  1690. "-",
  1691. "judd, kenni",
  1692. "pencil file",
  1693. "8436",
  1694. "nan",
  1695. "contains time sheets 1992, expense vouchers, conservatorship reporthollywood saving pencil file, home savings royale, rtc reprens., rtc freedom/kana, urdls rock, broad/bloukos, broadview general filecentrust mtg pencil file, rtc brinkley appeal",
  1696. "nan",
  1697. "8436",
  1698. "-",
  1699. "-",
  1700. "nan",
  1701. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  1702. "fort lauderdale",
  1703. "324193",
  1704. "nan",
  1705. "nan",
  1706. "nan",
  1707. "nan",
  1708. "nan",
  1709. "nan",
  1710. "nan",
  1711. "nan",
  1712. "nan",
  1713. "nan",
  1714. "nan",
  1715. "nan",
  1716. "nan",
  1717. "nan",
  1718. "nan",
  1719. "nan",
  1720. "nan",
  1721. "nan",
  1722. "nan",
  1723. "nan",
  1724. "nan",
  1725. "nan",
  1726. "nan"
  1727. ],
  1728. [
  1729. "-",
  1730. "-",
  1731. "rtc/commmonwealth",
  1732. "fr. conservator to recei",
  1733. "8785",
  1734. "nan",
  1735. "entered november 20, 92.",
  1736. "nan",
  1737. "8785",
  1738. "am",
  1739. "-",
  1740. "nan",
  1741. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  1742. "fort lauderdale",
  1743. "325080",
  1744. "nan",
  1745. "nan",
  1746. "nan",
  1747. "nan",
  1748. "nan",
  1749. "nan",
  1750. "nan",
  1751. "nan",
  1752. "nan",
  1753. "nan",
  1754. "nan",
  1755. "nan",
  1756. "nan",
  1757. "nan",
  1758. "nan",
  1759. "nan",
  1760. "nan",
  1761. "nan",
  1762. "nan",
  1763. "nan",
  1764. "nan",
  1765. "nan",
  1766. "nan"
  1767. ],
  1768. [
  1769. "-",
  1770. "-",
  1771. "miscellaneous files",
  1772. "-",
  1773. "8833",
  1774. "nan",
  1775. "entered january 12, 93.contents: rtc-general file (vol. 1 & 2), fdic-general matters, fdic/commonwealth-billing ( 2 files).",
  1776. "nan",
  1777. "8833",
  1778. "jh",
  1779. "-",
  1780. "nan",
  1781. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  1782. "fort lauderdale",
  1783. "325227",
  1784. "nan",
  1785. "nan",
  1786. "nan",
  1787. "nan",
  1788. "nan",
  1789. "nan",
  1790. "nan",
  1791. "nan",
  1792. "nan",
  1793. "nan",
  1794. "nan",
  1795. "nan",
  1796. "nan",
  1797. "nan",
  1798. "nan",
  1799. "nan",
  1800. "nan",
  1801. "nan",
  1802. "nan",
  1803. "nan",
  1804. "nan",
  1805. "nan",
  1806. "nan"
  1807. ],
  1808. [
  1809. "-",
  1810. "-",
  1811. "kelly hopkins rtc",
  1812. "general info. files",
  1813. "8824",
  1814. "nan",
  1815. "entered january 12, 93.",
  1816. "nan",
  1817. "8824",
  1818. "-",
  1819. "-",
  1820. "nan",
  1821. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  1822. "fort lauderdale",
  1823. "325237",
  1824. "nan",
  1825. "nan",
  1826. "nan",
  1827. "nan",
  1828. "nan",
  1829. "nan",
  1830. "nan",
  1831. "nan",
  1832. "nan",
  1833. "nan",
  1834. "nan",
  1835. "nan",
  1836. "nan",
  1837. "nan",
  1838. "nan",
  1839. "nan",
  1840. "nan",
  1841. "nan",
  1842. "nan",
  1843. "nan",
  1844. "nan",
  1845. "nan",
  1846. "nan"
  1847. ],
  1848. [
  1849. "-",
  1850. "-",
  1851. "rtc purchase/assumption",
  1852. "-",
  1853. "8821",
  1854. "nan",
  1855. "entered january 12, 93.rtc purchase & assumption agreement (forms-no file no.).",
  1856. "nan",
  1857. "8821",
  1858. "am",
  1859. "-",
  1860. "nan",
  1861. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  1862. "fort lauderdale",
  1863. "325240",
  1864. "nan",
  1865. "nan",
  1866. "nan",
  1867. "nan",
  1868. "nan",
  1869. "nan",
  1870. "nan",
  1871. "nan",
  1872. "nan",
  1873. "nan",
  1874. "nan",
  1875. "nan",
  1876. "nan",
  1877. "nan",
  1878. "nan",
  1879. "nan",
  1880. "nan",
  1881. "nan",
  1882. "nan",
  1883. "nan",
  1884. "nan",
  1885. "nan",
  1886. "nan"
  1887. ],
  1888. [
  1889. "-",
  1890. "-",
  1891. "rtc/bell federal",
  1892. "-",
  1893. "8810",
  1894. "nan",
  1895. "entered january 12, 93.contains florida assets file and other rtc bell general and misc.bell files without numbers.",
  1896. "nan",
  1897. "8810",
  1898. "am",
  1899. "-",
  1900. "nan",
  1901. "closed file number: 2509-93 + location: i",
  1902. "fort lauderdale",
  1903. "325246",
  1904. "nan",
  1905. "nan",
  1906. "nan",
  1907. "nan",
  1908. "nan",
  1909. "nan",
  1910. "nan",
  1911. "nan",
  1912. "nan",
  1913. "nan",
  1914. "nan",
  1915. "nan",
  1916. "nan",
  1917. "nan",
  1918. "nan",
  1919. "nan",
  1920. "nan",
  1921. "nan",
  1922. "nan",
  1923. "nan",
  1924. "nan",
  1925. "nan",
  1926. "nan"
  1927. ],
  1928. [
  1929. "-",
  1930. "-",
  1931. "rtc/hollywood federal",
  1932. "general",
  1933. "8874",
  1934. "nan",
  1935. "entered january 25, 93.",
  1936. "nan",
  1937. "8874",
  1938. "jh",
  1939. "-",
  1940. "nan",
  1941. "closed file number: 2535-93 + location: i",
  1942. "fort lauderdale",
  1943. "325304",
  1944. "nan",
  1945. "nan",
  1946. "nan",
  1947. "nan",
  1948. "nan",
  1949. "nan",
  1950. "nan",
  1951. "nan",
  1952. "nan",
  1953. "nan",
  1954. "nan",
  1955. "nan",
  1956. "nan",
  1957. "nan",
  1958. "nan",
  1959. "nan",
  1960. "nan",
  1961. "nan",
  1962. "nan",
  1963. "nan",
  1964. "nan",
  1965. "nan",
  1966. "nan"
  1967. ],
  1968. [
  1969. "-",
  1970. "-",
  1971. "rtc/bell federal",
  1972. "general file",
  1973. "8874",
  1974. "nan",
  1975. "entered january 25, 93.",
  1976. "nan",
  1977. "8874",
  1978. "jh",
  1979. "-",
  1980. "nan",
  1981. "closed file number: 2536-93 + location: i",
  1982. "fort lauderdale",
  1983. "325305",
  1984. "nan",
  1985. "nan",
  1986. "nan",
  1987. "nan",
  1988. "nan",
  1989. "nan",
  1990. "nan",
  1991. "nan",
  1992. "nan",
  1993. "nan",
  1994. "nan",
  1995. "nan",
  1996. "nan",
  1997. "nan",
  1998. "nan",
  1999. "nan",
  2000. "nan",
  2001. "nan",
  2002. "nan",
  2003. "nan",
  2004. "nan",
  2005. "nan",
  2006. "nan"
  2007. ],
  2008. [
  2009. "-",
  2010. "-",
  2011. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  2012. "general",
  2013. "8874",
  2014. "nan",
  2015. "entered january 25, 93.note: rtc in receivership for commonwealth federal s & l.",
  2016. "nan",
  2017. "8874",
  2018. "jh",
  2019. "-",
  2020. "nan",
  2021. "closed file number: 2540-93 + location: i",
  2022. "fort lauderdale",
  2023. "325309",
  2024. "nan",
  2025. "nan",
  2026. "nan",
  2027. "nan",
  2028. "nan",
  2029. "nan",
  2030. "nan",
  2031. "nan",
  2032. "nan",
  2033. "nan",
  2034. "nan",
  2035. "nan",
  2036. "nan",
  2037. "nan",
  2038. "nan",
  2039. "nan",
  2040. "nan",
  2041. "nan",
  2042. "nan",
  2043. "nan",
  2044. "nan",
  2045. "nan",
  2046. "nan"
  2047. ],
  2048. [
  2049. "-",
  2050. "-",
  2051. "rtc (pencil file)",
  2052. "-",
  2053. "9488",
  2054. "nan",
  2055. "entered 10/9/93.",
  2056. "nan",
  2057. "9488",
  2058. "-",
  2059. "-",
  2060. "nan",
  2061. "closed file number: 3352-93 + location: c",
  2062. "fort lauderdale",
  2063. "326226",
  2064. "nan",
  2065. "nan",
  2066. "nan",
  2067. "nan",
  2068. "nan",
  2069. "nan",
  2070. "nan",
  2071. "nan",
  2072. "nan",
  2073. "nan",
  2074. "nan",
  2075. "nan",
  2076. "nan",
  2077. "nan",
  2078. "nan",
  2079. "nan",
  2080. "nan",
  2081. "nan",
  2082. "nan",
  2083. "nan",
  2084. "nan",
  2085. "nan",
  2086. "nan"
  2087. ],
  2088. [
  2089. "-",
  2090. "-",
  2091. "rtc/ bell federal",
  2092. "status reports",
  2093. "9488",
  2094. "nan",
  2095. "entered 10/9/93.",
  2096. "nan",
  2097. "9488",
  2098. "-",
  2099. "-",
  2100. "nan",
  2101. "closed file number: 3351-93 + location: c",
  2102. "fort lauderdale",
  2103. "326227",
  2104. "nan",
  2105. "nan",
  2106. "nan",
  2107. "nan",
  2108. "nan",
  2109. "nan",
  2110. "nan",
  2111. "nan",
  2112. "nan",
  2113. "nan",
  2114. "nan",
  2115. "nan",
  2116. "nan",
  2117. "nan",
  2118. "nan",
  2119. "nan",
  2120. "nan",
  2121. "nan",
  2122. "nan",
  2123. "nan",
  2124. "nan",
  2125. "nan",
  2126. "nan"
  2127. ],
  2128. [
  2129. "-",
  2130. "-",
  2131. "rtc",
  2132. "misc file",
  2133. "9570",
  2134. "nan",
  2135. "-",
  2136. "nan",
  2137. "9570",
  2138. "kt",
  2139. "-",
  2140. "nan",
  2141. "closed file number: 3630-93 + location: i",
  2142. "fort lauderdale",
  2143. "326849",
  2144. "nan",
  2145. "nan",
  2146. "nan",
  2147. "nan",
  2148. "nan",
  2149. "nan",
  2150. "nan",
  2151. "nan",
  2152. "nan",
  2153. "nan",
  2154. "nan",
  2155. "nan",
  2156. "nan",
  2157. "nan",
  2158. "nan",
  2159. "nan",
  2160. "nan",
  2161. "nan",
  2162. "nan",
  2163. "nan",
  2164. "nan",
  2165. "nan",
  2166. "nan"
  2167. ],
  2168. [
  2169. "-",
  2170. "-",
  2171. "rtc annual reports",
  2172. "rtc annual reports",
  2173. "9570",
  2174. "nan",
  2175. "-",
  2176. "nan",
  2177. "9570",
  2178. "jt",
  2179. "-",
  2180. "nan",
  2181. "closed file number: 3632-93 + location: i",
  2182. "fort lauderdale",
  2183. "326851",
  2184. "nan",
  2185. "nan",
  2186. "nan",
  2187. "nan",
  2188. "nan",
  2189. "nan",
  2190. "nan",
  2191. "nan",
  2192. "nan",
  2193. "nan",
  2194. "nan",
  2195. "nan",
  2196. "nan",
  2197. "nan",
  2198. "nan",
  2199. "nan",
  2200. "nan",
  2201. "nan",
  2202. "nan",
  2203. "nan",
  2204. "nan",
  2205. "nan",
  2206. "nan"
  2207. ],
  2208. [
  2209. "-",
  2210. "-",
  2211. "rtc/commonwealth",
  2212. "chapnik",
  2213. "9702",
  2214. "nan",
  2215. "board of directors reports also in box 9703",
  2216. "nan",
  2217. "9702",
  2218. "am",
  2219. "-",
  2220. "nan",
  2221. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  2222. "fort lauderdale",
  2223. "327496",
  2224. "nan",
  2225. "nan",
  2226. "nan",
  2227. "nan",
  2228. "nan",
  2229. "nan",
  2230. "nan",
  2231. "nan",
  2232. "nan",
  2233. "nan",
  2234. "nan",
  2235. "nan",
  2236. "nan",
  2237. "nan",
  2238. "nan",
  2239. "nan",
  2240. "nan",
  2241. "nan",
  2242. "nan",
  2243. "nan",
  2244. "nan",
  2245. "nan",
  2246. "nan"
  2247. ],
  2248. [
  2249. "-",
  2250. "-",
  2251. "rtc/commonwealth",
  2252. "chapnik",
  2253. "9703",
  2254. "nan",
  2255. "board of directors reports also in box 9702",
  2256. "nan",
  2257. "9703",
  2258. "am",
  2259. "-",
  2260. "nan",
  2261. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  2262. "fort lauderdale",
  2263. "327497",
  2264. "nan",
  2265. "nan",
  2266. "nan",
  2267. "nan",
  2268. "nan",
  2269. "nan",
  2270. "nan",
  2271. "nan",
  2272. "nan",
  2273. "nan",
  2274. "nan",
  2275. "nan",
  2276. "nan",
  2277. "nan",
  2278. "nan",
  2279. "nan",
  2280. "nan",
  2281. "nan",
  2282. "nan",
  2283. "nan",
  2284. "nan",
  2285. "nan",
  2286. "nan"
  2287. ],
  2288. [
  2289. "-",
  2290. "-",
  2291. "shorewood financial",
  2292. "dispute w/rtc",
  2293. "9954",
  2294. "nan",
  2295. "entered 11/3/94",
  2296. "nan",
  2297. "9954",
  2298. "rt",
  2299. "-",
  2300. "nan",
  2301. "closed file number: 9778-94 + location: i",
  2302. "fort lauderdale",
  2303. "328625",
  2304. "nan",
  2305. "nan",
  2306. "nan",
  2307. "nan",
  2308. "nan",
  2309. "nan",
  2310. "nan",
  2311. "nan",
  2312. "nan",
  2313. "nan",
  2314. "nan",
  2315. "nan",
  2316. "nan",
  2317. "nan",
  2318. "nan",
  2319. "nan",
  2320. "nan",
  2321. "nan",
  2322. "nan",
  2323. "nan",
  2324. "nan",
  2325. "nan",
  2326. "nan"
  2327. ],
  2328. [
  2329. "-",
  2330. "-",
  2331. "rtc/commonwealth",
  2332. "harmony lakes",
  2333. "10303",
  2334. "nan",
  2335. "entered 7/27/95 - extra copies 1 of 4 boxes",
  2336. "nan",
  2337. "10303",
  2338. "sm",
  2339. "nan",
  2340. "nan",
  2341. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  2342. "fort lauderdale",
  2343. "329745",
  2344. "nan",
  2345. "nan",
  2346. "nan",
  2347. "nan",
  2348. "nan",
  2349. "nan",
  2350. "nan",
  2351. "nan",
  2352. "nan",
  2353. "nan",
  2354. "nan",
  2355. "nan",
  2356. "nan",
  2357. "nan",
  2358. "nan",
  2359. "nan",
  2360. "nan",
  2361. "nan",
  2362. "nan",
  2363. "nan",
  2364. "nan",
  2365. "nan",
  2366. "nan"
  2367. ],
  2368. [
  2369. "-",
  2370. "-",
  2371. "rtc/commonwealth",
  2372. "harmony lakes",
  2373. "10304",
  2374. "nan",
  2375. "entered 7/27/95 - 2 of 4 boxes - extra copies",
  2376. "nan",
  2377. "10304",
  2378. "sm",
  2379. "nan",
  2380. "nan",
  2381. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  2382. "fort lauderdale",
  2383. "329746",
  2384. "nan",
  2385. "nan",
  2386. "nan",
  2387. "nan",
  2388. "nan",
  2389. "nan",
  2390. "nan",
  2391. "nan",
  2392. "nan",
  2393. "nan",
  2394. "nan",
  2395. "nan",
  2396. "nan",
  2397. "nan",
  2398. "nan",
  2399. "nan",
  2400. "nan",
  2401. "nan",
  2402. "nan",
  2403. "nan",
  2404. "nan",
  2405. "nan",
  2406. "nan"
  2407. ],
  2408. [
  2409. "-",
  2410. "-",
  2411. "rtc/commonwealth",
  2412. "harmony lakes",
  2413. "10305",
  2414. "nan",
  2415. "entered 7/27/95 - 3 of 4 boxes - extra copies",
  2416. "nan",
  2417. "10305",
  2418. "sm",
  2419. "nan",
  2420. "nan",
  2421. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  2422. "fort lauderdale",
  2423. "329747",
  2424. "nan",
  2425. "nan",
  2426. "nan",
  2427. "nan",
  2428. "nan",
  2429. "nan",
  2430. "nan",
  2431. "nan",
  2432. "nan",
  2433. "nan",
  2434. "nan",
  2435. "nan",
  2436. "nan",
  2437. "nan",
  2438. "nan",
  2439. "nan",
  2440. "nan",
  2441. "nan",
  2442. "nan",
  2443. "nan",
  2444. "nan",
  2445. "nan",
  2446. "nan"
  2447. ],
  2448. [
  2449. "-",
  2450. "-",
  2451. "rtc/commonwealth",
  2452. "harmony lakes",
  2453. "10306",
  2454. "nan",
  2455. "entered 7/27/95 - 4 of 4 boxes - extra copies",
  2456. "nan",
  2457. "10306",
  2458. "sm",
  2459. "nan",
  2460. "nan",
  2461. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  2462. "fort lauderdale",
  2463. "329748",
  2464. "nan",
  2465. "nan",
  2466. "nan",
  2467. "nan",
  2468. "nan",
  2469. "nan",
  2470. "nan",
  2471. "nan",
  2472. "nan",
  2473. "nan",
  2474. "nan",
  2475. "nan",
  2476. "nan",
  2477. "nan",
  2478. "nan",
  2479. "nan",
  2480. "nan",
  2481. "nan",
  2482. "nan",
  2483. "nan",
  2484. "nan",
  2485. "nan",
  2486. "nan"
  2487. ],
  2488. [
  2489. "0",
  2490. "0",
  2491. "fdic v. chase manhatten",
  2492. "fdic v. chase manhatten",
  2493. "68174781",
  2494. "nan",
  2495. "mediation 4/12/95",
  2496. "nan",
  2497. "4043",
  2498. "rw",
  2499. "nan",
  2500. "nan",
  2501. "closed file number: 98-9178 + location: 2",
  2502. "west palm beach",
  2503. "583850",
  2504. "nan",
  2505. "nan",
  2506. "nan",
  2507. "nan",
  2508. "nan",
  2509. "nan",
  2510. "nan",
  2511. "nan",
  2512. "nan",
  2513. "nan",
  2514. "nan",
  2515. "nan",
  2516. "nan",
  2517. "nan",
  2518. "nan",
  2519. "nan",
  2520. "nan",
  2521. "nan",
  2522. "nan",
  2523. "nan",
  2524. "nan",
  2525. "nan",
  2526. "nan"
  2527. ],
  2528. [
  2529. "0",
  2530. "0",
  2531. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus",
  2532. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus",
  2533. "68174885",
  2534. "nan",
  2535. "nan",
  2536. "nan",
  2537. "5007",
  2538. "msg",
  2539. "nan",
  2540. "nan",
  2541. "closed file number: 98-9452 + location: 2",
  2542. "west palm beach",
  2543. "584124",
  2544. "nan",
  2545. "nan",
  2546. "nan",
  2547. "nan",
  2548. "nan",
  2549. "nan",
  2550. "nan",
  2551. "nan",
  2552. "nan",
  2553. "nan",
  2554. "nan",
  2555. "nan",
  2556. "nan",
  2557. "nan",
  2558. "nan",
  2559. "nan",
  2560. "nan",
  2561. "nan",
  2562. "nan",
  2563. "nan",
  2564. "nan",
  2565. "nan",
  2566. "nan"
  2567. ],
  2568. [
  2569. "0",
  2570. "0",
  2571. "fdic",
  2572. "rtc",
  2573. "89231736",
  2574. "nan",
  2575. "sbn-plead-1-4",
  2576. "10/29/2001",
  2577. "1273",
  2578. "sbn",
  2579. "nan",
  2580. "nan",
  2581. "closed file number: 01-1273 + location: 2 + sent/return: 10/24/2001",
  2582. "west palm beach",
  2583. "586546",
  2584. "nan",
  2585. "nan",
  2586. "nan",
  2587. "nan",
  2588. "nan",
  2589. "nan",
  2590. "nan",
  2591. "nan",
  2592. "nan",
  2593. "nan",
  2594. "nan",
  2595. "nan",
  2596. "nan",
  2597. "nan",
  2598. "nan",
  2599. "nan",
  2600. "nan",
  2601. "nan",
  2602. "nan",
  2603. "nan",
  2604. "nan",
  2605. "nan",
  2606. "nan"
  2607. ],
  2608. [
  2609. "0",
  2610. "0",
  2611. "david metzger",
  2612. "general",
  2613. "489254772",
  2614. "nan",
  2615. "expand brown-fdic audit--------",
  2616. "3/6/2003",
  2617. "789-20161",
  2618. "david metzger",
  2619. "nan",
  2620. "nan",
  2621. "barcode: 100094749 + secretay/other: n/a + records assistant: lennard bruno + file status: out + emp id no: 789-20161 + emp name: prsi 20161 prsi box 20161",
  2622. "tysons",
  2623. "1461135",
  2624. "nan",
  2625. "nan",
  2626. "nan",
  2627. "nan",
  2628. "nan",
  2629. "nan",
  2630. "nan",
  2631. "nan",
  2632. "nan",
  2633. "nan",
  2634. "nan",
  2635. "nan",
  2636. "nan",
  2637. "nan",
  2638. "nan",
  2639. "nan",
  2640. "nan",
  2641. "nan",
  2642. "nan",
  2643. "nan",
  2644. "nan",
  2645. "nan",
  2646. "nan"
  2647. ],
  2648. [
  2649. "0",
  2650. "0",
  2651. "david metzger",
  2652. "general",
  2653. "489254772",
  2654. "nan",
  2655. "expand brown-fdic documents--------",
  2656. "3/6/2003",
  2657. "789-20161",
  2658. "david metzger",
  2659. "nan",
  2660. "nan",
  2661. "barcode: 100094751 + secretay/other: n/a + records assistant: lennard bruno + file status: out + emp id no: 789-20161 + emp name: prsi 20161 prsi box 20161",
  2662. "tysons",
  2663. "1461137",
  2664. "nan",
  2665. "nan",
  2666. "nan",
  2667. "nan",
  2668. "nan",
  2669. "nan",
  2670. "nan",
  2671. "nan",
  2672. "nan",
  2673. "nan",
  2674. "nan",
  2675. "nan",
  2676. "nan",
  2677. "nan",
  2678. "nan",
  2679. "nan",
  2680. "nan",
  2681. "nan",
  2682. "nan",
  2683. "nan",
  2684. "nan",
  2685. "nan",
  2686. "nan"
  2687. ],
  2688. [
  2689. "0",
  2690. "0",
  2691. "david metzger",
  2692. "general",
  2693. "489254772",
  2694. "nan",
  2695. "expand brown-fdic fourth supplement--------",
  2696. "3/6/2003",
  2697. "789-20161",
  2698. "david metzger",
  2699. "nan",
  2700. "nan",
  2701. "barcode: 100094752 + secretay/other: n/a + records assistant: lennard bruno + file status: out + emp id no: 789-20161 + emp name: prsi 20161 prsi box 20161",
  2702. "tysons",
  2703. "1461138",
  2704. "nan",
  2705. "nan",
  2706. "nan",
  2707. "nan",
  2708. "nan",
  2709. "nan",
  2710. "nan",
  2711. "nan",
  2712. "nan",
  2713. "nan",
  2714. "nan",
  2715. "nan",
  2716. "nan",
  2717. "nan",
  2718. "nan",
  2719. "nan",
  2720. "nan",
  2721. "nan",
  2722. "nan",
  2723. "nan",
  2724. "nan",
  2725. "nan",
  2726. "nan"
  2727. ],
  2728. [
  2729. "0",
  2730. "0",
  2731. "s. powell",
  2732. "general",
  2733. "489254761",
  2734. "nan",
  2735. "pressboard-fdic regulations and policy statements--------",
  2736. "3/7/2003",
  2737. "789-20181",
  2738. "s. powell",
  2739. "nan",
  2740. "nan",
  2741. "barcode: 100094774 + secretay/other: n/a + records assistant: lennard bruno + file status: out + emp id no: 789-20181 + emp name: prsi 20181 prsi box 20181",
  2742. "washington d.c",
  2743. "1461160",
  2744. "nan",
  2745. "nan",
  2746. "nan",
  2747. "nan",
  2748. "nan",
  2749. "nan",
  2750. "nan",
  2751. "nan",
  2752. "nan",
  2753. "nan",
  2754. "nan",
  2755. "nan",
  2756. "nan",
  2757. "nan",
  2758. "nan",
  2759. "nan",
  2760. "nan",
  2761. "nan",
  2762. "nan",
  2763. "nan",
  2764. "nan",
  2765. "nan",
  2766. "nan"
  2767. ],
  2768. [
  2769. "0",
  2770. "1",
  2771. "k st. files",
  2772. "general",
  2773. "489692297",
  2774. "nan",
  2775. "entire box-gsbca no. 12082-p, ocsc bus proposal 8/9/91, rdbms rfp, rdbms contract 9/29/92-ocsc bafo (vol .i) tech. proposal-osco bafo tech. proposal 8/31/92-ocsc bafo (vol ii) bus proposal 4/21/92-the resolution trust, las vegas-draft gc-agmt, smoky mountains-gc agmt, mgic,-fslic-mt. vernon--",
  2776. "8/3/2005",
  2777. "798-4312",
  2778. "various",
  2779. "nan",
  2780. "nan",
  2781. "barcode: 100123769 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: n/a + records assistant: derick rothwell + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4312 + emp name: prsi 4312 prsi box 4312",
  2782. "washington d.c",
  2783. "1489415",
  2784. "nan",
  2785. "nan",
  2786. "nan",
  2787. "nan",
  2788. "nan",
  2789. "nan",
  2790. "nan",
  2791. "nan",
  2792. "nan",
  2793. "nan",
  2794. "nan",
  2795. "nan",
  2796. "nan",
  2797. "nan",
  2798. "nan",
  2799. "nan",
  2800. "nan",
  2801. "nan",
  2802. "nan",
  2803. "nan",
  2804. "nan",
  2805. "nan",
  2806. "nan"
  2807. ],
  2808. [
  2809. "0",
  2810. "0",
  2811. "old wilkes artis files",
  2812. "loading dock files",
  2813. "489614386",
  2814. "nan",
  2815. "redweld-21191.004 bartco corp. westbury: metro resources, binders, corres., notes of aty-govt. docs.-------",
  2816. "9/1/2005",
  2817. "789-26682",
  2818. "nan",
  2819. "nan",
  2820. "nan",
  2821. "barcode: 100124399 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: n/a + records assistant: derick rothwell + file status: out + emp id no: 789-26682 + emp name: recall 26682 recall box 26682",
  2822. "washington d.c",
  2823. "1490033",
  2824. "nan",
  2825. "nan",
  2826. "nan",
  2827. "nan",
  2828. "nan",
  2829. "nan",
  2830. "nan",
  2831. "nan",
  2832. "nan",
  2833. "nan",
  2834. "nan",
  2835. "nan",
  2836. "nan",
  2837. "nan",
  2838. "nan",
  2839. "nan",
  2840. "nan",
  2841. "nan",
  2842. "nan",
  2843. "nan",
  2844. "nan",
  2845. "nan",
  2846. "nan"
  2847. ],
  2848. [
  2849. "0",
  2850. "0",
  2851. "old wilkes artis files",
  2852. "loading dock files",
  2853. "489614391",
  2854. "nan",
  2855. "redweld-21191.002 bartco corp. hazmat soil; 21191.003 bartco flanders-govt. docs.-------",
  2856. "9/1/2005",
  2857. "789-26683",
  2858. "nan",
  2859. "nan",
  2860. "nan",
  2861. "barcode: 100124400 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: n/a + records assistant: derick rothwell + file status: out + emp id no: 789-26683 + emp name: recall 26683 recall box 26683",
  2862. "washington d.c",
  2863. "1490034",
  2864. "nan",
  2865. "nan",
  2866. "nan",
  2867. "nan",
  2868. "nan",
  2869. "nan",
  2870. "nan",
  2871. "nan",
  2872. "nan",
  2873. "nan",
  2874. "nan",
  2875. "nan",
  2876. "nan",
  2877. "nan",
  2878. "nan",
  2879. "nan",
  2880. "nan",
  2881. "nan",
  2882. "nan",
  2883. "nan",
  2884. "nan",
  2885. "nan",
  2886. "nan"
  2887. ],
  2888. [
  2889. "0",
  2890. "0",
  2891. "intellectual properties",
  2892. "general",
  2893. "489263247",
  2894. "nan",
  2895. "entire box-box# 474-calypso advisors, llc-calypso advisors--76/191,371-reg. no. 2,852,353;-calypso advisors, llc-calypso overseas-76/191,649-reg. no. 2,852,355;-calypso advisors, llc-calypso partners-76/191,642-reg. no. 2,852,354;-camuto inc. bosi-76/192,643-reg. no.-2,868,264; camuto inc.-bosi-76/192,641-reg. no. 2,839,411; camuto inc.-bosi- 76/192,640-reg. no. 2,839,410; 4111486 canada inc.-tradelinks-75/882,323- reg. no. 2,837,430; canadian thermos products inc.- ice bound-76/276,067-reg. no. 2,850,077; canadian thermos products inc.- cold wave-76/276,069-reg. no. 2,850,078; canadian thermos products inc. -ice bound & design (vertcal)- 76/391,902- reg. no. 2,811,379; canneberges atoka inc. / atoka cranberries inc.-atoka & design-76/516,288-reg. no. 2,880,977; caribbean latin american action- strengthening the third border-76/539,008-reg. no. 2,878,853; amar singh chawal wala-shahjahan-76/434,368-reg. no. 2,803,391; amar singh chawal wala-qilla brand-76/271,150-reg. no. 2,817,909; chesapeake lock & safe service co. t/a chesapeake security service co.-we secure your world-76/471,366-reg. no.2,929554; cinelli colombini, donatella-donatella cinelli colombini (and design) -76/498,371-reg. no. 2,878,599; cite des arts du cirque-tohu- 76/483,749-reg. no. 2,902,722; cobra fixations cie ltee/cobra anchors co. ltd.- wallgripper-76/470,827-reg. no. 2,810,079; community care health network, inc.-matrix medical network-76/342,013-reg. no. 2,863,217; corporation alter moneta- finance is only the beginning-76/374,651-reg. no. 2,864,076; croplife america, inc.- croplife america & design-78/094,620-reg. no. 2,890,050; croplife america, inc.- cares-76/465,174-reg. no. 2,828,452",
  2896. "2/21/2007",
  2897. "1000510589",
  2898. "p.kilmer/t.brooke/a.masiello/s.jeffries",
  2899. "nan",
  2900. "nan",
  2901. "barcode: 100130759 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: l.milton/ n.crump/ s.alleyne + records assistant: ivan robles + file status: out + emp id no: 1000510589 + emp name: 1000510589",
  2902. "washington d.c",
  2903. "1496335",
  2904. "nan",
  2905. "nan",
  2906. "nan",
  2907. "nan",
  2908. "nan",
  2909. "nan",
  2910. "nan",
  2911. "nan",
  2912. "nan",
  2913. "nan",
  2914. "nan",
  2915. "nan",
  2916. "nan",
  2917. "nan",
  2918. "nan",
  2919. "nan",
  2920. "nan",
  2921. "nan",
  2922. "nan",
  2923. "nan",
  2924. "nan",
  2925. "nan",
  2926. "nan"
  2927. ],
  2928. [
  2929. "000131",
  2930. "00003",
  2931. "bob's sanitary service, inc.",
  2932. "hartvig v. bob's sanitary service (howard-cooper bkrtcy)",
  2933. "130790005",
  2934. "nan",
  2935. "nan",
  2936. "2/27/2001",
  2937. "nan",
  2938. "cps",
  2939. "nan",
  2940. "nan",
  2941. "source: access database + closed#: 7098 + review date: 2/1/2011",
  2942. "portland",
  2943. "848922",
  2944. "nan",
  2945. "nan",
  2946. "nan",
  2947. "nan",
  2948. "nan",
  2949. "nan",
  2950. "nan",
  2951. "nan",
  2952. "nan",
  2953. "nan",
  2954. "nan",
  2955. "nan",
  2956. "nan",
  2957. "nan",
  2958. "nan",
  2959. "nan",
  2960. "nan",
  2961. "nan",
  2962. "nan",
  2963. "nan",
  2964. "nan",
  2965. "nan",
  2966. "nan"
  2967. ],
  2968. [
  2969. "000300",
  2970. "00340",
  2971. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  2972. "fslic takeover",
  2973. "op01178426",
  2974. "nan",
  2975. "nan",
  2976. "3/25/1999",
  2977. "394958769",
  2978. "rlw",
  2979. "nan",
  2980. "nan",
  2981. "source: access database + closed#: 05449 hk box:",
  2982. "portland",
  2983. "855790",
  2984. "nan",
  2985. "nan",
  2986. "nan",
  2987. "nan",
  2988. "nan",
  2989. "nan",
  2990. "nan",
  2991. "nan",
  2992. "nan",
  2993. "nan",
  2994. "nan",
  2995. "nan",
  2996. "nan",
  2997. "nan",
  2998. "nan",
  2999. "nan",
  3000. "nan",
  3001. "nan",
  3002. "nan",
  3003. "nan",
  3004. "nan",
  3005. "nan",
  3006. "nan"
  3007. ],
  3008. [
  3009. "000300",
  3010. "00028",
  3011. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  3012. "fslic-final submittal",
  3013. "op01178438",
  3014. "nan",
  3015. "pouch: 3/",
  3016. "3/26/1999",
  3017. "394958781",
  3018. "rlw",
  3019. "nan",
  3020. "nan",
  3021. "source: access database + closed#: 05525 hk box:",
  3022. "portland",
  3023. "855871",
  3024. "nan",
  3025. "nan",
  3026. "nan",
  3027. "nan",
  3028. "nan",
  3029. "nan",
  3030. "nan",
  3031. "nan",
  3032. "nan",
  3033. "nan",
  3034. "nan",
  3035. "nan",
  3036. "nan",
  3037. "nan",
  3038. "nan",
  3039. "nan",
  3040. "nan",
  3041. "nan",
  3042. "nan",
  3043. "nan",
  3044. "nan",
  3045. "nan",
  3046. "nan"
  3047. ],
  3048. [
  3049. "000300",
  3050. "00028",
  3051. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  3052. "fslic-application",
  3053. "op01178438",
  3054. "nan",
  3055. "pouch: 2/",
  3056. "3/26/1999",
  3057. "394958781",
  3058. "rlw",
  3059. "nan",
  3060. "nan",
  3061. "source: access database + closed#: 05524 hk box:",
  3062. "portland",
  3063. "855872",
  3064. "nan",
  3065. "nan",
  3066. "nan",
  3067. "nan",
  3068. "nan",
  3069. "nan",
  3070. "nan",
  3071. "nan",
  3072. "nan",
  3073. "nan",
  3074. "nan",
  3075. "nan",
  3076. "nan",
  3077. "nan",
  3078. "nan",
  3079. "nan",
  3080. "nan",
  3081. "nan",
  3082. "nan",
  3083. "nan",
  3084. "nan",
  3085. "nan",
  3086. "nan"
  3087. ],
  3088. [
  3089. "000300",
  3090. "00028",
  3091. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  3092. "fslic-reserves",
  3093. "op01178438",
  3094. "nan",
  3095. "pouch: 1/",
  3096. "3/26/1999",
  3097. "394958781",
  3098. "rlw",
  3099. "nan",
  3100. "nan",
  3101. "source: access database + closed#: 05523 hk box:",
  3102. "portland",
  3103. "855873",
  3104. "nan",
  3105. "nan",
  3106. "nan",
  3107. "nan",
  3108. "nan",
  3109. "nan",
  3110. "nan",
  3111. "nan",
  3112. "nan",
  3113. "nan",
  3114. "nan",
  3115. "nan",
  3116. "nan",
  3117. "nan",
  3118. "nan",
  3119. "nan",
  3120. "nan",
  3121. "nan",
  3122. "nan",
  3123. "nan",
  3124. "nan",
  3125. "nan",
  3126. "nan"
  3127. ],
  3128. [
  3129. "002621",
  3130. "00084",
  3131. "chicago title insurance co.",
  3132. "fdic v. anthony marina, et al",
  3133. "753996415",
  3134. "nan",
  3135. "chicago title insurance company fdic v. anthony marina",
  3136. "10/10/1984",
  3137. "nan",
  3138. "william f. hamilton",
  3139. "off-site",
  3140. "nan",
  3141. "nan",
  3142. "miami",
  3143. "1910299",
  3144. "9/30/1992",
  3145. "nan",
  3146. "nan",
  3147. "nan",
  3148. "nan",
  3149. "nan",
  3150. "nan",
  3151. "nan",
  3152. "nan",
  3153. "nan",
  3154. "nan",
  3155. "nan",
  3156. "nan",
  3157. "nan",
  3158. "nan",
  3159. "nan",
  3160. "nan",
  3161. "nan",
  3162. "nan",
  3163. "nan",
  3164. "nan",
  3165. "nan",
  3166. "nan"
  3167. ],
  3168. [
  3169. "002621",
  3170. "00085",
  3171. "chicago title insurance co.",
  3172. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  3173. "753996251",
  3174. "nan",
  3175. "chicago title (fdic v. sharenberg - pleading file",
  3176. "4/20/1987",
  3177. "nan",
  3178. "scott b. newman",
  3179. "off-site",
  3180. "nan",
  3181. "nan",
  3182. "miami",
  3183. "1911454",
  3184. "9/30/1992",
  3185. "nan",
  3186. "nan",
  3187. "nan",
  3188. "nan",
  3189. "nan",
  3190. "nan",
  3191. "nan",
  3192. "nan",
  3193. "nan",
  3194. "nan",
  3195. "nan",
  3196. "nan",
  3197. "nan",
  3198. "nan",
  3199. "nan",
  3200. "nan",
  3201. "nan",
  3202. "nan",
  3203. "nan",
  3204. "nan",
  3205. "nan",
  3206. "nan"
  3207. ],
  3208. [
  3209. "002621",
  3210. "00085",
  3211. "chicago title insurance co.",
  3212. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  3213. "753996251",
  3214. "nan",
  3215. "chicago title (fdic v. sharenberg - correspondence",
  3216. "4/10/1987",
  3217. "nan",
  3218. "scott b. newman",
  3219. "off-site",
  3220. "nan",
  3221. "nan",
  3222. "miami",
  3223. "1911455",
  3224. "9/30/1992",
  3225. "nan",
  3226. "nan",
  3227. "nan",
  3228. "nan",
  3229. "nan",
  3230. "nan",
  3231. "nan",
  3232. "nan",
  3233. "nan",
  3234. "nan",
  3235. "nan",
  3236. "nan",
  3237. "nan",
  3238. "nan",
  3239. "nan",
  3240. "nan",
  3241. "nan",
  3242. "nan",
  3243. "nan",
  3244. "nan",
  3245. "nan",
  3246. "nan"
  3247. ],
  3248. [
  3249. "002621",
  3250. "00085",
  3251. "chicago title insurance co.",
  3252. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  3253. "753996251",
  3254. "nan",
  3255. "chicago title fdic v. sharenberg - sharenberg's brief in opposite. to fdic's mot. to strike aff. def. (empty file)",
  3256. "4/10/1987",
  3257. "nan",
  3258. "scott b. newman",
  3259. "off-site",
  3260. "nan",
  3261. "nan",
  3262. "miami",
  3263. "1911456",
  3264. "9/30/1992",
  3265. "nan",
  3266. "nan",
  3267. "nan",
  3268. "nan",
  3269. "nan",
  3270. "nan",
  3271. "nan",
  3272. "nan",
  3273. "nan",
  3274. "nan",
  3275. "nan",
  3276. "nan",
  3277. "nan",
  3278. "nan",
  3279. "nan",
  3280. "nan",
  3281. "nan",
  3282. "nan",
  3283. "nan",
  3284. "nan",
  3285. "nan",
  3286. "nan"
  3287. ],
  3288. [
  3289. "002621",
  3290. "00085",
  3291. "chicago title insurance co.",
  3292. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  3293. "753996251",
  3294. "nan",
  3295. "chicago title (fdic v. sharenberg - legal research",
  3296. "4/10/1987",
  3297. "nan",
  3298. "scott b. newman",
  3299. "off-site",
  3300. "nan",
  3301. "nan",
  3302. "miami",
  3303. "1911457",
  3304. "9/30/1992",
  3305. "nan",
  3306. "nan",
  3307. "nan",
  3308. "nan",
  3309. "nan",
  3310. "nan",
  3311. "nan",
  3312. "nan",
  3313. "nan",
  3314. "nan",
  3315. "nan",
  3316. "nan",
  3317. "nan",
  3318. "nan",
  3319. "nan",
  3320. "nan",
  3321. "nan",
  3322. "nan",
  3323. "nan",
  3324. "nan",
  3325. "nan",
  3326. "nan"
  3327. ],
  3328. [
  3329. "002621",
  3330. "00085",
  3331. "chicago title insurance co.",
  3332. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  3333. "753996251",
  3334. "nan",
  3335. "chicago title (fdic v. sharenberg - pleading file",
  3336. "5/17/1985",
  3337. "nan",
  3338. "scott b. newman",
  3339. "off-site",
  3340. "nan",
  3341. "nan",
  3342. "miami",
  3343. "1911458",
  3344. "9/30/1992",
  3345. "nan",
  3346. "nan",
  3347. "nan",
  3348. "nan",
  3349. "nan",
  3350. "nan",
  3351. "nan",
  3352. "nan",
  3353. "nan",
  3354. "nan",
  3355. "nan",
  3356. "nan",
  3357. "nan",
  3358. "nan",
  3359. "nan",
  3360. "nan",
  3361. "nan",
  3362. "nan",
  3363. "nan",
  3364. "nan",
  3365. "nan",
  3366. "nan"
  3367. ],
  3368. [
  3369. "004058",
  3370. "00049",
  3371. "linvatec, inc.",
  3372. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  3373. "tcf0006406",
  3374. "general/other",
  3375. "-concept-negotiations with birtcher/electrosurgical divisio",
  3376. "06/20/2001",
  3377. "ao0387",
  3378. "michael l. jamieson",
  3379. "nan",
  3380. "nan",
  3381. "seq: 0059-mlj",
  3382. "tampa",
  3383. "178214",
  3384. "9/30/1992",
  3385. "nan",
  3386. "nan",
  3387. "nan",
  3388. "nan",
  3389. "nan",
  3390. "nan",
  3391. "nan",
  3392. "nan",
  3393. "nan",
  3394. "nan",
  3395. "nan",
  3396. "nan",
  3397. "nan",
  3398. "nan",
  3399. "nan",
  3400. "nan",
  3401. "nan",
  3402. "nan",
  3403. "nan",
  3404. "nan",
  3405. "nan",
  3406. "nan"
  3407. ],
  3408. [
  3409. "004058",
  3410. "00049",
  3411. "linvatec, inc.",
  3412. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  3413. "tcf0006406",
  3414. "general/other",
  3415. "-concept-birtcher supp info",
  3416. "06/20/2001",
  3417. "ao0387",
  3418. "michael l. jamieson",
  3419. "nan",
  3420. "nan",
  3421. "seq: 0061-mlj",
  3422. "tampa",
  3423. "178216",
  3424. "9/30/1992",
  3425. "nan",
  3426. "nan",
  3427. "nan",
  3428. "nan",
  3429. "nan",
  3430. "nan",
  3431. "nan",
  3432. "nan",
  3433. "nan",
  3434. "nan",
  3435. "nan",
  3436. "nan",
  3437. "nan",
  3438. "nan",
  3439. "nan",
  3440. "nan",
  3441. "nan",
  3442. "nan",
  3443. "nan",
  3444. "nan",
  3445. "nan",
  3446. "nan"
  3447. ],
  3448. [
  3449. "004058",
  3450. "00049",
  3451. "linvatec, inc.",
  3452. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  3453. "tcf0006406",
  3454. "general/other",
  3455. "-concept-birtcher succ drafts",
  3456. "06/20/2001",
  3457. "ao0387",
  3458. "michael l. jamieson",
  3459. "nan",
  3460. "nan",
  3461. "seq: 0062-mlj",
  3462. "tampa",
  3463. "178217",
  3464. "9/30/1992",
  3465. "nan",
  3466. "nan",
  3467. "nan",
  3468. "nan",
  3469. "nan",
  3470. "nan",
  3471. "nan",
  3472. "nan",
  3473. "nan",
  3474. "nan",
  3475. "nan",
  3476. "nan",
  3477. "nan",
  3478. "nan",
  3479. "nan",
  3480. "nan",
  3481. "nan",
  3482. "nan",
  3483. "nan",
  3484. "nan",
  3485. "nan",
  3486. "nan"
  3487. ],
  3488. [
  3489. "004279",
  3490. "00019",
  3491. "western union",
  3492. "lawsuit against orlandi valuta",
  3493. "489521073",
  3494. "witness files",
  3495. "carolyn burtcher\n",
  3496. "2/28/2013",
  3497. "412437",
  3498. "kelly-ann g. cartwright",
  3499. "off-site",
  3500. "gibbs cartwright kelly-ann",
  3501. "hk16101",
  3502. "miami",
  3503. "1991990",
  3504. "1/6/1999",
  3505. "nan",
  3506. "nan",
  3507. "nan",
  3508. "nan",
  3509. "nan",
  3510. "nan",
  3511. "nan",
  3512. "nan",
  3513. "nan",
  3514. "nan",
  3515. "nan",
  3516. "nan",
  3517. "nan",
  3518. "nan",
  3519. "nan",
  3520. "nan",
  3521. "nan",
  3522. "nan",
  3523. "nan",
  3524. "nan",
  3525. "nan",
  3526. "nan"
  3527. ],
  3528. [
  3529. "005678",
  3530. "00779",
  3531. "rayonier ibew shortchange arb",
  3532. "transcript of proceedings",
  3533. "225368101",
  3534. "nan",
  3535. "guy o farmer ii",
  3536. "03/20/2003",
  3537. "225368101",
  3538. "215 guy o farmer ii",
  3539. "perm removal from off-site",
  3540. "nan",
  3541. " this box was checked out from iron mountain on 5/17/2010 and never returned.",
  3542. "jacksonville",
  3543. "44383",
  3544. "nan",
  3545. "nan",
  3546. "nan",
  3547. "nan",
  3548. "nan",
  3549. "nan",
  3550. "nan",
  3551. "nan",
  3552. "nan",
  3553. "nan",
  3554. "nan",
  3555. "nan",
  3556. "nan",
  3557. "nan",
  3558. "nan",
  3559. "nan",
  3560. "nan",
  3561. "nan",
  3562. "nan",
  3563. "nan",
  3564. "nan",
  3565. "nan",
  3566. "nan"
  3567. ],
  3568. [
  3569. "005678",
  3570. "00779",
  3571. "rayoiner ibew shortchange",
  3572. "1980 neg minutes",
  3573. "225368101",
  3574. "nan",
  3575. "guy o farmer ii",
  3576. "03/20/2003",
  3577. "225368101",
  3578. "215 guy o farmer ii",
  3579. "perm removal from off-site",
  3580. "nan",
  3581. " this box was checked out from iron mountain on 5/17/2010 and never returned.",
  3582. "jacksonville",
  3583. "44386",
  3584. "nan",
  3585. "nan",
  3586. "nan",
  3587. "nan",
  3588. "nan",
  3589. "nan",
  3590. "nan",
  3591. "nan",
  3592. "nan",
  3593. "nan",
  3594. "nan",
  3595. "nan",
  3596. "nan",
  3597. "nan",
  3598. "nan",
  3599. "nan",
  3600. "nan",
  3601. "nan",
  3602. "nan",
  3603. "nan",
  3604. "nan",
  3605. "nan",
  3606. "nan"
  3607. ],
  3608. [
  3609. "006168",
  3610. "00315",
  3611. "county bank, the",
  3612. "fdic call reports x-28002-69",
  3613. "tcf0005238",
  3614. "general/other",
  3615. "county bank the 87 fdic call reports----county bank the 87 fdic call reports",
  3616. "06/20/2001",
  3617. "ag3895",
  3618. "barbara m. yadley",
  3619. "nan",
  3620. "nan",
  3621. "seq: 0031-bmy",
  3622. "tampa",
  3623. "170709",
  3624. "3/11/1987",
  3625. "nan",
  3626. "nan",
  3627. "nan",
  3628. "nan",
  3629. "nan",
  3630. "nan",
  3631. "nan",
  3632. "nan",
  3633. "nan",
  3634. "nan",
  3635. "nan",
  3636. "nan",
  3637. "nan",
  3638. "nan",
  3639. "nan",
  3640. "nan",
  3641. "nan",
  3642. "nan",
  3643. "nan",
  3644. "nan",
  3645. "nan",
  3646. "nan"
  3647. ],
  3648. [
  3649. "006168",
  3650. "00098",
  3651. "county bank, the",
  3652. "fdic examination",
  3653. "tcf0005239",
  3654. "general/other",
  3655. "county bank the 87 fdic examination----county bank the 87 fdic examination",
  3656. "06/20/2001",
  3657. "ag3896",
  3658. "bill mcbride",
  3659. "nan",
  3660. "nan",
  3661. "seq: 0033-whm",
  3662. "tampa",
  3663. "170713",
  3664. "3/12/1987",
  3665. "nan",
  3666. "nan",
  3667. "nan",
  3668. "nan",
  3669. "nan",
  3670. "nan",
  3671. "nan",
  3672. "nan",
  3673. "nan",
  3674. "nan",
  3675. "nan",
  3676. "nan",
  3677. "nan",
  3678. "nan",
  3679. "nan",
  3680. "nan",
  3681. "nan",
  3682. "nan",
  3683. "nan",
  3684. "nan",
  3685. "nan",
  3686. "nan"
  3687. ],
  3688. [
  3689. "006168",
  3690. "00315",
  3691. "county bank, the",
  3692. "fdic call reports x-28002-69",
  3693. "tcf0005239",
  3694. "general/other",
  3695. "county bank the 87 mcbride file----county bank the 87 mcbride file",
  3696. "06/20/2001",
  3697. "ag3896",
  3698. "barbara m. yadley",
  3699. "nan",
  3700. "nan",
  3701. "seq: 0040-whm",
  3702. "tampa",
  3703. "170720",
  3704. "3/11/1987",
  3705. "nan",
  3706. "nan",
  3707. "nan",
  3708. "nan",
  3709. "nan",
  3710. "nan",
  3711. "nan",
  3712. "nan",
  3713. "nan",
  3714. "nan",
  3715. "nan",
  3716. "nan",
  3717. "nan",
  3718. "nan",
  3719. "nan",
  3720. "nan",
  3721. "nan",
  3722. "nan",
  3723. "nan",
  3724. "nan",
  3725. "nan",
  3726. "nan"
  3727. ],
  3728. [
  3729. "009031",
  3730. "00001",
  3731. "beaver/skertchly",
  3732. "general",
  3733. "502418775",
  3734. "nan",
  3735. "pouch: 1/",
  3736. "8/12/2003",
  3737. "nan",
  3738. "mavb",
  3739. "nan",
  3740. "nan",
  3741. "source: access database + closed#: 10555 + status: closed",
  3742. "portland",
  3743. "859851",
  3744. "nan",
  3745. "nan",
  3746. "nan",
  3747. "nan",
  3748. "nan",
  3749. "nan",
  3750. "nan",
  3751. "nan",
  3752. "nan",
  3753. "nan",
  3754. "nan",
  3755. "nan",
  3756. "nan",
  3757. "nan",
  3758. "nan",
  3759. "nan",
  3760. "nan",
  3761. "nan",
  3762. "nan",
  3763. "nan",
  3764. "nan",
  3765. "nan",
  3766. "nan"
  3767. ],
  3768. [
  3769. "009646",
  3770. "00017",
  3771. "american express company",
  3772. "masvidal v. doj & american express company",
  3773. "727770748",
  3774. "general/other",
  3775. "aebi - cease and desist order and order of assessment of a civil money penalty issues upon consent pursuant to the federal deposit insurance act, as amended 8/3/07",
  3776. "6/8/2013",
  3777. "nan",
  3778. "john m. hogan",
  3779. "off-site",
  3780. "hogan john",
  3781. "<ethical wall applied on: 7/1/2013> ////",
  3782. "miami",
  3783. "2048454",
  3784. "6/28/2011",
  3785. "nan",
  3786. "nan",
  3787. "nan",
  3788. "nan",
  3789. "nan",
  3790. "nan",
  3791. "nan",
  3792. "nan",
  3793. "nan",
  3794. "nan",
  3795. "nan",
  3796. "nan",
  3797. "nan",
  3798. "nan",
  3799. "nan",
  3800. "nan",
  3801. "nan",
  3802. "nan",
  3803. "nan",
  3804. "nan",
  3805. "nan",
  3806. "nan"
  3807. ],
  3808. [
  3809. "009974",
  3810. "00129",
  3811. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  3812. "artcraft neon sign co, inc.",
  3813. "tcf0004025",
  3814. "general/other",
  3815. "exchange national bank 68 artcraft neon sign co inc-loa---",
  3816. "06/20/2001",
  3817. "ac1103",
  3818. "bruce stone",
  3819. "nan",
  3820. "nan",
  3821. "jaj---seq: 0117",
  3822. "tampa",
  3823. "161541",
  3824. "10/1/1994",
  3825. "nan",
  3826. "nan",
  3827. "nan",
  3828. "nan",
  3829. "nan",
  3830. "nan",
  3831. "nan",
  3832. "nan",
  3833. "nan",
  3834. "nan",
  3835. "nan",
  3836. "nan",
  3837. "nan",
  3838. "nan",
  3839. "nan",
  3840. "nan",
  3841. "nan",
  3842. "nan",
  3843. "nan",
  3844. "nan",
  3845. "nan",
  3846. "nan"
  3847. ],
  3848. [
  3849. "009974",
  3850. "00255",
  3851. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  3852. "artcraft sign co, inc.",
  3853. "tcf0004026",
  3854. "general/other",
  3855. "exchange national bank 69 artcraft sign co line of cred---",
  3856. "06/20/2001",
  3857. "ac1105",
  3858. "jack s. newsome-retired",
  3859. "nan",
  3860. "nan",
  3861. "jsn---seq: 0080",
  3862. "tampa",
  3863. "161573",
  3864. "10/1/1994",
  3865. "nan",
  3866. "nan",
  3867. "nan",
  3868. "nan",
  3869. "nan",
  3870. "nan",
  3871. "nan",
  3872. "nan",
  3873. "nan",
  3874. "nan",
  3875. "nan",
  3876. "nan",
  3877. "nan",
  3878. "nan",
  3879. "nan",
  3880. "nan",
  3881. "nan",
  3882. "nan",
  3883. "nan",
  3884. "nan",
  3885. "nan",
  3886. "nan"
  3887. ],
  3888. [
  3889. "009974",
  3890. "00246",
  3891. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  3892. "fdic insured accounts",
  3893. "tcf0004125",
  3894. "general/other",
  3895. "exchange bank & trust-fl 87 fdic insured accounts------exchg. bank & trust co. of fla fdic insured accounts---john arthur jones",
  3896. "06/20/2001",
  3897. "ac2676",
  3898. "john arthur jones",
  3899. "nan",
  3900. "nan",
  3901. "jaj---seq: 0050-exchg. bank & trust co. of fla---fdic insured accounts---john arthur jones",
  3902. "tampa",
  3903. "162346",
  3904. "7/24/1987",
  3905. "nan",
  3906. "nan",
  3907. "nan",
  3908. "nan",
  3909. "nan",
  3910. "nan",
  3911. "nan",
  3912. "nan",
  3913. "nan",
  3914. "nan",
  3915. "nan",
  3916. "nan",
  3917. "nan",
  3918. "nan",
  3919. "nan",
  3920. "nan",
  3921. "nan",
  3922. "nan",
  3923. "nan",
  3924. "nan",
  3925. "nan",
  3926. "nan"
  3927. ],
  3928. [
  3929. "010552",
  3930. "75050",
  3931. "personal",
  3932. "shapiro, mark l.",
  3933. "542994654",
  3934. "nan",
  3935. "rtc industries; post brian; premiere; ellen shapiro; transco, inc.; bvm working file; drug testing; personnel file.",
  3936. "nan",
  3937. "424677",
  3938. "mark l. shapiro",
  3939. "off-site",
  3940. "shapiro mark",
  3941. " + filejacketstransferred: 13 + status: closed + billing attorney: shapiro, mark + requesting secretary: pruim, mary jane + destruction date: january 2010 + request completed by: hosticka",
  3942. "chicago",
  3943. "1156790",
  3944. "nan",
  3945. "nan",
  3946. "nan",
  3947. "nan",
  3948. "nan",
  3949. "nan",
  3950. "nan",
  3951. "nan",
  3952. "nan",
  3953. "nan",
  3954. "nan",
  3955. "nan",
  3956. "nan",
  3957. "nan",
  3958. "nan",
  3959. "nan",
  3960. "nan",
  3961. "nan",
  3962. "nan",
  3963. "nan",
  3964. "nan",
  3965. "nan",
  3966. "nan"
  3967. ],
  3968. [
  3969. "010552",
  3970. "06160",
  3971. "personal",
  3972. "detwiler, harry r.",
  3973. "625580652",
  3974. "nan",
  3975. "rtc/fdic audit of h&k files - billing files (beginning 2/97) n/r 6/95 2/01 various\nwrrw, inc., eskco inc. ali 12494 2/99 5/00 adkins\n",
  3976. "10/31/2001",
  3977. "191860",
  3978. "harry r. detwiler",
  3979. "off-site",
  3980. "nan",
  3981. " hk box:",
  3982. "tallahassee",
  3983. "1638222",
  3984. "nan",
  3985. "nan",
  3986. "nan",
  3987. "nan",
  3988. "nan",
  3989. "nan",
  3990. "nan",
  3991. "nan",
  3992. "nan",
  3993. "nan",
  3994. "nan",
  3995. "nan",
  3996. "nan",
  3997. "nan",
  3998. "nan",
  3999. "nan",
  4000. "nan",
  4001. "nan",
  4002. "nan",
  4003. "nan",
  4004. "nan",
  4005. "nan",
  4006. "nan"
  4007. ],
  4008. [
  4009. "010552",
  4010. "00081",
  4011. "personal",
  4012. "gonzalez, alex m.",
  4013. "500477538",
  4014. "nan",
  4015. "tab #11 \n12/30/99 ltr to j. swergold; gonzalo aguilar, m.d., et al., v. fdic / first federal savings & loan association of jacksonville v. gipp, e tal.\n",
  4016. "4/16/2010",
  4017. "nan",
  4018. "~ ylawclerks",
  4019. "off-site",
  4020. "nan",
  4021. "nan",
  4022. "jacksonville",
  4023. "1698440",
  4024. "4/6/2005",
  4025. "nan",
  4026. "nan",
  4027. "nan",
  4028. "nan",
  4029. "nan",
  4030. "nan",
  4031. "nan",
  4032. "nan",
  4033. "nan",
  4034. "nan",
  4035. "nan",
  4036. "nan",
  4037. "nan",
  4038. "nan",
  4039. "nan",
  4040. "nan",
  4041. "nan",
  4042. "nan",
  4043. "nan",
  4044. "nan",
  4045. "nan",
  4046. "nan"
  4047. ],
  4048. [
  4049. "010552",
  4050. "88041",
  4051. "personal",
  4052. "hart, damon p.",
  4053. "14059410",
  4054. "nan",
  4055. "file #:135009308: 1.) boston jaycees 2000, 2.) black & white boston, 3.) black pages of n.e., 4.) continuing legal education courses, 5.) courtesy letters, 6.) current board members 1999, 7.) deposits, 8.) judge dortch-okara reception, 9.) kaigler, joseph, 10.) nemnet, 11.) strategic planning, 12.) ads, 13.) lewin, leonard, 14.) life time members, 15.) maurice muir resume, 16.) mcad-a basic guide to discrim claims, 17.) mbla mentorship, 18.) mock interviewing form, 19.) membership application, 20.) michael w. neighbors, 21.) lawyers weekly bar page 1/99, 22.) positions, 23.) mass. black lawyers-position, 24.) membership survey, 25.) rosoff awards, 26.) state house reps., 27.) membership application, 28.) sjc nominations, 29.) wba",
  4056. "2/17/2010",
  4057. "nan",
  4058. "~ ylawclerks",
  4059. "off-site",
  4060. "nan",
  4061. "nan",
  4062. "boston",
  4063. "1717540",
  4064. "10/5/2010",
  4065. "nan",
  4066. "nan",
  4067. "nan",
  4068. "nan",
  4069. "nan",
  4070. "nan",
  4071. "nan",
  4072. "nan",
  4073. "nan",
  4074. "nan",
  4075. "nan",
  4076. "nan",
  4077. "nan",
  4078. "nan",
  4079. "nan",
  4080. "nan",
  4081. "nan",
  4082. "nan",
  4083. "nan",
  4084. "nan",
  4085. "nan",
  4086. "nan"
  4087. ],
  4088. [
  4089. "010552",
  4090. "20165",
  4091. "personal",
  4092. "pritchard, john f.",
  4093. "632022678",
  4094. "general/other",
  4095. "airline bankuprtcy or reorganization: effect of secured parties, lessors and sellers in possible fact situations 1/28/87",
  4096. "12/17/2012",
  4097. "nan",
  4098. "john f. pritchard",
  4099. "off-site",
  4100. "pritchard john",
  4101. "nan",
  4102. "new york city",
  4103. "1938305",
  4104. "nan",
  4105. "nan",
  4106. "nan",
  4107. "nan",
  4108. "nan",
  4109. "nan",
  4110. "nan",
  4111. "nan",
  4112. "nan",
  4113. "nan",
  4114. "nan",
  4115. "nan",
  4116. "nan",
  4117. "nan",
  4118. "nan",
  4119. "nan",
  4120. "nan",
  4121. "nan",
  4122. "nan",
  4123. "nan",
  4124. "nan",
  4125. "nan",
  4126. "nan"
  4127. ],
  4128. [
  4129. "010552",
  4130. "23204",
  4131. "personal",
  4132. "wright, steven",
  4133. "679024054",
  4134. "general/other",
  4135. "file# 546288979\n\n\nbusiness development (\"1996-2000\")\n1. business development center directory\n2. mhfa housing list - january 1995\n3. letter from the port authority of ny & nj\n4. the minority counsel report\n5. trade & investment contacts in south africa\n6. fdic legal division - minority & women outside counsel outreach coordinators\n7. assistance transactions office - asset servicer directory\n8. chin, wright & branson - main operation",
  4136. "2/5/2013",
  4137. "nan",
  4138. "steven h. wright",
  4139. "off-site",
  4140. "wright steven",
  4141. "nan",
  4142. "boston",
  4143. "1965183",
  4144. "nan",
  4145. "nan",
  4146. "nan",
  4147. "nan",
  4148. "nan",
  4149. "nan",
  4150. "nan",
  4151. "nan",
  4152. "nan",
  4153. "nan",
  4154. "nan",
  4155. "nan",
  4156. "nan",
  4157. "nan",
  4158. "nan",
  4159. "nan",
  4160. "nan",
  4161. "nan",
  4162. "nan",
  4163. "nan",
  4164. "nan",
  4165. "nan",
  4166. "nan"
  4167. ],
  4168. [
  4169. "010552",
  4170. "20368",
  4171. "personal",
  4172. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  4173. "769663743",
  4174. "general/other",
  4175. "fdic lsa - correspondence, press release, legal services agreement.",
  4176. "10/25/2013",
  4177. "nan",
  4178. "leonard h. gilbert",
  4179. "off-site",
  4180. "gilbert leonard",
  4181. "nan",
  4182. "tampa",
  4183. "2115324",
  4184. "nan",
  4185. "nan",
  4186. "nan",
  4187. "nan",
  4188. "nan",
  4189. "nan",
  4190. "nan",
  4191. "nan",
  4192. "nan",
  4193. "nan",
  4194. "nan",
  4195. "nan",
  4196. "nan",
  4197. "nan",
  4198. "nan",
  4199. "nan",
  4200. "nan",
  4201. "nan",
  4202. "nan",
  4203. "nan",
  4204. "nan",
  4205. "nan",
  4206. "nan"
  4207. ],
  4208. [
  4209. "010552",
  4210. "20368",
  4211. "personal",
  4212. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  4213. "769663743",
  4214. "research",
  4215. "fdic - research",
  4216. "10/25/2013",
  4217. "nan",
  4218. "leonard h. gilbert",
  4219. "off-site",
  4220. "gilbert leonard",
  4221. "nan",
  4222. "tampa",
  4223. "2115348",
  4224. "nan",
  4225. "nan",
  4226. "nan",
  4227. "nan",
  4228. "nan",
  4229. "nan",
  4230. "nan",
  4231. "nan",
  4232. "nan",
  4233. "nan",
  4234. "nan",
  4235. "nan",
  4236. "nan",
  4237. "nan",
  4238. "nan",
  4239. "nan",
  4240. "nan",
  4241. "nan",
  4242. "nan",
  4243. "nan",
  4244. "nan",
  4245. "nan",
  4246. "nan"
  4247. ],
  4248. [
  4249. "010552",
  4250. "20368",
  4251. "personal",
  4252. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  4253. "769663743",
  4254. "general/other",
  4255. "fdic - outside counsel deskbook",
  4256. "10/25/2013",
  4257. "nan",
  4258. "leonard h. gilbert",
  4259. "off-site",
  4260. "gilbert leonard",
  4261. "nan",
  4262. "tampa",
  4263. "2115390",
  4264. "nan",
  4265. "nan",
  4266. "nan",
  4267. "nan",
  4268. "nan",
  4269. "nan",
  4270. "nan",
  4271. "nan",
  4272. "nan",
  4273. "nan",
  4274. "nan",
  4275. "nan",
  4276. "nan",
  4277. "nan",
  4278. "nan",
  4279. "nan",
  4280. "nan",
  4281. "nan",
  4282. "nan",
  4283. "nan",
  4284. "nan",
  4285. "nan",
  4286. "nan"
  4287. ],
  4288. [
  4289. "010552",
  4290. "20368",
  4291. "personal",
  4292. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  4293. "769663743",
  4294. "general/other",
  4295. "fdic legal division folder",
  4296. "10/25/2013",
  4297. "nan",
  4298. "leonard h. gilbert",
  4299. "off-site",
  4300. "gilbert leonard",
  4301. "nan",
  4302. "tampa",
  4303. "2115391",
  4304. "nan",
  4305. "nan",
  4306. "nan",
  4307. "nan",
  4308. "nan",
  4309. "nan",
  4310. "nan",
  4311. "nan",
  4312. "nan",
  4313. "nan",
  4314. "nan",
  4315. "nan",
  4316. "nan",
  4317. "nan",
  4318. "nan",
  4319. "nan",
  4320. "nan",
  4321. "nan",
  4322. "nan",
  4323. "nan",
  4324. "nan",
  4325. "nan",
  4326. "nan"
  4327. ],
  4328. [
  4329. "010552",
  4330. "20368",
  4331. "personal",
  4332. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  4333. "769666056",
  4334. "general/other",
  4335. "washington mutual bank - fdic - 2008",
  4336. "12/13/2013",
  4337. "nan",
  4338. "leonard h. gilbert",
  4339. "off-site",
  4340. "gilbert leonard",
  4341. "nan",
  4342. "tampa",
  4343. "2118423",
  4344. "nan",
  4345. "nan",
  4346. "nan",
  4347. "nan",
  4348. "nan",
  4349. "nan",
  4350. "nan",
  4351. "nan",
  4352. "nan",
  4353. "nan",
  4354. "nan",
  4355. "nan",
  4356. "nan",
  4357. "nan",
  4358. "nan",
  4359. "nan",
  4360. "nan",
  4361. "nan",
  4362. "nan",
  4363. "nan",
  4364. "nan",
  4365. "nan",
  4366. "nan"
  4367. ],
  4368. [
  4369. "010552",
  4370. "11939",
  4371. "personal",
  4372. "rojas, edward j.",
  4373. "632026698",
  4374. "general/other",
  4375. "resolution trust corp. (rtc) loos papers bond current deal",
  4376. "8/11/2016",
  4377. "nan",
  4378. "edward j. rojas",
  4379. "off-site",
  4380. "rojas edward",
  4381. "nan",
  4382. "new york city",
  4383. "2521922",
  4384. "nan",
  4385. "nan",
  4386. "nan",
  4387. "nan",
  4388. "nan",
  4389. "nan",
  4390. "nan",
  4391. "nan",
  4392. "nan",
  4393. "nan",
  4394. "nan",
  4395. "nan",
  4396. "nan",
  4397. "nan",
  4398. "nan",
  4399. "nan",
  4400. "nan",
  4401. "nan",
  4402. "nan",
  4403. "nan",
  4404. "nan",
  4405. "nan",
  4406. "nan"
  4407. ],
  4408. [
  4409. "010552",
  4410. "25147",
  4411. "personal",
  4412. "friedman, peter m.",
  4413. "active file",
  4414. "proposal",
  4415. "state of illinois, department of central management services (\"cms\"); financial advisory services for jrtc (thompson center); #22037540\nthompson center proposal; february 2016",
  4416. "9/25/2017",
  4417. "nan",
  4418. "peter m friedman",
  4419. "on-site",
  4420. "friedman peter",
  4421. "nan",
  4422. "chicago",
  4423. "2651877",
  4424. "nan",
  4425. "nan",
  4426. "nan",
  4427. "nan",
  4428. "nan",
  4429. "nan",
  4430. "nan",
  4431. "nan",
  4432. "nan",
  4433. "nan",
  4434. "nan",
  4435. "nan",
  4436. "nan",
  4437. "nan",
  4438. "nan",
  4439. "nan",
  4440. "nan",
  4441. "nan",
  4442. "nan",
  4443. "nan",
  4444. "nan",
  4445. "nan",
  4446. "nan"
  4447. ],
  4448. [
  4449. "012",
  4450. "nan",
  4451. "rtc memos",
  4452. "nan",
  4453. "dsj005051",
  4454. "nan",
  4455. "djg-personal",
  4456. "03/27/1992",
  4457. "30-096",
  4458. "30 dan gallagher",
  4459. "nan",
  4460. "nan",
  4461. "nan",
  4462. "jacksonville",
  4463. "61227",
  4464. "nan",
  4465. "nan",
  4466. "nan",
  4467. "nan",
  4468. "nan",
  4469. "nan",
  4470. "nan",
  4471. "nan",
  4472. "nan",
  4473. "nan",
  4474. "nan",
  4475. "nan",
  4476. "nan",
  4477. "nan",
  4478. "nan",
  4479. "nan",
  4480. "nan",
  4481. "nan",
  4482. "nan",
  4483. "nan",
  4484. "nan",
  4485. "nan",
  4486. "nan"
  4487. ],
  4488. [
  4489. "012196",
  4490. "00875",
  4491. "suntrust bank, tampa bay",
  4492. "federal deposit insurance",
  4493. "tcf0006496",
  4494. "general/other",
  4495. "sun bank of tampa bay 89 federal deposit ins corp vs---",
  4496. "06/20/2001",
  4497. "ao7476",
  4498. "richard m. blau",
  4499. "nan",
  4500. "nan",
  4501. "<ethical wall applied on: 5/23/2017> wmc---<ethical wall applied on: 9/17/2014> seq: 0093",
  4502. "tampa",
  4503. "178746",
  4504. "6/12/1989",
  4505. "nan",
  4506. "nan",
  4507. "nan",
  4508. "nan",
  4509. "nan",
  4510. "nan",
  4511. "nan",
  4512. "nan",
  4513. "nan",
  4514. "nan",
  4515. "nan",
  4516. "nan",
  4517. "nan",
  4518. "nan",
  4519. "nan",
  4520. "nan",
  4521. "nan",
  4522. "nan",
  4523. "nan",
  4524. "nan",
  4525. "nan",
  4526. "nan"
  4527. ],
  4528. [
  4529. "013940",
  4530. "00025",
  4531. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.",
  4532. "defense of negligence claims",
  4533. "625579905",
  4534. "nan",
  4535. "summary judgement work file\nconstruction fund draw down work file\namended complaint an fslic",
  4536. "3/4/2008",
  4537. "063575",
  4538. "hume f. coleman",
  4539. "off-site",
  4540. "nan",
  4541. " hk box:",
  4542. "tallahassee",
  4543. "595722",
  4544. "9/30/1992",
  4545. "nan",
  4546. "nan",
  4547. "nan",
  4548. "nan",
  4549. "nan",
  4550. "nan",
  4551. "nan",
  4552. "nan",
  4553. "nan",
  4554. "nan",
  4555. "nan",
  4556. "nan",
  4557. "nan",
  4558. "nan",
  4559. "nan",
  4560. "nan",
  4561. "nan",
  4562. "nan",
  4563. "nan",
  4564. "nan",
  4565. "nan",
  4566. "nan"
  4567. ],
  4568. [
  4569. "013940",
  4570. "00025",
  4571. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.",
  4572. "defense of negligence claims",
  4573. "625588061",
  4574. "nan",
  4575. "falls chase matter hrd shadow file\ncorrespondence\nattorney fees fillings\ngeneral research copies of pleadings\nwater sewer bond construction account transactions\ncopies of indentures of trust\nresearch re discoverability of bondholder lists\nmotion for summary judgement\n8/17/89 document production groover engineers\nresearch class action\ndraft discovery\nbondholder calls\nresearch of sister case fslic v. fcstt",
  4576. "4/9/2009",
  4577. "023400",
  4578. "hume f. coleman",
  4579. "off-site",
  4580. "nan",
  4581. " hk box:",
  4582. "tallahassee",
  4583. "1638972",
  4584. "9/30/1992",
  4585. "nan",
  4586. "nan",
  4587. "nan",
  4588. "nan",
  4589. "nan",
  4590. "nan",
  4591. "nan",
  4592. "nan",
  4593. "nan",
  4594. "nan",
  4595. "nan",
  4596. "nan",
  4597. "nan",
  4598. "nan",
  4599. "nan",
  4600. "nan",
  4601. "nan",
  4602. "nan",
  4603. "nan",
  4604. "nan",
  4605. "nan",
  4606. "nan"
  4607. ],
  4608. [
  4609. "015797",
  4610. "00008",
  4611. "penner, joseph",
  4612. "general matters",
  4613. "tcf0006805",
  4614. "general/other",
  4615. "fdic - manual general ---",
  4616. "06/20/2001",
  4617. "ap9076",
  4618. "roy e. dean",
  4619. "nan",
  4620. "nan",
  4621. "ejn---seq: 0007",
  4622. "tampa",
  4623. "181254",
  4624. "5/12/1989",
  4625. "nan",
  4626. "nan",
  4627. "nan",
  4628. "nan",
  4629. "nan",
  4630. "nan",
  4631. "nan",
  4632. "nan",
  4633. "nan",
  4634. "nan",
  4635. "nan",
  4636. "nan",
  4637. "nan",
  4638. "nan",
  4639. "nan",
  4640. "nan",
  4641. "nan",
  4642. "nan",
  4643. "nan",
  4644. "nan",
  4645. "nan",
  4646. "nan"
  4647. ],
  4648. [
  4649. "015797",
  4650. "00009",
  4651. "penner, joseph",
  4652. "f.d.i.c./ $500,000 junior lien",
  4653. "tcf0007332",
  4654. "general/other",
  4655. "pennek, joseph fdic/$500k jr lien mortgage---",
  4656. "06/20/2001",
  4657. "aq1244",
  4658. "roy e. dean",
  4659. "nan",
  4660. "nan",
  4661. "---seq: 0024",
  4662. "tampa",
  4663. "185050",
  4664. "5/12/1989",
  4665. "nan",
  4666. "nan",
  4667. "nan",
  4668. "nan",
  4669. "nan",
  4670. "nan",
  4671. "nan",
  4672. "nan",
  4673. "nan",
  4674. "nan",
  4675. "nan",
  4676. "nan",
  4677. "nan",
  4678. "nan",
  4679. "nan",
  4680. "nan",
  4681. "nan",
  4682. "nan",
  4683. "nan",
  4684. "nan",
  4685. "nan",
  4686. "nan"
  4687. ],
  4688. [
  4689. "016172",
  4690. "00136",
  4691. "hsbc bank usa national association",
  4692. "rtl trust loan",
  4693. "166833891",
  4694. "general/other",
  4695. "hsbc bank usa republic - rtc trust---",
  4696. "07/19/2001",
  4697. "166833891",
  4698. "leonard h. gilbert",
  4699. "nan",
  4700. "nan",
  4701. "lhg---<ethical wall applied on: 4/8/2013> seq: 0010 + letter: f",
  4702. "tampa",
  4703. "108351",
  4704. "12/16/2002",
  4705. "nan",
  4706. "nan",
  4707. "nan",
  4708. "nan",
  4709. "nan",
  4710. "nan",
  4711. "nan",
  4712. "nan",
  4713. "nan",
  4714. "nan",
  4715. "nan",
  4716. "nan",
  4717. "nan",
  4718. "nan",
  4719. "nan",
  4720. "nan",
  4721. "nan",
  4722. "nan",
  4723. "nan",
  4724. "nan",
  4725. "nan",
  4726. "nan"
  4727. ],
  4728. [
  4729. "016837",
  4730. "00785",
  4731. "wachovia bank, national association",
  4732. "the graham companies",
  4733. "672027528",
  4734. "nan",
  4735. "� 1 redwell folder containing:\n\nhard copy closing binder for the following transaction:\n\nfirst union bank of florida, as successor in interest to fdic as receiver\nof southeast bank, na, a national banking association\n$45,000,000 construction/permanent loan to the graham companies\napril 6, 1992\n\n#9910734_v1 \n",
  4736. "11/16/2010",
  4737. "0013416936",
  4738. "john f. halula",
  4739. "nan",
  4740. "halula john",
  4741. "<ethical wall applied on: 6/21/2013> hk box: 46444",
  4742. "miami",
  4743. "1731956",
  4744. "5/21/2013",
  4745. "nan",
  4746. "nan",
  4747. "nan",
  4748. "nan",
  4749. "nan",
  4750. "nan",
  4751. "nan",
  4752. "nan",
  4753. "nan",
  4754. "nan",
  4755. "nan",
  4756. "nan",
  4757. "nan",
  4758. "nan",
  4759. "nan",
  4760. "nan",
  4761. "nan",
  4762. "nan",
  4763. "nan",
  4764. "nan",
  4765. "nan",
  4766. "nan"
  4767. ],
  4768. [
  4769. "018207",
  4770. "00124",
  4771. "northern trust, na n/k/a the northern tr",
  4772. "claims by jorge v. guzman",
  4773. "652602968",
  4774. "nan",
  4775. "box # 2\n\nblue\n\n36. pleading\n\n37. motions, notices & orders\n\nyellow \n\n38. chronology\n\n39. asset & sector allocation analysis\n\n40. witness file: guzman, jorge\n\ngreen\n\n41. greg baldwin's working files\n\n\nblue\n\n42. notices of taking deposition- corp rep ntb of fl\n\n43. deposition of jorge guzman taken 04/19/04- volume 1\n\n44. deposition of jorge guzman taken 04/19/04- volume 2\n\n45. ( testimony file )\n\n46. guzman vs. ntb\n\n47. notice of taking deposition - arne themmen\n\n48. notice of taking deposition - vicky garrido\n\n\nyellow\n\n49. atty' s notes and working materials from 04/19/04 jorge guzman deposition\n\n\norange\n\n \n50. witness file: stern, steven\n\n51. witness file: hosfield, mark\n\n52. witness file: joss, earl\n\n\nwhite\n\n53. documents sent to expert, earl w. joss 08/05/04\n\n\norange\n\n \n54. witness file: khartchenko, victoria\n\n55. witness file: guzman, carlos omar\n\n56. witness file: guzman, ian alexis\n\n57. witness file: guzman, jorge javier\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nblue\n\n58. notice of deposition- corporate rep of ntb with\n knowledge of accounts 08/31/06\n\n59. notice of taking deposition and subpoena jordan starr\n\n60. notice/subpoena for deposition- carlos omar guzman\n\n61. notice of taking deposition and subpoena alan kyle\n\n62. notice of taking deposition and subpoena \n victoria khartchenko\n\n63. notice of taking deposition ian alexis guzman\n\n64. notice of taking deposition and subpoena jorge javier guzman\n\n65. notice of taking deposition and subpoena octavio verdeja, sr.\n\n66. notice of taking deposition and subpoena juan bernal\n\n67. notice of taking expert witness deposition- stephen d. stern, cfa\n\n68. deposition of william murphy taken 05/04/07 (vol. 1)\n \n69. deposition of william murphy taken 05/04/07 (vol. 2)\n\n\norange\n\n 70. witness file: murphy, william (word index)\n\n\nyellow\n\n71. atty's notes and working materials from deposition\n of william murphy taken 05/04/07\n\nwhite\n\n72. exhibits to deposition of william murphy taken 05/04/07\n\n\nred well\n\n73. general working file meg\n\n\nwhite\n\n74. internal audit reports\n\n9541843",
  4776. "6/24/2010",
  4777. "0013373568",
  4778. "gregory a. baldwin",
  4779. "off-site",
  4780. "nan",
  4781. " hk box: 45941",
  4782. "miami",
  4783. "1708690",
  4784. "1/13/2011",
  4785. "nan",
  4786. "nan",
  4787. "nan",
  4788. "nan",
  4789. "nan",
  4790. "nan",
  4791. "nan",
  4792. "nan",
  4793. "nan",
  4794. "nan",
  4795. "nan",
  4796. "nan",
  4797. "nan",
  4798. "nan",
  4799. "nan",
  4800. "nan",
  4801. "nan",
  4802. "nan",
  4803. "nan",
  4804. "nan",
  4805. "nan",
  4806. "nan"
  4807. ],
  4808. [
  4809. "020054",
  4810. "00002",
  4811. "governors bank",
  4812. "fdic report of exam",
  4813. "tcf0010299",
  4814. "general/other",
  4815. "governors bank fdic exam---",
  4816. "06/20/2001",
  4817. "bg0985",
  4818. "charles l. stutts",
  4819. "nan",
  4820. "nan",
  4821. "cls---seq: 0011",
  4822. "tampa",
  4823. "200943",
  4824. "12/28/1994",
  4825. "nan",
  4826. "nan",
  4827. "nan",
  4828. "nan",
  4829. "nan",
  4830. "nan",
  4831. "nan",
  4832. "nan",
  4833. "nan",
  4834. "nan",
  4835. "nan",
  4836. "nan",
  4837. "nan",
  4838. "nan",
  4839. "nan",
  4840. "nan",
  4841. "nan",
  4842. "nan",
  4843. "nan",
  4844. "nan",
  4845. "nan",
  4846. "nan"
  4847. ],
  4848. [
  4849. "021018",
  4850. "00001",
  4851. "margolis, david r.",
  4852. "claim against resolution trust",
  4853. "76651711",
  4854. "nan",
  4855. "margolis rtc\n",
  4856. "nan",
  4857. "5015",
  4858. "martin j alexander",
  4859. "nan",
  4860. "nan",
  4861. "closed file number: 98-9482 + location: 2",
  4862. "west palm beach",
  4863. "584154",
  4864. "10/31/1998",
  4865. "nan",
  4866. "nan",
  4867. "nan",
  4868. "nan",
  4869. "nan",
  4870. "nan",
  4871. "nan",
  4872. "nan",
  4873. "nan",
  4874. "nan",
  4875. "nan",
  4876. "nan",
  4877. "nan",
  4878. "nan",
  4879. "nan",
  4880. "nan",
  4881. "nan",
  4882. "nan",
  4883. "nan",
  4884. "nan",
  4885. "nan",
  4886. "nan"
  4887. ],
  4888. [
  4889. "021167",
  4890. "24",
  4891. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford",
  4892. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford",
  4893. "348025344",
  4894. "nan",
  4895. " entire box - t. boroughs attorney notes and research; complete summary appraisal report; incoming corresp.; misc.; atty notes; e-mails; internal corresp.; initial brief of appelant; research; appendix to initial brief of appellant; dummy file - jon guard in tampa has the original files; manuscript of r. langford depo; copies of ledgers; appeal file; appellant / appendix thereto; cases cited initial brief; corresp. (accounting / title work survey); corresp. (bkrtcy); pleadings vol. i (bkrtcy); second district court of appeal (pleadings and corresp.); m.w. shadow file",
  4896. "3/1/2005",
  4897. "348025344",
  4898. "8290",
  4899. "nan",
  4900. "nan",
  4901. " + fileid: $139881",
  4902. "orlando",
  4903. "561612",
  4904. "nan",
  4905. "nan",
  4906. "nan",
  4907. "nan",
  4908. "nan",
  4909. "nan",
  4910. "nan",
  4911. "nan",
  4912. "nan",
  4913. "nan",
  4914. "nan",
  4915. "nan",
  4916. "nan",
  4917. "nan",
  4918. "nan",
  4919. "nan",
  4920. "nan",
  4921. "nan",
  4922. "nan",
  4923. "nan",
  4924. "nan",
  4925. "nan",
  4926. "nan"
  4927. ],
  4928. [
  4929. "021167",
  4930. "10023",
  4931. "beal bank",
  4932. "appeal - vs. irwin and marcia sherwin",
  4933. "348866813",
  4934. "nan",
  4935. " box 7 of 9 - underlying matter - beal bank/sherwin box 6-4 - bates stamped docs hak 9745 - hak 10511; - docket sheet; correspondence vol. 1; robert capko shadow file; underlying matter - beal bank/sherwin box 7-1 - bates stamped docs hak 10512 - hak 11103; 1/26/01 hrg transcript of proceedings before judge kornblum; 1/26/01 - trial transcript; information regarding fdic; beals exhibit list; 1/31/01 - trial transcript; underlying matter - beal bank/sherwin box 7-2 - bates stamped docs hak 11104- hak 11655; initial brief of appellant beal bank and appendix; privileged docs - manila files labeled as follows:; brian mcdowell files; martin alexander files; tim boroughs files; david borucke files; suzanne gilbert files; greg johansen files; h. allen lane files; linda lauricella files; kathy webb marlin files; scott newman files; james park files; sarah pellenberg files; sally scarpinto files; lee smith files; sam zusmann files",
  4936. "6/8/2005",
  4937. "348866813",
  4938. "2003 amnesty",
  4939. "nan",
  4940. "nan",
  4941. " + fileid: $145621",
  4942. "orlando",
  4943. "566754",
  4944. "9/9/2003",
  4945. "nan",
  4946. "nan",
  4947. "nan",
  4948. "nan",
  4949. "nan",
  4950. "nan",
  4951. "nan",
  4952. "nan",
  4953. "nan",
  4954. "nan",
  4955. "nan",
  4956. "nan",
  4957. "nan",
  4958. "nan",
  4959. "nan",
  4960. "nan",
  4961. "nan",
  4962. "nan",
  4963. "nan",
  4964. "nan",
  4965. "nan",
  4966. "nan"
  4967. ],
  4968. [
  4969. "021167",
  4970. "00011",
  4971. "beal bank",
  4972. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  4973. "68175221",
  4974. "nan",
  4975. "rtc's request for production upon hirshberg",
  4976. "nan",
  4977. "3086",
  4978. "hume f. coleman",
  4979. "nan",
  4980. "nan",
  4981. "closed file number: 98-6005 + location: 2",
  4982. "west palm beach",
  4983. "583369",
  4984. "10/1/1996",
  4985. "nan",
  4986. "nan",
  4987. "nan",
  4988. "nan",
  4989. "nan",
  4990. "nan",
  4991. "nan",
  4992. "nan",
  4993. "nan",
  4994. "nan",
  4995. "nan",
  4996. "nan",
  4997. "nan",
  4998. "nan",
  4999. "nan",
  5000. "nan",
  5001. "nan",
  5002. "nan",
  5003. "nan",
  5004. "nan",
  5005. "nan",
  5006. "nan"
  5007. ],
  5008. [
  5009. "021167",
  5010. "00011",
  5011. "beal bank",
  5012. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  5013. "68175221",
  5014. "nan",
  5015. "rtc's request for production upon shelfer",
  5016. "nan",
  5017. "3086",
  5018. "hume f. coleman",
  5019. "nan",
  5020. "nan",
  5021. "closed file number: 98-6006 + location: 2",
  5022. "west palm beach",
  5023. "583370",
  5024. "10/1/1996",
  5025. "nan",
  5026. "nan",
  5027. "nan",
  5028. "nan",
  5029. "nan",
  5030. "nan",
  5031. "nan",
  5032. "nan",
  5033. "nan",
  5034. "nan",
  5035. "nan",
  5036. "nan",
  5037. "nan",
  5038. "nan",
  5039. "nan",
  5040. "nan",
  5041. "nan",
  5042. "nan",
  5043. "nan",
  5044. "nan",
  5045. "nan",
  5046. "nan"
  5047. ],
  5048. [
  5049. "021167",
  5050. "00011",
  5051. "beal bank",
  5052. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  5053. "68175221",
  5054. "nan",
  5055. "rtc's interrogatories to hirshberg",
  5056. "nan",
  5057. "3086",
  5058. "hume f. coleman",
  5059. "nan",
  5060. "nan",
  5061. "closed file number: 98-6007 + location: 2",
  5062. "west palm beach",
  5063. "583371",
  5064. "10/1/1996",
  5065. "nan",
  5066. "nan",
  5067. "nan",
  5068. "nan",
  5069. "nan",
  5070. "nan",
  5071. "nan",
  5072. "nan",
  5073. "nan",
  5074. "nan",
  5075. "nan",
  5076. "nan",
  5077. "nan",
  5078. "nan",
  5079. "nan",
  5080. "nan",
  5081. "nan",
  5082. "nan",
  5083. "nan",
  5084. "nan",
  5085. "nan",
  5086. "nan"
  5087. ],
  5088. [
  5089. "021167",
  5090. "00011",
  5091. "beal bank",
  5092. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  5093. "68175221",
  5094. "nan",
  5095. "rtc's interrogatories to shelfer",
  5096. "nan",
  5097. "3086",
  5098. "hume f. coleman",
  5099. "nan",
  5100. "nan",
  5101. "closed file number: 98-6008 + location: 2",
  5102. "west palm beach",
  5103. "583372",
  5104. "10/1/1996",
  5105. "nan",
  5106. "nan",
  5107. "nan",
  5108. "nan",
  5109. "nan",
  5110. "nan",
  5111. "nan",
  5112. "nan",
  5113. "nan",
  5114. "nan",
  5115. "nan",
  5116. "nan",
  5117. "nan",
  5118. "nan",
  5119. "nan",
  5120. "nan",
  5121. "nan",
  5122. "nan",
  5123. "nan",
  5124. "nan",
  5125. "nan",
  5126. "nan"
  5127. ],
  5128. [
  5129. "021396",
  5130. "007",
  5131. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000",
  5132. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000",
  5133. "dsn008442",
  5134. "nan",
  5135. "nan",
  5136. "1/9/1998",
  5137. "1117",
  5138. "25",
  5139. "nan",
  5140. "nan",
  5141. "nan",
  5142. "orlando",
  5143. "518694",
  5144. "nan",
  5145. "nan",
  5146. "nan",
  5147. "nan",
  5148. "nan",
  5149. "nan",
  5150. "nan",
  5151. "nan",
  5152. "nan",
  5153. "nan",
  5154. "nan",
  5155. "nan",
  5156. "nan",
  5157. "nan",
  5158. "nan",
  5159. "nan",
  5160. "nan",
  5161. "nan",
  5162. "nan",
  5163. "nan",
  5164. "nan",
  5165. "nan",
  5166. "nan"
  5167. ],
  5168. [
  5169. "021396",
  5170. "006",
  5171. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary",
  5172. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary",
  5173. "dsn008442",
  5174. "nan",
  5175. "nan",
  5176. "1/9/1998",
  5177. "1117",
  5178. "25",
  5179. "nan",
  5180. "nan",
  5181. "nan",
  5182. "orlando",
  5183. "518695",
  5184. "nan",
  5185. "nan",
  5186. "nan",
  5187. "nan",
  5188. "nan",
  5189. "nan",
  5190. "nan",
  5191. "nan",
  5192. "nan",
  5193. "nan",
  5194. "nan",
  5195. "nan",
  5196. "nan",
  5197. "nan",
  5198. "nan",
  5199. "nan",
  5200. "nan",
  5201. "nan",
  5202. "nan",
  5203. "nan",
  5204. "nan",
  5205. "nan",
  5206. "nan"
  5207. ],
  5208. [
  5209. "021714",
  5210. "00001",
  5211. "snyder, walter & patricia",
  5212. "adv. rtc",
  5213. "76651761",
  5214. "nan",
  5215. "msg-see files for index list",
  5216. "nan",
  5217. "99594",
  5218. "scott b newman",
  5219. "nan",
  5220. "nan",
  5221. "closed file number: 99-594 + location: 2",
  5222. "west palm beach",
  5223. "585134",
  5224. "10/31/1998",
  5225. "nan",
  5226. "nan",
  5227. "nan",
  5228. "nan",
  5229. "nan",
  5230. "nan",
  5231. "nan",
  5232. "nan",
  5233. "nan",
  5234. "nan",
  5235. "nan",
  5236. "nan",
  5237. "nan",
  5238. "nan",
  5239. "nan",
  5240. "nan",
  5241. "nan",
  5242. "nan",
  5243. "nan",
  5244. "nan",
  5245. "nan",
  5246. "nan"
  5247. ],
  5248. [
  5249. "023616",
  5250. "00001",
  5251. "machado, gus",
  5252. "general",
  5253. "727771867",
  5254. "general/other",
  5255. "rtc/ amerifirst estoppel letter",
  5256. "12/7/2012",
  5257. "nan",
  5258. "jorge l. hernandez-torano",
  5259. "off-site",
  5260. "jorge hernandez torano",
  5261. "machado2",
  5262. "miami",
  5263. "1935295",
  5264. "6/25/2003",
  5265. "nan",
  5266. "nan",
  5267. "nan",
  5268. "nan",
  5269. "nan",
  5270. "nan",
  5271. "nan",
  5272. "nan",
  5273. "nan",
  5274. "nan",
  5275. "nan",
  5276. "nan",
  5277. "nan",
  5278. "nan",
  5279. "nan",
  5280. "nan",
  5281. "nan",
  5282. "nan",
  5283. "nan",
  5284. "nan",
  5285. "nan",
  5286. "nan"
  5287. ],
  5288. [
  5289. "024405",
  5290. "00005",
  5291. "acowf investments, inc.",
  5292. "proposed purchase from fdic",
  5293. "tcf0003894",
  5294. "general/other",
  5295. "acowf investments inc 86 prop purchase fr fdic----acowf investments inc 86 prop purchase fr fdic",
  5296. "06/20/2001",
  5297. "ab7995",
  5298. "robert n. butler",
  5299. "nan",
  5300. "nan",
  5301. "seq: 0061-rnb",
  5302. "tampa",
  5303. "160517",
  5304. "4/22/1986",
  5305. "nan",
  5306. "nan",
  5307. "nan",
  5308. "nan",
  5309. "nan",
  5310. "nan",
  5311. "nan",
  5312. "nan",
  5313. "nan",
  5314. "nan",
  5315. "nan",
  5316. "nan",
  5317. "nan",
  5318. "nan",
  5319. "nan",
  5320. "nan",
  5321. "nan",
  5322. "nan",
  5323. "nan",
  5324. "nan",
  5325. "nan",
  5326. "nan"
  5327. ],
  5328. [
  5329. "025235",
  5330. "00013",
  5331. "rickert properties",
  5332. "palm grove village mobile home",
  5333. "737260738",
  5334. "nan",
  5335. "audit response\n\nrtc",
  5336. "5/19/2009",
  5337. "022920",
  5338. "j. allen bobo",
  5339. "nan",
  5340. "nan",
  5341. " hk box:",
  5342. "tallahassee",
  5343. "1644706",
  5344. "6/8/1992",
  5345. "nan",
  5346. "nan",
  5347. "nan",
  5348. "nan",
  5349. "nan",
  5350. "nan",
  5351. "nan",
  5352. "nan",
  5353. "nan",
  5354. "nan",
  5355. "nan",
  5356. "nan",
  5357. "nan",
  5358. "nan",
  5359. "nan",
  5360. "nan",
  5361. "nan",
  5362. "nan",
  5363. "nan",
  5364. "nan",
  5365. "nan",
  5366. "nan"
  5367. ],
  5368. [
  5369. "025487",
  5370. "00001",
  5371. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  5372. "bank acquisition & holding",
  5373. "tcf0004753",
  5374. "general/other",
  5375. "fl commerce bankshares cor 87 supp info-fdic and state---",
  5376. "06/20/2001",
  5377. "ae0743",
  5378. "bill mcbride",
  5379. "nan",
  5380. "nan",
  5381. "seq: 0056-whm",
  5382. "tampa",
  5383. "167227",
  5384. "7/8/1987",
  5385. "nan",
  5386. "nan",
  5387. "nan",
  5388. "nan",
  5389. "nan",
  5390. "nan",
  5391. "nan",
  5392. "nan",
  5393. "nan",
  5394. "nan",
  5395. "nan",
  5396. "nan",
  5397. "nan",
  5398. "nan",
  5399. "nan",
  5400. "nan",
  5401. "nan",
  5402. "nan",
  5403. "nan",
  5404. "nan",
  5405. "nan",
  5406. "nan"
  5407. ],
  5408. [
  5409. "025487",
  5410. "00001",
  5411. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  5412. "bank acquisition & holding",
  5413. "tcf0004754",
  5414. "general/other",
  5415. "fl commerce bankshares cor 87 fdic application/st of fl app---",
  5416. "06/20/2001",
  5417. "ae0744",
  5418. "bill mcbride",
  5419. "nan",
  5420. "nan",
  5421. "seq: 0023-whm",
  5422. "tampa",
  5423. "167232",
  5424. "7/8/1987",
  5425. "nan",
  5426. "nan",
  5427. "nan",
  5428. "nan",
  5429. "nan",
  5430. "nan",
  5431. "nan",
  5432. "nan",
  5433. "nan",
  5434. "nan",
  5435. "nan",
  5436. "nan",
  5437. "nan",
  5438. "nan",
  5439. "nan",
  5440. "nan",
  5441. "nan",
  5442. "nan",
  5443. "nan",
  5444. "nan",
  5445. "nan",
  5446. "nan"
  5447. ],
  5448. [
  5449. "025487",
  5450. "00001",
  5451. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  5452. "bank acquisition & holding",
  5453. "tcf0004755",
  5454. "general/other",
  5455. "fl commerce bankshares cor 87 fdic application-drafts---",
  5456. "06/20/2001",
  5457. "ae0745",
  5458. "bill mcbride",
  5459. "nan",
  5460. "nan",
  5461. "seq: 0061-whm",
  5462. "tampa",
  5463. "167237",
  5464. "7/8/1987",
  5465. "nan",
  5466. "nan",
  5467. "nan",
  5468. "nan",
  5469. "nan",
  5470. "nan",
  5471. "nan",
  5472. "nan",
  5473. "nan",
  5474. "nan",
  5475. "nan",
  5476. "nan",
  5477. "nan",
  5478. "nan",
  5479. "nan",
  5480. "nan",
  5481. "nan",
  5482. "nan",
  5483. "nan",
  5484. "nan",
  5485. "nan",
  5486. "nan"
  5487. ],
  5488. [
  5489. "025487",
  5490. "00001",
  5491. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  5492. "bank acquisition & holding",
  5493. "tcf0004755",
  5494. "general/other",
  5495. "fl commerce bankshares cor 87 ap for bank merger-fdic-forms---",
  5496. "06/20/2001",
  5497. "ae0745",
  5498. "bill mcbride",
  5499. "nan",
  5500. "nan",
  5501. "seq: 0062-whm",
  5502. "tampa",
  5503. "167238",
  5504. "7/8/1987",
  5505. "nan",
  5506. "nan",
  5507. "nan",
  5508. "nan",
  5509. "nan",
  5510. "nan",
  5511. "nan",
  5512. "nan",
  5513. "nan",
  5514. "nan",
  5515. "nan",
  5516. "nan",
  5517. "nan",
  5518. "nan",
  5519. "nan",
  5520. "nan",
  5521. "nan",
  5522. "nan",
  5523. "nan",
  5524. "nan",
  5525. "nan",
  5526. "nan"
  5527. ],
  5528. [
  5529. "025487",
  5530. "00001",
  5531. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  5532. "bank acquisition & holding",
  5533. "tcf0004755",
  5534. "general/other",
  5535. "fl commerce bankshares cor 87 notice of acq of control-fdic---",
  5536. "06/20/2001",
  5537. "ae0745",
  5538. "bill mcbride",
  5539. "nan",
  5540. "nan",
  5541. "seq: 0064-whm",
  5542. "tampa",
  5543. "167240",
  5544. "7/8/1987",
  5545. "nan",
  5546. "nan",
  5547. "nan",
  5548. "nan",
  5549. "nan",
  5550. "nan",
  5551. "nan",
  5552. "nan",
  5553. "nan",
  5554. "nan",
  5555. "nan",
  5556. "nan",
  5557. "nan",
  5558. "nan",
  5559. "nan",
  5560. "nan",
  5561. "nan",
  5562. "nan",
  5563. "nan",
  5564. "nan",
  5565. "nan",
  5566. "nan"
  5567. ],
  5568. [
  5569. "025493",
  5570. "00003",
  5571. "ameribank",
  5572. "motion-relief from bankruptcy",
  5573. "tcf0003905",
  5574. "general/other",
  5575. "clearwater oaks bank 86 motion-relief fr bkrtcy stay---",
  5576. "06/20/2001",
  5577. "ab8006",
  5578. "reginald j. weatherly",
  5579. "nan",
  5580. "nan",
  5581. "seq: 0023-rjw",
  5582. "tampa",
  5583. "160638",
  5584. "4/15/1986",
  5585. "nan",
  5586. "nan",
  5587. "nan",
  5588. "nan",
  5589. "nan",
  5590. "nan",
  5591. "nan",
  5592. "nan",
  5593. "nan",
  5594. "nan",
  5595. "nan",
  5596. "nan",
  5597. "nan",
  5598. "nan",
  5599. "nan",
  5600. "nan",
  5601. "nan",
  5602. "nan",
  5603. "nan",
  5604. "nan",
  5605. "nan",
  5606. "nan"
  5607. ],
  5608. [
  5609. "025493",
  5610. "00035",
  5611. "ameribank",
  5612. "memorandum of understanding",
  5613. "tcf0007088",
  5614. "general/other",
  5615. "ameribank memorandum of understanding fdic---",
  5616. "06/20/2001",
  5617. "aq0575",
  5618. "bill mcbride",
  5619. "nan",
  5620. "nan",
  5621. "seq: 0070-",
  5622. "tampa",
  5623. "183292",
  5624. "1/25/1988",
  5625. "nan",
  5626. "nan",
  5627. "nan",
  5628. "nan",
  5629. "nan",
  5630. "nan",
  5631. "nan",
  5632. "nan",
  5633. "nan",
  5634. "nan",
  5635. "nan",
  5636. "nan",
  5637. "nan",
  5638. "nan",
  5639. "nan",
  5640. "nan",
  5641. "nan",
  5642. "nan",
  5643. "nan",
  5644. "nan",
  5645. "nan",
  5646. "nan"
  5647. ],
  5648. [
  5649. "025859",
  5650. "00016",
  5651. "sunbelt savings, fsb",
  5652. "pine brook lake club, ltd.",
  5653. "tcf0008831",
  5654. "general/other",
  5655. "sunbelt/texana fslic v texana tements---",
  5656. "06/20/2001",
  5657. "ay2060",
  5658. "martha j. cook",
  5659. "nan",
  5660. "nan",
  5661. "seq: 0015-mjc",
  5662. "tampa",
  5663. "194656",
  5664. "9/2/1998",
  5665. "nan",
  5666. "nan",
  5667. "nan",
  5668. "nan",
  5669. "nan",
  5670. "nan",
  5671. "nan",
  5672. "nan",
  5673. "nan",
  5674. "nan",
  5675. "nan",
  5676. "nan",
  5677. "nan",
  5678. "nan",
  5679. "nan",
  5680. "nan",
  5681. "nan",
  5682. "nan",
  5683. "nan",
  5684. "nan",
  5685. "nan",
  5686. "nan"
  5687. ],
  5688. [
  5689. "025859",
  5690. "00015",
  5691. "sunbelt savings, fsb",
  5692. "henry aguirre suit",
  5693. "tcf0010798",
  5694. "general/other",
  5695. "rtc post-closing matters,shadow---",
  5696. "06/20/2001",
  5697. "bj8465",
  5698. "martha j. cook",
  5699. "nan",
  5700. "nan",
  5701. "seq: 0012-rde",
  5702. "tampa",
  5703. "203204",
  5704. "6/11/1993",
  5705. "nan",
  5706. "nan",
  5707. "nan",
  5708. "nan",
  5709. "nan",
  5710. "nan",
  5711. "nan",
  5712. "nan",
  5713. "nan",
  5714. "nan",
  5715. "nan",
  5716. "nan",
  5717. "nan",
  5718. "nan",
  5719. "nan",
  5720. "nan",
  5721. "nan",
  5722. "nan",
  5723. "nan",
  5724. "nan",
  5725. "nan",
  5726. "nan"
  5727. ],
  5728. [
  5729. "026025",
  5730. "00001",
  5731. "campbell soup company",
  5732. "v. alco products, inc.",
  5733. "725753735",
  5734. "nan",
  5735. "fslic v. jacoby correspondence iv and vol. iii",
  5736. "5/1/1987",
  5737. "nan",
  5738. "marty l. steinberg",
  5739. "off-site",
  5740. "nan",
  5741. "nan",
  5742. "miami",
  5743. "1893212",
  5744. "8/7/1987",
  5745. "nan",
  5746. "nan",
  5747. "nan",
  5748. "nan",
  5749. "nan",
  5750. "nan",
  5751. "nan",
  5752. "nan",
  5753. "nan",
  5754. "nan",
  5755. "nan",
  5756. "nan",
  5757. "nan",
  5758. "nan",
  5759. "nan",
  5760. "nan",
  5761. "nan",
  5762. "nan",
  5763. "nan",
  5764. "nan",
  5765. "nan",
  5766. "nan"
  5767. ],
  5768. [
  5769. "026054",
  5770. "00003",
  5771. "blank rome llp",
  5772. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  5773. "625584128",
  5774. "nan",
  5775. "work file",
  5776. "5/21/2008",
  5777. "022958",
  5778. "marty l. steinberg",
  5779. "nan",
  5780. "nan",
  5781. " hk box:",
  5782. "tallahassee",
  5783. "714902",
  5784. "6/18/1997",
  5785. "nan",
  5786. "nan",
  5787. "nan",
  5788. "nan",
  5789. "nan",
  5790. "nan",
  5791. "nan",
  5792. "nan",
  5793. "nan",
  5794. "nan",
  5795. "nan",
  5796. "nan",
  5797. "nan",
  5798. "nan",
  5799. "nan",
  5800. "nan",
  5801. "nan",
  5802. "nan",
  5803. "nan",
  5804. "nan",
  5805. "nan",
  5806. "nan"
  5807. ],
  5808. [
  5809. "026054",
  5810. "00003",
  5811. "blank rome llp",
  5812. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  5813. "753990304",
  5814. "nan",
  5815. "fslic v. jacoby - pleadings vols. i, ii, and iii",
  5816. "9/18/1986",
  5817. "nan",
  5818. "marty l. steinberg",
  5819. "off-site",
  5820. "nan",
  5821. "nan",
  5822. "miami",
  5823. "1893344",
  5824. "6/18/1997",
  5825. "nan",
  5826. "nan",
  5827. "nan",
  5828. "nan",
  5829. "nan",
  5830. "nan",
  5831. "nan",
  5832. "nan",
  5833. "nan",
  5834. "nan",
  5835. "nan",
  5836. "nan",
  5837. "nan",
  5838. "nan",
  5839. "nan",
  5840. "nan",
  5841. "nan",
  5842. "nan",
  5843. "nan",
  5844. "nan",
  5845. "nan",
  5846. "nan"
  5847. ],
  5848. [
  5849. "026054",
  5850. "00003",
  5851. "blank rome llp",
  5852. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  5853. "753990304",
  5854. "nan",
  5855. "fslic v. jacoby - pleadings vols. i, ii, and iii",
  5856. "9/18/1986",
  5857. "nan",
  5858. "marty l. steinberg",
  5859. "off-site",
  5860. "nan",
  5861. "nan",
  5862. "miami",
  5863. "1912629",
  5864. "6/18/1997",
  5865. "nan",
  5866. "nan",
  5867. "nan",
  5868. "nan",
  5869. "nan",
  5870. "nan",
  5871. "nan",
  5872. "nan",
  5873. "nan",
  5874. "nan",
  5875. "nan",
  5876. "nan",
  5877. "nan",
  5878. "nan",
  5879. "nan",
  5880. "nan",
  5881. "nan",
  5882. "nan",
  5883. "nan",
  5884. "nan",
  5885. "nan",
  5886. "nan"
  5887. ],
  5888. [
  5889. "026210",
  5890. "00001",
  5891. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  5892. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  5893. "753996387",
  5894. "nan",
  5895. "chicago title ins. co./ fdic v. marina/ correspondence",
  5896. "10/10/1985",
  5897. "nan",
  5898. "roger lutz",
  5899. "off-site",
  5900. "nan",
  5901. "nan",
  5902. "miami",
  5903. "1912841",
  5904. "1/4/1988",
  5905. "nan",
  5906. "nan",
  5907. "nan",
  5908. "nan",
  5909. "nan",
  5910. "nan",
  5911. "nan",
  5912. "nan",
  5913. "nan",
  5914. "nan",
  5915. "nan",
  5916. "nan",
  5917. "nan",
  5918. "nan",
  5919. "nan",
  5920. "nan",
  5921. "nan",
  5922. "nan",
  5923. "nan",
  5924. "nan",
  5925. "nan",
  5926. "nan"
  5927. ],
  5928. [
  5929. "026210",
  5930. "00001",
  5931. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  5932. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  5933. "753996387",
  5934. "nan",
  5935. "chicago title ins. co/warranty deed/ fdic v. marina",
  5936. "5/4/1984",
  5937. "nan",
  5938. "roger lutz",
  5939. "off-site",
  5940. "nan",
  5941. "nan",
  5942. "miami",
  5943. "1912843",
  5944. "1/4/1988",
  5945. "nan",
  5946. "nan",
  5947. "nan",
  5948. "nan",
  5949. "nan",
  5950. "nan",
  5951. "nan",
  5952. "nan",
  5953. "nan",
  5954. "nan",
  5955. "nan",
  5956. "nan",
  5957. "nan",
  5958. "nan",
  5959. "nan",
  5960. "nan",
  5961. "nan",
  5962. "nan",
  5963. "nan",
  5964. "nan",
  5965. "nan",
  5966. "nan"
  5967. ],
  5968. [
  5969. "026210",
  5970. "00001",
  5971. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  5972. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  5973. "753996387",
  5974. "nan",
  5975. "chicago title ins. co/ fdic v. marina / notes",
  5976. "9/30/1981",
  5977. "nan",
  5978. "roger lutz",
  5979. "off-site",
  5980. "nan",
  5981. "nan",
  5982. "miami",
  5983. "1912844",
  5984. "1/4/1988",
  5985. "nan",
  5986. "nan",
  5987. "nan",
  5988. "nan",
  5989. "nan",
  5990. "nan",
  5991. "nan",
  5992. "nan",
  5993. "nan",
  5994. "nan",
  5995. "nan",
  5996. "nan",
  5997. "nan",
  5998. "nan",
  5999. "nan",
  6000. "nan",
  6001. "nan",
  6002. "nan",
  6003. "nan",
  6004. "nan",
  6005. "nan",
  6006. "nan"
  6007. ],
  6008. [
  6009. "026373",
  6010. "00006",
  6011. "baltimore federal financial",
  6012. "vs. cambridge creek dev. corp.",
  6013. "tcf0008586",
  6014. "general/other",
  6015. "-rtc/baltimore federal w.w. gilman (box)",
  6016. "06/20/2001",
  6017. "aw8075",
  6018. "julia waters",
  6019. "nan",
  6020. "nan",
  6021. "seq: 0004-wmc",
  6022. "tampa",
  6023. "193398",
  6024. "1/11/1993",
  6025. "nan",
  6026. "nan",
  6027. "nan",
  6028. "nan",
  6029. "nan",
  6030. "nan",
  6031. "nan",
  6032. "nan",
  6033. "nan",
  6034. "nan",
  6035. "nan",
  6036. "nan",
  6037. "nan",
  6038. "nan",
  6039. "nan",
  6040. "nan",
  6041. "nan",
  6042. "nan",
  6043. "nan",
  6044. "nan",
  6045. "nan",
  6046. "nan"
  6047. ],
  6048. [
  6049. "026516",
  6050. "00012",
  6051. "federal deposit insurance company",
  6052. "v. coast federal bank co.",
  6053. "411011494",
  6054. "nan",
  6055. "2000-339\n1. joint trial exhibits vol 8 ex 500\n2. exhibits vol 7- ex 475-499\n3. exhibits 512-534\n4. depo of mary king, catherine killien and robert dye\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  6056. "nan",
  6057. "box 94-139",
  6058. "institution account, n.y.",
  6059. "nan",
  6060. "nan",
  6061. "prefix: ia + clientx: 26516-12 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  6062. "los angeles",
  6063. "1524870",
  6064. "nan",
  6065. "nan",
  6066. "nan",
  6067. "nan",
  6068. "nan",
  6069. "nan",
  6070. "nan",
  6071. "nan",
  6072. "nan",
  6073. "nan",
  6074. "nan",
  6075. "nan",
  6076. "nan",
  6077. "nan",
  6078. "nan",
  6079. "nan",
  6080. "nan",
  6081. "nan",
  6082. "nan",
  6083. "nan",
  6084. "nan",
  6085. "nan",
  6086. "nan"
  6087. ],
  6088. [
  6089. "027091",
  6090. "00003",
  6091. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6092. "general matters",
  6093. "564515034",
  6094. "general/other",
  6095. "recall box 2000-376\n\nhk file no. la-26516-12\nclient name: federal deposit insurance corp.\nmatter name: vs. coast federal bank \n\n1) joint trial exhibits vol. 1-2\n2) transfer from dbc to lbabp ii\n3) loan participation agreements \n4) legibility test\n5) appraisals \n6) modification of 2nd td's 12/88\n7) notice of default",
  6096. "2/17/2012",
  6097. "2000-376",
  6098. "robert mclean",
  6099. "off-site",
  6100. "nan",
  6101. "nan",
  6102. "los angeles",
  6103. "1818296",
  6104. "1/18/1988",
  6105. "nan",
  6106. "nan",
  6107. "nan",
  6108. "nan",
  6109. "nan",
  6110. "nan",
  6111. "nan",
  6112. "nan",
  6113. "nan",
  6114. "nan",
  6115. "nan",
  6116. "nan",
  6117. "nan",
  6118. "nan",
  6119. "nan",
  6120. "nan",
  6121. "nan",
  6122. "nan",
  6123. "nan",
  6124. "nan",
  6125. "nan",
  6126. "nan"
  6127. ],
  6128. [
  6129. "027091",
  6130. "00009",
  6131. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6132. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6133. "753996268",
  6134. "nan",
  6135. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim",
  6136. "3/21/1986",
  6137. "nan",
  6138. "michael t. moore",
  6139. "off-site",
  6140. "nan",
  6141. "nan",
  6142. "miami",
  6143. "1911708",
  6144. "8/29/1986",
  6145. "nan",
  6146. "nan",
  6147. "nan",
  6148. "nan",
  6149. "nan",
  6150. "nan",
  6151. "nan",
  6152. "nan",
  6153. "nan",
  6154. "nan",
  6155. "nan",
  6156. "nan",
  6157. "nan",
  6158. "nan",
  6159. "nan",
  6160. "nan",
  6161. "nan",
  6162. "nan",
  6163. "nan",
  6164. "nan",
  6165. "nan",
  6166. "nan"
  6167. ],
  6168. [
  6169. "027091",
  6170. "00009",
  6171. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6172. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6173. "753996268",
  6174. "nan",
  6175. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim billing",
  6176. "3/21/1986",
  6177. "nan",
  6178. "michael t. moore",
  6179. "off-site",
  6180. "nan",
  6181. "nan",
  6182. "miami",
  6183. "1911709",
  6184. "8/29/1986",
  6185. "nan",
  6186. "nan",
  6187. "nan",
  6188. "nan",
  6189. "nan",
  6190. "nan",
  6191. "nan",
  6192. "nan",
  6193. "nan",
  6194. "nan",
  6195. "nan",
  6196. "nan",
  6197. "nan",
  6198. "nan",
  6199. "nan",
  6200. "nan",
  6201. "nan",
  6202. "nan",
  6203. "nan",
  6204. "nan",
  6205. "nan",
  6206. "nan"
  6207. ],
  6208. [
  6209. "027091",
  6210. "00009",
  6211. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6212. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6213. "753996268",
  6214. "nan",
  6215. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim - notices and motions",
  6216. "3/21/1986",
  6217. "nan",
  6218. "michael t. moore",
  6219. "off-site",
  6220. "nan",
  6221. "nan",
  6222. "miami",
  6223. "1911710",
  6224. "8/29/1986",
  6225. "nan",
  6226. "nan",
  6227. "nan",
  6228. "nan",
  6229. "nan",
  6230. "nan",
  6231. "nan",
  6232. "nan",
  6233. "nan",
  6234. "nan",
  6235. "nan",
  6236. "nan",
  6237. "nan",
  6238. "nan",
  6239. "nan",
  6240. "nan",
  6241. "nan",
  6242. "nan",
  6243. "nan",
  6244. "nan",
  6245. "nan",
  6246. "nan"
  6247. ],
  6248. [
  6249. "027091",
  6250. "00009",
  6251. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6252. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6253. "753996268",
  6254. "nan",
  6255. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim - pleadings",
  6256. "3/21/1986",
  6257. "nan",
  6258. "michael t. moore",
  6259. "off-site",
  6260. "nan",
  6261. "nan",
  6262. "miami",
  6263. "1911711",
  6264. "8/29/1986",
  6265. "nan",
  6266. "nan",
  6267. "nan",
  6268. "nan",
  6269. "nan",
  6270. "nan",
  6271. "nan",
  6272. "nan",
  6273. "nan",
  6274. "nan",
  6275. "nan",
  6276. "nan",
  6277. "nan",
  6278. "nan",
  6279. "nan",
  6280. "nan",
  6281. "nan",
  6282. "nan",
  6283. "nan",
  6284. "nan",
  6285. "nan",
  6286. "nan"
  6287. ],
  6288. [
  6289. "027091",
  6290. "00009",
  6291. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6292. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6293. "753996268",
  6294. "nan",
  6295. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim notes",
  6296. "3/21/1986",
  6297. "nan",
  6298. "michael t. moore",
  6299. "off-site",
  6300. "nan",
  6301. "nan",
  6302. "miami",
  6303. "1911712",
  6304. "8/29/1986",
  6305. "nan",
  6306. "nan",
  6307. "nan",
  6308. "nan",
  6309. "nan",
  6310. "nan",
  6311. "nan",
  6312. "nan",
  6313. "nan",
  6314. "nan",
  6315. "nan",
  6316. "nan",
  6317. "nan",
  6318. "nan",
  6319. "nan",
  6320. "nan",
  6321. "nan",
  6322. "nan",
  6323. "nan",
  6324. "nan",
  6325. "nan",
  6326. "nan"
  6327. ],
  6328. [
  6329. "027091",
  6330. "00009",
  6331. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6332. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6333. "753996268",
  6334. "nan",
  6335. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim documents",
  6336. "3/21/1986",
  6337. "nan",
  6338. "michael t. moore",
  6339. "off-site",
  6340. "nan",
  6341. "nan",
  6342. "miami",
  6343. "1911713",
  6344. "8/29/1986",
  6345. "nan",
  6346. "nan",
  6347. "nan",
  6348. "nan",
  6349. "nan",
  6350. "nan",
  6351. "nan",
  6352. "nan",
  6353. "nan",
  6354. "nan",
  6355. "nan",
  6356. "nan",
  6357. "nan",
  6358. "nan",
  6359. "nan",
  6360. "nan",
  6361. "nan",
  6362. "nan",
  6363. "nan",
  6364. "nan",
  6365. "nan",
  6366. "nan"
  6367. ],
  6368. [
  6369. "027091",
  6370. "00009",
  6371. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6372. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6373. "753996268",
  6374. "nan",
  6375. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim discovery",
  6376. "3/21/1986",
  6377. "nan",
  6378. "michael t. moore",
  6379. "off-site",
  6380. "nan",
  6381. "nan",
  6382. "miami",
  6383. "1911714",
  6384. "8/29/1986",
  6385. "nan",
  6386. "nan",
  6387. "nan",
  6388. "nan",
  6389. "nan",
  6390. "nan",
  6391. "nan",
  6392. "nan",
  6393. "nan",
  6394. "nan",
  6395. "nan",
  6396. "nan",
  6397. "nan",
  6398. "nan",
  6399. "nan",
  6400. "nan",
  6401. "nan",
  6402. "nan",
  6403. "nan",
  6404. "nan",
  6405. "nan",
  6406. "nan"
  6407. ],
  6408. [
  6409. "027091",
  6410. "00009",
  6411. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  6412. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  6413. "753996268",
  6414. "nan",
  6415. "federal deposit insurance corp - advise re sale of mv lord jim law",
  6416. "3/21/1986",
  6417. "nan",
  6418. "michael t. moore",
  6419. "off-site",
  6420. "nan",
  6421. "nan",
  6422. "miami",
  6423. "1911715",
  6424. "8/29/1986",
  6425. "nan",
  6426. "nan",
  6427. "nan",
  6428. "nan",
  6429. "nan",
  6430. "nan",
  6431. "nan",
  6432. "nan",
  6433. "nan",
  6434. "nan",
  6435. "nan",
  6436. "nan",
  6437. "nan",
  6438. "nan",
  6439. "nan",
  6440. "nan",
  6441. "nan",
  6442. "nan",
  6443. "nan",
  6444. "nan",
  6445. "nan",
  6446. "nan"
  6447. ],
  6448. [
  6449. "027657",
  6450. "00015",
  6451. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6452. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  6453. "tcf0005235",
  6454. "general/other",
  6455. "-fdic-park bank of fl op notes/docs/research",
  6456. "06/20/2001",
  6457. "ag3892",
  6458. "lynn w. sherman",
  6459. "nan",
  6460. "nan",
  6461. "seq: 0060-dpm",
  6462. "tampa",
  6463. "170688",
  6464. "9/30/1992",
  6465. "nan",
  6466. "nan",
  6467. "nan",
  6468. "nan",
  6469. "nan",
  6470. "nan",
  6471. "nan",
  6472. "nan",
  6473. "nan",
  6474. "nan",
  6475. "nan",
  6476. "nan",
  6477. "nan",
  6478. "nan",
  6479. "nan",
  6480. "nan",
  6481. "nan",
  6482. "nan",
  6483. "nan",
  6484. "nan",
  6485. "nan",
  6486. "nan"
  6487. ],
  6488. [
  6489. "027657",
  6490. "00003",
  6491. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6492. "general matters",
  6493. "tcf0005245",
  6494. "general/other",
  6495. "-fdic park bank of florida op shadow file",
  6496. "06/20/2001",
  6497. "ag3912",
  6498. "julia waters",
  6499. "nan",
  6500. "nan",
  6501. "seq: 0039-lw",
  6502. "tampa",
  6503. "170810",
  6504. "9/30/1992",
  6505. "nan",
  6506. "nan",
  6507. "nan",
  6508. "nan",
  6509. "nan",
  6510. "nan",
  6511. "nan",
  6512. "nan",
  6513. "nan",
  6514. "nan",
  6515. "nan",
  6516. "nan",
  6517. "nan",
  6518. "nan",
  6519. "nan",
  6520. "nan",
  6521. "nan",
  6522. "nan",
  6523. "nan",
  6524. "nan",
  6525. "nan",
  6526. "nan"
  6527. ],
  6528. [
  6529. "027657",
  6530. "00050",
  6531. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6532. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6533. "tcf0005502",
  6534. "general/other",
  6535. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 pleadings vol 2 thru 4",
  6536. "06/20/2001",
  6537. "ah5158",
  6538. "julia waters",
  6539. "nan",
  6540. "nan",
  6541. "seq: 0028-djt",
  6542. "tampa",
  6543. "172518",
  6544. "1/17/1989",
  6545. "nan",
  6546. "nan",
  6547. "nan",
  6548. "nan",
  6549. "nan",
  6550. "nan",
  6551. "nan",
  6552. "nan",
  6553. "nan",
  6554. "nan",
  6555. "nan",
  6556. "nan",
  6557. "nan",
  6558. "nan",
  6559. "nan",
  6560. "nan",
  6561. "nan",
  6562. "nan",
  6563. "nan",
  6564. "nan",
  6565. "nan",
  6566. "nan"
  6567. ],
  6568. [
  6569. "027657",
  6570. "00050",
  6571. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6572. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6573. "tcf0005502",
  6574. "general/other",
  6575. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 pleadings vol 5",
  6576. "06/20/2001",
  6577. "ah5158",
  6578. "julia waters",
  6579. "nan",
  6580. "nan",
  6581. "seq: 0029-djt",
  6582. "tampa",
  6583. "172519",
  6584. "1/17/1989",
  6585. "nan",
  6586. "nan",
  6587. "nan",
  6588. "nan",
  6589. "nan",
  6590. "nan",
  6591. "nan",
  6592. "nan",
  6593. "nan",
  6594. "nan",
  6595. "nan",
  6596. "nan",
  6597. "nan",
  6598. "nan",
  6599. "nan",
  6600. "nan",
  6601. "nan",
  6602. "nan",
  6603. "nan",
  6604. "nan",
  6605. "nan",
  6606. "nan"
  6607. ],
  6608. [
  6609. "027657",
  6610. "00050",
  6611. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6612. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6613. "tcf0005503",
  6614. "general/other",
  6615. "-fdic park bank of florida 87 main file",
  6616. "06/20/2001",
  6617. "ah5159",
  6618. "julia waters",
  6619. "nan",
  6620. "nan",
  6621. "seq: 0022-djt",
  6622. "tampa",
  6623. "172527",
  6624. "1/17/1989",
  6625. "nan",
  6626. "nan",
  6627. "nan",
  6628. "nan",
  6629. "nan",
  6630. "nan",
  6631. "nan",
  6632. "nan",
  6633. "nan",
  6634. "nan",
  6635. "nan",
  6636. "nan",
  6637. "nan",
  6638. "nan",
  6639. "nan",
  6640. "nan",
  6641. "nan",
  6642. "nan",
  6643. "nan",
  6644. "nan",
  6645. "nan",
  6646. "nan"
  6647. ],
  6648. [
  6649. "027657",
  6650. "00050",
  6651. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6652. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6653. "tcf0005503",
  6654. "general/other",
  6655. "-fdic park bank of florida 87 docs prod to rains & tr upp",
  6656. "06/20/2001",
  6657. "ah5159",
  6658. "julia waters",
  6659. "nan",
  6660. "nan",
  6661. "seq: 0023-jsw",
  6662. "tampa",
  6663. "172528",
  6664. "1/17/1989",
  6665. "nan",
  6666. "nan",
  6667. "nan",
  6668. "nan",
  6669. "nan",
  6670. "nan",
  6671. "nan",
  6672. "nan",
  6673. "nan",
  6674. "nan",
  6675. "nan",
  6676. "nan",
  6677. "nan",
  6678. "nan",
  6679. "nan",
  6680. "nan",
  6681. "nan",
  6682. "nan",
  6683. "nan",
  6684. "nan",
  6685. "nan",
  6686. "nan"
  6687. ],
  6688. [
  6689. "027657",
  6690. "00050",
  6691. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6692. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6693. "tcf0005503",
  6694. "general/other",
  6695. "-fdic park bank of florida 87 application for cert of disch",
  6696. "06/20/2001",
  6697. "ah5159",
  6698. "julia waters",
  6699. "nan",
  6700. "nan",
  6701. "seq: 0024-jsw",
  6702. "tampa",
  6703. "172529",
  6704. "1/17/1989",
  6705. "nan",
  6706. "nan",
  6707. "nan",
  6708. "nan",
  6709. "nan",
  6710. "nan",
  6711. "nan",
  6712. "nan",
  6713. "nan",
  6714. "nan",
  6715. "nan",
  6716. "nan",
  6717. "nan",
  6718. "nan",
  6719. "nan",
  6720. "nan",
  6721. "nan",
  6722. "nan",
  6723. "nan",
  6724. "nan",
  6725. "nan",
  6726. "nan"
  6727. ],
  6728. [
  6729. "027657",
  6730. "00050",
  6731. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6732. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6733. "tcf0005503",
  6734. "general/other",
  6735. "-fdic park bank of florida 87 appr/assign/djt notes",
  6736. "06/20/2001",
  6737. "ah5159",
  6738. "julia waters",
  6739. "nan",
  6740. "nan",
  6741. "seq: 0025-jsw",
  6742. "tampa",
  6743. "172530",
  6744. "1/17/1989",
  6745. "nan",
  6746. "nan",
  6747. "nan",
  6748. "nan",
  6749. "nan",
  6750. "nan",
  6751. "nan",
  6752. "nan",
  6753. "nan",
  6754. "nan",
  6755. "nan",
  6756. "nan",
  6757. "nan",
  6758. "nan",
  6759. "nan",
  6760. "nan",
  6761. "nan",
  6762. "nan",
  6763. "nan",
  6764. "nan",
  6765. "nan",
  6766. "nan"
  6767. ],
  6768. [
  6769. "027657",
  6770. "00050",
  6771. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6772. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6773. "tcf0005503",
  6774. "general/other",
  6775. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 misc documents",
  6776. "06/20/2001",
  6777. "ah5159",
  6778. "julia waters",
  6779. "nan",
  6780. "nan",
  6781. "seq: 0026-jsw",
  6782. "tampa",
  6783. "172531",
  6784. "1/17/1989",
  6785. "nan",
  6786. "nan",
  6787. "nan",
  6788. "nan",
  6789. "nan",
  6790. "nan",
  6791. "nan",
  6792. "nan",
  6793. "nan",
  6794. "nan",
  6795. "nan",
  6796. "nan",
  6797. "nan",
  6798. "nan",
  6799. "nan",
  6800. "nan",
  6801. "nan",
  6802. "nan",
  6803. "nan",
  6804. "nan",
  6805. "nan",
  6806. "nan"
  6807. ],
  6808. [
  6809. "027657",
  6810. "00050",
  6811. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6812. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6813. "tcf0005503",
  6814. "general/other",
  6815. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 misc file folders",
  6816. "06/20/2001",
  6817. "ah5159",
  6818. "julia waters",
  6819. "nan",
  6820. "nan",
  6821. "seq: 0027-jsw",
  6822. "tampa",
  6823. "172532",
  6824. "1/17/1989",
  6825. "nan",
  6826. "nan",
  6827. "nan",
  6828. "nan",
  6829. "nan",
  6830. "nan",
  6831. "nan",
  6832. "nan",
  6833. "nan",
  6834. "nan",
  6835. "nan",
  6836. "nan",
  6837. "nan",
  6838. "nan",
  6839. "nan",
  6840. "nan",
  6841. "nan",
  6842. "nan",
  6843. "nan",
  6844. "nan",
  6845. "nan",
  6846. "nan"
  6847. ],
  6848. [
  6849. "027657",
  6850. "00050",
  6851. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6852. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6853. "tcf0005503",
  6854. "general/other",
  6855. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 docs for robin trupp",
  6856. "06/20/2001",
  6857. "ah5159",
  6858. "julia waters",
  6859. "nan",
  6860. "nan",
  6861. "seq: 0028-jsw",
  6862. "tampa",
  6863. "172533",
  6864. "1/17/1989",
  6865. "nan",
  6866. "nan",
  6867. "nan",
  6868. "nan",
  6869. "nan",
  6870. "nan",
  6871. "nan",
  6872. "nan",
  6873. "nan",
  6874. "nan",
  6875. "nan",
  6876. "nan",
  6877. "nan",
  6878. "nan",
  6879. "nan",
  6880. "nan",
  6881. "nan",
  6882. "nan",
  6883. "nan",
  6884. "nan",
  6885. "nan",
  6886. "nan"
  6887. ],
  6888. [
  6889. "027657",
  6890. "00050",
  6891. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6892. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6893. "tcf0005504",
  6894. "general/other",
  6895. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 asset/transc/draft documents",
  6896. "06/20/2001",
  6897. "ah5160",
  6898. "julia waters",
  6899. "nan",
  6900. "nan",
  6901. "seq: 0019-jsw",
  6902. "tampa",
  6903. "172534",
  6904. "1/17/1989",
  6905. "nan",
  6906. "nan",
  6907. "nan",
  6908. "nan",
  6909. "nan",
  6910. "nan",
  6911. "nan",
  6912. "nan",
  6913. "nan",
  6914. "nan",
  6915. "nan",
  6916. "nan",
  6917. "nan",
  6918. "nan",
  6919. "nan",
  6920. "nan",
  6921. "nan",
  6922. "nan",
  6923. "nan",
  6924. "nan",
  6925. "nan",
  6926. "nan"
  6927. ],
  6928. [
  6929. "027657",
  6930. "00050",
  6931. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6932. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6933. "tcf0005504",
  6934. "general/other",
  6935. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 depositions",
  6936. "06/20/2001",
  6937. "ah5160",
  6938. "julia waters",
  6939. "nan",
  6940. "nan",
  6941. "seq: 0020-jsw",
  6942. "tampa",
  6943. "172535",
  6944. "1/17/1989",
  6945. "nan",
  6946. "nan",
  6947. "nan",
  6948. "nan",
  6949. "nan",
  6950. "nan",
  6951. "nan",
  6952. "nan",
  6953. "nan",
  6954. "nan",
  6955. "nan",
  6956. "nan",
  6957. "nan",
  6958. "nan",
  6959. "nan",
  6960. "nan",
  6961. "nan",
  6962. "nan",
  6963. "nan",
  6964. "nan",
  6965. "nan",
  6966. "nan"
  6967. ],
  6968. [
  6969. "027657",
  6970. "00050",
  6971. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  6972. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  6973. "tcf0005504",
  6974. "general/other",
  6975. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 misc docs",
  6976. "06/20/2001",
  6977. "ah5160",
  6978. "julia waters",
  6979. "nan",
  6980. "nan",
  6981. "seq: 0021-jsw",
  6982. "tampa",
  6983. "172536",
  6984. "1/17/1989",
  6985. "nan",
  6986. "nan",
  6987. "nan",
  6988. "nan",
  6989. "nan",
  6990. "nan",
  6991. "nan",
  6992. "nan",
  6993. "nan",
  6994. "nan",
  6995. "nan",
  6996. "nan",
  6997. "nan",
  6998. "nan",
  6999. "nan",
  7000. "nan",
  7001. "nan",
  7002. "nan",
  7003. "nan",
  7004. "nan",
  7005. "nan",
  7006. "nan"
  7007. ],
  7008. [
  7009. "027657",
  7010. "00050",
  7011. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7012. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  7013. "tcf0005504",
  7014. "general/other",
  7015. "-fdic park bank of florida 88 correspondence 2",
  7016. "06/20/2001",
  7017. "ah5160",
  7018. "julia waters",
  7019. "nan",
  7020. "nan",
  7021. "seq: 0022-jsw",
  7022. "tampa",
  7023. "172537",
  7024. "1/17/1989",
  7025. "nan",
  7026. "nan",
  7027. "nan",
  7028. "nan",
  7029. "nan",
  7030. "nan",
  7031. "nan",
  7032. "nan",
  7033. "nan",
  7034. "nan",
  7035. "nan",
  7036. "nan",
  7037. "nan",
  7038. "nan",
  7039. "nan",
  7040. "nan",
  7041. "nan",
  7042. "nan",
  7043. "nan",
  7044. "nan",
  7045. "nan",
  7046. "nan"
  7047. ],
  7048. [
  7049. "027657",
  7050. "00015",
  7051. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7052. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  7053. "tcf0005673",
  7054. "general/other",
  7055. "-fdic volume 1-5 88 fowler v sar-manco w/27091-15",
  7056. "06/20/2001",
  7057. "aj4474",
  7058. "lynn w. sherman",
  7059. "nan",
  7060. "nan",
  7061. "seq: 0004-dpm",
  7062. "tampa",
  7063. "173956",
  7064. "9/30/1992",
  7065. "nan",
  7066. "nan",
  7067. "nan",
  7068. "nan",
  7069. "nan",
  7070. "nan",
  7071. "nan",
  7072. "nan",
  7073. "nan",
  7074. "nan",
  7075. "nan",
  7076. "nan",
  7077. "nan",
  7078. "nan",
  7079. "nan",
  7080. "nan",
  7081. "nan",
  7082. "nan",
  7083. "nan",
  7084. "nan",
  7085. "nan",
  7086. "nan"
  7087. ],
  7088. [
  7089. "027657",
  7090. "00015",
  7091. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7092. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  7093. "tcf0005679",
  7094. "general/other",
  7095. "-fdic shadow file op re san marco inc us bank ct",
  7096. "06/20/2001",
  7097. "aj4482",
  7098. "lynn w. sherman",
  7099. "off-site",
  7100. "nan",
  7101. "seq: 0088//-dpm",
  7102. "tampa",
  7103. "174005",
  7104. "9/30/1992",
  7105. "nan",
  7106. "nan",
  7107. "nan",
  7108. "nan",
  7109. "nan",
  7110. "nan",
  7111. "nan",
  7112. "nan",
  7113. "nan",
  7114. "nan",
  7115. "nan",
  7116. "nan",
  7117. "nan",
  7118. "nan",
  7119. "nan",
  7120. "nan",
  7121. "nan",
  7122. "nan",
  7123. "nan",
  7124. "nan",
  7125. "nan",
  7126. "nan"
  7127. ],
  7128. [
  7129. "027657",
  7130. "00081",
  7131. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7132. "vs. university development",
  7133. "tcf0005760",
  7134. "general/other",
  7135. "-fdic- park bank op university dev riverlachen",
  7136. "06/20/2001",
  7137. "aj9330",
  7138. "julia waters",
  7139. "nan",
  7140. "nan",
  7141. "seq: 0019-dpm",
  7142. "tampa",
  7143. "174091",
  7144. "9/30/1992",
  7145. "nan",
  7146. "nan",
  7147. "nan",
  7148. "nan",
  7149. "nan",
  7150. "nan",
  7151. "nan",
  7152. "nan",
  7153. "nan",
  7154. "nan",
  7155. "nan",
  7156. "nan",
  7157. "nan",
  7158. "nan",
  7159. "nan",
  7160. "nan",
  7161. "nan",
  7162. "nan",
  7163. "nan",
  7164. "nan",
  7165. "nan",
  7166. "nan"
  7167. ],
  7168. [
  7169. "027657",
  7170. "00088",
  7171. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7172. "sale of parcel \"c\" - black",
  7173. "tcf0006020",
  7174. "general/other",
  7175. "-fdic adv fla natl bank op shadow file",
  7176. "06/20/2001",
  7177. "ak9759",
  7178. "stephen b. moss",
  7179. "nan",
  7180. "nan",
  7181. "seq: 0044-jsw",
  7182. "tampa",
  7183. "174821",
  7184. "5/18/1989",
  7185. "nan",
  7186. "nan",
  7187. "nan",
  7188. "nan",
  7189. "nan",
  7190. "nan",
  7191. "nan",
  7192. "nan",
  7193. "nan",
  7194. "nan",
  7195. "nan",
  7196. "nan",
  7197. "nan",
  7198. "nan",
  7199. "nan",
  7200. "nan",
  7201. "nan",
  7202. "nan",
  7203. "nan",
  7204. "nan",
  7205. "nan",
  7206. "nan"
  7207. ],
  7208. [
  7209. "027657",
  7210. "00033",
  7211. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7212. "vs national waterbeds of tampa",
  7213. "tcf0007068",
  7214. "general/other",
  7215. "-fdic natl waterbeds of tpa ch 11",
  7216. "06/20/2001",
  7217. "aq0555",
  7218. "lynn w. sherman",
  7219. "nan",
  7220. "nan",
  7221. "seq: 0016-",
  7222. "tampa",
  7223. "183156",
  7224. "4/26/1988",
  7225. "nan",
  7226. "nan",
  7227. "nan",
  7228. "nan",
  7229. "nan",
  7230. "nan",
  7231. "nan",
  7232. "nan",
  7233. "nan",
  7234. "nan",
  7235. "nan",
  7236. "nan",
  7237. "nan",
  7238. "nan",
  7239. "nan",
  7240. "nan",
  7241. "nan",
  7242. "nan",
  7243. "nan",
  7244. "nan",
  7245. "nan",
  7246. "nan"
  7247. ],
  7248. [
  7249. "027657",
  7250. "00027",
  7251. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7252. "vs. harry c. teague - plaza",
  7253. "tcf0007068",
  7254. "general/other",
  7255. "-fdic harry c teague plaza park ch 11",
  7256. "06/20/2001",
  7257. "aq0555",
  7258. "lynn w. sherman",
  7259. "nan",
  7260. "nan",
  7261. "seq: 0017-",
  7262. "tampa",
  7263. "183157",
  7264. "2/18/1988",
  7265. "nan",
  7266. "nan",
  7267. "nan",
  7268. "nan",
  7269. "nan",
  7270. "nan",
  7271. "nan",
  7272. "nan",
  7273. "nan",
  7274. "nan",
  7275. "nan",
  7276. "nan",
  7277. "nan",
  7278. "nan",
  7279. "nan",
  7280. "nan",
  7281. "nan",
  7282. "nan",
  7283. "nan",
  7284. "nan",
  7285. "nan",
  7286. "nan"
  7287. ],
  7288. [
  7289. "027657",
  7290. "00026",
  7291. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7292. "vs. silvernail mirror & glass,",
  7293. "tcf0007068",
  7294. "general/other",
  7295. "-fdic silvernail mirror & glass ch 7",
  7296. "06/20/2001",
  7297. "aq0555",
  7298. "lynn w. sherman",
  7299. "nan",
  7300. "nan",
  7301. "seq: 0018-",
  7302. "tampa",
  7303. "183158",
  7304. "2/18/1988",
  7305. "nan",
  7306. "nan",
  7307. "nan",
  7308. "nan",
  7309. "nan",
  7310. "nan",
  7311. "nan",
  7312. "nan",
  7313. "nan",
  7314. "nan",
  7315. "nan",
  7316. "nan",
  7317. "nan",
  7318. "nan",
  7319. "nan",
  7320. "nan",
  7321. "nan",
  7322. "nan",
  7323. "nan",
  7324. "nan",
  7325. "nan",
  7326. "nan"
  7327. ],
  7328. [
  7329. "027657",
  7330. "00023",
  7331. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7332. "vs. quality bag, inc.",
  7333. "tcf0007068",
  7334. "general/other",
  7335. "-fdic quality bag documents",
  7336. "06/20/2001",
  7337. "aq0555",
  7338. "lynn w. sherman",
  7339. "nan",
  7340. "nan",
  7341. "seq: 0019-",
  7342. "tampa",
  7343. "183159",
  7344. "4/26/1988",
  7345. "nan",
  7346. "nan",
  7347. "nan",
  7348. "nan",
  7349. "nan",
  7350. "nan",
  7351. "nan",
  7352. "nan",
  7353. "nan",
  7354. "nan",
  7355. "nan",
  7356. "nan",
  7357. "nan",
  7358. "nan",
  7359. "nan",
  7360. "nan",
  7361. "nan",
  7362. "nan",
  7363. "nan",
  7364. "nan",
  7365. "nan",
  7366. "nan"
  7367. ],
  7368. [
  7369. "027657",
  7370. "00023",
  7371. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7372. "vs. quality bag, inc.",
  7373. "tcf0007068",
  7374. "general/other",
  7375. "-fdic quality bag ch 11",
  7376. "06/20/2001",
  7377. "aq0555",
  7378. "lynn w. sherman",
  7379. "nan",
  7380. "nan",
  7381. "seq: 0020-",
  7382. "tampa",
  7383. "183160",
  7384. "4/26/1988",
  7385. "nan",
  7386. "nan",
  7387. "nan",
  7388. "nan",
  7389. "nan",
  7390. "nan",
  7391. "nan",
  7392. "nan",
  7393. "nan",
  7394. "nan",
  7395. "nan",
  7396. "nan",
  7397. "nan",
  7398. "nan",
  7399. "nan",
  7400. "nan",
  7401. "nan",
  7402. "nan",
  7403. "nan",
  7404. "nan",
  7405. "nan",
  7406. "nan"
  7407. ],
  7408. [
  7409. "027657",
  7410. "00082",
  7411. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7412. "vs. william e. mcnatt &",
  7413. "tcf0007069",
  7414. "general/other",
  7415. "-fdic park bank of fla mcnatt depo titl work misc",
  7416. "06/20/2001",
  7417. "aq0556",
  7418. "julia waters",
  7419. "nan",
  7420. "nan",
  7421. "seq: 0010-",
  7422. "tampa",
  7423. "183161",
  7424. "7/5/1988",
  7425. "nan",
  7426. "nan",
  7427. "nan",
  7428. "nan",
  7429. "nan",
  7430. "nan",
  7431. "nan",
  7432. "nan",
  7433. "nan",
  7434. "nan",
  7435. "nan",
  7436. "nan",
  7437. "nan",
  7438. "nan",
  7439. "nan",
  7440. "nan",
  7441. "nan",
  7442. "nan",
  7443. "nan",
  7444. "nan",
  7445. "nan",
  7446. "nan"
  7447. ],
  7448. [
  7449. "027657",
  7450. "00077",
  7451. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7452. "vs. university development,",
  7453. "tcf0007069",
  7454. "general/other",
  7455. "-fdic park bank of fla univ dev",
  7456. "06/20/2001",
  7457. "aq0556",
  7458. "julia waters",
  7459. "nan",
  7460. "nan",
  7461. "seq: 0011-tlk",
  7462. "tampa",
  7463. "183162",
  7464. "6/30/1988",
  7465. "nan",
  7466. "nan",
  7467. "nan",
  7468. "nan",
  7469. "nan",
  7470. "nan",
  7471. "nan",
  7472. "nan",
  7473. "nan",
  7474. "nan",
  7475. "nan",
  7476. "nan",
  7477. "nan",
  7478. "nan",
  7479. "nan",
  7480. "nan",
  7481. "nan",
  7482. "nan",
  7483. "nan",
  7484. "nan",
  7485. "nan",
  7486. "nan"
  7487. ],
  7488. [
  7489. "027657",
  7490. "00077",
  7491. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7492. "vs. university development,",
  7493. "tcf0007069",
  7494. "general/other",
  7495. "-fdic park bank of fla university dev et al",
  7496. "06/20/2001",
  7497. "aq0556",
  7498. "julia waters",
  7499. "nan",
  7500. "nan",
  7501. "seq: 0012-",
  7502. "tampa",
  7503. "183163",
  7504. "6/30/1988",
  7505. "nan",
  7506. "nan",
  7507. "nan",
  7508. "nan",
  7509. "nan",
  7510. "nan",
  7511. "nan",
  7512. "nan",
  7513. "nan",
  7514. "nan",
  7515. "nan",
  7516. "nan",
  7517. "nan",
  7518. "nan",
  7519. "nan",
  7520. "nan",
  7521. "nan",
  7522. "nan",
  7523. "nan",
  7524. "nan",
  7525. "nan",
  7526. "nan"
  7527. ],
  7528. [
  7529. "027657",
  7530. "00090",
  7531. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7532. "title ins. re sale of borrow",
  7533. "tcf0007072",
  7534. "general/other",
  7535. "-fdic park bank of fla title ins re sale of borrow pit",
  7536. "06/20/2001",
  7537. "aq0559",
  7538. "toni l. kemmerle",
  7539. "nan",
  7540. "nan",
  7541. "seq: 0023-",
  7542. "tampa",
  7543. "183181",
  7544. "6/8/1988",
  7545. "nan",
  7546. "nan",
  7547. "nan",
  7548. "nan",
  7549. "nan",
  7550. "nan",
  7551. "nan",
  7552. "nan",
  7553. "nan",
  7554. "nan",
  7555. "nan",
  7556. "nan",
  7557. "nan",
  7558. "nan",
  7559. "nan",
  7560. "nan",
  7561. "nan",
  7562. "nan",
  7563. "nan",
  7564. "nan",
  7565. "nan",
  7566. "nan"
  7567. ],
  7568. [
  7569. "027657",
  7570. "00082",
  7571. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7572. "vs. william e. mcnatt &",
  7573. "tcf0007072",
  7574. "general/other",
  7575. "-fdic park bank of fla william & kathleen mcnatt",
  7576. "06/20/2001",
  7577. "aq0559",
  7578. "julia waters",
  7579. "nan",
  7580. "nan",
  7581. "seq: 0024-",
  7582. "tampa",
  7583. "183182",
  7584. "7/5/1988",
  7585. "nan",
  7586. "nan",
  7587. "nan",
  7588. "nan",
  7589. "nan",
  7590. "nan",
  7591. "nan",
  7592. "nan",
  7593. "nan",
  7594. "nan",
  7595. "nan",
  7596. "nan",
  7597. "nan",
  7598. "nan",
  7599. "nan",
  7600. "nan",
  7601. "nan",
  7602. "nan",
  7603. "nan",
  7604. "nan",
  7605. "nan",
  7606. "nan"
  7607. ],
  7608. [
  7609. "027657",
  7610. "00006",
  7611. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7612. "park bank vs premack research",
  7613. "tcf0007102",
  7614. "general/other",
  7615. "-fdic premack research irwin ch 11",
  7616. "06/20/2001",
  7617. "aq0589",
  7618. "lynn w. sherman",
  7619. "nan",
  7620. "nan",
  7621. "seq: 0025-",
  7622. "tampa",
  7623. "183382",
  7624. "6/14/1988",
  7625. "nan",
  7626. "nan",
  7627. "nan",
  7628. "nan",
  7629. "nan",
  7630. "nan",
  7631. "nan",
  7632. "nan",
  7633. "nan",
  7634. "nan",
  7635. "nan",
  7636. "nan",
  7637. "nan",
  7638. "nan",
  7639. "nan",
  7640. "nan",
  7641. "nan",
  7642. "nan",
  7643. "nan",
  7644. "nan",
  7645. "nan",
  7646. "nan"
  7647. ],
  7648. [
  7649. "027657",
  7650. "00001",
  7651. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7652. "proposed representation",
  7653. "tcf0007102",
  7654. "general/other",
  7655. "-fdic proposed representation audit re",
  7656. "06/20/2001",
  7657. "aq0589",
  7658. "michael b. colgan",
  7659. "nan",
  7660. "nan",
  7661. "seq: 0026-",
  7662. "tampa",
  7663. "183383",
  7664. "6/10/1988",
  7665. "nan",
  7666. "nan",
  7667. "nan",
  7668. "nan",
  7669. "nan",
  7670. "nan",
  7671. "nan",
  7672. "nan",
  7673. "nan",
  7674. "nan",
  7675. "nan",
  7676. "nan",
  7677. "nan",
  7678. "nan",
  7679. "nan",
  7680. "nan",
  7681. "nan",
  7682. "nan",
  7683. "nan",
  7684. "nan",
  7685. "nan",
  7686. "nan"
  7687. ],
  7688. [
  7689. "027657",
  7690. "00063",
  7691. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7692. "vs. harold jordan kelley, sr.",
  7693. "tcf0007120",
  7694. "general/other",
  7695. "-fdic harold jordan kelley sr ch 11",
  7696. "06/20/2001",
  7697. "aq0607",
  7698. "lynn w. sherman",
  7699. "nan",
  7700. "nan",
  7701. "seq: 0031-",
  7702. "tampa",
  7703. "183514",
  7704. "4/26/1988",
  7705. "nan",
  7706. "nan",
  7707. "nan",
  7708. "nan",
  7709. "nan",
  7710. "nan",
  7711. "nan",
  7712. "nan",
  7713. "nan",
  7714. "nan",
  7715. "nan",
  7716. "nan",
  7717. "nan",
  7718. "nan",
  7719. "nan",
  7720. "nan",
  7721. "nan",
  7722. "nan",
  7723. "nan",
  7724. "nan",
  7725. "nan",
  7726. "nan"
  7727. ],
  7728. [
  7729. "027657",
  7730. "00051",
  7731. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7732. "adv. home federal bank of fla.",
  7733. "tcf0007120",
  7734. "general/other",
  7735. "-fdic home fed bank of fla",
  7736. "06/20/2001",
  7737. "aq0607",
  7738. "julia waters",
  7739. "nan",
  7740. "nan",
  7741. "seq: 0032-",
  7742. "tampa",
  7743. "183515",
  7744. "6/8/1988",
  7745. "nan",
  7746. "nan",
  7747. "nan",
  7748. "nan",
  7749. "nan",
  7750. "nan",
  7751. "nan",
  7752. "nan",
  7753. "nan",
  7754. "nan",
  7755. "nan",
  7756. "nan",
  7757. "nan",
  7758. "nan",
  7759. "nan",
  7760. "nan",
  7761. "nan",
  7762. "nan",
  7763. "nan",
  7764. "nan",
  7765. "nan",
  7766. "nan"
  7767. ],
  7768. [
  7769. "027657",
  7770. "00040",
  7771. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7772. "james clarke vs jack b sellers",
  7773. "tcf0007120",
  7774. "general/other",
  7775. "-fdic james clarke vs jack sellers",
  7776. "06/20/2001",
  7777. "aq0607",
  7778. "julia waters",
  7779. "nan",
  7780. "nan",
  7781. "seq: 0033-",
  7782. "tampa",
  7783. "183516",
  7784. "5/2/1988",
  7785. "nan",
  7786. "nan",
  7787. "nan",
  7788. "nan",
  7789. "nan",
  7790. "nan",
  7791. "nan",
  7792. "nan",
  7793. "nan",
  7794. "nan",
  7795. "nan",
  7796. "nan",
  7797. "nan",
  7798. "nan",
  7799. "nan",
  7800. "nan",
  7801. "nan",
  7802. "nan",
  7803. "nan",
  7804. "nan",
  7805. "nan",
  7806. "nan"
  7807. ],
  7808. [
  7809. "027657",
  7810. "00039",
  7811. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7812. "joseph moore vs jack b sellers",
  7813. "tcf0007120",
  7814. "general/other",
  7815. "-fdic joseph moore vs jack sellers",
  7816. "06/20/2001",
  7817. "aq0607",
  7818. "julia waters",
  7819. "nan",
  7820. "nan",
  7821. "seq: 0034-",
  7822. "tampa",
  7823. "183517",
  7824. "5/2/1988",
  7825. "nan",
  7826. "nan",
  7827. "nan",
  7828. "nan",
  7829. "nan",
  7830. "nan",
  7831. "nan",
  7832. "nan",
  7833. "nan",
  7834. "nan",
  7835. "nan",
  7836. "nan",
  7837. "nan",
  7838. "nan",
  7839. "nan",
  7840. "nan",
  7841. "nan",
  7842. "nan",
  7843. "nan",
  7844. "nan",
  7845. "nan",
  7846. "nan"
  7847. ],
  7848. [
  7849. "027657",
  7850. "00034",
  7851. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7852. "vs. justice oaks ii, ltd.",
  7853. "tcf0007120",
  7854. "general/other",
  7855. "-fdic justice oaks ch 11",
  7856. "06/20/2001",
  7857. "aq0607",
  7858. "lynn w. sherman",
  7859. "nan",
  7860. "nan",
  7861. "seq: 0035-",
  7862. "tampa",
  7863. "183518",
  7864. "4/26/1988",
  7865. "nan",
  7866. "nan",
  7867. "nan",
  7868. "nan",
  7869. "nan",
  7870. "nan",
  7871. "nan",
  7872. "nan",
  7873. "nan",
  7874. "nan",
  7875. "nan",
  7876. "nan",
  7877. "nan",
  7878. "nan",
  7879. "nan",
  7880. "nan",
  7881. "nan",
  7882. "nan",
  7883. "nan",
  7884. "nan",
  7885. "nan",
  7886. "nan"
  7887. ],
  7888. [
  7889. "027657",
  7890. "00083",
  7891. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7892. "vs. jerry e. coone",
  7893. "tcf0007155",
  7894. "general/other",
  7895. "-fdic-park bank of fld jerry e coone",
  7896. "06/20/2001",
  7897. "aq0642",
  7898. "julia waters",
  7899. "nan",
  7900. "nan",
  7901. "seq: 0020-",
  7902. "tampa",
  7903. "183730",
  7904. "8/18/1989",
  7905. "nan",
  7906. "nan",
  7907. "nan",
  7908. "nan",
  7909. "nan",
  7910. "nan",
  7911. "nan",
  7912. "nan",
  7913. "nan",
  7914. "nan",
  7915. "nan",
  7916. "nan",
  7917. "nan",
  7918. "nan",
  7919. "nan",
  7920. "nan",
  7921. "nan",
  7922. "nan",
  7923. "nan",
  7924. "nan",
  7925. "nan",
  7926. "nan"
  7927. ],
  7928. [
  7929. "027657",
  7930. "00071",
  7931. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7932. "adv. home federal",
  7933. "tcf0007155",
  7934. "general/other",
  7935. "-fdic-park bank of fld david young",
  7936. "06/20/2001",
  7937. "aq0642",
  7938. "julia waters",
  7939. "nan",
  7940. "nan",
  7941. "seq: 0022-",
  7942. "tampa",
  7943. "183732",
  7944. "8/18/1989",
  7945. "nan",
  7946. "nan",
  7947. "nan",
  7948. "nan",
  7949. "nan",
  7950. "nan",
  7951. "nan",
  7952. "nan",
  7953. "nan",
  7954. "nan",
  7955. "nan",
  7956. "nan",
  7957. "nan",
  7958. "nan",
  7959. "nan",
  7960. "nan",
  7961. "nan",
  7962. "nan",
  7963. "nan",
  7964. "nan",
  7965. "nan",
  7966. "nan"
  7967. ],
  7968. [
  7969. "027657",
  7970. "00066",
  7971. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  7972. "adv. goldome savings bank",
  7973. "tcf0007155",
  7974. "general/other",
  7975. "-fdic-park bank of fld rivers edge propertie",
  7976. "06/20/2001",
  7977. "aq0642",
  7978. "julia waters",
  7979. "nan",
  7980. "nan",
  7981. "seq: 0023-",
  7982. "tampa",
  7983. "183733",
  7984. "8/18/1989",
  7985. "nan",
  7986. "nan",
  7987. "nan",
  7988. "nan",
  7989. "nan",
  7990. "nan",
  7991. "nan",
  7992. "nan",
  7993. "nan",
  7994. "nan",
  7995. "nan",
  7996. "nan",
  7997. "nan",
  7998. "nan",
  7999. "nan",
  8000. "nan",
  8001. "nan",
  8002. "nan",
  8003. "nan",
  8004. "nan",
  8005. "nan",
  8006. "nan"
  8007. ],
  8008. [
  8009. "027657",
  8010. "00060",
  8011. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8012. "adv. style craft homes, inc.",
  8013. "tcf0007155",
  8014. "general/other",
  8015. "-fdic-park bank of fld pasco county",
  8016. "06/20/2001",
  8017. "aq0642",
  8018. "julia waters",
  8019. "nan",
  8020. "nan",
  8021. "seq: 0024-",
  8022. "tampa",
  8023. "183734",
  8024. "8/18/1989",
  8025. "nan",
  8026. "nan",
  8027. "nan",
  8028. "nan",
  8029. "nan",
  8030. "nan",
  8031. "nan",
  8032. "nan",
  8033. "nan",
  8034. "nan",
  8035. "nan",
  8036. "nan",
  8037. "nan",
  8038. "nan",
  8039. "nan",
  8040. "nan",
  8041. "nan",
  8042. "nan",
  8043. "nan",
  8044. "nan",
  8045. "nan",
  8046. "nan"
  8047. ],
  8048. [
  8049. "027657",
  8050. "00093",
  8051. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8052. "title ins. - univ. dev.",
  8053. "tcf0007156",
  8054. "general/other",
  8055. "-fdic riverlanchen-wr watson trustee",
  8056. "06/20/2001",
  8057. "aq0643",
  8058. "toni l. kemmerle",
  8059. "nan",
  8060. "nan",
  8061. "seq: 0055-",
  8062. "tampa",
  8063. "183747",
  8064. "5/2/1989",
  8065. "nan",
  8066. "nan",
  8067. "nan",
  8068. "nan",
  8069. "nan",
  8070. "nan",
  8071. "nan",
  8072. "nan",
  8073. "nan",
  8074. "nan",
  8075. "nan",
  8076. "nan",
  8077. "nan",
  8078. "nan",
  8079. "nan",
  8080. "nan",
  8081. "nan",
  8082. "nan",
  8083. "nan",
  8084. "nan",
  8085. "nan",
  8086. "nan"
  8087. ],
  8088. [
  8089. "027657",
  8090. "00092",
  8091. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8092. "vs. seaside motel/longboat key",
  8093. "tcf0007156",
  8094. "general/other",
  8095. "-fdic seaside motel/longboat key zonin",
  8096. "06/20/2001",
  8097. "aq0643",
  8098. "douglas p. mcclurg",
  8099. "nan",
  8100. "nan",
  8101. "seq: 0056-rde",
  8102. "tampa",
  8103. "183748",
  8104. "6/30/1988",
  8105. "nan",
  8106. "nan",
  8107. "nan",
  8108. "nan",
  8109. "nan",
  8110. "nan",
  8111. "nan",
  8112. "nan",
  8113. "nan",
  8114. "nan",
  8115. "nan",
  8116. "nan",
  8117. "nan",
  8118. "nan",
  8119. "nan",
  8120. "nan",
  8121. "nan",
  8122. "nan",
  8123. "nan",
  8124. "nan",
  8125. "nan",
  8126. "nan"
  8127. ],
  8128. [
  8129. "027657",
  8130. "00080",
  8131. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8132. "fdic adv. davis water & fdic",
  8133. "tcf0007251",
  8134. "general/other",
  8135. "-fdic documents 2 of 2",
  8136. "06/20/2001",
  8137. "aq1163",
  8138. "julia waters",
  8139. "nan",
  8140. "nan",
  8141. "seq: 0023-jsw",
  8142. "tampa",
  8143. "184440",
  8144. "10/25/1990",
  8145. "nan",
  8146. "nan",
  8147. "nan",
  8148. "nan",
  8149. "nan",
  8150. "nan",
  8151. "nan",
  8152. "nan",
  8153. "nan",
  8154. "nan",
  8155. "nan",
  8156. "nan",
  8157. "nan",
  8158. "nan",
  8159. "nan",
  8160. "nan",
  8161. "nan",
  8162. "nan",
  8163. "nan",
  8164. "nan",
  8165. "nan",
  8166. "nan"
  8167. ],
  8168. [
  8169. "027657",
  8170. "00094",
  8171. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8172. "vs. atrium, ltd. (park bank)",
  8173. "tcf0007251",
  8174. "general/other",
  8175. "-fdic park bank of fla atrium, ltd",
  8176. "06/20/2001",
  8177. "aq1163",
  8178. "keith fendrick",
  8179. "nan",
  8180. "nan",
  8181. "seq: 0024-",
  8182. "tampa",
  8183. "184441",
  8184. "5/30/1990",
  8185. "nan",
  8186. "nan",
  8187. "nan",
  8188. "nan",
  8189. "nan",
  8190. "nan",
  8191. "nan",
  8192. "nan",
  8193. "nan",
  8194. "nan",
  8195. "nan",
  8196. "nan",
  8197. "nan",
  8198. "nan",
  8199. "nan",
  8200. "nan",
  8201. "nan",
  8202. "nan",
  8203. "nan",
  8204. "nan",
  8205. "nan",
  8206. "nan"
  8207. ],
  8208. [
  8209. "027657",
  8210. "00070",
  8211. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8212. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  8213. "tcf0007278",
  8214. "general/other",
  8215. "-fdic park bank of fla pleadings file ii",
  8216. "06/20/2001",
  8217. "aq1190",
  8218. "julia waters",
  8219. "nan",
  8220. "nan",
  8221. "seq: 0013-",
  8222. "tampa",
  8223. "184650",
  8224. "8/18/1989",
  8225. "nan",
  8226. "nan",
  8227. "nan",
  8228. "nan",
  8229. "nan",
  8230. "nan",
  8231. "nan",
  8232. "nan",
  8233. "nan",
  8234. "nan",
  8235. "nan",
  8236. "nan",
  8237. "nan",
  8238. "nan",
  8239. "nan",
  8240. "nan",
  8241. "nan",
  8242. "nan",
  8243. "nan",
  8244. "nan",
  8245. "nan",
  8246. "nan"
  8247. ],
  8248. [
  8249. "027657",
  8250. "00080",
  8251. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8252. "fdic adv. davis water & fdic",
  8253. "tcf0007278",
  8254. "general/other",
  8255. "-fdic park bank of fla university development",
  8256. "06/20/2001",
  8257. "aq1190",
  8258. "julia waters",
  8259. "nan",
  8260. "nan",
  8261. "seq: 0014-",
  8262. "tampa",
  8263. "184651",
  8264. "10/25/1990",
  8265. "nan",
  8266. "nan",
  8267. "nan",
  8268. "nan",
  8269. "nan",
  8270. "nan",
  8271. "nan",
  8272. "nan",
  8273. "nan",
  8274. "nan",
  8275. "nan",
  8276. "nan",
  8277. "nan",
  8278. "nan",
  8279. "nan",
  8280. "nan",
  8281. "nan",
  8282. "nan",
  8283. "nan",
  8284. "nan",
  8285. "nan",
  8286. "nan"
  8287. ],
  8288. [
  8289. "027657",
  8290. "00099",
  8291. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8292. "vs. john robert & ethel",
  8293. "tcf0007280",
  8294. "general/other",
  8295. "-fdic bank of fla john robert & ether wheeler conn",
  8296. "06/20/2001",
  8297. "aq1192",
  8298. "keith fendrick",
  8299. "nan",
  8300. "nan",
  8301. "seq: 0012-",
  8302. "tampa",
  8303. "184661",
  8304. "1/3/1990",
  8305. "nan",
  8306. "nan",
  8307. "nan",
  8308. "nan",
  8309. "nan",
  8310. "nan",
  8311. "nan",
  8312. "nan",
  8313. "nan",
  8314. "nan",
  8315. "nan",
  8316. "nan",
  8317. "nan",
  8318. "nan",
  8319. "nan",
  8320. "nan",
  8321. "nan",
  8322. "nan",
  8323. "nan",
  8324. "nan",
  8325. "nan",
  8326. "nan"
  8327. ],
  8328. [
  8329. "027657",
  8330. "00050",
  8331. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8332. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  8333. "tcf0007283",
  8334. "general/other",
  8335. "-fdic park bank adv davis pleading file ii",
  8336. "06/20/2001",
  8337. "aq1195",
  8338. "julia waters",
  8339. "nan",
  8340. "nan",
  8341. "seq: 0042-jsw",
  8342. "tampa",
  8343. "184686",
  8344. "1/17/1989",
  8345. "nan",
  8346. "nan",
  8347. "nan",
  8348. "nan",
  8349. "nan",
  8350. "nan",
  8351. "nan",
  8352. "nan",
  8353. "nan",
  8354. "nan",
  8355. "nan",
  8356. "nan",
  8357. "nan",
  8358. "nan",
  8359. "nan",
  8360. "nan",
  8361. "nan",
  8362. "nan",
  8363. "nan",
  8364. "nan",
  8365. "nan",
  8366. "nan"
  8367. ],
  8368. [
  8369. "027657",
  8370. "00053",
  8371. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8372. "vs. catherine j. balmer",
  8373. "tcf0007283",
  8374. "general/other",
  8375. "-fdic park bank of fid vs catherine j balmer",
  8376. "06/20/2001",
  8377. "aq1195",
  8378. "julia waters",
  8379. "nan",
  8380. "nan",
  8381. "seq: 0043-",
  8382. "tampa",
  8383. "184687",
  8384. "11/15/1990",
  8385. "nan",
  8386. "nan",
  8387. "nan",
  8388. "nan",
  8389. "nan",
  8390. "nan",
  8391. "nan",
  8392. "nan",
  8393. "nan",
  8394. "nan",
  8395. "nan",
  8396. "nan",
  8397. "nan",
  8398. "nan",
  8399. "nan",
  8400. "nan",
  8401. "nan",
  8402. "nan",
  8403. "nan",
  8404. "nan",
  8405. "nan",
  8406. "nan"
  8407. ],
  8408. [
  8409. "027657",
  8410. "00069",
  8411. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8412. "vs. atrium, ltd.",
  8413. "tcf0007283",
  8414. "general/other",
  8415. "-fdic park bank of fid vs atrium ltd misc/notes",
  8416. "06/20/2001",
  8417. "aq1195",
  8418. "martha j. cook",
  8419. "nan",
  8420. "nan",
  8421. "seq: 0044-",
  8422. "tampa",
  8423. "184688",
  8424. "5/30/1990",
  8425. "nan",
  8426. "nan",
  8427. "nan",
  8428. "nan",
  8429. "nan",
  8430. "nan",
  8431. "nan",
  8432. "nan",
  8433. "nan",
  8434. "nan",
  8435. "nan",
  8436. "nan",
  8437. "nan",
  8438. "nan",
  8439. "nan",
  8440. "nan",
  8441. "nan",
  8442. "nan",
  8443. "nan",
  8444. "nan",
  8445. "nan",
  8446. "nan"
  8447. ],
  8448. [
  8449. "027657",
  8450. "00050",
  8451. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8452. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  8453. "tcf0007284",
  8454. "general/other",
  8455. "-fdic park bank adv davis pleading file ii",
  8456. "06/20/2001",
  8457. "aq1196",
  8458. "julia waters",
  8459. "nan",
  8460. "nan",
  8461. "seq: 0014-jsw",
  8462. "tampa",
  8463. "184690",
  8464. "1/17/1989",
  8465. "nan",
  8466. "nan",
  8467. "nan",
  8468. "nan",
  8469. "nan",
  8470. "nan",
  8471. "nan",
  8472. "nan",
  8473. "nan",
  8474. "nan",
  8475. "nan",
  8476. "nan",
  8477. "nan",
  8478. "nan",
  8479. "nan",
  8480. "nan",
  8481. "nan",
  8482. "nan",
  8483. "nan",
  8484. "nan",
  8485. "nan",
  8486. "nan"
  8487. ],
  8488. [
  8489. "027657",
  8490. "00053",
  8491. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8492. "vs. catherine j. balmer",
  8493. "tcf0007284",
  8494. "general/other",
  8495. "-fdic park bank of fid vs catherine j balmer",
  8496. "06/20/2001",
  8497. "aq1196",
  8498. "julia waters",
  8499. "nan",
  8500. "nan",
  8501. "seq: 0015-",
  8502. "tampa",
  8503. "184691",
  8504. "11/15/1990",
  8505. "nan",
  8506. "nan",
  8507. "nan",
  8508. "nan",
  8509. "nan",
  8510. "nan",
  8511. "nan",
  8512. "nan",
  8513. "nan",
  8514. "nan",
  8515. "nan",
  8516. "nan",
  8517. "nan",
  8518. "nan",
  8519. "nan",
  8520. "nan",
  8521. "nan",
  8522. "nan",
  8523. "nan",
  8524. "nan",
  8525. "nan",
  8526. "nan"
  8527. ],
  8528. [
  8529. "027657",
  8530. "00069",
  8531. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8532. "vs. atrium, ltd.",
  8533. "tcf0007284",
  8534. "general/other",
  8535. "-fdic park bank of fid vs atrium ltd misc/notes",
  8536. "06/20/2001",
  8537. "aq1196",
  8538. "martha j. cook",
  8539. "nan",
  8540. "nan",
  8541. "seq: 0016-",
  8542. "tampa",
  8543. "184692",
  8544. "5/30/1990",
  8545. "nan",
  8546. "nan",
  8547. "nan",
  8548. "nan",
  8549. "nan",
  8550. "nan",
  8551. "nan",
  8552. "nan",
  8553. "nan",
  8554. "nan",
  8555. "nan",
  8556. "nan",
  8557. "nan",
  8558. "nan",
  8559. "nan",
  8560. "nan",
  8561. "nan",
  8562. "nan",
  8563. "nan",
  8564. "nan",
  8565. "nan",
  8566. "nan"
  8567. ],
  8568. [
  8569. "027657",
  8570. "00045",
  8571. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8572. "rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.",
  8573. "tcf0007563",
  8574. "general/other",
  8575. "-fdic park bk of fla. voli rudolph c. garber v. k. stoner",
  8576. "06/20/2001",
  8577. "as4781",
  8578. "gilbert a. smith",
  8579. "nan",
  8580. "nan",
  8581. "seq: 0007-gas",
  8582. "tampa",
  8583. "187278",
  8584. "4/12/1993",
  8585. "nan",
  8586. "nan",
  8587. "nan",
  8588. "nan",
  8589. "nan",
  8590. "nan",
  8591. "nan",
  8592. "nan",
  8593. "nan",
  8594. "nan",
  8595. "nan",
  8596. "nan",
  8597. "nan",
  8598. "nan",
  8599. "nan",
  8600. "nan",
  8601. "nan",
  8602. "nan",
  8603. "nan",
  8604. "nan",
  8605. "nan",
  8606. "nan"
  8607. ],
  8608. [
  8609. "027657",
  8610. "00045",
  8611. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8612. "rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.",
  8613. "tcf0007563",
  8614. "general/other",
  8615. "-fdic park bk of fla. volii rudolph c. garber v. k. stoner",
  8616. "06/20/2001",
  8617. "as4781",
  8618. "gilbert a. smith",
  8619. "nan",
  8620. "nan",
  8621. "seq: 0008-gas",
  8622. "tampa",
  8623. "187279",
  8624. "4/12/1993",
  8625. "nan",
  8626. "nan",
  8627. "nan",
  8628. "nan",
  8629. "nan",
  8630. "nan",
  8631. "nan",
  8632. "nan",
  8633. "nan",
  8634. "nan",
  8635. "nan",
  8636. "nan",
  8637. "nan",
  8638. "nan",
  8639. "nan",
  8640. "nan",
  8641. "nan",
  8642. "nan",
  8643. "nan",
  8644. "nan",
  8645. "nan",
  8646. "nan"
  8647. ],
  8648. [
  8649. "027657",
  8650. "00091",
  8651. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8652. "james & joyce condrack",
  8653. "tcf0007637",
  8654. "general/other",
  8655. "-fdic 92 james & joyce condrack",
  8656. "06/20/2001",
  8657. "au1227",
  8658. "julia waters",
  8659. "nan",
  8660. "nan",
  8661. "seq: 0010-dpm",
  8662. "tampa",
  8663. "187699",
  8664. "8/18/1989",
  8665. "nan",
  8666. "nan",
  8667. "nan",
  8668. "nan",
  8669. "nan",
  8670. "nan",
  8671. "nan",
  8672. "nan",
  8673. "nan",
  8674. "nan",
  8675. "nan",
  8676. "nan",
  8677. "nan",
  8678. "nan",
  8679. "nan",
  8680. "nan",
  8681. "nan",
  8682. "nan",
  8683. "nan",
  8684. "nan",
  8685. "nan",
  8686. "nan"
  8687. ],
  8688. [
  8689. "027657",
  8690. "00095",
  8691. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8692. "vs. hartney, neil & nancy",
  8693. "tcf0007657",
  8694. "general/other",
  8695. "-fdic park bank 91 hartney, neil & nancy",
  8696. "06/20/2001",
  8697. "au1248",
  8698. "julia waters",
  8699. "nan",
  8700. "nan",
  8701. "seq: 0010-jsw",
  8702. "tampa",
  8703. "187916",
  8704. "8/2/1991",
  8705. "nan",
  8706. "nan",
  8707. "nan",
  8708. "nan",
  8709. "nan",
  8710. "nan",
  8711. "nan",
  8712. "nan",
  8713. "nan",
  8714. "nan",
  8715. "nan",
  8716. "nan",
  8717. "nan",
  8718. "nan",
  8719. "nan",
  8720. "nan",
  8721. "nan",
  8722. "nan",
  8723. "nan",
  8724. "nan",
  8725. "nan",
  8726. "nan"
  8727. ],
  8728. [
  8729. "027657",
  8730. "00002",
  8731. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8732. "kerr-mcgee chemical corp. vs.",
  8733. "tcf0007657",
  8734. "general/other",
  8735. "-fdic-kerr mcgee 91 misc 2 of 2",
  8736. "06/20/2001",
  8737. "au1248",
  8738. "julia waters",
  8739. "nan",
  8740. "nan",
  8741. "seq: 0012-mbc",
  8742. "tampa",
  8743. "187918",
  8744. "8/2/1991",
  8745. "nan",
  8746. "nan",
  8747. "nan",
  8748. "nan",
  8749. "nan",
  8750. "nan",
  8751. "nan",
  8752. "nan",
  8753. "nan",
  8754. "nan",
  8755. "nan",
  8756. "nan",
  8757. "nan",
  8758. "nan",
  8759. "nan",
  8760. "nan",
  8761. "nan",
  8762. "nan",
  8763. "nan",
  8764. "nan",
  8765. "nan",
  8766. "nan"
  8767. ],
  8768. [
  8769. "027657",
  8770. "00054",
  8771. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8772. "vs. james c. & joyce condrack",
  8773. "tcf0007662",
  8774. "general/other",
  8775. "-fdic - condrack 92 misc. documents",
  8776. "06/20/2001",
  8777. "au1253",
  8778. "roger lutz",
  8779. "nan",
  8780. "nan",
  8781. "seq: 0018-dpm",
  8782. "tampa",
  8783. "187951",
  8784. "4/1/1992",
  8785. "nan",
  8786. "nan",
  8787. "nan",
  8788. "nan",
  8789. "nan",
  8790. "nan",
  8791. "nan",
  8792. "nan",
  8793. "nan",
  8794. "nan",
  8795. "nan",
  8796. "nan",
  8797. "nan",
  8798. "nan",
  8799. "nan",
  8800. "nan",
  8801. "nan",
  8802. "nan",
  8803. "nan",
  8804. "nan",
  8805. "nan",
  8806. "nan"
  8807. ],
  8808. [
  8809. "027657",
  8810. "00031",
  8811. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8812. "vs. j. c. c. company, et al",
  8813. "tcf0007662",
  8814. "general/other",
  8815. "-fdic - condrack 92 j.c.c. company & son",
  8816. "06/20/2001",
  8817. "au1253",
  8818. "martha j. cook",
  8819. "nan",
  8820. "nan",
  8821. "seq: 0019-dpm",
  8822. "tampa",
  8823. "187952",
  8824. "4/1/1992",
  8825. "nan",
  8826. "nan",
  8827. "nan",
  8828. "nan",
  8829. "nan",
  8830. "nan",
  8831. "nan",
  8832. "nan",
  8833. "nan",
  8834. "nan",
  8835. "nan",
  8836. "nan",
  8837. "nan",
  8838. "nan",
  8839. "nan",
  8840. "nan",
  8841. "nan",
  8842. "nan",
  8843. "nan",
  8844. "nan",
  8845. "nan",
  8846. "nan"
  8847. ],
  8848. [
  8849. "027657",
  8850. "00060",
  8851. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8852. "adv. style craft homes, inc.",
  8853. "tcf0007662",
  8854. "general/other",
  8855. "-fdic - condrack 92 stylecraft homes (crumley)",
  8856. "06/20/2001",
  8857. "au1253",
  8858. "julia waters",
  8859. "nan",
  8860. "nan",
  8861. "seq: 0020-dpm",
  8862. "tampa",
  8863. "187953",
  8864. "8/18/1989",
  8865. "nan",
  8866. "nan",
  8867. "nan",
  8868. "nan",
  8869. "nan",
  8870. "nan",
  8871. "nan",
  8872. "nan",
  8873. "nan",
  8874. "nan",
  8875. "nan",
  8876. "nan",
  8877. "nan",
  8878. "nan",
  8879. "nan",
  8880. "nan",
  8881. "nan",
  8882. "nan",
  8883. "nan",
  8884. "nan",
  8885. "nan",
  8886. "nan"
  8887. ],
  8888. [
  8889. "027657",
  8890. "00058",
  8891. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8892. "vs. bonds- gaylor, inc.",
  8893. "tcf0007669",
  8894. "general/other",
  8895. "-fdic park bank 92 bonds - gaylor, inc.",
  8896. "06/20/2001",
  8897. "au1260",
  8898. "julia waters",
  8899. "nan",
  8900. "nan",
  8901. "seq: 0010-dpm",
  8902. "tampa",
  8903. "187980",
  8904. "9/30/1992",
  8905. "nan",
  8906. "nan",
  8907. "nan",
  8908. "nan",
  8909. "nan",
  8910. "nan",
  8911. "nan",
  8912. "nan",
  8913. "nan",
  8914. "nan",
  8915. "nan",
  8916. "nan",
  8917. "nan",
  8918. "nan",
  8919. "nan",
  8920. "nan",
  8921. "nan",
  8922. "nan",
  8923. "nan",
  8924. "nan",
  8925. "nan",
  8926. "nan"
  8927. ],
  8928. [
  8929. "027657",
  8930. "00070",
  8931. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8932. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  8933. "tcf0007669",
  8934. "general/other",
  8935. "-fdic park bank 92 misc. doc.-depositions 1 of 2",
  8936. "06/20/2001",
  8937. "au1260",
  8938. "julia waters",
  8939. "nan",
  8940. "nan",
  8941. "seq: 0011-dpm",
  8942. "tampa",
  8943. "187981",
  8944. "8/18/1989",
  8945. "nan",
  8946. "nan",
  8947. "nan",
  8948. "nan",
  8949. "nan",
  8950. "nan",
  8951. "nan",
  8952. "nan",
  8953. "nan",
  8954. "nan",
  8955. "nan",
  8956. "nan",
  8957. "nan",
  8958. "nan",
  8959. "nan",
  8960. "nan",
  8961. "nan",
  8962. "nan",
  8963. "nan",
  8964. "nan",
  8965. "nan",
  8966. "nan"
  8967. ],
  8968. [
  8969. "027657",
  8970. "00070",
  8971. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  8972. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  8973. "tcf0007669",
  8974. "general/other",
  8975. "-fdic park bank 92 depos. of smith/crawley 2 of",
  8976. "06/20/2001",
  8977. "au1260",
  8978. "julia waters",
  8979. "nan",
  8980. "nan",
  8981. "seq: 0012-dpm",
  8982. "tampa",
  8983. "187982",
  8984. "8/18/1989",
  8985. "nan",
  8986. "nan",
  8987. "nan",
  8988. "nan",
  8989. "nan",
  8990. "nan",
  8991. "nan",
  8992. "nan",
  8993. "nan",
  8994. "nan",
  8995. "nan",
  8996. "nan",
  8997. "nan",
  8998. "nan",
  8999. "nan",
  9000. "nan",
  9001. "nan",
  9002. "nan",
  9003. "nan",
  9004. "nan",
  9005. "nan",
  9006. "nan"
  9007. ],
  9008. [
  9009. "027657",
  9010. "00037",
  9011. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9012. "vs. ronald a. roeske",
  9013. "tcf0007670",
  9014. "general/other",
  9015. "-fdic 92 ronald a. roeske - corresp.",
  9016. "06/20/2001",
  9017. "au1261",
  9018. "lynn w. sherman",
  9019. "nan",
  9020. "nan",
  9021. "seq: 0022-dpm",
  9022. "tampa",
  9023. "187986",
  9024. "4/1/1992",
  9025. "nan",
  9026. "nan",
  9027. "nan",
  9028. "nan",
  9029. "nan",
  9030. "nan",
  9031. "nan",
  9032. "nan",
  9033. "nan",
  9034. "nan",
  9035. "nan",
  9036. "nan",
  9037. "nan",
  9038. "nan",
  9039. "nan",
  9040. "nan",
  9041. "nan",
  9042. "nan",
  9043. "nan",
  9044. "nan",
  9045. "nan",
  9046. "nan"
  9047. ],
  9048. [
  9049. "027657",
  9050. "00038",
  9051. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9052. "vs haute cuisine, inc. d/b/a",
  9053. "tcf0007975",
  9054. "general/other",
  9055. "-fdic 92 haute cuisine (box)",
  9056. "06/20/2001",
  9057. "au5747",
  9058. "julia waters",
  9059. "nan",
  9060. "nan",
  9061. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  9062. "tampa",
  9063. "190063",
  9064. "6/16/1992",
  9065. "nan",
  9066. "nan",
  9067. "nan",
  9068. "nan",
  9069. "nan",
  9070. "nan",
  9071. "nan",
  9072. "nan",
  9073. "nan",
  9074. "nan",
  9075. "nan",
  9076. "nan",
  9077. "nan",
  9078. "nan",
  9079. "nan",
  9080. "nan",
  9081. "nan",
  9082. "nan",
  9083. "nan",
  9084. "nan",
  9085. "nan",
  9086. "nan"
  9087. ],
  9088. [
  9089. "027657",
  9090. "00067",
  9091. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9092. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  9093. "tcf0007979",
  9094. "general/other",
  9095. "-fdic 92 bertucci",
  9096. "06/20/2001",
  9097. "au5751",
  9098. "julia waters",
  9099. "nan",
  9100. "nan",
  9101. "seq: 0013-rnb",
  9102. "tampa",
  9103. "190069",
  9104. "9/30/1992",
  9105. "nan",
  9106. "nan",
  9107. "nan",
  9108. "nan",
  9109. "nan",
  9110. "nan",
  9111. "nan",
  9112. "nan",
  9113. "nan",
  9114. "nan",
  9115. "nan",
  9116. "nan",
  9117. "nan",
  9118. "nan",
  9119. "nan",
  9120. "nan",
  9121. "nan",
  9122. "nan",
  9123. "nan",
  9124. "nan",
  9125. "nan",
  9126. "nan"
  9127. ],
  9128. [
  9129. "027657",
  9130. "00067",
  9131. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9132. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  9133. "tcf0007979",
  9134. "general/other",
  9135. "-fdic 92 bertucci",
  9136. "06/20/2001",
  9137. "au5751",
  9138. "julia waters",
  9139. "nan",
  9140. "nan",
  9141. "seq: 0014-rnb",
  9142. "tampa",
  9143. "190070",
  9144. "9/30/1992",
  9145. "nan",
  9146. "nan",
  9147. "nan",
  9148. "nan",
  9149. "nan",
  9150. "nan",
  9151. "nan",
  9152. "nan",
  9153. "nan",
  9154. "nan",
  9155. "nan",
  9156. "nan",
  9157. "nan",
  9158. "nan",
  9159. "nan",
  9160. "nan",
  9161. "nan",
  9162. "nan",
  9163. "nan",
  9164. "nan",
  9165. "nan",
  9166. "nan"
  9167. ],
  9168. [
  9169. "027657",
  9170. "00084",
  9171. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9172. "title ins. re sale to",
  9173. "tcf0007979",
  9174. "general/other",
  9175. "-fdic 92 tl day properties(title file)",
  9176. "06/20/2001",
  9177. "au5751",
  9178. "toni l. kemmerle",
  9179. "nan",
  9180. "nan",
  9181. "seq: 0015-rnb",
  9182. "tampa",
  9183. "190071",
  9184. "9/30/1992",
  9185. "nan",
  9186. "nan",
  9187. "nan",
  9188. "nan",
  9189. "nan",
  9190. "nan",
  9191. "nan",
  9192. "nan",
  9193. "nan",
  9194. "nan",
  9195. "nan",
  9196. "nan",
  9197. "nan",
  9198. "nan",
  9199. "nan",
  9200. "nan",
  9201. "nan",
  9202. "nan",
  9203. "nan",
  9204. "nan",
  9205. "nan",
  9206. "nan"
  9207. ],
  9208. [
  9209. "027657",
  9210. "00085",
  9211. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9212. "sale of prop. in hills. to",
  9213. "tcf0007979",
  9214. "general/other",
  9215. "-fdic 92 tl day properties",
  9216. "06/20/2001",
  9217. "au5751",
  9218. "toni l. kemmerle",
  9219. "nan",
  9220. "nan",
  9221. "seq: 0016-rnb",
  9222. "tampa",
  9223. "190072",
  9224. "9/30/1992",
  9225. "nan",
  9226. "nan",
  9227. "nan",
  9228. "nan",
  9229. "nan",
  9230. "nan",
  9231. "nan",
  9232. "nan",
  9233. "nan",
  9234. "nan",
  9235. "nan",
  9236. "nan",
  9237. "nan",
  9238. "nan",
  9239. "nan",
  9240. "nan",
  9241. "nan",
  9242. "nan",
  9243. "nan",
  9244. "nan",
  9245. "nan",
  9246. "nan"
  9247. ],
  9248. [
  9249. "027657",
  9250. "00067",
  9251. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9252. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  9253. "tcf0007980",
  9254. "general/other",
  9255. "-fdic 92 bertucci (box)",
  9256. "06/20/2001",
  9257. "au5752",
  9258. "julia waters",
  9259. "nan",
  9260. "nan",
  9261. "seq: 0004-rnb",
  9262. "tampa",
  9263. "190073",
  9264. "9/30/1992",
  9265. "nan",
  9266. "nan",
  9267. "nan",
  9268. "nan",
  9269. "nan",
  9270. "nan",
  9271. "nan",
  9272. "nan",
  9273. "nan",
  9274. "nan",
  9275. "nan",
  9276. "nan",
  9277. "nan",
  9278. "nan",
  9279. "nan",
  9280. "nan",
  9281. "nan",
  9282. "nan",
  9283. "nan",
  9284. "nan",
  9285. "nan",
  9286. "nan"
  9287. ],
  9288. [
  9289. "027657",
  9290. "00106",
  9291. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9292. "defense of fdic against robert",
  9293. "tcf0008378",
  9294. "general/other",
  9295. "-park bank of fla. richardson-baseman/misc. docs.",
  9296. "06/20/2001",
  9297. "av9532",
  9298. "gilbert a. smith",
  9299. "nan",
  9300. "nan",
  9301. "seq: 0016-gas",
  9302. "tampa",
  9303. "191977",
  9304. "4/12/1993",
  9305. "nan",
  9306. "nan",
  9307. "nan",
  9308. "nan",
  9309. "nan",
  9310. "nan",
  9311. "nan",
  9312. "nan",
  9313. "nan",
  9314. "nan",
  9315. "nan",
  9316. "nan",
  9317. "nan",
  9318. "nan",
  9319. "nan",
  9320. "nan",
  9321. "nan",
  9322. "nan",
  9323. "nan",
  9324. "nan",
  9325. "nan",
  9326. "nan"
  9327. ],
  9328. [
  9329. "027657",
  9330. "00106",
  9331. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9332. "defense of fdic against robert",
  9333. "tcf0008378",
  9334. "general/other",
  9335. "-park bank of fla. pleadings / misc. docs.",
  9336. "06/20/2001",
  9337. "av9532",
  9338. "gilbert a. smith",
  9339. "nan",
  9340. "nan",
  9341. "seq: 0017-gas",
  9342. "tampa",
  9343. "191978",
  9344. "4/12/1993",
  9345. "nan",
  9346. "nan",
  9347. "nan",
  9348. "nan",
  9349. "nan",
  9350. "nan",
  9351. "nan",
  9352. "nan",
  9353. "nan",
  9354. "nan",
  9355. "nan",
  9356. "nan",
  9357. "nan",
  9358. "nan",
  9359. "nan",
  9360. "nan",
  9361. "nan",
  9362. "nan",
  9363. "nan",
  9364. "nan",
  9365. "nan",
  9366. "nan"
  9367. ],
  9368. [
  9369. "027657",
  9370. "00025",
  9371. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9372. "vs whispering pines properties",
  9373. "tcf0008383",
  9374. "general/other",
  9375. "-fdic - whispering pines chapter 11 bankruptcy",
  9376. "06/20/2001",
  9377. "av9539",
  9378. "julia waters",
  9379. "nan",
  9380. "nan",
  9381. "seq: 0007-wmc",
  9382. "tampa",
  9383. "191997",
  9384. "4/12/1993",
  9385. "nan",
  9386. "nan",
  9387. "nan",
  9388. "nan",
  9389. "nan",
  9390. "nan",
  9391. "nan",
  9392. "nan",
  9393. "nan",
  9394. "nan",
  9395. "nan",
  9396. "nan",
  9397. "nan",
  9398. "nan",
  9399. "nan",
  9400. "nan",
  9401. "nan",
  9402. "nan",
  9403. "nan",
  9404. "nan",
  9405. "nan",
  9406. "nan"
  9407. ],
  9408. [
  9409. "027657",
  9410. "00022",
  9411. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9412. "vs j. & d. meares a/k/a bell",
  9413. "tcf0008433",
  9414. "general/other",
  9415. "-fdic vs j&d meares 92 pleadings/corr./notes/",
  9416. "06/20/2001",
  9417. "aw2913",
  9418. "julia waters",
  9419. "nan",
  9420. "nan",
  9421. "seq: 0004-rsb",
  9422. "tampa",
  9423. "192265",
  9424. "4/12/1993",
  9425. "nan",
  9426. "nan",
  9427. "nan",
  9428. "nan",
  9429. "nan",
  9430. "nan",
  9431. "nan",
  9432. "nan",
  9433. "nan",
  9434. "nan",
  9435. "nan",
  9436. "nan",
  9437. "nan",
  9438. "nan",
  9439. "nan",
  9440. "nan",
  9441. "nan",
  9442. "nan",
  9443. "nan",
  9444. "nan",
  9445. "nan",
  9446. "nan"
  9447. ],
  9448. [
  9449. "027657",
  9450. "00005",
  9451. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9452. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  9453. "tcf0008452",
  9454. "general/other",
  9455. "-fdic-wiggins pass pleadings/depos/",
  9456. "06/20/2001",
  9457. "aw2939",
  9458. "julia waters",
  9459. "nan",
  9460. "nan",
  9461. "seq: 0004-rsb",
  9462. "tampa",
  9463. "192348",
  9464. "1/14/1993",
  9465. "nan",
  9466. "nan",
  9467. "nan",
  9468. "nan",
  9469. "nan",
  9470. "nan",
  9471. "nan",
  9472. "nan",
  9473. "nan",
  9474. "nan",
  9475. "nan",
  9476. "nan",
  9477. "nan",
  9478. "nan",
  9479. "nan",
  9480. "nan",
  9481. "nan",
  9482. "nan",
  9483. "nan",
  9484. "nan",
  9485. "nan",
  9486. "nan"
  9487. ],
  9488. [
  9489. "027657",
  9490. "00005",
  9491. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9492. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  9493. "tcf0008456",
  9494. "general/other",
  9495. "-fdic vs. wiggins pass pleadings/depos./misc.(box)",
  9496. "06/20/2001",
  9497. "aw2943",
  9498. "julia waters",
  9499. "nan",
  9500. "nan",
  9501. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  9502. "tampa",
  9503. "192366",
  9504. "1/14/1993",
  9505. "nan",
  9506. "nan",
  9507. "nan",
  9508. "nan",
  9509. "nan",
  9510. "nan",
  9511. "nan",
  9512. "nan",
  9513. "nan",
  9514. "nan",
  9515. "nan",
  9516. "nan",
  9517. "nan",
  9518. "nan",
  9519. "nan",
  9520. "nan",
  9521. "nan",
  9522. "nan",
  9523. "nan",
  9524. "nan",
  9525. "nan",
  9526. "nan"
  9527. ],
  9528. [
  9529. "027657",
  9530. "00025",
  9531. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9532. "vs whispering pines properties",
  9533. "tcf0008488",
  9534. "general/other",
  9535. "-fdic whispering pines property",
  9536. "06/20/2001",
  9537. "aw4311",
  9538. "julia waters",
  9539. "nan",
  9540. "nan",
  9541. "seq: 0040-wmc",
  9542. "tampa",
  9543. "192633",
  9544. "4/12/1993",
  9545. "nan",
  9546. "nan",
  9547. "nan",
  9548. "nan",
  9549. "nan",
  9550. "nan",
  9551. "nan",
  9552. "nan",
  9553. "nan",
  9554. "nan",
  9555. "nan",
  9556. "nan",
  9557. "nan",
  9558. "nan",
  9559. "nan",
  9560. "nan",
  9561. "nan",
  9562. "nan",
  9563. "nan",
  9564. "nan",
  9565. "nan",
  9566. "nan"
  9567. ],
  9568. [
  9569. "027657",
  9570. "00005",
  9571. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9572. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  9573. "tcf0008640",
  9574. "general/other",
  9575. "-fdic vs. wiggins pass appraisals/depos./misc.(box)",
  9576. "06/20/2001",
  9577. "ax0154",
  9578. "julia waters",
  9579. "nan",
  9580. "nan",
  9581. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  9582. "tampa",
  9583. "193679",
  9584. "1/14/1993",
  9585. "nan",
  9586. "nan",
  9587. "nan",
  9588. "nan",
  9589. "nan",
  9590. "nan",
  9591. "nan",
  9592. "nan",
  9593. "nan",
  9594. "nan",
  9595. "nan",
  9596. "nan",
  9597. "nan",
  9598. "nan",
  9599. "nan",
  9600. "nan",
  9601. "nan",
  9602. "nan",
  9603. "nan",
  9604. "nan",
  9605. "nan",
  9606. "nan"
  9607. ],
  9608. [
  9609. "027657",
  9610. "00005",
  9611. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9612. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  9613. "tcf0008642",
  9614. "general/other",
  9615. "-fdic vs. wiggins pass pldgs./corres./ dism(box)",
  9616. "06/20/2001",
  9617. "ax0156",
  9618. "julia waters",
  9619. "nan",
  9620. "nan",
  9621. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  9622. "tampa",
  9623. "193681",
  9624. "1/14/1993",
  9625. "nan",
  9626. "nan",
  9627. "nan",
  9628. "nan",
  9629. "nan",
  9630. "nan",
  9631. "nan",
  9632. "nan",
  9633. "nan",
  9634. "nan",
  9635. "nan",
  9636. "nan",
  9637. "nan",
  9638. "nan",
  9639. "nan",
  9640. "nan",
  9641. "nan",
  9642. "nan",
  9643. "nan",
  9644. "nan",
  9645. "nan",
  9646. "nan"
  9647. ],
  9648. [
  9649. "027657",
  9650. "00005",
  9651. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9652. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  9653. "tcf0008643",
  9654. "general/other",
  9655. "-fdic vs. wiggins pass fdic info./research/depo.(box)",
  9656. "06/20/2001",
  9657. "ax0157",
  9658. "julia waters",
  9659. "nan",
  9660. "nan",
  9661. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  9662. "tampa",
  9663. "193682",
  9664. "1/14/1993",
  9665. "nan",
  9666. "nan",
  9667. "nan",
  9668. "nan",
  9669. "nan",
  9670. "nan",
  9671. "nan",
  9672. "nan",
  9673. "nan",
  9674. "nan",
  9675. "nan",
  9676. "nan",
  9677. "nan",
  9678. "nan",
  9679. "nan",
  9680. "nan",
  9681. "nan",
  9682. "nan",
  9683. "nan",
  9684. "nan",
  9685. "nan",
  9686. "nan"
  9687. ],
  9688. [
  9689. "027657",
  9690. "00005",
  9691. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9692. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  9693. "tcf0008646",
  9694. "general/other",
  9695. "-fdic vs. wiggins pass corres./exh.list(ntbk)/trans(bx)",
  9696. "06/20/2001",
  9697. "ax0160",
  9698. "julia waters",
  9699. "nan",
  9700. "nan",
  9701. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  9702. "tampa",
  9703. "193687",
  9704. "1/14/1993",
  9705. "nan",
  9706. "nan",
  9707. "nan",
  9708. "nan",
  9709. "nan",
  9710. "nan",
  9711. "nan",
  9712. "nan",
  9713. "nan",
  9714. "nan",
  9715. "nan",
  9716. "nan",
  9717. "nan",
  9718. "nan",
  9719. "nan",
  9720. "nan",
  9721. "nan",
  9722. "nan",
  9723. "nan",
  9724. "nan",
  9725. "nan",
  9726. "nan"
  9727. ],
  9728. [
  9729. "027657",
  9730. "00005",
  9731. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9732. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  9733. "tcf0009472",
  9734. "general/other",
  9735. "-fdic wiggins pass club inc",
  9736. "06/20/2001",
  9737. "bd9631",
  9738. "julia waters",
  9739. "nan",
  9740. "nan",
  9741. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  9742. "tampa",
  9743. "197516",
  9744. "1/14/1993",
  9745. "nan",
  9746. "nan",
  9747. "nan",
  9748. "nan",
  9749. "nan",
  9750. "nan",
  9751. "nan",
  9752. "nan",
  9753. "nan",
  9754. "nan",
  9755. "nan",
  9756. "nan",
  9757. "nan",
  9758. "nan",
  9759. "nan",
  9760. "nan",
  9761. "nan",
  9762. "nan",
  9763. "nan",
  9764. "nan",
  9765. "nan",
  9766. "nan"
  9767. ],
  9768. [
  9769. "027657",
  9770. "00079",
  9771. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9772. "vs. albert hoffman",
  9773. "tcf0009615",
  9774. "general/other",
  9775. "-fdic hoffman/shadow",
  9776. "06/20/2001",
  9777. "bf0586",
  9778. "julia waters",
  9779. "nan",
  9780. "nan",
  9781. "seq: 0031-jsw",
  9782. "tampa",
  9783. "197709",
  9784. "1/8/1993",
  9785. "nan",
  9786. "nan",
  9787. "nan",
  9788. "nan",
  9789. "nan",
  9790. "nan",
  9791. "nan",
  9792. "nan",
  9793. "nan",
  9794. "nan",
  9795. "nan",
  9796. "nan",
  9797. "nan",
  9798. "nan",
  9799. "nan",
  9800. "nan",
  9801. "nan",
  9802. "nan",
  9803. "nan",
  9804. "nan",
  9805. "nan",
  9806. "nan"
  9807. ],
  9808. [
  9809. "027657",
  9810. "00106",
  9811. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9812. "defense of fdic against robert",
  9813. "tcf0009906",
  9814. "general/other",
  9815. "-fdic sw office/fclosures/plds/shadow",
  9816. "06/20/2001",
  9817. "bf2533",
  9818. "gilbert a. smith",
  9819. "nan",
  9820. "nan",
  9821. "seq: 0029-mjc",
  9822. "tampa",
  9823. "198569",
  9824. "4/12/1993",
  9825. "nan",
  9826. "nan",
  9827. "nan",
  9828. "nan",
  9829. "nan",
  9830. "nan",
  9831. "nan",
  9832. "nan",
  9833. "nan",
  9834. "nan",
  9835. "nan",
  9836. "nan",
  9837. "nan",
  9838. "nan",
  9839. "nan",
  9840. "nan",
  9841. "nan",
  9842. "nan",
  9843. "nan",
  9844. "nan",
  9845. "nan",
  9846. "nan"
  9847. ],
  9848. [
  9849. "027657",
  9850. "00064",
  9851. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9852. "vs. christopher smith",
  9853. "tcf0010038",
  9854. "general/other",
  9855. "-fdic plds,corres",
  9856. "06/20/2001",
  9857. "bg0336",
  9858. "martha j. cook",
  9859. "nan",
  9860. "nan",
  9861. "seq: 0020-wmc",
  9862. "tampa",
  9863. "199010",
  9864. "4/12/1993",
  9865. "nan",
  9866. "nan",
  9867. "nan",
  9868. "nan",
  9869. "nan",
  9870. "nan",
  9871. "nan",
  9872. "nan",
  9873. "nan",
  9874. "nan",
  9875. "nan",
  9876. "nan",
  9877. "nan",
  9878. "nan",
  9879. "nan",
  9880. "nan",
  9881. "nan",
  9882. "nan",
  9883. "nan",
  9884. "nan",
  9885. "nan",
  9886. "nan"
  9887. ],
  9888. [
  9889. "027657",
  9890. "00029",
  9891. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9892. "vs. joe holloway, jr., et al",
  9893. "tcf0010125",
  9894. "general/other",
  9895. "-fdic shadow",
  9896. "06/20/2001",
  9897. "bg0589",
  9898. "peter j. mackey",
  9899. "nan",
  9900. "nan",
  9901. "seq: 0046-wmc",
  9902. "tampa",
  9903. "199604",
  9904. "10/9/1990",
  9905. "nan",
  9906. "nan",
  9907. "nan",
  9908. "nan",
  9909. "nan",
  9910. "nan",
  9911. "nan",
  9912. "nan",
  9913. "nan",
  9914. "nan",
  9915. "nan",
  9916. "nan",
  9917. "nan",
  9918. "nan",
  9919. "nan",
  9920. "nan",
  9921. "nan",
  9922. "nan",
  9923. "nan",
  9924. "nan",
  9925. "nan",
  9926. "nan"
  9927. ],
  9928. [
  9929. "027657",
  9930. "00020",
  9931. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9932. "florida national bank vs.",
  9933. "tcf0010125",
  9934. "general/other",
  9935. "-fdic shadow",
  9936. "06/20/2001",
  9937. "bg0589",
  9938. "gilbert a. smith",
  9939. "nan",
  9940. "nan",
  9941. "seq: 0050-gas",
  9942. "tampa",
  9943. "199608",
  9944. "9/30/1992",
  9945. "nan",
  9946. "nan",
  9947. "nan",
  9948. "nan",
  9949. "nan",
  9950. "nan",
  9951. "nan",
  9952. "nan",
  9953. "nan",
  9954. "nan",
  9955. "nan",
  9956. "nan",
  9957. "nan",
  9958. "nan",
  9959. "nan",
  9960. "nan",
  9961. "nan",
  9962. "nan",
  9963. "nan",
  9964. "nan",
  9965. "nan",
  9966. "nan"
  9967. ],
  9968. [
  9969. "027657",
  9970. "00029",
  9971. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  9972. "vs. joe holloway, jr., et al",
  9973. "tcf0010160",
  9974. "general/other",
  9975. "-fdic misc",
  9976. "06/20/2001",
  9977. "bg0750",
  9978. "peter j. mackey",
  9979. "nan",
  9980. "nan",
  9981. "seq: 0055-bab",
  9982. "tampa",
  9983. "199824",
  9984. "10/9/1990",
  9985. "nan",
  9986. "nan",
  9987. "nan",
  9988. "nan",
  9989. "nan",
  9990. "nan",
  9991. "nan",
  9992. "nan",
  9993. "nan",
  9994. "nan",
  9995. "nan",
  9996. "nan",
  9997. "nan",
  9998. "nan",
  9999. "nan",
  10000. "nan",
  10001. "nan",
  10002. "nan",
  10003. "nan",
  10004. "nan",
  10005. "nan",
  10006. "nan"
  10007. ],
  10008. [
  10009. "027657",
  10010. "00098",
  10011. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  10012. "dennis g. nivens vs skyway inn",
  10013. "tcf0011037",
  10014. "general/other",
  10015. "-fdic nivens",
  10016. "06/20/2001",
  10017. "bl2209",
  10018. "charles e. bentley",
  10019. "nan",
  10020. "nan",
  10021. "seq: 0011-slb",
  10022. "tampa",
  10023. "203929",
  10024. "3/31/1993",
  10025. "nan",
  10026. "nan",
  10027. "nan",
  10028. "nan",
  10029. "nan",
  10030. "nan",
  10031. "nan",
  10032. "nan",
  10033. "nan",
  10034. "nan",
  10035. "nan",
  10036. "nan",
  10037. "nan",
  10038. "nan",
  10039. "nan",
  10040. "nan",
  10041. "nan",
  10042. "nan",
  10043. "nan",
  10044. "nan",
  10045. "nan",
  10046. "nan"
  10047. ],
  10048. [
  10049. "027823",
  10050. "00097",
  10051. "paxson enterprises, inc.",
  10052. "confidential",
  10053. "tcf0014156",
  10054. "general/other",
  10055. "-paxson ron & ron artc. of inc., researc-paxson ron & ron artc. of inc., researc",
  10056. "6/20/2001",
  10057. "ce6799",
  10058. "william b. demeza",
  10059. "nan",
  10060. "nan",
  10061. "seq: 0057-jep",
  10062. "tampa",
  10063. "219279",
  10064. "10/10/1996",
  10065. "nan",
  10066. "nan",
  10067. "nan",
  10068. "nan",
  10069. "nan",
  10070. "nan",
  10071. "nan",
  10072. "nan",
  10073. "nan",
  10074. "nan",
  10075. "nan",
  10076. "nan",
  10077. "nan",
  10078. "nan",
  10079. "nan",
  10080. "nan",
  10081. "nan",
  10082. "nan",
  10083. "nan",
  10084. "nan",
  10085. "nan",
  10086. "nan"
  10087. ],
  10088. [
  10089. "028006",
  10090. "00142",
  10091. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10092. "in re albert & jean kaddis",
  10093. "tcf0007285",
  10094. "general/other",
  10095. "-fdic commonwealth fed s&l albert & jean kaddis",
  10096. "06/20/2001",
  10097. "aq1197",
  10098. "william k fendrick",
  10099. "nan",
  10100. "nan",
  10101. "seq: 0019-",
  10102. "tampa",
  10103. "184696",
  10104. "11/14/1990",
  10105. "nan",
  10106. "nan",
  10107. "nan",
  10108. "nan",
  10109. "nan",
  10110. "nan",
  10111. "nan",
  10112. "nan",
  10113. "nan",
  10114. "nan",
  10115. "nan",
  10116. "nan",
  10117. "nan",
  10118. "nan",
  10119. "nan",
  10120. "nan",
  10121. "nan",
  10122. "nan",
  10123. "nan",
  10124. "nan",
  10125. "nan",
  10126. "nan"
  10127. ],
  10128. [
  10129. "028006",
  10130. "00098",
  10131. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10132. "re: bcf associates, ltd.",
  10133. "tcf0007912",
  10134. "general/other",
  10135. "-fdic-commonwealth op bcf & assoc c",
  10136. "06/20/2001",
  10137. "au5206",
  10138. "martin j alexander",
  10139. "nan",
  10140. "nan",
  10141. "seq: 0050-tjp",
  10142. "tampa",
  10143. "189617",
  10144. "12/12/1990",
  10145. "nan",
  10146. "nan",
  10147. "nan",
  10148. "nan",
  10149. "nan",
  10150. "nan",
  10151. "nan",
  10152. "nan",
  10153. "nan",
  10154. "nan",
  10155. "nan",
  10156. "nan",
  10157. "nan",
  10158. "nan",
  10159. "nan",
  10160. "nan",
  10161. "nan",
  10162. "nan",
  10163. "nan",
  10164. "nan",
  10165. "nan",
  10166. "nan"
  10167. ],
  10168. [
  10169. "028006",
  10170. "00044",
  10171. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10172. "vs. allan & ronald kolsky",
  10173. "tcf0007925",
  10174. "general/other",
  10175. "-fdic-commonwealth op kolsky",
  10176. "06/20/2001",
  10177. "au5220",
  10178. "kenni f. judd",
  10179. "nan",
  10180. "nan",
  10181. "seq: 0072-tjp",
  10182. "tampa",
  10183. "189729",
  10184. "12/16/1992",
  10185. "nan",
  10186. "nan",
  10187. "nan",
  10188. "nan",
  10189. "nan",
  10190. "nan",
  10191. "nan",
  10192. "nan",
  10193. "nan",
  10194. "nan",
  10195. "nan",
  10196. "nan",
  10197. "nan",
  10198. "nan",
  10199. "nan",
  10200. "nan",
  10201. "nan",
  10202. "nan",
  10203. "nan",
  10204. "nan",
  10205. "nan",
  10206. "nan"
  10207. ],
  10208. [
  10209. "028006",
  10210. "00001",
  10211. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10212. "general advice",
  10213. "tcf0008647",
  10214. "general/other",
  10215. "-fdic - commonwealth s&l generaladvice",
  10216. "06/20/2001",
  10217. "ax0161",
  10218. "martin j alexander",
  10219. "nan",
  10220. "nan",
  10221. "seq: 0019-rsb",
  10222. "tampa",
  10223. "193688",
  10224. "7/7/1992",
  10225. "nan",
  10226. "nan",
  10227. "nan",
  10228. "nan",
  10229. "nan",
  10230. "nan",
  10231. "nan",
  10232. "nan",
  10233. "nan",
  10234. "nan",
  10235. "nan",
  10236. "nan",
  10237. "nan",
  10238. "nan",
  10239. "nan",
  10240. "nan",
  10241. "nan",
  10242. "nan",
  10243. "nan",
  10244. "nan",
  10245. "nan",
  10246. "nan"
  10247. ],
  10248. [
  10249. "028006",
  10250. "00102",
  10251. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10252. "advice re shore line group,",
  10253. "tcf0009392",
  10254. "general/other",
  10255. "-rtc/commonwealth/shoreline shadow",
  10256. "06/20/2001",
  10257. "bd6345",
  10258. "martin j alexander",
  10259. "nan",
  10260. "nan",
  10261. "seq: 0066-enk",
  10262. "tampa",
  10263. "197393",
  10264. "11/6/1992",
  10265. "nan",
  10266. "nan",
  10267. "nan",
  10268. "nan",
  10269. "nan",
  10270. "nan",
  10271. "nan",
  10272. "nan",
  10273. "nan",
  10274. "nan",
  10275. "nan",
  10276. "nan",
  10277. "nan",
  10278. "nan",
  10279. "nan",
  10280. "nan",
  10281. "nan",
  10282. "nan",
  10283. "nan",
  10284. "nan",
  10285. "nan",
  10286. "nan"
  10287. ],
  10288. [
  10289. "028006",
  10290. "00203",
  10291. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10292. "perdev group of america, inc.",
  10293. "tcf0009392",
  10294. "general/other",
  10295. "-rtc/commonwealth perdev group/shadow",
  10296. "06/20/2001",
  10297. "bd6345",
  10298. "martin j alexander",
  10299. "nan",
  10300. "nan",
  10301. "seq: 0067-enk",
  10302. "tampa",
  10303. "197394",
  10304. "12/7/1990",
  10305. "nan",
  10306. "nan",
  10307. "nan",
  10308. "nan",
  10309. "nan",
  10310. "nan",
  10311. "nan",
  10312. "nan",
  10313. "nan",
  10314. "nan",
  10315. "nan",
  10316. "nan",
  10317. "nan",
  10318. "nan",
  10319. "nan",
  10320. "nan",
  10321. "nan",
  10322. "nan",
  10323. "nan",
  10324. "nan",
  10325. "nan",
  10326. "nan"
  10327. ],
  10328. [
  10329. "028006",
  10330. "00034",
  10331. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10332. "kissimmee-osceola plaza, ltd &",
  10333. "tcf0010244",
  10334. "general/other",
  10335. "-fdic kissimmee-osceola plaza",
  10336. "06/20/2001",
  10337. "bg0920",
  10338. "toni l. kemmerle",
  10339. "nan",
  10340. "nan",
  10341. "seq: 0013-rnb",
  10342. "tampa",
  10343. "200537",
  10344. "12/12/1990",
  10345. "nan",
  10346. "nan",
  10347. "nan",
  10348. "nan",
  10349. "nan",
  10350. "nan",
  10351. "nan",
  10352. "nan",
  10353. "nan",
  10354. "nan",
  10355. "nan",
  10356. "nan",
  10357. "nan",
  10358. "nan",
  10359. "nan",
  10360. "nan",
  10361. "nan",
  10362. "nan",
  10363. "nan",
  10364. "nan",
  10365. "nan",
  10366. "nan"
  10367. ],
  10368. [
  10369. "028006",
  10370. "00065",
  10371. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10372. "title ins. - commonwealth vs.",
  10373. "tcf0010244",
  10374. "general/other",
  10375. "-fdic united development",
  10376. "06/20/2001",
  10377. "bg0920",
  10378. "toni l. kemmerle",
  10379. "nan",
  10380. "nan",
  10381. "seq: 0014-rnb",
  10382. "tampa",
  10383. "200538",
  10384. "9/30/1992",
  10385. "nan",
  10386. "nan",
  10387. "nan",
  10388. "nan",
  10389. "nan",
  10390. "nan",
  10391. "nan",
  10392. "nan",
  10393. "nan",
  10394. "nan",
  10395. "nan",
  10396. "nan",
  10397. "nan",
  10398. "nan",
  10399. "nan",
  10400. "nan",
  10401. "nan",
  10402. "nan",
  10403. "nan",
  10404. "nan",
  10405. "nan",
  10406. "nan"
  10407. ],
  10408. [
  10409. "028006",
  10410. "10192",
  10411. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  10412. "chapnick, robert j. & brian",
  10413. "51533273",
  10414. "nan",
  10415. "rtc williams/chapnick\n",
  10416. "nan",
  10417. "323",
  10418. "daniel s. pearson",
  10419. "nan",
  10420. "nan",
  10421. "closed file number: 97-050 + location: 2",
  10422. "west palm beach",
  10423. "581204",
  10424. "2/10/1993",
  10425. "nan",
  10426. "nan",
  10427. "nan",
  10428. "nan",
  10429. "nan",
  10430. "nan",
  10431. "nan",
  10432. "nan",
  10433. "nan",
  10434. "nan",
  10435. "nan",
  10436. "nan",
  10437. "nan",
  10438. "nan",
  10439. "nan",
  10440. "nan",
  10441. "nan",
  10442. "nan",
  10443. "nan",
  10444. "nan",
  10445. "nan",
  10446. "nan"
  10447. ],
  10448. [
  10449. "028011",
  10450. "00002",
  10451. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10452. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10453. "652544478",
  10454. "general/other",
  10455. "fdic/fabt counterclaim",
  10456. "1/4/2013",
  10457. "118902",
  10458. "scott b. newman",
  10459. "off-site",
  10460. "newman scott",
  10461. "hk#: 9814",
  10462. "miami",
  10463. "1943743",
  10464. "4/12/1993",
  10465. "nan",
  10466. "nan",
  10467. "nan",
  10468. "nan",
  10469. "nan",
  10470. "nan",
  10471. "nan",
  10472. "nan",
  10473. "nan",
  10474. "nan",
  10475. "nan",
  10476. "nan",
  10477. "nan",
  10478. "nan",
  10479. "nan",
  10480. "nan",
  10481. "nan",
  10482. "nan",
  10483. "nan",
  10484. "nan",
  10485. "nan",
  10486. "nan"
  10487. ],
  10488. [
  10489. "028011",
  10490. "00002",
  10491. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10492. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10493. "652544478",
  10494. "general/other",
  10495. "fdic/fabt - counterclaim",
  10496. "1/4/2013",
  10497. "118902",
  10498. "scott b. newman",
  10499. "off-site",
  10500. "newman scott",
  10501. "hk#: 9814",
  10502. "miami",
  10503. "1943750",
  10504. "4/12/1993",
  10505. "nan",
  10506. "nan",
  10507. "nan",
  10508. "nan",
  10509. "nan",
  10510. "nan",
  10511. "nan",
  10512. "nan",
  10513. "nan",
  10514. "nan",
  10515. "nan",
  10516. "nan",
  10517. "nan",
  10518. "nan",
  10519. "nan",
  10520. "nan",
  10521. "nan",
  10522. "nan",
  10523. "nan",
  10524. "nan",
  10525. "nan",
  10526. "nan"
  10527. ],
  10528. [
  10529. "028011",
  10530. "00040",
  10531. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10532. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  10533. "652544478",
  10534. "general/other",
  10535. "fdic's guide for outside counsel",
  10536. "1/4/2013",
  10537. "118902",
  10538. "scott b. newman",
  10539. "off-site",
  10540. "newman scott",
  10541. "hk#: 9814",
  10542. "miami",
  10543. "1943798",
  10544. "3/9/1993",
  10545. "nan",
  10546. "nan",
  10547. "nan",
  10548. "nan",
  10549. "nan",
  10550. "nan",
  10551. "nan",
  10552. "nan",
  10553. "nan",
  10554. "nan",
  10555. "nan",
  10556. "nan",
  10557. "nan",
  10558. "nan",
  10559. "nan",
  10560. "nan",
  10561. "nan",
  10562. "nan",
  10563. "nan",
  10564. "nan",
  10565. "nan",
  10566. "nan"
  10567. ],
  10568. [
  10569. "028011",
  10570. "00040",
  10571. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10572. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  10573. "652544478",
  10574. "general/other",
  10575. "city's request to fdic's request for production",
  10576. "1/4/2013",
  10577. "118902",
  10578. "scott b. newman",
  10579. "off-site",
  10580. "newman scott",
  10581. "hk#: 9814",
  10582. "miami",
  10583. "1943799",
  10584. "3/9/1993",
  10585. "nan",
  10586. "nan",
  10587. "nan",
  10588. "nan",
  10589. "nan",
  10590. "nan",
  10591. "nan",
  10592. "nan",
  10593. "nan",
  10594. "nan",
  10595. "nan",
  10596. "nan",
  10597. "nan",
  10598. "nan",
  10599. "nan",
  10600. "nan",
  10601. "nan",
  10602. "nan",
  10603. "nan",
  10604. "nan",
  10605. "nan",
  10606. "nan"
  10607. ],
  10608. [
  10609. "028011",
  10610. "00040",
  10611. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10612. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  10613. "652544478",
  10614. "general/other",
  10615. "fdic/west palm",
  10616. "1/4/2013",
  10617. "118902",
  10618. "scott b. newman",
  10619. "off-site",
  10620. "newman scott",
  10621. "hk#: 9814",
  10622. "miami",
  10623. "1943802",
  10624. "3/9/1993",
  10625. "nan",
  10626. "nan",
  10627. "nan",
  10628. "nan",
  10629. "nan",
  10630. "nan",
  10631. "nan",
  10632. "nan",
  10633. "nan",
  10634. "nan",
  10635. "nan",
  10636. "nan",
  10637. "nan",
  10638. "nan",
  10639. "nan",
  10640. "nan",
  10641. "nan",
  10642. "nan",
  10643. "nan",
  10644. "nan",
  10645. "nan",
  10646. "nan"
  10647. ],
  10648. [
  10649. "028011",
  10650. "00040",
  10651. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10652. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  10653. "652544478",
  10654. "general/other",
  10655. "fdic takeover information",
  10656. "1/4/2013",
  10657. "118902",
  10658. "scott b. newman",
  10659. "off-site",
  10660. "newman scott",
  10661. "hk#: 9814",
  10662. "miami",
  10663. "1943803",
  10664. "3/9/1993",
  10665. "nan",
  10666. "nan",
  10667. "nan",
  10668. "nan",
  10669. "nan",
  10670. "nan",
  10671. "nan",
  10672. "nan",
  10673. "nan",
  10674. "nan",
  10675. "nan",
  10676. "nan",
  10677. "nan",
  10678. "nan",
  10679. "nan",
  10680. "nan",
  10681. "nan",
  10682. "nan",
  10683. "nan",
  10684. "nan",
  10685. "nan",
  10686. "nan"
  10687. ],
  10688. [
  10689. "028011",
  10690. "00040",
  10691. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10692. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  10693. "652544478",
  10694. "general/other",
  10695. "fdic's form: evaluation, referral",
  10696. "1/4/2013",
  10697. "118902",
  10698. "scott b. newman",
  10699. "off-site",
  10700. "newman scott",
  10701. "hk#: 9814",
  10702. "miami",
  10703. "1943807",
  10704. "3/9/1993",
  10705. "nan",
  10706. "nan",
  10707. "nan",
  10708. "nan",
  10709. "nan",
  10710. "nan",
  10711. "nan",
  10712. "nan",
  10713. "nan",
  10714. "nan",
  10715. "nan",
  10716. "nan",
  10717. "nan",
  10718. "nan",
  10719. "nan",
  10720. "nan",
  10721. "nan",
  10722. "nan",
  10723. "nan",
  10724. "nan",
  10725. "nan",
  10726. "nan"
  10727. ],
  10728. [
  10729. "028011",
  10730. "00002",
  10731. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10732. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10733. "652551676",
  10734. "general/other",
  10735. "lakeside regent, inc vs. fdic 4th dca\n",
  10736. "1/7/2013",
  10737. "118905",
  10738. "scott b. newman",
  10739. "off-site",
  10740. "scott newman",
  10741. "hk box # 9817",
  10742. "miami",
  10743. "1944066",
  10744. "4/12/1993",
  10745. "nan",
  10746. "nan",
  10747. "nan",
  10748. "nan",
  10749. "nan",
  10750. "nan",
  10751. "nan",
  10752. "nan",
  10753. "nan",
  10754. "nan",
  10755. "nan",
  10756. "nan",
  10757. "nan",
  10758. "nan",
  10759. "nan",
  10760. "nan",
  10761. "nan",
  10762. "nan",
  10763. "nan",
  10764. "nan",
  10765. "nan",
  10766. "nan"
  10767. ],
  10768. [
  10769. "028011",
  10770. "00002",
  10771. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10772. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10773. "652551676",
  10774. "general/other",
  10775. "fdic/lakeside \nside 6",
  10776. "1/7/2013",
  10777. "118905",
  10778. "scott b. newman",
  10779. "off-site",
  10780. "scott newman",
  10781. "hk box # 9817",
  10782. "miami",
  10783. "1944067",
  10784. "4/12/1993",
  10785. "nan",
  10786. "nan",
  10787. "nan",
  10788. "nan",
  10789. "nan",
  10790. "nan",
  10791. "nan",
  10792. "nan",
  10793. "nan",
  10794. "nan",
  10795. "nan",
  10796. "nan",
  10797. "nan",
  10798. "nan",
  10799. "nan",
  10800. "nan",
  10801. "nan",
  10802. "nan",
  10803. "nan",
  10804. "nan",
  10805. "nan",
  10806. "nan"
  10807. ],
  10808. [
  10809. "028011",
  10810. "00002",
  10811. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10812. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10813. "89252593",
  10814. "general/other",
  10815. "fdic/lakeside regent\ncrossdefendants notice of service of first set of interrogatorries to crossclaimant 4/27/92",
  10816. "1/30/2013",
  10817. "118906",
  10818. "scott b. newman",
  10819. "off-site",
  10820. "scott newman",
  10821. "hk box # 9818",
  10822. "miami",
  10823. "1962035",
  10824. "4/12/1993",
  10825. "nan",
  10826. "nan",
  10827. "nan",
  10828. "nan",
  10829. "nan",
  10830. "nan",
  10831. "nan",
  10832. "nan",
  10833. "nan",
  10834. "nan",
  10835. "nan",
  10836. "nan",
  10837. "nan",
  10838. "nan",
  10839. "nan",
  10840. "nan",
  10841. "nan",
  10842. "nan",
  10843. "nan",
  10844. "nan",
  10845. "nan",
  10846. "nan"
  10847. ],
  10848. [
  10849. "028011",
  10850. "00002",
  10851. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10852. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10853. "89252593",
  10854. "attorney notes",
  10855. "fdic/lakeside regent\nattorney notes (brt)",
  10856. "1/30/2013",
  10857. "118906",
  10858. "scott b. newman",
  10859. "off-site",
  10860. "scott newman",
  10861. "hk box # 9818",
  10862. "miami",
  10863. "1962160",
  10864. "4/12/1993",
  10865. "nan",
  10866. "nan",
  10867. "nan",
  10868. "nan",
  10869. "nan",
  10870. "nan",
  10871. "nan",
  10872. "nan",
  10873. "nan",
  10874. "nan",
  10875. "nan",
  10876. "nan",
  10877. "nan",
  10878. "nan",
  10879. "nan",
  10880. "nan",
  10881. "nan",
  10882. "nan",
  10883. "nan",
  10884. "nan",
  10885. "nan",
  10886. "nan"
  10887. ],
  10888. [
  10889. "028011",
  10890. "00002",
  10891. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10892. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10893. "89252593",
  10894. "general/other",
  10895. "fdic/lakeside regent\ncase on rate filed affidavits",
  10896. "1/30/2013",
  10897. "118906",
  10898. "scott b. newman",
  10899. "off-site",
  10900. "scott newman",
  10901. "hk box # 9818",
  10902. "miami",
  10903. "1962163",
  10904. "4/12/1993",
  10905. "nan",
  10906. "nan",
  10907. "nan",
  10908. "nan",
  10909. "nan",
  10910. "nan",
  10911. "nan",
  10912. "nan",
  10913. "nan",
  10914. "nan",
  10915. "nan",
  10916. "nan",
  10917. "nan",
  10918. "nan",
  10919. "nan",
  10920. "nan",
  10921. "nan",
  10922. "nan",
  10923. "nan",
  10924. "nan",
  10925. "nan",
  10926. "nan"
  10927. ],
  10928. [
  10929. "028011",
  10930. "00002",
  10931. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10932. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10933. "89252593",
  10934. "attorney notes",
  10935. "fdic/lakeside regent\nattorney notes (ram)",
  10936. "1/30/2013",
  10937. "118906",
  10938. "scott b. newman",
  10939. "off-site",
  10940. "scott newman",
  10941. "hk box # 9818",
  10942. "miami",
  10943. "1962167",
  10944. "4/12/1993",
  10945. "nan",
  10946. "nan",
  10947. "nan",
  10948. "nan",
  10949. "nan",
  10950. "nan",
  10951. "nan",
  10952. "nan",
  10953. "nan",
  10954. "nan",
  10955. "nan",
  10956. "nan",
  10957. "nan",
  10958. "nan",
  10959. "nan",
  10960. "nan",
  10961. "nan",
  10962. "nan",
  10963. "nan",
  10964. "nan",
  10965. "nan",
  10966. "nan"
  10967. ],
  10968. [
  10969. "028011",
  10970. "00002",
  10971. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  10972. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  10973. "89252593",
  10974. "attorney notes",
  10975. "fdic/lakeside regent\nattorney notes (snb)",
  10976. "1/30/2013",
  10977. "118906",
  10978. "scott b. newman",
  10979. "off-site",
  10980. "scott newman",
  10981. "hk box # 9818",
  10982. "miami",
  10983. "1962170",
  10984. "4/12/1993",
  10985. "nan",
  10986. "nan",
  10987. "nan",
  10988. "nan",
  10989. "nan",
  10990. "nan",
  10991. "nan",
  10992. "nan",
  10993. "nan",
  10994. "nan",
  10995. "nan",
  10996. "nan",
  10997. "nan",
  10998. "nan",
  10999. "nan",
  11000. "nan",
  11001. "nan",
  11002. "nan",
  11003. "nan",
  11004. "nan",
  11005. "nan",
  11006. "nan"
  11007. ],
  11008. [
  11009. "028011",
  11010. "00002",
  11011. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11012. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11013. "89252593",
  11014. "pleadings",
  11015. "fdic/lakeside regent\npleadings",
  11016. "1/30/2013",
  11017. "118906",
  11018. "scott b. newman",
  11019. "off-site",
  11020. "scott newman",
  11021. "hk box # 9818",
  11022. "miami",
  11023. "1962178",
  11024. "4/12/1993",
  11025. "nan",
  11026. "nan",
  11027. "nan",
  11028. "nan",
  11029. "nan",
  11030. "nan",
  11031. "nan",
  11032. "nan",
  11033. "nan",
  11034. "nan",
  11035. "nan",
  11036. "nan",
  11037. "nan",
  11038. "nan",
  11039. "nan",
  11040. "nan",
  11041. "nan",
  11042. "nan",
  11043. "nan",
  11044. "nan",
  11045. "nan",
  11046. "nan"
  11047. ],
  11048. [
  11049. "028011",
  11050. "00002",
  11051. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11052. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11053. "89252593",
  11054. "pleadings",
  11055. "fdic/lakeside regent\npleadings",
  11056. "1/30/2013",
  11057. "118906",
  11058. "scott b. newman",
  11059. "off-site",
  11060. "scott newman",
  11061. "hk box # 9818",
  11062. "miami",
  11063. "1962179",
  11064. "4/12/1993",
  11065. "nan",
  11066. "nan",
  11067. "nan",
  11068. "nan",
  11069. "nan",
  11070. "nan",
  11071. "nan",
  11072. "nan",
  11073. "nan",
  11074. "nan",
  11075. "nan",
  11076. "nan",
  11077. "nan",
  11078. "nan",
  11079. "nan",
  11080. "nan",
  11081. "nan",
  11082. "nan",
  11083. "nan",
  11084. "nan",
  11085. "nan",
  11086. "nan"
  11087. ],
  11088. [
  11089. "028011",
  11090. "00002",
  11091. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11092. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11093. "89252593",
  11094. "pleadings",
  11095. "fdic/lakeside regent\nadjustments (lakeside regent, inc)\npleadings",
  11096. "1/30/2013",
  11097. "118906",
  11098. "scott b. newman",
  11099. "off-site",
  11100. "scott newman",
  11101. "hk box # 9818",
  11102. "miami",
  11103. "1962182",
  11104. "4/12/1993",
  11105. "nan",
  11106. "nan",
  11107. "nan",
  11108. "nan",
  11109. "nan",
  11110. "nan",
  11111. "nan",
  11112. "nan",
  11113. "nan",
  11114. "nan",
  11115. "nan",
  11116. "nan",
  11117. "nan",
  11118. "nan",
  11119. "nan",
  11120. "nan",
  11121. "nan",
  11122. "nan",
  11123. "nan",
  11124. "nan",
  11125. "nan",
  11126. "nan"
  11127. ],
  11128. [
  11129. "028011",
  11130. "00002",
  11131. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11132. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11133. "89252593",
  11134. "correspondence",
  11135. "fdic/lakeside regent\ncorrespondence",
  11136. "1/30/2013",
  11137. "118906",
  11138. "scott b. newman",
  11139. "off-site",
  11140. "scott newman",
  11141. "hk box # 9818",
  11142. "miami",
  11143. "1962183",
  11144. "4/12/1993",
  11145. "nan",
  11146. "nan",
  11147. "nan",
  11148. "nan",
  11149. "nan",
  11150. "nan",
  11151. "nan",
  11152. "nan",
  11153. "nan",
  11154. "nan",
  11155. "nan",
  11156. "nan",
  11157. "nan",
  11158. "nan",
  11159. "nan",
  11160. "nan",
  11161. "nan",
  11162. "nan",
  11163. "nan",
  11164. "nan",
  11165. "nan",
  11166. "nan"
  11167. ],
  11168. [
  11169. "028011",
  11170. "00002",
  11171. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11172. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11173. "89252593",
  11174. "pleadings",
  11175. "fdic/lakeside regent\nin re: carl a. sax (bankruptcy)\npleadings",
  11176. "1/30/2013",
  11177. "118906",
  11178. "scott b. newman",
  11179. "off-site",
  11180. "scott newman",
  11181. "hk box # 9818",
  11182. "miami",
  11183. "1962187",
  11184. "4/12/1993",
  11185. "nan",
  11186. "nan",
  11187. "nan",
  11188. "nan",
  11189. "nan",
  11190. "nan",
  11191. "nan",
  11192. "nan",
  11193. "nan",
  11194. "nan",
  11195. "nan",
  11196. "nan",
  11197. "nan",
  11198. "nan",
  11199. "nan",
  11200. "nan",
  11201. "nan",
  11202. "nan",
  11203. "nan",
  11204. "nan",
  11205. "nan",
  11206. "nan"
  11207. ],
  11208. [
  11209. "028011",
  11210. "00002",
  11211. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11212. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11213. "89252593",
  11214. "general/other",
  11215. "fdic/lakeside regent\nfirst american bank and trust / lakeside regent",
  11216. "1/30/2013",
  11217. "118906",
  11218. "scott b. newman",
  11219. "off-site",
  11220. "scott newman",
  11221. "hk box # 9818",
  11222. "miami",
  11223. "1962190",
  11224. "4/12/1993",
  11225. "nan",
  11226. "nan",
  11227. "nan",
  11228. "nan",
  11229. "nan",
  11230. "nan",
  11231. "nan",
  11232. "nan",
  11233. "nan",
  11234. "nan",
  11235. "nan",
  11236. "nan",
  11237. "nan",
  11238. "nan",
  11239. "nan",
  11240. "nan",
  11241. "nan",
  11242. "nan",
  11243. "nan",
  11244. "nan",
  11245. "nan",
  11246. "nan"
  11247. ],
  11248. [
  11249. "028011",
  11250. "00002",
  11251. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11252. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11253. "89252593",
  11254. "pleadings",
  11255. "fdic/lakeside regent\neminant domain action pleadings",
  11256. "1/30/2013",
  11257. "118906",
  11258. "scott b. newman",
  11259. "off-site",
  11260. "scott newman",
  11261. "hk box # 9818",
  11262. "miami",
  11263. "1962192",
  11264. "4/12/1993",
  11265. "nan",
  11266. "nan",
  11267. "nan",
  11268. "nan",
  11269. "nan",
  11270. "nan",
  11271. "nan",
  11272. "nan",
  11273. "nan",
  11274. "nan",
  11275. "nan",
  11276. "nan",
  11277. "nan",
  11278. "nan",
  11279. "nan",
  11280. "nan",
  11281. "nan",
  11282. "nan",
  11283. "nan",
  11284. "nan",
  11285. "nan",
  11286. "nan"
  11287. ],
  11288. [
  11289. "028011",
  11290. "00002",
  11291. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11292. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  11293. "89252593",
  11294. "general/other",
  11295. "fdic/lakeside regent\nindex to case",
  11296. "1/30/2013",
  11297. "118906",
  11298. "scott b. newman",
  11299. "off-site",
  11300. "scott newman",
  11301. "hk box # 9818",
  11302. "miami",
  11303. "1962193",
  11304. "4/12/1993",
  11305. "nan",
  11306. "nan",
  11307. "nan",
  11308. "nan",
  11309. "nan",
  11310. "nan",
  11311. "nan",
  11312. "nan",
  11313. "nan",
  11314. "nan",
  11315. "nan",
  11316. "nan",
  11317. "nan",
  11318. "nan",
  11319. "nan",
  11320. "nan",
  11321. "nan",
  11322. "nan",
  11323. "nan",
  11324. "nan",
  11325. "nan",
  11326. "nan"
  11327. ],
  11328. [
  11329. "028011",
  11330. "00001",
  11331. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11332. "general matters",
  11333. "489520933",
  11334. "general/other",
  11335. "fdic for outside counsel use only legal cases mangement system litigation fee bill status report",
  11336. "2/19/2013",
  11337. "114633",
  11338. "gary carman",
  11339. "off-site",
  11340. "gary carman",
  11341. "hk#: 9437",
  11342. "miami",
  11343. "1988165",
  11344. "9/30/1992",
  11345. "nan",
  11346. "nan",
  11347. "nan",
  11348. "nan",
  11349. "nan",
  11350. "nan",
  11351. "nan",
  11352. "nan",
  11353. "nan",
  11354. "nan",
  11355. "nan",
  11356. "nan",
  11357. "nan",
  11358. "nan",
  11359. "nan",
  11360. "nan",
  11361. "nan",
  11362. "nan",
  11363. "nan",
  11364. "nan",
  11365. "nan",
  11366. "nan"
  11367. ],
  11368. [
  11369. "028011",
  11370. "00001",
  11371. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  11372. "general matters",
  11373. "489520933",
  11374. "general/other",
  11375. "extra copies fdic legal cases management system litigation fee bill status report",
  11376. "2/19/2013",
  11377. "114633",
  11378. "gary carman",
  11379. "off-site",
  11380. "gary carman",
  11381. "hk#: 9437",
  11382. "miami",
  11383. "1988170",
  11384. "9/30/1992",
  11385. "nan",
  11386. "nan",
  11387. "nan",
  11388. "nan",
  11389. "nan",
  11390. "nan",
  11391. "nan",
  11392. "nan",
  11393. "nan",
  11394. "nan",
  11395. "nan",
  11396. "nan",
  11397. "nan",
  11398. "nan",
  11399. "nan",
  11400. "nan",
  11401. "nan",
  11402. "nan",
  11403. "nan",
  11404. "nan",
  11405. "nan",
  11406. "nan"
  11407. ],
  11408. [
  11409. "028013",
  11410. "00001",
  11411. "f.d.i.c.-commerce bank of tampa",
  11412. "orlando garcia vs.",
  11413. "tcf0006926",
  11414. "general/other",
  11415. "-fdic orlando garcia",
  11416. "06/20/2001",
  11417. "ap9396",
  11418. "jonathan c. koch",
  11419. "nan",
  11420. "nan",
  11421. "seq: 0031-jhs",
  11422. "tampa",
  11423. "182217",
  11424. "9/30/1992",
  11425. "nan",
  11426. "nan",
  11427. "nan",
  11428. "nan",
  11429. "nan",
  11430. "nan",
  11431. "nan",
  11432. "nan",
  11433. "nan",
  11434. "nan",
  11435. "nan",
  11436. "nan",
  11437. "nan",
  11438. "nan",
  11439. "nan",
  11440. "nan",
  11441. "nan",
  11442. "nan",
  11443. "nan",
  11444. "nan",
  11445. "nan",
  11446. "nan"
  11447. ],
  11448. [
  11449. "028016",
  11450. "00001",
  11451. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11452. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11453. "tcf0007437",
  11454. "general/other",
  11455. "-fdic/sonesta orl i exhibit a to plaintiffs motion",
  11456. "06/20/2001",
  11457. "aq7333",
  11458. "jonathan c. koch",
  11459. "nan",
  11460. "nan",
  11461. "seq: 0010-jck",
  11462. "tampa",
  11463. "186255",
  11464. "4/12/1993",
  11465. "nan",
  11466. "nan",
  11467. "nan",
  11468. "nan",
  11469. "nan",
  11470. "nan",
  11471. "nan",
  11472. "nan",
  11473. "nan",
  11474. "nan",
  11475. "nan",
  11476. "nan",
  11477. "nan",
  11478. "nan",
  11479. "nan",
  11480. "nan",
  11481. "nan",
  11482. "nan",
  11483. "nan",
  11484. "nan",
  11485. "nan",
  11486. "nan"
  11487. ],
  11488. [
  11489. "028016",
  11490. "00001",
  11491. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11492. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11493. "tcf0007437",
  11494. "general/other",
  11495. "-fdic/sonesta orl i exhibits b thru x;plaintiffs mt",
  11496. "06/20/2001",
  11497. "aq7333",
  11498. "jonathan c. koch",
  11499. "nan",
  11500. "nan",
  11501. "seq: 0011-jck",
  11502. "tampa",
  11503. "186256",
  11504. "4/12/1993",
  11505. "nan",
  11506. "nan",
  11507. "nan",
  11508. "nan",
  11509. "nan",
  11510. "nan",
  11511. "nan",
  11512. "nan",
  11513. "nan",
  11514. "nan",
  11515. "nan",
  11516. "nan",
  11517. "nan",
  11518. "nan",
  11519. "nan",
  11520. "nan",
  11521. "nan",
  11522. "nan",
  11523. "nan",
  11524. "nan",
  11525. "nan",
  11526. "nan"
  11527. ],
  11528. [
  11529. "028016",
  11530. "00001",
  11531. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11532. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11533. "tcf0007437",
  11534. "general/other",
  11535. "-fdic/sonesta orl i exhibits y and z; plaintiffs mt",
  11536. "06/20/2001",
  11537. "aq7333",
  11538. "jonathan c. koch",
  11539. "nan",
  11540. "nan",
  11541. "seq: 0012-jck",
  11542. "tampa",
  11543. "186257",
  11544. "4/12/1993",
  11545. "nan",
  11546. "nan",
  11547. "nan",
  11548. "nan",
  11549. "nan",
  11550. "nan",
  11551. "nan",
  11552. "nan",
  11553. "nan",
  11554. "nan",
  11555. "nan",
  11556. "nan",
  11557. "nan",
  11558. "nan",
  11559. "nan",
  11560. "nan",
  11561. "nan",
  11562. "nan",
  11563. "nan",
  11564. "nan",
  11565. "nan",
  11566. "nan"
  11567. ],
  11568. [
  11569. "028016",
  11570. "00001",
  11571. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11572. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11573. "tcf0007438",
  11574. "general/other",
  11575. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings vol-27",
  11576. "06/20/2001",
  11577. "aq7334",
  11578. "jonathan c. koch",
  11579. "nan",
  11580. "nan",
  11581. "seq: 0016-jck",
  11582. "tampa",
  11583. "186258",
  11584. "4/12/1993",
  11585. "nan",
  11586. "nan",
  11587. "nan",
  11588. "nan",
  11589. "nan",
  11590. "nan",
  11591. "nan",
  11592. "nan",
  11593. "nan",
  11594. "nan",
  11595. "nan",
  11596. "nan",
  11597. "nan",
  11598. "nan",
  11599. "nan",
  11600. "nan",
  11601. "nan",
  11602. "nan",
  11603. "nan",
  11604. "nan",
  11605. "nan",
  11606. "nan"
  11607. ],
  11608. [
  11609. "028016",
  11610. "00001",
  11611. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11612. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11613. "tcf0007438",
  11614. "general/other",
  11615. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings vol-28",
  11616. "06/20/2001",
  11617. "aq7334",
  11618. "jonathan c. koch",
  11619. "nan",
  11620. "nan",
  11621. "seq: 0017-jck",
  11622. "tampa",
  11623. "186259",
  11624. "4/12/1993",
  11625. "nan",
  11626. "nan",
  11627. "nan",
  11628. "nan",
  11629. "nan",
  11630. "nan",
  11631. "nan",
  11632. "nan",
  11633. "nan",
  11634. "nan",
  11635. "nan",
  11636. "nan",
  11637. "nan",
  11638. "nan",
  11639. "nan",
  11640. "nan",
  11641. "nan",
  11642. "nan",
  11643. "nan",
  11644. "nan",
  11645. "nan",
  11646. "nan"
  11647. ],
  11648. [
  11649. "028016",
  11650. "00001",
  11651. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11652. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11653. "tcf0007438",
  11654. "general/other",
  11655. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings vol-29",
  11656. "06/20/2001",
  11657. "aq7334",
  11658. "jonathan c. koch",
  11659. "nan",
  11660. "nan",
  11661. "seq: 0018-jck",
  11662. "tampa",
  11663. "186260",
  11664. "4/12/1993",
  11665. "nan",
  11666. "nan",
  11667. "nan",
  11668. "nan",
  11669. "nan",
  11670. "nan",
  11671. "nan",
  11672. "nan",
  11673. "nan",
  11674. "nan",
  11675. "nan",
  11676. "nan",
  11677. "nan",
  11678. "nan",
  11679. "nan",
  11680. "nan",
  11681. "nan",
  11682. "nan",
  11683. "nan",
  11684. "nan",
  11685. "nan",
  11686. "nan"
  11687. ],
  11688. [
  11689. "028016",
  11690. "00001",
  11691. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11692. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11693. "tcf0007438",
  11694. "general/other",
  11695. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings vol-30",
  11696. "06/20/2001",
  11697. "aq7334",
  11698. "jonathan c. koch",
  11699. "nan",
  11700. "nan",
  11701. "seq: 0019-jck",
  11702. "tampa",
  11703. "186261",
  11704. "4/12/1993",
  11705. "nan",
  11706. "nan",
  11707. "nan",
  11708. "nan",
  11709. "nan",
  11710. "nan",
  11711. "nan",
  11712. "nan",
  11713. "nan",
  11714. "nan",
  11715. "nan",
  11716. "nan",
  11717. "nan",
  11718. "nan",
  11719. "nan",
  11720. "nan",
  11721. "nan",
  11722. "nan",
  11723. "nan",
  11724. "nan",
  11725. "nan",
  11726. "nan"
  11727. ],
  11728. [
  11729. "028016",
  11730. "00001",
  11731. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11732. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11733. "tcf0007438",
  11734. "general/other",
  11735. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings vol-31",
  11736. "06/20/2001",
  11737. "aq7334",
  11738. "jonathan c. koch",
  11739. "nan",
  11740. "nan",
  11741. "seq: 0020-jck",
  11742. "tampa",
  11743. "186262",
  11744. "4/12/1993",
  11745. "nan",
  11746. "nan",
  11747. "nan",
  11748. "nan",
  11749. "nan",
  11750. "nan",
  11751. "nan",
  11752. "nan",
  11753. "nan",
  11754. "nan",
  11755. "nan",
  11756. "nan",
  11757. "nan",
  11758. "nan",
  11759. "nan",
  11760. "nan",
  11761. "nan",
  11762. "nan",
  11763. "nan",
  11764. "nan",
  11765. "nan",
  11766. "nan"
  11767. ],
  11768. [
  11769. "028016",
  11770. "00001",
  11771. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11772. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11773. "tcf0007439",
  11774. "general/other",
  11775. "-fdic/sonesta orl i ucc docs sent to plog (finance)",
  11776. "06/20/2001",
  11777. "aq7335",
  11778. "jonathan c. koch",
  11779. "nan",
  11780. "nan",
  11781. "seq: 0010-jck",
  11782. "tampa",
  11783. "186263",
  11784. "4/12/1993",
  11785. "nan",
  11786. "nan",
  11787. "nan",
  11788. "nan",
  11789. "nan",
  11790. "nan",
  11791. "nan",
  11792. "nan",
  11793. "nan",
  11794. "nan",
  11795. "nan",
  11796. "nan",
  11797. "nan",
  11798. "nan",
  11799. "nan",
  11800. "nan",
  11801. "nan",
  11802. "nan",
  11803. "nan",
  11804. "nan",
  11805. "nan",
  11806. "nan"
  11807. ],
  11808. [
  11809. "028016",
  11810. "00002",
  11811. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11812. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  11813. "tcf0007439",
  11814. "general/other",
  11815. "-fdic/sonesta orl ii pleadings- volumes 1 thru 3",
  11816. "06/20/2001",
  11817. "aq7335",
  11818. "james l. simon",
  11819. "nan",
  11820. "nan",
  11821. "seq: 0011-jck",
  11822. "tampa",
  11823. "186264",
  11824. "9/30/1992",
  11825. "nan",
  11826. "nan",
  11827. "nan",
  11828. "nan",
  11829. "nan",
  11830. "nan",
  11831. "nan",
  11832. "nan",
  11833. "nan",
  11834. "nan",
  11835. "nan",
  11836. "nan",
  11837. "nan",
  11838. "nan",
  11839. "nan",
  11840. "nan",
  11841. "nan",
  11842. "nan",
  11843. "nan",
  11844. "nan",
  11845. "nan",
  11846. "nan"
  11847. ],
  11848. [
  11849. "028016",
  11850. "00002",
  11851. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11852. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  11853. "tcf0007439",
  11854. "general/other",
  11855. "-fdic/sonesta orl ii pleadings- volumes4 thru 6",
  11856. "06/20/2001",
  11857. "aq7335",
  11858. "james l. simon",
  11859. "nan",
  11860. "nan",
  11861. "seq: 0012-jck",
  11862. "tampa",
  11863. "186265",
  11864. "9/30/1992",
  11865. "nan",
  11866. "nan",
  11867. "nan",
  11868. "nan",
  11869. "nan",
  11870. "nan",
  11871. "nan",
  11872. "nan",
  11873. "nan",
  11874. "nan",
  11875. "nan",
  11876. "nan",
  11877. "nan",
  11878. "nan",
  11879. "nan",
  11880. "nan",
  11881. "nan",
  11882. "nan",
  11883. "nan",
  11884. "nan",
  11885. "nan",
  11886. "nan"
  11887. ],
  11888. [
  11889. "028016",
  11890. "00002",
  11891. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11892. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  11893. "tcf0007440",
  11894. "general/other",
  11895. "-fdic/sonesta orl ii billing-docket-conflict-notes",
  11896. "06/20/2001",
  11897. "aq7336",
  11898. "james l. simon",
  11899. "nan",
  11900. "nan",
  11901. "seq: 0021-jck",
  11902. "tampa",
  11903. "186268",
  11904. "9/30/1992",
  11905. "nan",
  11906. "nan",
  11907. "nan",
  11908. "nan",
  11909. "nan",
  11910. "nan",
  11911. "nan",
  11912. "nan",
  11913. "nan",
  11914. "nan",
  11915. "nan",
  11916. "nan",
  11917. "nan",
  11918. "nan",
  11919. "nan",
  11920. "nan",
  11921. "nan",
  11922. "nan",
  11923. "nan",
  11924. "nan",
  11925. "nan",
  11926. "nan"
  11927. ],
  11928. [
  11929. "028016",
  11930. "00002",
  11931. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11932. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  11933. "tcf0007440",
  11934. "general/other",
  11935. "-fdic/sonesta orl ii correspondence files",
  11936. "06/20/2001",
  11937. "aq7336",
  11938. "james l. simon",
  11939. "nan",
  11940. "nan",
  11941. "seq: 0022-jck",
  11942. "tampa",
  11943. "186269",
  11944. "9/30/1992",
  11945. "nan",
  11946. "nan",
  11947. "nan",
  11948. "nan",
  11949. "nan",
  11950. "nan",
  11951. "nan",
  11952. "nan",
  11953. "nan",
  11954. "nan",
  11955. "nan",
  11956. "nan",
  11957. "nan",
  11958. "nan",
  11959. "nan",
  11960. "nan",
  11961. "nan",
  11962. "nan",
  11963. "nan",
  11964. "nan",
  11965. "nan",
  11966. "nan"
  11967. ],
  11968. [
  11969. "028016",
  11970. "00001",
  11971. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  11972. "orlando i - consolidation",
  11973. "tcf0007440",
  11974. "general/other",
  11975. "-fdic/sonesta orl i ucc financing statements",
  11976. "06/20/2001",
  11977. "aq7336",
  11978. "jonathan c. koch",
  11979. "nan",
  11980. "nan",
  11981. "seq: 0023-jck",
  11982. "tampa",
  11983. "186270",
  11984. "4/12/1993",
  11985. "nan",
  11986. "nan",
  11987. "nan",
  11988. "nan",
  11989. "nan",
  11990. "nan",
  11991. "nan",
  11992. "nan",
  11993. "nan",
  11994. "nan",
  11995. "nan",
  11996. "nan",
  11997. "nan",
  11998. "nan",
  11999. "nan",
  12000. "nan",
  12001. "nan",
  12002. "nan",
  12003. "nan",
  12004. "nan",
  12005. "nan",
  12006. "nan"
  12007. ],
  12008. [
  12009. "028016",
  12010. "00001",
  12011. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  12012. "orlando i - consolidation",
  12013. "tcf0007441",
  12014. "general/other",
  12015. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings-vol 22",
  12016. "06/20/2001",
  12017. "aq7337",
  12018. "jonathan c. koch",
  12019. "nan",
  12020. "nan",
  12021. "seq: 0016-jck",
  12022. "tampa",
  12023. "186272",
  12024. "4/12/1993",
  12025. "nan",
  12026. "nan",
  12027. "nan",
  12028. "nan",
  12029. "nan",
  12030. "nan",
  12031. "nan",
  12032. "nan",
  12033. "nan",
  12034. "nan",
  12035. "nan",
  12036. "nan",
  12037. "nan",
  12038. "nan",
  12039. "nan",
  12040. "nan",
  12041. "nan",
  12042. "nan",
  12043. "nan",
  12044. "nan",
  12045. "nan",
  12046. "nan"
  12047. ],
  12048. [
  12049. "028016",
  12050. "00001",
  12051. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  12052. "orlando i - consolidation",
  12053. "tcf0007441",
  12054. "general/other",
  12055. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings-vol 23",
  12056. "06/20/2001",
  12057. "aq7337",
  12058. "jonathan c. koch",
  12059. "nan",
  12060. "nan",
  12061. "seq: 0017-jck",
  12062. "tampa",
  12063. "186273",
  12064. "4/12/1993",
  12065. "nan",
  12066. "nan",
  12067. "nan",
  12068. "nan",
  12069. "nan",
  12070. "nan",
  12071. "nan",
  12072. "nan",
  12073. "nan",
  12074. "nan",
  12075. "nan",
  12076. "nan",
  12077. "nan",
  12078. "nan",
  12079. "nan",
  12080. "nan",
  12081. "nan",
  12082. "nan",
  12083. "nan",
  12084. "nan",
  12085. "nan",
  12086. "nan"
  12087. ],
  12088. [
  12089. "028016",
  12090. "00001",
  12091. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  12092. "orlando i - consolidation",
  12093. "tcf0007441",
  12094. "general/other",
  12095. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings-vol 24",
  12096. "06/20/2001",
  12097. "aq7337",
  12098. "jonathan c. koch",
  12099. "nan",
  12100. "nan",
  12101. "seq: 0018-jck",
  12102. "tampa",
  12103. "186274",
  12104. "4/12/1993",
  12105. "nan",
  12106. "nan",
  12107. "nan",
  12108. "nan",
  12109. "nan",
  12110. "nan",
  12111. "nan",
  12112. "nan",
  12113. "nan",
  12114. "nan",
  12115. "nan",
  12116. "nan",
  12117. "nan",
  12118. "nan",
  12119. "nan",
  12120. "nan",
  12121. "nan",
  12122. "nan",
  12123. "nan",
  12124. "nan",
  12125. "nan",
  12126. "nan"
  12127. ],
  12128. [
  12129. "028016",
  12130. "00001",
  12131. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  12132. "orlando i - consolidation",
  12133. "tcf0007441",
  12134. "general/other",
  12135. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings-vol 25",
  12136. "06/20/2001",
  12137. "aq7337",
  12138. "jonathan c. koch",
  12139. "nan",
  12140. "nan",
  12141. "seq: 0019-jck",
  12142. "tampa",
  12143. "186275",
  12144. "4/12/1993",
  12145. "nan",
  12146. "nan",
  12147. "nan",
  12148. "nan",
  12149. "nan",
  12150. "nan",
  12151. "nan",
  12152. "nan",
  12153. "nan",
  12154. "nan",
  12155. "nan",
  12156. "nan",
  12157. "nan",
  12158. "nan",
  12159. "nan",
  12160. "nan",
  12161. "nan",
  12162. "nan",
  12163. "nan",
  12164. "nan",
  12165. "nan",
  12166. "nan"
  12167. ],
  12168. [
  12169. "028016",
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  12175. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings-vol 26",
  12176. "06/20/2001",
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  12180. "nan",
  12181. "seq: 0020-jck",
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  12183. "186276",
  12184. "4/12/1993",
  12185. "nan",
  12186. "nan",
  12187. "nan",
  12188. "nan",
  12189. "nan",
  12190. "nan",
  12191. "nan",
  12192. "nan",
  12193. "nan",
  12194. "nan",
  12195. "nan",
  12196. "nan",
  12197. "nan",
  12198. "nan",
  12199. "nan",
  12200. "nan",
  12201. "nan",
  12202. "nan",
  12203. "nan",
  12204. "nan",
  12205. "nan",
  12206. "nan"
  12207. ],
  12208. [
  12209. "028016",
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  12215. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings-volumes 32-33",
  12216. "06/20/2001",
  12217. "aq7338",
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  12219. "nan",
  12220. "nan",
  12221. "seq: 0010-jck",
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  12224. "4/12/1993",
  12225. "nan",
  12226. "nan",
  12227. "nan",
  12228. "nan",
  12229. "nan",
  12230. "nan",
  12231. "nan",
  12232. "nan",
  12233. "nan",
  12234. "nan",
  12235. "nan",
  12236. "nan",
  12237. "nan",
  12238. "nan",
  12239. "nan",
  12240. "nan",
  12241. "nan",
  12242. "nan",
  12243. "nan",
  12244. "nan",
  12245. "nan",
  12246. "nan"
  12247. ],
  12248. [
  12249. "028016",
  12250. "00001",
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  12255. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings-volumes 34-35",
  12256. "06/20/2001",
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  12259. "nan",
  12260. "nan",
  12261. "seq: 0011-jck",
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  12264. "4/12/1993",
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  12266. "nan",
  12267. "nan",
  12268. "nan",
  12269. "nan",
  12270. "nan",
  12271. "nan",
  12272. "nan",
  12273. "nan",
  12274. "nan",
  12275. "nan",
  12276. "nan",
  12277. "nan",
  12278. "nan",
  12279. "nan",
  12280. "nan",
  12281. "nan",
  12282. "nan",
  12283. "nan",
  12284. "nan",
  12285. "nan",
  12286. "nan"
  12287. ],
  12288. [
  12289. "028016",
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  12295. "-fdic/sonesta orl i/orl ii pleadings-volumes 36-37",
  12296. "06/20/2001",
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  12299. "nan",
  12300. "nan",
  12301. "seq: 0012-jck",
  12302. "tampa",
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  12304. "4/12/1993",
  12305. "nan",
  12306. "nan",
  12307. "nan",
  12308. "nan",
  12309. "nan",
  12310. "nan",
  12311. "nan",
  12312. "nan",
  12313. "nan",
  12314. "nan",
  12315. "nan",
  12316. "nan",
  12317. "nan",
  12318. "nan",
  12319. "nan",
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  12321. "nan",
  12322. "nan",
  12323. "nan",
  12324. "nan",
  12325. "nan",
  12326. "nan"
  12327. ],
  12328. [
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  12336. "06/20/2001",
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  12340. "nan",
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  12344. "4/12/1993",
  12345. "nan",
  12346. "nan",
  12347. "nan",
  12348. "nan",
  12349. "nan",
  12350. "nan",
  12351. "nan",
  12352. "nan",
  12353. "nan",
  12354. "nan",
  12355. "nan",
  12356. "nan",
  12357. "nan",
  12358. "nan",
  12359. "nan",
  12360. "nan",
  12361. "nan",
  12362. "nan",
  12363. "nan",
  12364. "nan",
  12365. "nan",
  12366. "nan"
  12367. ],
  12368. [
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  12376. "06/20/2001",
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  12382. "tampa",
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  12384. "4/12/1993",
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  12386. "nan",
  12387. "nan",
  12388. "nan",
  12389. "nan",
  12390. "nan",
  12391. "nan",
  12392. "nan",
  12393. "nan",
  12394. "nan",
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  12398. "nan",
  12399. "nan",
  12400. "nan",
  12401. "nan",
  12402. "nan",
  12403. "nan",
  12404. "nan",
  12405. "nan",
  12406. "nan"
  12407. ],
  12408. [
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  12416. "06/20/2001",
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  12422. "tampa",
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  12426. "nan",
  12427. "nan",
  12428. "nan",
  12429. "nan",
  12430. "nan",
  12431. "nan",
  12432. "nan",
  12433. "nan",
  12434. "nan",
  12435. "nan",
  12436. "nan",
  12437. "nan",
  12438. "nan",
  12439. "nan",
  12440. "nan",
  12441. "nan",
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  12443. "nan",
  12444. "nan",
  12445. "nan",
  12446. "nan"
  12447. ],
  12448. [
  12449. "028016",
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  12456. "06/20/2001",
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  12460. "nan",
  12461. "seq: 0028-jck",
  12462. "tampa",
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  12464. "4/12/1993",
  12465. "nan",
  12466. "nan",
  12467. "nan",
  12468. "nan",
  12469. "nan",
  12470. "nan",
  12471. "nan",
  12472. "nan",
  12473. "nan",
  12474. "nan",
  12475. "nan",
  12476. "nan",
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  12478. "nan",
  12479. "nan",
  12480. "nan",
  12481. "nan",
  12482. "nan",
  12483. "nan",
  12484. "nan",
  12485. "nan",
  12486. "nan"
  12487. ],
  12488. [
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  12496. "06/20/2001",
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  12504. "4/12/1993",
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  12506. "nan",
  12507. "nan",
  12508. "nan",
  12509. "nan",
  12510. "nan",
  12511. "nan",
  12512. "nan",
  12513. "nan",
  12514. "nan",
  12515. "nan",
  12516. "nan",
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  12518. "nan",
  12519. "nan",
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  12521. "nan",
  12522. "nan",
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  12524. "nan",
  12525. "nan",
  12526. "nan"
  12527. ],
  12528. [
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  12542. "tampa",
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  12546. "nan",
  12547. "nan",
  12548. "nan",
  12549. "nan",
  12550. "nan",
  12551. "nan",
  12552. "nan",
  12553. "nan",
  12554. "nan",
  12555. "nan",
  12556. "nan",
  12557. "nan",
  12558. "nan",
  12559. "nan",
  12560. "nan",
  12561. "nan",
  12562. "nan",
  12563. "nan",
  12564. "nan",
  12565. "nan",
  12566. "nan"
  12567. ],
  12568. [
  12569. "028016",
  12570. "00001",
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  12576. "06/20/2001",
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  12582. "tampa",
  12583. "186293",
  12584. "4/12/1993",
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  12586. "nan",
  12587. "nan",
  12588. "nan",
  12589. "nan",
  12590. "nan",
  12591. "nan",
  12592. "nan",
  12593. "nan",
  12594. "nan",
  12595. "nan",
  12596. "nan",
  12597. "nan",
  12598. "nan",
  12599. "nan",
  12600. "nan",
  12601. "nan",
  12602. "nan",
  12603. "nan",
  12604. "nan",
  12605. "nan",
  12606. "nan"
  12607. ],
  12608. [
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  12616. "06/20/2001",
  12617. "aq7341",
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  12622. "tampa",
  12623. "186294",
  12624. "4/12/1993",
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  12626. "nan",
  12627. "nan",
  12628. "nan",
  12629. "nan",
  12630. "nan",
  12631. "nan",
  12632. "nan",
  12633. "nan",
  12634. "nan",
  12635. "nan",
  12636. "nan",
  12637. "nan",
  12638. "nan",
  12639. "nan",
  12640. "nan",
  12641. "nan",
  12642. "nan",
  12643. "nan",
  12644. "nan",
  12645. "nan",
  12646. "nan"
  12647. ],
  12648. [
  12649. "028016",
  12650. "00001",
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  12656. "06/20/2001",
  12657. "aq7342",
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  12660. "nan",
  12661. "seq: 0016-jck",
  12662. "tampa",
  12663. "186295",
  12664. "4/12/1993",
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  12666. "nan",
  12667. "nan",
  12668. "nan",
  12669. "nan",
  12670. "nan",
  12671. "nan",
  12672. "nan",
  12673. "nan",
  12674. "nan",
  12675. "nan",
  12676. "nan",
  12677. "nan",
  12678. "nan",
  12679. "nan",
  12680. "nan",
  12681. "nan",
  12682. "nan",
  12683. "nan",
  12684. "nan",
  12685. "nan",
  12686. "nan"
  12687. ],
  12688. [
  12689. "028016",
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  12704. "4/12/1993",
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  12706. "nan",
  12707. "nan",
  12708. "nan",
  12709. "nan",
  12710. "nan",
  12711. "nan",
  12712. "nan",
  12713. "nan",
  12714. "nan",
  12715. "nan",
  12716. "nan",
  12717. "nan",
  12718. "nan",
  12719. "nan",
  12720. "nan",
  12721. "nan",
  12722. "nan",
  12723. "nan",
  12724. "nan",
  12725. "nan",
  12726. "nan"
  12727. ],
  12728. [
  12729. "028016",
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  12742. "tampa",
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  12744. "4/12/1993",
  12745. "nan",
  12746. "nan",
  12747. "nan",
  12748. "nan",
  12749. "nan",
  12750. "nan",
  12751. "nan",
  12752. "nan",
  12753. "nan",
  12754. "nan",
  12755. "nan",
  12756. "nan",
  12757. "nan",
  12758. "nan",
  12759. "nan",
  12760. "nan",
  12761. "nan",
  12762. "nan",
  12763. "nan",
  12764. "nan",
  12765. "nan",
  12766. "nan"
  12767. ],
  12768. [
  12769. "028016",
  12770. "00001",
  12771. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
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  12775. "-fdic/sonesta orl i pleadings volume xii",
  12776. "06/20/2001",
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  12780. "nan",
  12781. "seq: 0019-jck",
  12782. "tampa",
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  12784. "4/12/1993",
  12785. "nan",
  12786. "nan",
  12787. "nan",
  12788. "nan",
  12789. "nan",
  12790. "nan",
  12791. "nan",
  12792. "nan",
  12793. "nan",
  12794. "nan",
  12795. "nan",
  12796. "nan",
  12797. "nan",
  12798. "nan",
  12799. "nan",
  12800. "nan",
  12801. "nan",
  12802. "nan",
  12803. "nan",
  12804. "nan",
  12805. "nan",
  12806. "nan"
  12807. ],
  12808. [
  12809. "028016",
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  12816. "06/20/2001",
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  12824. "4/12/1993",
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  12826. "nan",
  12827. "nan",
  12828. "nan",
  12829. "nan",
  12830. "nan",
  12831. "nan",
  12832. "nan",
  12833. "nan",
  12834. "nan",
  12835. "nan",
  12836. "nan",
  12837. "nan",
  12838. "nan",
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  12840. "nan",
  12841. "nan",
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  12844. "nan",
  12845. "nan",
  12846. "nan"
  12847. ],
  12848. [
  12849. "028016",
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  12856. "06/20/2001",
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  12860. "nan",
  12861. "seq: 0010-jck",
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  12864. "9/30/1992",
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  12866. "nan",
  12867. "nan",
  12868. "nan",
  12869. "nan",
  12870. "nan",
  12871. "nan",
  12872. "nan",
  12873. "nan",
  12874. "nan",
  12875. "nan",
  12876. "nan",
  12877. "nan",
  12878. "nan",
  12879. "nan",
  12880. "nan",
  12881. "nan",
  12882. "nan",
  12883. "nan",
  12884. "nan",
  12885. "nan",
  12886. "nan"
  12887. ],
  12888. [
  12889. "028016",
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  12896. "06/20/2001",
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  12900. "nan",
  12901. "seq: 0011-jck",
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  12904. "9/30/1992",
  12905. "nan",
  12906. "nan",
  12907. "nan",
  12908. "nan",
  12909. "nan",
  12910. "nan",
  12911. "nan",
  12912. "nan",
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  12926. "nan"
  12927. ],
  12928. [
  12929. "028016",
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  12933. "tcf0007447",
  12934. "general/other",
  12935. "-fdic/sonesta orl ii pleadings volume vii (7)",
  12936. "06/20/2001",
  12937. "aq7343",
  12938. "james l. simon",
  12939. "nan",
  12940. "nan",
  12941. "seq: 0012-jck",
  12942. "tampa",
  12943. "186302",
  12944. "9/30/1992",
  12945. "nan",
  12946. "nan",
  12947. "nan",
  12948. "nan",
  12949. "nan",
  12950. "nan",
  12951. "nan",
  12952. "nan",
  12953. "nan",
  12954. "nan",
  12955. "nan",
  12956. "nan",
  12957. "nan",
  12958. "nan",
  12959. "nan",
  12960. "nan",
  12961. "nan",
  12962. "nan",
  12963. "nan",
  12964. "nan",
  12965. "nan",
  12966. "nan"
  12967. ],
  12968. [
  12969. "028016",
  12970. "00001",
  12971. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  12972. "orlando i - consolidation",
  12973. "tcf0009458",
  12974. "general/other",
  12975. "-fdic sonesta village/correspondence",
  12976. "06/20/2001",
  12977. "bd9616",
  12978. "jonathan c. koch",
  12979. "nan",
  12980. "nan",
  12981. "seq: 0004-jck",
  12982. "tampa",
  12983. "197499",
  12984. "4/12/1993",
  12985. "nan",
  12986. "nan",
  12987. "nan",
  12988. "nan",
  12989. "nan",
  12990. "nan",
  12991. "nan",
  12992. "nan",
  12993. "nan",
  12994. "nan",
  12995. "nan",
  12996. "nan",
  12997. "nan",
  12998. "nan",
  12999. "nan",
  13000. "nan",
  13001. "nan",
  13002. "nan",
  13003. "nan",
  13004. "nan",
  13005. "nan",
  13006. "nan"
  13007. ],
  13008. [
  13009. "028402",
  13010. "00008",
  13011. "fisher, h. ashley",
  13012. "fdic application for insurance",
  13013. "tcf0014733",
  13014. "general/other",
  13015. "-fisher, h. ashley employment agreement",
  13016. "6/20/2001",
  13017. "ch5395",
  13018. "bruce h. roberson",
  13019. "nan",
  13020. "nan",
  13021. "seq: 0023-bhr",
  13022. "tampa",
  13023. "221050",
  13024. "9/30/1992",
  13025. "nan",
  13026. "nan",
  13027. "nan",
  13028. "nan",
  13029. "nan",
  13030. "nan",
  13031. "nan",
  13032. "nan",
  13033. "nan",
  13034. "nan",
  13035. "nan",
  13036. "nan",
  13037. "nan",
  13038. "nan",
  13039. "nan",
  13040. "nan",
  13041. "nan",
  13042. "nan",
  13043. "nan",
  13044. "nan",
  13045. "nan",
  13046. "nan"
  13047. ],
  13048. [
  13049. "028402",
  13050. "00008",
  13051. "fisher, h. ashley",
  13052. "fdic application for insurance",
  13053. "tcf0014733",
  13054. "general/other",
  13055. "-fisher, h. ashley fdic application for insurance",
  13056. "6/20/2001",
  13057. "ch5395",
  13058. "bruce h. roberson",
  13059. "nan",
  13060. "nan",
  13061. "seq: 0024-bhr",
  13062. "tampa",
  13063. "221051",
  13064. "9/30/1992",
  13065. "nan",
  13066. "nan",
  13067. "nan",
  13068. "nan",
  13069. "nan",
  13070. "nan",
  13071. "nan",
  13072. "nan",
  13073. "nan",
  13074. "nan",
  13075. "nan",
  13076. "nan",
  13077. "nan",
  13078. "nan",
  13079. "nan",
  13080. "nan",
  13081. "nan",
  13082. "nan",
  13083. "nan",
  13084. "nan",
  13085. "nan",
  13086. "nan"
  13087. ],
  13088. [
  13089. "028677",
  13090. "00001",
  13091. "republic bank",
  13092. "fdic bank examination",
  13093. "tcf0007675",
  13094. "general/other",
  13095. "-republic bank n 91 fdic bank examination-republic bank n 91 fdic bank examination",
  13096. "06/20/2001",
  13097. "au3137",
  13098. "barbara m. yadley",
  13099. "nan",
  13100. "nan",
  13101. "seq: 0055-bmy",
  13102. "tampa",
  13103. "188025",
  13104. "4/11/1991",
  13105. "nan",
  13106. "nan",
  13107. "nan",
  13108. "nan",
  13109. "nan",
  13110. "nan",
  13111. "nan",
  13112. "nan",
  13113. "nan",
  13114. "nan",
  13115. "nan",
  13116. "nan",
  13117. "nan",
  13118. "nan",
  13119. "nan",
  13120. "nan",
  13121. "nan",
  13122. "nan",
  13123. "nan",
  13124. "nan",
  13125. "nan",
  13126. "nan"
  13127. ],
  13128. [
  13129. "029011",
  13130. "00031",
  13131. "pima savings & loan assn.",
  13132. "capri point litigation",
  13133. "653199929",
  13134. "general/other",
  13135. "rethati's memorandum in oppoistion to rtc's m/ for summary final jdugment",
  13136. "2/7/2013",
  13137. "085363",
  13138. "r. thomas farrar",
  13139. "off-site",
  13140. "thomas farrar",
  13141. "hk#: 8670",
  13142. "miami",
  13143. "1966919",
  13144. "3/15/1990",
  13145. "nan",
  13146. "nan",
  13147. "nan",
  13148. "nan",
  13149. "nan",
  13150. "nan",
  13151. "nan",
  13152. "nan",
  13153. "nan",
  13154. "nan",
  13155. "nan",
  13156. "nan",
  13157. "nan",
  13158. "nan",
  13159. "nan",
  13160. "nan",
  13161. "nan",
  13162. "nan",
  13163. "nan",
  13164. "nan",
  13165. "nan",
  13166. "nan"
  13167. ],
  13168. [
  13169. "029095",
  13170. "00001",
  13171. "drw town & country ltd.",
  13172. "town & country apts., ltd.",
  13173. "737259407",
  13174. "nan",
  13175. "ina v j. motlice (mottice) hrd file\nmoltice correspondence bankruptcy\nin re h jay mattice debter\nin re h jay mottice debtor bankruptcy vol 2\ninsurance co of north america c h jay mottice\n\nina v mottice and associates pleadings file vol 1\ncorrespondence vol 1\nusbc tall div in re homer junior mottice debter appendix to fdics motion to dismiss and supporting memo\nina document file\nwork file\nina docs\nus bankruptcy court for the northern district of florida in re h jay mottice debtor\nsame copy as above",
  13176. "8/25/2009",
  13177. "022963",
  13178. "james l. simon",
  13179. "off-site",
  13180. "nan",
  13181. " hk box:",
  13182. "tallahassee",
  13183. "1660700",
  13184. "11/9/1988",
  13185. "nan",
  13186. "nan",
  13187. "nan",
  13188. "nan",
  13189. "nan",
  13190. "nan",
  13191. "nan",
  13192. "nan",
  13193. "nan",
  13194. "nan",
  13195. "nan",
  13196. "nan",
  13197. "nan",
  13198. "nan",
  13199. "nan",
  13200. "nan",
  13201. "nan",
  13202. "nan",
  13203. "nan",
  13204. "nan",
  13205. "nan",
  13206. "nan"
  13207. ],
  13208. [
  13209. "029310",
  13210. "00006",
  13211. "holland & knight llp",
  13212. "document production for the irs re rtc files",
  13213. "724104918",
  13214. "general/other",
  13215. "*correspondence\n*client documents",
  13216. "2/26/2013",
  13217. "09-4220",
  13218. "martin j. alexander",
  13219. "off-site",
  13220. "nan",
  13221. "nan",
  13222. "west palm beach",
  13223. "1990939",
  13224. "5/31/2002",
  13225. "nan",
  13226. "nan",
  13227. "nan",
  13228. "nan",
  13229. "nan",
  13230. "nan",
  13231. "nan",
  13232. "nan",
  13233. "nan",
  13234. "nan",
  13235. "nan",
  13236. "nan",
  13237. "nan",
  13238. "nan",
  13239. "nan",
  13240. "nan",
  13241. "nan",
  13242. "nan",
  13243. "nan",
  13244. "nan",
  13245. "nan",
  13246. "nan"
  13247. ],
  13248. [
  13249. "032060",
  13250. "00223",
  13251. "first housing development corporation of",
  13252. "vogue, ltd. v.",
  13253. "192371406",
  13254. "general/other",
  13255. "-first housing development corp vogue ltd. v. fdic - shadow file",
  13256. "05/07/2002",
  13257. "192371406",
  13258. "frederick j. grady",
  13259. "nan",
  13260. "nan",
  13261. "seq: 0002 + letter: f-wmc",
  13262. "tampa",
  13263. "111594",
  13264. "7/14/2000",
  13265. "nan",
  13266. "nan",
  13267. "nan",
  13268. "nan",
  13269. "nan",
  13270. "nan",
  13271. "nan",
  13272. "nan",
  13273. "nan",
  13274. "nan",
  13275. "nan",
  13276. "nan",
  13277. "nan",
  13278. "nan",
  13279. "nan",
  13280. "nan",
  13281. "nan",
  13282. "nan",
  13283. "nan",
  13284. "nan",
  13285. "nan",
  13286. "nan"
  13287. ],
  13288. [
  13289. "032060",
  13290. "00002",
  13291. "first housing development corporation of",
  13292. "general corporate matters/",
  13293. "616037823",
  13294. "working papers",
  13295. "first housing development corp. rtc stock ownership (1/2/1991 and 12/9/1992 letters)",
  13296. "12/10/2015",
  13297. "nan",
  13298. "warren m. cason",
  13299. "off-site",
  13300. "cason warren",
  13301. "nan",
  13302. "tampa",
  13303. "2428386",
  13304. "nan",
  13305. "nan",
  13306. "nan",
  13307. "nan",
  13308. "nan",
  13309. "nan",
  13310. "nan",
  13311. "nan",
  13312. "nan",
  13313. "nan",
  13314. "nan",
  13315. "nan",
  13316. "nan",
  13317. "nan",
  13318. "nan",
  13319. "nan",
  13320. "nan",
  13321. "nan",
  13322. "nan",
  13323. "nan",
  13324. "nan",
  13325. "nan",
  13326. "nan"
  13327. ],
  13328. [
  13329. "033016",
  13330. "00001",
  13331. "rtc-rec commonwealth",
  13332. "international apparel assoc.,",
  13333. "502418819",
  13334. "nan",
  13335. "pouch: 2/",
  13336. "8/29/2003",
  13337. "nan",
  13338. "jeffrey a. hirsch",
  13339. "nan",
  13340. "nan",
  13341. "source: access database + closed#: 10833 + status: closed",
  13342. "portland",
  13343. "860033",
  13344. "5/14/1991",
  13345. "nan",
  13346. "nan",
  13347. "nan",
  13348. "nan",
  13349. "nan",
  13350. "nan",
  13351. "nan",
  13352. "nan",
  13353. "nan",
  13354. "nan",
  13355. "nan",
  13356. "nan",
  13357. "nan",
  13358. "nan",
  13359. "nan",
  13360. "nan",
  13361. "nan",
  13362. "nan",
  13363. "nan",
  13364. "nan",
  13365. "nan",
  13366. "nan"
  13367. ],
  13368. [
  13369. "033152",
  13370. "00002",
  13371. "ocean bank",
  13372. "preowned cars",
  13373. "active file",
  13374. "closing documents/binders",
  13375. "box 3 of 4\n16 regulatory risk committee minutes 2006-2007 23 tabs\n17 regulatory risk committee minutes 2006-2007 13 tabs\n18 correspondence to/from fdic, ofr, frb re: bsa/aml # 5458623\n19 documents re: hernann j. sarmiento vargas #9891391\n20 account holder documents # 9625302\n",
  13376. "8/23/2011",
  13377. "nan",
  13378. "carlos e. mendez",
  13379. "on-site/central files",
  13380. "garcia michael",
  13381. "nan",
  13382. "miami",
  13383. "1771093",
  13384. "9/30/1992",
  13385. "nan",
  13386. "nan",
  13387. "nan",
  13388. "nan",
  13389. "nan",
  13390. "nan",
  13391. "nan",
  13392. "nan",
  13393. "nan",
  13394. "nan",
  13395. "nan",
  13396. "nan",
  13397. "nan",
  13398. "nan",
  13399. "nan",
  13400. "nan",
  13401. "nan",
  13402. "nan",
  13403. "nan",
  13404. "nan",
  13405. "nan",
  13406. "nan"
  13407. ],
  13408. [
  13409. "033152",
  13410. "00022",
  13411. "ocean bank",
  13412. "assistance with grand jury subpoenas",
  13413. "710614030",
  13414. "general/other",
  13415. "box 3\n1. regulatory risk committee minutes 2006-2007 23 tabs\n2. regulatory risk committee minutes 2006-2007 13 tabs\n3. correspondence to/from fdic, ofr, frb re: bsa/aml # 5458623\n4. documents re: hernann j. sarmiento vargas #9891391\n5. account holder documents # 9625302\n",
  13416. "9/15/2011",
  13417. "47344",
  13418. "michael e. garcia",
  13419. "off-site",
  13420. "garcia michael",
  13421. "<ethical wall applied on: 5/9/2017>",
  13422. "miami",
  13423. "1775486",
  13424. "3/21/2014",
  13425. "nan",
  13426. "nan",
  13427. "nan",
  13428. "nan",
  13429. "nan",
  13430. "nan",
  13431. "nan",
  13432. "nan",
  13433. "nan",
  13434. "nan",
  13435. "nan",
  13436. "nan",
  13437. "nan",
  13438. "nan",
  13439. "nan",
  13440. "nan",
  13441. "nan",
  13442. "nan",
  13443. "nan",
  13444. "nan",
  13445. "nan",
  13446. "nan"
  13447. ],
  13448. [
  13449. "033152",
  13450. "00022",
  13451. "ocean bank",
  13452. "assistance with grand jury subpoenas",
  13453. "726608710",
  13454. "correspondence",
  13455. "correspondence to/from fdic, ocf, frb re: bsa/aml\naccount summaries subpoena no. 9\nedny/wdwa binder - dana choi's copy",
  13456. "8/13/2012",
  13457. "nan",
  13458. "michael e. garcia",
  13459. "off-site",
  13460. "choi dana",
  13461. "<ethical wall applied on: 5/9/2017>",
  13462. "miami",
  13463. "1885431",
  13464. "3/21/2014",
  13465. "nan",
  13466. "nan",
  13467. "nan",
  13468. "nan",
  13469. "nan",
  13470. "nan",
  13471. "nan",
  13472. "nan",
  13473. "nan",
  13474. "nan",
  13475. "nan",
  13476. "nan",
  13477. "nan",
  13478. "nan",
  13479. "nan",
  13480. "nan",
  13481. "nan",
  13482. "nan",
  13483. "nan",
  13484. "nan",
  13485. "nan",
  13486. "nan"
  13487. ],
  13488. [
  13489. "033610",
  13490. "00001",
  13491. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13492. "vs. seminole electric supply",
  13493. "225349191",
  13494. "nan",
  13495. "linda kane",
  13496. "06/13/2005",
  13497. "225349191",
  13498. "toni l. kemmerle",
  13499. "nan",
  13500. "nan",
  13501. "nan",
  13502. "jacksonville",
  13503. "36541",
  13504. "4/12/1993",
  13505. "nan",
  13506. "nan",
  13507. "nan",
  13508. "nan",
  13509. "nan",
  13510. "nan",
  13511. "nan",
  13512. "nan",
  13513. "nan",
  13514. "nan",
  13515. "nan",
  13516. "nan",
  13517. "nan",
  13518. "nan",
  13519. "nan",
  13520. "nan",
  13521. "nan",
  13522. "nan",
  13523. "nan",
  13524. "nan",
  13525. "nan",
  13526. "nan"
  13527. ],
  13528. [
  13529. "033610",
  13530. "00007",
  13531. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13532. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  13533. "tcf0007302",
  13534. "general/other",
  13535. "-rtc-receiver freedom s&l foreclosure",
  13536. "06/20/2001",
  13537. "aq1214",
  13538. "toni l. kemmerle",
  13539. "nan",
  13540. "nan",
  13541. "seq: 0049-",
  13542. "tampa",
  13543. "184850",
  13544. "5/24/1990",
  13545. "nan",
  13546. "nan",
  13547. "nan",
  13548. "nan",
  13549. "nan",
  13550. "nan",
  13551. "nan",
  13552. "nan",
  13553. "nan",
  13554. "nan",
  13555. "nan",
  13556. "nan",
  13557. "nan",
  13558. "nan",
  13559. "nan",
  13560. "nan",
  13561. "nan",
  13562. "nan",
  13563. "nan",
  13564. "nan",
  13565. "nan",
  13566. "nan"
  13567. ],
  13568. [
  13569. "033610",
  13570. "00048",
  13571. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13572. "vs. thomas n. schwab, jr.,",
  13573. "tcf0007565",
  13574. "general/other",
  13575. "-rtc-rec freedom s&l thomas n. schwab",
  13576. "06/20/2001",
  13577. "as4783",
  13578. "jack e. fernandez",
  13579. "nan",
  13580. "nan",
  13581. "seq: 0016-jef",
  13582. "tampa",
  13583. "187285",
  13584. "2/28/1992",
  13585. "nan",
  13586. "nan",
  13587. "nan",
  13588. "nan",
  13589. "nan",
  13590. "nan",
  13591. "nan",
  13592. "nan",
  13593. "nan",
  13594. "nan",
  13595. "nan",
  13596. "nan",
  13597. "nan",
  13598. "nan",
  13599. "nan",
  13600. "nan",
  13601. "nan",
  13602. "nan",
  13603. "nan",
  13604. "nan",
  13605. "nan",
  13606. "nan"
  13607. ],
  13608. [
  13609. "033610",
  13610. "00045",
  13611. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13612. "vs. john q. waters",
  13613. "tcf0007565",
  13614. "general/other",
  13615. "-rtc-rec freedom s&l john q. waters",
  13616. "06/20/2001",
  13617. "as4783",
  13618. "catherine m. mcginty",
  13619. "nan",
  13620. "nan",
  13621. "seq: 0017-jef",
  13622. "tampa",
  13623. "187286",
  13624. "3/15/1992",
  13625. "nan",
  13626. "nan",
  13627. "nan",
  13628. "nan",
  13629. "nan",
  13630. "nan",
  13631. "nan",
  13632. "nan",
  13633. "nan",
  13634. "nan",
  13635. "nan",
  13636. "nan",
  13637. "nan",
  13638. "nan",
  13639. "nan",
  13640. "nan",
  13641. "nan",
  13642. "nan",
  13643. "nan",
  13644. "nan",
  13645. "nan",
  13646. "nan"
  13647. ],
  13648. [
  13649. "033610",
  13650. "00047",
  13651. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13652. "vs. ronald d. blakeslee, et al",
  13653. "tcf0007565",
  13654. "general/other",
  13655. "-rtc-rec freedom s&l ronald d. blakeslee",
  13656. "06/20/2001",
  13657. "as4783",
  13658. "jack e. fernandez",
  13659. "nan",
  13660. "nan",
  13661. "seq: 0018-jef",
  13662. "tampa",
  13663. "187287",
  13664. "1/15/1992",
  13665. "nan",
  13666. "nan",
  13667. "nan",
  13668. "nan",
  13669. "nan",
  13670. "nan",
  13671. "nan",
  13672. "nan",
  13673. "nan",
  13674. "nan",
  13675. "nan",
  13676. "nan",
  13677. "nan",
  13678. "nan",
  13679. "nan",
  13680. "nan",
  13681. "nan",
  13682. "nan",
  13683. "nan",
  13684. "nan",
  13685. "nan",
  13686. "nan"
  13687. ],
  13688. [
  13689. "033610",
  13690. "00046",
  13691. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13692. "vs. l. b. frey",
  13693. "tcf0007565",
  13694. "general/other",
  13695. "-rtc-rec freedom s&l l.b. frey",
  13696. "06/20/2001",
  13697. "as4783",
  13698. "jack e. fernandez",
  13699. "nan",
  13700. "nan",
  13701. "seq: 0019-jef",
  13702. "tampa",
  13703. "187288",
  13704. "2/28/1992",
  13705. "nan",
  13706. "nan",
  13707. "nan",
  13708. "nan",
  13709. "nan",
  13710. "nan",
  13711. "nan",
  13712. "nan",
  13713. "nan",
  13714. "nan",
  13715. "nan",
  13716. "nan",
  13717. "nan",
  13718. "nan",
  13719. "nan",
  13720. "nan",
  13721. "nan",
  13722. "nan",
  13723. "nan",
  13724. "nan",
  13725. "nan",
  13726. "nan"
  13727. ],
  13728. [
  13729. "033610",
  13730. "00051",
  13731. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13732. "vs. gary r. arnold",
  13733. "tcf0007565",
  13734. "general/other",
  13735. "-rtc-rec freedom s&l gary r. arnold",
  13736. "06/20/2001",
  13737. "as4783",
  13738. "jack e. fernandez",
  13739. "nan",
  13740. "nan",
  13741. "seq: 0020-jef",
  13742. "tampa",
  13743. "187289",
  13744. "2/28/1992",
  13745. "nan",
  13746. "nan",
  13747. "nan",
  13748. "nan",
  13749. "nan",
  13750. "nan",
  13751. "nan",
  13752. "nan",
  13753. "nan",
  13754. "nan",
  13755. "nan",
  13756. "nan",
  13757. "nan",
  13758. "nan",
  13759. "nan",
  13760. "nan",
  13761. "nan",
  13762. "nan",
  13763. "nan",
  13764. "nan",
  13765. "nan",
  13766. "nan"
  13767. ],
  13768. [
  13769. "033610",
  13770. "00049",
  13771. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13772. "vs. john l. pitcher, et al.",
  13773. "tcf0007572",
  13774. "general/other",
  13775. "-rtc-rec freedom s&l john pitcher",
  13776. "06/20/2001",
  13777. "as4791",
  13778. "catherine m. mcginty",
  13779. "nan",
  13780. "nan",
  13781. "seq: 0034-jef",
  13782. "tampa",
  13783. "187325",
  13784. "1/8/1992",
  13785. "nan",
  13786. "nan",
  13787. "nan",
  13788. "nan",
  13789. "nan",
  13790. "nan",
  13791. "nan",
  13792. "nan",
  13793. "nan",
  13794. "nan",
  13795. "nan",
  13796. "nan",
  13797. "nan",
  13798. "nan",
  13799. "nan",
  13800. "nan",
  13801. "nan",
  13802. "nan",
  13803. "nan",
  13804. "nan",
  13805. "nan",
  13806. "nan"
  13807. ],
  13808. [
  13809. "033610",
  13810. "00050",
  13811. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13812. "vs. james r. mcgovern, et al.",
  13813. "tcf0007745",
  13814. "general/other",
  13815. "-rtc/rec freedom s & l forc james l. mckenna",
  13816. "06/20/2001",
  13817. "au3215",
  13818. "catherine m. mcginty",
  13819. "nan",
  13820. "nan",
  13821. "seq: 0023-wmc",
  13822. "tampa",
  13823. "188606",
  13824. "7/22/1992",
  13825. "nan",
  13826. "nan",
  13827. "nan",
  13828. "nan",
  13829. "nan",
  13830. "nan",
  13831. "nan",
  13832. "nan",
  13833. "nan",
  13834. "nan",
  13835. "nan",
  13836. "nan",
  13837. "nan",
  13838. "nan",
  13839. "nan",
  13840. "nan",
  13841. "nan",
  13842. "nan",
  13843. "nan",
  13844. "nan",
  13845. "nan",
  13846. "nan"
  13847. ],
  13848. [
  13849. "033610",
  13850. "00043",
  13851. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13852. "vs. general engine & equipment",
  13853. "tcf0007852",
  13854. "general/other",
  13855. "-rtc-rec freedom 92 gen.engine & equipment co.",
  13856. "06/20/2001",
  13857. "au4270",
  13858. "toni l. kemmerle",
  13859. "nan",
  13860. "nan",
  13861. "seq: 0011-rsb",
  13862. "tampa",
  13863. "189056",
  13864. "5/7/1992",
  13865. "nan",
  13866. "nan",
  13867. "nan",
  13868. "nan",
  13869. "nan",
  13870. "nan",
  13871. "nan",
  13872. "nan",
  13873. "nan",
  13874. "nan",
  13875. "nan",
  13876. "nan",
  13877. "nan",
  13878. "nan",
  13879. "nan",
  13880. "nan",
  13881. "nan",
  13882. "nan",
  13883. "nan",
  13884. "nan",
  13885. "nan",
  13886. "nan"
  13887. ],
  13888. [
  13889. "033610",
  13890. "00006",
  13891. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13892. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  13893. "tcf0007855",
  13894. "general/other",
  13895. "-rtc 92 appraisals/loan/pldngs",
  13896. "06/20/2001",
  13897. "au4273",
  13898. "toni l. kemmerle",
  13899. "nan",
  13900. "nan",
  13901. "seq: 0010-tlk",
  13902. "tampa",
  13903. "189067",
  13904. "9/30/1992",
  13905. "nan",
  13906. "nan",
  13907. "nan",
  13908. "nan",
  13909. "nan",
  13910. "nan",
  13911. "nan",
  13912. "nan",
  13913. "nan",
  13914. "nan",
  13915. "nan",
  13916. "nan",
  13917. "nan",
  13918. "nan",
  13919. "nan",
  13920. "nan",
  13921. "nan",
  13922. "nan",
  13923. "nan",
  13924. "nan",
  13925. "nan",
  13926. "nan"
  13927. ],
  13928. [
  13929. "033610",
  13930. "00006",
  13931. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13932. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  13933. "tcf0007855",
  13934. "general/other",
  13935. "-rtc 92 seminole elec. supply co.",
  13936. "06/20/2001",
  13937. "au4273",
  13938. "toni l. kemmerle",
  13939. "nan",
  13940. "nan",
  13941. "seq: 0011-tlk",
  13942. "tampa",
  13943. "189068",
  13944. "9/30/1992",
  13945. "nan",
  13946. "nan",
  13947. "nan",
  13948. "nan",
  13949. "nan",
  13950. "nan",
  13951. "nan",
  13952. "nan",
  13953. "nan",
  13954. "nan",
  13955. "nan",
  13956. "nan",
  13957. "nan",
  13958. "nan",
  13959. "nan",
  13960. "nan",
  13961. "nan",
  13962. "nan",
  13963. "nan",
  13964. "nan",
  13965. "nan",
  13966. "nan"
  13967. ],
  13968. [
  13969. "033610",
  13970. "00006",
  13971. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  13972. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  13973. "tcf0008331",
  13974. "general/other",
  13975. "-rtc - freedom savings seminole electric",
  13976. "06/20/2001",
  13977. "av9089",
  13978. "toni l. kemmerle",
  13979. "nan",
  13980. "nan",
  13981. "seq: 0018-rnb",
  13982. "tampa",
  13983. "191773",
  13984. "9/30/1992",
  13985. "nan",
  13986. "nan",
  13987. "nan",
  13988. "nan",
  13989. "nan",
  13990. "nan",
  13991. "nan",
  13992. "nan",
  13993. "nan",
  13994. "nan",
  13995. "nan",
  13996. "nan",
  13997. "nan",
  13998. "nan",
  13999. "nan",
  14000. "nan",
  14001. "nan",
  14002. "nan",
  14003. "nan",
  14004. "nan",
  14005. "nan",
  14006. "nan"
  14007. ],
  14008. [
  14009. "033610",
  14010. "00031",
  14011. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14012. "sale of parcels at rolling",
  14013. "tcf0008346",
  14014. "general/other",
  14015. "-rtc-receiver freedom s&l sale of rolling hills parcel",
  14016. "06/20/2001",
  14017. "av9118",
  14018. "james m. norman-retired",
  14019. "nan",
  14020. "nan",
  14021. "seq: 0043-wmc",
  14022. "tampa",
  14023. "191842",
  14024. "1/15/1992",
  14025. "nan",
  14026. "nan",
  14027. "nan",
  14028. "nan",
  14029. "nan",
  14030. "nan",
  14031. "nan",
  14032. "nan",
  14033. "nan",
  14034. "nan",
  14035. "nan",
  14036. "nan",
  14037. "nan",
  14038. "nan",
  14039. "nan",
  14040. "nan",
  14041. "nan",
  14042. "nan",
  14043. "nan",
  14044. "nan",
  14045. "nan",
  14046. "nan"
  14047. ],
  14048. [
  14049. "033610",
  14050. "00004",
  14051. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14052. "in re house of doors, inc.",
  14053. "tcf0008363",
  14054. "general/other",
  14055. "-rtc - freedom fed. s & l 92 house of doors, inc.",
  14056. "06/20/2001",
  14057. "av9511",
  14058. "toni l. kemmerle",
  14059. "nan",
  14060. "nan",
  14061. "seq: 0010-wmc",
  14062. "tampa",
  14063. "191911",
  14064. "9/30/1992",
  14065. "nan",
  14066. "nan",
  14067. "nan",
  14068. "nan",
  14069. "nan",
  14070. "nan",
  14071. "nan",
  14072. "nan",
  14073. "nan",
  14074. "nan",
  14075. "nan",
  14076. "nan",
  14077. "nan",
  14078. "nan",
  14079. "nan",
  14080. "nan",
  14081. "nan",
  14082. "nan",
  14083. "nan",
  14084. "nan",
  14085. "nan",
  14086. "nan"
  14087. ],
  14088. [
  14089. "033610",
  14090. "00021",
  14091. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14092. "vs. s. w. fein & virginia",
  14093. "tcf0008378",
  14094. "general/other",
  14095. "-rtc-receiver-freedom s&l s.w. fein & virginia robinson",
  14096. "06/20/2001",
  14097. "av9532",
  14098. "james l. simon",
  14099. "nan",
  14100. "nan",
  14101. "seq: 0018-mjc",
  14102. "tampa",
  14103. "191979",
  14104. "12/11/1992",
  14105. "nan",
  14106. "nan",
  14107. "nan",
  14108. "nan",
  14109. "nan",
  14110. "nan",
  14111. "nan",
  14112. "nan",
  14113. "nan",
  14114. "nan",
  14115. "nan",
  14116. "nan",
  14117. "nan",
  14118. "nan",
  14119. "nan",
  14120. "nan",
  14121. "nan",
  14122. "nan",
  14123. "nan",
  14124. "nan",
  14125. "nan",
  14126. "nan"
  14127. ],
  14128. [
  14129. "033610",
  14130. "00038",
  14131. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14132. "vs. pen lumber site",
  14133. "tcf0008488",
  14134. "general/other",
  14135. "-rts/haven s & l pen lumber site",
  14136. "06/20/2001",
  14137. "aw4311",
  14138. "george b. howell",
  14139. "nan",
  14140. "nan",
  14141. "seq: 0035-gbh",
  14142. "tampa",
  14143. "192628",
  14144. "9/30/1992",
  14145. "nan",
  14146. "nan",
  14147. "nan",
  14148. "nan",
  14149. "nan",
  14150. "nan",
  14151. "nan",
  14152. "nan",
  14153. "nan",
  14154. "nan",
  14155. "nan",
  14156. "nan",
  14157. "nan",
  14158. "nan",
  14159. "nan",
  14160. "nan",
  14161. "nan",
  14162. "nan",
  14163. "nan",
  14164. "nan",
  14165. "nan",
  14166. "nan"
  14167. ],
  14168. [
  14169. "033610",
  14170. "00040",
  14171. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14172. "vs. charles m. banks, jr.",
  14173. "tcf0008488",
  14174. "general/other",
  14175. "-rts/haven s & l charles banks, jr.",
  14176. "06/20/2001",
  14177. "aw4311",
  14178. "george b. howell",
  14179. "nan",
  14180. "nan",
  14181. "seq: 0036-gbh",
  14182. "tampa",
  14183. "192629",
  14184. "9/30/1992",
  14185. "nan",
  14186. "nan",
  14187. "nan",
  14188. "nan",
  14189. "nan",
  14190. "nan",
  14191. "nan",
  14192. "nan",
  14193. "nan",
  14194. "nan",
  14195. "nan",
  14196. "nan",
  14197. "nan",
  14198. "nan",
  14199. "nan",
  14200. "nan",
  14201. "nan",
  14202. "nan",
  14203. "nan",
  14204. "nan",
  14205. "nan",
  14206. "nan"
  14207. ],
  14208. [
  14209. "033610",
  14210. "00020",
  14211. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14212. "vs. gator transportation, inc.",
  14213. "tcf0008651",
  14214. "general/other",
  14215. "-rtc-freedom savings gator transportation, inc.",
  14216. "06/20/2001",
  14217. "ax0723",
  14218. "gilbert a. smith",
  14219. "nan",
  14220. "nan",
  14221. "seq: 0049-daw",
  14222. "tampa",
  14223. "193728",
  14224. "4/12/1993",
  14225. "nan",
  14226. "nan",
  14227. "nan",
  14228. "nan",
  14229. "nan",
  14230. "nan",
  14231. "nan",
  14232. "nan",
  14233. "nan",
  14234. "nan",
  14235. "nan",
  14236. "nan",
  14237. "nan",
  14238. "nan",
  14239. "nan",
  14240. "nan",
  14241. "nan",
  14242. "nan",
  14243. "nan",
  14244. "nan",
  14245. "nan",
  14246. "nan"
  14247. ],
  14248. [
  14249. "033610",
  14250. "00020",
  14251. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14252. "vs. gator transportation, inc.",
  14253. "tcf0008699",
  14254. "general/other",
  14255. "-rtc. vs. gary english misc doc. n",
  14256. "06/20/2001",
  14257. "ax1569",
  14258. "gilbert a. smith",
  14259. "nan",
  14260. "nan",
  14261. "seq: 0010-gfs",
  14262. "tampa",
  14263. "193996",
  14264. "4/12/1993",
  14265. "nan",
  14266. "nan",
  14267. "nan",
  14268. "nan",
  14269. "nan",
  14270. "nan",
  14271. "nan",
  14272. "nan",
  14273. "nan",
  14274. "nan",
  14275. "nan",
  14276. "nan",
  14277. "nan",
  14278. "nan",
  14279. "nan",
  14280. "nan",
  14281. "nan",
  14282. "nan",
  14283. "nan",
  14284. "nan",
  14285. "nan",
  14286. "nan"
  14287. ],
  14288. [
  14289. "033610",
  14290. "00030",
  14291. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14292. "general",
  14293. "tcf0008699",
  14294. "general/other",
  14295. "-rtc receiver freedon s&l general",
  14296. "06/20/2001",
  14297. "ax1569",
  14298. "gilbert a. smith",
  14299. "nan",
  14300. "nan",
  14301. "seq: 0011-gfs",
  14302. "tampa",
  14303. "193997",
  14304. "9/30/1992",
  14305. "nan",
  14306. "nan",
  14307. "nan",
  14308. "nan",
  14309. "nan",
  14310. "nan",
  14311. "nan",
  14312. "nan",
  14313. "nan",
  14314. "nan",
  14315. "nan",
  14316. "nan",
  14317. "nan",
  14318. "nan",
  14319. "nan",
  14320. "nan",
  14321. "nan",
  14322. "nan",
  14323. "nan",
  14324. "nan",
  14325. "nan",
  14326. "nan"
  14327. ],
  14328. [
  14329. "033610",
  14330. "00006",
  14331. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14332. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  14333. "tcf0008840",
  14334. "general/other",
  14335. "-rtc/alderman",
  14336. "06/20/2001",
  14337. "ay2069",
  14338. "toni l. kemmerle",
  14339. "nan",
  14340. "nan",
  14341. "seq: 0029-tlk",
  14342. "tampa",
  14343. "194715",
  14344. "9/30/1992",
  14345. "nan",
  14346. "nan",
  14347. "nan",
  14348. "nan",
  14349. "nan",
  14350. "nan",
  14351. "nan",
  14352. "nan",
  14353. "nan",
  14354. "nan",
  14355. "nan",
  14356. "nan",
  14357. "nan",
  14358. "nan",
  14359. "nan",
  14360. "nan",
  14361. "nan",
  14362. "nan",
  14363. "nan",
  14364. "nan",
  14365. "nan",
  14366. "nan"
  14367. ],
  14368. [
  14369. "033610",
  14370. "00053",
  14371. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14372. "loan to k-jon crawfish of",
  14373. "tcf0008859",
  14374. "general/other",
  14375. "-rtc-rec freedom s&l k-jon crawfish of pensacola",
  14376. "06/20/2001",
  14377. "ay4204",
  14378. "m. annette horan",
  14379. "nan",
  14380. "nan",
  14381. "seq: 0028-mah",
  14382. "tampa",
  14383. "194769",
  14384. "3/18/1992",
  14385. "nan",
  14386. "nan",
  14387. "nan",
  14388. "nan",
  14389. "nan",
  14390. "nan",
  14391. "nan",
  14392. "nan",
  14393. "nan",
  14394. "nan",
  14395. "nan",
  14396. "nan",
  14397. "nan",
  14398. "nan",
  14399. "nan",
  14400. "nan",
  14401. "nan",
  14402. "nan",
  14403. "nan",
  14404. "nan",
  14405. "nan",
  14406. "nan"
  14407. ],
  14408. [
  14409. "033610",
  14410. "00006",
  14411. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14412. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  14413. "tcf0008996",
  14414. "general/other",
  14415. "-rtc alderman",
  14416. "06/20/2001",
  14417. "bc0140",
  14418. "toni l. kemmerle",
  14419. "nan",
  14420. "nan",
  14421. "seq: 0038-rnb",
  14422. "tampa",
  14423. "195506",
  14424. "9/30/1992",
  14425. "nan",
  14426. "nan",
  14427. "nan",
  14428. "nan",
  14429. "nan",
  14430. "nan",
  14431. "nan",
  14432. "nan",
  14433. "nan",
  14434. "nan",
  14435. "nan",
  14436. "nan",
  14437. "nan",
  14438. "nan",
  14439. "nan",
  14440. "nan",
  14441. "nan",
  14442. "nan",
  14443. "nan",
  14444. "nan",
  14445. "nan",
  14446. "nan"
  14447. ],
  14448. [
  14449. "033610",
  14450. "00024",
  14451. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14452. "vs. a. l. wulfeck",
  14453. "tcf0009058",
  14454. "general/other",
  14455. "-rtc/wulfeck pleads/corres/rsrch fees",
  14456. "06/20/2001",
  14457. "bc0216",
  14458. "gilbert a. smith",
  14459. "nan",
  14460. "nan",
  14461. "seq: 0004-gas",
  14462. "tampa",
  14463. "195897",
  14464. "4/12/1993",
  14465. "nan",
  14466. "nan",
  14467. "nan",
  14468. "nan",
  14469. "nan",
  14470. "nan",
  14471. "nan",
  14472. "nan",
  14473. "nan",
  14474. "nan",
  14475. "nan",
  14476. "nan",
  14477. "nan",
  14478. "nan",
  14479. "nan",
  14480. "nan",
  14481. "nan",
  14482. "nan",
  14483. "nan",
  14484. "nan",
  14485. "nan",
  14486. "nan"
  14487. ],
  14488. [
  14489. "033610",
  14490. "00064",
  14491. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  14492. "franklin development group,",
  14493. "tcf0010125",
  14494. "general/other",
  14495. "-rtc shadow",
  14496. "06/20/2001",
  14497. "bg0589",
  14498. "russell s., iii bogue",
  14499. "nan",
  14500. "nan",
  14501. "seq: 0051-rsb",
  14502. "tampa",
  14503. "199609",
  14504. "12/1/1992",
  14505. "nan",
  14506. "nan",
  14507. "nan",
  14508. "nan",
  14509. "nan",
  14510. "nan",
  14511. "nan",
  14512. "nan",
  14513. "nan",
  14514. "nan",
  14515. "nan",
  14516. "nan",
  14517. "nan",
  14518. "nan",
  14519. "nan",
  14520. "nan",
  14521. "nan",
  14522. "nan",
  14523. "nan",
  14524. "nan",
  14525. "nan",
  14526. "nan"
  14527. ],
  14528. [
  14529. "033857",
  14530. "10012",
  14531. "rtc-conser centrust",
  14532. "vs. cricket club & ricardo l.",
  14533. "489520171",
  14534. "general/other",
  14535. "j. judd file",
  14536. "4/24/2012",
  14537. "49726",
  14538. "jeffrey a. hirsch",
  14539. "off-site",
  14540. "nan",
  14541. "hk8048",
  14542. "miami",
  14543. "1841772",
  14544. "9/30/1992",
  14545. "nan",
  14546. "nan",
  14547. "nan",
  14548. "nan",
  14549. "nan",
  14550. "nan",
  14551. "nan",
  14552. "nan",
  14553. "nan",
  14554. "nan",
  14555. "nan",
  14556. "nan",
  14557. "nan",
  14558. "nan",
  14559. "nan",
  14560. "nan",
  14561. "nan",
  14562. "nan",
  14563. "nan",
  14564. "nan",
  14565. "nan",
  14566. "nan"
  14567. ],
  14568. [
  14569. "033858",
  14570. "00002",
  14571. "turner development corp.",
  14572. "san jacinto savings assn et al",
  14573. "tcf0007907",
  14574. "general/other",
  14575. "-turner-development corp disqualification re rtc",
  14576. "06/20/2001",
  14577. "au5201",
  14578. "jeremy d. dowell",
  14579. "nan",
  14580. "nan",
  14581. "seq: 0073-ljl",
  14582. "tampa",
  14583. "189521",
  14584. "3/30/1993",
  14585. "nan",
  14586. "nan",
  14587. "nan",
  14588. "nan",
  14589. "nan",
  14590. "nan",
  14591. "nan",
  14592. "nan",
  14593. "nan",
  14594. "nan",
  14595. "nan",
  14596. "nan",
  14597. "nan",
  14598. "nan",
  14599. "nan",
  14600. "nan",
  14601. "nan",
  14602. "nan",
  14603. "nan",
  14604. "nan",
  14605. "nan",
  14606. "nan"
  14607. ],
  14608. [
  14609. "033858",
  14610. "00002",
  14611. "turner development corp.",
  14612. "san jacinto savings assn et al",
  14613. "tcf0008553",
  14614. "general/other",
  14615. "-turner sjsa - rtc takeover",
  14616. "06/20/2001",
  14617. "aw6812",
  14618. "jeremy d. dowell",
  14619. "nan",
  14620. "nan",
  14621. "seq: 0083-",
  14622. "tampa",
  14623. "193031",
  14624. "3/30/1993",
  14625. "nan",
  14626. "nan",
  14627. "nan",
  14628. "nan",
  14629. "nan",
  14630. "nan",
  14631. "nan",
  14632. "nan",
  14633. "nan",
  14634. "nan",
  14635. "nan",
  14636. "nan",
  14637. "nan",
  14638. "nan",
  14639. "nan",
  14640. "nan",
  14641. "nan",
  14642. "nan",
  14643. "nan",
  14644. "nan",
  14645. "nan",
  14646. "nan"
  14647. ],
  14648. [
  14649. "033990",
  14650. "00029",
  14651. "centrust mortgage corporation",
  14652. "merrill lynch mtg. capital,",
  14653. "tcf0008239",
  14654. "general/other",
  14655. "centrust / rtc merrill lynch (shadow file)----centrust / rtc merrill lynch (shadow file)",
  14656. "06/20/2001",
  14657. "av7148",
  14658. "irwin j. fayne",
  14659. "nan",
  14660. "nan",
  14661. "seq: 0020-alb",
  14662. "tampa",
  14663. "191191",
  14664. "1/2/1992",
  14665. "nan",
  14666. "nan",
  14667. "nan",
  14668. "nan",
  14669. "nan",
  14670. "nan",
  14671. "nan",
  14672. "nan",
  14673. "nan",
  14674. "nan",
  14675. "nan",
  14676. "nan",
  14677. "nan",
  14678. "nan",
  14679. "nan",
  14680. "nan",
  14681. "nan",
  14682. "nan",
  14683. "nan",
  14684. "nan",
  14685. "nan",
  14686. "nan"
  14687. ],
  14688. [
  14689. "034236",
  14690. "00031",
  14691. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14692. "capri point litigation",
  14693. "89252571",
  14694. "correspondence",
  14695. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14696. "1/30/2013",
  14697. "085360",
  14698. "r. thomas farrar",
  14699. "off-site",
  14700. "thomas farrar",
  14701. "hk box # 8668",
  14702. "miami",
  14703. "1962017",
  14704. "1/31/1993",
  14705. "nan",
  14706. "nan",
  14707. "nan",
  14708. "nan",
  14709. "nan",
  14710. "nan",
  14711. "nan",
  14712. "nan",
  14713. "nan",
  14714. "nan",
  14715. "nan",
  14716. "nan",
  14717. "nan",
  14718. "nan",
  14719. "nan",
  14720. "nan",
  14721. "nan",
  14722. "nan",
  14723. "nan",
  14724. "nan",
  14725. "nan",
  14726. "nan"
  14727. ],
  14728. [
  14729. "034236",
  14730. "00031",
  14731. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14732. "capri point litigation",
  14733. "89252571",
  14734. "correspondence",
  14735. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14736. "1/30/2013",
  14737. "085360",
  14738. "r. thomas farrar",
  14739. "off-site",
  14740. "thomas farrar",
  14741. "hk box # 8668",
  14742. "miami",
  14743. "1962018",
  14744. "1/31/1993",
  14745. "nan",
  14746. "nan",
  14747. "nan",
  14748. "nan",
  14749. "nan",
  14750. "nan",
  14751. "nan",
  14752. "nan",
  14753. "nan",
  14754. "nan",
  14755. "nan",
  14756. "nan",
  14757. "nan",
  14758. "nan",
  14759. "nan",
  14760. "nan",
  14761. "nan",
  14762. "nan",
  14763. "nan",
  14764. "nan",
  14765. "nan",
  14766. "nan"
  14767. ],
  14768. [
  14769. "034236",
  14770. "00031",
  14771. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14772. "capri point litigation",
  14773. "89252571",
  14774. "correspondence",
  14775. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14776. "1/30/2013",
  14777. "085360",
  14778. "r. thomas farrar",
  14779. "off-site",
  14780. "thomas farrar",
  14781. "hk box # 8668",
  14782. "miami",
  14783. "1962019",
  14784. "1/31/1993",
  14785. "nan",
  14786. "nan",
  14787. "nan",
  14788. "nan",
  14789. "nan",
  14790. "nan",
  14791. "nan",
  14792. "nan",
  14793. "nan",
  14794. "nan",
  14795. "nan",
  14796. "nan",
  14797. "nan",
  14798. "nan",
  14799. "nan",
  14800. "nan",
  14801. "nan",
  14802. "nan",
  14803. "nan",
  14804. "nan",
  14805. "nan",
  14806. "nan"
  14807. ],
  14808. [
  14809. "034236",
  14810. "00031",
  14811. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14812. "capri point litigation",
  14813. "89252571",
  14814. "correspondence",
  14815. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14816. "1/30/2013",
  14817. "085360",
  14818. "r. thomas farrar",
  14819. "off-site",
  14820. "thomas farrar",
  14821. "hk box # 8668",
  14822. "miami",
  14823. "1962020",
  14824. "1/31/1993",
  14825. "nan",
  14826. "nan",
  14827. "nan",
  14828. "nan",
  14829. "nan",
  14830. "nan",
  14831. "nan",
  14832. "nan",
  14833. "nan",
  14834. "nan",
  14835. "nan",
  14836. "nan",
  14837. "nan",
  14838. "nan",
  14839. "nan",
  14840. "nan",
  14841. "nan",
  14842. "nan",
  14843. "nan",
  14844. "nan",
  14845. "nan",
  14846. "nan"
  14847. ],
  14848. [
  14849. "034236",
  14850. "00031",
  14851. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14852. "capri point litigation",
  14853. "89252571",
  14854. "correspondence",
  14855. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14856. "1/30/2013",
  14857. "085360",
  14858. "r. thomas farrar",
  14859. "off-site",
  14860. "thomas farrar",
  14861. "hk box # 8668",
  14862. "miami",
  14863. "1962021",
  14864. "1/31/1993",
  14865. "nan",
  14866. "nan",
  14867. "nan",
  14868. "nan",
  14869. "nan",
  14870. "nan",
  14871. "nan",
  14872. "nan",
  14873. "nan",
  14874. "nan",
  14875. "nan",
  14876. "nan",
  14877. "nan",
  14878. "nan",
  14879. "nan",
  14880. "nan",
  14881. "nan",
  14882. "nan",
  14883. "nan",
  14884. "nan",
  14885. "nan",
  14886. "nan"
  14887. ],
  14888. [
  14889. "034236",
  14890. "00031",
  14891. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14892. "capri point litigation",
  14893. "89252571",
  14894. "correspondence",
  14895. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14896. "1/30/2013",
  14897. "085360",
  14898. "r. thomas farrar",
  14899. "off-site",
  14900. "thomas farrar",
  14901. "hk box # 8668",
  14902. "miami",
  14903. "1962022",
  14904. "1/31/1993",
  14905. "nan",
  14906. "nan",
  14907. "nan",
  14908. "nan",
  14909. "nan",
  14910. "nan",
  14911. "nan",
  14912. "nan",
  14913. "nan",
  14914. "nan",
  14915. "nan",
  14916. "nan",
  14917. "nan",
  14918. "nan",
  14919. "nan",
  14920. "nan",
  14921. "nan",
  14922. "nan",
  14923. "nan",
  14924. "nan",
  14925. "nan",
  14926. "nan"
  14927. ],
  14928. [
  14929. "034236",
  14930. "00031",
  14931. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14932. "capri point litigation",
  14933. "89252571",
  14934. "correspondence",
  14935. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14936. "1/30/2013",
  14937. "085360",
  14938. "r. thomas farrar",
  14939. "off-site",
  14940. "thomas farrar",
  14941. "hk box # 8668",
  14942. "miami",
  14943. "1962023",
  14944. "1/31/1993",
  14945. "nan",
  14946. "nan",
  14947. "nan",
  14948. "nan",
  14949. "nan",
  14950. "nan",
  14951. "nan",
  14952. "nan",
  14953. "nan",
  14954. "nan",
  14955. "nan",
  14956. "nan",
  14957. "nan",
  14958. "nan",
  14959. "nan",
  14960. "nan",
  14961. "nan",
  14962. "nan",
  14963. "nan",
  14964. "nan",
  14965. "nan",
  14966. "nan"
  14967. ],
  14968. [
  14969. "034236",
  14970. "00031",
  14971. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  14972. "capri point litigation",
  14973. "89252571",
  14974. "correspondence",
  14975. "pima/capri point \ncorrespondence",
  14976. "1/30/2013",
  14977. "085360",
  14978. "r. thomas farrar",
  14979. "off-site",
  14980. "thomas farrar",
  14981. "hk box # 8668",
  14982. "miami",
  14983. "1962024",
  14984. "1/31/1993",
  14985. "nan",
  14986. "nan",
  14987. "nan",
  14988. "nan",
  14989. "nan",
  14990. "nan",
  14991. "nan",
  14992. "nan",
  14993. "nan",
  14994. "nan",
  14995. "nan",
  14996. "nan",
  14997. "nan",
  14998. "nan",
  14999. "nan",
  15000. "nan",
  15001. "nan",
  15002. "nan",
  15003. "nan",
  15004. "nan",
  15005. "nan",
  15006. "nan"
  15007. ],
  15008. [
  15009. "034236",
  15010. "00031",
  15011. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  15012. "capri point litigation",
  15013. "89252559",
  15014. "general/other",
  15015. "letter to judge swartz (12/31/91",
  15016. "2/6/2013",
  15017. "085364",
  15018. "r. thomas farrar",
  15019. "off-site",
  15020. "thomas farrar",
  15021. "hk#: 8671",
  15022. "miami",
  15023. "1965970",
  15024. "1/31/1993",
  15025. "nan",
  15026. "nan",
  15027. "nan",
  15028. "nan",
  15029. "nan",
  15030. "nan",
  15031. "nan",
  15032. "nan",
  15033. "nan",
  15034. "nan",
  15035. "nan",
  15036. "nan",
  15037. "nan",
  15038. "nan",
  15039. "nan",
  15040. "nan",
  15041. "nan",
  15042. "nan",
  15043. "nan",
  15044. "nan",
  15045. "nan",
  15046. "nan"
  15047. ],
  15048. [
  15049. "034446",
  15050. "00008",
  15051. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15052. "vs. alan & elizabeth louise",
  15053. "tcf0007249",
  15054. "general/other",
  15055. "-rtc-receiver-haven s&l taylor,alan & elizabeth",
  15056. "06/20/2001",
  15057. "aq1161",
  15058. "ellen n. kalmbacher",
  15059. "nan",
  15060. "nan",
  15061. "seq: 0063-",
  15062. "tampa",
  15063. "184423",
  15064. "9/30/1992",
  15065. "nan",
  15066. "nan",
  15067. "nan",
  15068. "nan",
  15069. "nan",
  15070. "nan",
  15071. "nan",
  15072. "nan",
  15073. "nan",
  15074. "nan",
  15075. "nan",
  15076. "nan",
  15077. "nan",
  15078. "nan",
  15079. "nan",
  15080. "nan",
  15081. "nan",
  15082. "nan",
  15083. "nan",
  15084. "nan",
  15085. "nan",
  15086. "nan"
  15087. ],
  15088. [
  15089. "034446",
  15090. "00003",
  15091. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15092. "eviction of james & mary burt,",
  15093. "tcf0007351",
  15094. "general/other",
  15095. "-rtc-receiver/haven s&l vs james & mary burt",
  15096. "06/20/2001",
  15097. "aq2280",
  15098. "julia waters",
  15099. "nan",
  15100. "nan",
  15101. "seq: 0023-sml",
  15102. "tampa",
  15103. "185167",
  15104. "9/30/1992",
  15105. "nan",
  15106. "nan",
  15107. "nan",
  15108. "nan",
  15109. "nan",
  15110. "nan",
  15111. "nan",
  15112. "nan",
  15113. "nan",
  15114. "nan",
  15115. "nan",
  15116. "nan",
  15117. "nan",
  15118. "nan",
  15119. "nan",
  15120. "nan",
  15121. "nan",
  15122. "nan",
  15123. "nan",
  15124. "nan",
  15125. "nan",
  15126. "nan"
  15127. ],
  15128. [
  15129. "034446",
  15130. "00012",
  15131. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15132. "vs. ronnie & deborah russell",
  15133. "tcf0007564",
  15134. "general/other",
  15135. "-rtc haven fed. vs. russell",
  15136. "06/20/2001",
  15137. "as4782",
  15138. "catherine m. mcginty",
  15139. "nan",
  15140. "nan",
  15141. "seq: 0018-tlk",
  15142. "tampa",
  15143. "187282",
  15144. "4/12/1993",
  15145. "nan",
  15146. "nan",
  15147. "nan",
  15148. "nan",
  15149. "nan",
  15150. "nan",
  15151. "nan",
  15152. "nan",
  15153. "nan",
  15154. "nan",
  15155. "nan",
  15156. "nan",
  15157. "nan",
  15158. "nan",
  15159. "nan",
  15160. "nan",
  15161. "nan",
  15162. "nan",
  15163. "nan",
  15164. "nan",
  15165. "nan",
  15166. "nan"
  15167. ],
  15168. [
  15169. "034446",
  15170. "00002",
  15171. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15172. "vs. joseph e. & sarah d. hayes",
  15173. "tcf0007735",
  15174. "general/other",
  15175. "-rtc 92 joseph/sarah hayes",
  15176. "06/20/2001",
  15177. "au3203",
  15178. "julia waters",
  15179. "nan",
  15180. "nan",
  15181. "seq: 0034-wmc",
  15182. "tampa",
  15183. "188555",
  15184. "4/6/1992",
  15185. "nan",
  15186. "nan",
  15187. "nan",
  15188. "nan",
  15189. "nan",
  15190. "nan",
  15191. "nan",
  15192. "nan",
  15193. "nan",
  15194. "nan",
  15195. "nan",
  15196. "nan",
  15197. "nan",
  15198. "nan",
  15199. "nan",
  15200. "nan",
  15201. "nan",
  15202. "nan",
  15203. "nan",
  15204. "nan",
  15205. "nan",
  15206. "nan"
  15207. ],
  15208. [
  15209. "034446",
  15210. "00009",
  15211. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15212. "vs. ralph j. & verna s.",
  15213. "tcf0008332",
  15214. "general/other",
  15215. "-rtc-receiver-haven s & l 92 ralph & verna johnson",
  15216. "06/20/2001",
  15217. "av9090",
  15218. "julia waters",
  15219. "nan",
  15220. "nan",
  15221. "seq: 0016-jsw",
  15222. "tampa",
  15223. "191779",
  15224. "10/13/1992",
  15225. "nan",
  15226. "nan",
  15227. "nan",
  15228. "nan",
  15229. "nan",
  15230. "nan",
  15231. "nan",
  15232. "nan",
  15233. "nan",
  15234. "nan",
  15235. "nan",
  15236. "nan",
  15237. "nan",
  15238. "nan",
  15239. "nan",
  15240. "nan",
  15241. "nan",
  15242. "nan",
  15243. "nan",
  15244. "nan",
  15245. "nan",
  15246. "nan"
  15247. ],
  15248. [
  15249. "034446",
  15250. "00007",
  15251. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15252. "vs. e. w. clifton",
  15253. "tcf0008362",
  15254. "general/other",
  15255. "-rtc - receiver - haven s&l 92 e.w. clifton (box)",
  15256. "06/20/2001",
  15257. "av9510",
  15258. "ellen n. kalmbacher",
  15259. "nan",
  15260. "nan",
  15261. "seq: 0004-wmc",
  15262. "tampa",
  15263. "191910",
  15264. "2/12/1991",
  15265. "nan",
  15266. "nan",
  15267. "nan",
  15268. "nan",
  15269. "nan",
  15270. "nan",
  15271. "nan",
  15272. "nan",
  15273. "nan",
  15274. "nan",
  15275. "nan",
  15276. "nan",
  15277. "nan",
  15278. "nan",
  15279. "nan",
  15280. "nan",
  15281. "nan",
  15282. "nan",
  15283. "nan",
  15284. "nan",
  15285. "nan",
  15286. "nan"
  15287. ],
  15288. [
  15289. "034446",
  15290. "00013",
  15291. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15292. "vs. gerald & diana denhardt",
  15293. "tcf0008445",
  15294. "general/other",
  15295. "-rtc - haven federal 92 denhardt",
  15296. "06/20/2001",
  15297. "aw2930",
  15298. "catherine m. mcginty",
  15299. "nan",
  15300. "nan",
  15301. "seq: 0026-tlk",
  15302. "tampa",
  15303. "192333",
  15304. "12/30/1992",
  15305. "nan",
  15306. "nan",
  15307. "nan",
  15308. "nan",
  15309. "nan",
  15310. "nan",
  15311. "nan",
  15312. "nan",
  15313. "nan",
  15314. "nan",
  15315. "nan",
  15316. "nan",
  15317. "nan",
  15318. "nan",
  15319. "nan",
  15320. "nan",
  15321. "nan",
  15322. "nan",
  15323. "nan",
  15324. "nan",
  15325. "nan",
  15326. "nan"
  15327. ],
  15328. [
  15329. "034446",
  15330. "00018",
  15331. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15332. "vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice",
  15333. "tcf0008488",
  15334. "general/other",
  15335. "-rtc/haven federal tice howell",
  15336. "06/20/2001",
  15337. "aw4311",
  15338. "george b. howell",
  15339. "nan",
  15340. "nan",
  15341. "seq: 0033-gbh",
  15342. "tampa",
  15343. "192626",
  15344. "3/8/1993",
  15345. "nan",
  15346. "nan",
  15347. "nan",
  15348. "nan",
  15349. "nan",
  15350. "nan",
  15351. "nan",
  15352. "nan",
  15353. "nan",
  15354. "nan",
  15355. "nan",
  15356. "nan",
  15357. "nan",
  15358. "nan",
  15359. "nan",
  15360. "nan",
  15361. "nan",
  15362. "nan",
  15363. "nan",
  15364. "nan",
  15365. "nan",
  15366. "nan"
  15367. ],
  15368. [
  15369. "034446",
  15370. "00004",
  15371. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15372. "vs. ball home service, inc.",
  15373. "tcf0008488",
  15374. "general/other",
  15375. "-rts/haven s & l ball home service",
  15376. "06/20/2001",
  15377. "aw4311",
  15378. "george b. howell",
  15379. "nan",
  15380. "nan",
  15381. "seq: 0034-gbh",
  15382. "tampa",
  15383. "192627",
  15384. "9/30/1992",
  15385. "nan",
  15386. "nan",
  15387. "nan",
  15388. "nan",
  15389. "nan",
  15390. "nan",
  15391. "nan",
  15392. "nan",
  15393. "nan",
  15394. "nan",
  15395. "nan",
  15396. "nan",
  15397. "nan",
  15398. "nan",
  15399. "nan",
  15400. "nan",
  15401. "nan",
  15402. "nan",
  15403. "nan",
  15404. "nan",
  15405. "nan",
  15406. "nan"
  15407. ],
  15408. [
  15409. "034446",
  15410. "00005",
  15411. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15412. "vs. curtis & janice weathersby",
  15413. "tcf0008488",
  15414. "general/other",
  15415. "-rts/haven s & l curtis/janice wethersby",
  15416. "06/20/2001",
  15417. "aw4311",
  15418. "george b. howell",
  15419. "nan",
  15420. "nan",
  15421. "seq: 0037-gbh",
  15422. "tampa",
  15423. "192630",
  15424. "9/30/1992",
  15425. "nan",
  15426. "nan",
  15427. "nan",
  15428. "nan",
  15429. "nan",
  15430. "nan",
  15431. "nan",
  15432. "nan",
  15433. "nan",
  15434. "nan",
  15435. "nan",
  15436. "nan",
  15437. "nan",
  15438. "nan",
  15439. "nan",
  15440. "nan",
  15441. "nan",
  15442. "nan",
  15443. "nan",
  15444. "nan",
  15445. "nan",
  15446. "nan"
  15447. ],
  15448. [
  15449. "034446",
  15450. "00006",
  15451. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15452. "vs. dennis rose",
  15453. "tcf0008488",
  15454. "general/other",
  15455. "-rts/haven s & l dennis rose",
  15456. "06/20/2001",
  15457. "aw4311",
  15458. "george b. howell",
  15459. "nan",
  15460. "nan",
  15461. "seq: 0038-gbh",
  15462. "tampa",
  15463. "192631",
  15464. "9/30/1992",
  15465. "nan",
  15466. "nan",
  15467. "nan",
  15468. "nan",
  15469. "nan",
  15470. "nan",
  15471. "nan",
  15472. "nan",
  15473. "nan",
  15474. "nan",
  15475. "nan",
  15476. "nan",
  15477. "nan",
  15478. "nan",
  15479. "nan",
  15480. "nan",
  15481. "nan",
  15482. "nan",
  15483. "nan",
  15484. "nan",
  15485. "nan",
  15486. "nan"
  15487. ],
  15488. [
  15489. "034446",
  15490. "00010",
  15491. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15492. "vs. kendall & marsha nix",
  15493. "tcf0008488",
  15494. "general/other",
  15495. "-rts/haven s & l kendall/marsha nix",
  15496. "06/20/2001",
  15497. "aw4311",
  15498. "george b. howell",
  15499. "nan",
  15500. "nan",
  15501. "seq: 0039-gbh",
  15502. "tampa",
  15503. "192632",
  15504. "9/30/1992",
  15505. "nan",
  15506. "nan",
  15507. "nan",
  15508. "nan",
  15509. "nan",
  15510. "nan",
  15511. "nan",
  15512. "nan",
  15513. "nan",
  15514. "nan",
  15515. "nan",
  15516. "nan",
  15517. "nan",
  15518. "nan",
  15519. "nan",
  15520. "nan",
  15521. "nan",
  15522. "nan",
  15523. "nan",
  15524. "nan",
  15525. "nan",
  15526. "nan"
  15527. ],
  15528. [
  15529. "034446",
  15530. "00014",
  15531. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15532. "robert & shirley terrell",
  15533. "tcf0008892",
  15534. "general/other",
  15535. "-rtc/haven fed sav & loan robert & shirley terrell",
  15536. "06/20/2001",
  15537. "ay6001",
  15538. "david jennis",
  15539. "nan",
  15540. "nan",
  15541. "seq: 0047-dsj",
  15542. "tampa",
  15543. "194930",
  15544. "3/16/1992",
  15545. "nan",
  15546. "nan",
  15547. "nan",
  15548. "nan",
  15549. "nan",
  15550. "nan",
  15551. "nan",
  15552. "nan",
  15553. "nan",
  15554. "nan",
  15555. "nan",
  15556. "nan",
  15557. "nan",
  15558. "nan",
  15559. "nan",
  15560. "nan",
  15561. "nan",
  15562. "nan",
  15563. "nan",
  15564. "nan",
  15565. "nan",
  15566. "nan"
  15567. ],
  15568. [
  15569. "034446",
  15570. "00015",
  15571. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15572. "dennis frank taylor &",
  15573. "tcf0008892",
  15574. "general/other",
  15575. "-rtc/haven fed sav & loan ingerliselouise taylor",
  15576. "06/20/2001",
  15577. "ay6001",
  15578. "david jennis",
  15579. "nan",
  15580. "nan",
  15581. "seq: 0048-dsj",
  15582. "tampa",
  15583. "194931",
  15584. "3/16/1992",
  15585. "nan",
  15586. "nan",
  15587. "nan",
  15588. "nan",
  15589. "nan",
  15590. "nan",
  15591. "nan",
  15592. "nan",
  15593. "nan",
  15594. "nan",
  15595. "nan",
  15596. "nan",
  15597. "nan",
  15598. "nan",
  15599. "nan",
  15600. "nan",
  15601. "nan",
  15602. "nan",
  15603. "nan",
  15604. "nan",
  15605. "nan",
  15606. "nan"
  15607. ],
  15608. [
  15609. "034446",
  15610. "00016",
  15611. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15612. "john allison, jr. &",
  15613. "tcf0008893",
  15614. "general/other",
  15615. "-rtc/haven federal s&l sara jean allison",
  15616. "06/20/2001",
  15617. "ay6002",
  15618. "david jennis",
  15619. "nan",
  15620. "nan",
  15621. "seq: 0043-dsj",
  15622. "tampa",
  15623. "194944",
  15624. "3/16/1992",
  15625. "nan",
  15626. "nan",
  15627. "nan",
  15628. "nan",
  15629. "nan",
  15630. "nan",
  15631. "nan",
  15632. "nan",
  15633. "nan",
  15634. "nan",
  15635. "nan",
  15636. "nan",
  15637. "nan",
  15638. "nan",
  15639. "nan",
  15640. "nan",
  15641. "nan",
  15642. "nan",
  15643. "nan",
  15644. "nan",
  15645. "nan",
  15646. "nan"
  15647. ],
  15648. [
  15649. "034446",
  15650. "00017",
  15651. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15652. "david & deborah dixon,",
  15653. "tcf0008893",
  15654. "general/other",
  15655. "-rtc/haven federal s&l david & deborah dixon",
  15656. "06/20/2001",
  15657. "ay6002",
  15658. "david jennis",
  15659. "nan",
  15660. "nan",
  15661. "seq: 0044-dsj",
  15662. "tampa",
  15663. "194945",
  15664. "3/16/1992",
  15665. "nan",
  15666. "nan",
  15667. "nan",
  15668. "nan",
  15669. "nan",
  15670. "nan",
  15671. "nan",
  15672. "nan",
  15673. "nan",
  15674. "nan",
  15675. "nan",
  15676. "nan",
  15677. "nan",
  15678. "nan",
  15679. "nan",
  15680. "nan",
  15681. "nan",
  15682. "nan",
  15683. "nan",
  15684. "nan",
  15685. "nan",
  15686. "nan"
  15687. ],
  15688. [
  15689. "034446",
  15690. "00020",
  15691. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15692. "title insurance: vs. gerald",
  15693. "tcf0010273",
  15694. "general/other",
  15695. "-rtc title ins",
  15696. "06/20/2001",
  15697. "bg0953",
  15698. "robert n. butler",
  15699. "nan",
  15700. "nan",
  15701. "seq: 0031-wmc",
  15702. "tampa",
  15703. "200825",
  15704. "4/12/1993",
  15705. "nan",
  15706. "nan",
  15707. "nan",
  15708. "nan",
  15709. "nan",
  15710. "nan",
  15711. "nan",
  15712. "nan",
  15713. "nan",
  15714. "nan",
  15715. "nan",
  15716. "nan",
  15717. "nan",
  15718. "nan",
  15719. "nan",
  15720. "nan",
  15721. "nan",
  15722. "nan",
  15723. "nan",
  15724. "nan",
  15725. "nan",
  15726. "nan"
  15727. ],
  15728. [
  15729. "034446",
  15730. "00018",
  15731. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  15732. "vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice",
  15733. "tcf0010940",
  15734. "general/other",
  15735. "-rtc sam & jennifer tice",
  15736. "06/20/2001",
  15737. "bl1506",
  15738. "george b. howell",
  15739. "nan",
  15740. "nan",
  15741. "seq: 0020-gbh",
  15742. "tampa",
  15743. "203734",
  15744. "3/8/1993",
  15745. "nan",
  15746. "nan",
  15747. "nan",
  15748. "nan",
  15749. "nan",
  15750. "nan",
  15751. "nan",
  15752. "nan",
  15753. "nan",
  15754. "nan",
  15755. "nan",
  15756. "nan",
  15757. "nan",
  15758. "nan",
  15759. "nan",
  15760. "nan",
  15761. "nan",
  15762. "nan",
  15763. "nan",
  15764. "nan",
  15765. "nan",
  15766. "nan"
  15767. ],
  15768. [
  15769. "034460",
  15770. "00022",
  15771. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  15772. "vs. sun bank, n.a. &",
  15773. "tcf0007419",
  15774. "general/other",
  15775. "-rtc conser.amer.pion. vol1 pleadings thru presentation",
  15776. "06/20/2001",
  15777. "aq7311",
  15778. "james l. simon",
  15779. "nan",
  15780. "nan",
  15781. "seq: 0011-slb",
  15782. "tampa",
  15783. "186153",
  15784. "9/30/1992",
  15785. "nan",
  15786. "nan",
  15787. "nan",
  15788. "nan",
  15789. "nan",
  15790. "nan",
  15791. "nan",
  15792. "nan",
  15793. "nan",
  15794. "nan",
  15795. "nan",
  15796. "nan",
  15797. "nan",
  15798. "nan",
  15799. "nan",
  15800. "nan",
  15801. "nan",
  15802. "nan",
  15803. "nan",
  15804. "nan",
  15805. "nan",
  15806. "nan"
  15807. ],
  15808. [
  15809. "034460",
  15810. "00022",
  15811. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  15812. "vs. sun bank, n.a. &",
  15813. "tcf0007419",
  15814. "general/other",
  15815. "-rtc conser.amer.pion. vol2 appeal matter thrusun bank",
  15816. "06/20/2001",
  15817. "aq7311",
  15818. "james l. simon",
  15819. "nan",
  15820. "nan",
  15821. "seq: 0012-slb",
  15822. "tampa",
  15823. "186154",
  15824. "9/30/1992",
  15825. "nan",
  15826. "nan",
  15827. "nan",
  15828. "nan",
  15829. "nan",
  15830. "nan",
  15831. "nan",
  15832. "nan",
  15833. "nan",
  15834. "nan",
  15835. "nan",
  15836. "nan",
  15837. "nan",
  15838. "nan",
  15839. "nan",
  15840. "nan",
  15841. "nan",
  15842. "nan",
  15843. "nan",
  15844. "nan",
  15845. "nan",
  15846. "nan"
  15847. ],
  15848. [
  15849. "034460",
  15850. "00077",
  15851. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  15852. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  15853. "tcf0007487",
  15854. "general/other",
  15855. "-rtc/jurado misc files 1 redwell",
  15856. "06/20/2001",
  15857. "ar7031",
  15858. "toni l. kemmerle",
  15859. "nan",
  15860. "nan",
  15861. "seq: 0007-tlk",
  15862. "tampa",
  15863. "186655",
  15864. "9/30/1992",
  15865. "nan",
  15866. "nan",
  15867. "nan",
  15868. "nan",
  15869. "nan",
  15870. "nan",
  15871. "nan",
  15872. "nan",
  15873. "nan",
  15874. "nan",
  15875. "nan",
  15876. "nan",
  15877. "nan",
  15878. "nan",
  15879. "nan",
  15880. "nan",
  15881. "nan",
  15882. "nan",
  15883. "nan",
  15884. "nan",
  15885. "nan",
  15886. "nan"
  15887. ],
  15888. [
  15889. "034460",
  15890. "00077",
  15891. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  15892. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  15893. "tcf0007487",
  15894. "general/other",
  15895. "-rtc/jurado misc files 1 redwell",
  15896. "06/20/2001",
  15897. "ar7031",
  15898. "toni l. kemmerle",
  15899. "nan",
  15900. "nan",
  15901. "seq: 0008-tlk",
  15902. "tampa",
  15903. "186656",
  15904. "9/30/1992",
  15905. "nan",
  15906. "nan",
  15907. "nan",
  15908. "nan",
  15909. "nan",
  15910. "nan",
  15911. "nan",
  15912. "nan",
  15913. "nan",
  15914. "nan",
  15915. "nan",
  15916. "nan",
  15917. "nan",
  15918. "nan",
  15919. "nan",
  15920. "nan",
  15921. "nan",
  15922. "nan",
  15923. "nan",
  15924. "nan",
  15925. "nan",
  15926. "nan"
  15927. ],
  15928. [
  15929. "034460",
  15930. "00118",
  15931. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  15932. "vs. thomas e. strickland",
  15933. "tcf0007572",
  15934. "general/other",
  15935. "-rtc-conser amer. pioneer thomas strickland",
  15936. "06/20/2001",
  15937. "as4791",
  15938. "catherine m. mcginty",
  15939. "nan",
  15940. "nan",
  15941. "seq: 0032-jef",
  15942. "tampa",
  15943. "187323",
  15944. "1/14/1992",
  15945. "nan",
  15946. "nan",
  15947. "nan",
  15948. "nan",
  15949. "nan",
  15950. "nan",
  15951. "nan",
  15952. "nan",
  15953. "nan",
  15954. "nan",
  15955. "nan",
  15956. "nan",
  15957. "nan",
  15958. "nan",
  15959. "nan",
  15960. "nan",
  15961. "nan",
  15962. "nan",
  15963. "nan",
  15964. "nan",
  15965. "nan",
  15966. "nan"
  15967. ],
  15968. [
  15969. "034460",
  15970. "00036",
  15971. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  15972. "vs. bruce d. & shelby l. reams",
  15973. "tcf0007576",
  15974. "general/other",
  15975. "-trc-conser amer. pioneer vs. bruce & shelby reams",
  15976. "06/20/2001",
  15977. "as4797",
  15978. "toni l. kemmerle",
  15979. "nan",
  15980. "nan",
  15981. "seq: 0016-tlk",
  15982. "tampa",
  15983. "187344",
  15984. "7/1/1991",
  15985. "nan",
  15986. "nan",
  15987. "nan",
  15988. "nan",
  15989. "nan",
  15990. "nan",
  15991. "nan",
  15992. "nan",
  15993. "nan",
  15994. "nan",
  15995. "nan",
  15996. "nan",
  15997. "nan",
  15998. "nan",
  15999. "nan",
  16000. "nan",
  16001. "nan",
  16002. "nan",
  16003. "nan",
  16004. "nan",
  16005. "nan",
  16006. "nan"
  16007. ],
  16008. [
  16009. "034460",
  16010. "00120",
  16011. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16012. "vs. john mincey",
  16013. "tcf0007576",
  16014. "general/other",
  16015. "-trc-conser amer. pioneer john mincey 716-911751-2",
  16016. "06/20/2001",
  16017. "as4797",
  16018. "catherine m. mcginty",
  16019. "nan",
  16020. "nan",
  16021. "seq: 0017-jef",
  16022. "tampa",
  16023. "187345",
  16024. "1/14/1992",
  16025. "nan",
  16026. "nan",
  16027. "nan",
  16028. "nan",
  16029. "nan",
  16030. "nan",
  16031. "nan",
  16032. "nan",
  16033. "nan",
  16034. "nan",
  16035. "nan",
  16036. "nan",
  16037. "nan",
  16038. "nan",
  16039. "nan",
  16040. "nan",
  16041. "nan",
  16042. "nan",
  16043. "nan",
  16044. "nan",
  16045. "nan",
  16046. "nan"
  16047. ],
  16048. [
  16049. "034460",
  16050. "00119",
  16051. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16052. "vs. john mincey",
  16053. "tcf0007576",
  16054. "general/other",
  16055. "-trc-conser amer. pioneer john mincey 750-500217-3",
  16056. "06/20/2001",
  16057. "as4797",
  16058. "catherine m. mcginty",
  16059. "nan",
  16060. "nan",
  16061. "seq: 0018-jef",
  16062. "tampa",
  16063. "187346",
  16064. "1/14/1992",
  16065. "nan",
  16066. "nan",
  16067. "nan",
  16068. "nan",
  16069. "nan",
  16070. "nan",
  16071. "nan",
  16072. "nan",
  16073. "nan",
  16074. "nan",
  16075. "nan",
  16076. "nan",
  16077. "nan",
  16078. "nan",
  16079. "nan",
  16080. "nan",
  16081. "nan",
  16082. "nan",
  16083. "nan",
  16084. "nan",
  16085. "nan",
  16086. "nan"
  16087. ],
  16088. [
  16089. "034460",
  16090. "00117",
  16091. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16092. "vs. robert m. & william j.",
  16093. "tcf0007576",
  16094. "general/other",
  16095. "-trc-conser amer. pioneer robert & william dacey",
  16096. "06/20/2001",
  16097. "as4797",
  16098. "catherine m. mcginty",
  16099. "nan",
  16100. "nan",
  16101. "seq: 0019-jef",
  16102. "tampa",
  16103. "187347",
  16104. "1/14/1992",
  16105. "nan",
  16106. "nan",
  16107. "nan",
  16108. "nan",
  16109. "nan",
  16110. "nan",
  16111. "nan",
  16112. "nan",
  16113. "nan",
  16114. "nan",
  16115. "nan",
  16116. "nan",
  16117. "nan",
  16118. "nan",
  16119. "nan",
  16120. "nan",
  16121. "nan",
  16122. "nan",
  16123. "nan",
  16124. "nan",
  16125. "nan",
  16126. "nan"
  16127. ],
  16128. [
  16129. "034460",
  16130. "00121",
  16131. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16132. "vs. gary a. & ruzica waura",
  16133. "tcf0007576",
  16134. "general/other",
  16135. "-trc-conser amer. pioneer gary & ruzica wavra",
  16136. "06/20/2001",
  16137. "as4797",
  16138. "catherine m. mcginty",
  16139. "nan",
  16140. "nan",
  16141. "seq: 0020-jef",
  16142. "tampa",
  16143. "187348",
  16144. "1/14/1992",
  16145. "nan",
  16146. "nan",
  16147. "nan",
  16148. "nan",
  16149. "nan",
  16150. "nan",
  16151. "nan",
  16152. "nan",
  16153. "nan",
  16154. "nan",
  16155. "nan",
  16156. "nan",
  16157. "nan",
  16158. "nan",
  16159. "nan",
  16160. "nan",
  16161. "nan",
  16162. "nan",
  16163. "nan",
  16164. "nan",
  16165. "nan",
  16166. "nan"
  16167. ],
  16168. [
  16169. "034460",
  16170. "00091",
  16171. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16172. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16173. "tcf0007580",
  16174. "general/other",
  16175. "-rtc/amer. pioneer sav. bnk",
  16176. "06/20/2001",
  16177. "as4805",
  16178. "michael p. brundage",
  16179. "nan",
  16180. "nan",
  16181. "seq: 0019-rsb",
  16182. "tampa",
  16183. "187361",
  16184. "1/10/1992",
  16185. "nan",
  16186. "nan",
  16187. "nan",
  16188. "nan",
  16189. "nan",
  16190. "nan",
  16191. "nan",
  16192. "nan",
  16193. "nan",
  16194. "nan",
  16195. "nan",
  16196. "nan",
  16197. "nan",
  16198. "nan",
  16199. "nan",
  16200. "nan",
  16201. "nan",
  16202. "nan",
  16203. "nan",
  16204. "nan",
  16205. "nan",
  16206. "nan"
  16207. ],
  16208. [
  16209. "034460",
  16210. "00091",
  16211. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16212. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16213. "tcf0007580",
  16214. "general/other",
  16215. "-rtc/black",
  16216. "06/20/2001",
  16217. "as4805",
  16218. "michael p. brundage",
  16219. "nan",
  16220. "nan",
  16221. "seq: 0020-rsb",
  16222. "tampa",
  16223. "187362",
  16224. "1/10/1992",
  16225. "nan",
  16226. "nan",
  16227. "nan",
  16228. "nan",
  16229. "nan",
  16230. "nan",
  16231. "nan",
  16232. "nan",
  16233. "nan",
  16234. "nan",
  16235. "nan",
  16236. "nan",
  16237. "nan",
  16238. "nan",
  16239. "nan",
  16240. "nan",
  16241. "nan",
  16242. "nan",
  16243. "nan",
  16244. "nan",
  16245. "nan",
  16246. "nan"
  16247. ],
  16248. [
  16249. "034460",
  16250. "00091",
  16251. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16252. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16253. "tcf0007580",
  16254. "general/other",
  16255. "-rtc/black doc. from att. general's off.",
  16256. "06/20/2001",
  16257. "as4805",
  16258. "michael p. brundage",
  16259. "nan",
  16260. "nan",
  16261. "seq: 0021-rsb",
  16262. "tampa",
  16263. "187363",
  16264. "1/10/1992",
  16265. "nan",
  16266. "nan",
  16267. "nan",
  16268. "nan",
  16269. "nan",
  16270. "nan",
  16271. "nan",
  16272. "nan",
  16273. "nan",
  16274. "nan",
  16275. "nan",
  16276. "nan",
  16277. "nan",
  16278. "nan",
  16279. "nan",
  16280. "nan",
  16281. "nan",
  16282. "nan",
  16283. "nan",
  16284. "nan",
  16285. "nan",
  16286. "nan"
  16287. ],
  16288. [
  16289. "034460",
  16290. "00091",
  16291. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16292. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16293. "tcf0007580",
  16294. "general/other",
  16295. "-misc. files/papers",
  16296. "06/20/2001",
  16297. "as4805",
  16298. "michael p. brundage",
  16299. "nan",
  16300. "nan",
  16301. "seq: 0022-rsb",
  16302. "tampa",
  16303. "187364",
  16304. "1/10/1992",
  16305. "nan",
  16306. "nan",
  16307. "nan",
  16308. "nan",
  16309. "nan",
  16310. "nan",
  16311. "nan",
  16312. "nan",
  16313. "nan",
  16314. "nan",
  16315. "nan",
  16316. "nan",
  16317. "nan",
  16318. "nan",
  16319. "nan",
  16320. "nan",
  16321. "nan",
  16322. "nan",
  16323. "nan",
  16324. "nan",
  16325. "nan",
  16326. "nan"
  16327. ],
  16328. [
  16329. "034460",
  16330. "00091",
  16331. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16332. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16333. "tcf0007580",
  16334. "general/other",
  16335. "-rtc/black randy weishaar",
  16336. "06/20/2001",
  16337. "as4805",
  16338. "michael p. brundage",
  16339. "nan",
  16340. "nan",
  16341. "seq: 0023-rsb",
  16342. "tampa",
  16343. "187365",
  16344. "1/10/1992",
  16345. "nan",
  16346. "nan",
  16347. "nan",
  16348. "nan",
  16349. "nan",
  16350. "nan",
  16351. "nan",
  16352. "nan",
  16353. "nan",
  16354. "nan",
  16355. "nan",
  16356. "nan",
  16357. "nan",
  16358. "nan",
  16359. "nan",
  16360. "nan",
  16361. "nan",
  16362. "nan",
  16363. "nan",
  16364. "nan",
  16365. "nan",
  16366. "nan"
  16367. ],
  16368. [
  16369. "034460",
  16370. "00091",
  16371. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16372. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16373. "tcf0007580",
  16374. "general/other",
  16375. "-rtc conser amer. pio. robert r. black",
  16376. "06/20/2001",
  16377. "as4805",
  16378. "michael p. brundage",
  16379. "nan",
  16380. "nan",
  16381. "seq: 0024-rsb",
  16382. "tampa",
  16383. "187366",
  16384. "1/10/1992",
  16385. "nan",
  16386. "nan",
  16387. "nan",
  16388. "nan",
  16389. "nan",
  16390. "nan",
  16391. "nan",
  16392. "nan",
  16393. "nan",
  16394. "nan",
  16395. "nan",
  16396. "nan",
  16397. "nan",
  16398. "nan",
  16399. "nan",
  16400. "nan",
  16401. "nan",
  16402. "nan",
  16403. "nan",
  16404. "nan",
  16405. "nan",
  16406. "nan"
  16407. ],
  16408. [
  16409. "034460",
  16410. "00091",
  16411. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16412. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16413. "tcf0007581",
  16414. "general/other",
  16415. "-trial exhibits-depos",
  16416. "06/20/2001",
  16417. "au0719",
  16418. "michael p. brundage",
  16419. "nan",
  16420. "nan",
  16421. "seq: 0010-rsb",
  16422. "tampa",
  16423. "187367",
  16424. "1/10/1992",
  16425. "nan",
  16426. "nan",
  16427. "nan",
  16428. "nan",
  16429. "nan",
  16430. "nan",
  16431. "nan",
  16432. "nan",
  16433. "nan",
  16434. "nan",
  16435. "nan",
  16436. "nan",
  16437. "nan",
  16438. "nan",
  16439. "nan",
  16440. "nan",
  16441. "nan",
  16442. "nan",
  16443. "nan",
  16444. "nan",
  16445. "nan",
  16446. "nan"
  16447. ],
  16448. [
  16449. "034460",
  16450. "00091",
  16451. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16452. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16453. "tcf0007581",
  16454. "general/other",
  16455. "-rtc/black extra unused subpoena's issued",
  16456. "06/20/2001",
  16457. "au0719",
  16458. "michael p. brundage",
  16459. "nan",
  16460. "nan",
  16461. "seq: 0011-rsb",
  16462. "tampa",
  16463. "187368",
  16464. "1/10/1992",
  16465. "nan",
  16466. "nan",
  16467. "nan",
  16468. "nan",
  16469. "nan",
  16470. "nan",
  16471. "nan",
  16472. "nan",
  16473. "nan",
  16474. "nan",
  16475. "nan",
  16476. "nan",
  16477. "nan",
  16478. "nan",
  16479. "nan",
  16480. "nan",
  16481. "nan",
  16482. "nan",
  16483. "nan",
  16484. "nan",
  16485. "nan",
  16486. "nan"
  16487. ],
  16488. [
  16489. "034460",
  16490. "00091",
  16491. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16492. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16493. "tcf0007581",
  16494. "general/other",
  16495. "-pleadings #1 & depos",
  16496. "06/20/2001",
  16497. "au0719",
  16498. "michael p. brundage",
  16499. "nan",
  16500. "nan",
  16501. "seq: 0012-rsb",
  16502. "tampa",
  16503. "187369",
  16504. "1/10/1992",
  16505. "nan",
  16506. "nan",
  16507. "nan",
  16508. "nan",
  16509. "nan",
  16510. "nan",
  16511. "nan",
  16512. "nan",
  16513. "nan",
  16514. "nan",
  16515. "nan",
  16516. "nan",
  16517. "nan",
  16518. "nan",
  16519. "nan",
  16520. "nan",
  16521. "nan",
  16522. "nan",
  16523. "nan",
  16524. "nan",
  16525. "nan",
  16526. "nan"
  16527. ],
  16528. [
  16529. "034460",
  16530. "00002",
  16531. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16532. "general",
  16533. "tcf0007691",
  16534. "general/other",
  16535. "-rtc amer. pio 92 sampson trucking lease",
  16536. "06/20/2001",
  16537. "au3154",
  16538. "james l. simon",
  16539. "nan",
  16540. "nan",
  16541. "seq: 0017-dsj",
  16542. "tampa",
  16543. "188154",
  16544. "11/30/1992",
  16545. "nan",
  16546. "nan",
  16547. "nan",
  16548. "nan",
  16549. "nan",
  16550. "nan",
  16551. "nan",
  16552. "nan",
  16553. "nan",
  16554. "nan",
  16555. "nan",
  16556. "nan",
  16557. "nan",
  16558. "nan",
  16559. "nan",
  16560. "nan",
  16561. "nan",
  16562. "nan",
  16563. "nan",
  16564. "nan",
  16565. "nan",
  16566. "nan"
  16567. ],
  16568. [
  16569. "034460",
  16570. "00137",
  16571. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16572. "vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.",
  16573. "tcf0007745",
  16574. "general/other",
  16575. "-rtc/conser amer pio rc 92 thomas bequette",
  16576. "06/20/2001",
  16577. "au3215",
  16578. "catherine m. mcginty",
  16579. "nan",
  16580. "nan",
  16581. "seq: 0024-wmc",
  16582. "tampa",
  16583. "188607",
  16584. "1/14/1992",
  16585. "nan",
  16586. "nan",
  16587. "nan",
  16588. "nan",
  16589. "nan",
  16590. "nan",
  16591. "nan",
  16592. "nan",
  16593. "nan",
  16594. "nan",
  16595. "nan",
  16596. "nan",
  16597. "nan",
  16598. "nan",
  16599. "nan",
  16600. "nan",
  16601. "nan",
  16602. "nan",
  16603. "nan",
  16604. "nan",
  16605. "nan",
  16606. "nan"
  16607. ],
  16608. [
  16609. "034460",
  16610. "00077",
  16611. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16612. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  16613. "tcf0008331",
  16614. "general/other",
  16615. "-apsb 92 jamie jurado",
  16616. "06/20/2001",
  16617. "av9089",
  16618. "toni l. kemmerle",
  16619. "nan",
  16620. "nan",
  16621. "seq: 0017-rsb",
  16622. "tampa",
  16623. "191772",
  16624. "9/30/1992",
  16625. "nan",
  16626. "nan",
  16627. "nan",
  16628. "nan",
  16629. "nan",
  16630. "nan",
  16631. "nan",
  16632. "nan",
  16633. "nan",
  16634. "nan",
  16635. "nan",
  16636. "nan",
  16637. "nan",
  16638. "nan",
  16639. "nan",
  16640. "nan",
  16641. "nan",
  16642. "nan",
  16643. "nan",
  16644. "nan",
  16645. "nan",
  16646. "nan"
  16647. ],
  16648. [
  16649. "034460",
  16650. "00012",
  16651. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16652. "the atrium apartments, ltd. -",
  16653. "tcf0008346",
  16654. "general/other",
  16655. "-rtc-conser amer. pioneer the atrium issue",
  16656. "06/20/2001",
  16657. "av9118",
  16658. "james a., iii park",
  16659. "nan",
  16660. "nan",
  16661. "seq: 0044-rjg",
  16662. "tampa",
  16663. "191843",
  16664. "8/23/1991",
  16665. "nan",
  16666. "nan",
  16667. "nan",
  16668. "nan",
  16669. "nan",
  16670. "nan",
  16671. "nan",
  16672. "nan",
  16673. "nan",
  16674. "nan",
  16675. "nan",
  16676. "nan",
  16677. "nan",
  16678. "nan",
  16679. "nan",
  16680. "nan",
  16681. "nan",
  16682. "nan",
  16683. "nan",
  16684. "nan",
  16685. "nan",
  16686. "nan"
  16687. ],
  16688. [
  16689. "034460",
  16690. "00184",
  16691. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16692. "steven & kimberly livingston",
  16693. "tcf0008361",
  16694. "general/other",
  16695. "-rtc-conser amer. pioneer 92 steven & kimberly livingston",
  16696. "06/20/2001",
  16697. "av9509",
  16698. "catherine m. mcginty",
  16699. "nan",
  16700. "nan",
  16701. "seq: 0015-wmc",
  16702. "tampa",
  16703. "191908",
  16704. "12/1/1992",
  16705. "nan",
  16706. "nan",
  16707. "nan",
  16708. "nan",
  16709. "nan",
  16710. "nan",
  16711. "nan",
  16712. "nan",
  16713. "nan",
  16714. "nan",
  16715. "nan",
  16716. "nan",
  16717. "nan",
  16718. "nan",
  16719. "nan",
  16720. "nan",
  16721. "nan",
  16722. "nan",
  16723. "nan",
  16724. "nan",
  16725. "nan",
  16726. "nan"
  16727. ],
  16728. [
  16729. "034460",
  16730. "00077",
  16731. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16732. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  16733. "tcf0008364",
  16734. "general/other",
  16735. "-amer. pioneer 92 jamie juardo",
  16736. "06/20/2001",
  16737. "av9512",
  16738. "toni l. kemmerle",
  16739. "nan",
  16740. "nan",
  16741. "seq: 0024-wmc",
  16742. "tampa",
  16743. "191919",
  16744. "9/30/1992",
  16745. "nan",
  16746. "nan",
  16747. "nan",
  16748. "nan",
  16749. "nan",
  16750. "nan",
  16751. "nan",
  16752. "nan",
  16753. "nan",
  16754. "nan",
  16755. "nan",
  16756. "nan",
  16757. "nan",
  16758. "nan",
  16759. "nan",
  16760. "nan",
  16761. "nan",
  16762. "nan",
  16763. "nan",
  16764. "nan",
  16765. "nan",
  16766. "nan"
  16767. ],
  16768. [
  16769. "034460",
  16770. "00015",
  16771. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16772. "vs. book paradise, inc. d/b/a",
  16773. "tcf0008391",
  16774. "general/other",
  16775. "-amer. pioneer 92 book paradise",
  16776. "06/20/2001",
  16777. "aw2424",
  16778. "edward kuchinski",
  16779. "nan",
  16780. "nan",
  16781. "seq: 0022-mjc",
  16782. "tampa",
  16783. "192055",
  16784. "9/30/1992",
  16785. "nan",
  16786. "nan",
  16787. "nan",
  16788. "nan",
  16789. "nan",
  16790. "nan",
  16791. "nan",
  16792. "nan",
  16793. "nan",
  16794. "nan",
  16795. "nan",
  16796. "nan",
  16797. "nan",
  16798. "nan",
  16799. "nan",
  16800. "nan",
  16801. "nan",
  16802. "nan",
  16803. "nan",
  16804. "nan",
  16805. "nan",
  16806. "nan"
  16807. ],
  16808. [
  16809. "034460",
  16810. "00128",
  16811. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16812. "your attic of clearwater ltd.",
  16813. "tcf0008438",
  16814. "general/other",
  16815. "-rtc 92 your attic of clearwater",
  16816. "06/20/2001",
  16817. "aw2919",
  16818. "michael p. brundage",
  16819. "nan",
  16820. "nan",
  16821. "seq: 0011-rsb",
  16822. "tampa",
  16823. "192284",
  16824. "9/30/1992",
  16825. "nan",
  16826. "nan",
  16827. "nan",
  16828. "nan",
  16829. "nan",
  16830. "nan",
  16831. "nan",
  16832. "nan",
  16833. "nan",
  16834. "nan",
  16835. "nan",
  16836. "nan",
  16837. "nan",
  16838. "nan",
  16839. "nan",
  16840. "nan",
  16841. "nan",
  16842. "nan",
  16843. "nan",
  16844. "nan",
  16845. "nan",
  16846. "nan"
  16847. ],
  16848. [
  16849. "034460",
  16850. "00091",
  16851. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16852. "robert r. black, et al.",
  16853. "tcf0008569",
  16854. "general/other",
  16855. "-rtc-robert randall black pleadings (binder no.2)",
  16856. "06/20/2001",
  16857. "aw8055",
  16858. "michael p. brundage",
  16859. "nan",
  16860. "nan",
  16861. "seq: 0042-rsb",
  16862. "tampa",
  16863. "193233",
  16864. "1/10/1992",
  16865. "nan",
  16866. "nan",
  16867. "nan",
  16868. "nan",
  16869. "nan",
  16870. "nan",
  16871. "nan",
  16872. "nan",
  16873. "nan",
  16874. "nan",
  16875. "nan",
  16876. "nan",
  16877. "nan",
  16878. "nan",
  16879. "nan",
  16880. "nan",
  16881. "nan",
  16882. "nan",
  16883. "nan",
  16884. "nan",
  16885. "nan",
  16886. "nan"
  16887. ],
  16888. [
  16889. "034460",
  16890. "00083",
  16891. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16892. "vs. carrollwood automotive -",
  16893. "tcf0008570",
  16894. "general/other",
  16895. "-rtc-conser amer. pioneer carrollwood automotive",
  16896. "06/20/2001",
  16897. "aw8056",
  16898. "keith fendrick",
  16899. "nan",
  16900. "nan",
  16901. "seq: 0017-wmc",
  16902. "tampa",
  16903. "193245",
  16904. "9/30/1992",
  16905. "nan",
  16906. "nan",
  16907. "nan",
  16908. "nan",
  16909. "nan",
  16910. "nan",
  16911. "nan",
  16912. "nan",
  16913. "nan",
  16914. "nan",
  16915. "nan",
  16916. "nan",
  16917. "nan",
  16918. "nan",
  16919. "nan",
  16920. "nan",
  16921. "nan",
  16922. "nan",
  16923. "nan",
  16924. "nan",
  16925. "nan",
  16926. "nan"
  16927. ],
  16928. [
  16929. "034460",
  16930. "00205",
  16931. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16932. "vs. trico alarm screens of",
  16933. "tcf0008575",
  16934. "general/other",
  16935. "-rtc-conser amer pioneer trico alarm screens",
  16936. "06/20/2001",
  16937. "aw8061",
  16938. "michael p. brundage",
  16939. "nan",
  16940. "nan",
  16941. "seq: 0035-rsb",
  16942. "tampa",
  16943. "193270",
  16944. "2/16/1993",
  16945. "nan",
  16946. "nan",
  16947. "nan",
  16948. "nan",
  16949. "nan",
  16950. "nan",
  16951. "nan",
  16952. "nan",
  16953. "nan",
  16954. "nan",
  16955. "nan",
  16956. "nan",
  16957. "nan",
  16958. "nan",
  16959. "nan",
  16960. "nan",
  16961. "nan",
  16962. "nan",
  16963. "nan",
  16964. "nan",
  16965. "nan",
  16966. "nan"
  16967. ],
  16968. [
  16969. "034460",
  16970. "00206",
  16971. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  16972. "vs. living water church of",
  16973. "tcf0008609",
  16974. "general/other",
  16975. "-rtc conser amer. pioneerl. living water church",
  16976. "06/20/2001",
  16977. "aw8100",
  16978. "michael p. brundage",
  16979. "nan",
  16980. "nan",
  16981. "seq: 0010-rsb",
  16982. "tampa",
  16983. "193585",
  16984. "2/16/1993",
  16985. "nan",
  16986. "nan",
  16987. "nan",
  16988. "nan",
  16989. "nan",
  16990. "nan",
  16991. "nan",
  16992. "nan",
  16993. "nan",
  16994. "nan",
  16995. "nan",
  16996. "nan",
  16997. "nan",
  16998. "nan",
  16999. "nan",
  17000. "nan",
  17001. "nan",
  17002. "nan",
  17003. "nan",
  17004. "nan",
  17005. "nan",
  17006. "nan"
  17007. ],
  17008. [
  17009. "034460",
  17010. "00123",
  17011. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17012. "vs. david cole - foreclosure",
  17013. "tcf0008893",
  17014. "general/other",
  17015. "-american pioneer savgs b david cole",
  17016. "06/20/2001",
  17017. "ay6002",
  17018. "catherine m. mcginty",
  17019. "nan",
  17020. "nan",
  17021. "seq: 0045-tlk",
  17022. "tampa",
  17023. "194946",
  17024. "1/14/1992",
  17025. "nan",
  17026. "nan",
  17027. "nan",
  17028. "nan",
  17029. "nan",
  17030. "nan",
  17031. "nan",
  17032. "nan",
  17033. "nan",
  17034. "nan",
  17035. "nan",
  17036. "nan",
  17037. "nan",
  17038. "nan",
  17039. "nan",
  17040. "nan",
  17041. "nan",
  17042. "nan",
  17043. "nan",
  17044. "nan",
  17045. "nan",
  17046. "nan"
  17047. ],
  17048. [
  17049. "034460",
  17050. "00195",
  17051. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17052. "title ins. vs. gary a. &",
  17053. "tcf0008893",
  17054. "general/other",
  17055. "-rtc/american pioneer gary & ruzica wavra",
  17056. "06/20/2001",
  17057. "ay6002",
  17058. "robert n. butler",
  17059. "nan",
  17060. "nan",
  17061. "seq: 0046-rnb",
  17062. "tampa",
  17063. "194947",
  17064. "2/20/1992",
  17065. "nan",
  17066. "nan",
  17067. "nan",
  17068. "nan",
  17069. "nan",
  17070. "nan",
  17071. "nan",
  17072. "nan",
  17073. "nan",
  17074. "nan",
  17075. "nan",
  17076. "nan",
  17077. "nan",
  17078. "nan",
  17079. "nan",
  17080. "nan",
  17081. "nan",
  17082. "nan",
  17083. "nan",
  17084. "nan",
  17085. "nan",
  17086. "nan"
  17087. ],
  17088. [
  17089. "034460",
  17090. "00199",
  17091. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17092. "title insurance: david cole",
  17093. "tcf0008893",
  17094. "general/other",
  17095. "-rtc/american pioneer david cole/title ins",
  17096. "06/20/2001",
  17097. "ay6002",
  17098. "robert n. butler",
  17099. "nan",
  17100. "nan",
  17101. "seq: 0047-rnb",
  17102. "tampa",
  17103. "194948",
  17104. "7/27/1992",
  17105. "nan",
  17106. "nan",
  17107. "nan",
  17108. "nan",
  17109. "nan",
  17110. "nan",
  17111. "nan",
  17112. "nan",
  17113. "nan",
  17114. "nan",
  17115. "nan",
  17116. "nan",
  17117. "nan",
  17118. "nan",
  17119. "nan",
  17120. "nan",
  17121. "nan",
  17122. "nan",
  17123. "nan",
  17124. "nan",
  17125. "nan",
  17126. "nan"
  17127. ],
  17128. [
  17129. "034460",
  17130. "00200",
  17131. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17132. "vs. james r. mcgovern et al",
  17133. "tcf0008893",
  17134. "general/other",
  17135. "-rtc/american pioneer james r mcgovern et al",
  17136. "06/20/2001",
  17137. "ay6002",
  17138. "robert n. butler",
  17139. "nan",
  17140. "nan",
  17141. "seq: 0048-rnb",
  17142. "tampa",
  17143. "194949",
  17144. "7/27/1992",
  17145. "nan",
  17146. "nan",
  17147. "nan",
  17148. "nan",
  17149. "nan",
  17150. "nan",
  17151. "nan",
  17152. "nan",
  17153. "nan",
  17154. "nan",
  17155. "nan",
  17156. "nan",
  17157. "nan",
  17158. "nan",
  17159. "nan",
  17160. "nan",
  17161. "nan",
  17162. "nan",
  17163. "nan",
  17164. "nan",
  17165. "nan",
  17166. "nan"
  17167. ],
  17168. [
  17169. "034460",
  17170. "00201",
  17171. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17172. "vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.",
  17173. "tcf0008893",
  17174. "general/other",
  17175. "-rtc/american pioneer thomas d bequette et al",
  17176. "06/20/2001",
  17177. "ay6002",
  17178. "robert n. butler",
  17179. "nan",
  17180. "nan",
  17181. "seq: 0049-rnb",
  17182. "tampa",
  17183. "194950",
  17184. "2/20/1992",
  17185. "nan",
  17186. "nan",
  17187. "nan",
  17188. "nan",
  17189. "nan",
  17190. "nan",
  17191. "nan",
  17192. "nan",
  17193. "nan",
  17194. "nan",
  17195. "nan",
  17196. "nan",
  17197. "nan",
  17198. "nan",
  17199. "nan",
  17200. "nan",
  17201. "nan",
  17202. "nan",
  17203. "nan",
  17204. "nan",
  17205. "nan",
  17206. "nan"
  17207. ],
  17208. [
  17209. "034460",
  17210. "00203",
  17211. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17212. "title insurance: vs. john",
  17213. "tcf0008893",
  17214. "general/other",
  17215. "-rtc/american pioneer john mincey/asset #7505002173",
  17216. "06/20/2001",
  17217. "ay6002",
  17218. "robert n. butler",
  17219. "nan",
  17220. "nan",
  17221. "seq: 0050-rnb",
  17222. "tampa",
  17223. "194951",
  17224. "2/20/1992",
  17225. "nan",
  17226. "nan",
  17227. "nan",
  17228. "nan",
  17229. "nan",
  17230. "nan",
  17231. "nan",
  17232. "nan",
  17233. "nan",
  17234. "nan",
  17235. "nan",
  17236. "nan",
  17237. "nan",
  17238. "nan",
  17239. "nan",
  17240. "nan",
  17241. "nan",
  17242. "nan",
  17243. "nan",
  17244. "nan",
  17245. "nan",
  17246. "nan"
  17247. ],
  17248. [
  17249. "034460",
  17250. "00204",
  17251. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17252. "title insurance: vs. john",
  17253. "tcf0008893",
  17254. "general/other",
  17255. "-rtc/american pioneer john mincey/asset #7169117512",
  17256. "06/20/2001",
  17257. "ay6002",
  17258. "robert n. butler",
  17259. "nan",
  17260. "nan",
  17261. "seq: 0051-rnb",
  17262. "tampa",
  17263. "194952",
  17264. "2/20/1992",
  17265. "nan",
  17266. "nan",
  17267. "nan",
  17268. "nan",
  17269. "nan",
  17270. "nan",
  17271. "nan",
  17272. "nan",
  17273. "nan",
  17274. "nan",
  17275. "nan",
  17276. "nan",
  17277. "nan",
  17278. "nan",
  17279. "nan",
  17280. "nan",
  17281. "nan",
  17282. "nan",
  17283. "nan",
  17284. "nan",
  17285. "nan",
  17286. "nan"
  17287. ],
  17288. [
  17289. "034460",
  17290. "00207",
  17291. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17292. "title insurance: vs. thomas e.",
  17293. "tcf0008893",
  17294. "general/other",
  17295. "-rtc/american pioneer thomas e strickland/750-035636-1",
  17296. "06/20/2001",
  17297. "ay6002",
  17298. "robert n. butler",
  17299. "nan",
  17300. "nan",
  17301. "seq: 0052-rnb",
  17302. "tampa",
  17303. "194953",
  17304. "2/20/1992",
  17305. "nan",
  17306. "nan",
  17307. "nan",
  17308. "nan",
  17309. "nan",
  17310. "nan",
  17311. "nan",
  17312. "nan",
  17313. "nan",
  17314. "nan",
  17315. "nan",
  17316. "nan",
  17317. "nan",
  17318. "nan",
  17319. "nan",
  17320. "nan",
  17321. "nan",
  17322. "nan",
  17323. "nan",
  17324. "nan",
  17325. "nan",
  17326. "nan"
  17327. ],
  17328. [
  17329. "034460",
  17330. "00208",
  17331. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17332. "title ins: vs robert & william",
  17333. "tcf0008893",
  17334. "general/other",
  17335. "-rtc/american pioneer robert & william dacey",
  17336. "06/20/2001",
  17337. "ay6002",
  17338. "robert n. butler",
  17339. "nan",
  17340. "nan",
  17341. "seq: 0053-rnb",
  17342. "tampa",
  17343. "194954",
  17344. "2/20/1992",
  17345. "nan",
  17346. "nan",
  17347. "nan",
  17348. "nan",
  17349. "nan",
  17350. "nan",
  17351. "nan",
  17352. "nan",
  17353. "nan",
  17354. "nan",
  17355. "nan",
  17356. "nan",
  17357. "nan",
  17358. "nan",
  17359. "nan",
  17360. "nan",
  17361. "nan",
  17362. "nan",
  17363. "nan",
  17364. "nan",
  17365. "nan",
  17366. "nan"
  17367. ],
  17368. [
  17369. "034460",
  17370. "00211",
  17371. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17372. "title insurance: steven l. &",
  17373. "tcf0008893",
  17374. "general/other",
  17375. "-rtc/american pioneer steven & kimberly livingston",
  17376. "06/20/2001",
  17377. "ay6002",
  17378. "robert n. butler",
  17379. "nan",
  17380. "nan",
  17381. "seq: 0054-rnb",
  17382. "tampa",
  17383. "194955",
  17384. "7/27/1992",
  17385. "nan",
  17386. "nan",
  17387. "nan",
  17388. "nan",
  17389. "nan",
  17390. "nan",
  17391. "nan",
  17392. "nan",
  17393. "nan",
  17394. "nan",
  17395. "nan",
  17396. "nan",
  17397. "nan",
  17398. "nan",
  17399. "nan",
  17400. "nan",
  17401. "nan",
  17402. "nan",
  17403. "nan",
  17404. "nan",
  17405. "nan",
  17406. "nan"
  17407. ],
  17408. [
  17409. "034460",
  17410. "00083",
  17411. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17412. "vs. carrollwood automotive -",
  17413. "tcf0008985",
  17414. "general/other",
  17415. "-rtc cnsr amer pionr crrllwd aut brin",
  17416. "06/20/2001",
  17417. "bc0128",
  17418. "keith fendrick",
  17419. "nan",
  17420. "nan",
  17421. "seq: 0004-rsb",
  17422. "tampa",
  17423. "195419",
  17424. "9/30/1992",
  17425. "nan",
  17426. "nan",
  17427. "nan",
  17428. "nan",
  17429. "nan",
  17430. "nan",
  17431. "nan",
  17432. "nan",
  17433. "nan",
  17434. "nan",
  17435. "nan",
  17436. "nan",
  17437. "nan",
  17438. "nan",
  17439. "nan",
  17440. "nan",
  17441. "nan",
  17442. "nan",
  17443. "nan",
  17444. "nan",
  17445. "nan",
  17446. "nan"
  17447. ],
  17448. [
  17449. "034460",
  17450. "00001",
  17451. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17452. "confidential",
  17453. "tcf0009906",
  17454. "general/other",
  17455. "-fdic conser american pioneer",
  17456. "06/20/2001",
  17457. "bf2533",
  17458. "michael l. davis",
  17459. "nan",
  17460. "nan",
  17461. "seq: 0030-mjc",
  17462. "tampa",
  17463. "198570",
  17464. "10/29/1991",
  17465. "nan",
  17466. "nan",
  17467. "nan",
  17468. "nan",
  17469. "nan",
  17470. "nan",
  17471. "nan",
  17472. "nan",
  17473. "nan",
  17474. "nan",
  17475. "nan",
  17476. "nan",
  17477. "nan",
  17478. "nan",
  17479. "nan",
  17480. "nan",
  17481. "nan",
  17482. "nan",
  17483. "nan",
  17484. "nan",
  17485. "nan",
  17486. "nan"
  17487. ],
  17488. [
  17489. "034460",
  17490. "00102",
  17491. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17492. "j-f associates",
  17493. "tcf0010042",
  17494. "general/other",
  17495. "-rtc shadow files",
  17496. "06/20/2001",
  17497. "bg0344",
  17498. "gilbert a. smith",
  17499. "nan",
  17500. "nan",
  17501. "seq: 0013-wmc",
  17502. "tampa",
  17503. "199022",
  17504. "9/30/1992",
  17505. "nan",
  17506. "nan",
  17507. "nan",
  17508. "nan",
  17509. "nan",
  17510. "nan",
  17511. "nan",
  17512. "nan",
  17513. "nan",
  17514. "nan",
  17515. "nan",
  17516. "nan",
  17517. "nan",
  17518. "nan",
  17519. "nan",
  17520. "nan",
  17521. "nan",
  17522. "nan",
  17523. "nan",
  17524. "nan",
  17525. "nan",
  17526. "nan"
  17527. ],
  17528. [
  17529. "034460",
  17530. "00123",
  17531. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  17532. "vs. david cole - foreclosure",
  17533. "tcf0010315",
  17534. "general/other",
  17535. "-rtc title work",
  17536. "06/20/2001",
  17537. "bj1238",
  17538. "catherine m. mcginty",
  17539. "nan",
  17540. "nan",
  17541. "seq: 0004-rsb",
  17542. "tampa",
  17543. "201001",
  17544. "1/14/1992",
  17545. "nan",
  17546. "nan",
  17547. "nan",
  17548. "nan",
  17549. "nan",
  17550. "nan",
  17551. "nan",
  17552. "nan",
  17553. "nan",
  17554. "nan",
  17555. "nan",
  17556. "nan",
  17557. "nan",
  17558. "nan",
  17559. "nan",
  17560. "nan",
  17561. "nan",
  17562. "nan",
  17563. "nan",
  17564. "nan",
  17565. "nan",
  17566. "nan"
  17567. ],
  17568. [
  17569. "034478",
  17570. "00017",
  17571. "cigna securities, inc.",
  17572. "adv. payton f. & edith adams",
  17573. "tcf0009088",
  17574. "general/other",
  17575. "-nasd motn 4 prtctve ordr transcripts",
  17576. "06/20/2001",
  17577. "bc0250",
  17578. "douglas j. titus",
  17579. "nan",
  17580. "nan",
  17581. "seq: 0067-djt",
  17582. "tampa",
  17583. "196083",
  17584. "12/2/1993",
  17585. "nan",
  17586. "nan",
  17587. "nan",
  17588. "nan",
  17589. "nan",
  17590. "nan",
  17591. "nan",
  17592. "nan",
  17593. "nan",
  17594. "nan",
  17595. "nan",
  17596. "nan",
  17597. "nan",
  17598. "nan",
  17599. "nan",
  17600. "nan",
  17601. "nan",
  17602. "nan",
  17603. "nan",
  17604. "nan",
  17605. "nan",
  17606. "nan"
  17607. ],
  17608. [
  17609. "034478",
  17610. "00015",
  17611. "cigna securities, inc.",
  17612. "curtis w. & dolores jensen",
  17613. "tcf0009102",
  17614. "general/other",
  17615. "-nasd rsrch-cases &motn 4 prtctve ordr",
  17616. "06/20/2001",
  17617. "bc0264",
  17618. "douglas j. titus",
  17619. "nan",
  17620. "nan",
  17621. "seq: 0039-djt",
  17622. "tampa",
  17623. "196181",
  17624. "12/2/1993",
  17625. "nan",
  17626. "nan",
  17627. "nan",
  17628. "nan",
  17629. "nan",
  17630. "nan",
  17631. "nan",
  17632. "nan",
  17633. "nan",
  17634. "nan",
  17635. "nan",
  17636. "nan",
  17637. "nan",
  17638. "nan",
  17639. "nan",
  17640. "nan",
  17641. "nan",
  17642. "nan",
  17643. "nan",
  17644. "nan",
  17645. "nan",
  17646. "nan"
  17647. ],
  17648. [
  17649. "034639",
  17650. "00114",
  17651. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17652. "auction - hillsborough/town &",
  17653. "tcf0006894",
  17654. "general/other",
  17655. "-rtc - freedom savings auction hills.cnty/town&country",
  17656. "06/20/2001",
  17657. "ap9361",
  17658. "robert n. butler",
  17659. "nan",
  17660. "nan",
  17661. "seq: 0034-rnb",
  17662. "tampa",
  17663. "181902",
  17664. "4/12/1993",
  17665. "nan",
  17666. "nan",
  17667. "nan",
  17668. "nan",
  17669. "nan",
  17670. "nan",
  17671. "nan",
  17672. "nan",
  17673. "nan",
  17674. "nan",
  17675. "nan",
  17676. "nan",
  17677. "nan",
  17678. "nan",
  17679. "nan",
  17680. "nan",
  17681. "nan",
  17682. "nan",
  17683. "nan",
  17684. "nan",
  17685. "nan",
  17686. "nan"
  17687. ],
  17688. [
  17689. "034639",
  17690. "00074",
  17691. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17692. "auction - pappas plaza branch/",
  17693. "tcf0006894",
  17694. "general/other",
  17695. "-rtc - pioneer fed. auction-pasco/pappas plaza",
  17696. "06/20/2001",
  17697. "ap9361",
  17698. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  17699. "nan",
  17700. "nan",
  17701. "seq: 0035-rnb",
  17702. "tampa",
  17703. "181903",
  17704. "3/31/1993",
  17705. "nan",
  17706. "nan",
  17707. "nan",
  17708. "nan",
  17709. "nan",
  17710. "nan",
  17711. "nan",
  17712. "nan",
  17713. "nan",
  17714. "nan",
  17715. "nan",
  17716. "nan",
  17717. "nan",
  17718. "nan",
  17719. "nan",
  17720. "nan",
  17721. "nan",
  17722. "nan",
  17723. "nan",
  17724. "nan",
  17725. "nan",
  17726. "nan"
  17727. ],
  17728. [
  17729. "034639",
  17730. "00071",
  17731. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17732. "auction - holiday branch",
  17733. "tcf0006894",
  17734. "general/other",
  17735. "-rtc - gibrattar savings auction-pasco/holiday branch/gib",
  17736. "06/20/2001",
  17737. "ap9361",
  17738. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  17739. "nan",
  17740. "nan",
  17741. "seq: 0036-rnb",
  17742. "tampa",
  17743. "181904",
  17744. "3/31/1993",
  17745. "nan",
  17746. "nan",
  17747. "nan",
  17748. "nan",
  17749. "nan",
  17750. "nan",
  17751. "nan",
  17752. "nan",
  17753. "nan",
  17754. "nan",
  17755. "nan",
  17756. "nan",
  17757. "nan",
  17758. "nan",
  17759. "nan",
  17760. "nan",
  17761. "nan",
  17762. "nan",
  17763. "nan",
  17764. "nan",
  17765. "nan",
  17766. "nan"
  17767. ],
  17768. [
  17769. "034639",
  17770. "00113",
  17771. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17772. "auction - pasco/dade city",
  17773. "tcf0006894",
  17774. "general/other",
  17775. "-rtc - fla. fed. savings auction-pasco/dade county br.",
  17776. "06/20/2001",
  17777. "ap9361",
  17778. "robert n. butler",
  17779. "nan",
  17780. "nan",
  17781. "seq: 0037-rnb",
  17782. "tampa",
  17783. "181905",
  17784. "4/12/1993",
  17785. "nan",
  17786. "nan",
  17787. "nan",
  17788. "nan",
  17789. "nan",
  17790. "nan",
  17791. "nan",
  17792. "nan",
  17793. "nan",
  17794. "nan",
  17795. "nan",
  17796. "nan",
  17797. "nan",
  17798. "nan",
  17799. "nan",
  17800. "nan",
  17801. "nan",
  17802. "nan",
  17803. "nan",
  17804. "nan",
  17805. "nan",
  17806. "nan"
  17807. ],
  17808. [
  17809. "034639",
  17810. "00112",
  17811. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17812. "auction - pasco/new port",
  17813. "tcf0006894",
  17814. "general/other",
  17815. "-rtc - gibrattar savings auction-pasco/new port richey",
  17816. "06/20/2001",
  17817. "ap9361",
  17818. "robert n. butler",
  17819. "nan",
  17820. "nan",
  17821. "seq: 0038-rnb",
  17822. "tampa",
  17823. "181906",
  17824. "4/12/1993",
  17825. "nan",
  17826. "nan",
  17827. "nan",
  17828. "nan",
  17829. "nan",
  17830. "nan",
  17831. "nan",
  17832. "nan",
  17833. "nan",
  17834. "nan",
  17835. "nan",
  17836. "nan",
  17837. "nan",
  17838. "nan",
  17839. "nan",
  17840. "nan",
  17841. "nan",
  17842. "nan",
  17843. "nan",
  17844. "nan",
  17845. "nan",
  17846. "nan"
  17847. ],
  17848. [
  17849. "034639",
  17850. "00111",
  17851. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17852. "auction - hernando/the",
  17853. "tcf0006894",
  17854. "general/other",
  17855. "-rtc - gibrattor savings auction-hernando/the heathers",
  17856. "06/20/2001",
  17857. "ap9361",
  17858. "robert n. butler",
  17859. "nan",
  17860. "nan",
  17861. "seq: 0039-rnb",
  17862. "tampa",
  17863. "181907",
  17864. "4/12/1993",
  17865. "nan",
  17866. "nan",
  17867. "nan",
  17868. "nan",
  17869. "nan",
  17870. "nan",
  17871. "nan",
  17872. "nan",
  17873. "nan",
  17874. "nan",
  17875. "nan",
  17876. "nan",
  17877. "nan",
  17878. "nan",
  17879. "nan",
  17880. "nan",
  17881. "nan",
  17882. "nan",
  17883. "nan",
  17884. "nan",
  17885. "nan",
  17886. "nan"
  17887. ],
  17888. [
  17889. "034639",
  17890. "00118",
  17891. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17892. "auction - sarasota county -",
  17893. "tcf0006894",
  17894. "general/other",
  17895. "-rtc - fla. fed. sav. auction-sarasota/new port richey",
  17896. "06/20/2001",
  17897. "ap9361",
  17898. "robert n. butler",
  17899. "nan",
  17900. "nan",
  17901. "seq: 0040-rnb",
  17902. "tampa",
  17903. "181908",
  17904. "4/12/1993",
  17905. "nan",
  17906. "nan",
  17907. "nan",
  17908. "nan",
  17909. "nan",
  17910. "nan",
  17911. "nan",
  17912. "nan",
  17913. "nan",
  17914. "nan",
  17915. "nan",
  17916. "nan",
  17917. "nan",
  17918. "nan",
  17919. "nan",
  17920. "nan",
  17921. "nan",
  17922. "nan",
  17923. "nan",
  17924. "nan",
  17925. "nan",
  17926. "nan"
  17927. ],
  17928. [
  17929. "034639",
  17930. "00075",
  17931. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17932. "auction - manatee branch/",
  17933. "tcf0006894",
  17934. "general/other",
  17935. "-rtc - fla. fed. sav. auction-manatee/manatee branch",
  17936. "06/20/2001",
  17937. "ap9361",
  17938. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  17939. "nan",
  17940. "nan",
  17941. "seq: 0041-rnb",
  17942. "tampa",
  17943. "181909",
  17944. "3/31/1993",
  17945. "nan",
  17946. "nan",
  17947. "nan",
  17948. "nan",
  17949. "nan",
  17950. "nan",
  17951. "nan",
  17952. "nan",
  17953. "nan",
  17954. "nan",
  17955. "nan",
  17956. "nan",
  17957. "nan",
  17958. "nan",
  17959. "nan",
  17960. "nan",
  17961. "nan",
  17962. "nan",
  17963. "nan",
  17964. "nan",
  17965. "nan",
  17966. "nan"
  17967. ],
  17968. [
  17969. "034639",
  17970. "00070",
  17971. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  17972. "auction - pine ridge business",
  17973. "tcf0006894",
  17974. "general/other",
  17975. "-rtc - malibu savings bank auction-pinellas/pine ridge bus.",
  17976. "06/20/2001",
  17977. "ap9361",
  17978. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  17979. "nan",
  17980. "nan",
  17981. "seq: 0042-rnb",
  17982. "tampa",
  17983. "181910",
  17984. "3/31/1993",
  17985. "nan",
  17986. "nan",
  17987. "nan",
  17988. "nan",
  17989. "nan",
  17990. "nan",
  17991. "nan",
  17992. "nan",
  17993. "nan",
  17994. "nan",
  17995. "nan",
  17996. "nan",
  17997. "nan",
  17998. "nan",
  17999. "nan",
  18000. "nan",
  18001. "nan",
  18002. "nan",
  18003. "nan",
  18004. "nan",
  18005. "nan",
  18006. "nan"
  18007. ],
  18008. [
  18009. "034639",
  18010. "00069",
  18011. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18012. "auction- northwest parking lot",
  18013. "tcf0006894",
  18014. "general/other",
  18015. "-rtc - fla. fed. sav. auction-pinellas/northwest parki",
  18016. "06/20/2001",
  18017. "ap9361",
  18018. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18019. "nan",
  18020. "nan",
  18021. "seq: 0043-rnb",
  18022. "tampa",
  18023. "181911",
  18024. "3/31/1993",
  18025. "nan",
  18026. "nan",
  18027. "nan",
  18028. "nan",
  18029. "nan",
  18030. "nan",
  18031. "nan",
  18032. "nan",
  18033. "nan",
  18034. "nan",
  18035. "nan",
  18036. "nan",
  18037. "nan",
  18038. "nan",
  18039. "nan",
  18040. "nan",
  18041. "nan",
  18042. "nan",
  18043. "nan",
  18044. "nan",
  18045. "nan",
  18046. "nan"
  18047. ],
  18048. [
  18049. "034639",
  18050. "00117",
  18051. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18052. "auction - pinellas/roosevelt",
  18053. "tcf0006894",
  18054. "general/other",
  18055. "-rtc - pioneer fed. auction-pinellas/roosevelt blvd.",
  18056. "06/20/2001",
  18057. "ap9361",
  18058. "robert n. butler",
  18059. "nan",
  18060. "nan",
  18061. "seq: 0044-rnb",
  18062. "tampa",
  18063. "181912",
  18064. "4/12/1993",
  18065. "nan",
  18066. "nan",
  18067. "nan",
  18068. "nan",
  18069. "nan",
  18070. "nan",
  18071. "nan",
  18072. "nan",
  18073. "nan",
  18074. "nan",
  18075. "nan",
  18076. "nan",
  18077. "nan",
  18078. "nan",
  18079. "nan",
  18080. "nan",
  18081. "nan",
  18082. "nan",
  18083. "nan",
  18084. "nan",
  18085. "nan",
  18086. "nan"
  18087. ],
  18088. [
  18089. "034639",
  18090. "00088",
  18091. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18092. "auction - mary dale estates/",
  18093. "tcf0006895",
  18094. "general/other",
  18095. " fed.sav. auction-hills.mary dale estates",
  18096. "06/20/2001",
  18097. "ap9362",
  18098. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18099. "nan",
  18100. "nan",
  18101. "seq: 0026-rnb",
  18102. "tampa",
  18103. "181914",
  18104. "3/31/1993",
  18105. "nan",
  18106. "nan",
  18107. "nan",
  18108. "nan",
  18109. "nan",
  18110. "nan",
  18111. "nan",
  18112. "nan",
  18113. "nan",
  18114. "nan",
  18115. "nan",
  18116. "nan",
  18117. "nan",
  18118. "nan",
  18119. "nan",
  18120. "nan",
  18121. "nan",
  18122. "nan",
  18123. "nan",
  18124. "nan",
  18125. "nan",
  18126. "nan"
  18127. ],
  18128. [
  18129. "034639",
  18130. "00115",
  18131. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18132. "auction - hillsborough/tarpon",
  18133. "tcf0006895",
  18134. "general/other",
  18135. "-rtc-gibrattar sav.bk. auction-hills.tarpon springs",
  18136. "06/20/2001",
  18137. "ap9362",
  18138. "robert n. butler",
  18139. "nan",
  18140. "nan",
  18141. "seq: 0027-rnb",
  18142. "tampa",
  18143. "181915",
  18144. "4/12/1993",
  18145. "nan",
  18146. "nan",
  18147. "nan",
  18148. "nan",
  18149. "nan",
  18150. "nan",
  18151. "nan",
  18152. "nan",
  18153. "nan",
  18154. "nan",
  18155. "nan",
  18156. "nan",
  18157. "nan",
  18158. "nan",
  18159. "nan",
  18160. "nan",
  18161. "nan",
  18162. "nan",
  18163. "nan",
  18164. "nan",
  18165. "nan",
  18166. "nan"
  18167. ],
  18168. [
  18169. "034639",
  18170. "00116",
  18171. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18172. "auction - pinellas/pinellas",
  18173. "tcf0006895",
  18174. "general/other",
  18175. "-rtc-fla. fed. sav. auction-pinellas/pinellas park",
  18176. "06/20/2001",
  18177. "ap9362",
  18178. "robert n. butler",
  18179. "nan",
  18180. "nan",
  18181. "seq: 0028-rnb",
  18182. "tampa",
  18183. "181916",
  18184. "4/12/1993",
  18185. "nan",
  18186. "nan",
  18187. "nan",
  18188. "nan",
  18189. "nan",
  18190. "nan",
  18191. "nan",
  18192. "nan",
  18193. "nan",
  18194. "nan",
  18195. "nan",
  18196. "nan",
  18197. "nan",
  18198. "nan",
  18199. "nan",
  18200. "nan",
  18201. "nan",
  18202. "nan",
  18203. "nan",
  18204. "nan",
  18205. "nan",
  18206. "nan"
  18207. ],
  18208. [
  18209. "034639",
  18210. "00082",
  18211. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18212. "auction - punta gorda branch/",
  18213. "tcf0006895",
  18214. "general/other",
  18215. "-rtc-fla. fed. sav. auction-charlotte/punta gorda",
  18216. "06/20/2001",
  18217. "ap9362",
  18218. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18219. "nan",
  18220. "nan",
  18221. "seq: 0029-rnb",
  18222. "tampa",
  18223. "181917",
  18224. "4/12/1993",
  18225. "nan",
  18226. "nan",
  18227. "nan",
  18228. "nan",
  18229. "nan",
  18230. "nan",
  18231. "nan",
  18232. "nan",
  18233. "nan",
  18234. "nan",
  18235. "nan",
  18236. "nan",
  18237. "nan",
  18238. "nan",
  18239. "nan",
  18240. "nan",
  18241. "nan",
  18242. "nan",
  18243. "nan",
  18244. "nan",
  18245. "nan",
  18246. "nan"
  18247. ],
  18248. [
  18249. "034639",
  18250. "00087",
  18251. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18252. "auction - jetport commerce",
  18253. "tcf0006895",
  18254. "general/other",
  18255. " fed.sav. auction-hills.jetport",
  18256. "06/20/2001",
  18257. "ap9362",
  18258. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18259. "nan",
  18260. "nan",
  18261. "seq: 0030-rnb",
  18262. "tampa",
  18263. "181918",
  18264. "3/31/1993",
  18265. "nan",
  18266. "nan",
  18267. "nan",
  18268. "nan",
  18269. "nan",
  18270. "nan",
  18271. "nan",
  18272. "nan",
  18273. "nan",
  18274. "nan",
  18275. "nan",
  18276. "nan",
  18277. "nan",
  18278. "nan",
  18279. "nan",
  18280. "nan",
  18281. "nan",
  18282. "nan",
  18283. "nan",
  18284. "nan",
  18285. "nan",
  18286. "nan"
  18287. ],
  18288. [
  18289. "034639",
  18290. "00085",
  18291. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18292. "auction - jf assoc/parcel 2/",
  18293. "tcf0006895",
  18294. "general/other",
  18295. " fed.sav. auction-hills/jf assoc.parcel#2",
  18296. "06/20/2001",
  18297. "ap9362",
  18298. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18299. "nan",
  18300. "nan",
  18301. "seq: 0031-rnb",
  18302. "tampa",
  18303. "181919",
  18304. "3/31/1993",
  18305. "nan",
  18306. "nan",
  18307. "nan",
  18308. "nan",
  18309. "nan",
  18310. "nan",
  18311. "nan",
  18312. "nan",
  18313. "nan",
  18314. "nan",
  18315. "nan",
  18316. "nan",
  18317. "nan",
  18318. "nan",
  18319. "nan",
  18320. "nan",
  18321. "nan",
  18322. "nan",
  18323. "nan",
  18324. "nan",
  18325. "nan",
  18326. "nan"
  18327. ],
  18328. [
  18329. "034639",
  18330. "00086",
  18331. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18332. "auction - jf assoc/parcel 4/",
  18333. "tcf0006895",
  18334. "general/other",
  18335. " fed.sav. auction-hills/jf assoc.parcel#4",
  18336. "06/20/2001",
  18337. "ap9362",
  18338. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18339. "nan",
  18340. "nan",
  18341. "seq: 0032-rnb",
  18342. "tampa",
  18343. "181920",
  18344. "3/31/1993",
  18345. "nan",
  18346. "nan",
  18347. "nan",
  18348. "nan",
  18349. "nan",
  18350. "nan",
  18351. "nan",
  18352. "nan",
  18353. "nan",
  18354. "nan",
  18355. "nan",
  18356. "nan",
  18357. "nan",
  18358. "nan",
  18359. "nan",
  18360. "nan",
  18361. "nan",
  18362. "nan",
  18363. "nan",
  18364. "nan",
  18365. "nan",
  18366. "nan"
  18367. ],
  18368. [
  18369. "034639",
  18370. "00001",
  18371. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18372. "tampa office -billable general",
  18373. "tcf0007947",
  18374. "general/other",
  18375. "-rtc/ncnb branch banks op howell shadow file",
  18376. "06/20/2001",
  18377. "au5245",
  18378. "warren m. cason",
  18379. "nan",
  18380. "nan",
  18381. "seq: 0032-tjp",
  18382. "tampa",
  18383. "189852",
  18384. "2/15/1993",
  18385. "nan",
  18386. "nan",
  18387. "nan",
  18388. "nan",
  18389. "nan",
  18390. "nan",
  18391. "nan",
  18392. "nan",
  18393. "nan",
  18394. "nan",
  18395. "nan",
  18396. "nan",
  18397. "nan",
  18398. "nan",
  18399. "nan",
  18400. "nan",
  18401. "nan",
  18402. "nan",
  18403. "nan",
  18404. "nan",
  18405. "nan",
  18406. "nan"
  18407. ],
  18408. [
  18409. "034639",
  18410. "00004",
  18411. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18412. "as conservator of yorkwood",
  18413. "tcf0008364",
  18414. "general/other",
  18415. "-rtc - yorkwood federal 92 bancboston v. rtc",
  18416. "06/20/2001",
  18417. "av9512",
  18418. "toni l. kemmerle",
  18419. "nan",
  18420. "nan",
  18421. "seq: 0023-tlk",
  18422. "tampa",
  18423. "191918",
  18424. "12/1/1992",
  18425. "nan",
  18426. "nan",
  18427. "nan",
  18428. "nan",
  18429. "nan",
  18430. "nan",
  18431. "nan",
  18432. "nan",
  18433. "nan",
  18434. "nan",
  18435. "nan",
  18436. "nan",
  18437. "nan",
  18438. "nan",
  18439. "nan",
  18440. "nan",
  18441. "nan",
  18442. "nan",
  18443. "nan",
  18444. "nan",
  18445. "nan",
  18446. "nan"
  18447. ],
  18448. [
  18449. "034639",
  18450. "00201",
  18451. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18452. "auction/ sloan u-lock it",
  18453. "tcf0008694",
  18454. "general/other",
  18455. "-rtc resolution trust corp u lock it st lucie title auction",
  18456. "06/20/2001",
  18457. "ax1564",
  18458. "robert n. butler",
  18459. "nan",
  18460. "nan",
  18461. "seq: 0045-rnb",
  18462. "tampa",
  18463. "193988",
  18464. "2/25/1993",
  18465. "nan",
  18466. "nan",
  18467. "nan",
  18468. "nan",
  18469. "nan",
  18470. "nan",
  18471. "nan",
  18472. "nan",
  18473. "nan",
  18474. "nan",
  18475. "nan",
  18476. "nan",
  18477. "nan",
  18478. "nan",
  18479. "nan",
  18480. "nan",
  18481. "nan",
  18482. "nan",
  18483. "nan",
  18484. "nan",
  18485. "nan",
  18486. "nan"
  18487. ],
  18488. [
  18489. "034639",
  18490. "00196",
  18491. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18492. "auction/fort pierce outparcel/",
  18493. "tcf0008798",
  18494. "general/other",
  18495. "-rtc auction ft pierce out parcel",
  18496. "06/20/2001",
  18497. "ay2026",
  18498. "robert n. butler",
  18499. "nan",
  18500. "nan",
  18501. "seq: 0047-rnb",
  18502. "tampa",
  18503. "194528",
  18504. "2/25/1993",
  18505. "nan",
  18506. "nan",
  18507. "nan",
  18508. "nan",
  18509. "nan",
  18510. "nan",
  18511. "nan",
  18512. "nan",
  18513. "nan",
  18514. "nan",
  18515. "nan",
  18516. "nan",
  18517. "nan",
  18518. "nan",
  18519. "nan",
  18520. "nan",
  18521. "nan",
  18522. "nan",
  18523. "nan",
  18524. "nan",
  18525. "nan",
  18526. "nan"
  18527. ],
  18528. [
  18529. "034639",
  18530. "00191",
  18531. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18532. "auction/bradenton river shop",
  18533. "tcf0009073",
  18534. "general/other",
  18535. "-rtc-resolution trust co brad rvr shop plza land-manatee",
  18536. "06/20/2001",
  18537. "bc0233",
  18538. "robert n. butler",
  18539. "nan",
  18540. "nan",
  18541. "seq: 0031-rnb",
  18542. "tampa",
  18543. "195947",
  18544. "2/25/1993",
  18545. "nan",
  18546. "nan",
  18547. "nan",
  18548. "nan",
  18549. "nan",
  18550. "nan",
  18551. "nan",
  18552. "nan",
  18553. "nan",
  18554. "nan",
  18555. "nan",
  18556. "nan",
  18557. "nan",
  18558. "nan",
  18559. "nan",
  18560. "nan",
  18561. "nan",
  18562. "nan",
  18563. "nan",
  18564. "nan",
  18565. "nan",
  18566. "nan"
  18567. ],
  18568. [
  18569. "034639",
  18570. "00193",
  18571. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18572. "auction/parsons land/",
  18573. "tcf0009073",
  18574. "general/other",
  18575. "-rtc-resolution trust co r parsons land/hills",
  18576. "06/20/2001",
  18577. "bc0233",
  18578. "robert n. butler",
  18579. "nan",
  18580. "nan",
  18581. "seq: 0032-rnb",
  18582. "tampa",
  18583. "195948",
  18584. "2/25/1993",
  18585. "nan",
  18586. "nan",
  18587. "nan",
  18588. "nan",
  18589. "nan",
  18590. "nan",
  18591. "nan",
  18592. "nan",
  18593. "nan",
  18594. "nan",
  18595. "nan",
  18596. "nan",
  18597. "nan",
  18598. "nan",
  18599. "nan",
  18600. "nan",
  18601. "nan",
  18602. "nan",
  18603. "nan",
  18604. "nan",
  18605. "nan",
  18606. "nan"
  18607. ],
  18608. [
  18609. "034639",
  18610. "00198",
  18611. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18612. "auction/port st lucie car wash",
  18613. "tcf0009073",
  18614. "general/other",
  18615. "-rtc-resolution trust co r port st lucie car wash/st luci",
  18616. "06/20/2001",
  18617. "bc0233",
  18618. "robert n. butler",
  18619. "nan",
  18620. "nan",
  18621. "seq: 0033-rnb",
  18622. "tampa",
  18623. "195949",
  18624. "3/11/1993",
  18625. "nan",
  18626. "nan",
  18627. "nan",
  18628. "nan",
  18629. "nan",
  18630. "nan",
  18631. "nan",
  18632. "nan",
  18633. "nan",
  18634. "nan",
  18635. "nan",
  18636. "nan",
  18637. "nan",
  18638. "nan",
  18639. "nan",
  18640. "nan",
  18641. "nan",
  18642. "nan",
  18643. "nan",
  18644. "nan",
  18645. "nan",
  18646. "nan"
  18647. ],
  18648. [
  18649. "034639",
  18650. "00199",
  18651. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18652. "auction/riverside estates",
  18653. "tcf0009073",
  18654. "general/other",
  18655. "-rtc-resolution trust co r riverside estates/hillsborough",
  18656. "06/20/2001",
  18657. "bc0233",
  18658. "robert n. butler",
  18659. "nan",
  18660. "nan",
  18661. "seq: 0034-rnb",
  18662. "tampa",
  18663. "195950",
  18664. "2/25/1993",
  18665. "nan",
  18666. "nan",
  18667. "nan",
  18668. "nan",
  18669. "nan",
  18670. "nan",
  18671. "nan",
  18672. "nan",
  18673. "nan",
  18674. "nan",
  18675. "nan",
  18676. "nan",
  18677. "nan",
  18678. "nan",
  18679. "nan",
  18680. "nan",
  18681. "nan",
  18682. "nan",
  18683. "nan",
  18684. "nan",
  18685. "nan",
  18686. "nan"
  18687. ],
  18688. [
  18689. "034639",
  18690. "00200",
  18691. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18692. "auction/st. pete 3rd street",
  18693. "tcf0009073",
  18694. "general/other",
  18695. "-rtc-resolution trust co r st pete 3rd st lots/pinellas",
  18696. "06/20/2001",
  18697. "bc0233",
  18698. "robert n. butler",
  18699. "nan",
  18700. "nan",
  18701. "seq: 0035-rnb",
  18702. "tampa",
  18703. "195951",
  18704. "4/12/1993",
  18705. "nan",
  18706. "nan",
  18707. "nan",
  18708. "nan",
  18709. "nan",
  18710. "nan",
  18711. "nan",
  18712. "nan",
  18713. "nan",
  18714. "nan",
  18715. "nan",
  18716. "nan",
  18717. "nan",
  18718. "nan",
  18719. "nan",
  18720. "nan",
  18721. "nan",
  18722. "nan",
  18723. "nan",
  18724. "nan",
  18725. "nan",
  18726. "nan"
  18727. ],
  18728. [
  18729. "034639",
  18730. "00201",
  18731. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18732. "auction/ sloan u-lock it",
  18733. "tcf0009073",
  18734. "general/other",
  18735. "-rtc-resolution trust co r sloan u-lock it/st. lucie",
  18736. "06/20/2001",
  18737. "bc0233",
  18738. "robert n. butler",
  18739. "nan",
  18740. "nan",
  18741. "seq: 0036-rnb",
  18742. "tampa",
  18743. "195952",
  18744. "2/25/1993",
  18745. "nan",
  18746. "nan",
  18747. "nan",
  18748. "nan",
  18749. "nan",
  18750. "nan",
  18751. "nan",
  18752. "nan",
  18753. "nan",
  18754. "nan",
  18755. "nan",
  18756. "nan",
  18757. "nan",
  18758. "nan",
  18759. "nan",
  18760. "nan",
  18761. "nan",
  18762. "nan",
  18763. "nan",
  18764. "nan",
  18765. "nan",
  18766. "nan"
  18767. ],
  18768. [
  18769. "034639",
  18770. "00216",
  18771. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18772. "auction/south beach branch/",
  18773. "tcf0009073",
  18774. "general/other",
  18775. "-rtc-resolution trust co r south bch branch/st lucie",
  18776. "06/20/2001",
  18777. "bc0233",
  18778. "robert n. butler",
  18779. "nan",
  18780. "nan",
  18781. "seq: 0037-rnb",
  18782. "tampa",
  18783. "195953",
  18784. "2/25/1993",
  18785. "nan",
  18786. "nan",
  18787. "nan",
  18788. "nan",
  18789. "nan",
  18790. "nan",
  18791. "nan",
  18792. "nan",
  18793. "nan",
  18794. "nan",
  18795. "nan",
  18796. "nan",
  18797. "nan",
  18798. "nan",
  18799. "nan",
  18800. "nan",
  18801. "nan",
  18802. "nan",
  18803. "nan",
  18804. "nan",
  18805. "nan",
  18806. "nan"
  18807. ],
  18808. [
  18809. "034639",
  18810. "00217",
  18811. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18812. "auction/12600 66th street",
  18813. "tcf0009073",
  18814. "general/other",
  18815. "-rtc-resolution trust co r 12600 66th st land/pinellas",
  18816. "06/20/2001",
  18817. "bc0233",
  18818. "robert n. butler",
  18819. "nan",
  18820. "nan",
  18821. "seq: 0038-rnb",
  18822. "tampa",
  18823. "195954",
  18824. "4/12/1993",
  18825. "nan",
  18826. "nan",
  18827. "nan",
  18828. "nan",
  18829. "nan",
  18830. "nan",
  18831. "nan",
  18832. "nan",
  18833. "nan",
  18834. "nan",
  18835. "nan",
  18836. "nan",
  18837. "nan",
  18838. "nan",
  18839. "nan",
  18840. "nan",
  18841. "nan",
  18842. "nan",
  18843. "nan",
  18844. "nan",
  18845. "nan",
  18846. "nan"
  18847. ],
  18848. [
  18849. "034639",
  18850. "00225",
  18851. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18852. "auction/quail meadows phase 1/",
  18853. "tcf0009073",
  18854. "general/other",
  18855. "-rtc-resolution trust co r quail meadows phase i/hernando",
  18856. "06/20/2001",
  18857. "bc0233",
  18858. "robert n. butler",
  18859. "nan",
  18860. "nan",
  18861. "seq: 0039-rnb",
  18862. "tampa",
  18863. "195955",
  18864. "4/12/1993",
  18865. "nan",
  18866. "nan",
  18867. "nan",
  18868. "nan",
  18869. "nan",
  18870. "nan",
  18871. "nan",
  18872. "nan",
  18873. "nan",
  18874. "nan",
  18875. "nan",
  18876. "nan",
  18877. "nan",
  18878. "nan",
  18879. "nan",
  18880. "nan",
  18881. "nan",
  18882. "nan",
  18883. "nan",
  18884. "nan",
  18885. "nan",
  18886. "nan"
  18887. ],
  18888. [
  18889. "034639",
  18890. "00081",
  18891. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18892. "auction- port charlotte (amer.",
  18893. "tcf0009073",
  18894. "general/other",
  18895. "-rtc-resolution trust co prot charlotte (amer pioneer)",
  18896. "06/20/2001",
  18897. "bc0233",
  18898. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18899. "nan",
  18900. "nan",
  18901. "seq: 0040-rnb",
  18902. "tampa",
  18903. "195956",
  18904. "12/16/1992",
  18905. "nan",
  18906. "nan",
  18907. "nan",
  18908. "nan",
  18909. "nan",
  18910. "nan",
  18911. "nan",
  18912. "nan",
  18913. "nan",
  18914. "nan",
  18915. "nan",
  18916. "nan",
  18917. "nan",
  18918. "nan",
  18919. "nan",
  18920. "nan",
  18921. "nan",
  18922. "nan",
  18923. "nan",
  18924. "nan",
  18925. "nan",
  18926. "nan"
  18927. ],
  18928. [
  18929. "034639",
  18930. "00192",
  18931. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18932. "auction/auto repair facility/",
  18933. "tcf0009204",
  18934. "general/other",
  18935. "-rtc auction/auto repr/hillsb t itle",
  18936. "06/20/2001",
  18937. "bd2843",
  18938. "robert n. butler",
  18939. "nan",
  18940. "nan",
  18941. "seq: 0028-rnb",
  18942. "tampa",
  18943. "196719",
  18944. "2/25/1993",
  18945. "nan",
  18946. "nan",
  18947. "nan",
  18948. "nan",
  18949. "nan",
  18950. "nan",
  18951. "nan",
  18952. "nan",
  18953. "nan",
  18954. "nan",
  18955. "nan",
  18956. "nan",
  18957. "nan",
  18958. "nan",
  18959. "nan",
  18960. "nan",
  18961. "nan",
  18962. "nan",
  18963. "nan",
  18964. "nan",
  18965. "nan",
  18966. "nan"
  18967. ],
  18968. [
  18969. "034639",
  18970. "00045",
  18971. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  18972. "auction - zephyrhills branch",
  18973. "tcf0009204",
  18974. "general/other",
  18975. "-rtc pasco/zephyrhills branch",
  18976. "06/20/2001",
  18977. "bd2843",
  18978. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  18979. "nan",
  18980. "nan",
  18981. "seq: 0029-rnb",
  18982. "tampa",
  18983. "196720",
  18984. "3/31/1993",
  18985. "nan",
  18986. "nan",
  18987. "nan",
  18988. "nan",
  18989. "nan",
  18990. "nan",
  18991. "nan",
  18992. "nan",
  18993. "nan",
  18994. "nan",
  18995. "nan",
  18996. "nan",
  18997. "nan",
  18998. "nan",
  18999. "nan",
  19000. "nan",
  19001. "nan",
  19002. "nan",
  19003. "nan",
  19004. "nan",
  19005. "nan",
  19006. "nan"
  19007. ],
  19008. [
  19009. "034639",
  19010. "00214",
  19011. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19012. "auction - sebastian branch",
  19013. "tcf0009204",
  19014. "general/other",
  19015. "-rtc sebastian brch/indian rivr",
  19016. "06/20/2001",
  19017. "bd2843",
  19018. "robert n. butler",
  19019. "nan",
  19020. "nan",
  19021. "seq: 0030-rnb",
  19022. "tampa",
  19023. "196721",
  19024. "2/25/1993",
  19025. "nan",
  19026. "nan",
  19027. "nan",
  19028. "nan",
  19029. "nan",
  19030. "nan",
  19031. "nan",
  19032. "nan",
  19033. "nan",
  19034. "nan",
  19035. "nan",
  19036. "nan",
  19037. "nan",
  19038. "nan",
  19039. "nan",
  19040. "nan",
  19041. "nan",
  19042. "nan",
  19043. "nan",
  19044. "nan",
  19045. "nan",
  19046. "nan"
  19047. ],
  19048. [
  19049. "034639",
  19050. "00215",
  19051. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19052. "auction/embassy blvd./pasco/",
  19053. "tcf0009204",
  19054. "general/other",
  19055. "-rtc embassy blvd/pasco/title",
  19056. "06/20/2001",
  19057. "bd2843",
  19058. "robert n. butler",
  19059. "nan",
  19060. "nan",
  19061. "seq: 0031-rnb",
  19062. "tampa",
  19063. "196722",
  19064. "3/29/1993",
  19065. "nan",
  19066. "nan",
  19067. "nan",
  19068. "nan",
  19069. "nan",
  19070. "nan",
  19071. "nan",
  19072. "nan",
  19073. "nan",
  19074. "nan",
  19075. "nan",
  19076. "nan",
  19077. "nan",
  19078. "nan",
  19079. "nan",
  19080. "nan",
  19081. "nan",
  19082. "nan",
  19083. "nan",
  19084. "nan",
  19085. "nan",
  19086. "nan"
  19087. ],
  19088. [
  19089. "034639",
  19090. "00220",
  19091. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19092. "auction/ miracle mile branch",
  19093. "tcf0009204",
  19094. "general/other",
  19095. "-rtc miracle mile brch/indian r ivr",
  19096. "06/20/2001",
  19097. "bd2843",
  19098. "robert n. butler",
  19099. "nan",
  19100. "nan",
  19101. "seq: 0032-rnb",
  19102. "tampa",
  19103. "196723",
  19104. "2/25/1993",
  19105. "nan",
  19106. "nan",
  19107. "nan",
  19108. "nan",
  19109. "nan",
  19110. "nan",
  19111. "nan",
  19112. "nan",
  19113. "nan",
  19114. "nan",
  19115. "nan",
  19116. "nan",
  19117. "nan",
  19118. "nan",
  19119. "nan",
  19120. "nan",
  19121. "nan",
  19122. "nan",
  19123. "nan",
  19124. "nan",
  19125. "nan",
  19126. "nan"
  19127. ],
  19128. [
  19129. "034639",
  19130. "00222",
  19131. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19132. "auction / forest park condo",
  19133. "tcf0009204",
  19134. "general/other",
  19135. "-rtc forest park condo/charlott",
  19136. "06/20/2001",
  19137. "bd2843",
  19138. "robert n. butler",
  19139. "nan",
  19140. "nan",
  19141. "seq: 0033-rnb",
  19142. "tampa",
  19143. "196724",
  19144. "3/29/1993",
  19145. "nan",
  19146. "nan",
  19147. "nan",
  19148. "nan",
  19149. "nan",
  19150. "nan",
  19151. "nan",
  19152. "nan",
  19153. "nan",
  19154. "nan",
  19155. "nan",
  19156. "nan",
  19157. "nan",
  19158. "nan",
  19159. "nan",
  19160. "nan",
  19161. "nan",
  19162. "nan",
  19163. "nan",
  19164. "nan",
  19165. "nan",
  19166. "nan"
  19167. ],
  19168. [
  19169. "034639",
  19170. "00227",
  19171. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19172. "auction/brandon land/",
  19173. "tcf0009204",
  19174. "general/other",
  19175. "-rtc brandon land/hillsbr/title",
  19176. "06/20/2001",
  19177. "bd2843",
  19178. "robert n. butler",
  19179. "nan",
  19180. "nan",
  19181. "seq: 0034-rnb",
  19182. "tampa",
  19183. "196725",
  19184. "3/29/1993",
  19185. "nan",
  19186. "nan",
  19187. "nan",
  19188. "nan",
  19189. "nan",
  19190. "nan",
  19191. "nan",
  19192. "nan",
  19193. "nan",
  19194. "nan",
  19195. "nan",
  19196. "nan",
  19197. "nan",
  19198. "nan",
  19199. "nan",
  19200. "nan",
  19201. "nan",
  19202. "nan",
  19203. "nan",
  19204. "nan",
  19205. "nan",
  19206. "nan"
  19207. ],
  19208. [
  19209. "034639",
  19210. "00004",
  19211. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19212. "as conservator of yorkwood",
  19213. "tcf0009204",
  19214. "general/other",
  19215. "-rtc francois l schwartz, inc",
  19216. "06/20/2001",
  19217. "bd2843",
  19218. "toni l. kemmerle",
  19219. "nan",
  19220. "nan",
  19221. "seq: 0035-rnb",
  19222. "tampa",
  19223. "196726",
  19224. "12/1/1992",
  19225. "nan",
  19226. "nan",
  19227. "nan",
  19228. "nan",
  19229. "nan",
  19230. "nan",
  19231. "nan",
  19232. "nan",
  19233. "nan",
  19234. "nan",
  19235. "nan",
  19236. "nan",
  19237. "nan",
  19238. "nan",
  19239. "nan",
  19240. "nan",
  19241. "nan",
  19242. "nan",
  19243. "nan",
  19244. "nan",
  19245. "nan",
  19246. "nan"
  19247. ],
  19248. [
  19249. "034639",
  19250. "00194",
  19251. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19252. "auction/beacon woods/pasco/",
  19253. "tcf0009204",
  19254. "general/other",
  19255. "-rtc beacon woods/pasco",
  19256. "06/20/2001",
  19257. "bd2843",
  19258. "robert n. butler",
  19259. "nan",
  19260. "nan",
  19261. "seq: 0036-rnb",
  19262. "tampa",
  19263. "196727",
  19264. "2/25/1993",
  19265. "nan",
  19266. "nan",
  19267. "nan",
  19268. "nan",
  19269. "nan",
  19270. "nan",
  19271. "nan",
  19272. "nan",
  19273. "nan",
  19274. "nan",
  19275. "nan",
  19276. "nan",
  19277. "nan",
  19278. "nan",
  19279. "nan",
  19280. "nan",
  19281. "nan",
  19282. "nan",
  19283. "nan",
  19284. "nan",
  19285. "nan",
  19286. "nan"
  19287. ],
  19288. [
  19289. "034639",
  19290. "00221",
  19291. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19292. "auction/ riverwalk condo",
  19293. "tcf0009288",
  19294. "general/other",
  19295. "-rtc/riverwalk cono hillsborough/title",
  19296. "06/20/2001",
  19297. "bd3982",
  19298. "robert n. butler",
  19299. "nan",
  19300. "nan",
  19301. "seq: 0034-rnb",
  19302. "tampa",
  19303. "197088",
  19304. "2/25/1993",
  19305. "nan",
  19306. "nan",
  19307. "nan",
  19308. "nan",
  19309. "nan",
  19310. "nan",
  19311. "nan",
  19312. "nan",
  19313. "nan",
  19314. "nan",
  19315. "nan",
  19316. "nan",
  19317. "nan",
  19318. "nan",
  19319. "nan",
  19320. "nan",
  19321. "nan",
  19322. "nan",
  19323. "nan",
  19324. "nan",
  19325. "nan",
  19326. "nan"
  19327. ],
  19328. [
  19329. "034639",
  19330. "00226",
  19331. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19332. "auction/107 rome avenue/",
  19333. "tcf0009288",
  19334. "general/other",
  19335. "-rtc/107 rome avenue hillsborough/title",
  19336. "06/20/2001",
  19337. "bd3982",
  19338. "robert n. butler",
  19339. "nan",
  19340. "nan",
  19341. "seq: 0035-rnb",
  19342. "tampa",
  19343. "197089",
  19344. "2/25/1993",
  19345. "nan",
  19346. "nan",
  19347. "nan",
  19348. "nan",
  19349. "nan",
  19350. "nan",
  19351. "nan",
  19352. "nan",
  19353. "nan",
  19354. "nan",
  19355. "nan",
  19356. "nan",
  19357. "nan",
  19358. "nan",
  19359. "nan",
  19360. "nan",
  19361. "nan",
  19362. "nan",
  19363. "nan",
  19364. "nan",
  19365. "nan",
  19366. "nan"
  19367. ],
  19368. [
  19369. "034639",
  19370. "00190",
  19371. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19372. "auction/tarpon springs/",
  19373. "tcf0010034",
  19374. "general/other",
  19375. "-rtc pleadings",
  19376. "06/20/2001",
  19377. "bg0332",
  19378. "robert n. butler",
  19379. "nan",
  19380. "nan",
  19381. "seq: 0015-rnb",
  19382. "tampa",
  19383. "198996",
  19384. "3/29/1993",
  19385. "nan",
  19386. "nan",
  19387. "nan",
  19388. "nan",
  19389. "nan",
  19390. "nan",
  19391. "nan",
  19392. "nan",
  19393. "nan",
  19394. "nan",
  19395. "nan",
  19396. "nan",
  19397. "nan",
  19398. "nan",
  19399. "nan",
  19400. "nan",
  19401. "nan",
  19402. "nan",
  19403. "nan",
  19404. "nan",
  19405. "nan",
  19406. "nan"
  19407. ],
  19408. [
  19409. "034639",
  19410. "00218",
  19411. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19412. "auction/elfers bank branch/",
  19413. "tcf0010078",
  19414. "general/other",
  19415. "-rtc plds",
  19416. "06/20/2001",
  19417. "bg0530",
  19418. "robert n. butler",
  19419. "nan",
  19420. "nan",
  19421. "seq: 0044-wmc",
  19422. "tampa",
  19423. "199237",
  19424. "3/29/1993",
  19425. "nan",
  19426. "nan",
  19427. "nan",
  19428. "nan",
  19429. "nan",
  19430. "nan",
  19431. "nan",
  19432. "nan",
  19433. "nan",
  19434. "nan",
  19435. "nan",
  19436. "nan",
  19437. "nan",
  19438. "nan",
  19439. "nan",
  19440. "nan",
  19441. "nan",
  19442. "nan",
  19443. "nan",
  19444. "nan",
  19445. "nan",
  19446. "nan"
  19447. ],
  19448. [
  19449. "034639",
  19450. "00195",
  19451. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19452. "auction/lumber yard/",
  19453. "tcf0010267",
  19454. "general/other",
  19455. "-rtc lumber yard",
  19456. "06/20/2001",
  19457. "bg0946",
  19458. "robert n. butler",
  19459. "nan",
  19460. "nan",
  19461. "seq: 0063-wmc",
  19462. "tampa",
  19463. "200782",
  19464. "4/12/1993",
  19465. "nan",
  19466. "nan",
  19467. "nan",
  19468. "nan",
  19469. "nan",
  19470. "nan",
  19471. "nan",
  19472. "nan",
  19473. "nan",
  19474. "nan",
  19475. "nan",
  19476. "nan",
  19477. "nan",
  19478. "nan",
  19479. "nan",
  19480. "nan",
  19481. "nan",
  19482. "nan",
  19483. "nan",
  19484. "nan",
  19485. "nan",
  19486. "nan"
  19487. ],
  19488. [
  19489. "034639",
  19490. "00197",
  19491. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19492. "auction/cape coral branch/",
  19493. "tcf0010267",
  19494. "general/other",
  19495. "-rtc cape coral branc",
  19496. "06/20/2001",
  19497. "bg0946",
  19498. "robert n. butler",
  19499. "nan",
  19500. "nan",
  19501. "seq: 0066-wmc",
  19502. "tampa",
  19503. "200785",
  19504. "4/12/1993",
  19505. "nan",
  19506. "nan",
  19507. "nan",
  19508. "nan",
  19509. "nan",
  19510. "nan",
  19511. "nan",
  19512. "nan",
  19513. "nan",
  19514. "nan",
  19515. "nan",
  19516. "nan",
  19517. "nan",
  19518. "nan",
  19519. "nan",
  19520. "nan",
  19521. "nan",
  19522. "nan",
  19523. "nan",
  19524. "nan",
  19525. "nan",
  19526. "nan"
  19527. ],
  19528. [
  19529. "034639",
  19530. "00223",
  19531. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19532. "auction/holiday bank branch/",
  19533. "tcf0012731",
  19534. "general/other",
  19535. "-rtc-resolution trust corp holiday bank branch",
  19536. "6/20/2001",
  19537. "bq2746",
  19538. "robert n. butler",
  19539. "nan",
  19540. "nan",
  19541. "seq: 0039-alb",
  19542. "tampa",
  19543. "213567",
  19544. "2/25/1993",
  19545. "nan",
  19546. "nan",
  19547. "nan",
  19548. "nan",
  19549. "nan",
  19550. "nan",
  19551. "nan",
  19552. "nan",
  19553. "nan",
  19554. "nan",
  19555. "nan",
  19556. "nan",
  19557. "nan",
  19558. "nan",
  19559. "nan",
  19560. "nan",
  19561. "nan",
  19562. "nan",
  19563. "nan",
  19564. "nan",
  19565. "nan",
  19566. "nan"
  19567. ],
  19568. [
  19569. "034639",
  19570. "00121",
  19571. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19572. "supervision of commercial",
  19573. "tcf0013304",
  19574. "general/other",
  19575. "-rtc/general ti",
  19576. "6/20/2001",
  19577. "by0775",
  19578. "theresa w. mclaughlin",
  19579. "nan",
  19580. "nan",
  19581. "seq: 0020-hmr",
  19582. "tampa",
  19583. "216347",
  19584. "3/31/1993",
  19585. "nan",
  19586. "nan",
  19587. "nan",
  19588. "nan",
  19589. "nan",
  19590. "nan",
  19591. "nan",
  19592. "nan",
  19593. "nan",
  19594. "nan",
  19595. "nan",
  19596. "nan",
  19597. "nan",
  19598. "nan",
  19599. "nan",
  19600. "nan",
  19601. "nan",
  19602. "nan",
  19603. "nan",
  19604. "nan",
  19605. "nan",
  19606. "nan"
  19607. ],
  19608. [
  19609. "034639",
  19610. "1",
  19611. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters",
  19612. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters",
  19613. "348024684",
  19614. "nan",
  19615. " 6 folders - orlando spreadsheet; forms; docs; corresp.; organizational notes; contract preparations; orlando closing schedule; closing statement information",
  19616. "5/9/2005",
  19617. "348024684",
  19618. "86550",
  19619. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  19620. "nan",
  19621. " + fileid: $141598",
  19622. "orlando",
  19623. "563105",
  19624. "nan",
  19625. "nan",
  19626. "nan",
  19627. "nan",
  19628. "nan",
  19629. "nan",
  19630. "nan",
  19631. "nan",
  19632. "nan",
  19633. "nan",
  19634. "nan",
  19635. "nan",
  19636. "nan",
  19637. "nan",
  19638. "nan",
  19639. "nan",
  19640. "nan",
  19641. "nan",
  19642. "nan",
  19643. "nan",
  19644. "nan",
  19645. "nan",
  19646. "nan"
  19647. ],
  19648. [
  19649. "034639",
  19650. "104",
  19651. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  19652. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  19653. "348866822",
  19654. "nan",
  19655. " 1 folder: notes, title work / survey, contract / closing instruction, final closing docs, accounting / escrow ledger, corresp.",
  19656. "6/8/2005",
  19657. "348866822",
  19658. "8650",
  19659. "nan",
  19660. "nan",
  19661. " + fileid: $145633",
  19662. "orlando",
  19663. "566766",
  19664. "nan",
  19665. "nan",
  19666. "nan",
  19667. "nan",
  19668. "nan",
  19669. "nan",
  19670. "nan",
  19671. "nan",
  19672. "nan",
  19673. "nan",
  19674. "nan",
  19675. "nan",
  19676. "nan",
  19677. "nan",
  19678. "nan",
  19679. "nan",
  19680. "nan",
  19681. "nan",
  19682. "nan",
  19683. "nan",
  19684. "nan",
  19685. "nan",
  19686. "nan"
  19687. ],
  19688. [
  19689. "034639",
  19690. "104",
  19691. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  19692. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  19693. "348866853",
  19694. "nan",
  19695. " closing binder, notes, corresp., docs",
  19696. "6/8/2005",
  19697. "348866853",
  19698. "8650",
  19699. "nan",
  19700. "nan",
  19701. " + fileid: $145730",
  19702. "orlando",
  19703. "566858",
  19704. "nan",
  19705. "nan",
  19706. "nan",
  19707. "nan",
  19708. "nan",
  19709. "nan",
  19710. "nan",
  19711. "nan",
  19712. "nan",
  19713. "nan",
  19714. "nan",
  19715. "nan",
  19716. "nan",
  19717. "nan",
  19718. "nan",
  19719. "nan",
  19720. "nan",
  19721. "nan",
  19722. "nan",
  19723. "nan",
  19724. "nan",
  19725. "nan",
  19726. "nan"
  19727. ],
  19728. [
  19729. "034639",
  19730. "00002",
  19731. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19732. "vs. sandshore investors, inc.",
  19733. "489519820",
  19734. "general/other",
  19735. "walmsley world processing requests\nattorney notes walmsley notes\nvarious correspondence",
  19736. "3/13/2012",
  19737. "118754",
  19738. "marty l. steinberg",
  19739. "off-site",
  19740. "nan",
  19741. "hk9969",
  19742. "miami",
  19743. "1824695",
  19744. "4/12/1993",
  19745. "nan",
  19746. "nan",
  19747. "nan",
  19748. "nan",
  19749. "nan",
  19750. "nan",
  19751. "nan",
  19752. "nan",
  19753. "nan",
  19754. "nan",
  19755. "nan",
  19756. "nan",
  19757. "nan",
  19758. "nan",
  19759. "nan",
  19760. "nan",
  19761. "nan",
  19762. "nan",
  19763. "nan",
  19764. "nan",
  19765. "nan",
  19766. "nan"
  19767. ],
  19768. [
  19769. "034639",
  19770. "00001",
  19771. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19772. "tampa office -billable general",
  19773. "672031227",
  19774. "working papers",
  19775. "working documents",
  19776. "1/24/2013",
  19777. "191172",
  19778. "warren m. cason",
  19779. "off-site",
  19780. "newman, scott",
  19781. "hk#: 11269",
  19782. "miami",
  19783. "1958107",
  19784. "2/15/1993",
  19785. "nan",
  19786. "nan",
  19787. "nan",
  19788. "nan",
  19789. "nan",
  19790. "nan",
  19791. "nan",
  19792. "nan",
  19793. "nan",
  19794. "nan",
  19795. "nan",
  19796. "nan",
  19797. "nan",
  19798. "nan",
  19799. "nan",
  19800. "nan",
  19801. "nan",
  19802. "nan",
  19803. "nan",
  19804. "nan",
  19805. "nan",
  19806. "nan"
  19807. ],
  19808. [
  19809. "034639",
  19810. "00155",
  19811. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  19812. "issuance title ins auction no.",
  19813. "154195940",
  19814. "general/other",
  19815. "034639.155 - rtc--------------",
  19816. "12/10/2003",
  19817. "27215",
  19818. "phyllis a. hood",
  19819. "off-site",
  19820. "nan",
  19821. "nan",
  19822. "orlando",
  19823. "2596895",
  19824. "4/12/1993",
  19825. "nan",
  19826. "nan",
  19827. "nan",
  19828. "nan",
  19829. "nan",
  19830. "nan",
  19831. "nan",
  19832. "nan",
  19833. "nan",
  19834. "nan",
  19835. "nan",
  19836. "nan",
  19837. "nan",
  19838. "nan",
  19839. "nan",
  19840. "nan",
  19841. "nan",
  19842. "nan",
  19843. "nan",
  19844. "nan",
  19845. "nan",
  19846. "nan"
  19847. ],
  19848. [
  19849. "034644",
  19850. "00006",
  19851. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  19852. "sale of harder hall hotel",
  19853. "tcf0006920",
  19854. "general/other",
  19855. "-rtc-conser security s&l sale of harder hall hotel-vol i",
  19856. "06/20/2001",
  19857. "ap9390",
  19858. "richard eckhard",
  19859. "nan",
  19860. "nan",
  19861. "seq: 0019-rde",
  19862. "tampa",
  19863. "182176",
  19864. "2/19/1993",
  19865. "nan",
  19866. "nan",
  19867. "nan",
  19868. "nan",
  19869. "nan",
  19870. "nan",
  19871. "nan",
  19872. "nan",
  19873. "nan",
  19874. "nan",
  19875. "nan",
  19876. "nan",
  19877. "nan",
  19878. "nan",
  19879. "nan",
  19880. "nan",
  19881. "nan",
  19882. "nan",
  19883. "nan",
  19884. "nan",
  19885. "nan",
  19886. "nan"
  19887. ],
  19888. [
  19889. "034644",
  19890. "00006",
  19891. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  19892. "sale of harder hall hotel",
  19893. "tcf0006920",
  19894. "general/other",
  19895. "-rtc-conser security s&l harder hall hotel -vol ii",
  19896. "06/20/2001",
  19897. "ap9390",
  19898. "richard eckhard",
  19899. "nan",
  19900. "nan",
  19901. "seq: 0020-rde",
  19902. "tampa",
  19903. "182177",
  19904. "2/19/1993",
  19905. "nan",
  19906. "nan",
  19907. "nan",
  19908. "nan",
  19909. "nan",
  19910. "nan",
  19911. "nan",
  19912. "nan",
  19913. "nan",
  19914. "nan",
  19915. "nan",
  19916. "nan",
  19917. "nan",
  19918. "nan",
  19919. "nan",
  19920. "nan",
  19921. "nan",
  19922. "nan",
  19923. "nan",
  19924. "nan",
  19925. "nan",
  19926. "nan"
  19927. ],
  19928. [
  19929. "034644",
  19930. "00003",
  19931. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  19932. "invest. of prop. develop. at",
  19933. "tcf0007709",
  19934. "general/other",
  19935. "-rtc/security s & l assn 91 golfview dr/hwy 27 sebring",
  19936. "06/20/2001",
  19937. "au3176",
  19938. "richard eckhard",
  19939. "nan",
  19940. "nan",
  19941. "seq: 0030-rde",
  19942. "tampa",
  19943. "188302",
  19944. "4/10/1991",
  19945. "nan",
  19946. "nan",
  19947. "nan",
  19948. "nan",
  19949. "nan",
  19950. "nan",
  19951. "nan",
  19952. "nan",
  19953. "nan",
  19954. "nan",
  19955. "nan",
  19956. "nan",
  19957. "nan",
  19958. "nan",
  19959. "nan",
  19960. "nan",
  19961. "nan",
  19962. "nan",
  19963. "nan",
  19964. "nan",
  19965. "nan",
  19966. "nan"
  19967. ],
  19968. [
  19969. "034644",
  19970. "00004",
  19971. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  19972. "division of land sales - claim",
  19973. "tcf0008364",
  19974. "general/other",
  19975. "-rtc - conser sercurity s&l div of land sales claim violatio",
  19976. "06/20/2001",
  19977. "av9512",
  19978. "richard eckhard",
  19979. "nan",
  19980. "nan",
  19981. "seq: 0022-rde",
  19982. "tampa",
  19983. "191917",
  19984. "12/3/1992",
  19985. "nan",
  19986. "nan",
  19987. "nan",
  19988. "nan",
  19989. "nan",
  19990. "nan",
  19991. "nan",
  19992. "nan",
  19993. "nan",
  19994. "nan",
  19995. "nan",
  19996. "nan",
  19997. "nan",
  19998. "nan",
  19999. "nan",
  20000. "nan",
  20001. "nan",
  20002. "nan",
  20003. "nan",
  20004. "nan",
  20005. "nan",
  20006. "nan"
  20007. ],
  20008. [
  20009. "034644",
  20010. "00001",
  20011. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  20012. "sale of harder hall properties",
  20013. "tcf0008365",
  20014. "general/other",
  20015. "-rtc - conser security s&l harder hall - vol 2 of 3",
  20016. "06/20/2001",
  20017. "av9513",
  20018. "richard eckhard",
  20019. "nan",
  20020. "nan",
  20021. "seq: 0007-wmc",
  20022. "tampa",
  20023. "191920",
  20024. "10/27/1992",
  20025. "nan",
  20026. "nan",
  20027. "nan",
  20028. "nan",
  20029. "nan",
  20030. "nan",
  20031. "nan",
  20032. "nan",
  20033. "nan",
  20034. "nan",
  20035. "nan",
  20036. "nan",
  20037. "nan",
  20038. "nan",
  20039. "nan",
  20040. "nan",
  20041. "nan",
  20042. "nan",
  20043. "nan",
  20044. "nan",
  20045. "nan",
  20046. "nan"
  20047. ],
  20048. [
  20049. "034644",
  20050. "00001",
  20051. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  20052. "sale of harder hall properties",
  20053. "tcf0008365",
  20054. "general/other",
  20055. "-rtc - conser security s&l harder hall - vol 3 of 3",
  20056. "06/20/2001",
  20057. "av9513",
  20058. "richard eckhard",
  20059. "nan",
  20060. "nan",
  20061. "seq: 0008-wmc",
  20062. "tampa",
  20063. "191921",
  20064. "10/27/1992",
  20065. "nan",
  20066. "nan",
  20067. "nan",
  20068. "nan",
  20069. "nan",
  20070. "nan",
  20071. "nan",
  20072. "nan",
  20073. "nan",
  20074. "nan",
  20075. "nan",
  20076. "nan",
  20077. "nan",
  20078. "nan",
  20079. "nan",
  20080. "nan",
  20081. "nan",
  20082. "nan",
  20083. "nan",
  20084. "nan",
  20085. "nan",
  20086. "nan"
  20087. ],
  20088. [
  20089. "034644",
  20090. "00001",
  20091. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  20092. "sale of harder hall properties",
  20093. "tcf0008366",
  20094. "general/other",
  20095. "-rtc - conser security s&l harder hall-paul howard vol.1of3",
  20096. "06/20/2001",
  20097. "av9514",
  20098. "richard eckhard",
  20099. "nan",
  20100. "nan",
  20101. "seq: 0010-wmc",
  20102. "tampa",
  20103. "191922",
  20104. "10/27/1992",
  20105. "nan",
  20106. "nan",
  20107. "nan",
  20108. "nan",
  20109. "nan",
  20110. "nan",
  20111. "nan",
  20112. "nan",
  20113. "nan",
  20114. "nan",
  20115. "nan",
  20116. "nan",
  20117. "nan",
  20118. "nan",
  20119. "nan",
  20120. "nan",
  20121. "nan",
  20122. "nan",
  20123. "nan",
  20124. "nan",
  20125. "nan",
  20126. "nan"
  20127. ],
  20128. [
  20129. "034644",
  20130. "00002",
  20131. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  20132. "title insurance - sale of",
  20133. "tcf0008366",
  20134. "general/other",
  20135. "-rtc - conser security s&l title ins re:harder hall-1 of 2",
  20136. "06/20/2001",
  20137. "av9514",
  20138. "richard eckhard",
  20139. "nan",
  20140. "nan",
  20141. "seq: 0011-wmc",
  20142. "tampa",
  20143. "191923",
  20144. "9/30/1992",
  20145. "nan",
  20146. "nan",
  20147. "nan",
  20148. "nan",
  20149. "nan",
  20150. "nan",
  20151. "nan",
  20152. "nan",
  20153. "nan",
  20154. "nan",
  20155. "nan",
  20156. "nan",
  20157. "nan",
  20158. "nan",
  20159. "nan",
  20160. "nan",
  20161. "nan",
  20162. "nan",
  20163. "nan",
  20164. "nan",
  20165. "nan",
  20166. "nan"
  20167. ],
  20168. [
  20169. "034644",
  20170. "00002",
  20171. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  20172. "title insurance - sale of",
  20173. "tcf0008366",
  20174. "general/other",
  20175. "-rtc - conser security s&l title ins re:harder hall-2 of 2",
  20176. "06/20/2001",
  20177. "av9514",
  20178. "richard eckhard",
  20179. "nan",
  20180. "nan",
  20181. "seq: 0012-wmc",
  20182. "tampa",
  20183. "191924",
  20184. "9/30/1992",
  20185. "nan",
  20186. "nan",
  20187. "nan",
  20188. "nan",
  20189. "nan",
  20190. "nan",
  20191. "nan",
  20192. "nan",
  20193. "nan",
  20194. "nan",
  20195. "nan",
  20196. "nan",
  20197. "nan",
  20198. "nan",
  20199. "nan",
  20200. "nan",
  20201. "nan",
  20202. "nan",
  20203. "nan",
  20204. "nan",
  20205. "nan",
  20206. "nan"
  20207. ],
  20208. [
  20209. "034644",
  20210. "00001",
  20211. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  20212. "sale of harder hall properties",
  20213. "tcf0012782",
  20214. "general/other",
  20215. "-rtc sale to p.e.h.",
  20216. "6/20/2001",
  20217. "bq3157",
  20218. "richard eckhard",
  20219. "nan",
  20220. "nan",
  20221. "seq: 0047-rde",
  20222. "tampa",
  20223. "213758",
  20224. "10/27/1992",
  20225. "nan",
  20226. "nan",
  20227. "nan",
  20228. "nan",
  20229. "nan",
  20230. "nan",
  20231. "nan",
  20232. "nan",
  20233. "nan",
  20234. "nan",
  20235. "nan",
  20236. "nan",
  20237. "nan",
  20238. "nan",
  20239. "nan",
  20240. "nan",
  20241. "nan",
  20242. "nan",
  20243. "nan",
  20244. "nan",
  20245. "nan",
  20246. "nan"
  20247. ],
  20248. [
  20249. "034644",
  20250. "00005",
  20251. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  20252. "florida dor",
  20253. "542290044",
  20254. "nan",
  20255. "9/16/91\nsallie mae / chase sublease sales tax issues",
  20256. "5/7/2009",
  20257. "062131",
  20258. "james m. ervin, jr.",
  20259. "nan",
  20260. "nan",
  20261. " hk box:",
  20262. "tallahassee",
  20263. "1643063",
  20264. "9/1/1992",
  20265. "nan",
  20266. "nan",
  20267. "nan",
  20268. "nan",
  20269. "nan",
  20270. "nan",
  20271. "nan",
  20272. "nan",
  20273. "nan",
  20274. "nan",
  20275. "nan",
  20276. "nan",
  20277. "nan",
  20278. "nan",
  20279. "nan",
  20280. "nan",
  20281. "nan",
  20282. "nan",
  20283. "nan",
  20284. "nan",
  20285. "nan",
  20286. "nan"
  20287. ],
  20288. [
  20289. "034836",
  20290. "00004",
  20291. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20292. "american general home equity",
  20293. "tcf0008378",
  20294. "general/other",
  20295. "-great southern fed. s & l american gen. home equity",
  20296. "06/20/2001",
  20297. "av9532",
  20298. "martha j. cook",
  20299. "nan",
  20300. "nan",
  20301. "seq: 0019-mjc",
  20302. "tampa",
  20303. "191980",
  20304. "12/11/1992",
  20305. "nan",
  20306. "nan",
  20307. "nan",
  20308. "nan",
  20309. "nan",
  20310. "nan",
  20311. "nan",
  20312. "nan",
  20313. "nan",
  20314. "nan",
  20315. "nan",
  20316. "nan",
  20317. "nan",
  20318. "nan",
  20319. "nan",
  20320. "nan",
  20321. "nan",
  20322. "nan",
  20323. "nan",
  20324. "nan",
  20325. "nan",
  20326. "nan"
  20327. ],
  20328. [
  20329. "034836",
  20330. "00002",
  20331. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20332. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20333. "tcf0008448",
  20334. "general/other",
  20335. "-rtc-great southern/silvest ocean view towers ii/pldgs(bx)",
  20336. "06/20/2001",
  20337. "aw2935",
  20338. "jonathan c. koch",
  20339. "nan",
  20340. "nan",
  20341. "seq: 0004-jck",
  20342. "tampa",
  20343. "192344",
  20344. "1/29/1993",
  20345. "nan",
  20346. "nan",
  20347. "nan",
  20348. "nan",
  20349. "nan",
  20350. "nan",
  20351. "nan",
  20352. "nan",
  20353. "nan",
  20354. "nan",
  20355. "nan",
  20356. "nan",
  20357. "nan",
  20358. "nan",
  20359. "nan",
  20360. "nan",
  20361. "nan",
  20362. "nan",
  20363. "nan",
  20364. "nan",
  20365. "nan",
  20366. "nan"
  20367. ],
  20368. [
  20369. "034836",
  20370. "00002",
  20371. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20372. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20373. "tcf0008449",
  20374. "general/other",
  20375. "-rtc-ocean view towers ii silvestri(corr./research/misc)bo",
  20376. "06/20/2001",
  20377. "aw2936",
  20378. "jonathan c. koch",
  20379. "nan",
  20380. "nan",
  20381. "seq: 0004-jck",
  20382. "tampa",
  20383. "192345",
  20384. "1/29/1993",
  20385. "nan",
  20386. "nan",
  20387. "nan",
  20388. "nan",
  20389. "nan",
  20390. "nan",
  20391. "nan",
  20392. "nan",
  20393. "nan",
  20394. "nan",
  20395. "nan",
  20396. "nan",
  20397. "nan",
  20398. "nan",
  20399. "nan",
  20400. "nan",
  20401. "nan",
  20402. "nan",
  20403. "nan",
  20404. "nan",
  20405. "nan",
  20406. "nan"
  20407. ],
  20408. [
  20409. "034836",
  20410. "00002",
  20411. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20412. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20413. "tcf0008450",
  20414. "general/other",
  20415. "-rtc-rec.great southern fed ocean view towers ii/silvestr(bx",
  20416. "06/20/2001",
  20417. "aw2937",
  20418. "jonathan c. koch",
  20419. "nan",
  20420. "nan",
  20421. "seq: 0004-jck",
  20422. "tampa",
  20423. "192346",
  20424. "1/29/1993",
  20425. "nan",
  20426. "nan",
  20427. "nan",
  20428. "nan",
  20429. "nan",
  20430. "nan",
  20431. "nan",
  20432. "nan",
  20433. "nan",
  20434. "nan",
  20435. "nan",
  20436. "nan",
  20437. "nan",
  20438. "nan",
  20439. "nan",
  20440. "nan",
  20441. "nan",
  20442. "nan",
  20443. "nan",
  20444. "nan",
  20445. "nan",
  20446. "nan"
  20447. ],
  20448. [
  20449. "034836",
  20450. "00002",
  20451. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20452. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20453. "tcf0008652",
  20454. "general/other",
  20455. "-rtc-great southern fed ocean view towers",
  20456. "06/20/2001",
  20457. "ax0729",
  20458. "jonathan c. koch",
  20459. "nan",
  20460. "nan",
  20461. "seq: 0022-jal",
  20462. "tampa",
  20463. "193743",
  20464. "1/29/1993",
  20465. "nan",
  20466. "nan",
  20467. "nan",
  20468. "nan",
  20469. "nan",
  20470. "nan",
  20471. "nan",
  20472. "nan",
  20473. "nan",
  20474. "nan",
  20475. "nan",
  20476. "nan",
  20477. "nan",
  20478. "nan",
  20479. "nan",
  20480. "nan",
  20481. "nan",
  20482. "nan",
  20483. "nan",
  20484. "nan",
  20485. "nan",
  20486. "nan"
  20487. ],
  20488. [
  20489. "034836",
  20490. "00002",
  20491. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20492. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20493. "tcf0008800",
  20494. "general/other",
  20495. "-rtc great southern fed oceanview towers ii vouchers",
  20496. "06/20/2001",
  20497. "ay2028",
  20498. "jonathan c. koch",
  20499. "nan",
  20500. "nan",
  20501. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  20502. "tampa",
  20503. "194550",
  20504. "1/29/1993",
  20505. "nan",
  20506. "nan",
  20507. "nan",
  20508. "nan",
  20509. "nan",
  20510. "nan",
  20511. "nan",
  20512. "nan",
  20513. "nan",
  20514. "nan",
  20515. "nan",
  20516. "nan",
  20517. "nan",
  20518. "nan",
  20519. "nan",
  20520. "nan",
  20521. "nan",
  20522. "nan",
  20523. "nan",
  20524. "nan",
  20525. "nan",
  20526. "nan"
  20527. ],
  20528. [
  20529. "034836",
  20530. "00002",
  20531. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20532. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20533. "tcf0008801",
  20534. "general/other",
  20535. "-rtc great southern fed cancelede checks vouchers",
  20536. "06/20/2001",
  20537. "ay2029",
  20538. "jonathan c. koch",
  20539. "nan",
  20540. "nan",
  20541. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  20542. "tampa",
  20543. "194551",
  20544. "1/29/1993",
  20545. "nan",
  20546. "nan",
  20547. "nan",
  20548. "nan",
  20549. "nan",
  20550. "nan",
  20551. "nan",
  20552. "nan",
  20553. "nan",
  20554. "nan",
  20555. "nan",
  20556. "nan",
  20557. "nan",
  20558. "nan",
  20559. "nan",
  20560. "nan",
  20561. "nan",
  20562. "nan",
  20563. "nan",
  20564. "nan",
  20565. "nan",
  20566. "nan"
  20567. ],
  20568. [
  20569. "034836",
  20570. "00002",
  20571. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20572. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20573. "tcf0008802",
  20574. "general/other",
  20575. "-rtc great southern fed misc files vouchers",
  20576. "06/20/2001",
  20577. "ay2030",
  20578. "jonathan c. koch",
  20579. "nan",
  20580. "nan",
  20581. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  20582. "tampa",
  20583. "194552",
  20584. "1/29/1993",
  20585. "nan",
  20586. "nan",
  20587. "nan",
  20588. "nan",
  20589. "nan",
  20590. "nan",
  20591. "nan",
  20592. "nan",
  20593. "nan",
  20594. "nan",
  20595. "nan",
  20596. "nan",
  20597. "nan",
  20598. "nan",
  20599. "nan",
  20600. "nan",
  20601. "nan",
  20602. "nan",
  20603. "nan",
  20604. "nan",
  20605. "nan",
  20606. "nan"
  20607. ],
  20608. [
  20609. "034836",
  20610. "00002",
  20611. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20612. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20613. "tcf0008803",
  20614. "general/other",
  20615. "-rtc great southern fed bank statemts 19851992",
  20616. "06/20/2001",
  20617. "ay2031",
  20618. "jonathan c. koch",
  20619. "nan",
  20620. "nan",
  20621. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  20622. "tampa",
  20623. "194553",
  20624. "1/29/1993",
  20625. "nan",
  20626. "nan",
  20627. "nan",
  20628. "nan",
  20629. "nan",
  20630. "nan",
  20631. "nan",
  20632. "nan",
  20633. "nan",
  20634. "nan",
  20635. "nan",
  20636. "nan",
  20637. "nan",
  20638. "nan",
  20639. "nan",
  20640. "nan",
  20641. "nan",
  20642. "nan",
  20643. "nan",
  20644. "nan",
  20645. "nan",
  20646. "nan"
  20647. ],
  20648. [
  20649. "034836",
  20650. "00002",
  20651. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20652. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20653. "tcf0008804",
  20654. "general/other",
  20655. "-rtc/great southern fed manila jiles 1986-1988-1989",
  20656. "06/20/2001",
  20657. "ay2032",
  20658. "jonathan c. koch",
  20659. "nan",
  20660. "nan",
  20661. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  20662. "tampa",
  20663. "194554",
  20664. "1/29/1993",
  20665. "nan",
  20666. "nan",
  20667. "nan",
  20668. "nan",
  20669. "nan",
  20670. "nan",
  20671. "nan",
  20672. "nan",
  20673. "nan",
  20674. "nan",
  20675. "nan",
  20676. "nan",
  20677. "nan",
  20678. "nan",
  20679. "nan",
  20680. "nan",
  20681. "nan",
  20682. "nan",
  20683. "nan",
  20684. "nan",
  20685. "nan",
  20686. "nan"
  20687. ],
  20688. [
  20689. "034836",
  20690. "00005",
  20691. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20692. "southtrust of alabama vs.",
  20693. "tcf0009238",
  20694. "general/other",
  20695. "-great southern federal southtrust of alabama",
  20696. "06/20/2001",
  20697. "bd3752",
  20698. "martha j. cook",
  20699. "nan",
  20700. "nan",
  20701. "seq: 0012-mjc",
  20702. "tampa",
  20703. "196861",
  20704. "2/19/1993",
  20705. "nan",
  20706. "nan",
  20707. "nan",
  20708. "nan",
  20709. "nan",
  20710. "nan",
  20711. "nan",
  20712. "nan",
  20713. "nan",
  20714. "nan",
  20715. "nan",
  20716. "nan",
  20717. "nan",
  20718. "nan",
  20719. "nan",
  20720. "nan",
  20721. "nan",
  20722. "nan",
  20723. "nan",
  20724. "nan",
  20725. "nan",
  20726. "nan"
  20727. ],
  20728. [
  20729. "034836",
  20730. "00002",
  20731. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20732. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20733. "tcf0009403",
  20734. "general/other",
  20735. "-rtc/silvestri witness interviews/1 blk binder",
  20736. "06/20/2001",
  20737. "bd6360",
  20738. "jonathan c. koch",
  20739. "nan",
  20740. "nan",
  20741. "seq: 0008-dkb",
  20742. "tampa",
  20743. "197420",
  20744. "1/29/1993",
  20745. "nan",
  20746. "nan",
  20747. "nan",
  20748. "nan",
  20749. "nan",
  20750. "nan",
  20751. "nan",
  20752. "nan",
  20753. "nan",
  20754. "nan",
  20755. "nan",
  20756. "nan",
  20757. "nan",
  20758. "nan",
  20759. "nan",
  20760. "nan",
  20761. "nan",
  20762. "nan",
  20763. "nan",
  20764. "nan",
  20765. "nan",
  20766. "nan"
  20767. ],
  20768. [
  20769. "034836",
  20770. "00002",
  20771. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20772. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20773. "tcf0009411",
  20774. "general/other",
  20775. "-rtc/silvestri docket sheets",
  20776. "06/20/2001",
  20777. "bd6368",
  20778. "jonathan c. koch",
  20779. "nan",
  20780. "nan",
  20781. "seq: 0008-dkb",
  20782. "tampa",
  20783. "197435",
  20784. "1/29/1993",
  20785. "nan",
  20786. "nan",
  20787. "nan",
  20788. "nan",
  20789. "nan",
  20790. "nan",
  20791. "nan",
  20792. "nan",
  20793. "nan",
  20794. "nan",
  20795. "nan",
  20796. "nan",
  20797. "nan",
  20798. "nan",
  20799. "nan",
  20800. "nan",
  20801. "nan",
  20802. "nan",
  20803. "nan",
  20804. "nan",
  20805. "nan",
  20806. "nan"
  20807. ],
  20808. [
  20809. "034836",
  20810. "00002",
  20811. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20812. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20813. "tcf0009435",
  20814. "general/other",
  20815. "-rtc great southern fed oceanview towers/silvestri",
  20816. "06/20/2001",
  20817. "bd8823",
  20818. "jonathan c. koch",
  20819. "nan",
  20820. "nan",
  20821. "seq: 0004-jck",
  20822. "tampa",
  20823. "197468",
  20824. "1/29/1993",
  20825. "nan",
  20826. "nan",
  20827. "nan",
  20828. "nan",
  20829. "nan",
  20830. "nan",
  20831. "nan",
  20832. "nan",
  20833. "nan",
  20834. "nan",
  20835. "nan",
  20836. "nan",
  20837. "nan",
  20838. "nan",
  20839. "nan",
  20840. "nan",
  20841. "nan",
  20842. "nan",
  20843. "nan",
  20844. "nan",
  20845. "nan",
  20846. "nan"
  20847. ],
  20848. [
  20849. "034836",
  20850. "00002",
  20851. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20852. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20853. "tcf0009436",
  20854. "general/other",
  20855. "-rtc great southern fed oceanview towers/silvestri",
  20856. "06/20/2001",
  20857. "bd8824",
  20858. "jonathan c. koch",
  20859. "nan",
  20860. "nan",
  20861. "seq: 0004-jck",
  20862. "tampa",
  20863. "197469",
  20864. "1/29/1993",
  20865. "nan",
  20866. "nan",
  20867. "nan",
  20868. "nan",
  20869. "nan",
  20870. "nan",
  20871. "nan",
  20872. "nan",
  20873. "nan",
  20874. "nan",
  20875. "nan",
  20876. "nan",
  20877. "nan",
  20878. "nan",
  20879. "nan",
  20880. "nan",
  20881. "nan",
  20882. "nan",
  20883. "nan",
  20884. "nan",
  20885. "nan",
  20886. "nan"
  20887. ],
  20888. [
  20889. "034836",
  20890. "00002",
  20891. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20892. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20893. "tcf0009437",
  20894. "general/other",
  20895. "-rtc great southern fed silvestri/correspondence",
  20896. "06/20/2001",
  20897. "bd8825",
  20898. "jonathan c. koch",
  20899. "nan",
  20900. "nan",
  20901. "seq: 0004-jck",
  20902. "tampa",
  20903. "197470",
  20904. "1/29/1993",
  20905. "nan",
  20906. "nan",
  20907. "nan",
  20908. "nan",
  20909. "nan",
  20910. "nan",
  20911. "nan",
  20912. "nan",
  20913. "nan",
  20914. "nan",
  20915. "nan",
  20916. "nan",
  20917. "nan",
  20918. "nan",
  20919. "nan",
  20920. "nan",
  20921. "nan",
  20922. "nan",
  20923. "nan",
  20924. "nan",
  20925. "nan",
  20926. "nan"
  20927. ],
  20928. [
  20929. "034836",
  20930. "00002",
  20931. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20932. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20933. "tcf0009438",
  20934. "general/other",
  20935. "-rtc great southern fed oceanview/seascape/docs/vol 1-2",
  20936. "06/20/2001",
  20937. "bd8827",
  20938. "jonathan c. koch",
  20939. "nan",
  20940. "nan",
  20941. "seq: 0004-jck",
  20942. "tampa",
  20943. "197471",
  20944. "1/29/1993",
  20945. "nan",
  20946. "nan",
  20947. "nan",
  20948. "nan",
  20949. "nan",
  20950. "nan",
  20951. "nan",
  20952. "nan",
  20953. "nan",
  20954. "nan",
  20955. "nan",
  20956. "nan",
  20957. "nan",
  20958. "nan",
  20959. "nan",
  20960. "nan",
  20961. "nan",
  20962. "nan",
  20963. "nan",
  20964. "nan",
  20965. "nan",
  20966. "nan"
  20967. ],
  20968. [
  20969. "034836",
  20970. "00002",
  20971. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  20972. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  20973. "tcf0009439",
  20974. "general/other",
  20975. "-rtc great souther fed oceanview/silvestri",
  20976. "06/20/2001",
  20977. "bd8828",
  20978. "jonathan c. koch",
  20979. "nan",
  20980. "nan",
  20981. "seq: 0008-jck",
  20982. "tampa",
  20983. "197473",
  20984. "1/29/1993",
  20985. "nan",
  20986. "nan",
  20987. "nan",
  20988. "nan",
  20989. "nan",
  20990. "nan",
  20991. "nan",
  20992. "nan",
  20993. "nan",
  20994. "nan",
  20995. "nan",
  20996. "nan",
  20997. "nan",
  20998. "nan",
  20999. "nan",
  21000. "nan",
  21001. "nan",
  21002. "nan",
  21003. "nan",
  21004. "nan",
  21005. "nan",
  21006. "nan"
  21007. ],
  21008. [
  21009. "034836",
  21010. "00002",
  21011. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  21012. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  21013. "tcf0009443",
  21014. "general/other",
  21015. "-rtc great souther fed silvestri/oceanview",
  21016. "06/20/2001",
  21017. "bd8832",
  21018. "jonathan c. koch",
  21019. "nan",
  21020. "nan",
  21021. "seq: 0010-jck",
  21022. "tampa",
  21023. "197478",
  21024. "1/29/1993",
  21025. "nan",
  21026. "nan",
  21027. "nan",
  21028. "nan",
  21029. "nan",
  21030. "nan",
  21031. "nan",
  21032. "nan",
  21033. "nan",
  21034. "nan",
  21035. "nan",
  21036. "nan",
  21037. "nan",
  21038. "nan",
  21039. "nan",
  21040. "nan",
  21041. "nan",
  21042. "nan",
  21043. "nan",
  21044. "nan",
  21045. "nan",
  21046. "nan"
  21047. ],
  21048. [
  21049. "034836",
  21050. "00002",
  21051. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  21052. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  21053. "tcf0010942",
  21054. "general/other",
  21055. "-rtc silvestri",
  21056. "06/20/2001",
  21057. "bl1508",
  21058. "jonathan c. koch",
  21059. "nan",
  21060. "nan",
  21061. "seq: 0007-mjc",
  21062. "tampa",
  21063. "203740",
  21064. "1/29/1993",
  21065. "nan",
  21066. "nan",
  21067. "nan",
  21068. "nan",
  21069. "nan",
  21070. "nan",
  21071. "nan",
  21072. "nan",
  21073. "nan",
  21074. "nan",
  21075. "nan",
  21076. "nan",
  21077. "nan",
  21078. "nan",
  21079. "nan",
  21080. "nan",
  21081. "nan",
  21082. "nan",
  21083. "nan",
  21084. "nan",
  21085. "nan",
  21086. "nan"
  21087. ],
  21088. [
  21089. "034960",
  21090. "00059",
  21091. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21092. "vs. rafael alvarez, et al.",
  21093. "tcf0007572",
  21094. "general/other",
  21095. "-rtc-conser professional rafael alvarez, et al",
  21096. "06/20/2001",
  21097. "as4791",
  21098. "catherine m. mcginty",
  21099. "nan",
  21100. "nan",
  21101. "seq: 0031-jef",
  21102. "tampa",
  21103. "187322",
  21104. "2/28/1992",
  21105. "nan",
  21106. "nan",
  21107. "nan",
  21108. "nan",
  21109. "nan",
  21110. "nan",
  21111. "nan",
  21112. "nan",
  21113. "nan",
  21114. "nan",
  21115. "nan",
  21116. "nan",
  21117. "nan",
  21118. "nan",
  21119. "nan",
  21120. "nan",
  21121. "nan",
  21122. "nan",
  21123. "nan",
  21124. "nan",
  21125. "nan",
  21126. "nan"
  21127. ],
  21128. [
  21129. "034960",
  21130. "00003",
  21131. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21132. "general real estate advice",
  21133. "tcf0007984",
  21134. "general/other",
  21135. "-rtc 92 general real estate advice",
  21136. "06/20/2001",
  21137. "au5759",
  21138. "douglas k. bischoff",
  21139. "nan",
  21140. "nan",
  21141. "seq: 0016-wmc",
  21142. "tampa",
  21143. "190093",
  21144. "6/11/1992",
  21145. "nan",
  21146. "nan",
  21147. "nan",
  21148. "nan",
  21149. "nan",
  21150. "nan",
  21151. "nan",
  21152. "nan",
  21153. "nan",
  21154. "nan",
  21155. "nan",
  21156. "nan",
  21157. "nan",
  21158. "nan",
  21159. "nan",
  21160. "nan",
  21161. "nan",
  21162. "nan",
  21163. "nan",
  21164. "nan",
  21165. "nan",
  21166. "nan"
  21167. ],
  21168. [
  21169. "034960",
  21170. "00033",
  21171. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21172. "vs. dundee ridge partners",
  21173. "tcf0007984",
  21174. "general/other",
  21175. "-rtc 92 dundee ridge partners",
  21176. "06/20/2001",
  21177. "au5759",
  21178. "charles l. stutts",
  21179. "nan",
  21180. "nan",
  21181. "seq: 0017-wmc",
  21182. "tampa",
  21183. "190094",
  21184. "6/11/1992",
  21185. "nan",
  21186. "nan",
  21187. "nan",
  21188. "nan",
  21189. "nan",
  21190. "nan",
  21191. "nan",
  21192. "nan",
  21193. "nan",
  21194. "nan",
  21195. "nan",
  21196. "nan",
  21197. "nan",
  21198. "nan",
  21199. "nan",
  21200. "nan",
  21201. "nan",
  21202. "nan",
  21203. "nan",
  21204. "nan",
  21205. "nan",
  21206. "nan"
  21207. ],
  21208. [
  21209. "034960",
  21210. "00030",
  21211. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21212. "vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.",
  21213. "tcf0008476",
  21214. "general/other",
  21215. "-rtc vs. jetstream polk county-misc.doc.(box)",
  21216. "06/20/2001",
  21217. "aw4288",
  21218. "gilbert a. smith",
  21219. "nan",
  21220. "nan",
  21221. "seq: 0004-gas",
  21222. "tampa",
  21223. "192459",
  21224. "4/12/1993",
  21225. "nan",
  21226. "nan",
  21227. "nan",
  21228. "nan",
  21229. "nan",
  21230. "nan",
  21231. "nan",
  21232. "nan",
  21233. "nan",
  21234. "nan",
  21235. "nan",
  21236. "nan",
  21237. "nan",
  21238. "nan",
  21239. "nan",
  21240. "nan",
  21241. "nan",
  21242. "nan",
  21243. "nan",
  21244. "nan",
  21245. "nan",
  21246. "nan"
  21247. ],
  21248. [
  21249. "034960",
  21250. "00030",
  21251. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21252. "vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.",
  21253. "tcf0008477",
  21254. "general/other",
  21255. "-rtc vs. jetstream polk county-misc.doc.(box)",
  21256. "06/20/2001",
  21257. "aw4289",
  21258. "gilbert a. smith",
  21259. "nan",
  21260. "nan",
  21261. "seq: 0004-gas",
  21262. "tampa",
  21263. "192460",
  21264. "4/12/1993",
  21265. "nan",
  21266. "nan",
  21267. "nan",
  21268. "nan",
  21269. "nan",
  21270. "nan",
  21271. "nan",
  21272. "nan",
  21273. "nan",
  21274. "nan",
  21275. "nan",
  21276. "nan",
  21277. "nan",
  21278. "nan",
  21279. "nan",
  21280. "nan",
  21281. "nan",
  21282. "nan",
  21283. "nan",
  21284. "nan",
  21285. "nan",
  21286. "nan"
  21287. ],
  21288. [
  21289. "034960",
  21290. "00002",
  21291. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21292. "general litigation advice",
  21293. "tcf0008896",
  21294. "general/other",
  21295. "-rtc/conser proffessional gen litigation advice/shadow",
  21296. "06/20/2001",
  21297. "ay6005",
  21298. "scott b. newman",
  21299. "nan",
  21300. "nan",
  21301. "seq: 0036-cls",
  21302. "tampa",
  21303. "194975",
  21304. "4/12/1993",
  21305. "nan",
  21306. "nan",
  21307. "nan",
  21308. "nan",
  21309. "nan",
  21310. "nan",
  21311. "nan",
  21312. "nan",
  21313. "nan",
  21314. "nan",
  21315. "nan",
  21316. "nan",
  21317. "nan",
  21318. "nan",
  21319. "nan",
  21320. "nan",
  21321. "nan",
  21322. "nan",
  21323. "nan",
  21324. "nan",
  21325. "nan",
  21326. "nan"
  21327. ],
  21328. [
  21329. "034960",
  21330. "00029",
  21331. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21332. "daniel gill insurance policy",
  21333. "tcf0008896",
  21334. "general/other",
  21335. "-rtc/profesnl fed savings daniel gill/insurance policy",
  21336. "06/20/2001",
  21337. "ay6005",
  21338. "amelia r. maguire",
  21339. "nan",
  21340. "nan",
  21341. "seq: 0037-arm",
  21342. "tampa",
  21343. "194976",
  21344. "9/30/1992",
  21345. "nan",
  21346. "nan",
  21347. "nan",
  21348. "nan",
  21349. "nan",
  21350. "nan",
  21351. "nan",
  21352. "nan",
  21353. "nan",
  21354. "nan",
  21355. "nan",
  21356. "nan",
  21357. "nan",
  21358. "nan",
  21359. "nan",
  21360. "nan",
  21361. "nan",
  21362. "nan",
  21363. "nan",
  21364. "nan",
  21365. "nan",
  21366. "nan"
  21367. ],
  21368. [
  21369. "034960",
  21370. "00005",
  21371. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21372. "bond matters",
  21373. "tcf0008896",
  21374. "general/other",
  21375. "-rtc/conser profsnl federal bond matters",
  21376. "06/20/2001",
  21377. "ay6005",
  21378. "scott b. newman",
  21379. "nan",
  21380. "nan",
  21381. "seq: 0038-cls",
  21382. "tampa",
  21383. "194977",
  21384. "5/6/1992",
  21385. "nan",
  21386. "nan",
  21387. "nan",
  21388. "nan",
  21389. "nan",
  21390. "nan",
  21391. "nan",
  21392. "nan",
  21393. "nan",
  21394. "nan",
  21395. "nan",
  21396. "nan",
  21397. "nan",
  21398. "nan",
  21399. "nan",
  21400. "nan",
  21401. "nan",
  21402. "nan",
  21403. "nan",
  21404. "nan",
  21405. "nan",
  21406. "nan"
  21407. ],
  21408. [
  21409. "034960",
  21410. "00004",
  21411. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21412. "semiannual assessment",
  21413. "tcf0008896",
  21414. "general/other",
  21415. "-rtc/conser profsnl federal semiannual assesmt",
  21416. "06/20/2001",
  21417. "ay6005",
  21418. "charles l. stutts",
  21419. "nan",
  21420. "nan",
  21421. "seq: 0039-cls",
  21422. "tampa",
  21423. "194978",
  21424. "9/30/1992",
  21425. "nan",
  21426. "nan",
  21427. "nan",
  21428. "nan",
  21429. "nan",
  21430. "nan",
  21431. "nan",
  21432. "nan",
  21433. "nan",
  21434. "nan",
  21435. "nan",
  21436. "nan",
  21437. "nan",
  21438. "nan",
  21439. "nan",
  21440. "nan",
  21441. "nan",
  21442. "nan",
  21443. "nan",
  21444. "nan",
  21445. "nan",
  21446. "nan"
  21447. ],
  21448. [
  21449. "034960",
  21450. "00034",
  21451. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21452. "vs. braden river partners,",
  21453. "tcf0008896",
  21454. "general/other",
  21455. "-rtc/conser profsnl federal braden river partners et al",
  21456. "06/20/2001",
  21457. "ay6005",
  21458. "charles l. stutts",
  21459. "nan",
  21460. "nan",
  21461. "seq: 0040-cls",
  21462. "tampa",
  21463. "194979",
  21464. "5/6/1992",
  21465. "nan",
  21466. "nan",
  21467. "nan",
  21468. "nan",
  21469. "nan",
  21470. "nan",
  21471. "nan",
  21472. "nan",
  21473. "nan",
  21474. "nan",
  21475. "nan",
  21476. "nan",
  21477. "nan",
  21478. "nan",
  21479. "nan",
  21480. "nan",
  21481. "nan",
  21482. "nan",
  21483. "nan",
  21484. "nan",
  21485. "nan",
  21486. "nan"
  21487. ],
  21488. [
  21489. "034960",
  21490. "00001",
  21491. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21492. "general corporate advice",
  21493. "skt0013657",
  21494. "drafts",
  21495. "rtc-conser professional federal / general",
  21496. "11/4/1993",
  21497. "253994",
  21498. "scott b. newman",
  21499. "off-site",
  21500. "vogel edward",
  21501. "nan",
  21502. "lakeland",
  21503. "1596910",
  21504. "9/30/1992",
  21505. "nan",
  21506. "nan",
  21507. "nan",
  21508. "nan",
  21509. "nan",
  21510. "nan",
  21511. "nan",
  21512. "nan",
  21513. "nan",
  21514. "nan",
  21515. "nan",
  21516. "nan",
  21517. "nan",
  21518. "nan",
  21519. "nan",
  21520. "nan",
  21521. "nan",
  21522. "nan",
  21523. "nan",
  21524. "nan",
  21525. "nan",
  21526. "nan"
  21527. ],
  21528. [
  21529. "034960",
  21530. "00005",
  21531. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21532. "bond matters",
  21533. "skt0013657",
  21534. "drafts",
  21535. "rtc-conser professional federal / bond matters",
  21536. "11/4/1993",
  21537. "253994",
  21538. "scott b. newman",
  21539. "off-site",
  21540. "vogel edward",
  21541. "nan",
  21542. "lakeland",
  21543. "1596911",
  21544. "5/6/1992",
  21545. "nan",
  21546. "nan",
  21547. "nan",
  21548. "nan",
  21549. "nan",
  21550. "nan",
  21551. "nan",
  21552. "nan",
  21553. "nan",
  21554. "nan",
  21555. "nan",
  21556. "nan",
  21557. "nan",
  21558. "nan",
  21559. "nan",
  21560. "nan",
  21561. "nan",
  21562. "nan",
  21563. "nan",
  21564. "nan",
  21565. "nan",
  21566. "nan"
  21567. ],
  21568. [
  21569. "034960",
  21570. "00002",
  21571. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21572. "general litigation advice",
  21573. "652552868",
  21574. "general/other",
  21575. "rtc - contractor qualifications contacts",
  21576. "1/22/2013",
  21577. "191171",
  21578. "scott b. newman",
  21579. "off-site",
  21580. "curtis cowan",
  21581. "hk box # 11268",
  21582. "miami",
  21583. "1956493",
  21584. "4/12/1993",
  21585. "nan",
  21586. "nan",
  21587. "nan",
  21588. "nan",
  21589. "nan",
  21590. "nan",
  21591. "nan",
  21592. "nan",
  21593. "nan",
  21594. "nan",
  21595. "nan",
  21596. "nan",
  21597. "nan",
  21598. "nan",
  21599. "nan",
  21600. "nan",
  21601. "nan",
  21602. "nan",
  21603. "nan",
  21604. "nan",
  21605. "nan",
  21606. "nan"
  21607. ],
  21608. [
  21609. "034960",
  21610. "00002",
  21611. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21612. "general litigation advice",
  21613. "652552868",
  21614. "correspondence",
  21615. "rtc / monthly status report correspondence",
  21616. "1/22/2013",
  21617. "191171",
  21618. "scott b. newman",
  21619. "off-site",
  21620. "curtis cowan",
  21621. "hk box # 11268",
  21622. "miami",
  21623. "1956495",
  21624. "4/12/1993",
  21625. "nan",
  21626. "nan",
  21627. "nan",
  21628. "nan",
  21629. "nan",
  21630. "nan",
  21631. "nan",
  21632. "nan",
  21633. "nan",
  21634. "nan",
  21635. "nan",
  21636. "nan",
  21637. "nan",
  21638. "nan",
  21639. "nan",
  21640. "nan",
  21641. "nan",
  21642. "nan",
  21643. "nan",
  21644. "nan",
  21645. "nan",
  21646. "nan"
  21647. ],
  21648. [
  21649. "034960",
  21650. "00002",
  21651. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21652. "general litigation advice",
  21653. "652552868",
  21654. "general/other",
  21655. "rtc / professional ssavings bank \nlitigation",
  21656. "1/22/2013",
  21657. "191171",
  21658. "scott b. newman",
  21659. "off-site",
  21660. "curtis cowan",
  21661. "hk box # 11268",
  21662. "miami",
  21663. "1956496",
  21664. "4/12/1993",
  21665. "nan",
  21666. "nan",
  21667. "nan",
  21668. "nan",
  21669. "nan",
  21670. "nan",
  21671. "nan",
  21672. "nan",
  21673. "nan",
  21674. "nan",
  21675. "nan",
  21676. "nan",
  21677. "nan",
  21678. "nan",
  21679. "nan",
  21680. "nan",
  21681. "nan",
  21682. "nan",
  21683. "nan",
  21684. "nan",
  21685. "nan",
  21686. "nan"
  21687. ],
  21688. [
  21689. "034960",
  21690. "00002",
  21691. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21692. "general litigation advice",
  21693. "652552868",
  21694. "general/other",
  21695. "rtc / professional status reports \n1990",
  21696. "1/22/2013",
  21697. "191171",
  21698. "scott b. newman",
  21699. "off-site",
  21700. "curtis cowan",
  21701. "hk box # 11268",
  21702. "miami",
  21703. "1956499",
  21704. "4/12/1993",
  21705. "nan",
  21706. "nan",
  21707. "nan",
  21708. "nan",
  21709. "nan",
  21710. "nan",
  21711. "nan",
  21712. "nan",
  21713. "nan",
  21714. "nan",
  21715. "nan",
  21716. "nan",
  21717. "nan",
  21718. "nan",
  21719. "nan",
  21720. "nan",
  21721. "nan",
  21722. "nan",
  21723. "nan",
  21724. "nan",
  21725. "nan",
  21726. "nan"
  21727. ],
  21728. [
  21729. "034960",
  21730. "00002",
  21731. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21732. "general litigation advice",
  21733. "652552868",
  21734. "working papers",
  21735. "rtc \nmisc working docs",
  21736. "1/22/2013",
  21737. "191171",
  21738. "scott b. newman",
  21739. "off-site",
  21740. "curtis cowan",
  21741. "hk box # 11268",
  21742. "miami",
  21743. "1956500",
  21744. "4/12/1993",
  21745. "nan",
  21746. "nan",
  21747. "nan",
  21748. "nan",
  21749. "nan",
  21750. "nan",
  21751. "nan",
  21752. "nan",
  21753. "nan",
  21754. "nan",
  21755. "nan",
  21756. "nan",
  21757. "nan",
  21758. "nan",
  21759. "nan",
  21760. "nan",
  21761. "nan",
  21762. "nan",
  21763. "nan",
  21764. "nan",
  21765. "nan",
  21766. "nan"
  21767. ],
  21768. [
  21769. "034960",
  21770. "00002",
  21771. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21772. "general litigation advice",
  21773. "652552868",
  21774. "general/other",
  21775. "rtc \namerifirst status report",
  21776. "1/22/2013",
  21777. "191171",
  21778. "scott b. newman",
  21779. "off-site",
  21780. "curtis cowan",
  21781. "hk box # 11268",
  21782. "miami",
  21783. "1956501",
  21784. "4/12/1993",
  21785. "nan",
  21786. "nan",
  21787. "nan",
  21788. "nan",
  21789. "nan",
  21790. "nan",
  21791. "nan",
  21792. "nan",
  21793. "nan",
  21794. "nan",
  21795. "nan",
  21796. "nan",
  21797. "nan",
  21798. "nan",
  21799. "nan",
  21800. "nan",
  21801. "nan",
  21802. "nan",
  21803. "nan",
  21804. "nan",
  21805. "nan",
  21806. "nan"
  21807. ],
  21808. [
  21809. "034960",
  21810. "00002",
  21811. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21812. "general litigation advice",
  21813. "652552868",
  21814. "general/other",
  21815. "rtc \namerifirst incoming status report",
  21816. "1/22/2013",
  21817. "191171",
  21818. "scott b. newman",
  21819. "off-site",
  21820. "curtis cowan",
  21821. "hk box # 11268",
  21822. "miami",
  21823. "1956502",
  21824. "4/12/1993",
  21825. "nan",
  21826. "nan",
  21827. "nan",
  21828. "nan",
  21829. "nan",
  21830. "nan",
  21831. "nan",
  21832. "nan",
  21833. "nan",
  21834. "nan",
  21835. "nan",
  21836. "nan",
  21837. "nan",
  21838. "nan",
  21839. "nan",
  21840. "nan",
  21841. "nan",
  21842. "nan",
  21843. "nan",
  21844. "nan",
  21845. "nan",
  21846. "nan"
  21847. ],
  21848. [
  21849. "034960",
  21850. "00002",
  21851. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21852. "general litigation advice",
  21853. "652552868",
  21854. "general/other",
  21855. "rtc / psb \ngeneral administrative",
  21856. "1/22/2013",
  21857. "191171",
  21858. "scott b. newman",
  21859. "off-site",
  21860. "curtis cowan",
  21861. "hk box # 11268",
  21862. "miami",
  21863. "1956504",
  21864. "4/12/1993",
  21865. "nan",
  21866. "nan",
  21867. "nan",
  21868. "nan",
  21869. "nan",
  21870. "nan",
  21871. "nan",
  21872. "nan",
  21873. "nan",
  21874. "nan",
  21875. "nan",
  21876. "nan",
  21877. "nan",
  21878. "nan",
  21879. "nan",
  21880. "nan",
  21881. "nan",
  21882. "nan",
  21883. "nan",
  21884. "nan",
  21885. "nan",
  21886. "nan"
  21887. ],
  21888. [
  21889. "034960",
  21890. "00006",
  21891. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21892. "commodore plaza",
  21893. "652553269",
  21894. "general/other",
  21895. "rtc-conser professional fed.\ncommodore plaza \n9/13/90",
  21896. "1/18/2013",
  21897. "050100",
  21898. "warren m. cason",
  21899. "off-site",
  21900. "warren m. cason",
  21901. "hk box # 8413",
  21902. "miami",
  21903. "1956663",
  21904. "4/12/1993",
  21905. "nan",
  21906. "nan",
  21907. "nan",
  21908. "nan",
  21909. "nan",
  21910. "nan",
  21911. "nan",
  21912. "nan",
  21913. "nan",
  21914. "nan",
  21915. "nan",
  21916. "nan",
  21917. "nan",
  21918. "nan",
  21919. "nan",
  21920. "nan",
  21921. "nan",
  21922. "nan",
  21923. "nan",
  21924. "nan",
  21925. "nan",
  21926. "nan"
  21927. ],
  21928. [
  21929. "034960",
  21930. "00006",
  21931. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21932. "commodore plaza",
  21933. "652553066",
  21934. "closing documents/binders",
  21935. "closing binders\nprofessional federal savings bank, commodore plaza square inc, jefferson national bank, sunbank/miami, n.a, richard s. masington, diana fine, robert fine, kenneth fine, karen fine, rva corp. florida's baseball company and ronald c. book p.a \naugust 23,1991\n",
  21936. "1/23/2013",
  21937. "050101",
  21938. "warren m. cason",
  21939. "off-site",
  21940. "warren m. cason",
  21941. "hk box # 8414",
  21942. "miami",
  21943. "1956907",
  21944. "4/12/1993",
  21945. "nan",
  21946. "nan",
  21947. "nan",
  21948. "nan",
  21949. "nan",
  21950. "nan",
  21951. "nan",
  21952. "nan",
  21953. "nan",
  21954. "nan",
  21955. "nan",
  21956. "nan",
  21957. "nan",
  21958. "nan",
  21959. "nan",
  21960. "nan",
  21961. "nan",
  21962. "nan",
  21963. "nan",
  21964. "nan",
  21965. "nan",
  21966. "nan"
  21967. ],
  21968. [
  21969. "034960",
  21970. "00006",
  21971. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  21972. "commodore plaza",
  21973. "652553066",
  21974. "closing documents/binders",
  21975. "closing binders\nprofessional federal savings bank, commodore plaza square inc, jefferson national bank, sunbank/miami, n.a, richard s. masington, diana fine, robert fine, kenneth fine, karen fine, rva corp. florida's baseball company and ronald c. book p.a \naugust 23,1991\n",
  21976. "1/23/2013",
  21977. "050101",
  21978. "warren m. cason",
  21979. "off-site",
  21980. "warren m. cason",
  21981. "hk box # 8414",
  21982. "miami",
  21983. "1956908",
  21984. "4/12/1993",
  21985. "nan",
  21986. "nan",
  21987. "nan",
  21988. "nan",
  21989. "nan",
  21990. "nan",
  21991. "nan",
  21992. "nan",
  21993. "nan",
  21994. "nan",
  21995. "nan",
  21996. "nan",
  21997. "nan",
  21998. "nan",
  21999. "nan",
  22000. "nan",
  22001. "nan",
  22002. "nan",
  22003. "nan",
  22004. "nan",
  22005. "nan",
  22006. "nan"
  22007. ],
  22008. [
  22009. "034960",
  22010. "00006",
  22011. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  22012. "commodore plaza",
  22013. "652553066",
  22014. "closing documents/binders",
  22015. "closing binders\nprofessional federal savings bank, commodore plaza square inc, jefferson national bank, sunbank/miami, n.a, richard s. masington, diana fine, robert fine, kenneth fine, karen fine, rva corp. florida's baseball company and ronald c. book p.a \naugust 23,1991\n",
  22016. "1/23/2013",
  22017. "050101",
  22018. "warren m. cason",
  22019. "off-site",
  22020. "warren m. cason",
  22021. "hk box # 8414",
  22022. "miami",
  22023. "1956909",
  22024. "4/12/1993",
  22025. "nan",
  22026. "nan",
  22027. "nan",
  22028. "nan",
  22029. "nan",
  22030. "nan",
  22031. "nan",
  22032. "nan",
  22033. "nan",
  22034. "nan",
  22035. "nan",
  22036. "nan",
  22037. "nan",
  22038. "nan",
  22039. "nan",
  22040. "nan",
  22041. "nan",
  22042. "nan",
  22043. "nan",
  22044. "nan",
  22045. "nan",
  22046. "nan"
  22047. ],
  22048. [
  22049. "034960",
  22050. "00006",
  22051. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  22052. "commodore plaza",
  22053. "652553066",
  22054. "closing documents/binders",
  22055. "closing binders\nprofessional federal savings bank, commodore plaza square inc, jefferson national bank, sunbank/miami, n.a, richard s. masington, diana fine, robert fine, kenneth fine, karen fine, rva corp. florida's baseball company and ronald c. book p.a \naugust 23,1991\n",
  22056. "1/23/2013",
  22057. "050101",
  22058. "warren m. cason",
  22059. "off-site",
  22060. "warren m. cason",
  22061. "hk box # 8414",
  22062. "miami",
  22063. "1956910",
  22064. "4/12/1993",
  22065. "nan",
  22066. "nan",
  22067. "nan",
  22068. "nan",
  22069. "nan",
  22070. "nan",
  22071. "nan",
  22072. "nan",
  22073. "nan",
  22074. "nan",
  22075. "nan",
  22076. "nan",
  22077. "nan",
  22078. "nan",
  22079. "nan",
  22080. "nan",
  22081. "nan",
  22082. "nan",
  22083. "nan",
  22084. "nan",
  22085. "nan",
  22086. "nan"
  22087. ],
  22088. [
  22089. "034960",
  22090. "00006",
  22091. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  22092. "commodore plaza",
  22093. "652553066",
  22094. "agreements",
  22095. "closing of settlement agreement \nprofessional federal sabings bank, a federal savings association chartered under the laws of the united states of america under the conservatorship of resolution trust corp;\njefferson national bank, a national banking association; and sunbank/miami n.a a national banking association",
  22096. "1/23/2013",
  22097. "050101",
  22098. "warren m. cason",
  22099. "off-site",
  22100. "warren m. cason",
  22101. "hk box # 8414",
  22102. "miami",
  22103. "1956911",
  22104. "4/12/1993",
  22105. "nan",
  22106. "nan",
  22107. "nan",
  22108. "nan",
  22109. "nan",
  22110. "nan",
  22111. "nan",
  22112. "nan",
  22113. "nan",
  22114. "nan",
  22115. "nan",
  22116. "nan",
  22117. "nan",
  22118. "nan",
  22119. "nan",
  22120. "nan",
  22121. "nan",
  22122. "nan",
  22123. "nan",
  22124. "nan",
  22125. "nan",
  22126. "nan"
  22127. ],
  22128. [
  22129. "034960",
  22130. "00006",
  22131. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  22132. "commodore plaza",
  22133. "652553066",
  22134. "general/other",
  22135. "rtc as reciver of professional savings bank - jet streat/gordin",
  22136. "1/23/2013",
  22137. "050101",
  22138. "warren m. cason",
  22139. "off-site",
  22140. "warren m. cason",
  22141. "hk box # 8414",
  22142. "miami",
  22143. "1956912",
  22144. "4/12/1993",
  22145. "nan",
  22146. "nan",
  22147. "nan",
  22148. "nan",
  22149. "nan",
  22150. "nan",
  22151. "nan",
  22152. "nan",
  22153. "nan",
  22154. "nan",
  22155. "nan",
  22156. "nan",
  22157. "nan",
  22158. "nan",
  22159. "nan",
  22160. "nan",
  22161. "nan",
  22162. "nan",
  22163. "nan",
  22164. "nan",
  22165. "nan",
  22166. "nan"
  22167. ],
  22168. [
  22169. "034960",
  22170. "00005",
  22171. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  22172. "bond matters",
  22173. "672030837",
  22174. "memoranda",
  22175. "memo to r. friedman",
  22176. "1/25/2013",
  22177. "031136",
  22178. "scott b. newman",
  22179. "off-site",
  22180. "newman, scott",
  22181. "hk#: 5804",
  22182. "miami",
  22183. "1958948",
  22184. "5/6/1992",
  22185. "nan",
  22186. "nan",
  22187. "nan",
  22188. "nan",
  22189. "nan",
  22190. "nan",
  22191. "nan",
  22192. "nan",
  22193. "nan",
  22194. "nan",
  22195. "nan",
  22196. "nan",
  22197. "nan",
  22198. "nan",
  22199. "nan",
  22200. "nan",
  22201. "nan",
  22202. "nan",
  22203. "nan",
  22204. "nan",
  22205. "nan",
  22206. "nan"
  22207. ],
  22208. [
  22209. "034960",
  22210. "00005",
  22211. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  22212. "bond matters",
  22213. "672030837",
  22214. "agreements",
  22215. "agreement and plan of reorganization",
  22216. "1/25/2013",
  22217. "031136",
  22218. "scott b. newman",
  22219. "off-site",
  22220. "newman, scott",
  22221. "hk#: 5804",
  22222. "miami",
  22223. "1958949",
  22224. "5/6/1992",
  22225. "nan",
  22226. "nan",
  22227. "nan",
  22228. "nan",
  22229. "nan",
  22230. "nan",
  22231. "nan",
  22232. "nan",
  22233. "nan",
  22234. "nan",
  22235. "nan",
  22236. "nan",
  22237. "nan",
  22238. "nan",
  22239. "nan",
  22240. "nan",
  22241. "nan",
  22242. "nan",
  22243. "nan",
  22244. "nan",
  22245. "nan",
  22246. "nan"
  22247. ],
  22248. [
  22249. "035092",
  22250. "00006",
  22251. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22252. "vs. jason k. lesser",
  22253. "226543157",
  22254. "general/other",
  22255. "-home federal savings bank v. jason lesser, records request",
  22256. "04/09/2003",
  22257. "226543157",
  22258. "julia waters",
  22259. "nan",
  22260. "nan",
  22261. "seq: 0008 + letter: f-ra",
  22262. "tampa",
  22263. "116825",
  22264. "3/19/1993",
  22265. "nan",
  22266. "nan",
  22267. "nan",
  22268. "nan",
  22269. "nan",
  22270. "nan",
  22271. "nan",
  22272. "nan",
  22273. "nan",
  22274. "nan",
  22275. "nan",
  22276. "nan",
  22277. "nan",
  22278. "nan",
  22279. "nan",
  22280. "nan",
  22281. "nan",
  22282. "nan",
  22283. "nan",
  22284. "nan",
  22285. "nan",
  22286. "nan"
  22287. ],
  22288. [
  22289. "035092",
  22290. "00002",
  22291. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22292. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22293. "tcf0007995",
  22294. "general/other",
  22295. "-rtc/home fed/hdb builders 92 corresp, title work",
  22296. "06/20/2001",
  22297. "au5784",
  22298. "julia waters",
  22299. "nan",
  22300. "nan",
  22301. "seq: 0013-wmc",
  22302. "tampa",
  22303. "190125",
  22304. "6/16/1992",
  22305. "nan",
  22306. "nan",
  22307. "nan",
  22308. "nan",
  22309. "nan",
  22310. "nan",
  22311. "nan",
  22312. "nan",
  22313. "nan",
  22314. "nan",
  22315. "nan",
  22316. "nan",
  22317. "nan",
  22318. "nan",
  22319. "nan",
  22320. "nan",
  22321. "nan",
  22322. "nan",
  22323. "nan",
  22324. "nan",
  22325. "nan",
  22326. "nan"
  22327. ],
  22328. [
  22329. "035092",
  22330. "00002",
  22331. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22332. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22333. "tcf0007995",
  22334. "general/other",
  22335. "-rtc/home fed/hdb builders 92 corrsp, interoffice memo",
  22336. "06/20/2001",
  22337. "au5784",
  22338. "julia waters",
  22339. "nan",
  22340. "nan",
  22341. "seq: 0014-wmc",
  22342. "tampa",
  22343. "190126",
  22344. "6/16/1992",
  22345. "nan",
  22346. "nan",
  22347. "nan",
  22348. "nan",
  22349. "nan",
  22350. "nan",
  22351. "nan",
  22352. "nan",
  22353. "nan",
  22354. "nan",
  22355. "nan",
  22356. "nan",
  22357. "nan",
  22358. "nan",
  22359. "nan",
  22360. "nan",
  22361. "nan",
  22362. "nan",
  22363. "nan",
  22364. "nan",
  22365. "nan",
  22366. "nan"
  22367. ],
  22368. [
  22369. "035092",
  22370. "00002",
  22371. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22372. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22373. "tcf0007995",
  22374. "general/other",
  22375. "-rtc/home fed/hdb builders 92 corresp",
  22376. "06/20/2001",
  22377. "au5784",
  22378. "julia waters",
  22379. "nan",
  22380. "nan",
  22381. "seq: 0015-wmc",
  22382. "tampa",
  22383. "190127",
  22384. "6/16/1992",
  22385. "nan",
  22386. "nan",
  22387. "nan",
  22388. "nan",
  22389. "nan",
  22390. "nan",
  22391. "nan",
  22392. "nan",
  22393. "nan",
  22394. "nan",
  22395. "nan",
  22396. "nan",
  22397. "nan",
  22398. "nan",
  22399. "nan",
  22400. "nan",
  22401. "nan",
  22402. "nan",
  22403. "nan",
  22404. "nan",
  22405. "nan",
  22406. "nan"
  22407. ],
  22408. [
  22409. "035092",
  22410. "00002",
  22411. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22412. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22413. "tcf0007995",
  22414. "general/other",
  22415. "-rtc/home fed/hdb builders 92 working file",
  22416. "06/20/2001",
  22417. "au5784",
  22418. "julia waters",
  22419. "nan",
  22420. "nan",
  22421. "seq: 0016-wmc",
  22422. "tampa",
  22423. "190128",
  22424. "6/16/1992",
  22425. "nan",
  22426. "nan",
  22427. "nan",
  22428. "nan",
  22429. "nan",
  22430. "nan",
  22431. "nan",
  22432. "nan",
  22433. "nan",
  22434. "nan",
  22435. "nan",
  22436. "nan",
  22437. "nan",
  22438. "nan",
  22439. "nan",
  22440. "nan",
  22441. "nan",
  22442. "nan",
  22443. "nan",
  22444. "nan",
  22445. "nan",
  22446. "nan"
  22447. ],
  22448. [
  22449. "035092",
  22450. "00002",
  22451. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22452. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22453. "tcf0007996",
  22454. "general/other",
  22455. "-rtc/home fed/hdb builders 92 assumption debt/pleading/misc",
  22456. "06/20/2001",
  22457. "au5785",
  22458. "julia waters",
  22459. "nan",
  22460. "nan",
  22461. "seq: 0013-wmc",
  22462. "tampa",
  22463. "190129",
  22464. "6/16/1992",
  22465. "nan",
  22466. "nan",
  22467. "nan",
  22468. "nan",
  22469. "nan",
  22470. "nan",
  22471. "nan",
  22472. "nan",
  22473. "nan",
  22474. "nan",
  22475. "nan",
  22476. "nan",
  22477. "nan",
  22478. "nan",
  22479. "nan",
  22480. "nan",
  22481. "nan",
  22482. "nan",
  22483. "nan",
  22484. "nan",
  22485. "nan",
  22486. "nan"
  22487. ],
  22488. [
  22489. "035092",
  22490. "00002",
  22491. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22492. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22493. "tcf0007997",
  22494. "general/other",
  22495. "-home federal/hdb pleadings vol i-iii",
  22496. "06/20/2001",
  22497. "au5786",
  22498. "julia waters",
  22499. "nan",
  22500. "nan",
  22501. "seq: 0010-wmc",
  22502. "tampa",
  22503. "190133",
  22504. "6/16/1992",
  22505. "nan",
  22506. "nan",
  22507. "nan",
  22508. "nan",
  22509. "nan",
  22510. "nan",
  22511. "nan",
  22512. "nan",
  22513. "nan",
  22514. "nan",
  22515. "nan",
  22516. "nan",
  22517. "nan",
  22518. "nan",
  22519. "nan",
  22520. "nan",
  22521. "nan",
  22522. "nan",
  22523. "nan",
  22524. "nan",
  22525. "nan",
  22526. "nan"
  22527. ],
  22528. [
  22529. "035092",
  22530. "00002",
  22531. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22532. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22533. "tcf0007997",
  22534. "general/other",
  22535. "-home federal/hdb pleadings vol iv & v",
  22536. "06/20/2001",
  22537. "au5786",
  22538. "julia waters",
  22539. "nan",
  22540. "nan",
  22541. "seq: 0011-wmc",
  22542. "tampa",
  22543. "190134",
  22544. "6/16/1992",
  22545. "nan",
  22546. "nan",
  22547. "nan",
  22548. "nan",
  22549. "nan",
  22550. "nan",
  22551. "nan",
  22552. "nan",
  22553. "nan",
  22554. "nan",
  22555. "nan",
  22556. "nan",
  22557. "nan",
  22558. "nan",
  22559. "nan",
  22560. "nan",
  22561. "nan",
  22562. "nan",
  22563. "nan",
  22564. "nan",
  22565. "nan",
  22566. "nan"
  22567. ],
  22568. [
  22569. "035092",
  22570. "00002",
  22571. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22572. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22573. "tcf0007997",
  22574. "general/other",
  22575. "-home federal/hdb settlement agrmnt/pleadings",
  22576. "06/20/2001",
  22577. "au5786",
  22578. "julia waters",
  22579. "nan",
  22580. "nan",
  22581. "seq: 0012-wmc",
  22582. "tampa",
  22583. "190135",
  22584. "6/16/1992",
  22585. "nan",
  22586. "nan",
  22587. "nan",
  22588. "nan",
  22589. "nan",
  22590. "nan",
  22591. "nan",
  22592. "nan",
  22593. "nan",
  22594. "nan",
  22595. "nan",
  22596. "nan",
  22597. "nan",
  22598. "nan",
  22599. "nan",
  22600. "nan",
  22601. "nan",
  22602. "nan",
  22603. "nan",
  22604. "nan",
  22605. "nan",
  22606. "nan"
  22607. ],
  22608. [
  22609. "035092",
  22610. "00001",
  22611. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22612. "sabal lakes development, inc.",
  22613. "tcf0008585",
  22614. "general/other",
  22615. "-home federal sav.bk. (box) sabal lakes dev.-corresp/pleadin",
  22616. "06/20/2001",
  22617. "aw8074",
  22618. "julia waters",
  22619. "nan",
  22620. "nan",
  22621. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  22622. "tampa",
  22623. "193397",
  22624. "2/19/1993",
  22625. "nan",
  22626. "nan",
  22627. "nan",
  22628. "nan",
  22629. "nan",
  22630. "nan",
  22631. "nan",
  22632. "nan",
  22633. "nan",
  22634. "nan",
  22635. "nan",
  22636. "nan",
  22637. "nan",
  22638. "nan",
  22639. "nan",
  22640. "nan",
  22641. "nan",
  22642. "nan",
  22643. "nan",
  22644. "nan",
  22645. "nan",
  22646. "nan"
  22647. ],
  22648. [
  22649. "035092",
  22650. "00004",
  22651. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22652. "vs. gordon, james a.",
  22653. "tcf0008623",
  22654. "general/other",
  22655. "-rtc-rec.home fed.sav.bk. gordon, james a.",
  22656. "06/20/2001",
  22657. "ax0136",
  22658. "julia waters",
  22659. "nan",
  22660. "nan",
  22661. "seq: 0022-jsw",
  22662. "tampa",
  22663. "193613",
  22664. "9/30/1992",
  22665. "nan",
  22666. "nan",
  22667. "nan",
  22668. "nan",
  22669. "nan",
  22670. "nan",
  22671. "nan",
  22672. "nan",
  22673. "nan",
  22674. "nan",
  22675. "nan",
  22676. "nan",
  22677. "nan",
  22678. "nan",
  22679. "nan",
  22680. "nan",
  22681. "nan",
  22682. "nan",
  22683. "nan",
  22684. "nan",
  22685. "nan",
  22686. "nan"
  22687. ],
  22688. [
  22689. "035092",
  22690. "00007",
  22691. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22692. "vs. matthew antell",
  22693. "tcf0008623",
  22694. "general/other",
  22695. "-rtc-rec.home fed.sav.bk. antell, matthew(corr/atty notes)",
  22696. "06/20/2001",
  22697. "ax0136",
  22698. "julia waters",
  22699. "nan",
  22700. "nan",
  22701. "seq: 0023-jsw",
  22702. "tampa",
  22703. "193614",
  22704. "2/26/1992",
  22705. "nan",
  22706. "nan",
  22707. "nan",
  22708. "nan",
  22709. "nan",
  22710. "nan",
  22711. "nan",
  22712. "nan",
  22713. "nan",
  22714. "nan",
  22715. "nan",
  22716. "nan",
  22717. "nan",
  22718. "nan",
  22719. "nan",
  22720. "nan",
  22721. "nan",
  22722. "nan",
  22723. "nan",
  22724. "nan",
  22725. "nan",
  22726. "nan"
  22727. ],
  22728. [
  22729. "035092",
  22730. "00005",
  22731. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22732. "title work - whitney lake lots",
  22733. "tcf0008906",
  22734. "general/other",
  22735. "-rtc/home fed savings bank whitney lake lots",
  22736. "06/20/2001",
  22737. "ay6019",
  22738. "robert n. butler",
  22739. "nan",
  22740. "nan",
  22741. "seq: 0044-rnb",
  22742. "tampa",
  22743. "195050",
  22744. "5/6/1992",
  22745. "nan",
  22746. "nan",
  22747. "nan",
  22748. "nan",
  22749. "nan",
  22750. "nan",
  22751. "nan",
  22752. "nan",
  22753. "nan",
  22754. "nan",
  22755. "nan",
  22756. "nan",
  22757. "nan",
  22758. "nan",
  22759. "nan",
  22760. "nan",
  22761. "nan",
  22762. "nan",
  22763. "nan",
  22764. "nan",
  22765. "nan",
  22766. "nan"
  22767. ],
  22768. [
  22769. "035092",
  22770. "00006",
  22771. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22772. "vs. jason k. lesser",
  22773. "tcf0009922",
  22774. "general/other",
  22775. "-home fed svgs bank lesser/corres/plds",
  22776. "06/20/2001",
  22777. "bf4221",
  22778. "julia waters",
  22779. "nan",
  22780. "nan",
  22781. "seq: 0016-wmc",
  22782. "tampa",
  22783. "198676",
  22784. "3/19/1993",
  22785. "nan",
  22786. "nan",
  22787. "nan",
  22788. "nan",
  22789. "nan",
  22790. "nan",
  22791. "nan",
  22792. "nan",
  22793. "nan",
  22794. "nan",
  22795. "nan",
  22796. "nan",
  22797. "nan",
  22798. "nan",
  22799. "nan",
  22800. "nan",
  22801. "nan",
  22802. "nan",
  22803. "nan",
  22804. "nan",
  22805. "nan",
  22806. "nan"
  22807. ],
  22808. [
  22809. "035092",
  22810. "00002",
  22811. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22812. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22813. "tcf0010029",
  22814. "general/other",
  22815. "-rtc plds,corres",
  22816. "06/20/2001",
  22817. "bg0312",
  22818. "julia waters",
  22819. "nan",
  22820. "nan",
  22821. "seq: 0007-jsw",
  22822. "tampa",
  22823. "198977",
  22824. "6/16/1992",
  22825. "nan",
  22826. "nan",
  22827. "nan",
  22828. "nan",
  22829. "nan",
  22830. "nan",
  22831. "nan",
  22832. "nan",
  22833. "nan",
  22834. "nan",
  22835. "nan",
  22836. "nan",
  22837. "nan",
  22838. "nan",
  22839. "nan",
  22840. "nan",
  22841. "nan",
  22842. "nan",
  22843. "nan",
  22844. "nan",
  22845. "nan",
  22846. "nan"
  22847. ],
  22848. [
  22849. "035092",
  22850. "00002",
  22851. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22852. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22853. "tcf0010029",
  22854. "general/other",
  22855. "-rtc hbd",
  22856. "06/20/2001",
  22857. "bg0312",
  22858. "julia waters",
  22859. "nan",
  22860. "nan",
  22861. "seq: 0008-jsw",
  22862. "tampa",
  22863. "198978",
  22864. "6/16/1992",
  22865. "nan",
  22866. "nan",
  22867. "nan",
  22868. "nan",
  22869. "nan",
  22870. "nan",
  22871. "nan",
  22872. "nan",
  22873. "nan",
  22874. "nan",
  22875. "nan",
  22876. "nan",
  22877. "nan",
  22878. "nan",
  22879. "nan",
  22880. "nan",
  22881. "nan",
  22882. "nan",
  22883. "nan",
  22884. "nan",
  22885. "nan",
  22886. "nan"
  22887. ],
  22888. [
  22889. "035092",
  22890. "00002",
  22891. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22892. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22893. "tcf0010030",
  22894. "general/other",
  22895. "-rtc hbd",
  22896. "06/20/2001",
  22897. "bg0313",
  22898. "julia waters",
  22899. "nan",
  22900. "nan",
  22901. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  22902. "tampa",
  22903. "198979",
  22904. "6/16/1992",
  22905. "nan",
  22906. "nan",
  22907. "nan",
  22908. "nan",
  22909. "nan",
  22910. "nan",
  22911. "nan",
  22912. "nan",
  22913. "nan",
  22914. "nan",
  22915. "nan",
  22916. "nan",
  22917. "nan",
  22918. "nan",
  22919. "nan",
  22920. "nan",
  22921. "nan",
  22922. "nan",
  22923. "nan",
  22924. "nan",
  22925. "nan",
  22926. "nan"
  22927. ],
  22928. [
  22929. "035092",
  22930. "00002",
  22931. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22932. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  22933. "tcf0010031",
  22934. "general/other",
  22935. "-rtc hbd",
  22936. "06/20/2001",
  22937. "bg0314",
  22938. "julia waters",
  22939. "nan",
  22940. "nan",
  22941. "seq: 0004-jsw",
  22942. "tampa",
  22943. "198980",
  22944. "6/16/1992",
  22945. "nan",
  22946. "nan",
  22947. "nan",
  22948. "nan",
  22949. "nan",
  22950. "nan",
  22951. "nan",
  22952. "nan",
  22953. "nan",
  22954. "nan",
  22955. "nan",
  22956. "nan",
  22957. "nan",
  22958. "nan",
  22959. "nan",
  22960. "nan",
  22961. "nan",
  22962. "nan",
  22963. "nan",
  22964. "nan",
  22965. "nan",
  22966. "nan"
  22967. ],
  22968. [
  22969. "035092",
  22970. "00003",
  22971. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  22972. "vs. shore woods investment",
  22973. "tcf0010078",
  22974. "general/other",
  22975. "-rtc general",
  22976. "06/20/2001",
  22977. "bg0530",
  22978. "m. annette horan",
  22979. "nan",
  22980. "nan",
  22981. "seq: 0042-re",
  22982. "tampa",
  22983. "199235",
  22984. "12/8/1992",
  22985. "nan",
  22986. "nan",
  22987. "nan",
  22988. "nan",
  22989. "nan",
  22990. "nan",
  22991. "nan",
  22992. "nan",
  22993. "nan",
  22994. "nan",
  22995. "nan",
  22996. "nan",
  22997. "nan",
  22998. "nan",
  22999. "nan",
  23000. "nan",
  23001. "nan",
  23002. "nan",
  23003. "nan",
  23004. "nan",
  23005. "nan",
  23006. "nan"
  23007. ],
  23008. [
  23009. "035092",
  23010. "00001",
  23011. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  23012. "sabal lakes development, inc.",
  23013. "tcf0011017",
  23014. "general/other",
  23015. "-home federal savings sabel laces,atty notes",
  23016. "06/20/2001",
  23017. "bl1589",
  23018. "julia waters",
  23019. "nan",
  23020. "nan",
  23021. "seq: 0044-jsw",
  23022. "tampa",
  23023. "203866",
  23024. "2/19/1993",
  23025. "nan",
  23026. "nan",
  23027. "nan",
  23028. "nan",
  23029. "nan",
  23030. "nan",
  23031. "nan",
  23032. "nan",
  23033. "nan",
  23034. "nan",
  23035. "nan",
  23036. "nan",
  23037. "nan",
  23038. "nan",
  23039. "nan",
  23040. "nan",
  23041. "nan",
  23042. "nan",
  23043. "nan",
  23044. "nan",
  23045. "nan",
  23046. "nan"
  23047. ],
  23048. [
  23049. "035092",
  23050. "00003",
  23051. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  23052. "vs. shore woods investment",
  23053. "tcf0011442",
  23054. "general/other",
  23055. "-rtc corres,investment, sub-files",
  23056. "06/20/2001",
  23057. "bp0734",
  23058. "m. annette horan",
  23059. "nan",
  23060. "nan",
  23061. "seq: 0004-rde",
  23062. "tampa",
  23063. "205462",
  23064. "12/8/1992",
  23065. "nan",
  23066. "nan",
  23067. "nan",
  23068. "nan",
  23069. "nan",
  23070. "nan",
  23071. "nan",
  23072. "nan",
  23073. "nan",
  23074. "nan",
  23075. "nan",
  23076. "nan",
  23077. "nan",
  23078. "nan",
  23079. "nan",
  23080. "nan",
  23081. "nan",
  23082. "nan",
  23083. "nan",
  23084. "nan",
  23085. "nan",
  23086. "nan"
  23087. ],
  23088. [
  23089. "035092",
  23090. "00003",
  23091. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  23092. "vs. shore woods investment",
  23093. "tcf0011443",
  23094. "general/other",
  23095. "-rtc maps,surveys,corres,shadow",
  23096. "06/20/2001",
  23097. "bp0735",
  23098. "m. annette horan",
  23099. "nan",
  23100. "nan",
  23101. "seq: 0004-rde",
  23102. "tampa",
  23103. "205463",
  23104. "12/8/1992",
  23105. "nan",
  23106. "nan",
  23107. "nan",
  23108. "nan",
  23109. "nan",
  23110. "nan",
  23111. "nan",
  23112. "nan",
  23113. "nan",
  23114. "nan",
  23115. "nan",
  23116. "nan",
  23117. "nan",
  23118. "nan",
  23119. "nan",
  23120. "nan",
  23121. "nan",
  23122. "nan",
  23123. "nan",
  23124. "nan",
  23125. "nan",
  23126. "nan"
  23127. ],
  23128. [
  23129. "035092",
  23130. "00003",
  23131. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  23132. "vs. shore woods investment",
  23133. "tcf0011444",
  23134. "general/other",
  23135. "-rtc maps,corres,title docs",
  23136. "06/20/2001",
  23137. "bp0736",
  23138. "m. annette horan",
  23139. "nan",
  23140. "nan",
  23141. "seq: 0004-rde",
  23142. "tampa",
  23143. "205464",
  23144. "12/8/1992",
  23145. "nan",
  23146. "nan",
  23147. "nan",
  23148. "nan",
  23149. "nan",
  23150. "nan",
  23151. "nan",
  23152. "nan",
  23153. "nan",
  23154. "nan",
  23155. "nan",
  23156. "nan",
  23157. "nan",
  23158. "nan",
  23159. "nan",
  23160. "nan",
  23161. "nan",
  23162. "nan",
  23163. "nan",
  23164. "nan",
  23165. "nan",
  23166. "nan"
  23167. ],
  23168. [
  23169. "035092",
  23170. "00003",
  23171. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  23172. "vs. shore woods investment",
  23173. "tcf0011447",
  23174. "general/other",
  23175. "-rtc loan from home fed",
  23176. "06/20/2001",
  23177. "bp0739",
  23178. "m. annette horan",
  23179. "nan",
  23180. "nan",
  23181. "seq: 0010-rde",
  23182. "tampa",
  23183. "205472",
  23184. "12/8/1992",
  23185. "nan",
  23186. "nan",
  23187. "nan",
  23188. "nan",
  23189. "nan",
  23190. "nan",
  23191. "nan",
  23192. "nan",
  23193. "nan",
  23194. "nan",
  23195. "nan",
  23196. "nan",
  23197. "nan",
  23198. "nan",
  23199. "nan",
  23200. "nan",
  23201. "nan",
  23202. "nan",
  23203. "nan",
  23204. "nan",
  23205. "nan",
  23206. "nan"
  23207. ],
  23208. [
  23209. "035092",
  23210. "00002",
  23211. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  23212. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  23213. "tcf0012568",
  23214. "general/other",
  23215. "-rtc-rec. home federal savi hdb builders",
  23216. "6/20/2001",
  23217. "bq1941",
  23218. "julia waters",
  23219. "nan",
  23220. "nan",
  23221. "seq: 0044-pws",
  23222. "tampa",
  23223. "212471",
  23224. "6/16/1992",
  23225. "nan",
  23226. "nan",
  23227. "nan",
  23228. "nan",
  23229. "nan",
  23230. "nan",
  23231. "nan",
  23232. "nan",
  23233. "nan",
  23234. "nan",
  23235. "nan",
  23236. "nan",
  23237. "nan",
  23238. "nan",
  23239. "nan",
  23240. "nan",
  23241. "nan",
  23242. "nan",
  23243. "nan",
  23244. "nan",
  23245. "nan",
  23246. "nan"
  23247. ],
  23248. [
  23249. "035161",
  23250. "00001",
  23251. "rtc-conser security homestead",
  23252. "darby l. & kathryn diedrich",
  23253. "625587419",
  23254. "nan",
  23255. "10/17/90\npleadings file",
  23256. "5/15/2008",
  23257. "023372",
  23258. "john m. alford",
  23259. "nan",
  23260. "nan",
  23261. " hk box:",
  23262. "tallahassee",
  23263. "633935",
  23264. "9/30/1992",
  23265. "nan",
  23266. "nan",
  23267. "nan",
  23268. "nan",
  23269. "nan",
  23270. "nan",
  23271. "nan",
  23272. "nan",
  23273. "nan",
  23274. "nan",
  23275. "nan",
  23276. "nan",
  23277. "nan",
  23278. "nan",
  23279. "nan",
  23280. "nan",
  23281. "nan",
  23282. "nan",
  23283. "nan",
  23284. "nan",
  23285. "nan",
  23286. "nan"
  23287. ],
  23288. [
  23289. "035161",
  23290. "00002",
  23291. "rtc-conser security homestead",
  23292. "loi vinh to",
  23293. "755512358",
  23294. "nan",
  23295. "first national bank of atlanta 9/16/91",
  23296. "5/19/2008",
  23297. "023370",
  23298. "john m. alford",
  23299. "nan",
  23300. "nan",
  23301. "nan",
  23302. "tallahassee",
  23303. "714617",
  23304. "9/16/1991",
  23305. "nan",
  23306. "nan",
  23307. "nan",
  23308. "nan",
  23309. "nan",
  23310. "nan",
  23311. "nan",
  23312. "nan",
  23313. "nan",
  23314. "nan",
  23315. "nan",
  23316. "nan",
  23317. "nan",
  23318. "nan",
  23319. "nan",
  23320. "nan",
  23321. "nan",
  23322. "nan",
  23323. "nan",
  23324. "nan",
  23325. "nan",
  23326. "nan"
  23327. ],
  23328. [
  23329. "035195",
  23330. "12",
  23331. "rtc empire - shadow file",
  23332. "rtc empire - shadow file",
  23333. "260538783",
  23334. "nan",
  23335. " this boxes is filled with formerly phyllis hood's files",
  23336. "5/6/2004",
  23337. "260538783",
  23338. "nan",
  23339. "nan",
  23340. "nan",
  23341. " + fileid: $134100",
  23342. "orlando",
  23343. "556560",
  23344. "nan",
  23345. "nan",
  23346. "nan",
  23347. "nan",
  23348. "nan",
  23349. "nan",
  23350. "nan",
  23351. "nan",
  23352. "nan",
  23353. "nan",
  23354. "nan",
  23355. "nan",
  23356. "nan",
  23357. "nan",
  23358. "nan",
  23359. "nan",
  23360. "nan",
  23361. "nan",
  23362. "nan",
  23363. "nan",
  23364. "nan",
  23365. "nan",
  23366. "nan"
  23367. ],
  23368. [
  23369. "035254",
  23370. "00001",
  23371. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed sav",
  23372. "general",
  23373. "51533273",
  23374. "nan",
  23375. "/",
  23376. "nan",
  23377. "323",
  23378. "martin j alexander",
  23379. "nan",
  23380. "nan",
  23381. "closed file number: 97-048 + location: 2",
  23382. "west palm beach",
  23383. "581202",
  23384. "9/30/1992",
  23385. "nan",
  23386. "nan",
  23387. "nan",
  23388. "nan",
  23389. "nan",
  23390. "nan",
  23391. "nan",
  23392. "nan",
  23393. "nan",
  23394. "nan",
  23395. "nan",
  23396. "nan",
  23397. "nan",
  23398. "nan",
  23399. "nan",
  23400. "nan",
  23401. "nan",
  23402. "nan",
  23403. "nan",
  23404. "nan",
  23405. "nan",
  23406. "nan"
  23407. ],
  23408. [
  23409. "035317",
  23410. "00005",
  23411. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23412. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23413. "tcf0008651",
  23414. "general/other",
  23415. "-rtc-silverstar group,inc",
  23416. "06/20/2001",
  23417. "ax0723",
  23418. "gilbert a. smith",
  23419. "nan",
  23420. "nan",
  23421. "seq: 0046-daw",
  23422. "tampa",
  23423. "193725",
  23424. "10/16/1998",
  23425. "nan",
  23426. "nan",
  23427. "nan",
  23428. "nan",
  23429. "nan",
  23430. "nan",
  23431. "nan",
  23432. "nan",
  23433. "nan",
  23434. "nan",
  23435. "nan",
  23436. "nan",
  23437. "nan",
  23438. "nan",
  23439. "nan",
  23440. "nan",
  23441. "nan",
  23442. "nan",
  23443. "nan",
  23444. "nan",
  23445. "nan",
  23446. "nan"
  23447. ],
  23448. [
  23449. "035317",
  23450. "00007",
  23451. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23452. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23453. "tcf0008796",
  23454. "general/other",
  23455. "-rtc v silverstar corr pleadings",
  23456. "06/20/2001",
  23457. "ay2024",
  23458. "gilbert a. smith",
  23459. "nan",
  23460. "nan",
  23461. "seq: 0031-gas",
  23462. "tampa",
  23463. "194515",
  23464. "4/12/1993",
  23465. "nan",
  23466. "nan",
  23467. "nan",
  23468. "nan",
  23469. "nan",
  23470. "nan",
  23471. "nan",
  23472. "nan",
  23473. "nan",
  23474. "nan",
  23475. "nan",
  23476. "nan",
  23477. "nan",
  23478. "nan",
  23479. "nan",
  23480. "nan",
  23481. "nan",
  23482. "nan",
  23483. "nan",
  23484. "nan",
  23485. "nan",
  23486. "nan"
  23487. ],
  23488. [
  23489. "035317",
  23490. "00005",
  23491. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23492. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23493. "tcf0008821",
  23494. "general/other",
  23495. "-rtc/enterprise fed savings correspondence/real estate file",
  23496. "06/20/2001",
  23497. "ay2050",
  23498. "gilbert a. smith",
  23499. "nan",
  23500. "nan",
  23501. "seq: 0016-gas",
  23502. "tampa",
  23503. "194623",
  23504. "10/16/1998",
  23505. "nan",
  23506. "nan",
  23507. "nan",
  23508. "nan",
  23509. "nan",
  23510. "nan",
  23511. "nan",
  23512. "nan",
  23513. "nan",
  23514. "nan",
  23515. "nan",
  23516. "nan",
  23517. "nan",
  23518. "nan",
  23519. "nan",
  23520. "nan",
  23521. "nan",
  23522. "nan",
  23523. "nan",
  23524. "nan",
  23525. "nan",
  23526. "nan"
  23527. ],
  23528. [
  23529. "035317",
  23530. "00005",
  23531. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23532. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23533. "tcf0008821",
  23534. "general/other",
  23535. "-rtc/verstar/pleadings correspondence/may--dec 1991",
  23536. "06/20/2001",
  23537. "ay2050",
  23538. "gilbert a. smith",
  23539. "nan",
  23540. "nan",
  23541. "seq: 0017-gas",
  23542. "tampa",
  23543. "194624",
  23544. "10/16/1998",
  23545. "nan",
  23546. "nan",
  23547. "nan",
  23548. "nan",
  23549. "nan",
  23550. "nan",
  23551. "nan",
  23552. "nan",
  23553. "nan",
  23554. "nan",
  23555. "nan",
  23556. "nan",
  23557. "nan",
  23558. "nan",
  23559. "nan",
  23560. "nan",
  23561. "nan",
  23562. "nan",
  23563. "nan",
  23564. "nan",
  23565. "nan",
  23566. "nan"
  23567. ],
  23568. [
  23569. "035317",
  23570. "00005",
  23571. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23572. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23573. "tcf0008821",
  23574. "general/other",
  23575. "-rtc/silverstar correspondence/jan--dec 1992",
  23576. "06/20/2001",
  23577. "ay2050",
  23578. "gilbert a. smith",
  23579. "nan",
  23580. "nan",
  23581. "seq: 0018-gas",
  23582. "tampa",
  23583. "194625",
  23584. "10/16/1998",
  23585. "nan",
  23586. "nan",
  23587. "nan",
  23588. "nan",
  23589. "nan",
  23590. "nan",
  23591. "nan",
  23592. "nan",
  23593. "nan",
  23594. "nan",
  23595. "nan",
  23596. "nan",
  23597. "nan",
  23598. "nan",
  23599. "nan",
  23600. "nan",
  23601. "nan",
  23602. "nan",
  23603. "nan",
  23604. "nan",
  23605. "nan",
  23606. "nan"
  23607. ],
  23608. [
  23609. "035317",
  23610. "00005",
  23611. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23612. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23613. "tcf0008821",
  23614. "general/other",
  23615. "-rtc/silverstar interrogatories/correspon jan 93",
  23616. "06/20/2001",
  23617. "ay2050",
  23618. "gilbert a. smith",
  23619. "nan",
  23620. "nan",
  23621. "seq: 0019-gas",
  23622. "tampa",
  23623. "194626",
  23624. "10/16/1998",
  23625. "nan",
  23626. "nan",
  23627. "nan",
  23628. "nan",
  23629. "nan",
  23630. "nan",
  23631. "nan",
  23632. "nan",
  23633. "nan",
  23634. "nan",
  23635. "nan",
  23636. "nan",
  23637. "nan",
  23638. "nan",
  23639. "nan",
  23640. "nan",
  23641. "nan",
  23642. "nan",
  23643. "nan",
  23644. "nan",
  23645. "nan",
  23646. "nan"
  23647. ],
  23648. [
  23649. "035317",
  23650. "00007",
  23651. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23652. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23653. "tcf0008821",
  23654. "general/other",
  23655. "-rtc/siverstar derry and nary",
  23656. "06/20/2001",
  23657. "ay2050",
  23658. "gilbert a. smith",
  23659. "nan",
  23660. "nan",
  23661. "seq: 0020-gas",
  23662. "tampa",
  23663. "194627",
  23664. "4/12/1993",
  23665. "nan",
  23666. "nan",
  23667. "nan",
  23668. "nan",
  23669. "nan",
  23670. "nan",
  23671. "nan",
  23672. "nan",
  23673. "nan",
  23674. "nan",
  23675. "nan",
  23676. "nan",
  23677. "nan",
  23678. "nan",
  23679. "nan",
  23680. "nan",
  23681. "nan",
  23682. "nan",
  23683. "nan",
  23684. "nan",
  23685. "nan",
  23686. "nan"
  23687. ],
  23688. [
  23689. "035317",
  23690. "00001",
  23691. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23692. "general matters",
  23693. "tcf0008907",
  23694. "general/other",
  23695. "-enterprise federal savings general matters",
  23696. "06/20/2001",
  23697. "ay6020",
  23698. "charles l. stutts",
  23699. "nan",
  23700. "nan",
  23701. "seq: 0062-cls",
  23702. "tampa",
  23703. "195058",
  23704. "12/18/1992",
  23705. "nan",
  23706. "nan",
  23707. "nan",
  23708. "nan",
  23709. "nan",
  23710. "nan",
  23711. "nan",
  23712. "nan",
  23713. "nan",
  23714. "nan",
  23715. "nan",
  23716. "nan",
  23717. "nan",
  23718. "nan",
  23719. "nan",
  23720. "nan",
  23721. "nan",
  23722. "nan",
  23723. "nan",
  23724. "nan",
  23725. "nan",
  23726. "nan"
  23727. ],
  23728. [
  23729. "035317",
  23730. "00003",
  23731. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23732. "bayclaysamerican vs.",
  23733. "tcf0009615",
  23734. "general/other",
  23735. "-fdic tallon/corres/pleadings",
  23736. "06/20/2001",
  23737. "bf0586",
  23738. "toni l. kemmerle",
  23739. "nan",
  23740. "nan",
  23741. "seq: 0033-tlk",
  23742. "tampa",
  23743. "197711",
  23744. "9/30/1992",
  23745. "nan",
  23746. "nan",
  23747. "nan",
  23748. "nan",
  23749. "nan",
  23750. "nan",
  23751. "nan",
  23752. "nan",
  23753. "nan",
  23754. "nan",
  23755. "nan",
  23756. "nan",
  23757. "nan",
  23758. "nan",
  23759. "nan",
  23760. "nan",
  23761. "nan",
  23762. "nan",
  23763. "nan",
  23764. "nan",
  23765. "nan",
  23766. "nan"
  23767. ],
  23768. [
  23769. "035317",
  23770. "00003",
  23771. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23772. "bayclaysamerican vs.",
  23773. "tcf0009615",
  23774. "general/other",
  23775. "-rtc-rec enterprise fed barclays amer/brandy wine/corp",
  23776. "06/20/2001",
  23777. "bf0586",
  23778. "toni l. kemmerle",
  23779. "nan",
  23780. "nan",
  23781. "seq: 0034-tlk",
  23782. "tampa",
  23783. "197712",
  23784. "9/30/1992",
  23785. "nan",
  23786. "nan",
  23787. "nan",
  23788. "nan",
  23789. "nan",
  23790. "nan",
  23791. "nan",
  23792. "nan",
  23793. "nan",
  23794. "nan",
  23795. "nan",
  23796. "nan",
  23797. "nan",
  23798. "nan",
  23799. "nan",
  23800. "nan",
  23801. "nan",
  23802. "nan",
  23803. "nan",
  23804. "nan",
  23805. "nan",
  23806. "nan"
  23807. ],
  23808. [
  23809. "035317",
  23810. "00006",
  23811. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23812. "kenneth chernes vs.",
  23813. "tcf0009615",
  23814. "general/other",
  23815. "-rtc-rec enterprise fed chernes vs enterprise",
  23816. "06/20/2001",
  23817. "bf0586",
  23818. "toni l. kemmerle",
  23819. "nan",
  23820. "nan",
  23821. "seq: 0035-tlk",
  23822. "tampa",
  23823. "197713",
  23824. "4/12/1993",
  23825. "nan",
  23826. "nan",
  23827. "nan",
  23828. "nan",
  23829. "nan",
  23830. "nan",
  23831. "nan",
  23832. "nan",
  23833. "nan",
  23834. "nan",
  23835. "nan",
  23836. "nan",
  23837. "nan",
  23838. "nan",
  23839. "nan",
  23840. "nan",
  23841. "nan",
  23842. "nan",
  23843. "nan",
  23844. "nan",
  23845. "nan",
  23846. "nan"
  23847. ],
  23848. [
  23849. "035317",
  23850. "00004",
  23851. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23852. "meritbanc mortgage corp. vs.",
  23853. "tcf0009615",
  23854. "general/other",
  23855. "-rtc-rec enterprise fed meritbanc/kiefreider/corres/pl",
  23856. "06/20/2001",
  23857. "bf0586",
  23858. "toni l. kemmerle",
  23859. "nan",
  23860. "nan",
  23861. "seq: 0037-tlk",
  23862. "tampa",
  23863. "197715",
  23864. "9/30/1992",
  23865. "nan",
  23866. "nan",
  23867. "nan",
  23868. "nan",
  23869. "nan",
  23870. "nan",
  23871. "nan",
  23872. "nan",
  23873. "nan",
  23874. "nan",
  23875. "nan",
  23876. "nan",
  23877. "nan",
  23878. "nan",
  23879. "nan",
  23880. "nan",
  23881. "nan",
  23882. "nan",
  23883. "nan",
  23884. "nan",
  23885. "nan",
  23886. "nan"
  23887. ],
  23888. [
  23889. "035317",
  23890. "00005",
  23891. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  23892. "silverstar group, inc.",
  23893. "tcf0010016",
  23894. "general/other",
  23895. "-rtc atty notes,corres,exhibits",
  23896. "06/20/2001",
  23897. "bg0295",
  23898. "gilbert a. smith",
  23899. "nan",
  23900. "nan",
  23901. "seq: 0012-gas",
  23902. "tampa",
  23903. "198940",
  23904. "10/16/1998",
  23905. "nan",
  23906. "nan",
  23907. "nan",
  23908. "nan",
  23909. "nan",
  23910. "nan",
  23911. "nan",
  23912. "nan",
  23913. "nan",
  23914. "nan",
  23915. "nan",
  23916. "nan",
  23917. "nan",
  23918. "nan",
  23919. "nan",
  23920. "nan",
  23921. "nan",
  23922. "nan",
  23923. "nan",
  23924. "nan",
  23925. "nan",
  23926. "nan"
  23927. ],
  23928. [
  23929. "035339",
  23930. "00075",
  23931. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  23932. "vs. hernon donald peters",
  23933. "tcf0007564",
  23934. "general/other",
  23935. "rtc-rec freedom s&l hernon donald peters---",
  23936. "06/20/2001",
  23937. "as4782",
  23938. "jack e. fernandez",
  23939. "nan",
  23940. "nan",
  23941. "jef---seq: 0016",
  23942. "tampa",
  23943. "187280",
  23944. "2/28/1992",
  23945. "nan",
  23946. "nan",
  23947. "nan",
  23948. "nan",
  23949. "nan",
  23950. "nan",
  23951. "nan",
  23952. "nan",
  23953. "nan",
  23954. "nan",
  23955. "nan",
  23956. "nan",
  23957. "nan",
  23958. "nan",
  23959. "nan",
  23960. "nan",
  23961. "nan",
  23962. "nan",
  23963. "nan",
  23964. "nan",
  23965. "nan",
  23966. "nan"
  23967. ],
  23968. [
  23969. "035339",
  23970. "00057",
  23971. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  23972. "vs. richard blank & john l.",
  23973. "tcf0007571",
  23974. "general/other",
  23975. "rtc-rec freedom s&l forecl richard blank & john young---",
  23976. "06/20/2001",
  23977. "as4790",
  23978. "jack e. fernandez",
  23979. "nan",
  23980. "nan",
  23981. "jef---seq: 0013",
  23982. "tampa",
  23983. "187318",
  23984. "3/2/1992",
  23985. "nan",
  23986. "nan",
  23987. "nan",
  23988. "nan",
  23989. "nan",
  23990. "nan",
  23991. "nan",
  23992. "nan",
  23993. "nan",
  23994. "nan",
  23995. "nan",
  23996. "nan",
  23997. "nan",
  23998. "nan",
  23999. "nan",
  24000. "nan",
  24001. "nan",
  24002. "nan",
  24003. "nan",
  24004. "nan",
  24005. "nan",
  24006. "nan"
  24007. ],
  24008. [
  24009. "035339",
  24010. "00076",
  24011. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24012. "vs. william ira burns, et al.",
  24013. "tcf0007571",
  24014. "general/other",
  24015. "rtc-rec freedom s&l forecl william ira burns---",
  24016. "06/20/2001",
  24017. "as4790",
  24018. "jack e. fernandez",
  24019. "nan",
  24020. "nan",
  24021. "jef---seq: 0014",
  24022. "tampa",
  24023. "187319",
  24024. "3/2/1992",
  24025. "nan",
  24026. "nan",
  24027. "nan",
  24028. "nan",
  24029. "nan",
  24030. "nan",
  24031. "nan",
  24032. "nan",
  24033. "nan",
  24034. "nan",
  24035. "nan",
  24036. "nan",
  24037. "nan",
  24038. "nan",
  24039. "nan",
  24040. "nan",
  24041. "nan",
  24042. "nan",
  24043. "nan",
  24044. "nan",
  24045. "nan",
  24046. "nan"
  24047. ],
  24048. [
  24049. "035339",
  24050. "00074",
  24051. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24052. "vs. robert c. javorowsky,",
  24053. "tcf0007571",
  24054. "general/other",
  24055. "rtc-rec freedom s&l forecl robert javorowsky---",
  24056. "06/20/2001",
  24057. "as4790",
  24058. "jack e. fernandez",
  24059. "nan",
  24060. "nan",
  24061. "jef---seq: 0015",
  24062. "tampa",
  24063. "187320",
  24064. "3/2/1992",
  24065. "nan",
  24066. "nan",
  24067. "nan",
  24068. "nan",
  24069. "nan",
  24070. "nan",
  24071. "nan",
  24072. "nan",
  24073. "nan",
  24074. "nan",
  24075. "nan",
  24076. "nan",
  24077. "nan",
  24078. "nan",
  24079. "nan",
  24080. "nan",
  24081. "nan",
  24082. "nan",
  24083. "nan",
  24084. "nan",
  24085. "nan",
  24086. "nan"
  24087. ],
  24088. [
  24089. "035339",
  24090. "00094",
  24091. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24092. "vs. jo f. waters, et al.",
  24093. "tcf0007571",
  24094. "general/other",
  24095. "rtc-rec freedom s&l forecl jo f. waters---",
  24096. "06/20/2001",
  24097. "as4790",
  24098. "catherine m. mcginty",
  24099. "nan",
  24100. "nan",
  24101. "jef---seq: 0016",
  24102. "tampa",
  24103. "187321",
  24104. "3/2/1992",
  24105. "nan",
  24106. "nan",
  24107. "nan",
  24108. "nan",
  24109. "nan",
  24110. "nan",
  24111. "nan",
  24112. "nan",
  24113. "nan",
  24114. "nan",
  24115. "nan",
  24116. "nan",
  24117. "nan",
  24118. "nan",
  24119. "nan",
  24120. "nan",
  24121. "nan",
  24122. "nan",
  24123. "nan",
  24124. "nan",
  24125. "nan",
  24126. "nan"
  24127. ],
  24128. [
  24129. "035339",
  24130. "00065",
  24131. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24132. "vs. esmond b. marvray, et al.",
  24133. "tcf0007572",
  24134. "general/other",
  24135. "rtc-rec freedom s&l forecl esmono marvray---",
  24136. "06/20/2001",
  24137. "as4791",
  24138. "jack e. fernandez",
  24139. "nan",
  24140. "nan",
  24141. "jef---seq: 0033",
  24142. "tampa",
  24143. "187324",
  24144. "2/28/1992",
  24145. "nan",
  24146. "nan",
  24147. "nan",
  24148. "nan",
  24149. "nan",
  24150. "nan",
  24151. "nan",
  24152. "nan",
  24153. "nan",
  24154. "nan",
  24155. "nan",
  24156. "nan",
  24157. "nan",
  24158. "nan",
  24159. "nan",
  24160. "nan",
  24161. "nan",
  24162. "nan",
  24163. "nan",
  24164. "nan",
  24165. "nan",
  24166. "nan"
  24167. ],
  24168. [
  24169. "035339",
  24170. "00085",
  24171. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24172. "vs. arnold g. olson, et al.",
  24173. "tcf0007572",
  24174. "general/other",
  24175. "rtc-rec freedom s&l arnold olson---",
  24176. "06/20/2001",
  24177. "as4791",
  24178. "jack e. fernandez",
  24179. "nan",
  24180. "nan",
  24181. "jef---seq: 0035",
  24182. "tampa",
  24183. "187326",
  24184. "2/28/1992",
  24185. "nan",
  24186. "nan",
  24187. "nan",
  24188. "nan",
  24189. "nan",
  24190. "nan",
  24191. "nan",
  24192. "nan",
  24193. "nan",
  24194. "nan",
  24195. "nan",
  24196. "nan",
  24197. "nan",
  24198. "nan",
  24199. "nan",
  24200. "nan",
  24201. "nan",
  24202. "nan",
  24203. "nan",
  24204. "nan",
  24205. "nan",
  24206. "nan"
  24207. ],
  24208. [
  24209. "035339",
  24210. "00079",
  24211. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24212. "vs. victor m. ribeiro, et al.",
  24213. "tcf0007572",
  24214. "general/other",
  24215. "rtc-rec freedom s&l victor ribeiro---",
  24216. "06/20/2001",
  24217. "as4791",
  24218. "jack e. fernandez",
  24219. "nan",
  24220. "nan",
  24221. "jef---seq: 0036",
  24222. "tampa",
  24223. "187327",
  24224. "2/28/1992",
  24225. "nan",
  24226. "nan",
  24227. "nan",
  24228. "nan",
  24229. "nan",
  24230. "nan",
  24231. "nan",
  24232. "nan",
  24233. "nan",
  24234. "nan",
  24235. "nan",
  24236. "nan",
  24237. "nan",
  24238. "nan",
  24239. "nan",
  24240. "nan",
  24241. "nan",
  24242. "nan",
  24243. "nan",
  24244. "nan",
  24245. "nan",
  24246. "nan"
  24247. ],
  24248. [
  24249. "035339",
  24250. "00088",
  24251. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24252. "in re: david e. smiley, iii",
  24253. "tcf0007572",
  24254. "general/other",
  24255. "rtc-rec freedom s&l david smiley---",
  24256. "06/20/2001",
  24257. "as4791",
  24258. "jack e. fernandez",
  24259. "nan",
  24260. "nan",
  24261. "jef---seq: 0037",
  24262. "tampa",
  24263. "187328",
  24264. "2/28/1992",
  24265. "nan",
  24266. "nan",
  24267. "nan",
  24268. "nan",
  24269. "nan",
  24270. "nan",
  24271. "nan",
  24272. "nan",
  24273. "nan",
  24274. "nan",
  24275. "nan",
  24276. "nan",
  24277. "nan",
  24278. "nan",
  24279. "nan",
  24280. "nan",
  24281. "nan",
  24282. "nan",
  24283. "nan",
  24284. "nan",
  24285. "nan",
  24286. "nan"
  24287. ],
  24288. [
  24289. "035339",
  24290. "00084",
  24291. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24292. "vs. marvin s. scott, sr. et al",
  24293. "tcf0007572",
  24294. "general/other",
  24295. "rtc-rec freedom s&l marvin s. scott---",
  24296. "06/20/2001",
  24297. "as4791",
  24298. "jack e. fernandez",
  24299. "nan",
  24300. "nan",
  24301. "jef---seq: 0038",
  24302. "tampa",
  24303. "187329",
  24304. "2/28/1992",
  24305. "nan",
  24306. "nan",
  24307. "nan",
  24308. "nan",
  24309. "nan",
  24310. "nan",
  24311. "nan",
  24312. "nan",
  24313. "nan",
  24314. "nan",
  24315. "nan",
  24316. "nan",
  24317. "nan",
  24318. "nan",
  24319. "nan",
  24320. "nan",
  24321. "nan",
  24322. "nan",
  24323. "nan",
  24324. "nan",
  24325. "nan",
  24326. "nan"
  24327. ],
  24328. [
  24329. "035339",
  24330. "00070",
  24331. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24332. "vs. betty k. wooldridge, et al",
  24333. "tcf0007572",
  24334. "general/other",
  24335. "rtc-rec freedom s&l betty wooldridge---",
  24336. "06/20/2001",
  24337. "as4791",
  24338. "jack e. fernandez",
  24339. "nan",
  24340. "nan",
  24341. "jef---seq: 0039",
  24342. "tampa",
  24343. "187330",
  24344. "2/28/1992",
  24345. "nan",
  24346. "nan",
  24347. "nan",
  24348. "nan",
  24349. "nan",
  24350. "nan",
  24351. "nan",
  24352. "nan",
  24353. "nan",
  24354. "nan",
  24355. "nan",
  24356. "nan",
  24357. "nan",
  24358. "nan",
  24359. "nan",
  24360. "nan",
  24361. "nan",
  24362. "nan",
  24363. "nan",
  24364. "nan",
  24365. "nan",
  24366. "nan"
  24367. ],
  24368. [
  24369. "035339",
  24370. "00063",
  24371. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24372. "vs. ian n. wheeler, et al.",
  24373. "tcf0007572",
  24374. "general/other",
  24375. "rtc-rec freedom s&l ian wheeler---",
  24376. "06/20/2001",
  24377. "as4791",
  24378. "jack e. fernandez",
  24379. "nan",
  24380. "nan",
  24381. "jef---seq: 0040",
  24382. "tampa",
  24383. "187331",
  24384. "2/28/1992",
  24385. "nan",
  24386. "nan",
  24387. "nan",
  24388. "nan",
  24389. "nan",
  24390. "nan",
  24391. "nan",
  24392. "nan",
  24393. "nan",
  24394. "nan",
  24395. "nan",
  24396. "nan",
  24397. "nan",
  24398. "nan",
  24399. "nan",
  24400. "nan",
  24401. "nan",
  24402. "nan",
  24403. "nan",
  24404. "nan",
  24405. "nan",
  24406. "nan"
  24407. ],
  24408. [
  24409. "035339",
  24410. "00090",
  24411. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24412. "vs. floyd m. mckenzie et al.",
  24413. "tcf0007575",
  24414. "general/other",
  24415. "rtc-rec freedom s&l floyd m. mckenzie et al.---",
  24416. "06/20/2001",
  24417. "as4796",
  24418. "toni l. kemmerle",
  24419. "nan",
  24420. "nan",
  24421. "tlk---seq: 0010",
  24422. "tampa",
  24423. "187341",
  24424. "1/30/1992",
  24425. "nan",
  24426. "nan",
  24427. "nan",
  24428. "nan",
  24429. "nan",
  24430. "nan",
  24431. "nan",
  24432. "nan",
  24433. "nan",
  24434. "nan",
  24435. "nan",
  24436. "nan",
  24437. "nan",
  24438. "nan",
  24439. "nan",
  24440. "nan",
  24441. "nan",
  24442. "nan",
  24443. "nan",
  24444. "nan",
  24445. "nan",
  24446. "nan"
  24447. ],
  24448. [
  24449. "035339",
  24450. "00064",
  24451. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24452. "vs. ann bonar ross, et al.",
  24453. "tcf0007732",
  24454. "general/other",
  24455. "rtc/rec freedom s & l 92 ann bonar ross---",
  24456. "06/20/2001",
  24457. "au3200",
  24458. "jack e. fernandez",
  24459. "nan",
  24460. "nan",
  24461. "wmc---seq: 0019",
  24462. "tampa",
  24463. "188526",
  24464. "4/6/1992",
  24465. "nan",
  24466. "nan",
  24467. "nan",
  24468. "nan",
  24469. "nan",
  24470. "nan",
  24471. "nan",
  24472. "nan",
  24473. "nan",
  24474. "nan",
  24475. "nan",
  24476. "nan",
  24477. "nan",
  24478. "nan",
  24479. "nan",
  24480. "nan",
  24481. "nan",
  24482. "nan",
  24483. "nan",
  24484. "nan",
  24485. "nan",
  24486. "nan"
  24487. ],
  24488. [
  24489. "035339",
  24490. "00061",
  24491. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24492. "vs. robert garcia, jr., et al.",
  24493. "tcf0007732",
  24494. "general/other",
  24495. "rtc/rec freedom s & l 92 robert garcia, jr.---",
  24496. "06/20/2001",
  24497. "au3200",
  24498. "jack e. fernandez",
  24499. "nan",
  24500. "nan",
  24501. "wmc---seq: 0020",
  24502. "tampa",
  24503. "188527",
  24504. "4/6/1992",
  24505. "nan",
  24506. "nan",
  24507. "nan",
  24508. "nan",
  24509. "nan",
  24510. "nan",
  24511. "nan",
  24512. "nan",
  24513. "nan",
  24514. "nan",
  24515. "nan",
  24516. "nan",
  24517. "nan",
  24518. "nan",
  24519. "nan",
  24520. "nan",
  24521. "nan",
  24522. "nan",
  24523. "nan",
  24524. "nan",
  24525. "nan",
  24526. "nan"
  24527. ],
  24528. [
  24529. "035339",
  24530. "00086",
  24531. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24532. "vs. michael w. james, et al.",
  24533. "tcf0007732",
  24534. "general/other",
  24535. "rtc/rec freedom s & l 92 michael w. james---",
  24536. "06/20/2001",
  24537. "au3200",
  24538. "jack e. fernandez",
  24539. "nan",
  24540. "nan",
  24541. "wmc---seq: 0021",
  24542. "tampa",
  24543. "188528",
  24544. "4/6/1992",
  24545. "nan",
  24546. "nan",
  24547. "nan",
  24548. "nan",
  24549. "nan",
  24550. "nan",
  24551. "nan",
  24552. "nan",
  24553. "nan",
  24554. "nan",
  24555. "nan",
  24556. "nan",
  24557. "nan",
  24558. "nan",
  24559. "nan",
  24560. "nan",
  24561. "nan",
  24562. "nan",
  24563. "nan",
  24564. "nan",
  24565. "nan",
  24566. "nan"
  24567. ],
  24568. [
  24569. "035339",
  24570. "00060",
  24571. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24572. "vs. james alexander, et al.",
  24573. "tcf0007732",
  24574. "general/other",
  24575. "rtc/rec freedom s & l 92 james alexander---",
  24576. "06/20/2001",
  24577. "au3200",
  24578. "jack e. fernandez",
  24579. "nan",
  24580. "nan",
  24581. "wmc---seq: 0022",
  24582. "tampa",
  24583. "188529",
  24584. "4/6/1992",
  24585. "nan",
  24586. "nan",
  24587. "nan",
  24588. "nan",
  24589. "nan",
  24590. "nan",
  24591. "nan",
  24592. "nan",
  24593. "nan",
  24594. "nan",
  24595. "nan",
  24596. "nan",
  24597. "nan",
  24598. "nan",
  24599. "nan",
  24600. "nan",
  24601. "nan",
  24602. "nan",
  24603. "nan",
  24604. "nan",
  24605. "nan",
  24606. "nan"
  24607. ],
  24608. [
  24609. "035339",
  24610. "00066",
  24611. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24612. "vs. kenneth p. badalament etal",
  24613. "tcf0007732",
  24614. "general/other",
  24615. "rtc/rec freedom s & l kenneth p. badalament---",
  24616. "06/20/2001",
  24617. "au3200",
  24618. "jack e. fernandez",
  24619. "nan",
  24620. "nan",
  24621. "wmc---seq: 0023",
  24622. "tampa",
  24623. "188530",
  24624. "4/6/1992",
  24625. "nan",
  24626. "nan",
  24627. "nan",
  24628. "nan",
  24629. "nan",
  24630. "nan",
  24631. "nan",
  24632. "nan",
  24633. "nan",
  24634. "nan",
  24635. "nan",
  24636. "nan",
  24637. "nan",
  24638. "nan",
  24639. "nan",
  24640. "nan",
  24641. "nan",
  24642. "nan",
  24643. "nan",
  24644. "nan",
  24645. "nan",
  24646. "nan"
  24647. ],
  24648. [
  24649. "035339",
  24650. "00089",
  24651. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24652. "vs. walter a. blazer, jr. etal",
  24653. "tcf0007732",
  24654. "general/other",
  24655. "rtc/rec freedom s & l walter blazer, jr.---",
  24656. "06/20/2001",
  24657. "au3200",
  24658. "toni l. kemmerle",
  24659. "nan",
  24660. "nan",
  24661. "wmc---seq: 0024",
  24662. "tampa",
  24663. "188531",
  24664. "4/6/1992",
  24665. "nan",
  24666. "nan",
  24667. "nan",
  24668. "nan",
  24669. "nan",
  24670. "nan",
  24671. "nan",
  24672. "nan",
  24673. "nan",
  24674. "nan",
  24675. "nan",
  24676. "nan",
  24677. "nan",
  24678. "nan",
  24679. "nan",
  24680. "nan",
  24681. "nan",
  24682. "nan",
  24683. "nan",
  24684. "nan",
  24685. "nan",
  24686. "nan"
  24687. ],
  24688. [
  24689. "035339",
  24690. "00068",
  24691. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24692. "vs. michael p. hill et al.",
  24693. "tcf0007735",
  24694. "general/other",
  24695. "rtc 92 michael p. hill---",
  24696. "06/20/2001",
  24697. "au3203",
  24698. "jack e. fernandez",
  24699. "nan",
  24700. "nan",
  24701. "wmc---seq: 0031",
  24702. "tampa",
  24703. "188552",
  24704. "4/6/1992",
  24705. "nan",
  24706. "nan",
  24707. "nan",
  24708. "nan",
  24709. "nan",
  24710. "nan",
  24711. "nan",
  24712. "nan",
  24713. "nan",
  24714. "nan",
  24715. "nan",
  24716. "nan",
  24717. "nan",
  24718. "nan",
  24719. "nan",
  24720. "nan",
  24721. "nan",
  24722. "nan",
  24723. "nan",
  24724. "nan",
  24725. "nan",
  24726. "nan"
  24727. ],
  24728. [
  24729. "035339",
  24730. "00087",
  24731. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24732. "vs. hugh david higgins, et al.",
  24733. "tcf0007735",
  24734. "general/other",
  24735. "rtc 92 hugh david higgins---",
  24736. "06/20/2001",
  24737. "au3203",
  24738. "jack e. fernandez",
  24739. "nan",
  24740. "nan",
  24741. "wmc---seq: 0032",
  24742. "tampa",
  24743. "188553",
  24744. "4/6/1992",
  24745. "nan",
  24746. "nan",
  24747. "nan",
  24748. "nan",
  24749. "nan",
  24750. "nan",
  24751. "nan",
  24752. "nan",
  24753. "nan",
  24754. "nan",
  24755. "nan",
  24756. "nan",
  24757. "nan",
  24758. "nan",
  24759. "nan",
  24760. "nan",
  24761. "nan",
  24762. "nan",
  24763. "nan",
  24764. "nan",
  24765. "nan",
  24766. "nan"
  24767. ],
  24768. [
  24769. "035339",
  24770. "00054",
  24771. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24772. "vs. james p. hawkins, jr.",
  24773. "tcf0007735",
  24774. "general/other",
  24775. "rtc 92 james p. hawkins, jr.---",
  24776. "06/20/2001",
  24777. "au3203",
  24778. "jack e. fernandez",
  24779. "nan",
  24780. "nan",
  24781. "wmc---seq: 0033",
  24782. "tampa",
  24783. "188554",
  24784. "4/6/1992",
  24785. "nan",
  24786. "nan",
  24787. "nan",
  24788. "nan",
  24789. "nan",
  24790. "nan",
  24791. "nan",
  24792. "nan",
  24793. "nan",
  24794. "nan",
  24795. "nan",
  24796. "nan",
  24797. "nan",
  24798. "nan",
  24799. "nan",
  24800. "nan",
  24801. "nan",
  24802. "nan",
  24803. "nan",
  24804. "nan",
  24805. "nan",
  24806. "nan"
  24807. ],
  24808. [
  24809. "035339",
  24810. "00077",
  24811. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24812. "vs. william j. gunn, et al.",
  24813. "tcf0007735",
  24814. "general/other",
  24815. "rtc 92 william j. gunn---",
  24816. "06/20/2001",
  24817. "au3203",
  24818. "jack e. fernandez",
  24819. "nan",
  24820. "nan",
  24821. "wmc---seq: 0035",
  24822. "tampa",
  24823. "188556",
  24824. "4/6/1992",
  24825. "nan",
  24826. "nan",
  24827. "nan",
  24828. "nan",
  24829. "nan",
  24830. "nan",
  24831. "nan",
  24832. "nan",
  24833. "nan",
  24834. "nan",
  24835. "nan",
  24836. "nan",
  24837. "nan",
  24838. "nan",
  24839. "nan",
  24840. "nan",
  24841. "nan",
  24842. "nan",
  24843. "nan",
  24844. "nan",
  24845. "nan",
  24846. "nan"
  24847. ],
  24848. [
  24849. "035339",
  24850. "00081",
  24851. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24852. "vs. james allen harris, jr.,",
  24853. "tcf0007735",
  24854. "general/other",
  24855. "rtc 92 james allen harris, jr---",
  24856. "06/20/2001",
  24857. "au3203",
  24858. "jack e. fernandez",
  24859. "nan",
  24860. "nan",
  24861. "wmc---seq: 0036",
  24862. "tampa",
  24863. "188557",
  24864. "4/6/1992",
  24865. "nan",
  24866. "nan",
  24867. "nan",
  24868. "nan",
  24869. "nan",
  24870. "nan",
  24871. "nan",
  24872. "nan",
  24873. "nan",
  24874. "nan",
  24875. "nan",
  24876. "nan",
  24877. "nan",
  24878. "nan",
  24879. "nan",
  24880. "nan",
  24881. "nan",
  24882. "nan",
  24883. "nan",
  24884. "nan",
  24885. "nan",
  24886. "nan"
  24887. ],
  24888. [
  24889. "035339",
  24890. "00092",
  24891. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24892. "vs. robert w. garrison, et al.",
  24893. "tcf0007735",
  24894. "general/other",
  24895. "rtc 92 robert w. garrison---",
  24896. "06/20/2001",
  24897. "au3203",
  24898. "catherine m. mcginty",
  24899. "nan",
  24900. "nan",
  24901. "wmc---seq: 0037",
  24902. "tampa",
  24903. "188558",
  24904. "4/6/1992",
  24905. "nan",
  24906. "nan",
  24907. "nan",
  24908. "nan",
  24909. "nan",
  24910. "nan",
  24911. "nan",
  24912. "nan",
  24913. "nan",
  24914. "nan",
  24915. "nan",
  24916. "nan",
  24917. "nan",
  24918. "nan",
  24919. "nan",
  24920. "nan",
  24921. "nan",
  24922. "nan",
  24923. "nan",
  24924. "nan",
  24925. "nan",
  24926. "nan"
  24927. ],
  24928. [
  24929. "035339",
  24930. "00091",
  24931. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24932. "vs. john j. flood, et al.",
  24933. "tcf0007735",
  24934. "general/other",
  24935. "rtc 92 john l. flood---",
  24936. "06/20/2001",
  24937. "au3203",
  24938. "toni l. kemmerle",
  24939. "nan",
  24940. "nan",
  24941. "wmc---seq: 0038",
  24942. "tampa",
  24943. "188559",
  24944. "4/6/1992",
  24945. "nan",
  24946. "nan",
  24947. "nan",
  24948. "nan",
  24949. "nan",
  24950. "nan",
  24951. "nan",
  24952. "nan",
  24953. "nan",
  24954. "nan",
  24955. "nan",
  24956. "nan",
  24957. "nan",
  24958. "nan",
  24959. "nan",
  24960. "nan",
  24961. "nan",
  24962. "nan",
  24963. "nan",
  24964. "nan",
  24965. "nan",
  24966. "nan"
  24967. ],
  24968. [
  24969. "035339",
  24970. "00073",
  24971. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  24972. "vs. stephen j. dube, et al.",
  24973. "tcf0007735",
  24974. "general/other",
  24975. "rtc 91 stephen j. dube---",
  24976. "06/20/2001",
  24977. "au3203",
  24978. "jack e. fernandez",
  24979. "nan",
  24980. "nan",
  24981. "wmc---seq: 0039",
  24982. "tampa",
  24983. "188560",
  24984. "4/6/1992",
  24985. "nan",
  24986. "nan",
  24987. "nan",
  24988. "nan",
  24989. "nan",
  24990. "nan",
  24991. "nan",
  24992. "nan",
  24993. "nan",
  24994. "nan",
  24995. "nan",
  24996. "nan",
  24997. "nan",
  24998. "nan",
  24999. "nan",
  25000. "nan",
  25001. "nan",
  25002. "nan",
  25003. "nan",
  25004. "nan",
  25005. "nan",
  25006. "nan"
  25007. ],
  25008. [
  25009. "035339",
  25010. "00053",
  25011. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25012. "vs. eduardo cardona, et al.",
  25013. "tcf0007735",
  25014. "general/other",
  25015. "rtc 92 eduardo cardona---",
  25016. "06/20/2001",
  25017. "au3203",
  25018. "jack e. fernandez",
  25019. "nan",
  25020. "nan",
  25021. "wmc---seq: 0040",
  25022. "tampa",
  25023. "188561",
  25024. "4/6/1992",
  25025. "nan",
  25026. "nan",
  25027. "nan",
  25028. "nan",
  25029. "nan",
  25030. "nan",
  25031. "nan",
  25032. "nan",
  25033. "nan",
  25034. "nan",
  25035. "nan",
  25036. "nan",
  25037. "nan",
  25038. "nan",
  25039. "nan",
  25040. "nan",
  25041. "nan",
  25042. "nan",
  25043. "nan",
  25044. "nan",
  25045. "nan",
  25046. "nan"
  25047. ],
  25048. [
  25049. "035339",
  25050. "00067",
  25051. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25052. "vs. daniel kimak, et al.",
  25053. "tcf0007745",
  25054. "general/other",
  25055. "rtc/rec freedom s & l forc 92 daniel kimak---",
  25056. "06/20/2001",
  25057. "au3215",
  25058. "jack e. fernandez",
  25059. "nan",
  25060. "nan",
  25061. "wmc---seq: 0019",
  25062. "tampa",
  25063. "188602",
  25064. "4/6/1992",
  25065. "nan",
  25066. "nan",
  25067. "nan",
  25068. "nan",
  25069. "nan",
  25070. "nan",
  25071. "nan",
  25072. "nan",
  25073. "nan",
  25074. "nan",
  25075. "nan",
  25076. "nan",
  25077. "nan",
  25078. "nan",
  25079. "nan",
  25080. "nan",
  25081. "nan",
  25082. "nan",
  25083. "nan",
  25084. "nan",
  25085. "nan",
  25086. "nan"
  25087. ],
  25088. [
  25089. "035339",
  25090. "00059",
  25091. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25092. "vs. jessie joe large, jr.,",
  25093. "tcf0007745",
  25094. "general/other",
  25095. "rtc/rec freedom s & l forc 92 jessie joe large, jr.---",
  25096. "06/20/2001",
  25097. "au3215",
  25098. "jack e. fernandez",
  25099. "nan",
  25100. "nan",
  25101. "wmc---seq: 0020",
  25102. "tampa",
  25103. "188603",
  25104. "4/6/1992",
  25105. "nan",
  25106. "nan",
  25107. "nan",
  25108. "nan",
  25109. "nan",
  25110. "nan",
  25111. "nan",
  25112. "nan",
  25113. "nan",
  25114. "nan",
  25115. "nan",
  25116. "nan",
  25117. "nan",
  25118. "nan",
  25119. "nan",
  25120. "nan",
  25121. "nan",
  25122. "nan",
  25123. "nan",
  25124. "nan",
  25125. "nan",
  25126. "nan"
  25127. ],
  25128. [
  25129. "035339",
  25130. "00078",
  25131. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25132. "vs. florence joyce mcgee,",
  25133. "tcf0007745",
  25134. "general/other",
  25135. "rtc/rec freedom s & l forc florence joyce mcgee---",
  25136. "06/20/2001",
  25137. "au3215",
  25138. "jack e. fernandez",
  25139. "nan",
  25140. "nan",
  25141. "wmc---seq: 0021",
  25142. "tampa",
  25143. "188604",
  25144. "4/6/1992",
  25145. "nan",
  25146. "nan",
  25147. "nan",
  25148. "nan",
  25149. "nan",
  25150. "nan",
  25151. "nan",
  25152. "nan",
  25153. "nan",
  25154. "nan",
  25155. "nan",
  25156. "nan",
  25157. "nan",
  25158. "nan",
  25159. "nan",
  25160. "nan",
  25161. "nan",
  25162. "nan",
  25163. "nan",
  25164. "nan",
  25165. "nan",
  25166. "nan"
  25167. ],
  25168. [
  25169. "035339",
  25170. "00062",
  25171. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25172. "vs. james l. mckenna, et al.",
  25173. "tcf0007745",
  25174. "general/other",
  25175. "rtc/rec freedom s & l forc james l. mckenna---",
  25176. "06/20/2001",
  25177. "au3215",
  25178. "jack e. fernandez",
  25179. "nan",
  25180. "nan",
  25181. "wmc---seq: 0022",
  25182. "tampa",
  25183. "188605",
  25184. "4/6/1992",
  25185. "nan",
  25186. "nan",
  25187. "nan",
  25188. "nan",
  25189. "nan",
  25190. "nan",
  25191. "nan",
  25192. "nan",
  25193. "nan",
  25194. "nan",
  25195. "nan",
  25196. "nan",
  25197. "nan",
  25198. "nan",
  25199. "nan",
  25200. "nan",
  25201. "nan",
  25202. "nan",
  25203. "nan",
  25204. "nan",
  25205. "nan",
  25206. "nan"
  25207. ],
  25208. [
  25209. "035339",
  25210. "00099",
  25211. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25212. "vs. hand, waymon & patricia",
  25213. "tcf0008228",
  25214. "general/other",
  25215. "rtc-rec freedom s&l 92 hand, waymon & patricia---",
  25216. "06/20/2001",
  25217. "av7137",
  25218. "catherine m. mcginty",
  25219. "nan",
  25220. "nan",
  25221. "cmm---seq: 0054",
  25222. "tampa",
  25223. "191140",
  25224. "9/9/1992",
  25225. "nan",
  25226. "nan",
  25227. "nan",
  25228. "nan",
  25229. "nan",
  25230. "nan",
  25231. "nan",
  25232. "nan",
  25233. "nan",
  25234. "nan",
  25235. "nan",
  25236. "nan",
  25237. "nan",
  25238. "nan",
  25239. "nan",
  25240. "nan",
  25241. "nan",
  25242. "nan",
  25243. "nan",
  25244. "nan",
  25245. "nan",
  25246. "nan"
  25247. ],
  25248. [
  25249. "035339",
  25250. "00071",
  25251. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25252. "vs. james v. murphy, et al.",
  25253. "tcf0008360",
  25254. "general/other",
  25255. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 james murphy---",
  25256. "06/20/2001",
  25257. "av9507",
  25258. "jack e. fernandez",
  25259. "nan",
  25260. "nan",
  25261. "wmc---seq: 0016",
  25262. "tampa",
  25263. "191901",
  25264. "12/1/1992",
  25265. "nan",
  25266. "nan",
  25267. "nan",
  25268. "nan",
  25269. "nan",
  25270. "nan",
  25271. "nan",
  25272. "nan",
  25273. "nan",
  25274. "nan",
  25275. "nan",
  25276. "nan",
  25277. "nan",
  25278. "nan",
  25279. "nan",
  25280. "nan",
  25281. "nan",
  25282. "nan",
  25283. "nan",
  25284. "nan",
  25285. "nan",
  25286. "nan"
  25287. ],
  25288. [
  25289. "035339",
  25290. "00082",
  25291. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25292. "vs. william p. sandlin, et al.",
  25293. "tcf0008360",
  25294. "general/other",
  25295. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 william sandlin---",
  25296. "06/20/2001",
  25297. "av9507",
  25298. "jack e. fernandez",
  25299. "nan",
  25300. "nan",
  25301. "wmc---seq: 0017",
  25302. "tampa",
  25303. "191902",
  25304. "12/1/1992",
  25305. "nan",
  25306. "nan",
  25307. "nan",
  25308. "nan",
  25309. "nan",
  25310. "nan",
  25311. "nan",
  25312. "nan",
  25313. "nan",
  25314. "nan",
  25315. "nan",
  25316. "nan",
  25317. "nan",
  25318. "nan",
  25319. "nan",
  25320. "nan",
  25321. "nan",
  25322. "nan",
  25323. "nan",
  25324. "nan",
  25325. "nan",
  25326. "nan"
  25327. ],
  25328. [
  25329. "035339",
  25330. "00058",
  25331. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25332. "vs. jim murphy",
  25333. "tcf0008360",
  25334. "general/other",
  25335. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 jim murphy---",
  25336. "06/20/2001",
  25337. "av9507",
  25338. "jack e. fernandez",
  25339. "nan",
  25340. "nan",
  25341. "wmc---seq: 0018",
  25342. "tampa",
  25343. "191903",
  25344. "12/1/1992",
  25345. "nan",
  25346. "nan",
  25347. "nan",
  25348. "nan",
  25349. "nan",
  25350. "nan",
  25351. "nan",
  25352. "nan",
  25353. "nan",
  25354. "nan",
  25355. "nan",
  25356. "nan",
  25357. "nan",
  25358. "nan",
  25359. "nan",
  25360. "nan",
  25361. "nan",
  25362. "nan",
  25363. "nan",
  25364. "nan",
  25365. "nan",
  25366. "nan"
  25367. ],
  25368. [
  25369. "035339",
  25370. "00069",
  25371. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25372. "vs. dan ingraham",
  25373. "tcf0008360",
  25374. "general/other",
  25375. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 dan ingraham---",
  25376. "06/20/2001",
  25377. "av9507",
  25378. "jack e. fernandez",
  25379. "nan",
  25380. "nan",
  25381. "wmc---seq: 0019",
  25382. "tampa",
  25383. "191904",
  25384. "12/1/1992",
  25385. "nan",
  25386. "nan",
  25387. "nan",
  25388. "nan",
  25389. "nan",
  25390. "nan",
  25391. "nan",
  25392. "nan",
  25393. "nan",
  25394. "nan",
  25395. "nan",
  25396. "nan",
  25397. "nan",
  25398. "nan",
  25399. "nan",
  25400. "nan",
  25401. "nan",
  25402. "nan",
  25403. "nan",
  25404. "nan",
  25405. "nan",
  25406. "nan"
  25407. ],
  25408. [
  25409. "035339",
  25410. "00095",
  25411. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25412. "vs. paul j. bocko, et al.",
  25413. "tcf0008360",
  25414. "general/other",
  25415. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 paul bocko---",
  25416. "06/20/2001",
  25417. "av9507",
  25418. "catherine m. mcginty",
  25419. "nan",
  25420. "nan",
  25421. "wmc---seq: 0020",
  25422. "tampa",
  25423. "191905",
  25424. "12/1/1992",
  25425. "nan",
  25426. "nan",
  25427. "nan",
  25428. "nan",
  25429. "nan",
  25430. "nan",
  25431. "nan",
  25432. "nan",
  25433. "nan",
  25434. "nan",
  25435. "nan",
  25436. "nan",
  25437. "nan",
  25438. "nan",
  25439. "nan",
  25440. "nan",
  25441. "nan",
  25442. "nan",
  25443. "nan",
  25444. "nan",
  25445. "nan",
  25446. "nan"
  25447. ],
  25448. [
  25449. "035339",
  25450. "00056",
  25451. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25452. "vs. waymon c. hand et al.",
  25453. "tcf0008361",
  25454. "general/other",
  25455. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 waymon c. hand---",
  25456. "06/20/2001",
  25457. "av9509",
  25458. "jack e. fernandez",
  25459. "nan",
  25460. "nan",
  25461. "wmc---seq: 0013",
  25462. "tampa",
  25463. "191906",
  25464. "12/1/1992",
  25465. "nan",
  25466. "nan",
  25467. "nan",
  25468. "nan",
  25469. "nan",
  25470. "nan",
  25471. "nan",
  25472. "nan",
  25473. "nan",
  25474. "nan",
  25475. "nan",
  25476. "nan",
  25477. "nan",
  25478. "nan",
  25479. "nan",
  25480. "nan",
  25481. "nan",
  25482. "nan",
  25483. "nan",
  25484. "nan",
  25485. "nan",
  25486. "nan"
  25487. ],
  25488. [
  25489. "035339",
  25490. "00055",
  25491. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25492. "vs. ryan s. hodges",
  25493. "tcf0008361",
  25494. "general/other",
  25495. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 ryan hodges---",
  25496. "06/20/2001",
  25497. "av9509",
  25498. "jack e. fernandez",
  25499. "nan",
  25500. "nan",
  25501. "wmc---seq: 0014",
  25502. "tampa",
  25503. "191907",
  25504. "12/1/1992",
  25505. "nan",
  25506. "nan",
  25507. "nan",
  25508. "nan",
  25509. "nan",
  25510. "nan",
  25511. "nan",
  25512. "nan",
  25513. "nan",
  25514. "nan",
  25515. "nan",
  25516. "nan",
  25517. "nan",
  25518. "nan",
  25519. "nan",
  25520. "nan",
  25521. "nan",
  25522. "nan",
  25523. "nan",
  25524. "nan",
  25525. "nan",
  25526. "nan"
  25527. ],
  25528. [
  25529. "035339",
  25530. "00052",
  25531. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25532. "vs. r. c. douglas, et al.",
  25533. "tcf0008361",
  25534. "general/other",
  25535. "rtc - rec freedom s & l 92 r. c. douglas---",
  25536. "06/20/2001",
  25537. "av9509",
  25538. "jack e. fernandez",
  25539. "nan",
  25540. "nan",
  25541. "wmc---seq: 0016",
  25542. "tampa",
  25543. "191909",
  25544. "12/1/1992",
  25545. "nan",
  25546. "nan",
  25547. "nan",
  25548. "nan",
  25549. "nan",
  25550. "nan",
  25551. "nan",
  25552. "nan",
  25553. "nan",
  25554. "nan",
  25555. "nan",
  25556. "nan",
  25557. "nan",
  25558. "nan",
  25559. "nan",
  25560. "nan",
  25561. "nan",
  25562. "nan",
  25563. "nan",
  25564. "nan",
  25565. "nan",
  25566. "nan"
  25567. ],
  25568. [
  25569. "035339",
  25570. "00072",
  25571. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25572. "vs. jerry r. cravey, chmc no.",
  25573. "tcf0008363",
  25574. "general/other",
  25575. "rtc - freedom s & l 92 jerry r. cravey---",
  25576. "06/20/2001",
  25577. "av9511",
  25578. "jack e. fernandez",
  25579. "nan",
  25580. "nan",
  25581. "wmc---seq: 0012",
  25582. "tampa",
  25583. "191913",
  25584. "12/1/1992",
  25585. "nan",
  25586. "nan",
  25587. "nan",
  25588. "nan",
  25589. "nan",
  25590. "nan",
  25591. "nan",
  25592. "nan",
  25593. "nan",
  25594. "nan",
  25595. "nan",
  25596. "nan",
  25597. "nan",
  25598. "nan",
  25599. "nan",
  25600. "nan",
  25601. "nan",
  25602. "nan",
  25603. "nan",
  25604. "nan",
  25605. "nan",
  25606. "nan"
  25607. ],
  25608. [
  25609. "035339",
  25610. "00096",
  25611. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25612. "title ins: vs. jo f. waters,",
  25613. "tcf0008907",
  25614. "general/other",
  25615. "freedom s&l/foreclosures jo f waters---",
  25616. "06/20/2001",
  25617. "ay6020",
  25618. "robert n. butler",
  25619. "nan",
  25620. "nan",
  25621. "rnb---seq: 0064",
  25622. "tampa",
  25623. "195060",
  25624. "7/27/1992",
  25625. "nan",
  25626. "nan",
  25627. "nan",
  25628. "nan",
  25629. "nan",
  25630. "nan",
  25631. "nan",
  25632. "nan",
  25633. "nan",
  25634. "nan",
  25635. "nan",
  25636. "nan",
  25637. "nan",
  25638. "nan",
  25639. "nan",
  25640. "nan",
  25641. "nan",
  25642. "nan",
  25643. "nan",
  25644. "nan",
  25645. "nan",
  25646. "nan"
  25647. ],
  25648. [
  25649. "035339",
  25650. "00097",
  25651. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25652. "title ins: vs michael w. james",
  25653. "tcf0008907",
  25654. "general/other",
  25655. "rtc/freedom s&l michael w james---",
  25656. "06/20/2001",
  25657. "ay6020",
  25658. "robert n. butler",
  25659. "nan",
  25660. "nan",
  25661. "rnb---seq: 0065",
  25662. "tampa",
  25663. "195061",
  25664. "8/24/1992",
  25665. "nan",
  25666. "nan",
  25667. "nan",
  25668. "nan",
  25669. "nan",
  25670. "nan",
  25671. "nan",
  25672. "nan",
  25673. "nan",
  25674. "nan",
  25675. "nan",
  25676. "nan",
  25677. "nan",
  25678. "nan",
  25679. "nan",
  25680. "nan",
  25681. "nan",
  25682. "nan",
  25683. "nan",
  25684. "nan",
  25685. "nan",
  25686. "nan"
  25687. ],
  25688. [
  25689. "035339",
  25690. "00098",
  25691. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25692. "title insurance: vs. paul j.",
  25693. "tcf0008907",
  25694. "general/other",
  25695. "rtc-rec freedom s&l paul j bocko---",
  25696. "06/20/2001",
  25697. "ay6020",
  25698. "robert n. butler",
  25699. "nan",
  25700. "nan",
  25701. "rnb---seq: 0066",
  25702. "tampa",
  25703. "195062",
  25704. "8/24/1992",
  25705. "nan",
  25706. "nan",
  25707. "nan",
  25708. "nan",
  25709. "nan",
  25710. "nan",
  25711. "nan",
  25712. "nan",
  25713. "nan",
  25714. "nan",
  25715. "nan",
  25716. "nan",
  25717. "nan",
  25718. "nan",
  25719. "nan",
  25720. "nan",
  25721. "nan",
  25722. "nan",
  25723. "nan",
  25724. "nan",
  25725. "nan",
  25726. "nan"
  25727. ],
  25728. [
  25729. "035339",
  25730. "00100",
  25731. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25732. "title insurance: vs. waymon c.",
  25733. "tcf0008907",
  25734. "general/other",
  25735. "rtc-rec freedom s&l waymon c hand---",
  25736. "06/20/2001",
  25737. "ay6020",
  25738. "robert n. butler",
  25739. "nan",
  25740. "nan",
  25741. "rnb---seq: 0067",
  25742. "tampa",
  25743. "195063",
  25744. "8/24/1992",
  25745. "nan",
  25746. "nan",
  25747. "nan",
  25748. "nan",
  25749. "nan",
  25750. "nan",
  25751. "nan",
  25752. "nan",
  25753. "nan",
  25754. "nan",
  25755. "nan",
  25756. "nan",
  25757. "nan",
  25758. "nan",
  25759. "nan",
  25760. "nan",
  25761. "nan",
  25762. "nan",
  25763. "nan",
  25764. "nan",
  25765. "nan",
  25766. "nan"
  25767. ],
  25768. [
  25769. "035339",
  25770. "00069",
  25771. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  25772. "vs. dan ingraham",
  25773. "625587419",
  25774. "nan",
  25775. "pleadings file",
  25776. "5/15/2008",
  25777. "023372",
  25778. "jack e. fernandez",
  25779. "nan",
  25780. "nan",
  25781. " hk box:",
  25782. "tallahassee",
  25783. "633936",
  25784. "12/1/1992",
  25785. "nan",
  25786. "nan",
  25787. "nan",
  25788. "nan",
  25789. "nan",
  25790. "nan",
  25791. "nan",
  25792. "nan",
  25793. "nan",
  25794. "nan",
  25795. "nan",
  25796. "nan",
  25797. "nan",
  25798. "nan",
  25799. "nan",
  25800. "nan",
  25801. "nan",
  25802. "nan",
  25803. "nan",
  25804. "nan",
  25805. "nan",
  25806. "nan"
  25807. ],
  25808. [
  25809. "035446",
  25810. "00002",
  25811. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  25812. "vs. henry a. bragg, iii, et al",
  25813. "tcf0007575",
  25814. "general/other",
  25815. "-rtc-rec security fed s&l vs. henry a. bragg, et al",
  25816. "06/20/2001",
  25817. "as4796",
  25818. "catherine m. mcginty",
  25819. "nan",
  25820. "nan",
  25821. "seq: 0011-jef",
  25822. "tampa",
  25823. "187342",
  25824. "1/31/1992",
  25825. "nan",
  25826. "nan",
  25827. "nan",
  25828. "nan",
  25829. "nan",
  25830. "nan",
  25831. "nan",
  25832. "nan",
  25833. "nan",
  25834. "nan",
  25835. "nan",
  25836. "nan",
  25837. "nan",
  25838. "nan",
  25839. "nan",
  25840. "nan",
  25841. "nan",
  25842. "nan",
  25843. "nan",
  25844. "nan",
  25845. "nan",
  25846. "nan"
  25847. ],
  25848. [
  25849. "035446",
  25850. "00001",
  25851. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  25852. "vs. lewis o. myhre, iii, et al",
  25853. "tcf0007575",
  25854. "general/other",
  25855. "-rtc-rec security fed s&l vs. lewis o. myhre et al",
  25856. "06/20/2001",
  25857. "as4796",
  25858. "catherine m. mcginty",
  25859. "nan",
  25860. "nan",
  25861. "seq: 0012-jef",
  25862. "tampa",
  25863. "187343",
  25864. "1/31/1992",
  25865. "nan",
  25866. "nan",
  25867. "nan",
  25868. "nan",
  25869. "nan",
  25870. "nan",
  25871. "nan",
  25872. "nan",
  25873. "nan",
  25874. "nan",
  25875. "nan",
  25876. "nan",
  25877. "nan",
  25878. "nan",
  25879. "nan",
  25880. "nan",
  25881. "nan",
  25882. "nan",
  25883. "nan",
  25884. "nan",
  25885. "nan",
  25886. "nan"
  25887. ],
  25888. [
  25889. "035446",
  25890. "00003",
  25891. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  25892. "title insurance: vs. lewis",
  25893. "tcf0008908",
  25894. "general/other",
  25895. "-rtc-rec security fed s&l lewis o myhre",
  25896. "06/20/2001",
  25897. "ay6021",
  25898. "robert n. butler",
  25899. "nan",
  25900. "nan",
  25901. "seq: 0020-rnb",
  25902. "tampa",
  25903. "195070",
  25904. "8/24/1992",
  25905. "nan",
  25906. "nan",
  25907. "nan",
  25908. "nan",
  25909. "nan",
  25910. "nan",
  25911. "nan",
  25912. "nan",
  25913. "nan",
  25914. "nan",
  25915. "nan",
  25916. "nan",
  25917. "nan",
  25918. "nan",
  25919. "nan",
  25920. "nan",
  25921. "nan",
  25922. "nan",
  25923. "nan",
  25924. "nan",
  25925. "nan",
  25926. "nan"
  25927. ],
  25928. [
  25929. "035446",
  25930. "00004",
  25931. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  25932. "title ins. vs. henry a. bragg,",
  25933. "tcf0008908",
  25934. "general/other",
  25935. "-rtc-rec security fed s&l henry a bragg",
  25936. "06/20/2001",
  25937. "ay6021",
  25938. "robert n. butler",
  25939. "nan",
  25940. "nan",
  25941. "seq: 0021-rnb",
  25942. "tampa",
  25943. "195071",
  25944. "2/20/1992",
  25945. "nan",
  25946. "nan",
  25947. "nan",
  25948. "nan",
  25949. "nan",
  25950. "nan",
  25951. "nan",
  25952. "nan",
  25953. "nan",
  25954. "nan",
  25955. "nan",
  25956. "nan",
  25957. "nan",
  25958. "nan",
  25959. "nan",
  25960. "nan",
  25961. "nan",
  25962. "nan",
  25963. "nan",
  25964. "nan",
  25965. "nan",
  25966. "nan"
  25967. ],
  25968. [
  25969. "035785",
  25970. "00001",
  25971. "rtc-rec liberty federal s&l",
  25972. "vs. heritage bay homeowners",
  25973. "159819747",
  25974. "nan",
  25975. ".",
  25976. "7/15/2009",
  25977. "090037",
  25978. "george b. howell",
  25979. "nan",
  25980. "nan",
  25981. " hk box:",
  25982. "tallahassee",
  25983. "1654557",
  25984. "2/22/1993",
  25985. "nan",
  25986. "nan",
  25987. "nan",
  25988. "nan",
  25989. "nan",
  25990. "nan",
  25991. "nan",
  25992. "nan",
  25993. "nan",
  25994. "nan",
  25995. "nan",
  25996. "nan",
  25997. "nan",
  25998. "nan",
  25999. "nan",
  26000. "nan",
  26001. "nan",
  26002. "nan",
  26003. "nan",
  26004. "nan",
  26005. "nan",
  26006. "nan"
  26007. ],
  26008. [
  26009. "036101",
  26010. "19",
  26011. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees",
  26012. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees",
  26013. "348024684",
  26014. "nan",
  26015. " 1 folder - corresp.; contract / closing, title work / survey, notes / misc., accounting, docs.",
  26016. "5/9/2005",
  26017. "348024684",
  26018. "6710",
  26019. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  26020. "nan",
  26021. " + fileid: $141627",
  26022. "orlando",
  26023. "563110",
  26024. "nan",
  26025. "nan",
  26026. "nan",
  26027. "nan",
  26028. "nan",
  26029. "nan",
  26030. "nan",
  26031. "nan",
  26032. "nan",
  26033. "nan",
  26034. "nan",
  26035. "nan",
  26036. "nan",
  26037. "nan",
  26038. "nan",
  26039. "nan",
  26040. "nan",
  26041. "nan",
  26042. "nan",
  26043. "nan",
  26044. "nan",
  26045. "nan",
  26046. "nan"
  26047. ],
  26048. [
  26049. "036101",
  26050. "23",
  26051. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings",
  26052. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings",
  26053. "348024684",
  26054. "nan",
  26055. " 1 folder - corresp.; contract / closing; title work / survey; notes / misc.; accounting; docs.",
  26056. "5/9/2005",
  26057. "348024684",
  26058. "6710",
  26059. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  26060. "nan",
  26061. " + fileid: $141686",
  26062. "orlando",
  26063. "563114",
  26064. "nan",
  26065. "nan",
  26066. "nan",
  26067. "nan",
  26068. "nan",
  26069. "nan",
  26070. "nan",
  26071. "nan",
  26072. "nan",
  26073. "nan",
  26074. "nan",
  26075. "nan",
  26076. "nan",
  26077. "nan",
  26078. "nan",
  26079. "nan",
  26080. "nan",
  26081. "nan",
  26082. "nan",
  26083. "nan",
  26084. "nan",
  26085. "nan",
  26086. "nan"
  26087. ],
  26088. [
  26089. "036101",
  26090. "00001",
  26091. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26092. "general",
  26093. "51533273",
  26094. "nan",
  26095. "/",
  26096. "nan",
  26097. "323",
  26098. "stephen b moss",
  26099. "nan",
  26100. "nan",
  26101. "closed file number: 97-049 + location: 2",
  26102. "west palm beach",
  26103. "581203",
  26104. "2/3/1993",
  26105. "nan",
  26106. "nan",
  26107. "nan",
  26108. "nan",
  26109. "nan",
  26110. "nan",
  26111. "nan",
  26112. "nan",
  26113. "nan",
  26114. "nan",
  26115. "nan",
  26116. "nan",
  26117. "nan",
  26118. "nan",
  26119. "nan",
  26120. "nan",
  26121. "nan",
  26122. "nan",
  26123. "nan",
  26124. "nan",
  26125. "nan",
  26126. "nan"
  26127. ],
  26128. [
  26129. "036101",
  26130. "00001",
  26131. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26132. "general",
  26133. "489520766",
  26134. "agreements",
  26135. "rtc v. stirling \nsettlement agreement",
  26136. "2/1/2013",
  26137. "085646",
  26138. "stephen b. moss",
  26139. "off-site",
  26140. "stephen moss",
  26141. "hk box # 8953",
  26142. "miami",
  26143. "1963408",
  26144. "2/3/1993",
  26145. "nan",
  26146. "nan",
  26147. "nan",
  26148. "nan",
  26149. "nan",
  26150. "nan",
  26151. "nan",
  26152. "nan",
  26153. "nan",
  26154. "nan",
  26155. "nan",
  26156. "nan",
  26157. "nan",
  26158. "nan",
  26159. "nan",
  26160. "nan",
  26161. "nan",
  26162. "nan",
  26163. "nan",
  26164. "nan",
  26165. "nan",
  26166. "nan"
  26167. ],
  26168. [
  26169. "036101",
  26170. "00001",
  26171. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26172. "general",
  26173. "489520766",
  26174. "escrow agreement",
  26175. "rtc v. stirling \nesrow agreement",
  26176. "2/1/2013",
  26177. "085646",
  26178. "stephen b. moss",
  26179. "off-site",
  26180. "stephen moss",
  26181. "hk box # 8953",
  26182. "miami",
  26183. "1963409",
  26184. "2/3/1993",
  26185. "nan",
  26186. "nan",
  26187. "nan",
  26188. "nan",
  26189. "nan",
  26190. "nan",
  26191. "nan",
  26192. "nan",
  26193. "nan",
  26194. "nan",
  26195. "nan",
  26196. "nan",
  26197. "nan",
  26198. "nan",
  26199. "nan",
  26200. "nan",
  26201. "nan",
  26202. "nan",
  26203. "nan",
  26204. "nan",
  26205. "nan",
  26206. "nan"
  26207. ],
  26208. [
  26209. "036101",
  26210. "00001",
  26211. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26212. "general",
  26213. "489520766",
  26214. "agreements",
  26215. "rtc v. stirling \ntermination agreement",
  26216. "2/1/2013",
  26217. "085646",
  26218. "stephen b. moss",
  26219. "off-site",
  26220. "stephen moss",
  26221. "hk box # 8953",
  26222. "miami",
  26223. "1963410",
  26224. "2/3/1993",
  26225. "nan",
  26226. "nan",
  26227. "nan",
  26228. "nan",
  26229. "nan",
  26230. "nan",
  26231. "nan",
  26232. "nan",
  26233. "nan",
  26234. "nan",
  26235. "nan",
  26236. "nan",
  26237. "nan",
  26238. "nan",
  26239. "nan",
  26240. "nan",
  26241. "nan",
  26242. "nan",
  26243. "nan",
  26244. "nan",
  26245. "nan",
  26246. "nan"
  26247. ],
  26248. [
  26249. "036101",
  26250. "00001",
  26251. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26252. "general",
  26253. "489520766",
  26254. "agreements",
  26255. "rtc v. stirling \nagreement re: assignment of deposit",
  26256. "2/1/2013",
  26257. "085646",
  26258. "stephen b. moss",
  26259. "off-site",
  26260. "stephen moss",
  26261. "hk box # 8953",
  26262. "miami",
  26263. "1963411",
  26264. "2/3/1993",
  26265. "nan",
  26266. "nan",
  26267. "nan",
  26268. "nan",
  26269. "nan",
  26270. "nan",
  26271. "nan",
  26272. "nan",
  26273. "nan",
  26274. "nan",
  26275. "nan",
  26276. "nan",
  26277. "nan",
  26278. "nan",
  26279. "nan",
  26280. "nan",
  26281. "nan",
  26282. "nan",
  26283. "nan",
  26284. "nan",
  26285. "nan",
  26286. "nan"
  26287. ],
  26288. [
  26289. "036101",
  26290. "00001",
  26291. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26292. "general",
  26293. "489520766",
  26294. "general/other",
  26295. "rtc v. stirling \nrtc/bell federal savings bank - loan workout with sirling palm building corp.",
  26296. "2/1/2013",
  26297. "085646",
  26298. "stephen b. moss",
  26299. "off-site",
  26300. "stephen moss",
  26301. "hk box # 8953",
  26302. "miami",
  26303. "1963413",
  26304. "2/3/1993",
  26305. "nan",
  26306. "nan",
  26307. "nan",
  26308. "nan",
  26309. "nan",
  26310. "nan",
  26311. "nan",
  26312. "nan",
  26313. "nan",
  26314. "nan",
  26315. "nan",
  26316. "nan",
  26317. "nan",
  26318. "nan",
  26319. "nan",
  26320. "nan",
  26321. "nan",
  26322. "nan",
  26323. "nan",
  26324. "nan",
  26325. "nan",
  26326. "nan"
  26327. ],
  26328. [
  26329. "036101",
  26330. "00001",
  26331. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26332. "general",
  26333. "489520766",
  26334. "memoranda",
  26335. "rtc v. stirling \ncase memorandum 12/9/91",
  26336. "2/1/2013",
  26337. "085646",
  26338. "stephen b. moss",
  26339. "off-site",
  26340. "stephen moss",
  26341. "hk box # 8953",
  26342. "miami",
  26343. "1963414",
  26344. "2/3/1993",
  26345. "nan",
  26346. "nan",
  26347. "nan",
  26348. "nan",
  26349. "nan",
  26350. "nan",
  26351. "nan",
  26352. "nan",
  26353. "nan",
  26354. "nan",
  26355. "nan",
  26356. "nan",
  26357. "nan",
  26358. "nan",
  26359. "nan",
  26360. "nan",
  26361. "nan",
  26362. "nan",
  26363. "nan",
  26364. "nan",
  26365. "nan",
  26366. "nan"
  26367. ],
  26368. [
  26369. "036101",
  26370. "00001",
  26371. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26372. "general",
  26373. "489520766",
  26374. "agreements",
  26375. "rtc v. stirling \npurchase and sale agreement",
  26376. "2/1/2013",
  26377. "085646",
  26378. "stephen b. moss",
  26379. "off-site",
  26380. "stephen moss",
  26381. "hk box # 8953",
  26382. "miami",
  26383. "1963415",
  26384. "2/3/1993",
  26385. "nan",
  26386. "nan",
  26387. "nan",
  26388. "nan",
  26389. "nan",
  26390. "nan",
  26391. "nan",
  26392. "nan",
  26393. "nan",
  26394. "nan",
  26395. "nan",
  26396. "nan",
  26397. "nan",
  26398. "nan",
  26399. "nan",
  26400. "nan",
  26401. "nan",
  26402. "nan",
  26403. "nan",
  26404. "nan",
  26405. "nan",
  26406. "nan"
  26407. ],
  26408. [
  26409. "036101",
  26410. "00001",
  26411. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26412. "general",
  26413. "489520766",
  26414. "general/other",
  26415. "rtc v. stirling \nmortgage - miller residence",
  26416. "2/1/2013",
  26417. "085646",
  26418. "stephen b. moss",
  26419. "off-site",
  26420. "stephen moss",
  26421. "hk box # 8953",
  26422. "miami",
  26423. "1963416",
  26424. "2/3/1993",
  26425. "nan",
  26426. "nan",
  26427. "nan",
  26428. "nan",
  26429. "nan",
  26430. "nan",
  26431. "nan",
  26432. "nan",
  26433. "nan",
  26434. "nan",
  26435. "nan",
  26436. "nan",
  26437. "nan",
  26438. "nan",
  26439. "nan",
  26440. "nan",
  26441. "nan",
  26442. "nan",
  26443. "nan",
  26444. "nan",
  26445. "nan",
  26446. "nan"
  26447. ],
  26448. [
  26449. "036101",
  26450. "00001",
  26451. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26452. "general",
  26453. "489520766",
  26454. "contracts",
  26455. "rtc v. stirling \npurchase contract - miller residence",
  26456. "2/1/2013",
  26457. "085646",
  26458. "stephen b. moss",
  26459. "off-site",
  26460. "stephen moss",
  26461. "hk box # 8953",
  26462. "miami",
  26463. "1963417",
  26464. "2/3/1993",
  26465. "nan",
  26466. "nan",
  26467. "nan",
  26468. "nan",
  26469. "nan",
  26470. "nan",
  26471. "nan",
  26472. "nan",
  26473. "nan",
  26474. "nan",
  26475. "nan",
  26476. "nan",
  26477. "nan",
  26478. "nan",
  26479. "nan",
  26480. "nan",
  26481. "nan",
  26482. "nan",
  26483. "nan",
  26484. "nan",
  26485. "nan",
  26486. "nan"
  26487. ],
  26488. [
  26489. "036101",
  26490. "00001",
  26491. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26492. "general",
  26493. "489520766",
  26494. "agreements",
  26495. "rtc v. stirling \ndocuments re: commission agreement",
  26496. "2/1/2013",
  26497. "085646",
  26498. "stephen b. moss",
  26499. "off-site",
  26500. "stephen moss",
  26501. "hk box # 8953",
  26502. "miami",
  26503. "1963418",
  26504. "2/3/1993",
  26505. "nan",
  26506. "nan",
  26507. "nan",
  26508. "nan",
  26509. "nan",
  26510. "nan",
  26511. "nan",
  26512. "nan",
  26513. "nan",
  26514. "nan",
  26515. "nan",
  26516. "nan",
  26517. "nan",
  26518. "nan",
  26519. "nan",
  26520. "nan",
  26521. "nan",
  26522. "nan",
  26523. "nan",
  26524. "nan",
  26525. "nan",
  26526. "nan"
  26527. ],
  26528. [
  26529. "036101",
  26530. "00001",
  26531. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26532. "general",
  26533. "489520766",
  26534. "closing documents/binders",
  26535. "rtc v. stirling \nclosing binder",
  26536. "2/1/2013",
  26537. "085646",
  26538. "stephen b. moss",
  26539. "off-site",
  26540. "stephen moss",
  26541. "hk box # 8953",
  26542. "miami",
  26543. "1963419",
  26544. "2/3/1993",
  26545. "nan",
  26546. "nan",
  26547. "nan",
  26548. "nan",
  26549. "nan",
  26550. "nan",
  26551. "nan",
  26552. "nan",
  26553. "nan",
  26554. "nan",
  26555. "nan",
  26556. "nan",
  26557. "nan",
  26558. "nan",
  26559. "nan",
  26560. "nan",
  26561. "nan",
  26562. "nan",
  26563. "nan",
  26564. "nan",
  26565. "nan",
  26566. "nan"
  26567. ],
  26568. [
  26569. "036101",
  26570. "00001",
  26571. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26572. "general",
  26573. "489520766",
  26574. "closing documents/binders",
  26575. "rtc v. stirling \nclosing binder",
  26576. "2/1/2013",
  26577. "085646",
  26578. "stephen b. moss",
  26579. "off-site",
  26580. "stephen moss",
  26581. "hk box # 8953",
  26582. "miami",
  26583. "1963420",
  26584. "2/3/1993",
  26585. "nan",
  26586. "nan",
  26587. "nan",
  26588. "nan",
  26589. "nan",
  26590. "nan",
  26591. "nan",
  26592. "nan",
  26593. "nan",
  26594. "nan",
  26595. "nan",
  26596. "nan",
  26597. "nan",
  26598. "nan",
  26599. "nan",
  26600. "nan",
  26601. "nan",
  26602. "nan",
  26603. "nan",
  26604. "nan",
  26605. "nan",
  26606. "nan"
  26607. ],
  26608. [
  26609. "036101",
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  26612. "general",
  26613. "489520766",
  26614. "closing documents/binders",
  26615. "rtc v. stirling \nclosing binder",
  26616. "2/1/2013",
  26617. "085646",
  26618. "stephen b. moss",
  26619. "off-site",
  26620. "stephen moss",
  26621. "hk box # 8953",
  26622. "miami",
  26623. "1963421",
  26624. "2/3/1993",
  26625. "nan",
  26626. "nan",
  26627. "nan",
  26628. "nan",
  26629. "nan",
  26630. "nan",
  26631. "nan",
  26632. "nan",
  26633. "nan",
  26634. "nan",
  26635. "nan",
  26636. "nan",
  26637. "nan",
  26638. "nan",
  26639. "nan",
  26640. "nan",
  26641. "nan",
  26642. "nan",
  26643. "nan",
  26644. "nan",
  26645. "nan",
  26646. "nan"
  26647. ],
  26648. [
  26649. "036101",
  26650. "00001",
  26651. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26652. "general",
  26653. "489520766",
  26654. "general/other",
  26655. "rtc v. stirling \n4/8/91",
  26656. "2/1/2013",
  26657. "085646",
  26658. "stephen b. moss",
  26659. "off-site",
  26660. "stephen moss",
  26661. "hk box # 8953",
  26662. "miami",
  26663. "1963422",
  26664. "2/3/1993",
  26665. "nan",
  26666. "nan",
  26667. "nan",
  26668. "nan",
  26669. "nan",
  26670. "nan",
  26671. "nan",
  26672. "nan",
  26673. "nan",
  26674. "nan",
  26675. "nan",
  26676. "nan",
  26677. "nan",
  26678. "nan",
  26679. "nan",
  26680. "nan",
  26681. "nan",
  26682. "nan",
  26683. "nan",
  26684. "nan",
  26685. "nan",
  26686. "nan"
  26687. ],
  26688. [
  26689. "036101",
  26690. "00001",
  26691. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26692. "general",
  26693. "489520766",
  26694. "general/other",
  26695. "rtc v. stirling \nsatalitte file",
  26696. "2/1/2013",
  26697. "085646",
  26698. "stephen b. moss",
  26699. "off-site",
  26700. "stephen moss",
  26701. "hk box # 8953",
  26702. "miami",
  26703. "1963423",
  26704. "2/3/1993",
  26705. "nan",
  26706. "nan",
  26707. "nan",
  26708. "nan",
  26709. "nan",
  26710. "nan",
  26711. "nan",
  26712. "nan",
  26713. "nan",
  26714. "nan",
  26715. "nan",
  26716. "nan",
  26717. "nan",
  26718. "nan",
  26719. "nan",
  26720. "nan",
  26721. "nan",
  26722. "nan",
  26723. "nan",
  26724. "nan",
  26725. "nan",
  26726. "nan"
  26727. ],
  26728. [
  26729. "036101",
  26730. "00001",
  26731. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26732. "general",
  26733. "489520766",
  26734. "general/other",
  26735. "rtc v. stirling \nmodification documents",
  26736. "2/1/2013",
  26737. "085646",
  26738. "stephen b. moss",
  26739. "off-site",
  26740. "stephen moss",
  26741. "hk box # 8953",
  26742. "miami",
  26743. "1963425",
  26744. "2/3/1993",
  26745. "nan",
  26746. "nan",
  26747. "nan",
  26748. "nan",
  26749. "nan",
  26750. "nan",
  26751. "nan",
  26752. "nan",
  26753. "nan",
  26754. "nan",
  26755. "nan",
  26756. "nan",
  26757. "nan",
  26758. "nan",
  26759. "nan",
  26760. "nan",
  26761. "nan",
  26762. "nan",
  26763. "nan",
  26764. "nan",
  26765. "nan",
  26766. "nan"
  26767. ],
  26768. [
  26769. "036101",
  26770. "00001",
  26771. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26772. "general",
  26773. "489520766",
  26774. "general/other",
  26775. "rtc v. stirling \nmortgage title insurance policy",
  26776. "2/1/2013",
  26777. "085646",
  26778. "stephen b. moss",
  26779. "off-site",
  26780. "stephen moss",
  26781. "hk box # 8953",
  26782. "miami",
  26783. "1963426",
  26784. "2/3/1993",
  26785. "nan",
  26786. "nan",
  26787. "nan",
  26788. "nan",
  26789. "nan",
  26790. "nan",
  26791. "nan",
  26792. "nan",
  26793. "nan",
  26794. "nan",
  26795. "nan",
  26796. "nan",
  26797. "nan",
  26798. "nan",
  26799. "nan",
  26800. "nan",
  26801. "nan",
  26802. "nan",
  26803. "nan",
  26804. "nan",
  26805. "nan",
  26806. "nan"
  26807. ],
  26808. [
  26809. "036101",
  26810. "00001",
  26811. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26812. "general",
  26813. "489520766",
  26814. "general/other",
  26815. "rtc v. stirling \nmisc documents",
  26816. "2/1/2013",
  26817. "085646",
  26818. "stephen b. moss",
  26819. "off-site",
  26820. "stephen moss",
  26821. "hk box # 8953",
  26822. "miami",
  26823. "1963428",
  26824. "2/3/1993",
  26825. "nan",
  26826. "nan",
  26827. "nan",
  26828. "nan",
  26829. "nan",
  26830. "nan",
  26831. "nan",
  26832. "nan",
  26833. "nan",
  26834. "nan",
  26835. "nan",
  26836. "nan",
  26837. "nan",
  26838. "nan",
  26839. "nan",
  26840. "nan",
  26841. "nan",
  26842. "nan",
  26843. "nan",
  26844. "nan",
  26845. "nan",
  26846. "nan"
  26847. ],
  26848. [
  26849. "036101",
  26850. "00001",
  26851. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26852. "general",
  26853. "489520766",
  26854. "general/other",
  26855. "rtc v. stirling \nemployee addresses",
  26856. "2/1/2013",
  26857. "085646",
  26858. "stephen b. moss",
  26859. "off-site",
  26860. "stephen moss",
  26861. "hk box # 8953",
  26862. "miami",
  26863. "1963429",
  26864. "2/3/1993",
  26865. "nan",
  26866. "nan",
  26867. "nan",
  26868. "nan",
  26869. "nan",
  26870. "nan",
  26871. "nan",
  26872. "nan",
  26873. "nan",
  26874. "nan",
  26875. "nan",
  26876. "nan",
  26877. "nan",
  26878. "nan",
  26879. "nan",
  26880. "nan",
  26881. "nan",
  26882. "nan",
  26883. "nan",
  26884. "nan",
  26885. "nan",
  26886. "nan"
  26887. ],
  26888. [
  26889. "036101",
  26890. "00001",
  26891. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26892. "general",
  26893. "489520766",
  26894. "general/other",
  26895. "rtc v. stirling \nsummary of loan document",
  26896. "2/1/2013",
  26897. "085646",
  26898. "stephen b. moss",
  26899. "off-site",
  26900. "stephen moss",
  26901. "hk box # 8953",
  26902. "miami",
  26903. "1963430",
  26904. "2/3/1993",
  26905. "nan",
  26906. "nan",
  26907. "nan",
  26908. "nan",
  26909. "nan",
  26910. "nan",
  26911. "nan",
  26912. "nan",
  26913. "nan",
  26914. "nan",
  26915. "nan",
  26916. "nan",
  26917. "nan",
  26918. "nan",
  26919. "nan",
  26920. "nan",
  26921. "nan",
  26922. "nan",
  26923. "nan",
  26924. "nan",
  26925. "nan",
  26926. "nan"
  26927. ],
  26928. [
  26929. "036101",
  26930. "00001",
  26931. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26932. "general",
  26933. "489520766",
  26934. "letters of credit",
  26935. "rtc v. stirling \nletter of intent to deliver junior mortgages",
  26936. "2/1/2013",
  26937. "085646",
  26938. "stephen b. moss",
  26939. "off-site",
  26940. "stephen moss",
  26941. "hk box # 8953",
  26942. "miami",
  26943. "1963439",
  26944. "2/3/1993",
  26945. "nan",
  26946. "nan",
  26947. "nan",
  26948. "nan",
  26949. "nan",
  26950. "nan",
  26951. "nan",
  26952. "nan",
  26953. "nan",
  26954. "nan",
  26955. "nan",
  26956. "nan",
  26957. "nan",
  26958. "nan",
  26959. "nan",
  26960. "nan",
  26961. "nan",
  26962. "nan",
  26963. "nan",
  26964. "nan",
  26965. "nan",
  26966. "nan"
  26967. ],
  26968. [
  26969. "036101",
  26970. "00001",
  26971. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  26972. "general",
  26973. "489520766",
  26974. "general/other",
  26975. "rtc v. stirling \nallegation rtc's ownership of documents w/supporting documents",
  26976. "2/1/2013",
  26977. "085646",
  26978. "stephen b. moss",
  26979. "off-site",
  26980. "stephen moss",
  26981. "hk box # 8953",
  26982. "miami",
  26983. "1963441",
  26984. "2/3/1993",
  26985. "nan",
  26986. "nan",
  26987. "nan",
  26988. "nan",
  26989. "nan",
  26990. "nan",
  26991. "nan",
  26992. "nan",
  26993. "nan",
  26994. "nan",
  26995. "nan",
  26996. "nan",
  26997. "nan",
  26998. "nan",
  26999. "nan",
  27000. "nan",
  27001. "nan",
  27002. "nan",
  27003. "nan",
  27004. "nan",
  27005. "nan",
  27006. "nan"
  27007. ],
  27008. [
  27009. "036101",
  27010. "00001",
  27011. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  27012. "general",
  27013. "489520766",
  27014. "loan documents",
  27015. "rtc v. stirling \nloan docs referened in complaint",
  27016. "2/1/2013",
  27017. "085646",
  27018. "stephen b. moss",
  27019. "off-site",
  27020. "stephen moss",
  27021. "hk box # 8953",
  27022. "miami",
  27023. "1963443",
  27024. "2/3/1993",
  27025. "nan",
  27026. "nan",
  27027. "nan",
  27028. "nan",
  27029. "nan",
  27030. "nan",
  27031. "nan",
  27032. "nan",
  27033. "nan",
  27034. "nan",
  27035. "nan",
  27036. "nan",
  27037. "nan",
  27038. "nan",
  27039. "nan",
  27040. "nan",
  27041. "nan",
  27042. "nan",
  27043. "nan",
  27044. "nan",
  27045. "nan",
  27046. "nan"
  27047. ],
  27048. [
  27049. "036101",
  27050. "00001",
  27051. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  27052. "general",
  27053. "489520766",
  27054. "general/other",
  27055. "rtc v. stirling \nconflict check",
  27056. "2/1/2013",
  27057. "085646",
  27058. "stephen b. moss",
  27059. "off-site",
  27060. "stephen moss",
  27061. "hk box # 8953",
  27062. "miami",
  27063. "1963444",
  27064. "2/3/1993",
  27065. "nan",
  27066. "nan",
  27067. "nan",
  27068. "nan",
  27069. "nan",
  27070. "nan",
  27071. "nan",
  27072. "nan",
  27073. "nan",
  27074. "nan",
  27075. "nan",
  27076. "nan",
  27077. "nan",
  27078. "nan",
  27079. "nan",
  27080. "nan",
  27081. "nan",
  27082. "nan",
  27083. "nan",
  27084. "nan",
  27085. "nan",
  27086. "nan"
  27087. ],
  27088. [
  27089. "036101",
  27090. "00001",
  27091. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  27092. "general",
  27093. "489520766",
  27094. "general/other",
  27095. "rtc v. stirling \nsoil testing reports",
  27096. "2/1/2013",
  27097. "085646",
  27098. "stephen b. moss",
  27099. "off-site",
  27100. "stephen moss",
  27101. "hk box # 8953",
  27102. "miami",
  27103. "1963446",
  27104. "2/3/1993",
  27105. "nan",
  27106. "nan",
  27107. "nan",
  27108. "nan",
  27109. "nan",
  27110. "nan",
  27111. "nan",
  27112. "nan",
  27113. "nan",
  27114. "nan",
  27115. "nan",
  27116. "nan",
  27117. "nan",
  27118. "nan",
  27119. "nan",
  27120. "nan",
  27121. "nan",
  27122. "nan",
  27123. "nan",
  27124. "nan",
  27125. "nan",
  27126. "nan"
  27127. ],
  27128. [
  27129. "036101",
  27130. "00001",
  27131. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  27132. "general",
  27133. "489520766",
  27134. "agreements",
  27135. "rtc v. stirling \nspano escrow agreement",
  27136. "2/1/2013",
  27137. "085646",
  27138. "stephen b. moss",
  27139. "off-site",
  27140. "stephen moss",
  27141. "hk box # 8953",
  27142. "miami",
  27143. "1963448",
  27144. "2/3/1993",
  27145. "nan",
  27146. "nan",
  27147. "nan",
  27148. "nan",
  27149. "nan",
  27150. "nan",
  27151. "nan",
  27152. "nan",
  27153. "nan",
  27154. "nan",
  27155. "nan",
  27156. "nan",
  27157. "nan",
  27158. "nan",
  27159. "nan",
  27160. "nan",
  27161. "nan",
  27162. "nan",
  27163. "nan",
  27164. "nan",
  27165. "nan",
  27166. "nan"
  27167. ],
  27168. [
  27169. "036440",
  27170. "00001",
  27171. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.",
  27172. "1991 general matters",
  27173. "737262971",
  27174. "nan",
  27175. "tbrc alcan aluminum corporation\nadvertising 9/4/91\nbilling florida rep james f heerin jr\norlando mwb 4/5/91\ngeneral matters 5/8/91\nrtc shadow file re security savings and loan assoc\nscottdale arizona ervin respo.\nrtc billing file mwb",
  27176. "nan",
  27177. "027181",
  27178. "martha w. - retired barnett",
  27179. "nan",
  27180. "nan",
  27181. " hk box:",
  27182. "tallahassee",
  27183. "593999",
  27184. "9/1/1998",
  27185. "nan",
  27186. "nan",
  27187. "nan",
  27188. "nan",
  27189. "nan",
  27190. "nan",
  27191. "nan",
  27192. "nan",
  27193. "nan",
  27194. "nan",
  27195. "nan",
  27196. "nan",
  27197. "nan",
  27198. "nan",
  27199. "nan",
  27200. "nan",
  27201. "nan",
  27202. "nan",
  27203. "nan",
  27204. "nan",
  27205. "nan",
  27206. "nan"
  27207. ],
  27208. [
  27209. "036440",
  27210. "00001",
  27211. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.",
  27212. "1991 general matters",
  27213. "625579743",
  27214. "nan",
  27215. "advertising\nfla rep 4/5/91\njames f hakin jr orlando\n1991 general matters 5/8/91\nrtc shadow file re security savings and loan association scotts dall arizona\nrtc billing file",
  27216. "nan",
  27217. "027955",
  27218. "martha w. - retired barnett",
  27219. "nan",
  27220. "nan",
  27221. " hk box:",
  27222. "tallahassee",
  27223. "594427",
  27224. "9/1/1998",
  27225. "nan",
  27226. "nan",
  27227. "nan",
  27228. "nan",
  27229. "nan",
  27230. "nan",
  27231. "nan",
  27232. "nan",
  27233. "nan",
  27234. "nan",
  27235. "nan",
  27236. "nan",
  27237. "nan",
  27238. "nan",
  27239. "nan",
  27240. "nan",
  27241. "nan",
  27242. "nan",
  27243. "nan",
  27244. "nan",
  27245. "nan",
  27246. "nan"
  27247. ],
  27248. [
  27249. "036666",
  27250. "00001",
  27251. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk",
  27252. "defelice kinser j.v. et al.",
  27253. "625583138",
  27254. "nan",
  27255. "10/14/96 - the following file was delivered to chd? madden to be placed in our off-site file storage:\ntwo boxes of bob feagin's shadow files re linda davis, et al. vs. southern bell telephone & telegraph company. case no. 89-2839-civ-nesbitt; h&k file no. 36666-1.\nmarty steinberg, miami, was the responsible h&k attorney.\nthese files contain shadow files on pleadings, correspondence and related work files\n",
  27256. "6/24/2009",
  27257. "083802",
  27258. "david c. cimo",
  27259. "off-site",
  27260. "nan",
  27261. " hk box:",
  27262. "tallahassee",
  27263. "1651442",
  27264. "4/12/1993",
  27265. "nan",
  27266. "nan",
  27267. "nan",
  27268. "nan",
  27269. "nan",
  27270. "nan",
  27271. "nan",
  27272. "nan",
  27273. "nan",
  27274. "nan",
  27275. "nan",
  27276. "nan",
  27277. "nan",
  27278. "nan",
  27279. "nan",
  27280. "nan",
  27281. "nan",
  27282. "nan",
  27283. "nan",
  27284. "nan",
  27285. "nan",
  27286. "nan"
  27287. ],
  27288. [
  27289. "036666",
  27290. "00001",
  27291. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk",
  27292. "defelice kinser j.v. et al.",
  27293. "625583112",
  27294. "nan",
  27295. "10/14/96 - the following file was delivered to chd? madden to be placed in our off-site file storage:\ntwo boxes of bob feagin's shadow files re linda davis, et al. vs. southern bell telephone & telegraph company. case no. 89-2839-civ-nesbitt; h&k file no. 36666-1.\nmarty steinberg, miami, was the responsible h&k attorney.\nthese files contain shadow files on pleadings, correspondence and related work files\n",
  27296. "6/24/2009",
  27297. "083803",
  27298. "david c. cimo",
  27299. "off-site",
  27300. "nan",
  27301. " hk box:",
  27302. "tallahassee",
  27303. "1651443",
  27304. "4/12/1993",
  27305. "nan",
  27306. "nan",
  27307. "nan",
  27308. "nan",
  27309. "nan",
  27310. "nan",
  27311. "nan",
  27312. "nan",
  27313. "nan",
  27314. "nan",
  27315. "nan",
  27316. "nan",
  27317. "nan",
  27318. "nan",
  27319. "nan",
  27320. "nan",
  27321. "nan",
  27322. "nan",
  27323. "nan",
  27324. "nan",
  27325. "nan",
  27326. "nan"
  27327. ],
  27328. [
  27329. "036816",
  27330. "00001",
  27331. "sanford, mark c.",
  27332. "fla. department of insurance",
  27333. "755565793",
  27334. "general/other",
  27335. "contents moved from dsj006302 - documents produced by p. dillingham to us attorney & fbi; hrg transcript 02/27/95, coi v. pam roach v. s. blackwell; trans-resources & rtc discovery pleadings and docket sheet; select docs produced by receiver for stewart depo; depo designations - rrf working files; proposed demonstrative exhibits for mathis, sprague & yago; research: m/limine; research: m/sj",
  27336. "9/19/2012",
  27337. "nan",
  27338. "lawrence j. hamilton",
  27339. "on-site/central files",
  27340. "feagin, robert",
  27341. "nan",
  27342. "jacksonville",
  27343. "1896392",
  27344. "4/9/1997",
  27345. "nan",
  27346. "nan",
  27347. "nan",
  27348. "nan",
  27349. "nan",
  27350. "nan",
  27351. "nan",
  27352. "nan",
  27353. "nan",
  27354. "nan",
  27355. "nan",
  27356. "nan",
  27357. "nan",
  27358. "nan",
  27359. "nan",
  27360. "nan",
  27361. "nan",
  27362. "nan",
  27363. "nan",
  27364. "nan",
  27365. "nan",
  27366. "nan"
  27367. ],
  27368. [
  27369. "037193",
  27370. "10000",
  27371. "f.d.i.c.-southeast bank, n.a.",
  27372. "katherine s. medley vs.",
  27373. "737259468",
  27374. "nan",
  27375. "2/14/91\n\n2 redwells southeast bank fdic",
  27376. "8/18/2009",
  27377. "056237",
  27378. "julian clarkson",
  27379. "nan",
  27380. "nan",
  27381. " hk box:",
  27382. "tallahassee",
  27383. "1659217",
  27384. "3/19/1993",
  27385. "nan",
  27386. "nan",
  27387. "nan",
  27388. "nan",
  27389. "nan",
  27390. "nan",
  27391. "nan",
  27392. "nan",
  27393. "nan",
  27394. "nan",
  27395. "nan",
  27396. "nan",
  27397. "nan",
  27398. "nan",
  27399. "nan",
  27400. "nan",
  27401. "nan",
  27402. "nan",
  27403. "nan",
  27404. "nan",
  27405. "nan",
  27406. "nan"
  27407. ],
  27408. [
  27409. "037464",
  27410. "00023",
  27411. "first south development & investment, in",
  27412. "sale of m/y sounds of the pacific",
  27413. "727764829",
  27414. "general/other",
  27415. "g3. tender(s) mso/registration with appropriate endorsemetn from fdic to beeliever ltd. (original to be provided at closing)",
  27416. "9/12/2013",
  27417. "nan",
  27418. "barbara e. locke",
  27419. "off-site",
  27420. "locke barbara",
  27421. "nan",
  27422. "miami",
  27423. "2105589",
  27424. "4/22/2009",
  27425. "nan",
  27426. "nan",
  27427. "nan",
  27428. "nan",
  27429. "nan",
  27430. "nan",
  27431. "nan",
  27432. "nan",
  27433. "nan",
  27434. "nan",
  27435. "nan",
  27436. "nan",
  27437. "nan",
  27438. "nan",
  27439. "nan",
  27440. "nan",
  27441. "nan",
  27442. "nan",
  27443. "nan",
  27444. "nan",
  27445. "nan",
  27446. "nan"
  27447. ],
  27448. [
  27449. "038501",
  27450. "00007",
  27451. "rtc corporate",
  27452. "termination of sovereign",
  27453. "tcf0008378",
  27454. "general/other",
  27455. "-sovereign savings bk. termination of receivership",
  27456. "06/20/2001",
  27457. "av9532",
  27458. "martha j. cook",
  27459. "nan",
  27460. "nan",
  27461. "seq: 0020-mjc",
  27462. "tampa",
  27463. "191981",
  27464. "12/8/1992",
  27465. "nan",
  27466. "nan",
  27467. "nan",
  27468. "nan",
  27469. "nan",
  27470. "nan",
  27471. "nan",
  27472. "nan",
  27473. "nan",
  27474. "nan",
  27475. "nan",
  27476. "nan",
  27477. "nan",
  27478. "nan",
  27479. "nan",
  27480. "nan",
  27481. "nan",
  27482. "nan",
  27483. "nan",
  27484. "nan",
  27485. "nan",
  27486. "nan"
  27487. ],
  27488. [
  27489. "038501",
  27490. "00001",
  27491. "rtc corporate",
  27492. "termination of first venice",
  27493. "tcf0008401",
  27494. "general/other",
  27495. "-rtc / first venice (mjc shadow file)",
  27496. "06/20/2001",
  27497. "aw2441",
  27498. "martha j. cook",
  27499. "nan",
  27500. "nan",
  27501. "seq: 0022-mjc",
  27502. "tampa",
  27503. "192096",
  27504. "12/16/1992",
  27505. "nan",
  27506. "nan",
  27507. "nan",
  27508. "nan",
  27509. "nan",
  27510. "nan",
  27511. "nan",
  27512. "nan",
  27513. "nan",
  27514. "nan",
  27515. "nan",
  27516. "nan",
  27517. "nan",
  27518. "nan",
  27519. "nan",
  27520. "nan",
  27521. "nan",
  27522. "nan",
  27523. "nan",
  27524. "nan",
  27525. "nan",
  27526. "nan"
  27527. ],
  27528. [
  27529. "038501",
  27530. "00002",
  27531. "rtc corporate",
  27532. "termination of enterprise",
  27533. "tcf0008401",
  27534. "general/other",
  27535. "-rtc / enterprise (mjc shadow file)",
  27536. "06/20/2001",
  27537. "aw2441",
  27538. "martha j. cook",
  27539. "nan",
  27540. "nan",
  27541. "seq: 0023-mjc",
  27542. "tampa",
  27543. "192097",
  27544. "12/16/1992",
  27545. "nan",
  27546. "nan",
  27547. "nan",
  27548. "nan",
  27549. "nan",
  27550. "nan",
  27551. "nan",
  27552. "nan",
  27553. "nan",
  27554. "nan",
  27555. "nan",
  27556. "nan",
  27557. "nan",
  27558. "nan",
  27559. "nan",
  27560. "nan",
  27561. "nan",
  27562. "nan",
  27563. "nan",
  27564. "nan",
  27565. "nan",
  27566. "nan"
  27567. ],
  27568. [
  27569. "038501",
  27570. "00003",
  27571. "rtc corporate",
  27572. "termination of community",
  27573. "tcf0008401",
  27574. "general/other",
  27575. "-rtc / community savings (mjc shadow file)",
  27576. "06/20/2001",
  27577. "aw2441",
  27578. "martha j. cook",
  27579. "nan",
  27580. "nan",
  27581. "seq: 0024-mjc",
  27582. "tampa",
  27583. "192098",
  27584. "12/16/1992",
  27585. "nan",
  27586. "nan",
  27587. "nan",
  27588. "nan",
  27589. "nan",
  27590. "nan",
  27591. "nan",
  27592. "nan",
  27593. "nan",
  27594. "nan",
  27595. "nan",
  27596. "nan",
  27597. "nan",
  27598. "nan",
  27599. "nan",
  27600. "nan",
  27601. "nan",
  27602. "nan",
  27603. "nan",
  27604. "nan",
  27605. "nan",
  27606. "nan"
  27607. ],
  27608. [
  27609. "038501",
  27610. "00004",
  27611. "rtc corporate",
  27612. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  27613. "tcf0008401",
  27614. "general/other",
  27615. "-rtc / 6 receiverships (mjc shadow file)",
  27616. "06/20/2001",
  27617. "aw2441",
  27618. "martha j. cook",
  27619. "nan",
  27620. "nan",
  27621. "seq: 0025-mjc",
  27622. "tampa",
  27623. "192099",
  27624. "9/17/1992",
  27625. "nan",
  27626. "nan",
  27627. "nan",
  27628. "nan",
  27629. "nan",
  27630. "nan",
  27631. "nan",
  27632. "nan",
  27633. "nan",
  27634. "nan",
  27635. "nan",
  27636. "nan",
  27637. "nan",
  27638. "nan",
  27639. "nan",
  27640. "nan",
  27641. "nan",
  27642. "nan",
  27643. "nan",
  27644. "nan",
  27645. "nan",
  27646. "nan"
  27647. ],
  27648. [
  27649. "038501",
  27650. "00005",
  27651. "rtc corporate",
  27652. "termination of brickelbanc",
  27653. "tcf0008401",
  27654. "general/other",
  27655. "-rtc / brikelbanc savings (mjc shadow file)",
  27656. "06/20/2001",
  27657. "aw2441",
  27658. "martha j. cook",
  27659. "nan",
  27660. "nan",
  27661. "seq: 0026-mjc",
  27662. "tampa",
  27663. "192100",
  27664. "12/16/1992",
  27665. "nan",
  27666. "nan",
  27667. "nan",
  27668. "nan",
  27669. "nan",
  27670. "nan",
  27671. "nan",
  27672. "nan",
  27673. "nan",
  27674. "nan",
  27675. "nan",
  27676. "nan",
  27677. "nan",
  27678. "nan",
  27679. "nan",
  27680. "nan",
  27681. "nan",
  27682. "nan",
  27683. "nan",
  27684. "nan",
  27685. "nan",
  27686. "nan"
  27687. ],
  27688. [
  27689. "038501",
  27690. "00006",
  27691. "rtc corporate",
  27692. "termination of coral savings",
  27693. "tcf0008401",
  27694. "general/other",
  27695. "-rtc / coral savings (mjc shadow file)",
  27696. "06/20/2001",
  27697. "aw2441",
  27698. "martha j. cook",
  27699. "nan",
  27700. "nan",
  27701. "seq: 0027-mjc",
  27702. "tampa",
  27703. "192101",
  27704. "12/16/1992",
  27705. "nan",
  27706. "nan",
  27707. "nan",
  27708. "nan",
  27709. "nan",
  27710. "nan",
  27711. "nan",
  27712. "nan",
  27713. "nan",
  27714. "nan",
  27715. "nan",
  27716. "nan",
  27717. "nan",
  27718. "nan",
  27719. "nan",
  27720. "nan",
  27721. "nan",
  27722. "nan",
  27723. "nan",
  27724. "nan",
  27725. "nan",
  27726. "nan"
  27727. ],
  27728. [
  27729. "038501",
  27730. "00006",
  27731. "rtc corporate",
  27732. "termination of coral savings",
  27733. "tcf0008402",
  27734. "general/other",
  27735. "-rtc - coral savings 1 - 20/ misc. files",
  27736. "06/20/2001",
  27737. "aw2442",
  27738. "martha j. cook",
  27739. "nan",
  27740. "nan",
  27741. "seq: 0007-mjc",
  27742. "tampa",
  27743. "192103",
  27744. "12/16/1992",
  27745. "nan",
  27746. "nan",
  27747. "nan",
  27748. "nan",
  27749. "nan",
  27750. "nan",
  27751. "nan",
  27752. "nan",
  27753. "nan",
  27754. "nan",
  27755. "nan",
  27756. "nan",
  27757. "nan",
  27758. "nan",
  27759. "nan",
  27760. "nan",
  27761. "nan",
  27762. "nan",
  27763. "nan",
  27764. "nan",
  27765. "nan",
  27766. "nan"
  27767. ],
  27768. [
  27769. "038501",
  27770. "00002",
  27771. "rtc corporate",
  27772. "termination of enterprise",
  27773. "tcf0008402",
  27774. "general/other",
  27775. "-rtc - enterprise savings 1 - 12/ misc. files",
  27776. "06/20/2001",
  27777. "aw2442",
  27778. "martha j. cook",
  27779. "nan",
  27780. "nan",
  27781. "seq: 0008-mjc",
  27782. "tampa",
  27783. "192104",
  27784. "12/16/1992",
  27785. "nan",
  27786. "nan",
  27787. "nan",
  27788. "nan",
  27789. "nan",
  27790. "nan",
  27791. "nan",
  27792. "nan",
  27793. "nan",
  27794. "nan",
  27795. "nan",
  27796. "nan",
  27797. "nan",
  27798. "nan",
  27799. "nan",
  27800. "nan",
  27801. "nan",
  27802. "nan",
  27803. "nan",
  27804. "nan",
  27805. "nan",
  27806. "nan"
  27807. ],
  27808. [
  27809. "038501",
  27810. "00003",
  27811. "rtc corporate",
  27812. "termination of community",
  27813. "tcf0008403",
  27814. "general/other",
  27815. "-rtc - community savings 1 - 42 misc. docs. (box)",
  27816. "06/20/2001",
  27817. "aw2443",
  27818. "martha j. cook",
  27819. "nan",
  27820. "nan",
  27821. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  27822. "tampa",
  27823. "192105",
  27824. "12/16/1992",
  27825. "nan",
  27826. "nan",
  27827. "nan",
  27828. "nan",
  27829. "nan",
  27830. "nan",
  27831. "nan",
  27832. "nan",
  27833. "nan",
  27834. "nan",
  27835. "nan",
  27836. "nan",
  27837. "nan",
  27838. "nan",
  27839. "nan",
  27840. "nan",
  27841. "nan",
  27842. "nan",
  27843. "nan",
  27844. "nan",
  27845. "nan",
  27846. "nan"
  27847. ],
  27848. [
  27849. "038501",
  27850. "00003",
  27851. "rtc corporate",
  27852. "termination of community",
  27853. "tcf0008404",
  27854. "general/other",
  27855. "-rtc - community savings 43 - 83 misc. docs (box)",
  27856. "06/20/2001",
  27857. "aw2444",
  27858. "martha j. cook",
  27859. "nan",
  27860. "nan",
  27861. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  27862. "tampa",
  27863. "192106",
  27864. "12/16/1992",
  27865. "nan",
  27866. "nan",
  27867. "nan",
  27868. "nan",
  27869. "nan",
  27870. "nan",
  27871. "nan",
  27872. "nan",
  27873. "nan",
  27874. "nan",
  27875. "nan",
  27876. "nan",
  27877. "nan",
  27878. "nan",
  27879. "nan",
  27880. "nan",
  27881. "nan",
  27882. "nan",
  27883. "nan",
  27884. "nan",
  27885. "nan",
  27886. "nan"
  27887. ],
  27888. [
  27889. "038501",
  27890. "00003",
  27891. "rtc corporate",
  27892. "termination of community",
  27893. "tcf0008405",
  27894. "general/other",
  27895. "-rtc - community savings 84-126 misc. files (box)",
  27896. "06/20/2001",
  27897. "aw2445",
  27898. "martha j. cook",
  27899. "nan",
  27900. "nan",
  27901. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  27902. "tampa",
  27903. "192107",
  27904. "12/16/1992",
  27905. "nan",
  27906. "nan",
  27907. "nan",
  27908. "nan",
  27909. "nan",
  27910. "nan",
  27911. "nan",
  27912. "nan",
  27913. "nan",
  27914. "nan",
  27915. "nan",
  27916. "nan",
  27917. "nan",
  27918. "nan",
  27919. "nan",
  27920. "nan",
  27921. "nan",
  27922. "nan",
  27923. "nan",
  27924. "nan",
  27925. "nan",
  27926. "nan"
  27927. ],
  27928. [
  27929. "038501",
  27930. "00004",
  27931. "rtc corporate",
  27932. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  27933. "tcf0008406",
  27934. "general/other",
  27935. "-rtc - receivership (box) terminations-(yadley shadow file",
  27936. "06/20/2001",
  27937. "aw2446",
  27938. "martha j. cook",
  27939. "nan",
  27940. "nan",
  27941. "seq: 0004-bmy",
  27942. "tampa",
  27943. "192108",
  27944. "9/17/1992",
  27945. "nan",
  27946. "nan",
  27947. "nan",
  27948. "nan",
  27949. "nan",
  27950. "nan",
  27951. "nan",
  27952. "nan",
  27953. "nan",
  27954. "nan",
  27955. "nan",
  27956. "nan",
  27957. "nan",
  27958. "nan",
  27959. "nan",
  27960. "nan",
  27961. "nan",
  27962. "nan",
  27963. "nan",
  27964. "nan",
  27965. "nan",
  27966. "nan"
  27967. ],
  27968. [
  27969. "038501",
  27970. "00001",
  27971. "rtc corporate",
  27972. "termination of first venice",
  27973. "tcf0008407",
  27974. "general/other",
  27975. "-rtc - first venice termination manual (notebook)",
  27976. "06/20/2001",
  27977. "aw2447",
  27978. "martha j. cook",
  27979. "nan",
  27980. "nan",
  27981. "seq: 0007-mjc",
  27982. "tampa",
  27983. "192109",
  27984. "12/16/1992",
  27985. "nan",
  27986. "nan",
  27987. "nan",
  27988. "nan",
  27989. "nan",
  27990. "nan",
  27991. "nan",
  27992. "nan",
  27993. "nan",
  27994. "nan",
  27995. "nan",
  27996. "nan",
  27997. "nan",
  27998. "nan",
  27999. "nan",
  28000. "nan",
  28001. "nan",
  28002. "nan",
  28003. "nan",
  28004. "nan",
  28005. "nan",
  28006. "nan"
  28007. ],
  28008. [
  28009. "038501",
  28010. "00002",
  28011. "rtc corporate",
  28012. "termination of enterprise",
  28013. "tcf0008407",
  28014. "general/other",
  28015. "-rtc - enterprise sav. termination manual (notebook)",
  28016. "06/20/2001",
  28017. "aw2447",
  28018. "martha j. cook",
  28019. "nan",
  28020. "nan",
  28021. "seq: 0008-mjc",
  28022. "tampa",
  28023. "192110",
  28024. "12/16/1992",
  28025. "nan",
  28026. "nan",
  28027. "nan",
  28028. "nan",
  28029. "nan",
  28030. "nan",
  28031. "nan",
  28032. "nan",
  28033. "nan",
  28034. "nan",
  28035. "nan",
  28036. "nan",
  28037. "nan",
  28038. "nan",
  28039. "nan",
  28040. "nan",
  28041. "nan",
  28042. "nan",
  28043. "nan",
  28044. "nan",
  28045. "nan",
  28046. "nan"
  28047. ],
  28048. [
  28049. "038501",
  28050. "00003",
  28051. "rtc corporate",
  28052. "termination of community",
  28053. "tcf0008408",
  28054. "general/other",
  28055. "-rtc - community savings termination manual (notebook)",
  28056. "06/20/2001",
  28057. "aw2448",
  28058. "martha j. cook",
  28059. "nan",
  28060. "nan",
  28061. "seq: 0010-mjc",
  28062. "tampa",
  28063. "192111",
  28064. "12/16/1992",
  28065. "nan",
  28066. "nan",
  28067. "nan",
  28068. "nan",
  28069. "nan",
  28070. "nan",
  28071. "nan",
  28072. "nan",
  28073. "nan",
  28074. "nan",
  28075. "nan",
  28076. "nan",
  28077. "nan",
  28078. "nan",
  28079. "nan",
  28080. "nan",
  28081. "nan",
  28082. "nan",
  28083. "nan",
  28084. "nan",
  28085. "nan",
  28086. "nan"
  28087. ],
  28088. [
  28089. "038501",
  28090. "00005",
  28091. "rtc corporate",
  28092. "termination of brickelbanc",
  28093. "tcf0008408",
  28094. "general/other",
  28095. "-rtc - brickelbanc termination manual (notebook)",
  28096. "06/20/2001",
  28097. "aw2448",
  28098. "martha j. cook",
  28099. "nan",
  28100. "nan",
  28101. "seq: 0011-mjc",
  28102. "tampa",
  28103. "192112",
  28104. "12/16/1992",
  28105. "nan",
  28106. "nan",
  28107. "nan",
  28108. "nan",
  28109. "nan",
  28110. "nan",
  28111. "nan",
  28112. "nan",
  28113. "nan",
  28114. "nan",
  28115. "nan",
  28116. "nan",
  28117. "nan",
  28118. "nan",
  28119. "nan",
  28120. "nan",
  28121. "nan",
  28122. "nan",
  28123. "nan",
  28124. "nan",
  28125. "nan",
  28126. "nan"
  28127. ],
  28128. [
  28129. "038501",
  28130. "00006",
  28131. "rtc corporate",
  28132. "termination of coral savings",
  28133. "tcf0008408",
  28134. "general/other",
  28135. "-rtc - coral savings termination manual (notebook)",
  28136. "06/20/2001",
  28137. "aw2448",
  28138. "martha j. cook",
  28139. "nan",
  28140. "nan",
  28141. "seq: 0012-mjc",
  28142. "tampa",
  28143. "192113",
  28144. "12/16/1992",
  28145. "nan",
  28146. "nan",
  28147. "nan",
  28148. "nan",
  28149. "nan",
  28150. "nan",
  28151. "nan",
  28152. "nan",
  28153. "nan",
  28154. "nan",
  28155. "nan",
  28156. "nan",
  28157. "nan",
  28158. "nan",
  28159. "nan",
  28160. "nan",
  28161. "nan",
  28162. "nan",
  28163. "nan",
  28164. "nan",
  28165. "nan",
  28166. "nan"
  28167. ],
  28168. [
  28169. "038501",
  28170. "00001",
  28171. "rtc corporate",
  28172. "termination of first venice",
  28173. "tcf0008409",
  28174. "general/other",
  28175. "-rtc - corporate first venice - correspondence",
  28176. "06/20/2001",
  28177. "aw2449",
  28178. "martha j. cook",
  28179. "nan",
  28180. "nan",
  28181. "seq: 0022-mjc",
  28182. "tampa",
  28183. "192114",
  28184. "12/16/1992",
  28185. "nan",
  28186. "nan",
  28187. "nan",
  28188. "nan",
  28189. "nan",
  28190. "nan",
  28191. "nan",
  28192. "nan",
  28193. "nan",
  28194. "nan",
  28195. "nan",
  28196. "nan",
  28197. "nan",
  28198. "nan",
  28199. "nan",
  28200. "nan",
  28201. "nan",
  28202. "nan",
  28203. "nan",
  28204. "nan",
  28205. "nan",
  28206. "nan"
  28207. ],
  28208. [
  28209. "038501",
  28210. "00002",
  28211. "rtc corporate",
  28212. "termination of enterprise",
  28213. "tcf0008409",
  28214. "general/other",
  28215. "-rtc - corporate enterprise sav-correspondence",
  28216. "06/20/2001",
  28217. "aw2449",
  28218. "martha j. cook",
  28219. "nan",
  28220. "nan",
  28221. "seq: 0023-mjc",
  28222. "tampa",
  28223. "192115",
  28224. "12/16/1992",
  28225. "nan",
  28226. "nan",
  28227. "nan",
  28228. "nan",
  28229. "nan",
  28230. "nan",
  28231. "nan",
  28232. "nan",
  28233. "nan",
  28234. "nan",
  28235. "nan",
  28236. "nan",
  28237. "nan",
  28238. "nan",
  28239. "nan",
  28240. "nan",
  28241. "nan",
  28242. "nan",
  28243. "nan",
  28244. "nan",
  28245. "nan",
  28246. "nan"
  28247. ],
  28248. [
  28249. "038501",
  28250. "00003",
  28251. "rtc corporate",
  28252. "termination of community",
  28253. "tcf0008409",
  28254. "general/other",
  28255. "-rtc - corporate community sav - correspondence",
  28256. "06/20/2001",
  28257. "aw2449",
  28258. "martha j. cook",
  28259. "nan",
  28260. "nan",
  28261. "seq: 0024-mjc",
  28262. "tampa",
  28263. "192116",
  28264. "12/16/1992",
  28265. "nan",
  28266. "nan",
  28267. "nan",
  28268. "nan",
  28269. "nan",
  28270. "nan",
  28271. "nan",
  28272. "nan",
  28273. "nan",
  28274. "nan",
  28275. "nan",
  28276. "nan",
  28277. "nan",
  28278. "nan",
  28279. "nan",
  28280. "nan",
  28281. "nan",
  28282. "nan",
  28283. "nan",
  28284. "nan",
  28285. "nan",
  28286. "nan"
  28287. ],
  28288. [
  28289. "038501",
  28290. "00004",
  28291. "rtc corporate",
  28292. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  28293. "tcf0008409",
  28294. "general/other",
  28295. "-rtc - corporate 6 receivership - correspondence",
  28296. "06/20/2001",
  28297. "aw2449",
  28298. "martha j. cook",
  28299. "nan",
  28300. "nan",
  28301. "seq: 0025-mjc",
  28302. "tampa",
  28303. "192117",
  28304. "9/17/1992",
  28305. "nan",
  28306. "nan",
  28307. "nan",
  28308. "nan",
  28309. "nan",
  28310. "nan",
  28311. "nan",
  28312. "nan",
  28313. "nan",
  28314. "nan",
  28315. "nan",
  28316. "nan",
  28317. "nan",
  28318. "nan",
  28319. "nan",
  28320. "nan",
  28321. "nan",
  28322. "nan",
  28323. "nan",
  28324. "nan",
  28325. "nan",
  28326. "nan"
  28327. ],
  28328. [
  28329. "038501",
  28330. "00005",
  28331. "rtc corporate",
  28332. "termination of brickelbanc",
  28333. "tcf0008409",
  28334. "general/other",
  28335. "-rtc - corporate brickel banc - correspondence",
  28336. "06/20/2001",
  28337. "aw2449",
  28338. "martha j. cook",
  28339. "nan",
  28340. "nan",
  28341. "seq: 0026-mjc",
  28342. "tampa",
  28343. "192118",
  28344. "12/16/1992",
  28345. "nan",
  28346. "nan",
  28347. "nan",
  28348. "nan",
  28349. "nan",
  28350. "nan",
  28351. "nan",
  28352. "nan",
  28353. "nan",
  28354. "nan",
  28355. "nan",
  28356. "nan",
  28357. "nan",
  28358. "nan",
  28359. "nan",
  28360. "nan",
  28361. "nan",
  28362. "nan",
  28363. "nan",
  28364. "nan",
  28365. "nan",
  28366. "nan"
  28367. ],
  28368. [
  28369. "038501",
  28370. "00006",
  28371. "rtc corporate",
  28372. "termination of coral savings",
  28373. "tcf0008409",
  28374. "general/other",
  28375. "-rtc - corporate coral sav - correspondence",
  28376. "06/20/2001",
  28377. "aw2449",
  28378. "martha j. cook",
  28379. "nan",
  28380. "nan",
  28381. "seq: 0027-mjc",
  28382. "tampa",
  28383. "192119",
  28384. "12/16/1992",
  28385. "nan",
  28386. "nan",
  28387. "nan",
  28388. "nan",
  28389. "nan",
  28390. "nan",
  28391. "nan",
  28392. "nan",
  28393. "nan",
  28394. "nan",
  28395. "nan",
  28396. "nan",
  28397. "nan",
  28398. "nan",
  28399. "nan",
  28400. "nan",
  28401. "nan",
  28402. "nan",
  28403. "nan",
  28404. "nan",
  28405. "nan",
  28406. "nan"
  28407. ],
  28408. [
  28409. "038501",
  28410. "00005",
  28411. "rtc corporate",
  28412. "termination of brickelbanc",
  28413. "tcf0008410",
  28414. "general/other",
  28415. "-rtc - brickelbanc 1 - 30 misc. files (box)",
  28416. "06/20/2001",
  28417. "aw2450",
  28418. "martha j. cook",
  28419. "nan",
  28420. "nan",
  28421. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  28422. "tampa",
  28423. "192121",
  28424. "12/16/1992",
  28425. "nan",
  28426. "nan",
  28427. "nan",
  28428. "nan",
  28429. "nan",
  28430. "nan",
  28431. "nan",
  28432. "nan",
  28433. "nan",
  28434. "nan",
  28435. "nan",
  28436. "nan",
  28437. "nan",
  28438. "nan",
  28439. "nan",
  28440. "nan",
  28441. "nan",
  28442. "nan",
  28443. "nan",
  28444. "nan",
  28445. "nan",
  28446. "nan"
  28447. ],
  28448. [
  28449. "038501",
  28450. "00005",
  28451. "rtc corporate",
  28452. "termination of brickelbanc",
  28453. "tcf0008411",
  28454. "general/other",
  28455. "-rtc - brickelbanc 31-51 misc. files (box)",
  28456. "06/20/2001",
  28457. "aw2451",
  28458. "martha j. cook",
  28459. "nan",
  28460. "nan",
  28461. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  28462. "tampa",
  28463. "192122",
  28464. "12/16/1992",
  28465. "nan",
  28466. "nan",
  28467. "nan",
  28468. "nan",
  28469. "nan",
  28470. "nan",
  28471. "nan",
  28472. "nan",
  28473. "nan",
  28474. "nan",
  28475. "nan",
  28476. "nan",
  28477. "nan",
  28478. "nan",
  28479. "nan",
  28480. "nan",
  28481. "nan",
  28482. "nan",
  28483. "nan",
  28484. "nan",
  28485. "nan",
  28486. "nan"
  28487. ],
  28488. [
  28489. "038501",
  28490. "00001",
  28491. "rtc corporate",
  28492. "termination of first venice",
  28493. "tcf0008412",
  28494. "general/other",
  28495. "-rtc - first venice 1-26 misc. files (box)",
  28496. "06/20/2001",
  28497. "aw2452",
  28498. "martha j. cook",
  28499. "nan",
  28500. "nan",
  28501. "seq: 0004-mjc",
  28502. "tampa",
  28503. "192123",
  28504. "12/16/1992",
  28505. "nan",
  28506. "nan",
  28507. "nan",
  28508. "nan",
  28509. "nan",
  28510. "nan",
  28511. "nan",
  28512. "nan",
  28513. "nan",
  28514. "nan",
  28515. "nan",
  28516. "nan",
  28517. "nan",
  28518. "nan",
  28519. "nan",
  28520. "nan",
  28521. "nan",
  28522. "nan",
  28523. "nan",
  28524. "nan",
  28525. "nan",
  28526. "nan"
  28527. ],
  28528. [
  28529. "038501",
  28530. "00004",
  28531. "rtc corporate",
  28532. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  28533. "tcf0009906",
  28534. "general/other",
  28535. "-rtc shadow",
  28536. "06/20/2001",
  28537. "bf2533",
  28538. "martha j. cook",
  28539. "nan",
  28540. "nan",
  28541. "seq: 0026-mjc",
  28542. "tampa",
  28543. "198566",
  28544. "9/17/1992",
  28545. "nan",
  28546. "nan",
  28547. "nan",
  28548. "nan",
  28549. "nan",
  28550. "nan",
  28551. "nan",
  28552. "nan",
  28553. "nan",
  28554. "nan",
  28555. "nan",
  28556. "nan",
  28557. "nan",
  28558. "nan",
  28559. "nan",
  28560. "nan",
  28561. "nan",
  28562. "nan",
  28563. "nan",
  28564. "nan",
  28565. "nan",
  28566. "nan"
  28567. ],
  28568. [
  28569. "039334",
  28570. "00021",
  28571. "merrill lynch & co.",
  28572. "merrill lynch - split dollar life insurance program",
  28573. "632020404",
  28574. "general/other",
  28575. "drafts \nfdic\nots\nocc\nfederal reserve board",
  28576. "2/3/2012",
  28577. "nan",
  28578. "john d dadakis",
  28579. "off-site",
  28580. "nan",
  28581. "<ethical wall applied on: 7/23/2014>",
  28582. "new york city",
  28583. "1813210",
  28584. "2/1/2013",
  28585. "nan",
  28586. "nan",
  28587. "nan",
  28588. "nan",
  28589. "nan",
  28590. "nan",
  28591. "nan",
  28592. "nan",
  28593. "nan",
  28594. "nan",
  28595. "nan",
  28596. "nan",
  28597. "nan",
  28598. "nan",
  28599. "nan",
  28600. "nan",
  28601. "nan",
  28602. "nan",
  28603. "nan",
  28604. "nan",
  28605. "nan",
  28606. "nan"
  28607. ],
  28608. [
  28609. "039860",
  28610. "00001",
  28611. "atlantic alliance fidelity",
  28612. "re: application for",
  28613. "159819299",
  28614. "nan",
  28615. "2/16/93\nfdic/rtc qualifications and cert of ind contractor vol 1 - 3\n\"\"\"\"\"\"\" responses to questionairre and sales calendars\n\"\"\"\"\"\"\" qualifications and cert of ind vol 1",
  28616. "9/11/2009",
  28617. "057980",
  28618. "thomas j. - retired jones",
  28619. "nan",
  28620. "nan",
  28621. " hk box:",
  28622. "tallahassee",
  28623. "1662376",
  28624. "8/12/1996",
  28625. "nan",
  28626. "nan",
  28627. "nan",
  28628. "nan",
  28629. "nan",
  28630. "nan",
  28631. "nan",
  28632. "nan",
  28633. "nan",
  28634. "nan",
  28635. "nan",
  28636. "nan",
  28637. "nan",
  28638. "nan",
  28639. "nan",
  28640. "nan",
  28641. "nan",
  28642. "nan",
  28643. "nan",
  28644. "nan",
  28645. "nan",
  28646. "nan"
  28647. ],
  28648. [
  28649. "040006",
  28650. "00012",
  28651. "wachovia bank, national association",
  28652. "rtc vs. valerie a. alvarez",
  28653. "tcf0222527",
  28654. "general/other",
  28655. "funb rtc vs valerie a. alverez----funb rtc vs valerie a. alverez",
  28656. "11/10/1994",
  28657. "bh2478",
  28658. "gerald d. davis",
  28659. "nan",
  28660. "nan",
  28661. "seq: 0017-",
  28662. "tampa",
  28663. "270542",
  28664. "12/28/1994",
  28665. "nan",
  28666. "nan",
  28667. "nan",
  28668. "nan",
  28669. "nan",
  28670. "nan",
  28671. "nan",
  28672. "nan",
  28673. "nan",
  28674. "nan",
  28675. "nan",
  28676. "nan",
  28677. "nan",
  28678. "nan",
  28679. "nan",
  28680. "nan",
  28681. "nan",
  28682. "nan",
  28683. "nan",
  28684. "nan",
  28685. "nan",
  28686. "nan"
  28687. ],
  28688. [
  28689. "043249",
  28690. "00020",
  28691. "keybank western asset mgmt",
  28692. "fdic vs. watkins, susan",
  28693. "tcf0010095",
  28694. "general/other",
  28695. "fdic original file---",
  28696. "06/20/2001",
  28697. "bg0551",
  28698. "norma carr ruff",
  28699. "nan",
  28700. "nan",
  28701. "wmc---seq: 0046",
  28702. "tampa",
  28703. "199420",
  28704. "4/12/1993",
  28705. "nan",
  28706. "nan",
  28707. "nan",
  28708. "nan",
  28709. "nan",
  28710. "nan",
  28711. "nan",
  28712. "nan",
  28713. "nan",
  28714. "nan",
  28715. "nan",
  28716. "nan",
  28717. "nan",
  28718. "nan",
  28719. "nan",
  28720. "nan",
  28721. "nan",
  28722. "nan",
  28723. "nan",
  28724. "nan",
  28725. "nan",
  28726. "nan"
  28727. ],
  28728. [
  28729. "047174",
  28730. "00001",
  28731. "hakeem, m.k.",
  28732. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  28733. "220788792",
  28734. "general/other",
  28735. "-hakeem, dr. m.k. propose purchase of property from fdic",
  28736. "02/24/2003",
  28737. "220788792",
  28738. "james h., jr. shimberg",
  28739. "nan",
  28740. "nan",
  28741. "seq: 0012 + letter: f-jhs",
  28742. "tampa",
  28743. "113908",
  28744. "12/22/1997",
  28745. "nan",
  28746. "nan",
  28747. "nan",
  28748. "nan",
  28749. "nan",
  28750. "nan",
  28751. "nan",
  28752. "nan",
  28753. "nan",
  28754. "nan",
  28755. "nan",
  28756. "nan",
  28757. "nan",
  28758. "nan",
  28759. "nan",
  28760. "nan",
  28761. "nan",
  28762. "nan",
  28763. "nan",
  28764. "nan",
  28765. "nan",
  28766. "nan"
  28767. ],
  28768. [
  28769. "047174",
  28770. "00001",
  28771. "hakeem, m.k.",
  28772. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  28773. "tcf0012824",
  28774. "general/other",
  28775. "-dr. hakeem proposed purchase of site fdic",
  28776. "6/20/2001",
  28777. "bq3412",
  28778. "james h., jr. shimberg",
  28779. "nan",
  28780. "nan",
  28781. "seq: 0020-jhs",
  28782. "tampa",
  28783. "214042",
  28784. "12/22/1997",
  28785. "nan",
  28786. "nan",
  28787. "nan",
  28788. "nan",
  28789. "nan",
  28790. "nan",
  28791. "nan",
  28792. "nan",
  28793. "nan",
  28794. "nan",
  28795. "nan",
  28796. "nan",
  28797. "nan",
  28798. "nan",
  28799. "nan",
  28800. "nan",
  28801. "nan",
  28802. "nan",
  28803. "nan",
  28804. "nan",
  28805. "nan",
  28806. "nan"
  28807. ],
  28808. [
  28809. "047174",
  28810. "00001",
  28811. "hakeem, m.k.",
  28812. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  28813. "tcf0013930",
  28814. "general/other",
  28815. "-hakeem files",
  28816. "6/20/2001",
  28817. "cc8494",
  28818. "james h., jr. shimberg",
  28819. "nan",
  28820. "nan",
  28821. "seq: 0018-jhs",
  28822. "tampa",
  28823. "218560",
  28824. "12/22/1997",
  28825. "nan",
  28826. "nan",
  28827. "nan",
  28828. "nan",
  28829. "nan",
  28830. "nan",
  28831. "nan",
  28832. "nan",
  28833. "nan",
  28834. "nan",
  28835. "nan",
  28836. "nan",
  28837. "nan",
  28838. "nan",
  28839. "nan",
  28840. "nan",
  28841. "nan",
  28842. "nan",
  28843. "nan",
  28844. "nan",
  28845. "nan",
  28846. "nan"
  28847. ],
  28848. [
  28849. "048009",
  28850. "00241",
  28851. "united parcel service of america, inc.",
  28852. "sah of coral springs, inc.",
  28853. "89252532",
  28854. "nan",
  28855. "1. ups: i5t rfp (05/20/02)\n2. ups: 1st interrogatories (05/20/02)\n3. sah: document review (05/30/02)\n4. sah -> ups (05/20/05)\n5. client documents\n6. contact list\n7. contingency fee contract\n8. docket information (sah, hertz jewelers and scott hertz)\n9. engagement letter (wendell t. locke, esq.) (11/12/2005)\n10. investigation reports\n11. sah #1 - litigation reports\n12. sah #2 - litigation reports\n13. sah #3 - litigation reports\n14. settlement agreement\n15. attorney notes\n16. attorney notes & case law hearing on plaintiffs motion to compel compliance w/request to produce (07/08/05)\n17. research: \"consolidation of actions pursuant to fla. r. civ. pro. 1.270\"\n18. research: contingency fee multipliers\n19. research: motion to consolidate\n20. research: motion to dismiss\n21. research: motion to disqualify judge\n22. research: motion to tax attorney's fees & costs\n23. research: motion for involuntary dismissal\n24. research: preemption\n25. research: standard for excluding witness' trial testimony\n26. research: cannot recover fees for proving fee amount\n27. research: prejudgment interest\n28. research: taxable costs\n29. order (draft) re plaintiffs motion to tax attorney fees and costs \n30. attorney notes & case law hearing on plaintiffs motion to tax attorney's fees and costs (07/08/05)\n31. witness file: lance clemons\n32. witness file: julie finley\n33. witness file: nathan goldman\n34. witness file: michael t. grant\n35. witness file: scott a. hertz\n36. witness file: liz mckeever\n37. witness file: violet white\n38. documents received from violet white (05/29/02)\n39. corporations online: smartco, inc.\n# 4532313",
  28856. "8/11/2008",
  28857. "0013106303",
  28858. "adolfo e. jimenez",
  28859. "off-site",
  28860. "nan",
  28861. " hk box: 43213",
  28862. "miami",
  28863. "823348",
  28864. "4/7/2008",
  28865. "nan",
  28866. "nan",
  28867. "nan",
  28868. "nan",
  28869. "nan",
  28870. "nan",
  28871. "nan",
  28872. "nan",
  28873. "nan",
  28874. "nan",
  28875. "nan",
  28876. "nan",
  28877. "nan",
  28878. "nan",
  28879. "nan",
  28880. "nan",
  28881. "nan",
  28882. "nan",
  28883. "nan",
  28884. "nan",
  28885. "nan",
  28886. "nan"
  28887. ],
  28888. [
  28889. "052580",
  28890. "00002",
  28891. "krizmanich holdings, l.c.",
  28892. "u.s. 19 property condemnation",
  28893. "169721575",
  28894. "general/other",
  28895. "krizmanich holdings rtc/life federal files,billborad lease,apprai----krizmanich holdings rtc/life federal files,billborad lease,apprai",
  28896. "02/12/2002",
  28897. "169721575",
  28898. "robert e.v. kelley, jr.",
  28899. "nan",
  28900. "nan",
  28901. "seq: 0001 + letter: b-rek",
  28902. "tampa",
  28903. "108846",
  28904. "2/26/2002",
  28905. "nan",
  28906. "nan",
  28907. "nan",
  28908. "nan",
  28909. "nan",
  28910. "nan",
  28911. "nan",
  28912. "nan",
  28913. "nan",
  28914. "nan",
  28915. "nan",
  28916. "nan",
  28917. "nan",
  28918. "nan",
  28919. "nan",
  28920. "nan",
  28921. "nan",
  28922. "nan",
  28923. "nan",
  28924. "nan",
  28925. "nan",
  28926. "nan"
  28927. ],
  28928. [
  28929. "054184",
  28930. "00010",
  28931. "mediation - spicola, guy w.",
  28932. "mediation: wilmington trust company, as trustee",
  28933. "tcf0015295",
  28934. "general/other",
  28935. "-mediation wilmington trust/rtc/m.gaines",
  28936. "6/20/2001",
  28937. "cn0096",
  28938. "guy w. spicola",
  28939. "nan",
  28940. "nan",
  28941. "seq: 0060-gws",
  28942. "tampa",
  28943. "223048",
  28944. "5/21/1999",
  28945. "nan",
  28946. "nan",
  28947. "nan",
  28948. "nan",
  28949. "nan",
  28950. "nan",
  28951. "nan",
  28952. "nan",
  28953. "nan",
  28954. "nan",
  28955. "nan",
  28956. "nan",
  28957. "nan",
  28958. "nan",
  28959. "nan",
  28960. "nan",
  28961. "nan",
  28962. "nan",
  28963. "nan",
  28964. "nan",
  28965. "nan",
  28966. "nan"
  28967. ],
  28968. [
  28969. "055409",
  28970. "00071",
  28971. "monument realty llc",
  28972. "fdic (ballston point)",
  28973. "489693318",
  28974. "general/other",
  28975. "expand brown-shadow file--------",
  28976. "3/15/2004",
  28977. "789-21195",
  28978. "david c. silver",
  28979. "nan",
  28980. "nan",
  28981. "monument fund, llc---fdic lease/ballston---david silver---monument fund, llc---fdic lease/ballston---david silver---barcode: 100100779 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: susan wilkerson + records assistant: lennard bruno + file status: out + emp id no: 789-21195 + emp name: prsi 21195 prsi box 21195",
  28982. "washington d.c",
  28983. "1466822",
  28984. "6/25/2003",
  28985. "nan",
  28986. "nan",
  28987. "nan",
  28988. "nan",
  28989. "nan",
  28990. "nan",
  28991. "nan",
  28992. "nan",
  28993. "nan",
  28994. "nan",
  28995. "nan",
  28996. "nan",
  28997. "nan",
  28998. "nan",
  28999. "nan",
  29000. "nan",
  29001. "nan",
  29002. "nan",
  29003. "nan",
  29004. "nan",
  29005. "nan",
  29006. "nan"
  29007. ],
  29008. [
  29009. "055409",
  29010. "00071",
  29011. "monument realty llc",
  29012. "fdic (ballston point)",
  29013. "489250815",
  29014. "general/other",
  29015. "pressboard-correspondence file & documents--------",
  29016. "1/6/2005",
  29017. "789-23754",
  29018. "david c. silver",
  29019. "nan",
  29020. "nan",
  29021. "monument realty---fdic lease (ballston point)---david c. silver---barcode: 100118673 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: yvette luster + records assistant: robert browne + file status: out + emp id no: 789-23754 + emp name: recall 23754 recall box 23754",
  29022. "washington d.c",
  29023. "1484580",
  29024. "6/25/2003",
  29025. "nan",
  29026. "nan",
  29027. "nan",
  29028. "nan",
  29029. "nan",
  29030. "nan",
  29031. "nan",
  29032. "nan",
  29033. "nan",
  29034. "nan",
  29035. "nan",
  29036. "nan",
  29037. "nan",
  29038. "nan",
  29039. "nan",
  29040. "nan",
  29041. "nan",
  29042. "nan",
  29043. "nan",
  29044. "nan",
  29045. "nan",
  29046. "nan"
  29047. ],
  29048. [
  29049. "056699",
  29050. "03000",
  29051. "prudential real estate investors",
  29052. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  29053. "673054031",
  29054. "conflicts",
  29055. "conflicts;",
  29056. "1/25/2012",
  29057. "nan",
  29058. "patrick w. skelton",
  29059. "off-site",
  29060. "eckhard richard",
  29061. "<ethical wall applied on: 12/15/2014>",
  29062. "tampa",
  29063. "1809317",
  29064. "1/4/2012",
  29065. "nan",
  29066. "nan",
  29067. "nan",
  29068. "nan",
  29069. "nan",
  29070. "nan",
  29071. "nan",
  29072. "nan",
  29073. "nan",
  29074. "nan",
  29075. "nan",
  29076. "nan",
  29077. "nan",
  29078. "nan",
  29079. "nan",
  29080. "nan",
  29081. "nan",
  29082. "nan",
  29083. "nan",
  29084. "nan",
  29085. "nan",
  29086. "nan"
  29087. ],
  29088. [
  29089. "056699",
  29090. "03000",
  29091. "prudential real estate investors",
  29092. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  29093. "673054066",
  29094. "background materials",
  29095. "background;",
  29096. "2/8/2012",
  29097. "nan",
  29098. "patrick w. skelton",
  29099. "off-site",
  29100. "o'donniley katherine",
  29101. "<ethical wall applied on: 12/15/2014> //",
  29102. "tampa",
  29103. "1814917",
  29104. "1/4/2012",
  29105. "nan",
  29106. "nan",
  29107. "nan",
  29108. "nan",
  29109. "nan",
  29110. "nan",
  29111. "nan",
  29112. "nan",
  29113. "nan",
  29114. "nan",
  29115. "nan",
  29116. "nan",
  29117. "nan",
  29118. "nan",
  29119. "nan",
  29120. "nan",
  29121. "nan",
  29122. "nan",
  29123. "nan",
  29124. "nan",
  29125. "nan",
  29126. "nan"
  29127. ],
  29128. [
  29129. "056699",
  29130. "03000",
  29131. "prudential real estate investors",
  29132. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  29133. "673054066",
  29134. "research",
  29135. "caselaw research;",
  29136. "2/8/2012",
  29137. "nan",
  29138. "patrick w. skelton",
  29139. "off-site",
  29140. "o'donniley katherine",
  29141. "<ethical wall applied on: 12/15/2014> //",
  29142. "tampa",
  29143. "1814918",
  29144. "1/4/2012",
  29145. "nan",
  29146. "nan",
  29147. "nan",
  29148. "nan",
  29149. "nan",
  29150. "nan",
  29151. "nan",
  29152. "nan",
  29153. "nan",
  29154. "nan",
  29155. "nan",
  29156. "nan",
  29157. "nan",
  29158. "nan",
  29159. "nan",
  29160. "nan",
  29161. "nan",
  29162. "nan",
  29163. "nan",
  29164. "nan",
  29165. "nan",
  29166. "nan"
  29167. ],
  29168. [
  29169. "056699",
  29170. "03000",
  29171. "prudential real estate investors",
  29172. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  29173. "673054066",
  29174. "general/other",
  29175. "fdic regulations;",
  29176. "2/8/2012",
  29177. "nan",
  29178. "patrick w. skelton",
  29179. "off-site",
  29180. "o'donniley katherine",
  29181. "<ethical wall applied on: 12/15/2014> //",
  29182. "tampa",
  29183. "1814919",
  29184. "1/4/2012",
  29185. "nan",
  29186. "nan",
  29187. "nan",
  29188. "nan",
  29189. "nan",
  29190. "nan",
  29191. "nan",
  29192. "nan",
  29193. "nan",
  29194. "nan",
  29195. "nan",
  29196. "nan",
  29197. "nan",
  29198. "nan",
  29199. "nan",
  29200. "nan",
  29201. "nan",
  29202. "nan",
  29203. "nan",
  29204. "nan",
  29205. "nan",
  29206. "nan"
  29207. ],
  29208. [
  29209. "056699",
  29210. "03000",
  29211. "prudential real estate investors",
  29212. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  29213. "673054066",
  29214. "attorney notes",
  29215. "notes;",
  29216. "2/8/2012",
  29217. "nan",
  29218. "patrick w. skelton",
  29219. "off-site",
  29220. "o'donniley katherine",
  29221. "<ethical wall applied on: 12/15/2014> //",
  29222. "tampa",
  29223. "1814920",
  29224. "1/4/2012",
  29225. "nan",
  29226. "nan",
  29227. "nan",
  29228. "nan",
  29229. "nan",
  29230. "nan",
  29231. "nan",
  29232. "nan",
  29233. "nan",
  29234. "nan",
  29235. "nan",
  29236. "nan",
  29237. "nan",
  29238. "nan",
  29239. "nan",
  29240. "nan",
  29241. "nan",
  29242. "nan",
  29243. "nan",
  29244. "nan",
  29245. "nan",
  29246. "nan"
  29247. ],
  29248. [
  29249. "056699",
  29250. "03000",
  29251. "prudential real estate investors",
  29252. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  29253. "777814473",
  29254. "working papers",
  29255. "main file (e-mails, court docs., correspondence, and other docs.)",
  29256. "3/15/2014",
  29257. "nan",
  29258. "patrick w. skelton",
  29259. "off-site",
  29260. "skelton patrick",
  29261. "<ethical wall applied on: 12/15/2014>",
  29262. "tampa",
  29263. "2179404",
  29264. "1/4/2012",
  29265. "nan",
  29266. "nan",
  29267. "nan",
  29268. "nan",
  29269. "nan",
  29270. "nan",
  29271. "nan",
  29272. "nan",
  29273. "nan",
  29274. "nan",
  29275. "nan",
  29276. "nan",
  29277. "nan",
  29278. "nan",
  29279. "nan",
  29280. "nan",
  29281. "nan",
  29282. "nan",
  29283. "nan",
  29284. "nan",
  29285. "nan",
  29286. "nan"
  29287. ],
  29288. [
  29289. "057148",
  29290. "00037",
  29291. "kodiak properties, llc",
  29292. "three garden village-sale of property",
  29293. "518168443",
  29294. "nan",
  29295. "folder 1 - three garden village - refinance - drafts\n-tgv - 98' survey\n- partnership agreement\n- bylaws\n- old loan policy form\n- loan application\n- legal opinion\n- good standing\n- checklist\n- title and survey requirements\n- notes\n- loi\n- correspondence\n\nfolder 2 - kodiak/three garden village - refiance\n- title\n- correspondence\n- drafts\n\nfolder 3 - kodiak/three garden village - refiance\n- drafts\n\nclosing binder: purchase of stock by 3gv corp. (\"purchaser\") from fdic (\"seller\") closing november 24, 1998",
  29296. "5/6/2011",
  29297. "nan",
  29298. "tara scanlon",
  29299. "off-site",
  29300. "scanlon tara",
  29301. "nan",
  29302. "washington d.c",
  29303. "1752751",
  29304. "9/29/2009",
  29305. "nan",
  29306. "nan",
  29307. "nan",
  29308. "nan",
  29309. "nan",
  29310. "nan",
  29311. "nan",
  29312. "nan",
  29313. "nan",
  29314. "nan",
  29315. "nan",
  29316. "nan",
  29317. "nan",
  29318. "nan",
  29319. "nan",
  29320. "nan",
  29321. "nan",
  29322. "nan",
  29323. "nan",
  29324. "nan",
  29325. "nan",
  29326. "nan"
  29327. ],
  29328. [
  29329. "057833",
  29330. "00042",
  29331. "pnc business credit",
  29332. "daseke inc.",
  29333. "active file",
  29334. "working papers",
  29335. "proposed 4th a&r credit agreement (not closed): sourtce materials",
  29336. "5/22/2017",
  29337. "nan",
  29338. "michelle w. suarez",
  29339. "on-site",
  29340. "suarez michelle",
  29341. "nan",
  29342. "dallas",
  29343. "2617479",
  29344. "nan",
  29345. "nan",
  29346. "nan",
  29347. "nan",
  29348. "nan",
  29349. "nan",
  29350. "nan",
  29351. "nan",
  29352. "nan",
  29353. "nan",
  29354. "nan",
  29355. "nan",
  29356. "nan",
  29357. "nan",
  29358. "nan",
  29359. "nan",
  29360. "nan",
  29361. "nan",
  29362. "nan",
  29363. "nan",
  29364. "nan",
  29365. "nan",
  29366. "nan"
  29367. ],
  29368. [
  29369. "057974",
  29370. "00002",
  29371. "helm bank usa",
  29372. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  29373. "active file",
  29374. "general/other",
  29375. "2014 fdic exam",
  29376. "6/30/2014",
  29377. "nan",
  29378. "andres a. fernandez",
  29379. "on-site",
  29380. "fernandez andres",
  29381. "nan",
  29382. "miami",
  29383. "2225961",
  29384. "nan",
  29385. "nan",
  29386. "nan",
  29387. "nan",
  29388. "nan",
  29389. "nan",
  29390. "nan",
  29391. "nan",
  29392. "nan",
  29393. "nan",
  29394. "nan",
  29395. "nan",
  29396. "nan",
  29397. "nan",
  29398. "nan",
  29399. "nan",
  29400. "nan",
  29401. "nan",
  29402. "nan",
  29403. "nan",
  29404. "nan",
  29405. "nan",
  29406. "nan"
  29407. ],
  29408. [
  29409. "057974",
  29410. "00002",
  29411. "helm bank usa",
  29412. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  29413. "active file",
  29414. "general/other",
  29415. "2014 fdic and ofr roe",
  29416. "10/28/2014",
  29417. "nan",
  29418. "andres a. fernandez",
  29419. "on-site",
  29420. "fernandez andres",
  29421. "nan",
  29422. "miami",
  29423. "2274462",
  29424. "nan",
  29425. "nan",
  29426. "nan",
  29427. "nan",
  29428. "nan",
  29429. "nan",
  29430. "nan",
  29431. "nan",
  29432. "nan",
  29433. "nan",
  29434. "nan",
  29435. "nan",
  29436. "nan",
  29437. "nan",
  29438. "nan",
  29439. "nan",
  29440. "nan",
  29441. "nan",
  29442. "nan",
  29443. "nan",
  29444. "nan",
  29445. "nan",
  29446. "nan"
  29447. ],
  29448. [
  29449. "057974",
  29450. "00002",
  29451. "helm bank usa",
  29452. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  29453. "active file",
  29454. "working papers",
  29455. "working papers",
  29456. "7/23/2015",
  29457. "nan",
  29458. "andres a. fernandez",
  29459. "on-site",
  29460. "fernandez andres",
  29461. "nan",
  29462. "miami",
  29463. "2379809",
  29464. "nan",
  29465. "nan",
  29466. "nan",
  29467. "nan",
  29468. "nan",
  29469. "nan",
  29470. "nan",
  29471. "nan",
  29472. "nan",
  29473. "nan",
  29474. "nan",
  29475. "nan",
  29476. "nan",
  29477. "nan",
  29478. "nan",
  29479. "nan",
  29480. "nan",
  29481. "nan",
  29482. "nan",
  29483. "nan",
  29484. "nan",
  29485. "nan",
  29486. "nan"
  29487. ],
  29488. [
  29489. "058815",
  29490. "00001",
  29491. "tmt foundry, l.l.c.",
  29492. "general leasing (foundry bldg)",
  29493. "489694704",
  29494. "general/other",
  29495. "pressboard-lease file & correspondence file - rtc direct--------",
  29496. "4/8/2004",
  29497. "789-21391",
  29498. "david s. kahn",
  29499. "nan",
  29500. "nan",
  29501. "tmt foundry, llc---general - various matters---kahn, david---barcode: 100094966 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: wilkins, verina + records assistant: greenfield, myshia 04/13/04 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-21391 + emp name: prsi 21391 prsi box 21391-tmt foundry, llc---general - various matters",
  29502. "washington d.c",
  29503. "1461352",
  29504. "10/14/2008",
  29505. "nan",
  29506. "nan",
  29507. "nan",
  29508. "nan",
  29509. "nan",
  29510. "nan",
  29511. "nan",
  29512. "nan",
  29513. "nan",
  29514. "nan",
  29515. "nan",
  29516. "nan",
  29517. "nan",
  29518. "nan",
  29519. "nan",
  29520. "nan",
  29521. "nan",
  29522. "nan",
  29523. "nan",
  29524. "nan",
  29525. "nan",
  29526. "nan"
  29527. ],
  29528. [
  29529. "059174",
  29530. "00001",
  29531. "select management resources, inc.",
  29532. "general matters",
  29533. "952406523",
  29534. "general/other",
  29535. "tila/unfair competition research; alabama tila disclosures; truth-in-lending; audit letters; ga. pawnbroker act; rod aycox - asset protection planning; south carolina non-compete research; the glinton decisions; sfs/aycox closing; business office lease; suntrust lease; fl. title loan act; new hampshire; nevada law re: unfair competition; correspondence; tax matters file; indemnification agreement w/agreement to sell; \nlicense info: fdic; title loans news articles; aycox/select possible litigation involving title loans/malnik; \nnorthwestern title loans option agreement; management agreement; loans from north american title loans; city of forest park; quest dui school",
  29536. "10/13/2015",
  29537. "nan",
  29538. "robert s. highsmith, jr.",
  29539. "off-site",
  29540. "highsmith robert",
  29541. "nan",
  29542. "atlanta",
  29543. "2411807",
  29544. "2/27/2008",
  29545. "nan",
  29546. "nan",
  29547. "nan",
  29548. "nan",
  29549. "nan",
  29550. "nan",
  29551. "nan",
  29552. "nan",
  29553. "nan",
  29554. "nan",
  29555. "nan",
  29556. "nan",
  29557. "nan",
  29558. "nan",
  29559. "nan",
  29560. "nan",
  29561. "nan",
  29562. "nan",
  29563. "nan",
  29564. "nan",
  29565. "nan",
  29566. "nan"
  29567. ],
  29568. [
  29569. "059940",
  29570. "00001",
  29571. "weinberg, benjamin",
  29572. "demand for testing accommodation to the national",
  29573. "489707844",
  29574. "general/other",
  29575. "entire box-purchaser's form-real estate contract; purchaser's-improved poverty;-pud (planned unit development);-pulte contract;-purchase & sale agreement (rtc);-quitclaim deeds; radon;-rea (reciprocal estate agreement);-rea (atlantic reality-hunters);-real estate reporting rules;-real estate sales contract for improved property; releases; relocation language; resale contract for single-family home; representations & warranties of seller; residential lease-virginia; residential sales contract; restrictive covenants; resume forms; retail lease in downtown ofc building; review docs.; right of 1st refusal & in favor of lender; right of redemption; risk of loss; risk management; recordation & transfer taxes; recordation of docs & lease; recreational facilities agreement; reg. z - truth in lending; reimbursement agreement; request for notice of sale; real property transfer tax; jbs form file - relocation agreements; road construction clauses & agreements; rolling options; rtc matters; rule against perpetuities; safeway lease; bailey's crossroads; staples lease; sale-leaseback; sale of new home by builder; sale agreement for new home; sale of stock; sales tax; schedule of critical dates; seal in state of md; secondary mortgage loan guidelines;",
  29576. "11/5/2007",
  29577. "1000683872",
  29578. "robert a. whitney",
  29579. "nan",
  29580. "nan",
  29581. "barcode: 100133963 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: williemae coy + records assistant: ivan robles + file status: out + emp id no: 1000683872 + emp name: 1000683872-janis schiff---form file---janis schiff",
  29582. "washington d.c",
  29583. "1499517",
  29584. "6/14/2002",
  29585. "nan",
  29586. "nan",
  29587. "nan",
  29588. "nan",
  29589. "nan",
  29590. "nan",
  29591. "nan",
  29592. "nan",
  29593. "nan",
  29594. "nan",
  29595. "nan",
  29596. "nan",
  29597. "nan",
  29598. "nan",
  29599. "nan",
  29600. "nan",
  29601. "nan",
  29602. "nan",
  29603. "nan",
  29604. "nan",
  29605. "nan",
  29606. "nan"
  29607. ],
  29608. [
  29609. "060155",
  29610. "00010",
  29611. "harper, allen c.",
  29612. "sb partners, llc loan workout",
  29613. "768309126",
  29614. "agreements",
  29615. "redweld - purchase and assumption agmt. - whole bank - all deposits among federal deposit insurance corp., receiver of darby bank & trust co., vidalia, ga and ameris bank as of nov. 12, 2010",
  29616. "4/18/2014",
  29617. "nan",
  29618. "w. reeder glass",
  29619. "off-site",
  29620. "w. reeder glass",
  29621. "nan",
  29622. "atlanta",
  29623. "2196267",
  29624. "nan",
  29625. "nan",
  29626. "nan",
  29627. "nan",
  29628. "nan",
  29629. "nan",
  29630. "nan",
  29631. "nan",
  29632. "nan",
  29633. "nan",
  29634. "nan",
  29635. "nan",
  29636. "nan",
  29637. "nan",
  29638. "nan",
  29639. "nan",
  29640. "nan",
  29641. "nan",
  29642. "nan",
  29643. "nan",
  29644. "nan",
  29645. "nan",
  29646. "nan"
  29647. ],
  29648. [
  29649. "060457",
  29650. "00001",
  29651. "truly yours apparel",
  29652. "corporate - general",
  29653. "719637473",
  29654. "nan",
  29655. "fileno: 82146/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al, trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy and sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revivial correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp., pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples ave., # 23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustee's certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. # 26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. # 20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed), (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29656. "5/3/2000",
  29657. "64283",
  29658. "2003 amnesty",
  29659. "nan",
  29660. "nan",
  29661. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29662. "boston",
  29663. "1028321",
  29664. "12/13/2002",
  29665. "nan",
  29666. "nan",
  29667. "nan",
  29668. "nan",
  29669. "nan",
  29670. "nan",
  29671. "nan",
  29672. "nan",
  29673. "nan",
  29674. "nan",
  29675. "nan",
  29676. "nan",
  29677. "nan",
  29678. "nan",
  29679. "nan",
  29680. "nan",
  29681. "nan",
  29682. "nan",
  29683. "nan",
  29684. "nan",
  29685. "nan",
  29686. "nan"
  29687. ],
  29688. [
  29689. "060457",
  29690. "00001",
  29691. "truly yours apparel",
  29692. "corporate - general",
  29693. "719637473",
  29694. "nan",
  29695. "fileno: 82145/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk, et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer indemnification application, purchase & sale of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans, pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v,revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnifiaction agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, # 23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustee's certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave., # 26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave., fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29696. "5/3/2000",
  29697. "64283",
  29698. "2003 amnesty",
  29699. "nan",
  29700. "nan",
  29701. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29702. "boston",
  29703. "1028322",
  29704. "12/13/2002",
  29705. "nan",
  29706. "nan",
  29707. "nan",
  29708. "nan",
  29709. "nan",
  29710. "nan",
  29711. "nan",
  29712. "nan",
  29713. "nan",
  29714. "nan",
  29715. "nan",
  29716. "nan",
  29717. "nan",
  29718. "nan",
  29719. "nan",
  29720. "nan",
  29721. "nan",
  29722. "nan",
  29723. "nan",
  29724. "nan",
  29725. "nan",
  29726. "nan"
  29727. ],
  29728. [
  29729. "060457",
  29730. "00001",
  29731. "truly yours apparel",
  29732. "corporate - general",
  29733. "719634577",
  29734. "nan",
  29735. "fileno: 81817/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease 33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory note, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loan pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, # 23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustee's certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. # 26, assignment of mortgage 21 central avenue., # 20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution letter, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29736. "5/3/2000",
  29737. "79363",
  29738. "2003 amnesty",
  29739. "nan",
  29740. "nan",
  29741. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29742. "boston",
  29743. "1028341",
  29744. "12/13/2002",
  29745. "nan",
  29746. "nan",
  29747. "nan",
  29748. "nan",
  29749. "nan",
  29750. "nan",
  29751. "nan",
  29752. "nan",
  29753. "nan",
  29754. "nan",
  29755. "nan",
  29756. "nan",
  29757. "nan",
  29758. "nan",
  29759. "nan",
  29760. "nan",
  29761. "nan",
  29762. "nan",
  29763. "nan",
  29764. "nan",
  29765. "nan",
  29766. "nan"
  29767. ],
  29768. [
  29769. "060457",
  29770. "00001",
  29771. "truly yours apparel",
  29772. "corporate - general",
  29773. "719634577",
  29774. "nan",
  29775. "fileno: 81818/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note; unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note; unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revivial correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, # 23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustee's certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29776. "12/31/1899",
  29777. "79363",
  29778. "2003 amnesty",
  29779. "nan",
  29780. "nan",
  29781. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29782. "boston",
  29783. "1028342",
  29784. "12/13/2002",
  29785. "nan",
  29786. "nan",
  29787. "nan",
  29788. "nan",
  29789. "nan",
  29790. "nan",
  29791. "nan",
  29792. "nan",
  29793. "nan",
  29794. "nan",
  29795. "nan",
  29796. "nan",
  29797. "nan",
  29798. "nan",
  29799. "nan",
  29800. "nan",
  29801. "nan",
  29802. "nan",
  29803. "nan",
  29804. "nan",
  29805. "nan",
  29806. "nan"
  29807. ],
  29808. [
  29809. "060457",
  29810. "00001",
  29811. "truly yours apparel",
  29812. "corporate - general",
  29813. "719634577",
  29814. "nan",
  29815. "fileno: 81819/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restate profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan grver, bmw fashions, inc., lease 33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk, et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of the revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & idemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustee's certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20,, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memornadum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29816. "5/3/2000",
  29817. "79363",
  29818. "2003 amnesty",
  29819. "nan",
  29820. "nan",
  29821. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29822. "boston",
  29823. "1028345",
  29824. "12/13/2002",
  29825. "nan",
  29826. "nan",
  29827. "nan",
  29828. "nan",
  29829. "nan",
  29830. "nan",
  29831. "nan",
  29832. "nan",
  29833. "nan",
  29834. "nan",
  29835. "nan",
  29836. "nan",
  29837. "nan",
  29838. "nan",
  29839. "nan",
  29840. "nan",
  29841. "nan",
  29842. "nan",
  29843. "nan",
  29844. "nan",
  29845. "nan",
  29846. "nan"
  29847. ],
  29848. [
  29849. "060457",
  29850. "00001",
  29851. "truly yours apparel",
  29852. "corporate - general",
  29853. "719597267",
  29854. "nan",
  29855. "fileno: 81820/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease 33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp., pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustee's certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29856. "5/3/2000",
  29857. "79364",
  29858. "2003 amnesty",
  29859. "nan",
  29860. "nan",
  29861. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29862. "boston",
  29863. "1028346",
  29864. "12/13/2002",
  29865. "nan",
  29866. "nan",
  29867. "nan",
  29868. "nan",
  29869. "nan",
  29870. "nan",
  29871. "nan",
  29872. "nan",
  29873. "nan",
  29874. "nan",
  29875. "nan",
  29876. "nan",
  29877. "nan",
  29878. "nan",
  29879. "nan",
  29880. "nan",
  29881. "nan",
  29882. "nan",
  29883. "nan",
  29884. "nan",
  29885. "nan",
  29886. "nan"
  29887. ],
  29888. [
  29889. "060457",
  29890. "00001",
  29891. "truly yours apparel",
  29892. "corporate - general",
  29893. "719597267",
  29894. "nan",
  29895. "fileno: 82141/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease 33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secetary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re:flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of lfdc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples ave., #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29896. "5/3/2000",
  29897. "79364",
  29898. "2003 amnesty",
  29899. "nan",
  29900. "nan",
  29901. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29902. "boston",
  29903. "1028361",
  29904. "12/13/2002",
  29905. "nan",
  29906. "nan",
  29907. "nan",
  29908. "nan",
  29909. "nan",
  29910. "nan",
  29911. "nan",
  29912. "nan",
  29913. "nan",
  29914. "nan",
  29915. "nan",
  29916. "nan",
  29917. "nan",
  29918. "nan",
  29919. "nan",
  29920. "nan",
  29921. "nan",
  29922. "nan",
  29923. "nan",
  29924. "nan",
  29925. "nan",
  29926. "nan"
  29927. ],
  29928. [
  29929. "060457",
  29930. "00001",
  29931. "truly yours apparel",
  29932. "corporate - general",
  29933. "719597267",
  29934. "nan",
  29935. "fileno: 82142/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk, et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust organization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29936. "5/3/2000",
  29937. "79364",
  29938. "2003 amnesty",
  29939. "nan",
  29940. "nan",
  29941. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29942. "boston",
  29943. "1028365",
  29944. "12/13/2002",
  29945. "nan",
  29946. "nan",
  29947. "nan",
  29948. "nan",
  29949. "nan",
  29950. "nan",
  29951. "nan",
  29952. "nan",
  29953. "nan",
  29954. "nan",
  29955. "nan",
  29956. "nan",
  29957. "nan",
  29958. "nan",
  29959. "nan",
  29960. "nan",
  29961. "nan",
  29962. "nan",
  29963. "nan",
  29964. "nan",
  29965. "nan",
  29966. "nan"
  29967. ],
  29968. [
  29969. "060457",
  29970. "00001",
  29971. "truly yours apparel",
  29972. "corporate - general",
  29973. "719637473",
  29974. "nan",
  29975. "fileno: 82143/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restate profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factroing agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue., colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  29976. "5/3/2000",
  29977. "64283",
  29978. "2003 amnesty",
  29979. "nan",
  29980. "nan",
  29981. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  29982. "boston",
  29983. "1028369",
  29984. "12/13/2002",
  29985. "nan",
  29986. "nan",
  29987. "nan",
  29988. "nan",
  29989. "nan",
  29990. "nan",
  29991. "nan",
  29992. "nan",
  29993. "nan",
  29994. "nan",
  29995. "nan",
  29996. "nan",
  29997. "nan",
  29998. "nan",
  29999. "nan",
  30000. "nan",
  30001. "nan",
  30002. "nan",
  30003. "nan",
  30004. "nan",
  30005. "nan",
  30006. "nan"
  30007. ],
  30008. [
  30009. "060457",
  30010. "00001",
  30011. "truly yours apparel",
  30012. "corporate - general",
  30013. "719637473",
  30014. "nan",
  30015. "fileno: 82144/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark reseach report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old staock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave. trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict of waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central avenue #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a,stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  30016. "5/3/2000",
  30017. "64283",
  30018. "2003 amnesty",
  30019. "nan",
  30020. "nan",
  30021. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30022. "boston",
  30023. "1028370",
  30024. "12/13/2002",
  30025. "nan",
  30026. "nan",
  30027. "nan",
  30028. "nan",
  30029. "nan",
  30030. "nan",
  30031. "nan",
  30032. "nan",
  30033. "nan",
  30034. "nan",
  30035. "nan",
  30036. "nan",
  30037. "nan",
  30038. "nan",
  30039. "nan",
  30040. "nan",
  30041. "nan",
  30042. "nan",
  30043. "nan",
  30044. "nan",
  30045. "nan",
  30046. "nan"
  30047. ],
  30048. [
  30049. "060457",
  30050. "00001",
  30051. "truly yours apparel",
  30052. "corporate - general",
  30053. "719634172",
  30054. "nan",
  30055. "fileno: 82149/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase & sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk, et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, suboridnation agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release & indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  30056. "5/3/2000",
  30057. "64649",
  30058. "2003 amnesty",
  30059. "nan",
  30060. "nan",
  30061. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30062. "boston",
  30063. "1028373",
  30064. "12/13/2002",
  30065. "nan",
  30066. "nan",
  30067. "nan",
  30068. "nan",
  30069. "nan",
  30070. "nan",
  30071. "nan",
  30072. "nan",
  30073. "nan",
  30074. "nan",
  30075. "nan",
  30076. "nan",
  30077. "nan",
  30078. "nan",
  30079. "nan",
  30080. "nan",
  30081. "nan",
  30082. "nan",
  30083. "nan",
  30084. "nan",
  30085. "nan",
  30086. "nan"
  30087. ],
  30088. [
  30089. "060457",
  30090. "00001",
  30091. "truly yours apparel",
  30092. "corporate - general",
  30093. "719634172",
  30094. "nan",
  30095. "fileno: 82148/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creationsm altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack corresppondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allone to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company, $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  30096. "5/3/2000",
  30097. "64649",
  30098. "2003 amnesty",
  30099. "nan",
  30100. "nan",
  30101. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30102. "boston",
  30103. "1028375",
  30104. "12/13/2002",
  30105. "nan",
  30106. "nan",
  30107. "nan",
  30108. "nan",
  30109. "nan",
  30110. "nan",
  30111. "nan",
  30112. "nan",
  30113. "nan",
  30114. "nan",
  30115. "nan",
  30116. "nan",
  30117. "nan",
  30118. "nan",
  30119. "nan",
  30120. "nan",
  30121. "nan",
  30122. "nan",
  30123. "nan",
  30124. "nan",
  30125. "nan",
  30126. "nan"
  30127. ],
  30128. [
  30129. "060457",
  30130. "00001",
  30131. "truly yours apparel",
  30132. "corporate - general",
  30133. "719634172",
  30134. "nan",
  30135. "fileno: 82147/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register , crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordinationa agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contributions agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust $173,700 mortgage loan, release & indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurnce, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  30136. "5/3/2000",
  30137. "64649",
  30138. "2003 amnesty",
  30139. "nan",
  30140. "nan",
  30141. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30142. "boston",
  30143. "1028379",
  30144. "12/13/2002",
  30145. "nan",
  30146. "nan",
  30147. "nan",
  30148. "nan",
  30149. "nan",
  30150. "nan",
  30151. "nan",
  30152. "nan",
  30153. "nan",
  30154. "nan",
  30155. "nan",
  30156. "nan",
  30157. "nan",
  30158. "nan",
  30159. "nan",
  30160. "nan",
  30161. "nan",
  30162. "nan",
  30163. "nan",
  30164. "nan",
  30165. "nan",
  30166. "nan"
  30167. ],
  30168. [
  30169. "060457",
  30170. "00001",
  30171. "truly yours apparel",
  30172. "corporate - general",
  30173. "719637500",
  30174. "nan",
  30175. "fileno: 82152/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase and sale agreement of louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents and lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authorization documents, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & idemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  30176. "5/3/2000",
  30177. "64607",
  30178. "2003 amnesty",
  30179. "nan",
  30180. "nan",
  30181. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30182. "boston",
  30183. "1028453",
  30184. "12/13/2002",
  30185. "nan",
  30186. "nan",
  30187. "nan",
  30188. "nan",
  30189. "nan",
  30190. "nan",
  30191. "nan",
  30192. "nan",
  30193. "nan",
  30194. "nan",
  30195. "nan",
  30196. "nan",
  30197. "nan",
  30198. "nan",
  30199. "nan",
  30200. "nan",
  30201. "nan",
  30202. "nan",
  30203. "nan",
  30204. "nan",
  30205. "nan",
  30206. "nan"
  30207. ],
  30208. [
  30209. "060457",
  30210. "00001",
  30211. "truly yours apparel",
  30212. "corporate - general",
  30213. "719637500",
  30214. "nan",
  30215. "fileno: 82151/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk, et al., trademark research, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer identification application, purchase & sale agreement of louisburg sqaure, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liability insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, trust authroization documents, wayne realty trust and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release & indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property, assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of unlimited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. 26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave.#20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  30216. "5/3/2000",
  30217. "64607",
  30218. "2003 amnesty",
  30219. "nan",
  30220. "nan",
  30221. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30222. "boston",
  30223. "1028455",
  30224. "12/13/2002",
  30225. "nan",
  30226. "nan",
  30227. "nan",
  30228. "nan",
  30229. "nan",
  30230. "nan",
  30231. "nan",
  30232. "nan",
  30233. "nan",
  30234. "nan",
  30235. "nan",
  30236. "nan",
  30237. "nan",
  30238. "nan",
  30239. "nan",
  30240. "nan",
  30241. "nan",
  30242. "nan",
  30243. "nan",
  30244. "nan",
  30245. "nan",
  30246. "nan"
  30247. ],
  30248. [
  30249. "060457",
  30250. "00001",
  30251. "truly yours apparel",
  30252. "corporate - general",
  30253. "719637500",
  30254. "nan",
  30255. "fileno: 82150/index: profit sharing plan correspondence, profit sharing plan, amended and restated profit sharing plan, irs settlement, plan documents, dlj transfer of accounts, mortgage discharge-gustin, federal filings, agreement with ice nine, financial statements, susan graver, bmw fashions, inc., lease-33 dover street, brockton, curiosity cat, corporate resolutions, nyack runner international, matrix sportswear, purchase and sale-louisburg square, saugus bank security agreement, herman geist, keystone associates, crystal bay/correspondence, crystal bay/factoring agreement with secretary's certificate, crystal bay/signature register, crystal bay/stockholders consent, crystal bay/director's consent, crystal bay/personal guaranty and corporate guaranty, crystal bay pleadings, stock redemption and settlement agreement and related transactions with a. burk et al., trademark research report, prentice hall legend and financial services, avon lease (executed), avon lease drafts, avon lease correspondence, ma secretary of the commonwealth certificates, ma department of revenue certificates, auto lease with general electric, employer indentification application, purchase and sale-louisburg square, inc., old stock records, berke enterprises stock, miscellaneous guarantees, altschuler loan (1994), great west insurance, republic factors documents, buttons creations, altschuler releases, corporate-post correspondence, republic factors corporation, republic factors agreement (drafts), jason/uni-grand repayment letter, new jersey qualifications, liabilty insurance, ucc search, tjc guaranty re: flammables, pick & pack correspondence, new york lease, stock buy & sell agreement, license agreement, subordination agreement, ucc searches pt. ii, consignment agreement material, correspondence (matter 10), assignment to multi-family mortgage, assignment of collateral assignment of rents & lease, note purchase agreement, legal opinion re: due organization, copy of promissory note in favor of ldfc, subordination agreement (matter 10), allonge to promissory note, wayne realty trust purchase and assignment of promissory notes, allonge to $350,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $500,000 7/6/90 note, allonge to $55,800 12/11/85 note, allonge to $173,700 11/13/86 note, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 20, allonge to $88,200 12/10/87 note, unit 26, allonge to $76,500 12/10/87 note, release & indemnification agreement, park drive, assignment of mortgage-15 staples avenue, colborne court, altschuler loans pt. v, revival correspondence, composition agreement, guaranties, republic factors corp. pt. v, certificate of vote, clerk's certificate, credit agreement, mortgage (jane bennett), mortgage (fred bennett), mortgage (arthur berke), carna correspondence, revolving line of credit-capitol bank, revolving line of credit/execute documents, indemnification & contribution agreement pt. v, revolving line of credit/correspondence, northwestern mutual life insurance, pre-tax premium plan, diana hartman, ron therrien, capitol bank and trust company $173,700 mortgage loan, release and indemnification agreement (matter 10), 15 staples avenue, #23, everett property,assignment of mortgage, assignment of mortgage-2, 1754 & 1762 commonwealth ave., trustees certificate (david altschuler), unconditioned payment guaranty (of arthur j. berke), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, unconditional payment guaranty (fred bennett), assignment of limited unconditional payment guaranty, guaranty of jayne bennett, mortgage (condominium rider), certification, direction of beneficiaries, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #26, conflict waiver letter, assignment of mortgage 21 central ave. #20, fdic wiring instructions, berke letter agreement, assignment of note & mortgage agreement exhibit a, stock certificate pledge, professional fees escrow, release michael dubarros, promissory note (executed) (matter 4), trustees certificate trust, $250,000 wire transfer letter, berke distribution, berke complaint, berke payment schedule, berke financial statement; affidavit, berke life insurance, gerber note/security agreement, saugus b & t/gerber documents, indemnification agreement (matter 2), life insurance cash values, unemployment insurance issue, peter laurence costs of reimbursement, correspondence (matter 2), financials, joint pre-trial memorandum, discovery, pre-trial order, pleadings (matter 10)",
  30256. "5/3/2000",
  30257. "64607",
  30258. "2003 amnesty",
  30259. "nan",
  30260. "nan",
  30261. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30262. "boston",
  30263. "1028457",
  30264. "12/13/2002",
  30265. "nan",
  30266. "nan",
  30267. "nan",
  30268. "nan",
  30269. "nan",
  30270. "nan",
  30271. "nan",
  30272. "nan",
  30273. "nan",
  30274. "nan",
  30275. "nan",
  30276. "nan",
  30277. "nan",
  30278. "nan",
  30279. "nan",
  30280. "nan",
  30281. "nan",
  30282. "nan",
  30283. "nan",
  30284. "nan",
  30285. "nan",
  30286. "nan"
  30287. ],
  30288. [
  30289. "063539",
  30290. "00001",
  30291. "silicon genesis corporation",
  30292. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  30293. "719596528",
  30294. "nan",
  30295. "index: 497.) motion for leave to file plaintiffs' motion in limine-1/22/02, 498.) plaintiffs' motion in limine to preclude duplicative expert testimony-1/22/02, 499.) plaintiffs' motion in limine to preclude introduction of evidence of purported reliance on advice of counsel and third party legal opinions-file under seal pursuant to court order of june 5, 2000 (see separate redweld)-1/22/02, 500.) notice of action by the court-judge gertner endorsed order entered granting [374-1] motion to seal/impound exhibit 3 to the affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of defendant's motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-1/23/02, 501.) notice of action by the court-judge gertner endorsed order entered granting [363-1] motion for leave to file motions in limine-1/23/02, 502.) plaintiffs' memorandum of law in opposition to defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine for phasing of trial-1/28/02, 503.) plaintiffs' opposition to defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to exclude plaintiffs' publications relating to the smartcut process and testimony based on those publications-1/28/02, 504.) plaintiffs' memorandum of law in opposition to defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude evidence relating to sigen's patents as evidence of the '564 patent-1/28/02, 505.) plaintiffs' response in opposition to defendant sigen's motion to exclude the testimony of dr. jean-pierre colinge-1/28/02, 506.) affidavit of don j. mizerk in support of plaintiffs' response to silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-filed under seal pursuant to court order of june 5, 2000 [see separate redweld], 507.) affidavit of bryan j. wilson in support of silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs motion in limine to preclude introduction of evidence of purported reliance on advice of counsel and third party legal opinions-exhibits 1-4 filed under seal pursuant to court order of june 6, 2000 [see separate redweld]-1/29/02, 508.) motion to impound pursuant to local rule 7.2-exhibits 1-4 to the affidavit of bryan wilson in support of silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs motion in limine to preclude introduction of evidence of purported reliance on advice of counsel and third party legal opinions-1/29/02, 509.) notice of action by the court-judge gertner endorsed order entered granting [383-1] motion to seal/impound exhibits 1-4 to the affidavit of bryan j. wilson-1/29/02, 510.) materials impounded pursuant to court order of june 6, 2000-exhibits 1-4 to the affidavit of bryan wilson in support of silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs motion in limine to preclude introduction of evidence of purported reliance on advice of counsel and third party legal opinions-1.29/02, 511.) silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs' motion in limine to preclude introduction of evidence of purported reliance on advice of third party legal opinions-1/29/02, 512.) silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs' motion in limine to preclude duplicative expert testimony-1/29/02, 513.) affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs' motion in limine to preclude duplicative testimony-attaching cases cited therein-1/29/02, 514.) plaintiffs' objections to defendant silicon genesis corporation's disclosure of demonstrative exhibits-1/29/02, 515.) final pretrial memorandum (note: exhibits in separate redweld)-1/30/02, 516.) plaintiff's supplemental opposition to defendant silicon genesis' motion for summary judgment of non-infringement (d.e. 311)-2/4/02, 517.) motion for leave for file plaintiff's supplemental opposition to defendant silicon genesis' motion for summary judgment of non-infringement (d.e. 311)-2/4/02, 518.) court's order on motions for summary judgment-2/5/02, 519.) court's memo and order on defendant's motion in limine for phasing of trial-2/7/02",
  30296. "2/5/2003",
  30297. "753672",
  30298. "douglas w. phillips",
  30299. "nan",
  30300. "nan",
  30301. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30302. "boston",
  30303. "1191944",
  30304. "11/18/2004",
  30305. "nan",
  30306. "nan",
  30307. "nan",
  30308. "nan",
  30309. "nan",
  30310. "nan",
  30311. "nan",
  30312. "nan",
  30313. "nan",
  30314. "nan",
  30315. "nan",
  30316. "nan",
  30317. "nan",
  30318. "nan",
  30319. "nan",
  30320. "nan",
  30321. "nan",
  30322. "nan",
  30323. "nan",
  30324. "nan",
  30325. "nan",
  30326. "nan"
  30327. ],
  30328. [
  30329. "063539",
  30330. "00001",
  30331. "silicon genesis corporation",
  30332. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  30333. "719596528",
  30334. "nan",
  30335. "index: 520.) 9 court rulings: (i) court's endorsement of order entered mooting [392-1] motion for leave to file supplemental opposition to defendant silicon genesis' motion for summary judgment of non-infringement; (ii) court's endorsement of order entered denying [248-1] motion to reimburse expenses or in the alternative to strike enablement defense and counterclaim; (iii) court's endorsement of order entered denying [356-1] motion to strike defendant's new fifth invalidity defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness; (iv) court endorsed order entered denying [369-1] motion in limine to exclude plaintiffs' publications relating to the smartcut process, and testimony based on those publications; (v) court endorsed order entered denying motion in limine to preclude evidence relating to sigen's patents as evidence of the '564 patent; (vi) endorsed order entered denying [378-1] motion in limine to preclude duplicative expert testimony; (vii) court endorsed order entered denying [364-1] motion in limine for phasing of trial; (viii) court endorsed order entered denying [379-1] motion in limine to preclude introduction of evidence of purported reliance on advice of counsel third party legal opinions; (ix) court endorsed order entered denying [372-1] motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-2/7/02, 521.) notice of action by the court-court endorsed order entered denying [320-1] motion to compel production of documents numbered 20-57 and 59-69 from cea's privilege log-2/9/01, 522.) motion to admit jennifer l. piel pro hac vice-2/12/02, 523.) certificate of jennifer l. piel in support of motion for admission pro hac vice-2/12/02, 524.) motion to admit sunil r. kulkarni pro hac vice-2/12/02, 525.) certificate of suril r. kulkarni in support of motion for admission pro hac vice-2/12/02, 526.) motion to admit james oliva pro hac vice-2/12/02, 527.) certificate of james oliva in support of motion for admission pro hac vice-2/12/02, 528.) plaintiff's response to sigen's request for clarification of order re: summary judgment-2/13/02, 529.) plaintiff's response to silicon genesis corporation's motion for reconsideration of court's february 5, 2002 order-2/13/02, 530.) motion for leave to file plaintiffs' motion in limine to exclude from the jury trial all evidence and reference to sigen's indefiniteness defense-2/17/02, 531.) plaintiffs' motion in limine to exclude from the jury trial all evidence and reference to sigen's indefiniteness defense-2/17/02, 532.) plaintiffs' proposed final jury instructions & verdict form-2/20/02, 533.) silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs' motion in limine to exclude from the jury trial all evidence and reference to sigen's indefiniteness defense-2/20/02, 534.) silicon genesis corporation's proposed verdict form-2/20/02, 535.) silicon genesis corporation's proposed jury instructions-2/20/02, 536.) trial brief of defendant silicon genesis corporation-2/20/02, 537.) 3 court orders: (i) court endorsed order entered granting [403-1] motion for james oliva to appear pro hac vice; (ii) court endorsed order granting motion for sunil r. kulkarni to appear pro hac vice; (iii) court endorsed order entered granting [407-1] motion for jennifer l. piel to appear pro hac vice-2/20/02, 538.) plaintiffs' trial brief-2/20/02, 539.) notice of action by the court: endorsed order granting [522-1] motion to extend time to june 17, 2002 to file opposition to plaintiffs' to motion for judgment as a matter of law and a new trial-5/30/02, 540.) notice of action by the court: endorsed order granting [523-1] motion for leave to file oversize brief-6/18/02, 541.) plaintiff's motion for judgment on sigen's indefiniteness defense-oral argument requested-6/21/02, 542.) memorandum of law in support of plaintiffs' motion for judgment on sigen's indefiniteness request-oral argument requested-6/21/02, 543.) plaintiffs' motion for the scheduling of an oral argument on their motions for a jmol/new-trial and for a judgment on sigen's indefiniteness defense-6/21/02, 544.) plaintiffs' opposition to sigen's motion for an extension of time to file a brief relating to its indefiniteness defense-6/28/02, 545.) affidavit of bryan j. wilson in support of defendant silicon genesis corporation's reply memorandum re: motion for extension of time to file opposition to plaintiff's motion for judgment on sigen's indefiniteness defense and response to soitec's request for hearing-7/8/02, 546.) defendant silicon genesis corporation's reply memorandum re: motion for extension of time to file opposition to plaintiffs' motion for judgment on sigen's indefiniteness defense, and response to soitec's request for hearing-7/9/02, 547.) order re: post-trial motions-7/11/02, 548.) plaintiffs' motion for leave to file plaintiffs' reply memorandum in support of their motion for judgment as a matter of law and a new trial; related certificate of service-7/19/02, 549.) plaintiffs' reply memorandum in support of their motion for judgment as a matter of law and a new trial; related certificate of service-7/19/02, 550.) affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion remittitur aor, in the alternative, for a new trial on damages; affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion for judgment on indefiniteness; opposition to soitec's motion for judgment re: indefiniteness-see separate redweld-7/18/02, 551.) defendant silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs' motion for leave to file plaintiffs' reply memorandum in support of their motion for judgment as a matter of law and a new trial-7/24/02, 552.) plaintiffs' opposition to defendant's motion for remittitur or, in the alternative, for a new trial on damages-7/25/02, 553.) plaintiffs' reply in support of their motion for judgment on sigen's indefiniteness defense-7/25/02",
  30336. "2/6/2003",
  30337. "753672",
  30338. "douglas w. phillips",
  30339. "nan",
  30340. "nan",
  30341. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30342. "boston",
  30343. "1191949",
  30344. "11/18/2004",
  30345. "nan",
  30346. "nan",
  30347. "nan",
  30348. "nan",
  30349. "nan",
  30350. "nan",
  30351. "nan",
  30352. "nan",
  30353. "nan",
  30354. "nan",
  30355. "nan",
  30356. "nan",
  30357. "nan",
  30358. "nan",
  30359. "nan",
  30360. "nan",
  30361. "nan",
  30362. "nan",
  30363. "nan",
  30364. "nan",
  30365. "nan",
  30366. "nan"
  30367. ],
  30368. [
  30369. "063539",
  30370. "00001",
  30371. "silicon genesis corporation",
  30372. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  30373. "719599368",
  30374. "nan",
  30375. "index: 456.) notice of depositions (of dr. chris van de walle)-10/17/01, 457.) notice resetting motion hearing-10/22/01, 458.) plaintiffs' opposition to silicon genesis' second cross-motion for summary judgment of non-infringement-10/29/01, 459.) plaintiffs' local rule 56.1 statement of material facts that they contend creates a genuine issue to be tried, submitted in opposition to sigen's second cross-motion for summary judgment on the issue of non-infringement (filed under seal pursuant to court order of june 6, 2000-see separate redweld)-10/29/01), 460.) motion for leave to file response to silicon genesis' motion for leave to file additional papers in support of its motion to compel production of documents numbered 20-57 and 59-69 from cea's privilege log-10/31/01, 461.) plaintiff's opposition to silicon genesis' motion for leave to file additional papers in support of its motion to compel production of documents numbered 20-57 and 59-69 from cea's privilege log-10/31/01, 462.) plaintiffs' agreed motion for leave to file plaintiffs' summary judgment exhibit 88 (infringement issues)-11/7/01, 463.) plaintiffs' summary judgment exhibit 88 (infringement issues)-filed under seal pursuant to court order of june 5, 2000-11/7/01, 464.) order-there will be no further filings-11/7/01, 465.) notice of action by the court-motion for leave to file plaintiff's summary judgment exhibit 88 granted-11/8/01, 466.) notice of action by the court-motion for leave to file response to silicon's motion for leave to file additional papers in support of its motion to compel production of documents numbered 20-57 and 56-69 from cea's privilege log denied-11/8/01, 467.) notice of action by the court-silicon's opposition to affidavit of don j. mizer in support of plaintiffs' opposition to silicon's motion to compel production of documents numbered 20-57 and 56-69 from cea's privilege log denied-11/8/01, 468.) notice of action by the court-motion for sanctions-rule 11 re: silicon's motions for a more definite statement denied-11/8/01, 469.) notice of action by the court-motion for a more definite statement-second amended complaint denied-11/8/01, 470.) answer and counterclaims of silicon genesis corporation to plaintiffs' second amended complaint for patent infringement-11/28/01, 471.) plaintiffs' unopposed motion for leave to file motion to strike defendant's new fifth amended defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness-12/4/01, 472.) plaintiffs' motion to strike defendant's new fifth invalidity defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness-12/4/01, 473.) notice of action by the court-motion for leave to file motion to strike defendant's new fifth amended defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness-granted-12/5/01, 474.) silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs' motion to strike defendant's new fifth invalidity defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness-12/19/01, 475.) affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corporation's opposition to plaintiffs' motion to strike defendant's new fifth invalidity defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness-12/19/01, 476.) motion for leave to file plaintiffs' reply in support of motion to strike defendant's new fifth invalidity defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness-1/2/02, 477.) plaintiffs' reply in support of motion to strike defendant's new fifth invalidity defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness-1/2/02, 478.) notice of action by the court-motion for leave to file reply in support of motion to strike defendant's new fifth invalidity defense and counterclaim-indefiniteness granted-1/4/02, 479.) plaintiffs' rule 26(a)(3) disclosures-1/7/02, 480.) order for pre-trial conference for judge gertner's session jury trial for monday 2/25/02 at 9:00 am-1/16/02, 481.) plaintiff's objections to defendant silicon genesis corporation's rule 26(a)(3) disclosures-1/16/02, 482.) defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion for leave to file motions in limine-1/22/02, 483.) defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude evidence relating to sigen's patents as evidence of enablement of the '564 patent-1/22/02, 484.) memorandum of law in support of defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude evidence relating to sigen's patents as evidence of enablement of the '564 patent-1/22/02, 485.) affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corproration's motion in limine to preclude evidence relating to sigen's patents as evidence of enablement of the '564 patent-1/22/02, 486.) defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to exclude plaintiffs' publications relating to the smartcut process and testimony based on those publications-1/22/02, 487.) memorandum of law in support of silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to exclude plaintiffs' publications relating to the smartcut process and testimony based on those publications-1/22/02, 488.) affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to exclude plaintiffs' publications relating to the smartcut process and testimony based on those publication-1/22/02, 489.) defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-1/22/02, 490.) memorandum of law in support of defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-1/22/02, 491.) affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge (exhibit 3 filed under seal) (see separate redweld)-1/22/02, 492.) affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-attaching cases sited therein-1/22/02, 493.) motion to impound pursuant to local rule 7.2-exhibit 3 to the affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-1/22/02, 494.) materials impounded pursuant to court order of june 6, 2000-exhibit 3 to the affidavit of peggy e. bruggman in support of silicon genesis corporation' s motion in limine to preclude expert testimony of jean-pierre colinge-1/22/02, 495.) defendant silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine for phasing of trial-1/22/02, 496.) memorandum of law in support of silicon genesis corporation's motion in limine for phasing of trial-1/22/02",
  30376. "2/5/2003",
  30377. "753665",
  30378. "douglas w. phillips",
  30379. "nan",
  30380. "nan",
  30381. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30382. "boston",
  30383. "1191954",
  30384. "11/18/2004",
  30385. "nan",
  30386. "nan",
  30387. "nan",
  30388. "nan",
  30389. "nan",
  30390. "nan",
  30391. "nan",
  30392. "nan",
  30393. "nan",
  30394. "nan",
  30395. "nan",
  30396. "nan",
  30397. "nan",
  30398. "nan",
  30399. "nan",
  30400. "nan",
  30401. "nan",
  30402. "nan",
  30403. "nan",
  30404. "nan",
  30405. "nan",
  30406. "nan"
  30407. ],
  30408. [
  30409. "063952",
  30410. "00001",
  30411. "invesco realty advisors, inc.",
  30412. "general leasing",
  30413. "731240685",
  30414. "agreements",
  30415. "fdic - confidentiality agreement",
  30416. "7/25/2012",
  30417. "nan",
  30418. "david s. kahn",
  30419. "off-site",
  30420. "kahn david",
  30421. "nan",
  30422. "washington d.c",
  30423. "1874625",
  30424. "nan",
  30425. "nan",
  30426. "nan",
  30427. "nan",
  30428. "nan",
  30429. "nan",
  30430. "nan",
  30431. "nan",
  30432. "nan",
  30433. "nan",
  30434. "nan",
  30435. "nan",
  30436. "nan",
  30437. "nan",
  30438. "nan",
  30439. "nan",
  30440. "nan",
  30441. "nan",
  30442. "nan",
  30443. "nan",
  30444. "nan",
  30445. "nan",
  30446. "nan"
  30447. ],
  30448. [
  30449. "064838",
  30450. "00010",
  30451. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  30452. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  30453. "652544439",
  30454. "correspondence",
  30455. "lakeside v. fdic 4th dca \ncorrespondence",
  30456. "12/31/2012",
  30457. "118903",
  30458. "brian a. mcdowell",
  30459. "off-site",
  30460. "brian mcdowell",
  30461. "hk box # 9815",
  30462. "miami",
  30463. "1941854",
  30464. "7/12/2004",
  30465. "nan",
  30466. "nan",
  30467. "nan",
  30468. "nan",
  30469. "nan",
  30470. "nan",
  30471. "nan",
  30472. "nan",
  30473. "nan",
  30474. "nan",
  30475. "nan",
  30476. "nan",
  30477. "nan",
  30478. "nan",
  30479. "nan",
  30480. "nan",
  30481. "nan",
  30482. "nan",
  30483. "nan",
  30484. "nan",
  30485. "nan",
  30486. "nan"
  30487. ],
  30488. [
  30489. "064838",
  30490. "00010",
  30491. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  30492. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  30493. "652544439",
  30494. "attorney notes",
  30495. "fdic v. lakeside regents,\nattorney notes",
  30496. "12/31/2012",
  30497. "118903",
  30498. "brian a. mcdowell",
  30499. "off-site",
  30500. "brian mcdowell",
  30501. "hk box # 9815",
  30502. "miami",
  30503. "1941855",
  30504. "7/12/2004",
  30505. "nan",
  30506. "nan",
  30507. "nan",
  30508. "nan",
  30509. "nan",
  30510. "nan",
  30511. "nan",
  30512. "nan",
  30513. "nan",
  30514. "nan",
  30515. "nan",
  30516. "nan",
  30517. "nan",
  30518. "nan",
  30519. "nan",
  30520. "nan",
  30521. "nan",
  30522. "nan",
  30523. "nan",
  30524. "nan",
  30525. "nan",
  30526. "nan"
  30527. ],
  30528. [
  30529. "064838",
  30530. "00010",
  30531. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  30532. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  30533. "652544439",
  30534. "pleadings",
  30535. "lakeside regent, inc vs. fdic, receiver for first american bank and trust \npleadings",
  30536. "12/31/2012",
  30537. "118903",
  30538. "brian a. mcdowell",
  30539. "off-site",
  30540. "brian mcdowell",
  30541. "hk box # 9815",
  30542. "miami",
  30543. "1941857",
  30544. "7/12/2004",
  30545. "nan",
  30546. "nan",
  30547. "nan",
  30548. "nan",
  30549. "nan",
  30550. "nan",
  30551. "nan",
  30552. "nan",
  30553. "nan",
  30554. "nan",
  30555. "nan",
  30556. "nan",
  30557. "nan",
  30558. "nan",
  30559. "nan",
  30560. "nan",
  30561. "nan",
  30562. "nan",
  30563. "nan",
  30564. "nan",
  30565. "nan",
  30566. "nan"
  30567. ],
  30568. [
  30569. "064838",
  30570. "00010",
  30571. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  30572. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  30573. "652544439",
  30574. "pleadings",
  30575. "lakeside regent, inc vs. fdic, receiver for first american bank and trust \npleadings",
  30576. "12/31/2012",
  30577. "118903",
  30578. "brian a. mcdowell",
  30579. "off-site",
  30580. "brian mcdowell",
  30581. "hk box # 9815",
  30582. "miami",
  30583. "1941858",
  30584. "7/12/2004",
  30585. "nan",
  30586. "nan",
  30587. "nan",
  30588. "nan",
  30589. "nan",
  30590. "nan",
  30591. "nan",
  30592. "nan",
  30593. "nan",
  30594. "nan",
  30595. "nan",
  30596. "nan",
  30597. "nan",
  30598. "nan",
  30599. "nan",
  30600. "nan",
  30601. "nan",
  30602. "nan",
  30603. "nan",
  30604. "nan",
  30605. "nan",
  30606. "nan"
  30607. ],
  30608. [
  30609. "064838",
  30610. "00010",
  30611. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  30612. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  30613. "652544439",
  30614. "pleadings",
  30615. "lakeside regent, inc vs. fdic, receiver for first american bank and trust \npleadings",
  30616. "12/31/2012",
  30617. "118903",
  30618. "brian a. mcdowell",
  30619. "off-site",
  30620. "brian mcdowell",
  30621. "hk box # 9815",
  30622. "miami",
  30623. "1941859",
  30624. "7/12/2004",
  30625. "nan",
  30626. "nan",
  30627. "nan",
  30628. "nan",
  30629. "nan",
  30630. "nan",
  30631. "nan",
  30632. "nan",
  30633. "nan",
  30634. "nan",
  30635. "nan",
  30636. "nan",
  30637. "nan",
  30638. "nan",
  30639. "nan",
  30640. "nan",
  30641. "nan",
  30642. "nan",
  30643. "nan",
  30644. "nan",
  30645. "nan",
  30646. "nan"
  30647. ],
  30648. [
  30649. "064838",
  30650. "00010",
  30651. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  30652. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  30653. "652544439",
  30654. "pleadings",
  30655. "lakeside regent, inc vs. fdic, receiver for first american bank and trust \npleadings",
  30656. "12/31/2012",
  30657. "118903",
  30658. "brian a. mcdowell",
  30659. "off-site",
  30660. "brian mcdowell",
  30661. "hk box # 9815",
  30662. "miami",
  30663. "1941860",
  30664. "7/12/2004",
  30665. "nan",
  30666. "nan",
  30667. "nan",
  30668. "nan",
  30669. "nan",
  30670. "nan",
  30671. "nan",
  30672. "nan",
  30673. "nan",
  30674. "nan",
  30675. "nan",
  30676. "nan",
  30677. "nan",
  30678. "nan",
  30679. "nan",
  30680. "nan",
  30681. "nan",
  30682. "nan",
  30683. "nan",
  30684. "nan",
  30685. "nan",
  30686. "nan"
  30687. ],
  30688. [
  30689. "065238",
  30690. "00003",
  30691. "ha, dr. joseph m.",
  30692. "ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #2",
  30693. "259276156",
  30694. "nan",
  30695. "nan",
  30696. "6/28/2001",
  30697. "nan",
  30698. "jaj",
  30699. "nan",
  30700. "nan",
  30701. "source: access database + closed#: 8065",
  30702. "portland",
  30703. "851032",
  30704. "nan",
  30705. "nan",
  30706. "nan",
  30707. "nan",
  30708. "nan",
  30709. "nan",
  30710. "nan",
  30711. "nan",
  30712. "nan",
  30713. "nan",
  30714. "nan",
  30715. "nan",
  30716. "nan",
  30717. "nan",
  30718. "nan",
  30719. "nan",
  30720. "nan",
  30721. "nan",
  30722. "nan",
  30723. "nan",
  30724. "nan",
  30725. "nan",
  30726. "nan"
  30727. ],
  30728. [
  30729. "065238",
  30730. "00003",
  30731. "ha, dr. joseph m.",
  30732. "ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #1",
  30733. "259276156",
  30734. "nan",
  30735. "nan",
  30736. "6/28/2001",
  30737. "nan",
  30738. "jaj",
  30739. "nan",
  30740. "nan",
  30741. "source: access database + closed#: 8064",
  30742. "portland",
  30743. "851033",
  30744. "nan",
  30745. "nan",
  30746. "nan",
  30747. "nan",
  30748. "nan",
  30749. "nan",
  30750. "nan",
  30751. "nan",
  30752. "nan",
  30753. "nan",
  30754. "nan",
  30755. "nan",
  30756. "nan",
  30757. "nan",
  30758. "nan",
  30759. "nan",
  30760. "nan",
  30761. "nan",
  30762. "nan",
  30763. "nan",
  30764. "nan",
  30765. "nan",
  30766. "nan"
  30767. ],
  30768. [
  30769. "065830",
  30770. "00091",
  30771. "csra, inc.",
  30772. "irs protests",
  30773. "972315873",
  30774. "pleadings",
  30775. "binder file: tipss binder 1 - gao protest b-407773.2: rtcp 4019 (tipss-4 its) joint operations center (joc) [sra copy]",
  30776. "7/20/2016",
  30777. "nan",
  30778. "david s. black",
  30779. "off-site",
  30780. "black david",
  30781. "nan",
  30782. "tysons",
  30783. "2259909",
  30784. "9/11/2014",
  30785. "nan",
  30786. "nan",
  30787. "nan",
  30788. "nan",
  30789. "nan",
  30790. "nan",
  30791. "nan",
  30792. "nan",
  30793. "nan",
  30794. "nan",
  30795. "nan",
  30796. "nan",
  30797. "nan",
  30798. "nan",
  30799. "nan",
  30800. "nan",
  30801. "nan",
  30802. "nan",
  30803. "nan",
  30804. "nan",
  30805. "nan",
  30806. "nan"
  30807. ],
  30808. [
  30809. "065830",
  30810. "00091",
  30811. "csra, inc.",
  30812. "irs protests",
  30813. "972315873",
  30814. "pleadings",
  30815. "binder file: tipss binder 2 - gao protest b-407773.2: rtcp 4019 (tipss-4 its) joint operations center (joc) [sra copy]",
  30816. "7/20/2016",
  30817. "nan",
  30818. "david s. black",
  30819. "off-site",
  30820. "black david",
  30821. "nan",
  30822. "tysons",
  30823. "2259914",
  30824. "9/11/2014",
  30825. "nan",
  30826. "nan",
  30827. "nan",
  30828. "nan",
  30829. "nan",
  30830. "nan",
  30831. "nan",
  30832. "nan",
  30833. "nan",
  30834. "nan",
  30835. "nan",
  30836. "nan",
  30837. "nan",
  30838. "nan",
  30839. "nan",
  30840. "nan",
  30841. "nan",
  30842. "nan",
  30843. "nan",
  30844. "nan",
  30845. "nan",
  30846. "nan"
  30847. ],
  30848. [
  30849. "065830",
  30850. "00091",
  30851. "csra, inc.",
  30852. "irs protests",
  30853. "972315873",
  30854. "pleadings",
  30855. "binder file: tipss binder 3 - gao protest b-407773.2: rtcp 4019 (tipss-4 its) joint operations center (joc) [sra copy]",
  30856. "7/20/2016",
  30857. "nan",
  30858. "david s. black",
  30859. "off-site",
  30860. "black david",
  30861. "nan",
  30862. "tysons",
  30863. "2259917",
  30864. "9/11/2014",
  30865. "nan",
  30866. "nan",
  30867. "nan",
  30868. "nan",
  30869. "nan",
  30870. "nan",
  30871. "nan",
  30872. "nan",
  30873. "nan",
  30874. "nan",
  30875. "nan",
  30876. "nan",
  30877. "nan",
  30878. "nan",
  30879. "nan",
  30880. "nan",
  30881. "nan",
  30882. "nan",
  30883. "nan",
  30884. "nan",
  30885. "nan",
  30886. "nan"
  30887. ],
  30888. [
  30889. "067813",
  30890. "00014",
  30891. "lafarge north america inc.",
  30892. "barge incident",
  30893. "428644433",
  30894. "nan",
  30895. "file 067813.00014 lafarge - ingram barge - box #2\n1a. \"the advocate\", baton rouge, news article: big blow, katrina swamps, four dead in louisiana\n1a. \"the new york times\", news article: geography complicates levee repairs\n1a. \"los angeles times\", news article: katrina's rising toll; misery & water keep rising\n1a. \"cnn newsnight with aaron brown 10:00 pm est\", the aftermath of hurricane katrina\n1a. \"the atlanta journal-constitution\" news article: katrina the aftermath - new orleans, water stops its surge into city\n1a. \"us federal news - us army press release\", army continues hurricane recovery efforts\n1a. \"cnbc - kudlow & company 5:00 am est\", david sehrt of the ingram barge company discusses the impact of katrina on the barge traffic of the mississippi river\n1a. \"the miami herald\", news article: it began as a blip, became a monster. then turned fatal; the trail of a killer\n1a. \"the washington post\", news article: repairing levees 7 getting the filthy water out\n1a. \"chattanooga times & free press\", news article: tennessee area economies to feel katrina's impact, experts say\n1a. \"newhouse news service\", news article: corps manager says loose barge probably caused levee breach\n1a. \"abc - world news tonight (06:30 pm et), where the levee broke lower ninth ward\n1a. \"the star ledger - newhouse news service\", news article: barge could have crashed through canal's floodwall\n1a. \"traffic world\", news article: barge rammed canal wall in new orleans\n1a. \"the associated press\", news article: new orleans mayor authorizes forced evacuations as levees are repaired\n1a. \"the wall street journal\" article by attorney ashton o'dwyer: \"old-line families escape worst of flood & plot the future\"\n1a. \"newhouse news service - seattle times\", news article: a flood misinformation\n1a. \"the london financial times\", news article: a fatal detachment from reality: how bush's failures in iraq & new orleans are linked\n1a. \"the washington post\", news article: the steady buildup to a city's chaos\n1a. \"the new york times\", news article: mayor suspends flow of people to new orleans\n1a. \"new orleans times-picayune\", news article: levee system protections flawed, experts say. flood risk may be greater in some areas\n1a. \"the washington post\" news article: experts say faulty levees caused much of flooding\n1a. \"the new york times\", news article: design shortcomings - flaws seen in new orleans flood walls\n1a. \"the new york times\" editorial: faulty levees\n1a. \"the new orleans times-picayune\", news article: engineer says storm surge didn't top some floodwalls\n1a. \"weather. com\" - map navigator, hurricane rita projected path\n1a. \"the new york times\", news article: shift in storm's path raises fears about weak new orleans levees\n1a. \"\" internet article: water flows over new orleans levee\n1a. \"u.s. engineering press review\" for the week of 09/26/05\n1a. \"the new orleans times-picayune\", news article: storm related lawsuits spring up in courts\n1a. \"the new orleans times-picayune\", news article: study hopes to dig up dirt on floodwall failure\n1a. \"the new york times\", article: engineers offer a new explanation of how levees broke\n1a. \"houston chronicle\", article: shifting ground led to floodwall failure, investigators say\n1a. \"the washington post\", news article with color photos: investigators link levee failures to design flaws\n1a. \"maritime reporter & engineering\" - october 2005, color photos\n1a. \"national geographic\" - katrina, why it became a man-made disaster; where it could happen again\n1a. new york times, \"inquiry to seek cause of levee failure\" by the la attorney general, charles c. foti jr.\n1a. new orleans backs mrgo (mississippi river gulf outlet) closure\n1a. \"the new orleans times-picayune\", news article: 17th street canal levee was doomed\n1a. new york times, \"louisiana levee inquiry faults army corps\"\n1a. \"professional mariner\", issue of december/january 2006\n1a. katrina's impact on offshore platforms, refineries & pipelines, a power point presentation (ppp)\n1a. uscg marine safety bulletin, hurricane katrina update as of 09/13/05\n1a. hurricane katrina, a preliminary factual analysis by insurance law firm cozen o'connor\n1a. hurricane katrina, storm tide summary, preliminary report by national ocean service of noaa\n1a. preliminary report on the performance of the new orleans levee system by nsf (national science foundation), asce (american society of civil engineers) & others\n1a. hurricane impacts & recovery, focus on levee design. presentation to marine board - fall meeting by robert a. dalrymple, the johns hopkins university (crc undated cover note)\n1a. summary of field observations relevant to flood protection in new orleans by ipet of us army corps of engineers. summary of views on the nsf - asce report\n1a. transportation agreement of 12/14/04 between ingram barge company, the carrier, & lafarge north america, the shipper. also, sunn logistics contract s583\n1a. \"the american club\" certificate of entry for lafarge north america, in effect from 02/20/05 to 02/20/06. draft & final fax letter by lafarge to the club of 09/26/05\n1a. \"the american club\" by-laws, rules & list of correspondents\n1b. marsh usa inc. (mmc) \"joint policy no. 02-0359-04\" for lafarge north america in effect from 05/01/04 to 05/01/05. primary marine liability policy (pgs 2/24 to 21/24)\n1b. marsh usa inc. (mmc) \"joint policy no. 02-0360-04\" for lafarge north america in effect from 05/01/04 to 05/01/05. excess marine liabilities policy (pgs 2/27 to 22/27)\n1b. willis of new york, inc., confirmation of insurance for excess marine liabilities\n1c. mutual marine office (mmo) package, letter of 09/13/05 from paul smith of mmo to josh lawson of lafarge north america\n1d. gard handbook on p&i insurance, selected pages with delco's e-mail of 09/18/05\n1e. lafarge - insurance, h&k privileged memos & e-mail exchanges\n1a. h&k - jts & dws memo of 09/23/05: report on attendance at lafarge facility & ing barge 4727 on 09/10/05 to 09/13/05\n1a. h&k - dws memo of 09/27/05: meeting at crc office regarding attendance at lafarge nola facilities\n1a. h&k - jts & dws memo of 10/07/05: meeting with crc\n1a. h&k - jts & dws memo of 09/29/05: mooring lines recovered - observed\n1a. h/k -dws memo of 10/31/05: mooring line orientation at lafarge terminal on 08/27/05. jts e-mail of 11/01/05\n1a. h&k - misc photos and charts. including photos sent to & returned from goodwin procter\n1a. goodwin procter - mark s. raffman memo of 09/15/05: facts/loose ends\n1a. goodwin procter - mark s. raffman & john d. adlock executive summary of developments by goodwin procter, e-mail of 11/04/05\n1a. \"centanni investigative agency\", (cia) wayne r. centani. investigation reports, interview memos. mark raffman's e-mail of 10/26/05\n1a. list of residents on jourdan avenue, between numbers 1600 & 1900\n1b. resident cynthia taylor, possible whereabouts\n1c. resident arthur murph. whereabouts & memo of interview of 09/21/05 by sas\n1a. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: daryl evans\n1b. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: ed sturgis\n1c. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: eric peppin\n1d. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: annette gaskin\n1e. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: ed busch\n1e. lafarge personnel, statement of ed busch. handed to uscg lt. ben-iesau by dws on 11/02/05\n1f. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: earl j. smith\n1f. lafarge personnel, statement of earl j. smith. handed to uscg lt. ben-iesau by dws on 11/02/05\n1g. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: roland johnson\n1h. lafarge personnel interview memo by mark s. raffman: james lewis\n",
  30896. "6/14/2007",
  30897. "nan",
  30898. "james t. shirley",
  30899. "nan",
  30900. "frevola michael",
  30901. "inmagic: id d36672",
  30902. "new york city",
  30903. "741464",
  30904. "3/6/2009",
  30905. "nan",
  30906. "nan",
  30907. "nan",
  30908. "nan",
  30909. "nan",
  30910. "nan",
  30911. "nan",
  30912. "nan",
  30913. "nan",
  30914. "nan",
  30915. "nan",
  30916. "nan",
  30917. "nan",
  30918. "nan",
  30919. "nan",
  30920. "nan",
  30921. "nan",
  30922. "nan",
  30923. "nan",
  30924. "nan",
  30925. "nan",
  30926. "nan"
  30927. ],
  30928. [
  30929. "067859",
  30930. "00005",
  30931. "corporate realty investment company (redwell #1)",
  30932. "prudential investment matter1-correspondence2- notes and memos3-no-complete4- termination agreement5- note nassau amended and restated6- note-joint venture loan to cric- $1.75million7-note-from new cric to old cric8- 2002 amendment9- contact list10- closing agenda11- partcipation agreement- r. nessen12- r. nessen consulting agreement13- cric settlement sheet14- open issues - to do list15- assignment and assumption agreement16- joint venture agreement17- letter to executives shareholders18- membership agreement19-new cric llc agreement20- non-complete - nassau 21- note-purchae agreement21- note-purchase agreement22- omnibus agreement23- side agreement23 subscription agreement - old cric shares in new cric24 perfection certificate25- subordination and intercreditor agreement26- security agreement- new cric nassau27- security aqgreement - old cric (debtor) nassau (lender)",
  30933. "719595876",
  30934. "nan",
  30935. "nan",
  30936. "6/14/2005",
  30937. "12162863",
  30938. "x__william miller / x__willaim miller",
  30939. "nan",
  30940. "nan",
  30941. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  30942. "boston",
  30943. "1361403",
  30944. "nan",
  30945. "nan",
  30946. "nan",
  30947. "nan",
  30948. "nan",
  30949. "nan",
  30950. "nan",
  30951. "nan",
  30952. "nan",
  30953. "nan",
  30954. "nan",
  30955. "nan",
  30956. "nan",
  30957. "nan",
  30958. "nan",
  30959. "nan",
  30960. "nan",
  30961. "nan",
  30962. "nan",
  30963. "nan",
  30964. "nan",
  30965. "nan",
  30966. "nan"
  30967. ],
  30968. [
  30969. "068808",
  30970. "00002",
  30971. "union credit bank",
  30972. "union credit bank/regulatory matters",
  30973. "652552617",
  30974. "nan",
  30975. "plus international bank application\n research\n august 29, 2000 response to fdic\n public hearing\n public hearing miscellaneous documents\n may 24. 2000 response to fdic \n sofisa bank application\n state of florida approval\n december 5, 2000 response to fdic\n info. supporting december 5, 2000 response\n october 11, 2000 response to fdic\n info. supporting october 11, 2000 response\n january 5, 2001 letter to fdic\n correspondence with fdic\n agreement with ucb inmobiliaria\n billing\n on-line banking\n\n# 5805672",
  30976. "12/17/2008",
  30977. "13176393",
  30978. "patricia m. hernandez",
  30979. "nan",
  30980. "nan",
  30981. " 43852",
  30982. "miami",
  30983. "1544053",
  30984. "9/12/2007",
  30985. "nan",
  30986. "nan",
  30987. "nan",
  30988. "nan",
  30989. "nan",
  30990. "nan",
  30991. "nan",
  30992. "nan",
  30993. "nan",
  30994. "nan",
  30995. "nan",
  30996. "nan",
  30997. "nan",
  30998. "nan",
  30999. "nan",
  31000. "nan",
  31001. "nan",
  31002. "nan",
  31003. "nan",
  31004. "nan",
  31005. "nan",
  31006. "nan"
  31007. ],
  31008. [
  31009. "068852",
  31010. "00006",
  31011. "lehman housing capital, inc.",
  31012. "kimberly park apartments",
  31013. "719662340",
  31014. "nan",
  31015. "fileno: 3010979/index: correspondence, notes and memos, distribution, drafts, h & k tax opinion, aof side letter, aof legal opinion, development agreement, unconditional guaranty, birtcher commitment, loan agreement, bridge loan docs., amended p-ship agreement",
  31016. "6/27/2001",
  31017. "186799",
  31018. "benjamin volinski",
  31019. "nan",
  31020. "nan",
  31021. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: m guerra 8-8-2001 / retd_to_st: 8/8/2001 hk box:",
  31022. "boston",
  31023. "1044143",
  31024. "5/7/2003",
  31025. "nan",
  31026. "nan",
  31027. "nan",
  31028. "nan",
  31029. "nan",
  31030. "nan",
  31031. "nan",
  31032. "nan",
  31033. "nan",
  31034. "nan",
  31035. "nan",
  31036. "nan",
  31037. "nan",
  31038. "nan",
  31039. "nan",
  31040. "nan",
  31041. "nan",
  31042. "nan",
  31043. "nan",
  31044. "nan",
  31045. "nan",
  31046. "nan"
  31047. ],
  31048. [
  31049. "070505",
  31050. "00002",
  31051. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31052. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31053. "489566945",
  31054. "nan",
  31055. "1 attorney work files (w.a.r.), box 1 of 3\n\n9832632",
  31056. "10/21/2010",
  31057. "0013373938",
  31058. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31059. "off-site",
  31060. "nan",
  31061. " hk box: 46311",
  31062. "miami",
  31063. "1727970",
  31064. "9/5/2003",
  31065. "nan",
  31066. "nan",
  31067. "nan",
  31068. "nan",
  31069. "nan",
  31070. "nan",
  31071. "nan",
  31072. "nan",
  31073. "nan",
  31074. "nan",
  31075. "nan",
  31076. "nan",
  31077. "nan",
  31078. "nan",
  31079. "nan",
  31080. "nan",
  31081. "nan",
  31082. "nan",
  31083. "nan",
  31084. "nan",
  31085. "nan",
  31086. "nan"
  31087. ],
  31088. [
  31089. "070505",
  31090. "00002",
  31091. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31092. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31093. "489566976",
  31094. "nan",
  31095. "2 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 1 of 10 (3137 - 5136)\n\n9832632",
  31096. "10/21/2010",
  31097. "0013373939",
  31098. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31099. "off-site",
  31100. "nan",
  31101. " hk box: 46312",
  31102. "miami",
  31103. "1727971",
  31104. "9/5/2003",
  31105. "nan",
  31106. "nan",
  31107. "nan",
  31108. "nan",
  31109. "nan",
  31110. "nan",
  31111. "nan",
  31112. "nan",
  31113. "nan",
  31114. "nan",
  31115. "nan",
  31116. "nan",
  31117. "nan",
  31118. "nan",
  31119. "nan",
  31120. "nan",
  31121. "nan",
  31122. "nan",
  31123. "nan",
  31124. "nan",
  31125. "nan",
  31126. "nan"
  31127. ],
  31128. [
  31129. "070505",
  31130. "00002",
  31131. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31132. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31133. "489566977",
  31134. "nan",
  31135. "3 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 2 of 10 (5137 - 7133)\n\n9832632",
  31136. "10/21/2010",
  31137. "0013373940",
  31138. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31139. "off-site",
  31140. "nan",
  31141. " hk box: 46313",
  31142. "miami",
  31143. "1727974",
  31144. "9/5/2003",
  31145. "nan",
  31146. "nan",
  31147. "nan",
  31148. "nan",
  31149. "nan",
  31150. "nan",
  31151. "nan",
  31152. "nan",
  31153. "nan",
  31154. "nan",
  31155. "nan",
  31156. "nan",
  31157. "nan",
  31158. "nan",
  31159. "nan",
  31160. "nan",
  31161. "nan",
  31162. "nan",
  31163. "nan",
  31164. "nan",
  31165. "nan",
  31166. "nan"
  31167. ],
  31168. [
  31169. "070505",
  31170. "00002",
  31171. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31172. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31173. "489566963",
  31174. "nan",
  31175. "4 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 3 of 10 (7134 - 8771)\n\n9832632",
  31176. "10/21/2010",
  31177. "0013373941",
  31178. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31179. "off-site",
  31180. "nan",
  31181. " hk box: 46314",
  31182. "miami",
  31183. "1727976",
  31184. "9/5/2003",
  31185. "nan",
  31186. "nan",
  31187. "nan",
  31188. "nan",
  31189. "nan",
  31190. "nan",
  31191. "nan",
  31192. "nan",
  31193. "nan",
  31194. "nan",
  31195. "nan",
  31196. "nan",
  31197. "nan",
  31198. "nan",
  31199. "nan",
  31200. "nan",
  31201. "nan",
  31202. "nan",
  31203. "nan",
  31204. "nan",
  31205. "nan",
  31206. "nan"
  31207. ],
  31208. [
  31209. "070505",
  31210. "00002",
  31211. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31212. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31213. "489566946",
  31214. "nan",
  31215. "5 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 4 of 10 (8772 - 10756)\n\n9832632",
  31216. "10/21/2010",
  31217. "0013373942",
  31218. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31219. "off-site",
  31220. "nan",
  31221. " hk box: 46315",
  31222. "miami",
  31223. "1727977",
  31224. "9/5/2003",
  31225. "nan",
  31226. "nan",
  31227. "nan",
  31228. "nan",
  31229. "nan",
  31230. "nan",
  31231. "nan",
  31232. "nan",
  31233. "nan",
  31234. "nan",
  31235. "nan",
  31236. "nan",
  31237. "nan",
  31238. "nan",
  31239. "nan",
  31240. "nan",
  31241. "nan",
  31242. "nan",
  31243. "nan",
  31244. "nan",
  31245. "nan",
  31246. "nan"
  31247. ],
  31248. [
  31249. "070505",
  31250. "00002",
  31251. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31252. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31253. "489566975",
  31254. "nan",
  31255. "6 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 5 of 10 (10757 - 12034)\n\n9832632",
  31256. "10/21/2010",
  31257. "0013373943",
  31258. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31259. "off-site",
  31260. "nan",
  31261. " hk box: 46316",
  31262. "miami",
  31263. "1727978",
  31264. "9/5/2003",
  31265. "nan",
  31266. "nan",
  31267. "nan",
  31268. "nan",
  31269. "nan",
  31270. "nan",
  31271. "nan",
  31272. "nan",
  31273. "nan",
  31274. "nan",
  31275. "nan",
  31276. "nan",
  31277. "nan",
  31278. "nan",
  31279. "nan",
  31280. "nan",
  31281. "nan",
  31282. "nan",
  31283. "nan",
  31284. "nan",
  31285. "nan",
  31286. "nan"
  31287. ],
  31288. [
  31289. "070505",
  31290. "00002",
  31291. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31292. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31293. "489566959",
  31294. "nan",
  31295. "7 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 6 of 10 (12035 - 13336)\n\n9832632",
  31296. "10/21/2010",
  31297. "0013373944",
  31298. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31299. "off-site",
  31300. "nan",
  31301. " hk box: 46317",
  31302. "miami",
  31303. "1727979",
  31304. "9/5/2003",
  31305. "nan",
  31306. "nan",
  31307. "nan",
  31308. "nan",
  31309. "nan",
  31310. "nan",
  31311. "nan",
  31312. "nan",
  31313. "nan",
  31314. "nan",
  31315. "nan",
  31316. "nan",
  31317. "nan",
  31318. "nan",
  31319. "nan",
  31320. "nan",
  31321. "nan",
  31322. "nan",
  31323. "nan",
  31324. "nan",
  31325. "nan",
  31326. "nan"
  31327. ],
  31328. [
  31329. "070505",
  31330. "00002",
  31331. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31332. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31333. "489566982",
  31334. "nan",
  31335. "8 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 7 of 10 (13337 - 14520)\n\n9832632",
  31336. "10/21/2010",
  31337. "0013373945",
  31338. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31339. "off-site",
  31340. "nan",
  31341. " hk box: 46318",
  31342. "miami",
  31343. "1727980",
  31344. "9/5/2003",
  31345. "nan",
  31346. "nan",
  31347. "nan",
  31348. "nan",
  31349. "nan",
  31350. "nan",
  31351. "nan",
  31352. "nan",
  31353. "nan",
  31354. "nan",
  31355. "nan",
  31356. "nan",
  31357. "nan",
  31358. "nan",
  31359. "nan",
  31360. "nan",
  31361. "nan",
  31362. "nan",
  31363. "nan",
  31364. "nan",
  31365. "nan",
  31366. "nan"
  31367. ],
  31368. [
  31369. "070505",
  31370. "00002",
  31371. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31372. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31373. "489566914",
  31374. "nan",
  31375. "9 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 8 of 10 (14521 - 16056)\n\n9832632",
  31376. "10/21/2010",
  31377. "0013373946",
  31378. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31379. "off-site",
  31380. "nan",
  31381. " hk box: 46319",
  31382. "miami",
  31383. "1727982",
  31384. "9/5/2003",
  31385. "nan",
  31386. "nan",
  31387. "nan",
  31388. "nan",
  31389. "nan",
  31390. "nan",
  31391. "nan",
  31392. "nan",
  31393. "nan",
  31394. "nan",
  31395. "nan",
  31396. "nan",
  31397. "nan",
  31398. "nan",
  31399. "nan",
  31400. "nan",
  31401. "nan",
  31402. "nan",
  31403. "nan",
  31404. "nan",
  31405. "nan",
  31406. "nan"
  31407. ],
  31408. [
  31409. "070505",
  31410. "00002",
  31411. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31412. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31413. "489566964",
  31414. "nan",
  31415. "10 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 9 of 10 (16057 - 17522)\n\n9832632",
  31416. "10/21/2010",
  31417. "0013373947",
  31418. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31419. "off-site",
  31420. "nan",
  31421. " hk box: 46320",
  31422. "miami",
  31423. "1727983",
  31424. "9/5/2003",
  31425. "nan",
  31426. "nan",
  31427. "nan",
  31428. "nan",
  31429. "nan",
  31430. "nan",
  31431. "nan",
  31432. "nan",
  31433. "nan",
  31434. "nan",
  31435. "nan",
  31436. "nan",
  31437. "nan",
  31438. "nan",
  31439. "nan",
  31440. "nan",
  31441. "nan",
  31442. "nan",
  31443. "nan",
  31444. "nan",
  31445. "nan",
  31446. "nan"
  31447. ],
  31448. [
  31449. "070505",
  31450. "00002",
  31451. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31452. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31453. "489566957",
  31454. "nan",
  31455. "11 documents produced by greenberg traurig, box 10 of 10 (17523 - 19423)\n\n9832632",
  31456. "10/21/2010",
  31457. "0013373948",
  31458. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31459. "off-site",
  31460. "nan",
  31461. " hk box: 46321",
  31462. "miami",
  31463. "1727984",
  31464. "9/5/2003",
  31465. "nan",
  31466. "nan",
  31467. "nan",
  31468. "nan",
  31469. "nan",
  31470. "nan",
  31471. "nan",
  31472. "nan",
  31473. "nan",
  31474. "nan",
  31475. "nan",
  31476. "nan",
  31477. "nan",
  31478. "nan",
  31479. "nan",
  31480. "nan",
  31481. "nan",
  31482. "nan",
  31483. "nan",
  31484. "nan",
  31485. "nan",
  31486. "nan"
  31487. ],
  31488. [
  31489. "070505",
  31490. "00002",
  31491. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31492. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31493. "489566961",
  31494. "nan",
  31495. "12 working materials from jsf's office - video depos, requests for production, privileged documents�\n\n9832632",
  31496. "10/21/2010",
  31497. "0013373949",
  31498. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31499. "off-site",
  31500. "nan",
  31501. " hk box: 46322",
  31502. "miami",
  31503. "1728019",
  31504. "9/5/2003",
  31505. "nan",
  31506. "nan",
  31507. "nan",
  31508. "nan",
  31509. "nan",
  31510. "nan",
  31511. "nan",
  31512. "nan",
  31513. "nan",
  31514. "nan",
  31515. "nan",
  31516. "nan",
  31517. "nan",
  31518. "nan",
  31519. "nan",
  31520. "nan",
  31521. "nan",
  31522. "nan",
  31523. "nan",
  31524. "nan",
  31525. "nan",
  31526. "nan"
  31527. ],
  31528. [
  31529. "070505",
  31530. "00002",
  31531. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31532. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31533. "489566759",
  31534. "nan",
  31535. "13 attorney work files (w.a.r.), box 2 of 3\n\n9832632",
  31536. "10/21/2010",
  31537. "0013373950",
  31538. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31539. "off-site",
  31540. "nan",
  31541. " hk box: 46323",
  31542. "miami",
  31543. "1728021",
  31544. "9/5/2003",
  31545. "nan",
  31546. "nan",
  31547. "nan",
  31548. "nan",
  31549. "nan",
  31550. "nan",
  31551. "nan",
  31552. "nan",
  31553. "nan",
  31554. "nan",
  31555. "nan",
  31556. "nan",
  31557. "nan",
  31558. "nan",
  31559. "nan",
  31560. "nan",
  31561. "nan",
  31562. "nan",
  31563. "nan",
  31564. "nan",
  31565. "nan",
  31566. "nan"
  31567. ],
  31568. [
  31569. "070505",
  31570. "00002",
  31571. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31572. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31573. "489566955",
  31574. "nan",
  31575. "14 copies of documents sent to steel hector & davis by gomez-acebo & pombo (mas-000553 - 2248)\n\n9832632",
  31576. "10/21/2010",
  31577. "0013373951",
  31578. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31579. "off-site",
  31580. "nan",
  31581. " hk box: 46324",
  31582. "miami",
  31583. "1728043",
  31584. "9/5/2003",
  31585. "nan",
  31586. "nan",
  31587. "nan",
  31588. "nan",
  31589. "nan",
  31590. "nan",
  31591. "nan",
  31592. "nan",
  31593. "nan",
  31594. "nan",
  31595. "nan",
  31596. "nan",
  31597. "nan",
  31598. "nan",
  31599. "nan",
  31600. "nan",
  31601. "nan",
  31602. "nan",
  31603. "nan",
  31604. "nan",
  31605. "nan",
  31606. "nan"
  31607. ],
  31608. [
  31609. "070505",
  31610. "00002",
  31611. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31612. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31613. "489566917",
  31614. "nan",
  31615. "15 extra copies of documents relied upon by negreira \n\n9832632",
  31616. "10/21/2010",
  31617. "0013373952",
  31618. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31619. "off-site",
  31620. "nan",
  31621. " hk box: 46325",
  31622. "miami",
  31623. "1728044",
  31624. "9/5/2003",
  31625. "nan",
  31626. "nan",
  31627. "nan",
  31628. "nan",
  31629. "nan",
  31630. "nan",
  31631. "nan",
  31632. "nan",
  31633. "nan",
  31634. "nan",
  31635. "nan",
  31636. "nan",
  31637. "nan",
  31638. "nan",
  31639. "nan",
  31640. "nan",
  31641. "nan",
  31642. "nan",
  31643. "nan",
  31644. "nan",
  31645. "nan",
  31646. "nan"
  31647. ],
  31648. [
  31649. "070505",
  31650. "00002",
  31651. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31652. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31653. "0013373953",
  31654. "nan",
  31655. "16 documents produced by mastec, box 1 of 5 (mas-000001 - 1812)\n\n9832632",
  31656. "10/21/2010",
  31657. "46326",
  31658. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31659. "off-site",
  31660. "nan",
  31661. "nan",
  31662. "miami",
  31663. "1728045",
  31664. "9/5/2003",
  31665. "nan",
  31666. "nan",
  31667. "nan",
  31668. "nan",
  31669. "nan",
  31670. "nan",
  31671. "nan",
  31672. "nan",
  31673. "nan",
  31674. "nan",
  31675. "nan",
  31676. "nan",
  31677. "nan",
  31678. "nan",
  31679. "nan",
  31680. "nan",
  31681. "nan",
  31682. "nan",
  31683. "nan",
  31684. "nan",
  31685. "nan",
  31686. "nan"
  31687. ],
  31688. [
  31689. "070505",
  31690. "00002",
  31691. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31692. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31693. "489517719",
  31694. "nan",
  31695. "17 documents produced by mastec, box 2 of 5 (1813 - 3755)\n\n9832632",
  31696. "10/21/2010",
  31697. "0013373954",
  31698. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31699. "off-site",
  31700. "nan",
  31701. " hk box: 46327",
  31702. "miami",
  31703. "1728046",
  31704. "9/5/2003",
  31705. "nan",
  31706. "nan",
  31707. "nan",
  31708. "nan",
  31709. "nan",
  31710. "nan",
  31711. "nan",
  31712. "nan",
  31713. "nan",
  31714. "nan",
  31715. "nan",
  31716. "nan",
  31717. "nan",
  31718. "nan",
  31719. "nan",
  31720. "nan",
  31721. "nan",
  31722. "nan",
  31723. "nan",
  31724. "nan",
  31725. "nan",
  31726. "nan"
  31727. ],
  31728. [
  31729. "070505",
  31730. "00002",
  31731. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31732. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31733. "489566899",
  31734. "nan",
  31735. "18 documents produced by mastec, box 3 of 5 (3756 - 6752)\n\n9832632",
  31736. "10/21/2010",
  31737. "0013373955",
  31738. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31739. "off-site",
  31740. "nan",
  31741. " hk box: 46328",
  31742. "miami",
  31743. "1728048",
  31744. "9/5/2003",
  31745. "nan",
  31746. "nan",
  31747. "nan",
  31748. "nan",
  31749. "nan",
  31750. "nan",
  31751. "nan",
  31752. "nan",
  31753. "nan",
  31754. "nan",
  31755. "nan",
  31756. "nan",
  31757. "nan",
  31758. "nan",
  31759. "nan",
  31760. "nan",
  31761. "nan",
  31762. "nan",
  31763. "nan",
  31764. "nan",
  31765. "nan",
  31766. "nan"
  31767. ],
  31768. [
  31769. "070505",
  31770. "00002",
  31771. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31772. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31773. "489566962",
  31774. "nan",
  31775. "19 documents produced by mastec, box 4 of 5 (6753 - 7259)\n\n9832632",
  31776. "10/21/2010",
  31777. "0013373956",
  31778. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31779. "off-site",
  31780. "nan",
  31781. " hk box: 46329",
  31782. "miami",
  31783. "1728049",
  31784. "9/5/2003",
  31785. "nan",
  31786. "nan",
  31787. "nan",
  31788. "nan",
  31789. "nan",
  31790. "nan",
  31791. "nan",
  31792. "nan",
  31793. "nan",
  31794. "nan",
  31795. "nan",
  31796. "nan",
  31797. "nan",
  31798. "nan",
  31799. "nan",
  31800. "nan",
  31801. "nan",
  31802. "nan",
  31803. "nan",
  31804. "nan",
  31805. "nan",
  31806. "nan"
  31807. ],
  31808. [
  31809. "070505",
  31810. "00002",
  31811. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31812. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31813. "489566947",
  31814. "nan",
  31815. "20 mastec a/c and w/p privileged documents withheld from production\n\n9832632",
  31816. "10/21/2010",
  31817. "0013373957",
  31818. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31819. "off-site",
  31820. "nan",
  31821. " hk box: 46350",
  31822. "miami",
  31823. "1728050",
  31824. "9/5/2003",
  31825. "nan",
  31826. "nan",
  31827. "nan",
  31828. "nan",
  31829. "nan",
  31830. "nan",
  31831. "nan",
  31832. "nan",
  31833. "nan",
  31834. "nan",
  31835. "nan",
  31836. "nan",
  31837. "nan",
  31838. "nan",
  31839. "nan",
  31840. "nan",
  31841. "nan",
  31842. "nan",
  31843. "nan",
  31844. "nan",
  31845. "nan",
  31846. "nan"
  31847. ],
  31848. [
  31849. "070505",
  31850. "00002",
  31851. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31852. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31853. "489566918",
  31854. "nan",
  31855. "21 mastec n/r and irrelevant documents\n\n9832632",
  31856. "10/21/2010",
  31857. "0013373958",
  31858. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31859. "off-site",
  31860. "nan",
  31861. " hk box: 46331",
  31862. "miami",
  31863. "1728051",
  31864. "9/5/2003",
  31865. "nan",
  31866. "nan",
  31867. "nan",
  31868. "nan",
  31869. "nan",
  31870. "nan",
  31871. "nan",
  31872. "nan",
  31873. "nan",
  31874. "nan",
  31875. "nan",
  31876. "nan",
  31877. "nan",
  31878. "nan",
  31879. "nan",
  31880. "nan",
  31881. "nan",
  31882. "nan",
  31883. "nan",
  31884. "nan",
  31885. "nan",
  31886. "nan"
  31887. ],
  31888. [
  31889. "070505",
  31890. "00002",
  31891. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31892. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31893. "489517566",
  31894. "nan",
  31895. "22 documents produced by mastec, box 5 of 5 (7672 - 9921)\n\n9832632",
  31896. "10/21/2010",
  31897. "0013373959",
  31898. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31899. "off-site",
  31900. "nan",
  31901. " hk box: 46332",
  31902. "miami",
  31903. "1728052",
  31904. "9/5/2003",
  31905. "nan",
  31906. "nan",
  31907. "nan",
  31908. "nan",
  31909. "nan",
  31910. "nan",
  31911. "nan",
  31912. "nan",
  31913. "nan",
  31914. "nan",
  31915. "nan",
  31916. "nan",
  31917. "nan",
  31918. "nan",
  31919. "nan",
  31920. "nan",
  31921. "nan",
  31922. "nan",
  31923. "nan",
  31924. "nan",
  31925. "nan",
  31926. "nan"
  31927. ],
  31928. [
  31929. "070505",
  31930. "00002",
  31931. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31932. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31933. "489566949",
  31934. "nan",
  31935. "23 misc. attorney work files, box 3 of 3\n\n9832632",
  31936. "10/21/2010",
  31937. "0013373960",
  31938. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31939. "off-site",
  31940. "nan",
  31941. " hk box: 46333",
  31942. "miami",
  31943. "1728070",
  31944. "9/5/2003",
  31945. "nan",
  31946. "nan",
  31947. "nan",
  31948. "nan",
  31949. "nan",
  31950. "nan",
  31951. "nan",
  31952. "nan",
  31953. "nan",
  31954. "nan",
  31955. "nan",
  31956. "nan",
  31957. "nan",
  31958. "nan",
  31959. "nan",
  31960. "nan",
  31961. "nan",
  31962. "nan",
  31963. "nan",
  31964. "nan",
  31965. "nan",
  31966. "nan"
  31967. ],
  31968. [
  31969. "070505",
  31970. "00002",
  31971. "mastec north america, inc.",
  31972. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  31973. "489566950",
  31974. "nan",
  31975. "24 documents produced by sergio negreira\n\n9832632",
  31976. "10/21/2010",
  31977. "0013373961",
  31978. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  31979. "off-site",
  31980. "nan",
  31981. " hk box: 46334",
  31982. "miami",
  31983. "1728072",
  31984. "9/5/2003",
  31985. "nan",
  31986. "nan",
  31987. "nan",
  31988. "nan",
  31989. "nan",
  31990. "nan",
  31991. "nan",
  31992. "nan",
  31993. "nan",
  31994. "nan",
  31995. "nan",
  31996. "nan",
  31997. "nan",
  31998. "nan",
  31999. "nan",
  32000. "nan",
  32001. "nan",
  32002. "nan",
  32003. "nan",
  32004. "nan",
  32005. "nan",
  32006. "nan"
  32007. ],
  32008. [
  32009. "070505",
  32010. "00002",
  32011. "mastec north america, inc.",
  32012. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  32013. "753996628",
  32014. "working papers",
  32015. "working papers",
  32016. "1/18/2013",
  32017. "nan",
  32018. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  32019. "off-site",
  32020. "rodriguez, wilfredo",
  32021. "nan",
  32022. "miami",
  32023. "1955994",
  32024. "9/5/2003",
  32025. "nan",
  32026. "nan",
  32027. "nan",
  32028. "nan",
  32029. "nan",
  32030. "nan",
  32031. "nan",
  32032. "nan",
  32033. "nan",
  32034. "nan",
  32035. "nan",
  32036. "nan",
  32037. "nan",
  32038. "nan",
  32039. "nan",
  32040. "nan",
  32041. "nan",
  32042. "nan",
  32043. "nan",
  32044. "nan",
  32045. "nan",
  32046. "nan"
  32047. ],
  32048. [
  32049. "070505",
  32050. "00002",
  32051. "mastec north america, inc.",
  32052. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  32053. "727770796",
  32054. "motions",
  32055. "motion to treat assignors as parties",
  32056. "6/1/2013",
  32057. "nan",
  32058. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  32059. "on-site/central files",
  32060. "casal jose",
  32061. "nan",
  32062. "miami",
  32063. "2066067",
  32064. "9/5/2003",
  32065. "nan",
  32066. "nan",
  32067. "nan",
  32068. "nan",
  32069. "nan",
  32070. "nan",
  32071. "nan",
  32072. "nan",
  32073. "nan",
  32074. "nan",
  32075. "nan",
  32076. "nan",
  32077. "nan",
  32078. "nan",
  32079. "nan",
  32080. "nan",
  32081. "nan",
  32082. "nan",
  32083. "nan",
  32084. "nan",
  32085. "nan",
  32086. "nan"
  32087. ],
  32088. [
  32089. "070505",
  32090. "00002",
  32091. "mastec north america, inc.",
  32092. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  32093. "727770796",
  32094. "research",
  32095. "research: discovery - assignor as party",
  32096. "6/1/2013",
  32097. "nan",
  32098. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  32099. "on-site/central files",
  32100. "casal jose",
  32101. "nan",
  32102. "miami",
  32103. "2066068",
  32104. "9/5/2003",
  32105. "nan",
  32106. "nan",
  32107. "nan",
  32108. "nan",
  32109. "nan",
  32110. "nan",
  32111. "nan",
  32112. "nan",
  32113. "nan",
  32114. "nan",
  32115. "nan",
  32116. "nan",
  32117. "nan",
  32118. "nan",
  32119. "nan",
  32120. "nan",
  32121. "nan",
  32122. "nan",
  32123. "nan",
  32124. "nan",
  32125. "nan",
  32126. "nan"
  32127. ],
  32128. [
  32129. "070505",
  32130. "00002",
  32131. "mastec north america, inc.",
  32132. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  32133. "727770796",
  32134. "general/other",
  32135. "notices & correspondence re subsidary depositions",
  32136. "6/1/2013",
  32137. "nan",
  32138. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  32139. "on-site/central files",
  32140. "casal jose",
  32141. "nan",
  32142. "miami",
  32143. "2066069",
  32144. "9/5/2003",
  32145. "nan",
  32146. "nan",
  32147. "nan",
  32148. "nan",
  32149. "nan",
  32150. "nan",
  32151. "nan",
  32152. "nan",
  32153. "nan",
  32154. "nan",
  32155. "nan",
  32156. "nan",
  32157. "nan",
  32158. "nan",
  32159. "nan",
  32160. "nan",
  32161. "nan",
  32162. "nan",
  32163. "nan",
  32164. "nan",
  32165. "nan",
  32166. "nan"
  32167. ],
  32168. [
  32169. "070505",
  32170. "00002",
  32171. "mastec north america, inc.",
  32172. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  32173. "727770796",
  32174. "drafts",
  32175. "draft motion to compel arbitration",
  32176. "6/1/2013",
  32177. "nan",
  32178. "wilfredo a. rodriguez",
  32179. "on-site/central files",
  32180. "casal jose",
  32181. "nan",
  32182. "miami",
  32183. "2066071",
  32184. "9/5/2003",
  32185. "nan",
  32186. "nan",
  32187. "nan",
  32188. "nan",
  32189. "nan",
  32190. "nan",
  32191. "nan",
  32192. "nan",
  32193. "nan",
  32194. "nan",
  32195. "nan",
  32196. "nan",
  32197. "nan",
  32198. "nan",
  32199. "nan",
  32200. "nan",
  32201. "nan",
  32202. "nan",
  32203. "nan",
  32204. "nan",
  32205. "nan",
  32206. "nan"
  32207. ],
  32208. [
  32209. "071138",
  32210. "00005",
  32211. "healthcare tv channel",
  32212. "condominium formation",
  32213. "513364494",
  32214. "nan",
  32215. "file removed from box 513364494 and in possession of crystal adkins 4/9/2014 - linda kane file now located in box 767976757\nsubject of box retrieval 2/12/2014 - \nin alan weiss box\nloose documents; correspondence; declaration of condominium; artcles of incorporation; bylaws; purchase & sale agreement; title and attachments; leases; survey site plans; reservation deposits escrow agreement; attorney notes/drafts; conflict check; loose documents\ndocument destruction hold (ddh) issued 12/16/11",
  32216. "4/24/2009",
  32217. "nan",
  32218. "linda connor kane",
  32219. "perm removal from off-site",
  32220. "nan",
  32221. "<destruction hold applied on: 12/8/2014> document destruction hold (ddh) issued 12/16/11 \nsince the file was removed from the box, the remaining files were placed in box 755566042, and the box was removed from im 4/14/2014. l. clockadale",
  32222. "jacksonville",
  32223. "1641210",
  32224. "2/19/2003",
  32225. "nan",
  32226. "nan",
  32227. "nan",
  32228. "nan",
  32229. "nan",
  32230. "nan",
  32231. "nan",
  32232. "nan",
  32233. "nan",
  32234. "nan",
  32235. "nan",
  32236. "nan",
  32237. "nan",
  32238. "nan",
  32239. "nan",
  32240. "nan",
  32241. "nan",
  32242. "nan",
  32243. "nan",
  32244. "nan",
  32245. "nan",
  32246. "nan"
  32247. ],
  32248. [
  32249. "071138",
  32250. "00005",
  32251. "healthcare tv channel",
  32252. "condominium formation",
  32253. "767976761",
  32254. "key documents",
  32255. "file returned to l. clockadale and placed in box 969898276\nfile removed from box and is now in the possession of crystal adkins. ltclockadale, 8/8/2016\nfrom box 513364494\nloose documents; correspondence; declaration of condominium; artcles of incorporation; bylaws; purchase & sale agreement; title and attachments; leases; survey site plans (not in red weld); reservation deposits escrow agreement; attorney notes/drafts; conflict check; loose documents",
  32256. "11/26/2014",
  32257. "nan",
  32258. "linda connor kane",
  32259. "off-site",
  32260. "kane, linda",
  32261. "<destruction hold applied on: 12/8/2014> document destruction hold (ddh) issued 12/16/11 //",
  32262. "jacksonville",
  32263. "2285243",
  32264. "2/19/2003",
  32265. "nan",
  32266. "nan",
  32267. "nan",
  32268. "nan",
  32269. "nan",
  32270. "nan",
  32271. "nan",
  32272. "nan",
  32273. "nan",
  32274. "nan",
  32275. "nan",
  32276. "nan",
  32277. "nan",
  32278. "nan",
  32279. "nan",
  32280. "nan",
  32281. "nan",
  32282. "nan",
  32283. "nan",
  32284. "nan",
  32285. "nan",
  32286. "nan"
  32287. ],
  32288. [
  32289. "071341",
  32290. "01258",
  32291. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32292. "federal deposit insurance corporation issues",
  32293. "640815385",
  32294. "nan",
  32295. "box 35",
  32296. "6/25/2010",
  32297. "640815385",
  32298. "jose e. sirven",
  32299. "off-site",
  32300. "nan",
  32301. "nan",
  32302. "fort lauderdale",
  32303. "1709329",
  32304. "5/13/2010",
  32305. "nan",
  32306. "nan",
  32307. "nan",
  32308. "nan",
  32309. "nan",
  32310. "nan",
  32311. "nan",
  32312. "nan",
  32313. "nan",
  32314. "nan",
  32315. "nan",
  32316. "nan",
  32317. "nan",
  32318. "nan",
  32319. "nan",
  32320. "nan",
  32321. "nan",
  32322. "nan",
  32323. "nan",
  32324. "nan",
  32325. "nan",
  32326. "nan"
  32327. ],
  32328. [
  32329. "071341",
  32330. "01309",
  32331. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32332. "bank of bonifay (claim #372964)",
  32333. "678723499",
  32334. "research",
  32335. "0 research*\n9.1 motion to dismiss 10.0 issues* 11.0 documents*\n11.1 status reports\n11.2 case summary reports\n11.3 mortgage documents provided by chicago title\n\n11.4 documents received from laurence zielke via email on 11/16/10 in response to chicago title's rfp\n11.5 settlement agreement\n11.6 associated claim file documents (cd)\n12.0 witnesses*\n13.0 experts*\n14.0 related cases*\n \n14.1 pleadings in u. s. district court, northern district of florida (panama city), case\n#5:10-cv-00072-rs-emt, professional title llc, et al. v. federal deposit insurance corporation (originally the bank of bonifay)\n",
  32336. "9/12/2011",
  32337. "nan",
  32338. "nathan a adams",
  32339. "nan",
  32340. "nan",
  32341. "nan",
  32342. "tallahassee",
  32343. "1775012",
  32344. "8/10/2011",
  32345. "nan",
  32346. "nan",
  32347. "nan",
  32348. "nan",
  32349. "nan",
  32350. "nan",
  32351. "nan",
  32352. "nan",
  32353. "nan",
  32354. "nan",
  32355. "nan",
  32356. "nan",
  32357. "nan",
  32358. "nan",
  32359. "nan",
  32360. "nan",
  32361. "nan",
  32362. "nan",
  32363. "nan",
  32364. "nan",
  32365. "nan",
  32366. "nan"
  32367. ],
  32368. [
  32369. "071341",
  32370. "01344",
  32371. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32372. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32373. "755589592",
  32374. "depositions",
  32375. "redweld - george platt",
  32376. "10/22/2012",
  32377. "nan",
  32378. "gregory j. digel",
  32379. "off-site",
  32380. "andre hendrick",
  32381. "nan",
  32382. "atlanta",
  32383. "1902821",
  32384. "10/31/2012",
  32385. "nan",
  32386. "nan",
  32387. "nan",
  32388. "nan",
  32389. "nan",
  32390. "nan",
  32391. "nan",
  32392. "nan",
  32393. "nan",
  32394. "nan",
  32395. "nan",
  32396. "nan",
  32397. "nan",
  32398. "nan",
  32399. "nan",
  32400. "nan",
  32401. "nan",
  32402. "nan",
  32403. "nan",
  32404. "nan",
  32405. "nan",
  32406. "nan"
  32407. ],
  32408. [
  32409. "071341",
  32410. "01344",
  32411. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32412. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32413. "755589592",
  32414. "witness files",
  32415. "redweld - witness files for: \n* thomas schieffer\n* william semple",
  32416. "10/22/2012",
  32417. "nan",
  32418. "gregory j. digel",
  32419. "off-site",
  32420. "andre hendrick",
  32421. "nan",
  32422. "atlanta",
  32423. "1902824",
  32424. "10/31/2012",
  32425. "nan",
  32426. "nan",
  32427. "nan",
  32428. "nan",
  32429. "nan",
  32430. "nan",
  32431. "nan",
  32432. "nan",
  32433. "nan",
  32434. "nan",
  32435. "nan",
  32436. "nan",
  32437. "nan",
  32438. "nan",
  32439. "nan",
  32440. "nan",
  32441. "nan",
  32442. "nan",
  32443. "nan",
  32444. "nan",
  32445. "nan",
  32446. "nan"
  32447. ],
  32448. [
  32449. "071341",
  32450. "01344",
  32451. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32452. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32453. "755589592",
  32454. "general/other",
  32455. "redweld - original set, unlabeled part 1 of 2 and part 2 of 2",
  32456. "10/22/2012",
  32457. "nan",
  32458. "gregory j. digel",
  32459. "off-site",
  32460. "andre hendrick",
  32461. "nan",
  32462. "atlanta",
  32463. "1902828",
  32464. "10/31/2012",
  32465. "nan",
  32466. "nan",
  32467. "nan",
  32468. "nan",
  32469. "nan",
  32470. "nan",
  32471. "nan",
  32472. "nan",
  32473. "nan",
  32474. "nan",
  32475. "nan",
  32476. "nan",
  32477. "nan",
  32478. "nan",
  32479. "nan",
  32480. "nan",
  32481. "nan",
  32482. "nan",
  32483. "nan",
  32484. "nan",
  32485. "nan",
  32486. "nan"
  32487. ],
  32488. [
  32489. "071341",
  32490. "01344",
  32491. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32492. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32493. "755589592",
  32494. "working papers",
  32495. "redweld - documents used by linda autrey and matt joe to identify issues related to green space foreclosure",
  32496. "10/22/2012",
  32497. "nan",
  32498. "gregory j. digel",
  32499. "off-site",
  32500. "andre hendrick",
  32501. "nan",
  32502. "atlanta",
  32503. "1902856",
  32504. "10/31/2012",
  32505. "nan",
  32506. "nan",
  32507. "nan",
  32508. "nan",
  32509. "nan",
  32510. "nan",
  32511. "nan",
  32512. "nan",
  32513. "nan",
  32514. "nan",
  32515. "nan",
  32516. "nan",
  32517. "nan",
  32518. "nan",
  32519. "nan",
  32520. "nan",
  32521. "nan",
  32522. "nan",
  32523. "nan",
  32524. "nan",
  32525. "nan",
  32526. "nan"
  32527. ],
  32528. [
  32529. "071341",
  32530. "01344",
  32531. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32532. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32533. "755589593",
  32534. "witness files",
  32535. "redweld - thomas andersen; \nredweld - jennifer baethke; \nredweld - brian carmony",
  32536. "10/22/2012",
  32537. "nan",
  32538. "gregory j. digel",
  32539. "off-site",
  32540. "andre henricks",
  32541. "nan",
  32542. "atlanta",
  32543. "1902889",
  32544. "10/31/2012",
  32545. "nan",
  32546. "nan",
  32547. "nan",
  32548. "nan",
  32549. "nan",
  32550. "nan",
  32551. "nan",
  32552. "nan",
  32553. "nan",
  32554. "nan",
  32555. "nan",
  32556. "nan",
  32557. "nan",
  32558. "nan",
  32559. "nan",
  32560. "nan",
  32561. "nan",
  32562. "nan",
  32563. "nan",
  32564. "nan",
  32565. "nan",
  32566. "nan"
  32567. ],
  32568. [
  32569. "071341",
  32570. "01344",
  32571. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32572. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32573. "755589593",
  32574. "exhibits",
  32575. "(2) redwelds - dep. exhibits of tate andersen (volume 1 and 2); \nmanila folder - notes and exhibits from deposition of jennifer baethke taken on july 20, 2011; \nmanila folder - notes and exhibits from deposition of brian carmony taken on july 20, 2011",
  32576. "10/22/2012",
  32577. "nan",
  32578. "gregory j. digel",
  32579. "off-site",
  32580. "andre henricks",
  32581. "nan",
  32582. "atlanta",
  32583. "1902891",
  32584. "10/31/2012",
  32585. "nan",
  32586. "nan",
  32587. "nan",
  32588. "nan",
  32589. "nan",
  32590. "nan",
  32591. "nan",
  32592. "nan",
  32593. "nan",
  32594. "nan",
  32595. "nan",
  32596. "nan",
  32597. "nan",
  32598. "nan",
  32599. "nan",
  32600. "nan",
  32601. "nan",
  32602. "nan",
  32603. "nan",
  32604. "nan",
  32605. "nan",
  32606. "nan"
  32607. ],
  32608. [
  32609. "071341",
  32610. "01344",
  32611. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32612. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32613. "755589593",
  32614. "depositions",
  32615. "redweld - deposition of david clark; \nredweld - deposition transcripts",
  32616. "10/22/2012",
  32617. "nan",
  32618. "gregory j. digel",
  32619. "off-site",
  32620. "andre henricks",
  32621. "nan",
  32622. "atlanta",
  32623. "1902895",
  32624. "10/31/2012",
  32625. "nan",
  32626. "nan",
  32627. "nan",
  32628. "nan",
  32629. "nan",
  32630. "nan",
  32631. "nan",
  32632. "nan",
  32633. "nan",
  32634. "nan",
  32635. "nan",
  32636. "nan",
  32637. "nan",
  32638. "nan",
  32639. "nan",
  32640. "nan",
  32641. "nan",
  32642. "nan",
  32643. "nan",
  32644. "nan",
  32645. "nan",
  32646. "nan"
  32647. ],
  32648. [
  32649. "071341",
  32650. "01344",
  32651. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32652. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32653. "755589593",
  32654. "agreements",
  32655. "green folder - settlement agreement and limited release and release agmt.",
  32656. "10/22/2012",
  32657. "nan",
  32658. "gregory j. digel",
  32659. "off-site",
  32660. "andre henricks",
  32661. "nan",
  32662. "atlanta",
  32663. "1902897",
  32664. "10/31/2012",
  32665. "nan",
  32666. "nan",
  32667. "nan",
  32668. "nan",
  32669. "nan",
  32670. "nan",
  32671. "nan",
  32672. "nan",
  32673. "nan",
  32674. "nan",
  32675. "nan",
  32676. "nan",
  32677. "nan",
  32678. "nan",
  32679. "nan",
  32680. "nan",
  32681. "nan",
  32682. "nan",
  32683. "nan",
  32684. "nan",
  32685. "nan",
  32686. "nan"
  32687. ],
  32688. [
  32689. "071341",
  32690. "01344",
  32691. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32692. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32693. "755589593",
  32694. "general/other",
  32695. "redweld - prod. docs. (ranges on docs) * note: there are 3 sets of docs. here, with seperate bates ranges",
  32696. "10/22/2012",
  32697. "nan",
  32698. "gregory j. digel",
  32699. "off-site",
  32700. "andre henricks",
  32701. "nan",
  32702. "atlanta",
  32703. "1902899",
  32704. "10/31/2012",
  32705. "nan",
  32706. "nan",
  32707. "nan",
  32708. "nan",
  32709. "nan",
  32710. "nan",
  32711. "nan",
  32712. "nan",
  32713. "nan",
  32714. "nan",
  32715. "nan",
  32716. "nan",
  32717. "nan",
  32718. "nan",
  32719. "nan",
  32720. "nan",
  32721. "nan",
  32722. "nan",
  32723. "nan",
  32724. "nan",
  32725. "nan",
  32726. "nan"
  32727. ],
  32728. [
  32729. "071341",
  32730. "01344",
  32731. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32732. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32733. "755589594",
  32734. "correspondence",
  32735. "(2) green folders - correspondence, vol. i and ii",
  32736. "10/22/2012",
  32737. "nan",
  32738. "gregory j. digel",
  32739. "off-site",
  32740. "hendrick andre",
  32741. "nan",
  32742. "atlanta",
  32743. "1902905",
  32744. "10/31/2012",
  32745. "nan",
  32746. "nan",
  32747. "nan",
  32748. "nan",
  32749. "nan",
  32750. "nan",
  32751. "nan",
  32752. "nan",
  32753. "nan",
  32754. "nan",
  32755. "nan",
  32756. "nan",
  32757. "nan",
  32758. "nan",
  32759. "nan",
  32760. "nan",
  32761. "nan",
  32762. "nan",
  32763. "nan",
  32764. "nan",
  32765. "nan",
  32766. "nan"
  32767. ],
  32768. [
  32769. "071341",
  32770. "01344",
  32771. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32772. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32773. "755589594",
  32774. "pleadings",
  32775. "volumes i, ii, iii and iv; \nmanila folder - extra copies of pleadings",
  32776. "10/22/2012",
  32777. "nan",
  32778. "gregory j. digel",
  32779. "off-site",
  32780. "hendrick andre",
  32781. "nan",
  32782. "atlanta",
  32783. "1902906",
  32784. "10/31/2012",
  32785. "nan",
  32786. "nan",
  32787. "nan",
  32788. "nan",
  32789. "nan",
  32790. "nan",
  32791. "nan",
  32792. "nan",
  32793. "nan",
  32794. "nan",
  32795. "nan",
  32796. "nan",
  32797. "nan",
  32798. "nan",
  32799. "nan",
  32800. "nan",
  32801. "nan",
  32802. "nan",
  32803. "nan",
  32804. "nan",
  32805. "nan",
  32806. "nan"
  32807. ],
  32808. [
  32809. "071341",
  32810. "01344",
  32811. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32812. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32813. "755589594",
  32814. "discovery",
  32815. "volumes i and ii; \nmanila folder - original discover",
  32816. "10/22/2012",
  32817. "nan",
  32818. "gregory j. digel",
  32819. "off-site",
  32820. "hendrick andre",
  32821. "nan",
  32822. "atlanta",
  32823. "1902907",
  32824. "10/31/2012",
  32825. "nan",
  32826. "nan",
  32827. "nan",
  32828. "nan",
  32829. "nan",
  32830. "nan",
  32831. "nan",
  32832. "nan",
  32833. "nan",
  32834. "nan",
  32835. "nan",
  32836. "nan",
  32837. "nan",
  32838. "nan",
  32839. "nan",
  32840. "nan",
  32841. "nan",
  32842. "nan",
  32843. "nan",
  32844. "nan",
  32845. "nan",
  32846. "nan"
  32847. ],
  32848. [
  32849. "071341",
  32850. "01344",
  32851. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32852. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32853. "755589594",
  32854. "client documents",
  32855. "manila folder - client docs.",
  32856. "10/22/2012",
  32857. "nan",
  32858. "gregory j. digel",
  32859. "off-site",
  32860. "hendrick andre",
  32861. "nan",
  32862. "atlanta",
  32863. "1902909",
  32864. "10/31/2012",
  32865. "nan",
  32866. "nan",
  32867. "nan",
  32868. "nan",
  32869. "nan",
  32870. "nan",
  32871. "nan",
  32872. "nan",
  32873. "nan",
  32874. "nan",
  32875. "nan",
  32876. "nan",
  32877. "nan",
  32878. "nan",
  32879. "nan",
  32880. "nan",
  32881. "nan",
  32882. "nan",
  32883. "nan",
  32884. "nan",
  32885. "nan",
  32886. "nan"
  32887. ],
  32888. [
  32889. "071341",
  32890. "01344",
  32891. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32892. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32893. "755589595",
  32894. "general/other",
  32895. "redweld - complaint; \n(2) redwelds - case documentsl, volume i and ii",
  32896. "10/23/2012",
  32897. "nan",
  32898. "gregory j. digel",
  32899. "off-site",
  32900. "hendrick allen",
  32901. "nan",
  32902. "atlanta",
  32903. "1903010",
  32904. "10/31/2012",
  32905. "nan",
  32906. "nan",
  32907. "nan",
  32908. "nan",
  32909. "nan",
  32910. "nan",
  32911. "nan",
  32912. "nan",
  32913. "nan",
  32914. "nan",
  32915. "nan",
  32916. "nan",
  32917. "nan",
  32918. "nan",
  32919. "nan",
  32920. "nan",
  32921. "nan",
  32922. "nan",
  32923. "nan",
  32924. "nan",
  32925. "nan",
  32926. "nan"
  32927. ],
  32928. [
  32929. "071341",
  32930. "01344",
  32931. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32932. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32933. "755589595",
  32934. "pleadings",
  32935. "(2) redwelds - aah pleadings notebook volume i and ii",
  32936. "10/23/2012",
  32937. "nan",
  32938. "gregory j. digel",
  32939. "off-site",
  32940. "hendrick allen",
  32941. "nan",
  32942. "atlanta",
  32943. "1903011",
  32944. "10/31/2012",
  32945. "nan",
  32946. "nan",
  32947. "nan",
  32948. "nan",
  32949. "nan",
  32950. "nan",
  32951. "nan",
  32952. "nan",
  32953. "nan",
  32954. "nan",
  32955. "nan",
  32956. "nan",
  32957. "nan",
  32958. "nan",
  32959. "nan",
  32960. "nan",
  32961. "nan",
  32962. "nan",
  32963. "nan",
  32964. "nan",
  32965. "nan",
  32966. "nan"
  32967. ],
  32968. [
  32969. "071341",
  32970. "01344",
  32971. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  32972. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  32973. "755589595",
  32974. "depositions",
  32975. "redweld - depo. prep. for matt semple",
  32976. "10/23/2012",
  32977. "nan",
  32978. "gregory j. digel",
  32979. "off-site",
  32980. "hendrick allen",
  32981. "nan",
  32982. "atlanta",
  32983. "1903013",
  32984. "10/31/2012",
  32985. "nan",
  32986. "nan",
  32987. "nan",
  32988. "nan",
  32989. "nan",
  32990. "nan",
  32991. "nan",
  32992. "nan",
  32993. "nan",
  32994. "nan",
  32995. "nan",
  32996. "nan",
  32997. "nan",
  32998. "nan",
  32999. "nan",
  33000. "nan",
  33001. "nan",
  33002. "nan",
  33003. "nan",
  33004. "nan",
  33005. "nan",
  33006. "nan"
  33007. ],
  33008. [
  33009. "071341",
  33010. "01344",
  33011. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33012. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33013. "755589596",
  33014. "bills",
  33015. "redweld - billing / invoices",
  33016. "10/23/2012",
  33017. "nan",
  33018. "gregory j. digel",
  33019. "off-site",
  33020. "hendrick allen",
  33021. "nan",
  33022. "atlanta",
  33023. "1903052",
  33024. "10/31/2012",
  33025. "nan",
  33026. "nan",
  33027. "nan",
  33028. "nan",
  33029. "nan",
  33030. "nan",
  33031. "nan",
  33032. "nan",
  33033. "nan",
  33034. "nan",
  33035. "nan",
  33036. "nan",
  33037. "nan",
  33038. "nan",
  33039. "nan",
  33040. "nan",
  33041. "nan",
  33042. "nan",
  33043. "nan",
  33044. "nan",
  33045. "nan",
  33046. "nan"
  33047. ],
  33048. [
  33049. "071341",
  33050. "01344",
  33051. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33052. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33053. "755589596",
  33054. "correspondence",
  33055. "redweld - confidential correspondence & case docs. withheld from production",
  33056. "10/23/2012",
  33057. "nan",
  33058. "gregory j. digel",
  33059. "off-site",
  33060. "hendrick allen",
  33061. "nan",
  33062. "atlanta",
  33063. "1903055",
  33064. "10/31/2012",
  33065. "nan",
  33066. "nan",
  33067. "nan",
  33068. "nan",
  33069. "nan",
  33070. "nan",
  33071. "nan",
  33072. "nan",
  33073. "nan",
  33074. "nan",
  33075. "nan",
  33076. "nan",
  33077. "nan",
  33078. "nan",
  33079. "nan",
  33080. "nan",
  33081. "nan",
  33082. "nan",
  33083. "nan",
  33084. "nan",
  33085. "nan",
  33086. "nan"
  33087. ],
  33088. [
  33089. "071341",
  33090. "01344",
  33091. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33092. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33093. "755589596",
  33094. "general/other",
  33095. "manila folder - n's map bates labeled ib-atc0000869 sent on 05/16/11; \nmanila folder - 07/12/11 fdic document production bates labeled: ib-fdic003508 - ib-fdic003528; \nredweld - chit100001 - chiti000587 (file copy set); \nredweld - chiti100588 - chiti01181; \nredweld - related matter dockets duplicative client documents not yet produced",
  33096. "10/23/2012",
  33097. "nan",
  33098. "gregory j. digel",
  33099. "off-site",
  33100. "hendrick allen",
  33101. "nan",
  33102. "atlanta",
  33103. "1903064",
  33104. "10/31/2012",
  33105. "nan",
  33106. "nan",
  33107. "nan",
  33108. "nan",
  33109. "nan",
  33110. "nan",
  33111. "nan",
  33112. "nan",
  33113. "nan",
  33114. "nan",
  33115. "nan",
  33116. "nan",
  33117. "nan",
  33118. "nan",
  33119. "nan",
  33120. "nan",
  33121. "nan",
  33122. "nan",
  33123. "nan",
  33124. "nan",
  33125. "nan",
  33126. "nan"
  33127. ],
  33128. [
  33129. "071341",
  33130. "01344",
  33131. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33132. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33133. "755589596",
  33134. "exhibits",
  33135. "redweld - exhibits for the 30(b)(6) deposition of fdic.....\n* 8/29/11 notice of deposition\n* 11/11/07 appraisal by mccolgan\n* 5/20/11 appraisal by mccolgan",
  33136. "10/23/2012",
  33137. "nan",
  33138. "gregory j. digel",
  33139. "off-site",
  33140. "hendrick allen",
  33141. "nan",
  33142. "atlanta",
  33143. "1903066",
  33144. "10/31/2012",
  33145. "nan",
  33146. "nan",
  33147. "nan",
  33148. "nan",
  33149. "nan",
  33150. "nan",
  33151. "nan",
  33152. "nan",
  33153. "nan",
  33154. "nan",
  33155. "nan",
  33156. "nan",
  33157. "nan",
  33158. "nan",
  33159. "nan",
  33160. "nan",
  33161. "nan",
  33162. "nan",
  33163. "nan",
  33164. "nan",
  33165. "nan",
  33166. "nan"
  33167. ],
  33168. [
  33169. "071341",
  33170. "01344",
  33171. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33172. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33173. "755589597",
  33174. "general/other",
  33175. "redweld - documents with hand written notes on the upper right hand corner of page; (sheeter or scheeter\n 1 throught 10) ib-fdic 002312 thru ib-fdic 003521; \nredweld - aah marked copy; \nredweld - aah marked copy - confidential - a summary appraisal report (with handwritten notes); \nredweld - cd, documents produced by fdic - colonial bank's response to ande3rsen, tate & carr, p.c.'s\n subpoenas, (atc-colonial 0001-0832 - duplicate) / and bate-stamped atc colonial 000001-000093;\nmanila folder - investigation; \nmanila folder - greenspace appraisal\n\n",
  33176. "10/23/2012",
  33177. "nan",
  33178. "gregory j. digel",
  33179. "off-site",
  33180. "hendrick allen",
  33181. "nan",
  33182. "atlanta",
  33183. "1903124",
  33184. "10/31/2012",
  33185. "nan",
  33186. "nan",
  33187. "nan",
  33188. "nan",
  33189. "nan",
  33190. "nan",
  33191. "nan",
  33192. "nan",
  33193. "nan",
  33194. "nan",
  33195. "nan",
  33196. "nan",
  33197. "nan",
  33198. "nan",
  33199. "nan",
  33200. "nan",
  33201. "nan",
  33202. "nan",
  33203. "nan",
  33204. "nan",
  33205. "nan",
  33206. "nan"
  33207. ],
  33208. [
  33209. "071341",
  33210. "01344",
  33211. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33212. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33213. "755589597",
  33214. "attorney notes",
  33215. "attorney notes within a redweld",
  33216. "10/23/2012",
  33217. "nan",
  33218. "gregory j. digel",
  33219. "off-site",
  33220. "hendrick allen",
  33221. "nan",
  33222. "atlanta",
  33223. "1903126",
  33224. "10/31/2012",
  33225. "nan",
  33226. "nan",
  33227. "nan",
  33228. "nan",
  33229. "nan",
  33230. "nan",
  33231. "nan",
  33232. "nan",
  33233. "nan",
  33234. "nan",
  33235. "nan",
  33236. "nan",
  33237. "nan",
  33238. "nan",
  33239. "nan",
  33240. "nan",
  33241. "nan",
  33242. "nan",
  33243. "nan",
  33244. "nan",
  33245. "nan",
  33246. "nan"
  33247. ],
  33248. [
  33249. "071341",
  33250. "01344",
  33251. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33252. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33253. "755589597",
  33254. "agreements",
  33255. "blue folder - harp lien tolling agreement",
  33256. "10/23/2012",
  33257. "nan",
  33258. "gregory j. digel",
  33259. "off-site",
  33260. "hendrick allen",
  33261. "nan",
  33262. "atlanta",
  33263. "1903127",
  33264. "10/31/2012",
  33265. "nan",
  33266. "nan",
  33267. "nan",
  33268. "nan",
  33269. "nan",
  33270. "nan",
  33271. "nan",
  33272. "nan",
  33273. "nan",
  33274. "nan",
  33275. "nan",
  33276. "nan",
  33277. "nan",
  33278. "nan",
  33279. "nan",
  33280. "nan",
  33281. "nan",
  33282. "nan",
  33283. "nan",
  33284. "nan",
  33285. "nan",
  33286. "nan"
  33287. ],
  33288. [
  33289. "071341",
  33290. "01344",
  33291. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33292. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33293. "755589597",
  33294. "general/other",
  33295. "blue folder - color copies of tracts one & two of bellah landing development; \npink folder - original verification of matthew semple; \nblue folder - affidavit of matthew semple; \nblue folder - affidavit of matthew joe; \nblue folder - certified deeds; \nmanila folder - fdic's privilege logs",
  33296. "10/23/2012",
  33297. "nan",
  33298. "gregory j. digel",
  33299. "off-site",
  33300. "hendrick allen",
  33301. "nan",
  33302. "atlanta",
  33303. "1903128",
  33304. "10/31/2012",
  33305. "nan",
  33306. "nan",
  33307. "nan",
  33308. "nan",
  33309. "nan",
  33310. "nan",
  33311. "nan",
  33312. "nan",
  33313. "nan",
  33314. "nan",
  33315. "nan",
  33316. "nan",
  33317. "nan",
  33318. "nan",
  33319. "nan",
  33320. "nan",
  33321. "nan",
  33322. "nan",
  33323. "nan",
  33324. "nan",
  33325. "nan",
  33326. "nan"
  33327. ],
  33328. [
  33329. "071341",
  33330. "01344",
  33331. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33332. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33333. "755589597",
  33334. "drafts",
  33335. "drafts",
  33336. "10/23/2012",
  33337. "nan",
  33338. "gregory j. digel",
  33339. "off-site",
  33340. "hendrick allen",
  33341. "nan",
  33342. "atlanta",
  33343. "1903129",
  33344. "10/31/2012",
  33345. "nan",
  33346. "nan",
  33347. "nan",
  33348. "nan",
  33349. "nan",
  33350. "nan",
  33351. "nan",
  33352. "nan",
  33353. "nan",
  33354. "nan",
  33355. "nan",
  33356. "nan",
  33357. "nan",
  33358. "nan",
  33359. "nan",
  33360. "nan",
  33361. "nan",
  33362. "nan",
  33363. "nan",
  33364. "nan",
  33365. "nan",
  33366. "nan"
  33367. ],
  33368. [
  33369. "071341",
  33370. "01344",
  33371. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33372. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33373. "755589597",
  33374. "research",
  33375. "research",
  33376. "10/23/2012",
  33377. "nan",
  33378. "gregory j. digel",
  33379. "off-site",
  33380. "hendrick allen",
  33381. "nan",
  33382. "atlanta",
  33383. "1903130",
  33384. "10/31/2012",
  33385. "nan",
  33386. "nan",
  33387. "nan",
  33388. "nan",
  33389. "nan",
  33390. "nan",
  33391. "nan",
  33392. "nan",
  33393. "nan",
  33394. "nan",
  33395. "nan",
  33396. "nan",
  33397. "nan",
  33398. "nan",
  33399. "nan",
  33400. "nan",
  33401. "nan",
  33402. "nan",
  33403. "nan",
  33404. "nan",
  33405. "nan",
  33406. "nan"
  33407. ],
  33408. [
  33409. "071341",
  33410. "01344",
  33411. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33412. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33413. "755589598",
  33414. "general/other",
  33415. "4 large redwelds - fdic bates labled document production received on 03/25/11 (cd & privilege logs included) part 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 9)",
  33416. "10/23/2012",
  33417. "nan",
  33418. "gregory j. digel",
  33419. "off-site",
  33420. "hendrick allen",
  33421. "nan",
  33422. "atlanta",
  33423. "1903134",
  33424. "10/31/2012",
  33425. "nan",
  33426. "nan",
  33427. "nan",
  33428. "nan",
  33429. "nan",
  33430. "nan",
  33431. "nan",
  33432. "nan",
  33433. "nan",
  33434. "nan",
  33435. "nan",
  33436. "nan",
  33437. "nan",
  33438. "nan",
  33439. "nan",
  33440. "nan",
  33441. "nan",
  33442. "nan",
  33443. "nan",
  33444. "nan",
  33445. "nan",
  33446. "nan"
  33447. ],
  33448. [
  33449. "071341",
  33450. "01344",
  33451. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33452. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33453. "755589599",
  33454. "general/other",
  33455. "(5) redwelds - fdic bates labled document production received on 03/25/11 (cd & privilege logs included) part 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of 9)",
  33456. "10/23/2012",
  33457. "nan",
  33458. "gregory j. digel",
  33459. "off-site",
  33460. "hendrick allen",
  33461. "nan",
  33462. "atlanta",
  33463. "1903139",
  33464. "10/31/2012",
  33465. "nan",
  33466. "nan",
  33467. "nan",
  33468. "nan",
  33469. "nan",
  33470. "nan",
  33471. "nan",
  33472. "nan",
  33473. "nan",
  33474. "nan",
  33475. "nan",
  33476. "nan",
  33477. "nan",
  33478. "nan",
  33479. "nan",
  33480. "nan",
  33481. "nan",
  33482. "nan",
  33483. "nan",
  33484. "nan",
  33485. "nan",
  33486. "nan"
  33487. ],
  33488. [
  33489. "071341",
  33490. "01344",
  33491. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33492. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33493. "755589599",
  33494. "general/other",
  33495. "(2) redwelds - fdic bates labeled document production received on 03/29/11, part 1 and 2 (cd included) - ib-se000001 thru ib-se001033",
  33496. "10/23/2012",
  33497. "nan",
  33498. "gregory j. digel",
  33499. "off-site",
  33500. "hendrick allen",
  33501. "nan",
  33502. "atlanta",
  33503. "1903141",
  33504. "10/31/2012",
  33505. "nan",
  33506. "nan",
  33507. "nan",
  33508. "nan",
  33509. "nan",
  33510. "nan",
  33511. "nan",
  33512. "nan",
  33513. "nan",
  33514. "nan",
  33515. "nan",
  33516. "nan",
  33517. "nan",
  33518. "nan",
  33519. "nan",
  33520. "nan",
  33521. "nan",
  33522. "nan",
  33523. "nan",
  33524. "nan",
  33525. "nan",
  33526. "nan"
  33527. ],
  33528. [
  33529. "071341",
  33530. "01258",
  33531. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33532. "federal deposit insurance corporation issues",
  33533. "753993362",
  33534. "correspondence",
  33535. "corr",
  33536. "5/1/2013",
  33537. "nan",
  33538. "jose e. sirven",
  33539. "off-site",
  33540. "sirven jose",
  33541. "nan",
  33542. "miami",
  33543. "2021888",
  33544. "5/13/2010",
  33545. "nan",
  33546. "nan",
  33547. "nan",
  33548. "nan",
  33549. "nan",
  33550. "nan",
  33551. "nan",
  33552. "nan",
  33553. "nan",
  33554. "nan",
  33555. "nan",
  33556. "nan",
  33557. "nan",
  33558. "nan",
  33559. "nan",
  33560. "nan",
  33561. "nan",
  33562. "nan",
  33563. "nan",
  33564. "nan",
  33565. "nan",
  33566. "nan"
  33567. ],
  33568. [
  33569. "071341",
  33570. "01344",
  33571. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33572. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33573. "768309031",
  33574. "working papers",
  33575. "redweld - andred hendrick working file (motion for summary judgment)",
  33576. "2/3/2014",
  33577. "nan",
  33578. "gregory j. digel",
  33579. "off-site",
  33580. "hendrick allen",
  33581. "nan",
  33582. "atlanta",
  33583. "2163321",
  33584. "10/31/2012",
  33585. "nan",
  33586. "nan",
  33587. "nan",
  33588. "nan",
  33589. "nan",
  33590. "nan",
  33591. "nan",
  33592. "nan",
  33593. "nan",
  33594. "nan",
  33595. "nan",
  33596. "nan",
  33597. "nan",
  33598. "nan",
  33599. "nan",
  33600. "nan",
  33601. "nan",
  33602. "nan",
  33603. "nan",
  33604. "nan",
  33605. "nan",
  33606. "nan"
  33607. ],
  33608. [
  33609. "071341",
  33610. "01344",
  33611. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  33612. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  33613. "825681252",
  33614. "general/other",
  33615. "john hamrick (atl)",
  33616. "6/14/2014",
  33617. "825681252",
  33618. "gregory j. digel",
  33619. "off-site",
  33620. "moss stephen",
  33621. "nan",
  33622. "fort lauderdale",
  33623. "2220147",
  33624. "10/31/2012",
  33625. "nan",
  33626. "nan",
  33627. "nan",
  33628. "nan",
  33629. "nan",
  33630. "nan",
  33631. "nan",
  33632. "nan",
  33633. "nan",
  33634. "nan",
  33635. "nan",
  33636. "nan",
  33637. "nan",
  33638. "nan",
  33639. "nan",
  33640. "nan",
  33641. "nan",
  33642. "nan",
  33643. "nan",
  33644. "nan",
  33645. "nan",
  33646. "nan"
  33647. ],
  33648. [
  33649. "071419",
  33650. "00015",
  33651. "choctaw nation of oklahoma",
  33652. "choctaw v. greene membership claim",
  33653. "459074202",
  33654. "nan",
  33655. "1) freedman materials (2008)\n2) correspondence (2009)\n3) pleadings courtcase no. 1:09 cv 0122awigsa",
  33656. "3/10/2011",
  33657. "nan",
  33658. "jerome l. levine",
  33659. "nan",
  33660. "nan",
  33661. "nan",
  33662. "los angeles",
  33663. "1742437",
  33664. "8/19/2010",
  33665. "nan",
  33666. "nan",
  33667. "nan",
  33668. "nan",
  33669. "nan",
  33670. "nan",
  33671. "nan",
  33672. "nan",
  33673. "nan",
  33674. "nan",
  33675. "nan",
  33676. "nan",
  33677. "nan",
  33678. "nan",
  33679. "nan",
  33680. "nan",
  33681. "nan",
  33682. "nan",
  33683. "nan",
  33684. "nan",
  33685. "nan",
  33686. "nan"
  33687. ],
  33688. [
  33689. "071421",
  33690. "00003",
  33691. "dry creek rancheria band of pomo indians",
  33692. "adv. sonoma falls developers, llc, et al.",
  33693. "409114309",
  33694. "nan",
  33695. "1) memoranda agreement ( moa) sonoma county & dry creek - drafts\n2) emails/ agreements/ 3tm parties/ endangered species act: received form p gordern 04/03\n3) tab 33 declaration of sonoma falls/ member stuart c. nahahn ( redweld)\n4) dry creek sonoma valley loose filing \n5) bill underbill deposition \n6) extra copies redweld\n7) 071421-00003 a redweld\n - correspondence / drafts/ memoranda/ working papers/ final / courtclip \n\n",
  33696. "12/30/2010",
  33697. "2005-770",
  33698. "jerome l. levine",
  33699. "off-site",
  33700. "nan",
  33701. "nan",
  33702. "los angeles",
  33703. "1735063",
  33704. "12/28/2005",
  33705. "nan",
  33706. "nan",
  33707. "nan",
  33708. "nan",
  33709. "nan",
  33710. "nan",
  33711. "nan",
  33712. "nan",
  33713. "nan",
  33714. "nan",
  33715. "nan",
  33716. "nan",
  33717. "nan",
  33718. "nan",
  33719. "nan",
  33720. "nan",
  33721. "nan",
  33722. "nan",
  33723. "nan",
  33724. "nan",
  33725. "nan",
  33726. "nan"
  33727. ],
  33728. [
  33729. "071440",
  33730. "00001",
  33731. "san manuel indian bingo & casino",
  33732. "casino operations",
  33733. "459069110",
  33734. "nan",
  33735. "459069110\n04/20/11\n\n071440-00001 san manuel / casino operations\n\n1. workers' compensation \na. smibc adv. shipp 1997\nb. litigation \n2. western entertainment rtc guide for outside counsel \n3. surveillance 2000\n4. sherriff's department \n5. williams communications 1999\n6. worker's compensation\na. robles, mary 2000\nb. sandoval, daniel 2000\nc. comereski, michael 2000\nd. taylor, robert john 2000\ne. employers liability insurance policy 1999\nf. correspondence (2002)\ng. ronal truss (2001)\nh. buddie milstead (2002)\n7. sharp images\na. equipment purchase agreement (2001)\n8. subpoena duces tecum \na. correspondence vol. 1 (2001)\nb. rakes, terry (1998)\nc. mcpheron, james 1999\nd. guttilla, john 1998\ne. antwine, harun 1998\nf. dickinson, michele 1998\n",
  33736. "4/20/2011",
  33737. "nan",
  33738. "jerome l. levine",
  33739. "off-site",
  33740. "nan",
  33741. "nan",
  33742. "los angeles",
  33743. "1750216",
  33744. "nan",
  33745. "nan",
  33746. "nan",
  33747. "nan",
  33748. "nan",
  33749. "nan",
  33750. "nan",
  33751. "nan",
  33752. "nan",
  33753. "nan",
  33754. "nan",
  33755. "nan",
  33756. "nan",
  33757. "nan",
  33758. "nan",
  33759. "nan",
  33760. "nan",
  33761. "nan",
  33762. "nan",
  33763. "nan",
  33764. "nan",
  33765. "nan",
  33766. "nan"
  33767. ],
  33768. [
  33769. "072389",
  33770. "00001",
  33771. "general binding corporation",
  33772. "general",
  33773. "542810656",
  33774. "nan",
  33775. "jacket #1-search on fusion.\njacket #2-search on gound fx (effects).\njacket #3-tm/mini-lam.\njacket #4-tm/genesis.\njacket #5-tm/desktop velobinder & design.\njacket #6-tm/tri-lite.\njacket #7-tm/cerlox.\njacket #8-search on quickcolor.\njacket #9-search on signmaker.\njacket #10-search on colorguard.\njacket #11-search on ultralam.\njacket #12-tm on pro fold, inc.\njacket #13-tm on ez load.\njacket #14-tm on gbc/slovenia.\njacket #15-tm on stackport/canada.\njacket #16-tm on gbc/venda.\njacket #17-tm on gbc/transkei.\njacket #18-tm on gbc/bophuthatswana.\njacket #19-tm on quantum.\njakcet #20-searches on smartcut 800; smartfeed 800; titan 165; jet bond film.",
  33776. "6/28/2007",
  33777. "919337",
  33778. "lewis t. steadman, jr.",
  33779. "nan",
  33780. "nan",
  33781. " + filejacketstransferred: 20 + boxes transferred: 1 + billing attorney: steadman, lewis jr. t. + requesting secretary: edwards, carol + last date reviewed: 6/28/2007 + destruction date: 6/28/2017 + request completed by: carol edwards",
  33782. "chicago",
  33783. "1167448",
  33784. "8/9/2007",
  33785. "nan",
  33786. "nan",
  33787. "nan",
  33788. "nan",
  33789. "nan",
  33790. "nan",
  33791. "nan",
  33792. "nan",
  33793. "nan",
  33794. "nan",
  33795. "nan",
  33796. "nan",
  33797. "nan",
  33798. "nan",
  33799. "nan",
  33800. "nan",
  33801. "nan",
  33802. "nan",
  33803. "nan",
  33804. "nan",
  33805. "nan",
  33806. "nan"
  33807. ],
  33808. [
  33809. "073933",
  33810. "00001",
  33811. "strata bank",
  33812. "general corporate relating to both serc & strata",
  33813. "719598254",
  33814. "nan",
  33815. "index: correspondence, notes,e-mails & memoranda, compliance examination of strata bank, 1999 recognition & retention plan, stock option plan, employee stock ownership plan-summit, board of director meeting materials, background info.: service bancorp, background info.: strata bank, correspondence-form 5300 for esop, form 5300 for esop, 5300 for esop-irs fav. determ. letter, notes & memos, executed esop, esop amendment # 1, executed esop amendment # 2, esop amendment # 3, employee compensation plans, employee agreement, stock purchase program, transfer agent, mortgage center, 2001 annual meeting materials, fdic bank consent, earnings release, press release, banking regulatory matters, 2002 annual meeting, audit request & response",
  33816. "12/16/2002",
  33817. "706289",
  33818. "lawrence d. bradley",
  33819. "nan",
  33820. "nan",
  33821. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: vg 2-26-2003 / retd_to_st: 3-10-2003 hk box:",
  33822. "boston",
  33823. "1191504",
  33824. "10/14/2008",
  33825. "nan",
  33826. "nan",
  33827. "nan",
  33828. "nan",
  33829. "nan",
  33830. "nan",
  33831. "nan",
  33832. "nan",
  33833. "nan",
  33834. "nan",
  33835. "nan",
  33836. "nan",
  33837. "nan",
  33838. "nan",
  33839. "nan",
  33840. "nan",
  33841. "nan",
  33842. "nan",
  33843. "nan",
  33844. "nan",
  33845. "nan",
  33846. "nan"
  33847. ],
  33848. [
  33849. "074321",
  33850. "00002",
  33851. "tun, aung",
  33852. "heartcare institute of tampa, p.a. vs.",
  33853. "166965000",
  33854. "general/other",
  33855. "t007f//stpet (1 box) heartcare institute of tampa - litigation",
  33856. "7/18/2001",
  33857. "166965000",
  33858. "charles w. ross",
  33859. "off-site",
  33860. "ross charles",
  33861. "nan",
  33862. "tampa",
  33863. "2604007",
  33864. "5/25/2001",
  33865. "nan",
  33866. "nan",
  33867. "nan",
  33868. "nan",
  33869. "nan",
  33870. "nan",
  33871. "nan",
  33872. "nan",
  33873. "nan",
  33874. "nan",
  33875. "nan",
  33876. "nan",
  33877. "nan",
  33878. "nan",
  33879. "nan",
  33880. "nan",
  33881. "nan",
  33882. "nan",
  33883. "nan",
  33884. "nan",
  33885. "nan",
  33886. "nan"
  33887. ],
  33888. [
  33889. "074568",
  33890. "00001",
  33891. "zager, raymond",
  33892. "vs. smartcharge, inc.",
  33893. "513357079",
  33894. "key documents",
  33895. "oil-x-change-r system",
  33896. "6/16/2017",
  33897. "nan",
  33898. "alan m weiss",
  33899. "off-site",
  33900. "page frederick",
  33901. "nan",
  33902. "jacksonville",
  33903. "2625065",
  33904. "7/18/2001",
  33905. "nan",
  33906. "nan",
  33907. "nan",
  33908. "nan",
  33909. "nan",
  33910. "nan",
  33911. "nan",
  33912. "nan",
  33913. "nan",
  33914. "nan",
  33915. "nan",
  33916. "nan",
  33917. "nan",
  33918. "nan",
  33919. "nan",
  33920. "nan",
  33921. "nan",
  33922. "nan",
  33923. "nan",
  33924. "nan",
  33925. "nan",
  33926. "nan"
  33927. ],
  33928. [
  33929. "074568-1",
  33930. "nan",
  33931. "zager v. smartchange",
  33932. "nan",
  33933. "171947313",
  33934. "nan",
  33935. "alan weiss",
  33936. "01/04/2002",
  33937. "171947313",
  33938. "55 alan weiss",
  33939. "nan",
  33940. "nan",
  33941. "nan",
  33942. "jacksonville",
  33943. "13193",
  33944. "nan",
  33945. "nan",
  33946. "nan",
  33947. "nan",
  33948. "nan",
  33949. "nan",
  33950. "nan",
  33951. "nan",
  33952. "nan",
  33953. "nan",
  33954. "nan",
  33955. "nan",
  33956. "nan",
  33957. "nan",
  33958. "nan",
  33959. "nan",
  33960. "nan",
  33961. "nan",
  33962. "nan",
  33963. "nan",
  33964. "nan",
  33965. "nan",
  33966. "nan"
  33967. ],
  33968. [
  33969. "074603",
  33970. "00041",
  33971. "national equity fund, inc.",
  33972. "homestead capital",
  33973. "719663813",
  33974. "general/other",
  33975. "box 1 of 1: 1.) all fund amendments (except hwcp), 2.) hwcf fund amendment, 3.) a&a hwcf columbia river, 4.) a&a hwcf cowlitz, 5.) investor prom. note-columbia river hwcf, 6.) investor prom. note-cowlitz hwcf, 7.) collateral assign. cowlitz, 8.) security agmt, columbia river hwcf, 9.) security agmt. cowlitz hwcf, 10.) fdic \"future transfers\" side letter, 11.) a&a & mutual release oefi, 12.) all wells put option agmts. (except hwcf), 13.) preservation fund op. agmt., 14.) mercy loan amendment, 15.) correspondence-john kelley and wayne mannie, containing the new investor promissory note by wells fargo community investment holdings, 16.) certified bylaws, 17.) certificate of good std. (nef?), 18.) minutes of homestead board, 19.) board resolutions, 20.) resgination letters, 21.) tax opinion review, 22.) assumption of control/org., 23.) misc. documents-first amendment to first amendment and drafts and related document, resolution of the board of directors, 24.) western communities fund, 25.) hwcf security agreements (wells fargo) for cowlitz, columbia river interests, 26.) mercy loan agmt. amendment, 27.) collateral agmts. hwcf (wells) for cowlitz/columbia river interests, 28.) put option agmts. (wf in nef funds), 29.) hwcf assign. & assump. agmts., 30.) fdic side letter hwcf nef a (or), nef a (wa), 31.) misc. documents, 32.) misc. notes 33.) homestead equity fund ix limited partnership, an oregon limited partnership",
  33976. "7/6/2011",
  33977. "c0788616",
  33978. "john d. kelley",
  33979. "off-site",
  33980. "kelley john",
  33981. " hk box:",
  33982. "boston",
  33983. "1798412",
  33984. "4/12/2011",
  33985. "nan",
  33986. "nan",
  33987. "nan",
  33988. "nan",
  33989. "nan",
  33990. "nan",
  33991. "nan",
  33992. "nan",
  33993. "nan",
  33994. "nan",
  33995. "nan",
  33996. "nan",
  33997. "nan",
  33998. "nan",
  33999. "nan",
  34000. "nan",
  34001. "nan",
  34002. "nan",
  34003. "nan",
  34004. "nan",
  34005. "nan",
  34006. "nan"
  34007. ],
  34008. [
  34009. "074603",
  34010. "00041",
  34011. "national equity fund, inc.",
  34012. "homestead capital",
  34013. "700570527",
  34014. "general/other",
  34015. "file# 236527872\n\n\n1. correspondence\n2. notes\n3. scope letter\n4. new matter form/conflict information\n5. letter of intent\n6. amended articles\n7. homestead federal tax exempt documents\n8. homestead organizational documents\n9. fdic\n10. drafts",
  34016. "5/4/2012",
  34017. "nan",
  34018. "john d. kelley",
  34019. "off-site",
  34020. "kelley john",
  34021. "nan",
  34022. "boston",
  34023. "1845367",
  34024. "4/12/2011",
  34025. "nan",
  34026. "nan",
  34027. "nan",
  34028. "nan",
  34029. "nan",
  34030. "nan",
  34031. "nan",
  34032. "nan",
  34033. "nan",
  34034. "nan",
  34035. "nan",
  34036. "nan",
  34037. "nan",
  34038. "nan",
  34039. "nan",
  34040. "nan",
  34041. "nan",
  34042. "nan",
  34043. "nan",
  34044. "nan",
  34045. "nan",
  34046. "nan"
  34047. ],
  34048. [
  34049. "074948",
  34050. "00002",
  34051. "cafritz, conrad",
  34052. "estate planning",
  34053. "310763928",
  34054. "nan",
  34055. "conrad cafritz (074948.00002) - donald goldsmith \n07178.00002-rw-1.01 \nconrad cafritz estate planning\nfdic v. conrad cafritz - usdc, d. of columbia #91-883\ncorrespondence 4/1/91-8/30/91\ncomplaint\nmemorandum in opposition\nopinion, order, restraining order\ndraft settlement agreement\n\n07178.00002-rw-3 \nconrad cafritz estate planning\nnotes\nnewspaper clippings\norder-usdc, dist. of columbia re gwendolyn cafritz v. conrad cafritz et al civ. #2486-72\ndocument summary\ninter-office memorandum dd. 4/25/85 re creditor's rights to reach trust property\nzachary cafritz 1990 trust\ndale city contract dd. 8/25/89 between robert j. davis to acquire 45 acres in prince william county, virginia for approx. $5.85 million pursuant to agreement dd. 22/30/9 with the cafritz group\nagreement dd. 5/23/86 between conrad cafritz and peggy cooper cafritz, settlors and conrad cafritz, frank h. pearl and alphonso a. christian, ii includes amendment to trust agreement 8/1/88 and 2nd amendment 5/23/86\n\n07178.00002-rw-6 \nconrad cafritz estate planning\ncorrespondence thru 7/15/04\n\n",
  34056. "6/8/2005",
  34057. "nan",
  34058. "donald a. goldsmith",
  34059. "nan",
  34060. "nan",
  34061. "inmagic: id 480738",
  34062. "new york city",
  34063. "765563",
  34064. "12/1/2010",
  34065. "nan",
  34066. "nan",
  34067. "nan",
  34068. "nan",
  34069. "nan",
  34070. "nan",
  34071. "nan",
  34072. "nan",
  34073. "nan",
  34074. "nan",
  34075. "nan",
  34076. "nan",
  34077. "nan",
  34078. "nan",
  34079. "nan",
  34080. "nan",
  34081. "nan",
  34082. "nan",
  34083. "nan",
  34084. "nan",
  34085. "nan",
  34086. "nan"
  34087. ],
  34088. [
  34089. "074948",
  34090. "00002",
  34091. "cafritz, conrad",
  34092. "estate planning",
  34093. "632019925",
  34094. "estate planning",
  34095. "motion of plaintiff federal deposit insurance corp.",
  34096. "1/17/2012",
  34097. "nan",
  34098. "donald a. goldsmith",
  34099. "off-site",
  34100. "goldsmith donald",
  34101. "nan",
  34102. "new york city",
  34103. "1805716",
  34104. "12/1/2010",
  34105. "nan",
  34106. "nan",
  34107. "nan",
  34108. "nan",
  34109. "nan",
  34110. "nan",
  34111. "nan",
  34112. "nan",
  34113. "nan",
  34114. "nan",
  34115. "nan",
  34116. "nan",
  34117. "nan",
  34118. "nan",
  34119. "nan",
  34120. "nan",
  34121. "nan",
  34122. "nan",
  34123. "nan",
  34124. "nan",
  34125. "nan",
  34126. "nan"
  34127. ],
  34128. [
  34129. "076333",
  34130. "00026",
  34131. "rapid payroll, inc.",
  34132. "adv. paymaster of alabama, inc.",
  34133. "140604328",
  34134. "nan",
  34135. "2005-814\n\n1, courtclip vol 4, 5, 7, 9",
  34136. "8/6/2010",
  34137. "nan",
  34138. "paul c. workman",
  34139. "off-site",
  34140. "nan",
  34141. "nan",
  34142. "los angeles",
  34143. "1716007",
  34144. "6/9/2005",
  34145. "nan",
  34146. "nan",
  34147. "nan",
  34148. "nan",
  34149. "nan",
  34150. "nan",
  34151. "nan",
  34152. "nan",
  34153. "nan",
  34154. "nan",
  34155. "nan",
  34156. "nan",
  34157. "nan",
  34158. "nan",
  34159. "nan",
  34160. "nan",
  34161. "nan",
  34162. "nan",
  34163. "nan",
  34164. "nan",
  34165. "nan",
  34166. "nan"
  34167. ],
  34168. [
  34169. "077425",
  34170. "00050",
  34171. "novacaixagalicia",
  34172. "loan to 1390 brickell bay tower llc",
  34173. "489564432",
  34174. "nan",
  34175. "caixa de alfonso de vigo / ourense e pontevedra, miami agency \n- 1201 brickell bay dr. llc. \n- 1390 brickell tower llc. \n- brickell int. corp. \n- brickmar properties inc.\n- mediterranean florida towers inc. \n- mediterranean property american corp. \n- sohomar property inc.\n- sohomar property american corp\n- spanish guaranty agreement - iglesias moure \n- spanish guaranty agreement - gamundi \n- spanish guaranty agreement - iglesias, rogues \n- spanish guaranty agreement - corp. guarantors\nloan agreement \npromissory note principal amendment of $35 million \nfirst amendment to agreement to sell and purchase real estate \ncollateral assignment of purchase agreement and escrow agreement \npledge agreement - deposit account (borrower) \npledge amount deposit - sohomar property llc membership interests \nu.s. guaranty agreement - mediterranean florida towers inc. \nu.s. guaranty agreement - gamundi \nu.s. guaranty agreement - sequi and partners, s. l \nu.s. guaranty agreement - semundi 2008 s. l\nu.s. guaranty agreement - tosega 2008 slu \nu.s. guaranty agreement - mediterranean sun property american corp. \nu.s. guaranty agreement - virdemar xxl s. l\nu.s. guaranty agreement - roques \nu.s. guaranty agreement - reformas integrates de hotel es s.a. (reinhot) \nu.s. guaranty agreement - millurqui 2003 investment s.l. \nu.s. guaranty agreement - iglesias \nu.s. guaranty agreement - analisis immobilario europeo \ncaja madrid - fdic transaction account guranty \nucc search results \nucc 1- filing \nlegal opinion \nsigned written consents \n9611323\n",
  34176. "8/11/2010",
  34177. "0013373714",
  34178. "patricia m. hernandez",
  34179. "off-site",
  34180. "nan",
  34181. " hk box: 46087",
  34182. "miami",
  34183. "1716593",
  34184. "9/21/2007",
  34185. "nan",
  34186. "nan",
  34187. "nan",
  34188. "nan",
  34189. "nan",
  34190. "nan",
  34191. "nan",
  34192. "nan",
  34193. "nan",
  34194. "nan",
  34195. "nan",
  34196. "nan",
  34197. "nan",
  34198. "nan",
  34199. "nan",
  34200. "nan",
  34201. "nan",
  34202. "nan",
  34203. "nan",
  34204. "nan",
  34205. "nan",
  34206. "nan"
  34207. ],
  34208. [
  34209. "078019",
  34210. "00190",
  34211. "wachovia securities",
  34212. "city walk at akard",
  34213. "719580907",
  34214. "nan",
  34215. "box 1 of 3: chris mccarty work files-pouch 1: 8832 for commerce gp, drafts, loan documents comments, pouch 2: notice and agreement (commercial), collateral assignment of contracts (commercial), collateral assignment, qalicb reliance certificate (empty), hrtc reliance certficate (empty), contractor's consent, contractor's consent (commercial), contractor's consent (wachovia), architect's consent (wachovia), certification regarding debarment, disbarment certificate (commercial), snda (wachovia) re: cdc dc, snda (wkmc lease), snda (cdm lease), opinion 1, opinion 2, certificate of non-foreign status (commecial), pouch 3: $3,675,000 promissory note (commercial) (empty), $918,750 promissory note (commercial) (empty), $1,500,000 promissory note (commercial) (empty), $375,000 (commercial) (empty), wachovia construction loan agreement, control agreement, control agreement, construction deed of trust (commercial), assignment of leases (commercial), unconditional guaranty (commercial), environmental indemnity agreement (commercial), certification/indemnity (commercial), certification/indemnity, security agreement (ti escrow), security agreement (cash collateral), security agreement (sinking fund)",
  34216. "4/14/2009",
  34217. "13085868",
  34218. "christopher j. mccarty",
  34219. "off-site",
  34220. "nan",
  34221. " hk box:",
  34222. "boston",
  34223. "1639638",
  34224. "10/29/2012",
  34225. "nan",
  34226. "nan",
  34227. "nan",
  34228. "nan",
  34229. "nan",
  34230. "nan",
  34231. "nan",
  34232. "nan",
  34233. "nan",
  34234. "nan",
  34235. "nan",
  34236. "nan",
  34237. "nan",
  34238. "nan",
  34239. "nan",
  34240. "nan",
  34241. "nan",
  34242. "nan",
  34243. "nan",
  34244. "nan",
  34245. "nan",
  34246. "nan"
  34247. ],
  34248. [
  34249. "079136",
  34250. "00001",
  34251. "bishop paiute tribe",
  34252. "general transactional",
  34253. "409115153",
  34254. "nan",
  34255. "sent per jll 7/25/2008\n\n1) correspondence vol. 1-2\n2) document clip \n3) memo\n4) memo of law\n5) extra copies\n6) working papers\n7) bishop paiute billing\n8) drafts\n9) legal research\n10) bishop paute miscellaneous \n11) appeals courtclip vol. 1-3\n12) extra copies redweld\n13) working files redweld vol. 1-2",
  34256. "12/7/2010",
  34257. "nan",
  34258. "erin copeland",
  34259. "off-site",
  34260. "nan",
  34261. "nan",
  34262. "los angeles",
  34263. "1733629",
  34264. "4/9/2002",
  34265. "nan",
  34266. "nan",
  34267. "nan",
  34268. "nan",
  34269. "nan",
  34270. "nan",
  34271. "nan",
  34272. "nan",
  34273. "nan",
  34274. "nan",
  34275. "nan",
  34276. "nan",
  34277. "nan",
  34278. "nan",
  34279. "nan",
  34280. "nan",
  34281. "nan",
  34282. "nan",
  34283. "nan",
  34284. "nan",
  34285. "nan",
  34286. "nan"
  34287. ],
  34288. [
  34289. "079598",
  34290. "00001",
  34291. "levine, robert",
  34292. "personal legal/business issues",
  34293. "719605464",
  34294. "nan",
  34295. "fileno: 3014291/index: pre-need funeral services contract: drafts, levine v. fdic working file, new mass. pre-need litigation, executed master trust-1992, pre-need trust drafts",
  34296. "12/27/2001",
  34297. "373817",
  34298. "barry brown",
  34299. "nan",
  34300. "nan",
  34301. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  34302. "boston",
  34303. "1185166",
  34304. "6/23/2003",
  34305. "nan",
  34306. "nan",
  34307. "nan",
  34308. "nan",
  34309. "nan",
  34310. "nan",
  34311. "nan",
  34312. "nan",
  34313. "nan",
  34314. "nan",
  34315. "nan",
  34316. "nan",
  34317. "nan",
  34318. "nan",
  34319. "nan",
  34320. "nan",
  34321. "nan",
  34322. "nan",
  34323. "nan",
  34324. "nan",
  34325. "nan",
  34326. "nan"
  34327. ],
  34328. [
  34329. "080006",
  34330. "00040",
  34331. "loss prevention",
  34332. "conflict of interest resolution",
  34333. "737259460",
  34334. "nan",
  34335. "elaine petrillo/united states aviation underwriters, inc. (ethical wall directive)\n*picketville superfund site\nrepresentation/hertz conflict\n*picketville superfund site\nrepresentation/aramark-dixie\nuniform conflict\n*picketville superfund site\nrepresentation/cleaners hanger co.\nconflict\n*picketville superfund site\nrepresentation - shell/usa petroleum\nconflict\n*picketville superfund site\nrepresentation/dot conflict\nwilliam planes/staff builders, inc. (conflict of interest)\nrank america, inc./universal studios, inc./baker mellon stuart construction, inc. (ethical wall directive)\nreilly mortgage group/teacher retirement system of texas (conflict of interest)\nresolution trust corporation/nhp-hdv, inc. (conflict of interest)\nmichael ringel/performance office products/xerox corporation (conflict of interest)\nriscorp/underwriters (conflict of interest)\nrite-aid corporation/new valley corporation (ethical wall directive)\nrosewood/steve hanlon (conflict of interest)\nthe rouse company/debartolo (conflict of interest)\nsea-ray (conflict of interest)\nshaw industries, inc./mark rosenfeld associates, inc.\nshorewood financial corp ./rtc\ngloria b. solomon (conflict of interest)\nguy w. spicola/various matters (conflict of interest)\nrebecca harrison steele/various matters (conflict of interest)\ntbs international, ltd./kayla ltd./andolina shipping, ltd. (ethical wall directive)\ntoyota motor sales, usa, inc./republic industries, inc.\ntri-county rail authority/hertz (conflict of interest)\n",
  34336. "5/2/2011",
  34337. "tl0006638",
  34338. "robert r., iii feagin",
  34339. "off-site",
  34340. "nan",
  34341. " hk box:",
  34342. "tallahassee",
  34343. "1752059",
  34344. "9/2/2003",
  34345. "nan",
  34346. "nan",
  34347. "nan",
  34348. "nan",
  34349. "nan",
  34350. "nan",
  34351. "nan",
  34352. "nan",
  34353. "nan",
  34354. "nan",
  34355. "nan",
  34356. "nan",
  34357. "nan",
  34358. "nan",
  34359. "nan",
  34360. "nan",
  34361. "nan",
  34362. "nan",
  34363. "nan",
  34364. "nan",
  34365. "nan",
  34366. "nan"
  34367. ],
  34368. [
  34369. "080006",
  34370. "31100",
  34371. "loss prevention",
  34372. "alas - attorney's liability",
  34373. "737259460",
  34374. "nan",
  34375. "lisa raleigh (conflict of interest)\nreptron/barnett bank potential conflict \nreichhold/international paper/arizona chemical company (conflict of interest) \ndonald l. rickertsen.fulton county representation (conflict of interest)\nriscorp/potential conflicts of interest \nriscorp/fcci chinese wall directive \nrose v. holmes regional medical center (conflict of interest)\nrtc representation/oxford companies/dick duvall (conflict of interest)\nshorewood financial corp ./rtc \nsi diamond technology, inc./swartz investments, llc (conflict of interest) \nsuntrust bank/merrill lynch (conflict of interest)\ntrl, inc./orix usa, inc. (conflict of interest)\nthe upjohn companies/bausch & lomb (conflict of interest)",
  34376. "5/2/2011",
  34377. "tl0006638",
  34378. "robert r., iii feagin",
  34379. "off-site",
  34380. "nan",
  34381. " hk box:",
  34382. "tallahassee",
  34383. "1752064",
  34384. "8/29/2003",
  34385. "nan",
  34386. "nan",
  34387. "nan",
  34388. "nan",
  34389. "nan",
  34390. "nan",
  34391. "nan",
  34392. "nan",
  34393. "nan",
  34394. "nan",
  34395. "nan",
  34396. "nan",
  34397. "nan",
  34398. "nan",
  34399. "nan",
  34400. "nan",
  34401. "nan",
  34402. "nan",
  34403. "nan",
  34404. "nan",
  34405. "nan",
  34406. "nan"
  34407. ],
  34408. [
  34409. "080006",
  34410. "31100",
  34411. "loss prevention",
  34412. "alas - attorney's liability",
  34413. "542290092",
  34414. "general/other",
  34415. "(80006.31100) alas work file - nat max & associates \nwork file - nogueira vs. yhnatko and american security insurance\nalas work file - norman vs. media general (gregg thomas)\nalas work file - andrew j. o'connor (grantham/miller/h&k)\nalas work file - paramount & savoy hotels\n(95000.31100) alas - work file roy parikh/ house of india (mclaughlin)\n(80006.16)alas work file - philadelphia preferred abstract corporation vs. dunnells, et al (pleadings)\n(80006.31100) alas work file - pinnacle heath care\n(80006.31100) alas work file - poe & brown, inc. (smith/litschgi)\n(95000.31019) pro bono / professional/ personal \nprofessional liability alas - payphone america 18 feagin, iii 3/05/91\n(80006.31100) alas work file - prudential preferred properties/dunnells\n(80006.31100) work file - robotel, inc.\n(80006.31100) alas work file - rtc/real estate financing, inc. (cason/sampson)\n",
  34416. "4/12/2017",
  34417. "nan",
  34418. "robert r., iii feagin",
  34419. "off-site",
  34420. "feagin, iii robert",
  34421. "nan",
  34422. "tallahassee",
  34423. "2601994",
  34424. "8/29/2003",
  34425. "nan",
  34426. "nan",
  34427. "nan",
  34428. "nan",
  34429. "nan",
  34430. "nan",
  34431. "nan",
  34432. "nan",
  34433. "nan",
  34434. "nan",
  34435. "nan",
  34436. "nan",
  34437. "nan",
  34438. "nan",
  34439. "nan",
  34440. "nan",
  34441. "nan",
  34442. "nan",
  34443. "nan",
  34444. "nan",
  34445. "nan",
  34446. "nan"
  34447. ],
  34448. [
  34449. "080006",
  34450. "31026",
  34451. "loss prevention",
  34452. "alas - centrust savings bank",
  34453. "625580553",
  34454. "general/other",
  34455. "alas \nwork files (h&k supplemental responses to rtc first wave discovery, news articles, bank of winter park rtc, audit, hill and knowlton representation, public relations proposals, rrf notes, representation of centrust prior to february 1990, rtc/fdic open matters as of 11/6/92; fees received, rtc receivership termination program/ joint counsel agreement with keshen\nexhibits",
  34456. "8/24/2017",
  34457. "nan",
  34458. "robert r feagin",
  34459. "off-site",
  34460. "feagin robert",
  34461. "nan",
  34462. "tallahassee",
  34463. "2644240",
  34464. "10/31/1998",
  34465. "nan",
  34466. "nan",
  34467. "nan",
  34468. "nan",
  34469. "nan",
  34470. "nan",
  34471. "nan",
  34472. "nan",
  34473. "nan",
  34474. "nan",
  34475. "nan",
  34476. "nan",
  34477. "nan",
  34478. "nan",
  34479. "nan",
  34480. "nan",
  34481. "nan",
  34482. "nan",
  34483. "nan",
  34484. "nan",
  34485. "nan",
  34486. "nan"
  34487. ],
  34488. [
  34489. "080006",
  34490. "31026",
  34491. "loss prevention",
  34492. "alas - centrust savings bank",
  34493. "625583048",
  34494. "general/other",
  34495. "80006.31026 termination of rtc legal services agreement\n80006.31026 statement of edward d. g. davies to the ots 11/7/91\n95000.31026 rtc/centrust matter - guaranty review committee report and exhibits\n95000.31026 rtc/centrust matter guaranty review committee documents volumes i and ii\n95000.31026 rtc/centrust matter background information\n",
  34496. "8/31/2017",
  34497. "nan",
  34498. "robert r feagin",
  34499. "off-site",
  34500. "feagin robert",
  34501. "nan",
  34502. "tallahassee",
  34503. "2646729",
  34504. "10/31/1998",
  34505. "nan",
  34506. "nan",
  34507. "nan",
  34508. "nan",
  34509. "nan",
  34510. "nan",
  34511. "nan",
  34512. "nan",
  34513. "nan",
  34514. "nan",
  34515. "nan",
  34516. "nan",
  34517. "nan",
  34518. "nan",
  34519. "nan",
  34520. "nan",
  34521. "nan",
  34522. "nan",
  34523. "nan",
  34524. "nan",
  34525. "nan",
  34526. "nan"
  34527. ],
  34528. [
  34529. "080007",
  34530. "00002",
  34531. "administrative",
  34532. "rtc - clean up",
  34533. "tcf0012419",
  34534. "general/other",
  34535. "rtc transfer forms vol i+ii---",
  34536. "6/20/2001",
  34537. "bq1217",
  34538. "warren m. cason",
  34539. "nan",
  34540. "nan",
  34541. "wmc---seq: 0049",
  34542. "tampa",
  34543. "211022",
  34544. "7/14/2000",
  34545. "nan",
  34546. "nan",
  34547. "nan",
  34548. "nan",
  34549. "nan",
  34550. "nan",
  34551. "nan",
  34552. "nan",
  34553. "nan",
  34554. "nan",
  34555. "nan",
  34556. "nan",
  34557. "nan",
  34558. "nan",
  34559. "nan",
  34560. "nan",
  34561. "nan",
  34562. "nan",
  34563. "nan",
  34564. "nan",
  34565. "nan",
  34566. "nan"
  34567. ],
  34568. [
  34569. "080007",
  34570. "00002",
  34571. "administrative",
  34572. "rtc - clean up",
  34573. "tcf0012419",
  34574. "general/other",
  34575. "rtc audit-accelerated payment progra---",
  34576. "6/20/2001",
  34577. "bq1217",
  34578. "warren m. cason",
  34579. "nan",
  34580. "nan",
  34581. "wmc---seq: 0050",
  34582. "tampa",
  34583. "211023",
  34584. "7/14/2000",
  34585. "nan",
  34586. "nan",
  34587. "nan",
  34588. "nan",
  34589. "nan",
  34590. "nan",
  34591. "nan",
  34592. "nan",
  34593. "nan",
  34594. "nan",
  34595. "nan",
  34596. "nan",
  34597. "nan",
  34598. "nan",
  34599. "nan",
  34600. "nan",
  34601. "nan",
  34602. "nan",
  34603. "nan",
  34604. "nan",
  34605. "nan",
  34606. "nan"
  34607. ],
  34608. [
  34609. "080007",
  34610. "00002",
  34611. "administrative",
  34612. "rtc - clean up",
  34613. "tcf0012419",
  34614. "general/other",
  34615. "rtc motions to withdraw state court---",
  34616. "6/20/2001",
  34617. "bq1217",
  34618. "warren m. cason",
  34619. "nan",
  34620. "nan",
  34621. "wmc---seq: 0051",
  34622. "tampa",
  34623. "211024",
  34624. "7/14/2000",
  34625. "nan",
  34626. "nan",
  34627. "nan",
  34628. "nan",
  34629. "nan",
  34630. "nan",
  34631. "nan",
  34632. "nan",
  34633. "nan",
  34634. "nan",
  34635. "nan",
  34636. "nan",
  34637. "nan",
  34638. "nan",
  34639. "nan",
  34640. "nan",
  34641. "nan",
  34642. "nan",
  34643. "nan",
  34644. "nan",
  34645. "nan",
  34646. "nan"
  34647. ],
  34648. [
  34649. "080007",
  34650. "00002",
  34651. "administrative",
  34652. "rtc - clean up",
  34653. "tcf0012419",
  34654. "general/other",
  34655. "rtc motions to withdraw fed court---",
  34656. "6/20/2001",
  34657. "bq1217",
  34658. "warren m. cason",
  34659. "nan",
  34660. "nan",
  34661. "wmc---seq: 0052",
  34662. "tampa",
  34663. "211025",
  34664. "7/14/2000",
  34665. "nan",
  34666. "nan",
  34667. "nan",
  34668. "nan",
  34669. "nan",
  34670. "nan",
  34671. "nan",
  34672. "nan",
  34673. "nan",
  34674. "nan",
  34675. "nan",
  34676. "nan",
  34677. "nan",
  34678. "nan",
  34679. "nan",
  34680. "nan",
  34681. "nan",
  34682. "nan",
  34683. "nan",
  34684. "nan",
  34685. "nan",
  34686. "nan"
  34687. ],
  34688. [
  34689. "080007",
  34690. "00002",
  34691. "administrative",
  34692. "rtc - clean up",
  34693. "tcf0012419",
  34694. "general/other",
  34695. "rtc 93 collections---",
  34696. "6/20/2001",
  34697. "bq1217",
  34698. "warren m. cason",
  34699. "nan",
  34700. "nan",
  34701. "wmc---seq: 0053",
  34702. "tampa",
  34703. "211026",
  34704. "7/14/2000",
  34705. "nan",
  34706. "nan",
  34707. "nan",
  34708. "nan",
  34709. "nan",
  34710. "nan",
  34711. "nan",
  34712. "nan",
  34713. "nan",
  34714. "nan",
  34715. "nan",
  34716. "nan",
  34717. "nan",
  34718. "nan",
  34719. "nan",
  34720. "nan",
  34721. "nan",
  34722. "nan",
  34723. "nan",
  34724. "nan",
  34725. "nan",
  34726. "nan"
  34727. ],
  34728. [
  34729. "080007",
  34730. "00002",
  34731. "administrative",
  34732. "rtc - clean up",
  34733. "tcf0012419",
  34734. "general/other",
  34735. "rtc 93 review of 10/91 uic, bills---",
  34736. "6/20/2001",
  34737. "bq1217",
  34738. "warren m. cason",
  34739. "nan",
  34740. "nan",
  34741. "wmc---seq: 0054",
  34742. "tampa",
  34743. "211027",
  34744. "7/14/2000",
  34745. "nan",
  34746. "nan",
  34747. "nan",
  34748. "nan",
  34749. "nan",
  34750. "nan",
  34751. "nan",
  34752. "nan",
  34753. "nan",
  34754. "nan",
  34755. "nan",
  34756. "nan",
  34757. "nan",
  34758. "nan",
  34759. "nan",
  34760. "nan",
  34761. "nan",
  34762. "nan",
  34763. "nan",
  34764. "nan",
  34765. "nan",
  34766. "nan"
  34767. ],
  34768. [
  34769. "080007",
  34770. "00002",
  34771. "administrative",
  34772. "rtc - clean up",
  34773. "tcf0012419",
  34774. "general/other",
  34775. "rtc corres w/samda contractors---",
  34776. "6/20/2001",
  34777. "bq1217",
  34778. "warren m. cason",
  34779. "nan",
  34780. "nan",
  34781. "wmc---seq: 0055",
  34782. "tampa",
  34783. "211028",
  34784. "7/14/2000",
  34785. "nan",
  34786. "nan",
  34787. "nan",
  34788. "nan",
  34789. "nan",
  34790. "nan",
  34791. "nan",
  34792. "nan",
  34793. "nan",
  34794. "nan",
  34795. "nan",
  34796. "nan",
  34797. "nan",
  34798. "nan",
  34799. "nan",
  34800. "nan",
  34801. "nan",
  34802. "nan",
  34803. "nan",
  34804. "nan",
  34805. "nan",
  34806. "nan"
  34807. ],
  34808. [
  34809. "080007",
  34810. "00002",
  34811. "administrative",
  34812. "rtc - clean up",
  34813. "tcf0012419",
  34814. "general/other",
  34815. "rtc transfer of rtc files---",
  34816. "6/20/2001",
  34817. "bq1217",
  34818. "warren m. cason",
  34819. "nan",
  34820. "nan",
  34821. "wmc---seq: 0056",
  34822. "tampa",
  34823. "211029",
  34824. "7/14/2000",
  34825. "nan",
  34826. "nan",
  34827. "nan",
  34828. "nan",
  34829. "nan",
  34830. "nan",
  34831. "nan",
  34832. "nan",
  34833. "nan",
  34834. "nan",
  34835. "nan",
  34836. "nan",
  34837. "nan",
  34838. "nan",
  34839. "nan",
  34840. "nan",
  34841. "nan",
  34842. "nan",
  34843. "nan",
  34844. "nan",
  34845. "nan",
  34846. "nan"
  34847. ],
  34848. [
  34849. "080007",
  34850. "00002",
  34851. "administrative",
  34852. "rtc - clean up",
  34853. "tcf0012419",
  34854. "general/other",
  34855. "rtc 93 fdic bill pol. related info---",
  34856. "6/20/2001",
  34857. "bq1217",
  34858. "warren m. cason",
  34859. "nan",
  34860. "nan",
  34861. "wmc---seq: 0057",
  34862. "tampa",
  34863. "211030",
  34864. "7/14/2000",
  34865. "nan",
  34866. "nan",
  34867. "nan",
  34868. "nan",
  34869. "nan",
  34870. "nan",
  34871. "nan",
  34872. "nan",
  34873. "nan",
  34874. "nan",
  34875. "nan",
  34876. "nan",
  34877. "nan",
  34878. "nan",
  34879. "nan",
  34880. "nan",
  34881. "nan",
  34882. "nan",
  34883. "nan",
  34884. "nan",
  34885. "nan",
  34886. "nan"
  34887. ],
  34888. [
  34889. "080007",
  34890. "00002",
  34891. "administrative",
  34892. "rtc - clean up",
  34893. "tcf0012419",
  34894. "general/other",
  34895. "rtc 93 fdic misc---",
  34896. "6/20/2001",
  34897. "bq1217",
  34898. "warren m. cason",
  34899. "nan",
  34900. "nan",
  34901. "wmc---seq: 0058",
  34902. "tampa",
  34903. "211031",
  34904. "7/14/2000",
  34905. "nan",
  34906. "nan",
  34907. "nan",
  34908. "nan",
  34909. "nan",
  34910. "nan",
  34911. "nan",
  34912. "nan",
  34913. "nan",
  34914. "nan",
  34915. "nan",
  34916. "nan",
  34917. "nan",
  34918. "nan",
  34919. "nan",
  34920. "nan",
  34921. "nan",
  34922. "nan",
  34923. "nan",
  34924. "nan",
  34925. "nan",
  34926. "nan"
  34927. ],
  34928. [
  34929. "080007",
  34930. "00002",
  34931. "administrative",
  34932. "rtc - clean up",
  34933. "tcf0012419",
  34934. "general/other",
  34935. "rtc transfer of fdic files---",
  34936. "6/20/2001",
  34937. "bq1217",
  34938. "warren m. cason",
  34939. "nan",
  34940. "nan",
  34941. "wmc---seq: 0059",
  34942. "tampa",
  34943. "211032",
  34944. "7/14/2000",
  34945. "nan",
  34946. "nan",
  34947. "nan",
  34948. "nan",
  34949. "nan",
  34950. "nan",
  34951. "nan",
  34952. "nan",
  34953. "nan",
  34954. "nan",
  34955. "nan",
  34956. "nan",
  34957. "nan",
  34958. "nan",
  34959. "nan",
  34960. "nan",
  34961. "nan",
  34962. "nan",
  34963. "nan",
  34964. "nan",
  34965. "nan",
  34966. "nan"
  34967. ],
  34968. [
  34969. "080007",
  34970. "00002",
  34971. "administrative",
  34972. "rtc - clean up",
  34973. "tcf0012419",
  34974. "general/other",
  34975. "rtc steven & karen beck---",
  34976. "6/20/2001",
  34977. "bq1217",
  34978. "warren m. cason",
  34979. "nan",
  34980. "nan",
  34981. "wmc---seq: 0060",
  34982. "tampa",
  34983. "211033",
  34984. "7/14/2000",
  34985. "nan",
  34986. "nan",
  34987. "nan",
  34988. "nan",
  34989. "nan",
  34990. "nan",
  34991. "nan",
  34992. "nan",
  34993. "nan",
  34994. "nan",
  34995. "nan",
  34996. "nan",
  34997. "nan",
  34998. "nan",
  34999. "nan",
  35000. "nan",
  35001. "nan",
  35002. "nan",
  35003. "nan",
  35004. "nan",
  35005. "nan",
  35006. "nan"
  35007. ],
  35008. [
  35009. "080007",
  35010. "00002",
  35011. "administrative",
  35012. "rtc - clean up",
  35013. "tcf0012419",
  35014. "general/other",
  35015. "rtc h&k bradenton---",
  35016. "6/20/2001",
  35017. "bq1217",
  35018. "warren m. cason",
  35019. "nan",
  35020. "nan",
  35021. "wmc---seq: 0061",
  35022. "tampa",
  35023. "211034",
  35024. "7/14/2000",
  35025. "nan",
  35026. "nan",
  35027. "nan",
  35028. "nan",
  35029. "nan",
  35030. "nan",
  35031. "nan",
  35032. "nan",
  35033. "nan",
  35034. "nan",
  35035. "nan",
  35036. "nan",
  35037. "nan",
  35038. "nan",
  35039. "nan",
  35040. "nan",
  35041. "nan",
  35042. "nan",
  35043. "nan",
  35044. "nan",
  35045. "nan",
  35046. "nan"
  35047. ],
  35048. [
  35049. "080007",
  35050. "00002",
  35051. "administrative",
  35052. "rtc - clean up",
  35053. "tcf0012419",
  35054. "general/other",
  35055. "rtc 180-day letters---",
  35056. "6/20/2001",
  35057. "bq1217",
  35058. "warren m. cason",
  35059. "nan",
  35060. "nan",
  35061. "wmc---seq: 0062",
  35062. "tampa",
  35063. "211035",
  35064. "7/14/2000",
  35065. "nan",
  35066. "nan",
  35067. "nan",
  35068. "nan",
  35069. "nan",
  35070. "nan",
  35071. "nan",
  35072. "nan",
  35073. "nan",
  35074. "nan",
  35075. "nan",
  35076. "nan",
  35077. "nan",
  35078. "nan",
  35079. "nan",
  35080. "nan",
  35081. "nan",
  35082. "nan",
  35083. "nan",
  35084. "nan",
  35085. "nan",
  35086. "nan"
  35087. ],
  35088. [
  35089. "080007",
  35090. "00002",
  35091. "administrative",
  35092. "rtc - clean up",
  35093. "tcf0012419",
  35094. "general/other",
  35095. "rtc receivers cert.---",
  35096. "6/20/2001",
  35097. "bq1217",
  35098. "warren m. cason",
  35099. "nan",
  35100. "nan",
  35101. "wmc---seq: 0063",
  35102. "tampa",
  35103. "211036",
  35104. "7/14/2000",
  35105. "nan",
  35106. "nan",
  35107. "nan",
  35108. "nan",
  35109. "nan",
  35110. "nan",
  35111. "nan",
  35112. "nan",
  35113. "nan",
  35114. "nan",
  35115. "nan",
  35116. "nan",
  35117. "nan",
  35118. "nan",
  35119. "nan",
  35120. "nan",
  35121. "nan",
  35122. "nan",
  35123. "nan",
  35124. "nan",
  35125. "nan",
  35126. "nan"
  35127. ],
  35128. [
  35129. "080007",
  35130. "00002",
  35131. "administrative",
  35132. "rtc - clean up",
  35133. "tcf0012419",
  35134. "general/other",
  35135. "rtc misc and post transfer matters---",
  35136. "6/20/2001",
  35137. "bq1217",
  35138. "warren m. cason",
  35139. "nan",
  35140. "nan",
  35141. "wmc---seq: 0064",
  35142. "tampa",
  35143. "211037",
  35144. "7/14/2000",
  35145. "nan",
  35146. "nan",
  35147. "nan",
  35148. "nan",
  35149. "nan",
  35150. "nan",
  35151. "nan",
  35152. "nan",
  35153. "nan",
  35154. "nan",
  35155. "nan",
  35156. "nan",
  35157. "nan",
  35158. "nan",
  35159. "nan",
  35160. "nan",
  35161. "nan",
  35162. "nan",
  35163. "nan",
  35164. "nan",
  35165. "nan",
  35166. "nan"
  35167. ],
  35168. [
  35169. "080007",
  35170. "00002",
  35171. "administrative",
  35172. "rtc - clean up",
  35173. "tcf0012455",
  35174. "general/other",
  35175. "rtc fdic vs---",
  35176. "6/20/2001",
  35177. "bq1256",
  35178. "warren m. cason",
  35179. "nan",
  35180. "nan",
  35181. "wmc---seq: 0013",
  35182. "tampa",
  35183. "211485",
  35184. "7/14/2000",
  35185. "nan",
  35186. "nan",
  35187. "nan",
  35188. "nan",
  35189. "nan",
  35190. "nan",
  35191. "nan",
  35192. "nan",
  35193. "nan",
  35194. "nan",
  35195. "nan",
  35196. "nan",
  35197. "nan",
  35198. "nan",
  35199. "nan",
  35200. "nan",
  35201. "nan",
  35202. "nan",
  35203. "nan",
  35204. "nan",
  35205. "nan",
  35206. "nan"
  35207. ],
  35208. [
  35209. "080007",
  35210. "00002",
  35211. "administrative",
  35212. "rtc - clean up",
  35213. "tcf0012455",
  35214. "general/other",
  35215. "rtc post-representation docs---",
  35216. "6/20/2001",
  35217. "bq1256",
  35218. "warren m. cason",
  35219. "nan",
  35220. "nan",
  35221. "wmc---seq: 0014",
  35222. "tampa",
  35223. "211486",
  35224. "7/14/2000",
  35225. "nan",
  35226. "nan",
  35227. "nan",
  35228. "nan",
  35229. "nan",
  35230. "nan",
  35231. "nan",
  35232. "nan",
  35233. "nan",
  35234. "nan",
  35235. "nan",
  35236. "nan",
  35237. "nan",
  35238. "nan",
  35239. "nan",
  35240. "nan",
  35241. "nan",
  35242. "nan",
  35243. "nan",
  35244. "nan",
  35245. "nan",
  35246. "nan"
  35247. ],
  35248. [
  35249. "080007",
  35250. "00002",
  35251. "administrative",
  35252. "rtc - clean up",
  35253. "tcf0012456",
  35254. "general/other",
  35255. "rtc corres - policy---",
  35256. "6/20/2001",
  35257. "bq1257",
  35258. "warren m. cason",
  35259. "nan",
  35260. "nan",
  35261. "wmc---seq: 0037",
  35262. "tampa",
  35263. "211489",
  35264. "7/14/2000",
  35265. "nan",
  35266. "nan",
  35267. "nan",
  35268. "nan",
  35269. "nan",
  35270. "nan",
  35271. "nan",
  35272. "nan",
  35273. "nan",
  35274. "nan",
  35275. "nan",
  35276. "nan",
  35277. "nan",
  35278. "nan",
  35279. "nan",
  35280. "nan",
  35281. "nan",
  35282. "nan",
  35283. "nan",
  35284. "nan",
  35285. "nan",
  35286. "nan"
  35287. ],
  35288. [
  35289. "080007",
  35290. "00002",
  35291. "administrative",
  35292. "rtc - clean up",
  35293. "tcf0012456",
  35294. "general/other",
  35295. "rtc mid-central kansas city, mo---",
  35296. "6/20/2001",
  35297. "bq1257",
  35298. "warren m. cason",
  35299. "nan",
  35300. "nan",
  35301. "wmc---seq: 0038",
  35302. "tampa",
  35303. "211490",
  35304. "7/14/2000",
  35305. "nan",
  35306. "nan",
  35307. "nan",
  35308. "nan",
  35309. "nan",
  35310. "nan",
  35311. "nan",
  35312. "nan",
  35313. "nan",
  35314. "nan",
  35315. "nan",
  35316. "nan",
  35317. "nan",
  35318. "nan",
  35319. "nan",
  35320. "nan",
  35321. "nan",
  35322. "nan",
  35323. "nan",
  35324. "nan",
  35325. "nan",
  35326. "nan"
  35327. ],
  35328. [
  35329. "080007",
  35330. "00002",
  35331. "administrative",
  35332. "rtc - clean up",
  35333. "tcf0012456",
  35334. "general/other",
  35335. "rtc fslic acquisition agree---",
  35336. "6/20/2001",
  35337. "bq1257",
  35338. "warren m. cason",
  35339. "nan",
  35340. "nan",
  35341. "wmc---seq: 0039",
  35342. "tampa",
  35343. "211491",
  35344. "7/14/2000",
  35345. "nan",
  35346. "nan",
  35347. "nan",
  35348. "nan",
  35349. "nan",
  35350. "nan",
  35351. "nan",
  35352. "nan",
  35353. "nan",
  35354. "nan",
  35355. "nan",
  35356. "nan",
  35357. "nan",
  35358. "nan",
  35359. "nan",
  35360. "nan",
  35361. "nan",
  35362. "nan",
  35363. "nan",
  35364. "nan",
  35365. "nan",
  35366. "nan"
  35367. ],
  35368. [
  35369. "080007",
  35370. "00002",
  35371. "administrative",
  35372. "rtc - clean up",
  35373. "tcf0012456",
  35374. "general/other",
  35375. "rtc reporting memos interoffice---",
  35376. "6/20/2001",
  35377. "bq1257",
  35378. "warren m. cason",
  35379. "nan",
  35380. "nan",
  35381. "wmc---seq: 0040",
  35382. "tampa",
  35383. "211492",
  35384. "7/14/2000",
  35385. "nan",
  35386. "nan",
  35387. "nan",
  35388. "nan",
  35389. "nan",
  35390. "nan",
  35391. "nan",
  35392. "nan",
  35393. "nan",
  35394. "nan",
  35395. "nan",
  35396. "nan",
  35397. "nan",
  35398. "nan",
  35399. "nan",
  35400. "nan",
  35401. "nan",
  35402. "nan",
  35403. "nan",
  35404. "nan",
  35405. "nan",
  35406. "nan"
  35407. ],
  35408. [
  35409. "080007",
  35410. "00002",
  35411. "administrative",
  35412. "rtc - clean up",
  35413. "tcf0012456",
  35414. "general/other",
  35415. "rtc rules regulation and memos---",
  35416. "6/20/2001",
  35417. "bq1257",
  35418. "warren m. cason",
  35419. "nan",
  35420. "nan",
  35421. "wmc---seq: 0041",
  35422. "tampa",
  35423. "211493",
  35424. "7/14/2000",
  35425. "nan",
  35426. "nan",
  35427. "nan",
  35428. "nan",
  35429. "nan",
  35430. "nan",
  35431. "nan",
  35432. "nan",
  35433. "nan",
  35434. "nan",
  35435. "nan",
  35436. "nan",
  35437. "nan",
  35438. "nan",
  35439. "nan",
  35440. "nan",
  35441. "nan",
  35442. "nan",
  35443. "nan",
  35444. "nan",
  35445. "nan",
  35446. "nan"
  35447. ],
  35448. [
  35449. "080007",
  35450. "00002",
  35451. "administrative",
  35452. "rtc - clean up",
  35453. "tcf0012456",
  35454. "general/other",
  35455. "rtc reports to meta inc---",
  35456. "6/20/2001",
  35457. "bq1257",
  35458. "warren m. cason",
  35459. "nan",
  35460. "nan",
  35461. "wmc---seq: 0042",
  35462. "tampa",
  35463. "211494",
  35464. "7/14/2000",
  35465. "nan",
  35466. "nan",
  35467. "nan",
  35468. "nan",
  35469. "nan",
  35470. "nan",
  35471. "nan",
  35472. "nan",
  35473. "nan",
  35474. "nan",
  35475. "nan",
  35476. "nan",
  35477. "nan",
  35478. "nan",
  35479. "nan",
  35480. "nan",
  35481. "nan",
  35482. "nan",
  35483. "nan",
  35484. "nan",
  35485. "nan",
  35486. "nan"
  35487. ],
  35488. [
  35489. "080007",
  35490. "00002",
  35491. "administrative",
  35492. "rtc - clean up",
  35493. "tcf0012456",
  35494. "general/other",
  35495. "rtc cms and fee bill status report---",
  35496. "6/20/2001",
  35497. "bq1257",
  35498. "warren m. cason",
  35499. "nan",
  35500. "nan",
  35501. "wmc---seq: 0043",
  35502. "tampa",
  35503. "211495",
  35504. "7/14/2000",
  35505. "nan",
  35506. "nan",
  35507. "nan",
  35508. "nan",
  35509. "nan",
  35510. "nan",
  35511. "nan",
  35512. "nan",
  35513. "nan",
  35514. "nan",
  35515. "nan",
  35516. "nan",
  35517. "nan",
  35518. "nan",
  35519. "nan",
  35520. "nan",
  35521. "nan",
  35522. "nan",
  35523. "nan",
  35524. "nan",
  35525. "nan",
  35526. "nan"
  35527. ],
  35528. [
  35529. "080007",
  35530. "00002",
  35531. "administrative",
  35532. "rtc - clean up",
  35533. "tcf0012456",
  35534. "general/other",
  35535. "rtc montly status report inter-offic---",
  35536. "6/20/2001",
  35537. "bq1257",
  35538. "warren m. cason",
  35539. "nan",
  35540. "nan",
  35541. "wmc---seq: 0044",
  35542. "tampa",
  35543. "211496",
  35544. "7/14/2000",
  35545. "nan",
  35546. "nan",
  35547. "nan",
  35548. "nan",
  35549. "nan",
  35550. "nan",
  35551. "nan",
  35552. "nan",
  35553. "nan",
  35554. "nan",
  35555. "nan",
  35556. "nan",
  35557. "nan",
  35558. "nan",
  35559. "nan",
  35560. "nan",
  35561. "nan",
  35562. "nan",
  35563. "nan",
  35564. "nan",
  35565. "nan",
  35566. "nan"
  35567. ],
  35568. [
  35569. "080007",
  35570. "00002",
  35571. "administrative",
  35572. "rtc - clean up",
  35573. "tcf0012456",
  35574. "general/other",
  35575. "rtc fee bill status reports misc---",
  35576. "6/20/2001",
  35577. "bq1257",
  35578. "warren m. cason",
  35579. "nan",
  35580. "nan",
  35581. "wmc---seq: 0045",
  35582. "tampa",
  35583. "211497",
  35584. "7/14/2000",
  35585. "nan",
  35586. "nan",
  35587. "nan",
  35588. "nan",
  35589. "nan",
  35590. "nan",
  35591. "nan",
  35592. "nan",
  35593. "nan",
  35594. "nan",
  35595. "nan",
  35596. "nan",
  35597. "nan",
  35598. "nan",
  35599. "nan",
  35600. "nan",
  35601. "nan",
  35602. "nan",
  35603. "nan",
  35604. "nan",
  35605. "nan",
  35606. "nan"
  35607. ],
  35608. [
  35609. "080007",
  35610. "00002",
  35611. "administrative",
  35612. "rtc - clean up",
  35613. "tcf0012456",
  35614. "general/other",
  35615. "rtc misc erb forms---",
  35616. "6/20/2001",
  35617. "bq1257",
  35618. "warren m. cason",
  35619. "nan",
  35620. "nan",
  35621. "wmc---seq: 0046",
  35622. "tampa",
  35623. "211498",
  35624. "7/14/2000",
  35625. "nan",
  35626. "nan",
  35627. "nan",
  35628. "nan",
  35629. "nan",
  35630. "nan",
  35631. "nan",
  35632. "nan",
  35633. "nan",
  35634. "nan",
  35635. "nan",
  35636. "nan",
  35637. "nan",
  35638. "nan",
  35639. "nan",
  35640. "nan",
  35641. "nan",
  35642. "nan",
  35643. "nan",
  35644. "nan",
  35645. "nan",
  35646. "nan"
  35647. ],
  35648. [
  35649. "080007",
  35650. "00002",
  35651. "administrative",
  35652. "rtc - clean up",
  35653. "tcf0012456",
  35654. "general/other",
  35655. "rtc collections---",
  35656. "6/20/2001",
  35657. "bq1257",
  35658. "warren m. cason",
  35659. "nan",
  35660. "nan",
  35661. "wmc---seq: 0047",
  35662. "tampa",
  35663. "211499",
  35664. "7/14/2000",
  35665. "nan",
  35666. "nan",
  35667. "nan",
  35668. "nan",
  35669. "nan",
  35670. "nan",
  35671. "nan",
  35672. "nan",
  35673. "nan",
  35674. "nan",
  35675. "nan",
  35676. "nan",
  35677. "nan",
  35678. "nan",
  35679. "nan",
  35680. "nan",
  35681. "nan",
  35682. "nan",
  35683. "nan",
  35684. "nan",
  35685. "nan",
  35686. "nan"
  35687. ],
  35688. [
  35689. "080007",
  35690. "00002",
  35691. "administrative",
  35692. "rtc - clean up",
  35693. "tcf0012456",
  35694. "general/other",
  35695. "rtc 1st quarter w/fee bill status---",
  35696. "6/20/2001",
  35697. "bq1257",
  35698. "warren m. cason",
  35699. "nan",
  35700. "nan",
  35701. "wmc---seq: 0048",
  35702. "tampa",
  35703. "211500",
  35704. "7/14/2000",
  35705. "nan",
  35706. "nan",
  35707. "nan",
  35708. "nan",
  35709. "nan",
  35710. "nan",
  35711. "nan",
  35712. "nan",
  35713. "nan",
  35714. "nan",
  35715. "nan",
  35716. "nan",
  35717. "nan",
  35718. "nan",
  35719. "nan",
  35720. "nan",
  35721. "nan",
  35722. "nan",
  35723. "nan",
  35724. "nan",
  35725. "nan",
  35726. "nan"
  35727. ],
  35728. [
  35729. "080007",
  35730. "00002",
  35731. "administrative",
  35732. "rtc - clean up",
  35733. "tcf0012457",
  35734. "general/other",
  35735. "rtc corres misc---",
  35736. "6/20/2001",
  35737. "bq1258",
  35738. "warren m. cason",
  35739. "nan",
  35740. "nan",
  35741. "wmc---seq: 0046",
  35742. "tampa",
  35743. "211501",
  35744. "7/14/2000",
  35745. "nan",
  35746. "nan",
  35747. "nan",
  35748. "nan",
  35749. "nan",
  35750. "nan",
  35751. "nan",
  35752. "nan",
  35753. "nan",
  35754. "nan",
  35755. "nan",
  35756. "nan",
  35757. "nan",
  35758. "nan",
  35759. "nan",
  35760. "nan",
  35761. "nan",
  35762. "nan",
  35763. "nan",
  35764. "nan",
  35765. "nan",
  35766. "nan"
  35767. ],
  35768. [
  35769. "080007",
  35770. "00002",
  35771. "administrative",
  35772. "rtc - clean up",
  35773. "tcf0012457",
  35774. "general/other",
  35775. "rtc transfer of files 36082-1---",
  35776. "6/20/2001",
  35777. "bq1258",
  35778. "warren m. cason",
  35779. "nan",
  35780. "nan",
  35781. "wmc---seq: 0047",
  35782. "tampa",
  35783. "211502",
  35784. "7/14/2000",
  35785. "nan",
  35786. "nan",
  35787. "nan",
  35788. "nan",
  35789. "nan",
  35790. "nan",
  35791. "nan",
  35792. "nan",
  35793. "nan",
  35794. "nan",
  35795. "nan",
  35796. "nan",
  35797. "nan",
  35798. "nan",
  35799. "nan",
  35800. "nan",
  35801. "nan",
  35802. "nan",
  35803. "nan",
  35804. "nan",
  35805. "nan",
  35806. "nan"
  35807. ],
  35808. [
  35809. "080007",
  35810. "00002",
  35811. "administrative",
  35812. "rtc - clean up",
  35813. "tcf0012457",
  35814. "general/other",
  35815. "rtc termination of lsa---",
  35816. "6/20/2001",
  35817. "bq1258",
  35818. "warren m. cason",
  35819. "nan",
  35820. "nan",
  35821. "wmc---seq: 0048",
  35822. "tampa",
  35823. "211503",
  35824. "7/14/2000",
  35825. "nan",
  35826. "nan",
  35827. "nan",
  35828. "nan",
  35829. "nan",
  35830. "nan",
  35831. "nan",
  35832. "nan",
  35833. "nan",
  35834. "nan",
  35835. "nan",
  35836. "nan",
  35837. "nan",
  35838. "nan",
  35839. "nan",
  35840. "nan",
  35841. "nan",
  35842. "nan",
  35843. "nan",
  35844. "nan",
  35845. "nan",
  35846. "nan"
  35847. ],
  35848. [
  35849. "080007",
  35850. "00002",
  35851. "administrative",
  35852. "rtc - clean up",
  35853. "tcf0012457",
  35854. "general/other",
  35855. "rtc working file 33610-1---",
  35856. "6/20/2001",
  35857. "bq1258",
  35858. "warren m. cason",
  35859. "nan",
  35860. "nan",
  35861. "wmc---seq: 0049",
  35862. "tampa",
  35863. "211504",
  35864. "7/14/2000",
  35865. "nan",
  35866. "nan",
  35867. "nan",
  35868. "nan",
  35869. "nan",
  35870. "nan",
  35871. "nan",
  35872. "nan",
  35873. "nan",
  35874. "nan",
  35875. "nan",
  35876. "nan",
  35877. "nan",
  35878. "nan",
  35879. "nan",
  35880. "nan",
  35881. "nan",
  35882. "nan",
  35883. "nan",
  35884. "nan",
  35885. "nan",
  35886. "nan"
  35887. ],
  35888. [
  35889. "080007",
  35890. "00002",
  35891. "administrative",
  35892. "rtc - clean up",
  35893. "tcf0012457",
  35894. "general/other",
  35895. "rtc bank of new england occ docs---",
  35896. "6/20/2001",
  35897. "bq1258",
  35898. "warren m. cason",
  35899. "nan",
  35900. "nan",
  35901. "wmc---seq: 0050",
  35902. "tampa",
  35903. "211505",
  35904. "7/14/2000",
  35905. "nan",
  35906. "nan",
  35907. "nan",
  35908. "nan",
  35909. "nan",
  35910. "nan",
  35911. "nan",
  35912. "nan",
  35913. "nan",
  35914. "nan",
  35915. "nan",
  35916. "nan",
  35917. "nan",
  35918. "nan",
  35919. "nan",
  35920. "nan",
  35921. "nan",
  35922. "nan",
  35923. "nan",
  35924. "nan",
  35925. "nan",
  35926. "nan"
  35927. ],
  35928. [
  35929. "080007",
  35930. "00002",
  35931. "administrative",
  35932. "rtc - clean up",
  35933. "tcf0012457",
  35934. "general/other",
  35935. "rtc blank green folder---",
  35936. "6/20/2001",
  35937. "bq1258",
  35938. "warren m. cason",
  35939. "nan",
  35940. "nan",
  35941. "wmc---seq: 0051",
  35942. "tampa",
  35943. "211506",
  35944. "7/14/2000",
  35945. "nan",
  35946. "nan",
  35947. "nan",
  35948. "nan",
  35949. "nan",
  35950. "nan",
  35951. "nan",
  35952. "nan",
  35953. "nan",
  35954. "nan",
  35955. "nan",
  35956. "nan",
  35957. "nan",
  35958. "nan",
  35959. "nan",
  35960. "nan",
  35961. "nan",
  35962. "nan",
  35963. "nan",
  35964. "nan",
  35965. "nan",
  35966. "nan"
  35967. ],
  35968. [
  35969. "080007",
  35970. "00002",
  35971. "administrative",
  35972. "rtc - clean up",
  35973. "tcf0012457",
  35974. "general/other",
  35975. "rtc florida center bank---",
  35976. "6/20/2001",
  35977. "bq1258",
  35978. "warren m. cason",
  35979. "nan",
  35980. "nan",
  35981. "wmc---seq: 0052",
  35982. "tampa",
  35983. "211507",
  35984. "7/14/2000",
  35985. "nan",
  35986. "nan",
  35987. "nan",
  35988. "nan",
  35989. "nan",
  35990. "nan",
  35991. "nan",
  35992. "nan",
  35993. "nan",
  35994. "nan",
  35995. "nan",
  35996. "nan",
  35997. "nan",
  35998. "nan",
  35999. "nan",
  36000. "nan",
  36001. "nan",
  36002. "nan",
  36003. "nan",
  36004. "nan",
  36005. "nan",
  36006. "nan"
  36007. ],
  36008. [
  36009. "080007",
  36010. "00002",
  36011. "administrative",
  36012. "rtc - clean up",
  36013. "tcf0012457",
  36014. "general/other",
  36015. "rtc fee bill stat report freedom sav---",
  36016. "6/20/2001",
  36017. "bq1258",
  36018. "warren m. cason",
  36019. "nan",
  36020. "nan",
  36021. "wmc---seq: 0053",
  36022. "tampa",
  36023. "211508",
  36024. "7/14/2000",
  36025. "nan",
  36026. "nan",
  36027. "nan",
  36028. "nan",
  36029. "nan",
  36030. "nan",
  36031. "nan",
  36032. "nan",
  36033. "nan",
  36034. "nan",
  36035. "nan",
  36036. "nan",
  36037. "nan",
  36038. "nan",
  36039. "nan",
  36040. "nan",
  36041. "nan",
  36042. "nan",
  36043. "nan",
  36044. "nan",
  36045. "nan",
  36046. "nan"
  36047. ],
  36048. [
  36049. "080007",
  36050. "00002",
  36051. "administrative",
  36052. "rtc - clean up",
  36053. "tcf0012457",
  36054. "general/other",
  36055. "rtc fslic reciever-new freedom---",
  36056. "6/20/2001",
  36057. "bq1258",
  36058. "warren m. cason",
  36059. "nan",
  36060. "nan",
  36061. "wmc---seq: 0054",
  36062. "tampa",
  36063. "211509",
  36064. "7/14/2000",
  36065. "nan",
  36066. "nan",
  36067. "nan",
  36068. "nan",
  36069. "nan",
  36070. "nan",
  36071. "nan",
  36072. "nan",
  36073. "nan",
  36074. "nan",
  36075. "nan",
  36076. "nan",
  36077. "nan",
  36078. "nan",
  36079. "nan",
  36080. "nan",
  36081. "nan",
  36082. "nan",
  36083. "nan",
  36084. "nan",
  36085. "nan",
  36086. "nan"
  36087. ],
  36088. [
  36089. "080007",
  36090. "00002",
  36091. "administrative",
  36092. "rtc - clean up",
  36093. "tcf0012457",
  36094. "general/other",
  36095. "rtc american pioneer general---",
  36096. "6/20/2001",
  36097. "bq1258",
  36098. "warren m. cason",
  36099. "nan",
  36100. "nan",
  36101. "wmc---seq: 0055",
  36102. "tampa",
  36103. "211510",
  36104. "7/14/2000",
  36105. "nan",
  36106. "nan",
  36107. "nan",
  36108. "nan",
  36109. "nan",
  36110. "nan",
  36111. "nan",
  36112. "nan",
  36113. "nan",
  36114. "nan",
  36115. "nan",
  36116. "nan",
  36117. "nan",
  36118. "nan",
  36119. "nan",
  36120. "nan",
  36121. "nan",
  36122. "nan",
  36123. "nan",
  36124. "nan",
  36125. "nan",
  36126. "nan"
  36127. ],
  36128. [
  36129. "080007",
  36130. "00002",
  36131. "administrative",
  36132. "rtc - clean up",
  36133. "tcf0012457",
  36134. "general/other",
  36135. "rtc general working file---",
  36136. "6/20/2001",
  36137. "bq1258",
  36138. "warren m. cason",
  36139. "nan",
  36140. "nan",
  36141. "wmc---seq: 0056",
  36142. "tampa",
  36143. "211511",
  36144. "7/14/2000",
  36145. "nan",
  36146. "nan",
  36147. "nan",
  36148. "nan",
  36149. "nan",
  36150. "nan",
  36151. "nan",
  36152. "nan",
  36153. "nan",
  36154. "nan",
  36155. "nan",
  36156. "nan",
  36157. "nan",
  36158. "nan",
  36159. "nan",
  36160. "nan",
  36161. "nan",
  36162. "nan",
  36163. "nan",
  36164. "nan",
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  36176. "6/20/2001",
  36177. "bq1258",
  36178. "warren m. cason",
  36179. "nan",
  36180. "nan",
  36181. "wmc---seq: 0057",
  36182. "tampa",
  36183. "211512",
  36184. "7/14/2000",
  36185. "nan",
  36186. "nan",
  36187. "nan",
  36188. "nan",
  36189. "nan",
  36190. "nan",
  36191. "nan",
  36192. "nan",
  36193. "nan",
  36194. "nan",
  36195. "nan",
  36196. "nan",
  36197. "nan",
  36198. "nan",
  36199. "nan",
  36200. "nan",
  36201. "nan",
  36202. "nan",
  36203. "nan",
  36204. "nan",
  36205. "nan",
  36206. "nan"
  36207. ],
  36208. [
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  36216. "6/20/2001",
  36217. "bq1258",
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  36220. "nan",
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  36222. "tampa",
  36223. "211513",
  36224. "7/14/2000",
  36225. "nan",
  36226. "nan",
  36227. "nan",
  36228. "nan",
  36229. "nan",
  36230. "nan",
  36231. "nan",
  36232. "nan",
  36233. "nan",
  36234. "nan",
  36235. "nan",
  36236. "nan",
  36237. "nan",
  36238. "nan",
  36239. "nan",
  36240. "nan",
  36241. "nan",
  36242. "nan",
  36243. "nan",
  36244. "nan",
  36245. "nan",
  36246. "nan"
  36247. ],
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  36253. "tcf0012457",
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  36255. "rtc park bank closing docs---",
  36256. "6/20/2001",
  36257. "bq1258",
  36258. "warren m. cason",
  36259. "nan",
  36260. "nan",
  36261. "wmc---seq: 0059",
  36262. "tampa",
  36263. "211514",
  36264. "7/14/2000",
  36265. "nan",
  36266. "nan",
  36267. "nan",
  36268. "nan",
  36269. "nan",
  36270. "nan",
  36271. "nan",
  36272. "nan",
  36273. "nan",
  36274. "nan",
  36275. "nan",
  36276. "nan",
  36277. "nan",
  36278. "nan",
  36279. "nan",
  36280. "nan",
  36281. "nan",
  36282. "nan",
  36283. "nan",
  36284. "nan",
  36285. "nan",
  36286. "nan"
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  36296. "6/20/2001",
  36297. "bq1258",
  36298. "warren m. cason",
  36299. "nan",
  36300. "nan",
  36301. "wmc---seq: 0060",
  36302. "tampa",
  36303. "211515",
  36304. "7/14/2000",
  36305. "nan",
  36306. "nan",
  36307. "nan",
  36308. "nan",
  36309. "nan",
  36310. "nan",
  36311. "nan",
  36312. "nan",
  36313. "nan",
  36314. "nan",
  36315. "nan",
  36316. "nan",
  36317. "nan",
  36318. "nan",
  36319. "nan",
  36320. "nan",
  36321. "nan",
  36322. "nan",
  36323. "nan",
  36324. "nan",
  36325. "nan",
  36326. "nan"
  36327. ],
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  36330. "00002",
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  36332. "rtc - clean up",
  36333. "tcf0012458",
  36334. "general/other",
  36335. "rtc retainer refunds---",
  36336. "6/20/2001",
  36337. "bq1259",
  36338. "warren m. cason",
  36339. "nan",
  36340. "nan",
  36341. "wmc---seq: 0017",
  36342. "tampa",
  36343. "211517",
  36344. "7/14/2000",
  36345. "nan",
  36346. "nan",
  36347. "nan",
  36348. "nan",
  36349. "nan",
  36350. "nan",
  36351. "nan",
  36352. "nan",
  36353. "nan",
  36354. "nan",
  36355. "nan",
  36356. "nan",
  36357. "nan",
  36358. "nan",
  36359. "nan",
  36360. "nan",
  36361. "nan",
  36362. "nan",
  36363. "nan",
  36364. "nan",
  36365. "nan",
  36366. "nan"
  36367. ],
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  36373. "tcf0012458",
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  36376. "6/20/2001",
  36377. "bq1259",
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  36380. "nan",
  36381. "wmc---seq: 0018",
  36382. "tampa",
  36383. "211518",
  36384. "7/14/2000",
  36385. "nan",
  36386. "nan",
  36387. "nan",
  36388. "nan",
  36389. "nan",
  36390. "nan",
  36391. "nan",
  36392. "nan",
  36393. "nan",
  36394. "nan",
  36395. "nan",
  36396. "nan",
  36397. "nan",
  36398. "nan",
  36399. "nan",
  36400. "nan",
  36401. "nan",
  36402. "nan",
  36403. "nan",
  36404. "nan",
  36405. "nan",
  36406. "nan"
  36407. ],
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  36416. "6/20/2001",
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  36420. "nan",
  36421. "wmc---seq: 0019",
  36422. "tampa",
  36423. "211519",
  36424. "7/14/2000",
  36425. "nan",
  36426. "nan",
  36427. "nan",
  36428. "nan",
  36429. "nan",
  36430. "nan",
  36431. "nan",
  36432. "nan",
  36433. "nan",
  36434. "nan",
  36435. "nan",
  36436. "nan",
  36437. "nan",
  36438. "nan",
  36439. "nan",
  36440. "nan",
  36441. "nan",
  36442. "nan",
  36443. "nan",
  36444. "nan",
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  36447. ],
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  36456. "6/20/2001",
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  36460. "nan",
  36461. "wmc---seq: 0020",
  36462. "tampa",
  36463. "211520",
  36464. "7/14/2000",
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  36466. "nan",
  36467. "nan",
  36468. "nan",
  36469. "nan",
  36470. "nan",
  36471. "nan",
  36472. "nan",
  36473. "nan",
  36474. "nan",
  36475. "nan",
  36476. "nan",
  36477. "nan",
  36478. "nan",
  36479. "nan",
  36480. "nan",
  36481. "nan",
  36482. "nan",
  36483. "nan",
  36484. "nan",
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  36486. "nan"
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  36496. "6/20/2001",
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  36500. "nan",
  36501. "wmc---seq: 0130",
  36502. "tampa",
  36503. "211521",
  36504. "7/14/2000",
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  36506. "nan",
  36507. "nan",
  36508. "nan",
  36509. "nan",
  36510. "nan",
  36511. "nan",
  36512. "nan",
  36513. "nan",
  36514. "nan",
  36515. "nan",
  36516. "nan",
  36517. "nan",
  36518. "nan",
  36519. "nan",
  36520. "nan",
  36521. "nan",
  36522. "nan",
  36523. "nan",
  36524. "nan",
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  36526. "nan"
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  36533. "tcf0012459",
  36534. "general/other",
  36535. "rtc atlantic federal 38468---",
  36536. "6/20/2001",
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  36538. "warren m. cason",
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  36540. "nan",
  36541. "wmc---seq: 0131",
  36542. "tampa",
  36543. "211522",
  36544. "7/14/2000",
  36545. "nan",
  36546. "nan",
  36547. "nan",
  36548. "nan",
  36549. "nan",
  36550. "nan",
  36551. "nan",
  36552. "nan",
  36553. "nan",
  36554. "nan",
  36555. "nan",
  36556. "nan",
  36557. "nan",
  36558. "nan",
  36559. "nan",
  36560. "nan",
  36561. "nan",
  36562. "nan",
  36563. "nan",
  36564. "nan",
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  36566. "nan"
  36567. ],
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  36576. "6/20/2001",
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  36579. "nan",
  36580. "nan",
  36581. "wmc---seq: 0132",
  36582. "tampa",
  36583. "211523",
  36584. "7/14/2000",
  36585. "nan",
  36586. "nan",
  36587. "nan",
  36588. "nan",
  36589. "nan",
  36590. "nan",
  36591. "nan",
  36592. "nan",
  36593. "nan",
  36594. "nan",
  36595. "nan",
  36596. "nan",
  36597. "nan",
  36598. "nan",
  36599. "nan",
  36600. "nan",
  36601. "nan",
  36602. "nan",
  36603. "nan",
  36604. "nan",
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  36606. "nan"
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  36616. "6/20/2001",
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  36620. "nan",
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  36622. "tampa",
  36623. "211524",
  36624. "7/14/2000",
  36625. "nan",
  36626. "nan",
  36627. "nan",
  36628. "nan",
  36629. "nan",
  36630. "nan",
  36631. "nan",
  36632. "nan",
  36633. "nan",
  36634. "nan",
  36635. "nan",
  36636. "nan",
  36637. "nan",
  36638. "nan",
  36639. "nan",
  36640. "nan",
  36641. "nan",
  36642. "nan",
  36643. "nan",
  36644. "nan",
  36645. "nan",
  36646. "nan"
  36647. ],
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  36653. "tcf0012459",
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  36655. "rtc jacksonville federal---",
  36656. "6/20/2001",
  36657. "bq1260",
  36658. "warren m. cason",
  36659. "nan",
  36660. "nan",
  36661. "wmc---seq: 0134",
  36662. "tampa",
  36663. "211525",
  36664. "7/14/2000",
  36665. "nan",
  36666. "nan",
  36667. "nan",
  36668. "nan",
  36669. "nan",
  36670. "nan",
  36671. "nan",
  36672. "nan",
  36673. "nan",
  36674. "nan",
  36675. "nan",
  36676. "nan",
  36677. "nan",
  36678. "nan",
  36679. "nan",
  36680. "nan",
  36681. "nan",
  36682. "nan",
  36683. "nan",
  36684. "nan",
  36685. "nan",
  36686. "nan"
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  36688. [
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  36694. "general/other",
  36695. "rtc empire of america 41608---",
  36696. "6/20/2001",
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  36700. "nan",
  36701. "wmc---seq: 0135",
  36702. "tampa",
  36703. "211526",
  36704. "7/14/2000",
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  36706. "nan",
  36707. "nan",
  36708. "nan",
  36709. "nan",
  36710. "nan",
  36711. "nan",
  36712. "nan",
  36713. "nan",
  36714. "nan",
  36715. "nan",
  36716. "nan",
  36717. "nan",
  36718. "nan",
  36719. "nan",
  36720. "nan",
  36721. "nan",
  36722. "nan",
  36723. "nan",
  36724. "nan",
  36725. "nan",
  36726. "nan"
  36727. ],
  36728. [
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  36733. "tcf0012459",
  36734. "general/other",
  36735. "rtc cross roads s&l 28019---",
  36736. "6/20/2001",
  36737. "bq1260",
  36738. "warren m. cason",
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  36740. "nan",
  36741. "wmc---seq: 0136",
  36742. "tampa",
  36743. "211527",
  36744. "7/14/2000",
  36745. "nan",
  36746. "nan",
  36747. "nan",
  36748. "nan",
  36749. "nan",
  36750. "nan",
  36751. "nan",
  36752. "nan",
  36753. "nan",
  36754. "nan",
  36755. "nan",
  36756. "nan",
  36757. "nan",
  36758. "nan",
  36759. "nan",
  36760. "nan",
  36761. "nan",
  36762. "nan",
  36763. "nan",
  36764. "nan",
  36765. "nan",
  36766. "nan"
  36767. ],
  36768. [
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  36773. "tcf0012459",
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  36775. "rtc colony federal 28025---",
  36776. "6/20/2001",
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  36778. "warren m. cason",
  36779. "nan",
  36780. "nan",
  36781. "wmc---seq: 0137",
  36782. "tampa",
  36783. "211528",
  36784. "7/14/2000",
  36785. "nan",
  36786. "nan",
  36787. "nan",
  36788. "nan",
  36789. "nan",
  36790. "nan",
  36791. "nan",
  36792. "nan",
  36793. "nan",
  36794. "nan",
  36795. "nan",
  36796. "nan",
  36797. "nan",
  36798. "nan",
  36799. "nan",
  36800. "nan",
  36801. "nan",
  36802. "nan",
  36803. "nan",
  36804. "nan",
  36805. "nan",
  36806. "nan"
  36807. ],
  36808. [
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  36816. "6/20/2001",
  36817. "bq1260",
  36818. "warren m. cason",
  36819. "nan",
  36820. "nan",
  36821. "wmc---seq: 0138",
  36822. "tampa",
  36823. "211529",
  36824. "7/14/2000",
  36825. "nan",
  36826. "nan",
  36827. "nan",
  36828. "nan",
  36829. "nan",
  36830. "nan",
  36831. "nan",
  36832. "nan",
  36833. "nan",
  36834. "nan",
  36835. "nan",
  36836. "nan",
  36837. "nan",
  36838. "nan",
  36839. "nan",
  36840. "nan",
  36841. "nan",
  36842. "nan",
  36843. "nan",
  36844. "nan",
  36845. "nan",
  36846. "nan"
  36847. ],
  36848. [
  36849. "080007",
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  36855. "rtc mississippi savings 30022---",
  36856. "6/20/2001",
  36857. "bq1260",
  36858. "warren m. cason",
  36859. "nan",
  36860. "nan",
  36861. "wmc---seq: 0139",
  36862. "tampa",
  36863. "211530",
  36864. "7/14/2000",
  36865. "nan",
  36866. "nan",
  36867. "nan",
  36868. "nan",
  36869. "nan",
  36870. "nan",
  36871. "nan",
  36872. "nan",
  36873. "nan",
  36874. "nan",
  36875. "nan",
  36876. "nan",
  36877. "nan",
  36878. "nan",
  36879. "nan",
  36880. "nan",
  36881. "nan",
  36882. "nan",
  36883. "nan",
  36884. "nan",
  36885. "nan",
  36886. "nan"
  36887. ],
  36888. [
  36889. "080007",
  36890. "00002",
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  36894. "general/other",
  36895. "rtc fidelity federal 33384---",
  36896. "6/20/2001",
  36897. "bq1260",
  36898. "warren m. cason",
  36899. "nan",
  36900. "nan",
  36901. "wmc---seq: 0140",
  36902. "tampa",
  36903. "211531",
  36904. "7/14/2000",
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  36906. "nan",
  36907. "nan",
  36908. "nan",
  36909. "nan",
  36910. "nan",
  36911. "nan",
  36912. "nan",
  36913. "nan",
  36914. "nan",
  36915. "nan",
  36916. "nan",
  36917. "nan",
  36918. "nan",
  36919. "nan",
  36920. "nan",
  36921. "nan",
  36922. "nan",
  36923. "nan",
  36924. "nan",
  36925. "nan",
  36926. "nan"
  36927. ],
  36928. [
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  36933. "tcf0012459",
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  36936. "6/20/2001",
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  36940. "nan",
  36941. "wmc---seq: 0141",
  36942. "tampa",
  36943. "211532",
  36944. "7/14/2000",
  36945. "nan",
  36946. "nan",
  36947. "nan",
  36948. "nan",
  36949. "nan",
  36950. "nan",
  36951. "nan",
  36952. "nan",
  36953. "nan",
  36954. "nan",
  36955. "nan",
  36956. "nan",
  36957. "nan",
  36958. "nan",
  36959. "nan",
  36960. "nan",
  36961. "nan",
  36962. "nan",
  36963. "nan",
  36964. "nan",
  36965. "nan",
  36966. "nan"
  36967. ],
  36968. [
  36969. "080007",
  36970. "00002",
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  36973. "tcf0012459",
  36974. "general/other",
  36975. "rtc horizon savings 34112---",
  36976. "6/20/2001",
  36977. "bq1260",
  36978. "warren m. cason",
  36979. "nan",
  36980. "nan",
  36981. "wmc---seq: 0142",
  36982. "tampa",
  36983. "211533",
  36984. "7/14/2000",
  36985. "nan",
  36986. "nan",
  36987. "nan",
  36988. "nan",
  36989. "nan",
  36990. "nan",
  36991. "nan",
  36992. "nan",
  36993. "nan",
  36994. "nan",
  36995. "nan",
  36996. "nan",
  36997. "nan",
  36998. "nan",
  36999. "nan",
  37000. "nan",
  37001. "nan",
  37002. "nan",
  37003. "nan",
  37004. "nan",
  37005. "nan",
  37006. "nan"
  37007. ],
  37008. [
  37009. "080007",
  37010. "00002",
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  37014. "general/other",
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  37016. "6/20/2001",
  37017. "bq1260",
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  37020. "nan",
  37021. "wmc---seq: 0143",
  37022. "tampa",
  37023. "211534",
  37024. "7/14/2000",
  37025. "nan",
  37026. "nan",
  37027. "nan",
  37028. "nan",
  37029. "nan",
  37030. "nan",
  37031. "nan",
  37032. "nan",
  37033. "nan",
  37034. "nan",
  37035. "nan",
  37036. "nan",
  37037. "nan",
  37038. "nan",
  37039. "nan",
  37040. "nan",
  37041. "nan",
  37042. "nan",
  37043. "nan",
  37044. "nan",
  37045. "nan",
  37046. "nan"
  37047. ],
  37048. [
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  37050. "00002",
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  37055. "rtc lincoln federal 34870---",
  37056. "6/20/2001",
  37057. "bq1260",
  37058. "warren m. cason",
  37059. "nan",
  37060. "nan",
  37061. "wmc---seq: 0144",
  37062. "tampa",
  37063. "211535",
  37064. "7/14/2000",
  37065. "nan",
  37066. "nan",
  37067. "nan",
  37068. "nan",
  37069. "nan",
  37070. "nan",
  37071. "nan",
  37072. "nan",
  37073. "nan",
  37074. "nan",
  37075. "nan",
  37076. "nan",
  37077. "nan",
  37078. "nan",
  37079. "nan",
  37080. "nan",
  37081. "nan",
  37082. "nan",
  37083. "nan",
  37084. "nan",
  37085. "nan",
  37086. "nan"
  37087. ],
  37088. [
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  37095. "rtc american pioneer 34901---",
  37096. "6/20/2001",
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  37100. "nan",
  37101. "wmc---seq: 0145",
  37102. "tampa",
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  37104. "7/14/2000",
  37105. "nan",
  37106. "nan",
  37107. "nan",
  37108. "nan",
  37109. "nan",
  37110. "nan",
  37111. "nan",
  37112. "nan",
  37113. "nan",
  37114. "nan",
  37115. "nan",
  37116. "nan",
  37117. "nan",
  37118. "nan",
  37119. "nan",
  37120. "nan",
  37121. "nan",
  37122. "nan",
  37123. "nan",
  37124. "nan",
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  37126. "nan"
  37127. ],
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  37135. "rtc freedom federal 35339---",
  37136. "6/20/2001",
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  37140. "nan",
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  37142. "tampa",
  37143. "211537",
  37144. "7/14/2000",
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  37146. "nan",
  37147. "nan",
  37148. "nan",
  37149. "nan",
  37150. "nan",
  37151. "nan",
  37152. "nan",
  37153. "nan",
  37154. "nan",
  37155. "nan",
  37156. "nan",
  37157. "nan",
  37158. "nan",
  37159. "nan",
  37160. "nan",
  37161. "nan",
  37162. "nan",
  37163. "nan",
  37164. "nan",
  37165. "nan",
  37166. "nan"
  37167. ],
  37168. [
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  37175. "rtc general federal 35660---",
  37176. "6/20/2001",
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  37180. "nan",
  37181. "wmc---seq: 0147",
  37182. "tampa",
  37183. "211538",
  37184. "7/14/2000",
  37185. "nan",
  37186. "nan",
  37187. "nan",
  37188. "nan",
  37189. "nan",
  37190. "nan",
  37191. "nan",
  37192. "nan",
  37193. "nan",
  37194. "nan",
  37195. "nan",
  37196. "nan",
  37197. "nan",
  37198. "nan",
  37199. "nan",
  37200. "nan",
  37201. "nan",
  37202. "nan",
  37203. "nan",
  37204. "nan",
  37205. "nan",
  37206. "nan"
  37207. ],
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  37216. "6/20/2001",
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  37220. "nan",
  37221. "wmc---seq: 0148",
  37222. "tampa",
  37223. "211539",
  37224. "7/14/2000",
  37225. "nan",
  37226. "nan",
  37227. "nan",
  37228. "nan",
  37229. "nan",
  37230. "nan",
  37231. "nan",
  37232. "nan",
  37233. "nan",
  37234. "nan",
  37235. "nan",
  37236. "nan",
  37237. "nan",
  37238. "nan",
  37239. "nan",
  37240. "nan",
  37241. "nan",
  37242. "nan",
  37243. "nan",
  37244. "nan",
  37245. "nan",
  37246. "nan"
  37247. ],
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  37256. "6/20/2001",
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  37260. "nan",
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  37262. "tampa",
  37263. "211540",
  37264. "7/14/2000",
  37265. "nan",
  37266. "nan",
  37267. "nan",
  37268. "nan",
  37269. "nan",
  37270. "nan",
  37271. "nan",
  37272. "nan",
  37273. "nan",
  37274. "nan",
  37275. "nan",
  37276. "nan",
  37277. "nan",
  37278. "nan",
  37279. "nan",
  37280. "nan",
  37281. "nan",
  37282. "nan",
  37283. "nan",
  37284. "nan",
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  37286. "nan"
  37287. ],
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  37293. "tcf0012459",
  37294. "general/other",
  37295. "rtc the first f.a. 38500---",
  37296. "6/20/2001",
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  37300. "nan",
  37301. "wmc---seq: 0150",
  37302. "tampa",
  37303. "211541",
  37304. "7/14/2000",
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  37306. "nan",
  37307. "nan",
  37308. "nan",
  37309. "nan",
  37310. "nan",
  37311. "nan",
  37312. "nan",
  37313. "nan",
  37314. "nan",
  37315. "nan",
  37316. "nan",
  37317. "nan",
  37318. "nan",
  37319. "nan",
  37320. "nan",
  37321. "nan",
  37322. "nan",
  37323. "nan",
  37324. "nan",
  37325. "nan",
  37326. "nan"
  37327. ],
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  37334. "general/other",
  37335. "rtc kilburn young 38502---",
  37336. "6/20/2001",
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  37340. "nan",
  37341. "wmc---seq: 0151",
  37342. "tampa",
  37343. "211542",
  37344. "7/14/2000",
  37345. "nan",
  37346. "nan",
  37347. "nan",
  37348. "nan",
  37349. "nan",
  37350. "nan",
  37351. "nan",
  37352. "nan",
  37353. "nan",
  37354. "nan",
  37355. "nan",
  37356. "nan",
  37357. "nan",
  37358. "nan",
  37359. "nan",
  37360. "nan",
  37361. "nan",
  37362. "nan",
  37363. "nan",
  37364. "nan",
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  37367. ],
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  37373. "tcf0012459",
  37374. "general/other",
  37375. "rtc bowest cypress savings 37248---",
  37376. "6/20/2001",
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  37380. "nan",
  37381. "wmc---seq: 0152",
  37382. "tampa",
  37383. "211543",
  37384. "7/14/2000",
  37385. "nan",
  37386. "nan",
  37387. "nan",
  37388. "nan",
  37389. "nan",
  37390. "nan",
  37391. "nan",
  37392. "nan",
  37393. "nan",
  37394. "nan",
  37395. "nan",
  37396. "nan",
  37397. "nan",
  37398. "nan",
  37399. "nan",
  37400. "nan",
  37401. "nan",
  37402. "nan",
  37403. "nan",
  37404. "nan",
  37405. "nan",
  37406. "nan"
  37407. ],
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  37416. "6/20/2001",
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  37420. "nan",
  37421. "wmc---seq: 0153",
  37422. "tampa",
  37423. "211544",
  37424. "7/14/2000",
  37425. "nan",
  37426. "nan",
  37427. "nan",
  37428. "nan",
  37429. "nan",
  37430. "nan",
  37431. "nan",
  37432. "nan",
  37433. "nan",
  37434. "nan",
  37435. "nan",
  37436. "nan",
  37437. "nan",
  37438. "nan",
  37439. "nan",
  37440. "nan",
  37441. "nan",
  37442. "nan",
  37443. "nan",
  37444. "nan",
  37445. "nan",
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  37447. ],
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  37455. "rtc park bank 27657---",
  37456. "6/20/2001",
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  37460. "nan",
  37461. "wmc---seq: 0154",
  37462. "tampa",
  37463. "211545",
  37464. "7/14/2000",
  37465. "nan",
  37466. "nan",
  37467. "nan",
  37468. "nan",
  37469. "nan",
  37470. "nan",
  37471. "nan",
  37472. "nan",
  37473. "nan",
  37474. "nan",
  37475. "nan",
  37476. "nan",
  37477. "nan",
  37478. "nan",
  37479. "nan",
  37480. "nan",
  37481. "nan",
  37482. "nan",
  37483. "nan",
  37484. "nan",
  37485. "nan",
  37486. "nan"
  37487. ],
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  37495. "rtc florida center bank 27658---",
  37496. "6/20/2001",
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  37500. "nan",
  37501. "wmc---seq: 0155",
  37502. "tampa",
  37503. "211546",
  37504. "7/14/2000",
  37505. "nan",
  37506. "nan",
  37507. "nan",
  37508. "nan",
  37509. "nan",
  37510. "nan",
  37511. "nan",
  37512. "nan",
  37513. "nan",
  37514. "nan",
  37515. "nan",
  37516. "nan",
  37517. "nan",
  37518. "nan",
  37519. "nan",
  37520. "nan",
  37521. "nan",
  37522. "nan",
  37523. "nan",
  37524. "nan",
  37525. "nan",
  37526. "nan"
  37527. ],
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  37534. "general/other",
  37535. "rtc first american bank & tr. 28011---",
  37536. "6/20/2001",
  37537. "bq1260",
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  37540. "nan",
  37541. "wmc---seq: 0156",
  37542. "tampa",
  37543. "211547",
  37544. "7/14/2000",
  37545. "nan",
  37546. "nan",
  37547. "nan",
  37548. "nan",
  37549. "nan",
  37550. "nan",
  37551. "nan",
  37552. "nan",
  37553. "nan",
  37554. "nan",
  37555. "nan",
  37556. "nan",
  37557. "nan",
  37558. "nan",
  37559. "nan",
  37560. "nan",
  37561. "nan",
  37562. "nan",
  37563. "nan",
  37564. "nan",
  37565. "nan",
  37566. "nan"
  37567. ],
  37568. [
  37569. "080007",
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  37575. "rtc creditbank 28015---",
  37576. "6/20/2001",
  37577. "bq1260",
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  37579. "nan",
  37580. "nan",
  37581. "wmc---seq: 0157",
  37582. "tampa",
  37583. "211548",
  37584. "7/14/2000",
  37585. "nan",
  37586. "nan",
  37587. "nan",
  37588. "nan",
  37589. "nan",
  37590. "nan",
  37591. "nan",
  37592. "nan",
  37593. "nan",
  37594. "nan",
  37595. "nan",
  37596. "nan",
  37597. "nan",
  37598. "nan",
  37599. "nan",
  37600. "nan",
  37601. "nan",
  37602. "nan",
  37603. "nan",
  37604. "nan",
  37605. "nan",
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  37607. ],
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  37616. "6/20/2001",
  37617. "bq1260",
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  37620. "nan",
  37621. "wmc---seq: 0158",
  37622. "tampa",
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  37624. "7/14/2000",
  37625. "nan",
  37626. "nan",
  37627. "nan",
  37628. "nan",
  37629. "nan",
  37630. "nan",
  37631. "nan",
  37632. "nan",
  37633. "nan",
  37634. "nan",
  37635. "nan",
  37636. "nan",
  37637. "nan",
  37638. "nan",
  37639. "nan",
  37640. "nan",
  37641. "nan",
  37642. "nan",
  37643. "nan",
  37644. "nan",
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  37647. ],
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  37654. "general/other",
  37655. "rtc bank of new england 28017---",
  37656. "6/20/2001",
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  37659. "nan",
  37660. "nan",
  37661. "wmc---seq: 0159",
  37662. "tampa",
  37663. "211550",
  37664. "7/14/2000",
  37665. "nan",
  37666. "nan",
  37667. "nan",
  37668. "nan",
  37669. "nan",
  37670. "nan",
  37671. "nan",
  37672. "nan",
  37673. "nan",
  37674. "nan",
  37675. "nan",
  37676. "nan",
  37677. "nan",
  37678. "nan",
  37679. "nan",
  37680. "nan",
  37681. "nan",
  37682. "nan",
  37683. "nan",
  37684. "nan",
  37685. "nan",
  37686. "nan"
  37687. ],
  37688. [
  37689. "080007",
  37690. "00002",
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  37693. "tcf0012459",
  37694. "general/other",
  37695. "rtc sunrise savings 28018---",
  37696. "6/20/2001",
  37697. "bq1260",
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  37699. "nan",
  37700. "nan",
  37701. "wmc---seq: 0160",
  37702. "tampa",
  37703. "211551",
  37704. "7/14/2000",
  37705. "nan",
  37706. "nan",
  37707. "nan",
  37708. "nan",
  37709. "nan",
  37710. "nan",
  37711. "nan",
  37712. "nan",
  37713. "nan",
  37714. "nan",
  37715. "nan",
  37716. "nan",
  37717. "nan",
  37718. "nan",
  37719. "nan",
  37720. "nan",
  37721. "nan",
  37722. "nan",
  37723. "nan",
  37724. "nan",
  37725. "nan",
  37726. "nan"
  37727. ],
  37728. [
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  37735. "rtc broadway bank 33520---",
  37736. "6/20/2001",
  37737. "bq1260",
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  37739. "nan",
  37740. "nan",
  37741. "wmc---seq: 0161",
  37742. "tampa",
  37743. "211552",
  37744. "7/14/2000",
  37745. "nan",
  37746. "nan",
  37747. "nan",
  37748. "nan",
  37749. "nan",
  37750. "nan",
  37751. "nan",
  37752. "nan",
  37753. "nan",
  37754. "nan",
  37755. "nan",
  37756. "nan",
  37757. "nan",
  37758. "nan",
  37759. "nan",
  37760. "nan",
  37761. "nan",
  37762. "nan",
  37763. "nan",
  37764. "nan",
  37765. "nan",
  37766. "nan"
  37767. ],
  37768. [
  37769. "080007",
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  37773. "tcf0012459",
  37774. "general/other",
  37775. "rtc first american bank & tr. 33708---",
  37776. "6/20/2001",
  37777. "bq1260",
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  37780. "nan",
  37781. "wmc---seq: 0162",
  37782. "tampa",
  37783. "211553",
  37784. "7/14/2000",
  37785. "nan",
  37786. "nan",
  37787. "nan",
  37788. "nan",
  37789. "nan",
  37790. "nan",
  37791. "nan",
  37792. "nan",
  37793. "nan",
  37794. "nan",
  37795. "nan",
  37796. "nan",
  37797. "nan",
  37798. "nan",
  37799. "nan",
  37800. "nan",
  37801. "nan",
  37802. "nan",
  37803. "nan",
  37804. "nan",
  37805. "nan",
  37806. "nan"
  37807. ],
  37808. [
  37809. "080007",
  37810. "00002",
  37811. "administrative",
  37812. "rtc - clean up",
  37813. "tcf0012459",
  37814. "general/other",
  37815. "rtc goldome 36782---",
  37816. "6/20/2001",
  37817. "bq1260",
  37818. "warren m. cason",
  37819. "nan",
  37820. "nan",
  37821. "wmc---seq: 0163",
  37822. "tampa",
  37823. "211554",
  37824. "7/14/2000",
  37825. "nan",
  37826. "nan",
  37827. "nan",
  37828. "nan",
  37829. "nan",
  37830. "nan",
  37831. "nan",
  37832. "nan",
  37833. "nan",
  37834. "nan",
  37835. "nan",
  37836. "nan",
  37837. "nan",
  37838. "nan",
  37839. "nan",
  37840. "nan",
  37841. "nan",
  37842. "nan",
  37843. "nan",
  37844. "nan",
  37845. "nan",
  37846. "nan"
  37847. ],
  37848. [
  37849. "080007",
  37850. "00002",
  37851. "administrative",
  37852. "rtc - clean up",
  37853. "tcf0012459",
  37854. "general/other",
  37855. "rtc southeast bank 37193---",
  37856. "6/20/2001",
  37857. "bq1260",
  37858. "warren m. cason",
  37859. "nan",
  37860. "nan",
  37861. "wmc---seq: 0164",
  37862. "tampa",
  37863. "211555",
  37864. "7/14/2000",
  37865. "nan",
  37866. "nan",
  37867. "nan",
  37868. "nan",
  37869. "nan",
  37870. "nan",
  37871. "nan",
  37872. "nan",
  37873. "nan",
  37874. "nan",
  37875. "nan",
  37876. "nan",
  37877. "nan",
  37878. "nan",
  37879. "nan",
  37880. "nan",
  37881. "nan",
  37882. "nan",
  37883. "nan",
  37884. "nan",
  37885. "nan",
  37886. "nan"
  37887. ],
  37888. [
  37889. "080007",
  37890. "00002",
  37891. "administrative",
  37892. "rtc - clean up",
  37893. "tcf0012459",
  37894. "general/other",
  37895. "rtc first american bank & tr 25178---",
  37896. "6/20/2001",
  37897. "bq1260",
  37898. "warren m. cason",
  37899. "nan",
  37900. "nan",
  37901. "wmc---seq: 0165",
  37902. "tampa",
  37903. "211556",
  37904. "7/14/2000",
  37905. "nan",
  37906. "nan",
  37907. "nan",
  37908. "nan",
  37909. "nan",
  37910. "nan",
  37911. "nan",
  37912. "nan",
  37913. "nan",
  37914. "nan",
  37915. "nan",
  37916. "nan",
  37917. "nan",
  37918. "nan",
  37919. "nan",
  37920. "nan",
  37921. "nan",
  37922. "nan",
  37923. "nan",
  37924. "nan",
  37925. "nan",
  37926. "nan"
  37927. ],
  37928. [
  37929. "080007",
  37930. "00002",
  37931. "administrative",
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  37933. "tcf0012459",
  37934. "general/other",
  37935. "rtc enterprise 28014---",
  37936. "6/20/2001",
  37937. "bq1260",
  37938. "warren m. cason",
  37939. "nan",
  37940. "nan",
  37941. "wmc---seq: 0166",
  37942. "tampa",
  37943. "211557",
  37944. "7/14/2000",
  37945. "nan",
  37946. "nan",
  37947. "nan",
  37948. "nan",
  37949. "nan",
  37950. "nan",
  37951. "nan",
  37952. "nan",
  37953. "nan",
  37954. "nan",
  37955. "nan",
  37956. "nan",
  37957. "nan",
  37958. "nan",
  37959. "nan",
  37960. "nan",
  37961. "nan",
  37962. "nan",
  37963. "nan",
  37964. "nan",
  37965. "nan",
  37966. "nan"
  37967. ],
  37968. [
  37969. "080007",
  37970. "00002",
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  37972. "rtc - clean up",
  37973. "tcf0012459",
  37974. "general/other",
  37975. "rtc county bank 28002---",
  37976. "6/20/2001",
  37977. "bq1260",
  37978. "warren m. cason",
  37979. "nan",
  37980. "nan",
  37981. "wmc---seq: 0167",
  37982. "tampa",
  37983. "211558",
  37984. "7/14/2000",
  37985. "nan",
  37986. "nan",
  37987. "nan",
  37988. "nan",
  37989. "nan",
  37990. "nan",
  37991. "nan",
  37992. "nan",
  37993. "nan",
  37994. "nan",
  37995. "nan",
  37996. "nan",
  37997. "nan",
  37998. "nan",
  37999. "nan",
  38000. "nan",
  38001. "nan",
  38002. "nan",
  38003. "nan",
  38004. "nan",
  38005. "nan",
  38006. "nan"
  38007. ],
  38008. [
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  38013. "tcf0012459",
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  38016. "6/20/2001",
  38017. "bq1260",
  38018. "warren m. cason",
  38019. "nan",
  38020. "nan",
  38021. "wmc---seq: 0168",
  38022. "tampa",
  38023. "211559",
  38024. "7/14/2000",
  38025. "nan",
  38026. "nan",
  38027. "nan",
  38028. "nan",
  38029. "nan",
  38030. "nan",
  38031. "nan",
  38032. "nan",
  38033. "nan",
  38034. "nan",
  38035. "nan",
  38036. "nan",
  38037. "nan",
  38038. "nan",
  38039. "nan",
  38040. "nan",
  38041. "nan",
  38042. "nan",
  38043. "nan",
  38044. "nan",
  38045. "nan",
  38046. "nan"
  38047. ],
  38048. [
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  38053. "tcf0012459",
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  38056. "6/20/2001",
  38057. "bq1260",
  38058. "warren m. cason",
  38059. "nan",
  38060. "nan",
  38061. "wmc---seq: 0169",
  38062. "tampa",
  38063. "211560",
  38064. "7/14/2000",
  38065. "nan",
  38066. "nan",
  38067. "nan",
  38068. "nan",
  38069. "nan",
  38070. "nan",
  38071. "nan",
  38072. "nan",
  38073. "nan",
  38074. "nan",
  38075. "nan",
  38076. "nan",
  38077. "nan",
  38078. "nan",
  38079. "nan",
  38080. "nan",
  38081. "nan",
  38082. "nan",
  38083. "nan",
  38084. "nan",
  38085. "nan",
  38086. "nan"
  38087. ],
  38088. [
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  38093. "tcf0012459",
  38094. "general/other",
  38095. "rtc new bank of new england 35875---",
  38096. "6/20/2001",
  38097. "bq1260",
  38098. "warren m. cason",
  38099. "nan",
  38100. "nan",
  38101. "wmc---seq: 0170",
  38102. "tampa",
  38103. "211561",
  38104. "7/14/2000",
  38105. "nan",
  38106. "nan",
  38107. "nan",
  38108. "nan",
  38109. "nan",
  38110. "nan",
  38111. "nan",
  38112. "nan",
  38113. "nan",
  38114. "nan",
  38115. "nan",
  38116. "nan",
  38117. "nan",
  38118. "nan",
  38119. "nan",
  38120. "nan",
  38121. "nan",
  38122. "nan",
  38123. "nan",
  38124. "nan",
  38125. "nan",
  38126. "nan"
  38127. ],
  38128. [
  38129. "080007",
  38130. "00002",
  38131. "administrative",
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  38133. "tcf0012459",
  38134. "general/other",
  38135. "rtc bowest seamans bank 37248---",
  38136. "6/20/2001",
  38137. "bq1260",
  38138. "warren m. cason",
  38139. "nan",
  38140. "nan",
  38141. "wmc---seq: 0171",
  38142. "tampa",
  38143. "211562",
  38144. "7/14/2000",
  38145. "nan",
  38146. "nan",
  38147. "nan",
  38148. "nan",
  38149. "nan",
  38150. "nan",
  38151. "nan",
  38152. "nan",
  38153. "nan",
  38154. "nan",
  38155. "nan",
  38156. "nan",
  38157. "nan",
  38158. "nan",
  38159. "nan",
  38160. "nan",
  38161. "nan",
  38162. "nan",
  38163. "nan",
  38164. "nan",
  38165. "nan",
  38166. "nan"
  38167. ],
  38168. [
  38169. "080007",
  38170. "00002",
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  38173. "tcf0012459",
  38174. "general/other",
  38175. "rtc goldome/key bank western 43249---",
  38176. "6/20/2001",
  38177. "bq1260",
  38178. "warren m. cason",
  38179. "nan",
  38180. "nan",
  38181. "wmc---seq: 0172",
  38182. "tampa",
  38183. "211563",
  38184. "7/14/2000",
  38185. "nan",
  38186. "nan",
  38187. "nan",
  38188. "nan",
  38189. "nan",
  38190. "nan",
  38191. "nan",
  38192. "nan",
  38193. "nan",
  38194. "nan",
  38195. "nan",
  38196. "nan",
  38197. "nan",
  38198. "nan",
  38199. "nan",
  38200. "nan",
  38201. "nan",
  38202. "nan",
  38203. "nan",
  38204. "nan",
  38205. "nan",
  38206. "nan"
  38207. ],
  38208. [
  38209. "080007",
  38210. "00002",
  38211. "administrative",
  38212. "rtc - clean up",
  38213. "tcf0012460",
  38214. "general/other",
  38215. "rtc sunbelt federal savings 25859---",
  38216. "6/20/2001",
  38217. "bq1261",
  38218. "warren m. cason",
  38219. "nan",
  38220. "nan",
  38221. "wmc---seq: 0079",
  38222. "tampa",
  38223. "211564",
  38224. "7/14/2000",
  38225. "nan",
  38226. "nan",
  38227. "nan",
  38228. "nan",
  38229. "nan",
  38230. "nan",
  38231. "nan",
  38232. "nan",
  38233. "nan",
  38234. "nan",
  38235. "nan",
  38236. "nan",
  38237. "nan",
  38238. "nan",
  38239. "nan",
  38240. "nan",
  38241. "nan",
  38242. "nan",
  38243. "nan",
  38244. "nan",
  38245. "nan",
  38246. "nan"
  38247. ],
  38248. [
  38249. "080007",
  38250. "00002",
  38251. "administrative",
  38252. "rtc - clean up",
  38253. "tcf0012460",
  38254. "general/other",
  38255. "rtc baltimore fed. finance 26373---",
  38256. "6/20/2001",
  38257. "bq1261",
  38258. "warren m. cason",
  38259. "nan",
  38260. "nan",
  38261. "wmc---seq: 0080",
  38262. "tampa",
  38263. "211565",
  38264. "7/14/2000",
  38265. "nan",
  38266. "nan",
  38267. "nan",
  38268. "nan",
  38269. "nan",
  38270. "nan",
  38271. "nan",
  38272. "nan",
  38273. "nan",
  38274. "nan",
  38275. "nan",
  38276. "nan",
  38277. "nan",
  38278. "nan",
  38279. "nan",
  38280. "nan",
  38281. "nan",
  38282. "nan",
  38283. "nan",
  38284. "nan",
  38285. "nan",
  38286. "nan"
  38287. ],
  38288. [
  38289. "080007",
  38290. "00002",
  38291. "administrative",
  38292. "rtc - clean up",
  38293. "tcf0012460",
  38294. "general/other",
  38295. "rtc commonwealth federal 28006---",
  38296. "6/20/2001",
  38297. "bq1261",
  38298. "warren m. cason",
  38299. "nan",
  38300. "nan",
  38301. "wmc---seq: 0081",
  38302. "tampa",
  38303. "211566",
  38304. "7/14/2000",
  38305. "nan",
  38306. "nan",
  38307. "nan",
  38308. "nan",
  38309. "nan",
  38310. "nan",
  38311. "nan",
  38312. "nan",
  38313. "nan",
  38314. "nan",
  38315. "nan",
  38316. "nan",
  38317. "nan",
  38318. "nan",
  38319. "nan",
  38320. "nan",
  38321. "nan",
  38322. "nan",
  38323. "nan",
  38324. "nan",
  38325. "nan",
  38326. "nan"
  38327. ],
  38328. [
  38329. "080007",
  38330. "00002",
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  38333. "tcf0012460",
  38334. "general/other",
  38335. "rtc amresco 28021---",
  38336. "6/20/2001",
  38337. "bq1261",
  38338. "warren m. cason",
  38339. "nan",
  38340. "nan",
  38341. "wmc---seq: 0082",
  38342. "tampa",
  38343. "211567",
  38344. "7/14/2000",
  38345. "nan",
  38346. "nan",
  38347. "nan",
  38348. "nan",
  38349. "nan",
  38350. "nan",
  38351. "nan",
  38352. "nan",
  38353. "nan",
  38354. "nan",
  38355. "nan",
  38356. "nan",
  38357. "nan",
  38358. "nan",
  38359. "nan",
  38360. "nan",
  38361. "nan",
  38362. "nan",
  38363. "nan",
  38364. "nan",
  38365. "nan",
  38366. "nan"
  38367. ],
  38368. [
  38369. "080007",
  38370. "00002",
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  38372. "rtc - clean up",
  38373. "tcf0012460",
  38374. "general/other",
  38375. "rtc hansen savings 28020---",
  38376. "6/20/2001",
  38377. "bq1261",
  38378. "warren m. cason",
  38379. "nan",
  38380. "nan",
  38381. "wmc---seq: 0083",
  38382. "tampa",
  38383. "211568",
  38384. "7/14/2000",
  38385. "nan",
  38386. "nan",
  38387. "nan",
  38388. "nan",
  38389. "nan",
  38390. "nan",
  38391. "nan",
  38392. "nan",
  38393. "nan",
  38394. "nan",
  38395. "nan",
  38396. "nan",
  38397. "nan",
  38398. "nan",
  38399. "nan",
  38400. "nan",
  38401. "nan",
  38402. "nan",
  38403. "nan",
  38404. "nan",
  38405. "nan",
  38406. "nan"
  38407. ],
  38408. [
  38409. "080007",
  38410. "00002",
  38411. "administrative",
  38412. "rtc - clean up",
  38413. "tcf0012460",
  38414. "general/other",
  38415. "rtc altus federal 28022---",
  38416. "6/20/2001",
  38417. "bq1261",
  38418. "warren m. cason",
  38419. "nan",
  38420. "nan",
  38421. "wmc---seq: 0084",
  38422. "tampa",
  38423. "211569",
  38424. "7/14/2000",
  38425. "nan",
  38426. "nan",
  38427. "nan",
  38428. "nan",
  38429. "nan",
  38430. "nan",
  38431. "nan",
  38432. "nan",
  38433. "nan",
  38434. "nan",
  38435. "nan",
  38436. "nan",
  38437. "nan",
  38438. "nan",
  38439. "nan",
  38440. "nan",
  38441. "nan",
  38442. "nan",
  38443. "nan",
  38444. "nan",
  38445. "nan",
  38446. "nan"
  38447. ],
  38448. [
  38449. "080007",
  38450. "00002",
  38451. "administrative",
  38452. "rtc - clean up",
  38453. "tcf0012460",
  38454. "general/other",
  38455. "rtc united savings 28023---",
  38456. "6/20/2001",
  38457. "bq1261",
  38458. "warren m. cason",
  38459. "nan",
  38460. "nan",
  38461. "wmc---seq: 0085",
  38462. "tampa",
  38463. "211570",
  38464. "7/14/2000",
  38465. "nan",
  38466. "nan",
  38467. "nan",
  38468. "nan",
  38469. "nan",
  38470. "nan",
  38471. "nan",
  38472. "nan",
  38473. "nan",
  38474. "nan",
  38475. "nan",
  38476. "nan",
  38477. "nan",
  38478. "nan",
  38479. "nan",
  38480. "nan",
  38481. "nan",
  38482. "nan",
  38483. "nan",
  38484. "nan",
  38485. "nan",
  38486. "nan"
  38487. ],
  38488. [
  38489. "080007",
  38490. "00002",
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  38493. "tcf0012460",
  38494. "general/other",
  38495. "rtc investors federal 28024---",
  38496. "6/20/2001",
  38497. "bq1261",
  38498. "warren m. cason",
  38499. "nan",
  38500. "nan",
  38501. "wmc---seq: 0086",
  38502. "tampa",
  38503. "211571",
  38504. "7/14/2000",
  38505. "nan",
  38506. "nan",
  38507. "nan",
  38508. "nan",
  38509. "nan",
  38510. "nan",
  38511. "nan",
  38512. "nan",
  38513. "nan",
  38514. "nan",
  38515. "nan",
  38516. "nan",
  38517. "nan",
  38518. "nan",
  38519. "nan",
  38520. "nan",
  38521. "nan",
  38522. "nan",
  38523. "nan",
  38524. "nan",
  38525. "nan",
  38526. "nan"
  38527. ],
  38528. [
  38529. "080007",
  38530. "00002",
  38531. "administrative",
  38532. "rtc - clean up",
  38533. "tcf0012460",
  38534. "general/other",
  38535. "rtc trust bank 28027---",
  38536. "6/20/2001",
  38537. "bq1261",
  38538. "warren m. cason",
  38539. "nan",
  38540. "nan",
  38541. "wmc---seq: 0087",
  38542. "tampa",
  38543. "211572",
  38544. "7/14/2000",
  38545. "nan",
  38546. "nan",
  38547. "nan",
  38548. "nan",
  38549. "nan",
  38550. "nan",
  38551. "nan",
  38552. "nan",
  38553. "nan",
  38554. "nan",
  38555. "nan",
  38556. "nan",
  38557. "nan",
  38558. "nan",
  38559. "nan",
  38560. "nan",
  38561. "nan",
  38562. "nan",
  38563. "nan",
  38564. "nan",
  38565. "nan",
  38566. "nan"
  38567. ],
  38568. [
  38569. "080007",
  38570. "00002",
  38571. "administrative",
  38572. "rtc - clean up",
  38573. "tcf0012460",
  38574. "general/other",
  38575. "rtc evergreen federal 28028---",
  38576. "6/20/2001",
  38577. "bq1261",
  38578. "warren m. cason",
  38579. "nan",
  38580. "nan",
  38581. "wmc---seq: 0088",
  38582. "tampa",
  38583. "211573",
  38584. "7/14/2000",
  38585. "nan",
  38586. "nan",
  38587. "nan",
  38588. "nan",
  38589. "nan",
  38590. "nan",
  38591. "nan",
  38592. "nan",
  38593. "nan",
  38594. "nan",
  38595. "nan",
  38596. "nan",
  38597. "nan",
  38598. "nan",
  38599. "nan",
  38600. "nan",
  38601. "nan",
  38602. "nan",
  38603. "nan",
  38604. "nan",
  38605. "nan",
  38606. "nan"
  38607. ],
  38608. [
  38609. "080007",
  38610. "00002",
  38611. "administrative",
  38612. "rtc - clean up",
  38613. "tcf0012460",
  38614. "general/other",
  38615. "rtc commonwealth federal 32944---",
  38616. "6/20/2001",
  38617. "bq1261",
  38618. "warren m. cason",
  38619. "nan",
  38620. "nan",
  38621. "wmc---seq: 0089",
  38622. "tampa",
  38623. "211574",
  38624. "7/14/2000",
  38625. "nan",
  38626. "nan",
  38627. "nan",
  38628. "nan",
  38629. "nan",
  38630. "nan",
  38631. "nan",
  38632. "nan",
  38633. "nan",
  38634. "nan",
  38635. "nan",
  38636. "nan",
  38637. "nan",
  38638. "nan",
  38639. "nan",
  38640. "nan",
  38641. "nan",
  38642. "nan",
  38643. "nan",
  38644. "nan",
  38645. "nan",
  38646. "nan"
  38647. ],
  38648. [
  38649. "080007",
  38650. "00002",
  38651. "administrative",
  38652. "rtc - clean up",
  38653. "tcf0012460",
  38654. "general/other",
  38655. "rtc commonwealth 33016---",
  38656. "6/20/2001",
  38657. "bq1261",
  38658. "warren m. cason",
  38659. "nan",
  38660. "nan",
  38661. "wmc---seq: 0090",
  38662. "tampa",
  38663. "211575",
  38664. "7/14/2000",
  38665. "nan",
  38666. "nan",
  38667. "nan",
  38668. "nan",
  38669. "nan",
  38670. "nan",
  38671. "nan",
  38672. "nan",
  38673. "nan",
  38674. "nan",
  38675. "nan",
  38676. "nan",
  38677. "nan",
  38678. "nan",
  38679. "nan",
  38680. "nan",
  38681. "nan",
  38682. "nan",
  38683. "nan",
  38684. "nan",
  38685. "nan",
  38686. "nan"
  38687. ],
  38688. [
  38689. "080007",
  38690. "00002",
  38691. "administrative",
  38692. "rtc - clean up",
  38693. "tcf0012460",
  38694. "general/other",
  38695. "rtc amerifirst bank 33418---",
  38696. "6/20/2001",
  38697. "bq1261",
  38698. "warren m. cason",
  38699. "nan",
  38700. "nan",
  38701. "wmc---seq: 0092",
  38702. "tampa",
  38703. "211577",
  38704. "7/14/2000",
  38705. "nan",
  38706. "nan",
  38707. "nan",
  38708. "nan",
  38709. "nan",
  38710. "nan",
  38711. "nan",
  38712. "nan",
  38713. "nan",
  38714. "nan",
  38715. "nan",
  38716. "nan",
  38717. "nan",
  38718. "nan",
  38719. "nan",
  38720. "nan",
  38721. "nan",
  38722. "nan",
  38723. "nan",
  38724. "nan",
  38725. "nan",
  38726. "nan"
  38727. ],
  38728. [
  38729. "080007",
  38730. "00002",
  38731. "administrative",
  38732. "rtc - clean up",
  38733. "tcf0012460",
  38734. "general/other",
  38735. "rtc american pioneer 34460---",
  38736. "6/20/2001",
  38737. "bq1261",
  38738. "warren m. cason",
  38739. "nan",
  38740. "nan",
  38741. "wmc---seq: 0093",
  38742. "tampa",
  38743. "211578",
  38744. "7/14/2000",
  38745. "nan",
  38746. "nan",
  38747. "nan",
  38748. "nan",
  38749. "nan",
  38750. "nan",
  38751. "nan",
  38752. "nan",
  38753. "nan",
  38754. "nan",
  38755. "nan",
  38756. "nan",
  38757. "nan",
  38758. "nan",
  38759. "nan",
  38760. "nan",
  38761. "nan",
  38762. "nan",
  38763. "nan",
  38764. "nan",
  38765. "nan",
  38766. "nan"
  38767. ],
  38768. [
  38769. "080007",
  38770. "00002",
  38771. "administrative",
  38772. "rtc - clean up",
  38773. "tcf0012460",
  38774. "general/other",
  38775. "rtc haven savings 34446---",
  38776. "6/20/2001",
  38777. "bq1261",
  38778. "warren m. cason",
  38779. "nan",
  38780. "nan",
  38781. "wmc---seq: 0094",
  38782. "tampa",
  38783. "211579",
  38784. "7/14/2000",
  38785. "nan",
  38786. "nan",
  38787. "nan",
  38788. "nan",
  38789. "nan",
  38790. "nan",
  38791. "nan",
  38792. "nan",
  38793. "nan",
  38794. "nan",
  38795. "nan",
  38796. "nan",
  38797. "nan",
  38798. "nan",
  38799. "nan",
  38800. "nan",
  38801. "nan",
  38802. "nan",
  38803. "nan",
  38804. "nan",
  38805. "nan",
  38806. "nan"
  38807. ],
  38808. [
  38809. "080007",
  38810. "00002",
  38811. "administrative",
  38812. "rtc - clean up",
  38813. "tcf0012460",
  38814. "general/other",
  38815. "rtc franklin savings 34356---",
  38816. "6/20/2001",
  38817. "bq1261",
  38818. "warren m. cason",
  38819. "nan",
  38820. "nan",
  38821. "wmc---seq: 0095",
  38822. "tampa",
  38823. "211580",
  38824. "7/14/2000",
  38825. "nan",
  38826. "nan",
  38827. "nan",
  38828. "nan",
  38829. "nan",
  38830. "nan",
  38831. "nan",
  38832. "nan",
  38833. "nan",
  38834. "nan",
  38835. "nan",
  38836. "nan",
  38837. "nan",
  38838. "nan",
  38839. "nan",
  38840. "nan",
  38841. "nan",
  38842. "nan",
  38843. "nan",
  38844. "nan",
  38845. "nan",
  38846. "nan"
  38847. ],
  38848. [
  38849. "080007",
  38850. "00002",
  38851. "administrative",
  38852. "rtc - clean up",
  38853. "tcf0012460",
  38854. "general/other",
  38855. "rtc broadview fsb 34200---",
  38856. "6/20/2001",
  38857. "bq1261",
  38858. "warren m. cason",
  38859. "nan",
  38860. "nan",
  38861. "wmc---seq: 0096",
  38862. "tampa",
  38863. "211581",
  38864. "7/14/2000",
  38865. "nan",
  38866. "nan",
  38867. "nan",
  38868. "nan",
  38869. "nan",
  38870. "nan",
  38871. "nan",
  38872. "nan",
  38873. "nan",
  38874. "nan",
  38875. "nan",
  38876. "nan",
  38877. "nan",
  38878. "nan",
  38879. "nan",
  38880. "nan",
  38881. "nan",
  38882. "nan",
  38883. "nan",
  38884. "nan",
  38885. "nan",
  38886. "nan"
  38887. ],
  38888. [
  38889. "080007",
  38890. "00002",
  38891. "administrative",
  38892. "rtc - clean up",
  38893. "tcf0012460",
  38894. "general/other",
  38895. "rtc pioneer federal savings 34111---",
  38896. "6/20/2001",
  38897. "bq1261",
  38898. "warren m. cason",
  38899. "nan",
  38900. "nan",
  38901. "wmc---seq: 0097",
  38902. "tampa",
  38903. "211582",
  38904. "7/14/2000",
  38905. "nan",
  38906. "nan",
  38907. "nan",
  38908. "nan",
  38909. "nan",
  38910. "nan",
  38911. "nan",
  38912. "nan",
  38913. "nan",
  38914. "nan",
  38915. "nan",
  38916. "nan",
  38917. "nan",
  38918. "nan",
  38919. "nan",
  38920. "nan",
  38921. "nan",
  38922. "nan",
  38923. "nan",
  38924. "nan",
  38925. "nan",
  38926. "nan"
  38927. ],
  38928. [
  38929. "080007",
  38930. "00002",
  38931. "administrative",
  38932. "rtc - clean up",
  38933. "tcf0012460",
  38934. "general/other",
  38935. "rtc pima savings & loan---",
  38936. "6/20/2001",
  38937. "bq1261",
  38938. "warren m. cason",
  38939. "nan",
  38940. "nan",
  38941. "wmc---seq: 0098",
  38942. "tampa",
  38943. "211583",
  38944. "7/14/2000",
  38945. "nan",
  38946. "nan",
  38947. "nan",
  38948. "nan",
  38949. "nan",
  38950. "nan",
  38951. "nan",
  38952. "nan",
  38953. "nan",
  38954. "nan",
  38955. "nan",
  38956. "nan",
  38957. "nan",
  38958. "nan",
  38959. "nan",
  38960. "nan",
  38961. "nan",
  38962. "nan",
  38963. "nan",
  38964. "nan",
  38965. "nan",
  38966. "nan"
  38967. ],
  38968. [
  38969. "080007",
  38970. "00002",
  38971. "administrative",
  38972. "rtc - clean up",
  38973. "tcf0012460",
  38974. "general/other",
  38975. "rtc royal palm 34050---",
  38976. "6/20/2001",
  38977. "bq1261",
  38978. "warren m. cason",
  38979. "nan",
  38980. "nan",
  38981. "wmc---seq: 0099",
  38982. "tampa",
  38983. "211584",
  38984. "7/14/2000",
  38985. "nan",
  38986. "nan",
  38987. "nan",
  38988. "nan",
  38989. "nan",
  38990. "nan",
  38991. "nan",
  38992. "nan",
  38993. "nan",
  38994. "nan",
  38995. "nan",
  38996. "nan",
  38997. "nan",
  38998. "nan",
  38999. "nan",
  39000. "nan",
  39001. "nan",
  39002. "nan",
  39003. "nan",
  39004. "nan",
  39005. "nan",
  39006. "nan"
  39007. ],
  39008. [
  39009. "080007",
  39010. "00002",
  39011. "administrative",
  39012. "rtc - clean up",
  39013. "tcf0012460",
  39014. "general/other",
  39015. "rtc miami savings bank 30450---",
  39016. "6/20/2001",
  39017. "bq1261",
  39018. "warren m. cason",
  39019. "nan",
  39020. "nan",
  39021. "wmc---seq: 0100",
  39022. "tampa",
  39023. "211585",
  39024. "7/14/2000",
  39025. "nan",
  39026. "nan",
  39027. "nan",
  39028. "nan",
  39029. "nan",
  39030. "nan",
  39031. "nan",
  39032. "nan",
  39033. "nan",
  39034. "nan",
  39035. "nan",
  39036. "nan",
  39037. "nan",
  39038. "nan",
  39039. "nan",
  39040. "nan",
  39041. "nan",
  39042. "nan",
  39043. "nan",
  39044. "nan",
  39045. "nan",
  39046. "nan"
  39047. ],
  39048. [
  39049. "080007",
  39050. "00002",
  39051. "administrative",
  39052. "rtc - clean up",
  39053. "130790019",
  39054. "nan",
  39055. "pouch: 1/",
  39056. "2/28/2001",
  39057. "nan",
  39058. "warren m. cason",
  39059. "nan",
  39060. "nan",
  39061. "source: access database + closed#: 7191 + review date: 2/1/2011",
  39062. "portland",
  39063. "849004",
  39064. "7/14/2000",
  39065. "nan",
  39066. "nan",
  39067. "nan",
  39068. "nan",
  39069. "nan",
  39070. "nan",
  39071. "nan",
  39072. "nan",
  39073. "nan",
  39074. "nan",
  39075. "nan",
  39076. "nan",
  39077. "nan",
  39078. "nan",
  39079. "nan",
  39080. "nan",
  39081. "nan",
  39082. "nan",
  39083. "nan",
  39084. "nan",
  39085. "nan",
  39086. "nan"
  39087. ],
  39088. [
  39089. "080007",
  39090. "00002",
  39091. "administrative",
  39092. "rtc - clean up",
  39093. "130790020",
  39094. "nan",
  39095. "pouch: 3/",
  39096. "2/28/2001",
  39097. "nan",
  39098. "warren m. cason",
  39099. "nan",
  39100. "nan",
  39101. "source: access database + closed#: 7193 + review date: 2/1/2006",
  39102. "portland",
  39103. "849020",
  39104. "7/14/2000",
  39105. "nan",
  39106. "nan",
  39107. "nan",
  39108. "nan",
  39109. "nan",
  39110. "nan",
  39111. "nan",
  39112. "nan",
  39113. "nan",
  39114. "nan",
  39115. "nan",
  39116. "nan",
  39117. "nan",
  39118. "nan",
  39119. "nan",
  39120. "nan",
  39121. "nan",
  39122. "nan",
  39123. "nan",
  39124. "nan",
  39125. "nan",
  39126. "nan"
  39127. ],
  39128. [
  39129. "080007",
  39130. "00002",
  39131. "administrative",
  39132. "rtc - clean up",
  39133. "130790020",
  39134. "nan",
  39135. "pouch: 2/",
  39136. "2/28/2001",
  39137. "nan",
  39138. "warren m. cason",
  39139. "nan",
  39140. "nan",
  39141. "source: access database + closed#: 7192 + review date: 2/1/2006",
  39142. "portland",
  39143. "849021",
  39144. "7/14/2000",
  39145. "nan",
  39146. "nan",
  39147. "nan",
  39148. "nan",
  39149. "nan",
  39150. "nan",
  39151. "nan",
  39152. "nan",
  39153. "nan",
  39154. "nan",
  39155. "nan",
  39156. "nan",
  39157. "nan",
  39158. "nan",
  39159. "nan",
  39160. "nan",
  39161. "nan",
  39162. "nan",
  39163. "nan",
  39164. "nan",
  39165. "nan",
  39166. "nan"
  39167. ],
  39168. [
  39169. "080346",
  39170. "00005",
  39171. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39172. "ultramark, inc.",
  39173. "625087162",
  39174. "nan",
  39175. "nan",
  39176. "nan",
  39177. "664830",
  39178. "mark l. shapiro",
  39179. "r4 services",
  39180. "nan",
  39181. "case number: 02 ch 18407 + filejacketstransferred: 3 + status: closed + billing attorney: mark l. shapiro + requesting secretary: mary jane pruim + request completed by: tom skapes",
  39182. "chicago",
  39183. "1157863",
  39184. "9/22/2009",
  39185. "nan",
  39186. "nan",
  39187. "nan",
  39188. "nan",
  39189. "nan",
  39190. "nan",
  39191. "nan",
  39192. "nan",
  39193. "nan",
  39194. "nan",
  39195. "nan",
  39196. "nan",
  39197. "nan",
  39198. "nan",
  39199. "nan",
  39200. "nan",
  39201. "nan",
  39202. "nan",
  39203. "nan",
  39204. "nan",
  39205. "nan",
  39206. "nan"
  39207. ],
  39208. [
  39209. "080346",
  39210. "00014",
  39211. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39212. "rtc industries, inc./sproulls, mary",
  39213. "625092623",
  39214. "nan",
  39215. "rtc adv. sproulls: personnel file, client documents, pleadings, correspondence, research, attorney notes",
  39216. "5/8/2007",
  39217. "806555",
  39218. "mark l. shapiro",
  39219. "nan",
  39220. "nan",
  39221. "case number: 1:06-cv-3900 + filejacketstransferred: 1 + boxes transferred: 1 + status: closed + billing attorney: shapiro, mark l. + requesting secretary: koester, beth + destruction date: 05/08/2017",
  39222. "chicago",
  39223. "1166236",
  39224. "9/22/2009",
  39225. "nan",
  39226. "nan",
  39227. "nan",
  39228. "nan",
  39229. "nan",
  39230. "nan",
  39231. "nan",
  39232. "nan",
  39233. "nan",
  39234. "nan",
  39235. "nan",
  39236. "nan",
  39237. "nan",
  39238. "nan",
  39239. "nan",
  39240. "nan",
  39241. "nan",
  39242. "nan",
  39243. "nan",
  39244. "nan",
  39245. "nan",
  39246. "nan"
  39247. ],
  39248. [
  39249. "080346",
  39250. "00003",
  39251. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39252. "adv. lillian hines",
  39253. "628332868",
  39254. "nan",
  39255. "two file jackets",
  39256. "2/23/2009",
  39257. "822948",
  39258. "mark l. shapiro",
  39259. "off-site",
  39260. "nan",
  39261. "nan",
  39262. "chicago",
  39263. "1613924",
  39264. "10/14/2008",
  39265. "nan",
  39266. "nan",
  39267. "nan",
  39268. "nan",
  39269. "nan",
  39270. "nan",
  39271. "nan",
  39272. "nan",
  39273. "nan",
  39274. "nan",
  39275. "nan",
  39276. "nan",
  39277. "nan",
  39278. "nan",
  39279. "nan",
  39280. "nan",
  39281. "nan",
  39282. "nan",
  39283. "nan",
  39284. "nan",
  39285. "nan",
  39286. "nan"
  39287. ],
  39288. [
  39289. "080346",
  39290. "00011",
  39291. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39292. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  39293. "608475580",
  39294. "nan",
  39295. "rtc industries v. michael haddon, usdc for nd of illinois, case no. 06 c 5734, mark shapiro file, including transcripts of schipke, beth weber and wayne whitney",
  39296. "5/28/2010",
  39297. "nan",
  39298. "mark l. shapiro",
  39299. "off-site",
  39300. "nan",
  39301. "nan",
  39302. "chicago",
  39303. "1704328",
  39304. "7/30/2010",
  39305. "nan",
  39306. "nan",
  39307. "nan",
  39308. "nan",
  39309. "nan",
  39310. "nan",
  39311. "nan",
  39312. "nan",
  39313. "nan",
  39314. "nan",
  39315. "nan",
  39316. "nan",
  39317. "nan",
  39318. "nan",
  39319. "nan",
  39320. "nan",
  39321. "nan",
  39322. "nan",
  39323. "nan",
  39324. "nan",
  39325. "nan",
  39326. "nan"
  39327. ],
  39328. [
  39329. "080346",
  39330. "00006",
  39331. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39332. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  39333. "608475580",
  39334. "nan",
  39335. "rtc industries v. glenn walker, mark shapiro file, case no. 03 c 8826, documents produced",
  39336. "5/28/2010",
  39337. "nan",
  39338. "mark l. shapiro",
  39339. "nan",
  39340. "nan",
  39341. "nan",
  39342. "chicago",
  39343. "1704329",
  39344. "9/22/2009",
  39345. "nan",
  39346. "nan",
  39347. "nan",
  39348. "nan",
  39349. "nan",
  39350. "nan",
  39351. "nan",
  39352. "nan",
  39353. "nan",
  39354. "nan",
  39355. "nan",
  39356. "nan",
  39357. "nan",
  39358. "nan",
  39359. "nan",
  39360. "nan",
  39361. "nan",
  39362. "nan",
  39363. "nan",
  39364. "nan",
  39365. "nan",
  39366. "nan"
  39367. ],
  39368. [
  39369. "080346",
  39370. "00012",
  39371. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39372. "ema, inc.",
  39373. "608475580",
  39374. "nan",
  39375. "rtc industries - ema, inc., mark shapiro file, circuit court of cook county, case no. 06 ch 12655, agreed consent judgement order signed 5/11/2007",
  39376. "5/28/2010",
  39377. "nan",
  39378. "phillip m. schreiber",
  39379. "nan",
  39380. "nan",
  39381. "nan",
  39382. "chicago",
  39383. "1704330",
  39384. "2/25/2008",
  39385. "nan",
  39386. "nan",
  39387. "nan",
  39388. "nan",
  39389. "nan",
  39390. "nan",
  39391. "nan",
  39392. "nan",
  39393. "nan",
  39394. "nan",
  39395. "nan",
  39396. "nan",
  39397. "nan",
  39398. "nan",
  39399. "nan",
  39400. "nan",
  39401. "nan",
  39402. "nan",
  39403. "nan",
  39404. "nan",
  39405. "nan",
  39406. "nan"
  39407. ],
  39408. [
  39409. "080346",
  39410. "00010",
  39411. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39412. "adv. eugene holtier",
  39413. "608475580",
  39414. "nan",
  39415. "rtc industries - eugene holtier, mark shapiro file including documents produced and memo re: comments \"boy\"",
  39416. "5/28/2010",
  39417. "nan",
  39418. "mark l. shapiro",
  39419. "nan",
  39420. "nan",
  39421. "nan",
  39422. "chicago",
  39423. "1704331",
  39424. "9/22/2009",
  39425. "nan",
  39426. "nan",
  39427. "nan",
  39428. "nan",
  39429. "nan",
  39430. "nan",
  39431. "nan",
  39432. "nan",
  39433. "nan",
  39434. "nan",
  39435. "nan",
  39436. "nan",
  39437. "nan",
  39438. "nan",
  39439. "nan",
  39440. "nan",
  39441. "nan",
  39442. "nan",
  39443. "nan",
  39444. "nan",
  39445. "nan",
  39446. "nan"
  39447. ],
  39448. [
  39449. "080346",
  39450. "00011",
  39451. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39452. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  39453. "608475582",
  39454. "nan",
  39455. "rtc industries - michael haddon, mark shapiro files, documents produced by haddon, schipke, documents produced to defendant two redwells",
  39456. "5/28/2010",
  39457. "nan",
  39458. "mark l. shapiro",
  39459. "off-site",
  39460. "nan",
  39461. "nan",
  39462. "chicago",
  39463. "1704334",
  39464. "7/30/2010",
  39465. "nan",
  39466. "nan",
  39467. "nan",
  39468. "nan",
  39469. "nan",
  39470. "nan",
  39471. "nan",
  39472. "nan",
  39473. "nan",
  39474. "nan",
  39475. "nan",
  39476. "nan",
  39477. "nan",
  39478. "nan",
  39479. "nan",
  39480. "nan",
  39481. "nan",
  39482. "nan",
  39483. "nan",
  39484. "nan",
  39485. "nan",
  39486. "nan"
  39487. ],
  39488. [
  39489. "080346",
  39490. "00011",
  39491. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39492. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  39493. "608475583",
  39494. "nan",
  39495. "rtc - michael haddon, mark shapiro file transcripts, depo of joseph asfour - usdc, nd il - case no. 06 c 5734",
  39496. "5/28/2010",
  39497. "nan",
  39498. "mark l. shapiro",
  39499. "off-site",
  39500. "nan",
  39501. "nan",
  39502. "chicago",
  39503. "1704336",
  39504. "7/30/2010",
  39505. "nan",
  39506. "nan",
  39507. "nan",
  39508. "nan",
  39509. "nan",
  39510. "nan",
  39511. "nan",
  39512. "nan",
  39513. "nan",
  39514. "nan",
  39515. "nan",
  39516. "nan",
  39517. "nan",
  39518. "nan",
  39519. "nan",
  39520. "nan",
  39521. "nan",
  39522. "nan",
  39523. "nan",
  39524. "nan",
  39525. "nan",
  39526. "nan"
  39527. ],
  39528. [
  39529. "080346",
  39530. "00010",
  39531. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39532. "adv. eugene holtier",
  39533. "608475583",
  39534. "nan",
  39535. "rtc - eugene holtier, mark shapiro working file re: wrongful discharge.",
  39536. "5/28/2010",
  39537. "nan",
  39538. "mark l. shapiro",
  39539. "nan",
  39540. "nan",
  39541. "nan",
  39542. "chicago",
  39543. "1704338",
  39544. "9/22/2009",
  39545. "nan",
  39546. "nan",
  39547. "nan",
  39548. "nan",
  39549. "nan",
  39550. "nan",
  39551. "nan",
  39552. "nan",
  39553. "nan",
  39554. "nan",
  39555. "nan",
  39556. "nan",
  39557. "nan",
  39558. "nan",
  39559. "nan",
  39560. "nan",
  39561. "nan",
  39562. "nan",
  39563. "nan",
  39564. "nan",
  39565. "nan",
  39566. "nan"
  39567. ],
  39568. [
  39569. "080346",
  39570. "00021",
  39571. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39572. "cormark, inc.",
  39573. "active file",
  39574. "correspondence",
  39575. "advice on enforceability of non-compete agreements",
  39576. "8/8/2012",
  39577. "nan",
  39578. "mark l. shapiro",
  39579. "perm removal from off-site",
  39580. "shapiro mark",
  39581. "file went with departing attorney, j. strouse. letter on file.",
  39582. "chicago",
  39583. "1884111",
  39584. "11/22/2013",
  39585. "nan",
  39586. "nan",
  39587. "nan",
  39588. "nan",
  39589. "nan",
  39590. "nan",
  39591. "nan",
  39592. "nan",
  39593. "nan",
  39594. "nan",
  39595. "nan",
  39596. "nan",
  39597. "nan",
  39598. "nan",
  39599. "nan",
  39600. "nan",
  39601. "nan",
  39602. "nan",
  39603. "nan",
  39604. "nan",
  39605. "nan",
  39606. "nan"
  39607. ],
  39608. [
  39609. "080346",
  39610. "00022",
  39611. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39612. "raney, justin",
  39613. "active file",
  39614. "attorney notes",
  39615. "notes",
  39616. "11/8/2012",
  39617. "nan",
  39618. "mark l. shapiro",
  39619. "perm removal from off-site",
  39620. "shapiro mark",
  39621. "file went with departing attorney, j. strouse. letter on file.",
  39622. "chicago",
  39623. "1908422",
  39624. "6/25/2014",
  39625. "nan",
  39626. "nan",
  39627. "nan",
  39628. "nan",
  39629. "nan",
  39630. "nan",
  39631. "nan",
  39632. "nan",
  39633. "nan",
  39634. "nan",
  39635. "nan",
  39636. "nan",
  39637. "nan",
  39638. "nan",
  39639. "nan",
  39640. "nan",
  39641. "nan",
  39642. "nan",
  39643. "nan",
  39644. "nan",
  39645. "nan",
  39646. "nan"
  39647. ],
  39648. [
  39649. "080346",
  39650. "00022",
  39651. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39652. "raney, justin",
  39653. "active file",
  39654. "correspondence",
  39655. "letters, memos",
  39656. "11/8/2012",
  39657. "nan",
  39658. "mark l. shapiro",
  39659. "perm removal from off-site",
  39660. "shapiro mark",
  39661. "file went with departing attorney, j. strouse. letter on file.",
  39662. "chicago",
  39663. "1908423",
  39664. "6/25/2014",
  39665. "nan",
  39666. "nan",
  39667. "nan",
  39668. "nan",
  39669. "nan",
  39670. "nan",
  39671. "nan",
  39672. "nan",
  39673. "nan",
  39674. "nan",
  39675. "nan",
  39676. "nan",
  39677. "nan",
  39678. "nan",
  39679. "nan",
  39680. "nan",
  39681. "nan",
  39682. "nan",
  39683. "nan",
  39684. "nan",
  39685. "nan",
  39686. "nan"
  39687. ],
  39688. [
  39689. "080346",
  39690. "00022",
  39691. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39692. "raney, justin",
  39693. "active file",
  39694. "client documents",
  39695. "material received from client",
  39696. "11/8/2012",
  39697. "nan",
  39698. "mark l. shapiro",
  39699. "perm removal from off-site",
  39700. "shapiro mark",
  39701. "file went with departing attorney, j. strouse. letter on file.",
  39702. "chicago",
  39703. "1908424",
  39704. "6/25/2014",
  39705. "nan",
  39706. "nan",
  39707. "nan",
  39708. "nan",
  39709. "nan",
  39710. "nan",
  39711. "nan",
  39712. "nan",
  39713. "nan",
  39714. "nan",
  39715. "nan",
  39716. "nan",
  39717. "nan",
  39718. "nan",
  39719. "nan",
  39720. "nan",
  39721. "nan",
  39722. "nan",
  39723. "nan",
  39724. "nan",
  39725. "nan",
  39726. "nan"
  39727. ],
  39728. [
  39729. "080346",
  39730. "00022",
  39731. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39732. "raney, justin",
  39733. "active file",
  39734. "research",
  39735. "research on former employer; non-competes",
  39736. "11/8/2012",
  39737. "nan",
  39738. "mark l. shapiro",
  39739. "perm removal from off-site",
  39740. "shapiro mark",
  39741. "file went with departing attorney, j. strouse. letter on file.",
  39742. "chicago",
  39743. "1908425",
  39744. "6/25/2014",
  39745. "nan",
  39746. "nan",
  39747. "nan",
  39748. "nan",
  39749. "nan",
  39750. "nan",
  39751. "nan",
  39752. "nan",
  39753. "nan",
  39754. "nan",
  39755. "nan",
  39756. "nan",
  39757. "nan",
  39758. "nan",
  39759. "nan",
  39760. "nan",
  39761. "nan",
  39762. "nan",
  39763. "nan",
  39764. "nan",
  39765. "nan",
  39766. "nan"
  39767. ],
  39768. [
  39769. "080346",
  39770. "00023",
  39771. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39772. "artitalia group",
  39773. "active file",
  39774. "attorney notes",
  39775. "attorney notes",
  39776. "4/22/2013",
  39777. "nan",
  39778. "mark l. shapiro",
  39779. "on-site",
  39780. "shapiro mark",
  39781. "nan",
  39782. "chicago",
  39783. "2015463",
  39784. "12/11/2014",
  39785. "nan",
  39786. "nan",
  39787. "nan",
  39788. "nan",
  39789. "nan",
  39790. "nan",
  39791. "nan",
  39792. "nan",
  39793. "nan",
  39794. "nan",
  39795. "nan",
  39796. "nan",
  39797. "nan",
  39798. "nan",
  39799. "nan",
  39800. "nan",
  39801. "nan",
  39802. "nan",
  39803. "nan",
  39804. "nan",
  39805. "nan",
  39806. "nan"
  39807. ],
  39808. [
  39809. "080346",
  39810. "00023",
  39811. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39812. "artitalia group",
  39813. "active file",
  39814. "correspondence",
  39815. "correspondence",
  39816. "4/22/2013",
  39817. "nan",
  39818. "mark l. shapiro",
  39819. "on-site",
  39820. "shapiro mark",
  39821. "nan",
  39822. "chicago",
  39823. "2015464",
  39824. "12/11/2014",
  39825. "nan",
  39826. "nan",
  39827. "nan",
  39828. "nan",
  39829. "nan",
  39830. "nan",
  39831. "nan",
  39832. "nan",
  39833. "nan",
  39834. "nan",
  39835. "nan",
  39836. "nan",
  39837. "nan",
  39838. "nan",
  39839. "nan",
  39840. "nan",
  39841. "nan",
  39842. "nan",
  39843. "nan",
  39844. "nan",
  39845. "nan",
  39846. "nan"
  39847. ],
  39848. [
  39849. "080346",
  39850. "00023",
  39851. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39852. "artitalia group",
  39853. "active file",
  39854. "research",
  39855. "research",
  39856. "4/22/2013",
  39857. "nan",
  39858. "mark l. shapiro",
  39859. "on-site",
  39860. "shapiro mark",
  39861. "nan",
  39862. "chicago",
  39863. "2015465",
  39864. "12/11/2014",
  39865. "nan",
  39866. "nan",
  39867. "nan",
  39868. "nan",
  39869. "nan",
  39870. "nan",
  39871. "nan",
  39872. "nan",
  39873. "nan",
  39874. "nan",
  39875. "nan",
  39876. "nan",
  39877. "nan",
  39878. "nan",
  39879. "nan",
  39880. "nan",
  39881. "nan",
  39882. "nan",
  39883. "nan",
  39884. "nan",
  39885. "nan",
  39886. "nan"
  39887. ],
  39888. [
  39889. "080346",
  39890. "00023",
  39891. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39892. "artitalia group",
  39893. "active file",
  39894. "client documents",
  39895. "client documents",
  39896. "4/22/2013",
  39897. "nan",
  39898. "mark l. shapiro",
  39899. "on-site",
  39900. "shapiro mark",
  39901. "nan",
  39902. "chicago",
  39903. "2015466",
  39904. "12/11/2014",
  39905. "nan",
  39906. "nan",
  39907. "nan",
  39908. "nan",
  39909. "nan",
  39910. "nan",
  39911. "nan",
  39912. "nan",
  39913. "nan",
  39914. "nan",
  39915. "nan",
  39916. "nan",
  39917. "nan",
  39918. "nan",
  39919. "nan",
  39920. "nan",
  39921. "nan",
  39922. "nan",
  39923. "nan",
  39924. "nan",
  39925. "nan",
  39926. "nan"
  39927. ],
  39928. [
  39929. "080346",
  39930. "00023",
  39931. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39932. "artitalia group",
  39933. "active file",
  39934. "agreements",
  39935. "agreements",
  39936. "4/22/2013",
  39937. "nan",
  39938. "mark l. shapiro",
  39939. "on-site",
  39940. "shapiro mark",
  39941. "nan",
  39942. "chicago",
  39943. "2015467",
  39944. "12/11/2014",
  39945. "nan",
  39946. "nan",
  39947. "nan",
  39948. "nan",
  39949. "nan",
  39950. "nan",
  39951. "nan",
  39952. "nan",
  39953. "nan",
  39954. "nan",
  39955. "nan",
  39956. "nan",
  39957. "nan",
  39958. "nan",
  39959. "nan",
  39960. "nan",
  39961. "nan",
  39962. "nan",
  39963. "nan",
  39964. "nan",
  39965. "nan",
  39966. "nan"
  39967. ],
  39968. [
  39969. "080346",
  39970. "00024",
  39971. "rtc industries, inc.",
  39972. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  39973. "active file",
  39974. "attorney notes",
  39975. "attorney notes",
  39976. "11/26/2013",
  39977. "nan",
  39978. "mark l. shapiro",
  39979. "on-site",
  39980. "shapiro mark",
  39981. "nan",
  39982. "chicago",
  39983. "2137373",
  39984. "12/14/2015",
  39985. "nan",
  39986. "nan",
  39987. "nan",
  39988. "nan",
  39989. "nan",
  39990. "nan",
  39991. "nan",
  39992. "nan",
  39993. "nan",
  39994. "nan",
  39995. "nan",
  39996. "nan",
  39997. "nan",
  39998. "nan",
  39999. "nan",
  40000. "nan",
  40001. "nan",
  40002. "nan",
  40003. "nan",
  40004. "nan",
  40005. "nan",
  40006. "nan"
  40007. ],
  40008. [
  40009. "080346",
  40010. "00024",
  40011. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40012. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  40013. "active file",
  40014. "client documents",
  40015. "client documents",
  40016. "11/26/2013",
  40017. "nan",
  40018. "mark l. shapiro",
  40019. "on-site",
  40020. "shapiro mark",
  40021. "nan",
  40022. "chicago",
  40023. "2137376",
  40024. "12/14/2015",
  40025. "nan",
  40026. "nan",
  40027. "nan",
  40028. "nan",
  40029. "nan",
  40030. "nan",
  40031. "nan",
  40032. "nan",
  40033. "nan",
  40034. "nan",
  40035. "nan",
  40036. "nan",
  40037. "nan",
  40038. "nan",
  40039. "nan",
  40040. "nan",
  40041. "nan",
  40042. "nan",
  40043. "nan",
  40044. "nan",
  40045. "nan",
  40046. "nan"
  40047. ],
  40048. [
  40049. "080346",
  40050. "00024",
  40051. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40052. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  40053. "active file",
  40054. "background materials",
  40055. "background materials",
  40056. "11/26/2013",
  40057. "nan",
  40058. "mark l. shapiro",
  40059. "on-site",
  40060. "shapiro mark",
  40061. "nan",
  40062. "chicago",
  40063. "2137377",
  40064. "12/14/2015",
  40065. "nan",
  40066. "nan",
  40067. "nan",
  40068. "nan",
  40069. "nan",
  40070. "nan",
  40071. "nan",
  40072. "nan",
  40073. "nan",
  40074. "nan",
  40075. "nan",
  40076. "nan",
  40077. "nan",
  40078. "nan",
  40079. "nan",
  40080. "nan",
  40081. "nan",
  40082. "nan",
  40083. "nan",
  40084. "nan",
  40085. "nan",
  40086. "nan"
  40087. ],
  40088. [
  40089. "080346",
  40090. "00024",
  40091. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40092. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  40093. "active file",
  40094. "research",
  40095. "research",
  40096. "11/26/2013",
  40097. "nan",
  40098. "mark l. shapiro",
  40099. "on-site",
  40100. "shapiro mark",
  40101. "nan",
  40102. "chicago",
  40103. "2137379",
  40104. "12/14/2015",
  40105. "nan",
  40106. "nan",
  40107. "nan",
  40108. "nan",
  40109. "nan",
  40110. "nan",
  40111. "nan",
  40112. "nan",
  40113. "nan",
  40114. "nan",
  40115. "nan",
  40116. "nan",
  40117. "nan",
  40118. "nan",
  40119. "nan",
  40120. "nan",
  40121. "nan",
  40122. "nan",
  40123. "nan",
  40124. "nan",
  40125. "nan",
  40126. "nan"
  40127. ],
  40128. [
  40129. "080346",
  40130. "00024",
  40131. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40132. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  40133. "active file",
  40134. "arbitration",
  40135. "arbitration docs",
  40136. "11/26/2013",
  40137. "nan",
  40138. "mark l. shapiro",
  40139. "on-site",
  40140. "shapiro mark",
  40141. "nan",
  40142. "chicago",
  40143. "2137383",
  40144. "12/14/2015",
  40145. "nan",
  40146. "nan",
  40147. "nan",
  40148. "nan",
  40149. "nan",
  40150. "nan",
  40151. "nan",
  40152. "nan",
  40153. "nan",
  40154. "nan",
  40155. "nan",
  40156. "nan",
  40157. "nan",
  40158. "nan",
  40159. "nan",
  40160. "nan",
  40161. "nan",
  40162. "nan",
  40163. "nan",
  40164. "nan",
  40165. "nan",
  40166. "nan"
  40167. ],
  40168. [
  40169. "080346",
  40170. "00024",
  40171. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40172. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  40173. "active file",
  40174. "correspondence",
  40175. "correspondence",
  40176. "11/26/2013",
  40177. "nan",
  40178. "mark l. shapiro",
  40179. "on-site",
  40180. "shapiro mark",
  40181. "nan",
  40182. "chicago",
  40183. "2137387",
  40184. "12/14/2015",
  40185. "nan",
  40186. "nan",
  40187. "nan",
  40188. "nan",
  40189. "nan",
  40190. "nan",
  40191. "nan",
  40192. "nan",
  40193. "nan",
  40194. "nan",
  40195. "nan",
  40196. "nan",
  40197. "nan",
  40198. "nan",
  40199. "nan",
  40200. "nan",
  40201. "nan",
  40202. "nan",
  40203. "nan",
  40204. "nan",
  40205. "nan",
  40206. "nan"
  40207. ],
  40208. [
  40209. "080346",
  40210. "00024",
  40211. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40212. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  40213. "active file",
  40214. "arbitration",
  40215. "complainants' docs",
  40216. "11/26/2013",
  40217. "nan",
  40218. "mark l. shapiro",
  40219. "on-site",
  40220. "shapiro mark",
  40221. "nan",
  40222. "chicago",
  40223. "2137390",
  40224. "12/14/2015",
  40225. "nan",
  40226. "nan",
  40227. "nan",
  40228. "nan",
  40229. "nan",
  40230. "nan",
  40231. "nan",
  40232. "nan",
  40233. "nan",
  40234. "nan",
  40235. "nan",
  40236. "nan",
  40237. "nan",
  40238. "nan",
  40239. "nan",
  40240. "nan",
  40241. "nan",
  40242. "nan",
  40243. "nan",
  40244. "nan",
  40245. "nan",
  40246. "nan"
  40247. ],
  40248. [
  40249. "080346",
  40250. "00026",
  40251. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40252. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  40253. "active file",
  40254. "attorney notes",
  40255. "attorney notes",
  40256. "4/16/2014",
  40257. "nan",
  40258. "mark l. shapiro",
  40259. "on-site",
  40260. "shapiro mark",
  40261. "nan",
  40262. "chicago",
  40263. "2194997",
  40264. "12/14/2015",
  40265. "nan",
  40266. "nan",
  40267. "nan",
  40268. "nan",
  40269. "nan",
  40270. "nan",
  40271. "nan",
  40272. "nan",
  40273. "nan",
  40274. "nan",
  40275. "nan",
  40276. "nan",
  40277. "nan",
  40278. "nan",
  40279. "nan",
  40280. "nan",
  40281. "nan",
  40282. "nan",
  40283. "nan",
  40284. "nan",
  40285. "nan",
  40286. "nan"
  40287. ],
  40288. [
  40289. "080346",
  40290. "00026",
  40291. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40292. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  40293. "active file",
  40294. "correspondence",
  40295. "correspondence",
  40296. "4/16/2014",
  40297. "nan",
  40298. "mark l. shapiro",
  40299. "on-site",
  40300. "shapiro mark",
  40301. "nan",
  40302. "chicago",
  40303. "2194998",
  40304. "12/14/2015",
  40305. "nan",
  40306. "nan",
  40307. "nan",
  40308. "nan",
  40309. "nan",
  40310. "nan",
  40311. "nan",
  40312. "nan",
  40313. "nan",
  40314. "nan",
  40315. "nan",
  40316. "nan",
  40317. "nan",
  40318. "nan",
  40319. "nan",
  40320. "nan",
  40321. "nan",
  40322. "nan",
  40323. "nan",
  40324. "nan",
  40325. "nan",
  40326. "nan"
  40327. ],
  40328. [
  40329. "080346",
  40330. "00026",
  40331. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40332. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  40333. "active file",
  40334. "arbitration",
  40335. "arb documents",
  40336. "4/16/2014",
  40337. "nan",
  40338. "mark l. shapiro",
  40339. "on-site",
  40340. "shapiro mark",
  40341. "nan",
  40342. "chicago",
  40343. "2194999",
  40344. "12/14/2015",
  40345. "nan",
  40346. "nan",
  40347. "nan",
  40348. "nan",
  40349. "nan",
  40350. "nan",
  40351. "nan",
  40352. "nan",
  40353. "nan",
  40354. "nan",
  40355. "nan",
  40356. "nan",
  40357. "nan",
  40358. "nan",
  40359. "nan",
  40360. "nan",
  40361. "nan",
  40362. "nan",
  40363. "nan",
  40364. "nan",
  40365. "nan",
  40366. "nan"
  40367. ],
  40368. [
  40369. "080346",
  40370. "00026",
  40371. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40372. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  40373. "active file",
  40374. "research",
  40375. "research",
  40376. "4/16/2014",
  40377. "nan",
  40378. "mark l. shapiro",
  40379. "on-site",
  40380. "shapiro mark",
  40381. "nan",
  40382. "chicago",
  40383. "2195000",
  40384. "12/14/2015",
  40385. "nan",
  40386. "nan",
  40387. "nan",
  40388. "nan",
  40389. "nan",
  40390. "nan",
  40391. "nan",
  40392. "nan",
  40393. "nan",
  40394. "nan",
  40395. "nan",
  40396. "nan",
  40397. "nan",
  40398. "nan",
  40399. "nan",
  40400. "nan",
  40401. "nan",
  40402. "nan",
  40403. "nan",
  40404. "nan",
  40405. "nan",
  40406. "nan"
  40407. ],
  40408. [
  40409. "080346",
  40410. "00025",
  40411. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40412. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  40413. "active file",
  40414. "attorney notes",
  40415. "attorney notes",
  40416. "4/16/2014",
  40417. "nan",
  40418. "mark l. shapiro",
  40419. "on-site",
  40420. "shapiro mark",
  40421. "nan",
  40422. "chicago",
  40423. "2195002",
  40424. "12/14/2015",
  40425. "nan",
  40426. "nan",
  40427. "nan",
  40428. "nan",
  40429. "nan",
  40430. "nan",
  40431. "nan",
  40432. "nan",
  40433. "nan",
  40434. "nan",
  40435. "nan",
  40436. "nan",
  40437. "nan",
  40438. "nan",
  40439. "nan",
  40440. "nan",
  40441. "nan",
  40442. "nan",
  40443. "nan",
  40444. "nan",
  40445. "nan",
  40446. "nan"
  40447. ],
  40448. [
  40449. "080346",
  40450. "00025",
  40451. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40452. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  40453. "active file",
  40454. "arbitration",
  40455. "arbitration documents",
  40456. "4/16/2014",
  40457. "nan",
  40458. "mark l. shapiro",
  40459. "on-site",
  40460. "shapiro mark",
  40461. "nan",
  40462. "chicago",
  40463. "2195005",
  40464. "12/14/2015",
  40465. "nan",
  40466. "nan",
  40467. "nan",
  40468. "nan",
  40469. "nan",
  40470. "nan",
  40471. "nan",
  40472. "nan",
  40473. "nan",
  40474. "nan",
  40475. "nan",
  40476. "nan",
  40477. "nan",
  40478. "nan",
  40479. "nan",
  40480. "nan",
  40481. "nan",
  40482. "nan",
  40483. "nan",
  40484. "nan",
  40485. "nan",
  40486. "nan"
  40487. ],
  40488. [
  40489. "080346",
  40490. "00025",
  40491. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40492. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  40493. "active file",
  40494. "correspondence",
  40495. "correspondence",
  40496. "4/16/2014",
  40497. "nan",
  40498. "mark l. shapiro",
  40499. "on-site",
  40500. "shapiro mark",
  40501. "nan",
  40502. "chicago",
  40503. "2195006",
  40504. "12/14/2015",
  40505. "nan",
  40506. "nan",
  40507. "nan",
  40508. "nan",
  40509. "nan",
  40510. "nan",
  40511. "nan",
  40512. "nan",
  40513. "nan",
  40514. "nan",
  40515. "nan",
  40516. "nan",
  40517. "nan",
  40518. "nan",
  40519. "nan",
  40520. "nan",
  40521. "nan",
  40522. "nan",
  40523. "nan",
  40524. "nan",
  40525. "nan",
  40526. "nan"
  40527. ],
  40528. [
  40529. "080346",
  40530. "00025",
  40531. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40532. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  40533. "active file",
  40534. "research",
  40535. "research",
  40536. "4/16/2014",
  40537. "nan",
  40538. "mark l. shapiro",
  40539. "on-site",
  40540. "shapiro mark",
  40541. "nan",
  40542. "chicago",
  40543. "2195008",
  40544. "12/14/2015",
  40545. "nan",
  40546. "nan",
  40547. "nan",
  40548. "nan",
  40549. "nan",
  40550. "nan",
  40551. "nan",
  40552. "nan",
  40553. "nan",
  40554. "nan",
  40555. "nan",
  40556. "nan",
  40557. "nan",
  40558. "nan",
  40559. "nan",
  40560. "nan",
  40561. "nan",
  40562. "nan",
  40563. "nan",
  40564. "nan",
  40565. "nan",
  40566. "nan"
  40567. ],
  40568. [
  40569. "080346",
  40570. "00027",
  40571. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40572. "2014 collective bargaining",
  40573. "active file",
  40574. "attorney notes",
  40575. "attorney notes",
  40576. "5/1/2014",
  40577. "nan",
  40578. "mark l. shapiro",
  40579. "on-site",
  40580. "shapiro mark",
  40581. "nan",
  40582. "chicago",
  40583. "2201151",
  40584. "12/14/2015",
  40585. "nan",
  40586. "nan",
  40587. "nan",
  40588. "nan",
  40589. "nan",
  40590. "nan",
  40591. "nan",
  40592. "nan",
  40593. "nan",
  40594. "nan",
  40595. "nan",
  40596. "nan",
  40597. "nan",
  40598. "nan",
  40599. "nan",
  40600. "nan",
  40601. "nan",
  40602. "nan",
  40603. "nan",
  40604. "nan",
  40605. "nan",
  40606. "nan"
  40607. ],
  40608. [
  40609. "080346",
  40610. "00027",
  40611. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40612. "2014 collective bargaining",
  40613. "active file",
  40614. "research",
  40615. "research",
  40616. "5/1/2014",
  40617. "nan",
  40618. "mark l. shapiro",
  40619. "on-site",
  40620. "shapiro mark",
  40621. "nan",
  40622. "chicago",
  40623. "2201152",
  40624. "12/14/2015",
  40625. "nan",
  40626. "nan",
  40627. "nan",
  40628. "nan",
  40629. "nan",
  40630. "nan",
  40631. "nan",
  40632. "nan",
  40633. "nan",
  40634. "nan",
  40635. "nan",
  40636. "nan",
  40637. "nan",
  40638. "nan",
  40639. "nan",
  40640. "nan",
  40641. "nan",
  40642. "nan",
  40643. "nan",
  40644. "nan",
  40645. "nan",
  40646. "nan"
  40647. ],
  40648. [
  40649. "080346",
  40650. "00027",
  40651. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40652. "2014 collective bargaining",
  40653. "active file",
  40654. "correspondence",
  40655. "correspondence",
  40656. "5/1/2014",
  40657. "nan",
  40658. "mark l. shapiro",
  40659. "on-site",
  40660. "shapiro mark",
  40661. "nan",
  40662. "chicago",
  40663. "2201154",
  40664. "12/14/2015",
  40665. "nan",
  40666. "nan",
  40667. "nan",
  40668. "nan",
  40669. "nan",
  40670. "nan",
  40671. "nan",
  40672. "nan",
  40673. "nan",
  40674. "nan",
  40675. "nan",
  40676. "nan",
  40677. "nan",
  40678. "nan",
  40679. "nan",
  40680. "nan",
  40681. "nan",
  40682. "nan",
  40683. "nan",
  40684. "nan",
  40685. "nan",
  40686. "nan"
  40687. ],
  40688. [
  40689. "080346",
  40690. "00028",
  40691. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40692. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  40693. "active file",
  40694. "attorney notes",
  40695. "attorney notes",
  40696. "9/18/2014",
  40697. "nan",
  40698. "mark l. shapiro",
  40699. "on-site",
  40700. "shapiro mark",
  40701. "nan",
  40702. "chicago",
  40703. "2260322",
  40704. "7/31/2016",
  40705. "nan",
  40706. "nan",
  40707. "nan",
  40708. "nan",
  40709. "nan",
  40710. "nan",
  40711. "nan",
  40712. "nan",
  40713. "nan",
  40714. "nan",
  40715. "nan",
  40716. "nan",
  40717. "nan",
  40718. "nan",
  40719. "nan",
  40720. "nan",
  40721. "nan",
  40722. "nan",
  40723. "nan",
  40724. "nan",
  40725. "nan",
  40726. "nan"
  40727. ],
  40728. [
  40729. "080346",
  40730. "00028",
  40731. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40732. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  40733. "active file",
  40734. "correspondence",
  40735. "correspondence",
  40736. "9/18/2014",
  40737. "nan",
  40738. "mark l. shapiro",
  40739. "on-site",
  40740. "shapiro mark",
  40741. "nan",
  40742. "chicago",
  40743. "2260324",
  40744. "7/31/2016",
  40745. "nan",
  40746. "nan",
  40747. "nan",
  40748. "nan",
  40749. "nan",
  40750. "nan",
  40751. "nan",
  40752. "nan",
  40753. "nan",
  40754. "nan",
  40755. "nan",
  40756. "nan",
  40757. "nan",
  40758. "nan",
  40759. "nan",
  40760. "nan",
  40761. "nan",
  40762. "nan",
  40763. "nan",
  40764. "nan",
  40765. "nan",
  40766. "nan"
  40767. ],
  40768. [
  40769. "080346",
  40770. "00028",
  40771. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40772. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  40773. "active file",
  40774. "research",
  40775. "research",
  40776. "9/18/2014",
  40777. "nan",
  40778. "mark l. shapiro",
  40779. "on-site",
  40780. "shapiro mark",
  40781. "nan",
  40782. "chicago",
  40783. "2260325",
  40784. "7/31/2016",
  40785. "nan",
  40786. "nan",
  40787. "nan",
  40788. "nan",
  40789. "nan",
  40790. "nan",
  40791. "nan",
  40792. "nan",
  40793. "nan",
  40794. "nan",
  40795. "nan",
  40796. "nan",
  40797. "nan",
  40798. "nan",
  40799. "nan",
  40800. "nan",
  40801. "nan",
  40802. "nan",
  40803. "nan",
  40804. "nan",
  40805. "nan",
  40806. "nan"
  40807. ],
  40808. [
  40809. "080346",
  40810. "00028",
  40811. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40812. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  40813. "active file",
  40814. "client documents",
  40815. "client documents",
  40816. "9/18/2014",
  40817. "nan",
  40818. "mark l. shapiro",
  40819. "on-site",
  40820. "shapiro mark",
  40821. "nan",
  40822. "chicago",
  40823. "2260379",
  40824. "7/31/2016",
  40825. "nan",
  40826. "nan",
  40827. "nan",
  40828. "nan",
  40829. "nan",
  40830. "nan",
  40831. "nan",
  40832. "nan",
  40833. "nan",
  40834. "nan",
  40835. "nan",
  40836. "nan",
  40837. "nan",
  40838. "nan",
  40839. "nan",
  40840. "nan",
  40841. "nan",
  40842. "nan",
  40843. "nan",
  40844. "nan",
  40845. "nan",
  40846. "nan"
  40847. ],
  40848. [
  40849. "080346",
  40850. "00029",
  40851. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40852. "china fire bureau matter",
  40853. "active file",
  40854. "attorney notes",
  40855. "attorney notes",
  40856. "11/17/2014",
  40857. "nan",
  40858. "hongjun zhang",
  40859. "on-site",
  40860. "shapiro mark",
  40861. "nan",
  40862. "chicago",
  40863. "2281534",
  40864. "nan",
  40865. "nan",
  40866. "nan",
  40867. "nan",
  40868. "nan",
  40869. "nan",
  40870. "nan",
  40871. "nan",
  40872. "nan",
  40873. "nan",
  40874. "nan",
  40875. "nan",
  40876. "nan",
  40877. "nan",
  40878. "nan",
  40879. "nan",
  40880. "nan",
  40881. "nan",
  40882. "nan",
  40883. "nan",
  40884. "nan",
  40885. "nan",
  40886. "nan"
  40887. ],
  40888. [
  40889. "080346",
  40890. "00017",
  40891. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40892. "mzm s.a. de c.v. - claim",
  40893. "633154271",
  40894. "general/other",
  40895. "mzm s.a. de c.v.",
  40896. "4/9/2015",
  40897. "nan",
  40898. "mark l. shapiro",
  40899. "off-site",
  40900. "shapiro mark",
  40901. "nan",
  40902. "chicago",
  40903. "2332787",
  40904. "3/15/2011",
  40905. "nan",
  40906. "nan",
  40907. "nan",
  40908. "nan",
  40909. "nan",
  40910. "nan",
  40911. "nan",
  40912. "nan",
  40913. "nan",
  40914. "nan",
  40915. "nan",
  40916. "nan",
  40917. "nan",
  40918. "nan",
  40919. "nan",
  40920. "nan",
  40921. "nan",
  40922. "nan",
  40923. "nan",
  40924. "nan",
  40925. "nan",
  40926. "nan"
  40927. ],
  40928. [
  40929. "080346",
  40930. "00002",
  40931. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40932. "general labor and employment counseling",
  40933. "633154271",
  40934. "general/other",
  40935. "new employmentr agreement",
  40936. "4/9/2015",
  40937. "nan",
  40938. "mark l. shapiro",
  40939. "off-site",
  40940. "shapiro mark",
  40941. "nan",
  40942. "chicago",
  40943. "2332791",
  40944. "nan",
  40945. "nan",
  40946. "nan",
  40947. "nan",
  40948. "nan",
  40949. "nan",
  40950. "nan",
  40951. "nan",
  40952. "nan",
  40953. "nan",
  40954. "nan",
  40955. "nan",
  40956. "nan",
  40957. "nan",
  40958. "nan",
  40959. "nan",
  40960. "nan",
  40961. "nan",
  40962. "nan",
  40963. "nan",
  40964. "nan",
  40965. "nan",
  40966. "nan"
  40967. ],
  40968. [
  40969. "080346",
  40970. "00018",
  40971. "rtc industries, inc.",
  40972. "olay project arbitration",
  40973. "633154271",
  40974. "general/other",
  40975. "re: olay project arbitration",
  40976. "4/9/2015",
  40977. "nan",
  40978. "mark l. shapiro",
  40979. "off-site",
  40980. "shapiro mark",
  40981. "nan",
  40982. "chicago",
  40983. "2332793",
  40984. "11/22/2013",
  40985. "nan",
  40986. "nan",
  40987. "nan",
  40988. "nan",
  40989. "nan",
  40990. "nan",
  40991. "nan",
  40992. "nan",
  40993. "nan",
  40994. "nan",
  40995. "nan",
  40996. "nan",
  40997. "nan",
  40998. "nan",
  40999. "nan",
  41000. "nan",
  41001. "nan",
  41002. "nan",
  41003. "nan",
  41004. "nan",
  41005. "nan",
  41006. "nan"
  41007. ],
  41008. [
  41009. "080346",
  41010. "00006",
  41011. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41012. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  41013. "633154271",
  41014. "general/other",
  41015. "rtc v. glenn walker\n(case #03 c 8826)",
  41016. "4/9/2015",
  41017. "nan",
  41018. "mark l. shapiro",
  41019. "off-site",
  41020. "shapiro mark",
  41021. "nan",
  41022. "chicago",
  41023. "2332815",
  41024. "9/22/2009",
  41025. "nan",
  41026. "nan",
  41027. "nan",
  41028. "nan",
  41029. "nan",
  41030. "nan",
  41031. "nan",
  41032. "nan",
  41033. "nan",
  41034. "nan",
  41035. "nan",
  41036. "nan",
  41037. "nan",
  41038. "nan",
  41039. "nan",
  41040. "nan",
  41041. "nan",
  41042. "nan",
  41043. "nan",
  41044. "nan",
  41045. "nan",
  41046. "nan"
  41047. ],
  41048. [
  41049. "080346",
  41050. "00002",
  41051. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41052. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41053. "633151190",
  41054. "correspondence",
  41055. "audit responses; union negotiations; intelligence test; plant redo 2010; plant relocation 2010; personnel records; warn act; workers comp; howard topping; thor hjaltason; r. diaz; t. berger; jr katz; lantern partners; leggett & platt; model shop relocation; no call/no show; noncompete; romeoville transition; pricing; thermajock.",
  41056. "4/14/2015",
  41057. "nan",
  41058. "mark l. shapiro",
  41059. "off-site",
  41060. "shapiro mark",
  41061. "indexed by records",
  41062. "chicago",
  41063. "2334329",
  41064. "nan",
  41065. "nan",
  41066. "nan",
  41067. "nan",
  41068. "nan",
  41069. "nan",
  41070. "nan",
  41071. "nan",
  41072. "nan",
  41073. "nan",
  41074. "nan",
  41075. "nan",
  41076. "nan",
  41077. "nan",
  41078. "nan",
  41079. "nan",
  41080. "nan",
  41081. "nan",
  41082. "nan",
  41083. "nan",
  41084. "nan",
  41085. "nan",
  41086. "nan"
  41087. ],
  41088. [
  41089. "080346",
  41090. "00002",
  41091. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41092. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41093. "633151190",
  41094. "attorney notes",
  41095. "notes: 1 of 2 redwelds.",
  41096. "4/14/2015",
  41097. "nan",
  41098. "mark l. shapiro",
  41099. "off-site",
  41100. "shapiro mark",
  41101. "indexed by records",
  41102. "chicago",
  41103. "2334332",
  41104. "nan",
  41105. "nan",
  41106. "nan",
  41107. "nan",
  41108. "nan",
  41109. "nan",
  41110. "nan",
  41111. "nan",
  41112. "nan",
  41113. "nan",
  41114. "nan",
  41115. "nan",
  41116. "nan",
  41117. "nan",
  41118. "nan",
  41119. "nan",
  41120. "nan",
  41121. "nan",
  41122. "nan",
  41123. "nan",
  41124. "nan",
  41125. "nan",
  41126. "nan"
  41127. ],
  41128. [
  41129. "080346",
  41130. "00002",
  41131. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41132. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41133. "633151190",
  41134. "attorney notes",
  41135. "notes: 2 of 2 redwelds.",
  41136. "4/14/2015",
  41137. "nan",
  41138. "mark l. shapiro",
  41139. "off-site",
  41140. "shapiro mark",
  41141. "indexed by records",
  41142. "chicago",
  41143. "2334333",
  41144. "nan",
  41145. "nan",
  41146. "nan",
  41147. "nan",
  41148. "nan",
  41149. "nan",
  41150. "nan",
  41151. "nan",
  41152. "nan",
  41153. "nan",
  41154. "nan",
  41155. "nan",
  41156. "nan",
  41157. "nan",
  41158. "nan",
  41159. "nan",
  41160. "nan",
  41161. "nan",
  41162. "nan",
  41163. "nan",
  41164. "nan",
  41165. "nan",
  41166. "nan"
  41167. ],
  41168. [
  41169. "080346",
  41170. "00007",
  41171. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41172. "2005 collective bargaining",
  41173. "633151200",
  41174. "research",
  41175. "research",
  41176. "4/15/2015",
  41177. "nan",
  41178. "mark l. shapiro",
  41179. "off-site",
  41180. "shapiro mark",
  41181. "indexed by records",
  41182. "chicago",
  41183. "2334989",
  41184. "9/22/2009",
  41185. "nan",
  41186. "nan",
  41187. "nan",
  41188. "nan",
  41189. "nan",
  41190. "nan",
  41191. "nan",
  41192. "nan",
  41193. "nan",
  41194. "nan",
  41195. "nan",
  41196. "nan",
  41197. "nan",
  41198. "nan",
  41199. "nan",
  41200. "nan",
  41201. "nan",
  41202. "nan",
  41203. "nan",
  41204. "nan",
  41205. "nan",
  41206. "nan"
  41207. ],
  41208. [
  41209. "080346",
  41210. "00009",
  41211. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41212. "china matters",
  41213. "633151200",
  41214. "correspondence",
  41215. "correspondence; notes.",
  41216. "4/15/2015",
  41217. "nan",
  41218. "richard h. lawrence, iii",
  41219. "off-site",
  41220. "shapiro mark",
  41221. "indexed by records",
  41222. "chicago",
  41223. "2335005",
  41224. "9/22/2009",
  41225. "nan",
  41226. "nan",
  41227. "nan",
  41228. "nan",
  41229. "nan",
  41230. "nan",
  41231. "nan",
  41232. "nan",
  41233. "nan",
  41234. "nan",
  41235. "nan",
  41236. "nan",
  41237. "nan",
  41238. "nan",
  41239. "nan",
  41240. "nan",
  41241. "nan",
  41242. "nan",
  41243. "nan",
  41244. "nan",
  41245. "nan",
  41246. "nan"
  41247. ],
  41248. [
  41249. "080346",
  41250. "00015",
  41251. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41252. "gladys evans",
  41253. "633151200",
  41254. "general/other",
  41255. "correspondence; notes; personnel file",
  41256. "4/15/2015",
  41257. "nan",
  41258. "mark l. shapiro",
  41259. "off-site",
  41260. "shapiro mark",
  41261. "indexed by records",
  41262. "chicago",
  41263. "2335007",
  41264. "9/22/2009",
  41265. "nan",
  41266. "nan",
  41267. "nan",
  41268. "nan",
  41269. "nan",
  41270. "nan",
  41271. "nan",
  41272. "nan",
  41273. "nan",
  41274. "nan",
  41275. "nan",
  41276. "nan",
  41277. "nan",
  41278. "nan",
  41279. "nan",
  41280. "nan",
  41281. "nan",
  41282. "nan",
  41283. "nan",
  41284. "nan",
  41285. "nan",
  41286. "nan"
  41287. ],
  41288. [
  41289. "080346",
  41290. "00016",
  41291. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41292. "kenneth coleman",
  41293. "633151200",
  41294. "general/other",
  41295. "correspondence; notes; company documents; drafts.",
  41296. "4/15/2015",
  41297. "nan",
  41298. "mark l. shapiro",
  41299. "off-site",
  41300. "shapiro mark",
  41301. "indexed by records",
  41302. "chicago",
  41303. "2335009",
  41304. "7/30/2010",
  41305. "nan",
  41306. "nan",
  41307. "nan",
  41308. "nan",
  41309. "nan",
  41310. "nan",
  41311. "nan",
  41312. "nan",
  41313. "nan",
  41314. "nan",
  41315. "nan",
  41316. "nan",
  41317. "nan",
  41318. "nan",
  41319. "nan",
  41320. "nan",
  41321. "nan",
  41322. "nan",
  41323. "nan",
  41324. "nan",
  41325. "nan",
  41326. "nan"
  41327. ],
  41328. [
  41329. "080346",
  41330. "00002",
  41331. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41332. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41333. "633151200",
  41334. "correspondence",
  41335. "correspondence: 1995 - 2000, 2000 - 2008, 2009.",
  41336. "4/15/2015",
  41337. "nan",
  41338. "mark l. shapiro",
  41339. "off-site",
  41340. "shapiro mark",
  41341. "indexed by records",
  41342. "chicago",
  41343. "2335010",
  41344. "nan",
  41345. "nan",
  41346. "nan",
  41347. "nan",
  41348. "nan",
  41349. "nan",
  41350. "nan",
  41351. "nan",
  41352. "nan",
  41353. "nan",
  41354. "nan",
  41355. "nan",
  41356. "nan",
  41357. "nan",
  41358. "nan",
  41359. "nan",
  41360. "nan",
  41361. "nan",
  41362. "nan",
  41363. "nan",
  41364. "nan",
  41365. "nan",
  41366. "nan"
  41367. ],
  41368. [
  41369. "080346",
  41370. "00011",
  41371. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41372. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  41373. "633151200",
  41374. "general/other",
  41375. "correspondence; pleadings; notes; draft.",
  41376. "4/15/2015",
  41377. "nan",
  41378. "mark l. shapiro",
  41379. "off-site",
  41380. "shapiro mark",
  41381. "indexed by records",
  41382. "chicago",
  41383. "2335016",
  41384. "7/30/2010",
  41385. "nan",
  41386. "nan",
  41387. "nan",
  41388. "nan",
  41389. "nan",
  41390. "nan",
  41391. "nan",
  41392. "nan",
  41393. "nan",
  41394. "nan",
  41395. "nan",
  41396. "nan",
  41397. "nan",
  41398. "nan",
  41399. "nan",
  41400. "nan",
  41401. "nan",
  41402. "nan",
  41403. "nan",
  41404. "nan",
  41405. "nan",
  41406. "nan"
  41407. ],
  41408. [
  41409. "080346",
  41410. "00011",
  41411. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41412. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  41413. "633151200",
  41414. "general/other",
  41415. "non-disclosure agmt; research regarding enforcement of nda & tro.",
  41416. "4/15/2015",
  41417. "nan",
  41418. "mark l. shapiro",
  41419. "off-site",
  41420. "shapiro mark",
  41421. "indexed by records",
  41422. "chicago",
  41423. "2335019",
  41424. "7/30/2010",
  41425. "nan",
  41426. "nan",
  41427. "nan",
  41428. "nan",
  41429. "nan",
  41430. "nan",
  41431. "nan",
  41432. "nan",
  41433. "nan",
  41434. "nan",
  41435. "nan",
  41436. "nan",
  41437. "nan",
  41438. "nan",
  41439. "nan",
  41440. "nan",
  41441. "nan",
  41442. "nan",
  41443. "nan",
  41444. "nan",
  41445. "nan",
  41446. "nan"
  41447. ],
  41448. [
  41449. "080346",
  41450. "00006",
  41451. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41452. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  41453. "633151208",
  41454. "pleadings",
  41455. "pleadings binder",
  41456. "4/17/2015",
  41457. "nan",
  41458. "mark l. shapiro",
  41459. "off-site",
  41460. "shapiro mark",
  41461. "indexed by records",
  41462. "chicago",
  41463. "2335670",
  41464. "9/22/2009",
  41465. "nan",
  41466. "nan",
  41467. "nan",
  41468. "nan",
  41469. "nan",
  41470. "nan",
  41471. "nan",
  41472. "nan",
  41473. "nan",
  41474. "nan",
  41475. "nan",
  41476. "nan",
  41477. "nan",
  41478. "nan",
  41479. "nan",
  41480. "nan",
  41481. "nan",
  41482. "nan",
  41483. "nan",
  41484. "nan",
  41485. "nan",
  41486. "nan"
  41487. ],
  41488. [
  41489. "080346",
  41490. "00006",
  41491. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41492. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  41493. "633151208",
  41494. "general/other",
  41495. "rtc industries supplemental rule 26(a)(2) disclosures; rtc industries rule 26(a)(2) disclosures.",
  41496. "4/17/2015",
  41497. "nan",
  41498. "mark l. shapiro",
  41499. "off-site",
  41500. "shapiro mark",
  41501. "indexed by records.",
  41502. "chicago",
  41503. "2335674",
  41504. "9/22/2009",
  41505. "nan",
  41506. "nan",
  41507. "nan",
  41508. "nan",
  41509. "nan",
  41510. "nan",
  41511. "nan",
  41512. "nan",
  41513. "nan",
  41514. "nan",
  41515. "nan",
  41516. "nan",
  41517. "nan",
  41518. "nan",
  41519. "nan",
  41520. "nan",
  41521. "nan",
  41522. "nan",
  41523. "nan",
  41524. "nan",
  41525. "nan",
  41526. "nan"
  41527. ],
  41528. [
  41529. "080346",
  41530. "00006",
  41531. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41532. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  41533. "633151208",
  41534. "general/other",
  41535. "pleadings backer; research; notes; comcast subpoena response; rapid displays.",
  41536. "4/17/2015",
  41537. "nan",
  41538. "mark l. shapiro",
  41539. "off-site",
  41540. "shapiro mark",
  41541. "indexed by records",
  41542. "chicago",
  41543. "2335677",
  41544. "9/22/2009",
  41545. "nan",
  41546. "nan",
  41547. "nan",
  41548. "nan",
  41549. "nan",
  41550. "nan",
  41551. "nan",
  41552. "nan",
  41553. "nan",
  41554. "nan",
  41555. "nan",
  41556. "nan",
  41557. "nan",
  41558. "nan",
  41559. "nan",
  41560. "nan",
  41561. "nan",
  41562. "nan",
  41563. "nan",
  41564. "nan",
  41565. "nan",
  41566. "nan"
  41567. ],
  41568. [
  41569. "080346",
  41570. "00008",
  41571. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41572. "michael watson",
  41573. "633151208",
  41574. "general/other",
  41575. "pleadings; drafts; correspondence; research; notes; settlement.",
  41576. "4/17/2015",
  41577. "nan",
  41578. "mark l. shapiro",
  41579. "off-site",
  41580. "shapiro mark",
  41581. "indexed by records",
  41582. "chicago",
  41583. "2335683",
  41584. "9/22/2009",
  41585. "nan",
  41586. "nan",
  41587. "nan",
  41588. "nan",
  41589. "nan",
  41590. "nan",
  41591. "nan",
  41592. "nan",
  41593. "nan",
  41594. "nan",
  41595. "nan",
  41596. "nan",
  41597. "nan",
  41598. "nan",
  41599. "nan",
  41600. "nan",
  41601. "nan",
  41602. "nan",
  41603. "nan",
  41604. "nan",
  41605. "nan",
  41606. "nan"
  41607. ],
  41608. [
  41609. "080346",
  41610. "00002",
  41611. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41612. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41613. "633151213",
  41614. "general/other",
  41615. "rtc v. cannon equipment: correspondence; pleadings; research; notes; complaint; motions; tro; motion for protective order.",
  41616. "4/17/2015",
  41617. "nan",
  41618. "mark l. shapiro",
  41619. "off-site",
  41620. "shapiro mark",
  41621. "indexed by records",
  41622. "chicago",
  41623. "2335843",
  41624. "nan",
  41625. "nan",
  41626. "nan",
  41627. "nan",
  41628. "nan",
  41629. "nan",
  41630. "nan",
  41631. "nan",
  41632. "nan",
  41633. "nan",
  41634. "nan",
  41635. "nan",
  41636. "nan",
  41637. "nan",
  41638. "nan",
  41639. "nan",
  41640. "nan",
  41641. "nan",
  41642. "nan",
  41643. "nan",
  41644. "nan",
  41645. "nan",
  41646. "nan"
  41647. ],
  41648. [
  41649. "080346",
  41650. "00002",
  41651. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41652. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41653. "633151213",
  41654. "general/other",
  41655. "correspondence; notes; research; memos; r&s invoices (1999); rj reynolds; 2003 audit; 2004 audit response; ada matters; priscilla l. johnson.",
  41656. "4/17/2015",
  41657. "nan",
  41658. "mark l. shapiro",
  41659. "off-site",
  41660. "shapiro mark",
  41661. "indexed by records",
  41662. "chicago",
  41663. "2335850",
  41664. "nan",
  41665. "nan",
  41666. "nan",
  41667. "nan",
  41668. "nan",
  41669. "nan",
  41670. "nan",
  41671. "nan",
  41672. "nan",
  41673. "nan",
  41674. "nan",
  41675. "nan",
  41676. "nan",
  41677. "nan",
  41678. "nan",
  41679. "nan",
  41680. "nan",
  41681. "nan",
  41682. "nan",
  41683. "nan",
  41684. "nan",
  41685. "nan",
  41686. "nan"
  41687. ],
  41688. [
  41689. "080346",
  41690. "00002",
  41691. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41692. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41693. "633151213",
  41694. "general/other",
  41695. "correspondence; notes; research; ortiz subpoena; ann gutmann; breast feeding; sunbath kamalasanan; purchasing dept.; tele-commuting; employment counseling; sexual harassment; a. calabrese; ernest portlow; michael saelens; d. reback; r. lawler.",
  41696. "4/17/2015",
  41697. "nan",
  41698. "mark l. shapiro",
  41699. "off-site",
  41700. "shapiro mark",
  41701. "indexed by records",
  41702. "chicago",
  41703. "2335856",
  41704. "nan",
  41705. "nan",
  41706. "nan",
  41707. "nan",
  41708. "nan",
  41709. "nan",
  41710. "nan",
  41711. "nan",
  41712. "nan",
  41713. "nan",
  41714. "nan",
  41715. "nan",
  41716. "nan",
  41717. "nan",
  41718. "nan",
  41719. "nan",
  41720. "nan",
  41721. "nan",
  41722. "nan",
  41723. "nan",
  41724. "nan",
  41725. "nan",
  41726. "nan"
  41727. ],
  41728. [
  41729. "080346",
  41730. "00002",
  41731. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41732. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41733. "633151227",
  41734. "general/other",
  41735. "brask employment agmt; carlson group; employment agmts; mexican employment agmt; bruno memo & research; misc. files.",
  41736. "4/22/2015",
  41737. "nan",
  41738. "mark l. shapiro",
  41739. "off-site",
  41740. "shapiro mark",
  41741. "indexed by records. rid is for the entire box.",
  41742. "chicago",
  41743. "2337781",
  41744. "nan",
  41745. "nan",
  41746. "nan",
  41747. "nan",
  41748. "nan",
  41749. "nan",
  41750. "nan",
  41751. "nan",
  41752. "nan",
  41753. "nan",
  41754. "nan",
  41755. "nan",
  41756. "nan",
  41757. "nan",
  41758. "nan",
  41759. "nan",
  41760. "nan",
  41761. "nan",
  41762. "nan",
  41763. "nan",
  41764. "nan",
  41765. "nan",
  41766. "nan"
  41767. ],
  41768. [
  41769. "080346",
  41770. "00001",
  41771. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41772. "john stalle discrimination claim",
  41773. "633151228",
  41774. "general/other",
  41775. "notes; research.",
  41776. "4/22/2015",
  41777. "nan",
  41778. "mark l. shapiro",
  41779. "off-site",
  41780. "shapiro mark",
  41781. "indexed by records.",
  41782. "chicago",
  41783. "2337800",
  41784. "9/22/2009",
  41785. "nan",
  41786. "nan",
  41787. "nan",
  41788. "nan",
  41789. "nan",
  41790. "nan",
  41791. "nan",
  41792. "nan",
  41793. "nan",
  41794. "nan",
  41795. "nan",
  41796. "nan",
  41797. "nan",
  41798. "nan",
  41799. "nan",
  41800. "nan",
  41801. "nan",
  41802. "nan",
  41803. "nan",
  41804. "nan",
  41805. "nan",
  41806. "nan"
  41807. ],
  41808. [
  41809. "080346",
  41810. "00002",
  41811. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41812. "general labor and employment counseling",
  41813. "633151228",
  41814. "general/other",
  41815. "cell phone policy",
  41816. "4/22/2015",
  41817. "nan",
  41818. "mark l. shapiro",
  41819. "off-site",
  41820. "shapiro mark",
  41821. "indexed by records.",
  41822. "chicago",
  41823. "2337804",
  41824. "nan",
  41825. "nan",
  41826. "nan",
  41827. "nan",
  41828. "nan",
  41829. "nan",
  41830. "nan",
  41831. "nan",
  41832. "nan",
  41833. "nan",
  41834. "nan",
  41835. "nan",
  41836. "nan",
  41837. "nan",
  41838. "nan",
  41839. "nan",
  41840. "nan",
  41841. "nan",
  41842. "nan",
  41843. "nan",
  41844. "nan",
  41845. "nan",
  41846. "nan"
  41847. ],
  41848. [
  41849. "080346",
  41850. "00005",
  41851. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41852. "ultramark, inc.",
  41853. "633151236",
  41854. "research",
  41855. "research",
  41856. "4/27/2015",
  41857. "nan",
  41858. "mark l. shapiro",
  41859. "off-site",
  41860. "shapiro mark",
  41861. "indexed by records.",
  41862. "chicago",
  41863. "2339194",
  41864. "9/22/2009",
  41865. "nan",
  41866. "nan",
  41867. "nan",
  41868. "nan",
  41869. "nan",
  41870. "nan",
  41871. "nan",
  41872. "nan",
  41873. "nan",
  41874. "nan",
  41875. "nan",
  41876. "nan",
  41877. "nan",
  41878. "nan",
  41879. "nan",
  41880. "nan",
  41881. "nan",
  41882. "nan",
  41883. "nan",
  41884. "nan",
  41885. "nan",
  41886. "nan"
  41887. ],
  41888. [
  41889. "080346",
  41890. "00011",
  41891. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41892. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  41893. "633151243",
  41894. "general/other",
  41895. "chron master; wayne whitney; answer; documents marked copy; pleadings; confidential info agmt; answer of michael haddon; drafts; phone records; haddon resignation; scanned noncompete w/handwritten comments; misc. files.",
  41896. "4/28/2015",
  41897. "nan",
  41898. "mark l. shapiro",
  41899. "off-site",
  41900. "shapiro mark",
  41901. "indexed by records. rid is for the entire box.",
  41902. "chicago",
  41903. "2339877",
  41904. "7/30/2010",
  41905. "nan",
  41906. "nan",
  41907. "nan",
  41908. "nan",
  41909. "nan",
  41910. "nan",
  41911. "nan",
  41912. "nan",
  41913. "nan",
  41914. "nan",
  41915. "nan",
  41916. "nan",
  41917. "nan",
  41918. "nan",
  41919. "nan",
  41920. "nan",
  41921. "nan",
  41922. "nan",
  41923. "nan",
  41924. "nan",
  41925. "nan",
  41926. "nan"
  41927. ],
  41928. [
  41929. "080346",
  41930. "00011",
  41931. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41932. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  41933. "633151249",
  41934. "pleadings",
  41935. "pleadings.",
  41936. "4/30/2015",
  41937. "nan",
  41938. "mark l. shapiro",
  41939. "off-site",
  41940. "shapiro mark",
  41941. "indexed by records",
  41942. "chicago",
  41943. "2341263",
  41944. "7/30/2010",
  41945. "nan",
  41946. "nan",
  41947. "nan",
  41948. "nan",
  41949. "nan",
  41950. "nan",
  41951. "nan",
  41952. "nan",
  41953. "nan",
  41954. "nan",
  41955. "nan",
  41956. "nan",
  41957. "nan",
  41958. "nan",
  41959. "nan",
  41960. "nan",
  41961. "nan",
  41962. "nan",
  41963. "nan",
  41964. "nan",
  41965. "nan",
  41966. "nan"
  41967. ],
  41968. [
  41969. "080346",
  41970. "00011",
  41971. "rtc industries, inc.",
  41972. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  41973. "633151249",
  41974. "correspondence",
  41975. "correspondence.",
  41976. "4/30/2015",
  41977. "nan",
  41978. "mark l. shapiro",
  41979. "off-site",
  41980. "shapiro mark",
  41981. "indexed by records",
  41982. "chicago",
  41983. "2341266",
  41984. "7/30/2010",
  41985. "nan",
  41986. "nan",
  41987. "nan",
  41988. "nan",
  41989. "nan",
  41990. "nan",
  41991. "nan",
  41992. "nan",
  41993. "nan",
  41994. "nan",
  41995. "nan",
  41996. "nan",
  41997. "nan",
  41998. "nan",
  41999. "nan",
  42000. "nan",
  42001. "nan",
  42002. "nan",
  42003. "nan",
  42004. "nan",
  42005. "nan",
  42006. "nan"
  42007. ],
  42008. [
  42009. "080346",
  42010. "00011",
  42011. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42012. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  42013. "633151249",
  42014. "client documents",
  42015. "documents.",
  42016. "4/30/2015",
  42017. "nan",
  42018. "mark l. shapiro",
  42019. "off-site",
  42020. "shapiro mark",
  42021. "indexed by records",
  42022. "chicago",
  42023. "2341267",
  42024. "7/30/2010",
  42025. "nan",
  42026. "nan",
  42027. "nan",
  42028. "nan",
  42029. "nan",
  42030. "nan",
  42031. "nan",
  42032. "nan",
  42033. "nan",
  42034. "nan",
  42035. "nan",
  42036. "nan",
  42037. "nan",
  42038. "nan",
  42039. "nan",
  42040. "nan",
  42041. "nan",
  42042. "nan",
  42043. "nan",
  42044. "nan",
  42045. "nan",
  42046. "nan"
  42047. ],
  42048. [
  42049. "080346",
  42050. "00030",
  42051. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42052. "rolling meadows, illinois",
  42053. "active file",
  42054. "general/other",
  42055. "new file",
  42056. "5/19/2015",
  42057. "nan",
  42058. "steven m. elrod",
  42059. "on-site",
  42060. "elrod steven",
  42061. "nan",
  42062. "chicago",
  42063. "2349209",
  42064. "nan",
  42065. "nan",
  42066. "nan",
  42067. "nan",
  42068. "nan",
  42069. "nan",
  42070. "nan",
  42071. "nan",
  42072. "nan",
  42073. "nan",
  42074. "nan",
  42075. "nan",
  42076. "nan",
  42077. "nan",
  42078. "nan",
  42079. "nan",
  42080. "nan",
  42081. "nan",
  42082. "nan",
  42083. "nan",
  42084. "nan",
  42085. "nan",
  42086. "nan"
  42087. ],
  42088. [
  42089. "080346",
  42090. "00031",
  42091. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42092. "barb gierek",
  42093. "active file",
  42094. "attorney notes",
  42095. "attorney notes",
  42096. "12/9/2015",
  42097. "nan",
  42098. "mark l. shapiro",
  42099. "on-site",
  42100. "shapiro mark",
  42101. "nan",
  42102. "chicago",
  42103. "2428045",
  42104. "nan",
  42105. "nan",
  42106. "nan",
  42107. "nan",
  42108. "nan",
  42109. "nan",
  42110. "nan",
  42111. "nan",
  42112. "nan",
  42113. "nan",
  42114. "nan",
  42115. "nan",
  42116. "nan",
  42117. "nan",
  42118. "nan",
  42119. "nan",
  42120. "nan",
  42121. "nan",
  42122. "nan",
  42123. "nan",
  42124. "nan",
  42125. "nan",
  42126. "nan"
  42127. ],
  42128. [
  42129. "080346",
  42130. "00032",
  42131. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42132. "kyle mcdonough",
  42133. "active file",
  42134. "attorney notes",
  42135. "attorney notes",
  42136. "5/10/2016",
  42137. "nan",
  42138. "mark l. shapiro",
  42139. "on-site",
  42140. "shapiro mark",
  42141. "nan",
  42142. "chicago",
  42143. "2482702",
  42144. "nan",
  42145. "nan",
  42146. "nan",
  42147. "nan",
  42148. "nan",
  42149. "nan",
  42150. "nan",
  42151. "nan",
  42152. "nan",
  42153. "nan",
  42154. "nan",
  42155. "nan",
  42156. "nan",
  42157. "nan",
  42158. "nan",
  42159. "nan",
  42160. "nan",
  42161. "nan",
  42162. "nan",
  42163. "nan",
  42164. "nan",
  42165. "nan",
  42166. "nan"
  42167. ],
  42168. [
  42169. "080346",
  42170. "00034",
  42171. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42172. "lawrence o'neill - employment agreement as coo",
  42173. "active file",
  42174. "attorney notes",
  42175. "attorney notes",
  42176. "7/6/2016",
  42177. "nan",
  42178. "mark l. shapiro",
  42179. "on-site",
  42180. "shapiro mark",
  42181. "nan",
  42182. "chicago",
  42183. "2506506",
  42184. "nan",
  42185. "nan",
  42186. "nan",
  42187. "nan",
  42188. "nan",
  42189. "nan",
  42190. "nan",
  42191. "nan",
  42192. "nan",
  42193. "nan",
  42194. "nan",
  42195. "nan",
  42196. "nan",
  42197. "nan",
  42198. "nan",
  42199. "nan",
  42200. "nan",
  42201. "nan",
  42202. "nan",
  42203. "nan",
  42204. "nan",
  42205. "nan",
  42206. "nan"
  42207. ],
  42208. [
  42209. "080346",
  42210. "00035",
  42211. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42212. "michael poole",
  42213. "active file",
  42214. "attorney notes",
  42215. "attorney notes",
  42216. "7/6/2016",
  42217. "nan",
  42218. "mark l. shapiro",
  42219. "on-site",
  42220. "shapiro mark",
  42221. "nan",
  42222. "chicago",
  42223. "2506507",
  42224. "nan",
  42225. "nan",
  42226. "nan",
  42227. "nan",
  42228. "nan",
  42229. "nan",
  42230. "nan",
  42231. "nan",
  42232. "nan",
  42233. "nan",
  42234. "nan",
  42235. "nan",
  42236. "nan",
  42237. "nan",
  42238. "nan",
  42239. "nan",
  42240. "nan",
  42241. "nan",
  42242. "nan",
  42243. "nan",
  42244. "nan",
  42245. "nan",
  42246. "nan"
  42247. ],
  42248. [
  42249. "080346",
  42250. "00036",
  42251. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42252. "mark jerram",
  42253. "active file",
  42254. "attorney notes",
  42255. "attorney notes",
  42256. "7/6/2016",
  42257. "nan",
  42258. "mark l. shapiro",
  42259. "on-site",
  42260. "shapiro mark",
  42261. "nan",
  42262. "chicago",
  42263. "2506508",
  42264. "nan",
  42265. "nan",
  42266. "nan",
  42267. "nan",
  42268. "nan",
  42269. "nan",
  42270. "nan",
  42271. "nan",
  42272. "nan",
  42273. "nan",
  42274. "nan",
  42275. "nan",
  42276. "nan",
  42277. "nan",
  42278. "nan",
  42279. "nan",
  42280. "nan",
  42281. "nan",
  42282. "nan",
  42283. "nan",
  42284. "nan",
  42285. "nan",
  42286. "nan"
  42287. ],
  42288. [
  42289. "080346",
  42290. "00037",
  42291. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42292. "2016 collective bargaining",
  42293. "active file",
  42294. "attorney notes",
  42295. "attorney notes",
  42296. "8/8/2016",
  42297. "nan",
  42298. "mark l. shapiro",
  42299. "on-site",
  42300. "shapiro mark",
  42301. "nan",
  42302. "chicago",
  42303. "2519711",
  42304. "nan",
  42305. "nan",
  42306. "nan",
  42307. "nan",
  42308. "nan",
  42309. "nan",
  42310. "nan",
  42311. "nan",
  42312. "nan",
  42313. "nan",
  42314. "nan",
  42315. "nan",
  42316. "nan",
  42317. "nan",
  42318. "nan",
  42319. "nan",
  42320. "nan",
  42321. "nan",
  42322. "nan",
  42323. "nan",
  42324. "nan",
  42325. "nan",
  42326. "nan"
  42327. ],
  42328. [
  42329. "080346",
  42330. "00037",
  42331. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42332. "2016 collective bargaining",
  42333. "active file",
  42334. "correspondence",
  42335. "correspondence",
  42336. "8/8/2016",
  42337. "nan",
  42338. "mark l. shapiro",
  42339. "on-site",
  42340. "shapiro mark",
  42341. "nan",
  42342. "chicago",
  42343. "2519712",
  42344. "nan",
  42345. "nan",
  42346. "nan",
  42347. "nan",
  42348. "nan",
  42349. "nan",
  42350. "nan",
  42351. "nan",
  42352. "nan",
  42353. "nan",
  42354. "nan",
  42355. "nan",
  42356. "nan",
  42357. "nan",
  42358. "nan",
  42359. "nan",
  42360. "nan",
  42361. "nan",
  42362. "nan",
  42363. "nan",
  42364. "nan",
  42365. "nan",
  42366. "nan"
  42367. ],
  42368. [
  42369. "080346",
  42370. "00037",
  42371. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42372. "2016 collective bargaining",
  42373. "active file",
  42374. "drafts",
  42375. "contract drafts",
  42376. "8/8/2016",
  42377. "nan",
  42378. "mark l. shapiro",
  42379. "on-site",
  42380. "shapiro mark",
  42381. "nan",
  42382. "chicago",
  42383. "2519713",
  42384. "nan",
  42385. "nan",
  42386. "nan",
  42387. "nan",
  42388. "nan",
  42389. "nan",
  42390. "nan",
  42391. "nan",
  42392. "nan",
  42393. "nan",
  42394. "nan",
  42395. "nan",
  42396. "nan",
  42397. "nan",
  42398. "nan",
  42399. "nan",
  42400. "nan",
  42401. "nan",
  42402. "nan",
  42403. "nan",
  42404. "nan",
  42405. "nan",
  42406. "nan"
  42407. ],
  42408. [
  42409. "080346",
  42410. "00029",
  42411. "rtc industries, inc.",
  42412. "china fire bureau matter",
  42413. "active file",
  42414. "correspondence",
  42415. "rtc industries, inc. - china fire bureau matter\ncorrespondence - 080346.00029 - h. zhang",
  42416. "9/29/2016",
  42417. "nan",
  42418. "hongjun zhang",
  42419. "on-site",
  42420. "zhang hongjun",
  42421. "rtc industries, inc. - china fire bureau matter correspondence - 080346.00029 - h. zhang\n",
  42422. "washington d.c",
  42423. "2538805",
  42424. "nan",
  42425. "nan",
  42426. "nan",
  42427. "nan",
  42428. "nan",
  42429. "nan",
  42430. "nan",
  42431. "nan",
  42432. "nan",
  42433. "nan",
  42434. "nan",
  42435. "nan",
  42436. "nan",
  42437. "nan",
  42438. "nan",
  42439. "nan",
  42440. "nan",
  42441. "nan",
  42442. "nan",
  42443. "nan",
  42444. "nan",
  42445. "nan",
  42446. "nan"
  42447. ],
  42448. [
  42449. "080852",
  42450. "00001",
  42451. "starabilias, llc",
  42452. "adv. jonathan pratte",
  42453. "489813584",
  42454. "nan",
  42455. "07/07/2008\n\no legal research (scc): dc foreclosure law\no scc forms/research: franchise tax exemptions\no scc research: statue of fraud article, sc 2/95\no research: fraudulent conveyance, sec 8/94\no scc research: fdic- general counsel's opinion no. 8 stored value cards\no scc forms/ research: gift cards\no scc forms/research: guaranty\no legal research: hazardous substances- lease language (sc)\no scc-- forms/research: hosting agreements (sample)\no lease file/research: hvac specs\no scc forms/research: incentive compensation plan\no scc- forms/research: installment payment agreement\no scc research: insurance\no scc forms/research: internet research resources\no scc forms: investor representation letter\no scc form: ip license\no joint tenancy accounts (research file)\no scc forms: joint tenancy agreements\no scc forms: indemnification section\no scc forms: landlord's consent to sublease\no scc forms/research: lease file #1\no scc forms/research: lease file #2\no research file/scc: lease abandonment research, 11/94\no scc research: lease assignment and sublease\no legal research: leases (general) (sc)\no scc- lease research, gross-up provisions\no forms (sc)- lease guaranty\no scc: forms- lease assignment format\no scc: research/form files: leases- restaurants\no scc forms: lease termination agreement\no research: letter for credit primer for real estate lawyers- sc 12/93\no scc research: letter of intent (lease negotn.)\no scc forms/research: license agreement\no scc research: like-kind exchange (section 1031)\n",
  42456. "7/9/2008",
  42457. "nan",
  42458. "jack s. sholkoff",
  42459. "off-site",
  42460. "out to storage - 01/13/2009.",
  42461. "nan",
  42462. "washington d.c",
  42463. "817957",
  42464. "2/7/2002",
  42465. "nan",
  42466. "nan",
  42467. "nan",
  42468. "nan",
  42469. "nan",
  42470. "nan",
  42471. "nan",
  42472. "nan",
  42473. "nan",
  42474. "nan",
  42475. "nan",
  42476. "nan",
  42477. "nan",
  42478. "nan",
  42479. "nan",
  42480. "nan",
  42481. "nan",
  42482. "nan",
  42483. "nan",
  42484. "nan",
  42485. "nan",
  42486. "nan"
  42487. ],
  42488. [
  42489. "082295",
  42490. "00001",
  42491. "cartcraft company, the",
  42492. "formation and general corporate matters",
  42493. "719586785",
  42494. "nan",
  42495. "box #1-folder #1: file index & distribution list, correspondence, notes, memoranda and emails, engagement letter, conflict waiver letter, charter documents, ri certifcate of authority, bylaws, application for employment identification number, action of sole incorporator, organizational meeting by unanimous consent of the board of directors, term sheet, yardware closing agenda, common stock certificates, stock purchase agreement, investor rights agreement, stockholders agreement, 2002 stock option plan, iso grants, intellectual property, non disclosure, assessment of intellectual property agreement, consulting agreement, restricted purchase agreement, series a preferred stock certificates, e. state signature (o'farrell), form d, ri blue sky draft, subsequent closing, folder #2: business plan, trademark, shareholders annual meeting, 2002 annual consents, 2003 ri annual report, consumer product safety commission, ri sales tax, giordano employment & iso documents, dipippo employment & iso documents, yardware data sheet, omnibus stock incentive plan, file index and distribution list, closing agenda, revolving line of credit loan agreement, promissory note, security agreement, limited guaranty, warrant to purchase stock, put and call agreement, waiver of landlord, commitment letter, collateral assignment-life ins., articles of incorporation, certificate of borrowing authority, good standing certs., evidence of equity raise, review of contract, wells fargo bank references, automatic debt authorization, insurance cert., legal opinion, payment of fees, post closing letter, ri tax good standing, resolutions, secretary's certificate, final investors, folder #3: stock purchase agreement, a & r cert. of incorporation, list of purchasers, list of securityholders, a & r investor rights agreement, a & r stockholders agreement, waiver of first refusal (series a), board/shareholder resolutions, a & r certificate of incorporation, series a stock certificates, common stock certificates, employment agreement (william o'farrell), form d, state (ri) blue sky filings, certificate of good standing, series a convertible preferred stock purchase agreement, series a convertible preferred stock purchase agreement, draft letter to william o'farrell, assignment of ip, term sheet, file index and distribution list, correspondence, notes, emails & memoranda, brian o'farrell spa common stock, repurchase of william o'farrell's shares common, amendment to sop, yardware 83(b) election, brian o'farrell restricted stock agreement",
  42496. "4/16/2009",
  42497. "13637363",
  42498. "james e., jr. long",
  42499. "off-site",
  42500. "nan",
  42501. " hk box:",
  42502. "boston",
  42503. "1639896",
  42504. "10/14/2008",
  42505. "nan",
  42506. "nan",
  42507. "nan",
  42508. "nan",
  42509. "nan",
  42510. "nan",
  42511. "nan",
  42512. "nan",
  42513. "nan",
  42514. "nan",
  42515. "nan",
  42516. "nan",
  42517. "nan",
  42518. "nan",
  42519. "nan",
  42520. "nan",
  42521. "nan",
  42522. "nan",
  42523. "nan",
  42524. "nan",
  42525. "nan",
  42526. "nan"
  42527. ],
  42528. [
  42529. "082295",
  42530. "00001",
  42531. "cartcraft company, the",
  42532. "formation and general corporate matters",
  42533. "719580890",
  42534. "nan",
  42535. "box #2-folder #1: closing index, stock purchase agreement, a & r cert. of incorporation, list of purchasers, list of securityholders, a & r investor rights agreement, a & r stockholders agreement, waiver of first refusal rights, board/shareholder resolutions, a & r certificate of incorporation, employment agreement, certificate of good standing, secretary's certificate, ri certificate of authority, yardware, legal documents, folder #2: cartcraft, cartcraft annual meeting, binder: the cartcraft company corporate minute book, folder #3: new matter memorandum, spa, closing agenda, forms and closing documents, closing info. tally, haney, william m., gilson, haney, anne, haney next generation trust, kulman, bradley g. and kahn, eve, holthouse, mark, morris, panner, marson, william, sheptin, michael, twist, michael and margaret, william ledingham m & a living trust, yewdall, john anthony and elizabeth gwendolyn, delivery from heaven foundation, dipippo, john, langlois, marie, slater center for design and manufacturing, matthew e. reilly, jeffrey s. stein, elizabeth h. gooding, vincent j. giordano, michael a. rocchio, state of ri blue sky filings, yardware board of directors, letter to investors, clean up, board of directors resolutions, letters to investors w/copies of certificates",
  42536. "4/16/2009",
  42537. "13637364",
  42538. "james e., jr. long",
  42539. "off-site",
  42540. "nan",
  42541. " hk box:",
  42542. "boston",
  42543. "1639900",
  42544. "10/14/2008",
  42545. "nan",
  42546. "nan",
  42547. "nan",
  42548. "nan",
  42549. "nan",
  42550. "nan",
  42551. "nan",
  42552. "nan",
  42553. "nan",
  42554. "nan",
  42555. "nan",
  42556. "nan",
  42557. "nan",
  42558. "nan",
  42559. "nan",
  42560. "nan",
  42561. "nan",
  42562. "nan",
  42563. "nan",
  42564. "nan",
  42565. "nan",
  42566. "nan"
  42567. ],
  42568. [
  42569. "082671",
  42570. "00002",
  42571. "ge capital commercial finance, inc.",
  42572. "project deco due diligence",
  42573. "727768002",
  42574. "closing documents/binders",
  42575. "asset sale agreement be and between federal deposit insurance corporation, in its capacity as receiver for hamilton bank, n.a. and gf asset management, llc $69,962,911.11 june 12, 2002",
  42576. "4/29/2013",
  42577. "nan",
  42578. "jose e. sirven",
  42579. "off-site",
  42580. "nan",
  42581. "nan",
  42582. "miami",
  42583. "2019231",
  42584. "10/29/2008",
  42585. "nan",
  42586. "nan",
  42587. "nan",
  42588. "nan",
  42589. "nan",
  42590. "nan",
  42591. "nan",
  42592. "nan",
  42593. "nan",
  42594. "nan",
  42595. "nan",
  42596. "nan",
  42597. "nan",
  42598. "nan",
  42599. "nan",
  42600. "nan",
  42601. "nan",
  42602. "nan",
  42603. "nan",
  42604. "nan",
  42605. "nan",
  42606. "nan"
  42607. ],
  42608. [
  42609. "083000",
  42610. "01104",
  42611. "general allocation file",
  42612. "bradley-burns local sales tax litigation",
  42613. "699685564",
  42614. "general/other",
  42615. "petitioners' appendix & request fo judicial notice\nlegislative history / revenue & tax code 7209\nclc copies of miscellaneous key trial exhibits (2 redwells)\nmuniservices listing / certain cases not pursued\nlegislative history / rtc 7209\nstate board of equalization - (final action summary & final decisions for categories 0 thru 3)\n1996 study (jugum)\nother legislative history / administrative records cd's",
  42616. "9/19/2012",
  42617. "nan",
  42618. "charles l., iii coleman",
  42619. "off-site",
  42620. "coleman charles",
  42621. "nan",
  42622. "san francisco",
  42623. "1896659",
  42624. "9/2/2015",
  42625. "nan",
  42626. "nan",
  42627. "nan",
  42628. "nan",
  42629. "nan",
  42630. "nan",
  42631. "nan",
  42632. "nan",
  42633. "nan",
  42634. "nan",
  42635. "nan",
  42636. "nan",
  42637. "nan",
  42638. "nan",
  42639. "nan",
  42640. "nan",
  42641. "nan",
  42642. "nan",
  42643. "nan",
  42644. "nan",
  42645. "nan",
  42646. "nan"
  42647. ],
  42648. [
  42649. "083000",
  42650. "01104",
  42651. "general allocation file",
  42652. "bradley-burns local sales tax litigation",
  42653. "699685565",
  42654. "general/other",
  42655. "tax cases - clc:\n-proposed judgmenet / writ\n-legislative history 7205\n-h&k draft bill\n-la & san jose case brief\n-san mateo case materials\n-copies of resolutions rtc 7056\n-palmdale case info\n-selected transcripts\n-pomona case",
  42656. "9/19/2012",
  42657. "nan",
  42658. "charles l., iii coleman",
  42659. "off-site",
  42660. "coleman charles",
  42661. "nan",
  42662. "san francisco",
  42663. "1896669",
  42664. "9/2/2015",
  42665. "nan",
  42666. "nan",
  42667. "nan",
  42668. "nan",
  42669. "nan",
  42670. "nan",
  42671. "nan",
  42672. "nan",
  42673. "nan",
  42674. "nan",
  42675. "nan",
  42676. "nan",
  42677. "nan",
  42678. "nan",
  42679. "nan",
  42680. "nan",
  42681. "nan",
  42682. "nan",
  42683. "nan",
  42684. "nan",
  42685. "nan",
  42686. "nan"
  42687. ],
  42688. [
  42689. "084718",
  42690. "00018",
  42691. "washington mutual bank, n.a.",
  42692. "washington mutual adv. schwartz - release of lien case",
  42693. "521879769",
  42694. "nan",
  42695. "*correspondence - volume i\n*notes\n*internal communication\n*pleading binder - volume i\n*hearing: fdic's motion for stay 10/13/09\n*hearing: plaintiff's motion for partial summary judgment (10/13/09)\n*hearing: court's motion to dismiss for lack of prosecition (09/15/08)\n*schwartz's first set of interrogatories 09/12/08\n*schwartz's first request for production 09/12/08\n*fdic's notice to discovered creditor - proof of claim - 09/29/09\n*recorded releases of mortgage\n*billing (filed on-site)",
  42696. "9/18/2010",
  42697. "09-3321",
  42698. "scott b. newman",
  42699. "nan",
  42700. "newman scott",
  42701. "nan",
  42702. "west palm beach",
  42703. "1722110",
  42704. "7/23/2010",
  42705. "nan",
  42706. "nan",
  42707. "nan",
  42708. "nan",
  42709. "nan",
  42710. "nan",
  42711. "nan",
  42712. "nan",
  42713. "nan",
  42714. "nan",
  42715. "nan",
  42716. "nan",
  42717. "nan",
  42718. "nan",
  42719. "nan",
  42720. "nan",
  42721. "nan",
  42722. "nan",
  42723. "nan",
  42724. "nan",
  42725. "nan",
  42726. "nan"
  42727. ],
  42728. [
  42729. "086158",
  42730. "00074",
  42731. "netbank, inc.",
  42732. "case administration",
  42733. "657796667",
  42734. "general/other",
  42735. "e. sales \n1. agreement for purchase and sale of servicing by and between netbank and everbank\n2. oak street - jacksonville, florida\n a. oak street furniture and equipment\n b. original bill of sale between netbank and kingsland realty \n3. parklane - columbia, south carolina\n a. broker agreement with nai avant\n b. comps\n c. sale brochure\n d. sale of real property - order\n e. parklane sale\n f. sale of improved property\n g. sale of parklane to mike arnold\n\n4. two notch road - columbia, south carolina\n a. assessor data\n5. sale of market street partners, llc\n6. general file - sales\n\n\nf. netbank, inc. general i\n 1. benefits\n a. misc. benefits file \nb. 401(k)\n c. nbi nq deferred compensation plan\n d. vision plan\ne. employee benefits summary of coverage - binder from harden & associates\n 2. board minutes\n 3. cash flow and budgets\n 4. class action\n 5. consolidated income statement\n 6. netbank contracts\n a. contract analysis\n b. executory contracts - with cd\n c. intercontinental hotel group\n d. jp morgan chase continuing guarantee dated 9/30/2004\n 7. employment\n a. settlement agreements and retention and settlement agreements\n b. employment agreements\n 8. ernst & young\n 9. expenses\n 10. fdic\n 11. fidelity/netbank award of arbitrators\nplan and disclosure drafts\nrestructuring",
  42736. "8/17/2011",
  42737. "nan",
  42738. "alan m. weiss",
  42739. "off-site",
  42740. "nan",
  42741. "nan",
  42742. "jacksonville",
  42743. "1769895",
  42744. "4/5/2011",
  42745. "nan",
  42746. "nan",
  42747. "nan",
  42748. "nan",
  42749. "nan",
  42750. "nan",
  42751. "nan",
  42752. "nan",
  42753. "nan",
  42754. "nan",
  42755. "nan",
  42756. "nan",
  42757. "nan",
  42758. "nan",
  42759. "nan",
  42760. "nan",
  42761. "nan",
  42762. "nan",
  42763. "nan",
  42764. "nan",
  42765. "nan",
  42766. "nan"
  42767. ],
  42768. [
  42769. "086158",
  42770. "00074",
  42771. "netbank, inc.",
  42772. "case administration",
  42773. "657796668",
  42774. "general/other",
  42775. "claim 166, grimes, danner\ntrust preferred; corporate chart; expense projection; cash flow projection; proposed orders (3 sets: ggg, nai, property and salaries; 2 unlabeled files; mg re; blanace sheets; dip account file; exhibits - amw copy; asset purchase ag btw netbank and everbank; tax refund; confirmation exhibits; \np. litigation\n1. netbank v. bcbs\n2. vahdat v. netbank, inc.\n3. adcock v. netbank\n4. totilo v. herbert\n5. netbank, inc. v. john giagiari, jr.\n6. netbank v. callaham\n7. mittleider settlement\n8. carter v. netbank\n9. purvis v. netbank\n10. subpoena to h&k\n11. collin murphy v. netbank\n12. netbank v. irs (usa and fdic)\n",
  42776. "8/17/2011",
  42777. "nan",
  42778. "alan m. weiss",
  42779. "off-site",
  42780. "nan",
  42781. "nan",
  42782. "jacksonville",
  42783. "1769897",
  42784. "4/5/2011",
  42785. "nan",
  42786. "nan",
  42787. "nan",
  42788. "nan",
  42789. "nan",
  42790. "nan",
  42791. "nan",
  42792. "nan",
  42793. "nan",
  42794. "nan",
  42795. "nan",
  42796. "nan",
  42797. "nan",
  42798. "nan",
  42799. "nan",
  42800. "nan",
  42801. "nan",
  42802. "nan",
  42803. "nan",
  42804. "nan",
  42805. "nan",
  42806. "nan"
  42807. ],
  42808. [
  42809. "086158",
  42810. "00074",
  42811. "netbank, inc.",
  42812. "case administration",
  42813. "657796676",
  42814. "general/other",
  42815. "g. netbank, inc. general ii\n 1. ggg\n 2. insurance\n a. general insurance\n b. d&o coverage\nc. financial institution bond and electronic and computer crime, bankers professional liability, directors and officers liability and fiduciary liability insurance\n d. correspondence\n 3. kcc\n 4. pipes\n 5. repurchase/problem loans\n 6. sec\n 7. trademark\n 8. ucc filings\n 9. washington mutual\n 10. meritage mortgage\n 11. rbmg\n\nh. netbank, inc. bankruptcy i\n 1. address changes\n 2. articles re: netbank's bankruptcy\n 3. attorneys notes\n 4. draft schedules and soa\n 5. docket\n 6. open\n 7. new matter memos\n 8. original signatures\n 9. returned mail\n 10. research - fdic as receiver\n\ni. netbank, inc. bankruptcy ii\n 1. claims\n a. ct \n b. duval county property tax claim\n c. unisys\n d. ups\n e. pitney bowes\n f. shred-it usa\n g. at&t\n h. ual loyalty services\n i. jpmorgan chase\n 2. claim against ernst & young\n 3. open\n 4. original documents\n 5. department of labor investigation\n \nj. proofs of claim",
  42816. "8/17/2011",
  42817. "nan",
  42818. "alan m. weiss",
  42819. "off-site",
  42820. "nan",
  42821. "nan",
  42822. "jacksonville",
  42823. "1769964",
  42824. "4/5/2011",
  42825. "nan",
  42826. "nan",
  42827. "nan",
  42828. "nan",
  42829. "nan",
  42830. "nan",
  42831. "nan",
  42832. "nan",
  42833. "nan",
  42834. "nan",
  42835. "nan",
  42836. "nan",
  42837. "nan",
  42838. "nan",
  42839. "nan",
  42840. "nan",
  42841. "nan",
  42842. "nan",
  42843. "nan",
  42844. "nan",
  42845. "nan",
  42846. "nan"
  42847. ],
  42848. [
  42849. "086158",
  42850. "00072",
  42851. "netbank, inc.",
  42852. "business operations",
  42853. "755565945",
  42854. "correspondence",
  42855. "fdic corresp.; corresp.; no action letters",
  42856. "1/11/2013",
  42857. "nan",
  42858. "alan m. weiss",
  42859. "off-site",
  42860. "colao ivan",
  42861. "nan",
  42862. "jacksonville",
  42863. "1953063",
  42864. "11/25/2009",
  42865. "nan",
  42866. "nan",
  42867. "nan",
  42868. "nan",
  42869. "nan",
  42870. "nan",
  42871. "nan",
  42872. "nan",
  42873. "nan",
  42874. "nan",
  42875. "nan",
  42876. "nan",
  42877. "nan",
  42878. "nan",
  42879. "nan",
  42880. "nan",
  42881. "nan",
  42882. "nan",
  42883. "nan",
  42884. "nan",
  42885. "nan",
  42886. "nan"
  42887. ],
  42888. [
  42889. "086289",
  42890. "00001",
  42891. "edison international",
  42892. "general counseling and prosecution",
  42893. "459068898",
  42894. "research",
  42895. "1. thomson compumark research report for \"design o f energy burts\",\n2. thomson compumark research report for \"edison challenge\",\n3. thomson compumark research report for \"edison selectnet\",\n4. thomson compumark research report for \"edison smartconnect\",\n5. thomson compumark research report for edison customerconnect\",\n6. thomson compumark research report for \"edison powernet\",\n7. thomson compumark research report for \"edison customerlink\",",
  42896. "6/9/2011",
  42897. "nan",
  42898. "richard e. lyon",
  42899. "off-site",
  42900. "nan",
  42901. "nan",
  42902. "los angeles",
  42903. "1757057",
  42904. "nan",
  42905. "nan",
  42906. "nan",
  42907. "nan",
  42908. "nan",
  42909. "nan",
  42910. "nan",
  42911. "nan",
  42912. "nan",
  42913. "nan",
  42914. "nan",
  42915. "nan",
  42916. "nan",
  42917. "nan",
  42918. "nan",
  42919. "nan",
  42920. "nan",
  42921. "nan",
  42922. "nan",
  42923. "nan",
  42924. "nan",
  42925. "nan",
  42926. "nan"
  42927. ],
  42928. [
  42929. "086298",
  42930. "00011",
  42931. "southern california edison",
  42932. "tm/sm:us edison smartconnect in classes 9 and 38",
  42933. "active file",
  42934. "nan",
  42935. "correspondence\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  42936. "nan",
  42937. "nan",
  42938. "richard e. lyon",
  42939. "lax 22nd floor",
  42940. "nan",
  42941. "<ethical wall applied on: 9/25/2014> date-open: 10/23/2007",
  42942. "los angeles",
  42943. "1534282",
  42944. "nan",
  42945. "nan",
  42946. "nan",
  42947. "nan",
  42948. "nan",
  42949. "nan",
  42950. "nan",
  42951. "nan",
  42952. "nan",
  42953. "nan",
  42954. "nan",
  42955. "nan",
  42956. "nan",
  42957. "nan",
  42958. "nan",
  42959. "nan",
  42960. "nan",
  42961. "nan",
  42962. "nan",
  42963. "nan",
  42964. "nan",
  42965. "nan",
  42966. "nan"
  42967. ],
  42968. [
  42969. "087329",
  42970. "00006",
  42971. "viacom outdoor",
  42972. "prtc advertising contract advice",
  42973. "428643933",
  42974. "nan",
  42975. "file 087329.00006 corres / 2 redwelds",
  42976. "4/6/2007",
  42977. "nan",
  42978. "robert bergen",
  42979. "nan",
  42980. "nan",
  42981. "inmagic: id d36106",
  42982. "new york city",
  42983. "772872",
  42984. "3/20/2007",
  42985. "nan",
  42986. "nan",
  42987. "nan",
  42988. "nan",
  42989. "nan",
  42990. "nan",
  42991. "nan",
  42992. "nan",
  42993. "nan",
  42994. "nan",
  42995. "nan",
  42996. "nan",
  42997. "nan",
  42998. "nan",
  42999. "nan",
  43000. "nan",
  43001. "nan",
  43002. "nan",
  43003. "nan",
  43004. "nan",
  43005. "nan",
  43006. "nan"
  43007. ],
  43008. [
  43009. "088499",
  43010. "00512",
  43011. "jpmorgan chase bank, n.a.",
  43012. "fdic and other loan document assignment projects;",
  43013. "786423175",
  43014. "working papers",
  43015. "file",
  43016. "5/24/2014",
  43017. "786423175",
  43018. "judith e. kreitzer",
  43019. "on-site",
  43020. "kreitzer judith",
  43021. "<destruction hold applied on: 5/15/2014> <ethical wall applied on: 9/4/2013> \n//",
  43022. "fort lauderdale",
  43023. "2209635",
  43024. "8/20/2013",
  43025. "nan",
  43026. "nan",
  43027. "nan",
  43028. "nan",
  43029. "nan",
  43030. "nan",
  43031. "nan",
  43032. "nan",
  43033. "nan",
  43034. "nan",
  43035. "nan",
  43036. "nan",
  43037. "nan",
  43038. "nan",
  43039. "nan",
  43040. "nan",
  43041. "nan",
  43042. "nan",
  43043. "nan",
  43044. "nan",
  43045. "nan",
  43046. "nan"
  43047. ],
  43048. [
  43049. "091031",
  43050. "00001",
  43051. "kaplan, sandra",
  43052. "co-trustee and beneficiary of max bergman estate",
  43053. "631769950",
  43054. "nan",
  43055. "box 4 of 11\nclosing list:\n\nletter of lucinda hofmann (review)\n\npetitioners motion for rehearing \n\norder on petitioners motion for summary judgment\n\naffidavit of robert judd\n\nmemo on fees\n\naffidavit cost\n\naffidavit fees\n\nrule 1.525 attorney fees\n\nresearch on motion for assessment of attorney�s fees\n\nwitness: fdic hamilton bank, amtrust, jack berkowitz, john bryan, and capital one/fsb \n\n",
  43056. "3/23/2010",
  43057. "631769950",
  43058. "robert e. ferris",
  43059. "off-site",
  43060. "nan",
  43061. "nan",
  43062. "fort lauderdale",
  43063. "1695500",
  43064. "2/10/2014",
  43065. "nan",
  43066. "nan",
  43067. "nan",
  43068. "nan",
  43069. "nan",
  43070. "nan",
  43071. "nan",
  43072. "nan",
  43073. "nan",
  43074. "nan",
  43075. "nan",
  43076. "nan",
  43077. "nan",
  43078. "nan",
  43079. "nan",
  43080. "nan",
  43081. "nan",
  43082. "nan",
  43083. "nan",
  43084. "nan",
  43085. "nan",
  43086. "nan"
  43087. ],
  43088. [
  43089. "094000",
  43090. "04178",
  43091. "pro-bono",
  43092. "fdic comment letter- the florida bar foundation",
  43093. "632025502",
  43094. "general/other",
  43095. "care for the homeless lease/pots lease",
  43096. "10/8/2015",
  43097. "nan",
  43098. "leighton d. yates",
  43099. "off-site",
  43100. "gupta dina",
  43101. "nan",
  43102. "new york city",
  43103. "2410226",
  43104. "3/11/2009",
  43105. "nan",
  43106. "nan",
  43107. "nan",
  43108. "nan",
  43109. "nan",
  43110. "nan",
  43111. "nan",
  43112. "nan",
  43113. "nan",
  43114. "nan",
  43115. "nan",
  43116. "nan",
  43117. "nan",
  43118. "nan",
  43119. "nan",
  43120. "nan",
  43121. "nan",
  43122. "nan",
  43123. "nan",
  43124. "nan",
  43125. "nan",
  43126. "nan"
  43127. ],
  43128. [
  43129. "094100",
  43130. "00203",
  43131. "community service",
  43132. "jonathan buckland / andrew holness",
  43133. "443055596",
  43134. "general/other",
  43135. "community service buckland; rtc (right of counsel); soule, well---",
  43136. "04/03/2007",
  43137. "443055596",
  43138. "robin l. rosenberg",
  43139. "nan",
  43140. "nan",
  43141. "rlr---seq: 0001 + letter: b",
  43142. "tampa",
  43143. "143774",
  43144. "3/15/2007",
  43145. "nan",
  43146. "nan",
  43147. "nan",
  43148. "nan",
  43149. "nan",
  43150. "nan",
  43151. "nan",
  43152. "nan",
  43153. "nan",
  43154. "nan",
  43155. "nan",
  43156. "nan",
  43157. "nan",
  43158. "nan",
  43159. "nan",
  43160. "nan",
  43161. "nan",
  43162. "nan",
  43163. "nan",
  43164. "nan",
  43165. "nan",
  43166. "nan"
  43167. ],
  43168. [
  43169. "094134",
  43170. "00002",
  43171. "royall, hardin, j., jr.",
  43172. "vs. fdic et al.",
  43173. "225349878",
  43174. "nan",
  43175. "mike tanner",
  43176. "06/21/2006",
  43177. "225349878",
  43178. "jose e. sirven",
  43179. "nan",
  43180. "nan",
  43181. "nan",
  43182. "jacksonville",
  43183. "38208",
  43184. "9/21/2007",
  43185. "nan",
  43186. "nan",
  43187. "nan",
  43188. "nan",
  43189. "nan",
  43190. "nan",
  43191. "nan",
  43192. "nan",
  43193. "nan",
  43194. "nan",
  43195. "nan",
  43196. "nan",
  43197. "nan",
  43198. "nan",
  43199. "nan",
  43200. "nan",
  43201. "nan",
  43202. "nan",
  43203. "nan",
  43204. "nan",
  43205. "nan",
  43206. "nan"
  43207. ],
  43208. [
  43209. "094134",
  43210. "00002",
  43211. "royall, hardin, j., jr.",
  43212. "vs. fdic et al.",
  43213. "788653110",
  43214. "client documents",
  43215. "working papers",
  43216. "5/15/2013",
  43217. "nan",
  43218. "jose e. sirven",
  43219. "off-site",
  43220. "sirven jose",
  43221. "nan",
  43222. "miami",
  43223. "2031393",
  43224. "9/21/2007",
  43225. "nan",
  43226. "nan",
  43227. "nan",
  43228. "nan",
  43229. "nan",
  43230. "nan",
  43231. "nan",
  43232. "nan",
  43233. "nan",
  43234. "nan",
  43235. "nan",
  43236. "nan",
  43237. "nan",
  43238. "nan",
  43239. "nan",
  43240. "nan",
  43241. "nan",
  43242. "nan",
  43243. "nan",
  43244. "nan",
  43245. "nan",
  43246. "nan"
  43247. ],
  43248. [
  43249. "094200",
  43250. "00054",
  43251. "legal department",
  43252. "pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  43253. "625588277",
  43254. "nan",
  43255. "box 2 of 3\nprestige duty-free enterprises, inc. (g.e.)\n* fully executed settlement\nagreement and other documents\n* correspondence with carrier\n* correspondence file - vol. 5\n* volumes 1-4 settlement agreement\nand mutual releases - documents\nand correspondence\n* redweld - closing binder (asset\nsale agreement between fdic and\ng.e. asset management, llc\njune 12, 2002\n* redweld - hamilton bank loan\ndocuments and related corresp.\n(h&k files)\nstill have ge asset file open.\nsteve hagen",
  43256. "2/7/2008",
  43257. "311084",
  43258. "harry r. detwiler",
  43259. "off-site",
  43260. "nan",
  43261. " hk box:",
  43262. "tallahassee",
  43263. "593125",
  43264. "12/20/2010",
  43265. "nan",
  43266. "nan",
  43267. "nan",
  43268. "nan",
  43269. "nan",
  43270. "nan",
  43271. "nan",
  43272. "nan",
  43273. "nan",
  43274. "nan",
  43275. "nan",
  43276. "nan",
  43277. "nan",
  43278. "nan",
  43279. "nan",
  43280. "nan",
  43281. "nan",
  43282. "nan",
  43283. "nan",
  43284. "nan",
  43285. "nan",
  43286. "nan"
  43287. ],
  43288. [
  43289. "094200",
  43290. "50027",
  43291. "legal department",
  43292. "gc - chesterfield smith documents",
  43293. "513364262",
  43294. "nan",
  43295. "box 5 of 10\n1. boards and commissions appointed by the governor\n2. statement of bill mcbride re rtc demand\n3. biographical data for chesterfield smith award recipients 1992\n4. comsis 1993\n5. continental airlines 1993\n6. hans hvide lunch 3/8/90\n7. chesterfield smith partnership agreement 1962\n8. stephen grimes - chief justice florida supreme court 7/1/94\n9. bond counsel campaign contribution rules 1991\n10. jacksonville file 1992\n11. john hogan 11/17/97\n12. legal services corporation dinner4/98\n13. chesterfield smith partner award\n14. chesterfield smith award nominees 1995\n15. rosa castro feinberg luncheon 5/12/98\n16. orlando office open house 4/11/88\n17. university of miami reception 10/3/88\n18. firm lawyers luncheon 9/23/88\n19. aerojet international project - 1986\n20. dade county fair campaign 6/86\n21. h&k partners meeting 6/8/86\n22. linwood cabot luncheon january 86\n23. leveraged buyout seminar - january 1986\n24. chesterfield smith partner award ballots\n25. senior lawyers conference 9/87\n26. clerks luncheon lakeland - may l987\n27. clerk's cocktail party 6/87\n28. united fresh fruit & vegetable assn. 2/87\n29. senator richard stone campaign fund 78\n30. floridians public control 8/77\n31. secretaries day luncheon 4/99\n32. servants of justice dinner for rita hauser ny 5/2000\n33. alberto ibarguen lunch 10/5/98\n34. meeting with gov. chiles\n35. robert dussler lunch 8/87\n36. incae reception 7/90",
  43296. "10/1/2008",
  43297. "513364262",
  43298. "l. kinder cannon",
  43299. "off-site",
  43300. "nan",
  43301. "nan",
  43302. "jacksonville",
  43303. "1512331",
  43304. "7/31/2016",
  43305. "nan",
  43306. "nan",
  43307. "nan",
  43308. "nan",
  43309. "nan",
  43310. "nan",
  43311. "nan",
  43312. "nan",
  43313. "nan",
  43314. "nan",
  43315. "nan",
  43316. "nan",
  43317. "nan",
  43318. "nan",
  43319. "nan",
  43320. "nan",
  43321. "nan",
  43322. "nan",
  43323. "nan",
  43324. "nan",
  43325. "nan",
  43326. "nan"
  43327. ],
  43328. [
  43329. "094200",
  43330. "00054",
  43331. "legal department",
  43332. "pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  43333. "652544381",
  43334. "nan",
  43335. "loss prevention - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc. - 094200.54 \n research re stand in the shoes\n asset sale agreement between fdic as receiver for hamilton bank & gf asset management closing binder - 06/12/02\n",
  43336. "12/17/2008",
  43337. "13176400",
  43338. "harry r. detwiler",
  43339. "off-site",
  43340. "nan",
  43341. " 43859",
  43342. "miami",
  43343. "1544012",
  43344. "12/20/2010",
  43345. "nan",
  43346. "nan",
  43347. "nan",
  43348. "nan",
  43349. "nan",
  43350. "nan",
  43351. "nan",
  43352. "nan",
  43353. "nan",
  43354. "nan",
  43355. "nan",
  43356. "nan",
  43357. "nan",
  43358. "nan",
  43359. "nan",
  43360. "nan",
  43361. "nan",
  43362. "nan",
  43363. "nan",
  43364. "nan",
  43365. "nan",
  43366. "nan"
  43367. ],
  43368. [
  43369. "094200",
  43370. "00003",
  43371. "legal department",
  43372. "pr - conflict of interest resolution",
  43373. "635765139",
  43374. "nan",
  43375. "box 2 of 5.....\ncsx transportation (2007)\ndirk haire - mar (2008)\ndupont (2007)\nearth tech (2008)\nexecutive risk (2007)\neastman kodak (2008)\nfall intern - nyc (2008)\nfdic (2008)\nfidelity / zaron (2008)\ngateway (2008)\ngeico (2008)\ngeneral motors ocp (2008)\ngraybeal / o'brien (2008)\ngreenberg affidavit (2006)\ngreenberg adverse matters (2006-2007)\nhamilton project / tpa (2007)\nthe hartford (2008)\nhca (2008)\nhome depot (2008)\nhome depot, inc. (2007)\nhoneywell (2007)\nhoward k. stern (2008)\nidot (2008)\ning (2008)",
  43376. "2/23/2010",
  43377. "nan",
  43378. "robert r., iii feagin",
  43379. "off-site",
  43380. "nan",
  43381. "<confidential applied on: 10/2/2015>",
  43382. "atlanta",
  43383. "1691648",
  43384. "nan",
  43385. "nan",
  43386. "nan",
  43387. "nan",
  43388. "nan",
  43389. "nan",
  43390. "nan",
  43391. "nan",
  43392. "nan",
  43393. "nan",
  43394. "nan",
  43395. "nan",
  43396. "nan",
  43397. "nan",
  43398. "nan",
  43399. "nan",
  43400. "nan",
  43401. "nan",
  43402. "nan",
  43403. "nan",
  43404. "nan",
  43405. "nan",
  43406. "nan"
  43407. ],
  43408. [
  43409. "094200",
  43410. "00025",
  43411. "legal department",
  43412. "pr - conflict resolution related to holland & knight",
  43413. "635674400",
  43414. "nan",
  43415. "weiss, sara; martinez, nestor; akre, jennifer; millier, jennifer; fortenberry, lacy; fines, ingrid; rudolph, susan; camacho, davina; holloway, samantha; mott, traci; leavitt, nathan; higginbotham, deborah; blackstone group; gerasimenko, natalie; isemann, sabrina; ndofor, vernita; manzione, nicholas; clemens, major e., iii; blakemore, rhonda; mcinnis, caroline; thompson, katherine; loynab, alina; frantz, deborah; faison, cynthia; williams, celia; glenn, tracy; publix; bank of new york; target/city of bakersfield; elder, scott; moreno, patricia; ncs pearson, inc.; hill, corrinne; laufer, david; merchant, ashlie; pnc bank; peter rho; moroccan oil; fdic; leonard, colleen; goughan, patricia; barclays; ashbrook, chelsea; lott, karl; farmers group; patel, krupesh; ibarra, selina; cimino, geraldine; little, shannon; lai, leslie; makin, jeffrey; aladeselu, oluwasey; reed elsevier; fidelity investments; fong, david; yu, tony; park, jonathan; thoreen, vivian; krikorian, adrienne; schultz, david; ibis; walmart; kiewit; gmac; hartford; allete; capmark ethics wall; sidley; nokia; thomas, john",
  43416. "4/29/2010",
  43417. "nan",
  43418. "robert r., iii feagin",
  43419. "off-site",
  43420. "nan",
  43421. "nan",
  43422. "atlanta",
  43423. "1700839",
  43424. "nan",
  43425. "nan",
  43426. "nan",
  43427. "nan",
  43428. "nan",
  43429. "nan",
  43430. "nan",
  43431. "nan",
  43432. "nan",
  43433. "nan",
  43434. "nan",
  43435. "nan",
  43436. "nan",
  43437. "nan",
  43438. "nan",
  43439. "nan",
  43440. "nan",
  43441. "nan",
  43442. "nan",
  43443. "nan",
  43444. "nan",
  43445. "nan",
  43446. "nan"
  43447. ],
  43448. [
  43449. "094200",
  43450. "50005",
  43451. "legal department",
  43452. "gc - general counsel",
  43453. "755565991",
  43454. "general/other",
  43455. "edgewater properties; epiphany club resort 3rd party; e trade 3rd party; falor grand jury investigation (falor 3rd party; aronson; baldwin; borucke; cooper; demeza; garrett; kreitzer; milano; neff; o'neill; sterling; keldermans; strouse; wing; fredericks, l (probate); freedom mtg v. burnham mtd 3rd party; freeman v. fidelity nat'l title ins. co. of ny; fremont investment (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); frtc v. chinery; garabito garnishment; garrison invest (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); git v. fed ins. co.; goodrich, macron investments (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); gragg & assc et al. v. urban american; guanci 3rd party; hamilton/tanner bar related (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); harrison, r.; hasselwoodfork, h.; henning, d/bell senior living 3rd party; henderson v. henderson; herman group (093776) (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); gc misc-hernandez v. hernandez; hinton, h. garnishment; houser, g. 3rd party; howard, d. 96157.1 (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); gc misc.-hutchison v. hutchison; hsbc-pension fund (016172-00167) (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); ias v. paraben; information assurance services v. h&k, et al; jacobs backup tape (026813) (returned to legal department files on site 3/6/2013, per e. mcnamara); jennings, brenda",
  43456. "1/30/2013",
  43457. "nan",
  43458. "michael l. chapman",
  43459. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  43460. "cannon l",
  43461. "<confidential applied on: 9/18/2017>",
  43462. "jacksonville",
  43463. "1961890",
  43464. "nan",
  43465. "nan",
  43466. "nan",
  43467. "nan",
  43468. "nan",
  43469. "nan",
  43470. "nan",
  43471. "nan",
  43472. "nan",
  43473. "nan",
  43474. "nan",
  43475. "nan",
  43476. "nan",
  43477. "nan",
  43478. "nan",
  43479. "nan",
  43480. "nan",
  43481. "nan",
  43482. "nan",
  43483. "nan",
  43484. "nan",
  43485. "nan",
  43486. "nan"
  43487. ],
  43488. [
  43489. "094200",
  43490. "00010",
  43491. "legal department",
  43492. "pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims",
  43493. "727771739",
  43494. "research",
  43495. "prestige research: fdic assigned assignable rights 94200-00054",
  43496. "6/14/2013",
  43497. "nan",
  43498. "robert r., iii feagin",
  43499. "off-site",
  43500. "hernandez-tora�o jorge",
  43501. "094200.00054",
  43502. "miami",
  43503. "2052049",
  43504. "nan",
  43505. "nan",
  43506. "nan",
  43507. "nan",
  43508. "nan",
  43509. "nan",
  43510. "nan",
  43511. "nan",
  43512. "nan",
  43513. "nan",
  43514. "nan",
  43515. "nan",
  43516. "nan",
  43517. "nan",
  43518. "nan",
  43519. "nan",
  43520. "nan",
  43521. "nan",
  43522. "nan",
  43523. "nan",
  43524. "nan",
  43525. "nan",
  43526. "nan"
  43527. ],
  43528. [
  43529. "094200",
  43530. "00006",
  43531. "legal department",
  43532. "pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims",
  43533. "active file",
  43534. "working papers",
  43535. "lp: h&k registered agent: fdic v. cobalt partners, et al.",
  43536. "6/10/2014",
  43537. "nan",
  43538. "robert r., iii feagin",
  43539. "on-site",
  43540. "branch thomas",
  43541. "060155.00011",
  43542. "atlanta",
  43543. "2347825",
  43544. "nan",
  43545. "nan",
  43546. "nan",
  43547. "nan",
  43548. "nan",
  43549. "nan",
  43550. "nan",
  43551. "nan",
  43552. "nan",
  43553. "nan",
  43554. "nan",
  43555. "nan",
  43556. "nan",
  43557. "nan",
  43558. "nan",
  43559. "nan",
  43560. "nan",
  43561. "nan",
  43562. "nan",
  43563. "nan",
  43564. "nan",
  43565. "nan",
  43566. "nan"
  43567. ],
  43568. [
  43569. "094200",
  43570. "50005",
  43571. "legal department",
  43572. "gc - general counsel",
  43573. "844945338",
  43574. "key documents",
  43575. "fdic v. cobalt partners - 3 ppr",
  43576. "1/25/2016",
  43577. "nan",
  43578. "l. kinder cannon",
  43579. "off-site",
  43580. "adkins crystal",
  43581. "<confidential applied on: 1/25/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 1/25/2016> <confidential applied on: 1/25/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 1/25/2016> <confidential applied on: 1/25/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 1/25/2016> <confidential applied on: 1/25/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 1/25/2016> <confidential applied on: 1/25/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 1/25/2016> <confidential applied on: 1/25/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 1/25/2016> <confidential applied on: 1/25/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 1/25/2016> destruction hold 12/1/14",
  43582. "jacksonville",
  43583. "2439792",
  43584. "nan",
  43585. "nan",
  43586. "nan",
  43587. "nan",
  43588. "nan",
  43589. "nan",
  43590. "nan",
  43591. "nan",
  43592. "nan",
  43593. "nan",
  43594. "nan",
  43595. "nan",
  43596. "nan",
  43597. "nan",
  43598. "nan",
  43599. "nan",
  43600. "nan",
  43601. "nan",
  43602. "nan",
  43603. "nan",
  43604. "nan",
  43605. "nan",
  43606. "nan"
  43607. ],
  43608. [
  43609. "094200",
  43610. "00056",
  43611. "legal department",
  43612. "pr - loss prevention - general matters",
  43613. "768010718",
  43614. "working papers",
  43615. "work file - holland & knight legal services agreement with fdic (80006.31100)",
  43616. "3/16/2016",
  43617. "nan",
  43618. "robert r., iii feagin",
  43619. "off-site",
  43620. "detwiler harry",
  43621. "nan",
  43622. "tallahassee",
  43623. "2458665",
  43624. "nan",
  43625. "nan",
  43626. "nan",
  43627. "nan",
  43628. "nan",
  43629. "nan",
  43630. "nan",
  43631. "nan",
  43632. "nan",
  43633. "nan",
  43634. "nan",
  43635. "nan",
  43636. "nan",
  43637. "nan",
  43638. "nan",
  43639. "nan",
  43640. "nan",
  43641. "nan",
  43642. "nan",
  43643. "nan",
  43644. "nan",
  43645. "nan",
  43646. "nan"
  43647. ],
  43648. [
  43649. "094339",
  43650. "00004",
  43651. "nexus medical group, llc",
  43652. "lawsuit by cancel et al.",
  43653. "795105598",
  43654. "exhibits",
  43655. "mehmertcd 017946 - mehmertcd 017748.",
  43656. "8/5/2015",
  43657. "nan",
  43658. "alfred b. adams",
  43659. "off-site",
  43660. "adams alfred",
  43661. "nan",
  43662. "atlanta",
  43663. "2384044",
  43664. "nan",
  43665. "nan",
  43666. "nan",
  43667. "nan",
  43668. "nan",
  43669. "nan",
  43670. "nan",
  43671. "nan",
  43672. "nan",
  43673. "nan",
  43674. "nan",
  43675. "nan",
  43676. "nan",
  43677. "nan",
  43678. "nan",
  43679. "nan",
  43680. "nan",
  43681. "nan",
  43682. "nan",
  43683. "nan",
  43684. "nan",
  43685. "nan",
  43686. "nan"
  43687. ],
  43688. [
  43689. "095000",
  43690. "10000",
  43691. "professional/personal",
  43692. "firm duties",
  43693. "719593620",
  43694. "nan",
  43695. "fileno: 3001215/index: master lease agreement, notes, drafts, federal guarantee research, private activity bond research, notes & memos, federal tax law research, code section 265 research, law, bond issuance authority research, noresco-bha file memos on bond/tax issues, bha-ma law research (empty), ma procurement act research, bha/official action resolution, bha-hud greenbook, bha-energy services agreement, bha-notes & memos, energy performance contracting for public and indian housing: a guide for partcipants",
  43696. "8/2/2000",
  43697. "95660",
  43698. "robert r., iii feagin",
  43699. "nan",
  43700. "nan",
  43701. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  43702. "boston",
  43703. "1033735",
  43704. "9/2/2004",
  43705. "nan",
  43706. "nan",
  43707. "nan",
  43708. "nan",
  43709. "nan",
  43710. "nan",
  43711. "nan",
  43712. "nan",
  43713. "nan",
  43714. "nan",
  43715. "nan",
  43716. "nan",
  43717. "nan",
  43718. "nan",
  43719. "nan",
  43720. "nan",
  43721. "nan",
  43722. "nan",
  43723. "nan",
  43724. "nan",
  43725. "nan",
  43726. "nan"
  43727. ],
  43728. [
  43729. "095000",
  43730. "62000",
  43731. "professional/personal",
  43732. "firm activity",
  43733. "719581988",
  43734. "nan",
  43735. "fileno: 3009931/index: lat working file: volkl/breckenridge ski rental (72625-1), fdic statute of limitations, jurisdictional issues-biotrust/kendall (70991), foreclosure/discharge of debt-speciality/willis (74051-1), applicability of 11th amendment against inspector general-bsc/cullinane/general (10224-1), qualified tax investment credit in \"rent to own\" cases-sale v. lease-deluca/banking commissioner (20851-2), applicability of 11th amendment-deluca/banking (20851-2), trade secrets; 93a claim; summary judgment motion-gilman/moore, david goldman-restrictive covenant in lease (hdm), ocwen: non-resident limited partners (59059-031), tracon voting trust, petition to secretary of state-epsilon/general (25512-2), memo to stephen s. young from lts re: shell oil/meolas-inconsistency in the terms of a lease agreement (dated 2/2/95), crawford/arnold notes (wcc), oxford/photon sciences/notes, nebb/friedman's express-notes re: settlement of undercharge claim, nebb/pie nationwide-notes re: settlement of undercharge claim, emsa/defuna-lat notes, 4 seasons/lien bond claims-lat drafts and notes, schuparra securities/lamparelli-lat notes",
  43736. "3/21/2001",
  43737. "173665",
  43738. "firm h&k",
  43739. "nan",
  43740. "nan",
  43741. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  43742. "boston",
  43743. "1046263",
  43744. "9/2/2004",
  43745. "nan",
  43746. "nan",
  43747. "nan",
  43748. "nan",
  43749. "nan",
  43750. "nan",
  43751. "nan",
  43752. "nan",
  43753. "nan",
  43754. "nan",
  43755. "nan",
  43756. "nan",
  43757. "nan",
  43758. "nan",
  43759. "nan",
  43760. "nan",
  43761. "nan",
  43762. "nan",
  43763. "nan",
  43764. "nan",
  43765. "nan",
  43766. "nan"
  43767. ],
  43768. [
  43769. "095000",
  43770. "61908",
  43771. "professional/personal",
  43772. "general promotional work",
  43773. "719589632",
  43774. "nan",
  43775. "file #:131639258: box 1 of 1: 1.) access strategies fund, 2.) a call to action conference-6/28/05, 3.) arbitration international, 4.) axia/baheya, 5.) bennett, christopher (\"employment\"), 6.) cheek, ronaldo (\"2001\"), 7.) michelle clements (\"mishco\"), 8.) elizabeth cooper (\"estate planning\"), 9.) courtcare program, 10.) creative alliances, 11.) cuong huynh, 12.) darlene's creative designs (\"baskets\"), 13.) 2007 howrey diversity summit-10/5/07, 14.) kevin duckworth (\"kraft foods\"), 15.) dave duerson, 16.) entertainment expenses",
  43776. "3/12/2009",
  43777. "13085818",
  43778. "steven h. wright",
  43779. "off-site",
  43780. "nan",
  43781. " hk box:",
  43782. "boston",
  43783. "1616076",
  43784. "9/7/2004",
  43785. "nan",
  43786. "nan",
  43787. "nan",
  43788. "nan",
  43789. "nan",
  43790. "nan",
  43791. "nan",
  43792. "nan",
  43793. "nan",
  43794. "nan",
  43795. "nan",
  43796. "nan",
  43797. "nan",
  43798. "nan",
  43799. "nan",
  43800. "nan",
  43801. "nan",
  43802. "nan",
  43803. "nan",
  43804. "nan",
  43805. "nan",
  43806. "nan"
  43807. ],
  43808. [
  43809. "095000",
  43810. "31026",
  43811. "professional/personal",
  43812. "professional liability",
  43813. "625583036",
  43814. "general/other",
  43815. "rtc/centrust matter - guaranty review committee bills\nbradenton/ft. lauderdale\nlakeland/orlando\ntallahassee/tampa\nmiami",
  43816. "9/6/2017",
  43817. "nan",
  43818. "robert r feagin",
  43819. "off-site",
  43820. "feagin robert",
  43821. "nan",
  43822. "tallahassee",
  43823. "2647610",
  43824. "7/6/1993",
  43825. "nan",
  43826. "nan",
  43827. "nan",
  43828. "nan",
  43829. "nan",
  43830. "nan",
  43831. "nan",
  43832. "nan",
  43833. "nan",
  43834. "nan",
  43835. "nan",
  43836. "nan",
  43837. "nan",
  43838. "nan",
  43839. "nan",
  43840. "nan",
  43841. "nan",
  43842. "nan",
  43843. "nan",
  43844. "nan",
  43845. "nan",
  43846. "nan"
  43847. ],
  43848. [
  43849. "095027",
  43850. "00001",
  43851. "gorrin, alvaro",
  43852. "u.s. representation",
  43853. "652544292",
  43854. "nan",
  43855. "gorrin acquisition (95027.1)\nconfidential annexes to interagency notice of changes ion control filed with the fdic regarding the acquisition of intercontinental bank volume i & volume ii\n",
  43856. "12/16/2008",
  43857. "43794",
  43858. "jose e. sirven",
  43859. "on-site",
  43860. "nan",
  43861. " hk box: hk7198",
  43862. "miami",
  43863. "1543858",
  43864. "7/21/2009",
  43865. "nan",
  43866. "nan",
  43867. "nan",
  43868. "nan",
  43869. "nan",
  43870. "nan",
  43871. "nan",
  43872. "nan",
  43873. "nan",
  43874. "nan",
  43875. "nan",
  43876. "nan",
  43877. "nan",
  43878. "nan",
  43879. "nan",
  43880. "nan",
  43881. "nan",
  43882. "nan",
  43883. "nan",
  43884. "nan",
  43885. "nan",
  43886. "nan"
  43887. ],
  43888. [
  43889. "095180",
  43890. "00002",
  43891. "duty free world",
  43892. "general corporate matters and entity maintenance",
  43893. "727768920",
  43894. "leases",
  43895. "rtc properties, inc. - lease",
  43896. "3/25/2013",
  43897. "nan",
  43898. "bruce j. colan",
  43899. "off-site",
  43900. "smith robert",
  43901. "nan",
  43902. "miami",
  43903. "1989024",
  43904. "nan",
  43905. "nan",
  43906. "nan",
  43907. "nan",
  43908. "nan",
  43909. "nan",
  43910. "nan",
  43911. "nan",
  43912. "nan",
  43913. "nan",
  43914. "nan",
  43915. "nan",
  43916. "nan",
  43917. "nan",
  43918. "nan",
  43919. "nan",
  43920. "nan",
  43921. "nan",
  43922. "nan",
  43923. "nan",
  43924. "nan",
  43925. "nan",
  43926. "nan"
  43927. ],
  43928. [
  43929. "095180",
  43930. "00002",
  43931. "duty free world",
  43932. "general corporate matters and entity maintenance",
  43933. "727768920",
  43934. "correspondence",
  43935. "rtc properties, inc. - correspondence",
  43936. "3/25/2013",
  43937. "nan",
  43938. "bruce j. colan",
  43939. "off-site",
  43940. "smith robert",
  43941. "nan",
  43942. "miami",
  43943. "1989025",
  43944. "nan",
  43945. "nan",
  43946. "nan",
  43947. "nan",
  43948. "nan",
  43949. "nan",
  43950. "nan",
  43951. "nan",
  43952. "nan",
  43953. "nan",
  43954. "nan",
  43955. "nan",
  43956. "nan",
  43957. "nan",
  43958. "nan",
  43959. "nan",
  43960. "nan",
  43961. "nan",
  43962. "nan",
  43963. "nan",
  43964. "nan",
  43965. "nan",
  43966. "nan"
  43967. ],
  43968. [
  43969. "095198",
  43970. "00001",
  43971. "auxiliary construction services, inc.",
  43972. "vs. federal deposit insurance corporation, et al.",
  43973. "225349878",
  43974. "nan",
  43975. "mike tanner",
  43976. "06/21/2006",
  43977. "225349878",
  43978. "jose e. sirven",
  43979. "nan",
  43980. "nan",
  43981. "nan",
  43982. "jacksonville",
  43983. "38209",
  43984. "9/19/2007",
  43985. "nan",
  43986. "nan",
  43987. "nan",
  43988. "nan",
  43989. "nan",
  43990. "nan",
  43991. "nan",
  43992. "nan",
  43993. "nan",
  43994. "nan",
  43995. "nan",
  43996. "nan",
  43997. "nan",
  43998. "nan",
  43999. "nan",
  44000. "nan",
  44001. "nan",
  44002. "nan",
  44003. "nan",
  44004. "nan",
  44005. "nan",
  44006. "nan"
  44007. ],
  44008. [
  44009. "095324",
  44010. "00001",
  44011. "benfield blanch holdings, inc.",
  44012. "ulico casualty company litigation",
  44013. "489256275",
  44014. "general/other",
  44015. "entire box-depo. transcripts-vol. i -farkas, hewitt (pt. 1 & 2); kartchner, mayberry-vol. ii-misrahy-------",
  44016. "9/27/2006",
  44017. "1000295689",
  44018. "alan i. baron",
  44019. "nan",
  44020. "nan",
  44021. "benfield blanch holdings, inc.---ulico casualty company litigation---alan baron---barcode: 100129517 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: sylvia cheeks + records assistant: robert browne + file status: out + emp id no: 1000295689 + emp name: 1000295689 1000295689",
  44022. "washington d.c",
  44023. "1495098",
  44024. "3/17/2009",
  44025. "nan",
  44026. "nan",
  44027. "nan",
  44028. "nan",
  44029. "nan",
  44030. "nan",
  44031. "nan",
  44032. "nan",
  44033. "nan",
  44034. "nan",
  44035. "nan",
  44036. "nan",
  44037. "nan",
  44038. "nan",
  44039. "nan",
  44040. "nan",
  44041. "nan",
  44042. "nan",
  44043. "nan",
  44044. "nan",
  44045. "nan",
  44046. "nan"
  44047. ],
  44048. [
  44049. "096504",
  44050. "00001",
  44051. "mastec, inc., shanfelter, austin & weins",
  44052. "sec investigation",
  44053. "727770318",
  44054. "document production",
  44055. "artcom and ags documents produced to mastec on 5/16/01, 5/21/01 & 7/3/01- h&k master set (box no.a-1) (ags-000001 through ags -0000072 & art-000001 through art-003136)",
  44056. "10/3/2012",
  44057. "nan",
  44058. "mitchell e. herr",
  44059. "off-site",
  44060. "herr mitchell",
  44061. "nan",
  44062. "miami",
  44063. "1899543",
  44064. "10/27/2008",
  44065. "nan",
  44066. "nan",
  44067. "nan",
  44068. "nan",
  44069. "nan",
  44070. "nan",
  44071. "nan",
  44072. "nan",
  44073. "nan",
  44074. "nan",
  44075. "nan",
  44076. "nan",
  44077. "nan",
  44078. "nan",
  44079. "nan",
  44080. "nan",
  44081. "nan",
  44082. "nan",
  44083. "nan",
  44084. "nan",
  44085. "nan",
  44086. "nan"
  44087. ],
  44088. [
  44089. "096675",
  44090. "00001",
  44091. "cgi technologies and solutions inc.",
  44092. "general corporate",
  44093. "rf037106701",
  44094. "general/other",
  44095. "articles of merger (to be filed in maryland)",
  44096. "8/23/2017",
  44097. "nan",
  44098. "robert j grammig",
  44099. "off-site",
  44100. "grammig robert",
  44101. "<ethical wall applied on: 10/7/2016>",
  44102. "tampa",
  44103. "2643462",
  44104. "nan",
  44105. "nan",
  44106. "nan",
  44107. "nan",
  44108. "nan",
  44109. "nan",
  44110. "nan",
  44111. "nan",
  44112. "nan",
  44113. "nan",
  44114. "nan",
  44115. "nan",
  44116. "nan",
  44117. "nan",
  44118. "nan",
  44119. "nan",
  44120. "nan",
  44121. "nan",
  44122. "nan",
  44123. "nan",
  44124. "nan",
  44125. "nan",
  44126. "nan"
  44127. ],
  44128. [
  44129. "097822",
  44130. "00005",
  44131. "intercontinental hotels group",
  44132. "crowne plaza - santiago, chile (disposition)",
  44133. "625427540",
  44134. "nan",
  44135. "acquisition of intercontinental bank (97822.5)\nconfidential annexes to interagency notice of change in control filed with the fdic regarding the acquisition of intercontinental bank vo.'s i-iii\n05/14/07 confidential annexes\n03/02/06 non-confidential annexes\n",
  44136. "12/16/2008",
  44137. "0013150280",
  44138. "george mencio",
  44139. "off-site",
  44140. "nan",
  44141. "<ethical wall applied on: 10/3/2014> hk box: 43783",
  44142. "miami",
  44143. "1543841",
  44144. "nan",
  44145. "nan",
  44146. "nan",
  44147. "nan",
  44148. "nan",
  44149. "nan",
  44150. "nan",
  44151. "nan",
  44152. "nan",
  44153. "nan",
  44154. "nan",
  44155. "nan",
  44156. "nan",
  44157. "nan",
  44158. "nan",
  44159. "nan",
  44160. "nan",
  44161. "nan",
  44162. "nan",
  44163. "nan",
  44164. "nan",
  44165. "nan",
  44166. "nan"
  44167. ],
  44168. [
  44169. "098298",
  44170. "00002",
  44171. "plymouth rock transportation corporation",
  44172. "union proceedings",
  44173. "737332148",
  44174. "nan",
  44175. "fileno: 129934199/index: correspondence, correspondence ii, complaint (nepf) 10/29/04, dissolution of prtc, erisa rules, financial statements, ne pension fund contribution center, notes, tnfinc case (ma fed. dist. ct.), new matter form, engagement/scope ltr., conflict check",
  44176. "5/9/2008",
  44177. "13078042",
  44178. "frederick d. braid",
  44179. "nan",
  44180. "nan",
  44181. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  44182. "boston",
  44183. "1381329",
  44184. "9/22/2009",
  44185. "nan",
  44186. "nan",
  44187. "nan",
  44188. "nan",
  44189. "nan",
  44190. "nan",
  44191. "nan",
  44192. "nan",
  44193. "nan",
  44194. "nan",
  44195. "nan",
  44196. "nan",
  44197. "nan",
  44198. "nan",
  44199. "nan",
  44200. "nan",
  44201. "nan",
  44202. "nan",
  44203. "nan",
  44204. "nan",
  44205. "nan",
  44206. "nan"
  44207. ],
  44208. [
  44209. "098595",
  44210. "00001",
  44211. "waller lansden dortch & davis, pllc",
  44212. "banctrust financial group",
  44213. "625584689",
  44214. "nan",
  44215. "file",
  44216. "10/20/2008",
  44217. "316180",
  44218. "mark e. holcomb",
  44219. "off-site",
  44220. "nan",
  44221. " hk box:",
  44222. "tallahassee",
  44223. "1514544",
  44224. "5/21/2007",
  44225. "nan",
  44226. "nan",
  44227. "nan",
  44228. "nan",
  44229. "nan",
  44230. "nan",
  44231. "nan",
  44232. "nan",
  44233. "nan",
  44234. "nan",
  44235. "nan",
  44236. "nan",
  44237. "nan",
  44238. "nan",
  44239. "nan",
  44240. "nan",
  44241. "nan",
  44242. "nan",
  44243. "nan",
  44244. "nan",
  44245. "nan",
  44246. "nan"
  44247. ],
  44248. [
  44249. "098859",
  44250. "00001",
  44251. "beach bank",
  44252. "regulatory matters",
  44253. "460600789",
  44254. "nan",
  44255. "correspondence\nbilling\nbeach bank contact list\ncorrespondence with office of financial regulations\ncorrespondence with fdic\ne-mails\n2006 meeting schedule\nannual meeting materials and proxies\nbank secrecy act - know you customer compliance plan - 2005\ndrafts\ncease & desist order\nc&d order drafts\nc&d order research\nc&d order progress report\nfdic report of examination - 12/31/03\nfdic report of examination & state of florida letter\nfdic exam - 03/31/05\nfdic compliance report of examination - 05/26/05\nc&d response\nboard of directors meeting\n# 5594794",
  44256. "10/21/2008",
  44257. "0013150099",
  44258. "alcides i. avila",
  44259. "off-site",
  44260. "nan",
  44261. " hk box: 43602",
  44262. "miami",
  44263. "1514694",
  44264. "8/15/2007",
  44265. "nan",
  44266. "nan",
  44267. "nan",
  44268. "nan",
  44269. "nan",
  44270. "nan",
  44271. "nan",
  44272. "nan",
  44273. "nan",
  44274. "nan",
  44275. "nan",
  44276. "nan",
  44277. "nan",
  44278. "nan",
  44279. "nan",
  44280. "nan",
  44281. "nan",
  44282. "nan",
  44283. "nan",
  44284. "nan",
  44285. "nan",
  44286. "nan"
  44287. ],
  44288. [
  44289. "098859",
  44290. "00001",
  44291. "beach bank",
  44292. "regulatory matters",
  44293. "460600949",
  44294. "nan",
  44295. "code of ethics\nd&o policy\nescrow agreement\nfincet / fdic cmp assessment\nfraud audit\nforensic review\njack levine - confidential\njag & associates\nzafar forensic fraud review\nbeach bank action plan\nattorney notes\nmemo re grand jury subpoena of check cashing cos. et al.\nregulatory progress reports\n2004 shareholder's meeting\nsubpoenas\nresponse to report of examination\narticles of incorporation\nhans mueller\nbsa compliance\nregulatory \"order\" project action plan\nbod handouts\nsar (zafar)\nliquidity contingency plan\nrevised liquidity contingency plan\npress releases\nby-laws\njose valdes-fauli\ntermination letter\nmsb guarantees\nmsb letter of request for extension\nagreement with bruce rubin\nbsa committee\nemployment agreement\nsar issue\nfinal audit balance sheet - working file\nfinal closing balance sheet - working file\n# 5594794",
  44296. "10/21/2008",
  44297. "0013150100",
  44298. "alcides i. avila",
  44299. "off-site",
  44300. "nan",
  44301. " hk box: 43603",
  44302. "miami",
  44303. "1514695",
  44304. "8/15/2007",
  44305. "nan",
  44306. "nan",
  44307. "nan",
  44308. "nan",
  44309. "nan",
  44310. "nan",
  44311. "nan",
  44312. "nan",
  44313. "nan",
  44314. "nan",
  44315. "nan",
  44316. "nan",
  44317. "nan",
  44318. "nan",
  44319. "nan",
  44320. "nan",
  44321. "nan",
  44322. "nan",
  44323. "nan",
  44324. "nan",
  44325. "nan",
  44326. "nan"
  44327. ],
  44328. [
  44329. "098859",
  44330. "00002",
  44331. "beach bank",
  44332. "beach bank/sun america bank",
  44333. "460600809",
  44334. "nan",
  44335. "beach bank / sun america bank - 098859.2\napplication & plan for the purchase of assets and assumption of liabilities of beach bank\ninteragency bank merger act application\norder of approval\nfdic stipulation & consent order\nbeach bank / sale to sun america bank - 098859.2\nindex to s-4 related documents - 10/16/06\nkey documents\n# 5594794",
  44336. "10/21/2008",
  44337. "0013150102",
  44338. "alcides i. avila",
  44339. "nan",
  44340. "nan",
  44341. " hk box: 43605",
  44342. "miami",
  44343. "1514710",
  44344. "6/13/2014",
  44345. "nan",
  44346. "nan",
  44347. "nan",
  44348. "nan",
  44349. "nan",
  44350. "nan",
  44351. "nan",
  44352. "nan",
  44353. "nan",
  44354. "nan",
  44355. "nan",
  44356. "nan",
  44357. "nan",
  44358. "nan",
  44359. "nan",
  44360. "nan",
  44361. "nan",
  44362. "nan",
  44363. "nan",
  44364. "nan",
  44365. "nan",
  44366. "nan"
  44367. ],
  44368. [
  44369. "099485",
  44370. "07395",
  44371. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44372. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44373. "active file",
  44374. "correspondence",
  44375. "correspondence",
  44376. "6/23/2017",
  44377. "nan",
  44378. "james t mayer",
  44379. "on-site",
  44380. "mayer james",
  44381. "nan",
  44382. "chicago",
  44383. "2626848",
  44384. "nan",
  44385. "nan",
  44386. "nan",
  44387. "nan",
  44388. "nan",
  44389. "nan",
  44390. "nan",
  44391. "nan",
  44392. "nan",
  44393. "nan",
  44394. "nan",
  44395. "nan",
  44396. "nan",
  44397. "nan",
  44398. "nan",
  44399. "nan",
  44400. "nan",
  44401. "nan",
  44402. "nan",
  44403. "nan",
  44404. "nan",
  44405. "nan",
  44406. "nan"
  44407. ],
  44408. [
  44409. "099485",
  44410. "07395",
  44411. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44412. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44413. "active file",
  44414. "letter of intent",
  44415. "letter of intent",
  44416. "6/23/2017",
  44417. "nan",
  44418. "james t mayer",
  44419. "on-site",
  44420. "mayer james",
  44421. "nan",
  44422. "chicago",
  44423. "2626849",
  44424. "nan",
  44425. "nan",
  44426. "nan",
  44427. "nan",
  44428. "nan",
  44429. "nan",
  44430. "nan",
  44431. "nan",
  44432. "nan",
  44433. "nan",
  44434. "nan",
  44435. "nan",
  44436. "nan",
  44437. "nan",
  44438. "nan",
  44439. "nan",
  44440. "nan",
  44441. "nan",
  44442. "nan",
  44443. "nan",
  44444. "nan",
  44445. "nan",
  44446. "nan"
  44447. ],
  44448. [
  44449. "099485",
  44450. "07395",
  44451. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44452. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44453. "active file",
  44454. "old lease",
  44455. "old lease",
  44456. "6/23/2017",
  44457. "nan",
  44458. "james t mayer",
  44459. "on-site",
  44460. "mayer james",
  44461. "nan",
  44462. "chicago",
  44463. "2626850",
  44464. "nan",
  44465. "nan",
  44466. "nan",
  44467. "nan",
  44468. "nan",
  44469. "nan",
  44470. "nan",
  44471. "nan",
  44472. "nan",
  44473. "nan",
  44474. "nan",
  44475. "nan",
  44476. "nan",
  44477. "nan",
  44478. "nan",
  44479. "nan",
  44480. "nan",
  44481. "nan",
  44482. "nan",
  44483. "nan",
  44484. "nan",
  44485. "nan",
  44486. "nan"
  44487. ],
  44488. [
  44489. "099485",
  44490. "07395",
  44491. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44492. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44493. "active file",
  44494. "lease",
  44495. "lease",
  44496. "6/23/2017",
  44497. "nan",
  44498. "james t mayer",
  44499. "on-site",
  44500. "mayer james",
  44501. "nan",
  44502. "chicago",
  44503. "2626851",
  44504. "nan",
  44505. "nan",
  44506. "nan",
  44507. "nan",
  44508. "nan",
  44509. "nan",
  44510. "nan",
  44511. "nan",
  44512. "nan",
  44513. "nan",
  44514. "nan",
  44515. "nan",
  44516. "nan",
  44517. "nan",
  44518. "nan",
  44519. "nan",
  44520. "nan",
  44521. "nan",
  44522. "nan",
  44523. "nan",
  44524. "nan",
  44525. "nan",
  44526. "nan"
  44527. ],
  44528. [
  44529. "099485",
  44530. "07395",
  44531. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44532. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44533. "active file",
  44534. "drafts",
  44535. "drafts",
  44536. "6/23/2017",
  44537. "nan",
  44538. "james t mayer",
  44539. "on-site",
  44540. "mayer james",
  44541. "nan",
  44542. "chicago",
  44543. "2626852",
  44544. "nan",
  44545. "nan",
  44546. "nan",
  44547. "nan",
  44548. "nan",
  44549. "nan",
  44550. "nan",
  44551. "nan",
  44552. "nan",
  44553. "nan",
  44554. "nan",
  44555. "nan",
  44556. "nan",
  44557. "nan",
  44558. "nan",
  44559. "nan",
  44560. "nan",
  44561. "nan",
  44562. "nan",
  44563. "nan",
  44564. "nan",
  44565. "nan",
  44566. "nan"
  44567. ],
  44568. [
  44569. "099485",
  44570. "07395",
  44571. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44572. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44573. "active file",
  44574. "miscellaneous",
  44575. "miscellaneous",
  44576. "6/23/2017",
  44577. "nan",
  44578. "james t mayer",
  44579. "on-site",
  44580. "mayer james",
  44581. "nan",
  44582. "chicago",
  44583. "2626853",
  44584. "nan",
  44585. "nan",
  44586. "nan",
  44587. "nan",
  44588. "nan",
  44589. "nan",
  44590. "nan",
  44591. "nan",
  44592. "nan",
  44593. "nan",
  44594. "nan",
  44595. "nan",
  44596. "nan",
  44597. "nan",
  44598. "nan",
  44599. "nan",
  44600. "nan",
  44601. "nan",
  44602. "nan",
  44603. "nan",
  44604. "nan",
  44605. "nan",
  44606. "nan"
  44607. ],
  44608. [
  44609. "099485",
  44610. "07395",
  44611. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44612. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44613. "active file",
  44614. "client documents",
  44615. "client documents",
  44616. "8/25/2017",
  44617. "nan",
  44618. "james t mayer",
  44619. "on-site",
  44620. "edwards amy",
  44621. "nan",
  44622. "washington d.c",
  44623. "2644626",
  44624. "nan",
  44625. "nan",
  44626. "nan",
  44627. "nan",
  44628. "nan",
  44629. "nan",
  44630. "nan",
  44631. "nan",
  44632. "nan",
  44633. "nan",
  44634. "nan",
  44635. "nan",
  44636. "nan",
  44637. "nan",
  44638. "nan",
  44639. "nan",
  44640. "nan",
  44641. "nan",
  44642. "nan",
  44643. "nan",
  44644. "nan",
  44645. "nan",
  44646. "nan"
  44647. ],
  44648. [
  44649. "099485",
  44650. "07395",
  44651. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44652. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44653. "active file",
  44654. "correspondence",
  44655. "correspondence",
  44656. "8/25/2017",
  44657. "nan",
  44658. "james t mayer",
  44659. "on-site",
  44660. "edwards amy",
  44661. "nan",
  44662. "washington d.c",
  44663. "2644627",
  44664. "nan",
  44665. "nan",
  44666. "nan",
  44667. "nan",
  44668. "nan",
  44669. "nan",
  44670. "nan",
  44671. "nan",
  44672. "nan",
  44673. "nan",
  44674. "nan",
  44675. "nan",
  44676. "nan",
  44677. "nan",
  44678. "nan",
  44679. "nan",
  44680. "nan",
  44681. "nan",
  44682. "nan",
  44683. "nan",
  44684. "nan",
  44685. "nan",
  44686. "nan"
  44687. ],
  44688. [
  44689. "099485",
  44690. "07395",
  44691. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44692. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44693. "active file",
  44694. "notes",
  44695. "notes",
  44696. "8/25/2017",
  44697. "nan",
  44698. "james t mayer",
  44699. "on-site",
  44700. "edwards amy",
  44701. "nan",
  44702. "washington d.c",
  44703. "2644628",
  44704. "nan",
  44705. "nan",
  44706. "nan",
  44707. "nan",
  44708. "nan",
  44709. "nan",
  44710. "nan",
  44711. "nan",
  44712. "nan",
  44713. "nan",
  44714. "nan",
  44715. "nan",
  44716. "nan",
  44717. "nan",
  44718. "nan",
  44719. "nan",
  44720. "nan",
  44721. "nan",
  44722. "nan",
  44723. "nan",
  44724. "nan",
  44725. "nan",
  44726. "nan"
  44727. ],
  44728. [
  44729. "099485",
  44730. "07395",
  44731. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44732. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44733. "active file",
  44734. "environmental",
  44735. "environmental reports",
  44736. "8/25/2017",
  44737. "nan",
  44738. "james t mayer",
  44739. "on-site",
  44740. "edwards amy",
  44741. "nan",
  44742. "washington d.c",
  44743. "2644629",
  44744. "nan",
  44745. "nan",
  44746. "nan",
  44747. "nan",
  44748. "nan",
  44749. "nan",
  44750. "nan",
  44751. "nan",
  44752. "nan",
  44753. "nan",
  44754. "nan",
  44755. "nan",
  44756. "nan",
  44757. "nan",
  44758. "nan",
  44759. "nan",
  44760. "nan",
  44761. "nan",
  44762. "nan",
  44763. "nan",
  44764. "nan",
  44765. "nan",
  44766. "nan"
  44767. ],
  44768. [
  44769. "099485",
  44770. "07395",
  44771. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  44772. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  44773. "active file",
  44774. "background materials",
  44775. "background materials",
  44776. "8/25/2017",
  44777. "nan",
  44778. "james t mayer",
  44779. "on-site",
  44780. "edwards amy",
  44781. "nan",
  44782. "washington d.c",
  44783. "2644630",
  44784. "nan",
  44785. "nan",
  44786. "nan",
  44787. "nan",
  44788. "nan",
  44789. "nan",
  44790. "nan",
  44791. "nan",
  44792. "nan",
  44793. "nan",
  44794. "nan",
  44795. "nan",
  44796. "nan",
  44797. "nan",
  44798. "nan",
  44799. "nan",
  44800. "nan",
  44801. "nan",
  44802. "nan",
  44803. "nan",
  44804. "nan",
  44805. "nan",
  44806. "nan"
  44807. ],
  44808. [
  44809. "100416",
  44810. "00001",
  44811. "gulf coast bank",
  44812. "organization and chartering of de novo bank in",
  44813. "553931229",
  44814. "nan",
  44815. "box 2 of 3:\ncorrespondence; key documents\nfdic application\npublication of notice\ncarney correspondence\nofr application\ngulf coast - lease/sublease agreement\narticles/bylaws\ncommunity reinvestment act notices\nmccabe\nbusiness plan\nphilip nemni's bio\nhacker johnson & smith\ncorporate capital llc\ncode of ethics\nsusan bartlett\nassys group",
  44816. "6/9/2008",
  44817. "553931229",
  44818. "charles l. stutts",
  44819. "off-site",
  44820. "nan",
  44821. "nan",
  44822. "tampa",
  44823. "729005",
  44824. "9/22/2009",
  44825. "nan",
  44826. "nan",
  44827. "nan",
  44828. "nan",
  44829. "nan",
  44830. "nan",
  44831. "nan",
  44832. "nan",
  44833. "nan",
  44834. "nan",
  44835. "nan",
  44836. "nan",
  44837. "nan",
  44838. "nan",
  44839. "nan",
  44840. "nan",
  44841. "nan",
  44842. "nan",
  44843. "nan",
  44844. "nan",
  44845. "nan",
  44846. "nan"
  44847. ],
  44848. [
  44849. "100543",
  44850. "00001",
  44851. "first national bank of durango",
  44852. "bank acquisition",
  44853. "625091806",
  44854. "nan",
  44855. "cm box no. 123 (02/02/06)\npk box no. 29417 \ndurango bank regulatory research\n1. other regulation/materials\n2. misc. reg. items\n3. fdic lending policy manual\n4. colorado corp. act\n5. antitrust docs. \n6. occ documents\n7. occ materials\n8. fdic statute\n9. fasb statements\nus polymers mead westvaco\n10. asset purchase agreement\n11. us polymers/westvaco\n12. fdic lending policy manual\n13. tolling agreement\n14. letter of intent\n15. notes\n16. drafts\n17. tolling forms\n18. confidential memorandum\n19. other meadwestvaco agreements\nnavus business plan\nfirst national bank of durango regulatory research\nmarket research for regulatory purposes\n20. durgano market background\n21. market background materials\ndurango colorado banking laws\n22. durgano market background\nfirst national bank of durango due diligence docs\n23. kreutzer tax forms\n24. due diligence lists, memos\n25. due diligence docs.\nnorthwestern memorial hospital card processing agreement\n26. northwestern credit card agreement\nvas sol 2005 annual meeting equity comp investor materials\n27. annual meeting docs: s. swibel\n28. forms of annual meeting documents\n29. vassol: a. curcio promissory note\n30. forms: annual meeting documents\n31. forms of eg. comp. docs.\n32. vassol v comp. issues\n33. vassol stock option documents\n34. vassol business plan financials\ndon monaco navigance\n35. monaco: stock repurchase documents\n36. correspondence/monaco aviation\n37. navigance\n38. d. monaco\n",
  44856. "6/5/2007",
  44857. "808009",
  44858. "craig mccrohon",
  44859. "nan",
  44860. "nan",
  44861. " + filejacketstransferred: 9 + boxes transferred: 9 + status: open + billing attorney: mccrohon, craig + requesting secretary: pickett, michelle + last date reviewed: 6/5/2007 + destruction date: 6/5/2027 + request completed by: michelle pickett",
  44862. "chicago",
  44863. "1166714",
  44864. "7/8/2008",
  44865. "nan",
  44866. "nan",
  44867. "nan",
  44868. "nan",
  44869. "nan",
  44870. "nan",
  44871. "nan",
  44872. "nan",
  44873. "nan",
  44874. "nan",
  44875. "nan",
  44876. "nan",
  44877. "nan",
  44878. "nan",
  44879. "nan",
  44880. "nan",
  44881. "nan",
  44882. "nan",
  44883. "nan",
  44884. "nan",
  44885. "nan",
  44886. "nan"
  44887. ],
  44888. [
  44889. "100599",
  44890. "00004",
  44891. "orlando village development limited part",
  44892. "village of imagine - condominium development",
  44893. "657800410",
  44894. "agreements",
  44895. "smartcity ag.; utility easement ags; waterways ag.; chilled water ags (executed)",
  44896. "3/26/2012",
  44897. "nan",
  44898. "melissa s. turra",
  44899. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  44900. "nan",
  44901. "nan",
  44902. "jacksonville",
  44903. "1830033",
  44904. "8/21/2013",
  44905. "nan",
  44906. "nan",
  44907. "nan",
  44908. "nan",
  44909. "nan",
  44910. "nan",
  44911. "nan",
  44912. "nan",
  44913. "nan",
  44914. "nan",
  44915. "nan",
  44916. "nan",
  44917. "nan",
  44918. "nan",
  44919. "nan",
  44920. "nan",
  44921. "nan",
  44922. "nan",
  44923. "nan",
  44924. "nan",
  44925. "nan",
  44926. "nan"
  44927. ],
  44928. [
  44929. "100810",
  44930. "00001",
  44931. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  44932. "general intellectual property counseling",
  44933. "459070839",
  44934. "nan",
  44935. "correspondence\nbilling 2005-2006\nbilling 2010\nbilling 2011\n//100810.0001 stanley swain's incorporated general ip counseling//100810.00001 stanley swains, inc. general matters (s876-10.1 stanley swain's inc. trademark watch for the mark artcard\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  44936. "4/16/2011",
  44937. "nan",
  44938. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  44939. "off-site",
  44940. "nan",
  44941. "date-open: 4/1/2005 + storagexx: n//",
  44942. "los angeles",
  44943. "1536099",
  44944. "nan",
  44945. "nan",
  44946. "nan",
  44947. "nan",
  44948. "nan",
  44949. "nan",
  44950. "nan",
  44951. "nan",
  44952. "nan",
  44953. "nan",
  44954. "nan",
  44955. "nan",
  44956. "nan",
  44957. "nan",
  44958. "nan",
  44959. "nan",
  44960. "nan",
  44961. "nan",
  44962. "nan",
  44963. "nan",
  44964. "nan",
  44965. "nan",
  44966. "nan"
  44967. ],
  44968. [
  44969. "100810",
  44970. "00004",
  44971. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  44972. "tmus: artcard (green)",
  44973. "459070839",
  44974. "nan",
  44975. "correspondence//(us) 100810.00004 stanley swains, inc. tmus: artcard & design (orange)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  44976. "4/16/2011",
  44977. "nan",
  44978. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  44979. "off-site",
  44980. "nan",
  44981. "date-open: 3/8/2005 + storagexx: n//",
  44982. "los angeles",
  44983. "1536101",
  44984. "nan",
  44985. "nan",
  44986. "nan",
  44987. "nan",
  44988. "nan",
  44989. "nan",
  44990. "nan",
  44991. "nan",
  44992. "nan",
  44993. "nan",
  44994. "nan",
  44995. "nan",
  44996. "nan",
  44997. "nan",
  44998. "nan",
  44999. "nan",
  45000. "nan",
  45001. "nan",
  45002. "nan",
  45003. "nan",
  45004. "nan",
  45005. "nan",
  45006. "nan"
  45007. ],
  45008. [
  45009. "100810",
  45010. "00005",
  45011. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45012. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  45013. "392048087",
  45014. "bills",
  45015. "billing 2011",
  45016. "4/16/2011",
  45017. "nan",
  45018. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45019. "off-site",
  45020. "nan",
  45021. "nan",
  45022. "los angeles",
  45023. "1536102",
  45024. "nan",
  45025. "nan",
  45026. "nan",
  45027. "nan",
  45028. "nan",
  45029. "nan",
  45030. "nan",
  45031. "nan",
  45032. "nan",
  45033. "nan",
  45034. "nan",
  45035. "nan",
  45036. "nan",
  45037. "nan",
  45038. "nan",
  45039. "nan",
  45040. "nan",
  45041. "nan",
  45042. "nan",
  45043. "nan",
  45044. "nan",
  45045. "nan",
  45046. "nan"
  45047. ],
  45048. [
  45049. "100810",
  45050. "00006",
  45051. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45052. "tmus: artcard (gcc)",
  45053. "392048288",
  45054. "nan",
  45055. "correspondence//(us) 100810.00006 stanley swain's incorporated tmus: artcard (gcc) (42)\nregis: 1846002\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  45056. "4/16/2011",
  45057. "nan",
  45058. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45059. "off-site",
  45060. "nan",
  45061. "date-open: 3/8/2005 + storagexx: n//",
  45062. "los angeles",
  45063. "1536103",
  45064. "nan",
  45065. "nan",
  45066. "nan",
  45067. "nan",
  45068. "nan",
  45069. "nan",
  45070. "nan",
  45071. "nan",
  45072. "nan",
  45073. "nan",
  45074. "nan",
  45075. "nan",
  45076. "nan",
  45077. "nan",
  45078. "nan",
  45079. "nan",
  45080. "nan",
  45081. "nan",
  45082. "nan",
  45083. "nan",
  45084. "nan",
  45085. "nan",
  45086. "nan"
  45087. ],
  45088. [
  45089. "100810",
  45090. "00007",
  45091. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45092. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  45093. "392048288",
  45094. "nan",
  45095. "correspondence\nregis: 21240 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  45096. "08/21/2015",
  45097. "nan",
  45098. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45099. "off-site",
  45100. "nan",
  45101. "date-open: 3/8/2005 + storagexx: n",
  45102. "los angeles",
  45103. "1536104",
  45104. "nan",
  45105. "nan",
  45106. "nan",
  45107. "nan",
  45108. "nan",
  45109. "nan",
  45110. "nan",
  45111. "nan",
  45112. "nan",
  45113. "nan",
  45114. "nan",
  45115. "nan",
  45116. "nan",
  45117. "nan",
  45118. "nan",
  45119. "nan",
  45120. "nan",
  45121. "nan",
  45122. "nan",
  45123. "nan",
  45124. "nan",
  45125. "nan",
  45126. "nan"
  45127. ],
  45128. [
  45129. "100810",
  45130. "00008",
  45131. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45132. "tmus: artcard (wu) (square)",
  45133. "392048288",
  45134. "nan",
  45135. "correspondence//(us) 100810.00008 stanley swain's, incorporated tmus: artcard (wu) square\nregis: 1857042 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  45136. "4/16/2011",
  45137. "nan",
  45138. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45139. "off-site",
  45140. "nan",
  45141. "date-open: 3/8/2005 + storagexx: n",
  45142. "los angeles",
  45143. "1536105",
  45144. "nan",
  45145. "nan",
  45146. "nan",
  45147. "nan",
  45148. "nan",
  45149. "nan",
  45150. "nan",
  45151. "nan",
  45152. "nan",
  45153. "nan",
  45154. "nan",
  45155. "nan",
  45156. "nan",
  45157. "nan",
  45158. "nan",
  45159. "nan",
  45160. "nan",
  45161. "nan",
  45162. "nan",
  45163. "nan",
  45164. "nan",
  45165. "nan",
  45166. "nan"
  45167. ],
  45168. [
  45169. "100810",
  45170. "00011",
  45171. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45172. "infr: allegany arts (artcard)",
  45173. "459070840",
  45174. "nan",
  45175. "correspondence//100810.00011 stanley swain's infr: allegany arts (artcard)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  45176. "4/16/2011",
  45177. "nan",
  45178. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45179. "off-site",
  45180. "nan",
  45181. "date-open: 7/27/2007 + storagexx: n",
  45182. "los angeles",
  45183. "1536108",
  45184. "nan",
  45185. "nan",
  45186. "nan",
  45187. "nan",
  45188. "nan",
  45189. "nan",
  45190. "nan",
  45191. "nan",
  45192. "nan",
  45193. "nan",
  45194. "nan",
  45195. "nan",
  45196. "nan",
  45197. "nan",
  45198. "nan",
  45199. "nan",
  45200. "nan",
  45201. "nan",
  45202. "nan",
  45203. "nan",
  45204. "nan",
  45205. "nan",
  45206. "nan"
  45207. ],
  45208. [
  45209. "100810",
  45210. "00012",
  45211. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45212. "infr: austin museum of art (artcard)",
  45213. "459070840",
  45214. "nan",
  45215. "correspondence//100810.00012 stanley swain's incorporated infr: austin museum of art\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  45216. "4/16/2011",
  45217. "nan",
  45218. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45219. "off-site",
  45220. "nan",
  45221. "date-open: 10/22/2007 + storagexx: n",
  45222. "los angeles",
  45223. "1536109",
  45224. "nan",
  45225. "nan",
  45226. "nan",
  45227. "nan",
  45228. "nan",
  45229. "nan",
  45230. "nan",
  45231. "nan",
  45232. "nan",
  45233. "nan",
  45234. "nan",
  45235. "nan",
  45236. "nan",
  45237. "nan",
  45238. "nan",
  45239. "nan",
  45240. "nan",
  45241. "nan",
  45242. "nan",
  45243. "nan",
  45244. "nan",
  45245. "nan",
  45246. "nan"
  45247. ],
  45248. [
  45249. "100810",
  45250. "00013",
  45251. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45252. "infr: artistree (dewittville ny) (artcard)",
  45253. "459070840",
  45254. "nan",
  45255. "correspondence//100810.00013 stanley swain's incorporated infr: artistree (dewittville ny) (artcard)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  45256. "4/16/2011",
  45257. "nan",
  45258. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45259. "off-site",
  45260. "nan",
  45261. "date-open: 1/29/2008 + storagexx: n",
  45262. "los angeles",
  45263. "1536110",
  45264. "nan",
  45265. "nan",
  45266. "nan",
  45267. "nan",
  45268. "nan",
  45269. "nan",
  45270. "nan",
  45271. "nan",
  45272. "nan",
  45273. "nan",
  45274. "nan",
  45275. "nan",
  45276. "nan",
  45277. "nan",
  45278. "nan",
  45279. "nan",
  45280. "nan",
  45281. "nan",
  45282. "nan",
  45283. "nan",
  45284. "nan",
  45285. "nan",
  45286. "nan"
  45287. ],
  45288. [
  45289. "100810",
  45290. "00004",
  45291. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45292. "tmus: artcard (green)",
  45293. "391995369",
  45294. "correspondence",
  45295. "correspondence - manila folder\nregistration: 1828666",
  45296. "11/8/2014",
  45297. "nan",
  45298. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45299. "off-site",
  45300. "wagner middlebrook theresa",
  45301. "nan",
  45302. "los angeles",
  45303. "2278330",
  45304. "nan",
  45305. "nan",
  45306. "nan",
  45307. "nan",
  45308. "nan",
  45309. "nan",
  45310. "nan",
  45311. "nan",
  45312. "nan",
  45313. "nan",
  45314. "nan",
  45315. "nan",
  45316. "nan",
  45317. "nan",
  45318. "nan",
  45319. "nan",
  45320. "nan",
  45321. "nan",
  45322. "nan",
  45323. "nan",
  45324. "nan",
  45325. "nan",
  45326. "nan"
  45327. ],
  45328. [
  45329. "100810",
  45330. "00005",
  45331. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  45332. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  45333. "392048328",
  45334. "bills",
  45335. "2012 billing",
  45336. "4/16/2011",
  45337. "nan",
  45338. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  45339. "off-site",
  45340. "middlebrook theresa",
  45341. "nan",
  45342. "los angeles",
  45343. "2601796",
  45344. "nan",
  45345. "nan",
  45346. "nan",
  45347. "nan",
  45348. "nan",
  45349. "nan",
  45350. "nan",
  45351. "nan",
  45352. "nan",
  45353. "nan",
  45354. "nan",
  45355. "nan",
  45356. "nan",
  45357. "nan",
  45358. "nan",
  45359. "nan",
  45360. "nan",
  45361. "nan",
  45362. "nan",
  45363. "nan",
  45364. "nan",
  45365. "nan",
  45366. "nan"
  45367. ],
  45368. [
  45369. "100878",
  45370. "00001",
  45371. "resort clubs international, inc.",
  45372. "golfing club legal services",
  45373. "489668911",
  45374. "nan",
  45375. "5/22/2008 hkv018852resortclubsinternational/clientdocsnotebook\n",
  45376. "5/30/2008",
  45377. "1001517079",
  45378. "robert m. chasnow",
  45379. "off-site",
  45380. "nan",
  45381. "nan",
  45382. "tysons",
  45383. "716100",
  45384. "10/22/2010",
  45385. "nan",
  45386. "nan",
  45387. "nan",
  45388. "nan",
  45389. "nan",
  45390. "nan",
  45391. "nan",
  45392. "nan",
  45393. "nan",
  45394. "nan",
  45395. "nan",
  45396. "nan",
  45397. "nan",
  45398. "nan",
  45399. "nan",
  45400. "nan",
  45401. "nan",
  45402. "nan",
  45403. "nan",
  45404. "nan",
  45405. "nan",
  45406. "nan"
  45407. ],
  45408. [
  45409. "101543",
  45410. "00001",
  45411. "curtco/sb, llc",
  45412. "transfer of trademark matters from showmedia",
  45413. "719640603",
  45414. "nan",
  45415. "fileno: 3003497/index: correspondence, notes & memoranda, estate plan",
  45416. "11/17/2000",
  45417. "116984",
  45418. "donald s. showalter",
  45419. "nan",
  45420. "nan",
  45421. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  45422. "boston",
  45423. "1036771",
  45424. "5/22/2006",
  45425. "nan",
  45426. "nan",
  45427. "nan",
  45428. "nan",
  45429. "nan",
  45430. "nan",
  45431. "nan",
  45432. "nan",
  45433. "nan",
  45434. "nan",
  45435. "nan",
  45436. "nan",
  45437. "nan",
  45438. "nan",
  45439. "nan",
  45440. "nan",
  45441. "nan",
  45442. "nan",
  45443. "nan",
  45444. "nan",
  45445. "nan",
  45446. "nan"
  45447. ],
  45448. [
  45449. "101931",
  45450. "00001",
  45451. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency)",
  45452. "$40,000,000 loan to lionstone group",
  45453. "727770711",
  45454. "audit letters",
  45455. "firstbank puerto rico fdic examination (bob smith) as of 9/30/10",
  45456. "12/3/2013",
  45457. "nan",
  45458. "robert h. smith",
  45459. "off-site",
  45460. "smith robert",
  45461. "real estate//////delivered to randy almaguer 9/11/14//",
  45462. "miami",
  45463. "2131503",
  45464. "1/29/2013",
  45465. "nan",
  45466. "nan",
  45467. "nan",
  45468. "nan",
  45469. "nan",
  45470. "nan",
  45471. "nan",
  45472. "nan",
  45473. "nan",
  45474. "nan",
  45475. "nan",
  45476. "nan",
  45477. "nan",
  45478. "nan",
  45479. "nan",
  45480. "nan",
  45481. "nan",
  45482. "nan",
  45483. "nan",
  45484. "nan",
  45485. "nan",
  45486. "nan"
  45487. ],
  45488. [
  45489. "101931",
  45490. "00064",
  45491. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency)",
  45492. "general real estate matters",
  45493. "727770711",
  45494. "audit letters",
  45495. "firstbank puerto rico fdic examination (bob smith) as of 12/31/11",
  45496. "12/3/2013",
  45497. "nan",
  45498. "robert h. smith",
  45499. "off-site",
  45500. "smith robert",
  45501. "real estate//////delivered to randy almaguer 9/11/14//",
  45502. "miami",
  45503. "2131515",
  45504. "nan",
  45505. "nan",
  45506. "nan",
  45507. "nan",
  45508. "nan",
  45509. "nan",
  45510. "nan",
  45511. "nan",
  45512. "nan",
  45513. "nan",
  45514. "nan",
  45515. "nan",
  45516. "nan",
  45517. "nan",
  45518. "nan",
  45519. "nan",
  45520. "nan",
  45521. "nan",
  45522. "nan",
  45523. "nan",
  45524. "nan",
  45525. "nan",
  45526. "nan"
  45527. ],
  45528. [
  45529. "105721",
  45530. "00186",
  45531. "fremont investment & loan",
  45532. "istar participation pool (various loans)",
  45533. "459074061",
  45534. "nan",
  45535. "free world\nexecuted docs\n - assignment and assumption of notes, mortgages and other loan docs 6/8/07\n - (9) nine loan participation closing statements dated 3/23/07\n - 3 side letter agreements dated 3/23/07\n - seven (7) loan partcipation agreements dated 3/23/07\n - seven (7) partcipation certificates executed by fremont dated march 23, 2007\nexecuted counties volume 1 & 2\n \n",
  45536. "3/9/2011",
  45537. "nan",
  45538. "susan j. booth",
  45539. "off-site",
  45540. "nan",
  45541. "nan",
  45542. "los angeles",
  45543. "1742370",
  45544. "1/14/2009",
  45545. "nan",
  45546. "nan",
  45547. "nan",
  45548. "nan",
  45549. "nan",
  45550. "nan",
  45551. "nan",
  45552. "nan",
  45553. "nan",
  45554. "nan",
  45555. "nan",
  45556. "nan",
  45557. "nan",
  45558. "nan",
  45559. "nan",
  45560. "nan",
  45561. "nan",
  45562. "nan",
  45563. "nan",
  45564. "nan",
  45565. "nan",
  45566. "nan"
  45567. ],
  45568. [
  45569. "105721",
  45570. "00187",
  45571. "fremont investment & loan",
  45572. "istar ocean city participation agreement (950115011)",
  45573. "459070426",
  45574. "nan",
  45575. "*loose docs not in file*\npartcipation certificate dated 3/30/07",
  45576. "3/23/2011",
  45577. "nan",
  45578. "susan j. booth",
  45579. "off-site",
  45580. "nan",
  45581. "nan",
  45582. "los angeles",
  45583. "1744456",
  45584. "1/14/2009",
  45585. "nan",
  45586. "nan",
  45587. "nan",
  45588. "nan",
  45589. "nan",
  45590. "nan",
  45591. "nan",
  45592. "nan",
  45593. "nan",
  45594. "nan",
  45595. "nan",
  45596. "nan",
  45597. "nan",
  45598. "nan",
  45599. "nan",
  45600. "nan",
  45601. "nan",
  45602. "nan",
  45603. "nan",
  45604. "nan",
  45605. "nan",
  45606. "nan"
  45607. ],
  45608. [
  45609. "106406",
  45610. "00004",
  45611. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan",
  45612. "confidential investigation",
  45613. "614948414",
  45614. "loan documents",
  45615. "2 binders:\nramirez, purcell, brandenburg jr., wolfe, bertco development\nkasper development, mcg development",
  45616. "9/13/2011",
  45617. "nan",
  45618. "elias n. matsakis",
  45619. "off-site",
  45620. "winter richard",
  45621. "nan",
  45622. "chicago",
  45623. "1775216",
  45624. "11/7/2014",
  45625. "nan",
  45626. "nan",
  45627. "nan",
  45628. "nan",
  45629. "nan",
  45630. "nan",
  45631. "nan",
  45632. "nan",
  45633. "nan",
  45634. "nan",
  45635. "nan",
  45636. "nan",
  45637. "nan",
  45638. "nan",
  45639. "nan",
  45640. "nan",
  45641. "nan",
  45642. "nan",
  45643. "nan",
  45644. "nan",
  45645. "nan",
  45646. "nan"
  45647. ],
  45648. [
  45649. "106406",
  45650. "00004",
  45651. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan",
  45652. "confidential investigation",
  45653. "633151340",
  45654. "general/other",
  45655. "sng general file -- notes, correspondence, memorandums, summary memorandum, organizational information, record retention policy, subpoenas, fdic, insurance claim, research",
  45656. "4/14/2015",
  45657. "nan",
  45658. "elias n. matsakis",
  45659. "off-site",
  45660. "garrett steffanie",
  45661. "nan",
  45662. "chicago",
  45663. "2334107",
  45664. "11/7/2014",
  45665. "nan",
  45666. "nan",
  45667. "nan",
  45668. "nan",
  45669. "nan",
  45670. "nan",
  45671. "nan",
  45672. "nan",
  45673. "nan",
  45674. "nan",
  45675. "nan",
  45676. "nan",
  45677. "nan",
  45678. "nan",
  45679. "nan",
  45680. "nan",
  45681. "nan",
  45682. "nan",
  45683. "nan",
  45684. "nan",
  45685. "nan",
  45686. "nan"
  45687. ],
  45688. [
  45689. "106694",
  45690. "00001",
  45691. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  45692. "richmond",
  45693. "792945100",
  45694. "environmental",
  45695. "lfr inc. report/studies:\n(1). additional groundwater characterization & groundwater treatability study work plan, lot 3, august 21, 2009\n(2). additional piezometer installation work plan, lot 3, august 21, 2009\n(3). pcb risk analysis annotated outline, freshwater lagoons, august 7, 2009\n(4). draft soil gas analytical data, lot 3, may 13, 2009\n(5). stockpile sampling letter report, lots 1 & 2, january 21, 2009\n(6). additional monitoring well & peizometer installation, lot 3, january 6, 2009\n(7). transmittal of analytical results for sediment samples collected in the freshwater lagoons, december 23, 2008\n(8). temporary cap inspection summary, spring & fall 2008, (cdtscsio - docket no. is/e-rao 06/07-005), november 12, 2008\n(9). southeast parcel site \ninvestigation letter report, july 25, 2008\n(10). additional sampling, lot 3, april 30, 2008\n(11). magnetic anomaly investigations, february 25, 2008\n(12). field sampling activities, additional sample locations, lot 3, october 31, 2007\n(13). temporary cap inspection summary, fall 2007, october 31, 2007\n(14). revised figure rtc-2b - response to comments on the draft final lots 1 & 2 ri report, (dated: july 30, 2007), august 21, 2007\n(15). habitat enhancement area upper & lower lagoon field sampling y analysis plan, may 18, 2007\n(16). work plan for additional grab groundwater investigation & piezometer installation, march 30, 2007",
  45696. "2/8/2013",
  45697. "nan",
  45698. "jennifer l. hernandez",
  45699. "off-site",
  45700. "jennifer l. hernandez",
  45701. "lfr inc. report/studies:\n(1). additional groundwater characterization & groundwater treatability study work plan, lot 3, august 21, 2009\n(2). additional piezometer installation work plan, lot 3, august 21, 2009\n(3). pcb risk analysis annotated outline, freshwater lagoons, august 7, 2009\n(4). draft soil gas analytical data, lot 3, may 13, 2009\n(5). stockpile sampling letter report, lots 1 & 2, january 21, 2009\n(6). additional monitoring well & peizometer installation, lot 3, january 6, 2009\n(7). transmittal of analytical results for sediment samples collected in the freshwater lagoons, december 23, 2008\n(8). temporary cap inspection summary, spring & fall 2008, (cdtscsio - docket no. is/e-rao 06/07-005), november 12, 2008\n(9). southeast parcel site \ninvestigation letter report, july 25, 2008\n(10). additional sampling, lot 3, april 30, 2008\n(11). magnetic anomaly investigations, february 25, 2008\n(12). field sampling activities, additional sample locations, lot 3, october 31, 2007\n(13). temporary cap inspection summary, fall 2007, october 31, 2007\n(14). revised figure rtc-2b - response to comments on the draft final lots 1 & 2 ri report, (dated: july 30, 2007), august 21, 2007\n(15). habitat enhancement area upper & lower lagoon field sampling y analysis plan, may 18, 2007\n(16). work plan for additional grab groundwater investigation & piezometer installation, march 30, 2007",
  45702. "san francisco",
  45703. "1976670",
  45704. "5/9/2012",
  45705. "nan",
  45706. "nan",
  45707. "nan",
  45708. "nan",
  45709. "nan",
  45710. "nan",
  45711. "nan",
  45712. "nan",
  45713. "nan",
  45714. "nan",
  45715. "nan",
  45716. "nan",
  45717. "nan",
  45718. "nan",
  45719. "nan",
  45720. "nan",
  45721. "nan",
  45722. "nan",
  45723. "nan",
  45724. "nan",
  45725. "nan",
  45726. "nan"
  45727. ],
  45728. [
  45729. "106694",
  45730. "00001",
  45731. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  45732. "richmond",
  45733. "792945100",
  45734. "environmental",
  45735. "map: historical businesses, manufacturing areas, and site feature locations (1998) scale: 1 inch = 250 feet figure rtc-3a",
  45736. "9/17/2014",
  45737. "nan",
  45738. "jennifer l. hernandez",
  45739. "off-site",
  45740. "targ nicholas",
  45741. "map: historical businesses, manufacturing areas, and site feature locations (1998) scale: 1 inch = 250 feet figure rtc-3a",
  45742. "san francisco",
  45743. "2260092",
  45744. "5/9/2012",
  45745. "nan",
  45746. "nan",
  45747. "nan",
  45748. "nan",
  45749. "nan",
  45750. "nan",
  45751. "nan",
  45752. "nan",
  45753. "nan",
  45754. "nan",
  45755. "nan",
  45756. "nan",
  45757. "nan",
  45758. "nan",
  45759. "nan",
  45760. "nan",
  45761. "nan",
  45762. "nan",
  45763. "nan",
  45764. "nan",
  45765. "nan",
  45766. "nan"
  45767. ],
  45768. [
  45769. "106694",
  45770. "00001",
  45771. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  45772. "richmond",
  45773. "792945100",
  45774. "environmental",
  45775. "map: historical businesses, manufacturing areas, and site feature locations (1998) scale: 1 inch = 250 feet figure rtc-3b",
  45776. "9/17/2014",
  45777. "nan",
  45778. "jennifer l. hernandez",
  45779. "off-site",
  45780. "targ nicholas",
  45781. "map: historical businesses, manufacturing areas, and site feature locations (1998) scale: 1 inch = 250 feet figure rtc-3b",
  45782. "san francisco",
  45783. "2260093",
  45784. "5/9/2012",
  45785. "nan",
  45786. "nan",
  45787. "nan",
  45788. "nan",
  45789. "nan",
  45790. "nan",
  45791. "nan",
  45792. "nan",
  45793. "nan",
  45794. "nan",
  45795. "nan",
  45796. "nan",
  45797. "nan",
  45798. "nan",
  45799. "nan",
  45800. "nan",
  45801. "nan",
  45802. "nan",
  45803. "nan",
  45804. "nan",
  45805. "nan",
  45806. "nan"
  45807. ],
  45808. [
  45809. "108052",
  45810. "00003",
  45811. "hormel, jamie r.",
  45812. "california probate estate",
  45813. "459070460",
  45814. "nan",
  45815. "correspondence ( august 2,2006- dec. 8, 2007)\ndocument clip\n - june 2, 2006 letter from susan m. ciupak to adrienne jeffrey re: estate of george a. hormel ii\n - march 2, 2006 statement of imformal probate of will and appointment of personal representative \nmiscellaneous\ncourtclip\nbills \nresearch\nletters of testamentary 2006\nmemoranda \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  45816. "4/2/2011",
  45817. "nan",
  45818. "adrienne p. jeffrey",
  45819. "off-site",
  45820. "nan",
  45821. "date-open: 8/2/2006 + comments2:",
  45822. "los angeles",
  45823. "1537330",
  45824. "10/27/2009",
  45825. "nan",
  45826. "nan",
  45827. "nan",
  45828. "nan",
  45829. "nan",
  45830. "nan",
  45831. "nan",
  45832. "nan",
  45833. "nan",
  45834. "nan",
  45835. "nan",
  45836. "nan",
  45837. "nan",
  45838. "nan",
  45839. "nan",
  45840. "nan",
  45841. "nan",
  45842. "nan",
  45843. "nan",
  45844. "nan",
  45845. "nan",
  45846. "nan"
  45847. ],
  45848. [
  45849. "108197",
  45850. "00004",
  45851. "capital one, national association",
  45852. "martco limited partnership",
  45853. "719608799",
  45854. "nan",
  45855. "fileno: 127363944/",
  45856. "3/22/2007",
  45857. "12622370",
  45858. "kristin a. dekuiper",
  45859. "nan",
  45860. "nan",
  45861. "<ethical wall applied on: 8/22/2016> comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  45862. "boston",
  45863. "1373544",
  45864. "1/30/2009",
  45865. "nan",
  45866. "nan",
  45867. "nan",
  45868. "nan",
  45869. "nan",
  45870. "nan",
  45871. "nan",
  45872. "nan",
  45873. "nan",
  45874. "nan",
  45875. "nan",
  45876. "nan",
  45877. "nan",
  45878. "nan",
  45879. "nan",
  45880. "nan",
  45881. "nan",
  45882. "nan",
  45883. "nan",
  45884. "nan",
  45885. "nan",
  45886. "nan"
  45887. ],
  45888. [
  45889. "108197",
  45890. "00004",
  45891. "capital one, national association",
  45892. "martco limited partnership",
  45893. "719583221",
  45894. "nan",
  45895. "fileno: 129162960/",
  45896. "2/19/2008",
  45897. "13079524",
  45898. "kristin a. dekuiper",
  45899. "off-site",
  45900. "nan",
  45901. "<ethical wall applied on: 8/22/2016> comments: np + facility: arms + department: buiness\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  45902. "boston",
  45903. "1379646",
  45904. "1/30/2009",
  45905. "nan",
  45906. "nan",
  45907. "nan",
  45908. "nan",
  45909. "nan",
  45910. "nan",
  45911. "nan",
  45912. "nan",
  45913. "nan",
  45914. "nan",
  45915. "nan",
  45916. "nan",
  45917. "nan",
  45918. "nan",
  45919. "nan",
  45920. "nan",
  45921. "nan",
  45922. "nan",
  45923. "nan",
  45924. "nan",
  45925. "nan",
  45926. "nan"
  45927. ],
  45928. [
  45929. "108197",
  45930. "00004",
  45931. "capital one, national association",
  45932. "martco limited partnership",
  45933. "729268552",
  45934. "closing documents/binders",
  45935. "file # 236531071:\n\n\n $12,500,000 credit facility from stonehenge community development vi, llc - capital one, national association as servicer in favor of martco limited partnership - october 19, 2006",
  45936. "1/15/2013",
  45937. "nan",
  45938. "kristin a. dekuiper",
  45939. "off-site",
  45940. "gaulin jeffrey",
  45941. "<ethical wall applied on: 8/22/2016>",
  45942. "boston",
  45943. "1954276",
  45944. "1/30/2009",
  45945. "nan",
  45946. "nan",
  45947. "nan",
  45948. "nan",
  45949. "nan",
  45950. "nan",
  45951. "nan",
  45952. "nan",
  45953. "nan",
  45954. "nan",
  45955. "nan",
  45956. "nan",
  45957. "nan",
  45958. "nan",
  45959. "nan",
  45960. "nan",
  45961. "nan",
  45962. "nan",
  45963. "nan",
  45964. "nan",
  45965. "nan",
  45966. "nan"
  45967. ],
  45968. [
  45969. "108351",
  45970. "00001",
  45971. "southeast financial holding corporation",
  45972. "family office bankshares/de novo bank",
  45973. "460603185",
  45974. "nan",
  45975. "state & fdic application\n billing\n organization of cobalt bank documents re: g. bassett\n latest version of ppm\n llc issues\n bank application\n bhc application and materials\n offering materials\n\n# 5823486",
  45976. "12/17/2008",
  45977. "0013176433",
  45978. "jose e. sirven",
  45979. "nan",
  45980. "nan",
  45981. " hk box: 43892",
  45982. "miami",
  45983. "1543973",
  45984. "9/21/2007",
  45985. "nan",
  45986. "nan",
  45987. "nan",
  45988. "nan",
  45989. "nan",
  45990. "nan",
  45991. "nan",
  45992. "nan",
  45993. "nan",
  45994. "nan",
  45995. "nan",
  45996. "nan",
  45997. "nan",
  45998. "nan",
  45999. "nan",
  46000. "nan",
  46001. "nan",
  46002. "nan",
  46003. "nan",
  46004. "nan",
  46005. "nan",
  46006. "nan"
  46007. ],
  46008. [
  46009. "109797",
  46010. "00008",
  46011. "everbank",
  46012. "everbank v. arizona federal, llc",
  46013. "999313506",
  46014. "general/other",
  46015. "everbank - request for use of fdic special powers",
  46016. "10/15/2016",
  46017. "999313506",
  46018. "james s. groh",
  46019. "off-site",
  46020. "hole brian",
  46021. "nan",
  46022. "fort lauderdale",
  46023. "2543470",
  46024. "4/23/2014",
  46025. "nan",
  46026. "nan",
  46027. "nan",
  46028. "nan",
  46029. "nan",
  46030. "nan",
  46031. "nan",
  46032. "nan",
  46033. "nan",
  46034. "nan",
  46035. "nan",
  46036. "nan",
  46037. "nan",
  46038. "nan",
  46039. "nan",
  46040. "nan",
  46041. "nan",
  46042. "nan",
  46043. "nan",
  46044. "nan",
  46045. "nan",
  46046. "nan"
  46047. ],
  46048. [
  46049. "110227",
  46050. "00011",
  46051. "hudson housing capital, llc",
  46052. "seven maples",
  46053. "489669198",
  46054. "nan",
  46055. "10/28/2008\n\n1 bindertcac hudson full copy (submitted to california tax credit allocation committee - july 12, 2007)\n\njill chessen is responsible attorney.\n",
  46056. "11/6/2008",
  46057. "nan",
  46058. "anthony s. freedman",
  46059. "off-site",
  46060. "nan",
  46061. "nan",
  46062. "washington d.c",
  46063. "1516348",
  46064. "11/22/2013",
  46065. "nan",
  46066. "nan",
  46067. "nan",
  46068. "nan",
  46069. "nan",
  46070. "nan",
  46071. "nan",
  46072. "nan",
  46073. "nan",
  46074. "nan",
  46075. "nan",
  46076. "nan",
  46077. "nan",
  46078. "nan",
  46079. "nan",
  46080. "nan",
  46081. "nan",
  46082. "nan",
  46083. "nan",
  46084. "nan",
  46085. "nan",
  46086. "nan"
  46087. ],
  46088. [
  46089. "110917",
  46090. "00001",
  46091. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona",
  46092. "real estate partnerships",
  46093. "632023243",
  46094. "general/other",
  46095. "rtc realty comapany, l.p.\n2282 jericho turnpike, garden city park, new york",
  46096. "8/1/2013",
  46097. "nan",
  46098. "martin p. miner",
  46099. "on-site",
  46100. "miner martin",
  46101. "nan",
  46102. "new york city",
  46103. "2075747",
  46104. "nan",
  46105. "nan",
  46106. "nan",
  46107. "nan",
  46108. "nan",
  46109. "nan",
  46110. "nan",
  46111. "nan",
  46112. "nan",
  46113. "nan",
  46114. "nan",
  46115. "nan",
  46116. "nan",
  46117. "nan",
  46118. "nan",
  46119. "nan",
  46120. "nan",
  46121. "nan",
  46122. "nan",
  46123. "nan",
  46124. "nan",
  46125. "nan",
  46126. "nan"
  46127. ],
  46128. [
  46129. "110917",
  46130. "00001",
  46131. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona",
  46132. "real estate partnerships",
  46133. "632023243",
  46134. "general/other",
  46135. "rtc realty co.\n1907 broad hallow road (route 110) farmingdale new york",
  46136. "8/1/2013",
  46137. "nan",
  46138. "martin p. miner",
  46139. "on-site",
  46140. "miner martin",
  46141. "nan",
  46142. "new york city",
  46143. "2075751",
  46144. "nan",
  46145. "nan",
  46146. "nan",
  46147. "nan",
  46148. "nan",
  46149. "nan",
  46150. "nan",
  46151. "nan",
  46152. "nan",
  46153. "nan",
  46154. "nan",
  46155. "nan",
  46156. "nan",
  46157. "nan",
  46158. "nan",
  46159. "nan",
  46160. "nan",
  46161. "nan",
  46162. "nan",
  46163. "nan",
  46164. "nan",
  46165. "nan",
  46166. "nan"
  46167. ],
  46168. [
  46169. "111111",
  46170. "11111",
  46171. "nan",
  46172. "nan",
  46173. "75814372",
  46174. "nan",
  46175. "003-562-great lakes terminal and transport-sportcraft \n004-358-milton white-wendell white-department of transportation \n004-009-hans-wilhelm thiele-traffic violation \nd79-003-969-lynn m pfaender-norton company \nkans thorington \nd80-004-096-ogilvy & mather-purchase of paddock smith & aydlotte \n004-568-chamberlain/avanti \nd81-004-336-industrial air \n004-044-c l flake-middleton \n200-002-j w turner construction co-complete maint & elec-hyman elec \nd77-150-004-cargill, wilson & acree-the washington group \n200-004-j w turner construction",
  46176. "5/30/1991",
  46177. "5960",
  46178. "rollins, james h. (jhr) 21150",
  46179. "off site",
  46180. "nan",
  46181. "review date: 1/15/2001",
  46182. "atlanta",
  46183. "616328",
  46184. "nan",
  46185. "nan",
  46186. "nan",
  46187. "nan",
  46188. "nan",
  46189. "nan",
  46190. "nan",
  46191. "nan",
  46192. "nan",
  46193. "nan",
  46194. "nan",
  46195. "nan",
  46196. "nan",
  46197. "nan",
  46198. "nan",
  46199. "nan",
  46200. "nan",
  46201. "nan",
  46202. "nan",
  46203. "nan",
  46204. "nan",
  46205. "nan",
  46206. "nan"
  46207. ],
  46208. [
  46209. "111111",
  46210. "11111",
  46211. "nan",
  46212. "nan",
  46213. "544955413",
  46214. "nan",
  46215. "fdic-mike allen-transcript-memorandum \nc&c of spring city-pellissippi parkway, ltd loan file- \ndan youngblood and pauline youngblood financial statements-loan file- \nrobert and janice youngblood loan file \nfirst bank-aetna-youngblood account records \ncity & county bank-c & c of spring city-clyde b webb loan file- \nfred l key loan file-charles blevins loan file-the movie station inc/ \narnold sneed-systems specialists inc/call u s-gary and helen parks \nloan file-dixie coin machine/robert baxter-east tennessee motors loan-\nhaun loan file \nc & c bank of rhea county \nc & c bank of spring city",
  46216. "6/10/1991",
  46217. "6026",
  46218. "rhyne, dawn 008133",
  46219. "off site",
  46220. "nan",
  46221. "review date: 1/15/2001",
  46222. "atlanta",
  46223. "616393",
  46224. "nan",
  46225. "nan",
  46226. "nan",
  46227. "nan",
  46228. "nan",
  46229. "nan",
  46230. "nan",
  46231. "nan",
  46232. "nan",
  46233. "nan",
  46234. "nan",
  46235. "nan",
  46236. "nan",
  46237. "nan",
  46238. "nan",
  46239. "nan",
  46240. "nan",
  46241. "nan",
  46242. "nan",
  46243. "nan",
  46244. "nan",
  46245. "nan",
  46246. "nan"
  46247. ],
  46248. [
  46249. "111111",
  46250. "11111",
  46251. "nan",
  46252. "nan",
  46253. "544955440",
  46254. "nan",
  46255. "first bank-aetna-depositions-motions-uab fdic exam",
  46256. "6/10/1991",
  46257. "6029",
  46258. "rhyne, dawn 008133",
  46259. "off site",
  46260. "nan",
  46261. "review date: 1/15/2001",
  46262. "atlanta",
  46263. "616396",
  46264. "nan",
  46265. "nan",
  46266. "nan",
  46267. "nan",
  46268. "nan",
  46269. "nan",
  46270. "nan",
  46271. "nan",
  46272. "nan",
  46273. "nan",
  46274. "nan",
  46275. "nan",
  46276. "nan",
  46277. "nan",
  46278. "nan",
  46279. "nan",
  46280. "nan",
  46281. "nan",
  46282. "nan",
  46283. "nan",
  46284. "nan",
  46285. "nan",
  46286. "nan"
  46287. ],
  46288. [
  46289. "111111",
  46290. "11111",
  46291. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  46292. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  46293. "155763246",
  46294. "nan",
  46295. "086158.00001 and 086158.00008 - general employment agreement:\n* severance plan issues; warn; general employment - correspondence; connecticut\n employment laws; e-sales pre-employment selection tool; non-compete &\n non-solicitation agreement - research for ca, az & or; paid time off policy;\n employment agreements - cd of employment agreements; employment agreements -\n e-mails; employment agreements - working file; employment agreements - atty notes;\n employment agreements - colao memo re acceleration of vesting of restricted stock;\n employment agreements -bailey memo re tax issues re continuation of benefits;\n employment agreements -state survey re forfeiture of vacation time; employment\n agreements -fdic application re \"the fab 4\"; employment agreements -fab 4\n settlement agreements working file; employment agreements -ots 321/07 letter;\n employment agreements -ots 11/2/06 letter; employment agreements -ots bulletins\n re compensation; employment agreements -ots presentation; employment\n agreements -ots supervisory agreement; employment agreements - ots troubled\n condition letter; employment agreements - netbank public filings; employment\n agreements -rick baldwin, r. theodore brauch, russell l. burdsall, thomas lee\n cable, jorge font, douglas k. freeman, judy garrison, steve habert ceo, sonja\n kennedy, jerald w. mccoy, brenda i. mechling, jeff minch, john redmond, william m.\n ross, austin sedicum, donnell smith, alan swimmer, debra wheeler",
  46296. "2/25/2008",
  46297. "104908",
  46298. "housen, susan w. (swh) 85281",
  46299. "off site",
  46300. "nan",
  46301. "notes: container c 0056968665 + review date: 12/1/2016 56968665",
  46302. "atlanta",
  46303. "616713",
  46304. "nan",
  46305. "nan",
  46306. "nan",
  46307. "nan",
  46308. "nan",
  46309. "nan",
  46310. "nan",
  46311. "nan",
  46312. "nan",
  46313. "nan",
  46314. "nan",
  46315. "nan",
  46316. "nan",
  46317. "nan",
  46318. "nan",
  46319. "nan",
  46320. "nan",
  46321. "nan",
  46322. "nan",
  46323. "nan",
  46324. "nan",
  46325. "nan",
  46326. "nan"
  46327. ],
  46328. [
  46329. "111111",
  46330. "11111",
  46331. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  46332. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  46333. "155763223",
  46334. "nan",
  46335. "086158.00001 - netbank - general: (also under c/m's 086158.00003, 086158.00008, 086158.00010, 086158.00038, 086158.00052, 086158.00053, 086158.00054, 086158.00055, 086158.00056, 086158.00060, 086158.00062, 086158.00063 and 086158.00066):\n* billing files - matters 1, 3, 8, 10, 38, 52, 53, 54, 10055, 56, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68;\n bankruptcy matters (correspondence, fdic/netbank receivership info, e-mails);\n general matters -h&k marketing materials, correspondence, corporate structure,\n original engagement letter, general employment questions, bowers & grimes, direct\n deposit of wages; beacon boat loan repurchase; cmc litigatioin, state of ga lien ;\n account holder agreements - various forms; d&o insurance policy analysis & info.",
  46336. "2/26/2008",
  46337. "104912",
  46338. "housen, susan w. (swh) 85281",
  46339. "off site",
  46340. "nan",
  46341. "notes: container c 0056968669 + review date: 1/31/2013 56968669",
  46342. "atlanta",
  46343. "616717",
  46344. "nan",
  46345. "nan",
  46346. "nan",
  46347. "nan",
  46348. "nan",
  46349. "nan",
  46350. "nan",
  46351. "nan",
  46352. "nan",
  46353. "nan",
  46354. "nan",
  46355. "nan",
  46356. "nan",
  46357. "nan",
  46358. "nan",
  46359. "nan",
  46360. "nan",
  46361. "nan",
  46362. "nan",
  46363. "nan",
  46364. "nan",
  46365. "nan",
  46366. "nan"
  46367. ],
  46368. [
  46369. "111111",
  46370. "11111",
  46371. "nan",
  46372. "nan",
  46373. "545403205",
  46374. "nan",
  46375. "(this file has been placed under eileen's name since rob augustine left the firm)\n0475.138 / norfolk southern / sweetwater industrial park/austell,ga/ \n# 3 of 6 boxes received from j. e. robert co. of resolution trust corp\nfile pocket 1 - rtc designation 00148-012 - includes sweetwater draws \n11 through 22. \nfile pocket 2 - rtc designation 00148-010 - contains sweetwater draws \n5 through 10. \nfile pocket 3 - rtc designation 00148-006 - contains san jacinto \ncustodian account information for garnett station investment partners;\nsweetwater corres; closing binder dated june 20, 1989, for loan \nrestructuring between san jacinto and landmark; unnamed file folder \ncontaining corres and other docs, including reference to condemnation \nby cobb county for public sewer; file folder regarding tax and \ninsurance with corres regarding sale information and various corres \nregarding sale of the property, last dated february 25,1993(various \nproperty tax records are contained in this file folder); file folder \ncontaining promissory note and records of payments, interest reserve \naccounts and other draw information; extensive documentation regarding\ntaxes and other information concerning loan modification and payments \nby landmark.",
  46376. "4/28/1994",
  46377. "127243",
  46378. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  46379. "off site",
  46380. "nan",
  46381. "review date: 10/1/2001",
  46382. "atlanta",
  46383. "621286",
  46384. "nan",
  46385. "nan",
  46386. "nan",
  46387. "nan",
  46388. "nan",
  46389. "nan",
  46390. "nan",
  46391. "nan",
  46392. "nan",
  46393. "nan",
  46394. "nan",
  46395. "nan",
  46396. "nan",
  46397. "nan",
  46398. "nan",
  46399. "nan",
  46400. "nan",
  46401. "nan",
  46402. "nan",
  46403. "nan",
  46404. "nan",
  46405. "nan",
  46406. "nan"
  46407. ],
  46408. [
  46409. "111111",
  46410. "11111",
  46411. "nan",
  46412. "nan",
  46413. "545403184",
  46414. "nan",
  46415. "(this file has been placed under eileen's name since rob augustine left the firm)\n0475.138 / norfolk southern / sweetwater industrial park/austell,ga/ \n#4 of 6 boxes received from j.e. robert co. of resolution trust corp. \nfile pocket 1 - rtc designation 00148.011 - file folder containing \nworking file of lender on landmark, including copies of security deed \nand other information between landmark and lender, title insurance \ninformation, survey, notes of danny wald of san jacinto, shareholders'\nescrow and subordination agreement and stock sale; sweetwater brochure\nplats and misc corres. file folder entitled \"landmark american working\nfile\" containing various corres and notes discussing loan funding, \nflood plain reclamation, and evaluation of usable acres on site; \nrestrictive covenants for the property; notice dated february 1, 1988,\nof intent to sell 10 acres of land at sweetwater to top plastic \npackaging; cost estimates and bids for various construction work on \nroadways and rail bed. \nfile pocket 2 - rtc designation 00148.013 - misc loan information for \n$148,337 loan; various property valuations and plats; copies of loan \ndocuments, stock certificate participation agreement; various title \ninformation; loan summary and other misc docs. file folder containing \ncorres and statements from san jacinto and southmark. empty file \nfolder designated \"signature cards\"; large corres file with last \ncorres dated february 7, 1993; corres from brokers, cb commercial to \nj.e. robert companies; corres from morton levine; copies of various \nchecks from numerous indivduals deposited into san jacinto on or about\njanuary, 1986; corres regarding payment on investor installment notes \nfor garnett station; copies of collateral notes and various memoranda \nregarding payments for garnett investors and other numerous copies of \nchecks and payments.",
  46416. "4/28/1994",
  46417. "127244",
  46418. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  46419. "off site",
  46420. "nan",
  46421. "review date: 10/1/2001",
  46422. "atlanta",
  46423. "621287",
  46424. "nan",
  46425. "nan",
  46426. "nan",
  46427. "nan",
  46428. "nan",
  46429. "nan",
  46430. "nan",
  46431. "nan",
  46432. "nan",
  46433. "nan",
  46434. "nan",
  46435. "nan",
  46436. "nan",
  46437. "nan",
  46438. "nan",
  46439. "nan",
  46440. "nan",
  46441. "nan",
  46442. "nan",
  46443. "nan",
  46444. "nan",
  46445. "nan",
  46446. "nan"
  46447. ],
  46448. [
  46449. "111111",
  46450. "11111",
  46451. "nan",
  46452. "nan",
  46453. "545403188",
  46454. "nan",
  46455. "(this file has been placed under eileen's name since rob augustine left the firm)\n0475.138 / norfolk southern / sweetwater industrial park/austell,ga/ \n# 1 of 6 boxes received from j.e. robert co. of resolution trust corp.\nfile pocket 1 - rtc designation 00148-003 - this file pocket consists \nof our four appraisals for the approximately 780 acres of property \ndated august 4, 1989, january 30, 1990, june 15, 1990, and december \n11,1991. also enclosed in this pocket are materials from rayco, \ngeneral contractors, regarding interest in the purchase of approximat-\nely 300 acres of the austell property for $12,000 per acre. \nfile pocket 2 - rtc designation 00148-007 - this file pocket contains \nan apraisal dated december 2, 195, for the acerage, appraisal dated \ndecember, 1985 for the treadmill facility, nformation package dated \njuly 1, 1988, appraisal dated august 4, 1989, appraisal dated december\n30, 1987. \nfile pocket 3 - rtc designation 00148-004 - notebook containing \nsweetwater industrial park information dated december 18, 1985; file \nfolder designated \"landmark technology interest notices\" containing \ndocumentation from southmark funding during 1985 through 1987, showing\nvarious payments and correspondencer concerning collateral and other \nmatters for landmark american;",
  46456. "4/28/1994",
  46457. "127245",
  46458. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  46459. "off site",
  46460. "nan",
  46461. "review date: 10/1/2001",
  46462. "atlanta",
  46463. "621288",
  46464. "nan",
  46465. "nan",
  46466. "nan",
  46467. "nan",
  46468. "nan",
  46469. "nan",
  46470. "nan",
  46471. "nan",
  46472. "nan",
  46473. "nan",
  46474. "nan",
  46475. "nan",
  46476. "nan",
  46477. "nan",
  46478. "nan",
  46479. "nan",
  46480. "nan",
  46481. "nan",
  46482. "nan",
  46483. "nan",
  46484. "nan",
  46485. "nan",
  46486. "nan"
  46487. ],
  46488. [
  46489. "111111",
  46490. "11111",
  46491. "nan",
  46492. "nan",
  46493. "545403211",
  46494. "nan",
  46495. "(this file has been placed under eileen's name since rob augustine left the firm)\n0475.138 / norfolk southern / sweetwater industrial park/austell,ga/ \n#6 of 6 boxes received from j.e. robert co. of resolution trust corp. \nfile pocket 1 - rtc designation 00148.014 - contains file folder \"1 \nof 2\" with resolutions of landmark america, various information \nrelated to the borrower; certificate of ncorporation; and other \ncorporate documentation; various evaluation analyses and related \ncorres; letter from city of austell regarding flood or mud slide \nhazard area from mayor of the city of austell; corres related to \ncoats & clark acquisition by landmark; final advance request; pro \nforma projections for sweetwater industrial park; extremely large 3 \npart file folder containing information concernng coats & clark; \ndevelopment loan agreement with san jac mortgage; internal rtc memos \nregarding disposition of property; copies of stock certificates of \nlandmark technology corp, etc.; loan certification documents; develop-\nment loan agreement; various corres and other agreements with san \njacinto and decatur federal savings & loan association; copies of \npromissory notes and stock certificates; copies of title documents \nrecorded in cobb county, and other misc documentation. various corres \nregarding sale and financing of the property; \nfile pocket 2 - rtc designation 00148.018 - appraisal report dated \noctober, 1991; appraisal dated december 11,1991; appraisal report \ndated january 30, 1990; appraisal dated june 15, 1990. copies of \ncorres regarding appraisals;",
  46496. "4/28/1994",
  46497. "127246",
  46498. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  46499. "off site",
  46500. "nan",
  46501. "review date: 10/1/2001",
  46502. "atlanta",
  46503. "621289",
  46504. "nan",
  46505. "nan",
  46506. "nan",
  46507. "nan",
  46508. "nan",
  46509. "nan",
  46510. "nan",
  46511. "nan",
  46512. "nan",
  46513. "nan",
  46514. "nan",
  46515. "nan",
  46516. "nan",
  46517. "nan",
  46518. "nan",
  46519. "nan",
  46520. "nan",
  46521. "nan",
  46522. "nan",
  46523. "nan",
  46524. "nan",
  46525. "nan",
  46526. "nan"
  46527. ],
  46528. [
  46529. "111111",
  46530. "11111",
  46531. "nan",
  46532. "nan",
  46533. "545403172",
  46534. "nan",
  46535. "(this file has been placed under eileen's name since rob augustine left the firm)\n0475.138 / norfolk southern / sweetwater industrial park / austell,ga/ \n#5 of 6 boxes received from j.e. robert co. of resolution trust corp. \nfile pocket 1 - rtc designation 00148.017 - appraisal dated 03/28/91. \nfile pocket 2 - rtc designation 00148.008 - large file containing \ntitle insurance information; list of investors of garnett station \ninvestment partners and note payment schedule; copies of various \ncheeks, installment notes; title to threadmill, ltd. these notes were \nendorsed to san jacinto. payments under the notes were due september \n15, 1986, and february 1, 1987. file folder containing collateralized\ninvestor notes from investors in garnett station investment partners \nshowing note payments due february 15, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 with \ndecreasing payments due over the latter part of the payment schedule. \nthe notes were endorsed to san jac mortgage company; various corres \nregarding transfer of ownership of the notes and instructions for \npayments. \nfile pocket 3-rtc designation 00148.005 - appraisal report dated \noctober,1991; appraisal dated march 28,1991 and appraisal dated \naugust 4, 1989. \nfile pocket 4-rtc designation 00148.015 - labeled \"landmark desk file\"\nbinder regarding cobb county tax assessment bankruptcy filing, and \nvarious corres; copy of bessemer contract and other misc items from \n1992-193. file folder labeled \"landmark desk file #2\" containing \ncorres last dated april 1, 1993; sale update reports; file folder \nentitled \"landmark glen's file\", file of glen c. ruffner, asset \nmanager, including appraisal for release for sale to nsc; corre \nregarding bessemer contract; copies of contract and escrow agreement; \nvarious notes and misc items; memo concerning release of collateral \nand background information concerning guaranty of harison merrill and \nother information related to landmark american and the bessemer \ntransaction.",
  46536. "4/28/1994",
  46537. "127247",
  46538. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  46539. "off site",
  46540. "nan",
  46541. "review date: 10/1/2001",
  46542. "atlanta",
  46543. "621290",
  46544. "nan",
  46545. "nan",
  46546. "nan",
  46547. "nan",
  46548. "nan",
  46549. "nan",
  46550. "nan",
  46551. "nan",
  46552. "nan",
  46553. "nan",
  46554. "nan",
  46555. "nan",
  46556. "nan",
  46557. "nan",
  46558. "nan",
  46559. "nan",
  46560. "nan",
  46561. "nan",
  46562. "nan",
  46563. "nan",
  46564. "nan",
  46565. "nan",
  46566. "nan"
  46567. ],
  46568. [
  46569. "111111",
  46570. "11111",
  46571. "nan",
  46572. "nan",
  46573. "545403174",
  46574. "nan",
  46575. "(this file has been placed under eileen's name since rob augustine left the firm)\n0475.138 / norfolk southern / sweetwater industrial park / austell,ga/ \n#2 of 6 boxes received from j.e. robert co. of resolution trust corp. \nfile pocket 1 - rtc designation 00148-016 - environmental assessment. \nclarksdale site, dated march 26,1991; and appraisal of 804.56 acres of\nsweetwater industrial park, dated march 28, 1991. \nfile pocket 2 - rtc designation 00148-001 - contains numerous corres \nconcerning appraisals, bankruptcy filing of landmark american, and \nfacsimiles and correspondence related to the bankruptcy, as well as \nother misc corres. also contains july 24,1985, purchase contract \nbetween coats & clark and landmark technology corporation. \nfile pocket 3 - rtc desgination 00148-009 - file folder containing \ndraw records for contracts at sweetwater. a sweetwater disbursement \nfile containing title endorsement, acknowledgements and instructions. \nadditional draw file. sweetwater draw file no. 4 and draw file \ndesignated no. 902;",
  46576. "4/28/1994",
  46577. "127248",
  46578. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  46579. "off site",
  46580. "nan",
  46581. "review date: 10/1/2001",
  46582. "atlanta",
  46583. "621291",
  46584. "nan",
  46585. "nan",
  46586. "nan",
  46587. "nan",
  46588. "nan",
  46589. "nan",
  46590. "nan",
  46591. "nan",
  46592. "nan",
  46593. "nan",
  46594. "nan",
  46595. "nan",
  46596. "nan",
  46597. "nan",
  46598. "nan",
  46599. "nan",
  46600. "nan",
  46601. "nan",
  46602. "nan",
  46603. "nan",
  46604. "nan",
  46605. "nan",
  46606. "nan"
  46607. ],
  46608. [
  46609. "111111",
  46610. "11111",
  46611. "nan",
  46612. "nan",
  46613. "123393129",
  46614. "nan",
  46615. "0001.001 - firm billing instructions - crestar bank; rtc billing \n transamerica comm finance (3535) and york (0099) \n1230.015 - american home assurance co. (apco - auto protection \n corp.) entire file (correspondence only) \n0336.003 - dain corporation/general/atlanta federal government \n cnter - partial file only - (just this matter) \n8888.020 - estate of hubert e. frenette - estate matters - entire \n file \n2358.001 - cms encom - national information - entire file \n1735.001 - kelly barge - barge & wagener- entire file \n1230.021 - aig, inc. - cit group/diamond bankruptcy - entire file \n1230.012 - a.i. credit corp. - leeds building products - entire \n file",
  46616. "5/13/1996",
  46617. "220191",
  46618. "rollins, james h. (jhr) 21150",
  46619. "off site",
  46620. "nan",
  46621. "notes: llg + review date: 1/15/2003",
  46622. "atlanta",
  46623. "622202",
  46624. "nan",
  46625. "nan",
  46626. "nan",
  46627. "nan",
  46628. "nan",
  46629. "nan",
  46630. "nan",
  46631. "nan",
  46632. "nan",
  46633. "nan",
  46634. "nan",
  46635. "nan",
  46636. "nan",
  46637. "nan",
  46638. "nan",
  46639. "nan",
  46640. "nan",
  46641. "nan",
  46642. "nan",
  46643. "nan",
  46644. "nan",
  46645. "nan",
  46646. "nan"
  46647. ],
  46648. [
  46649. "111111",
  46650. "11111",
  46651. "nan",
  46652. "nan",
  46653. "626388837",
  46654. "nan",
  46655. "439500.00040 - swiss bank corporation - atlanta merchandise mart - \npre-work agreements; martco/portco proposals; k&s draft documents \nre: martco; merchandise mark working capital docs; budget/interest \ndeferral vote; closing checklist; various drafts of documents",
  46656. "6/7/1996",
  46657. "273298",
  46658. "rollins, james h. (jhr) 21150",
  46659. "off site",
  46660. "nan",
  46661. "notes: llg + review date: 1/15/2003",
  46662. "atlanta",
  46663. "623246",
  46664. "nan",
  46665. "nan",
  46666. "nan",
  46667. "nan",
  46668. "nan",
  46669. "nan",
  46670. "nan",
  46671. "nan",
  46672. "nan",
  46673. "nan",
  46674. "nan",
  46675. "nan",
  46676. "nan",
  46677. "nan",
  46678. "nan",
  46679. "nan",
  46680. "nan",
  46681. "nan",
  46682. "nan",
  46683. "nan",
  46684. "nan",
  46685. "nan",
  46686. "nan"
  46687. ],
  46688. [
  46689. "111111",
  46690. "11111",
  46691. "nan",
  46692. "nan",
  46693. "626388821",
  46694. "nan",
  46695. "439500.040 - swiss bank corporation - atlanta merchandise mart \ndraft docs.; second rework notes & misc.; default remedies memo \namm management agreement; current martco proposals; bank group \nvote memoranda re: martco; working file; jdrp opinion letter; \nmisc. current matters; escrow paydown; documents",
  46696. "6/7/1996",
  46697. "273301",
  46698. "rollins, james h. (jhr) 21150",
  46699. "off site",
  46700. "nan",
  46701. "notes: llg + review date: 1/15/2003",
  46702. "atlanta",
  46703. "623249",
  46704. "nan",
  46705. "nan",
  46706. "nan",
  46707. "nan",
  46708. "nan",
  46709. "nan",
  46710. "nan",
  46711. "nan",
  46712. "nan",
  46713. "nan",
  46714. "nan",
  46715. "nan",
  46716. "nan",
  46717. "nan",
  46718. "nan",
  46719. "nan",
  46720. "nan",
  46721. "nan",
  46722. "nan",
  46723. "nan",
  46724. "nan",
  46725. "nan",
  46726. "nan"
  46727. ],
  46728. [
  46729. "111111",
  46730. "11111",
  46731. "nan",
  46732. "nan",
  46733. "155770142",
  46734. "nan",
  46735. "(this file is now under summey orr's name, since rob augustine left the firm, and jamestown is summey's client)\n1050.044 - jamestown management - acquisition from rtc terrill mill \n and peachtree dunwoody - agreements, correspondence, closing \n documents",
  46736. "5/29/1996",
  46737. "273356",
  46738. "orr, a. summey iii (aso) 21120",
  46739. "off site",
  46740. "nan",
  46741. "notes: mbm + review date: 1/15/2004",
  46742. "atlanta",
  46743. "623304",
  46744. "nan",
  46745. "nan",
  46746. "nan",
  46747. "nan",
  46748. "nan",
  46749. "nan",
  46750. "nan",
  46751. "nan",
  46752. "nan",
  46753. "nan",
  46754. "nan",
  46755. "nan",
  46756. "nan",
  46757. "nan",
  46758. "nan",
  46759. "nan",
  46760. "nan",
  46761. "nan",
  46762. "nan",
  46763. "nan",
  46764. "nan",
  46765. "nan",
  46766. "nan"
  46767. ],
  46768. [
  46769. "111111",
  46770. "11111",
  46771. "destroyed 3/5/08",
  46772. "destroyed 3/5/08",
  46773. "273640",
  46774. "nan",
  46775. "095000.36000 - greg digel miscellaneous files - firm - includes \n fdic information and tms v. mitchell",
  46776. "6/26/1996",
  46777. "273640",
  46778. "digel, greg j. (gjd) 21060",
  46779. "off site",
  46780. "nan",
  46781. "destroyed 3/5/08",
  46782. "atlanta",
  46783. "623586",
  46784. "nan",
  46785. "nan",
  46786. "nan",
  46787. "nan",
  46788. "nan",
  46789. "nan",
  46790. "nan",
  46791. "nan",
  46792. "nan",
  46793. "nan",
  46794. "nan",
  46795. "nan",
  46796. "nan",
  46797. "nan",
  46798. "nan",
  46799. "nan",
  46800. "nan",
  46801. "nan",
  46802. "nan",
  46803. "nan",
  46804. "nan",
  46805. "nan",
  46806. "nan"
  46807. ],
  46808. [
  46809. "111111",
  46810. "11111",
  46811. "nan",
  46812. "nan",
  46813. "626388832",
  46814. "nan",
  46815. "1990 misc.; construction payments; fixed assets; fixed assets 1995 \nnartc; nationwide insurance co.; n misc.; mary ann oakley; \na. summey orr; o misc.; parkit; pegasus attorney services; larry \ns. pike; pitney bowes; stanley h. pollock",
  46816. "5/5/1997",
  46817. "274629",
  46818. "accounting 000013",
  46819. "off site",
  46820. "nan",
  46821. "review date: 1/15/2004",
  46822. "atlanta",
  46823. "624532",
  46824. "nan",
  46825. "nan",
  46826. "nan",
  46827. "nan",
  46828. "nan",
  46829. "nan",
  46830. "nan",
  46831. "nan",
  46832. "nan",
  46833. "nan",
  46834. "nan",
  46835. "nan",
  46836. "nan",
  46837. "nan",
  46838. "nan",
  46839. "nan",
  46840. "nan",
  46841. "nan",
  46842. "nan",
  46843. "nan",
  46844. "nan",
  46845. "nan",
  46846. "nan"
  46847. ],
  46848. [
  46849. "111111",
  46850. "11111",
  46851. "nan",
  46852. "nan",
  46853. "652673150",
  46854. "nan",
  46855. "loss prevention -sims & davis (cck)\nkresky - loss prevention - sims/davis - innovo group: \n431737.00001 - innovo group, inc./waller lansden dortch & davis: \ncorres.; research; sonem partners; corres. vol. ii, iii, iv; \npleadings vol. i; innovo/thimble square (davis - wf); innovo - \ndrafts (davis/sims); innovo formal documents (davis/sims); \ninnovo notes & misc. (davis/sims); correspondence 6/94 \n431737.00002 - innovo group, inc. adv. sonem partners, ltd. - \ncorrespondence",
  46856. "5/23/1997",
  46857. "274656",
  46858. "loss prevention 84023",
  46859. "off site",
  46860. "nan",
  46861. "review date: 2/9/2007",
  46862. "atlanta",
  46863. "624559",
  46864. "nan",
  46865. "nan",
  46866. "nan",
  46867. "nan",
  46868. "nan",
  46869. "nan",
  46870. "nan",
  46871. "nan",
  46872. "nan",
  46873. "nan",
  46874. "nan",
  46875. "nan",
  46876. "nan",
  46877. "nan",
  46878. "nan",
  46879. "nan",
  46880. "nan",
  46881. "nan",
  46882. "nan",
  46883. "nan",
  46884. "nan",
  46885. "nan",
  46886. "nan"
  46887. ],
  46888. [
  46889. "111111",
  46890. "11111",
  46891. "nan",
  46892. "nan",
  46893. "652672936",
  46894. "nan",
  46895. "kresky - loss prevention - jerry sims \n1737.001 - innovo group inc./nasco products inc.: innovo \ngroup, inc. et al. agreement between nasco products, inc. and \naccessory network group, inc.; innovo group, inc./nasco products, \ninc. acquisition agmt. nasco products, inc. #1 + accessaory \nn.w. group; #2; innovo group, inc./nasco products, inc. agmt. \naccessory network group, inc and ang sport; innovo group, inc. \nagmt. (accessory network group, inc. and ang sport); innovo \ngroup, inc. employee benefit & stock bonus plans; innovo group - \nfinancial info.; innovo group - 401(k) plan; innovo group - \npremium reduction only plan; innovo group - misc.; financial \ninfo/business plan; nasco sportswear, inc. - merger with rtc; \nang/innovo ssr working file; innovo group inc./nasco products, inc. \nfinancial data; innovo group inc./nasco products, inc. federal \nincome tax matters; innovo group, inc. + nasco products, inc. \ninnovo/weinstein assovciates, ltd.; innovo group, inc. and nasco \nproducts, inc. representation in bankruptcy of subsidiaries drafts \nof bankruptcy schedules",
  46896. "5/23/1997",
  46897. "274707",
  46898. "loss prevention 84023",
  46899. "off site",
  46900. "nan",
  46901. "review date: 2/9/2007",
  46902. "atlanta",
  46903. "624610",
  46904. "nan",
  46905. "nan",
  46906. "nan",
  46907. "nan",
  46908. "nan",
  46909. "nan",
  46910. "nan",
  46911. "nan",
  46912. "nan",
  46913. "nan",
  46914. "nan",
  46915. "nan",
  46916. "nan",
  46917. "nan",
  46918. "nan",
  46919. "nan",
  46920. "nan",
  46921. "nan",
  46922. "nan",
  46923. "nan",
  46924. "nan",
  46925. "nan",
  46926. "nan"
  46927. ],
  46928. [
  46929. "111111",
  46930. "11111",
  46931. "nan",
  46932. "nan",
  46933. "460494812",
  46934. "nan",
  46935. "box #3 \n17667.2 - citizens bank of gwinnett: proxy statement; \nfdic application approval; fed application approval/letter to \ncrawford re: stock option plans; federal reserve application; \ndbf approval, application and approval; registration statement; \nbound copy of form s-4; examples of documents; annual report 1993; \nbylaws and special meeting minutes; evans porter bryan & co.; \niterim corporation; copies of correspondence to regulators; \nresponse to general questionnaire; registration statement; \nformation of bank holding co.; resolutions for amend. to \ndirectors and stock option plans; stock option plan for employees; \napplication to form bank holding co. and fr-41; stock option plan \nfor employees; director stock option plan",
  46936. "7/1/1997",
  46937. "274781",
  46938. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  46939. "off site",
  46940. "nan",
  46941. "notes: *stan has requested that this box be kept on premise until we are further notified (sent off-site 11/14/00) + review date: 2/9/2007",
  46942. "atlanta",
  46943. "624684",
  46944. "nan",
  46945. "nan",
  46946. "nan",
  46947. "nan",
  46948. "nan",
  46949. "nan",
  46950. "nan",
  46951. "nan",
  46952. "nan",
  46953. "nan",
  46954. "nan",
  46955. "nan",
  46956. "nan",
  46957. "nan",
  46958. "nan",
  46959. "nan",
  46960. "nan",
  46961. "nan",
  46962. "nan",
  46963. "nan",
  46964. "nan",
  46965. "nan",
  46966. "nan"
  46967. ],
  46968. [
  46969. "111111",
  46970. "11111",
  46971. "nan",
  46972. "nan",
  46973. "155757888",
  46974. "nan",
  46975. "box #4\n432234.4 - eagle bancorp, inc.: questionnaires 1995 to 10ksb; \nfdic report of examination 1/13/92; stock option plan; corporate \nand regulatory matters; preparation of 10-k (1991); bylaws; \nescrow agreement; 1993 audit letter jan. 1994; preparation of \nform 10ksb and proxy statement; proxy originals 1994 annual \nmeeting; preparation of form 10-ksb (1992); annual proxy \nstatement and proxy; preparation of form 10ksb; notes; proxy \noriginals - 1994 annual meeting; drafts; questionnaire for \ndirectors and executive officers",
  46976. "7/1/1997",
  46977. "274782",
  46978. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  46979. "off site",
  46980. "nan",
  46981. "review date: 2/9/2007",
  46982. "atlanta",
  46983. "624685",
  46984. "nan",
  46985. "nan",
  46986. "nan",
  46987. "nan",
  46988. "nan",
  46989. "nan",
  46990. "nan",
  46991. "nan",
  46992. "nan",
  46993. "nan",
  46994. "nan",
  46995. "nan",
  46996. "nan",
  46997. "nan",
  46998. "nan",
  46999. "nan",
  47000. "nan",
  47001. "nan",
  47002. "nan",
  47003. "nan",
  47004. "nan",
  47005. "nan",
  47006. "nan"
  47007. ],
  47008. [
  47009. "111111",
  47010. "11111",
  47011. "nan",
  47012. "nan",
  47013. "460494782",
  47014. "nan",
  47015. "box #7\n432229. - citizens bank of gwinnett: corres.; billing file; \nnotes and misc.; annual meeting 1994 sole shareholder; application \nto dbf for formation of bhc; application to form bank holding co. \n(sent to frb); application of merger to fdic; articles of \nincorporation of bankshares, inc.; articles of incorporation of \ninterim corp.; articles of merger; amendment of bank bylaws; \nbylaws of bank; bylaws of bankshares, inc.; bylaws of interim \ncorporation; certificate of merger; billing; dbf approval of bank \nholding; directors stock option plan; corres.; extensions; \nfasb 50 letter; fdic corres.; fdic order and basis for approval \ndated 10/4/94; frb letter dated 8/3/94 re: application of bhc; \nfrb letter dated 8/18/94 requesting additional information; \nfrb ltr. dated 9/7/94 accepting application to become bhc; \nfrb approval ltr. dated 10/5/94 to form bank holding co.; \nfrb letter dated 12/9/94 requesting additional info. re: \nextension of time; frb letter dated 12/29/94 re: granting \next. date of consummation; ga dept. of banking and finance corres.; \ninterim corporation; ltr. dated 8/3/94 to gbf transmitting bhc \napplication; ltr. dated 8/3/94 to fdic re: application of merger; \nltr. dated 8/4/94 from fdic accepting application of merger; \nltr. dated 8/10/94 from gbf accepting bhc application; ltr. dated \n8/17/94 to gbf re: publisher's affidavit for bhc; ltr. dated \n8/29/94 to gbf re: response to req. for additional info.; \nltr. dated 8/29/94 responding to frb request for additional info.; \nltr. dated 9/16/94 to frb re: additional information re: appendix; \nltr. dated 9/28/94 to fdic regarding publisher's affidavit; \nltr. dated 10/24/94 to frb re: director/employee stock plans; \nltr. dated 11/1/94 to gbf re: merger application to fdic; \nltr. dated 11/3/94 to gbf re: proxy materials and stock plans; \nltr. dated 12/19/94 to frb requesting extension date/bhc; \nltr. dated 2/2/95 to gbf re: proxy statement/prospectus; \nltr. dated 2/21/95 to bgf re: results of shareholders meeting; \nltr. dated 2/22/95 to gbf enclosing articles of merger; ltr. \ndated 2/27/95 from dbf approving articles of merger; ltr. dated \n3/1/95 to frb re: results of shareholders meeting; ltr. dated \n3/2/95 to fdic re: results of meeting and minutes; ltr. dated \n3/28/95 to gbf enclosing publisher's affidavit; ltr. dated 4/3/95 \nto frb advising of consummation of bhc; ltr. dated 4/3/95 to fdic \nadvising of consummation transaction; ltr. to sec regarding rule \n424(b)(3) filing; newspaper publications (4); notes and misc.; \noptions purchase common stock; plan and agreement of \nreorganization dated 3/3/94; proxy statement/prospectus; \npublishing notes/corres.; publishing ltr. dated 7/28/94 re: notice \nof app. formation of bhc; publishing ltr. dated 8/2/94 re: \nnotce of merger; registration statement/draft; letter to frb \nre: consummation; ltr. to fdic; resolutions adopted by consent; \nresolutions adopted at 2/21/95 mtg.; resolutions adopted 2/21/95 \nmeeting shareholder of interim corp.; script for special meeting; (m)j\nsecurities and exchange corres.; sec form 15; secretary's \ncertificate; shareholders re: exchange; regulatory matters",
  47016. "7/1/1997",
  47017. "274785",
  47018. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  47019. "off site",
  47020. "nan",
  47021. "notes: *stan has requested that this box be kept on premise until we are further notified (sent off-site 11/14/00) + review date: 2/9/2007",
  47022. "atlanta",
  47023. "624688",
  47024. "nan",
  47025. "nan",
  47026. "nan",
  47027. "nan",
  47028. "nan",
  47029. "nan",
  47030. "nan",
  47031. "nan",
  47032. "nan",
  47033. "nan",
  47034. "nan",
  47035. "nan",
  47036. "nan",
  47037. "nan",
  47038. "nan",
  47039. "nan",
  47040. "nan",
  47041. "nan",
  47042. "nan",
  47043. "nan",
  47044. "nan",
  47045. "nan",
  47046. "nan"
  47047. ],
  47048. [
  47049. "111111",
  47050. "11111",
  47051. "nan",
  47052. "nan",
  47053. "460494773",
  47054. "nan",
  47055. "box 9 \n2233.1 - eagle bank and trust/regulatory matters: \nresolutions - re: option adjustments; corres.; billing; notes and \nmisc.; nasd matter regulation l (1995); form 4; form 10q 3/31/95; \n10b-17 inquiry; confidential agreement; special board meeting; \nyear-end schedule 1994; stock split; 1995 annual report to \nshareholder; 1995 annual meeting/questionnaires; letter of \nintent/drafts \n432234.2 - eagle bancorp/annual securities filings/proxy \nmaterials: corres./ notes and misc.; billing \n432234.1 - general regulatory matters: 10qsb 9/30/94; fdic \ncompliance resolutions; response to sec questions; form 10ksb \nproxy (1993)",
  47056. "7/1/1997",
  47057. "274787",
  47058. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  47059. "off site",
  47060. "nan",
  47061. "notes: *stan has requested that this box remain on premise until further notified (sent off-site 11/14/00) + review date: 2/9/2007",
  47062. "atlanta",
  47063. "624690",
  47064. "nan",
  47065. "nan",
  47066. "nan",
  47067. "nan",
  47068. "nan",
  47069. "nan",
  47070. "nan",
  47071. "nan",
  47072. "nan",
  47073. "nan",
  47074. "nan",
  47075. "nan",
  47076. "nan",
  47077. "nan",
  47078. "nan",
  47079. "nan",
  47080. "nan",
  47081. "nan",
  47082. "nan",
  47083. "nan",
  47084. "nan",
  47085. "nan",
  47086. "nan"
  47087. ],
  47088. [
  47089. "111111",
  47090. "11111",
  47091. "nan",
  47092. "nan",
  47093. "460494035",
  47094. "nan",
  47095. "box 10 \n432240.1 - first bank of dalton / fbd holding co public offering: corres.; dbf charter application; blue sky review; sec order / registration statement; tennessee dept. commerce/ins.; misc.; harper's employment agreement; georgia secretary of state; line of credit; fdic approval of bank charter; fbd holding co., inc. - frb approval of bhc application; federal reserve bank applications; fed. reserve bank corres.; hensley response/sec comments; legal research; map of dalton, ga; notes and corres.; notes and internal memorandum; option on property across st.; post effective amendment no. 1; db&f approval of bank charter; protect; publishing notice of incorp; questionnaire; resolution auth. line of credit; resolutions/board of directors; sec effectiveness of registration statement; fbd holding co., inc. - securities opinion of dbf; tn/cpa affidavit/hensley; tombstone; warrant agreement; fbd - resolutions extending offering, form sr transmittal to sellers, request to accelerate effective date of sb-1, transmittal of registration statement on sb-1, comments from sec - april 17, 1995, and 6/22/95, holding company inc. - comments to sec, holding company, inc. - proxy statement, holding company inc. - form 15; georgia securities filing; cibca fbd holdling \ncompany, inc. form 15; 10 ksb 1995; articles of incorporation; \nemployment agreements; audited financials; auditor's consent; \nbank building purchase; blue sky - nebraska and nc; blue sky - mis post-eff matters; bylaws; billing; corporate annual registration; due diligence \n2234.001 - eagle bancorp - general regulatory matters: item 7 10-ksb; corres. and notes; form 10ksb; form 10ksb (w/exhibits); form 10ksb - notes and memoranda; proxy statement; 1994 annual report to shareholder; 1995 10ksb; year end '95 schedule; transmittal letter to shareholders with annual report; 1996 annual meeting proxy materials; july 11 board meeting notes; minutes of board meeting - july 16, 1996; many 21, 1996 board minutes; july 11, 1996 minutes of special board meeting; response to regions and to first financial; regions offer; m&a matters jan. 24, 1995 board meeting; june 24, 1996 memo to board on acquisition proposals; sale of company matters 1996",
  47096. "7/1/1997",
  47097. "274788",
  47098. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  47099. "off site",
  47100. "nan",
  47101. "review date: 2/9/2007",
  47102. "atlanta",
  47103. "624691",
  47104. "nan",
  47105. "nan",
  47106. "nan",
  47107. "nan",
  47108. "nan",
  47109. "nan",
  47110. "nan",
  47111. "nan",
  47112. "nan",
  47113. "nan",
  47114. "nan",
  47115. "nan",
  47116. "nan",
  47117. "nan",
  47118. "nan",
  47119. "nan",
  47120. "nan",
  47121. "nan",
  47122. "nan",
  47123. "nan",
  47124. "nan",
  47125. "nan",
  47126. "nan"
  47127. ],
  47128. [
  47129. "111111",
  47130. "11111",
  47131. "nan",
  47132. "nan",
  47133. "728413498",
  47134. "nan",
  47135. "box #15 \n30505.1 - first southern bank/regulatory matters: \nreferral; regulatory matter; letter to dbf; draft t&e expenses; \nviolations; bond claim; first southern c&d; fdic - criminal \nreferral forms; research; cease and desist order 2/93; hearing \ndocuments; articles of incorporation & bylaws; draft board \nminutes 2/9/93; notes \n05660.1 - bankers first corp.: interstate acquisition of s&l; \ninterstate/johnson lane",
  47136. "7/1/1997",
  47137. "274793",
  47138. "stanley h. pollock",
  47139. "off site",
  47140. "nan",
  47141. "review date: 2/9/2014",
  47142. "atlanta",
  47143. "624696",
  47144. "nan",
  47145. "nan",
  47146. "nan",
  47147. "nan",
  47148. "nan",
  47149. "nan",
  47150. "nan",
  47151. "nan",
  47152. "nan",
  47153. "nan",
  47154. "nan",
  47155. "nan",
  47156. "nan",
  47157. "nan",
  47158. "nan",
  47159. "nan",
  47160. "nan",
  47161. "nan",
  47162. "nan",
  47163. "nan",
  47164. "nan",
  47165. "nan",
  47166. "nan"
  47167. ],
  47168. [
  47169. "111111",
  47170. "11111",
  47171. "nan",
  47172. "nan",
  47173. "460494818",
  47174. "nan",
  47175. "box #17\nfirst bank of crestview - notes; corres.; misc. \ndocuments (dated mid to late 1995); form s-4 (drafts); agreement \nand plan of merger; southtrust corporation s-4 bound; \n24350.011 - dekalb state bank/prearation of form f-2 - \noriginal form f-2 (sent to fdic 1992); notes; drafts of form f-2; \nform f-3 (6/93); audit letter for 1993; fair lending laws; \noriginal proxy statement and proxy (1993) (sent fdic); drafts of \nproxy statement and proxy",
  47176. "7/1/1997",
  47177. "274795",
  47178. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  47179. "off site",
  47180. "nan",
  47181. "notes: *stan pollock has requested that this box stay on premise until further notified + review date: 2/9/2007",
  47182. "atlanta",
  47183. "624698",
  47184. "nan",
  47185. "nan",
  47186. "nan",
  47187. "nan",
  47188. "nan",
  47189. "nan",
  47190. "nan",
  47191. "nan",
  47192. "nan",
  47193. "nan",
  47194. "nan",
  47195. "nan",
  47196. "nan",
  47197. "nan",
  47198. "nan",
  47199. "nan",
  47200. "nan",
  47201. "nan",
  47202. "nan",
  47203. "nan",
  47204. "nan",
  47205. "nan",
  47206. "nan"
  47207. ],
  47208. [
  47209. "111111",
  47210. "11111",
  47211. "nan",
  47212. "nan",
  47213. "545403097",
  47214. "nan",
  47215. "box 18 \n24350.010 - dekalb state/bank atlanta - merger \napplication - fcic; proposed consolidation; annual shareholders \nmeeting 1993; press release - merger; notes from dbf meeting; \nsheshunoff; letter to sharholder re: director - nominations; \nbank atlanta fee letter; dekalb state fue diligence review; \nlegal review; corres.; re: cumulative loss of bank atlanta; \nplan of merger; proposed consolidation - letter of intent; \nbank atlanta costs and expenses \n24350.9 - dekalb state bank - form f-1 registration statement \n(exhibits); preparation of form f-2; dekalb state - bylaws; \nform f-1 registration statement; secondary public offering/drafts \nof offering circular; secondary public offering/subscription of \nshares; form f-4; form f-4 (atr. ended sept. 30, 1992); form f-4 \n(qtr. ended march 31, 1992); form f-4 (fdic); review of \npresident's employment; secondary public offering/notes and \ncorres.; script for annual meeting (4/16/92) and related \ndocuments; latest fdic exam excerpts; capital plan; lates \ncompliance exam; latest dbf asset classification; document review \nmisc. notes; bank atlanta mou; bank atlanta examination \ninformation; sept. 30, 1992 exam - bank atlanta; latest call \nreport; audit review letters; internal budget; bank merger due \ndiligence checklist; cra statement; latest cra performance \nevaluation",
  47216. "7/1/1997",
  47217. "274796",
  47218. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  47219. "off site",
  47220. "nan",
  47221. "notes: sent off-site 11/14/00 + review date: 2/9/2007",
  47222. "atlanta",
  47223. "624699",
  47224. "nan",
  47225. "nan",
  47226. "nan",
  47227. "nan",
  47228. "nan",
  47229. "nan",
  47230. "nan",
  47231. "nan",
  47232. "nan",
  47233. "nan",
  47234. "nan",
  47235. "nan",
  47236. "nan",
  47237. "nan",
  47238. "nan",
  47239. "nan",
  47240. "nan",
  47241. "nan",
  47242. "nan",
  47243. "nan",
  47244. "nan",
  47245. "nan",
  47246. "nan"
  47247. ],
  47248. [
  47249. "111111",
  47250. "11111",
  47251. "nan",
  47252. "nan",
  47253. "123393096",
  47254. "nan",
  47255. "susan housen filej from peterson dillard - midland bank corres.: \nj. gibbs/rtc corres.; documents: k. wallace/rtc corres.; docs: \nk. wallace/rtc corres.; documents: research; attorney work file, \ndocument production, stipulations and orders, the highland bagel co.",
  47256. "7/10/1997",
  47257. "274873",
  47258. "housen, susan w. (swh) 85281",
  47259. "off site",
  47260. "nan",
  47261. "review date: 2/9/2007",
  47262. "atlanta",
  47263. "624776",
  47264. "nan",
  47265. "nan",
  47266. "nan",
  47267. "nan",
  47268. "nan",
  47269. "nan",
  47270. "nan",
  47271. "nan",
  47272. "nan",
  47273. "nan",
  47274. "nan",
  47275. "nan",
  47276. "nan",
  47277. "nan",
  47278. "nan",
  47279. "nan",
  47280. "nan",
  47281. "nan",
  47282. "nan",
  47283. "nan",
  47284. "nan",
  47285. "nan",
  47286. "nan"
  47287. ],
  47288. [
  47289. "111111",
  47290. "11111",
  47291. "nan",
  47292. "nan",
  47293. "543336565",
  47294. "nan",
  47295. "430615.1 - chicago title insurance co. - mortgage makers: corres. \n430615.1 - chicago title ins. co. - approved outside counsel \n430615.2 - chicago title ins. co. - dime savings bank of ny: \ncorres.; docs; title information; research \n430615.3 - chicago title ins. co. - vacher claim: correspondence; \ncllaim info.; survey information \n430615.4 - chicago title ins. co. - ardin hartman claim: \ncorrespondence; docs; title \n430615.5 - chicago title ins. co. - fdic/maclay realty \npartners, ltd.: correspondence; docs \n430615.6 - chicago title ins. co. - waldrep claim: correspondence; \nsettlement docs; closing docs; research \n430615.7 - chicago title ins. co. - manfra v. first national: \ncorres.; notes; motion in limine; fnb msj; kreimer corres.; loan \npolicy; bennett st. appraisal; contract to purhcase; ferguson \ndocs; dis; prom notes & dsd; lease; drafts; exhs-fnb docs; \nbennett st. sale docs",
  47296. "4/10/1998",
  47297. "368498",
  47298. "augustine, robert j. (rja) 21030",
  47299. "off site",
  47300. "nan",
  47301. "review date: 1/15/2005",
  47302. "atlanta",
  47303. "625377",
  47304. "nan",
  47305. "nan",
  47306. "nan",
  47307. "nan",
  47308. "nan",
  47309. "nan",
  47310. "nan",
  47311. "nan",
  47312. "nan",
  47313. "nan",
  47314. "nan",
  47315. "nan",
  47316. "nan",
  47317. "nan",
  47318. "nan",
  47319. "nan",
  47320. "nan",
  47321. "nan",
  47322. "nan",
  47323. "nan",
  47324. "nan",
  47325. "nan",
  47326. "nan"
  47327. ],
  47328. [
  47329. "111111",
  47330. "11111",
  47331. "nan",
  47332. "nan",
  47333. "155761480",
  47334. "nan",
  47335. "431050.00038 - jamestown - u.s. income fund vii, ltd. (entire file) \n431050.00042 - jamestown - scott entertainment, inc.: (entire file) \n431050.00043 - jamestown - usf i - limco-1994 loan modification \n(box 1 of 2) entire file - closing binders and various other files \n431050.00044 - jamestown - legal opinion to rtc: entire file \n431050.00045 - jamestown - taylor-town center: entire file \n431050.00048 - jamestown - bloomingdale's/spi x: entire file \n431050.00049 - jamestown - bloomingdale's partnership: entire file",
  47336. "4/10/1998",
  47337. "368510",
  47338. "orr, a. summey iii (aso) 21120",
  47339. "off site",
  47340. "nan",
  47341. "review date: 2/9/2007",
  47342. "atlanta",
  47343. "625389",
  47344. "nan",
  47345. "nan",
  47346. "nan",
  47347. "nan",
  47348. "nan",
  47349. "nan",
  47350. "nan",
  47351. "nan",
  47352. "nan",
  47353. "nan",
  47354. "nan",
  47355. "nan",
  47356. "nan",
  47357. "nan",
  47358. "nan",
  47359. "nan",
  47360. "nan",
  47361. "nan",
  47362. "nan",
  47363. "nan",
  47364. "nan",
  47365. "nan",
  47366. "nan"
  47367. ],
  47368. [
  47369. "111111",
  47370. "11111",
  47371. "nan",
  47372. "nan",
  47373. "543335208",
  47374. "nan",
  47375. "045909.00005 - hamilton corporation - change of licensee: memo \nand attorney notes, client documentation, notes & corres. \nad valorem status: work file; j. c. penney - work file; \nmina gill - west law resarch; dresser industries, inc.: \nbrief of appellant dresser industries, inc.; response of appellant \ncross-appellee, john r. williams and john b. williams; appeal \nfrom the united states dist. court; (misc. papers) tyler j. genter \nfather's response to petition for finding of deprivation; kristi \nwarren ga. state classification guide; superior court of \ngwinnett co. civil/domestic jury trial - judge fred a. bishop, jr.; \nmediation statement of understanding - lee thompson, jr.; travis \npruitt & assc. v. mark a. smith, iii (findings of fact); appollo \ntravel services vs. gwinnett co. board of tax assessors (pre-trial \norder);17207 - romac & associates - rtc matter: corres.; research; \n412000.00002 - diamond carpet mills; notes & corres.;",
  47376. "1/6/1999",
  47377. "368967",
  47378. "kresky, caroline c. (cck) 21090",
  47379. "off site",
  47380. "nan",
  47381. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47382. "atlanta",
  47383. "625845",
  47384. "nan",
  47385. "nan",
  47386. "nan",
  47387. "nan",
  47388. "nan",
  47389. "nan",
  47390. "nan",
  47391. "nan",
  47392. "nan",
  47393. "nan",
  47394. "nan",
  47395. "nan",
  47396. "nan",
  47397. "nan",
  47398. "nan",
  47399. "nan",
  47400. "nan",
  47401. "nan",
  47402. "nan",
  47403. "nan",
  47404. "nan",
  47405. "nan",
  47406. "nan"
  47407. ],
  47408. [
  47409. "111111",
  47410. "11111",
  47411. "nan",
  47412. "nan",
  47413. "155765388",
  47414. "nan",
  47415. "eileen crowley worked on these files....\nalison c. pierce; emory trial techniques program; bronsnan forest meeting; crymes landfill; margaret clarida; nartc winter meeting - ft. lauderdal, fl 2/25-28/98; defense research institute - producte liability seminar; new orleans, la 5/14-15/98; ashland trip; aba annual meeting; aviation litigation committee - seminar 6/4/98; stacy kinard - emc - paralegal; annette long; nartc annual meeting; alyson c. friedman; mary duhon-breaux; 1997 - personal; paralegal general; margaret clarida; jean clarida; jean delano; m. j. mitchell; wendy chambers; mary duhon; nancy glenn; paul howle; tracy l. mestas - candidate profile; 1997 anne williams; 1997 time; 1997 monthly time; environmental group 1996; environmental section; litigation section; mailing list; business development; bar & professional; georgia bar; florida bar; fellows of the american bar foundation; judicial procedure & administration committee; 1997 seminars - mcle; 1997 nartc corres.; american bar association annual meeting; holland & knight all lawyer meeting, west palm beach, fl; nartc - executive committee; 1997 firm information; 1997 partnership memos; 1997 salaries - evaluations; holland & knight file opening conflicts - retainer letters; 1997 firm memos; 1997 firm correspondence; 1997 compensation memo; bp&g 1995 financials",
  47416. "1/31/2000",
  47417. "369290",
  47418. "admin 48133",
  47419. "off site",
  47420. "nan",
  47421. "review date: 2/9/2007 55859585",
  47422. "atlanta",
  47423. "626166",
  47424. "nan",
  47425. "nan",
  47426. "nan",
  47427. "nan",
  47428. "nan",
  47429. "nan",
  47430. "nan",
  47431. "nan",
  47432. "nan",
  47433. "nan",
  47434. "nan",
  47435. "nan",
  47436. "nan",
  47437. "nan",
  47438. "nan",
  47439. "nan",
  47440. "nan",
  47441. "nan",
  47442. "nan",
  47443. "nan",
  47444. "nan",
  47445. "nan",
  47446. "nan"
  47447. ],
  47448. [
  47449. "111111",
  47450. "11111",
  47451. "nan",
  47452. "nan",
  47453. "543335107",
  47454. "nan",
  47455. "095000.36000 - pcd's on site files - title policies / research / forms; (box 3) - 1099s; agreement and plan of merger with and into; non-disturbance and atornment agmt.; appointment of agent (real property); asset purchase agmts.; antenuptial agmt.; arbitration clauses; article of dissolution; assignment of contracts & security agmts.; application to register a business to be conducted under trade name; articles of incorporation; assignment of time / savings account; audit response letter; authorized consultant agmt.; bill of sale and assignment; board of governors application; board resolutions / incumbency certificates; bylaws; cafeteria plan articles; cellular license agmts.; claim of lien; closing checklist and for r. e. transactions; closing statement; collateral assignment; comparison chart of business entities; condo organizational documents; confidentiality agmts.; conflicts waiver; construction contract (developer); construction loan agmt.; contractor's risk management disb. agmt.; copyright protection; covenants and restrictions declaration; covenant general agmt. of indemnity; credit card agmt.; crummy notice; \"d\" reorg. / section 355, 368 irc; data processing services agmt.; debt subordination / intercrediter agmt.; dept. of motor vehicles form mviz (tag & title application); dept. of motor vehicles form t-20 (inheritance of motor vehicle) w/o will; dept. of motor vehicles form t-20a (inheritance of motor vehicle) w/will; deed to secure debt (georgia); deed to secure debt (purchase money wraparound); demand for corporate records; dissolution minutes; distribution list; divorce docs.; easement agmt.; easement checklist; employment and consulting agmt.; engagement letters; equipment lease agmt.; escrow agmts.; estate planning questionnaire; estoppel certificate; exclusive distribution agmts.; factoring and security agmt.; factoring / lawcard; family trust agmt.; fcc security agmts.; fdic merger applications; filing procedures for incorporating; financing the small business; forbearance agmt.; foreclosure; fraud complaint; fronting disclosure and regulation acts; general conditions of the contract for construction; georgia intagible recording tax protest and claim for refund; ga certificates of exemption / gain; last will & testament misc. forms; leasehold mortgage; leases commerical; lease of hunting rights; letter of credit; general release of all claims; guaranty; guaranty amendments; guaranty note; health spa contract; indemnification agmts.; independent contractor agmt.\n",
  47456. "7/11/2000",
  47457. "606113",
  47458. "delashmit, preston c. (pcd) 70112",
  47459. "off site",
  47460. "nan",
  47461. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47462. "atlanta",
  47463. "626964",
  47464. "nan",
  47465. "nan",
  47466. "nan",
  47467. "nan",
  47468. "nan",
  47469. "nan",
  47470. "nan",
  47471. "nan",
  47472. "nan",
  47473. "nan",
  47474. "nan",
  47475. "nan",
  47476. "nan",
  47477. "nan",
  47478. "nan",
  47479. "nan",
  47480. "nan",
  47481. "nan",
  47482. "nan",
  47483. "nan",
  47484. "nan",
  47485. "nan",
  47486. "nan"
  47487. ],
  47488. [
  47489. "111111",
  47490. "11111",
  47491. "nan",
  47492. "nan",
  47493. "543335239",
  47494. "nan",
  47495. "(box 8 - rpc) - fulton county property tax: treasure chest arbitration\nnorth carolina bank tax study: proposal; reading file\nnorth caroline general assembly\nprice waterhouse files: post-newsweek - connecticut sales & use tax audit: newsweek - georgi income tax audit issue magazine subscriptions; washington post / newsweek - tn sales tax (sears brief / reply); washington post / newsweek - station wjxt\nresolution trust corp. (rtc) - solicitation - ops / mgmnt. audits\nreducing telecommunication cost in the 90's - presentation by rp carpenter",
  47496. "7/25/2000",
  47497. "606154",
  47498. "carpenter, raymond p. (rpc) 08801",
  47499. "off site",
  47500. "nan",
  47501. "reference: misc. + review date: 1/15/2007",
  47502. "atlanta",
  47503. "627005",
  47504. "nan",
  47505. "nan",
  47506. "nan",
  47507. "nan",
  47508. "nan",
  47509. "nan",
  47510. "nan",
  47511. "nan",
  47512. "nan",
  47513. "nan",
  47514. "nan",
  47515. "nan",
  47516. "nan",
  47517. "nan",
  47518. "nan",
  47519. "nan",
  47520. "nan",
  47521. "nan",
  47522. "nan",
  47523. "nan",
  47524. "nan",
  47525. "nan",
  47526. "nan"
  47527. ],
  47528. [
  47529. "111111",
  47530. "11111",
  47531. "nan",
  47532. "nan",
  47533. "543331601",
  47534. "nan",
  47535. "050911.00003 - national southwire aluminum -relations with big rivers: (box 5)\n1. hancock co./rescission 94-014, bank of louisville documents produced pursuant to oct. 11, 1995 subpoena; pleading 64\n2. rescission case-hancock county 94-104, transcript of evidence - april 25, 1994\n3. brec hancock co., exhibits used at clyde brown sentencing 014\n4. hancock county subpoenonas (signed) case no. 94-ci-014\n5. 0258.019 nat'l southwire aluminum 94-ci-014 motion of nsa and southwire co. for temporary injunction.\n6. 0258.019 nat'l southwire aluminum ci-94-014 notes and exhibits from 4/25/94\n argument (judge dortch / hancock county)\n7. 0258.019 nat'l southwire aluminum case no. 94-ci-014 rescission case exhibits\n8. hancock co. 94-014 / rescission motions to dismiss and reply briefs\n9. hancock co. / rescission 94-014 documents re: 11/3/95 hearing re: brec motion\n for protective order\n10. 0258.019 nsa, inc. relations with big rivers, franklins county case no.\n 95-ci-00299 pleading file no. 1\n11. 0258.019 nsa, inc. relations with big rivers case no. 95-ci-00299 - franklin if general correspondence\n12. 0258.019 nsa, inc. relations with big rivers case no. 95-ci-00299: big rivers oiginal complaint",
  47536. "7/27/2000",
  47537. "606182",
  47538. "wade, allison (aw) 85581",
  47539. "off site",
  47540. "nan",
  47541. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47542. "atlanta",
  47543. "627033",
  47544. "nan",
  47545. "nan",
  47546. "nan",
  47547. "nan",
  47548. "nan",
  47549. "nan",
  47550. "nan",
  47551. "nan",
  47552. "nan",
  47553. "nan",
  47554. "nan",
  47555. "nan",
  47556. "nan",
  47557. "nan",
  47558. "nan",
  47559. "nan",
  47560. "nan",
  47561. "nan",
  47562. "nan",
  47563. "nan",
  47564. "nan",
  47565. "nan",
  47566. "nan"
  47567. ],
  47568. [
  47569. "111111",
  47570. "11111",
  47571. "nan",
  47572. "nan",
  47573. "606310",
  47574. "nan",
  47575. "(emc) - 968 adair avenue; james brennan estate; 1999 phone logs; 1998 and 1999 pension; 1999 receipts & reimbursements; 1999 personal corres.; 1999 nartc executive committee; 1999 financials; h&k inst. leadership retreat - jan. 1999; 1999 judicial procedure & administration; 1999 seminars / mcle; nartc winter meeting - feb. 24-27, 1999; nartc westen river north 12/3-3/99; nartc - santa fe - 1999; 1999 nartc; nartc - executive committee meet. 12/98; aba meeting - 8/5-11/99 - atl., ga; all lawyer meeting - 1999; checsapeake trip - sept. 24-26, 1999; real estate dept. retreat (april 16 - 18, 1999); partners meeting - feb. 1998; transportation - 1999; kimberly clark - 1999; 1999 comp. memo; 1999 product liability; 1999 litigation section; 1999 arbitrator's information; 1998 - monthly time; 1998 paralegals - general; 1996 - paralegals; (emc) - personal - 1996 - paralegals",
  47576. "7/28/2000",
  47577. "606310",
  47578. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  47579. "perm removal from offsite",
  47580. "nan",
  47581. "notes: this box was permed out and sent to eileen crowley 12/21/06 + review date: 1/15/2007",
  47582. "atlanta",
  47583. "627119",
  47584. "nan",
  47585. "nan",
  47586. "nan",
  47587. "nan",
  47588. "nan",
  47589. "nan",
  47590. "nan",
  47591. "nan",
  47592. "nan",
  47593. "nan",
  47594. "nan",
  47595. "nan",
  47596. "nan",
  47597. "nan",
  47598. "nan",
  47599. "nan",
  47600. "nan",
  47601. "nan",
  47602. "nan",
  47603. "nan",
  47604. "nan",
  47605. "nan",
  47606. "nan"
  47607. ],
  47608. [
  47609. "111111",
  47610. "11111",
  47611. "nan",
  47612. "nan",
  47613. "544998843",
  47614. "nan",
  47615. "housing opportunity,inc.- carriage crossing apartments (acquisition by housing opportunity, inc. (hoi) from georgia housing finance authority (ghfa)- flowery branch, hall county, georgia): corr. & billing, atty, notes, client materials, articles of amendment & board resolution- hosing opportunity, inc.,board of directors meeting - feb. 22, 1994- housing opportunity, inc., federal home loan bank of atlanta 1994 scoring guidelines, fnbg-agreement re environmental representations, fnbg-commitment letter, fnbg- deed to secure debt, fnbg- promissory note, ghfa- checklist, ghfa- construction/permanent deed to secure debt and security agreement, ghfa- home application, ghfa- land use restriction agreement, ghfa- multifamily resource bank application, ghfa- multifamily financing analysis, ghfa- real estate note, ghfa- title commitments, incumbency certificate dated 9/2/94, insurnace binder,lender's title binder, management agent, management agreement, management proposal, opinion letter, owner;s title bindeer, phase i environmental audit report, property inspection report, purchase and sales agreement, rfp managers, reorganization, representation letters, resolution trust corp. (rtc) documentation,rtc loan application/multifamily, rtc request for inspection, rtc satisfaction of deed; titlt insurnace policy, settlement statement, suborination agreement, survey, ghfa application manual, closing transcript-9/2/94",
  47616. "8/7/2000",
  47617. "606358",
  47618. "wheeler, lisha a. (law) 81901",
  47619. "off site",
  47620. "nan",
  47621. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47622. "atlanta",
  47623. "627167",
  47624. "nan",
  47625. "nan",
  47626. "nan",
  47627. "nan",
  47628. "nan",
  47629. "nan",
  47630. "nan",
  47631. "nan",
  47632. "nan",
  47633. "nan",
  47634. "nan",
  47635. "nan",
  47636. "nan",
  47637. "nan",
  47638. "nan",
  47639. "nan",
  47640. "nan",
  47641. "nan",
  47642. "nan",
  47643. "nan",
  47644. "nan",
  47645. "nan",
  47646. "nan"
  47647. ],
  47648. [
  47649. "111111",
  47650. "11111",
  47651. "nan",
  47652. "nan",
  47653. "606504",
  47654. "nan",
  47655. "5857.205 - lawyers title - veterans choice - daniel e. & debra louise walthour: real estate closing - 1998\n5857.206 - lawyers title - gm relo - matthew sidney mccracken: real estate closing 1998\n5857.208 - lawyers title - leapfrog financial - larry & linda nuckols: real estate closing - 1998\n5857.209 - lawyers title - air touch - belmont hills #205 - real estate leasehold title policy 1998\n5857.210 - lawyers title - home mortgage - bret perriman to rodney headings - real estate closing 1998\n5857.211 - lawyers title - air touch cellular - william & clarice barnes - real estate leasehold title policy\n5857.212 - lawyers title - clarence james banks to monna v. harris - real estate closing 1998\n5857.214 - lawyers title - fdic- real estate matter - 1998\n4857.215 - lawyers title - veterans choice - larry d. cannon - real estate matter - 1998\n5857.216 - lawyers title - veterans choice - alexis kimball - real estate matter - 1998\n5857.217 - lawyers title - veterans choice - carling & pauline s. woods - real estate matter - 1998\n5857.218 - lawyers title - veterans choice - alan h. lortz - real estate matter - 1998\n5857.219 - lawyers title - veterans choice - walter w. hines - real estate matter 1998\n5857.220 - lawyers title - gm relo - laurence m. & carol a. posner - real estate matter 1998\n5857.222 - lawyers title - veterans choice - lawrence phillips - real estate matter 1998\n",
  47656. "8/17/2000",
  47657. "606504",
  47658. "strickland, frank b. (fbs) 70048",
  47659. "perm removal from offsite",
  47660. "nan",
  47661. "reference: lawyers title + notes: ***per tom branch, the following box was permanently and sent to strickland,\n brockington and lewis llp on 9/24/02 + review date: 1/15/2007",
  47662. "atlanta",
  47663. "627415",
  47664. "nan",
  47665. "nan",
  47666. "nan",
  47667. "nan",
  47668. "nan",
  47669. "nan",
  47670. "nan",
  47671. "nan",
  47672. "nan",
  47673. "nan",
  47674. "nan",
  47675. "nan",
  47676. "nan",
  47677. "nan",
  47678. "nan",
  47679. "nan",
  47680. "nan",
  47681. "nan",
  47682. "nan",
  47683. "nan",
  47684. "nan",
  47685. "nan",
  47686. "nan"
  47687. ],
  47688. [
  47689. "111111",
  47690. "11111",
  47691. "nan",
  47692. "nan",
  47693. "606719",
  47694. "nan",
  47695. "atlanta transportation systems - american southern company: depositions of michael scott smith, james e. williams, tommy dortch, barbara ann jennings and doborah jean poole; dortch southern connection pleadings; correspondence; deposition of tommy dortch; client documents; client documents; duplicates",
  47696. "8/31/2012",
  47697. "606719",
  47698. "hunter, james \" mac\" (jh) 70062",
  47699. "perm removal from offsite",
  47700. "nan",
  47701. "reference: atlanta transportation systems + notes: per tom branch, this box is being permanentlyl removed 6/07/07, and sent to mac hunter at morris, manning & martin llp + review date: 1/15/2012",
  47702. "atlanta",
  47703. "627593",
  47704. "nan",
  47705. "nan",
  47706. "nan",
  47707. "nan",
  47708. "nan",
  47709. "nan",
  47710. "nan",
  47711. "nan",
  47712. "nan",
  47713. "nan",
  47714. "nan",
  47715. "nan",
  47716. "nan",
  47717. "nan",
  47718. "nan",
  47719. "nan",
  47720. "nan",
  47721. "nan",
  47722. "nan",
  47723. "nan",
  47724. "nan",
  47725. "nan",
  47726. "nan"
  47727. ],
  47728. [
  47729. "111111",
  47730. "11111",
  47731. "nan",
  47732. "nan",
  47733. "545005619",
  47734. "nan",
  47735. "southside healthcare, inc. - general real estate: purchase and sale agreement binder file; choice healthcare, llc file; limited liability company filing along with tradename filing, etc.); southside healthcare minute book; southside healthcare, inc. binder rtc matter file; choice healthcare project interim primary care center agmt. file; primary care agmt. file; letter of intent file\nsouthside healthcare, inc. - michelle thomas: eeoc claim file; choice healthcare project correspondence; choice healthcare project affiliation agmt.",
  47736. "9/5/2012",
  47737. "606727",
  47738. "hunter, james \" mac\" (jh) 70062",
  47739. "off site",
  47740. "nan",
  47741. "reference: southside healthcare, inc. + review date: 1/15/2012",
  47742. "atlanta",
  47743. "627601",
  47744. "nan",
  47745. "nan",
  47746. "nan",
  47747. "nan",
  47748. "nan",
  47749. "nan",
  47750. "nan",
  47751. "nan",
  47752. "nan",
  47753. "nan",
  47754. "nan",
  47755. "nan",
  47756. "nan",
  47757. "nan",
  47758. "nan",
  47759. "nan",
  47760. "nan",
  47761. "nan",
  47762. "nan",
  47763. "nan",
  47764. "nan",
  47765. "nan",
  47766. "nan"
  47767. ],
  47768. [
  47769. "111111",
  47770. "11111",
  47771. "nan",
  47772. "nan",
  47773. "545005591",
  47774. "nan",
  47775. "thomas w. dortch - baoa: securities and exchange commission; working file; miscellaneous; research; declaration of thomas dortch; attorney notes; corres.; pleadings; ge capital file; tech management services-correspondence; attorney notes & pleadings",
  47776. "9/5/2012",
  47777. "606745",
  47778. "hunter, james \" mac\" (jh) 70062",
  47779. "off site",
  47780. "nan",
  47781. "reference: thomas w. dortch + review date: 1/15/2012",
  47782. "atlanta",
  47783. "627619",
  47784. "nan",
  47785. "nan",
  47786. "nan",
  47787. "nan",
  47788. "nan",
  47789. "nan",
  47790. "nan",
  47791. "nan",
  47792. "nan",
  47793. "nan",
  47794. "nan",
  47795. "nan",
  47796. "nan",
  47797. "nan",
  47798. "nan",
  47799. "nan",
  47800. "nan",
  47801. "nan",
  47802. "nan",
  47803. "nan",
  47804. "nan",
  47805. "nan",
  47806. "nan"
  47807. ],
  47808. [
  47809. "111111",
  47810. "11111",
  47811. "nan",
  47812. "nan",
  47813. "155757973",
  47814. "nan",
  47815. "mac hunter's files...\n054483.00002 - morehouse school of medicine, inc. - general: americhoice files; morehouse/grady phsn file; physicians data network file; tenet medical director file; rtc medical director agmt.",
  47816. "10/6/2012",
  47817. "606984",
  47818. "hunter, james \" mac\" (jh) 70062",
  47819. "off site",
  47820. "nan",
  47821. "review date: 1/15/2012",
  47822. "atlanta",
  47823. "627856",
  47824. "nan",
  47825. "nan",
  47826. "nan",
  47827. "nan",
  47828. "nan",
  47829. "nan",
  47830. "nan",
  47831. "nan",
  47832. "nan",
  47833. "nan",
  47834. "nan",
  47835. "nan",
  47836. "nan",
  47837. "nan",
  47838. "nan",
  47839. "nan",
  47840. "nan",
  47841. "nan",
  47842. "nan",
  47843. "nan",
  47844. "nan",
  47845. "nan",
  47846. "nan"
  47847. ],
  47848. [
  47849. "111111",
  47850. "11111",
  47851. "nan",
  47852. "nan",
  47853. "460494761",
  47854. "nan",
  47855. "box 29 \n047921.1 - peoples bancorp, inc.\npeoples - july 19, 1996 - sb - 1 draft\n sb-1 draft no. 2 (august 28, 1996)\n sec comments to sb-1 reg. stmt.\n response to sec comments to sb-1\n letter to shelley (dbf) transmitting - sb-1 amendment #1\n prospectus\n \"tombstone advertisement\"\npeoples bank charter application & fdic insurance application\ncdbf approval of bank charter\npeoples bancorp., inc. - form sb-1 (filed 9/19/96)\npeoples - fdic insurance application approval\ncorrespondence re: name reservation\ngdbf request for additional information\nfdic application (personal f/s)\n9/10/96 letter warren re: draft application\nbhc corporate questionnaire\nname check infor sheet correspondence\ntransmittal of draft bhc (appl. & sb-1 to dbf)\nletter 10/25/97 to warren re: draft of bhc appl.\n11/20/96 letter shelley re: prospectus\n11/496 letter darr's re: application transmittal letter\n11/4/96 letter bridges re: application transmittal letter\nletter approving shh & dr list for bhc\ndbf approval of offering materials\nletter from shelley (dbf) re: bond for subscription proceeds\nfrb request for additional information\nresponse to frb request for additional information\napproval letter from gdbf\njan. 7, 1997 letter to shelley (dbf) re: insurance binder for subscription process \nfrb approval of bhc\ncorres. 3/97 - notification of consummation of bhc formation\npeople's - 1/21/97 letter to high re: publication\n11/18/96 letter napier re: fdic info.\n11/8/96 letter from shelley re: accepting application\npublication affidavit\n11/3/96 letter shelley re: amendment\n11/8/96 letter bridges enclosed affidavit of publication\n11/8/96 letter davis re: affidavit of publication\npeople's (extra copies of docs)\nbeneficial ownership table for frb application\npeoples bancorp - bhc formation engagement letter\npeoples - d&o questionaire & originals\n employment agreement with warren\n name check information sheets\n frb bhc approval\n insurance binder for de novo\n frb acceptance of bhc application\n nov. 18 - letter to napier (frb)\n bhc application - affidavits of publication\n dbf acceptance of application\n response to frb request for additional information\n letter from dbf re: stock option plan\n bhc pro forms\n bhc application - gdbf (draft)\n pres. employment k (prior)\n bank charter approval\n for order re: deposit insurance\n y-3 personal r/s of organizers\n bhc appl. fec. reserve\npeoples bank of west georgia - bylaws",
  47856. "11/16/2000",
  47857. "607042",
  47858. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  47859. "off site",
  47860. "nan",
  47861. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47862. "atlanta",
  47863. "627914",
  47864. "nan",
  47865. "nan",
  47866. "nan",
  47867. "nan",
  47868. "nan",
  47869. "nan",
  47870. "nan",
  47871. "nan",
  47872. "nan",
  47873. "nan",
  47874. "nan",
  47875. "nan",
  47876. "nan",
  47877. "nan",
  47878. "nan",
  47879. "nan",
  47880. "nan",
  47881. "nan",
  47882. "nan",
  47883. "nan",
  47884. "nan",
  47885. "nan",
  47886. "nan"
  47887. ],
  47888. [
  47889. "111111",
  47890. "11111",
  47891. "nan",
  47892. "nan",
  47893. "460493797",
  47894. "nan",
  47895. "box 2 of 2\nholland & knight llp / harry downs - fdic / rtc claims against holland & knight: claims against holland & knight llp",
  47896. "11/29/2000",
  47897. "607120",
  47898. "downs, harry (hd) 05481",
  47899. "off site",
  47900. "nan",
  47901. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47902. "atlanta",
  47903. "627992",
  47904. "nan",
  47905. "nan",
  47906. "nan",
  47907. "nan",
  47908. "nan",
  47909. "nan",
  47910. "nan",
  47911. "nan",
  47912. "nan",
  47913. "nan",
  47914. "nan",
  47915. "nan",
  47916. "nan",
  47917. "nan",
  47918. "nan",
  47919. "nan",
  47920. "nan",
  47921. "nan",
  47922. "nan",
  47923. "nan",
  47924. "nan",
  47925. "nan",
  47926. "nan"
  47927. ],
  47928. [
  47929. "111111",
  47930. "11111",
  47931. "nan",
  47932. "nan",
  47933. "123394138",
  47934. "nan",
  47935. "box 1 of 2\nholland & knight llp / harry downs - fdic / rtc claims against holland & knight",
  47936. "11/29/2000",
  47937. "607121",
  47938. "downs, harry (hd) 05481",
  47939. "off site",
  47940. "nan",
  47941. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47942. "atlanta",
  47943. "627993",
  47944. "nan",
  47945. "nan",
  47946. "nan",
  47947. "nan",
  47948. "nan",
  47949. "nan",
  47950. "nan",
  47951. "nan",
  47952. "nan",
  47953. "nan",
  47954. "nan",
  47955. "nan",
  47956. "nan",
  47957. "nan",
  47958. "nan",
  47959. "nan",
  47960. "nan",
  47961. "nan",
  47962. "nan",
  47963. "nan",
  47964. "nan",
  47965. "nan",
  47966. "nan"
  47967. ],
  47968. [
  47969. "111111",
  47970. "11111",
  47971. "nan",
  47972. "nan",
  47973. "460494019",
  47974. "nan",
  47975. "2232.003 - gwinnett bankcorp, inc., duluth:\nqcquisition of holding company by csbi: letter of intent; corres.; billing; notes & misc.\ngeneral regulatory matters: corres.\nannual securities filings / proxy materials: corres.; billing\nregulatory matters: fair lending laws; corres.; billing; fair lending review of loan policy; closing memorandum; gwinnett opinion of counsel; affiliate agmts.; resolutions; articles of merger; certificate of secretary; gnb stock ledger and stock certificate; officer's certificate; script 4/12/95; certificate of existence; fdic insurance certificate; 10-ksb; memorandum on shareholder responsibilities; 8k re: combination; registration statement; drafts; notes and corres.\n\n",
  47976. "12/7/2000",
  47977. "607172",
  47978. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  47979. "off site",
  47980. "nan",
  47981. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  47982. "atlanta",
  47983. "628044",
  47984. "nan",
  47985. "nan",
  47986. "nan",
  47987. "nan",
  47988. "nan",
  47989. "nan",
  47990. "nan",
  47991. "nan",
  47992. "nan",
  47993. "nan",
  47994. "nan",
  47995. "nan",
  47996. "nan",
  47997. "nan",
  47998. "nan",
  47999. "nan",
  48000. "nan",
  48001. "nan",
  48002. "nan",
  48003. "nan",
  48004. "nan",
  48005. "nan",
  48006. "nan"
  48007. ],
  48008. [
  48009. "111111",
  48010. "11111",
  48011. "nan",
  48012. "nan",
  48013. "545006299",
  48014. "nan",
  48015. "american bankers association - general counsel status of litigation\nmiscellaneous clients - \nfbd holding co. - resale of shares by directors analyzation - feb. 2000\nwest georgia national bank - regulation z\nfbd holding company - director gift of shares to spouse\ncapital city bank & trust\nhorizon capital\ncredit leyonaise outsourcing\nsuntrust - regulation o\nsurinam\ncommerz bank aktiengesell schaft\npnc bank corp.\neastern national bank, miami, fl\nwashington mutual bank\ncardinal securities, llc\ngeorge harris \nmanatee river comm. bank stock offering\ngma partners, inc. advice to broker on public offering\nwashington mutual preemption / dbf\nmercer law student - 1998 summer interim recruiting\nsouthern law network\ncnb holdings, inc.\nsignature bank\nfdic - deposit insurance (q & a)\ncnb, inc. - underwriters due diligence lists\nunited financial holdings- correspondence\ncardinal capital mgmt. - gen. corp.\nralls proposal\nsuntrust - interest rate swaps\ngeorgia - law network\nfirst union - first union corp. trust; first union shp matters\noxford resources corp.\nnasdaq smallcap market - nasdaq notifictions; nasdaq marketplace rules\nforms - memorandum of understanding (fdic); sec form 4; sec form 5\ndept. of banking and finance applications\ninstructions for an out-of-state financial institution to merge across state lnes resulting in georgia branch bank(s)\ninstructions for denovo branch - bank application\nregistration of bank holdings company with bankng offices in georgia\napplication for reservation of a name\nregistration of trust co. with representative offices in georgia\nregistration of representative offices\napplication for conversion to state-chartered thrift of commercial bank\nrelocation application\nstate certificate to apply for approval\napplication for a bank office or facility\n",
  48016. "1/31/2001",
  48017. "607288",
  48018. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  48019. "off site",
  48020. "nan",
  48021. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  48022. "atlanta",
  48023. "628159",
  48024. "nan",
  48025. "nan",
  48026. "nan",
  48027. "nan",
  48028. "nan",
  48029. "nan",
  48030. "nan",
  48031. "nan",
  48032. "nan",
  48033. "nan",
  48034. "nan",
  48035. "nan",
  48036. "nan",
  48037. "nan",
  48038. "nan",
  48039. "nan",
  48040. "nan",
  48041. "nan",
  48042. "nan",
  48043. "nan",
  48044. "nan",
  48045. "nan",
  48046. "nan"
  48047. ],
  48048. [
  48049. "111111",
  48050. "11111",
  48051. "nan",
  48052. "nan",
  48053. "545006434",
  48054. "nan",
  48055. "landmark financial holding company\nresale fo securities purchased in a non public offering memo (march 2000)\n9/22/00 application to federal reserve form f.r.y-3\nboard of directors meeting 9/20/99 executed resolution\nbiographical / personal information - pennington, suplee & waring 9/29/99\ndrafts - private offering memo 6/99\nlandmark bacshares - drafts\ngeneral correspondence 1999 for ppm and application 9/99\nfederal reserve form fry-6a\nbank holding company formation application form f.r.y-3 9/99\ndraft subscription agmts.\nfrb certificate of organizers 9/99\nbank holding company formation appliction 1999 - drafts\nannual mtg. minutes / waiver 8/99\nconsent resolutions 8/99\nresolutions for filing with application 9/99\nform of warrant agmt.\nlandmark - letter to fed. dep. from s. taylor 7/12/99\ndenova bank process\nlandmark bank of florida revised financial projections 6/99\nresponse to fdic 6/17/99\nfdic filing 4/19/99\naffadavit of publication 6/17/99\ndirector / officer questionnaires 6/99\nsuncoast holding company organization documents 2/98\ncorrespndence 1/98\nstan taylor - signed engagement letter\nstan taylor - correspondence\nsynovus financial corp.\ncb&t's banking privacy statement and policy 7/6/00\ninter-bank transactions feb. 2000\nconsent of directors (synovus ins. ser. of ga)\nby-laws\narticles of incorporation\nsynovus investment plus (s.i.p.) document 2/00\nsub. agmt. / investment letter\nsynovus investment plus (s.i.p.) 2000\ncolumbus bank & trust - correspondence\ntrademark documentation 5/99 \nblanket bond\ninsurance agency activities - correspondence\n\n\n",
  48056. "2/1/2001",
  48057. "607290",
  48058. "pollock, stanley h. (shp) 21210",
  48059. "off site",
  48060. "nan",
  48061. "review date: 1/15/2007",
  48062. "atlanta",
  48063. "628161",
  48064. "nan",
  48065. "nan",
  48066. "nan",
  48067. "nan",
  48068. "nan",
  48069. "nan",
  48070. "nan",
  48071. "nan",
  48072. "nan",
  48073. "nan",
  48074. "nan",
  48075. "nan",
  48076. "nan",
  48077. "nan",
  48078. "nan",
  48079. "nan",
  48080. "nan",
  48081. "nan",
  48082. "nan",
  48083. "nan",
  48084. "nan",
  48085. "nan",
  48086. "nan"
  48087. ],
  48088. [
  48089. "111111",
  48090. "11111",
  48091. "nan",
  48092. "nan",
  48093. "607685",
  48094. "nan",
  48095. "lawyers title insurance corp. (ltic) - fbs - real estate:\n58-57-351 at&t wireless pcs - 349 mitchell st. (fbs)\n58-57-213 land america / southeast bank / 410 prince of wales (fbs/cas)\n58-57-51 fdic / southeast mortgage / 410 prince of wales (fbs)\n58-57-339 prestolite battery plant (fbs/rmc)\n58-57-360 brooks, franklin / o'neal to holt title ins. (fbs)\n58-57-353 hughey, mrs. wilfred jackson / coastal capital mortgage (fbs/cas)\n58-57-361 fernandez, rita / (fbs)\n58-57-53 gm / dandora, ronald a. & carla r. / 11190 brookhollow tr. (fbs)\n58-57-379 gmac relo / phelps, michael d. & geralynn (fbs/rmc)\n58-57-252 dennis e. & carmen b. dillard / ann arbor commerical bank (fbs/rmc/cas)\n58-57-374 gmac relo / kelly, ryan michael and maria lynn (fbs/rmc)\n58-57-377 black, sara f. (fbs/rmc)\n58-57-253 franklin, brooks s. (fbs/cas)\n58-57-337 gmac relo / brakhage, harold k. and carole s. (fbs/rmc)\n58-57-260 gmac relo / moorhead, gary & patricia (fbs/rmc/cas)",
  48096. "6/4/2001",
  48097. "607685",
  48098. "strickland, frank b. (fbs) 70048",
  48099. "perm removal from offsite",
  48100. "nan",
  48101. "reference: lawyers title ins. corp. (ltic) + notes: ***files purged by linda autrey\n***per tom branch, the following box was permanently and sent to strickland,\n brockington and lewis llp on 9/24/02 + review date: 1/15/2008",
  48102. "atlanta",
  48103. "628550",
  48104. "nan",
  48105. "nan",
  48106. "nan",
  48107. "nan",
  48108. "nan",
  48109. "nan",
  48110. "nan",
  48111. "nan",
  48112. "nan",
  48113. "nan",
  48114. "nan",
  48115. "nan",
  48116. "nan",
  48117. "nan",
  48118. "nan",
  48119. "nan",
  48120. "nan",
  48121. "nan",
  48122. "nan",
  48123. "nan",
  48124. "nan",
  48125. "nan",
  48126. "nan"
  48127. ],
  48128. [
  48129. "111111",
  48130. "11111",
  48131. "nan",
  48132. "nan",
  48133. "155661636",
  48134. "nan",
  48135. "430475.00001 - nsrc - general: general correspondence; index of docs of aar; depo of larry goodwin; depo of wm. louder; outline for msj on goodwin's hearing loss claim; cv's of otolgists; atty notes; sample appeal briefs; sample hearing loss discovery responses; erisa notes; docs produced by plaintiff hughes heaing loss case; j. hull's pto form; tma nsrc interrog exh d; tma nartc file",
  48136. "9/23/2002",
  48137. "932143",
  48138. "crowley, eileen m. (emc) 21050",
  48139. "off site",
  48140. "nan",
  48141. "reference: general + review date: 12/21/2008",
  48142. "atlanta",
  48143. "629894",
  48144. "nan",
  48145. "nan",
  48146. "nan",
  48147. "nan",
  48148. "nan",
  48149. "nan",
  48150. "nan",
  48151. "nan",
  48152. "nan",
  48153. "nan",
  48154. "nan",
  48155. "nan",
  48156. "nan",
  48157. "nan",
  48158. "nan",
  48159. "nan",
  48160. "nan",
  48161. "nan",
  48162. "nan",
  48163. "nan",
  48164. "nan",
  48165. "nan",
  48166. "nan"
  48167. ],
  48168. [
  48169. "111111",
  48170. "11111",
  48171. "nan",
  48172. "nan",
  48173. "652669801",
  48174. "nan",
  48175. "430926.005 - kammeyer, calvin c. - towne center candy express - redwell: correspondence, client's file, letter of file, closing documents, lease, franchise agreement, loan documents, corp. docs. of sellign entity, corp. docs of purchasing entity, miscellaneous, drafts\n431836.001 - lake mist associates, ltd. - acquisition of rtc note - correspondence, closing documents, note assignment documents, limited partner ballots, client's file, miscellaneous, drafts, limited partnership agreement, note modification\n054941.1 - legacy international mgmt. - double tree hotel - file folder\n430650.009 - investors realty group, inc. - yorke downs iii, l.p. - general matters - correspondence, limited partnership agreement, limited partnership certificate, miscellaneous, client's file, drafts\n430650.19 - irg, inc. - lakeshore- folder containing lakeshore documents\n430692.003 - concord realty services, inc./general matters - correspondence, attorney's notes, miscellaneous, drafts of shareholders agreement, drafts\n430692.005 - concord realty services, inc. (omnicorp) fee agreement with yorke downs, ltd. - correspondence, miscellaneous, client's file, drafts, billing, supervisory and consulting agreement\n431936.001 - cranbrook associates, l.p. - partnership matters - correspondence, limited partnership agreement, limited partnership certificate, miscellaneous, client's james f. curtis continental wingate mortgage corporation dk working file - folder containing continental wingate mortgage corp. documents\n055306.6 - catskill development - cdg - stafford entity & securuties - correspondence,. drafts, limited partnership agreement, miscellaneous, subscription agreement, client's file, limited partnership certificate, operating agreement, articles of organization, formal llc documentsl, formal partnership documents\n055306.7 - catskill development - cdg - town ctr - entity / securities - correspondence, articles of organization, certificate of existence, llc operatign agreement, drafts, subscription agreement, form d, blue sky matters, client's file, miscellaneous, catskill/town center - authority documents",
  48176. "1/8/2003",
  48177. "932446",
  48178. "kennicott, donald (dk) 21080",
  48179. "off site",
  48180. "nan",
  48181. "review date: 12/18/2009",
  48182. "atlanta",
  48183. "630168",
  48184. "nan",
  48185. "nan",
  48186. "nan",
  48187. "nan",
  48188. "nan",
  48189. "nan",
  48190. "nan",
  48191. "nan",
  48192. "nan",
  48193. "nan",
  48194. "nan",
  48195. "nan",
  48196. "nan",
  48197. "nan",
  48198. "nan",
  48199. "nan",
  48200. "nan",
  48201. "nan",
  48202. "nan",
  48203. "nan",
  48204. "nan",
  48205. "nan",
  48206. "nan"
  48207. ],
  48208. [
  48209. "111111",
  48210. "11111",
  48211. "nan",
  48212. "nan",
  48213. "545006442",
  48214. "nan",
  48215. "allison wade files left at h&k; (box 5 of 13)\nletter to john henderson re brec litigation 9/18/95\n050852.00002 malloy, j. patrick\n thomas richards v. richards homes\n letter agreements by and among thomal t. richards and richards homes,\n inc., thomas discount company, richards financial corporation, the\n richards mortgage trust and the malloy mortgage trust (dated 10/10/96)\n documents obtained from client\n2903.001 malloy, john\n relations with rmc/general and correspondence #1\n relations with rmc/general and correspondence #2\nrtc resolution trust corporation\nrichards trust\nmalloy - s. hardy working file (october 1996 transaction)\n650.001 malloy, j. patrick \n thomas richards v. richards homes - pleadings file\n050852.00002 malloy, j. patrick\n general\n050911.0003 national-southwire/pleading case no. 99-450\n brec approval of a leveraged lease of three generating units (2 files)",
  48216. "10/10/2003",
  48217. "1106412",
  48218. "pike, larry s. (lsp) 21130",
  48219. "off site",
  48220. "nan",
  48221. "review date: 12/21/2010",
  48222. "atlanta",
  48223. "630728",
  48224. "nan",
  48225. "nan",
  48226. "nan",
  48227. "nan",
  48228. "nan",
  48229. "nan",
  48230. "nan",
  48231. "nan",
  48232. "nan",
  48233. "nan",
  48234. "nan",
  48235. "nan",
  48236. "nan",
  48237. "nan",
  48238. "nan",
  48239. "nan",
  48240. "nan",
  48241. "nan",
  48242. "nan",
  48243. "nan",
  48244. "nan",
  48245. "nan",
  48246. "nan"
  48247. ],
  48248. [
  48249. "111111",
  48250. "11111",
  48251. "nan",
  48252. "nan",
  48253. "1106477",
  48254. "general/other",
  48255. "430475.00001 - nsr misc. general - nsr misc. general; \n1. nsr/scroggs (430475.00069) - summary judgement, statute of limitations\n2. thompson reconsiderationn motion - court of appeals\n3. second motion for summary judgement\n4. appellant/apellee briefs\n5. great american's motion for summary judgement (0475032 - washington)\n6. defendant's motion summary judgement, fela - not an insurer issue (0475104 hisey v. nsrc)\n7. defendant's motion for directed verdict (hisey v. src 0475104)\n8. settlement certificate & joint preliminary statement\n9. defendant's motion to compel discovery responses (0475104 hisey v. nsrc)\n10. release & dismisal (0475104 hisey v. nsrc)\n11. nartc use of mmpi to identify malingering & exageration... (0475.001)\n12. central of georgia railroad company v. city of augusta\n13. attorney research\n14. hearn v. central 1.195 - deposition sonny woods\n15. 1-1 (hill - everett) linda hill - everett v. tyron jones and arva lumpkin\n16. mintz v. src - larkins general information - 047521\n17. ruzicka files\n18. john e. lawrence v. nsrc - (430475.00116 bill roby deposition)\n19. nsc - general occupational (430475.00116 john e. lawrence v. nsrc) medicals\n20. nsc - general occupational (430475.00116 john e. lawrence v. nsrc) site inspection\n21. nsc - general occupational (430475.00116 john e. lawrence v. nsrc) plaintiff's deposition\n22. nsc - general occupational (430475.00116 john e. lawerence v. nsrc) correspondence and miscellaneous",
  48256. "6/14/2004",
  48257. "1106477",
  48258. "eileen m. crowley",
  48259. "perm removal from off-site",
  48260. "eileen m. crowley",
  48261. "this file was pr and sent to eileen m. crowley",
  48262. "atlanta",
  48263. "630793",
  48264. "nan",
  48265. "nan",
  48266. "nan",
  48267. "nan",
  48268. "nan",
  48269. "nan",
  48270. "nan",
  48271. "nan",
  48272. "nan",
  48273. "nan",
  48274. "nan",
  48275. "nan",
  48276. "nan",
  48277. "nan",
  48278. "nan",
  48279. "nan",
  48280. "nan",
  48281. "nan",
  48282. "nan",
  48283. "nan",
  48284. "nan",
  48285. "nan",
  48286. "nan"
  48287. ],
  48288. [
  48289. "111111",
  48290. "11111",
  48291. "nan",
  48292. "nan",
  48293. "652672833",
  48294. "nan",
  48295. "n/a - richard and alice welch - richard and alice welch; correspondence and wills\nn/a - turner development - turner development; correspondence; drafts; attorney notes; client documents\nn/a - fdic draft audit report - fdic audit report; correspondence; drafts; attorney notes; client documents\nn/a - d.b. riley, inc. - possible acquisition of babcock boiler; correspondence and other documents\nn/a - rtc - rtc; correspondence and other documents\nn/a - partnering relations (holland & knight) - partnering relations (holland & knight); documents\nn/a - recovery of operating costs - recovery of operating costs; binder re: package sent to ed fowler in colorado",
  48296. "3/2/2004",
  48297. "1106760",
  48298. "downs, harry (hd) 05481",
  48299. "off site",
  48300. "nan",
  48301. "review date: 12/21/2010 55843002",
  48302. "atlanta",
  48303. "631074",
  48304. "nan",
  48305. "nan",
  48306. "nan",
  48307. "nan",
  48308. "nan",
  48309. "nan",
  48310. "nan",
  48311. "nan",
  48312. "nan",
  48313. "nan",
  48314. "nan",
  48315. "nan",
  48316. "nan",
  48317. "nan",
  48318. "nan",
  48319. "nan",
  48320. "nan",
  48321. "nan",
  48322. "nan",
  48323. "nan",
  48324. "nan",
  48325. "nan",
  48326. "nan"
  48327. ],
  48328. [
  48329. "111111",
  48330. "11111",
  48331. "nan",
  48332. "nan",
  48333. "1148460",
  48334. "general/other",
  48335. "(box 9)\n430475.000308 - norfolk southern - cobb city: copies of - record owner's file; original deed & title policy; efs, inc.; natural resources 2000-2005 - conservation: service strategic plan; tmdl; appeal no. 97-9041; drafts of transcript 11/3/00; new ctic loan pol. endorsements; final coe memorandum of agmt.; easement review 1998; rtc closing documents; sweetwater ind. park title commitment / exceptions; acquisition of sweetwater ind. park; powder springs escrow acct.; jt venture notes / cklist sweetwater ind. park; legal opinions sweetwater ind. park; pleadings\n",
  48336. "6/23/2004",
  48337. "1148460",
  48338. "eileen m. crowley",
  48339. "perm removal from off-site",
  48340. "eileen m. crowley",
  48341. "this file was pr and sent to eileen m. crowley",
  48342. "atlanta",
  48343. "631273",
  48344. "nan",
  48345. "nan",
  48346. "nan",
  48347. "nan",
  48348. "nan",
  48349. "nan",
  48350. "nan",
  48351. "nan",
  48352. "nan",
  48353. "nan",
  48354. "nan",
  48355. "nan",
  48356. "nan",
  48357. "nan",
  48358. "nan",
  48359. "nan",
  48360. "nan",
  48361. "nan",
  48362. "nan",
  48363. "nan",
  48364. "nan",
  48365. "nan",
  48366. "nan"
  48367. ],
  48368. [
  48369. "111111",
  48370. "11111",
  48371. "nan",
  48372. "nan",
  48373. "543337100",
  48374. "nan",
  48375. "box 4 of 5 (one other box was mistaken as belonging to this file)\n072614.00001 - argosy education group (john marshall law school - anvil v.:\n pleadings and internal memo's\n corres. (anvil corp. vs. john marshall law school \"and r. b. mgmt. services case\")\n temporary pleadings file\n misc.\n research\n atty. notes\n planned documents\n hatch notes\n john marshall, anvil corres. - misc.\n witnesses\n pto\n depositions\n rtc\n delivery\n amputation of attorney's knowledge to client\n competency of atty. as witness\n index of exhibits 1-13 and behind that actual copies exhibits 1-13",
  48376. "4/28/2005",
  48377. "1174804",
  48378. "digel, greg j. (gjd) 21060",
  48379. "off site",
  48380. "nan",
  48381. "notes: container c 56023365 + review date: 12/21/2012 56023365",
  48382. "atlanta",
  48383. "631897",
  48384. "nan",
  48385. "nan",
  48386. "nan",
  48387. "nan",
  48388. "nan",
  48389. "nan",
  48390. "nan",
  48391. "nan",
  48392. "nan",
  48393. "nan",
  48394. "nan",
  48395. "nan",
  48396. "nan",
  48397. "nan",
  48398. "nan",
  48399. "nan",
  48400. "nan",
  48401. "nan",
  48402. "nan",
  48403. "nan",
  48404. "nan",
  48405. "nan",
  48406. "nan"
  48407. ],
  48408. [
  48409. "111111",
  48410. "11111",
  48411. "nan",
  48412. "nan",
  48413. "544966633",
  48414. "nan",
  48415. "056654.00001 � allied utility network, llc � general: (one folder)\n431475.00001 � huffines�russell & associates, inc. � reorganization: (one folder)\n432391.00005 � mmantec, inc. � general matters � (one folder)\n049034.00005 � synovus financial corp. � bank insurance activities (one file folder)\n076184.00001 � west perrine community development � sale of sylvia�s restaurant (one file folder)\n054622.00002 � douglas landau � general (metrotainment cafes loan) (one file folder)\n054168.00002 � robert j. lipshutz � betty jane meyers estate vs. julie weinstein (one file folder)\n056796.00001 � helen a. logan estate � estate administration (one file folder)\n625051.00002 � frank j. morelli � rtc of middle georgia (one file folder)\n053331.00001 � self-insurance administrators, inc. � sale to atlantic american corp. (one file folder)\n048770.00001 � alan b. willard (the cura group, inc.) � acquisition structure (one file folder)\n055366.00001 � ashe, inc. (alarm systems housing & electronics, inc.) � general corporate:\n� billing & new matter memo\n� correspondence\n� attorney notes\n� bylaws\n058249.00001 � american information technology systems, inc. � general corporate representation:\n� correspondence\n� attorney notes\n� client materials (incorporation & annual filings)\n055611.00002 � enron energy services, inc. �public utility and regulatory risks in florida\n� correspondence\n� attorney notes & research\n057736.00001 � spin it records, inc. � general corporate and transactional entertainment:\n� correspondence\n� attorney notes & research\n� copies / executed document\n� fred dawkins� working file",
  48416. "6/16/2005",
  48417. "1179551",
  48418. "lett, j. martin (jml) 22250",
  48419. "off site",
  48420. "nan",
  48421. "notes: container c 0056097136 + review date: 12/21/2012 56097136",
  48422. "atlanta",
  48423. "632064",
  48424. "nan",
  48425. "nan",
  48426. "nan",
  48427. "nan",
  48428. "nan",
  48429. "nan",
  48430. "nan",
  48431. "nan",
  48432. "nan",
  48433. "nan",
  48434. "nan",
  48435. "nan",
  48436. "nan",
  48437. "nan",
  48438. "nan",
  48439. "nan",
  48440. "nan",
  48441. "nan",
  48442. "nan",
  48443. "nan",
  48444. "nan",
  48445. "nan",
  48446. "nan"
  48447. ],
  48448. [
  48449. "111111",
  48450. "11111",
  48451. "rtc-town street ltd.",
  48452. "none",
  48453. "89248090",
  48454. "nan",
  48455. "closed interest bearing account - closed 5/1/98",
  48456. "1/24/2001",
  48457. "654524",
  48458. "contreras rick",
  48459. "nan",
  48460. "nan",
  48461. " hk box: 24857",
  48462. "miami",
  48463. "642372",
  48464. "nan",
  48465. "nan",
  48466. "nan",
  48467. "nan",
  48468. "nan",
  48469. "nan",
  48470. "nan",
  48471. "nan",
  48472. "nan",
  48473. "nan",
  48474. "nan",
  48475. "nan",
  48476. "nan",
  48477. "nan",
  48478. "nan",
  48479. "nan",
  48480. "nan",
  48481. "nan",
  48482. "nan",
  48483. "nan",
  48484. "nan",
  48485. "nan",
  48486. "nan"
  48487. ],
  48488. [
  48489. "111111",
  48490. "11111",
  48491. "fdic",
  48492. "vs. saldise",
  48493. "672025839",
  48494. "nan",
  48495. "6/9/95 saldise to fdic. lopez to fdic. fdic to estevez. estevez fdic. saldise to estevez. saldise to estevez. depos teresa saldise. saldise and lopez fee hearing",
  48496. "9/9/1994",
  48497. "190904",
  48498. "wing james",
  48499. "nan",
  48500. "nan",
  48501. " hk box: 11000",
  48502. "miami",
  48503. "644659",
  48504. "nan",
  48505. "nan",
  48506. "nan",
  48507. "nan",
  48508. "nan",
  48509. "nan",
  48510. "nan",
  48511. "nan",
  48512. "nan",
  48513. "nan",
  48514. "nan",
  48515. "nan",
  48516. "nan",
  48517. "nan",
  48518. "nan",
  48519. "nan",
  48520. "nan",
  48521. "nan",
  48522. "nan",
  48523. "nan",
  48524. "nan",
  48525. "nan",
  48526. "nan"
  48527. ],
  48528. [
  48529. "111111",
  48530. "11111",
  48531. "fdic",
  48532. "none",
  48533. "489535143",
  48534. "nan",
  48535. "3/15/95 first american bank & trust; paul & marcia levine vs. fabt litigation file",
  48536. "9/23/1994",
  48537. "190952",
  48538. "bloom william",
  48539. "nan",
  48540. "nan",
  48541. " hk box: 11049",
  48542. "miami",
  48543. "644901",
  48544. "nan",
  48545. "nan",
  48546. "nan",
  48547. "nan",
  48548. "nan",
  48549. "nan",
  48550. "nan",
  48551. "nan",
  48552. "nan",
  48553. "nan",
  48554. "nan",
  48555. "nan",
  48556. "nan",
  48557. "nan",
  48558. "nan",
  48559. "nan",
  48560. "nan",
  48561. "nan",
  48562. "nan",
  48563. "nan",
  48564. "nan",
  48565. "nan",
  48566. "nan"
  48567. ],
  48568. [
  48569. "111111",
  48570. "11111",
  48571. "overseas corporation",
  48572. "none",
  48573. "672022084",
  48574. "nan",
  48575. "4/12/95 financial statements for fslic. retaining liens, termination and collection of funds. firm international resource list project. client's papers. corresp. drafts. zoning application; notes/memoranda",
  48576. "9/23/1994",
  48577. "190953",
  48578. "colan bruce",
  48579. "nan",
  48580. "nan",
  48581. " hk box: 11050",
  48582. "miami",
  48583. "644910",
  48584. "nan",
  48585. "nan",
  48586. "nan",
  48587. "nan",
  48588. "nan",
  48589. "nan",
  48590. "nan",
  48591. "nan",
  48592. "nan",
  48593. "nan",
  48594. "nan",
  48595. "nan",
  48596. "nan",
  48597. "nan",
  48598. "nan",
  48599. "nan",
  48600. "nan",
  48601. "nan",
  48602. "nan",
  48603. "nan",
  48604. "nan",
  48605. "nan",
  48606. "nan"
  48607. ],
  48608. [
  48609. "111111",
  48610. "11111",
  48611. "fslic",
  48612. "v. sonesta",
  48613. "672026274",
  48614. "nan",
  48615. "4/12/95 letter of intent. a-i (document). description of mortgage. appendix to complaint. general allegations",
  48616. "9/23/1994",
  48617. "190954",
  48618. "colan bruce",
  48619. "nan",
  48620. "nan",
  48621. " hk box: 11052",
  48622. "miami",
  48623. "644922",
  48624. "nan",
  48625. "nan",
  48626. "nan",
  48627. "nan",
  48628. "nan",
  48629. "nan",
  48630. "nan",
  48631. "nan",
  48632. "nan",
  48633. "nan",
  48634. "nan",
  48635. "nan",
  48636. "nan",
  48637. "nan",
  48638. "nan",
  48639. "nan",
  48640. "nan",
  48641. "nan",
  48642. "nan",
  48643. "nan",
  48644. "nan",
  48645. "nan",
  48646. "nan"
  48647. ],
  48648. [
  48649. "111111",
  48650. "11111",
  48651. "rtc",
  48652. "none",
  48653. "672026328",
  48654. "nan",
  48655. "general correspondence; billing guidelines",
  48656. "12/8/1995",
  48657. "316147",
  48658. "korchin judith",
  48659. "nan",
  48660. "nan",
  48661. " hk box: 12536",
  48662. "miami",
  48663. "645898",
  48664. "nan",
  48665. "nan",
  48666. "nan",
  48667. "nan",
  48668. "nan",
  48669. "nan",
  48670. "nan",
  48671. "nan",
  48672. "nan",
  48673. "nan",
  48674. "nan",
  48675. "nan",
  48676. "nan",
  48677. "nan",
  48678. "nan",
  48679. "nan",
  48680. "nan",
  48681. "nan",
  48682. "nan",
  48683. "nan",
  48684. "nan",
  48685. "nan",
  48686. "nan"
  48687. ],
  48688. [
  48689. "111111",
  48690. "11111",
  48691. "catalina homes",
  48692. "none",
  48693. "490619386",
  48694. "nan",
  48695. "catalina pending; catalina homes - file \"a\"; catalina duplicates; receiver's final report - documents; depo. a.e. elroy arnason; transcript augustust 4, 1992 case no. ci 90-9448; other research for hearing; duties & obligations of receiver; executory contracts; operating expenses; rtc v. first orlando - documents; file \"e\" pelican harbor; catalina/clyde williams pelican harbor - attorney notes; catalina: bonds research, equitable lien research, purchase money mortgage research, tax liens research, surety bond research, draft credit payment recommendations (6/92) documents, wind-down budget documents, receiver's fee petitions documents cape coral v. catalina, closing binder pelican harbor, 7/19/91 hearing (orlando)",
  48696. "2/21/1996",
  48697. "316505",
  48698. "none",
  48699. "nan",
  48700. "nan",
  48701. " hk box: 12894",
  48702. "miami",
  48703. "646460",
  48704. "nan",
  48705. "nan",
  48706. "nan",
  48707. "nan",
  48708. "nan",
  48709. "nan",
  48710. "nan",
  48711. "nan",
  48712. "nan",
  48713. "nan",
  48714. "nan",
  48715. "nan",
  48716. "nan",
  48717. "nan",
  48718. "nan",
  48719. "nan",
  48720. "nan",
  48721. "nan",
  48722. "nan",
  48723. "nan",
  48724. "nan",
  48725. "nan",
  48726. "nan"
  48727. ],
  48728. [
  48729. "111111",
  48730. "11111",
  48731. "rtc",
  48732. "none",
  48733. "460598098",
  48734. "nan",
  48735. "1/5/94 - rtc general correspondence",
  48736. "1/7/1994",
  48737. "155592",
  48738. "rasile craig v",
  48739. "nan",
  48740. "nan",
  48741. " hk box: 10155",
  48742. "miami",
  48743. "653779",
  48744. "nan",
  48745. "nan",
  48746. "nan",
  48747. "nan",
  48748. "nan",
  48749. "nan",
  48750. "nan",
  48751. "nan",
  48752. "nan",
  48753. "nan",
  48754. "nan",
  48755. "nan",
  48756. "nan",
  48757. "nan",
  48758. "nan",
  48759. "nan",
  48760. "nan",
  48761. "nan",
  48762. "nan",
  48763. "nan",
  48764. "nan",
  48765. "nan",
  48766. "nan"
  48767. ],
  48768. [
  48769. "111111",
  48770. "11111",
  48771. "fdic",
  48772. "none",
  48773. "672026197",
  48774. "nan",
  48775. "03/05/1993. miscellaneous, outline about litigation. rtc statutory one year right of redemption.",
  48776. "3/9/1993",
  48777. "85771",
  48778. "bellows christopher",
  48779. "nan",
  48780. "nan",
  48781. " hk box: 9078",
  48782. "miami",
  48783. "654634",
  48784. "nan",
  48785. "nan",
  48786. "nan",
  48787. "nan",
  48788. "nan",
  48789. "nan",
  48790. "nan",
  48791. "nan",
  48792. "nan",
  48793. "nan",
  48794. "nan",
  48795. "nan",
  48796. "nan",
  48797. "nan",
  48798. "nan",
  48799. "nan",
  48800. "nan",
  48801. "nan",
  48802. "nan",
  48803. "nan",
  48804. "nan",
  48805. "nan",
  48806. "nan"
  48807. ],
  48808. [
  48809. "111111",
  48810. "11111",
  48811. "general fdic",
  48812. "none",
  48813. "672030666",
  48814. "nan",
  48815. "rtc representation",
  48816. "3/10/1993",
  48817. "85821",
  48818. "kobert ilene",
  48819. "nan",
  48820. "nan",
  48821. " hk box: 9128",
  48822. "miami",
  48823. "655485",
  48824. "nan",
  48825. "nan",
  48826. "nan",
  48827. "nan",
  48828. "nan",
  48829. "nan",
  48830. "nan",
  48831. "nan",
  48832. "nan",
  48833. "nan",
  48834. "nan",
  48835. "nan",
  48836. "nan",
  48837. "nan",
  48838. "nan",
  48839. "nan",
  48840. "nan",
  48841. "nan",
  48842. "nan",
  48843. "nan",
  48844. "nan",
  48845. "nan",
  48846. "nan"
  48847. ],
  48848. [
  48849. "111111",
  48850. "11111",
  48851. "rtc/eisinger",
  48852. "none",
  48853. "672030666",
  48854. "nan",
  48855. "errol & cheryl",
  48856. "3/10/1993",
  48857. "85821",
  48858. "kobert ilene",
  48859. "nan",
  48860. "nan",
  48861. " hk box: 9128",
  48862. "miami",
  48863. "655486",
  48864. "nan",
  48865. "nan",
  48866. "nan",
  48867. "nan",
  48868. "nan",
  48869. "nan",
  48870. "nan",
  48871. "nan",
  48872. "nan",
  48873. "nan",
  48874. "nan",
  48875. "nan",
  48876. "nan",
  48877. "nan",
  48878. "nan",
  48879. "nan",
  48880. "nan",
  48881. "nan",
  48882. "nan",
  48883. "nan",
  48884. "nan",
  48885. "nan",
  48886. "nan"
  48887. ],
  48888. [
  48889. "111111",
  48890. "11111",
  48891. "walter & patricia snyder",
  48892. "none",
  48893. "460603983",
  48894. "nan",
  48895. "6/19/95 rtc (shadow file)",
  48896. "1/31/1995",
  48897. "210483",
  48898. "farrar tom",
  48899. "nan",
  48900. "nan",
  48901. " hk box: 11480",
  48902. "miami",
  48903. "655837",
  48904. "nan",
  48905. "nan",
  48906. "nan",
  48907. "nan",
  48908. "nan",
  48909. "nan",
  48910. "nan",
  48911. "nan",
  48912. "nan",
  48913. "nan",
  48914. "nan",
  48915. "nan",
  48916. "nan",
  48917. "nan",
  48918. "nan",
  48919. "nan",
  48920. "nan",
  48921. "nan",
  48922. "nan",
  48923. "nan",
  48924. "nan",
  48925. "nan",
  48926. "nan"
  48927. ],
  48928. [
  48929. "111111",
  48930. "11111",
  48931. "rtc v. holland & knight",
  48932. "none",
  48933. "489565001",
  48934. "nan",
  48935. "2/4/94 - case no. 92-2721-civ-highsmith - pleadings; correspondence; notes; research; meeting with brian spector 7/14/93; press; stacy bressler; rtc recommendations; transmittal of documents to mcguire, woods, battle & booth - june 10, 1993; administrative proceeding david l. paul, state of fl. dept. of banking and finance #2711-b-11/89.",
  48936. "2/10/1994",
  48937. "155691",
  48938. "none",
  48939. "nan",
  48940. "nan",
  48941. " hk box: 10254",
  48942. "miami",
  48943. "656241",
  48944. "nan",
  48945. "nan",
  48946. "nan",
  48947. "nan",
  48948. "nan",
  48949. "nan",
  48950. "nan",
  48951. "nan",
  48952. "nan",
  48953. "nan",
  48954. "nan",
  48955. "nan",
  48956. "nan",
  48957. "nan",
  48958. "nan",
  48959. "nan",
  48960. "nan",
  48961. "nan",
  48962. "nan",
  48963. "nan",
  48964. "nan",
  48965. "nan",
  48966. "nan"
  48967. ],
  48968. [
  48969. "111111",
  48970. "11111",
  48971. "rtc v. holland & knight",
  48972. "none",
  48973. "489565001",
  48974. "nan",
  48975. "2/4/94 - centrust bank v. centrust trust v. fdic (us district ct.) complaint for d eclaratory judgment; chemical bank v. david paul appeal from circuit court of cook county no. 1-90-0362; centrust bank v. ots (us disrict ct) civil action no. 89-3384-lfo pleadings (partial); centrust, formal examination of centrust affairs - subpoena rachel blechman; guaranty review committee representative of david paul by tom allen; rich critchlow - guaranty review centrust; guaranty review committee of board of directors of centrust peoples and parties; guaranty review committee amelia rea maguire - holding february 1992; guaranty review committee index of stored documents",
  48976. "2/10/1994",
  48977. "155691",
  48978. "none",
  48979. "nan",
  48980. "nan",
  48981. " hk box: 10254",
  48982. "miami",
  48983. "656242",
  48984. "nan",
  48985. "nan",
  48986. "nan",
  48987. "nan",
  48988. "nan",
  48989. "nan",
  48990. "nan",
  48991. "nan",
  48992. "nan",
  48993. "nan",
  48994. "nan",
  48995. "nan",
  48996. "nan",
  48997. "nan",
  48998. "nan",
  48999. "nan",
  49000. "nan",
  49001. "nan",
  49002. "nan",
  49003. "nan",
  49004. "nan",
  49005. "nan",
  49006. "nan"
  49007. ],
  49008. [
  49009. "111111",
  49010. "11111",
  49011. "americana",
  49012. "rtc",
  49013. "50070",
  49014. "nan",
  49015. "september 23, 1992 correspondence file",
  49016. "9/28/1992",
  49017. "8383",
  49018. "cimo, davis",
  49019. "nan",
  49020. "nan",
  49021. "nan",
  49022. "miami",
  49023. "656871",
  49024. "nan",
  49025. "nan",
  49026. "nan",
  49027. "nan",
  49028. "nan",
  49029. "nan",
  49030. "nan",
  49031. "nan",
  49032. "nan",
  49033. "nan",
  49034. "nan",
  49035. "nan",
  49036. "nan",
  49037. "nan",
  49038. "nan",
  49039. "nan",
  49040. "nan",
  49041. "nan",
  49042. "nan",
  49043. "nan",
  49044. "nan",
  49045. "nan",
  49046. "nan"
  49047. ],
  49048. [
  49049. "111111",
  49050. "11111",
  49051. "first american bank & trust",
  49052. "none",
  49053. "489535567",
  49054. "nan",
  49055. "6/6/95 adv. fdic - appraisal of land underlying the existing hotel. documents received from fabt ref regarding transcon request for production. fdic/fabt fabt vs. national service industries/zep.",
  49056. "5/11/1994",
  49057. "174261",
  49058. "maguire amelia",
  49059. "nan",
  49060. "nan",
  49061. " hk box: 10479",
  49062. "miami",
  49063. "659174",
  49064. "nan",
  49065. "nan",
  49066. "nan",
  49067. "nan",
  49068. "nan",
  49069. "nan",
  49070. "nan",
  49071. "nan",
  49072. "nan",
  49073. "nan",
  49074. "nan",
  49075. "nan",
  49076. "nan",
  49077. "nan",
  49078. "nan",
  49079. "nan",
  49080. "nan",
  49081. "nan",
  49082. "nan",
  49083. "nan",
  49084. "nan",
  49085. "nan",
  49086. "nan"
  49087. ],
  49088. [
  49089. "111111",
  49090. "11111",
  49091. "farm stores/rtc",
  49092. "none",
  49093. "174337",
  49094. "nan",
  49095. "02/28/95 store files from the following stores: 485, 575, 3452, 661, 183, 1674, 1073, 2450, 659, 1067, 1673, 5753, 1079, 393, 168, 384, 670, 1069, 175, 385, 4250, 1075, 396, 2 files store 386 (one has promissory note for land of sun realty). farm store loan.",
  49096. "5/31/1994",
  49097. "10555",
  49098. "none",
  49099. "nan",
  49100. "nan",
  49101. "nan",
  49102. "miami",
  49103. "660639",
  49104. "nan",
  49105. "nan",
  49106. "nan",
  49107. "nan",
  49108. "nan",
  49109. "nan",
  49110. "nan",
  49111. "nan",
  49112. "nan",
  49113. "nan",
  49114. "nan",
  49115. "nan",
  49116. "nan",
  49117. "nan",
  49118. "nan",
  49119. "nan",
  49120. "nan",
  49121. "nan",
  49122. "nan",
  49123. "nan",
  49124. "nan",
  49125. "nan",
  49126. "nan"
  49127. ],
  49128. [
  49129. "111111",
  49130. "11111",
  49131. "rtc (england)",
  49132. "none",
  49133. "89251105",
  49134. "nan",
  49135. "2/27/95 - none",
  49136. "6/9/1994",
  49137. "174374",
  49138. "jacobson bernard",
  49139. "nan",
  49140. "nan",
  49141. " hk box: 10592",
  49142. "miami",
  49143. "661075",
  49144. "nan",
  49145. "nan",
  49146. "nan",
  49147. "nan",
  49148. "nan",
  49149. "nan",
  49150. "nan",
  49151. "nan",
  49152. "nan",
  49153. "nan",
  49154. "nan",
  49155. "nan",
  49156. "nan",
  49157. "nan",
  49158. "nan",
  49159. "nan",
  49160. "nan",
  49161. "nan",
  49162. "nan",
  49163. "nan",
  49164. "nan",
  49165. "nan",
  49166. "nan"
  49167. ],
  49168. [
  49169. "111111",
  49170. "11111",
  49171. "fdic/fabt",
  49172. "none",
  49173. "489520935",
  49174. "nan",
  49175. "mediator forms. uniform commercial code reporting service. fabt counter claim & 3\" party complaint. receipt of file & materials. new matters memos. stipulation for substitution of counsel. motion to substitute (dark green folder). substitution of counsel. fdic/fabt client/matter #. sent by messenger/defendant's motion for clarification. first american & trust e.a. case status. motion to substitute(forms) \"ridge bank\". matter entry & update. 280011 33708. fdic/first american bank & trust case status receiver defensive. first american bank & trust n. fabt-m.a. matters. fdic/fabt case list-bridge bank. fdic/fabt case list receiver. status report. status on stipulation for substitution of counsel. master docket sheet file vol i & ii.",
  49176. "3/23/1993",
  49177. "114556",
  49178. "maguire amelia",
  49179. "nan",
  49180. "nan",
  49181. " hk box: 9362",
  49182. "miami",
  49183. "661197",
  49184. "nan",
  49185. "nan",
  49186. "nan",
  49187. "nan",
  49188. "nan",
  49189. "nan",
  49190. "nan",
  49191. "nan",
  49192. "nan",
  49193. "nan",
  49194. "nan",
  49195. "nan",
  49196. "nan",
  49197. "nan",
  49198. "nan",
  49199. "nan",
  49200. "nan",
  49201. "nan",
  49202. "nan",
  49203. "nan",
  49204. "nan",
  49205. "nan",
  49206. "nan"
  49207. ],
  49208. [
  49209. "111111",
  49210. "11111",
  49211. "fdic",
  49212. "fabt general",
  49213. "489520935",
  49214. "nan",
  49215. "case status memorandum. status report update. fdk-ist american. extra status sheets. stutts memo. receivership & conservatorship proceedings for financial institutions. general correspondence vol i & ii",
  49216. "3/23/1993",
  49217. "114556",
  49218. "moore michael",
  49219. "nan",
  49220. "nan",
  49221. " hk box: 9362",
  49222. "miami",
  49223. "661198",
  49224. "nan",
  49225. "nan",
  49226. "nan",
  49227. "nan",
  49228. "nan",
  49229. "nan",
  49230. "nan",
  49231. "nan",
  49232. "nan",
  49233. "nan",
  49234. "nan",
  49235. "nan",
  49236. "nan",
  49237. "nan",
  49238. "nan",
  49239. "nan",
  49240. "nan",
  49241. "nan",
  49242. "nan",
  49243. "nan",
  49244. "nan",
  49245. "nan",
  49246. "nan"
  49247. ],
  49248. [
  49249. "111111",
  49250. "11111",
  49251. "fdic first american bank & trust",
  49252. "adv. lakeside regent",
  49253. "489520935",
  49254. "nan",
  49255. "correspondence fdic. fdic people & party. fdic notes. law.",
  49256. "3/23/1993",
  49257. "114556",
  49258. "moore michael",
  49259. "nan",
  49260. "nan",
  49261. " hk box: 9362",
  49262. "miami",
  49263. "661199",
  49264. "nan",
  49265. "nan",
  49266. "nan",
  49267. "nan",
  49268. "nan",
  49269. "nan",
  49270. "nan",
  49271. "nan",
  49272. "nan",
  49273. "nan",
  49274. "nan",
  49275. "nan",
  49276. "nan",
  49277. "nan",
  49278. "nan",
  49279. "nan",
  49280. "nan",
  49281. "nan",
  49282. "nan",
  49283. "nan",
  49284. "nan",
  49285. "nan",
  49286. "nan"
  49287. ],
  49288. [
  49289. "111111",
  49290. "11111",
  49291. "fdic first american bank & trust",
  49292. "adv. lakeside regent",
  49293. "489520935",
  49294. "nan",
  49295. "summary of loan documents executing in connection w. first a.b. & trust (black bider). new matter memo. correspondence. billing. new matter memo. special credits billing. billing for cenvill dv.. corp. notes. pleadings. law, documents. peoples & parties. document summ. press & background) info. first american bank & trust 2 files. 4 files - firat american bank & trust volume 2.",
  49296. "3/23/1993",
  49297. "114556",
  49298. "moore michael",
  49299. "nan",
  49300. "nan",
  49301. " hk box: 9362",
  49302. "miami",
  49303. "661200",
  49304. "nan",
  49305. "nan",
  49306. "nan",
  49307. "nan",
  49308. "nan",
  49309. "nan",
  49310. "nan",
  49311. "nan",
  49312. "nan",
  49313. "nan",
  49314. "nan",
  49315. "nan",
  49316. "nan",
  49317. "nan",
  49318. "nan",
  49319. "nan",
  49320. "nan",
  49321. "nan",
  49322. "nan",
  49323. "nan",
  49324. "nan",
  49325. "nan",
  49326. "nan"
  49327. ],
  49328. [
  49329. "111111",
  49330. "11111",
  49331. "fine jacobson, et al.",
  49332. "none",
  49333. "89249771",
  49334. "nan",
  49335. "3/2/95 dispute w/ arthur england. b. jacobson/i. block correspondence. documents produced pursuant to subpoena. documents produced to subpoena. potential documents to be produced pursuant to subpoena. rtc complaint against - h&k. client list. exhibits 1-16 additional exhibits arthur england testimony. centrust - administrative testimony of arthur j. england 3/10/93, pages 160-250. newspaper article. home service contracts. article",
  49336. "6/24/1994",
  49337. "174445",
  49338. "pearson daniel",
  49339. "nan",
  49340. "nan",
  49341. " hk box: 10663",
  49342. "miami",
  49343. "663215",
  49344. "nan",
  49345. "nan",
  49346. "nan",
  49347. "nan",
  49348. "nan",
  49349. "nan",
  49350. "nan",
  49351. "nan",
  49352. "nan",
  49353. "nan",
  49354. "nan",
  49355. "nan",
  49356. "nan",
  49357. "nan",
  49358. "nan",
  49359. "nan",
  49360. "nan",
  49361. "nan",
  49362. "nan",
  49363. "nan",
  49364. "nan",
  49365. "nan",
  49366. "nan"
  49367. ],
  49368. [
  49369. "111111",
  49370. "11111",
  49371. "rtc",
  49372. "none",
  49373. "652553210",
  49374. "nan",
  49375. "september 11, 1992 - fdic presentation - casanave & arnold grossman",
  49376. "9/18/1992",
  49377. "50026",
  49378. "de cruz, sonia",
  49379. "nan",
  49380. "nan",
  49381. " 8339",
  49382. "miami",
  49383. "663516",
  49384. "nan",
  49385. "nan",
  49386. "nan",
  49387. "nan",
  49388. "nan",
  49389. "nan",
  49390. "nan",
  49391. "nan",
  49392. "nan",
  49393. "nan",
  49394. "nan",
  49395. "nan",
  49396. "nan",
  49397. "nan",
  49398. "nan",
  49399. "nan",
  49400. "nan",
  49401. "nan",
  49402. "nan",
  49403. "nan",
  49404. "nan",
  49405. "nan",
  49406. "nan"
  49407. ],
  49408. [
  49409. "111111",
  49410. "11111",
  49411. "fdic",
  49412. "rtc",
  49413. "460597586",
  49414. "nan",
  49415. "september 18, 1992 re: d'oench",
  49416. "9/24/1992",
  49417. "50040",
  49418. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  49419. "nan",
  49420. "nan",
  49421. " hk box: 8353",
  49422. "miami",
  49423. "664229",
  49424. "nan",
  49425. "nan",
  49426. "nan",
  49427. "nan",
  49428. "nan",
  49429. "nan",
  49430. "nan",
  49431. "nan",
  49432. "nan",
  49433. "nan",
  49434. "nan",
  49435. "nan",
  49436. "nan",
  49437. "nan",
  49438. "nan",
  49439. "nan",
  49440. "nan",
  49441. "nan",
  49442. "nan",
  49443. "nan",
  49444. "nan",
  49445. "nan",
  49446. "nan"
  49447. ],
  49448. [
  49449. "111111",
  49450. "11111",
  49451. "fdic",
  49452. "none",
  49453. "460597586",
  49454. "nan",
  49455. "september 18, 1992 re southeast bank",
  49456. "9/24/1992",
  49457. "50040",
  49458. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  49459. "nan",
  49460. "nan",
  49461. " hk box: 8353",
  49462. "miami",
  49463. "664230",
  49464. "nan",
  49465. "nan",
  49466. "nan",
  49467. "nan",
  49468. "nan",
  49469. "nan",
  49470. "nan",
  49471. "nan",
  49472. "nan",
  49473. "nan",
  49474. "nan",
  49475. "nan",
  49476. "nan",
  49477. "nan",
  49478. "nan",
  49479. "nan",
  49480. "nan",
  49481. "nan",
  49482. "nan",
  49483. "nan",
  49484. "nan",
  49485. "nan",
  49486. "nan"
  49487. ],
  49488. [
  49489. "111111",
  49490. "11111",
  49491. "fdic",
  49492. "rtc",
  49493. "460597586",
  49494. "nan",
  49495. "september 18, 1992",
  49496. "9/24/1992",
  49497. "50040",
  49498. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  49499. "nan",
  49500. "nan",
  49501. " hk box: 8353",
  49502. "miami",
  49503. "664231",
  49504. "nan",
  49505. "nan",
  49506. "nan",
  49507. "nan",
  49508. "nan",
  49509. "nan",
  49510. "nan",
  49511. "nan",
  49512. "nan",
  49513. "nan",
  49514. "nan",
  49515. "nan",
  49516. "nan",
  49517. "nan",
  49518. "nan",
  49519. "nan",
  49520. "nan",
  49521. "nan",
  49522. "nan",
  49523. "nan",
  49524. "nan",
  49525. "nan",
  49526. "nan"
  49527. ],
  49528. [
  49529. "111111",
  49530. "11111",
  49531. "rtc",
  49532. "none",
  49533. "489337892",
  49534. "nan",
  49535. "september 18, 1992 - samda",
  49536. "9/24/1992",
  49537. "50042",
  49538. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  49539. "nan",
  49540. "nan",
  49541. " hk box: 8355",
  49542. "miami",
  49543. "664725",
  49544. "nan",
  49545. "nan",
  49546. "nan",
  49547. "nan",
  49548. "nan",
  49549. "nan",
  49550. "nan",
  49551. "nan",
  49552. "nan",
  49553. "nan",
  49554. "nan",
  49555. "nan",
  49556. "nan",
  49557. "nan",
  49558. "nan",
  49559. "nan",
  49560. "nan",
  49561. "nan",
  49562. "nan",
  49563. "nan",
  49564. "nan",
  49565. "nan",
  49566. "nan"
  49567. ],
  49568. [
  49569. "111111",
  49570. "11111",
  49571. "rtc",
  49572. "fdic",
  49573. "489337892",
  49574. "nan",
  49575. "september 18, 1992 re: miscellaneous file",
  49576. "9/24/1992",
  49577. "50042",
  49578. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  49579. "nan",
  49580. "nan",
  49581. " hk box: 8355",
  49582. "miami",
  49583. "664726",
  49584. "nan",
  49585. "nan",
  49586. "nan",
  49587. "nan",
  49588. "nan",
  49589. "nan",
  49590. "nan",
  49591. "nan",
  49592. "nan",
  49593. "nan",
  49594. "nan",
  49595. "nan",
  49596. "nan",
  49597. "nan",
  49598. "nan",
  49599. "nan",
  49600. "nan",
  49601. "nan",
  49602. "nan",
  49603. "nan",
  49604. "nan",
  49605. "nan",
  49606. "nan"
  49607. ],
  49608. [
  49609. "111111",
  49610. "11111",
  49611. "rtc",
  49612. "fdic",
  49613. "489337892",
  49614. "nan",
  49615. "september 18, 1992 re: miscellaneous file",
  49616. "9/24/1992",
  49617. "50042",
  49618. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  49619. "nan",
  49620. "nan",
  49621. " hk box: 8355",
  49622. "miami",
  49623. "664745",
  49624. "nan",
  49625. "nan",
  49626. "nan",
  49627. "nan",
  49628. "nan",
  49629. "nan",
  49630. "nan",
  49631. "nan",
  49632. "nan",
  49633. "nan",
  49634. "nan",
  49635. "nan",
  49636. "nan",
  49637. "nan",
  49638. "nan",
  49639. "nan",
  49640. "nan",
  49641. "nan",
  49642. "nan",
  49643. "nan",
  49644. "nan",
  49645. "nan",
  49646. "nan"
  49647. ],
  49648. [
  49649. "111111",
  49650. "11111",
  49651. "fdic - commonwealth federal savings & loan appeal",
  49652. "none",
  49653. "652551445",
  49654. "nan",
  49655. "3/1/95 adv. associated properties - 2800610029 - shadow file.",
  49656. "7/13/1994",
  49657. "186773",
  49658. "hofmann lucinda",
  49659. "nan",
  49660. "nan",
  49661. " 10736",
  49662. "miami",
  49663. "664883",
  49664. "nan",
  49665. "nan",
  49666. "nan",
  49667. "nan",
  49668. "nan",
  49669. "nan",
  49670. "nan",
  49671. "nan",
  49672. "nan",
  49673. "nan",
  49674. "nan",
  49675. "nan",
  49676. "nan",
  49677. "nan",
  49678. "nan",
  49679. "nan",
  49680. "nan",
  49681. "nan",
  49682. "nan",
  49683. "nan",
  49684. "nan",
  49685. "nan",
  49686. "nan"
  49687. ],
  49688. [
  49689. "111111",
  49690. "11111",
  49691. "rtc vs. associated properties group",
  49692. "none",
  49693. "652551445",
  49694. "nan",
  49695. "3/1/95 - pleadings",
  49696. "7/13/1994",
  49697. "186773",
  49698. "hofmann lucinda",
  49699. "nan",
  49700. "nan",
  49701. " 10736",
  49702. "miami",
  49703. "664884",
  49704. "nan",
  49705. "nan",
  49706. "nan",
  49707. "nan",
  49708. "nan",
  49709. "nan",
  49710. "nan",
  49711. "nan",
  49712. "nan",
  49713. "nan",
  49714. "nan",
  49715. "nan",
  49716. "nan",
  49717. "nan",
  49718. "nan",
  49719. "nan",
  49720. "nan",
  49721. "nan",
  49722. "nan",
  49723. "nan",
  49724. "nan",
  49725. "nan",
  49726. "nan"
  49727. ],
  49728. [
  49729. "111111",
  49730. "11111",
  49731. "rtc vs. associated properties group",
  49732. "none",
  49733. "652551445",
  49734. "nan",
  49735. "3/1/95 - documents. correspondence.",
  49736. "7/13/1994",
  49737. "186773",
  49738. "hofmann lucinda",
  49739. "nan",
  49740. "nan",
  49741. " 10736",
  49742. "miami",
  49743. "664885",
  49744. "nan",
  49745. "nan",
  49746. "nan",
  49747. "nan",
  49748. "nan",
  49749. "nan",
  49750. "nan",
  49751. "nan",
  49752. "nan",
  49753. "nan",
  49754. "nan",
  49755. "nan",
  49756. "nan",
  49757. "nan",
  49758. "nan",
  49759. "nan",
  49760. "nan",
  49761. "nan",
  49762. "nan",
  49763. "nan",
  49764. "nan",
  49765. "nan",
  49766. "nan"
  49767. ],
  49768. [
  49769. "111111",
  49770. "11111",
  49771. "rtc vs. boca heights",
  49772. "none",
  49773. "652551445",
  49774. "nan",
  49775. "3/1/95 - notes.",
  49776. "7/13/1994",
  49777. "186773",
  49778. "hofmann lucinda",
  49779. "nan",
  49780. "nan",
  49781. " 10736",
  49782. "miami",
  49783. "664886",
  49784. "nan",
  49785. "nan",
  49786. "nan",
  49787. "nan",
  49788. "nan",
  49789. "nan",
  49790. "nan",
  49791. "nan",
  49792. "nan",
  49793. "nan",
  49794. "nan",
  49795. "nan",
  49796. "nan",
  49797. "nan",
  49798. "nan",
  49799. "nan",
  49800. "nan",
  49801. "nan",
  49802. "nan",
  49803. "nan",
  49804. "nan",
  49805. "nan",
  49806. "nan"
  49807. ],
  49808. [
  49809. "111111",
  49810. "11111",
  49811. "rtc",
  49812. "professional fee claims",
  49813. "489520026",
  49814. "nan",
  49815. "october 22, 1992 notice of removal by rtc dated 10/24/92; correspondence (farrar shadow file); rtc vs. dorsey discovery; rtc vs. first florida equities, inc. 91-0520 civ-marcus compalint; petition for removal; answer to complaint; amended answer and affirmative defenses to complaint; status report; defendant's status report; motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law; order of dismissal",
  49816. "10/29/1992",
  49817. "50146",
  49818. "farrar, r. thomas",
  49819. "nan",
  49820. "nan",
  49821. " hk box: 8456",
  49822. "miami",
  49823. "665558",
  49824. "nan",
  49825. "nan",
  49826. "nan",
  49827. "nan",
  49828. "nan",
  49829. "nan",
  49830. "nan",
  49831. "nan",
  49832. "nan",
  49833. "nan",
  49834. "nan",
  49835. "nan",
  49836. "nan",
  49837. "nan",
  49838. "nan",
  49839. "nan",
  49840. "nan",
  49841. "nan",
  49842. "nan",
  49843. "nan",
  49844. "nan",
  49845. "nan",
  49846. "nan"
  49847. ],
  49848. [
  49849. "111111",
  49850. "11111",
  49851. "rtc vs. claude dorsey",
  49852. "none",
  49853. "489520026",
  49854. "nan",
  49855. "october 22, 1992; 91-0522-civ-spellman; complaint; petition for removal; answer to complaint;amended answer and affirmative defenses to complaint; motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law.",
  49856. "10/29/1992",
  49857. "50146",
  49858. "farrar, r. thomas",
  49859. "nan",
  49860. "nan",
  49861. " hk box: 8456",
  49862. "miami",
  49863. "665559",
  49864. "nan",
  49865. "nan",
  49866. "nan",
  49867. "nan",
  49868. "nan",
  49869. "nan",
  49870. "nan",
  49871. "nan",
  49872. "nan",
  49873. "nan",
  49874. "nan",
  49875. "nan",
  49876. "nan",
  49877. "nan",
  49878. "nan",
  49879. "nan",
  49880. "nan",
  49881. "nan",
  49882. "nan",
  49883. "nan",
  49884. "nan",
  49885. "nan",
  49886. "nan"
  49887. ],
  49888. [
  49889. "111111",
  49890. "11111",
  49891. "rtc vs. tom huston, jr.",
  49892. "none",
  49893. "489520026",
  49894. "nan",
  49895. "91-0523-civ-marcus; complaint; petition for complaint; answer to complaint; amended answer and affirmative defenses to complaint; motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law; order to transfer; order of dismissal",
  49896. "10/29/1992",
  49897. "50146",
  49898. "farrar, r. thomas",
  49899. "nan",
  49900. "nan",
  49901. " hk box: 8456",
  49902. "miami",
  49903. "665561",
  49904. "nan",
  49905. "nan",
  49906. "nan",
  49907. "nan",
  49908. "nan",
  49909. "nan",
  49910. "nan",
  49911. "nan",
  49912. "nan",
  49913. "nan",
  49914. "nan",
  49915. "nan",
  49916. "nan",
  49917. "nan",
  49918. "nan",
  49919. "nan",
  49920. "nan",
  49921. "nan",
  49922. "nan",
  49923. "nan",
  49924. "nan",
  49925. "nan",
  49926. "nan"
  49927. ],
  49928. [
  49929. "111111",
  49930. "11111",
  49931. "rtc vs. dorsy huston, mitchell & king",
  49932. "none",
  49933. "489520026",
  49934. "nan",
  49935. "octoebr 22, 1992; case no. 91-0527-civ-king; complaint; petition for removal; answer to complaint; amended answer and affirmative defenses to complaint; motino to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law; order denying defendant's motion to consolidate; order of dismissal with prejudice",
  49936. "10/29/1992",
  49937. "50146",
  49938. "farrar, r. thomas",
  49939. "nan",
  49940. "nan",
  49941. " hk box: 8456",
  49942. "miami",
  49943. "665564",
  49944. "nan",
  49945. "nan",
  49946. "nan",
  49947. "nan",
  49948. "nan",
  49949. "nan",
  49950. "nan",
  49951. "nan",
  49952. "nan",
  49953. "nan",
  49954. "nan",
  49955. "nan",
  49956. "nan",
  49957. "nan",
  49958. "nan",
  49959. "nan",
  49960. "nan",
  49961. "nan",
  49962. "nan",
  49963. "nan",
  49964. "nan",
  49965. "nan",
  49966. "nan"
  49967. ],
  49968. [
  49969. "111111",
  49970. "11111",
  49971. "rtc vs. first florida equities, ltd.",
  49972. "none",
  49973. "489520026",
  49974. "nan",
  49975. "october 22, 1992; case no. 91-0530; complaint; amended complaint; petition for removal; answer to amended complaint; amended answer and affirmative defenses to amended complaint; motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law; order to transfer; order of dismissal.",
  49976. "10/29/1992",
  49977. "50146",
  49978. "farrar, r. thomas",
  49979. "nan",
  49980. "nan",
  49981. " hk box: 8456",
  49982. "miami",
  49983. "665565",
  49984. "nan",
  49985. "nan",
  49986. "nan",
  49987. "nan",
  49988. "nan",
  49989. "nan",
  49990. "nan",
  49991. "nan",
  49992. "nan",
  49993. "nan",
  49994. "nan",
  49995. "nan",
  49996. "nan",
  49997. "nan",
  49998. "nan",
  49999. "nan",
  50000. "nan",
  50001. "nan",
  50002. "nan",
  50003. "nan",
  50004. "nan",
  50005. "nan",
  50006. "nan"
  50007. ],
  50008. [
  50009. "111111",
  50010. "11111",
  50011. "rtc vs. shepard king",
  50012. "none",
  50013. "489520026",
  50014. "nan",
  50015. "october 22, 1992; case no. 91-0528-civ-spellman; complaint; petition for removal;answer to complaint; amended answer and affirmative defenses to complaint;motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law",
  50016. "10/29/1992",
  50017. "50146",
  50018. "farrar, r. thomas",
  50019. "nan",
  50020. "nan",
  50021. " hk box: 8456",
  50022. "miami",
  50023. "665566",
  50024. "nan",
  50025. "nan",
  50026. "nan",
  50027. "nan",
  50028. "nan",
  50029. "nan",
  50030. "nan",
  50031. "nan",
  50032. "nan",
  50033. "nan",
  50034. "nan",
  50035. "nan",
  50036. "nan",
  50037. "nan",
  50038. "nan",
  50039. "nan",
  50040. "nan",
  50041. "nan",
  50042. "nan",
  50043. "nan",
  50044. "nan",
  50045. "nan",
  50046. "nan"
  50047. ],
  50048. [
  50049. "111111",
  50050. "11111",
  50051. "rtc",
  50052. "ffe claims",
  50053. "489520026",
  50054. "nan",
  50055. "october 22, 1992 general pleadings",
  50056. "10/29/1992",
  50057. "50146",
  50058. "farrar, r. thomas",
  50059. "nan",
  50060. "nan",
  50061. " hk box: 8456",
  50062. "miami",
  50063. "665568",
  50064. "nan",
  50065. "nan",
  50066. "nan",
  50067. "nan",
  50068. "nan",
  50069. "nan",
  50070. "nan",
  50071. "nan",
  50072. "nan",
  50073. "nan",
  50074. "nan",
  50075. "nan",
  50076. "nan",
  50077. "nan",
  50078. "nan",
  50079. "nan",
  50080. "nan",
  50081. "nan",
  50082. "nan",
  50083. "nan",
  50084. "nan",
  50085. "nan",
  50086. "nan"
  50087. ],
  50088. [
  50089. "111111",
  50090. "11111",
  50091. "rtc vs. dorsey",
  50092. "none",
  50093. "489520026",
  50094. "nan",
  50095. "discovery docs",
  50096. "10/29/1992",
  50097. "50146",
  50098. "farrar, r. thomas",
  50099. "nan",
  50100. "nan",
  50101. " hk box: 8456",
  50102. "miami",
  50103. "665570",
  50104. "nan",
  50105. "nan",
  50106. "nan",
  50107. "nan",
  50108. "nan",
  50109. "nan",
  50110. "nan",
  50111. "nan",
  50112. "nan",
  50113. "nan",
  50114. "nan",
  50115. "nan",
  50116. "nan",
  50117. "nan",
  50118. "nan",
  50119. "nan",
  50120. "nan",
  50121. "nan",
  50122. "nan",
  50123. "nan",
  50124. "nan",
  50125. "nan",
  50126. "nan"
  50127. ],
  50128. [
  50129. "111111",
  50130. "11111",
  50131. "rtc vs. houston, tom, jr.",
  50132. "none",
  50133. "489520026",
  50134. "nan",
  50135. "case no. 91-0523-civ-marcus; complaint; petition for complaint; answer to complaint; amended answer and affirmative defenses to complaint; motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law; order of transfer; order of dismissal",
  50136. "10/29/1992",
  50137. "50146",
  50138. "farrar, r. thomas",
  50139. "nan",
  50140. "nan",
  50141. " hk box: 8456",
  50142. "miami",
  50143. "665571",
  50144. "nan",
  50145. "nan",
  50146. "nan",
  50147. "nan",
  50148. "nan",
  50149. "nan",
  50150. "nan",
  50151. "nan",
  50152. "nan",
  50153. "nan",
  50154. "nan",
  50155. "nan",
  50156. "nan",
  50157. "nan",
  50158. "nan",
  50159. "nan",
  50160. "nan",
  50161. "nan",
  50162. "nan",
  50163. "nan",
  50164. "nan",
  50165. "nan",
  50166. "nan"
  50167. ],
  50168. [
  50169. "111111",
  50170. "11111",
  50171. "lah",
  50172. "none",
  50173. "45320",
  50174. "nan",
  50175. "rico research.- rico rtc/fdic library.- rico and civil theft",
  50176. "2/26/1992",
  50177. "7471",
  50178. "hoffmann, lucinda a.",
  50179. "nan",
  50180. "nan",
  50181. "nan",
  50182. "miami",
  50183. "665601",
  50184. "nan",
  50185. "nan",
  50186. "nan",
  50187. "nan",
  50188. "nan",
  50189. "nan",
  50190. "nan",
  50191. "nan",
  50192. "nan",
  50193. "nan",
  50194. "nan",
  50195. "nan",
  50196. "nan",
  50197. "nan",
  50198. "nan",
  50199. "nan",
  50200. "nan",
  50201. "nan",
  50202. "nan",
  50203. "nan",
  50204. "nan",
  50205. "nan",
  50206. "nan"
  50207. ],
  50208. [
  50209. "111111",
  50210. "11111",
  50211. "rtc/barnett bank/allen mooris",
  50212. "none",
  50213. "489488145",
  50214. "nan",
  50215. "rtc general; barnett bank general; allen morris general; scott newman miscellaneous correspondence; gannon general",
  50216. "4/12/1993",
  50217. "114816",
  50218. "newman scott",
  50219. "nan",
  50220. "nan",
  50221. " hk box: 9619",
  50222. "miami",
  50223. "665694",
  50224. "nan",
  50225. "nan",
  50226. "nan",
  50227. "nan",
  50228. "nan",
  50229. "nan",
  50230. "nan",
  50231. "nan",
  50232. "nan",
  50233. "nan",
  50234. "nan",
  50235. "nan",
  50236. "nan",
  50237. "nan",
  50238. "nan",
  50239. "nan",
  50240. "nan",
  50241. "nan",
  50242. "nan",
  50243. "nan",
  50244. "nan",
  50245. "nan",
  50246. "nan"
  50247. ],
  50248. [
  50249. "111111",
  50250. "11111",
  50251. "rtc/continental",
  50252. "none",
  50253. "489343969",
  50254. "nan",
  50255. "00/00/00 - reo checklist (3 of them); settlement statement, tax certificate; clc property management co. receipt of closing statement (copy of letter); disbursement voucher; copies of checks; receipts; loan document inventory",
  50256. "4/9/1993",
  50257. "118753",
  50258. "walmsley tammy",
  50259. "nan",
  50260. "nan",
  50261. " hk box: 9668",
  50262. "miami",
  50263. "665774",
  50264. "nan",
  50265. "nan",
  50266. "nan",
  50267. "nan",
  50268. "nan",
  50269. "nan",
  50270. "nan",
  50271. "nan",
  50272. "nan",
  50273. "nan",
  50274. "nan",
  50275. "nan",
  50276. "nan",
  50277. "nan",
  50278. "nan",
  50279. "nan",
  50280. "nan",
  50281. "nan",
  50282. "nan",
  50283. "nan",
  50284. "nan",
  50285. "nan",
  50286. "nan"
  50287. ],
  50288. [
  50289. "111111",
  50290. "11111",
  50291. "rtc. vs. f.f.e",
  50292. "none",
  50293. "489520026",
  50294. "nan",
  50295. "case no. 91-0529-civ-marcus; compalint; petition for removal; answer to complaint; ameneed answer and affirmative defenses to complaint; motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum; order of dismissal",
  50296. "10/29/1992",
  50297. "50146",
  50298. "farrar tom",
  50299. "nan",
  50300. "nan",
  50301. " hk box: 8456",
  50302. "miami",
  50303. "665898",
  50304. "nan",
  50305. "nan",
  50306. "nan",
  50307. "nan",
  50308. "nan",
  50309. "nan",
  50310. "nan",
  50311. "nan",
  50312. "nan",
  50313. "nan",
  50314. "nan",
  50315. "nan",
  50316. "nan",
  50317. "nan",
  50318. "nan",
  50319. "nan",
  50320. "nan",
  50321. "nan",
  50322. "nan",
  50323. "nan",
  50324. "nan",
  50325. "nan",
  50326. "nan"
  50327. ],
  50328. [
  50329. "111111",
  50330. "11111",
  50331. "rtc",
  50332. "none",
  50333. "489520026",
  50334. "nan",
  50335. "fee claims/general pleadings",
  50336. "10/29/1992",
  50337. "50146",
  50338. "farrar tom",
  50339. "nan",
  50340. "nan",
  50341. " hk box: 8456",
  50342. "miami",
  50343. "665903",
  50344. "nan",
  50345. "nan",
  50346. "nan",
  50347. "nan",
  50348. "nan",
  50349. "nan",
  50350. "nan",
  50351. "nan",
  50352. "nan",
  50353. "nan",
  50354. "nan",
  50355. "nan",
  50356. "nan",
  50357. "nan",
  50358. "nan",
  50359. "nan",
  50360. "nan",
  50361. "nan",
  50362. "nan",
  50363. "nan",
  50364. "nan",
  50365. "nan",
  50366. "nan"
  50367. ],
  50368. [
  50369. "111111",
  50370. "11111",
  50371. "rtc vs. canet",
  50372. "none",
  50373. "489520026",
  50374. "nan",
  50375. "october 22, 1992 attorney's notes (farrar); copy fo subnerl savings case; estoppel letter; bank documents; tax deed; bank documents; tax deed; attorney snotes (morgan); psb's request for admissions to canet; psb\"s request for admission to interland; psb's first interrogatories to canet; psb's first interrogatories to interland; psb's request for production to interland; psb's request for production to canet; pbs's first interrogatories to sanchez; psb's request for production to sanchez (02/21/90); psb's request for admission to sanchez",
  50376. "10/29/1992",
  50377. "50146",
  50378. "farrar tom",
  50379. "nan",
  50380. "nan",
  50381. " hk box: 8456",
  50382. "miami",
  50383. "665904",
  50384. "nan",
  50385. "nan",
  50386. "nan",
  50387. "nan",
  50388. "nan",
  50389. "nan",
  50390. "nan",
  50391. "nan",
  50392. "nan",
  50393. "nan",
  50394. "nan",
  50395. "nan",
  50396. "nan",
  50397. "nan",
  50398. "nan",
  50399. "nan",
  50400. "nan",
  50401. "nan",
  50402. "nan",
  50403. "nan",
  50404. "nan",
  50405. "nan",
  50406. "nan"
  50407. ],
  50408. [
  50409. "111111",
  50410. "11111",
  50411. "rtc vs. james r. mitchell",
  50412. "none",
  50413. "489520026",
  50414. "nan",
  50415. "case #91-0524-civ-marcus; complaint; petitino for removal; answer to complaint; amended answer and affirmative defenses to complaint; motion to consolidate and supporting memorandum of law; order of transfer; order of dismissal",
  50416. "10/29/1992",
  50417. "50146",
  50418. "farrar tom",
  50419. "nan",
  50420. "nan",
  50421. " hk box: 8456",
  50422. "miami",
  50423. "665907",
  50424. "nan",
  50425. "nan",
  50426. "nan",
  50427. "nan",
  50428. "nan",
  50429. "nan",
  50430. "nan",
  50431. "nan",
  50432. "nan",
  50433. "nan",
  50434. "nan",
  50435. "nan",
  50436. "nan",
  50437. "nan",
  50438. "nan",
  50439. "nan",
  50440. "nan",
  50441. "nan",
  50442. "nan",
  50443. "nan",
  50444. "nan",
  50445. "nan",
  50446. "nan"
  50447. ],
  50448. [
  50449. "111111",
  50450. "11111",
  50451. "fdic",
  50452. "fabt vs. associated mortgage investors",
  50453. "652544448",
  50454. "nan",
  50455. "october 22, 1992 (shadow file)",
  50456. "10/29/1992",
  50457. "50151",
  50458. "newman, scott",
  50459. "nan",
  50460. "nan",
  50461. " 8461",
  50462. "miami",
  50463. "665947",
  50464. "nan",
  50465. "nan",
  50466. "nan",
  50467. "nan",
  50468. "nan",
  50469. "nan",
  50470. "nan",
  50471. "nan",
  50472. "nan",
  50473. "nan",
  50474. "nan",
  50475. "nan",
  50476. "nan",
  50477. "nan",
  50478. "nan",
  50479. "nan",
  50480. "nan",
  50481. "nan",
  50482. "nan",
  50483. "nan",
  50484. "nan",
  50485. "nan",
  50486. "nan"
  50487. ],
  50488. [
  50489. "111111",
  50490. "11111",
  50491. "fdic vs. eastern shores medical center",
  50492. "none",
  50493. "489520003",
  50494. "nan",
  50495. "10/22/92; pleadings volume iv; pleadings volume v",
  50496. "10/29/1992",
  50497. "50152",
  50498. "newman, scott",
  50499. "nan",
  50500. "nan",
  50501. " hk box: 8462",
  50502. "miami",
  50503. "665970",
  50504. "nan",
  50505. "nan",
  50506. "nan",
  50507. "nan",
  50508. "nan",
  50509. "nan",
  50510. "nan",
  50511. "nan",
  50512. "nan",
  50513. "nan",
  50514. "nan",
  50515. "nan",
  50516. "nan",
  50517. "nan",
  50518. "nan",
  50519. "nan",
  50520. "nan",
  50521. "nan",
  50522. "nan",
  50523. "nan",
  50524. "nan",
  50525. "nan",
  50526. "nan"
  50527. ],
  50528. [
  50529. "111111",
  50530. "11111",
  50531. "centrust/rtc",
  50532. "none",
  50533. "672030730",
  50534. "nan",
  50535. "02/20/92",
  50536. "2/28/1992",
  50537. "45354",
  50538. "hamilton william",
  50539. "nan",
  50540. "nan",
  50541. " hk box: 7492",
  50542. "miami",
  50543. "666083",
  50544. "nan",
  50545. "nan",
  50546. "nan",
  50547. "nan",
  50548. "nan",
  50549. "nan",
  50550. "nan",
  50551. "nan",
  50552. "nan",
  50553. "nan",
  50554. "nan",
  50555. "nan",
  50556. "nan",
  50557. "nan",
  50558. "nan",
  50559. "nan",
  50560. "nan",
  50561. "nan",
  50562. "nan",
  50563. "nan",
  50564. "nan",
  50565. "nan",
  50566. "nan"
  50567. ],
  50568. [
  50569. "111111",
  50570. "11111",
  50571. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  50572. "none",
  50573. "460600146",
  50574. "nan",
  50575. "5/7/93 - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  50576. "5/11/1993",
  50577. "118854",
  50578. "hernandez torano j",
  50579. "nan",
  50580. "nan",
  50581. " hk box: 9756",
  50582. "miami",
  50583. "667506",
  50584. "nan",
  50585. "nan",
  50586. "nan",
  50587. "nan",
  50588. "nan",
  50589. "nan",
  50590. "nan",
  50591. "nan",
  50592. "nan",
  50593. "nan",
  50594. "nan",
  50595. "nan",
  50596. "nan",
  50597. "nan",
  50598. "nan",
  50599. "nan",
  50600. "nan",
  50601. "nan",
  50602. "nan",
  50603. "nan",
  50604. "nan",
  50605. "nan",
  50606. "nan"
  50607. ],
  50608. [
  50609. "111111",
  50610. "11111",
  50611. "rtc/centrust",
  50612. "none",
  50613. "16446",
  50614. "nan",
  50615. "shadow file",
  50616. "11/10/1997",
  50617. "16446",
  50618. "steinberg marty",
  50619. "nan",
  50620. "nan",
  50621. "nan",
  50622. "miami",
  50623. "667772",
  50624. "nan",
  50625. "nan",
  50626. "nan",
  50627. "nan",
  50628. "nan",
  50629. "nan",
  50630. "nan",
  50631. "nan",
  50632. "nan",
  50633. "nan",
  50634. "nan",
  50635. "nan",
  50636. "nan",
  50637. "nan",
  50638. "nan",
  50639. "nan",
  50640. "nan",
  50641. "nan",
  50642. "nan",
  50643. "nan",
  50644. "nan",
  50645. "nan",
  50646. "nan"
  50647. ],
  50648. [
  50649. "111111",
  50650. "11111",
  50651. "rtc-william michael adkinson",
  50652. "none",
  50653. "652552579",
  50654. "nan",
  50655. "11/25/91.- jce received from nathan wood & sommers",
  50656. "4/10/1992",
  50657. "49361",
  50658. "enjamio, juan c.",
  50659. "nan",
  50660. "nan",
  50661. " 7699",
  50662. "miami",
  50663. "668645",
  50664. "nan",
  50665. "nan",
  50666. "nan",
  50667. "nan",
  50668. "nan",
  50669. "nan",
  50670. "nan",
  50671. "nan",
  50672. "nan",
  50673. "nan",
  50674. "nan",
  50675. "nan",
  50676. "nan",
  50677. "nan",
  50678. "nan",
  50679. "nan",
  50680. "nan",
  50681. "nan",
  50682. "nan",
  50683. "nan",
  50684. "nan",
  50685. "nan",
  50686. "nan"
  50687. ],
  50688. [
  50689. "111111",
  50690. "11111",
  50691. "union credit bank",
  50692. "none",
  50693. "652552447",
  50694. "nan",
  50695. "correspondence w/fdic; articles and bylaws",
  50696. "1/25/2002",
  50697. "10848744",
  50698. "hernandez patricia",
  50699. "nan",
  50700. "nan",
  50701. " 27083",
  50702. "miami",
  50703. "669140",
  50704. "nan",
  50705. "nan",
  50706. "nan",
  50707. "nan",
  50708. "nan",
  50709. "nan",
  50710. "nan",
  50711. "nan",
  50712. "nan",
  50713. "nan",
  50714. "nan",
  50715. "nan",
  50716. "nan",
  50717. "nan",
  50718. "nan",
  50719. "nan",
  50720. "nan",
  50721. "nan",
  50722. "nan",
  50723. "nan",
  50724. "nan",
  50725. "nan",
  50726. "nan"
  50727. ],
  50728. [
  50729. "111111",
  50730. "11111",
  50731. "union credit bank",
  50732. "none",
  50733. "489489643",
  50734. "nan",
  50735. "october 11, 2000 response to fdic; december 5, 2000 response to the fdic; info. supporting dec. 5, 2000 response; information supporting october 11, 2000 response; august 29, 2000 response to fdic; may 24, 2000 response to fdic; state of florida approval; sofisa bank application; beach bank application; plus int'l bank application; research; public hearing; public hearing misc. documents",
  50736. "1/25/2002",
  50737. "10848745",
  50738. "hernandez patricia",
  50739. "nan",
  50740. "nan",
  50741. " hk box: 27084",
  50742. "miami",
  50743. "669141",
  50744. "nan",
  50745. "nan",
  50746. "nan",
  50747. "nan",
  50748. "nan",
  50749. "nan",
  50750. "nan",
  50751. "nan",
  50752. "nan",
  50753. "nan",
  50754. "nan",
  50755. "nan",
  50756. "nan",
  50757. "nan",
  50758. "nan",
  50759. "nan",
  50760. "nan",
  50761. "nan",
  50762. "nan",
  50763. "nan",
  50764. "nan",
  50765. "nan",
  50766. "nan"
  50767. ],
  50768. [
  50769. "111111",
  50770. "11111",
  50771. "gab expense file",
  50772. "none",
  50773. "652552488",
  50774. "nan",
  50775. "4/27/92.- 1990 & 1991.- collections - 1991.- clifford and warnke/advise re service of process.- personal - citizen ambassador program.- body positive resource, center board of director.- who's who in american law.- south florida choral arts.- south florida airds network.- rtc.- partnership - 1989, 1990 & 199l.- partners annual meeting 2-16 & 17-91 tampa.- opera, greater miami.- miami bridge.-lambra community center of greater miami.- correspondence - 1991",
  50776. "4/30/1992",
  50777. "49430",
  50778. "baldwin greg",
  50779. "nan",
  50780. "nan",
  50781. " 7768",
  50782. "miami",
  50783. "670178",
  50784. "nan",
  50785. "nan",
  50786. "nan",
  50787. "nan",
  50788. "nan",
  50789. "nan",
  50790. "nan",
  50791. "nan",
  50792. "nan",
  50793. "nan",
  50794. "nan",
  50795. "nan",
  50796. "nan",
  50797. "nan",
  50798. "nan",
  50799. "nan",
  50800. "nan",
  50801. "nan",
  50802. "nan",
  50803. "nan",
  50804. "nan",
  50805. "nan",
  50806. "nan"
  50807. ],
  50808. [
  50809. "111111",
  50810. "11111",
  50811. "nan",
  50812. "nan",
  50813. "490617297",
  50814. "nan",
  50815. "farm mgt. co. federal asset disposition assoc. fdic. first union national bank of fla. florida chiropractic society. florida transportation. barbara hobbs. fla. national bank. fla. documentary taxes. florida physicians int. trust of fla. pudiatrists trust. ford motor credit co. frederick, bill, mayor city of orlando. fruehauf corp. gerald smith. great america first savings. greater miami estate planning counsel. grogan, robert and baker, sandra (intro.h&k). gulfstream communities.",
  50816. "12/31/1899",
  50817. "365453",
  50818. "cuartas carlos",
  50819. "nan",
  50820. "nan",
  50821. " hk box: 5123",
  50822. "miami",
  50823. "670642",
  50824. "nan",
  50825. "nan",
  50826. "nan",
  50827. "nan",
  50828. "nan",
  50829. "nan",
  50830. "nan",
  50831. "nan",
  50832. "nan",
  50833. "nan",
  50834. "nan",
  50835. "nan",
  50836. "nan",
  50837. "nan",
  50838. "nan",
  50839. "nan",
  50840. "nan",
  50841. "nan",
  50842. "nan",
  50843. "nan",
  50844. "nan",
  50845. "nan",
  50846. "nan"
  50847. ],
  50848. [
  50849. "111111",
  50850. "11111",
  50851. "nan",
  50852. "nan",
  50853. "89175967",
  50854. "nan",
  50855. "s. pearson birtcher financial services brokerage agreement (shadow file) glasser,harold l. purchase of residence 26199-4 purchase of palm beach county property 26199-5 sale of grove isle condo 26199-6 grove isle closing 26199-1 strano rosario title matters 33054-2 riquois,phillipe purchase of coconut grove property 32392-1 rigal/cks packging atlantis groupjnc 33385-1 chicago title insurance company indian mounds 02621-111 citicorp real estate gulf stream workout 13637-37 florida physician insurance reciprical douglas entrance 12631-3 william r. goodman ann cady - mother pier properties /winthrop 26843-8 system control, inc. acquisition of florida properties 28346-4",
  50856. "12/31/1899",
  50857. "44571",
  50858. "cuartas carlos",
  50859. "nan",
  50860. "nan",
  50861. " hk box: 5330",
  50862. "miami",
  50863. "671235",
  50864. "nan",
  50865. "nan",
  50866. "nan",
  50867. "nan",
  50868. "nan",
  50869. "nan",
  50870. "nan",
  50871. "nan",
  50872. "nan",
  50873. "nan",
  50874. "nan",
  50875. "nan",
  50876. "nan",
  50877. "nan",
  50878. "nan",
  50879. "nan",
  50880. "nan",
  50881. "nan",
  50882. "nan",
  50883. "nan",
  50884. "nan",
  50885. "nan",
  50886. "nan"
  50887. ],
  50888. [
  50889. "111111",
  50890. "11111",
  50891. "nan",
  50892. "nan",
  50893. "489339848",
  50894. "nan",
  50895. "vanderbilt law school speech nov, 3,1988 um law school home coming breakfast nov 5,1988. south fia. inter - professional council - speech 11/8/88 the garn institute - nov 14 &15 1988 american college of trial lawyers conf. nov, 18 - 20 1988 christian leadership prayer breakfast nov,22,1988. assoc. for women lawyers dec,2,1988. boat cruis to ocean reef dec.3-4 1988 dinner - joan and dick capen dec. 6.1988 1978 fia. constitution revision comm. reunion - dec 8,1988 the benedict dec,9 1988 alic and dan brock party dec 10.1988 culer house & ross - cocktail party 12/21/88 jamaica trip dec,29,1988 to jan 1, 1989 nfaa party at cs house - jan 6,1989 an affair of the arts jan 7,1989 fla. ffa foundation january 11, 1989 bert early miami - jan 16.1989 barnett bank reception - jan 17,1989 lunch wimarshall cruster and alan merten jan 19,1989 u of f college of iaw reception - 1/26/89 thornburg university jan 31,1989 aba midyear meeting denver feb 06,1989 broward co. judges reception feb 9,1989 ted arison birthday feb 11,1989 elliot richardson award louisville ky 2/15/89 dade legislative delegation barrano house - 2/16/89 h & k annual meeting feb 17,19 1989 ted arison birthday party feb 18,1989 national assoc. of cuban - american women 2/24/89 national conference of christians and jews dinner 2/25/89 gala for hope honoring david paul feb 26,1989 red cross bvall 3/3/1989 university of miami visiting committee march 3-4 1989 jean & mason shehan party 3/5/89 miami herald luncheon for bob kirby 3/7/89 prepaid legal services san diego march 9,1989 william anderson visit (prof smith) 3/10/1989. league of women voters - 3/16/89 citrus chemical bank retreat 3/17- 19/89 lunch with frank b. hall & co. executive 3/24/89 trip to israel - 3/27/89 justice earl waren program april 8&9 1989 price waterhousebreakfast - april 12,1989 national tree of life award to mator clsrk april 16 1989 dinner with bark dulls april 23,1989 playground for homeless dedication salvation army 4/24/89 1,000 freinds of fl. reception 4/24/89 indigent defense dinner tally - 4/25/89 stephanies carman bat mitzuah 4/29/89 fl. center for children & youth luncheon - tally 5/1/89 university of fl. foundation luncheon 5/3/89 law week cocktail reception lyn and bob parks 5/3/89 judicial reception may 4,1989 eleventh circuit judicial conk may 7-8-9,89 1989 summer law clerks h&k receptions for jim bacchus may 18,1989 american law institutes may 17-20 1989 luncheon honoring ritea chiles may 21,1989 sun bank dinner ft.laderdale 5/22/89 lunch with jim rowan june 81989 learned hand award to irwin block 6/8/89 natil assoc. for law placment speech june 11,1989 the florida bar annual meeting june 14,15,1989 visit with bob days june 17 1989 luncheon for bill allen june 26,1989 imc reception lakeland office 7/26/89 practice dev. re: fdic and fslic -miami 8/1/89 american bar assoc. annual meeting august 1989 world peace through law center august 20-25-1989 new england cruise w/pauls sept 1-4 1989 george wackenhuts party 9/2/89 dick capen luncheon 9/5/89 bisacayne marlett firm weekend saddle brock sept 8-9 1989 gainsville benhill griffin stadium ceremonies 9/9/89 dick capen dinner for mr & mrs david lawrence 9/11/89 knight rider board of directors dinner 9/19/8 speech university of south fl. re. child case 9/21/89 pan american satellites reception sept. 1989 visit with eugene conese sept,27 oct 1,1989 israel mission reunion oct 2,1989 andy weinstein party oct 25,1989 aclu dinner nov, 1, 1989 dinner party for breeder cup indian creek country club 11/2/89 daved blomberg reception/buffet nov 4,1989 luncheon in honor of ted and lin aerson 11/10/89 earl powell brunch nov, 1989 pan am dinner biltmore nov, 20,1989 visit with the bert earlys nov,20,1989 -prayer breakafst nov, 21,1989. marty steinberg party dec 1,1989 dinner party for charles simmons dec 2,1989 luncheon for jeff lewis dec 4,1989 bill ryan j&dedication dec 6,1989 cocktail alice dean brock dec 9,1989 the benedicts dance dec,9,1989 recepitpt from morocco dec 13-28,1989",
  50896. "12/31/1899",
  50897. "12241749",
  50898. "cuartas carlos",
  50899. "nan",
  50900. "nan",
  50901. " hk box: 5353",
  50902. "miami",
  50903. "671257",
  50904. "nan",
  50905. "nan",
  50906. "nan",
  50907. "nan",
  50908. "nan",
  50909. "nan",
  50910. "nan",
  50911. "nan",
  50912. "nan",
  50913. "nan",
  50914. "nan",
  50915. "nan",
  50916. "nan",
  50917. "nan",
  50918. "nan",
  50919. "nan",
  50920. "nan",
  50921. "nan",
  50922. "nan",
  50923. "nan",
  50924. "nan",
  50925. "nan",
  50926. "nan"
  50927. ],
  50928. [
  50929. "111111",
  50930. "11111",
  50931. "nan",
  50932. "nan",
  50933. "365486",
  50934. "nan",
  50935. "rowe,dp 28477-1 gillian canal 32588-2 devos & co. strasberg virgin islands project 33129-1 livingston alexander & levy-general file 34281-1 saunders annakaye h-1 visa 28447-4 geyco intil corp matalon matters 25247-124 bcci transfers acct.s fla. to ny. 25247 -70 bcci/mukhtar azhar syed 25247-102 bcci/i.a.k tareen l-1 extension. 25247-125 bcci/ david rosenberg confidential 95000-61247 pro bono/professional/personal - rtc/bcci conflict resolution. 25247-68 bcci/indictment related fla. proceedings. 25247-13 bcci/boca raton triq nasim jan.",
  50936. "12/31/1899",
  50937. "5557",
  50938. "cuartas carlos",
  50939. "nan",
  50940. "nan",
  50941. "nan",
  50942. "miami",
  50943. "671742",
  50944. "nan",
  50945. "nan",
  50946. "nan",
  50947. "nan",
  50948. "nan",
  50949. "nan",
  50950. "nan",
  50951. "nan",
  50952. "nan",
  50953. "nan",
  50954. "nan",
  50955. "nan",
  50956. "nan",
  50957. "nan",
  50958. "nan",
  50959. "nan",
  50960. "nan",
  50961. "nan",
  50962. "nan",
  50963. "nan",
  50964. "nan",
  50965. "nan",
  50966. "nan"
  50967. ],
  50968. [
  50969. "111111",
  50970. "11111",
  50971. "nan",
  50972. "nan",
  50973. "460600587",
  50974. "nan",
  50975. "bank m - law suits pending 30447-1 95000-89059 pro-bono/professional other professional zev bufman vs. fdic & bank 30447-2 bank m - offering circular",
  50976. "12/31/1899",
  50977. "11557972",
  50978. "cuartas carlos",
  50979. "nan",
  50980. "nan",
  50981. " hk box: 5882",
  50982. "miami",
  50983. "672498",
  50984. "nan",
  50985. "nan",
  50986. "nan",
  50987. "nan",
  50988. "nan",
  50989. "nan",
  50990. "nan",
  50991. "nan",
  50992. "nan",
  50993. "nan",
  50994. "nan",
  50995. "nan",
  50996. "nan",
  50997. "nan",
  50998. "nan",
  50999. "nan",
  51000. "nan",
  51001. "nan",
  51002. "nan",
  51003. "nan",
  51004. "nan",
  51005. "nan",
  51006. "nan"
  51007. ],
  51008. [
  51009. "111111",
  51010. "11111",
  51011. "nan",
  51012. "nan",
  51013. "11557973",
  51014. "nan",
  51015. "democratic national convention fdic/s&l aquisition march 1989 fdic application process h&r governor's trade mission italy miami saiving bank hagen/london",
  51016. "12/31/1899",
  51017. "5883",
  51018. "cuartas carlos",
  51019. "nan",
  51020. "nan",
  51021. "nan",
  51022. "miami",
  51023. "672499",
  51024. "nan",
  51025. "nan",
  51026. "nan",
  51027. "nan",
  51028. "nan",
  51029. "nan",
  51030. "nan",
  51031. "nan",
  51032. "nan",
  51033. "nan",
  51034. "nan",
  51035. "nan",
  51036. "nan",
  51037. "nan",
  51038. "nan",
  51039. "nan",
  51040. "nan",
  51041. "nan",
  51042. "nan",
  51043. "nan",
  51044. "nan",
  51045. "nan",
  51046. "nan"
  51047. ],
  51048. [
  51049. "111111",
  51050. "11111",
  51051. "nan",
  51052. "nan",
  51053. "489345268",
  51054. "nan",
  51055. "bush/klien presentation 6/13/90 - rtc 33636-1 pro-bono /fdic/ots/rtc 33708-1",
  51056. "12/31/1899",
  51057. "11557974",
  51058. "cuartas carlos",
  51059. "nan",
  51060. "nan",
  51061. " hk box: 5884",
  51062. "miami",
  51063. "672500",
  51064. "nan",
  51065. "nan",
  51066. "nan",
  51067. "nan",
  51068. "nan",
  51069. "nan",
  51070. "nan",
  51071. "nan",
  51072. "nan",
  51073. "nan",
  51074. "nan",
  51075. "nan",
  51076. "nan",
  51077. "nan",
  51078. "nan",
  51079. "nan",
  51080. "nan",
  51081. "nan",
  51082. "nan",
  51083. "nan",
  51084. "nan",
  51085. "nan",
  51086. "nan"
  51087. ],
  51088. [
  51089. "111111",
  51090. "11111",
  51091. "nan",
  51092. "nan",
  51093. "460600556",
  51094. "nan",
  51095. "30450-2 maimi saiving bank -drafts and exhibits for stock purchase agreement 34236-1 pima saiving & loan greater miami chamber of connerce 95000-89037 other prfessional little blue -film video, tv 95000-51029 pro bono /professional/personal civic, service and charitable the junior leacove of miami inc. 95000-59020 pro bono/professinal/ personal confrences corres, fdic/ots rtc - miami off plan 29181- recchi american inc. aircraft registration (faa)",
  51096. "12/31/1899",
  51097. "11557981",
  51098. "cuartas carlos",
  51099. "nan",
  51100. "nan",
  51101. " hk box: 5891",
  51102. "miami",
  51103. "672507",
  51104. "nan",
  51105. "nan",
  51106. "nan",
  51107. "nan",
  51108. "nan",
  51109. "nan",
  51110. "nan",
  51111. "nan",
  51112. "nan",
  51113. "nan",
  51114. "nan",
  51115. "nan",
  51116. "nan",
  51117. "nan",
  51118. "nan",
  51119. "nan",
  51120. "nan",
  51121. "nan",
  51122. "nan",
  51123. "nan",
  51124. "nan",
  51125. "nan",
  51126. "nan"
  51127. ],
  51128. [
  51129. "111111",
  51130. "11111",
  51131. "amerifirst/rtc",
  51132. "none",
  51133. "652553386",
  51134. "nan",
  51135. "june 1, 1992.- shadow.- general file",
  51136. "6/11/1992",
  51137. "49533",
  51138. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  51139. "nan",
  51140. "nan",
  51141. " 7866",
  51142. "miami",
  51143. "673017",
  51144. "nan",
  51145. "nan",
  51146. "nan",
  51147. "nan",
  51148. "nan",
  51149. "nan",
  51150. "nan",
  51151. "nan",
  51152. "nan",
  51153. "nan",
  51154. "nan",
  51155. "nan",
  51156. "nan",
  51157. "nan",
  51158. "nan",
  51159. "nan",
  51160. "nan",
  51161. "nan",
  51162. "nan",
  51163. "nan",
  51164. "nan",
  51165. "nan",
  51166. "nan"
  51167. ],
  51168. [
  51169. "111111",
  51170. "11111",
  51171. "rtc/ensign phlb",
  51172. "none",
  51173. "672025813",
  51174. "nan",
  51175. "6/7/95 - shadow file",
  51176. "8/19/1994",
  51177. "190828",
  51178. "smith robert",
  51179. "nan",
  51180. "nan",
  51181. " hk box: 10925",
  51182. "miami",
  51183. "673064",
  51184. "nan",
  51185. "nan",
  51186. "nan",
  51187. "nan",
  51188. "nan",
  51189. "nan",
  51190. "nan",
  51191. "nan",
  51192. "nan",
  51193. "nan",
  51194. "nan",
  51195. "nan",
  51196. "nan",
  51197. "nan",
  51198. "nan",
  51199. "nan",
  51200. "nan",
  51201. "nan",
  51202. "nan",
  51203. "nan",
  51204. "nan",
  51205. "nan",
  51206. "nan"
  51207. ],
  51208. [
  51209. "111111",
  51210. "11111",
  51211. "nan",
  51212. "nan",
  51213. "625427708",
  51214. "nan",
  51215. "19140-00 - morris, allen general. 3871 19140-00 - morris, allen zoning. 15597-558 barnett vs. greens pool service. 15597-576 barnett vs. helms. 19936-1 amvest capital corp delio rojo learn. 15597-452 barnett/gulf horizon loan securities. 26054-3 blank rome comisky mccauley fslic. 54730-32 carnival cruises/public-offering 13637-26 citicorp - proposed loan buyout. 26582-11 cordis - project vena corvita corp. 13745-2 gulstream - general.",
  51216. "12/31/1899",
  51217. "365571",
  51218. "cuartas carlos",
  51219. "nan",
  51220. "nan",
  51221. " hk box: 3871",
  51222. "miami",
  51223. "673314",
  51224. "nan",
  51225. "nan",
  51226. "nan",
  51227. "nan",
  51228. "nan",
  51229. "nan",
  51230. "nan",
  51231. "nan",
  51232. "nan",
  51233. "nan",
  51234. "nan",
  51235. "nan",
  51236. "nan",
  51237. "nan",
  51238. "nan",
  51239. "nan",
  51240. "nan",
  51241. "nan",
  51242. "nan",
  51243. "nan",
  51244. "nan",
  51245. "nan",
  51246. "nan"
  51247. ],
  51248. [
  51249. "111111",
  51250. "11111",
  51251. "nan",
  51252. "nan",
  51253. "460604957",
  51254. "nan",
  51255. "27786-1 citizens/atiantic -gulf airlines 15597-579 micof pompano beach irs. 25524-01 reliance ind. donalance invests. 15597-499 barnett -alti,inc. 28614-1 tcf banking & savings,f.a 9574-20 1 nat'l vs.baumont & kroh bros. 15597-260 barnett/miscolt corp. oaks i file fslic rmc development -28360-3 15597 - 521 barnett u.s -engineering.",
  51256. "12/31/1899",
  51257. "13004066",
  51258. "cuartas carlos",
  51259. "nan",
  51260. "nan",
  51261. " hk box: 3888",
  51262. "miami",
  51263. "673329",
  51264. "nan",
  51265. "nan",
  51266. "nan",
  51267. "nan",
  51268. "nan",
  51269. "nan",
  51270. "nan",
  51271. "nan",
  51272. "nan",
  51273. "nan",
  51274. "nan",
  51275. "nan",
  51276. "nan",
  51277. "nan",
  51278. "nan",
  51279. "nan",
  51280. "nan",
  51281. "nan",
  51282. "nan",
  51283. "nan",
  51284. "nan",
  51285. "nan",
  51286. "nan"
  51287. ],
  51288. [
  51289. "111111",
  51290. "11111",
  51291. "rtc/tiffany square",
  51292. "none",
  51293. "49573",
  51294. "nan",
  51295. "june 15, 1992.- document file: receiver's invoices",
  51296. "6/24/1999",
  51297. "7905",
  51298. "newman, scott b.",
  51299. "nan",
  51300. "nan",
  51301. "nan",
  51302. "miami",
  51303. "673585",
  51304. "nan",
  51305. "nan",
  51306. "nan",
  51307. "nan",
  51308. "nan",
  51309. "nan",
  51310. "nan",
  51311. "nan",
  51312. "nan",
  51313. "nan",
  51314. "nan",
  51315. "nan",
  51316. "nan",
  51317. "nan",
  51318. "nan",
  51319. "nan",
  51320. "nan",
  51321. "nan",
  51322. "nan",
  51323. "nan",
  51324. "nan",
  51325. "nan",
  51326. "nan"
  51327. ],
  51328. [
  51329. "111111",
  51330. "11111",
  51331. "rtc vs. s.l. moore",
  51332. "none",
  51333. "49573",
  51334. "nan",
  51335. "june 15, 1992.- pleading file.- correspondence.- document file: documents sent by client.",
  51336. "6/24/1999",
  51337. "7905",
  51338. "newman, scott b.",
  51339. "nan",
  51340. "nan",
  51341. "nan",
  51342. "miami",
  51343. "673588",
  51344. "nan",
  51345. "nan",
  51346. "nan",
  51347. "nan",
  51348. "nan",
  51349. "nan",
  51350. "nan",
  51351. "nan",
  51352. "nan",
  51353. "nan",
  51354. "nan",
  51355. "nan",
  51356. "nan",
  51357. "nan",
  51358. "nan",
  51359. "nan",
  51360. "nan",
  51361. "nan",
  51362. "nan",
  51363. "nan",
  51364. "nan",
  51365. "nan",
  51366. "nan"
  51367. ],
  51368. [
  51369. "111111",
  51370. "11111",
  51371. "rtc marabank savvings vs. heller",
  51372. "none",
  51373. "49573",
  51374. "nan",
  51375. "june 15, 1992.- correspondence.- research file: attorney's notes.",
  51376. "6/24/1999",
  51377. "7905",
  51378. "newman, scott b.",
  51379. "nan",
  51380. "nan",
  51381. "nan",
  51382. "miami",
  51383. "673589",
  51384. "nan",
  51385. "nan",
  51386. "nan",
  51387. "nan",
  51388. "nan",
  51389. "nan",
  51390. "nan",
  51391. "nan",
  51392. "nan",
  51393. "nan",
  51394. "nan",
  51395. "nan",
  51396. "nan",
  51397. "nan",
  51398. "nan",
  51399. "nan",
  51400. "nan",
  51401. "nan",
  51402. "nan",
  51403. "nan",
  51404. "nan",
  51405. "nan",
  51406. "nan"
  51407. ],
  51408. [
  51409. "111111",
  51410. "11111",
  51411. "rtc/harmon envicon",
  51412. "none",
  51413. "49573",
  51414. "nan",
  51415. "june 15, 1992.- temporary file.",
  51416. "6/24/1999",
  51417. "7905",
  51418. "newman, scott b.",
  51419. "nan",
  51420. "nan",
  51421. "nan",
  51422. "miami",
  51423. "673590",
  51424. "nan",
  51425. "nan",
  51426. "nan",
  51427. "nan",
  51428. "nan",
  51429. "nan",
  51430. "nan",
  51431. "nan",
  51432. "nan",
  51433. "nan",
  51434. "nan",
  51435. "nan",
  51436. "nan",
  51437. "nan",
  51438. "nan",
  51439. "nan",
  51440. "nan",
  51441. "nan",
  51442. "nan",
  51443. "nan",
  51444. "nan",
  51445. "nan",
  51446. "nan"
  51447. ],
  51448. [
  51449. "111111",
  51450. "11111",
  51451. "rtc conser bell federal savings vs. nob hill",
  51452. "none",
  51453. "489493118",
  51454. "nan",
  51455. "june 15, 1992.- deed lieu of foreclosure.- from holdings, incorporation.- rtc/bell federal nob hill shoppes (pencil file).-correspondence: bell federal savings bank vs. nob hill.- research: attorney's notes.- research: owner vs. indispensable party to foreclosure action.- document file: original release from sophisticated lady.- document file: original release of sophisticated lady lease.- document file: title file.- grey file: nob hill title report.- grey file: conflicts search.- correspondence: general bell federal savings correspondence.- document file: status report.-document file: pleading form.- document file: officers addresses.-bell federal vs. nob hill miscellaneous: outstanding invoices.- nob hill shoppes, inc. miscellaneous: correspondence, waivers, contracts.-nob hill: from gay l. wilson's office.- nob hill: miscellaneous loan documentation.- nob hill: miscellaneous correspondence, contracts & loan documentation.- rtc (bell) adv. melrose file.- correspondence: bell federal vs. wiliamsburg.- research: attorney's notes.- rtc conser bell fed savings bk vs. williamsburg, ltdl. pleading file.-",
  51456. "6/24/1999",
  51457. "49574",
  51458. "newman, scott b.",
  51459. "nan",
  51460. "nan",
  51461. " hk box: 7906",
  51462. "miami",
  51463. "673595",
  51464. "nan",
  51465. "nan",
  51466. "nan",
  51467. "nan",
  51468. "nan",
  51469. "nan",
  51470. "nan",
  51471. "nan",
  51472. "nan",
  51473. "nan",
  51474. "nan",
  51475. "nan",
  51476. "nan",
  51477. "nan",
  51478. "nan",
  51479. "nan",
  51480. "nan",
  51481. "nan",
  51482. "nan",
  51483. "nan",
  51484. "nan",
  51485. "nan",
  51486. "nan"
  51487. ],
  51488. [
  51489. "111111",
  51490. "11111",
  51491. "fdic vs. saldise",
  51492. "none",
  51493. "672025944",
  51494. "nan",
  51495. "6/9/95 - saldise & lopez/fernandez, sergio (jdw pencil file). saldice first miami ins. gallagher et al (pencil file). nunez vs. nunez mortgage documents residence 8625 sw. pleadings. lopez/fdic v. j. saldice et al volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4",
  51496. "9/9/1994",
  51497. "190901",
  51498. "wing james",
  51499. "nan",
  51500. "nan",
  51501. " hk box: 10997",
  51502. "miami",
  51503. "674387",
  51504. "nan",
  51505. "nan",
  51506. "nan",
  51507. "nan",
  51508. "nan",
  51509. "nan",
  51510. "nan",
  51511. "nan",
  51512. "nan",
  51513. "nan",
  51514. "nan",
  51515. "nan",
  51516. "nan",
  51517. "nan",
  51518. "nan",
  51519. "nan",
  51520. "nan",
  51521. "nan",
  51522. "nan",
  51523. "nan",
  51524. "nan",
  51525. "nan",
  51526. "nan"
  51527. ],
  51528. [
  51529. "111111",
  51530. "11111",
  51531. "fdic vs. saldise",
  51532. "none",
  51533. "672025839",
  51534. "nan",
  51535. "6/9/95 - saldise to fdic. lopez to fdic. fdic to estevez. estevez to fdic. saldise to estevez. depositinos teresa saldise. saldise and lopez fee hearing",
  51536. "9/9/1994",
  51537. "190904",
  51538. "wing james",
  51539. "nan",
  51540. "nan",
  51541. " hk box: 11000",
  51542. "miami",
  51543. "674390",
  51544. "nan",
  51545. "nan",
  51546. "nan",
  51547. "nan",
  51548. "nan",
  51549. "nan",
  51550. "nan",
  51551. "nan",
  51552. "nan",
  51553. "nan",
  51554. "nan",
  51555. "nan",
  51556. "nan",
  51557. "nan",
  51558. "nan",
  51559. "nan",
  51560. "nan",
  51561. "nan",
  51562. "nan",
  51563. "nan",
  51564. "nan",
  51565. "nan",
  51566. "nan"
  51567. ],
  51568. [
  51569. "111111",
  51570. "11111",
  51571. "nan",
  51572. "nan",
  51573. "35865",
  51574. "nan",
  51575. "26054-1 blank rome adv. sollie kaplan 26054-3 blank rome fslic adv. jacoby",
  51576. "12/31/1899",
  51577. "3614",
  51578. "cuartas carlos",
  51579. "nan",
  51580. "nan",
  51581. "nan",
  51582. "miami",
  51583. "675083",
  51584. "nan",
  51585. "nan",
  51586. "nan",
  51587. "nan",
  51588. "nan",
  51589. "nan",
  51590. "nan",
  51591. "nan",
  51592. "nan",
  51593. "nan",
  51594. "nan",
  51595. "nan",
  51596. "nan",
  51597. "nan",
  51598. "nan",
  51599. "nan",
  51600. "nan",
  51601. "nan",
  51602. "nan",
  51603. "nan",
  51604. "nan",
  51605. "nan",
  51606. "nan"
  51607. ],
  51608. [
  51609. "111111",
  51610. "11111",
  51611. "robert chapman",
  51612. "none",
  51613. "652603569",
  51614. "nan",
  51615. "maggies reboredo sept. 4,1991 trial exhibits continued chapman deposition vol. 11 01/09/89 depo, drafts, possession reports bankruptcy petition and schedules, 06/16/87 financial statement letter to phil lohr from lilenfeld date 07/13/89 promissory notice 95,000 - bank statements - r, cpapman deposit slip, loan proceeds, sunrise account, loria memo 09/30/87 deposit memo and slip proceeds from sale of horses, bank statements- sunrise, check restaurant expenses ( composite ), promissory note 06/15/87 financial, 06/30/87 financial statements cafe andre - docs from chapman file, doc's from client loan file chapman bank statements, sunrise account (first american) notes; hearing on motions to dismiss, compensation w/m. schwartz, hearing on motion to point examiner and objection to disclosure statement, hearing on disclosure statement(#2), witness: doug loria notes: analysis of chapman assets & liabilities, chapman industries, depos by defenants, depo of lilienfeld,. notes: hearing chapman depo, plaza of america, imperial towers, county national bank. witness: jan iliff notes: horse proceeds, fron creditors meeting, from. trial amended plan of reorganization, unsecured debt, notes: exam, suit re the. note, trial notebook, research client doc's, fdic/fabt vs. champan case no. 88-12332 status sheet, docket sheets, fdic/fabt vs. chapman case no. 88-01142 notice of compliance with stipulation for settlement of adversary proceeding pleading, statue sheet, chapman 2004 exam, correspondence, complaint & answer, research, doc's from client; attorney notes.",
  51616. "9/16/1991",
  51617. "365653",
  51618. "genovese john",
  51619. "nan",
  51620. "nan",
  51621. " hk box: 6102",
  51622. "miami",
  51623. "675236",
  51624. "nan",
  51625. "nan",
  51626. "nan",
  51627. "nan",
  51628. "nan",
  51629. "nan",
  51630. "nan",
  51631. "nan",
  51632. "nan",
  51633. "nan",
  51634. "nan",
  51635. "nan",
  51636. "nan",
  51637. "nan",
  51638. "nan",
  51639. "nan",
  51640. "nan",
  51641. "nan",
  51642. "nan",
  51643. "nan",
  51644. "nan",
  51645. "nan",
  51646. "nan"
  51647. ],
  51648. [
  51649. "111111",
  51650. "11111",
  51651. "nan",
  51652. "nan",
  51653. "490622944",
  51654. "nan",
  51655. "martin f. green berg (hodkin/levine boca airport) shadow file# 18437-15 bob guan adoption david john sen/state of florida - #27187-5 lee mngmt. inc. v. thomas reider chicago title/fdic scharenberg (skeleton file) figgi intil inc. 29059-7.ina against graham loving 29059-43 ina vs. arthur and mary meyers 29053-28 ina.c/0 waite hill services inc. -jimmy (\"the greek\") snyder.",
  51656. "12/31/1899",
  51657. "11060375",
  51658. "cuartas carlos",
  51659. "nan",
  51660. "nan",
  51661. " hk box: 4567",
  51662. "miami",
  51663. "675489",
  51664. "nan",
  51665. "nan",
  51666. "nan",
  51667. "nan",
  51668. "nan",
  51669. "nan",
  51670. "nan",
  51671. "nan",
  51672. "nan",
  51673. "nan",
  51674. "nan",
  51675. "nan",
  51676. "nan",
  51677. "nan",
  51678. "nan",
  51679. "nan",
  51680. "nan",
  51681. "nan",
  51682. "nan",
  51683. "nan",
  51684. "nan",
  51685. "nan",
  51686. "nan"
  51687. ],
  51688. [
  51689. "111111",
  51690. "11111",
  51691. "nan",
  51692. "none",
  51693. "489535319",
  51694. "nan",
  51695. "2100 16502-5 complaint v. broker mgic adv. fslic vs. fire bs. / advs. brydon 16502-7 citibank vs.\ndatn lease",
  51696. "12/31/1899",
  51697. "12807398",
  51698. "cuartas, carlos",
  51699. "nan",
  51700. "nan",
  51701. " hk box: 2100",
  51702. "miami",
  51703. "675928",
  51704. "nan",
  51705. "nan",
  51706. "nan",
  51707. "nan",
  51708. "nan",
  51709. "nan",
  51710. "nan",
  51711. "nan",
  51712. "nan",
  51713. "nan",
  51714. "nan",
  51715. "nan",
  51716. "nan",
  51717. "nan",
  51718. "nan",
  51719. "nan",
  51720. "nan",
  51721. "nan",
  51722. "nan",
  51723. "nan",
  51724. "nan",
  51725. "nan",
  51726. "nan"
  51727. ],
  51728. [
  51729. "111111",
  51730. "11111",
  51731. "nan",
  51732. "none",
  51733. "489521224",
  51734. "nan",
  51735. "2235 16593-1 fdic v. barrasso",
  51736. "12/31/1899",
  51737. "12807295",
  51738. "cuertas, carlos",
  51739. "nan",
  51740. "nan",
  51741. " hk box: 2235",
  51742. "miami",
  51743. "676251",
  51744. "nan",
  51745. "nan",
  51746. "nan",
  51747. "nan",
  51748. "nan",
  51749. "nan",
  51750. "nan",
  51751. "nan",
  51752. "nan",
  51753. "nan",
  51754. "nan",
  51755. "nan",
  51756. "nan",
  51757. "nan",
  51758. "nan",
  51759. "nan",
  51760. "nan",
  51761. "nan",
  51762. "nan",
  51763. "nan",
  51764. "nan",
  51765. "nan",
  51766. "nan"
  51767. ],
  51768. [
  51769. "111111",
  51770. "11111",
  51771. "nan",
  51772. "none",
  51773. "89251194",
  51774. "nan",
  51775. "2222 fslic v. byron=16502-5",
  51776. "12/31/1899",
  51777. "12876596",
  51778. "cuartas, carlos\ncuartas, carlos",
  51779. "nan",
  51780. "nan",
  51781. " hk box: 2222",
  51782. "miami",
  51783. "676290",
  51784. "nan",
  51785. "nan",
  51786. "nan",
  51787. "nan",
  51788. "nan",
  51789. "nan",
  51790. "nan",
  51791. "nan",
  51792. "nan",
  51793. "nan",
  51794. "nan",
  51795. "nan",
  51796. "nan",
  51797. "nan",
  51798. "nan",
  51799. "nan",
  51800. "nan",
  51801. "nan",
  51802. "nan",
  51803. "nan",
  51804. "nan",
  51805. "nan",
  51806. "nan"
  51807. ],
  51808. [
  51809. "111111",
  51810. "11111",
  51811. "nan",
  51812. "nan",
  51813. "89251400",
  51814. "nan",
  51815. "order/reply memos of blank, rome, comisky and mccauley to motion compel. gruthe's interrogatories 26054-3 blank, rome, comisky, mccauley fslic vs. robert c. jacoby 26054-3",
  51816. "12/31/1899",
  51817. "384321",
  51818. "cuartas carlos",
  51819. "nan",
  51820. "nan",
  51821. " hk box: 4779",
  51822. "miami",
  51823. "676526",
  51824. "nan",
  51825. "nan",
  51826. "nan",
  51827. "nan",
  51828. "nan",
  51829. "nan",
  51830. "nan",
  51831. "nan",
  51832. "nan",
  51833. "nan",
  51834. "nan",
  51835. "nan",
  51836. "nan",
  51837. "nan",
  51838. "nan",
  51839. "nan",
  51840. "nan",
  51841. "nan",
  51842. "nan",
  51843. "nan",
  51844. "nan",
  51845. "nan",
  51846. "nan"
  51847. ],
  51848. [
  51849. "111111",
  51850. "11111",
  51851. "nan",
  51852. "nan",
  51853. "652547573",
  51854. "nan",
  51855. "fslic vs. robert jacoby 26054-3 volume 10, 26054-3 \"volume 10, 26054-3",
  51856. "12/31/1899",
  51857. "35866",
  51858. "cuartas carlos",
  51859. "nan",
  51860. "nan",
  51861. " hkbox: 4780 vendorbox: 652547573",
  51862. "miami",
  51863. "676527",
  51864. "nan",
  51865. "nan",
  51866. "nan",
  51867. "nan",
  51868. "nan",
  51869. "nan",
  51870. "nan",
  51871. "nan",
  51872. "nan",
  51873. "nan",
  51874. "nan",
  51875. "nan",
  51876. "nan",
  51877. "nan",
  51878. "nan",
  51879. "nan",
  51880. "nan",
  51881. "nan",
  51882. "nan",
  51883. "nan",
  51884. "nan",
  51885. "nan",
  51886. "nan"
  51887. ],
  51888. [
  51889. "111111",
  51890. "11111",
  51891. "nan",
  51892. "nan",
  51893. "489566920",
  51894. "nan",
  51895. "research file blank rome/fslic vs. jacoby",
  51896. "12/31/1899",
  51897. "384322",
  51898. "cuartas carlos",
  51899. "nan",
  51900. "nan",
  51901. " hk box: 4781",
  51902. "miami",
  51903. "676528",
  51904. "nan",
  51905. "nan",
  51906. "nan",
  51907. "nan",
  51908. "nan",
  51909. "nan",
  51910. "nan",
  51911. "nan",
  51912. "nan",
  51913. "nan",
  51914. "nan",
  51915. "nan",
  51916. "nan",
  51917. "nan",
  51918. "nan",
  51919. "nan",
  51920. "nan",
  51921. "nan",
  51922. "nan",
  51923. "nan",
  51924. "nan",
  51925. "nan",
  51926. "nan"
  51927. ],
  51928. [
  51929. "111111",
  51930. "11111",
  51931. "nan",
  51932. "nan",
  51933. "652547633",
  51934. "nan",
  51935. "fslic vs. robert jacoby vol 9, 26054-3 vol 8, vol 9.",
  51936. "12/31/1899",
  51937. "365567",
  51938. "cuartas carlos",
  51939. "nan",
  51940. "nan",
  51941. " 4784",
  51942. "miami",
  51943. "676531",
  51944. "nan",
  51945. "nan",
  51946. "nan",
  51947. "nan",
  51948. "nan",
  51949. "nan",
  51950. "nan",
  51951. "nan",
  51952. "nan",
  51953. "nan",
  51954. "nan",
  51955. "nan",
  51956. "nan",
  51957. "nan",
  51958. "nan",
  51959. "nan",
  51960. "nan",
  51961. "nan",
  51962. "nan",
  51963. "nan",
  51964. "nan",
  51965. "nan",
  51966. "nan"
  51967. ],
  51968. [
  51969. "111111",
  51970. "11111",
  51971. "nan",
  51972. "nan",
  51973. "652547572",
  51974. "nan",
  51975. "plaintiff�s supplement for production of doc's to plaint's fslic by defendant kennth r. howard 26054-3",
  51976. "12/31/1899",
  51977. "35867",
  51978. "cuartas carlos",
  51979. "nan",
  51980. "nan",
  51981. " hkbox: 4786 vendorbox: 652547572",
  51982. "miami",
  51983. "676533",
  51984. "nan",
  51985. "nan",
  51986. "nan",
  51987. "nan",
  51988. "nan",
  51989. "nan",
  51990. "nan",
  51991. "nan",
  51992. "nan",
  51993. "nan",
  51994. "nan",
  51995. "nan",
  51996. "nan",
  51997. "nan",
  51998. "nan",
  51999. "nan",
  52000. "nan",
  52001. "nan",
  52002. "nan",
  52003. "nan",
  52004. "nan",
  52005. "nan",
  52006. "nan"
  52007. ],
  52008. [
  52009. "111111",
  52010. "11111",
  52011. "birtcher financial services",
  52012. "none",
  52013. "11638213",
  52014. "nan",
  52015. "file",
  52016. "6/6/1990",
  52017. "6153",
  52018. "miller gayle",
  52019. "nan",
  52020. "nan",
  52021. "nan",
  52022. "miami",
  52023. "676683",
  52024. "nan",
  52025. "nan",
  52026. "nan",
  52027. "nan",
  52028. "nan",
  52029. "nan",
  52030. "nan",
  52031. "nan",
  52032. "nan",
  52033. "nan",
  52034. "nan",
  52035. "nan",
  52036. "nan",
  52037. "nan",
  52038. "nan",
  52039. "nan",
  52040. "nan",
  52041. "nan",
  52042. "nan",
  52043. "nan",
  52044. "nan",
  52045. "nan",
  52046. "nan"
  52047. ],
  52048. [
  52049. "111111",
  52050. "11111",
  52051. "nan",
  52052. "nan",
  52053. "652544352",
  52054. "nan",
  52055. "30827-2 burtch barone inc 30852-1 birdfinder form & proxy misc documents",
  52056. "12/31/1899",
  52057. "44796",
  52058. "cuartas carlos",
  52059. "nan",
  52060. "nan",
  52061. " 4971",
  52062. "miami",
  52063. "676851",
  52064. "nan",
  52065. "nan",
  52066. "nan",
  52067. "nan",
  52068. "nan",
  52069. "nan",
  52070. "nan",
  52071. "nan",
  52072. "nan",
  52073. "nan",
  52074. "nan",
  52075. "nan",
  52076. "nan",
  52077. "nan",
  52078. "nan",
  52079. "nan",
  52080. "nan",
  52081. "nan",
  52082. "nan",
  52083. "nan",
  52084. "nan",
  52085. "nan",
  52086. "nan"
  52087. ],
  52088. [
  52089. "111111",
  52090. "11111",
  52091. "rtc",
  52092. "ensign federal bank adv. state of florida dot",
  52093. "652606221",
  52094. "nan",
  52095. "2/16/93. (related to john alden v. mcl). correspondence, pleadings, mcl associates request for production to state of florida 10/16/90 and response there to 12/26/90. mcl interrogatories to st. of florida dot (10/16/90). king atlantic interrogatories propounded to plaintiff (11/14/90). first nationwide bank's first request for production to st. of florida dot (1/14/90). service station realty request for production to st. of fl. dot (11/08/90). bp oil company request to produce to st. of fl. dot (11/08/90). king's atlantic, inc. first request for production (11/14/90). defendant's request for production of documents from dot (06/12/92).",
  52096. "2/20/1993",
  52097. "85557",
  52098. "newman scott",
  52099. "nan",
  52100. "nan",
  52101. " hk box: 8863",
  52102. "miami",
  52103. "678343",
  52104. "nan",
  52105. "nan",
  52106. "nan",
  52107. "nan",
  52108. "nan",
  52109. "nan",
  52110. "nan",
  52111. "nan",
  52112. "nan",
  52113. "nan",
  52114. "nan",
  52115. "nan",
  52116. "nan",
  52117. "nan",
  52118. "nan",
  52119. "nan",
  52120. "nan",
  52121. "nan",
  52122. "nan",
  52123. "nan",
  52124. "nan",
  52125. "nan",
  52126. "nan"
  52127. ],
  52128. [
  52129. "111111",
  52130. "11111",
  52131. "birtcher",
  52132. "none",
  52133. "14434",
  52134. "nan",
  52135. "general matters; billing",
  52136. "7/20/1990",
  52137. "6238",
  52138. "none",
  52139. "nan",
  52140. "nan",
  52141. "nan",
  52142. "miami",
  52143. "678818",
  52144. "nan",
  52145. "nan",
  52146. "nan",
  52147. "nan",
  52148. "nan",
  52149. "nan",
  52150. "nan",
  52151. "nan",
  52152. "nan",
  52153. "nan",
  52154. "nan",
  52155. "nan",
  52156. "nan",
  52157. "nan",
  52158. "nan",
  52159. "nan",
  52160. "nan",
  52161. "nan",
  52162. "nan",
  52163. "nan",
  52164. "nan",
  52165. "nan",
  52166. "nan"
  52167. ],
  52168. [
  52169. "111111",
  52170. "11111",
  52171. "financial federal saving and loan association",
  52172. "none",
  52173. "365684",
  52174. "nan",
  52175. "correspondence michael pearson v. (fdic)",
  52176. "7/20/1990",
  52177. "6241",
  52178. "carman gary",
  52179. "nan",
  52180. "nan",
  52181. "nan",
  52182. "miami",
  52183. "678862",
  52184. "nan",
  52185. "nan",
  52186. "nan",
  52187. "nan",
  52188. "nan",
  52189. "nan",
  52190. "nan",
  52191. "nan",
  52192. "nan",
  52193. "nan",
  52194. "nan",
  52195. "nan",
  52196. "nan",
  52197. "nan",
  52198. "nan",
  52199. "nan",
  52200. "nan",
  52201. "nan",
  52202. "nan",
  52203. "nan",
  52204. "nan",
  52205. "nan",
  52206. "nan"
  52207. ],
  52208. [
  52209. "111111",
  52210. "11111",
  52211. "first consolidated bank texas",
  52212. "none",
  52213. "365684",
  52214. "nan",
  52215. "research re: limited partnership fdic - research attorney notes (sunbank)",
  52216. "7/20/1990",
  52217. "6241",
  52218. "carman gary",
  52219. "nan",
  52220. "nan",
  52221. "nan",
  52222. "miami",
  52223. "678863",
  52224. "nan",
  52225. "nan",
  52226. "nan",
  52227. "nan",
  52228. "nan",
  52229. "nan",
  52230. "nan",
  52231. "nan",
  52232. "nan",
  52233. "nan",
  52234. "nan",
  52235. "nan",
  52236. "nan",
  52237. "nan",
  52238. "nan",
  52239. "nan",
  52240. "nan",
  52241. "nan",
  52242. "nan",
  52243. "nan",
  52244. "nan",
  52245. "nan",
  52246. "nan"
  52247. ],
  52248. [
  52249. "111111",
  52250. "11111",
  52251. "fdic/commonwealth",
  52252. "none",
  52253. "365684",
  52254. "nan",
  52255. "gmc copies - fdic - commonwealth federal savings & loan - correspondence",
  52256. "7/20/1990",
  52257. "6241",
  52258. "carman gary",
  52259. "nan",
  52260. "nan",
  52261. "nan",
  52262. "miami",
  52263. "678864",
  52264. "nan",
  52265. "nan",
  52266. "nan",
  52267. "nan",
  52268. "nan",
  52269. "nan",
  52270. "nan",
  52271. "nan",
  52272. "nan",
  52273. "nan",
  52274. "nan",
  52275. "nan",
  52276. "nan",
  52277. "nan",
  52278. "nan",
  52279. "nan",
  52280. "nan",
  52281. "nan",
  52282. "nan",
  52283. "nan",
  52284. "nan",
  52285. "nan",
  52286. "nan"
  52287. ],
  52288. [
  52289. "111111",
  52290. "11111",
  52291. "fdic",
  52292. "none",
  52293. "365684",
  52294. "nan",
  52295. "commonwealth federal savings & loan re: inverrary office park - promissory notes of william pearson and/or bill pearson",
  52296. "7/20/1990",
  52297. "6241",
  52298. "carman gary",
  52299. "nan",
  52300. "nan",
  52301. "nan",
  52302. "miami",
  52303. "678865",
  52304. "nan",
  52305. "nan",
  52306. "nan",
  52307. "nan",
  52308. "nan",
  52309. "nan",
  52310. "nan",
  52311. "nan",
  52312. "nan",
  52313. "nan",
  52314. "nan",
  52315. "nan",
  52316. "nan",
  52317. "nan",
  52318. "nan",
  52319. "nan",
  52320. "nan",
  52321. "nan",
  52322. "nan",
  52323. "nan",
  52324. "nan",
  52325. "nan",
  52326. "nan"
  52327. ],
  52328. [
  52329. "111111",
  52330. "11111",
  52331. "fdic",
  52332. "none",
  52333. "365684",
  52334. "nan",
  52335. "miami savings general",
  52336. "7/20/1990",
  52337. "6241",
  52338. "carman gary",
  52339. "nan",
  52340. "nan",
  52341. "nan",
  52342. "miami",
  52343. "678867",
  52344. "nan",
  52345. "nan",
  52346. "nan",
  52347. "nan",
  52348. "nan",
  52349. "nan",
  52350. "nan",
  52351. "nan",
  52352. "nan",
  52353. "nan",
  52354. "nan",
  52355. "nan",
  52356. "nan",
  52357. "nan",
  52358. "nan",
  52359. "nan",
  52360. "nan",
  52361. "nan",
  52362. "nan",
  52363. "nan",
  52364. "nan",
  52365. "nan",
  52366. "nan"
  52367. ],
  52368. [
  52369. "111111",
  52370. "11111",
  52371. "fdic",
  52372. "none",
  52373. "365684",
  52374. "nan",
  52375. "federal deposit insurance corporation; general",
  52376. "7/20/1990",
  52377. "6241",
  52378. "carman gary",
  52379. "nan",
  52380. "nan",
  52381. "nan",
  52382. "miami",
  52383. "678868",
  52384. "nan",
  52385. "nan",
  52386. "nan",
  52387. "nan",
  52388. "nan",
  52389. "nan",
  52390. "nan",
  52391. "nan",
  52392. "nan",
  52393. "nan",
  52394. "nan",
  52395. "nan",
  52396. "nan",
  52397. "nan",
  52398. "nan",
  52399. "nan",
  52400. "nan",
  52401. "nan",
  52402. "nan",
  52403. "nan",
  52404. "nan",
  52405. "nan",
  52406. "nan"
  52407. ],
  52408. [
  52409. "111111",
  52410. "11111",
  52411. "fdic vs. taylor",
  52412. "none",
  52413. "89249269",
  52414. "nan",
  52415. "3/9/93; correspondence",
  52416. "2/20/1993",
  52417. "85569",
  52418. "newman scott",
  52419. "nan",
  52420. "nan",
  52421. " hk box: 8875",
  52422. "miami",
  52423. "678950",
  52424. "nan",
  52425. "nan",
  52426. "nan",
  52427. "nan",
  52428. "nan",
  52429. "nan",
  52430. "nan",
  52431. "nan",
  52432. "nan",
  52433. "nan",
  52434. "nan",
  52435. "nan",
  52436. "nan",
  52437. "nan",
  52438. "nan",
  52439. "nan",
  52440. "nan",
  52441. "nan",
  52442. "nan",
  52443. "nan",
  52444. "nan",
  52445. "nan",
  52446. "nan"
  52447. ],
  52448. [
  52449. "111111",
  52450. "11111",
  52451. "rtc",
  52452. "evergreen federal sears meeting 28028-1",
  52453. "89249269",
  52454. "nan",
  52455. "3/9/93; correspondence; evaluatin referral and budget fro conflict search; attorney's notes (sbn); pleadings",
  52456. "2/20/1993",
  52457. "85569",
  52458. "newman scott",
  52459. "nan",
  52460. "nan",
  52461. " hk box: 8875",
  52462. "miami",
  52463. "678951",
  52464. "nan",
  52465. "nan",
  52466. "nan",
  52467. "nan",
  52468. "nan",
  52469. "nan",
  52470. "nan",
  52471. "nan",
  52472. "nan",
  52473. "nan",
  52474. "nan",
  52475. "nan",
  52476. "nan",
  52477. "nan",
  52478. "nan",
  52479. "nan",
  52480. "nan",
  52481. "nan",
  52482. "nan",
  52483. "nan",
  52484. "nan",
  52485. "nan",
  52486. "nan"
  52487. ],
  52488. [
  52489. "111111",
  52490. "11111",
  52491. "rtc",
  52492. "professional saving bank",
  52493. "89252363",
  52494. "nan",
  52495. "3/10/93; status report as of december 31, 1991; agreed orders on substitution of council re: various professionals sav. cases; miscellaneous file containing documents to be filed in the cases listed below: rtc/las flores (file never opened); rtc/professional savings vs. carey; rtc/professional savings vs. zaminco; rtc/professional savings vs. gong; rtc/professional savings vs. professionals office center; rtc/professional saving vs. miscellaneous documents; rtc/professional saving vs. firestone; rtc/professional saving vs. del valle; rtc/state of ronald fine; rtc/professional saving/tamiami corporate; rtc/professional saving vs. south fl. apartments/rtc/professional savings vs. commodore plaza",
  52496. "2/22/1993",
  52497. "85578",
  52498. "newman scott",
  52499. "nan",
  52500. "nan",
  52501. " hk box: 8884",
  52502. "miami",
  52503. "679230",
  52504. "nan",
  52505. "nan",
  52506. "nan",
  52507. "nan",
  52508. "nan",
  52509. "nan",
  52510. "nan",
  52511. "nan",
  52512. "nan",
  52513. "nan",
  52514. "nan",
  52515. "nan",
  52516. "nan",
  52517. "nan",
  52518. "nan",
  52519. "nan",
  52520. "nan",
  52521. "nan",
  52522. "nan",
  52523. "nan",
  52524. "nan",
  52525. "nan",
  52526. "nan"
  52527. ],
  52528. [
  52529. "111111",
  52530. "11111",
  52531. "rtc",
  52532. "professional savings",
  52533. "89252417",
  52534. "nan",
  52535. "3/10/93: $2,050,000 housing finance authority of dade county, florida multifamily mortgage bonds 19185 series 22 (so. florida apts. i project) $2,950,000 housing finance authority of dade county, florida; multifamily mortgage revenue bonds 1985 series 21 south florida apts. project palm lakes.",
  52536. "2/26/1993",
  52537. "85587",
  52538. "friedman robert",
  52539. "nan",
  52540. "nan",
  52541. " hk box: 8894",
  52542. "miami",
  52543. "679426",
  52544. "nan",
  52545. "nan",
  52546. "nan",
  52547. "nan",
  52548. "nan",
  52549. "nan",
  52550. "nan",
  52551. "nan",
  52552. "nan",
  52553. "nan",
  52554. "nan",
  52555. "nan",
  52556. "nan",
  52557. "nan",
  52558. "nan",
  52559. "nan",
  52560. "nan",
  52561. "nan",
  52562. "nan",
  52563. "nan",
  52564. "nan",
  52565. "nan",
  52566. "nan"
  52567. ],
  52568. [
  52569. "111111",
  52570. "11111",
  52571. "rtc",
  52572. "none",
  52573. "489488669",
  52574. "nan",
  52575. "general; professional; administrative",
  52576. "10/10/1991",
  52577. "12130045",
  52578. "none",
  52579. "nan",
  52580. "nan",
  52581. " hk box: 6309",
  52582. "miami",
  52583. "680953",
  52584. "nan",
  52585. "nan",
  52586. "nan",
  52587. "nan",
  52588. "nan",
  52589. "nan",
  52590. "nan",
  52591. "nan",
  52592. "nan",
  52593. "nan",
  52594. "nan",
  52595. "nan",
  52596. "nan",
  52597. "nan",
  52598. "nan",
  52599. "nan",
  52600. "nan",
  52601. "nan",
  52602. "nan",
  52603. "nan",
  52604. "nan",
  52605. "nan",
  52606. "nan"
  52607. ],
  52608. [
  52609. "111111",
  52610. "11111",
  52611. "fdic",
  52612. "none",
  52613. "460605052",
  52614. "nan",
  52615. "correspondence",
  52616. "10/10/1991",
  52617. "12130048",
  52618. "none",
  52619. "nan",
  52620. "nan",
  52621. " hk box: 6312",
  52622. "miami",
  52623. "680978",
  52624. "nan",
  52625. "nan",
  52626. "nan",
  52627. "nan",
  52628. "nan",
  52629. "nan",
  52630. "nan",
  52631. "nan",
  52632. "nan",
  52633. "nan",
  52634. "nan",
  52635. "nan",
  52636. "nan",
  52637. "nan",
  52638. "nan",
  52639. "nan",
  52640. "nan",
  52641. "nan",
  52642. "nan",
  52643. "nan",
  52644. "nan",
  52645. "nan",
  52646. "nan"
  52647. ],
  52648. [
  52649. "111111",
  52650. "11111",
  52651. "fdic",
  52652. "none",
  52653. "489534432",
  52654. "nan",
  52655. "general; luckey",
  52656. "10/10/1991",
  52657. "12269065",
  52658. "none",
  52659. "nan",
  52660. "nan",
  52661. " hk box: 35145",
  52662. "miami",
  52663. "680981",
  52664. "nan",
  52665. "nan",
  52666. "nan",
  52667. "nan",
  52668. "nan",
  52669. "nan",
  52670. "nan",
  52671. "nan",
  52672. "nan",
  52673. "nan",
  52674. "nan",
  52675. "nan",
  52676. "nan",
  52677. "nan",
  52678. "nan",
  52679. "nan",
  52680. "nan",
  52681. "nan",
  52682. "nan",
  52683. "nan",
  52684. "nan",
  52685. "nan",
  52686. "nan"
  52687. ],
  52688. [
  52689. "111111",
  52690. "11111",
  52691. "rtc",
  52692. "none",
  52693. "489339939",
  52694. "nan",
  52695. "qualifications/certification",
  52696. "10/15/1991",
  52697. "12130071",
  52698. "rowe david",
  52699. "nan",
  52700. "nan",
  52701. "please pull this box using im# 489520177 aa#34170 former hk# 6333 hk box: 6333",
  52702. "miami",
  52703. "681049",
  52704. "nan",
  52705. "nan",
  52706. "nan",
  52707. "nan",
  52708. "nan",
  52709. "nan",
  52710. "nan",
  52711. "nan",
  52712. "nan",
  52713. "nan",
  52714. "nan",
  52715. "nan",
  52716. "nan",
  52717. "nan",
  52718. "nan",
  52719. "nan",
  52720. "nan",
  52721. "nan",
  52722. "nan",
  52723. "nan",
  52724. "nan",
  52725. "nan",
  52726. "nan"
  52727. ],
  52728. [
  52729. "111111",
  52730. "11111",
  52731. "nan",
  52732. "nan",
  52733. "489534400",
  52734. "nan",
  52735. "24285-1 david perez, fdic investigation. 24312-1 intl. precious metals corp. vs. aldred investment trust (m. steinberg) 15677-2 a.c.c.i. (steinberg) 18657-3 ecology inc. contract dispute with ex-employee (steinberg) 25105-1 tom dixon defamation suit. 26488-1 medica media-general. 54495-0 calusa billing",
  52736. "12/31/1899",
  52737. "12807130",
  52738. "cuartas carlos",
  52739. "nan",
  52740. "nan",
  52741. " hk box: 1633",
  52742. "miami",
  52743. "681601",
  52744. "nan",
  52745. "nan",
  52746. "nan",
  52747. "nan",
  52748. "nan",
  52749. "nan",
  52750. "nan",
  52751. "nan",
  52752. "nan",
  52753. "nan",
  52754. "nan",
  52755. "nan",
  52756. "nan",
  52757. "nan",
  52758. "nan",
  52759. "nan",
  52760. "nan",
  52761. "nan",
  52762. "nan",
  52763. "nan",
  52764. "nan",
  52765. "nan",
  52766. "nan"
  52767. ],
  52768. [
  52769. "111111",
  52770. "11111",
  52771. "nan",
  52772. "nan",
  52773. "35865",
  52774. "nan",
  52775. "blank/rome/fslic 26045-3 pleading",
  52776. "12/31/1899",
  52777. "3614",
  52778. "cuartas carlos",
  52779. "nan",
  52780. "nan",
  52781. "nan",
  52782. "miami",
  52783. "682186",
  52784. "nan",
  52785. "nan",
  52786. "nan",
  52787. "nan",
  52788. "nan",
  52789. "nan",
  52790. "nan",
  52791. "nan",
  52792. "nan",
  52793. "nan",
  52794. "nan",
  52795. "nan",
  52796. "nan",
  52797. "nan",
  52798. "nan",
  52799. "nan",
  52800. "nan",
  52801. "nan",
  52802. "nan",
  52803. "nan",
  52804. "nan",
  52805. "nan",
  52806. "nan"
  52807. ],
  52808. [
  52809. "111111",
  52810. "11111",
  52811. "rtc adv. dot",
  52812. "none",
  52813. "12326093",
  52814. "nan",
  52815. "correspondence from 03/08/89 through 11/07/90.- pleadings � vol. i - case # 89-48541 from 11/02/89.- through 06/04/90.- dot's first request for production dated 11/02/89 dot's first request for admissions dated 11/02/89.- books for less request for production dated 11/30/89. -dot's first request for production dated 06/04/90.- dot's first request for admissions regarding parcels 122 & 815 dated 04/05/90. -notice of intention to acquire.- statements of conditions.- sullivan.- invoice file.- attorney's fees issue.- 1989 correspondence",
  52816. "11/12/1991",
  52817. "6520",
  52818. "korchin judith",
  52819. "nan",
  52820. "nan",
  52821. "nan",
  52822. "miami",
  52823. "682484",
  52824. "nan",
  52825. "nan",
  52826. "nan",
  52827. "nan",
  52828. "nan",
  52829. "nan",
  52830. "nan",
  52831. "nan",
  52832. "nan",
  52833. "nan",
  52834. "nan",
  52835. "nan",
  52836. "nan",
  52837. "nan",
  52838. "nan",
  52839. "nan",
  52840. "nan",
  52841. "nan",
  52842. "nan",
  52843. "nan",
  52844. "nan",
  52845. "nan",
  52846. "nan"
  52847. ],
  52848. [
  52849. "111111",
  52850. "11111",
  52851. "jce rtc",
  52852. "none",
  52853. "489534410",
  52854. "nan",
  52855. "william michael adkinson.- doc's received from nathan wood & sommers",
  52856. "11/27/1991",
  52857. "12372814",
  52858. "enjamio, juan c.",
  52859. "nan",
  52860. "nan",
  52861. " hk box: 6583",
  52862. "miami",
  52863. "682930",
  52864. "nan",
  52865. "nan",
  52866. "nan",
  52867. "nan",
  52868. "nan",
  52869. "nan",
  52870. "nan",
  52871. "nan",
  52872. "nan",
  52873. "nan",
  52874. "nan",
  52875. "nan",
  52876. "nan",
  52877. "nan",
  52878. "nan",
  52879. "nan",
  52880. "nan",
  52881. "nan",
  52882. "nan",
  52883. "nan",
  52884. "nan",
  52885. "nan",
  52886. "nan"
  52887. ],
  52888. [
  52889. "111111",
  52890. "11111",
  52891. "jce rtc",
  52892. "none",
  52893. "490615740",
  52894. "nan",
  52895. "william michael adkinson.- doc's received from nathan wood & sommers",
  52896. "11/27/1991",
  52897. "12372815",
  52898. "none",
  52899. "nan",
  52900. "nan",
  52901. " hk box: 6584",
  52902. "miami",
  52903. "682931",
  52904. "nan",
  52905. "nan",
  52906. "nan",
  52907. "nan",
  52908. "nan",
  52909. "nan",
  52910. "nan",
  52911. "nan",
  52912. "nan",
  52913. "nan",
  52914. "nan",
  52915. "nan",
  52916. "nan",
  52917. "nan",
  52918. "nan",
  52919. "nan",
  52920. "nan",
  52921. "nan",
  52922. "nan",
  52923. "nan",
  52924. "nan",
  52925. "nan",
  52926. "nan"
  52927. ],
  52928. [
  52929. "111111",
  52930. "11111",
  52931. "jce rtc",
  52932. "none",
  52933. "490617457",
  52934. "nan",
  52935. "william michael adkinson.- doc's received from nathan wood & sommers",
  52936. "11/27/1991",
  52937. "12372819",
  52938. "enjamio, juan c.",
  52939. "nan",
  52940. "nan",
  52941. " hk box: 6588",
  52942. "miami",
  52943. "682936",
  52944. "nan",
  52945. "nan",
  52946. "nan",
  52947. "nan",
  52948. "nan",
  52949. "nan",
  52950. "nan",
  52951. "nan",
  52952. "nan",
  52953. "nan",
  52954. "nan",
  52955. "nan",
  52956. "nan",
  52957. "nan",
  52958. "nan",
  52959. "nan",
  52960. "nan",
  52961. "nan",
  52962. "nan",
  52963. "nan",
  52964. "nan",
  52965. "nan",
  52966. "nan"
  52967. ],
  52968. [
  52969. "111111",
  52970. "11111",
  52971. "jce rtc",
  52972. "none",
  52973. "489519570",
  52974. "nan",
  52975. "william michael adkinson.- doc's received from nathan wood & sommers",
  52976. "11/27/1991",
  52977. "12372820",
  52978. "enjamio, juan c.",
  52979. "nan",
  52980. "nan",
  52981. " hk box: 6589",
  52982. "miami",
  52983. "682937",
  52984. "nan",
  52985. "nan",
  52986. "nan",
  52987. "nan",
  52988. "nan",
  52989. "nan",
  52990. "nan",
  52991. "nan",
  52992. "nan",
  52993. "nan",
  52994. "nan",
  52995. "nan",
  52996. "nan",
  52997. "nan",
  52998. "nan",
  52999. "nan",
  53000. "nan",
  53001. "nan",
  53002. "nan",
  53003. "nan",
  53004. "nan",
  53005. "nan",
  53006. "nan"
  53007. ],
  53008. [
  53009. "111111",
  53010. "11111",
  53011. "jce rtc",
  53012. "none",
  53013. "489519557",
  53014. "nan",
  53015. "william michael adkinson.- doc's received from nathan wood & sommers",
  53016. "11/27/1991",
  53017. "12372821",
  53018. "enjamio, juan c.",
  53019. "nan",
  53020. "nan",
  53021. " hk box: 6590",
  53022. "miami",
  53023. "682938",
  53024. "nan",
  53025. "nan",
  53026. "nan",
  53027. "nan",
  53028. "nan",
  53029. "nan",
  53030. "nan",
  53031. "nan",
  53032. "nan",
  53033. "nan",
  53034. "nan",
  53035. "nan",
  53036. "nan",
  53037. "nan",
  53038. "nan",
  53039. "nan",
  53040. "nan",
  53041. "nan",
  53042. "nan",
  53043. "nan",
  53044. "nan",
  53045. "nan",
  53046. "nan"
  53047. ],
  53048. [
  53049. "111111",
  53050. "11111",
  53051. "jce rtc",
  53052. "none",
  53053. "652600201",
  53054. "nan",
  53055. "william michael adkinson.- doc's received from nathan wood & sommers",
  53056. "11/27/1991",
  53057. "12372822",
  53058. "enjamio, juan c.",
  53059. "nan",
  53060. "nan",
  53061. " hk box: 6591",
  53062. "miami",
  53063. "682939",
  53064. "nan",
  53065. "nan",
  53066. "nan",
  53067. "nan",
  53068. "nan",
  53069. "nan",
  53070. "nan",
  53071. "nan",
  53072. "nan",
  53073. "nan",
  53074. "nan",
  53075. "nan",
  53076. "nan",
  53077. "nan",
  53078. "nan",
  53079. "nan",
  53080. "nan",
  53081. "nan",
  53082. "nan",
  53083. "nan",
  53084. "nan",
  53085. "nan",
  53086. "nan"
  53087. ],
  53088. [
  53089. "111111",
  53090. "11111",
  53091. "rtc",
  53092. "none",
  53093. "672025681",
  53094. "nan",
  53095. "2/25/93. correspondence folders (red) volume i - june 1990. volume ii july 1990. billing folder, buchanan harper bill (white folder). memorandum folder (1990-1988) pmrg memos memorandum of law re rico. notes & research -- yellow ms. notes ampy luaces -- notes j. c. e. m. s. research, al. l. -- research, l. a. h. -- research, j. c. e. -- research m. s. -- research -- appraisers, m.d. -- research -- injunctive relief m. s. -- research - injunctino. j. c. e. -- statute of limitation rico. j.c.e. research - prejudgment attachment j.c.e. -- research seizure of asset jucntion. j.c.e. research s. o. l. j.c. e. research -- negligence of appraiser. research folder (no label).",
  53096. "3/8/1993",
  53097. "85673",
  53098. "enjamio, juan c.",
  53099. "nan",
  53100. "nan",
  53101. " hk box: 8980",
  53102. "miami",
  53103. "683152",
  53104. "nan",
  53105. "nan",
  53106. "nan",
  53107. "nan",
  53108. "nan",
  53109. "nan",
  53110. "nan",
  53111. "nan",
  53112. "nan",
  53113. "nan",
  53114. "nan",
  53115. "nan",
  53116. "nan",
  53117. "nan",
  53118. "nan",
  53119. "nan",
  53120. "nan",
  53121. "nan",
  53122. "nan",
  53123. "nan",
  53124. "nan",
  53125. "nan",
  53126. "nan"
  53127. ],
  53128. [
  53129. "111111",
  53130. "11111",
  53131. "rtc",
  53132. "none",
  53133. "672025677",
  53134. "nan",
  53135. "2/25/93. deposition -- blue folders. depositino of keith alan cox (june 4, 1990). deposition of keith alan cox (june 5, 1990). deposition of keith alan cox (june 6, 1990). white folders-miscellaneous; the following are kept in hill financial documents accordion folder. rtc document log. kansas complaint. rtc sandshore chronology letter 12/20/90 to enjamio abstract of title, abstrct summary; global settlement; proposal deeds of proeprty not owned by sandsend. appraisal -- 6/21/86 luedemann introduction. letter 2/23/87; letter 12/4/90 to juan enjamio; 9/26/88 memo to mark wilcox, etc. report of appraisal crime informatino re john dick map of property, newspaper articles, bankruptcy memo. letter 5/11/90 jay b. katz; letter 6/15/90 mark wilcox. s&l outside counsel fee bill/status report. compromise by sandsend. trustees agenda item and backup info; memo of law re prejudgment attachment. petitino for formal adminsitrative proceeding; loan from delta savings -- hard green file folder); draft -- u. s. attorney complaint -- (grey folder); draft complaint (grey folder). u. s. attorneys complaint (grey folder). rtc files received from jose ceppi. part i -- crossviews development, part ii -- development mortgage, part iii - 1st western equity, part iv -- ferguson c & d. light green hard folders; walton county investors project emerald coast joint venture project. sandestine/sandshore/sandsend project. rtc -- folder with new matter memo only in it. rtc-hill financial shadow file. accordian folder bank index booklet and loose papers. accordion folder with hill financial deposition exhibits. orange folders; list of surveyors chronology. white files; corp. information allied bank of texas; compendium trust ltd., brown col. investments, compendium trust ltd., continental savings, delta savings, development group, robert l. collins, corson, robert, cox, keith, dawson, wayne, dofilmo, gilbert c., erskine, andy; ferguson, robert; freeman, lawrence; harvey, raymond sidney, kistler, daniel, koshkin, ben. luedeman, waldo; marshall, thomas. peek, ronald dale; rollin; rick; van huss, barney; development mortgage; emerald coast joint venture, ferguson, c & d inc; plantec, first western equity, hill financial savings, imperail title co. jax, inc. kleberg county savings, lamar savings association marshall appraisals; panhandle coast investments, real estate securities; sandsend financial consultants, sandshore investors, vision bank, vorvados investments, walton county investors.",
  53136. "3/8/1993",
  53137. "85674",
  53138. "enjamio, juan c.",
  53139. "nan",
  53140. "nan",
  53141. " hk box: 8981",
  53142. "miami",
  53143. "683154",
  53144. "nan",
  53145. "nan",
  53146. "nan",
  53147. "nan",
  53148. "nan",
  53149. "nan",
  53150. "nan",
  53151. "nan",
  53152. "nan",
  53153. "nan",
  53154. "nan",
  53155. "nan",
  53156. "nan",
  53157. "nan",
  53158. "nan",
  53159. "nan",
  53160. "nan",
  53161. "nan",
  53162. "nan",
  53163. "nan",
  53164. "nan",
  53165. "nan",
  53166. "nan"
  53167. ],
  53168. [
  53169. "111111",
  53170. "11111",
  53171. "home/vernon 11/18/88",
  53172. "none",
  53173. "460603197",
  53174. "nan",
  53175. "vernon ledger sheets, agreement by receiver.- financial statement, background info, excerpt from loan.- offering doc's, mortgages/note, title printout, appraisal 4,1,86, tenant misc., misc corres. received from client, returned mail; business plan by gerry doyle.- 9/87 kleinstiver report 4/86, complaint exhibits, vernon.- financial report, ralph edgar consulting report, vernon.- financial corp loan offering summary, ralph edgar consulting group, inc. second draft settlement proposal to fslic as receiver for vernon savings.-",
  53176. "12/13/1991",
  53177. "12377406",
  53178. "miller gayle",
  53179. "nan",
  53180. "nan",
  53181. " hk box: 6645",
  53182. "miami",
  53183. "683166",
  53184. "nan",
  53185. "nan",
  53186. "nan",
  53187. "nan",
  53188. "nan",
  53189. "nan",
  53190. "nan",
  53191. "nan",
  53192. "nan",
  53193. "nan",
  53194. "nan",
  53195. "nan",
  53196. "nan",
  53197. "nan",
  53198. "nan",
  53199. "nan",
  53200. "nan",
  53201. "nan",
  53202. "nan",
  53203. "nan",
  53204. "nan",
  53205. "nan",
  53206. "nan"
  53207. ],
  53208. [
  53209. "111111",
  53210. "11111",
  53211. "home/vernon 11/18/88",
  53212. "none",
  53213. "460600827",
  53214. "nan",
  53215. "depostion, proof of claim forms, correspondence pre h&k, inter-office memos, report of wayne kleinstiver re: village pointe shopping center ralph edgar report 5/1/87, re: fslic, drafts circuit.- civil edgar group meeting in dalls wednesday jan 27, 1988 draft questions of corp rep - vernon drafts (usdc). duplicates doc, (usdc), duplicate.- docis (circuit civil) newspaper articles returned mail.- docis from receiver 3/87 model complaint sfsb, notices to owner/claims of lien, catatlog of docis made available by vernon, judgment searches on borrowers.",
  53216. "12/13/1991",
  53217. "12377408",
  53218. "miller gayle",
  53219. "nan",
  53220. "nan",
  53221. " hk box: 6647",
  53222. "miami",
  53223. "683169",
  53224. "nan",
  53225. "nan",
  53226. "nan",
  53227. "nan",
  53228. "nan",
  53229. "nan",
  53230. "nan",
  53231. "nan",
  53232. "nan",
  53233. "nan",
  53234. "nan",
  53235. "nan",
  53236. "nan",
  53237. "nan",
  53238. "nan",
  53239. "nan",
  53240. "nan",
  53241. "nan",
  53242. "nan",
  53243. "nan",
  53244. "nan",
  53245. "nan",
  53246. "nan"
  53247. ],
  53248. [
  53249. "111111",
  53250. "11111",
  53251. "fslic v. robert c. jacoby",
  53252. "none",
  53253. "489342880",
  53254. "nan",
  53255. "pleading volume",
  53256. "1/14/1991",
  53257. "12397977",
  53258. "steinberg marty",
  53259. "nan",
  53260. "nan",
  53261. " hk box: 6815",
  53262. "miami",
  53263. "683801",
  53264. "nan",
  53265. "nan",
  53266. "nan",
  53267. "nan",
  53268. "nan",
  53269. "nan",
  53270. "nan",
  53271. "nan",
  53272. "nan",
  53273. "nan",
  53274. "nan",
  53275. "nan",
  53276. "nan",
  53277. "nan",
  53278. "nan",
  53279. "nan",
  53280. "nan",
  53281. "nan",
  53282. "nan",
  53283. "nan",
  53284. "nan",
  53285. "nan",
  53286. "nan"
  53287. ],
  53288. [
  53289. "111111",
  53290. "11111",
  53291. "bagdan",
  53292. "in re: perlman",
  53293. "625426739",
  53294. "nan",
  53295. "pleadings � volume 1; correspondence � volume 10; objections to claims; j. bagdan in re: c. perlman; 12/08/98 hearing notebook; pearlman � claims; perlman fdic, for capital claim bank of california objections; perlman, clifford claims registered mail; perlman midlantic claim national bank objections; perlman dubbin, berkman claim objection; perlman james and sheri claim borax objections; perlman / abbots square claim objection; bagdan, jules i. in re: clifford s. perlman \"claims register\"; perlman objections to claim; harriet perlman claims (no.'s 36, 37, 38 & 39); proof of claims � clifford borax; proof of claims; amended proof of claim filed by w. joel 02/11/98; irs claim (no. 49); irs claim (no. 30); claim national bank claim (no. 18); claims analysis; clifford perlman 11/7/95",
  53296. "4/8/2002",
  53297. "10888020",
  53298. "rasile craig v",
  53299. "nan",
  53300. "nan",
  53301. " hk box: 27513",
  53302. "miami",
  53303. "684032",
  53304. "nan",
  53305. "nan",
  53306. "nan",
  53307. "nan",
  53308. "nan",
  53309. "nan",
  53310. "nan",
  53311. "nan",
  53312. "nan",
  53313. "nan",
  53314. "nan",
  53315. "nan",
  53316. "nan",
  53317. "nan",
  53318. "nan",
  53319. "nan",
  53320. "nan",
  53321. "nan",
  53322. "nan",
  53323. "nan",
  53324. "nan",
  53325. "nan",
  53326. "nan"
  53327. ],
  53328. [
  53329. "111111",
  53330. "11111",
  53331. "blank rome",
  53332. "none",
  53333. "43474",
  53334. "nan",
  53335. "fslic v. robert jacoby; correspondence vol. 172",
  53336. "1/14/1991",
  53337. "6895",
  53338. "steinberg marty",
  53339. "nan",
  53340. "nan",
  53341. "nan",
  53342. "miami",
  53343. "684143",
  53344. "nan",
  53345. "nan",
  53346. "nan",
  53347. "nan",
  53348. "nan",
  53349. "nan",
  53350. "nan",
  53351. "nan",
  53352. "nan",
  53353. "nan",
  53354. "nan",
  53355. "nan",
  53356. "nan",
  53357. "nan",
  53358. "nan",
  53359. "nan",
  53360. "nan",
  53361. "nan",
  53362. "nan",
  53363. "nan",
  53364. "nan",
  53365. "nan",
  53366. "nan"
  53367. ],
  53368. [
  53369. "111111",
  53370. "11111",
  53371. "union credit bank",
  53372. "none",
  53373. "489337974",
  53374. "nan",
  53375. "public hearing; sofisa bank application; fdic approval letter; fdic letter d/d 04/19/00 - response to letter d/d 5/24/00; fdic letter response to letter d/d 9/15/00; fdic response to letter d/d 12/05/00; public hearing � research; letter to fdic d/d 12/05/00; letter to fdic d/d 12/13/00; letter to fdic d/d 01/05/01; letter to fdic d/d 02/05/01; letter to fdic d/d 10/11/00",
  53376. "4/25/2002",
  53377. "10888178",
  53378. "avila alcides i",
  53379. "nan",
  53380. "nan",
  53381. " hk box: 27671",
  53382. "miami",
  53383. "686044",
  53384. "nan",
  53385. "nan",
  53386. "nan",
  53387. "nan",
  53388. "nan",
  53389. "nan",
  53390. "nan",
  53391. "nan",
  53392. "nan",
  53393. "nan",
  53394. "nan",
  53395. "nan",
  53396. "nan",
  53397. "nan",
  53398. "nan",
  53399. "nan",
  53400. "nan",
  53401. "nan",
  53402. "nan",
  53403. "nan",
  53404. "nan",
  53405. "nan",
  53406. "nan"
  53407. ],
  53408. [
  53409. "111111",
  53410. "11111",
  53411. "files",
  53412. "files",
  53413. "652552491",
  53414. "nan",
  53415. "aat-abi acquisition � 20469.32 - general; adelante technologies inc. - employment agreement; gayle aertker � 83625.1 - general; � � 70096.1 - general; air ops;; airspan - general; all american containers, inc. � 58562.1 - candle company acquisition; all american containers, inc. � 58562.1 - general; all american containers, inc. � 58562.1 - anchor glass distribution agreement; all american containers, inc-mc supply 58562.1 - general; all american containers � 58562.1 - john mcmanus non-compete agreement; american tax funding � 70484 - new real estate llc; american tax holdings � 70484 - general; american tax holdings � 70484 - formation documents; american tax holdings � 70484 - operating agreement; americatel � oan bankruptcy - bankruptcy documents; americatel � oan bankruptcy - financing documents; americatel � oan bankruptcy - general; andrx - shareholder litigation; applied automation techniques, inc. � 20469; applied automation techniques, inc. � 20469 - general; applied digital solutions, inc.; ariely - general; michael ashley enterprises inc. ; aurafin - labor contract ; aurafin - goldman escrow notices � ; aurafin - artcarve � letter of intent; aurafin/braunstein acquisition - general; aurafin v. sciarra; aurafin � star exports - general; aurafin - almond license agreement; aurafin � michael anthony jewelers - general; aurafin � andel jewelry corp. - letter of intent; aurafin � tmi acquisition - letter of intent;; avenex communications inc. -; bank of america - securities litigation",
  53416. "4/29/2003",
  53417. "11360563",
  53418. "bell rod",
  53419. "nan",
  53420. "nan",
  53421. " 30297",
  53422. "miami",
  53423. "691063",
  53424. "nan",
  53425. "nan",
  53426. "nan",
  53427. "nan",
  53428. "nan",
  53429. "nan",
  53430. "nan",
  53431. "nan",
  53432. "nan",
  53433. "nan",
  53434. "nan",
  53435. "nan",
  53436. "nan",
  53437. "nan",
  53438. "nan",
  53439. "nan",
  53440. "nan",
  53441. "nan",
  53442. "nan",
  53443. "nan",
  53444. "nan",
  53445. "nan",
  53446. "nan"
  53447. ],
  53448. [
  53449. "111111",
  53450. "11111",
  53451. "none",
  53452. "none",
  53453. "30831",
  53454. "nan",
  53455. "box was perm out per s. stauffer on 3/12/04. 12. syk62-000001- syk62-002287\n no 07/26/02 no sykes documents regarding curtco",
  53456. "8/15/2003",
  53457. "30831",
  53458. "nichols tracy",
  53459. "nan",
  53460. "nan",
  53461. "nan",
  53462. "miami",
  53463. "691981",
  53464. "nan",
  53465. "nan",
  53466. "nan",
  53467. "nan",
  53468. "nan",
  53469. "nan",
  53470. "nan",
  53471. "nan",
  53472. "nan",
  53473. "nan",
  53474. "nan",
  53475. "nan",
  53476. "nan",
  53477. "nan",
  53478. "nan",
  53479. "nan",
  53480. "nan",
  53481. "nan",
  53482. "nan",
  53483. "nan",
  53484. "nan",
  53485. "nan",
  53486. "nan"
  53487. ],
  53488. [
  53489. "111111",
  53490. "11111",
  53491. "none listed",
  53492. "none listed",
  53493. "489489560",
  53494. "nan",
  53495. "box 3 � mikki canton\n\n\n1. mastec north america inc- 70505-1\n2. mastec artcom- 70505-2\n3. mastec: adesta (mayerson) 70505-3\n4. menendez, jackie\n5. martin: dcps matter\n6. melo, vincente (a. jimenez) 76579-1\n7. metromedia fiber network services\n8. mexico city office / george mencio- mikki canton travel other 95000-36746\n9. miami dade school readiness\n10. miami dade county school readiness- eldridge warren\n11. miami dade county school legislative session 2001\n12. miami dade county charter review\n13. meyers parking system miami dade county legislative 2001- 2002\n14. superintendent roger cuevas meeting- in mr. smiths office july 27, 1998\n15. miami dade county college board of trustees � gubernatorial appointment quest 2/5/99\n16. miami dade county (web site) online � internet 6/98\n17. miami dade county 56817-1 1997-1998 state legislative sessions\n18. miami dade county legislative session 2000\n19. miami dade 2000 legislative session- people mover\n20. miami dade county legislative delegation- dade delegation public hearing 11/98\n21. miami dade county 56817-1 � legislative session 1998- 1999 billing file",
  53496. "8/26/2003",
  53497. "11516951",
  53498. "canton mikki",
  53499. "nan",
  53500. "nan",
  53501. " hk box: 31000",
  53502. "miami",
  53503. "692180",
  53504. "nan",
  53505. "nan",
  53506. "nan",
  53507. "nan",
  53508. "nan",
  53509. "nan",
  53510. "nan",
  53511. "nan",
  53512. "nan",
  53513. "nan",
  53514. "nan",
  53515. "nan",
  53516. "nan",
  53517. "nan",
  53518. "nan",
  53519. "nan",
  53520. "nan",
  53521. "nan",
  53522. "nan",
  53523. "nan",
  53524. "nan",
  53525. "nan",
  53526. "nan"
  53527. ],
  53528. [
  53529. "111111",
  53530. "11111",
  53531. "rtc investments, inc.",
  53532. "none",
  53533. "652545151",
  53534. "nan",
  53535. "none",
  53536. "9/9/2003",
  53537. "11516984",
  53538. "ancheta rosa",
  53539. "off-site",
  53540. "nan",
  53541. " 31033//",
  53542. "miami",
  53543. "692293",
  53544. "nan",
  53545. "nan",
  53546. "nan",
  53547. "nan",
  53548. "nan",
  53549. "nan",
  53550. "nan",
  53551. "nan",
  53552. "nan",
  53553. "nan",
  53554. "nan",
  53555. "nan",
  53556. "nan",
  53557. "nan",
  53558. "nan",
  53559. "nan",
  53560. "nan",
  53561. "nan",
  53562. "nan",
  53563. "nan",
  53564. "nan",
  53565. "nan",
  53566. "nan"
  53567. ],
  53568. [
  53569. "111111",
  53570. "11111",
  53571. "miscellaneous",
  53572. "miscellaneous",
  53573. "490614957",
  53574. "nan",
  53575. "box: 11\n\nbalize\nbarer, irwin & sybil � estate planning\nbanco international fdic\nalthasen, paul & shan- correspondence 77566-2\nuk tax treaty\nresearch\napplication for withholding certificate\ndocumentation received from client\nabady, camille\nansill, leonard \nwarsowe capital\nalpha investments � limits on benefits 431400.6\nattias raquel\nbarreto, antonio",
  53576. "1/27/2004",
  53577. "11638461",
  53578. "boyett, christopher",
  53579. "nan",
  53580. "nan",
  53581. " hk box: 32270",
  53582. "miami",
  53583. "694367",
  53584. "nan",
  53585. "nan",
  53586. "nan",
  53587. "nan",
  53588. "nan",
  53589. "nan",
  53590. "nan",
  53591. "nan",
  53592. "nan",
  53593. "nan",
  53594. "nan",
  53595. "nan",
  53596. "nan",
  53597. "nan",
  53598. "nan",
  53599. "nan",
  53600. "nan",
  53601. "nan",
  53602. "nan",
  53603. "nan",
  53604. "nan",
  53605. "nan",
  53606. "nan"
  53607. ],
  53608. [
  53609. "111111",
  53610. "11111",
  53611. "nortel",
  53612. "smartcom",
  53613. "489521140",
  53614. "nan",
  53615. "box 13: � nortel � smartcom\ncorrespondence\nsupply agreement",
  53616. "5/3/2004",
  53617. "12006685",
  53618. "ferri marco",
  53619. "nan",
  53620. "nan",
  53621. " hk box: 33058",
  53622. "miami",
  53623. "696120",
  53624. "nan",
  53625. "nan",
  53626. "nan",
  53627. "nan",
  53628. "nan",
  53629. "nan",
  53630. "nan",
  53631. "nan",
  53632. "nan",
  53633. "nan",
  53634. "nan",
  53635. "nan",
  53636. "nan",
  53637. "nan",
  53638. "nan",
  53639. "nan",
  53640. "nan",
  53641. "nan",
  53642. "nan",
  53643. "nan",
  53644. "nan",
  53645. "nan",
  53646. "nan"
  53647. ],
  53648. [
  53649. "111111",
  53650. "11111",
  53651. "miscellaneous correspondence",
  53652. "nan",
  53653. "489492280",
  53654. "nan",
  53655. "a.2 amendments to vessel purchase agreement (folder empty)\na.1 vessel purchase agreement\na.3 acceptance/rejection of vessel\na.4 escrow agreement (if applicable) (folder empty)\na.5 stock/shareholder agreement\na.6 list of personal items to be excluded from sale (folder empty)\nb.1 copy of certificate of documentation\nb.2 vessel registration for 2003 novurania\nb.3 current abstract of title for yacht\nb.4 radio and satcom documents in name of seller\nc.1 copies of articles of incorporation/by-laws for the corporation\nc.2 copy of certificate of incorporation for the corporation\nc.3 certificate of good standing for the corporation\nc.4 certificate of incumbency/secretary�s certificate for the corporation (folder empty)\nc.5 corporate resolution of company to authorize sale of company, company�s shares and assets to tedesco, accepting resignation of r. cribb and ratifying all\nc.6 corporate minute book (original with holland & knight) (folder empty)\nc.7 proof of payment of annual fees\nc.8 power of attorney in favor of holland & knight llp\nc.9 letter of resignation of mr. cribb as director and president/treasurer, and of laura ginn as secretary and treasurer\nd.1 copies of articles of incorporation/by-laws for the corporation (folder empty)\nd.2 copies of certificate of incorporation for the corporation (folder empty)\nd.3 certificate of good standing for the corporation from california (folder empty)\nd.4 certificate of incumbency/secretary�s certificate for the corporation (folder empty)\nd.5 corporate resolution authorizing the purchase of rtc investments, inc., its stock and assets, issuing poa., and ratifying actions of tedesco (folder empty)\nd.6 power of attorney for execution of corporate and vessel documents in favor of tw tedesco representative (folder empty)\ne.1 corporate minute book containing corporate seal, original certificate of incorporation original publisher�s affidavit, all executed minutes in books,(folder empty) \ne.2 original certificate of good standing (folder empty)\ne.3 stock powers (to be attached to transferred stock certificate)\ne.5 all financial books and records\nf.1 satisfaction of outstanding mortgage(s) (if applicable) (folder empty)\nf.2 original certificate of documentation for yacht 9folder empty)\nf.3 original mso or builder�s certificate for yacht (folder empty)\nf.4 original auxiliary vessel mso, titles, registrations, etc.\nf.5 bills of sale for the vessel�s tenders (folder empty)\nf.6 warranty of title from seller�s principal/beneficial owner (folder empty)\nf.7 vessel�s log books, plans, blueprints, manuals, etc. (folder empty)\ng.1 crew release/cancelled crew employment contracts\ng.2 copy of application to change name of vessel with coast guard (folder empty)\ng.3 indemnity agreement (folder empty)\nh.1 rtc�s closing statement\nh.2 tw tedesco�s closing statement (folder empty)\ni.1 rtc�s payment instructions (folder empty)\ni.2 buyer�s check/wire confirmation (folder empty)\nj.1 protocol of delivery and acceptance/cross receipt for company and yacht (folder empty)\nj.2 receipt for corporate minute book, stock certificates and other original corporate documents (folder empty)\nclosing index (folder empty)\ndraft documents/duplicates",
  53656. "7/22/2004",
  53657. "12066514",
  53658. "locke barbara",
  53659. "nan",
  53660. "nan",
  53661. " hk box: 33465",
  53662. "miami",
  53663. "697002",
  53664. "nan",
  53665. "nan",
  53666. "nan",
  53667. "nan",
  53668. "nan",
  53669. "nan",
  53670. "nan",
  53671. "nan",
  53672. "nan",
  53673. "nan",
  53674. "nan",
  53675. "nan",
  53676. "nan",
  53677. "nan",
  53678. "nan",
  53679. "nan",
  53680. "nan",
  53681. "nan",
  53682. "nan",
  53683. "nan",
  53684. "nan",
  53685. "nan",
  53686. "nan"
  53687. ],
  53688. [
  53689. "111111",
  53690. "11111",
  53691. "fdic v. dickeman",
  53692. "none",
  53693. "12129798",
  53694. "nan",
  53695. "none",
  53696. "9/27/2004",
  53697. "33897",
  53698. "casal jose",
  53699. "nan",
  53700. "nan",
  53701. "nan",
  53702. "miami",
  53703. "697825",
  53704. "nan",
  53705. "nan",
  53706. "nan",
  53707. "nan",
  53708. "nan",
  53709. "nan",
  53710. "nan",
  53711. "nan",
  53712. "nan",
  53713. "nan",
  53714. "nan",
  53715. "nan",
  53716. "nan",
  53717. "nan",
  53718. "nan",
  53719. "nan",
  53720. "nan",
  53721. "nan",
  53722. "nan",
  53723. "nan",
  53724. "nan",
  53725. "nan",
  53726. "nan"
  53727. ],
  53728. [
  53729. "111111",
  53730. "11111",
  53731. "mastec, inc.",
  53732. "artcom technologies",
  53733. "460603968",
  53734. "nan",
  53735. "working file: d. mena\n working file: d. mena (summary judgment)\n working file: d. mena (audit response)\n attorney notes: d. mena (meeting with guarch)\n attorney notes: d. mena (general)\n confidentiality order and log\n mastec�s privilege log\n draft motion to compel re privilege log\n confidentiality order (3/20/02)\n original interrogatory signature page\n corporate information: sacho, inc.\n witness file: carmen del dago\n witness file: jorge mas santos\n mastec�s discovery responses\n artcom�s discovery requests\n attorney notes re meeting with jose sariego � 08/15/01\n rule 26 discovery conference\n oral argument on pending motions\n spanish law affidavit\n draft motion for summary judgment\n mastec�s billing policies\n document indexes\n artcom global services � documents\n draft charts\n rrh insert re sintel mexico loan\n h&k letters requesting assignments\n guarch�s case re sintel international\n working file: d. mena (motion to dismiss third party complaint)",
  53736. "12/28/2004",
  53737. "12241871",
  53738. "mena, dan",
  53739. "nan",
  53740. "nan",
  53741. " hk box: 34471",
  53742. "miami",
  53743. "699137",
  53744. "nan",
  53745. "nan",
  53746. "nan",
  53747. "nan",
  53748. "nan",
  53749. "nan",
  53750. "nan",
  53751. "nan",
  53752. "nan",
  53753. "nan",
  53754. "nan",
  53755. "nan",
  53756. "nan",
  53757. "nan",
  53758. "nan",
  53759. "nan",
  53760. "nan",
  53761. "nan",
  53762. "nan",
  53763. "nan",
  53764. "nan",
  53765. "nan",
  53766. "nan"
  53767. ],
  53768. [
  53769. "111111",
  53770. "11111",
  53771. "smartcom",
  53772. "cellular phones",
  53773. "489520047",
  53774. "nan",
  53775. "investigative report\ntransworld due diligence\nsmartcom docs reshipment of phones\ninvestigator's purchase of phones\ncorrespondence\natty. notes & e-mails\nattorney notes and e-mails vol.ii",
  53776. "8/15/2005",
  53777. "12372884",
  53778. "riveiro vivian",
  53779. "nan",
  53780. "nan",
  53781. " hk box: 36044",
  53782. "miami",
  53783. "702649",
  53784. "nan",
  53785. "nan",
  53786. "nan",
  53787. "nan",
  53788. "nan",
  53789. "nan",
  53790. "nan",
  53791. "nan",
  53792. "nan",
  53793. "nan",
  53794. "nan",
  53795. "nan",
  53796. "nan",
  53797. "nan",
  53798. "nan",
  53799. "nan",
  53800. "nan",
  53801. "nan",
  53802. "nan",
  53803. "nan",
  53804. "nan",
  53805. "nan",
  53806. "nan"
  53807. ],
  53808. [
  53809. "111111",
  53810. "11111",
  53811. "samsung",
  53812. "smartcom",
  53813. "489520047",
  53814. "nan",
  53815. "esn h&k list - first purchas",
  53816. "8/15/2005",
  53817. "12372884",
  53818. "riveiro vivian",
  53819. "nan",
  53820. "nan",
  53821. " hk box: 36044",
  53822. "miami",
  53823. "702650",
  53824. "nan",
  53825. "nan",
  53826. "nan",
  53827. "nan",
  53828. "nan",
  53829. "nan",
  53830. "nan",
  53831. "nan",
  53832. "nan",
  53833. "nan",
  53834. "nan",
  53835. "nan",
  53836. "nan",
  53837. "nan",
  53838. "nan",
  53839. "nan",
  53840. "nan",
  53841. "nan",
  53842. "nan",
  53843. "nan",
  53844. "nan",
  53845. "nan",
  53846. "nan"
  53847. ],
  53848. [
  53849. "111111",
  53850. "11111",
  53851. "ge capital",
  53852. "miscellaneous",
  53853. "727769984",
  53854. "nan",
  53855. "fdic due diligence.",
  53856. "3/17/2013",
  53857. "0012397949",
  53858. "montes de oca richard",
  53859. "off-site",
  53860. "nan",
  53861. "hk#: 36546",
  53862. "miami",
  53863. "703790",
  53864. "nan",
  53865. "nan",
  53866. "nan",
  53867. "nan",
  53868. "nan",
  53869. "nan",
  53870. "nan",
  53871. "nan",
  53872. "nan",
  53873. "nan",
  53874. "nan",
  53875. "nan",
  53876. "nan",
  53877. "nan",
  53878. "nan",
  53879. "nan",
  53880. "nan",
  53881. "nan",
  53882. "nan",
  53883. "nan",
  53884. "nan",
  53885. "nan",
  53886. "nan"
  53887. ],
  53888. [
  53889. "111111",
  53890. "11111",
  53891. "chicago title insurance company",
  53892. "opinion regarding fdic insurance",
  53893. "490618324",
  53894. "nan",
  53895. "documents; foia request",
  53896. "1/5/2006",
  53897. "12398073",
  53898. "musa armando",
  53899. "nan",
  53900. "nan",
  53901. " hk box: 36670",
  53902. "miami",
  53903. "704091",
  53904. "nan",
  53905. "nan",
  53906. "nan",
  53907. "nan",
  53908. "nan",
  53909. "nan",
  53910. "nan",
  53911. "nan",
  53912. "nan",
  53913. "nan",
  53914. "nan",
  53915. "nan",
  53916. "nan",
  53917. "nan",
  53918. "nan",
  53919. "nan",
  53920. "nan",
  53921. "nan",
  53922. "nan",
  53923. "nan",
  53924. "nan",
  53925. "nan",
  53926. "nan"
  53927. ],
  53928. [
  53929. "111111",
  53930. "11111",
  53931. "rccl, ltd.",
  53932. "fdic insurance research",
  53933. "460603415",
  53934. "nan",
  53935. "file",
  53936. "8/28/2007",
  53937. "12951466",
  53938. "garro asnardo",
  53939. "nan",
  53940. "nan",
  53941. " hk box: 41272",
  53942. "miami",
  53943. "712193",
  53944. "nan",
  53945. "nan",
  53946. "nan",
  53947. "nan",
  53948. "nan",
  53949. "nan",
  53950. "nan",
  53951. "nan",
  53952. "nan",
  53953. "nan",
  53954. "nan",
  53955. "nan",
  53956. "nan",
  53957. "nan",
  53958. "nan",
  53959. "nan",
  53960. "nan",
  53961. "nan",
  53962. "nan",
  53963. "nan",
  53964. "nan",
  53965. "nan",
  53966. "nan"
  53967. ],
  53968. [
  53969. "111111",
  53970. "11111",
  53971. "rccl",
  53972. "direct deposit (fdic insurance research) trust structure",
  53973. "460603415",
  53974. "nan",
  53975. "file",
  53976. "8/28/2007",
  53977. "12951466",
  53978. "garro asnardo",
  53979. "nan",
  53980. "nan",
  53981. " hk box: 41272",
  53982. "miami",
  53983. "712195",
  53984. "nan",
  53985. "nan",
  53986. "nan",
  53987. "nan",
  53988. "nan",
  53989. "nan",
  53990. "nan",
  53991. "nan",
  53992. "nan",
  53993. "nan",
  53994. "nan",
  53995. "nan",
  53996. "nan",
  53997. "nan",
  53998. "nan",
  53999. "nan",
  54000. "nan",
  54001. "nan",
  54002. "nan",
  54003. "nan",
  54004. "nan",
  54005. "nan",
  54006. "nan"
  54007. ],
  54008. [
  54009. "111111",
  54010. "11111",
  54011. "chesterfield smith",
  54012. "special project",
  54013. "12982257",
  54014. "nan",
  54015. "1992- new matter lists\n?1992- management committee report\n?holland & knight tie lines \n?1992- collections report\n?1992- news you can use\n?misc. redwell\n?holland & knight 1990 collections \n?chesterfield smith- insurance \n?economic assumptions & investment strategy \n?deloitte & touche \n?city of st. petersburg\n?re. chevron \n?fiac- mike moore appointment \n?federal courts study committee\n?estech and american cyanamid settlemtn\n?fdic- rtc correspondence \n?h & k annual meeting- october 31, 1987",
  54016. "10/18/2007",
  54017. "41625",
  54018. "smith chesterfield",
  54019. "nan",
  54020. "nan",
  54021. "nan",
  54022. "miami",
  54023. "712489",
  54024. "nan",
  54025. "nan",
  54026. "nan",
  54027. "nan",
  54028. "nan",
  54029. "nan",
  54030. "nan",
  54031. "nan",
  54032. "nan",
  54033. "nan",
  54034. "nan",
  54035. "nan",
  54036. "nan",
  54037. "nan",
  54038. "nan",
  54039. "nan",
  54040. "nan",
  54041. "nan",
  54042. "nan",
  54043. "nan",
  54044. "nan",
  54045. "nan",
  54046. "nan"
  54047. ],
  54048. [
  54049. "111111",
  54050. "11111",
  54051. "csonger, desider",
  54052. "appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corporation.",
  54053. "nan",
  54054. "nan",
  54055. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54056. "12/31/1899",
  54057. "nan",
  54058. "ssy / ssy",
  54059. "off-site",
  54060. "nan",
  54061. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  54062. "boston",
  54063. "961221",
  54064. "nan",
  54065. "nan",
  54066. "nan",
  54067. "nan",
  54068. "nan",
  54069. "nan",
  54070. "nan",
  54071. "nan",
  54072. "nan",
  54073. "nan",
  54074. "nan",
  54075. "nan",
  54076. "nan",
  54077. "nan",
  54078. "nan",
  54079. "nan",
  54080. "nan",
  54081. "nan",
  54082. "nan",
  54083. "nan",
  54084. "nan",
  54085. "nan",
  54086. "nan"
  54087. ],
  54088. [
  54089. "111111",
  54090. "11111",
  54091. "regency park apartments",
  54092. "fdic settlement (vol. 1)",
  54093. "719632447",
  54094. "nan",
  54095. "fileno: 51298/\ndelivered: 14-may-96 - 2:30 pm - psl / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996",
  54096. "3/15/1996",
  54097. "752396",
  54098. "psl / psl",
  54099. "nan",
  54100. "nan",
  54101. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 14-may-96 - 2:30 pm - psl / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996 hk box: 15627052",
  54102. "boston",
  54103. "963443",
  54104. "nan",
  54105. "nan",
  54106. "nan",
  54107. "nan",
  54108. "nan",
  54109. "nan",
  54110. "nan",
  54111. "nan",
  54112. "nan",
  54113. "nan",
  54114. "nan",
  54115. "nan",
  54116. "nan",
  54117. "nan",
  54118. "nan",
  54119. "nan",
  54120. "nan",
  54121. "nan",
  54122. "nan",
  54123. "nan",
  54124. "nan",
  54125. "nan",
  54126. "nan"
  54127. ],
  54128. [
  54129. "111111",
  54130. "11111",
  54131. "regency park apartments limited partnership",
  54132. "fdic settlement (vol. ii) - docs.",
  54133. "719627792",
  54134. "nan",
  54135. "fileno: 51313/\ndelivered: 14-may-96 - 2:30 pm - psl / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996",
  54136. "3/15/1996",
  54137. "751047",
  54138. "psl / psl",
  54139. "nan",
  54140. "nan",
  54141. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 14-may-96 - 2:30 pm - psl / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996 hk box: 15627054",
  54142. "boston",
  54143. "963445",
  54144. "nan",
  54145. "nan",
  54146. "nan",
  54147. "nan",
  54148. "nan",
  54149. "nan",
  54150. "nan",
  54151. "nan",
  54152. "nan",
  54153. "nan",
  54154. "nan",
  54155. "nan",
  54156. "nan",
  54157. "nan",
  54158. "nan",
  54159. "nan",
  54160. "nan",
  54161. "nan",
  54162. "nan",
  54163. "nan",
  54164. "nan",
  54165. "nan",
  54166. "nan"
  54167. ],
  54168. [
  54169. "111111",
  54170. "11111",
  54171. "comfed",
  54172. "comfed rtc representation.",
  54173. "719643309",
  54174. "nan",
  54175. "fileno: 42583/\ndelivered: c gill 1-30-2004 / retd_to_st:",
  54176. "11/23/1992",
  54177. "743642",
  54178. "mcm / mcm",
  54179. "nan",
  54180. "nan",
  54181. "\ndelivered: c gill 1-30-2004 / retd_to_st: hk box: 8199130",
  54182. "boston",
  54183. "965911",
  54184. "nan",
  54185. "nan",
  54186. "nan",
  54187. "nan",
  54188. "nan",
  54189. "nan",
  54190. "nan",
  54191. "nan",
  54192. "nan",
  54193. "nan",
  54194. "nan",
  54195. "nan",
  54196. "nan",
  54197. "nan",
  54198. "nan",
  54199. "nan",
  54200. "nan",
  54201. "nan",
  54202. "nan",
  54203. "nan",
  54204. "nan",
  54205. "nan",
  54206. "nan"
  54207. ],
  54208. [
  54209. "111111",
  54210. "11111",
  54211. "patriot bancorporation",
  54212. "commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).",
  54213. "495549584964",
  54214. "nan",
  54215. "fileno: 35395-35397,35407,35438/\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 1/23/1995",
  54216. "12/31/1899",
  54217. "nan",
  54218. "dnj/jp / dnj/jp",
  54219. "nan",
  54220. "nan",
  54221. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 1/23/1995",
  54222. "boston",
  54223. "968162",
  54224. "nan",
  54225. "nan",
  54226. "nan",
  54227. "nan",
  54228. "nan",
  54229. "nan",
  54230. "nan",
  54231. "nan",
  54232. "nan",
  54233. "nan",
  54234. "nan",
  54235. "nan",
  54236. "nan",
  54237. "nan",
  54238. "nan",
  54239. "nan",
  54240. "nan",
  54241. "nan",
  54242. "nan",
  54243. "nan",
  54244. "nan",
  54245. "nan",
  54246. "nan"
  54247. ],
  54248. [
  54249. "111111",
  54250. "11111",
  54251. "deutch, samayla d. nonbillable",
  54252. "fdic/rtc contractor",
  54253. "nan",
  54254. "nan",
  54255. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54256. "12/31/1899",
  54257. "nan",
  54258. "sdd / sdd",
  54259. "off-site",
  54260. "nan",
  54261. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  54262. "boston",
  54263. "971801",
  54264. "nan",
  54265. "nan",
  54266. "nan",
  54267. "nan",
  54268. "nan",
  54269. "nan",
  54270. "nan",
  54271. "nan",
  54272. "nan",
  54273. "nan",
  54274. "nan",
  54275. "nan",
  54276. "nan",
  54277. "nan",
  54278. "nan",
  54279. "nan",
  54280. "nan",
  54281. "nan",
  54282. "nan",
  54283. "nan",
  54284. "nan",
  54285. "nan",
  54286. "nan"
  54287. ],
  54288. [
  54289. "111111",
  54290. "11111",
  54291. "watertown savings bank",
  54292. "fdic purchase -first american bank loans",
  54293. "nan",
  54294. "nan",
  54295. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54296. "12/31/1899",
  54297. "nan",
  54298. "rfw / rfw",
  54299. "off-site",
  54300. "nan",
  54301. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  54302. "boston",
  54303. "972297",
  54304. "nan",
  54305. "nan",
  54306. "nan",
  54307. "nan",
  54308. "nan",
  54309. "nan",
  54310. "nan",
  54311. "nan",
  54312. "nan",
  54313. "nan",
  54314. "nan",
  54315. "nan",
  54316. "nan",
  54317. "nan",
  54318. "nan",
  54319. "nan",
  54320. "nan",
  54321. "nan",
  54322. "nan",
  54323. "nan",
  54324. "nan",
  54325. "nan",
  54326. "nan"
  54327. ],
  54328. [
  54329. "111111",
  54330. "11111",
  54331. "fernberg, richard",
  54332. "litigation -",
  54333. "719628628",
  54334. "nan",
  54335. "fileno: 41912/index: misc notes / billing / st. mary's v. fernberg / insurance policies / power of attorney (taxes) / affidavits (fdic)\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54336. "7/21/1992",
  54337. "750696",
  54338. "pet / pet",
  54339. "nan",
  54340. "nan",
  54341. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 6939206",
  54342. "boston",
  54343. "973910",
  54344. "nan",
  54345. "nan",
  54346. "nan",
  54347. "nan",
  54348. "nan",
  54349. "nan",
  54350. "nan",
  54351. "nan",
  54352. "nan",
  54353. "nan",
  54354. "nan",
  54355. "nan",
  54356. "nan",
  54357. "nan",
  54358. "nan",
  54359. "nan",
  54360. "nan",
  54361. "nan",
  54362. "nan",
  54363. "nan",
  54364. "nan",
  54365. "nan",
  54366. "nan"
  54367. ],
  54368. [
  54369. "111111",
  54370. "11111",
  54371. "fernberg, richard",
  54372. "litigation -",
  54373. "719628902",
  54374. "nan",
  54375. "fileno: 41922/index: billing / correspondence / fdic correspondence / settlement agreement / agreement for modification of attachment\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54376. "7/21/1992",
  54377. "752674",
  54378. "pet / pet",
  54379. "nan",
  54380. "nan",
  54381. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 6939207",
  54382. "boston",
  54383. "973917",
  54384. "nan",
  54385. "nan",
  54386. "nan",
  54387. "nan",
  54388. "nan",
  54389. "nan",
  54390. "nan",
  54391. "nan",
  54392. "nan",
  54393. "nan",
  54394. "nan",
  54395. "nan",
  54396. "nan",
  54397. "nan",
  54398. "nan",
  54399. "nan",
  54400. "nan",
  54401. "nan",
  54402. "nan",
  54403. "nan",
  54404. "nan",
  54405. "nan",
  54406. "nan"
  54407. ],
  54408. [
  54409. "111111",
  54410. "11111",
  54411. "security mortgage corporation",
  54412. "mortgage loan to: william n. dortch & patricia a. foley - 190 beacon st., boston, ma",
  54413. "546291986",
  54414. "nan",
  54415. "fileno: 43642/\ndelivered: 2-mar-95 - 3:30 pm - ms / retd_to_st: 5/25/1995",
  54416. "6/29/1993",
  54417. "738001",
  54418. "ms / ms",
  54419. "nan",
  54420. "nan",
  54421. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 2-mar-95 - 3:30 pm - ms / retd_to_st: 5/25/1995 hk box: 9641756",
  54422. "boston",
  54423. "975568",
  54424. "nan",
  54425. "nan",
  54426. "nan",
  54427. "nan",
  54428. "nan",
  54429. "nan",
  54430. "nan",
  54431. "nan",
  54432. "nan",
  54433. "nan",
  54434. "nan",
  54435. "nan",
  54436. "nan",
  54437. "nan",
  54438. "nan",
  54439. "nan",
  54440. "nan",
  54441. "nan",
  54442. "nan",
  54443. "nan",
  54444. "nan",
  54445. "nan",
  54446. "nan"
  54447. ],
  54448. [
  54449. "111111",
  54450. "11111",
  54451. "duffy bros. construction co., inc.",
  54452. "fdic",
  54453. "719623560",
  54454. "nan",
  54455. "fileno: 43686/\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54456. "7/7/1993",
  54457. "740017",
  54458. "pet/kll / pet",
  54459. "nan",
  54460. "nan",
  54461. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 9641765",
  54462. "boston",
  54463. "975619",
  54464. "nan",
  54465. "nan",
  54466. "nan",
  54467. "nan",
  54468. "nan",
  54469. "nan",
  54470. "nan",
  54471. "nan",
  54472. "nan",
  54473. "nan",
  54474. "nan",
  54475. "nan",
  54476. "nan",
  54477. "nan",
  54478. "nan",
  54479. "nan",
  54480. "nan",
  54481. "nan",
  54482. "nan",
  54483. "nan",
  54484. "nan",
  54485. "nan",
  54486. "nan"
  54487. ],
  54488. [
  54489. "111111",
  54490. "11111",
  54491. "stoller, robert",
  54492. "personal - pleadings in fdic case & appeal - pet's trial notebook",
  54493. "719624489",
  54494. "nan",
  54495. "fileno: 43800/\ndelivered: 9-jun-95 - 3:00 pm - hwp / mjm|20-feb-1998 - 3:00 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 7-aug-96|16-april-1998",
  54496. "9/1/1993",
  54497. "741552",
  54498. "pet / hwp",
  54499. "nan",
  54500. "nan",
  54501. "facility: pla + department: litigation\ndelivered: 9-jun-95 - 3:00 pm - hwp / mjm|20-feb-1998 - 3:00 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 7-aug-96|16-april-1998 hk box: 9642012",
  54502. "boston",
  54503. "975758",
  54504. "nan",
  54505. "nan",
  54506. "nan",
  54507. "nan",
  54508. "nan",
  54509. "nan",
  54510. "nan",
  54511. "nan",
  54512. "nan",
  54513. "nan",
  54514. "nan",
  54515. "nan",
  54516. "nan",
  54517. "nan",
  54518. "nan",
  54519. "nan",
  54520. "nan",
  54521. "nan",
  54522. "nan",
  54523. "nan",
  54524. "nan",
  54525. "nan",
  54526. "nan"
  54527. ],
  54528. [
  54529. "111111",
  54530. "11111",
  54531. "stoller, robert",
  54532. "personal -",
  54533. "719624143",
  54534. "nan",
  54535. "index: duplicate fdic exhibits / deposition transcripts of: gregory stoller, micael buckman, susan morrison, leonard aronson, sara aronson, jacob zuber\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996",
  54536. "9/29/1993",
  54537. "741545",
  54538. "pet / hwp",
  54539. "nan",
  54540. "nan",
  54541. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a598821",
  54542. "boston",
  54543. "975806",
  54544. "nan",
  54545. "nan",
  54546. "nan",
  54547. "nan",
  54548. "nan",
  54549. "nan",
  54550. "nan",
  54551. "nan",
  54552. "nan",
  54553. "nan",
  54554. "nan",
  54555. "nan",
  54556. "nan",
  54557. "nan",
  54558. "nan",
  54559. "nan",
  54560. "nan",
  54561. "nan",
  54562. "nan",
  54563. "nan",
  54564. "nan",
  54565. "nan",
  54566. "nan"
  54567. ],
  54568. [
  54569. "111111",
  54570. "11111",
  54571. "stoller, robert",
  54572. "personal -",
  54573. "719624158",
  54574. "nan",
  54575. "fileno: 43870/index: fdic's proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, brief & order / stoller's proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law & brief / fdic hearing transcripts: (6/3/91-6/4/91-6/5/91) / summaries of trial transcripts - vols. 1, 2, 3 / respondent's reply brief dated 8/16/91 / fdic reply brief dated 8/16/91 / notes dated 10/30/91\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996",
  54576. "9/29/1993",
  54577. "741556",
  54578. "pet/mjm / hwp/pet",
  54579. "nan",
  54580. "nan",
  54581. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a598823",
  54582. "boston",
  54583. "975813",
  54584. "nan",
  54585. "nan",
  54586. "nan",
  54587. "nan",
  54588. "nan",
  54589. "nan",
  54590. "nan",
  54591. "nan",
  54592. "nan",
  54593. "nan",
  54594. "nan",
  54595. "nan",
  54596. "nan",
  54597. "nan",
  54598. "nan",
  54599. "nan",
  54600. "nan",
  54601. "nan",
  54602. "nan",
  54603. "nan",
  54604. "nan",
  54605. "nan",
  54606. "nan"
  54607. ],
  54608. [
  54609. "111111",
  54610. "11111",
  54611. "stoller, robert",
  54612. "personal -",
  54613. "719624158",
  54614. "nan",
  54615. "fileno: 43871/index: newspaper clippings / rs financial statements from divorce / rs & gs tax returns / fdic subpoenas / reporting crimes research / gregory stoller deposition\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996",
  54616. "9/29/1993",
  54617. "741556",
  54618. "pet/mjm / hwp/pet",
  54619. "nan",
  54620. "nan",
  54621. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a598823",
  54622. "boston",
  54623. "975814",
  54624. "nan",
  54625. "nan",
  54626. "nan",
  54627. "nan",
  54628. "nan",
  54629. "nan",
  54630. "nan",
  54631. "nan",
  54632. "nan",
  54633. "nan",
  54634. "nan",
  54635. "nan",
  54636. "nan",
  54637. "nan",
  54638. "nan",
  54639. "nan",
  54640. "nan",
  54641. "nan",
  54642. "nan",
  54643. "nan",
  54644. "nan",
  54645. "nan",
  54646. "nan"
  54647. ],
  54648. [
  54649. "111111",
  54650. "11111",
  54651. "stoller, robert",
  54652. "personal -",
  54653. "719625567",
  54654. "nan",
  54655. "fileno: 43880/index: fdic premarked exhibits\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996",
  54656. "9/30/1993",
  54657. "741512",
  54658. "pet / hwp",
  54659. "nan",
  54660. "nan",
  54661. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a598825",
  54662. "boston",
  54663. "975824",
  54664. "nan",
  54665. "nan",
  54666. "nan",
  54667. "nan",
  54668. "nan",
  54669. "nan",
  54670. "nan",
  54671. "nan",
  54672. "nan",
  54673. "nan",
  54674. "nan",
  54675. "nan",
  54676. "nan",
  54677. "nan",
  54678. "nan",
  54679. "nan",
  54680. "nan",
  54681. "nan",
  54682. "nan",
  54683. "nan",
  54684. "nan",
  54685. "nan",
  54686. "nan"
  54687. ],
  54688. [
  54689. "111111",
  54690. "11111",
  54691. "stoller, robert",
  54692. "personal -",
  54693. "719625567",
  54694. "nan",
  54695. "fileno: 43881/index: bank records: fdic report of examination of coolidge corner co-operative bank as of (11/4/88) / appraisal report - vacant land, stanzione drive, north dighton, daniel berthelette (trustee), william lloyd's trust / coolidge corner loan files - re: 94 williams street trust, daniel berthelette, danert realty\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996",
  54696. "9/30/1993",
  54697. "741512",
  54698. "pet / hwp",
  54699. "nan",
  54700. "nan",
  54701. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a598825",
  54702. "boston",
  54703. "975825",
  54704. "nan",
  54705. "nan",
  54706. "nan",
  54707. "nan",
  54708. "nan",
  54709. "nan",
  54710. "nan",
  54711. "nan",
  54712. "nan",
  54713. "nan",
  54714. "nan",
  54715. "nan",
  54716. "nan",
  54717. "nan",
  54718. "nan",
  54719. "nan",
  54720. "nan",
  54721. "nan",
  54722. "nan",
  54723. "nan",
  54724. "nan",
  54725. "nan",
  54726. "nan"
  54727. ],
  54728. [
  54729. "111111",
  54730. "11111",
  54731. "stoller, robert",
  54732. "personal -",
  54733. "719624142",
  54734. "nan",
  54735. "fileno: 43901/index: plan to resolve assets classified by the fdic as substandard or doubtful on november 30, 1988 / fdic documents / fdic technical exception list\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996",
  54736. "10/13/1993",
  54737. "741553",
  54738. "pet / hwp",
  54739. "nan",
  54740. "nan",
  54741. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a599030",
  54742. "boston",
  54743. "975845",
  54744. "nan",
  54745. "nan",
  54746. "nan",
  54747. "nan",
  54748. "nan",
  54749. "nan",
  54750. "nan",
  54751. "nan",
  54752. "nan",
  54753. "nan",
  54754. "nan",
  54755. "nan",
  54756. "nan",
  54757. "nan",
  54758. "nan",
  54759. "nan",
  54760. "nan",
  54761. "nan",
  54762. "nan",
  54763. "nan",
  54764. "nan",
  54765. "nan",
  54766. "nan"
  54767. ],
  54768. [
  54769. "111111",
  54770. "11111",
  54771. "stoller, robert",
  54772. "personal -",
  54773. "719624142",
  54774. "nan",
  54775. "fileno: 43902/index: industrywide prohibition research (sec.1818 (c)(1)) / mjm working file / research re: fdic brief / admissibility of deposition transcript research / misc. notes, lexis, & cases\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996",
  54776. "10/13/1993",
  54777. "741553",
  54778. "pet / hwp",
  54779. "nan",
  54780. "nan",
  54781. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a599030",
  54782. "boston",
  54783. "975846",
  54784. "nan",
  54785. "nan",
  54786. "nan",
  54787. "nan",
  54788. "nan",
  54789. "nan",
  54790. "nan",
  54791. "nan",
  54792. "nan",
  54793. "nan",
  54794. "nan",
  54795. "nan",
  54796. "nan",
  54797. "nan",
  54798. "nan",
  54799. "nan",
  54800. "nan",
  54801. "nan",
  54802. "nan",
  54803. "nan",
  54804. "nan",
  54805. "nan",
  54806. "nan"
  54807. ],
  54808. [
  54809. "111111",
  54810. "11111",
  54811. "stoller, robert",
  54812. "personal -",
  54813. "719624151",
  54814. "nan",
  54815. "fileno: 43904/index: correspondence, notes / bernhardt-stoller agreement / possible claim for rents against fdic / law / cccb v. stoller / rtc v. quality broadcasting / self-incrimination-impact on civil suits / representation conflict / rs's subpoenas & applications / bush order / tax issues / nominee trusts-legal research / mjm's fdic hearing notes (june 1991)\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st:",
  54816. "10/13/1993",
  54817. "741546",
  54818. "pet / hwp",
  54819. "nan",
  54820. "nan",
  54821. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: hk box: a599031",
  54822. "boston",
  54823. "975848",
  54824. "nan",
  54825. "nan",
  54826. "nan",
  54827. "nan",
  54828. "nan",
  54829. "nan",
  54830. "nan",
  54831. "nan",
  54832. "nan",
  54833. "nan",
  54834. "nan",
  54835. "nan",
  54836. "nan",
  54837. "nan",
  54838. "nan",
  54839. "nan",
  54840. "nan",
  54841. "nan",
  54842. "nan",
  54843. "nan",
  54844. "nan",
  54845. "nan",
  54846. "nan"
  54847. ],
  54848. [
  54849. "111111",
  54850. "11111",
  54851. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  54852. "perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -",
  54853. "546291814",
  54854. "nan",
  54855. "fileno: 43910/index: asset & lien investigation (perry) / asset & lien investigation (yellin) / correspondence / linsky bankruptcy / loan inquiries: berry realty trust, criterion realty trust, egmont realty trust, heights realty trust, triple play realty trust, zenith realty trust / notes & memos\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54856. "10/21/1993",
  54857. "738518",
  54858. "pjn/jjm / pjn",
  54859. "nan",
  54860. "nan",
  54861. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599033",
  54862. "boston",
  54863. "975856",
  54864. "nan",
  54865. "nan",
  54866. "nan",
  54867. "nan",
  54868. "nan",
  54869. "nan",
  54870. "nan",
  54871. "nan",
  54872. "nan",
  54873. "nan",
  54874. "nan",
  54875. "nan",
  54876. "nan",
  54877. "nan",
  54878. "nan",
  54879. "nan",
  54880. "nan",
  54881. "nan",
  54882. "nan",
  54883. "nan",
  54884. "nan",
  54885. "nan",
  54886. "nan"
  54887. ],
  54888. [
  54889. "111111",
  54890. "11111",
  54891. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  54892. "viola - rmy working file",
  54893. "546291814",
  54894. "nan",
  54895. "fileno: 43913/\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54896. "10/21/1993",
  54897. "738518",
  54898. "rmy / pjn",
  54899. "nan",
  54900. "nan",
  54901. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599033",
  54902. "boston",
  54903. "975859",
  54904. "nan",
  54905. "nan",
  54906. "nan",
  54907. "nan",
  54908. "nan",
  54909. "nan",
  54910. "nan",
  54911. "nan",
  54912. "nan",
  54913. "nan",
  54914. "nan",
  54915. "nan",
  54916. "nan",
  54917. "nan",
  54918. "nan",
  54919. "nan",
  54920. "nan",
  54921. "nan",
  54922. "nan",
  54923. "nan",
  54924. "nan",
  54925. "nan",
  54926. "nan"
  54927. ],
  54928. [
  54929. "111111",
  54930. "11111",
  54931. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  54932. "malden trust",
  54933. "546291814",
  54934. "nan",
  54935. "fileno: 43914/\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 1/9/1998",
  54936. "10/21/1993",
  54937. "738518",
  54938. "rmy / pjn",
  54939. "nan",
  54940. "nan",
  54941. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 1/9/1998 hk box: a599033",
  54942. "boston",
  54943. "975860",
  54944. "nan",
  54945. "nan",
  54946. "nan",
  54947. "nan",
  54948. "nan",
  54949. "nan",
  54950. "nan",
  54951. "nan",
  54952. "nan",
  54953. "nan",
  54954. "nan",
  54955. "nan",
  54956. "nan",
  54957. "nan",
  54958. "nan",
  54959. "nan",
  54960. "nan",
  54961. "nan",
  54962. "nan",
  54963. "nan",
  54964. "nan",
  54965. "nan",
  54966. "nan"
  54967. ],
  54968. [
  54969. "111111",
  54970. "11111",
  54971. "federal deposit insurance corporations",
  54972. "weiner",
  54973. "546291814",
  54974. "nan",
  54975. "fileno: 43915/\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  54976. "10/21/1993",
  54977. "738518",
  54978. "rmy / pjn",
  54979. "nan",
  54980. "nan",
  54981. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599033",
  54982. "boston",
  54983. "975861",
  54984. "nan",
  54985. "nan",
  54986. "nan",
  54987. "nan",
  54988. "nan",
  54989. "nan",
  54990. "nan",
  54991. "nan",
  54992. "nan",
  54993. "nan",
  54994. "nan",
  54995. "nan",
  54996. "nan",
  54997. "nan",
  54998. "nan",
  54999. "nan",
  55000. "nan",
  55001. "nan",
  55002. "nan",
  55003. "nan",
  55004. "nan",
  55005. "nan",
  55006. "nan"
  55007. ],
  55008. [
  55009. "111111",
  55010. "11111",
  55011. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  55012. "hoffman",
  55013. "546291814",
  55014. "nan",
  55015. "fileno: 43916/\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  55016. "10/21/1993",
  55017. "738518",
  55018. "rmy / pjn",
  55019. "nan",
  55020. "nan",
  55021. "department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599033",
  55022. "boston",
  55023. "975862",
  55024. "nan",
  55025. "nan",
  55026. "nan",
  55027. "nan",
  55028. "nan",
  55029. "nan",
  55030. "nan",
  55031. "nan",
  55032. "nan",
  55033. "nan",
  55034. "nan",
  55035. "nan",
  55036. "nan",
  55037. "nan",
  55038. "nan",
  55039. "nan",
  55040. "nan",
  55041. "nan",
  55042. "nan",
  55043. "nan",
  55044. "nan",
  55045. "nan",
  55046. "nan"
  55047. ],
  55048. [
  55049. "111111",
  55050. "11111",
  55051. "asea brown boveri a/k/a/ combustion engineering - ceil",
  55052. "fdic vs. combustion engineering et al: original pleadings, law re: guarantee, memoranda, billing, misc., notes, pleadings, law, misc. igm docs.",
  55053. "719629333",
  55054. "nan",
  55055. "fileno: 44391/\ndelivered: 4-apr-96 - 10:30 am - igm / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996",
  55056. "1/17/1994",
  55057. "750948",
  55058. "sah / sah",
  55059. "nan",
  55060. "nan",
  55061. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 4-apr-96 - 10:30 am - igm / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996 hk box: b191157",
  55062. "boston",
  55063. "976097",
  55064. "nan",
  55065. "nan",
  55066. "nan",
  55067. "nan",
  55068. "nan",
  55069. "nan",
  55070. "nan",
  55071. "nan",
  55072. "nan",
  55073. "nan",
  55074. "nan",
  55075. "nan",
  55076. "nan",
  55077. "nan",
  55078. "nan",
  55079. "nan",
  55080. "nan",
  55081. "nan",
  55082. "nan",
  55083. "nan",
  55084. "nan",
  55085. "nan",
  55086. "nan"
  55087. ],
  55088. [
  55089. "111111",
  55090. "11111",
  55091. "asea brown boveri",
  55092. "fdic v. combustion engineering et al.: corres. thru 11/30/92, corres. from 12/1/92, client papers #1, client papers #2",
  55093. "719629333",
  55094. "nan",
  55095. "fileno: 44392/\ndelivered: 4-apr-96 - 10:30 am - igm / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996",
  55096. "1/17/1994",
  55097. "750948",
  55098. "sah / sah",
  55099. "nan",
  55100. "nan",
  55101. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 4-apr-96 - 10:30 am - igm / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996 hk box: b191157",
  55102. "boston",
  55103. "976098",
  55104. "nan",
  55105. "nan",
  55106. "nan",
  55107. "nan",
  55108. "nan",
  55109. "nan",
  55110. "nan",
  55111. "nan",
  55112. "nan",
  55113. "nan",
  55114. "nan",
  55115. "nan",
  55116. "nan",
  55117. "nan",
  55118. "nan",
  55119. "nan",
  55120. "nan",
  55121. "nan",
  55122. "nan",
  55123. "nan",
  55124. "nan",
  55125. "nan",
  55126. "nan"
  55127. ],
  55128. [
  55129. "111111",
  55130. "11111",
  55131. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  55132. "betmilsen",
  55133. "546295200",
  55134. "nan",
  55135. "fileno: 45261/\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  55136. "5/19/1994",
  55137. "738296",
  55138. "bc / pjn",
  55139. "nan",
  55140. "nan",
  55141. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252153",
  55142. "boston",
  55143. "977500",
  55144. "nan",
  55145. "nan",
  55146. "nan",
  55147. "nan",
  55148. "nan",
  55149. "nan",
  55150. "nan",
  55151. "nan",
  55152. "nan",
  55153. "nan",
  55154. "nan",
  55155. "nan",
  55156. "nan",
  55157. "nan",
  55158. "nan",
  55159. "nan",
  55160. "nan",
  55161. "nan",
  55162. "nan",
  55163. "nan",
  55164. "nan",
  55165. "nan",
  55166. "nan"
  55167. ],
  55168. [
  55169. "111111",
  55170. "11111",
  55171. "tower development assoc.",
  55172. "ltd. partnership agreement (fdic foreclosure): corres; fdic financial statement; law; misc; notes & memos",
  55173. "719605993",
  55174. "nan",
  55175. "fileno: 45397/\ndelivered: 14-nov-95 - 3:30 pm - cts|7-feb-97 - 11:45 am - cts / retd_to_st: 22-nov-95|17-jul-1997",
  55176. "5/27/1994",
  55177. "188608",
  55178. "cts / jjm",
  55179. "off-site",
  55180. "nan",
  55181. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 14-nov-95 - 3:30 pm - cts|7-feb-97 - 11:45 am - cts / retd_to_st: 22-nov-95|17-jul-1997 hk box: b252214",
  55182. "boston",
  55183. "977668",
  55184. "nan",
  55185. "nan",
  55186. "nan",
  55187. "nan",
  55188. "nan",
  55189. "nan",
  55190. "nan",
  55191. "nan",
  55192. "nan",
  55193. "nan",
  55194. "nan",
  55195. "nan",
  55196. "nan",
  55197. "nan",
  55198. "nan",
  55199. "nan",
  55200. "nan",
  55201. "nan",
  55202. "nan",
  55203. "nan",
  55204. "nan",
  55205. "nan",
  55206. "nan"
  55207. ],
  55208. [
  55209. "111111",
  55210. "11111",
  55211. "villausa",
  55212. "corporate & general: fdic/bob; commitment letter; corporate docs; mlc; note; mortgage; assignment of leases; remediation agreement; property description; title insurance; survey and report; environmental indemnity; insurance; leases; enforceability opinion; zoning opinion; cert. re financial affairs; broker letter; 6(d); assignment of beneficial interest to villausa; deed; mortgage & security agreement",
  55213. "719632529",
  55214. "nan",
  55215. "fileno: 45516/\ndelivered: 20-apr-95 - 11:00 am - psl2 / retd_to_st: 8/25/1995",
  55216. "6/17/1994",
  55217. "748973",
  55218. "drj / drj",
  55219. "nan",
  55220. "nan",
  55221. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 20-apr-95 - 11:00 am - psl2 / retd_to_st: 8/25/1995 hk box: b252269",
  55222. "boston",
  55223. "977791",
  55224. "nan",
  55225. "nan",
  55226. "nan",
  55227. "nan",
  55228. "nan",
  55229. "nan",
  55230. "nan",
  55231. "nan",
  55232. "nan",
  55233. "nan",
  55234. "nan",
  55235. "nan",
  55236. "nan",
  55237. "nan",
  55238. "nan",
  55239. "nan",
  55240. "nan",
  55241. "nan",
  55242. "nan",
  55243. "nan",
  55244. "nan",
  55245. "nan",
  55246. "nan"
  55247. ],
  55248. [
  55249. "111111",
  55250. "11111",
  55251. "asea brown boveri",
  55252. "fdic vs. combustion engineering: corres; memos; pleadings; notes; fdic; legal notes",
  55253. "719632391",
  55254. "nan",
  55255. "fileno: 45544/",
  55256. "6/21/1994",
  55257. "749740",
  55258. "sah / sah",
  55259. "nan",
  55260. "nan",
  55261. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 4-apr-96 - 10:30 am - igm / retd_to_st: 6/24/1996 hk box: b252282",
  55262. "boston",
  55263. "977935",
  55264. "nan",
  55265. "nan",
  55266. "nan",
  55267. "nan",
  55268. "nan",
  55269. "nan",
  55270. "nan",
  55271. "nan",
  55272. "nan",
  55273. "nan",
  55274. "nan",
  55275. "nan",
  55276. "nan",
  55277. "nan",
  55278. "nan",
  55279. "nan",
  55280. "nan",
  55281. "nan",
  55282. "nan",
  55283. "nan",
  55284. "nan",
  55285. "nan",
  55286. "nan"
  55287. ],
  55288. [
  55289. "111111",
  55290. "11111",
  55291. "edgar, daniel g.",
  55292. "dartmouth bancorp - the insurance exchange, inc. -",
  55293. "719624969",
  55294. "nan",
  55295. "index: corres. / memoranda / gpk notes / pleadings / fdic - dartmouth bank - spector - index: corres. / memoranda / gpk notes / misc. / pleadings / edgar's insurance on lender liability cases / dan edgar's suits - october 1991",
  55296. "12/31/1899",
  55297. "743967",
  55298. "gpk/mjp / gpk",
  55299. "nan",
  55300. "nan",
  55301. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 11/3/1994 hk box: 9620095",
  55302. "boston",
  55303. "978023",
  55304. "nan",
  55305. "nan",
  55306. "nan",
  55307. "nan",
  55308. "nan",
  55309. "nan",
  55310. "nan",
  55311. "nan",
  55312. "nan",
  55313. "nan",
  55314. "nan",
  55315. "nan",
  55316. "nan",
  55317. "nan",
  55318. "nan",
  55319. "nan",
  55320. "nan",
  55321. "nan",
  55322. "nan",
  55323. "nan",
  55324. "nan",
  55325. "nan",
  55326. "nan"
  55327. ],
  55328. [
  55329. "111111",
  55330. "11111",
  55331. "fdic as receiver for bne",
  55332. "mcclutchy, et al. v. fdic: gpk work file",
  55333. "719623344",
  55334. "nan",
  55335. "fileno: 45615/",
  55336. "7/13/1994",
  55337. "738655",
  55338. "gpk / gpk",
  55339. "nan",
  55340. "nan",
  55341. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 2/23/1996 hk box: b252300",
  55342. "boston",
  55343. "978377",
  55344. "nan",
  55345. "nan",
  55346. "nan",
  55347. "nan",
  55348. "nan",
  55349. "nan",
  55350. "nan",
  55351. "nan",
  55352. "nan",
  55353. "nan",
  55354. "nan",
  55355. "nan",
  55356. "nan",
  55357. "nan",
  55358. "nan",
  55359. "nan",
  55360. "nan",
  55361. "nan",
  55362. "nan",
  55363. "nan",
  55364. "nan",
  55365. "nan",
  55366. "nan"
  55367. ],
  55368. [
  55369. "111111",
  55370. "11111",
  55371. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  55372. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: billing, misc., client docs; james deposition transcript; james deposition exhibits; extra copies - misc. docs produced by james",
  55373. "546291596",
  55374. "nan",
  55375. "fileno: 45795/",
  55376. "8/10/1994",
  55377. "751787",
  55378. "pjn / pjn",
  55379. "nan",
  55380. "nan",
  55381. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252348",
  55382. "boston",
  55383. "978480",
  55384. "nan",
  55385. "nan",
  55386. "nan",
  55387. "nan",
  55388. "nan",
  55389. "nan",
  55390. "nan",
  55391. "nan",
  55392. "nan",
  55393. "nan",
  55394. "nan",
  55395. "nan",
  55396. "nan",
  55397. "nan",
  55398. "nan",
  55399. "nan",
  55400. "nan",
  55401. "nan",
  55402. "nan",
  55403. "nan",
  55404. "nan",
  55405. "nan",
  55406. "nan"
  55407. ],
  55408. [
  55409. "111111",
  55410. "11111",
  55411. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  55412. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: corres; pleadings (u.s.d.c.); pleadings (probate court); orig. discovery pleadings; notes; memoranda; legal research; drafts",
  55413. "546291596",
  55414. "nan",
  55415. "fileno: 45796/",
  55416. "8/10/1994",
  55417. "751787",
  55418. "pjn / pjn",
  55419. "nan",
  55420. "nan",
  55421. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252348",
  55422. "boston",
  55423. "978481",
  55424. "nan",
  55425. "nan",
  55426. "nan",
  55427. "nan",
  55428. "nan",
  55429. "nan",
  55430. "nan",
  55431. "nan",
  55432. "nan",
  55433. "nan",
  55434. "nan",
  55435. "nan",
  55436. "nan",
  55437. "nan",
  55438. "nan",
  55439. "nan",
  55440. "nan",
  55441. "nan",
  55442. "nan",
  55443. "nan",
  55444. "nan",
  55445. "nan",
  55446. "nan"
  55447. ],
  55448. [
  55449. "111111",
  55450. "11111",
  55451. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  55452. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: pleadings usdc, c.a. no. 92-10675h",
  55453. "546291596",
  55454. "nan",
  55455. "fileno: 45797/",
  55456. "8/10/1994",
  55457. "751787",
  55458. "pjn / pjn",
  55459. "nan",
  55460. "nan",
  55461. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252348",
  55462. "boston",
  55463. "978482",
  55464. "nan",
  55465. "nan",
  55466. "nan",
  55467. "nan",
  55468. "nan",
  55469. "nan",
  55470. "nan",
  55471. "nan",
  55472. "nan",
  55473. "nan",
  55474. "nan",
  55475. "nan",
  55476. "nan",
  55477. "nan",
  55478. "nan",
  55479. "nan",
  55480. "nan",
  55481. "nan",
  55482. "nan",
  55483. "nan",
  55484. "nan",
  55485. "nan",
  55486. "nan"
  55487. ],
  55488. [
  55489. "111111",
  55490. "11111",
  55491. "fdic - federal deposit insurance",
  55492. "plaid corporation: orig. deed",
  55493. "737329282",
  55494. "nan",
  55495. "fileno: 45915/",
  55496. "8/19/1994",
  55497. "739100",
  55498. "mcl / pjn",
  55499. "nan",
  55500. "nan",
  55501. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252420",
  55502. "boston",
  55503. "978846",
  55504. "nan",
  55505. "nan",
  55506. "nan",
  55507. "nan",
  55508. "nan",
  55509. "nan",
  55510. "nan",
  55511. "nan",
  55512. "nan",
  55513. "nan",
  55514. "nan",
  55515. "nan",
  55516. "nan",
  55517. "nan",
  55518. "nan",
  55519. "nan",
  55520. "nan",
  55521. "nan",
  55522. "nan",
  55523. "nan",
  55524. "nan",
  55525. "nan",
  55526. "nan"
  55527. ],
  55528. [
  55529. "111111",
  55530. "11111",
  55531. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  55532. "chestnut hill country club: copy of recorded deed",
  55533. "737329282",
  55534. "nan",
  55535. "fileno: 45922/",
  55536. "8/19/1994",
  55537. "739100",
  55538. "mcl / phn",
  55539. "nan",
  55540. "nan",
  55541. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252420",
  55542. "boston",
  55543. "978853",
  55544. "nan",
  55545. "nan",
  55546. "nan",
  55547. "nan",
  55548. "nan",
  55549. "nan",
  55550. "nan",
  55551. "nan",
  55552. "nan",
  55553. "nan",
  55554. "nan",
  55555. "nan",
  55556. "nan",
  55557. "nan",
  55558. "nan",
  55559. "nan",
  55560. "nan",
  55561. "nan",
  55562. "nan",
  55563. "nan",
  55564. "nan",
  55565. "nan",
  55566. "nan"
  55567. ],
  55568. [
  55569. "111111",
  55570. "11111",
  55571. "tocci corporation",
  55572. "subcontractor claims - fdic & hotel & xarras",
  55573. "546295009",
  55574. "nan",
  55575. "fileno: 53027/",
  55576. "6/5/1996",
  55577. "737972",
  55578. " / rvl",
  55579. "nan",
  55580. "nan",
  55581. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22765591",
  55582. "boston",
  55583. "978920",
  55584. "nan",
  55585. "nan",
  55586. "nan",
  55587. "nan",
  55588. "nan",
  55589. "nan",
  55590. "nan",
  55591. "nan",
  55592. "nan",
  55593. "nan",
  55594. "nan",
  55595. "nan",
  55596. "nan",
  55597. "nan",
  55598. "nan",
  55599. "nan",
  55600. "nan",
  55601. "nan",
  55602. "nan",
  55603. "nan",
  55604. "nan",
  55605. "nan",
  55606. "nan"
  55607. ],
  55608. [
  55609. "111111",
  55610. "11111",
  55611. "fdic - liquidating agent of eliot savings bank",
  55612. "general",
  55613. "719631497",
  55614. "nan",
  55615. "fileno: 46274/",
  55616. "9/28/1994",
  55617. "748254",
  55618. "sdd / cts",
  55619. "nan",
  55620. "nan",
  55621. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252741",
  55622. "boston",
  55623. "979288",
  55624. "nan",
  55625. "nan",
  55626. "nan",
  55627. "nan",
  55628. "nan",
  55629. "nan",
  55630. "nan",
  55631. "nan",
  55632. "nan",
  55633. "nan",
  55634. "nan",
  55635. "nan",
  55636. "nan",
  55637. "nan",
  55638. "nan",
  55639. "nan",
  55640. "nan",
  55641. "nan",
  55642. "nan",
  55643. "nan",
  55644. "nan",
  55645. "nan",
  55646. "nan"
  55647. ],
  55648. [
  55649. "111111",
  55650. "11111",
  55651. "eliot savings bank",
  55652. "copies of walsh related materials sent to fdic ny counsel",
  55653. "546291593",
  55654. "nan",
  55655. "nan",
  55656. "10/3/1994",
  55657. "753262",
  55658. "igm / cts",
  55659. "nan",
  55660. "nan",
  55661. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252755",
  55662. "boston",
  55663. "979314",
  55664. "nan",
  55665. "nan",
  55666. "nan",
  55667. "nan",
  55668. "nan",
  55669. "nan",
  55670. "nan",
  55671. "nan",
  55672. "nan",
  55673. "nan",
  55674. "nan",
  55675. "nan",
  55676. "nan",
  55677. "nan",
  55678. "nan",
  55679. "nan",
  55680. "nan",
  55681. "nan",
  55682. "nan",
  55683. "nan",
  55684. "nan",
  55685. "nan",
  55686. "nan"
  55687. ],
  55688. [
  55689. "111111",
  55690. "11111",
  55691. "eliot savings bank",
  55692. "fdic investigation as receiver - igm & nsh working files",
  55693. "719626172",
  55694. "nan",
  55695. "nan",
  55696. "10/3/1994",
  55697. "753607",
  55698. "igm/nsh /",
  55699. "nan",
  55700. "nan",
  55701. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252756",
  55702. "boston",
  55703. "979315",
  55704. "nan",
  55705. "nan",
  55706. "nan",
  55707. "nan",
  55708. "nan",
  55709. "nan",
  55710. "nan",
  55711. "nan",
  55712. "nan",
  55713. "nan",
  55714. "nan",
  55715. "nan",
  55716. "nan",
  55717. "nan",
  55718. "nan",
  55719. "nan",
  55720. "nan",
  55721. "nan",
  55722. "nan",
  55723. "nan",
  55724. "nan",
  55725. "nan",
  55726. "nan"
  55727. ],
  55728. [
  55729. "111111",
  55730. "11111",
  55731. "eliot savings bank",
  55732. "fdic copies requested by ny counsel",
  55733. "546291558",
  55734. "nan",
  55735. "nan",
  55736. "10/3/1994",
  55737. "753236",
  55738. "igm / cts",
  55739. "nan",
  55740. "nan",
  55741. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252758",
  55742. "boston",
  55743. "979317",
  55744. "nan",
  55745. "nan",
  55746. "nan",
  55747. "nan",
  55748. "nan",
  55749. "nan",
  55750. "nan",
  55751. "nan",
  55752. "nan",
  55753. "nan",
  55754. "nan",
  55755. "nan",
  55756. "nan",
  55757. "nan",
  55758. "nan",
  55759. "nan",
  55760. "nan",
  55761. "nan",
  55762. "nan",
  55763. "nan",
  55764. "nan",
  55765. "nan",
  55766. "nan"
  55767. ],
  55768. [
  55769. "111111",
  55770. "11111",
  55771. "eliot savings bank",
  55772. "kettle point development - copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel re: $7,050,000.00 loan to kettle point development",
  55773. "546285349",
  55774. "nan",
  55775. "nan",
  55776. "10/3/1994",
  55777. "753266",
  55778. "igm /",
  55779. "nan",
  55780. "nan",
  55781. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252759",
  55782. "boston",
  55783. "979318",
  55784. "nan",
  55785. "nan",
  55786. "nan",
  55787. "nan",
  55788. "nan",
  55789. "nan",
  55790. "nan",
  55791. "nan",
  55792. "nan",
  55793. "nan",
  55794. "nan",
  55795. "nan",
  55796. "nan",
  55797. "nan",
  55798. "nan",
  55799. "nan",
  55800. "nan",
  55801. "nan",
  55802. "nan",
  55803. "nan",
  55804. "nan",
  55805. "nan",
  55806. "nan"
  55807. ],
  55808. [
  55809. "111111",
  55810. "11111",
  55811. "eliot savings bank",
  55812. "fdic copies of documents requested by ny counsel",
  55813. "546291562",
  55814. "nan",
  55815. "nan",
  55816. "10/3/1994",
  55817. "753232",
  55818. "igm /",
  55819. "nan",
  55820. "nan",
  55821. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252761",
  55822. "boston",
  55823. "979321",
  55824. "nan",
  55825. "nan",
  55826. "nan",
  55827. "nan",
  55828. "nan",
  55829. "nan",
  55830. "nan",
  55831. "nan",
  55832. "nan",
  55833. "nan",
  55834. "nan",
  55835. "nan",
  55836. "nan",
  55837. "nan",
  55838. "nan",
  55839. "nan",
  55840. "nan",
  55841. "nan",
  55842. "nan",
  55843. "nan",
  55844. "nan",
  55845. "nan",
  55846. "nan"
  55847. ],
  55848. [
  55849. "111111",
  55850. "11111",
  55851. "eliot savings bank",
  55852. "fdic copies requested by new york counsel",
  55853. "546285310",
  55854. "nan",
  55855. "nan",
  55856. "10/3/1994",
  55857. "753249",
  55858. "igm / cts",
  55859. "nan",
  55860. "nan",
  55861. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252766",
  55862. "boston",
  55863. "979323",
  55864. "nan",
  55865. "nan",
  55866. "nan",
  55867. "nan",
  55868. "nan",
  55869. "nan",
  55870. "nan",
  55871. "nan",
  55872. "nan",
  55873. "nan",
  55874. "nan",
  55875. "nan",
  55876. "nan",
  55877. "nan",
  55878. "nan",
  55879. "nan",
  55880. "nan",
  55881. "nan",
  55882. "nan",
  55883. "nan",
  55884. "nan",
  55885. "nan",
  55886. "nan"
  55887. ],
  55888. [
  55889. "111111",
  55890. "11111",
  55891. "eliot savings bank",
  55892. "desmond - strawberry hill, south dartmouth, & chestnut st.: copies of docs sent to n.y. counsel of fdic",
  55893. "719626152",
  55894. "nan",
  55895. "fileno: 46334/",
  55896. "10/3/1994",
  55897. "753600",
  55898. "sdd / cts",
  55899. "nan",
  55900. "nan",
  55901. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 31-may-95 - 11:00 am - pjn / retd_to_st: 7/18/1995 hk box: b252769",
  55902. "boston",
  55903. "979326",
  55904. "nan",
  55905. "nan",
  55906. "nan",
  55907. "nan",
  55908. "nan",
  55909. "nan",
  55910. "nan",
  55911. "nan",
  55912. "nan",
  55913. "nan",
  55914. "nan",
  55915. "nan",
  55916. "nan",
  55917. "nan",
  55918. "nan",
  55919. "nan",
  55920. "nan",
  55921. "nan",
  55922. "nan",
  55923. "nan",
  55924. "nan",
  55925. "nan",
  55926. "nan"
  55927. ],
  55928. [
  55929. "111111",
  55930. "11111",
  55931. "eliot savings bank",
  55932. "heritage hills apartments - copies of docs sent of fdic n.y. counsel",
  55933. "719626152",
  55934. "nan",
  55935. "fileno: 46335/",
  55936. "10/3/1994",
  55937. "753600",
  55938. "sdd / cts",
  55939. "nan",
  55940. "nan",
  55941. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252769",
  55942. "boston",
  55943. "979327",
  55944. "nan",
  55945. "nan",
  55946. "nan",
  55947. "nan",
  55948. "nan",
  55949. "nan",
  55950. "nan",
  55951. "nan",
  55952. "nan",
  55953. "nan",
  55954. "nan",
  55955. "nan",
  55956. "nan",
  55957. "nan",
  55958. "nan",
  55959. "nan",
  55960. "nan",
  55961. "nan",
  55962. "nan",
  55963. "nan",
  55964. "nan",
  55965. "nan",
  55966. "nan"
  55967. ],
  55968. [
  55969. "111111",
  55970. "11111",
  55971. "eliot savings bank",
  55972. "copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel",
  55973. "719626148",
  55974. "nan",
  55975. "fileno: 46327/",
  55976. "10/3/1994",
  55977. "753613",
  55978. "sdd / cts",
  55979. "nan",
  55980. "nan",
  55981. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252762",
  55982. "boston",
  55983. "979328",
  55984. "nan",
  55985. "nan",
  55986. "nan",
  55987. "nan",
  55988. "nan",
  55989. "nan",
  55990. "nan",
  55991. "nan",
  55992. "nan",
  55993. "nan",
  55994. "nan",
  55995. "nan",
  55996. "nan",
  55997. "nan",
  55998. "nan",
  55999. "nan",
  56000. "nan",
  56001. "nan",
  56002. "nan",
  56003. "nan",
  56004. "nan",
  56005. "nan",
  56006. "nan"
  56007. ],
  56008. [
  56009. "111111",
  56010. "11111",
  56011. "eliot savings bank",
  56012. "copies of original docs requested by fdic ny counsel re loan to paul n. varadian and irwin j. nebelkopf, trustees, south harbor realty trust, lynnway and hanson street, lynn, ma",
  56013. "719626156",
  56014. "nan",
  56015. "nan",
  56016. "10/5/1994",
  56017. "753593",
  56018. "igm /",
  56019. "nan",
  56020. "nan",
  56021. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252777",
  56022. "boston",
  56023. "979385",
  56024. "nan",
  56025. "nan",
  56026. "nan",
  56027. "nan",
  56028. "nan",
  56029. "nan",
  56030. "nan",
  56031. "nan",
  56032. "nan",
  56033. "nan",
  56034. "nan",
  56035. "nan",
  56036. "nan",
  56037. "nan",
  56038. "nan",
  56039. "nan",
  56040. "nan",
  56041. "nan",
  56042. "nan",
  56043. "nan",
  56044. "nan",
  56045. "nan",
  56046. "nan"
  56047. ],
  56048. [
  56049. "111111",
  56050. "11111",
  56051. "edgar, daniel c.",
  56052. "pike and powers securities litigation: dan edgar fdic suit: claims under dartmouth bancorp severance agmt // daniel g. edgar re: pike, powers et al pike 13d's 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: milo pike, et al defendant's motion to stay discovery/memorandum - extras 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: wells/dartmouth bancorp release and discharge of claims and other materials gpk // edgar/satter creditors pleadings, misc 3380-7 70665 // daniel g. edgar re: pike, et al v. edgar, et al pleadings vol. i [usdc] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: pike et al v. edgar, et al pleadings [state ct.] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: slatter, et al v. dartmouth bancorp, et al kwc workfile 1 3380-5 70665",
  56053. "546291797",
  56054. "nan",
  56055. "nan",
  56056. "11/1/1994",
  56057. "738546",
  56058. "gpk / gpk",
  56059. "nan",
  56060. "nan",
  56061. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252920",
  56062. "boston",
  56063. "979456",
  56064. "nan",
  56065. "nan",
  56066. "nan",
  56067. "nan",
  56068. "nan",
  56069. "nan",
  56070. "nan",
  56071. "nan",
  56072. "nan",
  56073. "nan",
  56074. "nan",
  56075. "nan",
  56076. "nan",
  56077. "nan",
  56078. "nan",
  56079. "nan",
  56080. "nan",
  56081. "nan",
  56082. "nan",
  56083. "nan",
  56084. "nan",
  56085. "nan",
  56086. "nan"
  56087. ],
  56088. [
  56089. "111111",
  56090. "11111",
  56091. "chevron u.s.a. inc.",
  56092. "southdale apartments: closing binder; warranty deed w/ vendor's lien; billing; title insurance agmt; sp&n fee letter; management agmt; corres; projections old; old title; proposal letter; rtc docs; closing agenda; drafts",
  56093. "719624214",
  56094. "nan",
  56095. "nan",
  56096. "10/13/1994",
  56097. "744204",
  56098. "tfh / tfh",
  56099. "nan",
  56100. "nan",
  56101. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 24-jan-95 - 12:30 pm - tfh|19-jul-95 - 9:30 am - tfh / retd_to_st: 9-feb-95|4-aug-95 hk box: b252812",
  56102. "boston",
  56103. "979462",
  56104. "nan",
  56105. "nan",
  56106. "nan",
  56107. "nan",
  56108. "nan",
  56109. "nan",
  56110. "nan",
  56111. "nan",
  56112. "nan",
  56113. "nan",
  56114. "nan",
  56115. "nan",
  56116. "nan",
  56117. "nan",
  56118. "nan",
  56119. "nan",
  56120. "nan",
  56121. "nan",
  56122. "nan",
  56123. "nan",
  56124. "nan",
  56125. "nan",
  56126. "nan"
  56127. ],
  56128. [
  56129. "111111",
  56130. "11111",
  56131. "csonger, desider",
  56132. "appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corp.",
  56133. "719623273",
  56134. "nan",
  56135. "fileno: 46615/",
  56136. "11/8/1994",
  56137. "740761",
  56138. "ssy / ssy",
  56139. "nan",
  56140. "nan",
  56141. "department: litigation\ndelivered: 2-june-1998 12:30 pm - dsm / retd_to_st: hk box: b252943",
  56142. "boston",
  56143. "979682",
  56144. "nan",
  56145. "nan",
  56146. "nan",
  56147. "nan",
  56148. "nan",
  56149. "nan",
  56150. "nan",
  56151. "nan",
  56152. "nan",
  56153. "nan",
  56154. "nan",
  56155. "nan",
  56156. "nan",
  56157. "nan",
  56158. "nan",
  56159. "nan",
  56160. "nan",
  56161. "nan",
  56162. "nan",
  56163. "nan",
  56164. "nan",
  56165. "nan",
  56166. "nan"
  56167. ],
  56168. [
  56169. "111111",
  56170. "11111",
  56171. "eliot savings bank",
  56172. "fdic investigation as receiver",
  56173. "546291606",
  56174. "nan",
  56175. "fileno: 46253/",
  56176. "9/28/1994",
  56177. "749877",
  56178. "igm /",
  56179. "nan",
  56180. "nan",
  56181. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: b252732",
  56182. "boston",
  56183. "980056",
  56184. "nan",
  56185. "nan",
  56186. "nan",
  56187. "nan",
  56188. "nan",
  56189. "nan",
  56190. "nan",
  56191. "nan",
  56192. "nan",
  56193. "nan",
  56194. "nan",
  56195. "nan",
  56196. "nan",
  56197. "nan",
  56198. "nan",
  56199. "nan",
  56200. "nan",
  56201. "nan",
  56202. "nan",
  56203. "nan",
  56204. "nan",
  56205. "nan",
  56206. "nan"
  56207. ],
  56208. [
  56209. "111111",
  56210. "11111",
  56211. "eliot savings bank",
  56212. "fdic",
  56213. "nan",
  56214. "nan",
  56215. "nan",
  56216. "12/31/1899",
  56217. "nan",
  56218. "sdd / sdd",
  56219. "off-site",
  56220. "nan",
  56221. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  56222. "boston",
  56223. "980113",
  56224. "nan",
  56225. "nan",
  56226. "nan",
  56227. "nan",
  56228. "nan",
  56229. "nan",
  56230. "nan",
  56231. "nan",
  56232. "nan",
  56233. "nan",
  56234. "nan",
  56235. "nan",
  56236. "nan",
  56237. "nan",
  56238. "nan",
  56239. "nan",
  56240. "nan",
  56241. "nan",
  56242. "nan",
  56243. "nan",
  56244. "nan",
  56245. "nan",
  56246. "nan"
  56247. ],
  56248. [
  56249. "111111",
  56250. "11111",
  56251. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company / liquidating agent of eliot savings bank",
  56252. "general",
  56253. "nan",
  56254. "nan",
  56255. "nan",
  56256. "12/31/1899",
  56257. "nan",
  56258. "sdd / sdd",
  56259. "off-site",
  56260. "nan",
  56261. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  56262. "boston",
  56263. "980114",
  56264. "nan",
  56265. "nan",
  56266. "nan",
  56267. "nan",
  56268. "nan",
  56269. "nan",
  56270. "nan",
  56271. "nan",
  56272. "nan",
  56273. "nan",
  56274. "nan",
  56275. "nan",
  56276. "nan",
  56277. "nan",
  56278. "nan",
  56279. "nan",
  56280. "nan",
  56281. "nan",
  56282. "nan",
  56283. "nan",
  56284. "nan",
  56285. "nan",
  56286. "nan"
  56287. ],
  56288. [
  56289. "111111",
  56290. "11111",
  56291. "gouchberg, gerald",
  56292. "estate planning & harbor companies index: estate planning:pension plan, qsst (gouchberg, david), financial trust, correspondence & legal memos, estate planning (gerard & lita gouchber), docs need to be signed, estate planning jeffrey gouchberg, qsst jeffrey gouchberg, financials & appraisals, jeffery gouchberg family trust 1992, pinnacle trust, winthrop house; one salem street trust; estate planning - jeff; lita irr. trust; susan rudolph qsst; david gouchberg qsst; jeffery gouchberg qsst; transpo realty trust; sudajeff trust|harbor cmpanies: harbor companies, gpk inc., possible sale of nursing homes, fdic, general corp, tax returns ki's 1986-87, misc docs (winthrop house realty trust), harbor properties evaluation (gerald gouchberg)",
  56293. "719605564",
  56294. "nan",
  56295. "nan",
  56296. "nan",
  56297. "740217",
  56298. "ajl / ajl",
  56299. "nan",
  56300. "nan",
  56301. "comments: must order entire box|box not at leahy + facility: pla + department: litigation\ndelivered: a. gilmore 9/14/05a mazza 10-13-2003|jean c 6-6-2006 / retd_to_st: 9/28/069-15-2005|2-13-2001 hk box: 9619501",
  56302. "boston",
  56303. "982737",
  56304. "nan",
  56305. "nan",
  56306. "nan",
  56307. "nan",
  56308. "nan",
  56309. "nan",
  56310. "nan",
  56311. "nan",
  56312. "nan",
  56313. "nan",
  56314. "nan",
  56315. "nan",
  56316. "nan",
  56317. "nan",
  56318. "nan",
  56319. "nan",
  56320. "nan",
  56321. "nan",
  56322. "nan",
  56323. "nan",
  56324. "nan",
  56325. "nan",
  56326. "nan"
  56327. ],
  56328. [
  56329. "111111",
  56330. "11111",
  56331. "new seabury",
  56332. "loan agmts; metropolis/home federal loans; rtc docs; limited partnerships",
  56333. "719657144",
  56334. "nan",
  56335. "loan",
  56336. "2/20/1995",
  56337. "742711",
  56338. " /",
  56339. "off-site",
  56340. "nan",
  56341. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 9619519",
  56342. "boston",
  56343. "982761",
  56344. "nan",
  56345. "nan",
  56346. "nan",
  56347. "nan",
  56348. "nan",
  56349. "nan",
  56350. "nan",
  56351. "nan",
  56352. "nan",
  56353. "nan",
  56354. "nan",
  56355. "nan",
  56356. "nan",
  56357. "nan",
  56358. "nan",
  56359. "nan",
  56360. "nan",
  56361. "nan",
  56362. "nan",
  56363. "nan",
  56364. "nan",
  56365. "nan",
  56366. "nan"
  56367. ],
  56368. [
  56369. "111111",
  56370. "11111",
  56371. "ocwen",
  56372. "rtc acquisition",
  56373. "719630062",
  56374. "nan",
  56375. "fileno: 49928/index: drafts, notes, memos",
  56376. "5/19/1995",
  56377. "745694",
  56378. "wfm / m & m",
  56379. "nan",
  56380. "nan",
  56381. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613036",
  56382. "boston",
  56383. "983453",
  56384. "nan",
  56385. "nan",
  56386. "nan",
  56387. "nan",
  56388. "nan",
  56389. "nan",
  56390. "nan",
  56391. "nan",
  56392. "nan",
  56393. "nan",
  56394. "nan",
  56395. "nan",
  56396. "nan",
  56397. "nan",
  56398. "nan",
  56399. "nan",
  56400. "nan",
  56401. "nan",
  56402. "nan",
  56403. "nan",
  56404. "nan",
  56405. "nan",
  56406. "nan"
  56407. ],
  56408. [
  56409. "111111",
  56410. "11111",
  56411. "stover, robert",
  56412. "escrow agreement; employment agreement;news article; proxy material; fed reserve agreement; corporate by-laws; meyer's demand bank statistics; fdic approval; 1988 prospectus; annual reports; stock option plans; retirement plan (serp).",
  56413. "719585153",
  56414. "nan",
  56415. "fileno: 49996/",
  56416. "5/26/1995",
  56417. "750182",
  56418. "sah / sah",
  56419. "nan",
  56420. "nan",
  56421. "facility: pla\ndelivered: jarrod c. 2/2/05 / retd_to_st: 7/17/1997 hk box: c613096",
  56422. "boston",
  56423. "983594",
  56424. "nan",
  56425. "nan",
  56426. "nan",
  56427. "nan",
  56428. "nan",
  56429. "nan",
  56430. "nan",
  56431. "nan",
  56432. "nan",
  56433. "nan",
  56434. "nan",
  56435. "nan",
  56436. "nan",
  56437. "nan",
  56438. "nan",
  56439. "nan",
  56440. "nan",
  56441. "nan",
  56442. "nan",
  56443. "nan",
  56444. "nan",
  56445. "nan",
  56446. "nan"
  56447. ],
  56448. [
  56449. "111111",
  56450. "11111",
  56451. "schochet associates",
  56452. "fdic indebtedness",
  56453. "719625799",
  56454. "nan",
  56455. "fileno: 50228/",
  56456. "6/20/1995",
  56457. "744949",
  56458. "psl / psl",
  56459. "nan",
  56460. "nan",
  56461. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613170",
  56462. "boston",
  56463. "983829",
  56464. "nan",
  56465. "nan",
  56466. "nan",
  56467. "nan",
  56468. "nan",
  56469. "nan",
  56470. "nan",
  56471. "nan",
  56472. "nan",
  56473. "nan",
  56474. "nan",
  56475. "nan",
  56476. "nan",
  56477. "nan",
  56478. "nan",
  56479. "nan",
  56480. "nan",
  56481. "nan",
  56482. "nan",
  56483. "nan",
  56484. "nan",
  56485. "nan",
  56486. "nan"
  56487. ],
  56488. [
  56489. "111111",
  56490. "11111",
  56491. "edgar, daniel g.",
  56492. "the insurance exchange, inc./ fdic, dartmouth bank, spector - corresp., memoranda, gpk notes, misc., pleadings, edgar's insurance on lender, liability cases - dan edgar's suits, october 1991",
  56493. "719624969",
  56494. "nan",
  56495. "nan",
  56496. "6/28/1995",
  56497. "743967",
  56498. "gpk / gpk",
  56499. "nan",
  56500. "nan",
  56501. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 9620095",
  56502. "boston",
  56503. "984029",
  56504. "nan",
  56505. "nan",
  56506. "nan",
  56507. "nan",
  56508. "nan",
  56509. "nan",
  56510. "nan",
  56511. "nan",
  56512. "nan",
  56513. "nan",
  56514. "nan",
  56515. "nan",
  56516. "nan",
  56517. "nan",
  56518. "nan",
  56519. "nan",
  56520. "nan",
  56521. "nan",
  56522. "nan",
  56523. "nan",
  56524. "nan",
  56525. "nan",
  56526. "nan"
  56527. ],
  56528. [
  56529. "111111",
  56530. "11111",
  56531. "federal deposit insurance co.",
  56532. "currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #'s 6-10",
  56533. "719625485",
  56534. "nan",
  56535. "nan",
  56536. "7/10/1995",
  56537. "745506",
  56538. "pjn/mga / spn/pjn",
  56539. "nan",
  56540. "nan",
  56541. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613181",
  56542. "boston",
  56543. "984291",
  56544. "nan",
  56545. "nan",
  56546. "nan",
  56547. "nan",
  56548. "nan",
  56549. "nan",
  56550. "nan",
  56551. "nan",
  56552. "nan",
  56553. "nan",
  56554. "nan",
  56555. "nan",
  56556. "nan",
  56557. "nan",
  56558. "nan",
  56559. "nan",
  56560. "nan",
  56561. "nan",
  56562. "nan",
  56563. "nan",
  56564. "nan",
  56565. "nan",
  56566. "nan"
  56567. ],
  56568. [
  56569. "111111",
  56570. "11111",
  56571. "federal deposit insurance co.",
  56572. "currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #1-5",
  56573. "719625364",
  56574. "nan",
  56575. "nan",
  56576. "7/10/1995",
  56577. "745490",
  56578. "pjn/mga / spn/pjn",
  56579. "nan",
  56580. "nan",
  56581. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613182",
  56582. "boston",
  56583. "984292",
  56584. "nan",
  56585. "nan",
  56586. "nan",
  56587. "nan",
  56588. "nan",
  56589. "nan",
  56590. "nan",
  56591. "nan",
  56592. "nan",
  56593. "nan",
  56594. "nan",
  56595. "nan",
  56596. "nan",
  56597. "nan",
  56598. "nan",
  56599. "nan",
  56600. "nan",
  56601. "nan",
  56602. "nan",
  56603. "nan",
  56604. "nan",
  56605. "nan",
  56606. "nan"
  56607. ],
  56608. [
  56609. "111111",
  56610. "11111",
  56611. "widett, slater & goldman, p.c. - (ws&g)",
  56612. "pre-sp&n files: dale r. johnson - misc. chrono files for storage/ john & catherine alberts - estate plan/ dale r, johnson - storage files/ columbia savings - saddlebrook post bankruptcy/ matrix international - lease, fdic",
  56613. "719638659",
  56614. "nan",
  56615. "nan",
  56616. "7/11/1995",
  56617. "744057",
  56618. "drj / drj",
  56619. "nan",
  56620. "nan",
  56621. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 9693818",
  56622. "boston",
  56623. "984313",
  56624. "nan",
  56625. "nan",
  56626. "nan",
  56627. "nan",
  56628. "nan",
  56629. "nan",
  56630. "nan",
  56631. "nan",
  56632. "nan",
  56633. "nan",
  56634. "nan",
  56635. "nan",
  56636. "nan",
  56637. "nan",
  56638. "nan",
  56639. "nan",
  56640. "nan",
  56641. "nan",
  56642. "nan",
  56643. "nan",
  56644. "nan",
  56645. "nan",
  56646. "nan"
  56647. ],
  56648. [
  56649. "111111",
  56650. "11111",
  56651. "plantation towers",
  56652. "bankruptcy -",
  56653. "546295234",
  56654. "nan",
  56655. "fileno: 50410/index: corresp. 1992 & 1993 / plantation closing docs. / a.j. lane bank / ago, william matters / auditor's letter 1992 / ballots / billing / fee applications / carabetta matters / cash flow statements / creditor dist. / drafts / plan & disc. statement / exhibits / fdic title docs. / mac gray co. / matrix / misc. / petition / notes & memos / proofs of claim / quarterly dist.",
  56656. "8/22/1995",
  56657. "738317",
  56658. "jjm / wfm",
  56659. "nan",
  56660. "nan",
  56661. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 2-13-2003 p. driscoll|2-1-01 s. hansen|13-feb-96 - 12:15 pm - jjm / retd_to_st: 6-13-01|2-26-01|14-feb-97 hk box: c613254",
  56662. "boston",
  56663. "985071",
  56664. "nan",
  56665. "nan",
  56666. "nan",
  56667. "nan",
  56668. "nan",
  56669. "nan",
  56670. "nan",
  56671. "nan",
  56672. "nan",
  56673. "nan",
  56674. "nan",
  56675. "nan",
  56676. "nan",
  56677. "nan",
  56678. "nan",
  56679. "nan",
  56680. "nan",
  56681. "nan",
  56682. "nan",
  56683. "nan",
  56684. "nan",
  56685. "nan",
  56686. "nan"
  56687. ],
  56688. [
  56689. "111111",
  56690. "11111",
  56691. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  56692. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  56693. "719628711",
  56694. "nan",
  56695. "index: examination of plaintiff's witnesses / plaintiff's trial exhibits / exhibits to plaintiff's motion for summary judgment",
  56696. "9/7/1995",
  56697. "752391",
  56698. "pjn / pjn",
  56699. "nan",
  56700. "nan",
  56701. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613315",
  56702. "boston",
  56703. "985244",
  56704. "nan",
  56705. "nan",
  56706. "nan",
  56707. "nan",
  56708. "nan",
  56709. "nan",
  56710. "nan",
  56711. "nan",
  56712. "nan",
  56713. "nan",
  56714. "nan",
  56715. "nan",
  56716. "nan",
  56717. "nan",
  56718. "nan",
  56719. "nan",
  56720. "nan",
  56721. "nan",
  56722. "nan",
  56723. "nan",
  56724. "nan",
  56725. "nan",
  56726. "nan"
  56727. ],
  56728. [
  56729. "111111",
  56730. "11111",
  56731. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  56732. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  56733. "719630847",
  56734. "nan",
  56735. "fileno: 50589/index: depo. of george schruender / depo. of mark henry / corresp. 1992-1993 / corresp. - vols. ii & iii",
  56736. "9/7/1995",
  56737. "745410",
  56738. "pjn / pjn",
  56739. "nan",
  56740. "nan",
  56741. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613314",
  56742. "boston",
  56743. "985245",
  56744. "nan",
  56745. "nan",
  56746. "nan",
  56747. "nan",
  56748. "nan",
  56749. "nan",
  56750. "nan",
  56751. "nan",
  56752. "nan",
  56753. "nan",
  56754. "nan",
  56755. "nan",
  56756. "nan",
  56757. "nan",
  56758. "nan",
  56759. "nan",
  56760. "nan",
  56761. "nan",
  56762. "nan",
  56763. "nan",
  56764. "nan",
  56765. "nan",
  56766. "nan"
  56767. ],
  56768. [
  56769. "111111",
  56770. "11111",
  56771. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  56772. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  56773. "719632350",
  56774. "nan",
  56775. "fileno: 50587/index: exhibits to plaintiff's motion for summary judgment / correspondence - 1990 / foreclosure notices",
  56776. "9/7/1995",
  56777. "752262",
  56778. "pjn / pjn",
  56779. "nan",
  56780. "nan",
  56781. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613313",
  56782. "boston",
  56783. "985247",
  56784. "nan",
  56785. "nan",
  56786. "nan",
  56787. "nan",
  56788. "nan",
  56789. "nan",
  56790. "nan",
  56791. "nan",
  56792. "nan",
  56793. "nan",
  56794. "nan",
  56795. "nan",
  56796. "nan",
  56797. "nan",
  56798. "nan",
  56799. "nan",
  56800. "nan",
  56801. "nan",
  56802. "nan",
  56803. "nan",
  56804. "nan",
  56805. "nan",
  56806. "nan"
  56807. ],
  56808. [
  56809. "111111",
  56810. "11111",
  56811. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  56812. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  56813. "719632350",
  56814. "nan",
  56815. "fileno: 50586/index: settlement agreement / title reports / discharges of attachment / financial information / textron action pleadings / corresp. binder / corresp. 1991 / legal research / efl working file",
  56816. "9/7/1995",
  56817. "752262",
  56818. "pjn / pjn",
  56819. "nan",
  56820. "nan",
  56821. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 14-apr-97 - 12:15 pm - dsm / retd_to_st: hk box: c613313",
  56822. "boston",
  56823. "985248",
  56824. "nan",
  56825. "nan",
  56826. "nan",
  56827. "nan",
  56828. "nan",
  56829. "nan",
  56830. "nan",
  56831. "nan",
  56832. "nan",
  56833. "nan",
  56834. "nan",
  56835. "nan",
  56836. "nan",
  56837. "nan",
  56838. "nan",
  56839. "nan",
  56840. "nan",
  56841. "nan",
  56842. "nan",
  56843. "nan",
  56844. "nan",
  56845. "nan",
  56846. "nan"
  56847. ],
  56848. [
  56849. "111111",
  56850. "11111",
  56851. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  56852. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  56853. "719632350",
  56854. "nan",
  56855. "fileno: 50585/index: title report on schruender, et al / financials of george schruender / efl working file - summary judgment hearing / asset check / financials of mark henry / affidavit of financial condition & certified financial statement",
  56856. "9/7/1995",
  56857. "752262",
  56858. "pjn / pjn",
  56859. "nan",
  56860. "nan",
  56861. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 4-apr-97 - 12:45 pm - dsm / retd_to_st: hk box: c613313",
  56862. "boston",
  56863. "985249",
  56864. "nan",
  56865. "nan",
  56866. "nan",
  56867. "nan",
  56868. "nan",
  56869. "nan",
  56870. "nan",
  56871. "nan",
  56872. "nan",
  56873. "nan",
  56874. "nan",
  56875. "nan",
  56876. "nan",
  56877. "nan",
  56878. "nan",
  56879. "nan",
  56880. "nan",
  56881. "nan",
  56882. "nan",
  56883. "nan",
  56884. "nan",
  56885. "nan",
  56886. "nan"
  56887. ],
  56888. [
  56889. "111111",
  56890. "11111",
  56891. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  56892. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  56893. "719628141",
  56894. "nan",
  56895. "index: new hampshire action / goldstein & manello's files",
  56896. "9/7/1995",
  56897. "747655",
  56898. "pjn / pjn",
  56899. "nan",
  56900. "nan",
  56901. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613312",
  56902. "boston",
  56903. "985250",
  56904. "nan",
  56905. "nan",
  56906. "nan",
  56907. "nan",
  56908. "nan",
  56909. "nan",
  56910. "nan",
  56911. "nan",
  56912. "nan",
  56913. "nan",
  56914. "nan",
  56915. "nan",
  56916. "nan",
  56917. "nan",
  56918. "nan",
  56919. "nan",
  56920. "nan",
  56921. "nan",
  56922. "nan",
  56923. "nan",
  56924. "nan",
  56925. "nan",
  56926. "nan"
  56927. ],
  56928. [
  56929. "111111",
  56930. "11111",
  56931. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  56932. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  56933. "719627618",
  56934. "nan",
  56935. "index: pleadings binders - vols. i & ii",
  56936. "9/7/1995",
  56937. "743666",
  56938. "pjn / pjn",
  56939. "nan",
  56940. "nan",
  56941. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613311",
  56942. "boston",
  56943. "985251",
  56944. "nan",
  56945. "nan",
  56946. "nan",
  56947. "nan",
  56948. "nan",
  56949. "nan",
  56950. "nan",
  56951. "nan",
  56952. "nan",
  56953. "nan",
  56954. "nan",
  56955. "nan",
  56956. "nan",
  56957. "nan",
  56958. "nan",
  56959. "nan",
  56960. "nan",
  56961. "nan",
  56962. "nan",
  56963. "nan",
  56964. "nan",
  56965. "nan",
  56966. "nan"
  56967. ],
  56968. [
  56969. "111111",
  56970. "11111",
  56971. "financial insurance services",
  56972. "general -",
  56973. "719665186",
  56974. "nan",
  56975. "fileno: 50651/index: auditor's letter/response / fdic / fisco equity, inc. re: securities law compliance / norton er. al. v. drepanos, et al. - complaint - answer / fechtor, detwiller & co. re: general / l. pauley's isos - general / notes - litigation - risk planners",
  56976. "9/27/1995",
  56977. "752017",
  56978. "ajl / ajl",
  56979. "nan",
  56980. "nan",
  56981. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 24-dec-1998 - 10:00 am - fr / retd_to_st: 2/4/1999 hk box: c613332",
  56982. "boston",
  56983. "985352",
  56984. "nan",
  56985. "nan",
  56986. "nan",
  56987. "nan",
  56988. "nan",
  56989. "nan",
  56990. "nan",
  56991. "nan",
  56992. "nan",
  56993. "nan",
  56994. "nan",
  56995. "nan",
  56996. "nan",
  56997. "nan",
  56998. "nan",
  56999. "nan",
  57000. "nan",
  57001. "nan",
  57002. "nan",
  57003. "nan",
  57004. "nan",
  57005. "nan",
  57006. "nan"
  57007. ],
  57008. [
  57009. "111111",
  57010. "11111",
  57011. "financial insurance services",
  57012. "general -",
  57013. "719665186",
  57014. "nan",
  57015. "fileno: 50650/index: fis mark / general corporate / framingham country club / audit letters/responses / first nh banks / fis administrative services, inc. re: travis m. pauley / crossland savings/thomas eschmann / public offering / first national bank of long island / 401k / om realty trust/fdic / fisco meeting 10/30 - lgp - who / fisco licensing matters / litigation with aig",
  57016. "9/27/1995",
  57017. "752017",
  57018. "ajl / ajl",
  57019. "nan",
  57020. "nan",
  57021. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: c613332",
  57022. "boston",
  57023. "985353",
  57024. "nan",
  57025. "nan",
  57026. "nan",
  57027. "nan",
  57028. "nan",
  57029. "nan",
  57030. "nan",
  57031. "nan",
  57032. "nan",
  57033. "nan",
  57034. "nan",
  57035. "nan",
  57036. "nan",
  57037. "nan",
  57038. "nan",
  57039. "nan",
  57040. "nan",
  57041. "nan",
  57042. "nan",
  57043. "nan",
  57044. "nan",
  57045. "nan",
  57046. "nan"
  57047. ],
  57048. [
  57049. "111111",
  57050. "11111",
  57051. "walsh, michael",
  57052. "fdic",
  57053. "719623877",
  57054. "nan",
  57055. "fileno: 51224/",
  57056. "1/29/1996",
  57057. "739014",
  57058. "hdm / hdm",
  57059. "nan",
  57060. "nan",
  57061. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 15627026",
  57062. "boston",
  57063. "985902",
  57064. "nan",
  57065. "nan",
  57066. "nan",
  57067. "nan",
  57068. "nan",
  57069. "nan",
  57070. "nan",
  57071. "nan",
  57072. "nan",
  57073. "nan",
  57074. "nan",
  57075. "nan",
  57076. "nan",
  57077. "nan",
  57078. "nan",
  57079. "nan",
  57080. "nan",
  57081. "nan",
  57082. "nan",
  57083. "nan",
  57084. "nan",
  57085. "nan",
  57086. "nan"
  57087. ],
  57088. [
  57089. "111111",
  57090. "11111",
  57091. "brant point corporation",
  57092. "nantucket commons",
  57093. "546295015",
  57094. "nan",
  57095. "fileno: 52916/index: neworld; restraining order; boston safe; fdic; title",
  57096. "5/23/1996",
  57097. "737977",
  57098. " / pjn",
  57099. "nan",
  57100. "nan",
  57101. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22765530",
  57102. "boston",
  57103. "986799",
  57104. "nan",
  57105. "nan",
  57106. "nan",
  57107. "nan",
  57108. "nan",
  57109. "nan",
  57110. "nan",
  57111. "nan",
  57112. "nan",
  57113. "nan",
  57114. "nan",
  57115. "nan",
  57116. "nan",
  57117. "nan",
  57118. "nan",
  57119. "nan",
  57120. "nan",
  57121. "nan",
  57122. "nan",
  57123. "nan",
  57124. "nan",
  57125. "nan",
  57126. "nan"
  57127. ],
  57128. [
  57129. "111111",
  57130. "11111",
  57131. "buckley & scott",
  57132. "general",
  57133. "546291856",
  57134. "nan",
  57135. "fileno: 52969/index: 1st american; rhod island heap; stahler building - scituate; lilla ames; grimes oil; beaver oil; public offering; quitclaim deed; damage to boat; nancy pfister v. john murphy et al., street discontinuance - warwick r.i.; joe v. heating; ann trehub; fdic",
  57136. "5/29/1996",
  57137. "737968",
  57138. " / cts",
  57139. "nan",
  57140. "nan",
  57141. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 3-dec-1998 - 3:30 pm - cts / retd_to_st: 1/7/1999 hk box: 22765549",
  57142. "boston",
  57143. "986858",
  57144. "nan",
  57145. "nan",
  57146. "nan",
  57147. "nan",
  57148. "nan",
  57149. "nan",
  57150. "nan",
  57151. "nan",
  57152. "nan",
  57153. "nan",
  57154. "nan",
  57155. "nan",
  57156. "nan",
  57157. "nan",
  57158. "nan",
  57159. "nan",
  57160. "nan",
  57161. "nan",
  57162. "nan",
  57163. "nan",
  57164. "nan",
  57165. "nan",
  57166. "nan"
  57167. ],
  57168. [
  57169. "111111",
  57170. "11111",
  57171. "ruzzo, robert m.",
  57172. "form files - index: fax sheet / copy request / courier slips / new client forms / sub-file liosting / stewart title / draft bill & final bill requests / partner expense check request / clients' fund account withdrawal and and deposit forms / closing notes / environmental expo / purtchaes and sale agreement / condo purchase and sale agreement / purchase and sale agreements - both \"pro-buyer \"and \"pro-seller\" / urea formaldehyde foam insulation certificate / moprtgages / discharge of mortgage / quitclaim deeds / ucc financing statements / certification of non-foreign status / pre-requisite info. to obtain a cert. of tax good standing / abatement of real estate tax application / reporting cert. for residential real estate trans / liberty mutual / real estate law journal article / gil o'connel title rundown / fdic matters / mortgage plot plan order form / new client forms / overtime forms / ucc forms",
  57173. "546295092",
  57174. "nan",
  57175. "nan",
  57176. "6/5/1996",
  57177. "738102",
  57178. "rmr /",
  57179. "nan",
  57180. "nan",
  57181. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22765598",
  57182. "boston",
  57183. "986951",
  57184. "nan",
  57185. "nan",
  57186. "nan",
  57187. "nan",
  57188. "nan",
  57189. "nan",
  57190. "nan",
  57191. "nan",
  57192. "nan",
  57193. "nan",
  57194. "nan",
  57195. "nan",
  57196. "nan",
  57197. "nan",
  57198. "nan",
  57199. "nan",
  57200. "nan",
  57201. "nan",
  57202. "nan",
  57203. "nan",
  57204. "nan",
  57205. "nan",
  57206. "nan"
  57207. ],
  57208. [
  57209. "111111",
  57210. "11111",
  57211. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  57212. "rindo, michael - central central savings bank",
  57213. "719589255",
  57214. "nan",
  57215. "fileno: 53082/index: correspondence; deposition exhibits; memos; depo; workout documents; misc; zoning; pleadings; notes",
  57216. "6/7/1996",
  57217. "738104",
  57218. " / pjn",
  57219. "nan",
  57220. "nan",
  57221. "facility: pla\ndelivered: c. gill 10/06/06 / retd_to_st: 11/28/2006 hk box: 22765606",
  57222. "boston",
  57223. "987006",
  57224. "nan",
  57225. "nan",
  57226. "nan",
  57227. "nan",
  57228. "nan",
  57229. "nan",
  57230. "nan",
  57231. "nan",
  57232. "nan",
  57233. "nan",
  57234. "nan",
  57235. "nan",
  57236. "nan",
  57237. "nan",
  57238. "nan",
  57239. "nan",
  57240. "nan",
  57241. "nan",
  57242. "nan",
  57243. "nan",
  57244. "nan",
  57245. "nan",
  57246. "nan"
  57247. ],
  57248. [
  57249. "111111",
  57250. "11111",
  57251. "triton realty l.p.",
  57252. "general",
  57253. "546291953",
  57254. "nan",
  57255. "fileno: 53092/index: hospital trust documents; financial statements; partnership papers; correspondence; liquidation sec 333; law; misc; closing documents; notes; legal work; fdic boston trade; wear guard",
  57256. "6/7/1996",
  57257. "738133",
  57258. " / sah",
  57259. "nan",
  57260. "nan",
  57261. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22765611",
  57262. "boston",
  57263. "987015",
  57264. "nan",
  57265. "nan",
  57266. "nan",
  57267. "nan",
  57268. "nan",
  57269. "nan",
  57270. "nan",
  57271. "nan",
  57272. "nan",
  57273. "nan",
  57274. "nan",
  57275. "nan",
  57276. "nan",
  57277. "nan",
  57278. "nan",
  57279. "nan",
  57280. "nan",
  57281. "nan",
  57282. "nan",
  57283. "nan",
  57284. "nan",
  57285. "nan",
  57286. "nan"
  57287. ],
  57288. [
  57289. "111111",
  57290. "11111",
  57291. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  57292. "rindo litigation -",
  57293. "623765055",
  57294. "nan",
  57295. "fileno: 53173/index: documents produced to rindo / client docs. / misc. / efl working file / legal research notes title / docs. produced - town of tyngsboro / appraisals / rindo appraisals / docs. produced by rindo / depo. exhibits",
  57296. "6/18/1996",
  57297. "738034",
  57298. "mcm / pjn",
  57299. "nan",
  57300. "nan",
  57301. "comments: note: bill jamison (fdic) removed closing binder - per mcm + facility: pla\ndelivered: 18-dec-96 - 3:45 pm - mcm / retd_to_st: 2/14/1997 hk box: 22793621",
  57302. "boston",
  57303. "987172",
  57304. "nan",
  57305. "nan",
  57306. "nan",
  57307. "nan",
  57308. "nan",
  57309. "nan",
  57310. "nan",
  57311. "nan",
  57312. "nan",
  57313. "nan",
  57314. "nan",
  57315. "nan",
  57316. "nan",
  57317. "nan",
  57318. "nan",
  57319. "nan",
  57320. "nan",
  57321. "nan",
  57322. "nan",
  57323. "nan",
  57324. "nan",
  57325. "nan",
  57326. "nan"
  57327. ],
  57328. [
  57329. "111111",
  57330. "11111",
  57331. "alas incorporated",
  57332. "fdic - eliot savings - #6448",
  57333. "nan",
  57334. "nan",
  57335. "nan",
  57336. "6/24/1996",
  57337. "nan",
  57338. " / jtc",
  57339. "off-site",
  57340. "nan",
  57341. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  57342. "boston",
  57343. "987231",
  57344. "nan",
  57345. "nan",
  57346. "nan",
  57347. "nan",
  57348. "nan",
  57349. "nan",
  57350. "nan",
  57351. "nan",
  57352. "nan",
  57353. "nan",
  57354. "nan",
  57355. "nan",
  57356. "nan",
  57357. "nan",
  57358. "nan",
  57359. "nan",
  57360. "nan",
  57361. "nan",
  57362. "nan",
  57363. "nan",
  57364. "nan",
  57365. "nan",
  57366. "nan"
  57367. ],
  57368. [
  57369. "111111",
  57370. "11111",
  57371. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  57372. "rindo litigation -",
  57373. "719581322",
  57374. "nan",
  57375. "fileno: 53204/index: research/law / docs. w/held from production / billing / pleadings vol. 1-3 / corresp. vol. 1 & 2",
  57376. "6/25/1996",
  57377. "738113",
  57378. "efl / mcm",
  57379. "nan",
  57380. "nan",
  57381. "facility: pla\ndelivered: c. gill 10/06/06 / retd_to_st: 11/28/2006 hk box: 22793641",
  57382. "boston",
  57383. "987241",
  57384. "nan",
  57385. "nan",
  57386. "nan",
  57387. "nan",
  57388. "nan",
  57389. "nan",
  57390. "nan",
  57391. "nan",
  57392. "nan",
  57393. "nan",
  57394. "nan",
  57395. "nan",
  57396. "nan",
  57397. "nan",
  57398. "nan",
  57399. "nan",
  57400. "nan",
  57401. "nan",
  57402. "nan",
  57403. "nan",
  57404. "nan",
  57405. "nan",
  57406. "nan"
  57407. ],
  57408. [
  57409. "111111",
  57410. "11111",
  57411. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.",
  57412. "currie -",
  57413. "546291808",
  57414. "nan",
  57415. "fileno: 53217/index: documents produced in response to shawmut arlington's request by currie enterprises",
  57416. "6/27/1996",
  57417. "738108",
  57418. "cjt / cjt",
  57419. "nan",
  57420. "nan",
  57421. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22793644",
  57422. "boston",
  57423. "987315",
  57424. "nan",
  57425. "nan",
  57426. "nan",
  57427. "nan",
  57428. "nan",
  57429. "nan",
  57430. "nan",
  57431. "nan",
  57432. "nan",
  57433. "nan",
  57434. "nan",
  57435. "nan",
  57436. "nan",
  57437. "nan",
  57438. "nan",
  57439. "nan",
  57440. "nan",
  57441. "nan",
  57442. "nan",
  57443. "nan",
  57444. "nan",
  57445. "nan",
  57446. "nan"
  57447. ],
  57448. [
  57449. "111111",
  57450. "11111",
  57451. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.",
  57452. "currie -",
  57453. "546291808",
  57454. "nan",
  57455. "fileno: 53215/index: rose deposition working file",
  57456. "6/27/1996",
  57457. "738108",
  57458. "cjt / cjt",
  57459. "nan",
  57460. "nan",
  57461. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22793644",
  57462. "boston",
  57463. "987316",
  57464. "nan",
  57465. "nan",
  57466. "nan",
  57467. "nan",
  57468. "nan",
  57469. "nan",
  57470. "nan",
  57471. "nan",
  57472. "nan",
  57473. "nan",
  57474. "nan",
  57475. "nan",
  57476. "nan",
  57477. "nan",
  57478. "nan",
  57479. "nan",
  57480. "nan",
  57481. "nan",
  57482. "nan",
  57483. "nan",
  57484. "nan",
  57485. "nan",
  57486. "nan"
  57487. ],
  57488. [
  57489. "111111",
  57490. "11111",
  57491. "devon, mark willard realty trust",
  57492. "fdic / recall",
  57493. "nan",
  57494. "nan",
  57495. "nan",
  57496. "7/8/1996",
  57497. "nan",
  57498. " / pjn",
  57499. "off-site",
  57500. "nan",
  57501. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  57502. "boston",
  57503. "987518",
  57504. "nan",
  57505. "nan",
  57506. "nan",
  57507. "nan",
  57508. "nan",
  57509. "nan",
  57510. "nan",
  57511. "nan",
  57512. "nan",
  57513. "nan",
  57514. "nan",
  57515. "nan",
  57516. "nan",
  57517. "nan",
  57518. "nan",
  57519. "nan",
  57520. "nan",
  57521. "nan",
  57522. "nan",
  57523. "nan",
  57524. "nan",
  57525. "nan",
  57526. "nan"
  57527. ],
  57528. [
  57529. "111111",
  57530. "11111",
  57531. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57532. "bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 1",
  57533. "719631571",
  57534. "nan",
  57535. "fileno: 61043/",
  57536. "nan",
  57537. "745658",
  57538. " / pjn",
  57539. "nan",
  57540. "nan",
  57541. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1081",
  57542. "boston",
  57543. "987565",
  57544. "nan",
  57545. "nan",
  57546. "nan",
  57547. "nan",
  57548. "nan",
  57549. "nan",
  57550. "nan",
  57551. "nan",
  57552. "nan",
  57553. "nan",
  57554. "nan",
  57555. "nan",
  57556. "nan",
  57557. "nan",
  57558. "nan",
  57559. "nan",
  57560. "nan",
  57561. "nan",
  57562. "nan",
  57563. "nan",
  57564. "nan",
  57565. "nan",
  57566. "nan"
  57567. ],
  57568. [
  57569. "111111",
  57570. "11111",
  57571. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57572. "ksk neponset valley trust",
  57573. "1398",
  57574. "nan",
  57575. "fileno: 60130/",
  57576. "2/27/1998",
  57577. "nan",
  57578. " / pjn",
  57579. "nan",
  57580. "nan",
  57581. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  57582. "boston",
  57583. "987566",
  57584. "nan",
  57585. "nan",
  57586. "nan",
  57587. "nan",
  57588. "nan",
  57589. "nan",
  57590. "nan",
  57591. "nan",
  57592. "nan",
  57593. "nan",
  57594. "nan",
  57595. "nan",
  57596. "nan",
  57597. "nan",
  57598. "nan",
  57599. "nan",
  57600. "nan",
  57601. "nan",
  57602. "nan",
  57603. "nan",
  57604. "nan",
  57605. "nan",
  57606. "nan"
  57607. ],
  57608. [
  57609. "111111",
  57610. "11111",
  57611. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57612. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 1",
  57613. "719628351",
  57614. "nan",
  57615. "fileno: 61040/",
  57616. "nan",
  57617. "747493",
  57618. " / pjn",
  57619. "nan",
  57620. "nan",
  57621. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1080",
  57622. "boston",
  57623. "987567",
  57624. "nan",
  57625. "nan",
  57626. "nan",
  57627. "nan",
  57628. "nan",
  57629. "nan",
  57630. "nan",
  57631. "nan",
  57632. "nan",
  57633. "nan",
  57634. "nan",
  57635. "nan",
  57636. "nan",
  57637. "nan",
  57638. "nan",
  57639. "nan",
  57640. "nan",
  57641. "nan",
  57642. "nan",
  57643. "nan",
  57644. "nan",
  57645. "nan",
  57646. "nan"
  57647. ],
  57648. [
  57649. "111111",
  57650. "11111",
  57651. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57652. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 2",
  57653. "719628351",
  57654. "nan",
  57655. "fileno: 61039/",
  57656. "nan",
  57657. "747493",
  57658. " / pjn",
  57659. "nan",
  57660. "nan",
  57661. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1080",
  57662. "boston",
  57663. "987569",
  57664. "nan",
  57665. "nan",
  57666. "nan",
  57667. "nan",
  57668. "nan",
  57669. "nan",
  57670. "nan",
  57671. "nan",
  57672. "nan",
  57673. "nan",
  57674. "nan",
  57675. "nan",
  57676. "nan",
  57677. "nan",
  57678. "nan",
  57679. "nan",
  57680. "nan",
  57681. "nan",
  57682. "nan",
  57683. "nan",
  57684. "nan",
  57685. "nan",
  57686. "nan"
  57687. ],
  57688. [
  57689. "111111",
  57690. "11111",
  57691. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57692. "currie volume 2",
  57693. "719627738",
  57694. "nan",
  57695. "fileno: 58753/index: other parties responses to discovery requests; joint statement - scheduling dates; expert materials; issues outline; blank checks; handwriting samples; motion to take prisoner depositions; research memo; materials to review - from mjp; currie's answer to bank hapoalim interrogetories; report letter 8/92; statute of limitations memo; failure to file proof of claim; notes re: interrogetories w/ joan mccann; witness research; digital matter; outstanding research issues; check research; relevant ucc provisions; legal research; raymond curie depo volume 3",
  57696. "nan",
  57697. "742933",
  57698. " / cjt",
  57699. "nan",
  57700. "nan",
  57701. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 862",
  57702. "boston",
  57703. "987571",
  57704. "nan",
  57705. "nan",
  57706. "nan",
  57707. "nan",
  57708. "nan",
  57709. "nan",
  57710. "nan",
  57711. "nan",
  57712. "nan",
  57713. "nan",
  57714. "nan",
  57715. "nan",
  57716. "nan",
  57717. "nan",
  57718. "nan",
  57719. "nan",
  57720. "nan",
  57721. "nan",
  57722. "nan",
  57723. "nan",
  57724. "nan",
  57725. "nan",
  57726. "nan"
  57727. ],
  57728. [
  57729. "111111",
  57730. "11111",
  57731. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57732. "currie",
  57733. "719627575",
  57734. "nan",
  57735. "fileno: 58700/index: lists of enbezzled checks - copies of checks; accountant's documents; documents re: new heritage; documents re: edward desmond; correspondence; currie's financial documents; miscellaneous notes; wire transfers; documents re: kenneth stripe; carlyle omni documents",
  57736. "nan",
  57737. "741508",
  57738. " / cjt",
  57739. "nan",
  57740. "nan",
  57741. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 869",
  57742. "boston",
  57743. "987572",
  57744. "nan",
  57745. "nan",
  57746. "nan",
  57747. "nan",
  57748. "nan",
  57749. "nan",
  57750. "nan",
  57751. "nan",
  57752. "nan",
  57753. "nan",
  57754. "nan",
  57755. "nan",
  57756. "nan",
  57757. "nan",
  57758. "nan",
  57759. "nan",
  57760. "nan",
  57761. "nan",
  57762. "nan",
  57763. "nan",
  57764. "nan",
  57765. "nan",
  57766. "nan"
  57767. ],
  57768. [
  57769. "111111",
  57770. "11111",
  57771. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57772. "currie",
  57773. "719631911",
  57774. "nan",
  57775. "fileno: 58777/index: new heritage bank checks numbered 102,103,106,1805,107,110,111,113,116,1804; desmond signature; desmond original signatures; currie signatures; documents produced by new heritage 2/15/91 nhb-13",
  57776. "nan",
  57777. "750536",
  57778. " / cjt",
  57779. "nan",
  57780. "nan",
  57781. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 855",
  57782. "boston",
  57783. "987573",
  57784. "nan",
  57785. "nan",
  57786. "nan",
  57787. "nan",
  57788. "nan",
  57789. "nan",
  57790. "nan",
  57791. "nan",
  57792. "nan",
  57793. "nan",
  57794. "nan",
  57795. "nan",
  57796. "nan",
  57797. "nan",
  57798. "nan",
  57799. "nan",
  57800. "nan",
  57801. "nan",
  57802. "nan",
  57803. "nan",
  57804. "nan",
  57805. "nan",
  57806. "nan"
  57807. ],
  57808. [
  57809. "111111",
  57810. "11111",
  57811. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57812. "sacco & civitarese - olympic bank & trust co. title search",
  57813. "719624573",
  57814. "nan",
  57815. "fileno: 61033/",
  57816. "nan",
  57817. "744138",
  57818. " / pjn",
  57819. "nan",
  57820. "nan",
  57821. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  57822. "boston",
  57823. "987574",
  57824. "nan",
  57825. "nan",
  57826. "nan",
  57827. "nan",
  57828. "nan",
  57829. "nan",
  57830. "nan",
  57831. "nan",
  57832. "nan",
  57833. "nan",
  57834. "nan",
  57835. "nan",
  57836. "nan",
  57837. "nan",
  57838. "nan",
  57839. "nan",
  57840. "nan",
  57841. "nan",
  57842. "nan",
  57843. "nan",
  57844. "nan",
  57845. "nan",
  57846. "nan"
  57847. ],
  57848. [
  57849. "111111",
  57850. "11111",
  57851. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57852. "sacco & civaterese",
  57853. "719624573",
  57854. "nan",
  57855. "fileno: 61034/",
  57856. "nan",
  57857. "744138",
  57858. " / mcm, pjn",
  57859. "nan",
  57860. "nan",
  57861. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  57862. "boston",
  57863. "987575",
  57864. "nan",
  57865. "nan",
  57866. "nan",
  57867. "nan",
  57868. "nan",
  57869. "nan",
  57870. "nan",
  57871. "nan",
  57872. "nan",
  57873. "nan",
  57874. "nan",
  57875. "nan",
  57876. "nan",
  57877. "nan",
  57878. "nan",
  57879. "nan",
  57880. "nan",
  57881. "nan",
  57882. "nan",
  57883. "nan",
  57884. "nan",
  57885. "nan",
  57886. "nan"
  57887. ],
  57888. [
  57889. "111111",
  57890. "11111",
  57891. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57892. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  57893. "854",
  57894. "nan",
  57895. "fileno: 58783/index volume one: correspondence 1, 2 and 3; privileged correspondence; letter from desmond; memoranda; client documents",
  57896. "nan",
  57897. "nan",
  57898. " / mga",
  57899. "nan",
  57900. "nan",
  57901. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  57902. "boston",
  57903. "987576",
  57904. "nan",
  57905. "nan",
  57906. "nan",
  57907. "nan",
  57908. "nan",
  57909. "nan",
  57910. "nan",
  57911. "nan",
  57912. "nan",
  57913. "nan",
  57914. "nan",
  57915. "nan",
  57916. "nan",
  57917. "nan",
  57918. "nan",
  57919. "nan",
  57920. "nan",
  57921. "nan",
  57922. "nan",
  57923. "nan",
  57924. "nan",
  57925. "nan",
  57926. "nan"
  57927. ],
  57928. [
  57929. "111111",
  57930. "11111",
  57931. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57932. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  57933. "nan",
  57934. "nan",
  57935. "index: billing; drafts; notes; extras; asoian & tully documents",
  57936. "7/10/1996",
  57937. "nan",
  57938. " / mga",
  57939. "off-site",
  57940. "nan",
  57941. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  57942. "boston",
  57943. "987577",
  57944. "nan",
  57945. "nan",
  57946. "nan",
  57947. "nan",
  57948. "nan",
  57949. "nan",
  57950. "nan",
  57951. "nan",
  57952. "nan",
  57953. "nan",
  57954. "nan",
  57955. "nan",
  57956. "nan",
  57957. "nan",
  57958. "nan",
  57959. "nan",
  57960. "nan",
  57961. "nan",
  57962. "nan",
  57963. "nan",
  57964. "nan",
  57965. "nan",
  57966. "nan"
  57967. ],
  57968. [
  57969. "111111",
  57970. "11111",
  57971. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  57972. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  57973. "850",
  57974. "nan",
  57975. "fileno: 58795/index: misc; plaintiff's settlement schedule; criminal indictments; criminal docket; desmond; digital litigation; shiepe depo; grand jury testimony; transcripts of hrg re: desmond depo; mccann & assoc. expert; frederick w. toulouse expert; currie proof of claim",
  57976. "nan",
  57977. "nan",
  57978. " / mga",
  57979. "nan",
  57980. "nan",
  57981. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  57982. "boston",
  57983. "987578",
  57984. "nan",
  57985. "nan",
  57986. "nan",
  57987. "nan",
  57988. "nan",
  57989. "nan",
  57990. "nan",
  57991. "nan",
  57992. "nan",
  57993. "nan",
  57994. "nan",
  57995. "nan",
  57996. "nan",
  57997. "nan",
  57998. "nan",
  57999. "nan",
  58000. "nan",
  58001. "nan",
  58002. "nan",
  58003. "nan",
  58004. "nan",
  58005. "nan",
  58006. "nan"
  58007. ],
  58008. [
  58009. "111111",
  58010. "11111",
  58011. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58012. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58013. "nan",
  58014. "nan",
  58015. "index: depo exhibits; depo min o. scripts; depo summary",
  58016. "7/10/1996",
  58017. "nan",
  58018. " / mga",
  58019. "off-site",
  58020. "nan",
  58021. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  58022. "boston",
  58023. "987579",
  58024. "nan",
  58025. "nan",
  58026. "nan",
  58027. "nan",
  58028. "nan",
  58029. "nan",
  58030. "nan",
  58031. "nan",
  58032. "nan",
  58033. "nan",
  58034. "nan",
  58035. "nan",
  58036. "nan",
  58037. "nan",
  58038. "nan",
  58039. "nan",
  58040. "nan",
  58041. "nan",
  58042. "nan",
  58043. "nan",
  58044. "nan",
  58045. "nan",
  58046. "nan"
  58047. ],
  58048. [
  58049. "111111",
  58050. "11111",
  58051. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58052. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58053. "nan",
  58054. "nan",
  58055. "index: legal research; min-o scripts; summaries; notes; transcripts; re: mccornick; dialso notes; greerin notes",
  58056. "7/10/1996",
  58057. "nan",
  58058. " / mga",
  58059. "off-site",
  58060. "nan",
  58061. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  58062. "boston",
  58063. "987580",
  58064. "nan",
  58065. "nan",
  58066. "nan",
  58067. "nan",
  58068. "nan",
  58069. "nan",
  58070. "nan",
  58071. "nan",
  58072. "nan",
  58073. "nan",
  58074. "nan",
  58075. "nan",
  58076. "nan",
  58077. "nan",
  58078. "nan",
  58079. "nan",
  58080. "nan",
  58081. "nan",
  58082. "nan",
  58083. "nan",
  58084. "nan",
  58085. "nan",
  58086. "nan"
  58087. ],
  58088. [
  58089. "111111",
  58090. "11111",
  58091. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58092. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58093. "nan",
  58094. "nan",
  58095. "index rose: depo; summary min-o script; notes index shiepe: notes index seaman: notes",
  58096. "7/10/1996",
  58097. "nan",
  58098. " / mga",
  58099. "off-site",
  58100. "nan",
  58101. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  58102. "boston",
  58103. "987583",
  58104. "nan",
  58105. "nan",
  58106. "nan",
  58107. "nan",
  58108. "nan",
  58109. "nan",
  58110. "nan",
  58111. "nan",
  58112. "nan",
  58113. "nan",
  58114. "nan",
  58115. "nan",
  58116. "nan",
  58117. "nan",
  58118. "nan",
  58119. "nan",
  58120. "nan",
  58121. "nan",
  58122. "nan",
  58123. "nan",
  58124. "nan",
  58125. "nan",
  58126. "nan"
  58127. ],
  58128. [
  58129. "111111",
  58130. "11111",
  58131. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58132. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58133. "859",
  58134. "nan",
  58135. "fileno: 58769/index: currie volume 7 depo exhibits",
  58136. "nan",
  58137. "nan",
  58138. " / mga",
  58139. "nan",
  58140. "nan",
  58141. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: pjn 12-3-99 / retd_to_st: 2/24/2000",
  58142. "boston",
  58143. "987584",
  58144. "nan",
  58145. "nan",
  58146. "nan",
  58147. "nan",
  58148. "nan",
  58149. "nan",
  58150. "nan",
  58151. "nan",
  58152. "nan",
  58153. "nan",
  58154. "nan",
  58155. "nan",
  58156. "nan",
  58157. "nan",
  58158. "nan",
  58159. "nan",
  58160. "nan",
  58161. "nan",
  58162. "nan",
  58163. "nan",
  58164. "nan",
  58165. "nan",
  58166. "nan"
  58167. ],
  58168. [
  58169. "111111",
  58170. "11111",
  58171. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58172. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58173. "719624049",
  58174. "nan",
  58175. "fileno: 58784/index: mccormack depo documents volume 8",
  58176. "nan",
  58177. "741081",
  58178. " / mga",
  58179. "nan",
  58180. "nan",
  58181. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 853",
  58182. "boston",
  58183. "987585",
  58184. "nan",
  58185. "nan",
  58186. "nan",
  58187. "nan",
  58188. "nan",
  58189. "nan",
  58190. "nan",
  58191. "nan",
  58192. "nan",
  58193. "nan",
  58194. "nan",
  58195. "nan",
  58196. "nan",
  58197. "nan",
  58198. "nan",
  58199. "nan",
  58200. "nan",
  58201. "nan",
  58202. "nan",
  58203. "nan",
  58204. "nan",
  58205. "nan",
  58206. "nan"
  58207. ],
  58208. [
  58209. "111111",
  58210. "11111",
  58211. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58212. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58213. "nan",
  58214. "nan",
  58215. "index: ledgers; volume 1 transcript; exhibits; min-o-script; summary; outline; notes; digital exhibits; volume 2; volume 3",
  58216. "7/10/1996",
  58217. "nan",
  58218. " / mga",
  58219. "off-site",
  58220. "nan",
  58221. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  58222. "boston",
  58223. "987586",
  58224. "nan",
  58225. "nan",
  58226. "nan",
  58227. "nan",
  58228. "nan",
  58229. "nan",
  58230. "nan",
  58231. "nan",
  58232. "nan",
  58233. "nan",
  58234. "nan",
  58235. "nan",
  58236. "nan",
  58237. "nan",
  58238. "nan",
  58239. "nan",
  58240. "nan",
  58241. "nan",
  58242. "nan",
  58243. "nan",
  58244. "nan",
  58245. "nan",
  58246. "nan"
  58247. ],
  58248. [
  58249. "111111",
  58250. "11111",
  58251. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58252. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58253. "nan",
  58254. "nan",
  58255. "index: nhb files; correspondence; docket; legal research; memos; important papers; notes; copies; proof of loss",
  58256. "7/10/1996",
  58257. "nan",
  58258. " / mga",
  58259. "off-site",
  58260. "nan",
  58261. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  58262. "boston",
  58263. "987587",
  58264. "nan",
  58265. "nan",
  58266. "nan",
  58267. "nan",
  58268. "nan",
  58269. "nan",
  58270. "nan",
  58271. "nan",
  58272. "nan",
  58273. "nan",
  58274. "nan",
  58275. "nan",
  58276. "nan",
  58277. "nan",
  58278. "nan",
  58279. "nan",
  58280. "nan",
  58281. "nan",
  58282. "nan",
  58283. "nan",
  58284. "nan",
  58285. "nan",
  58286. "nan"
  58287. ],
  58288. [
  58289. "111111",
  58290. "11111",
  58291. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58292. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58293. "852",
  58294. "nan",
  58295. "fileno: 58787/index: mjp working file",
  58296. "nan",
  58297. "nan",
  58298. " / mga",
  58299. "nan",
  58300. "nan",
  58301. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58302. "boston",
  58303. "987588",
  58304. "nan",
  58305. "nan",
  58306. "nan",
  58307. "nan",
  58308. "nan",
  58309. "nan",
  58310. "nan",
  58311. "nan",
  58312. "nan",
  58313. "nan",
  58314. "nan",
  58315. "nan",
  58316. "nan",
  58317. "nan",
  58318. "nan",
  58319. "nan",
  58320. "nan",
  58321. "nan",
  58322. "nan",
  58323. "nan",
  58324. "nan",
  58325. "nan",
  58326. "nan"
  58327. ],
  58328. [
  58329. "111111",
  58330. "11111",
  58331. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58332. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58333. "856",
  58334. "nan",
  58335. "fileno: 58776/index: volume 12; jablonski deposition; exhibits; notes; summaries; min-o-scripts; transcripts",
  58336. "nan",
  58337. "nan",
  58338. "cjt / mga",
  58339. "nan",
  58340. "nan",
  58341. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58342. "boston",
  58343. "987589",
  58344. "nan",
  58345. "nan",
  58346. "nan",
  58347. "nan",
  58348. "nan",
  58349. "nan",
  58350. "nan",
  58351. "nan",
  58352. "nan",
  58353. "nan",
  58354. "nan",
  58355. "nan",
  58356. "nan",
  58357. "nan",
  58358. "nan",
  58359. "nan",
  58360. "nan",
  58361. "nan",
  58362. "nan",
  58363. "nan",
  58364. "nan",
  58365. "nan",
  58366. "nan"
  58367. ],
  58368. [
  58369. "111111",
  58370. "11111",
  58371. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58372. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58373. "858",
  58374. "nan",
  58375. "fileno: 58770/index volume 8: r. paul currie depo transcripts; summaries; min-o-scripts; exhibits; us attorney transcripts",
  58376. "nan",
  58377. "nan",
  58378. " / mga",
  58379. "nan",
  58380. "nan",
  58381. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58382. "boston",
  58383. "987590",
  58384. "nan",
  58385. "nan",
  58386. "nan",
  58387. "nan",
  58388. "nan",
  58389. "nan",
  58390. "nan",
  58391. "nan",
  58392. "nan",
  58393. "nan",
  58394. "nan",
  58395. "nan",
  58396. "nan",
  58397. "nan",
  58398. "nan",
  58399. "nan",
  58400. "nan",
  58401. "nan",
  58402. "nan",
  58403. "nan",
  58404. "nan",
  58405. "nan",
  58406. "nan"
  58407. ],
  58408. [
  58409. "111111",
  58410. "11111",
  58411. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58412. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58413. "nan",
  58414. "nan",
  58415. "index: various depo transcripts and summaries",
  58416. "7/10/1996",
  58417. "nan",
  58418. " / mga",
  58419. "off-site",
  58420. "nan",
  58421. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  58422. "boston",
  58423. "987591",
  58424. "nan",
  58425. "nan",
  58426. "nan",
  58427. "nan",
  58428. "nan",
  58429. "nan",
  58430. "nan",
  58431. "nan",
  58432. "nan",
  58433. "nan",
  58434. "nan",
  58435. "nan",
  58436. "nan",
  58437. "nan",
  58438. "nan",
  58439. "nan",
  58440. "nan",
  58441. "nan",
  58442. "nan",
  58443. "nan",
  58444. "nan",
  58445. "nan",
  58446. "nan"
  58447. ],
  58448. [
  58449. "111111",
  58450. "11111",
  58451. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58452. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58453. "857",
  58454. "nan",
  58455. "fileno: 58773/index: documents produced persuant to subpoena date stamped 1437-1980",
  58456. "nan",
  58457. "nan",
  58458. " / cjt",
  58459. "nan",
  58460. "nan",
  58461. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58462. "boston",
  58463. "987592",
  58464. "nan",
  58465. "nan",
  58466. "nan",
  58467. "nan",
  58468. "nan",
  58469. "nan",
  58470. "nan",
  58471. "nan",
  58472. "nan",
  58473. "nan",
  58474. "nan",
  58475. "nan",
  58476. "nan",
  58477. "nan",
  58478. "nan",
  58479. "nan",
  58480. "nan",
  58481. "nan",
  58482. "nan",
  58483. "nan",
  58484. "nan",
  58485. "nan",
  58486. "nan"
  58487. ],
  58488. [
  58489. "111111",
  58490. "11111",
  58491. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58492. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 2",
  58493. "857",
  58494. "nan",
  58495. "fileno: 58771/index: documents produced persuant to subpoena date stamped 1981-2695",
  58496. "nan",
  58497. "nan",
  58498. " / cjt",
  58499. "nan",
  58500. "nan",
  58501. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58502. "boston",
  58503. "987593",
  58504. "nan",
  58505. "nan",
  58506. "nan",
  58507. "nan",
  58508. "nan",
  58509. "nan",
  58510. "nan",
  58511. "nan",
  58512. "nan",
  58513. "nan",
  58514. "nan",
  58515. "nan",
  58516. "nan",
  58517. "nan",
  58518. "nan",
  58519. "nan",
  58520. "nan",
  58521. "nan",
  58522. "nan",
  58523. "nan",
  58524. "nan",
  58525. "nan",
  58526. "nan"
  58527. ],
  58528. [
  58529. "111111",
  58530. "11111",
  58531. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58532. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 3",
  58533. "861",
  58534. "nan",
  58535. "fileno: 58757/index: documents produced persuant to subpoena date stamped 2696-2918",
  58536. "nan",
  58537. "nan",
  58538. " / cjt",
  58539. "nan",
  58540. "nan",
  58541. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58542. "boston",
  58543. "987594",
  58544. "nan",
  58545. "nan",
  58546. "nan",
  58547. "nan",
  58548. "nan",
  58549. "nan",
  58550. "nan",
  58551. "nan",
  58552. "nan",
  58553. "nan",
  58554. "nan",
  58555. "nan",
  58556. "nan",
  58557. "nan",
  58558. "nan",
  58559. "nan",
  58560. "nan",
  58561. "nan",
  58562. "nan",
  58563. "nan",
  58564. "nan",
  58565. "nan",
  58566. "nan"
  58567. ],
  58568. [
  58569. "111111",
  58570. "11111",
  58571. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58572. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58573. "719631911",
  58574. "nan",
  58575. "fileno: 58779/index: choate hall originals",
  58576. "nan",
  58577. "750536",
  58578. " / cjt",
  58579. "nan",
  58580. "nan",
  58581. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 855",
  58582. "boston",
  58583. "987595",
  58584. "nan",
  58585. "nan",
  58586. "nan",
  58587. "nan",
  58588. "nan",
  58589. "nan",
  58590. "nan",
  58591. "nan",
  58592. "nan",
  58593. "nan",
  58594. "nan",
  58595. "nan",
  58596. "nan",
  58597. "nan",
  58598. "nan",
  58599. "nan",
  58600. "nan",
  58601. "nan",
  58602. "nan",
  58603. "nan",
  58604. "nan",
  58605. "nan",
  58606. "nan"
  58607. ],
  58608. [
  58609. "111111",
  58610. "11111",
  58611. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58612. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58613. "861",
  58614. "nan",
  58615. "fileno: 58758/index: currie deposition volume 1; statements re: currie ent. acct. 0194654 (arlington); misc documents; jablowski deposition exhibits (digital); transcript of hearing re: desmond deposition; rose interview notes; mccormick memo re: currie meeting",
  58616. "nan",
  58617. "nan",
  58618. " / cjt",
  58619. "nan",
  58620. "nan",
  58621. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58622. "boston",
  58623. "987596",
  58624. "nan",
  58625. "nan",
  58626. "nan",
  58627. "nan",
  58628. "nan",
  58629. "nan",
  58630. "nan",
  58631. "nan",
  58632. "nan",
  58633. "nan",
  58634. "nan",
  58635. "nan",
  58636. "nan",
  58637. "nan",
  58638. "nan",
  58639. "nan",
  58640. "nan",
  58641. "nan",
  58642. "nan",
  58643. "nan",
  58644. "nan",
  58645. "nan",
  58646. "nan"
  58647. ],
  58648. [
  58649. "111111",
  58650. "11111",
  58651. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58652. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  58653. "719624710",
  58654. "nan",
  58655. "fileno: 58760/index: desmond deposition materials",
  58656. "nan",
  58657. "741712",
  58658. " / cjt",
  58659. "nan",
  58660. "nan",
  58661. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: mas 7-20-2002|7-oct-1998 - 3:30 pm - wvt / retd_to_st: 11/19/2002 vendor box: 860",
  58662. "boston",
  58663. "987597",
  58664. "nan",
  58665. "nan",
  58666. "nan",
  58667. "nan",
  58668. "nan",
  58669. "nan",
  58670. "nan",
  58671. "nan",
  58672. "nan",
  58673. "nan",
  58674. "nan",
  58675. "nan",
  58676. "nan",
  58677. "nan",
  58678. "nan",
  58679. "nan",
  58680. "nan",
  58681. "nan",
  58682. "nan",
  58683. "nan",
  58684. "nan",
  58685. "nan",
  58686. "nan"
  58687. ],
  58688. [
  58689. "111111",
  58690. "11111",
  58691. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58692. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 4",
  58693. "861",
  58694. "nan",
  58695. "fileno: 58755/index: documents produced persuant to subpoena date stamped 3136-4137",
  58696. "nan",
  58697. "nan",
  58698. " / cjt",
  58699. "nan",
  58700. "nan",
  58701. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58702. "boston",
  58703. "987598",
  58704. "nan",
  58705. "nan",
  58706. "nan",
  58707. "nan",
  58708. "nan",
  58709. "nan",
  58710. "nan",
  58711. "nan",
  58712. "nan",
  58713. "nan",
  58714. "nan",
  58715. "nan",
  58716. "nan",
  58717. "nan",
  58718. "nan",
  58719. "nan",
  58720. "nan",
  58721. "nan",
  58722. "nan",
  58723. "nan",
  58724. "nan",
  58725. "nan",
  58726. "nan"
  58727. ],
  58728. [
  58729. "111111",
  58730. "11111",
  58731. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58732. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 5",
  58733. "719631911",
  58734. "nan",
  58735. "fileno: 58780/index: documents produced persuant to subpoena date stamped 4138-4922",
  58736. "nan",
  58737. "750536",
  58738. " / cjt",
  58739. "nan",
  58740. "nan",
  58741. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 855",
  58742. "boston",
  58743. "987599",
  58744. "nan",
  58745. "nan",
  58746. "nan",
  58747. "nan",
  58748. "nan",
  58749. "nan",
  58750. "nan",
  58751. "nan",
  58752. "nan",
  58753. "nan",
  58754. "nan",
  58755. "nan",
  58756. "nan",
  58757. "nan",
  58758. "nan",
  58759. "nan",
  58760. "nan",
  58761. "nan",
  58762. "nan",
  58763. "nan",
  58764. "nan",
  58765. "nan",
  58766. "nan"
  58767. ],
  58768. [
  58769. "111111",
  58770. "11111",
  58771. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58772. "currie, raymond - heritage bank",
  58773. "719627575",
  58774. "nan",
  58775. "fileno: 58699/index: misc documents; deposition disks",
  58776. "nan",
  58777. "741508",
  58778. " / mjp",
  58779. "nan",
  58780. "nan",
  58781. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 869",
  58782. "boston",
  58783. "987600",
  58784. "nan",
  58785. "nan",
  58786. "nan",
  58787. "nan",
  58788. "nan",
  58789. "nan",
  58790. "nan",
  58791. "nan",
  58792. "nan",
  58793. "nan",
  58794. "nan",
  58795. "nan",
  58796. "nan",
  58797. "nan",
  58798. "nan",
  58799. "nan",
  58800. "nan",
  58801. "nan",
  58802. "nan",
  58803. "nan",
  58804. "nan",
  58805. "nan",
  58806. "nan"
  58807. ],
  58808. [
  58809. "111111",
  58810. "11111",
  58811. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  58812. "currie, raymond - heritage bank",
  58813. "nan",
  58814. "nan",
  58815. "index: checks numbered 116,107,102, 103,106,113,110, and 111; barker letter; keating memo; l/c apr 5/23; l/c 5/26-7/88; 325,000 check w/endorsement note; t check; complaint; commission memo; keating memo; commission agreement; 12/1/88 letter: jablonski to currie re: wire transfer; currie ent. account 0982679; jablonski deposition exhibits (digital)",
  58816. "7/10/1996",
  58817. "nan",
  58818. " / mjp",
  58819. "off-site",
  58820. "nan",
  58821. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  58822. "boston",
  58823. "987601",
  58824. "nan",
  58825. "nan",
  58826. "nan",
  58827. "nan",
  58828. "nan",
  58829. "nan",
  58830. "nan",
  58831. "nan",
  58832. "nan",
  58833. "nan",
  58834. "nan",
  58835. "nan",
  58836. "nan",
  58837. "nan",
  58838. "nan",
  58839. "nan",
  58840. "nan",
  58841. "nan",
  58842. "nan",
  58843. "nan",
  58844. "nan",
  58845. "nan",
  58846. "nan"
  58847. ],
  58848. [
  58849. "111111",
  58850. "11111",
  58851. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  58852. "354 waverly street trust",
  58853. "719626316",
  58854. "nan",
  58855. "fileno: 59678/index: correspondence volumes 1 & 2; notes; memos; proof of claim",
  58856. "nan",
  58857. "750352",
  58858. " / pjn, gpk",
  58859. "nan",
  58860. "nan",
  58861. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 955",
  58862. "boston",
  58863. "987602",
  58864. "nan",
  58865. "nan",
  58866. "nan",
  58867. "nan",
  58868. "nan",
  58869. "nan",
  58870. "nan",
  58871. "nan",
  58872. "nan",
  58873. "nan",
  58874. "nan",
  58875. "nan",
  58876. "nan",
  58877. "nan",
  58878. "nan",
  58879. "nan",
  58880. "nan",
  58881. "nan",
  58882. "nan",
  58883. "nan",
  58884. "nan",
  58885. "nan",
  58886. "nan"
  58887. ],
  58888. [
  58889. "111111",
  58890. "11111",
  58891. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  58892. "354 waverly street trust",
  58893. "861",
  58894. "nan",
  58895. "fileno: 58759/index: pleadings volumes 1 thru 3",
  58896. "nan",
  58897. "nan",
  58898. " / gpk, pjn",
  58899. "nan",
  58900. "nan",
  58901. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58902. "boston",
  58903. "987603",
  58904. "nan",
  58905. "nan",
  58906. "nan",
  58907. "nan",
  58908. "nan",
  58909. "nan",
  58910. "nan",
  58911. "nan",
  58912. "nan",
  58913. "nan",
  58914. "nan",
  58915. "nan",
  58916. "nan",
  58917. "nan",
  58918. "nan",
  58919. "nan",
  58920. "nan",
  58921. "nan",
  58922. "nan",
  58923. "nan",
  58924. "nan",
  58925. "nan",
  58926. "nan"
  58927. ],
  58928. [
  58929. "111111",
  58930. "11111",
  58931. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  58932. "hackel properties",
  58933. "854",
  58934. "nan",
  58935. "fileno: 58781/index: foreclosure of one bulfinch place",
  58936. "nan",
  58937. "nan",
  58938. " / pjn",
  58939. "nan",
  58940. "nan",
  58941. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  58942. "boston",
  58943. "987604",
  58944. "nan",
  58945. "nan",
  58946. "nan",
  58947. "nan",
  58948. "nan",
  58949. "nan",
  58950. "nan",
  58951. "nan",
  58952. "nan",
  58953. "nan",
  58954. "nan",
  58955. "nan",
  58956. "nan",
  58957. "nan",
  58958. "nan",
  58959. "nan",
  58960. "nan",
  58961. "nan",
  58962. "nan",
  58963. "nan",
  58964. "nan",
  58965. "nan",
  58966. "nan"
  58967. ],
  58968. [
  58969. "111111",
  58970. "11111",
  58971. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  58972. "viola, frank & anthony and viola family trust/ capitol bank",
  58973. "719631571",
  58974. "nan",
  58975. "fileno: 61044/",
  58976. "nan",
  58977. "745658",
  58978. " / pjn",
  58979. "nan",
  58980. "nan",
  58981. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1081",
  58982. "boston",
  58983. "987605",
  58984. "nan",
  58985. "nan",
  58986. "nan",
  58987. "nan",
  58988. "nan",
  58989. "nan",
  58990. "nan",
  58991. "nan",
  58992. "nan",
  58993. "nan",
  58994. "nan",
  58995. "nan",
  58996. "nan",
  58997. "nan",
  58998. "nan",
  58999. "nan",
  59000. "nan",
  59001. "nan",
  59002. "nan",
  59003. "nan",
  59004. "nan",
  59005. "nan",
  59006. "nan"
  59007. ],
  59008. [
  59009. "111111",
  59010. "11111",
  59011. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59012. "currie, raymone - new heritage volume 1",
  59013. "719627738",
  59014. "nan",
  59015. "fileno: 58752/index: deposition of prisoners; prisoner infer; digital motion to take desmond deposition; correspondence; draft interrogatory responses; mga notes; mjp notes; ivan mccann correspondence; digital depo of currie; cjt notes; digital amended complaint; cdi secretary of state's office documents; memos; expert information; list of depositions taken in digital action; prisoner deposition info; check receipts; law; desmond counterclaim; complaint; law-breach of warranty; us attorney document review; travel; research notes; players list",
  59016. "nan",
  59017. "742933",
  59018. "cjt / cjt",
  59019. "nan",
  59020. "nan",
  59021. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 862",
  59022. "boston",
  59023. "987606",
  59024. "nan",
  59025. "nan",
  59026. "nan",
  59027. "nan",
  59028. "nan",
  59029. "nan",
  59030. "nan",
  59031. "nan",
  59032. "nan",
  59033. "nan",
  59034. "nan",
  59035. "nan",
  59036. "nan",
  59037. "nan",
  59038. "nan",
  59039. "nan",
  59040. "nan",
  59041. "nan",
  59042. "nan",
  59043. "nan",
  59044. "nan",
  59045. "nan",
  59046. "nan"
  59047. ],
  59048. [
  59049. "111111",
  59050. "11111",
  59051. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59052. "bandar, raymond b. induvidually et al.",
  59053. "546294932",
  59054. "nan",
  59055. "fileno: 53507/index: documents by egan, flanagan; efl working file; field depo; depo of bandar; lot 1, 4-a-b curtis lane edgartown - also lot 2-i-1",
  59056. "8/8/1996",
  59057. "737775",
  59058. " / ms",
  59059. "nan",
  59060. "nan",
  59061. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794114",
  59062. "boston",
  59063. "988159",
  59064. "nan",
  59065. "nan",
  59066. "nan",
  59067. "nan",
  59068. "nan",
  59069. "nan",
  59070. "nan",
  59071. "nan",
  59072. "nan",
  59073. "nan",
  59074. "nan",
  59075. "nan",
  59076. "nan",
  59077. "nan",
  59078. "nan",
  59079. "nan",
  59080. "nan",
  59081. "nan",
  59082. "nan",
  59083. "nan",
  59084. "nan",
  59085. "nan",
  59086. "nan"
  59087. ],
  59088. [
  59089. "111111",
  59090. "11111",
  59091. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59092. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  59093. "546295118",
  59094. "nan",
  59095. "fileno: 53503/index: pleadings",
  59096. "8/8/1996",
  59097. "738064",
  59098. " / ms",
  59099. "nan",
  59100. "nan",
  59101. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794113",
  59102. "boston",
  59103. "988160",
  59104. "nan",
  59105. "nan",
  59106. "nan",
  59107. "nan",
  59108. "nan",
  59109. "nan",
  59110. "nan",
  59111. "nan",
  59112. "nan",
  59113. "nan",
  59114. "nan",
  59115. "nan",
  59116. "nan",
  59117. "nan",
  59118. "nan",
  59119. "nan",
  59120. "nan",
  59121. "nan",
  59122. "nan",
  59123. "nan",
  59124. "nan",
  59125. "nan",
  59126. "nan"
  59127. ],
  59128. [
  59129. "111111",
  59130. "11111",
  59131. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59132. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  59133. "623765038",
  59134. "nan",
  59135. "fileno: 53502/index: lots 4-a and b closing documents & title report; specific release; billing; title; original pleadings; original discharge of mortgage; extra copies; declaration of trust; foreclosure deed; client's file; bandar's bankruptcy schedules; law; p & s agreement - fdic and dcrha; memo; notes; title commitment; drafts; fdic memo re: firrea",
  59136. "8/8/1996",
  59137. "737784",
  59138. " / ms",
  59139. "nan",
  59140. "nan",
  59141. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794112",
  59142. "boston",
  59143. "988161",
  59144. "nan",
  59145. "nan",
  59146. "nan",
  59147. "nan",
  59148. "nan",
  59149. "nan",
  59150. "nan",
  59151. "nan",
  59152. "nan",
  59153. "nan",
  59154. "nan",
  59155. "nan",
  59156. "nan",
  59157. "nan",
  59158. "nan",
  59159. "nan",
  59160. "nan",
  59161. "nan",
  59162. "nan",
  59163. "nan",
  59164. "nan",
  59165. "nan",
  59166. "nan"
  59167. ],
  59168. [
  59169. "111111",
  59170. "11111",
  59171. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59172. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  59173. "623765038",
  59174. "nan",
  59175. "fileno: 53501/index: correspondence volumes 1 thru 5",
  59176. "8/8/1996",
  59177. "737784",
  59178. " / ms",
  59179. "nan",
  59180. "nan",
  59181. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794112",
  59182. "boston",
  59183. "988162",
  59184. "nan",
  59185. "nan",
  59186. "nan",
  59187. "nan",
  59188. "nan",
  59189. "nan",
  59190. "nan",
  59191. "nan",
  59192. "nan",
  59193. "nan",
  59194. "nan",
  59195. "nan",
  59196. "nan",
  59197. "nan",
  59198. "nan",
  59199. "nan",
  59200. "nan",
  59201. "nan",
  59202. "nan",
  59203. "nan",
  59204. "nan",
  59205. "nan",
  59206. "nan"
  59207. ],
  59208. [
  59209. "111111",
  59210. "11111",
  59211. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59212. "currie enterprises - account document analysis",
  59213. "546291685",
  59214. "nan",
  59215. "fileno: 53521/",
  59216. "8/13/1996",
  59217. "737927",
  59218. "cjt /",
  59219. "nan",
  59220. "nan",
  59221. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794119",
  59222. "boston",
  59223. "988222",
  59224. "nan",
  59225. "nan",
  59226. "nan",
  59227. "nan",
  59228. "nan",
  59229. "nan",
  59230. "nan",
  59231. "nan",
  59232. "nan",
  59233. "nan",
  59234. "nan",
  59235. "nan",
  59236. "nan",
  59237. "nan",
  59238. "nan",
  59239. "nan",
  59240. "nan",
  59241. "nan",
  59242. "nan",
  59243. "nan",
  59244. "nan",
  59245. "nan",
  59246. "nan"
  59247. ],
  59248. [
  59249. "111111",
  59250. "11111",
  59251. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59252. "currie -",
  59253. "546291685",
  59254. "nan",
  59255. "fileno: 53522/index: documents produced by shiepe",
  59256. "8/13/1996",
  59257. "737927",
  59258. " / cjt",
  59259. "nan",
  59260. "nan",
  59261. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794119",
  59262. "boston",
  59263. "988223",
  59264. "nan",
  59265. "nan",
  59266. "nan",
  59267. "nan",
  59268. "nan",
  59269. "nan",
  59270. "nan",
  59271. "nan",
  59272. "nan",
  59273. "nan",
  59274. "nan",
  59275. "nan",
  59276. "nan",
  59277. "nan",
  59278. "nan",
  59279. "nan",
  59280. "nan",
  59281. "nan",
  59282. "nan",
  59283. "nan",
  59284. "nan",
  59285. "nan",
  59286. "nan"
  59287. ],
  59288. [
  59289. "111111",
  59290. "11111",
  59291. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59292. "currie -",
  59293. "546291685",
  59294. "nan",
  59295. "fileno: 53523/index: proof of claim (re: forged checks) / rose deposition outline / rose deposition notes",
  59296. "8/13/1996",
  59297. "737927",
  59298. " / cjt",
  59299. "nan",
  59300. "nan",
  59301. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794119",
  59302. "boston",
  59303. "988224",
  59304. "nan",
  59305. "nan",
  59306. "nan",
  59307. "nan",
  59308. "nan",
  59309. "nan",
  59310. "nan",
  59311. "nan",
  59312. "nan",
  59313. "nan",
  59314. "nan",
  59315. "nan",
  59316. "nan",
  59317. "nan",
  59318. "nan",
  59319. "nan",
  59320. "nan",
  59321. "nan",
  59322. "nan",
  59323. "nan",
  59324. "nan",
  59325. "nan",
  59326. "nan"
  59327. ],
  59328. [
  59329. "111111",
  59330. "11111",
  59331. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59332. "currie -",
  59333. "546295155",
  59334. "nan",
  59335. "fileno: 53524/index: extra copies (nhb-13) / handwritten notes / legal research / currie release / outside correspondence / client papers",
  59336. "8/13/1996",
  59337. "738446",
  59338. " / cjt",
  59339. "nan",
  59340. "nan",
  59341. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794120",
  59342. "boston",
  59343. "988225",
  59344. "nan",
  59345. "nan",
  59346. "nan",
  59347. "nan",
  59348. "nan",
  59349. "nan",
  59350. "nan",
  59351. "nan",
  59352. "nan",
  59353. "nan",
  59354. "nan",
  59355. "nan",
  59356. "nan",
  59357. "nan",
  59358. "nan",
  59359. "nan",
  59360. "nan",
  59361. "nan",
  59362. "nan",
  59363. "nan",
  59364. "nan",
  59365. "nan",
  59366. "nan"
  59367. ],
  59368. [
  59369. "111111",
  59370. "11111",
  59371. "nab asset venture 2",
  59372. "cambridge investors",
  59373. "546295067",
  59374. "nan",
  59375. "fileno: 53603/index: correspondence - cambridge investors and cambridge & commonwealth investors and avrom a. mintz; memos; fdic v. cambridge investors - personal financial statements and billing; general - bne / fdic info; bne cambridge / commonwealth pay-off figures; bne notes; workfile; legal research; misc notes - cambridge / commonwealth; original release; important papers",
  59376. "8/21/1996",
  59377. "738436",
  59378. " / gpk",
  59379. "nan",
  59380. "nan",
  59381. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22794141",
  59382. "boston",
  59383. "988319",
  59384. "nan",
  59385. "nan",
  59386. "nan",
  59387. "nan",
  59388. "nan",
  59389. "nan",
  59390. "nan",
  59391. "nan",
  59392. "nan",
  59393. "nan",
  59394. "nan",
  59395. "nan",
  59396. "nan",
  59397. "nan",
  59398. "nan",
  59399. "nan",
  59400. "nan",
  59401. "nan",
  59402. "nan",
  59403. "nan",
  59404. "nan",
  59405. "nan",
  59406. "nan"
  59407. ],
  59408. [
  59409. "111111",
  59410. "11111",
  59411. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  59412. "bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 2",
  59413. "1078",
  59414. "nan",
  59415. "fileno: 61024/",
  59416. "nan",
  59417. "nan",
  59418. " / pjn",
  59419. "nan",
  59420. "nan",
  59421. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor. / retd_to_st:",
  59422. "boston",
  59423. "988416",
  59424. "nan",
  59425. "nan",
  59426. "nan",
  59427. "nan",
  59428. "nan",
  59429. "nan",
  59430. "nan",
  59431. "nan",
  59432. "nan",
  59433. "nan",
  59434. "nan",
  59435. "nan",
  59436. "nan",
  59437. "nan",
  59438. "nan",
  59439. "nan",
  59440. "nan",
  59441. "nan",
  59442. "nan",
  59443. "nan",
  59444. "nan",
  59445. "nan",
  59446. "nan"
  59447. ],
  59448. [
  59449. "111111",
  59450. "11111",
  59451. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  59452. "currie, raymond",
  59453. "719605918",
  59454. "nan",
  59455. "fileno: 53715/index: correspondence; notes; billing; law regarding substantially the same",
  59456. "12/3/1996",
  59457. "741176",
  59458. " /",
  59459. "nan",
  59460. "nan",
  59461. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 11-27-00 jeanne collins / retd_to_st: 12/4/2000 hk box: 22708205",
  59462. "boston",
  59463. "988671",
  59464. "nan",
  59465. "nan",
  59466. "nan",
  59467. "nan",
  59468. "nan",
  59469. "nan",
  59470. "nan",
  59471. "nan",
  59472. "nan",
  59473. "nan",
  59474. "nan",
  59475. "nan",
  59476. "nan",
  59477. "nan",
  59478. "nan",
  59479. "nan",
  59480. "nan",
  59481. "nan",
  59482. "nan",
  59483. "nan",
  59484. "nan",
  59485. "nan",
  59486. "nan"
  59487. ],
  59488. [
  59489. "111111",
  59490. "11111",
  59491. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  59492. "currie",
  59493. "546291706",
  59494. "nan",
  59495. "index: pleadings volume 1 and 2; pleading index volume 2",
  59496. "10/18/1996",
  59497. "737990",
  59498. " /",
  59499. "nan",
  59500. "nan",
  59501. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22708216",
  59502. "boston",
  59503. "988683",
  59504. "nan",
  59505. "nan",
  59506. "nan",
  59507. "nan",
  59508. "nan",
  59509. "nan",
  59510. "nan",
  59511. "nan",
  59512. "nan",
  59513. "nan",
  59514. "nan",
  59515. "nan",
  59516. "nan",
  59517. "nan",
  59518. "nan",
  59519. "nan",
  59520. "nan",
  59521. "nan",
  59522. "nan",
  59523. "nan",
  59524. "nan",
  59525. "nan",
  59526. "nan"
  59527. ],
  59528. [
  59529. "111111",
  59530. "11111",
  59531. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  59532. "currie",
  59533. "546295242",
  59534. "nan",
  59535. "index: binders: bates #6750-7378 [16 of ] and #5985-6749 [15 of ]; pleadings us district court; pleadings volume 3",
  59536. "12/3/1996",
  59537. "738773",
  59538. " /",
  59539. "nan",
  59540. "nan",
  59541. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22708217",
  59542. "boston",
  59543. "988684",
  59544. "nan",
  59545. "nan",
  59546. "nan",
  59547. "nan",
  59548. "nan",
  59549. "nan",
  59550. "nan",
  59551. "nan",
  59552. "nan",
  59553. "nan",
  59554. "nan",
  59555. "nan",
  59556. "nan",
  59557. "nan",
  59558. "nan",
  59559. "nan",
  59560. "nan",
  59561. "nan",
  59562. "nan",
  59563. "nan",
  59564. "nan",
  59565. "nan",
  59566. "nan"
  59567. ],
  59568. [
  59569. "111111",
  59570. "11111",
  59571. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  59572. "currie",
  59573. "623765135",
  59574. "nan",
  59575. "index: binders: bates # 4567-4922 [12 of ] and #4923-5463 [13 of ] and #5464-5984 [14 of ]",
  59576. "12/3/1996",
  59577. "738774",
  59578. " /",
  59579. "nan",
  59580. "nan",
  59581. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 22708218",
  59582. "boston",
  59583. "988685",
  59584. "nan",
  59585. "nan",
  59586. "nan",
  59587. "nan",
  59588. "nan",
  59589. "nan",
  59590. "nan",
  59591. "nan",
  59592. "nan",
  59593. "nan",
  59594. "nan",
  59595. "nan",
  59596. "nan",
  59597. "nan",
  59598. "nan",
  59599. "nan",
  59600. "nan",
  59601. "nan",
  59602. "nan",
  59603. "nan",
  59604. "nan",
  59605. "nan",
  59606. "nan"
  59607. ],
  59608. [
  59609. "111111",
  59610. "11111",
  59611. "sherburne, powers & needham - notopoulos",
  59612. "notopoulos, philip j - nonbillalbe -",
  59613. "nan",
  59614. "nan",
  59615. "index: fdic conflict waiver application",
  59616. "3/31/1997",
  59617. "nan",
  59618. "pjn /",
  59619. "off-site",
  59620. "nan",
  59621. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  59622. "boston",
  59623. "989439",
  59624. "nan",
  59625. "nan",
  59626. "nan",
  59627. "nan",
  59628. "nan",
  59629. "nan",
  59630. "nan",
  59631. "nan",
  59632. "nan",
  59633. "nan",
  59634. "nan",
  59635. "nan",
  59636. "nan",
  59637. "nan",
  59638. "nan",
  59639. "nan",
  59640. "nan",
  59641. "nan",
  59642. "nan",
  59643. "nan",
  59644. "nan",
  59645. "nan",
  59646. "nan"
  59647. ],
  59648. [
  59649. "111111",
  59650. "11111",
  59651. "ocwen financial corp",
  59652. "rtc acquisition - illinois associates vol 1 -",
  59653. "719582388",
  59654. "nan",
  59655. "fileno: 54584/index: correspondence; notes; dwc memo re: consent/rights; correspondence from michael associates; ica tax returns; financial statements illinois parkway garden assoicates; opinion letter of mcdermott, will & emery 12/14/88; purchase & indemnification ag; purchase & repurchase ag; due diligence checklist; issuance of employer id number",
  59656. "4/18/1997",
  59657. "742301",
  59658. "dwc, wfm /",
  59659. "nan",
  59660. "nan",
  59661. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 30001213",
  59662. "boston",
  59663. "989878",
  59664. "nan",
  59665. "nan",
  59666. "nan",
  59667. "nan",
  59668. "nan",
  59669. "nan",
  59670. "nan",
  59671. "nan",
  59672. "nan",
  59673. "nan",
  59674. "nan",
  59675. "nan",
  59676. "nan",
  59677. "nan",
  59678. "nan",
  59679. "nan",
  59680. "nan",
  59681. "nan",
  59682. "nan",
  59683. "nan",
  59684. "nan",
  59685. "nan",
  59686. "nan"
  59687. ],
  59688. [
  59689. "111111",
  59690. "11111",
  59691. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59692. "perry/yellin litigation -",
  59693. "719589976",
  59694. "nan",
  59695. "fileno: 54725/index: correspondence / f.d.i.c. analysis of collateral with exhibits / memo / pleadings / notes / miscellaneous / research/law / client documents / billing",
  59696. "5/15/1997",
  59697. "741868",
  59698. "pjn / mcm",
  59699. "nan",
  59700. "nan",
  59701. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 30001265",
  59702. "boston",
  59703. "990276",
  59704. "nan",
  59705. "nan",
  59706. "nan",
  59707. "nan",
  59708. "nan",
  59709. "nan",
  59710. "nan",
  59711. "nan",
  59712. "nan",
  59713. "nan",
  59714. "nan",
  59715. "nan",
  59716. "nan",
  59717. "nan",
  59718. "nan",
  59719. "nan",
  59720. "nan",
  59721. "nan",
  59722. "nan",
  59723. "nan",
  59724. "nan",
  59725. "nan",
  59726. "nan"
  59727. ],
  59728. [
  59729. "111111",
  59730. "11111",
  59731. "monaghan, john j. - misc bankruptcies",
  59732. "misc bankruptcies -",
  59733. "nan",
  59734. "nan",
  59735. "index: ace heating & cooling; john adams; william bornheimer; cd realty partners; csp 234, inc; anthony delvicario; giorgio bankruptcy; louis sportswear; managers building; new bedford coat; new england mackintosh; oxford photo; david saltiel; james shawnesee; pj keating troxell; unr industries; wellseley mortgage / barry king; a. cavallaro & sons; calone express co; dm reid / oklahoma furniture; fdic / carling; nab asset ventures",
  59736. "5/21/1997",
  59737. "nan",
  59738. "jjm /",
  59739. "off-site",
  59740. "nan",
  59741. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  59742. "boston",
  59743. "990561",
  59744. "nan",
  59745. "nan",
  59746. "nan",
  59747. "nan",
  59748. "nan",
  59749. "nan",
  59750. "nan",
  59751. "nan",
  59752. "nan",
  59753. "nan",
  59754. "nan",
  59755. "nan",
  59756. "nan",
  59757. "nan",
  59758. "nan",
  59759. "nan",
  59760. "nan",
  59761. "nan",
  59762. "nan",
  59763. "nan",
  59764. "nan",
  59765. "nan",
  59766. "nan"
  59767. ],
  59768. [
  59769. "111111",
  59770. "11111",
  59771. "brookline savings bank",
  59772. "misc materials -",
  59773. "nan",
  59774. "nan",
  59775. "index: correspondence & memos; engagement letters w/ grant thornton; regulation o disclosure statement; evaluating the effectiveness of internal controls; fasb 109; fdic safety & soundess exam 10/25/93; wvt's biographical info",
  59776. "5/21/1997",
  59777. "nan",
  59778. "wvt /",
  59779. "off-site",
  59780. "nan",
  59781. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  59782. "boston",
  59783. "990587",
  59784. "nan",
  59785. "nan",
  59786. "nan",
  59787. "nan",
  59788. "nan",
  59789. "nan",
  59790. "nan",
  59791. "nan",
  59792. "nan",
  59793. "nan",
  59794. "nan",
  59795. "nan",
  59796. "nan",
  59797. "nan",
  59798. "nan",
  59799. "nan",
  59800. "nan",
  59801. "nan",
  59802. "nan",
  59803. "nan",
  59804. "nan",
  59805. "nan",
  59806. "nan"
  59807. ],
  59808. [
  59809. "111111",
  59810. "11111",
  59811. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  59812. "perry and yellin/capital bank",
  59813. "719626764",
  59814. "nan",
  59815. "nan",
  59816. "5/22/1997",
  59817. "741896",
  59818. "mcm / mcm",
  59819. "nan",
  59820. "nan",
  59821. "comments: must order entire box + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 35484318",
  59822. "boston",
  59823. "990605",
  59824. "nan",
  59825. "nan",
  59826. "nan",
  59827. "nan",
  59828. "nan",
  59829. "nan",
  59830. "nan",
  59831. "nan",
  59832. "nan",
  59833. "nan",
  59834. "nan",
  59835. "nan",
  59836. "nan",
  59837. "nan",
  59838. "nan",
  59839. "nan",
  59840. "nan",
  59841. "nan",
  59842. "nan",
  59843. "nan",
  59844. "nan",
  59845. "nan",
  59846. "nan"
  59847. ],
  59848. [
  59849. "111111",
  59850. "11111",
  59851. "fdic",
  59852. "billing-",
  59853. "719631571",
  59854. "nan",
  59855. "fileno: 61045/index:amie reality trust, currie, rindo, rindo-lowell, 354 waverly trust.",
  59856. "nan",
  59857. "745658",
  59858. "pjn /",
  59859. "nan",
  59860. "nan",
  59861. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1081",
  59862. "boston",
  59863. "991167",
  59864. "nan",
  59865. "nan",
  59866. "nan",
  59867. "nan",
  59868. "nan",
  59869. "nan",
  59870. "nan",
  59871. "nan",
  59872. "nan",
  59873. "nan",
  59874. "nan",
  59875. "nan",
  59876. "nan",
  59877. "nan",
  59878. "nan",
  59879. "nan",
  59880. "nan",
  59881. "nan",
  59882. "nan",
  59883. "nan",
  59884. "nan",
  59885. "nan",
  59886. "nan"
  59887. ],
  59888. [
  59889. "111111",
  59890. "11111",
  59891. "fdic",
  59892. "perry yellin - billing",
  59893. "719624573",
  59894. "nan",
  59895. "fileno: 61032/",
  59896. "nan",
  59897. "744138",
  59898. "pjn / pjn",
  59899. "nan",
  59900. "nan",
  59901. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  59902. "boston",
  59903. "991530",
  59904. "nan",
  59905. "nan",
  59906. "nan",
  59907. "nan",
  59908. "nan",
  59909. "nan",
  59910. "nan",
  59911. "nan",
  59912. "nan",
  59913. "nan",
  59914. "nan",
  59915. "nan",
  59916. "nan",
  59917. "nan",
  59918. "nan",
  59919. "nan",
  59920. "nan",
  59921. "nan",
  59922. "nan",
  59923. "nan",
  59924. "nan",
  59925. "nan",
  59926. "nan"
  59927. ],
  59928. [
  59929. "111111",
  59930. "11111",
  59931. "capital resource lenders",
  59932. "star video - volume iii -",
  59933. "546291723",
  59934. "nan",
  59935. "fileno: 56878/index: fdic power re attachment ; complaint/counterclaim ; capital contribution info ; cjt notes ; notes & drafts ; initial formation of partnership",
  59936. "9/19/1997",
  59937. "737843",
  59938. "cjt / cjt",
  59939. "nan",
  59940. "nan",
  59941. "facility: pla + department: litigation\ndelivered: 1-july-1998 9:00 am - jds / retd_to_st: 7/23/1998 hk box: 33736293",
  59942. "boston",
  59943. "992115",
  59944. "nan",
  59945. "nan",
  59946. "nan",
  59947. "nan",
  59948. "nan",
  59949. "nan",
  59950. "nan",
  59951. "nan",
  59952. "nan",
  59953. "nan",
  59954. "nan",
  59955. "nan",
  59956. "nan",
  59957. "nan",
  59958. "nan",
  59959. "nan",
  59960. "nan",
  59961. "nan",
  59962. "nan",
  59963. "nan",
  59964. "nan",
  59965. "nan",
  59966. "nan"
  59967. ],
  59968. [
  59969. "111111",
  59970. "11111",
  59971. "federal deposit insur. corp.",
  59972. "montalbano & montalbano, ltd",
  59973. "546294709",
  59974. "nan",
  59975. "fileno: 56164/",
  59976. "10/27/1997",
  59977. "753022",
  59978. "rlc / rlc",
  59979. "nan",
  59980. "nan",
  59981. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic026 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455160",
  59982. "boston",
  59983. "992768",
  59984. "nan",
  59985. "nan",
  59986. "nan",
  59987. "nan",
  59988. "nan",
  59989. "nan",
  59990. "nan",
  59991. "nan",
  59992. "nan",
  59993. "nan",
  59994. "nan",
  59995. "nan",
  59996. "nan",
  59997. "nan",
  59998. "nan",
  59999. "nan",
  60000. "nan",
  60001. "nan",
  60002. "nan",
  60003. "nan",
  60004. "nan",
  60005. "nan",
  60006. "nan"
  60007. ],
  60008. [
  60009. "111111",
  60010. "11111",
  60011. "resolution trust corporation",
  60012. "1995 np 1 greensboro rd, hanover, nh",
  60013. "546288318",
  60014. "nan",
  60015. "fileno: 55349/",
  60016. "10/27/1997",
  60017. "753034",
  60018. "rlc / rlc",
  60019. "nan",
  60020. "nan",
  60021. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc0166 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455134",
  60022. "boston",
  60023. "992785",
  60024. "nan",
  60025. "nan",
  60026. "nan",
  60027. "nan",
  60028. "nan",
  60029. "nan",
  60030. "nan",
  60031. "nan",
  60032. "nan",
  60033. "nan",
  60034. "nan",
  60035. "nan",
  60036. "nan",
  60037. "nan",
  60038. "nan",
  60039. "nan",
  60040. "nan",
  60041. "nan",
  60042. "nan",
  60043. "nan",
  60044. "nan",
  60045. "nan",
  60046. "nan"
  60047. ],
  60048. [
  60049. "111111",
  60050. "11111",
  60051. "resolution trust corporation",
  60052. "greensboro rd.",
  60053. "546288318",
  60054. "nan",
  60055. "fileno: 55350/",
  60056. "10/27/1997",
  60057. "753034",
  60058. "rlc / rlc",
  60059. "nan",
  60060. "nan",
  60061. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc153 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455134",
  60062. "boston",
  60063. "992786",
  60064. "nan",
  60065. "nan",
  60066. "nan",
  60067. "nan",
  60068. "nan",
  60069. "nan",
  60070. "nan",
  60071. "nan",
  60072. "nan",
  60073. "nan",
  60074. "nan",
  60075. "nan",
  60076. "nan",
  60077. "nan",
  60078. "nan",
  60079. "nan",
  60080. "nan",
  60081. "nan",
  60082. "nan",
  60083. "nan",
  60084. "nan",
  60085. "nan",
  60086. "nan"
  60087. ],
  60088. [
  60089. "111111",
  60090. "11111",
  60091. "midland loan services",
  60092. "hilltop realty trust index: demand letter",
  60093. "546288318",
  60094. "nan",
  60095. "fileno: 55351/",
  60096. "10/27/1997",
  60097. "753034",
  60098. "rlc / rlc",
  60099. "nan",
  60100. "nan",
  60101. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc159 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455134",
  60102. "boston",
  60103. "992787",
  60104. "nan",
  60105. "nan",
  60106. "nan",
  60107. "nan",
  60108. "nan",
  60109. "nan",
  60110. "nan",
  60111. "nan",
  60112. "nan",
  60113. "nan",
  60114. "nan",
  60115. "nan",
  60116. "nan",
  60117. "nan",
  60118. "nan",
  60119. "nan",
  60120. "nan",
  60121. "nan",
  60122. "nan",
  60123. "nan",
  60124. "nan",
  60125. "nan",
  60126. "nan"
  60127. ],
  60128. [
  60129. "111111",
  60130. "11111",
  60131. "resolution trust corporation",
  60132. "newmedico assoc. index:c. brennick",
  60133. "719626147",
  60134. "nan",
  60135. "fileno: 55324/",
  60136. "10/27/1997",
  60137. "753065",
  60138. "rlc / rlc",
  60139. "nan",
  60140. "nan",
  60141. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc156 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60142. "boston",
  60143. "992797",
  60144. "nan",
  60145. "nan",
  60146. "nan",
  60147. "nan",
  60148. "nan",
  60149. "nan",
  60150. "nan",
  60151. "nan",
  60152. "nan",
  60153. "nan",
  60154. "nan",
  60155. "nan",
  60156. "nan",
  60157. "nan",
  60158. "nan",
  60159. "nan",
  60160. "nan",
  60161. "nan",
  60162. "nan",
  60163. "nan",
  60164. "nan",
  60165. "nan",
  60166. "nan"
  60167. ],
  60168. [
  60169. "111111",
  60170. "11111",
  60171. "resolution trust corporation",
  60172. "ohannessan, marty",
  60173. "719626147",
  60174. "nan",
  60175. "fileno: 55325/",
  60176. "10/27/1997",
  60177. "753065",
  60178. "rlc / rlc",
  60179. "nan",
  60180. "nan",
  60181. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc162 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60182. "boston",
  60183. "992798",
  60184. "nan",
  60185. "nan",
  60186. "nan",
  60187. "nan",
  60188. "nan",
  60189. "nan",
  60190. "nan",
  60191. "nan",
  60192. "nan",
  60193. "nan",
  60194. "nan",
  60195. "nan",
  60196. "nan",
  60197. "nan",
  60198. "nan",
  60199. "nan",
  60200. "nan",
  60201. "nan",
  60202. "nan",
  60203. "nan",
  60204. "nan",
  60205. "nan",
  60206. "nan"
  60207. ],
  60208. [
  60209. "111111",
  60210. "11111",
  60211. "resolution trust corporation",
  60212. "gedymin, edward",
  60213. "719626147",
  60214. "nan",
  60215. "fileno: 55326/",
  60216. "10/27/1997",
  60217. "753065",
  60218. "rlc / rlc",
  60219. "nan",
  60220. "nan",
  60221. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc0163 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60222. "boston",
  60223. "992799",
  60224. "nan",
  60225. "nan",
  60226. "nan",
  60227. "nan",
  60228. "nan",
  60229. "nan",
  60230. "nan",
  60231. "nan",
  60232. "nan",
  60233. "nan",
  60234. "nan",
  60235. "nan",
  60236. "nan",
  60237. "nan",
  60238. "nan",
  60239. "nan",
  60240. "nan",
  60241. "nan",
  60242. "nan",
  60243. "nan",
  60244. "nan",
  60245. "nan",
  60246. "nan"
  60247. ],
  60248. [
  60249. "111111",
  60250. "11111",
  60251. "resoultion trust corporation",
  60252. "rivera, jose & lucy",
  60253. "719626147",
  60254. "nan",
  60255. "fileno: 55327/",
  60256. "10/27/1997",
  60257. "753065",
  60258. "rlc / rlc",
  60259. "nan",
  60260. "nan",
  60261. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc165 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60262. "boston",
  60263. "992800",
  60264. "nan",
  60265. "nan",
  60266. "nan",
  60267. "nan",
  60268. "nan",
  60269. "nan",
  60270. "nan",
  60271. "nan",
  60272. "nan",
  60273. "nan",
  60274. "nan",
  60275. "nan",
  60276. "nan",
  60277. "nan",
  60278. "nan",
  60279. "nan",
  60280. "nan",
  60281. "nan",
  60282. "nan",
  60283. "nan",
  60284. "nan",
  60285. "nan",
  60286. "nan"
  60287. ],
  60288. [
  60289. "111111",
  60290. "11111",
  60291. "resolution trust corporation",
  60292. "murphy, eugene",
  60293. "546288293",
  60294. "nan",
  60295. "fileno: 55332/",
  60296. "10/27/1997",
  60297. "753033",
  60298. "rlc / rlc",
  60299. "nan",
  60300. "nan",
  60301. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc0103 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455130",
  60302. "boston",
  60303. "992805",
  60304. "nan",
  60305. "nan",
  60306. "nan",
  60307. "nan",
  60308. "nan",
  60309. "nan",
  60310. "nan",
  60311. "nan",
  60312. "nan",
  60313. "nan",
  60314. "nan",
  60315. "nan",
  60316. "nan",
  60317. "nan",
  60318. "nan",
  60319. "nan",
  60320. "nan",
  60321. "nan",
  60322. "nan",
  60323. "nan",
  60324. "nan",
  60325. "nan",
  60326. "nan"
  60327. ],
  60328. [
  60329. "111111",
  60330. "11111",
  60331. "resolution trust corporation",
  60332. "ramon c. batista, et al",
  60333. "546288293",
  60334. "nan",
  60335. "fileno: 55333/",
  60336. "10/27/1997",
  60337. "753033",
  60338. "rlc / rlc",
  60339. "nan",
  60340. "nan",
  60341. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc0105 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455130",
  60342. "boston",
  60343. "992806",
  60344. "nan",
  60345. "nan",
  60346. "nan",
  60347. "nan",
  60348. "nan",
  60349. "nan",
  60350. "nan",
  60351. "nan",
  60352. "nan",
  60353. "nan",
  60354. "nan",
  60355. "nan",
  60356. "nan",
  60357. "nan",
  60358. "nan",
  60359. "nan",
  60360. "nan",
  60361. "nan",
  60362. "nan",
  60363. "nan",
  60364. "nan",
  60365. "nan",
  60366. "nan"
  60367. ],
  60368. [
  60369. "111111",
  60370. "11111",
  60371. "resolution trust corporation",
  60372. "rachel hutchins",
  60373. "719626147",
  60374. "nan",
  60375. "fileno: 55319/",
  60376. "10/27/1997",
  60377. "753065",
  60378. "rlc / rlc",
  60379. "nan",
  60380. "nan",
  60381. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc108 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60382. "boston",
  60383. "992819",
  60384. "nan",
  60385. "nan",
  60386. "nan",
  60387. "nan",
  60388. "nan",
  60389. "nan",
  60390. "nan",
  60391. "nan",
  60392. "nan",
  60393. "nan",
  60394. "nan",
  60395. "nan",
  60396. "nan",
  60397. "nan",
  60398. "nan",
  60399. "nan",
  60400. "nan",
  60401. "nan",
  60402. "nan",
  60403. "nan",
  60404. "nan",
  60405. "nan",
  60406. "nan"
  60407. ],
  60408. [
  60409. "111111",
  60410. "11111",
  60411. "resolution trust corporation",
  60412. "weiss, benjamin",
  60413. "719626147",
  60414. "nan",
  60415. "fileno: 55320/",
  60416. "10/27/1997",
  60417. "753065",
  60418. "rlc / rlc",
  60419. "nan",
  60420. "nan",
  60421. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc127 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60422. "boston",
  60423. "992820",
  60424. "nan",
  60425. "nan",
  60426. "nan",
  60427. "nan",
  60428. "nan",
  60429. "nan",
  60430. "nan",
  60431. "nan",
  60432. "nan",
  60433. "nan",
  60434. "nan",
  60435. "nan",
  60436. "nan",
  60437. "nan",
  60438. "nan",
  60439. "nan",
  60440. "nan",
  60441. "nan",
  60442. "nan",
  60443. "nan",
  60444. "nan",
  60445. "nan",
  60446. "nan"
  60447. ],
  60448. [
  60449. "111111",
  60450. "11111",
  60451. "resolution trust corporation",
  60452. "bogosian, elizabeth- forclosure index:ri-prop",
  60453. "719626147",
  60454. "nan",
  60455. "fileno: 55321/",
  60456. "10/27/1997",
  60457. "753065",
  60458. "rlc / rlc",
  60459. "nan",
  60460. "nan",
  60461. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc145 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60462. "boston",
  60463. "992821",
  60464. "nan",
  60465. "nan",
  60466. "nan",
  60467. "nan",
  60468. "nan",
  60469. "nan",
  60470. "nan",
  60471. "nan",
  60472. "nan",
  60473. "nan",
  60474. "nan",
  60475. "nan",
  60476. "nan",
  60477. "nan",
  60478. "nan",
  60479. "nan",
  60480. "nan",
  60481. "nan",
  60482. "nan",
  60483. "nan",
  60484. "nan",
  60485. "nan",
  60486. "nan"
  60487. ],
  60488. [
  60489. "111111",
  60490. "11111",
  60491. "resolution trust corporation",
  60492. "cote- kerncer/ 103 kenway avenue",
  60493. "719626147",
  60494. "nan",
  60495. "fileno: 55322/",
  60496. "10/27/1997",
  60497. "753065",
  60498. "rlc / rlc",
  60499. "nan",
  60500. "nan",
  60501. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc148 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60502. "boston",
  60503. "992822",
  60504. "nan",
  60505. "nan",
  60506. "nan",
  60507. "nan",
  60508. "nan",
  60509. "nan",
  60510. "nan",
  60511. "nan",
  60512. "nan",
  60513. "nan",
  60514. "nan",
  60515. "nan",
  60516. "nan",
  60517. "nan",
  60518. "nan",
  60519. "nan",
  60520. "nan",
  60521. "nan",
  60522. "nan",
  60523. "nan",
  60524. "nan",
  60525. "nan",
  60526. "nan"
  60527. ],
  60528. [
  60529. "111111",
  60530. "11111",
  60531. "resolution trust corporation",
  60532. "britt / 82 thompson street, franklin, ma",
  60533. "719626147",
  60534. "nan",
  60535. "fileno: 55323/",
  60536. "10/27/1997",
  60537. "753065",
  60538. "rlc / rlc",
  60539. "nan",
  60540. "nan",
  60541. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc149 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455129",
  60542. "boston",
  60543. "992824",
  60544. "nan",
  60545. "nan",
  60546. "nan",
  60547. "nan",
  60548. "nan",
  60549. "nan",
  60550. "nan",
  60551. "nan",
  60552. "nan",
  60553. "nan",
  60554. "nan",
  60555. "nan",
  60556. "nan",
  60557. "nan",
  60558. "nan",
  60559. "nan",
  60560. "nan",
  60561. "nan",
  60562. "nan",
  60563. "nan",
  60564. "nan",
  60565. "nan",
  60566. "nan"
  60567. ],
  60568. [
  60569. "111111",
  60570. "11111",
  60571. "pannell , kerr , forester",
  60572. "madison associates",
  60573. "719581690",
  60574. "nan",
  60575. "fileno: 58144/index: bankruptcy court docs ; mutual release agreement ; ballot ; backround info. ; misc ; chapter 11 petition ; financials ; drafts ; origional purchase docs. ; u.s. trust line of credit ; rtc v. wood ; texas commerece bank litigation ; proof of claim ; pkf partner setllement agreement ; mediiation agreement ; bill of sale & assignment & assumption ; stipulation of dismissal ; settlement agreemnt and mutual relaease",
  60576. "10/16/1997",
  60577. "742511",
  60578. "jjm / jjm",
  60579. "nan",
  60580. "nan",
  60581. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 44192794",
  60582. "boston",
  60583. "992841",
  60584. "nan",
  60585. "nan",
  60586. "nan",
  60587. "nan",
  60588. "nan",
  60589. "nan",
  60590. "nan",
  60591. "nan",
  60592. "nan",
  60593. "nan",
  60594. "nan",
  60595. "nan",
  60596. "nan",
  60597. "nan",
  60598. "nan",
  60599. "nan",
  60600. "nan",
  60601. "nan",
  60602. "nan",
  60603. "nan",
  60604. "nan",
  60605. "nan",
  60606. "nan"
  60607. ],
  60608. [
  60609. "111111",
  60610. "11111",
  60611. "resolution trust coperation",
  60612. "raman c. batista, et al",
  60613. "546288182",
  60614. "nan",
  60615. "fileno: 56359/",
  60616. "10/27/1997",
  60617. "753282",
  60618. "rlc / rlc",
  60619. "nan",
  60620. "nan",
  60621. "comments: chin wright & branson rtc105 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455196",
  60622. "boston",
  60623. "992933",
  60624. "nan",
  60625. "nan",
  60626. "nan",
  60627. "nan",
  60628. "nan",
  60629. "nan",
  60630. "nan",
  60631. "nan",
  60632. "nan",
  60633. "nan",
  60634. "nan",
  60635. "nan",
  60636. "nan",
  60637. "nan",
  60638. "nan",
  60639. "nan",
  60640. "nan",
  60641. "nan",
  60642. "nan",
  60643. "nan",
  60644. "nan",
  60645. "nan",
  60646. "nan"
  60647. ],
  60648. [
  60649. "111111",
  60650. "11111",
  60651. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  60652. "cortell's #",
  60653. "546285373",
  60654. "nan",
  60655. "fileno: 56352/",
  60656. "10/27/1997",
  60657. "753091",
  60658. "rlc / rlc",
  60659. "nan",
  60660. "nan",
  60661. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic0030 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455194",
  60662. "boston",
  60663. "992979",
  60664. "nan",
  60665. "nan",
  60666. "nan",
  60667. "nan",
  60668. "nan",
  60669. "nan",
  60670. "nan",
  60671. "nan",
  60672. "nan",
  60673. "nan",
  60674. "nan",
  60675. "nan",
  60676. "nan",
  60677. "nan",
  60678. "nan",
  60679. "nan",
  60680. "nan",
  60681. "nan",
  60682. "nan",
  60683. "nan",
  60684. "nan",
  60685. "nan",
  60686. "nan"
  60687. ],
  60688. [
  60689. "111111",
  60690. "11111",
  60691. "federal deposit insurance coperation",
  60692. "david coken and william smith",
  60693. "546288298",
  60694. "nan",
  60695. "fileno: 56347/",
  60696. "10/27/1997",
  60697. "753035",
  60698. "rlc / rlc",
  60699. "nan",
  60700. "nan",
  60701. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic0056 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455192",
  60702. "boston",
  60703. "992986",
  60704. "nan",
  60705. "nan",
  60706. "nan",
  60707. "nan",
  60708. "nan",
  60709. "nan",
  60710. "nan",
  60711. "nan",
  60712. "nan",
  60713. "nan",
  60714. "nan",
  60715. "nan",
  60716. "nan",
  60717. "nan",
  60718. "nan",
  60719. "nan",
  60720. "nan",
  60721. "nan",
  60722. "nan",
  60723. "nan",
  60724. "nan",
  60725. "nan",
  60726. "nan"
  60727. ],
  60728. [
  60729. "111111",
  60730. "11111",
  60731. "federal deposit insurance coperation",
  60732. "david coken and william smith",
  60733. "719628930",
  60734. "nan",
  60735. "fileno: 56348/",
  60736. "10/27/1997",
  60737. "753097",
  60738. "rlc / rlc",
  60739. "nan",
  60740. "nan",
  60741. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic0056 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455193",
  60742. "boston",
  60743. "992988",
  60744. "nan",
  60745. "nan",
  60746. "nan",
  60747. "nan",
  60748. "nan",
  60749. "nan",
  60750. "nan",
  60751. "nan",
  60752. "nan",
  60753. "nan",
  60754. "nan",
  60755. "nan",
  60756. "nan",
  60757. "nan",
  60758. "nan",
  60759. "nan",
  60760. "nan",
  60761. "nan",
  60762. "nan",
  60763. "nan",
  60764. "nan",
  60765. "nan",
  60766. "nan"
  60767. ],
  60768. [
  60769. "111111",
  60770. "11111",
  60771. "resolution trust coperation",
  60772. "ramshorn stockhaus",
  60773. "719628930",
  60774. "nan",
  60775. "fileno: 56349/",
  60776. "10/27/1997",
  60777. "753097",
  60778. "rlc / rlc",
  60779. "nan",
  60780. "nan",
  60781. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic0044 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455193",
  60782. "boston",
  60783. "992989",
  60784. "nan",
  60785. "nan",
  60786. "nan",
  60787. "nan",
  60788. "nan",
  60789. "nan",
  60790. "nan",
  60791. "nan",
  60792. "nan",
  60793. "nan",
  60794. "nan",
  60795. "nan",
  60796. "nan",
  60797. "nan",
  60798. "nan",
  60799. "nan",
  60800. "nan",
  60801. "nan",
  60802. "nan",
  60803. "nan",
  60804. "nan",
  60805. "nan",
  60806. "nan"
  60807. ],
  60808. [
  60809. "111111",
  60810. "11111",
  60811. "bank one new hampshire/ federal deposit insurance company",
  60812. "h.a. scott and sons, william leiser",
  60813. "546288260",
  60814. "nan",
  60815. "fileno: 56345/",
  60816. "9/13/1997",
  60817. "753038",
  60818. "rlc / rlc",
  60819. "nan",
  60820. "nan",
  60821. "comments: chin wright & branson file # bonh41 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455191",
  60822. "boston",
  60823. "992991",
  60824. "nan",
  60825. "nan",
  60826. "nan",
  60827. "nan",
  60828. "nan",
  60829. "nan",
  60830. "nan",
  60831. "nan",
  60832. "nan",
  60833. "nan",
  60834. "nan",
  60835. "nan",
  60836. "nan",
  60837. "nan",
  60838. "nan",
  60839. "nan",
  60840. "nan",
  60841. "nan",
  60842. "nan",
  60843. "nan",
  60844. "nan",
  60845. "nan",
  60846. "nan"
  60847. ],
  60848. [
  60849. "111111",
  60850. "11111",
  60851. "resolution trust coperation",
  60852. "ramshorn stockhaus",
  60853. "546288260",
  60854. "nan",
  60855. "fileno: 56346/",
  60856. "10/27/1997",
  60857. "753038",
  60858. "rlc / rlc",
  60859. "nan",
  60860. "nan",
  60861. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic0044 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455191",
  60862. "boston",
  60863. "992993",
  60864. "nan",
  60865. "nan",
  60866. "nan",
  60867. "nan",
  60868. "nan",
  60869. "nan",
  60870. "nan",
  60871. "nan",
  60872. "nan",
  60873. "nan",
  60874. "nan",
  60875. "nan",
  60876. "nan",
  60877. "nan",
  60878. "nan",
  60879. "nan",
  60880. "nan",
  60881. "nan",
  60882. "nan",
  60883. "nan",
  60884. "nan",
  60885. "nan",
  60886. "nan"
  60887. ],
  60888. [
  60889. "111111",
  60890. "11111",
  60891. "bank one new hampshire / federal deposit insurance corporation",
  60892. "h.a. scott & sons; william leiser",
  60893. "719628900",
  60894. "nan",
  60895. "fileno: 56275/",
  60896. "9/13/1997",
  60897. "753090",
  60898. "rlc / rlc",
  60899. "nan",
  60900. "nan",
  60901. "comments: chin wright 7 branson file # bonh0041 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455179",
  60902. "boston",
  60903. "993118",
  60904. "nan",
  60905. "nan",
  60906. "nan",
  60907. "nan",
  60908. "nan",
  60909. "nan",
  60910. "nan",
  60911. "nan",
  60912. "nan",
  60913. "nan",
  60914. "nan",
  60915. "nan",
  60916. "nan",
  60917. "nan",
  60918. "nan",
  60919. "nan",
  60920. "nan",
  60921. "nan",
  60922. "nan",
  60923. "nan",
  60924. "nan",
  60925. "nan",
  60926. "nan"
  60927. ],
  60928. [
  60929. "111111",
  60930. "11111",
  60931. "federal deposit insurance coporation",
  60932. "harborside associates (shadow files volumes 1 and 2)",
  60933. "719626165",
  60934. "nan",
  60935. "fileno: 56272 56273/",
  60936. "10/27/1997",
  60937. "753085",
  60938. "rlc / rlc",
  60939. "nan",
  60940. "nan",
  60941. "comments: chin wright & branson both volumes + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455178",
  60942. "boston",
  60943. "993119",
  60944. "nan",
  60945. "nan",
  60946. "nan",
  60947. "nan",
  60948. "nan",
  60949. "nan",
  60950. "nan",
  60951. "nan",
  60952. "nan",
  60953. "nan",
  60954. "nan",
  60955. "nan",
  60956. "nan",
  60957. "nan",
  60958. "nan",
  60959. "nan",
  60960. "nan",
  60961. "nan",
  60962. "nan",
  60963. "nan",
  60964. "nan",
  60965. "nan",
  60966. "nan"
  60967. ],
  60968. [
  60969. "111111",
  60970. "11111",
  60971. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  60972. "cortey's iii (insurance policy)",
  60973. "719657012",
  60974. "nan",
  60975. "fileno: 56344/",
  60976. "10/27/1997",
  60977. "753059",
  60978. "rlc / rlc",
  60979. "nan",
  60980. "nan",
  60981. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic030 + facility: pla\ndelivered: l.nolan 5/5/04 / retd_to_st: 5/12/2004 hk box: 36455190",
  60982. "boston",
  60983. "993169",
  60984. "nan",
  60985. "nan",
  60986. "nan",
  60987. "nan",
  60988. "nan",
  60989. "nan",
  60990. "nan",
  60991. "nan",
  60992. "nan",
  60993. "nan",
  60994. "nan",
  60995. "nan",
  60996. "nan",
  60997. "nan",
  60998. "nan",
  60999. "nan",
  61000. "nan",
  61001. "nan",
  61002. "nan",
  61003. "nan",
  61004. "nan",
  61005. "nan",
  61006. "nan"
  61007. ],
  61008. [
  61009. "111111",
  61010. "11111",
  61011. "resolution trust co.",
  61012. "leo martin, jt. & duffy, rich",
  61013. "719627224",
  61014. "nan",
  61015. "fileno: 56410/",
  61016. "10/27/1997",
  61017. "740970",
  61018. "rlc / rlc",
  61019. "nan",
  61020. "nan",
  61021. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc019 also in box: aabt025-028 + facility: pla + department: trust & estates\ndelivered: 24-sept-1998 - 3:45 pm - fileroom / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455625",
  61022. "boston",
  61023. "993170",
  61024. "nan",
  61025. "nan",
  61026. "nan",
  61027. "nan",
  61028. "nan",
  61029. "nan",
  61030. "nan",
  61031. "nan",
  61032. "nan",
  61033. "nan",
  61034. "nan",
  61035. "nan",
  61036. "nan",
  61037. "nan",
  61038. "nan",
  61039. "nan",
  61040. "nan",
  61041. "nan",
  61042. "nan",
  61043. "nan",
  61044. "nan",
  61045. "nan",
  61046. "nan"
  61047. ],
  61048. [
  61049. "111111",
  61050. "11111",
  61051. "resolution trust company",
  61052. "nefsa v. hoffman",
  61053. "719627224",
  61054. "nan",
  61055. "fileno: 56415/",
  61056. "10/27/1997",
  61057. "740970",
  61058. "rlc / rlc",
  61059. "nan",
  61060. "nan",
  61061. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc038 + facility: pla + department: litigation\ndelivered: 24-sept-1998 - 3:45 pm - fileroom / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455625",
  61062. "boston",
  61063. "993176",
  61064. "nan",
  61065. "nan",
  61066. "nan",
  61067. "nan",
  61068. "nan",
  61069. "nan",
  61070. "nan",
  61071. "nan",
  61072. "nan",
  61073. "nan",
  61074. "nan",
  61075. "nan",
  61076. "nan",
  61077. "nan",
  61078. "nan",
  61079. "nan",
  61080. "nan",
  61081. "nan",
  61082. "nan",
  61083. "nan",
  61084. "nan",
  61085. "nan",
  61086. "nan"
  61087. ],
  61088. [
  61089. "111111",
  61090. "11111",
  61091. "resolution trust corporation",
  61092. "cave maintain associates",
  61093. "719623814",
  61094. "nan",
  61095. "nan",
  61096. "10/1/1997",
  61097. "740056",
  61098. "rlc / rlc",
  61099. "nan",
  61100. "nan",
  61101. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc094 must pull entire box + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455624",
  61102. "boston",
  61103. "993181",
  61104. "nan",
  61105. "nan",
  61106. "nan",
  61107. "nan",
  61108. "nan",
  61109. "nan",
  61110. "nan",
  61111. "nan",
  61112. "nan",
  61113. "nan",
  61114. "nan",
  61115. "nan",
  61116. "nan",
  61117. "nan",
  61118. "nan",
  61119. "nan",
  61120. "nan",
  61121. "nan",
  61122. "nan",
  61123. "nan",
  61124. "nan",
  61125. "nan",
  61126. "nan"
  61127. ],
  61128. [
  61129. "111111",
  61130. "11111",
  61131. "john j.finnigan",
  61132. "diversified financial southeast inc.",
  61133. "719624556",
  61134. "nan",
  61135. "fileno: 58137/index: pleadings ; corsp ; billing ; memos ; docs produced by finnigan to pl ; misc ; fdic records of loan held by first american ; duplicate pleadings and origionals law ; notes ; depo of john finnigan & elizabeth finnigan",
  61136. "10/16/1997",
  61137. "742513",
  61138. "pk / pk",
  61139. "nan",
  61140. "nan",
  61141. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 44192793",
  61142. "boston",
  61143. "993193",
  61144. "nan",
  61145. "nan",
  61146. "nan",
  61147. "nan",
  61148. "nan",
  61149. "nan",
  61150. "nan",
  61151. "nan",
  61152. "nan",
  61153. "nan",
  61154. "nan",
  61155. "nan",
  61156. "nan",
  61157. "nan",
  61158. "nan",
  61159. "nan",
  61160. "nan",
  61161. "nan",
  61162. "nan",
  61163. "nan",
  61164. "nan",
  61165. "nan",
  61166. "nan"
  61167. ],
  61168. [
  61169. "111111",
  61170. "11111",
  61171. "resolution trust corporation",
  61172. "fast forms, inc.",
  61173. "719623589",
  61174. "nan",
  61175. "fileno: 56407/",
  61176. "10/27/1997",
  61177. "740058",
  61178. "rlc / rlc",
  61179. "nan",
  61180. "nan",
  61181. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc0131 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455620",
  61182. "boston",
  61183. "993199",
  61184. "nan",
  61185. "nan",
  61186. "nan",
  61187. "nan",
  61188. "nan",
  61189. "nan",
  61190. "nan",
  61191. "nan",
  61192. "nan",
  61193. "nan",
  61194. "nan",
  61195. "nan",
  61196. "nan",
  61197. "nan",
  61198. "nan",
  61199. "nan",
  61200. "nan",
  61201. "nan",
  61202. "nan",
  61203. "nan",
  61204. "nan",
  61205. "nan",
  61206. "nan"
  61207. ],
  61208. [
  61209. "111111",
  61210. "11111",
  61211. "rtc 1-13 & 14 - 29",
  61212. "bills",
  61213. "chin wright & branson",
  61214. "nan",
  61215. "fileno: 36455618/",
  61216. "10/27/1997",
  61217. "nan",
  61218. "rlc / rlc",
  61219. "nan",
  61220. "nan",
  61221. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  61222. "boston",
  61223. "993202",
  61224. "nan",
  61225. "nan",
  61226. "nan",
  61227. "nan",
  61228. "nan",
  61229. "nan",
  61230. "nan",
  61231. "nan",
  61232. "nan",
  61233. "nan",
  61234. "nan",
  61235. "nan",
  61236. "nan",
  61237. "nan",
  61238. "nan",
  61239. "nan",
  61240. "nan",
  61241. "nan",
  61242. "nan",
  61243. "nan",
  61244. "nan",
  61245. "nan",
  61246. "nan"
  61247. ],
  61248. [
  61249. "111111",
  61250. "11111",
  61251. "fdic bills",
  61252. "1/20/2008",
  61253. "719623839",
  61254. "nan",
  61255. "nan",
  61256. "10/1/1997",
  61257. "740061",
  61258. "rlc / rlc",
  61259. "nan",
  61260. "nan",
  61261. "comments: chin wright & branson must pull box + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455616",
  61262. "boston",
  61263. "993203",
  61264. "nan",
  61265. "nan",
  61266. "nan",
  61267. "nan",
  61268. "nan",
  61269. "nan",
  61270. "nan",
  61271. "nan",
  61272. "nan",
  61273. "nan",
  61274. "nan",
  61275. "nan",
  61276. "nan",
  61277. "nan",
  61278. "nan",
  61279. "nan",
  61280. "nan",
  61281. "nan",
  61282. "nan",
  61283. "nan",
  61284. "nan",
  61285. "nan",
  61286. "nan"
  61287. ],
  61288. [
  61289. "111111",
  61290. "11111",
  61291. "rtc bills",
  61292. "157-175",
  61293. "719623839",
  61294. "nan",
  61295. "nan",
  61296. "10/1/1997",
  61297. "740061",
  61298. "rlc / rlc",
  61299. "nan",
  61300. "nan",
  61301. "comments: chin wright & branson must pull box + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455616",
  61302. "boston",
  61303. "993204",
  61304. "nan",
  61305. "nan",
  61306. "nan",
  61307. "nan",
  61308. "nan",
  61309. "nan",
  61310. "nan",
  61311. "nan",
  61312. "nan",
  61313. "nan",
  61314. "nan",
  61315. "nan",
  61316. "nan",
  61317. "nan",
  61318. "nan",
  61319. "nan",
  61320. "nan",
  61321. "nan",
  61322. "nan",
  61323. "nan",
  61324. "nan",
  61325. "nan",
  61326. "nan"
  61327. ],
  61328. [
  61329. "111111",
  61330. "11111",
  61331. "rtc bills",
  61332. "30-55",
  61333. "719623801",
  61334. "nan",
  61335. "nan",
  61336. "10/1/1997",
  61337. "740059",
  61338. "rlc / rlc",
  61339. "nan",
  61340. "nan",
  61341. "comments: chin wright & branson must pull box + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455614",
  61342. "boston",
  61343. "993206",
  61344. "nan",
  61345. "nan",
  61346. "nan",
  61347. "nan",
  61348. "nan",
  61349. "nan",
  61350. "nan",
  61351. "nan",
  61352. "nan",
  61353. "nan",
  61354. "nan",
  61355. "nan",
  61356. "nan",
  61357. "nan",
  61358. "nan",
  61359. "nan",
  61360. "nan",
  61361. "nan",
  61362. "nan",
  61363. "nan",
  61364. "nan",
  61365. "nan",
  61366. "nan"
  61367. ],
  61368. [
  61369. "111111",
  61370. "11111",
  61371. "resolution trust company",
  61372. "michael henry",
  61373. "719623309",
  61374. "nan",
  61375. "fileno: 56424/",
  61376. "10/27/1997",
  61377. "740063",
  61378. "rlc / rlc",
  61379. "nan",
  61380. "nan",
  61381. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc063 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455629",
  61382. "boston",
  61383. "993218",
  61384. "nan",
  61385. "nan",
  61386. "nan",
  61387. "nan",
  61388. "nan",
  61389. "nan",
  61390. "nan",
  61391. "nan",
  61392. "nan",
  61393. "nan",
  61394. "nan",
  61395. "nan",
  61396. "nan",
  61397. "nan",
  61398. "nan",
  61399. "nan",
  61400. "nan",
  61401. "nan",
  61402. "nan",
  61403. "nan",
  61404. "nan",
  61405. "nan",
  61406. "nan"
  61407. ],
  61408. [
  61409. "111111",
  61410. "11111",
  61411. "resolution trust company",
  61412. "7 church st. dover, boston",
  61413. "719623309",
  61414. "nan",
  61415. "fileno: 56426/",
  61416. "10/27/1997",
  61417. "740063",
  61418. "rlc / rlc",
  61419. "nan",
  61420. "nan",
  61421. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc023 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455629",
  61422. "boston",
  61423. "993220",
  61424. "nan",
  61425. "nan",
  61426. "nan",
  61427. "nan",
  61428. "nan",
  61429. "nan",
  61430. "nan",
  61431. "nan",
  61432. "nan",
  61433. "nan",
  61434. "nan",
  61435. "nan",
  61436. "nan",
  61437. "nan",
  61438. "nan",
  61439. "nan",
  61440. "nan",
  61441. "nan",
  61442. "nan",
  61443. "nan",
  61444. "nan",
  61445. "nan",
  61446. "nan"
  61447. ],
  61448. [
  61449. "111111",
  61450. "11111",
  61451. "resolution trust company",
  61452. "mecedo & perena v. comfield savings",
  61453. "719623309",
  61454. "nan",
  61455. "fileno: 56427/",
  61456. "10/27/1997",
  61457. "740063",
  61458. "rlc / rlc",
  61459. "nan",
  61460. "nan",
  61461. "comments: chin wright & branson file #rtc106 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455629",
  61462. "boston",
  61463. "993221",
  61464. "nan",
  61465. "nan",
  61466. "nan",
  61467. "nan",
  61468. "nan",
  61469. "nan",
  61470. "nan",
  61471. "nan",
  61472. "nan",
  61473. "nan",
  61474. "nan",
  61475. "nan",
  61476. "nan",
  61477. "nan",
  61478. "nan",
  61479. "nan",
  61480. "nan",
  61481. "nan",
  61482. "nan",
  61483. "nan",
  61484. "nan",
  61485. "nan",
  61486. "nan"
  61487. ],
  61488. [
  61489. "111111",
  61490. "11111",
  61491. "resolution trust corporation",
  61492. "frank monaco (bankruptcy)",
  61493. "719623899",
  61494. "nan",
  61495. "fileno: 56429/",
  61496. "10/27/1997",
  61497. "740051",
  61498. "rlc / rlc",
  61499. "nan",
  61500. "nan",
  61501. "comments: chin wright & branson file # rtc0070 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455630",
  61502. "boston",
  61503. "993225",
  61504. "nan",
  61505. "nan",
  61506. "nan",
  61507. "nan",
  61508. "nan",
  61509. "nan",
  61510. "nan",
  61511. "nan",
  61512. "nan",
  61513. "nan",
  61514. "nan",
  61515. "nan",
  61516. "nan",
  61517. "nan",
  61518. "nan",
  61519. "nan",
  61520. "nan",
  61521. "nan",
  61522. "nan",
  61523. "nan",
  61524. "nan",
  61525. "nan",
  61526. "nan"
  61527. ],
  61528. [
  61529. "111111",
  61530. "11111",
  61531. "rtc bills",
  61532. "56a-100",
  61533. "719623811",
  61534. "nan",
  61535. "nan",
  61536. "10/1/1997",
  61537. "740060",
  61538. "rlc / rlc",
  61539. "nan",
  61540. "nan",
  61541. "comments: chin wright & branson must pull box + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455633",
  61542. "boston",
  61543. "993237",
  61544. "nan",
  61545. "nan",
  61546. "nan",
  61547. "nan",
  61548. "nan",
  61549. "nan",
  61550. "nan",
  61551. "nan",
  61552. "nan",
  61553. "nan",
  61554. "nan",
  61555. "nan",
  61556. "nan",
  61557. "nan",
  61558. "nan",
  61559. "nan",
  61560. "nan",
  61561. "nan",
  61562. "nan",
  61563. "nan",
  61564. "nan",
  61565. "nan",
  61566. "nan"
  61567. ],
  61568. [
  61569. "111111",
  61570. "11111",
  61571. "federal deposit insuarnce corp.",
  61572. "joseph schrader",
  61573. "546288140",
  61574. "nan",
  61575. "fileno: 56150/",
  61576. "10/27/1997",
  61577. "753286",
  61578. "rlc / rlc",
  61579. "nan",
  61580. "nan",
  61581. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic038 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455153",
  61582. "boston",
  61583. "993285",
  61584. "nan",
  61585. "nan",
  61586. "nan",
  61587. "nan",
  61588. "nan",
  61589. "nan",
  61590. "nan",
  61591. "nan",
  61592. "nan",
  61593. "nan",
  61594. "nan",
  61595. "nan",
  61596. "nan",
  61597. "nan",
  61598. "nan",
  61599. "nan",
  61600. "nan",
  61601. "nan",
  61602. "nan",
  61603. "nan",
  61604. "nan",
  61605. "nan",
  61606. "nan"
  61607. ],
  61608. [
  61609. "111111",
  61610. "11111",
  61611. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  61612. "edward tigges & hanneloie tigges",
  61613. "546288140",
  61614. "nan",
  61615. "fileno: 56151/",
  61616. "10/27/1997",
  61617. "753286",
  61618. "rlc / rlc",
  61619. "nan",
  61620. "nan",
  61621. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic039 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455153",
  61622. "boston",
  61623. "993286",
  61624. "nan",
  61625. "nan",
  61626. "nan",
  61627. "nan",
  61628. "nan",
  61629. "nan",
  61630. "nan",
  61631. "nan",
  61632. "nan",
  61633. "nan",
  61634. "nan",
  61635. "nan",
  61636. "nan",
  61637. "nan",
  61638. "nan",
  61639. "nan",
  61640. "nan",
  61641. "nan",
  61642. "nan",
  61643. "nan",
  61644. "nan",
  61645. "nan",
  61646. "nan"
  61647. ],
  61648. [
  61649. "111111",
  61650. "11111",
  61651. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  61652. "ricky & lillian green",
  61653. "546288140",
  61654. "nan",
  61655. "fileno: 56152/",
  61656. "10/27/1997",
  61657. "753286",
  61658. "rlc / rlc",
  61659. "nan",
  61660. "nan",
  61661. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic040 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455153",
  61662. "boston",
  61663. "993287",
  61664. "nan",
  61665. "nan",
  61666. "nan",
  61667. "nan",
  61668. "nan",
  61669. "nan",
  61670. "nan",
  61671. "nan",
  61672. "nan",
  61673. "nan",
  61674. "nan",
  61675. "nan",
  61676. "nan",
  61677. "nan",
  61678. "nan",
  61679. "nan",
  61680. "nan",
  61681. "nan",
  61682. "nan",
  61683. "nan",
  61684. "nan",
  61685. "nan",
  61686. "nan"
  61687. ],
  61688. [
  61689. "111111",
  61690. "11111",
  61691. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  61692. "brichwood",
  61693. "546288140",
  61694. "nan",
  61695. "fileno: 56153/",
  61696. "10/27/1997",
  61697. "753286",
  61698. "rlc / rlc",
  61699. "nan",
  61700. "nan",
  61701. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic059 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455153",
  61702. "boston",
  61703. "993288",
  61704. "nan",
  61705. "nan",
  61706. "nan",
  61707. "nan",
  61708. "nan",
  61709. "nan",
  61710. "nan",
  61711. "nan",
  61712. "nan",
  61713. "nan",
  61714. "nan",
  61715. "nan",
  61716. "nan",
  61717. "nan",
  61718. "nan",
  61719. "nan",
  61720. "nan",
  61721. "nan",
  61722. "nan",
  61723. "nan",
  61724. "nan",
  61725. "nan",
  61726. "nan"
  61727. ],
  61728. [
  61729. "111111",
  61730. "11111",
  61731. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  61732. "asset management & recovery",
  61733. "546288140",
  61734. "nan",
  61735. "fileno: 56154/",
  61736. "10/27/1997",
  61737. "753286",
  61738. "rlc / rlc",
  61739. "nan",
  61740. "nan",
  61741. "comments: chin wright & branson file # fdic061 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 36455153",
  61742. "boston",
  61743. "993289",
  61744. "nan",
  61745. "nan",
  61746. "nan",
  61747. "nan",
  61748. "nan",
  61749. "nan",
  61750. "nan",
  61751. "nan",
  61752. "nan",
  61753. "nan",
  61754. "nan",
  61755. "nan",
  61756. "nan",
  61757. "nan",
  61758. "nan",
  61759. "nan",
  61760. "nan",
  61761. "nan",
  61762. "nan",
  61763. "nan",
  61764. "nan",
  61765. "nan",
  61766. "nan"
  61767. ],
  61768. [
  61769. "111111",
  61770. "11111",
  61771. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  61772. "currie - various tax returns ; docs from govent ; client docs ; various corsp",
  61773. "546291750",
  61774. "nan",
  61775. "nan",
  61776. "10/23/1997",
  61777. "738390",
  61778. "cjt / cjt",
  61779. "nan",
  61780. "nan",
  61781. "comments: must pull entire box + facility: pla\ndelivered: 18-nov-1997 - 4:00 pm - brp / retd_to_st: 11/20/1997 hk box: 44170601",
  61782. "boston",
  61783. "993326",
  61784. "nan",
  61785. "nan",
  61786. "nan",
  61787. "nan",
  61788. "nan",
  61789. "nan",
  61790. "nan",
  61791. "nan",
  61792. "nan",
  61793. "nan",
  61794. "nan",
  61795. "nan",
  61796. "nan",
  61797. "nan",
  61798. "nan",
  61799. "nan",
  61800. "nan",
  61801. "nan",
  61802. "nan",
  61803. "nan",
  61804. "nan",
  61805. "nan",
  61806. "nan"
  61807. ],
  61808. [
  61809. "111111",
  61810. "11111",
  61811. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  61812. "currie enterprises - check registars 1984-1988 , 1989 ; bank statements shawmut - regular1984 + 1985 ; shawmut - 0194654 ; open sep. 1987 - close july 1988",
  61813. "719623235",
  61814. "nan",
  61815. "nan",
  61816. "10/22/1997",
  61817. "481328",
  61818. "cjt / cjt",
  61819. "nan",
  61820. "nan",
  61821. "comments: must pull entire box + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 44170603",
  61822. "boston",
  61823. "993335",
  61824. "nan",
  61825. "nan",
  61826. "nan",
  61827. "nan",
  61828. "nan",
  61829. "nan",
  61830. "nan",
  61831. "nan",
  61832. "nan",
  61833. "nan",
  61834. "nan",
  61835. "nan",
  61836. "nan",
  61837. "nan",
  61838. "nan",
  61839. "nan",
  61840. "nan",
  61841. "nan",
  61842. "nan",
  61843. "nan",
  61844. "nan",
  61845. "nan",
  61846. "nan"
  61847. ],
  61848. [
  61849. "111111",
  61850. "11111",
  61851. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  61852. "currie - 1989 misc ; client general ledger 12/31/1987 ; c & m real estate trust general ledger 12/31/1987 ;",
  61853. "546295052",
  61854. "nan",
  61855. "nan",
  61856. "10/22/1997",
  61857. "738395",
  61858. "cjt / cjt",
  61859. "nan",
  61860. "nan",
  61861. "comments: must pull entire box + facility: pla\ndelivered: 18-nov-1997 - 4:00 pm - brp / retd_to_st: 11/20/1997 hk box: 44170605",
  61862. "boston",
  61863. "993354",
  61864. "nan",
  61865. "nan",
  61866. "nan",
  61867. "nan",
  61868. "nan",
  61869. "nan",
  61870. "nan",
  61871. "nan",
  61872. "nan",
  61873. "nan",
  61874. "nan",
  61875. "nan",
  61876. "nan",
  61877. "nan",
  61878. "nan",
  61879. "nan",
  61880. "nan",
  61881. "nan",
  61882. "nan",
  61883. "nan",
  61884. "nan",
  61885. "nan",
  61886. "nan"
  61887. ],
  61888. [
  61889. "111111",
  61890. "11111",
  61891. "federal deposit insurance company",
  61892. "stoughton index: vol 1, vol 2, complete sets 1-1v (in volume 1)",
  61893. "nan",
  61894. "nan",
  61895. "nan",
  61896. "10/23/1997",
  61897. "nan",
  61898. "ms / ms",
  61899. "off-site",
  61900. "nan",
  61901. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  61902. "boston",
  61903. "993355",
  61904. "nan",
  61905. "nan",
  61906. "nan",
  61907. "nan",
  61908. "nan",
  61909. "nan",
  61910. "nan",
  61911. "nan",
  61912. "nan",
  61913. "nan",
  61914. "nan",
  61915. "nan",
  61916. "nan",
  61917. "nan",
  61918. "nan",
  61919. "nan",
  61920. "nan",
  61921. "nan",
  61922. "nan",
  61923. "nan",
  61924. "nan",
  61925. "nan",
  61926. "nan"
  61927. ],
  61928. [
  61929. "111111",
  61930. "11111",
  61931. "fdic 241 a street",
  61932. "entire file",
  61933. "nan",
  61934. "nan",
  61935. "nan",
  61936. "10/13/1997",
  61937. "nan",
  61938. "rlc / rlc",
  61939. "nan",
  61940. "nan",
  61941. "comments: chin wright and branson + facility: pla + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: 11-feb-1999 - 4:00 pm - rlc / retd_to_st:",
  61942. "boston",
  61943. "993386",
  61944. "nan",
  61945. "nan",
  61946. "nan",
  61947. "nan",
  61948. "nan",
  61949. "nan",
  61950. "nan",
  61951. "nan",
  61952. "nan",
  61953. "nan",
  61954. "nan",
  61955. "nan",
  61956. "nan",
  61957. "nan",
  61958. "nan",
  61959. "nan",
  61960. "nan",
  61961. "nan",
  61962. "nan",
  61963. "nan",
  61964. "nan",
  61965. "nan",
  61966. "nan"
  61967. ],
  61968. [
  61969. "111111",
  61970. "11111",
  61971. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  61972. "currie - various tax returns and corsp. - 1988 , 1989 , 1990 , 1991 , 1992",
  61973. "719623170",
  61974. "nan",
  61975. "nan",
  61976. "10/22/1997",
  61977. "481319",
  61978. "cjt / cjt",
  61979. "nan",
  61980. "nan",
  61981. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 44170602",
  61982. "boston",
  61983. "993408",
  61984. "nan",
  61985. "nan",
  61986. "nan",
  61987. "nan",
  61988. "nan",
  61989. "nan",
  61990. "nan",
  61991. "nan",
  61992. "nan",
  61993. "nan",
  61994. "nan",
  61995. "nan",
  61996. "nan",
  61997. "nan",
  61998. "nan",
  61999. "nan",
  62000. "nan",
  62001. "nan",
  62002. "nan",
  62003. "nan",
  62004. "nan",
  62005. "nan",
  62006. "nan"
  62007. ],
  62008. [
  62009. "111111",
  62010. "11111",
  62011. "fdic 241 a street",
  62012. "fdic",
  62013. "719626924",
  62014. "nan",
  62015. "nan",
  62016. "10/13/1997",
  62017. "740837",
  62018. "rlc / rlc",
  62019. "nan",
  62020. "nan",
  62021. "comments: chin wright & branson box # 4016 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 44170647",
  62022. "boston",
  62023. "993421",
  62024. "nan",
  62025. "nan",
  62026. "nan",
  62027. "nan",
  62028. "nan",
  62029. "nan",
  62030. "nan",
  62031. "nan",
  62032. "nan",
  62033. "nan",
  62034. "nan",
  62035. "nan",
  62036. "nan",
  62037. "nan",
  62038. "nan",
  62039. "nan",
  62040. "nan",
  62041. "nan",
  62042. "nan",
  62043. "nan",
  62044. "nan",
  62045. "nan",
  62046. "nan"
  62047. ],
  62048. [
  62049. "111111",
  62050. "11111",
  62051. "fdic 241 a street",
  62052. "fdic",
  62053. "719627093",
  62054. "nan",
  62055. "nan",
  62056. "10/27/1997",
  62057. "740933",
  62058. "rlc / rlc",
  62059. "nan",
  62060. "nan",
  62061. "comments: chin wright & branson box # 4015 + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 44170645",
  62062. "boston",
  62063. "993422",
  62064. "nan",
  62065. "nan",
  62066. "nan",
  62067. "nan",
  62068. "nan",
  62069. "nan",
  62070. "nan",
  62071. "nan",
  62072. "nan",
  62073. "nan",
  62074. "nan",
  62075. "nan",
  62076. "nan",
  62077. "nan",
  62078. "nan",
  62079. "nan",
  62080. "nan",
  62081. "nan",
  62082. "nan",
  62083. "nan",
  62084. "nan",
  62085. "nan",
  62086. "nan"
  62087. ],
  62088. [
  62089. "111111",
  62090. "11111",
  62091. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  62092. "stoughton originals vol i & ii ; complete sets i-iv",
  62093. "nan",
  62094. "nan",
  62095. "nan",
  62096. "10/26/1997",
  62097. "nan",
  62098. "ms / drp",
  62099. "off-site",
  62100. "nan",
  62101. "facility: spn\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  62102. "boston",
  62103. "993423",
  62104. "nan",
  62105. "nan",
  62106. "nan",
  62107. "nan",
  62108. "nan",
  62109. "nan",
  62110. "nan",
  62111. "nan",
  62112. "nan",
  62113. "nan",
  62114. "nan",
  62115. "nan",
  62116. "nan",
  62117. "nan",
  62118. "nan",
  62119. "nan",
  62120. "nan",
  62121. "nan",
  62122. "nan",
  62123. "nan",
  62124. "nan",
  62125. "nan",
  62126. "nan"
  62127. ],
  62128. [
  62129. "111111",
  62130. "11111",
  62131. "fdic",
  62132. "currie - pleadings binder",
  62133. "719631196",
  62134. "nan",
  62135. "fileno: 58186/",
  62136. "11/11/1997",
  62137. "743350",
  62138. "cjt / cjt",
  62139. "nan",
  62140. "nan",
  62141. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 43833450",
  62142. "boston",
  62143. "993942",
  62144. "nan",
  62145. "nan",
  62146. "nan",
  62147. "nan",
  62148. "nan",
  62149. "nan",
  62150. "nan",
  62151. "nan",
  62152. "nan",
  62153. "nan",
  62154. "nan",
  62155. "nan",
  62156. "nan",
  62157. "nan",
  62158. "nan",
  62159. "nan",
  62160. "nan",
  62161. "nan",
  62162. "nan",
  62163. "nan",
  62164. "nan",
  62165. "nan",
  62166. "nan"
  62167. ],
  62168. [
  62169. "111111",
  62170. "11111",
  62171. "fdic",
  62172. "currie -",
  62173. "43833449|imb # 097030",
  62174. "nan",
  62175. "fileno: 58187/index: keating depo vol i ; depo exhibits , minuscript , outline , notes , summary",
  62176. "11/11/1997",
  62177. "nan",
  62178. "cjt / cjt",
  62179. "nan",
  62180. "nan",
  62181. "facility: pla + department: litigation\ndelivered: 11-june-1998 2:00 pm - jp / retd_to_st:",
  62182. "boston",
  62183. "993944",
  62184. "nan",
  62185. "nan",
  62186. "nan",
  62187. "nan",
  62188. "nan",
  62189. "nan",
  62190. "nan",
  62191. "nan",
  62192. "nan",
  62193. "nan",
  62194. "nan",
  62195. "nan",
  62196. "nan",
  62197. "nan",
  62198. "nan",
  62199. "nan",
  62200. "nan",
  62201. "nan",
  62202. "nan",
  62203. "nan",
  62204. "nan",
  62205. "nan",
  62206. "nan"
  62207. ],
  62208. [
  62209. "111111",
  62210. "11111",
  62211. "ziner, saul",
  62212. "kittery refinancing -",
  62213. "719630479",
  62214. "nan",
  62215. "fileno: 51188/index; survey kittery / loan agreement / opinion of spn / drummond opinions / kittery deed / guaranty - regal dev. / note / guaranty - brighton hotel corp. / votes - yankee rest corp. / votes - kittery travelers lp / votes - regal development / good stamding cert. - kittery travelers l.p. / title matters / fdic release / lien search results / good standing cert. - regal dev. - brighton hotel corp. - yankee rest corp. / copy of check from kittery travelers to fdic as receiver ($50,000) / copy of r/e tax sewer check from kittery $84,475 / indemnity ag. - hazardous materials & handicapped access laws (draft) / assignment of leases & rents / title polocy / closing checklist / opinion of drummond woodsum & mcmahon (draft) / policy for the disposition of tax-acquired property",
  62216. "3/29/1996",
  62217. "745688",
  62218. "wfm/mcl / wfm/mcl",
  62219. "nan",
  62220. "nan",
  62221. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 9-6-00 j. driscoll|pjn 5-25-00 / retd_to_st: 10-10-00|6-16-00 hk box: 15627017",
  62222. "boston",
  62223. "994139",
  62224. "nan",
  62225. "nan",
  62226. "nan",
  62227. "nan",
  62228. "nan",
  62229. "nan",
  62230. "nan",
  62231. "nan",
  62232. "nan",
  62233. "nan",
  62234. "nan",
  62235. "nan",
  62236. "nan",
  62237. "nan",
  62238. "nan",
  62239. "nan",
  62240. "nan",
  62241. "nan",
  62242. "nan",
  62243. "nan",
  62244. "nan",
  62245. "nan",
  62246. "nan"
  62247. ],
  62248. [
  62249. "111111",
  62250. "11111",
  62251. "patriot bancorporation",
  62252. "commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).",
  62253. "495549584964",
  62254. "nan",
  62255. "fileno: 35395-35397,35407,35438/",
  62256. "12/31/1899",
  62257. "nan",
  62258. "dnj/jp / dnj/jp",
  62259. "nan",
  62260. "nan",
  62261. "facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 1/23/1995",
  62262. "boston",
  62263. "994238",
  62264. "nan",
  62265. "nan",
  62266. "nan",
  62267. "nan",
  62268. "nan",
  62269. "nan",
  62270. "nan",
  62271. "nan",
  62272. "nan",
  62273. "nan",
  62274. "nan",
  62275. "nan",
  62276. "nan",
  62277. "nan",
  62278. "nan",
  62279. "nan",
  62280. "nan",
  62281. "nan",
  62282. "nan",
  62283. "nan",
  62284. "nan",
  62285. "nan",
  62286. "nan"
  62287. ],
  62288. [
  62289. "111111",
  62290. "11111",
  62291. "stoller, robert",
  62292. "personal -",
  62293. "719625567",
  62294. "nan",
  62295. "fileno: 43881/index: bank records: fdic report of examination of coolidge corner co-operative bank as of (11/4/88) / appraisal report - vacant land, stanzione drive, north dighton, daniel berthelette (trustee), william lloyd's trust / coolidge corner loan files - re: 94 williams street trust, daniel berthelette, danert realty",
  62296. "9/30/1993",
  62297. "741512",
  62298. "pet / hwp",
  62299. "nan",
  62300. "nan",
  62301. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: 8/7/1996 hk box: a598825",
  62302. "boston",
  62303. "994450",
  62304. "nan",
  62305. "nan",
  62306. "nan",
  62307. "nan",
  62308. "nan",
  62309. "nan",
  62310. "nan",
  62311. "nan",
  62312. "nan",
  62313. "nan",
  62314. "nan",
  62315. "nan",
  62316. "nan",
  62317. "nan",
  62318. "nan",
  62319. "nan",
  62320. "nan",
  62321. "nan",
  62322. "nan",
  62323. "nan",
  62324. "nan",
  62325. "nan",
  62326. "nan"
  62327. ],
  62328. [
  62329. "111111",
  62330. "11111",
  62331. "stoller, robert",
  62332. "personal -",
  62333. "719624151",
  62334. "nan",
  62335. "fileno: 43904/index: correspondence, notes / bernhardt-stoller agreement / possible claim for rents against fdic / law / cccb v. stoller / rtc v. quality broadcasting / self-incrimination-impact on civil suits / representation conflict / rs's subpoenas & applications / bush order / tax issues / nominee trusts-legal research / mjm's fdic hearing notes (june 1991)",
  62336. "10/13/1993",
  62337. "741546",
  62338. "pet / hwp",
  62339. "nan",
  62340. "nan",
  62341. "facility: pla\ndelivered: 5-jul-95 - 4:30 pm - hwp / retd_to_st: hk box: a599031",
  62342. "boston",
  62343. "994451",
  62344. "nan",
  62345. "nan",
  62346. "nan",
  62347. "nan",
  62348. "nan",
  62349. "nan",
  62350. "nan",
  62351. "nan",
  62352. "nan",
  62353. "nan",
  62354. "nan",
  62355. "nan",
  62356. "nan",
  62357. "nan",
  62358. "nan",
  62359. "nan",
  62360. "nan",
  62361. "nan",
  62362. "nan",
  62363. "nan",
  62364. "nan",
  62365. "nan",
  62366. "nan"
  62367. ],
  62368. [
  62369. "111111",
  62370. "11111",
  62371. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  62372. "perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -",
  62373. "546291814",
  62374. "nan",
  62375. "fileno: 43910/index: asset & lien investigation (perry) / asset & lien investigation (yellin) / correspondence / linsky bankruptcy / loan inquiries: berry realty trust, criterion realty trust, egmont realty trust, heights realty trust, triple play realty trust, zenith realty trust / notes & memos",
  62376. "10/21/1993",
  62377. "738518",
  62378. "pjn/jjm / pjn",
  62379. "nan",
  62380. "nan",
  62381. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599033",
  62382. "boston",
  62383. "994452",
  62384. "nan",
  62385. "nan",
  62386. "nan",
  62387. "nan",
  62388. "nan",
  62389. "nan",
  62390. "nan",
  62391. "nan",
  62392. "nan",
  62393. "nan",
  62394. "nan",
  62395. "nan",
  62396. "nan",
  62397. "nan",
  62398. "nan",
  62399. "nan",
  62400. "nan",
  62401. "nan",
  62402. "nan",
  62403. "nan",
  62404. "nan",
  62405. "nan",
  62406. "nan"
  62407. ],
  62408. [
  62409. "111111",
  62410. "11111",
  62411. "institution for savings in newburyport and its vicinity",
  62412. "general: aution 7/15/86, auditor's response (1990), billing, cambridge bancorp proxy materials, cambridge trust, correspondence, fasb 1991, fdic letter (1993), first & ocean bancorp bylaws, first & ocean bancorp documents, memoranda, merchants national bank, niscellaneous, mutual fire company, nra land acquisition (newburyport redevelopment association), notes & memos, opinion letter (1988), opinion letter (1991)",
  62413. "719596531",
  62414. "nan",
  62415. "fileno: 44189/",
  62416. "12/29/1993",
  62417. "740901",
  62418. "rmy / rmy",
  62419. "nan",
  62420. "nan",
  62421. "\ndelivered: edgarton 1-31-00 / retd_to_st: 7/16/2001 hk box: b106369",
  62422. "boston",
  62423. "994474",
  62424. "nan",
  62425. "nan",
  62426. "nan",
  62427. "nan",
  62428. "nan",
  62429. "nan",
  62430. "nan",
  62431. "nan",
  62432. "nan",
  62433. "nan",
  62434. "nan",
  62435. "nan",
  62436. "nan",
  62437. "nan",
  62438. "nan",
  62439. "nan",
  62440. "nan",
  62441. "nan",
  62442. "nan",
  62443. "nan",
  62444. "nan",
  62445. "nan",
  62446. "nan"
  62447. ],
  62448. [
  62449. "111111",
  62450. "11111",
  62451. "accounting",
  62452. "fdic misc documents ; fdic bills 1994 , 1995 , 1996 ; boston bay capital bills 12/91 - 12/93 , sarvis, rbt files ; brant point files ; madden & assoc. write-offs ; senopoulos, billie ann files ; a/r control report",
  62453. "43833437 / 097012",
  62454. "nan",
  62455. "nan",
  62456. "12/17/1997",
  62457. "nan",
  62458. "hs / hs",
  62459. "nan",
  62460. "nan",
  62461. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00|must pull entire box + facility: arms\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  62462. "boston",
  62463. "996998",
  62464. "nan",
  62465. "nan",
  62466. "nan",
  62467. "nan",
  62468. "nan",
  62469. "nan",
  62470. "nan",
  62471. "nan",
  62472. "nan",
  62473. "nan",
  62474. "nan",
  62475. "nan",
  62476. "nan",
  62477. "nan",
  62478. "nan",
  62479. "nan",
  62480. "nan",
  62481. "nan",
  62482. "nan",
  62483. "nan",
  62484. "nan",
  62485. "nan",
  62486. "nan"
  62487. ],
  62488. [
  62489. "111111",
  62490. "11111",
  62491. "fdic",
  62492. "perry - yellin",
  62493. "719626321",
  62494. "nan",
  62495. "fileno: 58328/",
  62496. "12/31/1997",
  62497. "750276",
  62498. "pjn / pjn",
  62499. "nan",
  62500. "nan",
  62501. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00|all files empty in redrope + facility: arms\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 799",
  62502. "boston",
  62503. "997277",
  62504. "nan",
  62505. "nan",
  62506. "nan",
  62507. "nan",
  62508. "nan",
  62509. "nan",
  62510. "nan",
  62511. "nan",
  62512. "nan",
  62513. "nan",
  62514. "nan",
  62515. "nan",
  62516. "nan",
  62517. "nan",
  62518. "nan",
  62519. "nan",
  62520. "nan",
  62521. "nan",
  62522. "nan",
  62523. "nan",
  62524. "nan",
  62525. "nan",
  62526. "nan"
  62527. ],
  62528. [
  62529. "111111",
  62530. "11111",
  62531. "the fortress corporation",
  62532. "dimensional technology",
  62533. "809",
  62534. "nan",
  62535. "fileno: 58640/index: corsp ; memos ; research ; notes ; fdic issues ; draft stock option agreement ; dpt bd&g billing information ; research 152 ; form 10k thermo electron corporation ; memo dated 1/17/94 client development ; general development of business language ; sec no action letters ; corporate cleanup list ; exchange offer drafts ; fourth draft of exchange offer",
  62536. "1/22/1998",
  62537. "nan",
  62538. "bv / bv",
  62539. "nan",
  62540. "nan",
  62541. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: bv 11-21-00 / retd_to_st: 11/30/2000",
  62542. "boston",
  62543. "997824",
  62544. "nan",
  62545. "nan",
  62546. "nan",
  62547. "nan",
  62548. "nan",
  62549. "nan",
  62550. "nan",
  62551. "nan",
  62552. "nan",
  62553. "nan",
  62554. "nan",
  62555. "nan",
  62556. "nan",
  62557. "nan",
  62558. "nan",
  62559. "nan",
  62560. "nan",
  62561. "nan",
  62562. "nan",
  62563. "nan",
  62564. "nan",
  62565. "nan",
  62566. "nan"
  62567. ],
  62568. [
  62569. "111111",
  62570. "11111",
  62571. "fdic",
  62572. "currie - depositions",
  62573. "719627738",
  62574. "nan",
  62575. "fileno: 58754/",
  62576. "1/29/1998",
  62577. "742933",
  62578. "cjt / cjt",
  62579. "nan",
  62580. "nan",
  62581. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 862",
  62582. "boston",
  62583. "997994",
  62584. "nan",
  62585. "nan",
  62586. "nan",
  62587. "nan",
  62588. "nan",
  62589. "nan",
  62590. "nan",
  62591. "nan",
  62592. "nan",
  62593. "nan",
  62594. "nan",
  62595. "nan",
  62596. "nan",
  62597. "nan",
  62598. "nan",
  62599. "nan",
  62600. "nan",
  62601. "nan",
  62602. "nan",
  62603. "nan",
  62604. "nan",
  62605. "nan",
  62606. "nan"
  62607. ],
  62608. [
  62609. "111111",
  62610. "11111",
  62611. "fdic",
  62612. "currie raymond - new heritage bank volume 6allan jeffery rose depos & exhibits ; min-u-script ; notes ; summaries",
  62613. "857",
  62614. "nan",
  62615. "fileno: 58772/",
  62616. "1/29/1998",
  62617. "nan",
  62618. "cjt / mga",
  62619. "nan",
  62620. "nan",
  62621. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  62622. "boston",
  62623. "998008",
  62624. "nan",
  62625. "nan",
  62626. "nan",
  62627. "nan",
  62628. "nan",
  62629. "nan",
  62630. "nan",
  62631. "nan",
  62632. "nan",
  62633. "nan",
  62634. "nan",
  62635. "nan",
  62636. "nan",
  62637. "nan",
  62638. "nan",
  62639. "nan",
  62640. "nan",
  62641. "nan",
  62642. "nan",
  62643. "nan",
  62644. "nan",
  62645. "nan",
  62646. "nan"
  62647. ],
  62648. [
  62649. "111111",
  62650. "11111",
  62651. "fdic",
  62652. "currie - jablonski depositon exhibits ( digital ) ; working file currie ent. act 0982679",
  62653. "857",
  62654. "nan",
  62655. "fileno: 58774/",
  62656. "1/29/1998",
  62657. "nan",
  62658. "cjt / mga",
  62659. "nan",
  62660. "nan",
  62661. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  62662. "boston",
  62663. "998009",
  62664. "nan",
  62665. "nan",
  62666. "nan",
  62667. "nan",
  62668. "nan",
  62669. "nan",
  62670. "nan",
  62671. "nan",
  62672. "nan",
  62673. "nan",
  62674. "nan",
  62675. "nan",
  62676. "nan",
  62677. "nan",
  62678. "nan",
  62679. "nan",
  62680. "nan",
  62681. "nan",
  62682. "nan",
  62683. "nan",
  62684. "nan",
  62685. "nan",
  62686. "nan"
  62687. ],
  62688. [
  62689. "111111",
  62690. "11111",
  62691. "fdic",
  62692. "rindo - rindo appraisal ; documents produced town of tynsboro ; closing binder",
  62693. "856",
  62694. "nan",
  62695. "fileno: 58775/",
  62696. "1/29/1998",
  62697. "nan",
  62698. "mcm / pjn",
  62699. "nan",
  62700. "nan",
  62701. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  62702. "boston",
  62703. "998010",
  62704. "nan",
  62705. "nan",
  62706. "nan",
  62707. "nan",
  62708. "nan",
  62709. "nan",
  62710. "nan",
  62711. "nan",
  62712. "nan",
  62713. "nan",
  62714. "nan",
  62715. "nan",
  62716. "nan",
  62717. "nan",
  62718. "nan",
  62719. "nan",
  62720. "nan",
  62721. "nan",
  62722. "nan",
  62723. "nan",
  62724. "nan",
  62725. "nan",
  62726. "nan"
  62727. ],
  62728. [
  62729. "111111",
  62730. "11111",
  62731. "fdic",
  62732. "resolution trust corporation",
  62733. "719631911",
  62734. "nan",
  62735. "fileno: 58778/",
  62736. "1/29/1998",
  62737. "750536",
  62738. "dnj / dnj",
  62739. "nan",
  62740. "nan",
  62741. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: administrative\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 855",
  62742. "boston",
  62743. "998011",
  62744. "nan",
  62745. "nan",
  62746. "nan",
  62747. "nan",
  62748. "nan",
  62749. "nan",
  62750. "nan",
  62751. "nan",
  62752. "nan",
  62753. "nan",
  62754. "nan",
  62755. "nan",
  62756. "nan",
  62757. "nan",
  62758. "nan",
  62759. "nan",
  62760. "nan",
  62761. "nan",
  62762. "nan",
  62763. "nan",
  62764. "nan",
  62765. "nan",
  62766. "nan"
  62767. ],
  62768. [
  62769. "111111",
  62770. "11111",
  62771. "fdic",
  62772. "currie - foley hoag & elliot files",
  62773. "719624049",
  62774. "nan",
  62775. "fileno: 58786/",
  62776. "1/29/1998",
  62777. "741081",
  62778. "cjt / mga",
  62779. "nan",
  62780. "nan",
  62781. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 853",
  62782. "boston",
  62783. "998014",
  62784. "nan",
  62785. "nan",
  62786. "nan",
  62787. "nan",
  62788. "nan",
  62789. "nan",
  62790. "nan",
  62791. "nan",
  62792. "nan",
  62793. "nan",
  62794. "nan",
  62795. "nan",
  62796. "nan",
  62797. "nan",
  62798. "nan",
  62799. "nan",
  62800. "nan",
  62801. "nan",
  62802. "nan",
  62803. "nan",
  62804. "nan",
  62805. "nan",
  62806. "nan"
  62807. ],
  62808. [
  62809. "111111",
  62810. "11111",
  62811. "fdic",
  62812. "currie - drafts, ; extras ; asoian & tully documents ; budget",
  62813. "719624049",
  62814. "nan",
  62815. "fileno: 58785/",
  62816. "1/29/1998",
  62817. "741081",
  62818. "cjt / mga",
  62819. "nan",
  62820. "nan",
  62821. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 853",
  62822. "boston",
  62823. "998015",
  62824. "nan",
  62825. "nan",
  62826. "nan",
  62827. "nan",
  62828. "nan",
  62829. "nan",
  62830. "nan",
  62831. "nan",
  62832. "nan",
  62833. "nan",
  62834. "nan",
  62835. "nan",
  62836. "nan",
  62837. "nan",
  62838. "nan",
  62839. "nan",
  62840. "nan",
  62841. "nan",
  62842. "nan",
  62843. "nan",
  62844. "nan",
  62845. "nan",
  62846. "nan"
  62847. ],
  62848. [
  62849. "111111",
  62850. "11111",
  62851. "fdic",
  62852. "raymond currie",
  62853. "852",
  62854. "nan",
  62855. "fileno: 58788/index : currie & mccormick depo min-u-script ; summary legal research ; notes ;",
  62856. "1/29/1998",
  62857. "nan",
  62858. "pjn / mga",
  62859. "nan",
  62860. "nan",
  62861. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  62862. "boston",
  62863. "998016",
  62864. "nan",
  62865. "nan",
  62866. "nan",
  62867. "nan",
  62868. "nan",
  62869. "nan",
  62870. "nan",
  62871. "nan",
  62872. "nan",
  62873. "nan",
  62874. "nan",
  62875. "nan",
  62876. "nan",
  62877. "nan",
  62878. "nan",
  62879. "nan",
  62880. "nan",
  62881. "nan",
  62882. "nan",
  62883. "nan",
  62884. "nan",
  62885. "nan",
  62886. "nan"
  62887. ],
  62888. [
  62889. "111111",
  62890. "11111",
  62891. "fdic",
  62892. "currie - depo exhibits ; summaries ; notes ; min-u-scripts ; volumes 1 , 3 ,4 ,5",
  62893. "850",
  62894. "nan",
  62895. "fileno: 58797/",
  62896. "1/29/1998",
  62897. "nan",
  62898. "cjt / mga",
  62899. "nan",
  62900. "nan",
  62901. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  62902. "boston",
  62903. "998019",
  62904. "nan",
  62905. "nan",
  62906. "nan",
  62907. "nan",
  62908. "nan",
  62909. "nan",
  62910. "nan",
  62911. "nan",
  62912. "nan",
  62913. "nan",
  62914. "nan",
  62915. "nan",
  62916. "nan",
  62917. "nan",
  62918. "nan",
  62919. "nan",
  62920. "nan",
  62921. "nan",
  62922. "nan",
  62923. "nan",
  62924. "nan",
  62925. "nan",
  62926. "nan"
  62927. ],
  62928. [
  62929. "111111",
  62930. "11111",
  62931. "fdic",
  62932. "perry - yellin - billing files",
  62933. "1398",
  62934. "nan",
  62935. "fileno: 60131/",
  62936. "2/27/1998",
  62937. "nan",
  62938. "pjn / pjn",
  62939. "nan",
  62940. "nan",
  62941. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  62942. "boston",
  62943. "998752",
  62944. "nan",
  62945. "nan",
  62946. "nan",
  62947. "nan",
  62948. "nan",
  62949. "nan",
  62950. "nan",
  62951. "nan",
  62952. "nan",
  62953. "nan",
  62954. "nan",
  62955. "nan",
  62956. "nan",
  62957. "nan",
  62958. "nan",
  62959. "nan",
  62960. "nan",
  62961. "nan",
  62962. "nan",
  62963. "nan",
  62964. "nan",
  62965. "nan",
  62966. "nan"
  62967. ],
  62968. [
  62969. "111111",
  62970. "11111",
  62971. "fdic (hartford)",
  62972. "corporate votes re closure of bank \"x\"",
  62973. "1078",
  62974. "nan",
  62975. "fileno: 61023/",
  62976. "2/27/1998",
  62977. "nan",
  62978. " / pjn",
  62979. "nan",
  62980. "nan",
  62981. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor. / retd_to_st:",
  62982. "boston",
  62983. "998770",
  62984. "nan",
  62985. "nan",
  62986. "nan",
  62987. "nan",
  62988. "nan",
  62989. "nan",
  62990. "nan",
  62991. "nan",
  62992. "nan",
  62993. "nan",
  62994. "nan",
  62995. "nan",
  62996. "nan",
  62997. "nan",
  62998. "nan",
  62999. "nan",
  63000. "nan",
  63001. "nan",
  63002. "nan",
  63003. "nan",
  63004. "nan",
  63005. "nan",
  63006. "nan"
  63007. ],
  63008. [
  63009. "111111",
  63010. "11111",
  63011. "federal deposit insurance corporation (fdic)",
  63012. "hoffman - foundry condominium trust / eliot savings bank",
  63013. "1078",
  63014. "nan",
  63015. "fileno: 61025/",
  63016. "2/27/1998",
  63017. "nan",
  63018. " / pjn",
  63019. "nan",
  63020. "nan",
  63021. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor. / retd_to_st:",
  63022. "boston",
  63023. "998771",
  63024. "nan",
  63025. "nan",
  63026. "nan",
  63027. "nan",
  63028. "nan",
  63029. "nan",
  63030. "nan",
  63031. "nan",
  63032. "nan",
  63033. "nan",
  63034. "nan",
  63035. "nan",
  63036. "nan",
  63037. "nan",
  63038. "nan",
  63039. "nan",
  63040. "nan",
  63041. "nan",
  63042. "nan",
  63043. "nan",
  63044. "nan",
  63045. "nan",
  63046. "nan"
  63047. ],
  63048. [
  63049. "111111",
  63050. "11111",
  63051. "federal deposit insurance corporation ( fdic )",
  63052. "sidney weiner & carol assocs., inc. / capitol bank",
  63053. "719587273",
  63054. "nan",
  63055. "fileno: 61026/",
  63056. "2/27/1998",
  63057. "75322",
  63058. " / pjn",
  63059. "nan",
  63060. "nan",
  63061. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor. / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1076",
  63062. "boston",
  63063. "998772",
  63064. "nan",
  63065. "nan",
  63066. "nan",
  63067. "nan",
  63068. "nan",
  63069. "nan",
  63070. "nan",
  63071. "nan",
  63072. "nan",
  63073. "nan",
  63074. "nan",
  63075. "nan",
  63076. "nan",
  63077. "nan",
  63078. "nan",
  63079. "nan",
  63080. "nan",
  63081. "nan",
  63082. "nan",
  63083. "nan",
  63084. "nan",
  63085. "nan",
  63086. "nan"
  63087. ],
  63088. [
  63089. "111111",
  63090. "11111",
  63091. "fdic (hartford)",
  63092. "merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 2",
  63093. "1078",
  63094. "nan",
  63095. "fileno: 61027/",
  63096. "2/27/1998",
  63097. "nan",
  63098. " / pjn",
  63099. "nan",
  63100. "nan",
  63101. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor. / retd_to_st:",
  63102. "boston",
  63103. "998773",
  63104. "nan",
  63105. "nan",
  63106. "nan",
  63107. "nan",
  63108. "nan",
  63109. "nan",
  63110. "nan",
  63111. "nan",
  63112. "nan",
  63113. "nan",
  63114. "nan",
  63115. "nan",
  63116. "nan",
  63117. "nan",
  63118. "nan",
  63119. "nan",
  63120. "nan",
  63121. "nan",
  63122. "nan",
  63123. "nan",
  63124. "nan",
  63125. "nan",
  63126. "nan"
  63127. ],
  63128. [
  63129. "111111",
  63130. "11111",
  63131. "fdic (hartford)",
  63132. "merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 1",
  63133. "1078",
  63134. "nan",
  63135. "fileno: 61028/",
  63136. "2/27/1998",
  63137. "nan",
  63138. " / pjn",
  63139. "nan",
  63140. "nan",
  63141. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor. / retd_to_st:",
  63142. "boston",
  63143. "998774",
  63144. "nan",
  63145. "nan",
  63146. "nan",
  63147. "nan",
  63148. "nan",
  63149. "nan",
  63150. "nan",
  63151. "nan",
  63152. "nan",
  63153. "nan",
  63154. "nan",
  63155. "nan",
  63156. "nan",
  63157. "nan",
  63158. "nan",
  63159. "nan",
  63160. "nan",
  63161. "nan",
  63162. "nan",
  63163. "nan",
  63164. "nan",
  63165. "nan",
  63166. "nan"
  63167. ],
  63168. [
  63169. "111111",
  63170. "11111",
  63171. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  63172. "chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution",
  63173. "719624573",
  63174. "nan",
  63175. "fileno: 61029/",
  63176. "2/27/1998",
  63177. "744138",
  63178. " / pjn/mcl",
  63179. "nan",
  63180. "nan",
  63181. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  63182. "boston",
  63183. "998775",
  63184. "nan",
  63185. "nan",
  63186. "nan",
  63187. "nan",
  63188. "nan",
  63189. "nan",
  63190. "nan",
  63191. "nan",
  63192. "nan",
  63193. "nan",
  63194. "nan",
  63195. "nan",
  63196. "nan",
  63197. "nan",
  63198. "nan",
  63199. "nan",
  63200. "nan",
  63201. "nan",
  63202. "nan",
  63203. "nan",
  63204. "nan",
  63205. "nan",
  63206. "nan"
  63207. ],
  63208. [
  63209. "111111",
  63210. "11111",
  63211. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  63212. "chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution",
  63213. "719624573",
  63214. "nan",
  63215. "fileno: 61030/",
  63216. "2/27/1998",
  63217. "744138",
  63218. " / pjn/mcl",
  63219. "nan",
  63220. "nan",
  63221. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  63222. "boston",
  63223. "998776",
  63224. "nan",
  63225. "nan",
  63226. "nan",
  63227. "nan",
  63228. "nan",
  63229. "nan",
  63230. "nan",
  63231. "nan",
  63232. "nan",
  63233. "nan",
  63234. "nan",
  63235. "nan",
  63236. "nan",
  63237. "nan",
  63238. "nan",
  63239. "nan",
  63240. "nan",
  63241. "nan",
  63242. "nan",
  63243. "nan",
  63244. "nan",
  63245. "nan",
  63246. "nan"
  63247. ],
  63248. [
  63249. "111111",
  63250. "11111",
  63251. "fdic - federal deposit insurance",
  63252. "plaid corporation: dissolution",
  63253. "719624573",
  63254. "nan",
  63255. "fileno: 61031/",
  63256. "2/27/1998",
  63257. "744138",
  63258. "mcl / pjn",
  63259. "nan",
  63260. "nan",
  63261. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  63262. "boston",
  63263. "998777",
  63264. "nan",
  63265. "nan",
  63266. "nan",
  63267. "nan",
  63268. "nan",
  63269. "nan",
  63270. "nan",
  63271. "nan",
  63272. "nan",
  63273. "nan",
  63274. "nan",
  63275. "nan",
  63276. "nan",
  63277. "nan",
  63278. "nan",
  63279. "nan",
  63280. "nan",
  63281. "nan",
  63282. "nan",
  63283. "nan",
  63284. "nan",
  63285. "nan",
  63286. "nan"
  63287. ],
  63288. [
  63289. "111111",
  63290. "11111",
  63291. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  63292. "snay circle c onstruction corp., dissolution",
  63293. "719624573",
  63294. "nan",
  63295. "fileno: 61035/",
  63296. "2/27/1998",
  63297. "744138",
  63298. " / pjn",
  63299. "nan",
  63300. "nan",
  63301. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  63302. "boston",
  63303. "998778",
  63304. "nan",
  63305. "nan",
  63306. "nan",
  63307. "nan",
  63308. "nan",
  63309. "nan",
  63310. "nan",
  63311. "nan",
  63312. "nan",
  63313. "nan",
  63314. "nan",
  63315. "nan",
  63316. "nan",
  63317. "nan",
  63318. "nan",
  63319. "nan",
  63320. "nan",
  63321. "nan",
  63322. "nan",
  63323. "nan",
  63324. "nan",
  63325. "nan",
  63326. "nan"
  63327. ],
  63328. [
  63329. "111111",
  63330. "11111",
  63331. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  63332. "seville corp., dissolution",
  63333. "719624573",
  63334. "nan",
  63335. "fileno: 61036/",
  63336. "2/27/1998",
  63337. "744138",
  63338. " / pjn",
  63339. "nan",
  63340. "nan",
  63341. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn in war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1079",
  63342. "boston",
  63343. "998779",
  63344. "nan",
  63345. "nan",
  63346. "nan",
  63347. "nan",
  63348. "nan",
  63349. "nan",
  63350. "nan",
  63351. "nan",
  63352. "nan",
  63353. "nan",
  63354. "nan",
  63355. "nan",
  63356. "nan",
  63357. "nan",
  63358. "nan",
  63359. "nan",
  63360. "nan",
  63361. "nan",
  63362. "nan",
  63363. "nan",
  63364. "nan",
  63365. "nan",
  63366. "nan"
  63367. ],
  63368. [
  63369. "111111",
  63370. "11111",
  63371. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  63372. "windsor lane corp., dissolution",
  63373. "nan",
  63374. "nan",
  63375. "fileno: 1079/",
  63376. "2/27/1998",
  63377. "nan",
  63378. "61037 / pjn",
  63379. "off-site",
  63380. "nan",
  63381. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  63382. "boston",
  63383. "998780",
  63384. "nan",
  63385. "nan",
  63386. "nan",
  63387. "nan",
  63388. "nan",
  63389. "nan",
  63390. "nan",
  63391. "nan",
  63392. "nan",
  63393. "nan",
  63394. "nan",
  63395. "nan",
  63396. "nan",
  63397. "nan",
  63398. "nan",
  63399. "nan",
  63400. "nan",
  63401. "nan",
  63402. "nan",
  63403. "nan",
  63404. "nan",
  63405. "nan",
  63406. "nan"
  63407. ],
  63408. [
  63409. "111111",
  63410. "11111",
  63411. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  63412. "global realty trust / capitol bank & trust foreclosure",
  63413. "719628351",
  63414. "nan",
  63415. "fileno: 61038/",
  63416. "2/27/1998",
  63417. "747493",
  63418. " / pjn",
  63419. "nan",
  63420. "nan",
  63421. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1080",
  63422. "boston",
  63423. "998781",
  63424. "nan",
  63425. "nan",
  63426. "nan",
  63427. "nan",
  63428. "nan",
  63429. "nan",
  63430. "nan",
  63431. "nan",
  63432. "nan",
  63433. "nan",
  63434. "nan",
  63435. "nan",
  63436. "nan",
  63437. "nan",
  63438. "nan",
  63439. "nan",
  63440. "nan",
  63441. "nan",
  63442. "nan",
  63443. "nan",
  63444. "nan",
  63445. "nan",
  63446. "nan"
  63447. ],
  63448. [
  63449. "111111",
  63450. "11111",
  63451. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  63452. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 3",
  63453. "719628351",
  63454. "nan",
  63455. "fileno: 61041/",
  63456. "nan",
  63457. "747493",
  63458. " / pjn",
  63459. "nan",
  63460. "nan",
  63461. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1080",
  63462. "boston",
  63463. "998782",
  63464. "nan",
  63465. "nan",
  63466. "nan",
  63467. "nan",
  63468. "nan",
  63469. "nan",
  63470. "nan",
  63471. "nan",
  63472. "nan",
  63473. "nan",
  63474. "nan",
  63475. "nan",
  63476. "nan",
  63477. "nan",
  63478. "nan",
  63479. "nan",
  63480. "nan",
  63481. "nan",
  63482. "nan",
  63483. "nan",
  63484. "nan",
  63485. "nan",
  63486. "nan"
  63487. ],
  63488. [
  63489. "111111",
  63490. "11111",
  63491. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  63492. "liberty hills - new heritage bank",
  63493. "719628351",
  63494. "nan",
  63495. "fileno: 61042/",
  63496. "2/27/1998",
  63497. "747493",
  63498. " / pjn",
  63499. "nan",
  63500. "nan",
  63501. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn war room on 11th floor / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1080",
  63502. "boston",
  63503. "998783",
  63504. "nan",
  63505. "nan",
  63506. "nan",
  63507. "nan",
  63508. "nan",
  63509. "nan",
  63510. "nan",
  63511. "nan",
  63512. "nan",
  63513. "nan",
  63514. "nan",
  63515. "nan",
  63516. "nan",
  63517. "nan",
  63518. "nan",
  63519. "nan",
  63520. "nan",
  63521. "nan",
  63522. "nan",
  63523. "nan",
  63524. "nan",
  63525. "nan",
  63526. "nan"
  63527. ],
  63528. [
  63529. "111111",
  63530. "11111",
  63531. "chris burden",
  63532. "new seabury ( i of iii ) - sup. court pleadings ; corsp ; misc agreement ; mortgages ; rtc assignment ; bids ; ucc assignment ; list of 20 largest creditors ; partnership docs ; misc ome fed",
  63533. "719623491",
  63534. "nan",
  63535. "fileno: 60145/",
  63536. "2/17/1998",
  63537. "741826",
  63538. "jjm / ajl",
  63539. "nan",
  63540. "nan",
  63541. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1395",
  63542. "boston",
  63543. "998843",
  63544. "nan",
  63545. "nan",
  63546. "nan",
  63547. "nan",
  63548. "nan",
  63549. "nan",
  63550. "nan",
  63551. "nan",
  63552. "nan",
  63553. "nan",
  63554. "nan",
  63555. "nan",
  63556. "nan",
  63557. "nan",
  63558. "nan",
  63559. "nan",
  63560. "nan",
  63561. "nan",
  63562. "nan",
  63563. "nan",
  63564. "nan",
  63565. "nan",
  63566. "nan"
  63567. ],
  63568. [
  63569. "111111",
  63570. "11111",
  63571. "estate of thomas moranian",
  63572. "re: estate",
  63573. "719630609",
  63574. "nan",
  63575. "fileno: 64483/index: winterhill savings mcw trust foreclosure, natick - deerfield savings ( elliot savings bank), fdic coolidge bank re: 5,331,231, world bank, marthas vineyard, victorian preservation trust, moranian trust vs. decision software re: spinelli way rent , re: fdic ( bank five) townsend units, natick condo - ltm trust, somrock corp assignee of somerset savings, proofs of claim",
  63576. "5/14/1998",
  63577. "744985",
  63578. "hdm / hdm",
  63579. "nan",
  63580. "nan",
  63581. "facility: arm + department: trust & estates\ndelivered: d burke 4-3-00 / retd_to_st: returned to arms 4-6-00|4-7-00 vendor box: 1715",
  63582. "boston",
  63583. "1001260",
  63584. "nan",
  63585. "nan",
  63586. "nan",
  63587. "nan",
  63588. "nan",
  63589. "nan",
  63590. "nan",
  63591. "nan",
  63592. "nan",
  63593. "nan",
  63594. "nan",
  63595. "nan",
  63596. "nan",
  63597. "nan",
  63598. "nan",
  63599. "nan",
  63600. "nan",
  63601. "nan",
  63602. "nan",
  63603. "nan",
  63604. "nan",
  63605. "nan",
  63606. "nan"
  63607. ],
  63608. [
  63609. "111111",
  63610. "11111",
  63611. "capital resource partner",
  63612. "re: star video",
  63613. "719625207",
  63614. "nan",
  63615. "fileno: 65291/index: crl asset purchase agmt, fin stmts, crl org'ntl docs, sched of estimated proceeds, fdic opinion, crl memos, spn escrow agmt, main escrow agmt, crl - star video , tax memos, redemption agmt, misc. fdic docs, crl star video & misc., partial index of closing docs, u.s. home video industry historical results, $ value of cost closing, good standing crl & crlm, consent of general partner of crp, cert/ re: opinion",
  63616. "6/14/1998",
  63617. "744351",
  63618. "jds / jds",
  63619. "nan",
  63620. "nan",
  63621. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: 10-19-2001 k. dost / retd_to_st: 11/12/2001 vendor box: 1908",
  63622. "boston",
  63623. "1002106",
  63624. "nan",
  63625. "nan",
  63626. "nan",
  63627. "nan",
  63628. "nan",
  63629. "nan",
  63630. "nan",
  63631. "nan",
  63632. "nan",
  63633. "nan",
  63634. "nan",
  63635. "nan",
  63636. "nan",
  63637. "nan",
  63638. "nan",
  63639. "nan",
  63640. "nan",
  63641. "nan",
  63642. "nan",
  63643. "nan",
  63644. "nan",
  63645. "nan",
  63646. "nan"
  63647. ],
  63648. [
  63649. "111111",
  63650. "11111",
  63651. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  63652. "re: 354 waverly st. trust litigation",
  63653. "719626977",
  63654. "nan",
  63655. "fileno: 65216/index: corres, pleadings",
  63656. "6/14/1998",
  63657. "740156",
  63658. "mcm / mcm",
  63659. "nan",
  63660. "nan",
  63661. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1871",
  63662. "boston",
  63663. "1002203",
  63664. "nan",
  63665. "nan",
  63666. "nan",
  63667. "nan",
  63668. "nan",
  63669. "nan",
  63670. "nan",
  63671. "nan",
  63672. "nan",
  63673. "nan",
  63674. "nan",
  63675. "nan",
  63676. "nan",
  63677. "nan",
  63678. "nan",
  63679. "nan",
  63680. "nan",
  63681. "nan",
  63682. "nan",
  63683. "nan",
  63684. "nan",
  63685. "nan",
  63686. "nan"
  63687. ],
  63688. [
  63689. "111111",
  63690. "11111",
  63691. "fdic",
  63692. "re: perry yellin",
  63693. "719627705",
  63694. "nan",
  63695. "nan",
  63696. "6/14/1998",
  63697. "744422",
  63698. "pjn / pjn",
  63699. "nan",
  63700. "nan",
  63701. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00|must order entire box + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 1921",
  63702. "boston",
  63703. "1002278",
  63704. "nan",
  63705. "nan",
  63706. "nan",
  63707. "nan",
  63708. "nan",
  63709. "nan",
  63710. "nan",
  63711. "nan",
  63712. "nan",
  63713. "nan",
  63714. "nan",
  63715. "nan",
  63716. "nan",
  63717. "nan",
  63718. "nan",
  63719. "nan",
  63720. "nan",
  63721. "nan",
  63722. "nan",
  63723. "nan",
  63724. "nan",
  63725. "nan",
  63726. "nan"
  63727. ],
  63728. [
  63729. "111111",
  63730. "11111",
  63731. "fdic",
  63732. "re: perry yellin",
  63733. "1963",
  63734. "nan",
  63735. "fileno: 65443/index: docs",
  63736. "6/14/1998",
  63737. "nan",
  63738. "pjn / pjn",
  63739. "nan",
  63740. "nan",
  63741. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  63742. "boston",
  63743. "1002373",
  63744. "nan",
  63745. "nan",
  63746. "nan",
  63747. "nan",
  63748. "nan",
  63749. "nan",
  63750. "nan",
  63751. "nan",
  63752. "nan",
  63753. "nan",
  63754. "nan",
  63755. "nan",
  63756. "nan",
  63757. "nan",
  63758. "nan",
  63759. "nan",
  63760. "nan",
  63761. "nan",
  63762. "nan",
  63763. "nan",
  63764. "nan",
  63765. "nan",
  63766. "nan"
  63767. ],
  63768. [
  63769. "111111",
  63770. "11111",
  63771. "fdic",
  63772. "re: perry yellin",
  63773. "1967",
  63774. "nan",
  63775. "fileno: 65454/",
  63776. "6/14/1998",
  63777. "nan",
  63778. "pjn / pjn",
  63779. "nan",
  63780. "nan",
  63781. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  63782. "boston",
  63783. "1002380",
  63784. "nan",
  63785. "nan",
  63786. "nan",
  63787. "nan",
  63788. "nan",
  63789. "nan",
  63790. "nan",
  63791. "nan",
  63792. "nan",
  63793. "nan",
  63794. "nan",
  63795. "nan",
  63796. "nan",
  63797. "nan",
  63798. "nan",
  63799. "nan",
  63800. "nan",
  63801. "nan",
  63802. "nan",
  63803. "nan",
  63804. "nan",
  63805. "nan",
  63806. "nan"
  63807. ],
  63808. [
  63809. "111111",
  63810. "11111",
  63811. "sp&n / smealie",
  63812. "misc. files which have either been archived or have no case fire",
  63813. "719630965",
  63814. "nan",
  63815. "fileno: 65643/index: athletics associates, inc: v. lin dawson, beacon sales company : dunlap construction products, bennett, steve : dispute w/ interglobal traders, boston financial : justin margolskee clark, forrester: shooting t, cliubhouse sport , inc. ( pms ), consolidated hydropower, inc. : henry l. murphy jr., corron & blck: brewer petroleum, danforth, fred & carlene larson:, purchase of 60 shake hill rd., belmont, dev assoc, inc.: sunspire industries & norman groh, , doerr associates: estate planning ( ed & maureen ) , w.j. donovan, inc. : condyne , inc., duel & holland: garrison, eastern electric apparatus repair company, inc.: consolidated rail corp, eclipse sleep products of ne, inc.: shubert industries, essex company: kyle, peter e. ippolito, fdic: new heritage bank, frank b. hall : mancuso & assoc., & mcelfresh, fuji photo film usa, inc. : focus first, inc. - mini lab reposession, hilltop steak haiuse, inc.: kevin j. leary. investor savings, ( ken grigg) , locke, williams e. : bay colony bankruptcy matter , mbta: daniel j. hayes, jr., mda, merritt, charles jr., rhh: shea, brian v. fbh of mass. weiner, alan: all safe archives, inc.",
  63816. "7/26/1998",
  63817. "745608",
  63818. "jds / jds",
  63819. "nan",
  63820. "nan",
  63821. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 2046",
  63822. "boston",
  63823. "1002814",
  63824. "nan",
  63825. "nan",
  63826. "nan",
  63827. "nan",
  63828. "nan",
  63829. "nan",
  63830. "nan",
  63831. "nan",
  63832. "nan",
  63833. "nan",
  63834. "nan",
  63835. "nan",
  63836. "nan",
  63837. "nan",
  63838. "nan",
  63839. "nan",
  63840. "nan",
  63841. "nan",
  63842. "nan",
  63843. "nan",
  63844. "nan",
  63845. "nan",
  63846. "nan"
  63847. ],
  63848. [
  63849. "111111",
  63850. "11111",
  63851. "smealie, james d.",
  63852. "re: misc. files",
  63853. "719630965",
  63854. "nan",
  63855. "fileno: 65646/index: litigation dept, patrick lyness, norwich v. eaton, hirshman handicap, danforth, fred c. - auto accident insurance claim, zickerman, client development: first american bank for savings, leblanc v. ratheon, missy johnston, fdic matters",
  63856. "7/26/1998",
  63857. "745608",
  63858. "jds / jds",
  63859. "nan",
  63860. "nan",
  63861. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 2046",
  63862. "boston",
  63863. "1002816",
  63864. "nan",
  63865. "nan",
  63866. "nan",
  63867. "nan",
  63868. "nan",
  63869. "nan",
  63870. "nan",
  63871. "nan",
  63872. "nan",
  63873. "nan",
  63874. "nan",
  63875. "nan",
  63876. "nan",
  63877. "nan",
  63878. "nan",
  63879. "nan",
  63880. "nan",
  63881. "nan",
  63882. "nan",
  63883. "nan",
  63884. "nan",
  63885. "nan",
  63886. "nan"
  63887. ],
  63888. [
  63889. "111111",
  63890. "11111",
  63891. "stoller, robert",
  63892. "re: cincotta",
  63893. "719626086",
  63894. "nan",
  63895. "fileno: 65653/index: billing, corres, rtc prentiss properties, koufman, working, pleadings, memos",
  63896. "7/26/1998",
  63897. "750796",
  63898. "hwp / hwp",
  63899. "nan",
  63900. "nan",
  63901. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: mary sardone 4-4-00 / retd_to_st: 4/13/2000 vendor box: 2047",
  63902. "boston",
  63903. "1002823",
  63904. "nan",
  63905. "nan",
  63906. "nan",
  63907. "nan",
  63908. "nan",
  63909. "nan",
  63910. "nan",
  63911. "nan",
  63912. "nan",
  63913. "nan",
  63914. "nan",
  63915. "nan",
  63916. "nan",
  63917. "nan",
  63918. "nan",
  63919. "nan",
  63920. "nan",
  63921. "nan",
  63922. "nan",
  63923. "nan",
  63924. "nan",
  63925. "nan",
  63926. "nan"
  63927. ],
  63928. [
  63929. "111111",
  63930. "11111",
  63931. "stoller, robert",
  63932. "re: personal",
  63933. "719630889",
  63934. "nan",
  63935. "fileno: 65656/index: billing, law, corres, ;rs summary etc., pleadings, memo, pretrial hearing trans, fdic, divorce, notes,memos, fdic notes & memos, divorce pleadings, divorce corres, client docs, law, pleadings",
  63936. "7/26/1998",
  63937. "745587",
  63938. "hwp / hwp",
  63939. "nan",
  63940. "nan",
  63941. "comments: former iron mountain files all transferred to arms in 4-00 + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 2048",
  63942. "boston",
  63943. "1002826",
  63944. "nan",
  63945. "nan",
  63946. "nan",
  63947. "nan",
  63948. "nan",
  63949. "nan",
  63950. "nan",
  63951. "nan",
  63952. "nan",
  63953. "nan",
  63954. "nan",
  63955. "nan",
  63956. "nan",
  63957. "nan",
  63958. "nan",
  63959. "nan",
  63960. "nan",
  63961. "nan",
  63962. "nan",
  63963. "nan",
  63964. "nan",
  63965. "nan",
  63966. "nan"
  63967. ],
  63968. [
  63969. "111111",
  63970. "11111",
  63971. "misc. bankruptcies",
  63972. "re: ace heating and cooling,,adams, john, calore express company , debtor, a. cavallaro & sons, c.d. realty partners,,c.s.p. 234, inc., delvicario anthony j., d,m, reid/oklahoma furnityre, fdic/ carlson, giorgio bankruptcy, louiso., inc., manganaro bldg l.p., nab asset ventures / john w. wood , jr., debtor, new bedford coat , inc., new england mackintosh o., inc., oxford / photon, saltiel, david,james shawnesee, troxell/p.j. keating, unr industries, wellseley mortgage/ barry king,",
  63973. "g90",
  63974. "nan",
  63975. "fileno: 67512/",
  63976. "10/7/1998",
  63977. "nan",
  63978. "jjm / jjm",
  63979. "nan",
  63980. "nan",
  63981. "facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  63982. "boston",
  63983. "1005252",
  63984. "nan",
  63985. "nan",
  63986. "nan",
  63987. "nan",
  63988. "nan",
  63989. "nan",
  63990. "nan",
  63991. "nan",
  63992. "nan",
  63993. "nan",
  63994. "nan",
  63995. "nan",
  63996. "nan",
  63997. "nan",
  63998. "nan",
  63999. "nan",
  64000. "nan",
  64001. "nan",
  64002. "nan",
  64003. "nan",
  64004. "nan",
  64005. "nan",
  64006. "nan"
  64007. ],
  64008. [
  64009. "111111",
  64010. "11111",
  64011. "dianne r. phillips",
  64012. "re: client development",
  64013. "719654572",
  64014. "nan",
  64015. "index: engagement ltrs, holiday greetings, cornerstone / jan rozoff, international, emp claim, misc. est planning, rena scarff- ust trust, spn marketing, nancy wertheim, int property, bankruptcy, fdic proposal, ken laglenn, reed & barton- brpty, gov relations, eminent domain, womens bar assoc.",
  64016. "12/1/1998",
  64017. "200281",
  64018. "drp / drp",
  64019. "nan",
  64020. "nan",
  64021. "comments: must order entire box + facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64022. "boston",
  64023. "1006132",
  64024. "nan",
  64025. "nan",
  64026. "nan",
  64027. "nan",
  64028. "nan",
  64029. "nan",
  64030. "nan",
  64031. "nan",
  64032. "nan",
  64033. "nan",
  64034. "nan",
  64035. "nan",
  64036. "nan",
  64037. "nan",
  64038. "nan",
  64039. "nan",
  64040. "nan",
  64041. "nan",
  64042. "nan",
  64043. "nan",
  64044. "nan",
  64045. "nan",
  64046. "nan"
  64047. ],
  64048. [
  64049. "111111",
  64050. "11111",
  64051. "derosa, steven and christie",
  64052. "re: tax litigation",
  64053. "719661946",
  64054. "nan",
  64055. "fileno: 68691/index: appeal and review request, corres, notice of demand, notes and memo, notice of levy and abatement denial, poa, form 872, fdic, taxpayer directed paymeny form, derosa properties, tax research, dor interrogatories, series of interrogatories from dor, tax research, application for abatement",
  64056. "12/1/1998",
  64057. "200311",
  64058. "jbd3 / jbd3",
  64059. "nan",
  64060. "nan",
  64061. "facility: arms + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: jay darby 3-6-00 / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64062. "boston",
  64063. "1006206",
  64064. "nan",
  64065. "nan",
  64066. "nan",
  64067. "nan",
  64068. "nan",
  64069. "nan",
  64070. "nan",
  64071. "nan",
  64072. "nan",
  64073. "nan",
  64074. "nan",
  64075. "nan",
  64076. "nan",
  64077. "nan",
  64078. "nan",
  64079. "nan",
  64080. "nan",
  64081. "nan",
  64082. "nan",
  64083. "nan",
  64084. "nan",
  64085. "nan",
  64086. "nan"
  64087. ],
  64088. [
  64089. "111111",
  64090. "11111",
  64091. "napico",
  64092. "re: hillcrest",
  64093. "719656179",
  64094. "nan",
  64095. "fileno: 68837/index: mgmt agmt, inrtcreditor agmt, dev agmt, security agmt ( investor ), & ( managing member ) , revenue bond oan agmt, definitions and summary, tax issues, notes, project fund disbursement agmt, owner/ architect agmt, survey, credit agency determination, original signed docs, go bond mortgage, national leaders in real estate research, 50% completion, preliminary remarketing circular, cert of operating agmt, concluding cert, sig and no litigation cert, notice of issuance, county auditor's receipt, genral cert of clerk of counsel, continuing disclosure cert, cert of award, cert of issuer, receipt for payment, cert of completion / authentication, issuer's closing cert, minutes of public hearing, request and authentication, development services and rental achievement agmt, cert of the secretary of toledo / housing advisory council, financial stmts, promissory note, general cert of clerk of counsil, tax compliance docs, transcript of proceedings, ltr of representations, amedment to agreement, approval of applicable elected representative",
  64096. "12/7/1998",
  64097. "200337",
  64098. "js2 / js2",
  64099. "nan",
  64100. "nan",
  64101. "facility: arms + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: shawna hansen 9-21-99 / retd_to_st: 3/13/2000 hk box:",
  64102. "boston",
  64103. "1006326",
  64104. "nan",
  64105. "nan",
  64106. "nan",
  64107. "nan",
  64108. "nan",
  64109. "nan",
  64110. "nan",
  64111. "nan",
  64112. "nan",
  64113. "nan",
  64114. "nan",
  64115. "nan",
  64116. "nan",
  64117. "nan",
  64118. "nan",
  64119. "nan",
  64120. "nan",
  64121. "nan",
  64122. "nan",
  64123. "nan",
  64124. "nan",
  64125. "nan",
  64126. "nan"
  64127. ],
  64128. [
  64129. "111111",
  64130. "11111",
  64131. "fdic/rtc responses from attorneys",
  64132. "re: responses , memos and other docs",
  64133. "719656189",
  64134. "nan",
  64135. "fileno: 68909/",
  64136. "12/7/1998",
  64137. "200393",
  64138. "sfr / sfr",
  64139. "nan",
  64140. "nan",
  64141. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64142. "boston",
  64143. "1006571",
  64144. "nan",
  64145. "nan",
  64146. "nan",
  64147. "nan",
  64148. "nan",
  64149. "nan",
  64150. "nan",
  64151. "nan",
  64152. "nan",
  64153. "nan",
  64154. "nan",
  64155. "nan",
  64156. "nan",
  64157. "nan",
  64158. "nan",
  64159. "nan",
  64160. "nan",
  64161. "nan",
  64162. "nan",
  64163. "nan",
  64164. "nan",
  64165. "nan",
  64166. "nan"
  64167. ],
  64168. [
  64169. "111111",
  64170. "11111",
  64171. "fdic - gien'l",
  64172. "re: lsi forms, samples, copies, statistical data report, fdic billing file 1994 corres billing, fdic bills submitted 1994, fdic/354 waverly, fdic/perry/yellin et al, sacco, reservoir heights, fdic rinelo, michael, amie realty trust,",
  64173. "719599052",
  64174. "nan",
  64175. "fileno: 69387/",
  64176. "1/1/1999",
  64177. "231276",
  64178. "pjn / pjn",
  64179. "off-site",
  64180. "nan",
  64181. "facility: sphk + department: trust & estates\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64182. "boston",
  64183. "1006957",
  64184. "nan",
  64185. "nan",
  64186. "nan",
  64187. "nan",
  64188. "nan",
  64189. "nan",
  64190. "nan",
  64191. "nan",
  64192. "nan",
  64193. "nan",
  64194. "nan",
  64195. "nan",
  64196. "nan",
  64197. "nan",
  64198. "nan",
  64199. "nan",
  64200. "nan",
  64201. "nan",
  64202. "nan",
  64203. "nan",
  64204. "nan",
  64205. "nan",
  64206. "nan"
  64207. ],
  64208. [
  64209. "111111",
  64210. "11111",
  64211. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  64212. "re: olympia & yorke equity mortgage notes",
  64213. "719599888",
  64214. "nan",
  64215. "fileno: 69527/index: fdic re o&y equity",
  64216. "1/1/1999",
  64217. "231273",
  64218. "jp / jp",
  64219. "nan",
  64220. "nan",
  64221. "facility: sphk + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64222. "boston",
  64223. "1006961",
  64224. "nan",
  64225. "nan",
  64226. "nan",
  64227. "nan",
  64228. "nan",
  64229. "nan",
  64230. "nan",
  64231. "nan",
  64232. "nan",
  64233. "nan",
  64234. "nan",
  64235. "nan",
  64236. "nan",
  64237. "nan",
  64238. "nan",
  64239. "nan",
  64240. "nan",
  64241. "nan",
  64242. "nan",
  64243. "nan",
  64244. "nan",
  64245. "nan",
  64246. "nan"
  64247. ],
  64248. [
  64249. "111111",
  64250. "11111",
  64251. "fdic billing",
  64252. "re: (no case name listed )",
  64253. "719634887",
  64254. "nan",
  64255. "fileno: 69369/index: fdic billing",
  64256. "1/1/1999",
  64257. "231087",
  64258. "pjn / pjn",
  64259. "nan",
  64260. "nan",
  64261. "facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64262. "boston",
  64263. "1007112",
  64264. "nan",
  64265. "nan",
  64266. "nan",
  64267. "nan",
  64268. "nan",
  64269. "nan",
  64270. "nan",
  64271. "nan",
  64272. "nan",
  64273. "nan",
  64274. "nan",
  64275. "nan",
  64276. "nan",
  64277. "nan",
  64278. "nan",
  64279. "nan",
  64280. "nan",
  64281. "nan",
  64282. "nan",
  64283. "nan",
  64284. "nan",
  64285. "nan",
  64286. "nan"
  64287. ],
  64288. [
  64289. "111111",
  64290. "11111",
  64291. "fdic",
  64292. "re: perry - yellin",
  64293. "719598154",
  64294. "nan",
  64295. "fileno: 69374/",
  64296. "1/1/1999",
  64297. "231365",
  64298. "pjn / pjn",
  64299. "nan",
  64300. "nan",
  64301. "facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64302. "boston",
  64303. "1007119",
  64304. "nan",
  64305. "nan",
  64306. "nan",
  64307. "nan",
  64308. "nan",
  64309. "nan",
  64310. "nan",
  64311. "nan",
  64312. "nan",
  64313. "nan",
  64314. "nan",
  64315. "nan",
  64316. "nan",
  64317. "nan",
  64318. "nan",
  64319. "nan",
  64320. "nan",
  64321. "nan",
  64322. "nan",
  64323. "nan",
  64324. "nan",
  64325. "nan",
  64326. "nan"
  64327. ],
  64328. [
  64329. "111111",
  64330. "11111",
  64331. "brookline savings bank",
  64332. "re: miscellaneous materials",
  64333. "719654643",
  64334. "nan",
  64335. "fileno: 69711/index: corres and memo, engagement letters with grant thirnton, regulation 0 disclosure statement, wvt's biographical info., evaluation the effectiveness of internal controls, fasb 109, fdic ( safety and soundness ) exam ( 1993 ), risk mgmt,",
  64336. "2/1/1999",
  64337. "204539",
  64338. "wvt iii / wvt iii",
  64339. "nan",
  64340. "nan",
  64341. "facility: arm + department: trust & estates\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64342. "boston",
  64343. "1008168",
  64344. "nan",
  64345. "nan",
  64346. "nan",
  64347. "nan",
  64348. "nan",
  64349. "nan",
  64350. "nan",
  64351. "nan",
  64352. "nan",
  64353. "nan",
  64354. "nan",
  64355. "nan",
  64356. "nan",
  64357. "nan",
  64358. "nan",
  64359. "nan",
  64360. "nan",
  64361. "nan",
  64362. "nan",
  64363. "nan",
  64364. "nan",
  64365. "nan",
  64366. "nan"
  64367. ],
  64368. [
  64369. "111111",
  64370. "11111",
  64371. "devon/mark willard realty trust",
  64372. "re: fdic/recoll",
  64373. "719664576",
  64374. "nan",
  64375. "fileno: 70130/index: assignment and assumption, assignment of mortgage, bne mort note ( bne ) , mort note / incumbancy cert",
  64376. "2/28/1999",
  64377. "204698",
  64378. "ajl / ajl",
  64379. "nan",
  64380. "nan",
  64381. "facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64382. "boston",
  64383. "1008645",
  64384. "nan",
  64385. "nan",
  64386. "nan",
  64387. "nan",
  64388. "nan",
  64389. "nan",
  64390. "nan",
  64391. "nan",
  64392. "nan",
  64393. "nan",
  64394. "nan",
  64395. "nan",
  64396. "nan",
  64397. "nan",
  64398. "nan",
  64399. "nan",
  64400. "nan",
  64401. "nan",
  64402. "nan",
  64403. "nan",
  64404. "nan",
  64405. "nan",
  64406. "nan"
  64407. ],
  64408. [
  64409. "111111",
  64410. "11111",
  64411. "sphk atty's",
  64412. "re: list of files for atty's co's",
  64413. "719654624",
  64414. "nan",
  64415. "fileno: 71560/index: quixote - palomar, radiator express - ssy, ragon - mjp# 65500-009, rose association 67884-1 pgl, richard rotnem - domestic ejn, sage - 686 32-9 gpk, sam patrick 100968-001 -pgl, savogran, schuller - johns mannsville - sah, scully signal co. 70425-001 ( igm ), shawmut design corp. / foog rvl - 100968-001, schuster / personal - cjt - 71768-1, softbridge 73627-005, fdic v. sclinger/ mark spears - 101367-001 cjt, stone / congress - ( rvl) 75794-6, tcm corp. 101276-001 ( igm), tenn. gas prod./ dist 77837-21- drp, tocci - 79236-15, tdk's, uamc. dicarlo - 100969-001 ( ejn ), united way, venture founders. eckbo ( gpk) ( cjt ) - 81510-04, vital sciences - camb park one, 100645-001/002, weathermark / 400 hillside 10255-39 - drp, wentworth / mifa lease - 83700-006 cts, 156 western ave. 99000-25 cts",
  64416. "3/31/1999",
  64417. "207937",
  64418. " /",
  64419. "nan",
  64420. "nan",
  64421. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64422. "boston",
  64423. "1010277",
  64424. "nan",
  64425. "nan",
  64426. "nan",
  64427. "nan",
  64428. "nan",
  64429. "nan",
  64430. "nan",
  64431. "nan",
  64432. "nan",
  64433. "nan",
  64434. "nan",
  64435. "nan",
  64436. "nan",
  64437. "nan",
  64438. "nan",
  64439. "nan",
  64440. "nan",
  64441. "nan",
  64442. "nan",
  64443. "nan",
  64444. "nan",
  64445. "nan",
  64446. "nan"
  64447. ],
  64448. [
  64449. "111111",
  64450. "11111",
  64451. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  64452. "re: la bonte , et al",
  64453. "719659457",
  64454. "nan",
  64455. "fileno: 72213/index: fdic/ bonwood, corres, pleadings, memos, legal research, billing, misc., client docs, drafts",
  64456. "3/31/1999",
  64457. "208118",
  64458. "shw / shw",
  64459. "nan",
  64460. "nan",
  64461. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64462. "boston",
  64463. "1010310",
  64464. "nan",
  64465. "nan",
  64466. "nan",
  64467. "nan",
  64468. "nan",
  64469. "nan",
  64470. "nan",
  64471. "nan",
  64472. "nan",
  64473. "nan",
  64474. "nan",
  64475. "nan",
  64476. "nan",
  64477. "nan",
  64478. "nan",
  64479. "nan",
  64480. "nan",
  64481. "nan",
  64482. "nan",
  64483. "nan",
  64484. "nan",
  64485. "nan",
  64486. "nan"
  64487. ],
  64488. [
  64489. "111111",
  64490. "11111",
  64491. "sp & n notopoulos-nonbillable",
  64492. "fdic conflict waiver application",
  64493. "719596004",
  64494. "nan",
  64495. "fileno: 72157/index : corresp.; notes & drafts; legal research; misc.; application; hnf conflict question; stoller consent",
  64496. "4/1/1999",
  64497. "207976",
  64498. "pjn / pjn",
  64499. "nan",
  64500. "nan",
  64501. "facility: arms\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64502. "boston",
  64503. "1010412",
  64504. "nan",
  64505. "nan",
  64506. "nan",
  64507. "nan",
  64508. "nan",
  64509. "nan",
  64510. "nan",
  64511. "nan",
  64512. "nan",
  64513. "nan",
  64514. "nan",
  64515. "nan",
  64516. "nan",
  64517. "nan",
  64518. "nan",
  64519. "nan",
  64520. "nan",
  64521. "nan",
  64522. "nan",
  64523. "nan",
  64524. "nan",
  64525. "nan",
  64526. "nan"
  64527. ],
  64528. [
  64529. "111111",
  64530. "11111",
  64531. "fdic billing file 1993",
  64532. "correspondence only; fdic billing submitted: jan 1993 -dec 1993",
  64533. "719596004",
  64534. "nan",
  64535. "fileno: 72139/",
  64536. "4/1/1999",
  64537. "207976",
  64538. "pjn / pjn",
  64539. "nan",
  64540. "nan",
  64541. "facility: arms\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64542. "boston",
  64543. "1010415",
  64544. "nan",
  64545. "nan",
  64546. "nan",
  64547. "nan",
  64548. "nan",
  64549. "nan",
  64550. "nan",
  64551. "nan",
  64552. "nan",
  64553. "nan",
  64554. "nan",
  64555. "nan",
  64556. "nan",
  64557. "nan",
  64558. "nan",
  64559. "nan",
  64560. "nan",
  64561. "nan",
  64562. "nan",
  64563. "nan",
  64564. "nan",
  64565. "nan",
  64566. "nan"
  64567. ],
  64568. [
  64569. "111111",
  64570. "11111",
  64571. "fdic billing 1992",
  64572. "re: fdic billing 3/94; corresp. only; fdic billing submitted: july 1992 - december 1992",
  64573. "719664238",
  64574. "nan",
  64575. "fileno: 72138/",
  64576. "3/25/1999",
  64577. "207975",
  64578. "pjn / pjn",
  64579. "nan",
  64580. "nan",
  64581. "facility: arms\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64582. "boston",
  64583. "1010452",
  64584. "nan",
  64585. "nan",
  64586. "nan",
  64587. "nan",
  64588. "nan",
  64589. "nan",
  64590. "nan",
  64591. "nan",
  64592. "nan",
  64593. "nan",
  64594. "nan",
  64595. "nan",
  64596. "nan",
  64597. "nan",
  64598. "nan",
  64599. "nan",
  64600. "nan",
  64601. "nan",
  64602. "nan",
  64603. "nan",
  64604. "nan",
  64605. "nan",
  64606. "nan"
  64607. ],
  64608. [
  64609. "111111",
  64610. "11111",
  64611. "fdic - conflict waiver",
  64612. "re: 1997 fdic renewal; fdic 1994 lsa renewal",
  64613. "719664238",
  64614. "nan",
  64615. "fileno: 72137/",
  64616. "3/25/1999",
  64617. "207975",
  64618. "pjn / pjn",
  64619. "nan",
  64620. "nan",
  64621. "facility: arms\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: 3/23/2000 hk box:",
  64622. "boston",
  64623. "1010454",
  64624. "nan",
  64625. "nan",
  64626. "nan",
  64627. "nan",
  64628. "nan",
  64629. "nan",
  64630. "nan",
  64631. "nan",
  64632. "nan",
  64633. "nan",
  64634. "nan",
  64635. "nan",
  64636. "nan",
  64637. "nan",
  64638. "nan",
  64639. "nan",
  64640. "nan",
  64641. "nan",
  64642. "nan",
  64643. "nan",
  64644. "nan",
  64645. "nan",
  64646. "nan"
  64647. ],
  64648. [
  64649. "111111",
  64650. "11111",
  64651. "robert stoller",
  64652. "fdic board brief & reply brief",
  64653. "719600354",
  64654. "nan",
  64655. "fileno: 71848/index ; corresp.; memos; notes; tax matters;drafts",
  64656. "4/7/1999",
  64657. "208002",
  64658. "kkc / kkc",
  64659. "nan",
  64660. "nan",
  64661. "facility: arms + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64662. "boston",
  64663. "1010775",
  64664. "nan",
  64665. "nan",
  64666. "nan",
  64667. "nan",
  64668. "nan",
  64669. "nan",
  64670. "nan",
  64671. "nan",
  64672. "nan",
  64673. "nan",
  64674. "nan",
  64675. "nan",
  64676. "nan",
  64677. "nan",
  64678. "nan",
  64679. "nan",
  64680. "nan",
  64681. "nan",
  64682. "nan",
  64683. "nan",
  64684. "nan",
  64685. "nan",
  64686. "nan"
  64687. ],
  64688. [
  64689. "111111",
  64690. "11111",
  64691. "robb, george",
  64692. "re: general - fdic v. carlson et al",
  64693. "719585313",
  64694. "nan",
  64695. "fileno: 72390/index: tax documents, appraisal, condo. docs, childworks merrimack place, misc., fdic legal services invoices",
  64696. "3/31/1999",
  64697. "208200",
  64698. "mjm/rvl / mjm/rvl",
  64699. "nan",
  64700. "nan",
  64701. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: t. swain 10/11/06 / \n\nretd_to_st:8/11/09 hk box:",
  64702. "boston",
  64703. "1010828",
  64704. "nan",
  64705. "nan",
  64706. "nan",
  64707. "nan",
  64708. "nan",
  64709. "nan",
  64710. "nan",
  64711. "nan",
  64712. "nan",
  64713. "nan",
  64714. "nan",
  64715. "nan",
  64716. "nan",
  64717. "nan",
  64718. "nan",
  64719. "nan",
  64720. "nan",
  64721. "nan",
  64722. "nan",
  64723. "nan",
  64724. "nan",
  64725. "nan",
  64726. "nan"
  64727. ],
  64728. [
  64729. "111111",
  64730. "11111",
  64731. "robb, george",
  64732. "re: general",
  64733. "719585313",
  64734. "nan",
  64735. "fileno: 72391/index: fdic v. carlson , et al index: d'oench duhme reseach, drafts, documents produced by fdic, research",
  64736. "3/31/1999",
  64737. "208200",
  64738. "mjm/rvl / mjm/rvl",
  64739. "nan",
  64740. "nan",
  64741. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: t. swain 10/11/06 / \n\nretd_to_st: 8/11/09 hk box:",
  64742. "boston",
  64743. "1010829",
  64744. "nan",
  64745. "nan",
  64746. "nan",
  64747. "nan",
  64748. "nan",
  64749. "nan",
  64750. "nan",
  64751. "nan",
  64752. "nan",
  64753. "nan",
  64754. "nan",
  64755. "nan",
  64756. "nan",
  64757. "nan",
  64758. "nan",
  64759. "nan",
  64760. "nan",
  64761. "nan",
  64762. "nan",
  64763. "nan",
  64764. "nan",
  64765. "nan",
  64766. "nan"
  64767. ],
  64768. [
  64769. "111111",
  64770. "11111",
  64771. "robb, george",
  64772. "re: general",
  64773. "719585313",
  64774. "nan",
  64775. "fileno: 72392/index: fdic v. carlson , et al index: extra copies, corres 1990-93 & 95, memo, notes,",
  64776. "3/31/1999",
  64777. "208200",
  64778. "mjm/rvl / mjm/rvl",
  64779. "nan",
  64780. "nan",
  64781. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: t. swain 10/11/06 / \n\nretd_to_st:8/11/09 hk box:",
  64782. "boston",
  64783. "1010830",
  64784. "nan",
  64785. "nan",
  64786. "nan",
  64787. "nan",
  64788. "nan",
  64789. "nan",
  64790. "nan",
  64791. "nan",
  64792. "nan",
  64793. "nan",
  64794. "nan",
  64795. "nan",
  64796. "nan",
  64797. "nan",
  64798. "nan",
  64799. "nan",
  64800. "nan",
  64801. "nan",
  64802. "nan",
  64803. "nan",
  64804. "nan",
  64805. "nan",
  64806. "nan"
  64807. ],
  64808. [
  64809. "111111",
  64810. "11111",
  64811. "university bank , n.a.",
  64812. "re: general",
  64813. "719598124",
  64814. "nan",
  64815. "fileno: 73072/index: fdic inquiry, resale of bank stock by 401(k) plan, 401 (k) docs, stk purchase, 1989 annual mtg, f-2 late filing , recourse sales to fanny mae",
  64816. "nan",
  64817. "223928",
  64818. "ldb / ldb",
  64819. "nan",
  64820. "nan",
  64821. "facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64822. "boston",
  64823. "1011667",
  64824. "nan",
  64825. "nan",
  64826. "nan",
  64827. "nan",
  64828. "nan",
  64829. "nan",
  64830. "nan",
  64831. "nan",
  64832. "nan",
  64833. "nan",
  64834. "nan",
  64835. "nan",
  64836. "nan",
  64837. "nan",
  64838. "nan",
  64839. "nan",
  64840. "nan",
  64841. "nan",
  64842. "nan",
  64843. "nan",
  64844. "nan",
  64845. "nan",
  64846. "nan"
  64847. ],
  64848. [
  64849. "111111",
  64850. "11111",
  64851. "columbia construction",
  64852. "re: fdic",
  64853. "719592686",
  64854. "nan",
  64855. "fileno: 67921/",
  64856. "nan",
  64857. "224176",
  64858. "hdm / hdm",
  64859. "off-site",
  64860. "nan",
  64861. "facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64862. "boston",
  64863. "1011709",
  64864. "nan",
  64865. "nan",
  64866. "nan",
  64867. "nan",
  64868. "nan",
  64869. "nan",
  64870. "nan",
  64871. "nan",
  64872. "nan",
  64873. "nan",
  64874. "nan",
  64875. "nan",
  64876. "nan",
  64877. "nan",
  64878. "nan",
  64879. "nan",
  64880. "nan",
  64881. "nan",
  64882. "nan",
  64883. "nan",
  64884. "nan",
  64885. "nan",
  64886. "nan"
  64887. ],
  64888. [
  64889. "111111",
  64890. "11111",
  64891. "sawyer associates, inc.",
  64892. "re: refinance of 60 market street index: mortgage to sawyer, equity one loan documents, legal fees, fdic payoff letter, market street-lynn, second mortgage subordinations, third mortgage subordinations, first mortgage subordinations",
  64893. "719611732",
  64894. "nan",
  64895. "fileno: 74257/",
  64896. "6/1/1999",
  64897. "225805",
  64898. " / kbh",
  64899. "off-site",
  64900. "nan",
  64901. "comments: kassler & feuer + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered:r.kaplan 6/25/10\n\n retd_to_st: hk box:",
  64902. "boston",
  64903. "1012592",
  64904. "nan",
  64905. "nan",
  64906. "nan",
  64907. "nan",
  64908. "nan",
  64909. "nan",
  64910. "nan",
  64911. "nan",
  64912. "nan",
  64913. "nan",
  64914. "nan",
  64915. "nan",
  64916. "nan",
  64917. "nan",
  64918. "nan",
  64919. "nan",
  64920. "nan",
  64921. "nan",
  64922. "nan",
  64923. "nan",
  64924. "nan",
  64925. "nan",
  64926. "nan"
  64927. ],
  64928. [
  64929. "111111",
  64930. "11111",
  64931. "boston kenmore reality corp.",
  64932. "re: purchase of temple place index: e.i.s. - fdic / washington street, fdic forms, $250,000 loan, shamsi-temple place, vote for state lease, fdic purchase and sale",
  64933. "719643299",
  64934. "nan",
  64935. "fileno: 74822/",
  64936. "6/12/1999",
  64937. "225815",
  64938. "kbh / kbh",
  64939. "nan",
  64940. "nan",
  64941. "comments: kassler & feuer + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: r kaplan 2-5-2001 / retd_to_st: 6/19/2001 hk box:",
  64942. "boston",
  64943. "1013047",
  64944. "nan",
  64945. "nan",
  64946. "nan",
  64947. "nan",
  64948. "nan",
  64949. "nan",
  64950. "nan",
  64951. "nan",
  64952. "nan",
  64953. "nan",
  64954. "nan",
  64955. "nan",
  64956. "nan",
  64957. "nan",
  64958. "nan",
  64959. "nan",
  64960. "nan",
  64961. "nan",
  64962. "nan",
  64963. "nan",
  64964. "nan",
  64965. "nan",
  64966. "nan"
  64967. ],
  64968. [
  64969. "111111",
  64970. "11111",
  64971. "boston kenmore reality corp.",
  64972. "re: loan from nations credit - 59 temple place and 501-507 washington street, boston index: temple place title, copies of recorded documents, documents included within binder, boston group, environmental reliance ltr., rents, estoppel certificate, insurance binder, boston group dev. inc., corp. vote and incumbancy, bkr corp. director's consent, temple west borrow (empty), temple west assoc. reg. (empty), bkr corp. bylaws (empty), bkr corp good standing (empty), fdic draft docs., zoning opinion, kerwyn & selwin, ucc search, draft laon docs., commitment letter, beckwith elevator, management company exspense report, management agreement, insured closing letter, commitment (empty), draft zoning opinion, purchaser eligibility certification, power of attorney, ret role, organizational docs., assignment of tenant leases, purchase and sale agreement",
  64973. "719643299",
  64974. "nan",
  64975. "fileno: 74823/",
  64976. "6/12/1999",
  64977. "225815",
  64978. "kbh / lbh",
  64979. "nan",
  64980. "nan",
  64981. "comments: kassler & feuer\ndelivered: r. kaplan 5/6/05 / retd_to_st: 6/14/066-19-001 hk box:",
  64982. "boston",
  64983. "1013048",
  64984. "nan",
  64985. "nan",
  64986. "nan",
  64987. "nan",
  64988. "nan",
  64989. "nan",
  64990. "nan",
  64991. "nan",
  64992. "nan",
  64993. "nan",
  64994. "nan",
  64995. "nan",
  64996. "nan",
  64997. "nan",
  64998. "nan",
  64999. "nan",
  65000. "nan",
  65001. "nan",
  65002. "nan",
  65003. "nan",
  65004. "nan",
  65005. "nan",
  65006. "nan"
  65007. ],
  65008. [
  65009. "111111",
  65010. "11111",
  65011. "bay state federal savings bank",
  65012. "re: chestnut/hyslop",
  65013. "719634901",
  65014. "nan",
  65015. "fileno: 76024/index: closing, closing docs, pay offs, plot plans & mlc, commitment, drafts, notes & memos, corres, fdic assignments",
  65016. "7/22/1999",
  65017. "226244",
  65018. "pjn / pjn",
  65019. "nan",
  65020. "nan",
  65021. "facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: pjn 10-20*-2004 / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65022. "boston",
  65023. "1014739",
  65024. "nan",
  65025. "nan",
  65026. "nan",
  65027. "nan",
  65028. "nan",
  65029. "nan",
  65030. "nan",
  65031. "nan",
  65032. "nan",
  65033. "nan",
  65034. "nan",
  65035. "nan",
  65036. "nan",
  65037. "nan",
  65038. "nan",
  65039. "nan",
  65040. "nan",
  65041. "nan",
  65042. "nan",
  65043. "nan",
  65044. "nan",
  65045. "nan",
  65046. "nan"
  65047. ],
  65048. [
  65049. "111111",
  65050. "11111",
  65051. "woonsocket neighborhood development",
  65052. "re:constituitiona hill index: home funds city of woonsocket, side letter re: $126,000 home loan, city home $275,000 mortgage note, carryover allocation, promissory note, assignment of contracts, agreement re: affordable housing program subsidy, mortgage 12-29-94, home investment partnership agreement 12-23-94, purchase & sale agreement, supplementl agenda, assignment /assumption of home loan, nef mortgage loan rider, assignment & assumption re: assets, prior recorded leinholder's consent, discharge of $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, rihmfc home deed restrictions, new $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, authorization votes wndc, authorization votes chni, nef/rihmfc payment agreement, payment 7 perfection performance bonds phase i, rihmfc deed restrictrions, assignment of rihmfc home investment partnership agreement, 1rst amendment of mortgage re: rihmfc home loan, ucc-11 searches wndc, municipal libn certificates, media, distribution list, title exceptions, rihtnb loan documents, legal descriptions (new), flood plan certification, landscape artchitect's contract, rihmfc loan docs, notes, closing binders",
  65053. "719663820",
  65054. "nan",
  65055. "nan",
  65056. "9/10/1999",
  65057. "226191",
  65058. "kd / kd",
  65059. "nan",
  65060. "nan",
  65061. "comments: entire box + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65062. "boston",
  65063. "1015087",
  65064. "nan",
  65065. "nan",
  65066. "nan",
  65067. "nan",
  65068. "nan",
  65069. "nan",
  65070. "nan",
  65071. "nan",
  65072. "nan",
  65073. "nan",
  65074. "nan",
  65075. "nan",
  65076. "nan",
  65077. "nan",
  65078. "nan",
  65079. "nan",
  65080. "nan",
  65081. "nan",
  65082. "nan",
  65083. "nan",
  65084. "nan",
  65085. "nan",
  65086. "nan"
  65087. ],
  65088. [
  65089. "111111",
  65090. "11111",
  65091. "boston financial technology group, inc.",
  65092. "loan to everett a. knight (partcipation with harbor national bank)",
  65093. "719623420",
  65094. "nan",
  65095. "fileno: 26939/",
  65096. "8/30/1979",
  65097. "739783",
  65098. "pjn/wfm / jp",
  65099. "nan",
  65100. "nan",
  65101. "comments: ccm + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 2760",
  65102. "boston",
  65103. "1016573",
  65104. "nan",
  65105. "nan",
  65106. "nan",
  65107. "nan",
  65108. "nan",
  65109. "nan",
  65110. "nan",
  65111. "nan",
  65112. "nan",
  65113. "nan",
  65114. "nan",
  65115. "nan",
  65116. "nan",
  65117. "nan",
  65118. "nan",
  65119. "nan",
  65120. "nan",
  65121. "nan",
  65122. "nan",
  65123. "nan",
  65124. "nan",
  65125. "nan",
  65126. "nan"
  65127. ],
  65128. [
  65129. "111111",
  65130. "11111",
  65131. "csongor, desider",
  65132. "appeal from a $390,000 judgment entered for the plantiff, federal deposit insurance corporation",
  65133. "719596771",
  65134. "nan",
  65135. "fileno: 28421/",
  65136. "3/10/1982",
  65137. "745034",
  65138. "ssy / ssy",
  65139. "nan",
  65140. "nan",
  65141. "comments: ccm + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 3260",
  65142. "boston",
  65143. "1017806",
  65144. "nan",
  65145. "nan",
  65146. "nan",
  65147. "nan",
  65148. "nan",
  65149. "nan",
  65150. "nan",
  65151. "nan",
  65152. "nan",
  65153. "nan",
  65154. "nan",
  65155. "nan",
  65156. "nan",
  65157. "nan",
  65158. "nan",
  65159. "nan",
  65160. "nan",
  65161. "nan",
  65162. "nan",
  65163. "nan",
  65164. "nan",
  65165. "nan",
  65166. "nan"
  65167. ],
  65168. [
  65169. "111111",
  65170. "11111",
  65171. "brownell, robertc/o community concepts corporation",
  65172. "representation of client in sale of pope road lots to ccc",
  65173. "1945",
  65174. "nan",
  65175. "fileno: 22455/",
  65176. "12/30/1971",
  65177. "nan",
  65178. "jld / rem",
  65179. "nan",
  65180. "nan",
  65181. "comments: ccm + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:",
  65182. "boston",
  65183. "1021305",
  65184. "nan",
  65185. "nan",
  65186. "nan",
  65187. "nan",
  65188. "nan",
  65189. "nan",
  65190. "nan",
  65191. "nan",
  65192. "nan",
  65193. "nan",
  65194. "nan",
  65195. "nan",
  65196. "nan",
  65197. "nan",
  65198. "nan",
  65199. "nan",
  65200. "nan",
  65201. "nan",
  65202. "nan",
  65203. "nan",
  65204. "nan",
  65205. "nan",
  65206. "nan"
  65207. ],
  65208. [
  65209. "111111",
  65210. "11111",
  65211. ",,4-2-01\"",
  65212. "arm",
  65213. "nan",
  65214. "nan",
  65215. "fileno: re:box 15abonh/051 henry kurcharsky & dana rood d/b/a concord terracertc/138 mandell 47-51 lancaster stbox 15a (cont.)rtc/124 115 pleasant st woonsocket rirtc/096 kind/26 fox run/cranston, rirtc/073 15 megan ct, uxbridge ma (sale)shwm/0145 shawmut bank, n.a. v. frederick salisburyshwm/0182 universe studiobonh/024 hayward st realty trustbonh/065 erol duymazier mont vernon nhbonh/055 the colorshed inc rte 3 rfd 2bonh/015 lana realty trust/",
  65216. "12/31/1899",
  65217. "nan",
  65218. " / real estate",
  65219. "off-site",
  65220. "nan",
  65221. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  65222. "boston",
  65223. "1021967",
  65224. "nan",
  65225. "nan",
  65226. "nan",
  65227. "nan",
  65228. "nan",
  65229. "nan",
  65230. "nan",
  65231. "nan",
  65232. "nan",
  65233. "nan",
  65234. "nan",
  65235. "nan",
  65236. "nan",
  65237. "nan",
  65238. "nan",
  65239. "nan",
  65240. "nan",
  65241. "nan",
  65242. "nan",
  65243. "nan",
  65244. "nan",
  65245. "nan",
  65246. "nan"
  65247. ],
  65248. [
  65249. "111111",
  65250. "11111",
  65251. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.",
  65252. "def cl-fslic-maher e",
  65253. "719627772",
  65254. "nan",
  65255. "fileno: 27892/index: pleadings binder & misc. corr.",
  65256. "8/15/1985",
  65257. "750334",
  65258. "hwp, jr. / dn, jr.",
  65259. "nan",
  65260. "nan",
  65261. "comments: ccm + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 3159",
  65262. "boston",
  65263. "1028513",
  65264. "nan",
  65265. "nan",
  65266. "nan",
  65267. "nan",
  65268. "nan",
  65269. "nan",
  65270. "nan",
  65271. "nan",
  65272. "nan",
  65273. "nan",
  65274. "nan",
  65275. "nan",
  65276. "nan",
  65277. "nan",
  65278. "nan",
  65279. "nan",
  65280. "nan",
  65281. "nan",
  65282. "nan",
  65283. "nan",
  65284. "nan",
  65285. "nan",
  65286. "nan"
  65287. ],
  65288. [
  65289. "111111",
  65290. "11111",
  65291. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.",
  65292. "re: def cl-fslic-maher e",
  65293. "719626968",
  65294. "nan",
  65295. "fileno: 27611-27612/index: large pleadings-2 wallets (i & ii)",
  65296. "5/2/1985",
  65297. "740160",
  65298. "hwp, jr. / dn, jr.",
  65299. "nan",
  65300. "nan",
  65301. "comments: ccm + facility: pla\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: vendor box: 2775",
  65302. "boston",
  65303. "1028514",
  65304. "nan",
  65305. "nan",
  65306. "nan",
  65307. "nan",
  65308. "nan",
  65309. "nan",
  65310. "nan",
  65311. "nan",
  65312. "nan",
  65313. "nan",
  65314. "nan",
  65315. "nan",
  65316. "nan",
  65317. "nan",
  65318. "nan",
  65319. "nan",
  65320. "nan",
  65321. "nan",
  65322. "nan",
  65323. "nan",
  65324. "nan",
  65325. "nan",
  65326. "nan"
  65327. ],
  65328. [
  65329. "111111",
  65330. "11111",
  65331. "stoller, robert",
  65332. "u.s. tax court petition for tax year 1993",
  65333. "719658702",
  65334. "nan",
  65335. "fileno: 83206/index: 1993 settlement papers, finale statement, irs audit examination report, background information, settlement proposal, notification of receipt of petition, irs documents in response to petition, settlement agreement w/fdic, tax returns, 1993 tax petition related document, dor-1993 abatement, irs appeals documents, form 2848 power of attorney, coolidge partnership agreement, correspondence, 1998 tax allocations",
  65336. "5/31/2000",
  65337. "79497",
  65338. "jbd / jbd",
  65339. "nan",
  65340. "nan",
  65341. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65342. "boston",
  65343. "1030241",
  65344. "nan",
  65345. "nan",
  65346. "nan",
  65347. "nan",
  65348. "nan",
  65349. "nan",
  65350. "nan",
  65351. "nan",
  65352. "nan",
  65353. "nan",
  65354. "nan",
  65355. "nan",
  65356. "nan",
  65357. "nan",
  65358. "nan",
  65359. "nan",
  65360. "nan",
  65361. "nan",
  65362. "nan",
  65363. "nan",
  65364. "nan",
  65365. "nan",
  65366. "nan"
  65367. ],
  65368. [
  65369. "111111",
  65370. "11111",
  65371. "stoller, robert",
  65372. "personal",
  65373. "719658804",
  65374. "nan",
  65375. "fileno: 83212/index: property settlement language, loose papers, bob stoller, keogh plan, declaratory judgment, forum 1040x, cdf corp. from hastings 8/18/93, memo: tax treatment of potential settlement with the fdic, the stipulation and issues, research, projected income tax return, promissory note, preliminary drafts 1995 federal & state, correspondence",
  65376. "5/31/2000",
  65377. "79495",
  65378. "jbd / hwp",
  65379. "nan",
  65380. "nan",
  65381. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65382. "boston",
  65383. "1030248",
  65384. "nan",
  65385. "nan",
  65386. "nan",
  65387. "nan",
  65388. "nan",
  65389. "nan",
  65390. "nan",
  65391. "nan",
  65392. "nan",
  65393. "nan",
  65394. "nan",
  65395. "nan",
  65396. "nan",
  65397. "nan",
  65398. "nan",
  65399. "nan",
  65400. "nan",
  65401. "nan",
  65402. "nan",
  65403. "nan",
  65404. "nan",
  65405. "nan",
  65406. "nan"
  65407. ],
  65408. [
  65409. "111111",
  65410. "11111",
  65411. "rtc",
  65412. "perry foreclosure",
  65413. "719656644",
  65414. "nan",
  65415. "fileno: 3000423/index: notes, correspondences, documents",
  65416. "6/12/2000",
  65417. "79735",
  65418. "rlc / rlc",
  65419. "nan",
  65420. "nan",
  65421. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65422. "boston",
  65423. "1031429",
  65424. "nan",
  65425. "nan",
  65426. "nan",
  65427. "nan",
  65428. "nan",
  65429. "nan",
  65430. "nan",
  65431. "nan",
  65432. "nan",
  65433. "nan",
  65434. "nan",
  65435. "nan",
  65436. "nan",
  65437. "nan",
  65438. "nan",
  65439. "nan",
  65440. "nan",
  65441. "nan",
  65442. "nan",
  65443. "nan",
  65444. "nan",
  65445. "nan",
  65446. "nan"
  65447. ],
  65448. [
  65449. "111111",
  65450. "11111",
  65451. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  65452. "354 waverly steet trust",
  65453. "719658456",
  65454. "nan",
  65455. "index: 2 redwells of documents ( 1 labelled as file and one from bingham dana and gould); vlp housing project in-house materials; forms; miscellaneous documents (exhibits, etc.)",
  65456. "7/7/2000",
  65457. "79770",
  65458. "cjt / cjt",
  65459. "nan",
  65460. "nan",
  65461. "comments: order entire box + facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65462. "boston",
  65463. "1032030",
  65464. "nan",
  65465. "nan",
  65466. "nan",
  65467. "nan",
  65468. "nan",
  65469. "nan",
  65470. "nan",
  65471. "nan",
  65472. "nan",
  65473. "nan",
  65474. "nan",
  65475. "nan",
  65476. "nan",
  65477. "nan",
  65478. "nan",
  65479. "nan",
  65480. "nan",
  65481. "nan",
  65482. "nan",
  65483. "nan",
  65484. "nan",
  65485. "nan",
  65486. "nan"
  65487. ],
  65488. [
  65489. "111111",
  65490. "11111",
  65491. "piantedosi baking co.",
  65492. "129 commercial street, malden",
  65493. "236526892",
  65494. "nan",
  65495. "fileno: 3004282/index: correspondence, organization, national fish lease, documents, fdic, closing documents, notes, memoranda, piantedosi lease, law, title",
  65496. "12/11/2000",
  65497. "080593",
  65498. "psl / psl",
  65499. "off-site",
  65500. "nan",
  65501. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: j. collins 1/31/08j. collins 10/24/06a. gilmore 10/28/05jean c 8-20-2004 / retd_to_st: 11/08/0610/17/069/21/04",
  65502. "boston",
  65503. "1037573",
  65504. "nan",
  65505. "nan",
  65506. "nan",
  65507. "nan",
  65508. "nan",
  65509. "nan",
  65510. "nan",
  65511. "nan",
  65512. "nan",
  65513. "nan",
  65514. "nan",
  65515. "nan",
  65516. "nan",
  65517. "nan",
  65518. "nan",
  65519. "nan",
  65520. "nan",
  65521. "nan",
  65522. "nan",
  65523. "nan",
  65524. "nan",
  65525. "nan",
  65526. "nan"
  65527. ],
  65528. [
  65529. "111111",
  65530. "11111",
  65531. "mass. black lawyers association (\"mbla\")",
  65532. "general",
  65533. "719586332",
  65534. "nan",
  65535. "fileno: 3009076/index: boston jaycees 2000, black & white boston, black pages of new england, continuing legal education, deposits, current board members, courtesy letters, judith dortch-okara reception, joseph kaigler, michael neighbors, nemnet, strategic planning, ads, leonard lewin, lifetime members, maurice muir resume, mcad-a basic guide to discrim. claim, mentorship, mock interviewing forms, membership application, positions & opportunities, membership survey, rosoff awards, sjc nominations, wba",
  65536. "2/28/2001",
  65537. "172539",
  65538. "shw / shw",
  65539. "nan",
  65540. "nan",
  65541. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: r. smith 7/26/06 / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65542. "boston",
  65543. "1041527",
  65544. "nan",
  65545. "nan",
  65546. "nan",
  65547. "nan",
  65548. "nan",
  65549. "nan",
  65550. "nan",
  65551. "nan",
  65552. "nan",
  65553. "nan",
  65554. "nan",
  65555. "nan",
  65556. "nan",
  65557. "nan",
  65558. "nan",
  65559. "nan",
  65560. "nan",
  65561. "nan",
  65562. "nan",
  65563. "nan",
  65564. "nan",
  65565. "nan",
  65566. "nan"
  65567. ],
  65568. [
  65569. "111111",
  65570. "11111",
  65571. "the richmond group, inc.",
  65572. "general matters",
  65573. "719597171",
  65574. "nan",
  65575. "fileno: 3007463/index: house lots, shareholders agreement, carriage house, fdic deal, thomson realty limited, employment matters, aia a107, condon investment corp., genzyme-windham millwork, momentum plastering, joint venture agreement, sexual harassment policy, lease, wh cert. of authority, epix medford, subcontractor lien waiver, arguhe=medford, rtd sales tax, joint check agreement, biocompatibles, the richmond group 401 (k) plan, fisher college, phantom stock plans, richmond group, inc. re: general, short form subcontract, cendan corporation, cytomed, inc., carlos casto pi suit, subcontract, richmond/carboneaux equity deal, tkt (transkaryotic therapies, inc.)",
  65576. "1/31/2001",
  65577. "168913",
  65578. "rvl / rvl",
  65579. "nan",
  65580. "nan",
  65581. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: p litner 11-16-2001 / retd_to_st: 12/14/2001 hk box:",
  65582. "boston",
  65583. "1042489",
  65584. "nan",
  65585. "nan",
  65586. "nan",
  65587. "nan",
  65588. "nan",
  65589. "nan",
  65590. "nan",
  65591. "nan",
  65592. "nan",
  65593. "nan",
  65594. "nan",
  65595. "nan",
  65596. "nan",
  65597. "nan",
  65598. "nan",
  65599. "nan",
  65600. "nan",
  65601. "nan",
  65602. "nan",
  65603. "nan",
  65604. "nan",
  65605. "nan",
  65606. "nan"
  65607. ],
  65608. [
  65609. "111111",
  65610. "11111",
  65611. "holly tree resort",
  65612. "purchase from fdic",
  65613. "719589408",
  65614. "nan",
  65615. "fileno: 3007841/",
  65616. "2/10/2001",
  65617. "214065",
  65618. "ken hoffman / ken hoffman",
  65619. "off-site",
  65620. "nan",
  65621. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered:r.kaplan 8/5/09\n\n retd_to_st: 5/8/2010 hk box:",
  65622. "boston",
  65623. "1042702",
  65624. "nan",
  65625. "nan",
  65626. "nan",
  65627. "nan",
  65628. "nan",
  65629. "nan",
  65630. "nan",
  65631. "nan",
  65632. "nan",
  65633. "nan",
  65634. "nan",
  65635. "nan",
  65636. "nan",
  65637. "nan",
  65638. "nan",
  65639. "nan",
  65640. "nan",
  65641. "nan",
  65642. "nan",
  65643. "nan",
  65644. "nan",
  65645. "nan",
  65646. "nan"
  65647. ],
  65648. [
  65649. "111111",
  65650. "11111",
  65651. "fdic",
  65652. "john e. dowd, jr.",
  65653. "719635110",
  65654. "nan",
  65655. "fileno: 3007120/",
  65656. "1/27/2001",
  65657. "168845",
  65658. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65659. "nan",
  65660. "nan",
  65661. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: other-old cub file\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65662. "boston",
  65663. "1043320",
  65664. "nan",
  65665. "nan",
  65666. "nan",
  65667. "nan",
  65668. "nan",
  65669. "nan",
  65670. "nan",
  65671. "nan",
  65672. "nan",
  65673. "nan",
  65674. "nan",
  65675. "nan",
  65676. "nan",
  65677. "nan",
  65678. "nan",
  65679. "nan",
  65680. "nan",
  65681. "nan",
  65682. "nan",
  65683. "nan",
  65684. "nan",
  65685. "nan",
  65686. "nan"
  65687. ],
  65688. [
  65689. "111111",
  65690. "11111",
  65691. "fdic",
  65692. "john e. dowd, jr. file ii",
  65693. "719635110",
  65694. "nan",
  65695. "fileno: 3007119/",
  65696. "1/27/2001",
  65697. "168845",
  65698. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65699. "nan",
  65700. "nan",
  65701. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: other-old cub file\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65702. "boston",
  65703. "1043321",
  65704. "nan",
  65705. "nan",
  65706. "nan",
  65707. "nan",
  65708. "nan",
  65709. "nan",
  65710. "nan",
  65711. "nan",
  65712. "nan",
  65713. "nan",
  65714. "nan",
  65715. "nan",
  65716. "nan",
  65717. "nan",
  65718. "nan",
  65719. "nan",
  65720. "nan",
  65721. "nan",
  65722. "nan",
  65723. "nan",
  65724. "nan",
  65725. "nan",
  65726. "nan"
  65727. ],
  65728. [
  65729. "111111",
  65730. "11111",
  65731. "fdic",
  65732. "john e. dowd, jr.-file iii",
  65733. "719635110",
  65734. "nan",
  65735. "fileno: 3007118/",
  65736. "1/27/2001",
  65737. "168845",
  65738. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65739. "nan",
  65740. "nan",
  65741. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: other-old cub file\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65742. "boston",
  65743. "1043322",
  65744. "nan",
  65745. "nan",
  65746. "nan",
  65747. "nan",
  65748. "nan",
  65749. "nan",
  65750. "nan",
  65751. "nan",
  65752. "nan",
  65753. "nan",
  65754. "nan",
  65755. "nan",
  65756. "nan",
  65757. "nan",
  65758. "nan",
  65759. "nan",
  65760. "nan",
  65761. "nan",
  65762. "nan",
  65763. "nan",
  65764. "nan",
  65765. "nan",
  65766. "nan"
  65767. ],
  65768. [
  65769. "111111",
  65770. "11111",
  65771. "fdic/recall",
  65772. "241 a street",
  65773. "719635141",
  65774. "nan",
  65775. "fileno: 3007117/",
  65776. "1/27/2001",
  65777. "168844",
  65778. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65779. "nan",
  65780. "nan",
  65781. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: other-old cub file\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65782. "boston",
  65783. "1043323",
  65784. "nan",
  65785. "nan",
  65786. "nan",
  65787. "nan",
  65788. "nan",
  65789. "nan",
  65790. "nan",
  65791. "nan",
  65792. "nan",
  65793. "nan",
  65794. "nan",
  65795. "nan",
  65796. "nan",
  65797. "nan",
  65798. "nan",
  65799. "nan",
  65800. "nan",
  65801. "nan",
  65802. "nan",
  65803. "nan",
  65804. "nan",
  65805. "nan",
  65806. "nan"
  65807. ],
  65808. [
  65809. "111111",
  65810. "11111",
  65811. "fdic",
  65812. "gladstone, sumner",
  65813. "719655370",
  65814. "nan",
  65815. "fileno: 3010304/",
  65816. "5/2/2001",
  65817. "173760",
  65818. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65819. "nan",
  65820. "nan",
  65821. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: other-old cub file\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65822. "boston",
  65823. "1045249",
  65824. "nan",
  65825. "nan",
  65826. "nan",
  65827. "nan",
  65828. "nan",
  65829. "nan",
  65830. "nan",
  65831. "nan",
  65832. "nan",
  65833. "nan",
  65834. "nan",
  65835. "nan",
  65836. "nan",
  65837. "nan",
  65838. "nan",
  65839. "nan",
  65840. "nan",
  65841. "nan",
  65842. "nan",
  65843. "nan",
  65844. "nan",
  65845. "nan",
  65846. "nan"
  65847. ],
  65848. [
  65849. "111111",
  65850. "11111",
  65851. "fdic",
  65852. "sumner gladstone",
  65853. "719655370",
  65854. "nan",
  65855. "fileno: 3010303/",
  65856. "5/2/2001",
  65857. "173760",
  65858. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65859. "nan",
  65860. "nan",
  65861. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: other-old cub case\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65862. "boston",
  65863. "1045250",
  65864. "nan",
  65865. "nan",
  65866. "nan",
  65867. "nan",
  65868. "nan",
  65869. "nan",
  65870. "nan",
  65871. "nan",
  65872. "nan",
  65873. "nan",
  65874. "nan",
  65875. "nan",
  65876. "nan",
  65877. "nan",
  65878. "nan",
  65879. "nan",
  65880. "nan",
  65881. "nan",
  65882. "nan",
  65883. "nan",
  65884. "nan",
  65885. "nan",
  65886. "nan"
  65887. ],
  65888. [
  65889. "111111",
  65890. "11111",
  65891. "fdic",
  65892. "sumner gladstone",
  65893. "719664520",
  65894. "nan",
  65895. "nan",
  65896. "5/2/2001",
  65897. "173759",
  65898. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65899. "nan",
  65900. "nan",
  65901. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: other-old cub matter\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65902. "boston",
  65903. "1045251",
  65904. "nan",
  65905. "nan",
  65906. "nan",
  65907. "nan",
  65908. "nan",
  65909. "nan",
  65910. "nan",
  65911. "nan",
  65912. "nan",
  65913. "nan",
  65914. "nan",
  65915. "nan",
  65916. "nan",
  65917. "nan",
  65918. "nan",
  65919. "nan",
  65920. "nan",
  65921. "nan",
  65922. "nan",
  65923. "nan",
  65924. "nan",
  65925. "nan",
  65926. "nan"
  65927. ],
  65928. [
  65929. "111111",
  65930. "11111",
  65931. "fdic",
  65932. "sumner gladstone",
  65933. "nan",
  65934. "nan",
  65935. "nan",
  65936. "12/31/1899",
  65937. "nan",
  65938. "russ chin / russ chin",
  65939. "off-site",
  65940. "nan",
  65941. "department: other-old cub matter\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: hk box:",
  65942. "boston",
  65943. "1045252",
  65944. "nan",
  65945. "nan",
  65946. "nan",
  65947. "nan",
  65948. "nan",
  65949. "nan",
  65950. "nan",
  65951. "nan",
  65952. "nan",
  65953. "nan",
  65954. "nan",
  65955. "nan",
  65956. "nan",
  65957. "nan",
  65958. "nan",
  65959. "nan",
  65960. "nan",
  65961. "nan",
  65962. "nan",
  65963. "nan",
  65964. "nan",
  65965. "nan",
  65966. "nan"
  65967. ],
  65968. [
  65969. "111111",
  65970. "11111",
  65971. "various",
  65972. "nan",
  65973. "719663898",
  65974. "nan",
  65975. "fileno: 3009825/index: mass. turnpike auth. re: bank of boston master repurchase agreement, minority and women business asst.-mas. trans. authority re: converse construction co., fdic-notes/research, darryl e. turner-purchase and sale agreement",
  65976. "3/21/2001",
  65977. "173642",
  65978. "steve wright / steve wright",
  65979. "nan",
  65980. "nan",
  65981. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  65982. "boston",
  65983. "1045521",
  65984. "nan",
  65985. "nan",
  65986. "nan",
  65987. "nan",
  65988. "nan",
  65989. "nan",
  65990. "nan",
  65991. "nan",
  65992. "nan",
  65993. "nan",
  65994. "nan",
  65995. "nan",
  65996. "nan",
  65997. "nan",
  65998. "nan",
  65999. "nan",
  66000. "nan",
  66001. "nan",
  66002. "nan",
  66003. "nan",
  66004. "nan",
  66005. "nan",
  66006. "nan"
  66007. ],
  66008. [
  66009. "111111",
  66010. "11111",
  66011. "creamer, donald e.",
  66012. "macdonald investments rtc bid package tockwooton",
  66013. "719598924",
  66014. "nan",
  66015. "fileno: 3013831/",
  66016. "11/28/2001",
  66017. "373688",
  66018. "rjh / rjh",
  66019. "nan",
  66020. "nan",
  66021. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  66022. "boston",
  66023. "1047718",
  66024. "nan",
  66025. "nan",
  66026. "nan",
  66027. "nan",
  66028. "nan",
  66029. "nan",
  66030. "nan",
  66031. "nan",
  66032. "nan",
  66033. "nan",
  66034. "nan",
  66035. "nan",
  66036. "nan",
  66037. "nan",
  66038. "nan",
  66039. "nan",
  66040. "nan",
  66041. "nan",
  66042. "nan",
  66043. "nan",
  66044. "nan",
  66045. "nan",
  66046. "nan"
  66047. ],
  66048. [
  66049. "111111",
  66050. "11111",
  66051. "rtc v. ultramark, et al. & edmonds",
  66052. "complaint",
  66053. "628424347",
  66054. "nan",
  66055. "nan",
  66056. "nan",
  66057. "424664",
  66058. "todd s. parkhurst",
  66059. "r4 services",
  66060. "nan",
  66061. " + boxes transferred: 1 + status: closed + billing attorney: todd s. parkhurst + requesting secretary: mmm + destruction date: january do not destroy check with attorney + request completed by: hancock",
  66062. "chicago",
  66063. "1155919",
  66064. "nan",
  66065. "nan",
  66066. "nan",
  66067. "nan",
  66068. "nan",
  66069. "nan",
  66070. "nan",
  66071. "nan",
  66072. "nan",
  66073. "nan",
  66074. "nan",
  66075. "nan",
  66076. "nan",
  66077. "nan",
  66078. "nan",
  66079. "nan",
  66080. "nan",
  66081. "nan",
  66082. "nan",
  66083. "nan",
  66084. "nan",
  66085. "nan",
  66086. "nan"
  66087. ],
  66088. [
  66089. "111111",
  66090. "11111",
  66091. "general binding corporation",
  66092. "availability seach on: smartcut 800, smartfeed 800, titan 165, jet bond film",
  66093. "424653",
  66094. "nan",
  66095. "after checking both databases, this box is not in storage.",
  66096. "nan",
  66097. "nan",
  66098. "lewis steadman, jr.",
  66099. "perm removal from off-site",
  66100. "nan",
  66101. " + filejacketstransferred: 1 + status: closed + billing attorney: lewis steadman, jr. + requesting secretary: srm + destruction date: dnd + request completed by: mcgill//",
  66102. "chicago",
  66103. "1156390",
  66104. "nan",
  66105. "nan",
  66106. "nan",
  66107. "nan",
  66108. "nan",
  66109. "nan",
  66110. "nan",
  66111. "nan",
  66112. "nan",
  66113. "nan",
  66114. "nan",
  66115. "nan",
  66116. "nan",
  66117. "nan",
  66118. "nan",
  66119. "nan",
  66120. "nan",
  66121. "nan",
  66122. "nan",
  66123. "nan",
  66124. "nan",
  66125. "nan",
  66126. "nan"
  66127. ],
  66128. [
  66129. "111111",
  66130. "11111",
  66131. "rtc industries, inc.",
  66132. "patent opinion",
  66133. "625092623",
  66134. "nan",
  66135. "correspondence, attorney notes, research",
  66136. "1/18/2007",
  66137. "806555",
  66138. "shapiro, mark l.",
  66139. "nan",
  66140. "nan",
  66141. "case number: n/a + filejacketstransferred: 1 + boxes transferred: 1 + billing attorney: shapiro, mark l. + requesting secretary: koester, beth + destruction date: 1/18/2017 + request completed by: 1/18/07",
  66142. "chicago",
  66143. "1163859",
  66144. "nan",
  66145. "nan",
  66146. "nan",
  66147. "nan",
  66148. "nan",
  66149. "nan",
  66150. "nan",
  66151. "nan",
  66152. "nan",
  66153. "nan",
  66154. "nan",
  66155. "nan",
  66156. "nan",
  66157. "nan",
  66158. "nan",
  66159. "nan",
  66160. "nan",
  66161. "nan",
  66162. "nan",
  66163. "nan",
  66164. "nan",
  66165. "nan",
  66166. "nan"
  66167. ],
  66168. [
  66169. "111111",
  66170. "11111",
  66171. "various cases",
  66172. "client: morgan tire & auto; u.s. smokeless tobacco company; rtc industiries inc.; northwestern hospital; certegy' jeffery leving",
  66173. "628339875",
  66174. "nan",
  66175. "matter: harrison; eftekhar, kupiszewski, rivera; walker, sproulls; appleby, torres; leving",
  66176. "7/22/2008",
  66177. "806255",
  66178. "katz, naomi f.",
  66179. "nan",
  66180. "nan",
  66181. " + boxes transferred: 1 + billing attorney: katz, naomi f. + requesting secretary: murphy-warrick, patricia + last date reviewed: 7/22/2008 + destruction date: 07/22/2018 + request completed by: 07/22/08",
  66182. "chicago",
  66183. "1174948",
  66184. "nan",
  66185. "nan",
  66186. "nan",
  66187. "nan",
  66188. "nan",
  66189. "nan",
  66190. "nan",
  66191. "nan",
  66192. "nan",
  66193. "nan",
  66194. "nan",
  66195. "nan",
  66196. "nan",
  66197. "nan",
  66198. "nan",
  66199. "nan",
  66200. "nan",
  66201. "nan",
  66202. "nan",
  66203. "nan",
  66204. "nan",
  66205. "nan",
  66206. "nan"
  66207. ],
  66208. [
  66209. "111111",
  66210. "11111",
  66211. "fdic",
  66212. "currie",
  66213. "719634711",
  66214. "nan",
  66215. "index: redweld 1 (docs. produced by bank hapolim to currie): alan j. rose-personnel file, folders 1-7: re: edward desmond, folders 8-13: re: carlyle, folder 14: bank hapolim policies and procedures redweld 2 (docs. produced by shawmut/arlington): index, statements of account, folder 2: carlyle-omni checks from arlington trust co. account, foler 3: various correspondence/memos, folder 4a: shawmut policy manuals redweld 3 (docs. produced by shawmut/arlington): folder 4b (cont'd.): shawmut policy manuals, folder 5: banking docs., folder 6: arlington trust personnel file (g.p. gouland) redweld 4 (checks (copies)) redweld 5 (docs. produced by shawmut/arlington): folder nhb-13: digital equipment corp. case",
  66216. "2/12/2001",
  66217. "168618",
  66218. "cjt / cjt",
  66219. "nan",
  66220. "nan",
  66221. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  66222. "boston",
  66223. "1185209",
  66224. "nan",
  66225. "nan",
  66226. "nan",
  66227. "nan",
  66228. "nan",
  66229. "nan",
  66230. "nan",
  66231. "nan",
  66232. "nan",
  66233. "nan",
  66234. "nan",
  66235. "nan",
  66236. "nan",
  66237. "nan",
  66238. "nan",
  66239. "nan",
  66240. "nan",
  66241. "nan",
  66242. "nan",
  66243. "nan",
  66244. "nan",
  66245. "nan",
  66246. "nan"
  66247. ],
  66248. [
  66249. "111111",
  66250. "11111",
  66251. "artco",
  66252. "nan",
  66253. "546383740",
  66254. "nan",
  66255. "///",
  66256. "19000101",
  66257. "3993",
  66258. "mhb",
  66259. "nan",
  66260. "nan",
  66261. "<pickens kane>",
  66262. "chicago",
  66263. "1270598",
  66264. "nan",
  66265. "nan",
  66266. "nan",
  66267. "nan",
  66268. "nan",
  66269. "nan",
  66270. "nan",
  66271. "nan",
  66272. "nan",
  66273. "nan",
  66274. "nan",
  66275. "nan",
  66276. "nan",
  66277. "nan",
  66278. "nan",
  66279. "nan",
  66280. "nan",
  66281. "nan",
  66282. "nan",
  66283. "nan",
  66284. "nan",
  66285. "nan",
  66286. "nan"
  66287. ],
  66288. [
  66289. "111111",
  66290. "11111",
  66291. "farrari, arthur",
  66292. "purchase of alsip land/fdic-ro",
  66293. "546299575",
  66294. "nan",
  66295. "///",
  66296. "19900726",
  66297. "6401",
  66298. "rar",
  66299. "nan",
  66300. "nan",
  66301. "<pickens kane>",
  66302. "chicago",
  66303. "1274481",
  66304. "nan",
  66305. "nan",
  66306. "nan",
  66307. "nan",
  66308. "nan",
  66309. "nan",
  66310. "nan",
  66311. "nan",
  66312. "nan",
  66313. "nan",
  66314. "nan",
  66315. "nan",
  66316. "nan",
  66317. "nan",
  66318. "nan",
  66319. "nan",
  66320. "nan",
  66321. "nan",
  66322. "nan",
  66323. "nan",
  66324. "nan",
  66325. "nan",
  66326. "nan"
  66327. ],
  66328. [
  66329. "111111",
  66330. "11111",
  66331. "rose, estate of earl jr.",
  66332. "fdic vs./ research",
  66333. "546304179",
  66334. "nan",
  66335. "///",
  66336. "19900703",
  66337. "5757",
  66338. "mjo",
  66339. "nan",
  66340. "nan",
  66341. "<pickens kane>",
  66342. "chicago",
  66343. "1284671",
  66344. "nan",
  66345. "nan",
  66346. "nan",
  66347. "nan",
  66348. "nan",
  66349. "nan",
  66350. "nan",
  66351. "nan",
  66352. "nan",
  66353. "nan",
  66354. "nan",
  66355. "nan",
  66356. "nan",
  66357. "nan",
  66358. "nan",
  66359. "nan",
  66360. "nan",
  66361. "nan",
  66362. "nan",
  66363. "nan",
  66364. "nan",
  66365. "nan",
  66366. "nan"
  66367. ],
  66368. [
  66369. "111111",
  66370. "11111",
  66371. "rose, estate of earl jr.",
  66372. "fdic vs./ miscellaneous",
  66373. "546304179",
  66374. "nan",
  66375. "///",
  66376. "19900703",
  66377. "5757",
  66378. "mjo",
  66379. "nan",
  66380. "nan",
  66381. "<pickens kane>",
  66382. "chicago",
  66383. "1284672",
  66384. "nan",
  66385. "nan",
  66386. "nan",
  66387. "nan",
  66388. "nan",
  66389. "nan",
  66390. "nan",
  66391. "nan",
  66392. "nan",
  66393. "nan",
  66394. "nan",
  66395. "nan",
  66396. "nan",
  66397. "nan",
  66398. "nan",
  66399. "nan",
  66400. "nan",
  66401. "nan",
  66402. "nan",
  66403. "nan",
  66404. "nan",
  66405. "nan",
  66406. "nan"
  66407. ],
  66408. [
  66409. "111111",
  66410. "11111",
  66411. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  66412. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  66413. "546310934",
  66414. "nan",
  66415. "///",
  66416. "19900726",
  66417. "6460",
  66418. "mks",
  66419. "nan",
  66420. "nan",
  66421. "<pickens kane>",
  66422. "chicago",
  66423. "1284985",
  66424. "nan",
  66425. "nan",
  66426. "nan",
  66427. "nan",
  66428. "nan",
  66429. "nan",
  66430. "nan",
  66431. "nan",
  66432. "nan",
  66433. "nan",
  66434. "nan",
  66435. "nan",
  66436. "nan",
  66437. "nan",
  66438. "nan",
  66439. "nan",
  66440. "nan",
  66441. "nan",
  66442. "nan",
  66443. "nan",
  66444. "nan",
  66445. "nan",
  66446. "nan"
  66447. ],
  66448. [
  66449. "111111",
  66450. "11111",
  66451. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  66452. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  66453. "546306050",
  66454. "nan",
  66455. "///",
  66456. "19900727",
  66457. "6463",
  66458. "mks",
  66459. "nan",
  66460. "nan",
  66461. "<pickens kane>",
  66462. "chicago",
  66463. "1284987",
  66464. "nan",
  66465. "nan",
  66466. "nan",
  66467. "nan",
  66468. "nan",
  66469. "nan",
  66470. "nan",
  66471. "nan",
  66472. "nan",
  66473. "nan",
  66474. "nan",
  66475. "nan",
  66476. "nan",
  66477. "nan",
  66478. "nan",
  66479. "nan",
  66480. "nan",
  66481. "nan",
  66482. "nan",
  66483. "nan",
  66484. "nan",
  66485. "nan",
  66486. "nan"
  66487. ],
  66488. [
  66489. "111111",
  66490. "11111",
  66491. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  66492. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  66493. "546306050",
  66494. "nan",
  66495. "///",
  66496. "19900727",
  66497. "6463",
  66498. "mks",
  66499. "nan",
  66500. "nan",
  66501. "<pickens kane>",
  66502. "chicago",
  66503. "1284988",
  66504. "nan",
  66505. "nan",
  66506. "nan",
  66507. "nan",
  66508. "nan",
  66509. "nan",
  66510. "nan",
  66511. "nan",
  66512. "nan",
  66513. "nan",
  66514. "nan",
  66515. "nan",
  66516. "nan",
  66517. "nan",
  66518. "nan",
  66519. "nan",
  66520. "nan",
  66521. "nan",
  66522. "nan",
  66523. "nan",
  66524. "nan",
  66525. "nan",
  66526. "nan"
  66527. ],
  66528. [
  66529. "111111",
  66530. "11111",
  66531. "artco",
  66532. "nan",
  66533. "546383740",
  66534. "nan",
  66535. "///",
  66536. "19000101",
  66537. "3993",
  66538. "mhb",
  66539. "nan",
  66540. "nan",
  66541. "<pickens kane>",
  66542. "chicago",
  66543. "1290626",
  66544. "nan",
  66545. "nan",
  66546. "nan",
  66547. "nan",
  66548. "nan",
  66549. "nan",
  66550. "nan",
  66551. "nan",
  66552. "nan",
  66553. "nan",
  66554. "nan",
  66555. "nan",
  66556. "nan",
  66557. "nan",
  66558. "nan",
  66559. "nan",
  66560. "nan",
  66561. "nan",
  66562. "nan",
  66563. "nan",
  66564. "nan",
  66565. "nan",
  66566. "nan"
  66567. ],
  66568. [
  66569. "111111",
  66570. "11111",
  66571. "ordman, morgan j.",
  66572. "mjo materials fdic cases",
  66573. "546295892",
  66574. "nan",
  66575. "///",
  66576. "nan",
  66577. "5651",
  66578. "mjo",
  66579. "nan",
  66580. "nan",
  66581. "<pickens kane>",
  66582. "chicago",
  66583. "1295437",
  66584. "nan",
  66585. "nan",
  66586. "nan",
  66587. "nan",
  66588. "nan",
  66589. "nan",
  66590. "nan",
  66591. "nan",
  66592. "nan",
  66593. "nan",
  66594. "nan",
  66595. "nan",
  66596. "nan",
  66597. "nan",
  66598. "nan",
  66599. "nan",
  66600. "nan",
  66601. "nan",
  66602. "nan",
  66603. "nan",
  66604. "nan",
  66605. "nan",
  66606. "nan"
  66607. ],
  66608. [
  66609. "111111",
  66610. "11111",
  66611. "riverside properties",
  66612. "fdicpc",
  66613. "546308336",
  66614. "nan",
  66615. "///",
  66616. "nan",
  66617. "7823",
  66618. "ggr",
  66619. "nan",
  66620. "nan",
  66621. "<pickens kane>",
  66622. "chicago",
  66623. "1295943",
  66624. "nan",
  66625. "nan",
  66626. "nan",
  66627. "nan",
  66628. "nan",
  66629. "nan",
  66630. "nan",
  66631. "nan",
  66632. "nan",
  66633. "nan",
  66634. "nan",
  66635. "nan",
  66636. "nan",
  66637. "nan",
  66638. "nan",
  66639. "nan",
  66640. "nan",
  66641. "nan",
  66642. "nan",
  66643. "nan",
  66644. "nan",
  66645. "nan",
  66646. "nan"
  66647. ],
  66648. [
  66649. "111111",
  66650. "11111",
  66651. "riverside properties",
  66652. "fdicpc:misc wrap mortgage file",
  66653. "546308218",
  66654. "nan",
  66655. "///",
  66656. "nan",
  66657. "7836",
  66658. "ggr",
  66659. "nan",
  66660. "nan",
  66661. "<pickens kane>",
  66662. "chicago",
  66663. "1296004",
  66664. "nan",
  66665. "nan",
  66666. "nan",
  66667. "nan",
  66668. "nan",
  66669. "nan",
  66670. "nan",
  66671. "nan",
  66672. "nan",
  66673. "nan",
  66674. "nan",
  66675. "nan",
  66676. "nan",
  66677. "nan",
  66678. "nan",
  66679. "nan",
  66680. "nan",
  66681. "nan",
  66682. "nan",
  66683. "nan",
  66684. "nan",
  66685. "nan",
  66686. "nan"
  66687. ],
  66688. [
  66689. "111111",
  66690. "11111",
  66691. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  66692. "means developers, inc.",
  66693. "546301434",
  66694. "nan",
  66695. "///",
  66696. "nan",
  66697. "8086",
  66698. "mks",
  66699. "nan",
  66700. "nan",
  66701. "<pickens kane>",
  66702. "chicago",
  66703. "1297023",
  66704. "nan",
  66705. "nan",
  66706. "nan",
  66707. "nan",
  66708. "nan",
  66709. "nan",
  66710. "nan",
  66711. "nan",
  66712. "nan",
  66713. "nan",
  66714. "nan",
  66715. "nan",
  66716. "nan",
  66717. "nan",
  66718. "nan",
  66719. "nan",
  66720. "nan",
  66721. "nan",
  66722. "nan",
  66723. "nan",
  66724. "nan",
  66725. "nan",
  66726. "nan"
  66727. ],
  66728. [
  66729. "111111",
  66730. "11111",
  66731. "domeier, john",
  66732. "general, rtc investigation - c",
  66733. "546302243",
  66734. "nan",
  66735. "///",
  66736. "19960710",
  66737. "10714",
  66738. "roc",
  66739. "nan",
  66740. "nan",
  66741. "<pickens kane>",
  66742. "chicago",
  66743. "1306007",
  66744. "nan",
  66745. "nan",
  66746. "nan",
  66747. "nan",
  66748. "nan",
  66749. "nan",
  66750. "nan",
  66751. "nan",
  66752. "nan",
  66753. "nan",
  66754. "nan",
  66755. "nan",
  66756. "nan",
  66757. "nan",
  66758. "nan",
  66759. "nan",
  66760. "nan",
  66761. "nan",
  66762. "nan",
  66763. "nan",
  66764. "nan",
  66765. "nan",
  66766. "nan"
  66767. ],
  66768. [
  66769. "111111",
  66770. "11111",
  66771. "symtec, inc.",
  66772. "stmtec, inc.",
  66773. "546307952",
  66774. "nan",
  66775. "1. symtec lease\n2. computer associates contract\n3. rtc computer break-in\n4. dispute with warner electronic\n5. checkers simon matter\n6. quad, inc.\n7. phone dispute//////",
  66776. "04/13/2000",
  66777. "14211",
  66778. "tjs",
  66779. "nan",
  66780. "nan",
  66781. "<pickens kane>",
  66782. "chicago",
  66783. "1316575",
  66784. "nan",
  66785. "nan",
  66786. "nan",
  66787. "nan",
  66788. "nan",
  66789. "nan",
  66790. "nan",
  66791. "nan",
  66792. "nan",
  66793. "nan",
  66794. "nan",
  66795. "nan",
  66796. "nan",
  66797. "nan",
  66798. "nan",
  66799. "nan",
  66800. "nan",
  66801. "nan",
  66802. "nan",
  66803. "nan",
  66804. "nan",
  66805. "nan",
  66806. "nan"
  66807. ],
  66808. [
  66809. "111111",
  66810. "11111",
  66811. "rtc/ foreclosure",
  66812. "general",
  66813. "546310041",
  66814. "nan",
  66815. "correspondence\nnotes\nmemoranda//////",
  66816. "04/26/2000",
  66817. "14794",
  66818. "flk",
  66819. "nan",
  66820. "nan",
  66821. "<pickens kane>",
  66822. "chicago",
  66823. "1318082",
  66824. "nan",
  66825. "nan",
  66826. "nan",
  66827. "nan",
  66828. "nan",
  66829. "nan",
  66830. "nan",
  66831. "nan",
  66832. "nan",
  66833. "nan",
  66834. "nan",
  66835. "nan",
  66836. "nan",
  66837. "nan",
  66838. "nan",
  66839. "nan",
  66840. "nan",
  66841. "nan",
  66842. "nan",
  66843. "nan",
  66844. "nan",
  66845. "nan",
  66846. "nan"
  66847. ],
  66848. [
  66849. "111111",
  66850. "11111",
  66851. "epstein real estate",
  66852. "600 west fulton - various leases",
  66853. "546385573",
  66854. "nan",
  66855. "frain camins & swartchild, inc.; danka corproate services//////",
  66856. "02/15/2002",
  66857. "17321",
  66858. "dsm",
  66859. "nan",
  66860. "nan",
  66861. "<pickens kane>",
  66862. "chicago",
  66863. "1324557",
  66864. "nan",
  66865. "nan",
  66866. "nan",
  66867. "nan",
  66868. "nan",
  66869. "nan",
  66870. "nan",
  66871. "nan",
  66872. "nan",
  66873. "nan",
  66874. "nan",
  66875. "nan",
  66876. "nan",
  66877. "nan",
  66878. "nan",
  66879. "nan",
  66880. "nan",
  66881. "nan",
  66882. "nan",
  66883. "nan",
  66884. "nan",
  66885. "nan",
  66886. "nan"
  66887. ],
  66888. [
  66889. "111111",
  66890. "11111",
  66891. "nan",
  66892. "corporate",
  66893. "546295707",
  66894. "nan",
  66895. "redweld entitled \"george m. pearce\": contains board meeting minutes (1999-2000); \nmiscellaneous correspondence; folder entitled \"by-laws\"///manila folder entitled \"george w. pearce\" containing january 2001 correspondence and \nboard meeting agenda.///folder entitled \"george pearce\" contains finkel loan corresp. (12/2000);bd. mtg.\nagenda (11/2000); summary of stock loan, office building loan; 9/30/2000 bd. minutes;\nempty: \"for approval: intrastate appraisal inc.\" and \"for approval: appraiser s&s\"///folder entitled \"director\" contains bongi development corp. and emerald hills subdivision\nfinancials and appraisal, february-may, 2000///folder entitled \"george pearce\" contains special bd mtg agenda (8/19/00); \"minutes\nfor approval\" (5/11/00 and 6/3/00); compliance to do quarterly classification of assets,\nsecond qtr ending 6/30/00; howard mgmt report 6/30/00; fdic report of exam.compl.///folder entitled \"george m pearce\" contains subdividers: \"classification of assets\" and\n\"1999 organizational meeting\"; agenda and materials for 6/3/2000 board meeting///folder entitled \"george m pearce\" contains subdividers marked \"medinah-on-the-\nlake - update\" and \"copies of reply letters from lawyers to hsb's auditor\"; fdic\nprivacy rule handbook///unmarked folder contains yellow legal pad of notes; bd mtd agenda for 7/28/01; bd mtg minutes for 5/26/01; management report for 6/30/01; subfolder entitled \"hickory cove/fox lake\"///folder entitled \"george pearce\" contains subfolders entitled \"classification of assets,\nsecond quarter - 2001\" and \"medinah-on-the-lake\"; materials for directors mtg 7/28/01//////",
  66896. "05/15/2002",
  66897. "25058",
  66898. "gwp",
  66899. "nan",
  66900. "nan",
  66901. "<pickens kane>",
  66902. "chicago",
  66903. "1325388",
  66904. "nan",
  66905. "nan",
  66906. "nan",
  66907. "nan",
  66908. "nan",
  66909. "nan",
  66910. "nan",
  66911. "nan",
  66912. "nan",
  66913. "nan",
  66914. "nan",
  66915. "nan",
  66916. "nan",
  66917. "nan",
  66918. "nan",
  66919. "nan",
  66920. "nan",
  66921. "nan",
  66922. "nan",
  66923. "nan",
  66924. "nan",
  66925. "nan",
  66926. "nan"
  66927. ],
  66928. [
  66929. "111111",
  66930. "11111",
  66931. "nan",
  66932. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  66933. "550245013",
  66934. "nan",
  66935. "correspondence\nnotes/memos\ndrafts\nfinal documents\ncontracts/leases/agreements\nmiscellaneous//////",
  66936. "02/07/2003",
  66937. "26195",
  66938. "michael l. weissman",
  66939. "nan",
  66940. "nan",
  66941. "<pickens kane>",
  66942. "chicago",
  66943. "1329463",
  66944. "nan",
  66945. "nan",
  66946. "nan",
  66947. "nan",
  66948. "nan",
  66949. "nan",
  66950. "nan",
  66951. "nan",
  66952. "nan",
  66953. "nan",
  66954. "nan",
  66955. "nan",
  66956. "nan",
  66957. "nan",
  66958. "nan",
  66959. "nan",
  66960. "nan",
  66961. "nan",
  66962. "nan",
  66963. "nan",
  66964. "nan",
  66965. "nan",
  66966. "nan"
  66967. ],
  66968. [
  66969. "111111",
  66970. "11111",
  66971. "nan",
  66972. "pay day loans - office of banks and real estate/fdic",
  66973. "546295966",
  66974. "nan",
  66975. "correspondence, conflicts check, engagement lettr, client documents, cease and desist materials\n(two redwells)//////",
  66976. "02/18/2003",
  66977. "26812",
  66978. "david s. mann",
  66979. "nan",
  66980. "nan",
  66981. "<pickens kane>",
  66982. "chicago",
  66983. "1330657",
  66984. "nan",
  66985. "nan",
  66986. "nan",
  66987. "nan",
  66988. "nan",
  66989. "nan",
  66990. "nan",
  66991. "nan",
  66992. "nan",
  66993. "nan",
  66994. "nan",
  66995. "nan",
  66996. "nan",
  66997. "nan",
  66998. "nan",
  66999. "nan",
  67000. "nan",
  67001. "nan",
  67002. "nan",
  67003. "nan",
  67004. "nan",
  67005. "nan",
  67006. "nan"
  67007. ],
  67008. [
  67009. "111111",
  67010. "11111",
  67011. "nan",
  67012. "general corporation",
  67013. "546308447",
  67014. "nan",
  67015. "1.research fdic index//////",
  67016. "06/13/2005",
  67017. "28948",
  67018. "c.m.",
  67019. "nan",
  67020. "nan",
  67021. "<pickens kane>",
  67022. "chicago",
  67023. "1333648",
  67024. "nan",
  67025. "nan",
  67026. "nan",
  67027. "nan",
  67028. "nan",
  67029. "nan",
  67030. "nan",
  67031. "nan",
  67032. "nan",
  67033. "nan",
  67034. "nan",
  67035. "nan",
  67036. "nan",
  67037. "nan",
  67038. "nan",
  67039. "nan",
  67040. "nan",
  67041. "nan",
  67042. "nan",
  67043. "nan",
  67044. "nan",
  67045. "nan",
  67046. "nan"
  67047. ],
  67048. [
  67049. "111111",
  67050. "11111",
  67051. "nan",
  67052. "general corporation",
  67053. "546308447",
  67054. "nan",
  67055. "2. research fdic manual of examination policies//////",
  67056. "06/13/2005",
  67057. "28948",
  67058. "c.m.",
  67059. "nan",
  67060. "nan",
  67061. "<pickens kane>",
  67062. "chicago",
  67063. "1333649",
  67064. "nan",
  67065. "nan",
  67066. "nan",
  67067. "nan",
  67068. "nan",
  67069. "nan",
  67070. "nan",
  67071. "nan",
  67072. "nan",
  67073. "nan",
  67074. "nan",
  67075. "nan",
  67076. "nan",
  67077. "nan",
  67078. "nan",
  67079. "nan",
  67080. "nan",
  67081. "nan",
  67082. "nan",
  67083. "nan",
  67084. "nan",
  67085. "nan",
  67086. "nan"
  67087. ],
  67088. [
  67089. "111111",
  67090. "11111",
  67091. "dupage valley state bank",
  67092. "entrepreneurial venture",
  67093. "565-3",
  67094. "nan",
  67095. "correspondence; agreement of ltd. partnership; offering memo; ill. bank application; fdic application; sample docs; loan policy; permit to organize bank; amendment #1 offering circular; forsythe investment in dvst; org. meeting of shareholders.\nbox permanently removed from storage & file destroyed.",
  67096. "nan",
  67097. "nan",
  67098. "can",
  67099. "nan",
  67100. "nan",
  67101. "case number: 4lf-026895 + destruction date: 1/14/1992",
  67102. "chicago",
  67103. "1334863",
  67104. "nan",
  67105. "nan",
  67106. "nan",
  67107. "nan",
  67108. "nan",
  67109. "nan",
  67110. "nan",
  67111. "nan",
  67112. "nan",
  67113. "nan",
  67114. "nan",
  67115. "nan",
  67116. "nan",
  67117. "nan",
  67118. "nan",
  67119. "nan",
  67120. "nan",
  67121. "nan",
  67122. "nan",
  67123. "nan",
  67124. "nan",
  67125. "nan",
  67126. "nan"
  67127. ],
  67128. [
  67129. "111111",
  67130. "11111",
  67131. "nan",
  67132. "rtc industries, inc.",
  67133. "3019-3",
  67134. "nan",
  67135. "pleading binder;correspondence;fact memo;contracts;notes;research;client documents",
  67136. "nan",
  67137. "nan",
  67138. "dez",
  67139. "nan",
  67140. "nan",
  67141. " + destruction date: 3/14/2002",
  67142. "chicago",
  67143. "1340481",
  67144. "nan",
  67145. "nan",
  67146. "nan",
  67147. "nan",
  67148. "nan",
  67149. "nan",
  67150. "nan",
  67151. "nan",
  67152. "nan",
  67153. "nan",
  67154. "nan",
  67155. "nan",
  67156. "nan",
  67157. "nan",
  67158. "nan",
  67159. "nan",
  67160. "nan",
  67161. "nan",
  67162. "nan",
  67163. "nan",
  67164. "nan",
  67165. "nan",
  67166. "nan"
  67167. ],
  67168. [
  67169. "111111",
  67170. "11111",
  67171. "chevron workfile",
  67172. "rtc/globix memorandum",
  67173. "719585741",
  67174. "nan",
  67175. "fileno: 9179883/",
  67176. "12/9/2003",
  67177. "10301898",
  67178. "rjh / rjh",
  67179. "nan",
  67180. "nan",
  67181. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67182. "boston",
  67183. "1346257",
  67184. "nan",
  67185. "nan",
  67186. "nan",
  67187. "nan",
  67188. "nan",
  67189. "nan",
  67190. "nan",
  67191. "nan",
  67192. "nan",
  67193. "nan",
  67194. "nan",
  67195. "nan",
  67196. "nan",
  67197. "nan",
  67198. "nan",
  67199. "nan",
  67200. "nan",
  67201. "nan",
  67202. "nan",
  67203. "nan",
  67204. "nan",
  67205. "nan",
  67206. "nan"
  67207. ],
  67208. [
  67209. "111111",
  67210. "11111",
  67211. "2001 state st. transactions (irs fdic estimates) (west-zimmon)",
  67212. "nan",
  67213. "719664143",
  67214. "nan",
  67215. "nan",
  67216. "12/15/2003",
  67217. "10302013",
  67218. "p. poindexter / p. poindexter",
  67219. "nan",
  67220. "nan",
  67221. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: trust & estates\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67222. "boston",
  67223. "1346288",
  67224. "nan",
  67225. "nan",
  67226. "nan",
  67227. "nan",
  67228. "nan",
  67229. "nan",
  67230. "nan",
  67231. "nan",
  67232. "nan",
  67233. "nan",
  67234. "nan",
  67235. "nan",
  67236. "nan",
  67237. "nan",
  67238. "nan",
  67239. "nan",
  67240. "nan",
  67241. "nan",
  67242. "nan",
  67243. "nan",
  67244. "nan",
  67245. "nan",
  67246. "nan"
  67247. ],
  67248. [
  67249. "111111",
  67250. "11111",
  67251. "liberty mutual insurance company",
  67252. "re: black+decker 1. general notes,memos, + messages 6-1-04- - 6-30-04 2. general notes,memos +messege 7-1-04 -7-31-04",
  67253. "719641695",
  67254. "nan",
  67255. "fileno: 120147756/",
  67256. "9/22/2004",
  67257. "11871237",
  67258. "rtc / rtc",
  67259. "nan",
  67260. "nan",
  67261. "facility: arms + department: litigation\ndelivered: m. chisolm 3/23/05 / retd_to_st: 4-26-2005 hk box:",
  67262. "boston",
  67263. "1353461",
  67264. "nan",
  67265. "nan",
  67266. "nan",
  67267. "nan",
  67268. "nan",
  67269. "nan",
  67270. "nan",
  67271. "nan",
  67272. "nan",
  67273. "nan",
  67274. "nan",
  67275. "nan",
  67276. "nan",
  67277. "nan",
  67278. "nan",
  67279. "nan",
  67280. "nan",
  67281. "nan",
  67282. "nan",
  67283. "nan",
  67284. "nan",
  67285. "nan",
  67286. "nan"
  67287. ],
  67288. [
  67289. "111111",
  67290. "11111",
  67291. "stoller, robert",
  67292. "personal- pleadings in fdic case & appeal- per's trial notebook",
  67293. "719624489",
  67294. "nan",
  67295. "nan",
  67296. "9/1/1993",
  67297. "741552",
  67298. " /",
  67299. "nan",
  67300. "nan",
  67301. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: 9642012",
  67302. "boston",
  67303. "1354279",
  67304. "nan",
  67305. "nan",
  67306. "nan",
  67307. "nan",
  67308. "nan",
  67309. "nan",
  67310. "nan",
  67311. "nan",
  67312. "nan",
  67313. "nan",
  67314. "nan",
  67315. "nan",
  67316. "nan",
  67317. "nan",
  67318. "nan",
  67319. "nan",
  67320. "nan",
  67321. "nan",
  67322. "nan",
  67323. "nan",
  67324. "nan",
  67325. "nan",
  67326. "nan"
  67327. ],
  67328. [
  67329. "111111",
  67330. "11111",
  67331. "stoller, robert",
  67332. "personal -",
  67333. "719624143",
  67334. "nan",
  67335. "index: duplicate fdic exhibits/ deposition transcripts of:gregory stoller, micael buckman, susan morrison, leonard aronson, sara aronson, jacob zuber",
  67336. "9/29/1993",
  67337. "741545",
  67338. "pet / hwp",
  67339. "nan",
  67340. "nan",
  67341. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a598821",
  67342. "boston",
  67343. "1354280",
  67344. "nan",
  67345. "nan",
  67346. "nan",
  67347. "nan",
  67348. "nan",
  67349. "nan",
  67350. "nan",
  67351. "nan",
  67352. "nan",
  67353. "nan",
  67354. "nan",
  67355. "nan",
  67356. "nan",
  67357. "nan",
  67358. "nan",
  67359. "nan",
  67360. "nan",
  67361. "nan",
  67362. "nan",
  67363. "nan",
  67364. "nan",
  67365. "nan",
  67366. "nan"
  67367. ],
  67368. [
  67369. "111111",
  67370. "11111",
  67371. "stoller, robert",
  67372. "personal -",
  67373. "719624158",
  67374. "nan",
  67375. "index: fdic\"s proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, brief & order/ stoller's proposed findings of fact, conclusion of law & brief /fdic hearing transcripts: (6/3/91-6/4/91-6/5/91)/ summaries of trial transcripts - vols. 1, 2, 3 / respondent's reply brief dated 8/16/91 / fdic reply brief dated 8/16/91 / notes dated 10/30/91",
  67376. "9/29/1993",
  67377. "741556",
  67378. "pet/mjm / hwp/pet",
  67379. "nan",
  67380. "nan",
  67381. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a598823",
  67382. "boston",
  67383. "1354282",
  67384. "nan",
  67385. "nan",
  67386. "nan",
  67387. "nan",
  67388. "nan",
  67389. "nan",
  67390. "nan",
  67391. "nan",
  67392. "nan",
  67393. "nan",
  67394. "nan",
  67395. "nan",
  67396. "nan",
  67397. "nan",
  67398. "nan",
  67399. "nan",
  67400. "nan",
  67401. "nan",
  67402. "nan",
  67403. "nan",
  67404. "nan",
  67405. "nan",
  67406. "nan"
  67407. ],
  67408. [
  67409. "111111",
  67410. "11111",
  67411. "stoller, robert",
  67412. "personal -",
  67413. "719624158",
  67414. "nan",
  67415. "index: newspaper clippings / rs financial statements from divorce / rs & gs tax returns / fdic subpoenas / reporting crimes research / gregory stoller deposition",
  67416. "9/29/1993",
  67417. "741556",
  67418. "pet/mjm / hwp/pet",
  67419. "nan",
  67420. "nan",
  67421. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a598823",
  67422. "boston",
  67423. "1354283",
  67424. "nan",
  67425. "nan",
  67426. "nan",
  67427. "nan",
  67428. "nan",
  67429. "nan",
  67430. "nan",
  67431. "nan",
  67432. "nan",
  67433. "nan",
  67434. "nan",
  67435. "nan",
  67436. "nan",
  67437. "nan",
  67438. "nan",
  67439. "nan",
  67440. "nan",
  67441. "nan",
  67442. "nan",
  67443. "nan",
  67444. "nan",
  67445. "nan",
  67446. "nan"
  67447. ],
  67448. [
  67449. "111111",
  67450. "11111",
  67451. "stoller, robert",
  67452. "personal -",
  67453. "719625567",
  67454. "nan",
  67455. "index: fdic premarked exhibits",
  67456. "9/30/1993",
  67457. "741512",
  67458. " /",
  67459. "nan",
  67460. "nan",
  67461. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a598825",
  67462. "boston",
  67463. "1354284",
  67464. "nan",
  67465. "nan",
  67466. "nan",
  67467. "nan",
  67468. "nan",
  67469. "nan",
  67470. "nan",
  67471. "nan",
  67472. "nan",
  67473. "nan",
  67474. "nan",
  67475. "nan",
  67476. "nan",
  67477. "nan",
  67478. "nan",
  67479. "nan",
  67480. "nan",
  67481. "nan",
  67482. "nan",
  67483. "nan",
  67484. "nan",
  67485. "nan",
  67486. "nan"
  67487. ],
  67488. [
  67489. "111111",
  67490. "11111",
  67491. "stoller, robert",
  67492. "personel -",
  67493. "719625567",
  67494. "nan",
  67495. "index: bank records: fdic report of examination of coolidge corner co-operative bank as of (11/4/88) / appraisal report - vacant land, stanzione drive , north dighton, daniel berthelette ( trustee), william loyd's trust / coolidge corner loan files - re: 94 williams street trust, daniel berthelette, danert realty",
  67496. "9/30/1993",
  67497. "741512",
  67498. "pet / hwp",
  67499. "nan",
  67500. "nan",
  67501. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a598825",
  67502. "boston",
  67503. "1354285",
  67504. "nan",
  67505. "nan",
  67506. "nan",
  67507. "nan",
  67508. "nan",
  67509. "nan",
  67510. "nan",
  67511. "nan",
  67512. "nan",
  67513. "nan",
  67514. "nan",
  67515. "nan",
  67516. "nan",
  67517. "nan",
  67518. "nan",
  67519. "nan",
  67520. "nan",
  67521. "nan",
  67522. "nan",
  67523. "nan",
  67524. "nan",
  67525. "nan",
  67526. "nan"
  67527. ],
  67528. [
  67529. "111111",
  67530. "11111",
  67531. "stoller, robert",
  67532. "personal -",
  67533. "719624142",
  67534. "nan",
  67535. "index: plan to resolve assets classified by the fdic as substandard or doubtful on november 30, 1988 / fdic documents",
  67536. "10/13/1993",
  67537. "741553",
  67538. " /",
  67539. "nan",
  67540. "nan",
  67541. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599030",
  67542. "boston",
  67543. "1354286",
  67544. "nan",
  67545. "nan",
  67546. "nan",
  67547. "nan",
  67548. "nan",
  67549. "nan",
  67550. "nan",
  67551. "nan",
  67552. "nan",
  67553. "nan",
  67554. "nan",
  67555. "nan",
  67556. "nan",
  67557. "nan",
  67558. "nan",
  67559. "nan",
  67560. "nan",
  67561. "nan",
  67562. "nan",
  67563. "nan",
  67564. "nan",
  67565. "nan",
  67566. "nan"
  67567. ],
  67568. [
  67569. "111111",
  67570. "11111",
  67571. "stoller, robert",
  67572. "personal -",
  67573. "719624142",
  67574. "nan",
  67575. "index: industrywide prohibition research (sec.1818(c)(1)) / mjm working file / research re: fdic brief / admissibility of deposition transcript research / misc. notes,",
  67576. "10/13/1993",
  67577. "741553",
  67578. " /",
  67579. "nan",
  67580. "nan",
  67581. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599030",
  67582. "boston",
  67583. "1354287",
  67584. "nan",
  67585. "nan",
  67586. "nan",
  67587. "nan",
  67588. "nan",
  67589. "nan",
  67590. "nan",
  67591. "nan",
  67592. "nan",
  67593. "nan",
  67594. "nan",
  67595. "nan",
  67596. "nan",
  67597. "nan",
  67598. "nan",
  67599. "nan",
  67600. "nan",
  67601. "nan",
  67602. "nan",
  67603. "nan",
  67604. "nan",
  67605. "nan",
  67606. "nan"
  67607. ],
  67608. [
  67609. "111111",
  67610. "11111",
  67611. "stoller, robert",
  67612. "personal -",
  67613. "719624151",
  67614. "nan",
  67615. "index: correspondence, notes / bernhardt-stoller agreement / possible claim for rents against fdic / law / cccb v. stoller / rtc v. quality broadcasting / self-incrimination-impact on civil suits / representation conflict / rs's subpoenas & applications / bush order / tax issues / nominee trusts-legal research / mjm's fdic hearing notes (june 1991)",
  67616. "10/13/1993",
  67617. "741546",
  67618. "pet / hwp",
  67619. "nan",
  67620. "nan",
  67621. "\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box: a599031",
  67622. "boston",
  67623. "1354289",
  67624. "nan",
  67625. "nan",
  67626. "nan",
  67627. "nan",
  67628. "nan",
  67629. "nan",
  67630. "nan",
  67631. "nan",
  67632. "nan",
  67633. "nan",
  67634. "nan",
  67635. "nan",
  67636. "nan",
  67637. "nan",
  67638. "nan",
  67639. "nan",
  67640. "nan",
  67641. "nan",
  67642. "nan",
  67643. "nan",
  67644. "nan",
  67645. "nan",
  67646. "nan"
  67647. ],
  67648. [
  67649. "111111",
  67650. "11111",
  67651. "technology container corp.",
  67652. "msc. mattertcc /worldpak / interplast corp.tcc",
  67653. "719595093",
  67654. "nan",
  67655. "fileno: 124986178/",
  67656. "2/10/2006",
  67657. "12428226",
  67658. "larry harrington / larry harrington",
  67659. "nan",
  67660. "nan",
  67661. "facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67662. "boston",
  67663. "1364901",
  67664. "nan",
  67665. "nan",
  67666. "nan",
  67667. "nan",
  67668. "nan",
  67669. "nan",
  67670. "nan",
  67671. "nan",
  67672. "nan",
  67673. "nan",
  67674. "nan",
  67675. "nan",
  67676. "nan",
  67677. "nan",
  67678. "nan",
  67679. "nan",
  67680. "nan",
  67681. "nan",
  67682. "nan",
  67683. "nan",
  67684. "nan",
  67685. "nan",
  67686. "nan"
  67687. ],
  67688. [
  67689. "111111",
  67690. "11111",
  67691. "cgi management",
  67692. "re: curtco leasecorresplawnotesdocsmemo",
  67693. "719592108",
  67694. "nan",
  67695. "fileno: 125936476/",
  67696. "10/20/2006",
  67697. "12623914",
  67698. "psl / psl",
  67699. "nan",
  67700. "nan",
  67701. "comments: b.t + facility: arms + department: real estate\ndelivered: d. alicudo 6/3/08d. alicudo 4/27/07 / retd_to_st: 6/9/0810-16-2007 hk box:",
  67702. "boston",
  67703. "1370273",
  67704. "nan",
  67705. "nan",
  67706. "nan",
  67707. "nan",
  67708. "nan",
  67709. "nan",
  67710. "nan",
  67711. "nan",
  67712. "nan",
  67713. "nan",
  67714. "nan",
  67715. "nan",
  67716. "nan",
  67717. "nan",
  67718. "nan",
  67719. "nan",
  67720. "nan",
  67721. "nan",
  67722. "nan",
  67723. "nan",
  67724. "nan",
  67725. "nan",
  67726. "nan"
  67727. ],
  67728. [
  67729. "111111",
  67730. "11111",
  67731. "boston financial",
  67732. "spencer courtclosing binder",
  67733. "719633334",
  67734. "nan",
  67735. "fileno: 125935431/",
  67736. "12/1/2006",
  67737. "12623338",
  67738. "jem /",
  67739. "nan",
  67740. "nan",
  67741. "comments: b.t + facility: arms + department: syndication\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67742. "boston",
  67743. "1371069",
  67744. "nan",
  67745. "nan",
  67746. "nan",
  67747. "nan",
  67748. "nan",
  67749. "nan",
  67750. "nan",
  67751. "nan",
  67752. "nan",
  67753. "nan",
  67754. "nan",
  67755. "nan",
  67756. "nan",
  67757. "nan",
  67758. "nan",
  67759. "nan",
  67760. "nan",
  67761. "nan",
  67762. "nan",
  67763. "nan",
  67764. "nan",
  67765. "nan",
  67766. "nan"
  67767. ],
  67768. [
  67769. "111111",
  67770. "11111",
  67771. "boston financial",
  67772. "webster courtclosing binder",
  67773. "719663586",
  67774. "nan",
  67775. "fileno: 125935512/",
  67776. "12/7/2006",
  67777. "12623382",
  67778. "jem /",
  67779. "nan",
  67780. "nan",
  67781. "comments: b.t + facility: arms + department: syndication\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67782. "boston",
  67783. "1371147",
  67784. "nan",
  67785. "nan",
  67786. "nan",
  67787. "nan",
  67788. "nan",
  67789. "nan",
  67790. "nan",
  67791. "nan",
  67792. "nan",
  67793. "nan",
  67794. "nan",
  67795. "nan",
  67796. "nan",
  67797. "nan",
  67798. "nan",
  67799. "nan",
  67800. "nan",
  67801. "nan",
  67802. "nan",
  67803. "nan",
  67804. "nan",
  67805. "nan",
  67806. "nan"
  67807. ],
  67808. [
  67809. "111111",
  67810. "11111",
  67811. "boston capital",
  67812. "coffman courtclosing binder",
  67813. "719608125",
  67814. "nan",
  67815. "fileno: 127363561/",
  67816. "3/5/2007",
  67817. "12622528",
  67818. "dwc /",
  67819. "nan",
  67820. "nan",
  67821. "comments: b.t + facility: arms + department: syndication\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67822. "boston",
  67823. "1372717",
  67824. "nan",
  67825. "nan",
  67826. "nan",
  67827. "nan",
  67828. "nan",
  67829. "nan",
  67830. "nan",
  67831. "nan",
  67832. "nan",
  67833. "nan",
  67834. "nan",
  67835. "nan",
  67836. "nan",
  67837. "nan",
  67838. "nan",
  67839. "nan",
  67840. "nan",
  67841. "nan",
  67842. "nan",
  67843. "nan",
  67844. "nan",
  67845. "nan",
  67846. "nan"
  67847. ],
  67848. [
  67849. "111111",
  67850. "11111",
  67851. "boston financial",
  67852. "chatham courtclosing binder ( 2 vols)",
  67853. "719610322",
  67854. "nan",
  67855. "fileno: 127364957/",
  67856. "5/22/2007",
  67857. "12621743",
  67858. "jem /",
  67859. "nan",
  67860. "nan",
  67861. "comments: b.t + facility: arms + department: syndication\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67862. "boston",
  67863. "1374350",
  67864. "nan",
  67865. "nan",
  67866. "nan",
  67867. "nan",
  67868. "nan",
  67869. "nan",
  67870. "nan",
  67871. "nan",
  67872. "nan",
  67873. "nan",
  67874. "nan",
  67875. "nan",
  67876. "nan",
  67877. "nan",
  67878. "nan",
  67879. "nan",
  67880. "nan",
  67881. "nan",
  67882. "nan",
  67883. "nan",
  67884. "nan",
  67885. "nan",
  67886. "nan"
  67887. ],
  67888. [
  67889. "111111",
  67890. "11111",
  67891. "estate of geraldine curtis",
  67892. "irs penaltiestax formsnotes & memosfinal irs appeals decisionirs agreed reportcprrespondenceprotest letter & settlement formsestate tax returnmarital trust 1969",
  67893. "719581130",
  67894. "nan",
  67895. "fileno: 128774584/",
  67896. "7/13/2007",
  67897. "13015871",
  67898. "dss / dss",
  67899. "nan",
  67900. "nan",
  67901. "comments: m.r + facility: arms + department: private wealth services\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67902. "boston",
  67903. "1375498",
  67904. "nan",
  67905. "nan",
  67906. "nan",
  67907. "nan",
  67908. "nan",
  67909. "nan",
  67910. "nan",
  67911. "nan",
  67912. "nan",
  67913. "nan",
  67914. "nan",
  67915. "nan",
  67916. "nan",
  67917. "nan",
  67918. "nan",
  67919. "nan",
  67920. "nan",
  67921. "nan",
  67922. "nan",
  67923. "nan",
  67924. "nan",
  67925. "nan",
  67926. "nan"
  67927. ],
  67928. [
  67929. "111111",
  67930. "11111",
  67931. "capital one national asso.",
  67932. "martco limited partership-qalicb data; h&k comments; ssd comments; conflict billing; drafts, items closing docs, financing documents",
  67933. "719592287",
  67934. "nan",
  67935. "nan",
  67936. "11/13/2007",
  67937. "13080068",
  67938. "jeff gaulin / jim mcdermott",
  67939. "nan",
  67940. "nan",
  67941. "comments: np + facility: arms\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  67942. "boston",
  67943. "1377133",
  67944. "nan",
  67945. "nan",
  67946. "nan",
  67947. "nan",
  67948. "nan",
  67949. "nan",
  67950. "nan",
  67951. "nan",
  67952. "nan",
  67953. "nan",
  67954. "nan",
  67955. "nan",
  67956. "nan",
  67957. "nan",
  67958. "nan",
  67959. "nan",
  67960. "nan",
  67961. "nan",
  67962. "nan",
  67963. "nan",
  67964. "nan",
  67965. "nan",
  67966. "nan"
  67967. ],
  67968. [
  67969. "111111",
  67970. "11111",
  67971. "administration",
  67972. "whitman ransom",
  67973. "box 96-064",
  67974. "nan",
  67975. "income statements for 1993 (redwells)\nw&r files\nat&t clip/centel clip\nbanyan vines network clip\nchargeable hours clip\nchildren first clip\nw&r - christmas party clip\nexecutive committee meeting 1992 clip\nexecutive committee meeting 1991 clip\nfifteenth anniversary reception clip\npartners meetings 1993\npartners meetings 1992\nrtc-resolution trust corporation\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  67976. "3/22/1996",
  67977. "box 96-064",
  67978. "nan",
  67979. "nan",
  67980. "nan",
  67981. "storagexx: y + comments2:",
  67982. "los angeles",
  67983. "1520812",
  67984. "nan",
  67985. "nan",
  67986. "nan",
  67987. "nan",
  67988. "nan",
  67989. "nan",
  67990. "nan",
  67991. "nan",
  67992. "nan",
  67993. "nan",
  67994. "nan",
  67995. "nan",
  67996. "nan",
  67997. "nan",
  67998. "nan",
  67999. "nan",
  68000. "nan",
  68001. "nan",
  68002. "nan",
  68003. "nan",
  68004. "nan",
  68005. "nan",
  68006. "nan"
  68007. ],
  68008. [
  68009. "111111",
  68010. "11111",
  68011. "hanley, thomas f.",
  68012. "tfh files",
  68013. "box 95-175",
  68014. "nan",
  68015. "ronald b. uhles tp-91838-05 (billing file)\nmansour yamin tp-97900-05 (billing sale of 815 court circle)\nzelman development co., tp-98570-05 billing file\narbitration-forms, misc.\nelizabeth lamason v. douglas young (la county bar arbitratio\narbitration morguellan v.vincent davitt,esq.\ngoodman v. wachtell, et al. 1991 dispute lacba committee\nkenneth wong v. hardy thomas\nlacba \"dispute resolution services arbitration of fee dipute\nlacba-dispute resolution services & marie winer v. holmes\ncase no.p-113-94-m\nrtc outside counsel handbook\n3 unlabled redwells referring to mortgage loans stewart titl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68016. "nan",
  68017. "box 95-175",
  68018. "thomas f. hanley iii",
  68019. "nan",
  68020. "nan",
  68021. "storagexx: y + comments2:",
  68022. "los angeles",
  68023. "1521222",
  68024. "nan",
  68025. "nan",
  68026. "nan",
  68027. "nan",
  68028. "nan",
  68029. "nan",
  68030. "nan",
  68031. "nan",
  68032. "nan",
  68033. "nan",
  68034. "nan",
  68035. "nan",
  68036. "nan",
  68037. "nan",
  68038. "nan",
  68039. "nan",
  68040. "nan",
  68041. "nan",
  68042. "nan",
  68043. "nan",
  68044. "nan",
  68045. "nan",
  68046. "nan"
  68047. ],
  68048. [
  68049. "111111",
  68050. "11111",
  68051. "hanley, thomas f.",
  68052. "tfh files",
  68053. "box 95-171",
  68054. "nan",
  68055. "rtc/pin2 printouts extra ib-77320-05\nldid #920065547 cimarron apts.\nldid #920065615 farmstead apts.\nrtc/panorama-certificate by proposed purchaser\nrtc-legal services agmt.\nrtc california land auction\nldid #920065625 highlands apts. ii\nrtc-clasi initiative\n\"bid proposals\"\nldid #920058470 lewis partners\nldid #930024840 panaroma mall (prop. initiative ii prop. #8)\nldid #920065625 promontory apts. ii\nldid #920065630 tamarack apts.\nldid #920065632 tiburon apts.\nrtc lewis partner billing (tfh) ib-77320-10\nblank budget worksheet form\nblank lif&e forms\nblank budget form\nlegal documents retainer\namended budget worksheet\nlegal services agmt.\namended budget forms\ndonna billing (tfh)\ndonna billing (tfh)\nopen new file-forms\nnew client matter-opened tfh\nmerger letters -tfh\nphone list tfh\nproperty initiative (black binder)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68056. "nan",
  68057. "box 95-171",
  68058. "thomas f. hanley iii",
  68059. "nan",
  68060. "nan",
  68061. "storagexx: y + comments2:",
  68062. "los angeles",
  68063. "1521231",
  68064. "nan",
  68065. "nan",
  68066. "nan",
  68067. "nan",
  68068. "nan",
  68069. "nan",
  68070. "nan",
  68071. "nan",
  68072. "nan",
  68073. "nan",
  68074. "nan",
  68075. "nan",
  68076. "nan",
  68077. "nan",
  68078. "nan",
  68079. "nan",
  68080. "nan",
  68081. "nan",
  68082. "nan",
  68083. "nan",
  68084. "nan",
  68085. "nan",
  68086. "nan"
  68087. ],
  68088. [
  68089. "111111",
  68090. "11111",
  68091. "miscellaneous",
  68092. "nan",
  68093. "box 94-520",
  68094. "nan",
  68095. "correspondence\ndrafts\nworking papers\nbrochures\ncameron management services group\ndouglas symes and brissenden\nweiss, jensen , ellis and battery\ncook snowdon, washington update\nnotary file\ncalifornia business law reporter\ntime records handout\nrtc grant deed\nenvironmental certification\ndeclarations of ccrr's\ntransfer tax information\ncase tracking reports\ncorporate information\nconsultants file\nmarket information cpi information\nreal estate meeting file\ndisability folder\nca injury prevention program\nenvironmental due diligence\nenvironmental due diligence\nwand r. lawyer\ncannam reception airline information\nmunicipal bonds letter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68096. "nan",
  68097. "box 94-520",
  68098. "nan",
  68099. "nan",
  68100. "nan",
  68101. "storagexx: y + comments: canada- u.s. affiliation + comments2:",
  68102. "los angeles",
  68103. "1521795",
  68104. "nan",
  68105. "nan",
  68106. "nan",
  68107. "nan",
  68108. "nan",
  68109. "nan",
  68110. "nan",
  68111. "nan",
  68112. "nan",
  68113. "nan",
  68114. "nan",
  68115. "nan",
  68116. "nan",
  68117. "nan",
  68118. "nan",
  68119. "nan",
  68120. "nan",
  68121. "nan",
  68122. "nan",
  68123. "nan",
  68124. "nan",
  68125. "nan",
  68126. "nan"
  68127. ],
  68128. [
  68129. "111111",
  68130. "11111",
  68131. "miscellaneous",
  68132. "nan",
  68133. "box 94-362",
  68134. "nan",
  68135. "finder's fees and comm.\nforeign corruption practices act of 1977\nforeign banks in u.s.\nfranchises\nfraud\nfslic\nguarantees\nholding companies\nhousing community dev. act of 1987\nimmigration\nindemnity\nindividual retirement account\ninsurance premium financing\ninterest equalization tax act\ninternational\nanti dumping act\ninternational banking facilities\ndisc domestic international sales corp.\nedge act\nexport administration act\nexport-import bank of the u.s.a.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68136. "nan",
  68137. "box 94-362",
  68138. "nan",
  68139. "nan",
  68140. "nan",
  68141. "storagexx: y + comments: miscellaneous files + comments2:",
  68142. "los angeles",
  68143. "1521798",
  68144. "nan",
  68145. "nan",
  68146. "nan",
  68147. "nan",
  68148. "nan",
  68149. "nan",
  68150. "nan",
  68151. "nan",
  68152. "nan",
  68153. "nan",
  68154. "nan",
  68155. "nan",
  68156. "nan",
  68157. "nan",
  68158. "nan",
  68159. "nan",
  68160. "nan",
  68161. "nan",
  68162. "nan",
  68163. "nan",
  68164. "nan",
  68165. "nan",
  68166. "nan"
  68167. ],
  68168. [
  68169. "111111",
  68170. "11111",
  68171. "rothschild, shelly",
  68172. "nan",
  68173. "box 97-314",
  68174. "nan",
  68175. "pacific mutual/rtc pleadings vol. 1\nresumes 1993&1994 file 1 of 2 2 of 2 correspondence 92-93\n1991 expense reports\n1991 travel expenses\n1992-1993 check request\n1993 expense reports\n1993 travel expenses\n1992 travel expenses\n1992 expense reports\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68176. "8/21/1997",
  68177. "box 97-314",
  68178. "shelly rothschild",
  68179. "nan",
  68180. "nan",
  68181. "storagexx: y + comments2: + destroy_date: august 1998",
  68182. "los angeles",
  68183. "1522062",
  68184. "nan",
  68185. "nan",
  68186. "nan",
  68187. "nan",
  68188. "nan",
  68189. "nan",
  68190. "nan",
  68191. "nan",
  68192. "nan",
  68193. "nan",
  68194. "nan",
  68195. "nan",
  68196. "nan",
  68197. "nan",
  68198. "nan",
  68199. "nan",
  68200. "nan",
  68201. "nan",
  68202. "nan",
  68203. "nan",
  68204. "nan",
  68205. "nan",
  68206. "nan"
  68207. ],
  68208. [
  68209. "111111",
  68210. "11111",
  68211. "shipow, mark s.",
  68212. "billing files and personal files",
  68213. "box 96-318",
  68214. "nan",
  68215. "san diego aamco files sm-80855-02\nnorcal (remaining docs) sm-80896-01(temp file)\nfdic (west coast vs. nordberg) sm-26618-21\ntrial notes\nmotions to dismiss\nprimary pleadings\nstatus reports\nmiscellaneous\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68216. "11/5/1996",
  68217. "box 96-318",
  68218. "mark s. shipow",
  68219. "nan",
  68220. "nan",
  68221. "storagexx: y + comments2:",
  68222. "los angeles",
  68223. "1522144",
  68224. "nan",
  68225. "nan",
  68226. "nan",
  68227. "nan",
  68228. "nan",
  68229. "nan",
  68230. "nan",
  68231. "nan",
  68232. "nan",
  68233. "nan",
  68234. "nan",
  68235. "nan",
  68236. "nan",
  68237. "nan",
  68238. "nan",
  68239. "nan",
  68240. "nan",
  68241. "nan",
  68242. "nan",
  68243. "nan",
  68244. "nan",
  68245. "nan",
  68246. "nan"
  68247. ],
  68248. [
  68249. "111111",
  68250. "11111",
  68251. "shipow, mark s.",
  68252. "billing files",
  68253. "box 97-464",
  68254. "nan",
  68255. "fdic- nulph/nordberg sm-26618-21\nfslic - 1991,1993,1994 sm-26637-10\nfdic - 1992,1993,1994 jd-77318-10\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68256. "10/13/1997",
  68257. "box 97-464",
  68258. "mark s. shipow",
  68259. "nan",
  68260. "nan",
  68261. "storagexx: y + comments: is now a kaw box",
  68262. "los angeles",
  68263. "1522146",
  68264. "nan",
  68265. "nan",
  68266. "nan",
  68267. "nan",
  68268. "nan",
  68269. "nan",
  68270. "nan",
  68271. "nan",
  68272. "nan",
  68273. "nan",
  68274. "nan",
  68275. "nan",
  68276. "nan",
  68277. "nan",
  68278. "nan",
  68279. "nan",
  68280. "nan",
  68281. "nan",
  68282. "nan",
  68283. "nan",
  68284. "nan",
  68285. "nan",
  68286. "nan"
  68287. ],
  68288. [
  68289. "111111",
  68290. "11111",
  68291. "shipow, mark s.",
  68292. "billing files",
  68293. "618695127",
  68294. "nan",
  68295. "fdic/sullivan sm-25518-22 ( old storge box no. 97-511 )\nfdic/nulph sm-26618-21 1989\nfdic/pierce, west coast sm-26618-20 1987-1992\nfslic/fidelity bond sv-26550-10\nfdic/southport jd-77318/10 1993-1994\nfdic/coast federal ia-26516-12 1993\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68296. "1/7/1997",
  68297. "box 97-511",
  68298. "mark s. shipow",
  68299. "off-site",
  68300. "nan",
  68301. "storagexx: y + comments2:",
  68302. "los angeles",
  68303. "1522149",
  68304. "nan",
  68305. "nan",
  68306. "nan",
  68307. "nan",
  68308. "nan",
  68309. "nan",
  68310. "nan",
  68311. "nan",
  68312. "nan",
  68313. "nan",
  68314. "nan",
  68315. "nan",
  68316. "nan",
  68317. "nan",
  68318. "nan",
  68319. "nan",
  68320. "nan",
  68321. "nan",
  68322. "nan",
  68323. "nan",
  68324. "nan",
  68325. "nan",
  68326. "nan"
  68327. ],
  68328. [
  68329. "111111",
  68330. "11111",
  68331. "welch, harriett m.",
  68332. "working file",
  68333. "box 99-170",
  68334. "nan",
  68335. "coalinga title matters\nrtc-facility lease\noriginal brackline\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68336. "3/14/1997",
  68337. "box 99-170",
  68338. "harriett m. welch",
  68339. "nan",
  68340. "nan",
  68341. "storagexx: y",
  68342. "los angeles",
  68343. "1522274",
  68344. "nan",
  68345. "nan",
  68346. "nan",
  68347. "nan",
  68348. "nan",
  68349. "nan",
  68350. "nan",
  68351. "nan",
  68352. "nan",
  68353. "nan",
  68354. "nan",
  68355. "nan",
  68356. "nan",
  68357. "nan",
  68358. "nan",
  68359. "nan",
  68360. "nan",
  68361. "nan",
  68362. "nan",
  68363. "nan",
  68364. "nan",
  68365. "nan",
  68366. "nan"
  68367. ],
  68368. [
  68369. "111111",
  68370. "11111",
  68371. "chartham management, inc.",
  68372. "b. brown, r. armas, d. motter bnkrtcy",
  68373. "box 96-032",
  68374. "nan",
  68375. "correspondence vol. 1-2\nmemoranda\nextra copies\nworking papers\nmemoranda of law\ndocument clip\ncourt clip vol. 1-3\nrequest for production\ndiscovery\nresearch\nbankruptcy letters (1 redwell)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68376. "3/21/1996",
  68377. "box 96-032",
  68378. "maita d. prout",
  68379. "nan",
  68380. "nan",
  68381. "prefix: sa + clientx: 14684-10 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  68382. "los angeles",
  68383. "1523662",
  68384. "nan",
  68385. "nan",
  68386. "nan",
  68387. "nan",
  68388. "nan",
  68389. "nan",
  68390. "nan",
  68391. "nan",
  68392. "nan",
  68393. "nan",
  68394. "nan",
  68395. "nan",
  68396. "nan",
  68397. "nan",
  68398. "nan",
  68399. "nan",
  68400. "nan",
  68401. "nan",
  68402. "nan",
  68403. "nan",
  68404. "nan",
  68405. "nan",
  68406. "nan"
  68407. ],
  68408. [
  68409. "111111",
  68410. "11111",
  68411. "city of folsom",
  68412. "rtc litigation",
  68413. "active file",
  68414. "nan",
  68415. "correspondence volumes 1-4\ndrafts\nmemoranda\nextra copies\nworking papers\nmemoranda of law\ndocument clip\nrequest for production\ndiscovery\nresearch\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68416. "nan",
  68417. "nan",
  68418. "rodney j. blonien",
  68419. "lax 22nd floor",
  68420. "nan",
  68421. "prefix: sw + clientx: 15989-10a + storagexx: n + comments2:",
  68422. "los angeles",
  68423. "1523753",
  68424. "nan",
  68425. "nan",
  68426. "nan",
  68427. "nan",
  68428. "nan",
  68429. "nan",
  68430. "nan",
  68431. "nan",
  68432. "nan",
  68433. "nan",
  68434. "nan",
  68435. "nan",
  68436. "nan",
  68437. "nan",
  68438. "nan",
  68439. "nan",
  68440. "nan",
  68441. "nan",
  68442. "nan",
  68443. "nan",
  68444. "nan",
  68445. "nan",
  68446. "nan"
  68447. ],
  68448. [
  68449. "111111",
  68450. "11111",
  68451. "city of folsom",
  68452. "rtc litigation",
  68453. "box 98-176, 90-027",
  68454. "nan",
  68455. "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68456. "nan",
  68457. "box 98-176, 90-027",
  68458. "rodney j. blonien",
  68459. "nan",
  68460. "nan",
  68461. "prefix: sw + clientx: 15989-10a + storagexx: y",
  68462. "los angeles",
  68463. "1523754",
  68464. "nan",
  68465. "nan",
  68466. "nan",
  68467. "nan",
  68468. "nan",
  68469. "nan",
  68470. "nan",
  68471. "nan",
  68472. "nan",
  68473. "nan",
  68474. "nan",
  68475. "nan",
  68476. "nan",
  68477. "nan",
  68478. "nan",
  68479. "nan",
  68480. "nan",
  68481. "nan",
  68482. "nan",
  68483. "nan",
  68484. "nan",
  68485. "nan",
  68486. "nan"
  68487. ],
  68488. [
  68489. "111111",
  68490. "11111",
  68491. "city of folsom",
  68492. "folsom municipal services complex",
  68493. "box 94-377",
  68494. "nan",
  68495. "folsom misc. bond sizing\nlease trust agreement\nmiscellaneous documents city of folsom\nrtc documents\nstate contract\ntrust agreement\ndelano info\nresolution\ncity of delano bond\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68496. "nan",
  68497. "box 94-377",
  68498. "rodney j. blonien",
  68499. "nan",
  68500. "nan",
  68501. "prefix: sw + clientx: 15989-15 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  68502. "los angeles",
  68503. "1523760",
  68504. "nan",
  68505. "nan",
  68506. "nan",
  68507. "nan",
  68508. "nan",
  68509. "nan",
  68510. "nan",
  68511. "nan",
  68512. "nan",
  68513. "nan",
  68514. "nan",
  68515. "nan",
  68516. "nan",
  68517. "nan",
  68518. "nan",
  68519. "nan",
  68520. "nan",
  68521. "nan",
  68522. "nan",
  68523. "nan",
  68524. "nan",
  68525. "nan",
  68526. "nan"
  68527. ],
  68528. [
  68529. "111111",
  68530. "11111",
  68531. "city of delano",
  68532. "temporary file",
  68533. "box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177",
  68534. "nan",
  68535. "box 89-177 the following documents were removed by\nmark s. shipow and sent to mr. dockery\nstate amendments\nopiniion & certificates\ndelano-final state contract\nw&r-bill letters\nrtc facility cost control report\nresolution re punch k.\nrtc deposit agreement\nw&r supplemental opinion\ndepartment of corrections opinion\ndelano purchase contract\nw&r legal opinion\ndelano-final state k\nmeetings tax issues\nnotes rtc state k\nrtc tax documents\nrebate calculation agreement\ndelano pds\ninvestment agreement delano\ndelano schedules 10/4/87\nstate contract note & changes loose documents\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68536. "nan",
  68537. "box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177",
  68538. "rodney j. blonien",
  68539. "nan",
  68540. "nan",
  68541. "prefix: sw + clientx: 15998-00 + storagexx: y + comments: box 89-171 documents were removed and + comments2: sent to m. dockery per mark s. shipow",
  68542. "los angeles",
  68543. "1523782",
  68544. "nan",
  68545. "nan",
  68546. "nan",
  68547. "nan",
  68548. "nan",
  68549. "nan",
  68550. "nan",
  68551. "nan",
  68552. "nan",
  68553. "nan",
  68554. "nan",
  68555. "nan",
  68556. "nan",
  68557. "nan",
  68558. "nan",
  68559. "nan",
  68560. "nan",
  68561. "nan",
  68562. "nan",
  68563. "nan",
  68564. "nan",
  68565. "nan",
  68566. "nan"
  68567. ],
  68568. [
  68569. "111111",
  68570. "11111",
  68571. "eastbrook, inc.",
  68572. "artcuro co. arti-decor",
  68573. "active file",
  68574. "nan",
  68575. "correspondence\ndrafts\nworking papers\ndocument clip\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68576. "nan",
  68577. "nan",
  68578. "maita d. prout",
  68579. "lax 22nd floor",
  68580. "nan",
  68581. "prefix: sa + clientx: 24033-01a + storagexx: n",
  68582. "los angeles",
  68583. "1524345",
  68584. "nan",
  68585. "nan",
  68586. "nan",
  68587. "nan",
  68588. "nan",
  68589. "nan",
  68590. "nan",
  68591. "nan",
  68592. "nan",
  68593. "nan",
  68594. "nan",
  68595. "nan",
  68596. "nan",
  68597. "nan",
  68598. "nan",
  68599. "nan",
  68600. "nan",
  68601. "nan",
  68602. "nan",
  68603. "nan",
  68604. "nan",
  68605. "nan",
  68606. "nan"
  68607. ],
  68608. [
  68609. "111111",
  68610. "11111",
  68611. "eastbrook, inc.",
  68612. "artcuro co. arti-decor",
  68613. "box 95-194",
  68614. "nan",
  68615. "correspondence\ndrafts\ndocument clip\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68616. "7/10/1995",
  68617. "box 95-194",
  68618. "nan",
  68619. "nan",
  68620. "nan",
  68621. "prefix: sa + clientx: 24033-01a + storagexx: y",
  68622. "los angeles",
  68623. "1524346",
  68624. "nan",
  68625. "nan",
  68626. "nan",
  68627. "nan",
  68628. "nan",
  68629. "nan",
  68630. "nan",
  68631. "nan",
  68632. "nan",
  68633. "nan",
  68634. "nan",
  68635. "nan",
  68636. "nan",
  68637. "nan",
  68638. "nan",
  68639. "nan",
  68640. "nan",
  68641. "nan",
  68642. "nan",
  68643. "nan",
  68644. "nan",
  68645. "nan",
  68646. "nan"
  68647. ],
  68648. [
  68649. "111111",
  68650. "11111",
  68651. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68652. "general corporate",
  68653. "box 88-433, 88-434",
  68654. "nan",
  68655. "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68656. "nan",
  68657. "box 88-433, 88-434",
  68658. "michael j. maloney",
  68659. "nan",
  68660. "nan",
  68661. "prefix: sd + clientx: 26604-01 + storagexx: y",
  68662. "los angeles",
  68663. "1524895",
  68664. "nan",
  68665. "nan",
  68666. "nan",
  68667. "nan",
  68668. "nan",
  68669. "nan",
  68670. "nan",
  68671. "nan",
  68672. "nan",
  68673. "nan",
  68674. "nan",
  68675. "nan",
  68676. "nan",
  68677. "nan",
  68678. "nan",
  68679. "nan",
  68680. "nan",
  68681. "nan",
  68682. "nan",
  68683. "nan",
  68684. "nan",
  68685. "nan",
  68686. "nan"
  68687. ],
  68688. [
  68689. "111111",
  68690. "11111",
  68691. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68692. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68693. "box 93-150",
  68694. "nan",
  68695. "summary judgement\npleadings\nfirst appeal pleadings\nmiscellaneous research\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68696. "nan",
  68697. "box 93-150",
  68698. "mark s. shipow",
  68699. "nan",
  68700. "nan",
  68701. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y",
  68702. "los angeles",
  68703. "1524896",
  68704. "nan",
  68705. "nan",
  68706. "nan",
  68707. "nan",
  68708. "nan",
  68709. "nan",
  68710. "nan",
  68711. "nan",
  68712. "nan",
  68713. "nan",
  68714. "nan",
  68715. "nan",
  68716. "nan",
  68717. "nan",
  68718. "nan",
  68719. "nan",
  68720. "nan",
  68721. "nan",
  68722. "nan",
  68723. "nan",
  68724. "nan",
  68725. "nan",
  68726. "nan"
  68727. ],
  68728. [
  68729. "111111",
  68730. "11111",
  68731. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68732. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68733. "box 93-156",
  68734. "nan",
  68735. "biling from m.j. maloney\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68736. "nan",
  68737. "box 93-156",
  68738. "mark s. shipow",
  68739. "nan",
  68740. "nan",
  68741. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y",
  68742. "los angeles",
  68743. "1524897",
  68744. "nan",
  68745. "nan",
  68746. "nan",
  68747. "nan",
  68748. "nan",
  68749. "nan",
  68750. "nan",
  68751. "nan",
  68752. "nan",
  68753. "nan",
  68754. "nan",
  68755. "nan",
  68756. "nan",
  68757. "nan",
  68758. "nan",
  68759. "nan",
  68760. "nan",
  68761. "nan",
  68762. "nan",
  68763. "nan",
  68764. "nan",
  68765. "nan",
  68766. "nan"
  68767. ],
  68768. [
  68769. "111111",
  68770. "11111",
  68771. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68772. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68773. "box 93-157",
  68774. "nan",
  68775. "longo bankruptcy files\npre whitman & ransom pleadings\nwicklas litigation file\npre whitman & ransom correspondence\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68776. "nan",
  68777. "box 93-157",
  68778. "mark s. shipow",
  68779. "nan",
  68780. "nan",
  68781. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y",
  68782. "los angeles",
  68783. "1524898",
  68784. "nan",
  68785. "nan",
  68786. "nan",
  68787. "nan",
  68788. "nan",
  68789. "nan",
  68790. "nan",
  68791. "nan",
  68792. "nan",
  68793. "nan",
  68794. "nan",
  68795. "nan",
  68796. "nan",
  68797. "nan",
  68798. "nan",
  68799. "nan",
  68800. "nan",
  68801. "nan",
  68802. "nan",
  68803. "nan",
  68804. "nan",
  68805. "nan",
  68806. "nan"
  68807. ],
  68808. [
  68809. "111111",
  68810. "11111",
  68811. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68812. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68813. "box 93-158",
  68814. "nan",
  68815. "nordberg depositions and transcripts\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68816. "nan",
  68817. "box 93-158",
  68818. "mark s. shipow",
  68819. "nan",
  68820. "nan",
  68821. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y",
  68822. "los angeles",
  68823. "1524899",
  68824. "nan",
  68825. "nan",
  68826. "nan",
  68827. "nan",
  68828. "nan",
  68829. "nan",
  68830. "nan",
  68831. "nan",
  68832. "nan",
  68833. "nan",
  68834. "nan",
  68835. "nan",
  68836. "nan",
  68837. "nan",
  68838. "nan",
  68839. "nan",
  68840. "nan",
  68841. "nan",
  68842. "nan",
  68843. "nan",
  68844. "nan",
  68845. "nan",
  68846. "nan"
  68847. ],
  68848. [
  68849. "111111",
  68850. "11111",
  68851. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68852. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68853. "box 93-159",
  68854. "nan",
  68855. "documents\ntrial pleadings working copies\nlongo loan file\nmiscellaneous document files\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68856. "nan",
  68857. "box 93-159",
  68858. "mark s. shipow",
  68859. "nan",
  68860. "nan",
  68861. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y",
  68862. "los angeles",
  68863. "1524900",
  68864. "nan",
  68865. "nan",
  68866. "nan",
  68867. "nan",
  68868. "nan",
  68869. "nan",
  68870. "nan",
  68871. "nan",
  68872. "nan",
  68873. "nan",
  68874. "nan",
  68875. "nan",
  68876. "nan",
  68877. "nan",
  68878. "nan",
  68879. "nan",
  68880. "nan",
  68881. "nan",
  68882. "nan",
  68883. "nan",
  68884. "nan",
  68885. "nan",
  68886. "nan"
  68887. ],
  68888. [
  68889. "111111",
  68890. "11111",
  68891. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68892. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68893. "box 93-161",
  68894. "nan",
  68895. "depositions\nwitness files\ntrial exhibits\ntrial research\nappraisals\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68896. "nan",
  68897. "box 93-161",
  68898. "mark s. shipow",
  68899. "nan",
  68900. "nan",
  68901. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  68902. "los angeles",
  68903. "1524901",
  68904. "nan",
  68905. "nan",
  68906. "nan",
  68907. "nan",
  68908. "nan",
  68909. "nan",
  68910. "nan",
  68911. "nan",
  68912. "nan",
  68913. "nan",
  68914. "nan",
  68915. "nan",
  68916. "nan",
  68917. "nan",
  68918. "nan",
  68919. "nan",
  68920. "nan",
  68921. "nan",
  68922. "nan",
  68923. "nan",
  68924. "nan",
  68925. "nan",
  68926. "nan"
  68927. ],
  68928. [
  68929. "111111",
  68930. "11111",
  68931. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68932. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68933. "box 96-317",
  68934. "nan",
  68935. "court clip vol. 1-8\ncorrespondence vol. 1-2\nmiscellaneous\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68936. "11/5/1996",
  68937. "box 96-317",
  68938. "mark s. shipow",
  68939. "nan",
  68940. "nan",
  68941. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y",
  68942. "los angeles",
  68943. "1524902",
  68944. "nan",
  68945. "nan",
  68946. "nan",
  68947. "nan",
  68948. "nan",
  68949. "nan",
  68950. "nan",
  68951. "nan",
  68952. "nan",
  68953. "nan",
  68954. "nan",
  68955. "nan",
  68956. "nan",
  68957. "nan",
  68958. "nan",
  68959. "nan",
  68960. "nan",
  68961. "nan",
  68962. "nan",
  68963. "nan",
  68964. "nan",
  68965. "nan",
  68966. "nan"
  68967. ],
  68968. [
  68969. "111111",
  68970. "11111",
  68971. "federal deposit insurance company",
  68972. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  68973. "box 94-242",
  68974. "nan",
  68975. "united states vs. john molinero 7/24/89-8/17/89\nfederal savings and loan vs. john molinero 7/1/87\nfederal deposit insurance vs. kmpg peat marwick\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  68976. "nan",
  68977. "box 94-242",
  68978. "mark s. shipow",
  68979. "nan",
  68980. "nan",
  68981. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y",
  68982. "los angeles",
  68983. "1524903",
  68984. "nan",
  68985. "nan",
  68986. "nan",
  68987. "nan",
  68988. "nan",
  68989. "nan",
  68990. "nan",
  68991. "nan",
  68992. "nan",
  68993. "nan",
  68994. "nan",
  68995. "nan",
  68996. "nan",
  68997. "nan",
  68998. "nan",
  68999. "nan",
  69000. "nan",
  69001. "nan",
  69002. "nan",
  69003. "nan",
  69004. "nan",
  69005. "nan",
  69006. "nan"
  69007. ],
  69008. [
  69009. "111111",
  69010. "11111",
  69011. "federal deposit insurance company",
  69012. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  69013. "box 94-267",
  69014. "nan",
  69015. "deposition of norm b. marks volumes 1 & 2\nfdic-ramona off site inventory june 9, 1991\nreporters transcripts l.a. calif:\nfriday sept, 15, 1989\nthursday august 24, 1989\nwednesday august 31, 1988\nfriday june 17, 1988\nwednesday september 7, 1988\nwednesday august 23, 1989\nwednesday august 16, 1989\nfriday august 25, 1989\nwednesday august 31, 1988\nwednesday april 28, 1993\nthursday september 15, 1988\nfriday september 2, 1988\nwednesday may 11, 1988\nfriday june 17, 1988\nthursday september 8, 1988\nwednesday september 6, 1989\nwednesday august 30, 1989\ntuesday august 29, 1989\nwednesday august 6, 1989\nthursday august 24, 1989\nthursday august 24, 1989\njudge debtor exam. of patricia mangano november 22, 1988\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69016. "nan",
  69017. "box 94-267",
  69018. "mark s. shipow",
  69019. "nan",
  69020. "nan",
  69021. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  69022. "los angeles",
  69023. "1524904",
  69024. "nan",
  69025. "nan",
  69026. "nan",
  69027. "nan",
  69028. "nan",
  69029. "nan",
  69030. "nan",
  69031. "nan",
  69032. "nan",
  69033. "nan",
  69034. "nan",
  69035. "nan",
  69036. "nan",
  69037. "nan",
  69038. "nan",
  69039. "nan",
  69040. "nan",
  69041. "nan",
  69042. "nan",
  69043. "nan",
  69044. "nan",
  69045. "nan",
  69046. "nan"
  69047. ],
  69048. [
  69049. "111111",
  69050. "11111",
  69051. "federal deposit insurance company",
  69052. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  69053. "box 96-318",
  69054. "nan",
  69055. "trial notes\nmotions to dismiss\nprimary pleadings\nstatus reports\nmiscellaneous pleadings notes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69056. "7/16/1998",
  69057. "box 96-318",
  69058. "mark s. shipow",
  69059. "nan",
  69060. "nan",
  69061. "prefix: sm + clientx: 26618-21 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  69062. "los angeles",
  69063. "1524905",
  69064. "nan",
  69065. "nan",
  69066. "nan",
  69067. "nan",
  69068. "nan",
  69069. "nan",
  69070. "nan",
  69071. "nan",
  69072. "nan",
  69073. "nan",
  69074. "nan",
  69075. "nan",
  69076. "nan",
  69077. "nan",
  69078. "nan",
  69079. "nan",
  69080. "nan",
  69081. "nan",
  69082. "nan",
  69083. "nan",
  69084. "nan",
  69085. "nan",
  69086. "nan"
  69087. ],
  69088. [
  69089. "111111",
  69090. "11111",
  69091. "harris berne christensen llp",
  69092. "in re camera platforms int'l, inc. (invol. bkrtcy)",
  69093. "459072605",
  69094. "nan",
  69095. "court clip vols. 1-3\nextra copies \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69096. "05/16/2011",
  69097. "nan",
  69098. "maita d. prout",
  69099. "off-site",
  69100. "nan",
  69101. "date-open: 10/4/1999 + clientx: 36350-01a + storagexx: n + comments2:",
  69102. "los angeles",
  69103. "1525745",
  69104. "nan",
  69105. "nan",
  69106. "nan",
  69107. "nan",
  69108. "nan",
  69109. "nan",
  69110. "nan",
  69111. "nan",
  69112. "nan",
  69113. "nan",
  69114. "nan",
  69115. "nan",
  69116. "nan",
  69117. "nan",
  69118. "nan",
  69119. "nan",
  69120. "nan",
  69121. "nan",
  69122. "nan",
  69123. "nan",
  69124. "nan",
  69125. "nan",
  69126. "nan"
  69127. ],
  69128. [
  69129. "111111",
  69130. "11111",
  69131. "macdonald, goggin & field",
  69132. "acquisition of thrift/loan fdic appl.",
  69133. "box 90-194, 96-089",
  69134. "nan",
  69135. "correspondence\ndrafts\nmemoranda\nworking papers\ndocument clip vol. 1-2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69136. "nan",
  69137. "box 90-194, 96-089",
  69138. "jan m. akre",
  69139. "nan",
  69140. "nan",
  69141. "prefix: sv + clientx: 63623-05a + storagexx: y + comments: previously box no. 90-194a + comments2:",
  69142. "los angeles",
  69143. "1527576",
  69144. "nan",
  69145. "nan",
  69146. "nan",
  69147. "nan",
  69148. "nan",
  69149. "nan",
  69150. "nan",
  69151. "nan",
  69152. "nan",
  69153. "nan",
  69154. "nan",
  69155. "nan",
  69156. "nan",
  69157. "nan",
  69158. "nan",
  69159. "nan",
  69160. "nan",
  69161. "nan",
  69162. "nan",
  69163. "nan",
  69164. "nan",
  69165. "nan",
  69166. "nan"
  69167. ],
  69168. [
  69169. "111111",
  69170. "11111",
  69171. "resolution trust corporation",
  69172. "property initiative number 2",
  69173. "box 95-001 box 9 5-002 box 9 5-003 box 9 5-003 box 95-004",
  69174. "nan",
  69175. "correspondence vol. 8\ntitle matters\ndocument clip vol.4\nblue prints\nblack binder/purchase agreements for tuscon properties\nrtc form documents\nrtc brochures\nresearch\nmemorandum of law\narizona loan documents\nrtc proposition initiative #2 title summary reports\ndrafts vol. 4\nextra copies\nrtc outside counsel desk book\ncalifornia-arizona property sealed bid offering 2\nfinancing documents\nworking papers\nmemoranda\nbid package review\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69176. "nan",
  69177. "nan",
  69178. "thomas hanley",
  69179. "nan",
  69180. "nan",
  69181. "prefix: ib + clientx: 77320-05 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  69182. "los angeles",
  69183. "1529041",
  69184. "nan",
  69185. "nan",
  69186. "nan",
  69187. "nan",
  69188. "nan",
  69189. "nan",
  69190. "nan",
  69191. "nan",
  69192. "nan",
  69193. "nan",
  69194. "nan",
  69195. "nan",
  69196. "nan",
  69197. "nan",
  69198. "nan",
  69199. "nan",
  69200. "nan",
  69201. "nan",
  69202. "nan",
  69203. "nan",
  69204. "nan",
  69205. "nan",
  69206. "nan"
  69207. ],
  69208. [
  69209. "111111",
  69210. "11111",
  69211. "resolution trust corporation",
  69212. "tamarack apartments",
  69213. "box 94-237",
  69214. "nan",
  69215. "title matters 1 & 2\ntitle matters for ib 77820\nrtc cimarron apartments\ntitle matters ib 7732005b\npromontory apartments\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69216. "nan",
  69217. "box 94-237",
  69218. "institution account l.a.",
  69219. "nan",
  69220. "nan",
  69221. "prefix: ib + clientx: 77320-05a + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  69222. "los angeles",
  69223. "1529046",
  69224. "nan",
  69225. "nan",
  69226. "nan",
  69227. "nan",
  69228. "nan",
  69229. "nan",
  69230. "nan",
  69231. "nan",
  69232. "nan",
  69233. "nan",
  69234. "nan",
  69235. "nan",
  69236. "nan",
  69237. "nan",
  69238. "nan",
  69239. "nan",
  69240. "nan",
  69241. "nan",
  69242. "nan",
  69243. "nan",
  69244. "nan",
  69245. "nan",
  69246. "nan"
  69247. ],
  69248. [
  69249. "111111",
  69250. "11111",
  69251. "resolution trust corporation",
  69252. "lewis partner pre-litigation",
  69253. "box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014",
  69254. "nan",
  69255. "jeanne rowzee working papers\nmemoranda of law\ndocument clip\nworking papers\nmemoranda\nresearch\ndrafts\ncorrespondence\ncal/arizona property sealed bid offering ii\ndocuments produced by daryl rocke\nlegal research volumes 1 & 2\npcw notes of witness interviews\nchronology\ndocuments received from client 2 redwelds\ndocuments received from rtc\nnova report (rtc/lewis) 2 redwelds\nmemorandum from whitman & ransom to rtc (2 copies)\nexhibits to memorandum from whitman & ransom\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69256. "nan",
  69257. "box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014",
  69258. "institution account l.a.",
  69259. "nan",
  69260. "nan",
  69261. "prefix: ib + clientx: 77320-10 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  69262. "los angeles",
  69263. "1529077",
  69264. "nan",
  69265. "nan",
  69266. "nan",
  69267. "nan",
  69268. "nan",
  69269. "nan",
  69270. "nan",
  69271. "nan",
  69272. "nan",
  69273. "nan",
  69274. "nan",
  69275. "nan",
  69276. "nan",
  69277. "nan",
  69278. "nan",
  69279. "nan",
  69280. "nan",
  69281. "nan",
  69282. "nan",
  69283. "nan",
  69284. "nan",
  69285. "nan",
  69286. "nan"
  69287. ],
  69288. [
  69289. "111111",
  69290. "11111",
  69291. "westoff, martin",
  69292. "bond financing",
  69293. "box 98-039",
  69294. "nan",
  69295. "\nrtc deal taxable rtc pos\ntrust agreement\nfacility lease\nassignment agreement\nsite lease\nagency agreement\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69296. "2/10/1998",
  69297. "box 98-039",
  69298. "richard j. lewis iii",
  69299. "nan",
  69300. "nan",
  69301. "prefix: tl + clientx: 94254-10 + storagexx: y + comments: [la] working file + comments2:",
  69302. "los angeles",
  69303. "1531360",
  69304. "nan",
  69305. "nan",
  69306. "nan",
  69307. "nan",
  69308. "nan",
  69309. "nan",
  69310. "nan",
  69311. "nan",
  69312. "nan",
  69313. "nan",
  69314. "nan",
  69315. "nan",
  69316. "nan",
  69317. "nan",
  69318. "nan",
  69319. "nan",
  69320. "nan",
  69321. "nan",
  69322. "nan",
  69323. "nan",
  69324. "nan",
  69325. "nan",
  69326. "nan"
  69327. ],
  69328. [
  69329. "111111",
  69330. "11111",
  69331. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship",
  69332. "rtc contracts westlake village",
  69333. "box 96-275",
  69334. "nan",
  69335. "correspondence\ndrafts\nmemoranda\nworking papers\ndocument clip\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69336. "6/6/2000",
  69337. "box 96-275",
  69338. "thomas f. hanley iii",
  69339. "nan",
  69340. "nan",
  69341. "prefix: tp + clientx: 98570-05 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  69342. "los angeles",
  69343. "1531533",
  69344. "nan",
  69345. "nan",
  69346. "nan",
  69347. "nan",
  69348. "nan",
  69349. "nan",
  69350. "nan",
  69351. "nan",
  69352. "nan",
  69353. "nan",
  69354. "nan",
  69355. "nan",
  69356. "nan",
  69357. "nan",
  69358. "nan",
  69359. "nan",
  69360. "nan",
  69361. "nan",
  69362. "nan",
  69363. "nan",
  69364. "nan",
  69365. "nan",
  69366. "nan"
  69367. ],
  69368. [
  69369. "111111",
  69370. "11111",
  69371. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship",
  69372. "rtc contracts westlake village",
  69373. "box 96-269",
  69374. "nan",
  69375. "correspondence\ndrafts\nmemoranda\ndocument clip\nworking papers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69376. "9/6/1996",
  69377. "box 96-269",
  69378. "thomas f. hanley iii",
  69379. "nan",
  69380. "nan",
  69381. "prefix: tp + clientx: 98570-05 + storagexx: y + comments2:",
  69382. "los angeles",
  69383. "1531534",
  69384. "nan",
  69385. "nan",
  69386. "nan",
  69387. "nan",
  69388. "nan",
  69389. "nan",
  69390. "nan",
  69391. "nan",
  69392. "nan",
  69393. "nan",
  69394. "nan",
  69395. "nan",
  69396. "nan",
  69397. "nan",
  69398. "nan",
  69399. "nan",
  69400. "nan",
  69401. "nan",
  69402. "nan",
  69403. "nan",
  69404. "nan",
  69405. "nan",
  69406. "nan"
  69407. ],
  69408. [
  69409. "111111",
  69410. "11111",
  69411. "whitman breed abbott & morgan",
  69412. "city of folsom",
  69413. "box 2000-1161",
  69414. "nan",
  69415. "extra copies vol. 4-6\ncourt clip vol. 1-3\nfolsom rtc- numbers final\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  69416. "1/31/2001",
  69417. "box 2000-1161",
  69418. "vito costanzo",
  69419. "nan",
  69420. "nan",
  69421. "prefix: zz + clientx: 99991-72 + storagexx: y",
  69422. "los angeles",
  69423. "1531609",
  69424. "nan",
  69425. "nan",
  69426. "nan",
  69427. "nan",
  69428. "nan",
  69429. "nan",
  69430. "nan",
  69431. "nan",
  69432. "nan",
  69433. "nan",
  69434. "nan",
  69435. "nan",
  69436. "nan",
  69437. "nan",
  69438. "nan",
  69439. "nan",
  69440. "nan",
  69441. "nan",
  69442. "nan",
  69443. "nan",
  69444. "nan",
  69445. "nan",
  69446. "nan"
  69447. ],
  69448. [
  69449. "111111",
  69450. "11111",
  69451. "nan",
  69452. "nan",
  69453. "132984408",
  69454. "nan",
  69455. "071719.00001 kevin & melanie/bartczak - estate planning/",
  69456. "4/28/2004",
  69457. "132984408",
  69458. "mel",
  69459. "perm removal from off-site",
  69460. "melbourne",
  69461. "mel r033d iron mountain data",
  69462. "orlando",
  69463. "1549820",
  69464. "nan",
  69465. "nan",
  69466. "nan",
  69467. "nan",
  69468. "nan",
  69469. "nan",
  69470. "nan",
  69471. "nan",
  69472. "nan",
  69473. "nan",
  69474. "nan",
  69475. "nan",
  69476. "nan",
  69477. "nan",
  69478. "nan",
  69479. "nan",
  69480. "nan",
  69481. "nan",
  69482. "nan",
  69483. "nan",
  69484. "nan",
  69485. "nan",
  69486. "nan"
  69487. ],
  69488. [
  69489. "111111",
  69490. "11111",
  69491. "nan",
  69492. "nan",
  69493. "dsj179593",
  69494. "nan",
  69495. "2444-lit-13353\nnationsbank of fla adv fdic\njames alla",
  69496. "8/9/1995",
  69497. "100-00974",
  69498. "unknown",
  69499. "nan",
  69500. "nan",
  69501. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data + destruction date: 12/31/1999 + file status: destroyed",
  69502. "jacksonville",
  69503. "1620859",
  69504. "nan",
  69505. "nan",
  69506. "nan",
  69507. "nan",
  69508. "nan",
  69509. "nan",
  69510. "nan",
  69511. "nan",
  69512. "nan",
  69513. "nan",
  69514. "nan",
  69515. "nan",
  69516. "nan",
  69517. "nan",
  69518. "nan",
  69519. "nan",
  69520. "nan",
  69521. "nan",
  69522. "nan",
  69523. "nan",
  69524. "nan",
  69525. "nan",
  69526. "nan"
  69527. ],
  69528. [
  69529. "111111",
  69530. "11111",
  69531. "nan",
  69532. "nan",
  69533. "dsj179597",
  69534. "nan",
  69535. "2444-lit-13353\nnationsbank of fl vs fdic\njames alla",
  69536. "8/9/1995",
  69537. "100-00978",
  69538. "unknown",
  69539. "nan",
  69540. "nan",
  69541. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data + destruction date: 12/31/1999 + file status: destroyed",
  69542. "jacksonville",
  69543. "1620868",
  69544. "nan",
  69545. "nan",
  69546. "nan",
  69547. "nan",
  69548. "nan",
  69549. "nan",
  69550. "nan",
  69551. "nan",
  69552. "nan",
  69553. "nan",
  69554. "nan",
  69555. "nan",
  69556. "nan",
  69557. "nan",
  69558. "nan",
  69559. "nan",
  69560. "nan",
  69561. "nan",
  69562. "nan",
  69563. "nan",
  69564. "nan",
  69565. "nan",
  69566. "nan"
  69567. ],
  69568. [
  69569. "111111",
  69570. "11111",
  69571. "nan",
  69572. "nan",
  69573. "dsj179895",
  69574. "nan",
  69575. "2039-adm-10894-3\nrtc - notes & correspondence\n4/5/90 a",
  69576. "2/5/1992",
  69577. "100-00268",
  69578. "unknown",
  69579. "nan",
  69580. "nan",
  69581. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69582. "jacksonville",
  69583. "1622917",
  69584. "nan",
  69585. "nan",
  69586. "nan",
  69587. "nan",
  69588. "nan",
  69589. "nan",
  69590. "nan",
  69591. "nan",
  69592. "nan",
  69593. "nan",
  69594. "nan",
  69595. "nan",
  69596. "nan",
  69597. "nan",
  69598. "nan",
  69599. "nan",
  69600. "nan",
  69601. "nan",
  69602. "nan",
  69603. "nan",
  69604. "nan",
  69605. "nan",
  69606. "nan"
  69607. ],
  69608. [
  69609. "111111",
  69610. "11111",
  69611. "nan",
  69612. "nan",
  69613. "dsj179895",
  69614. "nan",
  69615. "2039-adm-10894-1\nrtc - jlm memo dated 4/5/90\n",
  69616. "2/5/1992",
  69617. "100-00268",
  69618. "unknown",
  69619. "nan",
  69620. "nan",
  69621. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69622. "jacksonville",
  69623. "1622940",
  69624. "nan",
  69625. "nan",
  69626. "nan",
  69627. "nan",
  69628. "nan",
  69629. "nan",
  69630. "nan",
  69631. "nan",
  69632. "nan",
  69633. "nan",
  69634. "nan",
  69635. "nan",
  69636. "nan",
  69637. "nan",
  69638. "nan",
  69639. "nan",
  69640. "nan",
  69641. "nan",
  69642. "nan",
  69643. "nan",
  69644. "nan",
  69645. "nan",
  69646. "nan"
  69647. ],
  69648. [
  69649. "111111",
  69650. "11111",
  69651. "nan",
  69652. "nan",
  69653. "dsj179895",
  69654. "nan",
  69655. "2039-adm-10894-2\nrtc - jlm memo dated 4/6/90\n",
  69656. "2/5/1992",
  69657. "100-00268",
  69658. "unknown",
  69659. "nan",
  69660. "nan",
  69661. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69662. "jacksonville",
  69663. "1622941",
  69664. "nan",
  69665. "nan",
  69666. "nan",
  69667. "nan",
  69668. "nan",
  69669. "nan",
  69670. "nan",
  69671. "nan",
  69672. "nan",
  69673. "nan",
  69674. "nan",
  69675. "nan",
  69676. "nan",
  69677. "nan",
  69678. "nan",
  69679. "nan",
  69680. "nan",
  69681. "nan",
  69682. "nan",
  69683. "nan",
  69684. "nan",
  69685. "nan",
  69686. "nan"
  69687. ],
  69688. [
  69689. "111111",
  69690. "11111",
  69691. "nan",
  69692. "nan",
  69693. "dsj180195",
  69694. "nan",
  69695. "346\ndocs re fdic\n",
  69696. "1/7/1994",
  69697. "100-00541",
  69698. "unknown",
  69699. "nan",
  69700. "nan",
  69701. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69702. "jacksonville",
  69703. "1623940",
  69704. "nan",
  69705. "nan",
  69706. "nan",
  69707. "nan",
  69708. "nan",
  69709. "nan",
  69710. "nan",
  69711. "nan",
  69712. "nan",
  69713. "nan",
  69714. "nan",
  69715. "nan",
  69716. "nan",
  69717. "nan",
  69718. "nan",
  69719. "nan",
  69720. "nan",
  69721. "nan",
  69722. "nan",
  69723. "nan",
  69724. "nan",
  69725. "nan",
  69726. "nan"
  69727. ],
  69728. [
  69729. "111111",
  69730. "11111",
  69731. "nan",
  69732. "nan",
  69733. "dsj180268",
  69734. "nan",
  69735. "2826-lit-13315\nfrank j pauley adv keith b\nyoung/rtca",
  69736. "3/31/1994",
  69737. "100-00615",
  69738. "unknown",
  69739. "nan",
  69740. "nan",
  69741. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69742. "jacksonville",
  69743. "1624379",
  69744. "nan",
  69745. "nan",
  69746. "nan",
  69747. "nan",
  69748. "nan",
  69749. "nan",
  69750. "nan",
  69751. "nan",
  69752. "nan",
  69753. "nan",
  69754. "nan",
  69755. "nan",
  69756. "nan",
  69757. "nan",
  69758. "nan",
  69759. "nan",
  69760. "nan",
  69761. "nan",
  69762. "nan",
  69763. "nan",
  69764. "nan",
  69765. "nan",
  69766. "nan"
  69767. ],
  69768. [
  69769. "111111",
  69770. "11111",
  69771. "nan",
  69772. "nan",
  69773. "dsj180619",
  69774. "nan",
  69775. "file#16\nduval federal/rtc/df\nservices-a",
  69776. "1/23/1996",
  69777. "100-01034",
  69778. "unknown",
  69779. "nan",
  69780. "nan",
  69781. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69782. "jacksonville",
  69783. "1626026",
  69784. "nan",
  69785. "nan",
  69786. "nan",
  69787. "nan",
  69788. "nan",
  69789. "nan",
  69790. "nan",
  69791. "nan",
  69792. "nan",
  69793. "nan",
  69794. "nan",
  69795. "nan",
  69796. "nan",
  69797. "nan",
  69798. "nan",
  69799. "nan",
  69800. "nan",
  69801. "nan",
  69802. "nan",
  69803. "nan",
  69804. "nan",
  69805. "nan",
  69806. "nan"
  69807. ],
  69808. [
  69809. "111111",
  69810. "11111",
  69811. "nan",
  69812. "nan",
  69813. "dsj180810",
  69814. "nan",
  69815. "lit-13772\nteresa dortch\n",
  69816. "5/17/1996",
  69817. "100-01225",
  69818. "unknown",
  69819. "nan",
  69820. "nan",
  69821. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69822. "jacksonville",
  69823. "1627543",
  69824. "nan",
  69825. "nan",
  69826. "nan",
  69827. "nan",
  69828. "nan",
  69829. "nan",
  69830. "nan",
  69831. "nan",
  69832. "nan",
  69833. "nan",
  69834. "nan",
  69835. "nan",
  69836. "nan",
  69837. "nan",
  69838. "nan",
  69839. "nan",
  69840. "nan",
  69841. "nan",
  69842. "nan",
  69843. "nan",
  69844. "nan",
  69845. "nan",
  69846. "nan"
  69847. ],
  69848. [
  69849. "111111",
  69850. "11111",
  69851. "nan",
  69852. "nan",
  69853. "dsj180844",
  69854. "nan",
  69855. "306-lit-14105\nralph close adv rtc corres\nbilling fa",
  69856. "5/24/1996",
  69857. "100-01259",
  69858. "unknown",
  69859. "nan",
  69860. "nan",
  69861. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  69862. "jacksonville",
  69863. "1627625",
  69864. "nan",
  69865. "nan",
  69866. "nan",
  69867. "nan",
  69868. "nan",
  69869. "nan",
  69870. "nan",
  69871. "nan",
  69872. "nan",
  69873. "nan",
  69874. "nan",
  69875. "nan",
  69876. "nan",
  69877. "nan",
  69878. "nan",
  69879. "nan",
  69880. "nan",
  69881. "nan",
  69882. "nan",
  69883. "nan",
  69884. "nan",
  69885. "nan",
  69886. "nan"
  69887. ],
  69888. [
  69889. "111111",
  69890. "11111",
  69891. "nan",
  69892. "nan",
  69893. "dsj180909",
  69894. "nan",
  69895. "rtc jax fed\n\nrtc jax fed",
  69896. "8/23/1996",
  69897. "100-01324",
  69898. "unknown",
  69899. "nan",
  69900. "nan",
  69901. "data source: fj509 iron mountain box level data",
  69902. "jacksonville",
  69903. "1627783",
  69904. "nan",
  69905. "nan",
  69906. "nan",
  69907. "nan",
  69908. "nan",
  69909. "nan",
  69910. "nan",
  69911. "nan",
  69912. "nan",
  69913. "nan",
  69914. "nan",
  69915. "nan",
  69916. "nan",
  69917. "nan",
  69918. "nan",
  69919. "nan",
  69920. "nan",
  69921. "nan",
  69922. "nan",
  69923. "nan",
  69924. "nan",
  69925. "nan",
  69926. "nan"
  69927. ],
  69928. [
  69929. "111111",
  69930. "11111",
  69931. "nan",
  69932. "nan",
  69933. "dsj180910",
  69934. "nan",
  69935. "rtc jax fed\n\nrtc jax fed",
  69936. "8/23/1996",
  69937. "100-01325",
  69938. "unknown",
  69939. "nan",
  69940. "nan",
  69941. "data source: fj509 iron mountain box level data",
  69942. "jacksonville",
  69943. "1627785",
  69944. "nan",
  69945. "nan",
  69946. "nan",
  69947. "nan",
  69948. "nan",
  69949. "nan",
  69950. "nan",
  69951. "nan",
  69952. "nan",
  69953. "nan",
  69954. "nan",
  69955. "nan",
  69956. "nan",
  69957. "nan",
  69958. "nan",
  69959. "nan",
  69960. "nan",
  69961. "nan",
  69962. "nan",
  69963. "nan",
  69964. "nan",
  69965. "nan",
  69966. "nan"
  69967. ],
  69968. [
  69969. "111111",
  69970. "11111",
  69971. "nan",
  69972. "nan",
  69973. "dsj180913",
  69974. "nan",
  69975. "rtc jax federal\n\nrtc jax federal",
  69976. "8/23/1996",
  69977. "100-01328",
  69978. "unknown",
  69979. "nan",
  69980. "nan",
  69981. "data source: fj509 iron mountain box level data",
  69982. "jacksonville",
  69983. "1627794",
  69984. "nan",
  69985. "nan",
  69986. "nan",
  69987. "nan",
  69988. "nan",
  69989. "nan",
  69990. "nan",
  69991. "nan",
  69992. "nan",
  69993. "nan",
  69994. "nan",
  69995. "nan",
  69996. "nan",
  69997. "nan",
  69998. "nan",
  69999. "nan",
  70000. "nan",
  70001. "nan",
  70002. "nan",
  70003. "nan",
  70004. "nan",
  70005. "nan",
  70006. "nan"
  70007. ],
  70008. [
  70009. "111111",
  70010. "11111",
  70011. "nan",
  70012. "nan",
  70013. "dsj180917",
  70014. "nan",
  70015. "3329-gen-14952\nhowell evans jr v rtc\n",
  70016. "8/23/1996",
  70017. "100-01332",
  70018. "unknown",
  70019. "nan",
  70020. "nan",
  70021. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  70022. "jacksonville",
  70023. "1627810",
  70024. "nan",
  70025. "nan",
  70026. "nan",
  70027. "nan",
  70028. "nan",
  70029. "nan",
  70030. "nan",
  70031. "nan",
  70032. "nan",
  70033. "nan",
  70034. "nan",
  70035. "nan",
  70036. "nan",
  70037. "nan",
  70038. "nan",
  70039. "nan",
  70040. "nan",
  70041. "nan",
  70042. "nan",
  70043. "nan",
  70044. "nan",
  70045. "nan",
  70046. "nan"
  70047. ],
  70048. [
  70049. "111111",
  70050. "11111",
  70051. "nan",
  70052. "nan",
  70053. "dsj180917",
  70054. "nan",
  70055. "3332-lit-14961\nc stanton green v rtc\n",
  70056. "8/23/1996",
  70057. "100-01332",
  70058. "unknown",
  70059. "nan",
  70060. "nan",
  70061. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  70062. "jacksonville",
  70063. "1627811",
  70064. "nan",
  70065. "nan",
  70066. "nan",
  70067. "nan",
  70068. "nan",
  70069. "nan",
  70070. "nan",
  70071. "nan",
  70072. "nan",
  70073. "nan",
  70074. "nan",
  70075. "nan",
  70076. "nan",
  70077. "nan",
  70078. "nan",
  70079. "nan",
  70080. "nan",
  70081. "nan",
  70082. "nan",
  70083. "nan",
  70084. "nan",
  70085. "nan",
  70086. "nan"
  70087. ],
  70088. [
  70089. "111111",
  70090. "11111",
  70091. "nan",
  70092. "nan",
  70093. "dsj180917",
  70094. "nan",
  70095. "3334-lit-14966\nj demere mason v rtc\n",
  70096. "8/23/1996",
  70097. "100-01332",
  70098. "unknown",
  70099. "nan",
  70100. "nan",
  70101. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  70102. "jacksonville",
  70103. "1627812",
  70104. "nan",
  70105. "nan",
  70106. "nan",
  70107. "nan",
  70108. "nan",
  70109. "nan",
  70110. "nan",
  70111. "nan",
  70112. "nan",
  70113. "nan",
  70114. "nan",
  70115. "nan",
  70116. "nan",
  70117. "nan",
  70118. "nan",
  70119. "nan",
  70120. "nan",
  70121. "nan",
  70122. "nan",
  70123. "nan",
  70124. "nan",
  70125. "nan",
  70126. "nan"
  70127. ],
  70128. [
  70129. "111111",
  70130. "11111",
  70131. "nan",
  70132. "nan",
  70133. "dsj180917",
  70134. "nan",
  70135. "3335-lit-14967\nwilliam m mason jr v rtc\n",
  70136. "8/23/1996",
  70137. "100-01332",
  70138. "unknown",
  70139. "nan",
  70140. "nan",
  70141. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  70142. "jacksonville",
  70143. "1627813",
  70144. "nan",
  70145. "nan",
  70146. "nan",
  70147. "nan",
  70148. "nan",
  70149. "nan",
  70150. "nan",
  70151. "nan",
  70152. "nan",
  70153. "nan",
  70154. "nan",
  70155. "nan",
  70156. "nan",
  70157. "nan",
  70158. "nan",
  70159. "nan",
  70160. "nan",
  70161. "nan",
  70162. "nan",
  70163. "nan",
  70164. "nan",
  70165. "nan",
  70166. "nan"
  70167. ],
  70168. [
  70169. "111111",
  70170. "11111",
  70171. "nan",
  70172. "nan",
  70173. "dsj181036",
  70174. "nan",
  70175. "no pc#1\nrtc guide outside counsel\ncorrespona",
  70176. "1/12/1995",
  70177. "543",
  70178. "fletcher",
  70179. "nan",
  70180. "nan",
  70181. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  70182. "jacksonville",
  70183. "1628118",
  70184. "nan",
  70185. "nan",
  70186. "nan",
  70187. "nan",
  70188. "nan",
  70189. "nan",
  70190. "nan",
  70191. "nan",
  70192. "nan",
  70193. "nan",
  70194. "nan",
  70195. "nan",
  70196. "nan",
  70197. "nan",
  70198. "nan",
  70199. "nan",
  70200. "nan",
  70201. "nan",
  70202. "nan",
  70203. "nan",
  70204. "nan",
  70205. "nan",
  70206. "nan"
  70207. ],
  70208. [
  70209. "111111",
  70210. "11111",
  70211. "nan",
  70212. "nan",
  70213. "dsj613426",
  70214. "nan",
  70215. "4\nbrant vs fdic-pleadings\n",
  70216. "7/8/1998",
  70217. "314156",
  70218. "unknown",
  70219. "nan",
  70220. "nan",
  70221. "data source: fj509 iron mountain file level data",
  70222. "jacksonville",
  70223. "1631909",
  70224. "nan",
  70225. "nan",
  70226. "nan",
  70227. "nan",
  70228. "nan",
  70229. "nan",
  70230. "nan",
  70231. "nan",
  70232. "nan",
  70233. "nan",
  70234. "nan",
  70235. "nan",
  70236. "nan",
  70237. "nan",
  70238. "nan",
  70239. "nan",
  70240. "nan",
  70241. "nan",
  70242. "nan",
  70243. "nan",
  70244. "nan",
  70245. "nan",
  70246. "nan"
  70247. ],
  70248. [
  70249. "111111",
  70250. "11111",
  70251. "nan",
  70252. "nan",
  70253. "dsj616659",
  70254. "nan",
  70255. "jsw/rtc\n\njsw/rtc",
  70256. "7/2/1998",
  70257. "314136",
  70258. "unknown",
  70259. "nan",
  70260. "nan",
  70261. "data source: fj509 iron mountain box level data",
  70262. "jacksonville",
  70263. "1632885",
  70264. "nan",
  70265. "nan",
  70266. "nan",
  70267. "nan",
  70268. "nan",
  70269. "nan",
  70270. "nan",
  70271. "nan",
  70272. "nan",
  70273. "nan",
  70274. "nan",
  70275. "nan",
  70276. "nan",
  70277. "nan",
  70278. "nan",
  70279. "nan",
  70280. "nan",
  70281. "nan",
  70282. "nan",
  70283. "nan",
  70284. "nan",
  70285. "nan",
  70286. "nan"
  70287. ],
  70288. [
  70289. "111111",
  70290. "11111",
  70291. "nan",
  70292. "nan",
  70293. "dsj616662",
  70294. "nan",
  70295. "jsw/rtc\n\njsw/rtc",
  70296. "7/2/1998",
  70297. "314139",
  70298. "unknown",
  70299. "nan",
  70300. "nan",
  70301. "data source: fj509 iron mountain box level data",
  70302. "jacksonville",
  70303. "1632912",
  70304. "nan",
  70305. "nan",
  70306. "nan",
  70307. "nan",
  70308. "nan",
  70309. "nan",
  70310. "nan",
  70311. "nan",
  70312. "nan",
  70313. "nan",
  70314. "nan",
  70315. "nan",
  70316. "nan",
  70317. "nan",
  70318. "nan",
  70319. "nan",
  70320. "nan",
  70321. "nan",
  70322. "nan",
  70323. "nan",
  70324. "nan",
  70325. "nan",
  70326. "nan"
  70327. ],
  70328. [
  70329. "111111",
  70330. "11111",
  70331. "nan",
  70332. "nan",
  70333. "543329470",
  70334. "nan",
  70335. "* frost national bank - ince/campbell cosntruction loan: corresp. & notes, real estate lien notes, survey, modification & extension, commitment letters, statements, deed of trust, affidavit of identity, title policy, drafts, loan closing instructions.\n* first national bank, fredericksburg texas stock agmt.: containing file folders\n* application for merger texas dept. fo banking\n* merger information re: frost nat'l and first nat'l - fredericksburg: (certificate of merger, atty. notes & memos,\n ins., application for merger, affidavit of loss and agmt. of indemnity for roy stroeher, fdic application forms,\n loan purchased, capital stock, letter of intent,, etc.)\n* discount brokerage - arvil johnson matter\n\n\n\nre-1342",
  70336. "10/30/2003",
  70337. "100564",
  70338. "unknown",
  70339. "nan",
  70340. "nan",
  70341. "iron mountain customer id x2873 6/1/2009_boxes from san antonio office",
  70342. "atlanta",
  70343. "1674200",
  70344. "nan",
  70345. "nan",
  70346. "nan",
  70347. "nan",
  70348. "nan",
  70349. "nan",
  70350. "nan",
  70351. "nan",
  70352. "nan",
  70353. "nan",
  70354. "nan",
  70355. "nan",
  70356. "nan",
  70357. "nan",
  70358. "nan",
  70359. "nan",
  70360. "nan",
  70361. "nan",
  70362. "nan",
  70363. "nan",
  70364. "nan",
  70365. "nan",
  70366. "nan"
  70367. ],
  70368. [
  70369. "111111",
  70370. "11111",
  70371. "rtc",
  70372. "none",
  70373. "489520177",
  70374. "general/other",
  70375. "shadow file",
  70376. "5/1/2012",
  70377. "34170",
  70378. "rowe david",
  70379. "off-site",
  70380. "nan",
  70381. "hk6333",
  70382. "miami",
  70383. "1844104",
  70384. "nan",
  70385. "nan",
  70386. "nan",
  70387. "nan",
  70388. "nan",
  70389. "nan",
  70390. "nan",
  70391. "nan",
  70392. "nan",
  70393. "nan",
  70394. "nan",
  70395. "nan",
  70396. "nan",
  70397. "nan",
  70398. "nan",
  70399. "nan",
  70400. "nan",
  70401. "nan",
  70402. "nan",
  70403. "nan",
  70404. "nan",
  70405. "nan",
  70406. "nan"
  70407. ],
  70408. [
  70409. "112463",
  70410. "00001",
  70411. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  70412. "hub city terminals lease (fullerton towers)",
  70413. "active file",
  70414. "nan",
  70415. "correspondence\ndrafts\nexecuted documents\ntitle\nsurvey\ndue diligence material\nbills\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  70416. "nan",
  70417. "nan",
  70418. "susan j. booth",
  70419. "lax 22nd floor",
  70420. "nan",
  70421. "date-open: 4/10/2007 + comments2:",
  70422. "los angeles",
  70423. "1537508",
  70424. "9/22/2009",
  70425. "nan",
  70426. "nan",
  70427. "nan",
  70428. "nan",
  70429. "nan",
  70430. "nan",
  70431. "nan",
  70432. "nan",
  70433. "nan",
  70434. "nan",
  70435. "nan",
  70436. "nan",
  70437. "nan",
  70438. "nan",
  70439. "nan",
  70440. "nan",
  70441. "nan",
  70442. "nan",
  70443. "nan",
  70444. "nan",
  70445. "nan",
  70446. "nan"
  70447. ],
  70448. [
  70449. "112463",
  70450. "00002",
  70451. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  70452. "real estate matters",
  70453. "active file",
  70454. "nan",
  70455. "correspondence\ndrafts\nexecuted documents\ntitle\nsurvey\ndue diligence material\nbills\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  70456. "nan",
  70457. "nan",
  70458. "susan j. booth",
  70459. "lax 22nd floor",
  70460. "nan",
  70461. "date-open: 5/11/2007 + comments2:",
  70462. "los angeles",
  70463. "1537509",
  70464. "7/30/2010",
  70465. "nan",
  70466. "nan",
  70467. "nan",
  70468. "nan",
  70469. "nan",
  70470. "nan",
  70471. "nan",
  70472. "nan",
  70473. "nan",
  70474. "nan",
  70475. "nan",
  70476. "nan",
  70477. "nan",
  70478. "nan",
  70479. "nan",
  70480. "nan",
  70481. "nan",
  70482. "nan",
  70483. "nan",
  70484. "nan",
  70485. "nan",
  70486. "nan"
  70487. ],
  70488. [
  70489. "112463",
  70490. "00003",
  70491. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  70492. "hypercom lease (arizona business park)",
  70493. "active file",
  70494. "nan",
  70495. "correspondence\ndrafts\nexecuted documents\ntitle\nsurvey\ndue diligence material\nbills\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  70496. "nan",
  70497. "nan",
  70498. "susan j. booth",
  70499. "lax 22nd floor",
  70500. "nan",
  70501. "date-open: 5/11/2007 + comments2:",
  70502. "los angeles",
  70503. "1537510",
  70504. "9/22/2009",
  70505. "nan",
  70506. "nan",
  70507. "nan",
  70508. "nan",
  70509. "nan",
  70510. "nan",
  70511. "nan",
  70512. "nan",
  70513. "nan",
  70514. "nan",
  70515. "nan",
  70516. "nan",
  70517. "nan",
  70518. "nan",
  70519. "nan",
  70520. "nan",
  70521. "nan",
  70522. "nan",
  70523. "nan",
  70524. "nan",
  70525. "nan",
  70526. "nan"
  70527. ],
  70528. [
  70529. "112463",
  70530. "00002",
  70531. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  70532. "real estate matters",
  70533. "459070432",
  70534. "nan",
  70535. "bills",
  70536. "3/23/2011",
  70537. "nan",
  70538. "susan j. booth",
  70539. "off-site",
  70540. "nan",
  70541. "nan",
  70542. "los angeles",
  70543. "1744577",
  70544. "7/30/2010",
  70545. "nan",
  70546. "nan",
  70547. "nan",
  70548. "nan",
  70549. "nan",
  70550. "nan",
  70551. "nan",
  70552. "nan",
  70553. "nan",
  70554. "nan",
  70555. "nan",
  70556. "nan",
  70557. "nan",
  70558. "nan",
  70559. "nan",
  70560. "nan",
  70561. "nan",
  70562. "nan",
  70563. "nan",
  70564. "nan",
  70565. "nan",
  70566. "nan"
  70567. ],
  70568. [
  70569. "112592",
  70570. "00001",
  70571. "havenick, barbara",
  70572. "estate planning",
  70573. "727764998",
  70574. "research",
  70575. "fdic/spend thrift trust research",
  70576. "12/26/2013",
  70577. "nan",
  70578. "christopher w. boyett",
  70579. "off-site",
  70580. "boyett christopher",
  70581. "nan",
  70582. "miami",
  70583. "2146493",
  70584. "nan",
  70585. "nan",
  70586. "nan",
  70587. "nan",
  70588. "nan",
  70589. "nan",
  70590. "nan",
  70591. "nan",
  70592. "nan",
  70593. "nan",
  70594. "nan",
  70595. "nan",
  70596. "nan",
  70597. "nan",
  70598. "nan",
  70599. "nan",
  70600. "nan",
  70601. "nan",
  70602. "nan",
  70603. "nan",
  70604. "nan",
  70605. "nan",
  70606. "nan"
  70607. ],
  70608. [
  70609. "112768",
  70610. "00002",
  70611. "centennial founders llc",
  70612. "feir/rtc",
  70613. "active file",
  70614. "business intake",
  70615. "billing, admin, & conflicts",
  70616. "7/6/2017",
  70617. "nan",
  70618. "jennifer l hernandez",
  70619. "on-site",
  70620. "hernandez jennifer",
  70621. "nan",
  70622. "san francisco",
  70623. "2629941",
  70624. "nan",
  70625. "nan",
  70626. "nan",
  70627. "nan",
  70628. "nan",
  70629. "nan",
  70630. "nan",
  70631. "nan",
  70632. "nan",
  70633. "nan",
  70634. "nan",
  70635. "nan",
  70636. "nan",
  70637. "nan",
  70638. "nan",
  70639. "nan",
  70640. "nan",
  70641. "nan",
  70642. "nan",
  70643. "nan",
  70644. "nan",
  70645. "nan",
  70646. "nan"
  70647. ],
  70648. [
  70649. "113526",
  70650. "00002",
  70651. "krome gold ranches ii, lllp",
  70652. "litigation-case #09-04275 ca 20 (def. miami-dade county)",
  70653. "734552766",
  70654. "general/other",
  70655. "*pictures of plaintiff's properties\n*pictures of plaintiff's area\n*certified copy of artcile xiii - gu\n*certified copy of lup map\n*certified copy of article xxi-eu-1\n*copy of the article xxiii-eu-2\n*certified copy of article xxxiii-au",
  70656. "3/29/2012",
  70657. "48285",
  70658. "eduardo a. ramos",
  70659. "off-site",
  70660. "ramos eduardo",
  70661. "nan",
  70662. "miami",
  70663. "1832108",
  70664. "12/2/2013",
  70665. "nan",
  70666. "nan",
  70667. "nan",
  70668. "nan",
  70669. "nan",
  70670. "nan",
  70671. "nan",
  70672. "nan",
  70673. "nan",
  70674. "nan",
  70675. "nan",
  70676. "nan",
  70677. "nan",
  70678. "nan",
  70679. "nan",
  70680. "nan",
  70681. "nan",
  70682. "nan",
  70683. "nan",
  70684. "nan",
  70685. "nan",
  70686. "nan"
  70687. ],
  70688. [
  70689. "114783",
  70690. "00024",
  70691. "carlisle historic tax credit fund",
  70692. "westfield commons historic rehabilitation",
  70693. "719586629",
  70694. "general/other",
  70695. "box #1 of 1-folder #1: appraisal, acquisition documents, architect's contract, bhri, building permits, checklist, construction contract, construction loan documents, correspondence, development agreement, engagement/conflicts, entity formation documents, folder #2: environmental reports, fhlb documents, grants, folder #3: insurance, lead loan, leases, lender consents (sndas), letter of intent, management agreement, opinion of counsel, pedp, projections, rtc, solar, sponsor loan documents, survey, title insurance, ucc-11, zoning, folder #4: draft loan documents",
  70696. "4/14/2011",
  70697. "c0657578",
  70698. "michelle r. fonseca",
  70699. "off-site",
  70700. "fonseca michelle",
  70701. " hk box:",
  70702. "boston",
  70703. "1760429",
  70704. "11/21/2014",
  70705. "nan",
  70706. "nan",
  70707. "nan",
  70708. "nan",
  70709. "nan",
  70710. "nan",
  70711. "nan",
  70712. "nan",
  70713. "nan",
  70714. "nan",
  70715. "nan",
  70716. "nan",
  70717. "nan",
  70718. "nan",
  70719. "nan",
  70720. "nan",
  70721. "nan",
  70722. "nan",
  70723. "nan",
  70724. "nan",
  70725. "nan",
  70726. "nan"
  70727. ],
  70728. [
  70729. "115723",
  70730. "00002",
  70731. "central florida store services, inc.",
  70732. "business damage",
  70733. "754377014",
  70734. "general/other",
  70735. "box# 2 \n\ndicovery- plantiffs 1st request for production to all other defendants - (1 file) \ndicovery- plantiffs 1st request for production to all other defendants - responses\n(1 redwell) \ndocuments produced by birtchman - (2 redwells) \nclient docs binder",
  70736. "10/25/2012",
  70737. "nan",
  70738. "leighton d. yates",
  70739. "off-site",
  70740. "cho min",
  70741. "nan",
  70742. "orlando",
  70743. "1903678",
  70744. "12/12/2012",
  70745. "nan",
  70746. "nan",
  70747. "nan",
  70748. "nan",
  70749. "nan",
  70750. "nan",
  70751. "nan",
  70752. "nan",
  70753. "nan",
  70754. "nan",
  70755. "nan",
  70756. "nan",
  70757. "nan",
  70758. "nan",
  70759. "nan",
  70760. "nan",
  70761. "nan",
  70762. "nan",
  70763. "nan",
  70764. "nan",
  70765. "nan",
  70766. "nan"
  70767. ],
  70768. [
  70769. "115949",
  70770. "00002",
  70771. "walker development corporation",
  70772. "office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation",
  70773. "560697033",
  70774. "nan",
  70775. "03/27/2009\n\nlease drafts",
  70776. "4/9/2009",
  70777. "nan",
  70778. "robert c. mackichan",
  70779. "off-site",
  70780. "nan",
  70781. "nan",
  70782. "washington d.c",
  70783. "1638926",
  70784. "10/29/2008",
  70785. "nan",
  70786. "nan",
  70787. "nan",
  70788. "nan",
  70789. "nan",
  70790. "nan",
  70791. "nan",
  70792. "nan",
  70793. "nan",
  70794. "nan",
  70795. "nan",
  70796. "nan",
  70797. "nan",
  70798. "nan",
  70799. "nan",
  70800. "nan",
  70801. "nan",
  70802. "nan",
  70803. "nan",
  70804. "nan",
  70805. "nan",
  70806. "nan"
  70807. ],
  70808. [
  70809. "115949",
  70810. "00002",
  70811. "walker development corporation",
  70812. "office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation",
  70813. "731240749",
  70814. "leases",
  70815. "patrick tierney's file - walker development/office lease with fdic\nfdic standard form field office lease",
  70816. "7/23/2012",
  70817. "nan",
  70818. "robert c. mackichan",
  70819. "off-site",
  70820. "mackichan robert",
  70821. "nan",
  70822. "washington d.c",
  70823. "1871978",
  70824. "10/29/2008",
  70825. "nan",
  70826. "nan",
  70827. "nan",
  70828. "nan",
  70829. "nan",
  70830. "nan",
  70831. "nan",
  70832. "nan",
  70833. "nan",
  70834. "nan",
  70835. "nan",
  70836. "nan",
  70837. "nan",
  70838. "nan",
  70839. "nan",
  70840. "nan",
  70841. "nan",
  70842. "nan",
  70843. "nan",
  70844. "nan",
  70845. "nan",
  70846. "nan"
  70847. ],
  70848. [
  70849. "116728",
  70850. "00002",
  70851. "win properties, inc.",
  70852. "fdic",
  70853. "731233783",
  70854. "correspondence",
  70855. "correspondents",
  70856. "7/31/2012",
  70857. "nan",
  70858. "lynn estes calkins",
  70859. "off-site",
  70860. "edwards amy",
  70861. "nan",
  70862. "washington d.c",
  70863. "1879945",
  70864. "nan",
  70865. "nan",
  70866. "nan",
  70867. "nan",
  70868. "nan",
  70869. "nan",
  70870. "nan",
  70871. "nan",
  70872. "nan",
  70873. "nan",
  70874. "nan",
  70875. "nan",
  70876. "nan",
  70877. "nan",
  70878. "nan",
  70879. "nan",
  70880. "nan",
  70881. "nan",
  70882. "nan",
  70883. "nan",
  70884. "nan",
  70885. "nan",
  70886. "nan"
  70887. ],
  70888. [
  70889. "116728",
  70890. "00002",
  70891. "win properties, inc.",
  70892. "fdic",
  70893. "731233783",
  70894. "attorney notes",
  70895. "notes",
  70896. "7/31/2012",
  70897. "nan",
  70898. "lynn estes calkins",
  70899. "off-site",
  70900. "edwards amy",
  70901. "nan",
  70902. "washington d.c",
  70903. "1879948",
  70904. "nan",
  70905. "nan",
  70906. "nan",
  70907. "nan",
  70908. "nan",
  70909. "nan",
  70910. "nan",
  70911. "nan",
  70912. "nan",
  70913. "nan",
  70914. "nan",
  70915. "nan",
  70916. "nan",
  70917. "nan",
  70918. "nan",
  70919. "nan",
  70920. "nan",
  70921. "nan",
  70922. "nan",
  70923. "nan",
  70924. "nan",
  70925. "nan",
  70926. "nan"
  70927. ],
  70928. [
  70929. "116728",
  70930. "00002",
  70931. "win properties, inc.",
  70932. "fdic",
  70933. "731233783",
  70934. "environmental",
  70935. "environmental reports",
  70936. "7/31/2012",
  70937. "nan",
  70938. "lynn estes calkins",
  70939. "off-site",
  70940. "edwards amy",
  70941. "nan",
  70942. "washington d.c",
  70943. "1879950",
  70944. "nan",
  70945. "nan",
  70946. "nan",
  70947. "nan",
  70948. "nan",
  70949. "nan",
  70950. "nan",
  70951. "nan",
  70952. "nan",
  70953. "nan",
  70954. "nan",
  70955. "nan",
  70956. "nan",
  70957. "nan",
  70958. "nan",
  70959. "nan",
  70960. "nan",
  70961. "nan",
  70962. "nan",
  70963. "nan",
  70964. "nan",
  70965. "nan",
  70966. "nan"
  70967. ],
  70968. [
  70969. "116728",
  70970. "00002",
  70971. "win properties, inc.",
  70972. "fdic",
  70973. "731233783",
  70974. "background materials",
  70975. "background / research",
  70976. "7/31/2012",
  70977. "nan",
  70978. "lynn estes calkins",
  70979. "off-site",
  70980. "edwards amy",
  70981. "nan",
  70982. "washington d.c",
  70983. "1879951",
  70984. "nan",
  70985. "nan",
  70986. "nan",
  70987. "nan",
  70988. "nan",
  70989. "nan",
  70990. "nan",
  70991. "nan",
  70992. "nan",
  70993. "nan",
  70994. "nan",
  70995. "nan",
  70996. "nan",
  70997. "nan",
  70998. "nan",
  70999. "nan",
  71000. "nan",
  71001. "nan",
  71002. "nan",
  71003. "nan",
  71004. "nan",
  71005. "nan",
  71006. "nan"
  71007. ],
  71008. [
  71009. "116728",
  71010. "00002",
  71011. "win properties, inc.",
  71012. "fdic",
  71013. "731233783",
  71014. "drafts",
  71015. "drafts",
  71016. "7/31/2012",
  71017. "nan",
  71018. "lynn estes calkins",
  71019. "off-site",
  71020. "edwards amy",
  71021. "nan",
  71022. "washington d.c",
  71023. "1879952",
  71024. "nan",
  71025. "nan",
  71026. "nan",
  71027. "nan",
  71028. "nan",
  71029. "nan",
  71030. "nan",
  71031. "nan",
  71032. "nan",
  71033. "nan",
  71034. "nan",
  71035. "nan",
  71036. "nan",
  71037. "nan",
  71038. "nan",
  71039. "nan",
  71040. "nan",
  71041. "nan",
  71042. "nan",
  71043. "nan",
  71044. "nan",
  71045. "nan",
  71046. "nan"
  71047. ],
  71048. [
  71049. "116728",
  71050. "00002",
  71051. "win properties, inc.",
  71052. "fdic",
  71053. "active file",
  71054. "bills",
  71055. "billing discrepency w win - notes and backup",
  71056. "4/25/2016",
  71057. "nan",
  71058. "lynn estes calkins",
  71059. "on-site",
  71060. "edwards amy",
  71061. "nan",
  71062. "washington d.c",
  71063. "2478044",
  71064. "nan",
  71065. "nan",
  71066. "nan",
  71067. "nan",
  71068. "nan",
  71069. "nan",
  71070. "nan",
  71071. "nan",
  71072. "nan",
  71073. "nan",
  71074. "nan",
  71075. "nan",
  71076. "nan",
  71077. "nan",
  71078. "nan",
  71079. "nan",
  71080. "nan",
  71081. "nan",
  71082. "nan",
  71083. "nan",
  71084. "nan",
  71085. "nan",
  71086. "nan"
  71087. ],
  71088. [
  71089. "116728",
  71090. "00002",
  71091. "win properties, inc.",
  71092. "fdic",
  71093. "active file",
  71094. "correspondence",
  71095. "correspondence",
  71096. "6/17/2016",
  71097. "nan",
  71098. "lynn estes calkins",
  71099. "on-site",
  71100. "calkins lynn",
  71101. "nan",
  71102. "washington d.c",
  71103. "2500129",
  71104. "nan",
  71105. "nan",
  71106. "nan",
  71107. "nan",
  71108. "nan",
  71109. "nan",
  71110. "nan",
  71111. "nan",
  71112. "nan",
  71113. "nan",
  71114. "nan",
  71115. "nan",
  71116. "nan",
  71117. "nan",
  71118. "nan",
  71119. "nan",
  71120. "nan",
  71121. "nan",
  71122. "nan",
  71123. "nan",
  71124. "nan",
  71125. "nan",
  71126. "nan"
  71127. ],
  71128. [
  71129. "117224",
  71130. "00004",
  71131. "mrp realty",
  71132. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  71133. "613428326",
  71134. "nan",
  71135. "10/23/2009\n\ndrafts - lease",
  71136. "11/2/2009",
  71137. "nan",
  71138. "christopher j. reynolds",
  71139. "off-site",
  71140. "nan",
  71141. "nan",
  71142. "washington d.c",
  71143. "1672759",
  71144. "11/22/2013",
  71145. "nan",
  71146. "nan",
  71147. "nan",
  71148. "nan",
  71149. "nan",
  71150. "nan",
  71151. "nan",
  71152. "nan",
  71153. "nan",
  71154. "nan",
  71155. "nan",
  71156. "nan",
  71157. "nan",
  71158. "nan",
  71159. "nan",
  71160. "nan",
  71161. "nan",
  71162. "nan",
  71163. "nan",
  71164. "nan",
  71165. "nan",
  71166. "nan"
  71167. ],
  71168. [
  71169. "117224",
  71170. "00004",
  71171. "mrp realty",
  71172. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  71173. "518161153",
  71174. "nan",
  71175. "08/31/2010\n\n - drafts - lease",
  71176. "9/29/2010",
  71177. "nan",
  71178. "christopher j. reynolds",
  71179. "off-site",
  71180. "silver david",
  71181. "nan",
  71182. "washington d.c",
  71183. "1724904",
  71184. "11/22/2013",
  71185. "nan",
  71186. "nan",
  71187. "nan",
  71188. "nan",
  71189. "nan",
  71190. "nan",
  71191. "nan",
  71192. "nan",
  71193. "nan",
  71194. "nan",
  71195. "nan",
  71196. "nan",
  71197. "nan",
  71198. "nan",
  71199. "nan",
  71200. "nan",
  71201. "nan",
  71202. "nan",
  71203. "nan",
  71204. "nan",
  71205. "nan",
  71206. "nan"
  71207. ],
  71208. [
  71209. "117224",
  71210. "00004",
  71211. "mrp realty",
  71212. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  71213. "518160162",
  71214. "general/other",
  71215. "drafts - second amendment\ndrafts - third amendment",
  71216. "9/15/2011",
  71217. "nan",
  71218. "christopher j. reynolds",
  71219. "off-site",
  71220. "silver david",
  71221. "nan",
  71222. "washington d.c",
  71223. "1775725",
  71224. "11/22/2013",
  71225. "nan",
  71226. "nan",
  71227. "nan",
  71228. "nan",
  71229. "nan",
  71230. "nan",
  71231. "nan",
  71232. "nan",
  71233. "nan",
  71234. "nan",
  71235. "nan",
  71236. "nan",
  71237. "nan",
  71238. "nan",
  71239. "nan",
  71240. "nan",
  71241. "nan",
  71242. "nan",
  71243. "nan",
  71244. "nan",
  71245. "nan",
  71246. "nan"
  71247. ],
  71248. [
  71249. "117224",
  71250. "00004",
  71251. "mrp realty",
  71252. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  71253. "712274814",
  71254. "closing documents/binders",
  71255. "lease binder",
  71256. "9/19/2012",
  71257. "nan",
  71258. "christopher j. reynolds",
  71259. "off-site",
  71260. "silver david",
  71261. "nan",
  71262. "washington d.c",
  71263. "1896692",
  71264. "11/22/2013",
  71265. "nan",
  71266. "nan",
  71267. "nan",
  71268. "nan",
  71269. "nan",
  71270. "nan",
  71271. "nan",
  71272. "nan",
  71273. "nan",
  71274. "nan",
  71275. "nan",
  71276. "nan",
  71277. "nan",
  71278. "nan",
  71279. "nan",
  71280. "nan",
  71281. "nan",
  71282. "nan",
  71283. "nan",
  71284. "nan",
  71285. "nan",
  71286. "nan"
  71287. ],
  71288. [
  71289. "117224",
  71290. "00004",
  71291. "mrp realty",
  71292. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  71293. "755476041",
  71294. "general/other",
  71295. "correspondence file/documents\ncolonial parking letter\nloi - second amendment\nloi - third amendment",
  71296. "4/17/2017",
  71297. "nan",
  71298. "christopher j. reynolds",
  71299. "off-site",
  71300. "silver david",
  71301. "nan",
  71302. "washington d.c",
  71303. "2595147",
  71304. "11/22/2013",
  71305. "nan",
  71306. "nan",
  71307. "nan",
  71308. "nan",
  71309. "nan",
  71310. "nan",
  71311. "nan",
  71312. "nan",
  71313. "nan",
  71314. "nan",
  71315. "nan",
  71316. "nan",
  71317. "nan",
  71318. "nan",
  71319. "nan",
  71320. "nan",
  71321. "nan",
  71322. "nan",
  71323. "nan",
  71324. "nan",
  71325. "nan",
  71326. "nan"
  71327. ],
  71328. [
  71329. "117269",
  71330. "00001",
  71331. "gryboski, howe & gravley, llc",
  71332. "potential lease dispute with freedom bank",
  71333. "673054066",
  71334. "research",
  71335. "caselaw re: fdic repudiation;\n",
  71336. "2/8/2012",
  71337. "nan",
  71338. "robert a. warram",
  71339. "off-site",
  71340. "o'donniley katherine",
  71341. "nan",
  71342. "tampa",
  71343. "1814911",
  71344. "11/22/2013",
  71345. "nan",
  71346. "nan",
  71347. "nan",
  71348. "nan",
  71349. "nan",
  71350. "nan",
  71351. "nan",
  71352. "nan",
  71353. "nan",
  71354. "nan",
  71355. "nan",
  71356. "nan",
  71357. "nan",
  71358. "nan",
  71359. "nan",
  71360. "nan",
  71361. "nan",
  71362. "nan",
  71363. "nan",
  71364. "nan",
  71365. "nan",
  71366. "nan"
  71367. ],
  71368. [
  71369. "117424",
  71370. "00006",
  71371. "heritage community bank",
  71372. "wextrust litigation matter",
  71373. "608476295",
  71374. "nan",
  71375. "redweld: correspondence, fdic notices, il dept. of financial institutions, and miscellaneous",
  71376. "12/23/2009",
  71377. "nan",
  71378. "francis l. keldermans",
  71379. "off-site",
  71380. "nan",
  71381. "nan",
  71382. "chicago",
  71383. "1680080",
  71384. "7/30/2010",
  71385. "nan",
  71386. "nan",
  71387. "nan",
  71388. "nan",
  71389. "nan",
  71390. "nan",
  71391. "nan",
  71392. "nan",
  71393. "nan",
  71394. "nan",
  71395. "nan",
  71396. "nan",
  71397. "nan",
  71398. "nan",
  71399. "nan",
  71400. "nan",
  71401. "nan",
  71402. "nan",
  71403. "nan",
  71404. "nan",
  71405. "nan",
  71406. "nan"
  71407. ],
  71408. [
  71409. "117756",
  71410. "00006",
  71411. "tejon mountain village llc",
  71412. "tmv - hcp/mshcp",
  71413. "755476341",
  71414. "working papers",
  71415. "condor only rtc",
  71416. "6/5/2012",
  71417. "nan",
  71418. "jennifer l. hernandez",
  71419. "off-site",
  71420. "petersen rafe",
  71421. "<ethical wall applied on: 6/13/2013>",
  71422. "washington d.c",
  71423. "1854318",
  71424. "11/14/2013",
  71425. "nan",
  71426. "nan",
  71427. "nan",
  71428. "nan",
  71429. "nan",
  71430. "nan",
  71431. "nan",
  71432. "nan",
  71433. "nan",
  71434. "nan",
  71435. "nan",
  71436. "nan",
  71437. "nan",
  71438. "nan",
  71439. "nan",
  71440. "nan",
  71441. "nan",
  71442. "nan",
  71443. "nan",
  71444. "nan",
  71445. "nan",
  71446. "nan"
  71447. ],
  71448. [
  71449. "11820",
  71450. "140",
  71451. "banco ganadero",
  71452. "none",
  71453. "489343666",
  71454. "nan",
  71455. "5/27/93 - rtc prequalification",
  71456. "6/5/1993",
  71457. "118909",
  71458. "sirven jose",
  71459. "nan",
  71460. "nan",
  71461. " hk box: 9821",
  71462. "miami",
  71463. "668932",
  71464. "nan",
  71465. "nan",
  71466. "nan",
  71467. "nan",
  71468. "nan",
  71469. "nan",
  71470. "nan",
  71471. "nan",
  71472. "nan",
  71473. "nan",
  71474. "nan",
  71475. "nan",
  71476. "nan",
  71477. "nan",
  71478. "nan",
  71479. "nan",
  71480. "nan",
  71481. "nan",
  71482. "nan",
  71483. "nan",
  71484. "nan",
  71485. "nan",
  71486. "nan"
  71487. ],
  71488. [
  71489. "118606",
  71490. "00001",
  71491. "rao, gopal c., steele, frank c. & amin,",
  71492. "resolution of individual guarantees",
  71493. "622579579",
  71494. "nan",
  71495. "fdic; deposition of john k. selfe, iii; bank of n. ga. v. eagles landing extra pleadings; complaint drafts; henry superior court blank deposition subpoenas; original discovery; hearing transcript binder vols. 1 & 2; discovery/pleadings working copies binder - vols. 1 & 2",
  71496. "12/10/2009",
  71497. "nan",
  71498. "w. reeder glass",
  71499. "off-site",
  71500. "nan",
  71501. "nan",
  71502. "atlanta",
  71503. "1678579",
  71504. "7/26/2010",
  71505. "nan",
  71506. "nan",
  71507. "nan",
  71508. "nan",
  71509. "nan",
  71510. "nan",
  71511. "nan",
  71512. "nan",
  71513. "nan",
  71514. "nan",
  71515. "nan",
  71516. "nan",
  71517. "nan",
  71518. "nan",
  71519. "nan",
  71520. "nan",
  71521. "nan",
  71522. "nan",
  71523. "nan",
  71524. "nan",
  71525. "nan",
  71526. "nan"
  71527. ],
  71528. [
  71529. "118698",
  71530. "00001",
  71531. "residential contractors association",
  71532. "general employment advice",
  71533. "459070519",
  71534. "nan",
  71535. "pre h&k: cm 118698.00001/rca residential contractors association 19-197-001\nrca general employment advice\nrca general matters correspondence (luke osborn 05/07/01) notes //\nrca general matters documents re: luke osborn 2001//\ndeposition/transcript (luke osborn 03/01) //\ncourtclip re workers comp (osborn) vol 1//\nrca genral matters client documents (john rojas 1997)//\nrca general matters, labor matters (john rojas workers comp. file vol.1//\nrca cove builders osha matter docket nos.01-r4d2-4776-4777\nrca general allen gilbert//\nrca cove builders osha appeals case no. 04-r3d1-1666//\nrca cove builders client documents//\nrca cove builders attorney notes//\nrca cove builders residential master labor agreement//\nrca cove builders/mercado//\nrca cove builders pleading file#1//\n",
  71536. "3/25/2011",
  71537. "08",
  71538. "james w. michalski",
  71539. "off-site",
  71540. "nan",
  71541. "nan",
  71542. "los angeles",
  71543. "1744902",
  71544. "7/19/2016",
  71545. "nan",
  71546. "nan",
  71547. "nan",
  71548. "nan",
  71549. "nan",
  71550. "nan",
  71551. "nan",
  71552. "nan",
  71553. "nan",
  71554. "nan",
  71555. "nan",
  71556. "nan",
  71557. "nan",
  71558. "nan",
  71559. "nan",
  71560. "nan",
  71561. "nan",
  71562. "nan",
  71563. "nan",
  71564. "nan",
  71565. "nan",
  71566. "nan"
  71567. ],
  71568. [
  71569. "120000",
  71570. "10213",
  71571. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  71572. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  71573. "633152222",
  71574. "amendments",
  71575. "amendment(s) to lease",
  71576. "4/2/2014",
  71577. "nan",
  71578. "david b. allswang",
  71579. "off-site",
  71580. "allswang david",
  71581. "amendment(s) to lease//",
  71582. "chicago",
  71583. "2188829",
  71584. "11/22/2013",
  71585. "nan",
  71586. "nan",
  71587. "nan",
  71588. "nan",
  71589. "nan",
  71590. "nan",
  71591. "nan",
  71592. "nan",
  71593. "nan",
  71594. "nan",
  71595. "nan",
  71596. "nan",
  71597. "nan",
  71598. "nan",
  71599. "nan",
  71600. "nan",
  71601. "nan",
  71602. "nan",
  71603. "nan",
  71604. "nan",
  71605. "nan",
  71606. "nan"
  71607. ],
  71608. [
  71609. "120000",
  71610. "10213",
  71611. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  71612. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  71613. "633152222",
  71614. "leases",
  71615. "retail lease",
  71616. "4/2/2014",
  71617. "nan",
  71618. "david b. allswang",
  71619. "off-site",
  71620. "allswang david",
  71621. "retail lease//",
  71622. "chicago",
  71623. "2188830",
  71624. "11/22/2013",
  71625. "nan",
  71626. "nan",
  71627. "nan",
  71628. "nan",
  71629. "nan",
  71630. "nan",
  71631. "nan",
  71632. "nan",
  71633. "nan",
  71634. "nan",
  71635. "nan",
  71636. "nan",
  71637. "nan",
  71638. "nan",
  71639. "nan",
  71640. "nan",
  71641. "nan",
  71642. "nan",
  71643. "nan",
  71644. "nan",
  71645. "nan",
  71646. "nan"
  71647. ],
  71648. [
  71649. "120000",
  71650. "10213",
  71651. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  71652. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  71653. "633152222",
  71654. "correspondence",
  71655. "correspondence",
  71656. "4/2/2014",
  71657. "nan",
  71658. "david b. allswang",
  71659. "off-site",
  71660. "allswang david",
  71661. "correspondence//",
  71662. "chicago",
  71663. "2188831",
  71664. "11/22/2013",
  71665. "nan",
  71666. "nan",
  71667. "nan",
  71668. "nan",
  71669. "nan",
  71670. "nan",
  71671. "nan",
  71672. "nan",
  71673. "nan",
  71674. "nan",
  71675. "nan",
  71676. "nan",
  71677. "nan",
  71678. "nan",
  71679. "nan",
  71680. "nan",
  71681. "nan",
  71682. "nan",
  71683. "nan",
  71684. "nan",
  71685. "nan",
  71686. "nan"
  71687. ],
  71688. [
  71689. "120000",
  71690. "10213",
  71691. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  71692. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  71693. "633152222",
  71694. "proposals",
  71695. "proposal",
  71696. "4/2/2014",
  71697. "nan",
  71698. "david b. allswang",
  71699. "off-site",
  71700. "allswang david",
  71701. "proposal//",
  71702. "chicago",
  71703. "2188832",
  71704. "11/22/2013",
  71705. "nan",
  71706. "nan",
  71707. "nan",
  71708. "nan",
  71709. "nan",
  71710. "nan",
  71711. "nan",
  71712. "nan",
  71713. "nan",
  71714. "nan",
  71715. "nan",
  71716. "nan",
  71717. "nan",
  71718. "nan",
  71719. "nan",
  71720. "nan",
  71721. "nan",
  71722. "nan",
  71723. "nan",
  71724. "nan",
  71725. "nan",
  71726. "nan"
  71727. ],
  71728. [
  71729. "120000",
  71730. "10213",
  71731. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  71732. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  71733. "633152222",
  71734. "agreements",
  71735. "rent deferral agreement",
  71736. "4/2/2014",
  71737. "nan",
  71738. "david b. allswang",
  71739. "off-site",
  71740. "allswang david",
  71741. "rent deferral agreement//",
  71742. "chicago",
  71743. "2188833",
  71744. "11/22/2013",
  71745. "nan",
  71746. "nan",
  71747. "nan",
  71748. "nan",
  71749. "nan",
  71750. "nan",
  71751. "nan",
  71752. "nan",
  71753. "nan",
  71754. "nan",
  71755. "nan",
  71756. "nan",
  71757. "nan",
  71758. "nan",
  71759. "nan",
  71760. "nan",
  71761. "nan",
  71762. "nan",
  71763. "nan",
  71764. "nan",
  71765. "nan",
  71766. "nan"
  71767. ],
  71768. [
  71769. "120388",
  71770. "00031",
  71771. "d.r. horton, inc. - tampa division",
  71772. "fdic (purchase fr) oakhurst subdivision",
  71773. "613269222",
  71774. "nan",
  71775. "box 10 of 12:\n1 boot: corres. & drafts file.",
  71776. "4/15/2011",
  71777. "613269222",
  71778. "a. guy neff",
  71779. "off-site",
  71780. "nan",
  71781. "nan",
  71782. "orlando",
  71783. "1749076",
  71784. "8/8/2011",
  71785. "nan",
  71786. "nan",
  71787. "nan",
  71788. "nan",
  71789. "nan",
  71790. "nan",
  71791. "nan",
  71792. "nan",
  71793. "nan",
  71794. "nan",
  71795. "nan",
  71796. "nan",
  71797. "nan",
  71798. "nan",
  71799. "nan",
  71800. "nan",
  71801. "nan",
  71802. "nan",
  71803. "nan",
  71804. "nan",
  71805. "nan",
  71806. "nan"
  71807. ],
  71808. [
  71809. "120801",
  71810. "00001",
  71811. "international banking corporation, the",
  71812. "defense of litigation in new york",
  71813. "727768061",
  71814. "general/other",
  71815. "january 2010 documentation with respect searching fdic powers re attachment and execution on failed bank assets: preparing correspondence to j. hohenstein and barry vasios on powers of fdic as receiver; reviewing bahrain banking statute re powers of administrator",
  71816. "5/3/2013",
  71817. "nan",
  71818. "james h. hohenstein",
  71819. "off-site",
  71820. "james hohenstein",
  71821. "nan",
  71822. "miami",
  71823. "2023772",
  71824. "nan",
  71825. "nan",
  71826. "nan",
  71827. "nan",
  71828. "nan",
  71829. "nan",
  71830. "nan",
  71831. "nan",
  71832. "nan",
  71833. "nan",
  71834. "nan",
  71835. "nan",
  71836. "nan",
  71837. "nan",
  71838. "nan",
  71839. "nan",
  71840. "nan",
  71841. "nan",
  71842. "nan",
  71843. "nan",
  71844. "nan",
  71845. "nan",
  71846. "nan"
  71847. ],
  71848. [
  71849. "120963",
  71850. "00001",
  71851. "princess development llc",
  71852. "purchase of 700 biscayne",
  71853. "727771577",
  71854. "agreements",
  71855. "34. princess/fdic agreement with hillcrest",
  71856. "3/27/2013",
  71857. "nan",
  71858. "william r. bloom",
  71859. "off-site",
  71860. "bloom william",
  71861. "nan",
  71862. "miami",
  71863. "2003881",
  71864. "6/26/2014",
  71865. "nan",
  71866. "nan",
  71867. "nan",
  71868. "nan",
  71869. "nan",
  71870. "nan",
  71871. "nan",
  71872. "nan",
  71873. "nan",
  71874. "nan",
  71875. "nan",
  71876. "nan",
  71877. "nan",
  71878. "nan",
  71879. "nan",
  71880. "nan",
  71881. "nan",
  71882. "nan",
  71883. "nan",
  71884. "nan",
  71885. "nan",
  71886. "nan"
  71887. ],
  71888. [
  71889. "121485",
  71890. "00001",
  71891. "daniel, jr., harold/expert witness",
  71892. "king & spalding - expert witness services",
  71893. "622579572",
  71894. "nan",
  71895. "billing file; engagement letter; protective order; expert opinion; client/matter info; atty notes; legal research; correspondence (which now contains confirmation letter that the files listed below were shredded... (see additional info.....on other files that were in this box",
  71896. "12/8/2009",
  71897. "nan",
  71898. "harold t. daniel, jr.",
  71899. "off-site",
  71900. "nan",
  71901. "as of 11/3/10 - betty brody was instructed by hal daniels @ the request of king & spalding to shred the following files.....client docs; binders of synovus financial corp. adv. compucredit corp: selective pleadings & hearing transcripts, confidential unpaid invoices, affinity agreement & fdic material, depo transcripts",
  71902. "atlanta",
  71903. "1678158",
  71904. "4/19/2010",
  71905. "nan",
  71906. "nan",
  71907. "nan",
  71908. "nan",
  71909. "nan",
  71910. "nan",
  71911. "nan",
  71912. "nan",
  71913. "nan",
  71914. "nan",
  71915. "nan",
  71916. "nan",
  71917. "nan",
  71918. "nan",
  71919. "nan",
  71920. "nan",
  71921. "nan",
  71922. "nan",
  71923. "nan",
  71924. "nan",
  71925. "nan",
  71926. "nan"
  71927. ],
  71928. [
  71929. "121597",
  71930. "00005",
  71931. "bankunited",
  71932. "loan to highland beach azure, llc",
  71933. "727762312",
  71934. "agreements",
  71935. "purchase and assumption agreement whole bank all deposits among federal deposit insurance corporation, receiver of bankunited, fsb coral gables, florida federal deposit insurance corporation and bankunited dated as of 5/21/09",
  71936. "12/12/2013",
  71937. "nan",
  71938. "martin j. alexander",
  71939. "off-site",
  71940. "alexander martin",
  71941. "nan",
  71942. "miami",
  71943. "2143930",
  71944. "6/28/2015",
  71945. "nan",
  71946. "nan",
  71947. "nan",
  71948. "nan",
  71949. "nan",
  71950. "nan",
  71951. "nan",
  71952. "nan",
  71953. "nan",
  71954. "nan",
  71955. "nan",
  71956. "nan",
  71957. "nan",
  71958. "nan",
  71959. "nan",
  71960. "nan",
  71961. "nan",
  71962. "nan",
  71963. "nan",
  71964. "nan",
  71965. "nan",
  71966. "nan"
  71967. ],
  71968. [
  71969. "121740",
  71970. "00001",
  71971. "adaya, salim",
  71972. "adaya family trust/amina adaya, et al. v. salim adaya",
  71973. "active file",
  71974. "pleadings",
  71975. "adr courtclip vols. 1-7\ncase no. 09-2978 & 09-2603 \n",
  71976. "7/26/2011",
  71977. "nan",
  71978. "roger b. coven",
  71979. "on-site/secretary",
  71980. "nan",
  71981. "nan",
  71982. "los angeles",
  71983. "1764842",
  71984. "nan",
  71985. "nan",
  71986. "nan",
  71987. "nan",
  71988. "nan",
  71989. "nan",
  71990. "nan",
  71991. "nan",
  71992. "nan",
  71993. "nan",
  71994. "nan",
  71995. "nan",
  71996. "nan",
  71997. "nan",
  71998. "nan",
  71999. "nan",
  72000. "nan",
  72001. "nan",
  72002. "nan",
  72003. "nan",
  72004. "nan",
  72005. "nan",
  72006. "nan"
  72007. ],
  72008. [
  72009. "121864",
  72010. "00158",
  72011. "select portfolio servicing, inc.",
  72012. "sps/magaldi, victoria",
  72013. "rf017278741",
  72014. "hearings",
  72015. "1. 01/19/2015 def's notice of filing trust prospectus supplement; \n2. 01/19/2015 def's notice of filing trust remittance report; \n3. 01/19/2015 def's notice of filing mtg compliance investigators mtg fraud investigation report; \n4. 10/02/2008 fdic affidavit; \n5. 01/19/2015 def's notice of filing affidavit of joseph r. esquivel, jr.; \n6. 01/19/2015 def's notice of filing trust pooling & servicing agreement; \n7. weisenberg v. deutsche bank nat'l trust; \n8. wamco xxviii, ltd. v. integrated electronic environments; \n9. harvey v. deutsche bank nat'l trust; \n10. in re: sagamore partners, ltd.; \n11. castillo v. deutsche bank nat'l trust; \n12. notice of filing affidavit of robert c. martin for reasonable attorney's fees; \n13. 01/20/2015 def's disclosure of witness & exhibit list; \n14. notice of filing affidavit as to services rendered & expenses incurred.",
  72016. "6/18/2016",
  72017. "rf017278741",
  72018. "brian k hole",
  72019. "off-site",
  72020. "hole brian",
  72021. "nan",
  72022. "fort lauderdale",
  72023. "2500259",
  72024. "8/10/2017",
  72025. "nan",
  72026. "nan",
  72027. "nan",
  72028. "nan",
  72029. "nan",
  72030. "nan",
  72031. "nan",
  72032. "nan",
  72033. "nan",
  72034. "nan",
  72035. "nan",
  72036. "nan",
  72037. "nan",
  72038. "nan",
  72039. "nan",
  72040. "nan",
  72041. "nan",
  72042. "nan",
  72043. "nan",
  72044. "nan",
  72045. "nan",
  72046. "nan"
  72047. ],
  72048. [
  72049. "121996",
  72050. "00001",
  72051. "cabanillas-conner, denise k. et al.",
  72052. "fdic as receiver of freedom bank, bradenton, fl",
  72053. "769663668",
  72054. "general/other",
  72055. "new matter; engagement letter; billing; correspondence",
  72056. "10/17/2013",
  72057. "nan",
  72058. "charles l. stutts",
  72059. "off-site",
  72060. "stutts charles",
  72061. "nan",
  72062. "tampa",
  72063. "2116056",
  72064. "10/26/2009",
  72065. "nan",
  72066. "nan",
  72067. "nan",
  72068. "nan",
  72069. "nan",
  72070. "nan",
  72071. "nan",
  72072. "nan",
  72073. "nan",
  72074. "nan",
  72075. "nan",
  72076. "nan",
  72077. "nan",
  72078. "nan",
  72079. "nan",
  72080. "nan",
  72081. "nan",
  72082. "nan",
  72083. "nan",
  72084. "nan",
  72085. "nan",
  72086. "nan"
  72087. ],
  72088. [
  72089. "122090",
  72090. "00015",
  72091. "whealen, richard a.",
  72092. "reston refinance - rtc - john marshall bank loan",
  72093. "active file",
  72094. "closing documents/binders",
  72095. "loan to rtc partnership, llc in the amount of $13,000,000 - secured by a first deed of trust loan on property located at 1760 reston parkway, reston, va - fairfax county made by john marshall bank - closing date: may 9, 2016\n\n",
  72096. "11/3/2016",
  72097. "nan",
  72098. "tara scanlon",
  72099. "on-site",
  72100. "scanlon tara",
  72101. "9th floor file room",
  72102. "washington d.c",
  72103. "2554241",
  72104. "nan",
  72105. "nan",
  72106. "nan",
  72107. "nan",
  72108. "nan",
  72109. "nan",
  72110. "nan",
  72111. "nan",
  72112. "nan",
  72113. "nan",
  72114. "nan",
  72115. "nan",
  72116. "nan",
  72117. "nan",
  72118. "nan",
  72119. "nan",
  72120. "nan",
  72121. "nan",
  72122. "nan",
  72123. "nan",
  72124. "nan",
  72125. "nan",
  72126. "nan"
  72127. ],
  72128. [
  72129. "122396",
  72130. "00001",
  72131. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72132. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72133. "683272810",
  72134. "nan",
  72135. "documents produced by jerry cullison (vol. vi);\ndon kay's original documents (account #2125168) - produced as \"onb-d.kay (b) 000001-000265;\ndocuments produced by don kay (vol. ii);\ndocuments produced by kyle kay;\ndocuments produced by rance kay;\ndocuments produced by harold russell;",
  72136. "3/10/2011",
  72137. "683272810",
  72138. "charles l. stutts",
  72139. "off-site",
  72140. "stutts charles",
  72141. "nan",
  72142. "tampa",
  72143. "1742467",
  72144. "9/17/2013",
  72145. "nan",
  72146. "nan",
  72147. "nan",
  72148. "nan",
  72149. "nan",
  72150. "nan",
  72151. "nan",
  72152. "nan",
  72153. "nan",
  72154. "nan",
  72155. "nan",
  72156. "nan",
  72157. "nan",
  72158. "nan",
  72159. "nan",
  72160. "nan",
  72161. "nan",
  72162. "nan",
  72163. "nan",
  72164. "nan",
  72165. "nan",
  72166. "nan"
  72167. ],
  72168. [
  72169. "122396",
  72170. "00001",
  72171. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72172. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72173. "683272806",
  72174. "nan",
  72175. "bod contact information;\nnotes/memos/emails - volume i;\nonb-mi, llc financials;\nnotes/memos/emails - volume ii;\ncorrespondence - volume i;\nonb bod emails;\nonb - emails from d&o's (selected emails);\ncritical tasks and deadlines;\nsigned acknowledgements;\nconsultant, michael gemi, report;\ncurrent loan report & settlement agreement;\npersonal financial statement;\narticle i - action plan bod review draft;\narticle ii;\nengagement letter with h&k;\ndemand letter from onb mi, llc to onb dated 4/29/08;\ndemand letter from the stein law firm;\ndemand letter from fdic re: bank united;\nfdic press release;\nfdic counsel;\nnews articles;\nbilling guidelines;\ndraft response letter to the office of the comptroller of currency;\ninspector general's report - 8/26/09;\ndocuments produced by emery abshier;\ndocuments produced by jerry cullison (vol. ii);",
  72176. "3/10/2011",
  72177. "683272806",
  72178. "charles l. stutts",
  72179. "off-site",
  72180. "stutts charles",
  72181. "nan",
  72182. "tampa",
  72183. "1742469",
  72184. "9/17/2013",
  72185. "nan",
  72186. "nan",
  72187. "nan",
  72188. "nan",
  72189. "nan",
  72190. "nan",
  72191. "nan",
  72192. "nan",
  72193. "nan",
  72194. "nan",
  72195. "nan",
  72196. "nan",
  72197. "nan",
  72198. "nan",
  72199. "nan",
  72200. "nan",
  72201. "nan",
  72202. "nan",
  72203. "nan",
  72204. "nan",
  72205. "nan",
  72206. "nan"
  72207. ],
  72208. [
  72209. "122396",
  72210. "00001",
  72211. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72212. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72213. "683272805",
  72214. "nan",
  72215. "documents produced by jerry cullison (vol. iii);\ndocuments produced by jerry cullison (vol. iv);\ndocuments produced by jerry cullison (vol. v);\ndocuments produced by eric degroot;\ndocuments produced by jeff fabian;",
  72216. "3/10/2011",
  72217. "683272805",
  72218. "charles l. stutts",
  72219. "off-site",
  72220. "stutts charles",
  72221. "nan",
  72222. "tampa",
  72223. "1742470",
  72224. "9/17/2013",
  72225. "nan",
  72226. "nan",
  72227. "nan",
  72228. "nan",
  72229. "nan",
  72230. "nan",
  72231. "nan",
  72232. "nan",
  72233. "nan",
  72234. "nan",
  72235. "nan",
  72236. "nan",
  72237. "nan",
  72238. "nan",
  72239. "nan",
  72240. "nan",
  72241. "nan",
  72242. "nan",
  72243. "nan",
  72244. "nan",
  72245. "nan",
  72246. "nan"
  72247. ],
  72248. [
  72249. "122396",
  72250. "00001",
  72251. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72252. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72253. "683272812",
  72254. "nan",
  72255. "box of \"original\" documents produced by henry a. stein on 12/16/09;\n(berryhill, michael w., et al.) -billing file;\n(berryhill, michael w., et al.) - confidentiality agreement;\nconfidentiality agreement;\nu.s. speciality insurance co. \"directors, officers and corporate liability insurance policy\";\nu.s. speciality insurance company declarations pages, endorsements and application;\naudit report, office of inspector general, dept. of the treasure, :safety and soundness: material loss review of onb, august 26, 2009';\nresearch;\nengagement letters with h&k;\nabshier, emery - subpoena(s) / responses;\nberryhill, michael w. - subpoena(s) / responses;\ncullison, jerry b. - subpoena(s) / responses;\ndegroot, eric - subpoena(s) / responses;\nfabian, jr., john e. - subpoena(s) / responses;\nkay, jr., donald h. - subpoena(s) / responses;\nkay, kyle a. - subpoena(s) / responses;\nkay, rance h. - subpoena(s) / responses;\nplunkett, john m. - subpoena(s) / responses;\nrussell, harold l. - subpoena(s) / responses;\ndocuments produced by michael berryhill;\ndocuments produced by jerry cullison (vol. i);\ndocuments produced by don kay;\ndon kay's original documents (account #2143062) - produced as \"onb-d.kay (a) 000001-000139;\n",
  72256. "3/10/2011",
  72257. "683272812",
  72258. "charles l. stutts",
  72259. "off-site",
  72260. "stutts charles",
  72261. "nan",
  72262. "tampa",
  72263. "1742479",
  72264. "9/17/2013",
  72265. "nan",
  72266. "nan",
  72267. "nan",
  72268. "nan",
  72269. "nan",
  72270. "nan",
  72271. "nan",
  72272. "nan",
  72273. "nan",
  72274. "nan",
  72275. "nan",
  72276. "nan",
  72277. "nan",
  72278. "nan",
  72279. "nan",
  72280. "nan",
  72281. "nan",
  72282. "nan",
  72283. "nan",
  72284. "nan",
  72285. "nan",
  72286. "nan"
  72287. ],
  72288. [
  72289. "122396",
  72290. "00001",
  72291. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72292. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72293. "683272808",
  72294. "nan",
  72295. "documents produced by rance kay (vol. ii) - onb r.kay(13) 000001-000881;\ndocuments produced by rance kay (vol. iii) - onb r.kay(1) 000882-002006;\n",
  72296. "3/10/2011",
  72297. "683272808",
  72298. "charles l. stutts",
  72299. "off-site",
  72300. "stutts charles",
  72301. "nan",
  72302. "tampa",
  72303. "1742482",
  72304. "9/17/2013",
  72305. "nan",
  72306. "nan",
  72307. "nan",
  72308. "nan",
  72309. "nan",
  72310. "nan",
  72311. "nan",
  72312. "nan",
  72313. "nan",
  72314. "nan",
  72315. "nan",
  72316. "nan",
  72317. "nan",
  72318. "nan",
  72319. "nan",
  72320. "nan",
  72321. "nan",
  72322. "nan",
  72323. "nan",
  72324. "nan",
  72325. "nan",
  72326. "nan"
  72327. ],
  72328. [
  72329. "122396",
  72330. "00001",
  72331. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72332. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72333. "683272811",
  72334. "nan",
  72335. "ocala national bank;\nfdic doc production vol. ii;\nmisc. emails/ onb-fabian 000090-000666;",
  72336. "3/10/2011",
  72337. "683272811",
  72338. "charles l. stutts",
  72339. "off-site",
  72340. "stutts charles",
  72341. "nan",
  72342. "tampa",
  72343. "1742484",
  72344. "9/17/2013",
  72345. "nan",
  72346. "nan",
  72347. "nan",
  72348. "nan",
  72349. "nan",
  72350. "nan",
  72351. "nan",
  72352. "nan",
  72353. "nan",
  72354. "nan",
  72355. "nan",
  72356. "nan",
  72357. "nan",
  72358. "nan",
  72359. "nan",
  72360. "nan",
  72361. "nan",
  72362. "nan",
  72363. "nan",
  72364. "nan",
  72365. "nan",
  72366. "nan"
  72367. ],
  72368. [
  72369. "122396",
  72370. "00001",
  72371. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72372. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72373. "683272804",
  72374. "nan",
  72375. "documents produced by john plunkett;",
  72376. "3/10/2011",
  72377. "683272804",
  72378. "charles l. stutts",
  72379. "off-site",
  72380. "stutts charles",
  72381. "nan",
  72382. "tampa",
  72383. "1742485",
  72384. "9/17/2013",
  72385. "nan",
  72386. "nan",
  72387. "nan",
  72388. "nan",
  72389. "nan",
  72390. "nan",
  72391. "nan",
  72392. "nan",
  72393. "nan",
  72394. "nan",
  72395. "nan",
  72396. "nan",
  72397. "nan",
  72398. "nan",
  72399. "nan",
  72400. "nan",
  72401. "nan",
  72402. "nan",
  72403. "nan",
  72404. "nan",
  72405. "nan",
  72406. "nan"
  72407. ],
  72408. [
  72409. "122396",
  72410. "00001",
  72411. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72412. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72413. "683272809",
  72414. "nan",
  72415. "compact disc- jerry cullison email/correspondence;\n(2) pocket rate cards;\nonb mi llc checkbook;\nonb mi stock certificate spreadsheet;\nonb investor's committed dollars spdsht;\nonb-mi docs given to mike ritch;\nond-mi customer info request - ltr of stock certificates;\njack greeley - articles of incorporation;\nonb-mi employee id # ein# 20-8088252;\nraylston & co onb - mi engagement ltr.;\nonb-mi curtis 1000 samples notary superstore corp seal;\nonb-mi original ltr & info on company given to the cust.;\nonb-mi deposit ticket/money market disclosure;\nonb-mi board meeting;\nonb-mi, llc committed investment dollars;\nimportant tax info;\nonb - mi misc.;\nonb-mi checking account;\nonb- mi checking bank statements;\nonb- mi checking account bills/invoices;\nonb- mi money market bank statements;\nonb- mi business money mrkt bills/invoic paid (including closing company invoice);\nonb- mi balance sheet (starting 2/29/08);\nonb- mi faxes;\nonb- mi misc. letters/documents;\nonb- mi, llc board minutes;\ndirector's and officers of onb-mi;\nonb- mi loan participation info;\nnew company letter - to onb- mi shareholders;\nonb- mi 2007 tax information;\nonb- mi 2006 tax returns;\nonb- mi q2/08 shareholders dividend mailing;\nonb- mi q1/08 shareholders dividend mailing;\nonb- mi q3/07 shareholders dividend mailing;\nonb- mi q4/07 shareholders dividend mailing;\nonb- mi final disbursement mailing 1/22/09;",
  72416. "3/10/2011",
  72417. "683272809",
  72418. "charles l. stutts",
  72419. "off-site",
  72420. "stutts charles",
  72421. "nan",
  72422. "tampa",
  72423. "1742489",
  72424. "9/17/2013",
  72425. "nan",
  72426. "nan",
  72427. "nan",
  72428. "nan",
  72429. "nan",
  72430. "nan",
  72431. "nan",
  72432. "nan",
  72433. "nan",
  72434. "nan",
  72435. "nan",
  72436. "nan",
  72437. "nan",
  72438. "nan",
  72439. "nan",
  72440. "nan",
  72441. "nan",
  72442. "nan",
  72443. "nan",
  72444. "nan",
  72445. "nan",
  72446. "nan"
  72447. ],
  72448. [
  72449. "122396",
  72450. "00001",
  72451. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  72452. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  72453. "683272807",
  72454. "nan",
  72455. "(3) redwells containing ocala national bank - fdic doc production;",
  72456. "3/10/2011",
  72457. "683272807",
  72458. "charles l. stutts",
  72459. "off-site",
  72460. "stutts charles",
  72461. "nan",
  72462. "tampa",
  72463. "1742490",
  72464. "9/17/2013",
  72465. "nan",
  72466. "nan",
  72467. "nan",
  72468. "nan",
  72469. "nan",
  72470. "nan",
  72471. "nan",
  72472. "nan",
  72473. "nan",
  72474. "nan",
  72475. "nan",
  72476. "nan",
  72477. "nan",
  72478. "nan",
  72479. "nan",
  72480. "nan",
  72481. "nan",
  72482. "nan",
  72483. "nan",
  72484. "nan",
  72485. "nan",
  72486. "nan"
  72487. ],
  72488. [
  72489. "122658",
  72490. "00001",
  72491. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  72492. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  72493. "731234741",
  72494. "leases",
  72495. "5th amendment to office lease",
  72496. "6/15/2012",
  72497. "nan",
  72498. "robert c. mackichan",
  72499. "off-site",
  72500. "boyd robert",
  72501. "nan",
  72502. "washington d.c",
  72503. "1857924",
  72504. "11/2/2010",
  72505. "nan",
  72506. "nan",
  72507. "nan",
  72508. "nan",
  72509. "nan",
  72510. "nan",
  72511. "nan",
  72512. "nan",
  72513. "nan",
  72514. "nan",
  72515. "nan",
  72516. "nan",
  72517. "nan",
  72518. "nan",
  72519. "nan",
  72520. "nan",
  72521. "nan",
  72522. "nan",
  72523. "nan",
  72524. "nan",
  72525. "nan",
  72526. "nan"
  72527. ],
  72528. [
  72529. "122658",
  72530. "00001",
  72531. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  72532. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  72533. "731234741",
  72534. "leases",
  72535. "franklin street rfp/sfo response",
  72536. "6/15/2012",
  72537. "nan",
  72538. "robert c. mackichan",
  72539. "off-site",
  72540. "boyd robert",
  72541. "nan",
  72542. "washington d.c",
  72543. "1857927",
  72544. "11/2/2010",
  72545. "nan",
  72546. "nan",
  72547. "nan",
  72548. "nan",
  72549. "nan",
  72550. "nan",
  72551. "nan",
  72552. "nan",
  72553. "nan",
  72554. "nan",
  72555. "nan",
  72556. "nan",
  72557. "nan",
  72558. "nan",
  72559. "nan",
  72560. "nan",
  72561. "nan",
  72562. "nan",
  72563. "nan",
  72564. "nan",
  72565. "nan",
  72566. "nan"
  72567. ],
  72568. [
  72569. "122658",
  72570. "00001",
  72571. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  72572. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  72573. "731234741",
  72574. "leases",
  72575. "form lease redraft - franklin street property",
  72576. "6/15/2012",
  72577. "nan",
  72578. "robert c. mackichan",
  72579. "off-site",
  72580. "boyd robert",
  72581. "nan",
  72582. "washington d.c",
  72583. "1857929",
  72584. "11/2/2010",
  72585. "nan",
  72586. "nan",
  72587. "nan",
  72588. "nan",
  72589. "nan",
  72590. "nan",
  72591. "nan",
  72592. "nan",
  72593. "nan",
  72594. "nan",
  72595. "nan",
  72596. "nan",
  72597. "nan",
  72598. "nan",
  72599. "nan",
  72600. "nan",
  72601. "nan",
  72602. "nan",
  72603. "nan",
  72604. "nan",
  72605. "nan",
  72606. "nan"
  72607. ],
  72608. [
  72609. "122840",
  72610. "00001",
  72611. "iberiabank",
  72612. "loan workout-foreclosure - neptune beach surgery center, llc",
  72613. "755565903",
  72614. "general/other",
  72615. "jasmon assets; r. phillips; j. jasmon; w. muyres stmt of financial condition; \njudgment lien cert.; back taxes 2009; taxes on condo units; loose docs; m/rehearing; ga. domestication/registration; outside counsel guidelines; fdic superpowers; nbsc final judgment - certified copies; muyres real property; b. muyres; muyres assets research",
  72616. "11/21/2012",
  72617. "nan",
  72618. "lawrence j. hamilton",
  72619. "off-site",
  72620. "patangan, patrick",
  72621. "nan",
  72622. "jacksonville",
  72623. "1929394",
  72624. "11/22/2013",
  72625. "nan",
  72626. "nan",
  72627. "nan",
  72628. "nan",
  72629. "nan",
  72630. "nan",
  72631. "nan",
  72632. "nan",
  72633. "nan",
  72634. "nan",
  72635. "nan",
  72636. "nan",
  72637. "nan",
  72638. "nan",
  72639. "nan",
  72640. "nan",
  72641. "nan",
  72642. "nan",
  72643. "nan",
  72644. "nan",
  72645. "nan",
  72646. "nan"
  72647. ],
  72648. [
  72649. "123008",
  72650. "00001",
  72651. "first bank of jacksonville",
  72652. "general corporate matters",
  72653. "767976906",
  72654. "key documents",
  72655. "fdic regulations",
  72656. "1/30/2015",
  72657. "9",
  72658. "ivan a. colao",
  72659. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  72660. "colao ivan",
  72661. "nan",
  72662. "jacksonville",
  72663. "2305537",
  72664. "7/27/2012",
  72665. "nan",
  72666. "nan",
  72667. "nan",
  72668. "nan",
  72669. "nan",
  72670. "nan",
  72671. "nan",
  72672. "nan",
  72673. "nan",
  72674. "nan",
  72675. "nan",
  72676. "nan",
  72677. "nan",
  72678. "nan",
  72679. "nan",
  72680. "nan",
  72681. "nan",
  72682. "nan",
  72683. "nan",
  72684. "nan",
  72685. "nan",
  72686. "nan"
  72687. ],
  72688. [
  72689. "123291",
  72690. "00001",
  72691. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72692. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72693. "active file",
  72694. "pleadings",
  72695. "pleadings - volume ii",
  72696. "6/3/2013",
  72697. "nan",
  72698. "charles l. stutts",
  72699. "on-site",
  72700. "wachter charles",
  72701. "nan",
  72702. "tampa",
  72703. "2046331",
  72704. "nan",
  72705. "nan",
  72706. "nan",
  72707. "nan",
  72708. "nan",
  72709. "nan",
  72710. "nan",
  72711. "nan",
  72712. "nan",
  72713. "nan",
  72714. "nan",
  72715. "nan",
  72716. "nan",
  72717. "nan",
  72718. "nan",
  72719. "nan",
  72720. "nan",
  72721. "nan",
  72722. "nan",
  72723. "nan",
  72724. "nan",
  72725. "nan",
  72726. "nan"
  72727. ],
  72728. [
  72729. "123291",
  72730. "00001",
  72731. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72732. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72733. "active file",
  72734. "subpoena",
  72735. "ooc subpoenas",
  72736. "6/7/2013",
  72737. "nan",
  72738. "charles l. stutts",
  72739. "on-site",
  72740. "wachter charles",
  72741. "nan",
  72742. "tampa",
  72743. "2047896",
  72744. "nan",
  72745. "nan",
  72746. "nan",
  72747. "nan",
  72748. "nan",
  72749. "nan",
  72750. "nan",
  72751. "nan",
  72752. "nan",
  72753. "nan",
  72754. "nan",
  72755. "nan",
  72756. "nan",
  72757. "nan",
  72758. "nan",
  72759. "nan",
  72760. "nan",
  72761. "nan",
  72762. "nan",
  72763. "nan",
  72764. "nan",
  72765. "nan",
  72766. "nan"
  72767. ],
  72768. [
  72769. "123291",
  72770. "00001",
  72771. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72772. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72773. "active file",
  72774. "pleadings",
  72775. "volume iii",
  72776. "6/11/2013",
  72777. "nan",
  72778. "charles l. stutts",
  72779. "on-site",
  72780. "wachter charles",
  72781. "nan",
  72782. "tampa",
  72783. "2050397",
  72784. "nan",
  72785. "nan",
  72786. "nan",
  72787. "nan",
  72788. "nan",
  72789. "nan",
  72790. "nan",
  72791. "nan",
  72792. "nan",
  72793. "nan",
  72794. "nan",
  72795. "nan",
  72796. "nan",
  72797. "nan",
  72798. "nan",
  72799. "nan",
  72800. "nan",
  72801. "nan",
  72802. "nan",
  72803. "nan",
  72804. "nan",
  72805. "nan",
  72806. "nan"
  72807. ],
  72808. [
  72809. "123291",
  72810. "00001",
  72811. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72812. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72813. "active file",
  72814. "pleadings",
  72815. "pleadings - vol. iv",
  72816. "6/11/2013",
  72817. "nan",
  72818. "charles l. stutts",
  72819. "on-site",
  72820. "wachter charles",
  72821. "nan",
  72822. "tampa",
  72823. "2060703",
  72824. "nan",
  72825. "nan",
  72826. "nan",
  72827. "nan",
  72828. "nan",
  72829. "nan",
  72830. "nan",
  72831. "nan",
  72832. "nan",
  72833. "nan",
  72834. "nan",
  72835. "nan",
  72836. "nan",
  72837. "nan",
  72838. "nan",
  72839. "nan",
  72840. "nan",
  72841. "nan",
  72842. "nan",
  72843. "nan",
  72844. "nan",
  72845. "nan",
  72846. "nan"
  72847. ],
  72848. [
  72849. "123291",
  72850. "00001",
  72851. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72852. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72853. "active file",
  72854. "document production",
  72855. "documents produced by fdic",
  72856. "7/30/2013",
  72857. "nan",
  72858. "charles l. stutts",
  72859. "on-site",
  72860. "wachter charles",
  72861. "nan",
  72862. "tampa",
  72863. "2073305",
  72864. "nan",
  72865. "nan",
  72866. "nan",
  72867. "nan",
  72868. "nan",
  72869. "nan",
  72870. "nan",
  72871. "nan",
  72872. "nan",
  72873. "nan",
  72874. "nan",
  72875. "nan",
  72876. "nan",
  72877. "nan",
  72878. "nan",
  72879. "nan",
  72880. "nan",
  72881. "nan",
  72882. "nan",
  72883. "nan",
  72884. "nan",
  72885. "nan",
  72886. "nan"
  72887. ],
  72888. [
  72889. "123291",
  72890. "00001",
  72891. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72892. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72893. "active file",
  72894. "pleadings",
  72895. "pleadings - vol. v",
  72896. "6/3/2013",
  72897. "nan",
  72898. "charles l. stutts",
  72899. "on-site",
  72900. "wachter charles",
  72901. "nan",
  72902. "tampa",
  72903. "2130683",
  72904. "nan",
  72905. "nan",
  72906. "nan",
  72907. "nan",
  72908. "nan",
  72909. "nan",
  72910. "nan",
  72911. "nan",
  72912. "nan",
  72913. "nan",
  72914. "nan",
  72915. "nan",
  72916. "nan",
  72917. "nan",
  72918. "nan",
  72919. "nan",
  72920. "nan",
  72921. "nan",
  72922. "nan",
  72923. "nan",
  72924. "nan",
  72925. "nan",
  72926. "nan"
  72927. ],
  72928. [
  72929. "123291",
  72930. "00001",
  72931. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72932. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72933. "active file",
  72934. "agreements",
  72935. "kreitman & nickerson agreements to maintain confidentiality",
  72936. "6/3/2013",
  72937. "nan",
  72938. "charles l. stutts",
  72939. "on-site",
  72940. "wachter charles",
  72941. "nan",
  72942. "tampa",
  72943. "2206266",
  72944. "nan",
  72945. "nan",
  72946. "nan",
  72947. "nan",
  72948. "nan",
  72949. "nan",
  72950. "nan",
  72951. "nan",
  72952. "nan",
  72953. "nan",
  72954. "nan",
  72955. "nan",
  72956. "nan",
  72957. "nan",
  72958. "nan",
  72959. "nan",
  72960. "nan",
  72961. "nan",
  72962. "nan",
  72963. "nan",
  72964. "nan",
  72965. "nan",
  72966. "nan"
  72967. ],
  72968. [
  72969. "123291",
  72970. "00001",
  72971. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  72972. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  72973. "active file",
  72974. "document production",
  72975. "documents on flash drive brought by nickerson on 6/19/14",
  72976. "7/30/2013",
  72977. "nan",
  72978. "charles l. stutts",
  72979. "on-site",
  72980. "wachter charles",
  72981. "nan",
  72982. "tampa",
  72983. "2223658",
  72984. "nan",
  72985. "nan",
  72986. "nan",
  72987. "nan",
  72988. "nan",
  72989. "nan",
  72990. "nan",
  72991. "nan",
  72992. "nan",
  72993. "nan",
  72994. "nan",
  72995. "nan",
  72996. "nan",
  72997. "nan",
  72998. "nan",
  72999. "nan",
  73000. "nan",
  73001. "nan",
  73002. "nan",
  73003. "nan",
  73004. "nan",
  73005. "nan",
  73006. "nan"
  73007. ],
  73008. [
  73009. "123291",
  73010. "00001",
  73011. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73012. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73013. "active file",
  73014. "pleadings",
  73015. "pleadings vol. vi",
  73016. "6/3/2013",
  73017. "nan",
  73018. "charles l. stutts",
  73019. "on-site",
  73020. "wachter charles",
  73021. "nan",
  73022. "tampa",
  73023. "2226461",
  73024. "nan",
  73025. "nan",
  73026. "nan",
  73027. "nan",
  73028. "nan",
  73029. "nan",
  73030. "nan",
  73031. "nan",
  73032. "nan",
  73033. "nan",
  73034. "nan",
  73035. "nan",
  73036. "nan",
  73037. "nan",
  73038. "nan",
  73039. "nan",
  73040. "nan",
  73041. "nan",
  73042. "nan",
  73043. "nan",
  73044. "nan",
  73045. "nan",
  73046. "nan"
  73047. ],
  73048. [
  73049. "123291",
  73050. "00001",
  73051. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73052. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73053. "active file",
  73054. "document production",
  73055. "(1 cd) documents produced by iberia bank (#1b0000139 - ib0022163)",
  73056. "7/30/2013",
  73057. "nan",
  73058. "charles l. stutts",
  73059. "on-site",
  73060. "wachter charles",
  73061. "nan",
  73062. "tampa",
  73063. "2236189",
  73064. "nan",
  73065. "nan",
  73066. "nan",
  73067. "nan",
  73068. "nan",
  73069. "nan",
  73070. "nan",
  73071. "nan",
  73072. "nan",
  73073. "nan",
  73074. "nan",
  73075. "nan",
  73076. "nan",
  73077. "nan",
  73078. "nan",
  73079. "nan",
  73080. "nan",
  73081. "nan",
  73082. "nan",
  73083. "nan",
  73084. "nan",
  73085. "nan",
  73086. "nan"
  73087. ],
  73088. [
  73089. "123291",
  73090. "00001",
  73091. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73092. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73093. "791439473",
  73094. "pleadings",
  73095. "federal court pleadings",
  73096. "4/26/2016",
  73097. "nan",
  73098. "charles l. stutts",
  73099. "off-site",
  73100. "wachter charles",
  73101. "nan",
  73102. "tampa",
  73103. "2477753",
  73104. "nan",
  73105. "nan",
  73106. "nan",
  73107. "nan",
  73108. "nan",
  73109. "nan",
  73110. "nan",
  73111. "nan",
  73112. "nan",
  73113. "nan",
  73114. "nan",
  73115. "nan",
  73116. "nan",
  73117. "nan",
  73118. "nan",
  73119. "nan",
  73120. "nan",
  73121. "nan",
  73122. "nan",
  73123. "nan",
  73124. "nan",
  73125. "nan",
  73126. "nan"
  73127. ],
  73128. [
  73129. "123291",
  73130. "00001",
  73131. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73132. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73133. "791439473",
  73134. "privilege log",
  73135. "privilege log and documents withheld from production",
  73136. "4/26/2016",
  73137. "nan",
  73138. "charles l. stutts",
  73139. "off-site",
  73140. "wachter charles",
  73141. "nan",
  73142. "tampa",
  73143. "2477759",
  73144. "nan",
  73145. "nan",
  73146. "nan",
  73147. "nan",
  73148. "nan",
  73149. "nan",
  73150. "nan",
  73151. "nan",
  73152. "nan",
  73153. "nan",
  73154. "nan",
  73155. "nan",
  73156. "nan",
  73157. "nan",
  73158. "nan",
  73159. "nan",
  73160. "nan",
  73161. "nan",
  73162. "nan",
  73163. "nan",
  73164. "nan",
  73165. "nan",
  73166. "nan"
  73167. ],
  73168. [
  73169. "123291",
  73170. "00001",
  73171. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73172. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73173. "791439473",
  73174. "document production",
  73175. "originals of stanley kreitman production to the fdic (cb-kreitman 000001 - 000068)",
  73176. "4/26/2016",
  73177. "nan",
  73178. "charles l. stutts",
  73179. "off-site",
  73180. "wachter charles",
  73181. "nan",
  73182. "tampa",
  73183. "2477818",
  73184. "nan",
  73185. "nan",
  73186. "nan",
  73187. "nan",
  73188. "nan",
  73189. "nan",
  73190. "nan",
  73191. "nan",
  73192. "nan",
  73193. "nan",
  73194. "nan",
  73195. "nan",
  73196. "nan",
  73197. "nan",
  73198. "nan",
  73199. "nan",
  73200. "nan",
  73201. "nan",
  73202. "nan",
  73203. "nan",
  73204. "nan",
  73205. "nan",
  73206. "nan"
  73207. ],
  73208. [
  73209. "123291",
  73210. "00001",
  73211. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73212. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73213. "active file",
  73214. "working papers",
  73215. "century bank d&o policy",
  73216. "4/22/2016",
  73217. "nan",
  73218. "charles l. stutts",
  73219. "on-site",
  73220. "wachter charles",
  73221. "nan",
  73222. "tampa",
  73223. "2477838",
  73224. "nan",
  73225. "nan",
  73226. "nan",
  73227. "nan",
  73228. "nan",
  73229. "nan",
  73230. "nan",
  73231. "nan",
  73232. "nan",
  73233. "nan",
  73234. "nan",
  73235. "nan",
  73236. "nan",
  73237. "nan",
  73238. "nan",
  73239. "nan",
  73240. "nan",
  73241. "nan",
  73242. "nan",
  73243. "nan",
  73244. "nan",
  73245. "nan",
  73246. "nan"
  73247. ],
  73248. [
  73249. "123291",
  73250. "00001",
  73251. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73252. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73253. "active file",
  73254. "correspondence",
  73255. "correspondence file",
  73256. "4/22/2016",
  73257. "nan",
  73258. "charles l. stutts",
  73259. "on-site",
  73260. "wachter charles",
  73261. "nan",
  73262. "tampa",
  73263. "2477839",
  73264. "nan",
  73265. "nan",
  73266. "nan",
  73267. "nan",
  73268. "nan",
  73269. "nan",
  73270. "nan",
  73271. "nan",
  73272. "nan",
  73273. "nan",
  73274. "nan",
  73275. "nan",
  73276. "nan",
  73277. "nan",
  73278. "nan",
  73279. "nan",
  73280. "nan",
  73281. "nan",
  73282. "nan",
  73283. "nan",
  73284. "nan",
  73285. "nan",
  73286. "nan"
  73287. ],
  73288. [
  73289. "123291",
  73290. "00001",
  73291. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73292. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73293. "active file",
  73294. "notes",
  73295. "notes file",
  73296. "4/22/2016",
  73297. "nan",
  73298. "charles l. stutts",
  73299. "on-site",
  73300. "wachter charles",
  73301. "nan",
  73302. "tampa",
  73303. "2477841",
  73304. "nan",
  73305. "nan",
  73306. "nan",
  73307. "nan",
  73308. "nan",
  73309. "nan",
  73310. "nan",
  73311. "nan",
  73312. "nan",
  73313. "nan",
  73314. "nan",
  73315. "nan",
  73316. "nan",
  73317. "nan",
  73318. "nan",
  73319. "nan",
  73320. "nan",
  73321. "nan",
  73322. "nan",
  73323. "nan",
  73324. "nan",
  73325. "nan",
  73326. "nan"
  73327. ],
  73328. [
  73329. "123291",
  73330. "00001",
  73331. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73332. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73333. "791439473",
  73334. "correspondence & e-mails",
  73335. "correspondence & e-mails",
  73336. "4/26/2016",
  73337. "nan",
  73338. "charles l. stutts",
  73339. "off-site",
  73340. "wachter charles",
  73341. "nan",
  73342. "tampa",
  73343. "2477842",
  73344. "nan",
  73345. "nan",
  73346. "nan",
  73347. "nan",
  73348. "nan",
  73349. "nan",
  73350. "nan",
  73351. "nan",
  73352. "nan",
  73353. "nan",
  73354. "nan",
  73355. "nan",
  73356. "nan",
  73357. "nan",
  73358. "nan",
  73359. "nan",
  73360. "nan",
  73361. "nan",
  73362. "nan",
  73363. "nan",
  73364. "nan",
  73365. "nan",
  73366. "nan"
  73367. ],
  73368. [
  73369. "123291",
  73370. "00001",
  73371. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73372. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73373. "791439473",
  73374. "bills",
  73375. "h&k billing file",
  73376. "4/26/2016",
  73377. "nan",
  73378. "charles l. stutts",
  73379. "off-site",
  73380. "wachter charles",
  73381. "nan",
  73382. "tampa",
  73383. "2477843",
  73384. "nan",
  73385. "nan",
  73386. "nan",
  73387. "nan",
  73388. "nan",
  73389. "nan",
  73390. "nan",
  73391. "nan",
  73392. "nan",
  73393. "nan",
  73394. "nan",
  73395. "nan",
  73396. "nan",
  73397. "nan",
  73398. "nan",
  73399. "nan",
  73400. "nan",
  73401. "nan",
  73402. "nan",
  73403. "nan",
  73404. "nan",
  73405. "nan",
  73406. "nan"
  73407. ],
  73408. [
  73409. "123291",
  73410. "00001",
  73411. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73412. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73413. "791439473",
  73414. "correspondence",
  73415. "correspondence file",
  73416. "4/26/2016",
  73417. "nan",
  73418. "charles l. stutts",
  73419. "off-site",
  73420. "wachter charles",
  73421. "nan",
  73422. "tampa",
  73423. "2478065",
  73424. "nan",
  73425. "nan",
  73426. "nan",
  73427. "nan",
  73428. "nan",
  73429. "nan",
  73430. "nan",
  73431. "nan",
  73432. "nan",
  73433. "nan",
  73434. "nan",
  73435. "nan",
  73436. "nan",
  73437. "nan",
  73438. "nan",
  73439. "nan",
  73440. "nan",
  73441. "nan",
  73442. "nan",
  73443. "nan",
  73444. "nan",
  73445. "nan",
  73446. "nan"
  73447. ],
  73448. [
  73449. "123291",
  73450. "00001",
  73451. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73452. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73453. "791439473",
  73454. "working papers",
  73455. "century bank d&o policy",
  73456. "4/26/2016",
  73457. "nan",
  73458. "charles l. stutts",
  73459. "off-site",
  73460. "wachter charles",
  73461. "nan",
  73462. "tampa",
  73463. "2478067",
  73464. "nan",
  73465. "nan",
  73466. "nan",
  73467. "nan",
  73468. "nan",
  73469. "nan",
  73470. "nan",
  73471. "nan",
  73472. "nan",
  73473. "nan",
  73474. "nan",
  73475. "nan",
  73476. "nan",
  73477. "nan",
  73478. "nan",
  73479. "nan",
  73480. "nan",
  73481. "nan",
  73482. "nan",
  73483. "nan",
  73484. "nan",
  73485. "nan",
  73486. "nan"
  73487. ],
  73488. [
  73489. "123291",
  73490. "00001",
  73491. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73492. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73493. "791439473",
  73494. "attorney notes",
  73495. "notes",
  73496. "4/26/2016",
  73497. "nan",
  73498. "charles l. stutts",
  73499. "off-site",
  73500. "wachter charles",
  73501. "nan",
  73502. "tampa",
  73503. "2478071",
  73504. "nan",
  73505. "nan",
  73506. "nan",
  73507. "nan",
  73508. "nan",
  73509. "nan",
  73510. "nan",
  73511. "nan",
  73512. "nan",
  73513. "nan",
  73514. "nan",
  73515. "nan",
  73516. "nan",
  73517. "nan",
  73518. "nan",
  73519. "nan",
  73520. "nan",
  73521. "nan",
  73522. "nan",
  73523. "nan",
  73524. "nan",
  73525. "nan",
  73526. "nan"
  73527. ],
  73528. [
  73529. "123291",
  73530. "00001",
  73531. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73532. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73533. "791439473",
  73534. "working papers",
  73535. "settlement correspondence & discussions",
  73536. "4/26/2016",
  73537. "nan",
  73538. "charles l. stutts",
  73539. "off-site",
  73540. "wachter charles",
  73541. "nan",
  73542. "tampa",
  73543. "2478105",
  73544. "nan",
  73545. "nan",
  73546. "nan",
  73547. "nan",
  73548. "nan",
  73549. "nan",
  73550. "nan",
  73551. "nan",
  73552. "nan",
  73553. "nan",
  73554. "nan",
  73555. "nan",
  73556. "nan",
  73557. "nan",
  73558. "nan",
  73559. "nan",
  73560. "nan",
  73561. "nan",
  73562. "nan",
  73563. "nan",
  73564. "nan",
  73565. "nan",
  73566. "nan"
  73567. ],
  73568. [
  73569. "123291",
  73570. "00001",
  73571. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73572. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73573. "791439473",
  73574. "research",
  73575. "research",
  73576. "4/26/2016",
  73577. "nan",
  73578. "charles l. stutts",
  73579. "off-site",
  73580. "wachter charles",
  73581. "nan",
  73582. "tampa",
  73583. "2478108",
  73584. "nan",
  73585. "nan",
  73586. "nan",
  73587. "nan",
  73588. "nan",
  73589. "nan",
  73590. "nan",
  73591. "nan",
  73592. "nan",
  73593. "nan",
  73594. "nan",
  73595. "nan",
  73596. "nan",
  73597. "nan",
  73598. "nan",
  73599. "nan",
  73600. "nan",
  73601. "nan",
  73602. "nan",
  73603. "nan",
  73604. "nan",
  73605. "nan",
  73606. "nan"
  73607. ],
  73608. [
  73609. "123291",
  73610. "00001",
  73611. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73612. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73613. "791439473",
  73614. "working papers",
  73615. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb\n",
  73616. "4/26/2016",
  73617. "nan",
  73618. "charles l. stutts",
  73619. "off-site",
  73620. "wachter charles",
  73621. "nan",
  73622. "tampa",
  73623. "2478146",
  73624. "nan",
  73625. "nan",
  73626. "nan",
  73627. "nan",
  73628. "nan",
  73629. "nan",
  73630. "nan",
  73631. "nan",
  73632. "nan",
  73633. "nan",
  73634. "nan",
  73635. "nan",
  73636. "nan",
  73637. "nan",
  73638. "nan",
  73639. "nan",
  73640. "nan",
  73641. "nan",
  73642. "nan",
  73643. "nan",
  73644. "nan",
  73645. "nan",
  73646. "nan"
  73647. ],
  73648. [
  73649. "123291",
  73650. "00001",
  73651. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  73652. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  73653. "791439473",
  73654. "working papers",
  73655. "confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement\ntravelers\nnickerson subpoenas\n11/11/11 email from martin woods to charlie stutts, et al.\noffice of thrift supervision 8/11/09 order to cease and desist\nfdic, as receiver of integrity bank of alpharetta, ga v. steven skow, et al.",
  73656. "4/26/2016",
  73657. "nan",
  73658. "charles l. stutts",
  73659. "off-site",
  73660. "wachter charles",
  73661. "nan",
  73662. "tampa",
  73663. "2478418",
  73664. "nan",
  73665. "nan",
  73666. "nan",
  73667. "nan",
  73668. "nan",
  73669. "nan",
  73670. "nan",
  73671. "nan",
  73672. "nan",
  73673. "nan",
  73674. "nan",
  73675. "nan",
  73676. "nan",
  73677. "nan",
  73678. "nan",
  73679. "nan",
  73680. "nan",
  73681. "nan",
  73682. "nan",
  73683. "nan",
  73684. "nan",
  73685. "nan",
  73686. "nan"
  73687. ],
  73688. [
  73689. "123468",
  73690. "00003",
  73691. "smart holding group s.a.",
  73692. "hosted solutions master services agreement and it policies",
  73693. "632021750",
  73694. "general/other",
  73695. "smartcash msa & it policies",
  73696. "5/10/2012",
  73697. "nan",
  73698. "richard raysman",
  73699. "off-site",
  73700. "nan",
  73701. "nan",
  73702. "new york city",
  73703. "1847298",
  73704. "11/22/2013",
  73705. "nan",
  73706. "nan",
  73707. "nan",
  73708. "nan",
  73709. "nan",
  73710. "nan",
  73711. "nan",
  73712. "nan",
  73713. "nan",
  73714. "nan",
  73715. "nan",
  73716. "nan",
  73717. "nan",
  73718. "nan",
  73719. "nan",
  73720. "nan",
  73721. "nan",
  73722. "nan",
  73723. "nan",
  73724. "nan",
  73725. "nan",
  73726. "nan"
  73727. ],
  73728. [
  73729. "123468",
  73730. "00001",
  73731. "smart holding group s.a.",
  73732. "general corporate/intellectual property",
  73733. "731238089",
  73734. "us trademark",
  73735. "applicant smartcash usa inc. - correspondent ruth lansner (nyc office) - class 36 - attorney rll - filed 7/01/2010 - serial no. 76/703,615 - first use 1/15/2010 - first use in commerce 1/15/2010 - date registered 2/22/2011 - registration no. 3921469",
  73736. "6/26/2012",
  73737. "nan",
  73738. "richard raysman",
  73739. "off-site",
  73740. "kilmer paul",
  73741. "nan",
  73742. "washington d.c",
  73743. "1860683",
  73744. "10/16/2014",
  73745. "nan",
  73746. "nan",
  73747. "nan",
  73748. "nan",
  73749. "nan",
  73750. "nan",
  73751. "nan",
  73752. "nan",
  73753. "nan",
  73754. "nan",
  73755. "nan",
  73756. "nan",
  73757. "nan",
  73758. "nan",
  73759. "nan",
  73760. "nan",
  73761. "nan",
  73762. "nan",
  73763. "nan",
  73764. "nan",
  73765. "nan",
  73766. "nan"
  73767. ],
  73768. [
  73769. "123502",
  73770. "00002",
  73771. "first southern national bank",
  73772. "piedmont village foreclosure",
  73773. "755589600",
  73774. "agreements",
  73775. "purchase agreement from fdic to fsnb",
  73776. "10/23/2012",
  73777. "nan",
  73778. "james h. rollins",
  73779. "off-site",
  73780. "nan",
  73781. "nan",
  73782. "atlanta",
  73783. "1903152",
  73784. "1/14/2014",
  73785. "nan",
  73786. "nan",
  73787. "nan",
  73788. "nan",
  73789. "nan",
  73790. "nan",
  73791. "nan",
  73792. "nan",
  73793. "nan",
  73794. "nan",
  73795. "nan",
  73796. "nan",
  73797. "nan",
  73798. "nan",
  73799. "nan",
  73800. "nan",
  73801. "nan",
  73802. "nan",
  73803. "nan",
  73804. "nan",
  73805. "nan",
  73806. "nan"
  73807. ],
  73808. [
  73809. "123969",
  73810. "00011",
  73811. "norwich partners of florida llc",
  73812. "permanent financing re: 368 congress street, boston, ma",
  73813. "rf034066424",
  73814. "general/other",
  73815. "subfolders: tax credit (1-7-13); title survey; meeting agenda 10/2/10; proposed hotel plans (9/28/10); proposal for tax credit aid; request for mhrtc letter of support; finalized deed from r. kubica (7/30/10); due diligence executive summary (7/21/10); proforma (from y. tsipis) 8/26/10; proposal from howard/stein; proposal from epsilon assoc.; 368 congress due diligence; fully exec parking loi; ltr. to s. brooks re: enc $10,000 check; letter re: list of required approvals; ltr. to r. toelke enclosing title commit for 368 and garbage; permitting notes from 7/27/10 meeting; charges assessed against 368 for fort point owners assoc.; budget as of 7/26/10; cd's-environmental site assessment and project/asbestos reports; draft franchise agreement\n\nalso contains one unnamed folder containing surveys; loose correspondence, notes, drafts and lease documents",
  73816. "8/22/2017",
  73817. "nan",
  73818. "diane m mcdermott",
  73819. "off-site",
  73820. "mcdermott diane",
  73821. "nan",
  73822. "boston",
  73823. "2643227",
  73824. "9/30/2014",
  73825. "nan",
  73826. "nan",
  73827. "nan",
  73828. "nan",
  73829. "nan",
  73830. "nan",
  73831. "nan",
  73832. "nan",
  73833. "nan",
  73834. "nan",
  73835. "nan",
  73836. "nan",
  73837. "nan",
  73838. "nan",
  73839. "nan",
  73840. "nan",
  73841. "nan",
  73842. "nan",
  73843. "nan",
  73844. "nan",
  73845. "nan",
  73846. "nan"
  73847. ],
  73848. [
  73849. "124094",
  73850. "00001",
  73851. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  73852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  73853. "788692819",
  73854. "document production",
  73855. "jwolf-00005834 - jwolf 00008347",
  73856. "5/1/2013",
  73857. "nan",
  73858. "charles l. stutts",
  73859. "off-site",
  73860. "mcalpin louise",
  73861. "nan",
  73862. "miami",
  73863. "2021219",
  73864. "11/20/2014",
  73865. "nan",
  73866. "nan",
  73867. "nan",
  73868. "nan",
  73869. "nan",
  73870. "nan",
  73871. "nan",
  73872. "nan",
  73873. "nan",
  73874. "nan",
  73875. "nan",
  73876. "nan",
  73877. "nan",
  73878. "nan",
  73879. "nan",
  73880. "nan",
  73881. "nan",
  73882. "nan",
  73883. "nan",
  73884. "nan",
  73885. "nan",
  73886. "nan"
  73887. ],
  73888. [
  73889. "124094",
  73890. "00001",
  73891. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  73892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  73893. "788692820",
  73894. "original documents",
  73895. "partners financial corp.",
  73896. "5/1/2013",
  73897. "nan",
  73898. "charles l. stutts",
  73899. "off-site",
  73900. "mcalpin louise",
  73901. "nan",
  73902. "miami",
  73903. "2021222",
  73904. "11/20/2014",
  73905. "nan",
  73906. "nan",
  73907. "nan",
  73908. "nan",
  73909. "nan",
  73910. "nan",
  73911. "nan",
  73912. "nan",
  73913. "nan",
  73914. "nan",
  73915. "nan",
  73916. "nan",
  73917. "nan",
  73918. "nan",
  73919. "nan",
  73920. "nan",
  73921. "nan",
  73922. "nan",
  73923. "nan",
  73924. "nan",
  73925. "nan",
  73926. "nan"
  73927. ],
  73928. [
  73929. "124094",
  73930. "00001",
  73931. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  73932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  73933. "788692820",
  73934. "original documents",
  73935. "fdic",
  73936. "5/1/2013",
  73937. "nan",
  73938. "charles l. stutts",
  73939. "off-site",
  73940. "mcalpin louise",
  73941. "nan",
  73942. "miami",
  73943. "2021223",
  73944. "11/20/2014",
  73945. "nan",
  73946. "nan",
  73947. "nan",
  73948. "nan",
  73949. "nan",
  73950. "nan",
  73951. "nan",
  73952. "nan",
  73953. "nan",
  73954. "nan",
  73955. "nan",
  73956. "nan",
  73957. "nan",
  73958. "nan",
  73959. "nan",
  73960. "nan",
  73961. "nan",
  73962. "nan",
  73963. "nan",
  73964. "nan",
  73965. "nan",
  73966. "nan"
  73967. ],
  73968. [
  73969. "124094",
  73970. "00001",
  73971. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  73972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  73973. "788692820",
  73974. "original documents",
  73975. "audit commitee",
  73976. "5/1/2013",
  73977. "nan",
  73978. "charles l. stutts",
  73979. "off-site",
  73980. "mcalpin louise",
  73981. "nan",
  73982. "miami",
  73983. "2021224",
  73984. "11/20/2014",
  73985. "nan",
  73986. "nan",
  73987. "nan",
  73988. "nan",
  73989. "nan",
  73990. "nan",
  73991. "nan",
  73992. "nan",
  73993. "nan",
  73994. "nan",
  73995. "nan",
  73996. "nan",
  73997. "nan",
  73998. "nan",
  73999. "nan",
  74000. "nan",
  74001. "nan",
  74002. "nan",
  74003. "nan",
  74004. "nan",
  74005. "nan",
  74006. "nan"
  74007. ],
  74008. [
  74009. "124094",
  74010. "00001",
  74011. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74013. "788692820",
  74014. "original documents",
  74015. "regulatory agency - otc",
  74016. "5/1/2013",
  74017. "nan",
  74018. "charles l. stutts",
  74019. "off-site",
  74020. "mcalpin louise",
  74021. "nan",
  74022. "miami",
  74023. "2021225",
  74024. "11/20/2014",
  74025. "nan",
  74026. "nan",
  74027. "nan",
  74028. "nan",
  74029. "nan",
  74030. "nan",
  74031. "nan",
  74032. "nan",
  74033. "nan",
  74034. "nan",
  74035. "nan",
  74036. "nan",
  74037. "nan",
  74038. "nan",
  74039. "nan",
  74040. "nan",
  74041. "nan",
  74042. "nan",
  74043. "nan",
  74044. "nan",
  74045. "nan",
  74046. "nan"
  74047. ],
  74048. [
  74049. "124094",
  74050. "00001",
  74051. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74053. "727768042",
  74054. "document production",
  74055. "copy set / jwolf-00013406-jwold-00015905 volume 6 of 9",
  74056. "5/1/2013",
  74057. "nan",
  74058. "charles l. stutts",
  74059. "off-site",
  74060. "mcalpin louise",
  74061. "nan",
  74062. "miami",
  74063. "2021227",
  74064. "11/20/2014",
  74065. "nan",
  74066. "nan",
  74067. "nan",
  74068. "nan",
  74069. "nan",
  74070. "nan",
  74071. "nan",
  74072. "nan",
  74073. "nan",
  74074. "nan",
  74075. "nan",
  74076. "nan",
  74077. "nan",
  74078. "nan",
  74079. "nan",
  74080. "nan",
  74081. "nan",
  74082. "nan",
  74083. "nan",
  74084. "nan",
  74085. "nan",
  74086. "nan"
  74087. ],
  74088. [
  74089. "124094",
  74090. "00001",
  74091. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74093. "788692820",
  74094. "original documents",
  74095. "executice commitee",
  74096. "5/1/2013",
  74097. "nan",
  74098. "charles l. stutts",
  74099. "off-site",
  74100. "mcalpin louise",
  74101. "nan",
  74102. "miami",
  74103. "2021228",
  74104. "11/20/2014",
  74105. "nan",
  74106. "nan",
  74107. "nan",
  74108. "nan",
  74109. "nan",
  74110. "nan",
  74111. "nan",
  74112. "nan",
  74113. "nan",
  74114. "nan",
  74115. "nan",
  74116. "nan",
  74117. "nan",
  74118. "nan",
  74119. "nan",
  74120. "nan",
  74121. "nan",
  74122. "nan",
  74123. "nan",
  74124. "nan",
  74125. "nan",
  74126. "nan"
  74127. ],
  74128. [
  74129. "124094",
  74130. "00001",
  74131. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74133. "788692820",
  74134. "original documents",
  74135. "options agreements - vol. 2 0f 7",
  74136. "5/1/2013",
  74137. "nan",
  74138. "charles l. stutts",
  74139. "off-site",
  74140. "mcalpin louise",
  74141. "nan",
  74142. "miami",
  74143. "2021229",
  74144. "11/20/2014",
  74145. "nan",
  74146. "nan",
  74147. "nan",
  74148. "nan",
  74149. "nan",
  74150. "nan",
  74151. "nan",
  74152. "nan",
  74153. "nan",
  74154. "nan",
  74155. "nan",
  74156. "nan",
  74157. "nan",
  74158. "nan",
  74159. "nan",
  74160. "nan",
  74161. "nan",
  74162. "nan",
  74163. "nan",
  74164. "nan",
  74165. "nan",
  74166. "nan"
  74167. ],
  74168. [
  74169. "124094",
  74170. "00001",
  74171. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74173. "788692820",
  74174. "original documents",
  74175. "directors options agreements vol. 2 0f 7",
  74176. "5/1/2013",
  74177. "nan",
  74178. "charles l. stutts",
  74179. "off-site",
  74180. "mcalpin louise",
  74181. "nan",
  74182. "miami",
  74183. "2021230",
  74184. "11/20/2014",
  74185. "nan",
  74186. "nan",
  74187. "nan",
  74188. "nan",
  74189. "nan",
  74190. "nan",
  74191. "nan",
  74192. "nan",
  74193. "nan",
  74194. "nan",
  74195. "nan",
  74196. "nan",
  74197. "nan",
  74198. "nan",
  74199. "nan",
  74200. "nan",
  74201. "nan",
  74202. "nan",
  74203. "nan",
  74204. "nan",
  74205. "nan",
  74206. "nan"
  74207. ],
  74208. [
  74209. "124094",
  74210. "00001",
  74211. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74213. "788692820",
  74214. "original documents",
  74215. "employment agreement - weaver, j. - vol. 2 0f 7",
  74216. "5/1/2013",
  74217. "nan",
  74218. "charles l. stutts",
  74219. "off-site",
  74220. "mcalpin louise",
  74221. "nan",
  74222. "miami",
  74223. "2021231",
  74224. "11/20/2014",
  74225. "nan",
  74226. "nan",
  74227. "nan",
  74228. "nan",
  74229. "nan",
  74230. "nan",
  74231. "nan",
  74232. "nan",
  74233. "nan",
  74234. "nan",
  74235. "nan",
  74236. "nan",
  74237. "nan",
  74238. "nan",
  74239. "nan",
  74240. "nan",
  74241. "nan",
  74242. "nan",
  74243. "nan",
  74244. "nan",
  74245. "nan",
  74246. "nan"
  74247. ],
  74248. [
  74249. "124094",
  74250. "00001",
  74251. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74253. "788692820",
  74254. "original documents",
  74255. "compensation commitee, vol. 2 0f 7",
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  74264. "11/20/2014",
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  74266. "nan",
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  74269. "nan",
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  74284. "nan",
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  74295. "letters to ots, vol. 2 0f 7",
  74296. "5/1/2013",
  74297. "nan",
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  74300. "mcalpin louise",
  74301. "nan",
  74302. "miami",
  74303. "2021233",
  74304. "11/20/2014",
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  74309. "nan",
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  74321. "nan",
  74322. "nan",
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  74324. "nan",
  74325. "nan",
  74326. "nan"
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  74328. [
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  74336. "5/1/2013",
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  74344. "11/20/2014",
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  74346. "nan",
  74347. "nan",
  74348. "nan",
  74349. "nan",
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  74361. "nan",
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  74368. [
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  74376. "5/1/2013",
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  74382. "miami",
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  74384. "11/20/2014",
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  74403. "nan",
  74404. "nan",
  74405. "nan",
  74406. "nan"
  74407. ],
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  74416. "5/1/2013",
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  74422. "miami",
  74423. "2021237",
  74424. "11/20/2014",
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  74426. "nan",
  74427. "nan",
  74428. "nan",
  74429. "nan",
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  74447. ],
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  74452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
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  74456. "5/1/2013",
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  74464. "11/20/2014",
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  74466. "nan",
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  74468. "nan",
  74469. "nan",
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  74472. "nan",
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  74475. "nan",
  74476. "nan",
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  74478. "nan",
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  74481. "nan",
  74482. "nan",
  74483. "nan",
  74484. "nan",
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  74486. "nan"
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  74493. "727768043",
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  74495. "original docements vol 7 of 7",
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  74504. "11/20/2014",
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  74506. "nan",
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  74508. "nan",
  74509. "nan",
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  74532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
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  74535. "misc., loose leaf documents, vol. 2 of 7",
  74536. "5/1/2013",
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  74544. "11/20/2014",
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  74576. "5/1/2013",
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  74581. "nan",
  74582. "miami",
  74583. "2021247",
  74584. "11/20/2014",
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  74586. "nan",
  74587. "nan",
  74588. "nan",
  74589. "nan",
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  74600. "nan",
  74601. "nan",
  74602. "nan",
  74603. "nan",
  74604. "nan",
  74605. "nan",
  74606. "nan"
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  74612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74613. "727768044",
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  74624. "11/20/2014",
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  74626. "nan",
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  74644. "nan",
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  74664. "11/20/2014",
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  74666. "nan",
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  74681. "nan",
  74682. "nan",
  74683. "nan",
  74684. "nan",
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  74686. "nan"
  74687. ],
  74688. [
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  74695. "original documents, vol 4 of 7",
  74696. "5/1/2013",
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  74704. "11/20/2014",
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  74732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74733. "727768045",
  74734. "general/other",
  74735. "partners financial corporation, naples, florida partners bank, naples florida, request to deviate from approved business plan by raising additional capital and opening three new branches",
  74736. "5/1/2013",
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  74744. "11/20/2014",
  74745. "nan",
  74746. "nan",
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  74748. "nan",
  74749. "nan",
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  74751. "nan",
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  74762. "nan",
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  74784. "11/20/2014",
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  74795. "nan",
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  74797. "nan",
  74798. "nan",
  74799. "nan",
  74800. "nan",
  74801. "nan",
  74802. "nan",
  74803. "nan",
  74804. "nan",
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  74806. "nan"
  74807. ],
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  74813. "727768045",
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  74815. "a confidential review of strategic shareholder issues and related recommednations / provided to: board of directors partners financial corporation naples, florida / provided by: samco capital markets, inc. dallas texas july 2007",
  74816. "5/1/2013",
  74817. "nan",
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  74824. "11/20/2014",
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  74826. "nan",
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  74843. "nan",
  74844. "nan",
  74845. "nan",
  74846. "nan"
  74847. ],
  74848. [
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  74851. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74853. "727768045",
  74854. "general/other",
  74855. "report of exam 10/05/2006 / 1.25.2008",
  74856. "5/1/2013",
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  74859. "off-site",
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  74861. "nan",
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  74863. "2021271",
  74864. "11/20/2014",
  74865. "nan",
  74866. "nan",
  74867. "nan",
  74868. "nan",
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  74870. "nan",
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  74881. "nan",
  74882. "nan",
  74883. "nan",
  74884. "nan",
  74885. "nan",
  74886. "nan"
  74887. ],
  74888. [
  74889. "124094",
  74890. "00001",
  74891. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  74892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74893. "727768045",
  74894. "general/other",
  74895. "bank management meeting",
  74896. "5/1/2013",
  74897. "nan",
  74898. "charles l. stutts",
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  74901. "nan",
  74902. "miami",
  74903. "2021272",
  74904. "11/20/2014",
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  74925. "nan",
  74926. "nan"
  74927. ],
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  74932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  74933. "727768045",
  74934. "general/other",
  74935. "partners bank",
  74936. "5/1/2013",
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  74940. "mcalpin louise",
  74941. "nan",
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  74943. "2021274",
  74944. "11/20/2014",
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  74946. "nan",
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  74951. "nan",
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  74957. "nan",
  74958. "nan",
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  74960. "nan",
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  74962. "nan",
  74963. "nan",
  74964. "nan",
  74965. "nan",
  74966. "nan"
  74967. ],
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  74975. "original documents, vol 5 of 7",
  74976. "5/1/2013",
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  74983. "2021280",
  74984. "11/20/2014",
  74985. "nan",
  74986. "nan",
  74987. "nan",
  74988. "nan",
  74989. "nan",
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  74996. "nan",
  74997. "nan",
  74998. "nan",
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  75000. "nan",
  75001. "nan",
  75002. "nan",
  75003. "nan",
  75004. "nan",
  75005. "nan",
  75006. "nan"
  75007. ],
  75008. [
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  75010. "00001",
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  75024. "11/20/2014",
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  75064. "11/20/2014",
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  75066. "nan",
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  75144. "11/20/2014",
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  75544. "11/20/2014",
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  75706. "nan",
  75707. "nan",
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  75711. "nan",
  75712. "nan",
  75713. "nan",
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  75736. "10/9/2017",
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  75746. "nan",
  75747. "nan",
  75748. "nan",
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  75784. "11/20/2014",
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  75807. ],
  75808. [
  75809. "124094",
  75810. "00001",
  75811. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  75812. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  75813. "rf034152196",
  75814. "video tapes/cd's",
  75815. "cd - john wolf income tax returns",
  75816. "10/9/2017",
  75817. "nan",
  75818. "charles l stutts",
  75819. "off-site",
  75820. "mcalpin louise",
  75821. "nan",
  75822. "miami",
  75823. "2655470",
  75824. "11/20/2014",
  75825. "nan",
  75826. "nan",
  75827. "nan",
  75828. "nan",
  75829. "nan",
  75830. "nan",
  75831. "nan",
  75832. "nan",
  75833. "nan",
  75834. "nan",
  75835. "nan",
  75836. "nan",
  75837. "nan",
  75838. "nan",
  75839. "nan",
  75840. "nan",
  75841. "nan",
  75842. "nan",
  75843. "nan",
  75844. "nan",
  75845. "nan",
  75846. "nan"
  75847. ],
  75848. [
  75849. "124094",
  75850. "00001",
  75851. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  75852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  75853. "rf034152196",
  75854. "working papers",
  75855. "louise mcalpin working file",
  75856. "10/9/2017",
  75857. "nan",
  75858. "charles l stutts",
  75859. "off-site",
  75860. "mcalpin louise",
  75861. "nan",
  75862. "miami",
  75863. "2655471",
  75864. "11/20/2014",
  75865. "nan",
  75866. "nan",
  75867. "nan",
  75868. "nan",
  75869. "nan",
  75870. "nan",
  75871. "nan",
  75872. "nan",
  75873. "nan",
  75874. "nan",
  75875. "nan",
  75876. "nan",
  75877. "nan",
  75878. "nan",
  75879. "nan",
  75880. "nan",
  75881. "nan",
  75882. "nan",
  75883. "nan",
  75884. "nan",
  75885. "nan",
  75886. "nan"
  75887. ],
  75888. [
  75889. "124094",
  75890. "00001",
  75891. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  75892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  75893. "rf034152196",
  75894. "taxes",
  75895. "jerome bushman 2008 tax returns",
  75896. "10/9/2017",
  75897. "nan",
  75898. "charles l stutts",
  75899. "off-site",
  75900. "mcalpin louise",
  75901. "nan",
  75902. "miami",
  75903. "2655473",
  75904. "11/20/2014",
  75905. "nan",
  75906. "nan",
  75907. "nan",
  75908. "nan",
  75909. "nan",
  75910. "nan",
  75911. "nan",
  75912. "nan",
  75913. "nan",
  75914. "nan",
  75915. "nan",
  75916. "nan",
  75917. "nan",
  75918. "nan",
  75919. "nan",
  75920. "nan",
  75921. "nan",
  75922. "nan",
  75923. "nan",
  75924. "nan",
  75925. "nan",
  75926. "nan"
  75927. ],
  75928. [
  75929. "124094",
  75930. "00001",
  75931. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  75932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  75933. "rf034152196",
  75934. "agreements",
  75935. "retainer agreement with credence corp",
  75936. "10/9/2017",
  75937. "nan",
  75938. "charles l stutts",
  75939. "off-site",
  75940. "mcalpin louise",
  75941. "nan",
  75942. "miami",
  75943. "2655474",
  75944. "11/20/2014",
  75945. "nan",
  75946. "nan",
  75947. "nan",
  75948. "nan",
  75949. "nan",
  75950. "nan",
  75951. "nan",
  75952. "nan",
  75953. "nan",
  75954. "nan",
  75955. "nan",
  75956. "nan",
  75957. "nan",
  75958. "nan",
  75959. "nan",
  75960. "nan",
  75961. "nan",
  75962. "nan",
  75963. "nan",
  75964. "nan",
  75965. "nan",
  75966. "nan"
  75967. ],
  75968. [
  75969. "124094",
  75970. "00001",
  75971. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  75972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  75973. "rf034152196",
  75974. "statement",
  75975. "personal financial statement jerome bushman",
  75976. "10/9/2017",
  75977. "nan",
  75978. "charles l stutts",
  75979. "off-site",
  75980. "mcalpin louise",
  75981. "nan",
  75982. "miami",
  75983. "2655475",
  75984. "11/20/2014",
  75985. "nan",
  75986. "nan",
  75987. "nan",
  75988. "nan",
  75989. "nan",
  75990. "nan",
  75991. "nan",
  75992. "nan",
  75993. "nan",
  75994. "nan",
  75995. "nan",
  75996. "nan",
  75997. "nan",
  75998. "nan",
  75999. "nan",
  76000. "nan",
  76001. "nan",
  76002. "nan",
  76003. "nan",
  76004. "nan",
  76005. "nan",
  76006. "nan"
  76007. ],
  76008. [
  76009. "124094",
  76010. "00001",
  76011. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  76012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  76013. "rf034152196",
  76014. "general/other",
  76015. " - general file",
  76016. "10/9/2017",
  76017. "nan",
  76018. "charles l stutts",
  76019. "off-site",
  76020. "mcalpin louise",
  76021. "nan",
  76022. "miami",
  76023. "2655476",
  76024. "11/20/2014",
  76025. "nan",
  76026. "nan",
  76027. "nan",
  76028. "nan",
  76029. "nan",
  76030. "nan",
  76031. "nan",
  76032. "nan",
  76033. "nan",
  76034. "nan",
  76035. "nan",
  76036. "nan",
  76037. "nan",
  76038. "nan",
  76039. "nan",
  76040. "nan",
  76041. "nan",
  76042. "nan",
  76043. "nan",
  76044. "nan",
  76045. "nan",
  76046. "nan"
  76047. ],
  76048. [
  76049. "124123",
  76050. "00001",
  76051. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76053. "726467445",
  76054. "general/other",
  76055. "vol. 1 - misc correspondence, notes, client documents",
  76056. "6/4/2013",
  76057. "nan",
  76058. "charles l. stutts",
  76059. "off-site",
  76060. "stutts charles",
  76061. "nan",
  76062. "tampa",
  76063. "2043219",
  76064. "11/20/2014",
  76065. "nan",
  76066. "nan",
  76067. "nan",
  76068. "nan",
  76069. "nan",
  76070. "nan",
  76071. "nan",
  76072. "nan",
  76073. "nan",
  76074. "nan",
  76075. "nan",
  76076. "nan",
  76077. "nan",
  76078. "nan",
  76079. "nan",
  76080. "nan",
  76081. "nan",
  76082. "nan",
  76083. "nan",
  76084. "nan",
  76085. "nan",
  76086. "nan"
  76087. ],
  76088. [
  76089. "124123",
  76090. "00001",
  76091. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76093. "726467445",
  76094. "general/other",
  76095. "vol. 2 - misc correspondence, notes, client documents",
  76096. "6/4/2013",
  76097. "nan",
  76098. "charles l. stutts",
  76099. "off-site",
  76100. "stutts charles",
  76101. "nan",
  76102. "tampa",
  76103. "2043221",
  76104. "11/20/2014",
  76105. "nan",
  76106. "nan",
  76107. "nan",
  76108. "nan",
  76109. "nan",
  76110. "nan",
  76111. "nan",
  76112. "nan",
  76113. "nan",
  76114. "nan",
  76115. "nan",
  76116. "nan",
  76117. "nan",
  76118. "nan",
  76119. "nan",
  76120. "nan",
  76121. "nan",
  76122. "nan",
  76123. "nan",
  76124. "nan",
  76125. "nan",
  76126. "nan"
  76127. ],
  76128. [
  76129. "124123",
  76130. "00001",
  76131. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76133. "726467445",
  76134. "general/other",
  76135. "vol. 3-misc correspondence, notes, client documents",
  76136. "6/4/2013",
  76137. "nan",
  76138. "charles l. stutts",
  76139. "off-site",
  76140. "stutts charles",
  76141. "nan",
  76142. "tampa",
  76143. "2043224",
  76144. "11/20/2014",
  76145. "nan",
  76146. "nan",
  76147. "nan",
  76148. "nan",
  76149. "nan",
  76150. "nan",
  76151. "nan",
  76152. "nan",
  76153. "nan",
  76154. "nan",
  76155. "nan",
  76156. "nan",
  76157. "nan",
  76158. "nan",
  76159. "nan",
  76160. "nan",
  76161. "nan",
  76162. "nan",
  76163. "nan",
  76164. "nan",
  76165. "nan",
  76166. "nan"
  76167. ],
  76168. [
  76169. "124123",
  76170. "00001",
  76171. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76173. "726467445",
  76174. "depositions",
  76175. "documents for the depo prep of tammy kitchen",
  76176. "6/4/2013",
  76177. "nan",
  76178. "charles l. stutts",
  76179. "off-site",
  76180. "stutts charles",
  76181. "nan",
  76182. "tampa",
  76183. "2043229",
  76184. "11/20/2014",
  76185. "nan",
  76186. "nan",
  76187. "nan",
  76188. "nan",
  76189. "nan",
  76190. "nan",
  76191. "nan",
  76192. "nan",
  76193. "nan",
  76194. "nan",
  76195. "nan",
  76196. "nan",
  76197. "nan",
  76198. "nan",
  76199. "nan",
  76200. "nan",
  76201. "nan",
  76202. "nan",
  76203. "nan",
  76204. "nan",
  76205. "nan",
  76206. "nan"
  76207. ],
  76208. [
  76209. "124123",
  76210. "00001",
  76211. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76213. "726467447",
  76214. "document production",
  76215. "document production for vernon smith",
  76216. "6/4/2013",
  76217. "nan",
  76218. "charles l. stutts",
  76219. "off-site",
  76220. "stutts charles",
  76221. "nan",
  76222. "tampa",
  76223. "2043233",
  76224. "11/20/2014",
  76225. "nan",
  76226. "nan",
  76227. "nan",
  76228. "nan",
  76229. "nan",
  76230. "nan",
  76231. "nan",
  76232. "nan",
  76233. "nan",
  76234. "nan",
  76235. "nan",
  76236. "nan",
  76237. "nan",
  76238. "nan",
  76239. "nan",
  76240. "nan",
  76241. "nan",
  76242. "nan",
  76243. "nan",
  76244. "nan",
  76245. "nan",
  76246. "nan"
  76247. ],
  76248. [
  76249. "124123",
  76250. "00001",
  76251. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76253. "726467447",
  76254. "document production",
  76255. "document production for michael shirk",
  76256. "6/4/2013",
  76257. "nan",
  76258. "charles l. stutts",
  76259. "off-site",
  76260. "stutts charles",
  76261. "nan",
  76262. "tampa",
  76263. "2043235",
  76264. "11/20/2014",
  76265. "nan",
  76266. "nan",
  76267. "nan",
  76268. "nan",
  76269. "nan",
  76270. "nan",
  76271. "nan",
  76272. "nan",
  76273. "nan",
  76274. "nan",
  76275. "nan",
  76276. "nan",
  76277. "nan",
  76278. "nan",
  76279. "nan",
  76280. "nan",
  76281. "nan",
  76282. "nan",
  76283. "nan",
  76284. "nan",
  76285. "nan",
  76286. "nan"
  76287. ],
  76288. [
  76289. "124123",
  76290. "00001",
  76291. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76293. "726467447",
  76294. "document production",
  76295. "document production for richard hull",
  76296. "6/4/2013",
  76297. "nan",
  76298. "charles l. stutts",
  76299. "off-site",
  76300. "stutts charles",
  76301. "nan",
  76302. "tampa",
  76303. "2043237",
  76304. "11/20/2014",
  76305. "nan",
  76306. "nan",
  76307. "nan",
  76308. "nan",
  76309. "nan",
  76310. "nan",
  76311. "nan",
  76312. "nan",
  76313. "nan",
  76314. "nan",
  76315. "nan",
  76316. "nan",
  76317. "nan",
  76318. "nan",
  76319. "nan",
  76320. "nan",
  76321. "nan",
  76322. "nan",
  76323. "nan",
  76324. "nan",
  76325. "nan",
  76326. "nan"
  76327. ],
  76328. [
  76329. "124123",
  76330. "00001",
  76331. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76333. "726467447",
  76334. "document production",
  76335. "document production for glenn black",
  76336. "6/4/2013",
  76337. "nan",
  76338. "charles l. stutts",
  76339. "off-site",
  76340. "stutts charles",
  76341. "nan",
  76342. "tampa",
  76343. "2043239",
  76344. "11/20/2014",
  76345. "nan",
  76346. "nan",
  76347. "nan",
  76348. "nan",
  76349. "nan",
  76350. "nan",
  76351. "nan",
  76352. "nan",
  76353. "nan",
  76354. "nan",
  76355. "nan",
  76356. "nan",
  76357. "nan",
  76358. "nan",
  76359. "nan",
  76360. "nan",
  76361. "nan",
  76362. "nan",
  76363. "nan",
  76364. "nan",
  76365. "nan",
  76366. "nan"
  76367. ],
  76368. [
  76369. "124123",
  76370. "00001",
  76371. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76373. "726467445",
  76374. "depositions",
  76375. "documents for depo prep of john moran",
  76376. "6/4/2013",
  76377. "nan",
  76378. "charles l. stutts",
  76379. "off-site",
  76380. "stutts charles",
  76381. "nan",
  76382. "tampa",
  76383. "2043242",
  76384. "11/20/2014",
  76385. "nan",
  76386. "nan",
  76387. "nan",
  76388. "nan",
  76389. "nan",
  76390. "nan",
  76391. "nan",
  76392. "nan",
  76393. "nan",
  76394. "nan",
  76395. "nan",
  76396. "nan",
  76397. "nan",
  76398. "nan",
  76399. "nan",
  76400. "nan",
  76401. "nan",
  76402. "nan",
  76403. "nan",
  76404. "nan",
  76405. "nan",
  76406. "nan"
  76407. ],
  76408. [
  76409. "124123",
  76410. "00001",
  76411. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76413. "726467447",
  76414. "document production",
  76415. "misc document production for various members of board of directors",
  76416. "6/4/2013",
  76417. "nan",
  76418. "charles l. stutts",
  76419. "off-site",
  76420. "stutts charles",
  76421. "nan",
  76422. "tampa",
  76423. "2043264",
  76424. "11/20/2014",
  76425. "nan",
  76426. "nan",
  76427. "nan",
  76428. "nan",
  76429. "nan",
  76430. "nan",
  76431. "nan",
  76432. "nan",
  76433. "nan",
  76434. "nan",
  76435. "nan",
  76436. "nan",
  76437. "nan",
  76438. "nan",
  76439. "nan",
  76440. "nan",
  76441. "nan",
  76442. "nan",
  76443. "nan",
  76444. "nan",
  76445. "nan",
  76446. "nan"
  76447. ],
  76448. [
  76449. "124123",
  76450. "00001",
  76451. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76453. "726467447",
  76454. "subpoena",
  76455. "new subpoenas",
  76456. "6/4/2013",
  76457. "nan",
  76458. "charles l. stutts",
  76459. "off-site",
  76460. "stutts charles",
  76461. "nan",
  76462. "tampa",
  76463. "2043267",
  76464. "11/20/2014",
  76465. "nan",
  76466. "nan",
  76467. "nan",
  76468. "nan",
  76469. "nan",
  76470. "nan",
  76471. "nan",
  76472. "nan",
  76473. "nan",
  76474. "nan",
  76475. "nan",
  76476. "nan",
  76477. "nan",
  76478. "nan",
  76479. "nan",
  76480. "nan",
  76481. "nan",
  76482. "nan",
  76483. "nan",
  76484. "nan",
  76485. "nan",
  76486. "nan"
  76487. ],
  76488. [
  76489. "124123",
  76490. "00001",
  76491. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76493. "726467447",
  76494. "general/other",
  76495. "contact lists",
  76496. "6/4/2013",
  76497. "nan",
  76498. "charles l. stutts",
  76499. "off-site",
  76500. "stutts charles",
  76501. "nan",
  76502. "tampa",
  76503. "2043268",
  76504. "11/20/2014",
  76505. "nan",
  76506. "nan",
  76507. "nan",
  76508. "nan",
  76509. "nan",
  76510. "nan",
  76511. "nan",
  76512. "nan",
  76513. "nan",
  76514. "nan",
  76515. "nan",
  76516. "nan",
  76517. "nan",
  76518. "nan",
  76519. "nan",
  76520. "nan",
  76521. "nan",
  76522. "nan",
  76523. "nan",
  76524. "nan",
  76525. "nan",
  76526. "nan"
  76527. ],
  76528. [
  76529. "124123",
  76530. "00001",
  76531. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76533. "726467447",
  76534. "depositions",
  76535. "deposition of dan grahl",
  76536. "6/4/2013",
  76537. "nan",
  76538. "charles l. stutts",
  76539. "off-site",
  76540. "stutts charles",
  76541. "nan",
  76542. "tampa",
  76543. "2043270",
  76544. "11/20/2014",
  76545. "nan",
  76546. "nan",
  76547. "nan",
  76548. "nan",
  76549. "nan",
  76550. "nan",
  76551. "nan",
  76552. "nan",
  76553. "nan",
  76554. "nan",
  76555. "nan",
  76556. "nan",
  76557. "nan",
  76558. "nan",
  76559. "nan",
  76560. "nan",
  76561. "nan",
  76562. "nan",
  76563. "nan",
  76564. "nan",
  76565. "nan",
  76566. "nan"
  76567. ],
  76568. [
  76569. "124123",
  76570. "00001",
  76571. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76573. "726467447",
  76574. "depositions",
  76575. "deposition of rich hull",
  76576. "6/4/2013",
  76577. "nan",
  76578. "charles l. stutts",
  76579. "off-site",
  76580. "stutts charles",
  76581. "nan",
  76582. "tampa",
  76583. "2043271",
  76584. "11/20/2014",
  76585. "nan",
  76586. "nan",
  76587. "nan",
  76588. "nan",
  76589. "nan",
  76590. "nan",
  76591. "nan",
  76592. "nan",
  76593. "nan",
  76594. "nan",
  76595. "nan",
  76596. "nan",
  76597. "nan",
  76598. "nan",
  76599. "nan",
  76600. "nan",
  76601. "nan",
  76602. "nan",
  76603. "nan",
  76604. "nan",
  76605. "nan",
  76606. "nan"
  76607. ],
  76608. [
  76609. "124123",
  76610. "00001",
  76611. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76613. "726467447",
  76614. "depositions",
  76615. "deposition of michael shirk",
  76616. "6/4/2013",
  76617. "nan",
  76618. "charles l. stutts",
  76619. "off-site",
  76620. "stutts charles",
  76621. "nan",
  76622. "tampa",
  76623. "2043272",
  76624. "11/20/2014",
  76625. "nan",
  76626. "nan",
  76627. "nan",
  76628. "nan",
  76629. "nan",
  76630. "nan",
  76631. "nan",
  76632. "nan",
  76633. "nan",
  76634. "nan",
  76635. "nan",
  76636. "nan",
  76637. "nan",
  76638. "nan",
  76639. "nan",
  76640. "nan",
  76641. "nan",
  76642. "nan",
  76643. "nan",
  76644. "nan",
  76645. "nan",
  76646. "nan"
  76647. ],
  76648. [
  76649. "124123",
  76650. "00001",
  76651. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76653. "726467447",
  76654. "depositions",
  76655. "deposition of randy graber",
  76656. "6/4/2013",
  76657. "nan",
  76658. "charles l. stutts",
  76659. "off-site",
  76660. "stutts charles",
  76661. "nan",
  76662. "tampa",
  76663. "2043273",
  76664. "11/20/2014",
  76665. "nan",
  76666. "nan",
  76667. "nan",
  76668. "nan",
  76669. "nan",
  76670. "nan",
  76671. "nan",
  76672. "nan",
  76673. "nan",
  76674. "nan",
  76675. "nan",
  76676. "nan",
  76677. "nan",
  76678. "nan",
  76679. "nan",
  76680. "nan",
  76681. "nan",
  76682. "nan",
  76683. "nan",
  76684. "nan",
  76685. "nan",
  76686. "nan"
  76687. ],
  76688. [
  76689. "124123",
  76690. "00001",
  76691. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  76692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  76693. "791439684",
  76694. "client documents",
  76695. "original client flash drives (nickerson, brown & smith) and hard drive w/tabor production",
  76696. "4/29/2016",
  76697. "nan",
  76698. "charles l. stutts",
  76699. "off-site",
  76700. "stutts charles",
  76701. "original client flash drives (nickerson, brown & smith) and hard drive w/tabor production.",
  76702. "tampa",
  76703. "2479445",
  76704. "11/20/2014",
  76705. "nan",
  76706. "nan",
  76707. "nan",
  76708. "nan",
  76709. "nan",
  76710. "nan",
  76711. "nan",
  76712. "nan",
  76713. "nan",
  76714. "nan",
  76715. "nan",
  76716. "nan",
  76717. "nan",
  76718. "nan",
  76719. "nan",
  76720. "nan",
  76721. "nan",
  76722. "nan",
  76723. "nan",
  76724. "nan",
  76725. "nan",
  76726. "nan"
  76727. ],
  76728. [
  76729. "124296",
  76730. "00002",
  76731. "hayes, lee",
  76732. "off shore trust",
  76733. "632022934",
  76734. "statement",
  76735. "redweld 2010 statements",
  76736. "4/9/2013",
  76737. "nan",
  76738. "john d dadakis",
  76739. "on-site",
  76740. "dadakis john",
  76741. "hmh mag disc. trust., tax returns 2010, combined inventory & market value of assets, tri-state capital holdings, \ntri-state cap. bank acct#130000540, tri-state cap. bank acct #0120000286, tscb cdars, allianz hight 5 l #daw44365, allianz high 5 #daw44527, allianz high 5 #dad38263, allianz alterity acct da948180, delaware llc tax 2010, change of agent 2010, portcullis trust net compliance 2010, 2010 income tax returns////",
  76742. "new york city",
  76743. "2007642",
  76744. "3/12/2014",
  76745. "nan",
  76746. "nan",
  76747. "nan",
  76748. "nan",
  76749. "nan",
  76750. "nan",
  76751. "nan",
  76752. "nan",
  76753. "nan",
  76754. "nan",
  76755. "nan",
  76756. "nan",
  76757. "nan",
  76758. "nan",
  76759. "nan",
  76760. "nan",
  76761. "nan",
  76762. "nan",
  76763. "nan",
  76764. "nan",
  76765. "nan",
  76766. "nan"
  76767. ],
  76768. [
  76769. "124296",
  76770. "00002",
  76771. "hayes, lee",
  76772. "off shore trust",
  76773. "632025058",
  76774. "general/other",
  76775. "portculis trustnet (cook islands) compliance 2011",
  76776. "5/14/2015",
  76777. "nan",
  76778. "john d dadakis",
  76779. "off-site",
  76780. "dadakis john",
  76781. "nan",
  76782. "new york city",
  76783. "2347883",
  76784. "3/12/2014",
  76785. "nan",
  76786. "nan",
  76787. "nan",
  76788. "nan",
  76789. "nan",
  76790. "nan",
  76791. "nan",
  76792. "nan",
  76793. "nan",
  76794. "nan",
  76795. "nan",
  76796. "nan",
  76797. "nan",
  76798. "nan",
  76799. "nan",
  76800. "nan",
  76801. "nan",
  76802. "nan",
  76803. "nan",
  76804. "nan",
  76805. "nan",
  76806. "nan"
  76807. ],
  76808. [
  76809. "124296",
  76810. "00002",
  76811. "hayes, lee",
  76812. "off shore trust",
  76813. "632025672",
  76814. "client documents",
  76815. "correspondence (2010) regarding hmh mag discretionary trust;\ntax returns 2010;\ncombined inventory and market value of assets 2010;\ntristate capital holdings;\ntristae capital bank account # 130000540 statements (2010);\ntristate capital bank account # 0120000286 statements 2010;\ntristate capital bank cdars statements 2010 hmh off shore trust hmh mag statements;\nallianz high five l account: daw-44365 hmh mag discret tr dtd statements 2010;\nallianz high five l account: daw44527 hmh mag discret tr dtd statemetns 2010;\nallianz high five l account: dad38263 hmh mag discret tr dtd statemetns 2010;\nallianz high five l account: da948180 hmh mag discret tr dtd statemetns 2010;\nhmh mag llc delaware llc tax (2010);\nhmh mag llc change of agent 2010; \nportcullis trustnet (cook islands) compliance 2010; \nhmh mag discretionary trust 2010 tax returns from buchbinder tunick & company llp;\nd. lee hayes 2010 tax returns from buchbinder tunick & company llp;",
  76816. "1/28/2016",
  76817. "nan",
  76818. "john d dadakis",
  76819. "off-site",
  76820. "dadakis john",
  76821. "nan",
  76822. "new york city",
  76823. "2441345",
  76824. "3/12/2014",
  76825. "nan",
  76826. "nan",
  76827. "nan",
  76828. "nan",
  76829. "nan",
  76830. "nan",
  76831. "nan",
  76832. "nan",
  76833. "nan",
  76834. "nan",
  76835. "nan",
  76836. "nan",
  76837. "nan",
  76838. "nan",
  76839. "nan",
  76840. "nan",
  76841. "nan",
  76842. "nan",
  76843. "nan",
  76844. "nan",
  76845. "nan",
  76846. "nan"
  76847. ],
  76848. [
  76849. "124364",
  76850. "00001",
  76851. "marano, thomas",
  76852. "estate planning",
  76853. "active file",
  76854. "trust administration",
  76855. "06-02-2015 portcullis trustnet letter re: renewal of annual registration fees",
  76856. "3/17/2015",
  76857. "nan",
  76858. "john d dadakis",
  76859. "on-site",
  76860. "kasparian ani",
  76861. "nan",
  76862. "new york city",
  76863. "2323719",
  76864. "nan",
  76865. "nan",
  76866. "nan",
  76867. "nan",
  76868. "nan",
  76869. "nan",
  76870. "nan",
  76871. "nan",
  76872. "nan",
  76873. "nan",
  76874. "nan",
  76875. "nan",
  76876. "nan",
  76877. "nan",
  76878. "nan",
  76879. "nan",
  76880. "nan",
  76881. "nan",
  76882. "nan",
  76883. "nan",
  76884. "nan",
  76885. "nan",
  76886. "nan"
  76887. ],
  76888. [
  76889. "124718",
  76890. "00001",
  76891. "sic lakeside drive, llc (the swig compan",
  76892. "kaiser center development",
  76893. "active file",
  76894. "reports",
  76895. "adeir #3 aecom rtc feb. 18, 2010",
  76896. "2/12/2013",
  76897. "nan",
  76898. "david l. preiss",
  76899. "on-site/central files",
  76900. "david l. preiss",
  76901. "adeir #3 aecom rtc feb. 18, 2010",
  76902. "san francisco",
  76903. "1980037",
  76904. "1/11/2012",
  76905. "nan",
  76906. "nan",
  76907. "nan",
  76908. "nan",
  76909. "nan",
  76910. "nan",
  76911. "nan",
  76912. "nan",
  76913. "nan",
  76914. "nan",
  76915. "nan",
  76916. "nan",
  76917. "nan",
  76918. "nan",
  76919. "nan",
  76920. "nan",
  76921. "nan",
  76922. "nan",
  76923. "nan",
  76924. "nan",
  76925. "nan",
  76926. "nan"
  76927. ],
  76928. [
  76929. "125189",
  76930. "00001",
  76931. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  76932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  76933. "664453832",
  76934. "attorney notes",
  76935. "attorney notes - vol. 1",
  76936. "6/10/2014",
  76937. "nan",
  76938. "charles l. stutts",
  76939. "off-site",
  76940. "wachter charles",
  76941. "nan",
  76942. "tampa",
  76943. "2032560",
  76944. "12/22/2014",
  76945. "nan",
  76946. "nan",
  76947. "nan",
  76948. "nan",
  76949. "nan",
  76950. "nan",
  76951. "nan",
  76952. "nan",
  76953. "nan",
  76954. "nan",
  76955. "nan",
  76956. "nan",
  76957. "nan",
  76958. "nan",
  76959. "nan",
  76960. "nan",
  76961. "nan",
  76962. "nan",
  76963. "nan",
  76964. "nan",
  76965. "nan",
  76966. "nan"
  76967. ],
  76968. [
  76969. "125189",
  76970. "00001",
  76971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  76972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  76973. "664453832",
  76974. "pleadings",
  76975. "pleadings - volume 2",
  76976. "6/10/2014",
  76977. "nan",
  76978. "charles l. stutts",
  76979. "off-site",
  76980. "wachter charles",
  76981. "nan",
  76982. "tampa",
  76983. "2040809",
  76984. "12/22/2014",
  76985. "nan",
  76986. "nan",
  76987. "nan",
  76988. "nan",
  76989. "nan",
  76990. "nan",
  76991. "nan",
  76992. "nan",
  76993. "nan",
  76994. "nan",
  76995. "nan",
  76996. "nan",
  76997. "nan",
  76998. "nan",
  76999. "nan",
  77000. "nan",
  77001. "nan",
  77002. "nan",
  77003. "nan",
  77004. "nan",
  77005. "nan",
  77006. "nan"
  77007. ],
  77008. [
  77009. "125189",
  77010. "00001",
  77011. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77013. "664453835",
  77014. "witness files",
  77015. "hank fishkind, ph.d.",
  77016. "2/24/2014",
  77017. "nan",
  77018. "charles l. stutts",
  77019. "off-site",
  77020. "wachter charles",
  77021. "nan",
  77022. "tampa",
  77023. "2043117",
  77024. "12/22/2014",
  77025. "nan",
  77026. "nan",
  77027. "nan",
  77028. "nan",
  77029. "nan",
  77030. "nan",
  77031. "nan",
  77032. "nan",
  77033. "nan",
  77034. "nan",
  77035. "nan",
  77036. "nan",
  77037. "nan",
  77038. "nan",
  77039. "nan",
  77040. "nan",
  77041. "nan",
  77042. "nan",
  77043. "nan",
  77044. "nan",
  77045. "nan",
  77046. "nan"
  77047. ],
  77048. [
  77049. "125189",
  77050. "00001",
  77051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77053. "791431821",
  77054. "court documents",
  77055. "select pleadings",
  77056. "2/23/2014",
  77057. "nan",
  77058. "charles l. stutts",
  77059. "off-site",
  77060. "wachter charles",
  77061. "nan",
  77062. "tampa",
  77063. "2047788",
  77064. "12/22/2014",
  77065. "nan",
  77066. "nan",
  77067. "nan",
  77068. "nan",
  77069. "nan",
  77070. "nan",
  77071. "nan",
  77072. "nan",
  77073. "nan",
  77074. "nan",
  77075. "nan",
  77076. "nan",
  77077. "nan",
  77078. "nan",
  77079. "nan",
  77080. "nan",
  77081. "nan",
  77082. "nan",
  77083. "nan",
  77084. "nan",
  77085. "nan",
  77086. "nan"
  77087. ],
  77088. [
  77089. "125189",
  77090. "00001",
  77091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77093. "791431821",
  77094. "court documents",
  77095. "select pleadings",
  77096. "2/23/2014",
  77097. "nan",
  77098. "charles l. stutts",
  77099. "off-site",
  77100. "wachter charles",
  77101. "nan",
  77102. "tampa",
  77103. "2047791",
  77104. "12/22/2014",
  77105. "nan",
  77106. "nan",
  77107. "nan",
  77108. "nan",
  77109. "nan",
  77110. "nan",
  77111. "nan",
  77112. "nan",
  77113. "nan",
  77114. "nan",
  77115. "nan",
  77116. "nan",
  77117. "nan",
  77118. "nan",
  77119. "nan",
  77120. "nan",
  77121. "nan",
  77122. "nan",
  77123. "nan",
  77124. "nan",
  77125. "nan",
  77126. "nan"
  77127. ],
  77128. [
  77129. "125189",
  77130. "00001",
  77131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77133. "791431821",
  77134. "court documents",
  77135. "select pleadings",
  77136. "2/23/2014",
  77137. "nan",
  77138. "charles l. stutts",
  77139. "off-site",
  77140. "wachter charles",
  77141. "nan",
  77142. "tampa",
  77143. "2047792",
  77144. "12/22/2014",
  77145. "nan",
  77146. "nan",
  77147. "nan",
  77148. "nan",
  77149. "nan",
  77150. "nan",
  77151. "nan",
  77152. "nan",
  77153. "nan",
  77154. "nan",
  77155. "nan",
  77156. "nan",
  77157. "nan",
  77158. "nan",
  77159. "nan",
  77160. "nan",
  77161. "nan",
  77162. "nan",
  77163. "nan",
  77164. "nan",
  77165. "nan",
  77166. "nan"
  77167. ],
  77168. [
  77169. "125189",
  77170. "00001",
  77171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77173. "791431821",
  77174. "court documents",
  77175. "select pleadings",
  77176. "2/23/2014",
  77177. "nan",
  77178. "charles l. stutts",
  77179. "off-site",
  77180. "wachter charles",
  77181. "nan",
  77182. "tampa",
  77183. "2047793",
  77184. "12/22/2014",
  77185. "nan",
  77186. "nan",
  77187. "nan",
  77188. "nan",
  77189. "nan",
  77190. "nan",
  77191. "nan",
  77192. "nan",
  77193. "nan",
  77194. "nan",
  77195. "nan",
  77196. "nan",
  77197. "nan",
  77198. "nan",
  77199. "nan",
  77200. "nan",
  77201. "nan",
  77202. "nan",
  77203. "nan",
  77204. "nan",
  77205. "nan",
  77206. "nan"
  77207. ],
  77208. [
  77209. "125189",
  77210. "00001",
  77211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77213. "791431821",
  77214. "court documents",
  77215. "select pleadings",
  77216. "2/23/2014",
  77217. "nan",
  77218. "charles l. stutts",
  77219. "off-site",
  77220. "wachter charles",
  77221. "nan",
  77222. "tampa",
  77223. "2047794",
  77224. "12/22/2014",
  77225. "nan",
  77226. "nan",
  77227. "nan",
  77228. "nan",
  77229. "nan",
  77230. "nan",
  77231. "nan",
  77232. "nan",
  77233. "nan",
  77234. "nan",
  77235. "nan",
  77236. "nan",
  77237. "nan",
  77238. "nan",
  77239. "nan",
  77240. "nan",
  77241. "nan",
  77242. "nan",
  77243. "nan",
  77244. "nan",
  77245. "nan",
  77246. "nan"
  77247. ],
  77248. [
  77249. "125189",
  77250. "00001",
  77251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77253. "791431822",
  77254. "court documents",
  77255. "select pleadings",
  77256. "2/23/2014",
  77257. "nan",
  77258. "charles l. stutts",
  77259. "off-site",
  77260. "wachter charles",
  77261. "nan",
  77262. "tampa",
  77263. "2047891",
  77264. "12/22/2014",
  77265. "nan",
  77266. "nan",
  77267. "nan",
  77268. "nan",
  77269. "nan",
  77270. "nan",
  77271. "nan",
  77272. "nan",
  77273. "nan",
  77274. "nan",
  77275. "nan",
  77276. "nan",
  77277. "nan",
  77278. "nan",
  77279. "nan",
  77280. "nan",
  77281. "nan",
  77282. "nan",
  77283. "nan",
  77284. "nan",
  77285. "nan",
  77286. "nan"
  77287. ],
  77288. [
  77289. "125189",
  77290. "00001",
  77291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77293. "664453835",
  77294. "witness files",
  77295. "hanson real estate advisors, inc.",
  77296. "2/24/2014",
  77297. "nan",
  77298. "charles l. stutts",
  77299. "off-site",
  77300. "wachter charles",
  77301. "nan",
  77302. "tampa",
  77303. "2047892",
  77304. "12/22/2014",
  77305. "nan",
  77306. "nan",
  77307. "nan",
  77308. "nan",
  77309. "nan",
  77310. "nan",
  77311. "nan",
  77312. "nan",
  77313. "nan",
  77314. "nan",
  77315. "nan",
  77316. "nan",
  77317. "nan",
  77318. "nan",
  77319. "nan",
  77320. "nan",
  77321. "nan",
  77322. "nan",
  77323. "nan",
  77324. "nan",
  77325. "nan",
  77326. "nan"
  77327. ],
  77328. [
  77329. "125189",
  77330. "00001",
  77331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77333. "791431821",
  77334. "court documents",
  77335. "court documents - nassau county",
  77336. "2/23/2014",
  77337. "nan",
  77338. "charles l. stutts",
  77339. "off-site",
  77340. "wachter charles",
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  77344. "12/22/2014",
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  77346. "nan",
  77347. "nan",
  77348. "nan",
  77349. "nan",
  77350. "nan",
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  77352. "nan",
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  77354. "nan",
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  77361. "nan",
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  77366. "nan"
  77367. ],
  77368. [
  77369. "125189",
  77370. "00001",
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  77372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77373. "791431821",
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  77375. "court documents",
  77376. "2/23/2014",
  77377. "nan",
  77378. "charles l. stutts",
  77379. "off-site",
  77380. "wachter charles",
  77381. "nan",
  77382. "tampa",
  77383. "2050075",
  77384. "12/22/2014",
  77385. "nan",
  77386. "nan",
  77387. "nan",
  77388. "nan",
  77389. "nan",
  77390. "nan",
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  77392. "nan",
  77393. "nan",
  77394. "nan",
  77395. "nan",
  77396. "nan",
  77397. "nan",
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  77399. "nan",
  77400. "nan",
  77401. "nan",
  77402. "nan",
  77403. "nan",
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  77405. "nan",
  77406. "nan"
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  77408. [
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  77410. "00001",
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  77415. "pleadings - volume 3",
  77416. "6/10/2014",
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  77418. "charles l. stutts",
  77419. "off-site",
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  77421. "nan",
  77422. "tampa",
  77423. "2051412",
  77424. "12/22/2014",
  77425. "nan",
  77426. "nan",
  77427. "nan",
  77428. "nan",
  77429. "nan",
  77430. "nan",
  77431. "nan",
  77432. "nan",
  77433. "nan",
  77434. "nan",
  77435. "nan",
  77436. "nan",
  77437. "nan",
  77438. "nan",
  77439. "nan",
  77440. "nan",
  77441. "nan",
  77442. "nan",
  77443. "nan",
  77444. "nan",
  77445. "nan",
  77446. "nan"
  77447. ],
  77448. [
  77449. "125189",
  77450. "00001",
  77451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77453. "791431821",
  77454. "pleadings",
  77455. "select pleadings",
  77456. "2/23/2014",
  77457. "nan",
  77458. "charles l. stutts",
  77459. "off-site",
  77460. "wachter charles",
  77461. "nan",
  77462. "tampa",
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  77464. "12/22/2014",
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  77466. "nan",
  77467. "nan",
  77468. "nan",
  77469. "nan",
  77470. "nan",
  77471. "nan",
  77472. "nan",
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  77474. "nan",
  77475. "nan",
  77476. "nan",
  77477. "nan",
  77478. "nan",
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  77480. "nan",
  77481. "nan",
  77482. "nan",
  77483. "nan",
  77484. "nan",
  77485. "nan",
  77486. "nan"
  77487. ],
  77488. [
  77489. "125189",
  77490. "00001",
  77491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77493. "664453831",
  77494. "document production",
  77495. "documents produced by fdic",
  77496. "2/21/2014",
  77497. "nan",
  77498. "charles l. stutts",
  77499. "off-site",
  77500. "wachter charles",
  77501. "nan",
  77502. "tampa",
  77503. "2054580",
  77504. "12/22/2014",
  77505. "nan",
  77506. "nan",
  77507. "nan",
  77508. "nan",
  77509. "nan",
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  77511. "nan",
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  77524. "nan",
  77525. "nan",
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  77529. "125189",
  77530. "00001",
  77531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
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  77533. "791431822",
  77534. "court documents",
  77535. "court documents",
  77536. "2/23/2014",
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  77539. "off-site",
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  77544. "12/22/2014",
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  77546. "nan",
  77547. "nan",
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  77549. "nan",
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  77552. "nan",
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  77558. "nan",
  77559. "nan",
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  77561. "nan",
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  77564. "nan",
  77565. "nan",
  77566. "nan"
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  77570. "00001",
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  77572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77573. "664453835",
  77574. "expert file",
  77575. "def's.( greg brudnicki) expert, william b. watkins and watkins financial consultants, inc.",
  77576. "2/24/2014",
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  77578. "charles l. stutts",
  77579. "off-site",
  77580. "wachter charles",
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  77584. "12/22/2014",
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  77586. "nan",
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  77588. "nan",
  77589. "nan",
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  77601. "nan",
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  77604. "nan",
  77605. "nan",
  77606. "nan"
  77607. ],
  77608. [
  77609. "125189",
  77610. "00001",
  77611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
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  77613. "664453832",
  77614. "pleadings",
  77615. "pleadings - vol. 4",
  77616. "6/10/2014",
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  77619. "off-site",
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  77621. "nan",
  77622. "tampa",
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  77624. "12/22/2014",
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  77626. "nan",
  77627. "nan",
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  77646. "nan"
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  77648. [
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  77655. "documents produced by hancock bank",
  77656. "2/21/2014",
  77657. "nan",
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  77659. "off-site",
  77660. "wachter charles",
  77661. "nan",
  77662. "tampa",
  77663. "2066856",
  77664. "12/22/2014",
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  77666. "nan",
  77667. "nan",
  77668. "nan",
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  77681. "nan",
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  77685. "nan",
  77686. "nan"
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  77688. [
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  77692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77693. "664453835",
  77694. "expert file",
  77695. "richard k. hollowell",
  77696. "2/24/2014",
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  77699. "off-site",
  77700. "wachter charles",
  77701. "nan",
  77702. "tampa",
  77703. "2068072",
  77704. "12/22/2014",
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  77706. "nan",
  77707. "nan",
  77708. "nan",
  77709. "nan",
  77710. "nan",
  77711. "nan",
  77712. "nan",
  77713. "nan",
  77714. "nan",
  77715. "nan",
  77716. "nan",
  77717. "nan",
  77718. "nan",
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  77721. "nan",
  77722. "nan",
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  77724. "nan",
  77725. "nan",
  77726. "nan"
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  77728. [
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  77730. "00001",
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  77732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77733. "664453835",
  77734. "expert file",
  77735. "expert witness - mike skowronek, mba, ava",
  77736. "2/24/2014",
  77737. "nan",
  77738. "charles l. stutts",
  77739. "off-site",
  77740. "wachter charles",
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  77744. "12/22/2014",
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  77763. "nan",
  77764. "nan",
  77765. "nan",
  77766. "nan"
  77767. ],
  77768. [
  77769. "125189",
  77770. "00001",
  77771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77773. "664453832",
  77774. "pleadings",
  77775. "pleadings - vol. 5",
  77776. "6/10/2014",
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  77778. "charles l. stutts",
  77779. "off-site",
  77780. "wachter charles",
  77781. "nan",
  77782. "tampa",
  77783. "2082857",
  77784. "12/22/2014",
  77785. "nan",
  77786. "nan",
  77787. "nan",
  77788. "nan",
  77789. "nan",
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  77805. "nan",
  77806. "nan"
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  77808. [
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  77813. "791431823",
  77814. "document production",
  77815. "legal size documents produced by hancock bank",
  77816. "2/23/2014",
  77817. "nan",
  77818. "charles l. stutts",
  77819. "off-site",
  77820. "wachter charles",
  77821. "nan",
  77822. "tampa",
  77823. "2097612",
  77824. "12/22/2014",
  77825. "nan",
  77826. "nan",
  77827. "nan",
  77828. "nan",
  77829. "nan",
  77830. "nan",
  77831. "nan",
  77832. "nan",
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  77838. "nan",
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  77840. "nan",
  77841. "nan",
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  77844. "nan",
  77845. "nan",
  77846. "nan"
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  77848. [
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  77850. "00001",
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  77852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77853. "664453831",
  77854. "document production",
  77855. "documents produced by ceis review, inc.",
  77856. "2/21/2014",
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  77860. "wachter charles",
  77861. "nan",
  77862. "tampa",
  77863. "2105066",
  77864. "12/22/2014",
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  77866. "nan",
  77867. "nan",
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  77869. "nan",
  77870. "nan",
  77871. "nan",
  77872. "nan",
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  77875. "nan",
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  77877. "nan",
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  77884. "nan",
  77885. "nan",
  77886. "nan"
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  77888. [
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  77890. "00001",
  77891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  77892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  77893. "664453831",
  77894. "document production",
  77895. "documents produced by jon campbell & associates, inc.",
  77896. "2/21/2014",
  77897. "nan",
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  77899. "off-site",
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  77901. "nan",
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  77904. "12/22/2014",
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  77906. "nan",
  77907. "nan",
  77908. "nan",
  77909. "nan",
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  77911. "nan",
  77912. "nan",
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  77922. "nan",
  77923. "nan",
  77924. "nan",
  77925. "nan",
  77926. "nan"
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  77928. [
  77929. "125189",
  77930. "00001",
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  77933. "664453833",
  77934. "pleadings",
  77935. "pleadings - vol. 6",
  77936. "2/21/2014",
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  77938. "charles l. stutts",
  77939. "off-site",
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  77941. "nan",
  77942. "tampa",
  77943. "2109463",
  77944. "12/22/2014",
  77945. "nan",
  77946. "nan",
  77947. "nan",
  77948. "nan",
  77949. "nan",
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  77961. "nan",
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  77965. "nan",
  77966. "nan"
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  77973. "664453833",
  77974. "key documents",
  77975. "key documents",
  77976. "2/21/2014",
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  77979. "off-site",
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  77981. "nan",
  77982. "tampa",
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  77984. "12/22/2014",
  77985. "nan",
  77986. "nan",
  77987. "nan",
  77988. "nan",
  77989. "nan",
  77990. "nan",
  77991. "nan",
  77992. "nan",
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  78000. "nan",
  78001. "nan",
  78002. "nan",
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  78005. "nan",
  78006. "nan"
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  78010. "00001",
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  78012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78013. "664453835",
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  78015. "arnold a. heggestad, ph.d.",
  78016. "2/24/2014",
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  78018. "charles l. stutts",
  78019. "off-site",
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  78022. "tampa",
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  78024. "12/22/2014",
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  78026. "nan",
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  78044. "nan",
  78045. "nan",
  78046. "nan"
  78047. ],
  78048. [
  78049. "125189",
  78050. "00001",
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  78053. "664453835",
  78054. "expert file",
  78055. "kennard l. page",
  78056. "2/24/2014",
  78057. "nan",
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  78064. "12/22/2014",
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  78066. "nan",
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  78094. "pleadings",
  78095. "pleadings - vol. 7",
  78096. "2/21/2014",
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  78104. "12/22/2014",
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  78126. "nan"
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  78132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78133. "664453835",
  78134. "expert file",
  78135. "j f. \"chip\" morrow's expert report (11/6/13)",
  78136. "2/24/2014",
  78137. "nan",
  78138. "charles l. stutts",
  78139. "off-site",
  78140. "wachter charles",
  78141. "nan",
  78142. "tampa",
  78143. "2130658",
  78144. "12/22/2014",
  78145. "nan",
  78146. "nan",
  78147. "nan",
  78148. "nan",
  78149. "nan",
  78150. "nan",
  78151. "nan",
  78152. "nan",
  78153. "nan",
  78154. "nan",
  78155. "nan",
  78156. "nan",
  78157. "nan",
  78158. "nan",
  78159. "nan",
  78160. "nan",
  78161. "nan",
  78162. "nan",
  78163. "nan",
  78164. "nan",
  78165. "nan",
  78166. "nan"
  78167. ],
  78168. [
  78169. "125189",
  78170. "00001",
  78171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78173. "664453831",
  78174. "document production",
  78175. "11/6/13 - plaintiff's damages chart",
  78176. "2/21/2014",
  78177. "nan",
  78178. "charles l. stutts",
  78179. "off-site",
  78180. "wachter charles",
  78181. "nan",
  78182. "tampa",
  78183. "2130659",
  78184. "12/22/2014",
  78185. "nan",
  78186. "nan",
  78187. "nan",
  78188. "nan",
  78189. "nan",
  78190. "nan",
  78191. "nan",
  78192. "nan",
  78193. "nan",
  78194. "nan",
  78195. "nan",
  78196. "nan",
  78197. "nan",
  78198. "nan",
  78199. "nan",
  78200. "nan",
  78201. "nan",
  78202. "nan",
  78203. "nan",
  78204. "nan",
  78205. "nan",
  78206. "nan"
  78207. ],
  78208. [
  78209. "125189",
  78210. "00001",
  78211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78213. "664453833",
  78214. "pleadings",
  78215. "pleadings - vol. 8",
  78216. "2/21/2014",
  78217. "nan",
  78218. "charles l. stutts",
  78219. "off-site",
  78220. "wachter charles",
  78221. "nan",
  78222. "tampa",
  78223. "2141646",
  78224. "12/22/2014",
  78225. "nan",
  78226. "nan",
  78227. "nan",
  78228. "nan",
  78229. "nan",
  78230. "nan",
  78231. "nan",
  78232. "nan",
  78233. "nan",
  78234. "nan",
  78235. "nan",
  78236. "nan",
  78237. "nan",
  78238. "nan",
  78239. "nan",
  78240. "nan",
  78241. "nan",
  78242. "nan",
  78243. "nan",
  78244. "nan",
  78245. "nan",
  78246. "nan"
  78247. ],
  78248. [
  78249. "125189",
  78250. "00001",
  78251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78253. "664453833",
  78254. "pleadings",
  78255. "pleadings - vol. 9",
  78256. "2/21/2014",
  78257. "nan",
  78258. "charles l. stutts",
  78259. "off-site",
  78260. "wachter charles",
  78261. "nan",
  78262. "tampa",
  78263. "2145959",
  78264. "12/22/2014",
  78265. "nan",
  78266. "nan",
  78267. "nan",
  78268. "nan",
  78269. "nan",
  78270. "nan",
  78271. "nan",
  78272. "nan",
  78273. "nan",
  78274. "nan",
  78275. "nan",
  78276. "nan",
  78277. "nan",
  78278. "nan",
  78279. "nan",
  78280. "nan",
  78281. "nan",
  78282. "nan",
  78283. "nan",
  78284. "nan",
  78285. "nan",
  78286. "nan"
  78287. ],
  78288. [
  78289. "125189",
  78290. "00001",
  78291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78293. "664453831",
  78294. "document production",
  78295. "11/7/13 - document production #14 which contains one disk (fdic-r-pfcb-67231-67661)",
  78296. "2/21/2014",
  78297. "nan",
  78298. "charles l. stutts",
  78299. "off-site",
  78300. "wachter charles",
  78301. "nan",
  78302. "tampa",
  78303. "2149577",
  78304. "12/22/2014",
  78305. "nan",
  78306. "nan",
  78307. "nan",
  78308. "nan",
  78309. "nan",
  78310. "nan",
  78311. "nan",
  78312. "nan",
  78313. "nan",
  78314. "nan",
  78315. "nan",
  78316. "nan",
  78317. "nan",
  78318. "nan",
  78319. "nan",
  78320. "nan",
  78321. "nan",
  78322. "nan",
  78323. "nan",
  78324. "nan",
  78325. "nan",
  78326. "nan"
  78327. ],
  78328. [
  78329. "125189",
  78330. "00001",
  78331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78333. "664453831",
  78334. "document production",
  78335. "11/9/13 - document production #15 which contains one disk (fdic-r-pfcb-67662-71186)",
  78336. "2/21/2014",
  78337. "nan",
  78338. "charles l. stutts",
  78339. "off-site",
  78340. "wachter charles",
  78341. "nan",
  78342. "tampa",
  78343. "2149593",
  78344. "12/22/2014",
  78345. "nan",
  78346. "nan",
  78347. "nan",
  78348. "nan",
  78349. "nan",
  78350. "nan",
  78351. "nan",
  78352. "nan",
  78353. "nan",
  78354. "nan",
  78355. "nan",
  78356. "nan",
  78357. "nan",
  78358. "nan",
  78359. "nan",
  78360. "nan",
  78361. "nan",
  78362. "nan",
  78363. "nan",
  78364. "nan",
  78365. "nan",
  78366. "nan"
  78367. ],
  78368. [
  78369. "125189",
  78370. "00001",
  78371. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78373. "664453831",
  78374. "document production",
  78375. "12/16/13 - document production #16 which contains one disk (fdic-r-pfcb-71187-72419)",
  78376. "2/21/2014",
  78377. "nan",
  78378. "charles l. stutts",
  78379. "off-site",
  78380. "wachter charles",
  78381. "nan",
  78382. "tampa",
  78383. "2149601",
  78384. "12/22/2014",
  78385. "nan",
  78386. "nan",
  78387. "nan",
  78388. "nan",
  78389. "nan",
  78390. "nan",
  78391. "nan",
  78392. "nan",
  78393. "nan",
  78394. "nan",
  78395. "nan",
  78396. "nan",
  78397. "nan",
  78398. "nan",
  78399. "nan",
  78400. "nan",
  78401. "nan",
  78402. "nan",
  78403. "nan",
  78404. "nan",
  78405. "nan",
  78406. "nan"
  78407. ],
  78408. [
  78409. "125189",
  78410. "00001",
  78411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78413. "664453831",
  78414. "document production",
  78415. "12/31/13 - 4 cd's numbered disk 1-4, documents responsive to defendants' subpoena directed to mr. j.f. \"chip\" morrow, dated december 3, 2013. disk 1 chip morrow documents (bates 1 - 5175)",
  78416. "2/21/2014",
  78417. "nan",
  78418. "charles l. stutts",
  78419. "off-site",
  78420. "wachter charles",
  78421. "nan",
  78422. "tampa",
  78423. "2149612",
  78424. "12/22/2014",
  78425. "nan",
  78426. "nan",
  78427. "nan",
  78428. "nan",
  78429. "nan",
  78430. "nan",
  78431. "nan",
  78432. "nan",
  78433. "nan",
  78434. "nan",
  78435. "nan",
  78436. "nan",
  78437. "nan",
  78438. "nan",
  78439. "nan",
  78440. "nan",
  78441. "nan",
  78442. "nan",
  78443. "nan",
  78444. "nan",
  78445. "nan",
  78446. "nan"
  78447. ],
  78448. [
  78449. "125189",
  78450. "00001",
  78451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78453. "664453833",
  78454. "pleadings",
  78455. "defendants' motion for leave to filed sealed documents (along with documetns we request to be sealed; and raymond d. powell's motion for summary judgment on count i and incorporated memorandum of law for reference only.",
  78456. "2/21/2014",
  78457. "nan",
  78458. "charles l. stutts",
  78459. "off-site",
  78460. "wachter charles",
  78461. "nan",
  78462. "tampa",
  78463. "2152598",
  78464. "12/22/2014",
  78465. "nan",
  78466. "nan",
  78467. "nan",
  78468. "nan",
  78469. "nan",
  78470. "nan",
  78471. "nan",
  78472. "nan",
  78473. "nan",
  78474. "nan",
  78475. "nan",
  78476. "nan",
  78477. "nan",
  78478. "nan",
  78479. "nan",
  78480. "nan",
  78481. "nan",
  78482. "nan",
  78483. "nan",
  78484. "nan",
  78485. "nan",
  78486. "nan"
  78487. ],
  78488. [
  78489. "125189",
  78490. "00001",
  78491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78493. "664453838",
  78494. "depositions",
  78495. "6.1.6 deposition of jonathan campbell taken on 12/17/13 with exhbits and video deposition",
  78496. "2/25/2014",
  78497. "nan",
  78498. "charles l. stutts",
  78499. "off-site",
  78500. "wachter charles",
  78501. "nan",
  78502. "tampa",
  78503. "2152773",
  78504. "12/22/2014",
  78505. "nan",
  78506. "nan",
  78507. "nan",
  78508. "nan",
  78509. "nan",
  78510. "nan",
  78511. "nan",
  78512. "nan",
  78513. "nan",
  78514. "nan",
  78515. "nan",
  78516. "nan",
  78517. "nan",
  78518. "nan",
  78519. "nan",
  78520. "nan",
  78521. "nan",
  78522. "nan",
  78523. "nan",
  78524. "nan",
  78525. "nan",
  78526. "nan"
  78527. ],
  78528. [
  78529. "125189",
  78530. "00001",
  78531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78533. "664453839",
  78534. "depositions",
  78535. "video deposition of curtis keyser (12/13/13)",
  78536. "2/25/2014",
  78537. "nan",
  78538. "charles l. stutts",
  78539. "off-site",
  78540. "wachter charles",
  78541. "nan",
  78542. "tampa",
  78543. "2158080",
  78544. "12/22/2014",
  78545. "nan",
  78546. "nan",
  78547. "nan",
  78548. "nan",
  78549. "nan",
  78550. "nan",
  78551. "nan",
  78552. "nan",
  78553. "nan",
  78554. "nan",
  78555. "nan",
  78556. "nan",
  78557. "nan",
  78558. "nan",
  78559. "nan",
  78560. "nan",
  78561. "nan",
  78562. "nan",
  78563. "nan",
  78564. "nan",
  78565. "nan",
  78566. "nan"
  78567. ],
  78568. [
  78569. "125189",
  78570. "00001",
  78571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78573. "664453839",
  78574. "depositions",
  78575. "video deposition of hancock bank rep., jade stanford (12/20/13)",
  78576. "2/25/2014",
  78577. "nan",
  78578. "charles l. stutts",
  78579. "off-site",
  78580. "wachter charles",
  78581. "nan",
  78582. "tampa",
  78583. "2158081",
  78584. "12/22/2014",
  78585. "nan",
  78586. "nan",
  78587. "nan",
  78588. "nan",
  78589. "nan",
  78590. "nan",
  78591. "nan",
  78592. "nan",
  78593. "nan",
  78594. "nan",
  78595. "nan",
  78596. "nan",
  78597. "nan",
  78598. "nan",
  78599. "nan",
  78600. "nan",
  78601. "nan",
  78602. "nan",
  78603. "nan",
  78604. "nan",
  78605. "nan",
  78606. "nan"
  78607. ],
  78608. [
  78609. "125189",
  78610. "00001",
  78611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78613. "664453833",
  78614. "pleadings",
  78615. "pleadings - vol. 10",
  78616. "5/16/2013",
  78617. "nan",
  78618. "charles l. stutts",
  78619. "off-site",
  78620. "wachter charles",
  78621. "nan",
  78622. "tampa",
  78623. "2158085",
  78624. "12/22/2014",
  78625. "nan",
  78626. "nan",
  78627. "nan",
  78628. "nan",
  78629. "nan",
  78630. "nan",
  78631. "nan",
  78632. "nan",
  78633. "nan",
  78634. "nan",
  78635. "nan",
  78636. "nan",
  78637. "nan",
  78638. "nan",
  78639. "nan",
  78640. "nan",
  78641. "nan",
  78642. "nan",
  78643. "nan",
  78644. "nan",
  78645. "nan",
  78646. "nan"
  78647. ],
  78648. [
  78649. "125189",
  78650. "00001",
  78651. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78653. "664453833",
  78654. "pleadings",
  78655. "pleadings - vol. 11",
  78656. "2/21/2014",
  78657. "nan",
  78658. "charles l. stutts",
  78659. "off-site",
  78660. "wachter charles",
  78661. "nan",
  78662. "tampa",
  78663. "2158459",
  78664. "12/22/2014",
  78665. "nan",
  78666. "nan",
  78667. "nan",
  78668. "nan",
  78669. "nan",
  78670. "nan",
  78671. "nan",
  78672. "nan",
  78673. "nan",
  78674. "nan",
  78675. "nan",
  78676. "nan",
  78677. "nan",
  78678. "nan",
  78679. "nan",
  78680. "nan",
  78681. "nan",
  78682. "nan",
  78683. "nan",
  78684. "nan",
  78685. "nan",
  78686. "nan"
  78687. ],
  78688. [
  78689. "125189",
  78690. "00001",
  78691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78693. "664453832",
  78694. "mediation",
  78695. "mediation contract and costs",
  78696. "6/10/2014",
  78697. "nan",
  78698. "charles l. stutts",
  78699. "off-site",
  78700. "wachter charles",
  78701. "nan",
  78702. "tampa",
  78703. "2165775",
  78704. "12/22/2014",
  78705. "nan",
  78706. "nan",
  78707. "nan",
  78708. "nan",
  78709. "nan",
  78710. "nan",
  78711. "nan",
  78712. "nan",
  78713. "nan",
  78714. "nan",
  78715. "nan",
  78716. "nan",
  78717. "nan",
  78718. "nan",
  78719. "nan",
  78720. "nan",
  78721. "nan",
  78722. "nan",
  78723. "nan",
  78724. "nan",
  78725. "nan",
  78726. "nan"
  78727. ],
  78728. [
  78729. "125189",
  78730. "00001",
  78731. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78733. "992097852",
  78734. "pleadings",
  78735. "pleadings - vol. 12",
  78736. "5/3/2017",
  78737. "nan",
  78738. "charles l. stutts",
  78739. "off-site",
  78740. "wachter charles",
  78741. "nan",
  78742. "tampa",
  78743. "2167516",
  78744. "12/22/2014",
  78745. "nan",
  78746. "nan",
  78747. "nan",
  78748. "nan",
  78749. "nan",
  78750. "nan",
  78751. "nan",
  78752. "nan",
  78753. "nan",
  78754. "nan",
  78755. "nan",
  78756. "nan",
  78757. "nan",
  78758. "nan",
  78759. "nan",
  78760. "nan",
  78761. "nan",
  78762. "nan",
  78763. "nan",
  78764. "nan",
  78765. "nan",
  78766. "nan"
  78767. ],
  78768. [
  78769. "125189",
  78770. "00001",
  78771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78773. "664453831",
  78774. "discovery",
  78775. "5.1.9 index (redacted) to iron mountain storage (produced on cd by fdic on 7/26/13) (not bates-numbered",
  78776. "2/21/2014",
  78777. "nan",
  78778. "charles l. stutts",
  78779. "off-site",
  78780. "wachter charles",
  78781. "nan",
  78782. "tampa",
  78783. "2169495",
  78784. "12/22/2014",
  78785. "nan",
  78786. "nan",
  78787. "nan",
  78788. "nan",
  78789. "nan",
  78790. "nan",
  78791. "nan",
  78792. "nan",
  78793. "nan",
  78794. "nan",
  78795. "nan",
  78796. "nan",
  78797. "nan",
  78798. "nan",
  78799. "nan",
  78800. "nan",
  78801. "nan",
  78802. "nan",
  78803. "nan",
  78804. "nan",
  78805. "nan",
  78806. "nan"
  78807. ],
  78808. [
  78809. "125189",
  78810. "00001",
  78811. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78812. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78813. "664453832",
  78814. "pleadings",
  78815. "volume 1",
  78816. "6/10/2014",
  78817. "nan",
  78818. "charles l. stutts",
  78819. "off-site",
  78820. "wachter charles",
  78821. "nan",
  78822. "tampa",
  78823. "2169557",
  78824. "12/22/2014",
  78825. "nan",
  78826. "nan",
  78827. "nan",
  78828. "nan",
  78829. "nan",
  78830. "nan",
  78831. "nan",
  78832. "nan",
  78833. "nan",
  78834. "nan",
  78835. "nan",
  78836. "nan",
  78837. "nan",
  78838. "nan",
  78839. "nan",
  78840. "nan",
  78841. "nan",
  78842. "nan",
  78843. "nan",
  78844. "nan",
  78845. "nan",
  78846. "nan"
  78847. ],
  78848. [
  78849. "125189",
  78850. "00001",
  78851. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78853. "791431825",
  78854. "attorney notes",
  78855. "charles wachter's working files/notes and research",
  78856. "2/22/2014",
  78857. "nan",
  78858. "charles l. stutts",
  78859. "off-site",
  78860. "wachter charles",
  78861. "charles wachter's working files/notes and research",
  78862. "tampa",
  78863. "2170009",
  78864. "12/22/2014",
  78865. "nan",
  78866. "nan",
  78867. "nan",
  78868. "nan",
  78869. "nan",
  78870. "nan",
  78871. "nan",
  78872. "nan",
  78873. "nan",
  78874. "nan",
  78875. "nan",
  78876. "nan",
  78877. "nan",
  78878. "nan",
  78879. "nan",
  78880. "nan",
  78881. "nan",
  78882. "nan",
  78883. "nan",
  78884. "nan",
  78885. "nan",
  78886. "nan"
  78887. ],
  78888. [
  78889. "125189",
  78890. "00001",
  78891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78893. "791431824",
  78894. "attorney notes",
  78895. "charles wachter's working files/notes and elcm agenda & meeting minutes",
  78896. "2/22/2014",
  78897. "nan",
  78898. "charles l. stutts",
  78899. "off-site",
  78900. "wachter charles",
  78901. "charles wachter's working files/notes and elcm agenda & meeting minutes",
  78902. "tampa",
  78903. "2170010",
  78904. "12/22/2014",
  78905. "nan",
  78906. "nan",
  78907. "nan",
  78908. "nan",
  78909. "nan",
  78910. "nan",
  78911. "nan",
  78912. "nan",
  78913. "nan",
  78914. "nan",
  78915. "nan",
  78916. "nan",
  78917. "nan",
  78918. "nan",
  78919. "nan",
  78920. "nan",
  78921. "nan",
  78922. "nan",
  78923. "nan",
  78924. "nan",
  78925. "nan",
  78926. "nan"
  78927. ],
  78928. [
  78929. "125189",
  78930. "00001",
  78931. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78933. "791431820",
  78934. "appraisals/valuations",
  78935. "appraisals for 11 loans at issue",
  78936. "2/22/2014",
  78937. "nan",
  78938. "charles l. stutts",
  78939. "off-site",
  78940. "wachter charles",
  78941. "appraisals for 11 loans at issue",
  78942. "tampa",
  78943. "2170011",
  78944. "12/22/2014",
  78945. "nan",
  78946. "nan",
  78947. "nan",
  78948. "nan",
  78949. "nan",
  78950. "nan",
  78951. "nan",
  78952. "nan",
  78953. "nan",
  78954. "nan",
  78955. "nan",
  78956. "nan",
  78957. "nan",
  78958. "nan",
  78959. "nan",
  78960. "nan",
  78961. "nan",
  78962. "nan",
  78963. "nan",
  78964. "nan",
  78965. "nan",
  78966. "nan"
  78967. ],
  78968. [
  78969. "125189",
  78970. "00001",
  78971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  78972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  78973. "791431822",
  78974. "analysis",
  78975. "palermo's 11-4-13 analysis memo w/supporting documents",
  78976. "2/23/2014",
  78977. "nan",
  78978. "charles l. stutts",
  78979. "off-site",
  78980. "wachter charles",
  78981. "palermo's 11-4-13 analysis memo w/supporting documents",
  78982. "tampa",
  78983. "2170012",
  78984. "12/22/2014",
  78985. "nan",
  78986. "nan",
  78987. "nan",
  78988. "nan",
  78989. "nan",
  78990. "nan",
  78991. "nan",
  78992. "nan",
  78993. "nan",
  78994. "nan",
  78995. "nan",
  78996. "nan",
  78997. "nan",
  78998. "nan",
  78999. "nan",
  79000. "nan",
  79001. "nan",
  79002. "nan",
  79003. "nan",
  79004. "nan",
  79005. "nan",
  79006. "nan"
  79007. ],
  79008. [
  79009. "125189",
  79010. "00001",
  79011. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79013. "791431822",
  79014. "minutes",
  79015. "bod meeting minutes referenced by morrow",
  79016. "2/23/2014",
  79017. "nan",
  79018. "charles l. stutts",
  79019. "off-site",
  79020. "wachter charles",
  79021. "bod meeting minutes referenced by morrow",
  79022. "tampa",
  79023. "2170013",
  79024. "12/22/2014",
  79025. "nan",
  79026. "nan",
  79027. "nan",
  79028. "nan",
  79029. "nan",
  79030. "nan",
  79031. "nan",
  79032. "nan",
  79033. "nan",
  79034. "nan",
  79035. "nan",
  79036. "nan",
  79037. "nan",
  79038. "nan",
  79039. "nan",
  79040. "nan",
  79041. "nan",
  79042. "nan",
  79043. "nan",
  79044. "nan",
  79045. "nan",
  79046. "nan"
  79047. ],
  79048. [
  79049. "125189",
  79050. "00001",
  79051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79053. "791431822",
  79054. "minutes",
  79055. "docs referenced in morrow's 11-6-13 report",
  79056. "2/23/2014",
  79057. "nan",
  79058. "charles l. stutts",
  79059. "off-site",
  79060. "wachter charles",
  79061. "docs referenced in morrow's 11-6-13 report",
  79062. "tampa",
  79063. "2170014",
  79064. "12/22/2014",
  79065. "nan",
  79066. "nan",
  79067. "nan",
  79068. "nan",
  79069. "nan",
  79070. "nan",
  79071. "nan",
  79072. "nan",
  79073. "nan",
  79074. "nan",
  79075. "nan",
  79076. "nan",
  79077. "nan",
  79078. "nan",
  79079. "nan",
  79080. "nan",
  79081. "nan",
  79082. "nan",
  79083. "nan",
  79084. "nan",
  79085. "nan",
  79086. "nan"
  79087. ],
  79088. [
  79089. "125189",
  79090. "00001",
  79091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79093. "791431822",
  79094. "expert file",
  79095. "defendants expert rpts 13.1-13.5",
  79096. "2/23/2014",
  79097. "nan",
  79098. "charles l. stutts",
  79099. "off-site",
  79100. "wachter charles",
  79101. "defendants' expert rpts 13.1 - 13.5",
  79102. "tampa",
  79103. "2170015",
  79104. "12/22/2014",
  79105. "nan",
  79106. "nan",
  79107. "nan",
  79108. "nan",
  79109. "nan",
  79110. "nan",
  79111. "nan",
  79112. "nan",
  79113. "nan",
  79114. "nan",
  79115. "nan",
  79116. "nan",
  79117. "nan",
  79118. "nan",
  79119. "nan",
  79120. "nan",
  79121. "nan",
  79122. "nan",
  79123. "nan",
  79124. "nan",
  79125. "nan",
  79126. "nan"
  79127. ],
  79128. [
  79129. "125189",
  79130. "00001",
  79131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79133. "791431823",
  79134. "reports",
  79135. "call reports/tfr 2001-2005",
  79136. "2/23/2014",
  79137. "nan",
  79138. "charles l. stutts",
  79139. "off-site",
  79140. "wachter charles",
  79141. "call reports/tfr 2001-2005",
  79142. "tampa",
  79143. "2170016",
  79144. "12/22/2014",
  79145. "nan",
  79146. "nan",
  79147. "nan",
  79148. "nan",
  79149. "nan",
  79150. "nan",
  79151. "nan",
  79152. "nan",
  79153. "nan",
  79154. "nan",
  79155. "nan",
  79156. "nan",
  79157. "nan",
  79158. "nan",
  79159. "nan",
  79160. "nan",
  79161. "nan",
  79162. "nan",
  79163. "nan",
  79164. "nan",
  79165. "nan",
  79166. "nan"
  79167. ],
  79168. [
  79169. "125189",
  79170. "00001",
  79171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79173. "791431823",
  79174. "reports",
  79175. "call reports/tfr 2006-2009",
  79176. "2/23/2014",
  79177. "nan",
  79178. "charles l. stutts",
  79179. "off-site",
  79180. "wachter charles",
  79181. "call reports/tfr 2006-2009",
  79182. "tampa",
  79183. "2170017",
  79184. "12/22/2014",
  79185. "nan",
  79186. "nan",
  79187. "nan",
  79188. "nan",
  79189. "nan",
  79190. "nan",
  79191. "nan",
  79192. "nan",
  79193. "nan",
  79194. "nan",
  79195. "nan",
  79196. "nan",
  79197. "nan",
  79198. "nan",
  79199. "nan",
  79200. "nan",
  79201. "nan",
  79202. "nan",
  79203. "nan",
  79204. "nan",
  79205. "nan",
  79206. "nan"
  79207. ],
  79208. [
  79209. "125189",
  79210. "00001",
  79211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79213. "664453834",
  79214. "general/other",
  79215. "7.4.8 management action lists, 2009 ots i.t. examination exception matrix reports",
  79216. "2/24/2014",
  79217. "nan",
  79218. "charles l. stutts",
  79219. "off-site",
  79220. "wachter charles",
  79221. "nan",
  79222. "tampa",
  79223. "2170322",
  79224. "12/22/2014",
  79225. "nan",
  79226. "nan",
  79227. "nan",
  79228. "nan",
  79229. "nan",
  79230. "nan",
  79231. "nan",
  79232. "nan",
  79233. "nan",
  79234. "nan",
  79235. "nan",
  79236. "nan",
  79237. "nan",
  79238. "nan",
  79239. "nan",
  79240. "nan",
  79241. "nan",
  79242. "nan",
  79243. "nan",
  79244. "nan",
  79245. "nan",
  79246. "nan"
  79247. ],
  79248. [
  79249. "125189",
  79250. "00001",
  79251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79253. "664453834",
  79254. "general/other",
  79255. "7.4.9 ots capital plan & exam update (for the quarter ended 12/31/01)",
  79256. "2/24/2014",
  79257. "nan",
  79258. "charles l. stutts",
  79259. "off-site",
  79260. "wachter charles",
  79261. "nan",
  79262. "tampa",
  79263. "2170326",
  79264. "12/22/2014",
  79265. "nan",
  79266. "nan",
  79267. "nan",
  79268. "nan",
  79269. "nan",
  79270. "nan",
  79271. "nan",
  79272. "nan",
  79273. "nan",
  79274. "nan",
  79275. "nan",
  79276. "nan",
  79277. "nan",
  79278. "nan",
  79279. "nan",
  79280. "nan",
  79281. "nan",
  79282. "nan",
  79283. "nan",
  79284. "nan",
  79285. "nan",
  79286. "nan"
  79287. ],
  79288. [
  79289. "125189",
  79290. "00001",
  79291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79293. "664453834",
  79294. "general/other",
  79295. "7.4.11 management action list, 2008 ots safety & soundness exam exception matrix",
  79296. "2/24/2014",
  79297. "nan",
  79298. "charles l. stutts",
  79299. "off-site",
  79300. "wachter charles",
  79301. "nan",
  79302. "tampa",
  79303. "2170384",
  79304. "12/22/2014",
  79305. "nan",
  79306. "nan",
  79307. "nan",
  79308. "nan",
  79309. "nan",
  79310. "nan",
  79311. "nan",
  79312. "nan",
  79313. "nan",
  79314. "nan",
  79315. "nan",
  79316. "nan",
  79317. "nan",
  79318. "nan",
  79319. "nan",
  79320. "nan",
  79321. "nan",
  79322. "nan",
  79323. "nan",
  79324. "nan",
  79325. "nan",
  79326. "nan"
  79327. ],
  79328. [
  79329. "125189",
  79330. "00001",
  79331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79333. "664453834",
  79334. "general/other",
  79335. "7.4.10 ots capital plan & exam update (for the quarter ended 3/31/02 - draft)",
  79336. "2/24/2014",
  79337. "nan",
  79338. "charles l. stutts",
  79339. "off-site",
  79340. "wachter charles",
  79341. "nan",
  79342. "tampa",
  79343. "2170390",
  79344. "12/22/2014",
  79345. "nan",
  79346. "nan",
  79347. "nan",
  79348. "nan",
  79349. "nan",
  79350. "nan",
  79351. "nan",
  79352. "nan",
  79353. "nan",
  79354. "nan",
  79355. "nan",
  79356. "nan",
  79357. "nan",
  79358. "nan",
  79359. "nan",
  79360. "nan",
  79361. "nan",
  79362. "nan",
  79363. "nan",
  79364. "nan",
  79365. "nan",
  79366. "nan"
  79367. ],
  79368. [
  79369. "125189",
  79370. "00001",
  79371. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79373. "664453834",
  79374. "general/other",
  79375. "7.4.12 pfcb 11/21/08 response to ots 3/31/08 roe",
  79376. "2/24/2014",
  79377. "nan",
  79378. "charles l. stutts",
  79379. "off-site",
  79380. "wachter charles",
  79381. "nan",
  79382. "tampa",
  79383. "2170403",
  79384. "12/22/2014",
  79385. "nan",
  79386. "nan",
  79387. "nan",
  79388. "nan",
  79389. "nan",
  79390. "nan",
  79391. "nan",
  79392. "nan",
  79393. "nan",
  79394. "nan",
  79395. "nan",
  79396. "nan",
  79397. "nan",
  79398. "nan",
  79399. "nan",
  79400. "nan",
  79401. "nan",
  79402. "nan",
  79403. "nan",
  79404. "nan",
  79405. "nan",
  79406. "nan"
  79407. ],
  79408. [
  79409. "125189",
  79410. "00001",
  79411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79413. "664453834",
  79414. "general/other",
  79415. "8.1.1 lists of approved appraisers for pfcb (for vairous areas & with various dates)",
  79416. "2/24/2014",
  79417. "nan",
  79418. "charles l. stutts",
  79419. "off-site",
  79420. "wachter charles",
  79421. "nan",
  79422. "tampa",
  79423. "2170404",
  79424. "12/22/2014",
  79425. "nan",
  79426. "nan",
  79427. "nan",
  79428. "nan",
  79429. "nan",
  79430. "nan",
  79431. "nan",
  79432. "nan",
  79433. "nan",
  79434. "nan",
  79435. "nan",
  79436. "nan",
  79437. "nan",
  79438. "nan",
  79439. "nan",
  79440. "nan",
  79441. "nan",
  79442. "nan",
  79443. "nan",
  79444. "nan",
  79445. "nan",
  79446. "nan"
  79447. ],
  79448. [
  79449. "125189",
  79450. "00001",
  79451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79453. "664453835",
  79454. "appraisals/valuations",
  79455. "9.8 meritage at baldwin park (bumpy g.p. ii, ltd. loan #5123573)",
  79456. "2/24/2014",
  79457. "nan",
  79458. "charles l. stutts",
  79459. "off-site",
  79460. "wachter charles",
  79461. "nan",
  79462. "tampa",
  79463. "2170462",
  79464. "12/22/2014",
  79465. "nan",
  79466. "nan",
  79467. "nan",
  79468. "nan",
  79469. "nan",
  79470. "nan",
  79471. "nan",
  79472. "nan",
  79473. "nan",
  79474. "nan",
  79475. "nan",
  79476. "nan",
  79477. "nan",
  79478. "nan",
  79479. "nan",
  79480. "nan",
  79481. "nan",
  79482. "nan",
  79483. "nan",
  79484. "nan",
  79485. "nan",
  79486. "nan"
  79487. ],
  79488. [
  79489. "125189",
  79490. "00001",
  79491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79493. "664453835",
  79494. "appraisals/valuations",
  79495. "9.9 golfside marketplace (golfside marketplace, ltd., loan #4936399)",
  79496. "2/24/2014",
  79497. "nan",
  79498. "charles l. stutts",
  79499. "off-site",
  79500. "wachter charles",
  79501. "nan",
  79502. "tampa",
  79503. "2170466",
  79504. "12/22/2014",
  79505. "nan",
  79506. "nan",
  79507. "nan",
  79508. "nan",
  79509. "nan",
  79510. "nan",
  79511. "nan",
  79512. "nan",
  79513. "nan",
  79514. "nan",
  79515. "nan",
  79516. "nan",
  79517. "nan",
  79518. "nan",
  79519. "nan",
  79520. "nan",
  79521. "nan",
  79522. "nan",
  79523. "nan",
  79524. "nan",
  79525. "nan",
  79526. "nan"
  79527. ],
  79528. [
  79529. "125189",
  79530. "00001",
  79531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79533. "664453835",
  79534. "appraisals/valuations",
  79535. "9.10 garden oaks (garden oaks, llc, loan #5285069)",
  79536. "2/24/2014",
  79537. "nan",
  79538. "charles l. stutts",
  79539. "off-site",
  79540. "wachter charles",
  79541. "nan",
  79542. "tampa",
  79543. "2170469",
  79544. "12/22/2014",
  79545. "nan",
  79546. "nan",
  79547. "nan",
  79548. "nan",
  79549. "nan",
  79550. "nan",
  79551. "nan",
  79552. "nan",
  79553. "nan",
  79554. "nan",
  79555. "nan",
  79556. "nan",
  79557. "nan",
  79558. "nan",
  79559. "nan",
  79560. "nan",
  79561. "nan",
  79562. "nan",
  79563. "nan",
  79564. "nan",
  79565. "nan",
  79566. "nan"
  79567. ],
  79568. [
  79569. "125189",
  79570. "00001",
  79571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79573. "664453835",
  79574. "appraisals/valuations",
  79575. "9.11 vineland reserve (pell place, llc, loan #5412051)",
  79576. "2/24/2014",
  79577. "nan",
  79578. "charles l. stutts",
  79579. "off-site",
  79580. "wachter charles",
  79581. "nan",
  79582. "tampa",
  79583. "2170471",
  79584. "12/22/2014",
  79585. "nan",
  79586. "nan",
  79587. "nan",
  79588. "nan",
  79589. "nan",
  79590. "nan",
  79591. "nan",
  79592. "nan",
  79593. "nan",
  79594. "nan",
  79595. "nan",
  79596. "nan",
  79597. "nan",
  79598. "nan",
  79599. "nan",
  79600. "nan",
  79601. "nan",
  79602. "nan",
  79603. "nan",
  79604. "nan",
  79605. "nan",
  79606. "nan"
  79607. ],
  79608. [
  79609. "125189",
  79610. "00001",
  79611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79613. "664453835",
  79614. "expert file",
  79615. "13.8c binder of documents referenced in morrow's 11/6/13 expert report",
  79616. "2/24/2014",
  79617. "nan",
  79618. "charles l. stutts",
  79619. "off-site",
  79620. "wachter charles",
  79621. "nan",
  79622. "tampa",
  79623. "2170476",
  79624. "12/22/2014",
  79625. "nan",
  79626. "nan",
  79627. "nan",
  79628. "nan",
  79629. "nan",
  79630. "nan",
  79631. "nan",
  79632. "nan",
  79633. "nan",
  79634. "nan",
  79635. "nan",
  79636. "nan",
  79637. "nan",
  79638. "nan",
  79639. "nan",
  79640. "nan",
  79641. "nan",
  79642. "nan",
  79643. "nan",
  79644. "nan",
  79645. "nan",
  79646. "nan"
  79647. ],
  79648. [
  79649. "125189",
  79650. "00001",
  79651. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79653. "664453836",
  79654. "general/other",
  79655. "8.1.5 credit department memoranda",
  79656. "2/24/2014",
  79657. "nan",
  79658. "charles l. stutts",
  79659. "off-site",
  79660. "wachter charles",
  79661. "nan",
  79662. "tampa",
  79663. "2170523",
  79664. "12/22/2014",
  79665. "nan",
  79666. "nan",
  79667. "nan",
  79668. "nan",
  79669. "nan",
  79670. "nan",
  79671. "nan",
  79672. "nan",
  79673. "nan",
  79674. "nan",
  79675. "nan",
  79676. "nan",
  79677. "nan",
  79678. "nan",
  79679. "nan",
  79680. "nan",
  79681. "nan",
  79682. "nan",
  79683. "nan",
  79684. "nan",
  79685. "nan",
  79686. "nan"
  79687. ],
  79688. [
  79689. "125189",
  79690. "00001",
  79691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79693. "664453836",
  79694. "general/other",
  79695. "8.1.6 reports of charitable & other contributions",
  79696. "2/24/2014",
  79697. "nan",
  79698. "charles l. stutts",
  79699. "off-site",
  79700. "wachter charles",
  79701. "nan",
  79702. "tampa",
  79703. "2170524",
  79704. "12/22/2014",
  79705. "nan",
  79706. "nan",
  79707. "nan",
  79708. "nan",
  79709. "nan",
  79710. "nan",
  79711. "nan",
  79712. "nan",
  79713. "nan",
  79714. "nan",
  79715. "nan",
  79716. "nan",
  79717. "nan",
  79718. "nan",
  79719. "nan",
  79720. "nan",
  79721. "nan",
  79722. "nan",
  79723. "nan",
  79724. "nan",
  79725. "nan",
  79726. "nan"
  79727. ],
  79728. [
  79729. "125189",
  79730. "00001",
  79731. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79733. "664453836",
  79734. "general/other",
  79735. "8.1.7 commercial loan memoranda (not for 11 loans at issue)",
  79736. "2/24/2014",
  79737. "nan",
  79738. "charles l. stutts",
  79739. "off-site",
  79740. "wachter charles",
  79741. "nan",
  79742. "tampa",
  79743. "2170526",
  79744. "12/22/2014",
  79745. "nan",
  79746. "nan",
  79747. "nan",
  79748. "nan",
  79749. "nan",
  79750. "nan",
  79751. "nan",
  79752. "nan",
  79753. "nan",
  79754. "nan",
  79755. "nan",
  79756. "nan",
  79757. "nan",
  79758. "nan",
  79759. "nan",
  79760. "nan",
  79761. "nan",
  79762. "nan",
  79763. "nan",
  79764. "nan",
  79765. "nan",
  79766. "nan"
  79767. ],
  79768. [
  79769. "125189",
  79770. "00001",
  79771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79773. "664453836",
  79774. "general/other",
  79775. "8.1.8 mls activity reports",
  79776. "2/24/2014",
  79777. "nan",
  79778. "charles l. stutts",
  79779. "off-site",
  79780. "wachter charles",
  79781. "nan",
  79782. "tampa",
  79783. "2170529",
  79784. "12/22/2014",
  79785. "nan",
  79786. "nan",
  79787. "nan",
  79788. "nan",
  79789. "nan",
  79790. "nan",
  79791. "nan",
  79792. "nan",
  79793. "nan",
  79794. "nan",
  79795. "nan",
  79796. "nan",
  79797. "nan",
  79798. "nan",
  79799. "nan",
  79800. "nan",
  79801. "nan",
  79802. "nan",
  79803. "nan",
  79804. "nan",
  79805. "nan",
  79806. "nan"
  79807. ],
  79808. [
  79809. "125189",
  79810. "00001",
  79811. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79812. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79813. "664453836",
  79814. "general/other",
  79815. "8.1.9 pfcb executive memoranda (various dates)",
  79816. "2/24/2014",
  79817. "nan",
  79818. "charles l. stutts",
  79819. "off-site",
  79820. "wachter charles",
  79821. "nan",
  79822. "tampa",
  79823. "2170530",
  79824. "12/22/2014",
  79825. "nan",
  79826. "nan",
  79827. "nan",
  79828. "nan",
  79829. "nan",
  79830. "nan",
  79831. "nan",
  79832. "nan",
  79833. "nan",
  79834. "nan",
  79835. "nan",
  79836. "nan",
  79837. "nan",
  79838. "nan",
  79839. "nan",
  79840. "nan",
  79841. "nan",
  79842. "nan",
  79843. "nan",
  79844. "nan",
  79845. "nan",
  79846. "nan"
  79847. ],
  79848. [
  79849. "125189",
  79850. "00001",
  79851. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79853. "664453836",
  79854. "general/other",
  79855. "8.1.10 vendor management reports",
  79856. "2/24/2014",
  79857. "nan",
  79858. "charles l. stutts",
  79859. "off-site",
  79860. "wachter charles",
  79861. "nan",
  79862. "tampa",
  79863. "2170531",
  79864. "12/22/2014",
  79865. "nan",
  79866. "nan",
  79867. "nan",
  79868. "nan",
  79869. "nan",
  79870. "nan",
  79871. "nan",
  79872. "nan",
  79873. "nan",
  79874. "nan",
  79875. "nan",
  79876. "nan",
  79877. "nan",
  79878. "nan",
  79879. "nan",
  79880. "nan",
  79881. "nan",
  79882. "nan",
  79883. "nan",
  79884. "nan",
  79885. "nan",
  79886. "nan"
  79887. ],
  79888. [
  79889. "125189",
  79890. "00001",
  79891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79893. "664453836",
  79894. "general/other",
  79895. "8.1.12 campbell & associates letter agreement with pfcb (4/10/06)",
  79896. "2/24/2014",
  79897. "nan",
  79898. "charles l. stutts",
  79899. "off-site",
  79900. "wachter charles",
  79901. "nan",
  79902. "tampa",
  79903. "2170533",
  79904. "12/22/2014",
  79905. "nan",
  79906. "nan",
  79907. "nan",
  79908. "nan",
  79909. "nan",
  79910. "nan",
  79911. "nan",
  79912. "nan",
  79913. "nan",
  79914. "nan",
  79915. "nan",
  79916. "nan",
  79917. "nan",
  79918. "nan",
  79919. "nan",
  79920. "nan",
  79921. "nan",
  79922. "nan",
  79923. "nan",
  79924. "nan",
  79925. "nan",
  79926. "nan"
  79927. ],
  79928. [
  79929. "125189",
  79930. "00001",
  79931. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79933. "664453836",
  79934. "general/other",
  79935. "8.1.13 it examination compliance committee minutes",
  79936. "2/24/2014",
  79937. "nan",
  79938. "charles l. stutts",
  79939. "off-site",
  79940. "wachter charles",
  79941. "nan",
  79942. "tampa",
  79943. "2170537",
  79944. "12/22/2014",
  79945. "nan",
  79946. "nan",
  79947. "nan",
  79948. "nan",
  79949. "nan",
  79950. "nan",
  79951. "nan",
  79952. "nan",
  79953. "nan",
  79954. "nan",
  79955. "nan",
  79956. "nan",
  79957. "nan",
  79958. "nan",
  79959. "nan",
  79960. "nan",
  79961. "nan",
  79962. "nan",
  79963. "nan",
  79964. "nan",
  79965. "nan",
  79966. "nan"
  79967. ],
  79968. [
  79969. "125189",
  79970. "00001",
  79971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  79972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  79973. "664453836",
  79974. "general/other",
  79975. "8.1.14 pfcb stockholders meeting minutes",
  79976. "2/24/2014",
  79977. "nan",
  79978. "charles l. stutts",
  79979. "off-site",
  79980. "wachter charles",
  79981. "nan",
  79982. "tampa",
  79983. "2170539",
  79984. "12/22/2014",
  79985. "nan",
  79986. "nan",
  79987. "nan",
  79988. "nan",
  79989. "nan",
  79990. "nan",
  79991. "nan",
  79992. "nan",
  79993. "nan",
  79994. "nan",
  79995. "nan",
  79996. "nan",
  79997. "nan",
  79998. "nan",
  79999. "nan",
  80000. "nan",
  80001. "nan",
  80002. "nan",
  80003. "nan",
  80004. "nan",
  80005. "nan",
  80006. "nan"
  80007. ],
  80008. [
  80009. "125189",
  80010. "00001",
  80011. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80013. "664453836",
  80014. "general/other",
  80015. "8.1.15 pfcb it steering committee meeting minutes",
  80016. "2/24/2014",
  80017. "nan",
  80018. "charles l. stutts",
  80019. "off-site",
  80020. "wachter charles",
  80021. "nan",
  80022. "tampa",
  80023. "2170543",
  80024. "12/22/2014",
  80025. "nan",
  80026. "nan",
  80027. "nan",
  80028. "nan",
  80029. "nan",
  80030. "nan",
  80031. "nan",
  80032. "nan",
  80033. "nan",
  80034. "nan",
  80035. "nan",
  80036. "nan",
  80037. "nan",
  80038. "nan",
  80039. "nan",
  80040. "nan",
  80041. "nan",
  80042. "nan",
  80043. "nan",
  80044. "nan",
  80045. "nan",
  80046. "nan"
  80047. ],
  80048. [
  80049. "125189",
  80050. "00001",
  80051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80053. "664453836",
  80054. "general/other",
  80055. "8.1.17 quarterly analysis/spec construction reports",
  80056. "2/24/2014",
  80057. "nan",
  80058. "charles l. stutts",
  80059. "off-site",
  80060. "wachter charles",
  80061. "nan",
  80062. "tampa",
  80063. "2170550",
  80064. "12/22/2014",
  80065. "nan",
  80066. "nan",
  80067. "nan",
  80068. "nan",
  80069. "nan",
  80070. "nan",
  80071. "nan",
  80072. "nan",
  80073. "nan",
  80074. "nan",
  80075. "nan",
  80076. "nan",
  80077. "nan",
  80078. "nan",
  80079. "nan",
  80080. "nan",
  80081. "nan",
  80082. "nan",
  80083. "nan",
  80084. "nan",
  80085. "nan",
  80086. "nan"
  80087. ],
  80088. [
  80089. "125189",
  80090. "00001",
  80091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80093. "664453836",
  80094. "general/other",
  80095. "8.1.18 2009 cease & desist board progress report",
  80096. "2/24/2014",
  80097. "nan",
  80098. "charles l. stutts",
  80099. "off-site",
  80100. "wachter charles",
  80101. "nan",
  80102. "tampa",
  80103. "2170560",
  80104. "12/22/2014",
  80105. "nan",
  80106. "nan",
  80107. "nan",
  80108. "nan",
  80109. "nan",
  80110. "nan",
  80111. "nan",
  80112. "nan",
  80113. "nan",
  80114. "nan",
  80115. "nan",
  80116. "nan",
  80117. "nan",
  80118. "nan",
  80119. "nan",
  80120. "nan",
  80121. "nan",
  80122. "nan",
  80123. "nan",
  80124. "nan",
  80125. "nan",
  80126. "nan"
  80127. ],
  80128. [
  80129. "125189",
  80130. "00001",
  80131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80133. "664453836",
  80134. "general/other",
  80135. "8.1.19 board compensation reports",
  80136. "2/24/2014",
  80137. "nan",
  80138. "charles l. stutts",
  80139. "off-site",
  80140. "wachter charles",
  80141. "nan",
  80142. "tampa",
  80143. "2170562",
  80144. "12/22/2014",
  80145. "nan",
  80146. "nan",
  80147. "nan",
  80148. "nan",
  80149. "nan",
  80150. "nan",
  80151. "nan",
  80152. "nan",
  80153. "nan",
  80154. "nan",
  80155. "nan",
  80156. "nan",
  80157. "nan",
  80158. "nan",
  80159. "nan",
  80160. "nan",
  80161. "nan",
  80162. "nan",
  80163. "nan",
  80164. "nan",
  80165. "nan",
  80166. "nan"
  80167. ],
  80168. [
  80169. "125189",
  80170. "00001",
  80171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80173. "664453836",
  80174. "general/other",
  80175. "8.1.20 residentioanl production by market/loan officer",
  80176. "2/24/2014",
  80177. "nan",
  80178. "charles l. stutts",
  80179. "off-site",
  80180. "wachter charles",
  80181. "nan",
  80182. "tampa",
  80183. "2170563",
  80184. "12/22/2014",
  80185. "nan",
  80186. "nan",
  80187. "nan",
  80188. "nan",
  80189. "nan",
  80190. "nan",
  80191. "nan",
  80192. "nan",
  80193. "nan",
  80194. "nan",
  80195. "nan",
  80196. "nan",
  80197. "nan",
  80198. "nan",
  80199. "nan",
  80200. "nan",
  80201. "nan",
  80202. "nan",
  80203. "nan",
  80204. "nan",
  80205. "nan",
  80206. "nan"
  80207. ],
  80208. [
  80209. "125189",
  80210. "00001",
  80211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80213. "664453836",
  80214. "general/other",
  80215. "8.1.21 freeman & mauro credit files",
  80216. "2/24/2014",
  80217. "nan",
  80218. "charles l. stutts",
  80219. "off-site",
  80220. "wachter charles",
  80221. "nan",
  80222. "tampa",
  80223. "2170566",
  80224. "12/22/2014",
  80225. "nan",
  80226. "nan",
  80227. "nan",
  80228. "nan",
  80229. "nan",
  80230. "nan",
  80231. "nan",
  80232. "nan",
  80233. "nan",
  80234. "nan",
  80235. "nan",
  80236. "nan",
  80237. "nan",
  80238. "nan",
  80239. "nan",
  80240. "nan",
  80241. "nan",
  80242. "nan",
  80243. "nan",
  80244. "nan",
  80245. "nan",
  80246. "nan"
  80247. ],
  80248. [
  80249. "125189",
  80250. "00001",
  80251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80253. "664453837",
  80254. "general/other",
  80255. "8.1.22 news articles",
  80256. "2/25/2014",
  80257. "nan",
  80258. "charles l. stutts",
  80259. "off-site",
  80260. "wachter charles",
  80261. "nan",
  80262. "tampa",
  80263. "2170620",
  80264. "12/22/2014",
  80265. "nan",
  80266. "nan",
  80267. "nan",
  80268. "nan",
  80269. "nan",
  80270. "nan",
  80271. "nan",
  80272. "nan",
  80273. "nan",
  80274. "nan",
  80275. "nan",
  80276. "nan",
  80277. "nan",
  80278. "nan",
  80279. "nan",
  80280. "nan",
  80281. "nan",
  80282. "nan",
  80283. "nan",
  80284. "nan",
  80285. "nan",
  80286. "nan"
  80287. ],
  80288. [
  80289. "125189",
  80290. "00001",
  80291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80293. "664453837",
  80294. "general/other",
  80295. "8..1.23 senior officer assessment, april 2009",
  80296. "2/25/2014",
  80297. "nan",
  80298. "charles l. stutts",
  80299. "off-site",
  80300. "wachter charles",
  80301. "nan",
  80302. "tampa",
  80303. "2170625",
  80304. "12/22/2014",
  80305. "nan",
  80306. "nan",
  80307. "nan",
  80308. "nan",
  80309. "nan",
  80310. "nan",
  80311. "nan",
  80312. "nan",
  80313. "nan",
  80314. "nan",
  80315. "nan",
  80316. "nan",
  80317. "nan",
  80318. "nan",
  80319. "nan",
  80320. "nan",
  80321. "nan",
  80322. "nan",
  80323. "nan",
  80324. "nan",
  80325. "nan",
  80326. "nan"
  80327. ],
  80328. [
  80329. "125189",
  80330. "00001",
  80331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80333. "664453837",
  80334. "general/other",
  80335. "8.1.24 11/14/08 agreement between pfcb & hovde financial",
  80336. "2/25/2014",
  80337. "nan",
  80338. "charles l. stutts",
  80339. "off-site",
  80340. "wachter charles",
  80341. "nan",
  80342. "tampa",
  80343. "2170626",
  80344. "12/22/2014",
  80345. "nan",
  80346. "nan",
  80347. "nan",
  80348. "nan",
  80349. "nan",
  80350. "nan",
  80351. "nan",
  80352. "nan",
  80353. "nan",
  80354. "nan",
  80355. "nan",
  80356. "nan",
  80357. "nan",
  80358. "nan",
  80359. "nan",
  80360. "nan",
  80361. "nan",
  80362. "nan",
  80363. "nan",
  80364. "nan",
  80365. "nan",
  80366. "nan"
  80367. ],
  80368. [
  80369. "125189",
  80370. "00001",
  80371. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80373. "664453837",
  80374. "general/other",
  80375. "8.1.25 response to ots cease & desist",
  80376. "2/25/2014",
  80377. "nan",
  80378. "charles l. stutts",
  80379. "off-site",
  80380. "wachter charles",
  80381. "nan",
  80382. "tampa",
  80383. "2170628",
  80384. "12/22/2014",
  80385. "nan",
  80386. "nan",
  80387. "nan",
  80388. "nan",
  80389. "nan",
  80390. "nan",
  80391. "nan",
  80392. "nan",
  80393. "nan",
  80394. "nan",
  80395. "nan",
  80396. "nan",
  80397. "nan",
  80398. "nan",
  80399. "nan",
  80400. "nan",
  80401. "nan",
  80402. "nan",
  80403. "nan",
  80404. "nan",
  80405. "nan",
  80406. "nan"
  80407. ],
  80408. [
  80409. "125189",
  80410. "00001",
  80411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80413. "664453837",
  80414. "general/other",
  80415. "8.1.26 pfcb to fdic/ots - request for permission to pursue capital raising opportunity",
  80416. "2/25/2014",
  80417. "nan",
  80418. "charles l. stutts",
  80419. "off-site",
  80420. "wachter charles",
  80421. "nan",
  80422. "tampa",
  80423. "2170632",
  80424. "12/22/2014",
  80425. "nan",
  80426. "nan",
  80427. "nan",
  80428. "nan",
  80429. "nan",
  80430. "nan",
  80431. "nan",
  80432. "nan",
  80433. "nan",
  80434. "nan",
  80435. "nan",
  80436. "nan",
  80437. "nan",
  80438. "nan",
  80439. "nan",
  80440. "nan",
  80441. "nan",
  80442. "nan",
  80443. "nan",
  80444. "nan",
  80445. "nan",
  80446. "nan"
  80447. ],
  80448. [
  80449. "125189",
  80450. "00001",
  80451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80453. "664453837",
  80454. "general/other",
  80455. "8.1.27 hacker johnson documents/meetings with audit committee",
  80456. "2/25/2014",
  80457. "nan",
  80458. "charles l. stutts",
  80459. "off-site",
  80460. "wachter charles",
  80461. "nan",
  80462. "tampa",
  80463. "2170635",
  80464. "12/22/2014",
  80465. "nan",
  80466. "nan",
  80467. "nan",
  80468. "nan",
  80469. "nan",
  80470. "nan",
  80471. "nan",
  80472. "nan",
  80473. "nan",
  80474. "nan",
  80475. "nan",
  80476. "nan",
  80477. "nan",
  80478. "nan",
  80479. "nan",
  80480. "nan",
  80481. "nan",
  80482. "nan",
  80483. "nan",
  80484. "nan",
  80485. "nan",
  80486. "nan"
  80487. ],
  80488. [
  80489. "125189",
  80490. "00001",
  80491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80493. "664453837",
  80494. "policy",
  80495. "8.2.1 appraisal policy",
  80496. "2/25/2014",
  80497. "nan",
  80498. "charles l. stutts",
  80499. "off-site",
  80500. "wachter charles",
  80501. "nan",
  80502. "tampa",
  80503. "2170639",
  80504. "12/22/2014",
  80505. "nan",
  80506. "nan",
  80507. "nan",
  80508. "nan",
  80509. "nan",
  80510. "nan",
  80511. "nan",
  80512. "nan",
  80513. "nan",
  80514. "nan",
  80515. "nan",
  80516. "nan",
  80517. "nan",
  80518. "nan",
  80519. "nan",
  80520. "nan",
  80521. "nan",
  80522. "nan",
  80523. "nan",
  80524. "nan",
  80525. "nan",
  80526. "nan"
  80527. ],
  80528. [
  80529. "125189",
  80530. "00001",
  80531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80533. "664453837",
  80534. "policy",
  80535. "8.2.2 asset classification policy",
  80536. "2/25/2014",
  80537. "nan",
  80538. "charles l. stutts",
  80539. "off-site",
  80540. "wachter charles",
  80541. "nan",
  80542. "tampa",
  80543. "2170642",
  80544. "12/22/2014",
  80545. "nan",
  80546. "nan",
  80547. "nan",
  80548. "nan",
  80549. "nan",
  80550. "nan",
  80551. "nan",
  80552. "nan",
  80553. "nan",
  80554. "nan",
  80555. "nan",
  80556. "nan",
  80557. "nan",
  80558. "nan",
  80559. "nan",
  80560. "nan",
  80561. "nan",
  80562. "nan",
  80563. "nan",
  80564. "nan",
  80565. "nan",
  80566. "nan"
  80567. ],
  80568. [
  80569. "125189",
  80570. "00001",
  80571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80573. "664453837",
  80574. "policy",
  80575. "8.2.3 bank protection act security policy",
  80576. "2/25/2014",
  80577. "nan",
  80578. "charles l. stutts",
  80579. "off-site",
  80580. "wachter charles",
  80581. "nan",
  80582. "tampa",
  80583. "2170644",
  80584. "12/22/2014",
  80585. "nan",
  80586. "nan",
  80587. "nan",
  80588. "nan",
  80589. "nan",
  80590. "nan",
  80591. "nan",
  80592. "nan",
  80593. "nan",
  80594. "nan",
  80595. "nan",
  80596. "nan",
  80597. "nan",
  80598. "nan",
  80599. "nan",
  80600. "nan",
  80601. "nan",
  80602. "nan",
  80603. "nan",
  80604. "nan",
  80605. "nan",
  80606. "nan"
  80607. ],
  80608. [
  80609. "125189",
  80610. "00001",
  80611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80613. "664453837",
  80614. "policy",
  80615. "8.2.4 bank secrecy act compliance policy",
  80616. "2/25/2014",
  80617. "nan",
  80618. "charles l. stutts",
  80619. "off-site",
  80620. "wachter charles",
  80621. "nan",
  80622. "tampa",
  80623. "2170649",
  80624. "12/22/2014",
  80625. "nan",
  80626. "nan",
  80627. "nan",
  80628. "nan",
  80629. "nan",
  80630. "nan",
  80631. "nan",
  80632. "nan",
  80633. "nan",
  80634. "nan",
  80635. "nan",
  80636. "nan",
  80637. "nan",
  80638. "nan",
  80639. "nan",
  80640. "nan",
  80641. "nan",
  80642. "nan",
  80643. "nan",
  80644. "nan",
  80645. "nan",
  80646. "nan"
  80647. ],
  80648. [
  80649. "125189",
  80650. "00001",
  80651. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80653. "664453837",
  80654. "policy",
  80655. "8.2.5 bank secrecy act risk assessment 2008, 2009",
  80656. "2/25/2014",
  80657. "nan",
  80658. "charles l. stutts",
  80659. "off-site",
  80660. "wachter charles",
  80661. "nan",
  80662. "tampa",
  80663. "2170653",
  80664. "12/22/2014",
  80665. "nan",
  80666. "nan",
  80667. "nan",
  80668. "nan",
  80669. "nan",
  80670. "nan",
  80671. "nan",
  80672. "nan",
  80673. "nan",
  80674. "nan",
  80675. "nan",
  80676. "nan",
  80677. "nan",
  80678. "nan",
  80679. "nan",
  80680. "nan",
  80681. "nan",
  80682. "nan",
  80683. "nan",
  80684. "nan",
  80685. "nan",
  80686. "nan"
  80687. ],
  80688. [
  80689. "125189",
  80690. "00001",
  80691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80693. "664453837",
  80694. "policy",
  80695. "8.2.6 branch closing policy",
  80696. "2/25/2014",
  80697. "nan",
  80698. "charles l. stutts",
  80699. "off-site",
  80700. "wachter charles",
  80701. "nan",
  80702. "tampa",
  80703. "2170655",
  80704. "12/22/2014",
  80705. "nan",
  80706. "nan",
  80707. "nan",
  80708. "nan",
  80709. "nan",
  80710. "nan",
  80711. "nan",
  80712. "nan",
  80713. "nan",
  80714. "nan",
  80715. "nan",
  80716. "nan",
  80717. "nan",
  80718. "nan",
  80719. "nan",
  80720. "nan",
  80721. "nan",
  80722. "nan",
  80723. "nan",
  80724. "nan",
  80725. "nan",
  80726. "nan"
  80727. ],
  80728. [
  80729. "125189",
  80730. "00001",
  80731. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80733. "664453837",
  80734. "policy",
  80735. "8.2.7 business continuity policy",
  80736. "2/25/2014",
  80737. "nan",
  80738. "charles l. stutts",
  80739. "off-site",
  80740. "wachter charles",
  80741. "nan",
  80742. "tampa",
  80743. "2170660",
  80744. "12/22/2014",
  80745. "nan",
  80746. "nan",
  80747. "nan",
  80748. "nan",
  80749. "nan",
  80750. "nan",
  80751. "nan",
  80752. "nan",
  80753. "nan",
  80754. "nan",
  80755. "nan",
  80756. "nan",
  80757. "nan",
  80758. "nan",
  80759. "nan",
  80760. "nan",
  80761. "nan",
  80762. "nan",
  80763. "nan",
  80764. "nan",
  80765. "nan",
  80766. "nan"
  80767. ],
  80768. [
  80769. "125189",
  80770. "00001",
  80771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80773. "664453837",
  80774. "policy",
  80775. "8.2.9 compliance training policy",
  80776. "2/25/2014",
  80777. "nan",
  80778. "charles l. stutts",
  80779. "off-site",
  80780. "wachter charles",
  80781. "nan",
  80782. "tampa",
  80783. "2170663",
  80784. "12/22/2014",
  80785. "nan",
  80786. "nan",
  80787. "nan",
  80788. "nan",
  80789. "nan",
  80790. "nan",
  80791. "nan",
  80792. "nan",
  80793. "nan",
  80794. "nan",
  80795. "nan",
  80796. "nan",
  80797. "nan",
  80798. "nan",
  80799. "nan",
  80800. "nan",
  80801. "nan",
  80802. "nan",
  80803. "nan",
  80804. "nan",
  80805. "nan",
  80806. "nan"
  80807. ],
  80808. [
  80809. "125189",
  80810. "00001",
  80811. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80812. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80813. "664453837",
  80814. "policy",
  80815. "8.2.10 director & officer checking account policy",
  80816. "2/25/2014",
  80817. "nan",
  80818. "charles l. stutts",
  80819. "off-site",
  80820. "wachter charles",
  80821. "nan",
  80822. "tampa",
  80823. "2170669",
  80824. "12/22/2014",
  80825. "nan",
  80826. "nan",
  80827. "nan",
  80828. "nan",
  80829. "nan",
  80830. "nan",
  80831. "nan",
  80832. "nan",
  80833. "nan",
  80834. "nan",
  80835. "nan",
  80836. "nan",
  80837. "nan",
  80838. "nan",
  80839. "nan",
  80840. "nan",
  80841. "nan",
  80842. "nan",
  80843. "nan",
  80844. "nan",
  80845. "nan",
  80846. "nan"
  80847. ],
  80848. [
  80849. "125189",
  80850. "00001",
  80851. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80853. "664453837",
  80854. "policy",
  80855. "8.2.11 director, officer & affiliated person conflict of interest policy",
  80856. "2/25/2014",
  80857. "nan",
  80858. "charles l. stutts",
  80859. "off-site",
  80860. "wachter charles",
  80861. "nan",
  80862. "tampa",
  80863. "2170677",
  80864. "12/22/2014",
  80865. "nan",
  80866. "nan",
  80867. "nan",
  80868. "nan",
  80869. "nan",
  80870. "nan",
  80871. "nan",
  80872. "nan",
  80873. "nan",
  80874. "nan",
  80875. "nan",
  80876. "nan",
  80877. "nan",
  80878. "nan",
  80879. "nan",
  80880. "nan",
  80881. "nan",
  80882. "nan",
  80883. "nan",
  80884. "nan",
  80885. "nan",
  80886. "nan"
  80887. ],
  80888. [
  80889. "125189",
  80890. "00001",
  80891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80893. "664453837",
  80894. "policy",
  80895. "8.2.12 disaster recovery & business continuity plan",
  80896. "2/25/2014",
  80897. "nan",
  80898. "charles l. stutts",
  80899. "off-site",
  80900. "wachter charles",
  80901. "nan",
  80902. "tampa",
  80903. "2170680",
  80904. "12/22/2014",
  80905. "nan",
  80906. "nan",
  80907. "nan",
  80908. "nan",
  80909. "nan",
  80910. "nan",
  80911. "nan",
  80912. "nan",
  80913. "nan",
  80914. "nan",
  80915. "nan",
  80916. "nan",
  80917. "nan",
  80918. "nan",
  80919. "nan",
  80920. "nan",
  80921. "nan",
  80922. "nan",
  80923. "nan",
  80924. "nan",
  80925. "nan",
  80926. "nan"
  80927. ],
  80928. [
  80929. "125189",
  80930. "00001",
  80931. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80933. "664453837",
  80934. "policy",
  80935. "8.2.13 employee conflict of interest policy",
  80936. "2/25/2014",
  80937. "nan",
  80938. "charles l. stutts",
  80939. "off-site",
  80940. "wachter charles",
  80941. "nan",
  80942. "tampa",
  80943. "2170681",
  80944. "12/22/2014",
  80945. "nan",
  80946. "nan",
  80947. "nan",
  80948. "nan",
  80949. "nan",
  80950. "nan",
  80951. "nan",
  80952. "nan",
  80953. "nan",
  80954. "nan",
  80955. "nan",
  80956. "nan",
  80957. "nan",
  80958. "nan",
  80959. "nan",
  80960. "nan",
  80961. "nan",
  80962. "nan",
  80963. "nan",
  80964. "nan",
  80965. "nan",
  80966. "nan"
  80967. ],
  80968. [
  80969. "125189",
  80970. "00001",
  80971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  80972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  80973. "664453837",
  80974. "policy",
  80975. "8.2.14 employee checking accounts & deliquencies",
  80976. "2/25/2014",
  80977. "nan",
  80978. "charles l. stutts",
  80979. "off-site",
  80980. "wachter charles",
  80981. "nan",
  80982. "tampa",
  80983. "2170684",
  80984. "12/22/2014",
  80985. "nan",
  80986. "nan",
  80987. "nan",
  80988. "nan",
  80989. "nan",
  80990. "nan",
  80991. "nan",
  80992. "nan",
  80993. "nan",
  80994. "nan",
  80995. "nan",
  80996. "nan",
  80997. "nan",
  80998. "nan",
  80999. "nan",
  81000. "nan",
  81001. "nan",
  81002. "nan",
  81003. "nan",
  81004. "nan",
  81005. "nan",
  81006. "nan"
  81007. ],
  81008. [
  81009. "125189",
  81010. "00001",
  81011. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81013. "664453837",
  81014. "policy",
  81015. "8.2.15 end-user (computer) data security policy",
  81016. "2/25/2014",
  81017. "nan",
  81018. "charles l. stutts",
  81019. "off-site",
  81020. "wachter charles",
  81021. "nan",
  81022. "tampa",
  81023. "2170686",
  81024. "12/22/2014",
  81025. "nan",
  81026. "nan",
  81027. "nan",
  81028. "nan",
  81029. "nan",
  81030. "nan",
  81031. "nan",
  81032. "nan",
  81033. "nan",
  81034. "nan",
  81035. "nan",
  81036. "nan",
  81037. "nan",
  81038. "nan",
  81039. "nan",
  81040. "nan",
  81041. "nan",
  81042. "nan",
  81043. "nan",
  81044. "nan",
  81045. "nan",
  81046. "nan"
  81047. ],
  81048. [
  81049. "125189",
  81050. "00001",
  81051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81053. "664453837",
  81054. "policy",
  81055. "8.2.16 expense account policy",
  81056. "2/25/2014",
  81057. "nan",
  81058. "charles l. stutts",
  81059. "off-site",
  81060. "wachter charles",
  81061. "nan",
  81062. "tampa",
  81063. "2170691",
  81064. "12/22/2014",
  81065. "nan",
  81066. "nan",
  81067. "nan",
  81068. "nan",
  81069. "nan",
  81070. "nan",
  81071. "nan",
  81072. "nan",
  81073. "nan",
  81074. "nan",
  81075. "nan",
  81076. "nan",
  81077. "nan",
  81078. "nan",
  81079. "nan",
  81080. "nan",
  81081. "nan",
  81082. "nan",
  81083. "nan",
  81084. "nan",
  81085. "nan",
  81086. "nan"
  81087. ],
  81088. [
  81089. "125189",
  81090. "00001",
  81091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81093. "664453837",
  81094. "policy",
  81095. "8.2.17 identity theft red flags policy",
  81096. "2/25/2014",
  81097. "nan",
  81098. "charles l. stutts",
  81099. "off-site",
  81100. "wachter charles",
  81101. "nan",
  81102. "tampa",
  81103. "2170692",
  81104. "12/22/2014",
  81105. "nan",
  81106. "nan",
  81107. "nan",
  81108. "nan",
  81109. "nan",
  81110. "nan",
  81111. "nan",
  81112. "nan",
  81113. "nan",
  81114. "nan",
  81115. "nan",
  81116. "nan",
  81117. "nan",
  81118. "nan",
  81119. "nan",
  81120. "nan",
  81121. "nan",
  81122. "nan",
  81123. "nan",
  81124. "nan",
  81125. "nan",
  81126. "nan"
  81127. ],
  81128. [
  81129. "125189",
  81130. "00001",
  81131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81133. "664453837",
  81134. "policy",
  81135. "8.2.18 incident responce & notification policy",
  81136. "2/25/2014",
  81137. "nan",
  81138. "charles l. stutts",
  81139. "off-site",
  81140. "wachter charles",
  81141. "nan",
  81142. "tampa",
  81143. "2170696",
  81144. "12/22/2014",
  81145. "nan",
  81146. "nan",
  81147. "nan",
  81148. "nan",
  81149. "nan",
  81150. "nan",
  81151. "nan",
  81152. "nan",
  81153. "nan",
  81154. "nan",
  81155. "nan",
  81156. "nan",
  81157. "nan",
  81158. "nan",
  81159. "nan",
  81160. "nan",
  81161. "nan",
  81162. "nan",
  81163. "nan",
  81164. "nan",
  81165. "nan",
  81166. "nan"
  81167. ],
  81168. [
  81169. "125189",
  81170. "00001",
  81171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81173. "664453837",
  81174. "policy",
  81175. "8.2.19 information security policy",
  81176. "2/25/2014",
  81177. "nan",
  81178. "charles l. stutts",
  81179. "off-site",
  81180. "wact",
  81181. "nan",
  81182. "tampa",
  81183. "2170697",
  81184. "12/22/2014",
  81185. "nan",
  81186. "nan",
  81187. "nan",
  81188. "nan",
  81189. "nan",
  81190. "nan",
  81191. "nan",
  81192. "nan",
  81193. "nan",
  81194. "nan",
  81195. "nan",
  81196. "nan",
  81197. "nan",
  81198. "nan",
  81199. "nan",
  81200. "nan",
  81201. "nan",
  81202. "nan",
  81203. "nan",
  81204. "nan",
  81205. "nan",
  81206. "nan"
  81207. ],
  81208. [
  81209. "125189",
  81210. "00001",
  81211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81213. "664453837",
  81214. "policy",
  81215. "8.2.20 infortaion technology & patch management policy",
  81216. "2/25/2014",
  81217. "nan",
  81218. "charles l. stutts",
  81219. "off-site",
  81220. "wachter charles",
  81221. "nan",
  81222. "tampa",
  81223. "2170700",
  81224. "12/22/2014",
  81225. "nan",
  81226. "nan",
  81227. "nan",
  81228. "nan",
  81229. "nan",
  81230. "nan",
  81231. "nan",
  81232. "nan",
  81233. "nan",
  81234. "nan",
  81235. "nan",
  81236. "nan",
  81237. "nan",
  81238. "nan",
  81239. "nan",
  81240. "nan",
  81241. "nan",
  81242. "nan",
  81243. "nan",
  81244. "nan",
  81245. "nan",
  81246. "nan"
  81247. ],
  81248. [
  81249. "125189",
  81250. "00001",
  81251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81253. "664453837",
  81254. "policy",
  81255. "8.2.21 interest rate risk management policy",
  81256. "2/25/2014",
  81257. "nan",
  81258. "charles l. stutts",
  81259. "off-site",
  81260. "wachter charles",
  81261. "nan",
  81262. "tampa",
  81263. "2170704",
  81264. "12/22/2014",
  81265. "nan",
  81266. "nan",
  81267. "nan",
  81268. "nan",
  81269. "nan",
  81270. "nan",
  81271. "nan",
  81272. "nan",
  81273. "nan",
  81274. "nan",
  81275. "nan",
  81276. "nan",
  81277. "nan",
  81278. "nan",
  81279. "nan",
  81280. "nan",
  81281. "nan",
  81282. "nan",
  81283. "nan",
  81284. "nan",
  81285. "nan",
  81286. "nan"
  81287. ],
  81288. [
  81289. "125189",
  81290. "00001",
  81291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81293. "664453837",
  81294. "policy",
  81295. "8.2.22 investment policy",
  81296. "2/25/2014",
  81297. "nan",
  81298. "charles l. stutts",
  81299. "off-site",
  81300. "wachter charles",
  81301. "nan",
  81302. "tampa",
  81303. "2170708",
  81304. "12/22/2014",
  81305. "nan",
  81306. "nan",
  81307. "nan",
  81308. "nan",
  81309. "nan",
  81310. "nan",
  81311. "nan",
  81312. "nan",
  81313. "nan",
  81314. "nan",
  81315. "nan",
  81316. "nan",
  81317. "nan",
  81318. "nan",
  81319. "nan",
  81320. "nan",
  81321. "nan",
  81322. "nan",
  81323. "nan",
  81324. "nan",
  81325. "nan",
  81326. "nan"
  81327. ],
  81328. [
  81329. "125189",
  81330. "00001",
  81331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81333. "664453837",
  81334. "policy",
  81335. "8.2.23 liquidity management policy",
  81336. "2/25/2014",
  81337. "nan",
  81338. "charles l. stutts",
  81339. "off-site",
  81340. "wachter charles",
  81341. "nan",
  81342. "tampa",
  81343. "2170711",
  81344. "12/22/2014",
  81345. "nan",
  81346. "nan",
  81347. "nan",
  81348. "nan",
  81349. "nan",
  81350. "nan",
  81351. "nan",
  81352. "nan",
  81353. "nan",
  81354. "nan",
  81355. "nan",
  81356. "nan",
  81357. "nan",
  81358. "nan",
  81359. "nan",
  81360. "nan",
  81361. "nan",
  81362. "nan",
  81363. "nan",
  81364. "nan",
  81365. "nan",
  81366. "nan"
  81367. ],
  81368. [
  81369. "125189",
  81370. "00001",
  81371. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81373. "664453837",
  81374. "policy",
  81375. "8.2.24 loan policy (board approaved: undated version; 10/17/00; 2/20/02; 4/23/03; 12/15/04; 1/18/06; 5/24/06; 6/20/07; 6/18/08; 6/24/09; 9/--/09)",
  81376. "2/25/2014",
  81377. "nan",
  81378. "charles l. stutts",
  81379. "off-site",
  81380. "wachter charles",
  81381. "nan",
  81382. "tampa",
  81383. "2170719",
  81384. "12/22/2014",
  81385. "nan",
  81386. "nan",
  81387. "nan",
  81388. "nan",
  81389. "nan",
  81390. "nan",
  81391. "nan",
  81392. "nan",
  81393. "nan",
  81394. "nan",
  81395. "nan",
  81396. "nan",
  81397. "nan",
  81398. "nan",
  81399. "nan",
  81400. "nan",
  81401. "nan",
  81402. "nan",
  81403. "nan",
  81404. "nan",
  81405. "nan",
  81406. "nan"
  81407. ],
  81408. [
  81409. "125189",
  81410. "00001",
  81411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81413. "664453837",
  81414. "policy",
  81415. "8.2.25 loan review policy",
  81416. "2/25/2014",
  81417. "nan",
  81418. "charles l. stutts",
  81419. "off-site",
  81420. "wachter charles",
  81421. "nan",
  81422. "tampa",
  81423. "2170721",
  81424. "12/22/2014",
  81425. "nan",
  81426. "nan",
  81427. "nan",
  81428. "nan",
  81429. "nan",
  81430. "nan",
  81431. "nan",
  81432. "nan",
  81433. "nan",
  81434. "nan",
  81435. "nan",
  81436. "nan",
  81437. "nan",
  81438. "nan",
  81439. "nan",
  81440. "nan",
  81441. "nan",
  81442. "nan",
  81443. "nan",
  81444. "nan",
  81445. "nan",
  81446. "nan"
  81447. ],
  81448. [
  81449. "125189",
  81450. "00001",
  81451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81453. "664453837",
  81454. "policy",
  81455. "8.2.26 overdraft privilege policy",
  81456. "2/25/2014",
  81457. "nan",
  81458. "charles l. stutts",
  81459. "off-site",
  81460. "wachter charles",
  81461. "nan",
  81462. "tampa",
  81463. "2170722",
  81464. "12/22/2014",
  81465. "nan",
  81466. "nan",
  81467. "nan",
  81468. "nan",
  81469. "nan",
  81470. "nan",
  81471. "nan",
  81472. "nan",
  81473. "nan",
  81474. "nan",
  81475. "nan",
  81476. "nan",
  81477. "nan",
  81478. "nan",
  81479. "nan",
  81480. "nan",
  81481. "nan",
  81482. "nan",
  81483. "nan",
  81484. "nan",
  81485. "nan",
  81486. "nan"
  81487. ],
  81488. [
  81489. "125189",
  81490. "00001",
  81491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81493. "664453837",
  81494. "policy",
  81495. "8.2.27 privacy of consumer information policy",
  81496. "2/25/2014",
  81497. "nan",
  81498. "charles l. stutts",
  81499. "off-site",
  81500. "wachter charles",
  81501. "nan",
  81502. "tampa",
  81503. "2170726",
  81504. "12/22/2014",
  81505. "nan",
  81506. "nan",
  81507. "nan",
  81508. "nan",
  81509. "nan",
  81510. "nan",
  81511. "nan",
  81512. "nan",
  81513. "nan",
  81514. "nan",
  81515. "nan",
  81516. "nan",
  81517. "nan",
  81518. "nan",
  81519. "nan",
  81520. "nan",
  81521. "nan",
  81522. "nan",
  81523. "nan",
  81524. "nan",
  81525. "nan",
  81526. "nan"
  81527. ],
  81528. [
  81529. "125189",
  81530. "00001",
  81531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81533. "664453837",
  81534. "policy",
  81535. "8.2.28 retail sales policy for non-deposit investment products",
  81536. "2/25/2014",
  81537. "nan",
  81538. "charles l. stutts",
  81539. "off-site",
  81540. "wachter charles",
  81541. "nan",
  81542. "tampa",
  81543. "2170730",
  81544. "12/22/2014",
  81545. "nan",
  81546. "nan",
  81547. "nan",
  81548. "nan",
  81549. "nan",
  81550. "nan",
  81551. "nan",
  81552. "nan",
  81553. "nan",
  81554. "nan",
  81555. "nan",
  81556. "nan",
  81557. "nan",
  81558. "nan",
  81559. "nan",
  81560. "nan",
  81561. "nan",
  81562. "nan",
  81563. "nan",
  81564. "nan",
  81565. "nan",
  81566. "nan"
  81567. ],
  81568. [
  81569. "125189",
  81570. "00001",
  81571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81573. "664453837",
  81574. "policy",
  81575. "8.2.29 secondary marketing policy",
  81576. "2/25/2014",
  81577. "nan",
  81578. "charles l. stutts",
  81579. "off-site",
  81580. "wachter charles",
  81581. "nan",
  81582. "tampa",
  81583. "2170731",
  81584. "12/22/2014",
  81585. "nan",
  81586. "nan",
  81587. "nan",
  81588. "nan",
  81589. "nan",
  81590. "nan",
  81591. "nan",
  81592. "nan",
  81593. "nan",
  81594. "nan",
  81595. "nan",
  81596. "nan",
  81597. "nan",
  81598. "nan",
  81599. "nan",
  81600. "nan",
  81601. "nan",
  81602. "nan",
  81603. "nan",
  81604. "nan",
  81605. "nan",
  81606. "nan"
  81607. ],
  81608. [
  81609. "125189",
  81610. "00001",
  81611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81613. "664453837",
  81614. "policy",
  81615. "8.2.30 vendor management policy",
  81616. "2/24/2014",
  81617. "nan",
  81618. "charles l. stutts",
  81619. "off-site",
  81620. "wachter charles",
  81621. "nan",
  81622. "tampa",
  81623. "2170733",
  81624. "12/22/2014",
  81625. "nan",
  81626. "nan",
  81627. "nan",
  81628. "nan",
  81629. "nan",
  81630. "nan",
  81631. "nan",
  81632. "nan",
  81633. "nan",
  81634. "nan",
  81635. "nan",
  81636. "nan",
  81637. "nan",
  81638. "nan",
  81639. "nan",
  81640. "nan",
  81641. "nan",
  81642. "nan",
  81643. "nan",
  81644. "nan",
  81645. "nan",
  81646. "nan"
  81647. ],
  81648. [
  81649. "125189",
  81650. "00001",
  81651. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81653. "664453837",
  81654. "policy",
  81655. "8.3.1 audit committee duties",
  81656. "2/25/2014",
  81657. "nan",
  81658. "charles l. stutts",
  81659. "off-site",
  81660. "wachter charles",
  81661. "nan",
  81662. "tampa",
  81663. "2170740",
  81664. "12/22/2014",
  81665. "nan",
  81666. "nan",
  81667. "nan",
  81668. "nan",
  81669. "nan",
  81670. "nan",
  81671. "nan",
  81672. "nan",
  81673. "nan",
  81674. "nan",
  81675. "nan",
  81676. "nan",
  81677. "nan",
  81678. "nan",
  81679. "nan",
  81680. "nan",
  81681. "nan",
  81682. "nan",
  81683. "nan",
  81684. "nan",
  81685. "nan",
  81686. "nan"
  81687. ],
  81688. [
  81689. "125189",
  81690. "00001",
  81691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81693. "664453837",
  81694. "policy",
  81695. "8.3.2 bank secrecy act of 2005 program & risk assessment summary",
  81696. "2/25/2014",
  81697. "nan",
  81698. "charles l. stutts",
  81699. "off-site",
  81700. "wachter charles",
  81701. "nan",
  81702. "tampa",
  81703. "2170742",
  81704. "12/22/2014",
  81705. "nan",
  81706. "nan",
  81707. "nan",
  81708. "nan",
  81709. "nan",
  81710. "nan",
  81711. "nan",
  81712. "nan",
  81713. "nan",
  81714. "nan",
  81715. "nan",
  81716. "nan",
  81717. "nan",
  81718. "nan",
  81719. "nan",
  81720. "nan",
  81721. "nan",
  81722. "nan",
  81723. "nan",
  81724. "nan",
  81725. "nan",
  81726. "nan"
  81727. ],
  81728. [
  81729. "125189",
  81730. "00001",
  81731. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81733. "664453837",
  81734. "policy",
  81735. "8.3.3 compliance training program & newsletters",
  81736. "2/25/2014",
  81737. "nan",
  81738. "charles l. stutts",
  81739. "off-site",
  81740. "wachter charles",
  81741. "nan",
  81742. "tampa",
  81743. "2170745",
  81744. "12/22/2014",
  81745. "nan",
  81746. "nan",
  81747. "nan",
  81748. "nan",
  81749. "nan",
  81750. "nan",
  81751. "nan",
  81752. "nan",
  81753. "nan",
  81754. "nan",
  81755. "nan",
  81756. "nan",
  81757. "nan",
  81758. "nan",
  81759. "nan",
  81760. "nan",
  81761. "nan",
  81762. "nan",
  81763. "nan",
  81764. "nan",
  81765. "nan",
  81766. "nan"
  81767. ],
  81768. [
  81769. "125189",
  81770. "00001",
  81771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81773. "664453837",
  81774. "policy",
  81775. "8.3.4 credit risk management program",
  81776. "2/25/2014",
  81777. "nan",
  81778. "charles l. stutts",
  81779. "off-site",
  81780. "wachter charles",
  81781. "nan",
  81782. "tampa",
  81783. "2170746",
  81784. "12/22/2014",
  81785. "nan",
  81786. "nan",
  81787. "nan",
  81788. "nan",
  81789. "nan",
  81790. "nan",
  81791. "nan",
  81792. "nan",
  81793. "nan",
  81794. "nan",
  81795. "nan",
  81796. "nan",
  81797. "nan",
  81798. "nan",
  81799. "nan",
  81800. "nan",
  81801. "nan",
  81802. "nan",
  81803. "nan",
  81804. "nan",
  81805. "nan",
  81806. "nan"
  81807. ],
  81808. [
  81809. "125189",
  81810. "00001",
  81811. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81812. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81813. "664453837",
  81814. "policy",
  81815. "8.3.5 commercial loan procedures",
  81816. "2/25/2014",
  81817. "nan",
  81818. "charles l. stutts",
  81819. "off-site",
  81820. "wachter charles",
  81821. "nan",
  81822. "tampa",
  81823. "2170747",
  81824. "12/22/2014",
  81825. "nan",
  81826. "nan",
  81827. "nan",
  81828. "nan",
  81829. "nan",
  81830. "nan",
  81831. "nan",
  81832. "nan",
  81833. "nan",
  81834. "nan",
  81835. "nan",
  81836. "nan",
  81837. "nan",
  81838. "nan",
  81839. "nan",
  81840. "nan",
  81841. "nan",
  81842. "nan",
  81843. "nan",
  81844. "nan",
  81845. "nan",
  81846. "nan"
  81847. ],
  81848. [
  81849. "125189",
  81850. "00001",
  81851. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81853. "664453837",
  81854. "policy",
  81855. "8.3.6 indendity theft prevetion program",
  81856. "2/25/2014",
  81857. "nan",
  81858. "charles l. stutts",
  81859. "off-site",
  81860. "wachter charles",
  81861. "nan",
  81862. "tampa",
  81863. "2170748",
  81864. "12/22/2014",
  81865. "nan",
  81866. "nan",
  81867. "nan",
  81868. "nan",
  81869. "nan",
  81870. "nan",
  81871. "nan",
  81872. "nan",
  81873. "nan",
  81874. "nan",
  81875. "nan",
  81876. "nan",
  81877. "nan",
  81878. "nan",
  81879. "nan",
  81880. "nan",
  81881. "nan",
  81882. "nan",
  81883. "nan",
  81884. "nan",
  81885. "nan",
  81886. "nan"
  81887. ],
  81888. [
  81889. "125189",
  81890. "00001",
  81891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81893. "664453837",
  81894. "policy",
  81895. "8.3.7 information security program & annual security reports",
  81896. "2/25/2014",
  81897. "nan",
  81898. "charles l. stutts",
  81899. "off-site",
  81900. "wachter charles",
  81901. "nan",
  81902. "tampa",
  81903. "2170751",
  81904. "12/22/2014",
  81905. "nan",
  81906. "nan",
  81907. "nan",
  81908. "nan",
  81909. "nan",
  81910. "nan",
  81911. "nan",
  81912. "nan",
  81913. "nan",
  81914. "nan",
  81915. "nan",
  81916. "nan",
  81917. "nan",
  81918. "nan",
  81919. "nan",
  81920. "nan",
  81921. "nan",
  81922. "nan",
  81923. "nan",
  81924. "nan",
  81925. "nan",
  81926. "nan"
  81927. ],
  81928. [
  81929. "125189",
  81930. "00001",
  81931. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81933. "664453837",
  81934. "policy",
  81935. "8.3.8 security manual",
  81936. "2/25/2014",
  81937. "nan",
  81938. "charles l. stutts",
  81939. "off-site",
  81940. "wachter charles",
  81941. "nan",
  81942. "tampa",
  81943. "2170752",
  81944. "12/22/2014",
  81945. "nan",
  81946. "nan",
  81947. "nan",
  81948. "nan",
  81949. "nan",
  81950. "nan",
  81951. "nan",
  81952. "nan",
  81953. "nan",
  81954. "nan",
  81955. "nan",
  81956. "nan",
  81957. "nan",
  81958. "nan",
  81959. "nan",
  81960. "nan",
  81961. "nan",
  81962. "nan",
  81963. "nan",
  81964. "nan",
  81965. "nan",
  81966. "nan"
  81967. ],
  81968. [
  81969. "125189",
  81970. "00001",
  81971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  81972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  81973. "664453837",
  81974. "policy",
  81975. "8.3.9 bank secrecy act & anti-money laundering program",
  81976. "2/25/2014",
  81977. "nan",
  81978. "charles l. stutts",
  81979. "off-site",
  81980. "wachter charles",
  81981. "nan",
  81982. "tampa",
  81983. "2170754",
  81984. "12/22/2014",
  81985. "nan",
  81986. "nan",
  81987. "nan",
  81988. "nan",
  81989. "nan",
  81990. "nan",
  81991. "nan",
  81992. "nan",
  81993. "nan",
  81994. "nan",
  81995. "nan",
  81996. "nan",
  81997. "nan",
  81998. "nan",
  81999. "nan",
  82000. "nan",
  82001. "nan",
  82002. "nan",
  82003. "nan",
  82004. "nan",
  82005. "nan",
  82006. "nan"
  82007. ],
  82008. [
  82009. "125189",
  82010. "00001",
  82011. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82013. "664453837",
  82014. "budget",
  82015. "8.4.1 audited consolidated financial statements at 3/31/08 & 2007 & years ended fdic-r-pfcb 52557",
  82016. "2/25/2014",
  82017. "nan",
  82018. "charles l. stutts",
  82019. "off-site",
  82020. "wachter charles",
  82021. "nan",
  82022. "tampa",
  82023. "2170765",
  82024. "12/22/2014",
  82025. "nan",
  82026. "nan",
  82027. "nan",
  82028. "nan",
  82029. "nan",
  82030. "nan",
  82031. "nan",
  82032. "nan",
  82033. "nan",
  82034. "nan",
  82035. "nan",
  82036. "nan",
  82037. "nan",
  82038. "nan",
  82039. "nan",
  82040. "nan",
  82041. "nan",
  82042. "nan",
  82043. "nan",
  82044. "nan",
  82045. "nan",
  82046. "nan"
  82047. ],
  82048. [
  82049. "125189",
  82050. "00001",
  82051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82053. "664453837",
  82054. "budget",
  82055. "8.4.2 pfcb fiscal year 2009 budget (adjusted & restatement of fy08 as of 6/18/08) fdic-r-pfcb 52162",
  82056. "2/25/2014",
  82057. "nan",
  82058. "charles l. stutts",
  82059. "off-site",
  82060. "wachter charles",
  82061. "nan",
  82062. "tampa",
  82063. "2170774",
  82064. "12/22/2014",
  82065. "nan",
  82066. "nan",
  82067. "nan",
  82068. "nan",
  82069. "nan",
  82070. "nan",
  82071. "nan",
  82072. "nan",
  82073. "nan",
  82074. "nan",
  82075. "nan",
  82076. "nan",
  82077. "nan",
  82078. "nan",
  82079. "nan",
  82080. "nan",
  82081. "nan",
  82082. "nan",
  82083. "nan",
  82084. "nan",
  82085. "nan",
  82086. "nan"
  82087. ],
  82088. [
  82089. "125189",
  82090. "00001",
  82091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82093. "664453837",
  82094. "budget",
  82095. "8.4.3 pfcb fiscal year 2009 budget (presented to bod on 4/23/08) fdic-r-pfcb 51914",
  82096. "2/25/2014",
  82097. "nan",
  82098. "charles l. stutts",
  82099. "off-site",
  82100. "wachter charles",
  82101. "nan",
  82102. "tampa",
  82103. "2170777",
  82104. "12/22/2014",
  82105. "nan",
  82106. "nan",
  82107. "nan",
  82108. "nan",
  82109. "nan",
  82110. "nan",
  82111. "nan",
  82112. "nan",
  82113. "nan",
  82114. "nan",
  82115. "nan",
  82116. "nan",
  82117. "nan",
  82118. "nan",
  82119. "nan",
  82120. "nan",
  82121. "nan",
  82122. "nan",
  82123. "nan",
  82124. "nan",
  82125. "nan",
  82126. "nan"
  82127. ],
  82128. [
  82129. "125189",
  82130. "00001",
  82131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82133. "664453837",
  82134. "budget",
  82135. "8.4.4 quarterly asset reports (various dates)",
  82136. "2/25/2014",
  82137. "nan",
  82138. "charles l. stutts",
  82139. "off-site",
  82140. "wachter charles",
  82141. "nan",
  82142. "tampa",
  82143. "2170781",
  82144. "12/22/2014",
  82145. "nan",
  82146. "nan",
  82147. "nan",
  82148. "nan",
  82149. "nan",
  82150. "nan",
  82151. "nan",
  82152. "nan",
  82153. "nan",
  82154. "nan",
  82155. "nan",
  82156. "nan",
  82157. "nan",
  82158. "nan",
  82159. "nan",
  82160. "nan",
  82161. "nan",
  82162. "nan",
  82163. "nan",
  82164. "nan",
  82165. "nan",
  82166. "nan"
  82167. ],
  82168. [
  82169. "125189",
  82170. "00001",
  82171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82173. "664453837",
  82174. "budget",
  82175. "8.4.5 3- year business plan, fiscal years 2010, 2011, 2012",
  82176. "2/25/2014",
  82177. "nan",
  82178. "charles l. stutts",
  82179. "off-site",
  82180. "wachter charles",
  82181. "nan",
  82182. "tampa",
  82183. "2170782",
  82184. "12/22/2014",
  82185. "nan",
  82186. "nan",
  82187. "nan",
  82188. "nan",
  82189. "nan",
  82190. "nan",
  82191. "nan",
  82192. "nan",
  82193. "nan",
  82194. "nan",
  82195. "nan",
  82196. "nan",
  82197. "nan",
  82198. "nan",
  82199. "nan",
  82200. "nan",
  82201. "nan",
  82202. "nan",
  82203. "nan",
  82204. "nan",
  82205. "nan",
  82206. "nan"
  82207. ],
  82208. [
  82209. "125189",
  82210. "00001",
  82211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82213. "664453837",
  82214. "budget",
  82215. "8.4.6 4/24/09 information package",
  82216. "2/25/2014",
  82217. "nan",
  82218. "charles l. stutts",
  82219. "off-site",
  82220. "wachter charles",
  82221. "nan",
  82222. "tampa",
  82223. "2170783",
  82224. "12/22/2014",
  82225. "nan",
  82226. "nan",
  82227. "nan",
  82228. "nan",
  82229. "nan",
  82230. "nan",
  82231. "nan",
  82232. "nan",
  82233. "nan",
  82234. "nan",
  82235. "nan",
  82236. "nan",
  82237. "nan",
  82238. "nan",
  82239. "nan",
  82240. "nan",
  82241. "nan",
  82242. "nan",
  82243. "nan",
  82244. "nan",
  82245. "nan",
  82246. "nan"
  82247. ],
  82248. [
  82249. "125189",
  82250. "00001",
  82251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82253. "664453837",
  82254. "budget",
  82255. "8.4.7 pfcb fiscal year 2003 budget executive summary (presented to bod 3/20/02)",
  82256. "2/25/2014",
  82257. "nan",
  82258. "charles l. stutts",
  82259. "off-site",
  82260. "wachter charles",
  82261. "nan",
  82262. "tampa",
  82263. "2170786",
  82264. "12/22/2014",
  82265. "nan",
  82266. "nan",
  82267. "nan",
  82268. "nan",
  82269. "nan",
  82270. "nan",
  82271. "nan",
  82272. "nan",
  82273. "nan",
  82274. "nan",
  82275. "nan",
  82276. "nan",
  82277. "nan",
  82278. "nan",
  82279. "nan",
  82280. "nan",
  82281. "nan",
  82282. "nan",
  82283. "nan",
  82284. "nan",
  82285. "nan",
  82286. "nan"
  82287. ],
  82288. [
  82289. "125189",
  82290. "00001",
  82291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82293. "664453837",
  82294. "budget",
  82295. "8.4.8 pcfb fiscal year 2004 budget, executive summary (presented to bod 3/27/03)",
  82296. "2/25/2014",
  82297. "nan",
  82298. "charles l. stutts",
  82299. "off-site",
  82300. "wachter charles",
  82301. "nan",
  82302. "tampa",
  82303. "2170789",
  82304. "12/22/2014",
  82305. "nan",
  82306. "nan",
  82307. "nan",
  82308. "nan",
  82309. "nan",
  82310. "nan",
  82311. "nan",
  82312. "nan",
  82313. "nan",
  82314. "nan",
  82315. "nan",
  82316. "nan",
  82317. "nan",
  82318. "nan",
  82319. "nan",
  82320. "nan",
  82321. "nan",
  82322. "nan",
  82323. "nan",
  82324. "nan",
  82325. "nan",
  82326. "nan"
  82327. ],
  82328. [
  82329. "125189",
  82330. "00001",
  82331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82333. "664453837",
  82334. "budget",
  82335. "8.4.9 pcfb fiscal year 2008 budget, executive summary (presented to bod 3/21/07)",
  82336. "2/25/2014",
  82337. "nan",
  82338. "charles l. stutts",
  82339. "off-site",
  82340. "wachter charles",
  82341. "nan",
  82342. "tampa",
  82343. "2170792",
  82344. "12/22/2014",
  82345. "nan",
  82346. "nan",
  82347. "nan",
  82348. "nan",
  82349. "nan",
  82350. "nan",
  82351. "nan",
  82352. "nan",
  82353. "nan",
  82354. "nan",
  82355. "nan",
  82356. "nan",
  82357. "nan",
  82358. "nan",
  82359. "nan",
  82360. "nan",
  82361. "nan",
  82362. "nan",
  82363. "nan",
  82364. "nan",
  82365. "nan",
  82366. "nan"
  82367. ],
  82368. [
  82369. "125189",
  82370. "00001",
  82371. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82373. "664453837",
  82374. "budget",
  82375. "8.4.10 pfcb fiscal year 2011 business plan (3/10/09)",
  82376. "2/25/2014",
  82377. "nan",
  82378. "charles l. stutts",
  82379. "off-site",
  82380. "wachter charles",
  82381. "nan",
  82382. "tampa",
  82383. "2170797",
  82384. "12/22/2014",
  82385. "nan",
  82386. "nan",
  82387. "nan",
  82388. "nan",
  82389. "nan",
  82390. "nan",
  82391. "nan",
  82392. "nan",
  82393. "nan",
  82394. "nan",
  82395. "nan",
  82396. "nan",
  82397. "nan",
  82398. "nan",
  82399. "nan",
  82400. "nan",
  82401. "nan",
  82402. "nan",
  82403. "nan",
  82404. "nan",
  82405. "nan",
  82406. "nan"
  82407. ],
  82408. [
  82409. "125189",
  82410. "00001",
  82411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82413. "664453837",
  82414. "policy",
  82415. "8.2.8 checking account policy",
  82416. "2/25/2014",
  82417. "nan",
  82418. "charles l. stutts",
  82419. "off-site",
  82420. "wachter charles",
  82421. "nan",
  82422. "tampa",
  82423. "2171029",
  82424. "12/22/2014",
  82425. "nan",
  82426. "nan",
  82427. "nan",
  82428. "nan",
  82429. "nan",
  82430. "nan",
  82431. "nan",
  82432. "nan",
  82433. "nan",
  82434. "nan",
  82435. "nan",
  82436. "nan",
  82437. "nan",
  82438. "nan",
  82439. "nan",
  82440. "nan",
  82441. "nan",
  82442. "nan",
  82443. "nan",
  82444. "nan",
  82445. "nan",
  82446. "nan"
  82447. ],
  82448. [
  82449. "125189",
  82450. "00001",
  82451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82453. "664453838",
  82454. "depositions",
  82455. "6.1.1 rodney c. morris 11/15/13 vols. i & ii",
  82456. "2/25/2014",
  82457. "nan",
  82458. "charles l. stutts",
  82459. "off-site",
  82460. "wachter charles",
  82461. "nan",
  82462. "tampa",
  82463. "2171140",
  82464. "12/22/2014",
  82465. "nan",
  82466. "nan",
  82467. "nan",
  82468. "nan",
  82469. "nan",
  82470. "nan",
  82471. "nan",
  82472. "nan",
  82473. "nan",
  82474. "nan",
  82475. "nan",
  82476. "nan",
  82477. "nan",
  82478. "nan",
  82479. "nan",
  82480. "nan",
  82481. "nan",
  82482. "nan",
  82483. "nan",
  82484. "nan",
  82485. "nan",
  82486. "nan"
  82487. ],
  82488. [
  82489. "125189",
  82490. "00001",
  82491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82493. "664453838",
  82494. "depositions",
  82495. "6.1.2 robert klassen 11/13/13 vol. i & ii",
  82496. "2/25/2014",
  82497. "nan",
  82498. "charles l. stutts",
  82499. "off-site",
  82500. "wachter charles",
  82501. "nan",
  82502. "tampa",
  82503. "2171141",
  82504. "12/22/2014",
  82505. "nan",
  82506. "nan",
  82507. "nan",
  82508. "nan",
  82509. "nan",
  82510. "nan",
  82511. "nan",
  82512. "nan",
  82513. "nan",
  82514. "nan",
  82515. "nan",
  82516. "nan",
  82517. "nan",
  82518. "nan",
  82519. "nan",
  82520. "nan",
  82521. "nan",
  82522. "nan",
  82523. "nan",
  82524. "nan",
  82525. "nan",
  82526. "nan"
  82527. ],
  82528. [
  82529. "125189",
  82530. "00001",
  82531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82533. "664453838",
  82534. "depositions",
  82535. "6.1.3 philip w. griffitts 11/21/13 vols. i & ii",
  82536. "2/25/2014",
  82537. "nan",
  82538. "charles l. stutts",
  82539. "off-site",
  82540. "wachter charles",
  82541. "nan",
  82542. "tampa",
  82543. "2171149",
  82544. "12/22/2014",
  82545. "nan",
  82546. "nan",
  82547. "nan",
  82548. "nan",
  82549. "nan",
  82550. "nan",
  82551. "nan",
  82552. "nan",
  82553. "nan",
  82554. "nan",
  82555. "nan",
  82556. "nan",
  82557. "nan",
  82558. "nan",
  82559. "nan",
  82560. "nan",
  82561. "nan",
  82562. "nan",
  82563. "nan",
  82564. "nan",
  82565. "nan",
  82566. "nan"
  82567. ],
  82568. [
  82569. "125189",
  82570. "00001",
  82571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82573. "664453838",
  82574. "depositions",
  82575. "6.1.4 john stephen wilson , ii 11/19/13 vol. i & ii",
  82576. "2/25/2014",
  82577. "nan",
  82578. "charles l. stutts",
  82579. "off-site",
  82580. "wachter charles",
  82581. "nan",
  82582. "tampa",
  82583. "2171151",
  82584. "12/22/2014",
  82585. "nan",
  82586. "nan",
  82587. "nan",
  82588. "nan",
  82589. "nan",
  82590. "nan",
  82591. "nan",
  82592. "nan",
  82593. "nan",
  82594. "nan",
  82595. "nan",
  82596. "nan",
  82597. "nan",
  82598. "nan",
  82599. "nan",
  82600. "nan",
  82601. "nan",
  82602. "nan",
  82603. "nan",
  82604. "nan",
  82605. "nan",
  82606. "nan"
  82607. ],
  82608. [
  82609. "125189",
  82610. "00001",
  82611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82613. "664453838",
  82614. "depositions",
  82615. "6.1.5 raymond powell 12/12/13 vol. i",
  82616. "2/25/2014",
  82617. "nan",
  82618. "charles l. stutts",
  82619. "off-site",
  82620. "wachter charles",
  82621. "nan",
  82622. "tampa",
  82623. "2171153",
  82624. "12/22/2014",
  82625. "nan",
  82626. "nan",
  82627. "nan",
  82628. "nan",
  82629. "nan",
  82630. "nan",
  82631. "nan",
  82632. "nan",
  82633. "nan",
  82634. "nan",
  82635. "nan",
  82636. "nan",
  82637. "nan",
  82638. "nan",
  82639. "nan",
  82640. "nan",
  82641. "nan",
  82642. "nan",
  82643. "nan",
  82644. "nan",
  82645. "nan",
  82646. "nan"
  82647. ],
  82648. [
  82649. "125189",
  82650. "00001",
  82651. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82653. "active file",
  82654. "depositions",
  82655. "6.1.9 curtis keyser 12/13/13",
  82656. "2/25/2014",
  82657. "nan",
  82658. "charles l. stutts",
  82659. "on-site",
  82660. "wachter charles",
  82661. "nan",
  82662. "tampa",
  82663. "2171272",
  82664. "12/22/2014",
  82665. "nan",
  82666. "nan",
  82667. "nan",
  82668. "nan",
  82669. "nan",
  82670. "nan",
  82671. "nan",
  82672. "nan",
  82673. "nan",
  82674. "nan",
  82675. "nan",
  82676. "nan",
  82677. "nan",
  82678. "nan",
  82679. "nan",
  82680. "nan",
  82681. "nan",
  82682. "nan",
  82683. "nan",
  82684. "nan",
  82685. "nan",
  82686. "nan"
  82687. ],
  82688. [
  82689. "125189",
  82690. "00001",
  82691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82693. "active file",
  82694. "depositions",
  82695. "6.1.10 jade stanford 12/20/13",
  82696. "2/25/2014",
  82697. "nan",
  82698. "charles l. stutts",
  82699. "on-site",
  82700. "wachter charles",
  82701. "nan",
  82702. "tampa",
  82703. "2171273",
  82704. "12/22/2014",
  82705. "nan",
  82706. "nan",
  82707. "nan",
  82708. "nan",
  82709. "nan",
  82710. "nan",
  82711. "nan",
  82712. "nan",
  82713. "nan",
  82714. "nan",
  82715. "nan",
  82716. "nan",
  82717. "nan",
  82718. "nan",
  82719. "nan",
  82720. "nan",
  82721. "nan",
  82722. "nan",
  82723. "nan",
  82724. "nan",
  82725. "nan",
  82726. "nan"
  82727. ],
  82728. [
  82729. "125189",
  82730. "00001",
  82731. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82733. "664453839",
  82734. "reports",
  82735. "7.1.1 ots holding company report of examination (regular; 6/13/05 - 9/12/05)",
  82736. "2/25/2014",
  82737. "nan",
  82738. "charles l. stutts",
  82739. "off-site",
  82740. "wachter charles",
  82741. "nan",
  82742. "tampa",
  82743. "2171275",
  82744. "12/22/2014",
  82745. "nan",
  82746. "nan",
  82747. "nan",
  82748. "nan",
  82749. "nan",
  82750. "nan",
  82751. "nan",
  82752. "nan",
  82753. "nan",
  82754. "nan",
  82755. "nan",
  82756. "nan",
  82757. "nan",
  82758. "nan",
  82759. "nan",
  82760. "nan",
  82761. "nan",
  82762. "nan",
  82763. "nan",
  82764. "nan",
  82765. "nan",
  82766. "nan"
  82767. ],
  82768. [
  82769. "125189",
  82770. "00001",
  82771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82773. "664453839",
  82774. "reports",
  82775. "7.1.2 ots holding company report of examination (regular; 3/31/08 - 8/29/08) fdic-r-pfcb 0060393-0060429",
  82776. "2/25/2014",
  82777. "nan",
  82778. "charles l. stutts",
  82779. "off-site",
  82780. "wachter charles",
  82781. "nan",
  82782. "tampa",
  82783. "2171277",
  82784. "12/22/2014",
  82785. "nan",
  82786. "nan",
  82787. "nan",
  82788. "nan",
  82789. "nan",
  82790. "nan",
  82791. "nan",
  82792. "nan",
  82793. "nan",
  82794. "nan",
  82795. "nan",
  82796. "nan",
  82797. "nan",
  82798. "nan",
  82799. "nan",
  82800. "nan",
  82801. "nan",
  82802. "nan",
  82803. "nan",
  82804. "nan",
  82805. "nan",
  82806. "nan"
  82807. ],
  82808. [
  82809. "125189",
  82810. "00001",
  82811. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82812. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82813. "664453839",
  82814. "reports",
  82815. "7.1.4 ots holding company, report of examination (regular; 3/31/04 - 6/29/04) fdic-r-pfcb 60191; 60233; 43331",
  82816. "2/25/2014",
  82817. "nan",
  82818. "charles l. stutts",
  82819. "off-site",
  82820. "wachter charles",
  82821. "nan",
  82822. "tampa",
  82823. "2171282",
  82824. "12/22/2014",
  82825. "nan",
  82826. "nan",
  82827. "nan",
  82828. "nan",
  82829. "nan",
  82830. "nan",
  82831. "nan",
  82832. "nan",
  82833. "nan",
  82834. "nan",
  82835. "nan",
  82836. "nan",
  82837. "nan",
  82838. "nan",
  82839. "nan",
  82840. "nan",
  82841. "nan",
  82842. "nan",
  82843. "nan",
  82844. "nan",
  82845. "nan",
  82846. "nan"
  82847. ],
  82848. [
  82849. "125189",
  82850. "00001",
  82851. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82853. "664453839",
  82854. "reports",
  82855. "7.1.6 ots holding company, report of examination (6/13/05 - 9/12/05) fdic-r-pfcb 60327",
  82856. "2/25/2014",
  82857. "nan",
  82858. "charles l. stutts",
  82859. "off-site",
  82860. "wachter charles",
  82861. "nan",
  82862. "tampa",
  82863. "2171293",
  82864. "12/22/2014",
  82865. "nan",
  82866. "nan",
  82867. "nan",
  82868. "nan",
  82869. "nan",
  82870. "nan",
  82871. "nan",
  82872. "nan",
  82873. "nan",
  82874. "nan",
  82875. "nan",
  82876. "nan",
  82877. "nan",
  82878. "nan",
  82879. "nan",
  82880. "nan",
  82881. "nan",
  82882. "nan",
  82883. "nan",
  82884. "nan",
  82885. "nan",
  82886. "nan"
  82887. ],
  82888. [
  82889. "125189",
  82890. "00001",
  82891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82893. "664453839",
  82894. "reports",
  82895. "7.1.7 ots report of examination (comprehensive federal exam w/regular scope; 10/31/06 - 2/22/07) fdic-r-pfcb 60565; 60623",
  82896. "2/25/2014",
  82897. "nan",
  82898. "charles l. stutts",
  82899. "off-site",
  82900. "wachter charles",
  82901. "nan",
  82902. "tampa",
  82903. "2171295",
  82904. "12/22/2014",
  82905. "nan",
  82906. "nan",
  82907. "nan",
  82908. "nan",
  82909. "nan",
  82910. "nan",
  82911. "nan",
  82912. "nan",
  82913. "nan",
  82914. "nan",
  82915. "nan",
  82916. "nan",
  82917. "nan",
  82918. "nan",
  82919. "nan",
  82920. "nan",
  82921. "nan",
  82922. "nan",
  82923. "nan",
  82924. "nan",
  82925. "nan",
  82926. "nan"
  82927. ],
  82928. [
  82929. "125189",
  82930. "00001",
  82931. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82933. "664453839",
  82934. "reports",
  82935. "7.1.8 ots report of examination (comprehensive federal exam w/regular scope; 3/31/08 - 8/29/08) fdic-r-pfcb 60706",
  82936. "2/25/2014",
  82937. "nan",
  82938. "charles l. stutts",
  82939. "off-site",
  82940. "wachter charles",
  82941. "nan",
  82942. "tampa",
  82943. "2171296",
  82944. "12/22/2014",
  82945. "nan",
  82946. "nan",
  82947. "nan",
  82948. "nan",
  82949. "nan",
  82950. "nan",
  82951. "nan",
  82952. "nan",
  82953. "nan",
  82954. "nan",
  82955. "nan",
  82956. "nan",
  82957. "nan",
  82958. "nan",
  82959. "nan",
  82960. "nan",
  82961. "nan",
  82962. "nan",
  82963. "nan",
  82964. "nan",
  82965. "nan",
  82966. "nan"
  82967. ],
  82968. [
  82969. "125189",
  82970. "00001",
  82971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  82972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  82973. "664453839",
  82974. "reports",
  82975. "7.1.9 ots report of examination (comprehensive federal exam w/regular scope; 9/12/05) fdic-r-pfcb 60507",
  82976. "2/25/2014",
  82977. "nan",
  82978. "charles l. stutts",
  82979. "off-site",
  82980. "wachter charles",
  82981. "nan",
  82982. "tampa",
  82983. "2171297",
  82984. "12/22/2014",
  82985. "nan",
  82986. "nan",
  82987. "nan",
  82988. "nan",
  82989. "nan",
  82990. "nan",
  82991. "nan",
  82992. "nan",
  82993. "nan",
  82994. "nan",
  82995. "nan",
  82996. "nan",
  82997. "nan",
  82998. "nan",
  82999. "nan",
  83000. "nan",
  83001. "nan",
  83002. "nan",
  83003. "nan",
  83004. "nan",
  83005. "nan",
  83006. "nan"
  83007. ],
  83008. [
  83009. "125189",
  83010. "00001",
  83011. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83013. "664453839",
  83014. "reports",
  83015. "7.2.1 ots report of examination - information technology (6/3/02) fdic-r-pfcb 41793; 60139",
  83016. "2/25/2014",
  83017. "nan",
  83018. "charles l. stutts",
  83019. "off-site",
  83020. "wachter charles",
  83021. "nan",
  83022. "tampa",
  83023. "2171298",
  83024. "12/22/2014",
  83025. "nan",
  83026. "nan",
  83027. "nan",
  83028. "nan",
  83029. "nan",
  83030. "nan",
  83031. "nan",
  83032. "nan",
  83033. "nan",
  83034. "nan",
  83035. "nan",
  83036. "nan",
  83037. "nan",
  83038. "nan",
  83039. "nan",
  83040. "nan",
  83041. "nan",
  83042. "nan",
  83043. "nan",
  83044. "nan",
  83045. "nan",
  83046. "nan"
  83047. ],
  83048. [
  83049. "125189",
  83050. "00001",
  83051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83053. "664453839",
  83054. "reports",
  83055. "7.2.2 ots report of exam., information technology (it regular thrift; 9/11/06) fdic-r-pfcb 60365",
  83056. "2/25/2014",
  83057. "nan",
  83058. "charles l. stutts",
  83059. "off-site",
  83060. "wachter charles",
  83061. "nan",
  83062. "tampa",
  83063. "2171300",
  83064. "12/22/2014",
  83065. "nan",
  83066. "nan",
  83067. "nan",
  83068. "nan",
  83069. "nan",
  83070. "nan",
  83071. "nan",
  83072. "nan",
  83073. "nan",
  83074. "nan",
  83075. "nan",
  83076. "nan",
  83077. "nan",
  83078. "nan",
  83079. "nan",
  83080. "nan",
  83081. "nan",
  83082. "nan",
  83083. "nan",
  83084. "nan",
  83085. "nan",
  83086. "nan"
  83087. ],
  83088. [
  83089. "125189",
  83090. "00001",
  83091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83093. "664453839",
  83094. "reports",
  83095. "7.2.3 ots report of examination, information technology (it regular thrift; 2/4/08) fdic-r-pfcb 60684",
  83096. "2/25/2014",
  83097. "nan",
  83098. "charles l. stutts",
  83099. "off-site",
  83100. "wachter charles",
  83101. "nan",
  83102. "tampa",
  83103. "2171302",
  83104. "12/22/2014",
  83105. "nan",
  83106. "nan",
  83107. "nan",
  83108. "nan",
  83109. "nan",
  83110. "nan",
  83111. "nan",
  83112. "nan",
  83113. "nan",
  83114. "nan",
  83115. "nan",
  83116. "nan",
  83117. "nan",
  83118. "nan",
  83119. "nan",
  83120. "nan",
  83121. "nan",
  83122. "nan",
  83123. "nan",
  83124. "nan",
  83125. "nan",
  83126. "nan"
  83127. ],
  83128. [
  83129. "125189",
  83130. "00001",
  83131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83133. "664453839",
  83134. "reports",
  83135. "7.3.1 ots holding company, report of examination (annual; 11/4/02 - 2/21/03) fdic-r-pfcb 60159",
  83136. "2/25/2014",
  83137. "nan",
  83138. "charles l. stutts",
  83139. "off-site",
  83140. "wachter charles",
  83141. "nan",
  83142. "tampa",
  83143. "2171304",
  83144. "12/22/2014",
  83145. "nan",
  83146. "nan",
  83147. "nan",
  83148. "nan",
  83149. "nan",
  83150. "nan",
  83151. "nan",
  83152. "nan",
  83153. "nan",
  83154. "nan",
  83155. "nan",
  83156. "nan",
  83157. "nan",
  83158. "nan",
  83159. "nan",
  83160. "nan",
  83161. "nan",
  83162. "nan",
  83163. "nan",
  83164. "nan",
  83165. "nan",
  83166. "nan"
  83167. ],
  83168. [
  83169. "125189",
  83170. "00001",
  83171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83173. "664453839",
  83174. "reports",
  83175. "7.4.1 office of thrift supervision 7/16/08 exit meeting (based on 3/31/08 examination) (fdic-r-pfcb 0060430-0060441)",
  83176. "2/25/2014",
  83177. "nan",
  83178. "charles l. stutts",
  83179. "off-site",
  83180. "wachter charles",
  83181. "nan",
  83182. "tampa",
  83183. "2171307",
  83184. "12/22/2014",
  83185. "nan",
  83186. "nan",
  83187. "nan",
  83188. "nan",
  83189. "nan",
  83190. "nan",
  83191. "nan",
  83192. "nan",
  83193. "nan",
  83194. "nan",
  83195. "nan",
  83196. "nan",
  83197. "nan",
  83198. "nan",
  83199. "nan",
  83200. "nan",
  83201. "nan",
  83202. "nan",
  83203. "nan",
  83204. "nan",
  83205. "nan",
  83206. "nan"
  83207. ],
  83208. [
  83209. "125189",
  83210. "00001",
  83211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83213. "664453839",
  83214. "reports",
  83215. "7.4.2 peoples first community bank's 2008 ots safety & soundness examination response (fdic-r-pfcb 00054545-00054806) 11-21-2008",
  83216. "2/25/2014",
  83217. "nan",
  83218. "charles l. stutts",
  83219. "off-site",
  83220. "wachter charles",
  83221. "nan",
  83222. "tampa",
  83223. "2171311",
  83224. "12/22/2014",
  83225. "nan",
  83226. "nan",
  83227. "nan",
  83228. "nan",
  83229. "nan",
  83230. "nan",
  83231. "nan",
  83232. "nan",
  83233. "nan",
  83234. "nan",
  83235. "nan",
  83236. "nan",
  83237. "nan",
  83238. "nan",
  83239. "nan",
  83240. "nan",
  83241. "nan",
  83242. "nan",
  83243. "nan",
  83244. "nan",
  83245. "nan",
  83246. "nan"
  83247. ],
  83248. [
  83249. "125189",
  83250. "00001",
  83251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83253. "664453839",
  83254. "reports",
  83255. "7.4.3 ots pleadings & correspondence",
  83256. "2/25/2014",
  83257. "nan",
  83258. "charles l. stutts",
  83259. "off-site",
  83260. "wachter charles",
  83261. "nan",
  83262. "tampa",
  83263. "2171314",
  83264. "12/22/2014",
  83265. "nan",
  83266. "nan",
  83267. "nan",
  83268. "nan",
  83269. "nan",
  83270. "nan",
  83271. "nan",
  83272. "nan",
  83273. "nan",
  83274. "nan",
  83275. "nan",
  83276. "nan",
  83277. "nan",
  83278. "nan",
  83279. "nan",
  83280. "nan",
  83281. "nan",
  83282. "nan",
  83283. "nan",
  83284. "nan",
  83285. "nan",
  83286. "nan"
  83287. ],
  83288. [
  83289. "125189",
  83290. "00001",
  83291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83293. "664453839",
  83294. "reports",
  83295. "7.4.4 community reinvestment act performance evaluation (ots, 11/4/02) fdic-r-pfcb 41584",
  83296. "2/25/2014",
  83297. "nan",
  83298. "charles l. stutts",
  83299. "off-site",
  83300. "wachter charles",
  83301. "nan",
  83302. "tampa",
  83303. "2171320",
  83304. "12/22/2014",
  83305. "nan",
  83306. "nan",
  83307. "nan",
  83308. "nan",
  83309. "nan",
  83310. "nan",
  83311. "nan",
  83312. "nan",
  83313. "nan",
  83314. "nan",
  83315. "nan",
  83316. "nan",
  83317. "nan",
  83318. "nan",
  83319. "nan",
  83320. "nan",
  83321. "nan",
  83322. "nan",
  83323. "nan",
  83324. "nan",
  83325. "nan",
  83326. "nan"
  83327. ],
  83328. [
  83329. "125189",
  83330. "00001",
  83331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83333. "664453839",
  83334. "reports",
  83335. "7.4.5 community reinvestment act performance evaluation (3/31/08) fdic-r-pfcb 52769",
  83336. "2/25/2014",
  83337. "nan",
  83338. "charles l. stutts",
  83339. "off-site",
  83340. "wachter charles",
  83341. "nan",
  83342. "tampa",
  83343. "2171323",
  83344. "12/22/2014",
  83345. "nan",
  83346. "nan",
  83347. "nan",
  83348. "nan",
  83349. "nan",
  83350. "nan",
  83351. "nan",
  83352. "nan",
  83353. "nan",
  83354. "nan",
  83355. "nan",
  83356. "nan",
  83357. "nan",
  83358. "nan",
  83359. "nan",
  83360. "nan",
  83361. "nan",
  83362. "nan",
  83363. "nan",
  83364. "nan",
  83365. "nan",
  83366. "nan"
  83367. ],
  83368. [
  83369. "125189",
  83370. "00001",
  83371. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83373. "664453839",
  83374. "reports",
  83375. "7.4.6 management action lists, 2006 ots i.t. examination exception matrix reports",
  83376. "2/25/2014",
  83377. "nan",
  83378. "charles l. stutts",
  83379. "off-site",
  83380. "wachter charles",
  83381. "nan",
  83382. "tampa",
  83383. "2171325",
  83384. "12/22/2014",
  83385. "nan",
  83386. "nan",
  83387. "nan",
  83388. "nan",
  83389. "nan",
  83390. "nan",
  83391. "nan",
  83392. "nan",
  83393. "nan",
  83394. "nan",
  83395. "nan",
  83396. "nan",
  83397. "nan",
  83398. "nan",
  83399. "nan",
  83400. "nan",
  83401. "nan",
  83402. "nan",
  83403. "nan",
  83404. "nan",
  83405. "nan",
  83406. "nan"
  83407. ],
  83408. [
  83409. "125189",
  83410. "00001",
  83411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83413. "664453839",
  83414. "reports",
  83415. "7.4.7 management action lists, 2008 ots i.t. examination matrix reports",
  83416. "2/25/2014",
  83417. "nan",
  83418. "charles l. stutts",
  83419. "off-site",
  83420. "wachter charles",
  83421. "nan",
  83422. "tampa",
  83423. "2171326",
  83424. "12/22/2014",
  83425. "nan",
  83426. "nan",
  83427. "nan",
  83428. "nan",
  83429. "nan",
  83430. "nan",
  83431. "nan",
  83432. "nan",
  83433. "nan",
  83434. "nan",
  83435. "nan",
  83436. "nan",
  83437. "nan",
  83438. "nan",
  83439. "nan",
  83440. "nan",
  83441. "nan",
  83442. "nan",
  83443. "nan",
  83444. "nan",
  83445. "nan",
  83446. "nan"
  83447. ],
  83448. [
  83449. "125189",
  83450. "00001",
  83451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83453. "664453840",
  83454. "general/other",
  83455. "8.1.1 lists of approved appraisers for pfcb (for various areas & with various dates)",
  83456. "2/27/2014",
  83457. "nan",
  83458. "charles l. stutts",
  83459. "off-site",
  83460. "wachter charles",
  83461. "nan",
  83462. "tampa",
  83463. "2172162",
  83464. "12/22/2014",
  83465. "nan",
  83466. "nan",
  83467. "nan",
  83468. "nan",
  83469. "nan",
  83470. "nan",
  83471. "nan",
  83472. "nan",
  83473. "nan",
  83474. "nan",
  83475. "nan",
  83476. "nan",
  83477. "nan",
  83478. "nan",
  83479. "nan",
  83480. "nan",
  83481. "nan",
  83482. "nan",
  83483. "nan",
  83484. "nan",
  83485. "nan",
  83486. "nan"
  83487. ],
  83488. [
  83489. "125189",
  83490. "00001",
  83491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83493. "664453840",
  83494. "general/other",
  83495. "8.1.2 charge-off memoranda & summaries",
  83496. "2/27/2014",
  83497. "nan",
  83498. "charles l. stutts",
  83499. "off-site",
  83500. "wachter charles",
  83501. "nan",
  83502. "tampa",
  83503. "2172165",
  83504. "12/22/2014",
  83505. "nan",
  83506. "nan",
  83507. "nan",
  83508. "nan",
  83509. "nan",
  83510. "nan",
  83511. "nan",
  83512. "nan",
  83513. "nan",
  83514. "nan",
  83515. "nan",
  83516. "nan",
  83517. "nan",
  83518. "nan",
  83519. "nan",
  83520. "nan",
  83521. "nan",
  83522. "nan",
  83523. "nan",
  83524. "nan",
  83525. "nan",
  83526. "nan"
  83527. ],
  83528. [
  83529. "125189",
  83530. "00001",
  83531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83533. "664453840",
  83534. "general/other",
  83535. "8.1.3 other repossessed assets (ora) fair value calculation reports & summaries",
  83536. "2/27/2014",
  83537. "nan",
  83538. "charles l. stutts",
  83539. "off-site",
  83540. "wachter charles",
  83541. "nan",
  83542. "tampa",
  83543. "2172167",
  83544. "12/22/2014",
  83545. "nan",
  83546. "nan",
  83547. "nan",
  83548. "nan",
  83549. "nan",
  83550. "nan",
  83551. "nan",
  83552. "nan",
  83553. "nan",
  83554. "nan",
  83555. "nan",
  83556. "nan",
  83557. "nan",
  83558. "nan",
  83559. "nan",
  83560. "nan",
  83561. "nan",
  83562. "nan",
  83563. "nan",
  83564. "nan",
  83565. "nan",
  83566. "nan"
  83567. ],
  83568. [
  83569. "125189",
  83570. "00001",
  83571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83573. "664453840",
  83574. "general/other",
  83575. "8.1.4 real estate owned (reo) acquired through foreclosure fair value calculation reports & summaries",
  83576. "2/27/2014",
  83577. "nan",
  83578. "charles l. stutts",
  83579. "off-site",
  83580. "wachter charles",
  83581. "nan",
  83582. "tampa",
  83583. "2172168",
  83584. "12/22/2014",
  83585. "nan",
  83586. "nan",
  83587. "nan",
  83588. "nan",
  83589. "nan",
  83590. "nan",
  83591. "nan",
  83592. "nan",
  83593. "nan",
  83594. "nan",
  83595. "nan",
  83596. "nan",
  83597. "nan",
  83598. "nan",
  83599. "nan",
  83600. "nan",
  83601. "nan",
  83602. "nan",
  83603. "nan",
  83604. "nan",
  83605. "nan",
  83606. "nan"
  83607. ],
  83608. [
  83609. "125189",
  83610. "00001",
  83611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83613. "664453841",
  83614. "budget",
  83615. "8.4.11 loan-to-value reports, alll analysis reports, loan documents, interest rate risk exposure reports",
  83616. "3/3/2014",
  83617. "nan",
  83618. "charles l. stutts",
  83619. "off-site",
  83620. "wachter charles",
  83621. "nan",
  83622. "tampa",
  83623. "2173429",
  83624. "12/22/2014",
  83625. "nan",
  83626. "nan",
  83627. "nan",
  83628. "nan",
  83629. "nan",
  83630. "nan",
  83631. "nan",
  83632. "nan",
  83633. "nan",
  83634. "nan",
  83635. "nan",
  83636. "nan",
  83637. "nan",
  83638. "nan",
  83639. "nan",
  83640. "nan",
  83641. "nan",
  83642. "nan",
  83643. "nan",
  83644. "nan",
  83645. "nan",
  83646. "nan"
  83647. ],
  83648. [
  83649. "125189",
  83650. "00001",
  83651. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83653. "664453841",
  83654. "budget",
  83655. "8.4.12 income & asset reports",
  83656. "3/3/2014",
  83657. "nan",
  83658. "charles l. stutts",
  83659. "off-site",
  83660. "wachter charles",
  83661. "nan",
  83662. "tampa",
  83663. "2173432",
  83664. "12/22/2014",
  83665. "nan",
  83666. "nan",
  83667. "nan",
  83668. "nan",
  83669. "nan",
  83670. "nan",
  83671. "nan",
  83672. "nan",
  83673. "nan",
  83674. "nan",
  83675. "nan",
  83676. "nan",
  83677. "nan",
  83678. "nan",
  83679. "nan",
  83680. "nan",
  83681. "nan",
  83682. "nan",
  83683. "nan",
  83684. "nan",
  83685. "nan",
  83686. "nan"
  83687. ],
  83688. [
  83689. "125189",
  83690. "00001",
  83691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83693. "664453841",
  83694. "document production",
  83695. "8.5.1 ceis review, inc.'s loan review (3/9/05) fdic-r-pfcb 59421",
  83696. "3/3/2014",
  83697. "nan",
  83698. "charles l. stutts",
  83699. "off-site",
  83700. "wachter charles",
  83701. "nan",
  83702. "tampa",
  83703. "2173478",
  83704. "12/22/2014",
  83705. "nan",
  83706. "nan",
  83707. "nan",
  83708. "nan",
  83709. "nan",
  83710. "nan",
  83711. "nan",
  83712. "nan",
  83713. "nan",
  83714. "nan",
  83715. "nan",
  83716. "nan",
  83717. "nan",
  83718. "nan",
  83719. "nan",
  83720. "nan",
  83721. "nan",
  83722. "nan",
  83723. "nan",
  83724. "nan",
  83725. "nan",
  83726. "nan"
  83727. ],
  83728. [
  83729. "125189",
  83730. "00001",
  83731. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83733. "664453841",
  83734. "document production",
  83735. "8.5.2 ceis review, inc.'s loan review (3/7/05) fdic-r-pfcb 59417",
  83736. "3/3/2014",
  83737. "nan",
  83738. "charles l. stutts",
  83739. "off-site",
  83740. "wachter charles",
  83741. "nan",
  83742. "tampa",
  83743. "2173692",
  83744. "12/22/2014",
  83745. "nan",
  83746. "nan",
  83747. "nan",
  83748. "nan",
  83749. "nan",
  83750. "nan",
  83751. "nan",
  83752. "nan",
  83753. "nan",
  83754. "nan",
  83755. "nan",
  83756. "nan",
  83757. "nan",
  83758. "nan",
  83759. "nan",
  83760. "nan",
  83761. "nan",
  83762. "nan",
  83763. "nan",
  83764. "nan",
  83765. "nan",
  83766. "nan"
  83767. ],
  83768. [
  83769. "125189",
  83770. "00001",
  83771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83773. "664453841",
  83774. "document production",
  83775. "8.5.3 ceis review, inc.'s review response (2/15/08) fdic-r-pfcb 59530",
  83776. "3/3/2014",
  83777. "nan",
  83778. "charles l. stutts",
  83779. "off-site",
  83780. "wachter charles",
  83781. "nan",
  83782. "tampa",
  83783. "2173693",
  83784. "12/22/2014",
  83785. "nan",
  83786. "nan",
  83787. "nan",
  83788. "nan",
  83789. "nan",
  83790. "nan",
  83791. "nan",
  83792. "nan",
  83793. "nan",
  83794. "nan",
  83795. "nan",
  83796. "nan",
  83797. "nan",
  83798. "nan",
  83799. "nan",
  83800. "nan",
  83801. "nan",
  83802. "nan",
  83803. "nan",
  83804. "nan",
  83805. "nan",
  83806. "nan"
  83807. ],
  83808. [
  83809. "125189",
  83810. "00001",
  83811. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83812. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83813. "664453841",
  83814. "document production",
  83815. "8.5.4 ceis review, inc.'s methodologies & procedures (10/17/08)",
  83816. "3/3/2014",
  83817. "nan",
  83818. "charles l. stutts",
  83819. "off-site",
  83820. "wachter charles",
  83821. "nan",
  83822. "tampa",
  83823. "2173726",
  83824. "12/22/2014",
  83825. "nan",
  83826. "nan",
  83827. "nan",
  83828. "nan",
  83829. "nan",
  83830. "nan",
  83831. "nan",
  83832. "nan",
  83833. "nan",
  83834. "nan",
  83835. "nan",
  83836. "nan",
  83837. "nan",
  83838. "nan",
  83839. "nan",
  83840. "nan",
  83841. "nan",
  83842. "nan",
  83843. "nan",
  83844. "nan",
  83845. "nan",
  83846. "nan"
  83847. ],
  83848. [
  83849. "125189",
  83850. "00001",
  83851. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83853. "664453841",
  83854. "document production",
  83855. "8.5.5 ceis review, inc.'s loan review (12/9/08) fdic-r-pfcb 59573",
  83856. "3/3/2014",
  83857. "nan",
  83858. "charles l. stutts",
  83859. "off-site",
  83860. "wachter charles",
  83861. "nan",
  83862. "tampa",
  83863. "2173727",
  83864. "12/22/2014",
  83865. "nan",
  83866. "nan",
  83867. "nan",
  83868. "nan",
  83869. "nan",
  83870. "nan",
  83871. "nan",
  83872. "nan",
  83873. "nan",
  83874. "nan",
  83875. "nan",
  83876. "nan",
  83877. "nan",
  83878. "nan",
  83879. "nan",
  83880. "nan",
  83881. "nan",
  83882. "nan",
  83883. "nan",
  83884. "nan",
  83885. "nan",
  83886. "nan"
  83887. ],
  83888. [
  83889. "125189",
  83890. "00001",
  83891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83893. "664453841",
  83894. "document production",
  83895. "8.5.6 ceis review, inc.'s loan review (9/16/09) fdic-r-pfcb 59583",
  83896. "3/3/2014",
  83897. "nan",
  83898. "charles l. stutts",
  83899. "off-site",
  83900. "wachter charles",
  83901. "nan",
  83902. "tampa",
  83903. "2173728",
  83904. "12/22/2014",
  83905. "nan",
  83906. "nan",
  83907. "nan",
  83908. "nan",
  83909. "nan",
  83910. "nan",
  83911. "nan",
  83912. "nan",
  83913. "nan",
  83914. "nan",
  83915. "nan",
  83916. "nan",
  83917. "nan",
  83918. "nan",
  83919. "nan",
  83920. "nan",
  83921. "nan",
  83922. "nan",
  83923. "nan",
  83924. "nan",
  83925. "nan",
  83926. "nan"
  83927. ],
  83928. [
  83929. "125189",
  83930. "00001",
  83931. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83932. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83933. "664453841",
  83934. "document production",
  83935. "8.5.7 ceis review, inc.'s loan review (sept. 09) fdic-r-pfcb 59709",
  83936. "3/3/2014",
  83937. "nan",
  83938. "charles l. stutts",
  83939. "off-site",
  83940. "wachter charles",
  83941. "nan",
  83942. "tampa",
  83943. "2173729",
  83944. "12/22/2014",
  83945. "nan",
  83946. "nan",
  83947. "nan",
  83948. "nan",
  83949. "nan",
  83950. "nan",
  83951. "nan",
  83952. "nan",
  83953. "nan",
  83954. "nan",
  83955. "nan",
  83956. "nan",
  83957. "nan",
  83958. "nan",
  83959. "nan",
  83960. "nan",
  83961. "nan",
  83962. "nan",
  83963. "nan",
  83964. "nan",
  83965. "nan",
  83966. "nan"
  83967. ],
  83968. [
  83969. "125189",
  83970. "00001",
  83971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  83972. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  83973. "664453841",
  83974. "document production",
  83975. "8.6.1 purchase & assumption agreement among fdic & hancock bank (12/18/09)",
  83976. "3/3/2014",
  83977. "nan",
  83978. "charles l. stutts",
  83979. "off-site",
  83980. "wachter charles",
  83981. "nan",
  83982. "tampa",
  83983. "2173730",
  83984. "12/22/2014",
  83985. "nan",
  83986. "nan",
  83987. "nan",
  83988. "nan",
  83989. "nan",
  83990. "nan",
  83991. "nan",
  83992. "nan",
  83993. "nan",
  83994. "nan",
  83995. "nan",
  83996. "nan",
  83997. "nan",
  83998. "nan",
  83999. "nan",
  84000. "nan",
  84001. "nan",
  84002. "nan",
  84003. "nan",
  84004. "nan",
  84005. "nan",
  84006. "nan"
  84007. ],
  84008. [
  84009. "125189",
  84010. "00001",
  84011. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84013. "664453841",
  84014. "appraisals/valuations",
  84015. "9.1 plummer creek (plummer creek, llc, loan #4829909)",
  84016. "3/3/2014",
  84017. "nan",
  84018. "charles l. stutts",
  84019. "off-site",
  84020. "wachter charles",
  84021. "nan",
  84022. "tampa",
  84023. "2173732",
  84024. "12/22/2014",
  84025. "nan",
  84026. "nan",
  84027. "nan",
  84028. "nan",
  84029. "nan",
  84030. "nan",
  84031. "nan",
  84032. "nan",
  84033. "nan",
  84034. "nan",
  84035. "nan",
  84036. "nan",
  84037. "nan",
  84038. "nan",
  84039. "nan",
  84040. "nan",
  84041. "nan",
  84042. "nan",
  84043. "nan",
  84044. "nan",
  84045. "nan",
  84046. "nan"
  84047. ],
  84048. [
  84049. "125189",
  84050. "00001",
  84051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84053. "664453841",
  84054. "appraisals/valuations",
  84055. "9.2 aldea reserve (paramount quality homes corp., loan #4914461)",
  84056. "3/3/2014",
  84057. "nan",
  84058. "charles l. stutts",
  84059. "off-site",
  84060. "wachter charles",
  84061. "nan",
  84062. "tampa",
  84063. "2173739",
  84064. "12/22/2014",
  84065. "nan",
  84066. "nan",
  84067. "nan",
  84068. "nan",
  84069. "nan",
  84070. "nan",
  84071. "nan",
  84072. "nan",
  84073. "nan",
  84074. "nan",
  84075. "nan",
  84076. "nan",
  84077. "nan",
  84078. "nan",
  84079. "nan",
  84080. "nan",
  84081. "nan",
  84082. "nan",
  84083. "nan",
  84084. "nan",
  84085. "nan",
  84086. "nan"
  84087. ],
  84088. [
  84089. "125189",
  84090. "00001",
  84091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84092. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84093. "664453841",
  84094. "appraisals/valuations",
  84095. "9.3 marbella (paramount quality homes corp., loan #4818613)",
  84096. "3/3/2014",
  84097. "nan",
  84098. "charles l. stutts",
  84099. "off-site",
  84100. "wachter charles",
  84101. "nan",
  84102. "tampa",
  84103. "2173747",
  84104. "12/22/2014",
  84105. "nan",
  84106. "nan",
  84107. "nan",
  84108. "nan",
  84109. "nan",
  84110. "nan",
  84111. "nan",
  84112. "nan",
  84113. "nan",
  84114. "nan",
  84115. "nan",
  84116. "nan",
  84117. "nan",
  84118. "nan",
  84119. "nan",
  84120. "nan",
  84121. "nan",
  84122. "nan",
  84123. "nan",
  84124. "nan",
  84125. "nan",
  84126. "nan"
  84127. ],
  84128. [
  84129. "125189",
  84130. "00001",
  84131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84133. "664453841",
  84134. "appraisals/valuations",
  84135. "9.4 white jasmine (skb, llc enterprises, loans #4936001)",
  84136. "3/3/2014",
  84137. "nan",
  84138. "charles l. stutts",
  84139. "off-site",
  84140. "wachter charles",
  84141. "nan",
  84142. "tampa",
  84143. "2173805",
  84144. "12/22/2014",
  84145. "nan",
  84146. "nan",
  84147. "nan",
  84148. "nan",
  84149. "nan",
  84150. "nan",
  84151. "nan",
  84152. "nan",
  84153. "nan",
  84154. "nan",
  84155. "nan",
  84156. "nan",
  84157. "nan",
  84158. "nan",
  84159. "nan",
  84160. "nan",
  84161. "nan",
  84162. "nan",
  84163. "nan",
  84164. "nan",
  84165. "nan",
  84166. "nan"
  84167. ],
  84168. [
  84169. "125189",
  84170. "00001",
  84171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84173. "664453841",
  84174. "appraisals/valuations",
  84175. "9.5 sands north (sands north, llc, loan #4961165)",
  84176. "3/3/2014",
  84177. "nan",
  84178. "charles l. stutts",
  84179. "off-site",
  84180. "wachter charles",
  84181. "nan",
  84182. "tampa",
  84183. "2173807",
  84184. "12/22/2014",
  84185. "nan",
  84186. "nan",
  84187. "nan",
  84188. "nan",
  84189. "nan",
  84190. "nan",
  84191. "nan",
  84192. "nan",
  84193. "nan",
  84194. "nan",
  84195. "nan",
  84196. "nan",
  84197. "nan",
  84198. "nan",
  84199. "nan",
  84200. "nan",
  84201. "nan",
  84202. "nan",
  84203. "nan",
  84204. "nan",
  84205. "nan",
  84206. "nan"
  84207. ],
  84208. [
  84209. "125189",
  84210. "00001",
  84211. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84212. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84213. "664453841",
  84214. "appraisals/valuations",
  84215. "9.6 favoretta business center (favoretta business center, llc, loan #4970083)",
  84216. "3/3/2014",
  84217. "nan",
  84218. "charles l. stutts",
  84219. "off-site",
  84220. "wachter charles",
  84221. "nan",
  84222. "tampa",
  84223. "2173808",
  84224. "12/22/2014",
  84225. "nan",
  84226. "nan",
  84227. "nan",
  84228. "nan",
  84229. "nan",
  84230. "nan",
  84231. "nan",
  84232. "nan",
  84233. "nan",
  84234. "nan",
  84235. "nan",
  84236. "nan",
  84237. "nan",
  84238. "nan",
  84239. "nan",
  84240. "nan",
  84241. "nan",
  84242. "nan",
  84243. "nan",
  84244. "nan",
  84245. "nan",
  84246. "nan"
  84247. ],
  84248. [
  84249. "125189",
  84250. "00001",
  84251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84252. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84253. "664453841",
  84254. "appraisals/valuations",
  84255. "9.7 jordan's grove (jordan's grove, llc, loan #4981767)",
  84256. "3/3/2014",
  84257. "nan",
  84258. "charles l. stutts",
  84259. "off-site",
  84260. "wachter charles",
  84261. "nan",
  84262. "tampa",
  84263. "2173809",
  84264. "12/22/2014",
  84265. "nan",
  84266. "nan",
  84267. "nan",
  84268. "nan",
  84269. "nan",
  84270. "nan",
  84271. "nan",
  84272. "nan",
  84273. "nan",
  84274. "nan",
  84275. "nan",
  84276. "nan",
  84277. "nan",
  84278. "nan",
  84279. "nan",
  84280. "nan",
  84281. "nan",
  84282. "nan",
  84283. "nan",
  84284. "nan",
  84285. "nan",
  84286. "nan"
  84287. ],
  84288. [
  84289. "125189",
  84290. "00001",
  84291. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84293. "791431919",
  84294. "depositions",
  84295. "deposition transcript of rodney morris",
  84296. "4/15/2014",
  84297. "nan",
  84298. "charles l. stutts",
  84299. "off-site",
  84300. "wachter charles",
  84301. "depo transcript of rodney morris",
  84302. "tampa",
  84303. "2174841",
  84304. "12/22/2014",
  84305. "nan",
  84306. "nan",
  84307. "nan",
  84308. "nan",
  84309. "nan",
  84310. "nan",
  84311. "nan",
  84312. "nan",
  84313. "nan",
  84314. "nan",
  84315. "nan",
  84316. "nan",
  84317. "nan",
  84318. "nan",
  84319. "nan",
  84320. "nan",
  84321. "nan",
  84322. "nan",
  84323. "nan",
  84324. "nan",
  84325. "nan",
  84326. "nan"
  84327. ],
  84328. [
  84329. "125189",
  84330. "00001",
  84331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84333. "791431919",
  84334. "depositions",
  84335. "deposition transcript of chip morrow & cds",
  84336. "4/15/2014",
  84337. "nan",
  84338. "charles l. stutts",
  84339. "off-site",
  84340. "wachter charles",
  84341. "depo transcripts & cds of chip morrow",
  84342. "tampa",
  84343. "2174842",
  84344. "12/22/2014",
  84345. "nan",
  84346. "nan",
  84347. "nan",
  84348. "nan",
  84349. "nan",
  84350. "nan",
  84351. "nan",
  84352. "nan",
  84353. "nan",
  84354. "nan",
  84355. "nan",
  84356. "nan",
  84357. "nan",
  84358. "nan",
  84359. "nan",
  84360. "nan",
  84361. "nan",
  84362. "nan",
  84363. "nan",
  84364. "nan",
  84365. "nan",
  84366. "nan"
  84367. ],
  84368. [
  84369. "125189",
  84370. "00001",
  84371. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84372. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84373. "664453832",
  84374. "general/other",
  84375. "docket\npeople's first coverage letter\ndemand letter\npeople's first d&o policy\ncorrespondence",
  84376. "6/10/2014",
  84377. "nan",
  84378. "charles l. stutts",
  84379. "off-site",
  84380. "wachter charles",
  84381. "nan",
  84382. "tampa",
  84383. "2181439",
  84384. "12/22/2014",
  84385. "nan",
  84386. "nan",
  84387. "nan",
  84388. "nan",
  84389. "nan",
  84390. "nan",
  84391. "nan",
  84392. "nan",
  84393. "nan",
  84394. "nan",
  84395. "nan",
  84396. "nan",
  84397. "nan",
  84398. "nan",
  84399. "nan",
  84400. "nan",
  84401. "nan",
  84402. "nan",
  84403. "nan",
  84404. "nan",
  84405. "nan",
  84406. "nan"
  84407. ],
  84408. [
  84409. "125189",
  84410. "00001",
  84411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84413. "992097852",
  84414. "research",
  84415. "affirmative defense research",
  84416. "5/3/2017",
  84417. "nan",
  84418. "charles l. stutts",
  84419. "off-site",
  84420. "wachter charles",
  84421. "nan",
  84422. "tampa",
  84423. "2198406",
  84424. "12/22/2014",
  84425. "nan",
  84426. "nan",
  84427. "nan",
  84428. "nan",
  84429. "nan",
  84430. "nan",
  84431. "nan",
  84432. "nan",
  84433. "nan",
  84434. "nan",
  84435. "nan",
  84436. "nan",
  84437. "nan",
  84438. "nan",
  84439. "nan",
  84440. "nan",
  84441. "nan",
  84442. "nan",
  84443. "nan",
  84444. "nan",
  84445. "nan",
  84446. "nan"
  84447. ],
  84448. [
  84449. "125189",
  84450. "00001",
  84451. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84452. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84453. "992097852",
  84454. "pleadings",
  84455. "original signature pages for defendants' confidential responses and objections to 2nd set of interrogatories to all defendants",
  84456. "5/3/2017",
  84457. "nan",
  84458. "charles l. stutts",
  84459. "off-site",
  84460. "wachter charles",
  84461. "nan",
  84462. "tampa",
  84463. "2198482",
  84464. "12/22/2014",
  84465. "nan",
  84466. "nan",
  84467. "nan",
  84468. "nan",
  84469. "nan",
  84470. "nan",
  84471. "nan",
  84472. "nan",
  84473. "nan",
  84474. "nan",
  84475. "nan",
  84476. "nan",
  84477. "nan",
  84478. "nan",
  84479. "nan",
  84480. "nan",
  84481. "nan",
  84482. "nan",
  84483. "nan",
  84484. "nan",
  84485. "nan",
  84486. "nan"
  84487. ],
  84488. [
  84489. "125189",
  84490. "00001",
  84491. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84493. "992097852",
  84494. "pleadings",
  84495. "originals of settlement & release documents",
  84496. "5/3/2017",
  84497. "nan",
  84498. "charles l. stutts",
  84499. "off-site",
  84500. "wachter charles",
  84501. "nan",
  84502. "tampa",
  84503. "2198483",
  84504. "12/22/2014",
  84505. "nan",
  84506. "nan",
  84507. "nan",
  84508. "nan",
  84509. "nan",
  84510. "nan",
  84511. "nan",
  84512. "nan",
  84513. "nan",
  84514. "nan",
  84515. "nan",
  84516. "nan",
  84517. "nan",
  84518. "nan",
  84519. "nan",
  84520. "nan",
  84521. "nan",
  84522. "nan",
  84523. "nan",
  84524. "nan",
  84525. "nan",
  84526. "nan"
  84527. ],
  84528. [
  84529. "125189",
  84530. "00001",
  84531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84532. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84533. "992097852",
  84534. "miscellaneous",
  84535. "dr. morris - personal financial statements (2/28/14)",
  84536. "5/3/2017",
  84537. "nan",
  84538. "charles l. stutts",
  84539. "off-site",
  84540. "wachter charles",
  84541. "nan",
  84542. "tampa",
  84543. "2198485",
  84544. "12/22/2014",
  84545. "nan",
  84546. "nan",
  84547. "nan",
  84548. "nan",
  84549. "nan",
  84550. "nan",
  84551. "nan",
  84552. "nan",
  84553. "nan",
  84554. "nan",
  84555. "nan",
  84556. "nan",
  84557. "nan",
  84558. "nan",
  84559. "nan",
  84560. "nan",
  84561. "nan",
  84562. "nan",
  84563. "nan",
  84564. "nan",
  84565. "nan",
  84566. "nan"
  84567. ],
  84568. [
  84569. "125189",
  84570. "00001",
  84571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84573. "992097852",
  84574. "miscellaneous",
  84575. "john wilson - personal financial statement (3/31/14)",
  84576. "5/3/2017",
  84577. "nan",
  84578. "charles l. stutts",
  84579. "off-site",
  84580. "wachter charles",
  84581. "nan",
  84582. "tampa",
  84583. "2198486",
  84584. "12/22/2014",
  84585. "nan",
  84586. "nan",
  84587. "nan",
  84588. "nan",
  84589. "nan",
  84590. "nan",
  84591. "nan",
  84592. "nan",
  84593. "nan",
  84594. "nan",
  84595. "nan",
  84596. "nan",
  84597. "nan",
  84598. "nan",
  84599. "nan",
  84600. "nan",
  84601. "nan",
  84602. "nan",
  84603. "nan",
  84604. "nan",
  84605. "nan",
  84606. "nan"
  84607. ],
  84608. [
  84609. "125189",
  84610. "00001",
  84611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84613. "992097852",
  84614. "miscellaneous",
  84615. "the peoples first family album",
  84616. "5/3/2017",
  84617. "nan",
  84618. "charles l. stutts",
  84619. "off-site",
  84620. "wachter charles",
  84621. "nan",
  84622. "tampa",
  84623. "2198488",
  84624. "12/22/2014",
  84625. "nan",
  84626. "nan",
  84627. "nan",
  84628. "nan",
  84629. "nan",
  84630. "nan",
  84631. "nan",
  84632. "nan",
  84633. "nan",
  84634. "nan",
  84635. "nan",
  84636. "nan",
  84637. "nan",
  84638. "nan",
  84639. "nan",
  84640. "nan",
  84641. "nan",
  84642. "nan",
  84643. "nan",
  84644. "nan",
  84645. "nan",
  84646. "nan"
  84647. ],
  84648. [
  84649. "125189",
  84650. "00001",
  84651. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84652. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84653. "active file",
  84654. "working papers",
  84655. "confidentiality and non-disclosure order",
  84656. "5/31/2016",
  84657. "nan",
  84658. "charles l. stutts",
  84659. "on-site",
  84660. "wachter charles",
  84661. "nan",
  84662. "tampa",
  84663. "2490756",
  84664. "12/22/2014",
  84665. "nan",
  84666. "nan",
  84667. "nan",
  84668. "nan",
  84669. "nan",
  84670. "nan",
  84671. "nan",
  84672. "nan",
  84673. "nan",
  84674. "nan",
  84675. "nan",
  84676. "nan",
  84677. "nan",
  84678. "nan",
  84679. "nan",
  84680. "nan",
  84681. "nan",
  84682. "nan",
  84683. "nan",
  84684. "nan",
  84685. "nan",
  84686. "nan"
  84687. ],
  84688. [
  84689. "125189",
  84690. "00001",
  84691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84693. "active file",
  84694. "working papers",
  84695. "cost and fees for professional services rendered",
  84696. "5/31/2016",
  84697. "nan",
  84698. "charles l. stutts",
  84699. "on-site",
  84700. "wachter charles",
  84701. "nan",
  84702. "tampa",
  84703. "2490759",
  84704. "12/22/2014",
  84705. "nan",
  84706. "nan",
  84707. "nan",
  84708. "nan",
  84709. "nan",
  84710. "nan",
  84711. "nan",
  84712. "nan",
  84713. "nan",
  84714. "nan",
  84715. "nan",
  84716. "nan",
  84717. "nan",
  84718. "nan",
  84719. "nan",
  84720. "nan",
  84721. "nan",
  84722. "nan",
  84723. "nan",
  84724. "nan",
  84725. "nan",
  84726. "nan"
  84727. ],
  84728. [
  84729. "125189",
  84730. "00001",
  84731. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  84732. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  84733. "active file",
  84734. "expert file",
  84735. "defendants' expert reports",
  84736. "5/31/2016",
  84737. "nan",
  84738. "charles l. stutts",
  84739. "on-site",
  84740. "wachter charles",
  84741. "nan",
  84742. "tampa",
  84743. "2490767",
  84744. "12/22/2014",
  84745. "nan",
  84746. "nan",
  84747. "nan",
  84748. "nan",
  84749. "nan",
  84750. "nan",
  84751. "nan",
  84752. "nan",
  84753. "nan",
  84754. "nan",
  84755. "nan",
  84756. "nan",
  84757. "nan",
  84758. "nan",
  84759. "nan",
  84760. "nan",
  84761. "nan",
  84762. "nan",
  84763. "nan",
  84764. "nan",
  84765. "nan",
  84766. "nan"
  84767. ],
  84768. [
  84769. "125227",
  84770. "00001",
  84771. "florida capital bank, n.a.",
  84772. "advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations",
  84773. "769663668",
  84774. "general/other",
  84775. "notes; correspondence; research; regulatory matters;",
  84776. "10/17/2013",
  84777. "nan",
  84778. "charles l. stutts",
  84779. "off-site",
  84780. "stutts charles",
  84781. "nan",
  84782. "tampa",
  84783. "2116046",
  84784. "2/2/2015",
  84785. "nan",
  84786. "nan",
  84787. "nan",
  84788. "nan",
  84789. "nan",
  84790. "nan",
  84791. "nan",
  84792. "nan",
  84793. "nan",
  84794. "nan",
  84795. "nan",
  84796. "nan",
  84797. "nan",
  84798. "nan",
  84799. "nan",
  84800. "nan",
  84801. "nan",
  84802. "nan",
  84803. "nan",
  84804. "nan",
  84805. "nan",
  84806. "nan"
  84807. ],
  84808. [
  84809. "125227",
  84810. "00001",
  84811. "florida capital bank, n.a.",
  84812. "advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations",
  84813. "769663668",
  84814. "general/other",
  84815. "change in bank control notice/related documents",
  84816. "10/17/2013",
  84817. "nan",
  84818. "charles l. stutts",
  84819. "off-site",
  84820. "stutts charles",
  84821. "nan",
  84822. "tampa",
  84823. "2116047",
  84824. "2/2/2015",
  84825. "nan",
  84826. "nan",
  84827. "nan",
  84828. "nan",
  84829. "nan",
  84830. "nan",
  84831. "nan",
  84832. "nan",
  84833. "nan",
  84834. "nan",
  84835. "nan",
  84836. "nan",
  84837. "nan",
  84838. "nan",
  84839. "nan",
  84840. "nan",
  84841. "nan",
  84842. "nan",
  84843. "nan",
  84844. "nan",
  84845. "nan",
  84846. "nan"
  84847. ],
  84848. [
  84849. "125281",
  84850. "00008",
  84851. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  84852. "general employment matters",
  84853. "997146971",
  84854. "general/other",
  84855. "rtc (2015)",
  84856. "9/23/2016",
  84857. "nan",
  84858. "linda allderdice",
  84859. "off-site",
  84860. "santeusanio david",
  84861. "nan",
  84862. "boston",
  84863. "2537389",
  84864. "12/14/2015",
  84865. "nan",
  84866. "nan",
  84867. "nan",
  84868. "nan",
  84869. "nan",
  84870. "nan",
  84871. "nan",
  84872. "nan",
  84873. "nan",
  84874. "nan",
  84875. "nan",
  84876. "nan",
  84877. "nan",
  84878. "nan",
  84879. "nan",
  84880. "nan",
  84881. "nan",
  84882. "nan",
  84883. "nan",
  84884. "nan",
  84885. "nan",
  84886. "nan"
  84887. ],
  84888. [
  84889. "125281",
  84890. "00007",
  84891. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  84892. "ottawa light rail transit project",
  84893. "997156529",
  84894. "acquisition/purchase",
  84895. "file: shareholders agreement heads of term for teaming agreements memoranda parent company guerntee agreement bechtel drafts memo of understanding employment agreement share transfer agreement copy of rtc's by-laws stock purchase agreement",
  84896. "3/2/2017",
  84897. "nan",
  84898. "mark c. michalowski",
  84899. "off-site",
  84900. "long james",
  84901. "nan",
  84902. "boston",
  84903. "2588233",
  84904. "7/5/2012",
  84905. "nan",
  84906. "nan",
  84907. "nan",
  84908. "nan",
  84909. "nan",
  84910. "nan",
  84911. "nan",
  84912. "nan",
  84913. "nan",
  84914. "nan",
  84915. "nan",
  84916. "nan",
  84917. "nan",
  84918. "nan",
  84919. "nan",
  84920. "nan",
  84921. "nan",
  84922. "nan",
  84923. "nan",
  84924. "nan",
  84925. "nan",
  84926. "nan"
  84927. ],
  84928. [
  84929. "125281",
  84930. "00014",
  84931. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  84932. "rail transit consultants, inc. (rtc)",
  84933. "997156357",
  84934. "working papers",
  84935. "redweld ted long working file file index notes & memos binder share transfer agreement between gaynell",
  84936. "6/14/2017",
  84937. "nan",
  84938. "mark c michalowski",
  84939. "off-site",
  84940. "long james",
  84941. "nan",
  84942. "boston",
  84943. "2624135",
  84944. "nan",
  84945. "nan",
  84946. "nan",
  84947. "nan",
  84948. "nan",
  84949. "nan",
  84950. "nan",
  84951. "nan",
  84952. "nan",
  84953. "nan",
  84954. "nan",
  84955. "nan",
  84956. "nan",
  84957. "nan",
  84958. "nan",
  84959. "nan",
  84960. "nan",
  84961. "nan",
  84962. "nan",
  84963. "nan",
  84964. "nan",
  84965. "nan",
  84966. "nan"
  84967. ],
  84968. [
  84969. "126624",
  84970. "00001",
  84971. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  84972. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  84973. "active file",
  84974. "general/other",
  84975. "cd-supplemental document production",
  84976. "1/28/2014",
  84977. "nan",
  84978. "charles l. stutts",
  84979. "on-site",
  84980. "mcalpin louise",
  84981. "nan",
  84982. "miami",
  84983. "2160781",
  84984. "11/20/2014",
  84985. "nan",
  84986. "nan",
  84987. "nan",
  84988. "nan",
  84989. "nan",
  84990. "nan",
  84991. "nan",
  84992. "nan",
  84993. "nan",
  84994. "nan",
  84995. "nan",
  84996. "nan",
  84997. "nan",
  84998. "nan",
  84999. "nan",
  85000. "nan",
  85001. "nan",
  85002. "nan",
  85003. "nan",
  85004. "nan",
  85005. "nan",
  85006. "nan"
  85007. ],
  85008. [
  85009. "126624",
  85010. "00001",
  85011. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  85012. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  85013. "active file",
  85014. "audit letters",
  85015. "internal audit",
  85016. "1/28/2014",
  85017. "nan",
  85018. "charles l. stutts",
  85019. "on-site",
  85020. "mcalpin louise",
  85021. "nan",
  85022. "miami",
  85023. "2160784",
  85024. "11/20/2014",
  85025. "nan",
  85026. "nan",
  85027. "nan",
  85028. "nan",
  85029. "nan",
  85030. "nan",
  85031. "nan",
  85032. "nan",
  85033. "nan",
  85034. "nan",
  85035. "nan",
  85036. "nan",
  85037. "nan",
  85038. "nan",
  85039. "nan",
  85040. "nan",
  85041. "nan",
  85042. "nan",
  85043. "nan",
  85044. "nan",
  85045. "nan",
  85046. "nan"
  85047. ],
  85048. [
  85049. "126624",
  85050. "00001",
  85051. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  85052. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  85053. "rf017280427",
  85054. "general/other",
  85055. "watch list loans & action plans",
  85056. "10/11/2017",
  85057. "nan",
  85058. "charles l. stutts",
  85059. "off-site",
  85060. "mcalpin louise",
  85061. "nan",
  85062. "miami",
  85063. "2160785",
  85064. "11/20/2014",
  85065. "nan",
  85066. "nan",
  85067. "nan",
  85068. "nan",
  85069. "nan",
  85070. "nan",
  85071. "nan",
  85072. "nan",
  85073. "nan",
  85074. "nan",
  85075. "nan",
  85076. "nan",
  85077. "nan",
  85078. "nan",
  85079. "nan",
  85080. "nan",
  85081. "nan",
  85082. "nan",
  85083. "nan",
  85084. "nan",
  85085. "nan",
  85086. "nan"
  85087. ],
  85088. [
  85089. "126624",
  85090. "00001",
  85091. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  85092. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  85093. "rf017280427",
  85094. "client documents",
  85095. "client documents #1",
  85096. "10/11/2017",
  85097. "nan",
  85098. "charles l stutts",
  85099. "off-site",
  85100. "mcalpin louise",
  85101. "nan",
  85102. "miami",
  85103. "2655385",
  85104. "11/20/2014",
  85105. "nan",
  85106. "nan",
  85107. "nan",
  85108. "nan",
  85109. "nan",
  85110. "nan",
  85111. "nan",
  85112. "nan",
  85113. "nan",
  85114. "nan",
  85115. "nan",
  85116. "nan",
  85117. "nan",
  85118. "nan",
  85119. "nan",
  85120. "nan",
  85121. "nan",
  85122. "nan",
  85123. "nan",
  85124. "nan",
  85125. "nan",
  85126. "nan"
  85127. ],
  85128. [
  85129. "126624",
  85130. "00001",
  85131. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  85132. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  85133. "rf017280427",
  85134. "client documents",
  85135. "client documents #2",
  85136. "10/11/2017",
  85137. "nan",
  85138. "charles l stutts",
  85139. "off-site",
  85140. "mcalpin louise",
  85141. "nan",
  85142. "miami",
  85143. "2655388",
  85144. "11/20/2014",
  85145. "nan",
  85146. "nan",
  85147. "nan",
  85148. "nan",
  85149. "nan",
  85150. "nan",
  85151. "nan",
  85152. "nan",
  85153. "nan",
  85154. "nan",
  85155. "nan",
  85156. "nan",
  85157. "nan",
  85158. "nan",
  85159. "nan",
  85160. "nan",
  85161. "nan",
  85162. "nan",
  85163. "nan",
  85164. "nan",
  85165. "nan",
  85166. "nan"
  85167. ],
  85168. [
  85169. "126624",
  85170. "00001",
  85171. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  85172. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  85173. "rf017280427",
  85174. "client documents",
  85175. "client documents #3",
  85176. "10/11/2017",
  85177. "nan",
  85178. "charles l stutts",
  85179. "off-site",
  85180. "mcalpin louise",
  85181. "nan",
  85182. "miami",
  85183. "2655389",
  85184. "11/20/2014",
  85185. "nan",
  85186. "nan",
  85187. "nan",
  85188. "nan",
  85189. "nan",
  85190. "nan",
  85191. "nan",
  85192. "nan",
  85193. "nan",
  85194. "nan",
  85195. "nan",
  85196. "nan",
  85197. "nan",
  85198. "nan",
  85199. "nan",
  85200. "nan",
  85201. "nan",
  85202. "nan",
  85203. "nan",
  85204. "nan",
  85205. "nan",
  85206. "nan"
  85207. ],
  85208. [
  85209. "126624",
  85210. "00001",
  85211. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  85212. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  85213. "rf017280427",
  85214. "client documents",
  85215. "lm keyt documents with cd fdic's supplemental document production-confidential",
  85216. "10/11/2017",
  85217. "nan",
  85218. "charles l stutts",
  85219. "off-site",
  85220. "mcalpin louise",
  85221. "nan",
  85222. "miami",
  85223. "2655397",
  85224. "11/20/2014",
  85225. "nan",
  85226. "nan",
  85227. "nan",
  85228. "nan",
  85229. "nan",
  85230. "nan",
  85231. "nan",
  85232. "nan",
  85233. "nan",
  85234. "nan",
  85235. "nan",
  85236. "nan",
  85237. "nan",
  85238. "nan",
  85239. "nan",
  85240. "nan",
  85241. "nan",
  85242. "nan",
  85243. "nan",
  85244. "nan",
  85245. "nan",
  85246. "nan"
  85247. ],
  85248. [
  85249. "126957",
  85250. "00001",
  85251. "donelson, rai l., et al.",
  85252. "fdic v. former officers and directors of old southern bank",
  85253. "791439684",
  85254. "client documents",
  85255. "flash drive of old southern bank documents",
  85256. "4/29/2016",
  85257. "nan",
  85258. "charles l. stutts",
  85259. "off-site",
  85260. "stutts charles",
  85261. "flash drive of old southern bank documents",
  85262. "tampa",
  85263. "2479452",
  85264. "11/20/2014",
  85265. "nan",
  85266. "nan",
  85267. "nan",
  85268. "nan",
  85269. "nan",
  85270. "nan",
  85271. "nan",
  85272. "nan",
  85273. "nan",
  85274. "nan",
  85275. "nan",
  85276. "nan",
  85277. "nan",
  85278. "nan",
  85279. "nan",
  85280. "nan",
  85281. "nan",
  85282. "nan",
  85283. "nan",
  85284. "nan",
  85285. "nan",
  85286. "nan"
  85287. ],
  85288. [
  85289. "127078",
  85290. "00001",
  85291. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  85292. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  85293. "673158122",
  85294. "correspondence",
  85295. "correspondence\nclient documents",
  85296. "9/11/2012",
  85297. "nan",
  85298. "charles l. stutts",
  85299. "off-site",
  85300. "stutts charles",
  85301. "nan",
  85302. "tampa",
  85303. "1894224",
  85304. "11/22/2013",
  85305. "nan",
  85306. "nan",
  85307. "nan",
  85308. "nan",
  85309. "nan",
  85310. "nan",
  85311. "nan",
  85312. "nan",
  85313. "nan",
  85314. "nan",
  85315. "nan",
  85316. "nan",
  85317. "nan",
  85318. "nan",
  85319. "nan",
  85320. "nan",
  85321. "nan",
  85322. "nan",
  85323. "nan",
  85324. "nan",
  85325. "nan",
  85326. "nan"
  85327. ],
  85328. [
  85329. "127078",
  85330. "00001",
  85331. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  85332. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  85333. "673158122",
  85334. "client documents",
  85335. "original documents from brian sullivan",
  85336. "9/11/2012",
  85337. "nan",
  85338. "charles l. stutts",
  85339. "off-site",
  85340. "stutts charles",
  85341. "nan",
  85342. "tampa",
  85343. "1894226",
  85344. "11/22/2013",
  85345. "nan",
  85346. "nan",
  85347. "nan",
  85348. "nan",
  85349. "nan",
  85350. "nan",
  85351. "nan",
  85352. "nan",
  85353. "nan",
  85354. "nan",
  85355. "nan",
  85356. "nan",
  85357. "nan",
  85358. "nan",
  85359. "nan",
  85360. "nan",
  85361. "nan",
  85362. "nan",
  85363. "nan",
  85364. "nan",
  85365. "nan",
  85366. "nan"
  85367. ],
  85368. [
  85369. "127078",
  85370. "00001",
  85371. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  85372. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  85373. "673158122",
  85374. "client documents",
  85375. "original documents from thomas testwuide, sr.",
  85376. "9/11/2012",
  85377. "nan",
  85378. "charles l. stutts",
  85379. "off-site",
  85380. "stutts charles",
  85381. "nan",
  85382. "tampa",
  85383. "1894232",
  85384. "11/22/2013",
  85385. "nan",
  85386. "nan",
  85387. "nan",
  85388. "nan",
  85389. "nan",
  85390. "nan",
  85391. "nan",
  85392. "nan",
  85393. "nan",
  85394. "nan",
  85395. "nan",
  85396. "nan",
  85397. "nan",
  85398. "nan",
  85399. "nan",
  85400. "nan",
  85401. "nan",
  85402. "nan",
  85403. "nan",
  85404. "nan",
  85405. "nan",
  85406. "nan"
  85407. ],
  85408. [
  85409. "127078",
  85410. "00001",
  85411. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  85412. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  85413. "673158122",
  85414. "document production",
  85415. "cds of documents produced to fdic per subpoena",
  85416. "9/11/2012",
  85417. "nan",
  85418. "charles l. stutts",
  85419. "off-site",
  85420. "stutts charles",
  85421. "nan",
  85422. "tampa",
  85423. "1894237",
  85424. "11/22/2013",
  85425. "nan",
  85426. "nan",
  85427. "nan",
  85428. "nan",
  85429. "nan",
  85430. "nan",
  85431. "nan",
  85432. "nan",
  85433. "nan",
  85434. "nan",
  85435. "nan",
  85436. "nan",
  85437. "nan",
  85438. "nan",
  85439. "nan",
  85440. "nan",
  85441. "nan",
  85442. "nan",
  85443. "nan",
  85444. "nan",
  85445. "nan",
  85446. "nan"
  85447. ],
  85448. [
  85449. "127078",
  85450. "00001",
  85451. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  85452. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  85453. "673158122",
  85454. "general/other",
  85455. "mediation notebook\ncordoba ranch\ncarissa mediterranean",
  85456. "9/11/2012",
  85457. "nan",
  85458. "charles l. stutts",
  85459. "off-site",
  85460. "stutts charles",
  85461. "nan",
  85462. "tampa",
  85463. "1894242",
  85464. "11/22/2013",
  85465. "nan",
  85466. "nan",
  85467. "nan",
  85468. "nan",
  85469. "nan",
  85470. "nan",
  85471. "nan",
  85472. "nan",
  85473. "nan",
  85474. "nan",
  85475. "nan",
  85476. "nan",
  85477. "nan",
  85478. "nan",
  85479. "nan",
  85480. "nan",
  85481. "nan",
  85482. "nan",
  85483. "nan",
  85484. "nan",
  85485. "nan",
  85486. "nan"
  85487. ],
  85488. [
  85489. "127572",
  85490. "00002",
  85491. "residential credit solutions, inc.",
  85492. "nachowitz v. residential credit solutions",
  85493. "791431833",
  85494. "loan documents",
  85495. "loan documents (tab 1-72)\nmortgage\n2. mortgage rider\n3. note\n4. note allonge\n5. summons/complaint\n6. 1st payment letter\n7. 3rd party authority needed\n8. 2010 financials\n9. 2010 non financials\n10. acceleration letter\n11. account notes 8-30-11\n12. amortization schedule\n13. amtrust payment history\n14. amtrust payment history (2)\n15. appraisal\n16. arm disclosure\n17. arm notice 8-2011\n18. attorney letter 7-2011\n19. broker price opinion 3-2011\n20. broker price opinion 8-2010\n21. breach letter\n22. closing affidavit\n23. closing instructions\n24. customer letter 2-2011\n25. customer letter 5-2011\n26. delinquent letter from rcs\n27. escrow analysis 9-2010\n28. escrow analysis 12-2010\n29. affidavit of indebtedness\n30. foreclosure initiated letter\n31. fdic goodbye letter\n32. field chase report 7-2011\n33. flood certificate\n34. flood disaster protection act of 1973\n35. good faith estimate\n36. home affordable modification program decline letter\n37. home affordable modification program solicitation 8-2010\n38. hazard insurance\n39. hud settlement statement\n40. initial escrow waiver\n41. loan application\n42. loan modification agreement\n43. miscellaneous\n44. name affidavit\n45. payment history 8-30-11\n46. principal forgiveness mod solicitation 11-2010\n47. prior collection notes\n48. prior collection notes (2)\n49. prior credit report\n50. prior payment history\n51. privacy notice\n52. qualified written request acknowledgement letter 3-2011\n53. qualified written request acknowledgement letter 4-2011 \n54. rcs customer response letter 4-2011\n55. rcs customer response letter 5-2011\n56. rcs welcome letter\n57. rcs welcome letter (2)\n58. retainer agreement attachment\n59. right to cancel\n60. substitute w9\n61. substitute w9 (2)\n62. substitute w9 (3)\n63. suncoast goodbye letter\n64. survey affidavit\n65. survey\n66. tax certificate\n67. title commitment\n68. title policy\n69. truth in lending\n70. underwriting\n71. w9\n72. welcome to foreclosure letter\n",
  85496. "2/24/2014",
  85497. "nan",
  85498. "noel r. boeke",
  85499. "off-site",
  85500. "boeke noel",
  85501. "nan",
  85502. "tampa",
  85503. "2170586",
  85504. "5/6/2015",
  85505. "nan",
  85506. "nan",
  85507. "nan",
  85508. "nan",
  85509. "nan",
  85510. "nan",
  85511. "nan",
  85512. "nan",
  85513. "nan",
  85514. "nan",
  85515. "nan",
  85516. "nan",
  85517. "nan",
  85518. "nan",
  85519. "nan",
  85520. "nan",
  85521. "nan",
  85522. "nan",
  85523. "nan",
  85524. "nan",
  85525. "nan",
  85526. "nan"
  85527. ],
  85528. [
  85529. "127790",
  85530. "00001",
  85531. "lough, richard",
  85532. "vinetta e. lough living trust",
  85533. "active file",
  85534. "general/other",
  85535. "binder: fdic document production (fdic-0001-fdic-0359) (rb binder)",
  85536. "1/10/2014",
  85537. "nan",
  85538. "bruce s. ross",
  85539. "on-site/central files",
  85540. "ross bruce",
  85541. "nan",
  85542. "los angeles",
  85543. "2152171",
  85544. "nan",
  85545. "nan",
  85546. "nan",
  85547. "nan",
  85548. "nan",
  85549. "nan",
  85550. "nan",
  85551. "nan",
  85552. "nan",
  85553. "nan",
  85554. "nan",
  85555. "nan",
  85556. "nan",
  85557. "nan",
  85558. "nan",
  85559. "nan",
  85560. "nan",
  85561. "nan",
  85562. "nan",
  85563. "nan",
  85564. "nan",
  85565. "nan",
  85566. "nan"
  85567. ],
  85568. [
  85569. "127935",
  85570. "00001",
  85571. "gainer, george b.",
  85572. "bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook",
  85573. "786023179",
  85574. "agreements",
  85575. "25. centennial bank/fdic purchase/loss sharing agreement\n box 3",
  85576. "6/30/2014",
  85577. "nan",
  85578. "samuel j. zusmann",
  85579. "off-site",
  85580. "zusmann samuel",
  85581. "nan",
  85582. "orlando",
  85583. "2223351",
  85584. "3/10/2016",
  85585. "nan",
  85586. "nan",
  85587. "nan",
  85588. "nan",
  85589. "nan",
  85590. "nan",
  85591. "nan",
  85592. "nan",
  85593. "nan",
  85594. "nan",
  85595. "nan",
  85596. "nan",
  85597. "nan",
  85598. "nan",
  85599. "nan",
  85600. "nan",
  85601. "nan",
  85602. "nan",
  85603. "nan",
  85604. "nan",
  85605. "nan",
  85606. "nan"
  85607. ],
  85608. [
  85609. "127935",
  85610. "00001",
  85611. "gainer, george b.",
  85612. "bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook",
  85613. "786023175",
  85614. "general/other",
  85615. "11. d&g v. colon & centennial\n case no. 11-ap-5029\n oft/fdic material\n box 7",
  85616. "6/30/2014",
  85617. "nan",
  85618. "samuel j. zusmann",
  85619. "off-site",
  85620. "zusmann samuel",
  85621. "nan",
  85622. "orlando",
  85623. "2224032",
  85624. "3/10/2016",
  85625. "nan",
  85626. "nan",
  85627. "nan",
  85628. "nan",
  85629. "nan",
  85630. "nan",
  85631. "nan",
  85632. "nan",
  85633. "nan",
  85634. "nan",
  85635. "nan",
  85636. "nan",
  85637. "nan",
  85638. "nan",
  85639. "nan",
  85640. "nan",
  85641. "nan",
  85642. "nan",
  85643. "nan",
  85644. "nan",
  85645. "nan",
  85646. "nan"
  85647. ],
  85648. [
  85649. "128169",
  85650. "00001",
  85651. "patel, mukesh",
  85652. "criminal investigation of mukesh patel",
  85653. "726608704",
  85654. "general/other",
  85655. "fdic/mukesh patel - binder",
  85656. "8/13/2012",
  85657. "nan",
  85658. "michael d. hess",
  85659. "off-site",
  85660. "hogan john",
  85661. "nan",
  85662. "miami",
  85663. "1885388",
  85664. "6/28/2015",
  85665. "nan",
  85666. "nan",
  85667. "nan",
  85668. "nan",
  85669. "nan",
  85670. "nan",
  85671. "nan",
  85672. "nan",
  85673. "nan",
  85674. "nan",
  85675. "nan",
  85676. "nan",
  85677. "nan",
  85678. "nan",
  85679. "nan",
  85680. "nan",
  85681. "nan",
  85682. "nan",
  85683. "nan",
  85684. "nan",
  85685. "nan",
  85686. "nan"
  85687. ],
  85688. [
  85689. "128169",
  85690. "00001",
  85691. "patel, mukesh",
  85692. "criminal investigation of mukesh patel",
  85693. "632026767",
  85694. "general/other",
  85695. "binder - fdic - case documents - master copy\n4/24/09 - 11/12/10",
  85696. "8/25/2016",
  85697. "nan",
  85698. "michael d. hess",
  85699. "off-site",
  85700. "hess michael",
  85701. "nan",
  85702. "new york city",
  85703. "2529787",
  85704. "6/28/2015",
  85705. "nan",
  85706. "nan",
  85707. "nan",
  85708. "nan",
  85709. "nan",
  85710. "nan",
  85711. "nan",
  85712. "nan",
  85713. "nan",
  85714. "nan",
  85715. "nan",
  85716. "nan",
  85717. "nan",
  85718. "nan",
  85719. "nan",
  85720. "nan",
  85721. "nan",
  85722. "nan",
  85723. "nan",
  85724. "nan",
  85725. "nan",
  85726. "nan"
  85727. ],
  85728. [
  85729. "128778",
  85730. "00001",
  85731. "frey, eugene",
  85732. "advice re potential fdic claims",
  85733. "769663668",
  85734. "general/other",
  85735. "new matter; engagement letter; billing; correspondence",
  85736. "10/17/2013",
  85737. "nan",
  85738. "charles l. stutts",
  85739. "off-site",
  85740. "stutts charles",
  85741. "nan",
  85742. "tampa",
  85743. "2116057",
  85744. "11/22/2013",
  85745. "nan",
  85746. "nan",
  85747. "nan",
  85748. "nan",
  85749. "nan",
  85750. "nan",
  85751. "nan",
  85752. "nan",
  85753. "nan",
  85754. "nan",
  85755. "nan",
  85756. "nan",
  85757. "nan",
  85758. "nan",
  85759. "nan",
  85760. "nan",
  85761. "nan",
  85762. "nan",
  85763. "nan",
  85764. "nan",
  85765. "nan",
  85766. "nan"
  85767. ],
  85768. [
  85769. "133721",
  85770. "00001",
  85771. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  85772. "fdic claim",
  85773. "784628082",
  85774. "general/other",
  85775. "*redweld: (unlabeled) net change reports\n*redweld: (unlabeled) riverside national bank loan policy, april 2003\n*redweld: (unlabeled) year end irs 1099-b tape control reports; account history reports; ytd dividend issue summary reports; net change reports\n*redweld: miscellaneous papers; 3/08 shareholders; buy back; current committee minutes 7/18/07; 2003 occ report; valuations; loan policy; loan policy manual 2003; april 2006 report\n*redweld: (unlabeled) riverside bank - appraisal of the common stock on a minority interest basis of: riverside banking company as of: february 28, 2005, date of report: march 11, 2005",
  85776. "1/22/2016",
  85777. "09-4886",
  85778. "curtis alva",
  85779. "off-site",
  85780. "alva, curtis",
  85781. "nan",
  85782. "west palm beach",
  85783. "2439408",
  85784. "10/21/2014",
  85785. "nan",
  85786. "nan",
  85787. "nan",
  85788. "nan",
  85789. "nan",
  85790. "nan",
  85791. "nan",
  85792. "nan",
  85793. "nan",
  85794. "nan",
  85795. "nan",
  85796. "nan",
  85797. "nan",
  85798. "nan",
  85799. "nan",
  85800. "nan",
  85801. "nan",
  85802. "nan",
  85803. "nan",
  85804. "nan",
  85805. "nan",
  85806. "nan"
  85807. ],
  85808. [
  85809. "133721",
  85810. "00001",
  85811. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  85812. "fdic claim",
  85813. "784628107",
  85814. "general/other",
  85815. "***gunster files: ----\n*redweld: fiduciary duties of directors\n*redweld: documents produced by bod sent to williams & connolly (r. scarborough) re: fdic subpoena (04/1812)\n*redweld: additional documents produced by bod sent to williams & connolly (r. scarborough) re: fdic subpoena (04/24/12)\n*redweld: documents provided by the bod re: fdic subpoena\n",
  85816. "1/26/2016",
  85817. "09-4911",
  85818. "curtis alva",
  85819. "off-site",
  85820. "alva, curtis",
  85821. "nan",
  85822. "west palm beach",
  85823. "2440449",
  85824. "10/21/2014",
  85825. "nan",
  85826. "nan",
  85827. "nan",
  85828. "nan",
  85829. "nan",
  85830. "nan",
  85831. "nan",
  85832. "nan",
  85833. "nan",
  85834. "nan",
  85835. "nan",
  85836. "nan",
  85837. "nan",
  85838. "nan",
  85839. "nan",
  85840. "nan",
  85841. "nan",
  85842. "nan",
  85843. "nan",
  85844. "nan",
  85845. "nan",
  85846. "nan"
  85847. ],
  85848. [
  85849. "133721",
  85850. "00001",
  85851. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  85852. "fdic claim",
  85853. "784628108",
  85854. "general/other",
  85855. "*correspondence\n*fdic demand\n*confidentiality agreement between riverside banking company, its subsidiaries and vernon smith\n*privileged and confidential joint defense agreement 05/23/13\n*redweld: original signatures to confidentiality/common interest agreement - received from gunseter on 08/28/12/ miscellaneous papers\n***gunster files: -----\n*redweld: pleadings, attorney notes / memos; research; 4/29/10 - fdic demand letter; 06/30/10 - aba insurance letter to t. richey re: riverside banking co.; documents produced by bod sent to williams & connolly (r. scarborought) re: fdic subpoena (04/18/12)\n*redweld: documents provided by the bod re: fdic subpoena\n*laura gross - clieint documents",
  85856. "1/26/2016",
  85857. "09-4912",
  85858. "curtis alva",
  85859. "off-site",
  85860. "alva, curtis",
  85861. "nan",
  85862. "west palm beach",
  85863. "2440465",
  85864. "10/21/2014",
  85865. "nan",
  85866. "nan",
  85867. "nan",
  85868. "nan",
  85869. "nan",
  85870. "nan",
  85871. "nan",
  85872. "nan",
  85873. "nan",
  85874. "nan",
  85875. "nan",
  85876. "nan",
  85877. "nan",
  85878. "nan",
  85879. "nan",
  85880. "nan",
  85881. "nan",
  85882. "nan",
  85883. "nan",
  85884. "nan",
  85885. "nan",
  85886. "nan"
  85887. ],
  85888. [
  85889. "134105",
  85890. "00001",
  85891. "enterprise bank of florida",
  85892. "executive officer determination by fdic",
  85893. "769663660",
  85894. "general/other",
  85895. "new matter; billing; correspondence",
  85896. "10/8/2013",
  85897. "nan",
  85898. "charles l. stutts",
  85899. "off-site",
  85900. "stutts charles",
  85901. "nan",
  85902. "tampa",
  85903. "2115974",
  85904. "11/20/2014",
  85905. "nan",
  85906. "nan",
  85907. "nan",
  85908. "nan",
  85909. "nan",
  85910. "nan",
  85911. "nan",
  85912. "nan",
  85913. "nan",
  85914. "nan",
  85915. "nan",
  85916. "nan",
  85917. "nan",
  85918. "nan",
  85919. "nan",
  85920. "nan",
  85921. "nan",
  85922. "nan",
  85923. "nan",
  85924. "nan",
  85925. "nan",
  85926. "nan"
  85927. ],
  85928. [
  85929. "134678",
  85930. "00004",
  85931. "first american title insurance company",
  85932. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  85933. "844945484",
  85934. "bills",
  85935. "billing",
  85936. "6/24/2016",
  85937. "nan",
  85938. "terrence j. russell",
  85939. "off-site",
  85940. "kifer jennifer",
  85941. "billing",
  85942. "jacksonville",
  85943. "2195564",
  85944. "10/10/2016",
  85945. "nan",
  85946. "nan",
  85947. "nan",
  85948. "nan",
  85949. "nan",
  85950. "nan",
  85951. "nan",
  85952. "nan",
  85953. "nan",
  85954. "nan",
  85955. "nan",
  85956. "nan",
  85957. "nan",
  85958. "nan",
  85959. "nan",
  85960. "nan",
  85961. "nan",
  85962. "nan",
  85963. "nan",
  85964. "nan",
  85965. "nan",
  85966. "nan"
  85967. ],
  85968. [
  85969. "134678",
  85970. "00004",
  85971. "first american title insurance company",
  85972. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  85973. "844945484",
  85974. "correspondence",
  85975. "correspondence",
  85976. "6/24/2016",
  85977. "nan",
  85978. "terrence j. russell",
  85979. "off-site",
  85980. "kifer jennifer",
  85981. "correspondence",
  85982. "jacksonville",
  85983. "2195566",
  85984. "10/10/2016",
  85985. "nan",
  85986. "nan",
  85987. "nan",
  85988. "nan",
  85989. "nan",
  85990. "nan",
  85991. "nan",
  85992. "nan",
  85993. "nan",
  85994. "nan",
  85995. "nan",
  85996. "nan",
  85997. "nan",
  85998. "nan",
  85999. "nan",
  86000. "nan",
  86001. "nan",
  86002. "nan",
  86003. "nan",
  86004. "nan",
  86005. "nan",
  86006. "nan"
  86007. ],
  86008. [
  86009. "134678",
  86010. "00004",
  86011. "first american title insurance company",
  86012. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  86013. "844945484",
  86014. "court documents",
  86015. "court documents",
  86016. "6/24/2016",
  86017. "nan",
  86018. "terrence j. russell",
  86019. "off-site",
  86020. "kifer jennifer",
  86021. "court documents",
  86022. "jacksonville",
  86023. "2195567",
  86024. "10/10/2016",
  86025. "nan",
  86026. "nan",
  86027. "nan",
  86028. "nan",
  86029. "nan",
  86030. "nan",
  86031. "nan",
  86032. "nan",
  86033. "nan",
  86034. "nan",
  86035. "nan",
  86036. "nan",
  86037. "nan",
  86038. "nan",
  86039. "nan",
  86040. "nan",
  86041. "nan",
  86042. "nan",
  86043. "nan",
  86044. "nan",
  86045. "nan",
  86046. "nan"
  86047. ],
  86048. [
  86049. "134678",
  86050. "00004",
  86051. "first american title insurance company",
  86052. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  86053. "844945484",
  86054. "pleadings",
  86055. "pleadings, vols 1, 2",
  86056. "6/24/2016",
  86057. "nan",
  86058. "terrence j. russell",
  86059. "off-site",
  86060. "kifer jennifer",
  86061. "pleadings",
  86062. "jacksonville",
  86063. "2195569",
  86064. "10/10/2016",
  86065. "nan",
  86066. "nan",
  86067. "nan",
  86068. "nan",
  86069. "nan",
  86070. "nan",
  86071. "nan",
  86072. "nan",
  86073. "nan",
  86074. "nan",
  86075. "nan",
  86076. "nan",
  86077. "nan",
  86078. "nan",
  86079. "nan",
  86080. "nan",
  86081. "nan",
  86082. "nan",
  86083. "nan",
  86084. "nan",
  86085. "nan",
  86086. "nan"
  86087. ],
  86088. [
  86089. "134678",
  86090. "00004",
  86091. "first american title insurance company",
  86092. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  86093. "844945484",
  86094. "general/other",
  86095. "misc.",
  86096. "6/24/2016",
  86097. "nan",
  86098. "terrence j. russell",
  86099. "off-site",
  86100. "kifer jennifer",
  86101. "misc.",
  86102. "jacksonville",
  86103. "2195572",
  86104. "10/10/2016",
  86105. "nan",
  86106. "nan",
  86107. "nan",
  86108. "nan",
  86109. "nan",
  86110. "nan",
  86111. "nan",
  86112. "nan",
  86113. "nan",
  86114. "nan",
  86115. "nan",
  86116. "nan",
  86117. "nan",
  86118. "nan",
  86119. "nan",
  86120. "nan",
  86121. "nan",
  86122. "nan",
  86123. "nan",
  86124. "nan",
  86125. "nan",
  86126. "nan"
  86127. ],
  86128. [
  86129. "134703",
  86130. "00002",
  86131. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  86132. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  86133. "active file",
  86134. "attorney notes",
  86135. "attorney's notes",
  86136. "9/6/2013",
  86137. "nan",
  86138. "michael a. abel",
  86139. "on-site",
  86140. "abel michael",
  86141. "nan",
  86142. "jacksonville",
  86143. "2102629",
  86144. "11/11/2014",
  86145. "nan",
  86146. "nan",
  86147. "nan",
  86148. "nan",
  86149. "nan",
  86150. "nan",
  86151. "nan",
  86152. "nan",
  86153. "nan",
  86154. "nan",
  86155. "nan",
  86156. "nan",
  86157. "nan",
  86158. "nan",
  86159. "nan",
  86160. "nan",
  86161. "nan",
  86162. "nan",
  86163. "nan",
  86164. "nan",
  86165. "nan",
  86166. "nan"
  86167. ],
  86168. [
  86169. "134703",
  86170. "00002",
  86171. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  86172. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  86173. "active file",
  86174. "bills",
  86175. "h&k invoices, vendor invoices, etc.",
  86176. "9/6/2013",
  86177. "nan",
  86178. "michael a. abel",
  86179. "on-site",
  86180. "abel michael",
  86181. "nan",
  86182. "jacksonville",
  86183. "2102631",
  86184. "11/11/2014",
  86185. "nan",
  86186. "nan",
  86187. "nan",
  86188. "nan",
  86189. "nan",
  86190. "nan",
  86191. "nan",
  86192. "nan",
  86193. "nan",
  86194. "nan",
  86195. "nan",
  86196. "nan",
  86197. "nan",
  86198. "nan",
  86199. "nan",
  86200. "nan",
  86201. "nan",
  86202. "nan",
  86203. "nan",
  86204. "nan",
  86205. "nan",
  86206. "nan"
  86207. ],
  86208. [
  86209. "134703",
  86210. "00002",
  86211. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  86212. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  86213. "active file",
  86214. "business intake",
  86215. "conflict report, h&k engagement letter, etc.",
  86216. "9/6/2013",
  86217. "nan",
  86218. "michael a. abel",
  86219. "on-site",
  86220. "abel michael",
  86221. "nan",
  86222. "jacksonville",
  86223. "2102640",
  86224. "11/11/2014",
  86225. "nan",
  86226. "nan",
  86227. "nan",
  86228. "nan",
  86229. "nan",
  86230. "nan",
  86231. "nan",
  86232. "nan",
  86233. "nan",
  86234. "nan",
  86235. "nan",
  86236. "nan",
  86237. "nan",
  86238. "nan",
  86239. "nan",
  86240. "nan",
  86241. "nan",
  86242. "nan",
  86243. "nan",
  86244. "nan",
  86245. "nan",
  86246. "nan"
  86247. ],
  86248. [
  86249. "134703",
  86250. "00002",
  86251. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  86252. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  86253. "active file",
  86254. "correspondence",
  86255. "incoming/outgoing letters, e-mails, etc.",
  86256. "9/6/2013",
  86257. "nan",
  86258. "michael a. abel",
  86259. "on-site",
  86260. "abel michael",
  86261. "nan",
  86262. "jacksonville",
  86263. "2102643",
  86264. "11/11/2014",
  86265. "nan",
  86266. "nan",
  86267. "nan",
  86268. "nan",
  86269. "nan",
  86270. "nan",
  86271. "nan",
  86272. "nan",
  86273. "nan",
  86274. "nan",
  86275. "nan",
  86276. "nan",
  86277. "nan",
  86278. "nan",
  86279. "nan",
  86280. "nan",
  86281. "nan",
  86282. "nan",
  86283. "nan",
  86284. "nan",
  86285. "nan",
  86286. "nan"
  86287. ],
  86288. [
  86289. "134784",
  86290. "00001",
  86291. "faust, marcus",
  86292. "fdic claims against former d&os of peninsula bank",
  86293. "active file",
  86294. "general/other",
  86295. "new matter memo\nconflict search\nengagement letter\ncopy of demand for payment from fdic",
  86296. "2/21/2013",
  86297. "nan",
  86298. "charles l. stutts",
  86299. "on-site",
  86300. "stutts charles",
  86301. "nan",
  86302. "tampa",
  86303. "1989071",
  86304. "11/20/2014",
  86305. "nan",
  86306. "nan",
  86307. "nan",
  86308. "nan",
  86309. "nan",
  86310. "nan",
  86311. "nan",
  86312. "nan",
  86313. "nan",
  86314. "nan",
  86315. "nan",
  86316. "nan",
  86317. "nan",
  86318. "nan",
  86319. "nan",
  86320. "nan",
  86321. "nan",
  86322. "nan",
  86323. "nan",
  86324. "nan",
  86325. "nan",
  86326. "nan"
  86327. ],
  86328. [
  86329. "134937",
  86330. "00003",
  86331. "casual male store llc",
  86332. "1005 bower parkway, columbiana, sc",
  86333. "188570192",
  86334. "general/other",
  86335. "subfolders: title information documents; transaction docs - loi; affidavit; casual male affidavit; affidavit - final execution copy; also contains a binder titled \"lease with ddrtc columbiana station ii, llc; draft received from landlord's counsel 6/28 (initial)",
  86336. "1/21/2014",
  86337. "nan",
  86338. "diane m. mcdermott",
  86339. "off-site",
  86340. "mcdermott diane",
  86341. "nan",
  86342. "boston",
  86343. "2156726",
  86344. "2/4/2016",
  86345. "nan",
  86346. "nan",
  86347. "nan",
  86348. "nan",
  86349. "nan",
  86350. "nan",
  86351. "nan",
  86352. "nan",
  86353. "nan",
  86354. "nan",
  86355. "nan",
  86356. "nan",
  86357. "nan",
  86358. "nan",
  86359. "nan",
  86360. "nan",
  86361. "nan",
  86362. "nan",
  86363. "nan",
  86364. "nan",
  86365. "nan",
  86366. "nan"
  86367. ],
  86368. [
  86369. "135050",
  86370. "00001",
  86371. "murphy, bobby r.",
  86372. "claims by fdic as receiver of first national bank of florida",
  86373. "active file",
  86374. "general/other",
  86375. "conflict search; new matter memo; engagement letter; power of attorney",
  86376. "3/20/2013",
  86377. "nan",
  86378. "charles l. stutts",
  86379. "on-site",
  86380. "stutts charles",
  86381. "nan",
  86382. "tampa",
  86383. "1999793",
  86384. "12/14/2015",
  86385. "nan",
  86386. "nan",
  86387. "nan",
  86388. "nan",
  86389. "nan",
  86390. "nan",
  86391. "nan",
  86392. "nan",
  86393. "nan",
  86394. "nan",
  86395. "nan",
  86396. "nan",
  86397. "nan",
  86398. "nan",
  86399. "nan",
  86400. "nan",
  86401. "nan",
  86402. "nan",
  86403. "nan",
  86404. "nan",
  86405. "nan",
  86406. "nan"
  86407. ],
  86408. [
  86409. "136266",
  86410. "00001",
  86411. "brannin, william",
  86412. "brannin - premier bank",
  86413. "633151915",
  86414. "document production",
  86415. "fdic reports received 7/8/14 with additional criminal history reports et al",
  86416. "7/29/2013",
  86417. "nan",
  86418. "mark a. flessner",
  86419. "off-site",
  86420. "flessner mark",
  86421. "nan",
  86422. "chicago",
  86423. "2610215",
  86424. "nan",
  86425. "nan",
  86426. "nan",
  86427. "nan",
  86428. "nan",
  86429. "nan",
  86430. "nan",
  86431. "nan",
  86432. "nan",
  86433. "nan",
  86434. "nan",
  86435. "nan",
  86436. "nan",
  86437. "nan",
  86438. "nan",
  86439. "nan",
  86440. "nan",
  86441. "nan",
  86442. "nan",
  86443. "nan",
  86444. "nan",
  86445. "nan",
  86446. "nan"
  86447. ],
  86448. [
  86449. "136424",
  86450. "00001",
  86451. "b&a title services corporation",
  86452. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86453. "788659561",
  86454. "general/other",
  86455. "august 2, 2013 - deadline to provide mediator with documents listed in his procedures. (see letter from mediator)",
  86456. "11/13/2014",
  86457. "nan",
  86458. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86459. "perm removal from off-site",
  86460. "zorrilla juan",
  86461. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86462. "miami",
  86463. "2108972",
  86464. "4/2/2015",
  86465. "nan",
  86466. "nan",
  86467. "nan",
  86468. "nan",
  86469. "nan",
  86470. "nan",
  86471. "nan",
  86472. "nan",
  86473. "nan",
  86474. "nan",
  86475. "nan",
  86476. "nan",
  86477. "nan",
  86478. "nan",
  86479. "nan",
  86480. "nan",
  86481. "nan",
  86482. "nan",
  86483. "nan",
  86484. "nan",
  86485. "nan",
  86486. "nan"
  86487. ],
  86488. [
  86489. "136424",
  86490. "00001",
  86491. "b&a title services corporation",
  86492. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86493. "788659561",
  86494. "closing documents / binders",
  86495. "fdic v. b&a title services - closing file\n* searches and updates \n* accounting / escrow invoices",
  86496. "11/13/2014",
  86497. "nan",
  86498. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86499. "perm removal from off-site",
  86500. "zorrilla juan",
  86501. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86502. "miami",
  86503. "2109980",
  86504. "4/2/2015",
  86505. "nan",
  86506. "nan",
  86507. "nan",
  86508. "nan",
  86509. "nan",
  86510. "nan",
  86511. "nan",
  86512. "nan",
  86513. "nan",
  86514. "nan",
  86515. "nan",
  86516. "nan",
  86517. "nan",
  86518. "nan",
  86519. "nan",
  86520. "nan",
  86521. "nan",
  86522. "nan",
  86523. "nan",
  86524. "nan",
  86525. "nan",
  86526. "nan"
  86527. ],
  86528. [
  86529. "136424",
  86530. "00001",
  86531. "b&a title services corporation",
  86532. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86533. "788659565",
  86534. "document production",
  86535. "plaintiff's initial disclosure documents",
  86536. "11/13/2014",
  86537. "nan",
  86538. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86539. "perm removal from off-site",
  86540. "zorrilla juan",
  86541. "mef117//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86542. "miami",
  86543. "2110078",
  86544. "4/2/2015",
  86545. "nan",
  86546. "nan",
  86547. "nan",
  86548. "nan",
  86549. "nan",
  86550. "nan",
  86551. "nan",
  86552. "nan",
  86553. "nan",
  86554. "nan",
  86555. "nan",
  86556. "nan",
  86557. "nan",
  86558. "nan",
  86559. "nan",
  86560. "nan",
  86561. "nan",
  86562. "nan",
  86563. "nan",
  86564. "nan",
  86565. "nan",
  86566. "nan"
  86567. ],
  86568. [
  86569. "136424",
  86570. "00001",
  86571. "b&a title services corporation",
  86572. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86573. "788659561",
  86574. "insurance",
  86575. "fdic v. b&a title service - professional liability insurance",
  86576. "11/13/2014",
  86577. "nan",
  86578. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86579. "perm removal from off-site",
  86580. "zorrilla juan",
  86581. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86582. "miami",
  86583. "2110103",
  86584. "4/2/2015",
  86585. "nan",
  86586. "nan",
  86587. "nan",
  86588. "nan",
  86589. "nan",
  86590. "nan",
  86591. "nan",
  86592. "nan",
  86593. "nan",
  86594. "nan",
  86595. "nan",
  86596. "nan",
  86597. "nan",
  86598. "nan",
  86599. "nan",
  86600. "nan",
  86601. "nan",
  86602. "nan",
  86603. "nan",
  86604. "nan",
  86605. "nan",
  86606. "nan"
  86607. ],
  86608. [
  86609. "136424",
  86610. "00001",
  86611. "b&a title services corporation",
  86612. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86613. "788659561",
  86614. "general/other",
  86615. "fdic v. b&a title service - defendants initial disclosure",
  86616. "11/13/2014",
  86617. "nan",
  86618. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86619. "perm removal from off-site",
  86620. "zorrilla juan",
  86621. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86622. "miami",
  86623. "2110120",
  86624. "4/2/2015",
  86625. "nan",
  86626. "nan",
  86627. "nan",
  86628. "nan",
  86629. "nan",
  86630. "nan",
  86631. "nan",
  86632. "nan",
  86633. "nan",
  86634. "nan",
  86635. "nan",
  86636. "nan",
  86637. "nan",
  86638. "nan",
  86639. "nan",
  86640. "nan",
  86641. "nan",
  86642. "nan",
  86643. "nan",
  86644. "nan",
  86645. "nan",
  86646. "nan"
  86647. ],
  86648. [
  86649. "136424",
  86650. "00001",
  86651. "b&a title services corporation",
  86652. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86653. "788659561",
  86654. "pleadings",
  86655. "fdic v. b&a title service - extra pleadings",
  86656. "11/13/2014",
  86657. "nan",
  86658. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86659. "perm removal from off-site",
  86660. "zorrilla juan",
  86661. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86662. "miami",
  86663. "2110126",
  86664. "4/2/2015",
  86665. "nan",
  86666. "nan",
  86667. "nan",
  86668. "nan",
  86669. "nan",
  86670. "nan",
  86671. "nan",
  86672. "nan",
  86673. "nan",
  86674. "nan",
  86675. "nan",
  86676. "nan",
  86677. "nan",
  86678. "nan",
  86679. "nan",
  86680. "nan",
  86681. "nan",
  86682. "nan",
  86683. "nan",
  86684. "nan",
  86685. "nan",
  86686. "nan"
  86687. ],
  86688. [
  86689. "136424",
  86690. "00001",
  86691. "b&a title services corporation",
  86692. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86693. "788659561",
  86694. "attorney notes",
  86695. "fdic v. b&a title service - attorney notes",
  86696. "11/13/2014",
  86697. "nan",
  86698. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86699. "perm removal from off-site",
  86700. "zorrilla juan",
  86701. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86702. "miami",
  86703. "2110134",
  86704. "4/2/2015",
  86705. "nan",
  86706. "nan",
  86707. "nan",
  86708. "nan",
  86709. "nan",
  86710. "nan",
  86711. "nan",
  86712. "nan",
  86713. "nan",
  86714. "nan",
  86715. "nan",
  86716. "nan",
  86717. "nan",
  86718. "nan",
  86719. "nan",
  86720. "nan",
  86721. "nan",
  86722. "nan",
  86723. "nan",
  86724. "nan",
  86725. "nan",
  86726. "nan"
  86727. ],
  86728. [
  86729. "136424",
  86730. "00001",
  86731. "b&a title services corporation",
  86732. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86733. "788659561",
  86734. "background materials",
  86735. "fdic v. b&a title service - background documents",
  86736. "11/13/2014",
  86737. "nan",
  86738. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86739. "perm removal from off-site",
  86740. "zorrilla juan",
  86741. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86742. "miami",
  86743. "2110136",
  86744. "4/2/2015",
  86745. "nan",
  86746. "nan",
  86747. "nan",
  86748. "nan",
  86749. "nan",
  86750. "nan",
  86751. "nan",
  86752. "nan",
  86753. "nan",
  86754. "nan",
  86755. "nan",
  86756. "nan",
  86757. "nan",
  86758. "nan",
  86759. "nan",
  86760. "nan",
  86761. "nan",
  86762. "nan",
  86763. "nan",
  86764. "nan",
  86765. "nan",
  86766. "nan"
  86767. ],
  86768. [
  86769. "136424",
  86770. "00001",
  86771. "b&a title services corporation",
  86772. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86773. "788659561",
  86774. "correspondence",
  86775. "fdic v. b&a title service - correspondence",
  86776. "11/13/2014",
  86777. "nan",
  86778. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86779. "perm removal from off-site",
  86780. "zorrilla juan",
  86781. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86782. "miami",
  86783. "2110140",
  86784. "4/2/2015",
  86785. "nan",
  86786. "nan",
  86787. "nan",
  86788. "nan",
  86789. "nan",
  86790. "nan",
  86791. "nan",
  86792. "nan",
  86793. "nan",
  86794. "nan",
  86795. "nan",
  86796. "nan",
  86797. "nan",
  86798. "nan",
  86799. "nan",
  86800. "nan",
  86801. "nan",
  86802. "nan",
  86803. "nan",
  86804. "nan",
  86805. "nan",
  86806. "nan"
  86807. ],
  86808. [
  86809. "136424",
  86810. "00001",
  86811. "b&a title services corporation",
  86812. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86813. "788659561",
  86814. "general/other",
  86815. "fdic v. b&a title service - march 20,2013 @ 2 p.m. - telephonic status conference",
  86816. "11/13/2014",
  86817. "nan",
  86818. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86819. "perm removal from off-site",
  86820. "zorrilla juan",
  86821. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86822. "miami",
  86823. "2110143",
  86824. "4/2/2015",
  86825. "nan",
  86826. "nan",
  86827. "nan",
  86828. "nan",
  86829. "nan",
  86830. "nan",
  86831. "nan",
  86832. "nan",
  86833. "nan",
  86834. "nan",
  86835. "nan",
  86836. "nan",
  86837. "nan",
  86838. "nan",
  86839. "nan",
  86840. "nan",
  86841. "nan",
  86842. "nan",
  86843. "nan",
  86844. "nan",
  86845. "nan",
  86846. "nan"
  86847. ],
  86848. [
  86849. "136424",
  86850. "00001",
  86851. "b&a title services corporation",
  86852. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86853. "788659561",
  86854. "general/other",
  86855. "fdic v. b&a title service - february 18, 2013 - deadine - to file a response to the complaint",
  86856. "11/13/2014",
  86857. "nan",
  86858. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86859. "perm removal from off-site",
  86860. "zorrilla juan",
  86861. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86862. "miami",
  86863. "2110147",
  86864. "4/2/2015",
  86865. "nan",
  86866. "nan",
  86867. "nan",
  86868. "nan",
  86869. "nan",
  86870. "nan",
  86871. "nan",
  86872. "nan",
  86873. "nan",
  86874. "nan",
  86875. "nan",
  86876. "nan",
  86877. "nan",
  86878. "nan",
  86879. "nan",
  86880. "nan",
  86881. "nan",
  86882. "nan",
  86883. "nan",
  86884. "nan",
  86885. "nan",
  86886. "nan"
  86887. ],
  86888. [
  86889. "136424",
  86890. "00001",
  86891. "b&a title services corporation",
  86892. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86893. "788659561",
  86894. "general/other",
  86895. "fdic v. b&a title services - april 10,2013 @ 11 a.m. - meeting w/ yoandra perez",
  86896. "11/13/2014",
  86897. "nan",
  86898. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86899. "perm removal from off-site",
  86900. "zorrilla juan",
  86901. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86902. "miami",
  86903. "2110149",
  86904. "4/2/2015",
  86905. "nan",
  86906. "nan",
  86907. "nan",
  86908. "nan",
  86909. "nan",
  86910. "nan",
  86911. "nan",
  86912. "nan",
  86913. "nan",
  86914. "nan",
  86915. "nan",
  86916. "nan",
  86917. "nan",
  86918. "nan",
  86919. "nan",
  86920. "nan",
  86921. "nan",
  86922. "nan",
  86923. "nan",
  86924. "nan",
  86925. "nan",
  86926. "nan"
  86927. ],
  86928. [
  86929. "136424",
  86930. "00001",
  86931. "b&a title services corporation",
  86932. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86933. "788659561",
  86934. "hearings",
  86935. "fdic v. b&a title services - april 10, 2013 @ 4:00 p.m. - hearing on joint stipulation for protective order",
  86936. "11/13/2014",
  86937. "nan",
  86938. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86939. "perm removal from off-site",
  86940. "zorrilla juan",
  86941. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86942. "miami",
  86943. "2110153",
  86944. "4/2/2015",
  86945. "nan",
  86946. "nan",
  86947. "nan",
  86948. "nan",
  86949. "nan",
  86950. "nan",
  86951. "nan",
  86952. "nan",
  86953. "nan",
  86954. "nan",
  86955. "nan",
  86956. "nan",
  86957. "nan",
  86958. "nan",
  86959. "nan",
  86960. "nan",
  86961. "nan",
  86962. "nan",
  86963. "nan",
  86964. "nan",
  86965. "nan",
  86966. "nan"
  86967. ],
  86968. [
  86969. "136424",
  86970. "00001",
  86971. "b&a title services corporation",
  86972. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  86973. "788659561",
  86974. "general/other",
  86975. "fdic v. b&a title services - april 27, 2013 - deadline to file order scheduling mediation",
  86976. "11/13/2014",
  86977. "nan",
  86978. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  86979. "perm removal from off-site",
  86980. "zorrilla juan",
  86981. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  86982. "miami",
  86983. "2110156",
  86984. "4/2/2015",
  86985. "nan",
  86986. "nan",
  86987. "nan",
  86988. "nan",
  86989. "nan",
  86990. "nan",
  86991. "nan",
  86992. "nan",
  86993. "nan",
  86994. "nan",
  86995. "nan",
  86996. "nan",
  86997. "nan",
  86998. "nan",
  86999. "nan",
  87000. "nan",
  87001. "nan",
  87002. "nan",
  87003. "nan",
  87004. "nan",
  87005. "nan",
  87006. "nan"
  87007. ],
  87008. [
  87009. "136424",
  87010. "00001",
  87011. "b&a title services corporation",
  87012. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87013. "788659561",
  87014. "general/other",
  87015. "fdic v. b&a title services - june 10, 2013 - deadline for amended pleadings and to effectuate services on joined parties",
  87016. "11/13/2014",
  87017. "nan",
  87018. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87019. "perm removal from off-site",
  87020. "zorrilla juan",
  87021. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87022. "miami",
  87023. "2110158",
  87024. "4/2/2015",
  87025. "nan",
  87026. "nan",
  87027. "nan",
  87028. "nan",
  87029. "nan",
  87030. "nan",
  87031. "nan",
  87032. "nan",
  87033. "nan",
  87034. "nan",
  87035. "nan",
  87036. "nan",
  87037. "nan",
  87038. "nan",
  87039. "nan",
  87040. "nan",
  87041. "nan",
  87042. "nan",
  87043. "nan",
  87044. "nan",
  87045. "nan",
  87046. "nan"
  87047. ],
  87048. [
  87049. "136424",
  87050. "00001",
  87051. "b&a title services corporation",
  87052. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87053. "788659561",
  87054. "general/other",
  87055. "fdic v. b&a title service - july 30, 2013 - deadline to present to mediator a breif written summary of the case identifying issues to be resolved.",
  87056. "11/13/2014",
  87057. "nan",
  87058. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87059. "perm removal from off-site",
  87060. "zorrilla juan",
  87061. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87062. "miami",
  87063. "2110159",
  87064. "4/2/2015",
  87065. "nan",
  87066. "nan",
  87067. "nan",
  87068. "nan",
  87069. "nan",
  87070. "nan",
  87071. "nan",
  87072. "nan",
  87073. "nan",
  87074. "nan",
  87075. "nan",
  87076. "nan",
  87077. "nan",
  87078. "nan",
  87079. "nan",
  87080. "nan",
  87081. "nan",
  87082. "nan",
  87083. "nan",
  87084. "nan",
  87085. "nan",
  87086. "nan"
  87087. ],
  87088. [
  87089. "136424",
  87090. "00001",
  87091. "b&a title services corporation",
  87092. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87093. "788659561",
  87094. "general/other",
  87095. "fdic v. b&a title service - august 5,2013- deadline to file joint pretrial stipulation regarding expert wintess frcp 26(a)(2) and local rule 16.1(e)",
  87096. "11/13/2014",
  87097. "nan",
  87098. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87099. "perm removal from off-site",
  87100. "zorrilla juan",
  87101. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87102. "miami",
  87103. "2110160",
  87104. "4/2/2015",
  87105. "nan",
  87106. "nan",
  87107. "nan",
  87108. "nan",
  87109. "nan",
  87110. "nan",
  87111. "nan",
  87112. "nan",
  87113. "nan",
  87114. "nan",
  87115. "nan",
  87116. "nan",
  87117. "nan",
  87118. "nan",
  87119. "nan",
  87120. "nan",
  87121. "nan",
  87122. "nan",
  87123. "nan",
  87124. "nan",
  87125. "nan",
  87126. "nan"
  87127. ],
  87128. [
  87129. "136424",
  87130. "00001",
  87131. "b&a title services corporation",
  87132. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87133. "788659561",
  87134. "general/other",
  87135. "fdic v. b&a title services - august 14, 2013 - deadline for mediator to file a mediation report",
  87136. "11/13/2014",
  87137. "nan",
  87138. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87139. "perm removal from off-site",
  87140. "zorrilla juan",
  87141. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87142. "miami",
  87143. "2110161",
  87144. "4/2/2015",
  87145. "nan",
  87146. "nan",
  87147. "nan",
  87148. "nan",
  87149. "nan",
  87150. "nan",
  87151. "nan",
  87152. "nan",
  87153. "nan",
  87154. "nan",
  87155. "nan",
  87156. "nan",
  87157. "nan",
  87158. "nan",
  87159. "nan",
  87160. "nan",
  87161. "nan",
  87162. "nan",
  87163. "nan",
  87164. "nan",
  87165. "nan",
  87166. "nan"
  87167. ],
  87168. [
  87169. "136424",
  87170. "00001",
  87171. "b&a title services corporation",
  87172. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87173. "788659561",
  87174. "general/other",
  87175. "fdic v. b&a title services - august 19, 2013 - deadline to exchange rebuttal expert wintess information",
  87176. "11/13/2014",
  87177. "nan",
  87178. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87179. "perm removal from off-site",
  87180. "zorrilla juan",
  87181. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87182. "miami",
  87183. "2110162",
  87184. "4/2/2015",
  87185. "nan",
  87186. "nan",
  87187. "nan",
  87188. "nan",
  87189. "nan",
  87190. "nan",
  87191. "nan",
  87192. "nan",
  87193. "nan",
  87194. "nan",
  87195. "nan",
  87196. "nan",
  87197. "nan",
  87198. "nan",
  87199. "nan",
  87200. "nan",
  87201. "nan",
  87202. "nan",
  87203. "nan",
  87204. "nan",
  87205. "nan",
  87206. "nan"
  87207. ],
  87208. [
  87209. "136424",
  87210. "00001",
  87211. "b&a title services corporation",
  87212. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87213. "788659561",
  87214. "general/other",
  87215. "fdic v. b&a title services - conflict check",
  87216. "11/13/2014",
  87217. "nan",
  87218. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87219. "perm removal from off-site",
  87220. "zorrilla juan",
  87221. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87222. "miami",
  87223. "2110163",
  87224. "4/2/2015",
  87225. "nan",
  87226. "nan",
  87227. "nan",
  87228. "nan",
  87229. "nan",
  87230. "nan",
  87231. "nan",
  87232. "nan",
  87233. "nan",
  87234. "nan",
  87235. "nan",
  87236. "nan",
  87237. "nan",
  87238. "nan",
  87239. "nan",
  87240. "nan",
  87241. "nan",
  87242. "nan",
  87243. "nan",
  87244. "nan",
  87245. "nan",
  87246. "nan"
  87247. ],
  87248. [
  87249. "136424",
  87250. "00001",
  87251. "b&a title services corporation",
  87252. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87253. "788659561",
  87254. "request for admissions",
  87255. "fdic v. b&a title services - fdic's first set fo request for admissions to b&a title",
  87256. "11/13/2014",
  87257. "nan",
  87258. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87259. "perm removal from off-site",
  87260. "zorrilla juan",
  87261. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87262. "miami",
  87263. "2110164",
  87264. "4/2/2015",
  87265. "nan",
  87266. "nan",
  87267. "nan",
  87268. "nan",
  87269. "nan",
  87270. "nan",
  87271. "nan",
  87272. "nan",
  87273. "nan",
  87274. "nan",
  87275. "nan",
  87276. "nan",
  87277. "nan",
  87278. "nan",
  87279. "nan",
  87280. "nan",
  87281. "nan",
  87282. "nan",
  87283. "nan",
  87284. "nan",
  87285. "nan",
  87286. "nan"
  87287. ],
  87288. [
  87289. "136424",
  87290. "00001",
  87291. "b&a title services corporation",
  87292. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87293. "788659561",
  87294. "general/other",
  87295. "fdic v. b&a title services - judges instruction for filing",
  87296. "11/13/2014",
  87297. "nan",
  87298. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87299. "perm removal from off-site",
  87300. "zorrilla juan",
  87301. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87302. "miami",
  87303. "2110212",
  87304. "4/2/2015",
  87305. "nan",
  87306. "nan",
  87307. "nan",
  87308. "nan",
  87309. "nan",
  87310. "nan",
  87311. "nan",
  87312. "nan",
  87313. "nan",
  87314. "nan",
  87315. "nan",
  87316. "nan",
  87317. "nan",
  87318. "nan",
  87319. "nan",
  87320. "nan",
  87321. "nan",
  87322. "nan",
  87323. "nan",
  87324. "nan",
  87325. "nan",
  87326. "nan"
  87327. ],
  87328. [
  87329. "136424",
  87330. "00001",
  87331. "b&a title services corporation",
  87332. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87333. "788659561",
  87334. "general/other",
  87335. "fdic v. b&a title services - august 9, 2013 @ 10 a.m. - mediation",
  87336. "11/13/2014",
  87337. "nan",
  87338. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87339. "perm removal from off-site",
  87340. "zorrilla juan",
  87341. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87342. "miami",
  87343. "2110216",
  87344. "4/2/2015",
  87345. "nan",
  87346. "nan",
  87347. "nan",
  87348. "nan",
  87349. "nan",
  87350. "nan",
  87351. "nan",
  87352. "nan",
  87353. "nan",
  87354. "nan",
  87355. "nan",
  87356. "nan",
  87357. "nan",
  87358. "nan",
  87359. "nan",
  87360. "nan",
  87361. "nan",
  87362. "nan",
  87363. "nan",
  87364. "nan",
  87365. "nan",
  87366. "nan"
  87367. ],
  87368. [
  87369. "136424",
  87370. "00001",
  87371. "b&a title services corporation",
  87372. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87373. "788659561",
  87374. "pleadings",
  87375. "pleadings (district court case no.: 12-24258-civ-graham)\n\ndocket#: 25894117_v1\n",
  87376. "11/13/2014",
  87377. "nan",
  87378. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87379. "perm removal from off-site",
  87380. "zorrilla juan",
  87381. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87382. "miami",
  87383. "2114405",
  87384. "4/2/2015",
  87385. "nan",
  87386. "nan",
  87387. "nan",
  87388. "nan",
  87389. "nan",
  87390. "nan",
  87391. "nan",
  87392. "nan",
  87393. "nan",
  87394. "nan",
  87395. "nan",
  87396. "nan",
  87397. "nan",
  87398. "nan",
  87399. "nan",
  87400. "nan",
  87401. "nan",
  87402. "nan",
  87403. "nan",
  87404. "nan",
  87405. "nan",
  87406. "nan"
  87407. ],
  87408. [
  87409. "136424",
  87410. "00001",
  87411. "b&a title services corporation",
  87412. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87413. "788659561",
  87414. "general/other",
  87415. "october 21, 2013 - mediation\n(calendar file)",
  87416. "11/13/2014",
  87417. "nan",
  87418. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87419. "perm removal from off-site",
  87420. "zorrilla juan",
  87421. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87422. "miami",
  87423. "2126732",
  87424. "4/2/2015",
  87425. "nan",
  87426. "nan",
  87427. "nan",
  87428. "nan",
  87429. "nan",
  87430. "nan",
  87431. "nan",
  87432. "nan",
  87433. "nan",
  87434. "nan",
  87435. "nan",
  87436. "nan",
  87437. "nan",
  87438. "nan",
  87439. "nan",
  87440. "nan",
  87441. "nan",
  87442. "nan",
  87443. "nan",
  87444. "nan",
  87445. "nan",
  87446. "nan"
  87447. ],
  87448. [
  87449. "136424",
  87450. "00001",
  87451. "b&a title services corporation",
  87452. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87453. "788659561",
  87454. "general/other",
  87455. "oct. 4, 2013 - deadline for responses to all motions\n(calendar file)",
  87456. "11/13/2014",
  87457. "nan",
  87458. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87459. "perm removal from off-site",
  87460. "zorrilla juan",
  87461. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87462. "miami",
  87463. "2126735",
  87464. "4/2/2015",
  87465. "nan",
  87466. "nan",
  87467. "nan",
  87468. "nan",
  87469. "nan",
  87470. "nan",
  87471. "nan",
  87472. "nan",
  87473. "nan",
  87474. "nan",
  87475. "nan",
  87476. "nan",
  87477. "nan",
  87478. "nan",
  87479. "nan",
  87480. "nan",
  87481. "nan",
  87482. "nan",
  87483. "nan",
  87484. "nan",
  87485. "nan",
  87486. "nan"
  87487. ],
  87488. [
  87489. "136424",
  87490. "00001",
  87491. "b&a title services corporation",
  87492. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87493. "788659561",
  87494. "general/other",
  87495. "oct. 25, 2013 - deadline for defendant to file reply to motion to withdraw admissions\n(calendar file)",
  87496. "11/13/2014",
  87497. "nan",
  87498. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87499. "perm removal from off-site",
  87500. "zorrilla juan",
  87501. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87502. "miami",
  87503. "2126740",
  87504. "4/2/2015",
  87505. "nan",
  87506. "nan",
  87507. "nan",
  87508. "nan",
  87509. "nan",
  87510. "nan",
  87511. "nan",
  87512. "nan",
  87513. "nan",
  87514. "nan",
  87515. "nan",
  87516. "nan",
  87517. "nan",
  87518. "nan",
  87519. "nan",
  87520. "nan",
  87521. "nan",
  87522. "nan",
  87523. "nan",
  87524. "nan",
  87525. "nan",
  87526. "nan"
  87527. ],
  87528. [
  87529. "136424",
  87530. "00001",
  87531. "b&a title services corporation",
  87532. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87533. "788659561",
  87534. "correspondence",
  87535. "correspondence",
  87536. "11/13/2014",
  87537. "nan",
  87538. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87539. "perm removal from off-site",
  87540. "zorrilla juan",
  87541. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87542. "miami",
  87543. "2126872",
  87544. "4/2/2015",
  87545. "nan",
  87546. "nan",
  87547. "nan",
  87548. "nan",
  87549. "nan",
  87550. "nan",
  87551. "nan",
  87552. "nan",
  87553. "nan",
  87554. "nan",
  87555. "nan",
  87556. "nan",
  87557. "nan",
  87558. "nan",
  87559. "nan",
  87560. "nan",
  87561. "nan",
  87562. "nan",
  87563. "nan",
  87564. "nan",
  87565. "nan",
  87566. "nan"
  87567. ],
  87568. [
  87569. "136424",
  87570. "00001",
  87571. "b&a title services corporation",
  87572. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87573. "788659561",
  87574. "taxes",
  87575. "corporate tax returns",
  87576. "11/13/2014",
  87577. "nan",
  87578. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87579. "perm removal from off-site",
  87580. "zorrilla juan",
  87581. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87582. "miami",
  87583. "2170423",
  87584. "4/2/2015",
  87585. "nan",
  87586. "nan",
  87587. "nan",
  87588. "nan",
  87589. "nan",
  87590. "nan",
  87591. "nan",
  87592. "nan",
  87593. "nan",
  87594. "nan",
  87595. "nan",
  87596. "nan",
  87597. "nan",
  87598. "nan",
  87599. "nan",
  87600. "nan",
  87601. "nan",
  87602. "nan",
  87603. "nan",
  87604. "nan",
  87605. "nan",
  87606. "nan"
  87607. ],
  87608. [
  87609. "136424",
  87610. "00001",
  87611. "b&a title services corporation",
  87612. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87613. "788659561",
  87614. "settlement material",
  87615. "settlement material",
  87616. "11/13/2014",
  87617. "nan",
  87618. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87619. "perm removal from off-site",
  87620. "zorrilla juan",
  87621. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87622. "miami",
  87623. "2181551",
  87624. "4/2/2015",
  87625. "nan",
  87626. "nan",
  87627. "nan",
  87628. "nan",
  87629. "nan",
  87630. "nan",
  87631. "nan",
  87632. "nan",
  87633. "nan",
  87634. "nan",
  87635. "nan",
  87636. "nan",
  87637. "nan",
  87638. "nan",
  87639. "nan",
  87640. "nan",
  87641. "nan",
  87642. "nan",
  87643. "nan",
  87644. "nan",
  87645. "nan",
  87646. "nan"
  87647. ],
  87648. [
  87649. "136424",
  87650. "00001",
  87651. "b&a title services corporation",
  87652. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87653. "788659565",
  87654. "general/other",
  87655. "declination letter from insurance company",
  87656. "11/13/2014",
  87657. "nan",
  87658. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87659. "perm removal from off-site",
  87660. "zorrilla juan",
  87661. "mef117//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87662. "miami",
  87663. "2234809",
  87664. "4/2/2015",
  87665. "nan",
  87666. "nan",
  87667. "nan",
  87668. "nan",
  87669. "nan",
  87670. "nan",
  87671. "nan",
  87672. "nan",
  87673. "nan",
  87674. "nan",
  87675. "nan",
  87676. "nan",
  87677. "nan",
  87678. "nan",
  87679. "nan",
  87680. "nan",
  87681. "nan",
  87682. "nan",
  87683. "nan",
  87684. "nan",
  87685. "nan",
  87686. "nan"
  87687. ],
  87688. [
  87689. "136424",
  87690. "00001",
  87691. "b&a title services corporation",
  87692. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87693. "788659561",
  87694. "general/other",
  87695. "december 30, 2013 - two week trial",
  87696. "11/13/2014",
  87697. "nan",
  87698. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87699. "perm removal from off-site",
  87700. "zorrilla juan",
  87701. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87702. "miami",
  87703. "2279391",
  87704. "4/2/2015",
  87705. "nan",
  87706. "nan",
  87707. "nan",
  87708. "nan",
  87709. "nan",
  87710. "nan",
  87711. "nan",
  87712. "nan",
  87713. "nan",
  87714. "nan",
  87715. "nan",
  87716. "nan",
  87717. "nan",
  87718. "nan",
  87719. "nan",
  87720. "nan",
  87721. "nan",
  87722. "nan",
  87723. "nan",
  87724. "nan",
  87725. "nan",
  87726. "nan"
  87727. ],
  87728. [
  87729. "136424",
  87730. "00001",
  87731. "b&a title services corporation",
  87732. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87733. "788659561",
  87734. "general/other",
  87735. "november 27, 2013 @ 2:00pm - call of the calendar",
  87736. "11/13/2014",
  87737. "nan",
  87738. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87739. "perm removal from off-site",
  87740. "zorrilla juan",
  87741. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87742. "miami",
  87743. "2279395",
  87744. "4/2/2015",
  87745. "nan",
  87746. "nan",
  87747. "nan",
  87748. "nan",
  87749. "nan",
  87750. "nan",
  87751. "nan",
  87752. "nan",
  87753. "nan",
  87754. "nan",
  87755. "nan",
  87756. "nan",
  87757. "nan",
  87758. "nan",
  87759. "nan",
  87760. "nan",
  87761. "nan",
  87762. "nan",
  87763. "nan",
  87764. "nan",
  87765. "nan",
  87766. "nan"
  87767. ],
  87768. [
  87769. "136424",
  87770. "00001",
  87771. "b&a title services corporation",
  87772. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87773. "788659561",
  87774. "general/other",
  87775. "wednesday november 27, 2013 - calendar call (telephonic)",
  87776. "11/13/2014",
  87777. "nan",
  87778. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87779. "perm removal from off-site",
  87780. "zorrilla juan",
  87781. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87782. "miami",
  87783. "2279398",
  87784. "4/2/2015",
  87785. "nan",
  87786. "nan",
  87787. "nan",
  87788. "nan",
  87789. "nan",
  87790. "nan",
  87791. "nan",
  87792. "nan",
  87793. "nan",
  87794. "nan",
  87795. "nan",
  87796. "nan",
  87797. "nan",
  87798. "nan",
  87799. "nan",
  87800. "nan",
  87801. "nan",
  87802. "nan",
  87803. "nan",
  87804. "nan",
  87805. "nan",
  87806. "nan"
  87807. ],
  87808. [
  87809. "136424",
  87810. "00001",
  87811. "b&a title services corporation",
  87812. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87813. "788659561",
  87814. "general/other",
  87815. "november 20, 2013 - deadline to file jury instructions and verdict forms",
  87816. "11/13/2014",
  87817. "nan",
  87818. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87819. "perm removal from off-site",
  87820. "zorrilla juan",
  87821. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87822. "miami",
  87823. "2279401",
  87824. "4/2/2015",
  87825. "nan",
  87826. "nan",
  87827. "nan",
  87828. "nan",
  87829. "nan",
  87830. "nan",
  87831. "nan",
  87832. "nan",
  87833. "nan",
  87834. "nan",
  87835. "nan",
  87836. "nan",
  87837. "nan",
  87838. "nan",
  87839. "nan",
  87840. "nan",
  87841. "nan",
  87842. "nan",
  87843. "nan",
  87844. "nan",
  87845. "nan",
  87846. "nan"
  87847. ],
  87848. [
  87849. "136424",
  87850. "00001",
  87851. "b&a title services corporation",
  87852. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87853. "788659561",
  87854. "general/other",
  87855. "november 20, 2013 - deadline to have mediation completed",
  87856. "11/13/2014",
  87857. "nan",
  87858. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87859. "perm removal from off-site",
  87860. "zorrilla juan",
  87861. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87862. "miami",
  87863. "2279402",
  87864. "4/2/2015",
  87865. "nan",
  87866. "nan",
  87867. "nan",
  87868. "nan",
  87869. "nan",
  87870. "nan",
  87871. "nan",
  87872. "nan",
  87873. "nan",
  87874. "nan",
  87875. "nan",
  87876. "nan",
  87877. "nan",
  87878. "nan",
  87879. "nan",
  87880. "nan",
  87881. "nan",
  87882. "nan",
  87883. "nan",
  87884. "nan",
  87885. "nan",
  87886. "nan"
  87887. ],
  87888. [
  87889. "136424",
  87890. "00001",
  87891. "b&a title services corporation",
  87892. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87893. "788659561",
  87894. "general/other",
  87895. "wednesday october 30, 2013 - pre-trial conference",
  87896. "11/13/2014",
  87897. "nan",
  87898. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87899. "perm removal from off-site",
  87900. "zorrilla juan",
  87901. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87902. "miami",
  87903. "2279404",
  87904. "4/2/2015",
  87905. "nan",
  87906. "nan",
  87907. "nan",
  87908. "nan",
  87909. "nan",
  87910. "nan",
  87911. "nan",
  87912. "nan",
  87913. "nan",
  87914. "nan",
  87915. "nan",
  87916. "nan",
  87917. "nan",
  87918. "nan",
  87919. "nan",
  87920. "nan",
  87921. "nan",
  87922. "nan",
  87923. "nan",
  87924. "nan",
  87925. "nan",
  87926. "nan"
  87927. ],
  87928. [
  87929. "136424",
  87930. "00001",
  87931. "b&a title services corporation",
  87932. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87933. "788659561",
  87934. "general/other",
  87935. "october 30, 2013 @ 2:00pm - pretrial conference",
  87936. "11/13/2014",
  87937. "nan",
  87938. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87939. "perm removal from off-site",
  87940. "zorrilla juan",
  87941. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87942. "miami",
  87943. "2279405",
  87944. "4/2/2015",
  87945. "nan",
  87946. "nan",
  87947. "nan",
  87948. "nan",
  87949. "nan",
  87950. "nan",
  87951. "nan",
  87952. "nan",
  87953. "nan",
  87954. "nan",
  87955. "nan",
  87956. "nan",
  87957. "nan",
  87958. "nan",
  87959. "nan",
  87960. "nan",
  87961. "nan",
  87962. "nan",
  87963. "nan",
  87964. "nan",
  87965. "nan",
  87966. "nan"
  87967. ],
  87968. [
  87969. "136424",
  87970. "00001",
  87971. "b&a title services corporation",
  87972. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  87973. "788659561",
  87974. "general/other",
  87975. "october 25, 2013 - deadline to file joint stipulation",
  87976. "11/13/2014",
  87977. "nan",
  87978. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  87979. "perm removal from off-site",
  87980. "zorrilla juan",
  87981. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  87982. "miami",
  87983. "2279407",
  87984. "4/2/2015",
  87985. "nan",
  87986. "nan",
  87987. "nan",
  87988. "nan",
  87989. "nan",
  87990. "nan",
  87991. "nan",
  87992. "nan",
  87993. "nan",
  87994. "nan",
  87995. "nan",
  87996. "nan",
  87997. "nan",
  87998. "nan",
  87999. "nan",
  88000. "nan",
  88001. "nan",
  88002. "nan",
  88003. "nan",
  88004. "nan",
  88005. "nan",
  88006. "nan"
  88007. ],
  88008. [
  88009. "136424",
  88010. "00001",
  88011. "b&a title services corporation",
  88012. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88013. "788659561",
  88014. "general/other",
  88015. "october 18, 2013 - deadline for all replies to motions",
  88016. "11/13/2014",
  88017. "nan",
  88018. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88019. "perm removal from off-site",
  88020. "zorrilla juan",
  88021. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88022. "miami",
  88023. "2279408",
  88024. "4/2/2015",
  88025. "nan",
  88026. "nan",
  88027. "nan",
  88028. "nan",
  88029. "nan",
  88030. "nan",
  88031. "nan",
  88032. "nan",
  88033. "nan",
  88034. "nan",
  88035. "nan",
  88036. "nan",
  88037. "nan",
  88038. "nan",
  88039. "nan",
  88040. "nan",
  88041. "nan",
  88042. "nan",
  88043. "nan",
  88044. "nan",
  88045. "nan",
  88046. "nan"
  88047. ],
  88048. [
  88049. "136424",
  88050. "00001",
  88051. "b&a title services corporation",
  88052. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88053. "788659561",
  88054. "general/other",
  88055. "october 4, 2013 - deadline for all responses to motions",
  88056. "11/13/2014",
  88057. "nan",
  88058. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88059. "perm removal from off-site",
  88060. "zorrilla juan",
  88061. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88062. "miami",
  88063. "2279411",
  88064. "4/2/2015",
  88065. "nan",
  88066. "nan",
  88067. "nan",
  88068. "nan",
  88069. "nan",
  88070. "nan",
  88071. "nan",
  88072. "nan",
  88073. "nan",
  88074. "nan",
  88075. "nan",
  88076. "nan",
  88077. "nan",
  88078. "nan",
  88079. "nan",
  88080. "nan",
  88081. "nan",
  88082. "nan",
  88083. "nan",
  88084. "nan",
  88085. "nan",
  88086. "nan"
  88087. ],
  88088. [
  88089. "136424",
  88090. "00001",
  88091. "b&a title services corporation",
  88092. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88093. "788659561",
  88094. "general/other",
  88095. "september 23, 2013 - deadline to file all pretrial motions and memoranda of law",
  88096. "11/13/2014",
  88097. "nan",
  88098. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88099. "perm removal from off-site",
  88100. "zorrilla juan",
  88101. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88102. "miami",
  88103. "2279412",
  88104. "4/2/2015",
  88105. "nan",
  88106. "nan",
  88107. "nan",
  88108. "nan",
  88109. "nan",
  88110. "nan",
  88111. "nan",
  88112. "nan",
  88113. "nan",
  88114. "nan",
  88115. "nan",
  88116. "nan",
  88117. "nan",
  88118. "nan",
  88119. "nan",
  88120. "nan",
  88121. "nan",
  88122. "nan",
  88123. "nan",
  88124. "nan",
  88125. "nan",
  88126. "nan"
  88127. ],
  88128. [
  88129. "136424",
  88130. "00001",
  88131. "b&a title services corporation",
  88132. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88133. "788659561",
  88134. "general/other",
  88135. "september 16, 2013 - deadline to complete all discovery",
  88136. "11/13/2014",
  88137. "nan",
  88138. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88139. "perm removal from off-site",
  88140. "zorrilla juan",
  88141. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88142. "miami",
  88143. "2279414",
  88144. "4/2/2015",
  88145. "nan",
  88146. "nan",
  88147. "nan",
  88148. "nan",
  88149. "nan",
  88150. "nan",
  88151. "nan",
  88152. "nan",
  88153. "nan",
  88154. "nan",
  88155. "nan",
  88156. "nan",
  88157. "nan",
  88158. "nan",
  88159. "nan",
  88160. "nan",
  88161. "nan",
  88162. "nan",
  88163. "nan",
  88164. "nan",
  88165. "nan",
  88166. "nan"
  88167. ],
  88168. [
  88169. "136424",
  88170. "00001",
  88171. "b&a title services corporation",
  88172. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88173. "788659561",
  88174. "general/other",
  88175. "september 16, 2013 - deadline - discovery cut off",
  88176. "11/13/2014",
  88177. "nan",
  88178. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88179. "perm removal from off-site",
  88180. "zorrilla juan",
  88181. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88182. "miami",
  88183. "2279415",
  88184. "4/2/2015",
  88185. "nan",
  88186. "nan",
  88187. "nan",
  88188. "nan",
  88189. "nan",
  88190. "nan",
  88191. "nan",
  88192. "nan",
  88193. "nan",
  88194. "nan",
  88195. "nan",
  88196. "nan",
  88197. "nan",
  88198. "nan",
  88199. "nan",
  88200. "nan",
  88201. "nan",
  88202. "nan",
  88203. "nan",
  88204. "nan",
  88205. "nan",
  88206. "nan"
  88207. ],
  88208. [
  88209. "136424",
  88210. "00001",
  88211. "b&a title services corporation",
  88212. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88213. "788659561",
  88214. "general/other",
  88215. "monday february 10, 2014 - deadline to file stipulation/notice of dismissal",
  88216. "11/13/2014",
  88217. "nan",
  88218. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88219. "perm removal from off-site",
  88220. "zorrilla juan",
  88221. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88222. "miami",
  88223. "2279416",
  88224. "4/2/2015",
  88225. "nan",
  88226. "nan",
  88227. "nan",
  88228. "nan",
  88229. "nan",
  88230. "nan",
  88231. "nan",
  88232. "nan",
  88233. "nan",
  88234. "nan",
  88235. "nan",
  88236. "nan",
  88237. "nan",
  88238. "nan",
  88239. "nan",
  88240. "nan",
  88241. "nan",
  88242. "nan",
  88243. "nan",
  88244. "nan",
  88245. "nan",
  88246. "nan"
  88247. ],
  88248. [
  88249. "136424",
  88250. "00001",
  88251. "b&a title services corporation",
  88252. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88253. "788659561",
  88254. "general/other",
  88255. "wednesday november 20, 2013 - deadline to file oppos. to motions in limine",
  88256. "11/13/2014",
  88257. "nan",
  88258. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88259. "perm removal from off-site",
  88260. "zorrilla juan",
  88261. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88262. "miami",
  88263. "2279418",
  88264. "4/2/2015",
  88265. "nan",
  88266. "nan",
  88267. "nan",
  88268. "nan",
  88269. "nan",
  88270. "nan",
  88271. "nan",
  88272. "nan",
  88273. "nan",
  88274. "nan",
  88275. "nan",
  88276. "nan",
  88277. "nan",
  88278. "nan",
  88279. "nan",
  88280. "nan",
  88281. "nan",
  88282. "nan",
  88283. "nan",
  88284. "nan",
  88285. "nan",
  88286. "nan"
  88287. ],
  88288. [
  88289. "136424",
  88290. "00001",
  88291. "b&a title services corporation",
  88292. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88293. "788659561",
  88294. "general/other",
  88295. "wednesday november 20, 2013 - deadline to file jury instructions",
  88296. "11/13/2014",
  88297. "nan",
  88298. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88299. "perm removal from off-site",
  88300. "zorrilla juan",
  88301. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88302. "miami",
  88303. "2279419",
  88304. "4/2/2015",
  88305. "nan",
  88306. "nan",
  88307. "nan",
  88308. "nan",
  88309. "nan",
  88310. "nan",
  88311. "nan",
  88312. "nan",
  88313. "nan",
  88314. "nan",
  88315. "nan",
  88316. "nan",
  88317. "nan",
  88318. "nan",
  88319. "nan",
  88320. "nan",
  88321. "nan",
  88322. "nan",
  88323. "nan",
  88324. "nan",
  88325. "nan",
  88326. "nan"
  88327. ],
  88328. [
  88329. "136424",
  88330. "00001",
  88331. "b&a title services corporation",
  88332. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  88333. "788659561",
  88334. "general/other",
  88335. "friday november 15, 2013 - deadline to file all pretrial motions in limine",
  88336. "11/13/2014",
  88337. "nan",
  88338. "juan carlos zorrilla",
  88339. "perm removal from off-site",
  88340. "zorrilla juan",
  88341. "mef118//files were sent to attorney juan zorrilla on 3/11/15",
  88342. "miami",
  88343. "2279422",
  88344. "4/2/2015",
  88345. "nan",
  88346. "nan",
  88347. "nan",
  88348. "nan",
  88349. "nan",
  88350. "nan",
  88351. "nan",
  88352. "nan",
  88353. "nan",
  88354. "nan",
  88355. "nan",
  88356. "nan",
  88357. "nan",
  88358. "nan",
  88359. "nan",
  88360. "nan",
  88361. "nan",
  88362. "nan",
  88363. "nan",
  88364. "nan",
  88365. "nan",
  88366. "nan"
  88367. ],
  88368. [
  88369. "137159",
  88370. "00001",
  88371. "fexco",
  88372. "fexco jv",
  88373. "rf037106705",
  88374. "general/other",
  88375. "excerpt loi - purchase kansas fdic bank",
  88376. "8/25/2017",
  88377. "nan",
  88378. "louis t m conti",
  88379. "off-site",
  88380. "conti louis",
  88381. "nan",
  88382. "tampa",
  88383. "2644708",
  88384. "6/28/2015",
  88385. "nan",
  88386. "nan",
  88387. "nan",
  88388. "nan",
  88389. "nan",
  88390. "nan",
  88391. "nan",
  88392. "nan",
  88393. "nan",
  88394. "nan",
  88395. "nan",
  88396. "nan",
  88397. "nan",
  88398. "nan",
  88399. "nan",
  88400. "nan",
  88401. "nan",
  88402. "nan",
  88403. "nan",
  88404. "nan",
  88405. "nan",
  88406. "nan"
  88407. ],
  88408. [
  88409. "137639",
  88410. "00001",
  88411. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88412. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88413. "active file",
  88414. "bills",
  88415. "billing/admin.",
  88416. "11/27/2013",
  88417. "nan",
  88418. "charles l. stutts",
  88419. "on-site",
  88420. "wachter charles",
  88421. "nan",
  88422. "tampa",
  88423. "2137822",
  88424. "9/1/2015",
  88425. "nan",
  88426. "nan",
  88427. "nan",
  88428. "nan",
  88429. "nan",
  88430. "nan",
  88431. "nan",
  88432. "nan",
  88433. "nan",
  88434. "nan",
  88435. "nan",
  88436. "nan",
  88437. "nan",
  88438. "nan",
  88439. "nan",
  88440. "nan",
  88441. "nan",
  88442. "nan",
  88443. "nan",
  88444. "nan",
  88445. "nan",
  88446. "nan"
  88447. ],
  88448. [
  88449. "137639",
  88450. "00001",
  88451. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88452. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88453. "active file",
  88454. "docket",
  88455. "court docket",
  88456. "11/27/2013",
  88457. "nan",
  88458. "charles l. stutts",
  88459. "on-site",
  88460. "wachter charles",
  88461. "nan",
  88462. "tampa",
  88463. "2137824",
  88464. "9/1/2015",
  88465. "nan",
  88466. "nan",
  88467. "nan",
  88468. "nan",
  88469. "nan",
  88470. "nan",
  88471. "nan",
  88472. "nan",
  88473. "nan",
  88474. "nan",
  88475. "nan",
  88476. "nan",
  88477. "nan",
  88478. "nan",
  88479. "nan",
  88480. "nan",
  88481. "nan",
  88482. "nan",
  88483. "nan",
  88484. "nan",
  88485. "nan",
  88486. "nan"
  88487. ],
  88488. [
  88489. "137639",
  88490. "00001",
  88491. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88492. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88493. "active file",
  88494. "correspondence",
  88495. "correspondence - vol. 1",
  88496. "11/27/2013",
  88497. "nan",
  88498. "charles l. stutts",
  88499. "on-site",
  88500. "wachter charles",
  88501. "nan",
  88502. "tampa",
  88503. "2137825",
  88504. "9/1/2015",
  88505. "nan",
  88506. "nan",
  88507. "nan",
  88508. "nan",
  88509. "nan",
  88510. "nan",
  88511. "nan",
  88512. "nan",
  88513. "nan",
  88514. "nan",
  88515. "nan",
  88516. "nan",
  88517. "nan",
  88518. "nan",
  88519. "nan",
  88520. "nan",
  88521. "nan",
  88522. "nan",
  88523. "nan",
  88524. "nan",
  88525. "nan",
  88526. "nan"
  88527. ],
  88528. [
  88529. "137639",
  88530. "00001",
  88531. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88532. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88533. "active file",
  88534. "policy",
  88535. "progressive bank's liability policy with travelers insurance",
  88536. "11/27/2013",
  88537. "nan",
  88538. "charles l. stutts",
  88539. "on-site",
  88540. "wachter charles",
  88541. "nan",
  88542. "tampa",
  88543. "2137835",
  88544. "9/1/2015",
  88545. "nan",
  88546. "nan",
  88547. "nan",
  88548. "nan",
  88549. "nan",
  88550. "nan",
  88551. "nan",
  88552. "nan",
  88553. "nan",
  88554. "nan",
  88555. "nan",
  88556. "nan",
  88557. "nan",
  88558. "nan",
  88559. "nan",
  88560. "nan",
  88561. "nan",
  88562. "nan",
  88563. "nan",
  88564. "nan",
  88565. "nan",
  88566. "nan"
  88567. ],
  88568. [
  88569. "137639",
  88570. "00001",
  88571. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88572. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88573. "active file",
  88574. "articles",
  88575. "article in american banker re: fdic complaint",
  88576. "11/27/2013",
  88577. "nan",
  88578. "charles l. stutts",
  88579. "on-site",
  88580. "wachter charles",
  88581. "nan",
  88582. "tampa",
  88583. "2137837",
  88584. "9/1/2015",
  88585. "nan",
  88586. "nan",
  88587. "nan",
  88588. "nan",
  88589. "nan",
  88590. "nan",
  88591. "nan",
  88592. "nan",
  88593. "nan",
  88594. "nan",
  88595. "nan",
  88596. "nan",
  88597. "nan",
  88598. "nan",
  88599. "nan",
  88600. "nan",
  88601. "nan",
  88602. "nan",
  88603. "nan",
  88604. "nan",
  88605. "nan",
  88606. "nan"
  88607. ],
  88608. [
  88609. "137639",
  88610. "00001",
  88611. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88612. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88613. "active file",
  88614. "pleadings",
  88615. "pleadings - vol. 1",
  88616. "11/27/2013",
  88617. "nan",
  88618. "charles l. stutts",
  88619. "on-site",
  88620. "wachter charles",
  88621. "nan",
  88622. "tampa",
  88623. "2137839",
  88624. "9/1/2015",
  88625. "nan",
  88626. "nan",
  88627. "nan",
  88628. "nan",
  88629. "nan",
  88630. "nan",
  88631. "nan",
  88632. "nan",
  88633. "nan",
  88634. "nan",
  88635. "nan",
  88636. "nan",
  88637. "nan",
  88638. "nan",
  88639. "nan",
  88640. "nan",
  88641. "nan",
  88642. "nan",
  88643. "nan",
  88644. "nan",
  88645. "nan",
  88646. "nan"
  88647. ],
  88648. [
  88649. "137639",
  88650. "00001",
  88651. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88652. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88653. "active file",
  88654. "client documents",
  88655. "client documents - vol. 1",
  88656. "11/27/2013",
  88657. "nan",
  88658. "charles l. stutts",
  88659. "on-site",
  88660. "wachter charles",
  88661. "nan",
  88662. "tampa",
  88663. "2137843",
  88664. "9/1/2015",
  88665. "nan",
  88666. "nan",
  88667. "nan",
  88668. "nan",
  88669. "nan",
  88670. "nan",
  88671. "nan",
  88672. "nan",
  88673. "nan",
  88674. "nan",
  88675. "nan",
  88676. "nan",
  88677. "nan",
  88678. "nan",
  88679. "nan",
  88680. "nan",
  88681. "nan",
  88682. "nan",
  88683. "nan",
  88684. "nan",
  88685. "nan",
  88686. "nan"
  88687. ],
  88688. [
  88689. "137639",
  88690. "00001",
  88691. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88692. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88693. "active file",
  88694. "general/other",
  88695. "client information",
  88696. "11/27/2013",
  88697. "nan",
  88698. "charles l. stutts",
  88699. "on-site",
  88700. "wachter charles",
  88701. "nan",
  88702. "tampa",
  88703. "2137846",
  88704. "9/1/2015",
  88705. "nan",
  88706. "nan",
  88707. "nan",
  88708. "nan",
  88709. "nan",
  88710. "nan",
  88711. "nan",
  88712. "nan",
  88713. "nan",
  88714. "nan",
  88715. "nan",
  88716. "nan",
  88717. "nan",
  88718. "nan",
  88719. "nan",
  88720. "nan",
  88721. "nan",
  88722. "nan",
  88723. "nan",
  88724. "nan",
  88725. "nan",
  88726. "nan"
  88727. ],
  88728. [
  88729. "137639",
  88730. "00001",
  88731. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88732. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88733. "active file",
  88734. "discovery",
  88735. "fdic's 4/25/14 production (fdic-pb-014090-014547)",
  88736. "11/27/2013",
  88737. "nan",
  88738. "charles l. stutts",
  88739. "on-site",
  88740. "wachter charles",
  88741. "nan",
  88742. "tampa",
  88743. "2201548",
  88744. "9/1/2015",
  88745. "nan",
  88746. "nan",
  88747. "nan",
  88748. "nan",
  88749. "nan",
  88750. "nan",
  88751. "nan",
  88752. "nan",
  88753. "nan",
  88754. "nan",
  88755. "nan",
  88756. "nan",
  88757. "nan",
  88758. "nan",
  88759. "nan",
  88760. "nan",
  88761. "nan",
  88762. "nan",
  88763. "nan",
  88764. "nan",
  88765. "nan",
  88766. "nan"
  88767. ],
  88768. [
  88769. "137639",
  88770. "00001",
  88771. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88772. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88773. "active file",
  88774. "discovery",
  88775. "bay cities bank's 4/22/14 responses and thumb drive to the sdt served by defendants (documents bcb 000001 - 016110)",
  88776. "11/27/2013",
  88777. "nan",
  88778. "charles l. stutts",
  88779. "on-site",
  88780. "wachter charles",
  88781. "nan",
  88782. "tampa",
  88783. "2201550",
  88784. "9/1/2015",
  88785. "nan",
  88786. "nan",
  88787. "nan",
  88788. "nan",
  88789. "nan",
  88790. "nan",
  88791. "nan",
  88792. "nan",
  88793. "nan",
  88794. "nan",
  88795. "nan",
  88796. "nan",
  88797. "nan",
  88798. "nan",
  88799. "nan",
  88800. "nan",
  88801. "nan",
  88802. "nan",
  88803. "nan",
  88804. "nan",
  88805. "nan",
  88806. "nan"
  88807. ],
  88808. [
  88809. "137639",
  88810. "00001",
  88811. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88812. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88813. "active file",
  88814. "pleadings",
  88815. "pleadings vol. 2",
  88816. "11/27/2013",
  88817. "nan",
  88818. "charles l. stutts",
  88819. "on-site",
  88820. "wachter charles",
  88821. "nan",
  88822. "tampa",
  88823. "2216248",
  88824. "9/1/2015",
  88825. "nan",
  88826. "nan",
  88827. "nan",
  88828. "nan",
  88829. "nan",
  88830. "nan",
  88831. "nan",
  88832. "nan",
  88833. "nan",
  88834. "nan",
  88835. "nan",
  88836. "nan",
  88837. "nan",
  88838. "nan",
  88839. "nan",
  88840. "nan",
  88841. "nan",
  88842. "nan",
  88843. "nan",
  88844. "nan",
  88845. "nan",
  88846. "nan"
  88847. ],
  88848. [
  88849. "137639",
  88850. "00001",
  88851. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88852. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88853. "active file",
  88854. "pleadings",
  88855. "pleadings vol. 3",
  88856. "11/27/2013",
  88857. "nan",
  88858. "charles l. stutts",
  88859. "on-site",
  88860. "wachter charles",
  88861. "nan",
  88862. "tampa",
  88863. "2226460",
  88864. "9/1/2015",
  88865. "nan",
  88866. "nan",
  88867. "nan",
  88868. "nan",
  88869. "nan",
  88870. "nan",
  88871. "nan",
  88872. "nan",
  88873. "nan",
  88874. "nan",
  88875. "nan",
  88876. "nan",
  88877. "nan",
  88878. "nan",
  88879. "nan",
  88880. "nan",
  88881. "nan",
  88882. "nan",
  88883. "nan",
  88884. "nan",
  88885. "nan",
  88886. "nan"
  88887. ],
  88888. [
  88889. "137639",
  88890. "00001",
  88891. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88892. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88893. "active file",
  88894. "depositions",
  88895. "deposition of laurence fentriss taken 8/7/14",
  88896. "11/27/2013",
  88897. "nan",
  88898. "charles l. stutts",
  88899. "on-site",
  88900. "wachter charles",
  88901. "nan",
  88902. "tampa",
  88903. "2249462",
  88904. "9/1/2015",
  88905. "nan",
  88906. "nan",
  88907. "nan",
  88908. "nan",
  88909. "nan",
  88910. "nan",
  88911. "nan",
  88912. "nan",
  88913. "nan",
  88914. "nan",
  88915. "nan",
  88916. "nan",
  88917. "nan",
  88918. "nan",
  88919. "nan",
  88920. "nan",
  88921. "nan",
  88922. "nan",
  88923. "nan",
  88924. "nan",
  88925. "nan",
  88926. "nan"
  88927. ],
  88928. [
  88929. "137639",
  88930. "00001",
  88931. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88932. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88933. "active file",
  88934. "depositions",
  88935. "deposition of timothy anonick taken 8/6/14",
  88936. "11/27/2013",
  88937. "nan",
  88938. "charles l. stutts",
  88939. "on-site",
  88940. "wachter charles",
  88941. "nan",
  88942. "tampa",
  88943. "2249463",
  88944. "9/1/2015",
  88945. "nan",
  88946. "nan",
  88947. "nan",
  88948. "nan",
  88949. "nan",
  88950. "nan",
  88951. "nan",
  88952. "nan",
  88953. "nan",
  88954. "nan",
  88955. "nan",
  88956. "nan",
  88957. "nan",
  88958. "nan",
  88959. "nan",
  88960. "nan",
  88961. "nan",
  88962. "nan",
  88963. "nan",
  88964. "nan",
  88965. "nan",
  88966. "nan"
  88967. ],
  88968. [
  88969. "137639",
  88970. "00001",
  88971. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  88972. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  88973. "active file",
  88974. "discovery",
  88975. "initial production by tim anonick (f/a 000001-000439) on disc\n\nneed cover letter!",
  88976. "11/27/2013",
  88977. "nan",
  88978. "charles l. stutts",
  88979. "on-site",
  88980. "wachter charles",
  88981. "nan",
  88982. "tampa",
  88983. "2251494",
  88984. "9/1/2015",
  88985. "nan",
  88986. "nan",
  88987. "nan",
  88988. "nan",
  88989. "nan",
  88990. "nan",
  88991. "nan",
  88992. "nan",
  88993. "nan",
  88994. "nan",
  88995. "nan",
  88996. "nan",
  88997. "nan",
  88998. "nan",
  88999. "nan",
  89000. "nan",
  89001. "nan",
  89002. "nan",
  89003. "nan",
  89004. "nan",
  89005. "nan",
  89006. "nan"
  89007. ],
  89008. [
  89009. "137639",
  89010. "00001",
  89011. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89012. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89013. "active file",
  89014. "client documents",
  89015. "records received 11-20-13 from tim anonick on disc",
  89016. "11/27/2013",
  89017. "nan",
  89018. "charles l. stutts",
  89019. "on-site",
  89020. "wachter charles",
  89021. "nan",
  89022. "tampa",
  89023. "2251495",
  89024. "9/1/2015",
  89025. "nan",
  89026. "nan",
  89027. "nan",
  89028. "nan",
  89029. "nan",
  89030. "nan",
  89031. "nan",
  89032. "nan",
  89033. "nan",
  89034. "nan",
  89035. "nan",
  89036. "nan",
  89037. "nan",
  89038. "nan",
  89039. "nan",
  89040. "nan",
  89041. "nan",
  89042. "nan",
  89043. "nan",
  89044. "nan",
  89045. "nan",
  89046. "nan"
  89047. ],
  89048. [
  89049. "137639",
  89050. "00001",
  89051. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89052. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89053. "active file",
  89054. "pleadings",
  89055. "pleadings vol. 4",
  89056. "11/27/2013",
  89057. "nan",
  89058. "charles l. stutts",
  89059. "on-site",
  89060. "wachter charles",
  89061. "nan",
  89062. "tampa",
  89063. "2251543",
  89064. "9/1/2015",
  89065. "nan",
  89066. "nan",
  89067. "nan",
  89068. "nan",
  89069. "nan",
  89070. "nan",
  89071. "nan",
  89072. "nan",
  89073. "nan",
  89074. "nan",
  89075. "nan",
  89076. "nan",
  89077. "nan",
  89078. "nan",
  89079. "nan",
  89080. "nan",
  89081. "nan",
  89082. "nan",
  89083. "nan",
  89084. "nan",
  89085. "nan",
  89086. "nan"
  89087. ],
  89088. [
  89089. "137639",
  89090. "00001",
  89091. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89092. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89093. "active file",
  89094. "discovery",
  89095. "8/28/14 production from timothy anonick on 1 disc - bates: f/a 000440 - f/a 002573",
  89096. "11/27/2013",
  89097. "nan",
  89098. "charles l. stutts",
  89099. "on-site",
  89100. "wachter charles",
  89101. "nan",
  89102. "tampa",
  89103. "2259084",
  89104. "9/1/2015",
  89105. "nan",
  89106. "nan",
  89107. "nan",
  89108. "nan",
  89109. "nan",
  89110. "nan",
  89111. "nan",
  89112. "nan",
  89113. "nan",
  89114. "nan",
  89115. "nan",
  89116. "nan",
  89117. "nan",
  89118. "nan",
  89119. "nan",
  89120. "nan",
  89121. "nan",
  89122. "nan",
  89123. "nan",
  89124. "nan",
  89125. "nan",
  89126. "nan"
  89127. ],
  89128. [
  89129. "137639",
  89130. "00001",
  89131. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89132. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89133. "active file",
  89134. "depositions",
  89135. "timothy a. anonick -8/6/14",
  89136. "11/27/2013",
  89137. "nan",
  89138. "charles l. stutts",
  89139. "on-site",
  89140. "wachter charles",
  89141. "nan",
  89142. "tampa",
  89143. "2490721",
  89144. "9/1/2015",
  89145. "nan",
  89146. "nan",
  89147. "nan",
  89148. "nan",
  89149. "nan",
  89150. "nan",
  89151. "nan",
  89152. "nan",
  89153. "nan",
  89154. "nan",
  89155. "nan",
  89156. "nan",
  89157. "nan",
  89158. "nan",
  89159. "nan",
  89160. "nan",
  89161. "nan",
  89162. "nan",
  89163. "nan",
  89164. "nan",
  89165. "nan",
  89166. "nan"
  89167. ],
  89168. [
  89169. "137639",
  89170. "00001",
  89171. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89172. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89173. "active file",
  89174. "settlement material",
  89175. "fentriss- original settlement agreement",
  89176. "6/1/2016",
  89177. "nan",
  89178. "charles l. stutts",
  89179. "on-site",
  89180. "wachter charles",
  89181. "nan",
  89182. "tampa",
  89183. "2491013",
  89184. "9/1/2015",
  89185. "nan",
  89186. "nan",
  89187. "nan",
  89188. "nan",
  89189. "nan",
  89190. "nan",
  89191. "nan",
  89192. "nan",
  89193. "nan",
  89194. "nan",
  89195. "nan",
  89196. "nan",
  89197. "nan",
  89198. "nan",
  89199. "nan",
  89200. "nan",
  89201. "nan",
  89202. "nan",
  89203. "nan",
  89204. "nan",
  89205. "nan",
  89206. "nan"
  89207. ],
  89208. [
  89209. "137639",
  89210. "00001",
  89211. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89212. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89213. "active file",
  89214. "pleadings",
  89215. "fentriss- supplement to initial disclosures of john mcmullen",
  89216. "6/1/2016",
  89217. "nan",
  89218. "charles l. stutts",
  89219. "on-site",
  89220. "wachter charles",
  89221. "nan",
  89222. "tampa",
  89223. "2491014",
  89224. "9/1/2015",
  89225. "nan",
  89226. "nan",
  89227. "nan",
  89228. "nan",
  89229. "nan",
  89230. "nan",
  89231. "nan",
  89232. "nan",
  89233. "nan",
  89234. "nan",
  89235. "nan",
  89236. "nan",
  89237. "nan",
  89238. "nan",
  89239. "nan",
  89240. "nan",
  89241. "nan",
  89242. "nan",
  89243. "nan",
  89244. "nan",
  89245. "nan",
  89246. "nan"
  89247. ],
  89248. [
  89249. "137639",
  89250. "00001",
  89251. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89252. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89253. "active file",
  89254. "pleadings",
  89255. "fentriss- declaration of melinda hacker",
  89256. "6/1/2016",
  89257. "nan",
  89258. "charles l. stutts",
  89259. "on-site",
  89260. "wachter charles",
  89261. "nan",
  89262. "tampa",
  89263. "2491015",
  89264. "9/1/2015",
  89265. "nan",
  89266. "nan",
  89267. "nan",
  89268. "nan",
  89269. "nan",
  89270. "nan",
  89271. "nan",
  89272. "nan",
  89273. "nan",
  89274. "nan",
  89275. "nan",
  89276. "nan",
  89277. "nan",
  89278. "nan",
  89279. "nan",
  89280. "nan",
  89281. "nan",
  89282. "nan",
  89283. "nan",
  89284. "nan",
  89285. "nan",
  89286. "nan"
  89287. ],
  89288. [
  89289. "137639",
  89290. "00001",
  89291. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  89292. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  89293. "active file",
  89294. "client documents",
  89295. "fentriss- original personal financial statement",
  89296. "6/1/2016",
  89297. "nan",
  89298. "charles l. stutts",
  89299. "on-site",
  89300. "wachter charles",
  89301. "nan",
  89302. "tampa",
  89303. "2491016",
  89304. "9/1/2015",
  89305. "nan",
  89306. "nan",
  89307. "nan",
  89308. "nan",
  89309. "nan",
  89310. "nan",
  89311. "nan",
  89312. "nan",
  89313. "nan",
  89314. "nan",
  89315. "nan",
  89316. "nan",
  89317. "nan",
  89318. "nan",
  89319. "nan",
  89320. "nan",
  89321. "nan",
  89322. "nan",
  89323. "nan",
  89324. "nan",
  89325. "nan",
  89326. "nan"
  89327. ],
  89328. [
  89329. "138472",
  89330. "00005",
  89331. "fibra uno administraci�n, sa de cv",
  89332. "general corporate matters and due diligence",
  89333. "52",
  89334. "general/other",
  89335. "caja 52\nfibra uno - proyecto california\nproyecto california\ncontratos\ncontrato de arrendamiento. banco hsbc, s.a., institucion de bartca mtdtiple, grupo financiero hsbc, division fiduciaria y g.s.w. de mexico,\ns. de r.l. de c.v. 08 de diciembre de 2010.\ncopias simples\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  89336. "5/10/2017",
  89337. "52",
  89338. "guillermo uribe",
  89339. "off-site",
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  89416. "5/31/2014",
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  89445. "nan",
  89446. "nan"
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  89450. "00001",
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  89456. "5/31/2014",
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  89464. "9/1/2015",
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  89489. "139265",
  89490. "00001",
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  89495. "binder: motion of defendants larry b. faigin, william d. king and stephen glennon for summary judgment or partial summary judgment vol. 2",
  89496. "5/31/2014",
  89497. "nan",
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  89504. "9/1/2015",
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  89535. "binder: motion of defendants larry b. faigin, william d. king and stephen glennon for summary judgment or partial summary judgment vol. 2",
  89536. "5/31/2014",
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  89543. "2227128",
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  89576. "8/25/2014",
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  89616. "8/25/2014",
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  89656. "12/10/2014",
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  89662. "los angeles",
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  89664. "9/1/2015",
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  89685. "nan",
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  89687. ],
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  89724. "nan",
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  89726. "nan"
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  89735. "request for production clip vol. 1",
  89736. "12/11/2014",
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  89765. "nan",
  89766. "nan"
  89767. ],
  89768. [
  89769. "139265",
  89770. "00001",
  89771. "rosa, eric c.",
  89772. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  89773. "active file",
  89774. "pleadings",
  89775. "in re beverly hills bancorp inc., a delaware corporation (usbc/district of delaware case no.: 14-10897 (kjc)",
  89776. "12/12/2014",
  89777. "nan",
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  89784. "9/1/2015",
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  89800. "nan",
  89801. "nan",
  89802. "nan",
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  89806. "nan"
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  89809. "139265",
  89810. "00001",
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  89812. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  89813. "active file",
  89814. "pleadings",
  89815. "in re beverly hills bancorp inc., a delaware corporation (usbc/district of delaware case no.: 14-10897 (kjc) \nvol. 2",
  89816. "12/15/2014",
  89817. "nan",
  89818. "joel m. athey",
  89819. "on-site",
  89820. "athey joel",
  89821. "nan",
  89822. "los angeles",
  89823. "2290930",
  89824. "9/1/2015",
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  89846. "nan"
  89847. ],
  89848. [
  89849. "139265",
  89850. "00001",
  89851. "rosa, eric c.",
  89852. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  89853. "active file",
  89854. "pleadings",
  89855. "in re beverly hills bancorp inc., a delaware corporation (usbc/district of delaware case no.: 14-10897 (kjc) \nvol. 3",
  89856. "12/16/2014",
  89857. "nan",
  89858. "joel m. athey",
  89859. "on-site",
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  89861. "nan",
  89862. "los angeles",
  89863. "2291061",
  89864. "9/1/2015",
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  89866. "nan",
  89867. "nan",
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  89886. "nan"
  89887. ],
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  89889. "139265",
  89890. "00001",
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  89892. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  89893. "active file",
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  89895. "in re beverly hills bancorp inc., a delaware corporation (usbc/district of delaware case no.: 14-10897 (kjc) \nvol. 4",
  89896. "12/16/2014",
  89897. "nan",
  89898. "joel m. athey",
  89899. "on-site",
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  89902. "los angeles",
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  89904. "9/1/2015",
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  89921. "nan",
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  89932. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  89933. "392044984",
  89934. "general/other",
  89935. "fbbh materials\n\n1. fbbh mediation \n\n2. affinity envelope cd's and hard drive\na. (hard drive) corbin athey & martinez llp affinity bank concardance database september 18, 2012\nb. fdic, as receiver of affinity bank mediation and settlement communication fdic-ab_0007860-fdic-ab_0042072 03/12/2013\nc. summers - affinity concordance, opticon load files w/ocr text 72 documents 476 images ews002103 - ews002578\nd. date: march 13, 2013 affinity bank loan files produced by the fdic for mediation \ne. date: march 13, 2013 affinity bank loan files produced by the fdic for mediation \n\n3. first bank beverly hills (rosa) envelope with cd's\na. all exhibits fbbh - fdicr-000001(loaded on t-drive 12-27-13)\nb. sworn testimony fbbh - fdicr - 000003 (loaded on t-drive 12-30-13)\nc. trial transcripts fbbh - fdicr-000002 (loaded on t-drive 12-27-13\nd. fdic v. l. et al confidential loan category fbbh-fdicr-000004\ne. faigin's doc. prod. \nf. lbf9400 - lbf59019\ng. kanner's doc. prod. \nh. lbf59020 - lbf88316\ni. fdic v. l. faigin, et al confidential trial transcripts fbbh-fdicr-000002 (with active hyperlinks)\n\n4. eric rosa redwell",
  89936. "1/30/2015",
  89937. "nan",
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  89940. "athey joel",
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  89966. "nan"
  89967. ],
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  89972. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  89973. "active file",
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  89976. "9/21/2016",
  89977. "nan",
  89978. "joel m. athey",
  89979. "on-site",
  89980. "athey joel",
  89981. "nan",
  89982. "los angeles",
  89983. "2536580",
  89984. "9/1/2015",
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  89997. "nan",
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  89999. "nan",
  90000. "nan",
  90001. "nan",
  90002. "nan",
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  90005. "nan",
  90006. "nan"
  90007. ],
  90008. [
  90009. "139265",
  90010. "00001",
  90011. "rosa, eric c.",
  90012. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  90013. "active file",
  90014. "document production",
  90015. "cd: superior document services 04/22/14 relativity load files .dat & .opt",
  90016. "9/21/2016",
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  90019. "on-site",
  90020. "athey joel",
  90021. "nan",
  90022. "los angeles",
  90023. "2536586",
  90024. "9/1/2015",
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  90043. "nan",
  90044. "nan",
  90045. "nan",
  90046. "nan"
  90047. ],
  90048. [
  90049. "139265",
  90050. "00001",
  90051. "rosa, eric c.",
  90052. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  90053. "active file",
  90054. "general/other",
  90055. "fbbh usb flash drive confidential",
  90056. "9/21/2016",
  90057. "nan",
  90058. "joel m. athey",
  90059. "on-site",
  90060. "athey joel",
  90061. "nan",
  90062. "los angeles",
  90063. "2536587",
  90064. "9/1/2015",
  90065. "nan",
  90066. "nan",
  90067. "nan",
  90068. "nan",
  90069. "nan",
  90070. "nan",
  90071. "nan",
  90072. "nan",
  90073. "nan",
  90074. "nan",
  90075. "nan",
  90076. "nan",
  90077. "nan",
  90078. "nan",
  90079. "nan",
  90080. "nan",
  90081. "nan",
  90082. "nan",
  90083. "nan",
  90084. "nan",
  90085. "nan",
  90086. "nan"
  90087. ],
  90088. [
  90089. "139265",
  90090. "00001",
  90091. "rosa, eric c.",
  90092. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  90093. "active file",
  90094. "general/other",
  90095. "binder table of contents tabs 1 - 12 \nmanila folder labeled rosa, eric",
  90096. "11/2/2016",
  90097. "nan",
  90098. "joel m. athey",
  90099. "on-site",
  90100. "athey joel",
  90101. "nan",
  90102. "los angeles",
  90103. "2554057",
  90104. "9/1/2015",
  90105. "nan",
  90106. "nan",
  90107. "nan",
  90108. "nan",
  90109. "nan",
  90110. "nan",
  90111. "nan",
  90112. "nan",
  90113. "nan",
  90114. "nan",
  90115. "nan",
  90116. "nan",
  90117. "nan",
  90118. "nan",
  90119. "nan",
  90120. "nan",
  90121. "nan",
  90122. "nan",
  90123. "nan",
  90124. "nan",
  90125. "nan",
  90126. "nan"
  90127. ],
  90128. [
  90129. "141710",
  90130. "142035",
  90131. "kbi diversified, ltd.",
  90132. "nan",
  90133. "383996267",
  90134. "nan",
  90135. "fdic deed in lieu-jcm; documents sent to mcmillan",
  90136. "8/28/2000",
  90137. "nan",
  90138. "nan",
  90139. "nan",
  90140. "nan",
  90141. "closed no: 1417 + transfer atty: false + transfer client: false + destroy: false + active: false + ironmtnrefno: 383996267",
  90142. "seattle",
  90143. "867187",
  90144. "nan",
  90145. "nan",
  90146. "nan",
  90147. "nan",
  90148. "nan",
  90149. "nan",
  90150. "nan",
  90151. "nan",
  90152. "nan",
  90153. "nan",
  90154. "nan",
  90155. "nan",
  90156. "nan",
  90157. "nan",
  90158. "nan",
  90159. "nan",
  90160. "nan",
  90161. "nan",
  90162. "nan",
  90163. "nan",
  90164. "nan",
  90165. "nan",
  90166. "nan"
  90167. ],
  90168. [
  90169. "143174",
  90170. "00001",
  90171. "simas, rick and ogata, linda",
  90172. "fdic investigation",
  90173. "active file",
  90174. "correspondence",
  90175. "correspondence",
  90176. "8/21/2014",
  90177. "nan",
  90178. "joel m. athey",
  90179. "on-site/central files",
  90180. "athey joel",
  90181. "nan",
  90182. "los angeles",
  90183. "2247333",
  90184. "11/14/2014",
  90185. "nan",
  90186. "nan",
  90187. "nan",
  90188. "nan",
  90189. "nan",
  90190. "nan",
  90191. "nan",
  90192. "nan",
  90193. "nan",
  90194. "nan",
  90195. "nan",
  90196. "nan",
  90197. "nan",
  90198. "nan",
  90199. "nan",
  90200. "nan",
  90201. "nan",
  90202. "nan",
  90203. "nan",
  90204. "nan",
  90205. "nan",
  90206. "nan"
  90207. ],
  90208. [
  90209. "143174",
  90210. "00001",
  90211. "simas, rick and ogata, linda",
  90212. "fdic investigation",
  90213. "active file",
  90214. "pleadings",
  90215. "court clip vol. 1",
  90216. "6/26/2015",
  90217. "nan",
  90218. "joel m. athey",
  90219. "on-site",
  90220. "athey joel",
  90221. "nan",
  90222. "los angeles",
  90223. "2367285",
  90224. "11/14/2014",
  90225. "nan",
  90226. "nan",
  90227. "nan",
  90228. "nan",
  90229. "nan",
  90230. "nan",
  90231. "nan",
  90232. "nan",
  90233. "nan",
  90234. "nan",
  90235. "nan",
  90236. "nan",
  90237. "nan",
  90238. "nan",
  90239. "nan",
  90240. "nan",
  90241. "nan",
  90242. "nan",
  90243. "nan",
  90244. "nan",
  90245. "nan",
  90246. "nan"
  90247. ],
  90248. [
  90249. "143867",
  90250. "00002",
  90251. "homeowners financial group usa, llc a/k/",
  90252. "fdic v. hfg",
  90253. "active file",
  90254. "litigation",
  90255. "corresp, pleadings, notes, documents",
  90256. "6/5/2015",
  90257. "nan",
  90258. "beth a. vecchioli",
  90259. "on-site",
  90260. "vecchioli beth",
  90261. "corresp, pleadings, notes, documents",
  90262. "tallahassee",
  90263. "2355465",
  90264. "9/12/2016",
  90265. "nan",
  90266. "nan",
  90267. "nan",
  90268. "nan",
  90269. "nan",
  90270. "nan",
  90271. "nan",
  90272. "nan",
  90273. "nan",
  90274. "nan",
  90275. "nan",
  90276. "nan",
  90277. "nan",
  90278. "nan",
  90279. "nan",
  90280. "nan",
  90281. "nan",
  90282. "nan",
  90283. "nan",
  90284. "nan",
  90285. "nan",
  90286. "nan"
  90287. ],
  90288. [
  90289. "144805",
  90290. "00043",
  90291. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  90292. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  90293. "active file",
  90294. "correspondence",
  90295. "jb-birtcher/charlesbank office portfolio- park tower- leasing",
  90296. "5/21/2015",
  90297. "nan",
  90298. "jonetta l. brooks",
  90299. "on-site",
  90300. "brooks jonetta",
  90301. "1204358.00796",
  90302. "dallas",
  90303. "2350260",
  90304. "nan",
  90305. "nan",
  90306. "nan",
  90307. "nan",
  90308. "nan",
  90309. "nan",
  90310. "nan",
  90311. "nan",
  90312. "nan",
  90313. "nan",
  90314. "nan",
  90315. "nan",
  90316. "nan",
  90317. "nan",
  90318. "nan",
  90319. "nan",
  90320. "nan",
  90321. "nan",
  90322. "nan",
  90323. "nan",
  90324. "nan",
  90325. "nan",
  90326. "nan"
  90327. ],
  90328. [
  90329. "144805",
  90330. "00043",
  90331. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  90332. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  90333. "active file",
  90334. "leases",
  90335. "gsa no. 8",
  90336. "2/12/2016",
  90337. "nan",
  90338. "jonetta l. brooks",
  90339. "on-site",
  90340. "brooks jonetta",
  90341. "irs",
  90342. "dallas",
  90343. "2446671",
  90344. "nan",
  90345. "nan",
  90346. "nan",
  90347. "nan",
  90348. "nan",
  90349. "nan",
  90350. "nan",
  90351. "nan",
  90352. "nan",
  90353. "nan",
  90354. "nan",
  90355. "nan",
  90356. "nan",
  90357. "nan",
  90358. "nan",
  90359. "nan",
  90360. "nan",
  90361. "nan",
  90362. "nan",
  90363. "nan",
  90364. "nan",
  90365. "nan",
  90366. "nan"
  90367. ],
  90368. [
  90369. "144805",
  90370. "00094",
  90371. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  90372. "village shoppes of sugarloaf (loan 220-22)",
  90373. "active file",
  90374. "leases",
  90375. "lease agreement",
  90376. "11/22/2016",
  90377. "nan",
  90378. "jonetta l. brooks",
  90379. "on-site",
  90380. "brooks jonetta",
  90381. "<ethical wall applied on: 11/23/2016> <destruction hold applied on: 11/23/2016> eastside medical center llc dba smartcare urgent care",
  90382. "dallas",
  90383. "2560645",
  90384. "nan",
  90385. "nan",
  90386. "nan",
  90387. "nan",
  90388. "nan",
  90389. "nan",
  90390. "nan",
  90391. "nan",
  90392. "nan",
  90393. "nan",
  90394. "nan",
  90395. "nan",
  90396. "nan",
  90397. "nan",
  90398. "nan",
  90399. "nan",
  90400. "nan",
  90401. "nan",
  90402. "nan",
  90403. "nan",
  90404. "nan",
  90405. "nan",
  90406. "nan"
  90407. ],
  90408. [
  90409. "144805",
  90410. "00043",
  90411. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  90412. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  90413. "active file",
  90414. "agreements",
  90415. "amendment to ela\npark tower, 200 west santa ana blvd, santa ana, ca\ntransit tower, 405 west fifth street, santa ana, ca\ncivic center drive, 801 civic center drive west, santa ana, ca",
  90416. "11/22/2016",
  90417. "nan",
  90418. "jonetta l. brooks",
  90419. "on-site",
  90420. "brooks jonetta",
  90421. "park tower, transit tower & civic center drive",
  90422. "dallas",
  90423. "2569222",
  90424. "nan",
  90425. "nan",
  90426. "nan",
  90427. "nan",
  90428. "nan",
  90429. "nan",
  90430. "nan",
  90431. "nan",
  90432. "nan",
  90433. "nan",
  90434. "nan",
  90435. "nan",
  90436. "nan",
  90437. "nan",
  90438. "nan",
  90439. "nan",
  90440. "nan",
  90441. "nan",
  90442. "nan",
  90443. "nan",
  90444. "nan",
  90445. "nan",
  90446. "nan"
  90447. ],
  90448. [
  90449. "145122",
  90450. "00012",
  90451. "invesco advisers, inc.",
  90452. "legacy office park, plano, tx",
  90453. "active file",
  90454. "correspondence",
  90455. "correspondence: legacy iii/ fdic, general legal matters",
  90456. "4/15/2015",
  90457. "nan",
  90458. "jonetta l. brooks",
  90459. "on-site",
  90460. "brooks jonetta",
  90461. "1204341.00008",
  90462. "dallas",
  90463. "2334959",
  90464. "nan",
  90465. "nan",
  90466. "nan",
  90467. "nan",
  90468. "nan",
  90469. "nan",
  90470. "nan",
  90471. "nan",
  90472. "nan",
  90473. "nan",
  90474. "nan",
  90475. "nan",
  90476. "nan",
  90477. "nan",
  90478. "nan",
  90479. "nan",
  90480. "nan",
  90481. "nan",
  90482. "nan",
  90483. "nan",
  90484. "nan",
  90485. "nan",
  90486. "nan"
  90487. ],
  90488. [
  90489. "145122",
  90490. "00012",
  90491. "invesco advisers, inc.",
  90492. "legacy office park, plano, tx",
  90493. "active file",
  90494. "drafts",
  90495. "federal deposit insurance corporation - office lease",
  90496. "5/6/2016",
  90497. "nan",
  90498. "jonetta l. brooks",
  90499. "on-site",
  90500. "brooks jonetta",
  90501. "nan",
  90502. "dallas",
  90503. "2481770",
  90504. "nan",
  90505. "nan",
  90506. "nan",
  90507. "nan",
  90508. "nan",
  90509. "nan",
  90510. "nan",
  90511. "nan",
  90512. "nan",
  90513. "nan",
  90514. "nan",
  90515. "nan",
  90516. "nan",
  90517. "nan",
  90518. "nan",
  90519. "nan",
  90520. "nan",
  90521. "nan",
  90522. "nan",
  90523. "nan",
  90524. "nan",
  90525. "nan",
  90526. "nan"
  90527. ],
  90528. [
  90529. "145946",
  90530. "00001",
  90531. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.",
  90532. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  90533. "active file",
  90534. "pleadings",
  90535. "fdic's notice of removal & appendix to usdc ndga atl div.",
  90536. "4/22/2015",
  90537. "nan",
  90538. "j. allen maines",
  90539. "on-site",
  90540. "tanner caroline",
  90541. "nan",
  90542. "atlanta",
  90543. "2617699",
  90544. "nan",
  90545. "nan",
  90546. "nan",
  90547. "nan",
  90548. "nan",
  90549. "nan",
  90550. "nan",
  90551. "nan",
  90552. "nan",
  90553. "nan",
  90554. "nan",
  90555. "nan",
  90556. "nan",
  90557. "nan",
  90558. "nan",
  90559. "nan",
  90560. "nan",
  90561. "nan",
  90562. "nan",
  90563. "nan",
  90564. "nan",
  90565. "nan",
  90566. "nan"
  90567. ],
  90568. [
  90569. "145946",
  90570. "00001",
  90571. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.",
  90572. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  90573. "active file",
  90574. "pleadings",
  90575. "fdic subpoenas to ashton ryan",
  90576. "9/5/2017",
  90577. "nan",
  90578. "j. allen maines",
  90579. "on-site",
  90580. "tanner caroline",
  90581. "fdic subpoenas to ashton ryan",
  90582. "atlanta",
  90583. "2647209",
  90584. "nan",
  90585. "nan",
  90586. "nan",
  90587. "nan",
  90588. "nan",
  90589. "nan",
  90590. "nan",
  90591. "nan",
  90592. "nan",
  90593. "nan",
  90594. "nan",
  90595. "nan",
  90596. "nan",
  90597. "nan",
  90598. "nan",
  90599. "nan",
  90600. "nan",
  90601. "nan",
  90602. "nan",
  90603. "nan",
  90604. "nan",
  90605. "nan",
  90606. "nan"
  90607. ],
  90608. [
  90609. "14710",
  90610. "142035",
  90611. "kbi diversified, ltd.",
  90612. "nan",
  90613. "383996269",
  90614. "nan",
  90615. "fdic/ deed in lieu 14710.142035 (1)",
  90616. "8/28/2000",
  90617. "nan",
  90618. "nan",
  90619. "nan",
  90620. "nan",
  90621. "closed no: 1428 + transfer atty: false + transfer client: false + destroy: false + active: false + ironmtnrefno: 383996269",
  90622. "seattle",
  90623. "867196",
  90624. "nan",
  90625. "nan",
  90626. "nan",
  90627. "nan",
  90628. "nan",
  90629. "nan",
  90630. "nan",
  90631. "nan",
  90632. "nan",
  90633. "nan",
  90634. "nan",
  90635. "nan",
  90636. "nan",
  90637. "nan",
  90638. "nan",
  90639. "nan",
  90640. "nan",
  90641. "nan",
  90642. "nan",
  90643. "nan",
  90644. "nan",
  90645. "nan",
  90646. "nan"
  90647. ],
  90648. [
  90649. "148676",
  90650. "00001",
  90651. "rogers, iii; david",
  90652. "fdic investigation and dispute",
  90653. "active file",
  90654. "correspondence",
  90655. "miscellanous correwwspondence",
  90656. "3/21/2016",
  90657. "nan",
  90658. "l. bradley hancock",
  90659. "on-site",
  90660. "hancock lawrence",
  90661. "nan",
  90662. "houston",
  90663. "2467463",
  90664. "nan",
  90665. "nan",
  90666. "nan",
  90667. "nan",
  90668. "nan",
  90669. "nan",
  90670. "nan",
  90671. "nan",
  90672. "nan",
  90673. "nan",
  90674. "nan",
  90675. "nan",
  90676. "nan",
  90677. "nan",
  90678. "nan",
  90679. "nan",
  90680. "nan",
  90681. "nan",
  90682. "nan",
  90683. "nan",
  90684. "nan",
  90685. "nan",
  90686. "nan"
  90687. ],
  90688. [
  90689. "149284",
  90690. "00007",
  90691. "first nbc bank",
  90692. "promuto - breach of contract",
  90693. "active file",
  90694. "correspondence",
  90695. "03/24/17 fdic letter re: 2015 - 16 joint reports of examination",
  90696. "6/6/2016",
  90697. "nan",
  90698. "j. allen maines",
  90699. "on-site",
  90700. "maines j.",
  90701. "nan",
  90702. "atlanta",
  90703. "2601799",
  90704. "nan",
  90705. "nan",
  90706. "nan",
  90707. "nan",
  90708. "nan",
  90709. "nan",
  90710. "nan",
  90711. "nan",
  90712. "nan",
  90713. "nan",
  90714. "nan",
  90715. "nan",
  90716. "nan",
  90717. "nan",
  90718. "nan",
  90719. "nan",
  90720. "nan",
  90721. "nan",
  90722. "nan",
  90723. "nan",
  90724. "nan",
  90725. "nan",
  90726. "nan"
  90727. ],
  90728. [
  90729. "154795",
  90730. "00001",
  90731. "fnbc bank post-receiver and ryan, ashton",
  90732. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  90733. "active file",
  90734. "research",
  90735. "winkal management v. fdic",
  90736. "6/26/2017",
  90737. "nan",
  90738. "j. allen maines",
  90739. "on-site",
  90740. "maines j.",
  90741. "nan",
  90742. "atlanta",
  90743. "2627007",
  90744. "nan",
  90745. "nan",
  90746. "nan",
  90747. "nan",
  90748. "nan",
  90749. "nan",
  90750. "nan",
  90751. "nan",
  90752. "nan",
  90753. "nan",
  90754. "nan",
  90755. "nan",
  90756. "nan",
  90757. "nan",
  90758. "nan",
  90759. "nan",
  90760. "nan",
  90761. "nan",
  90762. "nan",
  90763. "nan",
  90764. "nan",
  90765. "nan",
  90766. "nan"
  90767. ],
  90768. [
  90769. "16108",
  90770. "22",
  90771. "price waterhouse adv. transflorida",
  90772. "none",
  90773. "672026155",
  90774. "nan",
  90775. "3/9/93; correspondence; pleadings; research: wrongful prolongation of cor. existence; legal research: general attorney's notes (sbn); plaintiff's first set interrogatories (8/8/91) and objections thereto (09/12/91) transflorida request for production to pricewaterhouse (03/28/91) price waterhouse's first set of interrogatories to plaintiff (07/10/91); price waterhouse request for production to plaintiff (07/10/91); extra copies of complaint; booklet re litigation and reorganizatino services; resume of mark e. hoffman; ownerships of work papers; transflorida bank of subsidiary; redacted document; fdic report of examination; b.o.d minutes; recommendations to improve accounting controls 12/31/86 and 12/31/87 memorandums for 12/16/93; page 2 state official report examination dated 5/22/87; documents produced by grant thornton; documents docketed from 000001-569.",
  90776. "2/20/1993",
  90777. "85563",
  90778. "newman scott",
  90779. "nan",
  90780. "nan",
  90781. " hk box: 8869",
  90782. "miami",
  90783. "678931",
  90784. "nan",
  90785. "nan",
  90786. "nan",
  90787. "nan",
  90788. "nan",
  90789. "nan",
  90790. "nan",
  90791. "nan",
  90792. "nan",
  90793. "nan",
  90794. "nan",
  90795. "nan",
  90796. "nan",
  90797. "nan",
  90798. "nan",
  90799. "nan",
  90800. "nan",
  90801. "nan",
  90802. "nan",
  90803. "nan",
  90804. "nan",
  90805. "nan",
  90806. "nan"
  90807. ],
  90808. [
  90809. "16593",
  90810. "1",
  90811. "fdic v barrasso",
  90812. "op ind valley title ins dispute",
  90813. "tcf0005562",
  90814. "nan",
  90815. "nan",
  90816. "06/20/2001",
  90817. "ai9376",
  90818. "llw",
  90819. "nan",
  90820. "nan",
  90821. "seq: 0061",
  90822. "tampa",
  90823. "173129",
  90824. "nan",
  90825. "nan",
  90826. "nan",
  90827. "nan",
  90828. "nan",
  90829. "nan",
  90830. "nan",
  90831. "nan",
  90832. "nan",
  90833. "nan",
  90834. "nan",
  90835. "nan",
  90836. "nan",
  90837. "nan",
  90838. "nan",
  90839. "nan",
  90840. "nan",
  90841. "nan",
  90842. "nan",
  90843. "nan",
  90844. "nan",
  90845. "nan",
  90846. "nan"
  90847. ],
  90848. [
  90849. "18260",
  90850. "2343",
  90851. "bank of america",
  90852. "versus united states- 400 series",
  90853. "789-15558",
  90854. "nan",
  90855. "redwelds-box 455- fsb & fdic audit reports--400 series------",
  90856. "7/13/2001",
  90857. "789-15558",
  90858. "marcus, ken",
  90859. "nan",
  90860. "nan",
  90861. "barcode: 100055560 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: debbie corr - legal ass't + records assistant: matthew tsien + file status: out + emp id no: 789-15558 + emp name: prsi 15558 prsi box 15558",
  90862. "washington d.c",
  90863. "1423975",
  90864. "nan",
  90865. "nan",
  90866. "nan",
  90867. "nan",
  90868. "nan",
  90869. "nan",
  90870. "nan",
  90871. "nan",
  90872. "nan",
  90873. "nan",
  90874. "nan",
  90875. "nan",
  90876. "nan",
  90877. "nan",
  90878. "nan",
  90879. "nan",
  90880. "nan",
  90881. "nan",
  90882. "nan",
  90883. "nan",
  90884. "nan",
  90885. "nan",
  90886. "nan"
  90887. ],
  90888. [
  90889. "18260",
  90890. "2343",
  90891. "bank of america",
  90892. "morrison & foerster",
  90893. "789-15645 (a79)",
  90894. "nan",
  90895. "redweld-redweld 10150(55) ots/fdic audit '92-core deposit intangiable package 1/20/93--------",
  90896. "8/13/2001",
  90897. "789-15645 (a79)",
  90898. "marcus, ken",
  90899. "nan",
  90900. "nan",
  90901. "barcode: 100056759 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: debbie corr + records assistant: matthew tsien + file status: out + emp id no: 789-15645 + emp name: prsi 15645 prsi box 15645",
  90902. "washington d.c",
  90903. "1425143",
  90904. "nan",
  90905. "nan",
  90906. "nan",
  90907. "nan",
  90908. "nan",
  90909. "nan",
  90910. "nan",
  90911. "nan",
  90912. "nan",
  90913. "nan",
  90914. "nan",
  90915. "nan",
  90916. "nan",
  90917. "nan",
  90918. "nan",
  90919. "nan",
  90920. "nan",
  90921. "nan",
  90922. "nan",
  90923. "nan",
  90924. "nan",
  90925. "nan",
  90926. "nan"
  90927. ],
  90928. [
  90929. "18262",
  90930. "1",
  90931. "sminch enterprises inc",
  90932. "84 fdic loan",
  90933. "tcf0003148",
  90934. "nan",
  90935. "nan",
  90936. "06/20/2001",
  90937. "aa7940",
  90938. "cls",
  90939. "nan",
  90940. "nan",
  90941. "seq: 0051",
  90942. "tampa",
  90943. "155485",
  90944. "nan",
  90945. "nan",
  90946. "nan",
  90947. "nan",
  90948. "nan",
  90949. "nan",
  90950. "nan",
  90951. "nan",
  90952. "nan",
  90953. "nan",
  90954. "nan",
  90955. "nan",
  90956. "nan",
  90957. "nan",
  90958. "nan",
  90959. "nan",
  90960. "nan",
  90961. "nan",
  90962. "nan",
  90963. "nan",
  90964. "nan",
  90965. "nan",
  90966. "nan"
  90967. ],
  90968. [
  90969. "18612",
  90970. "41",
  90971. "rtc conser",
  90972. "yegen associates m/y/ gambit",
  90973. "85649",
  90974. "nan",
  90975. "3/2/93. correspondence, bills files, law and notes, pleadings, motion, notices and orders file, documents file, discovery: deposition of william o'donnell, deposition of h. warren ullman. *request for production to michael thomas. * interrogatories to m. thomas. * interrogatories to atlantic financial. * request for production to atlantic financial.",
  90976. "3/5/1993",
  90977. "8956",
  90978. "moore michael",
  90979. "nan",
  90980. "nan",
  90981. "nan",
  90982. "miami",
  90983. "681146",
  90984. "nan",
  90985. "nan",
  90986. "nan",
  90987. "nan",
  90988. "nan",
  90989. "nan",
  90990. "nan",
  90991. "nan",
  90992. "nan",
  90993. "nan",
  90994. "nan",
  90995. "nan",
  90996. "nan",
  90997. "nan",
  90998. "nan",
  90999. "nan",
  91000. "nan",
  91001. "nan",
  91002. "nan",
  91003. "nan",
  91004. "nan",
  91005. "nan",
  91006. "nan"
  91007. ],
  91008. [
  91009. "202499",
  91010. "00014",
  91011. "alltrade tools, inc.",
  91012. "aramark uniform services",
  91013. "411013226",
  91014. "nan",
  91015. "aaa courtclip \ncourt clip \ncorrespondence\nresearch \nbilling",
  91016. "7/28/2010",
  91017. "2008-090",
  91018. "jack s. sholkoff",
  91019. "off-site",
  91020. "nan",
  91021. "nan",
  91022. "los angeles",
  91023. "1714901",
  91024. "1/25/2005",
  91025. "nan",
  91026. "nan",
  91027. "nan",
  91028. "nan",
  91029. "nan",
  91030. "nan",
  91031. "nan",
  91032. "nan",
  91033. "nan",
  91034. "nan",
  91035. "nan",
  91036. "nan",
  91037. "nan",
  91038. "nan",
  91039. "nan",
  91040. "nan",
  91041. "nan",
  91042. "nan",
  91043. "nan",
  91044. "nan",
  91045. "nan",
  91046. "nan"
  91047. ],
  91048. [
  91049. "20405",
  91050. "37",
  91051. "florida international bank",
  91052. "none",
  91053. "489535501",
  91054. "nan",
  91055. "11/5/98 - fib/total bank merger; h&k legal opinion; fib/total bank merger - opinion back-up; original fdic letter; original compliance letter department of banking & finance; schedules to merger agreement; carson medlin engagement letter; board minutes; fiserv agreement.",
  91056. "11/10/1998",
  91057. "470620",
  91058. "barreto maggie",
  91059. "nan",
  91060. "nan",
  91061. " hk box: 19155",
  91062. "miami",
  91063. "640382",
  91064. "nan",
  91065. "nan",
  91066. "nan",
  91067. "nan",
  91068. "nan",
  91069. "nan",
  91070. "nan",
  91071. "nan",
  91072. "nan",
  91073. "nan",
  91074. "nan",
  91075. "nan",
  91076. "nan",
  91077. "nan",
  91078. "nan",
  91079. "nan",
  91080. "nan",
  91081. "nan",
  91082. "nan",
  91083. "nan",
  91084. "nan",
  91085. "nan",
  91086. "nan"
  91087. ],
  91088. [
  91089. "20406",
  91090. "9",
  91091. "banco ganadero",
  91092. "banco union",
  91093. "652599775",
  91094. "nan",
  91095. "accordion file: banco ganadero/banco union (manila file); loose papers; attorney notes (manila file); change in bank control acct statute occ + fdic regs & research (manila file); bank holding & company act (manila file); correspondence (manila file); form fr y-1f (manila file); memo's (manila file); voting trust agreement (manila file); purchase agreement (manila file); regulation y provisions (manila file); regulation y interpretations (manila file); bg/holding company (blue file)",
  91096. "2/22/1997",
  91097. "384701",
  91098. "cordero frank",
  91099. "nan",
  91100. "nan",
  91101. " hk box: 14909",
  91102. "miami",
  91103. "655165",
  91104. "nan",
  91105. "nan",
  91106. "nan",
  91107. "nan",
  91108. "nan",
  91109. "nan",
  91110. "nan",
  91111. "nan",
  91112. "nan",
  91113. "nan",
  91114. "nan",
  91115. "nan",
  91116. "nan",
  91117. "nan",
  91118. "nan",
  91119. "nan",
  91120. "nan",
  91121. "nan",
  91122. "nan",
  91123. "nan",
  91124. "nan",
  91125. "nan",
  91126. "nan"
  91127. ],
  91128. [
  91129. "20440",
  91130. "1",
  91131. "banco del pichincha/egas",
  91132. "borjas v. gulf bank",
  91133. "460600001",
  91134. "nan",
  91135. "9/25/97 - documents produced by gulf bank 10/11/94 #92-1036, #92-1396, 10/21/94-#92-1036, #92-1396; correspondence between vfcb&k and goldsgtein and aragon firms 1992 and 1993; general correspondence file; correspondence with banking specialist; miscellaneous correspondence with shareholders; interoffice memos; billing and disbursements; attorney notes (rhp); 2/19/92 letter from aia re chronology of events; genauer letter conforming banco del pichincha not a party; letter of intent bank; letter of intent bonilla; side letter agreement; minutes of 2/25/91 gulf bank board of directors meeting; preferred stock share certificates; 3/24/92 gulf bank letter re termination; gulf bank business plan; 10/29/90 letter from egas to bonilla; 4/5/91 letter re approval to acquire a controlling interest; 4/16/91 letter re amended and restated articles of incorporation; drafts; gulf bank lease; bank statement/advice of charge (sent by martin july 17, 1992); sheshunoff letter to g.b. (sent by martin july 17, 1992); summary overview of fdic improvement act of 1991; documents produced by bonillas individually; corporate information; affidavit of martin j. genauer; correspondence re: dropping banco del pichincha as party; memoranda of understanding; purchase agreement; correspondence re regulators' concerns re: managers; corespondence between gulf bank and minority shareholders; blank forms federal reserve; gb board of directors minutes; gulf bank agreement with consultan; juan esteban acquisition of gulf bank miscellaneous info for application; application to the fla. dept. of banking and finance; supplement to the application for certificate of approval to acquire a controlling interest in gulf bank",
  91136. "10/2/1997",
  91137. "412560",
  91138. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  91139. "nan",
  91140. "nan",
  91141. " hk box: 16223",
  91142. "miami",
  91143. "669667",
  91144. "nan",
  91145. "nan",
  91146. "nan",
  91147. "nan",
  91148. "nan",
  91149. "nan",
  91150. "nan",
  91151. "nan",
  91152. "nan",
  91153. "nan",
  91154. "nan",
  91155. "nan",
  91156. "nan",
  91157. "nan",
  91158. "nan",
  91159. "nan",
  91160. "nan",
  91161. "nan",
  91162. "nan",
  91163. "nan",
  91164. "nan",
  91165. "nan",
  91166. "nan"
  91167. ],
  91168. [
  91169. "21018",
  91170. "1",
  91171. "margolis",
  91172. "resolution trust corp",
  91173. "157",
  91174. "nan",
  91175. "atty notes/drafts/internal billing;pleadings usdc vol i; pleadings vol i; correspondence hollywood federal; hollywood federal resolve trust loan;witness files; margolis relolution; depo and subpoena file; margonis claim against resolution trust;margolis advs rtc;",
  91176. "nan",
  91177. "157",
  91178. "rr",
  91179. "nan",
  91180. "nan",
  91181. "closed file number: 96-313 + location: 2",
  91182. "west palm beach",
  91183. "580620",
  91184. "nan",
  91185. "nan",
  91186. "nan",
  91187. "nan",
  91188. "nan",
  91189. "nan",
  91190. "nan",
  91191. "nan",
  91192. "nan",
  91193. "nan",
  91194. "nan",
  91195. "nan",
  91196. "nan",
  91197. "nan",
  91198. "nan",
  91199. "nan",
  91200. "nan",
  91201. "nan",
  91202. "nan",
  91203. "nan",
  91204. "nan",
  91205. "nan",
  91206. "nan"
  91207. ],
  91208. [
  91209. "21078 1 wh",
  91210. "rtc action",
  91211. "pallbearer welcome lodge26",
  91212. "rtc action",
  91213. "tcf0223163",
  91214. "nan",
  91215. "nan",
  91216. "12/2/1996",
  91217. "bq1091",
  91218. "nan",
  91219. "nan",
  91220. "nan",
  91221. "seq: 0008",
  91222. "tampa",
  91223. "273653",
  91224. "nan",
  91225. "nan",
  91226. "nan",
  91227. "nan",
  91228. "nan",
  91229. "nan",
  91230. "nan",
  91231. "nan",
  91232. "nan",
  91233. "nan",
  91234. "nan",
  91235. "nan",
  91236. "nan",
  91237. "nan",
  91238. "nan",
  91239. "nan",
  91240. "nan",
  91241. "nan",
  91242. "nan",
  91243. "nan",
  91244. "nan",
  91245. "nan",
  91246. "nan"
  91247. ],
  91248. [
  91249. "21191",
  91250. "3",
  91251. "bartco",
  91252. "general",
  91253. "798-4345",
  91254. "nan",
  91255. "expand brown-miscellaneous--------",
  91256. "6/19/1995",
  91257. "798-4345",
  91258. "onsdorff, keith a.",
  91259. "nan",
  91260. "nan",
  91261. "barcode: 100027340 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4345 + emp name: recall 4345 recall box 4345",
  91262. "washington d.c",
  91263. "1408438",
  91264. "nan",
  91265. "nan",
  91266. "nan",
  91267. "nan",
  91268. "nan",
  91269. "nan",
  91270. "nan",
  91271. "nan",
  91272. "nan",
  91273. "nan",
  91274. "nan",
  91275. "nan",
  91276. "nan",
  91277. "nan",
  91278. "nan",
  91279. "nan",
  91280. "nan",
  91281. "nan",
  91282. "nan",
  91283. "nan",
  91284. "nan",
  91285. "nan",
  91286. "nan"
  91287. ],
  91288. [
  91289. "21718",
  91290. "0",
  91291. "fdic v. kimberly levine",
  91292. "fdic v. kimberly levine",
  91293. "51535460",
  91294. "nan",
  91295. "mediation file",
  91296. "nan",
  91297. "4029",
  91298. "rw",
  91299. "nan",
  91300. "nan",
  91301. "closed file number: 98-9059 + location: 2",
  91302. "west palm beach",
  91303. "583732",
  91304. "nan",
  91305. "nan",
  91306. "nan",
  91307. "nan",
  91308. "nan",
  91309. "nan",
  91310. "nan",
  91311. "nan",
  91312. "nan",
  91313. "nan",
  91314. "nan",
  91315. "nan",
  91316. "nan",
  91317. "nan",
  91318. "nan",
  91319. "nan",
  91320. "nan",
  91321. "nan",
  91322. "nan",
  91323. "nan",
  91324. "nan",
  91325. "nan",
  91326. "nan"
  91327. ],
  91328. [
  91329. "21831",
  91330. "00002",
  91331. "jax i.o., inc",
  91332. "purchase form fdic",
  91333. "225350078",
  91334. "nan",
  91335. "linda kane",
  91336. "09/13/2005",
  91337. "225350078",
  91338. "32 linda kane",
  91339. "nan",
  91340. "nan",
  91341. "nan",
  91342. "jacksonville",
  91343. "39020",
  91344. "nan",
  91345. "nan",
  91346. "nan",
  91347. "nan",
  91348. "nan",
  91349. "nan",
  91350. "nan",
  91351. "nan",
  91352. "nan",
  91353. "nan",
  91354. "nan",
  91355. "nan",
  91356. "nan",
  91357. "nan",
  91358. "nan",
  91359. "nan",
  91360. "nan",
  91361. "nan",
  91362. "nan",
  91363. "nan",
  91364. "nan",
  91365. "nan",
  91366. "nan"
  91367. ],
  91368. [
  91369. "221356",
  91370. "00002",
  91371. "datalicious, llc",
  91372. "jeff smith, mediaminds, et al.",
  91373. "active file",
  91374. "nan",
  91375. "correspondence\nmemoranda\ndrafts\nworking papers\nmemoranda of law\nextra copies\ndocument clip\ncourt clip\nrequest for production\ndiscovery\nresearch\ndocuments (redweld)\nmss notes\nextra copies (courtclips 1 redwelds)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  91376. "nan",
  91377. "nan",
  91378. "2003 amnesty",
  91379. "lax 22nd floor",
  91380. "nan",
  91381. "date-open: 11/9/2000 + storagexx: n + comments2:",
  91382. "los angeles",
  91383. "1537876",
  91384. "8/24/2001",
  91385. "nan",
  91386. "nan",
  91387. "nan",
  91388. "nan",
  91389. "nan",
  91390. "nan",
  91391. "nan",
  91392. "nan",
  91393. "nan",
  91394. "nan",
  91395. "nan",
  91396. "nan",
  91397. "nan",
  91398. "nan",
  91399. "nan",
  91400. "nan",
  91401. "nan",
  91402. "nan",
  91403. "nan",
  91404. "nan",
  91405. "nan",
  91406. "nan"
  91407. ],
  91408. [
  91409. "222222",
  91410. "00001",
  91411. "mgm companies",
  91412. "sale of mgm companies",
  91413. "608475922",
  91414. "nan",
  91415. "file i - remare trans & nbccat: correspondence; corporate filings, articles, etc; adopting assumed names; rwo post merger organization; shareholders agr; operating agr; new clients; 2002-2003 reorg planning. file ii - rmr holdings llc : correspondence; notes; internal correspondence; organization of llc; operating agreement; assume name issues. folder: sale of mgm companies (dec 2002) mtc holdings et al, sellers to rtc acq. company llc, remare trans corp and nbccat corp (schwoeble, williams & genoar).",
  91416. "6/10/2010",
  91417. "nan",
  91418. "jerry holisky",
  91419. "off-site",
  91420. "nan",
  91421. "nan",
  91422. "chicago",
  91423. "1705829",
  91424. "nan",
  91425. "nan",
  91426. "nan",
  91427. "nan",
  91428. "nan",
  91429. "nan",
  91430. "nan",
  91431. "nan",
  91432. "nan",
  91433. "nan",
  91434. "nan",
  91435. "nan",
  91436. "nan",
  91437. "nan",
  91438. "nan",
  91439. "nan",
  91440. "nan",
  91441. "nan",
  91442. "nan",
  91443. "nan",
  91444. "nan",
  91445. "nan",
  91446. "nan"
  91447. ],
  91448. [
  91449. "2226.8",
  91450. "nan",
  91451. "ncnb/fortco, inc. & david fort",
  91452. "nan",
  91453. "dsj004748",
  91454. "nan",
  91455. "mga closed files",
  91456. "02/05/1991",
  91457. "16-028",
  91458. "16 mark alexander",
  91459. "nan",
  91460. "nan",
  91461. "nan",
  91462. "jacksonville",
  91463. "58958",
  91464. "nan",
  91465. "nan",
  91466. "nan",
  91467. "nan",
  91468. "nan",
  91469. "nan",
  91470. "nan",
  91471. "nan",
  91472. "nan",
  91473. "nan",
  91474. "nan",
  91475. "nan",
  91476. "nan",
  91477. "nan",
  91478. "nan",
  91479. "nan",
  91480. "nan",
  91481. "nan",
  91482. "nan",
  91483. "nan",
  91484. "nan",
  91485. "nan",
  91486. "nan"
  91487. ],
  91488. [
  91489. "228000",
  91490. "10",
  91491. "keybank",
  91492. "general",
  91493. "652604126",
  91494. "nan",
  91495. "box was perm out from storage and put in the files cabinets per b. locke on 6/17/04. cofo financial; august, jill; barton, s.; bennett, bill; bennett, mark; britti, eliseo; brown, dale g.; paul carruba; caisse central des jardins; caisse d'economie des portugais de montreal d'andrade gouveia, celestino; christine, tim; collazo, manuel; corporate representative with most knowledge; jerry l. cranney; crisafulli, tina; cross, dick; cross, james; dale brown; de billy-tremblay, solande; deveril, ilona; dodd, james w.; eurora, l.; evora, maria; fdic; fleet bank; gates, kimberly; gomez, miriam; gomez, ruben; granja, santiago; green, catherine; gsm fin group; guillen, luis; gustafson, peter; hackney, edw. (sandy); heller, j.; hernandez, dario; sharon humes; ifb rep. with most knowledge; keyservices corp.; krotseng, patricia; dawn leiser; alan lipis; marino, tony; martinez, evelio; mitchell, greg; montes, olga; murphy, james; murray, daniel prof.; nephew, suzette; nicholls, m.; pereira, geo.; nephew, suzette; pereira, george; diane quenneville; uribe, ana carolina; ramadka, capt.; reis, joe; reyner, shanon; reyell, lynne; rodriguez, carmen; rudd, maria; sears, cheryl; stansbury, beth m.; varela, norma; whalen, mike; weiskotten, thomas; wong, william; witness meeting.",
  91496. "11/17/2003",
  91497. "31584",
  91498. "nan",
  91499. "nan",
  91500. "nan",
  91501. " hk box: 31584",
  91502. "miami",
  91503. "693526",
  91504. "nan",
  91505. "nan",
  91506. "nan",
  91507. "nan",
  91508. "nan",
  91509. "nan",
  91510. "nan",
  91511. "nan",
  91512. "nan",
  91513. "nan",
  91514. "nan",
  91515. "nan",
  91516. "nan",
  91517. "nan",
  91518. "nan",
  91519. "nan",
  91520. "nan",
  91521. "nan",
  91522. "nan",
  91523. "nan",
  91524. "nan",
  91525. "nan",
  91526. "nan"
  91527. ],
  91528. [
  91529. "228000",
  91530. "10",
  91531. "keybank",
  91532. "nan",
  91533. "32175",
  91534. "nan",
  91535. "box was perm out from storage per denise perlich/barbara locke on 11/4/2005. mediation file � j. wheterington\nkeybank motion compelling discovery\nkey bank motion to \nserve in excess of 30 interrogatory objections to d�s 5th set of interrogatories & other pending motions.\nkey bank motion to compell\nmediation file key bank/cofo\nkey bank/cofo uribe testimony, canadian proceedings\nkey bank/cofo granja testimony, canadian proceedings\ncofo financial group\nkey bank production\nkey bank documents copied for opposing counsel, subject to confidentiality\nkey bank court docket sheet\nkey bank hearing on motion, fees and report\nresponse in opposition to plaintiff�s motion for summary judgment\nargument notes of key bank\ndocket sheet\nifb income statement\nfdic�s response to foia request\ndraft � d key bank first request for a to p.\nifb�s reply to key bank�s affirmative defense to second amend comp. (scanned version)\ngeneral fidelity policy for ifb bates #4505-4525\nkey bank/cofo globalnet file\nkey bank/cofo client documents: dep. acct. agreement & funds available policy\nkey bank/cofo security file from greg mitchell\nkey bank/cofo documents produced by ifb as an attachment to the answers to rogs\nkey bank documents produced by ifb as supplement to keybank�s first request for production.\nkey bank privilege log to international fin",
  91536. "1/12/2004",
  91537. "32175",
  91538. "locke barbara",
  91539. "nan",
  91540. "nan",
  91541. "nan",
  91542. "miami",
  91543. "694264",
  91544. "nan",
  91545. "nan",
  91546. "nan",
  91547. "nan",
  91548. "nan",
  91549. "nan",
  91550. "nan",
  91551. "nan",
  91552. "nan",
  91553. "nan",
  91554. "nan",
  91555. "nan",
  91556. "nan",
  91557. "nan",
  91558. "nan",
  91559. "nan",
  91560. "nan",
  91561. "nan",
  91562. "nan",
  91563. "nan",
  91564. "nan",
  91565. "nan",
  91566. "nan"
  91567. ],
  91568. [
  91569. "228000",
  91570. "10",
  91571. "keybank",
  91572. "nan",
  91573. "32177",
  91574. "nan",
  91575. "box was permanently removed from storage per joyce dooley-rodriguez/b. locke on 9/7/2005. key bank/cofo canadian proceedings\nkey bank/ifb cofo checks on keybank\nkey bank canadian depos/witnesses\nuribe canadian testimony\ncarruba scan draft\ncomplaint allegations inconsistent with ifb�s claims vs. key bank\nplaintiff�s reply to keybanks defenses to 2nd amd. comp.\nfoia request ifb v. cofo\nadministrative rules of the department of banking and finance division of banking.\nkey bank defense of negligence: ny fictitious names\nkey bank corporate and statistical research information on ifb\nmiscellaneous research re: ifb such as articles, reference material, etc.\ndocuments: statements of customer cofo\npublic information re.: plaintiff\nobr 68 re supp. to answer to interrogatories #3 client doc./nsf systems procedures.\norder to cease and desist fdic 02-018b in the matter of ifb\nobr 68 client documents\nifb board of directors\n2nd amended complaint answers & defenses\nargument\nkey bank motion for recon. of order on pun. dmg.\nmotion for leave to take damages discovery\nifb�s motion for reconsideration of order denying punitive damages\nuribe affidavit\ndocket sheet; ifb/cofo\nkey bank motion for order compelling discovery\ninterrogatories to plaintiff and answers\nmotion for contempt and supp. to motion for sanctions\nkey bank�s motion to vacate ifb�s motion for summary judgment\nkey bank�s response to objections to subpoena duces tecum\nobjections to fdc to subpoena dt on non-party\nkey bank newspaper article, daily business review\ntranscript of hearing before honorable thomas wilson\nifb/cofo motion to compel kb�s answers to interrogatories\ndefendant�s notice of filing plaintiff�s notice of compliance with discovery order.",
  91576. "1/12/2004",
  91577. "32177",
  91578. "locke barbara",
  91579. "nan",
  91580. "nan",
  91581. "nan",
  91582. "miami",
  91583. "694266",
  91584. "nan",
  91585. "nan",
  91586. "nan",
  91587. "nan",
  91588. "nan",
  91589. "nan",
  91590. "nan",
  91591. "nan",
  91592. "nan",
  91593. "nan",
  91594. "nan",
  91595. "nan",
  91596. "nan",
  91597. "nan",
  91598. "nan",
  91599. "nan",
  91600. "nan",
  91601. "nan",
  91602. "nan",
  91603. "nan",
  91604. "nan",
  91605. "nan",
  91606. "nan"
  91607. ],
  91608. [
  91609. "228000",
  91610. "10",
  91611. "key bank v. international finance bank",
  91612. "none",
  91613. "652551967",
  91614. "nan",
  91615. "appeal case - correspondence (attorney fees)\nbilling � appeal case(attorney fees)\nextra copies of key bank's reply brief (case no. 3d03-144\n3rd dca docket (fee appeal)\ncorrespondence(case no. 3d02-2361)\nextra copies of appellant's initial brief (case no. 3d03-144)\nbilling (case no. 3d02-2010)\ncorrespondence volume 1 � appeal case no. 3d02-2010\nlah attorney notes\nlah attorney notes � case no. 3d02-2010(main appeal)\nindex to record on appeal � case no. 3d03-144 (attorney's fees)\ndocket sheet\nsupplement to index record on appeal � case no. 3d02-2010\nnotice of filing the accompanying documents � 11/20/02\nextra copy of civil supersedeas bond\nextra copies of appellant's reply brief & answer brief on cross appeal � case no. 3d02-2010 (main appeal)\nnews paper article � appeal case no. 3d02-2010\nlah research key bank reply brief - appeal case no. 3d02-2010(main appeal)\ncases not used in answer brief on cross appeal - case no. 3d02-2010(main appeal)\ncases cited in answer brief on cross appeal - appeal case no. 3d02-2010(main appeal)\nmediation file � j. wetherington 2/25/02 @ 9:00 a.m.\nfdic foia request\nnewspaper article � daily business review, tuesday 5/25/02\ndocuments: fdic/foia\ndocuments ifb � other lawsuits",
  91616. "2/24/2006",
  91617. "12513834",
  91618. "locke barbara",
  91619. "nan",
  91620. "nan",
  91621. " 37075",
  91622. "miami",
  91623. "704888",
  91624. "nan",
  91625. "nan",
  91626. "nan",
  91627. "nan",
  91628. "nan",
  91629. "nan",
  91630. "nan",
  91631. "nan",
  91632. "nan",
  91633. "nan",
  91634. "nan",
  91635. "nan",
  91636. "nan",
  91637. "nan",
  91638. "nan",
  91639. "nan",
  91640. "nan",
  91641. "nan",
  91642. "nan",
  91643. "nan",
  91644. "nan",
  91645. "nan",
  91646. "nan"
  91647. ],
  91648. [
  91649. "228000",
  91650. "10",
  91651. "key bank v.",
  91652. "ifb",
  91653. "489345394",
  91654. "nan",
  91655. "� ifb income statements 1-1-98 to 3-31-99\n� documents: fidelity and deposit company of maryland\n� client documents: dep. acct. agrmt and funds avail. policy\n� documents copied for opposing counsel on 4/30/99 subject to confidentiality\n� produced 6/5/00 by ifb\n� documents: checks produced in reference to fleet bank\n� documents: order to cease and desist fdic 02-018b � in the matter of ifb\n� documents: fdic enforcement decisions & orders regarding ifb from fdic web page\n� canadian depos/witnesses\n� key docs #1295 � 1314\n� public info re: plaintiff\n� foia request to fbi\n� drafts report & recommendations for 12/12/01\n� general/fidelity policy for ifb � bates nos. 4505-4525\n� offer of judgment (original)\n� list of ifb checks rec'd (scanned and sorted from doc. prod.\n� pleading index for ifb v. lacaisse canadian proceedings\n� court docket - canadian proceedings\n� list of exhibits filed in ifb rec. � canadian proceedings\n� uribe canadian testimony lacaisse � 12/7/00\n� bankruptcy matter (canada)\n� chart: cofo checks on key bank 9/29-10/9-98\n� written submissions canadian proceedings\n� canadian proceedings � 11/29/00\n� canadian proceedings � 11/27/00\n� canadian proceedings � p 3\n� declaration � canadian proceedings\n� canadian proceedings � p 2\n� canadian proceedings � p 4\n� canadian proceedings � p 5\n� canadian proceedings � p 6\n� canadian proceedings � p 7\n� canadian proceedings � d 133\n� canadian proceedings � 11/28/00\n� canadian proceedings � appellant's brief\n� blake, cassels & graydon llp � 6/17/02 correspondence and receipt of cheques\n� correspondence re: canadian counsel\n� correspondence � key bank/le caisse\n� pleadings (canadian action) � key bank/le caisse adv. ifb\n� original certified canadian judgment\n� trial issues: set off\n� translation of canadian documents",
  91656. "6/2/2006",
  91657. "12704087",
  91658. "gilbert, jackie",
  91659. "nan",
  91660. "nan",
  91661. " hk box: 37542",
  91662. "miami",
  91663. "705936",
  91664. "nan",
  91665. "nan",
  91666. "nan",
  91667. "nan",
  91668. "nan",
  91669. "nan",
  91670. "nan",
  91671. "nan",
  91672. "nan",
  91673. "nan",
  91674. "nan",
  91675. "nan",
  91676. "nan",
  91677. "nan",
  91678. "nan",
  91679. "nan",
  91680. "nan",
  91681. "nan",
  91682. "nan",
  91683. "nan",
  91684. "nan",
  91685. "nan",
  91686. "nan"
  91687. ],
  91688. [
  91689. "228000",
  91690. "10",
  91691. "key bank",
  91692. "vs. international finance bank",
  91693. "12704259",
  91694. "nan",
  91695. "box 1\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� witness: parpia naushad\n� witness: pereira, george\n� witness: quenneville, diane\n� witness: rudd, maria\n� witness: ramadka, capt.\n� witness: reis, joe\n� witness: reyner, shannon\n� witness: reyell, lynne\n� witness: rodriguez, carmen � volume 1 of 2\n� witness: rodriguez, carmen � volume 2 of 2\n� witness: sears, cheryl\n� witness: sheshunoff information services\n� witness: stanbury, beth m.\n� witness: uriba, ana carolina � volume 4 of 4\n� witness: uriba, ana carolina � volume 3 of 4\n� witness: uriba, ana carolina � volume 2 of 4\n� witness: uriba, ana carolina � volume 1 of 4\n� uribe testimony (12/7/00) � canadian proceedings\n� witness: varela, norma\n� witness: weiskotten, thomas\n� witness: whalen, mike\n� witness: wong, william\n� laurie anne generalli, esq. � subpoena for deposition duces tecum\n� militana, militana, & militana, p.a. � subpoena for deposition duces tecum\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbox 2\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� witness: heller, j. � volume 1 of 2\n� witness: heller, j. � volume 2 of 2\n� witness: hernandez, dario\n� witness: humes, sharon\n� witness: ifb rep. with most knowledge\n� witness: key bank (witness meeting 10/12/99)\n� witness: keyservice corp.\n� witness: krotseng, patricia\n� witness: leiser, dawn\n� witness: levy, jay m.\n� witness: lipis, alan\n� witness: marino, tony\n� witness: martinez, evelio\n� witness: mitchell, greg\n� witness: montes, olga\n� witness: monte-rodriguez, olga\n� witness: murphy, james\n� witness: murray, professor daniel e\n� witness: murray, daniel prof.\n� witness: nephew, suzette\n� witness: nicholls, miriam\n\n\n\nbox 3\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� witness: frankel, robert p.\n� witness: generalli, laurie\n� witness: gates, kimberly\n� witness: gomez, miriam\n� witness: gomez, ruben\n� witness: granja, santiago � volume 1 of 2\n� witness: granja, santiago � volume 2 of 2\n� witness: green, catherine\n� witness: gsm fin group\n� witness: guillen, luis\n� witness: gustafson, peter\n� witness: hackney, edw. (sandy)\n\n\nbox 4\n\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� witness: cross, james � volume 1 of 2\n� witness: cross, james � volume 2 of 2\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 1 of 4 (2/11/99)\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 2 of 4 (2/16/99)\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 3 of 4 (7/15/99)\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 4 of 4 (9/28/99)\n� witness: debilly-tremblay, solande\n� witness: deveril, ilona\n� witness: evora, maria\n� witness: eurora, l\n� witness: fdic\n� witness: fleet bank\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbox 5\n\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� witness: clark, barkley � volume 1 of 4\n� witness: clark, barkley � volume 2 of 4\n� witness: clark, barkley � volume 3 of 4\n� witness: clark, barkley � volume 4 of 4\n� witness: cohen, lewis r.\n� witness: collazo, manuel\n� witness: cranney, jerry l.\n� witness: crisafulli, tina\n� witness: cross, dick\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbox 6\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� witness: acker, margo\n� witness: aprill, susan\n� witness: august, jill\n� witness: barton, suzanne\n� witness: bennett, bill\n� witness: bennett, mark\n� witness: black, james\n� witness: bleiweiss, rosemarie\n� witness: britti, eliseo\n� witness: brown, dale g. � volume 1 of 3\n� witness: brown, dale g. � volume 2 of 3\n� witness: brown, dale g. � volume 3 of 3\n� witness: caisse central des jardins\n� witness: caisse d'economiedes portugais de montreal d'andrade gouveia celestino\n� witness: carruba, paul\n� witness: christine, tim\n\n\n\nbox 7\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� lah � research: ucc\n� lah � research: regulation cc\n� tom ice research: ii. �b. comparitive negligence\n� lah � research: duty\n� lah � research: damages\n� ti � research: federal preemption (key bank appeal)\n� tom ice research: ii. �a. intervening or superceding cause\n� tom ice research: i. �misrepresentation\n� tom ice research: ii. grosss negligence\n� tom ice research: i. c. justifiable reliance\n� tom ice research: i. �b. material statement of fact\n� ti � research: background banking laws (key bank appeal)\n� tom ice research: i. a. disputed question\n� work product\n� punitive damages\n� punitive damages/article overview 1995\n� punitive damages/gross negligence insufficient\n� no punitive under ucc imokalee re 671-106\n� reversal of punitive damages\n� research: punitive damages\n� research: punitive damages\n� research: privilege\n� research: measure of damages\n� research: bonding requirements\n� research: corporate and statistical research information on ifb\n� research: miscellaneous research re ifb such as articles, reference material, etc.\n� reply cases\n� research: f&d � privilege\n� attorney notes � vol. 3\n� attorney notes � vol. ii\n� attorney notes � vol. 1\n� attorney notes � vol. 4\n\n\n\nbox 8\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� copies of documents produced by key bank (bates 000766 � 000890)\n� key bank: deposition exhibits (defendant)\n� returned \"uncollected\" and paid cofo checks drawn on key bank 09/29/98 to 10/09/98\n� index of key bank documents bates no. 1 � 460\n� index of key bank documents bates no. 461 � 765\n� index of documents bates 1500 � 1663\n� 03/14/01 summary judg. motion\n� bel working notebook � opb68 accounts\n� bel working notebook � punitive damages\n� master chronology\n� chart of hearing transcripts",
  91696. "6/30/2006",
  91697. "37817",
  91698. "locke barbara",
  91699. "nan",
  91700. "nan",
  91701. "nan",
  91702. "miami",
  91703. "706328",
  91704. "nan",
  91705. "nan",
  91706. "nan",
  91707. "nan",
  91708. "nan",
  91709. "nan",
  91710. "nan",
  91711. "nan",
  91712. "nan",
  91713. "nan",
  91714. "nan",
  91715. "nan",
  91716. "nan",
  91717. "nan",
  91718. "nan",
  91719. "nan",
  91720. "nan",
  91721. "nan",
  91722. "nan",
  91723. "nan",
  91724. "nan",
  91725. "nan",
  91726. "nan"
  91727. ],
  91728. [
  91729. "228000",
  91730. "10",
  91731. "key bank",
  91732. "vs. international finance bank",
  91733. "12704262",
  91734. "nan",
  91735. "box 4\n\n\nkey bank vs. international finance bank 228000-10 \n� witness: cross, james � volume 1 of 2\n� witness: cross, james � volume 2 of 2\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 1 of 4 (2/11/99)\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 2 of 4 (2/16/99)\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 3 of 4 (7/15/99)\n� witness: da silva, manuel � volume 4 of 4 (9/28/99)\n� witness: debilly-tremblay, solande\n� witness: deveril, ilona\n� witness: evora, maria\n� witness: eurora, l\n� witness: fdic\n� witness: fleet bank",
  91736. "6/30/2006",
  91737. "37820",
  91738. "locke barbara",
  91739. "nan",
  91740. "nan",
  91741. "nan",
  91742. "miami",
  91743. "706331",
  91744. "nan",
  91745. "nan",
  91746. "nan",
  91747. "nan",
  91748. "nan",
  91749. "nan",
  91750. "nan",
  91751. "nan",
  91752. "nan",
  91753. "nan",
  91754. "nan",
  91755. "nan",
  91756. "nan",
  91757. "nan",
  91758. "nan",
  91759. "nan",
  91760. "nan",
  91761. "nan",
  91762. "nan",
  91763. "nan",
  91764. "nan",
  91765. "nan",
  91766. "nan"
  91767. ],
  91768. [
  91769. "228000",
  91770. "78",
  91771. "key bank vs.",
  91772. "rafael lopez seizure of 2001 sportcraft",
  91773. "490614967",
  91774. "nan",
  91775. "� correspondence\n� email correspondence \n� people/players\n� chronology\n� attorney notes\n� conflict search / nmm\n� duplicates (pleadings)\n� bills\n� documents\n� pleadings",
  91776. "8/4/2006",
  91777. "12704360",
  91778. "locke barbara",
  91779. "nan",
  91780. "nan",
  91781. " hk box: 37918",
  91782. "miami",
  91783. "706498",
  91784. "nan",
  91785. "nan",
  91786. "nan",
  91787. "nan",
  91788. "nan",
  91789. "nan",
  91790. "nan",
  91791. "nan",
  91792. "nan",
  91793. "nan",
  91794. "nan",
  91795. "nan",
  91796. "nan",
  91797. "nan",
  91798. "nan",
  91799. "nan",
  91800. "nan",
  91801. "nan",
  91802. "nan",
  91803. "nan",
  91804. "nan",
  91805. "nan",
  91806. "nan"
  91807. ],
  91808. [
  91809. "23103",
  91810. "1",
  91811. "ruggieri, david",
  91812. "fdic (potomac advisors)",
  91813. "d232",
  91814. "nan",
  91815. "nan",
  91816. "nan",
  91817. "d232",
  91818. "sm",
  91819. "nan",
  91820. "nan",
  91821. "closed file number: 252-96 + location: i",
  91822. "fort lauderdale",
  91823. "332851",
  91824. "nan",
  91825. "nan",
  91826. "nan",
  91827. "nan",
  91828. "nan",
  91829. "nan",
  91830. "nan",
  91831. "nan",
  91832. "nan",
  91833. "nan",
  91834. "nan",
  91835. "nan",
  91836. "nan",
  91837. "nan",
  91838. "nan",
  91839. "nan",
  91840. "nan",
  91841. "nan",
  91842. "nan",
  91843. "nan",
  91844. "nan",
  91845. "nan",
  91846. "nan"
  91847. ],
  91848. [
  91849. "23455",
  91850. "12",
  91851. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja",
  91852. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja",
  91853. "489488797",
  91854. "nan",
  91855. "11/30/95 - pleadings (vol. 1); pleadings (volume 2); pleadings (volume 3); correspondence; billing; certified copy of recorded final judgment; research notes; list of unit owners; title information; search - phase i and phase ii; certificate of title; research re motion for summary judgment; attorney notes; documents for complaint and aerial photographs; swezy naranja title; swezy/royal palm gardens; urban league/rtc; urban league of greater miami; material re declaration of condominium",
  91856. "12/5/1995",
  91857. "316127",
  91858. "stallings stephen",
  91859. "nan",
  91860. "nan",
  91861. " hk box: 12516",
  91862. "miami",
  91863. "645723",
  91864. "nan",
  91865. "nan",
  91866. "nan",
  91867. "nan",
  91868. "nan",
  91869. "nan",
  91870. "nan",
  91871. "nan",
  91872. "nan",
  91873. "nan",
  91874. "nan",
  91875. "nan",
  91876. "nan",
  91877. "nan",
  91878. "nan",
  91879. "nan",
  91880. "nan",
  91881. "nan",
  91882. "nan",
  91883. "nan",
  91884. "nan",
  91885. "nan",
  91886. "nan"
  91887. ],
  91888. [
  91889. "23455",
  91890. "8",
  91891. "swezy p/f rtc of vizcaya villas",
  91892. "none",
  91893. "489519581",
  91894. "nan",
  91895. "title commitment and hard copies; prior mp- general bank eff 7/5/89; loan sale agreement and closing documents; vizcaya acquisitoin corp./ arts of incorp; plat opinion; correspondence",
  91896. "6/13/1996",
  91897. "335801",
  91898. "hoffman stuart",
  91899. "nan",
  91900. "nan",
  91901. " hk box: 13400",
  91902. "miami",
  91903. "652328",
  91904. "nan",
  91905. "nan",
  91906. "nan",
  91907. "nan",
  91908. "nan",
  91909. "nan",
  91910. "nan",
  91911. "nan",
  91912. "nan",
  91913. "nan",
  91914. "nan",
  91915. "nan",
  91916. "nan",
  91917. "nan",
  91918. "nan",
  91919. "nan",
  91920. "nan",
  91921. "nan",
  91922. "nan",
  91923. "nan",
  91924. "nan",
  91925. "nan",
  91926. "nan"
  91927. ],
  91928. [
  91929. "23455",
  91930. "7",
  91931. "lewis swezy v. villas naranja",
  91932. "none",
  91933. "490615883",
  91934. "nan",
  91935. "correspondence; assignment of license and permits; second addendum to real estate sales contract; mortgage & security agreement; rtc power of attorney; owner's affidavit; special warranty deed; drafts; real property tax bills; survey; title; vizcaya villas title opinion 1996",
  91936. "2/5/1997",
  91937. "384566",
  91938. "hoffman stuart",
  91939. "nan",
  91940. "nan",
  91941. " hk box: 14774",
  91942. "miami",
  91943. "653335",
  91944. "nan",
  91945. "nan",
  91946. "nan",
  91947. "nan",
  91948. "nan",
  91949. "nan",
  91950. "nan",
  91951. "nan",
  91952. "nan",
  91953. "nan",
  91954. "nan",
  91955. "nan",
  91956. "nan",
  91957. "nan",
  91958. "nan",
  91959. "nan",
  91960. "nan",
  91961. "nan",
  91962. "nan",
  91963. "nan",
  91964. "nan",
  91965. "nan",
  91966. "nan"
  91967. ],
  91968. [
  91969. "243196",
  91970. "00001",
  91971. "smartchannels llc",
  91972. "bridge financing",
  91973. "194227980",
  91974. "nan",
  91975. "miscellaneous documents",
  91976. "12/8/2003",
  91977. "nan",
  91978. "vvf",
  91979. "nan",
  91980. "nan",
  91981. "closed no: 194227980 + transfer atty: false + transfer client: false + destroy: false + notes: formerly contained in vvf client archive box 30. + active: false",
  91982. "seattle",
  91983. "865961",
  91984. "nan",
  91985. "nan",
  91986. "nan",
  91987. "nan",
  91988. "nan",
  91989. "nan",
  91990. "nan",
  91991. "nan",
  91992. "nan",
  91993. "nan",
  91994. "nan",
  91995. "nan",
  91996. "nan",
  91997. "nan",
  91998. "nan",
  91999. "nan",
  92000. "nan",
  92001. "nan",
  92002. "nan",
  92003. "nan",
  92004. "nan",
  92005. "nan",
  92006. "nan"
  92007. ],
  92008. [
  92009. "24644",
  92010. "38",
  92011. "gannon",
  92012. "none",
  92013. "460603349",
  92014. "nan",
  92015. "no date - accordian file containing: network fdic/overseas; gannon management company general file; documents from client; frankie adv. croll pleadings; correspondence; exhibits; papers not sent; lakeport apt. 1989 property taxes.",
  92016. "4/20/1993",
  92017. "118809",
  92018. "newman scott",
  92019. "nan",
  92020. "nan",
  92021. " hk box: 9724",
  92022. "miami",
  92023. "666518",
  92024. "nan",
  92025. "nan",
  92026. "nan",
  92027. "nan",
  92028. "nan",
  92029. "nan",
  92030. "nan",
  92031. "nan",
  92032. "nan",
  92033. "nan",
  92034. "nan",
  92035. "nan",
  92036. "nan",
  92037. "nan",
  92038. "nan",
  92039. "nan",
  92040. "nan",
  92041. "nan",
  92042. "nan",
  92043. "nan",
  92044. "nan",
  92045. "nan",
  92046. "nan"
  92047. ],
  92048. [
  92049. "25178",
  92050. "0",
  92051. "first american bank & trust",
  92052. "none",
  92053. "489337882",
  92054. "nan",
  92055. "11/30/92, billing. fdic fees disallowed memo to warren cason",
  92056. "12/10/1992",
  92057. "50257",
  92058. "maguire amelia",
  92059. "nan",
  92060. "nan",
  92061. " hk box: 8567",
  92062. "miami",
  92063. "671036",
  92064. "nan",
  92065. "nan",
  92066. "nan",
  92067. "nan",
  92068. "nan",
  92069. "nan",
  92070. "nan",
  92071. "nan",
  92072. "nan",
  92073. "nan",
  92074. "nan",
  92075. "nan",
  92076. "nan",
  92077. "nan",
  92078. "nan",
  92079. "nan",
  92080. "nan",
  92081. "nan",
  92082. "nan",
  92083. "nan",
  92084. "nan",
  92085. "nan",
  92086. "nan"
  92087. ],
  92088. [
  92089. "25245",
  92090. "3",
  92091. "fdic - whispering pines",
  92092. "ticor ins. co. - tax deed",
  92093. "tcf0008383",
  92094. "nan",
  92095. "nan",
  92096. "06/20/2001",
  92097. "av9539",
  92098. "jsw",
  92099. "nan",
  92100. "nan",
  92101. "seq: 0008",
  92102. "tampa",
  92103. "191998",
  92104. "nan",
  92105. "nan",
  92106. "nan",
  92107. "nan",
  92108. "nan",
  92109. "nan",
  92110. "nan",
  92111. "nan",
  92112. "nan",
  92113. "nan",
  92114. "nan",
  92115. "nan",
  92116. "nan",
  92117. "nan",
  92118. "nan",
  92119. "nan",
  92120. "nan",
  92121. "nan",
  92122. "nan",
  92123. "nan",
  92124. "nan",
  92125. "nan",
  92126. "nan"
  92127. ],
  92128. [
  92129. "25767",
  92130. "106",
  92131. "fdic",
  92132. "shadow",
  92133. "tcf0010258",
  92134. "nan",
  92135. "nan",
  92136. "06/20/2001",
  92137. "bg0934",
  92138. "mjc",
  92139. "nan",
  92140. "nan",
  92141. "seq: 0028",
  92142. "tampa",
  92143. "200668",
  92144. "nan",
  92145. "nan",
  92146. "nan",
  92147. "nan",
  92148. "nan",
  92149. "nan",
  92150. "nan",
  92151. "nan",
  92152. "nan",
  92153. "nan",
  92154. "nan",
  92155. "nan",
  92156. "nan",
  92157. "nan",
  92158. "nan",
  92159. "nan",
  92160. "nan",
  92161. "nan",
  92162. "nan",
  92163. "nan",
  92164. "nan",
  92165. "nan",
  92166. "nan"
  92167. ],
  92168. [
  92169. "25859",
  92170. "nan",
  92171. "rtc",
  92172. "shadow",
  92173. "tcf0010042",
  92174. "nan",
  92175. "nan",
  92176. "06/20/2001",
  92177. "bg0344",
  92178. "wmc",
  92179. "nan",
  92180. "nan",
  92181. "seq: 0014",
  92182. "tampa",
  92183. "199023",
  92184. "nan",
  92185. "nan",
  92186. "nan",
  92187. "nan",
  92188. "nan",
  92189. "nan",
  92190. "nan",
  92191. "nan",
  92192. "nan",
  92193. "nan",
  92194. "nan",
  92195. "nan",
  92196. "nan",
  92197. "nan",
  92198. "nan",
  92199. "nan",
  92200. "nan",
  92201. "nan",
  92202. "nan",
  92203. "nan",
  92204. "nan",
  92205. "nan",
  92206. "nan"
  92207. ],
  92208. [
  92209. "26054",
  92210. "3",
  92211. "blank rome",
  92212. "none",
  92213. "18261",
  92214. "nan",
  92215. "box was deleted from storage permanently and sent to hunton & williams per tom farrar on 02/22/2000. 6/26/98 - research administrative law argument with respect to department of justice's refusal to decline prosecution; research judicial estoppel; research expunging reference to vindicated co-conspirators; notes change of plea hearing - blank rome/fslic; newspaper articles; grand jury attorney notes m.s. vol. ii; blank rome m.s. notes; steinberg notes on \"john pearson\"; legal resarch protective order; trial notes blank rome; steinberg notes of 1/26/93 presentation; notes re marty's testimony at tradewell hearing; holifield notes; grand jury notes-holifield; notes s danon, enjamio on john pearson; notes: ampy luaces, theus, steinberg; steinberg notes on john evens - blank rome grand jury, \"jerry richter\", jeff hayes\n(record response), brian mccormick, irv nathan, dave bogenshutz; notes on hearing in u.s. v. jacoby; attorney notes: marty; consent decree: press articles; examples of consent decrees; justice press releases re consent decrees; civil actions by usa under firrea; consent decrees: caselaw; draft of consent decree from pepper hamilton; draft of\nconsent decree; attorney notes m steinberg july 13, 1993; research civil actions under firrea for consent decree issue; justice presentation; research lothan gerge; gray files: draft pleading; blue files: hearing transcript 3/11/97; white files: docket sheet blank rome #19, settlement agreement with specific release, verdict; affidavit of abraham m. mora, esq.; pleadings",
  92216. "6/30/1998",
  92217. "18261",
  92218. "steinberg marty",
  92219. "nan",
  92220. "nan",
  92221. "nan",
  92222. "miami",
  92223. "640631",
  92224. "nan",
  92225. "nan",
  92226. "nan",
  92227. "nan",
  92228. "nan",
  92229. "nan",
  92230. "nan",
  92231. "nan",
  92232. "nan",
  92233. "nan",
  92234. "nan",
  92235. "nan",
  92236. "nan",
  92237. "nan",
  92238. "nan",
  92239. "nan",
  92240. "nan",
  92241. "nan",
  92242. "nan",
  92243. "nan",
  92244. "nan",
  92245. "nan",
  92246. "nan"
  92247. ],
  92248. [
  92249. "26054",
  92250. "3",
  92251. "blank, rome/robert jacoby",
  92252. "none",
  92253. "13007",
  92254. "nan",
  92255. "blank rome index to 8/23/89 submission to department of justice 2 of 2; docket sheet: in f.s.l.i.c. vs. frederick; appeal 11th circuit court of appeal decision; memorandum summarizing testimony of jacoby & gense's arguments; telephone conversation with genge & chaykin re: new indictment; database print - one for releases; response to government response (motion to blank rome's notice of compliance with court order and request for emergency hearing); summary of trial testimony sunrise savings - usa vs. jacoby; extra copies of individuals interviews sent to richter and hayes on 2/23/87; statement by government on excerpts from trial; grand jury: memorandum re individuals prior to grand jury appearance; joint defense agreement; government bill of particulars; list of blank rome lawyers; scheer grand jury testimony; letter of conflict re: fslic & blank rome; index of blank rome files; pmrg reports; 1992 investigations; section 211, loan portfolio diversification of regulatory handbook governing thrift activities; blank, rome, comisky & mccauley, management committee minutes; indictment copies; newspaper articles",
  92256. "3/19/1996",
  92257. "13007",
  92258. "steinberg marty",
  92259. "nan",
  92260. "nan",
  92261. "nan",
  92262. "miami",
  92263. "648825",
  92264. "nan",
  92265. "nan",
  92266. "nan",
  92267. "nan",
  92268. "nan",
  92269. "nan",
  92270. "nan",
  92271. "nan",
  92272. "nan",
  92273. "nan",
  92274. "nan",
  92275. "nan",
  92276. "nan",
  92277. "nan",
  92278. "nan",
  92279. "nan",
  92280. "nan",
  92281. "nan",
  92282. "nan",
  92283. "nan",
  92284. "nan",
  92285. "nan",
  92286. "nan"
  92287. ],
  92288. [
  92289. "26054",
  92290. "3",
  92291. "blank, rome/robert jacoby",
  92292. "none",
  92293. "13019",
  92294. "nan",
  92295. "draft file; motion for yankitis deposition; extra copies of pleadings # s 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16; extra: defendant treadwellis supplemental brief in support of his motion to dismiss indictment for violation of use immunity agreements and fifth amendment rights; extra copy of order on jacoby's in camera motion to quash portion of grand jury subpoena req. ct to review cert. document dated 7/9/86; blank, rome & comisky; draft: defendant treadwell memo of law in opposition to reporters motion to quash subpoenas; emergency motion and memorandum of law of blank rome to interview in status conference; draft: satus report of motions by defendant treadwell; extra copy-supplemental memo in support to bris motion to quash grand jury subpoena of work product documents supplemental memorandum in reply to governments supplemental response regarding work product and crime/fraud issues; extra copy of government's supplemental brief dated 5/5/86; pleadings from other cases re: motions to quash subpoenas duces tecum for protective order; draft: order dismissing indictment; extra copies of appendix to memo in support of motion to quash subpoena duces tecum; grand jury proposed order re: document production; order on jacoby's in camera motion to quash portions of grand jury subpoena; order on motion to intervene in and to seal proceedings michael foxman 7/10/86; extra copy of omnibus order of 7/9/86; motion and memorandum to dismiss cross-claims; draft: motion to hold grand jury proceedings under seal in camera; \"key motion\" jacoby's 2255 motion to vacate; exhibit to defendant treadwellis memorandum of law in support of motion to dismiss indictment for violation of use immunity agreements and fifth amended rights; brief of the federal deposit insurance corporation amicus curiae; motion to stay civil file; \"protective order\"; treadwell vs. u.s.a. extra copy of pleadings and drafts",
  92296. "3/19/1996",
  92297. "13019",
  92298. "steinberg marty",
  92299. "nan",
  92300. "nan",
  92301. "nan",
  92302. "miami",
  92303. "648848",
  92304. "nan",
  92305. "nan",
  92306. "nan",
  92307. "nan",
  92308. "nan",
  92309. "nan",
  92310. "nan",
  92311. "nan",
  92312. "nan",
  92313. "nan",
  92314. "nan",
  92315. "nan",
  92316. "nan",
  92317. "nan",
  92318. "nan",
  92319. "nan",
  92320. "nan",
  92321. "nan",
  92322. "nan",
  92323. "nan",
  92324. "nan",
  92325. "nan",
  92326. "nan"
  92327. ],
  92328. [
  92329. "26054",
  92330. "1",
  92331. "blank rome",
  92332. "none",
  92333. "672030334",
  92334. "nan",
  92335. "3/7/95 corresp vol 11 186 thru july 186. corresp re:pearson 1/86 - 5/88 fslic vs. blank rome 26054 - 3. corresp vol i (august 7 thru nov 30, 1986). corresp iii august thru dec 1986. grand jury subpoena dated 6/28/85. usa vs. william frederick & thomas moye pleadings. ms letter to persons on attached list dated july 11, 1986 re bris records have been subp by grand jury. misc docs. afft of jeffrey hayes. research statute of limitations/malpractice action against partnership. improper disclosure of grand jury materials 26054-3. orders, memoranda, etc (i) and (ii).",
  92336. "12/31/1899",
  92337. "12513966",
  92338. "steinberg marty",
  92339. "nan",
  92340. "nan",
  92341. " hk box: 223",
  92342. "miami",
  92343. "679710",
  92344. "nan",
  92345. "nan",
  92346. "nan",
  92347. "nan",
  92348. "nan",
  92349. "nan",
  92350. "nan",
  92351. "nan",
  92352. "nan",
  92353. "nan",
  92354. "nan",
  92355. "nan",
  92356. "nan",
  92357. "nan",
  92358. "nan",
  92359. "nan",
  92360. "nan",
  92361. "nan",
  92362. "nan",
  92363. "nan",
  92364. "nan",
  92365. "nan",
  92366. "nan"
  92367. ],
  92368. [
  92369. "26054",
  92370. "3",
  92371. "blank rome",
  92372. "none",
  92373. "6819",
  92374. "nan",
  92375. "box was deleted from storage permanently and sent to hunton willliams per tom farrar on 02/22/2000. fslic vs. jacoby.- pleading (entire box).",
  92376. "1/14/1991",
  92377. "6819",
  92378. "steinberg marty",
  92379. "nan",
  92380. "nan",
  92381. "nan",
  92382. "miami",
  92383. "683805",
  92384. "nan",
  92385. "nan",
  92386. "nan",
  92387. "nan",
  92388. "nan",
  92389. "nan",
  92390. "nan",
  92391. "nan",
  92392. "nan",
  92393. "nan",
  92394. "nan",
  92395. "nan",
  92396. "nan",
  92397. "nan",
  92398. "nan",
  92399. "nan",
  92400. "nan",
  92401. "nan",
  92402. "nan",
  92403. "nan",
  92404. "nan",
  92405. "nan",
  92406. "nan"
  92407. ],
  92408. [
  92409. "26054",
  92410. "3",
  92411. "blank rome",
  92412. "none",
  92413. "6820",
  92414. "nan",
  92415. "documents & material relating to john e. pearson.- fslic vs. blank rome. draft memorandum \"written submission on behalf of blank, rome, comisky, aim mc cauley.",
  92416. "1/14/1991",
  92417. "6820",
  92418. "steinberg marty",
  92419. "nan",
  92420. "nan",
  92421. "nan",
  92422. "miami",
  92423. "683807",
  92424. "nan",
  92425. "nan",
  92426. "nan",
  92427. "nan",
  92428. "nan",
  92429. "nan",
  92430. "nan",
  92431. "nan",
  92432. "nan",
  92433. "nan",
  92434. "nan",
  92435. "nan",
  92436. "nan",
  92437. "nan",
  92438. "nan",
  92439. "nan",
  92440. "nan",
  92441. "nan",
  92442. "nan",
  92443. "nan",
  92444. "nan",
  92445. "nan",
  92446. "nan"
  92447. ],
  92448. [
  92449. "26054",
  92450. "1",
  92451. "blank rome",
  92452. "none",
  92453. "43480",
  92454. "nan",
  92455. "draft exhibits; fslic v. jacoby; draft; exhibit; transcripts of plea proceeding",
  92456. "1/14/1991",
  92457. "6901",
  92458. "steinberg marty",
  92459. "nan",
  92460. "nan",
  92461. "nan",
  92462. "miami",
  92463. "684148",
  92464. "nan",
  92465. "nan",
  92466. "nan",
  92467. "nan",
  92468. "nan",
  92469. "nan",
  92470. "nan",
  92471. "nan",
  92472. "nan",
  92473. "nan",
  92474. "nan",
  92475. "nan",
  92476. "nan",
  92477. "nan",
  92478. "nan",
  92479. "nan",
  92480. "nan",
  92481. "nan",
  92482. "nan",
  92483. "nan",
  92484. "nan",
  92485. "nan",
  92486. "nan"
  92487. ],
  92488. [
  92489. "26054",
  92490. "3",
  92491. "blank rome",
  92492. "none",
  92493. "43481",
  92494. "nan",
  92495. "fslic v. jacoby; correspondence; notes; documents produced",
  92496. "1/14/1991",
  92497. "6902",
  92498. "steinberg marty",
  92499. "nan",
  92500. "nan",
  92501. "nan",
  92502. "miami",
  92503. "684150",
  92504. "nan",
  92505. "nan",
  92506. "nan",
  92507. "nan",
  92508. "nan",
  92509. "nan",
  92510. "nan",
  92511. "nan",
  92512. "nan",
  92513. "nan",
  92514. "nan",
  92515. "nan",
  92516. "nan",
  92517. "nan",
  92518. "nan",
  92519. "nan",
  92520. "nan",
  92521. "nan",
  92522. "nan",
  92523. "nan",
  92524. "nan",
  92525. "nan",
  92526. "nan"
  92527. ],
  92528. [
  92529. "26373",
  92530. "nan",
  92531. "rtc-shadow file",
  92532. "op great life fed sav assoc",
  92533. "tcf0007949",
  92534. "nan",
  92535. "nan",
  92536. "06/20/2001",
  92537. "au5247",
  92538. "tjp",
  92539. "off-site",
  92540. "nan",
  92541. "seq: 0052",
  92542. "tampa",
  92543. "189880",
  92544. "nan",
  92545. "nan",
  92546. "nan",
  92547. "nan",
  92548. "nan",
  92549. "nan",
  92550. "nan",
  92551. "nan",
  92552. "nan",
  92553. "nan",
  92554. "nan",
  92555. "nan",
  92556. "nan",
  92557. "nan",
  92558. "nan",
  92559. "nan",
  92560. "nan",
  92561. "nan",
  92562. "nan",
  92563. "nan",
  92564. "nan",
  92565. "nan",
  92566. "nan"
  92567. ],
  92568. [
  92569. "26757",
  92570. "72",
  92571. "fdic-park bank of fld",
  92572. "the village bank",
  92573. "tcf0007155",
  92574. "nan",
  92575. "nan",
  92576. "06/20/2001",
  92577. "aq0642",
  92578. "nan",
  92579. "nan",
  92580. "nan",
  92581. "seq: 0021",
  92582. "tampa",
  92583. "183731",
  92584. "nan",
  92585. "nan",
  92586. "nan",
  92587. "nan",
  92588. "nan",
  92589. "nan",
  92590. "nan",
  92591. "nan",
  92592. "nan",
  92593. "nan",
  92594. "nan",
  92595. "nan",
  92596. "nan",
  92597. "nan",
  92598. "nan",
  92599. "nan",
  92600. "nan",
  92601. "nan",
  92602. "nan",
  92603. "nan",
  92604. "nan",
  92605. "nan",
  92606. "nan"
  92607. ],
  92608. [
  92609. "2699",
  92610. "2200",
  92611. "machado",
  92612. "rtc",
  92613. "489519678",
  92614. "nan",
  92615. "february 18, 2000 - machado/sale to home depot - 02699.0055; commitment for owner's policy; correspondence; closing statement; stipulation for settlement; warranty deed; commission letter/instructions; seller's affidavit; non-identity affidavit; enviropact agreement; assignment of contract; contractor's final payment affidavit; notice of termination; owner's title policy; assignment of life insurance policy; lien letters; legal descriptions; drafts; purchase contract; tax information; invoices; machado/sale of buick veritechnology contract; veritechnology (title); lennar -correspondence; cert of secy, corp res and incumb (gus machado ford, inc.); certificate of good standing gus machado ford, inc.); action by written consent (gus machado ford, inc.); cert of secy, corp res and incumb (gm auto leasing, inc.); certificate of good standing (gm auto leasing, inc.); action by written consent (gm auto leasing, inc.); cert of secy, corp res and incumb (gus machado buick-gmc truck, inc.); certificate of good standing (gus machado-buick gmc truck, inc.); action by written consent (gus machado-buick gmc truck, inc.); cert of secy, corp res and incumb (gus machado enterprises, inc.); certificate of good standing (gus machado enterprises, inc.); action by written consent (gus machado enterprises, inc.); closing checklist (lennar); stock pledge agreement (lennar); abs assign of purchase and sale agreement (lennar); 3rd stipulation to postpone foreclosure sale (lennar)",
  92616. "2/23/2000",
  92617. "585252",
  92618. "hoffman stuart",
  92619. "nan",
  92620. "nan",
  92621. " hk box: 22850",
  92622. "miami",
  92623. "660479",
  92624. "nan",
  92625. "nan",
  92626. "nan",
  92627. "nan",
  92628. "nan",
  92629. "nan",
  92630. "nan",
  92631. "nan",
  92632. "nan",
  92633. "nan",
  92634. "nan",
  92635. "nan",
  92636. "nan",
  92637. "nan",
  92638. "nan",
  92639. "nan",
  92640. "nan",
  92641. "nan",
  92642. "nan",
  92643. "nan",
  92644. "nan",
  92645. "nan",
  92646. "nan"
  92647. ],
  92648. [
  92649. "27091",
  92650. "10",
  92651. "federal deposit insurance",
  92652. "86 vs diane elaine la pier re-7",
  92653. "tcf0003915",
  92654. "nan",
  92655. "nan",
  92656. "06/20/2001",
  92657. "ab8017",
  92658. "jjk",
  92659. "nan",
  92660. "nan",
  92661. "seq: 0112",
  92662. "tampa",
  92663. "160770",
  92664. "nan",
  92665. "nan",
  92666. "nan",
  92667. "nan",
  92668. "nan",
  92669. "nan",
  92670. "nan",
  92671. "nan",
  92672. "nan",
  92673. "nan",
  92674. "nan",
  92675. "nan",
  92676. "nan",
  92677. "nan",
  92678. "nan",
  92679. "nan",
  92680. "nan",
  92681. "nan",
  92682. "nan",
  92683. "nan",
  92684. "nan",
  92685. "nan",
  92686. "nan"
  92687. ],
  92688. [
  92689. "27091",
  92690. "5",
  92691. "fdic/fowler v sar-manco",
  92692. "op docket sheets",
  92693. "tcf0006152",
  92694. "nan",
  92695. "nan",
  92696. "06/20/2001",
  92697. "am4375",
  92698. "dmc",
  92699. "nan",
  92700. "nan",
  92701. "seq: 0037",
  92702. "tampa",
  92703. "176059",
  92704. "nan",
  92705. "nan",
  92706. "nan",
  92707. "nan",
  92708. "nan",
  92709. "nan",
  92710. "nan",
  92711. "nan",
  92712. "nan",
  92713. "nan",
  92714. "nan",
  92715. "nan",
  92716. "nan",
  92717. "nan",
  92718. "nan",
  92719. "nan",
  92720. "nan",
  92721. "nan",
  92722. "nan",
  92723. "nan",
  92724. "nan",
  92725. "nan",
  92726. "nan"
  92727. ],
  92728. [
  92729. "27091",
  92730. "55",
  92731. "fdic",
  92732. "92 ronald a. roeske - doc.",
  92733. "tcf0007670",
  92734. "nan",
  92735. "nan",
  92736. "06/20/2001",
  92737. "au1261",
  92738. "dpm",
  92739. "nan",
  92740. "nan",
  92741. "seq: 0020",
  92742. "tampa",
  92743. "187984",
  92744. "nan",
  92745. "nan",
  92746. "nan",
  92747. "nan",
  92748. "nan",
  92749. "nan",
  92750. "nan",
  92751. "nan",
  92752. "nan",
  92753. "nan",
  92754. "nan",
  92755. "nan",
  92756. "nan",
  92757. "nan",
  92758. "nan",
  92759. "nan",
  92760. "nan",
  92761. "nan",
  92762. "nan",
  92763. "nan",
  92764. "nan",
  92765. "nan",
  92766. "nan"
  92767. ],
  92768. [
  92769. "27091",
  92770. "3",
  92771. "fdic",
  92772. "general",
  92773. "tcf0010160",
  92774. "nan",
  92775. "nan",
  92776. "06/20/2001",
  92777. "bg0750",
  92778. "bab",
  92779. "nan",
  92780. "nan",
  92781. "seq: 0056",
  92782. "tampa",
  92783. "199825",
  92784. "nan",
  92785. "nan",
  92786. "nan",
  92787. "nan",
  92788. "nan",
  92789. "nan",
  92790. "nan",
  92791. "nan",
  92792. "nan",
  92793. "nan",
  92794. "nan",
  92795. "nan",
  92796. "nan",
  92797. "nan",
  92798. "nan",
  92799. "nan",
  92800. "nan",
  92801. "nan",
  92802. "nan",
  92803. "nan",
  92804. "nan",
  92805. "nan",
  92806. "nan"
  92807. ],
  92808. [
  92809. "27657",
  92810. "17",
  92811. "fdic park bank",
  92812. "heaton, howard",
  92813. "7602",
  92814. "nan",
  92815. "-",
  92816. "nan",
  92817. "7602",
  92818. "if",
  92819. "-",
  92820. "nan",
  92821. "closed file number: 7851-91 + location: c",
  92822. "fort lauderdale",
  92823. "321247",
  92824. "nan",
  92825. "nan",
  92826. "nan",
  92827. "nan",
  92828. "nan",
  92829. "nan",
  92830. "nan",
  92831. "nan",
  92832. "nan",
  92833. "nan",
  92834. "nan",
  92835. "nan",
  92836. "nan",
  92837. "nan",
  92838. "nan",
  92839. "nan",
  92840. "nan",
  92841. "nan",
  92842. "nan",
  92843. "nan",
  92844. "nan",
  92845. "nan",
  92846. "nan"
  92847. ],
  92848. [
  92849. "27657",
  92850. "68",
  92851. "fdic park bank",
  92852. "carriage hse. condo",
  92853. "7958",
  92854. "nan",
  92855. "-",
  92856. "nan",
  92857. "7958",
  92858. "if",
  92859. "-",
  92860. "nan",
  92861. "closed file number: 9156-91 + location: c",
  92862. "fort lauderdale",
  92863. "322380",
  92864. "nan",
  92865. "nan",
  92866. "nan",
  92867. "nan",
  92868. "nan",
  92869. "nan",
  92870. "nan",
  92871. "nan",
  92872. "nan",
  92873. "nan",
  92874. "nan",
  92875. "nan",
  92876. "nan",
  92877. "nan",
  92878. "nan",
  92879. "nan",
  92880. "nan",
  92881. "nan",
  92882. "nan",
  92883. "nan",
  92884. "nan",
  92885. "nan",
  92886. "nan"
  92887. ],
  92888. [
  92889. "27657",
  92890. "68",
  92891. "fdic park bank",
  92892. "-",
  92893. "7958",
  92894. "nan",
  92895. "-",
  92896. "nan",
  92897. "7958",
  92898. "-",
  92899. "-",
  92900. "nan",
  92901. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  92902. "fort lauderdale",
  92903. "322717",
  92904. "nan",
  92905. "nan",
  92906. "nan",
  92907. "nan",
  92908. "nan",
  92909. "nan",
  92910. "nan",
  92911. "nan",
  92912. "nan",
  92913. "nan",
  92914. "nan",
  92915. "nan",
  92916. "nan",
  92917. "nan",
  92918. "nan",
  92919. "nan",
  92920. "nan",
  92921. "nan",
  92922. "nan",
  92923. "nan",
  92924. "nan",
  92925. "nan",
  92926. "nan"
  92927. ],
  92928. [
  92929. "27657",
  92930. "17",
  92931. "fdic",
  92932. "-",
  92933. "8032",
  92934. "nan",
  92935. "3 files",
  92936. "nan",
  92937. "8032",
  92938. "cw",
  92939. "-",
  92940. "nan",
  92941. "closed file number: 9488-91a-c + location: c",
  92942. "fort lauderdale",
  92943. "322822",
  92944. "nan",
  92945. "nan",
  92946. "nan",
  92947. "nan",
  92948. "nan",
  92949. "nan",
  92950. "nan",
  92951. "nan",
  92952. "nan",
  92953. "nan",
  92954. "nan",
  92955. "nan",
  92956. "nan",
  92957. "nan",
  92958. "nan",
  92959. "nan",
  92960. "nan",
  92961. "nan",
  92962. "nan",
  92963. "nan",
  92964. "nan",
  92965. "nan",
  92966. "nan"
  92967. ],
  92968. [
  92969. "27657",
  92970. "47",
  92971. "fdic park bank of fla.",
  92972. "southwinds condo",
  92973. "8592",
  92974. "nan",
  92975. "entered july 16,92.",
  92976. "nan",
  92977. "8592",
  92978. "cw",
  92979. "-",
  92980. "nan",
  92981. "closed file number: 2009-92 + location: c",
  92982. "fort lauderdale",
  92983. "324404",
  92984. "nan",
  92985. "nan",
  92986. "nan",
  92987. "nan",
  92988. "nan",
  92989. "nan",
  92990. "nan",
  92991. "nan",
  92992. "nan",
  92993. "nan",
  92994. "nan",
  92995. "nan",
  92996. "nan",
  92997. "nan",
  92998. "nan",
  92999. "nan",
  93000. "nan",
  93001. "nan",
  93002. "nan",
  93003. "nan",
  93004. "nan",
  93005. "nan",
  93006. "nan"
  93007. ],
  93008. [
  93009. "27658",
  93010. "25",
  93011. "fdic-fla center bank",
  93012. "edward charles sasser",
  93013. "tcf0007527",
  93014. "nan",
  93015. "nan",
  93016. "06/20/2001",
  93017. "as0758",
  93018. "gas",
  93019. "nan",
  93020. "nan",
  93021. "seq: 0024",
  93022. "tampa",
  93023. "187040",
  93024. "nan",
  93025. "nan",
  93026. "nan",
  93027. "nan",
  93028. "nan",
  93029. "nan",
  93030. "nan",
  93031. "nan",
  93032. "nan",
  93033. "nan",
  93034. "nan",
  93035. "nan",
  93036. "nan",
  93037. "nan",
  93038. "nan",
  93039. "nan",
  93040. "nan",
  93041. "nan",
  93042. "nan",
  93043. "nan",
  93044. "nan",
  93045. "nan",
  93046. "nan"
  93047. ],
  93048. [
  93049. "27658",
  93050. "3",
  93051. "fdic vs streck",
  93052. "nan",
  93053. "tcf0008699",
  93054. "nan",
  93055. "nan",
  93056. "06/20/2001",
  93057. "ax1569",
  93058. "gfs",
  93059. "nan",
  93060. "nan",
  93061. "seq: 0012",
  93062. "tampa",
  93063. "193998",
  93064. "nan",
  93065. "nan",
  93066. "nan",
  93067. "nan",
  93068. "nan",
  93069. "nan",
  93070. "nan",
  93071. "nan",
  93072. "nan",
  93073. "nan",
  93074. "nan",
  93075. "nan",
  93076. "nan",
  93077. "nan",
  93078. "nan",
  93079. "nan",
  93080. "nan",
  93081. "nan",
  93082. "nan",
  93083. "nan",
  93084. "nan",
  93085. "nan",
  93086. "nan"
  93087. ],
  93088. [
  93089. "27658",
  93090. "3",
  93091. "fdic fla center bank",
  93092. "liquidation oveida indus",
  93093. "tcf0008796",
  93094. "nan",
  93095. "nan",
  93096. "06/20/2001",
  93097. "ay2024",
  93098. "rcr",
  93099. "nan",
  93100. "nan",
  93101. "seq: 0032",
  93102. "tampa",
  93103. "194516",
  93104. "nan",
  93105. "nan",
  93106. "nan",
  93107. "nan",
  93108. "nan",
  93109. "nan",
  93110. "nan",
  93111. "nan",
  93112. "nan",
  93113. "nan",
  93114. "nan",
  93115. "nan",
  93116. "nan",
  93117. "nan",
  93118. "nan",
  93119. "nan",
  93120. "nan",
  93121. "nan",
  93122. "nan",
  93123. "nan",
  93124. "nan",
  93125. "nan",
  93126. "nan"
  93127. ],
  93128. [
  93129. "27658",
  93130. "22",
  93131. "rtc",
  93132. "shadow",
  93133. "tcf0010042",
  93134. "nan",
  93135. "nan",
  93136. "06/20/2001",
  93137. "bg0344",
  93138. "wmc",
  93139. "nan",
  93140. "nan",
  93141. "seq: 0016",
  93142. "tampa",
  93143. "199025",
  93144. "nan",
  93145. "nan",
  93146. "nan",
  93147. "nan",
  93148. "nan",
  93149. "nan",
  93150. "nan",
  93151. "nan",
  93152. "nan",
  93153. "nan",
  93154. "nan",
  93155. "nan",
  93156. "nan",
  93157. "nan",
  93158. "nan",
  93159. "nan",
  93160. "nan",
  93161. "nan",
  93162. "nan",
  93163. "nan",
  93164. "nan",
  93165. "nan",
  93166. "nan"
  93167. ],
  93168. [
  93169. "27854",
  93170. "18",
  93171. "bechtel",
  93172. "mitchell",
  93173. "653197988",
  93174. "nan",
  93175. "march 28, 1997 - box 2 - correspondence; billing; attorney notes/memos; research: similar case; notice of appearance of designation of representative as agent for service of documents - case no. 12-cb-1365; notice of appearance/notice of designation of representative as agent for service of documents - case no. 12-cb-3867; notice of appearance/notice of designation of representative as agent for service of documents - case no. 12-cb-3864; notice of appearance/notice of designation of representative as agent for service of documents - case no. 12-cb-3863; affidavit of: richard newberry/terrance l. keller/lawrence paul/wayne a. cardoni/jack g. baker; billing correspondence; billing correspondence-volume 2; bechtel-ibew-overtime billing; pleadings; wh.h. attorney notes; documents received from client (discharges); list of foremen; daily work summary for 02/09/93; special file - space coast recovery agreement between space coast & bechtel; research; terry peterson; jim miller; bill hamilton notes; 01/19/92 sick-out; lay off/payroll data; w.h. attorney notes (discharges); site photos; john howanitz/chris portch; opening argument; ed tabor/gaskamp; cross examination; pleadings; arbitration before james m. harlkess-transcripts (3 volumes/2 sets); correspondence-volume 1",
  93176. "3/31/1997",
  93177. "394453",
  93178. "hamilton william",
  93179. "nan",
  93180. "nan",
  93181. " hk box: 15125",
  93182. "miami",
  93183. "662881",
  93184. "nan",
  93185. "nan",
  93186. "nan",
  93187. "nan",
  93188. "nan",
  93189. "nan",
  93190. "nan",
  93191. "nan",
  93192. "nan",
  93193. "nan",
  93194. "nan",
  93195. "nan",
  93196. "nan",
  93197. "nan",
  93198. "nan",
  93199. "nan",
  93200. "nan",
  93201. "nan",
  93202. "nan",
  93203. "nan",
  93204. "nan",
  93205. "nan",
  93206. "nan"
  93207. ],
  93208. [
  93209. "28",
  93210. "616",
  93211. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  93212. "garcia",
  93213. "85598",
  93214. "nan",
  93215. "3/12/93 pleading volume, 1, 2 & 3; exhibits; billing; draft of amended secured proof of claim; notes; notices; statement of schedules; draft of documents; memorandum of law brief; original commencement letters",
  93216. "3/3/1993",
  93217. "8905",
  93218. "genovese, john",
  93219. "nan",
  93220. "nan",
  93221. "nan",
  93222. "miami",
  93223. "679446",
  93224. "nan",
  93225. "nan",
  93226. "nan",
  93227. "nan",
  93228. "nan",
  93229. "nan",
  93230. "nan",
  93231. "nan",
  93232. "nan",
  93233. "nan",
  93234. "nan",
  93235. "nan",
  93236. "nan",
  93237. "nan",
  93238. "nan",
  93239. "nan",
  93240. "nan",
  93241. "nan",
  93242. "nan",
  93243. "nan",
  93244. "nan",
  93245. "nan",
  93246. "nan"
  93247. ],
  93248. [
  93249. "28",
  93250. "616",
  93251. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  93252. "garcia",
  93253. "85599",
  93254. "nan",
  93255. "3/12/93; exhibits frm hearing 9/7/90; discovery of post 9/81 funding; discovery of release of liens; discovery re: miscellaneous; hearing on motion to dismiss; pleading volume on #88-911; attorney notes; deposition summaries; transcript on motion for summary judgment",
  93256. "3/3/1993",
  93257. "8906",
  93258. "genovese, john",
  93259. "nan",
  93260. "nan",
  93261. "nan",
  93262. "miami",
  93263. "679447",
  93264. "nan",
  93265. "nan",
  93266. "nan",
  93267. "nan",
  93268. "nan",
  93269. "nan",
  93270. "nan",
  93271. "nan",
  93272. "nan",
  93273. "nan",
  93274. "nan",
  93275. "nan",
  93276. "nan",
  93277. "nan",
  93278. "nan",
  93279. "nan",
  93280. "nan",
  93281. "nan",
  93282. "nan",
  93283. "nan",
  93284. "nan",
  93285. "nan",
  93286. "nan"
  93287. ],
  93288. [
  93289. "28",
  93290. "616",
  93291. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  93292. "garcia",
  93293. "85600",
  93294. "nan",
  93295. "3/12/93 correspondence from adversary proceeding 91-0497; extra pleading copies; appraisals of the fountains; docket sheet draft of bills; matrix list; pleading volume for adversary #91-0497; transcripts from various depositions",
  93296. "3/3/1993",
  93297. "8907",
  93298. "genovese, john",
  93299. "nan",
  93300. "nan",
  93301. "nan",
  93302. "miami",
  93303. "679448",
  93304. "nan",
  93305. "nan",
  93306. "nan",
  93307. "nan",
  93308. "nan",
  93309. "nan",
  93310. "nan",
  93311. "nan",
  93312. "nan",
  93313. "nan",
  93314. "nan",
  93315. "nan",
  93316. "nan",
  93317. "nan",
  93318. "nan",
  93319. "nan",
  93320. "nan",
  93321. "nan",
  93322. "nan",
  93323. "nan",
  93324. "nan",
  93325. "nan",
  93326. "nan"
  93327. ],
  93328. [
  93329. "28000",
  93330. "4",
  93331. "fdic roberto garcia esquerro",
  93332. "none",
  93333. "672025346",
  93334. "nan",
  93335. "3/19/93",
  93336. "3/25/1993",
  93337. "114676",
  93338. "none",
  93339. "nan",
  93340. "nan",
  93341. " hk box: 9479",
  93342. "miami",
  93343. "662591",
  93344. "nan",
  93345. "nan",
  93346. "nan",
  93347. "nan",
  93348. "nan",
  93349. "nan",
  93350. "nan",
  93351. "nan",
  93352. "nan",
  93353. "nan",
  93354. "nan",
  93355. "nan",
  93356. "nan",
  93357. "nan",
  93358. "nan",
  93359. "nan",
  93360. "nan",
  93361. "nan",
  93362. "nan",
  93363. "nan",
  93364. "nan",
  93365. "nan",
  93366. "nan"
  93367. ],
  93368. [
  93369. "280004",
  93370. "11",
  93371. "fdic",
  93372. "alberto lorenzo",
  93373. "460603416",
  93374. "nan",
  93375. "03/09/1993. documents for client pursuant to defendants first request for production. request to produce to fdic. correspondence. notice of sale. first request for admission and interrogatories to fdic. pltf's request for prod. in aid of execution directed to def's (11/25/92). carole jackson",
  93376. "3/23/1993",
  93377. "114603",
  93378. "genovese john",
  93379. "nan",
  93380. "nan",
  93381. " hk box: 9408",
  93382. "miami",
  93383. "661477",
  93384. "nan",
  93385. "nan",
  93386. "nan",
  93387. "nan",
  93388. "nan",
  93389. "nan",
  93390. "nan",
  93391. "nan",
  93392. "nan",
  93393. "nan",
  93394. "nan",
  93395. "nan",
  93396. "nan",
  93397. "nan",
  93398. "nan",
  93399. "nan",
  93400. "nan",
  93401. "nan",
  93402. "nan",
  93403. "nan",
  93404. "nan",
  93405. "nan",
  93406. "nan"
  93407. ],
  93408. [
  93409. "28001",
  93410. "1",
  93411. "fdic",
  93412. "fortner kilpatrick ch 7",
  93413. "tcf0007192",
  93414. "nan",
  93415. "nan",
  93416. "06/20/2001",
  93417. "aq0680",
  93418. "nan",
  93419. "nan",
  93420. "nan",
  93421. "seq: 0026",
  93422. "tampa",
  93423. "184009",
  93424. "nan",
  93425. "nan",
  93426. "nan",
  93427. "nan",
  93428. "nan",
  93429. "nan",
  93430. "nan",
  93431. "nan",
  93432. "nan",
  93433. "nan",
  93434. "nan",
  93435. "nan",
  93436. "nan",
  93437. "nan",
  93438. "nan",
  93439. "nan",
  93440. "nan",
  93441. "nan",
  93442. "nan",
  93443. "nan",
  93444. "nan",
  93445. "nan",
  93446. "nan"
  93447. ],
  93448. [
  93449. "28002",
  93450. "61",
  93451. "fdic",
  93452. "c r corp appeal",
  93453. "tcf0006414",
  93454. "nan",
  93455. "nan",
  93456. "06/20/2001",
  93457. "ao0396",
  93458. "slb",
  93459. "nan",
  93460. "nan",
  93461. "seq: 0068",
  93462. "tampa",
  93463. "178287",
  93464. "nan",
  93465. "nan",
  93466. "nan",
  93467. "nan",
  93468. "nan",
  93469. "nan",
  93470. "nan",
  93471. "nan",
  93472. "nan",
  93473. "nan",
  93474. "nan",
  93475. "nan",
  93476. "nan",
  93477. "nan",
  93478. "nan",
  93479. "nan",
  93480. "nan",
  93481. "nan",
  93482. "nan",
  93483. "nan",
  93484. "nan",
  93485. "nan",
  93486. "nan"
  93487. ],
  93488. [
  93489. "28002",
  93490. "114",
  93491. "fdic-county bk",
  93492. "valencia village prop-lee cnty",
  93493. "tcf0006926",
  93494. "nan",
  93495. "nan",
  93496. "06/20/2001",
  93497. "ap9396",
  93498. "jhs",
  93499. "nan",
  93500. "nan",
  93501. "seq: 0028",
  93502. "tampa",
  93503. "182214",
  93504. "nan",
  93505. "nan",
  93506. "nan",
  93507. "nan",
  93508. "nan",
  93509. "nan",
  93510. "nan",
  93511. "nan",
  93512. "nan",
  93513. "nan",
  93514. "nan",
  93515. "nan",
  93516. "nan",
  93517. "nan",
  93518. "nan",
  93519. "nan",
  93520. "nan",
  93521. "nan",
  93522. "nan",
  93523. "nan",
  93524. "nan",
  93525. "nan",
  93526. "nan"
  93527. ],
  93528. [
  93529. "28002",
  93530. "91",
  93531. "fdic cty bank",
  93532. "john j brownlee",
  93533. "tcf0007149",
  93534. "nan",
  93535. "nan",
  93536. "06/20/2001",
  93537. "aq0636",
  93538. "nan",
  93539. "nan",
  93540. "nan",
  93541. "seq: 0015",
  93542. "tampa",
  93543. "183691",
  93544. "nan",
  93545. "nan",
  93546. "nan",
  93547. "nan",
  93548. "nan",
  93549. "nan",
  93550. "nan",
  93551. "nan",
  93552. "nan",
  93553. "nan",
  93554. "nan",
  93555. "nan",
  93556. "nan",
  93557. "nan",
  93558. "nan",
  93559. "nan",
  93560. "nan",
  93561. "nan",
  93562. "nan",
  93563. "nan",
  93564. "nan",
  93565. "nan",
  93566. "nan"
  93567. ],
  93568. [
  93569. "28002",
  93570. "61",
  93571. "fdic/topps",
  93572. "oral argument prep",
  93573. "tcf0007360",
  93574. "nan",
  93575. "nan",
  93576. "06/20/2001",
  93577. "aq2293",
  93578. "slb",
  93579. "nan",
  93580. "nan",
  93581. "seq: 0053",
  93582. "tampa",
  93583. "185255",
  93584. "nan",
  93585. "nan",
  93586. "nan",
  93587. "nan",
  93588. "nan",
  93589. "nan",
  93590. "nan",
  93591. "nan",
  93592. "nan",
  93593. "nan",
  93594. "nan",
  93595. "nan",
  93596. "nan",
  93597. "nan",
  93598. "nan",
  93599. "nan",
  93600. "nan",
  93601. "nan",
  93602. "nan",
  93603. "nan",
  93604. "nan",
  93605. "nan",
  93606. "nan"
  93607. ],
  93608. [
  93609. "28002",
  93610. "99",
  93611. "fdic county bank vs.",
  93612. "james blair",
  93613. "tcf0007527",
  93614. "nan",
  93615. "nan",
  93616. "06/20/2001",
  93617. "as0758",
  93618. "gas",
  93619. "nan",
  93620. "nan",
  93621. "seq: 0020",
  93622. "tampa",
  93623. "187036",
  93624. "nan",
  93625. "nan",
  93626. "nan",
  93627. "nan",
  93628. "nan",
  93629. "nan",
  93630. "nan",
  93631. "nan",
  93632. "nan",
  93633. "nan",
  93634. "nan",
  93635. "nan",
  93636. "nan",
  93637. "nan",
  93638. "nan",
  93639. "nan",
  93640. "nan",
  93641. "nan",
  93642. "nan",
  93643. "nan",
  93644. "nan",
  93645. "nan",
  93646. "nan"
  93647. ],
  93648. [
  93649. "28002",
  93650. "89",
  93651. "fdic",
  93652. "91 pipline specialists",
  93653. "tcf0007673",
  93654. "nan",
  93655. "nan",
  93656. "06/20/2001",
  93657. "au3135",
  93658. "wkf",
  93659. "nan",
  93660. "nan",
  93661. "seq: 0042",
  93662. "tampa",
  93663. "188004",
  93664. "nan",
  93665. "nan",
  93666. "nan",
  93667. "nan",
  93668. "nan",
  93669. "nan",
  93670. "nan",
  93671. "nan",
  93672. "nan",
  93673. "nan",
  93674. "nan",
  93675. "nan",
  93676. "nan",
  93677. "nan",
  93678. "nan",
  93679. "nan",
  93680. "nan",
  93681. "nan",
  93682. "nan",
  93683. "nan",
  93684. "nan",
  93685. "nan",
  93686. "nan"
  93687. ],
  93688. [
  93689. "28002",
  93690. "10",
  93691. "fdic",
  93692. "plds,corres",
  93693. "tcf0010041",
  93694. "nan",
  93695. "nan",
  93696. "06/20/2001",
  93697. "bg0343",
  93698. "wmc",
  93699. "nan",
  93700. "nan",
  93701. "seq: 0004",
  93702. "tampa",
  93703. "199021",
  93704. "nan",
  93705. "nan",
  93706. "nan",
  93707. "nan",
  93708. "nan",
  93709. "nan",
  93710. "nan",
  93711. "nan",
  93712. "nan",
  93713. "nan",
  93714. "nan",
  93715. "nan",
  93716. "nan",
  93717. "nan",
  93718. "nan",
  93719. "nan",
  93720. "nan",
  93721. "nan",
  93722. "nan",
  93723. "nan",
  93724. "nan",
  93725. "nan",
  93726. "nan"
  93727. ],
  93728. [
  93729. "28002",
  93730. "10",
  93731. "rtc",
  93732. "edison bridge",
  93733. "tcf0010042",
  93734. "nan",
  93735. "nan",
  93736. "06/20/2001",
  93737. "bg0344",
  93738. "wmc",
  93739. "nan",
  93740. "nan",
  93741. "seq: 0015",
  93742. "tampa",
  93743. "199024",
  93744. "nan",
  93745. "nan",
  93746. "nan",
  93747. "nan",
  93748. "nan",
  93749. "nan",
  93750. "nan",
  93751. "nan",
  93752. "nan",
  93753. "nan",
  93754. "nan",
  93755. "nan",
  93756. "nan",
  93757. "nan",
  93758. "nan",
  93759. "nan",
  93760. "nan",
  93761. "nan",
  93762. "nan",
  93763. "nan",
  93764. "nan",
  93765. "nan",
  93766. "nan"
  93767. ],
  93768. [
  93769. "28002",
  93770. "17",
  93771. "fdic",
  93772. "allen & tubellino",
  93773. "tcf0010125",
  93774. "nan",
  93775. "nan",
  93776. "06/20/2001",
  93777. "bg0589",
  93778. "gas",
  93779. "nan",
  93780. "nan",
  93781. "seq: 0048",
  93782. "tampa",
  93783. "199606",
  93784. "nan",
  93785. "nan",
  93786. "nan",
  93787. "nan",
  93788. "nan",
  93789. "nan",
  93790. "nan",
  93791. "nan",
  93792. "nan",
  93793. "nan",
  93794. "nan",
  93795. "nan",
  93796. "nan",
  93797. "nan",
  93798. "nan",
  93799. "nan",
  93800. "nan",
  93801. "nan",
  93802. "nan",
  93803. "nan",
  93804. "nan",
  93805. "nan",
  93806. "nan"
  93807. ],
  93808. [
  93809. "28003",
  93810. "1",
  93811. "fdic franklin natl bank",
  93812. "92 peter shaddick",
  93813. "tcf0007695",
  93814. "nan",
  93815. "nan",
  93816. "06/20/2001",
  93817. "au3158",
  93818. "dpm",
  93819. "nan",
  93820. "nan",
  93821. "seq: 0016",
  93822. "tampa",
  93823. "188174",
  93824. "nan",
  93825. "nan",
  93826. "nan",
  93827. "nan",
  93828. "nan",
  93829. "nan",
  93830. "nan",
  93831. "nan",
  93832. "nan",
  93833. "nan",
  93834. "nan",
  93835. "nan",
  93836. "nan",
  93837. "nan",
  93838. "nan",
  93839. "nan",
  93840. "nan",
  93841. "nan",
  93842. "nan",
  93843. "nan",
  93844. "nan",
  93845. "nan",
  93846. "nan"
  93847. ],
  93848. [
  93849. "28004",
  93850. "1",
  93851. "fdic/the trust bank",
  93852. "general file",
  93853. "tcf0008883",
  93854. "nan",
  93855. "nan",
  93856. "06/20/2001",
  93857. "ay4235",
  93858. "jsw",
  93859. "nan",
  93860. "nan",
  93861. "seq: 0037",
  93862. "tampa",
  93863. "194887",
  93864. "nan",
  93865. "nan",
  93866. "nan",
  93867. "nan",
  93868. "nan",
  93869. "nan",
  93870. "nan",
  93871. "nan",
  93872. "nan",
  93873. "nan",
  93874. "nan",
  93875. "nan",
  93876. "nan",
  93877. "nan",
  93878. "nan",
  93879. "nan",
  93880. "nan",
  93881. "nan",
  93882. "nan",
  93883. "nan",
  93884. "nan",
  93885. "nan",
  93886. "nan"
  93887. ],
  93888. [
  93889. "28004",
  93890. "4",
  93891. "fdic",
  93892. "garcia-esquerro",
  93893. "tcf0009750",
  93894. "nan",
  93895. "nan",
  93896. "06/20/2001",
  93897. "bf1699",
  93898. "sbn",
  93899. "nan",
  93900. "nan",
  93901. "seq: 0014",
  93902. "tampa",
  93903. "198075",
  93904. "nan",
  93905. "nan",
  93906. "nan",
  93907. "nan",
  93908. "nan",
  93909. "nan",
  93910. "nan",
  93911. "nan",
  93912. "nan",
  93913. "nan",
  93914. "nan",
  93915. "nan",
  93916. "nan",
  93917. "nan",
  93918. "nan",
  93919. "nan",
  93920. "nan",
  93921. "nan",
  93922. "nan",
  93923. "nan",
  93924. "nan",
  93925. "nan",
  93926. "nan"
  93927. ],
  93928. [
  93929. "28004",
  93930. "4",
  93931. "fdic",
  93932. "shadow/correspondence",
  93933. "tcf0009750",
  93934. "nan",
  93935. "nan",
  93936. "06/20/2001",
  93937. "bf1699",
  93938. "sbn",
  93939. "nan",
  93940. "nan",
  93941. "seq: 0015",
  93942. "tampa",
  93943. "198076",
  93944. "nan",
  93945. "nan",
  93946. "nan",
  93947. "nan",
  93948. "nan",
  93949. "nan",
  93950. "nan",
  93951. "nan",
  93952. "nan",
  93953. "nan",
  93954. "nan",
  93955. "nan",
  93956. "nan",
  93957. "nan",
  93958. "nan",
  93959. "nan",
  93960. "nan",
  93961. "nan",
  93962. "nan",
  93963. "nan",
  93964. "nan",
  93965. "nan",
  93966. "nan"
  93967. ],
  93968. [
  93969. "28004",
  93970. "1",
  93971. "fdic",
  93972. "alberto lorenzo",
  93973. "460603416",
  93974. "nan",
  93975. "correspondence./doc's from client pursuant to def./first re st for production./request to product to fdic/notice of sale./first request for admission and interrogatories to fdic./pltf's request for prod. in aid of execution directed to def.",
  93976. "3/23/1993",
  93977. "114603",
  93978. "carmen gary",
  93979. "nan",
  93980. "nan",
  93981. " hk box: 9408",
  93982. "miami",
  93983. "661464",
  93984. "nan",
  93985. "nan",
  93986. "nan",
  93987. "nan",
  93988. "nan",
  93989. "nan",
  93990. "nan",
  93991. "nan",
  93992. "nan",
  93993. "nan",
  93994. "nan",
  93995. "nan",
  93996. "nan",
  93997. "nan",
  93998. "nan",
  93999. "nan",
  94000. "nan",
  94001. "nan",
  94002. "nan",
  94003. "nan",
  94004. "nan",
  94005. "nan",
  94006. "nan"
  94007. ],
  94008. [
  94009. "28004",
  94010. "3",
  94011. "fdic",
  94012. "pam bay",
  94013. "460605286",
  94014. "nan",
  94015. "3/19/93",
  94016. "3/25/1993",
  94017. "114675",
  94018. "none",
  94019. "nan",
  94020. "nan",
  94021. " hk box: 9478",
  94022. "miami",
  94023. "662584",
  94024. "nan",
  94025. "nan",
  94026. "nan",
  94027. "nan",
  94028. "nan",
  94029. "nan",
  94030. "nan",
  94031. "nan",
  94032. "nan",
  94033. "nan",
  94034. "nan",
  94035. "nan",
  94036. "nan",
  94037. "nan",
  94038. "nan",
  94039. "nan",
  94040. "nan",
  94041. "nan",
  94042. "nan",
  94043. "nan",
  94044. "nan",
  94045. "nan",
  94046. "nan"
  94047. ],
  94048. [
  94049. "28004",
  94050. "5",
  94051. "fdic",
  94052. "jose perez",
  94053. "672025346",
  94054. "nan",
  94055. "3/19/93",
  94056. "3/25/1993",
  94057. "114676",
  94058. "none",
  94059. "nan",
  94060. "nan",
  94061. " hk box: 9479",
  94062. "miami",
  94063. "662592",
  94064. "nan",
  94065. "nan",
  94066. "nan",
  94067. "nan",
  94068. "nan",
  94069. "nan",
  94070. "nan",
  94071. "nan",
  94072. "nan",
  94073. "nan",
  94074. "nan",
  94075. "nan",
  94076. "nan",
  94077. "nan",
  94078. "nan",
  94079. "nan",
  94080. "nan",
  94081. "nan",
  94082. "nan",
  94083. "nan",
  94084. "nan",
  94085. "nan",
  94086. "nan"
  94087. ],
  94088. [
  94089. "28004",
  94090. "6",
  94091. "fdic",
  94092. "oscar rodriguez",
  94093. "672025346",
  94094. "nan",
  94095. "3/19/93",
  94096. "3/25/1993",
  94097. "114676",
  94098. "none",
  94099. "nan",
  94100. "nan",
  94101. " hk box: 9479",
  94102. "miami",
  94103. "662593",
  94104. "nan",
  94105. "nan",
  94106. "nan",
  94107. "nan",
  94108. "nan",
  94109. "nan",
  94110. "nan",
  94111. "nan",
  94112. "nan",
  94113. "nan",
  94114. "nan",
  94115. "nan",
  94116. "nan",
  94117. "nan",
  94118. "nan",
  94119. "nan",
  94120. "nan",
  94121. "nan",
  94122. "nan",
  94123. "nan",
  94124. "nan",
  94125. "nan",
  94126. "nan"
  94127. ],
  94128. [
  94129. "28004",
  94130. "7",
  94131. "fdic",
  94132. "michael covert",
  94133. "672025346",
  94134. "nan",
  94135. "3/19/93",
  94136. "3/25/1993",
  94137. "114676",
  94138. "none",
  94139. "nan",
  94140. "nan",
  94141. " hk box: 9479",
  94142. "miami",
  94143. "662594",
  94144. "nan",
  94145. "nan",
  94146. "nan",
  94147. "nan",
  94148. "nan",
  94149. "nan",
  94150. "nan",
  94151. "nan",
  94152. "nan",
  94153. "nan",
  94154. "nan",
  94155. "nan",
  94156. "nan",
  94157. "nan",
  94158. "nan",
  94159. "nan",
  94160. "nan",
  94161. "nan",
  94162. "nan",
  94163. "nan",
  94164. "nan",
  94165. "nan",
  94166. "nan"
  94167. ],
  94168. [
  94169. "28004",
  94170. "8",
  94171. "fdic",
  94172. "v.e. ballestros",
  94173. "672025346",
  94174. "nan",
  94175. "3/19/93",
  94176. "3/25/1993",
  94177. "114676",
  94178. "none",
  94179. "nan",
  94180. "nan",
  94181. " hk box: 9479",
  94182. "miami",
  94183. "662595",
  94184. "nan",
  94185. "nan",
  94186. "nan",
  94187. "nan",
  94188. "nan",
  94189. "nan",
  94190. "nan",
  94191. "nan",
  94192. "nan",
  94193. "nan",
  94194. "nan",
  94195. "nan",
  94196. "nan",
  94197. "nan",
  94198. "nan",
  94199. "nan",
  94200. "nan",
  94201. "nan",
  94202. "nan",
  94203. "nan",
  94204. "nan",
  94205. "nan",
  94206. "nan"
  94207. ],
  94208. [
  94209. "28004",
  94210. "9",
  94211. "fdic",
  94212. "american food service",
  94213. "672025346",
  94214. "nan",
  94215. "3/19/93",
  94216. "3/25/1993",
  94217. "114676",
  94218. "none",
  94219. "nan",
  94220. "nan",
  94221. " hk box: 9479",
  94222. "miami",
  94223. "662596",
  94224. "nan",
  94225. "nan",
  94226. "nan",
  94227. "nan",
  94228. "nan",
  94229. "nan",
  94230. "nan",
  94231. "nan",
  94232. "nan",
  94233. "nan",
  94234. "nan",
  94235. "nan",
  94236. "nan",
  94237. "nan",
  94238. "nan",
  94239. "nan",
  94240. "nan",
  94241. "nan",
  94242. "nan",
  94243. "nan",
  94244. "nan",
  94245. "nan",
  94246. "nan"
  94247. ],
  94248. [
  94249. "28004",
  94250. "10",
  94251. "fdic",
  94252. "herbert levine",
  94253. "672025346",
  94254. "nan",
  94255. "3/19/93",
  94256. "3/25/1993",
  94257. "114676",
  94258. "none",
  94259. "nan",
  94260. "nan",
  94261. " hk box: 9479",
  94262. "miami",
  94263. "662597",
  94264. "nan",
  94265. "nan",
  94266. "nan",
  94267. "nan",
  94268. "nan",
  94269. "nan",
  94270. "nan",
  94271. "nan",
  94272. "nan",
  94273. "nan",
  94274. "nan",
  94275. "nan",
  94276. "nan",
  94277. "nan",
  94278. "nan",
  94279. "nan",
  94280. "nan",
  94281. "nan",
  94282. "nan",
  94283. "nan",
  94284. "nan",
  94285. "nan",
  94286. "nan"
  94287. ],
  94288. [
  94289. "28004",
  94290. "11",
  94291. "fdic",
  94292. "albert lorenzo",
  94293. "672025346",
  94294. "nan",
  94295. "3/19/93 - suann canute",
  94296. "3/25/1993",
  94297. "114676",
  94298. "none",
  94299. "nan",
  94300. "nan",
  94301. " hk box: 9479",
  94302. "miami",
  94303. "662598",
  94304. "nan",
  94305. "nan",
  94306. "nan",
  94307. "nan",
  94308. "nan",
  94309. "nan",
  94310. "nan",
  94311. "nan",
  94312. "nan",
  94313. "nan",
  94314. "nan",
  94315. "nan",
  94316. "nan",
  94317. "nan",
  94318. "nan",
  94319. "nan",
  94320. "nan",
  94321. "nan",
  94322. "nan",
  94323. "nan",
  94324. "nan",
  94325. "nan",
  94326. "nan"
  94327. ],
  94328. [
  94329. "28004",
  94330. "13",
  94331. "fdic",
  94332. "acosta & gonzalez",
  94333. "672025346",
  94334. "nan",
  94335. "3/19/93",
  94336. "3/25/1993",
  94337. "114676",
  94338. "none",
  94339. "nan",
  94340. "nan",
  94341. " hk box: 9479",
  94342. "miami",
  94343. "662599",
  94344. "nan",
  94345. "nan",
  94346. "nan",
  94347. "nan",
  94348. "nan",
  94349. "nan",
  94350. "nan",
  94351. "nan",
  94352. "nan",
  94353. "nan",
  94354. "nan",
  94355. "nan",
  94356. "nan",
  94357. "nan",
  94358. "nan",
  94359. "nan",
  94360. "nan",
  94361. "nan",
  94362. "nan",
  94363. "nan",
  94364. "nan",
  94365. "nan",
  94366. "nan"
  94367. ],
  94368. [
  94369. "28004",
  94370. "10",
  94371. "fdic",
  94372. "none",
  94373. "489488160",
  94374. "nan",
  94375. "3/22/93 - correspondence vols. i and ii; pleadings; closing statements; title reports; title insurance policy; documents; corporate information; original documents; research & notes; research (lig); research: hearing on motion to strike affirmative defenses; questions for herbert levine's deposition; draft of pleadings; memorandum, attorney's notes, documents not sent to rtc counsel; draft bills",
  94376. "4/12/1993",
  94377. "114812",
  94378. "nichols tracy",
  94379. "nan",
  94380. "nan",
  94381. " hk box: 9615",
  94382. "miami",
  94383. "665690",
  94384. "nan",
  94385. "nan",
  94386. "nan",
  94387. "nan",
  94388. "nan",
  94389. "nan",
  94390. "nan",
  94391. "nan",
  94392. "nan",
  94393. "nan",
  94394. "nan",
  94395. "nan",
  94396. "nan",
  94397. "nan",
  94398. "nan",
  94399. "nan",
  94400. "nan",
  94401. "nan",
  94402. "nan",
  94403. "nan",
  94404. "nan",
  94405. "nan",
  94406. "nan"
  94407. ],
  94408. [
  94409. "28004",
  94410. "3",
  94411. "fdic",
  94412. "pam bay",
  94413. "652552833",
  94414. "nan",
  94415. "billing; research: the validity of homestead mortgage; attorney's notes; walter goodrich search; draft of pleadings; memorandum-not sent; attorney's notes-not sent; docket sheet; documents received from client; uniform commerciaol code information; promissory note and security agreement between the trust bank and pam bay; corporate information; first interrogatories to pardinas 10/23/89; mortgage indenture between antonio and olga pardinas and pam bay; affidavit amount due & owing; 1987 case no. 87-10763-pleadings(settled); correspondence volume ii; correspondence volume i; pleadings - volume i;",
  94416. "4/12/1993",
  94417. "114814",
  94418. "reboredo maggie",
  94419. "nan",
  94420. "nan",
  94421. " hk box: 9617",
  94422. "miami",
  94423. "665692",
  94424. "nan",
  94425. "nan",
  94426. "nan",
  94427. "nan",
  94428. "nan",
  94429. "nan",
  94430. "nan",
  94431. "nan",
  94432. "nan",
  94433. "nan",
  94434. "nan",
  94435. "nan",
  94436. "nan",
  94437. "nan",
  94438. "nan",
  94439. "nan",
  94440. "nan",
  94441. "nan",
  94442. "nan",
  94443. "nan",
  94444. "nan",
  94445. "nan",
  94446. "nan"
  94447. ],
  94448. [
  94449. "28004",
  94450. "7",
  94451. "fdic v. michael covert, m.d., p.a.",
  94452. "none",
  94453. "652545108",
  94454. "nan",
  94455. "file",
  94456. "10/17/1991",
  94457. "12130106",
  94458. "weidmeier mary",
  94459. "nan",
  94460. "nan",
  94461. " 6362",
  94462. "miami",
  94463. "681235",
  94464. "nan",
  94465. "nan",
  94466. "nan",
  94467. "nan",
  94468. "nan",
  94469. "nan",
  94470. "nan",
  94471. "nan",
  94472. "nan",
  94473. "nan",
  94474. "nan",
  94475. "nan",
  94476. "nan",
  94477. "nan",
  94478. "nan",
  94479. "nan",
  94480. "nan",
  94481. "nan",
  94482. "nan",
  94483. "nan",
  94484. "nan",
  94485. "nan",
  94486. "nan"
  94487. ],
  94488. [
  94489. "28004",
  94490. "8",
  94491. "fdic v. eugenio & marie ballestteros",
  94492. "none",
  94493. "652545108",
  94494. "nan",
  94495. "file",
  94496. "10/17/1991",
  94497. "12130106",
  94498. "weidmeier mary",
  94499. "nan",
  94500. "nan",
  94501. " 6362",
  94502. "miami",
  94503. "681236",
  94504. "nan",
  94505. "nan",
  94506. "nan",
  94507. "nan",
  94508. "nan",
  94509. "nan",
  94510. "nan",
  94511. "nan",
  94512. "nan",
  94513. "nan",
  94514. "nan",
  94515. "nan",
  94516. "nan",
  94517. "nan",
  94518. "nan",
  94519. "nan",
  94520. "nan",
  94521. "nan",
  94522. "nan",
  94523. "nan",
  94524. "nan",
  94525. "nan",
  94526. "nan"
  94527. ],
  94528. [
  94529. "28004",
  94530. "2",
  94531. "fdic v. falcon",
  94532. "none",
  94533. "460596694",
  94534. "nan",
  94535. "file",
  94536. "11/13/1989",
  94537. "12397956",
  94538. "miller gayle",
  94539. "nan",
  94540. "nan",
  94541. " hk box: 6797",
  94542. "miami",
  94543. "683774",
  94544. "nan",
  94545. "nan",
  94546. "nan",
  94547. "nan",
  94548. "nan",
  94549. "nan",
  94550. "nan",
  94551. "nan",
  94552. "nan",
  94553. "nan",
  94554. "nan",
  94555. "nan",
  94556. "nan",
  94557. "nan",
  94558. "nan",
  94559. "nan",
  94560. "nan",
  94561. "nan",
  94562. "nan",
  94563. "nan",
  94564. "nan",
  94565. "nan",
  94566. "nan"
  94567. ],
  94568. [
  94569. "28006",
  94570. "117",
  94571. "fdic commonwealth",
  94572. "falso & lowenthal",
  94573. "7607",
  94574. "nan",
  94575. "two of two files",
  94576. "nan",
  94577. "7607",
  94578. "cw",
  94579. "-",
  94580. "nan",
  94581. "closed file number: 7872-91 + location: c",
  94582. "fort lauderdale",
  94583. "321206",
  94584. "nan",
  94585. "nan",
  94586. "nan",
  94587. "nan",
  94588. "nan",
  94589. "nan",
  94590. "nan",
  94591. "nan",
  94592. "nan",
  94593. "nan",
  94594. "nan",
  94595. "nan",
  94596. "nan",
  94597. "nan",
  94598. "nan",
  94599. "nan",
  94600. "nan",
  94601. "nan",
  94602. "nan",
  94603. "nan",
  94604. "nan",
  94605. "nan",
  94606. "nan"
  94607. ],
  94608. [
  94609. "28006",
  94610. "117",
  94611. "fdic commonwealth",
  94612. "falso & lowenthal",
  94613. "7607",
  94614. "nan",
  94615. "one of two files",
  94616. "nan",
  94617. "7607",
  94618. "cw",
  94619. "-",
  94620. "nan",
  94621. "closed file number: 7871-91 + location: c",
  94622. "fort lauderdale",
  94623. "321211",
  94624. "nan",
  94625. "nan",
  94626. "nan",
  94627. "nan",
  94628. "nan",
  94629. "nan",
  94630. "nan",
  94631. "nan",
  94632. "nan",
  94633. "nan",
  94634. "nan",
  94635. "nan",
  94636. "nan",
  94637. "nan",
  94638. "nan",
  94639. "nan",
  94640. "nan",
  94641. "nan",
  94642. "nan",
  94643. "nan",
  94644. "nan",
  94645. "nan",
  94646. "nan"
  94647. ],
  94648. [
  94649. "28006",
  94650. "8",
  94651. "fdic commonwealth",
  94652. "vernon",
  94653. "7604",
  94654. "nan",
  94655. "-",
  94656. "nan",
  94657. "7604",
  94658. "cw",
  94659. "-",
  94660. "nan",
  94661. "closed file number: 7859-91 + location: c",
  94662. "fort lauderdale",
  94663. "321257",
  94664. "nan",
  94665. "nan",
  94666. "nan",
  94667. "nan",
  94668. "nan",
  94669. "nan",
  94670. "nan",
  94671. "nan",
  94672. "nan",
  94673. "nan",
  94674. "nan",
  94675. "nan",
  94676. "nan",
  94677. "nan",
  94678. "nan",
  94679. "nan",
  94680. "nan",
  94681. "nan",
  94682. "nan",
  94683. "nan",
  94684. "nan",
  94685. "nan",
  94686. "nan"
  94687. ],
  94688. [
  94689. "28006",
  94690. "28",
  94691. "fdic commonwealth",
  94692. "shrhldrs of palm springs",
  94693. "7604",
  94694. "nan",
  94695. "-",
  94696. "nan",
  94697. "7604",
  94698. "cw",
  94699. "-",
  94700. "nan",
  94701. "closed file number: 7860-91 + location: c",
  94702. "fort lauderdale",
  94703. "321258",
  94704. "nan",
  94705. "nan",
  94706. "nan",
  94707. "nan",
  94708. "nan",
  94709. "nan",
  94710. "nan",
  94711. "nan",
  94712. "nan",
  94713. "nan",
  94714. "nan",
  94715. "nan",
  94716. "nan",
  94717. "nan",
  94718. "nan",
  94719. "nan",
  94720. "nan",
  94721. "nan",
  94722. "nan",
  94723. "nan",
  94724. "nan",
  94725. "nan",
  94726. "nan"
  94727. ],
  94728. [
  94729. "28006",
  94730. "110",
  94731. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  94732. "shadowood",
  94733. "7606",
  94734. "nan",
  94735. "-",
  94736. "nan",
  94737. "7606",
  94738. "cw",
  94739. "-",
  94740. "nan",
  94741. "closed file number: 7864-91 + location: c",
  94742. "fort lauderdale",
  94743. "321260",
  94744. "nan",
  94745. "nan",
  94746. "nan",
  94747. "nan",
  94748. "nan",
  94749. "nan",
  94750. "nan",
  94751. "nan",
  94752. "nan",
  94753. "nan",
  94754. "nan",
  94755. "nan",
  94756. "nan",
  94757. "nan",
  94758. "nan",
  94759. "nan",
  94760. "nan",
  94761. "nan",
  94762. "nan",
  94763. "nan",
  94764. "nan",
  94765. "nan",
  94766. "nan"
  94767. ],
  94768. [
  94769. "28006",
  94770. "112",
  94771. "fdic commonwealth",
  94772. "goldman suchs agreement",
  94773. "7606",
  94774. "nan",
  94775. "-",
  94776. "nan",
  94777. "7606",
  94778. "cw",
  94779. "-",
  94780. "nan",
  94781. "closed file number: 7865-91 + location: c",
  94782. "fort lauderdale",
  94783. "321261",
  94784. "nan",
  94785. "nan",
  94786. "nan",
  94787. "nan",
  94788. "nan",
  94789. "nan",
  94790. "nan",
  94791. "nan",
  94792. "nan",
  94793. "nan",
  94794. "nan",
  94795. "nan",
  94796. "nan",
  94797. "nan",
  94798. "nan",
  94799. "nan",
  94800. "nan",
  94801. "nan",
  94802. "nan",
  94803. "nan",
  94804. "nan",
  94805. "nan",
  94806. "nan"
  94807. ],
  94808. [
  94809. "28006",
  94810. "113",
  94811. "fdic commonwealth",
  94812. "shadowwood hit or miss",
  94813. "7606",
  94814. "nan",
  94815. "-",
  94816. "nan",
  94817. "7606",
  94818. "cw",
  94819. "-",
  94820. "nan",
  94821. "closed file number: 7866-91 + location: c",
  94822. "fort lauderdale",
  94823. "321262",
  94824. "nan",
  94825. "nan",
  94826. "nan",
  94827. "nan",
  94828. "nan",
  94829. "nan",
  94830. "nan",
  94831. "nan",
  94832. "nan",
  94833. "nan",
  94834. "nan",
  94835. "nan",
  94836. "nan",
  94837. "nan",
  94838. "nan",
  94839. "nan",
  94840. "nan",
  94841. "nan",
  94842. "nan",
  94843. "nan",
  94844. "nan",
  94845. "nan",
  94846. "nan"
  94847. ],
  94848. [
  94849. "28006",
  94850. "107",
  94851. "fdic commonwealth",
  94852. "keith & schners/release",
  94853. "7606",
  94854. "nan",
  94855. "-",
  94856. "nan",
  94857. "7606",
  94858. "cw",
  94859. "-",
  94860. "nan",
  94861. "closed file number: 7867-91 + location: c",
  94862. "fort lauderdale",
  94863. "321263",
  94864. "nan",
  94865. "nan",
  94866. "nan",
  94867. "nan",
  94868. "nan",
  94869. "nan",
  94870. "nan",
  94871. "nan",
  94872. "nan",
  94873. "nan",
  94874. "nan",
  94875. "nan",
  94876. "nan",
  94877. "nan",
  94878. "nan",
  94879. "nan",
  94880. "nan",
  94881. "nan",
  94882. "nan",
  94883. "nan",
  94884. "nan",
  94885. "nan",
  94886. "nan"
  94887. ],
  94888. [
  94889. "28006",
  94890. "109",
  94891. "fdic commonwealth",
  94892. "shadowwood 1st nat'l",
  94893. "7606",
  94894. "nan",
  94895. "-",
  94896. "nan",
  94897. "7606",
  94898. "cw",
  94899. "-",
  94900. "nan",
  94901. "closed file number: 7868-91 + location: c",
  94902. "fort lauderdale",
  94903. "321264",
  94904. "nan",
  94905. "nan",
  94906. "nan",
  94907. "nan",
  94908. "nan",
  94909. "nan",
  94910. "nan",
  94911. "nan",
  94912. "nan",
  94913. "nan",
  94914. "nan",
  94915. "nan",
  94916. "nan",
  94917. "nan",
  94918. "nan",
  94919. "nan",
  94920. "nan",
  94921. "nan",
  94922. "nan",
  94923. "nan",
  94924. "nan",
  94925. "nan",
  94926. "nan"
  94927. ],
  94928. [
  94929. "28006",
  94930. "103",
  94931. "fdic commonwealth",
  94932. "comptroller/chapnick",
  94933. "7606",
  94934. "nan",
  94935. "-",
  94936. "nan",
  94937. "7606",
  94938. "cw",
  94939. "-",
  94940. "nan",
  94941. "closed file number: 7869-91 + location: c",
  94942. "fort lauderdale",
  94943. "321265",
  94944. "nan",
  94945. "nan",
  94946. "nan",
  94947. "nan",
  94948. "nan",
  94949. "nan",
  94950. "nan",
  94951. "nan",
  94952. "nan",
  94953. "nan",
  94954. "nan",
  94955. "nan",
  94956. "nan",
  94957. "nan",
  94958. "nan",
  94959. "nan",
  94960. "nan",
  94961. "nan",
  94962. "nan",
  94963. "nan",
  94964. "nan",
  94965. "nan",
  94966. "nan"
  94967. ],
  94968. [
  94969. "28006",
  94970. "73",
  94971. "fdic commonwealth",
  94972. "rider",
  94973. "7617",
  94974. "nan",
  94975. "-",
  94976. "nan",
  94977. "7617",
  94978. "cw",
  94979. "-",
  94980. "nan",
  94981. "closed file number: 7926-91 + location: c",
  94982. "fort lauderdale",
  94983. "321286",
  94984. "nan",
  94985. "nan",
  94986. "nan",
  94987. "nan",
  94988. "nan",
  94989. "nan",
  94990. "nan",
  94991. "nan",
  94992. "nan",
  94993. "nan",
  94994. "nan",
  94995. "nan",
  94996. "nan",
  94997. "nan",
  94998. "nan",
  94999. "nan",
  95000. "nan",
  95001. "nan",
  95002. "nan",
  95003. "nan",
  95004. "nan",
  95005. "nan",
  95006. "nan"
  95007. ],
  95008. [
  95009. "28006",
  95010. "74",
  95011. "fdic commonwealth",
  95012. "casines & tobin",
  95013. "7617",
  95014. "nan",
  95015. "-",
  95016. "nan",
  95017. "7617",
  95018. "cw",
  95019. "-",
  95020. "nan",
  95021. "closed file number: 7927-91 + location: c",
  95022. "fort lauderdale",
  95023. "321287",
  95024. "nan",
  95025. "nan",
  95026. "nan",
  95027. "nan",
  95028. "nan",
  95029. "nan",
  95030. "nan",
  95031. "nan",
  95032. "nan",
  95033. "nan",
  95034. "nan",
  95035. "nan",
  95036. "nan",
  95037. "nan",
  95038. "nan",
  95039. "nan",
  95040. "nan",
  95041. "nan",
  95042. "nan",
  95043. "nan",
  95044. "nan",
  95045. "nan",
  95046. "nan"
  95047. ],
  95048. [
  95049. "28006",
  95050. "86",
  95051. "fdic commonwealth",
  95052. "lucaya ii",
  95053. "7617",
  95054. "nan",
  95055. "-",
  95056. "nan",
  95057. "7617",
  95058. "cw",
  95059. "-",
  95060. "nan",
  95061. "closed file number: 7928-91 + location: c",
  95062. "fort lauderdale",
  95063. "321288",
  95064. "nan",
  95065. "nan",
  95066. "nan",
  95067. "nan",
  95068. "nan",
  95069. "nan",
  95070. "nan",
  95071. "nan",
  95072. "nan",
  95073. "nan",
  95074. "nan",
  95075. "nan",
  95076. "nan",
  95077. "nan",
  95078. "nan",
  95079. "nan",
  95080. "nan",
  95081. "nan",
  95082. "nan",
  95083. "nan",
  95084. "nan",
  95085. "nan",
  95086. "nan"
  95087. ],
  95088. [
  95089. "28006",
  95090. "87",
  95091. "fdic commonwealth",
  95092. "lucaya iii",
  95093. "7617",
  95094. "nan",
  95095. "-",
  95096. "nan",
  95097. "7617",
  95098. "cw",
  95099. "-",
  95100. "nan",
  95101. "closed file number: 7929-91 + location: c",
  95102. "fort lauderdale",
  95103. "321289",
  95104. "nan",
  95105. "nan",
  95106. "nan",
  95107. "nan",
  95108. "nan",
  95109. "nan",
  95110. "nan",
  95111. "nan",
  95112. "nan",
  95113. "nan",
  95114. "nan",
  95115. "nan",
  95116. "nan",
  95117. "nan",
  95118. "nan",
  95119. "nan",
  95120. "nan",
  95121. "nan",
  95122. "nan",
  95123. "nan",
  95124. "nan",
  95125. "nan",
  95126. "nan"
  95127. ],
  95128. [
  95129. "28006",
  95130. "30",
  95131. "fdic commonwealth",
  95132. "deuster and leola",
  95133. "7616",
  95134. "nan",
  95135. "-",
  95136. "nan",
  95137. "7616",
  95138. "cw",
  95139. "-",
  95140. "nan",
  95141. "closed file number: 7920-91 + location: c",
  95142. "fort lauderdale",
  95143. "321310",
  95144. "nan",
  95145. "nan",
  95146. "nan",
  95147. "nan",
  95148. "nan",
  95149. "nan",
  95150. "nan",
  95151. "nan",
  95152. "nan",
  95153. "nan",
  95154. "nan",
  95155. "nan",
  95156. "nan",
  95157. "nan",
  95158. "nan",
  95159. "nan",
  95160. "nan",
  95161. "nan",
  95162. "nan",
  95163. "nan",
  95164. "nan",
  95165. "nan",
  95166. "nan"
  95167. ],
  95168. [
  95169. "28006",
  95170. "32",
  95171. "fdic commonwealth",
  95172. "turle run assoc., ltd.",
  95173. "7616",
  95174. "nan",
  95175. "nan",
  95176. "nan",
  95177. "7616",
  95178. "cw",
  95179. "nan",
  95180. "nan",
  95181. "closed file number: 7921-91 + location: c",
  95182. "fort lauderdale",
  95183. "321311",
  95184. "nan",
  95185. "nan",
  95186. "nan",
  95187. "nan",
  95188. "nan",
  95189. "nan",
  95190. "nan",
  95191. "nan",
  95192. "nan",
  95193. "nan",
  95194. "nan",
  95195. "nan",
  95196. "nan",
  95197. "nan",
  95198. "nan",
  95199. "nan",
  95200. "nan",
  95201. "nan",
  95202. "nan",
  95203. "nan",
  95204. "nan",
  95205. "nan",
  95206. "nan"
  95207. ],
  95208. [
  95209. "28006",
  95210. "33",
  95211. "fdic commonwealth",
  95212. "gonzales/molina/blanca",
  95213. "7616",
  95214. "nan",
  95215. "-",
  95216. "nan",
  95217. "7616",
  95218. "cw",
  95219. "-",
  95220. "nan",
  95221. "closed file number: 7922-91 + location: c",
  95222. "fort lauderdale",
  95223. "321312",
  95224. "nan",
  95225. "nan",
  95226. "nan",
  95227. "nan",
  95228. "nan",
  95229. "nan",
  95230. "nan",
  95231. "nan",
  95232. "nan",
  95233. "nan",
  95234. "nan",
  95235. "nan",
  95236. "nan",
  95237. "nan",
  95238. "nan",
  95239. "nan",
  95240. "nan",
  95241. "nan",
  95242. "nan",
  95243. "nan",
  95244. "nan",
  95245. "nan",
  95246. "nan"
  95247. ],
  95248. [
  95249. "28006",
  95250. "36",
  95251. "fdic commonwealth",
  95252. "wellington point",
  95253. "7616",
  95254. "nan",
  95255. "-",
  95256. "nan",
  95257. "7616",
  95258. "cw",
  95259. "-",
  95260. "nan",
  95261. "closed file number: 7923-91 + location: c",
  95262. "fort lauderdale",
  95263. "321313",
  95264. "nan",
  95265. "nan",
  95266. "nan",
  95267. "nan",
  95268. "nan",
  95269. "nan",
  95270. "nan",
  95271. "nan",
  95272. "nan",
  95273. "nan",
  95274. "nan",
  95275. "nan",
  95276. "nan",
  95277. "nan",
  95278. "nan",
  95279. "nan",
  95280. "nan",
  95281. "nan",
  95282. "nan",
  95283. "nan",
  95284. "nan",
  95285. "nan",
  95286. "nan"
  95287. ],
  95288. [
  95289. "28006",
  95290. "47",
  95291. "fdic commonwealth",
  95292. "fletcher, kenneth/betty",
  95293. "7616",
  95294. "nan",
  95295. "-",
  95296. "nan",
  95297. "7616",
  95298. "cw",
  95299. "-",
  95300. "nan",
  95301. "closed file number: 7924-91 + location: c",
  95302. "fort lauderdale",
  95303. "321314",
  95304. "nan",
  95305. "nan",
  95306. "nan",
  95307. "nan",
  95308. "nan",
  95309. "nan",
  95310. "nan",
  95311. "nan",
  95312. "nan",
  95313. "nan",
  95314. "nan",
  95315. "nan",
  95316. "nan",
  95317. "nan",
  95318. "nan",
  95319. "nan",
  95320. "nan",
  95321. "nan",
  95322. "nan",
  95323. "nan",
  95324. "nan",
  95325. "nan",
  95326. "nan"
  95327. ],
  95328. [
  95329. "28006",
  95330. "71",
  95331. "fdic commonwealth",
  95332. "mc neill, frances",
  95333. "7616",
  95334. "nan",
  95335. "-",
  95336. "nan",
  95337. "7616",
  95338. "cw",
  95339. "-",
  95340. "nan",
  95341. "closed file number: 7925-91 + location: c",
  95342. "fort lauderdale",
  95343. "321315",
  95344. "nan",
  95345. "nan",
  95346. "nan",
  95347. "nan",
  95348. "nan",
  95349. "nan",
  95350. "nan",
  95351. "nan",
  95352. "nan",
  95353. "nan",
  95354. "nan",
  95355. "nan",
  95356. "nan",
  95357. "nan",
  95358. "nan",
  95359. "nan",
  95360. "nan",
  95361. "nan",
  95362. "nan",
  95363. "nan",
  95364. "nan",
  95365. "nan",
  95366. "nan"
  95367. ],
  95368. [
  95369. "28006",
  95370. "164",
  95371. "fdic commonwealth",
  95372. "i.r. auto parts, inc.",
  95373. "7618",
  95374. "nan",
  95375. "-",
  95376. "nan",
  95377. "7618",
  95378. "cw",
  95379. "-",
  95380. "nan",
  95381. "closed file number: 7930-91 + location: c",
  95382. "fort lauderdale",
  95383. "321316",
  95384. "nan",
  95385. "nan",
  95386. "nan",
  95387. "nan",
  95388. "nan",
  95389. "nan",
  95390. "nan",
  95391. "nan",
  95392. "nan",
  95393. "nan",
  95394. "nan",
  95395. "nan",
  95396. "nan",
  95397. "nan",
  95398. "nan",
  95399. "nan",
  95400. "nan",
  95401. "nan",
  95402. "nan",
  95403. "nan",
  95404. "nan",
  95405. "nan",
  95406. "nan"
  95407. ],
  95408. [
  95409. "28006",
  95410. "165",
  95411. "fdic commonwealth",
  95412. "traveller's financial",
  95413. "7618",
  95414. "nan",
  95415. "-",
  95416. "nan",
  95417. "7618",
  95418. "cw",
  95419. "-",
  95420. "nan",
  95421. "closed file number: 7931-91 + location: c",
  95422. "fort lauderdale",
  95423. "321317",
  95424. "nan",
  95425. "nan",
  95426. "nan",
  95427. "nan",
  95428. "nan",
  95429. "nan",
  95430. "nan",
  95431. "nan",
  95432. "nan",
  95433. "nan",
  95434. "nan",
  95435. "nan",
  95436. "nan",
  95437. "nan",
  95438. "nan",
  95439. "nan",
  95440. "nan",
  95441. "nan",
  95442. "nan",
  95443. "nan",
  95444. "nan",
  95445. "nan",
  95446. "nan"
  95447. ],
  95448. [
  95449. "28006",
  95450. "161",
  95451. "fdic commonwealth",
  95452. "berkshire life insurance",
  95453. "7618",
  95454. "nan",
  95455. "-",
  95456. "nan",
  95457. "7618",
  95458. "cw",
  95459. "-",
  95460. "nan",
  95461. "closed file number: 7932-91 + location: c",
  95462. "fort lauderdale",
  95463. "321318",
  95464. "nan",
  95465. "nan",
  95466. "nan",
  95467. "nan",
  95468. "nan",
  95469. "nan",
  95470. "nan",
  95471. "nan",
  95472. "nan",
  95473. "nan",
  95474. "nan",
  95475. "nan",
  95476. "nan",
  95477. "nan",
  95478. "nan",
  95479. "nan",
  95480. "nan",
  95481. "nan",
  95482. "nan",
  95483. "nan",
  95484. "nan",
  95485. "nan",
  95486. "nan"
  95487. ],
  95488. [
  95489. "28006",
  95490. "156",
  95491. "fdic commonwealth",
  95492. "gutzmore,d./cunningham p",
  95493. "7618",
  95494. "nan",
  95495. "-",
  95496. "nan",
  95497. "7618",
  95498. "cw",
  95499. "-",
  95500. "nan",
  95501. "closed file number: 7933-91 + location: c",
  95502. "fort lauderdale",
  95503. "321319",
  95504. "nan",
  95505. "nan",
  95506. "nan",
  95507. "nan",
  95508. "nan",
  95509. "nan",
  95510. "nan",
  95511. "nan",
  95512. "nan",
  95513. "nan",
  95514. "nan",
  95515. "nan",
  95516. "nan",
  95517. "nan",
  95518. "nan",
  95519. "nan",
  95520. "nan",
  95521. "nan",
  95522. "nan",
  95523. "nan",
  95524. "nan",
  95525. "nan",
  95526. "nan"
  95527. ],
  95528. [
  95529. "28006",
  95530. "154",
  95531. "fdic commonwealth",
  95532. "spring fever/loan",
  95533. "7618",
  95534. "nan",
  95535. "-",
  95536. "nan",
  95537. "7618",
  95538. "cw",
  95539. "-",
  95540. "nan",
  95541. "closed file number: 7934-91 + location: c",
  95542. "fort lauderdale",
  95543. "321320",
  95544. "nan",
  95545. "nan",
  95546. "nan",
  95547. "nan",
  95548. "nan",
  95549. "nan",
  95550. "nan",
  95551. "nan",
  95552. "nan",
  95553. "nan",
  95554. "nan",
  95555. "nan",
  95556. "nan",
  95557. "nan",
  95558. "nan",
  95559. "nan",
  95560. "nan",
  95561. "nan",
  95562. "nan",
  95563. "nan",
  95564. "nan",
  95565. "nan",
  95566. "nan"
  95567. ],
  95568. [
  95569. "28006",
  95570. "120",
  95571. "fdic commonwealth",
  95572. "adlock assoc., inc.",
  95573. "7618",
  95574. "nan",
  95575. "-",
  95576. "nan",
  95577. "7618",
  95578. "cw",
  95579. "-",
  95580. "nan",
  95581. "closed file number: 7935-91 + location: c",
  95582. "fort lauderdale",
  95583. "321321",
  95584. "nan",
  95585. "nan",
  95586. "nan",
  95587. "nan",
  95588. "nan",
  95589. "nan",
  95590. "nan",
  95591. "nan",
  95592. "nan",
  95593. "nan",
  95594. "nan",
  95595. "nan",
  95596. "nan",
  95597. "nan",
  95598. "nan",
  95599. "nan",
  95600. "nan",
  95601. "nan",
  95602. "nan",
  95603. "nan",
  95604. "nan",
  95605. "nan",
  95606. "nan"
  95607. ],
  95608. [
  95609. "28006",
  95610. "134",
  95611. "fdic commonwealth",
  95612. "kendale woods condo",
  95613. "7618",
  95614. "nan",
  95615. "-",
  95616. "nan",
  95617. "7618",
  95618. "cw",
  95619. "-",
  95620. "nan",
  95621. "closed file number: 7936-91 + location: c",
  95622. "fort lauderdale",
  95623. "321322",
  95624. "nan",
  95625. "nan",
  95626. "nan",
  95627. "nan",
  95628. "nan",
  95629. "nan",
  95630. "nan",
  95631. "nan",
  95632. "nan",
  95633. "nan",
  95634. "nan",
  95635. "nan",
  95636. "nan",
  95637. "nan",
  95638. "nan",
  95639. "nan",
  95640. "nan",
  95641. "nan",
  95642. "nan",
  95643. "nan",
  95644. "nan",
  95645. "nan",
  95646. "nan"
  95647. ],
  95648. [
  95649. "28006",
  95650. "151",
  95651. "fdic commonwealth",
  95652. "adv re: ocala property",
  95653. "7618",
  95654. "nan",
  95655. "-",
  95656. "nan",
  95657. "7618",
  95658. "cw",
  95659. "-",
  95660. "nan",
  95661. "closed file number: 7937-91 + location: c",
  95662. "fort lauderdale",
  95663. "321323",
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  95665. "nan",
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  95667. "nan",
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  95696. "nan",
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  95705. "nan",
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  95707. "nan",
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  95735. "-",
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  95739. "-",
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  95745. "nan",
  95746. "nan",
  95747. "nan",
  95748. "nan",
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  95766. "nan"
  95767. ],
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  95770. "178",
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  95775. "-",
  95776. "nan",
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  95779. "-",
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  95815. "-",
  95816. "nan",
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  95825. "nan",
  95826. "nan",
  95827. "nan",
  95828. "nan",
  95829. "nan",
  95830. "nan",
  95831. "nan",
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  95834. "nan",
  95835. "nan",
  95836. "nan",
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  95865. "nan",
  95866. "nan",
  95867. "nan",
  95868. "nan",
  95869. "nan",
  95870. "nan",
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  95873. "nan",
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  95884. "nan",
  95885. "nan",
  95886. "nan"
  95887. ],
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  95890. "99",
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  95892. "rubin vs. bart",
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  95939. "-",
  95940. "nan",
  95941. "closed file number: 7977-91 + location: c",
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  95945. "nan",
  95946. "nan",
  95947. "nan",
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  95989. "nan",
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  96055. "-",
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  96059. "-",
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  96084. "nan",
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  96095. "-",
  96096. "nan",
  96097. "7753",
  96098. "cw",
  96099. "-",
  96100. "nan",
  96101. "closed file number: 8809-91 + location: c",
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  96105. "nan",
  96106. "nan",
  96107. "nan",
  96108. "nan",
  96109. "nan",
  96110. "nan",
  96111. "nan",
  96112. "nan",
  96113. "nan",
  96114. "nan",
  96115. "nan",
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  96120. "nan",
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  96125. "nan",
  96126. "nan"
  96127. ],
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  96136. "nan",
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  96139. "-",
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  96147. "nan",
  96148. "nan",
  96149. "nan",
  96150. "nan",
  96151. "nan",
  96152. "nan",
  96153. "nan",
  96154. "nan",
  96155. "nan",
  96156. "nan",
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  96159. "nan",
  96160. "nan",
  96161. "nan",
  96162. "nan",
  96163. "nan",
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  96165. "nan",
  96166. "nan"
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  96168. [
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  96170. "162",
  96171. "fdic commonwealth",
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  96174. "nan",
  96175. "-",
  96176. "nan",
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  96179. "-",
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  96185. "nan",
  96186. "nan",
  96187. "nan",
  96188. "nan",
  96189. "nan",
  96190. "nan",
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  96204. "nan",
  96205. "nan",
  96206. "nan"
  96207. ],
  96208. [
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  96210. "44",
  96211. "fdic commonwealth",
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  96214. "nan",
  96215. "-this file not at leahy 9/99",
  96216. "nan",
  96217. "7783",
  96218. "cw",
  96219. "-",
  96220. "nan",
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  96224. "nan",
  96225. "nan",
  96226. "nan",
  96227. "nan",
  96228. "nan",
  96229. "nan",
  96230. "nan",
  96231. "nan",
  96232. "nan",
  96233. "nan",
  96234. "nan",
  96235. "nan",
  96236. "nan",
  96237. "nan",
  96238. "nan",
  96239. "nan",
  96240. "nan",
  96241. "nan",
  96242. "nan",
  96243. "nan",
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  96245. "nan",
  96246. "nan"
  96247. ],
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  96259. "-",
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  96263. "322063",
  96264. "nan",
  96265. "nan",
  96266. "nan",
  96267. "nan",
  96268. "nan",
  96269. "nan",
  96270. "nan",
  96271. "nan",
  96272. "nan",
  96273. "nan",
  96274. "nan",
  96275. "nan",
  96276. "nan",
  96277. "nan",
  96278. "nan",
  96279. "nan",
  96280. "nan",
  96281. "nan",
  96282. "nan",
  96283. "nan",
  96284. "nan",
  96285. "nan",
  96286. "nan"
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  96290. "1",
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  96296. "nan",
  96297. "7791",
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  96299. "-",
  96300. "nan",
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  96303. "322064",
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  96305. "nan",
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  96307. "nan",
  96308. "nan",
  96309. "nan",
  96310. "nan",
  96311. "nan",
  96312. "nan",
  96313. "nan",
  96314. "nan",
  96315. "nan",
  96316. "nan",
  96317. "nan",
  96318. "nan",
  96319. "nan",
  96320. "nan",
  96321. "nan",
  96322. "nan",
  96323. "nan",
  96324. "nan",
  96325. "nan",
  96326. "nan"
  96327. ],
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  96330. "70",
  96331. "fdic commonwealth",
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  96335. "-",
  96336. "nan",
  96337. "7795",
  96338. "cw",
  96339. "-",
  96340. "nan",
  96341. "closed file number: 8936-91 + location: c",
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  96344. "nan",
  96345. "nan",
  96346. "nan",
  96347. "nan",
  96348. "nan",
  96349. "nan",
  96350. "nan",
  96351. "nan",
  96352. "nan",
  96353. "nan",
  96354. "nan",
  96355. "nan",
  96356. "nan",
  96357. "nan",
  96358. "nan",
  96359. "nan",
  96360. "nan",
  96361. "nan",
  96362. "nan",
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  96364. "nan",
  96365. "nan",
  96366. "nan"
  96367. ],
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  96376. "nan",
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  96379. "-",
  96380. "nan",
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  96385. "nan",
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  96388. "nan",
  96389. "nan",
  96390. "nan",
  96391. "nan",
  96392. "nan",
  96393. "nan",
  96394. "nan",
  96395. "nan",
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  96397. "nan",
  96398. "nan",
  96399. "nan",
  96400. "nan",
  96401. "nan",
  96402. "nan",
  96403. "nan",
  96404. "nan",
  96405. "nan",
  96406. "nan"
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  96410. "11",
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  96445. "nan",
  96446. "nan"
  96447. ],
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  96459. "-",
  96460. "nan",
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  96465. "nan",
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  96467. "nan",
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  96471. "nan",
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  96473. "nan",
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  96496. "nan",
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  96499. "-",
  96500. "nan",
  96501. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  96502. "fort lauderdale",
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  96504. "nan",
  96505. "nan",
  96506. "nan",
  96507. "nan",
  96508. "nan",
  96509. "nan",
  96510. "nan",
  96511. "nan",
  96512. "nan",
  96513. "nan",
  96514. "nan",
  96515. "nan",
  96516. "nan",
  96517. "nan",
  96518. "nan",
  96519. "nan",
  96520. "nan",
  96521. "nan",
  96522. "nan",
  96523. "nan",
  96524. "nan",
  96525. "nan",
  96526. "nan"
  96527. ],
  96528. [
  96529. "28006",
  96530. "26",
  96531. "fdic commonwealth",
  96532. "w.p. properties",
  96533. "7884",
  96534. "nan",
  96535. "box 1 of 2",
  96536. "nan",
  96537. "7884",
  96538. "cw",
  96539. "-",
  96540. "nan",
  96541. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  96542. "fort lauderdale",
  96543. "322151",
  96544. "nan",
  96545. "nan",
  96546. "nan",
  96547. "nan",
  96548. "nan",
  96549. "nan",
  96550. "nan",
  96551. "nan",
  96552. "nan",
  96553. "nan",
  96554. "nan",
  96555. "nan",
  96556. "nan",
  96557. "nan",
  96558. "nan",
  96559. "nan",
  96560. "nan",
  96561. "nan",
  96562. "nan",
  96563. "nan",
  96564. "nan",
  96565. "nan",
  96566. "nan"
  96567. ],
  96568. [
  96569. "28006",
  96570. "148",
  96571. "fdic/commonwealth",
  96572. "sale of arizona prop",
  96573. "7899",
  96574. "nan",
  96575. "-",
  96576. "nan",
  96577. "7899",
  96578. "cw",
  96579. "-",
  96580. "nan",
  96581. "closed file number: 8946-91 + location: c",
  96582. "fort lauderdale",
  96583. "322167",
  96584. "nan",
  96585. "nan",
  96586. "nan",
  96587. "nan",
  96588. "nan",
  96589. "nan",
  96590. "nan",
  96591. "nan",
  96592. "nan",
  96593. "nan",
  96594. "nan",
  96595. "nan",
  96596. "nan",
  96597. "nan",
  96598. "nan",
  96599. "nan",
  96600. "nan",
  96601. "nan",
  96602. "nan",
  96603. "nan",
  96604. "nan",
  96605. "nan",
  96606. "nan"
  96607. ],
  96608. [
  96609. "28006",
  96610. "150",
  96611. "fdic/commonwealth",
  96612. "thomas, p & m",
  96613. "7899",
  96614. "nan",
  96615. "-",
  96616. "nan",
  96617. "7899",
  96618. "cw",
  96619. "-",
  96620. "nan",
  96621. "closed file number: 8947-91 + location: c",
  96622. "fort lauderdale",
  96623. "322168",
  96624. "nan",
  96625. "nan",
  96626. "nan",
  96627. "nan",
  96628. "nan",
  96629. "nan",
  96630. "nan",
  96631. "nan",
  96632. "nan",
  96633. "nan",
  96634. "nan",
  96635. "nan",
  96636. "nan",
  96637. "nan",
  96638. "nan",
  96639. "nan",
  96640. "nan",
  96641. "nan",
  96642. "nan",
  96643. "nan",
  96644. "nan",
  96645. "nan",
  96646. "nan"
  96647. ],
  96648. [
  96649. "28006",
  96650. "147",
  96651. "fdic/commonwealth",
  96652. "mcv dev corp",
  96653. "7899",
  96654. "nan",
  96655. "-",
  96656. "nan",
  96657. "7899",
  96658. "cw",
  96659. "-",
  96660. "nan",
  96661. "closed file number: 8948-91 + location: c",
  96662. "fort lauderdale",
  96663. "322169",
  96664. "nan",
  96665. "nan",
  96666. "nan",
  96667. "nan",
  96668. "nan",
  96669. "nan",
  96670. "nan",
  96671. "nan",
  96672. "nan",
  96673. "nan",
  96674. "nan",
  96675. "nan",
  96676. "nan",
  96677. "nan",
  96678. "nan",
  96679. "nan",
  96680. "nan",
  96681. "nan",
  96682. "nan",
  96683. "nan",
  96684. "nan",
  96685. "nan",
  96686. "nan"
  96687. ],
  96688. [
  96689. "28006",
  96690. "125",
  96691. "fdic commonwealth",
  96692. "aubisque invest",
  96693. "7900",
  96694. "nan",
  96695. "-",
  96696. "nan",
  96697. "7900",
  96698. "cw",
  96699. "-",
  96700. "nan",
  96701. "closed file number: 8953-91 + location: c",
  96702. "fort lauderdale",
  96703. "322174",
  96704. "nan",
  96705. "nan",
  96706. "nan",
  96707. "nan",
  96708. "nan",
  96709. "nan",
  96710. "nan",
  96711. "nan",
  96712. "nan",
  96713. "nan",
  96714. "nan",
  96715. "nan",
  96716. "nan",
  96717. "nan",
  96718. "nan",
  96719. "nan",
  96720. "nan",
  96721. "nan",
  96722. "nan",
  96723. "nan",
  96724. "nan",
  96725. "nan",
  96726. "nan"
  96727. ],
  96728. [
  96729. "28006",
  96730. "136",
  96731. "fdic commonwealth",
  96732. "sl/oasis at springtree",
  96733. "7900",
  96734. "nan",
  96735. "-",
  96736. "nan",
  96737. "7900",
  96738. "cw",
  96739. "-",
  96740. "nan",
  96741. "closed file number: 8956-91 + location: c",
  96742. "fort lauderdale",
  96743. "322177",
  96744. "nan",
  96745. "nan",
  96746. "nan",
  96747. "nan",
  96748. "nan",
  96749. "nan",
  96750. "nan",
  96751. "nan",
  96752. "nan",
  96753. "nan",
  96754. "nan",
  96755. "nan",
  96756. "nan",
  96757. "nan",
  96758. "nan",
  96759. "nan",
  96760. "nan",
  96761. "nan",
  96762. "nan",
  96763. "nan",
  96764. "nan",
  96765. "nan",
  96766. "nan"
  96767. ],
  96768. [
  96769. "28006",
  96770. "127",
  96771. "fdic commonwealth",
  96772. "aubisque investments",
  96773. "7901",
  96774. "nan",
  96775. "-",
  96776. "nan",
  96777. "7901",
  96778. "cw",
  96779. "-",
  96780. "nan",
  96781. "closed file number: 8958-91 + location: c",
  96782. "fort lauderdale",
  96783. "322179",
  96784. "nan",
  96785. "nan",
  96786. "nan",
  96787. "nan",
  96788. "nan",
  96789. "nan",
  96790. "nan",
  96791. "nan",
  96792. "nan",
  96793. "nan",
  96794. "nan",
  96795. "nan",
  96796. "nan",
  96797. "nan",
  96798. "nan",
  96799. "nan",
  96800. "nan",
  96801. "nan",
  96802. "nan",
  96803. "nan",
  96804. "nan",
  96805. "nan",
  96806. "nan"
  96807. ],
  96808. [
  96809. "28006",
  96810. "188",
  96811. "fdic commonwealth",
  96812. "sl/ariz prop",
  96813. "7901",
  96814. "nan",
  96815. "-",
  96816. "nan",
  96817. "7901",
  96818. "cw",
  96819. "-",
  96820. "nan",
  96821. "closed file number: 8959-91 + location: c",
  96822. "fort lauderdale",
  96823. "322180",
  96824. "nan",
  96825. "nan",
  96826. "nan",
  96827. "nan",
  96828. "nan",
  96829. "nan",
  96830. "nan",
  96831. "nan",
  96832. "nan",
  96833. "nan",
  96834. "nan",
  96835. "nan",
  96836. "nan",
  96837. "nan",
  96838. "nan",
  96839. "nan",
  96840. "nan",
  96841. "nan",
  96842. "nan",
  96843. "nan",
  96844. "nan",
  96845. "nan",
  96846. "nan"
  96847. ],
  96848. [
  96849. "28006",
  96850. "195",
  96851. "fdic commonwealth",
  96852. "sale/tamarack gardens",
  96853. "7901",
  96854. "nan",
  96855. "-",
  96856. "nan",
  96857. "7901",
  96858. "cw",
  96859. "-",
  96860. "nan",
  96861. "closed file number: 8960-91 + location: c",
  96862. "fort lauderdale",
  96863. "322181",
  96864. "nan",
  96865. "nan",
  96866. "nan",
  96867. "nan",
  96868. "nan",
  96869. "nan",
  96870. "nan",
  96871. "nan",
  96872. "nan",
  96873. "nan",
  96874. "nan",
  96875. "nan",
  96876. "nan",
  96877. "nan",
  96878. "nan",
  96879. "nan",
  96880. "nan",
  96881. "nan",
  96882. "nan",
  96883. "nan",
  96884. "nan",
  96885. "nan",
  96886. "nan"
  96887. ],
  96888. [
  96889. "28006",
  96890. "196",
  96891. "fdic commonwealth",
  96892. "martial arts trng ctr",
  96893. "7902",
  96894. "nan",
  96895. "-",
  96896. "nan",
  96897. "7902",
  96898. "cw",
  96899. "-",
  96900. "nan",
  96901. "closed file number: 8965-91 + location: c",
  96902. "fort lauderdale",
  96903. "322186",
  96904. "nan",
  96905. "nan",
  96906. "nan",
  96907. "nan",
  96908. "nan",
  96909. "nan",
  96910. "nan",
  96911. "nan",
  96912. "nan",
  96913. "nan",
  96914. "nan",
  96915. "nan",
  96916. "nan",
  96917. "nan",
  96918. "nan",
  96919. "nan",
  96920. "nan",
  96921. "nan",
  96922. "nan",
  96923. "nan",
  96924. "nan",
  96925. "nan",
  96926. "nan"
  96927. ],
  96928. [
  96929. "28006",
  96930. "123",
  96931. "fdic commonwealth",
  96932. "insurgentes investmnts",
  96933. "7902",
  96934. "nan",
  96935. "-",
  96936. "nan",
  96937. "7902",
  96938. "cw",
  96939. "-",
  96940. "nan",
  96941. "closed file number: 8971-91 + location: c",
  96942. "fort lauderdale",
  96943. "322190",
  96944. "nan",
  96945. "nan",
  96946. "nan",
  96947. "nan",
  96948. "nan",
  96949. "nan",
  96950. "nan",
  96951. "nan",
  96952. "nan",
  96953. "nan",
  96954. "nan",
  96955. "nan",
  96956. "nan",
  96957. "nan",
  96958. "nan",
  96959. "nan",
  96960. "nan",
  96961. "nan",
  96962. "nan",
  96963. "nan",
  96964. "nan",
  96965. "nan",
  96966. "nan"
  96967. ],
  96968. [
  96969. "28006",
  96970. "197",
  96971. "fdic commonwealth",
  96972. "wometco theater",
  96973. "7902",
  96974. "nan",
  96975. "-",
  96976. "nan",
  96977. "7902",
  96978. "cw",
  96979. "-",
  96980. "nan",
  96981. "closed file number: 9872-91 + location: c",
  96982. "fort lauderdale",
  96983. "322191",
  96984. "nan",
  96985. "nan",
  96986. "nan",
  96987. "nan",
  96988. "nan",
  96989. "nan",
  96990. "nan",
  96991. "nan",
  96992. "nan",
  96993. "nan",
  96994. "nan",
  96995. "nan",
  96996. "nan",
  96997. "nan",
  96998. "nan",
  96999. "nan",
  97000. "nan",
  97001. "nan",
  97002. "nan",
  97003. "nan",
  97004. "nan",
  97005. "nan",
  97006. "nan"
  97007. ],
  97008. [
  97009. "28006",
  97010. "204",
  97011. "fdic commonwealth",
  97012. "oasis at springtree",
  97013. "7902",
  97014. "nan",
  97015. "-",
  97016. "nan",
  97017. "7902",
  97018. "cw",
  97019. "-",
  97020. "nan",
  97021. "closed file number: 8973-91 + location: c",
  97022. "fort lauderdale",
  97023. "322192",
  97024. "nan",
  97025. "nan",
  97026. "nan",
  97027. "nan",
  97028. "nan",
  97029. "nan",
  97030. "nan",
  97031. "nan",
  97032. "nan",
  97033. "nan",
  97034. "nan",
  97035. "nan",
  97036. "nan",
  97037. "nan",
  97038. "nan",
  97039. "nan",
  97040. "nan",
  97041. "nan",
  97042. "nan",
  97043. "nan",
  97044. "nan",
  97045. "nan",
  97046. "nan"
  97047. ],
  97048. [
  97049. "28006",
  97050. "124",
  97051. "fdic commonwealth",
  97052. "yitmar corp",
  97053. "7903",
  97054. "nan",
  97055. "-",
  97056. "nan",
  97057. "7903",
  97058. "cw",
  97059. "-",
  97060. "nan",
  97061. "closed file number: 8974-91 + location: c",
  97062. "fort lauderdale",
  97063. "322193",
  97064. "nan",
  97065. "nan",
  97066. "nan",
  97067. "nan",
  97068. "nan",
  97069. "nan",
  97070. "nan",
  97071. "nan",
  97072. "nan",
  97073. "nan",
  97074. "nan",
  97075. "nan",
  97076. "nan",
  97077. "nan",
  97078. "nan",
  97079. "nan",
  97080. "nan",
  97081. "nan",
  97082. "nan",
  97083. "nan",
  97084. "nan",
  97085. "nan",
  97086. "nan"
  97087. ],
  97088. [
  97089. "28006",
  97090. "83",
  97091. "fdic commonwealth",
  97092. "syntek invest. props",
  97093. "7903",
  97094. "nan",
  97095. "-",
  97096. "nan",
  97097. "7903",
  97098. "cw",
  97099. "-",
  97100. "nan",
  97101. "closed file number: 8975-91 + location: c",
  97102. "fort lauderdale",
  97103. "322194",
  97104. "nan",
  97105. "nan",
  97106. "nan",
  97107. "nan",
  97108. "nan",
  97109. "nan",
  97110. "nan",
  97111. "nan",
  97112. "nan",
  97113. "nan",
  97114. "nan",
  97115. "nan",
  97116. "nan",
  97117. "nan",
  97118. "nan",
  97119. "nan",
  97120. "nan",
  97121. "nan",
  97122. "nan",
  97123. "nan",
  97124. "nan",
  97125. "nan",
  97126. "nan"
  97127. ],
  97128. [
  97129. "28006",
  97130. "132",
  97131. "fdic commonwealth",
  97132. "republic national bank",
  97133. "7903",
  97134. "nan",
  97135. "-",
  97136. "nan",
  97137. "7903",
  97138. "cw",
  97139. "-",
  97140. "nan",
  97141. "closed file number: 8978-91 + location: c",
  97142. "fort lauderdale",
  97143. "322195",
  97144. "nan",
  97145. "nan",
  97146. "nan",
  97147. "nan",
  97148. "nan",
  97149. "nan",
  97150. "nan",
  97151. "nan",
  97152. "nan",
  97153. "nan",
  97154. "nan",
  97155. "nan",
  97156. "nan",
  97157. "nan",
  97158. "nan",
  97159. "nan",
  97160. "nan",
  97161. "nan",
  97162. "nan",
  97163. "nan",
  97164. "nan",
  97165. "nan",
  97166. "nan"
  97167. ],
  97168. [
  97169. "28006",
  97170. "157",
  97171. "fdic commonwealth",
  97172. "sl/ariz prop to batco",
  97173. "7904",
  97174. "nan",
  97175. "-",
  97176. "nan",
  97177. "7904",
  97178. "cw",
  97179. "-",
  97180. "nan",
  97181. "closed file number: 8980-91 + location: c",
  97182. "fort lauderdale",
  97183. "322196",
  97184. "nan",
  97185. "nan",
  97186. "nan",
  97187. "nan",
  97188. "nan",
  97189. "nan",
  97190. "nan",
  97191. "nan",
  97192. "nan",
  97193. "nan",
  97194. "nan",
  97195. "nan",
  97196. "nan",
  97197. "nan",
  97198. "nan",
  97199. "nan",
  97200. "nan",
  97201. "nan",
  97202. "nan",
  97203. "nan",
  97204. "nan",
  97205. "nan",
  97206. "nan"
  97207. ],
  97208. [
  97209. "28006",
  97210. "180",
  97211. "fdic commonwealth",
  97212. "saturday co n.v.",
  97213. "7904",
  97214. "nan",
  97215. "-",
  97216. "nan",
  97217. "7904",
  97218. "cw",
  97219. "-",
  97220. "nan",
  97221. "closed file number: 8981-91 + location: c",
  97222. "fort lauderdale",
  97223. "322197",
  97224. "nan",
  97225. "nan",
  97226. "nan",
  97227. "nan",
  97228. "nan",
  97229. "nan",
  97230. "nan",
  97231. "nan",
  97232. "nan",
  97233. "nan",
  97234. "nan",
  97235. "nan",
  97236. "nan",
  97237. "nan",
  97238. "nan",
  97239. "nan",
  97240. "nan",
  97241. "nan",
  97242. "nan",
  97243. "nan",
  97244. "nan",
  97245. "nan",
  97246. "nan"
  97247. ],
  97248. [
  97249. "28006",
  97250. "128",
  97251. "fdic commonwealth",
  97252. "prep pro forma listing",
  97253. "7904",
  97254. "nan",
  97255. "-",
  97256. "nan",
  97257. "7904",
  97258. "cw",
  97259. "-",
  97260. "nan",
  97261. "closed file number: 8982-91 + location: c",
  97262. "fort lauderdale",
  97263. "322198",
  97264. "nan",
  97265. "nan",
  97266. "nan",
  97267. "nan",
  97268. "nan",
  97269. "nan",
  97270. "nan",
  97271. "nan",
  97272. "nan",
  97273. "nan",
  97274. "nan",
  97275. "nan",
  97276. "nan",
  97277. "nan",
  97278. "nan",
  97279. "nan",
  97280. "nan",
  97281. "nan",
  97282. "nan",
  97283. "nan",
  97284. "nan",
  97285. "nan",
  97286. "nan"
  97287. ],
  97288. [
  97289. "28006",
  97290. "106",
  97291. "fdic commonwealth",
  97292. "gateway plaza",
  97293. "7904",
  97294. "nan",
  97295. "-",
  97296. "nan",
  97297. "7904",
  97298. "cw",
  97299. "-",
  97300. "nan",
  97301. "closed file number: 8983-91 + location: c",
  97302. "fort lauderdale",
  97303. "322199",
  97304. "nan",
  97305. "nan",
  97306. "nan",
  97307. "nan",
  97308. "nan",
  97309. "nan",
  97310. "nan",
  97311. "nan",
  97312. "nan",
  97313. "nan",
  97314. "nan",
  97315. "nan",
  97316. "nan",
  97317. "nan",
  97318. "nan",
  97319. "nan",
  97320. "nan",
  97321. "nan",
  97322. "nan",
  97323. "nan",
  97324. "nan",
  97325. "nan",
  97326. "nan"
  97327. ],
  97328. [
  97329. "28006",
  97330. "37",
  97331. "fdic commonwealth",
  97332. "melbourne self storage",
  97333. "7904",
  97334. "nan",
  97335. "-",
  97336. "nan",
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  97339. "-",
  97340. "nan",
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  97344. "nan",
  97345. "nan",
  97346. "nan",
  97347. "nan",
  97348. "nan",
  97349. "nan",
  97350. "nan",
  97351. "nan",
  97352. "nan",
  97353. "nan",
  97354. "nan",
  97355. "nan",
  97356. "nan",
  97357. "nan",
  97358. "nan",
  97359. "nan",
  97360. "nan",
  97361. "nan",
  97362. "nan",
  97363. "nan",
  97364. "nan",
  97365. "nan",
  97366. "nan"
  97367. ],
  97368. [
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  97370. "38",
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  97373. "7904",
  97374. "nan",
  97375. "-",
  97376. "nan",
  97377. "7904",
  97378. "cw",
  97379. "-",
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  97383. "322202",
  97384. "nan",
  97385. "nan",
  97386. "nan",
  97387. "nan",
  97388. "nan",
  97389. "nan",
  97390. "nan",
  97391. "nan",
  97392. "nan",
  97393. "nan",
  97394. "nan",
  97395. "nan",
  97396. "nan",
  97397. "nan",
  97398. "nan",
  97399. "nan",
  97400. "nan",
  97401. "nan",
  97402. "nan",
  97403. "nan",
  97404. "nan",
  97405. "nan",
  97406. "nan"
  97407. ],
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  97409. "28006",
  97410. "52",
  97411. "fdic commonwealth fed.",
  97412. "lucaya ii",
  97413. "7941",
  97414. "nan",
  97415. "-",
  97416. "nan",
  97417. "7941",
  97418. "cw",
  97419. "-",
  97420. "nan",
  97421. "closed file number: 9110-91 + location: c",
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  97423. "322332",
  97424. "nan",
  97425. "nan",
  97426. "nan",
  97427. "nan",
  97428. "nan",
  97429. "nan",
  97430. "nan",
  97431. "nan",
  97432. "nan",
  97433. "nan",
  97434. "nan",
  97435. "nan",
  97436. "nan",
  97437. "nan",
  97438. "nan",
  97439. "nan",
  97440. "nan",
  97441. "nan",
  97442. "nan",
  97443. "nan",
  97444. "nan",
  97445. "nan",
  97446. "nan"
  97447. ],
  97448. [
  97449. "28006",
  97450. "53",
  97451. "fdic commonwealth fed.",
  97452. "lucaya ii title",
  97453. "7941",
  97454. "nan",
  97455. "-",
  97456. "nan",
  97457. "7941",
  97458. "cw",
  97459. "-",
  97460. "nan",
  97461. "closed file number: 9111-91 + location: c",
  97462. "fort lauderdale",
  97463. "322333",
  97464. "nan",
  97465. "nan",
  97466. "nan",
  97467. "nan",
  97468. "nan",
  97469. "nan",
  97470. "nan",
  97471. "nan",
  97472. "nan",
  97473. "nan",
  97474. "nan",
  97475. "nan",
  97476. "nan",
  97477. "nan",
  97478. "nan",
  97479. "nan",
  97480. "nan",
  97481. "nan",
  97482. "nan",
  97483. "nan",
  97484. "nan",
  97485. "nan",
  97486. "nan"
  97487. ],
  97488. [
  97489. "28006",
  97490. "11",
  97491. "fdic commonwealth",
  97492. "zavell",
  97493. "7941",
  97494. "nan",
  97495. "-",
  97496. "nan",
  97497. "7941",
  97498. "-",
  97499. "-",
  97500. "nan",
  97501. "closed file number: 9112-91 + location: c",
  97502. "fort lauderdale",
  97503. "322334",
  97504. "nan",
  97505. "nan",
  97506. "nan",
  97507. "nan",
  97508. "nan",
  97509. "nan",
  97510. "nan",
  97511. "nan",
  97512. "nan",
  97513. "nan",
  97514. "nan",
  97515. "nan",
  97516. "nan",
  97517. "nan",
  97518. "nan",
  97519. "nan",
  97520. "nan",
  97521. "nan",
  97522. "nan",
  97523. "nan",
  97524. "nan",
  97525. "nan",
  97526. "nan"
  97527. ],
  97528. [
  97529. "28006",
  97530. "81",
  97531. "fdic commonwealth",
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  97533. "7944",
  97534. "nan",
  97535. "-",
  97536. "nan",
  97537. "7944",
  97538. "sm",
  97539. "-",
  97540. "nan",
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  97543. "322336",
  97544. "nan",
  97545. "nan",
  97546. "nan",
  97547. "nan",
  97548. "nan",
  97549. "nan",
  97550. "nan",
  97551. "nan",
  97552. "nan",
  97553. "nan",
  97554. "nan",
  97555. "nan",
  97556. "nan",
  97557. "nan",
  97558. "nan",
  97559. "nan",
  97560. "nan",
  97561. "nan",
  97562. "nan",
  97563. "nan",
  97564. "nan",
  97565. "nan",
  97566. "nan"
  97567. ],
  97568. [
  97569. "28006",
  97570. "82",
  97571. "fdic commonwealth",
  97572. "yetmar corp., s.a.",
  97573. "7944",
  97574. "nan",
  97575. "-",
  97576. "nan",
  97577. "7944",
  97578. "sm",
  97579. "-",
  97580. "nan",
  97581. "closed file number: 9116-91 + location: c",
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  97584. "nan",
  97585. "nan",
  97586. "nan",
  97587. "nan",
  97588. "nan",
  97589. "nan",
  97590. "nan",
  97591. "nan",
  97592. "nan",
  97593. "nan",
  97594. "nan",
  97595. "nan",
  97596. "nan",
  97597. "nan",
  97598. "nan",
  97599. "nan",
  97600. "nan",
  97601. "nan",
  97602. "nan",
  97603. "nan",
  97604. "nan",
  97605. "nan",
  97606. "nan"
  97607. ],
  97608. [
  97609. "28006",
  97610. "185",
  97611. "fdic commonwealth",
  97612. "syler",
  97613. "7948",
  97614. "nan",
  97615. "-",
  97616. "nan",
  97617. "7948",
  97618. "cw",
  97619. "-",
  97620. "nan",
  97621. "closed file number: 9131-91 + location: c",
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  97625. "nan",
  97626. "nan",
  97627. "nan",
  97628. "nan",
  97629. "nan",
  97630. "nan",
  97631. "nan",
  97632. "nan",
  97633. "nan",
  97634. "nan",
  97635. "nan",
  97636. "nan",
  97637. "nan",
  97638. "nan",
  97639. "nan",
  97640. "nan",
  97641. "nan",
  97642. "nan",
  97643. "nan",
  97644. "nan",
  97645. "nan",
  97646. "nan"
  97647. ],
  97648. [
  97649. "28006",
  97650. "210",
  97651. "fdic commonwealth",
  97652. "ext. loan craft dev.",
  97653. "7958",
  97654. "nan",
  97655. "-",
  97656. "nan",
  97657. "7958",
  97658. "cw",
  97659. "-",
  97660. "nan",
  97661. "closed file number: 9157-91 + location: c",
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  97663. "322381",
  97664. "nan",
  97665. "nan",
  97666. "nan",
  97667. "nan",
  97668. "nan",
  97669. "nan",
  97670. "nan",
  97671. "nan",
  97672. "nan",
  97673. "nan",
  97674. "nan",
  97675. "nan",
  97676. "nan",
  97677. "nan",
  97678. "nan",
  97679. "nan",
  97680. "nan",
  97681. "nan",
  97682. "nan",
  97683. "nan",
  97684. "nan",
  97685. "nan",
  97686. "nan"
  97687. ],
  97688. [
  97689. "28006",
  97690. "208",
  97691. "fdic commonwealth",
  97692. "lease/paint&clean",
  97693. "7959",
  97694. "nan",
  97695. "-",
  97696. "nan",
  97697. "7959",
  97698. "cw",
  97699. "-",
  97700. "nan",
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  97703. "322384",
  97704. "nan",
  97705. "nan",
  97706. "nan",
  97707. "nan",
  97708. "nan",
  97709. "nan",
  97710. "nan",
  97711. "nan",
  97712. "nan",
  97713. "nan",
  97714. "nan",
  97715. "nan",
  97716. "nan",
  97717. "nan",
  97718. "nan",
  97719. "nan",
  97720. "nan",
  97721. "nan",
  97722. "nan",
  97723. "nan",
  97724. "nan",
  97725. "nan",
  97726. "nan"
  97727. ],
  97728. [
  97729. "28006",
  97730. "196",
  97731. "fdic commonwealth",
  97732. "lease/martial arts ctr.",
  97733. "7959",
  97734. "nan",
  97735. "twm pencil file",
  97736. "nan",
  97737. "7959",
  97738. "cw",
  97739. "-",
  97740. "nan",
  97741. "closed file number: 9162-91 + location: c",
  97742. "fort lauderdale",
  97743. "322385",
  97744. "nan",
  97745. "nan",
  97746. "nan",
  97747. "nan",
  97748. "nan",
  97749. "nan",
  97750. "nan",
  97751. "nan",
  97752. "nan",
  97753. "nan",
  97754. "nan",
  97755. "nan",
  97756. "nan",
  97757. "nan",
  97758. "nan",
  97759. "nan",
  97760. "nan",
  97761. "nan",
  97762. "nan",
  97763. "nan",
  97764. "nan",
  97765. "nan",
  97766. "nan"
  97767. ],
  97768. [
  97769. "28006",
  97770. "201",
  97771. "fdic commonwealth",
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  97773. "7959",
  97774. "nan",
  97775. "-",
  97776. "nan",
  97777. "7959",
  97778. "jh",
  97779. "-",
  97780. "nan",
  97781. "closed file number: 9167-91 + location: c",
  97782. "fort lauderdale",
  97783. "322390",
  97784. "nan",
  97785. "nan",
  97786. "nan",
  97787. "nan",
  97788. "nan",
  97789. "nan",
  97790. "nan",
  97791. "nan",
  97792. "nan",
  97793. "nan",
  97794. "nan",
  97795. "nan",
  97796. "nan",
  97797. "nan",
  97798. "nan",
  97799. "nan",
  97800. "nan",
  97801. "nan",
  97802. "nan",
  97803. "nan",
  97804. "nan",
  97805. "nan",
  97806. "nan"
  97807. ],
  97808. [
  97809. "28006",
  97810. "209",
  97811. "fdic commonwealth",
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  97813. "7969",
  97814. "nan",
  97815. "-",
  97816. "nan",
  97817. "7969",
  97818. "cw",
  97819. "-",
  97820. "nan",
  97821. "closed file number: 9187-91 + location: c",
  97822. "fort lauderdale",
  97823. "322407",
  97824. "nan",
  97825. "nan",
  97826. "nan",
  97827. "nan",
  97828. "nan",
  97829. "nan",
  97830. "nan",
  97831. "nan",
  97832. "nan",
  97833. "nan",
  97834. "nan",
  97835. "nan",
  97836. "nan",
  97837. "nan",
  97838. "nan",
  97839. "nan",
  97840. "nan",
  97841. "nan",
  97842. "nan",
  97843. "nan",
  97844. "nan",
  97845. "nan",
  97846. "nan"
  97847. ],
  97848. [
  97849. "28006",
  97850. "44",
  97851. "fdic commonwealth",
  97852. "kolsky",
  97853. "7969",
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  97855. "i.f. pencil file, this file not at leahy 9/99",
  97856. "nan",
  97857. "7969",
  97858. "cw",
  97859. "-",
  97860. "nan",
  97861. "closed file number: 9188-91 + location: c",
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  97865. "nan",
  97866. "nan",
  97867. "nan",
  97868. "nan",
  97869. "nan",
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  97872. "nan",
  97873. "nan",
  97874. "nan",
  97875. "nan",
  97876. "nan",
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  97878. "nan",
  97879. "nan",
  97880. "nan",
  97881. "nan",
  97882. "nan",
  97883. "nan",
  97884. "nan",
  97885. "nan",
  97886. "nan"
  97887. ],
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  97889. "28006",
  97890. "92",
  97891. "fdic commonwealth",
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  97893. "7969",
  97894. "nan",
  97895. "t.m. pencil file, this file not at leahy 9/99",
  97896. "nan",
  97897. "7969",
  97898. "cw",
  97899. "-",
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  97902. "fort lauderdale",
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  97905. "nan",
  97906. "nan",
  97907. "nan",
  97908. "nan",
  97909. "nan",
  97910. "nan",
  97911. "nan",
  97912. "nan",
  97913. "nan",
  97914. "nan",
  97915. "nan",
  97916. "nan",
  97917. "nan",
  97918. "nan",
  97919. "nan",
  97920. "nan",
  97921. "nan",
  97922. "nan",
  97923. "nan",
  97924. "nan",
  97925. "nan",
  97926. "nan"
  97927. ],
  97928. [
  97929. "28006",
  97930. "207",
  97931. "fdic commonwealth",
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  97933. "7969",
  97934. "nan",
  97935. "-",
  97936. "nan",
  97937. "7969",
  97938. "cw",
  97939. "-",
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  97941. "closed file number: 9190-91 + location: c",
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  97944. "nan",
  97945. "nan",
  97946. "nan",
  97947. "nan",
  97948. "nan",
  97949. "nan",
  97950. "nan",
  97951. "nan",
  97952. "nan",
  97953. "nan",
  97954. "nan",
  97955. "nan",
  97956. "nan",
  97957. "nan",
  97958. "nan",
  97959. "nan",
  97960. "nan",
  97961. "nan",
  97962. "nan",
  97963. "nan",
  97964. "nan",
  97965. "nan",
  97966. "nan"
  97967. ],
  97968. [
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  97970. "155",
  97971. "fdic commonwealth",
  97972. "comcap,inc./eminent dmn.",
  97973. "7974",
  97974. "nan",
  97975. "-",
  97976. "nan",
  97977. "7974",
  97978. "cw",
  97979. "-",
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  97983. "322416",
  97984. "nan",
  97985. "nan",
  97986. "nan",
  97987. "nan",
  97988. "nan",
  97989. "nan",
  97990. "nan",
  97991. "nan",
  97992. "nan",
  97993. "nan",
  97994. "nan",
  97995. "nan",
  97996. "nan",
  97997. "nan",
  97998. "nan",
  97999. "nan",
  98000. "nan",
  98001. "nan",
  98002. "nan",
  98003. "nan",
  98004. "nan",
  98005. "nan",
  98006. "nan"
  98007. ],
  98008. [
  98009. "28006",
  98010. "135",
  98011. "fdic commonwealth",
  98012. "206 biscayne,ltd.",
  98013. "7974",
  98014. "nan",
  98015. "-",
  98016. "nan",
  98017. "7974",
  98018. "cw",
  98019. "-",
  98020. "nan",
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  98023. "322417",
  98024. "nan",
  98025. "nan",
  98026. "nan",
  98027. "nan",
  98028. "nan",
  98029. "nan",
  98030. "nan",
  98031. "nan",
  98032. "nan",
  98033. "nan",
  98034. "nan",
  98035. "nan",
  98036. "nan",
  98037. "nan",
  98038. "nan",
  98039. "nan",
  98040. "nan",
  98041. "nan",
  98042. "nan",
  98043. "nan",
  98044. "nan",
  98045. "nan",
  98046. "nan"
  98047. ],
  98048. [
  98049. "28006",
  98050. "149",
  98051. "fdic commonwealth",
  98052. "loehman's plaza",
  98053. "7976",
  98054. "nan",
  98055. "vol.2&3 no file #",
  98056. "nan",
  98057. "7976",
  98058. "cw",
  98059. "-",
  98060. "nan",
  98061. "closed file number: - + location: c",
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  98063. "322425",
  98064. "nan",
  98065. "nan",
  98066. "nan",
  98067. "nan",
  98068. "nan",
  98069. "nan",
  98070. "nan",
  98071. "nan",
  98072. "nan",
  98073. "nan",
  98074. "nan",
  98075. "nan",
  98076. "nan",
  98077. "nan",
  98078. "nan",
  98079. "nan",
  98080. "nan",
  98081. "nan",
  98082. "nan",
  98083. "nan",
  98084. "nan",
  98085. "nan",
  98086. "nan"
  98087. ],
  98088. [
  98089. "28006",
  98090. "149",
  98091. "fdic commonwealth",
  98092. "loehman's plaza",
  98093. "7977",
  98094. "nan",
  98095. "vol.4&5 no file #",
  98096. "nan",
  98097. "7977",
  98098. "cw",
  98099. "-",
  98100. "nan",
  98101. "closed file number: - + location: c",
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  98103. "322426",
  98104. "nan",
  98105. "nan",
  98106. "nan",
  98107. "nan",
  98108. "nan",
  98109. "nan",
  98110. "nan",
  98111. "nan",
  98112. "nan",
  98113. "nan",
  98114. "nan",
  98115. "nan",
  98116. "nan",
  98117. "nan",
  98118. "nan",
  98119. "nan",
  98120. "nan",
  98121. "nan",
  98122. "nan",
  98123. "nan",
  98124. "nan",
  98125. "nan",
  98126. "nan"
  98127. ],
  98128. [
  98129. "28006",
  98130. "211",
  98131. "fdic commonwealth",
  98132. " dev.*",
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  98134. "nan",
  98135. "*title claim",
  98136. "nan",
  98137. "7978",
  98138. "cw",
  98139. "-",
  98140. "nan",
  98141. "closed file number: 9203-91 + location: c",
  98142. "fort lauderdale",
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  98144. "nan",
  98145. "nan",
  98146. "nan",
  98147. "nan",
  98148. "nan",
  98149. "nan",
  98150. "nan",
  98151. "nan",
  98152. "nan",
  98153. "nan",
  98154. "nan",
  98155. "nan",
  98156. "nan",
  98157. "nan",
  98158. "nan",
  98159. "nan",
  98160. "nan",
  98161. "nan",
  98162. "nan",
  98163. "nan",
  98164. "nan",
  98165. "nan",
  98166. "nan"
  98167. ],
  98168. [
  98169. "28006",
  98170. "105",
  98171. "fdic commonwealth",
  98172. " dev.",
  98173. "7980",
  98174. "nan",
  98175. "-",
  98176. "nan",
  98177. "7980",
  98178. "cw",
  98179. "-",
  98180. "nan",
  98181. "closed file number: 9213-91 + location: c",
  98182. "fort lauderdale",
  98183. "322437",
  98184. "nan",
  98185. "nan",
  98186. "nan",
  98187. "nan",
  98188. "nan",
  98189. "nan",
  98190. "nan",
  98191. "nan",
  98192. "nan",
  98193. "nan",
  98194. "nan",
  98195. "nan",
  98196. "nan",
  98197. "nan",
  98198. "nan",
  98199. "nan",
  98200. "nan",
  98201. "nan",
  98202. "nan",
  98203. "nan",
  98204. "nan",
  98205. "nan",
  98206. "nan"
  98207. ],
  98208. [
  98209. "28006",
  98210. "69",
  98211. "fdic commonwealth",
  98212. "gleason, p. title file",
  98213. "7980",
  98214. "nan",
  98215. "-",
  98216. "nan",
  98217. "7980",
  98218. "sm",
  98219. "-",
  98220. "nan",
  98221. "closed file number: 9214-91 + location: c",
  98222. "fort lauderdale",
  98223. "322440",
  98224. "nan",
  98225. "nan",
  98226. "nan",
  98227. "nan",
  98228. "nan",
  98229. "nan",
  98230. "nan",
  98231. "nan",
  98232. "nan",
  98233. "nan",
  98234. "nan",
  98235. "nan",
  98236. "nan",
  98237. "nan",
  98238. "nan",
  98239. "nan",
  98240. "nan",
  98241. "nan",
  98242. "nan",
  98243. "nan",
  98244. "nan",
  98245. "nan",
  98246. "nan"
  98247. ],
  98248. [
  98249. "28006",
  98250. "55",
  98251. "fdic commonwealth",
  98252. "bcf assoc. title file",
  98253. "7980",
  98254. "nan",
  98255. "-",
  98256. "nan",
  98257. "7980",
  98258. "sm",
  98259. "-",
  98260. "nan",
  98261. "closed file number: 9215-91 + location: c",
  98262. "fort lauderdale",
  98263. "322441",
  98264. "nan",
  98265. "nan",
  98266. "nan",
  98267. "nan",
  98268. "nan",
  98269. "nan",
  98270. "nan",
  98271. "nan",
  98272. "nan",
  98273. "nan",
  98274. "nan",
  98275. "nan",
  98276. "nan",
  98277. "nan",
  98278. "nan",
  98279. "nan",
  98280. "nan",
  98281. "nan",
  98282. "nan",
  98283. "nan",
  98284. "nan",
  98285. "nan",
  98286. "nan"
  98287. ],
  98288. [
  98289. "28006",
  98290. "67",
  98291. "fdic commonwealth",
  98292. "redevco assoc.",
  98293. "7445",
  98294. "nan",
  98295. "-",
  98296. "nan",
  98297. "7445",
  98298. "cw",
  98299. "-",
  98300. "nan",
  98301. "closed file number: 92 + location: c",
  98302. "fort lauderdale",
  98303. "322446",
  98304. "nan",
  98305. "nan",
  98306. "nan",
  98307. "nan",
  98308. "nan",
  98309. "nan",
  98310. "nan",
  98311. "nan",
  98312. "nan",
  98313. "nan",
  98314. "nan",
  98315. "nan",
  98316. "nan",
  98317. "nan",
  98318. "nan",
  98319. "nan",
  98320. "nan",
  98321. "nan",
  98322. "nan",
  98323. "nan",
  98324. "nan",
  98325. "nan",
  98326. "nan"
  98327. ],
  98328. [
  98329. "28006",
  98330. "15",
  98331. "fdic commonwealth",
  98332. "trail plaza",
  98333. "7445",
  98334. "nan",
  98335. "-",
  98336. "nan",
  98337. "7445",
  98338. "cw",
  98339. "-",
  98340. "nan",
  98341. "closed file number: 91 + location: c",
  98342. "fort lauderdale",
  98343. "322447",
  98344. "nan",
  98345. "nan",
  98346. "nan",
  98347. "nan",
  98348. "nan",
  98349. "nan",
  98350. "nan",
  98351. "nan",
  98352. "nan",
  98353. "nan",
  98354. "nan",
  98355. "nan",
  98356. "nan",
  98357. "nan",
  98358. "nan",
  98359. "nan",
  98360. "nan",
  98361. "nan",
  98362. "nan",
  98363. "nan",
  98364. "nan",
  98365. "nan",
  98366. "nan"
  98367. ],
  98368. [
  98369. "28006",
  98370. "54",
  98371. "fdic commonwealth",
  98372. "subsidiaries",
  98373. "7981",
  98374. "nan",
  98375. "-",
  98376. "nan",
  98377. "7981",
  98378. "jh",
  98379. "-",
  98380. "nan",
  98381. "closed file number: 9222-91 + location: c",
  98382. "fort lauderdale",
  98383. "322476",
  98384. "nan",
  98385. "nan",
  98386. "nan",
  98387. "nan",
  98388. "nan",
  98389. "nan",
  98390. "nan",
  98391. "nan",
  98392. "nan",
  98393. "nan",
  98394. "nan",
  98395. "nan",
  98396. "nan",
  98397. "nan",
  98398. "nan",
  98399. "nan",
  98400. "nan",
  98401. "nan",
  98402. "nan",
  98403. "nan",
  98404. "nan",
  98405. "nan",
  98406. "nan"
  98407. ],
  98408. [
  98409. "28006",
  98410. "94",
  98411. "fdic commonwealth",
  98412. "zavell",
  98413. "7617",
  98414. "nan",
  98415. "-",
  98416. "nan",
  98417. "7617",
  98418. "-",
  98419. "-",
  98420. "nan",
  98421. "closed file number: 7930-91 + location: c",
  98422. "fort lauderdale",
  98423. "322603",
  98424. "nan",
  98425. "nan",
  98426. "nan",
  98427. "nan",
  98428. "nan",
  98429. "nan",
  98430. "nan",
  98431. "nan",
  98432. "nan",
  98433. "nan",
  98434. "nan",
  98435. "nan",
  98436. "nan",
  98437. "nan",
  98438. "nan",
  98439. "nan",
  98440. "nan",
  98441. "nan",
  98442. "nan",
  98443. "nan",
  98444. "nan",
  98445. "nan",
  98446. "nan"
  98447. ],
  98448. [
  98449. "28006",
  98450. "61",
  98451. "fdic commonwealth",
  98452. "aubisque ii title",
  98453. "7999",
  98454. "nan",
  98455. "-",
  98456. "nan",
  98457. "7999",
  98458. "sm",
  98459. "-",
  98460. "nan",
  98461. "closed file number: 9316-91 + location: c",
  98462. "fort lauderdale",
  98463. "322606",
  98464. "nan",
  98465. "nan",
  98466. "nan",
  98467. "nan",
  98468. "nan",
  98469. "nan",
  98470. "nan",
  98471. "nan",
  98472. "nan",
  98473. "nan",
  98474. "nan",
  98475. "nan",
  98476. "nan",
  98477. "nan",
  98478. "nan",
  98479. "nan",
  98480. "nan",
  98481. "nan",
  98482. "nan",
  98483. "nan",
  98484. "nan",
  98485. "nan",
  98486. "nan"
  98487. ],
  98488. [
  98489. "28006",
  98490. "116",
  98491. "fdic commonwealth",
  98492. "allstate prop.-title",
  98493. "7999",
  98494. "nan",
  98495. "-",
  98496. "nan",
  98497. "7999",
  98498. "sm",
  98499. "-",
  98500. "nan",
  98501. "closed file number: 9326-91 + location: c",
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  98503. "322615",
  98504. "nan",
  98505. "nan",
  98506. "nan",
  98507. "nan",
  98508. "nan",
  98509. "nan",
  98510. "nan",
  98511. "nan",
  98512. "nan",
  98513. "nan",
  98514. "nan",
  98515. "nan",
  98516. "nan",
  98517. "nan",
  98518. "nan",
  98519. "nan",
  98520. "nan",
  98521. "nan",
  98522. "nan",
  98523. "nan",
  98524. "nan",
  98525. "nan",
  98526. "nan"
  98527. ],
  98528. [
  98529. "28006",
  98530. "60",
  98531. "fdic commonwealth",
  98532. "aubisque title",
  98533. "7999",
  98534. "nan",
  98535. "-",
  98536. "nan",
  98537. "7999",
  98538. "sm",
  98539. "-",
  98540. "nan",
  98541. "closed file number: 9327-91 + location: c",
  98542. "fort lauderdale",
  98543. "322616",
  98544. "nan",
  98545. "nan",
  98546. "nan",
  98547. "nan",
  98548. "nan",
  98549. "nan",
  98550. "nan",
  98551. "nan",
  98552. "nan",
  98553. "nan",
  98554. "nan",
  98555. "nan",
  98556. "nan",
  98557. "nan",
  98558. "nan",
  98559. "nan",
  98560. "nan",
  98561. "nan",
  98562. "nan",
  98563. "nan",
  98564. "nan",
  98565. "nan",
  98566. "nan"
  98567. ],
  98568. [
  98569. "28006",
  98570. "92",
  98571. "fdic commonwealth",
  98572. "redevco",
  98573. "7800",
  98574. "nan",
  98575. "-",
  98576. "nan",
  98577. "7800",
  98578. "sm",
  98579. "-",
  98580. "nan",
  98581. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  98582. "fort lauderdale",
  98583. "322703",
  98584. "nan",
  98585. "nan",
  98586. "nan",
  98587. "nan",
  98588. "nan",
  98589. "nan",
  98590. "nan",
  98591. "nan",
  98592. "nan",
  98593. "nan",
  98594. "nan",
  98595. "nan",
  98596. "nan",
  98597. "nan",
  98598. "nan",
  98599. "nan",
  98600. "nan",
  98601. "nan",
  98602. "nan",
  98603. "nan",
  98604. "nan",
  98605. "nan",
  98606. "nan"
  98607. ],
  98608. [
  98609. "28006",
  98610. "21",
  98611. "fdic commonwealth",
  98612. "southeast",
  98613. "8022",
  98614. "nan",
  98615. "entire box-no file # 1 of 2 boxes",
  98616. "nan",
  98617. "8022",
  98618. "cw",
  98619. "-",
  98620. "nan",
  98621. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  98622. "fort lauderdale",
  98623. "322778",
  98624. "nan",
  98625. "nan",
  98626. "nan",
  98627. "nan",
  98628. "nan",
  98629. "nan",
  98630. "nan",
  98631. "nan",
  98632. "nan",
  98633. "nan",
  98634. "nan",
  98635. "nan",
  98636. "nan",
  98637. "nan",
  98638. "nan",
  98639. "nan",
  98640. "nan",
  98641. "nan",
  98642. "nan",
  98643. "nan",
  98644. "nan",
  98645. "nan",
  98646. "nan"
  98647. ],
  98648. [
  98649. "28006",
  98650. "21",
  98651. "fdic commonwealth",
  98652. "southeast",
  98653. "8023",
  98654. "nan",
  98655. "entire box-no file # 2 of 2 boxes",
  98656. "nan",
  98657. "8023",
  98658. "cw",
  98659. "-",
  98660. "nan",
  98661. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  98662. "fort lauderdale",
  98663. "322779",
  98664. "nan",
  98665. "nan",
  98666. "nan",
  98667. "nan",
  98668. "nan",
  98669. "nan",
  98670. "nan",
  98671. "nan",
  98672. "nan",
  98673. "nan",
  98674. "nan",
  98675. "nan",
  98676. "nan",
  98677. "nan",
  98678. "nan",
  98679. "nan",
  98680. "nan",
  98681. "nan",
  98682. "nan",
  98683. "nan",
  98684. "nan",
  98685. "nan",
  98686. "nan"
  98687. ],
  98688. [
  98689. "28006",
  98690. "194",
  98691. "fdic commonwealth",
  98692. "adv\\election of remedies",
  98693. "8028",
  98694. "nan",
  98695. "-",
  98696. "nan",
  98697. "8028",
  98698. "cw",
  98699. "-",
  98700. "nan",
  98701. "closed file number: 9456-91 + location: c",
  98702. "fort lauderdale",
  98703. "322789",
  98704. "nan",
  98705. "nan",
  98706. "nan",
  98707. "nan",
  98708. "nan",
  98709. "nan",
  98710. "nan",
  98711. "nan",
  98712. "nan",
  98713. "nan",
  98714. "nan",
  98715. "nan",
  98716. "nan",
  98717. "nan",
  98718. "nan",
  98719. "nan",
  98720. "nan",
  98721. "nan",
  98722. "nan",
  98723. "nan",
  98724. "nan",
  98725. "nan",
  98726. "nan"
  98727. ],
  98728. [
  98729. "28006",
  98730. "25",
  98731. "fdic commonwealth",
  98732. "analysis: consultant\\*",
  98733. "8028",
  98734. "nan",
  98735. "*employee\\officer\\dir. liability",
  98736. "nan",
  98737. "8028",
  98738. "cw",
  98739. "-",
  98740. "nan",
  98741. "closed file number: 9457-91 + location: c",
  98742. "fort lauderdale",
  98743. "322790",
  98744. "nan",
  98745. "nan",
  98746. "nan",
  98747. "nan",
  98748. "nan",
  98749. "nan",
  98750. "nan",
  98751. "nan",
  98752. "nan",
  98753. "nan",
  98754. "nan",
  98755. "nan",
  98756. "nan",
  98757. "nan",
  98758. "nan",
  98759. "nan",
  98760. "nan",
  98761. "nan",
  98762. "nan",
  98763. "nan",
  98764. "nan",
  98765. "nan",
  98766. "nan"
  98767. ],
  98768. [
  98769. "28006",
  98770. "130",
  98771. "fdic commonwealth",
  98772. "buday, j. & f.",
  98773. "8028",
  98774. "nan",
  98775. "-",
  98776. "nan",
  98777. "8028",
  98778. "cw",
  98779. "-",
  98780. "nan",
  98781. "closed file number: 9458-91 + location: c",
  98782. "fort lauderdale",
  98783. "322791",
  98784. "nan",
  98785. "nan",
  98786. "nan",
  98787. "nan",
  98788. "nan",
  98789. "nan",
  98790. "nan",
  98791. "nan",
  98792. "nan",
  98793. "nan",
  98794. "nan",
  98795. "nan",
  98796. "nan",
  98797. "nan",
  98798. "nan",
  98799. "nan",
  98800. "nan",
  98801. "nan",
  98802. "nan",
  98803. "nan",
  98804. "nan",
  98805. "nan",
  98806. "nan"
  98807. ],
  98808. [
  98809. "28006",
  98810. "89",
  98811. "fdic commonwealth",
  98812. "adv\\community reinvest.",
  98813. "8028",
  98814. "nan",
  98815. "-",
  98816. "nan",
  98817. "8028",
  98818. "cw",
  98819. "-",
  98820. "nan",
  98821. "closed file number: 9459-91 + location: c",
  98822. "fort lauderdale",
  98823. "322792",
  98824. "nan",
  98825. "nan",
  98826. "nan",
  98827. "nan",
  98828. "nan",
  98829. "nan",
  98830. "nan",
  98831. "nan",
  98832. "nan",
  98833. "nan",
  98834. "nan",
  98835. "nan",
  98836. "nan",
  98837. "nan",
  98838. "nan",
  98839. "nan",
  98840. "nan",
  98841. "nan",
  98842. "nan",
  98843. "nan",
  98844. "nan",
  98845. "nan",
  98846. "nan"
  98847. ],
  98848. [
  98849. "28006",
  98850. "50",
  98851. "fdic commonwealth",
  98852. "portnov,s.*",
  98853. "8028",
  98854. "nan",
  98855. "*repudiation of employment contract",
  98856. "nan",
  98857. "8028",
  98858. "cw",
  98859. "-",
  98860. "nan",
  98861. "closed file number: 9466-91 + location: c",
  98862. "fort lauderdale",
  98863. "322799",
  98864. "nan",
  98865. "nan",
  98866. "nan",
  98867. "nan",
  98868. "nan",
  98869. "nan",
  98870. "nan",
  98871. "nan",
  98872. "nan",
  98873. "nan",
  98874. "nan",
  98875. "nan",
  98876. "nan",
  98877. "nan",
  98878. "nan",
  98879. "nan",
  98880. "nan",
  98881. "nan",
  98882. "nan",
  98883. "nan",
  98884. "nan",
  98885. "nan",
  98886. "nan"
  98887. ],
  98888. [
  98889. "28006",
  98890. "63",
  98891. "fdic commonwealth",
  98892. "transfer prop. to trust",
  98893. "8028",
  98894. "nan",
  98895. "-",
  98896. "nan",
  98897. "8028",
  98898. "cw",
  98899. "-",
  98900. "nan",
  98901. "closed file number: 9467-91 + location: c",
  98902. "fort lauderdale",
  98903. "322800",
  98904. "nan",
  98905. "nan",
  98906. "nan",
  98907. "nan",
  98908. "nan",
  98909. "nan",
  98910. "nan",
  98911. "nan",
  98912. "nan",
  98913. "nan",
  98914. "nan",
  98915. "nan",
  98916. "nan",
  98917. "nan",
  98918. "nan",
  98919. "nan",
  98920. "nan",
  98921. "nan",
  98922. "nan",
  98923. "nan",
  98924. "nan",
  98925. "nan",
  98926. "nan"
  98927. ],
  98928. [
  98929. "28006",
  98930. "183",
  98931. "fdic commonwealth",
  98932. "phillips,friedman,sipi,*",
  98933. "8028",
  98934. "nan",
  98935. "* syntek west, may trust",
  98936. "nan",
  98937. "8028",
  98938. "cw",
  98939. "-",
  98940. "nan",
  98941. "closed file number: 9468-91 + location: c",
  98942. "fort lauderdale",
  98943. "322801",
  98944. "nan",
  98945. "nan",
  98946. "nan",
  98947. "nan",
  98948. "nan",
  98949. "nan",
  98950. "nan",
  98951. "nan",
  98952. "nan",
  98953. "nan",
  98954. "nan",
  98955. "nan",
  98956. "nan",
  98957. "nan",
  98958. "nan",
  98959. "nan",
  98960. "nan",
  98961. "nan",
  98962. "nan",
  98963. "nan",
  98964. "nan",
  98965. "nan",
  98966. "nan"
  98967. ],
  98968. [
  98969. "28006",
  98970. "17",
  98971. "fdic commonwealth",
  98972. "hospitality mgmt.",
  98973. "8029",
  98974. "nan",
  98975. "3 files",
  98976. "nan",
  98977. "8029",
  98978. "cw",
  98979. "-",
  98980. "nan",
  98981. "closed file number: 9469-91a-c + location: c",
  98982. "fort lauderdale",
  98983. "322802",
  98984. "nan",
  98985. "nan",
  98986. "nan",
  98987. "nan",
  98988. "nan",
  98989. "nan",
  98990. "nan",
  98991. "nan",
  98992. "nan",
  98993. "nan",
  98994. "nan",
  98995. "nan",
  98996. "nan",
  98997. "nan",
  98998. "nan",
  98999. "nan",
  99000. "nan",
  99001. "nan",
  99002. "nan",
  99003. "nan",
  99004. "nan",
  99005. "nan",
  99006. "nan"
  99007. ],
  99008. [
  99009. "28006",
  99010. "10",
  99011. "fdic commonwealth",
  99012. "impact graphics",
  99013. "8029",
  99014. "nan",
  99015. "-",
  99016. "nan",
  99017. "8029",
  99018. "cw",
  99019. "-",
  99020. "nan",
  99021. "closed file number: 9470-91 + location: c",
  99022. "fort lauderdale",
  99023. "322803",
  99024. "nan",
  99025. "nan",
  99026. "nan",
  99027. "nan",
  99028. "nan",
  99029. "nan",
  99030. "nan",
  99031. "nan",
  99032. "nan",
  99033. "nan",
  99034. "nan",
  99035. "nan",
  99036. "nan",
  99037. "nan",
  99038. "nan",
  99039. "nan",
  99040. "nan",
  99041. "nan",
  99042. "nan",
  99043. "nan",
  99044. "nan",
  99045. "nan",
  99046. "nan"
  99047. ],
  99048. [
  99049. "28006",
  99050. "44",
  99051. "fdic commonwealth",
  99052. "kolsky subfile",
  99053. "8029",
  99054. "nan",
  99055. "-not at leahy 9/99",
  99056. "nan",
  99057. "8029",
  99058. "cw",
  99059. "-",
  99060. "nan",
  99061. "closed file number: 9471-91 + location: c",
  99062. "fort lauderdale",
  99063. "322804",
  99064. "nan",
  99065. "nan",
  99066. "nan",
  99067. "nan",
  99068. "nan",
  99069. "nan",
  99070. "nan",
  99071. "nan",
  99072. "nan",
  99073. "nan",
  99074. "nan",
  99075. "nan",
  99076. "nan",
  99077. "nan",
  99078. "nan",
  99079. "nan",
  99080. "nan",
  99081. "nan",
  99082. "nan",
  99083. "nan",
  99084. "nan",
  99085. "nan",
  99086. "nan"
  99087. ],
  99088. [
  99089. "28006",
  99090. "2",
  99091. "fdic commonwealth",
  99092. "hampton town homes",
  99093. "8030",
  99094. "nan",
  99095. "entire box-no file #",
  99096. "nan",
  99097. "8030",
  99098. "cw",
  99099. "-",
  99100. "nan",
  99101. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  99102. "fort lauderdale",
  99103. "322805",
  99104. "nan",
  99105. "nan",
  99106. "nan",
  99107. "nan",
  99108. "nan",
  99109. "nan",
  99110. "nan",
  99111. "nan",
  99112. "nan",
  99113. "nan",
  99114. "nan",
  99115. "nan",
  99116. "nan",
  99117. "nan",
  99118. "nan",
  99119. "nan",
  99120. "nan",
  99121. "nan",
  99122. "nan",
  99123. "nan",
  99124. "nan",
  99125. "nan",
  99126. "nan"
  99127. ],
  99128. [
  99129. "28006",
  99130. "182",
  99131. "fdic commonwealth",
  99132. "kahn,k. & e.",
  99133. "8031",
  99134. "nan",
  99135. "-",
  99136. "nan",
  99137. "8031",
  99138. "cw",
  99139. "-",
  99140. "nan",
  99141. "closed file number: 9472-91 + location: c",
  99142. "fort lauderdale",
  99143. "322806",
  99144. "nan",
  99145. "nan",
  99146. "nan",
  99147. "nan",
  99148. "nan",
  99149. "nan",
  99150. "nan",
  99151. "nan",
  99152. "nan",
  99153. "nan",
  99154. "nan",
  99155. "nan",
  99156. "nan",
  99157. "nan",
  99158. "nan",
  99159. "nan",
  99160. "nan",
  99161. "nan",
  99162. "nan",
  99163. "nan",
  99164. "nan",
  99165. "nan",
  99166. "nan"
  99167. ],
  99168. [
  99169. "28006",
  99170. "170",
  99171. "fdic commonwealth",
  99172. "adv\\lauderhill code enf.",
  99173. "8031",
  99174. "nan",
  99175. "-",
  99176. "nan",
  99177. "8031",
  99178. "cw",
  99179. "-",
  99180. "nan",
  99181. "closed file number: 9473-91 + location: c",
  99182. "fort lauderdale",
  99183. "322807",
  99184. "nan",
  99185. "nan",
  99186. "nan",
  99187. "nan",
  99188. "nan",
  99189. "nan",
  99190. "nan",
  99191. "nan",
  99192. "nan",
  99193. "nan",
  99194. "nan",
  99195. "nan",
  99196. "nan",
  99197. "nan",
  99198. "nan",
  99199. "nan",
  99200. "nan",
  99201. "nan",
  99202. "nan",
  99203. "nan",
  99204. "nan",
  99205. "nan",
  99206. "nan"
  99207. ],
  99208. [
  99209. "28006",
  99210. "-",
  99211. "fdic commonwealth",
  99212. "adv. re: shareholders",
  99213. "8051",
  99214. "nan",
  99215. "-",
  99216. "nan",
  99217. "8051",
  99218. "jh",
  99219. "-",
  99220. "nan",
  99221. "closed file number: 9534-91 + location: c",
  99222. "fort lauderdale",
  99223. "322869",
  99224. "nan",
  99225. "nan",
  99226. "nan",
  99227. "nan",
  99228. "nan",
  99229. "nan",
  99230. "nan",
  99231. "nan",
  99232. "nan",
  99233. "nan",
  99234. "nan",
  99235. "nan",
  99236. "nan",
  99237. "nan",
  99238. "nan",
  99239. "nan",
  99240. "nan",
  99241. "nan",
  99242. "nan",
  99243. "nan",
  99244. "nan",
  99245. "nan",
  99246. "nan"
  99247. ],
  99248. [
  99249. "28006",
  99250. "54",
  99251. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99252. "adv/corp. status subsid.",
  99253. "8114",
  99254. "nan",
  99255. "-",
  99256. "nan",
  99257. "8114",
  99258. "cw",
  99259. "-",
  99260. "nan",
  99261. "closed file number: 9587-91 + location: c",
  99262. "fort lauderdale",
  99263. "322970",
  99264. "nan",
  99265. "nan",
  99266. "nan",
  99267. "nan",
  99268. "nan",
  99269. "nan",
  99270. "nan",
  99271. "nan",
  99272. "nan",
  99273. "nan",
  99274. "nan",
  99275. "nan",
  99276. "nan",
  99277. "nan",
  99278. "nan",
  99279. "nan",
  99280. "nan",
  99281. "nan",
  99282. "nan",
  99283. "nan",
  99284. "nan",
  99285. "nan",
  99286. "nan"
  99287. ],
  99288. [
  99289. "28006",
  99290. "-",
  99291. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99292. "adv/car repo's",
  99293. "8114",
  99294. "nan",
  99295. "-",
  99296. "nan",
  99297. "8114",
  99298. "-",
  99299. "-",
  99300. "nan",
  99301. "closed file number: 9589-91 + location: c",
  99302. "fort lauderdale",
  99303. "322971",
  99304. "nan",
  99305. "nan",
  99306. "nan",
  99307. "nan",
  99308. "nan",
  99309. "nan",
  99310. "nan",
  99311. "nan",
  99312. "nan",
  99313. "nan",
  99314. "nan",
  99315. "nan",
  99316. "nan",
  99317. "nan",
  99318. "nan",
  99319. "nan",
  99320. "nan",
  99321. "nan",
  99322. "nan",
  99323. "nan",
  99324. "nan",
  99325. "nan",
  99326. "nan"
  99327. ],
  99328. [
  99329. "28006",
  99330. "-",
  99331. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99332. "research",
  99333. "8114",
  99334. "nan",
  99335. "-",
  99336. "nan",
  99337. "8114",
  99338. "-",
  99339. "-",
  99340. "nan",
  99341. "closed file number: 9590-91 + location: c",
  99342. "fort lauderdale",
  99343. "322972",
  99344. "nan",
  99345. "nan",
  99346. "nan",
  99347. "nan",
  99348. "nan",
  99349. "nan",
  99350. "nan",
  99351. "nan",
  99352. "nan",
  99353. "nan",
  99354. "nan",
  99355. "nan",
  99356. "nan",
  99357. "nan",
  99358. "nan",
  99359. "nan",
  99360. "nan",
  99361. "nan",
  99362. "nan",
  99363. "nan",
  99364. "nan",
  99365. "nan",
  99366. "nan"
  99367. ],
  99368. [
  99369. "28006",
  99370. "56",
  99371. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99372. "gateway title",
  99373. "8118",
  99374. "nan",
  99375. "-",
  99376. "nan",
  99377. "8118",
  99378. "cw",
  99379. "-",
  99380. "nan",
  99381. "closed file number: 9594-91 + location: c",
  99382. "fort lauderdale",
  99383. "322979",
  99384. "nan",
  99385. "nan",
  99386. "nan",
  99387. "nan",
  99388. "nan",
  99389. "nan",
  99390. "nan",
  99391. "nan",
  99392. "nan",
  99393. "nan",
  99394. "nan",
  99395. "nan",
  99396. "nan",
  99397. "nan",
  99398. "nan",
  99399. "nan",
  99400. "nan",
  99401. "nan",
  99402. "nan",
  99403. "nan",
  99404. "nan",
  99405. "nan",
  99406. "nan"
  99407. ],
  99408. [
  99409. "28006",
  99410. "174",
  99411. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99412. "cespedes, b.&e.",
  99413. "8114",
  99414. "nan",
  99415. "2 of 2 files also box 7958",
  99416. "nan",
  99417. "8114",
  99418. "cw",
  99419. "nan",
  99420. "nan",
  99421. "closed file number: 9588-91 + location: c",
  99422. "fort lauderdale",
  99423. "323045",
  99424. "nan",
  99425. "nan",
  99426. "nan",
  99427. "nan",
  99428. "nan",
  99429. "nan",
  99430. "nan",
  99431. "nan",
  99432. "nan",
  99433. "nan",
  99434. "nan",
  99435. "nan",
  99436. "nan",
  99437. "nan",
  99438. "nan",
  99439. "nan",
  99440. "nan",
  99441. "nan",
  99442. "nan",
  99443. "nan",
  99444. "nan",
  99445. "nan",
  99446. "nan"
  99447. ],
  99448. [
  99449. "28006",
  99450. "174",
  99451. "fdic commonwealth",
  99452. "cespedes,b.&e.",
  99453. "7958",
  99454. "nan",
  99455. "1 of 2 files also box 8114",
  99456. "nan",
  99457. "7958",
  99458. "am",
  99459. "nan",
  99460. "nan",
  99461. "closed file number: 9158-91 + location: c",
  99462. "fort lauderdale",
  99463. "323074",
  99464. "nan",
  99465. "nan",
  99466. "nan",
  99467. "nan",
  99468. "nan",
  99469. "nan",
  99470. "nan",
  99471. "nan",
  99472. "nan",
  99473. "nan",
  99474. "nan",
  99475. "nan",
  99476. "nan",
  99477. "nan",
  99478. "nan",
  99479. "nan",
  99480. "nan",
  99481. "nan",
  99482. "nan",
  99483. "nan",
  99484. "nan",
  99485. "nan",
  99486. "nan"
  99487. ],
  99488. [
  99489. "28006",
  99490. "163",
  99491. "fdic commonwealth",
  99492. "sanpacal corp.*",
  99493. "8193",
  99494. "nan",
  99495. "* d/b/a studio 60 restaurant",
  99496. "nan",
  99497. "8193",
  99498. "cw",
  99499. "-",
  99500. "nan",
  99501. "closed file number: 9880-91 + location: c",
  99502. "fort lauderdale",
  99503. "323277",
  99504. "nan",
  99505. "nan",
  99506. "nan",
  99507. "nan",
  99508. "nan",
  99509. "nan",
  99510. "nan",
  99511. "nan",
  99512. "nan",
  99513. "nan",
  99514. "nan",
  99515. "nan",
  99516. "nan",
  99517. "nan",
  99518. "nan",
  99519. "nan",
  99520. "nan",
  99521. "nan",
  99522. "nan",
  99523. "nan",
  99524. "nan",
  99525. "nan",
  99526. "nan"
  99527. ],
  99528. [
  99529. "28006",
  99530. "168",
  99531. "fdic commonwealth",
  99532. "da-rae pet supply*",
  99533. "8193",
  99534. "nan",
  99535. "* d/b/a animal world",
  99536. "nan",
  99537. "8193",
  99538. "cw",
  99539. "-",
  99540. "nan",
  99541. "closed file number: 9881-91 + location: c",
  99542. "fort lauderdale",
  99543. "323278",
  99544. "nan",
  99545. "nan",
  99546. "nan",
  99547. "nan",
  99548. "nan",
  99549. "nan",
  99550. "nan",
  99551. "nan",
  99552. "nan",
  99553. "nan",
  99554. "nan",
  99555. "nan",
  99556. "nan",
  99557. "nan",
  99558. "nan",
  99559. "nan",
  99560. "nan",
  99561. "nan",
  99562. "nan",
  99563. "nan",
  99564. "nan",
  99565. "nan",
  99566. "nan"
  99567. ],
  99568. [
  99569. "28006",
  99570. "189",
  99571. "fdic commonwealth",
  99572. "harold pledger*",
  99573. "8193",
  99574. "nan",
  99575. "*d/b/a harold's hair design",
  99576. "nan",
  99577. "8193",
  99578. "cw",
  99579. "-",
  99580. "nan",
  99581. "closed file number: 9882-91 + location: c",
  99582. "fort lauderdale",
  99583. "323279",
  99584. "nan",
  99585. "nan",
  99586. "nan",
  99587. "nan",
  99588. "nan",
  99589. "nan",
  99590. "nan",
  99591. "nan",
  99592. "nan",
  99593. "nan",
  99594. "nan",
  99595. "nan",
  99596. "nan",
  99597. "nan",
  99598. "nan",
  99599. "nan",
  99600. "nan",
  99601. "nan",
  99602. "nan",
  99603. "nan",
  99604. "nan",
  99605. "nan",
  99606. "nan"
  99607. ],
  99608. [
  99609. "28006",
  99610. "200",
  99611. "fdic commonwealth",
  99612. "richard zamudio*",
  99613. "8193",
  99614. "nan",
  99615. "*d/b/a j.j. records",
  99616. "nan",
  99617. "8193",
  99618. "cw",
  99619. "-",
  99620. "nan",
  99621. "closed file number: 9883-91 + location: c",
  99622. "fort lauderdale",
  99623. "323280",
  99624. "nan",
  99625. "nan",
  99626. "nan",
  99627. "nan",
  99628. "nan",
  99629. "nan",
  99630. "nan",
  99631. "nan",
  99632. "nan",
  99633. "nan",
  99634. "nan",
  99635. "nan",
  99636. "nan",
  99637. "nan",
  99638. "nan",
  99639. "nan",
  99640. "nan",
  99641. "nan",
  99642. "nan",
  99643. "nan",
  99644. "nan",
  99645. "nan",
  99646. "nan"
  99647. ],
  99648. [
  99649. "28006",
  99650. "212",
  99651. "fdic commonwealth",
  99652. "gary adams",
  99653. "8193",
  99654. "nan",
  99655. "-",
  99656. "nan",
  99657. "8193",
  99658. "cw",
  99659. "-",
  99660. "nan",
  99661. "closed file number: 9884-91 + location: c",
  99662. "fort lauderdale",
  99663. "323281",
  99664. "nan",
  99665. "nan",
  99666. "nan",
  99667. "nan",
  99668. "nan",
  99669. "nan",
  99670. "nan",
  99671. "nan",
  99672. "nan",
  99673. "nan",
  99674. "nan",
  99675. "nan",
  99676. "nan",
  99677. "nan",
  99678. "nan",
  99679. "nan",
  99680. "nan",
  99681. "nan",
  99682. "nan",
  99683. "nan",
  99684. "nan",
  99685. "nan",
  99686. "nan"
  99687. ],
  99688. [
  99689. "28006",
  99690. "187",
  99691. "fdic commonwealth",
  99692. "sat. co deed",
  99693. "7903",
  99694. "nan",
  99695. "-",
  99696. "nan",
  99697. "7903",
  99698. "cw",
  99699. "-",
  99700. "nan",
  99701. "closed file number: 8979-91 + location: c",
  99702. "fort lauderdale",
  99703. "323363",
  99704. "nan",
  99705. "nan",
  99706. "nan",
  99707. "nan",
  99708. "nan",
  99709. "nan",
  99710. "nan",
  99711. "nan",
  99712. "nan",
  99713. "nan",
  99714. "nan",
  99715. "nan",
  99716. "nan",
  99717. "nan",
  99718. "nan",
  99719. "nan",
  99720. "nan",
  99721. "nan",
  99722. "nan",
  99723. "nan",
  99724. "nan",
  99725. "nan",
  99726. "nan"
  99727. ],
  99728. [
  99729. "28006",
  99730. "23",
  99731. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99732. "labor/employment issues",
  99733. "8267",
  99734. "nan",
  99735. "-",
  99736. "nan",
  99737. "8267",
  99738. "cw",
  99739. "-",
  99740. "nan",
  99741. "closed file number: 1102-92 + location: c",
  99742. "fort lauderdale",
  99743. "323477",
  99744. "nan",
  99745. "nan",
  99746. "nan",
  99747. "nan",
  99748. "nan",
  99749. "nan",
  99750. "nan",
  99751. "nan",
  99752. "nan",
  99753. "nan",
  99754. "nan",
  99755. "nan",
  99756. "nan",
  99757. "nan",
  99758. "nan",
  99759. "nan",
  99760. "nan",
  99761. "nan",
  99762. "nan",
  99763. "nan",
  99764. "nan",
  99765. "nan",
  99766. "nan"
  99767. ],
  99768. [
  99769. "28006",
  99770. "126",
  99771. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99772. "granite street note",
  99773. "8267",
  99774. "nan",
  99775. "-",
  99776. "nan",
  99777. "8267",
  99778. "cw",
  99779. "-",
  99780. "nan",
  99781. "closed file number: 1103-92 + location: c",
  99782. "fort lauderdale",
  99783. "323478",
  99784. "nan",
  99785. "nan",
  99786. "nan",
  99787. "nan",
  99788. "nan",
  99789. "nan",
  99790. "nan",
  99791. "nan",
  99792. "nan",
  99793. "nan",
  99794. "nan",
  99795. "nan",
  99796. "nan",
  99797. "nan",
  99798. "nan",
  99799. "nan",
  99800. "nan",
  99801. "nan",
  99802. "nan",
  99803. "nan",
  99804. "nan",
  99805. "nan",
  99806. "nan"
  99807. ],
  99808. [
  99809. "28006",
  99810. "202",
  99811. "fdic/commonwealth fed.",
  99812. "lucaya ii to fernandez",
  99813. "8280",
  99814. "nan",
  99815. "-",
  99816. "nan",
  99817. "8280",
  99818. "cw",
  99819. "-",
  99820. "nan",
  99821. "closed file number: 1174-92 + location: c",
  99822. "fort lauderdale",
  99823. "323547",
  99824. "nan",
  99825. "nan",
  99826. "nan",
  99827. "nan",
  99828. "nan",
  99829. "nan",
  99830. "nan",
  99831. "nan",
  99832. "nan",
  99833. "nan",
  99834. "nan",
  99835. "nan",
  99836. "nan",
  99837. "nan",
  99838. "nan",
  99839. "nan",
  99840. "nan",
  99841. "nan",
  99842. "nan",
  99843. "nan",
  99844. "nan",
  99845. "nan",
  99846. "nan"
  99847. ],
  99848. [
  99849. "28006",
  99850. "199",
  99851. "fdic/commonwealth",
  99852. "tanglewood lakes s.",
  99853. "8120",
  99854. "nan",
  99855. "-",
  99856. "nan",
  99857. "8120",
  99858. "cw",
  99859. "-",
  99860. "nan",
  99861. "closed file number: 9610-91 + location: c",
  99862. "fort lauderdale",
  99863. "323641",
  99864. "nan",
  99865. "nan",
  99866. "nan",
  99867. "nan",
  99868. "nan",
  99869. "nan",
  99870. "nan",
  99871. "nan",
  99872. "nan",
  99873. "nan",
  99874. "nan",
  99875. "nan",
  99876. "nan",
  99877. "nan",
  99878. "nan",
  99879. "nan",
  99880. "nan",
  99881. "nan",
  99882. "nan",
  99883. "nan",
  99884. "nan",
  99885. "nan",
  99886. "nan"
  99887. ],
  99888. [
  99889. "28006",
  99890. "186",
  99891. "fdic/commonwealth fed.",
  99892. "commcare, inc.*",
  99893. "8338",
  99894. "nan",
  99895. "*sale of assets",
  99896. "nan",
  99897. "8338",
  99898. "cw",
  99899. "-",
  99900. "nan",
  99901. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  99902. "fort lauderdale",
  99903. "323885",
  99904. "nan",
  99905. "nan",
  99906. "nan",
  99907. "nan",
  99908. "nan",
  99909. "nan",
  99910. "nan",
  99911. "nan",
  99912. "nan",
  99913. "nan",
  99914. "nan",
  99915. "nan",
  99916. "nan",
  99917. "nan",
  99918. "nan",
  99919. "nan",
  99920. "nan",
  99921. "nan",
  99922. "nan",
  99923. "nan",
  99924. "nan",
  99925. "nan",
  99926. "nan"
  99927. ],
  99928. [
  99929. "28006",
  99930. "20",
  99931. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  99932. "assign. to colonial bnk",
  99933. "8380",
  99934. "nan",
  99935. "-",
  99936. "nan",
  99937. "8380",
  99938. "sm",
  99939. "-",
  99940. "nan",
  99941. "closed file number: 1632-92 + location: c",
  99942. "fort lauderdale",
  99943. "324003",
  99944. "nan",
  99945. "nan",
  99946. "nan",
  99947. "nan",
  99948. "nan",
  99949. "nan",
  99950. "nan",
  99951. "nan",
  99952. "nan",
  99953. "nan",
  99954. "nan",
  99955. "nan",
  99956. "nan",
  99957. "nan",
  99958. "nan",
  99959. "nan",
  99960. "nan",
  99961. "nan",
  99962. "nan",
  99963. "nan",
  99964. "nan",
  99965. "nan",
  99966. "nan"
  99967. ],
  99968. [
  99969. "28006",
  99970. "139",
  99971. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  99972. "sale of lucaya ii",
  99973. "8380",
  99974. "nan",
  99975. "-",
  99976. "nan",
  99977. "8380",
  99978. "sm",
  99979. "-",
  99980. "nan",
  99981. "closed file number: 1634-92 + location: c",
  99982. "fort lauderdale",
  99983. "324004",
  99984. "nan",
  99985. "nan",
  99986. "nan",
  99987. "nan",
  99988. "nan",
  99989. "nan",
  99990. "nan",
  99991. "nan",
  99992. "nan",
  99993. "nan",
  99994. "nan",
  99995. "nan",
  99996. "nan",
  99997. "nan",
  99998. "nan",
  99999. "nan",
  100000. "nan",
  100001. "nan",
  100002. "nan",
  100003. "nan",
  100004. "nan",
  100005. "nan",
  100006. "nan"
  100007. ],
  100008. [
  100009. "28006",
  100010. "166",
  100011. "fdic/commonwealth fed",
  100012. "sonya gale",
  100013. "8426",
  100014. "nan",
  100015. "-",
  100016. "nan",
  100017. "8426",
  100018. "cw",
  100019. "-",
  100020. "nan",
  100021. "closed file number: 1723-92 + location: c",
  100022. "fort lauderdale",
  100023. "324150",
  100024. "nan",
  100025. "nan",
  100026. "nan",
  100027. "nan",
  100028. "nan",
  100029. "nan",
  100030. "nan",
  100031. "nan",
  100032. "nan",
  100033. "nan",
  100034. "nan",
  100035. "nan",
  100036. "nan",
  100037. "nan",
  100038. "nan",
  100039. "nan",
  100040. "nan",
  100041. "nan",
  100042. "nan",
  100043. "nan",
  100044. "nan",
  100045. "nan",
  100046. "nan"
  100047. ],
  100048. [
  100049. "28006",
  100050. "104",
  100051. "fdic commonwealth",
  100052. "biscayne title search",
  100053. "8433",
  100054. "nan",
  100055. "-",
  100056. "nan",
  100057. "8433",
  100058. "cw",
  100059. "-",
  100060. "nan",
  100061. "closed file number: 1761-92 + location: c",
  100062. "fort lauderdale",
  100063. "324186",
  100064. "nan",
  100065. "nan",
  100066. "nan",
  100067. "nan",
  100068. "nan",
  100069. "nan",
  100070. "nan",
  100071. "nan",
  100072. "nan",
  100073. "nan",
  100074. "nan",
  100075. "nan",
  100076. "nan",
  100077. "nan",
  100078. "nan",
  100079. "nan",
  100080. "nan",
  100081. "nan",
  100082. "nan",
  100083. "nan",
  100084. "nan",
  100085. "nan",
  100086. "nan"
  100087. ],
  100088. [
  100089. "28006",
  100090. "133",
  100091. "fdic commonwealth",
  100092. "enco properties- title",
  100093. "8433",
  100094. "nan",
  100095. "-",
  100096. "nan",
  100097. "8433",
  100098. "cw",
  100099. "-",
  100100. "nan",
  100101. "closed file number: 1763-92 + location: c",
  100102. "fort lauderdale",
  100103. "324188",
  100104. "nan",
  100105. "nan",
  100106. "nan",
  100107. "nan",
  100108. "nan",
  100109. "nan",
  100110. "nan",
  100111. "nan",
  100112. "nan",
  100113. "nan",
  100114. "nan",
  100115. "nan",
  100116. "nan",
  100117. "nan",
  100118. "nan",
  100119. "nan",
  100120. "nan",
  100121. "nan",
  100122. "nan",
  100123. "nan",
  100124. "nan",
  100125. "nan",
  100126. "nan"
  100127. ],
  100128. [
  100129. "28006",
  100130. "1",
  100131. "fdic commonwealth",
  100132. "general file",
  100133. "8561",
  100134. "nan",
  100135. "entered june 28,92.",
  100136. "nan",
  100137. "8561",
  100138. "sm",
  100139. "-",
  100140. "nan",
  100141. "closed file number: 1928-92 + location: c",
  100142. "fort lauderdale",
  100143. "324321",
  100144. "nan",
  100145. "nan",
  100146. "nan",
  100147. "nan",
  100148. "nan",
  100149. "nan",
  100150. "nan",
  100151. "nan",
  100152. "nan",
  100153. "nan",
  100154. "nan",
  100155. "nan",
  100156. "nan",
  100157. "nan",
  100158. "nan",
  100159. "nan",
  100160. "nan",
  100161. "nan",
  100162. "nan",
  100163. "nan",
  100164. "nan",
  100165. "nan",
  100166. "nan"
  100167. ],
  100168. [
  100169. "28006",
  100170. "100",
  100171. "fdic commonwealth",
  100172. "doc. stamps",
  100173. "8592",
  100174. "nan",
  100175. "-",
  100176. "nan",
  100177. "8592",
  100178. "cw",
  100179. "-",
  100180. "nan",
  100181. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100182. "fort lauderdale",
  100183. "324401",
  100184. "nan",
  100185. "nan",
  100186. "nan",
  100187. "nan",
  100188. "nan",
  100189. "nan",
  100190. "nan",
  100191. "nan",
  100192. "nan",
  100193. "nan",
  100194. "nan",
  100195. "nan",
  100196. "nan",
  100197. "nan",
  100198. "nan",
  100199. "nan",
  100200. "nan",
  100201. "nan",
  100202. "nan",
  100203. "nan",
  100204. "nan",
  100205. "nan",
  100206. "nan"
  100207. ],
  100208. [
  100209. "28006",
  100210. "100",
  100211. "fdic commonwealth",
  100212. "doc stamps",
  100213. "8592",
  100214. "nan",
  100215. "entered july 16,92.",
  100216. "nan",
  100217. "8592",
  100218. "cw",
  100219. "-",
  100220. "nan",
  100221. "closed file number: 2007-92 + location: c",
  100222. "fort lauderdale",
  100223. "324402",
  100224. "nan",
  100225. "nan",
  100226. "nan",
  100227. "nan",
  100228. "nan",
  100229. "nan",
  100230. "nan",
  100231. "nan",
  100232. "nan",
  100233. "nan",
  100234. "nan",
  100235. "nan",
  100236. "nan",
  100237. "nan",
  100238. "nan",
  100239. "nan",
  100240. "nan",
  100241. "nan",
  100242. "nan",
  100243. "nan",
  100244. "nan",
  100245. "nan",
  100246. "nan"
  100247. ],
  100248. [
  100249. "28006",
  100250. "171",
  100251. "fdic commonwealth",
  100252. "pembroke pines prof.cent",
  100253. "8592",
  100254. "nan",
  100255. "entered july 16,92",
  100256. "nan",
  100257. "8592",
  100258. "cw",
  100259. "-",
  100260. "nan",
  100261. "closed file number: 2008-92 + location: c",
  100262. "fort lauderdale",
  100263. "324403",
  100264. "nan",
  100265. "nan",
  100266. "nan",
  100267. "nan",
  100268. "nan",
  100269. "nan",
  100270. "nan",
  100271. "nan",
  100272. "nan",
  100273. "nan",
  100274. "nan",
  100275. "nan",
  100276. "nan",
  100277. "nan",
  100278. "nan",
  100279. "nan",
  100280. "nan",
  100281. "nan",
  100282. "nan",
  100283. "nan",
  100284. "nan",
  100285. "nan",
  100286. "nan"
  100287. ],
  100288. [
  100289. "28006",
  100290. "1",
  100291. "fdic commonwealth",
  100292. "general",
  100293. "8592",
  100294. "nan",
  100295. "entered july 16,92.",
  100296. "nan",
  100297. "8592",
  100298. "cw",
  100299. "-",
  100300. "nan",
  100301. "closed file number: 1999-92 + location: c",
  100302. "fort lauderdale",
  100303. "324425",
  100304. "nan",
  100305. "nan",
  100306. "nan",
  100307. "nan",
  100308. "nan",
  100309. "nan",
  100310. "nan",
  100311. "nan",
  100312. "nan",
  100313. "nan",
  100314. "nan",
  100315. "nan",
  100316. "nan",
  100317. "nan",
  100318. "nan",
  100319. "nan",
  100320. "nan",
  100321. "nan",
  100322. "nan",
  100323. "nan",
  100324. "nan",
  100325. "nan",
  100326. "nan"
  100327. ],
  100328. [
  100329. "28006",
  100330. "140",
  100331. "fdic commonwealth",
  100332. "sale tract b, palmetto",
  100333. "8592",
  100334. "nan",
  100335. "entered july 16,92,",
  100336. "nan",
  100337. "8592",
  100338. "cw",
  100339. "-",
  100340. "nan",
  100341. "closed file number: 2000-92 + location: c",
  100342. "fort lauderdale",
  100343. "324426",
  100344. "nan",
  100345. "nan",
  100346. "nan",
  100347. "nan",
  100348. "nan",
  100349. "nan",
  100350. "nan",
  100351. "nan",
  100352. "nan",
  100353. "nan",
  100354. "nan",
  100355. "nan",
  100356. "nan",
  100357. "nan",
  100358. "nan",
  100359. "nan",
  100360. "nan",
  100361. "nan",
  100362. "nan",
  100363. "nan",
  100364. "nan",
  100365. "nan",
  100366. "nan"
  100367. ],
  100368. [
  100369. "28006",
  100370. "137",
  100371. "fdic commonwealth",
  100372. "south winds/kennes title",
  100373. "8592",
  100374. "nan",
  100375. "entered july 16,92.",
  100376. "nan",
  100377. "8592",
  100378. "cw",
  100379. "-",
  100380. "nan",
  100381. "closed file number: 2001-92 + location: c",
  100382. "fort lauderdale",
  100383. "324427",
  100384. "nan",
  100385. "nan",
  100386. "nan",
  100387. "nan",
  100388. "nan",
  100389. "nan",
  100390. "nan",
  100391. "nan",
  100392. "nan",
  100393. "nan",
  100394. "nan",
  100395. "nan",
  100396. "nan",
  100397. "nan",
  100398. "nan",
  100399. "nan",
  100400. "nan",
  100401. "nan",
  100402. "nan",
  100403. "nan",
  100404. "nan",
  100405. "nan",
  100406. "nan"
  100407. ],
  100408. [
  100409. "28006",
  100410. "191",
  100411. "fdic commonwealth",
  100412. "review of comrcl leases",
  100413. "8592",
  100414. "nan",
  100415. "entered july 16,92.",
  100416. "nan",
  100417. "8592",
  100418. "cw",
  100419. "-",
  100420. "nan",
  100421. "closed file number: 2002-92 + location: c",
  100422. "fort lauderdale",
  100423. "324428",
  100424. "nan",
  100425. "nan",
  100426. "nan",
  100427. "nan",
  100428. "nan",
  100429. "nan",
  100430. "nan",
  100431. "nan",
  100432. "nan",
  100433. "nan",
  100434. "nan",
  100435. "nan",
  100436. "nan",
  100437. "nan",
  100438. "nan",
  100439. "nan",
  100440. "nan",
  100441. "nan",
  100442. "nan",
  100443. "nan",
  100444. "nan",
  100445. "nan",
  100446. "nan"
  100447. ],
  100448. [
  100449. "28006",
  100450. "143",
  100451. "fdic commonwealth",
  100452. "forum plaza assoc. title",
  100453. "8592",
  100454. "nan",
  100455. "entered july 16,92.",
  100456. "nan",
  100457. "8592",
  100458. "cw",
  100459. "-",
  100460. "nan",
  100461. "closed file number: 2003-92 + location: c",
  100462. "fort lauderdale",
  100463. "324429",
  100464. "nan",
  100465. "nan",
  100466. "nan",
  100467. "nan",
  100468. "nan",
  100469. "nan",
  100470. "nan",
  100471. "nan",
  100472. "nan",
  100473. "nan",
  100474. "nan",
  100475. "nan",
  100476. "nan",
  100477. "nan",
  100478. "nan",
  100479. "nan",
  100480. "nan",
  100481. "nan",
  100482. "nan",
  100483. "nan",
  100484. "nan",
  100485. "nan",
  100486. "nan"
  100487. ],
  100488. [
  100489. "28006",
  100490. "117",
  100491. "fdic/commonwealth",
  100492. "falso/loventhal title",
  100493. "8627",
  100494. "nan",
  100495. "entered august 5,92.",
  100496. "nan",
  100497. "8627",
  100498. "jn",
  100499. "-",
  100500. "nan",
  100501. "closed file number: 2078-92 + location: c",
  100502. "fort lauderdale",
  100503. "324527",
  100504. "nan",
  100505. "nan",
  100506. "nan",
  100507. "nan",
  100508. "nan",
  100509. "nan",
  100510. "nan",
  100511. "nan",
  100512. "nan",
  100513. "nan",
  100514. "nan",
  100515. "nan",
  100516. "nan",
  100517. "nan",
  100518. "nan",
  100519. "nan",
  100520. "nan",
  100521. "nan",
  100522. "nan",
  100523. "nan",
  100524. "nan",
  100525. "nan",
  100526. "nan"
  100527. ],
  100528. [
  100529. "28006",
  100530. "215",
  100531. "fdic/commonwealth",
  100532. "slae of lot ii/newport b",
  100533. "8627",
  100534. "nan",
  100535. "entered on august 5,92.",
  100536. "nan",
  100537. "8627",
  100538. "cw",
  100539. "-",
  100540. "nan",
  100541. "closed file number: 2079-92 + location: c",
  100542. "fort lauderdale",
  100543. "324570",
  100544. "nan",
  100545. "nan",
  100546. "nan",
  100547. "nan",
  100548. "nan",
  100549. "nan",
  100550. "nan",
  100551. "nan",
  100552. "nan",
  100553. "nan",
  100554. "nan",
  100555. "nan",
  100556. "nan",
  100557. "nan",
  100558. "nan",
  100559. "nan",
  100560. "nan",
  100561. "nan",
  100562. "nan",
  100563. "nan",
  100564. "nan",
  100565. "nan",
  100566. "nan"
  100567. ],
  100568. [
  100569. "28006",
  100570. "217",
  100571. "fdic/commonwealth",
  100572. "sale of copper lake-arie",
  100573. "8635",
  100574. "nan",
  100575. "entered august 14,92.closed as 1 0f 2 files (these files are closed under the samefile number and are in the same folder).",
  100576. "nan",
  100577. "8635",
  100578. "cw",
  100579. "-",
  100580. "nan",
  100581. "closed file number: 2126-92 + location: c",
  100582. "fort lauderdale",
  100583. "324653",
  100584. "nan",
  100585. "nan",
  100586. "nan",
  100587. "nan",
  100588. "nan",
  100589. "nan",
  100590. "nan",
  100591. "nan",
  100592. "nan",
  100593. "nan",
  100594. "nan",
  100595. "nan",
  100596. "nan",
  100597. "nan",
  100598. "nan",
  100599. "nan",
  100600. "nan",
  100601. "nan",
  100602. "nan",
  100603. "nan",
  100604. "nan",
  100605. "nan",
  100606. "nan"
  100607. ],
  100608. [
  100609. "28006",
  100610. "44",
  100611. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  100612. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  100613. "7445",
  100614. "nan",
  100615. "three files this box",
  100616. "nan",
  100617. "7445",
  100618. "cw",
  100619. "-",
  100620. "nan",
  100621. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  100622. "fort lauderdale",
  100623. "324830",
  100624. "nan",
  100625. "nan",
  100626. "nan",
  100627. "nan",
  100628. "nan",
  100629. "nan",
  100630. "nan",
  100631. "nan",
  100632. "nan",
  100633. "nan",
  100634. "nan",
  100635. "nan",
  100636. "nan",
  100637. "nan",
  100638. "nan",
  100639. "nan",
  100640. "nan",
  100641. "nan",
  100642. "nan",
  100643. "nan",
  100644. "nan",
  100645. "nan",
  100646. "nan"
  100647. ],
  100648. [
  100649. "28006",
  100650. "44",
  100651. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  100652. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  100653. "7446",
  100654. "nan",
  100655. "four boxes; no file number checked out to curt cowan. 9/99 not at leahy.10/99",
  100656. "nan",
  100657. "7446",
  100658. "cw",
  100659. "co",
  100660. "nan",
  100661. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100662. "fort lauderdale",
  100663. "324831",
  100664. "nan",
  100665. "nan",
  100666. "nan",
  100667. "nan",
  100668. "nan",
  100669. "nan",
  100670. "nan",
  100671. "nan",
  100672. "nan",
  100673. "nan",
  100674. "nan",
  100675. "nan",
  100676. "nan",
  100677. "nan",
  100678. "nan",
  100679. "nan",
  100680. "nan",
  100681. "nan",
  100682. "nan",
  100683. "nan",
  100684. "nan",
  100685. "nan",
  100686. "nan"
  100687. ],
  100688. [
  100689. "28006",
  100690. "44",
  100691. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  100692. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  100693. "7447",
  100694. "nan",
  100695. "entire box; no file #",
  100696. "nan",
  100697. "7447",
  100698. "cw",
  100699. "-",
  100700. "nan",
  100701. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100702. "fort lauderdale",
  100703. "324832",
  100704. "nan",
  100705. "nan",
  100706. "nan",
  100707. "nan",
  100708. "nan",
  100709. "nan",
  100710. "nan",
  100711. "nan",
  100712. "nan",
  100713. "nan",
  100714. "nan",
  100715. "nan",
  100716. "nan",
  100717. "nan",
  100718. "nan",
  100719. "nan",
  100720. "nan",
  100721. "nan",
  100722. "nan",
  100723. "nan",
  100724. "nan",
  100725. "nan",
  100726. "nan"
  100727. ],
  100728. [
  100729. "28006",
  100730. "44",
  100731. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  100732. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  100733. "7448",
  100734. "nan",
  100735. "four boxes; no file number",
  100736. "nan",
  100737. "7448",
  100738. "cw",
  100739. "-",
  100740. "nan",
  100741. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100742. "fort lauderdale",
  100743. "324833",
  100744. "nan",
  100745. "nan",
  100746. "nan",
  100747. "nan",
  100748. "nan",
  100749. "nan",
  100750. "nan",
  100751. "nan",
  100752. "nan",
  100753. "nan",
  100754. "nan",
  100755. "nan",
  100756. "nan",
  100757. "nan",
  100758. "nan",
  100759. "nan",
  100760. "nan",
  100761. "nan",
  100762. "nan",
  100763. "nan",
  100764. "nan",
  100765. "nan",
  100766. "nan"
  100767. ],
  100768. [
  100769. "28006",
  100770. "44",
  100771. "fdic commonwealth",
  100772. "kolsky plaza south",
  100773. "7764",
  100774. "nan",
  100775. "entire box; no file #checked out to curt cowan. 9/99 not at leahy 10/99",
  100776. "nan",
  100777. "7764",
  100778. "aw",
  100779. "co",
  100780. "nan",
  100781. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100782. "fort lauderdale",
  100783. "324834",
  100784. "nan",
  100785. "nan",
  100786. "nan",
  100787. "nan",
  100788. "nan",
  100789. "nan",
  100790. "nan",
  100791. "nan",
  100792. "nan",
  100793. "nan",
  100794. "nan",
  100795. "nan",
  100796. "nan",
  100797. "nan",
  100798. "nan",
  100799. "nan",
  100800. "nan",
  100801. "nan",
  100802. "nan",
  100803. "nan",
  100804. "nan",
  100805. "nan",
  100806. "nan"
  100807. ],
  100808. [
  100809. "28006",
  100810. "44",
  100811. "fdic commonwealth",
  100812. "kolsky trail plaza",
  100813. "7765",
  100814. "nan",
  100815. "one box no file #checked out to curt cowan. 9/99 not at leahy.10/9",
  100816. "nan",
  100817. "7765",
  100818. "-",
  100819. "co",
  100820. "nan",
  100821. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100822. "fort lauderdale",
  100823. "324835",
  100824. "nan",
  100825. "nan",
  100826. "nan",
  100827. "nan",
  100828. "nan",
  100829. "nan",
  100830. "nan",
  100831. "nan",
  100832. "nan",
  100833. "nan",
  100834. "nan",
  100835. "nan",
  100836. "nan",
  100837. "nan",
  100838. "nan",
  100839. "nan",
  100840. "nan",
  100841. "nan",
  100842. "nan",
  100843. "nan",
  100844. "nan",
  100845. "nan",
  100846. "nan"
  100847. ],
  100848. [
  100849. "28006",
  100850. "44",
  100851. "fdic commonwealth",
  100852. "kolsky plaza south",
  100853. "7774",
  100854. "nan",
  100855. "one box no file # 9/99 not at leahy., 10/99",
  100856. "nan",
  100857. "7774",
  100858. "-",
  100859. "co",
  100860. "nan",
  100861. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100862. "fort lauderdale",
  100863. "324836",
  100864. "nan",
  100865. "nan",
  100866. "nan",
  100867. "nan",
  100868. "nan",
  100869. "nan",
  100870. "nan",
  100871. "nan",
  100872. "nan",
  100873. "nan",
  100874. "nan",
  100875. "nan",
  100876. "nan",
  100877. "nan",
  100878. "nan",
  100879. "nan",
  100880. "nan",
  100881. "nan",
  100882. "nan",
  100883. "nan",
  100884. "nan",
  100885. "nan",
  100886. "nan"
  100887. ],
  100888. [
  100889. "28006",
  100890. "44",
  100891. "fdic commonwealth",
  100892. "kolsky",
  100893. "7800",
  100894. "nan",
  100895. "one box no file #",
  100896. "nan",
  100897. "7800",
  100898. "cw",
  100899. "-",
  100900. "nan",
  100901. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100902. "fort lauderdale",
  100903. "324837",
  100904. "nan",
  100905. "nan",
  100906. "nan",
  100907. "nan",
  100908. "nan",
  100909. "nan",
  100910. "nan",
  100911. "nan",
  100912. "nan",
  100913. "nan",
  100914. "nan",
  100915. "nan",
  100916. "nan",
  100917. "nan",
  100918. "nan",
  100919. "nan",
  100920. "nan",
  100921. "nan",
  100922. "nan",
  100923. "nan",
  100924. "nan",
  100925. "nan",
  100926. "nan"
  100927. ],
  100928. [
  100929. "28006",
  100930. "44",
  100931. "fdic commonwealth",
  100932. "kolsky",
  100933. "7785",
  100934. "nan",
  100935. "entire box;no file # checked out to curt cowan. 9/99 not at leahy 10/99",
  100936. "nan",
  100937. "7785",
  100938. "cw",
  100939. "co",
  100940. "nan",
  100941. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  100942. "fort lauderdale",
  100943. "324838",
  100944. "nan",
  100945. "nan",
  100946. "nan",
  100947. "nan",
  100948. "nan",
  100949. "nan",
  100950. "nan",
  100951. "nan",
  100952. "nan",
  100953. "nan",
  100954. "nan",
  100955. "nan",
  100956. "nan",
  100957. "nan",
  100958. "nan",
  100959. "nan",
  100960. "nan",
  100961. "nan",
  100962. "nan",
  100963. "nan",
  100964. "nan",
  100965. "nan",
  100966. "nan"
  100967. ],
  100968. [
  100969. "28006",
  100970. "39",
  100971. "fdic commonwealth",
  100972. "title",
  100973. "8592",
  100974. "nan",
  100975. "entered july 16,92.",
  100976. "nan",
  100977. "8592",
  100978. "cw",
  100979. "nan",
  100980. "nan",
  100981. "closed file number: 1995-92 + location: c",
  100982. "fort lauderdale",
  100983. "324949",
  100984. "nan",
  100985. "nan",
  100986. "nan",
  100987. "nan",
  100988. "nan",
  100989. "nan",
  100990. "nan",
  100991. "nan",
  100992. "nan",
  100993. "nan",
  100994. "nan",
  100995. "nan",
  100996. "nan",
  100997. "nan",
  100998. "nan",
  100999. "nan",
  101000. "nan",
  101001. "nan",
  101002. "nan",
  101003. "nan",
  101004. "nan",
  101005. "nan",
  101006. "nan"
  101007. ],
  101008. [
  101009. "28006",
  101010. "122",
  101011. "rtc/commonwealth",
  101012. "boca land/copper lake/",
  101013. "8750",
  101014. "nan",
  101015. "entered october 26, 92.2 of 5 boxes.",
  101016. "nan",
  101017. "8750",
  101018. "cw",
  101019. "nan",
  101020. "nan",
  101021. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  101022. "fort lauderdale",
  101023. "324961",
  101024. "nan",
  101025. "nan",
  101026. "nan",
  101027. "nan",
  101028. "nan",
  101029. "nan",
  101030. "nan",
  101031. "nan",
  101032. "nan",
  101033. "nan",
  101034. "nan",
  101035. "nan",
  101036. "nan",
  101037. "nan",
  101038. "nan",
  101039. "nan",
  101040. "nan",
  101041. "nan",
  101042. "nan",
  101043. "nan",
  101044. "nan",
  101045. "nan",
  101046. "nan"
  101047. ],
  101048. [
  101049. "28006",
  101050. "122",
  101051. "rtc/commonwealth",
  101052. "boca land/copper lake",
  101053. "8751",
  101054. "nan",
  101055. "entered october 26, 92.3 of 5 boxes. all 5 boxes pulled and sent to mja in wpb.",
  101056. "nan",
  101057. "8751",
  101058. "cw",
  101059. "nan",
  101060. "nan",
  101061. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101062. "fort lauderdale",
  101063. "324962",
  101064. "nan",
  101065. "nan",
  101066. "nan",
  101067. "nan",
  101068. "nan",
  101069. "nan",
  101070. "nan",
  101071. "nan",
  101072. "nan",
  101073. "nan",
  101074. "nan",
  101075. "nan",
  101076. "nan",
  101077. "nan",
  101078. "nan",
  101079. "nan",
  101080. "nan",
  101081. "nan",
  101082. "nan",
  101083. "nan",
  101084. "nan",
  101085. "nan",
  101086. "nan"
  101087. ],
  101088. [
  101089. "28006",
  101090. "122",
  101091. "rtc/commonwealth",
  101092. "boca land/copper lake/",
  101093. "8752",
  101094. "nan",
  101095. "entered october 26, 92.4 of 5 boxes.",
  101096. "nan",
  101097. "8752",
  101098. "cw",
  101099. "nan",
  101100. "nan",
  101101. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101102. "fort lauderdale",
  101103. "324963",
  101104. "nan",
  101105. "nan",
  101106. "nan",
  101107. "nan",
  101108. "nan",
  101109. "nan",
  101110. "nan",
  101111. "nan",
  101112. "nan",
  101113. "nan",
  101114. "nan",
  101115. "nan",
  101116. "nan",
  101117. "nan",
  101118. "nan",
  101119. "nan",
  101120. "nan",
  101121. "nan",
  101122. "nan",
  101123. "nan",
  101124. "nan",
  101125. "nan",
  101126. "nan"
  101127. ],
  101128. [
  101129. "28006",
  101130. "122",
  101131. "rtc/commonwealth",
  101132. "boca land/copper lake/",
  101133. "8753",
  101134. "nan",
  101135. "entered october 26, 92.5 of 5 boxes.",
  101136. "nan",
  101137. "8753",
  101138. "cw",
  101139. "nan",
  101140. "nan",
  101141. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101142. "fort lauderdale",
  101143. "324964",
  101144. "nan",
  101145. "nan",
  101146. "nan",
  101147. "nan",
  101148. "nan",
  101149. "nan",
  101150. "nan",
  101151. "nan",
  101152. "nan",
  101153. "nan",
  101154. "nan",
  101155. "nan",
  101156. "nan",
  101157. "nan",
  101158. "nan",
  101159. "nan",
  101160. "nan",
  101161. "nan",
  101162. "nan",
  101163. "nan",
  101164. "nan",
  101165. "nan",
  101166. "nan"
  101167. ],
  101168. [
  101169. "28006",
  101170. "111",
  101171. "rtc/commonwealth",
  101172. "environmental advise",
  101173. "8755",
  101174. "nan",
  101175. "entered october 26, 92.",
  101176. "nan",
  101177. "8755",
  101178. "cw",
  101179. "-",
  101180. "nan",
  101181. "closed file number: 2308-92 + location: i",
  101182. "fort lauderdale",
  101183. "324971",
  101184. "nan",
  101185. "nan",
  101186. "nan",
  101187. "nan",
  101188. "nan",
  101189. "nan",
  101190. "nan",
  101191. "nan",
  101192. "nan",
  101193. "nan",
  101194. "nan",
  101195. "nan",
  101196. "nan",
  101197. "nan",
  101198. "nan",
  101199. "nan",
  101200. "nan",
  101201. "nan",
  101202. "nan",
  101203. "nan",
  101204. "nan",
  101205. "nan",
  101206. "nan"
  101207. ],
  101208. [
  101209. "28006",
  101210. "102",
  101211. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  101212. "shoreline group",
  101213. "8756",
  101214. "nan",
  101215. "entered october 27, 92.file consist of 2 boxes (8756, 8757).",
  101216. "nan",
  101217. "8756",
  101218. "cw",
  101219. "-",
  101220. "nan",
  101221. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  101222. "fort lauderdale",
  101223. "324975",
  101224. "nan",
  101225. "nan",
  101226. "nan",
  101227. "nan",
  101228. "nan",
  101229. "nan",
  101230. "nan",
  101231. "nan",
  101232. "nan",
  101233. "nan",
  101234. "nan",
  101235. "nan",
  101236. "nan",
  101237. "nan",
  101238. "nan",
  101239. "nan",
  101240. "nan",
  101241. "nan",
  101242. "nan",
  101243. "nan",
  101244. "nan",
  101245. "nan",
  101246. "nan"
  101247. ],
  101248. [
  101249. "28006",
  101250. "102",
  101251. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  101252. "shoreline group",
  101253. "8757",
  101254. "nan",
  101255. "entered october 27, 92.also box 8756.",
  101256. "nan",
  101257. "8757",
  101258. "cw",
  101259. "-",
  101260. "nan",
  101261. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  101262. "fort lauderdale",
  101263. "324976",
  101264. "nan",
  101265. "nan",
  101266. "nan",
  101267. "nan",
  101268. "nan",
  101269. "nan",
  101270. "nan",
  101271. "nan",
  101272. "nan",
  101273. "nan",
  101274. "nan",
  101275. "nan",
  101276. "nan",
  101277. "nan",
  101278. "nan",
  101279. "nan",
  101280. "nan",
  101281. "nan",
  101282. "nan",
  101283. "nan",
  101284. "nan",
  101285. "nan",
  101286. "nan"
  101287. ],
  101288. [
  101289. "28006",
  101290. "10102",
  101291. "rtc commonwealth federal",
  101292. "shoreline (appeal)",
  101293. "8777",
  101294. "nan",
  101295. "entered november 19, 92.",
  101296. "nan",
  101297. "8777",
  101298. "-",
  101299. "-",
  101300. "nan",
  101301. "closed file number: 2403-92 + location: i",
  101302. "fort lauderdale",
  101303. "325075",
  101304. "nan",
  101305. "nan",
  101306. "nan",
  101307. "nan",
  101308. "nan",
  101309. "nan",
  101310. "nan",
  101311. "nan",
  101312. "nan",
  101313. "nan",
  101314. "nan",
  101315. "nan",
  101316. "nan",
  101317. "nan",
  101318. "nan",
  101319. "nan",
  101320. "nan",
  101321. "nan",
  101322. "nan",
  101323. "nan",
  101324. "nan",
  101325. "nan",
  101326. "nan"
  101327. ],
  101328. [
  101329. "28006",
  101330. "102",
  101331. "rtc commonwealth federal",
  101332. "shoreline",
  101333. "8779",
  101334. "nan",
  101335. "entered november 19, 92.",
  101336. "nan",
  101337. "8779",
  101338. "-",
  101339. "-",
  101340. "nan",
  101341. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  101342. "fort lauderdale",
  101343. "325076",
  101344. "nan",
  101345. "nan",
  101346. "nan",
  101347. "nan",
  101348. "nan",
  101349. "nan",
  101350. "nan",
  101351. "nan",
  101352. "nan",
  101353. "nan",
  101354. "nan",
  101355. "nan",
  101356. "nan",
  101357. "nan",
  101358. "nan",
  101359. "nan",
  101360. "nan",
  101361. "nan",
  101362. "nan",
  101363. "nan",
  101364. "nan",
  101365. "nan",
  101366. "nan"
  101367. ],
  101368. [
  101369. "28006",
  101370. "44",
  101371. "fdic-commonwealth",
  101372. "kolsky",
  101373. "8869",
  101374. "nan",
  101375. "entered january 13, 93.",
  101376. "nan",
  101377. "8869",
  101378. "-",
  101379. "-",
  101380. "nan",
  101381. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  101382. "fort lauderdale",
  101383. "325273",
  101384. "nan",
  101385. "nan",
  101386. "nan",
  101387. "nan",
  101388. "nan",
  101389. "nan",
  101390. "nan",
  101391. "nan",
  101392. "nan",
  101393. "nan",
  101394. "nan",
  101395. "nan",
  101396. "nan",
  101397. "nan",
  101398. "nan",
  101399. "nan",
  101400. "nan",
  101401. "nan",
  101402. "nan",
  101403. "nan",
  101404. "nan",
  101405. "nan",
  101406. "nan"
  101407. ],
  101408. [
  101409. "28006",
  101410. "115",
  101411. "fdic/commonwealth",
  101412. "harmony lake- title",
  101413. "8901",
  101414. "nan",
  101415. "entered january 26, 93.",
  101416. "nan",
  101417. "8901",
  101418. "cw",
  101419. "-",
  101420. "nan",
  101421. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  101422. "fort lauderdale",
  101423. "325366",
  101424. "nan",
  101425. "nan",
  101426. "nan",
  101427. "nan",
  101428. "nan",
  101429. "nan",
  101430. "nan",
  101431. "nan",
  101432. "nan",
  101433. "nan",
  101434. "nan",
  101435. "nan",
  101436. "nan",
  101437. "nan",
  101438. "nan",
  101439. "nan",
  101440. "nan",
  101441. "nan",
  101442. "nan",
  101443. "nan",
  101444. "nan",
  101445. "nan",
  101446. "nan"
  101447. ],
  101448. [
  101449. "28006",
  101450. "41",
  101451. "fdic/commonwealth",
  101452. "recording documents",
  101453. "8900",
  101454. "nan",
  101455. "entered january 26, 93.",
  101456. "nan",
  101457. "8900",
  101458. "cw",
  101459. "-",
  101460. "nan",
  101461. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  101462. "fort lauderdale",
  101463. "325367",
  101464. "nan",
  101465. "nan",
  101466. "nan",
  101467. "nan",
  101468. "nan",
  101469. "nan",
  101470. "nan",
  101471. "nan",
  101472. "nan",
  101473. "nan",
  101474. "nan",
  101475. "nan",
  101476. "nan",
  101477. "nan",
  101478. "nan",
  101479. "nan",
  101480. "nan",
  101481. "nan",
  101482. "nan",
  101483. "nan",
  101484. "nan",
  101485. "nan",
  101486. "nan"
  101487. ],
  101488. [
  101489. "28006",
  101490. "19",
  101491. "fdic/commonwealth",
  101492. "james a. robinson,truste",
  101493. "8910",
  101494. "nan",
  101495. "entered january 27, 93.",
  101496. "nan",
  101497. "8910",
  101498. "cw",
  101499. "-",
  101500. "nan",
  101501. "closed file number: 2590-93 + location: i",
  101502. "fort lauderdale",
  101503. "325402",
  101504. "nan",
  101505. "nan",
  101506. "nan",
  101507. "nan",
  101508. "nan",
  101509. "nan",
  101510. "nan",
  101511. "nan",
  101512. "nan",
  101513. "nan",
  101514. "nan",
  101515. "nan",
  101516. "nan",
  101517. "nan",
  101518. "nan",
  101519. "nan",
  101520. "nan",
  101521. "nan",
  101522. "nan",
  101523. "nan",
  101524. "nan",
  101525. "nan",
  101526. "nan"
  101527. ],
  101528. [
  101529. "28006",
  101530. "184",
  101531. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  101532. "fri. co. nv-extension",
  101533. "8380",
  101534. "nan",
  101535. "-",
  101536. "nan",
  101537. "8380",
  101538. "sm",
  101539. "-",
  101540. "nan",
  101541. "closed file number: 1633-92 + location: c",
  101542. "fort lauderdale",
  101543. "325405",
  101544. "nan",
  101545. "nan",
  101546. "nan",
  101547. "nan",
  101548. "nan",
  101549. "nan",
  101550. "nan",
  101551. "nan",
  101552. "nan",
  101553. "nan",
  101554. "nan",
  101555. "nan",
  101556. "nan",
  101557. "nan",
  101558. "nan",
  101559. "nan",
  101560. "nan",
  101561. "nan",
  101562. "nan",
  101563. "nan",
  101564. "nan",
  101565. "nan",
  101566. "nan"
  101567. ],
  101568. [
  101569. "28006",
  101570. "220",
  101571. "fdic commonwealth",
  101572. "sale/newport bay club",
  101573. "9089",
  101574. "nan",
  101575. "entered april 7, 93.",
  101576. "nan",
  101577. "9089",
  101578. "cw",
  101579. "-",
  101580. "nan",
  101581. "closed file number: 2806-93 + location: c",
  101582. "fort lauderdale",
  101583. "325635",
  101584. "nan",
  101585. "nan",
  101586. "nan",
  101587. "nan",
  101588. "nan",
  101589. "nan",
  101590. "nan",
  101591. "nan",
  101592. "nan",
  101593. "nan",
  101594. "nan",
  101595. "nan",
  101596. "nan",
  101597. "nan",
  101598. "nan",
  101599. "nan",
  101600. "nan",
  101601. "nan",
  101602. "nan",
  101603. "nan",
  101604. "nan",
  101605. "nan",
  101606. "nan"
  101607. ],
  101608. [
  101609. "28006",
  101610. "218",
  101611. "fdic commonwealth",
  101612. "sale/newport bay club es",
  101613. "9064",
  101614. "nan",
  101615. "entered april 7, 93.",
  101616. "nan",
  101617. "9064",
  101618. "cw",
  101619. "-",
  101620. "nan",
  101621. "closed file number: 2777-93 + location: c",
  101622. "fort lauderdale",
  101623. "325674",
  101624. "nan",
  101625. "nan",
  101626. "nan",
  101627. "nan",
  101628. "nan",
  101629. "nan",
  101630. "nan",
  101631. "nan",
  101632. "nan",
  101633. "nan",
  101634. "nan",
  101635. "nan",
  101636. "nan",
  101637. "nan",
  101638. "nan",
  101639. "nan",
  101640. "nan",
  101641. "nan",
  101642. "nan",
  101643. "nan",
  101644. "nan",
  101645. "nan",
  101646. "nan"
  101647. ],
  101648. [
  101649. "28006",
  101650. "83",
  101651. "commonwealth rtc",
  101652. "synteck",
  101653. "9192",
  101654. "nan",
  101655. "entered july 9, 93.",
  101656. "nan",
  101657. "9192",
  101658. "co",
  101659. "-",
  101660. "nan",
  101661. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101662. "fort lauderdale",
  101663. "325960",
  101664. "nan",
  101665. "nan",
  101666. "nan",
  101667. "nan",
  101668. "nan",
  101669. "nan",
  101670. "nan",
  101671. "nan",
  101672. "nan",
  101673. "nan",
  101674. "nan",
  101675. "nan",
  101676. "nan",
  101677. "nan",
  101678. "nan",
  101679. "nan",
  101680. "nan",
  101681. "nan",
  101682. "nan",
  101683. "nan",
  101684. "nan",
  101685. "nan",
  101686. "nan"
  101687. ],
  101688. [
  101689. "28006",
  101690. "9",
  101691. "fdic",
  101692. "food experience, inc.",
  101693. "9219",
  101694. "nan",
  101695. "entered july 9, 93.",
  101696. "nan",
  101697. "9219",
  101698. "-",
  101699. "-",
  101700. "nan",
  101701. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101702. "fort lauderdale",
  101703. "325975",
  101704. "nan",
  101705. "nan",
  101706. "nan",
  101707. "nan",
  101708. "nan",
  101709. "nan",
  101710. "nan",
  101711. "nan",
  101712. "nan",
  101713. "nan",
  101714. "nan",
  101715. "nan",
  101716. "nan",
  101717. "nan",
  101718. "nan",
  101719. "nan",
  101720. "nan",
  101721. "nan",
  101722. "nan",
  101723. "nan",
  101724. "nan",
  101725. "nan",
  101726. "nan"
  101727. ],
  101728. [
  101729. "28006",
  101730. "83",
  101731. "commonwealth(rtc)",
  101732. "synteck",
  101733. "9192",
  101734. "nan",
  101735. "research file",
  101736. "nan",
  101737. "9192",
  101738. "am",
  101739. "-",
  101740. "nan",
  101741. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101742. "fort lauderdale",
  101743. "326596",
  101744. "nan",
  101745. "nan",
  101746. "nan",
  101747. "nan",
  101748. "nan",
  101749. "nan",
  101750. "nan",
  101751. "nan",
  101752. "nan",
  101753. "nan",
  101754. "nan",
  101755. "nan",
  101756. "nan",
  101757. "nan",
  101758. "nan",
  101759. "nan",
  101760. "nan",
  101761. "nan",
  101762. "nan",
  101763. "nan",
  101764. "nan",
  101765. "nan",
  101766. "nan"
  101767. ],
  101768. [
  101769. "28006",
  101770. "9",
  101771. "fdic",
  101772. "food experience, inc",
  101773. "9219",
  101774. "nan",
  101775. "-",
  101776. "nan",
  101777. "9219",
  101778. "jh",
  101779. "-",
  101780. "nan",
  101781. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101782. "fort lauderdale",
  101783. "326609",
  101784. "nan",
  101785. "nan",
  101786. "nan",
  101787. "nan",
  101788. "nan",
  101789. "nan",
  101790. "nan",
  101791. "nan",
  101792. "nan",
  101793. "nan",
  101794. "nan",
  101795. "nan",
  101796. "nan",
  101797. "nan",
  101798. "nan",
  101799. "nan",
  101800. "nan",
  101801. "nan",
  101802. "nan",
  101803. "nan",
  101804. "nan",
  101805. "nan",
  101806. "nan"
  101807. ],
  101808. [
  101809. "28006",
  101810. "7",
  101811. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  101812. "brothers of brooklyn",
  101813. "9227",
  101814. "nan",
  101815. "-",
  101816. "nan",
  101817. "9227",
  101818. "sv",
  101819. "-",
  101820. "nan",
  101821. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101822. "fort lauderdale",
  101823. "326618",
  101824. "nan",
  101825. "nan",
  101826. "nan",
  101827. "nan",
  101828. "nan",
  101829. "nan",
  101830. "nan",
  101831. "nan",
  101832. "nan",
  101833. "nan",
  101834. "nan",
  101835. "nan",
  101836. "nan",
  101837. "nan",
  101838. "nan",
  101839. "nan",
  101840. "nan",
  101841. "nan",
  101842. "nan",
  101843. "nan",
  101844. "nan",
  101845. "nan",
  101846. "nan"
  101847. ],
  101848. [
  101849. "28006",
  101850. "83",
  101851. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  101852. "syntech",
  101853. "9239",
  101854. "nan",
  101855. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  101856. "nan",
  101857. "9239",
  101858. "lf",
  101859. "-",
  101860. "nan",
  101861. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101862. "fort lauderdale",
  101863. "326654",
  101864. "nan",
  101865. "nan",
  101866. "nan",
  101867. "nan",
  101868. "nan",
  101869. "nan",
  101870. "nan",
  101871. "nan",
  101872. "nan",
  101873. "nan",
  101874. "nan",
  101875. "nan",
  101876. "nan",
  101877. "nan",
  101878. "nan",
  101879. "nan",
  101880. "nan",
  101881. "nan",
  101882. "nan",
  101883. "nan",
  101884. "nan",
  101885. "nan",
  101886. "nan"
  101887. ],
  101888. [
  101889. "28006",
  101890. "83",
  101891. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  101892. "syntech",
  101893. "9242",
  101894. "nan",
  101895. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  101896. "nan",
  101897. "9242",
  101898. "am",
  101899. "-",
  101900. "nan",
  101901. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101902. "fort lauderdale",
  101903. "326655",
  101904. "nan",
  101905. "nan",
  101906. "nan",
  101907. "nan",
  101908. "nan",
  101909. "nan",
  101910. "nan",
  101911. "nan",
  101912. "nan",
  101913. "nan",
  101914. "nan",
  101915. "nan",
  101916. "nan",
  101917. "nan",
  101918. "nan",
  101919. "nan",
  101920. "nan",
  101921. "nan",
  101922. "nan",
  101923. "nan",
  101924. "nan",
  101925. "nan",
  101926. "nan"
  101927. ],
  101928. [
  101929. "28006",
  101930. "83",
  101931. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  101932. "syntech",
  101933. "9243",
  101934. "nan",
  101935. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  101936. "nan",
  101937. "9243",
  101938. "am",
  101939. "-",
  101940. "nan",
  101941. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101942. "fort lauderdale",
  101943. "326656",
  101944. "nan",
  101945. "nan",
  101946. "nan",
  101947. "nan",
  101948. "nan",
  101949. "nan",
  101950. "nan",
  101951. "nan",
  101952. "nan",
  101953. "nan",
  101954. "nan",
  101955. "nan",
  101956. "nan",
  101957. "nan",
  101958. "nan",
  101959. "nan",
  101960. "nan",
  101961. "nan",
  101962. "nan",
  101963. "nan",
  101964. "nan",
  101965. "nan",
  101966. "nan"
  101967. ],
  101968. [
  101969. "28006",
  101970. "83",
  101971. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  101972. "syntech",
  101973. "9244",
  101974. "nan",
  101975. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  101976. "nan",
  101977. "9244",
  101978. "am",
  101979. "-",
  101980. "nan",
  101981. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  101982. "fort lauderdale",
  101983. "326657",
  101984. "nan",
  101985. "nan",
  101986. "nan",
  101987. "nan",
  101988. "nan",
  101989. "nan",
  101990. "nan",
  101991. "nan",
  101992. "nan",
  101993. "nan",
  101994. "nan",
  101995. "nan",
  101996. "nan",
  101997. "nan",
  101998. "nan",
  101999. "nan",
  102000. "nan",
  102001. "nan",
  102002. "nan",
  102003. "nan",
  102004. "nan",
  102005. "nan",
  102006. "nan"
  102007. ],
  102008. [
  102009. "28006",
  102010. "83",
  102011. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102012. "syntech",
  102013. "9245",
  102014. "nan",
  102015. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102016. "nan",
  102017. "9245",
  102018. "lf",
  102019. "-",
  102020. "nan",
  102021. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102022. "fort lauderdale",
  102023. "326658",
  102024. "nan",
  102025. "nan",
  102026. "nan",
  102027. "nan",
  102028. "nan",
  102029. "nan",
  102030. "nan",
  102031. "nan",
  102032. "nan",
  102033. "nan",
  102034. "nan",
  102035. "nan",
  102036. "nan",
  102037. "nan",
  102038. "nan",
  102039. "nan",
  102040. "nan",
  102041. "nan",
  102042. "nan",
  102043. "nan",
  102044. "nan",
  102045. "nan",
  102046. "nan"
  102047. ],
  102048. [
  102049. "28006",
  102050. "83",
  102051. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102052. "syntech",
  102053. "9246",
  102054. "nan",
  102055. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102056. "nan",
  102057. "9246",
  102058. "lf",
  102059. "-",
  102060. "nan",
  102061. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102062. "fort lauderdale",
  102063. "326659",
  102064. "nan",
  102065. "nan",
  102066. "nan",
  102067. "nan",
  102068. "nan",
  102069. "nan",
  102070. "nan",
  102071. "nan",
  102072. "nan",
  102073. "nan",
  102074. "nan",
  102075. "nan",
  102076. "nan",
  102077. "nan",
  102078. "nan",
  102079. "nan",
  102080. "nan",
  102081. "nan",
  102082. "nan",
  102083. "nan",
  102084. "nan",
  102085. "nan",
  102086. "nan"
  102087. ],
  102088. [
  102089. "28006",
  102090. "83",
  102091. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102092. "syntech",
  102093. "9247",
  102094. "nan",
  102095. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102096. "nan",
  102097. "9247",
  102098. "lf",
  102099. "-",
  102100. "nan",
  102101. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102102. "fort lauderdale",
  102103. "326660",
  102104. "nan",
  102105. "nan",
  102106. "nan",
  102107. "nan",
  102108. "nan",
  102109. "nan",
  102110. "nan",
  102111. "nan",
  102112. "nan",
  102113. "nan",
  102114. "nan",
  102115. "nan",
  102116. "nan",
  102117. "nan",
  102118. "nan",
  102119. "nan",
  102120. "nan",
  102121. "nan",
  102122. "nan",
  102123. "nan",
  102124. "nan",
  102125. "nan",
  102126. "nan"
  102127. ],
  102128. [
  102129. "28006",
  102130. "83",
  102131. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102132. "syntech",
  102133. "9248",
  102134. "nan",
  102135. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102136. "nan",
  102137. "9248",
  102138. "lf",
  102139. "-",
  102140. "nan",
  102141. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102142. "fort lauderdale",
  102143. "326661",
  102144. "nan",
  102145. "nan",
  102146. "nan",
  102147. "nan",
  102148. "nan",
  102149. "nan",
  102150. "nan",
  102151. "nan",
  102152. "nan",
  102153. "nan",
  102154. "nan",
  102155. "nan",
  102156. "nan",
  102157. "nan",
  102158. "nan",
  102159. "nan",
  102160. "nan",
  102161. "nan",
  102162. "nan",
  102163. "nan",
  102164. "nan",
  102165. "nan",
  102166. "nan"
  102167. ],
  102168. [
  102169. "28006",
  102170. "83",
  102171. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102172. "syntech",
  102173. "9249",
  102174. "nan",
  102175. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102176. "nan",
  102177. "9249",
  102178. "lf",
  102179. "-",
  102180. "nan",
  102181. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102182. "fort lauderdale",
  102183. "326662",
  102184. "nan",
  102185. "nan",
  102186. "nan",
  102187. "nan",
  102188. "nan",
  102189. "nan",
  102190. "nan",
  102191. "nan",
  102192. "nan",
  102193. "nan",
  102194. "nan",
  102195. "nan",
  102196. "nan",
  102197. "nan",
  102198. "nan",
  102199. "nan",
  102200. "nan",
  102201. "nan",
  102202. "nan",
  102203. "nan",
  102204. "nan",
  102205. "nan",
  102206. "nan"
  102207. ],
  102208. [
  102209. "28006",
  102210. "83",
  102211. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102212. "syntech",
  102213. "9250",
  102214. "nan",
  102215. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102216. "nan",
  102217. "9250",
  102218. "lf",
  102219. "-",
  102220. "nan",
  102221. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102222. "fort lauderdale",
  102223. "326663",
  102224. "nan",
  102225. "nan",
  102226. "nan",
  102227. "nan",
  102228. "nan",
  102229. "nan",
  102230. "nan",
  102231. "nan",
  102232. "nan",
  102233. "nan",
  102234. "nan",
  102235. "nan",
  102236. "nan",
  102237. "nan",
  102238. "nan",
  102239. "nan",
  102240. "nan",
  102241. "nan",
  102242. "nan",
  102243. "nan",
  102244. "nan",
  102245. "nan",
  102246. "nan"
  102247. ],
  102248. [
  102249. "28006",
  102250. "83",
  102251. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102252. "syntech",
  102253. "9251",
  102254. "nan",
  102255. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102256. "nan",
  102257. "9251",
  102258. "lf",
  102259. "-",
  102260. "nan",
  102261. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102262. "fort lauderdale",
  102263. "326664",
  102264. "nan",
  102265. "nan",
  102266. "nan",
  102267. "nan",
  102268. "nan",
  102269. "nan",
  102270. "nan",
  102271. "nan",
  102272. "nan",
  102273. "nan",
  102274. "nan",
  102275. "nan",
  102276. "nan",
  102277. "nan",
  102278. "nan",
  102279. "nan",
  102280. "nan",
  102281. "nan",
  102282. "nan",
  102283. "nan",
  102284. "nan",
  102285. "nan",
  102286. "nan"
  102287. ],
  102288. [
  102289. "28006",
  102290. "83",
  102291. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102292. "syntech",
  102293. "9252",
  102294. "nan",
  102295. "in 12 boxes (9239 1/2, 9242-9252)",
  102296. "nan",
  102297. "9252",
  102298. "lf",
  102299. "-",
  102300. "nan",
  102301. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102302. "fort lauderdale",
  102303. "326665",
  102304. "nan",
  102305. "nan",
  102306. "nan",
  102307. "nan",
  102308. "nan",
  102309. "nan",
  102310. "nan",
  102311. "nan",
  102312. "nan",
  102313. "nan",
  102314. "nan",
  102315. "nan",
  102316. "nan",
  102317. "nan",
  102318. "nan",
  102319. "nan",
  102320. "nan",
  102321. "nan",
  102322. "nan",
  102323. "nan",
  102324. "nan",
  102325. "nan",
  102326. "nan"
  102327. ],
  102328. [
  102329. "28006",
  102330. "26",
  102331. "fdic",
  102332. "beacon",
  102333. "9273",
  102334. "nan",
  102335. "-",
  102336. "nan",
  102337. "9273",
  102338. "1l",
  102339. "-",
  102340. "nan",
  102341. "closed file number: 2950-93 + location: c",
  102342. "fort lauderdale",
  102343. "326714",
  102344. "nan",
  102345. "nan",
  102346. "nan",
  102347. "nan",
  102348. "nan",
  102349. "nan",
  102350. "nan",
  102351. "nan",
  102352. "nan",
  102353. "nan",
  102354. "nan",
  102355. "nan",
  102356. "nan",
  102357. "nan",
  102358. "nan",
  102359. "nan",
  102360. "nan",
  102361. "nan",
  102362. "nan",
  102363. "nan",
  102364. "nan",
  102365. "nan",
  102366. "nan"
  102367. ],
  102368. [
  102369. "28006",
  102370. "42",
  102371. "commonwelath (rtc)",
  102372. "harmony lakes",
  102373. "9206",
  102374. "nan",
  102375. "in three boxes 9205-9207",
  102376. "nan",
  102377. "9206",
  102378. "lf",
  102379. "nan",
  102380. "nan",
  102381. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102382. "fort lauderdale",
  102383. "326723",
  102384. "nan",
  102385. "nan",
  102386. "nan",
  102387. "nan",
  102388. "nan",
  102389. "nan",
  102390. "nan",
  102391. "nan",
  102392. "nan",
  102393. "nan",
  102394. "nan",
  102395. "nan",
  102396. "nan",
  102397. "nan",
  102398. "nan",
  102399. "nan",
  102400. "nan",
  102401. "nan",
  102402. "nan",
  102403. "nan",
  102404. "nan",
  102405. "nan",
  102406. "nan"
  102407. ],
  102408. [
  102409. "28006",
  102410. "42",
  102411. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102412. "harmony lakes",
  102413. "9207",
  102414. "nan",
  102415. "in 3 boxes 9205-9207",
  102416. "nan",
  102417. "9207",
  102418. "lf",
  102419. "nan",
  102420. "nan",
  102421. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102422. "fort lauderdale",
  102423. "326724",
  102424. "nan",
  102425. "nan",
  102426. "nan",
  102427. "nan",
  102428. "nan",
  102429. "nan",
  102430. "nan",
  102431. "nan",
  102432. "nan",
  102433. "nan",
  102434. "nan",
  102435. "nan",
  102436. "nan",
  102437. "nan",
  102438. "nan",
  102439. "nan",
  102440. "nan",
  102441. "nan",
  102442. "nan",
  102443. "nan",
  102444. "nan",
  102445. "nan",
  102446. "nan"
  102447. ],
  102448. [
  102449. "28006",
  102450. "42",
  102451. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  102452. "harmony lakes-surveys",
  102453. "9610",
  102454. "nan",
  102455. "box 24 file 1c",
  102456. "nan",
  102457. "9610",
  102458. "co",
  102459. "nan",
  102460. "nan",
  102461. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  102462. "fort lauderdale",
  102463. "326984",
  102464. "nan",
  102465. "nan",
  102466. "nan",
  102467. "nan",
  102468. "nan",
  102469. "nan",
  102470. "nan",
  102471. "nan",
  102472. "nan",
  102473. "nan",
  102474. "nan",
  102475. "nan",
  102476. "nan",
  102477. "nan",
  102478. "nan",
  102479. "nan",
  102480. "nan",
  102481. "nan",
  102482. "nan",
  102483. "nan",
  102484. "nan",
  102485. "nan",
  102486. "nan"
  102487. ],
  102488. [
  102489. "28006",
  102490. "29",
  102491. "fdic",
  102492. "commonwealth properties",
  102493. "7605",
  102494. "nan",
  102495. "two of two files out to lynn derenthal 2/8/93 9/99 entire box not at leahy.",
  102496. "nan",
  102497. "7605",
  102498. "cw",
  102499. "nan",
  102500. "nan",
  102501. "closed file number: 7862-91 + location: c",
  102502. "fort lauderdale",
  102503. "327480",
  102504. "nan",
  102505. "nan",
  102506. "nan",
  102507. "nan",
  102508. "nan",
  102509. "nan",
  102510. "nan",
  102511. "nan",
  102512. "nan",
  102513. "nan",
  102514. "nan",
  102515. "nan",
  102516. "nan",
  102517. "nan",
  102518. "nan",
  102519. "nan",
  102520. "nan",
  102521. "nan",
  102522. "nan",
  102523. "nan",
  102524. "nan",
  102525. "nan",
  102526. "nan"
  102527. ],
  102528. [
  102529. "28006",
  102530. "29",
  102531. "fdic",
  102532. "commonwealth properties",
  102533. "7605",
  102534. "nan",
  102535. "one of two files out to lynn derenthal 2/8/93",
  102536. "nan",
  102537. "7605",
  102538. "cw",
  102539. "ld",
  102540. "nan",
  102541. "closed file number: 7861-91 + location: c",
  102542. "fort lauderdale",
  102543. "327481",
  102544. "nan",
  102545. "nan",
  102546. "nan",
  102547. "nan",
  102548. "nan",
  102549. "nan",
  102550. "nan",
  102551. "nan",
  102552. "nan",
  102553. "nan",
  102554. "nan",
  102555. "nan",
  102556. "nan",
  102557. "nan",
  102558. "nan",
  102559. "nan",
  102560. "nan",
  102561. "nan",
  102562. "nan",
  102563. "nan",
  102564. "nan",
  102565. "nan",
  102566. "nan"
  102567. ],
  102568. [
  102569. "28006",
  102570. "29",
  102571. "fdic commonwealth",
  102572. "adv. associated property",
  102573. "8592",
  102574. "nan",
  102575. "entered july 16,92.out to lynn derenthal 2/8/93, 9/99 this file not at leahy",
  102576. "nan",
  102577. "8592",
  102578. "cw",
  102579. "ld",
  102580. "nan",
  102581. "closed file number: 2010-92 + location: c",
  102582. "fort lauderdale",
  102583. "327482",
  102584. "nan",
  102585. "nan",
  102586. "nan",
  102587. "nan",
  102588. "nan",
  102589. "nan",
  102590. "nan",
  102591. "nan",
  102592. "nan",
  102593. "nan",
  102594. "nan",
  102595. "nan",
  102596. "nan",
  102597. "nan",
  102598. "nan",
  102599. "nan",
  102600. "nan",
  102601. "nan",
  102602. "nan",
  102603. "nan",
  102604. "nan",
  102605. "nan",
  102606. "nan"
  102607. ],
  102608. [
  102609. "28006",
  102610. "29",
  102611. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  102612. "associated properties",
  102613. "8771",
  102614. "nan",
  102615. "entered november 12, 92. (1 of 2 boxes).out to lynn derenthal 2/8/93",
  102616. "nan",
  102617. "8771",
  102618. "cw",
  102619. "ld",
  102620. "nan",
  102621. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  102622. "fort lauderdale",
  102623. "327483",
  102624. "nan",
  102625. "nan",
  102626. "nan",
  102627. "nan",
  102628. "nan",
  102629. "nan",
  102630. "nan",
  102631. "nan",
  102632. "nan",
  102633. "nan",
  102634. "nan",
  102635. "nan",
  102636. "nan",
  102637. "nan",
  102638. "nan",
  102639. "nan",
  102640. "nan",
  102641. "nan",
  102642. "nan",
  102643. "nan",
  102644. "nan",
  102645. "nan",
  102646. "nan"
  102647. ],
  102648. [
  102649. "28006",
  102650. "29",
  102651. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  102652. "associated properties",
  102653. "8772",
  102654. "nan",
  102655. "entered november 12, 92. (2 of 2 boxes).out to lynn derenthal 2/8/93",
  102656. "nan",
  102657. "8772",
  102658. "cw",
  102659. "ld",
  102660. "nan",
  102661. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  102662. "fort lauderdale",
  102663. "327484",
  102664. "nan",
  102665. "nan",
  102666. "nan",
  102667. "nan",
  102668. "nan",
  102669. "nan",
  102670. "nan",
  102671. "nan",
  102672. "nan",
  102673. "nan",
  102674. "nan",
  102675. "nan",
  102676. "nan",
  102677. "nan",
  102678. "nan",
  102679. "nan",
  102680. "nan",
  102681. "nan",
  102682. "nan",
  102683. "nan",
  102684. "nan",
  102685. "nan",
  102686. "nan"
  102687. ],
  102688. [
  102689. "28006",
  102690. "122",
  102691. "rtc/commonwealth",
  102692. "boca land/copper lake/",
  102693. "8749",
  102694. "nan",
  102695. "entered october 26, 92.file consist of 5 boxes (8749, 8750, 8751, 8752, 8753).1 of 5 boxes.",
  102696. "nan",
  102697. "8749",
  102698. "cw",
  102699. "nan",
  102700. "nan",
  102701. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  102702. "fort lauderdale",
  102703. "327982",
  102704. "nan",
  102705. "nan",
  102706. "nan",
  102707. "nan",
  102708. "nan",
  102709. "nan",
  102710. "nan",
  102711. "nan",
  102712. "nan",
  102713. "nan",
  102714. "nan",
  102715. "nan",
  102716. "nan",
  102717. "nan",
  102718. "nan",
  102719. "nan",
  102720. "nan",
  102721. "nan",
  102722. "nan",
  102723. "nan",
  102724. "nan",
  102725. "nan",
  102726. "nan"
  102727. ],
  102728. [
  102729. "28006",
  102730. "29",
  102731. "fdic commonwealth",
  102732. "copper lake dev corp",
  102733. "7607",
  102734. "nan",
  102735. "nan",
  102736. "nan",
  102737. "7607",
  102738. "cw",
  102739. "nan",
  102740. "nan",
  102741. "closed file number: 7870-91 + location: c",
  102742. "fort lauderdale",
  102743. "327983",
  102744. "nan",
  102745. "nan",
  102746. "nan",
  102747. "nan",
  102748. "nan",
  102749. "nan",
  102750. "nan",
  102751. "nan",
  102752. "nan",
  102753. "nan",
  102754. "nan",
  102755. "nan",
  102756. "nan",
  102757. "nan",
  102758. "nan",
  102759. "nan",
  102760. "nan",
  102761. "nan",
  102762. "nan",
  102763. "nan",
  102764. "nan",
  102765. "nan",
  102766. "nan"
  102767. ],
  102768. [
  102769. "28006",
  102770. "219",
  102771. "fdic/commonwealth",
  102772. "copper lake sale- title",
  102773. "8635",
  102774. "nan",
  102775. "entered august 14,92.closed as 1 of 2 files (this file was closed under the same number as 28006-217 to keep them in the same folder).",
  102776. "nan",
  102777. "8635",
  102778. "cw",
  102779. "nan",
  102780. "nan",
  102781. "closed file number: 2126-92 + location: c",
  102782. "fort lauderdale",
  102783. "327984",
  102784. "nan",
  102785. "nan",
  102786. "nan",
  102787. "nan",
  102788. "nan",
  102789. "nan",
  102790. "nan",
  102791. "nan",
  102792. "nan",
  102793. "nan",
  102794. "nan",
  102795. "nan",
  102796. "nan",
  102797. "nan",
  102798. "nan",
  102799. "nan",
  102800. "nan",
  102801. "nan",
  102802. "nan",
  102803. "nan",
  102804. "nan",
  102805. "nan",
  102806. "nan"
  102807. ],
  102808. [
  102809. "28006",
  102810. "122",
  102811. "rtc-commonwealth",
  102812. "adv. copper lake-foreclo",
  102813. "9119",
  102814. "nan",
  102815. "entered april 15, 93.",
  102816. "nan",
  102817. "9119",
  102818. "fd",
  102819. "nan",
  102820. "nan",
  102821. "closed file number: 2898-93 + location: c",
  102822. "fort lauderdale",
  102823. "327985",
  102824. "nan",
  102825. "nan",
  102826. "nan",
  102827. "nan",
  102828. "nan",
  102829. "nan",
  102830. "nan",
  102831. "nan",
  102832. "nan",
  102833. "nan",
  102834. "nan",
  102835. "nan",
  102836. "nan",
  102837. "nan",
  102838. "nan",
  102839. "nan",
  102840. "nan",
  102841. "nan",
  102842. "nan",
  102843. "nan",
  102844. "nan",
  102845. "nan",
  102846. "nan"
  102847. ],
  102848. [
  102849. "28006",
  102850. "129",
  102851. "fdic commonwealth",
  102852. "pembroke charter corp.*",
  102853. "7978",
  102854. "nan",
  102855. "*payoff of assets 432l & 433l",
  102856. "nan",
  102857. "7978",
  102858. "cw",
  102859. "nan",
  102860. "nan",
  102861. "closed file number: 9202-91 + location: c",
  102862. "fort lauderdale",
  102863. "328037",
  102864. "nan",
  102865. "nan",
  102866. "nan",
  102867. "nan",
  102868. "nan",
  102869. "nan",
  102870. "nan",
  102871. "nan",
  102872. "nan",
  102873. "nan",
  102874. "nan",
  102875. "nan",
  102876. "nan",
  102877. "nan",
  102878. "nan",
  102879. "nan",
  102880. "nan",
  102881. "nan",
  102882. "nan",
  102883. "nan",
  102884. "nan",
  102885. "nan",
  102886. "nan"
  102887. ],
  102888. [
  102889. "28006",
  102890. "145",
  102891. "fdic/commonwealth",
  102892. "pembroke develop. corp.",
  102893. "8906",
  102894. "nan",
  102895. "entered january 26, 93.",
  102896. "nan",
  102897. "8906",
  102898. "cw",
  102899. "nan",
  102900. "nan",
  102901. "closed file number: 2579-93 + location: i",
  102902. "fort lauderdale",
  102903. "328038",
  102904. "nan",
  102905. "nan",
  102906. "nan",
  102907. "nan",
  102908. "nan",
  102909. "nan",
  102910. "nan",
  102911. "nan",
  102912. "nan",
  102913. "nan",
  102914. "nan",
  102915. "nan",
  102916. "nan",
  102917. "nan",
  102918. "nan",
  102919. "nan",
  102920. "nan",
  102921. "nan",
  102922. "nan",
  102923. "nan",
  102924. "nan",
  102925. "nan",
  102926. "nan"
  102927. ],
  102928. [
  102929. "28006",
  102930. "77",
  102931. "fdic",
  102932. "knox mini storage",
  102933. "9812",
  102934. "nan",
  102935. "entered 7/11/94",
  102936. "nan",
  102937. "9812",
  102938. "cw",
  102939. "-",
  102940. "nan",
  102941. "closed file number: 9395-94 + location: i",
  102942. "fort lauderdale",
  102943. "328098",
  102944. "nan",
  102945. "nan",
  102946. "nan",
  102947. "nan",
  102948. "nan",
  102949. "nan",
  102950. "nan",
  102951. "nan",
  102952. "nan",
  102953. "nan",
  102954. "nan",
  102955. "nan",
  102956. "nan",
  102957. "nan",
  102958. "nan",
  102959. "nan",
  102960. "nan",
  102961. "nan",
  102962. "nan",
  102963. "nan",
  102964. "nan",
  102965. "nan",
  102966. "nan"
  102967. ],
  102968. [
  102969. "28006",
  102970. "35",
  102971. "fdic commonwealth",
  102972. "turtle run",
  102973. "8020",
  102974. "nan",
  102975. "entire box-no file # 1 of 2 boxes",
  102976. "nan",
  102977. "8020",
  102978. "cw",
  102979. "nan",
  102980. "nan",
  102981. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  102982. "fort lauderdale",
  102983. "328177",
  102984. "nan",
  102985. "nan",
  102986. "nan",
  102987. "nan",
  102988. "nan",
  102989. "nan",
  102990. "nan",
  102991. "nan",
  102992. "nan",
  102993. "nan",
  102994. "nan",
  102995. "nan",
  102996. "nan",
  102997. "nan",
  102998. "nan",
  102999. "nan",
  103000. "nan",
  103001. "nan",
  103002. "nan",
  103003. "nan",
  103004. "nan",
  103005. "nan",
  103006. "nan"
  103007. ],
  103008. [
  103009. "28006",
  103010. "35",
  103011. "fdic commonwealth",
  103012. "turtle run",
  103013. "8021",
  103014. "nan",
  103015. "entire box-no file # 2 of 2 boxes",
  103016. "nan",
  103017. "8021",
  103018. "cw",
  103019. "nan",
  103020. "nan",
  103021. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  103022. "fort lauderdale",
  103023. "328178",
  103024. "nan",
  103025. "nan",
  103026. "nan",
  103027. "nan",
  103028. "nan",
  103029. "nan",
  103030. "nan",
  103031. "nan",
  103032. "nan",
  103033. "nan",
  103034. "nan",
  103035. "nan",
  103036. "nan",
  103037. "nan",
  103038. "nan",
  103039. "nan",
  103040. "nan",
  103041. "nan",
  103042. "nan",
  103043. "nan",
  103044. "nan",
  103045. "nan",
  103046. "nan"
  103047. ],
  103048. [
  103049. "28006",
  103050. "35",
  103051. "fdic commonwealth",
  103052. "turtle run (title)",
  103053. "8174",
  103054. "nan",
  103055. "-",
  103056. "nan",
  103057. "8174",
  103058. "cw",
  103059. "nan",
  103060. "nan",
  103061. "closed file number: 9812-91 + location: c",
  103062. "fort lauderdale",
  103063. "328179",
  103064. "nan",
  103065. "nan",
  103066. "nan",
  103067. "nan",
  103068. "nan",
  103069. "nan",
  103070. "nan",
  103071. "nan",
  103072. "nan",
  103073. "nan",
  103074. "nan",
  103075. "nan",
  103076. "nan",
  103077. "nan",
  103078. "nan",
  103079. "nan",
  103080. "nan",
  103081. "nan",
  103082. "nan",
  103083. "nan",
  103084. "nan",
  103085. "nan",
  103086. "nan"
  103087. ],
  103088. [
  103089. "28006",
  103090. "223",
  103091. "fdic",
  103092. "kilburn-young/sale lot 9",
  103093. "9064",
  103094. "nan",
  103095. "entered april 7, 93.",
  103096. "nan",
  103097. "9064",
  103098. "cw",
  103099. "nan",
  103100. "nan",
  103101. "closed file number: 2776-93 + location: c",
  103102. "fort lauderdale",
  103103. "328180",
  103104. "nan",
  103105. "nan",
  103106. "nan",
  103107. "nan",
  103108. "nan",
  103109. "nan",
  103110. "nan",
  103111. "nan",
  103112. "nan",
  103113. "nan",
  103114. "nan",
  103115. "nan",
  103116. "nan",
  103117. "nan",
  103118. "nan",
  103119. "nan",
  103120. "nan",
  103121. "nan",
  103122. "nan",
  103123. "nan",
  103124. "nan",
  103125. "nan",
  103126. "nan"
  103127. ],
  103128. [
  103129. "28006",
  103130. "224",
  103131. "fdic commonwealth",
  103132. "kilburn-young/sale lot 9",
  103133. "9064",
  103134. "nan",
  103135. "entered april 7, 93.",
  103136. "nan",
  103137. "9064",
  103138. "cw",
  103139. "nan",
  103140. "nan",
  103141. "closed file number: 2775-93 + location: c",
  103142. "fort lauderdale",
  103143. "328181",
  103144. "nan",
  103145. "nan",
  103146. "nan",
  103147. "nan",
  103148. "nan",
  103149. "nan",
  103150. "nan",
  103151. "nan",
  103152. "nan",
  103153. "nan",
  103154. "nan",
  103155. "nan",
  103156. "nan",
  103157. "nan",
  103158. "nan",
  103159. "nan",
  103160. "nan",
  103161. "nan",
  103162. "nan",
  103163. "nan",
  103164. "nan",
  103165. "nan",
  103166. "nan"
  103167. ],
  103168. [
  103169. "28006",
  103170. "75",
  103171. "fdic -commonwealth",
  103172. "champions square ltd.",
  103173. "9865",
  103174. "nan",
  103175. "entered 8/25/94",
  103176. "nan",
  103177. "9865",
  103178. "sm",
  103179. "-",
  103180. "nan",
  103181. "closed file number: 9512-94 + location: i",
  103182. "fort lauderdale",
  103183. "328281",
  103184. "nan",
  103185. "nan",
  103186. "nan",
  103187. "nan",
  103188. "nan",
  103189. "nan",
  103190. "nan",
  103191. "nan",
  103192. "nan",
  103193. "nan",
  103194. "nan",
  103195. "nan",
  103196. "nan",
  103197. "nan",
  103198. "nan",
  103199. "nan",
  103200. "nan",
  103201. "nan",
  103202. "nan",
  103203. "nan",
  103204. "nan",
  103205. "nan",
  103206. "nan"
  103207. ],
  103208. [
  103209. "28006",
  103210. "76",
  103211. "fdic-commonwealth",
  103212. "champions square i",
  103213. "9865",
  103214. "nan",
  103215. "entered 8/25/94",
  103216. "nan",
  103217. "9865",
  103218. "sm",
  103219. "-",
  103220. "nan",
  103221. "closed file number: 9513-94 + location: i",
  103222. "fort lauderdale",
  103223. "328282",
  103224. "nan",
  103225. "nan",
  103226. "nan",
  103227. "nan",
  103228. "nan",
  103229. "nan",
  103230. "nan",
  103231. "nan",
  103232. "nan",
  103233. "nan",
  103234. "nan",
  103235. "nan",
  103236. "nan",
  103237. "nan",
  103238. "nan",
  103239. "nan",
  103240. "nan",
  103241. "nan",
  103242. "nan",
  103243. "nan",
  103244. "nan",
  103245. "nan",
  103246. "nan"
  103247. ],
  103248. [
  103249. "28006",
  103250. "119",
  103251. "fdic,commonwealth,feds&l",
  103252. "seymour& harriet frank",
  103253. "10216",
  103254. "nan",
  103255. "-",
  103256. "nan",
  103257. "10216",
  103258. "co",
  103259. "-",
  103260. "nan",
  103261. "closed file number: 10330-95 + location: i",
  103262. "fort lauderdale",
  103263. "329388",
  103264. "nan",
  103265. "nan",
  103266. "nan",
  103267. "nan",
  103268. "nan",
  103269. "nan",
  103270. "nan",
  103271. "nan",
  103272. "nan",
  103273. "nan",
  103274. "nan",
  103275. "nan",
  103276. "nan",
  103277. "nan",
  103278. "nan",
  103279. "nan",
  103280. "nan",
  103281. "nan",
  103282. "nan",
  103283. "nan",
  103284. "nan",
  103285. "nan",
  103286. "nan"
  103287. ],
  103288. [
  103289. "28006",
  103290. "6",
  103291. "rtc/commonwealth",
  103292. "boca heights",
  103293. "10216",
  103294. "nan",
  103295. "-",
  103296. "nan",
  103297. "10216",
  103298. "co",
  103299. "-",
  103300. "nan",
  103301. "closed file number: 10333-95 + location: i",
  103302. "fort lauderdale",
  103303. "329391",
  103304. "nan",
  103305. "nan",
  103306. "nan",
  103307. "nan",
  103308. "nan",
  103309. "nan",
  103310. "nan",
  103311. "nan",
  103312. "nan",
  103313. "nan",
  103314. "nan",
  103315. "nan",
  103316. "nan",
  103317. "nan",
  103318. "nan",
  103319. "nan",
  103320. "nan",
  103321. "nan",
  103322. "nan",
  103323. "nan",
  103324. "nan",
  103325. "nan",
  103326. "nan"
  103327. ],
  103328. [
  103329. "28006",
  103330. "4",
  103331. "rtc/boca glades",
  103332. "defensive",
  103333. "10216",
  103334. "nan",
  103335. "-",
  103336. "nan",
  103337. "10216",
  103338. "co",
  103339. "-",
  103340. "nan",
  103341. "closed file number: 10334-95 + location: i",
  103342. "fort lauderdale",
  103343. "329392",
  103344. "nan",
  103345. "nan",
  103346. "nan",
  103347. "nan",
  103348. "nan",
  103349. "nan",
  103350. "nan",
  103351. "nan",
  103352. "nan",
  103353. "nan",
  103354. "nan",
  103355. "nan",
  103356. "nan",
  103357. "nan",
  103358. "nan",
  103359. "nan",
  103360. "nan",
  103361. "nan",
  103362. "nan",
  103363. "nan",
  103364. "nan",
  103365. "nan",
  103366. "nan"
  103367. ],
  103368. [
  103369. "28006",
  103370. "5",
  103371. "rtc/boca glades",
  103372. "foreclosure",
  103373. "10216",
  103374. "nan",
  103375. "-",
  103376. "nan",
  103377. "10216",
  103378. "co",
  103379. "-",
  103380. "nan",
  103381. "closed file number: 1034-95 + location: i",
  103382. "fort lauderdale",
  103383. "329393",
  103384. "nan",
  103385. "nan",
  103386. "nan",
  103387. "nan",
  103388. "nan",
  103389. "nan",
  103390. "nan",
  103391. "nan",
  103392. "nan",
  103393. "nan",
  103394. "nan",
  103395. "nan",
  103396. "nan",
  103397. "nan",
  103398. "nan",
  103399. "nan",
  103400. "nan",
  103401. "nan",
  103402. "nan",
  103403. "nan",
  103404. "nan",
  103405. "nan",
  103406. "nan"
  103407. ],
  103408. [
  103409. "28006",
  103410. "6",
  103411. "rtc- commonwealth",
  103412. "boca heights, inc. etc.",
  103413. "9118",
  103414. "nan",
  103415. "entered april 15, 93.also in b-10216 f-10333-95",
  103416. "nan",
  103417. "9118",
  103418. "fd",
  103419. "-",
  103420. "nan",
  103421. "closed file number: 2892-93 + location: c",
  103422. "fort lauderdale",
  103423. "329554",
  103424. "nan",
  103425. "nan",
  103426. "nan",
  103427. "nan",
  103428. "nan",
  103429. "nan",
  103430. "nan",
  103431. "nan",
  103432. "nan",
  103433. "nan",
  103434. "nan",
  103435. "nan",
  103436. "nan",
  103437. "nan",
  103438. "nan",
  103439. "nan",
  103440. "nan",
  103441. "nan",
  103442. "nan",
  103443. "nan",
  103444. "nan",
  103445. "nan",
  103446. "nan"
  103447. ],
  103448. [
  103449. "28006",
  103450. "4",
  103451. "rtc/commonwealth",
  103452. "realtech",
  103453. "8788",
  103454. "nan",
  103455. "entered november 30, 92.also in b-10216 f-10334-95",
  103456. "nan",
  103457. "8788",
  103458. "cw",
  103459. "-",
  103460. "nan",
  103461. "closed file number: .408-92 + location: i",
  103462. "fort lauderdale",
  103463. "329555",
  103464. "nan",
  103465. "nan",
  103466. "nan",
  103467. "nan",
  103468. "nan",
  103469. "nan",
  103470. "nan",
  103471. "nan",
  103472. "nan",
  103473. "nan",
  103474. "nan",
  103475. "nan",
  103476. "nan",
  103477. "nan",
  103478. "nan",
  103479. "nan",
  103480. "nan",
  103481. "nan",
  103482. "nan",
  103483. "nan",
  103484. "nan",
  103485. "nan",
  103486. "nan"
  103487. ],
  103488. [
  103489. "28006",
  103490. "4",
  103491. "fdic/commonwealth",
  103492. "realtech inc. of broward",
  103493. "8906",
  103494. "nan",
  103495. "entered january 26, 93.also in b-10216 f-10334-95",
  103496. "nan",
  103497. "8906",
  103498. "cw",
  103499. "-",
  103500. "nan",
  103501. "closed file number: 2578-93 + location: i",
  103502. "fort lauderdale",
  103503. "329557",
  103504. "nan",
  103505. "nan",
  103506. "nan",
  103507. "nan",
  103508. "nan",
  103509. "nan",
  103510. "nan",
  103511. "nan",
  103512. "nan",
  103513. "nan",
  103514. "nan",
  103515. "nan",
  103516. "nan",
  103517. "nan",
  103518. "nan",
  103519. "nan",
  103520. "nan",
  103521. "nan",
  103522. "nan",
  103523. "nan",
  103524. "nan",
  103525. "nan",
  103526. "nan"
  103527. ],
  103528. [
  103529. "28006",
  103530. "143",
  103531. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103532. "forum plaza-title file",
  103533. "10343",
  103534. "nan",
  103535. "entered 7/26/95",
  103536. "nan",
  103537. "10343",
  103538. "sm",
  103539. "-",
  103540. "nan",
  103541. "closed file number: 10456-95 + location: i",
  103542. "fort lauderdale",
  103543. "329628",
  103544. "nan",
  103545. "nan",
  103546. "nan",
  103547. "nan",
  103548. "nan",
  103549. "nan",
  103550. "nan",
  103551. "nan",
  103552. "nan",
  103553. "nan",
  103554. "nan",
  103555. "nan",
  103556. "nan",
  103557. "nan",
  103558. "nan",
  103559. "nan",
  103560. "nan",
  103561. "nan",
  103562. "nan",
  103563. "nan",
  103564. "nan",
  103565. "nan",
  103566. "nan"
  103567. ],
  103568. [
  103569. "28006",
  103570. "101",
  103571. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103572. "forum plaza-title file",
  103573. "10343",
  103574. "nan",
  103575. "entered 7/26/95",
  103576. "nan",
  103577. "10343",
  103578. "cc",
  103579. "-",
  103580. "nan",
  103581. "closed file number: 10457-95 + location: i",
  103582. "fort lauderdale",
  103583. "329629",
  103584. "nan",
  103585. "nan",
  103586. "nan",
  103587. "nan",
  103588. "nan",
  103589. "nan",
  103590. "nan",
  103591. "nan",
  103592. "nan",
  103593. "nan",
  103594. "nan",
  103595. "nan",
  103596. "nan",
  103597. "nan",
  103598. "nan",
  103599. "nan",
  103600. "nan",
  103601. "nan",
  103602. "nan",
  103603. "nan",
  103604. "nan",
  103605. "nan",
  103606. "nan"
  103607. ],
  103608. [
  103609. "28006",
  103610. "90",
  103611. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103612. "jalar properties-title",
  103613. "10343",
  103614. "nan",
  103615. "entered 7/26/95",
  103616. "nan",
  103617. "10343",
  103618. "sm",
  103619. "-",
  103620. "nan",
  103621. "closed file number: 10458-95 + location: i",
  103622. "fort lauderdale",
  103623. "329630",
  103624. "nan",
  103625. "nan",
  103626. "nan",
  103627. "nan",
  103628. "nan",
  103629. "nan",
  103630. "nan",
  103631. "nan",
  103632. "nan",
  103633. "nan",
  103634. "nan",
  103635. "nan",
  103636. "nan",
  103637. "nan",
  103638. "nan",
  103639. "nan",
  103640. "nan",
  103641. "nan",
  103642. "nan",
  103643. "nan",
  103644. "nan",
  103645. "nan",
  103646. "nan"
  103647. ],
  103648. [
  103649. "28006",
  103650. "62",
  103651. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103652. "l&m studio-title file",
  103653. "10343",
  103654. "nan",
  103655. "entered 7/26/95",
  103656. "nan",
  103657. "10343",
  103658. "sm",
  103659. "-",
  103660. "nan",
  103661. "closed file number: 10459-95 + location: i",
  103662. "fort lauderdale",
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  103664. "nan",
  103665. "nan",
  103666. "nan",
  103667. "nan",
  103668. "nan",
  103669. "nan",
  103670. "nan",
  103671. "nan",
  103672. "nan",
  103673. "nan",
  103674. "nan",
  103675. "nan",
  103676. "nan",
  103677. "nan",
  103678. "nan",
  103679. "nan",
  103680. "nan",
  103681. "nan",
  103682. "nan",
  103683. "nan",
  103684. "nan",
  103685. "nan",
  103686. "nan"
  103687. ],
  103688. [
  103689. "28006",
  103690. "58",
  103691. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103692. "pinewood-title file",
  103693. "10343",
  103694. "nan",
  103695. "entered 7/26/95",
  103696. "nan",
  103697. "10343",
  103698. "sm",
  103699. "-",
  103700. "nan",
  103701. "closed file number: 10460-95 + location: i",
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  103704. "nan",
  103705. "nan",
  103706. "nan",
  103707. "nan",
  103708. "nan",
  103709. "nan",
  103710. "nan",
  103711. "nan",
  103712. "nan",
  103713. "nan",
  103714. "nan",
  103715. "nan",
  103716. "nan",
  103717. "nan",
  103718. "nan",
  103719. "nan",
  103720. "nan",
  103721. "nan",
  103722. "nan",
  103723. "nan",
  103724. "nan",
  103725. "nan",
  103726. "nan"
  103727. ],
  103728. [
  103729. "28006",
  103730. "80",
  103731. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
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  103733. "10345",
  103734. "nan",
  103735. "entered 7/26/95",
  103736. "nan",
  103737. "10345",
  103738. "sm",
  103739. "-",
  103740. "nan",
  103741. "closed file number: 10477-95 + location: i",
  103742. "fort lauderdale",
  103743. "329649",
  103744. "nan",
  103745. "nan",
  103746. "nan",
  103747. "nan",
  103748. "nan",
  103749. "nan",
  103750. "nan",
  103751. "nan",
  103752. "nan",
  103753. "nan",
  103754. "nan",
  103755. "nan",
  103756. "nan",
  103757. "nan",
  103758. "nan",
  103759. "nan",
  103760. "nan",
  103761. "nan",
  103762. "nan",
  103763. "nan",
  103764. "nan",
  103765. "nan",
  103766. "nan"
  103767. ],
  103768. [
  103769. "28006",
  103770. "57",
  103771. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
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  103773. "10346",
  103774. "nan",
  103775. "entered 7/26/95",
  103776. "nan",
  103777. "10346",
  103778. "sm",
  103779. "-",
  103780. "nan",
  103781. "closed file number: 10479-95 + location: i",
  103782. "fort lauderdale",
  103783. "329650",
  103784. "nan",
  103785. "nan",
  103786. "nan",
  103787. "nan",
  103788. "nan",
  103789. "nan",
  103790. "nan",
  103791. "nan",
  103792. "nan",
  103793. "nan",
  103794. "nan",
  103795. "nan",
  103796. "nan",
  103797. "nan",
  103798. "nan",
  103799. "nan",
  103800. "nan",
  103801. "nan",
  103802. "nan",
  103803. "nan",
  103804. "nan",
  103805. "nan",
  103806. "nan"
  103807. ],
  103808. [
  103809. "28006",
  103810. "114",
  103811. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103812. "seminole assoc/title fil",
  103813. "10346",
  103814. "nan",
  103815. "entered 7/26/95",
  103816. "nan",
  103817. "10346",
  103818. "sm",
  103819. "-",
  103820. "nan",
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  103822. "fort lauderdale",
  103823. "329651",
  103824. "nan",
  103825. "nan",
  103826. "nan",
  103827. "nan",
  103828. "nan",
  103829. "nan",
  103830. "nan",
  103831. "nan",
  103832. "nan",
  103833. "nan",
  103834. "nan",
  103835. "nan",
  103836. "nan",
  103837. "nan",
  103838. "nan",
  103839. "nan",
  103840. "nan",
  103841. "nan",
  103842. "nan",
  103843. "nan",
  103844. "nan",
  103845. "nan",
  103846. "nan"
  103847. ],
  103848. [
  103849. "28006",
  103850. "68",
  103851. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103852. "southmark/santa ana-titl",
  103853. "10346",
  103854. "nan",
  103855. "entered 7/26/95title file",
  103856. "nan",
  103857. "10346",
  103858. "sm",
  103859. "-",
  103860. "nan",
  103861. "closed file number: 10481-95 + location: i",
  103862. "fort lauderdale",
  103863. "329652",
  103864. "nan",
  103865. "nan",
  103866. "nan",
  103867. "nan",
  103868. "nan",
  103869. "nan",
  103870. "nan",
  103871. "nan",
  103872. "nan",
  103873. "nan",
  103874. "nan",
  103875. "nan",
  103876. "nan",
  103877. "nan",
  103878. "nan",
  103879. "nan",
  103880. "nan",
  103881. "nan",
  103882. "nan",
  103883. "nan",
  103884. "nan",
  103885. "nan",
  103886. "nan"
  103887. ],
  103888. [
  103889. "28006",
  103890. "146",
  103891. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  103892. "southmark/hawaii title",
  103893. "10346",
  103894. "nan",
  103895. "entered 7/26/95",
  103896. "nan",
  103897. "10346",
  103898. "sm",
  103899. "-",
  103900. "nan",
  103901. "closed file number: 10482-95 + location: i",
  103902. "fort lauderdale",
  103903. "329653",
  103904. "nan",
  103905. "nan",
  103906. "nan",
  103907. "nan",
  103908. "nan",
  103909. "nan",
  103910. "nan",
  103911. "nan",
  103912. "nan",
  103913. "nan",
  103914. "nan",
  103915. "nan",
  103916. "nan",
  103917. "nan",
  103918. "nan",
  103919. "nan",
  103920. "nan",
  103921. "nan",
  103922. "nan",
  103923. "nan",
  103924. "nan",
  103925. "nan",
  103926. "nan"
  103927. ],
  103928. [
  103929. "28006",
  103930. "222",
  103931. "fdic/commonwealh s&l",
  103932. "ests of tanglewood",
  103933. "10346",
  103934. "nan",
  103935. "entered 7/26/95 - title file",
  103936. "nan",
  103937. "10346",
  103938. "sm",
  103939. "-",
  103940. "nan",
  103941. "closed file number: 10483-95 + location: i",
  103942. "fort lauderdale",
  103943. "329654",
  103944. "nan",
  103945. "nan",
  103946. "nan",
  103947. "nan",
  103948. "nan",
  103949. "nan",
  103950. "nan",
  103951. "nan",
  103952. "nan",
  103953. "nan",
  103954. "nan",
  103955. "nan",
  103956. "nan",
  103957. "nan",
  103958. "nan",
  103959. "nan",
  103960. "nan",
  103961. "nan",
  103962. "nan",
  103963. "nan",
  103964. "nan",
  103965. "nan",
  103966. "nan"
  103967. ],
  103968. [
  103969. "28006",
  103970. "118",
  103971. "fdic commonwealth",
  103972. "copper lake",
  103973. "d715",
  103974. "nan",
  103975. "nan",
  103976. "nan",
  103977. "d715",
  103978. "sbm",
  103979. "nan",
  103980. "nan",
  103981. "closed file number: f247-97 + location: i",
  103982. "fort lauderdale",
  103983. "334503",
  103984. "nan",
  103985. "nan",
  103986. "nan",
  103987. "nan",
  103988. "nan",
  103989. "nan",
  103990. "nan",
  103991. "nan",
  103992. "nan",
  103993. "nan",
  103994. "nan",
  103995. "nan",
  103996. "nan",
  103997. "nan",
  103998. "nan",
  103999. "nan",
  104000. "nan",
  104001. "nan",
  104002. "nan",
  104003. "nan",
  104004. "nan",
  104005. "nan",
  104006. "nan"
  104007. ],
  104008. [
  104009. "28006",
  104010. "179",
  104011. "rtc",
  104012. "commonwealth vs. suburban",
  104013. "489534487",
  104014. "nan",
  104015. "july 17, 1992 - correspondence",
  104016. "7/22/1992",
  104017. "49865",
  104018. "farrar tom",
  104019. "nan",
  104020. "nan",
  104021. " hk box: 8178",
  104022. "miami",
  104023. "661519",
  104024. "nan",
  104025. "nan",
  104026. "nan",
  104027. "nan",
  104028. "nan",
  104029. "nan",
  104030. "nan",
  104031. "nan",
  104032. "nan",
  104033. "nan",
  104034. "nan",
  104035. "nan",
  104036. "nan",
  104037. "nan",
  104038. "nan",
  104039. "nan",
  104040. "nan",
  104041. "nan",
  104042. "nan",
  104043. "nan",
  104044. "nan",
  104045. "nan",
  104046. "nan"
  104047. ],
  104048. [
  104049. "28006",
  104050. "10192",
  104051. "rtc",
  104052. "none",
  104053. "652551451",
  104054. "nan",
  104055. "june 29, 1993 - correspondence; pleadings file; samda letter requesting withdrawal; lcs-attorneys notes; drafts of motion to dismiss; lcs-working copies of pleadings",
  104056. "7/12/1993",
  104057. "118994",
  104058. "pearson daniel",
  104059. "nan",
  104060. "nan",
  104061. " 9904",
  104062. "miami",
  104063. "669636",
  104064. "nan",
  104065. "nan",
  104066. "nan",
  104067. "nan",
  104068. "nan",
  104069. "nan",
  104070. "nan",
  104071. "nan",
  104072. "nan",
  104073. "nan",
  104074. "nan",
  104075. "nan",
  104076. "nan",
  104077. "nan",
  104078. "nan",
  104079. "nan",
  104080. "nan",
  104081. "nan",
  104082. "nan",
  104083. "nan",
  104084. "nan",
  104085. "nan",
  104086. "nan"
  104087. ],
  104088. [
  104089. "28006",
  104090. "16",
  104091. "rtc (commonwealth) vs. pembroke charter",
  104092. "none",
  104093. "89251260",
  104094. "nan",
  104095. "3/3/93. notices, pleading volumes 1 & 2. correspondence, summary final judgment of foreclosure, notes, research, sale and purchase agreement, appraisal.",
  104096. "3/5/1993",
  104097. "85648",
  104098. "genovese, john",
  104099. "nan",
  104100. "nan",
  104101. " hk box: 8955",
  104102. "miami",
  104103. "681142",
  104104. "nan",
  104105. "nan",
  104106. "nan",
  104107. "nan",
  104108. "nan",
  104109. "nan",
  104110. "nan",
  104111. "nan",
  104112. "nan",
  104113. "nan",
  104114. "nan",
  104115. "nan",
  104116. "nan",
  104117. "nan",
  104118. "nan",
  104119. "nan",
  104120. "nan",
  104121. "nan",
  104122. "nan",
  104123. "nan",
  104124. "nan",
  104125. "nan",
  104126. "nan"
  104127. ],
  104128. [
  104129. "28006.193",
  104130. "nan",
  104131. "fdic ladner & co",
  104132. "nan",
  104133. "dsj005064",
  104134. "nan",
  104135. "djg closed files",
  104136. "08/16/1994",
  104137. "30-109",
  104138. "30 dan gallagher",
  104139. "nan",
  104140. "nan",
  104141. "nan",
  104142. "jacksonville",
  104143. "61415",
  104144. "nan",
  104145. "nan",
  104146. "nan",
  104147. "nan",
  104148. "nan",
  104149. "nan",
  104150. "nan",
  104151. "nan",
  104152. "nan",
  104153. "nan",
  104154. "nan",
  104155. "nan",
  104156. "nan",
  104157. "nan",
  104158. "nan",
  104159. "nan",
  104160. "nan",
  104161. "nan",
  104162. "nan",
  104163. "nan",
  104164. "nan",
  104165. "nan",
  104166. "nan"
  104167. ],
  104168. [
  104169. "28007",
  104170. "1",
  104171. "fdic",
  104172. "mtg servicing corp",
  104173. "tcf0007285",
  104174. "nan",
  104175. "nan",
  104176. "06/20/2001",
  104177. "aq1197",
  104178. "nan",
  104179. "nan",
  104180. "nan",
  104181. "seq: 0020",
  104182. "tampa",
  104183. "184697",
  104184. "nan",
  104185. "nan",
  104186. "nan",
  104187. "nan",
  104188. "nan",
  104189. "nan",
  104190. "nan",
  104191. "nan",
  104192. "nan",
  104193. "nan",
  104194. "nan",
  104195. "nan",
  104196. "nan",
  104197. "nan",
  104198. "nan",
  104199. "nan",
  104200. "nan",
  104201. "nan",
  104202. "nan",
  104203. "nan",
  104204. "nan",
  104205. "nan",
  104206. "nan"
  104207. ],
  104208. [
  104209. "28008",
  104210. "1",
  104211. "fdic-des plaines bank",
  104212. "anthony g. angelos",
  104213. "8323",
  104214. "nan",
  104215. "-",
  104216. "nan",
  104217. "8323",
  104218. "cw",
  104219. "-",
  104220. "nan",
  104221. "closed file number: 1387-92 + location: c",
  104222. "fort lauderdale",
  104223. "323750",
  104224. "nan",
  104225. "nan",
  104226. "nan",
  104227. "nan",
  104228. "nan",
  104229. "nan",
  104230. "nan",
  104231. "nan",
  104232. "nan",
  104233. "nan",
  104234. "nan",
  104235. "nan",
  104236. "nan",
  104237. "nan",
  104238. "nan",
  104239. "nan",
  104240. "nan",
  104241. "nan",
  104242. "nan",
  104243. "nan",
  104244. "nan",
  104245. "nan",
  104246. "nan"
  104247. ],
  104248. [
  104249. "28009",
  104250. "1",
  104251. "fdic (sparta sanders )",
  104252. "jerone palumbo, & levy",
  104253. "8314",
  104254. "nan",
  104255. "-",
  104256. "nan",
  104257. "8314",
  104258. "cw",
  104259. "-",
  104260. "nan",
  104261. "closed file number: 1341-92 + location: c",
  104262. "fort lauderdale",
  104263. "323712",
  104264. "nan",
  104265. "nan",
  104266. "nan",
  104267. "nan",
  104268. "nan",
  104269. "nan",
  104270. "nan",
  104271. "nan",
  104272. "nan",
  104273. "nan",
  104274. "nan",
  104275. "nan",
  104276. "nan",
  104277. "nan",
  104278. "nan",
  104279. "nan",
  104280. "nan",
  104281. "nan",
  104282. "nan",
  104283. "nan",
  104284. "nan",
  104285. "nan",
  104286. "nan"
  104287. ],
  104288. [
  104289. "28009",
  104290. "6",
  104291. "fdic commonwealth",
  104292. "boca heights",
  104293. "8433",
  104294. "nan",
  104295. "-",
  104296. "nan",
  104297. "8433",
  104298. "cw",
  104299. "-",
  104300. "nan",
  104301. "closed file number: 1762-92 + location: c",
  104302. "fort lauderdale",
  104303. "324187",
  104304. "nan",
  104305. "nan",
  104306. "nan",
  104307. "nan",
  104308. "nan",
  104309. "nan",
  104310. "nan",
  104311. "nan",
  104312. "nan",
  104313. "nan",
  104314. "nan",
  104315. "nan",
  104316. "nan",
  104317. "nan",
  104318. "nan",
  104319. "nan",
  104320. "nan",
  104321. "nan",
  104322. "nan",
  104323. "nan",
  104324. "nan",
  104325. "nan",
  104326. "nan"
  104327. ],
  104328. [
  104329. "28011",
  104330. "40",
  104331. "fdic/w. palm bch",
  104332. "outstanding taxes",
  104333. "tcf0008574",
  104334. "nan",
  104335. "nan",
  104336. "06/20/2001",
  104337. "aw8060",
  104338. "enk",
  104339. "nan",
  104340. "nan",
  104341. "seq: 0036",
  104342. "tampa",
  104343. "193260",
  104344. "nan",
  104345. "nan",
  104346. "nan",
  104347. "nan",
  104348. "nan",
  104349. "nan",
  104350. "nan",
  104351. "nan",
  104352. "nan",
  104353. "nan",
  104354. "nan",
  104355. "nan",
  104356. "nan",
  104357. "nan",
  104358. "nan",
  104359. "nan",
  104360. "nan",
  104361. "nan",
  104362. "nan",
  104363. "nan",
  104364. "nan",
  104365. "nan",
  104366. "nan"
  104367. ],
  104368. [
  104369. "28011",
  104370. "40",
  104371. "fdic",
  104372. "shadow",
  104373. "tcf0010806",
  104374. "nan",
  104375. "nan",
  104376. "06/20/2001",
  104377. "bj8473",
  104378. "enk",
  104379. "nan",
  104380. "nan",
  104381. "seq: 0027",
  104382. "tampa",
  104383. "203242",
  104384. "nan",
  104385. "nan",
  104386. "nan",
  104387. "nan",
  104388. "nan",
  104389. "nan",
  104390. "nan",
  104391. "nan",
  104392. "nan",
  104393. "nan",
  104394. "nan",
  104395. "nan",
  104396. "nan",
  104397. "nan",
  104398. "nan",
  104399. "nan",
  104400. "nan",
  104401. "nan",
  104402. "nan",
  104403. "nan",
  104404. "nan",
  104405. "nan",
  104406. "nan"
  104407. ],
  104408. [
  104409. "28011",
  104410. "39",
  104411. "fdic first american bnk",
  104412. "robert d. kramer",
  104413. "10210",
  104414. "nan",
  104415. "entered 6/13/95",
  104416. "nan",
  104417. "10210",
  104418. "co",
  104419. "-",
  104420. "nan",
  104421. "closed file number: 10299-95 + location: i",
  104422. "fort lauderdale",
  104423. "329355",
  104424. "nan",
  104425. "nan",
  104426. "nan",
  104427. "nan",
  104428. "nan",
  104429. "nan",
  104430. "nan",
  104431. "nan",
  104432. "nan",
  104433. "nan",
  104434. "nan",
  104435. "nan",
  104436. "nan",
  104437. "nan",
  104438. "nan",
  104439. "nan",
  104440. "nan",
  104441. "nan",
  104442. "nan",
  104443. "nan",
  104444. "nan",
  104445. "nan",
  104446. "nan"
  104447. ],
  104448. [
  104449. "28011",
  104450. "29",
  104451. "first american bank & trust",
  104452. "none",
  104453. "489535568",
  104454. "nan",
  104455. "02/23/95 fabt/satter: amerifirst bank vs banyan creek -correspondence. amerifirst bank vs banyan creek - litigation file. fabt/satter (kjs file). fabt/satter 28011.029. fdic/fabt - rovert satter, st al. vs. fabt research/notes. fabt/satter: gem notes. attorney's notes (ram). docket sheet. documents received from dana salernd v president of fabt. amerifirst bank v. banyan creek - docket sheet. satter co - collateral schedule. site inspections. previously released assignments.",
  104456. "5/11/1994",
  104457. "174259",
  104458. "none",
  104459. "nan",
  104460. "nan",
  104461. " hk box: 10477",
  104462. "miami",
  104463. "659167",
  104464. "nan",
  104465. "nan",
  104466. "nan",
  104467. "nan",
  104468. "nan",
  104469. "nan",
  104470. "nan",
  104471. "nan",
  104472. "nan",
  104473. "nan",
  104474. "nan",
  104475. "nan",
  104476. "nan",
  104477. "nan",
  104478. "nan",
  104479. "nan",
  104480. "nan",
  104481. "nan",
  104482. "nan",
  104483. "nan",
  104484. "nan",
  104485. "nan",
  104486. "nan"
  104487. ],
  104488. [
  104489. "28011",
  104490. "1",
  104491. "fdic/fabt",
  104492. "none",
  104493. "489564251",
  104494. "nan",
  104495. "case assignment/status/ets from numbers. fabt/fdic-correspondence iii & iv. form pleadings-gayle miller. fabt general-blank affidavits-re: settlement. resolution trust corp. principles & ethics for independent contractors. information re: aby colony. info re: lake jessup natural land corp. info re: landa/canterbury. fdic for outside counsel use only. legal cases, management system.litigation fee bill status report. fabt/fdic-correspondence (2 red file). forms recieved from craig benson at fdic substitution of parties after final judgement index re: gadinsky loans. list of subsidaries. fare appraisals, inc. subsidary 1st natire of activity updated. fabt v, harold white loan documents new matter memos. (bridge bank offensive). new matter memo defensive. litigation fee bill status report. mel maguire. limitition of re insurance. general matters correspondence. contacts peoples,parties, file numbers press & others background info. notes. law. documents. plaintiff/defendant dockets from dade broward & palm bch counties. fdic/fabt - peoples & parties. new matter memos (bgridge bank). case assignement. new matter memoranda. list of cases. bills, expense vouchers, etc. indemnity agreement. loan agreement 12/15/1989. litigation filing sheets. addresses of all branches of 1st american bank & trust. organizational agenda officers & directors. plaintiff/defendant dockets from dade, broward & palm bch counties. subsidiaries/obligations. cenvill subsidiaries 12/5/1988. restaurants palm bch vicinity. miscellaneous items received from greer, homer & bonner, p.a. fdic memoranda. referral cases p/d dockets. cms litigation commencement of action from. international medical center review file. fdic/first american haydee goodman vs. inc. case # 84-41394-ca-22. review of miami general imc matters.. state mutual v. imc, inc.. loan too cortis field. gayle e. miller-notes. general research motion for stay. 1989 report re: relationship w/subsidiaries. 1989 report re: relationship w/subsidiaries 1st american equity/hilton corp. relationship w/subsidiaries 1989 report re: seventh holding corp. 1989 report re: relationship w/subsidiaries. the chairman's club. 1989 report re: f.a.b. services corp. 1989 report re: management group inc. american lending corp. american realty services. american oaks corp. american westchester crop. commerce financial corp.",
  104496. "3/22/1993",
  104497. "114632",
  104498. "maguire amelia",
  104499. "nan",
  104500. "nan",
  104501. " hk box: 9436",
  104502. "miami",
  104503. "662055",
  104504. "nan",
  104505. "nan",
  104506. "nan",
  104507. "nan",
  104508. "nan",
  104509. "nan",
  104510. "nan",
  104511. "nan",
  104512. "nan",
  104513. "nan",
  104514. "nan",
  104515. "nan",
  104516. "nan",
  104517. "nan",
  104518. "nan",
  104519. "nan",
  104520. "nan",
  104521. "nan",
  104522. "nan",
  104523. "nan",
  104524. "nan",
  104525. "nan",
  104526. "nan"
  104527. ],
  104528. [
  104529. "28011",
  104530. "1",
  104531. "fdic/fabt",
  104532. "none",
  104533. "489564251",
  104534. "nan",
  104535. "part ii of 11. 1989 report re: relationship w/subsidiaries all separate files but same thing. holding corp. 14-15 associates. equity/boyton beach crop. equity/ford corp. equity/ juno bch. corp. equity/leverett corp. equity/linton corp. equity/marinoris cove. equity/peachtree corp. equity/rainbow plantation corp. equity/theme world corp. equity/treasure island corp. leverett house condominium assoc. the atrium management, inc. second holding corp. third holding corp.-4th & 6th. eighth holding concorde. eighth holding emerald. eighth holdig sumit corp. ninth holding-seminole property. cenvill f,a.b. associates. communication & cable inc. 1989 fdic report re: classification of various loans: bay colony. bgg joint venture. cocoplum bch & tennis club inc. country walk of melbourne. cuyahogawreckling & equip. co. damday, charles & ruth. fabt as trustee- taylor/miller. fabt employee stock opinion plan. gadinsky,edwrad et al. garcon development, inc. golden glades regional medical center. greater american homes/orlando. gulf sun lodging corp. j. ray hatton, et al. heritage club of south florida. classification of various loans. jbw motel, inc. j. tall, inc. a florida corp. lakeside regent, inc. gerald martin/winnifred smith. mullins hillsboro shoppes/inv ltd. nadil/florida general partnership the oaks. investments/real estate ventures. pbg dev. associatrs. erelio pena/florentino perez. rools invs. inc. sabra/svo properties, jt. venture herbert satkin. st. geroge island/shell point ltd. mr. satter & patrick di salvo. theme world. 2101 assoc. u.s. development corp. estate of harold vernon. westchester center of assoc. extension of credit issued by associated mortgage investors. mountain house retirement div. fdic for outside counsel use only. litigation fee bill status report. copies of letters done for enid. peoples & parties. blank blue folder. docket sheet procedures. extra copies of litigation fee. bill status report. orders for docket sheets. styles for tips. attorney reply on status re que sts. fdic/fabt case assignment. fdic/fabt bring ups.",
  104536. "3/22/1993",
  104537. "114632",
  104538. "maguire amelia",
  104539. "nan",
  104540. "nan",
  104541. " hk box: 9436",
  104542. "miami",
  104543. "662056",
  104544. "nan",
  104545. "nan",
  104546. "nan",
  104547. "nan",
  104548. "nan",
  104549. "nan",
  104550. "nan",
  104551. "nan",
  104552. "nan",
  104553. "nan",
  104554. "nan",
  104555. "nan",
  104556. "nan",
  104557. "nan",
  104558. "nan",
  104559. "nan",
  104560. "nan",
  104561. "nan",
  104562. "nan",
  104563. "nan",
  104564. "nan",
  104565. "nan",
  104566. "nan"
  104567. ],
  104568. [
  104569. "28011",
  104570. "34",
  104571. "fdic vs. ecclestone-gateway",
  104572. "none",
  104573. "489520003",
  104574. "nan",
  104575. "10/22/1992; pleadings; correspondence; correspondence (sharer - file); billing file; correspondence-pre h&k; pleadings volume ii; plaintiff's request to produce to fabt (04/12/88) and response thereto 11/24/87; draft pleadings; limited partnership agreement; indexes to closign documents; newspaper articles; innerfund; minutes of board of trustees meeting; documents from ami (supplied); testimony of richard preiser; deposition of richard preiser; docket; edwin llowyd ecclestone, jr. vs. first american bank and turst case no. 88-5849-ad.",
  104576. "10/29/1992",
  104577. "50152",
  104578. "newman, scott",
  104579. "nan",
  104580. "nan",
  104581. " hk box: 8462",
  104582. "miami",
  104583. "665969",
  104584. "nan",
  104585. "nan",
  104586. "nan",
  104587. "nan",
  104588. "nan",
  104589. "nan",
  104590. "nan",
  104591. "nan",
  104592. "nan",
  104593. "nan",
  104594. "nan",
  104595. "nan",
  104596. "nan",
  104597. "nan",
  104598. "nan",
  104599. "nan",
  104600. "nan",
  104601. "nan",
  104602. "nan",
  104603. "nan",
  104604. "nan",
  104605. "nan",
  104606. "nan"
  104607. ],
  104608. [
  104609. "28011",
  104610. "2",
  104611. "fdic/lakeside",
  104612. "none",
  104613. "672025726",
  104614. "nan",
  104615. "may 27, 1993 � box 2: fdic/lakeside; forms of final judgment; title file; complaint; pbi counterclaim; fdic/fabt counterclaim; summary judgment; notice o~ sale; title report; fdic's guide for outside counsel; billing info.; petitioner's appraisal; billing; box 3: fdic/lakeside; correspondence; pleadings-first american adv. lakeside regent; box 4: fdic/lakeside pleadings case no. 87-3091; box 6: fdic/lakeside; research; attorney notes; pleadings; cases from fdic/lakeside; *mo of law in order cited; index of cases.",
  104616. "6/5/1993",
  104617. "118901",
  104618. "newman scott",
  104619. "nan",
  104620. "nan",
  104621. " hk box: 9813",
  104622. "miami",
  104623. "668895",
  104624. "nan",
  104625. "nan",
  104626. "nan",
  104627. "nan",
  104628. "nan",
  104629. "nan",
  104630. "nan",
  104631. "nan",
  104632. "nan",
  104633. "nan",
  104634. "nan",
  104635. "nan",
  104636. "nan",
  104637. "nan",
  104638. "nan",
  104639. "nan",
  104640. "nan",
  104641. "nan",
  104642. "nan",
  104643. "nan",
  104644. "nan",
  104645. "nan",
  104646. "nan"
  104647. ],
  104648. [
  104649. "28011",
  104650. "40",
  104651. "fdic",
  104652. "lakeside regent eminent domain action",
  104653. "672025726",
  104654. "nan",
  104655. "5/27/93 - fdic vs. lakeside regent-eminent domain action.",
  104656. "6/5/1993",
  104657. "118901",
  104658. "newman scott",
  104659. "nan",
  104660. "nan",
  104661. " hk box: 9813",
  104662. "miami",
  104663. "668896",
  104664. "nan",
  104665. "nan",
  104666. "nan",
  104667. "nan",
  104668. "nan",
  104669. "nan",
  104670. "nan",
  104671. "nan",
  104672. "nan",
  104673. "nan",
  104674. "nan",
  104675. "nan",
  104676. "nan",
  104677. "nan",
  104678. "nan",
  104679. "nan",
  104680. "nan",
  104681. "nan",
  104682. "nan",
  104683. "nan",
  104684. "nan",
  104685. "nan",
  104686. "nan"
  104687. ],
  104688. [
  104689. "28011",
  104690. "2",
  104691. "fdic",
  104692. "none",
  104693. "672025656",
  104694. "nan",
  104695. "6/17/93 - fdic/lakeside regent - thin file gary m. carman",
  104696. "6/23/1993",
  104697. "118947",
  104698. "newman scott",
  104699. "nan",
  104700. "nan",
  104701. " hk box: 9859",
  104702. "miami",
  104703. "669465",
  104704. "nan",
  104705. "nan",
  104706. "nan",
  104707. "nan",
  104708. "nan",
  104709. "nan",
  104710. "nan",
  104711. "nan",
  104712. "nan",
  104713. "nan",
  104714. "nan",
  104715. "nan",
  104716. "nan",
  104717. "nan",
  104718. "nan",
  104719. "nan",
  104720. "nan",
  104721. "nan",
  104722. "nan",
  104723. "nan",
  104724. "nan",
  104725. "nan",
  104726. "nan"
  104727. ],
  104728. [
  104729. "28011",
  104730. "3",
  104731. "fdic",
  104732. "sadkin",
  104733. "672025656",
  104734. "nan",
  104735. "6/17/93 - fdic/sadkin - 6 green files (pleadings); 1 correspondence; summary of loan from first american bank to international medical and miami general hospital",
  104736. "6/23/1993",
  104737. "118947",
  104738. "newman scott",
  104739. "nan",
  104740. "nan",
  104741. " hk box: 9859",
  104742. "miami",
  104743. "669466",
  104744. "nan",
  104745. "nan",
  104746. "nan",
  104747. "nan",
  104748. "nan",
  104749. "nan",
  104750. "nan",
  104751. "nan",
  104752. "nan",
  104753. "nan",
  104754. "nan",
  104755. "nan",
  104756. "nan",
  104757. "nan",
  104758. "nan",
  104759. "nan",
  104760. "nan",
  104761. "nan",
  104762. "nan",
  104763. "nan",
  104764. "nan",
  104765. "nan",
  104766. "nan"
  104767. ],
  104768. [
  104769. "28011",
  104770. "1",
  104771. "first american bank & trust",
  104772. "none",
  104773. "489337882",
  104774. "nan",
  104775. "11/30/92, billing. fdic fees disallowed to warren cason",
  104776. "12/10/1992",
  104777. "50257",
  104778. "maguire amelia",
  104779. "nan",
  104780. "nan",
  104781. " hk box: 8567",
  104782. "miami",
  104783. "671037",
  104784. "nan",
  104785. "nan",
  104786. "nan",
  104787. "nan",
  104788. "nan",
  104789. "nan",
  104790. "nan",
  104791. "nan",
  104792. "nan",
  104793. "nan",
  104794. "nan",
  104795. "nan",
  104796. "nan",
  104797. "nan",
  104798. "nan",
  104799. "nan",
  104800. "nan",
  104801. "nan",
  104802. "nan",
  104803. "nan",
  104804. "nan",
  104805. "nan",
  104806. "nan"
  104807. ],
  104808. [
  104809. "28011",
  104810. "29",
  104811. "fdic v. greaves",
  104812. "none",
  104813. "652606186",
  104814. "nan",
  104815. "file",
  104816. "1/24/1992",
  104817. "43508",
  104818. "totten bart",
  104819. "nan",
  104820. "nan",
  104821. " hk box: 6922",
  104822. "miami",
  104823. "684258",
  104824. "nan",
  104825. "nan",
  104826. "nan",
  104827. "nan",
  104828. "nan",
  104829. "nan",
  104830. "nan",
  104831. "nan",
  104832. "nan",
  104833. "nan",
  104834. "nan",
  104835. "nan",
  104836. "nan",
  104837. "nan",
  104838. "nan",
  104839. "nan",
  104840. "nan",
  104841. "nan",
  104842. "nan",
  104843. "nan",
  104844. "nan",
  104845. "nan",
  104846. "nan"
  104847. ],
  104848. [
  104849. "28016",
  104850. "3",
  104851. "fdic",
  104852. "overseas bankrutcy",
  104853. "9120",
  104854. "nan",
  104855. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  104856. "nan",
  104857. "9120",
  104858. "wc",
  104859. "-",
  104860. "nan",
  104861. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  104862. "fort lauderdale",
  104863. "326727",
  104864. "nan",
  104865. "nan",
  104866. "nan",
  104867. "nan",
  104868. "nan",
  104869. "nan",
  104870. "nan",
  104871. "nan",
  104872. "nan",
  104873. "nan",
  104874. "nan",
  104875. "nan",
  104876. "nan",
  104877. "nan",
  104878. "nan",
  104879. "nan",
  104880. "nan",
  104881. "nan",
  104882. "nan",
  104883. "nan",
  104884. "nan",
  104885. "nan",
  104886. "nan"
  104887. ],
  104888. [
  104889. "28016",
  104890. "3",
  104891. "fdic",
  104892. "overseas bankruptcy",
  104893. "9121",
  104894. "nan",
  104895. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  104896. "nan",
  104897. "9121",
  104898. "wc",
  104899. "-",
  104900. "nan",
  104901. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  104902. "fort lauderdale",
  104903. "326728",
  104904. "nan",
  104905. "nan",
  104906. "nan",
  104907. "nan",
  104908. "nan",
  104909. "nan",
  104910. "nan",
  104911. "nan",
  104912. "nan",
  104913. "nan",
  104914. "nan",
  104915. "nan",
  104916. "nan",
  104917. "nan",
  104918. "nan",
  104919. "nan",
  104920. "nan",
  104921. "nan",
  104922. "nan",
  104923. "nan",
  104924. "nan",
  104925. "nan",
  104926. "nan"
  104927. ],
  104928. [
  104929. "28016",
  104930. "3",
  104931. "fdic",
  104932. "overseas bankruptcy",
  104933. "9122",
  104934. "nan",
  104935. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  104936. "nan",
  104937. "9122",
  104938. "wc",
  104939. "-",
  104940. "nan",
  104941. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  104942. "fort lauderdale",
  104943. "326729",
  104944. "nan",
  104945. "nan",
  104946. "nan",
  104947. "nan",
  104948. "nan",
  104949. "nan",
  104950. "nan",
  104951. "nan",
  104952. "nan",
  104953. "nan",
  104954. "nan",
  104955. "nan",
  104956. "nan",
  104957. "nan",
  104958. "nan",
  104959. "nan",
  104960. "nan",
  104961. "nan",
  104962. "nan",
  104963. "nan",
  104964. "nan",
  104965. "nan",
  104966. "nan"
  104967. ],
  104968. [
  104969. "28016",
  104970. "3",
  104971. "fdic",
  104972. "overseas bankruptcy",
  104973. "9123",
  104974. "nan",
  104975. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  104976. "nan",
  104977. "9123",
  104978. "wc",
  104979. "-",
  104980. "nan",
  104981. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  104982. "fort lauderdale",
  104983. "326730",
  104984. "nan",
  104985. "nan",
  104986. "nan",
  104987. "nan",
  104988. "nan",
  104989. "nan",
  104990. "nan",
  104991. "nan",
  104992. "nan",
  104993. "nan",
  104994. "nan",
  104995. "nan",
  104996. "nan",
  104997. "nan",
  104998. "nan",
  104999. "nan",
  105000. "nan",
  105001. "nan",
  105002. "nan",
  105003. "nan",
  105004. "nan",
  105005. "nan",
  105006. "nan"
  105007. ],
  105008. [
  105009. "28016",
  105010. "3",
  105011. "fdic",
  105012. "overseas bankruptcy",
  105013. "9124",
  105014. "nan",
  105015. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  105016. "nan",
  105017. "9124",
  105018. "wc",
  105019. "-",
  105020. "nan",
  105021. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  105022. "fort lauderdale",
  105023. "326731",
  105024. "nan",
  105025. "nan",
  105026. "nan",
  105027. "nan",
  105028. "nan",
  105029. "nan",
  105030. "nan",
  105031. "nan",
  105032. "nan",
  105033. "nan",
  105034. "nan",
  105035. "nan",
  105036. "nan",
  105037. "nan",
  105038. "nan",
  105039. "nan",
  105040. "nan",
  105041. "nan",
  105042. "nan",
  105043. "nan",
  105044. "nan",
  105045. "nan",
  105046. "nan"
  105047. ],
  105048. [
  105049. "28016",
  105050. "3",
  105051. "fdic",
  105052. "overseas bankruptcy",
  105053. "9125",
  105054. "nan",
  105055. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  105056. "nan",
  105057. "9125",
  105058. "wc",
  105059. "-",
  105060. "nan",
  105061. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  105062. "fort lauderdale",
  105063. "326732",
  105064. "nan",
  105065. "nan",
  105066. "nan",
  105067. "nan",
  105068. "nan",
  105069. "nan",
  105070. "nan",
  105071. "nan",
  105072. "nan",
  105073. "nan",
  105074. "nan",
  105075. "nan",
  105076. "nan",
  105077. "nan",
  105078. "nan",
  105079. "nan",
  105080. "nan",
  105081. "nan",
  105082. "nan",
  105083. "nan",
  105084. "nan",
  105085. "nan",
  105086. "nan"
  105087. ],
  105088. [
  105089. "28016",
  105090. "3",
  105091. "fdic",
  105092. "overseas bankruptcy",
  105093. "9126",
  105094. "nan",
  105095. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  105096. "nan",
  105097. "9126",
  105098. "wc",
  105099. "-",
  105100. "nan",
  105101. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  105102. "fort lauderdale",
  105103. "326733",
  105104. "nan",
  105105. "nan",
  105106. "nan",
  105107. "nan",
  105108. "nan",
  105109. "nan",
  105110. "nan",
  105111. "nan",
  105112. "nan",
  105113. "nan",
  105114. "nan",
  105115. "nan",
  105116. "nan",
  105117. "nan",
  105118. "nan",
  105119. "nan",
  105120. "nan",
  105121. "nan",
  105122. "nan",
  105123. "nan",
  105124. "nan",
  105125. "nan",
  105126. "nan"
  105127. ],
  105128. [
  105129. "28016",
  105130. "3",
  105131. "fdic",
  105132. "overseas bankruptcy",
  105133. "9127",
  105134. "nan",
  105135. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  105136. "nan",
  105137. "9127",
  105138. "wc",
  105139. "-",
  105140. "nan",
  105141. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  105142. "fort lauderdale",
  105143. "326734",
  105144. "nan",
  105145. "nan",
  105146. "nan",
  105147. "nan",
  105148. "nan",
  105149. "nan",
  105150. "nan",
  105151. "nan",
  105152. "nan",
  105153. "nan",
  105154. "nan",
  105155. "nan",
  105156. "nan",
  105157. "nan",
  105158. "nan",
  105159. "nan",
  105160. "nan",
  105161. "nan",
  105162. "nan",
  105163. "nan",
  105164. "nan",
  105165. "nan",
  105166. "nan"
  105167. ],
  105168. [
  105169. "28016",
  105170. "3",
  105171. "fdic",
  105172. "overseas bankruptcy",
  105173. "9128",
  105174. "nan",
  105175. "in 9 boxes 9120-9128",
  105176. "nan",
  105177. "9128",
  105178. "wc",
  105179. "-",
  105180. "nan",
  105181. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  105182. "fort lauderdale",
  105183. "326735",
  105184. "nan",
  105185. "nan",
  105186. "nan",
  105187. "nan",
  105188. "nan",
  105189. "nan",
  105190. "nan",
  105191. "nan",
  105192. "nan",
  105193. "nan",
  105194. "nan",
  105195. "nan",
  105196. "nan",
  105197. "nan",
  105198. "nan",
  105199. "nan",
  105200. "nan",
  105201. "nan",
  105202. "nan",
  105203. "nan",
  105204. "nan",
  105205. "nan",
  105206. "nan"
  105207. ],
  105208. [
  105209. "28016",
  105210. "3",
  105211. "fdic/sonesta",
  105212. "none",
  105213. "652599788",
  105214. "nan",
  105215. "november 16, 1992 overseas",
  105216. "11/13/1992",
  105217. "50171",
  105218. "mazzarantani, george",
  105219. "nan",
  105220. "nan",
  105221. " hk box: 8481",
  105222. "miami",
  105223. "666230",
  105224. "nan",
  105225. "nan",
  105226. "nan",
  105227. "nan",
  105228. "nan",
  105229. "nan",
  105230. "nan",
  105231. "nan",
  105232. "nan",
  105233. "nan",
  105234. "nan",
  105235. "nan",
  105236. "nan",
  105237. "nan",
  105238. "nan",
  105239. "nan",
  105240. "nan",
  105241. "nan",
  105242. "nan",
  105243. "nan",
  105244. "nan",
  105245. "nan",
  105246. "nan"
  105247. ],
  105248. [
  105249. "28016",
  105250. "3",
  105251. "fdic vs. overseas electronics",
  105252. "none",
  105253. "89251260",
  105254. "nan",
  105255. "3/3/93. this is a shadow file consisting of pleadings and correspondence thrown into folders. the original file can be found with paul battista in ft. lauderdale.",
  105256. "3/5/1993",
  105257. "85648",
  105258. "genovese, john",
  105259. "nan",
  105260. "nan",
  105261. " hk box: 8955",
  105262. "miami",
  105263. "681143",
  105264. "nan",
  105265. "nan",
  105266. "nan",
  105267. "nan",
  105268. "nan",
  105269. "nan",
  105270. "nan",
  105271. "nan",
  105272. "nan",
  105273. "nan",
  105274. "nan",
  105275. "nan",
  105276. "nan",
  105277. "nan",
  105278. "nan",
  105279. "nan",
  105280. "nan",
  105281. "nan",
  105282. "nan",
  105283. "nan",
  105284. "nan",
  105285. "nan",
  105286. "nan"
  105287. ],
  105288. [
  105289. "28018",
  105290. "2",
  105291. "fdic sunrise s&l",
  105292. "glass tower florist",
  105293. "8193",
  105294. "nan",
  105295. "-",
  105296. "nan",
  105297. "8193",
  105298. "cw",
  105299. "-",
  105300. "nan",
  105301. "closed file number: 9885-91 + location: c",
  105302. "fort lauderdale",
  105303. "323282",
  105304. "nan",
  105305. "nan",
  105306. "nan",
  105307. "nan",
  105308. "nan",
  105309. "nan",
  105310. "nan",
  105311. "nan",
  105312. "nan",
  105313. "nan",
  105314. "nan",
  105315. "nan",
  105316. "nan",
  105317. "nan",
  105318. "nan",
  105319. "nan",
  105320. "nan",
  105321. "nan",
  105322. "nan",
  105323. "nan",
  105324. "nan",
  105325. "nan",
  105326. "nan"
  105327. ],
  105328. [
  105329. "28018",
  105330. "1",
  105331. "fdic sunrise s&l",
  105332. "royal am. holidays",
  105333. "8193",
  105334. "nan",
  105335. "-",
  105336. "nan",
  105337. "8193",
  105338. "cw",
  105339. "-",
  105340. "nan",
  105341. "closed file number: 9886-91 + location: c",
  105342. "fort lauderdale",
  105343. "323283",
  105344. "nan",
  105345. "nan",
  105346. "nan",
  105347. "nan",
  105348. "nan",
  105349. "nan",
  105350. "nan",
  105351. "nan",
  105352. "nan",
  105353. "nan",
  105354. "nan",
  105355. "nan",
  105356. "nan",
  105357. "nan",
  105358. "nan",
  105359. "nan",
  105360. "nan",
  105361. "nan",
  105362. "nan",
  105363. "nan",
  105364. "nan",
  105365. "nan",
  105366. "nan"
  105367. ],
  105368. [
  105369. "28018",
  105370. "5",
  105371. "fdic/sunrise savings",
  105372. "cathy's cafe",
  105373. "10210",
  105374. "nan",
  105375. "entered 6/3/95",
  105376. "nan",
  105377. "10210",
  105378. "co",
  105379. "-",
  105380. "nan",
  105381. "closed file number: 10301-95 + location: i",
  105382. "fort lauderdale",
  105383. "329357",
  105384. "nan",
  105385. "nan",
  105386. "nan",
  105387. "nan",
  105388. "nan",
  105389. "nan",
  105390. "nan",
  105391. "nan",
  105392. "nan",
  105393. "nan",
  105394. "nan",
  105395. "nan",
  105396. "nan",
  105397. "nan",
  105398. "nan",
  105399. "nan",
  105400. "nan",
  105401. "nan",
  105402. "nan",
  105403. "nan",
  105404. "nan",
  105405. "nan",
  105406. "nan"
  105407. ],
  105408. [
  105409. "28018",
  105410. "4",
  105411. "fdic/sunrise savings",
  105412. "royal american holidays",
  105413. "10216",
  105414. "nan",
  105415. "-",
  105416. "nan",
  105417. "10216",
  105418. "co",
  105419. "-",
  105420. "nan",
  105421. "closed file number: 10331-95 + location: i",
  105422. "fort lauderdale",
  105423. "329389",
  105424. "nan",
  105425. "nan",
  105426. "nan",
  105427. "nan",
  105428. "nan",
  105429. "nan",
  105430. "nan",
  105431. "nan",
  105432. "nan",
  105433. "nan",
  105434. "nan",
  105435. "nan",
  105436. "nan",
  105437. "nan",
  105438. "nan",
  105439. "nan",
  105440. "nan",
  105441. "nan",
  105442. "nan",
  105443. "nan",
  105444. "nan",
  105445. "nan",
  105446. "nan"
  105447. ],
  105448. [
  105449. "28020",
  105450. "2",
  105451. "rtc-receiver hansen sav.",
  105452. "record./conveyance/docum",
  105453. "8910",
  105454. "nan",
  105455. "entered january 27, 93.",
  105456. "nan",
  105457. "8910",
  105458. "cw",
  105459. "-",
  105460. "nan",
  105461. "closed file number: 2597-93 + location: i",
  105462. "fort lauderdale",
  105463. "325395",
  105464. "nan",
  105465. "nan",
  105466. "nan",
  105467. "nan",
  105468. "nan",
  105469. "nan",
  105470. "nan",
  105471. "nan",
  105472. "nan",
  105473. "nan",
  105474. "nan",
  105475. "nan",
  105476. "nan",
  105477. "nan",
  105478. "nan",
  105479. "nan",
  105480. "nan",
  105481. "nan",
  105482. "nan",
  105483. "nan",
  105484. "nan",
  105485. "nan",
  105486. "nan"
  105487. ],
  105488. [
  105489. "28021",
  105490. "1",
  105491. "asset management resolution co.",
  105492. "rtc vs. m.t.heller",
  105493. "489342748",
  105494. "nan",
  105495. "3/3/93. pleadings volume 1 & 2. billing, correspondence, proof of claim draft, loan documents, bills, research, notes.",
  105496. "3/5/1993",
  105497. "85640",
  105498. "genovese, john",
  105499. "nan",
  105500. "nan",
  105501. " hk box: 8947",
  105502. "miami",
  105503. "679967",
  105504. "nan",
  105505. "nan",
  105506. "nan",
  105507. "nan",
  105508. "nan",
  105509. "nan",
  105510. "nan",
  105511. "nan",
  105512. "nan",
  105513. "nan",
  105514. "nan",
  105515. "nan",
  105516. "nan",
  105517. "nan",
  105518. "nan",
  105519. "nan",
  105520. "nan",
  105521. "nan",
  105522. "nan",
  105523. "nan",
  105524. "nan",
  105525. "nan",
  105526. "nan"
  105527. ],
  105528. [
  105529. "28174",
  105530. "1",
  105531. "pepper hamilton & scheetz",
  105532. "87 fslic vs jacoby",
  105533. "tcf0005030",
  105534. "nan",
  105535. "nan",
  105536. "06/20/2001",
  105537. "af9632",
  105538. "gdt",
  105539. "nan",
  105540. "nan",
  105541. "seq: 0052",
  105542. "tampa",
  105543. "169406",
  105544. "nan",
  105545. "nan",
  105546. "nan",
  105547. "nan",
  105548. "nan",
  105549. "nan",
  105550. "nan",
  105551. "nan",
  105552. "nan",
  105553. "nan",
  105554. "nan",
  105555. "nan",
  105556. "nan",
  105557. "nan",
  105558. "nan",
  105559. "nan",
  105560. "nan",
  105561. "nan",
  105562. "nan",
  105563. "nan",
  105564. "nan",
  105565. "nan",
  105566. "nan"
  105567. ],
  105568. [
  105569. "28341",
  105570. "3",
  105571. "bajamar shipping ltd.",
  105572. "none",
  105573. "672026010",
  105574. "nan",
  105575. "03/19/1993 3/1/87 letter to kaplan to bsl demanding payment of charges allegedly due., 3/1/87 letter from kaplan to reynoso stating amounts claimed by shc from bsl., 4/30/87 sea holiday cruises, inc's statement of operations, 4/23 - 10/1/87 underwater services inc. invoices for repairs to lifeboats, 4/87 gift shop concessionaire agreement interworld/gambier enterprises./ 3/27 - 6/4/87 underwater services inc. invoices for work on vessel's service area, 3/27/87 memorandum from james watt to chief engineer complaining of a/c/ compressor., 3/20 - 8/10/87 invoices to repairs to fire screen door., 3/20 -3/14/87 summary of costs of underwater services inc. work done vessel deck., 2/28/87 sea holiday cruises, incls financial statement., 2/1/87 letter form atlantic associates to reynoso re: casino concession., 2/17/87 letter from lamorte burns to britania enclosing survey (incs. survey)., 2/9/87 shc memorandum listing \"mayor defects and shortcomings\" considering bsl respo., 2/87 - 3/87 casino table chart showing profits., 1/28/87 underwater services incls quotation to migueldoce re: anchor., underwater services, inc. quotation of work for vessel sent to doce., 1/16/87 letter grom det norske veritas to shc enc/ inventory list for hull & machiner., 12/31/86 sea holiday incls fianacial statement., 10/1/87 redelivery receipt., 12/29/86 1 12/30/86 m/v discovery i deck department deficiencies, repair list memorandum., 12/24/86rmd ship repair of cape canaveral, inc. invoices for materials foe vessel., 12/10/86 minutes of technical meeting held on 12/10/86., 12/9/86 minuites of technical meeting held on 12/9/86., 12/3 - 12/24/86 air conditioning and refrigeration, inc. invoicesrk performed on vessel., 11/20 - 12/23/86 air conditioning and refrigeration inc, invoices for work on vessel., 11/10/86 certificate of financial responsibility for death or injury ., 11/4/86 certificate of financial responsibility for death or injury., 11/4/86 certificate of financial responsibility for indemnification/passengers., 11/1/86 bar and food concession agreement gambier enterprises/ shc services., 11/86 - 6/87 passenger counts., 11/86 thru may 87 sea holiday cruises bank statetments., 10/23/86 photographic concession contract between shipboard service and shc., 10/18/86 charter party between bsl and sea holiday cruises, inc., 10/18/86 managment & nautical operation agreement between sea holiday and bajamar shipping. 10/2/86 written consent to change name from funtastic to sea holiday cruises., lo/86 casino agreement b/w alpine trading corp and bsl., 9/24/86 articles of incorporation of funtastic cruises and certificate., 9/19/86 pre charter party agreement b/w sea holiday and bajamar undated broward resturant equipment & repair corp. invoices fopr burnt out oven., undated photographs of engine showing rust etc. believed taken by dalton able., undated comparative analysis summary of update to vessel preparation by dalton able.",
  105576. "3/22/1993",
  105577. "114659",
  105578. "moore michael",
  105579. "nan",
  105580. "nan",
  105581. " hk box: 9462",
  105582. "miami",
  105583. "662556",
  105584. "nan",
  105585. "nan",
  105586. "nan",
  105587. "nan",
  105588. "nan",
  105589. "nan",
  105590. "nan",
  105591. "nan",
  105592. "nan",
  105593. "nan",
  105594. "nan",
  105595. "nan",
  105596. "nan",
  105597. "nan",
  105598. "nan",
  105599. "nan",
  105600. "nan",
  105601. "nan",
  105602. "nan",
  105603. "nan",
  105604. "nan",
  105605. "nan",
  105606. "nan"
  105607. ],
  105608. [
  105609. "28360",
  105610. "8",
  105611. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc",
  105612. "silverado",
  105613. "8801",
  105614. "nan",
  105615. "entered december 14, 92. (also f# 2482-92).",
  105616. "nan",
  105617. "8801",
  105618. "sm",
  105619. "-",
  105620. "nan",
  105621. "closed file number: 2481-92 + location: i",
  105622. "fort lauderdale",
  105623. "325179",
  105624. "nan",
  105625. "nan",
  105626. "nan",
  105627. "nan",
  105628. "nan",
  105629. "nan",
  105630. "nan",
  105631. "nan",
  105632. "nan",
  105633. "nan",
  105634. "nan",
  105635. "nan",
  105636. "nan",
  105637. "nan",
  105638. "nan",
  105639. "nan",
  105640. "nan",
  105641. "nan",
  105642. "nan",
  105643. "nan",
  105644. "nan",
  105645. "nan",
  105646. "nan"
  105647. ],
  105648. [
  105649. "28360",
  105650. "8",
  105651. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc",
  105652. "silverado",
  105653. "8801",
  105654. "nan",
  105655. "entered december 14, 92. (also f# 2481-92).",
  105656. "nan",
  105657. "8801",
  105658. "sm",
  105659. "-",
  105660. "nan",
  105661. "closed file number: 2482-92 + location: i",
  105662. "fort lauderdale",
  105663. "325180",
  105664. "nan",
  105665. "nan",
  105666. "nan",
  105667. "nan",
  105668. "nan",
  105669. "nan",
  105670. "nan",
  105671. "nan",
  105672. "nan",
  105673. "nan",
  105674. "nan",
  105675. "nan",
  105676. "nan",
  105677. "nan",
  105678. "nan",
  105679. "nan",
  105680. "nan",
  105681. "nan",
  105682. "nan",
  105683. "nan",
  105684. "nan",
  105685. "nan",
  105686. "nan"
  105687. ],
  105688. [
  105689. "29002",
  105690. "10038",
  105691. "fdic/ hy kom/duncan",
  105692. "appeal/correwspondence",
  105693. "tcf0009279",
  105694. "nan",
  105695. "nan",
  105696. "06/20/2001",
  105697. "bd3973",
  105698. "slb",
  105699. "nan",
  105700. "nan",
  105701. "seq: 0034",
  105702. "tampa",
  105703. "197011",
  105704. "nan",
  105705. "nan",
  105706. "nan",
  105707. "nan",
  105708. "nan",
  105709. "nan",
  105710. "nan",
  105711. "nan",
  105712. "nan",
  105713. "nan",
  105714. "nan",
  105715. "nan",
  105716. "nan",
  105717. "nan",
  105718. "nan",
  105719. "nan",
  105720. "nan",
  105721. "nan",
  105722. "nan",
  105723. "nan",
  105724. "nan",
  105725. "nan",
  105726. "nan"
  105727. ],
  105728. [
  105729. "29006",
  105730. "42",
  105731. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  105732. "harmony lakes",
  105733. "9205",
  105734. "nan",
  105735. "in 3 boxes 9205-9207",
  105736. "nan",
  105737. "9205",
  105738. "lf",
  105739. "nan",
  105740. "nan",
  105741. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  105742. "fort lauderdale",
  105743. "326722",
  105744. "nan",
  105745. "nan",
  105746. "nan",
  105747. "nan",
  105748. "nan",
  105749. "nan",
  105750. "nan",
  105751. "nan",
  105752. "nan",
  105753. "nan",
  105754. "nan",
  105755. "nan",
  105756. "nan",
  105757. "nan",
  105758. "nan",
  105759. "nan",
  105760. "nan",
  105761. "nan",
  105762. "nan",
  105763. "nan",
  105764. "nan",
  105765. "nan",
  105766. "nan"
  105767. ],
  105768. [
  105769. "29011",
  105770. "55",
  105771. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  105772. "la corniche/title",
  105773. "8807",
  105774. "nan",
  105775. "entered december 14, 92.",
  105776. "nan",
  105777. "8807",
  105778. "if",
  105779. "-",
  105780. "nan",
  105781. "closed file number: 2500-92 + location: i",
  105782. "fort lauderdale",
  105783. "325177",
  105784. "nan",
  105785. "nan",
  105786. "nan",
  105787. "nan",
  105788. "nan",
  105789. "nan",
  105790. "nan",
  105791. "nan",
  105792. "nan",
  105793. "nan",
  105794. "nan",
  105795. "nan",
  105796. "nan",
  105797. "nan",
  105798. "nan",
  105799. "nan",
  105800. "nan",
  105801. "nan",
  105802. "nan",
  105803. "nan",
  105804. "nan",
  105805. "nan",
  105806. "nan"
  105807. ],
  105808. [
  105809. "29011",
  105810. "42",
  105811. "rtc",
  105812. "pima",
  105813. "489487965",
  105814. "nan",
  105815. "june 10, 1992 - salco developers v. sea bird shadow file",
  105816. "8/10/1992",
  105817. "49952",
  105818. "farrar tom",
  105819. "nan",
  105820. "nan",
  105821. " hk box: 8265",
  105822. "miami",
  105823. "662234",
  105824. "nan",
  105825. "nan",
  105826. "nan",
  105827. "nan",
  105828. "nan",
  105829. "nan",
  105830. "nan",
  105831. "nan",
  105832. "nan",
  105833. "nan",
  105834. "nan",
  105835. "nan",
  105836. "nan",
  105837. "nan",
  105838. "nan",
  105839. "nan",
  105840. "nan",
  105841. "nan",
  105842. "nan",
  105843. "nan",
  105844. "nan",
  105845. "nan",
  105846. "nan"
  105847. ],
  105848. [
  105849. "29011",
  105850. "31",
  105851. "pima",
  105852. "capri point",
  105853. "85420",
  105854. "nan",
  105855. "1/20/93, billing correspondence, complaint (state court) amended complaint with exhibits (state court). complaint (federal) motion for leave to file reply memorandum and for expedited dispostion. usury opinions draft of rtc's proposed final pretrial order. affidavit of rethati in support of rethhati's motion for partial summary upon count 1 of rethati's amended complaint. rethati's memorandum in support of rethati's motino for partial summary judgment upon count 1 of rethati's amended complaint. draft-memorandum of law in support of its motion for final summary final judgment in damages. attorney's bill windor's deposition. rethati's motion to modify pima's lis pendens. rethati's objections to the magistrate's report, and recommendation regarding pima's verified motion for appointment of receiver. affidavit of m. lyons in support of m/summary judgment.",
  105856. "1/29/1993",
  105857. "8727",
  105858. "farrar tom",
  105859. "nan",
  105860. "nan",
  105861. "nan",
  105862. "miami",
  105863. "674562",
  105864. "nan",
  105865. "nan",
  105866. "nan",
  105867. "nan",
  105868. "nan",
  105869. "nan",
  105870. "nan",
  105871. "nan",
  105872. "nan",
  105873. "nan",
  105874. "nan",
  105875. "nan",
  105876. "nan",
  105877. "nan",
  105878. "nan",
  105879. "nan",
  105880. "nan",
  105881. "nan",
  105882. "nan",
  105883. "nan",
  105884. "nan",
  105885. "nan",
  105886. "nan"
  105887. ],
  105888. [
  105889. "290395",
  105890. "10889",
  105891. "bridgestone americas tire operations, ll",
  105892. "kertchaval, irene v. bato et al. (asbestos)",
  105893. "active file",
  105894. "client documents",
  105895. "lois no. 660268",
  105896. "9/29/2014",
  105897. "nan",
  105898. "thomas r. woodrow",
  105899. "perm removal from off-site",
  105900. "hoyt, troy",
  105901. "file is going to aj bronsky at brown & james, st. louis, missouri",
  105902. "chicago",
  105903. "2263473",
  105904. "12/17/2014",
  105905. "nan",
  105906. "nan",
  105907. "nan",
  105908. "nan",
  105909. "nan",
  105910. "nan",
  105911. "nan",
  105912. "nan",
  105913. "nan",
  105914. "nan",
  105915. "nan",
  105916. "nan",
  105917. "nan",
  105918. "nan",
  105919. "nan",
  105920. "nan",
  105921. "nan",
  105922. "nan",
  105923. "nan",
  105924. "nan",
  105925. "nan",
  105926. "nan"
  105927. ],
  105928. [
  105929. "290505",
  105930. "01029",
  105931. "town & country builders",
  105932. "barlett rtc redemption case",
  105933. "633147454",
  105934. "general/other",
  105935. "atlas properties tax redemption: correspondence; pleadings; closing documents; notes.",
  105936. "11/28/2014",
  105937. "nan",
  105938. "victor p. filippini",
  105939. "off-site",
  105940. "murphy, marty",
  105941. "94 cotd 0114",
  105942. "chicago",
  105943. "2285370",
  105944. "1/3/2003",
  105945. "nan",
  105946. "nan",
  105947. "nan",
  105948. "nan",
  105949. "nan",
  105950. "nan",
  105951. "nan",
  105952. "nan",
  105953. "nan",
  105954. "nan",
  105955. "nan",
  105956. "nan",
  105957. "nan",
  105958. "nan",
  105959. "nan",
  105960. "nan",
  105961. "nan",
  105962. "nan",
  105963. "nan",
  105964. "nan",
  105965. "nan",
  105966. "nan"
  105967. ],
  105968. [
  105969. "29092",
  105970. "1",
  105971. "land banque industries",
  105972. "purchase from fslic",
  105973. "tcf0007189",
  105974. "nan",
  105975. "nan",
  105976. "06/20/2001",
  105977. "aq0677",
  105978. "nan",
  105979. "nan",
  105980. "nan",
  105981. "seq: 0045",
  105982. "tampa",
  105983. "183980",
  105984. "nan",
  105985. "nan",
  105986. "nan",
  105987. "nan",
  105988. "nan",
  105989. "nan",
  105990. "nan",
  105991. "nan",
  105992. "nan",
  105993. "nan",
  105994. "nan",
  105995. "nan",
  105996. "nan",
  105997. "nan",
  105998. "nan",
  105999. "nan",
  106000. "nan",
  106001. "nan",
  106002. "nan",
  106003. "nan",
  106004. "nan",
  106005. "nan",
  106006. "nan"
  106007. ],
  106008. [
  106009. "291944",
  106010. "03001",
  106011. "chicago association of realtors",
  106012. "mls issues - general",
  106013. "628424326",
  106014. "nan",
  106015. "file 1 - mlsni lit: july 2007 board meeting; car e&o insurance claim; misc. litigation research/analysis; estate of brown; brown & related interpretation issues; non profit purpose e-mail; rtc nw email exchange re proxy purpose of shareholder agreement. file 2 - aurora tri-county lit: may 15, 2007 order of judge agran; complaint; defendant's memo & preparation for oral argument; agreed order 12/1/06; tro hearing; varick research, etc; nsrbar motion for partial sj; mis. litigation documents, materials; nov. 13, 2006 shefsky settlement offer. file 3 - information & sharing agreement: correspondence & notes; information sharing agreement executed by sid woods & hk; joint defense agreement; arnstein april 25 privilege opinion; byron cave opinion; bierig litigation policies; information sharing agreement. file 4 - shareholders meeting: 5/31/07 shareholders meeting.",
  106016. "3/26/2008",
  106017. "843766",
  106018. "peter m. friedman",
  106019. "nan",
  106020. "nan",
  106021. " + filejacketstransferred: 4 + boxes transferred: 1 + status: open + billing attorney: holisky, jerald b. + requesting secretary: brosnan, ofelia + last date reviewed: 3/26/2008 + destruction date: 3/26/2018",
  106022. "chicago",
  106023. "1173157",
  106024. "nan",
  106025. "nan",
  106026. "nan",
  106027. "nan",
  106028. "nan",
  106029. "nan",
  106030. "nan",
  106031. "nan",
  106032. "nan",
  106033. "nan",
  106034. "nan",
  106035. "nan",
  106036. "nan",
  106037. "nan",
  106038. "nan",
  106039. "nan",
  106040. "nan",
  106041. "nan",
  106042. "nan",
  106043. "nan",
  106044. "nan",
  106045. "nan",
  106046. "nan"
  106047. ],
  106048. [
  106049. "291944",
  106050. "03001",
  106051. "chicago association of realtors",
  106052. "mls issues - general",
  106053. "628424760",
  106054. "nan",
  106055. "file 1 - mls consolidation loi 2005-2006: amended loi 9/2/06; car annex to loi; car's signed loi. file 2 - broker lists by transportation, $ volume, catagory analysis: terry's broker list. file 3 - settlement misc. 2006: december 13, 2006 mlsni board meeting; special deal counsel resolutions; 2006 director replacement, november 2006 consent solution; nov. 7, 2006 car exec committee mtg; oct. 13, 2006 board meeting; oct-nov 2006 war of words re consolidation; holisky ltr to rtc (oct 20, 2006); 4/9/06 critique of bdc valuation report; 3/24/06 draft valuation report by business dev. company. file 3 - settlement misc. 2007: nov. 7, 2007 exec committee; association by association fees compared; mlsni board 2007-08 meeting schedule; map comparison nov. 06 v. mchenry; proxy for mar 31, 2007 mlsni reconstructed annual shareholder meeting; map statement on websitse status of consolidation feb 2007; oct 2007 proposed unanimous consent electin of directors. file 5 - 2007 settlement initiatives: january-february 2007 settlement; mchenry initiative; steinmetz letter offer to alonzo oct. 2006.",
  106056. "3/26/2008",
  106057. "843767",
  106058. "peter m. friedman",
  106059. "nan",
  106060. "nan",
  106061. " + filejacketstransferred: 4 + boxes transferred: 1 + status: open + billing attorney: holisky, jerald b. + requesting secretary: brosnan, ofelia + last date reviewed: 3/26/2008 + destruction date: 3/26/2018",
  106062. "chicago",
  106063. "1173167",
  106064. "nan",
  106065. "nan",
  106066. "nan",
  106067. "nan",
  106068. "nan",
  106069. "nan",
  106070. "nan",
  106071. "nan",
  106072. "nan",
  106073. "nan",
  106074. "nan",
  106075. "nan",
  106076. "nan",
  106077. "nan",
  106078. "nan",
  106079. "nan",
  106080. "nan",
  106081. "nan",
  106082. "nan",
  106083. "nan",
  106084. "nan",
  106085. "nan",
  106086. "nan"
  106087. ],
  106088. [
  106089. "291944",
  106090. "03001",
  106091. "chicago association of realtors",
  106092. "mls issues - general",
  106093. "628424882",
  106094. "nan",
  106095. "file 1: mls dispute 2004: archive old mlsni corp docs & agts; ann. shareholder mtg materials; car press mls; 2004 organizational doc. revisions. file 2: mls dispute 2005: sept 2006 bochenek drafts dir. package of docs; distribution list/deal terms; notes; 2005 consolidation analysis; bryan cave opinion; resolution special deal counsel; manual intro to mlsni; bochenek memo re proposal; june 27, 2007 car exec cmte presentation; 2006 information sharing agr; 12/12/08 rtc memo re legal composition; lit dec. 2006; lit 12/26-e&o coverage; 12/1/06 agreed order for tro. file 3: mls dispute 2006: june 2006 brd mtg; 9/11/06 katten ltr & note; sept 2006 revocations of proxies;oct 2006 alonza modifying brd approval; notes-deal terms; nov 2006 attempts elect dirs by consent; mor-mch may 2007 settlement initiative; 2006-2007 settlement initiative; mch settlement initiative may 2007; nov 15, 2006 materials mlsni brd mtg; 11/15/06 brd mtg; inspector election report; voting power calculation (oct 2006); 2005-06 map/mlsni lic. agr. file: mls dispute 2007: realtor ass'n member fees; map member approval; 2007 brd & shareholder voting roster; plan b dissolution options (panza); resolutions re mtgs protocol; 2004 amended/restated voting agr (signed copies); june 2007 brd mtg; may/june 2007 shareholder mtgs; bochenek due diligence checklist; aug 3, 2006 rtc memo re dir. conflict of interest.",
  106096. "3/10/2009",
  106097. "843802",
  106098. "peter m. friedman",
  106099. "off-site",
  106100. "nan",
  106101. "nan",
  106102. "chicago",
  106103. "1615667",
  106104. "nan",
  106105. "nan",
  106106. "nan",
  106107. "nan",
  106108. "nan",
  106109. "nan",
  106110. "nan",
  106111. "nan",
  106112. "nan",
  106113. "nan",
  106114. "nan",
  106115. "nan",
  106116. "nan",
  106117. "nan",
  106118. "nan",
  106119. "nan",
  106120. "nan",
  106121. "nan",
  106122. "nan",
  106123. "nan",
  106124. "nan",
  106125. "nan",
  106126. "nan"
  106127. ],
  106128. [
  106129. "29420",
  106130. "3",
  106131. "rtc vs. firestone",
  106132. "none",
  106133. "672030379",
  106134. "nan",
  106135. "billing",
  106136. "10/25/1993",
  106137. "155488",
  106138. "hamilton william",
  106139. "nan",
  106140. "nan",
  106141. " hk box: 10052",
  106142. "miami",
  106143. "650865",
  106144. "nan",
  106145. "nan",
  106146. "nan",
  106147. "nan",
  106148. "nan",
  106149. "nan",
  106150. "nan",
  106151. "nan",
  106152. "nan",
  106153. "nan",
  106154. "nan",
  106155. "nan",
  106156. "nan",
  106157. "nan",
  106158. "nan",
  106159. "nan",
  106160. "nan",
  106161. "nan",
  106162. "nan",
  106163. "nan",
  106164. "nan",
  106165. "nan",
  106166. "nan"
  106167. ],
  106168. [
  106169. "29788",
  106170. "3",
  106171. "southern exchange bank",
  106172. "fdic & state of florida",
  106173. "tcf0012362",
  106174. "nan",
  106175. "nan",
  106176. "6/20/2001",
  106177. "bq1140",
  106178. "bhr",
  106179. "nan",
  106180. "nan",
  106181. "seq: 0088",
  106182. "tampa",
  106183. "210339",
  106184. "nan",
  106185. "nan",
  106186. "nan",
  106187. "nan",
  106188. "nan",
  106189. "nan",
  106190. "nan",
  106191. "nan",
  106192. "nan",
  106193. "nan",
  106194. "nan",
  106195. "nan",
  106196. "nan",
  106197. "nan",
  106198. "nan",
  106199. "nan",
  106200. "nan",
  106201. "nan",
  106202. "nan",
  106203. "nan",
  106204. "nan",
  106205. "nan",
  106206. "nan"
  106207. ],
  106208. [
  106209. "29875",
  106210. "9",
  106211. "greenwich company",
  106212. "none",
  106213. "489519860",
  106214. "nan",
  106215. "october 14, 1992 - caap principles & federal courtcase",
  106216. "10/19/1992",
  106217. "50140",
  106218. "furia, arthur j.",
  106219. "nan",
  106220. "nan",
  106221. " hk box: 8450",
  106222. "miami",
  106223. "665537",
  106224. "nan",
  106225. "nan",
  106226. "nan",
  106227. "nan",
  106228. "nan",
  106229. "nan",
  106230. "nan",
  106231. "nan",
  106232. "nan",
  106233. "nan",
  106234. "nan",
  106235. "nan",
  106236. "nan",
  106237. "nan",
  106238. "nan",
  106239. "nan",
  106240. "nan",
  106241. "nan",
  106242. "nan",
  106243. "nan",
  106244. "nan",
  106245. "nan",
  106246. "nan"
  106247. ],
  106248. [
  106249. "302231",
  106250. "nan",
  106251. "diplomat",
  106252. "general",
  106253. "789-22610 recall 789-22610",
  106254. "nan",
  106255. "chestnut brown-golub loans (rtc)--------",
  106256. "1/24/2001",
  106257. "789-22610 recall 789-22610",
  106258. "kahn, david s.",
  106259. "nan",
  106260. "nan",
  106261. "barcode: 100034093 + secretay/other: matthew tsien + records assistant: matthew tsien + file status: out + emp name: 789-22610 recall 789-22610",
  106262. "washington d.c",
  106263. "1414466",
  106264. "nan",
  106265. "nan",
  106266. "nan",
  106267. "nan",
  106268. "nan",
  106269. "nan",
  106270. "nan",
  106271. "nan",
  106272. "nan",
  106273. "nan",
  106274. "nan",
  106275. "nan",
  106276. "nan",
  106277. "nan",
  106278. "nan",
  106279. "nan",
  106280. "nan",
  106281. "nan",
  106282. "nan",
  106283. "nan",
  106284. "nan",
  106285. "nan",
  106286. "nan"
  106287. ],
  106288. [
  106289. "302875",
  106290. "00001",
  106291. "first nationwide bank",
  106292. "kirkman-oxford assoc. l.p.",
  106293. "489622323",
  106294. "general/other",
  106295. "01/23/2012\n\n1. mountain amd rtc purchase agreement (chimneytop/kirkman)\n2. correspondence 2\n3. correspondence 1\n4. notes\n5. amended and restated promissory note\n6. assignment of mortgage and other documents\n7. assignment of mortgage and other documents\n8. assignment of financing statements\n9. release\n10. 1983 note endorsed 2/1994 legend\n11. title insurance policy - 1994\n12. title insurance commitment\n13. survey (1983)\n14. title insurance policy (1983)\n15. plan\n16. drafts",
  106296. "1/23/2012",
  106297. "789-2411",
  106298. "richard e. lear",
  106299. "off-site",
  106300. "nan",
  106301. "nan",
  106302. "washington d.c",
  106303. "1808226",
  106304. "6/19/1997",
  106305. "nan",
  106306. "nan",
  106307. "nan",
  106308. "nan",
  106309. "nan",
  106310. "nan",
  106311. "nan",
  106312. "nan",
  106313. "nan",
  106314. "nan",
  106315. "nan",
  106316. "nan",
  106317. "nan",
  106318. "nan",
  106319. "nan",
  106320. "nan",
  106321. "nan",
  106322. "nan",
  106323. "nan",
  106324. "nan",
  106325. "nan",
  106326. "nan"
  106327. ],
  106328. [
  106329. "304030",
  106330. "nan",
  106331. "home federal",
  106332. "rtc",
  106333. "489256901",
  106334. "nan",
  106335. "chestnut brown-corr. and notes--------",
  106336. "2/24/1992",
  106337. "789-11325",
  106338. "duvall, richard",
  106339. "nan",
  106340. "nan",
  106341. "barcode: 100007209 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-11325 + emp name: prsi 11325 prsi box 11325",
  106342. "tysons",
  106343. "1391828",
  106344. "nan",
  106345. "nan",
  106346. "nan",
  106347. "nan",
  106348. "nan",
  106349. "nan",
  106350. "nan",
  106351. "nan",
  106352. "nan",
  106353. "nan",
  106354. "nan",
  106355. "nan",
  106356. "nan",
  106357. "nan",
  106358. "nan",
  106359. "nan",
  106360. "nan",
  106361. "nan",
  106362. "nan",
  106363. "nan",
  106364. "nan",
  106365. "nan",
  106366. "nan"
  106367. ],
  106368. [
  106369. "304030",
  106370. "00005",
  106371. "home federal s & l association",
  106372. "port america foreclosure",
  106373. "489253315",
  106374. "general/other",
  106375. "expand brown-budget forms--------",
  106376. "5/19/1993",
  106377. "789-11372",
  106378. "dennis m. horn",
  106379. "nan",
  106380. "nan",
  106381. "home federal---rtc---leventhal, nancy---barcode: 100007298 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-11372 + emp name: prsi 11372 prsi box 11372",
  106382. "washington d.c",
  106383. "1391917",
  106384. "6/1/1993",
  106385. "nan",
  106386. "nan",
  106387. "nan",
  106388. "nan",
  106389. "nan",
  106390. "nan",
  106391. "nan",
  106392. "nan",
  106393. "nan",
  106394. "nan",
  106395. "nan",
  106396. "nan",
  106397. "nan",
  106398. "nan",
  106399. "nan",
  106400. "nan",
  106401. "nan",
  106402. "nan",
  106403. "nan",
  106404. "nan",
  106405. "nan",
  106406. "nan"
  106407. ],
  106408. [
  106409. "304346",
  106410. "58",
  106411. "john hancock",
  106412. "rtc agreement",
  106413. "789-11527",
  106414. "nan",
  106415. "expand brown-rtc policies,procedures & attachments--------",
  106416. "5/5/1991",
  106417. "789-11527",
  106418. "kahn, david s.",
  106419. "nan",
  106420. "nan",
  106421. "barcode: 100008082 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-11527 + emp name: prsi 11527 prsi box 11527",
  106422. "washington d.c",
  106423. "1392680",
  106424. "nan",
  106425. "nan",
  106426. "nan",
  106427. "nan",
  106428. "nan",
  106429. "nan",
  106430. "nan",
  106431. "nan",
  106432. "nan",
  106433. "nan",
  106434. "nan",
  106435. "nan",
  106436. "nan",
  106437. "nan",
  106438. "nan",
  106439. "nan",
  106440. "nan",
  106441. "nan",
  106442. "nan",
  106443. "nan",
  106444. "nan",
  106445. "nan",
  106446. "nan"
  106447. ],
  106448. [
  106449. "304346",
  106450. "58",
  106451. "john hancock",
  106452. "rtc agreement",
  106453. "789-11527",
  106454. "nan",
  106455. "expand brown-j. venture agrmt,drafts,corresp--------",
  106456. "6/5/1991",
  106457. "789-11527",
  106458. "kahn, david s.",
  106459. "nan",
  106460. "nan",
  106461. "barcode: 100008083 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-11527 + emp name: prsi 11527 prsi box 11527",
  106462. "washington d.c",
  106463. "1392681",
  106464. "nan",
  106465. "nan",
  106466. "nan",
  106467. "nan",
  106468. "nan",
  106469. "nan",
  106470. "nan",
  106471. "nan",
  106472. "nan",
  106473. "nan",
  106474. "nan",
  106475. "nan",
  106476. "nan",
  106477. "nan",
  106478. "nan",
  106479. "nan",
  106480. "nan",
  106481. "nan",
  106482. "nan",
  106483. "nan",
  106484. "nan",
  106485. "nan",
  106486. "nan"
  106487. ],
  106488. [
  106489. "304346",
  106490. "00013",
  106491. "john hancock life insurance company",
  106492. "general",
  106493. "489250976",
  106494. "general/other",
  106495. "john hancock mutual life insurance general - billing invoices---redweld-#119-sallie mae lease 120-newport lse.128-1121 vermont-129-catonsville 130-warrenton------",
  106496. "12/28/2004",
  106497. "789-23658",
  106498. "david s. kahn",
  106499. "nan",
  106500. "nan",
  106501. "david s. kahn---barcode: 100118582 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: verina s. wilkins + records assistant: robert browne + file status: out + emp id no: 789-23658 + emp name: recall 23658 recall box 23658",
  106502. "washington d.c",
  106503. "1484489",
  106504. "10/14/2008",
  106505. "nan",
  106506. "nan",
  106507. "nan",
  106508. "nan",
  106509. "nan",
  106510. "nan",
  106511. "nan",
  106512. "nan",
  106513. "nan",
  106514. "nan",
  106515. "nan",
  106516. "nan",
  106517. "nan",
  106518. "nan",
  106519. "nan",
  106520. "nan",
  106521. "nan",
  106522. "nan",
  106523. "nan",
  106524. "nan",
  106525. "nan",
  106526. "nan"
  106527. ],
  106528. [
  106529. "30440",
  106530. "1",
  106531. "arter&hadden pleads -fdic",
  106532. "pleading index volumes i -iii",
  106533. "tcf0007443",
  106534. "nan",
  106535. "nan",
  106536. "06/20/2001",
  106537. "aq7339",
  106538. "jck",
  106539. "nan",
  106540. "nan",
  106541. "seq: 0008",
  106542. "tampa",
  106543. "186281",
  106544. "nan",
  106545. "nan",
  106546. "nan",
  106547. "nan",
  106548. "nan",
  106549. "nan",
  106550. "nan",
  106551. "nan",
  106552. "nan",
  106553. "nan",
  106554. "nan",
  106555. "nan",
  106556. "nan",
  106557. "nan",
  106558. "nan",
  106559. "nan",
  106560. "nan",
  106561. "nan",
  106562. "nan",
  106563. "nan",
  106564. "nan",
  106565. "nan",
  106566. "nan"
  106567. ],
  106568. [
  106569. "30440",
  106570. "1",
  106571. "fdic",
  106572. "overseas",
  106573. "489520931",
  106574. "nan",
  106575. "vol ii-documents produced by village hotels. proposal to creditors of overseas corp. & certain subsidiary co. depo. summary of raul del cristo. 10",
  106576. "3/23/1993",
  106577. "114604",
  106578. "genovese john",
  106579. "nan",
  106580. "nan",
  106581. " hk box: 9409",
  106582. "miami",
  106583. "661478",
  106584. "nan",
  106585. "nan",
  106586. "nan",
  106587. "nan",
  106588. "nan",
  106589. "nan",
  106590. "nan",
  106591. "nan",
  106592. "nan",
  106593. "nan",
  106594. "nan",
  106595. "nan",
  106596. "nan",
  106597. "nan",
  106598. "nan",
  106599. "nan",
  106600. "nan",
  106601. "nan",
  106602. "nan",
  106603. "nan",
  106604. "nan",
  106605. "nan",
  106606. "nan"
  106607. ],
  106608. [
  106609. "30440",
  106610. "1",
  106611. "fdic",
  106612. "overseas",
  106613. "489520931",
  106614. "nan",
  106615. "box 1. vol ii. documents produced by village hotels. proposal to creditors overseas corp. & certain subsidary co. depo summary of rasul del cristo 10/30/90. executive report 4/88. 2004 exam of a-menendez 10/24/90. depo of augusto menendez jr. continued 10/24/90. review of operations, accounting, marketing & internal control procedures. exhibit #3 -proposal to creditors. 8/21/90. transcript of motion re; cash collateral. 8/31/90 hearing. 10/2/90- transcript of hearing on emergency order for protective order. box ii. documents for meeting w/trustee. 10/23/90- depo of augusto menendez jr. 10/23/90-2004 exam of augusto menendez jr. plaintiffs motion for partial summary judgement on alleged letter agreement & alleged 1/1985 agreement exhibit 1. volume i document produced by village hotels, complaints. volume iii-documents produced by village hotels. * this box also contains documents pertaining to prime motors inc. $50,420,000 mortgage notes, $61,470,000",
  106616. "3/23/1993",
  106617. "114604",
  106618. "genovese john",
  106619. "nan",
  106620. "nan",
  106621. " hk box: 9409",
  106622. "miami",
  106623. "661479",
  106624. "nan",
  106625. "nan",
  106626. "nan",
  106627. "nan",
  106628. "nan",
  106629. "nan",
  106630. "nan",
  106631. "nan",
  106632. "nan",
  106633. "nan",
  106634. "nan",
  106635. "nan",
  106636. "nan",
  106637. "nan",
  106638. "nan",
  106639. "nan",
  106640. "nan",
  106641. "nan",
  106642. "nan",
  106643. "nan",
  106644. "nan",
  106645. "nan",
  106646. "nan"
  106647. ],
  106648. [
  106649. "30440",
  106650. "1",
  106651. "fdic",
  106652. "overseas",
  106653. "489520865",
  106654. "nan",
  106655. "for description of this box please see box #9409 (box ii)",
  106656. "3/23/1993",
  106657. "114605",
  106658. "genovese john",
  106659. "nan",
  106660. "nan",
  106661. " hk box: 9410",
  106662. "miami",
  106663. "661480",
  106664. "nan",
  106665. "nan",
  106666. "nan",
  106667. "nan",
  106668. "nan",
  106669. "nan",
  106670. "nan",
  106671. "nan",
  106672. "nan",
  106673. "nan",
  106674. "nan",
  106675. "nan",
  106676. "nan",
  106677. "nan",
  106678. "nan",
  106679. "nan",
  106680. "nan",
  106681. "nan",
  106682. "nan",
  106683. "nan",
  106684. "nan",
  106685. "nan",
  106686. "nan"
  106687. ],
  106688. [
  106689. "30440",
  106690. "1",
  106691. "fdic",
  106692. "overseas",
  106693. "489520867",
  106694. "nan",
  106695. "box #3. common wealth/pembroke dev. limited partnership standing. fdic/overseas #30440-1. 15/90-hearing. $44,500,000 1st mortgage coupon. $82,000,000 ist mortgage notes. fdic various research. schedule 1.3 to 5.3.",
  106696. "3/23/1993",
  106697. "114606",
  106698. "genovese john",
  106699. "nan",
  106700. "nan",
  106701. " hk box: 9411",
  106702. "miami",
  106703. "661481",
  106704. "nan",
  106705. "nan",
  106706. "nan",
  106707. "nan",
  106708. "nan",
  106709. "nan",
  106710. "nan",
  106711. "nan",
  106712. "nan",
  106713. "nan",
  106714. "nan",
  106715. "nan",
  106716. "nan",
  106717. "nan",
  106718. "nan",
  106719. "nan",
  106720. "nan",
  106721. "nan",
  106722. "nan",
  106723. "nan",
  106724. "nan",
  106725. "nan",
  106726. "nan"
  106727. ],
  106728. [
  106729. "30440",
  106730. "0",
  106731. "fdic",
  106732. "overseas",
  106733. "489520862",
  106734. "nan",
  106735. "3/7/91 excerpt from hearing. report of examiner as to allegation made in fdic's motion to convert or alternatively appoint trustee. 1/23/91 excerpt from hearing. 12/11/90 excerpt from hearing. 11/15/91. excerpt from hearing. 11/13/90 depo of henry marks. 11/12/90. depo of remy marks. 11/1/90 2004 exam of henry h. marks. 10/30/90 depo of raul del cristo. 10/31/90. depo of henry marks. depo summary of henry marks.",
  106736. "3/23/1993",
  106737. "114607",
  106738. "genovese john",
  106739. "nan",
  106740. "nan",
  106741. " hk box: 9412",
  106742. "miami",
  106743. "661482",
  106744. "nan",
  106745. "nan",
  106746. "nan",
  106747. "nan",
  106748. "nan",
  106749. "nan",
  106750. "nan",
  106751. "nan",
  106752. "nan",
  106753. "nan",
  106754. "nan",
  106755. "nan",
  106756. "nan",
  106757. "nan",
  106758. "nan",
  106759. "nan",
  106760. "nan",
  106761. "nan",
  106762. "nan",
  106763. "nan",
  106764. "nan",
  106765. "nan",
  106766. "nan"
  106767. ],
  106768. [
  106769. "30450",
  106770. "6",
  106771. "rtc vs. city national bank",
  106772. "none",
  106773. "49346",
  106774. "nan",
  106775. "03/03/92.- morley fine arts.- all letters to morley & returned.-summary judgement:papers.- invoice list, loan doc's, research.- depo of richard woolf b6/23/89.- depo of carlos m end iola 06/23/89.- depo of john watson.",
  106776. "4/10/1992",
  106777. "7684",
  106778. "cimo, david",
  106779. "nan",
  106780. "nan",
  106781. "nan",
  106782. "miami",
  106783. "668387",
  106784. "nan",
  106785. "nan",
  106786. "nan",
  106787. "nan",
  106788. "nan",
  106789. "nan",
  106790. "nan",
  106791. "nan",
  106792. "nan",
  106793. "nan",
  106794. "nan",
  106795. "nan",
  106796. "nan",
  106797. "nan",
  106798. "nan",
  106799. "nan",
  106800. "nan",
  106801. "nan",
  106802. "nan",
  106803. "nan",
  106804. "nan",
  106805. "nan",
  106806. "nan"
  106807. ],
  106808. [
  106809. "30450",
  106810. "6",
  106811. "rtc vs. city national bank/morley fine art",
  106812. "none",
  106813. "49351",
  106814. "nan",
  106815. "04/03/92.- all letters to morley & returned.- summary judgement papers.- invoice list, loan docis, research.- depo of richard woolf 06/23/89.- depo of carlos mendiola 06/23/89.- depo of john watson",
  106816. "4/10/1992",
  106817. "7689",
  106818. "cimo, david",
  106819. "nan",
  106820. "nan",
  106821. "nan",
  106822. "miami",
  106823. "668391",
  106824. "nan",
  106825. "nan",
  106826. "nan",
  106827. "nan",
  106828. "nan",
  106829. "nan",
  106830. "nan",
  106831. "nan",
  106832. "nan",
  106833. "nan",
  106834. "nan",
  106835. "nan",
  106836. "nan",
  106837. "nan",
  106838. "nan",
  106839. "nan",
  106840. "nan",
  106841. "nan",
  106842. "nan",
  106843. "nan",
  106844. "nan",
  106845. "nan",
  106846. "nan"
  106847. ],
  106848. [
  106849. "304513",
  106850. "2",
  106851. "carter s. kaufmann",
  106852. "fdic",
  106853. "789-11874",
  106854. "nan",
  106855. "chestnut brown-fdic settlement documents--------",
  106856. "10/28/1991",
  106857. "789-11874",
  106858. "kerxton, alan s.",
  106859. "nan",
  106860. "nan",
  106861. "barcode: 100009421 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-11874 + emp name: prsi 11874 prsi box 11874",
  106862. "washington d.c",
  106863. "1393956",
  106864. "nan",
  106865. "nan",
  106866. "nan",
  106867. "nan",
  106868. "nan",
  106869. "nan",
  106870. "nan",
  106871. "nan",
  106872. "nan",
  106873. "nan",
  106874. "nan",
  106875. "nan",
  106876. "nan",
  106877. "nan",
  106878. "nan",
  106879. "nan",
  106880. "nan",
  106881. "nan",
  106882. "nan",
  106883. "nan",
  106884. "nan",
  106885. "nan",
  106886. "nan"
  106887. ],
  106888. [
  106889. "305129",
  106890. "00597",
  106891. "lincoln property company",
  106892. "calabasas - smartcard check and converting solutions llc .",
  106893. "active file",
  106894. "general/other",
  106895. "correspondence",
  106896. "5/21/2013",
  106897. "nan",
  106898. "karl j. lott",
  106899. "on-site/central files",
  106900. "lott karl",
  106901. "nan",
  106902. "los angeles",
  106903. "2037083",
  106904. "nan",
  106905. "nan",
  106906. "nan",
  106907. "nan",
  106908. "nan",
  106909. "nan",
  106910. "nan",
  106911. "nan",
  106912. "nan",
  106913. "nan",
  106914. "nan",
  106915. "nan",
  106916. "nan",
  106917. "nan",
  106918. "nan",
  106919. "nan",
  106920. "nan",
  106921. "nan",
  106922. "nan",
  106923. "nan",
  106924. "nan",
  106925. "nan",
  106926. "nan"
  106927. ],
  106928. [
  106929. "306682",
  106930. "1",
  106931. "rtc/olympic",
  106932. "jtr",
  106933. "489258868",
  106934. "nan",
  106935. "black binder-casebook--------",
  106936. "10/14/1992",
  106937. "789-12405",
  106938. "nan",
  106939. "nan",
  106940. "nan",
  106941. "barcode: 100013301 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12405 + emp name: prsi 12405 prsi box 12405",
  106942. "washington d.c",
  106943. "1397505",
  106944. "nan",
  106945. "nan",
  106946. "nan",
  106947. "nan",
  106948. "nan",
  106949. "nan",
  106950. "nan",
  106951. "nan",
  106952. "nan",
  106953. "nan",
  106954. "nan",
  106955. "nan",
  106956. "nan",
  106957. "nan",
  106958. "nan",
  106959. "nan",
  106960. "nan",
  106961. "nan",
  106962. "nan",
  106963. "nan",
  106964. "nan",
  106965. "nan",
  106966. "nan"
  106967. ],
  106968. [
  106969. "30694",
  106970. "155",
  106971. "citibank",
  106972. "airport",
  106973. "460597372",
  106974. "nan",
  106975. "commerce park foreclosure, notes, info. title report correspondence - fdic cease and desist order, draft documents",
  106976. "7/20/1990",
  106977. "14412",
  106978. "none",
  106979. "nan",
  106980. "nan",
  106981. " hk box: 6217",
  106982. "miami",
  106983. "678150",
  106984. "nan",
  106985. "nan",
  106986. "nan",
  106987. "nan",
  106988. "nan",
  106989. "nan",
  106990. "nan",
  106991. "nan",
  106992. "nan",
  106993. "nan",
  106994. "nan",
  106995. "nan",
  106996. "nan",
  106997. "nan",
  106998. "nan",
  106999. "nan",
  107000. "nan",
  107001. "nan",
  107002. "nan",
  107003. "nan",
  107004. "nan",
  107005. "nan",
  107006. "nan"
  107007. ],
  107008. [
  107009. "307013",
  107010. "49",
  107011. "phillips",
  107012. "windward key-fdic",
  107013. "489255784",
  107014. "nan",
  107015. "black legal ple-pleading file volume 1--------",
  107016. "1/6/1992",
  107017. "789-12269",
  107018. "duvall, richard",
  107019. "nan",
  107020. "nan",
  107021. "barcode: 100014191 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12269 + emp name: prsi 12269 prsi box 12269 + volume: volume 1",
  107022. "tysons",
  107023. "1398325",
  107024. "nan",
  107025. "nan",
  107026. "nan",
  107027. "nan",
  107028. "nan",
  107029. "nan",
  107030. "nan",
  107031. "nan",
  107032. "nan",
  107033. "nan",
  107034. "nan",
  107035. "nan",
  107036. "nan",
  107037. "nan",
  107038. "nan",
  107039. "nan",
  107040. "nan",
  107041. "nan",
  107042. "nan",
  107043. "nan",
  107044. "nan",
  107045. "nan",
  107046. "nan"
  107047. ],
  107048. [
  107049. "307013",
  107050. "49",
  107051. "phillips",
  107052. "windward key-fdic",
  107053. "489255784",
  107054. "nan",
  107055. "black legal ple-pleading file vol. 2--------",
  107056. "10/15/1992",
  107057. "789-12269",
  107058. "duvall, richard",
  107059. "nan",
  107060. "nan",
  107061. "barcode: 100014192 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12269 + emp name: prsi 12269 prsi box 12269 + volume: volume 2",
  107062. "tysons",
  107063. "1398326",
  107064. "nan",
  107065. "nan",
  107066. "nan",
  107067. "nan",
  107068. "nan",
  107069. "nan",
  107070. "nan",
  107071. "nan",
  107072. "nan",
  107073. "nan",
  107074. "nan",
  107075. "nan",
  107076. "nan",
  107077. "nan",
  107078. "nan",
  107079. "nan",
  107080. "nan",
  107081. "nan",
  107082. "nan",
  107083. "nan",
  107084. "nan",
  107085. "nan",
  107086. "nan"
  107087. ],
  107088. [
  107089. "307013",
  107090. "49",
  107091. "phillips",
  107092. "windward key-fdic",
  107093. "489255784",
  107094. "nan",
  107095. "chestnut brown-corresp vol 1--------",
  107096. "1/27/1995",
  107097. "789-12269",
  107098. "duvall, richard",
  107099. "nan",
  107100. "nan",
  107101. "barcode: 100014193 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12269 + emp name: prsi 12269 prsi box 12269 + volume: volume 1",
  107102. "tysons",
  107103. "1398327",
  107104. "nan",
  107105. "nan",
  107106. "nan",
  107107. "nan",
  107108. "nan",
  107109. "nan",
  107110. "nan",
  107111. "nan",
  107112. "nan",
  107113. "nan",
  107114. "nan",
  107115. "nan",
  107116. "nan",
  107117. "nan",
  107118. "nan",
  107119. "nan",
  107120. "nan",
  107121. "nan",
  107122. "nan",
  107123. "nan",
  107124. "nan",
  107125. "nan",
  107126. "nan"
  107127. ],
  107128. [
  107129. "307013",
  107130. "49",
  107131. "phillips",
  107132. "windward key-fdic",
  107133. "489255784",
  107134. "nan",
  107135. "chestnut brown-corresp vol 2--------",
  107136. "1/27/1995",
  107137. "789-12269",
  107138. "duvall, richard",
  107139. "nan",
  107140. "nan",
  107141. "barcode: 100014194 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12269 + emp name: prsi 12269 prsi box 12269 + volume: volume 2",
  107142. "tysons",
  107143. "1398328",
  107144. "nan",
  107145. "nan",
  107146. "nan",
  107147. "nan",
  107148. "nan",
  107149. "nan",
  107150. "nan",
  107151. "nan",
  107152. "nan",
  107153. "nan",
  107154. "nan",
  107155. "nan",
  107156. "nan",
  107157. "nan",
  107158. "nan",
  107159. "nan",
  107160. "nan",
  107161. "nan",
  107162. "nan",
  107163. "nan",
  107164. "nan",
  107165. "nan",
  107166. "nan"
  107167. ],
  107168. [
  107169. "307013",
  107170. "49",
  107171. "phillips",
  107172. "windward key",
  107173. "489255809",
  107174. "nan",
  107175. "expand brown-fdic drafts--------",
  107176. "1/27/1995",
  107177. "789-12285",
  107178. "duvall, richard",
  107179. "nan",
  107180. "nan",
  107181. "barcode: 100014201 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12285 + emp name: prsi 12285 prsi box 12285",
  107182. "tysons",
  107183. "1398334",
  107184. "nan",
  107185. "nan",
  107186. "nan",
  107187. "nan",
  107188. "nan",
  107189. "nan",
  107190. "nan",
  107191. "nan",
  107192. "nan",
  107193. "nan",
  107194. "nan",
  107195. "nan",
  107196. "nan",
  107197. "nan",
  107198. "nan",
  107199. "nan",
  107200. "nan",
  107201. "nan",
  107202. "nan",
  107203. "nan",
  107204. "nan",
  107205. "nan",
  107206. "nan"
  107207. ],
  107208. [
  107209. "307341",
  107210. "1",
  107211. "metropolitan federal",
  107212. "d&o",
  107213. "489613520",
  107214. "nan",
  107215. "expand brown-1989 fdic report of examination--------",
  107216. "5/29/1990",
  107217. "789-12690",
  107218. "myer, christopher",
  107219. "nan",
  107220. "nan",
  107221. "barcode: 100016051 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12690 + emp name: prsi 12690 prsi box 12690",
  107222. "washington d.c",
  107223. "1399998",
  107224. "nan",
  107225. "nan",
  107226. "nan",
  107227. "nan",
  107228. "nan",
  107229. "nan",
  107230. "nan",
  107231. "nan",
  107232. "nan",
  107233. "nan",
  107234. "nan",
  107235. "nan",
  107236. "nan",
  107237. "nan",
  107238. "nan",
  107239. "nan",
  107240. "nan",
  107241. "nan",
  107242. "nan",
  107243. "nan",
  107244. "nan",
  107245. "nan",
  107246. "nan"
  107247. ],
  107248. [
  107249. "307341",
  107250. "1",
  107251. "metropolitan federal",
  107252. "d&o",
  107253. "nan",
  107254. "nan",
  107255. "expand brown-1990 fdic report of examination--------",
  107256. "4/23/1991",
  107257. "nan",
  107258. "myer, christopher",
  107259. "vendor transition",
  107260. "nan",
  107261. "barcode: 100016052 + file status: in",
  107262. "washington d.c",
  107263. "1399999",
  107264. "nan",
  107265. "nan",
  107266. "nan",
  107267. "nan",
  107268. "nan",
  107269. "nan",
  107270. "nan",
  107271. "nan",
  107272. "nan",
  107273. "nan",
  107274. "nan",
  107275. "nan",
  107276. "nan",
  107277. "nan",
  107278. "nan",
  107279. "nan",
  107280. "nan",
  107281. "nan",
  107282. "nan",
  107283. "nan",
  107284. "nan",
  107285. "nan",
  107286. "nan"
  107287. ],
  107288. [
  107289. "307346",
  107290. "10",
  107291. "rtc",
  107292. "olympic",
  107293. "nan",
  107294. "nan",
  107295. "-produced to mnb--------",
  107296. "3/22/1993",
  107297. "nan",
  107298. "richards, john t.",
  107299. "vendor transition",
  107300. "nan",
  107301. "barcode: 100002396 + file status: in",
  107302. "washington d.c",
  107303. "1387581",
  107304. "nan",
  107305. "nan",
  107306. "nan",
  107307. "nan",
  107308. "nan",
  107309. "nan",
  107310. "nan",
  107311. "nan",
  107312. "nan",
  107313. "nan",
  107314. "nan",
  107315. "nan",
  107316. "nan",
  107317. "nan",
  107318. "nan",
  107319. "nan",
  107320. "nan",
  107321. "nan",
  107322. "nan",
  107323. "nan",
  107324. "nan",
  107325. "nan",
  107326. "nan"
  107327. ],
  107328. [
  107329. "307346",
  107330. "43",
  107331. "rtc",
  107332. "homefed",
  107333. "489613534",
  107334. "nan",
  107335. "chestnut brown-highbridge land--------",
  107336. "10/13/1992",
  107337. "789-12682",
  107338. "horn, dennis",
  107339. "nan",
  107340. "nan",
  107341. "barcode: 100016035 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12682 + emp name: prsi 12682 prsi box 12682",
  107342. "washington d.c",
  107343. "1399983",
  107344. "nan",
  107345. "nan",
  107346. "nan",
  107347. "nan",
  107348. "nan",
  107349. "nan",
  107350. "nan",
  107351. "nan",
  107352. "nan",
  107353. "nan",
  107354. "nan",
  107355. "nan",
  107356. "nan",
  107357. "nan",
  107358. "nan",
  107359. "nan",
  107360. "nan",
  107361. "nan",
  107362. "nan",
  107363. "nan",
  107364. "nan",
  107365. "nan",
  107366. "nan"
  107367. ],
  107368. [
  107369. "307346",
  107370. "47",
  107371. "rtc",
  107372. "udc",
  107373. "489613534",
  107374. "nan",
  107375. "expand brown-working file--------",
  107376. "5/7/1983",
  107377. "789-12682",
  107378. "bloomfield, timothy",
  107379. "nan",
  107380. "nan",
  107381. "barcode: 100016037 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12682 + emp name: prsi 12682 prsi box 12682",
  107382. "washington d.c",
  107383. "1399984",
  107384. "nan",
  107385. "nan",
  107386. "nan",
  107387. "nan",
  107388. "nan",
  107389. "nan",
  107390. "nan",
  107391. "nan",
  107392. "nan",
  107393. "nan",
  107394. "nan",
  107395. "nan",
  107396. "nan",
  107397. "nan",
  107398. "nan",
  107399. "nan",
  107400. "nan",
  107401. "nan",
  107402. "nan",
  107403. "nan",
  107404. "nan",
  107405. "nan",
  107406. "nan"
  107407. ],
  107408. [
  107409. "307346",
  107410. "47",
  107411. "rtc",
  107412. "u.s. court of appeals",
  107413. "489613534",
  107414. "nan",
  107415. "chestnut brown-corr. file vol. i--------",
  107416. "6/1/1996",
  107417. "789-12682",
  107418. "bloomfield, timothy",
  107419. "nan",
  107420. "nan",
  107421. "barcode: 100016038 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12682 + emp name: prsi 12682 prsi box 12682",
  107422. "washington d.c",
  107423. "1399985",
  107424. "nan",
  107425. "nan",
  107426. "nan",
  107427. "nan",
  107428. "nan",
  107429. "nan",
  107430. "nan",
  107431. "nan",
  107432. "nan",
  107433. "nan",
  107434. "nan",
  107435. "nan",
  107436. "nan",
  107437. "nan",
  107438. "nan",
  107439. "nan",
  107440. "nan",
  107441. "nan",
  107442. "nan",
  107443. "nan",
  107444. "nan",
  107445. "nan",
  107446. "nan"
  107447. ],
  107448. [
  107449. "307346",
  107450. "38",
  107451. "rtc",
  107452. "oakton ii",
  107453. "789-12684",
  107454. "nan",
  107455. "chestnut brown-correspondence file/ drafts--------",
  107456. "12/8/1992",
  107457. "789-12684",
  107458. "wegner, brent a.",
  107459. "nan",
  107460. "nan",
  107461. "barcode: 100016042 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12684 + emp name: prsi 12684 prsi box 12684",
  107462. "washington d.c",
  107463. "1399989",
  107464. "nan",
  107465. "nan",
  107466. "nan",
  107467. "nan",
  107468. "nan",
  107469. "nan",
  107470. "nan",
  107471. "nan",
  107472. "nan",
  107473. "nan",
  107474. "nan",
  107475. "nan",
  107476. "nan",
  107477. "nan",
  107478. "nan",
  107479. "nan",
  107480. "nan",
  107481. "nan",
  107482. "nan",
  107483. "nan",
  107484. "nan",
  107485. "nan",
  107486. "nan"
  107487. ],
  107488. [
  107489. "307346",
  107490. "38",
  107491. "rtc",
  107492. "homefed-oakton corp.",
  107493. "789-12684",
  107494. "nan",
  107495. "chestnut brown-center ii--------",
  107496. "3/16/1993",
  107497. "789-12684",
  107498. "wegner, brent a.",
  107499. "nan",
  107500. "nan",
  107501. "barcode: 100016043 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12684 + emp name: prsi 12684 prsi box 12684",
  107502. "washington d.c",
  107503. "1399990",
  107504. "nan",
  107505. "nan",
  107506. "nan",
  107507. "nan",
  107508. "nan",
  107509. "nan",
  107510. "nan",
  107511. "nan",
  107512. "nan",
  107513. "nan",
  107514. "nan",
  107515. "nan",
  107516. "nan",
  107517. "nan",
  107518. "nan",
  107519. "nan",
  107520. "nan",
  107521. "nan",
  107522. "nan",
  107523. "nan",
  107524. "nan",
  107525. "nan",
  107526. "nan"
  107527. ],
  107528. [
  107529. "307346",
  107530. "47",
  107531. "rtc",
  107532. "u.s. court of appeals",
  107533. "789-12684",
  107534. "nan",
  107535. "chestnut brown-appeal correspondence file-vol.ii--------",
  107536. "12/1/1997",
  107537. "789-12684",
  107538. "bloomfield, timothy",
  107539. "nan",
  107540. "nan",
  107541. "barcode: 100016044 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12684 + emp name: prsi 12684 prsi box 12684",
  107542. "washington d.c",
  107543. "1399991",
  107544. "nan",
  107545. "nan",
  107546. "nan",
  107547. "nan",
  107548. "nan",
  107549. "nan",
  107550. "nan",
  107551. "nan",
  107552. "nan",
  107553. "nan",
  107554. "nan",
  107555. "nan",
  107556. "nan",
  107557. "nan",
  107558. "nan",
  107559. "nan",
  107560. "nan",
  107561. "nan",
  107562. "nan",
  107563. "nan",
  107564. "nan",
  107565. "nan",
  107566. "nan"
  107567. ],
  107568. [
  107569. "307346",
  107570. "1",
  107571. "rtc",
  107572. "peoples security bank",
  107573. "489613522",
  107574. "nan",
  107575. "expand brown-leagal research--------",
  107576. "11/27/1992",
  107577. "789-12693",
  107578. "trout, robert p.",
  107579. "nan",
  107580. "nan",
  107581. "barcode: 100016061 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12693 + emp name: prsi 12693 prsi box 12693",
  107582. "washington d.c",
  107583. "1400008",
  107584. "nan",
  107585. "nan",
  107586. "nan",
  107587. "nan",
  107588. "nan",
  107589. "nan",
  107590. "nan",
  107591. "nan",
  107592. "nan",
  107593. "nan",
  107594. "nan",
  107595. "nan",
  107596. "nan",
  107597. "nan",
  107598. "nan",
  107599. "nan",
  107600. "nan",
  107601. "nan",
  107602. "nan",
  107603. "nan",
  107604. "nan",
  107605. "nan",
  107606. "nan"
  107607. ],
  107608. [
  107609. "307346",
  107610. "1",
  107611. "rtc",
  107612. "peoples security bank",
  107613. "489613522",
  107614. "nan",
  107615. "chestnut brown-handwritten notes--------",
  107616. "1/25/1993",
  107617. "789-12693",
  107618. "trout, robert p.",
  107619. "nan",
  107620. "nan",
  107621. "barcode: 100016062 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12693 + emp name: prsi 12693 prsi box 12693",
  107622. "washington d.c",
  107623. "1400009",
  107624. "nan",
  107625. "nan",
  107626. "nan",
  107627. "nan",
  107628. "nan",
  107629. "nan",
  107630. "nan",
  107631. "nan",
  107632. "nan",
  107633. "nan",
  107634. "nan",
  107635. "nan",
  107636. "nan",
  107637. "nan",
  107638. "nan",
  107639. "nan",
  107640. "nan",
  107641. "nan",
  107642. "nan",
  107643. "nan",
  107644. "nan",
  107645. "nan",
  107646. "nan"
  107647. ],
  107648. [
  107649. "307346",
  107650. "1",
  107651. "rtc",
  107652. "peoples security bank",
  107653. "489613522",
  107654. "nan",
  107655. "chestnut brown-copies of correspondence--------",
  107656. "1/23/1993",
  107657. "789-12693",
  107658. "trout, robert p.",
  107659. "nan",
  107660. "nan",
  107661. "barcode: 100016063 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12693 + emp name: prsi 12693 prsi box 12693",
  107662. "washington d.c",
  107663. "1400010",
  107664. "nan",
  107665. "nan",
  107666. "nan",
  107667. "nan",
  107668. "nan",
  107669. "nan",
  107670. "nan",
  107671. "nan",
  107672. "nan",
  107673. "nan",
  107674. "nan",
  107675. "nan",
  107676. "nan",
  107677. "nan",
  107678. "nan",
  107679. "nan",
  107680. "nan",
  107681. "nan",
  107682. "nan",
  107683. "nan",
  107684. "nan",
  107685. "nan",
  107686. "nan"
  107687. ],
  107688. [
  107689. "307346",
  107690. "23",
  107691. "rtc",
  107692. "forest plaza",
  107693. "489613522",
  107694. "nan",
  107695. "expand brown-correspondence, attorney's notes, pleadings--------",
  107696. "8/15/1994",
  107697. "789-12693",
  107698. "lickstein, leslie w.",
  107699. "nan",
  107700. "nan",
  107701. "barcode: 100016064 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12693 + emp name: prsi 12693 prsi box 12693",
  107702. "washington d.c",
  107703. "1400011",
  107704. "nan",
  107705. "nan",
  107706. "nan",
  107707. "nan",
  107708. "nan",
  107709. "nan",
  107710. "nan",
  107711. "nan",
  107712. "nan",
  107713. "nan",
  107714. "nan",
  107715. "nan",
  107716. "nan",
  107717. "nan",
  107718. "nan",
  107719. "nan",
  107720. "nan",
  107721. "nan",
  107722. "nan",
  107723. "nan",
  107724. "nan",
  107725. "nan",
  107726. "nan"
  107727. ],
  107728. [
  107729. "307346",
  107730. "31",
  107731. "rtc",
  107732. "olympic",
  107733. "489613522",
  107734. "nan",
  107735. "expand brown-dox produced to mnb--------",
  107736. "10/16/1989",
  107737. "789-12693",
  107738. "lickstein, leslie w.",
  107739. "nan",
  107740. "nan",
  107741. "barcode: 100016065 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12693 + emp name: prsi 12693 prsi box 12693",
  107742. "washington d.c",
  107743. "1400012",
  107744. "nan",
  107745. "nan",
  107746. "nan",
  107747. "nan",
  107748. "nan",
  107749. "nan",
  107750. "nan",
  107751. "nan",
  107752. "nan",
  107753. "nan",
  107754. "nan",
  107755. "nan",
  107756. "nan",
  107757. "nan",
  107758. "nan",
  107759. "nan",
  107760. "nan",
  107761. "nan",
  107762. "nan",
  107763. "nan",
  107764. "nan",
  107765. "nan",
  107766. "nan"
  107767. ],
  107768. [
  107769. "307346",
  107770. "31",
  107771. "rtc",
  107772. "olympic",
  107773. "489613505",
  107774. "nan",
  107775. "expand brown-docs received from rtc--------",
  107776. "7/1/1988",
  107777. "789-12695",
  107778. "lickstein, leslie w.",
  107779. "nan",
  107780. "nan",
  107781. "barcode: 100016066 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12695 + emp name: prsi 12695 prsi box 12695",
  107782. "washington d.c",
  107783. "1400013",
  107784. "nan",
  107785. "nan",
  107786. "nan",
  107787. "nan",
  107788. "nan",
  107789. "nan",
  107790. "nan",
  107791. "nan",
  107792. "nan",
  107793. "nan",
  107794. "nan",
  107795. "nan",
  107796. "nan",
  107797. "nan",
  107798. "nan",
  107799. "nan",
  107800. "nan",
  107801. "nan",
  107802. "nan",
  107803. "nan",
  107804. "nan",
  107805. "nan",
  107806. "nan"
  107807. ],
  107808. [
  107809. "307346",
  107810. "31",
  107811. "rtc",
  107812. "olympic",
  107813. "489613505",
  107814. "nan",
  107815. "expand blue-docs received from rtc--------",
  107816. "11/8/1989",
  107817. "789-12695",
  107818. "lickstein, leslie w.",
  107819. "nan",
  107820. "nan",
  107821. "barcode: 100016067 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12695 + emp name: prsi 12695 prsi box 12695",
  107822. "washington d.c",
  107823. "1400014",
  107824. "nan",
  107825. "nan",
  107826. "nan",
  107827. "nan",
  107828. "nan",
  107829. "nan",
  107830. "nan",
  107831. "nan",
  107832. "nan",
  107833. "nan",
  107834. "nan",
  107835. "nan",
  107836. "nan",
  107837. "nan",
  107838. "nan",
  107839. "nan",
  107840. "nan",
  107841. "nan",
  107842. "nan",
  107843. "nan",
  107844. "nan",
  107845. "nan",
  107846. "nan"
  107847. ],
  107848. [
  107849. "307346",
  107850. "31",
  107851. "rtc",
  107852. "olympic",
  107853. "489613522",
  107854. "nan",
  107855. "expand blue-docs recieved from rtc--------",
  107856. "1/19/1992",
  107857. "789-12693",
  107858. "lickstein, leslie w.",
  107859. "nan",
  107860. "nan",
  107861. "barcode: 100016068 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12693 + emp name: prsi 12693 prsi box 12693",
  107862. "washington d.c",
  107863. "1400015",
  107864. "nan",
  107865. "nan",
  107866. "nan",
  107867. "nan",
  107868. "nan",
  107869. "nan",
  107870. "nan",
  107871. "nan",
  107872. "nan",
  107873. "nan",
  107874. "nan",
  107875. "nan",
  107876. "nan",
  107877. "nan",
  107878. "nan",
  107879. "nan",
  107880. "nan",
  107881. "nan",
  107882. "nan",
  107883. "nan",
  107884. "nan",
  107885. "nan",
  107886. "nan"
  107887. ],
  107888. [
  107889. "307346",
  107890. "31",
  107891. "rtc",
  107892. "olympic",
  107893. "489613522",
  107894. "nan",
  107895. "expand blue-misc, legal doc copies--------",
  107896. "8/28/1992",
  107897. "789-12693",
  107898. "lickstein, leslie w.",
  107899. "nan",
  107900. "nan",
  107901. "barcode: 100016069 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12693 + emp name: prsi 12693 prsi box 12693",
  107902. "washington d.c",
  107903. "1400016",
  107904. "nan",
  107905. "nan",
  107906. "nan",
  107907. "nan",
  107908. "nan",
  107909. "nan",
  107910. "nan",
  107911. "nan",
  107912. "nan",
  107913. "nan",
  107914. "nan",
  107915. "nan",
  107916. "nan",
  107917. "nan",
  107918. "nan",
  107919. "nan",
  107920. "nan",
  107921. "nan",
  107922. "nan",
  107923. "nan",
  107924. "nan",
  107925. "nan",
  107926. "nan"
  107927. ],
  107928. [
  107929. "307346",
  107930. "33",
  107931. "rtc",
  107932. "trust bank",
  107933. "489613546",
  107934. "nan",
  107935. "chestnut brown-handwritten notes--------",
  107936. "7/20/1992",
  107937. "789-12689",
  107938. "horn, dennis",
  107939. "nan",
  107940. "nan",
  107941. "barcode: 100016070 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12689 + emp name: prsi 12689 prsi box 12689",
  107942. "washington d.c",
  107943. "1400017",
  107944. "nan",
  107945. "nan",
  107946. "nan",
  107947. "nan",
  107948. "nan",
  107949. "nan",
  107950. "nan",
  107951. "nan",
  107952. "nan",
  107953. "nan",
  107954. "nan",
  107955. "nan",
  107956. "nan",
  107957. "nan",
  107958. "nan",
  107959. "nan",
  107960. "nan",
  107961. "nan",
  107962. "nan",
  107963. "nan",
  107964. "nan",
  107965. "nan",
  107966. "nan"
  107967. ],
  107968. [
  107969. "307346",
  107970. "32",
  107971. "rtc",
  107972. "trust bank",
  107973. "489613546",
  107974. "nan",
  107975. "chestnut brown-affidavit & notes--------",
  107976. "12/15/1992",
  107977. "789-12689",
  107978. "horn, dennis",
  107979. "nan",
  107980. "nan",
  107981. "barcode: 100016071 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12689 + emp name: prsi 12689 prsi box 12689",
  107982. "washington d.c",
  107983. "1400018",
  107984. "nan",
  107985. "nan",
  107986. "nan",
  107987. "nan",
  107988. "nan",
  107989. "nan",
  107990. "nan",
  107991. "nan",
  107992. "nan",
  107993. "nan",
  107994. "nan",
  107995. "nan",
  107996. "nan",
  107997. "nan",
  107998. "nan",
  107999. "nan",
  108000. "nan",
  108001. "nan",
  108002. "nan",
  108003. "nan",
  108004. "nan",
  108005. "nan",
  108006. "nan"
  108007. ],
  108008. [
  108009. "307346",
  108010. "36",
  108011. "rtc",
  108012. "papermill building",
  108013. "nan",
  108014. "nan",
  108015. "chestnut brown-correspondence--------",
  108016. "11/18/1992",
  108017. "nan",
  108018. "horn, dennis",
  108019. "vendor transition",
  108020. "nan",
  108021. "barcode: 100016073 + file status: in",
  108022. "washington d.c",
  108023. "1400019",
  108024. "nan",
  108025. "nan",
  108026. "nan",
  108027. "nan",
  108028. "nan",
  108029. "nan",
  108030. "nan",
  108031. "nan",
  108032. "nan",
  108033. "nan",
  108034. "nan",
  108035. "nan",
  108036. "nan",
  108037. "nan",
  108038. "nan",
  108039. "nan",
  108040. "nan",
  108041. "nan",
  108042. "nan",
  108043. "nan",
  108044. "nan",
  108045. "nan",
  108046. "nan"
  108047. ],
  108048. [
  108049. "307346",
  108050. "36",
  108051. "rtc",
  108052. "papermill leasing",
  108053. "489613546",
  108054. "nan",
  108055. "expand brown-leasing--------",
  108056. "9/14/1992",
  108057. "789-12689",
  108058. "horn, dennis",
  108059. "nan",
  108060. "nan",
  108061. "barcode: 100016074 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12689 + emp name: prsi 12689 prsi box 12689",
  108062. "washington d.c",
  108063. "1400020",
  108064. "nan",
  108065. "nan",
  108066. "nan",
  108067. "nan",
  108068. "nan",
  108069. "nan",
  108070. "nan",
  108071. "nan",
  108072. "nan",
  108073. "nan",
  108074. "nan",
  108075. "nan",
  108076. "nan",
  108077. "nan",
  108078. "nan",
  108079. "nan",
  108080. "nan",
  108081. "nan",
  108082. "nan",
  108083. "nan",
  108084. "nan",
  108085. "nan",
  108086. "nan"
  108087. ],
  108088. [
  108089. "307346",
  108090. "39",
  108091. "rtc",
  108092. "homefed bank",
  108093. "489613546",
  108094. "nan",
  108095. "chestnut brown-lease, correspondence & notes--------",
  108096. "5/10/1993",
  108097. "789-12689",
  108098. "wegner, brent a.",
  108099. "nan",
  108100. "nan",
  108101. "barcode: 100016075 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12689 + emp name: prsi 12689 prsi box 12689",
  108102. "washington d.c",
  108103. "1400021",
  108104. "nan",
  108105. "nan",
  108106. "nan",
  108107. "nan",
  108108. "nan",
  108109. "nan",
  108110. "nan",
  108111. "nan",
  108112. "nan",
  108113. "nan",
  108114. "nan",
  108115. "nan",
  108116. "nan",
  108117. "nan",
  108118. "nan",
  108119. "nan",
  108120. "nan",
  108121. "nan",
  108122. "nan",
  108123. "nan",
  108124. "nan",
  108125. "nan",
  108126. "nan"
  108127. ],
  108128. [
  108129. "307346",
  108130. "39",
  108131. "rtc",
  108132. "homefed bank",
  108133. "489613546",
  108134. "nan",
  108135. "expand brown-lease--------",
  108136. "3/9/1993",
  108137. "789-12689",
  108138. "wegner, brent a.",
  108139. "nan",
  108140. "nan",
  108141. "barcode: 100016076 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12689 + emp name: prsi 12689 prsi box 12689",
  108142. "washington d.c",
  108143. "1400022",
  108144. "nan",
  108145. "nan",
  108146. "nan",
  108147. "nan",
  108148. "nan",
  108149. "nan",
  108150. "nan",
  108151. "nan",
  108152. "nan",
  108153. "nan",
  108154. "nan",
  108155. "nan",
  108156. "nan",
  108157. "nan",
  108158. "nan",
  108159. "nan",
  108160. "nan",
  108161. "nan",
  108162. "nan",
  108163. "nan",
  108164. "nan",
  108165. "nan",
  108166. "nan"
  108167. ],
  108168. [
  108169. "307346",
  108170. "40",
  108171. "rtc",
  108172. "homefed bank / port america",
  108173. "489613546",
  108174. "nan",
  108175. "chestnut brown-correspondence--------",
  108176. "10/26/1993",
  108177. "789-12689",
  108178. "horn, dennis",
  108179. "nan",
  108180. "nan",
  108181. "barcode: 100016077 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12689 + emp name: prsi 12689 prsi box 12689",
  108182. "washington d.c",
  108183. "1400023",
  108184. "nan",
  108185. "nan",
  108186. "nan",
  108187. "nan",
  108188. "nan",
  108189. "nan",
  108190. "nan",
  108191. "nan",
  108192. "nan",
  108193. "nan",
  108194. "nan",
  108195. "nan",
  108196. "nan",
  108197. "nan",
  108198. "nan",
  108199. "nan",
  108200. "nan",
  108201. "nan",
  108202. "nan",
  108203. "nan",
  108204. "nan",
  108205. "nan",
  108206. "nan"
  108207. ],
  108208. [
  108209. "307346",
  108210. "47",
  108211. "rtc",
  108212. "udc",
  108213. "489613545",
  108214. "nan",
  108215. "chestnut brown-us court appeals file--------",
  108216. "9/9/1996",
  108217. "789-12692",
  108218. "shapiro, steve",
  108219. "nan",
  108220. "nan",
  108221. "barcode: 100016078 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12692 + emp name: prsi 12692 prsi box 12692",
  108222. "washington d.c",
  108223. "1400024",
  108224. "nan",
  108225. "nan",
  108226. "nan",
  108227. "nan",
  108228. "nan",
  108229. "nan",
  108230. "nan",
  108231. "nan",
  108232. "nan",
  108233. "nan",
  108234. "nan",
  108235. "nan",
  108236. "nan",
  108237. "nan",
  108238. "nan",
  108239. "nan",
  108240. "nan",
  108241. "nan",
  108242. "nan",
  108243. "nan",
  108244. "nan",
  108245. "nan",
  108246. "nan"
  108247. ],
  108248. [
  108249. "307346",
  108250. "47",
  108251. "rtc",
  108252. "homefed",
  108253. "489613545",
  108254. "nan",
  108255. "chestnut brown-pleading file 3--------",
  108256. "9/20/1994",
  108257. "789-12692",
  108258. "shapiro, steve",
  108259. "nan",
  108260. "nan",
  108261. "barcode: 100016079 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12692 + emp name: prsi 12692 prsi box 12692",
  108262. "washington d.c",
  108263. "1400025",
  108264. "nan",
  108265. "nan",
  108266. "nan",
  108267. "nan",
  108268. "nan",
  108269. "nan",
  108270. "nan",
  108271. "nan",
  108272. "nan",
  108273. "nan",
  108274. "nan",
  108275. "nan",
  108276. "nan",
  108277. "nan",
  108278. "nan",
  108279. "nan",
  108280. "nan",
  108281. "nan",
  108282. "nan",
  108283. "nan",
  108284. "nan",
  108285. "nan",
  108286. "nan"
  108287. ],
  108288. [
  108289. "307346",
  108290. "48",
  108291. "rtc",
  108292. "sale of ashland",
  108293. "489613545",
  108294. "nan",
  108295. "expand brown-corresp , deed, title--------",
  108296. "12/12/1994",
  108297. "789-12692",
  108298. "shapiro, steve",
  108299. "nan",
  108300. "nan",
  108301. "barcode: 100016080 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12692 + emp name: prsi 12692 prsi box 12692",
  108302. "washington d.c",
  108303. "1400026",
  108304. "nan",
  108305. "nan",
  108306. "nan",
  108307. "nan",
  108308. "nan",
  108309. "nan",
  108310. "nan",
  108311. "nan",
  108312. "nan",
  108313. "nan",
  108314. "nan",
  108315. "nan",
  108316. "nan",
  108317. "nan",
  108318. "nan",
  108319. "nan",
  108320. "nan",
  108321. "nan",
  108322. "nan",
  108323. "nan",
  108324. "nan",
  108325. "nan",
  108326. "nan"
  108327. ],
  108328. [
  108329. "307346",
  108330. "49",
  108331. "rtc",
  108332. "homefed",
  108333. "489613545",
  108334. "nan",
  108335. "chestnut brown-sale of port america--------",
  108336. "12/23/1993",
  108337. "789-12692",
  108338. "horn, dennis",
  108339. "nan",
  108340. "nan",
  108341. "barcode: 100016081 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12692 + emp name: prsi 12692 prsi box 12692",
  108342. "washington d.c",
  108343. "1400027",
  108344. "nan",
  108345. "nan",
  108346. "nan",
  108347. "nan",
  108348. "nan",
  108349. "nan",
  108350. "nan",
  108351. "nan",
  108352. "nan",
  108353. "nan",
  108354. "nan",
  108355. "nan",
  108356. "nan",
  108357. "nan",
  108358. "nan",
  108359. "nan",
  108360. "nan",
  108361. "nan",
  108362. "nan",
  108363. "nan",
  108364. "nan",
  108365. "nan",
  108366. "nan"
  108367. ],
  108368. [
  108369. "307346",
  108370. "49",
  108371. "rtc",
  108372. "port america",
  108373. "489613545",
  108374. "nan",
  108375. "chestnut brown-sale of port america--------",
  108376. "2/12/1993",
  108377. "789-12692",
  108378. "horn, dennis",
  108379. "nan",
  108380. "nan",
  108381. "barcode: 100016082 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12692 + emp name: prsi 12692 prsi box 12692",
  108382. "washington d.c",
  108383. "1400028",
  108384. "nan",
  108385. "nan",
  108386. "nan",
  108387. "nan",
  108388. "nan",
  108389. "nan",
  108390. "nan",
  108391. "nan",
  108392. "nan",
  108393. "nan",
  108394. "nan",
  108395. "nan",
  108396. "nan",
  108397. "nan",
  108398. "nan",
  108399. "nan",
  108400. "nan",
  108401. "nan",
  108402. "nan",
  108403. "nan",
  108404. "nan",
  108405. "nan",
  108406. "nan"
  108407. ],
  108408. [
  108409. "307346",
  108410. "49",
  108411. "rtc",
  108412. "homefed",
  108413. "489613545",
  108414. "nan",
  108415. "chestnut brown-port america--------",
  108416. "1/4/2001",
  108417. "789-12692",
  108418. "horn, dennis",
  108419. "nan",
  108420. "nan",
  108421. "barcode: 100016083 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12692 + emp name: prsi 12692 prsi box 12692",
  108422. "washington d.c",
  108423. "1400029",
  108424. "nan",
  108425. "nan",
  108426. "nan",
  108427. "nan",
  108428. "nan",
  108429. "nan",
  108430. "nan",
  108431. "nan",
  108432. "nan",
  108433. "nan",
  108434. "nan",
  108435. "nan",
  108436. "nan",
  108437. "nan",
  108438. "nan",
  108439. "nan",
  108440. "nan",
  108441. "nan",
  108442. "nan",
  108443. "nan",
  108444. "nan",
  108445. "nan",
  108446. "nan"
  108447. ],
  108448. [
  108449. "307346",
  108450. "49",
  108451. "rtc",
  108452. "sale of port america",
  108453. "489613545",
  108454. "nan",
  108455. "expand brown-purchase agreement, contract--------",
  108456. "1/4/2001",
  108457. "789-12692",
  108458. "horn, dennis",
  108459. "nan",
  108460. "nan",
  108461. "barcode: 100016084 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12692 + emp name: prsi 12692 prsi box 12692",
  108462. "washington d.c",
  108463. "1400030",
  108464. "nan",
  108465. "nan",
  108466. "nan",
  108467. "nan",
  108468. "nan",
  108469. "nan",
  108470. "nan",
  108471. "nan",
  108472. "nan",
  108473. "nan",
  108474. "nan",
  108475. "nan",
  108476. "nan",
  108477. "nan",
  108478. "nan",
  108479. "nan",
  108480. "nan",
  108481. "nan",
  108482. "nan",
  108483. "nan",
  108484. "nan",
  108485. "nan",
  108486. "nan"
  108487. ],
  108488. [
  108489. "307346",
  108490. "49",
  108491. "rtc",
  108492. "homefed",
  108493. "489626039",
  108494. "nan",
  108495. "expand brown-approved office lease agreements--------",
  108496. "1/20/1993",
  108497. "789-12830",
  108498. "horn, dennis",
  108499. "nan",
  108500. "nan",
  108501. "barcode: 100016085 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108502. "washington d.c",
  108503. "1400031",
  108504. "nan",
  108505. "nan",
  108506. "nan",
  108507. "nan",
  108508. "nan",
  108509. "nan",
  108510. "nan",
  108511. "nan",
  108512. "nan",
  108513. "nan",
  108514. "nan",
  108515. "nan",
  108516. "nan",
  108517. "nan",
  108518. "nan",
  108519. "nan",
  108520. "nan",
  108521. "nan",
  108522. "nan",
  108523. "nan",
  108524. "nan",
  108525. "nan",
  108526. "nan"
  108527. ],
  108528. [
  108529. "307346",
  108530. "49",
  108531. "rtc",
  108532. "sale of port america",
  108533. "489626039",
  108534. "nan",
  108535. "expand brown-documents--------",
  108536. "3/7/1994",
  108537. "789-12830",
  108538. "horn, dennis",
  108539. "nan",
  108540. "nan",
  108541. "barcode: 100016087 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108542. "washington d.c",
  108543. "1400033",
  108544. "nan",
  108545. "nan",
  108546. "nan",
  108547. "nan",
  108548. "nan",
  108549. "nan",
  108550. "nan",
  108551. "nan",
  108552. "nan",
  108553. "nan",
  108554. "nan",
  108555. "nan",
  108556. "nan",
  108557. "nan",
  108558. "nan",
  108559. "nan",
  108560. "nan",
  108561. "nan",
  108562. "nan",
  108563. "nan",
  108564. "nan",
  108565. "nan",
  108566. "nan"
  108567. ],
  108568. [
  108569. "307346",
  108570. "49",
  108571. "rtc",
  108572. "sale of port america",
  108573. "489626039",
  108574. "nan",
  108575. "expand brown-documents #2--------",
  108576. "3/10/1994",
  108577. "789-12830",
  108578. "horn, dennis",
  108579. "nan",
  108580. "nan",
  108581. "barcode: 100016088 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108582. "washington d.c",
  108583. "1400034",
  108584. "nan",
  108585. "nan",
  108586. "nan",
  108587. "nan",
  108588. "nan",
  108589. "nan",
  108590. "nan",
  108591. "nan",
  108592. "nan",
  108593. "nan",
  108594. "nan",
  108595. "nan",
  108596. "nan",
  108597. "nan",
  108598. "nan",
  108599. "nan",
  108600. "nan",
  108601. "nan",
  108602. "nan",
  108603. "nan",
  108604. "nan",
  108605. "nan",
  108606. "nan"
  108607. ],
  108608. [
  108609. "307346",
  108610. "49",
  108611. "rtc",
  108612. "sale of port america",
  108613. "489626039",
  108614. "nan",
  108615. "expand brown-barrier improvement act: docs--------",
  108616. "3/10/1994",
  108617. "789-12830",
  108618. "horn, dennis",
  108619. "nan",
  108620. "nan",
  108621. "barcode: 100016089 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108622. "washington d.c",
  108623. "1400035",
  108624. "nan",
  108625. "nan",
  108626. "nan",
  108627. "nan",
  108628. "nan",
  108629. "nan",
  108630. "nan",
  108631. "nan",
  108632. "nan",
  108633. "nan",
  108634. "nan",
  108635. "nan",
  108636. "nan",
  108637. "nan",
  108638. "nan",
  108639. "nan",
  108640. "nan",
  108641. "nan",
  108642. "nan",
  108643. "nan",
  108644. "nan",
  108645. "nan",
  108646. "nan"
  108647. ],
  108648. [
  108649. "307346",
  108650. "49",
  108651. "rtc",
  108652. "sale of port america",
  108653. "489626039",
  108654. "nan",
  108655. "chestnut brown-lewis workout plan--------",
  108656. "3/10/1994",
  108657. "789-12830",
  108658. "horn, dennis",
  108659. "nan",
  108660. "nan",
  108661. "barcode: 100016090 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108662. "washington d.c",
  108663. "1400036",
  108664. "nan",
  108665. "nan",
  108666. "nan",
  108667. "nan",
  108668. "nan",
  108669. "nan",
  108670. "nan",
  108671. "nan",
  108672. "nan",
  108673. "nan",
  108674. "nan",
  108675. "nan",
  108676. "nan",
  108677. "nan",
  108678. "nan",
  108679. "nan",
  108680. "nan",
  108681. "nan",
  108682. "nan",
  108683. "nan",
  108684. "nan",
  108685. "nan",
  108686. "nan"
  108687. ],
  108688. [
  108689. "307346",
  108690. "49",
  108691. "rtc",
  108692. "sale of port america",
  108693. "489626039",
  108694. "nan",
  108695. "chestnut brown-public authority documents--------",
  108696. "3/10/1994",
  108697. "789-12830",
  108698. "horn, dennis",
  108699. "nan",
  108700. "nan",
  108701. "barcode: 100016091 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108702. "washington d.c",
  108703. "1400037",
  108704. "nan",
  108705. "nan",
  108706. "nan",
  108707. "nan",
  108708. "nan",
  108709. "nan",
  108710. "nan",
  108711. "nan",
  108712. "nan",
  108713. "nan",
  108714. "nan",
  108715. "nan",
  108716. "nan",
  108717. "nan",
  108718. "nan",
  108719. "nan",
  108720. "nan",
  108721. "nan",
  108722. "nan",
  108723. "nan",
  108724. "nan",
  108725. "nan",
  108726. "nan"
  108727. ],
  108728. [
  108729. "307346",
  108730. "49",
  108731. "rtc",
  108732. "sale of port america",
  108733. "489626039",
  108734. "nan",
  108735. "expand brown-form contracts--------",
  108736. "3/7/1994",
  108737. "789-12830",
  108738. "horn, dennis",
  108739. "nan",
  108740. "nan",
  108741. "barcode: 100016092 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108742. "washington d.c",
  108743. "1400038",
  108744. "nan",
  108745. "nan",
  108746. "nan",
  108747. "nan",
  108748. "nan",
  108749. "nan",
  108750. "nan",
  108751. "nan",
  108752. "nan",
  108753. "nan",
  108754. "nan",
  108755. "nan",
  108756. "nan",
  108757. "nan",
  108758. "nan",
  108759. "nan",
  108760. "nan",
  108761. "nan",
  108762. "nan",
  108763. "nan",
  108764. "nan",
  108765. "nan",
  108766. "nan"
  108767. ],
  108768. [
  108769. "307346",
  108770. "49",
  108771. "rtc",
  108772. "sale of port america",
  108773. "489626039",
  108774. "nan",
  108775. "chestnut brown-legal documents - 4 disks--------",
  108776. "10/31/1994",
  108777. "789-12830",
  108778. "horn, dennis",
  108779. "nan",
  108780. "nan",
  108781. "barcode: 100016093 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108782. "washington d.c",
  108783. "1400039",
  108784. "nan",
  108785. "nan",
  108786. "nan",
  108787. "nan",
  108788. "nan",
  108789. "nan",
  108790. "nan",
  108791. "nan",
  108792. "nan",
  108793. "nan",
  108794. "nan",
  108795. "nan",
  108796. "nan",
  108797. "nan",
  108798. "nan",
  108799. "nan",
  108800. "nan",
  108801. "nan",
  108802. "nan",
  108803. "nan",
  108804. "nan",
  108805. "nan",
  108806. "nan"
  108807. ],
  108808. [
  108809. "307346",
  108810. "49",
  108811. "rtc",
  108812. "sale of port america",
  108813. "489626039",
  108814. "nan",
  108815. "black binder-forms & procedures deskbook--------",
  108816. "4/11/1994",
  108817. "789-12830",
  108818. "horn, dennis",
  108819. "nan",
  108820. "nan",
  108821. "barcode: 100016094 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12830",
  108822. "washington d.c",
  108823. "1400040",
  108824. "nan",
  108825. "nan",
  108826. "nan",
  108827. "nan",
  108828. "nan",
  108829. "nan",
  108830. "nan",
  108831. "nan",
  108832. "nan",
  108833. "nan",
  108834. "nan",
  108835. "nan",
  108836. "nan",
  108837. "nan",
  108838. "nan",
  108839. "nan",
  108840. "nan",
  108841. "nan",
  108842. "nan",
  108843. "nan",
  108844. "nan",
  108845. "nan",
  108846. "nan"
  108847. ],
  108848. [
  108849. "307349",
  108850. "1",
  108851. "resolution trust corp.",
  108852. "southeastern federal savings bank",
  108853. "789-12691",
  108854. "nan",
  108855. "chestnut brown-bills sent to rtc--------",
  108856. "4/23/1994",
  108857. "789-12691",
  108858. "trout, robert p.",
  108859. "nan",
  108860. "nan",
  108861. "barcode: 100016098 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12691 + emp name: prsi 12691 prsi box 12691",
  108862. "washington d.c",
  108863. "1400044",
  108864. "nan",
  108865. "nan",
  108866. "nan",
  108867. "nan",
  108868. "nan",
  108869. "nan",
  108870. "nan",
  108871. "nan",
  108872. "nan",
  108873. "nan",
  108874. "nan",
  108875. "nan",
  108876. "nan",
  108877. "nan",
  108878. "nan",
  108879. "nan",
  108880. "nan",
  108881. "nan",
  108882. "nan",
  108883. "nan",
  108884. "nan",
  108885. "nan",
  108886. "nan"
  108887. ],
  108888. [
  108889. "307815",
  108890. "1",
  108891. "schar",
  108892. "schar litigation v. fdic",
  108893. "789-12033",
  108894. "nan",
  108895. "expand blue-original discovery--------",
  108896. "3/10/1993",
  108897. "789-12033",
  108898. "zuckerman, roger",
  108899. "nan",
  108900. "nan",
  108901. "barcode: 100016303 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12033 + emp name: prsi 12033 prsi box 12033",
  108902. "washington d.c",
  108903. "1400230",
  108904. "nan",
  108905. "nan",
  108906. "nan",
  108907. "nan",
  108908. "nan",
  108909. "nan",
  108910. "nan",
  108911. "nan",
  108912. "nan",
  108913. "nan",
  108914. "nan",
  108915. "nan",
  108916. "nan",
  108917. "nan",
  108918. "nan",
  108919. "nan",
  108920. "nan",
  108921. "nan",
  108922. "nan",
  108923. "nan",
  108924. "nan",
  108925. "nan",
  108926. "nan"
  108927. ],
  108928. [
  108929. "307815",
  108930. "1",
  108931. "schar",
  108932. "schar litigation v. fdic",
  108933. "789-12033",
  108934. "nan",
  108935. "chestnut brown-billing filr--------",
  108936. "2/24/1995",
  108937. "789-12033",
  108938. "trout, robert p.",
  108939. "nan",
  108940. "nan",
  108941. "barcode: 100016304 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12033 + emp name: prsi 12033 prsi box 12033",
  108942. "washington d.c",
  108943. "1400231",
  108944. "nan",
  108945. "nan",
  108946. "nan",
  108947. "nan",
  108948. "nan",
  108949. "nan",
  108950. "nan",
  108951. "nan",
  108952. "nan",
  108953. "nan",
  108954. "nan",
  108955. "nan",
  108956. "nan",
  108957. "nan",
  108958. "nan",
  108959. "nan",
  108960. "nan",
  108961. "nan",
  108962. "nan",
  108963. "nan",
  108964. "nan",
  108965. "nan",
  108966. "nan"
  108967. ],
  108968. [
  108969. "307989",
  108970. "1",
  108971. "rtc",
  108972. "second national",
  108973. "789-12696",
  108974. "nan",
  108975. "expand brown-correspondence, referrals, documents--------",
  108976. "12/18/1992",
  108977. "789-12696",
  108978. "bogorad, stephen",
  108979. "nan",
  108980. "nan",
  108981. "barcode: 100014799 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12696 + emp name: prsi 12696 prsi box 12696",
  108982. "washington d.c",
  108983. "1398898",
  108984. "nan",
  108985. "nan",
  108986. "nan",
  108987. "nan",
  108988. "nan",
  108989. "nan",
  108990. "nan",
  108991. "nan",
  108992. "nan",
  108993. "nan",
  108994. "nan",
  108995. "nan",
  108996. "nan",
  108997. "nan",
  108998. "nan",
  108999. "nan",
  109000. "nan",
  109001. "nan",
  109002. "nan",
  109003. "nan",
  109004. "nan",
  109005. "nan",
  109006. "nan"
  109007. ],
  109008. [
  109009. "307989",
  109010. "7",
  109011. "rtc",
  109012. "slasbury sheraton",
  109013. "789-12696",
  109014. "nan",
  109015. "expand brown-pleadings--------",
  109016. "7/14/1993",
  109017. "789-12696",
  109018. "bogorad, stephen",
  109019. "nan",
  109020. "nan",
  109021. "barcode: 100014800 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12696 + emp name: prsi 12696 prsi box 12696",
  109022. "washington d.c",
  109023. "1398899",
  109024. "nan",
  109025. "nan",
  109026. "nan",
  109027. "nan",
  109028. "nan",
  109029. "nan",
  109030. "nan",
  109031. "nan",
  109032. "nan",
  109033. "nan",
  109034. "nan",
  109035. "nan",
  109036. "nan",
  109037. "nan",
  109038. "nan",
  109039. "nan",
  109040. "nan",
  109041. "nan",
  109042. "nan",
  109043. "nan",
  109044. "nan",
  109045. "nan",
  109046. "nan"
  109047. ],
  109048. [
  109049. "307989",
  109050. "7",
  109051. "rtc",
  109052. "forms",
  109053. "789-12696",
  109054. "nan",
  109055. "expand brown-forms--------",
  109056. "12/5/1992",
  109057. "789-12696",
  109058. "bogorad, stephen",
  109059. "nan",
  109060. "nan",
  109061. "barcode: 100014801 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12696 + emp name: prsi 12696 prsi box 12696",
  109062. "washington d.c",
  109063. "1398900",
  109064. "nan",
  109065. "nan",
  109066. "nan",
  109067. "nan",
  109068. "nan",
  109069. "nan",
  109070. "nan",
  109071. "nan",
  109072. "nan",
  109073. "nan",
  109074. "nan",
  109075. "nan",
  109076. "nan",
  109077. "nan",
  109078. "nan",
  109079. "nan",
  109080. "nan",
  109081. "nan",
  109082. "nan",
  109083. "nan",
  109084. "nan",
  109085. "nan",
  109086. "nan"
  109087. ],
  109088. [
  109089. "307989",
  109090. "43",
  109091. "rtc",
  109092. "second national gore",
  109093. "nan",
  109094. "nan",
  109095. "expand brown-admissions, debtor's response, court orders, transcripts, notes--------",
  109096. "4/15/1993",
  109097. "nan",
  109098. "glenn, robert",
  109099. "off-site",
  109100. "nan",
  109101. "barcode: 100014802 + file status: in",
  109102. "tysons",
  109103. "1398901",
  109104. "nan",
  109105. "nan",
  109106. "nan",
  109107. "nan",
  109108. "nan",
  109109. "nan",
  109110. "nan",
  109111. "nan",
  109112. "nan",
  109113. "nan",
  109114. "nan",
  109115. "nan",
  109116. "nan",
  109117. "nan",
  109118. "nan",
  109119. "nan",
  109120. "nan",
  109121. "nan",
  109122. "nan",
  109123. "nan",
  109124. "nan",
  109125. "nan",
  109126. "nan"
  109127. ],
  109128. [
  109129. "307989",
  109130. "43",
  109131. "rtc",
  109132. "second national gore",
  109133. "489613512",
  109134. "nan",
  109135. "expand brown-litigation materials--------",
  109136. "8/24/1993",
  109137. "789-12697",
  109138. "glenn, robert",
  109139. "nan",
  109140. "nan",
  109141. "barcode: 100014804 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12697 + emp name: prsi 12697 prsi box 12697",
  109142. "tysons",
  109143. "1398902",
  109144. "nan",
  109145. "nan",
  109146. "nan",
  109147. "nan",
  109148. "nan",
  109149. "nan",
  109150. "nan",
  109151. "nan",
  109152. "nan",
  109153. "nan",
  109154. "nan",
  109155. "nan",
  109156. "nan",
  109157. "nan",
  109158. "nan",
  109159. "nan",
  109160. "nan",
  109161. "nan",
  109162. "nan",
  109163. "nan",
  109164. "nan",
  109165. "nan",
  109166. "nan"
  109167. ],
  109168. [
  109169. "307989",
  109170. "45",
  109171. "rtc",
  109172. "second national gore",
  109173. "489613512",
  109174. "nan",
  109175. "expand blue-correspondence, research, contracts--------",
  109176. "11/29/1993",
  109177. "789-12697",
  109178. "glenn, robert",
  109179. "nan",
  109180. "nan",
  109181. "barcode: 100014805 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12697 + emp name: prsi 12697 prsi box 12697",
  109182. "tysons",
  109183. "1398903",
  109184. "nan",
  109185. "nan",
  109186. "nan",
  109187. "nan",
  109188. "nan",
  109189. "nan",
  109190. "nan",
  109191. "nan",
  109192. "nan",
  109193. "nan",
  109194. "nan",
  109195. "nan",
  109196. "nan",
  109197. "nan",
  109198. "nan",
  109199. "nan",
  109200. "nan",
  109201. "nan",
  109202. "nan",
  109203. "nan",
  109204. "nan",
  109205. "nan",
  109206. "nan"
  109207. ],
  109208. [
  109209. "307989",
  109210. "45",
  109211. "rtc",
  109212. "second national gore",
  109213. "489613512",
  109214. "nan",
  109215. "expand brown-documents provided by debtor--------",
  109216. "11/11/1993",
  109217. "789-12697",
  109218. "glenn, robert",
  109219. "nan",
  109220. "nan",
  109221. "barcode: 100014806 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12697 + emp name: prsi 12697 prsi box 12697",
  109222. "tysons",
  109223. "1398904",
  109224. "nan",
  109225. "nan",
  109226. "nan",
  109227. "nan",
  109228. "nan",
  109229. "nan",
  109230. "nan",
  109231. "nan",
  109232. "nan",
  109233. "nan",
  109234. "nan",
  109235. "nan",
  109236. "nan",
  109237. "nan",
  109238. "nan",
  109239. "nan",
  109240. "nan",
  109241. "nan",
  109242. "nan",
  109243. "nan",
  109244. "nan",
  109245. "nan",
  109246. "nan"
  109247. ],
  109248. [
  109249. "307989",
  109250. "45",
  109251. "rtc",
  109252. "second national gore",
  109253. "489613512",
  109254. "nan",
  109255. "expand blue-notes--------",
  109256. "9/12/1992",
  109257. "789-12697",
  109258. "glenn, robert",
  109259. "nan",
  109260. "nan",
  109261. "barcode: 100014807 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12697 + emp name: prsi 12697 prsi box 12697",
  109262. "tysons",
  109263. "1398905",
  109264. "nan",
  109265. "nan",
  109266. "nan",
  109267. "nan",
  109268. "nan",
  109269. "nan",
  109270. "nan",
  109271. "nan",
  109272. "nan",
  109273. "nan",
  109274. "nan",
  109275. "nan",
  109276. "nan",
  109277. "nan",
  109278. "nan",
  109279. "nan",
  109280. "nan",
  109281. "nan",
  109282. "nan",
  109283. "nan",
  109284. "nan",
  109285. "nan",
  109286. "nan"
  109287. ],
  109288. [
  109289. "307989",
  109290. "43",
  109291. "rtc",
  109292. "second national gore involuntary",
  109293. "489613517",
  109294. "nan",
  109295. "expand brown-research, forms, documents,correspondence--------",
  109296. "6/24/1992",
  109297. "789-12696",
  109298. "glenn, robert",
  109299. "nan",
  109300. "nan",
  109301. "barcode: 100014808 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12696 + emp name: prsi 12696 prsi box 12696",
  109302. "tysons",
  109303. "1398906",
  109304. "nan",
  109305. "nan",
  109306. "nan",
  109307. "nan",
  109308. "nan",
  109309. "nan",
  109310. "nan",
  109311. "nan",
  109312. "nan",
  109313. "nan",
  109314. "nan",
  109315. "nan",
  109316. "nan",
  109317. "nan",
  109318. "nan",
  109319. "nan",
  109320. "nan",
  109321. "nan",
  109322. "nan",
  109323. "nan",
  109324. "nan",
  109325. "nan",
  109326. "nan"
  109327. ],
  109328. [
  109329. "307989",
  109330. "43",
  109331. "rtc",
  109332. "defense",
  109333. "489613517",
  109334. "nan",
  109335. "expand brown-correspondence, research, forms, documents, financial info--------",
  109336. "9/22/1993",
  109337. "789-12696",
  109338. "glenn, robert",
  109339. "nan",
  109340. "nan",
  109341. "barcode: 100014809 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12696 + emp name: prsi 12696 prsi box 12696",
  109342. "tysons",
  109343. "1398907",
  109344. "nan",
  109345. "nan",
  109346. "nan",
  109347. "nan",
  109348. "nan",
  109349. "nan",
  109350. "nan",
  109351. "nan",
  109352. "nan",
  109353. "nan",
  109354. "nan",
  109355. "nan",
  109356. "nan",
  109357. "nan",
  109358. "nan",
  109359. "nan",
  109360. "nan",
  109361. "nan",
  109362. "nan",
  109363. "nan",
  109364. "nan",
  109365. "nan",
  109366. "nan"
  109367. ],
  109368. [
  109369. "307989",
  109370. "45",
  109371. "rtc",
  109372. "second national marwood",
  109373. "489613512",
  109374. "nan",
  109375. "expand blue-interrogatories, contracts, motions, protective order, subpoenas--------",
  109376. "10/12/1993",
  109377. "789-12697",
  109378. "glenn, robert",
  109379. "nan",
  109380. "nan",
  109381. "barcode: 100014810 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12697 + emp name: prsi 12697 prsi box 12697",
  109382. "tysons",
  109383. "1398908",
  109384. "nan",
  109385. "nan",
  109386. "nan",
  109387. "nan",
  109388. "nan",
  109389. "nan",
  109390. "nan",
  109391. "nan",
  109392. "nan",
  109393. "nan",
  109394. "nan",
  109395. "nan",
  109396. "nan",
  109397. "nan",
  109398. "nan",
  109399. "nan",
  109400. "nan",
  109401. "nan",
  109402. "nan",
  109403. "nan",
  109404. "nan",
  109405. "nan",
  109406. "nan"
  109407. ],
  109408. [
  109409. "307989",
  109410. "43",
  109411. "rtc",
  109412. "second national bank",
  109413. "489252633",
  109414. "nan",
  109415. "expand brown-gore involuntary bankruptcy--------",
  109416. "2/4/1994",
  109417. "789-11944",
  109418. "kerxton, alan s.",
  109419. "nan",
  109420. "nan",
  109421. "barcode: 100016137 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 789-11944 + emp name: prsi 11944 prsi box 11944",
  109422. "washington d.c",
  109423. "1400077",
  109424. "nan",
  109425. "nan",
  109426. "nan",
  109427. "nan",
  109428. "nan",
  109429. "nan",
  109430. "nan",
  109431. "nan",
  109432. "nan",
  109433. "nan",
  109434. "nan",
  109435. "nan",
  109436. "nan",
  109437. "nan",
  109438. "nan",
  109439. "nan",
  109440. "nan",
  109441. "nan",
  109442. "nan",
  109443. "nan",
  109444. "nan",
  109445. "nan",
  109446. "nan"
  109447. ],
  109448. [
  109449. "307989",
  109450. "45",
  109451. "rtc",
  109452. "gore bankruptcy",
  109453. "489255778",
  109454. "nan",
  109455. "chestnut brown-marwood schedules--------",
  109456. "1/8/1990",
  109457. "789-12270",
  109458. "nan",
  109459. "nan",
  109460. "nan",
  109461. "barcode: 100016407 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12270 + emp name: prsi 12270 prsi box 12270",
  109462. "washington d.c",
  109463. "1400328",
  109464. "nan",
  109465. "nan",
  109466. "nan",
  109467. "nan",
  109468. "nan",
  109469. "nan",
  109470. "nan",
  109471. "nan",
  109472. "nan",
  109473. "nan",
  109474. "nan",
  109475. "nan",
  109476. "nan",
  109477. "nan",
  109478. "nan",
  109479. "nan",
  109480. "nan",
  109481. "nan",
  109482. "nan",
  109483. "nan",
  109484. "nan",
  109485. "nan",
  109486. "nan"
  109487. ],
  109488. [
  109489. "307989",
  109490. "45",
  109491. "rtc",
  109492. "marwood partnership",
  109493. "489255779",
  109494. "nan",
  109495. "chestnut brown-gore bankruptcy--------",
  109496. "10/27/1993",
  109497. "789-12268",
  109498. "baron, susan",
  109499. "nan",
  109500. "nan",
  109501. "barcode: 100016408 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12268 + emp name: prsi 12268 prsi box 12268",
  109502. "washington d.c",
  109503. "1400329",
  109504. "nan",
  109505. "nan",
  109506. "nan",
  109507. "nan",
  109508. "nan",
  109509. "nan",
  109510. "nan",
  109511. "nan",
  109512. "nan",
  109513. "nan",
  109514. "nan",
  109515. "nan",
  109516. "nan",
  109517. "nan",
  109518. "nan",
  109519. "nan",
  109520. "nan",
  109521. "nan",
  109522. "nan",
  109523. "nan",
  109524. "nan",
  109525. "nan",
  109526. "nan"
  109527. ],
  109528. [
  109529. "307989",
  109530. "45",
  109531. "rtc",
  109532. "marwood",
  109533. "489258902",
  109534. "nan",
  109535. "black letter pl-complaint--------",
  109536. "12/13/1992",
  109537. "789-12347",
  109538. "bogorad, stephen",
  109539. "nan",
  109540. "nan",
  109541. "barcode: 100016465 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12347 + emp name: prsi 12347 prsi box 12347",
  109542. "washington d.c",
  109543. "1400382",
  109544. "nan",
  109545. "nan",
  109546. "nan",
  109547. "nan",
  109548. "nan",
  109549. "nan",
  109550. "nan",
  109551. "nan",
  109552. "nan",
  109553. "nan",
  109554. "nan",
  109555. "nan",
  109556. "nan",
  109557. "nan",
  109558. "nan",
  109559. "nan",
  109560. "nan",
  109561. "nan",
  109562. "nan",
  109563. "nan",
  109564. "nan",
  109565. "nan",
  109566. "nan"
  109567. ],
  109568. [
  109569. "307989",
  109570. "45",
  109571. "rtc",
  109572. "marwood",
  109573. "789-12355",
  109574. "nan",
  109575. "chestnut brown-gore bankruptcy--------",
  109576. "9/30/1993",
  109577. "789-12355",
  109578. "bogorad, stephen",
  109579. "nan",
  109580. "nan",
  109581. "barcode: 100016467 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12355 + emp name: prsi 12355 prsi box 12355",
  109582. "washington d.c",
  109583. "1400384",
  109584. "nan",
  109585. "nan",
  109586. "nan",
  109587. "nan",
  109588. "nan",
  109589. "nan",
  109590. "nan",
  109591. "nan",
  109592. "nan",
  109593. "nan",
  109594. "nan",
  109595. "nan",
  109596. "nan",
  109597. "nan",
  109598. "nan",
  109599. "nan",
  109600. "nan",
  109601. "nan",
  109602. "nan",
  109603. "nan",
  109604. "nan",
  109605. "nan",
  109606. "nan"
  109607. ],
  109608. [
  109609. "307989",
  109610. "45",
  109611. "rtc",
  109612. "marwood",
  109613. "789-12355",
  109614. "nan",
  109615. "chestnut brown-motion of ruling on motion to lift stay--------",
  109616. "12/10/1993",
  109617. "789-12355",
  109618. "bogorad, stephen",
  109619. "nan",
  109620. "nan",
  109621. "barcode: 100016468 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12355 + emp name: prsi 12355 prsi box 12355",
  109622. "washington d.c",
  109623. "1400385",
  109624. "nan",
  109625. "nan",
  109626. "nan",
  109627. "nan",
  109628. "nan",
  109629. "nan",
  109630. "nan",
  109631. "nan",
  109632. "nan",
  109633. "nan",
  109634. "nan",
  109635. "nan",
  109636. "nan",
  109637. "nan",
  109638. "nan",
  109639. "nan",
  109640. "nan",
  109641. "nan",
  109642. "nan",
  109643. "nan",
  109644. "nan",
  109645. "nan",
  109646. "nan"
  109647. ],
  109648. [
  109649. "307989",
  109650. "45",
  109651. "rtc",
  109652. "marwood",
  109653. "789-12355",
  109654. "nan",
  109655. "black binder-exhibits--------",
  109656. "10/22/1993",
  109657. "789-12355",
  109658. "bogorad, stephen",
  109659. "nan",
  109660. "nan",
  109661. "barcode: 100016530 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12355 + emp name: prsi 12355 prsi box 12355",
  109662. "washington d.c",
  109663. "1400446",
  109664. "nan",
  109665. "nan",
  109666. "nan",
  109667. "nan",
  109668. "nan",
  109669. "nan",
  109670. "nan",
  109671. "nan",
  109672. "nan",
  109673. "nan",
  109674. "nan",
  109675. "nan",
  109676. "nan",
  109677. "nan",
  109678. "nan",
  109679. "nan",
  109680. "nan",
  109681. "nan",
  109682. "nan",
  109683. "nan",
  109684. "nan",
  109685. "nan",
  109686. "nan"
  109687. ],
  109688. [
  109689. "307989",
  109690. "22",
  109691. "rtc",
  109692. "aaronson",
  109693. "789-12355",
  109694. "nan",
  109695. "expand brown-document--------",
  109696. "12/2/1992",
  109697. "789-12355",
  109698. "richards, john t.",
  109699. "nan",
  109700. "nan",
  109701. "barcode: 100016537 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12355 + emp name: prsi 12355 prsi box 12355",
  109702. "washington d.c",
  109703. "1400453",
  109704. "nan",
  109705. "nan",
  109706. "nan",
  109707. "nan",
  109708. "nan",
  109709. "nan",
  109710. "nan",
  109711. "nan",
  109712. "nan",
  109713. "nan",
  109714. "nan",
  109715. "nan",
  109716. "nan",
  109717. "nan",
  109718. "nan",
  109719. "nan",
  109720. "nan",
  109721. "nan",
  109722. "nan",
  109723. "nan",
  109724. "nan",
  109725. "nan",
  109726. "nan"
  109727. ],
  109728. [
  109729. "307989",
  109730. "45",
  109731. "rtc",
  109732. "marwood",
  109733. "789-12355",
  109734. "nan",
  109735. "chestnut brown-gore bankruptcy--------",
  109736. "1/6/1994",
  109737. "789-12355",
  109738. "bogorad, stephen",
  109739. "nan",
  109740. "nan",
  109741. "barcode: 100016538 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12355 + emp name: prsi 12355 prsi box 12355",
  109742. "washington d.c",
  109743. "1400454",
  109744. "nan",
  109745. "nan",
  109746. "nan",
  109747. "nan",
  109748. "nan",
  109749. "nan",
  109750. "nan",
  109751. "nan",
  109752. "nan",
  109753. "nan",
  109754. "nan",
  109755. "nan",
  109756. "nan",
  109757. "nan",
  109758. "nan",
  109759. "nan",
  109760. "nan",
  109761. "nan",
  109762. "nan",
  109763. "nan",
  109764. "nan",
  109765. "nan",
  109766. "nan"
  109767. ],
  109768. [
  109769. "307989",
  109770. "45",
  109771. "rtc",
  109772. "marwood",
  109773. "789-12355",
  109774. "nan",
  109775. "chestnut brown-gore bankruptcy--------",
  109776. "10/29/1993",
  109777. "789-12355",
  109778. "bogorad, stephen",
  109779. "nan",
  109780. "nan",
  109781. "barcode: 100016539 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12355 + emp name: prsi 12355 prsi box 12355",
  109782. "washington d.c",
  109783. "1400455",
  109784. "nan",
  109785. "nan",
  109786. "nan",
  109787. "nan",
  109788. "nan",
  109789. "nan",
  109790. "nan",
  109791. "nan",
  109792. "nan",
  109793. "nan",
  109794. "nan",
  109795. "nan",
  109796. "nan",
  109797. "nan",
  109798. "nan",
  109799. "nan",
  109800. "nan",
  109801. "nan",
  109802. "nan",
  109803. "nan",
  109804. "nan",
  109805. "nan",
  109806. "nan"
  109807. ],
  109808. [
  109809. "30827",
  109810. "2",
  109811. "burtch barone",
  109812. "private placement",
  109813. "7701",
  109814. "nan",
  109815. "-",
  109816. "nan",
  109817. "7701",
  109818. "rw",
  109819. "-",
  109820. "nan",
  109821. "closed file number: 8474-91 + location: c",
  109822. "fort lauderdale",
  109823. "321631",
  109824. "nan",
  109825. "nan",
  109826. "nan",
  109827. "nan",
  109828. "nan",
  109829. "nan",
  109830. "nan",
  109831. "nan",
  109832. "nan",
  109833. "nan",
  109834. "nan",
  109835. "nan",
  109836. "nan",
  109837. "nan",
  109838. "nan",
  109839. "nan",
  109840. "nan",
  109841. "nan",
  109842. "nan",
  109843. "nan",
  109844. "nan",
  109845. "nan",
  109846. "nan"
  109847. ],
  109848. [
  109849. "308939",
  109850. "00001",
  109851. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  109852. "directors & officers",
  109853. "489255801",
  109854. "general/other",
  109855. "expand blue-litigation--------",
  109856. "1/24/1994",
  109857. "789-12296",
  109858. "christopher a. myers",
  109859. "nan",
  109860. "nan",
  109861. "rtc. v. william l. walde---et al.---myer, christopher---barcode: 100013834 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  109862. "washington d.c",
  109863. "1397999",
  109864. "11/7/1996",
  109865. "nan",
  109866. "nan",
  109867. "nan",
  109868. "nan",
  109869. "nan",
  109870. "nan",
  109871. "nan",
  109872. "nan",
  109873. "nan",
  109874. "nan",
  109875. "nan",
  109876. "nan",
  109877. "nan",
  109878. "nan",
  109879. "nan",
  109880. "nan",
  109881. "nan",
  109882. "nan",
  109883. "nan",
  109884. "nan",
  109885. "nan",
  109886. "nan"
  109887. ],
  109888. [
  109889. "308939",
  109890. "00001",
  109891. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  109892. "directors & officers",
  109893. "489255801",
  109894. "general/other",
  109895. "expand blue-misc.--------",
  109896. "7/19/1993",
  109897. "789-12296",
  109898. "christopher a. myers",
  109899. "nan",
  109900. "nan",
  109901. "rtc. v. william l. walde---et al.---myer, christopher---barcode: 100013835 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  109902. "washington d.c",
  109903. "1398000",
  109904. "11/7/1996",
  109905. "nan",
  109906. "nan",
  109907. "nan",
  109908. "nan",
  109909. "nan",
  109910. "nan",
  109911. "nan",
  109912. "nan",
  109913. "nan",
  109914. "nan",
  109915. "nan",
  109916. "nan",
  109917. "nan",
  109918. "nan",
  109919. "nan",
  109920. "nan",
  109921. "nan",
  109922. "nan",
  109923. "nan",
  109924. "nan",
  109925. "nan",
  109926. "nan"
  109927. ],
  109928. [
  109929. "308939",
  109930. "00001",
  109931. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  109932. "directors & officers",
  109933. "489255801",
  109934. "general/other",
  109935. "expand blue-memos--------",
  109936. "11/17/1993",
  109937. "789-12296",
  109938. "christopher a. myers",
  109939. "nan",
  109940. "nan",
  109941. "rtc. v. william l. walde---et al.---myer, christopher---barcode: 100013836 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  109942. "washington d.c",
  109943. "1398001",
  109944. "11/7/1996",
  109945. "nan",
  109946. "nan",
  109947. "nan",
  109948. "nan",
  109949. "nan",
  109950. "nan",
  109951. "nan",
  109952. "nan",
  109953. "nan",
  109954. "nan",
  109955. "nan",
  109956. "nan",
  109957. "nan",
  109958. "nan",
  109959. "nan",
  109960. "nan",
  109961. "nan",
  109962. "nan",
  109963. "nan",
  109964. "nan",
  109965. "nan",
  109966. "nan"
  109967. ],
  109968. [
  109969. "308939",
  109970. "00001",
  109971. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  109972. "directors & officers",
  109973. "489255801",
  109974. "general/other",
  109975. "expand blue-proposal/report--------",
  109976. "5/2/1993",
  109977. "789-12296",
  109978. "christopher a. myers",
  109979. "nan",
  109980. "nan",
  109981. "rtc. v. william l. walde---et al.---myer, christopher---barcode: 100013837 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  109982. "washington d.c",
  109983. "1398002",
  109984. "11/7/1996",
  109985. "nan",
  109986. "nan",
  109987. "nan",
  109988. "nan",
  109989. "nan",
  109990. "nan",
  109991. "nan",
  109992. "nan",
  109993. "nan",
  109994. "nan",
  109995. "nan",
  109996. "nan",
  109997. "nan",
  109998. "nan",
  109999. "nan",
  110000. "nan",
  110001. "nan",
  110002. "nan",
  110003. "nan",
  110004. "nan",
  110005. "nan",
  110006. "nan"
  110007. ],
  110008. [
  110009. "308939",
  110010. "00001",
  110011. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110012. "directors & officers",
  110013. "489255801",
  110014. "general/other",
  110015. "expand blue-research--------",
  110016. "2/22/1993",
  110017. "789-12296",
  110018. "christopher a. myers",
  110019. "nan",
  110020. "nan",
  110021. "rtc. v. william l. walde---et al.---myer, christopher---barcode: 100013838 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  110022. "washington d.c",
  110023. "1398003",
  110024. "11/7/1996",
  110025. "nan",
  110026. "nan",
  110027. "nan",
  110028. "nan",
  110029. "nan",
  110030. "nan",
  110031. "nan",
  110032. "nan",
  110033. "nan",
  110034. "nan",
  110035. "nan",
  110036. "nan",
  110037. "nan",
  110038. "nan",
  110039. "nan",
  110040. "nan",
  110041. "nan",
  110042. "nan",
  110043. "nan",
  110044. "nan",
  110045. "nan",
  110046. "nan"
  110047. ],
  110048. [
  110049. "308939",
  110050. "00001",
  110051. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110052. "directors & officers",
  110053. "489255801",
  110054. "general/other",
  110055. "chestnut brown-witness interviews--------",
  110056. "10/21/1992",
  110057. "789-12296",
  110058. "christopher a. myers",
  110059. "nan",
  110060. "nan",
  110061. "rtc. v. william l. walde---trustbank---myer, christopher---barcode: 100013839 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  110062. "washington d.c",
  110063. "1398004",
  110064. "11/7/1996",
  110065. "nan",
  110066. "nan",
  110067. "nan",
  110068. "nan",
  110069. "nan",
  110070. "nan",
  110071. "nan",
  110072. "nan",
  110073. "nan",
  110074. "nan",
  110075. "nan",
  110076. "nan",
  110077. "nan",
  110078. "nan",
  110079. "nan",
  110080. "nan",
  110081. "nan",
  110082. "nan",
  110083. "nan",
  110084. "nan",
  110085. "nan",
  110086. "nan"
  110087. ],
  110088. [
  110089. "308939",
  110090. "00001",
  110091. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110092. "directors & officers",
  110093. "489255801",
  110094. "general/other",
  110095. "expand brown-waldeconflict issues--------",
  110096. "10/5/1992",
  110097. "789-12296",
  110098. "christopher a. myers",
  110099. "nan",
  110100. "nan",
  110101. "rtc. v. william l. walde---d&o---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013840 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  110102. "washington d.c",
  110103. "1398005",
  110104. "11/7/1996",
  110105. "nan",
  110106. "nan",
  110107. "nan",
  110108. "nan",
  110109. "nan",
  110110. "nan",
  110111. "nan",
  110112. "nan",
  110113. "nan",
  110114. "nan",
  110115. "nan",
  110116. "nan",
  110117. "nan",
  110118. "nan",
  110119. "nan",
  110120. "nan",
  110121. "nan",
  110122. "nan",
  110123. "nan",
  110124. "nan",
  110125. "nan",
  110126. "nan"
  110127. ],
  110128. [
  110129. "308939",
  110130. "00001",
  110131. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110132. "directors & officers",
  110133. "489255801",
  110134. "general/other",
  110135. "expand brown-subpoena info rec by rtc--------",
  110136. "7/23/1992",
  110137. "789-12296",
  110138. "christopher a. myers",
  110139. "nan",
  110140. "nan",
  110141. "trustbank---d&o---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013841 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  110142. "washington d.c",
  110143. "1398006",
  110144. "11/7/1996",
  110145. "nan",
  110146. "nan",
  110147. "nan",
  110148. "nan",
  110149. "nan",
  110150. "nan",
  110151. "nan",
  110152. "nan",
  110153. "nan",
  110154. "nan",
  110155. "nan",
  110156. "nan",
  110157. "nan",
  110158. "nan",
  110159. "nan",
  110160. "nan",
  110161. "nan",
  110162. "nan",
  110163. "nan",
  110164. "nan",
  110165. "nan",
  110166. "nan"
  110167. ],
  110168. [
  110169. "308939",
  110170. "00001",
  110171. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110172. "directors & officers",
  110173. "489255801",
  110174. "general/other",
  110175. "chestnut brown-legal res.--------",
  110176. "4/15/1992",
  110177. "789-12296",
  110178. "christopher a. myers",
  110179. "nan",
  110180. "nan",
  110181. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013842 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  110182. "washington d.c",
  110183. "1398007",
  110184. "11/7/1996",
  110185. "nan",
  110186. "nan",
  110187. "nan",
  110188. "nan",
  110189. "nan",
  110190. "nan",
  110191. "nan",
  110192. "nan",
  110193. "nan",
  110194. "nan",
  110195. "nan",
  110196. "nan",
  110197. "nan",
  110198. "nan",
  110199. "nan",
  110200. "nan",
  110201. "nan",
  110202. "nan",
  110203. "nan",
  110204. "nan",
  110205. "nan",
  110206. "nan"
  110207. ],
  110208. [
  110209. "308939",
  110210. "00001",
  110211. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110212. "directors & officers",
  110213. "489255801",
  110214. "general/other",
  110215. "chestnut brown-notes--------",
  110216. "3/8/1993",
  110217. "789-12296",
  110218. "christopher a. myers",
  110219. "nan",
  110220. "nan",
  110221. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013843 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12296 + emp name: prsi 12296 prsi box 12296",
  110222. "washington d.c",
  110223. "1398008",
  110224. "11/7/1996",
  110225. "nan",
  110226. "nan",
  110227. "nan",
  110228. "nan",
  110229. "nan",
  110230. "nan",
  110231. "nan",
  110232. "nan",
  110233. "nan",
  110234. "nan",
  110235. "nan",
  110236. "nan",
  110237. "nan",
  110238. "nan",
  110239. "nan",
  110240. "nan",
  110241. "nan",
  110242. "nan",
  110243. "nan",
  110244. "nan",
  110245. "nan",
  110246. "nan"
  110247. ],
  110248. [
  110249. "308939",
  110250. "00001",
  110251. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110252. "directors & officers",
  110253. "489255818",
  110254. "general/other",
  110255. "expand brown-cases for legal research--------",
  110256. "3/21/1993",
  110257. "789-12297",
  110258. "christopher a. myers",
  110259. "nan",
  110260. "nan",
  110261. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013844 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110262. "washington d.c",
  110263. "1398009",
  110264. "11/7/1996",
  110265. "nan",
  110266. "nan",
  110267. "nan",
  110268. "nan",
  110269. "nan",
  110270. "nan",
  110271. "nan",
  110272. "nan",
  110273. "nan",
  110274. "nan",
  110275. "nan",
  110276. "nan",
  110277. "nan",
  110278. "nan",
  110279. "nan",
  110280. "nan",
  110281. "nan",
  110282. "nan",
  110283. "nan",
  110284. "nan",
  110285. "nan",
  110286. "nan"
  110287. ],
  110288. [
  110289. "308939",
  110290. "00002",
  110291. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110292. "trustbank/accountant liab.",
  110293. "489255818",
  110294. "general/other",
  110295. "chestnut brown-pete marwick docs.--------",
  110296. "5/24/1993",
  110297. "789-12297",
  110298. "christopher a. myers",
  110299. "nan",
  110300. "nan",
  110301. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013845 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110302. "washington d.c",
  110303. "1398010",
  110304. "11/7/1996",
  110305. "nan",
  110306. "nan",
  110307. "nan",
  110308. "nan",
  110309. "nan",
  110310. "nan",
  110311. "nan",
  110312. "nan",
  110313. "nan",
  110314. "nan",
  110315. "nan",
  110316. "nan",
  110317. "nan",
  110318. "nan",
  110319. "nan",
  110320. "nan",
  110321. "nan",
  110322. "nan",
  110323. "nan",
  110324. "nan",
  110325. "nan",
  110326. "nan"
  110327. ],
  110328. [
  110329. "308939",
  110330. "00001",
  110331. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110332. "directors & officers",
  110333. "489255818",
  110334. "general/other",
  110335. "chestnut brown-epic damages pro.--------",
  110336. "4/29/1995",
  110337. "789-12297",
  110338. "christopher a. myers",
  110339. "nan",
  110340. "nan",
  110341. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013846 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110342. "washington d.c",
  110343. "1398011",
  110344. "11/7/1996",
  110345. "nan",
  110346. "nan",
  110347. "nan",
  110348. "nan",
  110349. "nan",
  110350. "nan",
  110351. "nan",
  110352. "nan",
  110353. "nan",
  110354. "nan",
  110355. "nan",
  110356. "nan",
  110357. "nan",
  110358. "nan",
  110359. "nan",
  110360. "nan",
  110361. "nan",
  110362. "nan",
  110363. "nan",
  110364. "nan",
  110365. "nan",
  110366. "nan"
  110367. ],
  110368. [
  110369. "308939",
  110370. "00001",
  110371. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110372. "directors & officers",
  110373. "489255818",
  110374. "general/other",
  110375. "chestnut brown-leg research--------",
  110376. "4/21/1993",
  110377. "789-12297",
  110378. "christopher a. myers",
  110379. "nan",
  110380. "nan",
  110381. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013847 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110382. "washington d.c",
  110383. "1398012",
  110384. "11/7/1996",
  110385. "nan",
  110386. "nan",
  110387. "nan",
  110388. "nan",
  110389. "nan",
  110390. "nan",
  110391. "nan",
  110392. "nan",
  110393. "nan",
  110394. "nan",
  110395. "nan",
  110396. "nan",
  110397. "nan",
  110398. "nan",
  110399. "nan",
  110400. "nan",
  110401. "nan",
  110402. "nan",
  110403. "nan",
  110404. "nan",
  110405. "nan",
  110406. "nan"
  110407. ],
  110408. [
  110409. "308939",
  110410. "00001",
  110411. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110412. "directors & officers",
  110413. "489255818",
  110414. "general/other",
  110415. "chestnut brown-erickson memo--------",
  110416. "3/1/1993",
  110417. "789-12297",
  110418. "christopher a. myers",
  110419. "nan",
  110420. "nan",
  110421. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013848 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110422. "washington d.c",
  110423. "1398013",
  110424. "11/7/1996",
  110425. "nan",
  110426. "nan",
  110427. "nan",
  110428. "nan",
  110429. "nan",
  110430. "nan",
  110431. "nan",
  110432. "nan",
  110433. "nan",
  110434. "nan",
  110435. "nan",
  110436. "nan",
  110437. "nan",
  110438. "nan",
  110439. "nan",
  110440. "nan",
  110441. "nan",
  110442. "nan",
  110443. "nan",
  110444. "nan",
  110445. "nan",
  110446. "nan"
  110447. ],
  110448. [
  110449. "308939",
  110450. "00001",
  110451. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110452. "directors & officers",
  110453. "489255818",
  110454. "general/other",
  110455. "chestnut brown-holander/cohen witness file--------",
  110456. "4/6/1993",
  110457. "789-12297",
  110458. "christopher a. myers",
  110459. "nan",
  110460. "nan",
  110461. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013849 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110462. "washington d.c",
  110463. "1398014",
  110464. "11/7/1996",
  110465. "nan",
  110466. "nan",
  110467. "nan",
  110468. "nan",
  110469. "nan",
  110470. "nan",
  110471. "nan",
  110472. "nan",
  110473. "nan",
  110474. "nan",
  110475. "nan",
  110476. "nan",
  110477. "nan",
  110478. "nan",
  110479. "nan",
  110480. "nan",
  110481. "nan",
  110482. "nan",
  110483. "nan",
  110484. "nan",
  110485. "nan",
  110486. "nan"
  110487. ],
  110488. [
  110489. "308939",
  110490. "00001",
  110491. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110492. "directors & officers",
  110493. "489255818",
  110494. "general/other",
  110495. "chestnut brown-legal research--------",
  110496. "3/16/1993",
  110497. "789-12297",
  110498. "christopher a. myers",
  110499. "nan",
  110500. "nan",
  110501. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013850 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110502. "washington d.c",
  110503. "1398015",
  110504. "11/7/1996",
  110505. "nan",
  110506. "nan",
  110507. "nan",
  110508. "nan",
  110509. "nan",
  110510. "nan",
  110511. "nan",
  110512. "nan",
  110513. "nan",
  110514. "nan",
  110515. "nan",
  110516. "nan",
  110517. "nan",
  110518. "nan",
  110519. "nan",
  110520. "nan",
  110521. "nan",
  110522. "nan",
  110523. "nan",
  110524. "nan",
  110525. "nan",
  110526. "nan"
  110527. ],
  110528. [
  110529. "308939",
  110530. "00002",
  110531. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  110532. "trustbank/accountant liab.",
  110533. "489255818",
  110534. "general/other",
  110535. "chestnut brown-legal research--------",
  110536. "3/27/1993",
  110537. "789-12297",
  110538. "christopher a. myers",
  110539. "nan",
  110540. "nan",
  110541. "rtc---trustbank invest.---levine, jerry---barcode: 100013851 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12297 + emp name: prsi 12297 prsi box 12297",
  110542. "washington d.c",
  110543. "1398016",
  110544. "11/7/1996",
  110545. "nan",
  110546. "nan",
  110547. "nan",
  110548. "nan",
  110549. "nan",
  110550. "nan",
  110551. "nan",
  110552. "nan",
  110553. "nan",
  110554. "nan",
  110555. "nan",
  110556. "nan",
  110557. "nan",
  110558. "nan",
  110559. "nan",
  110560. "nan",
  110561. "nan",
  110562. "nan",
  110563. "nan",
  110564. "nan",
  110565. "nan",
  110566. "nan"
  110567. ],
  110568. [
  110569. "309619",
  110570. "2",
  110571. "dunkirk",
  110572. "wilkes fdic",
  110573. "489259028",
  110574. "nan",
  110575. "expand brown-appraisal reports--------",
  110576. "2/18/1993",
  110577. "789-12380",
  110578. "stephenson, andre",
  110579. "nan",
  110580. "nan",
  110581. "barcode: 100017544 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12380 + emp name: prsi 12380 prsi box 12380",
  110582. "washington d.c",
  110583. "1401284",
  110584. "nan",
  110585. "nan",
  110586. "nan",
  110587. "nan",
  110588. "nan",
  110589. "nan",
  110590. "nan",
  110591. "nan",
  110592. "nan",
  110593. "nan",
  110594. "nan",
  110595. "nan",
  110596. "nan",
  110597. "nan",
  110598. "nan",
  110599. "nan",
  110600. "nan",
  110601. "nan",
  110602. "nan",
  110603. "nan",
  110604. "nan",
  110605. "nan",
  110606. "nan"
  110607. ],
  110608. [
  110609. "309902",
  110610. "12",
  110611. "vance international, inc.",
  110612. "client contracts/oakton corp center 2",
  110613. "489259001",
  110614. "nan",
  110615. "expand brown-rtc sealed bid offering, books 1 & 2--------",
  110616. "4/24/2014",
  110617. "789-12369",
  110618. "wegner, brent a.",
  110619. "off-site",
  110620. "nan",
  110621. "barcode: 100015047 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-12369 + emp name: prsi 12369 prsi box 12369",
  110622. "washington d.c",
  110623. "1399112",
  110624. "nan",
  110625. "nan",
  110626. "nan",
  110627. "nan",
  110628. "nan",
  110629. "nan",
  110630. "nan",
  110631. "nan",
  110632. "nan",
  110633. "nan",
  110634. "nan",
  110635. "nan",
  110636. "nan",
  110637. "nan",
  110638. "nan",
  110639. "nan",
  110640. "nan",
  110641. "nan",
  110642. "nan",
  110643. "nan",
  110644. "nan",
  110645. "nan",
  110646. "nan"
  110647. ],
  110648. [
  110649. "31-00540c",
  110650. "nan",
  110651. "fdic",
  110652. "nan",
  110653. "dsj005095",
  110654. "nan",
  110655. "closed files",
  110656. "11/23/1987",
  110657. "31-001b",
  110658. "31 john mikals",
  110659. "nan",
  110660. "nan",
  110661. "nan",
  110662. "jacksonville",
  110663. "61898",
  110664. "nan",
  110665. "nan",
  110666. "nan",
  110667. "nan",
  110668. "nan",
  110669. "nan",
  110670. "nan",
  110671. "nan",
  110672. "nan",
  110673. "nan",
  110674. "nan",
  110675. "nan",
  110676. "nan",
  110677. "nan",
  110678. "nan",
  110679. "nan",
  110680. "nan",
  110681. "nan",
  110682. "nan",
  110683. "nan",
  110684. "nan",
  110685. "nan",
  110686. "nan"
  110687. ],
  110688. [
  110689. "311342",
  110690. "00001",
  110691. "federal deposit insurance",
  110692. "braemoor assoc.",
  110693. "546315303",
  110694. "nan",
  110695. "81-3040",
  110696. "4/22/1988",
  110697. "5729",
  110698. "john b. huck",
  110699. "nan",
  110700. "nan",
  110701. "<pickens kane>",
  110702. "chicago",
  110703. "1274524",
  110704. "12/20/1989",
  110705. "nan",
  110706. "nan",
  110707. "nan",
  110708. "nan",
  110709. "nan",
  110710. "nan",
  110711. "nan",
  110712. "nan",
  110713. "nan",
  110714. "nan",
  110715. "nan",
  110716. "nan",
  110717. "nan",
  110718. "nan",
  110719. "nan",
  110720. "nan",
  110721. "nan",
  110722. "nan",
  110723. "nan",
  110724. "nan",
  110725. "nan",
  110726. "nan"
  110727. ],
  110728. [
  110729. "311342",
  110730. "00001",
  110731. "federal deposit insurance",
  110732. "braemoor assoc.",
  110733. "546311338",
  110734. "nan",
  110735. "81-3040",
  110736. "4/22/1988",
  110737. "5728",
  110738. "john b. huck",
  110739. "nan",
  110740. "nan",
  110741. "<pickens kane>",
  110742. "chicago",
  110743. "1274525",
  110744. "12/20/1989",
  110745. "nan",
  110746. "nan",
  110747. "nan",
  110748. "nan",
  110749. "nan",
  110750. "nan",
  110751. "nan",
  110752. "nan",
  110753. "nan",
  110754. "nan",
  110755. "nan",
  110756. "nan",
  110757. "nan",
  110758. "nan",
  110759. "nan",
  110760. "nan",
  110761. "nan",
  110762. "nan",
  110763. "nan",
  110764. "nan",
  110765. "nan",
  110766. "nan"
  110767. ],
  110768. [
  110769. "320278",
  110770. "00200",
  110771. "tds telecom",
  110772. "general",
  110773. "489723233",
  110774. "general/other",
  110775. "binder-1997 - 2000 rtc legislation--------",
  110776. "8/22/2003",
  110777. "789-19536",
  110778. "alan y. naftalin - retired",
  110779. "nan",
  110780. "nan",
  110781. "tds telecom---general---margot humphrey/peter connolly---tds telecom---general---margot humphrey/peter connolly---barcode: 100092038 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: vicki redman + records assistant: lennard bruno + file status: out + emp id no: 789-19536 + emp name: prsi 19536 prsi box 19536",
  110782. "washington d.c",
  110783. "1459138",
  110784. "nan",
  110785. "nan",
  110786. "nan",
  110787. "nan",
  110788. "nan",
  110789. "nan",
  110790. "nan",
  110791. "nan",
  110792. "nan",
  110793. "nan",
  110794. "nan",
  110795. "nan",
  110796. "nan",
  110797. "nan",
  110798. "nan",
  110799. "nan",
  110800. "nan",
  110801. "nan",
  110802. "nan",
  110803. "nan",
  110804. "nan",
  110805. "nan",
  110806. "nan"
  110807. ],
  110808. [
  110809. "32055",
  110810. "8",
  110811. "eastern air lines",
  110812. "general",
  110813. "89249011",
  110814. "nan",
  110815. "eastern airlines general (32055 � 8)\neal/potential lit. eds/eal definitive service agreement drafts of 1/17/94 & 1/20/94 by eal\neal/potential lit. draft of definitive agreement w/ eds 3/18/94\neastern airlines bankruptcy � letter agreements/definitive service agreements\neal potential lit � 8/5/94 eds proposed changes to draft definitive agreement\neastern airlines/ny district court � master agreement among system one, continental & eds\nservice agreement between eal automation systems & eastern airlines inc\neal potential lit. � confidentiality agreement\nconfidentiality agreement between eds & shugrue\neastern/potential lit. positive brief\neal/21 presentation on 7/16/93 to joint defense committtee\neal/21 negative brief\neastern/potential lit. mediation copyright case outlined\neastern/bankruptcy � mediation statement of m. shugrue jr. trustee of the estate of eastern \neastern/bankruptcy � memorandum of terms 12/3/94\neastern/potential lit � mediation memo of terms signed by eal & eds\neastern/potential lit � mediation summary\neastern/potential lit � application software and section 10.03 brief\neastern/potential lit � second circuit opinion approving settlement\neastern/ny district court � contin. & s1 counterclaims for injunctive relief & damages � attachments\neastern/ny bankrtcy � extra copies of pleadings \neastern/ny district court � extra copy eal complaint & s1 answer compared\neastern/ny district court � extra copy of complaint\neastern/potential lit � crs ownership of copyright brief\neastern/potential lit � john joseph ogilby resume\neastern/potential lit. � joint defense agreement\neastern/potential lit. � resume � mike jones\neastern/potential lit. � eastern's mediation statement\neastern/potential lit � mediation memorandum of terms by steve case 12/3/94\neastern/potential lit � mediation memorandum of terms 12/3/94 4:39 p.m.\neastern/potential lit � mediation memorandum of terms 12/3/94 4:10 p.m.\neastern/potential lit � mediation memorandum of terms 12/7/94 11:39 p.m.\neastern/potential lit � stubble/yates combined summaries of all memos",
  110816. "6/3/2005",
  110817. "12325927",
  110818. "korchin judith",
  110819. "nan",
  110820. "nan",
  110821. " hk box: 35642",
  110822. "miami",
  110823. "701640",
  110824. "nan",
  110825. "nan",
  110826. "nan",
  110827. "nan",
  110828. "nan",
  110829. "nan",
  110830. "nan",
  110831. "nan",
  110832. "nan",
  110833. "nan",
  110834. "nan",
  110835. "nan",
  110836. "nan",
  110837. "nan",
  110838. "nan",
  110839. "nan",
  110840. "nan",
  110841. "nan",
  110842. "nan",
  110843. "nan",
  110844. "nan",
  110845. "nan",
  110846. "nan"
  110847. ],
  110848. [
  110849. "320698",
  110850. "00200",
  110851. "at&t alaska",
  110852. "general",
  110853. "489808357",
  110854. "general/other",
  110855. "manila-80-286 rtc materials--------",
  110856. "1/3/2003",
  110857. "789-18161",
  110858. "charles r. naftalin",
  110859. "nan",
  110860. "nan",
  110861. "<ethical wall applied on: 9/26/2017> alascom---general---naftalin, charles---<ethical wall applied on: 6/8/2015> barcode: 100079901 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: norris, judy + records assistant: greenfield, myshia 02/03/03 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-18161 + emp name: prsi 18161 prsi box 18161",
  110862. "washington d.c",
  110863. "1447173",
  110864. "9/22/2009",
  110865. "nan",
  110866. "nan",
  110867. "nan",
  110868. "nan",
  110869. "nan",
  110870. "nan",
  110871. "nan",
  110872. "nan",
  110873. "nan",
  110874. "nan",
  110875. "nan",
  110876. "nan",
  110877. "nan",
  110878. "nan",
  110879. "nan",
  110880. "nan",
  110881. "nan",
  110882. "nan",
  110883. "nan",
  110884. "nan",
  110885. "nan",
  110886. "nan"
  110887. ],
  110888. [
  110889. "32327",
  110890. "63",
  110891. "varig brazilian airlines",
  110892. "contractual issues",
  110893. "460599726",
  110894. "nan",
  110895. " restructure 1999 contract issue\n deal comparison\n outline of strategy\n default analysis � general\n conflict\n ilfc default analysis\n communications with creditors\n california procedures\n sunrock assignment\n 1994 restructure\n correspondence\n billing\n company reorganization\n notes to financial shortcut",
  110896. "5/9/2007",
  110897. "12876941",
  110898. "mencio george",
  110899. "nan",
  110900. "nan",
  110901. " hk box: 40237",
  110902. "miami",
  110903. "710052",
  110904. "nan",
  110905. "nan",
  110906. "nan",
  110907. "nan",
  110908. "nan",
  110909. "nan",
  110910. "nan",
  110911. "nan",
  110912. "nan",
  110913. "nan",
  110914. "nan",
  110915. "nan",
  110916. "nan",
  110917. "nan",
  110918. "nan",
  110919. "nan",
  110920. "nan",
  110921. "nan",
  110922. "nan",
  110923. "nan",
  110924. "nan",
  110925. "nan",
  110926. "nan"
  110927. ],
  110928. [
  110929. "32387",
  110930. "4",
  110931. "great western bank",
  110932. "none",
  110933. "460600710",
  110934. "nan",
  110935. "january 15, 1997 - box 6 - volume 1&2i ground lease; interview summaries; lease; lease (10, 745 sq. ft.); lease operating expenses; e-mail responses; litigation re nationsbank; office lease form; pleadings; research; rtc offering circular for centrust tower; 30 day notice/complaint; background/correspondence; consulting agreements; experts; great western billing policy",
  110936. "1/27/1997",
  110937. "384516",
  110938. "smith robert",
  110939. "nan",
  110940. "nan",
  110941. " hk box: 14724",
  110942. "miami",
  110943. "653218",
  110944. "nan",
  110945. "nan",
  110946. "nan",
  110947. "nan",
  110948. "nan",
  110949. "nan",
  110950. "nan",
  110951. "nan",
  110952. "nan",
  110953. "nan",
  110954. "nan",
  110955. "nan",
  110956. "nan",
  110957. "nan",
  110958. "nan",
  110959. "nan",
  110960. "nan",
  110961. "nan",
  110962. "nan",
  110963. "nan",
  110964. "nan",
  110965. "nan",
  110966. "nan"
  110967. ],
  110968. [
  110969. "32522",
  110970. "11111",
  110971. "mastercard",
  110972. "artcom",
  110973. "89197578",
  110974. "nan",
  110975. "shadow file",
  110976. "2/28/2005",
  110977. "12269028",
  110978. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  110979. "nan",
  110980. "nan",
  110981. " 35108",
  110982. "miami",
  110983. "700468",
  110984. "nan",
  110985. "nan",
  110986. "nan",
  110987. "nan",
  110988. "nan",
  110989. "nan",
  110990. "nan",
  110991. "nan",
  110992. "nan",
  110993. "nan",
  110994. "nan",
  110995. "nan",
  110996. "nan",
  110997. "nan",
  110998. "nan",
  110999. "nan",
  111000. "nan",
  111001. "nan",
  111002. "nan",
  111003. "nan",
  111004. "nan",
  111005. "nan",
  111006. "nan"
  111007. ],
  111008. [
  111009. "32782",
  111010. "2",
  111011. "birtcher financial services/fairfield village breakstone et al v. honorable mary ann mckenzie",
  111012. "none",
  111013. "490618899",
  111014. "nan",
  111015. "file",
  111016. "6/29/1990",
  111017. "12377387",
  111018. "carman gary",
  111019. "nan",
  111020. "nan",
  111021. " hk box: 6627",
  111022. "miami",
  111023. "683004",
  111024. "nan",
  111025. "nan",
  111026. "nan",
  111027. "nan",
  111028. "nan",
  111029. "nan",
  111030. "nan",
  111031. "nan",
  111032. "nan",
  111033. "nan",
  111034. "nan",
  111035. "nan",
  111036. "nan",
  111037. "nan",
  111038. "nan",
  111039. "nan",
  111040. "nan",
  111041. "nan",
  111042. "nan",
  111043. "nan",
  111044. "nan",
  111045. "nan",
  111046. "nan"
  111047. ],
  111048. [
  111049. "33016",
  111050. "1",
  111051. "rtc",
  111052. "international apparel",
  111053. "7928",
  111054. "nan",
  111055. "three boxes; no file number",
  111056. "nan",
  111057. "7928",
  111058. "cw",
  111059. "-",
  111060. "nan",
  111061. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  111062. "fort lauderdale",
  111063. "322289",
  111064. "nan",
  111065. "nan",
  111066. "nan",
  111067. "nan",
  111068. "nan",
  111069. "nan",
  111070. "nan",
  111071. "nan",
  111072. "nan",
  111073. "nan",
  111074. "nan",
  111075. "nan",
  111076. "nan",
  111077. "nan",
  111078. "nan",
  111079. "nan",
  111080. "nan",
  111081. "nan",
  111082. "nan",
  111083. "nan",
  111084. "nan",
  111085. "nan",
  111086. "nan"
  111087. ],
  111088. [
  111089. "33016",
  111090. "1",
  111091. "rtc",
  111092. "international apparel",
  111093. "7929",
  111094. "nan",
  111095. "three boxes; no file number",
  111096. "nan",
  111097. "7929",
  111098. "cw",
  111099. "-",
  111100. "nan",
  111101. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  111102. "fort lauderdale",
  111103. "322290",
  111104. "nan",
  111105. "nan",
  111106. "nan",
  111107. "nan",
  111108. "nan",
  111109. "nan",
  111110. "nan",
  111111. "nan",
  111112. "nan",
  111113. "nan",
  111114. "nan",
  111115. "nan",
  111116. "nan",
  111117. "nan",
  111118. "nan",
  111119. "nan",
  111120. "nan",
  111121. "nan",
  111122. "nan",
  111123. "nan",
  111124. "nan",
  111125. "nan",
  111126. "nan"
  111127. ],
  111128. [
  111129. "33016",
  111130. "1",
  111131. "rtc",
  111132. "international apparel",
  111133. "7930",
  111134. "nan",
  111135. "-",
  111136. "nan",
  111137. "7930",
  111138. "cw",
  111139. "-",
  111140. "nan",
  111141. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  111142. "fort lauderdale",
  111143. "322291",
  111144. "nan",
  111145. "nan",
  111146. "nan",
  111147. "nan",
  111148. "nan",
  111149. "nan",
  111150. "nan",
  111151. "nan",
  111152. "nan",
  111153. "nan",
  111154. "nan",
  111155. "nan",
  111156. "nan",
  111157. "nan",
  111158. "nan",
  111159. "nan",
  111160. "nan",
  111161. "nan",
  111162. "nan",
  111163. "nan",
  111164. "nan",
  111165. "nan",
  111166. "nan"
  111167. ],
  111168. [
  111169. "33016",
  111170. "1",
  111171. "rtc/commonwealth",
  111172. "intl. apparel assoc.",
  111173. "8253",
  111174. "nan",
  111175. "-",
  111176. "nan",
  111177. "8253",
  111178. "cw",
  111179. "-",
  111180. "nan",
  111181. "closed file number: 1100-92 + location: c",
  111182. "fort lauderdale",
  111183. "323465",
  111184. "nan",
  111185. "nan",
  111186. "nan",
  111187. "nan",
  111188. "nan",
  111189. "nan",
  111190. "nan",
  111191. "nan",
  111192. "nan",
  111193. "nan",
  111194. "nan",
  111195. "nan",
  111196. "nan",
  111197. "nan",
  111198. "nan",
  111199. "nan",
  111200. "nan",
  111201. "nan",
  111202. "nan",
  111203. "nan",
  111204. "nan",
  111205. "nan",
  111206. "nan"
  111207. ],
  111208. [
  111209. "33356",
  111210. "nan",
  111211. "burtchers",
  111212. "nan",
  111213. "282645237",
  111214. "nan",
  111215. "nan",
  111216. "3/4/2004",
  111217. "282645237",
  111218. "nan",
  111219. "transferred to client",
  111220. "transferred to fidelity feb 2009",
  111221. "inventory reconcilliation",
  111222. "tampa",
  111223. "261634",
  111224. "nan",
  111225. "nan",
  111226. "nan",
  111227. "nan",
  111228. "nan",
  111229. "nan",
  111230. "nan",
  111231. "nan",
  111232. "nan",
  111233. "nan",
  111234. "nan",
  111235. "nan",
  111236. "nan",
  111237. "nan",
  111238. "nan",
  111239. "nan",
  111240. "nan",
  111241. "nan",
  111242. "nan",
  111243. "nan",
  111244. "nan",
  111245. "nan",
  111246. "nan"
  111247. ],
  111248. [
  111249. "33390",
  111250. "17",
  111251. "ernst & young/southeast",
  111252. "none",
  111253. "672024342",
  111254. "nan",
  111255. "5/1/97 - brandt/fdic - pleadings (gray folders)",
  111256. "5/9/1997",
  111257. "394786",
  111258. "farrar tom",
  111259. "nan",
  111260. "nan",
  111261. " hk box: 15458",
  111262. "miami",
  111263. "665922",
  111264. "nan",
  111265. "nan",
  111266. "nan",
  111267. "nan",
  111268. "nan",
  111269. "nan",
  111270. "nan",
  111271. "nan",
  111272. "nan",
  111273. "nan",
  111274. "nan",
  111275. "nan",
  111276. "nan",
  111277. "nan",
  111278. "nan",
  111279. "nan",
  111280. "nan",
  111281. "nan",
  111282. "nan",
  111283. "nan",
  111284. "nan",
  111285. "nan",
  111286. "nan"
  111287. ],
  111288. [
  111289. "33412",
  111290. "2",
  111291. "rtc - conser western s & l",
  111292. "92 kathleen shore replevin",
  111293. "tcf0008230",
  111294. "nan",
  111295. "nan",
  111296. "06/20/2001",
  111297. "av7139",
  111298. "tlk",
  111299. "nan",
  111300. "nan",
  111301. "seq: 0011",
  111302. "tampa",
  111303. "191155",
  111304. "nan",
  111305. "nan",
  111306. "nan",
  111307. "nan",
  111308. "nan",
  111309. "nan",
  111310. "nan",
  111311. "nan",
  111312. "nan",
  111313. "nan",
  111314. "nan",
  111315. "nan",
  111316. "nan",
  111317. "nan",
  111318. "nan",
  111319. "nan",
  111320. "nan",
  111321. "nan",
  111322. "nan",
  111323. "nan",
  111324. "nan",
  111325. "nan",
  111326. "nan"
  111327. ],
  111328. [
  111329. "33418",
  111330. "28",
  111331. "amerifirst farmstores",
  111332. "none",
  111333. "89175947",
  111334. "nan",
  111335. "confirmation hearing on all plan, hearing, hearing at 10am on supplementary application for comp & reimbursements by fine jacobson et al, returned undeliverable mail, confidential memo, memo from h & k loan documents - executive offices, first amended disclosure plan & plan of reorganization 7/33/91 f.s. purchasing corp., farmstores, cistores, & land 01 sun guarantees, financing statement, docket sheet, statement of financial affairs for debtor engaged in business, notice of filing of composite exhibit b and notice of amendment by interlineation of the rtc motion to allow attorney fees, florida dairy farmers assoc. vs. farmstores - adversary proceeding (shadow), renewal promissory note, (green folder) correspondence, f.s. purchasing corp., unsigned plan & disclosure f.s. acquisition, inc. disclosure 7/20/92, plan 7/21/92 f.s. acquisition, second amended plan & disclosure - first union, second amended plan & disclosure - dip, plan & disclosure -first union, drafts, research, pleadings,",
  111336. "3/9/1994",
  111337. "155779",
  111338. "rasile craig v",
  111339. "nan",
  111340. "nan",
  111341. " hk box: 10342",
  111342. "miami",
  111343. "657569",
  111344. "nan",
  111345. "nan",
  111346. "nan",
  111347. "nan",
  111348. "nan",
  111349. "nan",
  111350. "nan",
  111351. "nan",
  111352. "nan",
  111353. "nan",
  111354. "nan",
  111355. "nan",
  111356. "nan",
  111357. "nan",
  111358. "nan",
  111359. "nan",
  111360. "nan",
  111361. "nan",
  111362. "nan",
  111363. "nan",
  111364. "nan",
  111365. "nan",
  111366. "nan"
  111367. ],
  111368. [
  111369. "33418",
  111370. "33",
  111371. "amerifirst bank vs. mcf aviation",
  111372. "none",
  111373. "460603460",
  111374. "nan",
  111375. "02/27/95 title file. exhibits to depositions of h. & c. carrillo. return of service re: execution. notes. pleading volume i, ii, iii, iv. city of miami documents volume i & ii. fdic vs. day center corp et al volume i.",
  111376. "6/15/1994",
  111377. "174381",
  111378. "cimo david",
  111379. "nan",
  111380. "nan",
  111381. " hk box: 10599",
  111382. "miami",
  111383. "661683",
  111384. "nan",
  111385. "nan",
  111386. "nan",
  111387. "nan",
  111388. "nan",
  111389. "nan",
  111390. "nan",
  111391. "nan",
  111392. "nan",
  111393. "nan",
  111394. "nan",
  111395. "nan",
  111396. "nan",
  111397. "nan",
  111398. "nan",
  111399. "nan",
  111400. "nan",
  111401. "nan",
  111402. "nan",
  111403. "nan",
  111404. "nan",
  111405. "nan",
  111406. "nan"
  111407. ],
  111408. [
  111409. "33418",
  111410. "0",
  111411. "amerifirst bank vs. gus machado",
  111412. "none",
  111413. "489520868",
  111414. "nan",
  111415. "june 15, 1992.- research: attorney's notes.- research: machado motion to strike; demand for jury trial.- research: receivership cases.-research: default.- research: pamphlet: lender liability law report.-research: default research.- research: enforcement of unperfected security interests.- research: article: gus machado.- research: research.- research: merger of mortgage into final judgement.-document file: personal financial statement of gus machado.- document file: mortgage loan commitment date june 10, 1991 of gus machado.-document file: application for automatic extension of time to file corp. income tax return of gus machado.- form file: corporate searches on machado defendants.- document file: guaranty.- document file: extra copies of exhibits.- document file: conflict search.- document file: corporate search.- document file: exhibits.- document file: support for interest calculation.- document file: personal income tax return.-document file: gm buick corporation income tax returns 1989.- document file: gm ford dealer financial statement y.e. 12/31/90.- document file: fees and costs.- document file: power of attorney.- document file: article: notes of sale.- document file: extra certified copy of judgment.- document file: machado settlement proposal dated 1/29/92.-form file: title file.- document file: memo of law - summary judgement.- research: summary judgment research.- pleading file: client documents.- grey file: loan documents.- grey file: draft verified motion to sequester rents.- grey file: proposed motion of rtc for leave of court to amend reply.- document file: corporate searches.- grey file: amerifirst/machado documents.- grey file: petitioners motion to expedite proceeding and petition for writ of certiorari (extra copy) appeal.- grey file: response to petition for writ of certiorari and appendix (appeal file).- grey file: draft of order appointing receiver.- grey file: proposed order appointing receiver.- form file: lease agreements.- document file: name change.-expandable file: amerifirst vs. gus machado documents produced by machado defendant in response to first request for production dated 2/25/91 (4/25/92).",
  111416. "6/24/1999",
  111417. "49571",
  111418. "newman, scott b.",
  111419. "nan",
  111420. "nan",
  111421. " hk box: 7903",
  111422. "miami",
  111423. "673576",
  111424. "nan",
  111425. "nan",
  111426. "nan",
  111427. "nan",
  111428. "nan",
  111429. "nan",
  111430. "nan",
  111431. "nan",
  111432. "nan",
  111433. "nan",
  111434. "nan",
  111435. "nan",
  111436. "nan",
  111437. "nan",
  111438. "nan",
  111439. "nan",
  111440. "nan",
  111441. "nan",
  111442. "nan",
  111443. "nan",
  111444. "nan",
  111445. "nan",
  111446. "nan"
  111447. ],
  111448. [
  111449. "33418",
  111450. "19",
  111451. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  111452. "none",
  111453. "652553289",
  111454. "nan",
  111455. "june 24, 1992.- box 1 .- various loose documents, bills, property appraisals.",
  111456. "6/29/1992",
  111457. "49584",
  111458. "genovese, john h.",
  111459. "nan",
  111460. "nan",
  111461. " 7916",
  111462. "miami",
  111463. "673625",
  111464. "nan",
  111465. "nan",
  111466. "nan",
  111467. "nan",
  111468. "nan",
  111469. "nan",
  111470. "nan",
  111471. "nan",
  111472. "nan",
  111473. "nan",
  111474. "nan",
  111475. "nan",
  111476. "nan",
  111477. "nan",
  111478. "nan",
  111479. "nan",
  111480. "nan",
  111481. "nan",
  111482. "nan",
  111483. "nan",
  111484. "nan",
  111485. "nan",
  111486. "nan"
  111487. ],
  111488. [
  111489. "33418",
  111490. "19",
  111491. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  111492. "none",
  111493. "652553280",
  111494. "nan",
  111495. "june 24, 1992.- box 2 pleading volumes 14 through 19, 3rd amended disclosure statement",
  111496. "6/29/1992",
  111497. "49585",
  111498. "genovese, john h.",
  111499. "nan",
  111500. "nan",
  111501. " 7917",
  111502. "miami",
  111503. "673626",
  111504. "nan",
  111505. "nan",
  111506. "nan",
  111507. "nan",
  111508. "nan",
  111509. "nan",
  111510. "nan",
  111511. "nan",
  111512. "nan",
  111513. "nan",
  111514. "nan",
  111515. "nan",
  111516. "nan",
  111517. "nan",
  111518. "nan",
  111519. "nan",
  111520. "nan",
  111521. "nan",
  111522. "nan",
  111523. "nan",
  111524. "nan",
  111525. "nan",
  111526. "nan"
  111527. ],
  111528. [
  111529. "33418",
  111530. "19",
  111531. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  111532. "none",
  111533. "490620928",
  111534. "nan",
  111535. "june 24, 1992.- box 3 pleading volumes 1 through 7",
  111536. "6/29/1992",
  111537. "49586",
  111538. "genovese, john h.",
  111539. "nan",
  111540. "nan",
  111541. " hk box: 7918",
  111542. "miami",
  111543. "673627",
  111544. "nan",
  111545. "nan",
  111546. "nan",
  111547. "nan",
  111548. "nan",
  111549. "nan",
  111550. "nan",
  111551. "nan",
  111552. "nan",
  111553. "nan",
  111554. "nan",
  111555. "nan",
  111556. "nan",
  111557. "nan",
  111558. "nan",
  111559. "nan",
  111560. "nan",
  111561. "nan",
  111562. "nan",
  111563. "nan",
  111564. "nan",
  111565. "nan",
  111566. "nan"
  111567. ],
  111568. [
  111569. "33418",
  111570. "19",
  111571. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  111572. "none",
  111573. "489338571",
  111574. "nan",
  111575. "june 24, 1992.- box 4 pleading volume 29 and 30, notices, correspondence volumes 1 and 2, property appraisals, documents in manila folders.",
  111576. "6/29/1992",
  111577. "49587",
  111578. "genovese, john h.",
  111579. "nan",
  111580. "nan",
  111581. " hk box: 7919",
  111582. "miami",
  111583. "673628",
  111584. "nan",
  111585. "nan",
  111586. "nan",
  111587. "nan",
  111588. "nan",
  111589. "nan",
  111590. "nan",
  111591. "nan",
  111592. "nan",
  111593. "nan",
  111594. "nan",
  111595. "nan",
  111596. "nan",
  111597. "nan",
  111598. "nan",
  111599. "nan",
  111600. "nan",
  111601. "nan",
  111602. "nan",
  111603. "nan",
  111604. "nan",
  111605. "nan",
  111606. "nan"
  111607. ],
  111608. [
  111609. "33418",
  111610. "19",
  111611. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  111612. "none",
  111613. "652553279",
  111614. "nan",
  111615. "june 24, 1992.- box 5 pleading volumes 21 through 26 and volume 28",
  111616. "6/29/1992",
  111617. "49588",
  111618. "genovese, john h.",
  111619. "nan",
  111620. "nan",
  111621. " 7920",
  111622. "miami",
  111623. "673629",
  111624. "nan",
  111625. "nan",
  111626. "nan",
  111627. "nan",
  111628. "nan",
  111629. "nan",
  111630. "nan",
  111631. "nan",
  111632. "nan",
  111633. "nan",
  111634. "nan",
  111635. "nan",
  111636. "nan",
  111637. "nan",
  111638. "nan",
  111639. "nan",
  111640. "nan",
  111641. "nan",
  111642. "nan",
  111643. "nan",
  111644. "nan",
  111645. "nan",
  111646. "nan"
  111647. ],
  111648. [
  111649. "33418",
  111650. "19",
  111651. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  111652. "none",
  111653. "489338559",
  111654. "nan",
  111655. "june 24, 1992.- box 6 pleading volumes 8 through 13 and volume 20",
  111656. "6/29/1992",
  111657. "49589",
  111658. "genovese, john h.",
  111659. "nan",
  111660. "nan",
  111661. " hk box: 7921",
  111662. "miami",
  111663. "673630",
  111664. "nan",
  111665. "nan",
  111666. "nan",
  111667. "nan",
  111668. "nan",
  111669. "nan",
  111670. "nan",
  111671. "nan",
  111672. "nan",
  111673. "nan",
  111674. "nan",
  111675. "nan",
  111676. "nan",
  111677. "nan",
  111678. "nan",
  111679. "nan",
  111680. "nan",
  111681. "nan",
  111682. "nan",
  111683. "nan",
  111684. "nan",
  111685. "nan",
  111686. "nan"
  111687. ],
  111688. [
  111689. "33610",
  111690. "2",
  111691. "rtc/freedom savings",
  111692. "fha qualifications",
  111693. "7952",
  111694. "nan",
  111695. "entire box no file #",
  111696. "nan",
  111697. "7952",
  111698. "if",
  111699. "-",
  111700. "nan",
  111701. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  111702. "fort lauderdale",
  111703. "322708",
  111704. "nan",
  111705. "nan",
  111706. "nan",
  111707. "nan",
  111708. "nan",
  111709. "nan",
  111710. "nan",
  111711. "nan",
  111712. "nan",
  111713. "nan",
  111714. "nan",
  111715. "nan",
  111716. "nan",
  111717. "nan",
  111718. "nan",
  111719. "nan",
  111720. "nan",
  111721. "nan",
  111722. "nan",
  111723. "nan",
  111724. "nan",
  111725. "nan",
  111726. "nan"
  111727. ],
  111728. [
  111729. "33610",
  111730. "2",
  111731. "rtc/freedom s&l",
  111732. "fha qual. & condo filing",
  111733. "8218",
  111734. "nan",
  111735. "-",
  111736. "nan",
  111737. "8218",
  111738. "cw",
  111739. "-",
  111740. "nan",
  111741. "closed file number: 1008-92 + location: c",
  111742. "fort lauderdale",
  111743. "323338",
  111744. "nan",
  111745. "nan",
  111746. "nan",
  111747. "nan",
  111748. "nan",
  111749. "nan",
  111750. "nan",
  111751. "nan",
  111752. "nan",
  111753. "nan",
  111754. "nan",
  111755. "nan",
  111756. "nan",
  111757. "nan",
  111758. "nan",
  111759. "nan",
  111760. "nan",
  111761. "nan",
  111762. "nan",
  111763. "nan",
  111764. "nan",
  111765. "nan",
  111766. "nan"
  111767. ],
  111768. [
  111769. "33610",
  111770. "31",
  111771. "rtc/freedom federal",
  111772. "rolling hills purchase",
  111773. "8235",
  111774. "nan",
  111775. "-",
  111776. "nan",
  111777. "8235",
  111778. "cw",
  111779. "-",
  111780. "nan",
  111781. "closed file number: 1040-92 + location: c",
  111782. "fort lauderdale",
  111783. "323383",
  111784. "nan",
  111785. "nan",
  111786. "nan",
  111787. "nan",
  111788. "nan",
  111789. "nan",
  111790. "nan",
  111791. "nan",
  111792. "nan",
  111793. "nan",
  111794. "nan",
  111795. "nan",
  111796. "nan",
  111797. "nan",
  111798. "nan",
  111799. "nan",
  111800. "nan",
  111801. "nan",
  111802. "nan",
  111803. "nan",
  111804. "nan",
  111805. "nan",
  111806. "nan"
  111807. ],
  111808. [
  111809. "33610",
  111810. "37",
  111811. "rtc-frdm svngs&loan",
  111812. "dri analysis",
  111813. "8239",
  111814. "nan",
  111815. "-",
  111816. "nan",
  111817. "8239",
  111818. "cw",
  111819. "-",
  111820. "nan",
  111821. "closed file number: 1048-92 + location: c",
  111822. "fort lauderdale",
  111823. "323393",
  111824. "nan",
  111825. "nan",
  111826. "nan",
  111827. "nan",
  111828. "nan",
  111829. "nan",
  111830. "nan",
  111831. "nan",
  111832. "nan",
  111833. "nan",
  111834. "nan",
  111835. "nan",
  111836. "nan",
  111837. "nan",
  111838. "nan",
  111839. "nan",
  111840. "nan",
  111841. "nan",
  111842. "nan",
  111843. "nan",
  111844. "nan",
  111845. "nan",
  111846. "nan"
  111847. ],
  111848. [
  111849. "33610",
  111850. "3",
  111851. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan",
  111852. "rolling hills zoaning",
  111853. "8240",
  111854. "nan",
  111855. "-",
  111856. "nan",
  111857. "8240",
  111858. "cw",
  111859. "-",
  111860. "nan",
  111861. "closed file number: 1050-92 + location: c",
  111862. "fort lauderdale",
  111863. "323394",
  111864. "nan",
  111865. "nan",
  111866. "nan",
  111867. "nan",
  111868. "nan",
  111869. "nan",
  111870. "nan",
  111871. "nan",
  111872. "nan",
  111873. "nan",
  111874. "nan",
  111875. "nan",
  111876. "nan",
  111877. "nan",
  111878. "nan",
  111879. "nan",
  111880. "nan",
  111881. "nan",
  111882. "nan",
  111883. "nan",
  111884. "nan",
  111885. "nan",
  111886. "nan"
  111887. ],
  111888. [
  111889. "33610",
  111890. "31",
  111891. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan",
  111892. "parcels sale /rllng hlls",
  111893. "8239",
  111894. "nan",
  111895. "-",
  111896. "nan",
  111897. "8239",
  111898. "cw",
  111899. "-",
  111900. "nan",
  111901. "closed file number: 1049-92 + location: c",
  111902. "fort lauderdale",
  111903. "323395",
  111904. "nan",
  111905. "nan",
  111906. "nan",
  111907. "nan",
  111908. "nan",
  111909. "nan",
  111910. "nan",
  111911. "nan",
  111912. "nan",
  111913. "nan",
  111914. "nan",
  111915. "nan",
  111916. "nan",
  111917. "nan",
  111918. "nan",
  111919. "nan",
  111920. "nan",
  111921. "nan",
  111922. "nan",
  111923. "nan",
  111924. "nan",
  111925. "nan",
  111926. "nan"
  111927. ],
  111928. [
  111929. "33610",
  111930. "62",
  111931. "rtc/freedom s&l",
  111932. "rolling hills",
  111933. "8355",
  111934. "nan",
  111935. "-",
  111936. "nan",
  111937. "8355",
  111938. "am",
  111939. "-",
  111940. "nan",
  111941. "closed file number: 1588-92 + location: c",
  111942. "fort lauderdale",
  111943. "323973",
  111944. "nan",
  111945. "nan",
  111946. "nan",
  111947. "nan",
  111948. "nan",
  111949. "nan",
  111950. "nan",
  111951. "nan",
  111952. "nan",
  111953. "nan",
  111954. "nan",
  111955. "nan",
  111956. "nan",
  111957. "nan",
  111958. "nan",
  111959. "nan",
  111960. "nan",
  111961. "nan",
  111962. "nan",
  111963. "nan",
  111964. "nan",
  111965. "nan",
  111966. "nan"
  111967. ],
  111968. [
  111969. "33610",
  111970. "57",
  111971. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.",
  111972. "sale/rolling hills hotel",
  111973. "8802",
  111974. "nan",
  111975. "entered december 14, 92. (also b# 8803, f# 2488-92).",
  111976. "nan",
  111977. "8802",
  111978. "cw",
  111979. "-",
  111980. "nan",
  111981. "closed file number: 2485-92 + location: i",
  111982. "fort lauderdale",
  111983. "325164",
  111984. "nan",
  111985. "nan",
  111986. "nan",
  111987. "nan",
  111988. "nan",
  111989. "nan",
  111990. "nan",
  111991. "nan",
  111992. "nan",
  111993. "nan",
  111994. "nan",
  111995. "nan",
  111996. "nan",
  111997. "nan",
  111998. "nan",
  111999. "nan",
  112000. "nan",
  112001. "nan",
  112002. "nan",
  112003. "nan",
  112004. "nan",
  112005. "nan",
  112006. "nan"
  112007. ],
  112008. [
  112009. "33610",
  112010. "57",
  112011. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.",
  112012. "sale/rolling hills hotel",
  112013. "8803",
  112014. "nan",
  112015. "entered december 14, 92. (also b# 8802, f# 2485-92). this file not at leahy 9/99",
  112016. "nan",
  112017. "8803",
  112018. "cw",
  112019. "-",
  112020. "nan",
  112021. "closed file number: 2488-92 + location: i",
  112022. "fort lauderdale",
  112023. "325165",
  112024. "nan",
  112025. "nan",
  112026. "nan",
  112027. "nan",
  112028. "nan",
  112029. "nan",
  112030. "nan",
  112031. "nan",
  112032. "nan",
  112033. "nan",
  112034. "nan",
  112035. "nan",
  112036. "nan",
  112037. "nan",
  112038. "nan",
  112039. "nan",
  112040. "nan",
  112041. "nan",
  112042. "nan",
  112043. "nan",
  112044. "nan",
  112045. "nan",
  112046. "nan"
  112047. ],
  112048. [
  112049. "33610",
  112050. "41",
  112051. "rtc-freedom s&l",
  112052. "rolling hills/title hote",
  112053. "8805",
  112054. "nan",
  112055. "entered december 14, 92.",
  112056. "nan",
  112057. "8805",
  112058. "cw",
  112059. "-",
  112060. "nan",
  112061. "closed file number: 2496-92 + location: i",
  112062. "fort lauderdale",
  112063. "325175",
  112064. "nan",
  112065. "nan",
  112066. "nan",
  112067. "nan",
  112068. "nan",
  112069. "nan",
  112070. "nan",
  112071. "nan",
  112072. "nan",
  112073. "nan",
  112074. "nan",
  112075. "nan",
  112076. "nan",
  112077. "nan",
  112078. "nan",
  112079. "nan",
  112080. "nan",
  112081. "nan",
  112082. "nan",
  112083. "nan",
  112084. "nan",
  112085. "nan",
  112086. "nan"
  112087. ],
  112088. [
  112089. "33610",
  112090. "42",
  112091. "rtc-freedom s & l",
  112092. "rolling hills/35 acre",
  112093. "8810",
  112094. "nan",
  112095. "entered december 29, 92.",
  112096. "nan",
  112097. "8810",
  112098. "cw",
  112099. "-",
  112100. "nan",
  112101. "closed file number: 2504-92 + location: i",
  112102. "fort lauderdale",
  112103. "325192",
  112104. "nan",
  112105. "nan",
  112106. "nan",
  112107. "nan",
  112108. "nan",
  112109. "nan",
  112110. "nan",
  112111. "nan",
  112112. "nan",
  112113. "nan",
  112114. "nan",
  112115. "nan",
  112116. "nan",
  112117. "nan",
  112118. "nan",
  112119. "nan",
  112120. "nan",
  112121. "nan",
  112122. "nan",
  112123. "nan",
  112124. "nan",
  112125. "nan",
  112126. "nan"
  112127. ],
  112128. [
  112129. "33610",
  112130. "56",
  112131. "rtc-freedom savings",
  112132. "zoning/rolling hills hot",
  112133. "9013",
  112134. "nan",
  112135. "entered march 1, 93.",
  112136. "nan",
  112137. "9013",
  112138. "fd",
  112139. "-",
  112140. "nan",
  112141. "closed file number: 2691-93 + location: c",
  112142. "fort lauderdale",
  112143. "325496",
  112144. "nan",
  112145. "nan",
  112146. "nan",
  112147. "nan",
  112148. "nan",
  112149. "nan",
  112150. "nan",
  112151. "nan",
  112152. "nan",
  112153. "nan",
  112154. "nan",
  112155. "nan",
  112156. "nan",
  112157. "nan",
  112158. "nan",
  112159. "nan",
  112160. "nan",
  112161. "nan",
  112162. "nan",
  112163. "nan",
  112164. "nan",
  112165. "nan",
  112166. "nan"
  112167. ],
  112168. [
  112169. "33610",
  112170. "54",
  112171. "rtc-freedom savings",
  112172. "zoning/35 acre parcel",
  112173. "9013",
  112174. "nan",
  112175. "entered march 1, 93.",
  112176. "nan",
  112177. "9013",
  112178. "fd",
  112179. "-",
  112180. "nan",
  112181. "closed file number: 2691-93 + location: c",
  112182. "fort lauderdale",
  112183. "325497",
  112184. "nan",
  112185. "nan",
  112186. "nan",
  112187. "nan",
  112188. "nan",
  112189. "nan",
  112190. "nan",
  112191. "nan",
  112192. "nan",
  112193. "nan",
  112194. "nan",
  112195. "nan",
  112196. "nan",
  112197. "nan",
  112198. "nan",
  112199. "nan",
  112200. "nan",
  112201. "nan",
  112202. "nan",
  112203. "nan",
  112204. "nan",
  112205. "nan",
  112206. "nan"
  112207. ],
  112208. [
  112209. "33610",
  112210. "55",
  112211. "rtc-freedom s & l",
  112212. "sale of 35 acre parcel",
  112213. "8810",
  112214. "nan",
  112215. "entered december 29, 92. also see part of file in box 9708 file #3937-94.",
  112216. "nan",
  112217. "8810",
  112218. "cw",
  112219. "-",
  112220. "nan",
  112221. "closed file number: 2505-92 + location: i",
  112222. "fort lauderdale",
  112223. "325882",
  112224. "nan",
  112225. "nan",
  112226. "nan",
  112227. "nan",
  112228. "nan",
  112229. "nan",
  112230. "nan",
  112231. "nan",
  112232. "nan",
  112233. "nan",
  112234. "nan",
  112235. "nan",
  112236. "nan",
  112237. "nan",
  112238. "nan",
  112239. "nan",
  112240. "nan",
  112241. "nan",
  112242. "nan",
  112243. "nan",
  112244. "nan",
  112245. "nan",
  112246. "nan"
  112247. ],
  112248. [
  112249. "33610",
  112250. "55",
  112251. "rtc-freedom",
  112252. "rolling hills",
  112253. "9708",
  112254. "nan",
  112255. "also see part of file in box 8810 file #3505-92.",
  112256. "nan",
  112257. "9708",
  112258. "rt",
  112259. "-",
  112260. "nan",
  112261. "closed file number: 3937-94 + location: i",
  112262. "fort lauderdale",
  112263. "327588",
  112264. "nan",
  112265. "nan",
  112266. "nan",
  112267. "nan",
  112268. "nan",
  112269. "nan",
  112270. "nan",
  112271. "nan",
  112272. "nan",
  112273. "nan",
  112274. "nan",
  112275. "nan",
  112276. "nan",
  112277. "nan",
  112278. "nan",
  112279. "nan",
  112280. "nan",
  112281. "nan",
  112282. "nan",
  112283. "nan",
  112284. "nan",
  112285. "nan",
  112286. "nan"
  112287. ],
  112288. [
  112289. "33610",
  112290. "23",
  112291. "rtc",
  112292. "none",
  112293. "652601686",
  112294. "nan",
  112295. "freedom federal vs. master travel",
  112296. "8/30/1991",
  112297. "365608",
  112298. "totten bart",
  112299. "nan",
  112300. "nan",
  112301. " hk box: 6078",
  112302. "miami",
  112303. "674921",
  112304. "nan",
  112305. "nan",
  112306. "nan",
  112307. "nan",
  112308. "nan",
  112309. "nan",
  112310. "nan",
  112311. "nan",
  112312. "nan",
  112313. "nan",
  112314. "nan",
  112315. "nan",
  112316. "nan",
  112317. "nan",
  112318. "nan",
  112319. "nan",
  112320. "nan",
  112321. "nan",
  112322. "nan",
  112323. "nan",
  112324. "nan",
  112325. "nan",
  112326. "nan"
  112327. ],
  112328. [
  112329. "33610-05",
  112330. "nan",
  112331. "rtc/freedom vs sheraton",
  112332. "nan",
  112333. "dsj004773",
  112334. "nan",
  112335. "mga closed files",
  112336. "09/10/1992",
  112337. "16-052a",
  112338. "16 mark alexander",
  112339. "nan",
  112340. "nan",
  112341. "nan",
  112342. "jacksonville",
  112343. "59360",
  112344. "nan",
  112345. "nan",
  112346. "nan",
  112347. "nan",
  112348. "nan",
  112349. "nan",
  112350. "nan",
  112351. "nan",
  112352. "nan",
  112353. "nan",
  112354. "nan",
  112355. "nan",
  112356. "nan",
  112357. "nan",
  112358. "nan",
  112359. "nan",
  112360. "nan",
  112361. "nan",
  112362. "nan",
  112363. "nan",
  112364. "nan",
  112365. "nan",
  112366. "nan"
  112367. ],
  112368. [
  112369. "33647",
  112370. "1",
  112371. "alvarez, jerry",
  112372. "none",
  112373. "491469630",
  112374. "nan",
  112375. "6/23/95 - correspondence; billing; third party correspondence; miscellaneous notes; u.s.a. v. humberto damaso merlo & mark alan samll; notices, motions and orders in great western bank; counterclaim; pleadings in great western bank counterclaim; u.s.a.'s complaint for forfeiture in warrant of arrest in rem; pretrial stipulation of usa, rtc and claimant owner; response to interrogatories of claiment owner; transcript of pretrial detention on 1-5-90; deposition of jeronimo alvarez taken 1-18-91; great western for production to usa; usa 1st request for production of documents to claimant; deposition of james ray brown; deposition of robert jud; usa interrogatories to claimant owner; claimant owner's and usa's motion for summary judgment; notices, motions and orders",
  112376. "6/29/1995",
  112377. "220665",
  112378. "mencio george",
  112379. "nan",
  112380. "nan",
  112381. " hk box: 12087",
  112382. "miami",
  112383. "637587",
  112384. "nan",
  112385. "nan",
  112386. "nan",
  112387. "nan",
  112388. "nan",
  112389. "nan",
  112390. "nan",
  112391. "nan",
  112392. "nan",
  112393. "nan",
  112394. "nan",
  112395. "nan",
  112396. "nan",
  112397. "nan",
  112398. "nan",
  112399. "nan",
  112400. "nan",
  112401. "nan",
  112402. "nan",
  112403. "nan",
  112404. "nan",
  112405. "nan",
  112406. "nan"
  112407. ],
  112408. [
  112409. "33670",
  112410. "1",
  112411. "rtc-receiver-sun state s&l",
  112412. "the fla group",
  112413. "tcf0007582",
  112414. "nan",
  112415. "nan",
  112416. "06/20/2001",
  112417. "au0721",
  112418. "gbh",
  112419. "nan",
  112420. "nan",
  112421. "seq: 0019",
  112422. "tampa",
  112423. "187370",
  112424. "nan",
  112425. "nan",
  112426. "nan",
  112427. "nan",
  112428. "nan",
  112429. "nan",
  112430. "nan",
  112431. "nan",
  112432. "nan",
  112433. "nan",
  112434. "nan",
  112435. "nan",
  112436. "nan",
  112437. "nan",
  112438. "nan",
  112439. "nan",
  112440. "nan",
  112441. "nan",
  112442. "nan",
  112443. "nan",
  112444. "nan",
  112445. "nan",
  112446. "nan"
  112447. ],
  112448. [
  112449. "33708",
  112450. "9",
  112451. "fdic",
  112452. "golden glades regional",
  112453. "9060",
  112454. "nan",
  112455. "entered april 7, 93. (1 of 3 boxes).",
  112456. "nan",
  112457. "9060",
  112458. "cw",
  112459. "nan",
  112460. "nan",
  112461. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  112462. "fort lauderdale",
  112463. "325877",
  112464. "nan",
  112465. "nan",
  112466. "nan",
  112467. "nan",
  112468. "nan",
  112469. "nan",
  112470. "nan",
  112471. "nan",
  112472. "nan",
  112473. "nan",
  112474. "nan",
  112475. "nan",
  112476. "nan",
  112477. "nan",
  112478. "nan",
  112479. "nan",
  112480. "nan",
  112481. "nan",
  112482. "nan",
  112483. "nan",
  112484. "nan",
  112485. "nan",
  112486. "nan"
  112487. ],
  112488. [
  112489. "33708",
  112490. "9",
  112491. "fdic",
  112492. "golden glades regional",
  112493. "9061",
  112494. "nan",
  112495. "entered april 7, 93. (2 of 3 boxes)",
  112496. "nan",
  112497. "9061",
  112498. "cw",
  112499. "nan",
  112500. "nan",
  112501. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  112502. "fort lauderdale",
  112503. "325878",
  112504. "nan",
  112505. "nan",
  112506. "nan",
  112507. "nan",
  112508. "nan",
  112509. "nan",
  112510. "nan",
  112511. "nan",
  112512. "nan",
  112513. "nan",
  112514. "nan",
  112515. "nan",
  112516. "nan",
  112517. "nan",
  112518. "nan",
  112519. "nan",
  112520. "nan",
  112521. "nan",
  112522. "nan",
  112523. "nan",
  112524. "nan",
  112525. "nan",
  112526. "nan"
  112527. ],
  112528. [
  112529. "33708",
  112530. "9",
  112531. "fdic",
  112532. "golden glades regional",
  112533. "9062",
  112534. "nan",
  112535. "entered april 7, 93. (3 of 3 boxes).",
  112536. "nan",
  112537. "9062",
  112538. "cw",
  112539. "nan",
  112540. "nan",
  112541. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  112542. "fort lauderdale",
  112543. "325879",
  112544. "nan",
  112545. "nan",
  112546. "nan",
  112547. "nan",
  112548. "nan",
  112549. "nan",
  112550. "nan",
  112551. "nan",
  112552. "nan",
  112553. "nan",
  112554. "nan",
  112555. "nan",
  112556. "nan",
  112557. "nan",
  112558. "nan",
  112559. "nan",
  112560. "nan",
  112561. "nan",
  112562. "nan",
  112563. "nan",
  112564. "nan",
  112565. "nan",
  112566. "nan"
  112567. ],
  112568. [
  112569. "33708",
  112570. "18",
  112571. "fdic",
  112572. "charles/ruth dahdah",
  112573. "672026030",
  112574. "nan",
  112575. "an-maguire 4/9/90. case no 88-2380-civ-spellman. case no-87-1047-civ-spellamn. case no 89-1050-civ-spellamn. case no. 87-04004-bkc-ajc new matter memo. status report 2/9/90.dahdah doket sheet-appeals-case no.88-2380-89-1047-89-1050. dahdah iii-fabt v. dahdah 3/31/ appeal. 2/23 dismissed dahdah iii fabt v. dahdak appeal dismissed. dahdah iii. appeals-11th circuit 89-1047 89-1050.",
  112576. "3/22/1993",
  112577. "114642",
  112578. "maguire amelia",
  112579. "nan",
  112580. "nan",
  112581. " hk box: 9445",
  112582. "miami",
  112583. "662071",
  112584. "nan",
  112585. "nan",
  112586. "nan",
  112587. "nan",
  112588. "nan",
  112589. "nan",
  112590. "nan",
  112591. "nan",
  112592. "nan",
  112593. "nan",
  112594. "nan",
  112595. "nan",
  112596. "nan",
  112597. "nan",
  112598. "nan",
  112599. "nan",
  112600. "nan",
  112601. "nan",
  112602. "nan",
  112603. "nan",
  112604. "nan",
  112605. "nan",
  112606. "nan"
  112607. ],
  112608. [
  112609. "33708",
  112610. "9",
  112611. "fdic",
  112612. "first american bank",
  112613. "652599788",
  112614. "nan",
  112615. "november 16, 1992; golden glades",
  112616. "11/13/1992",
  112617. "50171",
  112618. "mazzarantani, george",
  112619. "nan",
  112620. "nan",
  112621. " hk box: 8481",
  112622. "miami",
  112623. "666236",
  112624. "nan",
  112625. "nan",
  112626. "nan",
  112627. "nan",
  112628. "nan",
  112629. "nan",
  112630. "nan",
  112631. "nan",
  112632. "nan",
  112633. "nan",
  112634. "nan",
  112635. "nan",
  112636. "nan",
  112637. "nan",
  112638. "nan",
  112639. "nan",
  112640. "nan",
  112641. "nan",
  112642. "nan",
  112643. "nan",
  112644. "nan",
  112645. "nan",
  112646. "nan"
  112647. ],
  112648. [
  112649. "33708",
  112650. "0",
  112651. "first american bank & trust",
  112652. "none",
  112653. "489337882",
  112654. "nan",
  112655. "11/30/92, billing. fdic fees disallowed memo to warren cason",
  112656. "12/10/1992",
  112657. "50257",
  112658. "maguire amelia",
  112659. "nan",
  112660. "nan",
  112661. " hk box: 8567",
  112662. "miami",
  112663. "671038",
  112664. "nan",
  112665. "nan",
  112666. "nan",
  112667. "nan",
  112668. "nan",
  112669. "nan",
  112670. "nan",
  112671. "nan",
  112672. "nan",
  112673. "nan",
  112674. "nan",
  112675. "nan",
  112676. "nan",
  112677. "nan",
  112678. "nan",
  112679. "nan",
  112680. "nan",
  112681. "nan",
  112682. "nan",
  112683. "nan",
  112684. "nan",
  112685. "nan",
  112686. "nan"
  112687. ],
  112688. [
  112689. "33854",
  112690. "51",
  112691. "rtc",
  112692. "10-k option",
  112693. "tcf0011367",
  112694. "nan",
  112695. "nan",
  112696. "06/20/2001",
  112697. "bl7548",
  112698. "rjg",
  112699. "nan",
  112700. "nan",
  112701. "seq: 0123",
  112702. "tampa",
  112703. "205185",
  112704. "nan",
  112705. "nan",
  112706. "nan",
  112707. "nan",
  112708. "nan",
  112709. "nan",
  112710. "nan",
  112711. "nan",
  112712. "nan",
  112713. "nan",
  112714. "nan",
  112715. "nan",
  112716. "nan",
  112717. "nan",
  112718. "nan",
  112719. "nan",
  112720. "nan",
  112721. "nan",
  112722. "nan",
  112723. "nan",
  112724. "nan",
  112725. "nan",
  112726. "nan"
  112727. ],
  112728. [
  112729. "33857",
  112730. "51",
  112731. "rtc/centrust capital corp",
  112732. "10-k opinion",
  112733. "tcf0008501",
  112734. "nan",
  112735. "nan",
  112736. "06/20/2001",
  112737. "aw5828",
  112738. "alb",
  112739. "nan",
  112740. "nan",
  112741. "seq: 0028",
  112742. "tampa",
  112743. "192667",
  112744. "nan",
  112745. "nan",
  112746. "nan",
  112747. "nan",
  112748. "nan",
  112749. "nan",
  112750. "nan",
  112751. "nan",
  112752. "nan",
  112753. "nan",
  112754. "nan",
  112755. "nan",
  112756. "nan",
  112757. "nan",
  112758. "nan",
  112759. "nan",
  112760. "nan",
  112761. "nan",
  112762. "nan",
  112763. "nan",
  112764. "nan",
  112765. "nan",
  112766. "nan"
  112767. ],
  112768. [
  112769. "33857",
  112770. "30",
  112771. "rtc/centrust",
  112772. "sale to viasat technology corp",
  112773. "tcf0008823",
  112774. "nan",
  112775. "nan",
  112776. "06/20/2001",
  112777. "ay2052",
  112778. "mjc",
  112779. "nan",
  112780. "nan",
  112781. "seq: 0004",
  112782. "tampa",
  112783. "194634",
  112784. "nan",
  112785. "nan",
  112786. "nan",
  112787. "nan",
  112788. "nan",
  112789. "nan",
  112790. "nan",
  112791. "nan",
  112792. "nan",
  112793. "nan",
  112794. "nan",
  112795. "nan",
  112796. "nan",
  112797. "nan",
  112798. "nan",
  112799. "nan",
  112800. "nan",
  112801. "nan",
  112802. "nan",
  112803. "nan",
  112804. "nan",
  112805. "nan",
  112806. "nan"
  112807. ],
  112808. [
  112809. "33857",
  112810. "8",
  112811. "rtc/centrust",
  112812. "$150mm revlv ln of cred shdw fl",
  112813. "tcf0009144",
  112814. "nan",
  112815. "nan",
  112816. "06/20/2001",
  112817. "bc0310",
  112818. "bmy",
  112819. "nan",
  112820. "nan",
  112821. "seq: 0016",
  112822. "tampa",
  112823. "196429",
  112824. "nan",
  112825. "nan",
  112826. "nan",
  112827. "nan",
  112828. "nan",
  112829. "nan",
  112830. "nan",
  112831. "nan",
  112832. "nan",
  112833. "nan",
  112834. "nan",
  112835. "nan",
  112836. "nan",
  112837. "nan",
  112838. "nan",
  112839. "nan",
  112840. "nan",
  112841. "nan",
  112842. "nan",
  112843. "nan",
  112844. "nan",
  112845. "nan",
  112846. "nan"
  112847. ],
  112848. [
  112849. "33857",
  112850. "716",
  112851. "rtc/centrust bank",
  112852. "poley",
  112853. "tcf0009393",
  112854. "nan",
  112855. "nan",
  112856. "06/20/2001",
  112857. "bd6346",
  112858. "enk",
  112859. "nan",
  112860. "nan",
  112861. "seq: 0008",
  112862. "tampa",
  112863. "197397",
  112864. "nan",
  112865. "nan",
  112866. "nan",
  112867. "nan",
  112868. "nan",
  112869. "nan",
  112870. "nan",
  112871. "nan",
  112872. "nan",
  112873. "nan",
  112874. "nan",
  112875. "nan",
  112876. "nan",
  112877. "nan",
  112878. "nan",
  112879. "nan",
  112880. "nan",
  112881. "nan",
  112882. "nan",
  112883. "nan",
  112884. "nan",
  112885. "nan",
  112886. "nan"
  112887. ],
  112888. [
  112889. "33857",
  112890. "30",
  112891. "rtc",
  112892. "centrust",
  112893. "tcf0009906",
  112894. "nan",
  112895. "nan",
  112896. "06/20/2001",
  112897. "bf2533",
  112898. "mjc",
  112899. "nan",
  112900. "nan",
  112901. "seq: 0028",
  112902. "tampa",
  112903. "198568",
  112904. "nan",
  112905. "nan",
  112906. "nan",
  112907. "nan",
  112908. "nan",
  112909. "nan",
  112910. "nan",
  112911. "nan",
  112912. "nan",
  112913. "nan",
  112914. "nan",
  112915. "nan",
  112916. "nan",
  112917. "nan",
  112918. "nan",
  112919. "nan",
  112920. "nan",
  112921. "nan",
  112922. "nan",
  112923. "nan",
  112924. "nan",
  112925. "nan",
  112926. "nan"
  112927. ],
  112928. [
  112929. "33857",
  112930. "14",
  112931. "rtc/conser/centrust",
  112932. "diversified se ind.",
  112933. "7690",
  112934. "nan",
  112935. "-",
  112936. "nan",
  112937. "7690",
  112938. "cw",
  112939. "-",
  112940. "nan",
  112941. "closed file number: 8393-91 + location: c",
  112942. "fort lauderdale",
  112943. "321531",
  112944. "nan",
  112945. "nan",
  112946. "nan",
  112947. "nan",
  112948. "nan",
  112949. "nan",
  112950. "nan",
  112951. "nan",
  112952. "nan",
  112953. "nan",
  112954. "nan",
  112955. "nan",
  112956. "nan",
  112957. "nan",
  112958. "nan",
  112959. "nan",
  112960. "nan",
  112961. "nan",
  112962. "nan",
  112963. "nan",
  112964. "nan",
  112965. "nan",
  112966. "nan"
  112967. ],
  112968. [
  112969. "33857",
  112970. "9",
  112971. "rtc/conser/centrust",
  112972. "ln to wright,frank",
  112973. "7690",
  112974. "nan",
  112975. "-",
  112976. "nan",
  112977. "7690",
  112978. "cw",
  112979. "-",
  112980. "nan",
  112981. "closed file number: 8394-91 + location: c",
  112982. "fort lauderdale",
  112983. "321532",
  112984. "nan",
  112985. "nan",
  112986. "nan",
  112987. "nan",
  112988. "nan",
  112989. "nan",
  112990. "nan",
  112991. "nan",
  112992. "nan",
  112993. "nan",
  112994. "nan",
  112995. "nan",
  112996. "nan",
  112997. "nan",
  112998. "nan",
  112999. "nan",
  113000. "nan",
  113001. "nan",
  113002. "nan",
  113003. "nan",
  113004. "nan",
  113005. "nan",
  113006. "nan"
  113007. ],
  113008. [
  113009. "33857",
  113010. "12",
  113011. "rtc centrust",
  113012. "cricket club",
  113013. "7705",
  113014. "nan",
  113015. "-",
  113016. "nan",
  113017. "7705",
  113018. "cw",
  113019. "-",
  113020. "nan",
  113021. "closed file number: 8511-91 + location: c",
  113022. "fort lauderdale",
  113023. "321668",
  113024. "nan",
  113025. "nan",
  113026. "nan",
  113027. "nan",
  113028. "nan",
  113029. "nan",
  113030. "nan",
  113031. "nan",
  113032. "nan",
  113033. "nan",
  113034. "nan",
  113035. "nan",
  113036. "nan",
  113037. "nan",
  113038. "nan",
  113039. "nan",
  113040. "nan",
  113041. "nan",
  113042. "nan",
  113043. "nan",
  113044. "nan",
  113045. "nan",
  113046. "nan"
  113047. ],
  113048. [
  113049. "33857",
  113050. "12",
  113051. "rtc/centrust",
  113052. "cricket club",
  113053. "7705",
  113054. "nan",
  113055. "-",
  113056. "nan",
  113057. "7705",
  113058. "cw",
  113059. "-",
  113060. "nan",
  113061. "closed file number: 8512-91 + location: c",
  113062. "fort lauderdale",
  113063. "321669",
  113064. "nan",
  113065. "nan",
  113066. "nan",
  113067. "nan",
  113068. "nan",
  113069. "nan",
  113070. "nan",
  113071. "nan",
  113072. "nan",
  113073. "nan",
  113074. "nan",
  113075. "nan",
  113076. "nan",
  113077. "nan",
  113078. "nan",
  113079. "nan",
  113080. "nan",
  113081. "nan",
  113082. "nan",
  113083. "nan",
  113084. "nan",
  113085. "nan",
  113086. "nan"
  113087. ],
  113088. [
  113089. "33857",
  113090. "26",
  113091. "rtc/centrust",
  113092. "lease w/subway",
  113093. "7709",
  113094. "nan",
  113095. "-",
  113096. "nan",
  113097. "7709",
  113098. "cw",
  113099. "-",
  113100. "nan",
  113101. "closed file number: 8538-91 + location: c",
  113102. "fort lauderdale",
  113103. "321679",
  113104. "nan",
  113105. "nan",
  113106. "nan",
  113107. "nan",
  113108. "nan",
  113109. "nan",
  113110. "nan",
  113111. "nan",
  113112. "nan",
  113113. "nan",
  113114. "nan",
  113115. "nan",
  113116. "nan",
  113117. "nan",
  113118. "nan",
  113119. "nan",
  113120. "nan",
  113121. "nan",
  113122. "nan",
  113123. "nan",
  113124. "nan",
  113125. "nan",
  113126. "nan"
  113127. ],
  113128. [
  113129. "33857",
  113130. "28",
  113131. "rtc/centrust",
  113132. "lease to great western",
  113133. "7709",
  113134. "nan",
  113135. "-",
  113136. "nan",
  113137. "7709",
  113138. "cw",
  113139. "-",
  113140. "nan",
  113141. "closed file number: 8539-91 + location: c",
  113142. "fort lauderdale",
  113143. "321680",
  113144. "nan",
  113145. "nan",
  113146. "nan",
  113147. "nan",
  113148. "nan",
  113149. "nan",
  113150. "nan",
  113151. "nan",
  113152. "nan",
  113153. "nan",
  113154. "nan",
  113155. "nan",
  113156. "nan",
  113157. "nan",
  113158. "nan",
  113159. "nan",
  113160. "nan",
  113161. "nan",
  113162. "nan",
  113163. "nan",
  113164. "nan",
  113165. "nan",
  113166. "nan"
  113167. ],
  113168. [
  113169. "33857",
  113170. "29",
  113171. "rtc/centrust",
  113172. "lease w/soybean sam's",
  113173. "7709",
  113174. "nan",
  113175. "-",
  113176. "nan",
  113177. "7709",
  113178. "cw",
  113179. "-",
  113180. "nan",
  113181. "closed file number: 8540-91 + location: c",
  113182. "fort lauderdale",
  113183. "321681",
  113184. "nan",
  113185. "nan",
  113186. "nan",
  113187. "nan",
  113188. "nan",
  113189. "nan",
  113190. "nan",
  113191. "nan",
  113192. "nan",
  113193. "nan",
  113194. "nan",
  113195. "nan",
  113196. "nan",
  113197. "nan",
  113198. "nan",
  113199. "nan",
  113200. "nan",
  113201. "nan",
  113202. "nan",
  113203. "nan",
  113204. "nan",
  113205. "nan",
  113206. "nan"
  113207. ],
  113208. [
  113209. "33857",
  113210. "19",
  113211. "rtc/centrust",
  113212. "lease/bank of america",
  113213. "7709",
  113214. "nan",
  113215. "-",
  113216. "nan",
  113217. "7709",
  113218. "cw",
  113219. "-",
  113220. "nan",
  113221. "closed file number: 8541-91 + location: c",
  113222. "fort lauderdale",
  113223. "321682",
  113224. "nan",
  113225. "nan",
  113226. "nan",
  113227. "nan",
  113228. "nan",
  113229. "nan",
  113230. "nan",
  113231. "nan",
  113232. "nan",
  113233. "nan",
  113234. "nan",
  113235. "nan",
  113236. "nan",
  113237. "nan",
  113238. "nan",
  113239. "nan",
  113240. "nan",
  113241. "nan",
  113242. "nan",
  113243. "nan",
  113244. "nan",
  113245. "nan",
  113246. "nan"
  113247. ],
  113248. [
  113249. "33857",
  113250. "22",
  113251. "rtc/centrust",
  113252. "lease/ home run sports",
  113253. "7709",
  113254. "nan",
  113255. "-",
  113256. "nan",
  113257. "7709",
  113258. "cw",
  113259. "-",
  113260. "nan",
  113261. "closed file number: 8542-91 + location: c",
  113262. "fort lauderdale",
  113263. "321683",
  113264. "nan",
  113265. "nan",
  113266. "nan",
  113267. "nan",
  113268. "nan",
  113269. "nan",
  113270. "nan",
  113271. "nan",
  113272. "nan",
  113273. "nan",
  113274. "nan",
  113275. "nan",
  113276. "nan",
  113277. "nan",
  113278. "nan",
  113279. "nan",
  113280. "nan",
  113281. "nan",
  113282. "nan",
  113283. "nan",
  113284. "nan",
  113285. "nan",
  113286. "nan"
  113287. ],
  113288. [
  113289. "33857",
  113290. "25",
  113291. "rtc/centrust",
  113292. "lease/ rtc",
  113293. "7709",
  113294. "nan",
  113295. "-",
  113296. "nan",
  113297. "7709",
  113298. "cw",
  113299. "-",
  113300. "nan",
  113301. "closed file number: 8543-91 + location: c",
  113302. "fort lauderdale",
  113303. "321684",
  113304. "nan",
  113305. "nan",
  113306. "nan",
  113307. "nan",
  113308. "nan",
  113309. "nan",
  113310. "nan",
  113311. "nan",
  113312. "nan",
  113313. "nan",
  113314. "nan",
  113315. "nan",
  113316. "nan",
  113317. "nan",
  113318. "nan",
  113319. "nan",
  113320. "nan",
  113321. "nan",
  113322. "nan",
  113323. "nan",
  113324. "nan",
  113325. "nan",
  113326. "nan"
  113327. ],
  113328. [
  113329. "33857",
  113330. "15",
  113331. "rtc/centrust",
  113332. "jamaica bay mobile hm/pk",
  113333. "7709",
  113334. "nan",
  113335. "-",
  113336. "nan",
  113337. "7709",
  113338. "cw",
  113339. "-",
  113340. "nan",
  113341. "closed file number: 8544-91 + location: c",
  113342. "fort lauderdale",
  113343. "321685",
  113344. "nan",
  113345. "nan",
  113346. "nan",
  113347. "nan",
  113348. "nan",
  113349. "nan",
  113350. "nan",
  113351. "nan",
  113352. "nan",
  113353. "nan",
  113354. "nan",
  113355. "nan",
  113356. "nan",
  113357. "nan",
  113358. "nan",
  113359. "nan",
  113360. "nan",
  113361. "nan",
  113362. "nan",
  113363. "nan",
  113364. "nan",
  113365. "nan",
  113366. "nan"
  113367. ],
  113368. [
  113369. "33857",
  113370. "16",
  113371. "rtc/centrust",
  113372. "swindle, michael (loan)",
  113373. "7709",
  113374. "nan",
  113375. "-",
  113376. "nan",
  113377. "7709",
  113378. "cw",
  113379. "-",
  113380. "nan",
  113381. "closed file number: 8545-91 + location: c",
  113382. "fort lauderdale",
  113383. "321686",
  113384. "nan",
  113385. "nan",
  113386. "nan",
  113387. "nan",
  113388. "nan",
  113389. "nan",
  113390. "nan",
  113391. "nan",
  113392. "nan",
  113393. "nan",
  113394. "nan",
  113395. "nan",
  113396. "nan",
  113397. "nan",
  113398. "nan",
  113399. "nan",
  113400. "nan",
  113401. "nan",
  113402. "nan",
  113403. "nan",
  113404. "nan",
  113405. "nan",
  113406. "nan"
  113407. ],
  113408. [
  113409. "33857",
  113410. "17",
  113411. "rtc/centrust",
  113412. "lease/first stop in",
  113413. "7709",
  113414. "nan",
  113415. "-",
  113416. "nan",
  113417. "7709",
  113418. "cw",
  113419. "-",
  113420. "nan",
  113421. "closed file number: 8546-91 + location: c",
  113422. "fort lauderdale",
  113423. "321687",
  113424. "nan",
  113425. "nan",
  113426. "nan",
  113427. "nan",
  113428. "nan",
  113429. "nan",
  113430. "nan",
  113431. "nan",
  113432. "nan",
  113433. "nan",
  113434. "nan",
  113435. "nan",
  113436. "nan",
  113437. "nan",
  113438. "nan",
  113439. "nan",
  113440. "nan",
  113441. "nan",
  113442. "nan",
  113443. "nan",
  113444. "nan",
  113445. "nan",
  113446. "nan"
  113447. ],
  113448. [
  113449. "33857",
  113450. "11",
  113451. "rtc/centrust",
  113452. "shps/sawgrass-domino's",
  113453. "7920",
  113454. "nan",
  113455. "-",
  113456. "nan",
  113457. "7920",
  113458. "cw",
  113459. "-",
  113460. "nan",
  113461. "closed file number: 9028-91 + location: c",
  113462. "fort lauderdale",
  113463. "322252",
  113464. "nan",
  113465. "nan",
  113466. "nan",
  113467. "nan",
  113468. "nan",
  113469. "nan",
  113470. "nan",
  113471. "nan",
  113472. "nan",
  113473. "nan",
  113474. "nan",
  113475. "nan",
  113476. "nan",
  113477. "nan",
  113478. "nan",
  113479. "nan",
  113480. "nan",
  113481. "nan",
  113482. "nan",
  113483. "nan",
  113484. "nan",
  113485. "nan",
  113486. "nan"
  113487. ],
  113488. [
  113489. "33857",
  113490. "34",
  113491. "rtc/centrust",
  113492. "lease/schatzman&schupak",
  113493. "7975",
  113494. "nan",
  113495. "-",
  113496. "nan",
  113497. "7975",
  113498. "cw",
  113499. "-",
  113500. "nan",
  113501. "closed file number: 9201-91 + location: c",
  113502. "fort lauderdale",
  113503. "322424",
  113504. "nan",
  113505. "nan",
  113506. "nan",
  113507. "nan",
  113508. "nan",
  113509. "nan",
  113510. "nan",
  113511. "nan",
  113512. "nan",
  113513. "nan",
  113514. "nan",
  113515. "nan",
  113516. "nan",
  113517. "nan",
  113518. "nan",
  113519. "nan",
  113520. "nan",
  113521. "nan",
  113522. "nan",
  113523. "nan",
  113524. "nan",
  113525. "nan",
  113526. "nan"
  113527. ],
  113528. [
  113529. "33857",
  113530. "32",
  113531. "rtc/centrust",
  113532. "miami dry goods*",
  113533. "7978",
  113534. "nan",
  113535. "*lease&sale/warehouse",
  113536. "nan",
  113537. "7978",
  113538. "cw",
  113539. "-",
  113540. "nan",
  113541. "closed file number: 9204-91 + location: c",
  113542. "fort lauderdale",
  113543. "322428",
  113544. "nan",
  113545. "nan",
  113546. "nan",
  113547. "nan",
  113548. "nan",
  113549. "nan",
  113550. "nan",
  113551. "nan",
  113552. "nan",
  113553. "nan",
  113554. "nan",
  113555. "nan",
  113556. "nan",
  113557. "nan",
  113558. "nan",
  113559. "nan",
  113560. "nan",
  113561. "nan",
  113562. "nan",
  113563. "nan",
  113564. "nan",
  113565. "nan",
  113566. "nan"
  113567. ],
  113568. [
  113569. "33857",
  113570. "36",
  113571. "rtc/centrust",
  113572. "lease/kornreich,g.*",
  113573. "7978",
  113574. "nan",
  113575. "* & fabricant,l.",
  113576. "nan",
  113577. "7978",
  113578. "cw",
  113579. "-",
  113580. "nan",
  113581. "closed file number: 9205-91 + location: c",
  113582. "fort lauderdale",
  113583. "322429",
  113584. "nan",
  113585. "nan",
  113586. "nan",
  113587. "nan",
  113588. "nan",
  113589. "nan",
  113590. "nan",
  113591. "nan",
  113592. "nan",
  113593. "nan",
  113594. "nan",
  113595. "nan",
  113596. "nan",
  113597. "nan",
  113598. "nan",
  113599. "nan",
  113600. "nan",
  113601. "nan",
  113602. "nan",
  113603. "nan",
  113604. "nan",
  113605. "nan",
  113606. "nan"
  113607. ],
  113608. [
  113609. "33857",
  113610. "46",
  113611. "rtc/centrust",
  113612. "sale/orlando property*",
  113613. "7979",
  113614. "nan",
  113615. "*to hill,r.g.--title",
  113616. "nan",
  113617. "7979",
  113618. "cw",
  113619. "-",
  113620. "nan",
  113621. "closed file number: 9207-91 + location: c",
  113622. "fort lauderdale",
  113623. "322431",
  113624. "nan",
  113625. "nan",
  113626. "nan",
  113627. "nan",
  113628. "nan",
  113629. "nan",
  113630. "nan",
  113631. "nan",
  113632. "nan",
  113633. "nan",
  113634. "nan",
  113635. "nan",
  113636. "nan",
  113637. "nan",
  113638. "nan",
  113639. "nan",
  113640. "nan",
  113641. "nan",
  113642. "nan",
  113643. "nan",
  113644. "nan",
  113645. "nan",
  113646. "nan"
  113647. ],
  113648. [
  113649. "33857",
  113650. "33",
  113651. "rtc/centrust",
  113652. "lease/matzner ziskind",
  113653. "7979",
  113654. "nan",
  113655. "-",
  113656. "nan",
  113657. "7979",
  113658. "cw",
  113659. "-",
  113660. "nan",
  113661. "closed file number: 9208-91 + location: c",
  113662. "fort lauderdale",
  113663. "322432",
  113664. "nan",
  113665. "nan",
  113666. "nan",
  113667. "nan",
  113668. "nan",
  113669. "nan",
  113670. "nan",
  113671. "nan",
  113672. "nan",
  113673. "nan",
  113674. "nan",
  113675. "nan",
  113676. "nan",
  113677. "nan",
  113678. "nan",
  113679. "nan",
  113680. "nan",
  113681. "nan",
  113682. "nan",
  113683. "nan",
  113684. "nan",
  113685. "nan",
  113686. "nan"
  113687. ],
  113688. [
  113689. "33857",
  113690. "38",
  113691. "rtc/centrust",
  113692. "lease/payton&rachlin",
  113693. "8000",
  113694. "nan",
  113695. "-",
  113696. "nan",
  113697. "8000",
  113698. "cw",
  113699. "-",
  113700. "nan",
  113701. "closed file number: 9335-91 + location: c",
  113702. "fort lauderdale",
  113703. "322622",
  113704. "nan",
  113705. "nan",
  113706. "nan",
  113707. "nan",
  113708. "nan",
  113709. "nan",
  113710. "nan",
  113711. "nan",
  113712. "nan",
  113713. "nan",
  113714. "nan",
  113715. "nan",
  113716. "nan",
  113717. "nan",
  113718. "nan",
  113719. "nan",
  113720. "nan",
  113721. "nan",
  113722. "nan",
  113723. "nan",
  113724. "nan",
  113725. "nan",
  113726. "nan"
  113727. ],
  113728. [
  113729. "33857",
  113730. "7",
  113731. "rtc/centrust",
  113732. "82 mil. loan centrust",
  113733. "8006",
  113734. "nan",
  113735. "-",
  113736. "nan",
  113737. "8006",
  113738. "cw",
  113739. "-",
  113740. "nan",
  113741. "closed file number: 9375-91 + location: c",
  113742. "fort lauderdale",
  113743. "322680",
  113744. "nan",
  113745. "nan",
  113746. "nan",
  113747. "nan",
  113748. "nan",
  113749. "nan",
  113750. "nan",
  113751. "nan",
  113752. "nan",
  113753. "nan",
  113754. "nan",
  113755. "nan",
  113756. "nan",
  113757. "nan",
  113758. "nan",
  113759. "nan",
  113760. "nan",
  113761. "nan",
  113762. "nan",
  113763. "nan",
  113764. "nan",
  113765. "nan",
  113766. "nan"
  113767. ],
  113768. [
  113769. "33857",
  113770. "8",
  113771. "rtc/centrust",
  113772. "centrust 150 mil.*",
  113773. "8006",
  113774. "nan",
  113775. "*revolving line of credit",
  113776. "nan",
  113777. "8006",
  113778. "cw",
  113779. "-",
  113780. "nan",
  113781. "closed file number: 9376-91 + location: c",
  113782. "fort lauderdale",
  113783. "322681",
  113784. "nan",
  113785. "nan",
  113786. "nan",
  113787. "nan",
  113788. "nan",
  113789. "nan",
  113790. "nan",
  113791. "nan",
  113792. "nan",
  113793. "nan",
  113794. "nan",
  113795. "nan",
  113796. "nan",
  113797. "nan",
  113798. "nan",
  113799. "nan",
  113800. "nan",
  113801. "nan",
  113802. "nan",
  113803. "nan",
  113804. "nan",
  113805. "nan",
  113806. "nan"
  113807. ],
  113808. [
  113809. "33857",
  113810. "6",
  113811. "rtc/centrust",
  113812. "master ser. agreement*",
  113813. "8006",
  113814. "nan",
  113815. "*w/centrust mtg. corp.",
  113816. "nan",
  113817. "8006",
  113818. "cw",
  113819. "-",
  113820. "nan",
  113821. "closed file number: 9377-91 + location: c",
  113822. "fort lauderdale",
  113823. "322682",
  113824. "nan",
  113825. "nan",
  113826. "nan",
  113827. "nan",
  113828. "nan",
  113829. "nan",
  113830. "nan",
  113831. "nan",
  113832. "nan",
  113833. "nan",
  113834. "nan",
  113835. "nan",
  113836. "nan",
  113837. "nan",
  113838. "nan",
  113839. "nan",
  113840. "nan",
  113841. "nan",
  113842. "nan",
  113843. "nan",
  113844. "nan",
  113845. "nan",
  113846. "nan"
  113847. ],
  113848. [
  113849. "33857",
  113850. "1",
  113851. "rtc\\centrust",
  113852. "adv\\indemnity",
  113853. "8028",
  113854. "nan",
  113855. "-",
  113856. "nan",
  113857. "8028",
  113858. "cw",
  113859. "-",
  113860. "nan",
  113861. "closed file number: 9463-91 + location: c",
  113862. "fort lauderdale",
  113863. "322796",
  113864. "nan",
  113865. "nan",
  113866. "nan",
  113867. "nan",
  113868. "nan",
  113869. "nan",
  113870. "nan",
  113871. "nan",
  113872. "nan",
  113873. "nan",
  113874. "nan",
  113875. "nan",
  113876. "nan",
  113877. "nan",
  113878. "nan",
  113879. "nan",
  113880. "nan",
  113881. "nan",
  113882. "nan",
  113883. "nan",
  113884. "nan",
  113885. "nan",
  113886. "nan"
  113887. ],
  113888. [
  113889. "33857",
  113890. "3137",
  113891. "rtc/centrust",
  113892. "cen.tower & huntington",
  113893. "0000",
  113894. "nan",
  113895. "survey box by file cabinet",
  113896. "nan",
  113897. "0000",
  113898. "cw",
  113899. "-",
  113900. "nan",
  113901. "closed file number: - + location: i",
  113902. "fort lauderdale",
  113903. "323095",
  113904. "nan",
  113905. "nan",
  113906. "nan",
  113907. "nan",
  113908. "nan",
  113909. "nan",
  113910. "nan",
  113911. "nan",
  113912. "nan",
  113913. "nan",
  113914. "nan",
  113915. "nan",
  113916. "nan",
  113917. "nan",
  113918. "nan",
  113919. "nan",
  113920. "nan",
  113921. "nan",
  113922. "nan",
  113923. "nan",
  113924. "nan",
  113925. "nan",
  113926. "nan"
  113927. ],
  113928. [
  113929. "33857",
  113930. "18",
  113931. "rtc/centrust",
  113932. "shapiro",
  113933. "8200",
  113934. "nan",
  113935. "1 of 2 boxes 9/99 not at leahy",
  113936. "nan",
  113937. "8200",
  113938. "cw",
  113939. "-",
  113940. "nan",
  113941. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  113942. "fort lauderdale",
  113943. "323313",
  113944. "nan",
  113945. "nan",
  113946. "nan",
  113947. "nan",
  113948. "nan",
  113949. "nan",
  113950. "nan",
  113951. "nan",
  113952. "nan",
  113953. "nan",
  113954. "nan",
  113955. "nan",
  113956. "nan",
  113957. "nan",
  113958. "nan",
  113959. "nan",
  113960. "nan",
  113961. "nan",
  113962. "nan",
  113963. "nan",
  113964. "nan",
  113965. "nan",
  113966. "nan"
  113967. ],
  113968. [
  113969. "33857",
  113970. "39",
  113971. "rtc/centrust",
  113972. "huntington-lease/humana",
  113973. "8210",
  113974. "nan",
  113975. "-",
  113976. "nan",
  113977. "8210",
  113978. "cw",
  113979. "-",
  113980. "nan",
  113981. "closed file number: 9920-91 + location: c",
  113982. "fort lauderdale",
  113983. "323317",
  113984. "nan",
  113985. "nan",
  113986. "nan",
  113987. "nan",
  113988. "nan",
  113989. "nan",
  113990. "nan",
  113991. "nan",
  113992. "nan",
  113993. "nan",
  113994. "nan",
  113995. "nan",
  113996. "nan",
  113997. "nan",
  113998. "nan",
  113999. "nan",
  114000. "nan",
  114001. "nan",
  114002. "nan",
  114003. "nan",
  114004. "nan",
  114005. "nan",
  114006. "nan"
  114007. ],
  114008. [
  114009. "33857",
  114010. "41",
  114011. "rtc/centrust",
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  114013. "8210",
  114014. "nan",
  114015. "*and robertson, p.a.",
  114016. "nan",
  114017. "8210",
  114018. "cw",
  114019. "-",
  114020. "nan",
  114021. "closed file number: 9921-91 + location: c",
  114022. "fort lauderdale",
  114023. "323318",
  114024. "nan",
  114025. "nan",
  114026. "nan",
  114027. "nan",
  114028. "nan",
  114029. "nan",
  114030. "nan",
  114031. "nan",
  114032. "nan",
  114033. "nan",
  114034. "nan",
  114035. "nan",
  114036. "nan",
  114037. "nan",
  114038. "nan",
  114039. "nan",
  114040. "nan",
  114041. "nan",
  114042. "nan",
  114043. "nan",
  114044. "nan",
  114045. "nan",
  114046. "nan"
  114047. ],
  114048. [
  114049. "33857",
  114050. "50",
  114051. "rtc/centrust",
  114052. "huntington-caft. lease*",
  114053. "8210",
  114054. "nan",
  114055. "*w/ eugenio gonzalez",
  114056. "nan",
  114057. "8210",
  114058. "cw",
  114059. "-",
  114060. "nan",
  114061. "closed file number: 9922-91 + location: c",
  114062. "fort lauderdale",
  114063. "323319",
  114064. "nan",
  114065. "nan",
  114066. "nan",
  114067. "nan",
  114068. "nan",
  114069. "nan",
  114070. "nan",
  114071. "nan",
  114072. "nan",
  114073. "nan",
  114074. "nan",
  114075. "nan",
  114076. "nan",
  114077. "nan",
  114078. "nan",
  114079. "nan",
  114080. "nan",
  114081. "nan",
  114082. "nan",
  114083. "nan",
  114084. "nan",
  114085. "nan",
  114086. "nan"
  114087. ],
  114088. [
  114089. "33857",
  114090. "48",
  114091. "rtc/centrust",
  114092. "huntington-lease/eds",
  114093. "8210",
  114094. "nan",
  114095. "-",
  114096. "nan",
  114097. "8210",
  114098. "cw",
  114099. "-",
  114100. "nan",
  114101. "closed file number: 9923-91 + location: c",
  114102. "fort lauderdale",
  114103. "323320",
  114104. "nan",
  114105. "nan",
  114106. "nan",
  114107. "nan",
  114108. "nan",
  114109. "nan",
  114110. "nan",
  114111. "nan",
  114112. "nan",
  114113. "nan",
  114114. "nan",
  114115. "nan",
  114116. "nan",
  114117. "nan",
  114118. "nan",
  114119. "nan",
  114120. "nan",
  114121. "nan",
  114122. "nan",
  114123. "nan",
  114124. "nan",
  114125. "nan",
  114126. "nan"
  114127. ],
  114128. [
  114129. "33857",
  114130. "49",
  114131. "rtc/centrust",
  114132. "lease/peterson consult.",
  114133. "8210",
  114134. "nan",
  114135. "-",
  114136. "nan",
  114137. "8210",
  114138. "cw",
  114139. "-",
  114140. "nan",
  114141. "closed file number: 9924-91 + location: c",
  114142. "fort lauderdale",
  114143. "323321",
  114144. "nan",
  114145. "nan",
  114146. "nan",
  114147. "nan",
  114148. "nan",
  114149. "nan",
  114150. "nan",
  114151. "nan",
  114152. "nan",
  114153. "nan",
  114154. "nan",
  114155. "nan",
  114156. "nan",
  114157. "nan",
  114158. "nan",
  114159. "nan",
  114160. "nan",
  114161. "nan",
  114162. "nan",
  114163. "nan",
  114164. "nan",
  114165. "nan",
  114166. "nan"
  114167. ],
  114168. [
  114169. "33857",
  114170. "42",
  114171. "rtc/centrust",
  114172. "huntington square*",
  114173. "8210",
  114174. "nan",
  114175. "*leasing general",
  114176. "nan",
  114177. "8210",
  114178. "cw",
  114179. "-",
  114180. "nan",
  114181. "closed file number: 9925-91 + location: c",
  114182. "fort lauderdale",
  114183. "323322",
  114184. "nan",
  114185. "nan",
  114186. "nan",
  114187. "nan",
  114188. "nan",
  114189. "nan",
  114190. "nan",
  114191. "nan",
  114192. "nan",
  114193. "nan",
  114194. "nan",
  114195. "nan",
  114196. "nan",
  114197. "nan",
  114198. "nan",
  114199. "nan",
  114200. "nan",
  114201. "nan",
  114202. "nan",
  114203. "nan",
  114204. "nan",
  114205. "nan",
  114206. "nan"
  114207. ],
  114208. [
  114209. "33857",
  114210. "45",
  114211. "rtc/centrust",
  114212. "health glow",
  114213. "8210",
  114214. "nan",
  114215. "-",
  114216. "nan",
  114217. "8210",
  114218. "cw",
  114219. "-",
  114220. "nan",
  114221. "closed file number: 9926-91 + location: c",
  114222. "fort lauderdale",
  114223. "323323",
  114224. "nan",
  114225. "nan",
  114226. "nan",
  114227. "nan",
  114228. "nan",
  114229. "nan",
  114230. "nan",
  114231. "nan",
  114232. "nan",
  114233. "nan",
  114234. "nan",
  114235. "nan",
  114236. "nan",
  114237. "nan",
  114238. "nan",
  114239. "nan",
  114240. "nan",
  114241. "nan",
  114242. "nan",
  114243. "nan",
  114244. "nan",
  114245. "nan",
  114246. "nan"
  114247. ],
  114248. [
  114249. "33857",
  114250. "40",
  114251. "rtc/centrust",
  114252. "lease/zack,hanzman,ponce",
  114253. "8217",
  114254. "nan",
  114255. "-",
  114256. "nan",
  114257. "8217",
  114258. "cw",
  114259. "-",
  114260. "nan",
  114261. "closed file number: 1000-92 + location: c",
  114262. "fort lauderdale",
  114263. "323331",
  114264. "nan",
  114265. "nan",
  114266. "nan",
  114267. "nan",
  114268. "nan",
  114269. "nan",
  114270. "nan",
  114271. "nan",
  114272. "nan",
  114273. "nan",
  114274. "nan",
  114275. "nan",
  114276. "nan",
  114277. "nan",
  114278. "nan",
  114279. "nan",
  114280. "nan",
  114281. "nan",
  114282. "nan",
  114283. "nan",
  114284. "nan",
  114285. "nan",
  114286. "nan"
  114287. ],
  114288. [
  114289. "33857",
  114290. "20",
  114291. "rtc/centrust",
  114292. "sale/woodbridge plaza",
  114293. "8217",
  114294. "nan",
  114295. "-",
  114296. "nan",
  114297. "8217",
  114298. "cw",
  114299. "-",
  114300. "nan",
  114301. "closed file number: 1001-92 + location: c",
  114302. "fort lauderdale",
  114303. "323332",
  114304. "nan",
  114305. "nan",
  114306. "nan",
  114307. "nan",
  114308. "nan",
  114309. "nan",
  114310. "nan",
  114311. "nan",
  114312. "nan",
  114313. "nan",
  114314. "nan",
  114315. "nan",
  114316. "nan",
  114317. "nan",
  114318. "nan",
  114319. "nan",
  114320. "nan",
  114321. "nan",
  114322. "nan",
  114323. "nan",
  114324. "nan",
  114325. "nan",
  114326. "nan"
  114327. ],
  114328. [
  114329. "33857",
  114330. "20",
  114331. "rtc/centrust",
  114332. "woodbridge plaza-general",
  114333. "8220",
  114334. "nan",
  114335. "-",
  114336. "nan",
  114337. "8220",
  114338. "if",
  114339. "-",
  114340. "nan",
  114341. "closed file number: 1021-92 + location: c",
  114342. "fort lauderdale",
  114343. "323351",
  114344. "nan",
  114345. "nan",
  114346. "nan",
  114347. "nan",
  114348. "nan",
  114349. "nan",
  114350. "nan",
  114351. "nan",
  114352. "nan",
  114353. "nan",
  114354. "nan",
  114355. "nan",
  114356. "nan",
  114357. "nan",
  114358. "nan",
  114359. "nan",
  114360. "nan",
  114361. "nan",
  114362. "nan",
  114363. "nan",
  114364. "nan",
  114365. "nan",
  114366. "nan"
  114367. ],
  114368. [
  114369. "33857",
  114370. "10",
  114371. "rtc/centrust",
  114372. "shoppes sawgrass-general",
  114373. "8220",
  114374. "nan",
  114375. "-",
  114376. "nan",
  114377. "8220",
  114378. "if",
  114379. "-",
  114380. "nan",
  114381. "closed file number: 1022-92 + location: c",
  114382. "fort lauderdale",
  114383. "323352",
  114384. "nan",
  114385. "nan",
  114386. "nan",
  114387. "nan",
  114388. "nan",
  114389. "nan",
  114390. "nan",
  114391. "nan",
  114392. "nan",
  114393. "nan",
  114394. "nan",
  114395. "nan",
  114396. "nan",
  114397. "nan",
  114398. "nan",
  114399. "nan",
  114400. "nan",
  114401. "nan",
  114402. "nan",
  114403. "nan",
  114404. "nan",
  114405. "nan",
  114406. "nan"
  114407. ],
  114408. [
  114409. "33857",
  114410. "24",
  114411. "rtc/centrust",
  114412. "shoppes sawgrass-title",
  114413. "8220",
  114414. "nan",
  114415. "-",
  114416. "nan",
  114417. "8220",
  114418. "cw",
  114419. "-",
  114420. "nan",
  114421. "closed file number: 1024-92 + location: c",
  114422. "fort lauderdale",
  114423. "323354",
  114424. "nan",
  114425. "nan",
  114426. "nan",
  114427. "nan",
  114428. "nan",
  114429. "nan",
  114430. "nan",
  114431. "nan",
  114432. "nan",
  114433. "nan",
  114434. "nan",
  114435. "nan",
  114436. "nan",
  114437. "nan",
  114438. "nan",
  114439. "nan",
  114440. "nan",
  114441. "nan",
  114442. "nan",
  114443. "nan",
  114444. "nan",
  114445. "nan",
  114446. "nan"
  114447. ],
  114448. [
  114449. "33857",
  114450. "47",
  114451. "rtc/centrust",
  114452. "leas/tishman entintl'",
  114453. "8220",
  114454. "nan",
  114455. "-",
  114456. "nan",
  114457. "8220",
  114458. "cw",
  114459. "-",
  114460. "nan",
  114461. "closed file number: 1025-92 + location: c",
  114462. "fort lauderdale",
  114463. "323355",
  114464. "nan",
  114465. "nan",
  114466. "nan",
  114467. "nan",
  114468. "nan",
  114469. "nan",
  114470. "nan",
  114471. "nan",
  114472. "nan",
  114473. "nan",
  114474. "nan",
  114475. "nan",
  114476. "nan",
  114477. "nan",
  114478. "nan",
  114479. "nan",
  114480. "nan",
  114481. "nan",
  114482. "nan",
  114483. "nan",
  114484. "nan",
  114485. "nan",
  114486. "nan"
  114487. ],
  114488. [
  114489. "33857",
  114490. "35",
  114491. "rtc/centrust",
  114492. "woodbridge-title",
  114493. "8235",
  114494. "nan",
  114495. "-",
  114496. "nan",
  114497. "8235",
  114498. "cw",
  114499. "-",
  114500. "nan",
  114501. "closed file number: 1041-92 + location: c",
  114502. "fort lauderdale",
  114503. "323382",
  114504. "nan",
  114505. "nan",
  114506. "nan",
  114507. "nan",
  114508. "nan",
  114509. "nan",
  114510. "nan",
  114511. "nan",
  114512. "nan",
  114513. "nan",
  114514. "nan",
  114515. "nan",
  114516. "nan",
  114517. "nan",
  114518. "nan",
  114519. "nan",
  114520. "nan",
  114521. "nan",
  114522. "nan",
  114523. "nan",
  114524. "nan",
  114525. "nan",
  114526. "nan"
  114527. ],
  114528. [
  114529. "33857",
  114530. "10",
  114531. "rtc/centrust",
  114532. "sale of shpps of swgrss",
  114533. "8235",
  114534. "nan",
  114535. "-",
  114536. "nan",
  114537. "8235",
  114538. "cw",
  114539. "-",
  114540. "nan",
  114541. "closed file number: 1037-92 + location: c",
  114542. "fort lauderdale",
  114543. "323386",
  114544. "nan",
  114545. "nan",
  114546. "nan",
  114547. "nan",
  114548. "nan",
  114549. "nan",
  114550. "nan",
  114551. "nan",
  114552. "nan",
  114553. "nan",
  114554. "nan",
  114555. "nan",
  114556. "nan",
  114557. "nan",
  114558. "nan",
  114559. "nan",
  114560. "nan",
  114561. "nan",
  114562. "nan",
  114563. "nan",
  114564. "nan",
  114565. "nan",
  114566. "nan"
  114567. ],
  114568. [
  114569. "33857",
  114570. "37",
  114571. "rtc/centrust",
  114572. "sale/huntington",
  114573. "8142",
  114574. "nan",
  114575. "box 1 of 9, 9/99 not at leahy",
  114576. "nan",
  114577. "8142",
  114578. "cw",
  114579. "-",
  114580. "nan",
  114581. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114582. "fort lauderdale",
  114583. "323400",
  114584. "nan",
  114585. "nan",
  114586. "nan",
  114587. "nan",
  114588. "nan",
  114589. "nan",
  114590. "nan",
  114591. "nan",
  114592. "nan",
  114593. "nan",
  114594. "nan",
  114595. "nan",
  114596. "nan",
  114597. "nan",
  114598. "nan",
  114599. "nan",
  114600. "nan",
  114601. "nan",
  114602. "nan",
  114603. "nan",
  114604. "nan",
  114605. "nan",
  114606. "nan"
  114607. ],
  114608. [
  114609. "33857",
  114610. "37",
  114611. "rtc/centrust",
  114612. "sale of huntington",
  114613. "8143",
  114614. "nan",
  114615. "box 2 of 9, not at leahy",
  114616. "nan",
  114617. "8143",
  114618. "cw",
  114619. "-",
  114620. "nan",
  114621. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114622. "fort lauderdale",
  114623. "323401",
  114624. "nan",
  114625. "nan",
  114626. "nan",
  114627. "nan",
  114628. "nan",
  114629. "nan",
  114630. "nan",
  114631. "nan",
  114632. "nan",
  114633. "nan",
  114634. "nan",
  114635. "nan",
  114636. "nan",
  114637. "nan",
  114638. "nan",
  114639. "nan",
  114640. "nan",
  114641. "nan",
  114642. "nan",
  114643. "nan",
  114644. "nan",
  114645. "nan",
  114646. "nan"
  114647. ],
  114648. [
  114649. "33857",
  114650. "37",
  114651. "rtc/centrust",
  114652. "sale of huntington",
  114653. "8207",
  114654. "nan",
  114655. "box 4 of 9. 9/99 not at leahy",
  114656. "nan",
  114657. "8207",
  114658. "cw",
  114659. "-",
  114660. "nan",
  114661. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114662. "fort lauderdale",
  114663. "323402",
  114664. "nan",
  114665. "nan",
  114666. "nan",
  114667. "nan",
  114668. "nan",
  114669. "nan",
  114670. "nan",
  114671. "nan",
  114672. "nan",
  114673. "nan",
  114674. "nan",
  114675. "nan",
  114676. "nan",
  114677. "nan",
  114678. "nan",
  114679. "nan",
  114680. "nan",
  114681. "nan",
  114682. "nan",
  114683. "nan",
  114684. "nan",
  114685. "nan",
  114686. "nan"
  114687. ],
  114688. [
  114689. "33857",
  114690. "37",
  114691. "rtc/centrust",
  114692. "sale of huntington",
  114693. "8208",
  114694. "nan",
  114695. "box 5 of 9, 9/99 not at leahy.",
  114696. "nan",
  114697. "8208",
  114698. "cw",
  114699. "-",
  114700. "nan",
  114701. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114702. "fort lauderdale",
  114703. "323403",
  114704. "nan",
  114705. "nan",
  114706. "nan",
  114707. "nan",
  114708. "nan",
  114709. "nan",
  114710. "nan",
  114711. "nan",
  114712. "nan",
  114713. "nan",
  114714. "nan",
  114715. "nan",
  114716. "nan",
  114717. "nan",
  114718. "nan",
  114719. "nan",
  114720. "nan",
  114721. "nan",
  114722. "nan",
  114723. "nan",
  114724. "nan",
  114725. "nan",
  114726. "nan"
  114727. ],
  114728. [
  114729. "33857",
  114730. "37",
  114731. "rtc/centrust",
  114732. "sale of huntington",
  114733. "8209",
  114734. "nan",
  114735. "box 6 of 9 . 9/99 not at leahy.",
  114736. "nan",
  114737. "8209",
  114738. "cw",
  114739. "-",
  114740. "nan",
  114741. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114742. "fort lauderdale",
  114743. "323404",
  114744. "nan",
  114745. "nan",
  114746. "nan",
  114747. "nan",
  114748. "nan",
  114749. "nan",
  114750. "nan",
  114751. "nan",
  114752. "nan",
  114753. "nan",
  114754. "nan",
  114755. "nan",
  114756. "nan",
  114757. "nan",
  114758. "nan",
  114759. "nan",
  114760. "nan",
  114761. "nan",
  114762. "nan",
  114763. "nan",
  114764. "nan",
  114765. "nan",
  114766. "nan"
  114767. ],
  114768. [
  114769. "33857",
  114770. "37",
  114771. "rtc/centrust",
  114772. "sale/huntington",
  114773. "8221",
  114774. "nan",
  114775. "box 7 of 9, not at leahy",
  114776. "nan",
  114777. "8221",
  114778. "cw",
  114779. "-",
  114780. "nan",
  114781. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114782. "fort lauderdale",
  114783. "323405",
  114784. "nan",
  114785. "nan",
  114786. "nan",
  114787. "nan",
  114788. "nan",
  114789. "nan",
  114790. "nan",
  114791. "nan",
  114792. "nan",
  114793. "nan",
  114794. "nan",
  114795. "nan",
  114796. "nan",
  114797. "nan",
  114798. "nan",
  114799. "nan",
  114800. "nan",
  114801. "nan",
  114802. "nan",
  114803. "nan",
  114804. "nan",
  114805. "nan",
  114806. "nan"
  114807. ],
  114808. [
  114809. "33857",
  114810. "37",
  114811. "rtc/centrust",
  114812. "sale/huntington",
  114813. "8222",
  114814. "nan",
  114815. "box 8 of 9, 9/99 not at leahy",
  114816. "nan",
  114817. "8222",
  114818. "cw",
  114819. "-",
  114820. "nan",
  114821. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114822. "fort lauderdale",
  114823. "323406",
  114824. "nan",
  114825. "nan",
  114826. "nan",
  114827. "nan",
  114828. "nan",
  114829. "nan",
  114830. "nan",
  114831. "nan",
  114832. "nan",
  114833. "nan",
  114834. "nan",
  114835. "nan",
  114836. "nan",
  114837. "nan",
  114838. "nan",
  114839. "nan",
  114840. "nan",
  114841. "nan",
  114842. "nan",
  114843. "nan",
  114844. "nan",
  114845. "nan",
  114846. "nan"
  114847. ],
  114848. [
  114849. "33857",
  114850. "37",
  114851. "rtc/centrust",
  114852. "sale/huntington",
  114853. "8223",
  114854. "nan",
  114855. "box 9 of 9, 9/99 not at leahy",
  114856. "nan",
  114857. "8223",
  114858. "cw",
  114859. "-",
  114860. "nan",
  114861. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114862. "fort lauderdale",
  114863. "323407",
  114864. "nan",
  114865. "nan",
  114866. "nan",
  114867. "nan",
  114868. "nan",
  114869. "nan",
  114870. "nan",
  114871. "nan",
  114872. "nan",
  114873. "nan",
  114874. "nan",
  114875. "nan",
  114876. "nan",
  114877. "nan",
  114878. "nan",
  114879. "nan",
  114880. "nan",
  114881. "nan",
  114882. "nan",
  114883. "nan",
  114884. "nan",
  114885. "nan",
  114886. "nan"
  114887. ],
  114888. [
  114889. "33857",
  114890. "37",
  114891. "rtc/centrust",
  114892. "sale of huntington",
  114893. "8206",
  114894. "nan",
  114895. "box 3 of 9, 9/99 not at leahy.",
  114896. "nan",
  114897. "8206",
  114898. "cw",
  114899. "-",
  114900. "nan",
  114901. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114902. "fort lauderdale",
  114903. "323408",
  114904. "nan",
  114905. "nan",
  114906. "nan",
  114907. "nan",
  114908. "nan",
  114909. "nan",
  114910. "nan",
  114911. "nan",
  114912. "nan",
  114913. "nan",
  114914. "nan",
  114915. "nan",
  114916. "nan",
  114917. "nan",
  114918. "nan",
  114919. "nan",
  114920. "nan",
  114921. "nan",
  114922. "nan",
  114923. "nan",
  114924. "nan",
  114925. "nan",
  114926. "nan"
  114927. ],
  114928. [
  114929. "33857",
  114930. "18",
  114931. "rtc/centrust",
  114932. "shapiro",
  114933. "8201",
  114934. "nan",
  114935. "2 of 2 boxes michelle checked out 2 folders from this box without the completefile. 9/99 entire box not at leahy.",
  114936. "nan",
  114937. "8201",
  114938. "cw",
  114939. "md",
  114940. "nan",
  114941. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  114942. "fort lauderdale",
  114943. "323456",
  114944. "nan",
  114945. "nan",
  114946. "nan",
  114947. "nan",
  114948. "nan",
  114949. "nan",
  114950. "nan",
  114951. "nan",
  114952. "nan",
  114953. "nan",
  114954. "nan",
  114955. "nan",
  114956. "nan",
  114957. "nan",
  114958. "nan",
  114959. "nan",
  114960. "nan",
  114961. "nan",
  114962. "nan",
  114963. "nan",
  114964. "nan",
  114965. "nan",
  114966. "nan"
  114967. ],
  114968. [
  114969. "33857",
  114970. "38",
  114971. "rtc/centrust",
  114972. "payton & rachlin, p.a.",
  114973. "8326",
  114974. "nan",
  114975. "-",
  114976. "nan",
  114977. "8326",
  114978. "if",
  114979. "-",
  114980. "nan",
  114981. "closed file number: 1421-92 + location: c",
  114982. "fort lauderdale",
  114983. "323780",
  114984. "nan",
  114985. "nan",
  114986. "nan",
  114987. "nan",
  114988. "nan",
  114989. "nan",
  114990. "nan",
  114991. "nan",
  114992. "nan",
  114993. "nan",
  114994. "nan",
  114995. "nan",
  114996. "nan",
  114997. "nan",
  114998. "nan",
  114999. "nan",
  115000. "nan",
  115001. "nan",
  115002. "nan",
  115003. "nan",
  115004. "nan",
  115005. "nan",
  115006. "nan"
  115007. ],
  115008. [
  115009. "33857",
  115010. "2",
  115011. "rtc/centrust",
  115012. "lease with popham",
  115013. "8426",
  115014. "nan",
  115015. "-",
  115016. "nan",
  115017. "8426",
  115018. "cw",
  115019. "-",
  115020. "nan",
  115021. "closed file number: 1722-92 + location: c",
  115022. "fort lauderdale",
  115023. "324149",
  115024. "nan",
  115025. "nan",
  115026. "nan",
  115027. "nan",
  115028. "nan",
  115029. "nan",
  115030. "nan",
  115031. "nan",
  115032. "nan",
  115033. "nan",
  115034. "nan",
  115035. "nan",
  115036. "nan",
  115037. "nan",
  115038. "nan",
  115039. "nan",
  115040. "nan",
  115041. "nan",
  115042. "nan",
  115043. "nan",
  115044. "nan",
  115045. "nan",
  115046. "nan"
  115047. ],
  115048. [
  115049. "33857",
  115050. "27",
  115051. "rtc/concer. centrust",
  115052. "broward v. allan polley",
  115053. "8426",
  115054. "nan",
  115055. "-",
  115056. "nan",
  115057. "8426",
  115058. "cw",
  115059. "-",
  115060. "nan",
  115061. "closed file number: 1724-92 + location: c",
  115062. "fort lauderdale",
  115063. "324151",
  115064. "nan",
  115065. "nan",
  115066. "nan",
  115067. "nan",
  115068. "nan",
  115069. "nan",
  115070. "nan",
  115071. "nan",
  115072. "nan",
  115073. "nan",
  115074. "nan",
  115075. "nan",
  115076. "nan",
  115077. "nan",
  115078. "nan",
  115079. "nan",
  115080. "nan",
  115081. "nan",
  115082. "nan",
  115083. "nan",
  115084. "nan",
  115085. "nan",
  115086. "nan"
  115087. ],
  115088. [
  115089. "33857",
  115090. "5",
  115091. "rtc/centrust",
  115092. "centrust trust",
  115093. "8426",
  115094. "nan",
  115095. "-",
  115096. "nan",
  115097. "8426",
  115098. "cw",
  115099. "-",
  115100. "nan",
  115101. "closed file number: 1725-92 + location: c",
  115102. "fort lauderdale",
  115103. "324152",
  115104. "nan",
  115105. "nan",
  115106. "nan",
  115107. "nan",
  115108. "nan",
  115109. "nan",
  115110. "nan",
  115111. "nan",
  115112. "nan",
  115113. "nan",
  115114. "nan",
  115115. "nan",
  115116. "nan",
  115117. "nan",
  115118. "nan",
  115119. "nan",
  115120. "nan",
  115121. "nan",
  115122. "nan",
  115123. "nan",
  115124. "nan",
  115125. "nan",
  115126. "nan"
  115127. ],
  115128. [
  115129. "33857",
  115130. "2",
  115131. "rtc/centrust",
  115132. "lease/popham, haik,*",
  115133. "8231",
  115134. "nan",
  115135. "*schnobrich,kaufman vol. 1-5 9/99 not at leahy",
  115136. "nan",
  115137. "8231",
  115138. "cw",
  115139. "-",
  115140. "nan",
  115141. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115142. "fort lauderdale",
  115143. "324463",
  115144. "nan",
  115145. "nan",
  115146. "nan",
  115147. "nan",
  115148. "nan",
  115149. "nan",
  115150. "nan",
  115151. "nan",
  115152. "nan",
  115153. "nan",
  115154. "nan",
  115155. "nan",
  115156. "nan",
  115157. "nan",
  115158. "nan",
  115159. "nan",
  115160. "nan",
  115161. "nan",
  115162. "nan",
  115163. "nan",
  115164. "nan",
  115165. "nan",
  115166. "nan"
  115167. ],
  115168. [
  115169. "33857",
  115170. "31",
  115171. "rtc/centrust",
  115172. "sale of centrust tower",
  115173. "8617",
  115174. "nan",
  115175. "2 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:volumes vi-x, winthrop, sept. 20,1991-oct. 23,1991., 9/99 not at leahy",
  115176. "nan",
  115177. "8617",
  115178. "cw",
  115179. "-",
  115180. "nan",
  115181. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115182. "fort lauderdale",
  115183. "324512",
  115184. "nan",
  115185. "nan",
  115186. "nan",
  115187. "nan",
  115188. "nan",
  115189. "nan",
  115190. "nan",
  115191. "nan",
  115192. "nan",
  115193. "nan",
  115194. "nan",
  115195. "nan",
  115196. "nan",
  115197. "nan",
  115198. "nan",
  115199. "nan",
  115200. "nan",
  115201. "nan",
  115202. "nan",
  115203. "nan",
  115204. "nan",
  115205. "nan",
  115206. "nan"
  115207. ],
  115208. [
  115209. "33857",
  115210. "31",
  115211. "rtc/centrust",
  115212. "sale of centrust tower",
  115213. "8618",
  115214. "nan",
  115215. "3 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:1.jim norman-title file2.robbin newman-loan documents3.intangible taxes file4.tower lease5.retail lease 9/99 not at leahy.",
  115216. "nan",
  115217. "8618",
  115218. "cw",
  115219. "-",
  115220. "nan",
  115221. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115222. "fort lauderdale",
  115223. "324513",
  115224. "nan",
  115225. "nan",
  115226. "nan",
  115227. "nan",
  115228. "nan",
  115229. "nan",
  115230. "nan",
  115231. "nan",
  115232. "nan",
  115233. "nan",
  115234. "nan",
  115235. "nan",
  115236. "nan",
  115237. "nan",
  115238. "nan",
  115239. "nan",
  115240. "nan",
  115241. "nan",
  115242. "nan",
  115243. "nan",
  115244. "nan",
  115245. "nan",
  115246. "nan"
  115247. ],
  115248. [
  115249. "33857",
  115250. "31",
  115251. "rtc/centrust",
  115252. "sale of centrust tower",
  115253. "8619",
  115254. "nan",
  115255. "4 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:1.the package2.volumes i-v (early files & winthrop) through june 6,1991, 9/99 not at leahy",
  115256. "nan",
  115257. "8619",
  115258. "cw",
  115259. "-",
  115260. "nan",
  115261. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115262. "fort lauderdale",
  115263. "324514",
  115264. "nan",
  115265. "nan",
  115266. "nan",
  115267. "nan",
  115268. "nan",
  115269. "nan",
  115270. "nan",
  115271. "nan",
  115272. "nan",
  115273. "nan",
  115274. "nan",
  115275. "nan",
  115276. "nan",
  115277. "nan",
  115278. "nan",
  115279. "nan",
  115280. "nan",
  115281. "nan",
  115282. "nan",
  115283. "nan",
  115284. "nan",
  115285. "nan",
  115286. "nan"
  115287. ],
  115288. [
  115289. "33857",
  115290. "31",
  115291. "rtc/centrust",
  115292. "sale of centrust tower",
  115293. "8620",
  115294. "nan",
  115295. "5 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:1.original surrender of premises agreement 2.volumes xi-xv (october 24,1991-november 1991)",
  115296. "nan",
  115297. "8620",
  115298. "cw",
  115299. "-",
  115300. "nan",
  115301. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115302. "fort lauderdale",
  115303. "324515",
  115304. "nan",
  115305. "nan",
  115306. "nan",
  115307. "nan",
  115308. "nan",
  115309. "nan",
  115310. "nan",
  115311. "nan",
  115312. "nan",
  115313. "nan",
  115314. "nan",
  115315. "nan",
  115316. "nan",
  115317. "nan",
  115318. "nan",
  115319. "nan",
  115320. "nan",
  115321. "nan",
  115322. "nan",
  115323. "nan",
  115324. "nan",
  115325. "nan",
  115326. "nan"
  115327. ],
  115328. [
  115329. "33857",
  115330. "31",
  115331. "rtc/centrust",
  115332. "sale of centrust tower",
  115333. "8621",
  115334. "nan",
  115335. "6 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:1.flow issues file3.volumes ii-v winthrop (june 10,1991-september 20,1991) 9/99 not at leahy",
  115336. "nan",
  115337. "8621",
  115338. "cw",
  115339. "-",
  115340. "nan",
  115341. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  115342. "fort lauderdale",
  115343. "324516",
  115344. "nan",
  115345. "nan",
  115346. "nan",
  115347. "nan",
  115348. "nan",
  115349. "nan",
  115350. "nan",
  115351. "nan",
  115352. "nan",
  115353. "nan",
  115354. "nan",
  115355. "nan",
  115356. "nan",
  115357. "nan",
  115358. "nan",
  115359. "nan",
  115360. "nan",
  115361. "nan",
  115362. "nan",
  115363. "nan",
  115364. "nan",
  115365. "nan",
  115366. "nan"
  115367. ],
  115368. [
  115369. "33857",
  115370. "31",
  115371. "rtc/centrust",
  115372. "sale of centrust tower",
  115373. "8622",
  115374. "nan",
  115375. "7 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:1.letters & memos to client2.purchase agreement 3.amendments, 9/99 not at leahy",
  115376. "nan",
  115377. "8622",
  115378. "cw",
  115379. "-",
  115380. "nan",
  115381. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115382. "fort lauderdale",
  115383. "324517",
  115384. "nan",
  115385. "nan",
  115386. "nan",
  115387. "nan",
  115388. "nan",
  115389. "nan",
  115390. "nan",
  115391. "nan",
  115392. "nan",
  115393. "nan",
  115394. "nan",
  115395. "nan",
  115396. "nan",
  115397. "nan",
  115398. "nan",
  115399. "nan",
  115400. "nan",
  115401. "nan",
  115402. "nan",
  115403. "nan",
  115404. "nan",
  115405. "nan",
  115406. "nan"
  115407. ],
  115408. [
  115409. "33857",
  115410. "31",
  115411. "rtc/centrust",
  115412. "sale of centrust tower",
  115413. "8623",
  115414. "nan",
  115415. "8 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:1.interoffice memos2.notes3.dina gallo files4.due dilegance info. booklet5.draft of execution documents, 9/99 not at leahy",
  115416. "nan",
  115417. "8623",
  115418. "cw",
  115419. "-",
  115420. "nan",
  115421. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115422. "fort lauderdale",
  115423. "324518",
  115424. "nan",
  115425. "nan",
  115426. "nan",
  115427. "nan",
  115428. "nan",
  115429. "nan",
  115430. "nan",
  115431. "nan",
  115432. "nan",
  115433. "nan",
  115434. "nan",
  115435. "nan",
  115436. "nan",
  115437. "nan",
  115438. "nan",
  115439. "nan",
  115440. "nan",
  115441. "nan",
  115442. "nan",
  115443. "nan",
  115444. "nan",
  115445. "nan",
  115446. "nan"
  115447. ],
  115448. [
  115449. "33857",
  115450. "31",
  115451. "rtc/centrust",
  115452. "sale of centrust tower",
  115453. "8624",
  115454. "nan",
  115455. "9 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents:1.correspondence2.gen. leasing advice3.article4.rtc low file5.draft, 9/99 not at leahy",
  115456. "nan",
  115457. "8624",
  115458. "cw",
  115459. "-",
  115460. "nan",
  115461. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115462. "fort lauderdale",
  115463. "324519",
  115464. "nan",
  115465. "nan",
  115466. "nan",
  115467. "nan",
  115468. "nan",
  115469. "nan",
  115470. "nan",
  115471. "nan",
  115472. "nan",
  115473. "nan",
  115474. "nan",
  115475. "nan",
  115476. "nan",
  115477. "nan",
  115478. "nan",
  115479. "nan",
  115480. "nan",
  115481. "nan",
  115482. "nan",
  115483. "nan",
  115484. "nan",
  115485. "nan",
  115486. "nan"
  115487. ],
  115488. [
  115489. "33857",
  115490. "31",
  115491. "rtc/centrust",
  115492. "sale of centrust tower",
  115493. "8625",
  115494. "nan",
  115495. "10 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92.contents:addenda & exhibits to 18th amend. to purchase, sale & assign. ag., 9/99 not at leahy",
  115496. "nan",
  115497. "8625",
  115498. "cw",
  115499. "-",
  115500. "nan",
  115501. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115502. "fort lauderdale",
  115503. "324520",
  115504. "nan",
  115505. "nan",
  115506. "nan",
  115507. "nan",
  115508. "nan",
  115509. "nan",
  115510. "nan",
  115511. "nan",
  115512. "nan",
  115513. "nan",
  115514. "nan",
  115515. "nan",
  115516. "nan",
  115517. "nan",
  115518. "nan",
  115519. "nan",
  115520. "nan",
  115521. "nan",
  115522. "nan",
  115523. "nan",
  115524. "nan",
  115525. "nan",
  115526. "nan"
  115527. ],
  115528. [
  115529. "33857",
  115530. "31",
  115531. "rtc/centrust",
  115532. "sale of centrust tower",
  115533. "8626",
  115534. "nan",
  115535. "11 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92.contents:1.tenant leases2.volume xvi, 9/99 not at leahy",
  115536. "nan",
  115537. "8626",
  115538. "cw",
  115539. "-",
  115540. "nan",
  115541. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115542. "fort lauderdale",
  115543. "324521",
  115544. "nan",
  115545. "nan",
  115546. "nan",
  115547. "nan",
  115548. "nan",
  115549. "nan",
  115550. "nan",
  115551. "nan",
  115552. "nan",
  115553. "nan",
  115554. "nan",
  115555. "nan",
  115556. "nan",
  115557. "nan",
  115558. "nan",
  115559. "nan",
  115560. "nan",
  115561. "nan",
  115562. "nan",
  115563. "nan",
  115564. "nan",
  115565. "nan",
  115566. "nan"
  115567. ],
  115568. [
  115569. "33857",
  115570. "52",
  115571. "rtc/ centrust",
  115572. "claim of lien/all-interi",
  115573. "8616",
  115574. "nan",
  115575. "entered august 27,92., 9/99 not at leahy",
  115576. "nan",
  115577. "8616",
  115578. "cw",
  115579. "-",
  115580. "nan",
  115581. "closed file number: 2127-92 + location: c",
  115582. "fort lauderdale",
  115583. "324670",
  115584. "nan",
  115585. "nan",
  115586. "nan",
  115587. "nan",
  115588. "nan",
  115589. "nan",
  115590. "nan",
  115591. "nan",
  115592. "nan",
  115593. "nan",
  115594. "nan",
  115595. "nan",
  115596. "nan",
  115597. "nan",
  115598. "nan",
  115599. "nan",
  115600. "nan",
  115601. "nan",
  115602. "nan",
  115603. "nan",
  115604. "nan",
  115605. "nan",
  115606. "nan"
  115607. ],
  115608. [
  115609. "33857",
  115610. "31",
  115611. "rtc/centrust",
  115612. "sale of centrust tower",
  115613. "8616",
  115614. "nan",
  115615. "1 of 11 boxes.entered august 4,92. contents: closing binders; survey;(1) november rents, (2) floridapower and light, (3) sales tax, (4) leasehold mortgage, (5) insurance, (6) volume xvii of correspondence (final volume; delinquet saletaxes).",
  115616. "nan",
  115617. "8616",
  115618. "cw",
  115619. "-",
  115620. "nan",
  115621. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115622. "fort lauderdale",
  115623. "324671",
  115624. "nan",
  115625. "nan",
  115626. "nan",
  115627. "nan",
  115628. "nan",
  115629. "nan",
  115630. "nan",
  115631. "nan",
  115632. "nan",
  115633. "nan",
  115634. "nan",
  115635. "nan",
  115636. "nan",
  115637. "nan",
  115638. "nan",
  115639. "nan",
  115640. "nan",
  115641. "nan",
  115642. "nan",
  115643. "nan",
  115644. "nan",
  115645. "nan",
  115646. "nan"
  115647. ],
  115648. [
  115649. "33857",
  115650. "4",
  115651. "rtc/centrust",
  115652. "lcp acquistion",
  115653. "8426",
  115654. "nan",
  115655. "-",
  115656. "nan",
  115657. "8426",
  115658. "jh",
  115659. "-",
  115660. "nan",
  115661. "closed file number: 1726-92 + location: c",
  115662. "fort lauderdale",
  115663. "325005",
  115664. "nan",
  115665. "nan",
  115666. "nan",
  115667. "nan",
  115668. "nan",
  115669. "nan",
  115670. "nan",
  115671. "nan",
  115672. "nan",
  115673. "nan",
  115674. "nan",
  115675. "nan",
  115676. "nan",
  115677. "nan",
  115678. "nan",
  115679. "nan",
  115680. "nan",
  115681. "nan",
  115682. "nan",
  115683. "nan",
  115684. "nan",
  115685. "nan",
  115686. "nan"
  115687. ],
  115688. [
  115689. "33857",
  115690. "23",
  115691. "rtc-centrust",
  115692. "general matters",
  115693. "8805",
  115694. "nan",
  115695. "entered december 14, 92. not in box 8805 that was returned to leahy on may 26, 1999",
  115696. "nan",
  115697. "8805",
  115698. "cw",
  115699. "-",
  115700. "nan",
  115701. "closed file number: 2494-92 + location: i",
  115702. "fort lauderdale",
  115703. "325173",
  115704. "nan",
  115705. "nan",
  115706. "nan",
  115707. "nan",
  115708. "nan",
  115709. "nan",
  115710. "nan",
  115711. "nan",
  115712. "nan",
  115713. "nan",
  115714. "nan",
  115715. "nan",
  115716. "nan",
  115717. "nan",
  115718. "nan",
  115719. "nan",
  115720. "nan",
  115721. "nan",
  115722. "nan",
  115723. "nan",
  115724. "nan",
  115725. "nan",
  115726. "nan"
  115727. ],
  115728. [
  115729. "33857",
  115730. "37",
  115731. "rtc-centrust savings",
  115732. "vesta vestra, inc.",
  115733. "8804",
  115734. "nan",
  115735. "entered december 14, 92. (also b# 8805, f# 2491-92).",
  115736. "nan",
  115737. "8804",
  115738. "cw",
  115739. "-",
  115740. "nan",
  115741. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  115742. "fort lauderdale",
  115743. "325182",
  115744. "nan",
  115745. "nan",
  115746. "nan",
  115747. "nan",
  115748. "nan",
  115749. "nan",
  115750. "nan",
  115751. "nan",
  115752. "nan",
  115753. "nan",
  115754. "nan",
  115755. "nan",
  115756. "nan",
  115757. "nan",
  115758. "nan",
  115759. "nan",
  115760. "nan",
  115761. "nan",
  115762. "nan",
  115763. "nan",
  115764. "nan",
  115765. "nan",
  115766. "nan"
  115767. ],
  115768. [
  115769. "33857",
  115770. "37",
  115771. "rtc-centrust savings",
  115772. "vesta vestra, ccr",
  115773. "8805",
  115774. "nan",
  115775. "entered december 14, 92. (also b# 8804- entire box). this box contains huntington/ccr",
  115776. "nan",
  115777. "8805",
  115778. "cw",
  115779. "nan",
  115780. "nan",
  115781. "closed file number: 2491-92 + location: i",
  115782. "fort lauderdale",
  115783. "325849",
  115784. "nan",
  115785. "nan",
  115786. "nan",
  115787. "nan",
  115788. "nan",
  115789. "nan",
  115790. "nan",
  115791. "nan",
  115792. "nan",
  115793. "nan",
  115794. "nan",
  115795. "nan",
  115796. "nan",
  115797. "nan",
  115798. "nan",
  115799. "nan",
  115800. "nan",
  115801. "nan",
  115802. "nan",
  115803. "nan",
  115804. "nan",
  115805. "nan",
  115806. "nan"
  115807. ],
  115808. [
  115809. "33857",
  115810. "4",
  115811. "rtc",
  115812. "lpc",
  115813. "9203",
  115814. "nan",
  115815. "entered july 9, 93.",
  115816. "nan",
  115817. "9203",
  115818. "-",
  115819. "-",
  115820. "nan",
  115821. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115822. "fort lauderdale",
  115823. "325969",
  115824. "nan",
  115825. "nan",
  115826. "nan",
  115827. "nan",
  115828. "nan",
  115829. "nan",
  115830. "nan",
  115831. "nan",
  115832. "nan",
  115833. "nan",
  115834. "nan",
  115835. "nan",
  115836. "nan",
  115837. "nan",
  115838. "nan",
  115839. "nan",
  115840. "nan",
  115841. "nan",
  115842. "nan",
  115843. "nan",
  115844. "nan",
  115845. "nan",
  115846. "nan"
  115847. ],
  115848. [
  115849. "33857",
  115850. "4",
  115851. "rtc",
  115852. "lpc",
  115853. "9204",
  115854. "nan",
  115855. "entered july 9, 93.",
  115856. "nan",
  115857. "9204",
  115858. "-",
  115859. "-",
  115860. "nan",
  115861. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115862. "fort lauderdale",
  115863. "325970",
  115864. "nan",
  115865. "nan",
  115866. "nan",
  115867. "nan",
  115868. "nan",
  115869. "nan",
  115870. "nan",
  115871. "nan",
  115872. "nan",
  115873. "nan",
  115874. "nan",
  115875. "nan",
  115876. "nan",
  115877. "nan",
  115878. "nan",
  115879. "nan",
  115880. "nan",
  115881. "nan",
  115882. "nan",
  115883. "nan",
  115884. "nan",
  115885. "nan",
  115886. "nan"
  115887. ],
  115888. [
  115889. "33857",
  115890. "31",
  115891. "rtc/centrust",
  115892. "sale of centrust tower",
  115893. "9452",
  115894. "nan",
  115895. "entered 10/13/93.checked out to fayne.sent to miami.",
  115896. "nan",
  115897. "9452",
  115898. "cw",
  115899. "-",
  115900. "nan",
  115901. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115902. "fort lauderdale",
  115903. "326456",
  115904. "nan",
  115905. "nan",
  115906. "nan",
  115907. "nan",
  115908. "nan",
  115909. "nan",
  115910. "nan",
  115911. "nan",
  115912. "nan",
  115913. "nan",
  115914. "nan",
  115915. "nan",
  115916. "nan",
  115917. "nan",
  115918. "nan",
  115919. "nan",
  115920. "nan",
  115921. "nan",
  115922. "nan",
  115923. "nan",
  115924. "nan",
  115925. "nan",
  115926. "nan"
  115927. ],
  115928. [
  115929. "33857",
  115930. "31",
  115931. "rtc/centrust",
  115932. "sale of centrust towers",
  115933. "9453",
  115934. "nan",
  115935. "entered 10/13/93.checked out to fayne.sent to miami.",
  115936. "nan",
  115937. "9453",
  115938. "cw",
  115939. "-",
  115940. "nan",
  115941. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115942. "fort lauderdale",
  115943. "326457",
  115944. "nan",
  115945. "nan",
  115946. "nan",
  115947. "nan",
  115948. "nan",
  115949. "nan",
  115950. "nan",
  115951. "nan",
  115952. "nan",
  115953. "nan",
  115954. "nan",
  115955. "nan",
  115956. "nan",
  115957. "nan",
  115958. "nan",
  115959. "nan",
  115960. "nan",
  115961. "nan",
  115962. "nan",
  115963. "nan",
  115964. "nan",
  115965. "nan",
  115966. "nan"
  115967. ],
  115968. [
  115969. "33857",
  115970. "31",
  115971. "rtc/centrust",
  115972. "sale of centrust tower",
  115973. "9454",
  115974. "nan",
  115975. "entered 10/13/93.checked out to fayne.sent to miami.",
  115976. "nan",
  115977. "9454",
  115978. "cw",
  115979. "-",
  115980. "nan",
  115981. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  115982. "fort lauderdale",
  115983. "326458",
  115984. "nan",
  115985. "nan",
  115986. "nan",
  115987. "nan",
  115988. "nan",
  115989. "nan",
  115990. "nan",
  115991. "nan",
  115992. "nan",
  115993. "nan",
  115994. "nan",
  115995. "nan",
  115996. "nan",
  115997. "nan",
  115998. "nan",
  115999. "nan",
  116000. "nan",
  116001. "nan",
  116002. "nan",
  116003. "nan",
  116004. "nan",
  116005. "nan",
  116006. "nan"
  116007. ],
  116008. [
  116009. "33857",
  116010. "31",
  116011. "rtc/centrust",
  116012. "sale of centrust tower",
  116013. "9455",
  116014. "nan",
  116015. "entered 10/13/93.checked out to fayne.sent to miami.",
  116016. "nan",
  116017. "9455",
  116018. "cw",
  116019. "-",
  116020. "nan",
  116021. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  116022. "fort lauderdale",
  116023. "326459",
  116024. "nan",
  116025. "nan",
  116026. "nan",
  116027. "nan",
  116028. "nan",
  116029. "nan",
  116030. "nan",
  116031. "nan",
  116032. "nan",
  116033. "nan",
  116034. "nan",
  116035. "nan",
  116036. "nan",
  116037. "nan",
  116038. "nan",
  116039. "nan",
  116040. "nan",
  116041. "nan",
  116042. "nan",
  116043. "nan",
  116044. "nan",
  116045. "nan",
  116046. "nan"
  116047. ],
  116048. [
  116049. "33857",
  116050. "14",
  116051. "rtc centrust",
  116052. "diversified",
  116053. "9269",
  116054. "nan",
  116055. "-",
  116056. "nan",
  116057. "9269",
  116058. "co",
  116059. "-",
  116060. "nan",
  116061. "closed file number: 2915-93 + location: c",
  116062. "fort lauderdale",
  116063. "326683",
  116064. "nan",
  116065. "nan",
  116066. "nan",
  116067. "nan",
  116068. "nan",
  116069. "nan",
  116070. "nan",
  116071. "nan",
  116072. "nan",
  116073. "nan",
  116074. "nan",
  116075. "nan",
  116076. "nan",
  116077. "nan",
  116078. "nan",
  116079. "nan",
  116080. "nan",
  116081. "nan",
  116082. "nan",
  116083. "nan",
  116084. "nan",
  116085. "nan",
  116086. "nan"
  116087. ],
  116088. [
  116089. "33857",
  116090. "3",
  116091. "rtc",
  116092. "general leasing advice",
  116093. "9757",
  116094. "nan",
  116095. "-",
  116096. "nan",
  116097. "9757",
  116098. "wc",
  116099. "-",
  116100. "nan",
  116101. "closed file number: 4236-94 + location: i",
  116102. "fort lauderdale",
  116103. "327877",
  116104. "nan",
  116105. "nan",
  116106. "nan",
  116107. "nan",
  116108. "nan",
  116109. "nan",
  116110. "nan",
  116111. "nan",
  116112. "nan",
  116113. "nan",
  116114. "nan",
  116115. "nan",
  116116. "nan",
  116117. "nan",
  116118. "nan",
  116119. "nan",
  116120. "nan",
  116121. "nan",
  116122. "nan",
  116123. "nan",
  116124. "nan",
  116125. "nan",
  116126. "nan"
  116127. ],
  116128. [
  116129. "33857",
  116130. "53",
  116131. "rtc",
  116132. "review of lease-intl pl",
  116133. "9757",
  116134. "nan",
  116135. "-",
  116136. "nan",
  116137. "9757",
  116138. "wc",
  116139. "-",
  116140. "nan",
  116141. "closed file number: 4235-94 + location: i",
  116142. "fort lauderdale",
  116143. "327878",
  116144. "nan",
  116145. "nan",
  116146. "nan",
  116147. "nan",
  116148. "nan",
  116149. "nan",
  116150. "nan",
  116151. "nan",
  116152. "nan",
  116153. "nan",
  116154. "nan",
  116155. "nan",
  116156. "nan",
  116157. "nan",
  116158. "nan",
  116159. "nan",
  116160. "nan",
  116161. "nan",
  116162. "nan",
  116163. "nan",
  116164. "nan",
  116165. "nan",
  116166. "nan"
  116167. ],
  116168. [
  116169. "33857",
  116170. "37",
  116171. "rtc",
  116172. "huntington",
  116173. "28161587",
  116174. "nan",
  116175. "box 1 of 3 sfd pencil files",
  116176. "nan",
  116177. "d2523",
  116178. "sfd",
  116179. "nan",
  116180. "nan",
  116181. "nan",
  116182. "fort lauderdale",
  116183. "336442",
  116184. "nan",
  116185. "nan",
  116186. "nan",
  116187. "nan",
  116188. "nan",
  116189. "nan",
  116190. "nan",
  116191. "nan",
  116192. "nan",
  116193. "nan",
  116194. "nan",
  116195. "nan",
  116196. "nan",
  116197. "nan",
  116198. "nan",
  116199. "nan",
  116200. "nan",
  116201. "nan",
  116202. "nan",
  116203. "nan",
  116204. "nan",
  116205. "nan",
  116206. "nan"
  116207. ],
  116208. [
  116209. "33857",
  116210. "37",
  116211. "rtc",
  116212. "huntington",
  116213. "28161595",
  116214. "nan",
  116215. "box 2 of 3 sfd pencil files",
  116216. "nan",
  116217. "d2524",
  116218. "sfd",
  116219. "nan",
  116220. "nan",
  116221. "nan",
  116222. "fort lauderdale",
  116223. "336443",
  116224. "nan",
  116225. "nan",
  116226. "nan",
  116227. "nan",
  116228. "nan",
  116229. "nan",
  116230. "nan",
  116231. "nan",
  116232. "nan",
  116233. "nan",
  116234. "nan",
  116235. "nan",
  116236. "nan",
  116237. "nan",
  116238. "nan",
  116239. "nan",
  116240. "nan",
  116241. "nan",
  116242. "nan",
  116243. "nan",
  116244. "nan",
  116245. "nan",
  116246. "nan"
  116247. ],
  116248. [
  116249. "33857",
  116250. "37",
  116251. "rtc",
  116252. "huntington",
  116253. "28161575",
  116254. "nan",
  116255. "box 3 of 3 sfd pencil files",
  116256. "nan",
  116257. "d2525",
  116258. "sfd",
  116259. "nan",
  116260. "nan",
  116261. "nan",
  116262. "fort lauderdale",
  116263. "336444",
  116264. "nan",
  116265. "nan",
  116266. "nan",
  116267. "nan",
  116268. "nan",
  116269. "nan",
  116270. "nan",
  116271. "nan",
  116272. "nan",
  116273. "nan",
  116274. "nan",
  116275. "nan",
  116276. "nan",
  116277. "nan",
  116278. "nan",
  116279. "nan",
  116280. "nan",
  116281. "nan",
  116282. "nan",
  116283. "nan",
  116284. "nan",
  116285. "nan",
  116286. "nan"
  116287. ],
  116288. [
  116289. "33857",
  116290. "13",
  116291. "rtc centrust",
  116292. "none",
  116293. "460598096",
  116294. "nan",
  116295. "4/5/95 (shadow file) - diversified southeast industries",
  116296. "1/10/1995",
  116297. "210343",
  116298. "poole sam",
  116299. "nan",
  116300. "nan",
  116301. " hk box: 11339",
  116302. "miami",
  116303. "651347",
  116304. "nan",
  116305. "nan",
  116306. "nan",
  116307. "nan",
  116308. "nan",
  116309. "nan",
  116310. "nan",
  116311. "nan",
  116312. "nan",
  116313. "nan",
  116314. "nan",
  116315. "nan",
  116316. "nan",
  116317. "nan",
  116318. "nan",
  116319. "nan",
  116320. "nan",
  116321. "nan",
  116322. "nan",
  116323. "nan",
  116324. "nan",
  116325. "nan",
  116326. "nan"
  116327. ],
  116328. [
  116329. "33857",
  116330. "14",
  116331. "rtc",
  116332. "none",
  116333. "652553352",
  116334. "nan",
  116335. "june 1, 1992.- real estate recovery re: diversified southeastern industries, inc. (dsi)",
  116336. "6/11/1992",
  116337. "49531",
  116338. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  116339. "nan",
  116340. "nan",
  116341. " 7864",
  116342. "miami",
  116343. "673010",
  116344. "nan",
  116345. "nan",
  116346. "nan",
  116347. "nan",
  116348. "nan",
  116349. "nan",
  116350. "nan",
  116351. "nan",
  116352. "nan",
  116353. "nan",
  116354. "nan",
  116355. "nan",
  116356. "nan",
  116357. "nan",
  116358. "nan",
  116359. "nan",
  116360. "nan",
  116361. "nan",
  116362. "nan",
  116363. "nan",
  116364. "nan",
  116365. "nan",
  116366. "nan"
  116367. ],
  116368. [
  116369. "33957",
  116370. "21",
  116371. "rtc - conser centrust v. abdur",
  116372. "none",
  116373. "672025732",
  116374. "nan",
  116375. "1 correspondence volume ii (light green); 1 pleadings volume ii (brown); 1 new matter memo (red); 1 extra pleadings (white); 1 documents (light brown); 1 drafts (light brown); 1 attorney's notes (light brown); 1 travel (light brown); 1 transcript of proceedings before g.l. protoer 4/13/89 (light brown); 1 correspondence volume i (light green); 1 pleadings volume i (brown); 1 pleadings volume iii",
  116376. "7/18/1995",
  116377. "295225",
  116378. "locke barbara",
  116379. "nan",
  116380. "nan",
  116381. " hk box: 12129",
  116382. "miami",
  116383. "637693",
  116384. "nan",
  116385. "nan",
  116386. "nan",
  116387. "nan",
  116388. "nan",
  116389. "nan",
  116390. "nan",
  116391. "nan",
  116392. "nan",
  116393. "nan",
  116394. "nan",
  116395. "nan",
  116396. "nan",
  116397. "nan",
  116398. "nan",
  116399. "nan",
  116400. "nan",
  116401. "nan",
  116402. "nan",
  116403. "nan",
  116404. "nan",
  116405. "nan",
  116406. "nan"
  116407. ],
  116408. [
  116409. "33965",
  116410. "74",
  116411. "goldome",
  116412. "rtc/smith",
  116413. "7749",
  116414. "nan",
  116415. "-",
  116416. "nan",
  116417. "7749",
  116418. "jh",
  116419. "-",
  116420. "nan",
  116421. "closed file number: 8795-91 + location: c",
  116422. "fort lauderdale",
  116423. "321932",
  116424. "nan",
  116425. "nan",
  116426. "nan",
  116427. "nan",
  116428. "nan",
  116429. "nan",
  116430. "nan",
  116431. "nan",
  116432. "nan",
  116433. "nan",
  116434. "nan",
  116435. "nan",
  116436. "nan",
  116437. "nan",
  116438. "nan",
  116439. "nan",
  116440. "nan",
  116441. "nan",
  116442. "nan",
  116443. "nan",
  116444. "nan",
  116445. "nan",
  116446. "nan"
  116447. ],
  116448. [
  116449. "33990",
  116450. "10",
  116451. "rtc-centrust mtg",
  116452. "branch ofc leases",
  116453. "9708",
  116454. "nan",
  116455. "also part of file in box 8006 file#9372-91",
  116456. "nan",
  116457. "9708",
  116458. "cw",
  116459. "-",
  116460. "nan",
  116461. "closed file number: 3940-94 + location: i",
  116462. "fort lauderdale",
  116463. "327580",
  116464. "nan",
  116465. "nan",
  116466. "nan",
  116467. "nan",
  116468. "nan",
  116469. "nan",
  116470. "nan",
  116471. "nan",
  116472. "nan",
  116473. "nan",
  116474. "nan",
  116475. "nan",
  116476. "nan",
  116477. "nan",
  116478. "nan",
  116479. "nan",
  116480. "nan",
  116481. "nan",
  116482. "nan",
  116483. "nan",
  116484. "nan",
  116485. "nan",
  116486. "nan"
  116487. ],
  116488. [
  116489. "33993-",
  116490. "011 (2)",
  116491. "rtc vs collier #2 (2",
  116492. "nan",
  116493. "dsj004762",
  116494. "nan",
  116495. "mga closed files",
  116496. "01/31/1992",
  116497. "16-042",
  116498. "16 mark alexander",
  116499. "nan",
  116500. "nan",
  116501. "nan",
  116502. "jacksonville",
  116503. "59283",
  116504. "nan",
  116505. "nan",
  116506. "nan",
  116507. "nan",
  116508. "nan",
  116509. "nan",
  116510. "nan",
  116511. "nan",
  116512. "nan",
  116513. "nan",
  116514. "nan",
  116515. "nan",
  116516. "nan",
  116517. "nan",
  116518. "nan",
  116519. "nan",
  116520. "nan",
  116521. "nan",
  116522. "nan",
  116523. "nan",
  116524. "nan",
  116525. "nan",
  116526. "nan"
  116527. ],
  116528. [
  116529. "33993-",
  116530. "30 *2*",
  116531. "rtc df services inc",
  116532. "nan",
  116533. "dsj005331",
  116534. "nan",
  116535. "lck closed files",
  116536. "06/30/1994",
  116537. "32-048",
  116538. "32 linda kane",
  116539. "nan",
  116540. "nan",
  116541. "nan",
  116542. "jacksonville",
  116543. "65402",
  116544. "nan",
  116545. "nan",
  116546. "nan",
  116547. "nan",
  116548. "nan",
  116549. "nan",
  116550. "nan",
  116551. "nan",
  116552. "nan",
  116553. "nan",
  116554. "nan",
  116555. "nan",
  116556. "nan",
  116557. "nan",
  116558. "nan",
  116559. "nan",
  116560. "nan",
  116561. "nan",
  116562. "nan",
  116563. "nan",
  116564. "nan",
  116565. "nan",
  116566. "nan"
  116567. ],
  116568. [
  116569. "33993-",
  116570. "35 *2*",
  116571. "rtc oak grove apartments",
  116572. "nan",
  116573. "dsj005332",
  116574. "nan",
  116575. "lck closed files",
  116576. "06/30/1994",
  116577. "32-049",
  116578. "32 linda kane",
  116579. "nan",
  116580. "nan",
  116581. "nan",
  116582. "jacksonville",
  116583. "65407",
  116584. "nan",
  116585. "nan",
  116586. "nan",
  116587. "nan",
  116588. "nan",
  116589. "nan",
  116590. "nan",
  116591. "nan",
  116592. "nan",
  116593. "nan",
  116594. "nan",
  116595. "nan",
  116596. "nan",
  116597. "nan",
  116598. "nan",
  116599. "nan",
  116600. "nan",
  116601. "nan",
  116602. "nan",
  116603. "nan",
  116604. "nan",
  116605. "nan",
  116606. "nan"
  116607. ],
  116608. [
  116609. "33993-",
  116610. "36 *2*",
  116611. "rtc beach bluff apartments",
  116612. "nan",
  116613. "dsj005332",
  116614. "nan",
  116615. "lck closed files",
  116616. "06/30/1994",
  116617. "32-049",
  116618. "32 linda kane",
  116619. "nan",
  116620. "nan",
  116621. "nan",
  116622. "jacksonville",
  116623. "65408",
  116624. "nan",
  116625. "nan",
  116626. "nan",
  116627. "nan",
  116628. "nan",
  116629. "nan",
  116630. "nan",
  116631. "nan",
  116632. "nan",
  116633. "nan",
  116634. "nan",
  116635. "nan",
  116636. "nan",
  116637. "nan",
  116638. "nan",
  116639. "nan",
  116640. "nan",
  116641. "nan",
  116642. "nan",
  116643. "nan",
  116644. "nan",
  116645. "nan",
  116646. "nan"
  116647. ],
  116648. [
  116649. "33993-",
  116650. "35/36/37",
  116651. "rtc-oak grove apartments",
  116652. "nan",
  116653. "dsj005364",
  116654. "nan",
  116655. "kane closed files",
  116656. "02/08/1996",
  116657. "32-079",
  116658. "32 linda kane",
  116659. "nan",
  116660. "nan",
  116661. "nan",
  116662. "jacksonville",
  116663. "65670",
  116664. "nan",
  116665. "nan",
  116666. "nan",
  116667. "nan",
  116668. "nan",
  116669. "nan",
  116670. "nan",
  116671. "nan",
  116672. "nan",
  116673. "nan",
  116674. "nan",
  116675. "nan",
  116676. "nan",
  116677. "nan",
  116678. "nan",
  116679. "nan",
  116680. "nan",
  116681. "nan",
  116682. "nan",
  116683. "nan",
  116684. "nan",
  116685. "nan",
  116686. "nan"
  116687. ],
  116688. [
  116689. "33993-005",
  116690. "nan",
  116691. "rtc/duval federal vs bobby",
  116692. "nan",
  116693. "dsj004759",
  116694. "nan",
  116695. "mga closed files",
  116696. "07/09/1991",
  116697. "16-039",
  116698. "16 mark alexander",
  116699. "nan",
  116700. "nan",
  116701. "nan",
  116702. "jacksonville",
  116703. "59231",
  116704. "nan",
  116705. "nan",
  116706. "nan",
  116707. "nan",
  116708. "nan",
  116709. "nan",
  116710. "nan",
  116711. "nan",
  116712. "nan",
  116713. "nan",
  116714. "nan",
  116715. "nan",
  116716. "nan",
  116717. "nan",
  116718. "nan",
  116719. "nan",
  116720. "nan",
  116721. "nan",
  116722. "nan",
  116723. "nan",
  116724. "nan",
  116725. "nan",
  116726. "nan"
  116727. ],
  116728. [
  116729. "33993-006",
  116730. "nan",
  116731. "rtc/duval federal vs robert",
  116732. "nan",
  116733. "dsj004759",
  116734. "nan",
  116735. "mga closed files",
  116736. "07/09/1991",
  116737. "16-039",
  116738. "16 mark alexander",
  116739. "nan",
  116740. "nan",
  116741. "nan",
  116742. "jacksonville",
  116743. "59232",
  116744. "nan",
  116745. "nan",
  116746. "nan",
  116747. "nan",
  116748. "nan",
  116749. "nan",
  116750. "nan",
  116751. "nan",
  116752. "nan",
  116753. "nan",
  116754. "nan",
  116755. "nan",
  116756. "nan",
  116757. "nan",
  116758. "nan",
  116759. "nan",
  116760. "nan",
  116761. "nan",
  116762. "nan",
  116763. "nan",
  116764. "nan",
  116765. "nan",
  116766. "nan"
  116767. ],
  116768. [
  116769. "33993-018",
  116770. "nan",
  116771. "rtc homes lumber co",
  116772. "nan",
  116773. "dsj005331",
  116774. "nan",
  116775. "lck closed files",
  116776. "06/30/1994",
  116777. "32-048",
  116778. "32 linda kane",
  116779. "nan",
  116780. "nan",
  116781. "nan",
  116782. "jacksonville",
  116783. "65397",
  116784. "nan",
  116785. "nan",
  116786. "nan",
  116787. "nan",
  116788. "nan",
  116789. "nan",
  116790. "nan",
  116791. "nan",
  116792. "nan",
  116793. "nan",
  116794. "nan",
  116795. "nan",
  116796. "nan",
  116797. "nan",
  116798. "nan",
  116799. "nan",
  116800. "nan",
  116801. "nan",
  116802. "nan",
  116803. "nan",
  116804. "nan",
  116805. "nan",
  116806. "nan"
  116807. ],
  116808. [
  116809. "33993-023",
  116810. "nan",
  116811. "rtc-duval fed-sav assn of",
  116812. "nan",
  116813. "dsj005315",
  116814. "nan",
  116815. "lck-closed files",
  116816. "03/13/1992",
  116817. "32-032",
  116818. "32 linda kane",
  116819. "nan",
  116820. "nan",
  116821. "nan",
  116822. "jacksonville",
  116823. "65288",
  116824. "nan",
  116825. "nan",
  116826. "nan",
  116827. "nan",
  116828. "nan",
  116829. "nan",
  116830. "nan",
  116831. "nan",
  116832. "nan",
  116833. "nan",
  116834. "nan",
  116835. "nan",
  116836. "nan",
  116837. "nan",
  116838. "nan",
  116839. "nan",
  116840. "nan",
  116841. "nan",
  116842. "nan",
  116843. "nan",
  116844. "nan",
  116845. "nan",
  116846. "nan"
  116847. ],
  116848. [
  116849. "33993-024",
  116850. "nan",
  116851. "rtc-duval fed-citibank",
  116852. "nan",
  116853. "dsj005315",
  116854. "nan",
  116855. "lck-closed files",
  116856. "03/13/1992",
  116857. "32-032",
  116858. "32 linda kane",
  116859. "nan",
  116860. "nan",
  116861. "nan",
  116862. "jacksonville",
  116863. "65289",
  116864. "nan",
  116865. "nan",
  116866. "nan",
  116867. "nan",
  116868. "nan",
  116869. "nan",
  116870. "nan",
  116871. "nan",
  116872. "nan",
  116873. "nan",
  116874. "nan",
  116875. "nan",
  116876. "nan",
  116877. "nan",
  116878. "nan",
  116879. "nan",
  116880. "nan",
  116881. "nan",
  116882. "nan",
  116883. "nan",
  116884. "nan",
  116885. "nan",
  116886. "nan"
  116887. ],
  116888. [
  116889. "33993-025",
  116890. "nan",
  116891. "rtc-duval fed-northwester",
  116892. "nan",
  116893. "dsj005315",
  116894. "nan",
  116895. "lck-closed files",
  116896. "03/13/1992",
  116897. "32-032",
  116898. "32 linda kane",
  116899. "nan",
  116900. "nan",
  116901. "nan",
  116902. "jacksonville",
  116903. "65290",
  116904. "nan",
  116905. "nan",
  116906. "nan",
  116907. "nan",
  116908. "nan",
  116909. "nan",
  116910. "nan",
  116911. "nan",
  116912. "nan",
  116913. "nan",
  116914. "nan",
  116915. "nan",
  116916. "nan",
  116917. "nan",
  116918. "nan",
  116919. "nan",
  116920. "nan",
  116921. "nan",
  116922. "nan",
  116923. "nan",
  116924. "nan",
  116925. "nan",
  116926. "nan"
  116927. ],
  116928. [
  116929. "33993-026",
  116930. "nan",
  116931. "rtc-duval federal",
  116932. "nan",
  116933. "dsj005315",
  116934. "nan",
  116935. "lck-closed files",
  116936. "03/13/1992",
  116937. "32-032",
  116938. "32 linda kane",
  116939. "nan",
  116940. "nan",
  116941. "nan",
  116942. "jacksonville",
  116943. "65291",
  116944. "nan",
  116945. "nan",
  116946. "nan",
  116947. "nan",
  116948. "nan",
  116949. "nan",
  116950. "nan",
  116951. "nan",
  116952. "nan",
  116953. "nan",
  116954. "nan",
  116955. "nan",
  116956. "nan",
  116957. "nan",
  116958. "nan",
  116959. "nan",
  116960. "nan",
  116961. "nan",
  116962. "nan",
  116963. "nan",
  116964. "nan",
  116965. "nan",
  116966. "nan"
  116967. ],
  116968. [
  116969. "33993-027",
  116970. "nan",
  116971. "rtc-duval fed-american bank",
  116972. "nan",
  116973. "dsj005315",
  116974. "nan",
  116975. "lck-closed files",
  116976. "03/13/1992",
  116977. "32-032",
  116978. "32 linda kane",
  116979. "nan",
  116980. "nan",
  116981. "nan",
  116982. "jacksonville",
  116983. "65292",
  116984. "nan",
  116985. "nan",
  116986. "nan",
  116987. "nan",
  116988. "nan",
  116989. "nan",
  116990. "nan",
  116991. "nan",
  116992. "nan",
  116993. "nan",
  116994. "nan",
  116995. "nan",
  116996. "nan",
  116997. "nan",
  116998. "nan",
  116999. "nan",
  117000. "nan",
  117001. "nan",
  117002. "nan",
  117003. "nan",
  117004. "nan",
  117005. "nan",
  117006. "nan"
  117007. ],
  117008. [
  117009. "33993-028",
  117010. "nan",
  117011. "rtc-duval fed sec first fed",
  117012. "nan",
  117013. "dsj005315",
  117014. "nan",
  117015. "lck-closed files",
  117016. "03/13/1992",
  117017. "32-032",
  117018. "32 linda kane",
  117019. "nan",
  117020. "nan",
  117021. "nan",
  117022. "jacksonville",
  117023. "65293",
  117024. "nan",
  117025. "nan",
  117026. "nan",
  117027. "nan",
  117028. "nan",
  117029. "nan",
  117030. "nan",
  117031. "nan",
  117032. "nan",
  117033. "nan",
  117034. "nan",
  117035. "nan",
  117036. "nan",
  117037. "nan",
  117038. "nan",
  117039. "nan",
  117040. "nan",
  117041. "nan",
  117042. "nan",
  117043. "nan",
  117044. "nan",
  117045. "nan",
  117046. "nan"
  117047. ],
  117048. [
  117049. "33993-039",
  117050. "nan",
  117051. "rtc vs john kleiber",
  117052. "nan",
  117053. "dsj004762",
  117054. "nan",
  117055. "mga closed files",
  117056. "01/31/1992",
  117057. "16-042",
  117058. "16 mark alexander",
  117059. "nan",
  117060. "nan",
  117061. "nan",
  117062. "jacksonville",
  117063. "59284",
  117064. "nan",
  117065. "nan",
  117066. "nan",
  117067. "nan",
  117068. "nan",
  117069. "nan",
  117070. "nan",
  117071. "nan",
  117072. "nan",
  117073. "nan",
  117074. "nan",
  117075. "nan",
  117076. "nan",
  117077. "nan",
  117078. "nan",
  117079. "nan",
  117080. "nan",
  117081. "nan",
  117082. "nan",
  117083. "nan",
  117084. "nan",
  117085. "nan",
  117086. "nan"
  117087. ],
  117088. [
  117089. "33993-040",
  117090. "nan",
  117091. "john frank johnson rtc/duval",
  117092. "nan",
  117093. "dsj005720",
  117094. "nan",
  117095. "cjg-closed files",
  117096. "07/01/1993",
  117097. "40-004",
  117098. "40 chris greene",
  117099. "nan",
  117100. "nan",
  117101. "nan",
  117102. "jacksonville",
  117103. "73146",
  117104. "nan",
  117105. "nan",
  117106. "nan",
  117107. "nan",
  117108. "nan",
  117109. "nan",
  117110. "nan",
  117111. "nan",
  117112. "nan",
  117113. "nan",
  117114. "nan",
  117115. "nan",
  117116. "nan",
  117117. "nan",
  117118. "nan",
  117119. "nan",
  117120. "nan",
  117121. "nan",
  117122. "nan",
  117123. "nan",
  117124. "nan",
  117125. "nan",
  117126. "nan"
  117127. ],
  117128. [
  117129. "33993-042",
  117130. "nan",
  117131. "rtc/atlantic east (2)",
  117132. "nan",
  117133. "dsj005720",
  117134. "nan",
  117135. "cjg-closed files",
  117136. "07/01/1993",
  117137. "40-004",
  117138. "40 chris greene",
  117139. "nan",
  117140. "nan",
  117141. "nan",
  117142. "jacksonville",
  117143. "73147",
  117144. "nan",
  117145. "nan",
  117146. "nan",
  117147. "nan",
  117148. "nan",
  117149. "nan",
  117150. "nan",
  117151. "nan",
  117152. "nan",
  117153. "nan",
  117154. "nan",
  117155. "nan",
  117156. "nan",
  117157. "nan",
  117158. "nan",
  117159. "nan",
  117160. "nan",
  117161. "nan",
  117162. "nan",
  117163. "nan",
  117164. "nan",
  117165. "nan",
  117166. "nan"
  117167. ],
  117168. [
  117169. "33993-046",
  117170. "nan",
  117171. "rtc vs john brantley",
  117172. "nan",
  117173. "dsj004762",
  117174. "nan",
  117175. "mga closed files",
  117176. "01/31/1992",
  117177. "16-042",
  117178. "16 mark alexander",
  117179. "nan",
  117180. "nan",
  117181. "nan",
  117182. "jacksonville",
  117183. "59285",
  117184. "nan",
  117185. "nan",
  117186. "nan",
  117187. "nan",
  117188. "nan",
  117189. "nan",
  117190. "nan",
  117191. "nan",
  117192. "nan",
  117193. "nan",
  117194. "nan",
  117195. "nan",
  117196. "nan",
  117197. "nan",
  117198. "nan",
  117199. "nan",
  117200. "nan",
  117201. "nan",
  117202. "nan",
  117203. "nan",
  117204. "nan",
  117205. "nan",
  117206. "nan"
  117207. ],
  117208. [
  117209. "33993-051",
  117210. "nan",
  117211. "rtc-duval fed-empire",
  117212. "nan",
  117213. "dsj005315",
  117214. "nan",
  117215. "lck-closed files",
  117216. "03/13/1992",
  117217. "32-032",
  117218. "32 linda kane",
  117219. "nan",
  117220. "nan",
  117221. "nan",
  117222. "jacksonville",
  117223. "65294",
  117224. "nan",
  117225. "nan",
  117226. "nan",
  117227. "nan",
  117228. "nan",
  117229. "nan",
  117230. "nan",
  117231. "nan",
  117232. "nan",
  117233. "nan",
  117234. "nan",
  117235. "nan",
  117236. "nan",
  117237. "nan",
  117238. "nan",
  117239. "nan",
  117240. "nan",
  117241. "nan",
  117242. "nan",
  117243. "nan",
  117244. "nan",
  117245. "nan",
  117246. "nan"
  117247. ],
  117248. [
  117249. "33993-052",
  117250. "nan",
  117251. "rtc vs first land group",
  117252. "nan",
  117253. "dsj004762",
  117254. "nan",
  117255. "mga closed files",
  117256. "01/31/1992",
  117257. "16-042",
  117258. "16 mark alexander",
  117259. "nan",
  117260. "nan",
  117261. "nan",
  117262. "jacksonville",
  117263. "59286",
  117264. "nan",
  117265. "nan",
  117266. "nan",
  117267. "nan",
  117268. "nan",
  117269. "nan",
  117270. "nan",
  117271. "nan",
  117272. "nan",
  117273. "nan",
  117274. "nan",
  117275. "nan",
  117276. "nan",
  117277. "nan",
  117278. "nan",
  117279. "nan",
  117280. "nan",
  117281. "nan",
  117282. "nan",
  117283. "nan",
  117284. "nan",
  117285. "nan",
  117286. "nan"
  117287. ],
  117288. [
  117289. "33993-1",
  117290. "nan",
  117291. "rtc/montgomery-hall",
  117292. "nan",
  117293. "dsj004474",
  117294. "nan",
  117295. "ljh closed files",
  117296. "11/13/1990",
  117297. "13-039",
  117298. "13 larry hamilton",
  117299. "nan",
  117300. "nan",
  117301. "nan",
  117302. "jacksonville",
  117303. "56605",
  117304. "nan",
  117305. "nan",
  117306. "nan",
  117307. "nan",
  117308. "nan",
  117309. "nan",
  117310. "nan",
  117311. "nan",
  117312. "nan",
  117313. "nan",
  117314. "nan",
  117315. "nan",
  117316. "nan",
  117317. "nan",
  117318. "nan",
  117319. "nan",
  117320. "nan",
  117321. "nan",
  117322. "nan",
  117323. "nan",
  117324. "nan",
  117325. "nan",
  117326. "nan"
  117327. ],
  117328. [
  117329. "33993-1",
  117330. "nan",
  117331. "rtc duval federal/art's",
  117332. "nan",
  117333. "dsj004478",
  117334. "nan",
  117335. "ljh closed files",
  117336. "01/16/1991",
  117337. "13-045",
  117338. "13 larry hamilton",
  117339. "nan",
  117340. "nan",
  117341. "nan",
  117342. "jacksonville",
  117343. "56616",
  117344. "nan",
  117345. "nan",
  117346. "nan",
  117347. "nan",
  117348. "nan",
  117349. "nan",
  117350. "nan",
  117351. "nan",
  117352. "nan",
  117353. "nan",
  117354. "nan",
  117355. "nan",
  117356. "nan",
  117357. "nan",
  117358. "nan",
  117359. "nan",
  117360. "nan",
  117361. "nan",
  117362. "nan",
  117363. "nan",
  117364. "nan",
  117365. "nan",
  117366. "nan"
  117367. ],
  117368. [
  117369. "33993-12",
  117370. "nan",
  117371. "rtc/duval federal vs.",
  117372. "nan",
  117373. "dsj004759",
  117374. "nan",
  117375. "mga closed files",
  117376. "07/09/1991",
  117377. "16-039",
  117378. "16 mark alexander",
  117379. "nan",
  117380. "nan",
  117381. "nan",
  117382. "jacksonville",
  117383. "59233",
  117384. "nan",
  117385. "nan",
  117386. "nan",
  117387. "nan",
  117388. "nan",
  117389. "nan",
  117390. "nan",
  117391. "nan",
  117392. "nan",
  117393. "nan",
  117394. "nan",
  117395. "nan",
  117396. "nan",
  117397. "nan",
  117398. "nan",
  117399. "nan",
  117400. "nan",
  117401. "nan",
  117402. "nan",
  117403. "nan",
  117404. "nan",
  117405. "nan",
  117406. "nan"
  117407. ],
  117408. [
  117409. "33993-14",
  117410. "nan",
  117411. "rtc/duval federal vs",
  117412. "nan",
  117413. "dsj004759",
  117414. "nan",
  117415. "mga closed files",
  117416. "07/09/1991",
  117417. "16-039",
  117418. "16 mark alexander",
  117419. "nan",
  117420. "nan",
  117421. "nan",
  117422. "jacksonville",
  117423. "59234",
  117424. "nan",
  117425. "nan",
  117426. "nan",
  117427. "nan",
  117428. "nan",
  117429. "nan",
  117430. "nan",
  117431. "nan",
  117432. "nan",
  117433. "nan",
  117434. "nan",
  117435. "nan",
  117436. "nan",
  117437. "nan",
  117438. "nan",
  117439. "nan",
  117440. "nan",
  117441. "nan",
  117442. "nan",
  117443. "nan",
  117444. "nan",
  117445. "nan",
  117446. "nan"
  117447. ],
  117448. [
  117449. "33993-17",
  117450. "nan",
  117451. "rtc rec duval fed ortega blvd",
  117452. "nan",
  117453. "dsj005331",
  117454. "nan",
  117455. "lck closed files",
  117456. "06/30/1994",
  117457. "32-048",
  117458. "32 linda kane",
  117459. "nan",
  117460. "nan",
  117461. "nan",
  117462. "jacksonville",
  117463. "65398",
  117464. "nan",
  117465. "nan",
  117466. "nan",
  117467. "nan",
  117468. "nan",
  117469. "nan",
  117470. "nan",
  117471. "nan",
  117472. "nan",
  117473. "nan",
  117474. "nan",
  117475. "nan",
  117476. "nan",
  117477. "nan",
  117478. "nan",
  117479. "nan",
  117480. "nan",
  117481. "nan",
  117482. "nan",
  117483. "nan",
  117484. "nan",
  117485. "nan",
  117486. "nan"
  117487. ],
  117488. [
  117489. "33993-20",
  117490. "nan",
  117491. "rtc dfs fernandina beach loan",
  117492. "nan",
  117493. "dsj005331",
  117494. "nan",
  117495. "lck closed files",
  117496. "06/30/1994",
  117497. "32-048",
  117498. "32 linda kane",
  117499. "nan",
  117500. "nan",
  117501. "nan",
  117502. "jacksonville",
  117503. "65399",
  117504. "nan",
  117505. "nan",
  117506. "nan",
  117507. "nan",
  117508. "nan",
  117509. "nan",
  117510. "nan",
  117511. "nan",
  117512. "nan",
  117513. "nan",
  117514. "nan",
  117515. "nan",
  117516. "nan",
  117517. "nan",
  117518. "nan",
  117519. "nan",
  117520. "nan",
  117521. "nan",
  117522. "nan",
  117523. "nan",
  117524. "nan",
  117525. "nan",
  117526. "nan"
  117527. ],
  117528. [
  117529. "33993-21",
  117530. "nan",
  117531. "rtc mono & loyd development",
  117532. "nan",
  117533. "dsj005331",
  117534. "nan",
  117535. "lck closed files",
  117536. "06/30/1994",
  117537. "32-048",
  117538. "32 linda kane",
  117539. "nan",
  117540. "nan",
  117541. "nan",
  117542. "jacksonville",
  117543. "65400",
  117544. "nan",
  117545. "nan",
  117546. "nan",
  117547. "nan",
  117548. "nan",
  117549. "nan",
  117550. "nan",
  117551. "nan",
  117552. "nan",
  117553. "nan",
  117554. "nan",
  117555. "nan",
  117556. "nan",
  117557. "nan",
  117558. "nan",
  117559. "nan",
  117560. "nan",
  117561. "nan",
  117562. "nan",
  117563. "nan",
  117564. "nan",
  117565. "nan",
  117566. "nan"
  117567. ],
  117568. [
  117569. "33993-22",
  117570. "nan",
  117571. "rtc v lawrence nichols",
  117572. "nan",
  117573. "dsj005331",
  117574. "nan",
  117575. "lck closed files",
  117576. "06/30/1994",
  117577. "32-048",
  117578. "32 linda kane",
  117579. "nan",
  117580. "nan",
  117581. "nan",
  117582. "jacksonville",
  117583. "65401",
  117584. "nan",
  117585. "nan",
  117586. "nan",
  117587. "nan",
  117588. "nan",
  117589. "nan",
  117590. "nan",
  117591. "nan",
  117592. "nan",
  117593. "nan",
  117594. "nan",
  117595. "nan",
  117596. "nan",
  117597. "nan",
  117598. "nan",
  117599. "nan",
  117600. "nan",
  117601. "nan",
  117602. "nan",
  117603. "nan",
  117604. "nan",
  117605. "nan",
  117606. "nan"
  117607. ],
  117608. [
  117609. "33993-29",
  117610. "nan",
  117611. "rtc/duv. fed/ v. mark",
  117612. "nan",
  117613. "dsj004771",
  117614. "nan",
  117615. "mga closed file",
  117616. "05/27/1992",
  117617. "16-051",
  117618. "16 mark alexander",
  117619. "nan",
  117620. "nan",
  117621. "nan",
  117622. "jacksonville",
  117623. "59338",
  117624. "nan",
  117625. "nan",
  117626. "nan",
  117627. "nan",
  117628. "nan",
  117629. "nan",
  117630. "nan",
  117631. "nan",
  117632. "nan",
  117633. "nan",
  117634. "nan",
  117635. "nan",
  117636. "nan",
  117637. "nan",
  117638. "nan",
  117639. "nan",
  117640. "nan",
  117641. "nan",
  117642. "nan",
  117643. "nan",
  117644. "nan",
  117645. "nan",
  117646. "nan"
  117647. ],
  117648. [
  117649. "33993-3",
  117650. "nan",
  117651. "rtc/duv. fed. vs willis davis",
  117652. "nan",
  117653. "dsj004761",
  117654. "nan",
  117655. "mga closed files",
  117656. "10/01/1991",
  117657. "16-041",
  117658. "16 mark alexander",
  117659. "nan",
  117660. "nan",
  117661. "nan",
  117662. "jacksonville",
  117663. "59267",
  117664. "nan",
  117665. "nan",
  117666. "nan",
  117667. "nan",
  117668. "nan",
  117669. "nan",
  117670. "nan",
  117671. "nan",
  117672. "nan",
  117673. "nan",
  117674. "nan",
  117675. "nan",
  117676. "nan",
  117677. "nan",
  117678. "nan",
  117679. "nan",
  117680. "nan",
  117681. "nan",
  117682. "nan",
  117683. "nan",
  117684. "nan",
  117685. "nan",
  117686. "nan"
  117687. ],
  117688. [
  117689. "33993-32",
  117690. "nan",
  117691. "rtc lockwood jack r & grace p",
  117692. "nan",
  117693. "dsj005332",
  117694. "nan",
  117695. "lck closed files",
  117696. "06/30/1994",
  117697. "32-049",
  117698. "32 linda kane",
  117699. "nan",
  117700. "nan",
  117701. "nan",
  117702. "jacksonville",
  117703. "65404",
  117704. "nan",
  117705. "nan",
  117706. "nan",
  117707. "nan",
  117708. "nan",
  117709. "nan",
  117710. "nan",
  117711. "nan",
  117712. "nan",
  117713. "nan",
  117714. "nan",
  117715. "nan",
  117716. "nan",
  117717. "nan",
  117718. "nan",
  117719. "nan",
  117720. "nan",
  117721. "nan",
  117722. "nan",
  117723. "nan",
  117724. "nan",
  117725. "nan",
  117726. "nan"
  117727. ],
  117728. [
  117729. "33993-33",
  117730. "nan",
  117731. "rtc ww builders",
  117732. "nan",
  117733. "dsj005332",
  117734. "nan",
  117735. "lck closed files",
  117736. "06/30/1994",
  117737. "32-049",
  117738. "32 linda kane",
  117739. "nan",
  117740. "nan",
  117741. "nan",
  117742. "jacksonville",
  117743. "65405",
  117744. "nan",
  117745. "nan",
  117746. "nan",
  117747. "nan",
  117748. "nan",
  117749. "nan",
  117750. "nan",
  117751. "nan",
  117752. "nan",
  117753. "nan",
  117754. "nan",
  117755. "nan",
  117756. "nan",
  117757. "nan",
  117758. "nan",
  117759. "nan",
  117760. "nan",
  117761. "nan",
  117762. "nan",
  117763. "nan",
  117764. "nan",
  117765. "nan",
  117766. "nan"
  117767. ],
  117768. [
  117769. "33993-34",
  117770. "nan",
  117771. "rtc bowden point investors",
  117772. "nan",
  117773. "dsj005332",
  117774. "nan",
  117775. "lck closed files",
  117776. "06/30/1994",
  117777. "32-049",
  117778. "32 linda kane",
  117779. "nan",
  117780. "nan",
  117781. "nan",
  117782. "jacksonville",
  117783. "65406",
  117784. "nan",
  117785. "nan",
  117786. "nan",
  117787. "nan",
  117788. "nan",
  117789. "nan",
  117790. "nan",
  117791. "nan",
  117792. "nan",
  117793. "nan",
  117794. "nan",
  117795. "nan",
  117796. "nan",
  117797. "nan",
  117798. "nan",
  117799. "nan",
  117800. "nan",
  117801. "nan",
  117802. "nan",
  117803. "nan",
  117804. "nan",
  117805. "nan",
  117806. "nan"
  117807. ],
  117808. [
  117809. "33993-35",
  117810. "nan",
  117811. "rtc/oak grove",
  117812. "nan",
  117813. "dsj004486",
  117814. "nan",
  117815. "ljh closed files",
  117816. "01/16/1991",
  117817. "13-049",
  117818. "13 larry hamilton",
  117819. "nan",
  117820. "nan",
  117821. "nan",
  117822. "jacksonville",
  117823. "56690",
  117824. "nan",
  117825. "nan",
  117826. "nan",
  117827. "nan",
  117828. "nan",
  117829. "nan",
  117830. "nan",
  117831. "nan",
  117832. "nan",
  117833. "nan",
  117834. "nan",
  117835. "nan",
  117836. "nan",
  117837. "nan",
  117838. "nan",
  117839. "nan",
  117840. "nan",
  117841. "nan",
  117842. "nan",
  117843. "nan",
  117844. "nan",
  117845. "nan",
  117846. "nan"
  117847. ],
  117848. [
  117849. "33993-37",
  117850. "nan",
  117851. "rtc eudora grove apartments",
  117852. "nan",
  117853. "dsj005332",
  117854. "nan",
  117855. "lck closed files",
  117856. "06/30/1994",
  117857. "32-049",
  117858. "32 linda kane",
  117859. "nan",
  117860. "nan",
  117861. "nan",
  117862. "jacksonville",
  117863. "65409",
  117864. "nan",
  117865. "nan",
  117866. "nan",
  117867. "nan",
  117868. "nan",
  117869. "nan",
  117870. "nan",
  117871. "nan",
  117872. "nan",
  117873. "nan",
  117874. "nan",
  117875. "nan",
  117876. "nan",
  117877. "nan",
  117878. "nan",
  117879. "nan",
  117880. "nan",
  117881. "nan",
  117882. "nan",
  117883. "nan",
  117884. "nan",
  117885. "nan",
  117886. "nan"
  117887. ],
  117888. [
  117889. "33993-37",
  117890. "nan",
  117891. "rtc evdora grove apt",
  117892. "nan",
  117893. "dsj495723",
  117894. "nan",
  117895. "lck closed files",
  117896. "09/15/1997",
  117897. "183306",
  117898. "32 linda kane",
  117899. "nan",
  117900. "nan",
  117901. "nan",
  117902. "jacksonville",
  117903. "78971",
  117904. "nan",
  117905. "nan",
  117906. "nan",
  117907. "nan",
  117908. "nan",
  117909. "nan",
  117910. "nan",
  117911. "nan",
  117912. "nan",
  117913. "nan",
  117914. "nan",
  117915. "nan",
  117916. "nan",
  117917. "nan",
  117918. "nan",
  117919. "nan",
  117920. "nan",
  117921. "nan",
  117922. "nan",
  117923. "nan",
  117924. "nan",
  117925. "nan",
  117926. "nan"
  117927. ],
  117928. [
  117929. "33993-41",
  117930. "nan",
  117931. "rtc/duval fed v willie hines",
  117932. "nan",
  117933. "dsj004797",
  117934. "nan",
  117935. "mga closed files",
  117936. "01/25/1994",
  117937. "16-076",
  117938. "16 mark alexander",
  117939. "nan",
  117940. "nan",
  117941. "nan",
  117942. "jacksonville",
  117943. "59573",
  117944. "nan",
  117945. "nan",
  117946. "nan",
  117947. "nan",
  117948. "nan",
  117949. "nan",
  117950. "nan",
  117951. "nan",
  117952. "nan",
  117953. "nan",
  117954. "nan",
  117955. "nan",
  117956. "nan",
  117957. "nan",
  117958. "nan",
  117959. "nan",
  117960. "nan",
  117961. "nan",
  117962. "nan",
  117963. "nan",
  117964. "nan",
  117965. "nan",
  117966. "nan"
  117967. ],
  117968. [
  117969. "33993-44",
  117970. "nan",
  117971. "rtc/df vs alvin t green",
  117972. "nan",
  117973. "dsj004776",
  117974. "nan",
  117975. "mga closed files",
  117976. "12/08/1992",
  117977. "16-055",
  117978. "16 mark alexander",
  117979. "nan",
  117980. "nan",
  117981. "nan",
  117982. "jacksonville",
  117983. "59403",
  117984. "nan",
  117985. "nan",
  117986. "nan",
  117987. "nan",
  117988. "nan",
  117989. "nan",
  117990. "nan",
  117991. "nan",
  117992. "nan",
  117993. "nan",
  117994. "nan",
  117995. "nan",
  117996. "nan",
  117997. "nan",
  117998. "nan",
  117999. "nan",
  118000. "nan",
  118001. "nan",
  118002. "nan",
  118003. "nan",
  118004. "nan",
  118005. "nan",
  118006. "nan"
  118007. ],
  118008. [
  118009. "33993-45",
  118010. "nan",
  118011. "rtc/df vs alan williams",
  118012. "nan",
  118013. "dsj004773",
  118014. "nan",
  118015. "mga closed files",
  118016. "09/10/1992",
  118017. "16-052a",
  118018. "16 mark alexander",
  118019. "nan",
  118020. "nan",
  118021. "nan",
  118022. "jacksonville",
  118023. "59361",
  118024. "nan",
  118025. "nan",
  118026. "nan",
  118027. "nan",
  118028. "nan",
  118029. "nan",
  118030. "nan",
  118031. "nan",
  118032. "nan",
  118033. "nan",
  118034. "nan",
  118035. "nan",
  118036. "nan",
  118037. "nan",
  118038. "nan",
  118039. "nan",
  118040. "nan",
  118041. "nan",
  118042. "nan",
  118043. "nan",
  118044. "nan",
  118045. "nan",
  118046. "nan"
  118047. ],
  118048. [
  118049. "33993-47",
  118050. "nan",
  118051. "rtc/dc vs amy meinstein",
  118052. "nan",
  118053. "dsj004776",
  118054. "nan",
  118055. "mga closed files",
  118056. "12/08/1992",
  118057. "16-055",
  118058. "16 mark alexander",
  118059. "nan",
  118060. "nan",
  118061. "nan",
  118062. "jacksonville",
  118063. "59404",
  118064. "nan",
  118065. "nan",
  118066. "nan",
  118067. "nan",
  118068. "nan",
  118069. "nan",
  118070. "nan",
  118071. "nan",
  118072. "nan",
  118073. "nan",
  118074. "nan",
  118075. "nan",
  118076. "nan",
  118077. "nan",
  118078. "nan",
  118079. "nan",
  118080. "nan",
  118081. "nan",
  118082. "nan",
  118083. "nan",
  118084. "nan",
  118085. "nan",
  118086. "nan"
  118087. ],
  118088. [
  118089. "33993-48",
  118090. "nan",
  118091. "rtc/duval fed vs robert lusk",
  118092. "nan",
  118093. "dsj004773",
  118094. "nan",
  118095. "mga closed files",
  118096. "09/10/1992",
  118097. "16-052a",
  118098. "16 mark alexander",
  118099. "nan",
  118100. "nan",
  118101. "nan",
  118102. "jacksonville",
  118103. "59362",
  118104. "nan",
  118105. "nan",
  118106. "nan",
  118107. "nan",
  118108. "nan",
  118109. "nan",
  118110. "nan",
  118111. "nan",
  118112. "nan",
  118113. "nan",
  118114. "nan",
  118115. "nan",
  118116. "nan",
  118117. "nan",
  118118. "nan",
  118119. "nan",
  118120. "nan",
  118121. "nan",
  118122. "nan",
  118123. "nan",
  118124. "nan",
  118125. "nan",
  118126. "nan"
  118127. ],
  118128. [
  118129. "33993-50",
  118130. "nan",
  118131. "rtc sale of loan from duval",
  118132. "nan",
  118133. "dsj495724",
  118134. "nan",
  118135. "lck closed files",
  118136. "09/15/1997",
  118137. "183307",
  118138. "32 linda kane",
  118139. "nan",
  118140. "nan",
  118141. "nan",
  118142. "jacksonville",
  118143. "78982",
  118144. "nan",
  118145. "nan",
  118146. "nan",
  118147. "nan",
  118148. "nan",
  118149. "nan",
  118150. "nan",
  118151. "nan",
  118152. "nan",
  118153. "nan",
  118154. "nan",
  118155. "nan",
  118156. "nan",
  118157. "nan",
  118158. "nan",
  118159. "nan",
  118160. "nan",
  118161. "nan",
  118162. "nan",
  118163. "nan",
  118164. "nan",
  118165. "nan",
  118166. "nan"
  118167. ],
  118168. [
  118169. "33993-53",
  118170. "nan",
  118171. "rtc/df vs james carbaugh",
  118172. "nan",
  118173. "dsj004773",
  118174. "nan",
  118175. "mga closed files",
  118176. "09/10/1992",
  118177. "16-052a",
  118178. "16 mark alexander",
  118179. "nan",
  118180. "nan",
  118181. "nan",
  118182. "jacksonville",
  118183. "59363",
  118184. "nan",
  118185. "nan",
  118186. "nan",
  118187. "nan",
  118188. "nan",
  118189. "nan",
  118190. "nan",
  118191. "nan",
  118192. "nan",
  118193. "nan",
  118194. "nan",
  118195. "nan",
  118196. "nan",
  118197. "nan",
  118198. "nan",
  118199. "nan",
  118200. "nan",
  118201. "nan",
  118202. "nan",
  118203. "nan",
  118204. "nan",
  118205. "nan",
  118206. "nan"
  118207. ],
  118208. [
  118209. "33993-55",
  118210. "nan",
  118211. "rtc/duval federal vs",
  118212. "nan",
  118213. "dsj004788",
  118214. "nan",
  118215. "mga closed files",
  118216. "05/21/1993",
  118217. "16-067",
  118218. "16 mark alexander",
  118219. "nan",
  118220. "nan",
  118221. "nan",
  118222. "jacksonville",
  118223. "59481",
  118224. "nan",
  118225. "nan",
  118226. "nan",
  118227. "nan",
  118228. "nan",
  118229. "nan",
  118230. "nan",
  118231. "nan",
  118232. "nan",
  118233. "nan",
  118234. "nan",
  118235. "nan",
  118236. "nan",
  118237. "nan",
  118238. "nan",
  118239. "nan",
  118240. "nan",
  118241. "nan",
  118242. "nan",
  118243. "nan",
  118244. "nan",
  118245. "nan",
  118246. "nan"
  118247. ],
  118248. [
  118249. "33993-8",
  118250. "nan",
  118251. "rtc/duv. fed. vs richard",
  118252. "nan",
  118253. "dsj004761",
  118254. "nan",
  118255. "mga closed files",
  118256. "10/01/1991",
  118257. "16-041",
  118258. "16 mark alexander",
  118259. "nan",
  118260. "nan",
  118261. "nan",
  118262. "jacksonville",
  118263. "59268",
  118264. "nan",
  118265. "nan",
  118266. "nan",
  118267. "nan",
  118268. "nan",
  118269. "nan",
  118270. "nan",
  118271. "nan",
  118272. "nan",
  118273. "nan",
  118274. "nan",
  118275. "nan",
  118276. "nan",
  118277. "nan",
  118278. "nan",
  118279. "nan",
  118280. "nan",
  118281. "nan",
  118282. "nan",
  118283. "nan",
  118284. "nan",
  118285. "nan",
  118286. "nan"
  118287. ],
  118288. [
  118289. "34",
  118290. "92713",
  118291. "rtc-ambassador",
  118292. "c&e associates",
  118293. "489486498",
  118294. "nan",
  118295. "3/11/93; pleading volume 1, 2 & 3; mortgage documents; billing; dip reports; notes; draft of documetns; monthly chapter 11 cash flo report; correspondence volumes 1, 2 & 3; c&e plan documents & deadlines; copies of checks; questions for 341 meeting; notices",
  118296. "3/3/1993",
  118297. "85615",
  118298. "poole sam",
  118299. "nan",
  118300. "nan",
  118301. " hk box: 85615",
  118302. "miami",
  118303. "679835",
  118304. "nan",
  118305. "nan",
  118306. "nan",
  118307. "nan",
  118308. "nan",
  118309. "nan",
  118310. "nan",
  118311. "nan",
  118312. "nan",
  118313. "nan",
  118314. "nan",
  118315. "nan",
  118316. "nan",
  118317. "nan",
  118318. "nan",
  118319. "nan",
  118320. "nan",
  118321. "nan",
  118322. "nan",
  118323. "nan",
  118324. "nan",
  118325. "nan",
  118326. "nan"
  118327. ],
  118328. [
  118329. "34050",
  118330. "1",
  118331. "rtc/royal palm sav bank",
  118332. "firing of joseph burgoon",
  118333. "8426",
  118334. "nan",
  118335. "-",
  118336. "nan",
  118337. "8426",
  118338. "cw",
  118339. "-",
  118340. "nan",
  118341. "closed file number: 1727-92 + location: c",
  118342. "fort lauderdale",
  118343. "324153",
  118344. "nan",
  118345. "nan",
  118346. "nan",
  118347. "nan",
  118348. "nan",
  118349. "nan",
  118350. "nan",
  118351. "nan",
  118352. "nan",
  118353. "nan",
  118354. "nan",
  118355. "nan",
  118356. "nan",
  118357. "nan",
  118358. "nan",
  118359. "nan",
  118360. "nan",
  118361. "nan",
  118362. "nan",
  118363. "nan",
  118364. "nan",
  118365. "nan",
  118366. "nan"
  118367. ],
  118368. [
  118369. "34050-3",
  118370. "nan",
  118371. "rtc/royal palm sale to auto",
  118372. "nan",
  118373. "dsj005317",
  118374. "nan",
  118375. "kane-closed files",
  118376. "04/09/1993",
  118377. "32-034",
  118378. "32 linda kane",
  118379. "nan",
  118380. "nan",
  118381. "nan",
  118382. "jacksonville",
  118383. "65308",
  118384. "nan",
  118385. "nan",
  118386. "nan",
  118387. "nan",
  118388. "nan",
  118389. "nan",
  118390. "nan",
  118391. "nan",
  118392. "nan",
  118393. "nan",
  118394. "nan",
  118395. "nan",
  118396. "nan",
  118397. "nan",
  118398. "nan",
  118399. "nan",
  118400. "nan",
  118401. "nan",
  118402. "nan",
  118403. "nan",
  118404. "nan",
  118405. "nan",
  118406. "nan"
  118407. ],
  118408. [
  118409. "34111",
  118410. "9",
  118411. "rtc",
  118412. "plds",
  118413. "tcf0010426",
  118414. "nan",
  118415. "nan",
  118416. "06/20/2001",
  118417. "bj2333",
  118418. "fjg",
  118419. "nan",
  118420. "nan",
  118421. "seq: 0044",
  118422. "tampa",
  118423. "201423",
  118424. "nan",
  118425. "nan",
  118426. "nan",
  118427. "nan",
  118428. "nan",
  118429. "nan",
  118430. "nan",
  118431. "nan",
  118432. "nan",
  118433. "nan",
  118434. "nan",
  118435. "nan",
  118436. "nan",
  118437. "nan",
  118438. "nan",
  118439. "nan",
  118440. "nan",
  118441. "nan",
  118442. "nan",
  118443. "nan",
  118444. "nan",
  118445. "nan",
  118446. "nan"
  118447. ],
  118448. [
  118449. "34111",
  118450. "2",
  118451. "rtc\\pioneer fed",
  118452. "evc\\dileo & rucci",
  118453. "8028",
  118454. "nan",
  118455. "-",
  118456. "nan",
  118457. "8028",
  118458. "cw",
  118459. "-",
  118460. "nan",
  118461. "closed file number: 9455-91 + location: c",
  118462. "fort lauderdale",
  118463. "322788",
  118464. "nan",
  118465. "nan",
  118466. "nan",
  118467. "nan",
  118468. "nan",
  118469. "nan",
  118470. "nan",
  118471. "nan",
  118472. "nan",
  118473. "nan",
  118474. "nan",
  118475. "nan",
  118476. "nan",
  118477. "nan",
  118478. "nan",
  118479. "nan",
  118480. "nan",
  118481. "nan",
  118482. "nan",
  118483. "nan",
  118484. "nan",
  118485. "nan",
  118486. "nan"
  118487. ],
  118488. [
  118489. "34152",
  118490. "82",
  118491. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  118492. "none",
  118493. "489342233",
  118494. "nan",
  118495. "6/12/98 - rtc v. thomas dyer 93-3913 pleading volume 3; corrective deed by dyer dated 6/18/93 & notarized 10/26/93; corrective deed & letter to title co.; corrective documents; crime survey & alarm; demand to tax collector to cancel certificates; directions to palm beach court; documents to be executed by purchaser; easement agreement; equipment (other); fact outline - draft copy; foreclosure docket sheet; first united documents; hartglass documents; invoices, bills & costs; infop14ation on david muzio - rtc partial release; map with existing taco bell & taco bell per bad legal description; mediation letters (signed); notices; notices to owners; national financial services information; original agreement between taco bell and thomas dyer; partial release of declaration of unity of title dated 10/31/94 by dyer; pfs equipment; partial release of declaration of unity of title; partial release of mortgage by first united of wrong taco bell property; partial release of mortgage & financing statement by rtc; permitting; property drawing; procedural rules re multiple cases and judges; quitclaim deed taco bell to wpb holdings; quitclaim deed taco bell to wpb holdings, amendment to declaration of restrictive covenant, corrective partial release of declaration of unity of title; real estate, legal, title; real estate department file; reciprocal releases - draft; receipt for order approving stipulation of dismissal; seating; secretary of state information on all parties for service; seller plans and data; sellers work; 11/14/94 offer of settlement; shop drawings; signage; site inspectors; soils, environmental; survey; survey deliver to fidelity - evidence; subordination agreement and notice to purchaser; tax information; taxes on subject property; title co. documents supporting survey exceptions was omitted from the policy; traffic study.",
  118496. "6/17/1998",
  118497. "466789",
  118498. "korchin judith",
  118499. "nan",
  118500. "nan",
  118501. " hk box: 18132",
  118502. "miami",
  118503. "640443",
  118504. "nan",
  118505. "nan",
  118506. "nan",
  118507. "nan",
  118508. "nan",
  118509. "nan",
  118510. "nan",
  118511. "nan",
  118512. "nan",
  118513. "nan",
  118514. "nan",
  118515. "nan",
  118516. "nan",
  118517. "nan",
  118518. "nan",
  118519. "nan",
  118520. "nan",
  118521. "nan",
  118522. "nan",
  118523. "nan",
  118524. "nan",
  118525. "nan",
  118526. "nan"
  118527. ],
  118528. [
  118529. "34152",
  118530. "82",
  118531. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  118532. "none",
  118533. "489342453",
  118534. "nan",
  118535. "6/12/98 - first united vs. dyer 92-12969 pleading volume 1, 2; taco bell pleading volume 1, 2; correspondence vikyne 6, 7; first united v. t. dyer 92-12969 volume 1; rtc vs. t. dyer 93-3913 correspondence volume 1, 2",
  118536. "6/17/1998",
  118537. "466791",
  118538. "korchin judith",
  118539. "nan",
  118540. "nan",
  118541. " hk box: 18134",
  118542. "miami",
  118543. "640445",
  118544. "nan",
  118545. "nan",
  118546. "nan",
  118547. "nan",
  118548. "nan",
  118549. "nan",
  118550. "nan",
  118551. "nan",
  118552. "nan",
  118553. "nan",
  118554. "nan",
  118555. "nan",
  118556. "nan",
  118557. "nan",
  118558. "nan",
  118559. "nan",
  118560. "nan",
  118561. "nan",
  118562. "nan",
  118563. "nan",
  118564. "nan",
  118565. "nan",
  118566. "nan"
  118567. ],
  118568. [
  118569. "34152",
  118570. "82",
  118571. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  118572. "none",
  118573. "489342243",
  118574. "nan",
  118575. "6/12/98 - billing volume 1; rtc v. t. dyer 93-3913 pleading volume 1, 2; first united v. dyer 92-12969 pleading volume 3; elastic bond v. rtc - appeal 95-827 pleading volume 1; elastic bond v. rtc - 4th district court 95-00827 appeal volume 1; appellee taco bell's brief; taco bell's first set of interrogatories to 3rd party dryer; attorney notes: re interview of b. carpenter re denuzzio & tax certificates, re 9/17/94 mediation; attorney research: re: answer, affirmative defenses, counterclaim, crossclaim and third party complaint; re: claims against title insurance co; re: constructive notice & record notice to bfp memo by hartglass; re: constructive notice of possession; re: claim v. surveyor and title company; re: fidelity's fiduciary duty; re: legal research memo re analysis of tax problem & analysis; re: legal research memo re: chronology of events relating to real property purchased by dyer; re: legal research memo re: survey isues; taco should be party setting aside elastic bond purchase; re: legal research memo re: surveyor's liability and statute of limitation; re: legal research memo re whether a subordination agreement from the rtc and an exchange of quit claim deeds would bind purchaser at foreclosure sale; re: motion to intervene to vacate 1st united's foreclosure judgment; re: motion to vacate final judgment; re: purchase of tax certificates memo 5/6/94; re: tax certificates and tax bonds; re: tax issues; re: dyeris motion to amend answer; re: consolidation of transfer order; re: motion to vacate 1st known judgment; re: motion to intervene; re: motion to amend final judgment; re: wpb holding corp. cases cited in brief; re: letter to lance perna; re: equitable subrogation",
  118576. "6/17/1998",
  118577. "466792",
  118578. "korchin judith",
  118579. "nan",
  118580. "nan",
  118581. " hk box: 18135",
  118582. "miami",
  118583. "640446",
  118584. "nan",
  118585. "nan",
  118586. "nan",
  118587. "nan",
  118588. "nan",
  118589. "nan",
  118590. "nan",
  118591. "nan",
  118592. "nan",
  118593. "nan",
  118594. "nan",
  118595. "nan",
  118596. "nan",
  118597. "nan",
  118598. "nan",
  118599. "nan",
  118600. "nan",
  118601. "nan",
  118602. "nan",
  118603. "nan",
  118604. "nan",
  118605. "nan",
  118606. "nan"
  118607. ],
  118608. [
  118609. "34152",
  118610. "82",
  118611. "taco bell",
  118612. "none",
  118613. "89251206",
  118614. "nan",
  118615. "7/24/98 - taco bell adv. elastic bond - appeal - appellee rtc brief; law; record excerpts; research re: cases cited in our brief; estoppel research; intervention research; reforeclosure research; reserve account research; summary judgment research; drafts; copy - defendants answer, affirmative defense third party complaint; subordination agreement & notice to purchaser; research re: shepard's for moni casep research re: slander of title; notice of filing affidavit of william b. carpenter; docket sheet; second amended deficiency judgment; partial release of mortgage; returned undeliverable mail",
  118616. "7/29/1998",
  118617. "467104",
  118618. "korchin judith",
  118619. "nan",
  118620. "nan",
  118621. " hk box: 18447",
  118622. "miami",
  118623. "643951",
  118624. "nan",
  118625. "nan",
  118626. "nan",
  118627. "nan",
  118628. "nan",
  118629. "nan",
  118630. "nan",
  118631. "nan",
  118632. "nan",
  118633. "nan",
  118634. "nan",
  118635. "nan",
  118636. "nan",
  118637. "nan",
  118638. "nan",
  118639. "nan",
  118640. "nan",
  118641. "nan",
  118642. "nan",
  118643. "nan",
  118644. "nan",
  118645. "nan",
  118646. "nan"
  118647. ],
  118648. [
  118649. "34157",
  118650. "1",
  118651. "rtc conser city fed",
  118652. "small video",
  118653. "7707",
  118654. "nan",
  118655. "-",
  118656. "nan",
  118657. "7707",
  118658. "cw",
  118659. "-",
  118660. "nan",
  118661. "closed file number: 8522-91 + location: c",
  118662. "fort lauderdale",
  118663. "321619",
  118664. "nan",
  118665. "nan",
  118666. "nan",
  118667. "nan",
  118668. "nan",
  118669. "nan",
  118670. "nan",
  118671. "nan",
  118672. "nan",
  118673. "nan",
  118674. "nan",
  118675. "nan",
  118676. "nan",
  118677. "nan",
  118678. "nan",
  118679. "nan",
  118680. "nan",
  118681. "nan",
  118682. "nan",
  118683. "nan",
  118684. "nan",
  118685. "nan",
  118686. "nan"
  118687. ],
  118688. [
  118689. "34157",
  118690. "2",
  118691. "rtc conser city fed",
  118692. "sparacino, dominick",
  118693. "7707",
  118694. "nan",
  118695. "-0-",
  118696. "nan",
  118697. "7707",
  118698. "cw",
  118699. "-",
  118700. "nan",
  118701. "closed file number: 8523-91 + location: c",
  118702. "fort lauderdale",
  118703. "321620",
  118704. "nan",
  118705. "nan",
  118706. "nan",
  118707. "nan",
  118708. "nan",
  118709. "nan",
  118710. "nan",
  118711. "nan",
  118712. "nan",
  118713. "nan",
  118714. "nan",
  118715. "nan",
  118716. "nan",
  118717. "nan",
  118718. "nan",
  118719. "nan",
  118720. "nan",
  118721. "nan",
  118722. "nan",
  118723. "nan",
  118724. "nan",
  118725. "nan",
  118726. "nan"
  118727. ],
  118728. [
  118729. "34157",
  118730. "3",
  118731. "rtc-conser/city fed.",
  118732. "mafdali, d. d.p.m.,p.a.",
  118733. "7995",
  118734. "nan",
  118735. "-",
  118736. "nan",
  118737. "7995",
  118738. "jh",
  118739. "-",
  118740. "nan",
  118741. "closed file number: 9279-91 + location: c",
  118742. "fort lauderdale",
  118743. "322529",
  118744. "nan",
  118745. "nan",
  118746. "nan",
  118747. "nan",
  118748. "nan",
  118749. "nan",
  118750. "nan",
  118751. "nan",
  118752. "nan",
  118753. "nan",
  118754. "nan",
  118755. "nan",
  118756. "nan",
  118757. "nan",
  118758. "nan",
  118759. "nan",
  118760. "nan",
  118761. "nan",
  118762. "nan",
  118763. "nan",
  118764. "nan",
  118765. "nan",
  118766. "nan"
  118767. ],
  118768. [
  118769. "34200",
  118770. "17",
  118771. "rtc",
  118772. "broadview",
  118773. "tcf0008814",
  118774. "nan",
  118775. "nan",
  118776. "06/20/2001",
  118777. "ay2043",
  118778. "jal",
  118779. "nan",
  118780. "nan",
  118781. "seq: 0035",
  118782. "tampa",
  118783. "194600",
  118784. "nan",
  118785. "nan",
  118786. "nan",
  118787. "nan",
  118788. "nan",
  118789. "nan",
  118790. "nan",
  118791. "nan",
  118792. "nan",
  118793. "nan",
  118794. "nan",
  118795. "nan",
  118796. "nan",
  118797. "nan",
  118798. "nan",
  118799. "nan",
  118800. "nan",
  118801. "nan",
  118802. "nan",
  118803. "nan",
  118804. "nan",
  118805. "nan",
  118806. "nan"
  118807. ],
  118808. [
  118809. "34200",
  118810. "5",
  118811. "rtc conser",
  118812. "broadview/hoffman",
  118813. "7719",
  118814. "nan",
  118815. "-",
  118816. "nan",
  118817. "7719",
  118818. "sm",
  118819. "-",
  118820. "nan",
  118821. "closed file number: 8605-91 + location: c",
  118822. "fort lauderdale",
  118823. "321746",
  118824. "nan",
  118825. "nan",
  118826. "nan",
  118827. "nan",
  118828. "nan",
  118829. "nan",
  118830. "nan",
  118831. "nan",
  118832. "nan",
  118833. "nan",
  118834. "nan",
  118835. "nan",
  118836. "nan",
  118837. "nan",
  118838. "nan",
  118839. "nan",
  118840. "nan",
  118841. "nan",
  118842. "nan",
  118843. "nan",
  118844. "nan",
  118845. "nan",
  118846. "nan"
  118847. ],
  118848. [
  118849. "34200",
  118850. "12",
  118851. "rtc",
  118852. "broadview & great south",
  118853. "7927",
  118854. "nan",
  118855. "-",
  118856. "nan",
  118857. "7927",
  118858. "sm",
  118859. "-",
  118860. "nan",
  118861. "closed file number: 9066-91 + location: c",
  118862. "fort lauderdale",
  118863. "322287",
  118864. "nan",
  118865. "nan",
  118866. "nan",
  118867. "nan",
  118868. "nan",
  118869. "nan",
  118870. "nan",
  118871. "nan",
  118872. "nan",
  118873. "nan",
  118874. "nan",
  118875. "nan",
  118876. "nan",
  118877. "nan",
  118878. "nan",
  118879. "nan",
  118880. "nan",
  118881. "nan",
  118882. "nan",
  118883. "nan",
  118884. "nan",
  118885. "nan",
  118886. "nan"
  118887. ],
  118888. [
  118889. "34200",
  118890. "4",
  118891. "rtc/broadview",
  118892. "bloukos",
  118893. "8196",
  118894. "nan",
  118895. "return time unknow not at leahy 6/99, still not at leahy 9/99",
  118896. "nan",
  118897. "8196",
  118898. "sm",
  118899. "jw",
  118900. "nan",
  118901. "closed file number: 9919-91 + location: c",
  118902. "fort lauderdale",
  118903. "323459",
  118904. "nan",
  118905. "nan",
  118906. "nan",
  118907. "nan",
  118908. "nan",
  118909. "nan",
  118910. "nan",
  118911. "nan",
  118912. "nan",
  118913. "nan",
  118914. "nan",
  118915. "nan",
  118916. "nan",
  118917. "nan",
  118918. "nan",
  118919. "nan",
  118920. "nan",
  118921. "nan",
  118922. "nan",
  118923. "nan",
  118924. "nan",
  118925. "nan",
  118926. "nan"
  118927. ],
  118928. [
  118929. "34200",
  118930. "13",
  118931. "rtc-broadview fsb",
  118932. "sale of naples property",
  118933. "8296",
  118934. "nan",
  118935. "-",
  118936. "nan",
  118937. "8296",
  118938. "sm",
  118939. "-",
  118940. "nan",
  118941. "closed file number: 1233-92 + location: c",
  118942. "fort lauderdale",
  118943. "323610",
  118944. "nan",
  118945. "nan",
  118946. "nan",
  118947. "nan",
  118948. "nan",
  118949. "nan",
  118950. "nan",
  118951. "nan",
  118952. "nan",
  118953. "nan",
  118954. "nan",
  118955. "nan",
  118956. "nan",
  118957. "nan",
  118958. "nan",
  118959. "nan",
  118960. "nan",
  118961. "nan",
  118962. "nan",
  118963. "nan",
  118964. "nan",
  118965. "nan",
  118966. "nan"
  118967. ],
  118968. [
  118969. "34200",
  118970. "11",
  118971. "rtc-broadview",
  118972. "modification st. andrew",
  118973. "8319",
  118974. "nan",
  118975. "two files",
  118976. "nan",
  118977. "8319",
  118978. "sm",
  118979. "-",
  118980. "nan",
  118981. "closed file number: 1372-92 + location: c",
  118982. "fort lauderdale",
  118983. "323803",
  118984. "nan",
  118985. "nan",
  118986. "nan",
  118987. "nan",
  118988. "nan",
  118989. "nan",
  118990. "nan",
  118991. "nan",
  118992. "nan",
  118993. "nan",
  118994. "nan",
  118995. "nan",
  118996. "nan",
  118997. "nan",
  118998. "nan",
  118999. "nan",
  119000. "nan",
  119001. "nan",
  119002. "nan",
  119003. "nan",
  119004. "nan",
  119005. "nan",
  119006. "nan"
  119007. ],
  119008. [
  119009. "34200",
  119010. "2",
  119011. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  119012. "st. andrews country club",
  119013. "8379",
  119014. "nan",
  119015. "also box# 8378 and box# 8295 file# 1229-92",
  119016. "nan",
  119017. "8379",
  119018. "sm",
  119019. "-",
  119020. "nan",
  119021. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  119022. "fort lauderdale",
  119023. "323998",
  119024. "nan",
  119025. "nan",
  119026. "nan",
  119027. "nan",
  119028. "nan",
  119029. "nan",
  119030. "nan",
  119031. "nan",
  119032. "nan",
  119033. "nan",
  119034. "nan",
  119035. "nan",
  119036. "nan",
  119037. "nan",
  119038. "nan",
  119039. "nan",
  119040. "nan",
  119041. "nan",
  119042. "nan",
  119043. "nan",
  119044. "nan",
  119045. "nan",
  119046. "nan"
  119047. ],
  119048. [
  119049. "34200",
  119050. "2",
  119051. "rtc-broadview fsb",
  119052. "st. andrews ctry club",
  119053. "8295",
  119054. "nan",
  119055. "also box# 8378 and 8379",
  119056. "nan",
  119057. "8295",
  119058. "sm",
  119059. "-",
  119060. "nan",
  119061. "closed file number: 1229-92 + location: c",
  119062. "fort lauderdale",
  119063. "323999",
  119064. "nan",
  119065. "nan",
  119066. "nan",
  119067. "nan",
  119068. "nan",
  119069. "nan",
  119070. "nan",
  119071. "nan",
  119072. "nan",
  119073. "nan",
  119074. "nan",
  119075. "nan",
  119076. "nan",
  119077. "nan",
  119078. "nan",
  119079. "nan",
  119080. "nan",
  119081. "nan",
  119082. "nan",
  119083. "nan",
  119084. "nan",
  119085. "nan",
  119086. "nan"
  119087. ],
  119088. [
  119089. "34200",
  119090. "2",
  119091. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  119092. "st. andrews cntry club",
  119093. "8378",
  119094. "nan",
  119095. "also box# 8295 file# 1229-92and box# 8379",
  119096. "nan",
  119097. "8378",
  119098. "sm",
  119099. "-",
  119100. "nan",
  119101. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  119102. "fort lauderdale",
  119103. "324000",
  119104. "nan",
  119105. "nan",
  119106. "nan",
  119107. "nan",
  119108. "nan",
  119109. "nan",
  119110. "nan",
  119111. "nan",
  119112. "nan",
  119113. "nan",
  119114. "nan",
  119115. "nan",
  119116. "nan",
  119117. "nan",
  119118. "nan",
  119119. "nan",
  119120. "nan",
  119121. "nan",
  119122. "nan",
  119123. "nan",
  119124. "nan",
  119125. "nan",
  119126. "nan"
  119127. ],
  119128. [
  119129. "34200",
  119130. "19",
  119131. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  119132. "sale-lks of newport",
  119133. "8376",
  119134. "nan",
  119135. "-",
  119136. "nan",
  119137. "8376",
  119138. "sm",
  119139. "-",
  119140. "nan",
  119141. "closed file number: 1619-92 + location: c",
  119142. "fort lauderdale",
  119143. "324028",
  119144. "nan",
  119145. "nan",
  119146. "nan",
  119147. "nan",
  119148. "nan",
  119149. "nan",
  119150. "nan",
  119151. "nan",
  119152. "nan",
  119153. "nan",
  119154. "nan",
  119155. "nan",
  119156. "nan",
  119157. "nan",
  119158. "nan",
  119159. "nan",
  119160. "nan",
  119161. "nan",
  119162. "nan",
  119163. "nan",
  119164. "nan",
  119165. "nan",
  119166. "nan"
  119167. ],
  119168. [
  119169. "34200",
  119170. "20",
  119171. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  119172. "lks of newport",
  119173. "8376",
  119174. "nan",
  119175. "-",
  119176. "nan",
  119177. "8376",
  119178. "sm",
  119179. "-",
  119180. "nan",
  119181. "closed file number: 1620-92 + location: c",
  119182. "fort lauderdale",
  119183. "324029",
  119184. "nan",
  119185. "nan",
  119186. "nan",
  119187. "nan",
  119188. "nan",
  119189. "nan",
  119190. "nan",
  119191. "nan",
  119192. "nan",
  119193. "nan",
  119194. "nan",
  119195. "nan",
  119196. "nan",
  119197. "nan",
  119198. "nan",
  119199. "nan",
  119200. "nan",
  119201. "nan",
  119202. "nan",
  119203. "nan",
  119204. "nan",
  119205. "nan",
  119206. "nan"
  119207. ],
  119208. [
  119209. "34200",
  119210. "18",
  119211. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  119212. "lks of newport/taiyo dev",
  119213. "8376",
  119214. "nan",
  119215. "-",
  119216. "nan",
  119217. "8376",
  119218. "sm",
  119219. "-",
  119220. "nan",
  119221. "closed file number: 1621-92 + location: c",
  119222. "fort lauderdale",
  119223. "324030",
  119224. "nan",
  119225. "nan",
  119226. "nan",
  119227. "nan",
  119228. "nan",
  119229. "nan",
  119230. "nan",
  119231. "nan",
  119232. "nan",
  119233. "nan",
  119234. "nan",
  119235. "nan",
  119236. "nan",
  119237. "nan",
  119238. "nan",
  119239. "nan",
  119240. "nan",
  119241. "nan",
  119242. "nan",
  119243. "nan",
  119244. "nan",
  119245. "nan",
  119246. "nan"
  119247. ],
  119248. [
  119249. "34200",
  119250. "16",
  119251. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  119252. "lks of nwprt/single hms",
  119253. "8376",
  119254. "nan",
  119255. "-",
  119256. "nan",
  119257. "8376",
  119258. "sm",
  119259. "-",
  119260. "nan",
  119261. "closed file number: 1622-92 + location: c",
  119262. "fort lauderdale",
  119263. "324031",
  119264. "nan",
  119265. "nan",
  119266. "nan",
  119267. "nan",
  119268. "nan",
  119269. "nan",
  119270. "nan",
  119271. "nan",
  119272. "nan",
  119273. "nan",
  119274. "nan",
  119275. "nan",
  119276. "nan",
  119277. "nan",
  119278. "nan",
  119279. "nan",
  119280. "nan",
  119281. "nan",
  119282. "nan",
  119283. "nan",
  119284. "nan",
  119285. "nan",
  119286. "nan"
  119287. ],
  119288. [
  119289. "34200",
  119290. "17",
  119291. "rtc-broadview federal",
  119292. "general",
  119293. "8800",
  119294. "nan",
  119295. "entered december 14, 92.",
  119296. "nan",
  119297. "8800",
  119298. "sm",
  119299. "-",
  119300. "nan",
  119301. "closed file number: 2479-92 + location: i",
  119302. "fort lauderdale",
  119303. "325167",
  119304. "nan",
  119305. "nan",
  119306. "nan",
  119307. "nan",
  119308. "nan",
  119309. "nan",
  119310. "nan",
  119311. "nan",
  119312. "nan",
  119313. "nan",
  119314. "nan",
  119315. "nan",
  119316. "nan",
  119317. "nan",
  119318. "nan",
  119319. "nan",
  119320. "nan",
  119321. "nan",
  119322. "nan",
  119323. "nan",
  119324. "nan",
  119325. "nan",
  119326. "nan"
  119327. ],
  119328. [
  119329. "34200",
  119330. "25",
  119331. "rtc-conser broadview",
  119332. "mod. of loan/st. andrews",
  119333. "8800",
  119334. "nan",
  119335. "entered december 14, 92.",
  119336. "nan",
  119337. "8800",
  119338. "sm",
  119339. "-",
  119340. "nan",
  119341. "closed file number: 2477-92 + location: i",
  119342. "fort lauderdale",
  119343. "325169",
  119344. "nan",
  119345. "nan",
  119346. "nan",
  119347. "nan",
  119348. "nan",
  119349. "nan",
  119350. "nan",
  119351. "nan",
  119352. "nan",
  119353. "nan",
  119354. "nan",
  119355. "nan",
  119356. "nan",
  119357. "nan",
  119358. "nan",
  119359. "nan",
  119360. "nan",
  119361. "nan",
  119362. "nan",
  119363. "nan",
  119364. "nan",
  119365. "nan",
  119366. "nan"
  119367. ],
  119368. [
  119369. "34200",
  119370. "14",
  119371. "rtc-broadview federal",
  119372. "sale/portion/lake/newpor",
  119373. "8808",
  119374. "nan",
  119375. "entered december 16, 92.",
  119376. "nan",
  119377. "8808",
  119378. "sm",
  119379. "-",
  119380. "nan",
  119381. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  119382. "fort lauderdale",
  119383. "325184",
  119384. "nan",
  119385. "nan",
  119386. "nan",
  119387. "nan",
  119388. "nan",
  119389. "nan",
  119390. "nan",
  119391. "nan",
  119392. "nan",
  119393. "nan",
  119394. "nan",
  119395. "nan",
  119396. "nan",
  119397. "nan",
  119398. "nan",
  119399. "nan",
  119400. "nan",
  119401. "nan",
  119402. "nan",
  119403. "nan",
  119404. "nan",
  119405. "nan",
  119406. "nan"
  119407. ],
  119408. [
  119409. "34200",
  119410. "15",
  119411. "rtc-broadview federal",
  119412. "sale/portion/lake/newpor",
  119413. "8809",
  119414. "nan",
  119415. "entered december 16, 92.",
  119416. "nan",
  119417. "8809",
  119418. "sm",
  119419. "-",
  119420. "nan",
  119421. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  119422. "fort lauderdale",
  119423. "325185",
  119424. "nan",
  119425. "nan",
  119426. "nan",
  119427. "nan",
  119428. "nan",
  119429. "nan",
  119430. "nan",
  119431. "nan",
  119432. "nan",
  119433. "nan",
  119434. "nan",
  119435. "nan",
  119436. "nan",
  119437. "nan",
  119438. "nan",
  119439. "nan",
  119440. "nan",
  119441. "nan",
  119442. "nan",
  119443. "nan",
  119444. "nan",
  119445. "nan",
  119446. "nan"
  119447. ],
  119448. [
  119449. "34200",
  119450. "22",
  119451. "rtc- broadview",
  119452. "adv. rebecca walker",
  119453. "9118",
  119454. "nan",
  119455. "entered april 15, 93.",
  119456. "nan",
  119457. "9118",
  119458. "fd",
  119459. "-",
  119460. "nan",
  119461. "closed file number: 2895-93 + location: c",
  119462. "fort lauderdale",
  119463. "325821",
  119464. "nan",
  119465. "nan",
  119466. "nan",
  119467. "nan",
  119468. "nan",
  119469. "nan",
  119470. "nan",
  119471. "nan",
  119472. "nan",
  119473. "nan",
  119474. "nan",
  119475. "nan",
  119476. "nan",
  119477. "nan",
  119478. "nan",
  119479. "nan",
  119480. "nan",
  119481. "nan",
  119482. "nan",
  119483. "nan",
  119484. "nan",
  119485. "nan",
  119486. "nan"
  119487. ],
  119488. [
  119489. "34200",
  119490. "7",
  119491. "rtc- broadview",
  119492. "adv. rebecca walker",
  119493. "9118",
  119494. "nan",
  119495. "entered april 15, 93.(1 of 2 files).",
  119496. "nan",
  119497. "9118",
  119498. "fd",
  119499. "-",
  119500. "nan",
  119501. "closed file number: 2893-93 + location: c",
  119502. "fort lauderdale",
  119503. "325822",
  119504. "nan",
  119505. "nan",
  119506. "nan",
  119507. "nan",
  119508. "nan",
  119509. "nan",
  119510. "nan",
  119511. "nan",
  119512. "nan",
  119513. "nan",
  119514. "nan",
  119515. "nan",
  119516. "nan",
  119517. "nan",
  119518. "nan",
  119519. "nan",
  119520. "nan",
  119521. "nan",
  119522. "nan",
  119523. "nan",
  119524. "nan",
  119525. "nan",
  119526. "nan"
  119527. ],
  119528. [
  119529. "34200",
  119530. "7",
  119531. "rtc- broadview",
  119532. "adv. rebecca walker",
  119533. "9118",
  119534. "nan",
  119535. "entered april 15, 93.(2 of 2 files).",
  119536. "nan",
  119537. "9118",
  119538. "fd",
  119539. "-",
  119540. "nan",
  119541. "closed file number: 2894-93 + location: c",
  119542. "fort lauderdale",
  119543. "325823",
  119544. "nan",
  119545. "nan",
  119546. "nan",
  119547. "nan",
  119548. "nan",
  119549. "nan",
  119550. "nan",
  119551. "nan",
  119552. "nan",
  119553. "nan",
  119554. "nan",
  119555. "nan",
  119556. "nan",
  119557. "nan",
  119558. "nan",
  119559. "nan",
  119560. "nan",
  119561. "nan",
  119562. "nan",
  119563. "nan",
  119564. "nan",
  119565. "nan",
  119566. "nan"
  119567. ],
  119568. [
  119569. "34200",
  119570. "3",
  119571. "rtc/broadview",
  119572. "brinkley",
  119573. "8197",
  119574. "nan",
  119575. "1 of 3 boxes",
  119576. "nan",
  119577. "8197",
  119578. "sm",
  119579. "-",
  119580. "nan",
  119581. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  119582. "fort lauderdale",
  119583. "325851",
  119584. "nan",
  119585. "nan",
  119586. "nan",
  119587. "nan",
  119588. "nan",
  119589. "nan",
  119590. "nan",
  119591. "nan",
  119592. "nan",
  119593. "nan",
  119594. "nan",
  119595. "nan",
  119596. "nan",
  119597. "nan",
  119598. "nan",
  119599. "nan",
  119600. "nan",
  119601. "nan",
  119602. "nan",
  119603. "nan",
  119604. "nan",
  119605. "nan",
  119606. "nan"
  119607. ],
  119608. [
  119609. "34200",
  119610. "3",
  119611. "rtc/broadview",
  119612. "brinkley",
  119613. "8198",
  119614. "nan",
  119615. "2 of 3 boxes",
  119616. "nan",
  119617. "8198",
  119618. "sm",
  119619. "-",
  119620. "nan",
  119621. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  119622. "fort lauderdale",
  119623. "325852",
  119624. "nan",
  119625. "nan",
  119626. "nan",
  119627. "nan",
  119628. "nan",
  119629. "nan",
  119630. "nan",
  119631. "nan",
  119632. "nan",
  119633. "nan",
  119634. "nan",
  119635. "nan",
  119636. "nan",
  119637. "nan",
  119638. "nan",
  119639. "nan",
  119640. "nan",
  119641. "nan",
  119642. "nan",
  119643. "nan",
  119644. "nan",
  119645. "nan",
  119646. "nan"
  119647. ],
  119648. [
  119649. "34200",
  119650. "3",
  119651. "rtc/broadview",
  119652. "brinkley",
  119653. "8199",
  119654. "nan",
  119655. "3 of 3 boxes",
  119656. "nan",
  119657. "8199",
  119658. "sm",
  119659. "-",
  119660. "nan",
  119661. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  119662. "fort lauderdale",
  119663. "325853",
  119664. "nan",
  119665. "nan",
  119666. "nan",
  119667. "nan",
  119668. "nan",
  119669. "nan",
  119670. "nan",
  119671. "nan",
  119672. "nan",
  119673. "nan",
  119674. "nan",
  119675. "nan",
  119676. "nan",
  119677. "nan",
  119678. "nan",
  119679. "nan",
  119680. "nan",
  119681. "nan",
  119682. "nan",
  119683. "nan",
  119684. "nan",
  119685. "nan",
  119686. "nan"
  119687. ],
  119688. [
  119689. "34200",
  119690. "8",
  119691. "rtc",
  119692. "tow",
  119693. "9223",
  119694. "nan",
  119695. "entered july 9, 93.",
  119696. "nan",
  119697. "9223",
  119698. "rt",
  119699. "-",
  119700. "nan",
  119701. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  119702. "fort lauderdale",
  119703. "325979",
  119704. "nan",
  119705. "nan",
  119706. "nan",
  119707. "nan",
  119708. "nan",
  119709. "nan",
  119710. "nan",
  119711. "nan",
  119712. "nan",
  119713. "nan",
  119714. "nan",
  119715. "nan",
  119716. "nan",
  119717. "nan",
  119718. "nan",
  119719. "nan",
  119720. "nan",
  119721. "nan",
  119722. "nan",
  119723. "nan",
  119724. "nan",
  119725. "nan",
  119726. "nan"
  119727. ],
  119728. [
  119729. "34200",
  119730. "304",
  119731. "rtc/broadview bank",
  119732. "lakes of newport",
  119733. "9273",
  119734. "nan",
  119735. "-",
  119736. "nan",
  119737. "9273",
  119738. "p2",
  119739. "-",
  119740. "nan",
  119741. "closed file number: 2951-93 + location: c",
  119742. "fort lauderdale",
  119743. "326715",
  119744. "nan",
  119745. "nan",
  119746. "nan",
  119747. "nan",
  119748. "nan",
  119749. "nan",
  119750. "nan",
  119751. "nan",
  119752. "nan",
  119753. "nan",
  119754. "nan",
  119755. "nan",
  119756. "nan",
  119757. "nan",
  119758. "nan",
  119759. "nan",
  119760. "nan",
  119761. "nan",
  119762. "nan",
  119763. "nan",
  119764. "nan",
  119765. "nan",
  119766. "nan"
  119767. ],
  119768. [
  119769. "34200",
  119770. "nan",
  119771. "rtc",
  119772. "1991 billing file broadview savings bank",
  119773. "d3378",
  119774. "nan",
  119775. "nan",
  119776. "nan",
  119777. "d3378",
  119778. "sbm",
  119779. "nan",
  119780. "nan",
  119781. "closed file number: f413-00",
  119782. "fort lauderdale",
  119783. "339158",
  119784. "nan",
  119785. "nan",
  119786. "nan",
  119787. "nan",
  119788. "nan",
  119789. "nan",
  119790. "nan",
  119791. "nan",
  119792. "nan",
  119793. "nan",
  119794. "nan",
  119795. "nan",
  119796. "nan",
  119797. "nan",
  119798. "nan",
  119799. "nan",
  119800. "nan",
  119801. "nan",
  119802. "nan",
  119803. "nan",
  119804. "nan",
  119805. "nan",
  119806. "nan"
  119807. ],
  119808. [
  119809. "34236",
  119810. "44",
  119811. "rtc",
  119812. "la peninsula condo ass",
  119813. "tcf0010166",
  119814. "nan",
  119815. "nan",
  119816. "06/20/2001",
  119817. "bg0767",
  119818. "jsw",
  119819. "nan",
  119820. "nan",
  119821. "seq: 0050",
  119822. "tampa",
  119823. "199934",
  119824. "nan",
  119825. "nan",
  119826. "nan",
  119827. "nan",
  119828. "nan",
  119829. "nan",
  119830. "nan",
  119831. "nan",
  119832. "nan",
  119833. "nan",
  119834. "nan",
  119835. "nan",
  119836. "nan",
  119837. "nan",
  119838. "nan",
  119839. "nan",
  119840. "nan",
  119841. "nan",
  119842. "nan",
  119843. "nan",
  119844. "nan",
  119845. "nan",
  119846. "nan"
  119847. ],
  119848. [
  119849. "34236",
  119850. "45",
  119851. "rtc",
  119852. "tpa triangle",
  119853. "tcf0010543",
  119854. "nan",
  119855. "nan",
  119856. "06/20/2001",
  119857. "bj6528",
  119858. "red",
  119859. "nan",
  119860. "nan",
  119861. "seq: 0045",
  119862. "tampa",
  119863. "201976",
  119864. "nan",
  119865. "nan",
  119866. "nan",
  119867. "nan",
  119868. "nan",
  119869. "nan",
  119870. "nan",
  119871. "nan",
  119872. "nan",
  119873. "nan",
  119874. "nan",
  119875. "nan",
  119876. "nan",
  119877. "nan",
  119878. "nan",
  119879. "nan",
  119880. "nan",
  119881. "nan",
  119882. "nan",
  119883. "nan",
  119884. "nan",
  119885. "nan",
  119886. "nan"
  119887. ],
  119888. [
  119889. "34236",
  119890. "1",
  119891. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  119892. "la corniche/contract",
  119893. "8806",
  119894. "nan",
  119895. "entered december 14, 92.",
  119896. "nan",
  119897. "8806",
  119898. "if",
  119899. "-",
  119900. "nan",
  119901. "closed file number: 2499-92 + location: i",
  119902. "fort lauderdale",
  119903. "325176",
  119904. "nan",
  119905. "nan",
  119906. "nan",
  119907. "nan",
  119908. "nan",
  119909. "nan",
  119910. "nan",
  119911. "nan",
  119912. "nan",
  119913. "nan",
  119914. "nan",
  119915. "nan",
  119916. "nan",
  119917. "nan",
  119918. "nan",
  119919. "nan",
  119920. "nan",
  119921. "nan",
  119922. "nan",
  119923. "nan",
  119924. "nan",
  119925. "nan",
  119926. "nan"
  119927. ],
  119928. [
  119929. "34236",
  119930. "34",
  119931. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  119932. "la corniche-heron clif",
  119933. "8807",
  119934. "nan",
  119935. "entered december 14, 92.",
  119936. "nan",
  119937. "8807",
  119938. "if",
  119939. "-",
  119940. "nan",
  119941. "closed file number: 2501-92 + location: i",
  119942. "fort lauderdale",
  119943. "325178",
  119944. "nan",
  119945. "nan",
  119946. "nan",
  119947. "nan",
  119948. "nan",
  119949. "nan",
  119950. "nan",
  119951. "nan",
  119952. "nan",
  119953. "nan",
  119954. "nan",
  119955. "nan",
  119956. "nan",
  119957. "nan",
  119958. "nan",
  119959. "nan",
  119960. "nan",
  119961. "nan",
  119962. "nan",
  119963. "nan",
  119964. "nan",
  119965. "nan",
  119966. "nan"
  119967. ],
  119968. [
  119969. "34236",
  119970. "31",
  119971. "rtc",
  119972. "pima-capri point",
  119973. "652603748",
  119974. "nan",
  119975. "3/5/93 - correspondence.",
  119976. "3/9/1993",
  119977. "85770",
  119978. "farrar tom",
  119979. "nan",
  119980. "nan",
  119981. " hk box: 9077",
  119982. "miami",
  119983. "654625",
  119984. "nan",
  119985. "nan",
  119986. "nan",
  119987. "nan",
  119988. "nan",
  119989. "nan",
  119990. "nan",
  119991. "nan",
  119992. "nan",
  119993. "nan",
  119994. "nan",
  119995. "nan",
  119996. "nan",
  119997. "nan",
  119998. "nan",
  119999. "nan",
  120000. "nan",
  120001. "nan",
  120002. "nan",
  120003. "nan",
  120004. "nan",
  120005. "nan",
  120006. "nan"
  120007. ],
  120008. [
  120009. "34349",
  120010. "121",
  120011. "rtc",
  120012. "ti",
  120013. "tcf0013412",
  120014. "nan",
  120015. "nan",
  120016. "6/20/2001",
  120017. "by2233",
  120018. "hmr",
  120019. "nan",
  120020. "nan",
  120021. "seq: 0034",
  120022. "tampa",
  120023. "216836",
  120024. "nan",
  120025. "nan",
  120026. "nan",
  120027. "nan",
  120028. "nan",
  120029. "nan",
  120030. "nan",
  120031. "nan",
  120032. "nan",
  120033. "nan",
  120034. "nan",
  120035. "nan",
  120036. "nan",
  120037. "nan",
  120038. "nan",
  120039. "nan",
  120040. "nan",
  120041. "nan",
  120042. "nan",
  120043. "nan",
  120044. "nan",
  120045. "nan",
  120046. "nan"
  120047. ],
  120048. [
  120049. "34356",
  120050. "1",
  120051. "rtc franklin sav.",
  120052. "boca glades",
  120053. "7693",
  120054. "nan",
  120055. "-",
  120056. "nan",
  120057. "7693",
  120058. "cw",
  120059. "-",
  120060. "nan",
  120061. "closed file number: 8428-91 + location: c",
  120062. "fort lauderdale",
  120063. "321571",
  120064. "nan",
  120065. "nan",
  120066. "nan",
  120067. "nan",
  120068. "nan",
  120069. "nan",
  120070. "nan",
  120071. "nan",
  120072. "nan",
  120073. "nan",
  120074. "nan",
  120075. "nan",
  120076. "nan",
  120077. "nan",
  120078. "nan",
  120079. "nan",
  120080. "nan",
  120081. "nan",
  120082. "nan",
  120083. "nan",
  120084. "nan",
  120085. "nan",
  120086. "nan"
  120087. ],
  120088. [
  120089. "34460",
  120090. "91",
  120091. "rtc/robert black",
  120092. "box of misc. items",
  120093. "tcf0007598",
  120094. "nan",
  120095. "nan",
  120096. "06/20/2001",
  120097. "au0739",
  120098. "mpb",
  120099. "perm removal from off-site",
  120100. "nan",
  120101. "seq: 0016 this box was checked out from iron mountain on 10/27/1992 and never returned",
  120102. "tampa",
  120103. "187463",
  120104. "nan",
  120105. "nan",
  120106. "nan",
  120107. "nan",
  120108. "nan",
  120109. "nan",
  120110. "nan",
  120111. "nan",
  120112. "nan",
  120113. "nan",
  120114. "nan",
  120115. "nan",
  120116. "nan",
  120117. "nan",
  120118. "nan",
  120119. "nan",
  120120. "nan",
  120121. "nan",
  120122. "nan",
  120123. "nan",
  120124. "nan",
  120125. "nan",
  120126. "nan"
  120127. ],
  120128. [
  120129. "34460",
  120130. "24",
  120131. "rtc",
  120132. " mort.foreclos",
  120133. "7513",
  120134. "nan",
  120135. "-",
  120136. "nan",
  120137. "7513",
  120138. "cw",
  120139. "-",
  120140. "nan",
  120141. "closed file number: 7337-91 + location: c",
  120142. "fort lauderdale",
  120143. "320774",
  120144. "nan",
  120145. "nan",
  120146. "nan",
  120147. "nan",
  120148. "nan",
  120149. "nan",
  120150. "nan",
  120151. "nan",
  120152. "nan",
  120153. "nan",
  120154. "nan",
  120155. "nan",
  120156. "nan",
  120157. "nan",
  120158. "nan",
  120159. "nan",
  120160. "nan",
  120161. "nan",
  120162. "nan",
  120163. "nan",
  120164. "nan",
  120165. "nan",
  120166. "nan"
  120167. ],
  120168. [
  120169. "34460",
  120170. "37",
  120171. "rtc",
  120172. " nat.bnk",
  120173. "7513",
  120174. "nan",
  120175. "-",
  120176. "nan",
  120177. "7513",
  120178. "cn",
  120179. "-",
  120180. "nan",
  120181. "closed file number: 7338-91 + location: c",
  120182. "fort lauderdale",
  120183. "320775",
  120184. "nan",
  120185. "nan",
  120186. "nan",
  120187. "nan",
  120188. "nan",
  120189. "nan",
  120190. "nan",
  120191. "nan",
  120192. "nan",
  120193. "nan",
  120194. "nan",
  120195. "nan",
  120196. "nan",
  120197. "nan",
  120198. "nan",
  120199. "nan",
  120200. "nan",
  120201. "nan",
  120202. "nan",
  120203. "nan",
  120204. "nan",
  120205. "nan",
  120206. "nan"
  120207. ],
  120208. [
  120209. "34460",
  120210. "41",
  120211. "rtc conser/am. pioneer",
  120212. "pellerin,d.",
  120213. "7513",
  120214. "nan",
  120215. "-",
  120216. "nan",
  120217. "7513",
  120218. "-",
  120219. "-",
  120220. "nan",
  120221. "closed file number: 7338a-91 + location: c",
  120222. "fort lauderdale",
  120223. "322564",
  120224. "nan",
  120225. "nan",
  120226. "nan",
  120227. "nan",
  120228. "nan",
  120229. "nan",
  120230. "nan",
  120231. "nan",
  120232. "nan",
  120233. "nan",
  120234. "nan",
  120235. "nan",
  120236. "nan",
  120237. "nan",
  120238. "nan",
  120239. "nan",
  120240. "nan",
  120241. "nan",
  120242. "nan",
  120243. "nan",
  120244. "nan",
  120245. "nan",
  120246. "nan"
  120247. ],
  120248. [
  120249. "34460",
  120250. "25",
  120251. "rtc/american pioneer",
  120252. "smith",
  120253. "8220",
  120254. "nan",
  120255. "-",
  120256. "nan",
  120257. "8220",
  120258. "am",
  120259. "nan",
  120260. "nan",
  120261. "closed file number: 1023-92 + location: c",
  120262. "fort lauderdale",
  120263. "323353",
  120264. "nan",
  120265. "nan",
  120266. "nan",
  120267. "nan",
  120268. "nan",
  120269. "nan",
  120270. "nan",
  120271. "nan",
  120272. "nan",
  120273. "nan",
  120274. "nan",
  120275. "nan",
  120276. "nan",
  120277. "nan",
  120278. "nan",
  120279. "nan",
  120280. "nan",
  120281. "nan",
  120282. "nan",
  120283. "nan",
  120284. "nan",
  120285. "nan",
  120286. "nan"
  120287. ],
  120288. [
  120289. "34460",
  120290. "25",
  120291. "rtc/american pioneer",
  120292. "smith",
  120293. "8220",
  120294. "nan",
  120295. "checked out to michele robilio.",
  120296. "nan",
  120297. "8220",
  120298. "cw",
  120299. "nan",
  120300. "nan",
  120301. "closed file number: 1023-92 + location: c",
  120302. "fort lauderdale",
  120303. "324568",
  120304. "nan",
  120305. "nan",
  120306. "nan",
  120307. "nan",
  120308. "nan",
  120309. "nan",
  120310. "nan",
  120311. "nan",
  120312. "nan",
  120313. "nan",
  120314. "nan",
  120315. "nan",
  120316. "nan",
  120317. "nan",
  120318. "nan",
  120319. "nan",
  120320. "nan",
  120321. "nan",
  120322. "nan",
  120323. "nan",
  120324. "nan",
  120325. "nan",
  120326. "nan"
  120327. ],
  120328. [
  120329. "34460",
  120330. "44",
  120331. "rtc\\american pioneer",
  120332. "dubose jewelry",
  120333. "8027",
  120334. "nan",
  120335. "-",
  120336. "nan",
  120337. "8027",
  120338. "cw",
  120339. "-",
  120340. "nan",
  120341. "closed file number: 9448-91 + location: c",
  120342. "fort lauderdale",
  120343. "325475",
  120344. "nan",
  120345. "nan",
  120346. "nan",
  120347. "nan",
  120348. "nan",
  120349. "nan",
  120350. "nan",
  120351. "nan",
  120352. "nan",
  120353. "nan",
  120354. "nan",
  120355. "nan",
  120356. "nan",
  120357. "nan",
  120358. "nan",
  120359. "nan",
  120360. "nan",
  120361. "nan",
  120362. "nan",
  120363. "nan",
  120364. "nan",
  120365. "nan",
  120366. "nan"
  120367. ],
  120368. [
  120369. "34460",
  120370. "81",
  120371. "rtc\\american pioneer",
  120372. "dubose,r.& m.",
  120373. "8018",
  120374. "nan",
  120375. "-",
  120376. "nan",
  120377. "8018",
  120378. "cw",
  120379. "-",
  120380. "nan",
  120381. "closed file number: 9447-91 + location: c",
  120382. "fort lauderdale",
  120383. "325476",
  120384. "nan",
  120385. "nan",
  120386. "nan",
  120387. "nan",
  120388. "nan",
  120389. "nan",
  120390. "nan",
  120391. "nan",
  120392. "nan",
  120393. "nan",
  120394. "nan",
  120395. "nan",
  120396. "nan",
  120397. "nan",
  120398. "nan",
  120399. "nan",
  120400. "nan",
  120401. "nan",
  120402. "nan",
  120403. "nan",
  120404. "nan",
  120405. "nan",
  120406. "nan"
  120407. ],
  120408. [
  120409. "34460",
  120410. "153",
  120411. "rtc/ american pioneer",
  120412. "ingui",
  120413. "8354",
  120414. "nan",
  120415. "-",
  120416. "nan",
  120417. "8354",
  120418. "jh",
  120419. "-",
  120420. "nan",
  120421. "closed file number: 1579-92 + location: c",
  120422. "fort lauderdale",
  120423. "327510",
  120424. "nan",
  120425. "nan",
  120426. "nan",
  120427. "nan",
  120428. "nan",
  120429. "nan",
  120430. "nan",
  120431. "nan",
  120432. "nan",
  120433. "nan",
  120434. "nan",
  120435. "nan",
  120436. "nan",
  120437. "nan",
  120438. "nan",
  120439. "nan",
  120440. "nan",
  120441. "nan",
  120442. "nan",
  120443. "nan",
  120444. "nan",
  120445. "nan",
  120446. "nan"
  120447. ],
  120448. [
  120449. "34639",
  120450. "203",
  120451. "rtc",
  120452. "6700 w. commercial blvd.",
  120453. "9064",
  120454. "nan",
  120455. "entered april 7, 93.",
  120456. "nan",
  120457. "9064",
  120458. "cw",
  120459. "-",
  120460. "nan",
  120461. "closed file number: 2774-93 + location: c",
  120462. "fort lauderdale",
  120463. "325675",
  120464. "nan",
  120465. "nan",
  120466. "nan",
  120467. "nan",
  120468. "nan",
  120469. "nan",
  120470. "nan",
  120471. "nan",
  120472. "nan",
  120473. "nan",
  120474. "nan",
  120475. "nan",
  120476. "nan",
  120477. "nan",
  120478. "nan",
  120479. "nan",
  120480. "nan",
  120481. "nan",
  120482. "nan",
  120483. "nan",
  120484. "nan",
  120485. "nan",
  120486. "nan"
  120487. ],
  120488. [
  120489. "34639",
  120490. "122",
  120491. "rtc",
  120492. "collins branch nov. 3",
  120493. "9064",
  120494. "nan",
  120495. "entered april 7, 93.",
  120496. "nan",
  120497. "9064",
  120498. "cw",
  120499. "-",
  120500. "nan",
  120501. "closed file number: 2773-93 + location: c",
  120502. "fort lauderdale",
  120503. "325676",
  120504. "nan",
  120505. "nan",
  120506. "nan",
  120507. "nan",
  120508. "nan",
  120509. "nan",
  120510. "nan",
  120511. "nan",
  120512. "nan",
  120513. "nan",
  120514. "nan",
  120515. "nan",
  120516. "nan",
  120517. "nan",
  120518. "nan",
  120519. "nan",
  120520. "nan",
  120521. "nan",
  120522. "nan",
  120523. "nan",
  120524. "nan",
  120525. "nan",
  120526. "nan"
  120527. ],
  120528. [
  120529. "34639",
  120530. "120",
  120531. "rtc",
  120532. "supervisor/residential",
  120533. "9024",
  120534. "nan",
  120535. "entered april 8, 93. (1 of 2 boxes).",
  120536. "nan",
  120537. "9024",
  120538. "cw",
  120539. "-",
  120540. "nan",
  120541. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  120542. "fort lauderdale",
  120543. "325745",
  120544. "nan",
  120545. "nan",
  120546. "nan",
  120547. "nan",
  120548. "nan",
  120549. "nan",
  120550. "nan",
  120551. "nan",
  120552. "nan",
  120553. "nan",
  120554. "nan",
  120555. "nan",
  120556. "nan",
  120557. "nan",
  120558. "nan",
  120559. "nan",
  120560. "nan",
  120561. "nan",
  120562. "nan",
  120563. "nan",
  120564. "nan",
  120565. "nan",
  120566. "nan"
  120567. ],
  120568. [
  120569. "34639",
  120570. "120",
  120571. "rtc",
  120572. "supervisor/residential",
  120573. "9025",
  120574. "nan",
  120575. "entered april 8, 93. (2 of 2 boxes).",
  120576. "nan",
  120577. "9025",
  120578. "cw",
  120579. "-",
  120580. "nan",
  120581. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  120582. "fort lauderdale",
  120583. "325746",
  120584. "nan",
  120585. "nan",
  120586. "nan",
  120587. "nan",
  120588. "nan",
  120589. "nan",
  120590. "nan",
  120591. "nan",
  120592. "nan",
  120593. "nan",
  120594. "nan",
  120595. "nan",
  120596. "nan",
  120597. "nan",
  120598. "nan",
  120599. "nan",
  120600. "nan",
  120601. "nan",
  120602. "nan",
  120603. "nan",
  120604. "nan",
  120605. "nan",
  120606. "nan"
  120607. ],
  120608. [
  120609. "34639",
  120610. "206",
  120611. "rtc",
  120612. "okeechobee branch title",
  120613. "9098",
  120614. "nan",
  120615. "entered april 14, 93.",
  120616. "nan",
  120617. "9098",
  120618. "cw",
  120619. "-",
  120620. "nan",
  120621. "closed file number: 2859-93 + location: c",
  120622. "fort lauderdale",
  120623. "325797",
  120624. "nan",
  120625. "nan",
  120626. "nan",
  120627. "nan",
  120628. "nan",
  120629. "nan",
  120630. "nan",
  120631. "nan",
  120632. "nan",
  120633. "nan",
  120634. "nan",
  120635. "nan",
  120636. "nan",
  120637. "nan",
  120638. "nan",
  120639. "nan",
  120640. "nan",
  120641. "nan",
  120642. "nan",
  120643. "nan",
  120644. "nan",
  120645. "nan",
  120646. "nan"
  120647. ],
  120648. [
  120649. "34639",
  120650. "209",
  120651. "rtc",
  120652. "belle glade branch-title",
  120653. "9487",
  120654. "nan",
  120655. "entered 10/9/93.",
  120656. "nan",
  120657. "9487",
  120658. "-",
  120659. "-",
  120660. "nan",
  120661. "closed file number: 3347-93 + location: c",
  120662. "fort lauderdale",
  120663. "326231",
  120664. "nan",
  120665. "nan",
  120666. "nan",
  120667. "nan",
  120668. "nan",
  120669. "nan",
  120670. "nan",
  120671. "nan",
  120672. "nan",
  120673. "nan",
  120674. "nan",
  120675. "nan",
  120676. "nan",
  120677. "nan",
  120678. "nan",
  120679. "nan",
  120680. "nan",
  120681. "nan",
  120682. "nan",
  120683. "nan",
  120684. "nan",
  120685. "nan",
  120686. "nan"
  120687. ],
  120688. [
  120689. "34639",
  120690. "205",
  120691. "rtc",
  120692. "wilson concepts - title",
  120693. "9517",
  120694. "nan",
  120695. "entered 10/13/93.",
  120696. "nan",
  120697. "9517",
  120698. "jn",
  120699. "-",
  120700. "nan",
  120701. "closed file number: 3421-93 + location: i",
  120702. "fort lauderdale",
  120703. "326411",
  120704. "nan",
  120705. "nan",
  120706. "nan",
  120707. "nan",
  120708. "nan",
  120709. "nan",
  120710. "nan",
  120711. "nan",
  120712. "nan",
  120713. "nan",
  120714. "nan",
  120715. "nan",
  120716. "nan",
  120717. "nan",
  120718. "nan",
  120719. "nan",
  120720. "nan",
  120721. "nan",
  120722. "nan",
  120723. "nan",
  120724. "nan",
  120725. "nan",
  120726. "nan"
  120727. ],
  120728. [
  120729. "34639",
  120730. "210",
  120731. "rtc",
  120732. "gun club lot - title",
  120733. "9517",
  120734. "nan",
  120735. "entered 10/13/93.",
  120736. "nan",
  120737. "9517",
  120738. "jn",
  120739. "-",
  120740. "nan",
  120741. "closed file number: 3420-93 + location: i",
  120742. "fort lauderdale",
  120743. "326412",
  120744. "nan",
  120745. "nan",
  120746. "nan",
  120747. "nan",
  120748. "nan",
  120749. "nan",
  120750. "nan",
  120751. "nan",
  120752. "nan",
  120753. "nan",
  120754. "nan",
  120755. "nan",
  120756. "nan",
  120757. "nan",
  120758. "nan",
  120759. "nan",
  120760. "nan",
  120761. "nan",
  120762. "nan",
  120763. "nan",
  120764. "nan",
  120765. "nan",
  120766. "nan"
  120767. ],
  120768. [
  120769. "34639",
  120770. "213",
  120771. "rtc",
  120772. "willington lot - title",
  120773. "9517",
  120774. "nan",
  120775. "entered 10/13/93.",
  120776. "nan",
  120777. "9517",
  120778. "jn",
  120779. "-",
  120780. "nan",
  120781. "closed file number: 3417-93 + location: i",
  120782. "fort lauderdale",
  120783. "326414",
  120784. "nan",
  120785. "nan",
  120786. "nan",
  120787. "nan",
  120788. "nan",
  120789. "nan",
  120790. "nan",
  120791. "nan",
  120792. "nan",
  120793. "nan",
  120794. "nan",
  120795. "nan",
  120796. "nan",
  120797. "nan",
  120798. "nan",
  120799. "nan",
  120800. "nan",
  120801. "nan",
  120802. "nan",
  120803. "nan",
  120804. "nan",
  120805. "nan",
  120806. "nan"
  120807. ],
  120808. [
  120809. "34639",
  120810. "120",
  120811. "rtc-superv of resd'l auc",
  120812. "superv of residential au",
  120813. "9360",
  120814. "nan",
  120815. "-",
  120816. "nan",
  120817. "9360",
  120818. "wc",
  120819. "-",
  120820. "nan",
  120821. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: c",
  120822. "fort lauderdale",
  120823. "326859",
  120824. "nan",
  120825. "nan",
  120826. "nan",
  120827. "nan",
  120828. "nan",
  120829. "nan",
  120830. "nan",
  120831. "nan",
  120832. "nan",
  120833. "nan",
  120834. "nan",
  120835. "nan",
  120836. "nan",
  120837. "nan",
  120838. "nan",
  120839. "nan",
  120840. "nan",
  120841. "nan",
  120842. "nan",
  120843. "nan",
  120844. "nan",
  120845. "nan",
  120846. "nan"
  120847. ],
  120848. [
  120849. "34639",
  120850. "121",
  120851. "rtc-superv of com; auc",
  120852. "12/8/92",
  120853. "9346",
  120854. "nan",
  120855. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365; see list in drawer.",
  120856. "nan",
  120857. "9346",
  120858. "wc",
  120859. "-",
  120860. "nan",
  120861. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  120862. "fort lauderdale",
  120863. "327327",
  120864. "nan",
  120865. "nan",
  120866. "nan",
  120867. "nan",
  120868. "nan",
  120869. "nan",
  120870. "nan",
  120871. "nan",
  120872. "nan",
  120873. "nan",
  120874. "nan",
  120875. "nan",
  120876. "nan",
  120877. "nan",
  120878. "nan",
  120879. "nan",
  120880. "nan",
  120881. "nan",
  120882. "nan",
  120883. "nan",
  120884. "nan",
  120885. "nan",
  120886. "nan"
  120887. ],
  120888. [
  120889. "34639",
  120890. "121",
  120891. "rtc-superv of com; auc",
  120892. "12/8/92",
  120893. "9345",
  120894. "nan",
  120895. "in 22 boxes 9244-9365.see list in drawer.",
  120896. "nan",
  120897. "9345",
  120898. "wc",
  120899. "-",
  120900. "nan",
  120901. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  120902. "fort lauderdale",
  120903. "327328",
  120904. "nan",
  120905. "nan",
  120906. "nan",
  120907. "nan",
  120908. "nan",
  120909. "nan",
  120910. "nan",
  120911. "nan",
  120912. "nan",
  120913. "nan",
  120914. "nan",
  120915. "nan",
  120916. "nan",
  120917. "nan",
  120918. "nan",
  120919. "nan",
  120920. "nan",
  120921. "nan",
  120922. "nan",
  120923. "nan",
  120924. "nan",
  120925. "nan",
  120926. "nan"
  120927. ],
  120928. [
  120929. "34639",
  120930. "121",
  120931. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  120932. "12/8/92",
  120933. "9348",
  120934. "nan",
  120935. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  120936. "nan",
  120937. "9348",
  120938. "wc",
  120939. "-",
  120940. "nan",
  120941. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  120942. "fort lauderdale",
  120943. "327329",
  120944. "nan",
  120945. "nan",
  120946. "nan",
  120947. "nan",
  120948. "nan",
  120949. "nan",
  120950. "nan",
  120951. "nan",
  120952. "nan",
  120953. "nan",
  120954. "nan",
  120955. "nan",
  120956. "nan",
  120957. "nan",
  120958. "nan",
  120959. "nan",
  120960. "nan",
  120961. "nan",
  120962. "nan",
  120963. "nan",
  120964. "nan",
  120965. "nan",
  120966. "nan"
  120967. ],
  120968. [
  120969. "34639",
  120970. "121",
  120971. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  120972. "12/8/92",
  120973. "9347",
  120974. "nan",
  120975. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  120976. "nan",
  120977. "9347",
  120978. "wc",
  120979. "-",
  120980. "nan",
  120981. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  120982. "fort lauderdale",
  120983. "327330",
  120984. "nan",
  120985. "nan",
  120986. "nan",
  120987. "nan",
  120988. "nan",
  120989. "nan",
  120990. "nan",
  120991. "nan",
  120992. "nan",
  120993. "nan",
  120994. "nan",
  120995. "nan",
  120996. "nan",
  120997. "nan",
  120998. "nan",
  120999. "nan",
  121000. "nan",
  121001. "nan",
  121002. "nan",
  121003. "nan",
  121004. "nan",
  121005. "nan",
  121006. "nan"
  121007. ],
  121008. [
  121009. "34639",
  121010. "121",
  121011. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121012. "12/8/92",
  121013. "9352",
  121014. "nan",
  121015. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121016. "nan",
  121017. "9352",
  121018. "wc",
  121019. "-",
  121020. "nan",
  121021. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121022. "fort lauderdale",
  121023. "327331",
  121024. "nan",
  121025. "nan",
  121026. "nan",
  121027. "nan",
  121028. "nan",
  121029. "nan",
  121030. "nan",
  121031. "nan",
  121032. "nan",
  121033. "nan",
  121034. "nan",
  121035. "nan",
  121036. "nan",
  121037. "nan",
  121038. "nan",
  121039. "nan",
  121040. "nan",
  121041. "nan",
  121042. "nan",
  121043. "nan",
  121044. "nan",
  121045. "nan",
  121046. "nan"
  121047. ],
  121048. [
  121049. "34639",
  121050. "121",
  121051. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121052. "12/8/92",
  121053. "9351",
  121054. "nan",
  121055. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121056. "nan",
  121057. "9351",
  121058. "wc",
  121059. "-",
  121060. "nan",
  121061. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121062. "fort lauderdale",
  121063. "327332",
  121064. "nan",
  121065. "nan",
  121066. "nan",
  121067. "nan",
  121068. "nan",
  121069. "nan",
  121070. "nan",
  121071. "nan",
  121072. "nan",
  121073. "nan",
  121074. "nan",
  121075. "nan",
  121076. "nan",
  121077. "nan",
  121078. "nan",
  121079. "nan",
  121080. "nan",
  121081. "nan",
  121082. "nan",
  121083. "nan",
  121084. "nan",
  121085. "nan",
  121086. "nan"
  121087. ],
  121088. [
  121089. "34639",
  121090. "121",
  121091. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121092. "12/8/92",
  121093. "9350",
  121094. "nan",
  121095. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121096. "nan",
  121097. "9350",
  121098. "wc",
  121099. "-",
  121100. "nan",
  121101. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121102. "fort lauderdale",
  121103. "327333",
  121104. "nan",
  121105. "nan",
  121106. "nan",
  121107. "nan",
  121108. "nan",
  121109. "nan",
  121110. "nan",
  121111. "nan",
  121112. "nan",
  121113. "nan",
  121114. "nan",
  121115. "nan",
  121116. "nan",
  121117. "nan",
  121118. "nan",
  121119. "nan",
  121120. "nan",
  121121. "nan",
  121122. "nan",
  121123. "nan",
  121124. "nan",
  121125. "nan",
  121126. "nan"
  121127. ],
  121128. [
  121129. "34639",
  121130. "121",
  121131. "rtc-suprv of coml auc",
  121132. "12/8/92",
  121133. "9355",
  121134. "nan",
  121135. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer,",
  121136. "nan",
  121137. "9355",
  121138. "wc",
  121139. "-",
  121140. "nan",
  121141. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121142. "fort lauderdale",
  121143. "327334",
  121144. "nan",
  121145. "nan",
  121146. "nan",
  121147. "nan",
  121148. "nan",
  121149. "nan",
  121150. "nan",
  121151. "nan",
  121152. "nan",
  121153. "nan",
  121154. "nan",
  121155. "nan",
  121156. "nan",
  121157. "nan",
  121158. "nan",
  121159. "nan",
  121160. "nan",
  121161. "nan",
  121162. "nan",
  121163. "nan",
  121164. "nan",
  121165. "nan",
  121166. "nan"
  121167. ],
  121168. [
  121169. "34639",
  121170. "121",
  121171. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121172. "12/8/92",
  121173. "9354",
  121174. "nan",
  121175. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121176. "nan",
  121177. "9354",
  121178. "wc",
  121179. "-",
  121180. "nan",
  121181. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121182. "fort lauderdale",
  121183. "327335",
  121184. "nan",
  121185. "nan",
  121186. "nan",
  121187. "nan",
  121188. "nan",
  121189. "nan",
  121190. "nan",
  121191. "nan",
  121192. "nan",
  121193. "nan",
  121194. "nan",
  121195. "nan",
  121196. "nan",
  121197. "nan",
  121198. "nan",
  121199. "nan",
  121200. "nan",
  121201. "nan",
  121202. "nan",
  121203. "nan",
  121204. "nan",
  121205. "nan",
  121206. "nan"
  121207. ],
  121208. [
  121209. "34639",
  121210. "121",
  121211. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121212. "12/8/92",
  121213. "9353",
  121214. "nan",
  121215. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121216. "nan",
  121217. "9353",
  121218. "wc",
  121219. "-",
  121220. "nan",
  121221. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121222. "fort lauderdale",
  121223. "327336",
  121224. "nan",
  121225. "nan",
  121226. "nan",
  121227. "nan",
  121228. "nan",
  121229. "nan",
  121230. "nan",
  121231. "nan",
  121232. "nan",
  121233. "nan",
  121234. "nan",
  121235. "nan",
  121236. "nan",
  121237. "nan",
  121238. "nan",
  121239. "nan",
  121240. "nan",
  121241. "nan",
  121242. "nan",
  121243. "nan",
  121244. "nan",
  121245. "nan",
  121246. "nan"
  121247. ],
  121248. [
  121249. "34639",
  121250. "121",
  121251. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121252. "12/8/92",
  121253. "9358",
  121254. "nan",
  121255. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121256. "nan",
  121257. "9358",
  121258. "wc",
  121259. "-",
  121260. "nan",
  121261. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121262. "fort lauderdale",
  121263. "327337",
  121264. "nan",
  121265. "nan",
  121266. "nan",
  121267. "nan",
  121268. "nan",
  121269. "nan",
  121270. "nan",
  121271. "nan",
  121272. "nan",
  121273. "nan",
  121274. "nan",
  121275. "nan",
  121276. "nan",
  121277. "nan",
  121278. "nan",
  121279. "nan",
  121280. "nan",
  121281. "nan",
  121282. "nan",
  121283. "nan",
  121284. "nan",
  121285. "nan",
  121286. "nan"
  121287. ],
  121288. [
  121289. "34639",
  121290. "121",
  121291. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121292. "12/8/92",
  121293. "9357",
  121294. "nan",
  121295. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121296. "nan",
  121297. "9357",
  121298. "wc",
  121299. "-",
  121300. "nan",
  121301. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121302. "fort lauderdale",
  121303. "327338",
  121304. "nan",
  121305. "nan",
  121306. "nan",
  121307. "nan",
  121308. "nan",
  121309. "nan",
  121310. "nan",
  121311. "nan",
  121312. "nan",
  121313. "nan",
  121314. "nan",
  121315. "nan",
  121316. "nan",
  121317. "nan",
  121318. "nan",
  121319. "nan",
  121320. "nan",
  121321. "nan",
  121322. "nan",
  121323. "nan",
  121324. "nan",
  121325. "nan",
  121326. "nan"
  121327. ],
  121328. [
  121329. "34639",
  121330. "121",
  121331. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121332. "12/8/92",
  121333. "9356",
  121334. "nan",
  121335. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121336. "nan",
  121337. "9356",
  121338. "wc",
  121339. "-",
  121340. "nan",
  121341. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121342. "fort lauderdale",
  121343. "327339",
  121344. "nan",
  121345. "nan",
  121346. "nan",
  121347. "nan",
  121348. "nan",
  121349. "nan",
  121350. "nan",
  121351. "nan",
  121352. "nan",
  121353. "nan",
  121354. "nan",
  121355. "nan",
  121356. "nan",
  121357. "nan",
  121358. "nan",
  121359. "nan",
  121360. "nan",
  121361. "nan",
  121362. "nan",
  121363. "nan",
  121364. "nan",
  121365. "nan",
  121366. "nan"
  121367. ],
  121368. [
  121369. "34639",
  121370. "121",
  121371. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121372. "12/8/92",
  121373. "9361",
  121374. "nan",
  121375. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121376. "nan",
  121377. "9361",
  121378. "wc",
  121379. "-",
  121380. "nan",
  121381. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121382. "fort lauderdale",
  121383. "327340",
  121384. "nan",
  121385. "nan",
  121386. "nan",
  121387. "nan",
  121388. "nan",
  121389. "nan",
  121390. "nan",
  121391. "nan",
  121392. "nan",
  121393. "nan",
  121394. "nan",
  121395. "nan",
  121396. "nan",
  121397. "nan",
  121398. "nan",
  121399. "nan",
  121400. "nan",
  121401. "nan",
  121402. "nan",
  121403. "nan",
  121404. "nan",
  121405. "nan",
  121406. "nan"
  121407. ],
  121408. [
  121409. "34639",
  121410. "121",
  121411. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121412. "12/8/92",
  121413. "9360",
  121414. "nan",
  121415. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121416. "nan",
  121417. "9360",
  121418. "wc",
  121419. "-",
  121420. "nan",
  121421. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121422. "fort lauderdale",
  121423. "327341",
  121424. "nan",
  121425. "nan",
  121426. "nan",
  121427. "nan",
  121428. "nan",
  121429. "nan",
  121430. "nan",
  121431. "nan",
  121432. "nan",
  121433. "nan",
  121434. "nan",
  121435. "nan",
  121436. "nan",
  121437. "nan",
  121438. "nan",
  121439. "nan",
  121440. "nan",
  121441. "nan",
  121442. "nan",
  121443. "nan",
  121444. "nan",
  121445. "nan",
  121446. "nan"
  121447. ],
  121448. [
  121449. "34639",
  121450. "121",
  121451. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121452. "12/8/92",
  121453. "9364",
  121454. "nan",
  121455. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121456. "nan",
  121457. "9364",
  121458. "wc",
  121459. "-",
  121460. "nan",
  121461. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121462. "fort lauderdale",
  121463. "327342",
  121464. "nan",
  121465. "nan",
  121466. "nan",
  121467. "nan",
  121468. "nan",
  121469. "nan",
  121470. "nan",
  121471. "nan",
  121472. "nan",
  121473. "nan",
  121474. "nan",
  121475. "nan",
  121476. "nan",
  121477. "nan",
  121478. "nan",
  121479. "nan",
  121480. "nan",
  121481. "nan",
  121482. "nan",
  121483. "nan",
  121484. "nan",
  121485. "nan",
  121486. "nan"
  121487. ],
  121488. [
  121489. "34639",
  121490. "121",
  121491. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121492. "12/8/92",
  121493. "9363",
  121494. "nan",
  121495. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121496. "nan",
  121497. "9363",
  121498. "wc",
  121499. "-",
  121500. "nan",
  121501. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121502. "fort lauderdale",
  121503. "327343",
  121504. "nan",
  121505. "nan",
  121506. "nan",
  121507. "nan",
  121508. "nan",
  121509. "nan",
  121510. "nan",
  121511. "nan",
  121512. "nan",
  121513. "nan",
  121514. "nan",
  121515. "nan",
  121516. "nan",
  121517. "nan",
  121518. "nan",
  121519. "nan",
  121520. "nan",
  121521. "nan",
  121522. "nan",
  121523. "nan",
  121524. "nan",
  121525. "nan",
  121526. "nan"
  121527. ],
  121528. [
  121529. "34639",
  121530. "121",
  121531. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121532. "12/8/92",
  121533. "9362",
  121534. "nan",
  121535. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121536. "nan",
  121537. "9362",
  121538. "wc",
  121539. "-",
  121540. "nan",
  121541. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121542. "fort lauderdale",
  121543. "327344",
  121544. "nan",
  121545. "nan",
  121546. "nan",
  121547. "nan",
  121548. "nan",
  121549. "nan",
  121550. "nan",
  121551. "nan",
  121552. "nan",
  121553. "nan",
  121554. "nan",
  121555. "nan",
  121556. "nan",
  121557. "nan",
  121558. "nan",
  121559. "nan",
  121560. "nan",
  121561. "nan",
  121562. "nan",
  121563. "nan",
  121564. "nan",
  121565. "nan",
  121566. "nan"
  121567. ],
  121568. [
  121569. "34639",
  121570. "121",
  121571. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121572. "12/8/92",
  121573. "9365",
  121574. "nan",
  121575. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.",
  121576. "nan",
  121577. "9365",
  121578. "wc",
  121579. "-",
  121580. "nan",
  121581. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121582. "fort lauderdale",
  121583. "327345",
  121584. "nan",
  121585. "nan",
  121586. "nan",
  121587. "nan",
  121588. "nan",
  121589. "nan",
  121590. "nan",
  121591. "nan",
  121592. "nan",
  121593. "nan",
  121594. "nan",
  121595. "nan",
  121596. "nan",
  121597. "nan",
  121598. "nan",
  121599. "nan",
  121600. "nan",
  121601. "nan",
  121602. "nan",
  121603. "nan",
  121604. "nan",
  121605. "nan",
  121606. "nan"
  121607. ],
  121608. [
  121609. "34639",
  121610. "7",
  121611. "rtc-superv of com'l auc",
  121612. "-",
  121613. "9367",
  121614. "nan",
  121615. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121616. "nan",
  121617. "9367",
  121618. "-",
  121619. "-",
  121620. "nan",
  121621. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121622. "fort lauderdale",
  121623. "327385",
  121624. "nan",
  121625. "nan",
  121626. "nan",
  121627. "nan",
  121628. "nan",
  121629. "nan",
  121630. "nan",
  121631. "nan",
  121632. "nan",
  121633. "nan",
  121634. "nan",
  121635. "nan",
  121636. "nan",
  121637. "nan",
  121638. "nan",
  121639. "nan",
  121640. "nan",
  121641. "nan",
  121642. "nan",
  121643. "nan",
  121644. "nan",
  121645. "nan",
  121646. "nan"
  121647. ],
  121648. [
  121649. "34639",
  121650. "7",
  121651. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121652. "-",
  121653. "9368",
  121654. "nan",
  121655. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list is drawer.",
  121656. "nan",
  121657. "9368",
  121658. "-",
  121659. "-",
  121660. "nan",
  121661. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121662. "fort lauderdale",
  121663. "327386",
  121664. "nan",
  121665. "nan",
  121666. "nan",
  121667. "nan",
  121668. "nan",
  121669. "nan",
  121670. "nan",
  121671. "nan",
  121672. "nan",
  121673. "nan",
  121674. "nan",
  121675. "nan",
  121676. "nan",
  121677. "nan",
  121678. "nan",
  121679. "nan",
  121680. "nan",
  121681. "nan",
  121682. "nan",
  121683. "nan",
  121684. "nan",
  121685. "nan",
  121686. "nan"
  121687. ],
  121688. [
  121689. "34639",
  121690. "7",
  121691. "rtc-superv of cml auc",
  121692. "-",
  121693. "9369",
  121694. "nan",
  121695. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121696. "nan",
  121697. "9369",
  121698. "-",
  121699. "-",
  121700. "nan",
  121701. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121702. "fort lauderdale",
  121703. "327387",
  121704. "nan",
  121705. "nan",
  121706. "nan",
  121707. "nan",
  121708. "nan",
  121709. "nan",
  121710. "nan",
  121711. "nan",
  121712. "nan",
  121713. "nan",
  121714. "nan",
  121715. "nan",
  121716. "nan",
  121717. "nan",
  121718. "nan",
  121719. "nan",
  121720. "nan",
  121721. "nan",
  121722. "nan",
  121723. "nan",
  121724. "nan",
  121725. "nan",
  121726. "nan"
  121727. ],
  121728. [
  121729. "34639",
  121730. "7",
  121731. "rtc-suprev of coml auc",
  121732. "-",
  121733. "9370",
  121734. "nan",
  121735. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121736. "nan",
  121737. "9370",
  121738. "-",
  121739. "-",
  121740. "nan",
  121741. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121742. "fort lauderdale",
  121743. "327388",
  121744. "nan",
  121745. "nan",
  121746. "nan",
  121747. "nan",
  121748. "nan",
  121749. "nan",
  121750. "nan",
  121751. "nan",
  121752. "nan",
  121753. "nan",
  121754. "nan",
  121755. "nan",
  121756. "nan",
  121757. "nan",
  121758. "nan",
  121759. "nan",
  121760. "nan",
  121761. "nan",
  121762. "nan",
  121763. "nan",
  121764. "nan",
  121765. "nan",
  121766. "nan"
  121767. ],
  121768. [
  121769. "34639",
  121770. "7",
  121771. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121772. "-",
  121773. "9371",
  121774. "nan",
  121775. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121776. "nan",
  121777. "9371",
  121778. "-",
  121779. "-",
  121780. "nan",
  121781. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121782. "fort lauderdale",
  121783. "327389",
  121784. "nan",
  121785. "nan",
  121786. "nan",
  121787. "nan",
  121788. "nan",
  121789. "nan",
  121790. "nan",
  121791. "nan",
  121792. "nan",
  121793. "nan",
  121794. "nan",
  121795. "nan",
  121796. "nan",
  121797. "nan",
  121798. "nan",
  121799. "nan",
  121800. "nan",
  121801. "nan",
  121802. "nan",
  121803. "nan",
  121804. "nan",
  121805. "nan",
  121806. "nan"
  121807. ],
  121808. [
  121809. "34639",
  121810. "7",
  121811. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121812. "-",
  121813. "9372",
  121814. "nan",
  121815. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121816. "nan",
  121817. "9372",
  121818. "-",
  121819. "-",
  121820. "nan",
  121821. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121822. "fort lauderdale",
  121823. "327390",
  121824. "nan",
  121825. "nan",
  121826. "nan",
  121827. "nan",
  121828. "nan",
  121829. "nan",
  121830. "nan",
  121831. "nan",
  121832. "nan",
  121833. "nan",
  121834. "nan",
  121835. "nan",
  121836. "nan",
  121837. "nan",
  121838. "nan",
  121839. "nan",
  121840. "nan",
  121841. "nan",
  121842. "nan",
  121843. "nan",
  121844. "nan",
  121845. "nan",
  121846. "nan"
  121847. ],
  121848. [
  121849. "34639",
  121850. "7",
  121851. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121852. "-",
  121853. "9373",
  121854. "nan",
  121855. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121856. "nan",
  121857. "9373",
  121858. "-",
  121859. "-",
  121860. "nan",
  121861. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121862. "fort lauderdale",
  121863. "327391",
  121864. "nan",
  121865. "nan",
  121866. "nan",
  121867. "nan",
  121868. "nan",
  121869. "nan",
  121870. "nan",
  121871. "nan",
  121872. "nan",
  121873. "nan",
  121874. "nan",
  121875. "nan",
  121876. "nan",
  121877. "nan",
  121878. "nan",
  121879. "nan",
  121880. "nan",
  121881. "nan",
  121882. "nan",
  121883. "nan",
  121884. "nan",
  121885. "nan",
  121886. "nan"
  121887. ],
  121888. [
  121889. "34639",
  121890. "7",
  121891. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121892. "-",
  121893. "9374",
  121894. "nan",
  121895. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121896. "nan",
  121897. "9374",
  121898. "-",
  121899. "-",
  121900. "nan",
  121901. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121902. "fort lauderdale",
  121903. "327392",
  121904. "nan",
  121905. "nan",
  121906. "nan",
  121907. "nan",
  121908. "nan",
  121909. "nan",
  121910. "nan",
  121911. "nan",
  121912. "nan",
  121913. "nan",
  121914. "nan",
  121915. "nan",
  121916. "nan",
  121917. "nan",
  121918. "nan",
  121919. "nan",
  121920. "nan",
  121921. "nan",
  121922. "nan",
  121923. "nan",
  121924. "nan",
  121925. "nan",
  121926. "nan"
  121927. ],
  121928. [
  121929. "34639",
  121930. "7",
  121931. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121932. "-",
  121933. "9375",
  121934. "nan",
  121935. "in 15 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.",
  121936. "nan",
  121937. "9375",
  121938. "-",
  121939. "-",
  121940. "nan",
  121941. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121942. "fort lauderdale",
  121943. "327393",
  121944. "nan",
  121945. "nan",
  121946. "nan",
  121947. "nan",
  121948. "nan",
  121949. "nan",
  121950. "nan",
  121951. "nan",
  121952. "nan",
  121953. "nan",
  121954. "nan",
  121955. "nan",
  121956. "nan",
  121957. "nan",
  121958. "nan",
  121959. "nan",
  121960. "nan",
  121961. "nan",
  121962. "nan",
  121963. "nan",
  121964. "nan",
  121965. "nan",
  121966. "nan"
  121967. ],
  121968. [
  121969. "34639",
  121970. "121",
  121971. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  121972. "december 8, 1992",
  121973. "9344",
  121974. "nan",
  121975. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.out to sandy ostrow 6/28/93",
  121976. "nan",
  121977. "9344",
  121978. "wc",
  121979. "-",
  121980. "nan",
  121981. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  121982. "fort lauderdale",
  121983. "327478",
  121984. "nan",
  121985. "nan",
  121986. "nan",
  121987. "nan",
  121988. "nan",
  121989. "nan",
  121990. "nan",
  121991. "nan",
  121992. "nan",
  121993. "nan",
  121994. "nan",
  121995. "nan",
  121996. "nan",
  121997. "nan",
  121998. "nan",
  121999. "nan",
  122000. "nan",
  122001. "nan",
  122002. "nan",
  122003. "nan",
  122004. "nan",
  122005. "nan",
  122006. "nan"
  122007. ],
  122008. [
  122009. "34639",
  122010. "204",
  122011. "rtc",
  122012. "everglades land subdivis",
  122013. "9098",
  122014. "nan",
  122015. "entered april 14, 93.",
  122016. "nan",
  122017. "9098",
  122018. "cw",
  122019. "jbr",
  122020. "nan",
  122021. "closed file number: 2851-93 + location: c",
  122022. "fort lauderdale",
  122023. "327516",
  122024. "nan",
  122025. "nan",
  122026. "nan",
  122027. "nan",
  122028. "nan",
  122029. "nan",
  122030. "nan",
  122031. "nan",
  122032. "nan",
  122033. "nan",
  122034. "nan",
  122035. "nan",
  122036. "nan",
  122037. "nan",
  122038. "nan",
  122039. "nan",
  122040. "nan",
  122041. "nan",
  122042. "nan",
  122043. "nan",
  122044. "nan",
  122045. "nan",
  122046. "nan"
  122047. ],
  122048. [
  122049. "34639",
  122050. "121",
  122051. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  122052. "12/8/92",
  122053. "9349",
  122054. "nan",
  122055. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in out to theresa mclaughlin 3/15/94",
  122056. "nan",
  122057. "9349",
  122058. "wc",
  122059. "tm",
  122060. "nan",
  122061. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122062. "fort lauderdale",
  122063. "327517",
  122064. "nan",
  122065. "nan",
  122066. "nan",
  122067. "nan",
  122068. "nan",
  122069. "nan",
  122070. "nan",
  122071. "nan",
  122072. "nan",
  122073. "nan",
  122074. "nan",
  122075. "nan",
  122076. "nan",
  122077. "nan",
  122078. "nan",
  122079. "nan",
  122080. "nan",
  122081. "nan",
  122082. "nan",
  122083. "nan",
  122084. "nan",
  122085. "nan",
  122086. "nan"
  122087. ],
  122088. [
  122089. "34639",
  122090. "121",
  122091. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  122092. "12/8/92",
  122093. "9359",
  122094. "nan",
  122095. "in 22 boxes 9344-9365.see list in drawer.this boxchecked out to tm on 3/15/94",
  122096. "nan",
  122097. "9359",
  122098. "wc",
  122099. "-",
  122100. "nan",
  122101. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122102. "fort lauderdale",
  122103. "327619",
  122104. "nan",
  122105. "nan",
  122106. "nan",
  122107. "nan",
  122108. "nan",
  122109. "nan",
  122110. "nan",
  122111. "nan",
  122112. "nan",
  122113. "nan",
  122114. "nan",
  122115. "nan",
  122116. "nan",
  122117. "nan",
  122118. "nan",
  122119. "nan",
  122120. "nan",
  122121. "nan",
  122122. "nan",
  122123. "nan",
  122124. "nan",
  122125. "nan",
  122126. "nan"
  122127. ],
  122128. [
  122129. "34639",
  122130. "7",
  122131. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  122132. "-",
  122133. "9376",
  122134. "nan",
  122135. "in 15 boxes 9366-938obrochures",
  122136. "nan",
  122137. "9376",
  122138. "-",
  122139. "-",
  122140. "nan",
  122141. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122142. "fort lauderdale",
  122143. "327883",
  122144. "nan",
  122145. "nan",
  122146. "nan",
  122147. "nan",
  122148. "nan",
  122149. "nan",
  122150. "nan",
  122151. "nan",
  122152. "nan",
  122153. "nan",
  122154. "nan",
  122155. "nan",
  122156. "nan",
  122157. "nan",
  122158. "nan",
  122159. "nan",
  122160. "nan",
  122161. "nan",
  122162. "nan",
  122163. "nan",
  122164. "nan",
  122165. "nan",
  122166. "nan"
  122167. ],
  122168. [
  122169. "34639",
  122170. "7",
  122171. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  122172. "-",
  122173. "9377",
  122174. "nan",
  122175. "in 15 boxes 9366-9380vols iv v vi vii viii",
  122176. "nan",
  122177. "9377",
  122178. "-",
  122179. "-",
  122180. "nan",
  122181. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122182. "fort lauderdale",
  122183. "327884",
  122184. "nan",
  122185. "nan",
  122186. "nan",
  122187. "nan",
  122188. "nan",
  122189. "nan",
  122190. "nan",
  122191. "nan",
  122192. "nan",
  122193. "nan",
  122194. "nan",
  122195. "nan",
  122196. "nan",
  122197. "nan",
  122198. "nan",
  122199. "nan",
  122200. "nan",
  122201. "nan",
  122202. "nan",
  122203. "nan",
  122204. "nan",
  122205. "nan",
  122206. "nan"
  122207. ],
  122208. [
  122209. "34639",
  122210. "7",
  122211. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  122212. "-",
  122213. "9378",
  122214. "nan",
  122215. "in 15 boxes 9366-9380vols ix x xi; david self file; review of sale docs; financial docs.(34639-6)",
  122216. "nan",
  122217. "9378",
  122218. "-",
  122219. "-",
  122220. "nan",
  122221. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122222. "fort lauderdale",
  122223. "327885",
  122224. "nan",
  122225. "nan",
  122226. "nan",
  122227. "nan",
  122228. "nan",
  122229. "nan",
  122230. "nan",
  122231. "nan",
  122232. "nan",
  122233. "nan",
  122234. "nan",
  122235. "nan",
  122236. "nan",
  122237. "nan",
  122238. "nan",
  122239. "nan",
  122240. "nan",
  122241. "nan",
  122242. "nan",
  122243. "nan",
  122244. "nan",
  122245. "nan",
  122246. "nan"
  122247. ],
  122248. [
  122249. "34639",
  122250. "7",
  122251. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  122252. "-",
  122253. "9380",
  122254. "nan",
  122255. "in 15 boxes 9366-938034639-7; misc docs; loan docs; disks i. rtc forms, ii. loan docs",
  122256. "nan",
  122257. "9380",
  122258. "-",
  122259. "-",
  122260. "nan",
  122261. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122262. "fort lauderdale",
  122263. "327886",
  122264. "nan",
  122265. "nan",
  122266. "nan",
  122267. "nan",
  122268. "nan",
  122269. "nan",
  122270. "nan",
  122271. "nan",
  122272. "nan",
  122273. "nan",
  122274. "nan",
  122275. "nan",
  122276. "nan",
  122277. "nan",
  122278. "nan",
  122279. "nan",
  122280. "nan",
  122281. "nan",
  122282. "nan",
  122283. "nan",
  122284. "nan",
  122285. "nan",
  122286. "nan"
  122287. ],
  122288. [
  122289. "34639",
  122290. "7",
  122291. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  122292. "-",
  122293. "9379",
  122294. "nan",
  122295. "in 15 boxes 9366-9380vols i ii iii; option rights file34639-28 - stuart branch asset # 671816980 34639-15 - minorca plaza ii asset # 32992934",
  122296. "nan",
  122297. "9379",
  122298. "-",
  122299. "-",
  122300. "nan",
  122301. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122302. "fort lauderdale",
  122303. "327887",
  122304. "nan",
  122305. "nan",
  122306. "nan",
  122307. "nan",
  122308. "nan",
  122309. "nan",
  122310. "nan",
  122311. "nan",
  122312. "nan",
  122313. "nan",
  122314. "nan",
  122315. "nan",
  122316. "nan",
  122317. "nan",
  122318. "nan",
  122319. "nan",
  122320. "nan",
  122321. "nan",
  122322. "nan",
  122323. "nan",
  122324. "nan",
  122325. "nan",
  122326. "nan"
  122327. ],
  122328. [
  122329. "34639",
  122330. "212",
  122331. "rtc",
  122332. "palm gate plaza - title",
  122333. "9517",
  122334. "nan",
  122335. "entered 10/13/93.",
  122336. "nan",
  122337. "9517",
  122338. "jn",
  122339. "nan",
  122340. "nan",
  122341. "closed file number: 3419-93 + location: i",
  122342. "fort lauderdale",
  122343. "327986",
  122344. "nan",
  122345. "nan",
  122346. "nan",
  122347. "nan",
  122348. "nan",
  122349. "nan",
  122350. "nan",
  122351. "nan",
  122352. "nan",
  122353. "nan",
  122354. "nan",
  122355. "nan",
  122356. "nan",
  122357. "nan",
  122358. "nan",
  122359. "nan",
  122360. "nan",
  122361. "nan",
  122362. "nan",
  122363. "nan",
  122364. "nan",
  122365. "nan",
  122366. "nan"
  122367. ],
  122368. [
  122369. "34639",
  122370. "211",
  122371. "rtc",
  122372. "loggers run shopping cen",
  122373. "9055",
  122374. "nan",
  122375. "entered april 8, 93., this file not at leahy 9/99",
  122376. "nan",
  122377. "9055",
  122378. "cw",
  122379. "-",
  122380. "nan",
  122381. "closed file number: 2757-93 + location: c",
  122382. "fort lauderdale",
  122383. "328128",
  122384. "nan",
  122385. "nan",
  122386. "nan",
  122387. "nan",
  122388. "nan",
  122389. "nan",
  122390. "nan",
  122391. "nan",
  122392. "nan",
  122393. "nan",
  122394. "nan",
  122395. "nan",
  122396. "nan",
  122397. "nan",
  122398. "nan",
  122399. "nan",
  122400. "nan",
  122401. "nan",
  122402. "nan",
  122403. "nan",
  122404. "nan",
  122405. "nan",
  122406. "nan"
  122407. ],
  122408. [
  122409. "34639",
  122410. "207",
  122411. "rtc",
  122412. "507-509 dixie -title",
  122413. "9865",
  122414. "nan",
  122415. "entered 8/25/94",
  122416. "nan",
  122417. "9865",
  122418. "jn",
  122419. "-",
  122420. "nan",
  122421. "closed file number: 9510-94 + location: i",
  122422. "fort lauderdale",
  122423. "328279",
  122424. "nan",
  122425. "nan",
  122426. "nan",
  122427. "nan",
  122428. "nan",
  122429. "nan",
  122430. "nan",
  122431. "nan",
  122432. "nan",
  122433. "nan",
  122434. "nan",
  122435. "nan",
  122436. "nan",
  122437. "nan",
  122438. "nan",
  122439. "nan",
  122440. "nan",
  122441. "nan",
  122442. "nan",
  122443. "nan",
  122444. "nan",
  122445. "nan",
  122446. "nan"
  122447. ],
  122448. [
  122449. "34639",
  122450. "7",
  122451. "rtc-supervision of cmml",
  122452. "-",
  122453. "9366",
  122454. "nan",
  122455. "in 16 boxes 9366-9380see list in drawer.ordered for terri m. 6-22-95",
  122456. "nan",
  122457. "9366",
  122458. "-",
  122459. "-",
  122460. "nan",
  122461. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  122462. "fort lauderdale",
  122463. "329499",
  122464. "nan",
  122465. "nan",
  122466. "nan",
  122467. "nan",
  122468. "nan",
  122469. "nan",
  122470. "nan",
  122471. "nan",
  122472. "nan",
  122473. "nan",
  122474. "nan",
  122475. "nan",
  122476. "nan",
  122477. "nan",
  122478. "nan",
  122479. "nan",
  122480. "nan",
  122481. "nan",
  122482. "nan",
  122483. "nan",
  122484. "nan",
  122485. "nan",
  122486. "nan"
  122487. ],
  122488. [
  122489. "34639",
  122490. "121",
  122491. "rtc",
  122492. "auction",
  122493. "47032798",
  122494. "nan",
  122495. "9/5/97",
  122496. "nan",
  122497. "d1254",
  122498. "tmm",
  122499. "nan",
  122500. "nan",
  122501. "location: i",
  122502. "fort lauderdale",
  122503. "330524",
  122504. "nan",
  122505. "nan",
  122506. "nan",
  122507. "nan",
  122508. "nan",
  122509. "nan",
  122510. "nan",
  122511. "nan",
  122512. "nan",
  122513. "nan",
  122514. "nan",
  122515. "nan",
  122516. "nan",
  122517. "nan",
  122518. "nan",
  122519. "nan",
  122520. "nan",
  122521. "nan",
  122522. "nan",
  122523. "nan",
  122524. "nan",
  122525. "nan",
  122526. "nan"
  122527. ],
  122528. [
  122529. "34639",
  122530. "121",
  122531. "rtc",
  122532. "rtc institution jbr-files",
  122533. "28001062",
  122534. "nan",
  122535. "see list in drawer",
  122536. "nan",
  122537. "d211",
  122538. "jr",
  122539. "nan",
  122540. "nan",
  122541. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  122542. "fort lauderdale",
  122543. "332731",
  122544. "nan",
  122545. "nan",
  122546. "nan",
  122547. "nan",
  122548. "nan",
  122549. "nan",
  122550. "nan",
  122551. "nan",
  122552. "nan",
  122553. "nan",
  122554. "nan",
  122555. "nan",
  122556. "nan",
  122557. "nan",
  122558. "nan",
  122559. "nan",
  122560. "nan",
  122561. "nan",
  122562. "nan",
  122563. "nan",
  122564. "nan",
  122565. "nan",
  122566. "nan"
  122567. ],
  122568. [
  122569. "34639",
  122570. "7",
  122571. "rtc",
  122572. "jbr's files",
  122573. "d211",
  122574. "nan",
  122575. "see list in drawer",
  122576. "nan",
  122577. "d211",
  122578. "jr",
  122579. "nan",
  122580. "nan",
  122581. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  122582. "fort lauderdale",
  122583. "332732",
  122584. "nan",
  122585. "nan",
  122586. "nan",
  122587. "nan",
  122588. "nan",
  122589. "nan",
  122590. "nan",
  122591. "nan",
  122592. "nan",
  122593. "nan",
  122594. "nan",
  122595. "nan",
  122596. "nan",
  122597. "nan",
  122598. "nan",
  122599. "nan",
  122600. "nan",
  122601. "nan",
  122602. "nan",
  122603. "nan",
  122604. "nan",
  122605. "nan",
  122606. "nan"
  122607. ],
  122608. [
  122609. "34639",
  122610. "121",
  122611. "rtc",
  122612. "none",
  122613. "489565499",
  122614. "nan",
  122615. "3/22/95",
  122616. "10/5/1994",
  122617. "190996",
  122618. "pearson steve",
  122619. "nan",
  122620. "nan",
  122621. " hk box: 11093",
  122622. "miami",
  122623. "645619",
  122624. "nan",
  122625. "nan",
  122626. "nan",
  122627. "nan",
  122628. "nan",
  122629. "nan",
  122630. "nan",
  122631. "nan",
  122632. "nan",
  122633. "nan",
  122634. "nan",
  122635. "nan",
  122636. "nan",
  122637. "nan",
  122638. "nan",
  122639. "nan",
  122640. "nan",
  122641. "nan",
  122642. "nan",
  122643. "nan",
  122644. "nan",
  122645. "nan",
  122646. "nan"
  122647. ],
  122648. [
  122649. "34639",
  122650. "128",
  122651. "rtc",
  122652. "none",
  122653. "489565499",
  122654. "nan",
  122655. "3/2/295 dec. 8 auction; n.e. 35 street bldg. title 11/12/92",
  122656. "10/5/1994",
  122657. "190996",
  122658. "pearson steve",
  122659. "nan",
  122660. "nan",
  122661. " hk box: 11093",
  122662. "miami",
  122663. "645620",
  122664. "nan",
  122665. "nan",
  122666. "nan",
  122667. "nan",
  122668. "nan",
  122669. "nan",
  122670. "nan",
  122671. "nan",
  122672. "nan",
  122673. "nan",
  122674. "nan",
  122675. "nan",
  122676. "nan",
  122677. "nan",
  122678. "nan",
  122679. "nan",
  122680. "nan",
  122681. "nan",
  122682. "nan",
  122683. "nan",
  122684. "nan",
  122685. "nan",
  122686. "nan"
  122687. ],
  122688. [
  122689. "34639",
  122690. "135",
  122691. "rtc",
  122692. "none",
  122693. "489565499",
  122694. "nan",
  122695. "3/22/95 dec. 8 auction; everglades garden (warehouse) title 11/12/92",
  122696. "10/5/1994",
  122697. "190996",
  122698. "pearson steve",
  122699. "nan",
  122700. "nan",
  122701. " hk box: 11093",
  122702. "miami",
  122703. "645621",
  122704. "nan",
  122705. "nan",
  122706. "nan",
  122707. "nan",
  122708. "nan",
  122709. "nan",
  122710. "nan",
  122711. "nan",
  122712. "nan",
  122713. "nan",
  122714. "nan",
  122715. "nan",
  122716. "nan",
  122717. "nan",
  122718. "nan",
  122719. "nan",
  122720. "nan",
  122721. "nan",
  122722. "nan",
  122723. "nan",
  122724. "nan",
  122725. "nan",
  122726. "nan"
  122727. ],
  122728. [
  122729. "34639",
  122730. "121",
  122731. "rtc",
  122732. "none",
  122733. "210373",
  122734. "nan",
  122735. "4/5/95 red working files for ileana plaza, miami beach branch; little river branch; nw 15th avenue, miami springs branch; egan building; vacant land; ne 36th street; design warehouse; ponce de leon; 142nd avenue and county walk",
  122736. "1/14/1995",
  122737. "11369",
  122738. "groh james",
  122739. "nan",
  122740. "nan",
  122741. "nan",
  122742. "miami",
  122743. "652045",
  122744. "nan",
  122745. "nan",
  122746. "nan",
  122747. "nan",
  122748. "nan",
  122749. "nan",
  122750. "nan",
  122751. "nan",
  122752. "nan",
  122753. "nan",
  122754. "nan",
  122755. "nan",
  122756. "nan",
  122757. "nan",
  122758. "nan",
  122759. "nan",
  122760. "nan",
  122761. "nan",
  122762. "nan",
  122763. "nan",
  122764. "nan",
  122765. "nan",
  122766. "nan"
  122767. ],
  122768. [
  122769. "34639",
  122770. "124",
  122771. "rtc",
  122772. "vacant land",
  122773. "210373",
  122774. "nan",
  122775. "4/5/95",
  122776. "1/14/1995",
  122777. "11369",
  122778. "groh james",
  122779. "nan",
  122780. "nan",
  122781. "nan",
  122782. "miami",
  122783. "652048",
  122784. "nan",
  122785. "nan",
  122786. "nan",
  122787. "nan",
  122788. "nan",
  122789. "nan",
  122790. "nan",
  122791. "nan",
  122792. "nan",
  122793. "nan",
  122794. "nan",
  122795. "nan",
  122796. "nan",
  122797. "nan",
  122798. "nan",
  122799. "nan",
  122800. "nan",
  122801. "nan",
  122802. "nan",
  122803. "nan",
  122804. "nan",
  122805. "nan",
  122806. "nan"
  122807. ],
  122808. [
  122809. "34639",
  122810. "125",
  122811. "rtc",
  122812. "south miami branch",
  122813. "210373",
  122814. "nan",
  122815. "4/5/95 w/ binders and red file",
  122816. "1/14/1995",
  122817. "11369",
  122818. "groh james",
  122819. "nan",
  122820. "nan",
  122821. "nan",
  122822. "miami",
  122823. "652049",
  122824. "nan",
  122825. "nan",
  122826. "nan",
  122827. "nan",
  122828. "nan",
  122829. "nan",
  122830. "nan",
  122831. "nan",
  122832. "nan",
  122833. "nan",
  122834. "nan",
  122835. "nan",
  122836. "nan",
  122837. "nan",
  122838. "nan",
  122839. "nan",
  122840. "nan",
  122841. "nan",
  122842. "nan",
  122843. "nan",
  122844. "nan",
  122845. "nan",
  122846. "nan"
  122847. ],
  122848. [
  122849. "34639",
  122850. "129",
  122851. "rtc",
  122852. "miami springs branch",
  122853. "210373",
  122854. "nan",
  122855. "4/5/95",
  122856. "1/14/1995",
  122857. "11369",
  122858. "groh james",
  122859. "nan",
  122860. "nan",
  122861. "nan",
  122862. "miami",
  122863. "652050",
  122864. "nan",
  122865. "nan",
  122866. "nan",
  122867. "nan",
  122868. "nan",
  122869. "nan",
  122870. "nan",
  122871. "nan",
  122872. "nan",
  122873. "nan",
  122874. "nan",
  122875. "nan",
  122876. "nan",
  122877. "nan",
  122878. "nan",
  122879. "nan",
  122880. "nan",
  122881. "nan",
  122882. "nan",
  122883. "nan",
  122884. "nan",
  122885. "nan",
  122886. "nan"
  122887. ],
  122888. [
  122889. "34639",
  122890. "131",
  122891. "rtc",
  122892. "little river land",
  122893. "210373",
  122894. "nan",
  122895. "4/5/95",
  122896. "1/14/1995",
  122897. "11369",
  122898. "groh james",
  122899. "nan",
  122900. "nan",
  122901. "nan",
  122902. "miami",
  122903. "652052",
  122904. "nan",
  122905. "nan",
  122906. "nan",
  122907. "nan",
  122908. "nan",
  122909. "nan",
  122910. "nan",
  122911. "nan",
  122912. "nan",
  122913. "nan",
  122914. "nan",
  122915. "nan",
  122916. "nan",
  122917. "nan",
  122918. "nan",
  122919. "nan",
  122920. "nan",
  122921. "nan",
  122922. "nan",
  122923. "nan",
  122924. "nan",
  122925. "nan",
  122926. "nan"
  122927. ],
  122928. [
  122929. "34639",
  122930. "132",
  122931. "rtc",
  122932. "littler river branch",
  122933. "210373",
  122934. "nan",
  122935. "4/5/95",
  122936. "1/14/1995",
  122937. "11369",
  122938. "groh james",
  122939. "nan",
  122940. "nan",
  122941. "nan",
  122942. "miami",
  122943. "652053",
  122944. "nan",
  122945. "nan",
  122946. "nan",
  122947. "nan",
  122948. "nan",
  122949. "nan",
  122950. "nan",
  122951. "nan",
  122952. "nan",
  122953. "nan",
  122954. "nan",
  122955. "nan",
  122956. "nan",
  122957. "nan",
  122958. "nan",
  122959. "nan",
  122960. "nan",
  122961. "nan",
  122962. "nan",
  122963. "nan",
  122964. "nan",
  122965. "nan",
  122966. "nan"
  122967. ],
  122968. [
  122969. "34639",
  122970. "134",
  122971. "rtc",
  122972. "greystone hotel",
  122973. "210373",
  122974. "nan",
  122975. "4/5/95",
  122976. "1/14/1995",
  122977. "11369",
  122978. "groh james",
  122979. "nan",
  122980. "nan",
  122981. "nan",
  122982. "miami",
  122983. "652054",
  122984. "nan",
  122985. "nan",
  122986. "nan",
  122987. "nan",
  122988. "nan",
  122989. "nan",
  122990. "nan",
  122991. "nan",
  122992. "nan",
  122993. "nan",
  122994. "nan",
  122995. "nan",
  122996. "nan",
  122997. "nan",
  122998. "nan",
  122999. "nan",
  123000. "nan",
  123001. "nan",
  123002. "nan",
  123003. "nan",
  123004. "nan",
  123005. "nan",
  123006. "nan"
  123007. ],
  123008. [
  123009. "34639",
  123010. "136",
  123011. "rtc",
  123012. "egan building",
  123013. "210373",
  123014. "nan",
  123015. "4/5/95",
  123016. "1/14/1995",
  123017. "11369",
  123018. "groh james",
  123019. "nan",
  123020. "nan",
  123021. "nan",
  123022. "miami",
  123023. "652055",
  123024. "nan",
  123025. "nan",
  123026. "nan",
  123027. "nan",
  123028. "nan",
  123029. "nan",
  123030. "nan",
  123031. "nan",
  123032. "nan",
  123033. "nan",
  123034. "nan",
  123035. "nan",
  123036. "nan",
  123037. "nan",
  123038. "nan",
  123039. "nan",
  123040. "nan",
  123041. "nan",
  123042. "nan",
  123043. "nan",
  123044. "nan",
  123045. "nan",
  123046. "nan"
  123047. ],
  123048. [
  123049. "34639",
  123050. "137",
  123051. "rtc",
  123052. "design warehouse",
  123053. "210373",
  123054. "nan",
  123055. "4/5/95",
  123056. "1/14/1995",
  123057. "11369",
  123058. "groh james",
  123059. "nan",
  123060. "nan",
  123061. "nan",
  123062. "miami",
  123063. "652056",
  123064. "nan",
  123065. "nan",
  123066. "nan",
  123067. "nan",
  123068. "nan",
  123069. "nan",
  123070. "nan",
  123071. "nan",
  123072. "nan",
  123073. "nan",
  123074. "nan",
  123075. "nan",
  123076. "nan",
  123077. "nan",
  123078. "nan",
  123079. "nan",
  123080. "nan",
  123081. "nan",
  123082. "nan",
  123083. "nan",
  123084. "nan",
  123085. "nan",
  123086. "nan"
  123087. ],
  123088. [
  123089. "34639",
  123090. "137",
  123091. "rtc",
  123092. "miami beach branch",
  123093. "210373",
  123094. "nan",
  123095. "4/5/95",
  123096. "1/14/1995",
  123097. "11369",
  123098. "groh james",
  123099. "nan",
  123100. "nan",
  123101. "nan",
  123102. "miami",
  123103. "652057",
  123104. "nan",
  123105. "nan",
  123106. "nan",
  123107. "nan",
  123108. "nan",
  123109. "nan",
  123110. "nan",
  123111. "nan",
  123112. "nan",
  123113. "nan",
  123114. "nan",
  123115. "nan",
  123116. "nan",
  123117. "nan",
  123118. "nan",
  123119. "nan",
  123120. "nan",
  123121. "nan",
  123122. "nan",
  123123. "nan",
  123124. "nan",
  123125. "nan",
  123126. "nan"
  123127. ],
  123128. [
  123129. "34639",
  123130. "121",
  123131. "rtc",
  123132. "none",
  123133. "210374",
  123134. "nan",
  123135. "4/5/95 supervision of commercial auction 12/8/92",
  123136. "1/14/1995",
  123137. "11370",
  123138. "groh james",
  123139. "nan",
  123140. "nan",
  123141. "nan",
  123142. "miami",
  123143. "652058",
  123144. "nan",
  123145. "nan",
  123146. "nan",
  123147. "nan",
  123148. "nan",
  123149. "nan",
  123150. "nan",
  123151. "nan",
  123152. "nan",
  123153. "nan",
  123154. "nan",
  123155. "nan",
  123156. "nan",
  123157. "nan",
  123158. "nan",
  123159. "nan",
  123160. "nan",
  123161. "nan",
  123162. "nan",
  123163. "nan",
  123164. "nan",
  123165. "nan",
  123166. "nan"
  123167. ],
  123168. [
  123169. "34639",
  123170. "121",
  123171. "rtc",
  123172. "none",
  123173. "210374",
  123174. "nan",
  123175. "4/5/95 red working files for greystone hotel; little river land; whitehart hotel",
  123176. "1/14/1995",
  123177. "11370",
  123178. "groh james",
  123179. "nan",
  123180. "nan",
  123181. "nan",
  123182. "miami",
  123183. "652061",
  123184. "nan",
  123185. "nan",
  123186. "nan",
  123187. "nan",
  123188. "nan",
  123189. "nan",
  123190. "nan",
  123191. "nan",
  123192. "nan",
  123193. "nan",
  123194. "nan",
  123195. "nan",
  123196. "nan",
  123197. "nan",
  123198. "nan",
  123199. "nan",
  123200. "nan",
  123201. "nan",
  123202. "nan",
  123203. "nan",
  123204. "nan",
  123205. "nan",
  123206. "nan"
  123207. ],
  123208. [
  123209. "34639",
  123210. "123",
  123211. "rtc",
  123212. "whitehart hotel",
  123213. "210374",
  123214. "nan",
  123215. "4/5/95",
  123216. "1/14/1995",
  123217. "11370",
  123218. "groh james",
  123219. "nan",
  123220. "nan",
  123221. "nan",
  123222. "miami",
  123223. "652063",
  123224. "nan",
  123225. "nan",
  123226. "nan",
  123227. "nan",
  123228. "nan",
  123229. "nan",
  123230. "nan",
  123231. "nan",
  123232. "nan",
  123233. "nan",
  123234. "nan",
  123235. "nan",
  123236. "nan",
  123237. "nan",
  123238. "nan",
  123239. "nan",
  123240. "nan",
  123241. "nan",
  123242. "nan",
  123243. "nan",
  123244. "nan",
  123245. "nan",
  123246. "nan"
  123247. ],
  123248. [
  123249. "34639",
  123250. "126",
  123251. "rtc",
  123252. "ponce de leon",
  123253. "210374",
  123254. "nan",
  123255. "4/5/95",
  123256. "1/14/1995",
  123257. "11370",
  123258. "groh james",
  123259. "nan",
  123260. "nan",
  123261. "nan",
  123262. "miami",
  123263. "652064",
  123264. "nan",
  123265. "nan",
  123266. "nan",
  123267. "nan",
  123268. "nan",
  123269. "nan",
  123270. "nan",
  123271. "nan",
  123272. "nan",
  123273. "nan",
  123274. "nan",
  123275. "nan",
  123276. "nan",
  123277. "nan",
  123278. "nan",
  123279. "nan",
  123280. "nan",
  123281. "nan",
  123282. "nan",
  123283. "nan",
  123284. "nan",
  123285. "nan",
  123286. "nan"
  123287. ],
  123288. [
  123289. "34639",
  123290. "127",
  123291. "rtc",
  123292. "15th vacant land",
  123293. "210374",
  123294. "nan",
  123295. "4/5/95",
  123296. "1/14/1995",
  123297. "11370",
  123298. "groh james",
  123299. "nan",
  123300. "nan",
  123301. "nan",
  123302. "miami",
  123303. "652067",
  123304. "nan",
  123305. "nan",
  123306. "nan",
  123307. "nan",
  123308. "nan",
  123309. "nan",
  123310. "nan",
  123311. "nan",
  123312. "nan",
  123313. "nan",
  123314. "nan",
  123315. "nan",
  123316. "nan",
  123317. "nan",
  123318. "nan",
  123319. "nan",
  123320. "nan",
  123321. "nan",
  123322. "nan",
  123323. "nan",
  123324. "nan",
  123325. "nan",
  123326. "nan"
  123327. ],
  123328. [
  123329. "34639",
  123330. "133",
  123331. "rtc",
  123332. "ileana plaza",
  123333. "210374",
  123334. "nan",
  123335. "4/5/95",
  123336. "1/14/1995",
  123337. "11370",
  123338. "groh james",
  123339. "nan",
  123340. "nan",
  123341. "nan",
  123342. "miami",
  123343. "652068",
  123344. "nan",
  123345. "nan",
  123346. "nan",
  123347. "nan",
  123348. "nan",
  123349. "nan",
  123350. "nan",
  123351. "nan",
  123352. "nan",
  123353. "nan",
  123354. "nan",
  123355. "nan",
  123356. "nan",
  123357. "nan",
  123358. "nan",
  123359. "nan",
  123360. "nan",
  123361. "nan",
  123362. "nan",
  123363. "nan",
  123364. "nan",
  123365. "nan",
  123366. "nan"
  123367. ],
  123368. [
  123369. "34639",
  123370. "138",
  123371. "rtc",
  123372. "bird road branch",
  123373. "210374",
  123374. "nan",
  123375. "4/5/95",
  123376. "1/14/1995",
  123377. "11370",
  123378. "groh james",
  123379. "nan",
  123380. "nan",
  123381. "nan",
  123382. "miami",
  123383. "652071",
  123384. "nan",
  123385. "nan",
  123386. "nan",
  123387. "nan",
  123388. "nan",
  123389. "nan",
  123390. "nan",
  123391. "nan",
  123392. "nan",
  123393. "nan",
  123394. "nan",
  123395. "nan",
  123396. "nan",
  123397. "nan",
  123398. "nan",
  123399. "nan",
  123400. "nan",
  123401. "nan",
  123402. "nan",
  123403. "nan",
  123404. "nan",
  123405. "nan",
  123406. "nan"
  123407. ],
  123408. [
  123409. "34639",
  123410. "139",
  123411. "rtc",
  123412. "142nd street and country walk",
  123413. "210374",
  123414. "nan",
  123415. "4/5/95",
  123416. "1/14/1995",
  123417. "11370",
  123418. "groh james",
  123419. "nan",
  123420. "nan",
  123421. "nan",
  123422. "miami",
  123423. "652072",
  123424. "nan",
  123425. "nan",
  123426. "nan",
  123427. "nan",
  123428. "nan",
  123429. "nan",
  123430. "nan",
  123431. "nan",
  123432. "nan",
  123433. "nan",
  123434. "nan",
  123435. "nan",
  123436. "nan",
  123437. "nan",
  123438. "nan",
  123439. "nan",
  123440. "nan",
  123441. "nan",
  123442. "nan",
  123443. "nan",
  123444. "nan",
  123445. "nan",
  123446. "nan"
  123447. ],
  123448. [
  123449. "34639",
  123450. "0",
  123451. "resolution trust corp.",
  123452. "none",
  123453. "460599711",
  123454. "nan",
  123455. "4/1/97 - rtc/name searches on all buyers of auction property",
  123456. "4/4/1997",
  123457. "394489",
  123458. "groh james",
  123459. "nan",
  123460. "nan",
  123461. " hk box: 15161",
  123462. "miami",
  123463. "663330",
  123464. "nan",
  123465. "nan",
  123466. "nan",
  123467. "nan",
  123468. "nan",
  123469. "nan",
  123470. "nan",
  123471. "nan",
  123472. "nan",
  123473. "nan",
  123474. "nan",
  123475. "nan",
  123476. "nan",
  123477. "nan",
  123478. "nan",
  123479. "nan",
  123480. "nan",
  123481. "nan",
  123482. "nan",
  123483. "nan",
  123484. "nan",
  123485. "nan",
  123486. "nan"
  123487. ],
  123488. [
  123489. "34639",
  123490. "121",
  123491. "resolution trust corp.",
  123492. "none",
  123493. "460599711",
  123494. "nan",
  123495. "4/1/97 - rtc/supervision of commercial auction - dec. 8 and 10, 1992",
  123496. "4/4/1997",
  123497. "394489",
  123498. "groh james",
  123499. "nan",
  123500. "nan",
  123501. " hk box: 15161",
  123502. "miami",
  123503. "663331",
  123504. "nan",
  123505. "nan",
  123506. "nan",
  123507. "nan",
  123508. "nan",
  123509. "nan",
  123510. "nan",
  123511. "nan",
  123512. "nan",
  123513. "nan",
  123514. "nan",
  123515. "nan",
  123516. "nan",
  123517. "nan",
  123518. "nan",
  123519. "nan",
  123520. "nan",
  123521. "nan",
  123522. "nan",
  123523. "nan",
  123524. "nan",
  123525. "nan",
  123526. "nan"
  123527. ],
  123528. [
  123529. "34639",
  123530. "126",
  123531. "resolution trust corp.",
  123532. "none",
  123533. "460599711",
  123534. "nan",
  123535. "4/1/97 - rtc dec. 8 auction ponce de leon",
  123536. "4/4/1997",
  123537. "394489",
  123538. "groh james",
  123539. "nan",
  123540. "nan",
  123541. " hk box: 15161",
  123542. "miami",
  123543. "663332",
  123544. "nan",
  123545. "nan",
  123546. "nan",
  123547. "nan",
  123548. "nan",
  123549. "nan",
  123550. "nan",
  123551. "nan",
  123552. "nan",
  123553. "nan",
  123554. "nan",
  123555. "nan",
  123556. "nan",
  123557. "nan",
  123558. "nan",
  123559. "nan",
  123560. "nan",
  123561. "nan",
  123562. "nan",
  123563. "nan",
  123564. "nan",
  123565. "nan",
  123566. "nan"
  123567. ],
  123568. [
  123569. "34639",
  123570. "127",
  123571. "resolution trust corp.",
  123572. "none",
  123573. "460599711",
  123574. "nan",
  123575. "rtc - dec. 8 auction nw 15th vacant land",
  123576. "4/4/1997",
  123577. "394489",
  123578. "groh james",
  123579. "nan",
  123580. "nan",
  123581. " hk box: 15161",
  123582. "miami",
  123583. "663333",
  123584. "nan",
  123585. "nan",
  123586. "nan",
  123587. "nan",
  123588. "nan",
  123589. "nan",
  123590. "nan",
  123591. "nan",
  123592. "nan",
  123593. "nan",
  123594. "nan",
  123595. "nan",
  123596. "nan",
  123597. "nan",
  123598. "nan",
  123599. "nan",
  123600. "nan",
  123601. "nan",
  123602. "nan",
  123603. "nan",
  123604. "nan",
  123605. "nan",
  123606. "nan"
  123607. ],
  123608. [
  123609. "34639",
  123610. "133",
  123611. "resolution trust corp.",
  123612. "none",
  123613. "460599711",
  123614. "nan",
  123615. "4/1/97 - rtc dec. 8 auction ilena plaza",
  123616. "4/4/1997",
  123617. "394489",
  123618. "groh james",
  123619. "nan",
  123620. "nan",
  123621. " hk box: 15161",
  123622. "miami",
  123623. "663334",
  123624. "nan",
  123625. "nan",
  123626. "nan",
  123627. "nan",
  123628. "nan",
  123629. "nan",
  123630. "nan",
  123631. "nan",
  123632. "nan",
  123633. "nan",
  123634. "nan",
  123635. "nan",
  123636. "nan",
  123637. "nan",
  123638. "nan",
  123639. "nan",
  123640. "nan",
  123641. "nan",
  123642. "nan",
  123643. "nan",
  123644. "nan",
  123645. "nan",
  123646. "nan"
  123647. ],
  123648. [
  123649. "34639",
  123650. "138",
  123651. "resolution trust corp.",
  123652. "none",
  123653. "460599711",
  123654. "nan",
  123655. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction bird road branch",
  123656. "4/4/1997",
  123657. "394489",
  123658. "groh james",
  123659. "nan",
  123660. "nan",
  123661. " hk box: 15161",
  123662. "miami",
  123663. "663335",
  123664. "nan",
  123665. "nan",
  123666. "nan",
  123667. "nan",
  123668. "nan",
  123669. "nan",
  123670. "nan",
  123671. "nan",
  123672. "nan",
  123673. "nan",
  123674. "nan",
  123675. "nan",
  123676. "nan",
  123677. "nan",
  123678. "nan",
  123679. "nan",
  123680. "nan",
  123681. "nan",
  123682. "nan",
  123683. "nan",
  123684. "nan",
  123685. "nan",
  123686. "nan"
  123687. ],
  123688. [
  123689. "34639",
  123690. "139",
  123691. "resolution trust corp.",
  123692. "none",
  123693. "460599711",
  123694. "nan",
  123695. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction 142nd street and country walk",
  123696. "4/4/1997",
  123697. "394489",
  123698. "groh james",
  123699. "nan",
  123700. "nan",
  123701. " hk box: 15161",
  123702. "miami",
  123703. "663336",
  123704. "nan",
  123705. "nan",
  123706. "nan",
  123707. "nan",
  123708. "nan",
  123709. "nan",
  123710. "nan",
  123711. "nan",
  123712. "nan",
  123713. "nan",
  123714. "nan",
  123715. "nan",
  123716. "nan",
  123717. "nan",
  123718. "nan",
  123719. "nan",
  123720. "nan",
  123721. "nan",
  123722. "nan",
  123723. "nan",
  123724. "nan",
  123725. "nan",
  123726. "nan"
  123727. ],
  123728. [
  123729. "34639",
  123730. "124",
  123731. "resolution trust corp.",
  123732. "none",
  123733. "460599667",
  123734. "nan",
  123735. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction vacant land",
  123736. "4/4/1997",
  123737. "394490",
  123738. "groh james",
  123739. "nan",
  123740. "nan",
  123741. " hk box: 15162",
  123742. "miami",
  123743. "663338",
  123744. "nan",
  123745. "nan",
  123746. "nan",
  123747. "nan",
  123748. "nan",
  123749. "nan",
  123750. "nan",
  123751. "nan",
  123752. "nan",
  123753. "nan",
  123754. "nan",
  123755. "nan",
  123756. "nan",
  123757. "nan",
  123758. "nan",
  123759. "nan",
  123760. "nan",
  123761. "nan",
  123762. "nan",
  123763. "nan",
  123764. "nan",
  123765. "nan",
  123766. "nan"
  123767. ],
  123768. [
  123769. "34639",
  123770. "129",
  123771. "resolution trust corp.",
  123772. "none",
  123773. "460599667",
  123774. "nan",
  123775. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction miami springs branch",
  123776. "4/4/1997",
  123777. "394490",
  123778. "groh james",
  123779. "nan",
  123780. "nan",
  123781. " hk box: 15162",
  123782. "miami",
  123783. "663339",
  123784. "nan",
  123785. "nan",
  123786. "nan",
  123787. "nan",
  123788. "nan",
  123789. "nan",
  123790. "nan",
  123791. "nan",
  123792. "nan",
  123793. "nan",
  123794. "nan",
  123795. "nan",
  123796. "nan",
  123797. "nan",
  123798. "nan",
  123799. "nan",
  123800. "nan",
  123801. "nan",
  123802. "nan",
  123803. "nan",
  123804. "nan",
  123805. "nan",
  123806. "nan"
  123807. ],
  123808. [
  123809. "34639",
  123810. "130",
  123811. "resolution trust corp.",
  123812. "none",
  123813. "460599667",
  123814. "nan",
  123815. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction miami beach branch",
  123816. "4/4/1997",
  123817. "394490",
  123818. "groh james",
  123819. "nan",
  123820. "nan",
  123821. " hk box: 15162",
  123822. "miami",
  123823. "663340",
  123824. "nan",
  123825. "nan",
  123826. "nan",
  123827. "nan",
  123828. "nan",
  123829. "nan",
  123830. "nan",
  123831. "nan",
  123832. "nan",
  123833. "nan",
  123834. "nan",
  123835. "nan",
  123836. "nan",
  123837. "nan",
  123838. "nan",
  123839. "nan",
  123840. "nan",
  123841. "nan",
  123842. "nan",
  123843. "nan",
  123844. "nan",
  123845. "nan",
  123846. "nan"
  123847. ],
  123848. [
  123849. "34639",
  123850. "131",
  123851. "resolution trust corp.",
  123852. "none",
  123853. "460599667",
  123854. "nan",
  123855. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction little river land",
  123856. "4/4/1997",
  123857. "394490",
  123858. "groh james",
  123859. "nan",
  123860. "nan",
  123861. " hk box: 15162",
  123862. "miami",
  123863. "663341",
  123864. "nan",
  123865. "nan",
  123866. "nan",
  123867. "nan",
  123868. "nan",
  123869. "nan",
  123870. "nan",
  123871. "nan",
  123872. "nan",
  123873. "nan",
  123874. "nan",
  123875. "nan",
  123876. "nan",
  123877. "nan",
  123878. "nan",
  123879. "nan",
  123880. "nan",
  123881. "nan",
  123882. "nan",
  123883. "nan",
  123884. "nan",
  123885. "nan",
  123886. "nan"
  123887. ],
  123888. [
  123889. "34639",
  123890. "132",
  123891. "resolution trust corp.",
  123892. "none",
  123893. "460599667",
  123894. "nan",
  123895. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction little river branch",
  123896. "4/4/1997",
  123897. "394490",
  123898. "groh james",
  123899. "nan",
  123900. "nan",
  123901. " hk box: 15162",
  123902. "miami",
  123903. "663342",
  123904. "nan",
  123905. "nan",
  123906. "nan",
  123907. "nan",
  123908. "nan",
  123909. "nan",
  123910. "nan",
  123911. "nan",
  123912. "nan",
  123913. "nan",
  123914. "nan",
  123915. "nan",
  123916. "nan",
  123917. "nan",
  123918. "nan",
  123919. "nan",
  123920. "nan",
  123921. "nan",
  123922. "nan",
  123923. "nan",
  123924. "nan",
  123925. "nan",
  123926. "nan"
  123927. ],
  123928. [
  123929. "34639",
  123930. "134",
  123931. "resolution trust corp.",
  123932. "none",
  123933. "460599667",
  123934. "nan",
  123935. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction greystone hotel",
  123936. "4/4/1997",
  123937. "394490",
  123938. "groh james",
  123939. "nan",
  123940. "nan",
  123941. " hk box: 15162",
  123942. "miami",
  123943. "663343",
  123944. "nan",
  123945. "nan",
  123946. "nan",
  123947. "nan",
  123948. "nan",
  123949. "nan",
  123950. "nan",
  123951. "nan",
  123952. "nan",
  123953. "nan",
  123954. "nan",
  123955. "nan",
  123956. "nan",
  123957. "nan",
  123958. "nan",
  123959. "nan",
  123960. "nan",
  123961. "nan",
  123962. "nan",
  123963. "nan",
  123964. "nan",
  123965. "nan",
  123966. "nan"
  123967. ],
  123968. [
  123969. "34639",
  123970. "136",
  123971. "resolution trust corp.",
  123972. "none",
  123973. "460599667",
  123974. "nan",
  123975. "4/1/97 - rtc - dec. 8 auction egan building (office)",
  123976. "4/4/1997",
  123977. "394490",
  123978. "groh james",
  123979. "nan",
  123980. "nan",
  123981. " hk box: 15162",
  123982. "miami",
  123983. "663344",
  123984. "nan",
  123985. "nan",
  123986. "nan",
  123987. "nan",
  123988. "nan",
  123989. "nan",
  123990. "nan",
  123991. "nan",
  123992. "nan",
  123993. "nan",
  123994. "nan",
  123995. "nan",
  123996. "nan",
  123997. "nan",
  123998. "nan",
  123999. "nan",
  124000. "nan",
  124001. "nan",
  124002. "nan",
  124003. "nan",
  124004. "nan",
  124005. "nan",
  124006. "nan"
  124007. ],
  124008. [
  124009. "34639",
  124010. "137",
  124011. "resolution trust corp.",
  124012. "none",
  124013. "460599667",
  124014. "nan",
  124015. "4/1/97 - abstract of title; rtc auction, 1993/miscellaneous tax issues; rtc dec. 8 auction design warehouse",
  124016. "4/4/1997",
  124017. "394490",
  124018. "groh james",
  124019. "nan",
  124020. "nan",
  124021. " hk box: 15162",
  124022. "miami",
  124023. "663345",
  124024. "nan",
  124025. "nan",
  124026. "nan",
  124027. "nan",
  124028. "nan",
  124029. "nan",
  124030. "nan",
  124031. "nan",
  124032. "nan",
  124033. "nan",
  124034. "nan",
  124035. "nan",
  124036. "nan",
  124037. "nan",
  124038. "nan",
  124039. "nan",
  124040. "nan",
  124041. "nan",
  124042. "nan",
  124043. "nan",
  124044. "nan",
  124045. "nan",
  124046. "nan"
  124047. ],
  124048. [
  124049. "34639",
  124050. "2",
  124051. "rtc",
  124052. "continental",
  124053. "489519927",
  124054. "nan",
  124055. "continuation of document log; rtc document log; appraisal of 78.1949 acres of vacant land prepared for jimmy land president of vision banc savings association; escrow account; 1st payment made jax inc.; second amendment to earnst money contract; deed of trust; photocopy of land shot from plane; vision bank savings assoc. disbursement vouchers; mortgage loan statement; tax statements; notice of substitute trustee's sale; copy of blueprint; appraisal of same property but w/o - ; certificate of acknowledgement of an instrument; promissory note; retention site note; warranty deed; collateral assignment of promissory notes & liens",
  124056. "4/9/1993",
  124057. "118747",
  124058. "none",
  124059. "nan",
  124060. "nan",
  124061. " hk box: 9662",
  124062. "miami",
  124063. "665764",
  124064. "nan",
  124065. "nan",
  124066. "nan",
  124067. "nan",
  124068. "nan",
  124069. "nan",
  124070. "nan",
  124071. "nan",
  124072. "nan",
  124073. "nan",
  124074. "nan",
  124075. "nan",
  124076. "nan",
  124077. "nan",
  124078. "nan",
  124079. "nan",
  124080. "nan",
  124081. "nan",
  124082. "nan",
  124083. "nan",
  124084. "nan",
  124085. "nan",
  124086. "nan"
  124087. ],
  124088. [
  124089. "34639",
  124090. "2",
  124091. "rtc/continental",
  124092. "none",
  124093. "489519919",
  124094. "nan",
  124095. "real estate appraisal; appraisal (3 parcels); credit file & application; lease & agreement; wrap around promissory note; mortgage policy of title insurance; documents reviewed by robert l. collins; appraisal report; asset search",
  124096. "4/9/1993",
  124097. "118755",
  124098. "walmsley tammy",
  124099. "nan",
  124100. "nan",
  124101. " hk box: 9670",
  124102. "miami",
  124103. "665775",
  124104. "nan",
  124105. "nan",
  124106. "nan",
  124107. "nan",
  124108. "nan",
  124109. "nan",
  124110. "nan",
  124111. "nan",
  124112. "nan",
  124113. "nan",
  124114. "nan",
  124115. "nan",
  124116. "nan",
  124117. "nan",
  124118. "nan",
  124119. "nan",
  124120. "nan",
  124121. "nan",
  124122. "nan",
  124123. "nan",
  124124. "nan",
  124125. "nan",
  124126. "nan"
  124127. ],
  124128. [
  124129. "34639-",
  124130. "121-1",
  124131. "rtc commercial actions 12-8",
  124132. "nan",
  124133. "dsj005063",
  124134. "nan",
  124135. "djg closed files",
  124136. "08/16/1994",
  124137. "30-108",
  124138. "30 dan gallagher",
  124139. "nan",
  124140. "nan",
  124141. "nan",
  124142. "jacksonville",
  124143. "61410",
  124144. "nan",
  124145. "nan",
  124146. "nan",
  124147. "nan",
  124148. "nan",
  124149. "nan",
  124150. "nan",
  124151. "nan",
  124152. "nan",
  124153. "nan",
  124154. "nan",
  124155. "nan",
  124156. "nan",
  124157. "nan",
  124158. "nan",
  124159. "nan",
  124160. "nan",
  124161. "nan",
  124162. "nan",
  124163. "nan",
  124164. "nan",
  124165. "nan",
  124166. "nan"
  124167. ],
  124168. [
  124169. "34639-",
  124170. "121-4",
  124171. "rtc individual title fees",
  124172. "nan",
  124173. "dsj005063",
  124174. "nan",
  124175. "djg closed files",
  124176. "08/16/1994",
  124177. "30-108",
  124178. "30 dan gallagher",
  124179. "nan",
  124180. "nan",
  124181. "nan",
  124182. "jacksonville",
  124183. "61411",
  124184. "nan",
  124185. "nan",
  124186. "nan",
  124187. "nan",
  124188. "nan",
  124189. "nan",
  124190. "nan",
  124191. "nan",
  124192. "nan",
  124193. "nan",
  124194. "nan",
  124195. "nan",
  124196. "nan",
  124197. "nan",
  124198. "nan",
  124199. "nan",
  124200. "nan",
  124201. "nan",
  124202. "nan",
  124203. "nan",
  124204. "nan",
  124205. "nan",
  124206. "nan"
  124207. ],
  124208. [
  124209. "34639-",
  124210. "nan",
  124211. "rtc/florida federal savings",
  124212. "clay co/green cove spr",
  124213. "dsj627968",
  124214. "nan",
  124215. "title file; green cove springs branch brochure no. 17",
  124216. "08/19/1998",
  124217. "336551",
  124218. "30 dan gallagher",
  124219. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124220. "nan",
  124221. "nan",
  124222. "jacksonville",
  124223. "87549",
  124224. "nan",
  124225. "nan",
  124226. "nan",
  124227. "nan",
  124228. "nan",
  124229. "nan",
  124230. "nan",
  124231. "nan",
  124232. "nan",
  124233. "nan",
  124234. "nan",
  124235. "nan",
  124236. "nan",
  124237. "nan",
  124238. "nan",
  124239. "nan",
  124240. "nan",
  124241. "nan",
  124242. "nan",
  124243. "nan",
  124244. "nan",
  124245. "nan",
  124246. "nan"
  124247. ],
  124248. [
  124249. "34639-",
  124250. "nan",
  124251. "rtc/florida federal duval",
  124252. "nan",
  124253. "dsj627968",
  124254. "nan",
  124255. "closing statement and file; loose documents; title file; survey; roosevelt mall branch brochure no. 20",
  124256. "08/19/1998",
  124257. "336551",
  124258. "30 dan gallagher",
  124259. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124260. "nan",
  124261. "nan",
  124262. "jacksonville",
  124263. "87550",
  124264. "nan",
  124265. "nan",
  124266. "nan",
  124267. "nan",
  124268. "nan",
  124269. "nan",
  124270. "nan",
  124271. "nan",
  124272. "nan",
  124273. "nan",
  124274. "nan",
  124275. "nan",
  124276. "nan",
  124277. "nan",
  124278. "nan",
  124279. "nan",
  124280. "nan",
  124281. "nan",
  124282. "nan",
  124283. "nan",
  124284. "nan",
  124285. "nan",
  124286. "nan"
  124287. ],
  124288. [
  124289. "34639-",
  124290. "nan",
  124291. "rtc/florida federal duval",
  124292. "nan",
  124293. "dsj627968",
  124294. "nan",
  124295. "title file; baymeadows branch brochure no. 19",
  124296. "08/19/1998",
  124297. "336551",
  124298. "30 dan gallagher",
  124299. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124300. "nan",
  124301. "nan",
  124302. "jacksonville",
  124303. "87555",
  124304. "nan",
  124305. "nan",
  124306. "nan",
  124307. "nan",
  124308. "nan",
  124309. "nan",
  124310. "nan",
  124311. "nan",
  124312. "nan",
  124313. "nan",
  124314. "nan",
  124315. "nan",
  124316. "nan",
  124317. "nan",
  124318. "nan",
  124319. "nan",
  124320. "nan",
  124321. "nan",
  124322. "nan",
  124323. "nan",
  124324. "nan",
  124325. "nan",
  124326. "nan"
  124327. ],
  124328. [
  124329. "34639-",
  124330. "nan",
  124331. "rtc/action miscellaneous",
  124332. "nan",
  124333. "dsj627970",
  124334. "nan",
  124335. "brochure: florida's premier commercial real estate auction june 25, 1992; forms: auction real estate sales contract; indian river/sebastian branch asset #132119366; st. lucie /fort pierce branch asset",
  124336. "08/19/1998",
  124337. "336553",
  124338. "30 dan gallagher",
  124339. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124340. "index sanitized by l. clockadale and returned to storage on 7/25/2008",
  124341. "nan",
  124342. "jacksonville",
  124343. "87559",
  124344. "nan",
  124345. "nan",
  124346. "nan",
  124347. "nan",
  124348. "nan",
  124349. "nan",
  124350. "nan",
  124351. "nan",
  124352. "nan",
  124353. "nan",
  124354. "nan",
  124355. "nan",
  124356. "nan",
  124357. "nan",
  124358. "nan",
  124359. "nan",
  124360. "nan",
  124361. "nan",
  124362. "nan",
  124363. "nan",
  124364. "nan",
  124365. "nan",
  124366. "nan"
  124367. ],
  124368. [
  124369. "34639-",
  124370. "nan",
  124371. "rtc/miscellaneous",
  124372. "nan",
  124373. "dsj627970",
  124374. "nan",
  124375. "old surveys and the revised surveys are in individual files",
  124376. "08/19/1998",
  124377. "336553",
  124378. "30 dan gallagher",
  124379. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124380. "index sanitized by l. clockadale and returned to storage on 7/25/2008",
  124381. "nan",
  124382. "jacksonville",
  124383. "87560",
  124384. "nan",
  124385. "nan",
  124386. "nan",
  124387. "nan",
  124388. "nan",
  124389. "nan",
  124390. "nan",
  124391. "nan",
  124392. "nan",
  124393. "nan",
  124394. "nan",
  124395. "nan",
  124396. "nan",
  124397. "nan",
  124398. "nan",
  124399. "nan",
  124400. "nan",
  124401. "nan",
  124402. "nan",
  124403. "nan",
  124404. "nan",
  124405. "nan",
  124406. "nan"
  124407. ],
  124408. [
  124409. "34639-",
  124410. "nan",
  124411. "rtc/florida federal savings",
  124412. "alachua co/gainesville",
  124413. "dsj627970",
  124414. "nan",
  124415. "alachua/gainesville branch asset #11692468; bound \"gainesville branch asset no. 1169246 brochure no. 22\"",
  124416. "08/19/1998",
  124417. "336553",
  124418. "30 dan gallagher",
  124419. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124420. "index sanitized by l. clockadale and returned to storage on 7/25/2008",
  124421. "nan",
  124422. "jacksonville",
  124423. "87561",
  124424. "nan",
  124425. "nan",
  124426. "nan",
  124427. "nan",
  124428. "nan",
  124429. "nan",
  124430. "nan",
  124431. "nan",
  124432. "nan",
  124433. "nan",
  124434. "nan",
  124435. "nan",
  124436. "nan",
  124437. "nan",
  124438. "nan",
  124439. "nan",
  124440. "nan",
  124441. "nan",
  124442. "nan",
  124443. "nan",
  124444. "nan",
  124445. "nan",
  124446. "nan"
  124447. ],
  124448. [
  124449. "34639-",
  124450. "nan",
  124451. "rtc/action miscellaneous files",
  124452. "nan",
  124453. "dsj627970",
  124454. "nan",
  124455. "gallagher closed files - this particular file isn't located although it appears to be duplicative of 34639- \"rtc/action miscellaneous\"",
  124456. "08/19/1998",
  124457. "336553",
  124458. "30 dan gallagher",
  124459. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124460. "index sanitized by l. clockadale and returned to storage on 7/25/2008",
  124461. "nan",
  124462. "jacksonville",
  124463. "87563",
  124464. "nan",
  124465. "nan",
  124466. "nan",
  124467. "nan",
  124468. "nan",
  124469. "nan",
  124470. "nan",
  124471. "nan",
  124472. "nan",
  124473. "nan",
  124474. "nan",
  124475. "nan",
  124476. "nan",
  124477. "nan",
  124478. "nan",
  124479. "nan",
  124480. "nan",
  124481. "nan",
  124482. "nan",
  124483. "nan",
  124484. "nan",
  124485. "nan",
  124486. "nan"
  124487. ],
  124488. [
  124489. "34639-",
  124490. "nan",
  124491. "rtc/duval federal st",
  124492. "nan",
  124493. "dsj627970",
  124494. "nan",
  124495. "unlabeled manila folder with loose documents that look like mostly correspondence; commercial auctions/supervision of; martin/jensen beach brance (american pioneer branch bank) asset #682579880); st. lucie/section 21, township 35 south, range 40 east, asset #778883210\nloose documents; bound volume, \"anastasia branch asset no. 731002879, brochure no. 18\"closing documents; asset #731002879; plats",
  124496. "08/19/1998",
  124497. "336553",
  124498. "30 dan gallagher",
  124499. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  124500. "index sanitized by l. clockadale and returned to storage on 7/25/2008",
  124501. "nan",
  124502. "jacksonville",
  124503. "87565",
  124504. "nan",
  124505. "nan",
  124506. "nan",
  124507. "nan",
  124508. "nan",
  124509. "nan",
  124510. "nan",
  124511. "nan",
  124512. "nan",
  124513. "nan",
  124514. "nan",
  124515. "nan",
  124516. "nan",
  124517. "nan",
  124518. "nan",
  124519. "nan",
  124520. "nan",
  124521. "nan",
  124522. "nan",
  124523. "nan",
  124524. "nan",
  124525. "nan",
  124526. "nan"
  124527. ],
  124528. [
  124529. "34639-21",
  124530. "nan",
  124531. "rtc auction sale to allen",
  124532. "nan",
  124533. "dsj005063",
  124534. "nan",
  124535. "djg closed files",
  124536. "08/16/1994",
  124537. "30-108",
  124538. "30 dan gallagher",
  124539. "nan",
  124540. "nan",
  124541. "nan",
  124542. "jacksonville",
  124543. "61412",
  124544. "nan",
  124545. "nan",
  124546. "nan",
  124547. "nan",
  124548. "nan",
  124549. "nan",
  124550. "nan",
  124551. "nan",
  124552. "nan",
  124553. "nan",
  124554. "nan",
  124555. "nan",
  124556. "nan",
  124557. "nan",
  124558. "nan",
  124559. "nan",
  124560. "nan",
  124561. "nan",
  124562. "nan",
  124563. "nan",
  124564. "nan",
  124565. "nan",
  124566. "nan"
  124567. ],
  124568. [
  124569. "34639-22",
  124570. "nan",
  124571. "rtc auction sale to coast bank",
  124572. "nan",
  124573. "dsj005063",
  124574. "nan",
  124575. "djg closed files",
  124576. "08/16/1994",
  124577. "30-108",
  124578. "30 dan gallagher",
  124579. "nan",
  124580. "nan",
  124581. "nan",
  124582. "jacksonville",
  124583. "61413",
  124584. "nan",
  124585. "nan",
  124586. "nan",
  124587. "nan",
  124588. "nan",
  124589. "nan",
  124590. "nan",
  124591. "nan",
  124592. "nan",
  124593. "nan",
  124594. "nan",
  124595. "nan",
  124596. "nan",
  124597. "nan",
  124598. "nan",
  124599. "nan",
  124600. "nan",
  124601. "nan",
  124602. "nan",
  124603. "nan",
  124604. "nan",
  124605. "nan",
  124606. "nan"
  124607. ],
  124608. [
  124609. "34732",
  124610. "4",
  124611. "rtc-receiver",
  124612. "gibraltar vs. turner jr.",
  124613. "tcf0007564",
  124614. "nan",
  124615. "nan",
  124616. "06/20/2001",
  124617. "as4782",
  124618. "tlk",
  124619. "nan",
  124620. "nan",
  124621. "seq: 0017",
  124622. "tampa",
  124623. "187281",
  124624. "nan",
  124625. "nan",
  124626. "nan",
  124627. "nan",
  124628. "nan",
  124629. "nan",
  124630. "nan",
  124631. "nan",
  124632. "nan",
  124633. "nan",
  124634. "nan",
  124635. "nan",
  124636. "nan",
  124637. "nan",
  124638. "nan",
  124639. "nan",
  124640. "nan",
  124641. "nan",
  124642. "nan",
  124643. "nan",
  124644. "nan",
  124645. "nan",
  124646. "nan"
  124647. ],
  124648. [
  124649. "34732",
  124650. "2",
  124651. "rtc conser gibraltar sav.",
  124652. "michael & kaye harris",
  124653. "tcf0007564",
  124654. "nan",
  124655. "nan",
  124656. "06/20/2001",
  124657. "as4782",
  124658. "gbh",
  124659. "nan",
  124660. "nan",
  124661. "seq: 0019",
  124662. "tampa",
  124663. "187283",
  124664. "nan",
  124665. "nan",
  124666. "nan",
  124667. "nan",
  124668. "nan",
  124669. "nan",
  124670. "nan",
  124671. "nan",
  124672. "nan",
  124673. "nan",
  124674. "nan",
  124675. "nan",
  124676. "nan",
  124677. "nan",
  124678. "nan",
  124679. "nan",
  124680. "nan",
  124681. "nan",
  124682. "nan",
  124683. "nan",
  124684. "nan",
  124685. "nan",
  124686. "nan"
  124687. ],
  124688. [
  124689. "34732",
  124690. "5",
  124691. "rtc - gibraltar sav.",
  124692. "92 richard & paula gilman",
  124693. "tcf0008391",
  124694. "nan",
  124695. "nan",
  124696. "06/20/2001",
  124697. "aw2424",
  124698. "mjc",
  124699. "nan",
  124700. "nan",
  124701. "seq: 0023",
  124702. "tampa",
  124703. "192056",
  124704. "nan",
  124705. "nan",
  124706. "nan",
  124707. "nan",
  124708. "nan",
  124709. "nan",
  124710. "nan",
  124711. "nan",
  124712. "nan",
  124713. "nan",
  124714. "nan",
  124715. "nan",
  124716. "nan",
  124717. "nan",
  124718. "nan",
  124719. "nan",
  124720. "nan",
  124721. "nan",
  124722. "nan",
  124723. "nan",
  124724. "nan",
  124725. "nan",
  124726. "nan"
  124727. ],
  124728. [
  124729. "34732",
  124730. "3",
  124731. "rtc/gibraltar-bateman",
  124732. "nan",
  124733. "tcf0008840",
  124734. "nan",
  124735. "nan",
  124736. "06/20/2001",
  124737. "ay2069",
  124738. "tlk",
  124739. "nan",
  124740. "nan",
  124741. "seq: 0030",
  124742. "tampa",
  124743. "194716",
  124744. "nan",
  124745. "nan",
  124746. "nan",
  124747. "nan",
  124748. "nan",
  124749. "nan",
  124750. "nan",
  124751. "nan",
  124752. "nan",
  124753. "nan",
  124754. "nan",
  124755. "nan",
  124756. "nan",
  124757. "nan",
  124758. "nan",
  124759. "nan",
  124760. "nan",
  124761. "nan",
  124762. "nan",
  124763. "nan",
  124764. "nan",
  124765. "nan",
  124766. "nan"
  124767. ],
  124768. [
  124769. "34732",
  124770. "3",
  124771. "rtc/gibraltrar savings",
  124772. "troy & freda bateman",
  124773. "tcf0008894",
  124774. "nan",
  124775. "nan",
  124776. "06/20/2001",
  124777. "ay6003",
  124778. "tlk",
  124779. "nan",
  124780. "nan",
  124781. "seq: 0035",
  124782. "tampa",
  124783. "194965",
  124784. "nan",
  124785. "nan",
  124786. "nan",
  124787. "nan",
  124788. "nan",
  124789. "nan",
  124790. "nan",
  124791. "nan",
  124792. "nan",
  124793. "nan",
  124794. "nan",
  124795. "nan",
  124796. "nan",
  124797. "nan",
  124798. "nan",
  124799. "nan",
  124800. "nan",
  124801. "nan",
  124802. "nan",
  124803. "nan",
  124804. "nan",
  124805. "nan",
  124806. "nan"
  124807. ],
  124808. [
  124809. "34732",
  124810. "3",
  124811. "rtc/gibral tar bateman",
  124812. "nan",
  124813. "tcf0008996",
  124814. "nan",
  124815. "nan",
  124816. "06/20/2001",
  124817. "bc0140",
  124818. "rnb",
  124819. "nan",
  124820. "nan",
  124821. "seq: 0040",
  124822. "tampa",
  124823. "195508",
  124824. "nan",
  124825. "nan",
  124826. "nan",
  124827. "nan",
  124828. "nan",
  124829. "nan",
  124830. "nan",
  124831. "nan",
  124832. "nan",
  124833. "nan",
  124834. "nan",
  124835. "nan",
  124836. "nan",
  124837. "nan",
  124838. "nan",
  124839. "nan",
  124840. "nan",
  124841. "nan",
  124842. "nan",
  124843. "nan",
  124844. "nan",
  124845. "nan",
  124846. "nan"
  124847. ],
  124848. [
  124849. "34732",
  124850. "6",
  124851. "rtc",
  124852. "richard & paula gilman",
  124853. "tcf0010267",
  124854. "nan",
  124855. "nan",
  124856. "06/20/2001",
  124857. "bg0946",
  124858. "wmc",
  124859. "nan",
  124860. "nan",
  124861. "seq: 0061",
  124862. "tampa",
  124863. "200780",
  124864. "nan",
  124865. "nan",
  124866. "nan",
  124867. "nan",
  124868. "nan",
  124869. "nan",
  124870. "nan",
  124871. "nan",
  124872. "nan",
  124873. "nan",
  124874. "nan",
  124875. "nan",
  124876. "nan",
  124877. "nan",
  124878. "nan",
  124879. "nan",
  124880. "nan",
  124881. "nan",
  124882. "nan",
  124883. "nan",
  124884. "nan",
  124885. "nan",
  124886. "nan"
  124887. ],
  124888. [
  124889. "34836",
  124890. "3",
  124891. "rtc",
  124892. "broadview & great south",
  124893. "7927",
  124894. "nan",
  124895. "-",
  124896. "nan",
  124897. "7927",
  124898. "cw",
  124899. "-",
  124900. "nan",
  124901. "closed file number: 9066-91 + location: c",
  124902. "fort lauderdale",
  124903. "322288",
  124904. "nan",
  124905. "nan",
  124906. "nan",
  124907. "nan",
  124908. "nan",
  124909. "nan",
  124910. "nan",
  124911. "nan",
  124912. "nan",
  124913. "nan",
  124914. "nan",
  124915. "nan",
  124916. "nan",
  124917. "nan",
  124918. "nan",
  124919. "nan",
  124920. "nan",
  124921. "nan",
  124922. "nan",
  124923. "nan",
  124924. "nan",
  124925. "nan",
  124926. "nan"
  124927. ],
  124928. [
  124929. "34846",
  124930. "2",
  124931. "rtc",
  124932. "seascape towers inc",
  124933. "tcf0009416",
  124934. "nan",
  124935. "nan",
  124936. "06/20/2001",
  124937. "bd8800",
  124938. "dkb",
  124939. "nan",
  124940. "nan",
  124941. "seq: 0008",
  124942. "tampa",
  124943. "197441",
  124944. "nan",
  124945. "nan",
  124946. "nan",
  124947. "nan",
  124948. "nan",
  124949. "nan",
  124950. "nan",
  124951. "nan",
  124952. "nan",
  124953. "nan",
  124954. "nan",
  124955. "nan",
  124956. "nan",
  124957. "nan",
  124958. "nan",
  124959. "nan",
  124960. "nan",
  124961. "nan",
  124962. "nan",
  124963. "nan",
  124964. "nan",
  124965. "nan",
  124966. "nan"
  124967. ],
  124968. [
  124969. "34870",
  124970. "1",
  124971. "rtc/lincoln fed",
  124972. "91 clutie v. brown",
  124973. "tcf0007710",
  124974. "nan",
  124975. "nan",
  124976. "06/20/2001",
  124977. "au3177",
  124978. "tlk",
  124979. "nan",
  124980. "nan",
  124981. "seq: 0028",
  124982. "tampa",
  124983. "188312",
  124984. "nan",
  124985. "nan",
  124986. "nan",
  124987. "nan",
  124988. "nan",
  124989. "nan",
  124990. "nan",
  124991. "nan",
  124992. "nan",
  124993. "nan",
  124994. "nan",
  124995. "nan",
  124996. "nan",
  124997. "nan",
  124998. "nan",
  124999. "nan",
  125000. "nan",
  125001. "nan",
  125002. "nan",
  125003. "nan",
  125004. "nan",
  125005. "nan",
  125006. "nan"
  125007. ],
  125008. [
  125009. "34870",
  125010. "4",
  125011. "rtc-rec",
  125012. "linc fed/ln to chinen",
  125013. "7681",
  125014. "nan",
  125015. "-",
  125016. "nan",
  125017. "7681",
  125018. "cw",
  125019. "-",
  125020. "nan",
  125021. "closed file number: 8315-91 + location: c",
  125022. "fort lauderdale",
  125023. "321474",
  125024. "nan",
  125025. "nan",
  125026. "nan",
  125027. "nan",
  125028. "nan",
  125029. "nan",
  125030. "nan",
  125031. "nan",
  125032. "nan",
  125033. "nan",
  125034. "nan",
  125035. "nan",
  125036. "nan",
  125037. "nan",
  125038. "nan",
  125039. "nan",
  125040. "nan",
  125041. "nan",
  125042. "nan",
  125043. "nan",
  125044. "nan",
  125045. "nan",
  125046. "nan"
  125047. ],
  125048. [
  125049. "34870",
  125050. "2",
  125051. "rtc rec lincoln fed s&l",
  125052. "gonzalez, a",
  125053. "7708",
  125054. "nan",
  125055. "-",
  125056. "nan",
  125057. "7708",
  125058. "cw",
  125059. "-",
  125060. "nan",
  125061. "closed file number: 8537-91 + location: c",
  125062. "fort lauderdale",
  125063. "321697",
  125064. "nan",
  125065. "nan",
  125066. "nan",
  125067. "nan",
  125068. "nan",
  125069. "nan",
  125070. "nan",
  125071. "nan",
  125072. "nan",
  125073. "nan",
  125074. "nan",
  125075. "nan",
  125076. "nan",
  125077. "nan",
  125078. "nan",
  125079. "nan",
  125080. "nan",
  125081. "nan",
  125082. "nan",
  125083. "nan",
  125084. "nan",
  125085. "nan",
  125086. "nan"
  125087. ],
  125088. [
  125089. "34870",
  125090. "5",
  125091. "rtc/linciln fed s&l",
  125092. "1st interstate bank",
  125093. "7753",
  125094. "nan",
  125095. "-",
  125096. "nan",
  125097. "7753",
  125098. "cw",
  125099. "-",
  125100. "nan",
  125101. "closed file number: 8811-91 + location: c",
  125102. "fort lauderdale",
  125103. "321946",
  125104. "nan",
  125105. "nan",
  125106. "nan",
  125107. "nan",
  125108. "nan",
  125109. "nan",
  125110. "nan",
  125111. "nan",
  125112. "nan",
  125113. "nan",
  125114. "nan",
  125115. "nan",
  125116. "nan",
  125117. "nan",
  125118. "nan",
  125119. "nan",
  125120. "nan",
  125121. "nan",
  125122. "nan",
  125123. "nan",
  125124. "nan",
  125125. "nan",
  125126. "nan"
  125127. ],
  125128. [
  125129. "34870",
  125130. "3",
  125131. "rtc/centrust lincoln",
  125132. "krohn dev.corp.*",
  125133. "7988",
  125134. "nan",
  125135. "*renewal of loan/krohn,m.s.",
  125136. "nan",
  125137. "7988",
  125138. "cw",
  125139. "-",
  125140. "nan",
  125141. "closed file number: 9263-91 + location: c",
  125142. "fort lauderdale",
  125143. "322516",
  125144. "nan",
  125145. "nan",
  125146. "nan",
  125147. "nan",
  125148. "nan",
  125149. "nan",
  125150. "nan",
  125151. "nan",
  125152. "nan",
  125153. "nan",
  125154. "nan",
  125155. "nan",
  125156. "nan",
  125157. "nan",
  125158. "nan",
  125159. "nan",
  125160. "nan",
  125161. "nan",
  125162. "nan",
  125163. "nan",
  125164. "nan",
  125165. "nan",
  125166. "nan"
  125167. ],
  125168. [
  125169. "34870",
  125170. "6",
  125171. "rtc-rec. lincoln federal",
  125172. "recording pass/documents",
  125173. "8910",
  125174. "nan",
  125175. "entered january 27, 93.",
  125176. "nan",
  125177. "8910",
  125178. "cw",
  125179. "-",
  125180. "nan",
  125181. "closed file number: 2596-93 + location: i",
  125182. "fort lauderdale",
  125183. "325396",
  125184. "nan",
  125185. "nan",
  125186. "nan",
  125187. "nan",
  125188. "nan",
  125189. "nan",
  125190. "nan",
  125191. "nan",
  125192. "nan",
  125193. "nan",
  125194. "nan",
  125195. "nan",
  125196. "nan",
  125197. "nan",
  125198. "nan",
  125199. "nan",
  125200. "nan",
  125201. "nan",
  125202. "nan",
  125203. "nan",
  125204. "nan",
  125205. "nan",
  125206. "nan"
  125207. ],
  125208. [
  125209. "34927",
  125210. "4",
  125211. "rtc/conser ambassador s&l",
  125212. "zahn atlantic development corp",
  125213. "tcf0008896",
  125214. "nan",
  125215. "nan",
  125216. "06/20/2001",
  125217. "ay6005",
  125218. "rsb",
  125219. "nan",
  125220. "nan",
  125221. "seq: 0035",
  125222. "tampa",
  125223. "194974",
  125224. "nan",
  125225. "nan",
  125226. "nan",
  125227. "nan",
  125228. "nan",
  125229. "nan",
  125230. "nan",
  125231. "nan",
  125232. "nan",
  125233. "nan",
  125234. "nan",
  125235. "nan",
  125236. "nan",
  125237. "nan",
  125238. "nan",
  125239. "nan",
  125240. "nan",
  125241. "nan",
  125242. "nan",
  125243. "nan",
  125244. "nan",
  125245. "nan",
  125246. "nan"
  125247. ],
  125248. [
  125249. "34927",
  125250. "5",
  125251. "rtc/centrust",
  125252. "ambassador s&l *",
  125253. "7998",
  125254. "nan",
  125255. "*standard closing documents",
  125256. "nan",
  125257. "7998",
  125258. "cw",
  125259. "-",
  125260. "nan",
  125261. "closed file number: 9312-91 + location: c",
  125262. "fort lauderdale",
  125263. "322560",
  125264. "nan",
  125265. "nan",
  125266. "nan",
  125267. "nan",
  125268. "nan",
  125269. "nan",
  125270. "nan",
  125271. "nan",
  125272. "nan",
  125273. "nan",
  125274. "nan",
  125275. "nan",
  125276. "nan",
  125277. "nan",
  125278. "nan",
  125279. "nan",
  125280. "nan",
  125281. "nan",
  125282. "nan",
  125283. "nan",
  125284. "nan",
  125285. "nan",
  125286. "nan"
  125287. ],
  125288. [
  125289. "34927",
  125290. "9",
  125291. "rtc/ambassador",
  125292. "whitfield & fowler",
  125293. "8169",
  125294. "nan",
  125295. "-",
  125296. "nan",
  125297. "8169",
  125298. "cw",
  125299. "-",
  125300. "nan",
  125301. "closed file number: 9782-91 + location: c",
  125302. "fort lauderdale",
  125303. "323175",
  125304. "nan",
  125305. "nan",
  125306. "nan",
  125307. "nan",
  125308. "nan",
  125309. "nan",
  125310. "nan",
  125311. "nan",
  125312. "nan",
  125313. "nan",
  125314. "nan",
  125315. "nan",
  125316. "nan",
  125317. "nan",
  125318. "nan",
  125319. "nan",
  125320. "nan",
  125321. "nan",
  125322. "nan",
  125323. "nan",
  125324. "nan",
  125325. "nan",
  125326. "nan"
  125327. ],
  125328. [
  125329. "34927",
  125330. "3",
  125331. "rtc/ambassador",
  125332. "corporate matters",
  125333. "8232",
  125334. "nan",
  125335. "-",
  125336. "nan",
  125337. "8232",
  125338. "wc",
  125339. "-",
  125340. "nan",
  125341. "closed file number: 1026-92 + location: c",
  125342. "fort lauderdale",
  125343. "323374",
  125344. "nan",
  125345. "nan",
  125346. "nan",
  125347. "nan",
  125348. "nan",
  125349. "nan",
  125350. "nan",
  125351. "nan",
  125352. "nan",
  125353. "nan",
  125354. "nan",
  125355. "nan",
  125356. "nan",
  125357. "nan",
  125358. "nan",
  125359. "nan",
  125360. "nan",
  125361. "nan",
  125362. "nan",
  125363. "nan",
  125364. "nan",
  125365. "nan",
  125366. "nan"
  125367. ],
  125368. [
  125369. "34927",
  125370. "8",
  125371. "rtc/ambassador",
  125372. "foster",
  125373. "8235",
  125374. "nan",
  125375. "-",
  125376. "nan",
  125377. "8235",
  125378. "cw",
  125379. "-",
  125380. "nan",
  125381. "closed file number: 1044-92 + location: c",
  125382. "fort lauderdale",
  125383. "323398",
  125384. "nan",
  125385. "nan",
  125386. "nan",
  125387. "nan",
  125388. "nan",
  125389. "nan",
  125390. "nan",
  125391. "nan",
  125392. "nan",
  125393. "nan",
  125394. "nan",
  125395. "nan",
  125396. "nan",
  125397. "nan",
  125398. "nan",
  125399. "nan",
  125400. "nan",
  125401. "nan",
  125402. "nan",
  125403. "nan",
  125404. "nan",
  125405. "nan",
  125406. "nan"
  125407. ],
  125408. [
  125409. "34927",
  125410. "2",
  125411. "rtc-ambassador s&l",
  125412. "recordation/trans. docu.",
  125413. "8805",
  125414. "nan",
  125415. "entered december 14, 92.",
  125416. "nan",
  125417. "8805",
  125418. "cw",
  125419. "-",
  125420. "nan",
  125421. "closed file number: 2492-92 + location: i",
  125422. "fort lauderdale",
  125423. "325171",
  125424. "nan",
  125425. "nan",
  125426. "nan",
  125427. "nan",
  125428. "nan",
  125429. "nan",
  125430. "nan",
  125431. "nan",
  125432. "nan",
  125433. "nan",
  125434. "nan",
  125435. "nan",
  125436. "nan",
  125437. "nan",
  125438. "nan",
  125439. "nan",
  125440. "nan",
  125441. "nan",
  125442. "nan",
  125443. "nan",
  125444. "nan",
  125445. "nan",
  125446. "nan"
  125447. ],
  125448. [
  125449. "34927",
  125450. "13",
  125451. "rtc-ambassador s&l",
  125452. "c&e associates, ltd.",
  125453. "8805",
  125454. "nan",
  125455. "entered december 14, 92.",
  125456. "nan",
  125457. "8805",
  125458. "cw",
  125459. "-",
  125460. "nan",
  125461. "closed file number: 2493-92 + location: i",
  125462. "fort lauderdale",
  125463. "325172",
  125464. "nan",
  125465. "nan",
  125466. "nan",
  125467. "nan",
  125468. "nan",
  125469. "nan",
  125470. "nan",
  125471. "nan",
  125472. "nan",
  125473. "nan",
  125474. "nan",
  125475. "nan",
  125476. "nan",
  125477. "nan",
  125478. "nan",
  125479. "nan",
  125480. "nan",
  125481. "nan",
  125482. "nan",
  125483. "nan",
  125484. "nan",
  125485. "nan",
  125486. "nan"
  125487. ],
  125488. [
  125489. "34927",
  125490. "13",
  125491. "rtc-conserv. ambass.",
  125492. "c & e associates ltd.",
  125493. "9056",
  125494. "nan",
  125495. "entered april 7, 93.",
  125496. "nan",
  125497. "9056",
  125498. "cw",
  125499. "-",
  125500. "nan",
  125501. "closed file number: 2765-93 + location: c",
  125502. "fort lauderdale",
  125503. "325687",
  125504. "nan",
  125505. "nan",
  125506. "nan",
  125507. "nan",
  125508. "nan",
  125509. "nan",
  125510. "nan",
  125511. "nan",
  125512. "nan",
  125513. "nan",
  125514. "nan",
  125515. "nan",
  125516. "nan",
  125517. "nan",
  125518. "nan",
  125519. "nan",
  125520. "nan",
  125521. "nan",
  125522. "nan",
  125523. "nan",
  125524. "nan",
  125525. "nan",
  125526. "nan"
  125527. ],
  125528. [
  125529. "34927",
  125530. "11",
  125531. "ambassodor (rtc)",
  125532. "riverpark",
  125533. "9613",
  125534. "nan",
  125535. "entered 11/18/93",
  125536. "nan",
  125537. "9613",
  125538. "co",
  125539. "-",
  125540. "nan",
  125541. "closed file number: 3660-93 + location: i",
  125542. "fort lauderdale",
  125543. "326980",
  125544. "nan",
  125545. "nan",
  125546. "nan",
  125547. "nan",
  125548. "nan",
  125549. "nan",
  125550. "nan",
  125551. "nan",
  125552. "nan",
  125553. "nan",
  125554. "nan",
  125555. "nan",
  125556. "nan",
  125557. "nan",
  125558. "nan",
  125559. "nan",
  125560. "nan",
  125561. "nan",
  125562. "nan",
  125563. "nan",
  125564. "nan",
  125565. "nan",
  125566. "nan"
  125567. ],
  125568. [
  125569. "34927",
  125570. "13",
  125571. "rtc/ambassador",
  125572. "c&e associates",
  125573. "8937",
  125574. "nan",
  125575. "see list",
  125576. "nan",
  125577. "8937",
  125578. "lh",
  125579. "-",
  125580. "nan",
  125581. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  125582. "fort lauderdale",
  125583. "327185",
  125584. "nan",
  125585. "nan",
  125586. "nan",
  125587. "nan",
  125588. "nan",
  125589. "nan",
  125590. "nan",
  125591. "nan",
  125592. "nan",
  125593. "nan",
  125594. "nan",
  125595. "nan",
  125596. "nan",
  125597. "nan",
  125598. "nan",
  125599. "nan",
  125600. "nan",
  125601. "nan",
  125602. "nan",
  125603. "nan",
  125604. "nan",
  125605. "nan",
  125606. "nan"
  125607. ],
  125608. [
  125609. "34927",
  125610. "15",
  125611. "rtc-conserv ambassador",
  125612. "zahn community dev. corp",
  125613. "8826",
  125614. "nan",
  125615. "entered january 12, 93.",
  125616. "nan",
  125617. "8826",
  125618. "am",
  125619. "dl",
  125620. "nan",
  125621. "closed file number: 2514-93 + location: c",
  125622. "fort lauderdale",
  125623. "329030",
  125624. "nan",
  125625. "nan",
  125626. "nan",
  125627. "nan",
  125628. "nan",
  125629. "nan",
  125630. "nan",
  125631. "nan",
  125632. "nan",
  125633. "nan",
  125634. "nan",
  125635. "nan",
  125636. "nan",
  125637. "nan",
  125638. "nan",
  125639. "nan",
  125640. "nan",
  125641. "nan",
  125642. "nan",
  125643. "nan",
  125644. "nan",
  125645. "nan",
  125646. "nan"
  125647. ],
  125648. [
  125649. "34960",
  125650. "10000",
  125651. "rtc\\professional fed.",
  125652. "fowler",
  125653. "8026",
  125654. "nan",
  125655. "entire box-no file #",
  125656. "nan",
  125657. "8026",
  125658. "cw",
  125659. "-",
  125660. "nan",
  125661. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  125662. "fort lauderdale",
  125663. "322780",
  125664. "nan",
  125665. "nan",
  125666. "nan",
  125667. "nan",
  125668. "nan",
  125669. "nan",
  125670. "nan",
  125671. "nan",
  125672. "nan",
  125673. "nan",
  125674. "nan",
  125675. "nan",
  125676. "nan",
  125677. "nan",
  125678. "nan",
  125679. "nan",
  125680. "nan",
  125681. "nan",
  125682. "nan",
  125683. "nan",
  125684. "nan",
  125685. "nan",
  125686. "nan"
  125687. ],
  125688. [
  125689. "34960",
  125690. "65",
  125691. "rtc-cons. prof. federal",
  125692. "record./pass/documentati",
  125693. "8918",
  125694. "nan",
  125695. "entered february 1, 93.",
  125696. "nan",
  125697. "8918",
  125698. "cw",
  125699. "-",
  125700. "nan",
  125701. "closed file number: 2603-93 + location: i",
  125702. "fort lauderdale",
  125703. "325433",
  125704. "nan",
  125705. "nan",
  125706. "nan",
  125707. "nan",
  125708. "nan",
  125709. "nan",
  125710. "nan",
  125711. "nan",
  125712. "nan",
  125713. "nan",
  125714. "nan",
  125715. "nan",
  125716. "nan",
  125717. "nan",
  125718. "nan",
  125719. "nan",
  125720. "nan",
  125721. "nan",
  125722. "nan",
  125723. "nan",
  125724. "nan",
  125725. "nan",
  125726. "nan"
  125727. ],
  125728. [
  125729. "34960",
  125730. "62",
  125731. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  125732. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  125733. "8923",
  125734. "nan",
  125735. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8924, 8925, 8926.",
  125736. "nan",
  125737. "8923",
  125738. "cw",
  125739. "-",
  125740. "nan",
  125741. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: i",
  125742. "fort lauderdale",
  125743. "325440",
  125744. "nan",
  125745. "nan",
  125746. "nan",
  125747. "nan",
  125748. "nan",
  125749. "nan",
  125750. "nan",
  125751. "nan",
  125752. "nan",
  125753. "nan",
  125754. "nan",
  125755. "nan",
  125756. "nan",
  125757. "nan",
  125758. "nan",
  125759. "nan",
  125760. "nan",
  125761. "nan",
  125762. "nan",
  125763. "nan",
  125764. "nan",
  125765. "nan",
  125766. "nan"
  125767. ],
  125768. [
  125769. "34960",
  125770. "62",
  125771. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  125772. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(p)",
  125773. "8924",
  125774. "nan",
  125775. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8923, 8925, 8926.",
  125776. "nan",
  125777. "8924",
  125778. "cw",
  125779. "-",
  125780. "nan",
  125781. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: i",
  125782. "fort lauderdale",
  125783. "325441",
  125784. "nan",
  125785. "nan",
  125786. "nan",
  125787. "nan",
  125788. "nan",
  125789. "nan",
  125790. "nan",
  125791. "nan",
  125792. "nan",
  125793. "nan",
  125794. "nan",
  125795. "nan",
  125796. "nan",
  125797. "nan",
  125798. "nan",
  125799. "nan",
  125800. "nan",
  125801. "nan",
  125802. "nan",
  125803. "nan",
  125804. "nan",
  125805. "nan",
  125806. "nan"
  125807. ],
  125808. [
  125809. "34960",
  125810. "62",
  125811. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  125812. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  125813. "8925",
  125814. "nan",
  125815. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8923, 8924, 8925.",
  125816. "nan",
  125817. "8925",
  125818. "cw",
  125819. "-",
  125820. "nan",
  125821. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: i",
  125822. "fort lauderdale",
  125823. "325442",
  125824. "nan",
  125825. "nan",
  125826. "nan",
  125827. "nan",
  125828. "nan",
  125829. "nan",
  125830. "nan",
  125831. "nan",
  125832. "nan",
  125833. "nan",
  125834. "nan",
  125835. "nan",
  125836. "nan",
  125837. "nan",
  125838. "nan",
  125839. "nan",
  125840. "nan",
  125841. "nan",
  125842. "nan",
  125843. "nan",
  125844. "nan",
  125845. "nan",
  125846. "nan"
  125847. ],
  125848. [
  125849. "34960",
  125850. "62",
  125851. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  125852. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  125853. "8926",
  125854. "nan",
  125855. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8923, 8924, 8925.",
  125856. "nan",
  125857. "8926",
  125858. "cw",
  125859. "-",
  125860. "nan",
  125861. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: i",
  125862. "fort lauderdale",
  125863. "325443",
  125864. "nan",
  125865. "nan",
  125866. "nan",
  125867. "nan",
  125868. "nan",
  125869. "nan",
  125870. "nan",
  125871. "nan",
  125872. "nan",
  125873. "nan",
  125874. "nan",
  125875. "nan",
  125876. "nan",
  125877. "nan",
  125878. "nan",
  125879. "nan",
  125880. "nan",
  125881. "nan",
  125882. "nan",
  125883. "nan",
  125884. "nan",
  125885. "nan",
  125886. "nan"
  125887. ],
  125888. [
  125889. "34960",
  125890. "63",
  125891. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  125892. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  125893. "8923",
  125894. "nan",
  125895. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8924, 8925, 8926.",
  125896. "nan",
  125897. "8923",
  125898. "cw",
  125899. "-",
  125900. "nan",
  125901. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: c",
  125902. "fort lauderdale",
  125903. "325444",
  125904. "nan",
  125905. "nan",
  125906. "nan",
  125907. "nan",
  125908. "nan",
  125909. "nan",
  125910. "nan",
  125911. "nan",
  125912. "nan",
  125913. "nan",
  125914. "nan",
  125915. "nan",
  125916. "nan",
  125917. "nan",
  125918. "nan",
  125919. "nan",
  125920. "nan",
  125921. "nan",
  125922. "nan",
  125923. "nan",
  125924. "nan",
  125925. "nan",
  125926. "nan"
  125927. ],
  125928. [
  125929. "34960",
  125930. "63",
  125931. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  125932. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  125933. "8924",
  125934. "nan",
  125935. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8923, 8925, 8926.",
  125936. "nan",
  125937. "8924",
  125938. "cw",
  125939. "-",
  125940. "nan",
  125941. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: c",
  125942. "fort lauderdale",
  125943. "325445",
  125944. "nan",
  125945. "nan",
  125946. "nan",
  125947. "nan",
  125948. "nan",
  125949. "nan",
  125950. "nan",
  125951. "nan",
  125952. "nan",
  125953. "nan",
  125954. "nan",
  125955. "nan",
  125956. "nan",
  125957. "nan",
  125958. "nan",
  125959. "nan",
  125960. "nan",
  125961. "nan",
  125962. "nan",
  125963. "nan",
  125964. "nan",
  125965. "nan",
  125966. "nan"
  125967. ],
  125968. [
  125969. "34960",
  125970. "63",
  125971. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  125972. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  125973. "8925",
  125974. "nan",
  125975. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8923, 8924, 8926.",
  125976. "nan",
  125977. "8925",
  125978. "cw",
  125979. "-",
  125980. "nan",
  125981. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: c",
  125982. "fort lauderdale",
  125983. "325446",
  125984. "nan",
  125985. "nan",
  125986. "nan",
  125987. "nan",
  125988. "nan",
  125989. "nan",
  125990. "nan",
  125991. "nan",
  125992. "nan",
  125993. "nan",
  125994. "nan",
  125995. "nan",
  125996. "nan",
  125997. "nan",
  125998. "nan",
  125999. "nan",
  126000. "nan",
  126001. "nan",
  126002. "nan",
  126003. "nan",
  126004. "nan",
  126005. "nan",
  126006. "nan"
  126007. ],
  126008. [
  126009. "34960",
  126010. "63",
  126011. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  126012. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  126013. "8926",
  126014. "nan",
  126015. "entered february 1, 93.also b# 8923, 8924, 8925.",
  126016. "nan",
  126017. "8926",
  126018. "cw",
  126019. "-",
  126020. "nan",
  126021. "closed file number: 1/2 box + location: c",
  126022. "fort lauderdale",
  126023. "325447",
  126024. "nan",
  126025. "nan",
  126026. "nan",
  126027. "nan",
  126028. "nan",
  126029. "nan",
  126030. "nan",
  126031. "nan",
  126032. "nan",
  126033. "nan",
  126034. "nan",
  126035. "nan",
  126036. "nan",
  126037. "nan",
  126038. "nan",
  126039. "nan",
  126040. "nan",
  126041. "nan",
  126042. "nan",
  126043. "nan",
  126044. "nan",
  126045. "nan",
  126046. "nan"
  126047. ],
  126048. [
  126049. "34960",
  126050. "7",
  126051. "rtc/conser professional",
  126052. "caltex",
  126053. "8937",
  126054. "nan",
  126055. "see list",
  126056. "nan",
  126057. "8937",
  126058. "lh",
  126059. "-",
  126060. "nan",
  126061. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126062. "fort lauderdale",
  126063. "327187",
  126064. "nan",
  126065. "nan",
  126066. "nan",
  126067. "nan",
  126068. "nan",
  126069. "nan",
  126070. "nan",
  126071. "nan",
  126072. "nan",
  126073. "nan",
  126074. "nan",
  126075. "nan",
  126076. "nan",
  126077. "nan",
  126078. "nan",
  126079. "nan",
  126080. "nan",
  126081. "nan",
  126082. "nan",
  126083. "nan",
  126084. "nan",
  126085. "nan",
  126086. "nan"
  126087. ],
  126088. [
  126089. "34960",
  126090. "8",
  126091. "rtc/gingerwood",
  126092. "rtc/gingerwood",
  126093. "8938",
  126094. "nan",
  126095. "see list",
  126096. "nan",
  126097. "8938",
  126098. "lh",
  126099. "-",
  126100. "nan",
  126101. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126102. "fort lauderdale",
  126103. "327189",
  126104. "nan",
  126105. "nan",
  126106. "nan",
  126107. "nan",
  126108. "nan",
  126109. "nan",
  126110. "nan",
  126111. "nan",
  126112. "nan",
  126113. "nan",
  126114. "nan",
  126115. "nan",
  126116. "nan",
  126117. "nan",
  126118. "nan",
  126119. "nan",
  126120. "nan",
  126121. "nan",
  126122. "nan",
  126123. "nan",
  126124. "nan",
  126125. "nan",
  126126. "nan"
  126127. ],
  126128. [
  126129. "34960",
  126130. "9",
  126131. "rtc/lake forest park",
  126132. "rtc/lake forest park",
  126133. "8938",
  126134. "nan",
  126135. "see list",
  126136. "nan",
  126137. "8938",
  126138. "lh",
  126139. "-",
  126140. "nan",
  126141. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126142. "fort lauderdale",
  126143. "327190",
  126144. "nan",
  126145. "nan",
  126146. "nan",
  126147. "nan",
  126148. "nan",
  126149. "nan",
  126150. "nan",
  126151. "nan",
  126152. "nan",
  126153. "nan",
  126154. "nan",
  126155. "nan",
  126156. "nan",
  126157. "nan",
  126158. "nan",
  126159. "nan",
  126160. "nan",
  126161. "nan",
  126162. "nan",
  126163. "nan",
  126164. "nan",
  126165. "nan",
  126166. "nan"
  126167. ],
  126168. [
  126169. "34960",
  126170. "5",
  126171. "rtc/so fla apartments i",
  126172. "rtc/so fla aparments i",
  126173. "8938",
  126174. "nan",
  126175. "see list",
  126176. "nan",
  126177. "8938",
  126178. "lh",
  126179. "-",
  126180. "nan",
  126181. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126182. "fort lauderdale",
  126183. "327191",
  126184. "nan",
  126185. "nan",
  126186. "nan",
  126187. "nan",
  126188. "nan",
  126189. "nan",
  126190. "nan",
  126191. "nan",
  126192. "nan",
  126193. "nan",
  126194. "nan",
  126195. "nan",
  126196. "nan",
  126197. "nan",
  126198. "nan",
  126199. "nan",
  126200. "nan",
  126201. "nan",
  126202. "nan",
  126203. "nan",
  126204. "nan",
  126205. "nan",
  126206. "nan"
  126207. ],
  126208. [
  126209. "34960",
  126210. "1",
  126211. "rtc/general",
  126212. "rtc/general",
  126213. "8938",
  126214. "nan",
  126215. "see list",
  126216. "nan",
  126217. "8938",
  126218. "lh",
  126219. "-",
  126220. "nan",
  126221. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126222. "fort lauderdale",
  126223. "327194",
  126224. "nan",
  126225. "nan",
  126226. "nan",
  126227. "nan",
  126228. "nan",
  126229. "nan",
  126230. "nan",
  126231. "nan",
  126232. "nan",
  126233. "nan",
  126234. "nan",
  126235. "nan",
  126236. "nan",
  126237. "nan",
  126238. "nan",
  126239. "nan",
  126240. "nan",
  126241. "nan",
  126242. "nan",
  126243. "nan",
  126244. "nan",
  126245. "nan",
  126246. "nan"
  126247. ],
  126248. [
  126249. "34960",
  126250. "9",
  126251. "rtc/lake forest park",
  126252. "rtc/lake forest park",
  126253. "8939",
  126254. "nan",
  126255. "see lsit",
  126256. "nan",
  126257. "8939",
  126258. "lh",
  126259. "-",
  126260. "nan",
  126261. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126262. "fort lauderdale",
  126263. "327195",
  126264. "nan",
  126265. "nan",
  126266. "nan",
  126267. "nan",
  126268. "nan",
  126269. "nan",
  126270. "nan",
  126271. "nan",
  126272. "nan",
  126273. "nan",
  126274. "nan",
  126275. "nan",
  126276. "nan",
  126277. "nan",
  126278. "nan",
  126279. "nan",
  126280. "nan",
  126281. "nan",
  126282. "nan",
  126283. "nan",
  126284. "nan",
  126285. "nan",
  126286. "nan"
  126287. ],
  126288. [
  126289. "34960",
  126290. "3",
  126291. "psb/rtc title",
  126292. "10 sec 221d 4",
  126293. "8939",
  126294. "nan",
  126295. "see list",
  126296. "nan",
  126297. "8939",
  126298. "lh",
  126299. "-",
  126300. "nan",
  126301. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126302. "fort lauderdale",
  126303. "327197",
  126304. "nan",
  126305. "nan",
  126306. "nan",
  126307. "nan",
  126308. "nan",
  126309. "nan",
  126310. "nan",
  126311. "nan",
  126312. "nan",
  126313. "nan",
  126314. "nan",
  126315. "nan",
  126316. "nan",
  126317. "nan",
  126318. "nan",
  126319. "nan",
  126320. "nan",
  126321. "nan",
  126322. "nan",
  126323. "nan",
  126324. "nan",
  126325. "nan",
  126326. "nan"
  126327. ],
  126328. [
  126329. "34960",
  126330. "9",
  126331. "rtc",
  126332. "lake forest park",
  126333. "8957",
  126334. "nan",
  126335. "black binder, see list in drawer",
  126336. "nan",
  126337. "8957",
  126338. "-",
  126339. "-",
  126340. "nan",
  126341. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126342. "fort lauderdale",
  126343. "327323",
  126344. "nan",
  126345. "nan",
  126346. "nan",
  126347. "nan",
  126348. "nan",
  126349. "nan",
  126350. "nan",
  126351. "nan",
  126352. "nan",
  126353. "nan",
  126354. "nan",
  126355. "nan",
  126356. "nan",
  126357. "nan",
  126358. "nan",
  126359. "nan",
  126360. "nan",
  126361. "nan",
  126362. "nan",
  126363. "nan",
  126364. "nan",
  126365. "nan",
  126366. "nan"
  126367. ],
  126368. [
  126369. "34960",
  126370. "3",
  126371. "rtc/floronto",
  126372. "rtc/floronto",
  126373. "8938",
  126374. "nan",
  126375. "see list out to lori hartglass",
  126376. "nan",
  126377. "8938",
  126378. "lh",
  126379. "-",
  126380. "nan",
  126381. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  126382. "fort lauderdale",
  126383. "327441",
  126384. "nan",
  126385. "nan",
  126386. "nan",
  126387. "nan",
  126388. "nan",
  126389. "nan",
  126390. "nan",
  126391. "nan",
  126392. "nan",
  126393. "nan",
  126394. "nan",
  126395. "nan",
  126396. "nan",
  126397. "nan",
  126398. "nan",
  126399. "nan",
  126400. "nan",
  126401. "nan",
  126402. "nan",
  126403. "nan",
  126404. "nan",
  126405. "nan",
  126406. "nan"
  126407. ],
  126408. [
  126409. "34960",
  126410. "41",
  126411. "rtc vs. firestone",
  126412. "none",
  126413. "672030379",
  126414. "nan",
  126415. "red files - correspondence marc and susie firestone",
  126416. "10/25/1993",
  126417. "155488",
  126418. "hamilton william",
  126419. "nan",
  126420. "nan",
  126421. " hk box: 10052",
  126422. "miami",
  126423. "650866",
  126424. "nan",
  126425. "nan",
  126426. "nan",
  126427. "nan",
  126428. "nan",
  126429. "nan",
  126430. "nan",
  126431. "nan",
  126432. "nan",
  126433. "nan",
  126434. "nan",
  126435. "nan",
  126436. "nan",
  126437. "nan",
  126438. "nan",
  126439. "nan",
  126440. "nan",
  126441. "nan",
  126442. "nan",
  126443. "nan",
  126444. "nan",
  126445. "nan",
  126446. "nan"
  126447. ],
  126448. [
  126449. "34960",
  126450. "56",
  126451. "rtc vs. hahamouitch",
  126452. "none",
  126453. "460601432",
  126454. "nan",
  126455. "none",
  126456. "10/25/1993",
  126457. "155492",
  126458. "totten bart",
  126459. "nan",
  126460. "nan",
  126461. " hk box: 10056",
  126462. "miami",
  126463. "650915",
  126464. "nan",
  126465. "nan",
  126466. "nan",
  126467. "nan",
  126468. "nan",
  126469. "nan",
  126470. "nan",
  126471. "nan",
  126472. "nan",
  126473. "nan",
  126474. "nan",
  126475. "nan",
  126476. "nan",
  126477. "nan",
  126478. "nan",
  126479. "nan",
  126480. "nan",
  126481. "nan",
  126482. "nan",
  126483. "nan",
  126484. "nan",
  126485. "nan",
  126486. "nan"
  126487. ],
  126488. [
  126489. "34960",
  126490. "56",
  126491. "rtc",
  126492. "none",
  126493. "460601432",
  126494. "nan",
  126495. "white file; correspondence vol. i; grey file-docket sheets; white file-writ of execution; recorded final salary judgment; print out of fees and costs; white file-conflict check; rtc status report; rtc research; research-motion for rehearing",
  126496. "10/25/1993",
  126497. "155492",
  126498. "hamilton william",
  126499. "nan",
  126500. "nan",
  126501. " hk box: 10056",
  126502. "miami",
  126503. "650917",
  126504. "nan",
  126505. "nan",
  126506. "nan",
  126507. "nan",
  126508. "nan",
  126509. "nan",
  126510. "nan",
  126511. "nan",
  126512. "nan",
  126513. "nan",
  126514. "nan",
  126515. "nan",
  126516. "nan",
  126517. "nan",
  126518. "nan",
  126519. "nan",
  126520. "nan",
  126521. "nan",
  126522. "nan",
  126523. "nan",
  126524. "nan",
  126525. "nan",
  126526. "nan"
  126527. ],
  126528. [
  126529. "34960",
  126530. "56",
  126531. "rtc",
  126532. "none",
  126533. "460601432",
  126534. "nan",
  126535. "white file; correspondence volume i; grey file-docket sheets; white file-writ of execution; recorded final summary judgment; print out of fees and costs; white file-conflict check; rtc status report; rtc research; research-motion for rehearing; release of guaranty agreement (90-24612); rtc/tamiami corp. 34960-22 - draft of summary judgment; rtc/tamiami (district of columbia) removal doc.; tamiami form of marshalls deed (90-24612); extra copies of pleadings psb/tamiami; pst/tamiami (34960-22) working document; psb/rtc vs. habamovitch attorney notes; psb-request for admissions to mcclain 8/7/90; corporate information; exhibits attached to complaint; mortgage modification documents psb/mcclain; psb/tamiami atty notes (brt); pst/tamiami (34960-22) legal research; rtc/professional savings - gem attorney notes; legal research; rtc/psb vs. jet stream case no. 90-2664 civ-davis (pleading); rtc/empire federal bank vs. lawrence correspondence; rtc/empire federal vs. lawrence atty notes (totten); counsel diskbook; william, theodore/antonucci - shadow file; wicornos vs. giroux pleading vol. i shadow file",
  126536. "10/25/1993",
  126537. "155492",
  126538. "hamilton william",
  126539. "nan",
  126540. "nan",
  126541. " hk box: 10056",
  126542. "miami",
  126543. "650919",
  126544. "nan",
  126545. "nan",
  126546. "nan",
  126547. "nan",
  126548. "nan",
  126549. "nan",
  126550. "nan",
  126551. "nan",
  126552. "nan",
  126553. "nan",
  126554. "nan",
  126555. "nan",
  126556. "nan",
  126557. "nan",
  126558. "nan",
  126559. "nan",
  126560. "nan",
  126561. "nan",
  126562. "nan",
  126563. "nan",
  126564. "nan",
  126565. "nan",
  126566. "nan"
  126567. ],
  126568. [
  126569. "34960",
  126570. "5",
  126571. "rtc/professional",
  126572. "none",
  126573. "489520759",
  126574. "nan",
  126575. "bond matters, grossman (be-001) h&k notes, memos & legal analysis; notes, factual background; operative documents & agreements; correspondence; four brown binders - dade county industrial development authority, industrial development revenue bonds (administrative services project) series 1985",
  126576. "11/10/1993",
  126577. "155514",
  126578. "maguire amelia",
  126579. "nan",
  126580. "nan",
  126581. " hk box: 10078",
  126582. "miami",
  126583. "651686",
  126584. "nan",
  126585. "nan",
  126586. "nan",
  126587. "nan",
  126588. "nan",
  126589. "nan",
  126590. "nan",
  126591. "nan",
  126592. "nan",
  126593. "nan",
  126594. "nan",
  126595. "nan",
  126596. "nan",
  126597. "nan",
  126598. "nan",
  126599. "nan",
  126600. "nan",
  126601. "nan",
  126602. "nan",
  126603. "nan",
  126604. "nan",
  126605. "nan",
  126606. "nan"
  126607. ],
  126608. [
  126609. "34960",
  126610. "52",
  126611. "rtc/swimmer",
  126612. "none",
  126613. "89249711",
  126614. "nan",
  126615. "one pleading file; one correspondence file; and one legal research file",
  126616. "11/10/1993",
  126617. "155522",
  126618. "merrill stefani",
  126619. "nan",
  126620. "nan",
  126621. " hk box: 10085",
  126622. "miami",
  126623. "651709",
  126624. "nan",
  126625. "nan",
  126626. "nan",
  126627. "nan",
  126628. "nan",
  126629. "nan",
  126630. "nan",
  126631. "nan",
  126632. "nan",
  126633. "nan",
  126634. "nan",
  126635. "nan",
  126636. "nan",
  126637. "nan",
  126638. "nan",
  126639. "nan",
  126640. "nan",
  126641. "nan",
  126642. "nan",
  126643. "nan",
  126644. "nan",
  126645. "nan",
  126646. "nan"
  126647. ],
  126648. [
  126649. "34960",
  126650. "13",
  126651. "rtc/professional savings",
  126652. "v. jules lipp",
  126653. "489337530",
  126654. "nan",
  126655. "03/03/1993. first box contains: corporate information rtc professional savings vs. lipp. title file. demand letter with correct accrued interest amn't professional savings vs. lipp. professional vs. professional report file. original lipp demand letter professional savings bank vs. lipp. rtc/professional vs. jules lipp 34960-13 financial information. professional savings vs. lipp exhibits to lipp amended complaint. psb/jules lipp 10040-90-23, loan #6107002742-63 $10,000. financial information. rtc/lipp notes: amounts dur and owing. affidavit of service of arthur levine as trustee & individually. affidavit of service of jules lipp as trustee and individually. answer of rinker materials. 34960-26 pleadings rtc-conservator professional fed. vs. professional office center, inc. pleadings volumes i,ii, & iii. psb/jules lipp 10040-90-26, 1.5m$ loan documents & property information. rtc/professional vs. professional office service of process file. allan lipp &: nancy j. lipp vs. lipp case no. 91-13420. sunbank/miami n.a. vs. lipp case no. 90-30554 pleadings. florida national vs. lipp. pleadings commercial bank vs. lipp.",
  126656. "3/8/1993",
  126657. "85707",
  126658. "genovese john",
  126659. "nan",
  126660. "nan",
  126661. " hk box: 9014",
  126662. "miami",
  126663. "651781",
  126664. "nan",
  126665. "nan",
  126666. "nan",
  126667. "nan",
  126668. "nan",
  126669. "nan",
  126670. "nan",
  126671. "nan",
  126672. "nan",
  126673. "nan",
  126674. "nan",
  126675. "nan",
  126676. "nan",
  126677. "nan",
  126678. "nan",
  126679. "nan",
  126680. "nan",
  126681. "nan",
  126682. "nan",
  126683. "nan",
  126684. "nan",
  126685. "nan",
  126686. "nan"
  126687. ],
  126688. [
  126689. "34960",
  126690. "13",
  126691. "rtc/professional savings",
  126692. "v. jules lipp",
  126693. "672025567",
  126694. "nan",
  126695. "03/04/1993. box no. 2 contains the following: conflict check-professional savings vs. lipp. affidavit of serv. on florida asphalt & paving, inc. affidavit of service on ramiro ramirez. computer printout of fees & costs re. rtc/lipp. rtc/prof. sav. vs. lipp attorneys fees & costs. returned mail. psb. vs. jules lipp complaint draft. rtc/professional savings bank - professional office centre, conflict check. research files. rtc/professional vs. jules lipp working documents. returned envelopes on summary & amended complaint. rtc/professional vs. jules lipp 34960-13 correspondence i&ii. psb vs. jules lipp loan #170008969 ($475,000) psb vs. professional office correspondence. rtc vs. professional 34960-25 correspondence. rtc vs. professional 34960-25 correspondence. psb vs. jules lipp loan #61005940087-64 (1.5m). spb vs. jules lipp loan #61070002742-66 ($100000) correspondence. box no.2 contid correspondence kemper vs. lipp. psb vs. professional office cntr. title file. professional vs. professional office lipp demand letters. suit on $100,000 rtc vs. jules lipp. suit on note & mortgage #1.5m rtc vs. jules lipp. suite on note & mortgage $480,000 rtc vs. professional office cntr. suit on note $475,000 rtc vs. jules lipp by arthur levine. suit on note $250,000 rtc vs. fin. plan ins. julles lipp & allan lipp. suit on note $100,000 rtc vs. jules lipp iii. psb vs. professional office cntr. loan documents/title files. psb vs. professional office cntr. corporate info & ucc searches.",
  126696. "3/8/1993",
  126697. "85708",
  126698. "genovese john",
  126699. "nan",
  126700. "nan",
  126701. " hk box: 9015",
  126702. "miami",
  126703. "651784",
  126704. "nan",
  126705. "nan",
  126706. "nan",
  126707. "nan",
  126708. "nan",
  126709. "nan",
  126710. "nan",
  126711. "nan",
  126712. "nan",
  126713. "nan",
  126714. "nan",
  126715. "nan",
  126716. "nan",
  126717. "nan",
  126718. "nan",
  126719. "nan",
  126720. "nan",
  126721. "nan",
  126722. "nan",
  126723. "nan",
  126724. "nan",
  126725. "nan",
  126726. "nan"
  126727. ],
  126728. [
  126729. "34960",
  126730. "6",
  126731. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  126732. "none",
  126733. "652605512",
  126734. "nan",
  126735. "no date - box 1 of 3: professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc. loan documents: psb/commodore rva loan, volunteer (first mortgage) amortization schedule, psb vs. commodore plaza loan documents ($1,250,000.00), psb vs. commodore plaza loan documents #17001057963 ($925,000.00); professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc. title work: psb v. commodore 10040-88-37 title/elimination of city stores as judgment creditor, psb/commodore plat (pb 13/51), psb/commodore original affidavit of non-identity of b. fine, miscellaneous documents; professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc.: complaint and miscellaneous documents - psb vs. commodore plaza extra copy of complaint and documents served with complaint; (professional savings bank v. commodore) lsa closing agenda: closing of settlement agreement (originals) parties: professional federal savings bank, a federal savings association chartered under the laws of the united states of america, under the conservatorship of resolution trust corp., jefferson national bank, a national banking association, sunbank/miami, n.a., a national banking association; closing binder for litigation settlement agreement originals volumes 1, 2, and 3 parties: professional federal savings bank, commodore plaza square, inc., jefferson national bank, sunbank/miami, n.a., richard s. masington, diane fine, alfred arnovitz, barbara fine, robert fine, kenneth fine, karen fine, rva corporation, florida baseball company and ronald l. book, p.a.; closing date august 23, 1991; pfsb/commodore litigation settlement agreement (executed originals - 1990); pfsb/commodore amendment to litigation settlement agreement (executed originals); documents to sun; documents to south florida baseball club; pfsb/ commodore documents to florida baseball company; pfsb/commodore documents to ryan; documents to revo; documents to commodore defendants (except estate); documents to book; documents to b. fine (rva only); documents to jm; pfsb/commodore closing agenda; lease estoppel requests; documents to estate; documents to pfsb; (professional savings bank v. commodore) - original/executed - lsa - amendment to lsa - sa with partis): psb-commodore ground lease correspondence; psb commodore status memo (10-26-90) professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc. leases: psb/commodore/fine - ground leases (estoppels); psb/comkodore - grove cinema - sublease; psb/commodore miscellaneous correspondence re ground leases; psb/cokmodore - charles h. frow lease; professional savings bank v. commodore - miscellaneous correspondence re post office lease (includes repairs); professional savings bank v. commodore post office lease; (professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc.): pfsb/commodore - escrow instructions re closing documents; pfsb/commodore exhibits to amendment to litigation settlement agreement (executed originals); psb/comodore exhibits for execution; professional commodore probate court approval of settlement; psb/commodore corporate standing of corporate parties to litigation settlement agreement; pfsb/comodore litigation settlement agreement (authority of trustees of estate).",
  126736. "1/27/1994",
  126737. "155618",
  126738. "smith robert",
  126739. "nan",
  126740. "nan",
  126741. " hk box: 10181",
  126742. "miami",
  126743. "654573",
  126744. "nan",
  126745. "nan",
  126746. "nan",
  126747. "nan",
  126748. "nan",
  126749. "nan",
  126750. "nan",
  126751. "nan",
  126752. "nan",
  126753. "nan",
  126754. "nan",
  126755. "nan",
  126756. "nan",
  126757. "nan",
  126758. "nan",
  126759. "nan",
  126760. "nan",
  126761. "nan",
  126762. "nan",
  126763. "nan",
  126764. "nan",
  126765. "nan",
  126766. "nan"
  126767. ],
  126768. [
  126769. "34960",
  126770. "6",
  126771. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  126772. "none",
  126773. "652604240",
  126774. "nan",
  126775. "no date - box 2 of 3: (professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc) pfsb/commodore amendment to litigation settlement agreement (1991 drafts); pfsb/commodore litigation settlement agreement (drafts 1990); pfsb/commodore litigation settlement agreement (correspondence 1990); pfsb/commodore settlement agreement with participants (1991 replacement drafts); pfsb/commodore amendment to settlement agreement (executed original 9/11/90 sun & jnb); pfsb/commodore settlement agreement with participants (drafts 1990); pfsb/commodore settlement agreement with participants (4/27/90 executed originals); professional savings bank/fine - sun bank $250,000/insurance; psb/commodore -jefferson national bank vs. masington litigation; psb/commodore plaza ronald l. fine, sun bank v. estate of ronald l. fine; professional savings bank 10040-89-36 vs. rva corporation, et al.; psb/commodore plaza - fine - proposed baseball company complaint; professional federal savings bank - commodore plaza - materials for august, 1990 meeting; pfsb/commodore monthly income and expense reports; professional savings bank (rtc)/commodore plaza - inventory for estate; psb/commodore doug's subfile; professional savings bank v. commodore miscellaneous correspondence re settlement agreement; legal pad handwritten notes not labeled; psb/commodore insurance; legal pad handwritten notes not labeled; legal pad handwritten notes litigation; legal pad handwritten notes complaint case no. 89-38954; professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc. miscellaneous diligence real property - appraisal of real property interests; appraisal report of the commercial parcel of land located at the northeast corner of grand avenue and s.w. 32nd avenue (mcdonald street), miami (coconut grove), florida dated january 4, 1988; psb/commodore purchase offers; psb vs. commodore plaza appraisal report (1/4/88); psb/commodore proposed post office plaza (1987); psb vs. commodore plaza environmental audit report (1/22/90); professional savings bank v. commodore correspondence with brokers; psb vs. commodore plaza municipal lien search; correspondence with sun bank and jefferson national bank re pro rata reimbursement of expenses - psb vs. commodore plaza; psb vs. commodore plaza resume of james c. spector.",
  126776. "1/27/1994",
  126777. "155620",
  126778. "smith robert",
  126779. "nan",
  126780. "nan",
  126781. " hk box: 10183",
  126782. "miami",
  126783. "654574",
  126784. "nan",
  126785. "nan",
  126786. "nan",
  126787. "nan",
  126788. "nan",
  126789. "nan",
  126790. "nan",
  126791. "nan",
  126792. "nan",
  126793. "nan",
  126794. "nan",
  126795. "nan",
  126796. "nan",
  126797. "nan",
  126798. "nan",
  126799. "nan",
  126800. "nan",
  126801. "nan",
  126802. "nan",
  126803. "nan",
  126804. "nan",
  126805. "nan",
  126806. "nan"
  126807. ],
  126808. [
  126809. "34960",
  126810. "6",
  126811. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  126812. "none",
  126813. "652604240",
  126814. "nan",
  126815. "no date - box 3 of 3: (professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc.) - sa (participants) closing agenda - documents to sun, documents to jnb, pfsb/commodore termination of participation agreement, documents to pfsb, pfsb/commodore settlement agreement with participants (1991 executed originals); (professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc.) - professional savings bank personnel, rtc billing, rtc memos, pfsb/commodore chain of authority, professional federal savings bank file no. 34960-00001 11p&a, and other control documents\", professional charter and good standing certificate, case status reports and bill status reports, rtc billing guidelines, rtc requirements for monthly reports, rtc psb work plan, professional federal savings bank appointment of rtc as receiver, psb/commodore rtc purchase and assumption agreement, rtc billing, professional savings bank general estate advice; professional federal v. commodore plaza green file folder; (professional savings bank v. commodore plaza, inc.) - 34960-6 professional savings bank vs. commodore exceptions (hard copies), psb/commodore surveys, psb/commodore se bank mortgage, psb vs. commodore title research, professional savings bank vs. commodore real property/municipal taxes/real property, psb vs. commodore crt searches and name searches (updates), psb/commodore real property tax (florida avenue lots), psb/commodore real property tax (leasehold); professional savings bank vs. commodore correspondence, legal pad handwritten notes not labeled, professional savings bank vs. commodore foreclosure reports, psb vs. commodore abstract.",
  126816. "1/27/1994",
  126817. "155620",
  126818. "smith robert",
  126819. "nan",
  126820. "nan",
  126821. " hk box: 10183",
  126822. "miami",
  126823. "654575",
  126824. "nan",
  126825. "nan",
  126826. "nan",
  126827. "nan",
  126828. "nan",
  126829. "nan",
  126830. "nan",
  126831. "nan",
  126832. "nan",
  126833. "nan",
  126834. "nan",
  126835. "nan",
  126836. "nan",
  126837. "nan",
  126838. "nan",
  126839. "nan",
  126840. "nan",
  126841. "nan",
  126842. "nan",
  126843. "nan",
  126844. "nan",
  126845. "nan",
  126846. "nan"
  126847. ],
  126848. [
  126849. "34960",
  126850. "5",
  126851. "rtc/professional-bond matters oakwood",
  126852. "none",
  126853. "652551368",
  126854. "nan",
  126855. "no date - 3 brown binders containing loans to oakwood apartments; rtc/professional - bond matters oakwood (be004) file h&k notes, memos and legal analysis; rtc/professional - bond matter oakwood (be004) file notes/factual background; operative documents & agreements; correspondence.",
  126856. "1/31/1994",
  126857. "155653",
  126858. "maguire amelia",
  126859. "nan",
  126860. "nan",
  126861. " hk box: 10216",
  126862. "miami",
  126863. "655024",
  126864. "nan",
  126865. "nan",
  126866. "nan",
  126867. "nan",
  126868. "nan",
  126869. "nan",
  126870. "nan",
  126871. "nan",
  126872. "nan",
  126873. "nan",
  126874. "nan",
  126875. "nan",
  126876. "nan",
  126877. "nan",
  126878. "nan",
  126879. "nan",
  126880. "nan",
  126881. "nan",
  126882. "nan",
  126883. "nan",
  126884. "nan",
  126885. "nan",
  126886. "nan"
  126887. ],
  126888. [
  126889. "34960",
  126890. "5",
  126891. "rtc/professional-bond matters",
  126892. "none",
  126893. "652551368",
  126894. "nan",
  126895. "no date - 3 brown binders containing loans to oakwood apts.; rtc/professional bond matters oakwood (bdo04), h&k notes, meoms and legal analysis; notes/factual background; operative documents and agreements; correspondence.",
  126896. "1/31/1994",
  126897. "155653",
  126898. "maguire amelia",
  126899. "nan",
  126900. "nan",
  126901. " hk box: 10216",
  126902. "miami",
  126903. "655025",
  126904. "nan",
  126905. "nan",
  126906. "nan",
  126907. "nan",
  126908. "nan",
  126909. "nan",
  126910. "nan",
  126911. "nan",
  126912. "nan",
  126913. "nan",
  126914. "nan",
  126915. "nan",
  126916. "nan",
  126917. "nan",
  126918. "nan",
  126919. "nan",
  126920. "nan",
  126921. "nan",
  126922. "nan",
  126923. "nan",
  126924. "nan",
  126925. "nan",
  126926. "nan"
  126927. ],
  126928. [
  126929. "34960",
  126930. "11",
  126931. "rtc/professional savings bank",
  126932. "v. jet stream et al.",
  126933. "672030666",
  126934. "nan",
  126935. "rtc/professional vs. simon",
  126936. "3/10/1993",
  126937. "85821",
  126938. "kobert ilene",
  126939. "nan",
  126940. "nan",
  126941. " hk box: 9128",
  126942. "miami",
  126943. "655483",
  126944. "nan",
  126945. "nan",
  126946. "nan",
  126947. "nan",
  126948. "nan",
  126949. "nan",
  126950. "nan",
  126951. "nan",
  126952. "nan",
  126953. "nan",
  126954. "nan",
  126955. "nan",
  126956. "nan",
  126957. "nan",
  126958. "nan",
  126959. "nan",
  126960. "nan",
  126961. "nan",
  126962. "nan",
  126963. "nan",
  126964. "nan",
  126965. "nan",
  126966. "nan"
  126967. ],
  126968. [
  126969. "34960",
  126970. "9",
  126971. "rtc/lakeforest park",
  126972. "none",
  126973. "489488034",
  126974. "nan",
  126975. "shadow file",
  126976. "2/9/1994",
  126977. "155678",
  126978. "newman scott",
  126979. "nan",
  126980. "nan",
  126981. " hk box: 10241",
  126982. "miami",
  126983. "656204",
  126984. "nan",
  126985. "nan",
  126986. "nan",
  126987. "nan",
  126988. "nan",
  126989. "nan",
  126990. "nan",
  126991. "nan",
  126992. "nan",
  126993. "nan",
  126994. "nan",
  126995. "nan",
  126996. "nan",
  126997. "nan",
  126998. "nan",
  126999. "nan",
  127000. "nan",
  127001. "nan",
  127002. "nan",
  127003. "nan",
  127004. "nan",
  127005. "nan",
  127006. "nan"
  127007. ],
  127008. [
  127009. "34960",
  127010. "19",
  127011. "rtc",
  127012. "gong",
  127013. "489535029",
  127014. "nan",
  127015. "3/8/93 - box 7",
  127016. "3/11/1993",
  127017. "85847",
  127018. "bloom william",
  127019. "nan",
  127020. "nan",
  127021. " hk box: 9156",
  127022. "miami",
  127023. "656343",
  127024. "nan",
  127025. "nan",
  127026. "nan",
  127027. "nan",
  127028. "nan",
  127029. "nan",
  127030. "nan",
  127031. "nan",
  127032. "nan",
  127033. "nan",
  127034. "nan",
  127035. "nan",
  127036. "nan",
  127037. "nan",
  127038. "nan",
  127039. "nan",
  127040. "nan",
  127041. "nan",
  127042. "nan",
  127043. "nan",
  127044. "nan",
  127045. "nan",
  127046. "nan"
  127047. ],
  127048. [
  127049. "34960",
  127050. "46",
  127051. "claude dorsey",
  127052. "rtc",
  127053. "50070",
  127054. "nan",
  127055. "september 23, 1992 correspondence file",
  127056. "9/28/1992",
  127057. "8383",
  127058. "cimo, davis",
  127059. "nan",
  127060. "nan",
  127061. "nan",
  127062. "miami",
  127063. "656865",
  127064. "nan",
  127065. "nan",
  127066. "nan",
  127067. "nan",
  127068. "nan",
  127069. "nan",
  127070. "nan",
  127071. "nan",
  127072. "nan",
  127073. "nan",
  127074. "nan",
  127075. "nan",
  127076. "nan",
  127077. "nan",
  127078. "nan",
  127079. "nan",
  127080. "nan",
  127081. "nan",
  127082. "nan",
  127083. "nan",
  127084. "nan",
  127085. "nan",
  127086. "nan"
  127087. ],
  127088. [
  127089. "34960",
  127090. "5",
  127091. "rtc/professional bond matters star creek",
  127092. "none",
  127093. "489535563",
  127094. "nan",
  127095. "02/22/95 draw #2 (request #3). ap/draw #1 request 3. ap/draw #3 (request #4). related housing of florida approved draw #4 req #5. related housing of florida approved draw #5 req #6. draw #6 req #7. related housing of florida approved daw #7 req #8. draw #8 req #9 star creek. draw 9 req 10. draw 10 req 11. final draw. relating housing. ledger.",
  127096. "5/11/1994",
  127097. "174253",
  127098. "none",
  127099. "nan",
  127100. "nan",
  127101. " hk box: 10471",
  127102. "miami",
  127103. "659092",
  127104. "nan",
  127105. "nan",
  127106. "nan",
  127107. "nan",
  127108. "nan",
  127109. "nan",
  127110. "nan",
  127111. "nan",
  127112. "nan",
  127113. "nan",
  127114. "nan",
  127115. "nan",
  127116. "nan",
  127117. "nan",
  127118. "nan",
  127119. "nan",
  127120. "nan",
  127121. "nan",
  127122. "nan",
  127123. "nan",
  127124. "nan",
  127125. "nan",
  127126. "nan"
  127127. ],
  127128. [
  127129. "34960",
  127130. "0",
  127131. "rtc professional federal",
  127132. "none",
  127133. "489520871",
  127134. "nan",
  127135. "ltd. ucc's",
  127136. "3/23/1993",
  127137. "114615",
  127138. "friedman robert",
  127139. "nan",
  127140. "nan",
  127141. " hk box: 9420",
  127142. "miami",
  127143. "661498",
  127144. "nan",
  127145. "nan",
  127146. "nan",
  127147. "nan",
  127148. "nan",
  127149. "nan",
  127150. "nan",
  127151. "nan",
  127152. "nan",
  127153. "nan",
  127154. "nan",
  127155. "nan",
  127156. "nan",
  127157. "nan",
  127158. "nan",
  127159. "nan",
  127160. "nan",
  127161. "nan",
  127162. "nan",
  127163. "nan",
  127164. "nan",
  127165. "nan",
  127166. "nan"
  127167. ],
  127168. [
  127169. "34960",
  127170. "5",
  127171. "rtc professional federal",
  127172. "none",
  127173. "489520871",
  127174. "nan",
  127175. "housing bond matters 8/l/90-4/24/91. professional fed. savings 4/15/91 to 8/20/91. rtc professional federal savings bank/bond matters.",
  127176. "3/23/1993",
  127177. "114615",
  127178. "friedman robert",
  127179. "nan",
  127180. "nan",
  127181. " hk box: 9420",
  127182. "miami",
  127183. "661499",
  127184. "nan",
  127185. "nan",
  127186. "nan",
  127187. "nan",
  127188. "nan",
  127189. "nan",
  127190. "nan",
  127191. "nan",
  127192. "nan",
  127193. "nan",
  127194. "nan",
  127195. "nan",
  127196. "nan",
  127197. "nan",
  127198. "nan",
  127199. "nan",
  127200. "nan",
  127201. "nan",
  127202. "nan",
  127203. "nan",
  127204. "nan",
  127205. "nan",
  127206. "nan"
  127207. ],
  127208. [
  127209. "34960",
  127210. "16",
  127211. "rtc/professional v. commodore plaza",
  127212. "none",
  127213. "45228",
  127214. "nan",
  127215. "2 boxes of loan doc's",
  127216. "2/7/1992",
  127217. "7380",
  127218. "none",
  127219. "nan",
  127220. "nan",
  127221. "nan",
  127222. "miami",
  127223. "661669",
  127224. "nan",
  127225. "nan",
  127226. "nan",
  127227. "nan",
  127228. "nan",
  127229. "nan",
  127230. "nan",
  127231. "nan",
  127232. "nan",
  127233. "nan",
  127234. "nan",
  127235. "nan",
  127236. "nan",
  127237. "nan",
  127238. "nan",
  127239. "nan",
  127240. "nan",
  127241. "nan",
  127242. "nan",
  127243. "nan",
  127244. "nan",
  127245. "nan",
  127246. "nan"
  127247. ],
  127248. [
  127249. "34960",
  127250. "16",
  127251. "rtc/professionalsavings v. commodore plaza",
  127252. "none",
  127253. "45229",
  127254. "nan",
  127255. "(pleading file/correspondence)",
  127256. "2/7/1992",
  127257. "7381",
  127258. "none",
  127259. "nan",
  127260. "nan",
  127261. "nan",
  127262. "miami",
  127263. "661670",
  127264. "nan",
  127265. "nan",
  127266. "nan",
  127267. "nan",
  127268. "nan",
  127269. "nan",
  127270. "nan",
  127271. "nan",
  127272. "nan",
  127273. "nan",
  127274. "nan",
  127275. "nan",
  127276. "nan",
  127277. "nan",
  127278. "nan",
  127279. "nan",
  127280. "nan",
  127281. "nan",
  127282. "nan",
  127283. "nan",
  127284. "nan",
  127285. "nan",
  127286. "nan"
  127287. ],
  127288. [
  127289. "34960",
  127290. "5",
  127291. "rtc/professional savings",
  127292. "none",
  127293. "672026026",
  127294. "nan",
  127295. "03/09/1993 files pertaining to 6,450,000.00 rankin county miss. urban renewal revenue bonds series 1986a (security federal savings an loan association collatirized letter of credit - fox meadows apartments project.",
  127296. "3/22/1993",
  127297. "114639",
  127298. "friedman robert",
  127299. "nan",
  127300. "nan",
  127301. " hk box: 9442",
  127302. "miami",
  127303. "662061",
  127304. "nan",
  127305. "nan",
  127306. "nan",
  127307. "nan",
  127308. "nan",
  127309. "nan",
  127310. "nan",
  127311. "nan",
  127312. "nan",
  127313. "nan",
  127314. "nan",
  127315. "nan",
  127316. "nan",
  127317. "nan",
  127318. "nan",
  127319. "nan",
  127320. "nan",
  127321. "nan",
  127322. "nan",
  127323. "nan",
  127324. "nan",
  127325. "nan",
  127326. "nan"
  127327. ],
  127328. [
  127329. "34960",
  127330. "25",
  127331. "professional rtc/office center",
  127332. "none",
  127333. "460596493",
  127334. "nan",
  127335. "august 5, 1992 - shadow file",
  127336. "8/10/1992",
  127337. "49981",
  127338. "gach, teri e.",
  127339. "nan",
  127340. "nan",
  127341. " hk box: 8294",
  127342. "miami",
  127343. "663398",
  127344. "nan",
  127345. "nan",
  127346. "nan",
  127347. "nan",
  127348. "nan",
  127349. "nan",
  127350. "nan",
  127351. "nan",
  127352. "nan",
  127353. "nan",
  127354. "nan",
  127355. "nan",
  127356. "nan",
  127357. "nan",
  127358. "nan",
  127359. "nan",
  127360. "nan",
  127361. "nan",
  127362. "nan",
  127363. "nan",
  127364. "nan",
  127365. "nan",
  127366. "nan"
  127367. ],
  127368. [
  127369. "34960",
  127370. "51",
  127371. "rtc-conser",
  127372. "none",
  127373. "652551631",
  127374. "nan",
  127375. "august 5, 1992 - braden river plaza sale to usx (five files), two accordions and binders",
  127376. "8/10/1992",
  127377. "49991",
  127378. "gach, teri e.",
  127379. "nan",
  127380. "nan",
  127381. " 8304",
  127382. "miami",
  127383. "663434",
  127384. "nan",
  127385. "nan",
  127386. "nan",
  127387. "nan",
  127388. "nan",
  127389. "nan",
  127390. "nan",
  127391. "nan",
  127392. "nan",
  127393. "nan",
  127394. "nan",
  127395. "nan",
  127396. "nan",
  127397. "nan",
  127398. "nan",
  127399. "nan",
  127400. "nan",
  127401. "nan",
  127402. "nan",
  127403. "nan",
  127404. "nan",
  127405. "nan",
  127406. "nan"
  127407. ],
  127408. [
  127409. "34960",
  127410. "5",
  127411. "rtc",
  127412. "professional savings",
  127413. "652553043",
  127414. "nan",
  127415. "october 2, 1992.-4 black legal size binders --the federal savings &loan insurance corporation as receiver for great southern federal savings bank savannah, ga and great southern federal savings &loan association, savannah, ga -takedown documents.-2 brown expanding folders with great southern files and binders.-bond matters rtc/professional -town street.-bond matters -rtc/professional -fox meadows.-2 expanding folders and binder",
  127416. "10/8/1992",
  127417. "50114",
  127418. "friedman robert",
  127419. "nan",
  127420. "nan",
  127421. " 8424",
  127422. "miami",
  127423. "665238",
  127424. "nan",
  127425. "nan",
  127426. "nan",
  127427. "nan",
  127428. "nan",
  127429. "nan",
  127430. "nan",
  127431. "nan",
  127432. "nan",
  127433. "nan",
  127434. "nan",
  127435. "nan",
  127436. "nan",
  127437. "nan",
  127438. "nan",
  127439. "nan",
  127440. "nan",
  127441. "nan",
  127442. "nan",
  127443. "nan",
  127444. "nan",
  127445. "nan",
  127446. "nan"
  127447. ],
  127448. [
  127449. "34960",
  127450. "5",
  127451. "rtc",
  127452. "professional savings",
  127453. "652553287",
  127454. "nan",
  127455. "october 2, 1992.-bond matters -rtc/professional -country club. brochure -south florida apts. i, ltd.-south florida apts. i, ltd. letter of credit.-binder $4,700,000 housing finance authority of dade co. (fl)multifamily mortgage revenue bonds.-1985 series 31.-(south florida apts. project.-jade gardens.-bond matters -rtc/professional jade gardens.-hume realty corp. caputo.-1 brown expanding folder with numerous folders re rtc/professional as follows: 1 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues action of -directors -general.-2 -rtc/professional -dissolution documents. 3 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -master list.-4-rtc professional -general subsidiary issues -action of sole shareholders.-5 -rtc professional -general subsidiary issues directors -bancorp mortgage.-6 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -shareholders -bancorp mortgage.-7 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -disposition of subsidiaries.8-rtc/professional -meeting with lisa magill y/26/90 at 10: 00 am. 9. rtc/professional -general subsidiary issufs -notes.10 -rtc/professional -subsidiary issues -shareholders -jim perry &co. inc. 11 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues directors jim perry &co. inc. 12 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -psb properties inc.-13 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -shareholders-psb properties inc.-14 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -psb properties #l. 15 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues shareholders -psb properties #l .-16 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -psb properties #2.-17 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -shareholders psb properties #2.-18 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues shareholders -apd, inc.-19 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -apd, inc.-20 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -apd braden, inc.-21 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -shareholders apd central. 21 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues shareholders apd central, inc. 22 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -adp central, inc. 23 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -apd dundee inc.-24 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues shareholders apd dundee inc. -25 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors lake worth- willow inc. 26 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -shareholders.-lake worth willow inc. 27 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -shareholders -apd oakland, inc. 28 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -apd oakland, inc. 29 rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues -directors -apd united, inc. 30 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues-shareholders apd united, inc. 31 -rtc/professional -general subsidiary issues shareholders apd braden, inc.-rtc/professional savings -notes. fdic/rtc (holding )",
  127456. "10/8/1992",
  127457. "50115",
  127458. "friedman robert",
  127459. "nan",
  127460. "nan",
  127461. " 8425",
  127462. "miami",
  127463. "665239",
  127464. "nan",
  127465. "nan",
  127466. "nan",
  127467. "nan",
  127468. "nan",
  127469. "nan",
  127470. "nan",
  127471. "nan",
  127472. "nan",
  127473. "nan",
  127474. "nan",
  127475. "nan",
  127476. "nan",
  127477. "nan",
  127478. "nan",
  127479. "nan",
  127480. "nan",
  127481. "nan",
  127482. "nan",
  127483. "nan",
  127484. "nan",
  127485. "nan",
  127486. "nan"
  127487. ],
  127488. [
  127489. "34960",
  127490. "5",
  127491. "rtc",
  127492. "professional savings",
  127493. "672030893",
  127494. "nan",
  127495. "october 2, 1992 bond matters - rtc/professional - palm lakes apts. (2 brown expanding folders) south florida apts i, ltd. (interim loan) - jim perry. country club south. 1 brown expanding folder with project cohronologies and other miscellaneous documents - bond matters - rtc/professional - ludlam plaza - town villas - flowood, miss - enterprise national bank of maryland - global america, inc.",
  127496. "10/8/1992",
  127497. "50116",
  127498. "friedman robert",
  127499. "nan",
  127500. "nan",
  127501. " hk box: 8426",
  127502. "miami",
  127503. "665240",
  127504. "nan",
  127505. "nan",
  127506. "nan",
  127507. "nan",
  127508. "nan",
  127509. "nan",
  127510. "nan",
  127511. "nan",
  127512. "nan",
  127513. "nan",
  127514. "nan",
  127515. "nan",
  127516. "nan",
  127517. "nan",
  127518. "nan",
  127519. "nan",
  127520. "nan",
  127521. "nan",
  127522. "nan",
  127523. "nan",
  127524. "nan",
  127525. "nan",
  127526. "nan"
  127527. ],
  127528. [
  127529. "34960",
  127530. "21",
  127531. "rtc vs. canet",
  127532. "none",
  127533. "653199997",
  127534. "nan",
  127535. "correspondence vol. i 4/89 through 9/21/90: bank's files containing original loan docs; sanchez, jorge & teresa/canet ent. $495,000; article resale of property; chicago title commitment; title policy no. fl - 001 - 02 - 13 - 12371a; hearing on motion for summary judgment; transcript of hearing on motion for summary judgment 01/03/90; summary final judgment; motion set aside hearing 4/23/90; letters to quinn re: default & final judgment; order granting motion for rehearing 3/21/90; notice of hearing for 04/23/90; motino to vacate default; nov 16, 1989 order; affidavits re m/vacate default; 4/23/90 hearing on motion to set aside default; notice of hearing 5/10/90 on psb's motion to compel responses to request to produce from sanchez; request for productino to sanchez; psb's motion to compel response to request to produce from sanchez; letter to quin re: request for production response and notice of filing motion to compel; hearing binder 9/11/90; pleadings re: summary final judgment; notice of hearing 9/11/90 psb's motion for sanctions;motion to compel; motion for sanctions; psb's motion to compel.",
  127536. "10/29/1992",
  127537. "50145",
  127538. "farrar, r. thomas",
  127539. "nan",
  127540. "nan",
  127541. " 8455",
  127542. "miami",
  127543. "665555",
  127544. "nan",
  127545. "nan",
  127546. "nan",
  127547. "nan",
  127548. "nan",
  127549. "nan",
  127550. "nan",
  127551. "nan",
  127552. "nan",
  127553. "nan",
  127554. "nan",
  127555. "nan",
  127556. "nan",
  127557. "nan",
  127558. "nan",
  127559. "nan",
  127560. "nan",
  127561. "nan",
  127562. "nan",
  127563. "nan",
  127564. "nan",
  127565. "nan",
  127566. "nan"
  127567. ],
  127568. [
  127569. "34960",
  127570. "5",
  127571. "rtc/professional savings",
  127572. "none",
  127573. "489488159",
  127574. "nan",
  127575. "rtc/professional - collateral pledge agreement & summary/palm lakes; rtc/professional - collateral pledge agreement & summary/ludlam plaza; rtc/professional - collateral pledge agreement & summary/caputo; rtc/professional - collateral pledge agreement & summary jade gardens; rtc/professional - collateral pledge agreement summary -town street; rtc/professional - collaeral pledge agreement & summary -oakwood; rtc/professional - collateral pledge agreement & summary -twin lakes; rtc/professional collateral pledge agreement & summary -fox meadows; rtc/professional collateral pledge agreement & summary - grossman; rtc/0preofessional - collateral plege agreement & summary - star creek; rtc/professional - collateral plege agreement & summary - country club apts.; professional savings bank - documetns from bank; professional savings bank/rtc - correspondence; correspondence re preofessional from a.r. maguire; correspondence rtc - conservator for preofessional federal savings bank",
  127576. "4/12/1993",
  127577. "114838",
  127578. "salomon peter",
  127579. "nan",
  127580. "nan",
  127581. " hk box: 9640",
  127582. "miami",
  127583. "665737",
  127584. "nan",
  127585. "nan",
  127586. "nan",
  127587. "nan",
  127588. "nan",
  127589. "nan",
  127590. "nan",
  127591. "nan",
  127592. "nan",
  127593. "nan",
  127594. "nan",
  127595. "nan",
  127596. "nan",
  127597. "nan",
  127598. "nan",
  127599. "nan",
  127600. "nan",
  127601. "nan",
  127602. "nan",
  127603. "nan",
  127604. "nan",
  127605. "nan",
  127606. "nan"
  127607. ],
  127608. [
  127609. "34960",
  127610. "15",
  127611. "rtc v. sunrise",
  127612. "none",
  127613. "489519816",
  127614. "nan",
  127615. "files",
  127616. "4/9/1993",
  127617. "118762",
  127618. "cimo david c.",
  127619. "nan",
  127620. "nan",
  127621. " hk box: 9677",
  127622. "miami",
  127623. "665835",
  127624. "nan",
  127625. "nan",
  127626. "nan",
  127627. "nan",
  127628. "nan",
  127629. "nan",
  127630. "nan",
  127631. "nan",
  127632. "nan",
  127633. "nan",
  127634. "nan",
  127635. "nan",
  127636. "nan",
  127637. "nan",
  127638. "nan",
  127639. "nan",
  127640. "nan",
  127641. "nan",
  127642. "nan",
  127643. "nan",
  127644. "nan",
  127645. "nan",
  127646. "nan"
  127647. ],
  127648. [
  127649. "34960",
  127650. "24",
  127651. "rtc v. carnival",
  127652. "none",
  127653. "489519816",
  127654. "nan",
  127655. "files",
  127656. "4/9/1993",
  127657. "118762",
  127658. "cimo david c.",
  127659. "nan",
  127660. "nan",
  127661. " hk box: 9677",
  127662. "miami",
  127663. "665837",
  127664. "nan",
  127665. "nan",
  127666. "nan",
  127667. "nan",
  127668. "nan",
  127669. "nan",
  127670. "nan",
  127671. "nan",
  127672. "nan",
  127673. "nan",
  127674. "nan",
  127675. "nan",
  127676. "nan",
  127677. "nan",
  127678. "nan",
  127679. "nan",
  127680. "nan",
  127681. "nan",
  127682. "nan",
  127683. "nan",
  127684. "nan",
  127685. "nan",
  127686. "nan"
  127687. ],
  127688. [
  127689. "34960",
  127690. "5",
  127691. "rtc/professional bond matters twin lakes",
  127692. "none",
  127693. "489342799",
  127694. "nan",
  127695. "no date - second draft documents; yellow file containing-south florida apartments i twin lakes apartments $2,750,000 bond/legal/requisition file; blue prints to apartment complex; agreements; rtc professional-bond matters, twin lakes (be 003) operative documents and agreement; rtc/professional-bond matters, twin lake (be 003) notes, memos and legal analysis; rtc/professional-bond matters, twin lakes (be 003) notes, factual background; rtc/professional-bond matters, twin lakes (be 003) correspondence; 2 brown binders containing the following: $2,750,000 city of hialeah, florida mutlifamily housing revenue bonds 1985 series; memorandums-subjects: \"draw requests\".",
  127696. "5/17/1993",
  127697. "118879",
  127698. "maguire amelia",
  127699. "nan",
  127700. "nan",
  127701. " hk box: 9780",
  127702. "miami",
  127703. "668778",
  127704. "nan",
  127705. "nan",
  127706. "nan",
  127707. "nan",
  127708. "nan",
  127709. "nan",
  127710. "nan",
  127711. "nan",
  127712. "nan",
  127713. "nan",
  127714. "nan",
  127715. "nan",
  127716. "nan",
  127717. "nan",
  127718. "nan",
  127719. "nan",
  127720. "nan",
  127721. "nan",
  127722. "nan",
  127723. "nan",
  127724. "nan",
  127725. "nan",
  127726. "nan"
  127727. ],
  127728. [
  127729. "34960",
  127730. "61",
  127731. "rtc",
  127732. "none",
  127733. "490613356",
  127734. "nan",
  127735. "professional savings bank.- a&b health care services, inc.",
  127736. "4/30/1992",
  127737. "49435",
  127738. "parish, david f.",
  127739. "nan",
  127740. "nan",
  127741. " hk box: 7773",
  127742. "miami",
  127743. "670190",
  127744. "nan",
  127745. "nan",
  127746. "nan",
  127747. "nan",
  127748. "nan",
  127749. "nan",
  127750. "nan",
  127751. "nan",
  127752. "nan",
  127753. "nan",
  127754. "nan",
  127755. "nan",
  127756. "nan",
  127757. "nan",
  127758. "nan",
  127759. "nan",
  127760. "nan",
  127761. "nan",
  127762. "nan",
  127763. "nan",
  127764. "nan",
  127765. "nan",
  127766. "nan"
  127767. ],
  127768. [
  127769. "34960",
  127770. "3",
  127771. "rtc",
  127772. "none",
  127773. "652553352",
  127774. "nan",
  127775. "june 1, 1992-- as conservator of professional federal (general real estate advice)",
  127776. "6/11/1992",
  127777. "49531",
  127778. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  127779. "nan",
  127780. "nan",
  127781. " 7864",
  127782. "miami",
  127783. "673011",
  127784. "nan",
  127785. "nan",
  127786. "nan",
  127787. "nan",
  127788. "nan",
  127789. "nan",
  127790. "nan",
  127791. "nan",
  127792. "nan",
  127793. "nan",
  127794. "nan",
  127795. "nan",
  127796. "nan",
  127797. "nan",
  127798. "nan",
  127799. "nan",
  127800. "nan",
  127801. "nan",
  127802. "nan",
  127803. "nan",
  127804. "nan",
  127805. "nan",
  127806. "nan"
  127807. ],
  127808. [
  127809. "34960",
  127810. "39",
  127811. "rtc. vs. neil rollnick",
  127812. "none",
  127813. "85401",
  127814. "nan",
  127815. "1/8/93, research, discovery, espirito bankus rollnick, 80,000 note pleadings, depo file -- rollnick, client documents.",
  127816. "1/15/1993",
  127817. "8708",
  127818. "cimo, david",
  127819. "nan",
  127820. "nan",
  127821. "nan",
  127822. "miami",
  127823. "673478",
  127824. "nan",
  127825. "nan",
  127826. "nan",
  127827. "nan",
  127828. "nan",
  127829. "nan",
  127830. "nan",
  127831. "nan",
  127832. "nan",
  127833. "nan",
  127834. "nan",
  127835. "nan",
  127836. "nan",
  127837. "nan",
  127838. "nan",
  127839. "nan",
  127840. "nan",
  127841. "nan",
  127842. "nan",
  127843. "nan",
  127844. "nan",
  127845. "nan",
  127846. "nan"
  127847. ],
  127848. [
  127849. "34960",
  127850. "5",
  127851. "rtc/professional savings vs. ginora",
  127852. "none",
  127853. "365607",
  127854. "nan",
  127855. "file",
  127856. "8/30/1991",
  127857. "6077",
  127858. "totten bart",
  127859. "nan",
  127860. "nan",
  127861. "nan",
  127862. "miami",
  127863. "674920",
  127864. "nan",
  127865. "nan",
  127866. "nan",
  127867. "nan",
  127868. "nan",
  127869. "nan",
  127870. "nan",
  127871. "nan",
  127872. "nan",
  127873. "nan",
  127874. "nan",
  127875. "nan",
  127876. "nan",
  127877. "nan",
  127878. "nan",
  127879. "nan",
  127880. "nan",
  127881. "nan",
  127882. "nan",
  127883. "nan",
  127884. "nan",
  127885. "nan",
  127886. "nan"
  127887. ],
  127888. [
  127889. "34960",
  127890. "5",
  127891. "rtc",
  127892. "professional savings",
  127893. "89252416",
  127894. "nan",
  127895. "3/10/93. $2,950.00 housing finance authority of dade county multifamily mortgage revenue bonds; 1985 series 21 (sfa apts. project-palm lakes, 12/19/85); 2,750;000 city of hialeah; florida housing revenue bonds 1985 series1 (twin lakes apts. project); $2,125,000 housing finance authority of dade county, florida; multifamily mortgage revenue bonds 1985 32 (south florida apts. i project); $4,700,000 housing finance authority of dade county florida multifamily mortgage revenue bonds 1985 series 31 (south florida apts. i project)",
  127896. "2/26/1993",
  127897. "85586",
  127898. "friedman robert",
  127899. "nan",
  127900. "nan",
  127901. " hk box: 8893",
  127902. "miami",
  127903. "679425",
  127904. "nan",
  127905. "nan",
  127906. "nan",
  127907. "nan",
  127908. "nan",
  127909. "nan",
  127910. "nan",
  127911. "nan",
  127912. "nan",
  127913. "nan",
  127914. "nan",
  127915. "nan",
  127916. "nan",
  127917. "nan",
  127918. "nan",
  127919. "nan",
  127920. "nan",
  127921. "nan",
  127922. "nan",
  127923. "nan",
  127924. "nan",
  127925. "nan",
  127926. "nan"
  127927. ],
  127928. [
  127929. "34960",
  127930. "5",
  127931. "rtc",
  127932. "professional savings",
  127933. "672025554",
  127934. "nan",
  127935. "3/3/93. 5 brown binders as follows: 2,215,000 housing finance of dade county, florida multifamily mortgage revenue bonds, 1985 series 32 (south florida apts. projects). (ludlam projects). $2,950,000 housing finance authority of dade county, florida multifamily mortgage revenue bonds, 1985 series 30 (sfs apartments projects. $1,750,000 housing finance authority of dade county, florida, multifamily mortgage revenue bonds, 1985 series 30 (sfs project) (caputo); $1,750,000 housing finance authority of dade county, florida multifamily mortgage revenue bonds, 1985 series 30 (south florida apartments project) (caputo); and $4,500,000.00 county of franklin ohio industrial development revenue bonds (town street limited partnership project) series 1986-june 19, 1986.",
  127936. "3/8/1993",
  127937. "85666",
  127938. "friedman robert",
  127939. "nan",
  127940. "nan",
  127941. " hk box: 8973",
  127942. "miami",
  127943. "683110",
  127944. "nan",
  127945. "nan",
  127946. "nan",
  127947. "nan",
  127948. "nan",
  127949. "nan",
  127950. "nan",
  127951. "nan",
  127952. "nan",
  127953. "nan",
  127954. "nan",
  127955. "nan",
  127956. "nan",
  127957. "nan",
  127958. "nan",
  127959. "nan",
  127960. "nan",
  127961. "nan",
  127962. "nan",
  127963. "nan",
  127964. "nan",
  127965. "nan",
  127966. "nan"
  127967. ],
  127968. [
  127969. "34960",
  127970. "5",
  127971. "rtc",
  127972. "professional savings",
  127973. "489337548",
  127974. "nan",
  127975. "3/3/93. professional federal savings bank project chronologies. dade co. industrial development authorit6y industrial development revenue bonds (casanave realty associates project), series 1985. star creek (be 002): correspondence; holland & knight notes, memos and legal analysis, oeprative documents and agreements, notes/factual background; and miscellaneous file. loan agreement among housing finance authority of dade county florida and south florida apts. i ltd., a florida limited partnership and florida national bank, as trustee (11/1/86). closing binder $3,000,000 housing finance authority of dade county multifamily mortgage revenue bonds, 1986 series 1 (village park apts. project)",
  127976. "3/8/1993",
  127977. "85667",
  127978. "friedman robert",
  127979. "nan",
  127980. "nan",
  127981. " hk box: 8974",
  127982. "miami",
  127983. "683116",
  127984. "nan",
  127985. "nan",
  127986. "nan",
  127987. "nan",
  127988. "nan",
  127989. "nan",
  127990. "nan",
  127991. "nan",
  127992. "nan",
  127993. "nan",
  127994. "nan",
  127995. "nan",
  127996. "nan",
  127997. "nan",
  127998. "nan",
  127999. "nan",
  128000. "nan",
  128001. "nan",
  128002. "nan",
  128003. "nan",
  128004. "nan",
  128005. "nan",
  128006. "nan"
  128007. ],
  128008. [
  128009. "34960",
  128010. "5",
  128011. "rtc",
  128012. "professional",
  128013. "490615116",
  128014. "nan",
  128015. "3/3/93. brown expanding file containing the following: rtc/professional savings case manaagement org. chart: take down documents -- rtc as conservator for southern federal savings and loan; rtc, conservator for professional federal savings bank -- law; professional federal savings bank (firrea memorandum); rtc, conservator professional federal -- documents to index; professional fed; take down documents -- authorities; rtc/professional savings -- new matter memorandum; written consent by directors of professional bancorp mortgage company, power of attorney; certificate of existence -- prof. fed. savings bank; corporate search/officers and directors/prof savings bank; form -- rtc pre-litigation analysis; form-rtc single or multi-line asset sheet for referral of assets forl itigation; rtc, conservator for prof. fed. savings bank -- conflict check; rtc/prof bond matters people and parties; rtc/prof. federal form -- reaffirmation letter; rtc miscellaneous; rtc/prof. savings working documents; professional fed. savings bank -- arm weekly status meetings; billing file -- rtc conser prof. fed. general corp. advice; barnes, darby and mcghee firm resume; rtc/prof. savings people and parties; and rtc, conservator professional bond matters -- working documents. 1 brown expanding file containing 4 binders re country club apts. 1 miscellaneous file re palm lake apts.",
  128016. "3/8/1993",
  128017. "85671",
  128018. "friedman robert",
  128019. "nan",
  128020. "nan",
  128021. " hk box: 8978",
  128022. "miami",
  128023. "683137",
  128024. "nan",
  128025. "nan",
  128026. "nan",
  128027. "nan",
  128028. "nan",
  128029. "nan",
  128030. "nan",
  128031. "nan",
  128032. "nan",
  128033. "nan",
  128034. "nan",
  128035. "nan",
  128036. "nan",
  128037. "nan",
  128038. "nan",
  128039. "nan",
  128040. "nan",
  128041. "nan",
  128042. "nan",
  128043. "nan",
  128044. "nan",
  128045. "nan",
  128046. "nan"
  128047. ],
  128048. [
  128049. "34969",
  128050. "11111",
  128051. "rtc/real estate recovery v. 2932",
  128052. "none",
  128053. "460599686",
  128054. "nan",
  128055. "august 17, 1993 - new # given by s. newman 039392-1 (people south west) correspondence volume 1 thru 3; attorney notes; billing; title report; purchase and sale agreement; pleadings case no. 91-14139; 2932 vs. jose perez; original loan documents; rtc/fdic-legal services agreement.",
  128056. "8/20/1993",
  128057. "119048",
  128058. "newman scott",
  128059. "nan",
  128060. "nan",
  128061. " hk box: 9958",
  128062. "miami",
  128063. "669993",
  128064. "nan",
  128065. "nan",
  128066. "nan",
  128067. "nan",
  128068. "nan",
  128069. "nan",
  128070. "nan",
  128071. "nan",
  128072. "nan",
  128073. "nan",
  128074. "nan",
  128075. "nan",
  128076. "nan",
  128077. "nan",
  128078. "nan",
  128079. "nan",
  128080. "nan",
  128081. "nan",
  128082. "nan",
  128083. "nan",
  128084. "nan",
  128085. "nan",
  128086. "nan"
  128087. ],
  128088. [
  128089. "34991-5",
  128090. "nan",
  128091. "volvo sportcraft",
  128092. "nan",
  128093. "dsj004569",
  128094. "nan",
  128095. "ljh closed file",
  128096. "07/11/1995",
  128097. "13-129",
  128098. "13 larry hamilton",
  128099. "nan",
  128100. "nan",
  128101. "nan",
  128102. "jacksonville",
  128103. "57670",
  128104. "nan",
  128105. "nan",
  128106. "nan",
  128107. "nan",
  128108. "nan",
  128109. "nan",
  128110. "nan",
  128111. "nan",
  128112. "nan",
  128113. "nan",
  128114. "nan",
  128115. "nan",
  128116. "nan",
  128117. "nan",
  128118. "nan",
  128119. "nan",
  128120. "nan",
  128121. "nan",
  128122. "nan",
  128123. "nan",
  128124. "nan",
  128125. "nan",
  128126. "nan"
  128127. ],
  128128. [
  128129. "350042",
  128130. "745",
  128131. "gannett/jacksonville wtlv",
  128132. "thomas v. wtlv",
  128133. "489622395",
  128134. "nan",
  128135. "entire box-corres., - notes/artcles - billing - daryl scott thomas guardianship-proceeding and index - pleadings --appellate pleadings - box 1 of 1------",
  128136. "3/23/2007",
  128137. "1000604897",
  128138. "charles d. tobin",
  128139. "nan",
  128140. "nan",
  128141. "barcode: 100131105 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: henretta ellis + records assistant: raymond jefferson + file status: out + emp id no: 1000604897 + emp name: 1000604897",
  128142. "washington d.c",
  128143. "1496679",
  128144. "nan",
  128145. "nan",
  128146. "nan",
  128147. "nan",
  128148. "nan",
  128149. "nan",
  128150. "nan",
  128151. "nan",
  128152. "nan",
  128153. "nan",
  128154. "nan",
  128155. "nan",
  128156. "nan",
  128157. "nan",
  128158. "nan",
  128159. "nan",
  128160. "nan",
  128161. "nan",
  128162. "nan",
  128163. "nan",
  128164. "nan",
  128165. "nan",
  128166. "nan"
  128167. ],
  128168. [
  128169. "35012",
  128170. "8",
  128171. "rtc",
  128172. "calus a trace/correspondence",
  128173. "tcf0009695",
  128174. "nan",
  128175. "nan",
  128176. "06/20/2001",
  128177. "bf1410",
  128178. "rnb",
  128179. "nan",
  128180. "nan",
  128181. "seq: 0010",
  128182. "tampa",
  128183. "197884",
  128184. "nan",
  128185. "nan",
  128186. "nan",
  128187. "nan",
  128188. "nan",
  128189. "nan",
  128190. "nan",
  128191. "nan",
  128192. "nan",
  128193. "nan",
  128194. "nan",
  128195. "nan",
  128196. "nan",
  128197. "nan",
  128198. "nan",
  128199. "nan",
  128200. "nan",
  128201. "nan",
  128202. "nan",
  128203. "nan",
  128204. "nan",
  128205. "nan",
  128206. "nan"
  128207. ],
  128208. [
  128209. "35034",
  128210. "2",
  128211. "rtc conser grand prairie",
  128212. "charles j. davis",
  128213. "tcf0007564",
  128214. "nan",
  128215. "nan",
  128216. "06/20/2001",
  128217. "as4782",
  128218. "jef",
  128219. "nan",
  128220. "nan",
  128221. "seq: 0020",
  128222. "tampa",
  128223. "187284",
  128224. "nan",
  128225. "nan",
  128226. "nan",
  128227. "nan",
  128228. "nan",
  128229. "nan",
  128230. "nan",
  128231. "nan",
  128232. "nan",
  128233. "nan",
  128234. "nan",
  128235. "nan",
  128236. "nan",
  128237. "nan",
  128238. "nan",
  128239. "nan",
  128240. "nan",
  128241. "nan",
  128242. "nan",
  128243. "nan",
  128244. "nan",
  128245. "nan",
  128246. "nan"
  128247. ],
  128248. [
  128249. "35034",
  128250. "1",
  128251. "rtc-grand prairie federal vs. s. l. moore",
  128252. "none",
  128253. "460596493",
  128254. "nan",
  128255. "august 5, 1992 - shadow file",
  128256. "8/10/1992",
  128257. "49981",
  128258. "gach, teri e.",
  128259. "nan",
  128260. "nan",
  128261. " hk box: 8294",
  128262. "miami",
  128263. "663399",
  128264. "nan",
  128265. "nan",
  128266. "nan",
  128267. "nan",
  128268. "nan",
  128269. "nan",
  128270. "nan",
  128271. "nan",
  128272. "nan",
  128273. "nan",
  128274. "nan",
  128275. "nan",
  128276. "nan",
  128277. "nan",
  128278. "nan",
  128279. "nan",
  128280. "nan",
  128281. "nan",
  128282. "nan",
  128283. "nan",
  128284. "nan",
  128285. "nan",
  128286. "nan"
  128287. ],
  128288. [
  128289. "35092",
  128290. "2",
  128291. "home federal rtc v hdb",
  128292. "1 of 3",
  128293. "tcf0006815",
  128294. "nan",
  128295. "nan",
  128296. "06/20/2001",
  128297. "ap9093",
  128298. "jsw",
  128299. "perm removal from off-site",
  128300. "nan",
  128301. "seq: 0004 this box was checked out from iron mountain on 4/12/1994 and never returned",
  128302. "tampa",
  128303. "181303",
  128304. "nan",
  128305. "nan",
  128306. "nan",
  128307. "nan",
  128308. "nan",
  128309. "nan",
  128310. "nan",
  128311. "nan",
  128312. "nan",
  128313. "nan",
  128314. "nan",
  128315. "nan",
  128316. "nan",
  128317. "nan",
  128318. "nan",
  128319. "nan",
  128320. "nan",
  128321. "nan",
  128322. "nan",
  128323. "nan",
  128324. "nan",
  128325. "nan",
  128326. "nan"
  128327. ],
  128328. [
  128329. "35092",
  128330. "2",
  128331. "home federal rtc",
  128332. "vs hdb/ 3 of 3",
  128333. "tcf0006816",
  128334. "nan",
  128335. "nan",
  128336. "06/20/2001",
  128337. "ap9094",
  128338. "jsw",
  128339. "perm removal from off-site",
  128340. "nan",
  128341. "seq: 0004 this box was checked out from iron mountain on 4/12/1994 and never returned",
  128342. "tampa",
  128343. "181304",
  128344. "nan",
  128345. "nan",
  128346. "nan",
  128347. "nan",
  128348. "nan",
  128349. "nan",
  128350. "nan",
  128351. "nan",
  128352. "nan",
  128353. "nan",
  128354. "nan",
  128355. "nan",
  128356. "nan",
  128357. "nan",
  128358. "nan",
  128359. "nan",
  128360. "nan",
  128361. "nan",
  128362. "nan",
  128363. "nan",
  128364. "nan",
  128365. "nan",
  128366. "nan"
  128367. ],
  128368. [
  128369. "35092",
  128370. "2",
  128371. "home federal rtc v hdb",
  128372. "2 of 3",
  128373. "tcf0006846",
  128374. "nan",
  128375. "nan",
  128376. "06/20/2001",
  128377. "ap9212",
  128378. "jsw",
  128379. "perm removal from off-site",
  128380. "nan",
  128381. "seq: 0004 this box was checked out from iron mountain on 4/12/1994 and never returned",
  128382. "tampa",
  128383. "181445",
  128384. "nan",
  128385. "nan",
  128386. "nan",
  128387. "nan",
  128388. "nan",
  128389. "nan",
  128390. "nan",
  128391. "nan",
  128392. "nan",
  128393. "nan",
  128394. "nan",
  128395. "nan",
  128396. "nan",
  128397. "nan",
  128398. "nan",
  128399. "nan",
  128400. "nan",
  128401. "nan",
  128402. "nan",
  128403. "nan",
  128404. "nan",
  128405. "nan",
  128406. "nan"
  128407. ],
  128408. [
  128409. "351293",
  128410. "00006",
  128411. "international trade associates, inc. (it",
  128412. "general matters",
  128413. "657804115",
  128414. "general/other",
  128415. "spledides fentres decor; duracote ag.; credit app; home fashion technologies; stajo consulting dev and building ag.; southern florida vertcal supply, inc.\njeffrey park - potential employee\nroger palmer\nexcalibur file\n",
  128416. "11/22/2011",
  128417. "nan",
  128418. "suzanne m. judas",
  128419. "off-site",
  128420. "nan",
  128421. "nan",
  128422. "jacksonville",
  128423. "1791756",
  128424. "nan",
  128425. "nan",
  128426. "nan",
  128427. "nan",
  128428. "nan",
  128429. "nan",
  128430. "nan",
  128431. "nan",
  128432. "nan",
  128433. "nan",
  128434. "nan",
  128435. "nan",
  128436. "nan",
  128437. "nan",
  128438. "nan",
  128439. "nan",
  128440. "nan",
  128441. "nan",
  128442. "nan",
  128443. "nan",
  128444. "nan",
  128445. "nan",
  128446. "nan"
  128447. ],
  128448. [
  128449. "35133",
  128450. "1",
  128451. "fdic-mcnulty banking co",
  128452. "michael p d'addabbo",
  128453. "tcf0006926",
  128454. "nan",
  128455. "nan",
  128456. "06/20/2001",
  128457. "ap9396",
  128458. "gbh",
  128459. "nan",
  128460. "nan",
  128461. "seq: 0030",
  128462. "tampa",
  128463. "182216",
  128464. "nan",
  128465. "nan",
  128466. "nan",
  128467. "nan",
  128468. "nan",
  128469. "nan",
  128470. "nan",
  128471. "nan",
  128472. "nan",
  128473. "nan",
  128474. "nan",
  128475. "nan",
  128476. "nan",
  128477. "nan",
  128478. "nan",
  128479. "nan",
  128480. "nan",
  128481. "nan",
  128482. "nan",
  128483. "nan",
  128484. "nan",
  128485. "nan",
  128486. "nan"
  128487. ],
  128488. [
  128489. "35137",
  128490. "2",
  128491. "bruce campbell & co.",
  128492. "none",
  128493. "460597151",
  128494. "nan",
  128495. "3/4/93. advice in connection with fdic/ correspondence, bills file, documents, law and notes.",
  128496. "3/8/1993",
  128497. "85689",
  128498. "moore, michael",
  128499. "nan",
  128500. "nan",
  128501. " hk box: 8996",
  128502. "miami",
  128503. "683909",
  128504. "nan",
  128505. "nan",
  128506. "nan",
  128507. "nan",
  128508. "nan",
  128509. "nan",
  128510. "nan",
  128511. "nan",
  128512. "nan",
  128513. "nan",
  128514. "nan",
  128515. "nan",
  128516. "nan",
  128517. "nan",
  128518. "nan",
  128519. "nan",
  128520. "nan",
  128521. "nan",
  128522. "nan",
  128523. "nan",
  128524. "nan",
  128525. "nan",
  128526. "nan"
  128527. ],
  128528. [
  128529. "35195",
  128530. "12",
  128531. "rtc-recv'r/empire fedrl",
  128532. "sale of assets",
  128533. "8559",
  128534. "nan",
  128535. "entered june 28, of debary commons shoping center.",
  128536. "nan",
  128537. "8559",
  128538. "sm",
  128539. "-",
  128540. "nan",
  128541. "closed file number: 1919-92 + location: c",
  128542. "fort lauderdale",
  128543. "324316",
  128544. "nan",
  128545. "nan",
  128546. "nan",
  128547. "nan",
  128548. "nan",
  128549. "nan",
  128550. "nan",
  128551. "nan",
  128552. "nan",
  128553. "nan",
  128554. "nan",
  128555. "nan",
  128556. "nan",
  128557. "nan",
  128558. "nan",
  128559. "nan",
  128560. "nan",
  128561. "nan",
  128562. "nan",
  128563. "nan",
  128564. "nan",
  128565. "nan",
  128566. "nan"
  128567. ],
  128568. [
  128569. "35195",
  128570. "3",
  128571. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  128572. "brandywine enterprises",
  128573. "8803",
  128574. "nan",
  128575. "entered december 14, 92. (also f# 2490-92).",
  128576. "nan",
  128577. "8803",
  128578. "sm",
  128579. "-",
  128580. "nan",
  128581. "closed file number: 2489-92 + location: i",
  128582. "fort lauderdale",
  128583. "325161",
  128584. "nan",
  128585. "nan",
  128586. "nan",
  128587. "nan",
  128588. "nan",
  128589. "nan",
  128590. "nan",
  128591. "nan",
  128592. "nan",
  128593. "nan",
  128594. "nan",
  128595. "nan",
  128596. "nan",
  128597. "nan",
  128598. "nan",
  128599. "nan",
  128600. "nan",
  128601. "nan",
  128602. "nan",
  128603. "nan",
  128604. "nan",
  128605. "nan",
  128606. "nan"
  128607. ],
  128608. [
  128609. "35195",
  128610. "3",
  128611. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  128612. "brandywine enterprises",
  128613. "8803",
  128614. "nan",
  128615. "entered december 14, 92. (also f# 2489-92).",
  128616. "nan",
  128617. "8803",
  128618. "sm",
  128619. "-",
  128620. "nan",
  128621. "closed file number: 2490-92 + location: i",
  128622. "fort lauderdale",
  128623. "325162",
  128624. "nan",
  128625. "nan",
  128626. "nan",
  128627. "nan",
  128628. "nan",
  128629. "nan",
  128630. "nan",
  128631. "nan",
  128632. "nan",
  128633. "nan",
  128634. "nan",
  128635. "nan",
  128636. "nan",
  128637. "nan",
  128638. "nan",
  128639. "nan",
  128640. "nan",
  128641. "nan",
  128642. "nan",
  128643. "nan",
  128644. "nan",
  128645. "nan",
  128646. "nan"
  128647. ],
  128648. [
  128649. "35195",
  128650. "14",
  128651. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  128652. "brandywine enterprises",
  128653. "8802",
  128654. "nan",
  128655. "entered december 14, 92.",
  128656. "nan",
  128657. "8802",
  128658. "sm",
  128659. "-",
  128660. "nan",
  128661. "closed file number: 2487-92 + location: i",
  128662. "fort lauderdale",
  128663. "325163",
  128664. "nan",
  128665. "nan",
  128666. "nan",
  128667. "nan",
  128668. "nan",
  128669. "nan",
  128670. "nan",
  128671. "nan",
  128672. "nan",
  128673. "nan",
  128674. "nan",
  128675. "nan",
  128676. "nan",
  128677. "nan",
  128678. "nan",
  128679. "nan",
  128680. "nan",
  128681. "nan",
  128682. "nan",
  128683. "nan",
  128684. "nan",
  128685. "nan",
  128686. "nan"
  128687. ],
  128688. [
  128689. "35195",
  128690. "10",
  128691. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  128692. "brandywine enterprises",
  128693. "8800",
  128694. "nan",
  128695. "entered december 14, 92.",
  128696. "nan",
  128697. "8800",
  128698. "sm",
  128699. "-",
  128700. "nan",
  128701. "closed file number: 2480-92 + location: i",
  128702. "fort lauderdale",
  128703. "325166",
  128704. "nan",
  128705. "nan",
  128706. "nan",
  128707. "nan",
  128708. "nan",
  128709. "nan",
  128710. "nan",
  128711. "nan",
  128712. "nan",
  128713. "nan",
  128714. "nan",
  128715. "nan",
  128716. "nan",
  128717. "nan",
  128718. "nan",
  128719. "nan",
  128720. "nan",
  128721. "nan",
  128722. "nan",
  128723. "nan",
  128724. "nan",
  128725. "nan",
  128726. "nan"
  128727. ],
  128728. [
  128729. "35195",
  128730. "1",
  128731. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  128732. "brandywine enterprises",
  128733. "8800",
  128734. "nan",
  128735. "entered december 14, 92.",
  128736. "nan",
  128737. "8800",
  128738. "sm",
  128739. "-",
  128740. "nan",
  128741. "closed file number: 2478-92 + location: i",
  128742. "fort lauderdale",
  128743. "325168",
  128744. "nan",
  128745. "nan",
  128746. "nan",
  128747. "nan",
  128748. "nan",
  128749. "nan",
  128750. "nan",
  128751. "nan",
  128752. "nan",
  128753. "nan",
  128754. "nan",
  128755. "nan",
  128756. "nan",
  128757. "nan",
  128758. "nan",
  128759. "nan",
  128760. "nan",
  128761. "nan",
  128762. "nan",
  128763. "nan",
  128764. "nan",
  128765. "nan",
  128766. "nan"
  128767. ],
  128768. [
  128769. "35195",
  128770. "13",
  128771. "rtc-recv'r. empire fed",
  128772. "sale of debary commons",
  128773. "8560",
  128774. "nan",
  128775. "entered june 28,92.",
  128776. "nan",
  128777. "8560",
  128778. "sm",
  128779. "nan",
  128780. "nan",
  128781. "closed file number: 1924-92 + location: c",
  128782. "fort lauderdale",
  128783. "325478",
  128784. "nan",
  128785. "nan",
  128786. "nan",
  128787. "nan",
  128788. "nan",
  128789. "nan",
  128790. "nan",
  128791. "nan",
  128792. "nan",
  128793. "nan",
  128794. "nan",
  128795. "nan",
  128796. "nan",
  128797. "nan",
  128798. "nan",
  128799. "nan",
  128800. "nan",
  128801. "nan",
  128802. "nan",
  128803. "nan",
  128804. "nan",
  128805. "nan",
  128806. "nan"
  128807. ],
  128808. [
  128809. "35195",
  128810. "2",
  128811. "rtc-rec. empire fed sav.",
  128812. "brandywine enterprises",
  128813. "8582",
  128814. "nan",
  128815. "-",
  128816. "nan",
  128817. "8582",
  128818. "sm",
  128819. "-",
  128820. "nan",
  128821. "closed file number: 1972-92 + location: c",
  128822. "fort lauderdale",
  128823. "325772",
  128824. "nan",
  128825. "nan",
  128826. "nan",
  128827. "nan",
  128828. "nan",
  128829. "nan",
  128830. "nan",
  128831. "nan",
  128832. "nan",
  128833. "nan",
  128834. "nan",
  128835. "nan",
  128836. "nan",
  128837. "nan",
  128838. "nan",
  128839. "nan",
  128840. "nan",
  128841. "nan",
  128842. "nan",
  128843. "nan",
  128844. "nan",
  128845. "nan",
  128846. "nan"
  128847. ],
  128848. [
  128849. "35195",
  128850. "7",
  128851. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  128852. "brandywine enterprises",
  128853. "8801",
  128854. "nan",
  128855. "entered december 14, 92. (also b# 8802, f# 2484-92).",
  128856. "nan",
  128857. "8801",
  128858. "sm",
  128859. "nan",
  128860. "nan",
  128861. "closed file number: 2483-92 + location: c",
  128862. "fort lauderdale",
  128863. "328078",
  128864. "nan",
  128865. "nan",
  128866. "nan",
  128867. "nan",
  128868. "nan",
  128869. "nan",
  128870. "nan",
  128871. "nan",
  128872. "nan",
  128873. "nan",
  128874. "nan",
  128875. "nan",
  128876. "nan",
  128877. "nan",
  128878. "nan",
  128879. "nan",
  128880. "nan",
  128881. "nan",
  128882. "nan",
  128883. "nan",
  128884. "nan",
  128885. "nan",
  128886. "nan"
  128887. ],
  128888. [
  128889. "35195",
  128890. "7",
  128891. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  128892. "brandywine enterprises",
  128893. "8802",
  128894. "nan",
  128895. "entered december 14, 92. (also b# 8801, f# 2483-92).",
  128896. "nan",
  128897. "8802",
  128898. "sm",
  128899. "nan",
  128900. "nan",
  128901. "closed file number: 2484-92 + location: c",
  128902. "fort lauderdale",
  128903. "328079",
  128904. "nan",
  128905. "nan",
  128906. "nan",
  128907. "nan",
  128908. "nan",
  128909. "nan",
  128910. "nan",
  128911. "nan",
  128912. "nan",
  128913. "nan",
  128914. "nan",
  128915. "nan",
  128916. "nan",
  128917. "nan",
  128918. "nan",
  128919. "nan",
  128920. "nan",
  128921. "nan",
  128922. "nan",
  128923. "nan",
  128924. "nan",
  128925. "nan",
  128926. "nan"
  128927. ],
  128928. [
  128929. "35254",
  128930. "14",
  128931. "rtc/cons/goldcoast fed s",
  128932. "sale stck/plantation tle",
  128933. "7982",
  128934. "nan",
  128935. "-",
  128936. "nan",
  128937. "7982",
  128938. "cw",
  128939. "-",
  128940. "nan",
  128941. "closed file number: 9226-91 + location: c",
  128942. "fort lauderdale",
  128943. "322479",
  128944. "nan",
  128945. "nan",
  128946. "nan",
  128947. "nan",
  128948. "nan",
  128949. "nan",
  128950. "nan",
  128951. "nan",
  128952. "nan",
  128953. "nan",
  128954. "nan",
  128955. "nan",
  128956. "nan",
  128957. "nan",
  128958. "nan",
  128959. "nan",
  128960. "nan",
  128961. "nan",
  128962. "nan",
  128963. "nan",
  128964. "nan",
  128965. "nan",
  128966. "nan"
  128967. ],
  128968. [
  128969. "35254",
  128970. "13",
  128971. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  128972. "tandem title",
  128973. "7998",
  128974. "nan",
  128975. "1 of 3 files",
  128976. "nan",
  128977. "7998",
  128978. "cw",
  128979. "-",
  128980. "nan",
  128981. "closed file number: 9313-91 + location: c",
  128982. "fort lauderdale",
  128983. "322561",
  128984. "nan",
  128985. "nan",
  128986. "nan",
  128987. "nan",
  128988. "nan",
  128989. "nan",
  128990. "nan",
  128991. "nan",
  128992. "nan",
  128993. "nan",
  128994. "nan",
  128995. "nan",
  128996. "nan",
  128997. "nan",
  128998. "nan",
  128999. "nan",
  129000. "nan",
  129001. "nan",
  129002. "nan",
  129003. "nan",
  129004. "nan",
  129005. "nan",
  129006. "nan"
  129007. ],
  129008. [
  129009. "35254",
  129010. "13",
  129011. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  129012. "tandem title",
  129013. "7998",
  129014. "nan",
  129015. "2 of 2 files",
  129016. "nan",
  129017. "7998",
  129018. "cw",
  129019. "-",
  129020. "nan",
  129021. "closed file number: 9314-91 + location: c",
  129022. "fort lauderdale",
  129023. "322562",
  129024. "nan",
  129025. "nan",
  129026. "nan",
  129027. "nan",
  129028. "nan",
  129029. "nan",
  129030. "nan",
  129031. "nan",
  129032. "nan",
  129033. "nan",
  129034. "nan",
  129035. "nan",
  129036. "nan",
  129037. "nan",
  129038. "nan",
  129039. "nan",
  129040. "nan",
  129041. "nan",
  129042. "nan",
  129043. "nan",
  129044. "nan",
  129045. "nan",
  129046. "nan"
  129047. ],
  129048. [
  129049. "35254",
  129050. "13",
  129051. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  129052. "tandem title",
  129053. "7999",
  129054. "nan",
  129055. "3 of 3 files",
  129056. "nan",
  129057. "7999",
  129058. "cw",
  129059. "-",
  129060. "nan",
  129061. "closed file number: 9315-91 + location: c",
  129062. "fort lauderdale",
  129063. "322563",
  129064. "nan",
  129065. "nan",
  129066. "nan",
  129067. "nan",
  129068. "nan",
  129069. "nan",
  129070. "nan",
  129071. "nan",
  129072. "nan",
  129073. "nan",
  129074. "nan",
  129075. "nan",
  129076. "nan",
  129077. "nan",
  129078. "nan",
  129079. "nan",
  129080. "nan",
  129081. "nan",
  129082. "nan",
  129083. "nan",
  129084. "nan",
  129085. "nan",
  129086. "nan"
  129087. ],
  129088. [
  129089. "35254",
  129090. "8",
  129091. "rtc/gold coast",
  129092. "fedder",
  129093. "8059",
  129094. "nan",
  129095. "box 1 of 18",
  129096. "nan",
  129097. "8059",
  129098. "cw",
  129099. "-",
  129100. "nan",
  129101. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  129102. "fort lauderdale",
  129103. "322911",
  129104. "nan",
  129105. "nan",
  129106. "nan",
  129107. "nan",
  129108. "nan",
  129109. "nan",
  129110. "nan",
  129111. "nan",
  129112. "nan",
  129113. "nan",
  129114. "nan",
  129115. "nan",
  129116. "nan",
  129117. "nan",
  129118. "nan",
  129119. "nan",
  129120. "nan",
  129121. "nan",
  129122. "nan",
  129123. "nan",
  129124. "nan",
  129125. "nan",
  129126. "nan"
  129127. ],
  129128. [
  129129. "35254",
  129130. "8",
  129131. "rtc/goldcoast",
  129132. "fedder",
  129133. "8060",
  129134. "nan",
  129135. "box 2 of 18",
  129136. "nan",
  129137. "8060",
  129138. "am",
  129139. "-",
  129140. "nan",
  129141. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  129142. "fort lauderdale",
  129143. "322912",
  129144. "nan",
  129145. "nan",
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  129957. "nan",
  129958. "nan",
  129959. "nan",
  129960. "nan",
  129961. "nan",
  129962. "nan",
  129963. "nan",
  129964. "nan",
  129965. "nan",
  129966. "nan"
  129967. ],
  129968. [
  129969. "35254",
  129970. "10",
  129971. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed",
  129972. "total constr concepts/ti",
  129973. "10343",
  129974. "nan",
  129975. "entered 7/26/951 file posket-title file",
  129976. "nan",
  129977. "10343",
  129978. "wu",
  129979. "-",
  129980. "nan",
  129981. "closed file number: 10455-95 + location: i",
  129982. "fort lauderdale",
  129983. "329627",
  129984. "nan",
  129985. "nan",
  129986. "nan",
  129987. "nan",
  129988. "nan",
  129989. "nan",
  129990. "nan",
  129991. "nan",
  129992. "nan",
  129993. "nan",
  129994. "nan",
  129995. "nan",
  129996. "nan",
  129997. "nan",
  129998. "nan",
  129999. "nan",
  130000. "nan",
  130001. "nan",
  130002. "nan",
  130003. "nan",
  130004. "nan",
  130005. "nan",
  130006. "nan"
  130007. ],
  130008. [
  130009. "35266",
  130010. "1",
  130011. "rtc/centrust 1st. state",
  130012. "commons of twin lakes",
  130013. "7988",
  130014. "nan",
  130015. "-",
  130016. "nan",
  130017. "7988",
  130018. "cw",
  130019. "-",
  130020. "nan",
  130021. "closed file number: 9262-91` + location: c",
  130022. "fort lauderdale",
  130023. "322515",
  130024. "nan",
  130025. "nan",
  130026. "nan",
  130027. "nan",
  130028. "nan",
  130029. "nan",
  130030. "nan",
  130031. "nan",
  130032. "nan",
  130033. "nan",
  130034. "nan",
  130035. "nan",
  130036. "nan",
  130037. "nan",
  130038. "nan",
  130039. "nan",
  130040. "nan",
  130041. "nan",
  130042. "nan",
  130043. "nan",
  130044. "nan",
  130045. "nan",
  130046. "nan"
  130047. ],
  130048. [
  130049. "35317",
  130050. "2",
  130051. "rtc\\rec enterprise",
  130052. "tole",
  130053. "8012",
  130054. "nan",
  130055. "-",
  130056. "nan",
  130057. "8012",
  130058. "jh",
  130059. "-",
  130060. "nan",
  130061. "closed file number: 9415-91 + location: c",
  130062. "fort lauderdale",
  130063. "322746",
  130064. "nan",
  130065. "nan",
  130066. "nan",
  130067. "nan",
  130068. "nan",
  130069. "nan",
  130070. "nan",
  130071. "nan",
  130072. "nan",
  130073. "nan",
  130074. "nan",
  130075. "nan",
  130076. "nan",
  130077. "nan",
  130078. "nan",
  130079. "nan",
  130080. "nan",
  130081. "nan",
  130082. "nan",
  130083. "nan",
  130084. "nan",
  130085. "nan",
  130086. "nan"
  130087. ],
  130088. [
  130089. "35363",
  130090. "17",
  130091. "rtc\\fl. federal savings",
  130092. "kelly",
  130093. "8015",
  130094. "nan",
  130095. "-",
  130096. "nan",
  130097. "8015",
  130098. "jh",
  130099. "-",
  130100. "nan",
  130101. "closed file number: 9434-91 + location: c",
  130102. "fort lauderdale",
  130103. "322763",
  130104. "nan",
  130105. "nan",
  130106. "nan",
  130107. "nan",
  130108. "nan",
  130109. "nan",
  130110. "nan",
  130111. "nan",
  130112. "nan",
  130113. "nan",
  130114. "nan",
  130115. "nan",
  130116. "nan",
  130117. "nan",
  130118. "nan",
  130119. "nan",
  130120. "nan",
  130121. "nan",
  130122. "nan",
  130123. "nan",
  130124. "nan",
  130125. "nan",
  130126. "nan"
  130127. ],
  130128. [
  130129. "35363",
  130130. "11",
  130131. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  130132. "john j. bradley-bnkrptcy",
  130133. "8336",
  130134. "nan",
  130135. "-",
  130136. "nan",
  130137. "8336",
  130138. "cw",
  130139. "-",
  130140. "nan",
  130141. "closed file number: 1496-92 + location: c",
  130142. "fort lauderdale",
  130143. "323875",
  130144. "nan",
  130145. "nan",
  130146. "nan",
  130147. "nan",
  130148. "nan",
  130149. "nan",
  130150. "nan",
  130151. "nan",
  130152. "nan",
  130153. "nan",
  130154. "nan",
  130155. "nan",
  130156. "nan",
  130157. "nan",
  130158. "nan",
  130159. "nan",
  130160. "nan",
  130161. "nan",
  130162. "nan",
  130163. "nan",
  130164. "nan",
  130165. "nan",
  130166. "nan"
  130167. ],
  130168. [
  130169. "35363",
  130170. "10",
  130171. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  130172. "j. bradley-replevin",
  130173. "8336",
  130174. "nan",
  130175. "-",
  130176. "nan",
  130177. "8336",
  130178. "wc",
  130179. "-",
  130180. "nan",
  130181. "closed file number: 1497-92 + location: c",
  130182. "fort lauderdale",
  130183. "323876",
  130184. "nan",
  130185. "nan",
  130186. "nan",
  130187. "nan",
  130188. "nan",
  130189. "nan",
  130190. "nan",
  130191. "nan",
  130192. "nan",
  130193. "nan",
  130194. "nan",
  130195. "nan",
  130196. "nan",
  130197. "nan",
  130198. "nan",
  130199. "nan",
  130200. "nan",
  130201. "nan",
  130202. "nan",
  130203. "nan",
  130204. "nan",
  130205. "nan",
  130206. "nan"
  130207. ],
  130208. [
  130209. "35363",
  130210. "8",
  130211. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  130212. "regent and huguette des.",
  130213. "8337",
  130214. "nan",
  130215. "-",
  130216. "nan",
  130217. "8337",
  130218. "cw",
  130219. "-",
  130220. "nan",
  130221. "closed file number: 1506-92 + location: c",
  130222. "fort lauderdale",
  130223. "323882",
  130224. "nan",
  130225. "nan",
  130226. "nan",
  130227. "nan",
  130228. "nan",
  130229. "nan",
  130230. "nan",
  130231. "nan",
  130232. "nan",
  130233. "nan",
  130234. "nan",
  130235. "nan",
  130236. "nan",
  130237. "nan",
  130238. "nan",
  130239. "nan",
  130240. "nan",
  130241. "nan",
  130242. "nan",
  130243. "nan",
  130244. "nan",
  130245. "nan",
  130246. "nan"
  130247. ],
  130248. [
  130249. "35363",
  130250. "14",
  130251. "rtc-fla. federal",
  130252. "lawrence",
  130253. "9100",
  130254. "nan",
  130255. "entered april 14, 93.",
  130256. "nan",
  130257. "9100",
  130258. "jn",
  130259. "-",
  130260. "nan",
  130261. "closed file number: 2872-93 + location: c",
  130262. "fort lauderdale",
  130263. "325788",
  130264. "nan",
  130265. "nan",
  130266. "nan",
  130267. "nan",
  130268. "nan",
  130269. "nan",
  130270. "nan",
  130271. "nan",
  130272. "nan",
  130273. "nan",
  130274. "nan",
  130275. "nan",
  130276. "nan",
  130277. "nan",
  130278. "nan",
  130279. "nan",
  130280. "nan",
  130281. "nan",
  130282. "nan",
  130283. "nan",
  130284. "nan",
  130285. "nan",
  130286. "nan"
  130287. ],
  130288. [
  130289. "35363-001",
  130290. "nan",
  130291. "rtc vs patrick carter",
  130292. "nan",
  130293. "dsj004762",
  130294. "nan",
  130295. "mga closed files",
  130296. "01/31/1992",
  130297. "16-042",
  130298. "16 mark alexander",
  130299. "nan",
  130300. "nan",
  130301. "nan",
  130302. "jacksonville",
  130303. "59287",
  130304. "nan",
  130305. "nan",
  130306. "nan",
  130307. "nan",
  130308. "nan",
  130309. "nan",
  130310. "nan",
  130311. "nan",
  130312. "nan",
  130313. "nan",
  130314. "nan",
  130315. "nan",
  130316. "nan",
  130317. "nan",
  130318. "nan",
  130319. "nan",
  130320. "nan",
  130321. "nan",
  130322. "nan",
  130323. "nan",
  130324. "nan",
  130325. "nan",
  130326. "nan"
  130327. ],
  130328. [
  130329. "35363-005",
  130330. "nan",
  130331. "rtc/florida federal vs",
  130332. "nan",
  130333. "dsj004759",
  130334. "nan",
  130335. "mga closed files",
  130336. "07/09/1991",
  130337. "16-039",
  130338. "16 mark alexander",
  130339. "nan",
  130340. "nan",
  130341. "nan",
  130342. "jacksonville",
  130343. "59235",
  130344. "nan",
  130345. "nan",
  130346. "nan",
  130347. "nan",
  130348. "nan",
  130349. "nan",
  130350. "nan",
  130351. "nan",
  130352. "nan",
  130353. "nan",
  130354. "nan",
  130355. "nan",
  130356. "nan",
  130357. "nan",
  130358. "nan",
  130359. "nan",
  130360. "nan",
  130361. "nan",
  130362. "nan",
  130363. "nan",
  130364. "nan",
  130365. "nan",
  130366. "nan"
  130367. ],
  130368. [
  130369. "35363-006",
  130370. "nan",
  130371. "rtc v william moss",
  130372. "nan",
  130373. "dsj004762",
  130374. "nan",
  130375. "mga closed files",
  130376. "01/31/1992",
  130377. "16-042",
  130378. "16 mark alexander",
  130379. "nan",
  130380. "nan",
  130381. "nan",
  130382. "jacksonville",
  130383. "59288",
  130384. "nan",
  130385. "nan",
  130386. "nan",
  130387. "nan",
  130388. "nan",
  130389. "nan",
  130390. "nan",
  130391. "nan",
  130392. "nan",
  130393. "nan",
  130394. "nan",
  130395. "nan",
  130396. "nan",
  130397. "nan",
  130398. "nan",
  130399. "nan",
  130400. "nan",
  130401. "nan",
  130402. "nan",
  130403. "nan",
  130404. "nan",
  130405. "nan",
  130406. "nan"
  130407. ],
  130408. [
  130409. "35363-013",
  130410. "nan",
  130411. "rtc/florida",
  130412. "nan",
  130413. "dsj004759",
  130414. "nan",
  130415. "mga closed files",
  130416. "07/09/1991",
  130417. "16-039",
  130418. "16 mark alexander",
  130419. "nan",
  130420. "nan",
  130421. "nan",
  130422. "jacksonville",
  130423. "59236",
  130424. "nan",
  130425. "nan",
  130426. "nan",
  130427. "nan",
  130428. "nan",
  130429. "nan",
  130430. "nan",
  130431. "nan",
  130432. "nan",
  130433. "nan",
  130434. "nan",
  130435. "nan",
  130436. "nan",
  130437. "nan",
  130438. "nan",
  130439. "nan",
  130440. "nan",
  130441. "nan",
  130442. "nan",
  130443. "nan",
  130444. "nan",
  130445. "nan",
  130446. "nan"
  130447. ],
  130448. [
  130449. "35363-02",
  130450. "nan",
  130451. "rtc/florida federal vs wolfe",
  130452. "nan",
  130453. "dsj004773",
  130454. "nan",
  130455. "mga closed files",
  130456. "09/10/1992",
  130457. "16-052a",
  130458. "16 mark alexander",
  130459. "nan",
  130460. "nan",
  130461. "nan",
  130462. "jacksonville",
  130463. "59364",
  130464. "nan",
  130465. "nan",
  130466. "nan",
  130467. "nan",
  130468. "nan",
  130469. "nan",
  130470. "nan",
  130471. "nan",
  130472. "nan",
  130473. "nan",
  130474. "nan",
  130475. "nan",
  130476. "nan",
  130477. "nan",
  130478. "nan",
  130479. "nan",
  130480. "nan",
  130481. "nan",
  130482. "nan",
  130483. "nan",
  130484. "nan",
  130485. "nan",
  130486. "nan"
  130487. ],
  130488. [
  130489. "35363-03",
  130490. "nan",
  130491. "rtc/ff vs nancy bell",
  130492. "nan",
  130493. "dsj004773",
  130494. "nan",
  130495. "mga closed files",
  130496. "09/10/1992",
  130497. "16-052a",
  130498. "16 mark alexander",
  130499. "nan",
  130500. "nan",
  130501. "nan",
  130502. "jacksonville",
  130503. "59365",
  130504. "nan",
  130505. "nan",
  130506. "nan",
  130507. "nan",
  130508. "nan",
  130509. "nan",
  130510. "nan",
  130511. "nan",
  130512. "nan",
  130513. "nan",
  130514. "nan",
  130515. "nan",
  130516. "nan",
  130517. "nan",
  130518. "nan",
  130519. "nan",
  130520. "nan",
  130521. "nan",
  130522. "nan",
  130523. "nan",
  130524. "nan",
  130525. "nan",
  130526. "nan"
  130527. ],
  130528. [
  130529. "35363-12",
  130530. "nan",
  130531. "rtc/ff vs keith king",
  130532. "nan",
  130533. "dsj004761",
  130534. "nan",
  130535. "mga closed files",
  130536. "10/01/1991",
  130537. "16-041",
  130538. "16 mark alexander",
  130539. "nan",
  130540. "nan",
  130541. "nan",
  130542. "jacksonville",
  130543. "59269",
  130544. "nan",
  130545. "nan",
  130546. "nan",
  130547. "nan",
  130548. "nan",
  130549. "nan",
  130550. "nan",
  130551. "nan",
  130552. "nan",
  130553. "nan",
  130554. "nan",
  130555. "nan",
  130556. "nan",
  130557. "nan",
  130558. "nan",
  130559. "nan",
  130560. "nan",
  130561. "nan",
  130562. "nan",
  130563. "nan",
  130564. "nan",
  130565. "nan",
  130566. "nan"
  130567. ],
  130568. [
  130569. "35363-18",
  130570. "nan",
  130571. "rtc/florida federal v. olson",
  130572. "nan",
  130573. "dsj004772",
  130574. "nan",
  130575. "mga closed file",
  130576. "05/27/1992",
  130577. "16-052",
  130578. "16 mark alexander",
  130579. "nan",
  130580. "nan",
  130581. "nan",
  130582. "jacksonville",
  130583. "59349",
  130584. "nan",
  130585. "nan",
  130586. "nan",
  130587. "nan",
  130588. "nan",
  130589. "nan",
  130590. "nan",
  130591. "nan",
  130592. "nan",
  130593. "nan",
  130594. "nan",
  130595. "nan",
  130596. "nan",
  130597. "nan",
  130598. "nan",
  130599. "nan",
  130600. "nan",
  130601. "nan",
  130602. "nan",
  130603. "nan",
  130604. "nan",
  130605. "nan",
  130606. "nan"
  130607. ],
  130608. [
  130609. "35363-9",
  130610. "nan",
  130611. "rtc/fla fed v. harriet smith",
  130612. "nan",
  130613. "dsj004771",
  130614. "nan",
  130615. "mga closed file",
  130616. "05/27/1992",
  130617. "16-051",
  130618. "16 mark alexander",
  130619. "nan",
  130620. "nan",
  130621. "nan",
  130622. "jacksonville",
  130623. "59341",
  130624. "nan",
  130625. "nan",
  130626. "nan",
  130627. "nan",
  130628. "nan",
  130629. "nan",
  130630. "nan",
  130631. "nan",
  130632. "nan",
  130633. "nan",
  130634. "nan",
  130635. "nan",
  130636. "nan",
  130637. "nan",
  130638. "nan",
  130639. "nan",
  130640. "nan",
  130641. "nan",
  130642. "nan",
  130643. "nan",
  130644. "nan",
  130645. "nan",
  130646. "nan"
  130647. ],
  130648. [
  130649. "35410",
  130650. "2",
  130651. "rtc/great life",
  130652. "highland",
  130653. "9086",
  130654. "nan",
  130655. "entered april 7, 93.",
  130656. "nan",
  130657. "9086",
  130658. "cw",
  130659. "-",
  130660. "nan",
  130661. "closed file number: 2796-93 + location: c",
  130662. "fort lauderdale",
  130663. "325643",
  130664. "nan",
  130665. "nan",
  130666. "nan",
  130667. "nan",
  130668. "nan",
  130669. "nan",
  130670. "nan",
  130671. "nan",
  130672. "nan",
  130673. "nan",
  130674. "nan",
  130675. "nan",
  130676. "nan",
  130677. "nan",
  130678. "nan",
  130679. "nan",
  130680. "nan",
  130681. "nan",
  130682. "nan",
  130683. "nan",
  130684. "nan",
  130685. "nan",
  130686. "nan"
  130687. ],
  130688. [
  130689. "35427",
  130690. "2",
  130691. "fdic/resource bank na",
  130692. "james crisp",
  130693. "tcf0008907",
  130694. "nan",
  130695. "nan",
  130696. "06/20/2001",
  130697. "ay6020",
  130698. "rnb",
  130699. "nan",
  130700. "nan",
  130701. "seq: 0072",
  130702. "tampa",
  130703. "195068",
  130704. "nan",
  130705. "nan",
  130706. "nan",
  130707. "nan",
  130708. "nan",
  130709. "nan",
  130710. "nan",
  130711. "nan",
  130712. "nan",
  130713. "nan",
  130714. "nan",
  130715. "nan",
  130716. "nan",
  130717. "nan",
  130718. "nan",
  130719. "nan",
  130720. "nan",
  130721. "nan",
  130722. "nan",
  130723. "nan",
  130724. "nan",
  130725. "nan",
  130726. "nan"
  130727. ],
  130728. [
  130729. "35553",
  130730. "1",
  130731. "seidman",
  130732. "none",
  130733. "490616766",
  130734. "nan",
  130735. "6/6/95 - box r; dsp research - fdic vs. ernst & young",
  130736. "6/29/1995",
  130737. "220591",
  130738. "pearson daniel",
  130739. "nan",
  130740. "nan",
  130741. " hk box: 12013",
  130742. "miami",
  130743. "635827",
  130744. "nan",
  130745. "nan",
  130746. "nan",
  130747. "nan",
  130748. "nan",
  130749. "nan",
  130750. "nan",
  130751. "nan",
  130752. "nan",
  130753. "nan",
  130754. "nan",
  130755. "nan",
  130756. "nan",
  130757. "nan",
  130758. "nan",
  130759. "nan",
  130760. "nan",
  130761. "nan",
  130762. "nan",
  130763. "nan",
  130764. "nan",
  130765. "nan",
  130766. "nan"
  130767. ],
  130768. [
  130769. "35553",
  130770. "10000",
  130771. "seidman",
  130772. "none",
  130773. "490616766",
  130774. "nan",
  130775. "6/6/95 - research - fdic v. shrader & york",
  130776. "6/29/1995",
  130777. "220591",
  130778. "pearson daniel",
  130779. "nan",
  130780. "nan",
  130781. " hk box: 12013",
  130782. "miami",
  130783. "635846",
  130784. "nan",
  130785. "nan",
  130786. "nan",
  130787. "nan",
  130788. "nan",
  130789. "nan",
  130790. "nan",
  130791. "nan",
  130792. "nan",
  130793. "nan",
  130794. "nan",
  130795. "nan",
  130796. "nan",
  130797. "nan",
  130798. "nan",
  130799. "nan",
  130800. "nan",
  130801. "nan",
  130802. "nan",
  130803. "nan",
  130804. "nan",
  130805. "nan",
  130806. "nan"
  130807. ],
  130808. [
  130809. "35553",
  130810. "1",
  130811. "seidman",
  130812. "none",
  130813. "460603629",
  130814. "nan",
  130815. "6/6/95 - box 7 - lcs research - amicus curaie; research - law on standing; lcs research - class action - fraud; lcs research - boostrap argument; dsp working copy - naic - motion for leave to appear as amicu curaie; supplemental authorities for supreme court brief; updates - fdic vs. ernst & young - november 1993; updates - o'melveny - november 1993; updats - cenco vs. seidman & seidman; research - amicus reply brief - connel v. plumbers; research re: on writ of certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the 10th circuit; lcs research - authorities cited in reply to motion for rehearing en banc; recent case file; research: judges opposing en banc review; research defenses financial institutions; consolidated table of authorities cited in supreme court briefs; hirsh v. arthur anderson; research re: new case",
  130816. "6/29/1995",
  130817. "220594",
  130818. "pearson daniel",
  130819. "nan",
  130820. "nan",
  130821. " hk box: 12016",
  130822. "miami",
  130823. "635854",
  130824. "nan",
  130825. "nan",
  130826. "nan",
  130827. "nan",
  130828. "nan",
  130829. "nan",
  130830. "nan",
  130831. "nan",
  130832. "nan",
  130833. "nan",
  130834. "nan",
  130835. "nan",
  130836. "nan",
  130837. "nan",
  130838. "nan",
  130839. "nan",
  130840. "nan",
  130841. "nan",
  130842. "nan",
  130843. "nan",
  130844. "nan",
  130845. "nan",
  130846. "nan"
  130847. ],
  130848. [
  130849. "35553",
  130850. "1",
  130851. "seidman",
  130852. "none",
  130853. "490618782",
  130854. "nan",
  130855. "6/6/95 - box 8 - supplemental authority - centaur insurance company; research - adverse domination; adr - research - role of liquidator; lcs notes and materials re: record and supplemental record (accordian folder); lcs - updates of ernst & young and o'melveny; research: certification; fcic v. o'melveny & meyers; dsp research file tropin vs. thenen; morris and deckelbaum et al., order dismissing count and denying defendant's motions to dismiss as to all other counts; adr - research prejudgment interest; adr - research - admission of orders; lcs research - mention of insurance at trial - treaties; lcs research - introduction of evidence re: insurance to show bias or interest; lcs research notes - memorandum of insurance; lcs research - mention of insurance at trial; lcs research - autocities - cases cited in insurance memo; dsp research - reply to motion for rehearing; p.n.n. - research - fdic vs. ernst & young; p.n.n. - research - fdic vs. o'melveny & meyers - research files re: phil nicholas; authorities cited in department of insurance motion for rehearing",
  130856. "6/29/1995",
  130857. "220595",
  130858. "pearson daniel",
  130859. "nan",
  130860. "nan",
  130861. " hk box: 12017",
  130862. "miami",
  130863. "635856",
  130864. "nan",
  130865. "nan",
  130866. "nan",
  130867. "nan",
  130868. "nan",
  130869. "nan",
  130870. "nan",
  130871. "nan",
  130872. "nan",
  130873. "nan",
  130874. "nan",
  130875. "nan",
  130876. "nan",
  130877. "nan",
  130878. "nan",
  130879. "nan",
  130880. "nan",
  130881. "nan",
  130882. "nan",
  130883. "nan",
  130884. "nan",
  130885. "nan",
  130886. "nan"
  130887. ],
  130888. [
  130889. "35553",
  130890. "1",
  130891. "seidman",
  130892. "none",
  130893. "490618815",
  130894. "nan",
  130895. "6/6/95 - box 15 - extra copies of agreed motion for discharge and release of supersedeas bond; certified copies of final judgment; certified copies of agreed order on motion for discharge and release of supersedeas bond; extra copies of pleadings; original appendix to response to motion for rephrasing of certified question; extra copy - motion for rephrasing of certified question; extra copies of opinion dsp case no. 82,365; dsp draft - final judgment; material received from richard bernstein re: rtc vs. stroock; record and transcript references - respondents' brief (supreme court); decisions of grand court of cayman islands re: $450,000 settlement offer; respondents' brief on the merits - extra copies; response to reply; article regarding fraud in corporations; extras - reply to motion for re-hearing and certification; fdic vs. deloitte & touche orange folder; national law journal article - ernst & young vs. fdic orange folder; fdic vs. ernst & young opinion 8/3/92 orange folder; ernst & young-lower court opinion orange folder; order-fdic vs. regier, carr & monroe orange folder; opinion-billy vs. arthur young orange folder; extra copy of all briefs orange folder; fdic vs. o'melveny & meyers orange folder; memorandum - cayman islnd law accordion folder",
  130896. "6/29/1995",
  130897. "220602",
  130898. "pearson daniel",
  130899. "nan",
  130900. "nan",
  130901. " hk box: 12024",
  130902. "miami",
  130903. "635866",
  130904. "nan",
  130905. "nan",
  130906. "nan",
  130907. "nan",
  130908. "nan",
  130909. "nan",
  130910. "nan",
  130911. "nan",
  130912. "nan",
  130913. "nan",
  130914. "nan",
  130915. "nan",
  130916. "nan",
  130917. "nan",
  130918. "nan",
  130919. "nan",
  130920. "nan",
  130921. "nan",
  130922. "nan",
  130923. "nan",
  130924. "nan",
  130925. "nan",
  130926. "nan"
  130927. ],
  130928. [
  130929. "35553",
  130930. "1",
  130931. "seidman",
  130932. "none",
  130933. "490618797",
  130934. "nan",
  130935. "6/6/95 - box 18 - working copies of institute's amicus brief, appendix and motion; extra copies of opinion; news clip; conflict check; taxation of costs; extra copy - lcs memo of insurance; prejudgment interest file; lcs extra copy - defendants' motion for judgment in accordance with motion for directed verdict or for new trial; defendants' trial memorandum\npost judgment execution and bond matters; drafts of notice of counter development; drafts - response in opposition to several motions for leave to appear as amicus; drafts of motion to strike request for ruling on motion for certification; draft - response in opposition to motion for order permitting trial court to . . . .; draft-motion to strike appellee's to our reply to motion for re-hearing and certification; drafts - post trial motions; extras - reply to motion for re-hearing en banc; extra copies - reply to motion for rehearing and certification and reply to motion for rehearing en banc; bdos/fdic conflict matter; extra copies of supplemental authority; amicus motions; extra copies of notice of counter development; extra copy - notice of development in case cited in panel opinion; extra copies - notice of supplemental authority; extra copies - notice of supplemental authority fdic vs. regier, carr & monroe; questions at oral argument; extra copies - opinion 3rd dca; form - class action complaint (in re: cascade); miscellaneous \"report & recommendation in re: cascade\"; newspaper article - \"when decisions vanish from the record\"; newspaper articles;\nextra copy - notice of loss of jurisdiction to decide motion/certification and motion / issuance; extra copy - petitioner's brief on jurisdiction; answer brief of appellee - extra copy; petitioner's initial brief on merits (extra); certificate of good standing issue by the clerk of the appellate division of the supreme court of the state of new york for louis a. craco\ndocket sheet - supreme court; settlement negotiations - notes and correspondence; press summaries - supreme court argument october 3-7, 1994; materials used in preparing oral argument books and indexes; additional materials prepared for supreme court oral argument; newspaper article on \"big six firms are firing clients\"\naudio tapes of oral argument - 10/07/94",
  130936. "6/29/1995",
  130937. "220605",
  130938. "pearson daniel",
  130939. "nan",
  130940. "nan",
  130941. " hk box: 12027",
  130942. "miami",
  130943. "635869",
  130944. "nan",
  130945. "nan",
  130946. "nan",
  130947. "nan",
  130948. "nan",
  130949. "nan",
  130950. "nan",
  130951. "nan",
  130952. "nan",
  130953. "nan",
  130954. "nan",
  130955. "nan",
  130956. "nan",
  130957. "nan",
  130958. "nan",
  130959. "nan",
  130960. "nan",
  130961. "nan",
  130962. "nan",
  130963. "nan",
  130964. "nan",
  130965. "nan",
  130966. "nan"
  130967. ],
  130968. [
  130969. "35553",
  130970. "1",
  130971. "seidman",
  130972. "none",
  130973. "490618786",
  130974. "nan",
  130975. "6/6/95 - box 19 - authorities cited in respondent's brief on the merits (supreme court); articles re: appeals (accordion folder); ernst & young - brief of appellee; lcs memo re: questions at oral argument; drafts of memo in support of institute's motion for leave; certificate of service; drafts of institute's amicus brief; miscellaneous - related to initial brief; articles on \"securities litigation\"; fdic annual reports, etc.; article on \"cleaning up the s&l mess\"; shah's control (accordion folder); folder 7 excerpts of deposition read at trial dca case no. 91-00345; 1. john abernathy - portions of deposition read at trial; 2. dennis b. kremer - portions of deposition read at trial; 3. richard rogers - portions of deposition read at trial; 4. stephen butterworth - portions of deposition read at trial; 5. james a. mcintyre - portions of deposition read at trial; 6. john shockey - deposition read at trial; 7. owen haggerty - portions of deposition read at trial; 8. kenneth kaltman - deposition read at trial; 9. ralph sharpe - portions of deposition read at trial; folder 8 - items omitted from record dca case no. 91-00345; proposed jury instructions; 27 pages of transcript missing from volume xxiv; hearing transcript - 2/13/89; motions in limine; all of item #13 are all in an accordion folder",
  130976. "6/29/1995",
  130977. "220606",
  130978. "pearson daniel",
  130979. "nan",
  130980. "nan",
  130981. " hk box: 12028",
  130982. "miami",
  130983. "635870",
  130984. "nan",
  130985. "nan",
  130986. "nan",
  130987. "nan",
  130988. "nan",
  130989. "nan",
  130990. "nan",
  130991. "nan",
  130992. "nan",
  130993. "nan",
  130994. "nan",
  130995. "nan",
  130996. "nan",
  130997. "nan",
  130998. "nan",
  130999. "nan",
  131000. "nan",
  131001. "nan",
  131002. "nan",
  131003. "nan",
  131004. "nan",
  131005. "nan",
  131006. "nan"
  131007. ],
  131008. [
  131009. "35572",
  131010. "1",
  131011. "rtc-rec. balt. fed. fin.",
  131012. "gen. title matters",
  131013. "8395",
  131014. "nan",
  131015. "-",
  131016. "nan",
  131017. "8395",
  131018. "cw",
  131019. "-",
  131020. "nan",
  131021. "closed file number: 1653-92 + location: c",
  131022. "fort lauderdale",
  131023. "324073",
  131024. "nan",
  131025. "nan",
  131026. "nan",
  131027. "nan",
  131028. "nan",
  131029. "nan",
  131030. "nan",
  131031. "nan",
  131032. "nan",
  131033. "nan",
  131034. "nan",
  131035. "nan",
  131036. "nan",
  131037. "nan",
  131038. "nan",
  131039. "nan",
  131040. "nan",
  131041. "nan",
  131042. "nan",
  131043. "nan",
  131044. "nan",
  131045. "nan",
  131046. "nan"
  131047. ],
  131048. [
  131049. "35572-02",
  131050. "nan",
  131051. "rtc/baltimore vs david hopple",
  131052. "nan",
  131053. "dsj004773",
  131054. "nan",
  131055. "mga closed files",
  131056. "09/10/1992",
  131057. "16-052a",
  131058. "16 mark alexander",
  131059. "nan",
  131060. "nan",
  131061. "nan",
  131062. "jacksonville",
  131063. "59366",
  131064. "nan",
  131065. "nan",
  131066. "nan",
  131067. "nan",
  131068. "nan",
  131069. "nan",
  131070. "nan",
  131071. "nan",
  131072. "nan",
  131073. "nan",
  131074. "nan",
  131075. "nan",
  131076. "nan",
  131077. "nan",
  131078. "nan",
  131079. "nan",
  131080. "nan",
  131081. "nan",
  131082. "nan",
  131083. "nan",
  131084. "nan",
  131085. "nan",
  131086. "nan"
  131087. ],
  131088. [
  131089. "35572-03",
  131090. "nan",
  131091. "rtc/baltimore vs billy lott",
  131092. "nan",
  131093. "dsj004773",
  131094. "nan",
  131095. "mga closed files",
  131096. "09/10/1992",
  131097. "16-052a",
  131098. "16 mark alexander",
  131099. "nan",
  131100. "nan",
  131101. "nan",
  131102. "jacksonville",
  131103. "59367",
  131104. "nan",
  131105. "nan",
  131106. "nan",
  131107. "nan",
  131108. "nan",
  131109. "nan",
  131110. "nan",
  131111. "nan",
  131112. "nan",
  131113. "nan",
  131114. "nan",
  131115. "nan",
  131116. "nan",
  131117. "nan",
  131118. "nan",
  131119. "nan",
  131120. "nan",
  131121. "nan",
  131122. "nan",
  131123. "nan",
  131124. "nan",
  131125. "nan",
  131126. "nan"
  131127. ],
  131128. [
  131129. "35660",
  131130. "1",
  131131. "rtc - rec gen fed sav bk",
  131132. "92 general",
  131133. "tcf0008364",
  131134. "nan",
  131135. "nan",
  131136. "06/20/2001",
  131137. "av9512",
  131138. "wmc",
  131139. "nan",
  131140. "nan",
  131141. "seq: 0020",
  131142. "tampa",
  131143. "191915",
  131144. "nan",
  131145. "nan",
  131146. "nan",
  131147. "nan",
  131148. "nan",
  131149. "nan",
  131150. "nan",
  131151. "nan",
  131152. "nan",
  131153. "nan",
  131154. "nan",
  131155. "nan",
  131156. "nan",
  131157. "nan",
  131158. "nan",
  131159. "nan",
  131160. "nan",
  131161. "nan",
  131162. "nan",
  131163. "nan",
  131164. "nan",
  131165. "nan",
  131166. "nan"
  131167. ],
  131168. [
  131169. "35785",
  131170. "2",
  131171. "rtc - rec liberty fed s&l",
  131172. "92 liberty prop on conveyances",
  131173. "tcf0008364",
  131174. "nan",
  131175. "nan",
  131176. "06/20/2001",
  131177. "av9512",
  131178. "rde",
  131179. "nan",
  131180. "nan",
  131181. "seq: 0021",
  131182. "tampa",
  131183. "191916",
  131184. "nan",
  131185. "nan",
  131186. "nan",
  131187. "nan",
  131188. "nan",
  131189. "nan",
  131190. "nan",
  131191. "nan",
  131192. "nan",
  131193. "nan",
  131194. "nan",
  131195. "nan",
  131196. "nan",
  131197. "nan",
  131198. "nan",
  131199. "nan",
  131200. "nan",
  131201. "nan",
  131202. "nan",
  131203. "nan",
  131204. "nan",
  131205. "nan",
  131206. "nan"
  131207. ],
  131208. [
  131209. "35785",
  131210. "1",
  131211. "rtc",
  131212. "heritage bay",
  131213. "tcf0010268",
  131214. "nan",
  131215. "nan",
  131216. "06/20/2001",
  131217. "bg0947",
  131218. "wmc",
  131219. "nan",
  131220. "nan",
  131221. "seq: 0056",
  131222. "tampa",
  131223. "200801",
  131224. "nan",
  131225. "nan",
  131226. "nan",
  131227. "nan",
  131228. "nan",
  131229. "nan",
  131230. "nan",
  131231. "nan",
  131232. "nan",
  131233. "nan",
  131234. "nan",
  131235. "nan",
  131236. "nan",
  131237. "nan",
  131238. "nan",
  131239. "nan",
  131240. "nan",
  131241. "nan",
  131242. "nan",
  131243. "nan",
  131244. "nan",
  131245. "nan",
  131246. "nan"
  131247. ],
  131248. [
  131249. "36008",
  131250. "17",
  131251. "rtc\\hollywood federal",
  131252. "stoveall",
  131253. "8015",
  131254. "nan",
  131255. "-",
  131256. "nan",
  131257. "8015",
  131258. "jh",
  131259. "-",
  131260. "nan",
  131261. "closed file number: 9436-91 + location: c",
  131262. "fort lauderdale",
  131263. "322765",
  131264. "nan",
  131265. "nan",
  131266. "nan",
  131267. "nan",
  131268. "nan",
  131269. "nan",
  131270. "nan",
  131271. "nan",
  131272. "nan",
  131273. "nan",
  131274. "nan",
  131275. "nan",
  131276. "nan",
  131277. "nan",
  131278. "nan",
  131279. "nan",
  131280. "nan",
  131281. "nan",
  131282. "nan",
  131283. "nan",
  131284. "nan",
  131285. "nan",
  131286. "nan"
  131287. ],
  131288. [
  131289. "36008",
  131290. "24",
  131291. "rtc/hollywood fed.",
  131292. "sale/sun&lake condos",
  131293. "8280",
  131294. "nan",
  131295. "-",
  131296. "nan",
  131297. "8280",
  131298. "cw",
  131299. "-",
  131300. "nan",
  131301. "closed file number: 1175-92 + location: c",
  131302. "fort lauderdale",
  131303. "323548",
  131304. "nan",
  131305. "nan",
  131306. "nan",
  131307. "nan",
  131308. "nan",
  131309. "nan",
  131310. "nan",
  131311. "nan",
  131312. "nan",
  131313. "nan",
  131314. "nan",
  131315. "nan",
  131316. "nan",
  131317. "nan",
  131318. "nan",
  131319. "nan",
  131320. "nan",
  131321. "nan",
  131322. "nan",
  131323. "nan",
  131324. "nan",
  131325. "nan",
  131326. "nan"
  131327. ],
  131328. [
  131329. "36008",
  131330. "8",
  131331. "rtc/ hollywood fed.",
  131332. "caffalette",
  131333. "8276",
  131334. "nan",
  131335. "also known as 34030-8",
  131336. "nan",
  131337. "8276",
  131338. "cw",
  131339. "-",
  131340. "nan",
  131341. "closed file number: 1153-92 + location: c",
  131342. "fort lauderdale",
  131343. "323812",
  131344. "nan",
  131345. "nan",
  131346. "nan",
  131347. "nan",
  131348. "nan",
  131349. "nan",
  131350. "nan",
  131351. "nan",
  131352. "nan",
  131353. "nan",
  131354. "nan",
  131355. "nan",
  131356. "nan",
  131357. "nan",
  131358. "nan",
  131359. "nan",
  131360. "nan",
  131361. "nan",
  131362. "nan",
  131363. "nan",
  131364. "nan",
  131365. "nan",
  131366. "nan"
  131367. ],
  131368. [
  131369. "36008",
  131370. "18",
  131371. "rtc\\hollywood federal",
  131372. "eavenson",
  131373. "8012",
  131374. "nan",
  131375. "-",
  131376. "nan",
  131377. "8012",
  131378. "jh",
  131379. "-",
  131380. "nan",
  131381. "closed file number: 9417-91 + location: c",
  131382. "fort lauderdale",
  131383. "323813",
  131384. "nan",
  131385. "nan",
  131386. "nan",
  131387. "nan",
  131388. "nan",
  131389. "nan",
  131390. "nan",
  131391. "nan",
  131392. "nan",
  131393. "nan",
  131394. "nan",
  131395. "nan",
  131396. "nan",
  131397. "nan",
  131398. "nan",
  131399. "nan",
  131400. "nan",
  131401. "nan",
  131402. "nan",
  131403. "nan",
  131404. "nan",
  131405. "nan",
  131406. "nan"
  131407. ],
  131408. [
  131409. "36008",
  131410. "21",
  131411. "rtc/hollywood",
  131412. "belcatro",
  131413. "8568",
  131414. "nan",
  131415. "entered july 7,92.",
  131416. "nan",
  131417. "8568",
  131418. "jh",
  131419. "-",
  131420. "nan",
  131421. "closed file number: 1940-92 + location: c",
  131422. "fort lauderdale",
  131423. "324374",
  131424. "nan",
  131425. "nan",
  131426. "nan",
  131427. "nan",
  131428. "nan",
  131429. "nan",
  131430. "nan",
  131431. "nan",
  131432. "nan",
  131433. "nan",
  131434. "nan",
  131435. "nan",
  131436. "nan",
  131437. "nan",
  131438. "nan",
  131439. "nan",
  131440. "nan",
  131441. "nan",
  131442. "nan",
  131443. "nan",
  131444. "nan",
  131445. "nan",
  131446. "nan"
  131447. ],
  131448. [
  131449. "36008",
  131450. "19",
  131451. "rtc/hollywood",
  131452. "perenia",
  131453. "8569",
  131454. "nan",
  131455. "entered july 7,92.",
  131456. "nan",
  131457. "8569",
  131458. "jh",
  131459. "-",
  131460. "nan",
  131461. "closed file number: 1944-92 + location: c",
  131462. "fort lauderdale",
  131463. "324376",
  131464. "nan",
  131465. "nan",
  131466. "nan",
  131467. "nan",
  131468. "nan",
  131469. "nan",
  131470. "nan",
  131471. "nan",
  131472. "nan",
  131473. "nan",
  131474. "nan",
  131475. "nan",
  131476. "nan",
  131477. "nan",
  131478. "nan",
  131479. "nan",
  131480. "nan",
  131481. "nan",
  131482. "nan",
  131483. "nan",
  131484. "nan",
  131485. "nan",
  131486. "nan"
  131487. ],
  131488. [
  131489. "36008",
  131490. "12",
  131491. "rtc/hollywood",
  131492. "andrews",
  131493. "8569",
  131494. "nan",
  131495. "entered july 7,92.",
  131496. "nan",
  131497. "8569",
  131498. "jh",
  131499. "-",
  131500. "nan",
  131501. "closed file number: 1945-92 + location: c",
  131502. "fort lauderdale",
  131503. "324377",
  131504. "nan",
  131505. "nan",
  131506. "nan",
  131507. "nan",
  131508. "nan",
  131509. "nan",
  131510. "nan",
  131511. "nan",
  131512. "nan",
  131513. "nan",
  131514. "nan",
  131515. "nan",
  131516. "nan",
  131517. "nan",
  131518. "nan",
  131519. "nan",
  131520. "nan",
  131521. "nan",
  131522. "nan",
  131523. "nan",
  131524. "nan",
  131525. "nan",
  131526. "nan"
  131527. ],
  131528. [
  131529. "36008",
  131530. "13",
  131531. "rtc/hollywood",
  131532. "hosein",
  131533. "8580",
  131534. "nan",
  131535. "entered july 13,92.",
  131536. "nan",
  131537. "8580",
  131538. "jh",
  131539. "-",
  131540. "nan",
  131541. "closed file number: 1964-92 + location: c",
  131542. "fort lauderdale",
  131543. "324392",
  131544. "nan",
  131545. "nan",
  131546. "nan",
  131547. "nan",
  131548. "nan",
  131549. "nan",
  131550. "nan",
  131551. "nan",
  131552. "nan",
  131553. "nan",
  131554. "nan",
  131555. "nan",
  131556. "nan",
  131557. "nan",
  131558. "nan",
  131559. "nan",
  131560. "nan",
  131561. "nan",
  131562. "nan",
  131563. "nan",
  131564. "nan",
  131565. "nan",
  131566. "nan"
  131567. ],
  131568. [
  131569. "36008",
  131570. "16",
  131571. "rtc/hollywood",
  131572. "johnson",
  131573. "8569",
  131574. "nan",
  131575. "entered july 7,92.",
  131576. "nan",
  131577. "8569",
  131578. "jh",
  131579. "-",
  131580. "nan",
  131581. "closed file number: 1943-92 + location: c",
  131582. "fort lauderdale",
  131583. "324732",
  131584. "nan",
  131585. "nan",
  131586. "nan",
  131587. "nan",
  131588. "nan",
  131589. "nan",
  131590. "nan",
  131591. "nan",
  131592. "nan",
  131593. "nan",
  131594. "nan",
  131595. "nan",
  131596. "nan",
  131597. "nan",
  131598. "nan",
  131599. "nan",
  131600. "nan",
  131601. "nan",
  131602. "nan",
  131603. "nan",
  131604. "nan",
  131605. "nan",
  131606. "nan"
  131607. ],
  131608. [
  131609. "36008",
  131610. "22",
  131611. "rtc/hollywood",
  131612. "sheeham",
  131613. "8568",
  131614. "nan",
  131615. "entered july 7,92.",
  131616. "nan",
  131617. "8568",
  131618. "jh",
  131619. "cc",
  131620. "nan",
  131621. "closed file number: 1941-92 + location: c",
  131622. "fort lauderdale",
  131623. "324841",
  131624. "nan",
  131625. "nan",
  131626. "nan",
  131627. "nan",
  131628. "nan",
  131629. "nan",
  131630. "nan",
  131631. "nan",
  131632. "nan",
  131633. "nan",
  131634. "nan",
  131635. "nan",
  131636. "nan",
  131637. "nan",
  131638. "nan",
  131639. "nan",
  131640. "nan",
  131641. "nan",
  131642. "nan",
  131643. "nan",
  131644. "nan",
  131645. "nan",
  131646. "nan"
  131647. ],
  131648. [
  131649. "36008",
  131650. "1",
  131651. "rtc-hollywood federal",
  131652. "record./conveyance/docum",
  131653. "8910",
  131654. "nan",
  131655. "entered january 27, 93.",
  131656. "nan",
  131657. "8910",
  131658. "cw",
  131659. "-",
  131660. "nan",
  131661. "closed file number: 2598-93 + location: i",
  131662. "fort lauderdale",
  131663. "325394",
  131664. "nan",
  131665. "nan",
  131666. "nan",
  131667. "nan",
  131668. "nan",
  131669. "nan",
  131670. "nan",
  131671. "nan",
  131672. "nan",
  131673. "nan",
  131674. "nan",
  131675. "nan",
  131676. "nan",
  131677. "nan",
  131678. "nan",
  131679. "nan",
  131680. "nan",
  131681. "nan",
  131682. "nan",
  131683. "nan",
  131684. "nan",
  131685. "nan",
  131686. "nan"
  131687. ],
  131688. [
  131689. "36008",
  131690. "31",
  131691. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank",
  131692. "none",
  131693. "490615614",
  131694. "nan",
  131695. "none",
  131696. "5/28/1996",
  131697. "335700",
  131698. "friedman robert",
  131699. "nan",
  131700. "nan",
  131701. " hk box: 13299",
  131702. "miami",
  131703. "650822",
  131704. "nan",
  131705. "nan",
  131706. "nan",
  131707. "nan",
  131708. "nan",
  131709. "nan",
  131710. "nan",
  131711. "nan",
  131712. "nan",
  131713. "nan",
  131714. "nan",
  131715. "nan",
  131716. "nan",
  131717. "nan",
  131718. "nan",
  131719. "nan",
  131720. "nan",
  131721. "nan",
  131722. "nan",
  131723. "nan",
  131724. "nan",
  131725. "nan",
  131726. "nan"
  131727. ],
  131728. [
  131729. "36008",
  131730. "31",
  131731. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank substitution of collateral",
  131732. "none",
  131733. "490615614",
  131734. "nan",
  131735. "none",
  131736. "5/28/1996",
  131737. "335700",
  131738. "oliver chris",
  131739. "nan",
  131740. "nan",
  131741. " hk box: 13299",
  131742. "miami",
  131743. "650823",
  131744. "nan",
  131745. "nan",
  131746. "nan",
  131747. "nan",
  131748. "nan",
  131749. "nan",
  131750. "nan",
  131751. "nan",
  131752. "nan",
  131753. "nan",
  131754. "nan",
  131755. "nan",
  131756. "nan",
  131757. "nan",
  131758. "nan",
  131759. "nan",
  131760. "nan",
  131761. "nan",
  131762. "nan",
  131763. "nan",
  131764. "nan",
  131765. "nan",
  131766. "nan"
  131767. ],
  131768. [
  131769. "36008",
  131770. "31",
  131771. "rtc",
  131772. "hollywood federal",
  131773. "491469662",
  131774. "nan",
  131775. "september 21, 1992 - one expanding brown folder (blanding place)",
  131776. "12/31/1899",
  131777. "50067",
  131778. "friedman robert",
  131779. "nan",
  131780. "nan",
  131781. " hk box: 8380",
  131782. "miami",
  131783. "656854",
  131784. "nan",
  131785. "nan",
  131786. "nan",
  131787. "nan",
  131788. "nan",
  131789. "nan",
  131790. "nan",
  131791. "nan",
  131792. "nan",
  131793. "nan",
  131794. "nan",
  131795. "nan",
  131796. "nan",
  131797. "nan",
  131798. "nan",
  131799. "nan",
  131800. "nan",
  131801. "nan",
  131802. "nan",
  131803. "nan",
  131804. "nan",
  131805. "nan",
  131806. "nan"
  131807. ],
  131808. [
  131809. "36045",
  131810. "1",
  131811. "rtc",
  131812. "hernandez",
  131813. "8907",
  131814. "nan",
  131815. "entered january 26, 93.",
  131816. "nan",
  131817. "8907",
  131818. "jh",
  131819. "-",
  131820. "nan",
  131821. "closed file number: 2580-93 + location: i",
  131822. "fort lauderdale",
  131823. "325467",
  131824. "nan",
  131825. "nan",
  131826. "nan",
  131827. "nan",
  131828. "nan",
  131829. "nan",
  131830. "nan",
  131831. "nan",
  131832. "nan",
  131833. "nan",
  131834. "nan",
  131835. "nan",
  131836. "nan",
  131837. "nan",
  131838. "nan",
  131839. "nan",
  131840. "nan",
  131841. "nan",
  131842. "nan",
  131843. "nan",
  131844. "nan",
  131845. "nan",
  131846. "nan"
  131847. ],
  131848. [
  131849. "36045",
  131850. "2",
  131851. "rtc-hill financial sav.",
  131852. "alexander tyshynsky",
  131853. "8907",
  131854. "nan",
  131855. "entered january 26, 93.",
  131856. "nan",
  131857. "8907",
  131858. "cw",
  131859. "-",
  131860. "nan",
  131861. "closed file number: 2581-93 + location: i",
  131862. "fort lauderdale",
  131863. "325581",
  131864. "nan",
  131865. "nan",
  131866. "nan",
  131867. "nan",
  131868. "nan",
  131869. "nan",
  131870. "nan",
  131871. "nan",
  131872. "nan",
  131873. "nan",
  131874. "nan",
  131875. "nan",
  131876. "nan",
  131877. "nan",
  131878. "nan",
  131879. "nan",
  131880. "nan",
  131881. "nan",
  131882. "nan",
  131883. "nan",
  131884. "nan",
  131885. "nan",
  131886. "nan"
  131887. ],
  131888. [
  131889. "36101",
  131890. "19",
  131891. "rtc",
  131892. "bell federal,plds",
  131893. "tcf0010040",
  131894. "nan",
  131895. "nan",
  131896. "06/20/2001",
  131897. "bg0342",
  131898. "wmc",
  131899. "nan",
  131900. "nan",
  131901. "seq: 0008",
  131902. "tampa",
  131903. "199020",
  131904. "nan",
  131905. "nan",
  131906. "nan",
  131907. "nan",
  131908. "nan",
  131909. "nan",
  131910. "nan",
  131911. "nan",
  131912. "nan",
  131913. "nan",
  131914. "nan",
  131915. "nan",
  131916. "nan",
  131917. "nan",
  131918. "nan",
  131919. "nan",
  131920. "nan",
  131921. "nan",
  131922. "nan",
  131923. "nan",
  131924. "nan",
  131925. "nan",
  131926. "nan"
  131927. ],
  131928. [
  131929. "36101",
  131930. "15",
  131931. "rtc/bell",
  131932. "dahlia",
  131933. "8133",
  131934. "nan",
  131935. "entire box; no file #",
  131936. "nan",
  131937. "8133",
  131938. "sm",
  131939. "-",
  131940. "nan",
  131941. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  131942. "fort lauderdale",
  131943. "323057",
  131944. "nan",
  131945. "nan",
  131946. "nan",
  131947. "nan",
  131948. "nan",
  131949. "nan",
  131950. "nan",
  131951. "nan",
  131952. "nan",
  131953. "nan",
  131954. "nan",
  131955. "nan",
  131956. "nan",
  131957. "nan",
  131958. "nan",
  131959. "nan",
  131960. "nan",
  131961. "nan",
  131962. "nan",
  131963. "nan",
  131964. "nan",
  131965. "nan",
  131966. "nan"
  131967. ],
  131968. [
  131969. "36101",
  131970. "10000",
  131971. "rtc/bell",
  131972. "pledger- monitor file",
  131973. "8438",
  131974. "nan",
  131975. "-",
  131976. "nan",
  131977. "8438",
  131978. "uj",
  131979. "-",
  131980. "nan",
  131981. "closed file number: 1786-92 + location: c",
  131982. "fort lauderdale",
  131983. "324212",
  131984. "nan",
  131985. "nan",
  131986. "nan",
  131987. "nan",
  131988. "nan",
  131989. "nan",
  131990. "nan",
  131991. "nan",
  131992. "nan",
  131993. "nan",
  131994. "nan",
  131995. "nan",
  131996. "nan",
  131997. "nan",
  131998. "nan",
  131999. "nan",
  132000. "nan",
  132001. "nan",
  132002. "nan",
  132003. "nan",
  132004. "nan",
  132005. "nan",
  132006. "nan"
  132007. ],
  132008. [
  132009. "36101",
  132010. "31",
  132011. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk",
  132012. "michael zurr",
  132013. "8520",
  132014. "nan",
  132015. "closed on 6-19-92",
  132016. "nan",
  132017. "8520",
  132018. "jh",
  132019. "-",
  132020. "nan",
  132021. "closed file number: 1790-92 + location: c",
  132022. "fort lauderdale",
  132023. "324258",
  132024. "nan",
  132025. "nan",
  132026. "nan",
  132027. "nan",
  132028. "nan",
  132029. "nan",
  132030. "nan",
  132031. "nan",
  132032. "nan",
  132033. "nan",
  132034. "nan",
  132035. "nan",
  132036. "nan",
  132037. "nan",
  132038. "nan",
  132039. "nan",
  132040. "nan",
  132041. "nan",
  132042. "nan",
  132043. "nan",
  132044. "nan",
  132045. "nan",
  132046. "nan"
  132047. ],
  132048. [
  132049. "36101",
  132050. "30",
  132051. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk",
  132052. "dpb realty assoc.",
  132053. "8523",
  132054. "nan",
  132055. "closed on 6-19-92.",
  132056. "nan",
  132057. "8523",
  132058. "jh",
  132059. "-",
  132060. "nan",
  132061. "closed file number: 1796-92 + location: c",
  132062. "fort lauderdale",
  132063. "324259",
  132064. "nan",
  132065. "nan",
  132066. "nan",
  132067. "nan",
  132068. "nan",
  132069. "nan",
  132070. "nan",
  132071. "nan",
  132072. "nan",
  132073. "nan",
  132074. "nan",
  132075. "nan",
  132076. "nan",
  132077. "nan",
  132078. "nan",
  132079. "nan",
  132080. "nan",
  132081. "nan",
  132082. "nan",
  132083. "nan",
  132084. "nan",
  132085. "nan",
  132086. "nan"
  132087. ],
  132088. [
  132089. "36101",
  132090. "29",
  132091. "rtc con bell fed sav bk",
  132092. "dbp realty assoc.",
  132093. "8523",
  132094. "nan",
  132095. "closed on 6-19-92",
  132096. "nan",
  132097. "8523",
  132098. "jh",
  132099. "-",
  132100. "nan",
  132101. "closed file number: 1795-92 + location: c",
  132102. "fort lauderdale",
  132103. "324260",
  132104. "nan",
  132105. "nan",
  132106. "nan",
  132107. "nan",
  132108. "nan",
  132109. "nan",
  132110. "nan",
  132111. "nan",
  132112. "nan",
  132113. "nan",
  132114. "nan",
  132115. "nan",
  132116. "nan",
  132117. "nan",
  132118. "nan",
  132119. "nan",
  132120. "nan",
  132121. "nan",
  132122. "nan",
  132123. "nan",
  132124. "nan",
  132125. "nan",
  132126. "nan"
  132127. ],
  132128. [
  132129. "36101",
  132130. "13",
  132131. "rtc/bell",
  132132. "subs of bell savings bk",
  132133. "8582",
  132134. "nan",
  132135. "entered july 13,92.",
  132136. "nan",
  132137. "8582",
  132138. "sm",
  132139. "-",
  132140. "nan",
  132141. "closed file number: 1971-92 + location: c",
  132142. "fort lauderdale",
  132143. "324399",
  132144. "nan",
  132145. "nan",
  132146. "nan",
  132147. "nan",
  132148. "nan",
  132149. "nan",
  132150. "nan",
  132151. "nan",
  132152. "nan",
  132153. "nan",
  132154. "nan",
  132155. "nan",
  132156. "nan",
  132157. "nan",
  132158. "nan",
  132159. "nan",
  132160. "nan",
  132161. "nan",
  132162. "nan",
  132163. "nan",
  132164. "nan",
  132165. "nan",
  132166. "nan"
  132167. ],
  132168. [
  132169. "36101",
  132170. "20",
  132171. "rtc bell",
  132172. "williams ltd",
  132173. "8585",
  132174. "nan",
  132175. "entered july 16,92.",
  132176. "nan",
  132177. "8585",
  132178. "sm",
  132179. "-",
  132180. "nan",
  132181. "closed file number: 1985-92 + location: c",
  132182. "fort lauderdale",
  132183. "324411",
  132184. "nan",
  132185. "nan",
  132186. "nan",
  132187. "nan",
  132188. "nan",
  132189. "nan",
  132190. "nan",
  132191. "nan",
  132192. "nan",
  132193. "nan",
  132194. "nan",
  132195. "nan",
  132196. "nan",
  132197. "nan",
  132198. "nan",
  132199. "nan",
  132200. "nan",
  132201. "nan",
  132202. "nan",
  132203. "nan",
  132204. "nan",
  132205. "nan",
  132206. "nan"
  132207. ],
  132208. [
  132209. "36101",
  132210. "27",
  132211. "rtc bell",
  132212. "pardue,heid, church",
  132213. "8585",
  132214. "nan",
  132215. "entered july 16,92.",
  132216. "nan",
  132217. "8585",
  132218. "sm",
  132219. "-",
  132220. "nan",
  132221. "closed file number: 1986-92 + location: i",
  132222. "fort lauderdale",
  132223. "324412",
  132224. "nan",
  132225. "nan",
  132226. "nan",
  132227. "nan",
  132228. "nan",
  132229. "nan",
  132230. "nan",
  132231. "nan",
  132232. "nan",
  132233. "nan",
  132234. "nan",
  132235. "nan",
  132236. "nan",
  132237. "nan",
  132238. "nan",
  132239. "nan",
  132240. "nan",
  132241. "nan",
  132242. "nan",
  132243. "nan",
  132244. "nan",
  132245. "nan",
  132246. "nan"
  132247. ],
  132248. [
  132249. "36101",
  132250. "9",
  132251. "rtc/bell federal",
  132252. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  132253. "8726",
  132254. "nan",
  132255. "entered october 12, 92.1 of 5 boxes.",
  132256. "nan",
  132257. "8726",
  132258. "sm",
  132259. "-",
  132260. "nan",
  132261. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  132262. "fort lauderdale",
  132263. "324893",
  132264. "nan",
  132265. "nan",
  132266. "nan",
  132267. "nan",
  132268. "nan",
  132269. "nan",
  132270. "nan",
  132271. "nan",
  132272. "nan",
  132273. "nan",
  132274. "nan",
  132275. "nan",
  132276. "nan",
  132277. "nan",
  132278. "nan",
  132279. "nan",
  132280. "nan",
  132281. "nan",
  132282. "nan",
  132283. "nan",
  132284. "nan",
  132285. "nan",
  132286. "nan"
  132287. ],
  132288. [
  132289. "36101",
  132290. "9",
  132291. "rtc/bell federal",
  132292. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  132293. "8727",
  132294. "nan",
  132295. "entered october 12, 92.2 of 5 boxes.",
  132296. "nan",
  132297. "8727",
  132298. "sm",
  132299. "-",
  132300. "nan",
  132301. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  132302. "fort lauderdale",
  132303. "324894",
  132304. "nan",
  132305. "nan",
  132306. "nan",
  132307. "nan",
  132308. "nan",
  132309. "nan",
  132310. "nan",
  132311. "nan",
  132312. "nan",
  132313. "nan",
  132314. "nan",
  132315. "nan",
  132316. "nan",
  132317. "nan",
  132318. "nan",
  132319. "nan",
  132320. "nan",
  132321. "nan",
  132322. "nan",
  132323. "nan",
  132324. "nan",
  132325. "nan",
  132326. "nan"
  132327. ],
  132328. [
  132329. "36101",
  132330. "9",
  132331. "rtc/bell federal",
  132332. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  132333. "8728",
  132334. "nan",
  132335. "entered october 12, 92.3 of 5 boxes.",
  132336. "nan",
  132337. "8728",
  132338. "sm",
  132339. "-",
  132340. "nan",
  132341. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  132342. "fort lauderdale",
  132343. "324895",
  132344. "nan",
  132345. "nan",
  132346. "nan",
  132347. "nan",
  132348. "nan",
  132349. "nan",
  132350. "nan",
  132351. "nan",
  132352. "nan",
  132353. "nan",
  132354. "nan",
  132355. "nan",
  132356. "nan",
  132357. "nan",
  132358. "nan",
  132359. "nan",
  132360. "nan",
  132361. "nan",
  132362. "nan",
  132363. "nan",
  132364. "nan",
  132365. "nan",
  132366. "nan"
  132367. ],
  132368. [
  132369. "36101",
  132370. "9",
  132371. "rtc/bell federal",
  132372. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  132373. "8729",
  132374. "nan",
  132375. "entered october 12, 92.4 of 5 boxes.",
  132376. "nan",
  132377. "8729",
  132378. "sm",
  132379. "-",
  132380. "nan",
  132381. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  132382. "fort lauderdale",
  132383. "324896",
  132384. "nan",
  132385. "nan",
  132386. "nan",
  132387. "nan",
  132388. "nan",
  132389. "nan",
  132390. "nan",
  132391. "nan",
  132392. "nan",
  132393. "nan",
  132394. "nan",
  132395. "nan",
  132396. "nan",
  132397. "nan",
  132398. "nan",
  132399. "nan",
  132400. "nan",
  132401. "nan",
  132402. "nan",
  132403. "nan",
  132404. "nan",
  132405. "nan",
  132406. "nan"
  132407. ],
  132408. [
  132409. "36101",
  132410. "9",
  132411. "rtc/bell federal",
  132412. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  132413. "8730",
  132414. "nan",
  132415. "entered october 12, 92.5 of 5 boxes.",
  132416. "nan",
  132417. "8730",
  132418. "sm",
  132419. "-",
  132420. "nan",
  132421. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  132422. "fort lauderdale",
  132423. "324897",
  132424. "nan",
  132425. "nan",
  132426. "nan",
  132427. "nan",
  132428. "nan",
  132429. "nan",
  132430. "nan",
  132431. "nan",
  132432. "nan",
  132433. "nan",
  132434. "nan",
  132435. "nan",
  132436. "nan",
  132437. "nan",
  132438. "nan",
  132439. "nan",
  132440. "nan",
  132441. "nan",
  132442. "nan",
  132443. "nan",
  132444. "nan",
  132445. "nan",
  132446. "nan"
  132447. ],
  132448. [
  132449. "36101",
  132450. "9",
  132451. "rtc/bell federal",
  132452. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  132453. "8731",
  132454. "nan",
  132455. "entered october 12, 92.11 of 11 boxes.",
  132456. "nan",
  132457. "8731",
  132458. "sm",
  132459. "-",
  132460. "nan",
  132461. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  132462. "fort lauderdale",
  132463. "324898",
  132464. "nan",
  132465. "nan",
  132466. "nan",
  132467. "nan",
  132468. "nan",
  132469. "nan",
  132470. "nan",
  132471. "nan",
  132472. "nan",
  132473. "nan",
  132474. "nan",
  132475. "nan",
  132476. "nan",
  132477. "nan",
  132478. "nan",
  132479. "nan",
  132480. "nan",
  132481. "nan",
  132482. "nan",
  132483. "nan",
  132484. "nan",
  132485. "nan",
  132486. "nan"
  132487. ],
  132488. [
  132489. "36101",
  132490. "12",
  132491. "rtc/bell federal savings",
  132492. "plantation country estat",
  132493. "8758",
  132494. "nan",
  132495. "entered october 29, 92.",
  132496. "nan",
  132497. "8758",
  132498. "sm",
  132499. "-",
  132500. "nan",
  132501. "closed file number: 2315-92 + location: i",
  132502. "fort lauderdale",
  132503. "324999",
  132504. "nan",
  132505. "nan",
  132506. "nan",
  132507. "nan",
  132508. "nan",
  132509. "nan",
  132510. "nan",
  132511. "nan",
  132512. "nan",
  132513. "nan",
  132514. "nan",
  132515. "nan",
  132516. "nan",
  132517. "nan",
  132518. "nan",
  132519. "nan",
  132520. "nan",
  132521. "nan",
  132522. "nan",
  132523. "nan",
  132524. "nan",
  132525. "nan",
  132526. "nan"
  132527. ],
  132528. [
  132529. "36101",
  132530. "9",
  132531. "rtc/bell federal savings",
  132532. "alert holdings(bkc file)",
  132533. "8770",
  132534. "nan",
  132535. "entered november 23, 92.",
  132536. "nan",
  132537. "8770",
  132538. "sm",
  132539. "-",
  132540. "nan",
  132541. "closed file number: 2396-92 + location: i",
  132542. "fort lauderdale",
  132543. "325081",
  132544. "nan",
  132545. "nan",
  132546. "nan",
  132547. "nan",
  132548. "nan",
  132549. "nan",
  132550. "nan",
  132551. "nan",
  132552. "nan",
  132553. "nan",
  132554. "nan",
  132555. "nan",
  132556. "nan",
  132557. "nan",
  132558. "nan",
  132559. "nan",
  132560. "nan",
  132561. "nan",
  132562. "nan",
  132563. "nan",
  132564. "nan",
  132565. "nan",
  132566. "nan"
  132567. ],
  132568. [
  132569. "36101",
  132570. "3",
  132571. "rtc-bell federal s&l",
  132572. "nob hill holding, inc.",
  132573. "8798",
  132574. "nan",
  132575. "entered december 14, 92.",
  132576. "nan",
  132577. "8798",
  132578. "sm",
  132579. "-",
  132580. "nan",
  132581. "closed file number: 2473-92 + location: i",
  132582. "fort lauderdale",
  132583. "325160",
  132584. "nan",
  132585. "nan",
  132586. "nan",
  132587. "nan",
  132588. "nan",
  132589. "nan",
  132590. "nan",
  132591. "nan",
  132592. "nan",
  132593. "nan",
  132594. "nan",
  132595. "nan",
  132596. "nan",
  132597. "nan",
  132598. "nan",
  132599. "nan",
  132600. "nan",
  132601. "nan",
  132602. "nan",
  132603. "nan",
  132604. "nan",
  132605. "nan",
  132606. "nan"
  132607. ],
  132608. [
  132609. "36101",
  132610. "1",
  132611. "rtc-bell federal",
  132612. "general",
  132613. "8806",
  132614. "nan",
  132615. "entered december 14, 92. (also f# 2497-92).",
  132616. "nan",
  132617. "8806",
  132618. "sm",
  132619. "-",
  132620. "nan",
  132621. "closed file number: 2498-92 + location: i",
  132622. "fort lauderdale",
  132623. "325181",
  132624. "nan",
  132625. "nan",
  132626. "nan",
  132627. "nan",
  132628. "nan",
  132629. "nan",
  132630. "nan",
  132631. "nan",
  132632. "nan",
  132633. "nan",
  132634. "nan",
  132635. "nan",
  132636. "nan",
  132637. "nan",
  132638. "nan",
  132639. "nan",
  132640. "nan",
  132641. "nan",
  132642. "nan",
  132643. "nan",
  132644. "nan",
  132645. "nan",
  132646. "nan"
  132647. ],
  132648. [
  132649. "36101",
  132650. "6",
  132651. "rtc bell",
  132652. "williamsburg ltd.",
  132653. "8585",
  132654. "nan",
  132655. "entered july 16,92.",
  132656. "nan",
  132657. "8585",
  132658. "sm",
  132659. "-",
  132660. "nan",
  132661. "closed file number: 1990-92 + location: c",
  132662. "fort lauderdale",
  132663. "325187",
  132664. "nan",
  132665. "nan",
  132666. "nan",
  132667. "nan",
  132668. "nan",
  132669. "nan",
  132670. "nan",
  132671. "nan",
  132672. "nan",
  132673. "nan",
  132674. "nan",
  132675. "nan",
  132676. "nan",
  132677. "nan",
  132678. "nan",
  132679. "nan",
  132680. "nan",
  132681. "nan",
  132682. "nan",
  132683. "nan",
  132684. "nan",
  132685. "nan",
  132686. "nan"
  132687. ],
  132688. [
  132689. "36101",
  132690. "9",
  132691. "rtc-bell federal",
  132692. "mccoy",
  132693. "8870",
  132694. "nan",
  132695. "entered january 13, 93.",
  132696. "nan",
  132697. "8870",
  132698. "-",
  132699. "-",
  132700. "nan",
  132701. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  132702. "fort lauderdale",
  132703. "325274",
  132704. "nan",
  132705. "nan",
  132706. "nan",
  132707. "nan",
  132708. "nan",
  132709. "nan",
  132710. "nan",
  132711. "nan",
  132712. "nan",
  132713. "nan",
  132714. "nan",
  132715. "nan",
  132716. "nan",
  132717. "nan",
  132718. "nan",
  132719. "nan",
  132720. "nan",
  132721. "nan",
  132722. "nan",
  132723. "nan",
  132724. "nan",
  132725. "nan",
  132726. "nan"
  132727. ],
  132728. [
  132729. "36101",
  132730. "1",
  132731. "rtc-bell federal",
  132732. "general",
  132733. "8806",
  132734. "nan",
  132735. "entered december 14, 92. (also f# 2498-92).",
  132736. "nan",
  132737. "8806",
  132738. "sm",
  132739. "-",
  132740. "nan",
  132741. "closed file number: 2497-92 + location: i",
  132742. "fort lauderdale",
  132743. "325276",
  132744. "nan",
  132745. "nan",
  132746. "nan",
  132747. "nan",
  132748. "nan",
  132749. "nan",
  132750. "nan",
  132751. "nan",
  132752. "nan",
  132753. "nan",
  132754. "nan",
  132755. "nan",
  132756. "nan",
  132757. "nan",
  132758. "nan",
  132759. "nan",
  132760. "nan",
  132761. "nan",
  132762. "nan",
  132763. "nan",
  132764. "nan",
  132765. "nan",
  132766. "nan"
  132767. ],
  132768. [
  132769. "36101",
  132770. "2",
  132771. "rtc/bell federal",
  132772. "mahsti",
  132773. "8610",
  132774. "nan",
  132775. "entered july 28,92.2 of 2 boxes.out to michelle parchesco",
  132776. "nan",
  132777. "8610",
  132778. "am",
  132779. "-",
  132780. "nan",
  132781. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  132782. "fort lauderdale",
  132783. "325277",
  132784. "nan",
  132785. "nan",
  132786. "nan",
  132787. "nan",
  132788. "nan",
  132789. "nan",
  132790. "nan",
  132791. "nan",
  132792. "nan",
  132793. "nan",
  132794. "nan",
  132795. "nan",
  132796. "nan",
  132797. "nan",
  132798. "nan",
  132799. "nan",
  132800. "nan",
  132801. "nan",
  132802. "nan",
  132803. "nan",
  132804. "nan",
  132805. "nan",
  132806. "nan"
  132807. ],
  132808. [
  132809. "36101",
  132810. "21",
  132811. "rtc-conser bell federal",
  132812. "mod. loan/ocean juno",
  132813. "8798",
  132814. "nan",
  132815. "entered december 14, 92.",
  132816. "nan",
  132817. "8798",
  132818. "sm",
  132819. "-",
  132820. "nan",
  132821. "closed file number: 2474-92 + location: i",
  132822. "fort lauderdale",
  132823. "325278",
  132824. "nan",
  132825. "nan",
  132826. "nan",
  132827. "nan",
  132828. "nan",
  132829. "nan",
  132830. "nan",
  132831. "nan",
  132832. "nan",
  132833. "nan",
  132834. "nan",
  132835. "nan",
  132836. "nan",
  132837. "nan",
  132838. "nan",
  132839. "nan",
  132840. "nan",
  132841. "nan",
  132842. "nan",
  132843. "nan",
  132844. "nan",
  132845. "nan",
  132846. "nan"
  132847. ],
  132848. [
  132849. "36101",
  132850. "22",
  132851. "rtc-conser bell federal",
  132852. "mod loan/jemac devel.",
  132853. "8800",
  132854. "nan",
  132855. "entered december 14, 92.",
  132856. "nan",
  132857. "8800",
  132858. "sm",
  132859. "-",
  132860. "nan",
  132861. "closed file number: 2475-92 + location: i",
  132862. "fort lauderdale",
  132863. "325279",
  132864. "nan",
  132865. "nan",
  132866. "nan",
  132867. "nan",
  132868. "nan",
  132869. "nan",
  132870. "nan",
  132871. "nan",
  132872. "nan",
  132873. "nan",
  132874. "nan",
  132875. "nan",
  132876. "nan",
  132877. "nan",
  132878. "nan",
  132879. "nan",
  132880. "nan",
  132881. "nan",
  132882. "nan",
  132883. "nan",
  132884. "nan",
  132885. "nan",
  132886. "nan"
  132887. ],
  132888. [
  132889. "36101",
  132890. "8",
  132891. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  132892. "ocean village villas",
  132893. "8807",
  132894. "nan",
  132895. "entered december 16, 92.",
  132896. "nan",
  132897. "8807",
  132898. "sm",
  132899. "-",
  132900. "nan",
  132901. "closed file number: 2502-92 + location: i",
  132902. "fort lauderdale",
  132903. "325280",
  132904. "nan",
  132905. "nan",
  132906. "nan",
  132907. "nan",
  132908. "nan",
  132909. "nan",
  132910. "nan",
  132911. "nan",
  132912. "nan",
  132913. "nan",
  132914. "nan",
  132915. "nan",
  132916. "nan",
  132917. "nan",
  132918. "nan",
  132919. "nan",
  132920. "nan",
  132921. "nan",
  132922. "nan",
  132923. "nan",
  132924. "nan",
  132925. "nan",
  132926. "nan"
  132927. ],
  132928. [
  132929. "36101",
  132930. "7",
  132931. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  132932. "sonoma lakes estates",
  132933. "8909",
  132934. "nan",
  132935. "entered january 26, 93.(1 of 2 files-also f# 2589-93).",
  132936. "nan",
  132937. "8909",
  132938. "sm",
  132939. "-",
  132940. "nan",
  132941. "closed file number: 2588-93 + location: i",
  132942. "fort lauderdale",
  132943. "325343",
  132944. "nan",
  132945. "nan",
  132946. "nan",
  132947. "nan",
  132948. "nan",
  132949. "nan",
  132950. "nan",
  132951. "nan",
  132952. "nan",
  132953. "nan",
  132954. "nan",
  132955. "nan",
  132956. "nan",
  132957. "nan",
  132958. "nan",
  132959. "nan",
  132960. "nan",
  132961. "nan",
  132962. "nan",
  132963. "nan",
  132964. "nan",
  132965. "nan",
  132966. "nan"
  132967. ],
  132968. [
  132969. "36101",
  132970. "7",
  132971. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  132972. "sonoma lake estates",
  132973. "8909",
  132974. "nan",
  132975. "entered january 26, 93.(2 of 2 files-also f# 2588-93).",
  132976. "nan",
  132977. "8909",
  132978. "sm",
  132979. "-",
  132980. "nan",
  132981. "closed file number: 2589-93 + location: i",
  132982. "fort lauderdale",
  132983. "325344",
  132984. "nan",
  132985. "nan",
  132986. "nan",
  132987. "nan",
  132988. "nan",
  132989. "nan",
  132990. "nan",
  132991. "nan",
  132992. "nan",
  132993. "nan",
  132994. "nan",
  132995. "nan",
  132996. "nan",
  132997. "nan",
  132998. "nan",
  132999. "nan",
  133000. "nan",
  133001. "nan",
  133002. "nan",
  133003. "nan",
  133004. "nan",
  133005. "nan",
  133006. "nan"
  133007. ],
  133008. [
  133009. "36101",
  133010. "32",
  133011. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  133012. "sale/sonoma lake estates",
  133013. "8909",
  133014. "nan",
  133015. "entered january 26, 93.",
  133016. "nan",
  133017. "8909",
  133018. "sm",
  133019. "-",
  133020. "nan",
  133021. "closed file number: 2587-93 + location: i",
  133022. "fort lauderdale",
  133023. "325345",
  133024. "nan",
  133025. "nan",
  133026. "nan",
  133027. "nan",
  133028. "nan",
  133029. "nan",
  133030. "nan",
  133031. "nan",
  133032. "nan",
  133033. "nan",
  133034. "nan",
  133035. "nan",
  133036. "nan",
  133037. "nan",
  133038. "nan",
  133039. "nan",
  133040. "nan",
  133041. "nan",
  133042. "nan",
  133043. "nan",
  133044. "nan",
  133045. "nan",
  133046. "nan"
  133047. ],
  133048. [
  133049. "36101",
  133050. "5",
  133051. "rtc-cons. bell federal",
  133052. "am. heritage develop./mg",
  133053. "8904",
  133054. "nan",
  133055. "entered january 26, 93.",
  133056. "nan",
  133057. "8904",
  133058. "sm",
  133059. "-",
  133060. "nan",
  133061. "closed file number: 2565-93 + location: i",
  133062. "fort lauderdale",
  133063. "325361",
  133064. "nan",
  133065. "nan",
  133066. "nan",
  133067. "nan",
  133068. "nan",
  133069. "nan",
  133070. "nan",
  133071. "nan",
  133072. "nan",
  133073. "nan",
  133074. "nan",
  133075. "nan",
  133076. "nan",
  133077. "nan",
  133078. "nan",
  133079. "nan",
  133080. "nan",
  133081. "nan",
  133082. "nan",
  133083. "nan",
  133084. "nan",
  133085. "nan",
  133086. "nan"
  133087. ],
  133088. [
  133089. "36101",
  133090. "4",
  133091. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  133092. "leonard z. eppel",
  133093. "8914",
  133094. "nan",
  133095. "entered january 28, 93.",
  133096. "nan",
  133097. "8914",
  133098. "-",
  133099. "-",
  133100. "nan",
  133101. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  133102. "fort lauderdale",
  133103. "325409",
  133104. "nan",
  133105. "nan",
  133106. "nan",
  133107. "nan",
  133108. "nan",
  133109. "nan",
  133110. "nan",
  133111. "nan",
  133112. "nan",
  133113. "nan",
  133114. "nan",
  133115. "nan",
  133116. "nan",
  133117. "nan",
  133118. "nan",
  133119. "nan",
  133120. "nan",
  133121. "nan",
  133122. "nan",
  133123. "nan",
  133124. "nan",
  133125. "nan",
  133126. "nan"
  133127. ],
  133128. [
  133129. "36101",
  133130. "7",
  133131. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  133132. "sonoma lake estates",
  133133. "8911",
  133134. "nan",
  133135. "entered january 29, 93.also b# 8912 & 8913.",
  133136. "nan",
  133137. "8911",
  133138. "-",
  133139. "-",
  133140. "nan",
  133141. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  133142. "fort lauderdale",
  133143. "325411",
  133144. "nan",
  133145. "nan",
  133146. "nan",
  133147. "nan",
  133148. "nan",
  133149. "nan",
  133150. "nan",
  133151. "nan",
  133152. "nan",
  133153. "nan",
  133154. "nan",
  133155. "nan",
  133156. "nan",
  133157. "nan",
  133158. "nan",
  133159. "nan",
  133160. "nan",
  133161. "nan",
  133162. "nan",
  133163. "nan",
  133164. "nan",
  133165. "nan",
  133166. "nan"
  133167. ],
  133168. [
  133169. "36101",
  133170. "7",
  133171. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  133172. "sonoma lake estates",
  133173. "8912",
  133174. "nan",
  133175. "entered january 29, 93.also b# 8911 & 8913.",
  133176. "nan",
  133177. "8912",
  133178. "-",
  133179. "-",
  133180. "nan",
  133181. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  133182. "fort lauderdale",
  133183. "325412",
  133184. "nan",
  133185. "nan",
  133186. "nan",
  133187. "nan",
  133188. "nan",
  133189. "nan",
  133190. "nan",
  133191. "nan",
  133192. "nan",
  133193. "nan",
  133194. "nan",
  133195. "nan",
  133196. "nan",
  133197. "nan",
  133198. "nan",
  133199. "nan",
  133200. "nan",
  133201. "nan",
  133202. "nan",
  133203. "nan",
  133204. "nan",
  133205. "nan",
  133206. "nan"
  133207. ],
  133208. [
  133209. "36101",
  133210. "7",
  133211. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  133212. "sonoma lake estates",
  133213. "8913",
  133214. "nan",
  133215. "entered january 29, 93.also b# 8911 & 8912.",
  133216. "nan",
  133217. "8913",
  133218. "-",
  133219. "-",
  133220. "nan",
  133221. "closed file number: box + location: i",
  133222. "fort lauderdale",
  133223. "325413",
  133224. "nan",
  133225. "nan",
  133226. "nan",
  133227. "nan",
  133228. "nan",
  133229. "nan",
  133230. "nan",
  133231. "nan",
  133232. "nan",
  133233. "nan",
  133234. "nan",
  133235. "nan",
  133236. "nan",
  133237. "nan",
  133238. "nan",
  133239. "nan",
  133240. "nan",
  133241. "nan",
  133242. "nan",
  133243. "nan",
  133244. "nan",
  133245. "nan",
  133246. "nan"
  133247. ],
  133248. [
  133249. "36101",
  133250. "18",
  133251. "rtc/bell",
  133252. "boca greens",
  133253. "9055",
  133254. "nan",
  133255. "entered april 8, 93.",
  133256. "nan",
  133257. "9055",
  133258. "sm",
  133259. "-",
  133260. "nan",
  133261. "closed file number: 2758-93 + location: c",
  133262. "fort lauderdale",
  133263. "325695",
  133264. "nan",
  133265. "nan",
  133266. "nan",
  133267. "nan",
  133268. "nan",
  133269. "nan",
  133270. "nan",
  133271. "nan",
  133272. "nan",
  133273. "nan",
  133274. "nan",
  133275. "nan",
  133276. "nan",
  133277. "nan",
  133278. "nan",
  133279. "nan",
  133280. "nan",
  133281. "nan",
  133282. "nan",
  133283. "nan",
  133284. "nan",
  133285. "nan",
  133286. "nan"
  133287. ],
  133288. [
  133289. "36101",
  133290. "7",
  133291. "rtc/bell sav",
  133292. "sonoma ests assoc",
  133293. "9273",
  133294. "nan",
  133295. "-",
  133296. "nan",
  133297. "9273",
  133298. "p2",
  133299. "-",
  133300. "nan",
  133301. "closed file number: 2948-93 + location: c",
  133302. "fort lauderdale",
  133303. "326712",
  133304. "nan",
  133305. "nan",
  133306. "nan",
  133307. "nan",
  133308. "nan",
  133309. "nan",
  133310. "nan",
  133311. "nan",
  133312. "nan",
  133313. "nan",
  133314. "nan",
  133315. "nan",
  133316. "nan",
  133317. "nan",
  133318. "nan",
  133319. "nan",
  133320. "nan",
  133321. "nan",
  133322. "nan",
  133323. "nan",
  133324. "nan",
  133325. "nan",
  133326. "nan"
  133327. ],
  133328. [
  133329. "36101",
  133330. "10",
  133331. "rtc/bell federal",
  133332. "industrial air park",
  133333. "8783",
  133334. "nan",
  133335. "entered november 20, 92. (1 of 2 boxes).",
  133336. "nan",
  133337. "8783",
  133338. "sm",
  133339. "-",
  133340. "nan",
  133341. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  133342. "fort lauderdale",
  133343. "326919",
  133344. "nan",
  133345. "nan",
  133346. "nan",
  133347. "nan",
  133348. "nan",
  133349. "nan",
  133350. "nan",
  133351. "nan",
  133352. "nan",
  133353. "nan",
  133354. "nan",
  133355. "nan",
  133356. "nan",
  133357. "nan",
  133358. "nan",
  133359. "nan",
  133360. "nan",
  133361. "nan",
  133362. "nan",
  133363. "nan",
  133364. "nan",
  133365. "nan",
  133366. "nan"
  133367. ],
  133368. [
  133369. "36101",
  133370. "10",
  133371. "rtc/bell federal",
  133372. "industrial air park",
  133373. "8784",
  133374. "nan",
  133375. "entered november 20, 92. (2 of 2 boxes).",
  133376. "nan",
  133377. "8784",
  133378. "sm",
  133379. "-",
  133380. "nan",
  133381. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  133382. "fort lauderdale",
  133383. "326920",
  133384. "nan",
  133385. "nan",
  133386. "nan",
  133387. "nan",
  133388. "nan",
  133389. "nan",
  133390. "nan",
  133391. "nan",
  133392. "nan",
  133393. "nan",
  133394. "nan",
  133395. "nan",
  133396. "nan",
  133397. "nan",
  133398. "nan",
  133399. "nan",
  133400. "nan",
  133401. "nan",
  133402. "nan",
  133403. "nan",
  133404. "nan",
  133405. "nan",
  133406. "nan"
  133407. ],
  133408. [
  133409. "36101",
  133410. "2",
  133411. "rtc/bell federal",
  133412. "mahsti",
  133413. "8609",
  133414. "nan",
  133415. "entered july 28,92.1 of 2 boxes.out to michelle parchesco",
  133416. "nan",
  133417. "8609",
  133418. "am",
  133419. "-",
  133420. "nan",
  133421. "closed file number: box + location: c",
  133422. "fort lauderdale",
  133423. "327485",
  133424. "nan",
  133425. "nan",
  133426. "nan",
  133427. "nan",
  133428. "nan",
  133429. "nan",
  133430. "nan",
  133431. "nan",
  133432. "nan",
  133433. "nan",
  133434. "nan",
  133435. "nan",
  133436. "nan",
  133437. "nan",
  133438. "nan",
  133439. "nan",
  133440. "nan",
  133441. "nan",
  133442. "nan",
  133443. "nan",
  133444. "nan",
  133445. "nan",
  133446. "nan"
  133447. ],
  133448. [
  133449. "36101",
  133450. "2",
  133451. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  133452. "assign. of mahsti, inc.",
  133453. "8802",
  133454. "nan",
  133455. "entered december 14, 92. out to michelle parchesco",
  133456. "nan",
  133457. "8802",
  133458. "sm",
  133459. "-",
  133460. "nan",
  133461. "closed file number: 2486-92 + location: c",
  133462. "fort lauderdale",
  133463. "327486",
  133464. "nan",
  133465. "nan",
  133466. "nan",
  133467. "nan",
  133468. "nan",
  133469. "nan",
  133470. "nan",
  133471. "nan",
  133472. "nan",
  133473. "nan",
  133474. "nan",
  133475. "nan",
  133476. "nan",
  133477. "nan",
  133478. "nan",
  133479. "nan",
  133480. "nan",
  133481. "nan",
  133482. "nan",
  133483. "nan",
  133484. "nan",
  133485. "nan",
  133486. "nan"
  133487. ],
  133488. [
  133489. "36101",
  133490. "5",
  133491. "rtc - bell",
  133492. "america heritage",
  133493. "8584",
  133494. "nan",
  133495. "entered july 16,92. also see part of file in box 9707 ans file #3936-94.",
  133496. "nan",
  133497. "8584",
  133498. "sm",
  133499. "-",
  133500. "nan",
  133501. "closed file number: 1981-92 + location: c",
  133502. "fort lauderdale",
  133503. "327584",
  133504. "nan",
  133505. "nan",
  133506. "nan",
  133507. "nan",
  133508. "nan",
  133509. "nan",
  133510. "nan",
  133511. "nan",
  133512. "nan",
  133513. "nan",
  133514. "nan",
  133515. "nan",
  133516. "nan",
  133517. "nan",
  133518. "nan",
  133519. "nan",
  133520. "nan",
  133521. "nan",
  133522. "nan",
  133523. "nan",
  133524. "nan",
  133525. "nan",
  133526. "nan"
  133527. ],
  133528. [
  133529. "36101",
  133530. "5",
  133531. "rtc-bell",
  133532. "american heritage",
  133533. "9707",
  133534. "nan",
  133535. "also see part of file in box 8584 file #1981-92",
  133536. "nan",
  133537. "9707",
  133538. "sm",
  133539. "-",
  133540. "nan",
  133541. "closed file number: 3936-94 + location: i",
  133542. "fort lauderdale",
  133543. "327590",
  133544. "nan",
  133545. "nan",
  133546. "nan",
  133547. "nan",
  133548. "nan",
  133549. "nan",
  133550. "nan",
  133551. "nan",
  133552. "nan",
  133553. "nan",
  133554. "nan",
  133555. "nan",
  133556. "nan",
  133557. "nan",
  133558. "nan",
  133559. "nan",
  133560. "nan",
  133561. "nan",
  133562. "nan",
  133563. "nan",
  133564. "nan",
  133565. "nan",
  133566. "nan"
  133567. ],
  133568. [
  133569. "36101",
  133570. "11",
  133571. "rtc-bell federal",
  133572. "stirling palm bldg/title",
  133573. "10342",
  133574. "nan",
  133575. "entered 7/26/952 files",
  133576. "nan",
  133577. "10342",
  133578. "sm",
  133579. "-",
  133580. "nan",
  133581. "closed file number: 10452-95 + location: i",
  133582. "fort lauderdale",
  133583. "329623",
  133584. "nan",
  133585. "nan",
  133586. "nan",
  133587. "nan",
  133588. "nan",
  133589. "nan",
  133590. "nan",
  133591. "nan",
  133592. "nan",
  133593. "nan",
  133594. "nan",
  133595. "nan",
  133596. "nan",
  133597. "nan",
  133598. "nan",
  133599. "nan",
  133600. "nan",
  133601. "nan",
  133602. "nan",
  133603. "nan",
  133604. "nan",
  133605. "nan",
  133606. "nan"
  133607. ],
  133608. [
  133609. "36101",
  133610. "7",
  133611. "rtc-bell federal",
  133612. "sonoma lake-title file",
  133613. "10342",
  133614. "nan",
  133615. "entered 7/26/95",
  133616. "nan",
  133617. "10342",
  133618. "sm",
  133619. "-",
  133620. "nan",
  133621. "closed file number: 10453-95 + location: i",
  133622. "fort lauderdale",
  133623. "329624",
  133624. "nan",
  133625. "nan",
  133626. "nan",
  133627. "nan",
  133628. "nan",
  133629. "nan",
  133630. "nan",
  133631. "nan",
  133632. "nan",
  133633. "nan",
  133634. "nan",
  133635. "nan",
  133636. "nan",
  133637. "nan",
  133638. "nan",
  133639. "nan",
  133640. "nan",
  133641. "nan",
  133642. "nan",
  133643. "nan",
  133644. "nan",
  133645. "nan",
  133646. "nan"
  133647. ],
  133648. [
  133649. "36101",
  133650. "17",
  133651. "rtc-bell federal",
  133652. "sailboat bend-title file",
  133653. "10342",
  133654. "nan",
  133655. "entered 7/26/95",
  133656. "nan",
  133657. "10342",
  133658. "sm",
  133659. "-",
  133660. "nan",
  133661. "closed file number: 10454-95 + location: i",
  133662. "fort lauderdale",
  133663. "329625",
  133664. "nan",
  133665. "nan",
  133666. "nan",
  133667. "nan",
  133668. "nan",
  133669. "nan",
  133670. "nan",
  133671. "nan",
  133672. "nan",
  133673. "nan",
  133674. "nan",
  133675. "nan",
  133676. "nan",
  133677. "nan",
  133678. "nan",
  133679. "nan",
  133680. "nan",
  133681. "nan",
  133682. "nan",
  133683. "nan",
  133684. "nan",
  133685. "nan",
  133686. "nan"
  133687. ],
  133688. [
  133689. "36101",
  133690. "3",
  133691. "rtc",
  133692. "nob hill shoppes",
  133693. "10345",
  133694. "nan",
  133695. "entered 7/26/952 files (title file)",
  133696. "nan",
  133697. "10345",
  133698. "sm",
  133699. "-",
  133700. "nan",
  133701. "closed file number: 10476-95 + location: i",
  133702. "fort lauderdale",
  133703. "329648",
  133704. "nan",
  133705. "nan",
  133706. "nan",
  133707. "nan",
  133708. "nan",
  133709. "nan",
  133710. "nan",
  133711. "nan",
  133712. "nan",
  133713. "nan",
  133714. "nan",
  133715. "nan",
  133716. "nan",
  133717. "nan",
  133718. "nan",
  133719. "nan",
  133720. "nan",
  133721. "nan",
  133722. "nan",
  133723. "nan",
  133724. "nan",
  133725. "nan",
  133726. "nan"
  133727. ],
  133728. [
  133729. "36101",
  133730. "9",
  133731. "rtc/bell federal",
  133732. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  133733. "76085390",
  133734. "nan",
  133735. "add. docs - prod to irs 1/16/98 - see also b8726-8730; b8978 - box 1 of 2",
  133736. "nan",
  133737. "d2142",
  133738. "mja",
  133739. "nan",
  133740. "nan",
  133741. "location: i",
  133742. "fort lauderdale",
  133743. "336046",
  133744. "nan",
  133745. "nan",
  133746. "nan",
  133747. "nan",
  133748. "nan",
  133749. "nan",
  133750. "nan",
  133751. "nan",
  133752. "nan",
  133753. "nan",
  133754. "nan",
  133755. "nan",
  133756. "nan",
  133757. "nan",
  133758. "nan",
  133759. "nan",
  133760. "nan",
  133761. "nan",
  133762. "nan",
  133763. "nan",
  133764. "nan",
  133765. "nan",
  133766. "nan"
  133767. ],
  133768. [
  133769. "36101",
  133770. "9",
  133771. "rtc/bell federal",
  133772. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  133773. "76085245",
  133774. "nan",
  133775. "add. docs - prod to irs - 1/16/98 - see also b8726 - 8730; b8978 - box 2 of 2",
  133776. "nan",
  133777. "d2143",
  133778. "mja",
  133779. "nan",
  133780. "nan",
  133781. "location: i",
  133782. "fort lauderdale",
  133783. "336047",
  133784. "nan",
  133785. "nan",
  133786. "nan",
  133787. "nan",
  133788. "nan",
  133789. "nan",
  133790. "nan",
  133791. "nan",
  133792. "nan",
  133793. "nan",
  133794. "nan",
  133795. "nan",
  133796. "nan",
  133797. "nan",
  133798. "nan",
  133799. "nan",
  133800. "nan",
  133801. "nan",
  133802. "nan",
  133803. "nan",
  133804. "nan",
  133805. "nan",
  133806. "nan"
  133807. ],
  133808. [
  133809. "36101",
  133810. "14",
  133811. "rtc",
  133812. "sonic boats",
  133813. "50070",
  133814. "nan",
  133815. "september 23, 1992 - correspondence file",
  133816. "9/28/1992",
  133817. "8383",
  133818. "cimo, davis",
  133819. "nan",
  133820. "nan",
  133821. "nan",
  133822. "miami",
  133823. "656867",
  133824. "nan",
  133825. "nan",
  133826. "nan",
  133827. "nan",
  133828. "nan",
  133829. "nan",
  133830. "nan",
  133831. "nan",
  133832. "nan",
  133833. "nan",
  133834. "nan",
  133835. "nan",
  133836. "nan",
  133837. "nan",
  133838. "nan",
  133839. "nan",
  133840. "nan",
  133841. "nan",
  133842. "nan",
  133843. "nan",
  133844. "nan",
  133845. "nan",
  133846. "nan"
  133847. ],
  133848. [
  133849. "36101",
  133850. "17",
  133851. "rtc sailboat",
  133852. "none",
  133853. "50070",
  133854. "nan",
  133855. "september 23, 1992 - research files - sailboat settlement file - sailboat pleading file",
  133856. "9/28/1992",
  133857. "8383",
  133858. "cimo, davis",
  133859. "nan",
  133860. "nan",
  133861. "nan",
  133862. "miami",
  133863. "656868",
  133864. "nan",
  133865. "nan",
  133866. "nan",
  133867. "nan",
  133868. "nan",
  133869. "nan",
  133870. "nan",
  133871. "nan",
  133872. "nan",
  133873. "nan",
  133874. "nan",
  133875. "nan",
  133876. "nan",
  133877. "nan",
  133878. "nan",
  133879. "nan",
  133880. "nan",
  133881. "nan",
  133882. "nan",
  133883. "nan",
  133884. "nan",
  133885. "nan",
  133886. "nan"
  133887. ],
  133888. [
  133889. "36101",
  133890. "14",
  133891. "rtc vs. sonic",
  133892. "none",
  133893. "652552998",
  133894. "nan",
  133895. "04/03/92",
  133896. "4/10/1992",
  133897. "49357",
  133898. "cimo, david",
  133899. "nan",
  133900. "nan",
  133901. " hk box: 7695",
  133902. "miami",
  133903. "668641",
  133904. "nan",
  133905. "nan",
  133906. "nan",
  133907. "nan",
  133908. "nan",
  133909. "nan",
  133910. "nan",
  133911. "nan",
  133912. "nan",
  133913. "nan",
  133914. "nan",
  133915. "nan",
  133916. "nan",
  133917. "nan",
  133918. "nan",
  133919. "nan",
  133920. "nan",
  133921. "nan",
  133922. "nan",
  133923. "nan",
  133924. "nan",
  133925. "nan",
  133926. "nan"
  133927. ],
  133928. [
  133929. "36101",
  133930. "14",
  133931. "rtc vs. sonic",
  133932. "none",
  133933. "490612980",
  133934. "nan",
  133935. "04/03/92",
  133936. "4/10/1992",
  133937. "49358",
  133938. "cimo, david",
  133939. "nan",
  133940. "nan",
  133941. " hk box: 7696",
  133942. "miami",
  133943. "668642",
  133944. "nan",
  133945. "nan",
  133946. "nan",
  133947. "nan",
  133948. "nan",
  133949. "nan",
  133950. "nan",
  133951. "nan",
  133952. "nan",
  133953. "nan",
  133954. "nan",
  133955. "nan",
  133956. "nan",
  133957. "nan",
  133958. "nan",
  133959. "nan",
  133960. "nan",
  133961. "nan",
  133962. "nan",
  133963. "nan",
  133964. "nan",
  133965. "nan",
  133966. "nan"
  133967. ],
  133968. [
  133969. "36101-26",
  133970. "nan",
  133971. "rtc van kooten bell savings",
  133972. "nan",
  133973. "dsj005736",
  133974. "nan",
  133975. "cjg closed files",
  133976. "11/17/1993",
  133977. "40-020",
  133978. "40 chris greene",
  133979. "nan",
  133980. "nan",
  133981. "nan",
  133982. "jacksonville",
  133983. "73194",
  133984. "nan",
  133985. "nan",
  133986. "nan",
  133987. "nan",
  133988. "nan",
  133989. "nan",
  133990. "nan",
  133991. "nan",
  133992. "nan",
  133993. "nan",
  133994. "nan",
  133995. "nan",
  133996. "nan",
  133997. "nan",
  133998. "nan",
  133999. "nan",
  134000. "nan",
  134001. "nan",
  134002. "nan",
  134003. "nan",
  134004. "nan",
  134005. "nan",
  134006. "nan"
  134007. ],
  134008. [
  134009. "36164",
  134010. "6",
  134011. "rtc-amerifirst bank",
  134012. "mod. of loan to fpa corp",
  134013. "8800",
  134014. "nan",
  134015. "entered december 14, 92.",
  134016. "nan",
  134017. "8800",
  134018. "cw",
  134019. "-",
  134020. "nan",
  134021. "closed file number: 2476-92 + location: i",
  134022. "fort lauderdale",
  134023. "325170",
  134024. "nan",
  134025. "nan",
  134026. "nan",
  134027. "nan",
  134028. "nan",
  134029. "nan",
  134030. "nan",
  134031. "nan",
  134032. "nan",
  134033. "nan",
  134034. "nan",
  134035. "nan",
  134036. "nan",
  134037. "nan",
  134038. "nan",
  134039. "nan",
  134040. "nan",
  134041. "nan",
  134042. "nan",
  134043. "nan",
  134044. "nan",
  134045. "nan",
  134046. "nan"
  134047. ],
  134048. [
  134049. "36164",
  134050. "2",
  134051. "rtc-amerifirst bank",
  134052. "general matters",
  134053. "8805",
  134054. "nan",
  134055. "entered december 14, 92.",
  134056. "nan",
  134057. "8805",
  134058. "cw",
  134059. "-",
  134060. "nan",
  134061. "closed file number: 2495-92 + location: i",
  134062. "fort lauderdale",
  134063. "325174",
  134064. "nan",
  134065. "nan",
  134066. "nan",
  134067. "nan",
  134068. "nan",
  134069. "nan",
  134070. "nan",
  134071. "nan",
  134072. "nan",
  134073. "nan",
  134074. "nan",
  134075. "nan",
  134076. "nan",
  134077. "nan",
  134078. "nan",
  134079. "nan",
  134080. "nan",
  134081. "nan",
  134082. "nan",
  134083. "nan",
  134084. "nan",
  134085. "nan",
  134086. "nan"
  134087. ],
  134088. [
  134089. "36164",
  134090. "1",
  134091. "rtc/sollusa holdings",
  134092. "rtc/sollusa holdings",
  134093. "8938",
  134094. "nan",
  134095. "see list",
  134096. "nan",
  134097. "8938",
  134098. "lh",
  134099. "-",
  134100. "nan",
  134101. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  134102. "fort lauderdale",
  134103. "327192",
  134104. "nan",
  134105. "nan",
  134106. "nan",
  134107. "nan",
  134108. "nan",
  134109. "nan",
  134110. "nan",
  134111. "nan",
  134112. "nan",
  134113. "nan",
  134114. "nan",
  134115. "nan",
  134116. "nan",
  134117. "nan",
  134118. "nan",
  134119. "nan",
  134120. "nan",
  134121. "nan",
  134122. "nan",
  134123. "nan",
  134124. "nan",
  134125. "nan",
  134126. "nan"
  134127. ],
  134128. [
  134129. "36164",
  134130. "1",
  134131. "rtc/rec amerifirst bnk",
  134132. "ln to sollusa holdings",
  134133. "8938",
  134134. "nan",
  134135. "see list",
  134136. "nan",
  134137. "8938",
  134138. "lh",
  134139. "-",
  134140. "nan",
  134141. "closed file number: - + location: c",
  134142. "fort lauderdale",
  134143. "327193",
  134144. "nan",
  134145. "nan",
  134146. "nan",
  134147. "nan",
  134148. "nan",
  134149. "nan",
  134150. "nan",
  134151. "nan",
  134152. "nan",
  134153. "nan",
  134154. "nan",
  134155. "nan",
  134156. "nan",
  134157. "nan",
  134158. "nan",
  134159. "nan",
  134160. "nan",
  134161. "nan",
  134162. "nan",
  134163. "nan",
  134164. "nan",
  134165. "nan",
  134166. "nan"
  134167. ],
  134168. [
  134169. "362239",
  134170. "00046",
  134171. "k & n engineering, inc.",
  134172. "tmsch: smartchip",
  134173. "active file",
  134174. "nan",
  134175. "correspondence\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  134176. "nan",
  134177. "nan",
  134178. "theresa a.w. middlebrook",
  134179. "lax 22nd floor",
  134180. "nan",
  134181. "date-open: 7/21/2006 + storagexx: n",
  134182. "los angeles",
  134183. "1538491",
  134184. "1/29/2005",
  134185. "nan",
  134186. "nan",
  134187. "nan",
  134188. "nan",
  134189. "nan",
  134190. "nan",
  134191. "nan",
  134192. "nan",
  134193. "nan",
  134194. "nan",
  134195. "nan",
  134196. "nan",
  134197. "nan",
  134198. "nan",
  134199. "nan",
  134200. "nan",
  134201. "nan",
  134202. "nan",
  134203. "nan",
  134204. "nan",
  134205. "nan",
  134206. "nan"
  134207. ],
  134208. [
  134209. "36327",
  134210. "1",
  134211. "rtc - colonial fed s & l",
  134212. "91 jeffrey venturo",
  134213. "tcf0007719",
  134214. "nan",
  134215. "nan",
  134216. "06/20/2001",
  134217. "au3186",
  134218. "ncr",
  134219. "nan",
  134220. "nan",
  134221. "seq: 0094",
  134222. "tampa",
  134223. "188415",
  134224. "nan",
  134225. "nan",
  134226. "nan",
  134227. "nan",
  134228. "nan",
  134229. "nan",
  134230. "nan",
  134231. "nan",
  134232. "nan",
  134233. "nan",
  134234. "nan",
  134235. "nan",
  134236. "nan",
  134237. "nan",
  134238. "nan",
  134239. "nan",
  134240. "nan",
  134241. "nan",
  134242. "nan",
  134243. "nan",
  134244. "nan",
  134245. "nan",
  134246. "nan"
  134247. ],
  134248. [
  134249. "36348",
  134250. "1",
  134251. "fdic",
  134252. "wwitz prop/corres",
  134253. "tcf0009906",
  134254. "nan",
  134255. "nan",
  134256. "06/20/2001",
  134257. "bf2533",
  134258. "mjc",
  134259. "nan",
  134260. "nan",
  134261. "seq: 0031",
  134262. "tampa",
  134263. "198571",
  134264. "nan",
  134265. "nan",
  134266. "nan",
  134267. "nan",
  134268. "nan",
  134269. "nan",
  134270. "nan",
  134271. "nan",
  134272. "nan",
  134273. "nan",
  134274. "nan",
  134275. "nan",
  134276. "nan",
  134277. "nan",
  134278. "nan",
  134279. "nan",
  134280. "nan",
  134281. "nan",
  134282. "nan",
  134283. "nan",
  134284. "nan",
  134285. "nan",
  134286. "nan"
  134287. ],
  134288. [
  134289. "36348",
  134290. "1",
  134291. "rtc",
  134292. "weitz properties",
  134293. "tcf0010094",
  134294. "nan",
  134295. "nan",
  134296. "06/20/2001",
  134297. "bg0550",
  134298. "wmc",
  134299. "nan",
  134300. "nan",
  134301. "seq: 0044",
  134302. "tampa",
  134303. "199419",
  134304. "nan",
  134305. "nan",
  134306. "nan",
  134307. "nan",
  134308. "nan",
  134309. "nan",
  134310. "nan",
  134311. "nan",
  134312. "nan",
  134313. "nan",
  134314. "nan",
  134315. "nan",
  134316. "nan",
  134317. "nan",
  134318. "nan",
  134319. "nan",
  134320. "nan",
  134321. "nan",
  134322. "nan",
  134323. "nan",
  134324. "nan",
  134325. "nan",
  134326. "nan"
  134327. ],
  134328. [
  134329. "36348-3",
  134330. "nan",
  134331. "rtc conser united federal",
  134332. "nan",
  134333. "dsj005338",
  134334. "nan",
  134335. "lck closed files",
  134336. "08/18/1994",
  134337. "32-054",
  134338. "32 linda kane",
  134339. "nan",
  134340. "nan",
  134341. "nan",
  134342. "jacksonville",
  134343. "65480",
  134344. "nan",
  134345. "nan",
  134346. "nan",
  134347. "nan",
  134348. "nan",
  134349. "nan",
  134350. "nan",
  134351. "nan",
  134352. "nan",
  134353. "nan",
  134354. "nan",
  134355. "nan",
  134356. "nan",
  134357. "nan",
  134358. "nan",
  134359. "nan",
  134360. "nan",
  134361. "nan",
  134362. "nan",
  134363. "nan",
  134364. "nan",
  134365. "nan",
  134366. "nan"
  134367. ],
  134368. [
  134369. "36425",
  134370. "5",
  134371. "rtc-real estate recovery",
  134372. "westland plaza",
  134373. "8807",
  134374. "nan",
  134375. "entered december 16, 92.",
  134376. "nan",
  134377. "8807",
  134378. "sm",
  134379. "-",
  134380. "nan",
  134381. "closed file number: 2503-92 + location: i",
  134382. "fort lauderdale",
  134383. "325183",
  134384. "nan",
  134385. "nan",
  134386. "nan",
  134387. "nan",
  134388. "nan",
  134389. "nan",
  134390. "nan",
  134391. "nan",
  134392. "nan",
  134393. "nan",
  134394. "nan",
  134395. "nan",
  134396. "nan",
  134397. "nan",
  134398. "nan",
  134399. "nan",
  134400. "nan",
  134401. "nan",
  134402. "nan",
  134403. "nan",
  134404. "nan",
  134405. "nan",
  134406. "nan"
  134407. ],
  134408. [
  134409. "36425",
  134410. "4",
  134411. "rtc (shadow file)",
  134412. "real estate recovery inc",
  134413. "9436",
  134414. "nan",
  134415. "entered 10/13/93.",
  134416. "nan",
  134417. "9436",
  134418. "-",
  134419. "-",
  134420. "nan",
  134421. "closed file number: 3166-93 + location: c",
  134422. "fort lauderdale",
  134423. "326446",
  134424. "nan",
  134425. "nan",
  134426. "nan",
  134427. "nan",
  134428. "nan",
  134429. "nan",
  134430. "nan",
  134431. "nan",
  134432. "nan",
  134433. "nan",
  134434. "nan",
  134435. "nan",
  134436. "nan",
  134437. "nan",
  134438. "nan",
  134439. "nan",
  134440. "nan",
  134441. "nan",
  134442. "nan",
  134443. "nan",
  134444. "nan",
  134445. "nan",
  134446. "nan"
  134447. ],
  134448. [
  134449. "36425",
  134450. "2",
  134451. "rtc",
  134452. "none",
  134453. "652553352",
  134454. "nan",
  134455. "june 1, 1992.- real estate recovery re: diversified southeastern industries, inc. (dsi)",
  134456. "6/11/1992",
  134457. "49531",
  134458. "bischoff, douglas k.",
  134459. "nan",
  134460. "nan",
  134461. " 7864",
  134462. "miami",
  134463. "673012",
  134464. "nan",
  134465. "nan",
  134466. "nan",
  134467. "nan",
  134468. "nan",
  134469. "nan",
  134470. "nan",
  134471. "nan",
  134472. "nan",
  134473. "nan",
  134474. "nan",
  134475. "nan",
  134476. "nan",
  134477. "nan",
  134478. "nan",
  134479. "nan",
  134480. "nan",
  134481. "nan",
  134482. "nan",
  134483. "nan",
  134484. "nan",
  134485. "nan",
  134486. "nan"
  134487. ],
  134488. [
  134489. "36425",
  134490. "7",
  134491. "rtc",
  134492. "general bank vs. tiffany square",
  134493. "460599545",
  134494. "nan",
  134495. "3/10/93; billing; correspondence vol. i 6/91 through 8/91; correspondence vol ii 9/92 through 12/92; pleadings vol. i; pleadings vol. ii; attorney's notes (sbn); title report",
  134496. "2/22/1993",
  134497. "85582",
  134498. "newman scott",
  134499. "nan",
  134500. "nan",
  134501. " hk box: 8888",
  134502. "miami",
  134503. "679243",
  134504. "nan",
  134505. "nan",
  134506. "nan",
  134507. "nan",
  134508. "nan",
  134509. "nan",
  134510. "nan",
  134511. "nan",
  134512. "nan",
  134513. "nan",
  134514. "nan",
  134515. "nan",
  134516. "nan",
  134517. "nan",
  134518. "nan",
  134519. "nan",
  134520. "nan",
  134521. "nan",
  134522. "nan",
  134523. "nan",
  134524. "nan",
  134525. "nan",
  134526. "nan"
  134527. ],
  134528. [
  134529. "36425",
  134530. "4",
  134531. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen",
  134532. "none",
  134533. "85651",
  134534. "nan",
  134535. "3/3/93.",
  134536. "3/5/1993",
  134537. "8958",
  134538. "rasile craig v",
  134539. "nan",
  134540. "nan",
  134541. "nan",
  134542. "miami",
  134543. "681261",
  134544. "nan",
  134545. "nan",
  134546. "nan",
  134547. "nan",
  134548. "nan",
  134549. "nan",
  134550. "nan",
  134551. "nan",
  134552. "nan",
  134553. "nan",
  134554. "nan",
  134555. "nan",
  134556. "nan",
  134557. "nan",
  134558. "nan",
  134559. "nan",
  134560. "nan",
  134561. "nan",
  134562. "nan",
  134563. "nan",
  134564. "nan",
  134565. "nan",
  134566. "nan"
  134567. ],
  134568. [
  134569. "36425",
  134570. "4",
  134571. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen",
  134572. "none",
  134573. "85651",
  134574. "nan",
  134575. "3/3/93. pleadings volumes 1. billing, correspondence, research, notes, docket sheets, unsafe structures board ruling, loan documents, wire instructinos/closing, purchase documents, correspondence duplicates, bankruptcy documents, appraisals, notices of violation, closing documents, title work, drafts, sales contract, estoppel information.",
  134576. "3/5/1993",
  134577. "8958",
  134578. "rasile craig v",
  134579. "nan",
  134580. "nan",
  134581. "nan",
  134582. "miami",
  134583. "681262",
  134584. "nan",
  134585. "nan",
  134586. "nan",
  134587. "nan",
  134588. "nan",
  134589. "nan",
  134590. "nan",
  134591. "nan",
  134592. "nan",
  134593. "nan",
  134594. "nan",
  134595. "nan",
  134596. "nan",
  134597. "nan",
  134598. "nan",
  134599. "nan",
  134600. "nan",
  134601. "nan",
  134602. "nan",
  134603. "nan",
  134604. "nan",
  134605. "nan",
  134606. "nan"
  134607. ],
  134608. [
  134609. "36691-003",
  134610. "nan",
  134611. "rtc vs jtb",
  134612. "nan",
  134613. "dsj006122",
  134614. "nan",
  134615. "amw closed files",
  134616. "05/21/1993",
  134617. "55-004",
  134618. "55 alan weiss",
  134619. "nan",
  134620. "nan",
  134621. "nan",
  134622. "jacksonville",
  134623. "75130",
  134624. "nan",
  134625. "nan",
  134626. "nan",
  134627. "nan",
  134628. "nan",
  134629. "nan",
  134630. "nan",
  134631. "nan",
  134632. "nan",
  134633. "nan",
  134634. "nan",
  134635. "nan",
  134636. "nan",
  134637. "nan",
  134638. "nan",
  134639. "nan",
  134640. "nan",
  134641. "nan",
  134642. "nan",
  134643. "nan",
  134644. "nan",
  134645. "nan",
  134646. "nan"
  134647. ],
  134648. [
  134649. "36691-003",
  134650. "nan",
  134651. "rtc vs jtb",
  134652. "nan",
  134653. "dsj006123",
  134654. "nan",
  134655. "amw closed files",
  134656. "05/21/1993",
  134657. "55-005",
  134658. "55 alan weiss",
  134659. "nan",
  134660. "nan",
  134661. "nan",
  134662. "jacksonville",
  134663. "75131",
  134664. "nan",
  134665. "nan",
  134666. "nan",
  134667. "nan",
  134668. "nan",
  134669. "nan",
  134670. "nan",
  134671. "nan",
  134672. "nan",
  134673. "nan",
  134674. "nan",
  134675. "nan",
  134676. "nan",
  134677. "nan",
  134678. "nan",
  134679. "nan",
  134680. "nan",
  134681. "nan",
  134682. "nan",
  134683. "nan",
  134684. "nan",
  134685. "nan",
  134686. "nan"
  134687. ],
  134688. [
  134689. "36691-003",
  134690. "nan",
  134691. "rtc vs jtb",
  134692. "nan",
  134693. "dsj006124",
  134694. "nan",
  134695. "amw closed files",
  134696. "05/21/1993",
  134697. "55-006",
  134698. "55 alan weiss",
  134699. "nan",
  134700. "nan",
  134701. "nan",
  134702. "jacksonville",
  134703. "75132",
  134704. "nan",
  134705. "nan",
  134706. "nan",
  134707. "nan",
  134708. "nan",
  134709. "nan",
  134710. "nan",
  134711. "nan",
  134712. "nan",
  134713. "nan",
  134714. "nan",
  134715. "nan",
  134716. "nan",
  134717. "nan",
  134718. "nan",
  134719. "nan",
  134720. "nan",
  134721. "nan",
  134722. "nan",
  134723. "nan",
  134724. "nan",
  134725. "nan",
  134726. "nan"
  134727. ],
  134728. [
  134729. "36691-1",
  134730. "nan",
  134731. "rtc/merabank vs griffith",
  134732. "nan",
  134733. "dsj004761",
  134734. "nan",
  134735. "mga closed files",
  134736. "10/01/1991",
  134737. "16-041",
  134738. "16 mark alexander",
  134739. "nan",
  134740. "nan",
  134741. "nan",
  134742. "jacksonville",
  134743. "59273",
  134744. "nan",
  134745. "nan",
  134746. "nan",
  134747. "nan",
  134748. "nan",
  134749. "nan",
  134750. "nan",
  134751. "nan",
  134752. "nan",
  134753. "nan",
  134754. "nan",
  134755. "nan",
  134756. "nan",
  134757. "nan",
  134758. "nan",
  134759. "nan",
  134760. "nan",
  134761. "nan",
  134762. "nan",
  134763. "nan",
  134764. "nan",
  134765. "nan",
  134766. "nan"
  134767. ],
  134768. [
  134769. "366912",
  134770. "nan",
  134771. "rtc/jtb",
  134772. "nan",
  134773. "dsj453859",
  134774. "nan",
  134775. "gallagher closed files",
  134776. "04/10/1997",
  134777. "106685",
  134778. "30 dan gallagher",
  134779. "nan",
  134780. "nan",
  134781. "nan",
  134782. "jacksonville",
  134783. "77742",
  134784. "nan",
  134785. "nan",
  134786. "nan",
  134787. "nan",
  134788. "nan",
  134789. "nan",
  134790. "nan",
  134791. "nan",
  134792. "nan",
  134793. "nan",
  134794. "nan",
  134795. "nan",
  134796. "nan",
  134797. "nan",
  134798. "nan",
  134799. "nan",
  134800. "nan",
  134801. "nan",
  134802. "nan",
  134803. "nan",
  134804. "nan",
  134805. "nan",
  134806. "nan"
  134807. ],
  134808. [
  134809. "366912*2",
  134810. "nan",
  134811. "rtc/jtb",
  134812. "nan",
  134813. "dsj453855",
  134814. "nan",
  134815. "gallagher closed files",
  134816. "04/10/1997",
  134817. "106681",
  134818. "30 dan gallagher",
  134819. "nan",
  134820. "nan",
  134821. "nan",
  134822. "jacksonville",
  134823. "77713",
  134824. "nan",
  134825. "nan",
  134826. "nan",
  134827. "nan",
  134828. "nan",
  134829. "nan",
  134830. "nan",
  134831. "nan",
  134832. "nan",
  134833. "nan",
  134834. "nan",
  134835. "nan",
  134836. "nan",
  134837. "nan",
  134838. "nan",
  134839. "nan",
  134840. "nan",
  134841. "nan",
  134842. "nan",
  134843. "nan",
  134844. "nan",
  134845. "nan",
  134846. "nan"
  134847. ],
  134848. [
  134849. "36749",
  134850. "1",
  134851. "rtc/cons new metropolita",
  134852. "record./conveyance/docum",
  134853. "8910",
  134854. "nan",
  134855. "entered january 27, 93.",
  134856. "nan",
  134857. "8910",
  134858. "cw",
  134859. "-",
  134860. "nan",
  134861. "closed file number: 2595-93 + location: i",
  134862. "fort lauderdale",
  134863. "325397",
  134864. "nan",
  134865. "nan",
  134866. "nan",
  134867. "nan",
  134868. "nan",
  134869. "nan",
  134870. "nan",
  134871. "nan",
  134872. "nan",
  134873. "nan",
  134874. "nan",
  134875. "nan",
  134876. "nan",
  134877. "nan",
  134878. "nan",
  134879. "nan",
  134880. "nan",
  134881. "nan",
  134882. "nan",
  134883. "nan",
  134884. "nan",
  134885. "nan",
  134886. "nan"
  134887. ],
  134888. [
  134889. "36787",
  134890. "3",
  134891. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy",
  134892. "index to plead loan doc",
  134893. "tcf0008816",
  134894. "nan",
  134895. "nan",
  134896. "06/20/2001",
  134897. "ay2045",
  134898. "mjc",
  134899. "nan",
  134900. "nan",
  134901. "seq: 0026",
  134902. "tampa",
  134903. "194607",
  134904. "nan",
  134905. "nan",
  134906. "nan",
  134907. "nan",
  134908. "nan",
  134909. "nan",
  134910. "nan",
  134911. "nan",
  134912. "nan",
  134913. "nan",
  134914. "nan",
  134915. "nan",
  134916. "nan",
  134917. "nan",
  134918. "nan",
  134919. "nan",
  134920. "nan",
  134921. "nan",
  134922. "nan",
  134923. "nan",
  134924. "nan",
  134925. "nan",
  134926. "nan"
  134927. ],
  134928. [
  134929. "36787",
  134930. "3",
  134931. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy",
  134932. "corr file",
  134933. "tcf0008816",
  134934. "nan",
  134935. "nan",
  134936. "06/20/2001",
  134937. "ay2045",
  134938. "mjc",
  134939. "nan",
  134940. "nan",
  134941. "seq: 0027",
  134942. "tampa",
  134943. "194608",
  134944. "nan",
  134945. "nan",
  134946. "nan",
  134947. "nan",
  134948. "nan",
  134949. "nan",
  134950. "nan",
  134951. "nan",
  134952. "nan",
  134953. "nan",
  134954. "nan",
  134955. "nan",
  134956. "nan",
  134957. "nan",
  134958. "nan",
  134959. "nan",
  134960. "nan",
  134961. "nan",
  134962. "nan",
  134963. "nan",
  134964. "nan",
  134965. "nan",
  134966. "nan"
  134967. ],
  134968. [
  134969. "36787",
  134970. "4",
  134971. "rtc/cardace",
  134972. "corr file plead",
  134973. "tcf0008817",
  134974. "nan",
  134975. "nan",
  134976. "06/20/2001",
  134977. "ay2046",
  134978. "mjc",
  134979. "nan",
  134980. "nan",
  134981. "seq: 0016",
  134982. "tampa",
  134983. "194610",
  134984. "nan",
  134985. "nan",
  134986. "nan",
  134987. "nan",
  134988. "nan",
  134989. "nan",
  134990. "nan",
  134991. "nan",
  134992. "nan",
  134993. "nan",
  134994. "nan",
  134995. "nan",
  134996. "nan",
  134997. "nan",
  134998. "nan",
  134999. "nan",
  135000. "nan",
  135001. "nan",
  135002. "nan",
  135003. "nan",
  135004. "nan",
  135005. "nan",
  135006. "nan"
  135007. ],
  135008. [
  135009. "36787",
  135010. "5",
  135011. "rtc/conser sunbelt fed sav",
  135012. "me henny corr file",
  135013. "tcf0008817",
  135014. "nan",
  135015. "nan",
  135016. "06/20/2001",
  135017. "ay2046",
  135018. "mjc",
  135019. "nan",
  135020. "nan",
  135021. "seq: 0017",
  135022. "tampa",
  135023. "194611",
  135024. "nan",
  135025. "nan",
  135026. "nan",
  135027. "nan",
  135028. "nan",
  135029. "nan",
  135030. "nan",
  135031. "nan",
  135032. "nan",
  135033. "nan",
  135034. "nan",
  135035. "nan",
  135036. "nan",
  135037. "nan",
  135038. "nan",
  135039. "nan",
  135040. "nan",
  135041. "nan",
  135042. "nan",
  135043. "nan",
  135044. "nan",
  135045. "nan",
  135046. "nan"
  135047. ],
  135048. [
  135049. "36787",
  135050. "5",
  135051. "rtc/henny closing doc",
  135052. "mtg note orgnl note plead",
  135053. "tcf0008817",
  135054. "nan",
  135055. "nan",
  135056. "06/20/2001",
  135057. "ay2046",
  135058. "mjc",
  135059. "nan",
  135060. "nan",
  135061. "seq: 0018",
  135062. "tampa",
  135063. "194612",
  135064. "nan",
  135065. "nan",
  135066. "nan",
  135067. "nan",
  135068. "nan",
  135069. "nan",
  135070. "nan",
  135071. "nan",
  135072. "nan",
  135073. "nan",
  135074. "nan",
  135075. "nan",
  135076. "nan",
  135077. "nan",
  135078. "nan",
  135079. "nan",
  135080. "nan",
  135081. "nan",
  135082. "nan",
  135083. "nan",
  135084. "nan",
  135085. "nan",
  135086. "nan"
  135087. ],
  135088. [
  135089. "36787",
  135090. "1",
  135091. "rtc-conser sunbelt fed sav",
  135092. "cozumel apartments",
  135093. "tcf0009637",
  135094. "nan",
  135095. "nan",
  135096. "06/20/2001",
  135097. "bf0618",
  135098. "jjm",
  135099. "nan",
  135100. "nan",
  135101. "seq: 0020",
  135102. "tampa",
  135103. "197769",
  135104. "nan",
  135105. "nan",
  135106. "nan",
  135107. "nan",
  135108. "nan",
  135109. "nan",
  135110. "nan",
  135111. "nan",
  135112. "nan",
  135113. "nan",
  135114. "nan",
  135115. "nan",
  135116. "nan",
  135117. "nan",
  135118. "nan",
  135119. "nan",
  135120. "nan",
  135121. "nan",
  135122. "nan",
  135123. "nan",
  135124. "nan",
  135125. "nan",
  135126. "nan"
  135127. ],
  135128. [
  135129. "36787",
  135130. "2",
  135131. "rtc",
  135132. "hrf ass/atty notes",
  135133. "tcf0009906",
  135134. "nan",
  135135. "nan",
  135136. "06/20/2001",
  135137. "bf2533",
  135138. "mjc",
  135139. "nan",
  135140. "nan",
  135141. "seq: 0027",
  135142. "tampa",
  135143. "198567",
  135144. "nan",
  135145. "nan",
  135146. "nan",
  135147. "nan",
  135148. "nan",
  135149. "nan",
  135150. "nan",
  135151. "nan",
  135152. "nan",
  135153. "nan",
  135154. "nan",
  135155. "nan",
  135156. "nan",
  135157. "nan",
  135158. "nan",
  135159. "nan",
  135160. "nan",
  135161. "nan",
  135162. "nan",
  135163. "nan",
  135164. "nan",
  135165. "nan",
  135166. "nan"
  135167. ],
  135168. [
  135169. "36795-",
  135170. "nan",
  135171. "sandestin purchase from fdic",
  135172. "nan",
  135173. "dsj627967",
  135174. "nan",
  135175. "box group subsidiaries / sime darby acquisition of sandestin; foley & lardner documents; title information; first american title ins. co.; notice of claim; mortgagee's title insurance; harbor federal/sandestin; 3 folders marked first american title ins\nharbor financials; abstracts of ncnb & kislak loans\nparcel 121 - correspondence; sandestin resorts - owner's policy; title ins.; fdic beachside west; purchase contract; third amended summary final judgment in foreclosure; assignmetn of promissory note mortgage and security agreement; survey; \nforeclosure pleadings - 1 volumes\nbeachside west inc. classification folder",
  135176. "08/19/1998",
  135177. "336550",
  135178. "30 dan gallagher",
  135179. "off-site",
  135180. "nan",
  135181. "nan",
  135182. "jacksonville",
  135183. "87548",
  135184. "nan",
  135185. "nan",
  135186. "nan",
  135187. "nan",
  135188. "nan",
  135189. "nan",
  135190. "nan",
  135191. "nan",
  135192. "nan",
  135193. "nan",
  135194. "nan",
  135195. "nan",
  135196. "nan",
  135197. "nan",
  135198. "nan",
  135199. "nan",
  135200. "nan",
  135201. "nan",
  135202. "nan",
  135203. "nan",
  135204. "nan",
  135205. "nan",
  135206. "nan"
  135207. ],
  135208. [
  135209. "36795-",
  135210. "nan",
  135211. "sime darby acquisition of",
  135212. "nan",
  135213. "dsj627969",
  135214. "nan",
  135215. "conveyance to sandestin villa development company, inc.purchase from fdic, parcel 232; valuation of the sandestin beach resort by sime darby berhad\nacquisition of sandestin - sandestin resorts opening balance sheet; sime darby / sandestin - peter bos financial statement; annual report; incorporation; closing statement - bohemen; sime darby vs. george smith; immigration inquiries - johann foo; price waterhouse audit letters; employment agreement with james rester; resumes for ceo and related information; brochure for dan gallagher stay 5/24/96 - 5/27/9\nsandestin dri report; walton county zoning regulations prepared for hfs&l 1/27/87; concurrency review application walton county, florida; planning depart info on platting; walton county unified land development code ordinance no. 91-4; application for development order, walton county, florida; urban resource group, north tip analysis, dr8 - modification of d.o. - re north tip",
  135216. "08/19/1998",
  135217. "336552",
  135218. "30 dan gallagher",
  135219. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  135220. "index updated by lt clockadale 7/28/08",
  135221. "nan",
  135222. "jacksonville",
  135223. "87558",
  135224. "nan",
  135225. "nan",
  135226. "nan",
  135227. "nan",
  135228. "nan",
  135229. "nan",
  135230. "nan",
  135231. "nan",
  135232. "nan",
  135233. "nan",
  135234. "nan",
  135235. "nan",
  135236. "nan",
  135237. "nan",
  135238. "nan",
  135239. "nan",
  135240. "nan",
  135241. "nan",
  135242. "nan",
  135243. "nan",
  135244. "nan",
  135245. "nan",
  135246. "nan"
  135247. ],
  135248. [
  135249. "37165",
  135250. "33",
  135251. "rtc - conser great amer bk",
  135252. "92 carrollwood oaks-foreclosure",
  135253. "tcf0008399",
  135254. "nan",
  135255. "nan",
  135256. "06/20/2001",
  135257. "aw2439",
  135258. "mjc",
  135259. "nan",
  135260. "nan",
  135261. "seq: 0019",
  135262. "tampa",
  135263. "192087",
  135264. "nan",
  135265. "nan",
  135266. "nan",
  135267. "nan",
  135268. "nan",
  135269. "nan",
  135270. "nan",
  135271. "nan",
  135272. "nan",
  135273. "nan",
  135274. "nan",
  135275. "nan",
  135276. "nan",
  135277. "nan",
  135278. "nan",
  135279. "nan",
  135280. "nan",
  135281. "nan",
  135282. "nan",
  135283. "nan",
  135284. "nan",
  135285. "nan",
  135286. "nan"
  135287. ],
  135288. [
  135289. "37165",
  135290. "23",
  135291. "rtc/great american bank",
  135292. "jacksonville motel limited",
  135293. "tcf0008913",
  135294. "nan",
  135295. "nan",
  135296. "06/20/2001",
  135297. "ay6026",
  135298. "mah",
  135299. "nan",
  135300. "nan",
  135301. "seq: 0015",
  135302. "tampa",
  135303. "195116",
  135304. "nan",
  135305. "nan",
  135306. "nan",
  135307. "nan",
  135308. "nan",
  135309. "nan",
  135310. "nan",
  135311. "nan",
  135312. "nan",
  135313. "nan",
  135314. "nan",
  135315. "nan",
  135316. "nan",
  135317. "nan",
  135318. "nan",
  135319. "nan",
  135320. "nan",
  135321. "nan",
  135322. "nan",
  135323. "nan",
  135324. "nan",
  135325. "nan",
  135326. "nan"
  135327. ],
  135328. [
  135329. "37165",
  135330. "29",
  135331. "rtc-great american bank",
  135332. "woodland meadows title",
  135333. "8810",
  135334. "nan",
  135335. "entered december 29, 92.",
  135336. "nan",
  135337. "8810",
  135338. "cw",
  135339. "-",
  135340. "nan",
  135341. "closed file number: 2506-92 + location: i",
  135342. "fort lauderdale",
  135343. "325193",
  135344. "nan",
  135345. "nan",
  135346. "nan",
  135347. "nan",
  135348. "nan",
  135349. "nan",
  135350. "nan",
  135351. "nan",
  135352. "nan",
  135353. "nan",
  135354. "nan",
  135355. "nan",
  135356. "nan",
  135357. "nan",
  135358. "nan",
  135359. "nan",
  135360. "nan",
  135361. "nan",
  135362. "nan",
  135363. "nan",
  135364. "nan",
  135365. "nan",
  135366. "nan"
  135367. ],
  135368. [
  135369. "37165",
  135370. "27",
  135371. "rtc-great american asset",
  135372. "sale of woodland meadows",
  135373. "8810",
  135374. "nan",
  135375. "entered december 29, 92.",
  135376. "nan",
  135377. "8810",
  135378. "cw",
  135379. "-",
  135380. "nan",
  135381. "closed file number: 2507-92 + location: i",
  135382. "fort lauderdale",
  135383. "325194",
  135384. "nan",
  135385. "nan",
  135386. "nan",
  135387. "nan",
  135388. "nan",
  135389. "nan",
  135390. "nan",
  135391. "nan",
  135392. "nan",
  135393. "nan",
  135394. "nan",
  135395. "nan",
  135396. "nan",
  135397. "nan",
  135398. "nan",
  135399. "nan",
  135400. "nan",
  135401. "nan",
  135402. "nan",
  135403. "nan",
  135404. "nan",
  135405. "nan",
  135406. "nan"
  135407. ],
  135408. [
  135409. "37419-",
  135410. "nan",
  135411. "sandestin resorts inc/rtc v",
  135412. "nan",
  135413. "dsj005088",
  135414. "nan",
  135415. "rtc v. sandestin",
  135416. "10/01/1996",
  135417. "30-134",
  135418. "30 dan gallagher",
  135419. "off-site",
  135420. "nan",
  135421. "nan",
  135422. "jacksonville",
  135423. "61843",
  135424. "nan",
  135425. "nan",
  135426. "nan",
  135427. "nan",
  135428. "nan",
  135429. "nan",
  135430. "nan",
  135431. "nan",
  135432. "nan",
  135433. "nan",
  135434. "nan",
  135435. "nan",
  135436. "nan",
  135437. "nan",
  135438. "nan",
  135439. "nan",
  135440. "nan",
  135441. "nan",
  135442. "nan",
  135443. "nan",
  135444. "nan",
  135445. "nan",
  135446. "nan"
  135447. ],
  135448. [
  135449. "37419-021",
  135450. "nan",
  135451. "sandestin/rtc (1)",
  135452. "nan",
  135453. "dsj004506",
  135454. "nan",
  135455. "ljh closed files",
  135456. "02/11/1993",
  135457. "13-067",
  135458. "13 larry hamilton",
  135459. "nan",
  135460. "nan",
  135461. "nan",
  135462. "jacksonville",
  135463. "57054",
  135464. "nan",
  135465. "nan",
  135466. "nan",
  135467. "nan",
  135468. "nan",
  135469. "nan",
  135470. "nan",
  135471. "nan",
  135472. "nan",
  135473. "nan",
  135474. "nan",
  135475. "nan",
  135476. "nan",
  135477. "nan",
  135478. "nan",
  135479. "nan",
  135480. "nan",
  135481. "nan",
  135482. "nan",
  135483. "nan",
  135484. "nan",
  135485. "nan",
  135486. "nan"
  135487. ],
  135488. [
  135489. "38468",
  135490. "2",
  135491. "rtc conser",
  135492. "none",
  135493. "672026094",
  135494. "nan",
  135495. "03/02/1993. correspondence, bills files, third party correspondence, pleadings files, motions, notices, & orders. law & notes. people/players. discovery.",
  135496. "3/2/1993",
  135497. "114560",
  135498. "moore michael",
  135499. "nan",
  135500. "nan",
  135501. " hk box: 9366",
  135502. "miami",
  135503. "661212",
  135504. "nan",
  135505. "nan",
  135506. "nan",
  135507. "nan",
  135508. "nan",
  135509. "nan",
  135510. "nan",
  135511. "nan",
  135512. "nan",
  135513. "nan",
  135514. "nan",
  135515. "nan",
  135516. "nan",
  135517. "nan",
  135518. "nan",
  135519. "nan",
  135520. "nan",
  135521. "nan",
  135522. "nan",
  135523. "nan",
  135524. "nan",
  135525. "nan",
  135526. "nan"
  135527. ],
  135528. [
  135529. "38468",
  135530. "1",
  135531. "rtc conser atlantic financial",
  135532. "none",
  135533. "489534874",
  135534. "nan",
  135535. "3/9/95 - foreclosure of the m/y cerulean & temco/samuel watson - correspondence. bills",
  135536. "8/16/1994",
  135537. "186923",
  135538. "moore michael",
  135539. "nan",
  135540. "nan",
  135541. " hk box: 10887",
  135542. "miami",
  135543. "671169",
  135544. "nan",
  135545. "nan",
  135546. "nan",
  135547. "nan",
  135548. "nan",
  135549. "nan",
  135550. "nan",
  135551. "nan",
  135552. "nan",
  135553. "nan",
  135554. "nan",
  135555. "nan",
  135556. "nan",
  135557. "nan",
  135558. "nan",
  135559. "nan",
  135560. "nan",
  135561. "nan",
  135562. "nan",
  135563. "nan",
  135564. "nan",
  135565. "nan",
  135566. "nan"
  135567. ],
  135568. [
  135569. "38468",
  135570. "3",
  135571. "rtc conser atlantic financial",
  135572. "none",
  135573. "489534874",
  135574. "nan",
  135575. "3/9/95 - foreclosure of the m/y mary l - correspondence.",
  135576. "8/16/1994",
  135577. "186923",
  135578. "moore michael",
  135579. "nan",
  135580. "nan",
  135581. " hk box: 10887",
  135582. "miami",
  135583. "671170",
  135584. "nan",
  135585. "nan",
  135586. "nan",
  135587. "nan",
  135588. "nan",
  135589. "nan",
  135590. "nan",
  135591. "nan",
  135592. "nan",
  135593. "nan",
  135594. "nan",
  135595. "nan",
  135596. "nan",
  135597. "nan",
  135598. "nan",
  135599. "nan",
  135600. "nan",
  135601. "nan",
  135602. "nan",
  135603. "nan",
  135604. "nan",
  135605. "nan",
  135606. "nan"
  135607. ],
  135608. [
  135609. "38501",
  135610. "nan",
  135611. "rtc - summary of assests",
  135612. "intake status/trial balances",
  135613. "tcf0008409",
  135614. "nan",
  135615. "nan",
  135616. "06/20/2001",
  135617. "aw2449",
  135618. "mjc",
  135619. "nan",
  135620. "nan",
  135621. "seq: 0028",
  135622. "tampa",
  135623. "192120",
  135624. "nan",
  135625. "nan",
  135626. "nan",
  135627. "nan",
  135628. "nan",
  135629. "nan",
  135630. "nan",
  135631. "nan",
  135632. "nan",
  135633. "nan",
  135634. "nan",
  135635. "nan",
  135636. "nan",
  135637. "nan",
  135638. "nan",
  135639. "nan",
  135640. "nan",
  135641. "nan",
  135642. "nan",
  135643. "nan",
  135644. "nan",
  135645. "nan",
  135646. "nan"
  135647. ],
  135648. [
  135649. "38503",
  135650. "1",
  135651. "rtc",
  135652. "shady palm",
  135653. "tcf0010088",
  135654. "nan",
  135655. "nan",
  135656. "06/20/2001",
  135657. "bg0544",
  135658. "wmc",
  135659. "nan",
  135660. "nan",
  135661. "seq: 0020",
  135662. "tampa",
  135663. "199355",
  135664. "nan",
  135665. "nan",
  135666. "nan",
  135667. "nan",
  135668. "nan",
  135669. "nan",
  135670. "nan",
  135671. "nan",
  135672. "nan",
  135673. "nan",
  135674. "nan",
  135675. "nan",
  135676. "nan",
  135677. "nan",
  135678. "nan",
  135679. "nan",
  135680. "nan",
  135681. "nan",
  135682. "nan",
  135683. "nan",
  135684. "nan",
  135685. "nan",
  135686. "nan"
  135687. ],
  135688. [
  135689. "38590",
  135690. "1",
  135691. "glenn fetter",
  135692. "none",
  135693. "652606291",
  135694. "nan",
  135695. "11/26/97 - glenn fetter/federal grand jury investigation pleading binders: volume 1, volume 2; red files: correspondence - vol. 1 (may 1994 - august 1996); correspondence - volume 2 (sept. 1996 - nov. 1996); billing file; white files: transcript of sentencing (8/18/95); plea agreement with glenn fetter; pre-trial report; newspaper articles; presentence investigation report; roy w. talmo subpoena; transcripts - u.s. v. roy w. talmo; zammit plea; information; assets; yellow files: notes; research - memorandum re: sentencing issue; research: miscellaneous; manila files: f.b.i., miscellaneous, fdic collateral package",
  135696. "12/2/1997",
  135697. "429846",
  135698. "baldwin greg",
  135699. "off-site",
  135700. "nan",
  135701. " hk box: 16646////",
  135702. "miami",
  135703. "680611",
  135704. "nan",
  135705. "nan",
  135706. "nan",
  135707. "nan",
  135708. "nan",
  135709. "nan",
  135710. "nan",
  135711. "nan",
  135712. "nan",
  135713. "nan",
  135714. "nan",
  135715. "nan",
  135716. "nan",
  135717. "nan",
  135718. "nan",
  135719. "nan",
  135720. "nan",
  135721. "nan",
  135722. "nan",
  135723. "nan",
  135724. "nan",
  135725. "nan",
  135726. "nan"
  135727. ],
  135728. [
  135729. "38902",
  135730. "3",
  135731. "rtc vs. gus machado",
  135732. "none",
  135733. "489520946",
  135734. "nan",
  135735. "3/9/93 correspondence; pleadings vol. ii 3/18/91- 08/91; pleading vol. iii 9/91; attorney's notes (sbn); notice of sale-article; verikchology electronics to gus machado purchase and sale agreement; title file; affidavit of james b. trainor; affidavit of richard j. c. clout; defendant's response to gmac's motion for summary judgment-tab 106; extra copy of third stipulation to postpone foreclosure sale; final form of settlement agreement; general motors acceptance vs. gus machado, case no. 92-6022 (related to amerifirst vs. gus machado) pleadings.",
  135736. "2/20/1993",
  135737. "85565",
  135738. "newman scott",
  135739. "nan",
  135740. "nan",
  135741. " hk box: 8871",
  135742. "miami",
  135743. "678936",
  135744. "nan",
  135745. "nan",
  135746. "nan",
  135747. "nan",
  135748. "nan",
  135749. "nan",
  135750. "nan",
  135751. "nan",
  135752. "nan",
  135753. "nan",
  135754. "nan",
  135755. "nan",
  135756. "nan",
  135757. "nan",
  135758. "nan",
  135759. "nan",
  135760. "nan",
  135761. "nan",
  135762. "nan",
  135763. "nan",
  135764. "nan",
  135765. "nan",
  135766. "nan"
  135767. ],
  135768. [
  135769. "38903-001",
  135770. "nan",
  135771. "rtc vs regency house",
  135772. "nan",
  135773. "dsj004777",
  135774. "nan",
  135775. "mga closed files",
  135776. "02/11/1993",
  135777. "16-056",
  135778. "16 mark alexander",
  135779. "nan",
  135780. "nan",
  135781. "nan",
  135782. "jacksonville",
  135783. "59410",
  135784. "nan",
  135785. "nan",
  135786. "nan",
  135787. "nan",
  135788. "nan",
  135789. "nan",
  135790. "nan",
  135791. "nan",
  135792. "nan",
  135793. "nan",
  135794. "nan",
  135795. "nan",
  135796. "nan",
  135797. "nan",
  135798. "nan",
  135799. "nan",
  135800. "nan",
  135801. "nan",
  135802. "nan",
  135803. "nan",
  135804. "nan",
  135805. "nan",
  135806. "nan"
  135807. ],
  135808. [
  135809. "38988",
  135810. "1",
  135811. "first gulf bank",
  135812. "representation before fdic, billing info",
  135813. "226543068",
  135814. "nan",
  135815. "nan",
  135816. "04/09/2003",
  135817. "226543068",
  135818. "cls",
  135819. "nan",
  135820. "nan",
  135821. "seq: 0006 + letter: f",
  135822. "tampa",
  135823. "116009",
  135824. "nan",
  135825. "nan",
  135826. "nan",
  135827. "nan",
  135828. "nan",
  135829. "nan",
  135830. "nan",
  135831. "nan",
  135832. "nan",
  135833. "nan",
  135834. "nan",
  135835. "nan",
  135836. "nan",
  135837. "nan",
  135838. "nan",
  135839. "nan",
  135840. "nan",
  135841. "nan",
  135842. "nan",
  135843. "nan",
  135844. "nan",
  135845. "nan",
  135846. "nan"
  135847. ],
  135848. [
  135849. "38988",
  135850. "1",
  135851. "first gulf bank",
  135852. "representation before fdic",
  135853. "tcf0013058",
  135854. "nan",
  135855. "nan",
  135856. "6/20/2001",
  135857. "bw7021",
  135858. "bhr",
  135859. "nan",
  135860. "nan",
  135861. "seq: 0019",
  135862. "tampa",
  135863. "215363",
  135864. "nan",
  135865. "nan",
  135866. "nan",
  135867. "nan",
  135868. "nan",
  135869. "nan",
  135870. "nan",
  135871. "nan",
  135872. "nan",
  135873. "nan",
  135874. "nan",
  135875. "nan",
  135876. "nan",
  135877. "nan",
  135878. "nan",
  135879. "nan",
  135880. "nan",
  135881. "nan",
  135882. "nan",
  135883. "nan",
  135884. "nan",
  135885. "nan",
  135886. "nan"
  135887. ],
  135888. [
  135889. "39235",
  135890. "7",
  135891. "rtc-great american",
  135892. "newport",
  135893. "tcf0012568",
  135894. "nan",
  135895. "nan",
  135896. "6/20/2001",
  135897. "bq1941",
  135898. "pws",
  135899. "nan",
  135900. "nan",
  135901. "seq: 0042",
  135902. "tampa",
  135903. "212469",
  135904. "nan",
  135905. "nan",
  135906. "nan",
  135907. "nan",
  135908. "nan",
  135909. "nan",
  135910. "nan",
  135911. "nan",
  135912. "nan",
  135913. "nan",
  135914. "nan",
  135915. "nan",
  135916. "nan",
  135917. "nan",
  135918. "nan",
  135919. "nan",
  135920. "nan",
  135921. "nan",
  135922. "nan",
  135923. "nan",
  135924. "nan",
  135925. "nan",
  135926. "nan"
  135927. ],
  135928. [
  135929. "39536",
  135930. "2",
  135931. "governors bank",
  135932. "fdic exam",
  135933. "tcf0010296",
  135934. "nan",
  135935. "nan",
  135936. "06/20/2001",
  135937. "bg0982",
  135938. "cls",
  135939. "nan",
  135940. "nan",
  135941. "seq: 0017",
  135942. "tampa",
  135943. "200926",
  135944. "nan",
  135945. "nan",
  135946. "nan",
  135947. "nan",
  135948. "nan",
  135949. "nan",
  135950. "nan",
  135951. "nan",
  135952. "nan",
  135953. "nan",
  135954. "nan",
  135955. "nan",
  135956. "nan",
  135957. "nan",
  135958. "nan",
  135959. "nan",
  135960. "nan",
  135961. "nan",
  135962. "nan",
  135963. "nan",
  135964. "nan",
  135965. "nan",
  135966. "nan"
  135967. ],
  135968. [
  135969. "39536",
  135970. "2",
  135971. "governors bank",
  135972. "fdic exam",
  135973. "tcf0010296",
  135974. "nan",
  135975. "nan",
  135976. "06/20/2001",
  135977. "bg0982",
  135978. "cls",
  135979. "nan",
  135980. "nan",
  135981. "seq: 0023",
  135982. "tampa",
  135983. "200931",
  135984. "nan",
  135985. "nan",
  135986. "nan",
  135987. "nan",
  135988. "nan",
  135989. "nan",
  135990. "nan",
  135991. "nan",
  135992. "nan",
  135993. "nan",
  135994. "nan",
  135995. "nan",
  135996. "nan",
  135997. "nan",
  135998. "nan",
  135999. "nan",
  136000. "nan",
  136001. "nan",
  136002. "nan",
  136003. "nan",
  136004. "nan",
  136005. "nan",
  136006. "nan"
  136007. ],
  136008. [
  136009. "39962-",
  136010. "1*17*",
  136011. "copies kept when file",
  136012. "forwarded to new cnsl/rtc/cl",
  136013. "dsj533168",
  136014. "nan",
  136015. "rodriques/sun homes",
  136016. "12/11/1997",
  136017. "224751",
  136018. "40 chris greene",
  136019. "nan",
  136020. "nan",
  136021. "nan",
  136022. "jacksonville",
  136023. "80469",
  136024. "nan",
  136025. "nan",
  136026. "nan",
  136027. "nan",
  136028. "nan",
  136029. "nan",
  136030. "nan",
  136031. "nan",
  136032. "nan",
  136033. "nan",
  136034. "nan",
  136035. "nan",
  136036. "nan",
  136037. "nan",
  136038. "nan",
  136039. "nan",
  136040. "nan",
  136041. "nan",
  136042. "nan",
  136043. "nan",
  136044. "nan",
  136045. "nan",
  136046. "nan"
  136047. ],
  136048. [
  136049. "39962-",
  136050. "1*19*",
  136051. "rtc/enpire savings of",
  136052. "nan",
  136053. "dsj533171",
  136054. "nan",
  136055. "rodriques/sun homes",
  136056. "12/11/1997",
  136057. "224754",
  136058. "40 chris greene",
  136059. "nan",
  136060. "nan",
  136061. "nan",
  136062. "jacksonville",
  136063. "80503",
  136064. "nan",
  136065. "nan",
  136066. "nan",
  136067. "nan",
  136068. "nan",
  136069. "nan",
  136070. "nan",
  136071. "nan",
  136072. "nan",
  136073. "nan",
  136074. "nan",
  136075. "nan",
  136076. "nan",
  136077. "nan",
  136078. "nan",
  136079. "nan",
  136080. "nan",
  136081. "nan",
  136082. "nan",
  136083. "nan",
  136084. "nan",
  136085. "nan",
  136086. "nan"
  136087. ],
  136088. [
  136089. "40051",
  136090. "2",
  136091. "williams, eugene",
  136092. "rtc",
  136093. "tcf0010750",
  136094. "nan",
  136095. "nan",
  136096. "06/20/2001",
  136097. "bj8398",
  136098. "jsw",
  136099. "nan",
  136100. "nan",
  136101. "seq: 0021",
  136102. "tampa",
  136103. "202993",
  136104. "nan",
  136105. "nan",
  136106. "nan",
  136107. "nan",
  136108. "nan",
  136109. "nan",
  136110. "nan",
  136111. "nan",
  136112. "nan",
  136113. "nan",
  136114. "nan",
  136115. "nan",
  136116. "nan",
  136117. "nan",
  136118. "nan",
  136119. "nan",
  136120. "nan",
  136121. "nan",
  136122. "nan",
  136123. "nan",
  136124. "nan",
  136125. "nan",
  136126. "nan"
  136127. ],
  136128. [
  136129. "40051 2 rd",
  136130. "rtc matter",
  136131. "williams, eugene",
  136132. "rtc matter",
  136133. "tcf0222861",
  136134. "nan",
  136135. "nan",
  136136. "7/16/1996",
  136137. "bp6789",
  136138. "nan",
  136139. "nan",
  136140. "nan",
  136141. "seq: 0013",
  136142. "tampa",
  136143. "272193",
  136144. "nan",
  136145. "nan",
  136146. "nan",
  136147. "nan",
  136148. "nan",
  136149. "nan",
  136150. "nan",
  136151. "nan",
  136152. "nan",
  136153. "nan",
  136154. "nan",
  136155. "nan",
  136156. "nan",
  136157. "nan",
  136158. "nan",
  136159. "nan",
  136160. "nan",
  136161. "nan",
  136162. "nan",
  136163. "nan",
  136164. "nan",
  136165. "nan",
  136166. "nan"
  136167. ],
  136168. [
  136169. "40707 2071",
  136170. "coral reef -",
  136171. "anchor savings",
  136172. "coral reef - rtc",
  136173. "tcf0224281",
  136174. "nan",
  136175. "nan",
  136176. "7/30/1999",
  136177. "cr6891",
  136178. "nan",
  136179. "nan",
  136180. "nan",
  136181. "seq: 0007",
  136182. "tampa",
  136183. "276864",
  136184. "nan",
  136185. "nan",
  136186. "nan",
  136187. "nan",
  136188. "nan",
  136189. "nan",
  136190. "nan",
  136191. "nan",
  136192. "nan",
  136193. "nan",
  136194. "nan",
  136195. "nan",
  136196. "nan",
  136197. "nan",
  136198. "nan",
  136199. "nan",
  136200. "nan",
  136201. "nan",
  136202. "nan",
  136203. "nan",
  136204. "nan",
  136205. "nan",
  136206. "nan"
  136207. ],
  136208. [
  136209. "41175-",
  136210. "nan",
  136211. "se bank/fdic/first union",
  136212. "nan",
  136213. "dsj005214",
  136214. "nan",
  136215. "mikals closed files",
  136216. "02/01/1994",
  136217. "31-114",
  136218. "31 john mikals",
  136219. "nan",
  136220. "nan",
  136221. "<ethical wall applied on: 1/13/2016>",
  136222. "jacksonville",
  136223. "63838",
  136224. "nan",
  136225. "nan",
  136226. "nan",
  136227. "nan",
  136228. "nan",
  136229. "nan",
  136230. "nan",
  136231. "nan",
  136232. "nan",
  136233. "nan",
  136234. "nan",
  136235. "nan",
  136236. "nan",
  136237. "nan",
  136238. "nan",
  136239. "nan",
  136240. "nan",
  136241. "nan",
  136242. "nan",
  136243. "nan",
  136244. "nan",
  136245. "nan",
  136246. "nan"
  136247. ],
  136248. [
  136249. "4143",
  136250. "1",
  136251. "heartchild, inc.",
  136252. "none",
  136253. "490619018",
  136254. "nan",
  136255. "heartchild, inc.",
  136256. "7/3/2000",
  136257. "608056",
  136258. "ancheta rosa",
  136259. "nan",
  136260. "nan",
  136261. " hk box: 23637",
  136262. "miami",
  136263. "640006",
  136264. "nan",
  136265. "nan",
  136266. "nan",
  136267. "nan",
  136268. "nan",
  136269. "nan",
  136270. "nan",
  136271. "nan",
  136272. "nan",
  136273. "nan",
  136274. "nan",
  136275. "nan",
  136276. "nan",
  136277. "nan",
  136278. "nan",
  136279. "nan",
  136280. "nan",
  136281. "nan",
  136282. "nan",
  136283. "nan",
  136284. "nan",
  136285. "nan",
  136286. "nan"
  136287. ],
  136288. [
  136289. "41756",
  136290. "20551",
  136291. "rtc",
  136292. "quest air south vs. atm invest",
  136293. "tcf0010524",
  136294. "nan",
  136295. "nan",
  136296. "06/20/2001",
  136297. "bj6469",
  136298. "abr",
  136299. "nan",
  136300. "nan",
  136301. "seq: 0059",
  136302. "tampa",
  136303. "201886",
  136304. "nan",
  136305. "nan",
  136306. "nan",
  136307. "nan",
  136308. "nan",
  136309. "nan",
  136310. "nan",
  136311. "nan",
  136312. "nan",
  136313. "nan",
  136314. "nan",
  136315. "nan",
  136316. "nan",
  136317. "nan",
  136318. "nan",
  136319. "nan",
  136320. "nan",
  136321. "nan",
  136322. "nan",
  136323. "nan",
  136324. "nan",
  136325. "nan",
  136326. "nan"
  136327. ],
  136328. [
  136329. "41756 2018",
  136330. "largo fla as",
  136331. "resolution trust corp",
  136332. "largo fla associates vs. rtc",
  136333. "tcf0222558",
  136334. "nan",
  136335. "nan",
  136336. "11/10/1994",
  136337. "bh4084",
  136338. "nan",
  136339. "nan",
  136340. "nan",
  136341. "seq: 0007",
  136342. "tampa",
  136343. "270755",
  136344. "nan",
  136345. "nan",
  136346. "nan",
  136347. "nan",
  136348. "nan",
  136349. "nan",
  136350. "nan",
  136351. "nan",
  136352. "nan",
  136353. "nan",
  136354. "nan",
  136355. "nan",
  136356. "nan",
  136357. "nan",
  136358. "nan",
  136359. "nan",
  136360. "nan",
  136361. "nan",
  136362. "nan",
  136363. "nan",
  136364. "nan",
  136365. "nan",
  136366. "nan"
  136367. ],
  136368. [
  136369. "41756 2037",
  136370. "paul t. hins",
  136371. "resolution trust corp.",
  136372. "paul t. hinson v rtc",
  136373. "tcf0222563",
  136374. "nan",
  136375. "nan",
  136376. "11/10/1994",
  136377. "bh4089",
  136378. "nan",
  136379. "nan",
  136380. "nan",
  136381. "seq: 0001",
  136382. "tampa",
  136383. "270789",
  136384. "nan",
  136385. "nan",
  136386. "nan",
  136387. "nan",
  136388. "nan",
  136389. "nan",
  136390. "nan",
  136391. "nan",
  136392. "nan",
  136393. "nan",
  136394. "nan",
  136395. "nan",
  136396. "nan",
  136397. "nan",
  136398. "nan",
  136399. "nan",
  136400. "nan",
  136401. "nan",
  136402. "nan",
  136403. "nan",
  136404. "nan",
  136405. "nan",
  136406. "nan"
  136407. ],
  136408. [
  136409. "41756 2046",
  136410. "paul t. hins",
  136411. "resolution trust corp.",
  136412. "paul t. hinson v rtc",
  136413. "tcf0222563",
  136414. "nan",
  136415. "nan",
  136416. "11/10/1994",
  136417. "bh4089",
  136418. "nan",
  136419. "nan",
  136420. "nan",
  136421. "seq: 0002",
  136422. "tampa",
  136423. "270790",
  136424. "nan",
  136425. "nan",
  136426. "nan",
  136427. "nan",
  136428. "nan",
  136429. "nan",
  136430. "nan",
  136431. "nan",
  136432. "nan",
  136433. "nan",
  136434. "nan",
  136435. "nan",
  136436. "nan",
  136437. "nan",
  136438. "nan",
  136439. "nan",
  136440. "nan",
  136441. "nan",
  136442. "nan",
  136443. "nan",
  136444. "nan",
  136445. "nan",
  136446. "nan"
  136447. ],
  136448. [
  136449. "4279",
  136450. "19",
  136451. "western union",
  136452. "none",
  136453. "489521154",
  136454. "nan",
  136455. "9/9/97 - research re: cases cited in motion for preliminary injunction response and reply; extra copies of pleadings; witness: williams arms; witness: carolyn burtcher; witness: glenn j. levins, william arms, inc.; witness: roger hunter; witness: lee brooks; witness: ghasub abel, owner wauchula supermarket; witness: amin abel, manager/owner i&a fiesta supermarket; witness: owner/manager la fiesta supermarket, naser abuequab; witness: l. frank barber; witness; diversified services; witness: jose a. faura; witness: howell's office supply; witness: chamb herdee, gen. manager rines ag food store; witness: nelson lackey, former manager lackey electronics; witness: heather lane, account manager lackey electronics; witness: al c. lazzatti; witness: james meyerling; witness: kaled nasal, co-owner greensboro supermarket; witness: mario nasal, co-owner, greensboro supermarket; witness: one stop shop; witness: primo mini mart; witness: jeffrey stazick; witness: kenneth r. terry; witness: wauchula, supermarket; witness: western union, financial services; witness: orlandi valuta; witness: la fiesta supermarket; witness: la sierrita grocery; witness: lackey's electronics; witness: terry's radio & tv; witness: greensboro supermarket; witness: rines ag food store; research re: preliminary injunction",
  136456. "9/17/1997",
  136457. "412419",
  136458. "cartwright kelly ann",
  136459. "nan",
  136460. "nan",
  136461. " hk box: 16101",
  136462. "miami",
  136463. "666896",
  136464. "nan",
  136465. "nan",
  136466. "nan",
  136467. "nan",
  136468. "nan",
  136469. "nan",
  136470. "nan",
  136471. "nan",
  136472. "nan",
  136473. "nan",
  136474. "nan",
  136475. "nan",
  136476. "nan",
  136477. "nan",
  136478. "nan",
  136479. "nan",
  136480. "nan",
  136481. "nan",
  136482. "nan",
  136483. "nan",
  136484. "nan",
  136485. "nan",
  136486. "nan"
  136487. ],
  136488. [
  136489. "43084",
  136490. "4",
  136491. "cribb, rembert",
  136492. "sale of m/y mary lauren",
  136493. "489492280",
  136494. "nan",
  136495. "attorney notes\nbills\ncorrespondence\ndocuments\npeople/players list\nrtc investments, inc.",
  136496. "7/22/2004",
  136497. "12066514",
  136498. "locke barbara",
  136499. "nan",
  136500. "nan",
  136501. " hk box: 33465",
  136502. "miami",
  136503. "697003",
  136504. "nan",
  136505. "nan",
  136506. "nan",
  136507. "nan",
  136508. "nan",
  136509. "nan",
  136510. "nan",
  136511. "nan",
  136512. "nan",
  136513. "nan",
  136514. "nan",
  136515. "nan",
  136516. "nan",
  136517. "nan",
  136518. "nan",
  136519. "nan",
  136520. "nan",
  136521. "nan",
  136522. "nan",
  136523. "nan",
  136524. "nan",
  136525. "nan",
  136526. "nan"
  136527. ],
  136528. [
  136529. "43338-",
  136530. "001 *3*",
  136531. "43338-001 *3* hmg vs fslic",
  136532. "nan",
  136533. "dsj004754",
  136534. "nan",
  136535. "mga closed files",
  136536. "06/11/1991",
  136537. "16-034",
  136538. "16 mark alexander",
  136539. "nan",
  136540. "nan",
  136541. "nan",
  136542. "jacksonville",
  136543. "59145",
  136544. "nan",
  136545. "nan",
  136546. "nan",
  136547. "nan",
  136548. "nan",
  136549. "nan",
  136550. "nan",
  136551. "nan",
  136552. "nan",
  136553. "nan",
  136554. "nan",
  136555. "nan",
  136556. "nan",
  136557. "nan",
  136558. "nan",
  136559. "nan",
  136560. "nan",
  136561. "nan",
  136562. "nan",
  136563. "nan",
  136564. "nan",
  136565. "nan",
  136566. "nan"
  136567. ],
  136568. [
  136569. "436205",
  136570. "02257",
  136571. "marriott international, inc.",
  136572. "avendra v. rc/pb",
  136573. "784628257",
  136574. "general/other",
  136575. "*expert rebuttal report of richad pastorino (rebuttal to r. cline expert report)\n*expert rebuttal report of donald j. winter (rebuttal to r. cline expert report)\n*expert rebuttal report of donald j. winter (rebuttal to t. callahan expert report)\n*expert rebuttal report of louis dudney (rebuttal to r. cline expert report)\n*expert report of yogesh bahl (avendra expert)\n*certified copies of order appointing commissioner and issuance of subpoena (fahy)\n*case law on expert witness\n*daubert cases - highlighted\n*background from avendra website\n*organization chart\n*technology infrastructure\n*players list\n*marriott's sanctions powerpoint\n*rc/pb general allegations and jury instructions re: claims\n*examples of competitive pricing memo\n*article - bifurcation\n*psa provision 20.12 - third party beneficiaries\n*protective order\n*artcles re: firing of ritz-carlton / the new eau palm beach\n*drafts of 3rd amended cmo\n*fourth amended complaint\n",
  136576. "3/3/2017",
  136577. "09-5061",
  136578. "richard c. hutchison",
  136579. "off-site",
  136580. "hutchison richard",
  136581. "nan",
  136582. "west palm beach",
  136583. "2589111",
  136584. "3/17/2016",
  136585. "nan",
  136586. "nan",
  136587. "nan",
  136588. "nan",
  136589. "nan",
  136590. "nan",
  136591. "nan",
  136592. "nan",
  136593. "nan",
  136594. "nan",
  136595. "nan",
  136596. "nan",
  136597. "nan",
  136598. "nan",
  136599. "nan",
  136600. "nan",
  136601. "nan",
  136602. "nan",
  136603. "nan",
  136604. "nan",
  136605. "nan",
  136606. "nan"
  136607. ],
  136608. [
  136609. "44763",
  136610. "1",
  136611. "broward county credit union",
  136612. "rtc",
  136613. "798-4407",
  136614. "nan",
  136615. "expand blue---------",
  136616. "5/30/1995",
  136617. "798-4407",
  136618. "weiss, stephen j.",
  136619. "nan",
  136620. "nan",
  136621. "barcode: 100029000 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4407 + emp name: recall 4407 recall box 4407",
  136622. "washington d.c",
  136623. "1409452",
  136624. "nan",
  136625. "nan",
  136626. "nan",
  136627. "nan",
  136628. "nan",
  136629. "nan",
  136630. "nan",
  136631. "nan",
  136632. "nan",
  136633. "nan",
  136634. "nan",
  136635. "nan",
  136636. "nan",
  136637. "nan",
  136638. "nan",
  136639. "nan",
  136640. "nan",
  136641. "nan",
  136642. "nan",
  136643. "nan",
  136644. "nan",
  136645. "nan",
  136646. "nan"
  136647. ],
  136648. [
  136649. "44763",
  136650. "1",
  136651. "broward county credit union",
  136652. "rtc",
  136653. "798-4407",
  136654. "nan",
  136655. "expand blue-misc.--------",
  136656. "8/21/1995",
  136657. "798-4407",
  136658. "weiss, stephen j.",
  136659. "nan",
  136660. "nan",
  136661. "barcode: 100029001 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4407 + emp name: recall 4407 recall box 4407",
  136662. "washington d.c",
  136663. "1409453",
  136664. "nan",
  136665. "nan",
  136666. "nan",
  136667. "nan",
  136668. "nan",
  136669. "nan",
  136670. "nan",
  136671. "nan",
  136672. "nan",
  136673. "nan",
  136674. "nan",
  136675. "nan",
  136676. "nan",
  136677. "nan",
  136678. "nan",
  136679. "nan",
  136680. "nan",
  136681. "nan",
  136682. "nan",
  136683. "nan",
  136684. "nan",
  136685. "nan",
  136686. "nan"
  136687. ],
  136688. [
  136689. "44763",
  136690. "1",
  136691. "broward county credit union",
  136692. "rtc",
  136693. "798-4407",
  136694. "nan",
  136695. "chestnut brown-corresp./notes/memoranda--------",
  136696. "4/2/1996",
  136697. "798-4407",
  136698. "myer, christopher",
  136699. "nan",
  136700. "nan",
  136701. "barcode: 100029865 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4407 + emp name: recall 4407 recall box 4407",
  136702. "washington d.c",
  136703. "1410314",
  136704. "nan",
  136705. "nan",
  136706. "nan",
  136707. "nan",
  136708. "nan",
  136709. "nan",
  136710. "nan",
  136711. "nan",
  136712. "nan",
  136713. "nan",
  136714. "nan",
  136715. "nan",
  136716. "nan",
  136717. "nan",
  136718. "nan",
  136719. "nan",
  136720. "nan",
  136721. "nan",
  136722. "nan",
  136723. "nan",
  136724. "nan",
  136725. "nan",
  136726. "nan"
  136727. ],
  136728. [
  136729. "45183",
  136730. "1",
  136731. "tak, sharad & mahinder",
  136732. "fdic",
  136733. "798-4415",
  136734. "nan",
  136735. "chestnut brown-deed of trust--------",
  136736. "5/9/1989",
  136737. "798-4415",
  136738. "kerxton, alan s.",
  136739. "nan",
  136740. "nan",
  136741. "barcode: 100029084 + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4415 + emp name: recall 4415 recall box 4415",
  136742. "washington d.c",
  136743. "1409536",
  136744. "nan",
  136745. "nan",
  136746. "nan",
  136747. "nan",
  136748. "nan",
  136749. "nan",
  136750. "nan",
  136751. "nan",
  136752. "nan",
  136753. "nan",
  136754. "nan",
  136755. "nan",
  136756. "nan",
  136757. "nan",
  136758. "nan",
  136759. "nan",
  136760. "nan",
  136761. "nan",
  136762. "nan",
  136763. "nan",
  136764. "nan",
  136765. "nan",
  136766. "nan"
  136767. ],
  136768. [
  136769. "45183",
  136770. "1",
  136771. "tak, sharad & mahinder",
  136772. "fdic",
  136773. "798-4415",
  136774. "nan",
  136775. "chestnut brown-promissary note--------",
  136776. "2/2/1996",
  136777. "798-4415",
  136778. "felter, carolyn p.",
  136779. "nan",
  136780. "nan",
  136781. "barcode: 100029085 + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4415 + emp name: recall 4415 recall box 4415",
  136782. "washington d.c",
  136783. "1409537",
  136784. "nan",
  136785. "nan",
  136786. "nan",
  136787. "nan",
  136788. "nan",
  136789. "nan",
  136790. "nan",
  136791. "nan",
  136792. "nan",
  136793. "nan",
  136794. "nan",
  136795. "nan",
  136796. "nan",
  136797. "nan",
  136798. "nan",
  136799. "nan",
  136800. "nan",
  136801. "nan",
  136802. "nan",
  136803. "nan",
  136804. "nan",
  136805. "nan",
  136806. "nan"
  136807. ],
  136808. [
  136809. "45206-1*7",
  136810. "nan",
  136811. "fdic not of suspension on",
  136812. "nan",
  136813. "dsj674215",
  136814. "nan",
  136815. "45206-1 lutner adv usa",
  136816. "12/24/1998",
  136817. "311667",
  136818. "8 tom bishop",
  136819. "nan",
  136820. "nan",
  136821. "nan",
  136822. "jacksonville",
  136823. "90709",
  136824. "nan",
  136825. "nan",
  136826. "nan",
  136827. "nan",
  136828. "nan",
  136829. "nan",
  136830. "nan",
  136831. "nan",
  136832. "nan",
  136833. "nan",
  136834. "nan",
  136835. "nan",
  136836. "nan",
  136837. "nan",
  136838. "nan",
  136839. "nan",
  136840. "nan",
  136841. "nan",
  136842. "nan",
  136843. "nan",
  136844. "nan",
  136845. "nan",
  136846. "nan"
  136847. ],
  136848. [
  136849. "500177",
  136850. "03320",
  136851. "nordisk legal services",
  136852. "breach of contract",
  136853. "632026367",
  136854. "general/other",
  136855. "file 29: barges\nenergy 11105 c.p.\nenergy 11105 c.p. amendments\nenergy 11105 freight & other supports\npenn 92 c.p.\nenergy 11105 / penn 92 freight invoices\npenn 92 misc. invoices\nirving crude oil barge movements (pre-casualty)\npenn 92 \"e-mail: asphalt out of st john\"\nrtc 80 c.p.\nrtc 80 freight invoices\nasphalt sailor c.p.'s 1/28/13, 1/4/13\nasphalt sailor freight invoices\nasphalt & ethanol freight invoices\nb-215 agreement & corres\nb-215 lightering to \"yves jacob\"",
  136856. "7/8/2016",
  136857. "nan",
  136858. "william j. honan",
  136859. "off-site",
  136860. "honan william",
  136861. "<ethical wall applied on: 7/8/2016>",
  136862. "new york city",
  136863. "2507900",
  136864. "nan",
  136865. "nan",
  136866. "nan",
  136867. "nan",
  136868. "nan",
  136869. "nan",
  136870. "nan",
  136871. "nan",
  136872. "nan",
  136873. "nan",
  136874. "nan",
  136875. "nan",
  136876. "nan",
  136877. "nan",
  136878. "nan",
  136879. "nan",
  136880. "nan",
  136881. "nan",
  136882. "nan",
  136883. "nan",
  136884. "nan",
  136885. "nan",
  136886. "nan"
  136887. ],
  136888. [
  136889. "5006",
  136890. "1",
  136891. "susan voss",
  136892. "general",
  136893. "489626445",
  136894. "nan",
  136895. "binder-rtc - tahoe background documents--------",
  136896. "1/10/2001",
  136897. "789-13088",
  136898. "voss susan",
  136899. "nan",
  136900. "nan",
  136901. "barcode: 100032132 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: joyce aramburu + records assistant: lennard bruno + file status: out + emp id no: 789-13088 + emp name: prsi 13088 prsi box 13088",
  136902. "washington d.c",
  136903. "1412547",
  136904. "nan",
  136905. "nan",
  136906. "nan",
  136907. "nan",
  136908. "nan",
  136909. "nan",
  136910. "nan",
  136911. "nan",
  136912. "nan",
  136913. "nan",
  136914. "nan",
  136915. "nan",
  136916. "nan",
  136917. "nan",
  136918. "nan",
  136919. "nan",
  136920. "nan",
  136921. "nan",
  136922. "nan",
  136923. "nan",
  136924. "nan",
  136925. "nan",
  136926. "nan"
  136927. ],
  136928. [
  136929. "50186",
  136930. "10",
  136931. "republic bancshares, inc.",
  136932. "fdic community reinvestment act opinion",
  136933. "789-10935",
  136934. "nan",
  136935. "manila-documents--------",
  136936. "12/18/2000",
  136937. "789-10935",
  136938. "buchman, john a.",
  136939. "nan",
  136940. "nan",
  136941. "barcode: 100018065 + secretay/other: matthew tsien + records assistant: matthew tsien + file status: out + emp id no: 789-10935 + emp name: prsi 10935 prsi box 10935",
  136942. "washington d.c",
  136943. "1401772",
  136944. "nan",
  136945. "nan",
  136946. "nan",
  136947. "nan",
  136948. "nan",
  136949. "nan",
  136950. "nan",
  136951. "nan",
  136952. "nan",
  136953. "nan",
  136954. "nan",
  136955. "nan",
  136956. "nan",
  136957. "nan",
  136958. "nan",
  136959. "nan",
  136960. "nan",
  136961. "nan",
  136962. "nan",
  136963. "nan",
  136964. "nan",
  136965. "nan",
  136966. "nan"
  136967. ],
  136968. [
  136969. "50186",
  136970. "00012",
  136971. "republic bancshares, inc.",
  136972. "nationsbank branch acquisitions",
  136973. "489720764",
  136974. "general/other",
  136975. "redweld-ots & fdic approvals doc.--------",
  136976. "12/16/2000",
  136977. "789-10929",
  136978. "buchman john a.",
  136979. "nan",
  136980. "nan",
  136981. "republic bancshares, inc.---nationsbank branch acquisitions---buchman john a.---barcode: 100018154 + secretay/other: coleman, ron + records assistant: coleman, ron + file status: out + emp id no: 789-10929 + emp name: prsi 10929 prsi box 10929",
  136982. "washington d.c",
  136983. "1401861",
  136984. "nan",
  136985. "nan",
  136986. "nan",
  136987. "nan",
  136988. "nan",
  136989. "nan",
  136990. "nan",
  136991. "nan",
  136992. "nan",
  136993. "nan",
  136994. "nan",
  136995. "nan",
  136996. "nan",
  136997. "nan",
  136998. "nan",
  136999. "nan",
  137000. "nan",
  137001. "nan",
  137002. "nan",
  137003. "nan",
  137004. "nan",
  137005. "nan",
  137006. "nan"
  137007. ],
  137008. [
  137009. "507598",
  137010. "00002",
  137011. "bnp paribas",
  137012. "andina coffee co.",
  137013. "94352195",
  137014. "nan",
  137015. "file 7598-2 andina box #196\nclarke's appendix a supplement to report; clarke's miscellaneous documents; alendale's motion & clarke's fdic-deposition; richard d. clarke's documents; eab redacted documents; michelle's ledger & comments; glenn winuk's notes on deposition of rafael garcia; winuk's memo on magistrate roberts order concerning testimony of robi artman-hodge; discovery reports; discovery of robi artman-hodge; and pages from artman-hodge transcripts & order.",
  137016. "1/23/2001",
  137017. "nan",
  137018. "john m. toriello",
  137019. "nan",
  137020. "nan",
  137021. "inmagic: id 4868",
  137022. "new york city",
  137023. "734715",
  137024. "8/13/2009",
  137025. "nan",
  137026. "nan",
  137027. "nan",
  137028. "nan",
  137029. "nan",
  137030. "nan",
  137031. "nan",
  137032. "nan",
  137033. "nan",
  137034. "nan",
  137035. "nan",
  137036. "nan",
  137037. "nan",
  137038. "nan",
  137039. "nan",
  137040. "nan",
  137041. "nan",
  137042. "nan",
  137043. "nan",
  137044. "nan",
  137045. "nan",
  137046. "nan"
  137047. ],
  137048. [
  137049. "509135",
  137050. "00001",
  137051. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  137052. "advice concerning aircraft assignment",
  137053. "45075129",
  137054. "nan",
  137055. "file 9135-1 documents",
  137056. "4/27/1998",
  137057. "nan",
  137058. "john f. pritchard",
  137059. "nan",
  137060. "nan",
  137061. "inmagic: id 12577",
  137062. "new york city",
  137063. "742424",
  137064. "6/10/1992",
  137065. "nan",
  137066. "nan",
  137067. "nan",
  137068. "nan",
  137069. "nan",
  137070. "nan",
  137071. "nan",
  137072. "nan",
  137073. "nan",
  137074. "nan",
  137075. "nan",
  137076. "nan",
  137077. "nan",
  137078. "nan",
  137079. "nan",
  137080. "nan",
  137081. "nan",
  137082. "nan",
  137083. "nan",
  137084. "nan",
  137085. "nan",
  137086. "nan"
  137087. ],
  137088. [
  137089. "509191",
  137090. "00412",
  137091. "global aerospace underwriting",
  137092. "bae systems: corporate airlines j32 accident at",
  137093. "400782724",
  137094. "nan",
  137095. "documents re jaco trust 32-90-3 aircraft serial no. 875\n02/22/90 - 04/04/90 british aerospace / streamline limited partnership (slp) 1990aa \n04/02/90 - \n04/04/90 vol. i headlease closing documents \n04/04/90 - \n04/04/90 vol. ii headlease closing documents \n04/04/90 - 08/06/90 closing documents for sale of beneficial interest in jaco trust no. 32-90-3 transfer of nli's rights to fsbi \n07/13/91 amendments to jaco trust no. 32-90-3 - amended prepayment schedule \n10/10/91- 09/15/02 category: propeller substitution documents for jaco trust no. 32-90-3. \n11-01/95 -\n12/30/95 leveraged lease financing of three ba jetstream series 3200, jaco trust no. 32-90-3 \n03/20/98 unwind of the restructuring of the cross border lessor: jaco trust no. 32-90-3 second transfer date: 03/20/98 \n09/01/01 operating lease between jaco and corporate flight management for n 875jx \n\npurchase: \n- streamline leasing limited partnership (slp)was created on 02/21/90 between hkti and ir. \n- hkti lent $745,750 to slp under an interest-free loan of to finance part of the purchase costs. (a loan agreement) \n- barclays bank lent slp $3,612,374.53 (b loan agreement)\nlease:\n- slp leased both aircraft to ct special (cts). \n- cts then assigned the lease to fsbu (as trustee under the jaco trust) and cbt \n- fsbu and jaco entered into a lease agreement on 04/02/90 (the lease\") as supplemented by lease supplement no.1 dated 04/04/90 and recorded with the faa as one instrument on 04/11/90. \n- two aircraft leased to nli\n- lease supplement no.2 (concerning replacement propellers) dated 10/10/91 was recorded with the faa on 09/15/02 \n- pursuant to an omnibus faa instrument of assignment and acceptance dated 01/06/91 the fdic as receiver of old cbt assigned all of its right, title and interest in, to and under the original security agreement to the new connecticut bank & trust company\nthe omnibus assignment was filed with the faa on 05/03/91 (as per recitals in amendment no. 1 to security agreement trust)\n- on 09/01/01 jaco leased sn 875 to corporate airlines\nbritish aerospace / the streamline leasing limited partnership\n03/30/90 aircraft hire purchase agreement for two jetstream 3200 - bai and slp\n03/30/90 aircraft lease agreement - slp - cts\n03/30/90 a loan agreement hkti - slp\n03/30/90 b loan agreement bb - slp\n03/30/90 general assumption agreement - slp - cts - bai\n(undated) certificate relating to conditions precedent under general assumption agreement - cts\n(undated) certificate relating to release of lessee - ir\n3/30/90 payment assumption agreement slp (lessor) and cts (lessee). bai assumed cts's payment obligations. efl assumed certain payment and performance obligations - slp, bai, efl, bb\n3/30/90 charge over sale proceeds slp - cts\n04/04/90 assignment of lease from cts to fsbu cts - fsbu\n04/04/90 escrow agreement cts, slp, bai, fsbu, cbt\n3/30/90 a security agreement relating to assignment of lease - slp - hkti\n3/30/90 b security agreement relating to assignment of lease - slp - bb\n3/30/90 deed of obligations bb - slp\n04/04/90 power of attorney slp, cts, fsbu\n3/30/90 guarantee by baplc - baplc - slp\n04/04/90 notices of acceptance & delivery by cts - cts - slp\n04/04/90 acceptance certificates under hire purchase agreement - ir\n04/04/90 acceptance certificates under lease by cts - cts\n(undated) final invoices for $8,400,000 (2 aircraft at $4,200,000) - bai\n04/04/90 receipt for hire from bai (acknowledging receipt of payment of $8,400,000 from slp) - bai\n04/04/90 drawdown notice - a loan - slp\n04/04/90 drawdown notice - b loan - slp\n04/04/90 irrevocable instruction to pay - b loan - slp\n04/04/90 side letter to lease agreement - b loan agreement and payment assumption agreement bb\n04/04/90 certificate relating to conditions precedent - bai - payment assumption agreement - bai\n04/04/90 assumption certificate - payment assumption agreement from bai to slp - bai - slp\n04/04/90 notice of charge - slp, bai, fsbu, cbt\n04/04/90 consent to assignment of lease- slp, bai, fsbu, cbt\n04/04/90 notice of assignment and consent and acknowledgment - a security agreement slp\n04/04/90 notice of assignment and consent and acknowledgment - b security agreement bb\n(undated) escrow bill of sale - airframe - slp\n(undated) escrow bill of sale - engines - slp\n(undated) escrow bill of sale - propellers - slp\n(undated) faa bill of sale (escrow) - slp\n(undated) certificate of airworthiness - faa\n(undated) termination of lease period - ir\n(undated) termination of hire period - ir\n04/04/90 appointment of baplc as process agent - baplc\n(undated) appointment of law debenture trust - sls\n(undated) certificate of registration of a security agreement faa\n04/04/90 certificate relating to insurances by sedgwick james - bai\n05/22/61 bai certificate of incorporation in commonwealth of virginia bai\n12/05/77 bai by-laws - bau\n02/22/90 certificate of incorporation of cts in delaware - cts\n(undated) certificate of secretary of cts and by-laws - cts\n\nvol i. headlease closing documents\n(not dated) - closing memorandum re jaco leveraged lease financing, $6,720,000 9.08% secured notes due march 4, 2005 of jaco trust no. 32-90-3 - fsb, wfb, jaco, pli, ssb, bai, baplc, amr\n04/02/90 participation agreement re jaco trust 32-90-3, leveraged lease of 2 ba jetstream 3200 to jaco, fsbi (lessee - trustor), pli (note purchaser), fsbu (owner-trustee), cbt (security trustee) - jaco, fsbi, pli, fsbu, cbt\n04/04/90 certificate of authenticity - jaco\n04/02/90 trust agreement re jaco trust 32-90-3 fsbu - fsbi\n04/02/90 purchase agreement assignment - fsbu - jaco\n04/04/90 consent and agreement bai (seller) acknowledges receipt of purchase agreement and consents to the assignment by the lessee (jaco) to the assignee (fsbu, as trustee) of all of the lessee's eights and interests in and to the purchase agreement, agrees title shall vest in the assignee, agrees to indemnify the assignee and security trustee harmless from claims of patent infringement, and confirms to the assignee and the security trustee that all representations, warranties, indemnities and agreements shall inure to the benefit of the assignee bai\n04/02/90 security agreement - trust deed. fsbu mortgages, assigns to cbt a security interest in jaco trust no. 32-90-3 fsbu - cbt\n04/04/90 security agreement - trust deed supplement no. 1 - fsbu - cbt\n04/02/90 lease agreement covering 2 ba jetstream j-3200 between fsbu (lessor under jaco trust) and jaco (lessee) - fsbu - jaco\n04/04/90 lease supplement no. 1 - fsbu - jaco\n04/02/90 tax indemnification agreement - fsbi - jaco\n\nvol. ii headlease closing documents\n04/02/90 assignment of sublease and security agreement from jaco (as debtor) to fsbu (as secured party) jaco - fsbu\n04/02/90 plc agreement - jaco lease agreement - baplc, fsbi, pic, fsbu, cbt\n04/02/90 two bai invoices for $4,200,000 (each) to fsbu as trustee under jaco trust 32-90-3 for aircraft sns 875 & 878 - bai, fsbu\n04/02/90 bai invoice to slp for $8,400,000 for both aircraft 875 & 978. bai - slp\n04/04/90 designation of authorized representatives of fsbu for purposes of accepting delivery of aircraft fsbu - jaco\n04/04/90 receipt for hire - bai\n04/02/90 affidavit of fsbu officer that acft are subject to security interest in cbt - fsbu\n02/21/90 faa forms 8100-2 standard airworthiness certificates for sn 875 and sn 878 \n03/09/90 interim lease termination certificate - tracey leasing corporation and amr leasing corporation tlc- amr\n(undated) aircraft bills of sale for sn 875 & sn 878 from tlc to bai - tlc - bai\n04/04/90 jaco officer's certificate from jaco to nli and pic - jaco to nli, pic\n04/04/90 baplc officer's certificate to nli, pic baplc to nli, pic\n04/04/90 fsbu officer's certificate to nli, pic and jaco - fsbu to nli, pic, jaco\n0404/90 appraisal and future value of two british aerospace super jetstream 31 aircraft prepared for nli by avmark inc,. worldwide aviation management service - nli\n04/04/90 cbt officer's certificate to pic and jaco - cbt, pic, jaco\n03/35/90 notice of closing date - closing with respect to both aircraft will occur on 04/04/90 jaco\n04/04/89 ltr from agent offering security notes that notes were not offered for sale to any prospective purchaser other than note purchaser - 04/04/89\n(undated) certificate of incorporation of business jet aviation & certification thereto \n(undated) certificate of the assistant secretary of jaco - jaco\n(undated) certificate of assistant secretary of fsbu - fsbu\n03/27/90 certificate of u.s. comptroller of the currency re fsbu - fsbu\n04/04/90 officer's certificate re fsbu - fsbu\n04/02/90 nli's articles of incorporation filed in north carolina - nli\n03/29/90 nli's certificate of incorporation in north carolina nli\n04/__/90 certificate of vp and assistant secretary of nli - nli\n12/28/84 certificate of amendment of bai, in delaware - bai\n07/25/84 certificate of change of address of registered office and registered agent of de dept of state \n12/05/77 agreement and plan of merger between british aircraft corporation (u.s.a.) incorporated and hawker siddeley aviation incorporated \n04/04/90 notice of assignment of lease agreement and plc agreement and acknowledgement by jaco and baplc re the participation agreement jaco, baplc, fsbu\n(undated) certificate of an officer to cbt - cbt\n04/02/90 baplc assistant secretary's certificate baplc\n05/22/61 certificate of authority of bai from commonwealth of va - bai\n04/__/90 notice of sublease assignment and agreement from jaco to amr - jaco - amr\n04/04/90 fsbu 9.08% secured note of $6,720,000 promises to pay pic on march 4, 2005 fsbu - pic\n04/04/90 cross receipt from fsbu to pic - fsbu - pic\n04/__/90 ltr from bai re jaco leveraged lease financing of two ba jetstream series 3200, model 3201 aircraft - legal opinion - bai, jaco, fsbu, nli, cbt\n04/02/90 ltr from jaco stating that there are no lawsuits pending against it that would adversely affect the properties jaco, nli, pic, fsbu, cbt\n04/__/90 legal opinion from counsel to ct special corp in connection with aircraft lease agreement \n04/__/90 legal opinion from counsel to bai in connection with transactions contemplated by the aircraft hire purchase agreement (1990aa) - bai\n04/__/90 legal opinion from counsel to baplc and jaco in connection with the transactions contemplated by the participation agreement baplc\n04/__/90 legal opinion from counsel to fsbu in connection with the execution and delivery of the participation agreement - fsbu\n04/__/90 jaco leveraged lease financing of two ba jetstream aircraft \n04/__/90 legal opinion by baplc's in-house counsel re execution and delivery of the plc agreement baplc\n04/04/90 legal opinion from counsel to cbt re leveraged lease financing of two ba jetstream aircraft cbt\n04/04/90 legal opinion from counsel to pic and nli re the leasing of two jetstream aircraft and participation agreement re same - pic, nli\n08/06/90 assignment and assumption agreement\n- transfer of nli's rights in the 4/2/90 participation agreement, the trust agreement, the trust estate, participation agreement, tax indemnity agreement identified in same to fsbi and fsbi's assumption of nli's obligations\n- fsbi is trustor of trust agreement dated 04/02/90 between nli and fsbu\n- the sole beneficiary of the trust is fsbi nli - fsbi\ncertificate of acting secretary of first security bank of idaho certifying that the assignment and assumption agreement is consistent with fsbi's authorizing resolutions adopted by the board of directors, attached copies of fsbi's articles of association, bylaws, and resolutions adopted on 08/17/90 by fsbi's board. - fsbi\n08/28/89 certificate of comptroller of the currency that fsbi is a national banking association formed under us laws and authorized to transact banking business \n08/17/90 fsbi's officer's certificate and affidavit of citizenship\nfsbi is organized under laws of de, 75% of voting interest of fsbi are owned by citizens of us - fsbi\n08/__/90 affidavit of officer of first security bank of utah (\"fsbu\")\n- fsbu is owner trustee of 2 ba j-3201 aircraft, serial no.s 875 and 878, reg no.s n875ae, n878ae\n- fsbu is a citizen of the united states\n- the sole beneficiary of the trust is now fsbi \n04/04/90 report by independent insurance brokers re jaco-alc subleasing agreement\n- report concludes that insurance carried on the aircraft complies with section 11 of the sublease agreement\n- included certificates of insurance of aircraft hull & liability insurance for both aircraft authored by alexander & alexander, independent aircraft insurance brokers\n\n04/04/90 opinion by sedgwick james, insurance brokers that the insurance carried on aircraft comply with the terms of section 10 of the lease agreement - sedgwick james\n04/04/90 certificate of insurance written by sedgwick james, insurance brokers that sedgwick james has effected insurance on behalf of british aerospace pub. ltd co. and british aerospace inc. for aircraft hull for a maximum amount of $950,000 for both n875ae and n878ae \n08/20/90 letter from nli vp re jaco trust informing all interested parties that fsbi has acquired all the rights and obligations of nli as beneficiary of the trust. \n08/17/90 legal opinion form moffatt, thomas, barrett, rock & fields, that the firm represents fsbi in connection with the assignment agreement, that assignment agreement has been duly authorized, is a valid and binding obligation, and was executed in compliance with applicable federal and state laws \n08/20/90 report by daughtery bradford, fowler & moss that the assignment agreement and all documents attached thereto were filed with the faa \n\namendments to jaco trust no. 32-90-3\n07/13/91 amendment no. 1 to security agreement-trust deed. amended schedule for mandatory prepayments fsbu (trustee under jaco trust no. 32-90-3) - fdic (security trustee)\n07/13/91 amendment no. 1 to lease agreement. amended:\n-schedule of stipulated loss values\n-schedule of termination values\n-schedule of basic rent factors - fsbu - jaco\n07/13/91 amendment no. 1 to plc agreement. amended:\n- equity stipulated loss value schedule bai, fsbi, pic, fsbu, fdic\n07/13/91 jaco's officer's certificate of the lessee responsive to section 6.3(a)(iii) of the security agreement-trust deed stating that weighted average life to maturity of the notes has not been increased by more than 3 months or decreased by more than 9 months. - jaco to fdic, pic\n07/13/91 fsbi's officer's certificate of the trustor responsive to section 6.3(a)(iii) of the security agreement-trust deed stating that weighted average life to maturity of the notes has not been increased by more than 3 months or decreased by more than 9 months. - fsbi to fdic, pic\n07/13/91 authorization and direction of the note purchaser (pli) stating that pli authorizes and directs the fdic to execute & deliver amendment no. 1 pli\n07/13/91 authorization and direction of the trustor stating that fsbi authorizes and directs the fsbu to execute & deliver amendment no. 1 fsbi\n08/29/91 revised amortization schedule for the secured note loan amortization schedule - fsbi - jaco\n\npropeller substitution documents/charge over sale proceeds for jaco trust no. 32-90-3.\n10/10/91 partial release: ncbt executed a partial release in favor of fsbu.\nncbt released replaced propellers from all of the terms and conditions of the security agreement dated 04/02/90 as supplemented on 04/04/90 ncbt - fsbu\n10/10/91 partial lease termination. replaced propellers are released from all of the terms and conditions of the lease agreement dated 04/02/90 - fsbu - jaco\n10/10/91 partial sublease termination for sn 875. \nreplaced propellers are released from all of the terms and conditions of the sublease agreement dated 04/02/90 jaco & alc\n10/10/91 partial sublease termination for sn 878.\nreplaced propellers are released from all of the terms and conditions of the sublease agreement dated 04/02/90 jaco & alc\n10/10/91 security agreement - trust deed supplement no. 2\nfsbu conveys security interest granted in the security agreement - fsbu (owner trustee) and fsbi (security trustee) and ssb (successor security trustee)\n10/10/91\n(recorded\nw/faa on 09/15/92) lease supplement no.2\njaco leases replaced propellers from fsbu - fsbu - jaco\n10/10/91 sublease supplement no. 2 for sn 875\njaco subleases replaced propellers to alc - jaco - alc\n10/10/91 sublease supplement no. 2 for sn 878\njaco subleases replaced propellers to alc - jaco - alc\n10/10/91 acknowledgement signed by jaco - jaco\n10/10/91 officer's certificate of jaco\njaco shall indemnify fsbu and the first national bank of maryland (\"fnbm\") for any adverse tax consequences resulting from the substitution of the propellers\nthe propellers comply with requirements for replacement propellers pursuant to the lease agreement jaco - fsbu\n10/10/91 authorization and direction of documents 1,2,4 & 5 \nfsbi authorizes and directs fsbu to execute partial release, partial release termination, security agreement-trust signed by fsbi - fsbu\n10/10/91 authorization and direction of documents 1 & 4 signed by prudential insurance company of america\npic (holder of secured notes of fsbu) authorizes and directs ncbt to execute and deliver the partial release and accept security agreement-trust deed supplement - pic - ncbt\n10/10/91 authorization and direction of documents 1 & 2 signed by the new connecticut bank & trust co, national prudential insurance company of america\nncbt authorizes and directs fsbu to execute and deliver the partial lease termination and lease agreement supplement - ncbt - fsbu\n10/10/91 bill of sale to jaco. fsbu transfers, releases and assigns to jaco all right, title and interest in fsbu's interest in the replacement propellers - fsbu -jaco\n10/10/91 bill of sale to fsbu. jaco transfers, releases and assigns to fsbu all right, title and interest in fsbu's interest in the replacement propellers - jaco - fsbu\n10/10/91 hire purchase amendment agreement no.1 \nthe replaced propellers are released from the terms and conditions of the transaction documents and the replacement propellers are subjected to the terms and conditions of the transaction documents - bai - slp\n10/10/91 omnibus aircraft lease agreement amendment no.1\nthe replaced propellers are released from the terms and conditions of the transaction documents and the replacement propellers are subjected to the terms and conditions of the transaction documents - bai - slp \n10/10/91 letter re notice of substitution of propellers to irricana ltd.\nnotice of election to deem an of election to deem a casualty occurrence with respect to propeller substitution. from cts to ir \n10/10/91 letter from british aerospace inc re jaco propeller substitution. legal opinion that amendment and omnibus agreement covering replacement propellers is valid and complies with all applicable laws. - bai\n\n12/01/95 index of closing documents \n11/01/95 consent and amendment agreement relating to leveraged lease of two ba jetstream aircraft between fsbi (trustor under the consent and amendment agreement), fsbu (owner-trustee under the consent and amendment agreement), jaco (lessee under the consent and amendment agreement), pic (note purchaser under the consent and amendment agreement), ssb (security trustee under the consent and amendment agreement and the 1995 consent to assignment of charge and escrow agent under the 1995 escrow agreement) bah (assuming obligor under the escrow agreement) baplc (guarantor under the consent and amendment agreement) fsbi, fsbu, jaco, pic, ssb, bah, baplc \n11/01/95 security agreement trust deed supplement no. 3 between fsbu and ssb \n11/30/95 deed of consent (1990aa) to restructuring of the partnership - hkti, cbt, slp, ir, cts, sl, bah, baplc, fsbu, ssb, jaco, pic\n11/30/95 letter of undertaking by cmb to cts, bah, baplc, fsbu, ssb, jaco stating that cmb is the sole beneficiary of the slp - cmb to cts, bah, baplc, fsbu, ssb, jaco\n11/30/95 guarantee by cmb (as trustee of slp) to the guaranteed parties of prompt payment of all present and future obligations under the letter of undertaking, deed of consent, and deed of novation cmb to cts, bah, baplc, fsbu, ssb, jaco\n12/01/95 deed of novation (1990aa) (and amendment of hire purchase agreement and amendment of lease agreement) - cbt, ir, bb, efl, fsbu, ssb, cts, bah, baplc, hkti, hsbc, sl\n12/01/95 charge between cts and fsbu - cts - fsbu\n12/01/95 consent from slp slp\n12/01/95 escrow agreement cbt, ir, bb, efl, fsbu, ssb, cts, bah, baplc, hkti, hsbc, sl\n04/04/90 certificate of aircraft bill of sale \n12/01/95 power of attorney by slp \n04/03/90 ucc original financing statement \n11/09/95 jaco legal opinion re restructuring of the slp \n11/30/95 legal opinion from vedder, price, kaufman, kammholz & day, special counsel to jaco and baplc re the consent and amendment agreement \n12/01/95 legal opinion from daugherty fowler & peregrin, special faa counsel for slp re the consent and amendment agreement \n12/30/95 legal opinion from clare j. wheeler, esq. counsel for bai, re the consent and amendment agreement \n11/29/95 legal opinion from baker & mckenzie, special counsel re the consent and amendment agreement \n11/30/95 legal opinion from freshfields, special counsel to bai in connection with the novation and amendment agreement \n11/30/95 cmb deeds \n11/30/95 legal opinion from mourant de feu & jeune, counsel to cbt re slp \n11/30/95 legal opinion from allen & gledhill, counsel to slp \n11/30/95 legal opinion from freshfields, counsel to slp \n11/30/95 legal opinion from vedder, price, kaufman kammholz & day, special counsel to bai and bah in connection with the novation and amendment agreement \n11/7/95 baplc power of attorney\n\nunwind of the restructuring of the cross border lessor: jaco trust no. 32-90-3 second transfer date: 03/20/98\nindex of closing documents\n03/20/98 jaco leveraged lease financing of two acft - fsb, fstn, jaco, pic, ssb, baplc\n03/02/98 chase bank & trust co. ltd notice of exercise of share put option - cbt to hkti\n3/11/98 fourth supplemental limited partnership deed relating to the partnership deed dated 02/21/90 constituting the streamline leasing limited partnership - hkti, cbt, ir\n03/20/98 limited partnership ordinance, notice of assignment - hkti, cbt, ir, hsbc\n03/11/98 certificate stating that hkti is a reputable. responsible and financially solvent company. \n03/01/98 consent agreement re jaco trust 32-90-3 re deed of novation amendment, the future assignment of charge, and the future consent to assignment of charge in connection with the transactions contemplated by the cross-border deed of novation - jaco, baplc, fsb, pli, ssb\n03/20/98 amendment to deed to novation - jaco, baplc, fsb, pli, ssb\n03/20/98 fifth supplemental ltd partnership deed - cbt, ir, hkti\n03/20/98 charge (1990aa) over rights to sales proceeds of 2 ba jetstream 3200 - slp, cts\n03/20/98 assignment of charge (1990aa) for 2 ba jetstream 3200 slp, cts, fstn\nundated aircraft bill of sale, warranty and termination of lease period - slp, cts, fstn\n03/20/98 power of attorney slp, cts, fstn\n03/20/98 consent (1990aa) to charge relating to 2 ba jetstream 3200 - cts, fstn, ssb\n03/20/98 certificate stating that irricana ltd is a reputable, responsible, and financially solvent company to cts, ba, baplc, fstn, ssb, jaco\n03/20/98 notice (1990aa) charge of sales proceeds relating to 2 ba jetstream 3200 - from slp to bah, fstn, ssb\n03/20/98 form 2 limited partnership ordinance, notice of change in the limited partnership slp\n03/20/98 confirmation from owner/lessee parties that each of the conditions precedent referred to in clause 5.02 of the agreement has been satisfied or waived - cts bah baplc, fstn, ssb, jaco to hkti, cbt, slp, ir, sl\n\n03/24/98 state corporation commission from va \n03/30/90 cr: mortgage or charge details \n03/20/98 ltr from jaco re unwind of restructuring of the streamline leasing ltd partnership - jaco to fsb, pic, fstn, ssb\n03/20/98 ltr from vedder price re unwind of restructuring of the streamline ltd partnership - fsb, pic, fstn, ssb\n03/20/98 legal opinion from daughtery, fowler, & peregrin that amendment is suitable for recording to csb, ir, bb\n03/20/98 ltr from bai providing legal opinion re jaco trust 32-90-3 to fsb, pic, fstn, ssb\n03/20/98 ltr from baker & mckenzie providing legal opinion re streamline leasing limited partnership (addressees not provided) \n03/20/98 companies ordinance certificate of registration \n\n09/01/01 operating lease assignment and assumption agreement (assignment from corporate flight management to corporate airlines, jaco, lessor) cfm - ca - jaco\n09/01/01 amendment no.1 to operating lease for ba jetstream 3200 n875jx jaco (lessor) - ca (lessee)\n09/01/01 amendment no.1 to the commercial supplement to the operating lease for ba jetstream 3200 n875jx jaco (lessor) - ca (lessee)\n09/01/01 aircraft delivery receipt - jaco (lessor) - ca (lessee)\n09/19/01 confirmation memorandum from law office that n875jx with 2 garrett airesearch tpe-331-12uar-701h aircraft engines, and 2 mccauley hfr34c653 aircraft propellers were filed with the faa - internal memorandum: law firm of daugherty, fowler, peregrin & haught\n04/01/00 operating lease for ba jetstream 3200 n875jx jaco - cfm\n04/01/00 acceptance supplement - jaco - cfm\n04/01/00 commercial supplement - jaco - cfm\n04/01/00 certificate of insurance and broker's letter - jaco - cfm\n04/01/00 original financing statements with exhibits - jaco - cfm\n04/01/00 index states legal opinion, however, this document was not included - jaco - cfm \n04/01/00 delivery receipt - jaco - cfm\n04/01/00 confirmation memorandum as issued by faa counsel - jaco - cfm \n\n \nlegend:\namr: amr leasing corporation\nbah: british aerospace holdings, inc.\nbai: british aerospace inc.\nbaplc: british aerospace public limited company\nbb: barclays bank plc\nca: corporate airlines\ncbt: chase bank & trust\ncfm: corporate flight management, inc.\ncmb: chase manhattan bank\ncts: ct special corp.\nefl: eagle financial and leasing ltd.\nfdic: federal deposit insurance corporation\nfsb: first security bank, national association\nfsbi: first security bank of idaho\nfsbu: first security bank of utah\nfstn: first security trust company of nevada\nhkti: hong kong telecom international\nhsbc: hsbc investment bank asia ltd.\nir: irricana limited\njaco: jet acceptance corporation\nncbt: new connecticut bank & trust company\nnli: ncnb lease investments\npic: prudential insurance company\nsl: silesia limited\nslp: streamline leasing limited partnership\nssb: state street bank\ntlc: tracey leasing corporation\nwfb: wells fargo bank, national association\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n",
  137096. "8/7/2006",
  137097. "nan",
  137098. "randal r., jr. craft",
  137099. "nan",
  137100. "nan",
  137101. "inmagic: id d33489",
  137102. "new york city",
  137103. "731652",
  137104. "9/22/2009",
  137105. "nan",
  137106. "nan",
  137107. "nan",
  137108. "nan",
  137109. "nan",
  137110. "nan",
  137111. "nan",
  137112. "nan",
  137113. "nan",
  137114. "nan",
  137115. "nan",
  137116. "nan",
  137117. "nan",
  137118. "nan",
  137119. "nan",
  137120. "nan",
  137121. "nan",
  137122. "nan",
  137123. "nan",
  137124. "nan",
  137125. "nan",
  137126. "nan"
  137127. ],
  137128. [
  137129. "509921",
  137130. "00042",
  137131. "bae systems, inc.",
  137132. "bae systems, inc. / ridgedell asbestos claim",
  137133. "active file",
  137134. "nan",
  137135. "correspondence// courtclip// discovery// rfp vol. 1-3// document clip// working papers// drafts// extra copies// memoranda\nlyle ridgedell transcripts vol. 2 - 4 condensed - copy & certified copy \nlyle ridgedell transcripts vol. 1 condensed copy only \nmary ridgedell transcript vol. 1 condensed copy & certified copy",
  137136. "12/9/2010",
  137137. "nan",
  137138. "alan j. watson",
  137139. "on-site/secretary",
  137140. "nan",
  137141. "<ethical wall applied on: 8/26/2014>",
  137142. "los angeles",
  137143. "1733866",
  137144. "11/22/2013",
  137145. "nan",
  137146. "nan",
  137147. "nan",
  137148. "nan",
  137149. "nan",
  137150. "nan",
  137151. "nan",
  137152. "nan",
  137153. "nan",
  137154. "nan",
  137155. "nan",
  137156. "nan",
  137157. "nan",
  137158. "nan",
  137159. "nan",
  137160. "nan",
  137161. "nan",
  137162. "nan",
  137163. "nan",
  137164. "nan",
  137165. "nan",
  137166. "nan"
  137167. ],
  137168. [
  137169. "513111",
  137170. "00001",
  137171. "bashaw, steven p.c.",
  137172. "misc. general matters",
  137173. "546387201",
  137174. "nan",
  137175. "william e. wagner (no client #) \nre: fdic v. wm. wagner",
  137176. "19961104",
  137177. "11586",
  137178. "merger chicago-mbc",
  137179. "nan",
  137180. "nan",
  137181. "steven b. bashaw's file",
  137182. "chicago",
  137183. "1307375",
  137184. "7/27/2001",
  137185. "nan",
  137186. "nan",
  137187. "nan",
  137188. "nan",
  137189. "nan",
  137190. "nan",
  137191. "nan",
  137192. "nan",
  137193. "nan",
  137194. "nan",
  137195. "nan",
  137196. "nan",
  137197. "nan",
  137198. "nan",
  137199. "nan",
  137200. "nan",
  137201. "nan",
  137202. "nan",
  137203. "nan",
  137204. "nan",
  137205. "nan",
  137206. "nan"
  137207. ],
  137208. [
  137209. "516420",
  137210. "00066",
  137211. "builders bank",
  137212. "internet banking agreement",
  137213. "613868562",
  137214. "analysis",
  137215. "correspondence, electronic transfer agreement, website & privacy policy (builders bank), competitor's privacy & security policies, fdic - safe internet banking, drafts",
  137216. "7/12/2016",
  137217. "nan",
  137218. "david s. mann",
  137219. "off-site",
  137220. "mann david",
  137221. "correspondence, electronic transfer agreement, website & privacy policy (builders bank), competitor's privacy & security policies, fdic - safe internet banking, drafts////",
  137222. "chicago",
  137223. "2508939",
  137224. "1/12/2012",
  137225. "nan",
  137226. "nan",
  137227. "nan",
  137228. "nan",
  137229. "nan",
  137230. "nan",
  137231. "nan",
  137232. "nan",
  137233. "nan",
  137234. "nan",
  137235. "nan",
  137236. "nan",
  137237. "nan",
  137238. "nan",
  137239. "nan",
  137240. "nan",
  137241. "nan",
  137242. "nan",
  137243. "nan",
  137244. "nan",
  137245. "nan",
  137246. "nan"
  137247. ],
  137248. [
  137249. "516420",
  137250. "00001",
  137251. "builders bank",
  137252. "general",
  137253. "613868564",
  137254. "client documents",
  137255. "2010 fdic and state of il consent order",
  137256. "7/14/2016",
  137257. "nan",
  137258. "david s. mann",
  137259. "off-site",
  137260. "mann david",
  137261. "2010 fdic and state of il consent order//",
  137262. "chicago",
  137263. "2509720",
  137264. "nan",
  137265. "nan",
  137266. "nan",
  137267. "nan",
  137268. "nan",
  137269. "nan",
  137270. "nan",
  137271. "nan",
  137272. "nan",
  137273. "nan",
  137274. "nan",
  137275. "nan",
  137276. "nan",
  137277. "nan",
  137278. "nan",
  137279. "nan",
  137280. "nan",
  137281. "nan",
  137282. "nan",
  137283. "nan",
  137284. "nan",
  137285. "nan",
  137286. "nan"
  137287. ],
  137288. [
  137289. "5177",
  137290. "1",
  137291. "bond e j mrs",
  137292. "71 contract with dortch",
  137293. "tcf0002883",
  137294. "nan",
  137295. "nan",
  137296. "06/20/2001",
  137297. "aa2524",
  137298. "jsn",
  137299. "nan",
  137300. "nan",
  137301. "seq: 0106",
  137302. "tampa",
  137303. "153668",
  137304. "nan",
  137305. "nan",
  137306. "nan",
  137307. "nan",
  137308. "nan",
  137309. "nan",
  137310. "nan",
  137311. "nan",
  137312. "nan",
  137313. "nan",
  137314. "nan",
  137315. "nan",
  137316. "nan",
  137317. "nan",
  137318. "nan",
  137319. "nan",
  137320. "nan",
  137321. "nan",
  137322. "nan",
  137323. "nan",
  137324. "nan",
  137325. "nan",
  137326. "nan"
  137327. ],
  137328. [
  137329. "518556",
  137330. "00002",
  137331. "sandstone resources, inc.",
  137332. "loan restructuring",
  137333. "546302779",
  137334. "nan",
  137335. "cardinal oil: fdic",
  137336. "8/06/1998",
  137337. "13124",
  137338. "merger chicago-mbc",
  137339. "off-site",
  137340. "matsakis elias",
  137341. "<pickens kane>",
  137342. "chicago",
  137343. "1313552",
  137344. "12/1/1983",
  137345. "nan",
  137346. "nan",
  137347. "nan",
  137348. "nan",
  137349. "nan",
  137350. "nan",
  137351. "nan",
  137352. "nan",
  137353. "nan",
  137354. "nan",
  137355. "nan",
  137356. "nan",
  137357. "nan",
  137358. "nan",
  137359. "nan",
  137360. "nan",
  137361. "nan",
  137362. "nan",
  137363. "nan",
  137364. "nan",
  137365. "nan",
  137366. "nan"
  137367. ],
  137368. [
  137369. "52101",
  137370. "2",
  137371. "hemisphere key consulting, llc",
  137372. "none",
  137373. "489565449",
  137374. "nan",
  137375. "6/27/00 - bylaws for surinamese recovery corporation; articles of incorporation for surinamese recovery corporation; suriname investment act; law revision matters - central bank suriname correspondence; rtc research; surinamese recovery corporation; terms of reference",
  137376. "7/3/2000",
  137377. "608045",
  137378. "faigenblat frances",
  137379. "nan",
  137380. "nan",
  137381. " hk box: 23626",
  137382. "miami",
  137383. "639582",
  137384. "nan",
  137385. "nan",
  137386. "nan",
  137387. "nan",
  137388. "nan",
  137389. "nan",
  137390. "nan",
  137391. "nan",
  137392. "nan",
  137393. "nan",
  137394. "nan",
  137395. "nan",
  137396. "nan",
  137397. "nan",
  137398. "nan",
  137399. "nan",
  137400. "nan",
  137401. "nan",
  137402. "nan",
  137403. "nan",
  137404. "nan",
  137405. "nan",
  137406. "nan"
  137407. ],
  137408. [
  137409. "52281",
  137410. "1",
  137411. "first trust of new york",
  137412. "southeast banking",
  137413. "491604435",
  137414. "nan",
  137415. "box 3\n1. hearing notebook re: southeast fee applications 12/20/99 @ 9:30 am \n2. hearing notebook re: motion to approve settlement with fdic 01/22/98 @ 9:30 am\n3. exhibit register re: motion to approve settlement of all litigation with and release of all claims against federal deposit insurance corporation\n4. hearing notebook re: motion to approve settlement w/fdic hearing before judge hyman 01/22/98 @ 9:30 am\n5. trial notebook re: 10/04/99 @ 9:30 am \n6. trial notebook re: pre-hearing conference 01/22/98 @ 9:30 am (hearing date (02/19 � 02/20 1998)\n7. trial notebook re: emergency motion of chase for stay of order directing interim distribution of funds",
  137416. "7/31/2002",
  137417. "11176495",
  137418. "rasile, craig",
  137419. "nan",
  137420. "nan",
  137421. " hk box: 28328",
  137422. "miami",
  137423. "687463",
  137424. "nan",
  137425. "nan",
  137426. "nan",
  137427. "nan",
  137428. "nan",
  137429. "nan",
  137430. "nan",
  137431. "nan",
  137432. "nan",
  137433. "nan",
  137434. "nan",
  137435. "nan",
  137436. "nan",
  137437. "nan",
  137438. "nan",
  137439. "nan",
  137440. "nan",
  137441. "nan",
  137442. "nan",
  137443. "nan",
  137444. "nan",
  137445. "nan",
  137446. "nan"
  137447. ],
  137448. [
  137449. "52281",
  137450. "1",
  137451. "first trust of new york",
  137452. "southeast banking",
  137453. "491604448",
  137454. "nan",
  137455. "box 8\ndrafts:\n1. orders\n2. fdic settlement order\n3. drafts\n4. renewed motion for protective\n5. order\n6. instruction letter\n7. drafts\n8. copies of pleadings\n9. copy � trustee's summary of interim asset\n10. report for the period ending 09/30/97",
  137456. "7/31/2002",
  137457. "11176500",
  137458. "rasile, craig",
  137459. "nan",
  137460. "nan",
  137461. " hk box: 28333",
  137462. "miami",
  137463. "687467",
  137464. "nan",
  137465. "nan",
  137466. "nan",
  137467. "nan",
  137468. "nan",
  137469. "nan",
  137470. "nan",
  137471. "nan",
  137472. "nan",
  137473. "nan",
  137474. "nan",
  137475. "nan",
  137476. "nan",
  137477. "nan",
  137478. "nan",
  137479. "nan",
  137480. "nan",
  137481. "nan",
  137482. "nan",
  137483. "nan",
  137484. "nan",
  137485. "nan",
  137486. "nan"
  137487. ],
  137488. [
  137489. "52281",
  137490. "1",
  137491. "first trust of new york",
  137492. "southeast banking",
  137493. "491604434",
  137494. "nan",
  137495. "box 12\n1. docket sheets for various appeals (mdl)\n2. first trust production of documents filed under seal \n3. documents produced by ad hoc committee\n4. third interim dist. bond-holder package � lt\n5. privilege log\n6. newspaper articles\n7. fdic settlement\n8. indenture act\n9. opinion appeal\n10. aguilar vs. southeast bank\n11. william brandt v. lazard freres\n12. beck v. lazard freres (case no. 97-5485)\n13. fee applications\n14. trial notebook re: hearing on trustee's motion for authority to dismiss claims against individual steel, hector, & davis without prejudice",
  137496. "7/31/2002",
  137497. "11176504",
  137498. "rasile, craig",
  137499. "nan",
  137500. "nan",
  137501. " hk box: 28337",
  137502. "miami",
  137503. "687471",
  137504. "nan",
  137505. "nan",
  137506. "nan",
  137507. "nan",
  137508. "nan",
  137509. "nan",
  137510. "nan",
  137511. "nan",
  137512. "nan",
  137513. "nan",
  137514. "nan",
  137515. "nan",
  137516. "nan",
  137517. "nan",
  137518. "nan",
  137519. "nan",
  137520. "nan",
  137521. "nan",
  137522. "nan",
  137523. "nan",
  137524. "nan",
  137525. "nan",
  137526. "nan"
  137527. ],
  137528. [
  137529. "52281",
  137530. "1",
  137531. "first trust of new york",
  137532. "re: southeast banking",
  137533. "460601495",
  137534. "nan",
  137535. "removal of trustee process � correspondence volume 1; removal of trustee process � attorney notes; removal of trustee process � drafts of scheduling order for trial; billing; correspondence volume 1 re: chemical bank v. first trust (97-4436); correspondence volume 2 re: chemical bank v. first trust (97-4436); correspondence volume 1 re: chase manhattan v. elliot associates (distribution order appeal); fdic settlement correspondence; robbins v. brandt; copy- record excerpts (chemical bank v. first trust of new york); copy � reply brief of apellants (chemical bank v. first trust of new york: 97-4436 appeal) ; copy � brief of defendant (chemical bank v. first trust of new york: 97-4436 appeal) ; copy- apellees' appendix of statutes and unpublished case (chemical bank v. first trust of new york: 97-4436 appeal) ; brief of plaintiff's-apellants (the chase manhattan bank & gabriel capital ; chemical bank vs. first trust of new york); copy- memo of law in opposition to motion of the chase manhattan bank for stay pending appeal ; william brandt background investigation ; brief of apellants; privileged documents of first trust: motion to remove trustee; state of florida v. william brandt: pleadings",
  137536. "7/31/2001",
  137537. "11176506",
  137538. "rasile craig",
  137539. "nan",
  137540. "nan",
  137541. " hk box: 28339",
  137542. "miami",
  137543. "687521",
  137544. "nan",
  137545. "nan",
  137546. "nan",
  137547. "nan",
  137548. "nan",
  137549. "nan",
  137550. "nan",
  137551. "nan",
  137552. "nan",
  137553. "nan",
  137554. "nan",
  137555. "nan",
  137556. "nan",
  137557. "nan",
  137558. "nan",
  137559. "nan",
  137560. "nan",
  137561. "nan",
  137562. "nan",
  137563. "nan",
  137564. "nan",
  137565. "nan",
  137566. "nan"
  137567. ],
  137568. [
  137569. "5248",
  137570. "6",
  137571. "swezy/oasis adv. rtc",
  137572. "none",
  137573. "652599544",
  137574. "nan",
  137575. "6/4/96 - correspondence",
  137576. "6/13/1996",
  137577. "335797",
  137578. "hoffman stuart",
  137579. "nan",
  137580. "nan",
  137581. " hk box: 13396",
  137582. "miami",
  137583. "652313",
  137584. "nan",
  137585. "nan",
  137586. "nan",
  137587. "nan",
  137588. "nan",
  137589. "nan",
  137590. "nan",
  137591. "nan",
  137592. "nan",
  137593. "nan",
  137594. "nan",
  137595. "nan",
  137596. "nan",
  137597. "nan",
  137598. "nan",
  137599. "nan",
  137600. "nan",
  137601. "nan",
  137602. "nan",
  137603. "nan",
  137604. "nan",
  137605. "nan",
  137606. "nan"
  137607. ],
  137608. [
  137609. "525238",
  137610. "00001",
  137611. "klafter, david s.",
  137612. " fdic",
  137613. "272425108",
  137614. "nan",
  137615. "525238.00001 klafter - rsr - gsy \noffering plan",
  137616. "6/2/2004",
  137617. "nan",
  137618. "robert s. robbin",
  137619. "nan",
  137620. "nan",
  137621. "inmagic: id 35349",
  137622. "new york city",
  137623. "755832",
  137624. "4/24/2003",
  137625. "nan",
  137626. "nan",
  137627. "nan",
  137628. "nan",
  137629. "nan",
  137630. "nan",
  137631. "nan",
  137632. "nan",
  137633. "nan",
  137634. "nan",
  137635. "nan",
  137636. "nan",
  137637. "nan",
  137638. "nan",
  137639. "nan",
  137640. "nan",
  137641. "nan",
  137642. "nan",
  137643. "nan",
  137644. "nan",
  137645. "nan",
  137646. "nan"
  137647. ],
  137648. [
  137649. "53246",
  137650. "1",
  137651. "adler, morris",
  137652. "fdic",
  137653. "nan",
  137654. "nan",
  137655. "---------",
  137656. "12/30/1998",
  137657. "nan",
  137658. "weiss, stephen j.",
  137659. "vendor transition",
  137660. "nan",
  137661. "barcode: 100001592 + file status: in",
  137662. "washington d.c",
  137663. "1386787",
  137664. "nan",
  137665. "nan",
  137666. "nan",
  137667. "nan",
  137668. "nan",
  137669. "nan",
  137670. "nan",
  137671. "nan",
  137672. "nan",
  137673. "nan",
  137674. "nan",
  137675. "nan",
  137676. "nan",
  137677. "nan",
  137678. "nan",
  137679. "nan",
  137680. "nan",
  137681. "nan",
  137682. "nan",
  137683. "nan",
  137684. "nan",
  137685. "nan",
  137686. "nan"
  137687. ],
  137688. [
  137689. "53246",
  137690. "1",
  137691. "adler, morris",
  137692. "general",
  137693. "798-4504",
  137694. "nan",
  137695. "chestnut brown-fdic--------",
  137696. "8/11/1998",
  137697. "798-4504",
  137698. "weiss, stephen j.",
  137699. "nan",
  137700. "nan",
  137701. "barcode: 100032091 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4504 + emp name: recall 4504 recall box 4504",
  137702. "washington d.c",
  137703. "1412507",
  137704. "nan",
  137705. "nan",
  137706. "nan",
  137707. "nan",
  137708. "nan",
  137709. "nan",
  137710. "nan",
  137711. "nan",
  137712. "nan",
  137713. "nan",
  137714. "nan",
  137715. "nan",
  137716. "nan",
  137717. "nan",
  137718. "nan",
  137719. "nan",
  137720. "nan",
  137721. "nan",
  137722. "nan",
  137723. "nan",
  137724. "nan",
  137725. "nan",
  137726. "nan"
  137727. ],
  137728. [
  137729. "53611",
  137730. "2",
  137731. "state street bank",
  137732. "fdic claim",
  137733. "nan",
  137734. "nan",
  137735. "---------",
  137736. "4/21/1998",
  137737. "nan",
  137738. "holman, craig",
  137739. "vendor transition",
  137740. "nan",
  137741. "barcode: 100001602 + file status: in",
  137742. "washington d.c",
  137743. "1386797",
  137744. "nan",
  137745. "nan",
  137746. "nan",
  137747. "nan",
  137748. "nan",
  137749. "nan",
  137750. "nan",
  137751. "nan",
  137752. "nan",
  137753. "nan",
  137754. "nan",
  137755. "nan",
  137756. "nan",
  137757. "nan",
  137758. "nan",
  137759. "nan",
  137760. "nan",
  137761. "nan",
  137762. "nan",
  137763. "nan",
  137764. "nan",
  137765. "nan",
  137766. "nan"
  137767. ],
  137768. [
  137769. "53611",
  137770. "2",
  137771. "state street bank",
  137772. "fdic",
  137773. "nan",
  137774. "nan",
  137775. "---------",
  137776. "7/13/1998",
  137777. "nan",
  137778. "stephenson, andre",
  137779. "vendor transition",
  137780. "nan",
  137781. "barcode: 100001603 + file status: in",
  137782. "washington d.c",
  137783. "1386798",
  137784. "nan",
  137785. "nan",
  137786. "nan",
  137787. "nan",
  137788. "nan",
  137789. "nan",
  137790. "nan",
  137791. "nan",
  137792. "nan",
  137793. "nan",
  137794. "nan",
  137795. "nan",
  137796. "nan",
  137797. "nan",
  137798. "nan",
  137799. "nan",
  137800. "nan",
  137801. "nan",
  137802. "nan",
  137803. "nan",
  137804. "nan",
  137805. "nan",
  137806. "nan"
  137807. ],
  137808. [
  137809. "53611",
  137810. "2",
  137811. "state street bank",
  137812. "fdic",
  137813. "489698461",
  137814. "nan",
  137815. "chestnut brown-nc cta/ accountant--------",
  137816. "10/6/1997",
  137817. "798-4504",
  137818. "metzger, david p.",
  137819. "nan",
  137820. "nan",
  137821. "barcode: 100032108 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4504 + emp name: recall 4504 recall box 4504",
  137822. "tysons",
  137823. "1412524",
  137824. "nan",
  137825. "nan",
  137826. "nan",
  137827. "nan",
  137828. "nan",
  137829. "nan",
  137830. "nan",
  137831. "nan",
  137832. "nan",
  137833. "nan",
  137834. "nan",
  137835. "nan",
  137836. "nan",
  137837. "nan",
  137838. "nan",
  137839. "nan",
  137840. "nan",
  137841. "nan",
  137842. "nan",
  137843. "nan",
  137844. "nan",
  137845. "nan",
  137846. "nan"
  137847. ],
  137848. [
  137849. "53611",
  137850. "2",
  137851. "state street bank",
  137852. "fdic claim",
  137853. "798-4504",
  137854. "nan",
  137855. "expand blue-research - eq. adj. cases-******file destroyed 02/13/07******-------",
  137856. "11/18/1997",
  137857. "798-4504",
  137858. "holman, craig",
  137859. "nan",
  137860. "nan",
  137861. "barcode: 100032110 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4504 + emp name: recall 4504 recall box 4504",
  137862. "washington d.c",
  137863. "1412526",
  137864. "nan",
  137865. "nan",
  137866. "nan",
  137867. "nan",
  137868. "nan",
  137869. "nan",
  137870. "nan",
  137871. "nan",
  137872. "nan",
  137873. "nan",
  137874. "nan",
  137875. "nan",
  137876. "nan",
  137877. "nan",
  137878. "nan",
  137879. "nan",
  137880. "nan",
  137881. "nan",
  137882. "nan",
  137883. "nan",
  137884. "nan",
  137885. "nan",
  137886. "nan"
  137887. ],
  137888. [
  137889. "53611",
  137890. "2",
  137891. "state street bank",
  137892. "fdic claim",
  137893. "798-4504",
  137894. "nan",
  137895. "expand blue-research - fdic enabling legis.-******file destroyed 02/13/07******-------",
  137896. "11/14/1997",
  137897. "798-4504",
  137898. "holman, craig",
  137899. "nan",
  137900. "nan",
  137901. "barcode: 100032111 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4504 + emp name: recall 4504 recall box 4504",
  137902. "washington d.c",
  137903. "1412527",
  137904. "nan",
  137905. "nan",
  137906. "nan",
  137907. "nan",
  137908. "nan",
  137909. "nan",
  137910. "nan",
  137911. "nan",
  137912. "nan",
  137913. "nan",
  137914. "nan",
  137915. "nan",
  137916. "nan",
  137917. "nan",
  137918. "nan",
  137919. "nan",
  137920. "nan",
  137921. "nan",
  137922. "nan",
  137923. "nan",
  137924. "nan",
  137925. "nan",
  137926. "nan"
  137927. ],
  137928. [
  137929. "53611",
  137930. "2",
  137931. "state street bank",
  137932. "fdic claim",
  137933. "489692689",
  137934. "nan",
  137935. "expand blue-research - general interest/commercial actions--------",
  137936. "11/18/1997",
  137937. "798-4505",
  137938. "holman, craig",
  137939. "nan",
  137940. "nan",
  137941. "barcode: 100032112 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4505 + emp name: recall 4505 recall box 4505",
  137942. "washington d.c",
  137943. "1412528",
  137944. "nan",
  137945. "nan",
  137946. "nan",
  137947. "nan",
  137948. "nan",
  137949. "nan",
  137950. "nan",
  137951. "nan",
  137952. "nan",
  137953. "nan",
  137954. "nan",
  137955. "nan",
  137956. "nan",
  137957. "nan",
  137958. "nan",
  137959. "nan",
  137960. "nan",
  137961. "nan",
  137962. "nan",
  137963. "nan",
  137964. "nan",
  137965. "nan",
  137966. "nan"
  137967. ],
  137968. [
  137969. "53611",
  137970. "2",
  137971. "state street bank",
  137972. "fdic claim",
  137973. "489692689",
  137974. "nan",
  137975. "expand blue-research - ppa--------",
  137976. "12/12/1989",
  137977. "798-4505",
  137978. "holman, craig",
  137979. "nan",
  137980. "nan",
  137981. "barcode: 100032113 + file location: off-site + file status: out + emp id no: 798-4505 + emp name: recall 4505 recall box 4505",
  137982. "washington d.c",
  137983. "1412529",
  137984. "nan",
  137985. "nan",
  137986. "nan",
  137987. "nan",
  137988. "nan",
  137989. "nan",
  137990. "nan",
  137991. "nan",
  137992. "nan",
  137993. "nan",
  137994. "nan",
  137995. "nan",
  137996. "nan",
  137997. "nan",
  137998. "nan",
  137999. "nan",
  138000. "nan",
  138001. "nan",
  138002. "nan",
  138003. "nan",
  138004. "nan",
  138005. "nan",
  138006. "nan"
  138007. ],
  138008. [
  138009. "53651",
  138010. "1",
  138011. "vsl corp.",
  138012. "burtco",
  138013. "nan",
  138014. "nan",
  138015. "expand brown-working file--------",
  138016. "12/18/2000",
  138017. "nan",
  138018. "lear, richard e.",
  138019. "vendor transition",
  138020. "nan",
  138021. "barcode: 100018096 + secretay/other: matthew tsien + records assistant: matthew tsien + file status: in",
  138022. "washington d.c",
  138023. "1401803",
  138024. "nan",
  138025. "nan",
  138026. "nan",
  138027. "nan",
  138028. "nan",
  138029. "nan",
  138030. "nan",
  138031. "nan",
  138032. "nan",
  138033. "nan",
  138034. "nan",
  138035. "nan",
  138036. "nan",
  138037. "nan",
  138038. "nan",
  138039. "nan",
  138040. "nan",
  138041. "nan",
  138042. "nan",
  138043. "nan",
  138044. "nan",
  138045. "nan",
  138046. "nan"
  138047. ],
  138048. [
  138049. "548002",
  138050. "00001",
  138051. "keldermans, francis l.",
  138052. "miscellaneous general matters",
  138053. "546305584",
  138054. "nan",
  138055. "folder: rtc applications & data.",
  138056. "04/26/2000",
  138057. "14793",
  138058. "francis l. keldermans",
  138059. "off-site",
  138060. "keldermans francis",
  138061. "<pickens kane>",
  138062. "chicago",
  138063. "1318077",
  138064. "12/2/2002",
  138065. "nan",
  138066. "nan",
  138067. "nan",
  138068. "nan",
  138069. "nan",
  138070. "nan",
  138071. "nan",
  138072. "nan",
  138073. "nan",
  138074. "nan",
  138075. "nan",
  138076. "nan",
  138077. "nan",
  138078. "nan",
  138079. "nan",
  138080. "nan",
  138081. "nan",
  138082. "nan",
  138083. "nan",
  138084. "nan",
  138085. "nan",
  138086. "nan"
  138087. ],
  138088. [
  138089. "552785",
  138090. "00001",
  138091. "leadership foundation, inc.,",
  138092. "general corporate",
  138093. "546296632",
  138094. "nan",
  138095. "fdic matter.",
  138096. "6/21/1995",
  138097. "10278",
  138098. "g. gale roberson, jr.",
  138099. "off-site",
  138100. "ordman morgan",
  138101. "<pickens kane> //",
  138102. "chicago",
  138103. "1304123",
  138104. "2/25/1993",
  138105. "nan",
  138106. "nan",
  138107. "nan",
  138108. "nan",
  138109. "nan",
  138110. "nan",
  138111. "nan",
  138112. "nan",
  138113. "nan",
  138114. "nan",
  138115. "nan",
  138116. "nan",
  138117. "nan",
  138118. "nan",
  138119. "nan",
  138120. "nan",
  138121. "nan",
  138122. "nan",
  138123. "nan",
  138124. "nan",
  138125. "nan",
  138126. "nan"
  138127. ],
  138128. [
  138129. "564030",
  138130. "00048",
  138131. "marquette bank",
  138132. "dinovella atm lease review",
  138133. "633155297",
  138134. "working papers",
  138135. "a. frink / 7600 w. 111th street, palos heights, il atm lease review file: correspondence, founder's bank lease, fdic release letter, miscellaneous.",
  138136. "4/12/2012",
  138137. "nan",
  138138. "francis l. keldermans",
  138139. "off-site",
  138140. "keldermans francis",
  138141. "nan",
  138142. "chicago",
  138143. "1837500",
  138144. "11/22/2013",
  138145. "nan",
  138146. "nan",
  138147. "nan",
  138148. "nan",
  138149. "nan",
  138150. "nan",
  138151. "nan",
  138152. "nan",
  138153. "nan",
  138154. "nan",
  138155. "nan",
  138156. "nan",
  138157. "nan",
  138158. "nan",
  138159. "nan",
  138160. "nan",
  138161. "nan",
  138162. "nan",
  138163. "nan",
  138164. "nan",
  138165. "nan",
  138166. "nan"
  138167. ],
  138168. [
  138169. "56844",
  138170. "nan",
  138171. "whitman & ransom",
  138172. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138173. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138174. "nan",
  138175. "acco-black ltr-various letters relating to matter working binder--------",
  138176. "1/10/2001",
  138177. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138178. "wolk, lawrence",
  138179. "nan",
  138180. "nan",
  138181. "barcode: 100031890 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138182. "washington d.c",
  138183. "1412307",
  138184. "nan",
  138185. "nan",
  138186. "nan",
  138187. "nan",
  138188. "nan",
  138189. "nan",
  138190. "nan",
  138191. "nan",
  138192. "nan",
  138193. "nan",
  138194. "nan",
  138195. "nan",
  138196. "nan",
  138197. "nan",
  138198. "nan",
  138199. "nan",
  138200. "nan",
  138201. "nan",
  138202. "nan",
  138203. "nan",
  138204. "nan",
  138205. "nan",
  138206. "nan"
  138207. ],
  138208. [
  138209. "56844",
  138210. "nan",
  138211. "whitman & ransom",
  138212. "fdic & rtc audits",
  138213. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138214. "nan",
  138215. "chestnut brown-correspondence--------",
  138216. "1/10/2001",
  138217. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138218. "wolk, lawrence",
  138219. "nan",
  138220. "nan",
  138221. "barcode: 100032251 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138222. "washington d.c",
  138223. "1412666",
  138224. "nan",
  138225. "nan",
  138226. "nan",
  138227. "nan",
  138228. "nan",
  138229. "nan",
  138230. "nan",
  138231. "nan",
  138232. "nan",
  138233. "nan",
  138234. "nan",
  138235. "nan",
  138236. "nan",
  138237. "nan",
  138238. "nan",
  138239. "nan",
  138240. "nan",
  138241. "nan",
  138242. "nan",
  138243. "nan",
  138244. "nan",
  138245. "nan",
  138246. "nan"
  138247. ],
  138248. [
  138249. "56844",
  138250. "nan",
  138251. "whitman & ransom",
  138252. "fdic & rtc audits",
  138253. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138254. "nan",
  138255. "chestnut brown-correspondence--------",
  138256. "1/8/2001",
  138257. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138258. "wolk, lawrence",
  138259. "nan",
  138260. "nan",
  138261. "barcode: 100032252 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138262. "washington d.c",
  138263. "1412667",
  138264. "nan",
  138265. "nan",
  138266. "nan",
  138267. "nan",
  138268. "nan",
  138269. "nan",
  138270. "nan",
  138271. "nan",
  138272. "nan",
  138273. "nan",
  138274. "nan",
  138275. "nan",
  138276. "nan",
  138277. "nan",
  138278. "nan",
  138279. "nan",
  138280. "nan",
  138281. "nan",
  138282. "nan",
  138283. "nan",
  138284. "nan",
  138285. "nan",
  138286. "nan"
  138287. ],
  138288. [
  138289. "56844",
  138290. "nan",
  138291. "whitman & ransom",
  138292. "fdic & rtc audits",
  138293. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138294. "nan",
  138295. "chestnut brown-correspondence--------",
  138296. "1/10/2001",
  138297. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138298. "wolk, lawrence",
  138299. "nan",
  138300. "nan",
  138301. "barcode: 100032253 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138302. "washington d.c",
  138303. "1412668",
  138304. "nan",
  138305. "nan",
  138306. "nan",
  138307. "nan",
  138308. "nan",
  138309. "nan",
  138310. "nan",
  138311. "nan",
  138312. "nan",
  138313. "nan",
  138314. "nan",
  138315. "nan",
  138316. "nan",
  138317. "nan",
  138318. "nan",
  138319. "nan",
  138320. "nan",
  138321. "nan",
  138322. "nan",
  138323. "nan",
  138324. "nan",
  138325. "nan",
  138326. "nan"
  138327. ],
  138328. [
  138329. "56844",
  138330. "nan",
  138331. "whitman & ransom",
  138332. "fdic & rtc audits",
  138333. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138334. "nan",
  138335. "expansion blue-7/20/98 letter from metzger to karjala w/bates stamped enclo--------",
  138336. "1/10/2001",
  138337. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138338. "wolk, lawrence",
  138339. "nan",
  138340. "nan",
  138341. "barcode: 100032254 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138342. "washington d.c",
  138343. "1412669",
  138344. "nan",
  138345. "nan",
  138346. "nan",
  138347. "nan",
  138348. "nan",
  138349. "nan",
  138350. "nan",
  138351. "nan",
  138352. "nan",
  138353. "nan",
  138354. "nan",
  138355. "nan",
  138356. "nan",
  138357. "nan",
  138358. "nan",
  138359. "nan",
  138360. "nan",
  138361. "nan",
  138362. "nan",
  138363. "nan",
  138364. "nan",
  138365. "nan",
  138366. "nan"
  138367. ],
  138368. [
  138369. "56844",
  138370. "nan",
  138371. "whitman & ransom",
  138372. "fdic & rtc audits",
  138373. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138374. "nan",
  138375. "expansion blue-documents--------",
  138376. "1/10/2001",
  138377. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138378. "wolk, lawrence",
  138379. "nan",
  138380. "nan",
  138381. "barcode: 100032255 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138382. "washington d.c",
  138383. "1412670",
  138384. "nan",
  138385. "nan",
  138386. "nan",
  138387. "nan",
  138388. "nan",
  138389. "nan",
  138390. "nan",
  138391. "nan",
  138392. "nan",
  138393. "nan",
  138394. "nan",
  138395. "nan",
  138396. "nan",
  138397. "nan",
  138398. "nan",
  138399. "nan",
  138400. "nan",
  138401. "nan",
  138402. "nan",
  138403. "nan",
  138404. "nan",
  138405. "nan",
  138406. "nan"
  138407. ],
  138408. [
  138409. "56844",
  138410. "nan",
  138411. "whitman & ransom",
  138412. "fdic & rtc audits",
  138413. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138414. "nan",
  138415. "expansion blue-documents--------",
  138416. "1/10/2001",
  138417. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138418. "wolk, lawrence",
  138419. "nan",
  138420. "nan",
  138421. "barcode: 100032256 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  138422. "washington d.c",
  138423. "1412671",
  138424. "nan",
  138425. "nan",
  138426. "nan",
  138427. "nan",
  138428. "nan",
  138429. "nan",
  138430. "nan",
  138431. "nan",
  138432. "nan",
  138433. "nan",
  138434. "nan",
  138435. "nan",
  138436. "nan",
  138437. "nan",
  138438. "nan",
  138439. "nan",
  138440. "nan",
  138441. "nan",
  138442. "nan",
  138443. "nan",
  138444. "nan",
  138445. "nan",
  138446. "nan"
  138447. ],
  138448. [
  138449. "56844",
  138450. "nan",
  138451. "whitman & ransom",
  138452. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138453. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138454. "nan",
  138455. "expand brown-various letters relating to matter working binder--------",
  138456. "1/8/2001",
  138457. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138458. "wolk, lawrence",
  138459. "nan",
  138460. "nan",
  138461. "barcode: 100032274 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138462. "washington d.c",
  138463. "1412689",
  138464. "nan",
  138465. "nan",
  138466. "nan",
  138467. "nan",
  138468. "nan",
  138469. "nan",
  138470. "nan",
  138471. "nan",
  138472. "nan",
  138473. "nan",
  138474. "nan",
  138475. "nan",
  138476. "nan",
  138477. "nan",
  138478. "nan",
  138479. "nan",
  138480. "nan",
  138481. "nan",
  138482. "nan",
  138483. "nan",
  138484. "nan",
  138485. "nan",
  138486. "nan"
  138487. ],
  138488. [
  138489. "56844",
  138490. "nan",
  138491. "whitman & ransom",
  138492. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138493. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138494. "nan",
  138495. "expand brown-various letters relating to matter working binder--------",
  138496. "1/10/2001",
  138497. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138498. "wolk, lawrence",
  138499. "nan",
  138500. "nan",
  138501. "barcode: 100032275 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138502. "washington d.c",
  138503. "1412690",
  138504. "nan",
  138505. "nan",
  138506. "nan",
  138507. "nan",
  138508. "nan",
  138509. "nan",
  138510. "nan",
  138511. "nan",
  138512. "nan",
  138513. "nan",
  138514. "nan",
  138515. "nan",
  138516. "nan",
  138517. "nan",
  138518. "nan",
  138519. "nan",
  138520. "nan",
  138521. "nan",
  138522. "nan",
  138523. "nan",
  138524. "nan",
  138525. "nan",
  138526. "nan"
  138527. ],
  138528. [
  138529. "56844",
  138530. "nan",
  138531. "whitman & ransom",
  138532. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138533. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138534. "nan",
  138535. "expand brown-various letters relating to matter working binder--------",
  138536. "1/10/2001",
  138537. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138538. "wolk, lawrence",
  138539. "nan",
  138540. "nan",
  138541. "barcode: 100032276 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  138542. "washington d.c",
  138543. "1412691",
  138544. "nan",
  138545. "nan",
  138546. "nan",
  138547. "nan",
  138548. "nan",
  138549. "nan",
  138550. "nan",
  138551. "nan",
  138552. "nan",
  138553. "nan",
  138554. "nan",
  138555. "nan",
  138556. "nan",
  138557. "nan",
  138558. "nan",
  138559. "nan",
  138560. "nan",
  138561. "nan",
  138562. "nan",
  138563. "nan",
  138564. "nan",
  138565. "nan",
  138566. "nan"
  138567. ],
  138568. [
  138569. "56844",
  138570. "nan",
  138571. "whitman & ransom",
  138572. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138573. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138574. "nan",
  138575. "chestnut brown-correspondence--------",
  138576. "1/8/2001",
  138577. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138578. "wolk, lawrence",
  138579. "nan",
  138580. "nan",
  138581. "barcode: 100032285 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138582. "washington d.c",
  138583. "1412700",
  138584. "nan",
  138585. "nan",
  138586. "nan",
  138587. "nan",
  138588. "nan",
  138589. "nan",
  138590. "nan",
  138591. "nan",
  138592. "nan",
  138593. "nan",
  138594. "nan",
  138595. "nan",
  138596. "nan",
  138597. "nan",
  138598. "nan",
  138599. "nan",
  138600. "nan",
  138601. "nan",
  138602. "nan",
  138603. "nan",
  138604. "nan",
  138605. "nan",
  138606. "nan"
  138607. ],
  138608. [
  138609. "56844",
  138610. "nan",
  138611. "whitman & ransom",
  138612. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138613. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138614. "nan",
  138615. "expand brown-various letters relating to matter--------",
  138616. "1/8/2001",
  138617. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138618. "wolk, lawrence",
  138619. "nan",
  138620. "nan",
  138621. "barcode: 100032286 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138622. "washington d.c",
  138623. "1412701",
  138624. "nan",
  138625. "nan",
  138626. "nan",
  138627. "nan",
  138628. "nan",
  138629. "nan",
  138630. "nan",
  138631. "nan",
  138632. "nan",
  138633. "nan",
  138634. "nan",
  138635. "nan",
  138636. "nan",
  138637. "nan",
  138638. "nan",
  138639. "nan",
  138640. "nan",
  138641. "nan",
  138642. "nan",
  138643. "nan",
  138644. "nan",
  138645. "nan",
  138646. "nan"
  138647. ],
  138648. [
  138649. "56844",
  138650. "nan",
  138651. "whitman & ransom",
  138652. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138653. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138654. "nan",
  138655. "expand brown-various letters relating to matter--------",
  138656. "1/10/2001",
  138657. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138658. "wolk, lawrence",
  138659. "nan",
  138660. "nan",
  138661. "barcode: 100032287 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138662. "washington d.c",
  138663. "1412702",
  138664. "nan",
  138665. "nan",
  138666. "nan",
  138667. "nan",
  138668. "nan",
  138669. "nan",
  138670. "nan",
  138671. "nan",
  138672. "nan",
  138673. "nan",
  138674. "nan",
  138675. "nan",
  138676. "nan",
  138677. "nan",
  138678. "nan",
  138679. "nan",
  138680. "nan",
  138681. "nan",
  138682. "nan",
  138683. "nan",
  138684. "nan",
  138685. "nan",
  138686. "nan"
  138687. ],
  138688. [
  138689. "56844",
  138690. "nan",
  138691. "whitman & ransom",
  138692. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138693. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138694. "nan",
  138695. "expand brown-various letters relating to matter--------",
  138696. "1/10/2001",
  138697. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138698. "wolk, lawrence",
  138699. "nan",
  138700. "nan",
  138701. "barcode: 100032288 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138702. "washington d.c",
  138703. "1412703",
  138704. "nan",
  138705. "nan",
  138706. "nan",
  138707. "nan",
  138708. "nan",
  138709. "nan",
  138710. "nan",
  138711. "nan",
  138712. "nan",
  138713. "nan",
  138714. "nan",
  138715. "nan",
  138716. "nan",
  138717. "nan",
  138718. "nan",
  138719. "nan",
  138720. "nan",
  138721. "nan",
  138722. "nan",
  138723. "nan",
  138724. "nan",
  138725. "nan",
  138726. "nan"
  138727. ],
  138728. [
  138729. "56844",
  138730. "nan",
  138731. "whitman & ransom",
  138732. "fdic & rtc audit",
  138733. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138734. "nan",
  138735. "expansion blue-client's documents--------",
  138736. "1/10/2001",
  138737. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138738. "wolk, lawrence",
  138739. "nan",
  138740. "nan",
  138741. "barcode: 100032289 + secretay/other: johnson, darrell + records assistant: johnson, darrell + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  138742. "washington d.c",
  138743. "1412704",
  138744. "nan",
  138745. "nan",
  138746. "nan",
  138747. "nan",
  138748. "nan",
  138749. "nan",
  138750. "nan",
  138751. "nan",
  138752. "nan",
  138753. "nan",
  138754. "nan",
  138755. "nan",
  138756. "nan",
  138757. "nan",
  138758. "nan",
  138759. "nan",
  138760. "nan",
  138761. "nan",
  138762. "nan",
  138763. "nan",
  138764. "nan",
  138765. "nan",
  138766. "nan"
  138767. ],
  138768. [
  138769. "572417",
  138770. "00001",
  138771. "rose, estate of earl",
  138772. "fdic matter",
  138773. "546295892",
  138774. "nan",
  138775. "estate of earl rose: misc.",
  138776. "1/1/1990",
  138777. "5651",
  138778. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  138779. "nan",
  138780. "nan",
  138781. "<pickens kane>",
  138782. "chicago",
  138783. "1284664",
  138784. "10/29/1986",
  138785. "nan",
  138786. "nan",
  138787. "nan",
  138788. "nan",
  138789. "nan",
  138790. "nan",
  138791. "nan",
  138792. "nan",
  138793. "nan",
  138794. "nan",
  138795. "nan",
  138796. "nan",
  138797. "nan",
  138798. "nan",
  138799. "nan",
  138800. "nan",
  138801. "nan",
  138802. "nan",
  138803. "nan",
  138804. "nan",
  138805. "nan",
  138806. "nan"
  138807. ],
  138808. [
  138809. "572417",
  138810. "00001",
  138811. "rose, estate of earl",
  138812. "fdic matter",
  138813. "546295892",
  138814. "nan",
  138815. "estate of earl rose: asset plan.",
  138816. "1/1/1990",
  138817. "5651",
  138818. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  138819. "nan",
  138820. "nan",
  138821. "<pickens kane>",
  138822. "chicago",
  138823. "1284665",
  138824. "10/29/1986",
  138825. "nan",
  138826. "nan",
  138827. "nan",
  138828. "nan",
  138829. "nan",
  138830. "nan",
  138831. "nan",
  138832. "nan",
  138833. "nan",
  138834. "nan",
  138835. "nan",
  138836. "nan",
  138837. "nan",
  138838. "nan",
  138839. "nan",
  138840. "nan",
  138841. "nan",
  138842. "nan",
  138843. "nan",
  138844. "nan",
  138845. "nan",
  138846. "nan"
  138847. ],
  138848. [
  138849. "572417",
  138850. "00001",
  138851. "rose, estate of earl",
  138852. "fdic matter",
  138853. "546295892",
  138854. "nan",
  138855. "estate of earl rose: mjo materials.",
  138856. "1/1/1990",
  138857. "5651",
  138858. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  138859. "nan",
  138860. "nan",
  138861. "<pickens kane>",
  138862. "chicago",
  138863. "1284666",
  138864. "10/29/1986",
  138865. "nan",
  138866. "nan",
  138867. "nan",
  138868. "nan",
  138869. "nan",
  138870. "nan",
  138871. "nan",
  138872. "nan",
  138873. "nan",
  138874. "nan",
  138875. "nan",
  138876. "nan",
  138877. "nan",
  138878. "nan",
  138879. "nan",
  138880. "nan",
  138881. "nan",
  138882. "nan",
  138883. "nan",
  138884. "nan",
  138885. "nan",
  138886. "nan"
  138887. ],
  138888. [
  138889. "572417",
  138890. "00001",
  138891. "rose, estate of earl",
  138892. "fdic matter",
  138893. "546302204",
  138894. "nan",
  138895. "earl rose v. fdic/research.",
  138896. "1/1/1990",
  138897. "6822",
  138898. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  138899. "nan",
  138900. "nan",
  138901. "<pickens kane>",
  138902. "chicago",
  138903. "1284667",
  138904. "10/29/1986",
  138905. "nan",
  138906. "nan",
  138907. "nan",
  138908. "nan",
  138909. "nan",
  138910. "nan",
  138911. "nan",
  138912. "nan",
  138913. "nan",
  138914. "nan",
  138915. "nan",
  138916. "nan",
  138917. "nan",
  138918. "nan",
  138919. "nan",
  138920. "nan",
  138921. "nan",
  138922. "nan",
  138923. "nan",
  138924. "nan",
  138925. "nan",
  138926. "nan"
  138927. ],
  138928. [
  138929. "572417",
  138930. "00001",
  138931. "rose, estate of earl",
  138932. "fdic matter",
  138933. "546306371",
  138934. "nan",
  138935. "estate of earl rose.",
  138936. "7/10/1990",
  138937. "6076",
  138938. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  138939. "nan",
  138940. "nan",
  138941. "<pickens kane>",
  138942. "chicago",
  138943. "1284669",
  138944. "10/29/1986",
  138945. "nan",
  138946. "nan",
  138947. "nan",
  138948. "nan",
  138949. "nan",
  138950. "nan",
  138951. "nan",
  138952. "nan",
  138953. "nan",
  138954. "nan",
  138955. "nan",
  138956. "nan",
  138957. "nan",
  138958. "nan",
  138959. "nan",
  138960. "nan",
  138961. "nan",
  138962. "nan",
  138963. "nan",
  138964. "nan",
  138965. "nan",
  138966. "nan"
  138967. ],
  138968. [
  138969. "572417",
  138970. "00001",
  138971. "rose, estate of earl",
  138972. "fdic matter",
  138973. "546315299",
  138974. "nan",
  138975. "///",
  138976. "7/05/1990",
  138977. "5763",
  138978. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  138979. "nan",
  138980. "nan",
  138981. "<pickens kane>",
  138982. "chicago",
  138983. "1284670",
  138984. "10/29/1986",
  138985. "nan",
  138986. "nan",
  138987. "nan",
  138988. "nan",
  138989. "nan",
  138990. "nan",
  138991. "nan",
  138992. "nan",
  138993. "nan",
  138994. "nan",
  138995. "nan",
  138996. "nan",
  138997. "nan",
  138998. "nan",
  138999. "nan",
  139000. "nan",
  139001. "nan",
  139002. "nan",
  139003. "nan",
  139004. "nan",
  139005. "nan",
  139006. "nan"
  139007. ],
  139008. [
  139009. "572417",
  139010. "00001",
  139011. "rose, estate of earl",
  139012. "fdic matter",
  139013. "546295892",
  139014. "nan",
  139015. "///",
  139016. "1/1/1990",
  139017. "5651",
  139018. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  139019. "nan",
  139020. "nan",
  139021. "<pickens kane>",
  139022. "chicago",
  139023. "1295436",
  139024. "10/29/1986",
  139025. "nan",
  139026. "nan",
  139027. "nan",
  139028. "nan",
  139029. "nan",
  139030. "nan",
  139031. "nan",
  139032. "nan",
  139033. "nan",
  139034. "nan",
  139035. "nan",
  139036. "nan",
  139037. "nan",
  139038. "nan",
  139039. "nan",
  139040. "nan",
  139041. "nan",
  139042. "nan",
  139043. "nan",
  139044. "nan",
  139045. "nan",
  139046. "nan"
  139047. ],
  139048. [
  139049. "572417",
  139050. "00001",
  139051. "rose, estate of earl",
  139052. "fdic matter",
  139053. "546295892",
  139054. "nan",
  139055. "asset planning.",
  139056. "1/1/1990",
  139057. "5651",
  139058. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  139059. "nan",
  139060. "nan",
  139061. "<pickens kane>",
  139062. "chicago",
  139063. "1295439",
  139064. "10/29/1986",
  139065. "nan",
  139066. "nan",
  139067. "nan",
  139068. "nan",
  139069. "nan",
  139070. "nan",
  139071. "nan",
  139072. "nan",
  139073. "nan",
  139074. "nan",
  139075. "nan",
  139076. "nan",
  139077. "nan",
  139078. "nan",
  139079. "nan",
  139080. "nan",
  139081. "nan",
  139082. "nan",
  139083. "nan",
  139084. "nan",
  139085. "nan",
  139086. "nan"
  139087. ],
  139088. [
  139089. "572417",
  139090. "00001",
  139091. "rose, estate of earl",
  139092. "fdic matter",
  139093. "546295892",
  139094. "nan",
  139095. "estate planning.",
  139096. "1/1/1990",
  139097. "5651",
  139098. "morgan j. ordman - retired",
  139099. "nan",
  139100. "nan",
  139101. "<pickens kane>",
  139102. "chicago",
  139103. "1295441",
  139104. "10/29/1986",
  139105. "nan",
  139106. "nan",
  139107. "nan",
  139108. "nan",
  139109. "nan",
  139110. "nan",
  139111. "nan",
  139112. "nan",
  139113. "nan",
  139114. "nan",
  139115. "nan",
  139116. "nan",
  139117. "nan",
  139118. "nan",
  139119. "nan",
  139120. "nan",
  139121. "nan",
  139122. "nan",
  139123. "nan",
  139124. "nan",
  139125. "nan",
  139126. "nan"
  139127. ],
  139128. [
  139129. "59431 2(hd",
  139130. "fdic v. delt",
  139131. "duvall, homer-mediation",
  139132. "nan",
  139133. "188350598",
  139134. "nan",
  139135. "nan",
  139136. "6/2/2005",
  139137. "188350598",
  139138. "nan",
  139139. "nan",
  139140. "nan",
  139141. "seq: 0005",
  139142. "tampa",
  139143. "264268",
  139144. "nan",
  139145. "nan",
  139146. "nan",
  139147. "nan",
  139148. "nan",
  139149. "nan",
  139150. "nan",
  139151. "nan",
  139152. "nan",
  139153. "nan",
  139154. "nan",
  139155. "nan",
  139156. "nan",
  139157. "nan",
  139158. "nan",
  139159. "nan",
  139160. "nan",
  139161. "nan",
  139162. "nan",
  139163. "nan",
  139164. "nan",
  139165. "nan",
  139166. "nan"
  139167. ],
  139168. [
  139169. "59603",
  139170. "1",
  139171. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.",
  139172. "fdic/rtc-documents produced box1",
  139173. "tcf0015076",
  139174. "nan",
  139175. "nan",
  139176. "6/20/2001",
  139177. "cl5948",
  139178. "wmc",
  139179. "nan",
  139180. "nan",
  139181. "seq: 0004",
  139182. "tampa",
  139183. "222265",
  139184. "nan",
  139185. "nan",
  139186. "nan",
  139187. "nan",
  139188. "nan",
  139189. "nan",
  139190. "nan",
  139191. "nan",
  139192. "nan",
  139193. "nan",
  139194. "nan",
  139195. "nan",
  139196. "nan",
  139197. "nan",
  139198. "nan",
  139199. "nan",
  139200. "nan",
  139201. "nan",
  139202. "nan",
  139203. "nan",
  139204. "nan",
  139205. "nan",
  139206. "nan"
  139207. ],
  139208. [
  139209. "59603",
  139210. "1",
  139211. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.",
  139212. "fdic/rtc-documents produced box2",
  139213. "tcf0015077",
  139214. "nan",
  139215. "nan",
  139216. "6/20/2001",
  139217. "cl5949",
  139218. "wmc",
  139219. "nan",
  139220. "nan",
  139221. "seq: 0004",
  139222. "tampa",
  139223. "222266",
  139224. "nan",
  139225. "nan",
  139226. "nan",
  139227. "nan",
  139228. "nan",
  139229. "nan",
  139230. "nan",
  139231. "nan",
  139232. "nan",
  139233. "nan",
  139234. "nan",
  139235. "nan",
  139236. "nan",
  139237. "nan",
  139238. "nan",
  139239. "nan",
  139240. "nan",
  139241. "nan",
  139242. "nan",
  139243. "nan",
  139244. "nan",
  139245. "nan",
  139246. "nan"
  139247. ],
  139248. [
  139249. "59603",
  139250. "1",
  139251. "sachnoff & weaver",
  139252. "rtc/fdic-lists of docs prods",
  139253. "tcf0015862",
  139254. "nan",
  139255. "nan",
  139256. "6/20/2001",
  139257. "cr4683",
  139258. "wmc",
  139259. "nan",
  139260. "nan",
  139261. "seq: 0021",
  139262. "tampa",
  139263. "225663",
  139264. "nan",
  139265. "nan",
  139266. "nan",
  139267. "nan",
  139268. "nan",
  139269. "nan",
  139270. "nan",
  139271. "nan",
  139272. "nan",
  139273. "nan",
  139274. "nan",
  139275. "nan",
  139276. "nan",
  139277. "nan",
  139278. "nan",
  139279. "nan",
  139280. "nan",
  139281. "nan",
  139282. "nan",
  139283. "nan",
  139284. "nan",
  139285. "nan",
  139286. "nan"
  139287. ],
  139288. [
  139289. "60641",
  139290. "47",
  139291. "new urban communities",
  139292. "lake worth",
  139293. "462434168",
  139294. "agreements",
  139295. "plat\ndraft contract\nexecuted memorandum of agreement\nletter of authorization\narticles of organization\nincumbency certificate\nconflict search\nconflict waiver letter\nattorney notes\nseller's environmental report\nfdic letter\nhistoric designation map\nescrow letter\nw-9\nfein\nagreement for assignment of contract\ngillies letter of intent\nrelocation of home\ncontruction contract\ntitle work",
  139296. "nan",
  139297. "tz7584",
  139298. "jsm",
  139299. "off-site",
  139300. "nan",
  139301. "nan",
  139302. "fort lauderdale",
  139303. "349309",
  139304. "nan",
  139305. "nan",
  139306. "nan",
  139307. "nan",
  139308. "nan",
  139309. "nan",
  139310. "nan",
  139311. "nan",
  139312. "nan",
  139313. "nan",
  139314. "nan",
  139315. "nan",
  139316. "nan",
  139317. "nan",
  139318. "nan",
  139319. "nan",
  139320. "nan",
  139321. "nan",
  139322. "nan",
  139323. "nan",
  139324. "nan",
  139325. "nan",
  139326. "nan"
  139327. ],
  139328. [
  139329. "613784",
  139330. "301",
  139331. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic",
  139332. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic",
  139333. "136407678",
  139334. "nan",
  139335. " entire box - main file - 2 closing binders; vol ii file; closing statement; commitment; assignment of declarants rights, deed; memo of contract; fdic docs.; orig. notes; corp. resolution; orig. docs.; mutual gen. release",
  139336. "9/6/2001",
  139337. "136407678",
  139338. "75",
  139339. "nan",
  139340. "nan",
  139341. " + fileid: $115337",
  139342. "orlando",
  139343. "539443",
  139344. "nan",
  139345. "nan",
  139346. "nan",
  139347. "nan",
  139348. "nan",
  139349. "nan",
  139350. "nan",
  139351. "nan",
  139352. "nan",
  139353. "nan",
  139354. "nan",
  139355. "nan",
  139356. "nan",
  139357. "nan",
  139358. "nan",
  139359. "nan",
  139360. "nan",
  139361. "nan",
  139362. "nan",
  139363. "nan",
  139364. "nan",
  139365. "nan",
  139366. "nan"
  139367. ],
  139368. [
  139369. "613784",
  139370. "301",
  139371. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic)",
  139372. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic)",
  139373. "136407679",
  139374. "nan",
  139375. " almost entire box - cone crabtree & evelyn; closing statement - draft file; bills file; cliped docs.; schedule of contracts; leases; paperclipped membership roster; 2 yellow title files (vol i and ii); notes corresp. i and ii; misc. drafts; billing; orig docs.",
  139376. "9/6/2001",
  139377. "136407679",
  139378. "75",
  139379. "nan",
  139380. "nan",
  139381. " + fileid: $115350",
  139382. "orlando",
  139383. "539444",
  139384. "nan",
  139385. "nan",
  139386. "nan",
  139387. "nan",
  139388. "nan",
  139389. "nan",
  139390. "nan",
  139391. "nan",
  139392. "nan",
  139393. "nan",
  139394. "nan",
  139395. "nan",
  139396. "nan",
  139397. "nan",
  139398. "nan",
  139399. "nan",
  139400. "nan",
  139401. "nan",
  139402. "nan",
  139403. "nan",
  139404. "nan",
  139405. "nan",
  139406. "nan"
  139407. ],
  139408. [
  139409. "613784",
  139410. "059",
  139411. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic",
  139412. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic",
  139413. "136407679",
  139414. "nan",
  139415. " 1 folder - see also closed no. 49819",
  139416. "9/6/2001",
  139417. "136407679",
  139418. "75",
  139419. "nan",
  139420. "nan",
  139421. " + fileid: $115379",
  139422. "orlando",
  139423. "539446",
  139424. "nan",
  139425. "nan",
  139426. "nan",
  139427. "nan",
  139428. "nan",
  139429. "nan",
  139430. "nan",
  139431. "nan",
  139432. "nan",
  139433. "nan",
  139434. "nan",
  139435. "nan",
  139436. "nan",
  139437. "nan",
  139438. "nan",
  139439. "nan",
  139440. "nan",
  139441. "nan",
  139442. "nan",
  139443. "nan",
  139444. "nan",
  139445. "nan",
  139446. "nan"
  139447. ],
  139448. [
  139449. "615575",
  139450. "004",
  139451. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction",
  139452. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction",
  139453. "401765910",
  139454. "nan",
  139455. " 1 folder - final docs. - executed and recorded - original",
  139456. "9/8/2006",
  139457. "401765910",
  139458. "40059",
  139459. "nan",
  139460. "nan",
  139461. " + fileid: $154526",
  139462. "orlando",
  139463. "574946",
  139464. "nan",
  139465. "nan",
  139466. "nan",
  139467. "nan",
  139468. "nan",
  139469. "nan",
  139470. "nan",
  139471. "nan",
  139472. "nan",
  139473. "nan",
  139474. "nan",
  139475. "nan",
  139476. "nan",
  139477. "nan",
  139478. "nan",
  139479. "nan",
  139480. "nan",
  139481. "nan",
  139482. "nan",
  139483. "nan",
  139484. "nan",
  139485. "nan",
  139486. "nan"
  139487. ],
  139488. [
  139489. "617314",
  139490. "005",
  139491. "pizzuti - general",
  139492. "pizzuti - general",
  139493. "348864953",
  139494. "nan",
  139495. " closing binders - 801 international parkway development company loan from first union national bank pizzuti development, inc. 801 building seminole county, fl; federal deposit insurance corporation - as receiver of new bank of new england, n.a. sale to international parkway development company 300 international parkway - and adjacent undeveloped property; pizzuti office properites loan package columbus, ohio $54,600,000 vols. 1 thru 6 of 6",
  139496. "6/1/2005",
  139497. "348864953",
  139498. "40650",
  139499. "nan",
  139500. "nan",
  139501. " + fileid: $144227",
  139502. "orlando",
  139503. "565484",
  139504. "nan",
  139505. "nan",
  139506. "nan",
  139507. "nan",
  139508. "nan",
  139509. "nan",
  139510. "nan",
  139511. "nan",
  139512. "nan",
  139513. "nan",
  139514. "nan",
  139515. "nan",
  139516. "nan",
  139517. "nan",
  139518. "nan",
  139519. "nan",
  139520. "nan",
  139521. "nan",
  139522. "nan",
  139523. "nan",
  139524. "nan",
  139525. "nan",
  139526. "nan"
  139527. ],
  139528. [
  139529. "618303",
  139530. "012",
  139531. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark",
  139532. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark",
  139533. "dsn374811",
  139534. "nan",
  139535. "nan",
  139536. "3/1/2000",
  139537. "158882",
  139538. "81",
  139539. "nan",
  139540. "nan",
  139541. " + fileid: $103330",
  139542. "orlando",
  139543. "529308",
  139544. "nan",
  139545. "nan",
  139546. "nan",
  139547. "nan",
  139548. "nan",
  139549. "nan",
  139550. "nan",
  139551. "nan",
  139552. "nan",
  139553. "nan",
  139554. "nan",
  139555. "nan",
  139556. "nan",
  139557. "nan",
  139558. "nan",
  139559. "nan",
  139560. "nan",
  139561. "nan",
  139562. "nan",
  139563. "nan",
  139564. "nan",
  139565. "nan",
  139566. "nan"
  139567. ],
  139568. [
  139569. "618303",
  139570. "011",
  139571. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark",
  139572. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark",
  139573. "dsn374811",
  139574. "nan",
  139575. "nan",
  139576. "3/1/2000",
  139577. "158882",
  139578. "81",
  139579. "nan",
  139580. "nan",
  139581. " + fileid: $103331",
  139582. "orlando",
  139583. "529309",
  139584. "nan",
  139585. "nan",
  139586. "nan",
  139587. "nan",
  139588. "nan",
  139589. "nan",
  139590. "nan",
  139591. "nan",
  139592. "nan",
  139593. "nan",
  139594. "nan",
  139595. "nan",
  139596. "nan",
  139597. "nan",
  139598. "nan",
  139599. "nan",
  139600. "nan",
  139601. "nan",
  139602. "nan",
  139603. "nan",
  139604. "nan",
  139605. "nan",
  139606. "nan"
  139607. ],
  139608. [
  139609. "621396",
  139610. "005",
  139611. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn",
  139612. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn",
  139613. "dsn013796",
  139614. "nan",
  139615. " 1/2 box - see also 3/4 of box 170939110 - also the description for that box is for both",
  139616. "2/8/2002",
  139617. "13710",
  139618. "25",
  139619. "nan",
  139620. "nan",
  139621. " + fileid: $121862",
  139622. "orlando",
  139623. "545360",
  139624. "nan",
  139625. "nan",
  139626. "nan",
  139627. "nan",
  139628. "nan",
  139629. "nan",
  139630. "nan",
  139631. "nan",
  139632. "nan",
  139633. "nan",
  139634. "nan",
  139635. "nan",
  139636. "nan",
  139637. "nan",
  139638. "nan",
  139639. "nan",
  139640. "nan",
  139641. "nan",
  139642. "nan",
  139643. "nan",
  139644. "nan",
  139645. "nan",
  139646. "nan"
  139647. ],
  139648. [
  139649. "621396",
  139650. "008",
  139651. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  139652. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  139653. "170939113",
  139654. "nan",
  139655. " 10 folders - billing; corresp.; pleadings (case #98-839); pleadings (case #00-2769-ah); depo. weichel, kaye 7/15/98; attny notes; drafts; docs.; background on defendant; research - files removed permanately per t. smith's office",
  139656. "2/8/2002",
  139657. "170939113",
  139658. "25",
  139659. "perm removal from off-site",
  139660. "nan",
  139661. " + fileid: $121858//",
  139662. "orlando",
  139663. "545441",
  139664. "nan",
  139665. "nan",
  139666. "nan",
  139667. "nan",
  139668. "nan",
  139669. "nan",
  139670. "nan",
  139671. "nan",
  139672. "nan",
  139673. "nan",
  139674. "nan",
  139675. "nan",
  139676. "nan",
  139677. "nan",
  139678. "nan",
  139679. "nan",
  139680. "nan",
  139681. "nan",
  139682. "nan",
  139683. "nan",
  139684. "nan",
  139685. "nan",
  139686. "nan"
  139687. ],
  139688. [
  139689. "621396",
  139690. "005",
  139691. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2",
  139692. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2",
  139693. "170939110",
  139694. "nan",
  139695. " 3/4 box - billing; corresp vols i - iii; research; attny notes; docs. summary judgment hearing 12/12/97; pleadings i & ii; transcript: 12/12/97 hearing; title serach; court docket - order appointing receiver; ownership & encumbrance reprot; misc.; research for motion for temporary injunction; magnolia park property title cleanup post settlement w/ palm beach horizons; sunbelt file #22-0584-jsga; sale of property; arlene grinstead's summarization of answers to requests for admissions etc. - see also 1/2 box 13710",
  139696. "2/8/2002",
  139697. "170939110",
  139698. "25",
  139699. "nan",
  139700. "nan",
  139701. " + fileid: $121861",
  139702. "orlando",
  139703. "545443",
  139704. "nan",
  139705. "nan",
  139706. "nan",
  139707. "nan",
  139708. "nan",
  139709. "nan",
  139710. "nan",
  139711. "nan",
  139712. "nan",
  139713. "nan",
  139714. "nan",
  139715. "nan",
  139716. "nan",
  139717. "nan",
  139718. "nan",
  139719. "nan",
  139720. "nan",
  139721. "nan",
  139722. "nan",
  139723. "nan",
  139724. "nan",
  139725. "nan",
  139726. "nan"
  139727. ],
  139728. [
  139729. "621396",
  139730. "004",
  139731. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  139732. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  139733. "170939110",
  139734. "nan",
  139735. " 5 folder - billing; docs.; research; foreclosure certificate; attny. notes",
  139736. "2/8/2002",
  139737. "170939110",
  139738. "25",
  139739. "nan",
  139740. "nan",
  139741. " + fileid: $121873",
  139742. "orlando",
  139743. "545444",
  139744. "nan",
  139745. "nan",
  139746. "nan",
  139747. "nan",
  139748. "nan",
  139749. "nan",
  139750. "nan",
  139751. "nan",
  139752. "nan",
  139753. "nan",
  139754. "nan",
  139755. "nan",
  139756. "nan",
  139757. "nan",
  139758. "nan",
  139759. "nan",
  139760. "nan",
  139761. "nan",
  139762. "nan",
  139763. "nan",
  139764. "nan",
  139765. "nan",
  139766. "nan"
  139767. ],
  139768. [
  139769. "621396",
  139770. "003",
  139771. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre",
  139772. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre",
  139773. "170939109",
  139774. "nan",
  139775. " entire box - (box was pulled pefore going to storage but sent to storage later) foreclosure cert; billing; attny. notes; corresp vols i & ii; research; estate of charles givens - corresp attny. notes; billing; caveat by creditor - givens; givens global settlement; pleadings vols i & ii; estate of charles givens pleading file; probate pleadings file - est. of charles givens - case #98-1066 -: docs.; background on defendants; ucc search; depo - corbello; walter; orig: appt. receiver for the first f.a.; miscellaneous",
  139776. "2/8/2002",
  139777. "170939109",
  139778. "25",
  139779. "nan",
  139780. "nan",
  139781. " + fileid: $121875",
  139782. "orlando",
  139783. "545453",
  139784. "nan",
  139785. "nan",
  139786. "nan",
  139787. "nan",
  139788. "nan",
  139789. "nan",
  139790. "nan",
  139791. "nan",
  139792. "nan",
  139793. "nan",
  139794. "nan",
  139795. "nan",
  139796. "nan",
  139797. "nan",
  139798. "nan",
  139799. "nan",
  139800. "nan",
  139801. "nan",
  139802. "nan",
  139803. "nan",
  139804. "nan",
  139805. "nan",
  139806. "nan"
  139807. ],
  139808. [
  139809. "621774",
  139810. "00268",
  139811. "home depot, inc., the",
  139812. "x-113969.54 monroe, nc - 2150 secrest shortcut",
  139813. "613269685",
  139814. "nan",
  139815. "1 file: correspondence",
  139816. "10/21/2010",
  139817. "613269685",
  139818. "kathryn w. oberto",
  139819. "off-site",
  139820. "nan",
  139821. "nan",
  139822. "orlando",
  139823. "1728195",
  139824. "2/21/2008",
  139825. "nan",
  139826. "nan",
  139827. "nan",
  139828. "nan",
  139829. "nan",
  139830. "nan",
  139831. "nan",
  139832. "nan",
  139833. "nan",
  139834. "nan",
  139835. "nan",
  139836. "nan",
  139837. "nan",
  139838. "nan",
  139839. "nan",
  139840. "nan",
  139841. "nan",
  139842. "nan",
  139843. "nan",
  139844. "nan",
  139845. "nan",
  139846. "nan"
  139847. ],
  139848. [
  139849. "622241",
  139850. "468",
  139851. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004",
  139852. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004",
  139853. "401765882",
  139854. "nan",
  139855. " 1 folder - main file",
  139856. "9/7/2006",
  139857. "401765882",
  139858. "50511",
  139859. "nan",
  139860. "nan",
  139861. " + fileid: $153819",
  139862. "orlando",
  139863. "574304",
  139864. "nan",
  139865. "nan",
  139866. "nan",
  139867. "nan",
  139868. "nan",
  139869. "nan",
  139870. "nan",
  139871. "nan",
  139872. "nan",
  139873. "nan",
  139874. "nan",
  139875. "nan",
  139876. "nan",
  139877. "nan",
  139878. "nan",
  139879. "nan",
  139880. "nan",
  139881. "nan",
  139882. "nan",
  139883. "nan",
  139884. "nan",
  139885. "nan",
  139886. "nan"
  139887. ],
  139888. [
  139889. "622266",
  139890. "001",
  139891. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle",
  139892. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle",
  139893. "dsn319978",
  139894. "nan",
  139895. " 1 file",
  139896. "4/8/2002",
  139897. "76409",
  139898. "59",
  139899. "nan",
  139900. "nan",
  139901. "nan",
  139902. "orlando",
  139903. "525261",
  139904. "nan",
  139905. "nan",
  139906. "nan",
  139907. "nan",
  139908. "nan",
  139909. "nan",
  139910. "nan",
  139911. "nan",
  139912. "nan",
  139913. "nan",
  139914. "nan",
  139915. "nan",
  139916. "nan",
  139917. "nan",
  139918. "nan",
  139919. "nan",
  139920. "nan",
  139921. "nan",
  139922. "nan",
  139923. "nan",
  139924. "nan",
  139925. "nan",
  139926. "nan"
  139927. ],
  139928. [
  139929. "622281",
  139930. "002",
  139931. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  139932. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  139933. "170682680",
  139934. "nan",
  139935. " box 1 of 9 1/2 boxes - form s-3 registration statement: corresp.; documents; notes & research; section 16 reporting: section 16 filings; section 16 reporting compliane program; 1999 year end section 16 compliance; section 16a reports from 3, 4, and 5: pual blackwell, w. craven, k. joshi, ues inc., ues florida, l. beaulieu, j. clifford, r. mcnieght, d. molfenter, c. hyland schooley, j. singleton, e. stefanko, m. maguire, k. bartczak, john c. zisko; section 16 reporting file; 34 act reports: form 8-k/a 5/6/98; form 8-k report dated 3/31/98; form 8-k dated 10/8/98 (edl/stl acquistion); form 8-k filing 12/22/98; form 8-k/a 1998; form 8-k filing 6/30/2000",
  139936. "7/9/2003",
  139937. "170682680",
  139938. "90360",
  139939. "nan",
  139940. "nan",
  139941. " + fileid: $128692",
  139942. "orlando",
  139943. "551575",
  139944. "nan",
  139945. "nan",
  139946. "nan",
  139947. "nan",
  139948. "nan",
  139949. "nan",
  139950. "nan",
  139951. "nan",
  139952. "nan",
  139953. "nan",
  139954. "nan",
  139955. "nan",
  139956. "nan",
  139957. "nan",
  139958. "nan",
  139959. "nan",
  139960. "nan",
  139961. "nan",
  139962. "nan",
  139963. "nan",
  139964. "nan",
  139965. "nan",
  139966. "nan"
  139967. ],
  139968. [
  139969. "622281",
  139970. "002",
  139971. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  139972. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  139973. "170682684",
  139974. "nan",
  139975. " box 5 of 9 1/2 - 2002 proxy statement; schedule 13g - william craven - 1998; schedule 13d - james clifford;schedule 13g - kris joshi - ues florida; schedule 13g - richard mcneight; schedule 13d - david lambertson; schedule 13d - ed stefanko: general: 924 associates wexler agreement - financial advisory agreement; 1999 profit corp. annual report; 2003 audit response letter re paravant inc. 401 k plan; 2002 audit reponse letter; 2002 audit response letter 2001; audit committee charter; 1998 auditor's request; bartczak separation agreement; appointment of blackwell as director; blanket opinion letters; board of directors; 1999 board calendar & committees; bylaws amendment (indemnity); cascone & cole litigation; confidential matter; conflicts of interest; corporate docs. and securities filings",
  139976. "7/9/2003",
  139977. "170682684",
  139978. "90360",
  139979. "nan",
  139980. "nan",
  139981. " + fileid: $128696",
  139982. "orlando",
  139983. "551579",
  139984. "nan",
  139985. "nan",
  139986. "nan",
  139987. "nan",
  139988. "nan",
  139989. "nan",
  139990. "nan",
  139991. "nan",
  139992. "nan",
  139993. "nan",
  139994. "nan",
  139995. "nan",
  139996. "nan",
  139997. "nan",
  139998. "nan",
  139999. "nan",
  140000. "nan",
  140001. "nan",
  140002. "nan",
  140003. "nan",
  140004. "nan",
  140005. "nan",
  140006. "nan"
  140007. ],
  140008. [
  140009. "622281",
  140010. "00018",
  140011. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  140012. "william d. langford claims",
  140013. "843048962",
  140014. "depositions",
  140015. "paravant adv. - langford - stephen t. ball - witness deposition transcripts for trial - \nparavant/langford 10/2/03 depo of kevin bartczak\n",
  140016. "6/24/2015",
  140017. "nan",
  140018. "stephen t. ball",
  140019. "off-site",
  140020. "ball stephen",
  140021. "nan",
  140022. "orlando",
  140023. "2364984",
  140024. "10/6/2014",
  140025. "nan",
  140026. "nan",
  140027. "nan",
  140028. "nan",
  140029. "nan",
  140030. "nan",
  140031. "nan",
  140032. "nan",
  140033. "nan",
  140034. "nan",
  140035. "nan",
  140036. "nan",
  140037. "nan",
  140038. "nan",
  140039. "nan",
  140040. "nan",
  140041. "nan",
  140042. "nan",
  140043. "nan",
  140044. "nan",
  140045. "nan",
  140046. "nan"
  140047. ],
  140048. [
  140049. "622281",
  140050. "00018",
  140051. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  140052. "william d. langford claims",
  140053. "843048962",
  140054. "depositions",
  140055. "paravant adv. - langford - stephen t. ball - witness deposition transcripts for trial\nparavant/langford - 4/8/04 depo. of kevin bartczak",
  140056. "6/24/2015",
  140057. "nan",
  140058. "stephen t. ball",
  140059. "off-site",
  140060. "ball stephen",
  140061. "nan",
  140062. "orlando",
  140063. "2364991",
  140064. "10/6/2014",
  140065. "nan",
  140066. "nan",
  140067. "nan",
  140068. "nan",
  140069. "nan",
  140070. "nan",
  140071. "nan",
  140072. "nan",
  140073. "nan",
  140074. "nan",
  140075. "nan",
  140076. "nan",
  140077. "nan",
  140078. "nan",
  140079. "nan",
  140080. "nan",
  140081. "nan",
  140082. "nan",
  140083. "nan",
  140084. "nan",
  140085. "nan",
  140086. "nan"
  140087. ],
  140088. [
  140089. "622281",
  140090. "00018",
  140091. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  140092. "william d. langford claims",
  140093. "826756446",
  140094. "general/other",
  140095. "1 boot - paravant/langford july instructiins\n1 boot - expert binder \n1 boot - langford v. paravant exhibit list info binder \n1 boot - extra from ron carlberg binder \nfiles with \nbartczak depo, defendants timeline, tt's powerpoint,sales agreements,tt's rtp,orders, tt's amended list, comm. agreements,def. motions, plaintiffs motions etc.",
  140096. "6/24/2015",
  140097. "nan",
  140098. "stephen t. ball",
  140099. "off-site",
  140100. "ball stephen",
  140101. "nan",
  140102. "orlando",
  140103. "2365003",
  140104. "10/6/2014",
  140105. "nan",
  140106. "nan",
  140107. "nan",
  140108. "nan",
  140109. "nan",
  140110. "nan",
  140111. "nan",
  140112. "nan",
  140113. "nan",
  140114. "nan",
  140115. "nan",
  140116. "nan",
  140117. "nan",
  140118. "nan",
  140119. "nan",
  140120. "nan",
  140121. "nan",
  140122. "nan",
  140123. "nan",
  140124. "nan",
  140125. "nan",
  140126. "nan"
  140127. ],
  140128. [
  140129. "622292",
  140130. "082",
  140131. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20",
  140132. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20",
  140133. "260537640",
  140134. "nan",
  140135. " 1 folder - corresp.; legal research",
  140136. "6/4/2004",
  140137. "260537640",
  140138. "47",
  140139. "nan",
  140140. "nan",
  140141. "<ethical wall applied on: 5/23/2017> + fileid: $134438",
  140142. "orlando",
  140143. "556832",
  140144. "nan",
  140145. "nan",
  140146. "nan",
  140147. "nan",
  140148. "nan",
  140149. "nan",
  140150. "nan",
  140151. "nan",
  140152. "nan",
  140153. "nan",
  140154. "nan",
  140155. "nan",
  140156. "nan",
  140157. "nan",
  140158. "nan",
  140159. "nan",
  140160. "nan",
  140161. "nan",
  140162. "nan",
  140163. "nan",
  140164. "nan",
  140165. "nan",
  140166. "nan"
  140167. ],
  140168. [
  140169. "63776",
  140170. "1",
  140171. "irvin, donald",
  140172. "heartchild",
  140173. "406256241",
  140174. "nan",
  140175. "nan",
  140176. "05/06/2006",
  140177. "406256241",
  140178. "svs",
  140179. "nan",
  140180. "nan",
  140181. "seq: 0005 + letter: f",
  140182. "tampa",
  140183. "138527",
  140184. "nan",
  140185. "nan",
  140186. "nan",
  140187. "nan",
  140188. "nan",
  140189. "nan",
  140190. "nan",
  140191. "nan",
  140192. "nan",
  140193. "nan",
  140194. "nan",
  140195. "nan",
  140196. "nan",
  140197. "nan",
  140198. "nan",
  140199. "nan",
  140200. "nan",
  140201. "nan",
  140202. "nan",
  140203. "nan",
  140204. "nan",
  140205. "nan",
  140206. "nan"
  140207. ],
  140208. [
  140209. "63776",
  140210. "1",
  140211. "irvin, donald (healthcare, inc.)",
  140212. "\"heartchild and design\" #75/868,754",
  140213. "89278063",
  140214. "nan",
  140215. "nan",
  140216. "nan",
  140217. "tz4970",
  140218. "tlk",
  140219. "nan",
  140220. "nan",
  140221. "closed file number: f721-02",
  140222. "fort lauderdale",
  140223. "343238",
  140224. "nan",
  140225. "nan",
  140226. "nan",
  140227. "nan",
  140228. "nan",
  140229. "nan",
  140230. "nan",
  140231. "nan",
  140232. "nan",
  140233. "nan",
  140234. "nan",
  140235. "nan",
  140236. "nan",
  140237. "nan",
  140238. "nan",
  140239. "nan",
  140240. "nan",
  140241. "nan",
  140242. "nan",
  140243. "nan",
  140244. "nan",
  140245. "nan",
  140246. "nan"
  140247. ],
  140248. [
  140249. "6394",
  140250. "4",
  140251. "boyd wilbur h et al",
  140252. "85 fslic regulations",
  140253. "tcf0003294",
  140254. "nan",
  140255. "nan",
  140256. "06/20/2001",
  140257. "aa9288",
  140258. "ncr",
  140259. "nan",
  140260. "nan",
  140261. "seq: 0020",
  140262. "tampa",
  140263. "156202",
  140264. "nan",
  140265. "nan",
  140266. "nan",
  140267. "nan",
  140268. "nan",
  140269. "nan",
  140270. "nan",
  140271. "nan",
  140272. "nan",
  140273. "nan",
  140274. "nan",
  140275. "nan",
  140276. "nan",
  140277. "nan",
  140278. "nan",
  140279. "nan",
  140280. "nan",
  140281. "nan",
  140282. "nan",
  140283. "nan",
  140284. "nan",
  140285. "nan",
  140286. "nan"
  140287. ],
  140288. [
  140289. "639882",
  140290. "008",
  140291. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization",
  140292. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization",
  140293. "170682550",
  140294. "nan",
  140295. " 1 boot - corresp./ myrtle beach aquarium foundation; llc agreement of ripley's aquarium - gatlinburg; ripley's aquarium - myrtle beach; ripley's aquarium - gatlinburg; ripley's attractions inc.; ripley entertainment inc.; jim pattison u.s.a inc.; guinness attraction inc.; certificate of cancellation - ripley's aquarium - myrtle beach; filed cert. of amend. - ripley aquariums, inc.; filed artcles of merger - guineness / jim pattison; consent of sole stockholder of ripley aquariums, inc.; jim pattison entertainment ltd.; ripley - usa inc.; ripley international, inc.; ripley aquariums, inc.; draft docs.; corresp. / notes",
  140296. "6/4/2003",
  140297. "170682550",
  140298. "59",
  140299. "nan",
  140300. "nan",
  140301. " + fileid: $127626",
  140302. "orlando",
  140303. "550600",
  140304. "nan",
  140305. "nan",
  140306. "nan",
  140307. "nan",
  140308. "nan",
  140309. "nan",
  140310. "nan",
  140311. "nan",
  140312. "nan",
  140313. "nan",
  140314. "nan",
  140315. "nan",
  140316. "nan",
  140317. "nan",
  140318. "nan",
  140319. "nan",
  140320. "nan",
  140321. "nan",
  140322. "nan",
  140323. "nan",
  140324. "nan",
  140325. "nan",
  140326. "nan"
  140327. ],
  140328. [
  140329. "69162.1",
  140330. "nan",
  140331. "tech. at work/maxxus",
  140332. "comparison of smartcard",
  140333. "171947295",
  140334. "nan",
  140335. "alan wachs",
  140336. "01/14/2002",
  140337. "171947295",
  140338. "44 alan wachs",
  140339. "nan",
  140340. "nan",
  140341. "nan",
  140342. "jacksonville",
  140343. "12862",
  140344. "nan",
  140345. "nan",
  140346. "nan",
  140347. "nan",
  140348. "nan",
  140349. "nan",
  140350. "nan",
  140351. "nan",
  140352. "nan",
  140353. "nan",
  140354. "nan",
  140355. "nan",
  140356. "nan",
  140357. "nan",
  140358. "nan",
  140359. "nan",
  140360. "nan",
  140361. "nan",
  140362. "nan",
  140363. "nan",
  140364. "nan",
  140365. "nan",
  140366. "nan"
  140367. ],
  140368. [
  140369. "700836",
  140370. "00001",
  140371. "harrington, winthrop w., d.m.d.",
  140372. "tej tanden",
  140373. "719590136",
  140374. "nan",
  140375. "fileno: 3002296/index: correspondence, notes & memoranda, fdic-capital bank, loan breakdown",
  140376. "8/31/2000",
  140377. "116508",
  140378. "richard j. hindlian",
  140379. "nan",
  140380. "nan",
  140381. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  140382. "boston",
  140383. "1034835",
  140384. "11/5/2000",
  140385. "nan",
  140386. "nan",
  140387. "nan",
  140388. "nan",
  140389. "nan",
  140390. "nan",
  140391. "nan",
  140392. "nan",
  140393. "nan",
  140394. "nan",
  140395. "nan",
  140396. "nan",
  140397. "nan",
  140398. "nan",
  140399. "nan",
  140400. "nan",
  140401. "nan",
  140402. "nan",
  140403. "nan",
  140404. "nan",
  140405. "nan",
  140406. "nan"
  140407. ],
  140408. [
  140409. "700860",
  140410. "00001",
  140411. "healthcare consulting corporation",
  140412. "tax credit",
  140413. "719587005",
  140414. "nan",
  140415. "fileno: 73193/index: memos, misc., tax opinions drafts, operating agreement, tax certificate, charts, list of loan docs., assignment of mlcc, revolving loan, $750,000 revolving loan note, ucc financing statements $1,200,000 loan, equipment loan & security agreement, note from ps to llc $1,200,000, $800,000 revolving loan note, partnership organizational docs., rtc operating agreement, partnership agreement, wpm tax memo, placed in spruce memo, hamilton operating corp., title, join notes",
  140416. "9/28/1999",
  140417. "235682",
  140418. "william f. machen",
  140419. "off-site",
  140420. "nan",
  140421. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: j. mcdermott 11-19-99 / retd_to_st: 12/16/1999 hk box:",
  140422. "boston",
  140423. "1016059",
  140424. "5/14/2003",
  140425. "nan",
  140426. "nan",
  140427. "nan",
  140428. "nan",
  140429. "nan",
  140430. "nan",
  140431. "nan",
  140432. "nan",
  140433. "nan",
  140434. "nan",
  140435. "nan",
  140436. "nan",
  140437. "nan",
  140438. "nan",
  140439. "nan",
  140440. "nan",
  140441. "nan",
  140442. "nan",
  140443. "nan",
  140444. "nan",
  140445. "nan",
  140446. "nan"
  140447. ],
  140448. [
  140449. "701481",
  140450. "6",
  140451. "compscript",
  140452. "silverman",
  140453. "652604898",
  140454. "nan",
  140455. "plaintiff's response to motion to dismiss\nfla. r. civ. p. 1. 120(b)\nfla. rules of civil procedure 1.120 (b)\nfla. stat. 517.211\nleisure founders, inc. v. cuc international\nwater intern network, usa, inc. v. east\nfla. r. civ. p. 1.110 (b)\nbernard v. kee manufacturing, inc.\njordan v. griley\npizza v. central bank & trust\nlovelace v. software spectrum\nmallin v. ivan corp.\nfed. r, civ. p. 201 (f)\nfla. stat. 90.201\nhtp, ltd v. lineas aereas costarricenses. s.a.\nferguson trasp., inc. v. north am. van lines, inc.\nafm corp. v. southern bell tel. & tel.\nlance v. wade\ngriffith v. shamrock village, inc.\nlivingston v. spires\npk ventrues, inc. v. raymond james & assoc.\nhotels of key largo, inc. rhi hotels\nhuron tool and engine co. v. precision consulting service, inc.\n\narticles of incorporation and by-laws for compscript\nsettlement agreement and mutual releases\n power of attorney\ndefendant's motion to dismiss\nmotion to dismiss and supporting memorandum of law\nplaintiff response to motion to dismiss\nruden v. medalie\nreply to memo in support of their motion to dismiss\nrelina v. gingerale corp.\nsahlem & associates, inc. securities litigation\nflorida security investor protection act fla. stat. 517.301\nbinder v. gordian securities, inc.\nmaher v. durango metals, inc.\nlevitin v. a pea in the pod, inc.\nwanetick v. mel's of modesto, inc.\ngoldman v. belden\nstromfeld v. great atlantic & pacific tea co.\nbernard v. kee manufacturing co., inc.\nlovelace v. software spectrum, inc.\nmalin v. ivan corp.\nflorida power and light v. westinghouse elec. corp.\nhotels of key largo, inc. v. rhi hotels, inc.\npressman v. wolf\nvalleyside dairy farms, inc. v. a.o. smith corp.\nstraub, capital corp. v. l. frank chopin, p.a.\nenglezios v. batmasian\nnautica international v. intermarine usa\n\nreply to motion to dismiss and supporting cases\nfla rules of civil procedure 1.120 (b)\nfla. r. civ.p. 1.110 (b)\nleisure founders, inc. v. cuc int'l, inc.\nhotles of key largo, inc. v. rhi hotels, inc.\nfederal deposit insurance corp.. v. high tech med. sys.\ncomplaint \nnotice of hearing\nstock purchase agreement\n\ninterim funding agreement\nsummary of plaintiffs' stock sales\nprivilege log\nprivileged",
  140456. "2/3/2006",
  140457. "12513730",
  140458. "brais louise",
  140459. "nan",
  140460. "nan",
  140461. " hk box: 36971",
  140462. "miami",
  140463. "704921",
  140464. "nan",
  140465. "nan",
  140466. "nan",
  140467. "nan",
  140468. "nan",
  140469. "nan",
  140470. "nan",
  140471. "nan",
  140472. "nan",
  140473. "nan",
  140474. "nan",
  140475. "nan",
  140476. "nan",
  140477. "nan",
  140478. "nan",
  140479. "nan",
  140480. "nan",
  140481. "nan",
  140482. "nan",
  140483. "nan",
  140484. "nan",
  140485. "nan",
  140486. "nan"
  140487. ],
  140488. [
  140489. "701919",
  140490. "00017",
  140491. "department of housing and community deve",
  140492. "fenway community development corporation",
  140493. "719662083",
  140494. "nan",
  140495. "fileno: 3003652/index: loan and security agreement, loan partcipation agreement, new matter memo, non-disturbance & attornment agreement, notice of lease, occupancy lease, permit (boston building & structures division), promissory notes, schedule of closing docs., site plan, standard form re: owner & architect, standard form re: owner & contractor, subordination, intercreditor & estoppel agreement, subscription agree., surveyor's report & cert., tax exempt status conf. of fcdc, treasurer's cert., ucc searches, ucc financing stat.-form ucc-1, zoning opinion",
  140496. "11/20/2000",
  140497. "80529",
  140498. "russell l. chin",
  140499. "nan",
  140500. "nan",
  140501. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  140502. "boston",
  140503. "1037018",
  140504. "12/1/2000",
  140505. "nan",
  140506. "nan",
  140507. "nan",
  140508. "nan",
  140509. "nan",
  140510. "nan",
  140511. "nan",
  140512. "nan",
  140513. "nan",
  140514. "nan",
  140515. "nan",
  140516. "nan",
  140517. "nan",
  140518. "nan",
  140519. "nan",
  140520. "nan",
  140521. "nan",
  140522. "nan",
  140523. "nan",
  140524. "nan",
  140525. "nan",
  140526. "nan"
  140527. ],
  140528. [
  140529. "704947",
  140530. "00448",
  140531. "sovereign bank",
  140532. "general",
  140533. "719638803",
  140534. "nan",
  140535. "index: urman v. so. boston savings bank, ann pessia v. paul pessia, arthur and janet crapulli, matzkin and zambler will, antonopoulos, prendergrast, gertrude, pitovsky/mayaan, leveene, hilda, fleet/bankboston consortium, deraney agreement and release, janet wasserman v. alan wasserman, doj investigation, michael perry v. fdic, james perry f/k/a aram kuzminian, altman v. emarek, emily maloof, declaration of homestead, 6 longmeadow drive, declaration of homestead, master agreement for servicer's prinicipal and interest custodial account, mark shaw and sarah dougherty, david quelle v. donna quelle-subpeona, boston federal, hilco realty trust, salvatore, et al vs. smart restaurant, denis m. renaghan power of atty., rabb v. rabb, the myron newman irrevocable life insurance, santilli, peter true, reilly, mesbahi, planning schedule, charitable foundation, hagerity, union fed. saving bank, fleet forgery, right of first refusal",
  140536. "9/30/2003",
  140537. "10003435",
  140538. "merger boston",
  140539. "nan",
  140540. "nan",
  140541. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  140542. "boston",
  140543. "1345242",
  140544. "10/14/2008",
  140545. "nan",
  140546. "nan",
  140547. "nan",
  140548. "nan",
  140549. "nan",
  140550. "nan",
  140551. "nan",
  140552. "nan",
  140553. "nan",
  140554. "nan",
  140555. "nan",
  140556. "nan",
  140557. "nan",
  140558. "nan",
  140559. "nan",
  140560. "nan",
  140561. "nan",
  140562. "nan",
  140563. "nan",
  140564. "nan",
  140565. "nan",
  140566. "nan"
  140567. ],
  140568. [
  140569. "70505",
  140570. "2",
  140571. "mastec",
  140572. "artcom",
  140573. "89249701",
  140574. "nan",
  140575. "mastec/artcom pleadings � vol. 1; mastec/artcom proceedings � vol. 1; mastec/artcom proceedings � vol. 2; mastec/artcom proceedings � vol. 3; mastec/artcom proceedings � vol. 4; mastec/artcom proceedings � vol. 5; mastec/artcom proceedings � vol. 6; mastec/artcom proceedings � vol. 7; mastec, inc., adv. artcom technologies corporation proposed responses to mastec�s disc.",
  140576. "7/31/2002",
  140577. "11176535",
  140578. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140579. "nan",
  140580. "nan",
  140581. " hk box: 28368",
  140582. "miami",
  140583. "687543",
  140584. "nan",
  140585. "nan",
  140586. "nan",
  140587. "nan",
  140588. "nan",
  140589. "nan",
  140590. "nan",
  140591. "nan",
  140592. "nan",
  140593. "nan",
  140594. "nan",
  140595. "nan",
  140596. "nan",
  140597. "nan",
  140598. "nan",
  140599. "nan",
  140600. "nan",
  140601. "nan",
  140602. "nan",
  140603. "nan",
  140604. "nan",
  140605. "nan",
  140606. "nan"
  140607. ],
  140608. [
  140609. "70505",
  140610. "2",
  140611. "mastec",
  140612. "artcom",
  140613. "89249658",
  140614. "nan",
  140615. "artcom discovery w/sariego notes mastec/artcom case no. 01-351; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. ancillary ; proceedings re: banco popular ; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. ancillary proceedings re: ags; oral argument on pending motions � 3/19/02 mastec inc. adv. artcom technologies corp.; mastec/artcom proceeding tab 141 (03/14/02); mastec/artcom proceeding tab 142 (03/15/02); mastec, inc. v. neduc corporation pleadings; mastec, inc. v. neduc corporation correspondence; mastec, inc. v. carlos tejera osuna, et al correspondence; mastec, inc. v. carlos tejera osuna, et al pleadings; mastec, in. v. carlos tejera osuna drafts opening brief re: amd. m/dismiss; mastec settlement documents; sariego�s affidavit; delaware complaint; mastec, inc. v. sintel international corporation; notes; bvi order and affidavit sintel; puerto rico counsel; mastec v. madina & f.g. newco � war work copy; mastec latin american inc. vs. sintel international; war work file mastec/ artcom case no. 01-351",
  140616. "7/31/2002",
  140617. "11176536",
  140618. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140619. "nan",
  140620. "nan",
  140621. " hk box: 28369",
  140622. "miami",
  140623. "687545",
  140624. "nan",
  140625. "nan",
  140626. "nan",
  140627. "nan",
  140628. "nan",
  140629. "nan",
  140630. "nan",
  140631. "nan",
  140632. "nan",
  140633. "nan",
  140634. "nan",
  140635. "nan",
  140636. "nan",
  140637. "nan",
  140638. "nan",
  140639. "nan",
  140640. "nan",
  140641. "nan",
  140642. "nan",
  140643. "nan",
  140644. "nan",
  140645. "nan",
  140646. "nan"
  140647. ],
  140648. [
  140649. "70505",
  140650. "2",
  140651. "mastec",
  140652. "artcom",
  140653. "89249648",
  140654. "nan",
  140655. "mastec/artcom � extra copies for oral argument on pending motions � 3/19/02; mastec/artcom discovery � vol. 1; mastec/artcom discovery � vol. 2; mastec/artcom notices of hearing/ depositions; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. contact list; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 1; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 2; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 3",
  140656. "7/31/2002",
  140657. "11176537",
  140658. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140659. "nan",
  140660. "nan",
  140661. " hk box: 28370",
  140662. "miami",
  140663. "687547",
  140664. "nan",
  140665. "nan",
  140666. "nan",
  140667. "nan",
  140668. "nan",
  140669. "nan",
  140670. "nan",
  140671. "nan",
  140672. "nan",
  140673. "nan",
  140674. "nan",
  140675. "nan",
  140676. "nan",
  140677. "nan",
  140678. "nan",
  140679. "nan",
  140680. "nan",
  140681. "nan",
  140682. "nan",
  140683. "nan",
  140684. "nan",
  140685. "nan",
  140686. "nan"
  140687. ],
  140688. [
  140689. "70505",
  140690. "2",
  140691. "mastec",
  140692. "artcom",
  140693. "460601490",
  140694. "nan",
  140695. "mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 4; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 5; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 6; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 7; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 8; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. correspondence vol. 9",
  140696. "7/31/2002",
  140697. "11176538",
  140698. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140699. "nan",
  140700. "nan",
  140701. " hk box: 28371",
  140702. "miami",
  140703. "687550",
  140704. "nan",
  140705. "nan",
  140706. "nan",
  140707. "nan",
  140708. "nan",
  140709. "nan",
  140710. "nan",
  140711. "nan",
  140712. "nan",
  140713. "nan",
  140714. "nan",
  140715. "nan",
  140716. "nan",
  140717. "nan",
  140718. "nan",
  140719. "nan",
  140720. "nan",
  140721. "nan",
  140722. "nan",
  140723. "nan",
  140724. "nan",
  140725. "nan",
  140726. "nan"
  140727. ],
  140728. [
  140729. "70505",
  140730. "2",
  140731. "mastec",
  140732. "artcom",
  140733. "460601488",
  140734. "nan",
  140735. "mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. e-mail � vol.1; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. e-mail � vol.2; mastec, inc./artcom memorandum; mastec/artcom billing; mastec; mastec/artcom witness: carlos tejera; mastec/artcom videotaped deposition of carlos tejera (4/26/02); mastec/artcom depostion of carlos tejera exhibits 1 � 26",
  140736. "7/31/2002",
  140737. "11176539",
  140738. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140739. "nan",
  140740. "nan",
  140741. " hk box: 28372",
  140742. "miami",
  140743. "687551",
  140744. "nan",
  140745. "nan",
  140746. "nan",
  140747. "nan",
  140748. "nan",
  140749. "nan",
  140750. "nan",
  140751. "nan",
  140752. "nan",
  140753. "nan",
  140754. "nan",
  140755. "nan",
  140756. "nan",
  140757. "nan",
  140758. "nan",
  140759. "nan",
  140760. "nan",
  140761. "nan",
  140762. "nan",
  140763. "nan",
  140764. "nan",
  140765. "nan",
  140766. "nan"
  140767. ],
  140768. [
  140769. "70505",
  140770. "2",
  140771. "mastec",
  140772. "artcom",
  140773. "89249737",
  140774. "nan",
  140775. "mastec/artcom witness: dositeo barreiro; mastec/artcom videotaped deposition of dositeo barreiro (4/25/02); mastec/artcom depo. exhibits 1-6 for dositeo barreiro; mastec/artcom witness sergio negreira; mastec/artcom deposition of sergio negreira (4/17/02); mastec/artcom depo. exhibits 1-18 for sergio negreira; artcom global services (ags) mastec/artcom; banco popular de puerto rico mastec/artcom; banco inverlat, s.a. mastec/artcom; mastec/artcom � deposition of dositeo barreiro � 4/25/02; barreiro, dositeo mastec artcom; barreiro, dositeo depo notes � 4/25/02; belinda enterprises, inc. mastec/artcom; bickerton, andrew mastec/artcom; campos, ricardo mastec/artcom; commercial bank of florida mastec/artcom; del dago, carmen � 11/13/01 deposition mastec/artcom; del dago, carmen � 2/26/02 deposition mastec/artcom; estrada, vicente (kpmg) mastec/artcom; fernandez, jose mastec/artcom; fernandez de araoz, alejandro mastec/artcom; f.g. newco mastec/artcom; global press, s.a. mastec/artcom; hill, michael mastec/artcom; hill. michael e. (law offices of) mastec/artcom; kaisa andina, inc. mastec/artcom; kpmg, llp mastec/artcom",
  140776. "7/31/2002",
  140777. "11176540",
  140778. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140779. "nan",
  140780. "nan",
  140781. " hk box: 28373",
  140782. "miami",
  140783. "687553",
  140784. "nan",
  140785. "nan",
  140786. "nan",
  140787. "nan",
  140788. "nan",
  140789. "nan",
  140790. "nan",
  140791. "nan",
  140792. "nan",
  140793. "nan",
  140794. "nan",
  140795. "nan",
  140796. "nan",
  140797. "nan",
  140798. "nan",
  140799. "nan",
  140800. "nan",
  140801. "nan",
  140802. "nan",
  140803. "nan",
  140804. "nan",
  140805. "nan",
  140806. "nan"
  140807. ],
  140808. [
  140809. "70505",
  140810. "2",
  140811. "mastec",
  140812. "artcom",
  140813. "489565099",
  140814. "nan",
  140815. "mastec/artcom deposition of jorge mas santos � 4/24/02; mas santos, jorge mastec/artcom; jorge mas � depo exhibits ; jorge mas santos depo notes � 4/24/02; mastec/artcom � deposition of juan carlos mas � 4/29/02; mas santos, juan carlos mastec/artcom; juan carlos mas depo notes 4/29/02; mastec/artcom witness folders; mastec inc. mastec/artcom; navia/ maria luisa mastec/artcom; navia; mastec/artcom � deposition of sergio negreira � 4/17/02; negreira, sergio mastec/artcom; sergio negreira depo notes � 4/17/02; rodriguez, miguel mastec/ artcom; sampedro, jose l. � 6/28/01 deposition mastec/artcom; sampedro, jose l. � 6/29/01 deposition mastec/artcom; san simon, luis mastec/artcom; santos, maria otilia � 9/5/01 deposition mastec/artcom; mastec/artcom � deposition of jose sariego 4/23/02; sariego, jose mastec/artcom; jose sariego depo notes 4/23/02; scotiabank, s.a. mastec/artcom; sintel international, inc. mastec/artcom; sintel international limited mastec/artcom; sintel usa, inc. mastec/artcom; small, tana�ania mastec/artcom; mastec/artcom witness file: henry stotsenberg (cpa); mastec/artcom � deposition of carlos tejera � 4/26/02; carlos tejera depo transcript � 4/26/02; carlos tejera � relevant documents not used in depo; carlos tejera depo notes � 4/26/02; terra bank, n.a. mastec/artcom; mastec/f.g. newco � spanish querella with english translation; mastec/artcom; mastec/artcom �ags docs. received on 05/16/01 from artcom; mastec/artcom client documents � 05/01/01",
  140816. "7/31/2002",
  140817. "11176541",
  140818. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140819. "nan",
  140820. "nan",
  140821. " hk box: 28374",
  140822. "miami",
  140823. "687556",
  140824. "nan",
  140825. "nan",
  140826. "nan",
  140827. "nan",
  140828. "nan",
  140829. "nan",
  140830. "nan",
  140831. "nan",
  140832. "nan",
  140833. "nan",
  140834. "nan",
  140835. "nan",
  140836. "nan",
  140837. "nan",
  140838. "nan",
  140839. "nan",
  140840. "nan",
  140841. "nan",
  140842. "nan",
  140843. "nan",
  140844. "nan",
  140845. "nan",
  140846. "nan"
  140847. ],
  140848. [
  140849. "70505",
  140850. "2",
  140851. "mastec",
  140852. "artcom",
  140853. "89249712",
  140854. "nan",
  140855. "mastec/sintel; mastec vs. carlos tejera case 18680 def�s opening brief in support of their motion to dismiss the amended complaint; mastec vs. carlos tejera case 18680 compendium of unsupported opinions cited in defendants� opening brief in support of their motion to dismiss the amended complaint; mastec/sintel documents from client; mastec/artcom puerto rico sub-file in mastec; mastec/artcom documents received at shareholders� meeting on 2/22/01; mastec � media file; mastec/ artcom george fowler � biograhy; mastec/artcom �memo of michael hill�; mastc/artcom �campos affidavit�; expert witness mastec/artcom; artcom global services; mastec/artcom bvi action; mastec/artcom biography of brian c. dunning; mastec/ artcom biograhy of angelika hunnefeld; drafts mastec/artcom case no. 01-351; gomez-acebo & pombo martindale-hubble listing mastec/artcom; sintel usa inc. corporate search; artcom vs. mastec, inc. photos of sintel in madrid; mastec/artcom sintel proposed deposition questions; mastec/artcom settlement discussions; mastec/artcom general ; mastec/artcom mastec, inc. corporate info.; mastec/artcom mastec�s inc.�s privilege log; mastec/artcom declaratory judg. action re: doj; mastec/artcom spain litigation; mastec/artcom arbitrator info: gerald b. wald; global telecom corporate search mastec/artcom; mastec/artcom master log re docs. producved and withheld as privileged � dated february 26, 2002; mastec/artcom cuerro timeline 2/11/02; mastec, inc. sintel peru case witness and exhibit lists; mastec/artcom mastec�s privilege log; demonstrative charts mastec/artcom; mastec/artcom mastec financials; mastec/artcom � original confidentiality order executed by pat gannon; mastec/sistemas � docket sheet 00-cv-675; mastec/sintel � docket sheet 00-cv-950; bickerton/artcom � docket sheet 3:01-cv-1606 puerto rico; mastec/sintel international � docket sheet 00-cv-2858; mastec/artcom extra copies; mastec/artcom � docket sheet 01-cv-351; mastec/artcom docket proceedings for case 01-351-070505-2; mastec/artcom client documents; mastec/artcom newspaper clippings; mastec/artcom jorge mas santos affidavit; mastec/artcom stephen jenkins � martindale � hubble information; mastec/artcom general shareholders meeting 2/22/01; special meeting of shareholders 7/25/00; mastec/artcom delaware corporate information; mastec/artcom jose sariego affidavit",
  140856. "7/31/2002",
  140857. "11176542",
  140858. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140859. "nan",
  140860. "nan",
  140861. " hk box: 28375",
  140862. "miami",
  140863. "687559",
  140864. "nan",
  140865. "nan",
  140866. "nan",
  140867. "nan",
  140868. "nan",
  140869. "nan",
  140870. "nan",
  140871. "nan",
  140872. "nan",
  140873. "nan",
  140874. "nan",
  140875. "nan",
  140876. "nan",
  140877. "nan",
  140878. "nan",
  140879. "nan",
  140880. "nan",
  140881. "nan",
  140882. "nan",
  140883. "nan",
  140884. "nan",
  140885. "nan",
  140886. "nan"
  140887. ],
  140888. [
  140889. "70505",
  140890. "2",
  140891. "mastec",
  140892. "artcom",
  140893. "460601458",
  140894. "nan",
  140895. "mastec/artcom memorandum; mastec/artcom/andrew bickerton district of puerto rico 01-01606; mastec latin america, inc. v. sintel case no. 01-0950; mastec, inc. v. madina, s.a. and fg. newco, s.i. 07-0505-2; mastec v. sintel usdc. case no. 00-2858-civ pleadings; mastec/sintel usdc.l case no. 00-2858-civ correspondence; mastec/artcom mena working files; mastec/artcom �sintel international exhibit list�; mastec/artcom �h&k draft timeline�; mastec/artcom �sariego document index�; mastec/artcom �mastec affiliated entities�; mastec/artcom �draft motion to shorten time�; mastec/artcom �draft answer and affirmative defenses�; mastec/artcom �docket sheet for 1999 case�; mastec/artcom �summary of entities and timelines�; mastec/artcom �cuervo timeline�; mastec/artcom �materials re draft motion to strike negreira�; mastec/artcom �summary of funds received by mastec�; mastec/artcom �settlement agreement�",
  140896. "7/31/2002",
  140897. "11176543",
  140898. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140899. "nan",
  140900. "nan",
  140901. " hk box: 28376",
  140902. "miami",
  140903. "687561",
  140904. "nan",
  140905. "nan",
  140906. "nan",
  140907. "nan",
  140908. "nan",
  140909. "nan",
  140910. "nan",
  140911. "nan",
  140912. "nan",
  140913. "nan",
  140914. "nan",
  140915. "nan",
  140916. "nan",
  140917. "nan",
  140918. "nan",
  140919. "nan",
  140920. "nan",
  140921. "nan",
  140922. "nan",
  140923. "nan",
  140924. "nan",
  140925. "nan",
  140926. "nan"
  140927. ],
  140928. [
  140929. "70505",
  140930. "2",
  140931. "mastec",
  140932. "artcom",
  140933. "490619216",
  140934. "nan",
  140935. "mastec/artcom war work file vol. i; mastec settlement docs.; sariego�s affidavit; delaware complaint; notes; mastec/sintel; bvi order and affidavit sintel; puerto rico counsel ; mastec/madina & f.g. newco � lawsuit filed in spain ; mastec latin/ sintel � filed in peru; mastec/ artcom war work file; mastec/artcom war file vol. ii; mastec�s share in artcom; documents from client; mastec/artcom war file vol. iii; artcom vs. mastec inc. complaint; artcom�s response to summary judgement; mastec � war work file vol. iv.; war work file � hearing on pending motions; deposition of jose sariego",
  140936. "7/31/2002",
  140937. "11176544",
  140938. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140939. "nan",
  140940. "nan",
  140941. " hk box: 28377",
  140942. "miami",
  140943. "687563",
  140944. "nan",
  140945. "nan",
  140946. "nan",
  140947. "nan",
  140948. "nan",
  140949. "nan",
  140950. "nan",
  140951. "nan",
  140952. "nan",
  140953. "nan",
  140954. "nan",
  140955. "nan",
  140956. "nan",
  140957. "nan",
  140958. "nan",
  140959. "nan",
  140960. "nan",
  140961. "nan",
  140962. "nan",
  140963. "nan",
  140964. "nan",
  140965. "nan",
  140966. "nan"
  140967. ],
  140968. [
  140969. "70505",
  140970. "2",
  140971. "mastec",
  140972. "artcom",
  140973. "490619206",
  140974. "nan",
  140975. "mastec/sistemas affidavit of radames domenech; mastec/sistemas order dismissing and closing case; mastec exhibits; jc mas depo 4/29/02 exhibits � incomplete; mastec pending files to be sorted; mastec/artcom extra copies of pleadings; mastec affidavit of jose sariego; mastec, inc. adv. artcom technologies corp. rsch: accounting expert; mastec/artcom rsch: stay of civil discovery pending criminal indictment; mastec/artcom rsch: attorney�s fees; mastec/artcom rsch: �summary judgment research�; mastec/artcom cases cited in artcom�s response to s.j.; mastec/artcom rsch: rule 26 & court�s discretion; mastec/artcom rsch: �accountant privilege�; mastec/artcom sintel pleadings; mastec commercial bank document production",
  140976. "7/31/2002",
  140977. "11176545",
  140978. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  140979. "nan",
  140980. "nan",
  140981. " hk box: 28378",
  140982. "miami",
  140983. "687564",
  140984. "nan",
  140985. "nan",
  140986. "nan",
  140987. "nan",
  140988. "nan",
  140989. "nan",
  140990. "nan",
  140991. "nan",
  140992. "nan",
  140993. "nan",
  140994. "nan",
  140995. "nan",
  140996. "nan",
  140997. "nan",
  140998. "nan",
  140999. "nan",
  141000. "nan",
  141001. "nan",
  141002. "nan",
  141003. "nan",
  141004. "nan",
  141005. "nan",
  141006. "nan"
  141007. ],
  141008. [
  141009. "70505",
  141010. "2",
  141011. "mastec",
  141012. "none",
  141013. "489521215",
  141014. "nan",
  141015. "mastec/artcom kpmg expert report oh behalf of artcom; mastec/artcom artcom append. opp. to 2nd motion for sum. judg.; mastec/artcom artcom appendix to expert report negreira; mastec/artcom expert report of negreira; mastec/artcom order 06/02/02 re: mastec motion; mastec/artcom key documents; mastec/artcom complaints; mastec/artcom kpmg reports; mastec/artcom spanish deed re grant of auth. to casanova; mastec/artcom 12/30/98 stock purchase agreement; mastec/artcom 12/30/98 f.g. newco loan agreement; mastec/artcom 12/30/98 agreement between spanish investors; mastec/artcom 12/31/98 resignations from mastec inter.; mastec/artcom 12/31/98 transfer of documents to casanova; mastec/artcom 02/01/99 consent of mastec intl sole director; mastec/artcom 02/01/99 consent of mastec intl sole director; mastec/artcom 02/11/99 assignment of stock purchase agmt.; mastec/artcom 02/11/99 stock pledge agmt. b/w mastec/medina; mastec/artcom 03/10/99 demand letter' to madina s.a.; mastec/artcom 10/22/99 agmt. delineating amt. due (madina/f.g.); mastec/artcom 10/26/99 f.g. newco repudiation of 2/11/99 agmt.; mastec/artcom 02/21/00 affidavit of juan casanova; mastec/artcom 04/11/00 shareholders' agreement w/o mastec; mastec/artcom 04/11/00 shareholders' agmt. w/ mastec; mastec/artcom 05/17/00 ancmt. to sinter employ. re: co. officials; mastec/artcom 06/21/00 mastec int'l. mi14utes of share. meeting; mastec/artcom 06/22/00 letter agmt. revoking powers camp./cas.; mastec/artcom 07/18/00 mastec int'l minutes of share mtng.; mastec/artcom 07/25/00 mastec int'l minutes of share. mtng. 12:30; mastec/artcom 07/25/00 mastec int'l minutes of share. mtng. 12:45; mastec/artcom 11/02/00 artcom min. of mtng. re trnsf. to sintel; mastec/artcom 02/20/01 affidavit of jorge mas santos; mastec/artcom translations; mastec/artcom chronological listing re: 03/05/02 03/07/02; mastec/sintel correspondence claim no. 19 of 2001 05/06/02",
  141016. "7/30/2002",
  141017. "11176608",
  141018. "rodriguez wilfredo",
  141019. "nan",
  141020. "nan",
  141021. " hk box: 28441",
  141022. "miami",
  141023. "687681",
  141024. "nan",
  141025. "nan",
  141026. "nan",
  141027. "nan",
  141028. "nan",
  141029. "nan",
  141030. "nan",
  141031. "nan",
  141032. "nan",
  141033. "nan",
  141034. "nan",
  141035. "nan",
  141036. "nan",
  141037. "nan",
  141038. "nan",
  141039. "nan",
  141040. "nan",
  141041. "nan",
  141042. "nan",
  141043. "nan",
  141044. "nan",
  141045. "nan",
  141046. "nan"
  141047. ],
  141048. [
  141049. "708080",
  141050. "00022",
  141051. "boston bay capital, inc.",
  141052. "bbc general",
  141053. "719658619",
  141054. "nan",
  141055. "fileno: 80213/index: correspondence, notes & misc., arrearage summary, icp consent to restructuring, icp financials, fdic acceptance of offer, mhfa commitment letter & memo of findings, icp subscription docs., assignment of lp interests, $165,000 promissory note, closing binder for sale of icp interests held by fdic, sharp restructuring docs., drafts",
  141056. "1/18/2000",
  141057. "52244",
  141058. "2003 amnesty",
  141059. "nan",
  141060. "nan",
  141061. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: marie bonnin 10-31-01 / retd_to_st: 3/19/2002 hk box:",
  141062. "boston",
  141063. "1023646",
  141064. "7/7/2003",
  141065. "nan",
  141066. "nan",
  141067. "nan",
  141068. "nan",
  141069. "nan",
  141070. "nan",
  141071. "nan",
  141072. "nan",
  141073. "nan",
  141074. "nan",
  141075. "nan",
  141076. "nan",
  141077. "nan",
  141078. "nan",
  141079. "nan",
  141080. "nan",
  141081. "nan",
  141082. "nan",
  141083. "nan",
  141084. "nan",
  141085. "nan",
  141086. "nan"
  141087. ],
  141088. [
  141089. "708255",
  141090. "00000",
  141091. "lend lease real estate investments, inc.",
  141092. "general",
  141093. "719581526",
  141094. "nan",
  141095. "fileno: 3010677/index: ll/spring gardens tax op., ll/seymour schutz lps, ll/orchard park phase ii, ll/winn-rolling ridge, ll/old market loft apts., ll/acf-historic rtc proposal ltr. bfg-village crest, bfg-historic fund, bfg-tax audit 5/99, bfg-10 yr. issue-novoynadac 11/30/98, bfg-buena vista tax audit, bfg-austin santa maria village",
  141096. "5/21/2001",
  141097. "173928",
  141098. "james e. mcdermott",
  141099. "off-site",
  141100. "nan",
  141101. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141102. "boston",
  141103. "1043078",
  141104. "9/8/2003",
  141105. "nan",
  141106. "nan",
  141107. "nan",
  141108. "nan",
  141109. "nan",
  141110. "nan",
  141111. "nan",
  141112. "nan",
  141113. "nan",
  141114. "nan",
  141115. "nan",
  141116. "nan",
  141117. "nan",
  141118. "nan",
  141119. "nan",
  141120. "nan",
  141121. "nan",
  141122. "nan",
  141123. "nan",
  141124. "nan",
  141125. "nan",
  141126. "nan"
  141127. ],
  141128. [
  141129. "711736",
  141130. "00001",
  141131. "capital resource partners",
  141132. "star video-advice re",
  141133. "719590836",
  141134. "nan",
  141135. "file #:x03151615: 6-17-97: closing books: sale by star video to valley record distributors, redemption of ltd. partnership interest of capital resources & fdic, as for goldome receiver",
  141136. "12/17/2010",
  141137. "c0516268",
  141138. "james d. smeallie",
  141139. "off-site",
  141140. "machen william",
  141141. " hk box:",
  141142. "boston",
  141143. "1748205",
  141144. "11/2/2007",
  141145. "nan",
  141146. "nan",
  141147. "nan",
  141148. "nan",
  141149. "nan",
  141150. "nan",
  141151. "nan",
  141152. "nan",
  141153. "nan",
  141154. "nan",
  141155. "nan",
  141156. "nan",
  141157. "nan",
  141158. "nan",
  141159. "nan",
  141160. "nan",
  141161. "nan",
  141162. "nan",
  141163. "nan",
  141164. "nan",
  141165. "nan",
  141166. "nan"
  141167. ],
  141168. [
  141169. "713240",
  141170. "00060",
  141171. "chevron corporation",
  141172. "rampart apartments",
  141173. "719664205",
  141174. "nan",
  141175. "fileno: 77336/index: permanent loan docs., regulatory agreements (empty), construction contract, architect contract (empty), insurance binder (empty), survey (empty), deed (empty), land acquisition documents, loan assignment to partnership, securities representation letter, ahp documents, form of tenant lease, cra loan documents, tcac worksheet determining need, local zoning approvals/permits, chfa financing plan, operating expense table, tcac previous partcipation form & schedule, deferred payment financing, sro projects evidence eligibility, eligible basis certification, public housing waiting lists, acquisition of occupied housing apps., tenant relocation plan, tcac re-application statement, relevant sections of consolidated plan, additional due diligence items",
  141176. "10/27/1999",
  141177. "34453",
  141178. "merger boston",
  141179. "nan",
  141180. "nan",
  141181. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141182. "boston",
  141183. "1017945",
  141184. "8/13/2002",
  141185. "nan",
  141186. "nan",
  141187. "nan",
  141188. "nan",
  141189. "nan",
  141190. "nan",
  141191. "nan",
  141192. "nan",
  141193. "nan",
  141194. "nan",
  141195. "nan",
  141196. "nan",
  141197. "nan",
  141198. "nan",
  141199. "nan",
  141200. "nan",
  141201. "nan",
  141202. "nan",
  141203. "nan",
  141204. "nan",
  141205. "nan",
  141206. "nan"
  141207. ],
  141208. [
  141209. "713240",
  141210. "00395",
  141211. "chevron corporation",
  141212. "20 exchange place, new york, new york",
  141213. "805128403",
  141214. "general/other",
  141215. "subfolders: signature pages; amended & restated operating agreement; disbursement; checklist; restated option agreement; guaranty agreement; fdic investor note; 2009\n\nredweld also contains loose documents as well, the highlight of which being an appraisal",
  141216. "1/5/2016",
  141217. "nan",
  141218. "edward r. hickey",
  141219. "off-site",
  141220. "dannenberg harry",
  141221. "nan",
  141222. "boston",
  141223. "2433325",
  141224. "nan",
  141225. "nan",
  141226. "nan",
  141227. "nan",
  141228. "nan",
  141229. "nan",
  141230. "nan",
  141231. "nan",
  141232. "nan",
  141233. "nan",
  141234. "nan",
  141235. "nan",
  141236. "nan",
  141237. "nan",
  141238. "nan",
  141239. "nan",
  141240. "nan",
  141241. "nan",
  141242. "nan",
  141243. "nan",
  141244. "nan",
  141245. "nan",
  141246. "nan"
  141247. ],
  141248. [
  141249. "713240",
  141250. "00395",
  141251. "chevron corporation",
  141252. "20 exchange place, new york, new york",
  141253. "805128403",
  141254. "general/other",
  141255. "(2010 restructuring re: fdic phase)\n\nredweld contains loose miscellaneous documents",
  141256. "1/5/2016",
  141257. "nan",
  141258. "edward r. hickey",
  141259. "off-site",
  141260. "dannenberg harry",
  141261. "nan",
  141262. "boston",
  141263. "2433328",
  141264. "nan",
  141265. "nan",
  141266. "nan",
  141267. "nan",
  141268. "nan",
  141269. "nan",
  141270. "nan",
  141271. "nan",
  141272. "nan",
  141273. "nan",
  141274. "nan",
  141275. "nan",
  141276. "nan",
  141277. "nan",
  141278. "nan",
  141279. "nan",
  141280. "nan",
  141281. "nan",
  141282. "nan",
  141283. "nan",
  141284. "nan",
  141285. "nan",
  141286. "nan"
  141287. ],
  141288. [
  141289. "71341",
  141290. "528",
  141291. "fidelity national financial",
  141292. "chicago title/fdic opinion",
  141293. "672030330",
  141294. "nan",
  141295. "files for storage",
  141296. "3/28/2006",
  141297. "12513980",
  141298. "aronson mark",
  141299. "nan",
  141300. "nan",
  141301. " hk box: 37221",
  141302. "miami",
  141303. "706113",
  141304. "nan",
  141305. "nan",
  141306. "nan",
  141307. "nan",
  141308. "nan",
  141309. "nan",
  141310. "nan",
  141311. "nan",
  141312. "nan",
  141313. "nan",
  141314. "nan",
  141315. "nan",
  141316. "nan",
  141317. "nan",
  141318. "nan",
  141319. "nan",
  141320. "nan",
  141321. "nan",
  141322. "nan",
  141323. "nan",
  141324. "nan",
  141325. "nan",
  141326. "nan"
  141327. ],
  141328. [
  141329. "714000",
  141330. "00002",
  141331. "claremont corporation",
  141332. "*closed--general",
  141333. "719658154",
  141334. "nan",
  141335. "fileno: 3001918/index: correspondence, notes, memoranda, miscellaneous, draft auditor's letter, 7/8/91 auditor's letter, 2/93 nbrlp auditor response, oxford auditor letter 1/94, audit response 2/94, lake vista/pch mgmt. auditor response, audit response 1/30/95, audit response 2/15/96, bruce duarte termination, shawmut bank claim, blue cross/blue shield, grand jury newspaper article, grand jury-maclean, workout strategy issues, burlington elevator, fdic, employment-benefits manual, alter ego liability, 126 high street subpeona",
  141336. "8/14/2000",
  141337. "95951",
  141338. "robert v. lizza",
  141339. "nan",
  141340. "nan",
  141341. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141342. "boston",
  141343. "1034388",
  141344. "12/31/1994",
  141345. "nan",
  141346. "nan",
  141347. "nan",
  141348. "nan",
  141349. "nan",
  141350. "nan",
  141351. "nan",
  141352. "nan",
  141353. "nan",
  141354. "nan",
  141355. "nan",
  141356. "nan",
  141357. "nan",
  141358. "nan",
  141359. "nan",
  141360. "nan",
  141361. "nan",
  141362. "nan",
  141363. "nan",
  141364. "nan",
  141365. "nan",
  141366. "nan"
  141367. ],
  141368. [
  141369. "720851",
  141370. "00001",
  141371. "deluca, william",
  141372. "lease w/ option to purchase 45 haverhill street",
  141373. "719599788",
  141374. "nan",
  141375. "fileno: 5159687/index: correspondence, notes, e-mails & memos, engagement letter, conflict info., sec filings, meeting minutes-january 2, 2003, fdic notice, mass banking commissioner notice, backup information for schedule 13g, lawrence savings bank, lsb corporation-2002 sales, account workbook, schedule 13d: amendment no. 3, schedule 13g: amendment no. 1, amendment no. 2, amendment no. 2, amendment no. 3, amendment no. 4, amendment no. 5",
  141376. "5/16/2003",
  141377. "895274",
  141378. "richard j. hindlian",
  141379. "nan",
  141380. "nan",
  141381. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: e rosati 2-9-2004 / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141382. "boston",
  141383. "1193931",
  141384. "12/31/1994",
  141385. "nan",
  141386. "nan",
  141387. "nan",
  141388. "nan",
  141389. "nan",
  141390. "nan",
  141391. "nan",
  141392. "nan",
  141393. "nan",
  141394. "nan",
  141395. "nan",
  141396. "nan",
  141397. "nan",
  141398. "nan",
  141399. "nan",
  141400. "nan",
  141401. "nan",
  141402. "nan",
  141403. "nan",
  141404. "nan",
  141405. "nan",
  141406. "nan"
  141407. ],
  141408. [
  141409. "727132",
  141410. "00002",
  141411. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141412. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141413. "719643332",
  141414. "nan",
  141415. "nan",
  141416. "12/18/2000",
  141417. "157049",
  141418. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141419. "nan",
  141420. "nan",
  141421. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141422. "boston",
  141423. "1037915",
  141424. "11/5/2000",
  141425. "nan",
  141426. "nan",
  141427. "nan",
  141428. "nan",
  141429. "nan",
  141430. "nan",
  141431. "nan",
  141432. "nan",
  141433. "nan",
  141434. "nan",
  141435. "nan",
  141436. "nan",
  141437. "nan",
  141438. "nan",
  141439. "nan",
  141440. "nan",
  141441. "nan",
  141442. "nan",
  141443. "nan",
  141444. "nan",
  141445. "nan",
  141446. "nan"
  141447. ],
  141448. [
  141449. "727132",
  141450. "00002",
  141451. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141452. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141453. "719659086",
  141454. "nan",
  141455. "nan",
  141456. "12/31/1899",
  141457. "157048",
  141458. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141459. "nan",
  141460. "nan",
  141461. "comments: ccm + facility: pla + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141462. "boston",
  141463. "1037916",
  141464. "11/5/2000",
  141465. "nan",
  141466. "nan",
  141467. "nan",
  141468. "nan",
  141469. "nan",
  141470. "nan",
  141471. "nan",
  141472. "nan",
  141473. "nan",
  141474. "nan",
  141475. "nan",
  141476. "nan",
  141477. "nan",
  141478. "nan",
  141479. "nan",
  141480. "nan",
  141481. "nan",
  141482. "nan",
  141483. "nan",
  141484. "nan",
  141485. "nan",
  141486. "nan"
  141487. ],
  141488. [
  141489. "727132",
  141490. "00002",
  141491. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141492. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141493. "719659092",
  141494. "nan",
  141495. "nan",
  141496. "12/18/2000",
  141497. "157047",
  141498. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141499. "nan",
  141500. "nan",
  141501. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141502. "boston",
  141503. "1037917",
  141504. "11/5/2000",
  141505. "nan",
  141506. "nan",
  141507. "nan",
  141508. "nan",
  141509. "nan",
  141510. "nan",
  141511. "nan",
  141512. "nan",
  141513. "nan",
  141514. "nan",
  141515. "nan",
  141516. "nan",
  141517. "nan",
  141518. "nan",
  141519. "nan",
  141520. "nan",
  141521. "nan",
  141522. "nan",
  141523. "nan",
  141524. "nan",
  141525. "nan",
  141526. "nan"
  141527. ],
  141528. [
  141529. "727132",
  141530. "00002",
  141531. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141532. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141533. "719595994",
  141534. "nan",
  141535. "nan",
  141536. "12/18/2000",
  141537. "157046",
  141538. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141539. "nan",
  141540. "nan",
  141541. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141542. "boston",
  141543. "1037918",
  141544. "11/5/2000",
  141545. "nan",
  141546. "nan",
  141547. "nan",
  141548. "nan",
  141549. "nan",
  141550. "nan",
  141551. "nan",
  141552. "nan",
  141553. "nan",
  141554. "nan",
  141555. "nan",
  141556. "nan",
  141557. "nan",
  141558. "nan",
  141559. "nan",
  141560. "nan",
  141561. "nan",
  141562. "nan",
  141563. "nan",
  141564. "nan",
  141565. "nan",
  141566. "nan"
  141567. ],
  141568. [
  141569. "727132",
  141570. "00002",
  141571. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141572. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141573. "719659104",
  141574. "nan",
  141575. "nan",
  141576. "12/18/2000",
  141577. "157045",
  141578. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141579. "nan",
  141580. "nan",
  141581. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141582. "boston",
  141583. "1037919",
  141584. "11/5/2000",
  141585. "nan",
  141586. "nan",
  141587. "nan",
  141588. "nan",
  141589. "nan",
  141590. "nan",
  141591. "nan",
  141592. "nan",
  141593. "nan",
  141594. "nan",
  141595. "nan",
  141596. "nan",
  141597. "nan",
  141598. "nan",
  141599. "nan",
  141600. "nan",
  141601. "nan",
  141602. "nan",
  141603. "nan",
  141604. "nan",
  141605. "nan",
  141606. "nan"
  141607. ],
  141608. [
  141609. "727132",
  141610. "00002",
  141611. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141612. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141613. "719659093",
  141614. "nan",
  141615. "nan",
  141616. "12/18/2000",
  141617. "157044",
  141618. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141619. "nan",
  141620. "nan",
  141621. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141622. "boston",
  141623. "1037920",
  141624. "11/5/2000",
  141625. "nan",
  141626. "nan",
  141627. "nan",
  141628. "nan",
  141629. "nan",
  141630. "nan",
  141631. "nan",
  141632. "nan",
  141633. "nan",
  141634. "nan",
  141635. "nan",
  141636. "nan",
  141637. "nan",
  141638. "nan",
  141639. "nan",
  141640. "nan",
  141641. "nan",
  141642. "nan",
  141643. "nan",
  141644. "nan",
  141645. "nan",
  141646. "nan"
  141647. ],
  141648. [
  141649. "727132",
  141650. "00002",
  141651. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141652. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141653. "719659110",
  141654. "nan",
  141655. "nan",
  141656. "12/18/2000",
  141657. "157043",
  141658. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141659. "nan",
  141660. "nan",
  141661. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141662. "boston",
  141663. "1037921",
  141664. "11/5/2000",
  141665. "nan",
  141666. "nan",
  141667. "nan",
  141668. "nan",
  141669. "nan",
  141670. "nan",
  141671. "nan",
  141672. "nan",
  141673. "nan",
  141674. "nan",
  141675. "nan",
  141676. "nan",
  141677. "nan",
  141678. "nan",
  141679. "nan",
  141680. "nan",
  141681. "nan",
  141682. "nan",
  141683. "nan",
  141684. "nan",
  141685. "nan",
  141686. "nan"
  141687. ],
  141688. [
  141689. "727132",
  141690. "00002",
  141691. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  141692. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  141693. "719659085",
  141694. "nan",
  141695. "nan",
  141696. "12/18/2000",
  141697. "157042",
  141698. "philip j. notopoulos",
  141699. "nan",
  141700. "nan",
  141701. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: real estate\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141702. "boston",
  141703. "1037922",
  141704. "11/5/2000",
  141705. "nan",
  141706. "nan",
  141707. "nan",
  141708. "nan",
  141709. "nan",
  141710. "nan",
  141711. "nan",
  141712. "nan",
  141713. "nan",
  141714. "nan",
  141715. "nan",
  141716. "nan",
  141717. "nan",
  141718. "nan",
  141719. "nan",
  141720. "nan",
  141721. "nan",
  141722. "nan",
  141723. "nan",
  141724. "nan",
  141725. "nan",
  141726. "nan"
  141727. ],
  141728. [
  141729. "734147",
  141730. "00001",
  141731. "the 1099 realty trust",
  141732. "weymouth real estate",
  141733. "719590369",
  141734. "nan",
  141735. "fileno: 3003863/index: correspondence, notes & memoranda, 1995 $140 k loan transaction, fdic assignments, miscellaneous",
  141736. "1/11/2001",
  141737. "157329",
  141738. "merger boston",
  141739. "nan",
  141740. "nan",
  141741. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: / retd_to_st:8/5/10 hk box:",
  141742. "boston",
  141743. "1038787",
  141744. "11/5/2000",
  141745. "nan",
  141746. "nan",
  141747. "nan",
  141748. "nan",
  141749. "nan",
  141750. "nan",
  141751. "nan",
  141752. "nan",
  141753. "nan",
  141754. "nan",
  141755. "nan",
  141756. "nan",
  141757. "nan",
  141758. "nan",
  141759. "nan",
  141760. "nan",
  141761. "nan",
  141762. "nan",
  141763. "nan",
  141764. "nan",
  141765. "nan",
  141766. "nan"
  141767. ],
  141768. [
  141769. "734340",
  141770. "00079",
  141771. "john hancock life insurance company",
  141772. "plaza north senior residences",
  141773. "719661629",
  141774. "nan",
  141775. "fileno: 83058/index: property acquisition documents, agreement with city & ssi, tax opinion, coot certification documents (empty), tax credit allocation, lease documents, development ag. (empty), 10% test documentation, rep. warranty & indemnity ag't., assignment of leasehold interest (empty), bill of sale (empty), assignment and assumption of space, leases, subleases, use agreement, affidavit, supplemental management ag't., material partcipation ag't., tax certificate, purchase option and right of first refusal ag't., amended and restated operating ag't., drafts",
  141776. "5/23/2000",
  141777. "79467",
  141778. "william f. machen",
  141779. "nan",
  141780. "nan",
  141781. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141782. "boston",
  141783. "1029635",
  141784. "6/25/2003",
  141785. "nan",
  141786. "nan",
  141787. "nan",
  141788. "nan",
  141789. "nan",
  141790. "nan",
  141791. "nan",
  141792. "nan",
  141793. "nan",
  141794. "nan",
  141795. "nan",
  141796. "nan",
  141797. "nan",
  141798. "nan",
  141799. "nan",
  141800. "nan",
  141801. "nan",
  141802. "nan",
  141803. "nan",
  141804. "nan",
  141805. "nan",
  141806. "nan"
  141807. ],
  141808. [
  141809. "734340",
  141810. "00079",
  141811. "john hancock life insurance company",
  141812. "plaza north senior residences",
  141813. "719661629",
  141814. "nan",
  141815. "fileno: 83059/index: taxable industrial revenue bonds binder, drafts, amended & restated op. ag't., financial projections, ahp documents, use agreement, development note, option ag. (empty), tax credit application (empty), tax certificate, local tax indemnity (empty), ps opinion, material partcipation agreement, supplemental mgmt. ag. (empty), senior center documents, tax issues, memos, investor note (empty), investor security ag. (empty), insurance, andrew l. bias affidavit (empty), sublease for commerical space, environmental indemnity from city, purchase price allocation",
  141816. "5/23/2000",
  141817. "79467",
  141818. "william f. machen",
  141819. "nan",
  141820. "nan",
  141821. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141822. "boston",
  141823. "1029636",
  141824. "6/25/2003",
  141825. "nan",
  141826. "nan",
  141827. "nan",
  141828. "nan",
  141829. "nan",
  141830. "nan",
  141831. "nan",
  141832. "nan",
  141833. "nan",
  141834. "nan",
  141835. "nan",
  141836. "nan",
  141837. "nan",
  141838. "nan",
  141839. "nan",
  141840. "nan",
  141841. "nan",
  141842. "nan",
  141843. "nan",
  141844. "nan",
  141845. "nan",
  141846. "nan"
  141847. ],
  141848. [
  141849. "761202",
  141850. "00308",
  141851. "capmark affordable equity holdings, inc.",
  141852. "project amity",
  141853. "719607956",
  141854. "nan",
  141855. "index: redweld: af evans co. (azure park), redweld: artcraft investment (chicago manor), redweld: bannor realty (regency arms), redweld: lorraine baugh (brown kaplan town homes), redweld: baumgarner, roger (fountain ridge), redweld: boisclair (century hills town homes, hampden square, bridgeway apartments, brooks gardens, brooks landing, park acres town home), redweld: boone, steve (dearwood, jevue), redweld: bristol affordable housing (residence at ainsworth), redweld: bruce, bill (century garden, g. trains east\" \" west, m. gardens), redweld: carlson, garrett g., sr. & jr. (maplewood town homes), redweld: caroline corporation (prescott town homes, villas by mary t., villas of caroline on rosaland)",
  141856. "5/28/2008",
  141857. "13078113",
  141858. "edward r. hickey",
  141859. "nan",
  141860. "nan",
  141861. "comments: ccm + facility: arm + department: business\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141862. "boston",
  141863. "1381707",
  141864. "7/2/2008",
  141865. "nan",
  141866. "nan",
  141867. "nan",
  141868. "nan",
  141869. "nan",
  141870. "nan",
  141871. "nan",
  141872. "nan",
  141873. "nan",
  141874. "nan",
  141875. "nan",
  141876. "nan",
  141877. "nan",
  141878. "nan",
  141879. "nan",
  141880. "nan",
  141881. "nan",
  141882. "nan",
  141883. "nan",
  141884. "nan",
  141885. "nan",
  141886. "nan"
  141887. ],
  141888. [
  141889. "767125",
  141890. "00002",
  141891. "robb, george",
  141892. "ca partners",
  141893. "719585989",
  141894. "nan",
  141895. "file #:135009878: trial folder: 1.) jury instructions, 2.) directed verdict motion, 3.) miscellaneous, 4.) witness lists/experts, 5.) opening/closing, 6.) pleadings-bank of n.e. v. peaver assoc., 7.) first american bank judgment, 8.) ftc/rtc jdc program materials, 9.) important memoranda, 10.) all assignments, 11.) working set of important documents, 12.) other cases re: ca partners, 13.) background reports re: fees & costs, 14.) notes: (loose), 15.) assignment and bill of sale: (loose), 16.) e-mails & memoranda: (loose)",
  141896. "1/4/2010",
  141897. "14059072",
  141898. "stephen s.- retired young",
  141899. "off-site",
  141900. "nan",
  141901. " hk box:",
  141902. "boston",
  141903. "1717233",
  141904. "11/5/2009",
  141905. "nan",
  141906. "nan",
  141907. "nan",
  141908. "nan",
  141909. "nan",
  141910. "nan",
  141911. "nan",
  141912. "nan",
  141913. "nan",
  141914. "nan",
  141915. "nan",
  141916. "nan",
  141917. "nan",
  141918. "nan",
  141919. "nan",
  141920. "nan",
  141921. "nan",
  141922. "nan",
  141923. "nan",
  141924. "nan",
  141925. "nan",
  141926. "nan"
  141927. ],
  141928. [
  141929. "777612",
  141930. "00001",
  141931. "tatelbaum, matthew",
  141932. "tax advice",
  141933. "719642035",
  141934. "nan",
  141935. "fileno: 81883/index: notes, correspondence, last will (matthew), last will (ida), 2nd amendment & restatement of matthew tatelbaum trust-1972, revocation of matthew tatelbaum trust of january 17, 1972, revocable trust-1990, 1st amendment to revocable trust, 2nd amend. to rev. trust, 3rd amend. to rev. trust (1995, unsigned), 3rd amend. to rev. trust (1999), the matthew tatelbaum insurance trust, 2nd amendment & restatement of ida r. tatelbaum trust-1972, revocation of ida r. tatelbaum trust of january 17, 1972, revocable trust-1990, 1st amendment to revocable trust, 2nd amendment to revocable trust, 3rd amendment to rev. rust (1995,unsigned), matthew tatelbaum irrevocable trust of 1996, spencer tatelbaum irr. tr., max tatelbaum irr. tr., lisa tatelbaum irr. tr., laura tatelbaum irr. tr., kara tatelbaum irr. tr., everett tatelbaum irr. tr., evan tatelbaum irr. tr., the 80 tobey lane realty trust, the one pearl street realty trust, 1996 gift tax returns, dissolution of dartco assoc., tax issue, durable power of attorney, health care proxy, living will, durable power of attorney (ida), health care proxy (ida), living will (ida)",
  141936. "5/23/2000",
  141937. "79453",
  141938. "allan j. landau",
  141939. "nan",
  141940. "nan",
  141941. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: a mazza 4-11-2003 / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  141942. "boston",
  141943. "1029140",
  141944. "6/19/2003",
  141945. "nan",
  141946. "nan",
  141947. "nan",
  141948. "nan",
  141949. "nan",
  141950. "nan",
  141951. "nan",
  141952. "nan",
  141953. "nan",
  141954. "nan",
  141955. "nan",
  141956. "nan",
  141957. "nan",
  141958. "nan",
  141959. "nan",
  141960. "nan",
  141961. "nan",
  141962. "nan",
  141963. "nan",
  141964. "nan",
  141965. "nan",
  141966. "nan"
  141967. ],
  141968. [
  141969. "78268",
  141970. "1",
  141971. "schein, alan",
  141972. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  141973. "489266776",
  141974. "nan",
  141975. "redweld-legal research re:fdic proofs of claims--------",
  141976. "9/4/2002",
  141977. "789-16566",
  141978. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  141979. "nan",
  141980. "nan",
  141981. "barcode: 100066948 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  141982. "washington d.c",
  141983. "1435222",
  141984. "nan",
  141985. "nan",
  141986. "nan",
  141987. "nan",
  141988. "nan",
  141989. "nan",
  141990. "nan",
  141991. "nan",
  141992. "nan",
  141993. "nan",
  141994. "nan",
  141995. "nan",
  141996. "nan",
  141997. "nan",
  141998. "nan",
  141999. "nan",
  142000. "nan",
  142001. "nan",
  142002. "nan",
  142003. "nan",
  142004. "nan",
  142005. "nan",
  142006. "nan"
  142007. ],
  142008. [
  142009. "78268",
  142010. "1",
  142011. "schein, alan",
  142012. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142013. "489266776",
  142014. "nan",
  142015. "manila-david j. ocasek back-up documentation for fdic proof of claims--------",
  142016. "9/4/2002",
  142017. "789-16566",
  142018. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142019. "nan",
  142020. "nan",
  142021. "barcode: 100066952 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142022. "washington d.c",
  142023. "1435226",
  142024. "nan",
  142025. "nan",
  142026. "nan",
  142027. "nan",
  142028. "nan",
  142029. "nan",
  142030. "nan",
  142031. "nan",
  142032. "nan",
  142033. "nan",
  142034. "nan",
  142035. "nan",
  142036. "nan",
  142037. "nan",
  142038. "nan",
  142039. "nan",
  142040. "nan",
  142041. "nan",
  142042. "nan",
  142043. "nan",
  142044. "nan",
  142045. "nan",
  142046. "nan"
  142047. ],
  142048. [
  142049. "78268",
  142050. "1",
  142051. "schein, alan",
  142052. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142053. "489266776",
  142054. "nan",
  142055. "manila-robert rapp back-up documentation for fdic proof of claims--------",
  142056. "9/4/2002",
  142057. "789-16566",
  142058. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142059. "nan",
  142060. "nan",
  142061. "barcode: 100066953 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142062. "washington d.c",
  142063. "1435227",
  142064. "nan",
  142065. "nan",
  142066. "nan",
  142067. "nan",
  142068. "nan",
  142069. "nan",
  142070. "nan",
  142071. "nan",
  142072. "nan",
  142073. "nan",
  142074. "nan",
  142075. "nan",
  142076. "nan",
  142077. "nan",
  142078. "nan",
  142079. "nan",
  142080. "nan",
  142081. "nan",
  142082. "nan",
  142083. "nan",
  142084. "nan",
  142085. "nan",
  142086. "nan"
  142087. ],
  142088. [
  142089. "78268",
  142090. "1",
  142091. "schein, alan",
  142092. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142093. "489266776",
  142094. "nan",
  142095. "manila-terry reiman back-up documentation for fdic proof of claims--------",
  142096. "9/4/2002",
  142097. "789-16566",
  142098. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142099. "nan",
  142100. "nan",
  142101. "barcode: 100066954 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142102. "washington d.c",
  142103. "1435228",
  142104. "nan",
  142105. "nan",
  142106. "nan",
  142107. "nan",
  142108. "nan",
  142109. "nan",
  142110. "nan",
  142111. "nan",
  142112. "nan",
  142113. "nan",
  142114. "nan",
  142115. "nan",
  142116. "nan",
  142117. "nan",
  142118. "nan",
  142119. "nan",
  142120. "nan",
  142121. "nan",
  142122. "nan",
  142123. "nan",
  142124. "nan",
  142125. "nan",
  142126. "nan"
  142127. ],
  142128. [
  142129. "78268",
  142130. "1",
  142131. "schein, alan",
  142132. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142133. "489266776",
  142134. "nan",
  142135. "manila-alan schein back-up documentation for fdic proof of claims--------",
  142136. "9/4/2002",
  142137. "789-16566",
  142138. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142139. "nan",
  142140. "nan",
  142141. "barcode: 100066955 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142142. "washington d.c",
  142143. "1435229",
  142144. "nan",
  142145. "nan",
  142146. "nan",
  142147. "nan",
  142148. "nan",
  142149. "nan",
  142150. "nan",
  142151. "nan",
  142152. "nan",
  142153. "nan",
  142154. "nan",
  142155. "nan",
  142156. "nan",
  142157. "nan",
  142158. "nan",
  142159. "nan",
  142160. "nan",
  142161. "nan",
  142162. "nan",
  142163. "nan",
  142164. "nan",
  142165. "nan",
  142166. "nan"
  142167. ],
  142168. [
  142169. "78268",
  142170. "1",
  142171. "schein, alan",
  142172. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142173. "489266776",
  142174. "nan",
  142175. "manila-conrad usher back-up documentation for fdic proof of claims--------",
  142176. "9/4/2002",
  142177. "789-16566",
  142178. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142179. "nan",
  142180. "nan",
  142181. "barcode: 100066956 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142182. "washington d.c",
  142183. "1435230",
  142184. "nan",
  142185. "nan",
  142186. "nan",
  142187. "nan",
  142188. "nan",
  142189. "nan",
  142190. "nan",
  142191. "nan",
  142192. "nan",
  142193. "nan",
  142194. "nan",
  142195. "nan",
  142196. "nan",
  142197. "nan",
  142198. "nan",
  142199. "nan",
  142200. "nan",
  142201. "nan",
  142202. "nan",
  142203. "nan",
  142204. "nan",
  142205. "nan",
  142206. "nan"
  142207. ],
  142208. [
  142209. "78268",
  142210. "1",
  142211. "schein, alan",
  142212. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142213. "489266776",
  142214. "nan",
  142215. "redweld-david j. ocasek fdic proof of claims--------",
  142216. "9/4/2002",
  142217. "789-16566",
  142218. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142219. "nan",
  142220. "nan",
  142221. "barcode: 100066957 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142222. "washington d.c",
  142223. "1435231",
  142224. "nan",
  142225. "nan",
  142226. "nan",
  142227. "nan",
  142228. "nan",
  142229. "nan",
  142230. "nan",
  142231. "nan",
  142232. "nan",
  142233. "nan",
  142234. "nan",
  142235. "nan",
  142236. "nan",
  142237. "nan",
  142238. "nan",
  142239. "nan",
  142240. "nan",
  142241. "nan",
  142242. "nan",
  142243. "nan",
  142244. "nan",
  142245. "nan",
  142246. "nan"
  142247. ],
  142248. [
  142249. "78268",
  142250. "1",
  142251. "schein, alan",
  142252. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142253. "489266776",
  142254. "nan",
  142255. "redweld-robert rapp fdic proof of claims--------",
  142256. "9/4/2002",
  142257. "789-16566",
  142258. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142259. "nan",
  142260. "nan",
  142261. "barcode: 100066958 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142262. "washington d.c",
  142263. "1435232",
  142264. "nan",
  142265. "nan",
  142266. "nan",
  142267. "nan",
  142268. "nan",
  142269. "nan",
  142270. "nan",
  142271. "nan",
  142272. "nan",
  142273. "nan",
  142274. "nan",
  142275. "nan",
  142276. "nan",
  142277. "nan",
  142278. "nan",
  142279. "nan",
  142280. "nan",
  142281. "nan",
  142282. "nan",
  142283. "nan",
  142284. "nan",
  142285. "nan",
  142286. "nan"
  142287. ],
  142288. [
  142289. "78268",
  142290. "1",
  142291. "schein, alan",
  142292. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142293. "489266776",
  142294. "nan",
  142295. "redweld-terry reiman fdic proof of claims--------",
  142296. "9/4/2002",
  142297. "789-16566",
  142298. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142299. "nan",
  142300. "nan",
  142301. "barcode: 100066959 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142302. "washington d.c",
  142303. "1435233",
  142304. "nan",
  142305. "nan",
  142306. "nan",
  142307. "nan",
  142308. "nan",
  142309. "nan",
  142310. "nan",
  142311. "nan",
  142312. "nan",
  142313. "nan",
  142314. "nan",
  142315. "nan",
  142316. "nan",
  142317. "nan",
  142318. "nan",
  142319. "nan",
  142320. "nan",
  142321. "nan",
  142322. "nan",
  142323. "nan",
  142324. "nan",
  142325. "nan",
  142326. "nan"
  142327. ],
  142328. [
  142329. "78268",
  142330. "1",
  142331. "schein, alan",
  142332. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142333. "489266776",
  142334. "nan",
  142335. "redweld-alan schein fdic proof of claims--------",
  142336. "9/4/2002",
  142337. "789-16566",
  142338. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142339. "nan",
  142340. "nan",
  142341. "barcode: 100066960 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142342. "washington d.c",
  142343. "1435234",
  142344. "nan",
  142345. "nan",
  142346. "nan",
  142347. "nan",
  142348. "nan",
  142349. "nan",
  142350. "nan",
  142351. "nan",
  142352. "nan",
  142353. "nan",
  142354. "nan",
  142355. "nan",
  142356. "nan",
  142357. "nan",
  142358. "nan",
  142359. "nan",
  142360. "nan",
  142361. "nan",
  142362. "nan",
  142363. "nan",
  142364. "nan",
  142365. "nan",
  142366. "nan"
  142367. ],
  142368. [
  142369. "78268",
  142370. "1",
  142371. "schein, alan",
  142372. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  142373. "489266776",
  142374. "nan",
  142375. "redweld-conrad usher fdic proof of claims--------",
  142376. "9/4/2002",
  142377. "789-16566",
  142378. "wolk, lawrence j.",
  142379. "nan",
  142380. "nan",
  142381. "barcode: 100066961 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: karyn dennis + records assistant: alex billups + file status: out + emp id no: 789-16566 + emp name: 789-16566 prsi box 16566",
  142382. "washington d.c",
  142383. "1435235",
  142384. "nan",
  142385. "nan",
  142386. "nan",
  142387. "nan",
  142388. "nan",
  142389. "nan",
  142390. "nan",
  142391. "nan",
  142392. "nan",
  142393. "nan",
  142394. "nan",
  142395. "nan",
  142396. "nan",
  142397. "nan",
  142398. "nan",
  142399. "nan",
  142400. "nan",
  142401. "nan",
  142402. "nan",
  142403. "nan",
  142404. "nan",
  142405. "nan",
  142406. "nan"
  142407. ],
  142408. [
  142409. "785506",
  142410. "00005",
  142411. "william p. deluca enterprises, inc.",
  142412. "general",
  142413. "719633759",
  142414. "nan",
  142415. "fileno: 3003438/index: working file, fdic notice, mass. banking commissioner notice, memorandum, correspondence, notes, backup information for schedule 13g's, schedule 13g, documents, lawrence savings bank",
  142416. "11/10/2000",
  142417. "116979",
  142418. "richard j. hindlian",
  142419. "nan",
  142420. "nan",
  142421. "comments: this file has been permanantly removed from storage per e rosati 3-14-2003 + facility: arm + department: corporate/syndication/tax/ip\ndelivered: d. burke 4/27/07|w. groves 6/15/06|v greenbaughm 12-20-2002 / retd_to_st: 7/3/2006 hk box:",
  142422. "boston",
  142423. "1036708",
  142424. "6/20/2016",
  142425. "nan",
  142426. "nan",
  142427. "nan",
  142428. "nan",
  142429. "nan",
  142430. "nan",
  142431. "nan",
  142432. "nan",
  142433. "nan",
  142434. "nan",
  142435. "nan",
  142436. "nan",
  142437. "nan",
  142438. "nan",
  142439. "nan",
  142440. "nan",
  142441. "nan",
  142442. "nan",
  142443. "nan",
  142444. "nan",
  142445. "nan",
  142446. "nan"
  142447. ],
  142448. [
  142449. "787313",
  142450. "00000",
  142451. "widett slater & goldman",
  142452. "fdic materials",
  142453. "719661404",
  142454. "nan",
  142455. "fileno: 3014350/",
  142456. "1/2/2002",
  142457. "373845",
  142458. "rjh / rjh",
  142459. "off-site",
  142460. "nan",
  142461. "comments: ccm + facility: arm\ndelivered: m.mellett 1/7/05 / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  142462. "boston",
  142463. "1185137",
  142464. "nan",
  142465. "nan",
  142466. "nan",
  142467. "nan",
  142468. "nan",
  142469. "nan",
  142470. "nan",
  142471. "nan",
  142472. "nan",
  142473. "nan",
  142474. "nan",
  142475. "nan",
  142476. "nan",
  142477. "nan",
  142478. "nan",
  142479. "nan",
  142480. "nan",
  142481. "nan",
  142482. "nan",
  142483. "nan",
  142484. "nan",
  142485. "nan",
  142486. "nan"
  142487. ],
  142488. [
  142489. "80006-",
  142490. "31000",
  142491. "fdic v stokes & co et al",
  142492. "nan",
  142493. "dsj006327",
  142494. "nan",
  142495. "fjl files docs",
  142496. "08/24/1994",
  142497. "85-021",
  142498. "85 fred lotterhos",
  142499. "nan",
  142500. "nan",
  142501. "nan",
  142502. "jacksonville",
  142503. "76288",
  142504. "nan",
  142505. "nan",
  142506. "nan",
  142507. "nan",
  142508. "nan",
  142509. "nan",
  142510. "nan",
  142511. "nan",
  142512. "nan",
  142513. "nan",
  142514. "nan",
  142515. "nan",
  142516. "nan",
  142517. "nan",
  142518. "nan",
  142519. "nan",
  142520. "nan",
  142521. "nan",
  142522. "nan",
  142523. "nan",
  142524. "nan",
  142525. "nan",
  142526. "nan"
  142527. ],
  142528. [
  142529. "80007",
  142530. "2",
  142531. "rtc",
  142532. "duval federal 33993",
  142533. "tcf0012460",
  142534. "nan",
  142535. "nan",
  142536. "6/20/2001",
  142537. "bq1261",
  142538. "wmc",
  142539. "nan",
  142540. "nan",
  142541. "seq: 0101",
  142542. "tampa",
  142543. "211586",
  142544. "nan",
  142545. "nan",
  142546. "nan",
  142547. "nan",
  142548. "nan",
  142549. "nan",
  142550. "nan",
  142551. "nan",
  142552. "nan",
  142553. "nan",
  142554. "nan",
  142555. "nan",
  142556. "nan",
  142557. "nan",
  142558. "nan",
  142559. "nan",
  142560. "nan",
  142561. "nan",
  142562. "nan",
  142563. "nan",
  142564. "nan",
  142565. "nan",
  142566. "nan"
  142567. ],
  142568. [
  142569. "80007",
  142570. "2",
  142571. "rtc",
  142572. "centrust savings bank 33857",
  142573. "tcf0012460",
  142574. "nan",
  142575. "nan",
  142576. "6/20/2001",
  142577. "bq1261",
  142578. "wmc",
  142579. "nan",
  142580. "nan",
  142581. "seq: 0102",
  142582. "tampa",
  142583. "211587",
  142584. "nan",
  142585. "nan",
  142586. "nan",
  142587. "nan",
  142588. "nan",
  142589. "nan",
  142590. "nan",
  142591. "nan",
  142592. "nan",
  142593. "nan",
  142594. "nan",
  142595. "nan",
  142596. "nan",
  142597. "nan",
  142598. "nan",
  142599. "nan",
  142600. "nan",
  142601. "nan",
  142602. "nan",
  142603. "nan",
  142604. "nan",
  142605. "nan",
  142606. "nan"
  142607. ],
  142608. [
  142609. "80007",
  142610. "2",
  142611. "rtc",
  142612. "centrust savings bank 33990",
  142613. "tcf0012460",
  142614. "nan",
  142615. "nan",
  142616. "6/20/2001",
  142617. "bq1261",
  142618. "wmc",
  142619. "nan",
  142620. "nan",
  142621. "seq: 0103",
  142622. "tampa",
  142623. "211588",
  142624. "nan",
  142625. "nan",
  142626. "nan",
  142627. "nan",
  142628. "nan",
  142629. "nan",
  142630. "nan",
  142631. "nan",
  142632. "nan",
  142633. "nan",
  142634. "nan",
  142635. "nan",
  142636. "nan",
  142637. "nan",
  142638. "nan",
  142639. "nan",
  142640. "nan",
  142641. "nan",
  142642. "nan",
  142643. "nan",
  142644. "nan",
  142645. "nan",
  142646. "nan"
  142647. ],
  142648. [
  142649. "80007",
  142650. "2",
  142651. "rtc",
  142652. "freedom savings & loan 33610",
  142653. "tcf0012460",
  142654. "nan",
  142655. "nan",
  142656. "6/20/2001",
  142657. "bq1261",
  142658. "wmc",
  142659. "nan",
  142660. "nan",
  142661. "seq: 0104",
  142662. "tampa",
  142663. "211589",
  142664. "nan",
  142665. "nan",
  142666. "nan",
  142667. "nan",
  142668. "nan",
  142669. "nan",
  142670. "nan",
  142671. "nan",
  142672. "nan",
  142673. "nan",
  142674. "nan",
  142675. "nan",
  142676. "nan",
  142677. "nan",
  142678. "nan",
  142679. "nan",
  142680. "nan",
  142681. "nan",
  142682. "nan",
  142683. "nan",
  142684. "nan",
  142685. "nan",
  142686. "nan"
  142687. ],
  142688. [
  142689. "80007",
  142690. "2",
  142691. "rtc",
  142692. "92 adjustments/refunds",
  142693. "tcf0012461",
  142694. "nan",
  142695. "nan",
  142696. "6/20/2001",
  142697. "bq1262",
  142698. "wmc",
  142699. "nan",
  142700. "nan",
  142701. "seq: 0064",
  142702. "tampa",
  142703. "211590",
  142704. "nan",
  142705. "nan",
  142706. "nan",
  142707. "nan",
  142708. "nan",
  142709. "nan",
  142710. "nan",
  142711. "nan",
  142712. "nan",
  142713. "nan",
  142714. "nan",
  142715. "nan",
  142716. "nan",
  142717. "nan",
  142718. "nan",
  142719. "nan",
  142720. "nan",
  142721. "nan",
  142722. "nan",
  142723. "nan",
  142724. "nan",
  142725. "nan",
  142726. "nan"
  142727. ],
  142728. [
  142729. "80007",
  142730. "2",
  142731. "rtc",
  142732. "90 acct recievable",
  142733. "tcf0012461",
  142734. "nan",
  142735. "nan",
  142736. "6/20/2001",
  142737. "bq1262",
  142738. "wmc",
  142739. "nan",
  142740. "nan",
  142741. "seq: 0065",
  142742. "tampa",
  142743. "211591",
  142744. "nan",
  142745. "nan",
  142746. "nan",
  142747. "nan",
  142748. "nan",
  142749. "nan",
  142750. "nan",
  142751. "nan",
  142752. "nan",
  142753. "nan",
  142754. "nan",
  142755. "nan",
  142756. "nan",
  142757. "nan",
  142758. "nan",
  142759. "nan",
  142760. "nan",
  142761. "nan",
  142762. "nan",
  142763. "nan",
  142764. "nan",
  142765. "nan",
  142766. "nan"
  142767. ],
  142768. [
  142769. "80007",
  142770. "2",
  142771. "rtc",
  142772. "92 adjustments/refunds",
  142773. "tcf0012461",
  142774. "nan",
  142775. "nan",
  142776. "6/20/2001",
  142777. "bq1262",
  142778. "wmc",
  142779. "nan",
  142780. "nan",
  142781. "seq: 0066",
  142782. "tampa",
  142783. "211592",
  142784. "nan",
  142785. "nan",
  142786. "nan",
  142787. "nan",
  142788. "nan",
  142789. "nan",
  142790. "nan",
  142791. "nan",
  142792. "nan",
  142793. "nan",
  142794. "nan",
  142795. "nan",
  142796. "nan",
  142797. "nan",
  142798. "nan",
  142799. "nan",
  142800. "nan",
  142801. "nan",
  142802. "nan",
  142803. "nan",
  142804. "nan",
  142805. "nan",
  142806. "nan"
  142807. ],
  142808. [
  142809. "80007",
  142810. "2",
  142811. "rtc",
  142812. "89 acct recieve",
  142813. "tcf0012461",
  142814. "nan",
  142815. "nan",
  142816. "6/20/2001",
  142817. "bq1262",
  142818. "wmc",
  142819. "nan",
  142820. "nan",
  142821. "seq: 0067",
  142822. "tampa",
  142823. "211593",
  142824. "nan",
  142825. "nan",
  142826. "nan",
  142827. "nan",
  142828. "nan",
  142829. "nan",
  142830. "nan",
  142831. "nan",
  142832. "nan",
  142833. "nan",
  142834. "nan",
  142835. "nan",
  142836. "nan",
  142837. "nan",
  142838. "nan",
  142839. "nan",
  142840. "nan",
  142841. "nan",
  142842. "nan",
  142843. "nan",
  142844. "nan",
  142845. "nan",
  142846. "nan"
  142847. ],
  142848. [
  142849. "80007",
  142850. "2",
  142851. "rtc",
  142852. "responses on form",
  142853. "tcf0012461",
  142854. "nan",
  142855. "nan",
  142856. "6/20/2001",
  142857. "bq1262",
  142858. "wmc",
  142859. "nan",
  142860. "nan",
  142861. "seq: 0068",
  142862. "tampa",
  142863. "211594",
  142864. "nan",
  142865. "nan",
  142866. "nan",
  142867. "nan",
  142868. "nan",
  142869. "nan",
  142870. "nan",
  142871. "nan",
  142872. "nan",
  142873. "nan",
  142874. "nan",
  142875. "nan",
  142876. "nan",
  142877. "nan",
  142878. "nan",
  142879. "nan",
  142880. "nan",
  142881. "nan",
  142882. "nan",
  142883. "nan",
  142884. "nan",
  142885. "nan",
  142886. "nan"
  142887. ],
  142888. [
  142889. "80007",
  142890. "2",
  142891. "rtc",
  142892. "inventory analysis",
  142893. "tcf0012461",
  142894. "nan",
  142895. "nan",
  142896. "6/20/2001",
  142897. "bq1262",
  142898. "wmc",
  142899. "nan",
  142900. "nan",
  142901. "seq: 0069",
  142902. "tampa",
  142903. "211595",
  142904. "nan",
  142905. "nan",
  142906. "nan",
  142907. "nan",
  142908. "nan",
  142909. "nan",
  142910. "nan",
  142911. "nan",
  142912. "nan",
  142913. "nan",
  142914. "nan",
  142915. "nan",
  142916. "nan",
  142917. "nan",
  142918. "nan",
  142919. "nan",
  142920. "nan",
  142921. "nan",
  142922. "nan",
  142923. "nan",
  142924. "nan",
  142925. "nan",
  142926. "nan"
  142927. ],
  142928. [
  142929. "80007",
  142930. "2",
  142931. "rtc",
  142932. "appellate cases",
  142933. "tcf0012461",
  142934. "nan",
  142935. "nan",
  142936. "6/20/2001",
  142937. "bq1262",
  142938. "wmc",
  142939. "nan",
  142940. "nan",
  142941. "seq: 0070",
  142942. "tampa",
  142943. "211596",
  142944. "nan",
  142945. "nan",
  142946. "nan",
  142947. "nan",
  142948. "nan",
  142949. "nan",
  142950. "nan",
  142951. "nan",
  142952. "nan",
  142953. "nan",
  142954. "nan",
  142955. "nan",
  142956. "nan",
  142957. "nan",
  142958. "nan",
  142959. "nan",
  142960. "nan",
  142961. "nan",
  142962. "nan",
  142963. "nan",
  142964. "nan",
  142965. "nan",
  142966. "nan"
  142967. ],
  142968. [
  142969. "80007",
  142970. "2",
  142971. "rtc",
  142972. "significant matters in litigatio",
  142973. "tcf0012461",
  142974. "nan",
  142975. "nan",
  142976. "6/20/2001",
  142977. "bq1262",
  142978. "wmc",
  142979. "nan",
  142980. "nan",
  142981. "seq: 0071",
  142982. "tampa",
  142983. "211597",
  142984. "nan",
  142985. "nan",
  142986. "nan",
  142987. "nan",
  142988. "nan",
  142989. "nan",
  142990. "nan",
  142991. "nan",
  142992. "nan",
  142993. "nan",
  142994. "nan",
  142995. "nan",
  142996. "nan",
  142997. "nan",
  142998. "nan",
  142999. "nan",
  143000. "nan",
  143001. "nan",
  143002. "nan",
  143003. "nan",
  143004. "nan",
  143005. "nan",
  143006. "nan"
  143007. ],
  143008. [
  143009. "80007",
  143010. "2",
  143011. "rtc",
  143012. "92 fax misc",
  143013. "tcf0012461",
  143014. "nan",
  143015. "nan",
  143016. "6/20/2001",
  143017. "bq1262",
  143018. "wmc",
  143019. "nan",
  143020. "nan",
  143021. "seq: 0072",
  143022. "tampa",
  143023. "211598",
  143024. "nan",
  143025. "nan",
  143026. "nan",
  143027. "nan",
  143028. "nan",
  143029. "nan",
  143030. "nan",
  143031. "nan",
  143032. "nan",
  143033. "nan",
  143034. "nan",
  143035. "nan",
  143036. "nan",
  143037. "nan",
  143038. "nan",
  143039. "nan",
  143040. "nan",
  143041. "nan",
  143042. "nan",
  143043. "nan",
  143044. "nan",
  143045. "nan",
  143046. "nan"
  143047. ],
  143048. [
  143049. "80007",
  143050. "2",
  143051. "rtc",
  143052. "92 misc",
  143053. "tcf0012461",
  143054. "nan",
  143055. "nan",
  143056. "6/20/2001",
  143057. "bq1262",
  143058. "wmc",
  143059. "nan",
  143060. "nan",
  143061. "seq: 0073",
  143062. "tampa",
  143063. "211599",
  143064. "nan",
  143065. "nan",
  143066. "nan",
  143067. "nan",
  143068. "nan",
  143069. "nan",
  143070. "nan",
  143071. "nan",
  143072. "nan",
  143073. "nan",
  143074. "nan",
  143075. "nan",
  143076. "nan",
  143077. "nan",
  143078. "nan",
  143079. "nan",
  143080. "nan",
  143081. "nan",
  143082. "nan",
  143083. "nan",
  143084. "nan",
  143085. "nan",
  143086. "nan"
  143087. ],
  143088. [
  143089. "80007",
  143090. "2",
  143091. "rtc",
  143092. "92 misc memos",
  143093. "tcf0012461",
  143094. "nan",
  143095. "nan",
  143096. "6/20/2001",
  143097. "bq1262",
  143098. "wmc",
  143099. "nan",
  143100. "nan",
  143101. "seq: 0074",
  143102. "tampa",
  143103. "211600",
  143104. "nan",
  143105. "nan",
  143106. "nan",
  143107. "nan",
  143108. "nan",
  143109. "nan",
  143110. "nan",
  143111. "nan",
  143112. "nan",
  143113. "nan",
  143114. "nan",
  143115. "nan",
  143116. "nan",
  143117. "nan",
  143118. "nan",
  143119. "nan",
  143120. "nan",
  143121. "nan",
  143122. "nan",
  143123. "nan",
  143124. "nan",
  143125. "nan",
  143126. "nan"
  143127. ],
  143128. [
  143129. "80007",
  143130. "2",
  143131. "rtc",
  143132. "90 misc",
  143133. "tcf0012461",
  143134. "nan",
  143135. "nan",
  143136. "6/20/2001",
  143137. "bq1262",
  143138. "wmc",
  143139. "nan",
  143140. "nan",
  143141. "seq: 0075",
  143142. "tampa",
  143143. "211601",
  143144. "nan",
  143145. "nan",
  143146. "nan",
  143147. "nan",
  143148. "nan",
  143149. "nan",
  143150. "nan",
  143151. "nan",
  143152. "nan",
  143153. "nan",
  143154. "nan",
  143155. "nan",
  143156. "nan",
  143157. "nan",
  143158. "nan",
  143159. "nan",
  143160. "nan",
  143161. "nan",
  143162. "nan",
  143163. "nan",
  143164. "nan",
  143165. "nan",
  143166. "nan"
  143167. ],
  143168. [
  143169. "80007",
  143170. "2",
  143171. "rtc",
  143172. "91 misc",
  143173. "tcf0012461",
  143174. "nan",
  143175. "nan",
  143176. "6/20/2001",
  143177. "bq1262",
  143178. "wmc",
  143179. "nan",
  143180. "nan",
  143181. "seq: 0076",
  143182. "tampa",
  143183. "211602",
  143184. "nan",
  143185. "nan",
  143186. "nan",
  143187. "nan",
  143188. "nan",
  143189. "nan",
  143190. "nan",
  143191. "nan",
  143192. "nan",
  143193. "nan",
  143194. "nan",
  143195. "nan",
  143196. "nan",
  143197. "nan",
  143198. "nan",
  143199. "nan",
  143200. "nan",
  143201. "nan",
  143202. "nan",
  143203. "nan",
  143204. "nan",
  143205. "nan",
  143206. "nan"
  143207. ],
  143208. [
  143209. "80007",
  143210. "2",
  143211. "rtc",
  143212. "90 corres",
  143213. "tcf0012461",
  143214. "nan",
  143215. "nan",
  143216. "6/20/2001",
  143217. "bq1262",
  143218. "wmc",
  143219. "nan",
  143220. "nan",
  143221. "seq: 0077",
  143222. "tampa",
  143223. "211603",
  143224. "nan",
  143225. "nan",
  143226. "nan",
  143227. "nan",
  143228. "nan",
  143229. "nan",
  143230. "nan",
  143231. "nan",
  143232. "nan",
  143233. "nan",
  143234. "nan",
  143235. "nan",
  143236. "nan",
  143237. "nan",
  143238. "nan",
  143239. "nan",
  143240. "nan",
  143241. "nan",
  143242. "nan",
  143243. "nan",
  143244. "nan",
  143245. "nan",
  143246. "nan"
  143247. ],
  143248. [
  143249. "80007",
  143250. "2",
  143251. "rtc",
  143252. "91 corres",
  143253. "tcf0012461",
  143254. "nan",
  143255. "nan",
  143256. "6/20/2001",
  143257. "bq1262",
  143258. "wmc",
  143259. "nan",
  143260. "nan",
  143261. "seq: 0078",
  143262. "tampa",
  143263. "211604",
  143264. "nan",
  143265. "nan",
  143266. "nan",
  143267. "nan",
  143268. "nan",
  143269. "nan",
  143270. "nan",
  143271. "nan",
  143272. "nan",
  143273. "nan",
  143274. "nan",
  143275. "nan",
  143276. "nan",
  143277. "nan",
  143278. "nan",
  143279. "nan",
  143280. "nan",
  143281. "nan",
  143282. "nan",
  143283. "nan",
  143284. "nan",
  143285. "nan",
  143286. "nan"
  143287. ],
  143288. [
  143289. "80007",
  143290. "2",
  143291. "rtc",
  143292. "91 changes procedures etc",
  143293. "tcf0012461",
  143294. "nan",
  143295. "nan",
  143296. "6/20/2001",
  143297. "bq1262",
  143298. "wmc",
  143299. "nan",
  143300. "nan",
  143301. "seq: 0079",
  143302. "tampa",
  143303. "211605",
  143304. "nan",
  143305. "nan",
  143306. "nan",
  143307. "nan",
  143308. "nan",
  143309. "nan",
  143310. "nan",
  143311. "nan",
  143312. "nan",
  143313. "nan",
  143314. "nan",
  143315. "nan",
  143316. "nan",
  143317. "nan",
  143318. "nan",
  143319. "nan",
  143320. "nan",
  143321. "nan",
  143322. "nan",
  143323. "nan",
  143324. "nan",
  143325. "nan",
  143326. "nan"
  143327. ],
  143328. [
  143329. "80007",
  143330. "2",
  143331. "rtc",
  143332. "erb form rlis conversion",
  143333. "tcf0012461",
  143334. "nan",
  143335. "nan",
  143336. "6/20/2001",
  143337. "bq1262",
  143338. "wmc",
  143339. "nan",
  143340. "nan",
  143341. "seq: 0080",
  143342. "tampa",
  143343. "211606",
  143344. "nan",
  143345. "nan",
  143346. "nan",
  143347. "nan",
  143348. "nan",
  143349. "nan",
  143350. "nan",
  143351. "nan",
  143352. "nan",
  143353. "nan",
  143354. "nan",
  143355. "nan",
  143356. "nan",
  143357. "nan",
  143358. "nan",
  143359. "nan",
  143360. "nan",
  143361. "nan",
  143362. "nan",
  143363. "nan",
  143364. "nan",
  143365. "nan",
  143366. "nan"
  143367. ],
  143368. [
  143369. "80007",
  143370. "2",
  143371. "rtc",
  143372. "92 corres re change in procedure",
  143373. "tcf0012461",
  143374. "nan",
  143375. "nan",
  143376. "6/20/2001",
  143377. "bq1262",
  143378. "wmc",
  143379. "nan",
  143380. "nan",
  143381. "seq: 0081",
  143382. "tampa",
  143383. "211607",
  143384. "nan",
  143385. "nan",
  143386. "nan",
  143387. "nan",
  143388. "nan",
  143389. "nan",
  143390. "nan",
  143391. "nan",
  143392. "nan",
  143393. "nan",
  143394. "nan",
  143395. "nan",
  143396. "nan",
  143397. "nan",
  143398. "nan",
  143399. "nan",
  143400. "nan",
  143401. "nan",
  143402. "nan",
  143403. "nan",
  143404. "nan",
  143405. "nan",
  143406. "nan"
  143407. ],
  143408. [
  143409. "80007",
  143410. "2",
  143411. "rtc",
  143412. "92 corres",
  143413. "tcf0012461",
  143414. "nan",
  143415. "nan",
  143416. "6/20/2001",
  143417. "bq1262",
  143418. "wmc",
  143419. "nan",
  143420. "nan",
  143421. "seq: 0082",
  143422. "tampa",
  143423. "211608",
  143424. "nan",
  143425. "nan",
  143426. "nan",
  143427. "nan",
  143428. "nan",
  143429. "nan",
  143430. "nan",
  143431. "nan",
  143432. "nan",
  143433. "nan",
  143434. "nan",
  143435. "nan",
  143436. "nan",
  143437. "nan",
  143438. "nan",
  143439. "nan",
  143440. "nan",
  143441. "nan",
  143442. "nan",
  143443. "nan",
  143444. "nan",
  143445. "nan",
  143446. "nan"
  143447. ],
  143448. [
  143449. "80007",
  143450. "2",
  143451. "rtc",
  143452. "92 misc minority reports",
  143453. "tcf0012461",
  143454. "nan",
  143455. "nan",
  143456. "6/20/2001",
  143457. "bq1262",
  143458. "wmc",
  143459. "nan",
  143460. "nan",
  143461. "seq: 0083",
  143462. "tampa",
  143463. "211609",
  143464. "nan",
  143465. "nan",
  143466. "nan",
  143467. "nan",
  143468. "nan",
  143469. "nan",
  143470. "nan",
  143471. "nan",
  143472. "nan",
  143473. "nan",
  143474. "nan",
  143475. "nan",
  143476. "nan",
  143477. "nan",
  143478. "nan",
  143479. "nan",
  143480. "nan",
  143481. "nan",
  143482. "nan",
  143483. "nan",
  143484. "nan",
  143485. "nan",
  143486. "nan"
  143487. ],
  143488. [
  143489. "80007",
  143490. "2",
  143491. "rtc",
  143492. "91 minority billing",
  143493. "tcf0012461",
  143494. "nan",
  143495. "nan",
  143496. "6/20/2001",
  143497. "bq1262",
  143498. "wmc",
  143499. "nan",
  143500. "nan",
  143501. "seq: 0084",
  143502. "tampa",
  143503. "211610",
  143504. "nan",
  143505. "nan",
  143506. "nan",
  143507. "nan",
  143508. "nan",
  143509. "nan",
  143510. "nan",
  143511. "nan",
  143512. "nan",
  143513. "nan",
  143514. "nan",
  143515. "nan",
  143516. "nan",
  143517. "nan",
  143518. "nan",
  143519. "nan",
  143520. "nan",
  143521. "nan",
  143522. "nan",
  143523. "nan",
  143524. "nan",
  143525. "nan",
  143526. "nan"
  143527. ],
  143528. [
  143529. "80007",
  143530. "2",
  143531. "rtc",
  143532. "security savings & loan 34644",
  143533. "tcf0012462",
  143534. "nan",
  143535. "nan",
  143536. "6/20/2001",
  143537. "bq1263",
  143538. "wmc",
  143539. "nan",
  143540. "nan",
  143541. "seq: 0100",
  143542. "tampa",
  143543. "211611",
  143544. "nan",
  143545. "nan",
  143546. "nan",
  143547. "nan",
  143548. "nan",
  143549. "nan",
  143550. "nan",
  143551. "nan",
  143552. "nan",
  143553. "nan",
  143554. "nan",
  143555. "nan",
  143556. "nan",
  143557. "nan",
  143558. "nan",
  143559. "nan",
  143560. "nan",
  143561. "nan",
  143562. "nan",
  143563. "nan",
  143564. "nan",
  143565. "nan",
  143566. "nan"
  143567. ],
  143568. [
  143569. "80007",
  143570. "2",
  143571. "rtc",
  143572. "gibraltar savings 34732",
  143573. "tcf0012462",
  143574. "nan",
  143575. "nan",
  143576. "6/20/2001",
  143577. "bq1263",
  143578. "wmc",
  143579. "nan",
  143580. "nan",
  143581. "seq: 0101",
  143582. "tampa",
  143583. "211612",
  143584. "nan",
  143585. "nan",
  143586. "nan",
  143587. "nan",
  143588. "nan",
  143589. "nan",
  143590. "nan",
  143591. "nan",
  143592. "nan",
  143593. "nan",
  143594. "nan",
  143595. "nan",
  143596. "nan",
  143597. "nan",
  143598. "nan",
  143599. "nan",
  143600. "nan",
  143601. "nan",
  143602. "nan",
  143603. "nan",
  143604. "nan",
  143605. "nan",
  143606. "nan"
  143607. ],
  143608. [
  143609. "80007",
  143610. "2",
  143611. "rtc",
  143612. "american pioneer 34737",
  143613. "tcf0012462",
  143614. "nan",
  143615. "nan",
  143616. "6/20/2001",
  143617. "bq1263",
  143618. "wmc",
  143619. "nan",
  143620. "nan",
  143621. "seq: 0102",
  143622. "tampa",
  143623. "211613",
  143624. "nan",
  143625. "nan",
  143626. "nan",
  143627. "nan",
  143628. "nan",
  143629. "nan",
  143630. "nan",
  143631. "nan",
  143632. "nan",
  143633. "nan",
  143634. "nan",
  143635. "nan",
  143636. "nan",
  143637. "nan",
  143638. "nan",
  143639. "nan",
  143640. "nan",
  143641. "nan",
  143642. "nan",
  143643. "nan",
  143644. "nan",
  143645. "nan",
  143646. "nan"
  143647. ],
  143648. [
  143649. "80007",
  143650. "2",
  143651. "rtc",
  143652. "first fed. diamondville 34751",
  143653. "tcf0012462",
  143654. "nan",
  143655. "nan",
  143656. "6/20/2001",
  143657. "bq1263",
  143658. "wmc",
  143659. "nan",
  143660. "nan",
  143661. "seq: 0103",
  143662. "tampa",
  143663. "211614",
  143664. "nan",
  143665. "nan",
  143666. "nan",
  143667. "nan",
  143668. "nan",
  143669. "nan",
  143670. "nan",
  143671. "nan",
  143672. "nan",
  143673. "nan",
  143674. "nan",
  143675. "nan",
  143676. "nan",
  143677. "nan",
  143678. "nan",
  143679. "nan",
  143680. "nan",
  143681. "nan",
  143682. "nan",
  143683. "nan",
  143684. "nan",
  143685. "nan",
  143686. "nan"
  143687. ],
  143688. [
  143689. "80007",
  143690. "2",
  143691. "rtc",
  143692. "american pioneer 34758",
  143693. "tcf0012462",
  143694. "nan",
  143695. "nan",
  143696. "6/20/2001",
  143697. "bq1263",
  143698. "wmc",
  143699. "nan",
  143700. "nan",
  143701. "seq: 0104",
  143702. "tampa",
  143703. "211615",
  143704. "nan",
  143705. "nan",
  143706. "nan",
  143707. "nan",
  143708. "nan",
  143709. "nan",
  143710. "nan",
  143711. "nan",
  143712. "nan",
  143713. "nan",
  143714. "nan",
  143715. "nan",
  143716. "nan",
  143717. "nan",
  143718. "nan",
  143719. "nan",
  143720. "nan",
  143721. "nan",
  143722. "nan",
  143723. "nan",
  143724. "nan",
  143725. "nan",
  143726. "nan"
  143727. ],
  143728. [
  143729. "80007",
  143730. "2",
  143731. "rtc",
  143732. "great southern 34836",
  143733. "tcf0012462",
  143734. "nan",
  143735. "nan",
  143736. "6/20/2001",
  143737. "bq1263",
  143738. "wmc",
  143739. "nan",
  143740. "nan",
  143741. "seq: 0105",
  143742. "tampa",
  143743. "211616",
  143744. "nan",
  143745. "nan",
  143746. "nan",
  143747. "nan",
  143748. "nan",
  143749. "nan",
  143750. "nan",
  143751. "nan",
  143752. "nan",
  143753. "nan",
  143754. "nan",
  143755. "nan",
  143756. "nan",
  143757. "nan",
  143758. "nan",
  143759. "nan",
  143760. "nan",
  143761. "nan",
  143762. "nan",
  143763. "nan",
  143764. "nan",
  143765. "nan",
  143766. "nan"
  143767. ],
  143768. [
  143769. "80007",
  143770. "2",
  143771. "rtc",
  143772. "ambassador savings 34927",
  143773. "tcf0012462",
  143774. "nan",
  143775. "nan",
  143776. "6/20/2001",
  143777. "bq1263",
  143778. "wmc",
  143779. "nan",
  143780. "nan",
  143781. "seq: 0106",
  143782. "tampa",
  143783. "211617",
  143784. "nan",
  143785. "nan",
  143786. "nan",
  143787. "nan",
  143788. "nan",
  143789. "nan",
  143790. "nan",
  143791. "nan",
  143792. "nan",
  143793. "nan",
  143794. "nan",
  143795. "nan",
  143796. "nan",
  143797. "nan",
  143798. "nan",
  143799. "nan",
  143800. "nan",
  143801. "nan",
  143802. "nan",
  143803. "nan",
  143804. "nan",
  143805. "nan",
  143806. "nan"
  143807. ],
  143808. [
  143809. "80007",
  143810. "2",
  143811. "rtc",
  143812. "professional federal 34960",
  143813. "tcf0012462",
  143814. "nan",
  143815. "nan",
  143816. "6/20/2001",
  143817. "bq1263",
  143818. "wmc",
  143819. "nan",
  143820. "nan",
  143821. "seq: 0107",
  143822. "tampa",
  143823. "211618",
  143824. "nan",
  143825. "nan",
  143826. "nan",
  143827. "nan",
  143828. "nan",
  143829. "nan",
  143830. "nan",
  143831. "nan",
  143832. "nan",
  143833. "nan",
  143834. "nan",
  143835. "nan",
  143836. "nan",
  143837. "nan",
  143838. "nan",
  143839. "nan",
  143840. "nan",
  143841. "nan",
  143842. "nan",
  143843. "nan",
  143844. "nan",
  143845. "nan",
  143846. "nan"
  143847. ],
  143848. [
  143849. "80007",
  143850. "2",
  143851. "rtc",
  143852. "security homestead 35161",
  143853. "tcf0012462",
  143854. "nan",
  143855. "nan",
  143856. "6/20/2001",
  143857. "bq1263",
  143858. "wmc",
  143859. "nan",
  143860. "nan",
  143861. "seq: 0108",
  143862. "tampa",
  143863. "211619",
  143864. "nan",
  143865. "nan",
  143866. "nan",
  143867. "nan",
  143868. "nan",
  143869. "nan",
  143870. "nan",
  143871. "nan",
  143872. "nan",
  143873. "nan",
  143874. "nan",
  143875. "nan",
  143876. "nan",
  143877. "nan",
  143878. "nan",
  143879. "nan",
  143880. "nan",
  143881. "nan",
  143882. "nan",
  143883. "nan",
  143884. "nan",
  143885. "nan",
  143886. "nan"
  143887. ],
  143888. [
  143889. "80007",
  143890. "2",
  143891. "rtc",
  143892. "empire federal 35195",
  143893. "tcf0012462",
  143894. "nan",
  143895. "nan",
  143896. "6/20/2001",
  143897. "bq1263",
  143898. "wmc",
  143899. "nan",
  143900. "nan",
  143901. "seq: 0109",
  143902. "tampa",
  143903. "211620",
  143904. "nan",
  143905. "nan",
  143906. "nan",
  143907. "nan",
  143908. "nan",
  143909. "nan",
  143910. "nan",
  143911. "nan",
  143912. "nan",
  143913. "nan",
  143914. "nan",
  143915. "nan",
  143916. "nan",
  143917. "nan",
  143918. "nan",
  143919. "nan",
  143920. "nan",
  143921. "nan",
  143922. "nan",
  143923. "nan",
  143924. "nan",
  143925. "nan",
  143926. "nan"
  143927. ],
  143928. [
  143929. "80007",
  143930. "2",
  143931. "rtc",
  143932. "goldcoast fed. savings 35254",
  143933. "tcf0012462",
  143934. "nan",
  143935. "nan",
  143936. "6/20/2001",
  143937. "bq1263",
  143938. "wmc",
  143939. "nan",
  143940. "nan",
  143941. "seq: 0110",
  143942. "tampa",
  143943. "211621",
  143944. "nan",
  143945. "nan",
  143946. "nan",
  143947. "nan",
  143948. "nan",
  143949. "nan",
  143950. "nan",
  143951. "nan",
  143952. "nan",
  143953. "nan",
  143954. "nan",
  143955. "nan",
  143956. "nan",
  143957. "nan",
  143958. "nan",
  143959. "nan",
  143960. "nan",
  143961. "nan",
  143962. "nan",
  143963. "nan",
  143964. "nan",
  143965. "nan",
  143966. "nan"
  143967. ],
  143968. [
  143969. "80007",
  143970. "2",
  143971. "rtc",
  143972. "enterprise federal 35317",
  143973. "tcf0012462",
  143974. "nan",
  143975. "nan",
  143976. "6/20/2001",
  143977. "bq1263",
  143978. "wmc",
  143979. "nan",
  143980. "nan",
  143981. "seq: 0111",
  143982. "tampa",
  143983. "211622",
  143984. "nan",
  143985. "nan",
  143986. "nan",
  143987. "nan",
  143988. "nan",
  143989. "nan",
  143990. "nan",
  143991. "nan",
  143992. "nan",
  143993. "nan",
  143994. "nan",
  143995. "nan",
  143996. "nan",
  143997. "nan",
  143998. "nan",
  143999. "nan",
  144000. "nan",
  144001. "nan",
  144002. "nan",
  144003. "nan",
  144004. "nan",
  144005. "nan",
  144006. "nan"
  144007. ],
  144008. [
  144009. "80007",
  144010. "2",
  144011. "rtc",
  144012. "florida fed. savings 35363",
  144013. "tcf0012462",
  144014. "nan",
  144015. "nan",
  144016. "6/20/2001",
  144017. "bq1263",
  144018. "wmc",
  144019. "nan",
  144020. "nan",
  144021. "seq: 0112",
  144022. "tampa",
  144023. "211623",
  144024. "nan",
  144025. "nan",
  144026. "nan",
  144027. "nan",
  144028. "nan",
  144029. "nan",
  144030. "nan",
  144031. "nan",
  144032. "nan",
  144033. "nan",
  144034. "nan",
  144035. "nan",
  144036. "nan",
  144037. "nan",
  144038. "nan",
  144039. "nan",
  144040. "nan",
  144041. "nan",
  144042. "nan",
  144043. "nan",
  144044. "nan",
  144045. "nan",
  144046. "nan"
  144047. ],
  144048. [
  144049. "80007",
  144050. "2",
  144051. "rtc",
  144052. "home federal 35092",
  144053. "tcf0012462",
  144054. "nan",
  144055. "nan",
  144056. "6/20/2001",
  144057. "bq1263",
  144058. "wmc",
  144059. "nan",
  144060. "nan",
  144061. "seq: 0113",
  144062. "tampa",
  144063. "211624",
  144064. "nan",
  144065. "nan",
  144066. "nan",
  144067. "nan",
  144068. "nan",
  144069. "nan",
  144070. "nan",
  144071. "nan",
  144072. "nan",
  144073. "nan",
  144074. "nan",
  144075. "nan",
  144076. "nan",
  144077. "nan",
  144078. "nan",
  144079. "nan",
  144080. "nan",
  144081. "nan",
  144082. "nan",
  144083. "nan",
  144084. "nan",
  144085. "nan",
  144086. "nan"
  144087. ],
  144088. [
  144089. "80007",
  144090. "2",
  144091. "rtc",
  144092. "great life fs 35410",
  144093. "tcf0012462",
  144094. "nan",
  144095. "nan",
  144096. "6/20/2001",
  144097. "bq1263",
  144098. "wmc",
  144099. "nan",
  144100. "nan",
  144101. "seq: 0114",
  144102. "tampa",
  144103. "211625",
  144104. "nan",
  144105. "nan",
  144106. "nan",
  144107. "nan",
  144108. "nan",
  144109. "nan",
  144110. "nan",
  144111. "nan",
  144112. "nan",
  144113. "nan",
  144114. "nan",
  144115. "nan",
  144116. "nan",
  144117. "nan",
  144118. "nan",
  144119. "nan",
  144120. "nan",
  144121. "nan",
  144122. "nan",
  144123. "nan",
  144124. "nan",
  144125. "nan",
  144126. "nan"
  144127. ],
  144128. [
  144129. "80007",
  144130. "2",
  144131. "rtc",
  144132. "southern federa; 35609",
  144133. "tcf0012462",
  144134. "nan",
  144135. "nan",
  144136. "6/20/2001",
  144137. "bq1263",
  144138. "wmc",
  144139. "nan",
  144140. "nan",
  144141. "seq: 0115",
  144142. "tampa",
  144143. "211626",
  144144. "nan",
  144145. "nan",
  144146. "nan",
  144147. "nan",
  144148. "nan",
  144149. "nan",
  144150. "nan",
  144151. "nan",
  144152. "nan",
  144153. "nan",
  144154. "nan",
  144155. "nan",
  144156. "nan",
  144157. "nan",
  144158. "nan",
  144159. "nan",
  144160. "nan",
  144161. "nan",
  144162. "nan",
  144163. "nan",
  144164. "nan",
  144165. "nan",
  144166. "nan"
  144167. ],
  144168. [
  144169. "80007",
  144170. "2",
  144171. "rtc",
  144172. "1st const. new haven 35675",
  144173. "tcf0012462",
  144174. "nan",
  144175. "nan",
  144176. "6/20/2001",
  144177. "bq1263",
  144178. "wmc",
  144179. "nan",
  144180. "nan",
  144181. "seq: 0116",
  144182. "tampa",
  144183. "211627",
  144184. "nan",
  144185. "nan",
  144186. "nan",
  144187. "nan",
  144188. "nan",
  144189. "nan",
  144190. "nan",
  144191. "nan",
  144192. "nan",
  144193. "nan",
  144194. "nan",
  144195. "nan",
  144196. "nan",
  144197. "nan",
  144198. "nan",
  144199. "nan",
  144200. "nan",
  144201. "nan",
  144202. "nan",
  144203. "nan",
  144204. "nan",
  144205. "nan",
  144206. "nan"
  144207. ],
  144208. [
  144209. "80007",
  144210. "2",
  144211. "rtc",
  144212. "liberty federal 35785",
  144213. "tcf0012462",
  144214. "nan",
  144215. "nan",
  144216. "6/20/2001",
  144217. "bq1263",
  144218. "wmc",
  144219. "nan",
  144220. "nan",
  144221. "seq: 0117",
  144222. "tampa",
  144223. "211628",
  144224. "nan",
  144225. "nan",
  144226. "nan",
  144227. "nan",
  144228. "nan",
  144229. "nan",
  144230. "nan",
  144231. "nan",
  144232. "nan",
  144233. "nan",
  144234. "nan",
  144235. "nan",
  144236. "nan",
  144237. "nan",
  144238. "nan",
  144239. "nan",
  144240. "nan",
  144241. "nan",
  144242. "nan",
  144243. "nan",
  144244. "nan",
  144245. "nan",
  144246. "nan"
  144247. ],
  144248. [
  144249. "80007",
  144250. "2",
  144251. "rtc",
  144252. "hollywood federal 36008",
  144253. "tcf0012462",
  144254. "nan",
  144255. "nan",
  144256. "6/20/2001",
  144257. "bq1263",
  144258. "wmc",
  144259. "nan",
  144260. "nan",
  144261. "seq: 0118",
  144262. "tampa",
  144263. "211629",
  144264. "nan",
  144265. "nan",
  144266. "nan",
  144267. "nan",
  144268. "nan",
  144269. "nan",
  144270. "nan",
  144271. "nan",
  144272. "nan",
  144273. "nan",
  144274. "nan",
  144275. "nan",
  144276. "nan",
  144277. "nan",
  144278. "nan",
  144279. "nan",
  144280. "nan",
  144281. "nan",
  144282. "nan",
  144283. "nan",
  144284. "nan",
  144285. "nan",
  144286. "nan"
  144287. ],
  144288. [
  144289. "80007",
  144290. "2",
  144291. "rtc",
  144292. "hill financial 36045",
  144293. "tcf0012462",
  144294. "nan",
  144295. "nan",
  144296. "6/20/2001",
  144297. "bq1263",
  144298. "wmc",
  144299. "nan",
  144300. "nan",
  144301. "seq: 0119",
  144302. "tampa",
  144303. "211630",
  144304. "nan",
  144305. "nan",
  144306. "nan",
  144307. "nan",
  144308. "nan",
  144309. "nan",
  144310. "nan",
  144311. "nan",
  144312. "nan",
  144313. "nan",
  144314. "nan",
  144315. "nan",
  144316. "nan",
  144317. "nan",
  144318. "nan",
  144319. "nan",
  144320. "nan",
  144321. "nan",
  144322. "nan",
  144323. "nan",
  144324. "nan",
  144325. "nan",
  144326. "nan"
  144327. ],
  144328. [
  144329. "80007",
  144330. "2",
  144331. "rtc",
  144332. "bell federal savings bank 36101",
  144333. "tcf0012462",
  144334. "nan",
  144335. "nan",
  144336. "6/20/2001",
  144337. "bq1263",
  144338. "wmc",
  144339. "nan",
  144340. "nan",
  144341. "seq: 0120",
  144342. "tampa",
  144343. "211631",
  144344. "nan",
  144345. "nan",
  144346. "nan",
  144347. "nan",
  144348. "nan",
  144349. "nan",
  144350. "nan",
  144351. "nan",
  144352. "nan",
  144353. "nan",
  144354. "nan",
  144355. "nan",
  144356. "nan",
  144357. "nan",
  144358. "nan",
  144359. "nan",
  144360. "nan",
  144361. "nan",
  144362. "nan",
  144363. "nan",
  144364. "nan",
  144365. "nan",
  144366. "nan"
  144367. ],
  144368. [
  144369. "80007",
  144370. "2",
  144371. "rtc",
  144372. "amerifirst bank 36164",
  144373. "tcf0012462",
  144374. "nan",
  144375. "nan",
  144376. "6/20/2001",
  144377. "bq1263",
  144378. "wmc",
  144379. "nan",
  144380. "nan",
  144381. "seq: 0121",
  144382. "tampa",
  144383. "211632",
  144384. "nan",
  144385. "nan",
  144386. "nan",
  144387. "nan",
  144388. "nan",
  144389. "nan",
  144390. "nan",
  144391. "nan",
  144392. "nan",
  144393. "nan",
  144394. "nan",
  144395. "nan",
  144396. "nan",
  144397. "nan",
  144398. "nan",
  144399. "nan",
  144400. "nan",
  144401. "nan",
  144402. "nan",
  144403. "nan",
  144404. "nan",
  144405. "nan",
  144406. "nan"
  144407. ],
  144408. [
  144409. "80007",
  144410. "2",
  144411. "rtc",
  144412. "united federal 36348",
  144413. "tcf0012462",
  144414. "nan",
  144415. "nan",
  144416. "6/20/2001",
  144417. "bq1263",
  144418. "wmc",
  144419. "nan",
  144420. "nan",
  144421. "seq: 0122",
  144422. "tampa",
  144423. "211633",
  144424. "nan",
  144425. "nan",
  144426. "nan",
  144427. "nan",
  144428. "nan",
  144429. "nan",
  144430. "nan",
  144431. "nan",
  144432. "nan",
  144433. "nan",
  144434. "nan",
  144435. "nan",
  144436. "nan",
  144437. "nan",
  144438. "nan",
  144439. "nan",
  144440. "nan",
  144441. "nan",
  144442. "nan",
  144443. "nan",
  144444. "nan",
  144445. "nan",
  144446. "nan"
  144447. ],
  144448. [
  144449. "80007",
  144450. "2",
  144451. "rtc",
  144452. "real estate recovery 36425",
  144453. "tcf0012462",
  144454. "nan",
  144455. "nan",
  144456. "6/20/2001",
  144457. "bq1263",
  144458. "wmc",
  144459. "nan",
  144460. "nan",
  144461. "seq: 0123",
  144462. "tampa",
  144463. "211634",
  144464. "nan",
  144465. "nan",
  144466. "nan",
  144467. "nan",
  144468. "nan",
  144469. "nan",
  144470. "nan",
  144471. "nan",
  144472. "nan",
  144473. "nan",
  144474. "nan",
  144475. "nan",
  144476. "nan",
  144477. "nan",
  144478. "nan",
  144479. "nan",
  144480. "nan",
  144481. "nan",
  144482. "nan",
  144483. "nan",
  144484. "nan",
  144485. "nan",
  144486. "nan"
  144487. ],
  144488. [
  144489. "80007",
  144490. "2",
  144491. "rtc",
  144492. "ensign fsb 36666",
  144493. "tcf0012462",
  144494. "nan",
  144495. "nan",
  144496. "6/20/2001",
  144497. "bq1263",
  144498. "wmc",
  144499. "nan",
  144500. "nan",
  144501. "seq: 0124",
  144502. "tampa",
  144503. "211635",
  144504. "nan",
  144505. "nan",
  144506. "nan",
  144507. "nan",
  144508. "nan",
  144509. "nan",
  144510. "nan",
  144511. "nan",
  144512. "nan",
  144513. "nan",
  144514. "nan",
  144515. "nan",
  144516. "nan",
  144517. "nan",
  144518. "nan",
  144519. "nan",
  144520. "nan",
  144521. "nan",
  144522. "nan",
  144523. "nan",
  144524. "nan",
  144525. "nan",
  144526. "nan"
  144527. ],
  144528. [
  144529. "80007",
  144530. "2",
  144531. "rtc",
  144532. "merabank 36691",
  144533. "tcf0012462",
  144534. "nan",
  144535. "nan",
  144536. "6/20/2001",
  144537. "bq1263",
  144538. "wmc",
  144539. "nan",
  144540. "nan",
  144541. "seq: 0125",
  144542. "tampa",
  144543. "211636",
  144544. "nan",
  144545. "nan",
  144546. "nan",
  144547. "nan",
  144548. "nan",
  144549. "nan",
  144550. "nan",
  144551. "nan",
  144552. "nan",
  144553. "nan",
  144554. "nan",
  144555. "nan",
  144556. "nan",
  144557. "nan",
  144558. "nan",
  144559. "nan",
  144560. "nan",
  144561. "nan",
  144562. "nan",
  144563. "nan",
  144564. "nan",
  144565. "nan",
  144566. "nan"
  144567. ],
  144568. [
  144569. "80007",
  144570. "2",
  144571. "rtc",
  144572. "ensign bank hamilton holding con",
  144573. "tcf0012462",
  144574. "nan",
  144575. "nan",
  144576. "6/20/2001",
  144577. "bq1263",
  144578. "wmc",
  144579. "nan",
  144580. "nan",
  144581. "seq: 0126",
  144582. "tampa",
  144583. "211637",
  144584. "nan",
  144585. "nan",
  144586. "nan",
  144587. "nan",
  144588. "nan",
  144589. "nan",
  144590. "nan",
  144591. "nan",
  144592. "nan",
  144593. "nan",
  144594. "nan",
  144595. "nan",
  144596. "nan",
  144597. "nan",
  144598. "nan",
  144599. "nan",
  144600. "nan",
  144601. "nan",
  144602. "nan",
  144603. "nan",
  144604. "nan",
  144605. "nan",
  144606. "nan"
  144607. ],
  144608. [
  144609. "80007",
  144610. "2",
  144611. "rtc",
  144612. "new metropolitan savings 36749",
  144613. "tcf0012462",
  144614. "nan",
  144615. "nan",
  144616. "6/20/2001",
  144617. "bq1263",
  144618. "wmc",
  144619. "nan",
  144620. "nan",
  144621. "seq: 0127",
  144622. "tampa",
  144623. "211638",
  144624. "nan",
  144625. "nan",
  144626. "nan",
  144627. "nan",
  144628. "nan",
  144629. "nan",
  144630. "nan",
  144631. "nan",
  144632. "nan",
  144633. "nan",
  144634. "nan",
  144635. "nan",
  144636. "nan",
  144637. "nan",
  144638. "nan",
  144639. "nan",
  144640. "nan",
  144641. "nan",
  144642. "nan",
  144643. "nan",
  144644. "nan",
  144645. "nan",
  144646. "nan"
  144647. ],
  144648. [
  144649. "80007",
  144650. "2",
  144651. "rtc",
  144652. "sunbelt federal savings 36787",
  144653. "tcf0012462",
  144654. "nan",
  144655. "nan",
  144656. "6/20/2001",
  144657. "bq1263",
  144658. "wmc",
  144659. "nan",
  144660. "nan",
  144661. "seq: 0128",
  144662. "tampa",
  144663. "211639",
  144664. "nan",
  144665. "nan",
  144666. "nan",
  144667. "nan",
  144668. "nan",
  144669. "nan",
  144670. "nan",
  144671. "nan",
  144672. "nan",
  144673. "nan",
  144674. "nan",
  144675. "nan",
  144676. "nan",
  144677. "nan",
  144678. "nan",
  144679. "nan",
  144680. "nan",
  144681. "nan",
  144682. "nan",
  144683. "nan",
  144684. "nan",
  144685. "nan",
  144686. "nan"
  144687. ],
  144688. [
  144689. "80007",
  144690. "2",
  144691. "rtc",
  144692. "great american bank 37165",
  144693. "tcf0012462",
  144694. "nan",
  144695. "nan",
  144696. "6/20/2001",
  144697. "bq1263",
  144698. "wmc",
  144699. "nan",
  144700. "nan",
  144701. "seq: 0129",
  144702. "tampa",
  144703. "211640",
  144704. "nan",
  144705. "nan",
  144706. "nan",
  144707. "nan",
  144708. "nan",
  144709. "nan",
  144710. "nan",
  144711. "nan",
  144712. "nan",
  144713. "nan",
  144714. "nan",
  144715. "nan",
  144716. "nan",
  144717. "nan",
  144718. "nan",
  144719. "nan",
  144720. "nan",
  144721. "nan",
  144722. "nan",
  144723. "nan",
  144724. "nan",
  144725. "nan",
  144726. "nan"
  144727. ],
  144728. [
  144729. "80007",
  144730. "2",
  144731. "rtc",
  144732. "goldome 37169",
  144733. "tcf0012462",
  144734. "nan",
  144735. "nan",
  144736. "6/20/2001",
  144737. "bq1263",
  144738. "wmc",
  144739. "nan",
  144740. "nan",
  144741. "seq: 0130",
  144742. "tampa",
  144743. "211641",
  144744. "nan",
  144745. "nan",
  144746. "nan",
  144747. "nan",
  144748. "nan",
  144749. "nan",
  144750. "nan",
  144751. "nan",
  144752. "nan",
  144753. "nan",
  144754. "nan",
  144755. "nan",
  144756. "nan",
  144757. "nan",
  144758. "nan",
  144759. "nan",
  144760. "nan",
  144761. "nan",
  144762. "nan",
  144763. "nan",
  144764. "nan",
  144765. "nan",
  144766. "nan"
  144767. ],
  144768. [
  144769. "80007",
  144770. "2",
  144771. "rtc",
  144772. "american 37567",
  144773. "tcf0012462",
  144774. "nan",
  144775. "nan",
  144776. "6/20/2001",
  144777. "bq1263",
  144778. "wmc",
  144779. "nan",
  144780. "nan",
  144781. "seq: 0131",
  144782. "tampa",
  144783. "211642",
  144784. "nan",
  144785. "nan",
  144786. "nan",
  144787. "nan",
  144788. "nan",
  144789. "nan",
  144790. "nan",
  144791. "nan",
  144792. "nan",
  144793. "nan",
  144794. "nan",
  144795. "nan",
  144796. "nan",
  144797. "nan",
  144798. "nan",
  144799. "nan",
  144800. "nan",
  144801. "nan",
  144802. "nan",
  144803. "nan",
  144804. "nan",
  144805. "nan",
  144806. "nan"
  144807. ],
  144808. [
  144809. "80007",
  144810. "2",
  144811. "rtc",
  144812. "continental 34639",
  144813. "tcf0012462",
  144814. "nan",
  144815. "nan",
  144816. "6/20/2001",
  144817. "bq1263",
  144818. "wmc",
  144819. "nan",
  144820. "nan",
  144821. "seq: 0132",
  144822. "tampa",
  144823. "211643",
  144824. "nan",
  144825. "nan",
  144826. "nan",
  144827. "nan",
  144828. "nan",
  144829. "nan",
  144830. "nan",
  144831. "nan",
  144832. "nan",
  144833. "nan",
  144834. "nan",
  144835. "nan",
  144836. "nan",
  144837. "nan",
  144838. "nan",
  144839. "nan",
  144840. "nan",
  144841. "nan",
  144842. "nan",
  144843. "nan",
  144844. "nan",
  144845. "nan",
  144846. "nan"
  144847. ],
  144848. [
  144849. "80007",
  144850. "2",
  144851. "rtc-clean up",
  144852. "91 fdic refunds",
  144853. "tcf0012479",
  144854. "nan",
  144855. "nan",
  144856. "6/20/2001",
  144857. "bq1281",
  144858. "wmc",
  144859. "nan",
  144860. "nan",
  144861. "seq: 0088",
  144862. "tampa",
  144863. "211863",
  144864. "nan",
  144865. "nan",
  144866. "nan",
  144867. "nan",
  144868. "nan",
  144869. "nan",
  144870. "nan",
  144871. "nan",
  144872. "nan",
  144873. "nan",
  144874. "nan",
  144875. "nan",
  144876. "nan",
  144877. "nan",
  144878. "nan",
  144879. "nan",
  144880. "nan",
  144881. "nan",
  144882. "nan",
  144883. "nan",
  144884. "nan",
  144885. "nan",
  144886. "nan"
  144887. ],
  144888. [
  144889. "80007",
  144890. "2",
  144891. "rtc-clean up",
  144892. "90-91 collections, unpaid inv co",
  144893. "tcf0012479",
  144894. "nan",
  144895. "nan",
  144896. "6/20/2001",
  144897. "bq1281",
  144898. "wmc",
  144899. "nan",
  144900. "nan",
  144901. "seq: 0089",
  144902. "tampa",
  144903. "211864",
  144904. "nan",
  144905. "nan",
  144906. "nan",
  144907. "nan",
  144908. "nan",
  144909. "nan",
  144910. "nan",
  144911. "nan",
  144912. "nan",
  144913. "nan",
  144914. "nan",
  144915. "nan",
  144916. "nan",
  144917. "nan",
  144918. "nan",
  144919. "nan",
  144920. "nan",
  144921. "nan",
  144922. "nan",
  144923. "nan",
  144924. "nan",
  144925. "nan",
  144926. "nan"
  144927. ],
  144928. [
  144929. "80007",
  144930. "2",
  144931. "rtc-clean up",
  144932. "sunbelt",
  144933. "tcf0012479",
  144934. "nan",
  144935. "nan",
  144936. "6/20/2001",
  144937. "bq1281",
  144938. "wmc",
  144939. "nan",
  144940. "nan",
  144941. "seq: 0090",
  144942. "tampa",
  144943. "211865",
  144944. "nan",
  144945. "nan",
  144946. "nan",
  144947. "nan",
  144948. "nan",
  144949. "nan",
  144950. "nan",
  144951. "nan",
  144952. "nan",
  144953. "nan",
  144954. "nan",
  144955. "nan",
  144956. "nan",
  144957. "nan",
  144958. "nan",
  144959. "nan",
  144960. "nan",
  144961. "nan",
  144962. "nan",
  144963. "nan",
  144964. "nan",
  144965. "nan",
  144966. "nan"
  144967. ],
  144968. [
  144969. "80007",
  144970. "2",
  144971. "rtc-clean up",
  144972. "resolution",
  144973. "tcf0012479",
  144974. "nan",
  144975. "nan",
  144976. "6/20/2001",
  144977. "bq1281",
  144978. "wmc",
  144979. "nan",
  144980. "nan",
  144981. "seq: 0091",
  144982. "tampa",
  144983. "211866",
  144984. "nan",
  144985. "nan",
  144986. "nan",
  144987. "nan",
  144988. "nan",
  144989. "nan",
  144990. "nan",
  144991. "nan",
  144992. "nan",
  144993. "nan",
  144994. "nan",
  144995. "nan",
  144996. "nan",
  144997. "nan",
  144998. "nan",
  144999. "nan",
  145000. "nan",
  145001. "nan",
  145002. "nan",
  145003. "nan",
  145004. "nan",
  145005. "nan",
  145006. "nan"
  145007. ],
  145008. [
  145009. "80007",
  145010. "2",
  145011. "rtc-clean up",
  145012. "centrust bank",
  145013. "tcf0012479",
  145014. "nan",
  145015. "nan",
  145016. "6/20/2001",
  145017. "bq1281",
  145018. "wmc",
  145019. "nan",
  145020. "nan",
  145021. "seq: 0092",
  145022. "tampa",
  145023. "211867",
  145024. "nan",
  145025. "nan",
  145026. "nan",
  145027. "nan",
  145028. "nan",
  145029. "nan",
  145030. "nan",
  145031. "nan",
  145032. "nan",
  145033. "nan",
  145034. "nan",
  145035. "nan",
  145036. "nan",
  145037. "nan",
  145038. "nan",
  145039. "nan",
  145040. "nan",
  145041. "nan",
  145042. "nan",
  145043. "nan",
  145044. "nan",
  145045. "nan",
  145046. "nan"
  145047. ],
  145048. [
  145049. "80007",
  145050. "2",
  145051. "rtc-clean up",
  145052. "florida center bank",
  145053. "tcf0012479",
  145054. "nan",
  145055. "nan",
  145056. "6/20/2001",
  145057. "bq1281",
  145058. "wmc",
  145059. "nan",
  145060. "nan",
  145061. "seq: 0093",
  145062. "tampa",
  145063. "211868",
  145064. "nan",
  145065. "nan",
  145066. "nan",
  145067. "nan",
  145068. "nan",
  145069. "nan",
  145070. "nan",
  145071. "nan",
  145072. "nan",
  145073. "nan",
  145074. "nan",
  145075. "nan",
  145076. "nan",
  145077. "nan",
  145078. "nan",
  145079. "nan",
  145080. "nan",
  145081. "nan",
  145082. "nan",
  145083. "nan",
  145084. "nan",
  145085. "nan",
  145086. "nan"
  145087. ],
  145088. [
  145089. "80007",
  145090. "2",
  145091. "rtc-clean up",
  145092. "park bank",
  145093. "tcf0012479",
  145094. "nan",
  145095. "nan",
  145096. "6/20/2001",
  145097. "bq1281",
  145098. "wmc",
  145099. "nan",
  145100. "nan",
  145101. "seq: 0094",
  145102. "tampa",
  145103. "211869",
  145104. "nan",
  145105. "nan",
  145106. "nan",
  145107. "nan",
  145108. "nan",
  145109. "nan",
  145110. "nan",
  145111. "nan",
  145112. "nan",
  145113. "nan",
  145114. "nan",
  145115. "nan",
  145116. "nan",
  145117. "nan",
  145118. "nan",
  145119. "nan",
  145120. "nan",
  145121. "nan",
  145122. "nan",
  145123. "nan",
  145124. "nan",
  145125. "nan",
  145126. "nan"
  145127. ],
  145128. [
  145129. "80007",
  145130. "2",
  145131. "rtc-clean up",
  145132. "lincoln federal",
  145133. "tcf0012479",
  145134. "nan",
  145135. "nan",
  145136. "6/20/2001",
  145137. "bq1281",
  145138. "wmc",
  145139. "nan",
  145140. "nan",
  145141. "seq: 0095",
  145142. "tampa",
  145143. "211870",
  145144. "nan",
  145145. "nan",
  145146. "nan",
  145147. "nan",
  145148. "nan",
  145149. "nan",
  145150. "nan",
  145151. "nan",
  145152. "nan",
  145153. "nan",
  145154. "nan",
  145155. "nan",
  145156. "nan",
  145157. "nan",
  145158. "nan",
  145159. "nan",
  145160. "nan",
  145161. "nan",
  145162. "nan",
  145163. "nan",
  145164. "nan",
  145165. "nan",
  145166. "nan"
  145167. ],
  145168. [
  145169. "80007",
  145170. "2",
  145171. "rtc-clean up",
  145172. "state bank of commerce",
  145173. "tcf0012479",
  145174. "nan",
  145175. "nan",
  145176. "6/20/2001",
  145177. "bq1281",
  145178. "wmc",
  145179. "nan",
  145180. "nan",
  145181. "seq: 0096",
  145182. "tampa",
  145183. "211871",
  145184. "nan",
  145185. "nan",
  145186. "nan",
  145187. "nan",
  145188. "nan",
  145189. "nan",
  145190. "nan",
  145191. "nan",
  145192. "nan",
  145193. "nan",
  145194. "nan",
  145195. "nan",
  145196. "nan",
  145197. "nan",
  145198. "nan",
  145199. "nan",
  145200. "nan",
  145201. "nan",
  145202. "nan",
  145203. "nan",
  145204. "nan",
  145205. "nan",
  145206. "nan"
  145207. ],
  145208. [
  145209. "80007",
  145210. "2",
  145211. "rtc-clean up",
  145212. "1st guaranty",
  145213. "tcf0012479",
  145214. "nan",
  145215. "nan",
  145216. "6/20/2001",
  145217. "bq1281",
  145218. "wmc",
  145219. "nan",
  145220. "nan",
  145221. "seq: 0097",
  145222. "tampa",
  145223. "211872",
  145224. "nan",
  145225. "nan",
  145226. "nan",
  145227. "nan",
  145228. "nan",
  145229. "nan",
  145230. "nan",
  145231. "nan",
  145232. "nan",
  145233. "nan",
  145234. "nan",
  145235. "nan",
  145236. "nan",
  145237. "nan",
  145238. "nan",
  145239. "nan",
  145240. "nan",
  145241. "nan",
  145242. "nan",
  145243. "nan",
  145244. "nan",
  145245. "nan",
  145246. "nan"
  145247. ],
  145248. [
  145249. "80007",
  145250. "2",
  145251. "rtc-clean up",
  145252. "the trust bank",
  145253. "tcf0012479",
  145254. "nan",
  145255. "nan",
  145256. "6/20/2001",
  145257. "bq1281",
  145258. "wmc",
  145259. "nan",
  145260. "nan",
  145261. "seq: 0098",
  145262. "tampa",
  145263. "211873",
  145264. "nan",
  145265. "nan",
  145266. "nan",
  145267. "nan",
  145268. "nan",
  145269. "nan",
  145270. "nan",
  145271. "nan",
  145272. "nan",
  145273. "nan",
  145274. "nan",
  145275. "nan",
  145276. "nan",
  145277. "nan",
  145278. "nan",
  145279. "nan",
  145280. "nan",
  145281. "nan",
  145282. "nan",
  145283. "nan",
  145284. "nan",
  145285. "nan",
  145286. "nan"
  145287. ],
  145288. [
  145289. "80007",
  145290. "2",
  145291. "rtc-clean up",
  145292. "first fed. diamondville",
  145293. "tcf0012479",
  145294. "nan",
  145295. "nan",
  145296. "6/20/2001",
  145297. "bq1281",
  145298. "wmc",
  145299. "nan",
  145300. "nan",
  145301. "seq: 0099",
  145302. "tampa",
  145303. "211874",
  145304. "nan",
  145305. "nan",
  145306. "nan",
  145307. "nan",
  145308. "nan",
  145309. "nan",
  145310. "nan",
  145311. "nan",
  145312. "nan",
  145313. "nan",
  145314. "nan",
  145315. "nan",
  145316. "nan",
  145317. "nan",
  145318. "nan",
  145319. "nan",
  145320. "nan",
  145321. "nan",
  145322. "nan",
  145323. "nan",
  145324. "nan",
  145325. "nan",
  145326. "nan"
  145327. ],
  145328. [
  145329. "80007",
  145330. "2",
  145331. "rtc-clean up",
  145332. "first venice",
  145333. "tcf0012479",
  145334. "nan",
  145335. "nan",
  145336. "6/20/2001",
  145337. "bq1281",
  145338. "wmc",
  145339. "nan",
  145340. "nan",
  145341. "seq: 0100",
  145342. "tampa",
  145343. "211875",
  145344. "nan",
  145345. "nan",
  145346. "nan",
  145347. "nan",
  145348. "nan",
  145349. "nan",
  145350. "nan",
  145351. "nan",
  145352. "nan",
  145353. "nan",
  145354. "nan",
  145355. "nan",
  145356. "nan",
  145357. "nan",
  145358. "nan",
  145359. "nan",
  145360. "nan",
  145361. "nan",
  145362. "nan",
  145363. "nan",
  145364. "nan",
  145365. "nan",
  145366. "nan"
  145367. ],
  145368. [
  145369. "80007",
  145370. "2",
  145371. "rtc-clean up",
  145372. "royal palm",
  145373. "tcf0012479",
  145374. "nan",
  145375. "nan",
  145376. "6/20/2001",
  145377. "bq1281",
  145378. "wmc",
  145379. "nan",
  145380. "nan",
  145381. "seq: 0101",
  145382. "tampa",
  145383. "211876",
  145384. "nan",
  145385. "nan",
  145386. "nan",
  145387. "nan",
  145388. "nan",
  145389. "nan",
  145390. "nan",
  145391. "nan",
  145392. "nan",
  145393. "nan",
  145394. "nan",
  145395. "nan",
  145396. "nan",
  145397. "nan",
  145398. "nan",
  145399. "nan",
  145400. "nan",
  145401. "nan",
  145402. "nan",
  145403. "nan",
  145404. "nan",
  145405. "nan",
  145406. "nan"
  145407. ],
  145408. [
  145409. "80007",
  145410. "2",
  145411. "rtc-clean up",
  145412. "gibralter saving",
  145413. "tcf0012479",
  145414. "nan",
  145415. "nan",
  145416. "6/20/2001",
  145417. "bq1281",
  145418. "wmc",
  145419. "nan",
  145420. "nan",
  145421. "seq: 0102",
  145422. "tampa",
  145423. "211877",
  145424. "nan",
  145425. "nan",
  145426. "nan",
  145427. "nan",
  145428. "nan",
  145429. "nan",
  145430. "nan",
  145431. "nan",
  145432. "nan",
  145433. "nan",
  145434. "nan",
  145435. "nan",
  145436. "nan",
  145437. "nan",
  145438. "nan",
  145439. "nan",
  145440. "nan",
  145441. "nan",
  145442. "nan",
  145443. "nan",
  145444. "nan",
  145445. "nan",
  145446. "nan"
  145447. ],
  145448. [
  145449. "80007",
  145450. "2",
  145451. "rtc-clean up",
  145452. "commerce bank of tampa",
  145453. "tcf0012479",
  145454. "nan",
  145455. "nan",
  145456. "6/20/2001",
  145457. "bq1281",
  145458. "wmc",
  145459. "nan",
  145460. "nan",
  145461. "seq: 0103",
  145462. "tampa",
  145463. "211878",
  145464. "nan",
  145465. "nan",
  145466. "nan",
  145467. "nan",
  145468. "nan",
  145469. "nan",
  145470. "nan",
  145471. "nan",
  145472. "nan",
  145473. "nan",
  145474. "nan",
  145475. "nan",
  145476. "nan",
  145477. "nan",
  145478. "nan",
  145479. "nan",
  145480. "nan",
  145481. "nan",
  145482. "nan",
  145483. "nan",
  145484. "nan",
  145485. "nan",
  145486. "nan"
  145487. ],
  145488. [
  145489. "80007",
  145490. "2",
  145491. "rtc-clean up",
  145492. "baltimore federal",
  145493. "tcf0012479",
  145494. "nan",
  145495. "nan",
  145496. "6/20/2001",
  145497. "bq1281",
  145498. "wmc",
  145499. "nan",
  145500. "nan",
  145501. "seq: 0104",
  145502. "tampa",
  145503. "211879",
  145504. "nan",
  145505. "nan",
  145506. "nan",
  145507. "nan",
  145508. "nan",
  145509. "nan",
  145510. "nan",
  145511. "nan",
  145512. "nan",
  145513. "nan",
  145514. "nan",
  145515. "nan",
  145516. "nan",
  145517. "nan",
  145518. "nan",
  145519. "nan",
  145520. "nan",
  145521. "nan",
  145522. "nan",
  145523. "nan",
  145524. "nan",
  145525. "nan",
  145526. "nan"
  145527. ],
  145528. [
  145529. "80007",
  145530. "2",
  145531. "rtc-clean up",
  145532. "spokie federal",
  145533. "tcf0012479",
  145534. "nan",
  145535. "nan",
  145536. "6/20/2001",
  145537. "bq1281",
  145538. "wmc",
  145539. "nan",
  145540. "nan",
  145541. "seq: 0105",
  145542. "tampa",
  145543. "211880",
  145544. "nan",
  145545. "nan",
  145546. "nan",
  145547. "nan",
  145548. "nan",
  145549. "nan",
  145550. "nan",
  145551. "nan",
  145552. "nan",
  145553. "nan",
  145554. "nan",
  145555. "nan",
  145556. "nan",
  145557. "nan",
  145558. "nan",
  145559. "nan",
  145560. "nan",
  145561. "nan",
  145562. "nan",
  145563. "nan",
  145564. "nan",
  145565. "nan",
  145566. "nan"
  145567. ],
  145568. [
  145569. "80007",
  145570. "2",
  145571. "rtc-clean up",
  145572. "freedom s&l",
  145573. "tcf0012479",
  145574. "nan",
  145575. "nan",
  145576. "6/20/2001",
  145577. "bq1281",
  145578. "wmc",
  145579. "nan",
  145580. "nan",
  145581. "seq: 0106",
  145582. "tampa",
  145583. "211881",
  145584. "nan",
  145585. "nan",
  145586. "nan",
  145587. "nan",
  145588. "nan",
  145589. "nan",
  145590. "nan",
  145591. "nan",
  145592. "nan",
  145593. "nan",
  145594. "nan",
  145595. "nan",
  145596. "nan",
  145597. "nan",
  145598. "nan",
  145599. "nan",
  145600. "nan",
  145601. "nan",
  145602. "nan",
  145603. "nan",
  145604. "nan",
  145605. "nan",
  145606. "nan"
  145607. ],
  145608. [
  145609. "80007",
  145610. "2",
  145611. "rtc-clean up",
  145612. "county bank",
  145613. "tcf0012479",
  145614. "nan",
  145615. "nan",
  145616. "6/20/2001",
  145617. "bq1281",
  145618. "wmc",
  145619. "nan",
  145620. "nan",
  145621. "seq: 0107",
  145622. "tampa",
  145623. "211882",
  145624. "nan",
  145625. "nan",
  145626. "nan",
  145627. "nan",
  145628. "nan",
  145629. "nan",
  145630. "nan",
  145631. "nan",
  145632. "nan",
  145633. "nan",
  145634. "nan",
  145635. "nan",
  145636. "nan",
  145637. "nan",
  145638. "nan",
  145639. "nan",
  145640. "nan",
  145641. "nan",
  145642. "nan",
  145643. "nan",
  145644. "nan",
  145645. "nan",
  145646. "nan"
  145647. ],
  145648. [
  145649. "80007",
  145650. "2",
  145651. "rtc-clean up",
  145652. "credit bank",
  145653. "tcf0012479",
  145654. "nan",
  145655. "nan",
  145656. "6/20/2001",
  145657. "bq1281",
  145658. "wmc",
  145659. "nan",
  145660. "nan",
  145661. "seq: 0108",
  145662. "tampa",
  145663. "211883",
  145664. "nan",
  145665. "nan",
  145666. "nan",
  145667. "nan",
  145668. "nan",
  145669. "nan",
  145670. "nan",
  145671. "nan",
  145672. "nan",
  145673. "nan",
  145674. "nan",
  145675. "nan",
  145676. "nan",
  145677. "nan",
  145678. "nan",
  145679. "nan",
  145680. "nan",
  145681. "nan",
  145682. "nan",
  145683. "nan",
  145684. "nan",
  145685. "nan",
  145686. "nan"
  145687. ],
  145688. [
  145689. "80007",
  145690. "2",
  145691. "rtc-clean up",
  145692. "des plaines bank",
  145693. "tcf0012479",
  145694. "nan",
  145695. "nan",
  145696. "6/20/2001",
  145697. "bq1281",
  145698. "wmc",
  145699. "nan",
  145700. "nan",
  145701. "seq: 0109",
  145702. "tampa",
  145703. "211884",
  145704. "nan",
  145705. "nan",
  145706. "nan",
  145707. "nan",
  145708. "nan",
  145709. "nan",
  145710. "nan",
  145711. "nan",
  145712. "nan",
  145713. "nan",
  145714. "nan",
  145715. "nan",
  145716. "nan",
  145717. "nan",
  145718. "nan",
  145719. "nan",
  145720. "nan",
  145721. "nan",
  145722. "nan",
  145723. "nan",
  145724. "nan",
  145725. "nan",
  145726. "nan"
  145727. ],
  145728. [
  145729. "80007",
  145730. "2",
  145731. "rtc-clean up",
  145732. "enterprise bank",
  145733. "tcf0012479",
  145734. "nan",
  145735. "nan",
  145736. "6/20/2001",
  145737. "bq1281",
  145738. "wmc",
  145739. "nan",
  145740. "nan",
  145741. "seq: 0110",
  145742. "tampa",
  145743. "211885",
  145744. "nan",
  145745. "nan",
  145746. "nan",
  145747. "nan",
  145748. "nan",
  145749. "nan",
  145750. "nan",
  145751. "nan",
  145752. "nan",
  145753. "nan",
  145754. "nan",
  145755. "nan",
  145756. "nan",
  145757. "nan",
  145758. "nan",
  145759. "nan",
  145760. "nan",
  145761. "nan",
  145762. "nan",
  145763. "nan",
  145764. "nan",
  145765. "nan",
  145766. "nan"
  145767. ],
  145768. [
  145769. "80007",
  145770. "2",
  145771. "rtc-clean up",
  145772. "fidelity federal",
  145773. "tcf0012479",
  145774. "nan",
  145775. "nan",
  145776. "6/20/2001",
  145777. "bq1281",
  145778. "wmc",
  145779. "nan",
  145780. "nan",
  145781. "seq: 0111",
  145782. "tampa",
  145783. "211886",
  145784. "nan",
  145785. "nan",
  145786. "nan",
  145787. "nan",
  145788. "nan",
  145789. "nan",
  145790. "nan",
  145791. "nan",
  145792. "nan",
  145793. "nan",
  145794. "nan",
  145795. "nan",
  145796. "nan",
  145797. "nan",
  145798. "nan",
  145799. "nan",
  145800. "nan",
  145801. "nan",
  145802. "nan",
  145803. "nan",
  145804. "nan",
  145805. "nan",
  145806. "nan"
  145807. ],
  145808. [
  145809. "80007",
  145810. "2",
  145811. "rtc-clean up",
  145812. "first amer. bank & trust",
  145813. "tcf0012479",
  145814. "nan",
  145815. "nan",
  145816. "6/20/2001",
  145817. "bq1281",
  145818. "wmc",
  145819. "nan",
  145820. "nan",
  145821. "seq: 0112",
  145822. "tampa",
  145823. "211887",
  145824. "nan",
  145825. "nan",
  145826. "nan",
  145827. "nan",
  145828. "nan",
  145829. "nan",
  145830. "nan",
  145831. "nan",
  145832. "nan",
  145833. "nan",
  145834. "nan",
  145835. "nan",
  145836. "nan",
  145837. "nan",
  145838. "nan",
  145839. "nan",
  145840. "nan",
  145841. "nan",
  145842. "nan",
  145843. "nan",
  145844. "nan",
  145845. "nan",
  145846. "nan"
  145847. ],
  145848. [
  145849. "80007",
  145850. "2",
  145851. "rtc-clean up",
  145852. "first american bank & trust co.",
  145853. "tcf0012479",
  145854. "nan",
  145855. "nan",
  145856. "6/20/2001",
  145857. "bq1281",
  145858. "wmc",
  145859. "nan",
  145860. "nan",
  145861. "seq: 0113",
  145862. "tampa",
  145863. "211888",
  145864. "nan",
  145865. "nan",
  145866. "nan",
  145867. "nan",
  145868. "nan",
  145869. "nan",
  145870. "nan",
  145871. "nan",
  145872. "nan",
  145873. "nan",
  145874. "nan",
  145875. "nan",
  145876. "nan",
  145877. "nan",
  145878. "nan",
  145879. "nan",
  145880. "nan",
  145881. "nan",
  145882. "nan",
  145883. "nan",
  145884. "nan",
  145885. "nan",
  145886. "nan"
  145887. ],
  145888. [
  145889. "80007",
  145890. "2",
  145891. "rtc-clean up",
  145892. "first amer bank & trust, n.a.",
  145893. "tcf0012479",
  145894. "nan",
  145895. "nan",
  145896. "6/20/2001",
  145897. "bq1281",
  145898. "wmc",
  145899. "nan",
  145900. "nan",
  145901. "seq: 0114",
  145902. "tampa",
  145903. "211889",
  145904. "nan",
  145905. "nan",
  145906. "nan",
  145907. "nan",
  145908. "nan",
  145909. "nan",
  145910. "nan",
  145911. "nan",
  145912. "nan",
  145913. "nan",
  145914. "nan",
  145915. "nan",
  145916. "nan",
  145917. "nan",
  145918. "nan",
  145919. "nan",
  145920. "nan",
  145921. "nan",
  145922. "nan",
  145923. "nan",
  145924. "nan",
  145925. "nan",
  145926. "nan"
  145927. ],
  145928. [
  145929. "80007",
  145930. "2",
  145931. "rtc-clean up",
  145932. "centrust",
  145933. "tcf0012479",
  145934. "nan",
  145935. "nan",
  145936. "6/20/2001",
  145937. "bq1281",
  145938. "wmc",
  145939. "nan",
  145940. "nan",
  145941. "seq: 0115",
  145942. "tampa",
  145943. "211890",
  145944. "nan",
  145945. "nan",
  145946. "nan",
  145947. "nan",
  145948. "nan",
  145949. "nan",
  145950. "nan",
  145951. "nan",
  145952. "nan",
  145953. "nan",
  145954. "nan",
  145955. "nan",
  145956. "nan",
  145957. "nan",
  145958. "nan",
  145959. "nan",
  145960. "nan",
  145961. "nan",
  145962. "nan",
  145963. "nan",
  145964. "nan",
  145965. "nan",
  145966. "nan"
  145967. ],
  145968. [
  145969. "80007",
  145970. "2",
  145971. "rtc-clean up",
  145972. "western federal",
  145973. "tcf0012479",
  145974. "nan",
  145975. "nan",
  145976. "6/20/2001",
  145977. "bq1281",
  145978. "wmc",
  145979. "nan",
  145980. "nan",
  145981. "seq: 0116",
  145982. "tampa",
  145983. "211891",
  145984. "nan",
  145985. "nan",
  145986. "nan",
  145987. "nan",
  145988. "nan",
  145989. "nan",
  145990. "nan",
  145991. "nan",
  145992. "nan",
  145993. "nan",
  145994. "nan",
  145995. "nan",
  145996. "nan",
  145997. "nan",
  145998. "nan",
  145999. "nan",
  146000. "nan",
  146001. "nan",
  146002. "nan",
  146003. "nan",
  146004. "nan",
  146005. "nan",
  146006. "nan"
  146007. ],
  146008. [
  146009. "80093",
  146010. "1",
  146011. "michael hatcher",
  146012. "innolog",
  146013. "489671856",
  146014. "nan",
  146015. "white binder-waivers & fdic--------",
  146016. "6/25/2004",
  146017. "789-22101",
  146018. "hatcher, michael",
  146019. "nan",
  146020. "nan",
  146021. "barcode: 100106580 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: williams, anice + records assistant: greenfield, myshia 07/09/04 + file status: out + emp id no: 789-22101 + emp name: prsi 22101 prsi box 22101",
  146022. "washington d.c",
  146023. "1472551",
  146024. "nan",
  146025. "nan",
  146026. "nan",
  146027. "nan",
  146028. "nan",
  146029. "nan",
  146030. "nan",
  146031. "nan",
  146032. "nan",
  146033. "nan",
  146034. "nan",
  146035. "nan",
  146036. "nan",
  146037. "nan",
  146038. "nan",
  146039. "nan",
  146040. "nan",
  146041. "nan",
  146042. "nan",
  146043. "nan",
  146044. "nan",
  146045. "nan",
  146046. "nan"
  146047. ],
  146048. [
  146049. "8130",
  146050. "14",
  146051. "sunbank miami, n.a.",
  146052. "none",
  146053. "89249777",
  146054. "nan",
  146055. "3/1/95 general correspondence regarding rtc/participation agreement",
  146056. "6/24/1994",
  146057. "174451",
  146058. "jacobson daniel",
  146059. "nan",
  146060. "nan",
  146061. " hk box: 10669",
  146062. "miami",
  146063. "663223",
  146064. "nan",
  146065. "nan",
  146066. "nan",
  146067. "nan",
  146068. "nan",
  146069. "nan",
  146070. "nan",
  146071. "nan",
  146072. "nan",
  146073. "nan",
  146074. "nan",
  146075. "nan",
  146076. "nan",
  146077. "nan",
  146078. "nan",
  146079. "nan",
  146080. "nan",
  146081. "nan",
  146082. "nan",
  146083. "nan",
  146084. "nan",
  146085. "nan",
  146086. "nan"
  146087. ],
  146088. [
  146089. "83871",
  146090. "1",
  146091. "smartcom pcs",
  146092. "advice re: protection of intellectual property rights",
  146093. "460597077",
  146094. "nan",
  146095. "correspondence\nbilling\ndocuments\nnotes & memo.\ndue diligence on pablo blas fransezze, argentum of south beach corporation &\ntransworld distribution & logistics, llc",
  146096. "10/7/2004",
  146097. "12129834",
  146098. "mencio george",
  146099. "nan",
  146100. "nan",
  146101. " hk box: 33933",
  146102. "miami",
  146103. "698104",
  146104. "nan",
  146105. "nan",
  146106. "nan",
  146107. "nan",
  146108. "nan",
  146109. "nan",
  146110. "nan",
  146111. "nan",
  146112. "nan",
  146113. "nan",
  146114. "nan",
  146115. "nan",
  146116. "nan",
  146117. "nan",
  146118. "nan",
  146119. "nan",
  146120. "nan",
  146121. "nan",
  146122. "nan",
  146123. "nan",
  146124. "nan",
  146125. "nan",
  146126. "nan"
  146127. ],
  146128. [
  146129. "8513",
  146130. "1",
  146131. "notter, john",
  146132. "none",
  146133. "174449",
  146134. "nan",
  146135. "3/1/95 - rtc matter",
  146136. "6/24/1994",
  146137. "10667",
  146138. "jacobson daniel",
  146139. "nan",
  146140. "nan",
  146141. "nan",
  146142. "miami",
  146143. "663219",
  146144. "nan",
  146145. "nan",
  146146. "nan",
  146147. "nan",
  146148. "nan",
  146149. "nan",
  146150. "nan",
  146151. "nan",
  146152. "nan",
  146153. "nan",
  146154. "nan",
  146155. "nan",
  146156. "nan",
  146157. "nan",
  146158. "nan",
  146159. "nan",
  146160. "nan",
  146161. "nan",
  146162. "nan",
  146163. "nan",
  146164. "nan",
  146165. "nan",
  146166. "nan"
  146167. ],
  146168. [
  146169. "86033",
  146170. "1",
  146171. "brickyard bank",
  146172. "fdic and illinios obre",
  146173. "189921484",
  146174. "nan",
  146175. "nan",
  146176. "10/08/2002",
  146177. "189921484",
  146178. "cls",
  146179. "nan",
  146180. "nan",
  146181. "seq: 0020 + letter: f",
  146182. "tampa",
  146183. "110847",
  146184. "nan",
  146185. "nan",
  146186. "nan",
  146187. "nan",
  146188. "nan",
  146189. "nan",
  146190. "nan",
  146191. "nan",
  146192. "nan",
  146193. "nan",
  146194. "nan",
  146195. "nan",
  146196. "nan",
  146197. "nan",
  146198. "nan",
  146199. "nan",
  146200. "nan",
  146201. "nan",
  146202. "nan",
  146203. "nan",
  146204. "nan",
  146205. "nan",
  146206. "nan"
  146207. ],
  146208. [
  146209. "880280",
  146210. "95000",
  146211. "christopher nolin",
  146212. "re: miscellaneous index: donald gammon materials, fdic - williams, marketing / recruiting file, new adjuster and nurse candidates, suggestions file - brief bank, cen miscellaneous / potential clients / closed files, cen working file / bird warranties, cen personal - alex, cen alan materials, national health lawyers assoc., certificates from mec and national health assoc., cen bar associations, mso marketing, henry vandermark / florida investments",
  146213. "719595361",
  146214. "nan",
  146215. "nan",
  146216. "8/5/1999",
  146217. "231044",
  146218. "cen / cen",
  146219. "nan",
  146220. "nan",
  146221. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  146222. "boston",
  146223. "1014776",
  146224. "nan",
  146225. "nan",
  146226. "nan",
  146227. "nan",
  146228. "nan",
  146229. "nan",
  146230. "nan",
  146231. "nan",
  146232. "nan",
  146233. "nan",
  146234. "nan",
  146235. "nan",
  146236. "nan",
  146237. "nan",
  146238. "nan",
  146239. "nan",
  146240. "nan",
  146241. "nan",
  146242. "nan",
  146243. "nan",
  146244. "nan",
  146245. "nan",
  146246. "nan"
  146247. ],
  146248. [
  146249. "880280",
  146250. "95000",
  146251. "christopher nolin",
  146252. "re: miscellaneous index: appeals, atty. fees, amendment pleadings, bank participations, bankruptcy, contingent fees, contempt, expert testimony (daubert), discovery - sanctions, evidence, fdic litigation, good faith, in limine, aids, antitrust, cen - reading committee, lender liability, presentation graphics, workingmen's coop. bank, boston bar assoc. health care section, barry queen, cen health care drafts",
  146253. "719634057",
  146254. "nan",
  146255. "nan",
  146256. "8/5/1999",
  146257. "231043",
  146258. "cen / cen",
  146259. "nan",
  146260. "nan",
  146261. "facility: arm + department: litigation\ndelivered: / retd_to_st: hk box:",
  146262. "boston",
  146263. "1014777",
  146264. "nan",
  146265. "nan",
  146266. "nan",
  146267. "nan",
  146268. "nan",
  146269. "nan",
  146270. "nan",
  146271. "nan",
  146272. "nan",
  146273. "nan",
  146274. "nan",
  146275. "nan",
  146276. "nan",
  146277. "nan",
  146278. "nan",
  146279. "nan",
  146280. "nan",
  146281. "nan",
  146282. "nan",
  146283. "nan",
  146284. "nan",
  146285. "nan",
  146286. "nan"
  146287. ],
  146288. [
  146289. "888030",
  146290. "00075",
  146291. "client representation (not otherwise cre",
  146292. "pm - foxborough state hospital",
  146293. "700570729",
  146294. "due diligence",
  146295. "file # 236529669:\n\n originals: second amendment to agreement for purchase of mass. hrtc (office at chestnut green), second amendment to indemnification agreement, second amendment to indemnification agreement, second amendment to agreement for purchase of mass. hrtc (apartments at chesnut green), agreement for purchase of mass. hrtc (apartments at chestnut green), agreement for purchase of mass. hrtc (office at chestnut green), third amendment to amended and restated operating agreement of chestnut green apartments managing member llc, fourth amendment to amended and restated operating agreement of foxtrot managing member llc. copies: w-9, transfer/sale hrc historic rehabilitation credit certificate, usps tracking info, transfer/sale contract, 2nd amendment to agreement for purchase of mass. hrtc (apartments at chesnut green), pm signature pages, transfer/sale hrc historic rehabilitation credit certificate, term sheet, third amendment to amended and restated operating agreement (chestnut green apts), agreement for purchase of mass hrtc (chestnut green apts), third amendment to amended and restated operating agreement of chestnut green apts managing member llc, fourth amendment to amended and restated operating agreement of foxtrot managing member llc, agreement for purchase of mass. hrtc (chestnut green office), agreement for purchase of mass hrtc (chestnut green apts), award letter, second amendment to amended and restated file # 236529669:\n\n operating agreement of chestnut green apts managing member llc, third amendment to amended and restated operating agreement of foxtrot managing member llc, third amendment to second amended and restated operating agreement of chestnut green apts llc, third amendment to amended and restated operating agreement of chestnut green apartments managing member llc, fourth amendment to second amended and restated operating agreement of foxtrot llc, fourth amendment to amended and restated operating agreement of foxtrot managing member llc, project certificate hrc, w-9, transfer/sale hrc, executed loan agrmt mod assign pledge + security, executed amend to assign of agrmt for purchase mhrtc",
  146296. "6/18/2012",
  146297. "nan",
  146298. "james e. mcdermott",
  146299. "off-site",
  146300. "paster kimberly",
  146301. "nan",
  146302. "boston",
  146303. "1858113",
  146304. "5/9/2014",
  146305. "nan",
  146306. "nan",
  146307. "nan",
  146308. "nan",
  146309. "nan",
  146310. "nan",
  146311. "nan",
  146312. "nan",
  146313. "nan",
  146314. "nan",
  146315. "nan",
  146316. "nan",
  146317. "nan",
  146318. "nan",
  146319. "nan",
  146320. "nan",
  146321. "nan",
  146322. "nan",
  146323. "nan",
  146324. "nan",
  146325. "nan",
  146326. "nan"
  146327. ],
  146328. [
  146329. "888031",
  146330. "80138",
  146331. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146332. "brooke,thomas w. temporary matter",
  146333. "489270628",
  146334. "us trademark",
  146335. "08/10/2006 box 419\n\n1. soh ip company inc. - cafe fries - 78/638 435 <-------------------------------- removed 03/05/2012\n2. renold public limited company - re: steris inc. - (synergy) - 78/200,162\n3. blackhealth - file\n4. avstar - inews - file\n5. arlec - instructions - file\n6. blinds etcetera - file\n7. portalca sting - file\n8. di camillo & borden - file\n9. baynet bank - file\n10. inter-american vanguard corp. v. renold limited (reynolds v. renold synergy) opp. no. 91155860 \n11. select appointments - greater good division - search report - file\n12. smartcom - file\n13. select - ingenium - file\n14. se wireless group - re: general correspondence - file\n15. select appointments (holdings) limited - possible opposition to staffing solutions a/k/a/ selectstaff, framingham, ma - mark: select - file\n16. uniboard canada inc. - re: mannington carpets, inc. - (integra) - sn: 76/464,784 - file\n17. the thermos company - file\n18. thermos llc - penguin design search report - file\n19. select appointments (holdings) ltd. v. select temporaries, inc. - select personnel services \n (and design) -75/310,533 - oppo. no. 124,592 - file\n20. select appointments (holdings) ltd. v. select temporaries, inc. - select personnel \n services - 75/310,531",
  146336. "8/10/2006",
  146337. "1000406342",
  146338. "firm h&k",
  146339. "off-site",
  146340. "nan",
  146341. "barcode: 100130039 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: l.milton/n.crump/ s.alleyne + records assistant: raymond jefferson + file status: out + emp id no: 1000406342 + emp name: 1000406342",
  146342. "washington d.c",
  146343. "1495615",
  146344. "nan",
  146345. "nan",
  146346. "nan",
  146347. "nan",
  146348. "nan",
  146349. "nan",
  146350. "nan",
  146351. "nan",
  146352. "nan",
  146353. "nan",
  146354. "nan",
  146355. "nan",
  146356. "nan",
  146357. "nan",
  146358. "nan",
  146359. "nan",
  146360. "nan",
  146361. "nan",
  146362. "nan",
  146363. "nan",
  146364. "nan",
  146365. "nan",
  146366. "nan"
  146367. ],
  146368. [
  146369. "888031",
  146370. "08691",
  146371. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146372. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  146373. "489717262",
  146374. "nan",
  146375. "11/21/2008 box 1\n\ncentral fidelity bank/fdic 06102-53\n -environmental risk program\n\nwc & an miller - pleadings folders 14794-1 \n -4866 massachusetts avenue pleadings\n\nmiller/marina purchase 14794-5 \n -research \n -notes \n -drafts \n -correspondence\n",
  146376. "2/3/2009",
  146377. "nan",
  146378. "firm h&k",
  146379. "off-site",
  146380. "nan",
  146381. "nan",
  146382. "washington d.c",
  146383. "1554193",
  146384. "nan",
  146385. "nan",
  146386. "nan",
  146387. "nan",
  146388. "nan",
  146389. "nan",
  146390. "nan",
  146391. "nan",
  146392. "nan",
  146393. "nan",
  146394. "nan",
  146395. "nan",
  146396. "nan",
  146397. "nan",
  146398. "nan",
  146399. "nan",
  146400. "nan",
  146401. "nan",
  146402. "nan",
  146403. "nan",
  146404. "nan",
  146405. "nan",
  146406. "nan"
  146407. ],
  146408. [
  146409. "888031",
  146410. "82242",
  146411. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146412. "park,jonathan h. temporary matter",
  146413. "459072631",
  146414. "nan",
  146415. "jonathna h. park working client folders reagrding the foloowing clients: cukier; sheila davis; pitman; donckross; proog; dyne; everett ow; fdic; fisher; fitness quest; fisher; friendly; galloway; gerachi; glass; glinzak; goldfarb; gooch; graham; greeneberg; tracy hill; horowitz; israel",
  146416. "5/18/2011",
  146417. "nan",
  146418. "firm h&k",
  146419. "off-site",
  146420. "nan",
  146421. "nan",
  146422. "los angeles",
  146423. "1754445",
  146424. "nan",
  146425. "nan",
  146426. "nan",
  146427. "nan",
  146428. "nan",
  146429. "nan",
  146430. "nan",
  146431. "nan",
  146432. "nan",
  146433. "nan",
  146434. "nan",
  146435. "nan",
  146436. "nan",
  146437. "nan",
  146438. "nan",
  146439. "nan",
  146440. "nan",
  146441. "nan",
  146442. "nan",
  146443. "nan",
  146444. "nan",
  146445. "nan",
  146446. "nan"
  146447. ],
  146448. [
  146449. "888031",
  146450. "50050",
  146451. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146452. "stern,jeffrey b. temporary matter",
  146453. "458760160",
  146454. "agreements",
  146455. "05/20/2011\n\nturtle reef-textron/geoholiday club\nlease agreement between geo-premier and grh\nturtle reef - condo assoc. financial statements/1996\nturtle reef condo. i -1997 financial statements\nquitclaim deed\nspecial warranty deed\nlease agreement between geo-premier and grh 09/01/93\nlease agreement between geo-premier and grh 01/01/95\nlease agreement between geo-premier and grh 05/01/94\nlease agreement between geo-premier and grh 01/01/97\nlease agreement between geo-premier and grh 07/01/96\ndeed acknowledging purchase of units of guana bay\nontario (romeo finder) legal opinion\nmarketing & sales agreement\ngeoholiday international memorandum of association\ncollateral assignment k\n2220814 manitoba ltd bylaws\nendorsement stamps\nletter fro club dated 09/25/87 - consenting to assignments\n9/25 a-burstein letter concerning ownership of computer software\nrci affiliation agreement\ninventory of real estate and assessment agreement\ninsurance documentation\npoints listing to 06/30/97\nhistory of the geo club\nexemption from florida vacation & timeshare act\nletter confirming completion of club accommodations\nucc/ppsa searches\nlease between geopremier and grh 12/01/93\nlease between geopremier and grh 10/01/94\nlease agreement between geopremier and grh 03/01/95\nspecial warranty deed - unit 15\nspecial warranty deed - unit 16\nspecial warranty deed - unit 17\nspecial warranty deed - unit 18\nspecial warranty deed - unit 19\nimperial lakes - proof of payment r.e. taxes\nspecial warranty deed - unit 21\nspecial warranty deed - unit 22\nspecial warranty deed - unit 33\nspecial warranty deed - unit 34\nspecial warranty deed - unit 39\nspecial warranty deed - unit 40\npartial release of mortgage from rtc\npurchase and sale and option agreement\nmeadow oaks condo assoc. balance sheet (imperial lakes)\nimperial lakes surveyor's certificate\nimperial lakes pool permit\ntfc-geo scottsdale camelbach title\ntfc-geo turtle reef title\ntfc-geo imperial lakes/meadow oaks title\ntfc-geo guana bay title\ntfc-geo tahoe summit title\ninitial u.s. mortgage piea notes\ntfc-geo title information pueblo real\nletters concerning litigation",
  146456. "5/23/2011",
  146457. "789-13228",
  146458. "firm h&k",
  146459. "off-site",
  146460. "nan",
  146461. "100036359 + 100036360 + 100036361+ 100036362 \n\n\n\n",
  146462. "washington d.c",
  146463. "1754992",
  146464. "nan",
  146465. "nan",
  146466. "nan",
  146467. "nan",
  146468. "nan",
  146469. "nan",
  146470. "nan",
  146471. "nan",
  146472. "nan",
  146473. "nan",
  146474. "nan",
  146475. "nan",
  146476. "nan",
  146477. "nan",
  146478. "nan",
  146479. "nan",
  146480. "nan",
  146481. "nan",
  146482. "nan",
  146483. "nan",
  146484. "nan",
  146485. "nan",
  146486. "nan"
  146487. ],
  146488. [
  146489. "888031",
  146490. "84104",
  146491. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146492. "middlebrook,theresa a.w. temporary matter",
  146493. "391979565",
  146494. "general/other",
  146495. "1) 62633 papillion eastern imports inc. vol. 5 poppu placement (jjk)\n2) don jose foods, arcadia dairy matter\n3) tmus: ratican, diane\n4) don jose foods: licensor agr: pascual license - vol. 1\n5) ustm: omega performance\n6)licensor agr. pascual license, vol. 2\n7) don jose foods licensor agr: form bottler agreement\n8) murro shonne mexican copyright : watch your dreams\n9) vortech engineering misc. k: warranty claim \n10) papillon eastern imports, inc. general vol. 3 in the garden fabric print (tam) \n11) vortech engineering: investigation re superchargers manufactured by z- engineering gmbh\n12) v154:30.2*18 vortech engineering inc. inv. of infringement by bc gerlamy re max flow \n13) v154:30.5 copyright assignments jeff roush \n14) v154:40.1-1 vortech engineering csk master vendor agreement \n15) licesnsee agreements: c&l performance --maf units \n16) vortceh engineering, inc agr: stnad matter\n17)vortech engineering, corporate matters: mcgrath / vermont \n18) vortech engineering, inc. miscellaneous contracts: pricing policy \n19) vortech engineering: contracts- terms & conditions \n20) voerceh engineering: representative agreement with policy \n",
  146496. "10/14/2011",
  146497. "nan",
  146498. "firm h&k",
  146499. "off-site",
  146500. "nan",
  146501. "nan",
  146502. "los angeles",
  146503. "1782204",
  146504. "nan",
  146505. "nan",
  146506. "nan",
  146507. "nan",
  146508. "nan",
  146509. "nan",
  146510. "nan",
  146511. "nan",
  146512. "nan",
  146513. "nan",
  146514. "nan",
  146515. "nan",
  146516. "nan",
  146517. "nan",
  146518. "nan",
  146519. "nan",
  146520. "nan",
  146521. "nan",
  146522. "nan",
  146523. "nan",
  146524. "nan",
  146525. "nan",
  146526. "nan"
  146527. ],
  146528. [
  146529. "888031",
  146530. "88001",
  146531. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146532. "gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter",
  146533. "159820586",
  146534. "nan",
  146535. "see doc #5985782 - 2008-12-18 data savers box index\nf0000004595 c0000001533 fhm/damons the place for ribs\nf0000002910 c0000001533 fhm-ben ash\nf0000002916 c0000001533 fhm-cafe chianti\nf0000002917 c0000001533 fhm-duggan hospitality\nf0000002915 c0000001533 fhm-marland enterprises\nf0000002909 c0000001533 fhm-melon's indian rocks bch\nf0000002911 c0000001533 fhm-s m r j d/b/a trustrees\nf0000002918 c0000001533 fhm-select mgnt-grandys restru\nf0000002914 c0000001533 fhm-the texan (wartco)\nf0000002913 c0000001533 fhm-western foods--west sizz\nf0000002912 c0000001533 fhm-wlrp enterprises\nf0000004365 c0000001533 gulf south realty, inc\nf0000004367 c0000001533 key jangles corp., et. al irs\n\n3157-3168",
  146536. "nan",
  146537. "c0000001533",
  146538. "firm h&k",
  146539. "nan",
  146540. "nan",
  146541. "transfered from data savers - 6124",
  146542. "jacksonville",
  146543. "1798521",
  146544. "nan",
  146545. "nan",
  146546. "nan",
  146547. "nan",
  146548. "nan",
  146549. "nan",
  146550. "nan",
  146551. "nan",
  146552. "nan",
  146553. "nan",
  146554. "nan",
  146555. "nan",
  146556. "nan",
  146557. "nan",
  146558. "nan",
  146559. "nan",
  146560. "nan",
  146561. "nan",
  146562. "nan",
  146563. "nan",
  146564. "nan",
  146565. "nan",
  146566. "nan"
  146567. ],
  146568. [
  146569. "888031",
  146570. "88001",
  146571. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146572. "gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter",
  146573. "542293318",
  146574. "nan",
  146575. "see doc #5985782 - 2008-12-18 data savers box index\nf0000184587 c0000001553 channel 17 - general\nf0000184588 c0000001553 channel 17 - mr. coenen\nf0000184590 c0000001553 green v. amelia island\nf0000184589 c0000001553 inkcraft\nf0000184586 c0000001553 kennedy v. rossman\nf0000184583 c0000001553 sunrise nissan/crews\nf0000184584 c0000001553 sunrise nissan/rohn\nf0000184585 c0000001553 sunrise nissan/rtc\n",
  146576. "nan",
  146577. "c0000001553",
  146578. "firm h&k",
  146579. "nan",
  146580. "nan",
  146581. "transfered from data savers - 91641",
  146582. "jacksonville",
  146583. "1798524",
  146584. "nan",
  146585. "nan",
  146586. "nan",
  146587. "nan",
  146588. "nan",
  146589. "nan",
  146590. "nan",
  146591. "nan",
  146592. "nan",
  146593. "nan",
  146594. "nan",
  146595. "nan",
  146596. "nan",
  146597. "nan",
  146598. "nan",
  146599. "nan",
  146600. "nan",
  146601. "nan",
  146602. "nan",
  146603. "nan",
  146604. "nan",
  146605. "nan",
  146606. "nan"
  146607. ],
  146608. [
  146609. "888031",
  146610. "85204",
  146611. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146612. "hogan,john m. temporary matter",
  146613. "652545050",
  146614. "general/other",
  146615. "marty steinberg files. 1) h&c defalcation-nilda carrerou (thomas g. schultz); management committee report; long term obligations; parkhill memos; partnership performance; 2) unmarked folder containing price waterhouse documents addressed to bill mcbride 1990 regarding compensation; community service team 1990 folder; 3) resolution trust corporation general (ms); 4) fdic-registration of outside counsel fitness and integrity certifications; rtc/otc/fdic-copies of memoranda, letters etc.; 5) washington visit june 28, 1990; 6) timothy ryan (ms); 7) timothy ryan, ots-reception & spoeaking engagement in miami 1991; 8) philip manuel-p.m.r.g.; 9) philip manuel - italian television; 10) department of education pmrg; 11) philip manual-luxury car; 12) philip manuel-resume; 13) pmrg brochure, etc.",
  146616. "1/25/2012",
  146617. "050281",
  146618. "firm h&k",
  146619. "off-site",
  146620. "nan",
  146621. "8590",
  146622. "miami",
  146623. "1809458",
  146624. "nan",
  146625. "nan",
  146626. "nan",
  146627. "nan",
  146628. "nan",
  146629. "nan",
  146630. "nan",
  146631. "nan",
  146632. "nan",
  146633. "nan",
  146634. "nan",
  146635. "nan",
  146636. "nan",
  146637. "nan",
  146638. "nan",
  146639. "nan",
  146640. "nan",
  146641. "nan",
  146642. "nan",
  146643. "nan",
  146644. "nan",
  146645. "nan",
  146646. "nan"
  146647. ],
  146648. [
  146649. "888031",
  146650. "08691",
  146651. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146652. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  146653. "731238220",
  146654. "articles",
  146655. "miscellaneous articles:\nenvironmental insurance products transactional considerations\ncoping with environmental risk: the fdic's environmental risk guidelines\nwill the 104th congress spell r-e-l-i-e-f from environmental liability for lenders, fiduciaries, and \"innocent\" property owners?",
  146656. "7/24/2012",
  146657. "nan",
  146658. "firm h&k",
  146659. "off-site",
  146660. "edwards amy",
  146661. "nan",
  146662. "washington d.c",
  146663. "1873719",
  146664. "nan",
  146665. "nan",
  146666. "nan",
  146667. "nan",
  146668. "nan",
  146669. "nan",
  146670. "nan",
  146671. "nan",
  146672. "nan",
  146673. "nan",
  146674. "nan",
  146675. "nan",
  146676. "nan",
  146677. "nan",
  146678. "nan",
  146679. "nan",
  146680. "nan",
  146681. "nan",
  146682. "nan",
  146683. "nan",
  146684. "nan",
  146685. "nan",
  146686. "nan"
  146687. ],
  146688. [
  146689. "888031",
  146690. "08691",
  146691. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146692. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  146693. "731241095",
  146694. "client documents",
  146695. "environmental risk - a guide to compliance with the fdic's environmental risk program - audiotape - american bankers association - binder",
  146696. "1/8/2013",
  146697. "nan",
  146698. "firm h&k",
  146699. "off-site",
  146700. "edwards amy",
  146701. "nan",
  146702. "washington d.c",
  146703. "1951400",
  146704. "nan",
  146705. "nan",
  146706. "nan",
  146707. "nan",
  146708. "nan",
  146709. "nan",
  146710. "nan",
  146711. "nan",
  146712. "nan",
  146713. "nan",
  146714. "nan",
  146715. "nan",
  146716. "nan",
  146717. "nan",
  146718. "nan",
  146719. "nan",
  146720. "nan",
  146721. "nan",
  146722. "nan",
  146723. "nan",
  146724. "nan",
  146725. "nan",
  146726. "nan"
  146727. ],
  146728. [
  146729. "888031",
  146730. "10410",
  146731. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146732. "maines, j. allen temporary unassigned matters",
  146733. "777914248",
  146734. "due diligence",
  146735. "57288-00024 - lexisnexis - project garden state: due diligence - (83 manila folders) as listed.....\n* 6.5.1 - seyfarth shaw \n* 6.5.1 - sedgwick, detert, moran & arnold llp \n* 6.5.1 - sheppard, mullin, richter & hampton llp \n* 6.5.1 - shipman & goodwin llp \n* 6.5.1 - shook, hardy & bacon llp \n* 6.5.1 - shutts & bowen llp \n* 6.5.1 - sidley austin llp \n* 6.5.1 - sj berwin llp \n* 6.5.1 - steefel, levitt & weiss \n* 6.5.1 - steptoe & johnson llp \n* 6.5.1 - stinson morrison hecker llp \n* 6.5.1 - stradley ronon stevens & young, llp \n* 6.5.1 - sullivan & worcester llp \n* 6.5.1 - sutherland asbill & brenan llp \n* 6.5.1 - thompson hine llp \n* 6.5.1 - thompson & knight llp \n* 6.5.1 - thompson coburn llp \n* 6.5.1 - vinson & elkins llp \n* 6.5.1 - waller lansden dortch & davis, llp \n* 6.5.1 - wilmer cutler pickering hale and door llp \n* 6.5.1 - wilson sonsini goodrich & rosati \n* 6.5.1 - wolf greenfield & sacks pc\n* 6.5.1 - leonard street \n* 6.5.1 - lewis & roca \n* 6.5.1 - lindquist & vennum \n* 6.5.1 - locke liddell \n* 6.5.1 - locke reynolds \n* 6.5.1 - lowenstein sandler \n* 6.5.1 - luce forward \n* 6.5.1 - manatt, phelps & phillips, llp \n* 6.5.1 - mccarthy tetrault--canada \n* 6.5.1 - mcelroy deutsch \n* 6.5.1 - mckenna long & aldridge llp \n* 6.5.1 - mintz, levin, cohn, ferris giovsky and popeo \n* 6.5.1 - morrison & foerster llp \n* 6.5.1 - much shelist dennenberg arment & rubenstein \n* 6.5.1 - nelson mullins riley & scarborough, llp \n* 6.5.1 - nixon peabody llp \n* 6.5.1 - orrick, herrington & sutcliffe llp \n* 6.5.1 - parker, poe, adams & bernstein llp \n* 6.5.1 - patterson, belknap, webb & tyler llp (co still trying to track down this agmt.) \n* 6.5.1 - patton boggs llp \n* 6.5.1 - pepper hamilton llp \n* 6.5.1 - perkins coie llp \n* 6.5.1 - plunkett & cooney, p.c. \n* 6.5.1 - powell, goldstein, frazer & murphy llp \n* 6.5.1 - ropes & gray \n* 6.5.1 - crowell & moring \n* 6.5.1 - davis wright \n* 6.5.1 - day berry \n* 6.5.1 - dechert \n* 6.5.1 - fish & richardson \n* 6.5.1 - ford harrison \n* 6.5.1 - foster pepper \n* 6.5.1 - fowler white \n* 6.5.1 - fraser milner -- canada \n* 6.5.1 - freeborn peters \n* 6.5.1 - frost brown todd \n* 6.5.1 - fulbright & jaworski \n* 6.5.1 - gardner carlton \n* 6.5.1 - gibbons del deo \n* 6.5.1 - goodwin proctor \n* 6.5.1 - cohen & grigsby, pc \n* 6.5.1 - gowlings laflaur - canada\n* 6.5.1 - gray plant \n* 6.5.1 - greenbert traurig \n* 6.5.1 - helms mulliss \n* 6.5.1 - holland & knight \n* 6.5.1 - home wilkinson (recent deal - co said it is in process) \n* 6.5.1 - honigman miller \n* 6.5.1 - husch eppenberger \n* 6.5.1 - cox smith \n* 6.5.1 - ice miller \n* 6.5.1 - jackson walker \n* 6.5.1 - jones walker \n* 6.5.1 - kean miller \n* 6.5.1 - kelly hart \n* 6.5.1 - kempbridge pty ltd. (henry davis york) \n* 6.5.1 - kilpatrick stockton \n* 6.5.1 - kramer levin \n* 6.5.2 - ads \n* 6.5.2 - collateral \n* gs rm - diligence notes",
  146736. "5/15/2013",
  146737. "nan",
  146738. "firm h&k",
  146739. "off-site",
  146740. "maines j",
  146741. "nan",
  146742. "atlanta",
  146743. "2031853",
  146744. "nan",
  146745. "nan",
  146746. "nan",
  146747. "nan",
  146748. "nan",
  146749. "nan",
  146750. "nan",
  146751. "nan",
  146752. "nan",
  146753. "nan",
  146754. "nan",
  146755. "nan",
  146756. "nan",
  146757. "nan",
  146758. "nan",
  146759. "nan",
  146760. "nan",
  146761. "nan",
  146762. "nan",
  146763. "nan",
  146764. "nan",
  146765. "nan",
  146766. "nan"
  146767. ],
  146768. [
  146769. "888031",
  146770. "10670",
  146771. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146772. "chadwick, james c. temporary matter",
  146773. "active file",
  146774. "research",
  146775. "resolution trust corporation (rtc)",
  146776. "8/21/2013",
  146777. "nan",
  146778. "firm h&k",
  146779. "on-site",
  146780. "chadwick james",
  146781. "nan",
  146782. "dallas",
  146783. "2092030",
  146784. "nan",
  146785. "nan",
  146786. "nan",
  146787. "nan",
  146788. "nan",
  146789. "nan",
  146790. "nan",
  146791. "nan",
  146792. "nan",
  146793. "nan",
  146794. "nan",
  146795. "nan",
  146796. "nan",
  146797. "nan",
  146798. "nan",
  146799. "nan",
  146800. "nan",
  146801. "nan",
  146802. "nan",
  146803. "nan",
  146804. "nan",
  146805. "nan",
  146806. "nan"
  146807. ],
  146808. [
  146809. "888031",
  146810. "18040",
  146811. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146812. "wiener,keith m. temporary matter",
  146813. "768304091",
  146814. "working papers",
  146815. "working files from keith wiener's desk.....\n* john and diane brantley - wills\n* atlantic center - tennant manual\n* rose reichback - internal revenue matter\n* legal issue index - legal research index - black letter law\n* certified mail to ruth yardum re: warranty deed to foundation of the cosmic consciousness inc.\n* letter from fdic re: notice of deposition\n* construction group: representative construction & engineering practice\n* aba guidelines: discovery of electronic information\n* grant audit presentation for city of atlanta\n* public law department retreat - 6/20-22/97\n* various holocaust rememberance project booklets\n* large redweld of westlaw research - per robert highsmith",
  146816. "10/29/2013",
  146817. "nan",
  146818. "firm h&k",
  146819. "nan",
  146820. "wiener keith",
  146821. "nan",
  146822. "atlanta",
  146823. "2126767",
  146824. "nan",
  146825. "nan",
  146826. "nan",
  146827. "nan",
  146828. "nan",
  146829. "nan",
  146830. "nan",
  146831. "nan",
  146832. "nan",
  146833. "nan",
  146834. "nan",
  146835. "nan",
  146836. "nan",
  146837. "nan",
  146838. "nan",
  146839. "nan",
  146840. "nan",
  146841. "nan",
  146842. "nan",
  146843. "nan",
  146844. "nan",
  146845. "nan",
  146846. "nan"
  146847. ],
  146848. [
  146849. "888031",
  146850. "10797",
  146851. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146852. "caballero, gabriel, jr. temporary unassigned matters",
  146853. "active file",
  146854. "research",
  146855. "fdic claims",
  146856. "3/24/2014",
  146857. "nan",
  146858. "firm h&k",
  146859. "on-site",
  146860. "caballero gabriel",
  146861. "nan",
  146862. "miami",
  146863. "2182382",
  146864. "nan",
  146865. "nan",
  146866. "nan",
  146867. "nan",
  146868. "nan",
  146869. "nan",
  146870. "nan",
  146871. "nan",
  146872. "nan",
  146873. "nan",
  146874. "nan",
  146875. "nan",
  146876. "nan",
  146877. "nan",
  146878. "nan",
  146879. "nan",
  146880. "nan",
  146881. "nan",
  146882. "nan",
  146883. "nan",
  146884. "nan",
  146885. "nan",
  146886. "nan"
  146887. ],
  146888. [
  146889. "888031",
  146890. "10730",
  146891. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146892. "kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters",
  146893. "785146502",
  146894. "pleadings",
  146895. "27529.061 \nrequest for courtcall telephonic \nappearance re: donna f. solen \nd677657",
  146896. "3/28/2014",
  146897. "nan",
  146898. "firm h&k",
  146899. "off-site",
  146900. "kern john",
  146901. "these file materials have been sent off site pursuant to instructions of john kerns on march 17, 2014",
  146902. "san francisco",
  146903. "2191535",
  146904. "nan",
  146905. "nan",
  146906. "nan",
  146907. "nan",
  146908. "nan",
  146909. "nan",
  146910. "nan",
  146911. "nan",
  146912. "nan",
  146913. "nan",
  146914. "nan",
  146915. "nan",
  146916. "nan",
  146917. "nan",
  146918. "nan",
  146919. "nan",
  146920. "nan",
  146921. "nan",
  146922. "nan",
  146923. "nan",
  146924. "nan",
  146925. "nan",
  146926. "nan"
  146927. ],
  146928. [
  146929. "888031",
  146930. "10730",
  146931. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146932. "kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters",
  146933. "785146502",
  146934. "pleadings",
  146935. "27529.061 \nrequest for courtcall telephonic\nappearance re: gretchen m. nelson \nd677658",
  146936. "3/28/2014",
  146937. "nan",
  146938. "firm h&k",
  146939. "off-site",
  146940. "kern john",
  146941. "these file materials have been sent off site pursuant to instructions of john kerns on march 17, 2014",
  146942. "san francisco",
  146943. "2191536",
  146944. "nan",
  146945. "nan",
  146946. "nan",
  146947. "nan",
  146948. "nan",
  146949. "nan",
  146950. "nan",
  146951. "nan",
  146952. "nan",
  146953. "nan",
  146954. "nan",
  146955. "nan",
  146956. "nan",
  146957. "nan",
  146958. "nan",
  146959. "nan",
  146960. "nan",
  146961. "nan",
  146962. "nan",
  146963. "nan",
  146964. "nan",
  146965. "nan",
  146966. "nan"
  146967. ],
  146968. [
  146969. "888031",
  146970. "11225",
  146971. "temporary unassigned matters",
  146972. "segrest, eugene f. temporary unassigned matters",
  146973. "active file",
  146974. "research",
  146975. "gaedeke group, llc/ re: minnesota wind energy; research rtc",
  146976. "6/5/2015",
  146977. "nan",
  146978. "firm h&k",
  146979. "on-site",
  146980. "segrest eugene",
  146981. "1201375.0004",
  146982. "dallas",
  146983. "2355367",
  146984. "nan",
  146985. "nan",
  146986. "nan",
  146987. "nan",
  146988. "nan",
  146989. "nan",
  146990. "nan",
  146991. "nan",
  146992. "nan",
  146993. "nan",
  146994. "nan",
  146995. "nan",
  146996. "nan",
  146997. "nan",
  146998. "nan",
  146999. "nan",
  147000. "nan",
  147001. "nan",
  147002. "nan",
  147003. "nan",
  147004. "nan",
  147005. "nan",
  147006. "nan"
  147007. ],
  147008. [
  147009. "888031",
  147010. "10829",
  147011. "temporary unassigned matters",
  147012. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  147013. "392044933",
  147014. "general/other",
  147015. "1. imb client productions \n\n-vogel \n-kammer\n-jones\n-ehers\n-grover\n\n2. imb client productions\n\n- caner\n- parrelti\n- hunt-fuhr\n- johnson\n-cervantes\n\n3. imb client productions \n\n-hymel\n-adarkar\n-cousins\n-marsh\n-belcher\n-tekeppe\n\n4. imb client productions\n\n-nyland\n-rothman\n-vandellen\n-nebot\n\n5. imb productions\n\n-sec - lieber (2400-28,4606)\n\n6. imb client productions \n\n-fdic - basset, melbourne\n- fdic - john reed\n- sec - adarkar, ebers, arrendondo, sillman, sosnovich, olinski, hymel, lieber, melbourne, van dellen\n- sec - newkirk (thomas), hurley \n\n7. imb - sec \n\n-trade tickets\n-pet model \n\n8. imb client production\n\n-sillman\n-olinski\n\n9. concordance load files/psts\n\n- ebers, nyland, lieber\n-minier, hitchcock\n-van dellen\n-galoosian\n-rothman",
  147016. "6/19/2015",
  147017. "nan",
  147018. "firm h&k",
  147019. "off-site",
  147020. "athey joel",
  147021. "nan",
  147022. "los angeles",
  147023. "2362018",
  147024. "nan",
  147025. "nan",
  147026. "nan",
  147027. "nan",
  147028. "nan",
  147029. "nan",
  147030. "nan",
  147031. "nan",
  147032. "nan",
  147033. "nan",
  147034. "nan",
  147035. "nan",
  147036. "nan",
  147037. "nan",
  147038. "nan",
  147039. "nan",
  147040. "nan",
  147041. "nan",
  147042. "nan",
  147043. "nan",
  147044. "nan",
  147045. "nan",
  147046. "nan"
  147047. ],
  147048. [
  147049. "888031",
  147050. "10829",
  147051. "temporary unassigned matters",
  147052. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  147053. "392044932",
  147054. "general/other",
  147055. "1. imb hbd misc.\n- cams\n- admin depo exhibits 1-783\n- fdic unmarked exhibits \n- docs relied on by fdic experts \n-certall deals\n\n2. imb hbd depo exhibits\n- lujan\n- bovenzi\n- arrendondo\n- beck\n- shamlian\n- dochow\n- hewes\n- ly\n- kelley\n- bisset\n- sheenan\n- kanani\n- hall\n- boggs\n- ely\n\n3. imb misc. hard drives\n- concordance data for 157 hbd boxes\n- hbd document production \n- orrick concordance database\n- todd camp emails\n- a&b production \n- box 23 data \n\n4. imb client productions \n- rothman\n- camp\n- perry\n- van dellen \n- wohl\n\n5. hbd owb production \n\n6. hbd owb production \n\n7. imb/hbd deposition transcript\n- hewes\n- pochow\n- bovenzi\n- kelley\n- sheenan\n- bisset\n- constantine\n- dryden 30(b)(6)\n\n8. imb hbd misc. discs\n- docs re: elipulos & wl homes\n- 3rd party docs re: participations \n- one west bank dos\n- ots exam reports \n- ots production \n- east/west bank civil subpoena\n- flagster production \n\n9. hbd depo transcripts/exhibits \n- rothman \n- kanani\n- bassett\n- marquardt\n- krcmarik\n- camp \n- terwilliger\n- magallanes\n- boggs\n\n10. imb hbd misc harddrives\n- fdic production \n- e & y \n-fdic hbd depo transcripts & exhibits \n- ots/ rultan & tucker, alson & bird\n- cbre \n\n11. imb client productions \n- koerber\n- ramsier\n- ramirez\n- shamlian\n- terwilliger \n- banks\n- sciandra \n- shirreffs \n\n12. imb hbd transcripts\n- ly\n- shamlian\n- walsh\n- beck \n- lujan \n- kanani \n- camp \n\n13. imb hbd depo transcripts \n- koon \n- kazanchyan \n- koerber \n- van dellen \n- roger perry\n- mike perry\n- hale \n- ramirez shellem \n- nicholi \n- ely \n- sullivan",
  147056. "6/23/2015",
  147057. "nan",
  147058. "firm h&k",
  147059. "off-site",
  147060. "athey joel",
  147061. "nan",
  147062. "los angeles",
  147063. "2364569",
  147064. "nan",
  147065. "nan",
  147066. "nan",
  147067. "nan",
  147068. "nan",
  147069. "nan",
  147070. "nan",
  147071. "nan",
  147072. "nan",
  147073. "nan",
  147074. "nan",
  147075. "nan",
  147076. "nan",
  147077. "nan",
  147078. "nan",
  147079. "nan",
  147080. "nan",
  147081. "nan",
  147082. "nan",
  147083. "nan",
  147084. "nan",
  147085. "nan",
  147086. "nan"
  147087. ],
  147088. [
  147089. "888031",
  147090. "10829",
  147091. "temporary unassigned matters",
  147092. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  147093. "392044930",
  147094. "general/other",
  147095. "1. imb/hbd depos/experts reports vol. 2\n\n2. imb/hbd depos/experts reports\n- carnahan\n- hallowell \n- fdic's experts [reports]\n- umberger\n- tucker\n- dabby\n\n3. concordance load data\n- minler\n- ebers, hitchcock, lieber\n- arrendondo, hunt, fuhr, nebot, sosnovich, vogel \n\n4. pst - concordance load files\n= luhenberger\n- huey\n-chen\n-conde\n\n5. imb pst concordance load files\n- j. reed\n- johnson \n- sillman\n\n6. pst concordance load files \n- grover\n- marsh \n- olinski\n- carer\n- hymel \n- sciandra\n- johnson \n- parelti\n- chen \n\n7. imb mbs litigation production \n\n8. client e-mails / pst load files \n- chen vol. 1 & 2\n- melbourne, chns newkirk \n- johnson \n\n9. imb mbia\n\n10. imb mbia\n\n11. imb mbia litigation",
  147096. "6/24/2015",
  147097. "nan",
  147098. "firm h&k",
  147099. "off-site",
  147100. "athey joel",
  147101. "nan",
  147102. "los angeles",
  147103. "2365136",
  147104. "nan",
  147105. "nan",
  147106. "nan",
  147107. "nan",
  147108. "nan",
  147109. "nan",
  147110. "nan",
  147111. "nan",
  147112. "nan",
  147113. "nan",
  147114. "nan",
  147115. "nan",
  147116. "nan",
  147117. "nan",
  147118. "nan",
  147119. "nan",
  147120. "nan",
  147121. "nan",
  147122. "nan",
  147123. "nan",
  147124. "nan",
  147125. "nan",
  147126. "nan"
  147127. ],
  147128. [
  147129. "888031",
  147130. "09451",
  147131. "temporary unassigned matters",
  147132. "mutryn,william j. temporary matter",
  147133. "986515823",
  147134. "working papers",
  147135. "binder - closing of loan workout by and among j. jones, s. brass, sentry refining, inc., fdic, et al - june 9, 1987 - volume i",
  147136. "6/29/2016",
  147137. "nan",
  147138. "firm h&k",
  147139. "off-site",
  147140. "mutryn william",
  147141. "binder - closing of loan workout by and among j. jones, s. brass, sentry refining, inc., fdic, et al - june 9, 1987 - volume i\n",
  147142. "tysons",
  147143. "2492659",
  147144. "nan",
  147145. "nan",
  147146. "nan",
  147147. "nan",
  147148. "nan",
  147149. "nan",
  147150. "nan",
  147151. "nan",
  147152. "nan",
  147153. "nan",
  147154. "nan",
  147155. "nan",
  147156. "nan",
  147157. "nan",
  147158. "nan",
  147159. "nan",
  147160. "nan",
  147161. "nan",
  147162. "nan",
  147163. "nan",
  147164. "nan",
  147165. "nan",
  147166. "nan"
  147167. ],
  147168. [
  147169. "888031",
  147170. "09451",
  147171. "temporary unassigned matters",
  147172. "mutryn,william j. temporary matter",
  147173. "986515823",
  147174. "working papers",
  147175. "binder - closing of loan workout by and among j. jones, s. brass, sentry refining, inc., fdic, et al - june 9, 1987 - volume ii",
  147176. "6/29/2016",
  147177. "nan",
  147178. "firm h&k",
  147179. "off-site",
  147180. "mutryn william",
  147181. "binder - closing of loan workout by and among j. jones, s. brass, sentry refining, inc., fdic, et al - june 9, 1987 - volume ii",
  147182. "tysons",
  147183. "2492660",
  147184. "nan",
  147185. "nan",
  147186. "nan",
  147187. "nan",
  147188. "nan",
  147189. "nan",
  147190. "nan",
  147191. "nan",
  147192. "nan",
  147193. "nan",
  147194. "nan",
  147195. "nan",
  147196. "nan",
  147197. "nan",
  147198. "nan",
  147199. "nan",
  147200. "nan",
  147201. "nan",
  147202. "nan",
  147203. "nan",
  147204. "nan",
  147205. "nan",
  147206. "nan"
  147207. ],
  147208. [
  147209. "888040",
  147210. "00001",
  147211. "marketing & practice development activit",
  147212. "marketing & practice development activities",
  147213. "462434262",
  147214. "nan",
  147215. "box 5 (jon stage's 1998 loss prevention files):\nalejandra malo v. david kellerman (robbin newman) - box tz9310/f654-08\nalliedsignal v. sextant - box tz9310/f655-08\nfaro vs. holland & knight llp - box tz9310/f656-08\nrtc v. gerl - box tz9310/f657-08\nroland hebert - box tz9310/f658-08\ndeborah packer goodall - box tz9310/f659-08\njv partnership/vinsant v. h&k (lori hartglass) - box tz9310/f660-08\nsusan knight/americare financial services - box tz9310/f661-08\nbrett marley - box tz9310/f662-08\nmedical doctors research inst. (louise foutch) - box tz9310/f663-08\no. devine v. s.b. moss (fl. bar file no. 99-50, 541(17i)) - box tz9310/f664-08\nnationsbank - box tz9310/f665-08\nnordson v. graco - box tz9310/f666-08\nlarry rideman - box tz9310/f667-08\nryder teleservices, inc. - box tz9310/f668-08\ntaplin development co. - box tz9310/f669-08\ntri county rail vs. hertz - box tz9310/f670-08\n",
  147216. "9/29/2008",
  147217. "tz9310",
  147218. "firm h&k",
  147219. "off-site",
  147220. "nan",
  147221. "nan",
  147222. "fort lauderdale",
  147223. "1511942",
  147224. "nan",
  147225. "nan",
  147226. "nan",
  147227. "nan",
  147228. "nan",
  147229. "nan",
  147230. "nan",
  147231. "nan",
  147232. "nan",
  147233. "nan",
  147234. "nan",
  147235. "nan",
  147236. "nan",
  147237. "nan",
  147238. "nan",
  147239. "nan",
  147240. "nan",
  147241. "nan",
  147242. "nan",
  147243. "nan",
  147244. "nan",
  147245. "nan",
  147246. "nan"
  147247. ],
  147248. [
  147249. "888040",
  147250. "00001",
  147251. "marketing & practice development activit",
  147252. "marketing & practice development activities",
  147253. "518164177",
  147254. "general/other",
  147255. "seiko instruments (crocodile skin imports); simulation systems; shiraz cancer project (ofac); smartcom; smith group times microwave; lucile tomanio (bahamas incident); trade center development corp.; universtiy of alaska; unitex holdigns (r &m supply); ultra electronics (fms license); veritask. llc; \n\n\ngreenbelt community solar (94000-04943) <----------------------file removed i. reis 05/23/2012",
  147256. "1/5/2012",
  147257. "`",
  147258. "firm h&k",
  147259. "off-site",
  147260. "oleynik ronald",
  147261. "nan",
  147262. "washington d.c",
  147263. "1802126",
  147264. "nan",
  147265. "nan",
  147266. "nan",
  147267. "nan",
  147268. "nan",
  147269. "nan",
  147270. "nan",
  147271. "nan",
  147272. "nan",
  147273. "nan",
  147274. "nan",
  147275. "nan",
  147276. "nan",
  147277. "nan",
  147278. "nan",
  147279. "nan",
  147280. "nan",
  147281. "nan",
  147282. "nan",
  147283. "nan",
  147284. "nan",
  147285. "nan",
  147286. "nan"
  147287. ],
  147288. [
  147289. "888040",
  147290. "00001",
  147291. "marketing & practice development activit",
  147292. "marketing & practice development activities",
  147293. "731238166",
  147294. "correspondence",
  147295. "smartcom\nre; general correspondence",
  147296. "7/16/2012",
  147297. "nan",
  147298. "firm h&k",
  147299. "off-site",
  147300. "kilmer paul",
  147301. "nan",
  147302. "washington d.c",
  147303. "1868045",
  147304. "nan",
  147305. "nan",
  147306. "nan",
  147307. "nan",
  147308. "nan",
  147309. "nan",
  147310. "nan",
  147311. "nan",
  147312. "nan",
  147313. "nan",
  147314. "nan",
  147315. "nan",
  147316. "nan",
  147317. "nan",
  147318. "nan",
  147319. "nan",
  147320. "nan",
  147321. "nan",
  147322. "nan",
  147323. "nan",
  147324. "nan",
  147325. "nan",
  147326. "nan"
  147327. ],
  147328. [
  147329. "888060",
  147330. "1",
  147331. "none",
  147332. "none",
  147333. "460597073",
  147334. "nan",
  147335. "escrow agreement\nfdic purchase agreement\nforeign banks\nforeign investments\nfraudulent conversions\nfuture advance promissory note\ngeneral conveyance, bill of sale and assignment\ngeneral security agreement\ngeneral release\nglobal note\nguaranty\nindentures\ninsurance licensing\ninternational banking\nindemnification agreement\ninvestment companies\ninvestment companies research\nirrevocable trust agreement\njoint venture agreement\njoint escrow agreement\nlease\nletter agreements\nletter of credit\nletter of credit reimbursement agreement\nletter of direction\nlicense agreements\nlife insurance trust\nlimited partnership agreement\nloan agreement\nloan agreement abn-amro\nloan and security agreement\nlockbox agreement\nmanagement and service agreement\nmortgages\nmortgage note\nmutual release agreement\nnegotiable promissory note\nnon-compete agreement\nnon-negotiable agreement \nnote\nopinion letters\nparticipation agreement\npartnerships agreement\npension plans\npledge agreement\npledge and assignment\npledge of trust interests",
  147336. "10/7/2004",
  147337. "12129829",
  147338. "hernandez patricia",
  147339. "nan",
  147340. "nan",
  147341. " hk box: 33928",
  147342. "miami",
  147343. "697905",
  147344. "nan",
  147345. "nan",
  147346. "nan",
  147347. "nan",
  147348. "nan",
  147349. "nan",
  147350. "nan",
  147351. "nan",
  147352. "nan",
  147353. "nan",
  147354. "nan",
  147355. "nan",
  147356. "nan",
  147357. "nan",
  147358. "nan",
  147359. "nan",
  147360. "nan",
  147361. "nan",
  147362. "nan",
  147363. "nan",
  147364. "nan",
  147365. "nan",
  147366. "nan"
  147367. ],
  147368. [
  147369. "888060",
  147370. "1",
  147371. "firm",
  147372. "general",
  147373. "489724321",
  147374. "nan",
  147375. "entire box-doctors contract; corrective declaration; drug emporium; due on sale clauses;-modification & restatement of deed---of trust; early entry letter;-easements; emloyment agreement;-enviroment-protection provisions for--purchaser; environmental consultants;-environmental issues; environmental-warranties (landlord oriented);-equity line of credit; escrow agreement & letters; estate plan data sheet; estoppel certificate; leasehold estoppel certificate; tenant estoppel certificates; equipment vending lease (cont'd); european leasing; exchange agreement (tax-free); execution instructions; exclusive listing agreement; expansion amendment; fair debt collection practices act; fair housing act; fair housing amendments act of 1988; fdic issues; fdic/proof of claim form; federal affordable housing; disclosure statements; federal registration system for foreign investors; fee letters; farm lease; fha form opinion (condo.); financing approval & statement; finishing agreement; fire policy clauses; firm resume; firrea 1989; first amendment rights; first american bank; right of first offer; first right to negotiate; firpta (foreign investment real property tax act); food lion forms; food lion site citeria; food lion/rea; forbearance agreement; foreclosure; foreclosures in maryland; foreign corporation qualification; foreign withholding tax; franklin national bank form docs.; front foot benefit charges ( deferred sewer & water charges);",
  147376. "8/22/2007",
  147377. "1000684264",
  147378. "janis b. schiff",
  147379. "nan",
  147380. "nan",
  147381. "barcode: 100133103 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: williemay coy + records assistant: ivan robles + file status: out + emp id no: 1000684264 + emp name: 1000684264",
  147382. "washington d.c",
  147383. "1498662",
  147384. "nan",
  147385. "nan",
  147386. "nan",
  147387. "nan",
  147388. "nan",
  147389. "nan",
  147390. "nan",
  147391. "nan",
  147392. "nan",
  147393. "nan",
  147394. "nan",
  147395. "nan",
  147396. "nan",
  147397. "nan",
  147398. "nan",
  147399. "nan",
  147400. "nan",
  147401. "nan",
  147402. "nan",
  147403. "nan",
  147404. "nan",
  147405. "nan",
  147406. "nan"
  147407. ],
  147408. [
  147409. "888060",
  147410. "00050",
  147411. "firm activities & projects",
  147412. "departed atty non-client records sent offsite",
  147413. "460596602",
  147414. "nan",
  147415. "chicago title insurance company - 888060.50\nopinion regarding fdic insurance\nresearch re opinion regarding fdic insurance\nthe clorox company / cuba issue - 888060.50\ncorrera, filipe - 888060.50\ninvestment - general\ncorrespondent banks - 888060.50",
  147416. "1/16/2009",
  147417. "0013176505",
  147418. "crystal j. adkins",
  147419. "nan",
  147420. "nan",
  147421. " hk box: 43964",
  147422. "miami",
  147423. "1552229",
  147424. "5/19/2010",
  147425. "nan",
  147426. "nan",
  147427. "nan",
  147428. "nan",
  147429. "nan",
  147430. "nan",
  147431. "nan",
  147432. "nan",
  147433. "nan",
  147434. "nan",
  147435. "nan",
  147436. "nan",
  147437. "nan",
  147438. "nan",
  147439. "nan",
  147440. "nan",
  147441. "nan",
  147442. "nan",
  147443. "nan",
  147444. "nan",
  147445. "nan",
  147446. "nan"
  147447. ],
  147448. [
  147449. "888060",
  147450. "00001",
  147451. "firm activities & projects",
  147452. "firm activities & projects",
  147453. "642259758",
  147454. "working papers",
  147455. "working files of linda autrey.....\ndunwoody diamond club / ned kuntz; \ndurban investment group llc; \nduron to carruth; \n796053.00004 - brph dwb architects & engineers, inc.; \n074136. - eer systems, inc.; \ne go, llc; \n091399.00002 - e-pet services; \n079020.00004 - eagle group international, inc.; \nredweld - salvation instructions; \neast bay land co.; \neast bay development company of florida; \nechii estate a, inc.; \nedua, llp; \n073322.00001 - dr. christopher edwards - uandi holding co., inc.; \n081079.00001 - elite intown realty, inc.; \n072214.00001 - f/k/a ella bache, inc.; \n432385.00001 - embraco; \n071304.00002 - energos, inc.; \n077519.00010 - enterprise ucc; \n101552.00001 - sunlake - equity one llc; \n098632.00001 - dec - eola park place; \n430219.00001 - erda; \n071822.00001 - estroff; \n073322.00001 - doctors' center for pain management llc; \n436120.00010 - evv real estate corp. (evv reinstatements); \nexcel occupational medicine, l.l.c.; \n054521.00002 - express data storage solutions; \n436120.00120 - fs henry land atlanta, llc; \n078056.00001 - futer adams dortch consulting, llc; \nthe fairbairn sykes goup, inc.; \n072691.00003 - fairmont hotel & resorts; \n094000.02752 - families first, inc.; \nthe family business alliance, llc; \nfamily wealth services llc; \nfamily orthopedic care, llc; \n072219.00001 - farley technologies, incorporated; \nfastlane communications, llc, and driving in style, llc; \nfaucett new media, llc; \nbob geagin - lake seminole; \n071341.00168 - fidelity - mccoy; \n071341. - fidelity - prescott; \nfidelity / american general (sorrell) - jackson re: 449 s. st., buford, ga; \n071341.00679 - fidelity - stanley; \nfidelity - simpson; \n071341.00738 - fidelity - gicor / afflick; \n071341.00674 - fidelity - ticor / guardalabene; \n071341.00654 - fidelity - treasurey bank, n.a., v. kanyatta cole and michael hughes; \n071341.00377 - fidelity - brian and madge davis; \nfidelity national financial, inc. reference guide; \n071341.00589 - fidelity / freemont / melvin skrine; \n071341.00738 - fidelity - mers / afflick, terecita; \n071341.00748 - fidelity - vinessa lawrence; \nfidelity - opotion one - taylor; \n071341.00754 - fidelity - beth anne parker / george e. hughes, sr.; \n071341.00633 - fidelity - wmc / conley; \n071341.00685 - bush & moxley v. annette duffey; \n071341.00646 - wells fargo bank - dorsett; \n071341.00573 - fidelity / eisner; \n071341.00212 - fidelity / kamisky; \n071341.00529 - fidelity / fnf / k. l. mitchell; \n101385.00001 - fidelity - cindy henson (est. of james robert henson)\n071341.00766 - fidelity - holy tabernacle; \n071341.00590 - fidelity - brant hodson affidavit; \n071341. - fidelity - jenkins; \n071341.00692 - fidelity - julia e. poveda; \nfidelity - ocwn / robinson; \nfidelity - shamrock gardens - plaza - terri carson; \nfidelity - ticor title / mers / donna young; \n071341.00652 - fidelity / thomason v. washington mutual; \n071341. - fidelity / ticor / wood; \n071341.00512 - fidelity - transfer tax declaration; \n071341.00690 - fidelity - wikle - habersham bank; \n071341.00563 - fidelity / adams; \nfidelity - battinelli cos; \n071341.00705 - fidelity / bennett materialman's lien; \nfidelity - bice - deed request; longshore assignment; \n071341.00323 - fidelity / boyd; \nfidelity - cannon; \nfidelity - kanyatta cole; \n071341.00225 - fidelity - smith; \nfidelity - patrica clark williams",
  147456. "11/2/2011",
  147457. "nan",
  147458. "firm h&k",
  147459. "off-site",
  147460. "nan",
  147461. "nan",
  147462. "atlanta",
  147463. "1785878",
  147464. "nan",
  147465. "nan",
  147466. "nan",
  147467. "nan",
  147468. "nan",
  147469. "nan",
  147470. "nan",
  147471. "nan",
  147472. "nan",
  147473. "nan",
  147474. "nan",
  147475. "nan",
  147476. "nan",
  147477. "nan",
  147478. "nan",
  147479. "nan",
  147480. "nan",
  147481. "nan",
  147482. "nan",
  147483. "nan",
  147484. "nan",
  147485. "nan",
  147486. "nan"
  147487. ],
  147488. [
  147489. "888060",
  147490. "00001",
  147491. "firm activities & projects",
  147492. "firm activities & projects",
  147493. "731237474",
  147494. "general/other",
  147495. "gray t wayne\ntwg form files\nbox 3/6\n\ncorporate documents\ncorporate guaranty\ncpm scheduling\ndc bar association\ndeeds\ndepositions\ndisputes clause\ndocketing calendar\ndoj/ooo investigation checklist\ndue diligence\nemployee benefits\nemployee retirement income security act\nengineering news record (enr)\nenvironmental issues\nescrow instructions\nethical screen\neuropean contract law (ecc)\nexpert witness\nexperience statement\nfederal deposit insurance corporation (fdic)\nfederal rules of civil procedure (frcp)\nfee proposals\nfidic\nfile index (gdc sample)\nfinancial services agreement\nflow through clauses\nforce majuere\nforeign agents registration\nforeign agents registration act (fara)\nforeign attorneys\nfraudulent conveyance\nfreedom of information act (foia)\nguaranty and consent",
  147496. "7/5/2012",
  147497. "nan",
  147498. "firm h&k",
  147499. "person's name (if pulled from storage)",
  147500. "gray t wayne",
  147501. "nan",
  147502. "washington d.c",
  147503. "1862615",
  147504. "nan",
  147505. "nan",
  147506. "nan",
  147507. "nan",
  147508. "nan",
  147509. "nan",
  147510. "nan",
  147511. "nan",
  147512. "nan",
  147513. "nan",
  147514. "nan",
  147515. "nan",
  147516. "nan",
  147517. "nan",
  147518. "nan",
  147519. "nan",
  147520. "nan",
  147521. "nan",
  147522. "nan",
  147523. "nan",
  147524. "nan",
  147525. "nan",
  147526. "nan"
  147527. ],
  147528. [
  147529. "888060",
  147530. "00001",
  147531. "firm activities & projects",
  147532. "firm activities & projects",
  147533. "625579722",
  147534. "general/other",
  147535. "(80006.31026) alas work file - settlement negotiations\n(80006.31026) alas work file - settlement agreement with rtc\n(80006.31026) work file - rtc amended complaint \n(95000.31026) alas work file - rtc/centrust matter; billing\n(80006.31026) alas work file - h&k cooperation obligations pursuant to rtc settlement agreement\n(80006.31100) work file - rtc investigation re sale of centrust tower (fayne)\n(80006.31026) work file - cs draft letter to judge graham re david paul\n(80006.31026) hklp work file - rtc v. holland & knight report of the guaranty review commitee to centrust board of directors",
  147536. "5/10/2017",
  147537. "nan",
  147538. "firm h&k",
  147539. "off-site",
  147540. "feagin, robert",
  147541. "nan",
  147542. "tallahassee",
  147543. "2613696",
  147544. "nan",
  147545. "nan",
  147546. "nan",
  147547. "nan",
  147548. "nan",
  147549. "nan",
  147550. "nan",
  147551. "nan",
  147552. "nan",
  147553. "nan",
  147554. "nan",
  147555. "nan",
  147556. "nan",
  147557. "nan",
  147558. "nan",
  147559. "nan",
  147560. "nan",
  147561. "nan",
  147562. "nan",
  147563. "nan",
  147564. "nan",
  147565. "nan",
  147566. "nan"
  147567. ],
  147568. [
  147569. "89576",
  147570. "7",
  147571. "showmedia llc",
  147572. "sale to curtco",
  147573. "489343804",
  147574. "nan",
  147575. "correspondence file (1 of 2); correspondence file (2 of 2)",
  147576. "7/12/2005",
  147577. "12326136",
  147578. "sciarra vanessa",
  147579. "nan",
  147580. "nan",
  147581. " hk box: 35851",
  147582. "miami",
  147583. "702257",
  147584. "nan",
  147585. "nan",
  147586. "nan",
  147587. "nan",
  147588. "nan",
  147589. "nan",
  147590. "nan",
  147591. "nan",
  147592. "nan",
  147593. "nan",
  147594. "nan",
  147595. "nan",
  147596. "nan",
  147597. "nan",
  147598. "nan",
  147599. "nan",
  147600. "nan",
  147601. "nan",
  147602. "nan",
  147603. "nan",
  147604. "nan",
  147605. "nan",
  147606. "nan"
  147607. ],
  147608. [
  147609. "91-378",
  147610. "nan",
  147611. "fore 031 kierber rtc duval",
  147612. "nan",
  147613. "dsj005503",
  147614. "nan",
  147615. "a0030306018",
  147616. "06/18/1992",
  147617. "34-103",
  147618. "34 sharon learch",
  147619. "nan",
  147620. "nan",
  147621. "nan",
  147622. "jacksonville",
  147623. "69875",
  147624. "nan",
  147625. "nan",
  147626. "nan",
  147627. "nan",
  147628. "nan",
  147629. "nan",
  147630. "nan",
  147631. "nan",
  147632. "nan",
  147633. "nan",
  147634. "nan",
  147635. "nan",
  147636. "nan",
  147637. "nan",
  147638. "nan",
  147639. "nan",
  147640. "nan",
  147641. "nan",
  147642. "nan",
  147643. "nan",
  147644. "nan",
  147645. "nan",
  147646. "nan"
  147647. ],
  147648. [
  147649. "91-379",
  147650. "nan",
  147651. "fore 013 tripp rtc",
  147652. "nan",
  147653. "dsj005503",
  147654. "nan",
  147655. "a0030306018",
  147656. "06/18/1992",
  147657. "34-103",
  147658. "34 sharon learch",
  147659. "nan",
  147660. "nan",
  147661. "nan",
  147662. "jacksonville",
  147663. "69876",
  147664. "nan",
  147665. "nan",
  147666. "nan",
  147667. "nan",
  147668. "nan",
  147669. "nan",
  147670. "nan",
  147671. "nan",
  147672. "nan",
  147673. "nan",
  147674. "nan",
  147675. "nan",
  147676. "nan",
  147677. "nan",
  147678. "nan",
  147679. "nan",
  147680. "nan",
  147681. "nan",
  147682. "nan",
  147683. "nan",
  147684. "nan",
  147685. "nan",
  147686. "nan"
  147687. ],
  147688. [
  147689. "91-380",
  147690. "nan",
  147691. "fore 014 tripp rtc",
  147692. "nan",
  147693. "dsj005503",
  147694. "nan",
  147695. "a0030306018",
  147696. "06/18/1992",
  147697. "34-103",
  147698. "34 sharon learch",
  147699. "nan",
  147700. "nan",
  147701. "nan",
  147702. "jacksonville",
  147703. "69877",
  147704. "nan",
  147705. "nan",
  147706. "nan",
  147707. "nan",
  147708. "nan",
  147709. "nan",
  147710. "nan",
  147711. "nan",
  147712. "nan",
  147713. "nan",
  147714. "nan",
  147715. "nan",
  147716. "nan",
  147717. "nan",
  147718. "nan",
  147719. "nan",
  147720. "nan",
  147721. "nan",
  147722. "nan",
  147723. "nan",
  147724. "nan",
  147725. "nan",
  147726. "nan"
  147727. ],
  147728. [
  147729. "91-381",
  147730. "nan",
  147731. "fore 033 ulric rtc/duval",
  147732. "nan",
  147733. "dsj005503",
  147734. "nan",
  147735. "a0030306018",
  147736. "06/18/1992",
  147737. "34-103",
  147738. "34 sharon learch",
  147739. "nan",
  147740. "nan",
  147741. "nan",
  147742. "jacksonville",
  147743. "69878",
  147744. "nan",
  147745. "nan",
  147746. "nan",
  147747. "nan",
  147748. "nan",
  147749. "nan",
  147750. "nan",
  147751. "nan",
  147752. "nan",
  147753. "nan",
  147754. "nan",
  147755. "nan",
  147756. "nan",
  147757. "nan",
  147758. "nan",
  147759. "nan",
  147760. "nan",
  147761. "nan",
  147762. "nan",
  147763. "nan",
  147764. "nan",
  147765. "nan",
  147766. "nan"
  147767. ],
  147768. [
  147769. "91-383",
  147770. "nan",
  147771. "fore 028 yudin rtc",
  147772. "nan",
  147773. "dsj005503",
  147774. "nan",
  147775. "a0030306018",
  147776. "06/18/1992",
  147777. "34-103",
  147778. "34 sharon learch",
  147779. "nan",
  147780. "nan",
  147781. "nan",
  147782. "jacksonville",
  147783. "69880",
  147784. "nan",
  147785. "nan",
  147786. "nan",
  147787. "nan",
  147788. "nan",
  147789. "nan",
  147790. "nan",
  147791. "nan",
  147792. "nan",
  147793. "nan",
  147794. "nan",
  147795. "nan",
  147796. "nan",
  147797. "nan",
  147798. "nan",
  147799. "nan",
  147800. "nan",
  147801. "nan",
  147802. "nan",
  147803. "nan",
  147804. "nan",
  147805. "nan",
  147806. "nan"
  147807. ],
  147808. [
  147809. "91-384",
  147810. "nan",
  147811. "fore 034 christman rtc",
  147812. "nan",
  147813. "dsj005503",
  147814. "nan",
  147815. "a0030306018",
  147816. "06/18/1992",
  147817. "34-103",
  147818. "34 sharon learch",
  147819. "nan",
  147820. "nan",
  147821. "nan",
  147822. "jacksonville",
  147823. "69881",
  147824. "nan",
  147825. "nan",
  147826. "nan",
  147827. "nan",
  147828. "nan",
  147829. "nan",
  147830. "nan",
  147831. "nan",
  147832. "nan",
  147833. "nan",
  147834. "nan",
  147835. "nan",
  147836. "nan",
  147837. "nan",
  147838. "nan",
  147839. "nan",
  147840. "nan",
  147841. "nan",
  147842. "nan",
  147843. "nan",
  147844. "nan",
  147845. "nan",
  147846. "nan"
  147847. ],
  147848. [
  147849. "91-385",
  147850. "nan",
  147851. "fore 029 davis rtc",
  147852. "nan",
  147853. "dsj005503",
  147854. "nan",
  147855. "a0030306018",
  147856. "06/18/1992",
  147857. "34-103",
  147858. "34 sharon learch",
  147859. "nan",
  147860. "nan",
  147861. "nan",
  147862. "jacksonville",
  147863. "69882",
  147864. "nan",
  147865. "nan",
  147866. "nan",
  147867. "nan",
  147868. "nan",
  147869. "nan",
  147870. "nan",
  147871. "nan",
  147872. "nan",
  147873. "nan",
  147874. "nan",
  147875. "nan",
  147876. "nan",
  147877. "nan",
  147878. "nan",
  147879. "nan",
  147880. "nan",
  147881. "nan",
  147882. "nan",
  147883. "nan",
  147884. "nan",
  147885. "nan",
  147886. "nan"
  147887. ],
  147888. [
  147889. "91-572",
  147890. "nan",
  147891. "brantley john h rtc/duval",
  147892. "nan",
  147893. "dsj005511",
  147894. "nan",
  147895. "closing dept",
  147896. "11/11/1993",
  147897. "34-108",
  147898. "34 sharon learch",
  147899. "nan",
  147900. "nan",
  147901. "nan",
  147902. "jacksonville",
  147903. "70068",
  147904. "nan",
  147905. "nan",
  147906. "nan",
  147907. "nan",
  147908. "nan",
  147909. "nan",
  147910. "nan",
  147911. "nan",
  147912. "nan",
  147913. "nan",
  147914. "nan",
  147915. "nan",
  147916. "nan",
  147917. "nan",
  147918. "nan",
  147919. "nan",
  147920. "nan",
  147921. "nan",
  147922. "nan",
  147923. "nan",
  147924. "nan",
  147925. "nan",
  147926. "nan"
  147927. ],
  147928. [
  147929. "91-653",
  147930. "nan",
  147931. "1st land group rtc/duval vs",
  147932. "nan",
  147933. "dsj005514",
  147934. "nan",
  147935. "closing dept",
  147936. "11/11/1993",
  147937. "34-111",
  147938. "34 sharon learch",
  147939. "nan",
  147940. "nan",
  147941. "nan",
  147942. "jacksonville",
  147943. "70150",
  147944. "nan",
  147945. "nan",
  147946. "nan",
  147947. "nan",
  147948. "nan",
  147949. "nan",
  147950. "nan",
  147951. "nan",
  147952. "nan",
  147953. "nan",
  147954. "nan",
  147955. "nan",
  147956. "nan",
  147957. "nan",
  147958. "nan",
  147959. "nan",
  147960. "nan",
  147961. "nan",
  147962. "nan",
  147963. "nan",
  147964. "nan",
  147965. "nan",
  147966. "nan"
  147967. ],
  147968. [
  147969. "91-781",
  147970. "nan",
  147971. "lusk robert rtc-duval",
  147972. "nan",
  147973. "dsj005518",
  147974. "nan",
  147975. "closing dept",
  147976. "11/11/1993",
  147977. "34-115",
  147978. "34 sharon learch",
  147979. "nan",
  147980. "nan",
  147981. "nan",
  147982. "jacksonville",
  147983. "70279",
  147984. "nan",
  147985. "nan",
  147986. "nan",
  147987. "nan",
  147988. "nan",
  147989. "nan",
  147990. "nan",
  147991. "nan",
  147992. "nan",
  147993. "nan",
  147994. "nan",
  147995. "nan",
  147996. "nan",
  147997. "nan",
  147998. "nan",
  147999. "nan",
  148000. "nan",
  148001. "nan",
  148002. "nan",
  148003. "nan",
  148004. "nan",
  148005. "nan",
  148006. "nan"
  148007. ],
  148008. [
  148009. "91-782",
  148010. "nan",
  148011. "hopple david rtc-baltimore",
  148012. "nan",
  148013. "dsj005518",
  148014. "nan",
  148015. "closing dept",
  148016. "11/11/1993",
  148017. "34-115",
  148018. "34 sharon learch",
  148019. "nan",
  148020. "nan",
  148021. "nan",
  148022. "jacksonville",
  148023. "70280",
  148024. "nan",
  148025. "nan",
  148026. "nan",
  148027. "nan",
  148028. "nan",
  148029. "nan",
  148030. "nan",
  148031. "nan",
  148032. "nan",
  148033. "nan",
  148034. "nan",
  148035. "nan",
  148036. "nan",
  148037. "nan",
  148038. "nan",
  148039. "nan",
  148040. "nan",
  148041. "nan",
  148042. "nan",
  148043. "nan",
  148044. "nan",
  148045. "nan",
  148046. "nan"
  148047. ],
  148048. [
  148049. "91-787",
  148050. "nan",
  148051. "davidson william rtc/duval",
  148052. "nan",
  148053. "dsj005518",
  148054. "nan",
  148055. "closing dept",
  148056. "11/11/1993",
  148057. "34-115",
  148058. "34 sharon learch",
  148059. "nan",
  148060. "nan",
  148061. "nan",
  148062. "jacksonville",
  148063. "70285",
  148064. "nan",
  148065. "nan",
  148066. "nan",
  148067. "nan",
  148068. "nan",
  148069. "nan",
  148070. "nan",
  148071. "nan",
  148072. "nan",
  148073. "nan",
  148074. "nan",
  148075. "nan",
  148076. "nan",
  148077. "nan",
  148078. "nan",
  148079. "nan",
  148080. "nan",
  148081. "nan",
  148082. "nan",
  148083. "nan",
  148084. "nan",
  148085. "nan",
  148086. "nan"
  148087. ],
  148088. [
  148089. "91-789",
  148090. "nan",
  148091. "johnson mark rtc-duval",
  148092. "nan",
  148093. "dsj005518",
  148094. "nan",
  148095. "closing dept",
  148096. "11/11/1993",
  148097. "34-115",
  148098. "34 sharon learch",
  148099. "nan",
  148100. "nan",
  148101. "nan",
  148102. "jacksonville",
  148103. "70287",
  148104. "nan",
  148105. "nan",
  148106. "nan",
  148107. "nan",
  148108. "nan",
  148109. "nan",
  148110. "nan",
  148111. "nan",
  148112. "nan",
  148113. "nan",
  148114. "nan",
  148115. "nan",
  148116. "nan",
  148117. "nan",
  148118. "nan",
  148119. "nan",
  148120. "nan",
  148121. "nan",
  148122. "nan",
  148123. "nan",
  148124. "nan",
  148125. "nan",
  148126. "nan"
  148127. ],
  148128. [
  148129. "91-790",
  148130. "nan",
  148131. "carbaugh james rtc duval",
  148132. "nan",
  148133. "dsj005518",
  148134. "nan",
  148135. "closing dept",
  148136. "11/11/1993",
  148137. "34-115",
  148138. "34 sharon learch",
  148139. "nan",
  148140. "nan",
  148141. "nan",
  148142. "jacksonville",
  148143. "70288",
  148144. "nan",
  148145. "nan",
  148146. "nan",
  148147. "nan",
  148148. "nan",
  148149. "nan",
  148150. "nan",
  148151. "nan",
  148152. "nan",
  148153. "nan",
  148154. "nan",
  148155. "nan",
  148156. "nan",
  148157. "nan",
  148158. "nan",
  148159. "nan",
  148160. "nan",
  148161. "nan",
  148162. "nan",
  148163. "nan",
  148164. "nan",
  148165. "nan",
  148166. "nan"
  148167. ],
  148168. [
  148169. "91-791",
  148170. "nan",
  148171. "johnson mark rtc-duval",
  148172. "nan",
  148173. "dsj005518",
  148174. "nan",
  148175. "closing dept",
  148176. "11/11/1993",
  148177. "34-115",
  148178. "34 sharon learch",
  148179. "nan",
  148180. "nan",
  148181. "nan",
  148182. "jacksonville",
  148183. "70289",
  148184. "nan",
  148185. "nan",
  148186. "nan",
  148187. "nan",
  148188. "nan",
  148189. "nan",
  148190. "nan",
  148191. "nan",
  148192. "nan",
  148193. "nan",
  148194. "nan",
  148195. "nan",
  148196. "nan",
  148197. "nan",
  148198. "nan",
  148199. "nan",
  148200. "nan",
  148201. "nan",
  148202. "nan",
  148203. "nan",
  148204. "nan",
  148205. "nan",
  148206. "nan"
  148207. ],
  148208. [
  148209. "91-845",
  148210. "nan",
  148211. "v sheraton assoc rtc fore.060",
  148212. "nan",
  148213. "dsj005519",
  148214. "nan",
  148215. "closing dept",
  148216. "11/11/1993",
  148217. "34-116",
  148218. "34 sharon learch",
  148219. "nan",
  148220. "nan",
  148221. "nan",
  148222. "jacksonville",
  148223. "70343",
  148224. "nan",
  148225. "nan",
  148226. "nan",
  148227. "nan",
  148228. "nan",
  148229. "nan",
  148230. "nan",
  148231. "nan",
  148232. "nan",
  148233. "nan",
  148234. "nan",
  148235. "nan",
  148236. "nan",
  148237. "nan",
  148238. "nan",
  148239. "nan",
  148240. "nan",
  148241. "nan",
  148242. "nan",
  148243. "nan",
  148244. "nan",
  148245. "nan",
  148246. "nan"
  148247. ],
  148248. [
  148249. "93.217 867",
  148250. "rtc",
  148251. "jette, opal",
  148252. "rtc",
  148253. "tcf0222450",
  148254. "nan",
  148255. "nan",
  148256. "3/15/1994",
  148257. "bd8170",
  148258. "nan",
  148259. "nan",
  148260. "nan",
  148261. "seq: 0010",
  148262. "tampa",
  148263. "269998",
  148264. "nan",
  148265. "nan",
  148266. "nan",
  148267. "nan",
  148268. "nan",
  148269. "nan",
  148270. "nan",
  148271. "nan",
  148272. "nan",
  148273. "nan",
  148274. "nan",
  148275. "nan",
  148276. "nan",
  148277. "nan",
  148278. "nan",
  148279. "nan",
  148280. "nan",
  148281. "nan",
  148282. "nan",
  148283. "nan",
  148284. "nan",
  148285. "nan",
  148286. "nan"
  148287. ],
  148288. [
  148289. "93-039",
  148290. "nan",
  148291. "rtc vs. towne realty, fore.216",
  148292. "nan",
  148293. "dsj005525",
  148294. "nan",
  148295. "closing dept",
  148296. "11/11/1993",
  148297. "34-122",
  148298. "34 sharon learch",
  148299. "nan",
  148300. "nan",
  148301. "nan",
  148302. "jacksonville",
  148303. "70539",
  148304. "nan",
  148305. "nan",
  148306. "nan",
  148307. "nan",
  148308. "nan",
  148309. "nan",
  148310. "nan",
  148311. "nan",
  148312. "nan",
  148313. "nan",
  148314. "nan",
  148315. "nan",
  148316. "nan",
  148317. "nan",
  148318. "nan",
  148319. "nan",
  148320. "nan",
  148321. "nan",
  148322. "nan",
  148323. "nan",
  148324. "nan",
  148325. "nan",
  148326. "nan"
  148327. ],
  148328. [
  148329. "93-054",
  148330. "nan",
  148331. "rtc vs. whitehurst, fore.111",
  148332. "nan",
  148333. "dsj005525",
  148334. "nan",
  148335. "closing dept",
  148336. "11/11/1993",
  148337. "34-122",
  148338. "34 sharon learch",
  148339. "nan",
  148340. "nan",
  148341. "nan",
  148342. "jacksonville",
  148343. "70554",
  148344. "nan",
  148345. "nan",
  148346. "nan",
  148347. "nan",
  148348. "nan",
  148349. "nan",
  148350. "nan",
  148351. "nan",
  148352. "nan",
  148353. "nan",
  148354. "nan",
  148355. "nan",
  148356. "nan",
  148357. "nan",
  148358. "nan",
  148359. "nan",
  148360. "nan",
  148361. "nan",
  148362. "nan",
  148363. "nan",
  148364. "nan",
  148365. "nan",
  148366. "nan"
  148367. ],
  148368. [
  148369. "93-055",
  148370. "nan",
  148371. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110",
  148372. "nan",
  148373. "dsj005525",
  148374. "nan",
  148375. "closing dept",
  148376. "11/11/1993",
  148377. "34-122",
  148378. "34 sharon learch",
  148379. "nan",
  148380. "nan",
  148381. "nan",
  148382. "jacksonville",
  148383. "70555",
  148384. "nan",
  148385. "nan",
  148386. "nan",
  148387. "nan",
  148388. "nan",
  148389. "nan",
  148390. "nan",
  148391. "nan",
  148392. "nan",
  148393. "nan",
  148394. "nan",
  148395. "nan",
  148396. "nan",
  148397. "nan",
  148398. "nan",
  148399. "nan",
  148400. "nan",
  148401. "nan",
  148402. "nan",
  148403. "nan",
  148404. "nan",
  148405. "nan",
  148406. "nan"
  148407. ],
  148408. [
  148409. "93-056",
  148410. "nan",
  148411. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110",
  148412. "nan",
  148413. "dsj005525",
  148414. "nan",
  148415. "closing dept",
  148416. "11/11/1993",
  148417. "34-122",
  148418. "34 sharon learch",
  148419. "nan",
  148420. "nan",
  148421. "nan",
  148422. "jacksonville",
  148423. "70556",
  148424. "nan",
  148425. "nan",
  148426. "nan",
  148427. "nan",
  148428. "nan",
  148429. "nan",
  148430. "nan",
  148431. "nan",
  148432. "nan",
  148433. "nan",
  148434. "nan",
  148435. "nan",
  148436. "nan",
  148437. "nan",
  148438. "nan",
  148439. "nan",
  148440. "nan",
  148441. "nan",
  148442. "nan",
  148443. "nan",
  148444. "nan",
  148445. "nan",
  148446. "nan"
  148447. ],
  148448. [
  148449. "93-057",
  148450. "nan",
  148451. "rtc vs. montgomery hull,",
  148452. "nan",
  148453. "dsj005525",
  148454. "nan",
  148455. "closing dept",
  148456. "11/11/1993",
  148457. "34-122",
  148458. "34 sharon learch",
  148459. "nan",
  148460. "nan",
  148461. "nan",
  148462. "jacksonville",
  148463. "70557",
  148464. "nan",
  148465. "nan",
  148466. "nan",
  148467. "nan",
  148468. "nan",
  148469. "nan",
  148470. "nan",
  148471. "nan",
  148472. "nan",
  148473. "nan",
  148474. "nan",
  148475. "nan",
  148476. "nan",
  148477. "nan",
  148478. "nan",
  148479. "nan",
  148480. "nan",
  148481. "nan",
  148482. "nan",
  148483. "nan",
  148484. "nan",
  148485. "nan",
  148486. "nan"
  148487. ],
  148488. [
  148489. "93-058",
  148490. "nan",
  148491. "rtc vs. browning, fore.108",
  148492. "nan",
  148493. "dsj005525",
  148494. "nan",
  148495. "closing dept",
  148496. "11/11/1993",
  148497. "34-122",
  148498. "34 sharon learch",
  148499. "nan",
  148500. "nan",
  148501. "nan",
  148502. "jacksonville",
  148503. "70558",
  148504. "nan",
  148505. "nan",
  148506. "nan",
  148507. "nan",
  148508. "nan",
  148509. "nan",
  148510. "nan",
  148511. "nan",
  148512. "nan",
  148513. "nan",
  148514. "nan",
  148515. "nan",
  148516. "nan",
  148517. "nan",
  148518. "nan",
  148519. "nan",
  148520. "nan",
  148521. "nan",
  148522. "nan",
  148523. "nan",
  148524. "nan",
  148525. "nan",
  148526. "nan"
  148527. ],
  148528. [
  148529. "94.158 138",
  148530. "home savings",
  148531. "first florida bank",
  148532. "home savingsofamer.v robertclark",
  148533. "tcf0222463",
  148534. "nan",
  148535. "nan",
  148536. "7/7/1994",
  148537. "bd8300",
  148538. "nan",
  148539. "nan",
  148540. "nan",
  148541. "seq: 0002",
  148542. "tampa",
  148543. "270069",
  148544. "nan",
  148545. "nan",
  148546. "nan",
  148547. "nan",
  148548. "nan",
  148549. "nan",
  148550. "nan",
  148551. "nan",
  148552. "nan",
  148553. "nan",
  148554. "nan",
  148555. "nan",
  148556. "nan",
  148557. "nan",
  148558. "nan",
  148559. "nan",
  148560. "nan",
  148561. "nan",
  148562. "nan",
  148563. "nan",
  148564. "nan",
  148565. "nan",
  148566. "nan"
  148567. ],
  148568. [
  148569. "94.451 ds",
  148570. "fdic",
  148571. "porter,joe",
  148572. "fdic",
  148573. "tcf0222478",
  148574. "nan",
  148575. "nan",
  148576. "11/10/1994",
  148577. "bd8315",
  148578. "nan",
  148579. "nan",
  148580. "nan",
  148581. "seq: 0010",
  148582. "tampa",
  148583. "270220",
  148584. "nan",
  148585. "nan",
  148586. "nan",
  148587. "nan",
  148588. "nan",
  148589. "nan",
  148590. "nan",
  148591. "nan",
  148592. "nan",
  148593. "nan",
  148594. "nan",
  148595. "nan",
  148596. "nan",
  148597. "nan",
  148598. "nan",
  148599. "nan",
  148600. "nan",
  148601. "nan",
  148602. "nan",
  148603. "nan",
  148604. "nan",
  148605. "nan",
  148606. "nan"
  148607. ],
  148608. [
  148609. "94200",
  148610. "54",
  148611. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  148612. "loss prevention",
  148613. "12066357",
  148614. "nan",
  148615. "correspondence volume 1\n articles\n podhurst orseck, p.a. � billing\n thornton & rothman, p.a. � billing\n judgment (dominican republic) & juror questionnaire\n attorney notes\n hamilton/prestige & hamilton/groupwide loan documents index\n asset sale agreement\n baez media searches\n potential experts re fdic\n letter to irs\n assignment documents\n corporate timeline\n draft confidential settlement agreement\n confidential settlement agreement (signed copies)\n research files: criminal forfeiture � 982 & 853\n fraud/reliance element\n imputed knowledge\n assignability of fraud claims\n miscellaneous documents",
  148616. "6/24/2004",
  148617. "33308",
  148618. "hogan john",
  148619. "nan",
  148620. "nan",
  148621. "nan",
  148622. "miami",
  148623. "696605",
  148624. "nan",
  148625. "nan",
  148626. "nan",
  148627. "nan",
  148628. "nan",
  148629. "nan",
  148630. "nan",
  148631. "nan",
  148632. "nan",
  148633. "nan",
  148634. "nan",
  148635. "nan",
  148636. "nan",
  148637. "nan",
  148638. "nan",
  148639. "nan",
  148640. "nan",
  148641. "nan",
  148642. "nan",
  148643. "nan",
  148644. "nan",
  148645. "nan",
  148646. "nan"
  148647. ],
  148648. [
  148649. "94200",
  148650. "54",
  148651. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  148652. "loss prevention",
  148653. "12066362",
  148654. "nan",
  148655. "research \nresearch files: �983 forfeiture other\nold �981civil burden\nforfeiture �valid party & property\narticles on civil/criminal forfeiture\n982 criminal forfeiture\nother forfeiture\nfdic assigned & assignable\nassignment of fraud claim generally\npartner liability acting within scope\nimpute knowledge in l.l.p.\nassignment of malpractice 3rd party claim\n3rd party malpractice claim\ncriminal liability 1344 & 1014\npunitive damages\nfraud generally consent to conflicts\nfraud in loan application general",
  148656. "6/24/2004",
  148657. "33313",
  148658. "hogan john",
  148659. "nan",
  148660. "nan",
  148661. "nan",
  148662. "miami",
  148663. "696610",
  148664. "nan",
  148665. "nan",
  148666. "nan",
  148667. "nan",
  148668. "nan",
  148669. "nan",
  148670. "nan",
  148671. "nan",
  148672. "nan",
  148673. "nan",
  148674. "nan",
  148675. "nan",
  148676. "nan",
  148677. "nan",
  148678. "nan",
  148679. "nan",
  148680. "nan",
  148681. "nan",
  148682. "nan",
  148683. "nan",
  148684. "nan",
  148685. "nan",
  148686. "nan"
  148687. ],
  148688. [
  148689. "94-350",
  148690. "nan",
  148691. "rtc pmw hammock fore.199",
  148692. "nan",
  148693. "dsj005551",
  148694. "nan",
  148695. "closing dept",
  148696. "09/21/1994",
  148697. "34-148",
  148698. "34 sharon learch",
  148699. "nan",
  148700. "nan",
  148701. "nan",
  148702. "jacksonville",
  148703. "71274",
  148704. "nan",
  148705. "nan",
  148706. "nan",
  148707. "nan",
  148708. "nan",
  148709. "nan",
  148710. "nan",
  148711. "nan",
  148712. "nan",
  148713. "nan",
  148714. "nan",
  148715. "nan",
  148716. "nan",
  148717. "nan",
  148718. "nan",
  148719. "nan",
  148720. "nan",
  148721. "nan",
  148722. "nan",
  148723. "nan",
  148724. "nan",
  148725. "nan",
  148726. "nan"
  148727. ],
  148728. [
  148729. "94-351",
  148730. "nan",
  148731. "rtc merabank jtb limited",
  148732. "nan",
  148733. "dsj005551",
  148734. "nan",
  148735. "closing dept",
  148736. "09/21/1994",
  148737. "34-148",
  148738. "34 sharon learch",
  148739. "nan",
  148740. "nan",
  148741. "nan",
  148742. "jacksonville",
  148743. "71275",
  148744. "nan",
  148745. "nan",
  148746. "nan",
  148747. "nan",
  148748. "nan",
  148749. "nan",
  148750. "nan",
  148751. "nan",
  148752. "nan",
  148753. "nan",
  148754. "nan",
  148755. "nan",
  148756. "nan",
  148757. "nan",
  148758. "nan",
  148759. "nan",
  148760. "nan",
  148761. "nan",
  148762. "nan",
  148763. "nan",
  148764. "nan",
  148765. "nan",
  148766. "nan"
  148767. ],
  148768. [
  148769. "94-352",
  148770. "nan",
  148771. "rtc hammock core fore.197",
  148772. "nan",
  148773. "dsj005551",
  148774. "nan",
  148775. "closing dept",
  148776. "09/21/1994",
  148777. "34-148",
  148778. "34 sharon learch",
  148779. "nan",
  148780. "nan",
  148781. "nan",
  148782. "jacksonville",
  148783. "71276",
  148784. "nan",
  148785. "nan",
  148786. "nan",
  148787. "nan",
  148788. "nan",
  148789. "nan",
  148790. "nan",
  148791. "nan",
  148792. "nan",
  148793. "nan",
  148794. "nan",
  148795. "nan",
  148796. "nan",
  148797. "nan",
  148798. "nan",
  148799. "nan",
  148800. "nan",
  148801. "nan",
  148802. "nan",
  148803. "nan",
  148804. "nan",
  148805. "nan",
  148806. "nan"
  148807. ],
  148808. [
  148809. "94-356",
  148810. "nan",
  148811. "rtc collier fore.181",
  148812. "nan",
  148813. "dsj005551",
  148814. "nan",
  148815. "closing dept",
  148816. "09/21/1994",
  148817. "34-148",
  148818. "34 sharon learch",
  148819. "nan",
  148820. "nan",
  148821. "nan",
  148822. "jacksonville",
  148823. "71280",
  148824. "nan",
  148825. "nan",
  148826. "nan",
  148827. "nan",
  148828. "nan",
  148829. "nan",
  148830. "nan",
  148831. "nan",
  148832. "nan",
  148833. "nan",
  148834. "nan",
  148835. "nan",
  148836. "nan",
  148837. "nan",
  148838. "nan",
  148839. "nan",
  148840. "nan",
  148841. "nan",
  148842. "nan",
  148843. "nan",
  148844. "nan",
  148845. "nan",
  148846. "nan"
  148847. ],
  148848. [
  148849. "95000",
  148850. "50015",
  148851. "pro bono prof personal",
  148852. "pub int suits fdic v c dempster",
  148853. "tcf0007073",
  148854. "nan",
  148855. "nan",
  148856. "06/20/2001",
  148857. "aq0560",
  148858. "nan",
  148859. "nan",
  148860. "nan",
  148861. "seq: 0066",
  148862. "tampa",
  148863. "183194",
  148864. "nan",
  148865. "nan",
  148866. "nan",
  148867. "nan",
  148868. "nan",
  148869. "nan",
  148870. "nan",
  148871. "nan",
  148872. "nan",
  148873. "nan",
  148874. "nan",
  148875. "nan",
  148876. "nan",
  148877. "nan",
  148878. "nan",
  148879. "nan",
  148880. "nan",
  148881. "nan",
  148882. "nan",
  148883. "nan",
  148884. "nan",
  148885. "nan",
  148886. "nan"
  148887. ],
  148888. [
  148889. "95000",
  148890. "36000",
  148891. "fdic",
  148892. "92 haven sav & loan assoc.",
  148893. "tcf0008439",
  148894. "nan",
  148895. "nan",
  148896. "06/20/2001",
  148897. "aw2921",
  148898. "rsb",
  148899. "nan",
  148900. "nan",
  148901. "seq: 0018",
  148902. "tampa",
  148903. "192290",
  148904. "nan",
  148905. "nan",
  148906. "nan",
  148907. "nan",
  148908. "nan",
  148909. "nan",
  148910. "nan",
  148911. "nan",
  148912. "nan",
  148913. "nan",
  148914. "nan",
  148915. "nan",
  148916. "nan",
  148917. "nan",
  148918. "nan",
  148919. "nan",
  148920. "nan",
  148921. "nan",
  148922. "nan",
  148923. "nan",
  148924. "nan",
  148925. "nan",
  148926. "nan"
  148927. ],
  148928. [
  148929. "95000",
  148930. "62000",
  148931. "fdic",
  148932. "92 first amer. bk. & trust co.",
  148933. "tcf0008439",
  148934. "nan",
  148935. "nan",
  148936. "06/20/2001",
  148937. "aw2921",
  148938. "rsb",
  148939. "nan",
  148940. "nan",
  148941. "seq: 0019",
  148942. "tampa",
  148943. "192291",
  148944. "nan",
  148945. "nan",
  148946. "nan",
  148947. "nan",
  148948. "nan",
  148949. "nan",
  148950. "nan",
  148951. "nan",
  148952. "nan",
  148953. "nan",
  148954. "nan",
  148955. "nan",
  148956. "nan",
  148957. "nan",
  148958. "nan",
  148959. "nan",
  148960. "nan",
  148961. "nan",
  148962. "nan",
  148963. "nan",
  148964. "nan",
  148965. "nan",
  148966. "nan"
  148967. ],
  148968. [
  148969. "95000",
  148970. "36083",
  148971. "pro bono",
  148972. "rtc/transfer of files",
  148973. "tcf0009906",
  148974. "nan",
  148975. "nan",
  148976. "06/20/2001",
  148977. "bf2533",
  148978. "mjc",
  148979. "nan",
  148980. "nan",
  148981. "seq: 0025",
  148982. "tampa",
  148983. "198565",
  148984. "nan",
  148985. "nan",
  148986. "nan",
  148987. "nan",
  148988. "nan",
  148989. "nan",
  148990. "nan",
  148991. "nan",
  148992. "nan",
  148993. "nan",
  148994. "nan",
  148995. "nan",
  148996. "nan",
  148997. "nan",
  148998. "nan",
  148999. "nan",
  149000. "nan",
  149001. "nan",
  149002. "nan",
  149003. "nan",
  149004. "nan",
  149005. "nan",
  149006. "nan"
  149007. ],
  149008. [
  149009. "95000",
  149010. "61259",
  149011. "pro bono",
  149012. "rtc-cravath swaine &moor",
  149013. "8332",
  149014. "nan",
  149015. "-",
  149016. "nan",
  149017. "8332",
  149018. "ja",
  149019. "-",
  149020. "nan",
  149021. "closed file number: 1480-92 + location: c",
  149022. "fort lauderdale",
  149023. "323857",
  149024. "nan",
  149025. "nan",
  149026. "nan",
  149027. "nan",
  149028. "nan",
  149029. "nan",
  149030. "nan",
  149031. "nan",
  149032. "nan",
  149033. "nan",
  149034. "nan",
  149035. "nan",
  149036. "nan",
  149037. "nan",
  149038. "nan",
  149039. "nan",
  149040. "nan",
  149041. "nan",
  149042. "nan",
  149043. "nan",
  149044. "nan",
  149045. "nan",
  149046. "nan"
  149047. ],
  149048. [
  149049. "95000",
  149050. "-",
  149051. "rtc/centrust stat rpt 90",
  149052. "rtc/centrust stat rpt90",
  149053. "9590",
  149054. "nan",
  149055. "entered 11/19/93.",
  149056. "nan",
  149057. "9590",
  149058. "-",
  149059. "-",
  149060. "nan",
  149061. "closed file number: 3645-93 + location: i",
  149062. "fort lauderdale",
  149063. "327018",
  149064. "nan",
  149065. "nan",
  149066. "nan",
  149067. "nan",
  149068. "nan",
  149069. "nan",
  149070. "nan",
  149071. "nan",
  149072. "nan",
  149073. "nan",
  149074. "nan",
  149075. "nan",
  149076. "nan",
  149077. "nan",
  149078. "nan",
  149079. "nan",
  149080. "nan",
  149081. "nan",
  149082. "nan",
  149083. "nan",
  149084. "nan",
  149085. "nan",
  149086. "nan"
  149087. ],
  149088. [
  149089. "95000",
  149090. "50600",
  149091. "mickens",
  149092. "rtc association",
  149093. "51533283",
  149094. "nan",
  149095. "pleadings, correspondence, atty notes; original mortgage; summons; 501 part ii; atty fees; fraud in inducement",
  149096. "nan",
  149097. "184",
  149098. "eb",
  149099. "nan",
  149100. "nan",
  149101. "closed file number: 96-576 + location: 2",
  149102. "west palm beach",
  149103. "580898",
  149104. "nan",
  149105. "nan",
  149106. "nan",
  149107. "nan",
  149108. "nan",
  149109. "nan",
  149110. "nan",
  149111. "nan",
  149112. "nan",
  149113. "nan",
  149114. "nan",
  149115. "nan",
  149116. "nan",
  149117. "nan",
  149118. "nan",
  149119. "nan",
  149120. "nan",
  149121. "nan",
  149122. "nan",
  149123. "nan",
  149124. "nan",
  149125. "nan",
  149126. "nan"
  149127. ],
  149128. [
  149129. "95000",
  149130. "55059",
  149131. "rtc",
  149132. "trust bank for galiano and brooks",
  149133. "89249711",
  149134. "nan",
  149135. "rtc professional correspondence - 1 folder; matters 10, 43, 44, 45, 57, 48, 59, 50",
  149136. "12/31/1899",
  149137. "155522",
  149138. "merrill stephanie",
  149139. "nan",
  149140. "nan",
  149141. " hk box: 10085",
  149142. "miami",
  149143. "671444",
  149144. "nan",
  149145. "nan",
  149146. "nan",
  149147. "nan",
  149148. "nan",
  149149. "nan",
  149150. "nan",
  149151. "nan",
  149152. "nan",
  149153. "nan",
  149154. "nan",
  149155. "nan",
  149156. "nan",
  149157. "nan",
  149158. "nan",
  149159. "nan",
  149160. "nan",
  149161. "nan",
  149162. "nan",
  149163. "nan",
  149164. "nan",
  149165. "nan",
  149166. "nan"
  149167. ],
  149168. [
  149169. "95000",
  149170. "1",
  149171. "h&k firm",
  149172. "misc",
  149173. "489250371",
  149174. "nan",
  149175. "expansion brow-enhance water features/nrtc, ussb,millie misc docs--------",
  149176. "12/9/2000",
  149177. "789-13944",
  149178. "sikorski, gerry e.",
  149179. "nan",
  149180. "nan",
  149181. "barcode: 100012308 + secretay/other: matthew tsien + records assistant: matthew tsien + file status: out + emp id no: 789-13944 + emp name: prsi 13944 prsi box 13944",
  149182. "washington d.c",
  149183. "1396538",
  149184. "nan",
  149185. "nan",
  149186. "nan",
  149187. "nan",
  149188. "nan",
  149189. "nan",
  149190. "nan",
  149191. "nan",
  149192. "nan",
  149193. "nan",
  149194. "nan",
  149195. "nan",
  149196. "nan",
  149197. "nan",
  149198. "nan",
  149199. "nan",
  149200. "nan",
  149201. "nan",
  149202. "nan",
  149203. "nan",
  149204. "nan",
  149205. "nan",
  149206. "nan"
  149207. ],
  149208. [
  149209. "95000",
  149210. "61800",
  149211. "h&k firm",
  149212. "fdic",
  149213. "489817105",
  149214. "nan",
  149215. "expand brown-documents--------",
  149216. "12/28/2000",
  149217. "765f1475",
  149218. "kristin pickett",
  149219. "nan",
  149220. "nan",
  149221. "barcode: 100026237 + secretay/other: coleman, ron + records assistant: coleman, ron + file status: out + emp id no: 765f1475 + emp name: prsi f1475 prsi box f1475",
  149222. "washington d.c",
  149223. "1407341",
  149224. "nan",
  149225. "nan",
  149226. "nan",
  149227. "nan",
  149228. "nan",
  149229. "nan",
  149230. "nan",
  149231. "nan",
  149232. "nan",
  149233. "nan",
  149234. "nan",
  149235. "nan",
  149236. "nan",
  149237. "nan",
  149238. "nan",
  149239. "nan",
  149240. "nan",
  149241. "nan",
  149242. "nan",
  149243. "nan",
  149244. "nan",
  149245. "nan",
  149246. "nan"
  149247. ],
  149248. [
  149249. "95000",
  149250. "nan",
  149251. "yegen/peterson",
  149252. "peterson v. fdic, ca 97-0732",
  149253. "prsi 13822 prsi box 13822",
  149254. "nan",
  149255. "expand blue-peterson v. fdic, ca 97-0732--------",
  149256. "1/20/2001",
  149257. "prsi 13822 prsi box 13822",
  149258. "holman, craig",
  149259. "nan",
  149260. "nan",
  149261. "barcode: 100034535 + secretay/other: mclaurin jr. garland + records assistant: mclaurin jr. garland + file status: out + emp name: prsi 13822 prsi box 13822",
  149262. "washington d.c",
  149263. "1414900",
  149264. "nan",
  149265. "nan",
  149266. "nan",
  149267. "nan",
  149268. "nan",
  149269. "nan",
  149270. "nan",
  149271. "nan",
  149272. "nan",
  149273. "nan",
  149274. "nan",
  149275. "nan",
  149276. "nan",
  149277. "nan",
  149278. "nan",
  149279. "nan",
  149280. "nan",
  149281. "nan",
  149282. "nan",
  149283. "nan",
  149284. "nan",
  149285. "nan",
  149286. "nan"
  149287. ],
  149288. [
  149289. "95000",
  149290. "nan",
  149291. "h&k firm",
  149292. "fdic/audit",
  149293. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149294. "nan",
  149295. "blue-notes & memorandum--------",
  149296. "1/13/2001",
  149297. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149298. "myer, christopher",
  149299. "nan",
  149300. "nan",
  149301. "barcode: 100036449 + secretay/other: reg bigelow + records assistant: reg bigelow + file status: out + emp name: prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149302. "washington d.c",
  149303. "1416704",
  149304. "nan",
  149305. "nan",
  149306. "nan",
  149307. "nan",
  149308. "nan",
  149309. "nan",
  149310. "nan",
  149311. "nan",
  149312. "nan",
  149313. "nan",
  149314. "nan",
  149315. "nan",
  149316. "nan",
  149317. "nan",
  149318. "nan",
  149319. "nan",
  149320. "nan",
  149321. "nan",
  149322. "nan",
  149323. "nan",
  149324. "nan",
  149325. "nan",
  149326. "nan"
  149327. ],
  149328. [
  149329. "95000",
  149330. "nan",
  149331. "h&k firm",
  149332. "fdic/audit",
  149333. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149334. "nan",
  149335. "blue-correspondence lst entry 2/11/98--------",
  149336. "1/13/2001",
  149337. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149338. "myer, christopher",
  149339. "nan",
  149340. "nan",
  149341. "barcode: 100036452 + secretay/other: reg bigelow + records assistant: reg bigelow + file status: out + emp name: prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149342. "washington d.c",
  149343. "1416705",
  149344. "nan",
  149345. "nan",
  149346. "nan",
  149347. "nan",
  149348. "nan",
  149349. "nan",
  149350. "nan",
  149351. "nan",
  149352. "nan",
  149353. "nan",
  149354. "nan",
  149355. "nan",
  149356. "nan",
  149357. "nan",
  149358. "nan",
  149359. "nan",
  149360. "nan",
  149361. "nan",
  149362. "nan",
  149363. "nan",
  149364. "nan",
  149365. "nan",
  149366. "nan"
  149367. ],
  149368. [
  149369. "95000",
  149370. "nan",
  149371. "h&k firm",
  149372. "fdic/audit",
  149373. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149374. "nan",
  149375. "blue-misc docs last entry 2/10/97--------",
  149376. "1/13/2001",
  149377. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149378. "myer, christopher",
  149379. "nan",
  149380. "nan",
  149381. "barcode: 100036456 + secretay/other: reg bigelow + records assistant: reg bigelow + file status: out + emp name: prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  149382. "washington d.c",
  149383. "1416709",
  149384. "nan",
  149385. "nan",
  149386. "nan",
  149387. "nan",
  149388. "nan",
  149389. "nan",
  149390. "nan",
  149391. "nan",
  149392. "nan",
  149393. "nan",
  149394. "nan",
  149395. "nan",
  149396. "nan",
  149397. "nan",
  149398. "nan",
  149399. "nan",
  149400. "nan",
  149401. "nan",
  149402. "nan",
  149403. "nan",
  149404. "nan",
  149405. "nan",
  149406. "nan"
  149407. ],
  149408. [
  149409. "95000",
  149410. "nan",
  149411. "results",
  149412. "n-a",
  149413. "489214334",
  149414. "nan",
  149415. "partition folder-fdic as receiver--------",
  149416. "3/29/2003",
  149417. "789-19735",
  149418. "r. glenn",
  149419. "nan",
  149420. "nan",
  149421. "barcode: 100091794 + file location: offsite + secretay/other: s. rogers + records assistant: harry k. dixon + file status: out + emp name: prsi # 789-19735",
  149422. "tysons",
  149423. "1458895",
  149424. "nan",
  149425. "nan",
  149426. "nan",
  149427. "nan",
  149428. "nan",
  149429. "nan",
  149430. "nan",
  149431. "nan",
  149432. "nan",
  149433. "nan",
  149434. "nan",
  149435. "nan",
  149436. "nan",
  149437. "nan",
  149438. "nan",
  149439. "nan",
  149440. "nan",
  149441. "nan",
  149442. "nan",
  149443. "nan",
  149444. "nan",
  149445. "nan",
  149446. "nan"
  149447. ],
  149448. [
  149449. "95000",
  149450. "nan",
  149451. "proof of claim fdic",
  149452. "n-a",
  149453. "489214305",
  149454. "nan",
  149455. "partition-cpgs file--------",
  149456. "3/14/2003",
  149457. "789-19757",
  149458. "r. glenn",
  149459. "nan",
  149460. "nan",
  149461. "barcode: 100093960 + file location: offsite + secretay/other: s. rogers + records assistant: h. dixon + file status: out + emp name: prsi # 789-19757",
  149462. "tysons",
  149463. "1461028",
  149464. "nan",
  149465. "nan",
  149466. "nan",
  149467. "nan",
  149468. "nan",
  149469. "nan",
  149470. "nan",
  149471. "nan",
  149472. "nan",
  149473. "nan",
  149474. "nan",
  149475. "nan",
  149476. "nan",
  149477. "nan",
  149478. "nan",
  149479. "nan",
  149480. "nan",
  149481. "nan",
  149482. "nan",
  149483. "nan",
  149484. "nan",
  149485. "nan",
  149486. "nan"
  149487. ],
  149488. [
  149489. "95027",
  149490. "1",
  149491. "gorin",
  149492. "international bank",
  149493. "490616942",
  149494. "nan",
  149495. "box was found empty on the 33rd floor on and was perm out from storage on 11/27/2007 fdic filing----january 10, 2005\nofr filing---january 10, 2005\nresponse to ofr's letter of february 4, 2005\nre-filed application---may 5, 2005",
  149496. "11/8/2006",
  149497. "39263",
  149498. "garro asnardo",
  149499. "nan",
  149500. "nan",
  149501. "<destruction hold applied on: 11/6/2013> hk box: 39263",
  149502. "miami",
  149503. "708510",
  149504. "nan",
  149505. "nan",
  149506. "nan",
  149507. "nan",
  149508. "nan",
  149509. "nan",
  149510. "nan",
  149511. "nan",
  149512. "nan",
  149513. "nan",
  149514. "nan",
  149515. "nan",
  149516. "nan",
  149517. "nan",
  149518. "nan",
  149519. "nan",
  149520. "nan",
  149521. "nan",
  149522. "nan",
  149523. "nan",
  149524. "nan",
  149525. "nan",
  149526. "nan"
  149527. ],
  149528. [
  149529. "95027",
  149530. "1",
  149531. "gorin",
  149532. "international bank",
  149533. "490616931",
  149534. "nan",
  149535. "box was found empty on the 33rd floor and was perm out from storage on 11/27/2007. response to fdic letter----july 7, 2005\namendment of canarias and bolivar financials\nresponse to ofr e-mail of october 13, 2005\nresponse to fdic letter---august 31, 2005\nresponse to fdic letter---november 4, 2005\nperiodic bank reports volume i\nperiodic bank reports volume ii",
  149536. "11/8/2006",
  149537. "39264",
  149538. "garro asnardo",
  149539. "nan",
  149540. "nan",
  149541. "<destruction hold applied on: 11/6/2013> hk box: 39264",
  149542. "miami",
  149543. "708511",
  149544. "nan",
  149545. "nan",
  149546. "nan",
  149547. "nan",
  149548. "nan",
  149549. "nan",
  149550. "nan",
  149551. "nan",
  149552. "nan",
  149553. "nan",
  149554. "nan",
  149555. "nan",
  149556. "nan",
  149557. "nan",
  149558. "nan",
  149559. "nan",
  149560. "nan",
  149561. "nan",
  149562. "nan",
  149563. "nan",
  149564. "nan",
  149565. "nan",
  149566. "nan"
  149567. ],
  149568. [
  149569. "95027",
  149570. "1",
  149571. "gorin",
  149572. "international bank",
  149573. "12807064",
  149574. "nan",
  149575. "box was found empty on the 33rd floor and was perm out from storage on 11/27/2007. gorrin, alvaro executed documents\nfdic/fdfs correspondence\namadeo lopez-castro correspondence\ngorrin-correspondence volume 2\ninformation from august 31, 2005 letter fdic",
  149576. "11/8/2006",
  149577. "39265",
  149578. "garro asnardo",
  149579. "nan",
  149580. "nan",
  149581. "<destruction hold applied on: 11/6/2013>",
  149582. "miami",
  149583. "708512",
  149584. "nan",
  149585. "nan",
  149586. "nan",
  149587. "nan",
  149588. "nan",
  149589. "nan",
  149590. "nan",
  149591. "nan",
  149592. "nan",
  149593. "nan",
  149594. "nan",
  149595. "nan",
  149596. "nan",
  149597. "nan",
  149598. "nan",
  149599. "nan",
  149600. "nan",
  149601. "nan",
  149602. "nan",
  149603. "nan",
  149604. "nan",
  149605. "nan",
  149606. "nan"
  149607. ],
  149608. [
  149609. "95027",
  149610. "1",
  149611. "gorin",
  149612. "international bank",
  149613. "12807065",
  149614. "nan",
  149615. "box was found empty in the 33rd floor and was perm out from storage on 11/27/2007 information for july 7, 2005 letter to fdic",
  149616. "11/8/2006",
  149617. "39266",
  149618. "garro asnardo",
  149619. "nan",
  149620. "nan",
  149621. "<destruction hold applied on: 11/6/2013>",
  149622. "miami",
  149623. "708513",
  149624. "nan",
  149625. "nan",
  149626. "nan",
  149627. "nan",
  149628. "nan",
  149629. "nan",
  149630. "nan",
  149631. "nan",
  149632. "nan",
  149633. "nan",
  149634. "nan",
  149635. "nan",
  149636. "nan",
  149637. "nan",
  149638. "nan",
  149639. "nan",
  149640. "nan",
  149641. "nan",
  149642. "nan",
  149643. "nan",
  149644. "nan",
  149645. "nan",
  149646. "nan"
  149647. ],
  149648. [
  149649. "95324",
  149650. "1",
  149651. "benefiel blanch holdings, inc.",
  149652. "ulico casualty company litigation",
  149653. "489256669",
  149654. "nan",
  149655. "entire box-electronic media, blanch professional indemnity agency-inc mtg. 3/14/97 summ-derick rothwell--james j. powers, timothy j. nantell-sormani deposition-wemed litigation-nicholas xanders deposition transcript-karen sheppard deposition transcript-20061023",
  149656. "9/19/2006",
  149657. "1000295670",
  149658. "expert reports, william d. hager expert",
  149659. "nan",
  149660. "nan",
  149661. "barcode: 100129488 + file location: off-site + secretay/other: alan i. brown + records assistant: sylvia cheeks + file status: reports; depositions-vickie kartchner + emp id no: out + emp name: 1000295670",
  149662. "washington d.c",
  149663. "1495069",
  149664. "nan",
  149665. "nan",
  149666. "nan",
  149667. "nan",
  149668. "nan",
  149669. "nan",
  149670. "nan",
  149671. "nan",
  149672. "nan",
  149673. "nan",
  149674. "nan",
  149675. "nan",
  149676. "nan",
  149677. "nan",
  149678. "nan",
  149679. "nan",
  149680. "nan",
  149681. "nan",
  149682. "nan",
  149683. "nan",
  149684. "nan",
  149685. "nan",
  149686. "nan"
  149687. ],
  149688. [
  149689. "98859",
  149690. "1",
  149691. "beach bank",
  149692. "regulatory matters",
  149693. "89197581",
  149694. "nan",
  149695. "attorney notes\nfederal reserve discount window\nresearch: liquidity contingency plans\nfdic c&d order (inc. drafts)\nregulatory action plan\nshort-term liquidity contingency plan\ncorrespondence\nresearch: fincen penalities (sars, etc)\nminutes\nsubscription agreement: jose valdes-fauli",
  149696. "5/3/2007",
  149697. "12931346",
  149698. "ancheta marian",
  149699. "nan",
  149700. "nan",
  149701. " 40366",
  149702. "miami",
  149703. "710483",
  149704. "nan",
  149705. "nan",
  149706. "nan",
  149707. "nan",
  149708. "nan",
  149709. "nan",
  149710. "nan",
  149711. "nan",
  149712. "nan",
  149713. "nan",
  149714. "nan",
  149715. "nan",
  149716. "nan",
  149717. "nan",
  149718. "nan",
  149719. "nan",
  149720. "nan",
  149721. "nan",
  149722. "nan",
  149723. "nan",
  149724. "nan",
  149725. "nan",
  149726. "nan"
  149727. ],
  149728. [
  149729. "9993",
  149730. "nan",
  149731. "resolution trust corp (rtc",
  149732. "centrust tower investigati",
  149733. "d1638",
  149734. "nan",
  149735. "pencil file - 4/10/98",
  149736. "nan",
  149737. "d1638",
  149738. "ijf",
  149739. "nan",
  149740. "nan",
  149741. "closed file number: f-492-98 + location: i",
  149742. "fort lauderdale",
  149743. "331506",
  149744. "nan",
  149745. "nan",
  149746. "nan",
  149747. "nan",
  149748. "nan",
  149749. "nan",
  149750. "nan",
  149751. "nan",
  149752. "nan",
  149753. "nan",
  149754. "nan",
  149755. "nan",
  149756. "nan",
  149757. "nan",
  149758. "nan",
  149759. "nan",
  149760. "nan",
  149761. "nan",
  149762. "nan",
  149763. "nan",
  149764. "nan",
  149765. "nan",
  149766. "nan"
  149767. ],
  149768. [
  149769. "99989",
  149770. "40340",
  149771. "jax i.o.",
  149772. "purchase from rtc-this matter never closed",
  149773. "225350078",
  149774. "nan",
  149775. "linda kane",
  149776. "09/13/2005",
  149777. "225350078",
  149778. "32 linda kane",
  149779. "nan",
  149780. "nan",
  149781. "nan",
  149782. "jacksonville",
  149783. "39019",
  149784. "nan",
  149785. "nan",
  149786. "nan",
  149787. "nan",
  149788. "nan",
  149789. "nan",
  149790. "nan",
  149791. "nan",
  149792. "nan",
  149793. "nan",
  149794. "nan",
  149795. "nan",
  149796. "nan",
  149797. "nan",
  149798. "nan",
  149799. "nan",
  149800. "nan",
  149801. "nan",
  149802. "nan",
  149803. "nan",
  149804. "nan",
  149805. "nan",
  149806. "nan"
  149807. ],
  149808. [
  149809. "99992",
  149810. "36040",
  149811. "centrust",
  149812. "rtc conservatorship",
  149813. "tcf0011162",
  149814. "nan",
  149815. "nan",
  149816. "06/20/2001",
  149817. "bl4674",
  149818. "aba",
  149819. "nan",
  149820. "nan",
  149821. "seq: 0007",
  149822. "tampa",
  149823. "204463",
  149824. "nan",
  149825. "nan",
  149826. "nan",
  149827. "nan",
  149828. "nan",
  149829. "nan",
  149830. "nan",
  149831. "nan",
  149832. "nan",
  149833. "nan",
  149834. "nan",
  149835. "nan",
  149836. "nan",
  149837. "nan",
  149838. "nan",
  149839. "nan",
  149840. "nan",
  149841. "nan",
  149842. "nan",
  149843. "nan",
  149844. "nan",
  149845. "nan",
  149846. "nan"
  149847. ],
  149848. [
  149849. "99992",
  149850. "159",
  149851. "directors & officers of all american national bank",
  149852. "none",
  149853. "652604980",
  149854. "nan",
  149855. "02/10/95 adv. fdic. adv. fdic. loan committee. lendig policies, practice & proc. notice of change in cotrol of a national bank. financial stmts. kaufman, rossin report.",
  149856. "12/31/1899",
  149857. "12514065",
  149858. "fine jacobson",
  149859. "nan",
  149860. "nan",
  149861. " hk box: 58",
  149862. "miami",
  149863. "678231",
  149864. "nan",
  149865. "nan",
  149866. "nan",
  149867. "nan",
  149868. "nan",
  149869. "nan",
  149870. "nan",
  149871. "nan",
  149872. "nan",
  149873. "nan",
  149874. "nan",
  149875. "nan",
  149876. "nan",
  149877. "nan",
  149878. "nan",
  149879. "nan",
  149880. "nan",
  149881. "nan",
  149882. "nan",
  149883. "nan",
  149884. "nan",
  149885. "nan",
  149886. "nan"
  149887. ],
  149888. [
  149889. "99993",
  149890. "30340",
  149891. "fdic/city of tamarac",
  149892. "none",
  149893. "489519937",
  149894. "nan",
  149895. "8/2/95 -",
  149896. "9/12/1995",
  149897. "302231",
  149898. "jacobson daniel",
  149899. "nan",
  149900. "nan",
  149901. " hk box: 12312",
  149902. "miami",
  149903. "642030",
  149904. "nan",
  149905. "nan",
  149906. "nan",
  149907. "nan",
  149908. "nan",
  149909. "nan",
  149910. "nan",
  149911. "nan",
  149912. "nan",
  149913. "nan",
  149914. "nan",
  149915. "nan",
  149916. "nan",
  149917. "nan",
  149918. "nan",
  149919. "nan",
  149920. "nan",
  149921. "nan",
  149922. "nan",
  149923. "nan",
  149924. "nan",
  149925. "nan",
  149926. "nan"
  149927. ],
  149928. [
  149929. "99993",
  149930. "30340",
  149931. "southeast bank",
  149932. "none",
  149933. "489492416",
  149934. "nan",
  149935. "8/25/95 - fdic severance claims",
  149936. "9/12/1995",
  149937. "302239",
  149938. "jacobson daniel",
  149939. "nan",
  149940. "nan",
  149941. " hk box: 12320",
  149942. "miami",
  149943. "642139",
  149944. "nan",
  149945. "nan",
  149946. "nan",
  149947. "nan",
  149948. "nan",
  149949. "nan",
  149950. "nan",
  149951. "nan",
  149952. "nan",
  149953. "nan",
  149954. "nan",
  149955. "nan",
  149956. "nan",
  149957. "nan",
  149958. "nan",
  149959. "nan",
  149960. "nan",
  149961. "nan",
  149962. "nan",
  149963. "nan",
  149964. "nan",
  149965. "nan",
  149966. "nan"
  149967. ],
  149968. [
  149969. "c-507",
  149970. "nan",
  149971. "dickenson-fdic",
  149972. "nan",
  149973. "dsj005096",
  149974. "nan",
  149975. "closed files",
  149976. "12/02/1987",
  149977. "31-002a",
  149978. "31 john mikals",
  149979. "nan",
  149980. "nan",
  149981. "nan",
  149982. "jacksonville",
  149983. "61921",
  149984. "nan",
  149985. "nan",
  149986. "nan",
  149987. "nan",
  149988. "nan",
  149989. "nan",
  149990. "nan",
  149991. "nan",
  149992. "nan",
  149993. "nan",
  149994. "nan",
  149995. "nan",
  149996. "nan",
  149997. "nan",
  149998. "nan",
  149999. "nan",
  150000. "nan",
  150001. "nan",
  150002. "nan",
  150003. "nan",
  150004. "nan",
  150005. "nan",
  150006. "nan"
  150007. ],
  150008. [
  150009. "fdic/wiggi",
  150010. "(760) misc.",
  150011. "wiggins,j&m",
  150012. "3872.",
  150013. "258160877",
  150014. "nan",
  150015. "nan",
  150016. "3/24/2005",
  150017. "258160877",
  150018. "nan",
  150019. "nan",
  150020. "nan",
  150021. "seq: 0004",
  150022. "tampa",
  150023. "253633",
  150024. "nan",
  150025. "nan",
  150026. "nan",
  150027. "nan",
  150028. "nan",
  150029. "nan",
  150030. "nan",
  150031. "nan",
  150032. "nan",
  150033. "nan",
  150034. "nan",
  150035. "nan",
  150036. "nan",
  150037. "nan",
  150038. "nan",
  150039. "nan",
  150040. "nan",
  150041. "nan",
  150042. "nan",
  150043. "nan",
  150044. "nan",
  150045. "nan",
  150046. "nan"
  150047. ],
  150048. [
  150049. "file # 003",
  150050. "nan",
  150051. "fdic/rtc superpowers",
  150052. "nan",
  150053. "dsj005255",
  150054. "nan",
  150055. "jjm closed files",
  150056. "11/13/1995",
  150057. "31-152",
  150058. "31 john mikals",
  150059. "nan",
  150060. "nan",
  150061. "nan",
  150062. "jacksonville",
  150063. "64424",
  150064. "nan",
  150065. "nan",
  150066. "nan",
  150067. "nan",
  150068. "nan",
  150069. "nan",
  150070. "nan",
  150071. "nan",
  150072. "nan",
  150073. "nan",
  150074. "nan",
  150075. "nan",
  150076. "nan",
  150077. "nan",
  150078. "nan",
  150079. "nan",
  150080. "nan",
  150081. "nan",
  150082. "nan",
  150083. "nan",
  150084. "nan",
  150085. "nan",
  150086. "nan"
  150087. ],
  150088. [
  150089. "file#005",
  150090. "nan",
  150091. "cjg rtc freedom villagewood",
  150092. "nan",
  150093. "dsj005735",
  150094. "nan",
  150095. "various closed files",
  150096. "11/17/1993",
  150097. "40-019",
  150098. "40 chris greene",
  150099. "nan",
  150100. "nan",
  150101. "nan",
  150102. "jacksonville",
  150103. "73188",
  150104. "nan",
  150105. "nan",
  150106. "nan",
  150107. "nan",
  150108. "nan",
  150109. "nan",
  150110. "nan",
  150111. "nan",
  150112. "nan",
  150113. "nan",
  150114. "nan",
  150115. "nan",
  150116. "nan",
  150117. "nan",
  150118. "nan",
  150119. "nan",
  150120. "nan",
  150121. "nan",
  150122. "nan",
  150123. "nan",
  150124. "nan",
  150125. "nan",
  150126. "nan"
  150127. ],
  150128. [
  150129. "nan",
  150130. "nan",
  150131. "sherwin williams miscellaneous",
  150132. "sherwin williams miscellaneous",
  150133. "dsn008508",
  150134. "nan",
  150135. " cameo, bayshore hotel, cone, nick theocharakis, jackson, superior, cardiff, decker, southeast roofing, andy's, artistis/edisto lakes, baywinds apartments, detlef doerge, golden touch, james & taite seals, willows, autozone, dragon slayer, protdec, pelican bay painting, sharp consultant, matthew muenzner, oak manor nursing home, ned johnson, advanced, monde, holland sandblasting, coastal construction group, construction tech. painting by lou, bob & d's, als, holiday inn, marineland, global construction, quail oaks, artcraft, sam rodgers, harbour town, marathon oil, amanda c. ochoa, nason painting & construction, prestige, pioneer point, eagle construction, h&s home repairs, s&o painting, laplaya motel, wci/dukar, abi companies, s&d industrial painting",
  150136. "2/2/1998",
  150137. "1190",
  150138. "125",
  150139. "nan",
  150140. "nan",
  150141. " + close_fil: 72274",
  150142. "orlando",
  150143. "518856",
  150144. "nan",
  150145. "nan",
  150146. "nan",
  150147. "nan",
  150148. "nan",
  150149. "nan",
  150150. "nan",
  150151. "nan",
  150152. "nan",
  150153. "nan",
  150154. "nan",
  150155. "nan",
  150156. "nan",
  150157. "nan",
  150158. "nan",
  150159. "nan",
  150160. "nan",
  150161. "nan",
  150162. "nan",
  150163. "nan",
  150164. "nan",
  150165. "nan",
  150166. "nan"
  150167. ],
  150168. [
  150169. "nan",
  150170. "nan",
  150171. "c.w. abbott admin",
  150172. "c.w. abbott admin",
  150173. "dsn286861",
  150174. "nan",
  150175. " courthouse committee gainesville p-h properties turner vs. trach day vs. mvw dorrah vs. mvw harry's painting vs. mvw thornburg vs. mvw rtc security savings and loan vs. mvw john doe vs. florida bar of board examiners vincent preziosi vs. mvw gray vs. mvw korshak vs. bloom & mvw fiske-mar vs. mvw flexmate vs. mvw lawrence vs. mvw",
  150176. "8/5/1998",
  150177. "31949",
  150178. "18",
  150179. "nan",
  150180. "nan",
  150181. "contrfrom: 76305 + contrto: 76305 + close_fil: 76305",
  150182. "orlando",
  150183. "522823",
  150184. "nan",
  150185. "nan",
  150186. "nan",
  150187. "nan",
  150188. "nan",
  150189. "nan",
  150190. "nan",
  150191. "nan",
  150192. "nan",
  150193. "nan",
  150194. "nan",
  150195. "nan",
  150196. "nan",
  150197. "nan",
  150198. "nan",
  150199. "nan",
  150200. "nan",
  150201. "nan",
  150202. "nan",
  150203. "nan",
  150204. "nan",
  150205. "nan",
  150206. "nan"
  150207. ],
  150208. [
  150209. "nan",
  150210. "nan",
  150211. "rtc - misc closed files",
  150212. "rtc - misc closed files",
  150213. "260538783",
  150214. "nan",
  150215. "nan",
  150216. "5/6/2004",
  150217. "260538783",
  150218. "hood",
  150219. "nan",
  150220. "nan",
  150221. " + fileid: $134101",
  150222. "orlando",
  150223. "556561",
  150224. "nan",
  150225. "nan",
  150226. "nan",
  150227. "nan",
  150228. "nan",
  150229. "nan",
  150230. "nan",
  150231. "nan",
  150232. "nan",
  150233. "nan",
  150234. "nan",
  150235. "nan",
  150236. "nan",
  150237. "nan",
  150238. "nan",
  150239. "nan",
  150240. "nan",
  150241. "nan",
  150242. "nan",
  150243. "nan",
  150244. "nan",
  150245. "nan",
  150246. "nan"
  150247. ],
  150248. [
  150249. "nan",
  150250. "nan",
  150251. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser",
  150252. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser",
  150253. "348866822",
  150254. "nan",
  150255. " 1 folder: corresp., notes, instructions, title policy, docs, due diligence",
  150256. "6/8/2005",
  150257. "348866822",
  150258. "3210",
  150259. "nan",
  150260. "nan",
  150261. " + fileid: $145634",
  150262. "orlando",
  150263. "566767",
  150264. "nan",
  150265. "nan",
  150266. "nan",
  150267. "nan",
  150268. "nan",
  150269. "nan",
  150270. "nan",
  150271. "nan",
  150272. "nan",
  150273. "nan",
  150274. "nan",
  150275. "nan",
  150276. "nan",
  150277. "nan",
  150278. "nan",
  150279. "nan",
  150280. "nan",
  150281. "nan",
  150282. "nan",
  150283. "nan",
  150284. "nan",
  150285. "nan",
  150286. "nan"
  150287. ],
  150288. [
  150289. "nan",
  150290. "nan",
  150291. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties",
  150292. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties",
  150293. "348866856",
  150294. "nan",
  150295. " 3 boots - formerly phyllis hood's file - memos; auction status report 5/28/92 -master tracking sheet; fashion square - asset no. 722676957 - brochure 83; west orlando - asset no. 67030862 - brochure 1; goldenrod branch - asset no. 482101957 - brochure 2; mount dora branch bank - asset 193830592 - brochure 23; freedom johnson park - asset no. 2164642567 - brochure 78; melbourne branch - asset 64107086 - brochure 36; county line saloon - asset no. 342649120 - brochure 35; aal car - asset no. 885778601 - brochure 28; merritt island branch - asset 777034122 - brochure 37; plam bay branch - asset no. 446630187 - brochure 43",
  150296. "6/8/2005",
  150297. "348866856",
  150298. "4070",
  150299. "nan",
  150300. "nan",
  150301. " + fileid: $145740",
  150302. "orlando",
  150303. "566864",
  150304. "nan",
  150305. "nan",
  150306. "nan",
  150307. "nan",
  150308. "nan",
  150309. "nan",
  150310. "nan",
  150311. "nan",
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  150415. [
  150416. "baltimore federal financial baltimore federaldirectors officers rlis c pf director and officer lawsuits"
  150417. ],
  150418. [
  150419. "permanent metropolitan fs la attorney rlis c pm malpractice investigationattorney do investigation rlis c po investigationd o"
  150420. ],
  150421. [
  150422. "permanent altus fsb"
  150423. ],
  150424. [
  150425. "wilson joseph s rlis c lk"
  150426. ],
  150427. [
  150428. "ambassador savings loan assoc office bldg advanced rlis c nz nonlitigation other telecommunication title cms hall bettye rlis c lz litigation other jean cms"
  150429. ],
  150430. [
  150431. "transamerica ins finan corp rlis c lk vs emeryrichardson cms ambassador savings loan assoc randall david mildred cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150432. ],
  150433. [
  150434. "riverpar development corp lawrence a levine barton p levine frank b rosenblum cms a i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  150435. ],
  150436. [
  150437. "hall bettye jean cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150438. ],
  150439. [
  150440. "ambassador savings loan assoc gilley susan rlis c lz litigation other cms"
  150441. ],
  150442. [
  150443. "c e associates rlis c bc chapter ltd cms"
  150444. ],
  150445. [
  150446. "zahn communities rlis c lk development corp cms powell robert graham marion hazel theodore cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150447. ],
  150448. [
  150449. "c e associates ltd cms a s ch secured"
  150450. ],
  150451. [
  150452. "ambassador savings loan assoc gilley cms a i real susan estate asset matter"
  150453. ],
  150454. [
  150455. "green ruel b cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150456. ],
  150457. [
  150458. "stokes rlis c lz litigation other beverly cms foster rlis c lk mildred cms"
  150459. ],
  150460. [
  150461. "george w freund diane m rlis c ba chapter freund cms george patricia rlis c lz litigation other guarnieri cms"
  150462. ],
  150463. [
  150464. "ambassador savings loan assoc green ruel b rlis c lk cms"
  150465. ],
  150466. [
  150467. "hardy sours walton rlis c lk insurance agency cms"
  150468. ],
  150469. [
  150470. "thomas j seward rlis c lk ii cms"
  150471. ],
  150472. [
  150473. "randall david rlis c lk mildred cms"
  150474. ],
  150475. [
  150476. "zahn communities development corp cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150477. ],
  150478. [
  150479. "ambassador savings loan assoc hardy sours walton cms a i collectionsecured insurance agency asset matter inc"
  150480. ],
  150481. [
  150482. "foster mildred cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150483. ],
  150484. [
  150485. "sale office bldg to rlis c nz nonlitigation other advanced telecommunication cms"
  150486. ],
  150487. [
  150488. "ambassador savings loan assoc noriega ruby mae cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150489. ],
  150490. [
  150491. "riverpark dev corplawrence rlis c lk a levine barton p cms broomfield michael a et al cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150492. ],
  150493. [
  150494. "american bank of casper woodworth william cms c i act contr not prom iii note not class for dol"
  150495. ],
  150496. [
  150497. "american bank of casper mcculla cms c d tort based on pre herbert closing acts of bank"
  150498. ],
  150499. [
  150500. "american pioneer savings bank sale of pine villa apts to d rlis c nd asset sale real michael derrick cms property"
  150501. ],
  150502. [
  150503. "george b stevens richard rlis c lz litigation other gould cms"
  150504. ],
  150505. [
  150506. "livingston steven and kimberly rlis e lk"
  150507. ],
  150508. [
  150509. "american pioneer savings bank magnolia service rlis c nq loan corporation contract cms workoutrestructstlmnt dispute lab"
  150510. ],
  150511. [
  150512. "santos jorge and roxana cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150513. ],
  150514. [
  150515. "jorge and roxana rlis c lk santos cms hennessey john rlis c la bankruptcy chap rbkrptcypresamda cms adversary"
  150516. ],
  150517. [
  150518. "rich e gene rlis c lk cms dyer riddle mills rlis c lz litigation other precourt cms"
  150519. ],
  150520. [
  150521. "american pioneer savings bank swann rlis c lk richard"
  150522. ],
  150523. [
  150524. "sunbank et al cms c i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  150525. ],
  150526. [
  150527. "jorge roxana santos rlis c lk presamda cms universal land title of orange county inc dba metro title services co florida universal title cms c i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  150528. ],
  150529. [
  150530. "wavra gary a and ruzica cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150531. ],
  150532. [
  150533. "american pioneer savings bank strickland thomas cms a i real e estate not classified for dol"
  150534. ],
  150535. [
  150536. "victoria equities inc rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  150537. ],
  150538. [
  150539. "carrolwood automotive rlis c bc chapter incbrinson edward paul cms"
  150540. ],
  150541. [
  150542. "orange city brorange city volusia county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  150543. ],
  150544. [
  150545. "american pioneer savings bank port charlette harbor blvd rlis c nm charlette county nonjudreal prop"
  150546. ],
  150547. [
  150548. "jensen bch br jensen bch martin county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  150549. ],
  150550. [
  150551. "roche stephen lakeside inn rlis c lk of mt dora cms loan to sanford interstate rlis c nq loan properties cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  150552. ],
  150553. [
  150554. "sale pinellas cty land rlis c nd asset sale real lennar homes apsb homes cms property"
  150555. ],
  150556. [
  150557. "kim hung jewelry rlis c lg contract actionother inc cms than ln american pioneer savings bank cuyahoga equipment corp et rlis c bc chapter al cms"
  150558. ],
  150559. [
  150560. "holloman madison d and melvina e cms a s ch secured"
  150561. ],
  150562. [
  150563. "sylvia a hutchinson rlis c lz litigation other"
  150564. ],
  150565. [
  150566. "american pioneer savings bank holloman madison d rlis c be chapter melvina e cms"
  150567. ],
  150568. [
  150569. "jf assoc parcel tampa hillsborough county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  150570. ],
  150571. [
  150572. "kaplan bernard vs american rlis c lf civil fraud pioneer cms keating glass corp vs w m rlis c lg contract actionother sanderlin corp cms than ln"
  150573. ],
  150574. [
  150575. "mary dale estates tampa hillsborough county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  150576. ],
  150577. [
  150578. "american pioneer savings bank moon robert as trustee and cms c i real individually estate not classified for dol"
  150579. ],
  150580. [
  150581. "jet port commerce park tampa hillsborough county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  150582. ],
  150583. [
  150584. "allandaledaytona bch volusia county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  150585. ],
  150586. [
  150587. "jet port joint venture and dale s jones et al cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  150588. ],
  150589. [
  150590. "american pioneer savings bank cabinet consultants inc cms i i collectionunsecured john m alberts et note not classified for dol al"
  150591. ],
  150592. [
  150593. "palm coast h pk dr palm coast hagler county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  150594. ],
  150595. [
  150596. "j f association equities inc dale s jones and stephen p simmons cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  150597. ],
  150598. [
  150599. "dupree g darrell and charles tindell vs american pioneer cms c d contract action"
  150600. ],
  150601. [
  150602. "american pioneer savings bank sale of stock american rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary pioneer life cms matter"
  150603. ],
  150604. [
  150605. "kay risa l rlis c lk cms"
  150606. ],
  150607. [
  150608. "daily operations of rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary institution cms matter mcconnell john oliver and christine lynn mcconnell cms i i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  150609. ],
  150610. [
  150611. "newlando inc cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  150612. ],
  150613. [
  150614. "american pioneer savings bank j f associates equities inc cms i i real dsj enterprises inc dales estate not classified for dol jones"
  150615. ],
  150616. [
  150617. "sale of orange city land to rlis c nd asset sale real cnl retail prop inc cms property"
  150618. ],
  150619. [
  150620. "herold kenneth m and rlis t lk darelyn m cms"
  150621. ],
  150622. [
  150623. "american pioneer savings bank pellerin donna aka donna james ak donna highland cms i i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  150624. ],
  150625. [
  150626. "grassam ian a and janet j cms c i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  150627. ],
  150628. [
  150629. "supplies by america nathoo kirin and ali nader d adv cms c i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  150630. ],
  150631. [
  150632. "american pioneer savings bank st lucie view inc et al cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  150633. ],
  150634. [
  150635. "st lucie view inc et al cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  150636. ],
  150637. [
  150638. "livingston steven and kimberley cms a as ch asset secured"
  150639. ],
  150640. [
  150641. "american pioneer savings bank donohue frederick c and mary a in re lot bent oak phase three state action cms c d real estatedefensive"
  150642. ],
  150643. [
  150644. "rich craig d and linda v cms i s ch secured"
  150645. ],
  150646. [
  150647. "braun l rlis t ba chapter erich cms"
  150648. ],
  150649. [
  150650. "american pioneer savings bank capri survey advertising inc cms a i act contr not prom dba capri tours and d scott note not class for dol casone"
  150651. ],
  150652. [
  150653. "cole david cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150654. ],
  150655. [
  150656. "wright taft rlis c lz litigation other s cms"
  150657. ],
  150658. [
  150659. "appeal of order rtc v paul rlis c lz litigation other et al cms lakeside inn of mt dora ltd cms i u ch unsecured"
  150660. ],
  150661. [
  150662. "american pioneer savings bank donohue frederick c and cms c i real mary estate not classified for dol a"
  150663. ],
  150664. [
  150665. "brinsonproperties carrollwood automotive inc cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  150666. ],
  150667. [
  150668. "catalina homes the rlis c nd asset sale real jonathan group sale of asset cms property kim hung jewelry inc cms a s ch secured"
  150669. ],
  150670. [
  150671. "american pioneer savings bank heritage place associates ltd cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150672. ],
  150673. [
  150674. "mcauliffe terence r cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150675. ],
  150676. [
  150677. "alberts elizabeth alberts rodney p castle cms a i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  150678. ],
  150679. [
  150680. "american pioneer savings bank carrolwood automotive cms a i mixed inc edward brinson paul collateral not classfor dol brinson"
  150681. ],
  150682. [
  150683. "onip ltd robert n johnson cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  150684. ],
  150685. [
  150686. "rosenbluth stanley and phyllis cms a d suit against association"
  150687. ],
  150688. [
  150689. "american pioneer savings bank park horizon ltd stephen roche alekander j hannigan cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150690. ],
  150691. [
  150692. "inqui vincent l and terri l cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150693. ],
  150694. [
  150695. "jamie jurado et al rlis c lk"
  150696. ],
  150697. [
  150698. "american pioneer savings bank generalholland knight cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  150699. ],
  150700. [
  150701. "hennessey john r rlis c la bankruptcy chap samda cms adversary"
  150702. ],
  150703. [
  150704. "sale of coachlight est to frank strittmatter rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  150705. ],
  150706. [
  150707. "brinson pro carrolwood rlis c bz bankruptcy other automotive cms american pioneer savings bank davis donald a and lauranna l cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  150708. ],
  150709. [
  150710. "st lucie view rlis c bz bankruptcy other cms"
  150711. ],
  150712. [
  150713. "complete interiors inc vs american pioneer and colony first mortgage corp cms a d suit against association"
  150714. ],
  150715. [
  150716. "american pioneer savings bank mcauliffe terence rlis c lk r cms"
  150717. ],
  150718. [
  150719. "livingston steven and rlis c ba chapter kimberley cms"
  150720. ],
  150721. [
  150722. "tatich phil and adams robert rlis c lk m cms"
  150723. ],
  150724. [
  150725. "camellia court apartments cms i s ch secured"
  150726. ],
  150727. [
  150728. "american pioneer savings bank roche rlis c ba chapter stephen cms"
  150729. ],
  150730. [
  150731. "rby corporation the dba capn cotys inn cms i s ch secured"
  150732. ],
  150733. [
  150734. "american store interiors rlis c lz litigation other inc cms inqui vincent l and terri rlis c lk l cms"
  150735. ],
  150736. [
  150737. "black robert r individually and as president of gordon park allen inc cms c i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  150738. ],
  150739. [
  150740. "american pioneer savings bank cuyahoga equipment corp cms i s ch chester b saloman as trustee secured vs american pioneer et al"
  150741. ],
  150742. [
  150743. "generalemployee benefit plans cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  150744. ],
  150745. [
  150746. "peterson jessie rlis c lk lee cms"
  150747. ],
  150748. [
  150749. "camilla court rlis c lz litigation other apartments cms"
  150750. ],
  150751. [
  150752. "american pioneer savings bank cuyahoga equipment cms a s ch corporation secured"
  150753. ],
  150754. [
  150755. "jet port jv dale s rlis cms t bc chapter"
  150756. ],
  150757. [
  150758. "tatich phil and adams robert m cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150759. ],
  150760. [
  150761. "kim hung jewelry inc united american bk of central fl vs kim hung jewelry inc et al cms a d suit against association"
  150762. ],
  150763. [
  150764. "american pioneer savings bank mincey cms a i real john estate not classified for dol"
  150765. ],
  150766. [
  150767. "apsb homes incvarious homeowners assoc rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  150768. ],
  150769. [
  150770. "generalemployee benefit rlis c nz nonlitigation other plans cms"
  150771. ],
  150772. [
  150773. "black robert cms c nu ch no asset unsecured"
  150774. ],
  150775. [
  150776. "american pioneer savings bank rivera rlis c lz litigation other salvador cms"
  150777. ],
  150778. [
  150779. "greenford development rlis c lk corp cms"
  150780. ],
  150781. [
  150782. "strickland thomas rlis c lz litigation other e cms"
  150783. ],
  150784. [
  150785. "sale to walmart stores rlis c nd asset sale real inc cms property livingston steven and rlis c lk kimberly cms"
  150786. ],
  150787. [
  150788. "american pioneer savings bank jet port jv dale s jones rlis c bc chapter et al cms"
  150789. ],
  150790. [
  150791. "paul richard j vs sun bank na and paul cms a d suit against association"
  150792. ],
  150793. [
  150794. "sturtidge lester and peggy l cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  150795. ],
  150796. [
  150797. "rby corporation the dba rlis c bc chapter capn cotys inn cms hennessey john r and patricia m cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  150798. ],
  150799. [
  150800. "american pioneer savings bank mincey rlis c li landlordtenant eviction"
  150801. ],
  150802. [
  150803. "newlando rlis c lk inc cms"
  150804. ],
  150805. [
  150806. "hennessey john r rlis c ba chapter bankruptcy cms"
  150807. ],
  150808. [
  150809. "mincey johnasset no rlis c lz litigation other cms"
  150810. ],
  150811. [
  150812. "kim hung jewelry inc rlis cms c bc chapter"
  150813. ],
  150814. [
  150815. "capri survey advertising inc rlis cms c lz litigation other"
  150816. ],
  150817. [
  150818. "volusia county bond issue rlis cms c nz nonlitigation other"
  150819. ],
  150820. [
  150821. "american pioneer savings bank dale c norton et rlis c lg contract actionother al cms than ln"
  150822. ],
  150823. [
  150824. "general corporate tax rlis c nu tax matter matters cms park horizon rlis c lk ltd cms"
  150825. ],
  150826. [
  150827. "jf assoc parcel tampa hillsborough county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  150828. ],
  150829. [
  150830. "winter park capital corp rlis c nq loan workout cms workoutrestructstlmnt american pioneer savings bank cancelliere charles s cms i nu ch no asset unsecured"
  150831. ],
  150832. [
  150833. "herold kenneth m and rlis c lk darelyn m cms dacey robert m william j rlis c lz litigation other"
  150834. ],
  150835. [
  150836. "adv dubose rlis c bz bankruptcy other jewelry cms"
  150837. ],
  150838. [
  150839. "american pioneer savings bank jones dale s american pioneer vs cms i i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  150840. ],
  150841. [
  150842. "braun l erich cms a i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  150843. ],
  150844. [
  150845. "stephen h flanagan rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  150846. ],
  150847. [
  150848. "american pioneer savings bank sturbridge lester in cms i ns ch no asset re secured"
  150849. ],
  150850. [
  150851. "legendary golf enterprises inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150852. ],
  150853. [
  150854. "cox john m iii cms i ns ch no asset secured"
  150855. ],
  150856. [
  150857. "american pioneer savings bank recordation of transactional documents cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  150858. ],
  150859. [
  150860. "adv the samuel james rlis t lg contract actionother company cms than ln ackerman irwin cms c ns ch no asset secured"
  150861. ],
  150862. [
  150863. "cancelliere charles s apsb vs cancelliere cms a nu ch no asset unsecured"
  150864. ],
  150865. [
  150866. "american pioneer savings bank sanford interstate properties rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary joint venture matter"
  150867. ],
  150868. [
  150869. "vs living water church of tampa rlis c nq loan workoutrestructstlmnt american savings bank"
  150870. ],
  150871. [
  150872. "braun l rlis c ba chapter erich cms roberts richard amer sav cms c i bank vs richard roberts hotel income assoc ltd partnership et al"
  150873. ],
  150874. [
  150875. "roberts richard amer sav cms c s bank vs richard roberts hotel income assoc ltd partnership et al"
  150876. ],
  150877. [
  150878. "amerifirst bank taplin cms a d suit against hl association"
  150879. ],
  150880. [
  150881. "central florida construction systems inc cms a d real estatedefensive"
  150882. ],
  150883. [
  150884. "river properties cms a i collectnote contingency not classif for dol"
  150885. ],
  150886. [
  150887. "amerifirst bank state of florida dept of transportation vs pedro bello et al cms a d suit against association"
  150888. ],
  150889. [
  150890. "amerifirst trust companymed inv employee cms a n administrative proceeding"
  150891. ],
  150892. [
  150893. "m m excavating inc cms a i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  150894. ],
  150895. [
  150896. "amerifirst bank soliusa cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  150897. ],
  150898. [
  150899. "aaa miniwarehouse facility cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150900. ],
  150901. [
  150902. "riveredge corporation cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  150903. ],
  150904. [
  150905. "fpa vizcaya cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  150906. ],
  150907. [
  150908. "amerifirst bank florida cms a i real steel estate not classified for dol"
  150909. ],
  150910. [
  150911. "m h industrial five inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150912. ],
  150913. [
  150914. "fpa cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  150915. ],
  150916. [
  150917. "amerifirst bank state of florida dept of transportation vs cms a d suit against association century associates et al"
  150918. ],
  150919. [
  150920. "asw partners cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  150921. ],
  150922. [
  150923. "greater rg cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  150924. ],
  150925. [
  150926. "amerifirst bank bona v peoples cms a i real gas estate asset matter"
  150927. ],
  150928. [
  150929. "northwest ministorage ltd lakewood forelcosure cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150930. ],
  150931. [
  150932. "riveredge company cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  150933. ],
  150934. [
  150935. "amerifirst bank melbourne center transaction cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  150936. ],
  150937. [
  150938. "craftmark homes inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150939. ],
  150940. [
  150941. "northwest mini storage ltd cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150942. ],
  150943. [
  150944. "amerifirst bank yale cms a i act contr not prom properties note not class for dol"
  150945. ],
  150946. [
  150947. "intl mall self storage cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150948. ],
  150949. [
  150950. "mace sod cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  150951. ],
  150952. [
  150953. "amerifirst bank northwest ministorage ltd aaa cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150954. ],
  150955. [
  150956. "yale properties boca grove cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150957. ],
  150958. [
  150959. "orlando village associated ltd cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150960. ],
  150961. [
  150962. "amerifirst bank gl homes of mission baiz cms a d contract corp mission action baiz"
  150963. ],
  150964. [
  150965. "okeechobee road self storage cms a i real estate asset matter"
  150966. ],
  150967. [
  150968. "international mall self storage inc cms a s ch secured"
  150969. ],
  150970. [
  150971. "amerifirst federal savings bank fpa rlis c nz nonlitigation other corporation cms amerifirst federal savings bank fairfield rlis c bc chapter communities cms"
  150972. ],
  150973. [
  150974. "holland and knight rlis c nz nonlitigation other recordation cms"
  150975. ],
  150976. [
  150977. "state of fl dept of rlis c lz litigation other transportation vs century cms mcf aviation rlis e lk"
  150978. ],
  150979. [
  150980. "hammock coveharbour development rlis c lk"
  150981. ],
  150982. [
  150983. "amerifirst federal savings bank erisa mattermedical rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary investments cms matter"
  150984. ],
  150985. [
  150986. "record passthrough rlis c nz nonlitigation other documents amerifirst cms"
  150987. ],
  150988. [
  150989. "machado rlis c lk gus cms"
  150990. ],
  150991. [
  150992. "central florida construction rlis c lk systems inc cms mcf rlis c lk aviation cms"
  150993. ],
  150994. [
  150995. "farm stores rlis c bc chapter cms amerifirst federal savings bank okeechobee road self rlis c lk storage cms"
  150996. ],
  150997. [
  150998. "intl mall self rlis c lk storage cms mace sod rlis c bc chapter services cms"
  150999. ],
  151000. [
  151001. "state of fl dept of trans vs rlis c lz litigation other pedro bello cms atlanta frf office cp general cms c n real estate matters matters other than foreclosures"
  151002. ],
  151003. [
  151004. "atlantic financial savings fa my gambit michael l rlis c lk thomas cms atlantic financial savings fa temco samuel rlis c lk watson cms"
  151005. ],
  151006. [
  151007. "atlantic financial savings fa temco samuel cms a i collectionsecured watson note not classified for dol"
  151008. ],
  151009. [
  151010. "os mary l herzog henry mary cms a i personal prop not class for dol"
  151011. ],
  151012. [
  151013. "baltimore federal financial hopple david r cms a i real jr estate not classified for dol baltimore federal financial lott billy rlis c lk judy cms"
  151014. ],
  151015. [
  151016. "gilman wm and joanne as rlis c ba chapter guar of cambridge creek cms gilman wm johanne as rlis c lz litigation other guar of cambridge creek cms"
  151017. ],
  151018. [
  151019. "citizens mortgage corporation v bff cms c d suit agst fdic corp seeking equitabledec relief"
  151020. ],
  151021. [
  151022. "baltimore federal financial manos george cms a i real l estate not classified for dol"
  151023. ],
  151024. [
  151025. "gilman wm and joanne as guar of cambridge creek development corp cms a i collectionsecured note not classified for dol bank of new england"
  151026. ],
  151027. [
  151028. "hopple david r rlis c lk jr cms universal hotels universal cms c d hotels inc fka reor hotel corp v bank of new england"
  151029. ],
  151030. [
  151031. "bell federal savings bank stirling palm rlis c nq loan builders cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  151032. ],
  151033. [
  151034. "royal cove joint rlis c nq loan vetnure cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  151035. ],
  151036. [
  151037. "pipers glen asset delray beach fl rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  151038. ],
  151039. [
  151040. "nob hill shoppes rlis c lk inc cms ocean juno flltdptnrship rlis c nq loan workoutrestructstlmnt"
  151041. ],
  151042. [
  151043. "bell federal savings bank industrial air rlis c lk park cms"
  151044. ],
  151045. [
  151046. "sonoma lake estates rlis c lk homeowners assoc cms"
  151047. ],
  151048. [
  151049. "pardue heid church smith rlis c ll real property walker inc vs cms pipers glenperez rlis c lk"
  151050. ],
  151051. [
  151052. "reizen verna perry barnett rlis c lz litigation other iii corporation cms stirling palm rlis c lz litigation other builders cms"
  151053. ],
  151054. [
  151055. "bell federal savings bank mahsti inc et rlis c lk al cms"
  151056. ],
  151057. [
  151058. "dahlia townhomes rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  151059. ],
  151060. [
  151061. "american rlis c nz nonlitigation other heritagerosemonte cms ocean rlis c nq loan village cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  151062. ],
  151063. [
  151064. "general rlis c nz nonlitigation other cms"
  151065. ],
  151066. [
  151067. "bell federal savings bank mccoysanctuary et rlis t lk al cms"
  151068. ],
  151069. [
  151070. "sonic inc rlis c lk cms"
  151071. ],
  151072. [
  151073. "sailboat bend loan rlis c lk modification cms eden earl m jr rlis t lz litigation other"
  151074. ],
  151075. [
  151076. "van kooten john rlis c lz litigation other h cms boca golf tennis rlis t nz nonlitigation other townhomes cms"
  151077. ],
  151078. [
  151079. "bell federal savings bank tall trees rlis c ng bulk sale real projectcorkeryspanol cms property"
  151080. ],
  151081. [
  151082. "bell savings bank mccoy sanctuary et cms a i real al estate not classified for dol"
  151083. ],
  151084. [
  151085. "nob hill shoppes inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151086. ],
  151087. [
  151088. "bell savings bank reizen verna perry barnett iii corporation as general partner of williamsburg ltd v bell mtg cms a d suit against association"
  151089. ],
  151090. [
  151091. "sailboat bend loan modification cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151092. ],
  151093. [
  151094. "boca golf tennis townhomes cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151095. ],
  151096. [
  151097. "bell savings bank van kooten john cms a s ch h secured"
  151098. ],
  151099. [
  151100. "sonoma lake estates homeowners assoc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151101. ],
  151102. [
  151103. "corkery ken thomas spanol tall trees project cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151104. ],
  151105. [
  151106. "bell savings bank cypress creek commerce center limited partnership a floridalimited partnership et al cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151107. ],
  151108. [
  151109. "plantation country estates cms i n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151110. ],
  151111. [
  151112. "dissolution of subsidiary corporations cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151113. ],
  151114. [
  151115. "bell savings bank ocean cms a n real estate matters village other than foreclosures"
  151116. ],
  151117. [
  151118. "sonic inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151119. ],
  151120. [
  151121. "royal cove joint venture cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151122. ],
  151123. [
  151124. "brickell banc sa receivership termination rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary brickellbanc matter broadview savings bank bloukos george v broadview v farrowst andrews partnership development co boca raton cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151125. ],
  151126. [
  151127. "lakes of newportsales of rlis c nz nonlitigation other multifamily parcel cms"
  151128. ],
  151129. [
  151130. "st andrews country club cms c n sale of assets"
  151131. ],
  151132. [
  151133. "broadview savings bank st andrews lakes rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  151134. ],
  151135. [
  151136. "st andrews country rlis c nz nonlitigation other club cms sidwell ruth rlis c lk james cms"
  151137. ],
  151138. [
  151139. "brinkley w rlis c lz litigation other michael cms"
  151140. ],
  151141. [
  151142. "broadview savings bank lakes of newport dev insurance claim rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  151143. ],
  151144. [
  151145. "tow joseph rlis c lk irene cms"
  151146. ],
  151147. [
  151148. "brinkley w michael rlis c ba chapter"
  151149. ],
  151150. [
  151151. "broadview savings bank suit for refund of membership in st andrews club rlis c lz litigation other"
  151152. ],
  151153. [
  151154. "brinkley w michael cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  151155. ],
  151156. [
  151157. "intangible tax hidden harbor property rlis c nu tax matter"
  151158. ],
  151159. [
  151160. "broadview savings bank walker rebecca rlis c lo tax action"
  151161. ],
  151162. [
  151163. "lakes of newport sale of single family parcel cms a n sale of assets"
  151164. ],
  151165. [
  151166. "st andrews country rlis c lz litigation other clubmembership refund cms lakes of newport sale of multifamily parcel cms a n sale of assets"
  151167. ],
  151168. [
  151169. "broadview savings bank naples property sale cms a n sale of of assets"
  151170. ],
  151171. [
  151172. "fort myers property sale of unimproved property to paul g irmer trustee cms c n sale of assets"
  151173. ],
  151174. [
  151175. "broadway bank trust company newman cms c i collectionunsecured sandy note asset matter centrust banksb peterson consulting lease with centrust tower cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151176. ],
  151177. [
  151178. "centrust banksb lease negotiations cmc rlis c no leasehold matter"
  151179. ],
  151180. [
  151181. "diversified southeastern rlis c nz nonlitigation other industries inc cms commercial fed bank v cmc v rtc cms a d contract action"
  151182. ],
  151183. [
  151184. "dominos pizza lease co shoppes of sawgrass cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  151185. ],
  151186. [
  151187. "centrust banksb diversified southeastern industries cms a u ch unsecured"
  151188. ],
  151189. [
  151190. "lz litigation other"
  151191. ],
  151192. [
  151193. "gull point townhomes marina error rlis e nv title curative matter"
  151194. ],
  151195. [
  151196. "dot aquisition of property rlis c nd asset sale real from james b camp cms property centrust banksb centrust tower sale of cms a n sale of assets"
  151197. ],
  151198. [
  151199. "schweigert rlis c lk vcmc cms"
  151200. ],
  151201. [
  151202. "error see rlis e lz litigation other cms tai a razzak rtc as conservator for centrust sb v cms a s ch secured"
  151203. ],
  151204. [
  151205. "landings of fishermans cove rlis c nv title curative matter condo cms centrust banksb"
  151206. ],
  151207. [
  151208. "westland rlis c nz nonlitigation other plaza cms centrust tower sale rlis c nd asset sale real of cms property"
  151209. ],
  151210. [
  151211. "adv john bousquet iii employment term dispute rlis t lz litigation other"
  151212. ],
  151213. [
  151214. "centrust banksb"
  151215. ],
  151216. [
  151217. "general trademark advice rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  151218. ],
  151219. [
  151220. "cmc warehousing line of credit cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151221. ],
  151222. [
  151223. "centrust banksb williams v cmc cms a d contract action"
  151224. ],
  151225. [
  151226. "gullpoint townhomes marina rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary matter"
  151227. ],
  151228. [
  151229. "huntington rlis c nd asset sale real cms property broward cty v alan j polley carolyn polley robert judah micros laura h judah et al cms a d suit against association"
  151230. ],
  151231. [
  151232. "centrust banksb commercial fed bank v cmc rlis c lg contract actionother v rtc cms than ln"
  151233. ],
  151234. [
  151235. "lease of zack hanzman ponce cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151236. ],
  151237. [
  151238. "popham haik et al lease cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  151239. ],
  151240. [
  151241. "centrust banksb contract with ge capital mortgage services inc cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151242. ],
  151243. [
  151244. "kornreich gerald fabricant loretta lease cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  151245. ],
  151246. [
  151247. "woodbridge plaza cms a n sale of assets"
  151248. ],
  151249. [
  151250. "centrust banksb national assoc of credit rlis c lg contract actionother managers inc cms than ln"
  151251. ],
  151252. [
  151253. "gmac mortg corp of iowa purchase sale agreement cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151254. ],
  151255. [
  151256. "indemnification agreement with hartford fire insurance company cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151257. ],
  151258. [
  151259. "centrust banksb jefferson pilot insurance cms a n arguments workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151260. ],
  151261. [
  151262. "city savings fsb boynton beach br boynton rlis c nm beach palm beach cnt nonjudreal prop"
  151263. ],
  151264. [
  151265. "evergreen west miami dade county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151266. ],
  151267. [
  151268. "colonial federal savings assoc venturo cms c i collectionunsecured jeffery note not classified for dol colony savings bank fsb ltd venture corp ii v lee rlis c nq loan investments jt venture workoutrestructstlmnt"
  151269. ],
  151270. [
  151271. "colony savings bank fsb townes of southgateltd rlis t ns rtc matters venture capital"
  151272. ],
  151273. [
  151274. "townes of southgateltd venture capital rlis c ns rtc matters"
  151275. ],
  151276. [
  151277. "commerce bank of tampa general file holland cms c n other ongoing non knight representation of litigation matter or commerce bank in project receivership garcia orlando v commerce bank of dania cms c d action against fdic receiverseeking damages"
  151278. ],
  151279. [
  151280. "stillman paul l rlis c lk dana cms"
  151281. ],
  151282. [
  151283. "commonwealth federal sl assoc pizza maker inc vs cms a d suit against commonwealth association sl"
  151284. ],
  151285. [
  151286. "southeast bank na vs fhlbb fslic fdic commonwealth cms a d suit against association"
  151287. ],
  151288. [
  151289. "gonzalez molina a and blanca i cms a i real estate major asset"
  151290. ],
  151291. [
  151292. "commonwealth federal sl assoc shore line group ltd i cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151293. ],
  151294. [
  151295. "castlegate mobile home rlis c lk park samda cms"
  151296. ],
  151297. [
  151298. "associated properties appeal rlis c lg contract actionother than ln"
  151299. ],
  151300. [
  151301. "forum plaza rlis c lk associates cms"
  151302. ],
  151303. [
  151304. "commonwealth federal sl assoc associated investment group associated properties cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151305. ],
  151306. [
  151307. "shore line group ltd ii cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151308. ],
  151309. [
  151310. "southeast bank cms c d suit agst fdic rcvr seeking equitabledec relief"
  151311. ],
  151312. [
  151313. "commonwealth federal sl assoc shareholders of rlis c lk commonwealthpalm cms springs"
  151314. ],
  151315. [
  151316. "medical group management cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151317. ],
  151318. [
  151319. "commonwealth by international appareal associates vs barry chapnick et al and commonwealth cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151320. ],
  151321. [
  151322. "commonwealth federal sl assoc kissimmee osceola plaza ltd leo mark et al cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151323. ],
  151324. [
  151325. "medical group management rlis c ln suit on promissory inc cms note realtechincsidney l rlis c lz litigation other robertspeninsula devsamda cms"
  151326. ],
  151327. [
  151328. "united developers enrique rlis c lk garcia cms"
  151329. ],
  151330. [
  151331. "commonwealth federal sl assoc kaddis albert jeans cms a as ch asset secured"
  151332. ],
  151333. [
  151334. "castlegate mobile home park cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151335. ],
  151336. [
  151337. "turtle run lot rlis c nd asset sale real property"
  151338. ],
  151339. [
  151340. "boca heights see ldid rlis c lk cms commonwealth federal sl assoc tallon john telli cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151341. ],
  151342. [
  151343. "tanglewood estates rlis c nd asset sale real property"
  151344. ],
  151345. [
  151346. "robinson rlis c lk cms"
  151347. ],
  151348. [
  151349. "commonwealth federal sl assoc general holland rlis c nn institution counsel knight cms"
  151350. ],
  151351. [
  151352. "united developers enrique garcia cms a as ch asset secured"
  151353. ],
  151354. [
  151355. "marlin rlis c lk garey cms"
  151356. ],
  151357. [
  151358. "commvest sec inc v our rlis c lg contract actionother ganginc appeal cms than ln commonwealth federal sl assoc robertson lyle cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  151359. ],
  151360. [
  151361. "poland sidney schantz lawrence cms a i collectnote contingency fee major nonasset"
  151362. ],
  151363. [
  151364. "pembroke development cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151365. ],
  151366. [
  151367. "commonwealth federal sl assoc tanglewood lakes cms a i real so estate not classified for dol"
  151368. ],
  151369. [
  151370. "mark leo commonwealth v cms a d contract action"
  151371. ],
  151372. [
  151373. "knox mini storage cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151374. ],
  151375. [
  151376. "commonwealth federal sl assoc boca landcopper lake cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151377. ],
  151378. [
  151379. "robinson james trustee rlis c lk samda cms united developers and rlis c lk enrique garcia cms"
  151380. ],
  151381. [
  151382. "friday company nvextension rlis c nl of loan cms nonjudpers prop"
  151383. ],
  151384. [
  151385. "commonwealth federal sl assoc pembroke development rlis c lk samda cms"
  151386. ],
  151387. [
  151388. "atlantic citycondominium rlis c nz nonlitigation other residences inc cms brothers of brooklyn cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151389. ],
  151390. [
  151391. "pointe holding rlis c lk co cms associated investment group associated propertie rlis cms c lz litigation other"
  151392. ],
  151393. [
  151394. "title status deficiency rlis c nn institution counsel status cms commonwealth federal sl assoc snipes margaret b nka margaret laster fkna margaretb almeida and commonwealth cms a d suit against association"
  151395. ],
  151396. [
  151397. "chapnick barry cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151398. ],
  151399. [
  151400. "shareholders of commonwealthpalm springs cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151401. ],
  151402. [
  151403. "commonwealth federal sl assoc elite cms a i real buildersdrakis estate not classified for dol"
  151404. ],
  151405. [
  151406. "rosstri corp vs rlis c lk tembras cms"
  151407. ],
  151408. [
  151409. "stillman cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151410. ],
  151411. [
  151412. "knox mini rlis c lk storage cms"
  151413. ],
  151414. [
  151415. "commonwealth federal sl assoc copper lake sale to ariel rlis c nd asset sale real homes property"
  151416. ],
  151417. [
  151418. "creekside rlis c lk"
  151419. ],
  151420. [
  151421. "pointe holding co cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151422. ],
  151423. [
  151424. "forum plaza rlis e lk associates cms pembroke charter rlis c be chapter corporation bankruptcy cms"
  151425. ],
  151426. [
  151427. "commonwealth federal sl assoc realtech inc sidney l cms a i real roberts peninsula estate not classified for dol development corp weathermatic et al"
  151428. ],
  151429. [
  151430. "turtle run associates cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151431. ],
  151432. [
  151433. "oasis at spring tree ii cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151434. ],
  151435. [
  151436. "boca landcopper rlis c lk lake cms shore line group ltd rlis c lk i cms"
  151437. ],
  151438. [
  151439. "commonwealth federal sl assoc wp cms a i real properties estate not classified for dol"
  151440. ],
  151441. [
  151442. "lpi at harmony lakes rlis c lk inc cms"
  151443. ],
  151444. [
  151445. "venable joseph c and michele cms a i real estate major asset"
  151446. ],
  151447. [
  151448. "southeast bank na vs fhlbb rlis c lg contract actionother fslic commonwealt cms than ln chapnick williams cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151449. ],
  151450. [
  151451. "commonwealth federal sl assoc robertson lyle samda rlis c lz litigation other kilburn young cms"
  151452. ],
  151453. [
  151454. "community fs la receivership termination rlis t nh corporationsubsidiary community federal matter"
  151455. ],
  151456. [
  151457. "continental savings a fs la sandshore investors inc rlis c nz nonlitigation other continental cms sandshore investors inc cms a i other professional liability"
  151458. ],
  151459. [
  151460. "coral coast house of india jomat wilton rlis c nm manorbroward county nonjudreal prop coral savings loan receivership termination rlis t nh corporationsubsidiary coral savings matter"
  151461. ],
  151462. [
  151463. "duval federal savings assn lockhart construction co rlis c lk inc cms"
  151464. ],
  151465. [
  151466. "midtown branch lake worth palm beach county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151467. ],
  151468. [
  151469. "williams alan rlis c lk k cms davis willis h jr cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151470. ],
  151471. [
  151472. "duval federal savings assn yudin robert judith rlis c lk l cms"
  151473. ],
  151474. [
  151475. "hines willie c rlis t lk cms"
  151476. ],
  151477. [
  151478. "belle glade branch belle galde palm beach county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151479. ],
  151480. [
  151481. "bowden pointe investors rlis c nq loan loan mod cms workoutrestructstlmnt w w builders inc loan rlis c nq loan mod cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  151482. ],
  151483. [
  151484. "duval federal savings assn johnson mark f and kelly p cms a i real johnson jr estate not classified for dol i"
  151485. ],
  151486. [
  151487. "lockwood jack and grace cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151488. ],
  151489. [
  151490. "atlantic east rlis c lk condo cms eudora grove apartments ii rlis c bc chapter ltd cms"
  151491. ],
  151492. [
  151493. "johnson mark f kelly paul rlis t lk johnson jb cms"
  151494. ],
  151495. [
  151496. "duval federal savings assn james e anne rlis c lk carbaugh cms"
  151497. ],
  151498. [
  151499. "brantley john h ellen rlis c lk a cms"
  151500. ],
  151501. [
  151502. "beach bluff apartments rlis t bc chapter ltd cms"
  151503. ],
  151504. [
  151505. "wyman carlton l cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151506. ],
  151507. [
  151508. "duval federal savings assn william s patricia ann rlis c lk davidson cms"
  151509. ],
  151510. [
  151511. "johnson mark f kelly p jr rlis c lk i cms"
  151512. ],
  151513. [
  151514. "johnson mark f kelly paul rlis e lk johnson jb ii cms"
  151515. ],
  151516. [
  151517. "first land groupnicholson rlis c lk a cms"
  151518. ],
  151519. [
  151520. "montgomery hull rlis c lk partnerhip ii cms duval federal savings assn christman richard a rlis c lk sandra a asset cms"
  151521. ],
  151522. [
  151523. "brantley john rlis e ba chapter error cms"
  151524. ],
  151525. [
  151526. "charles collier and son rlis t lk inc cms oak grove apartments ii rlis c bc chapter ltd cms"
  151527. ],
  151528. [
  151529. "first land groupnicholson rlis c ba chapter a cms duval federal savings assn hines willie c cms a i real estate asset matter"
  151530. ],
  151531. [
  151532. "midlano rlis c ne bulk sale mortgage cms loansservicing green alvin t cms a i real estate asset matter"
  151533. ],
  151534. [
  151535. "ortega boulevard office assoc cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151536. ],
  151537. [
  151538. "duval federal savings assn charles collier and sons inc cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  151539. ],
  151540. [
  151541. "kleiber john m cms a i real estate asset matter"
  151542. ],
  151543. [
  151544. "holmes lumber company inc cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151545. ],
  151546. [
  151547. "duval federal savings assn meinstein helliard cms a i real j estate asset matter"
  151548. ],
  151549. [
  151550. "brantley john cms a i real estate asset matter"
  151551. ],
  151552. [
  151553. "copeland dm and sons construction inc cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151554. ],
  151555. [
  151556. "duval federal savings assn wyman carlton rlis c lk l cms"
  151557. ],
  151558. [
  151559. "john frank rlis c lf civil fraud johnson cms davis willis h rlis c lk jr cms"
  151560. ],
  151561. [
  151562. "green alvin t rlis c be chapter cms robert w lusk alena p rlis c lk nassar cms"
  151563. ],
  151564. [
  151565. "duval federal savings assn lockhart construction co inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151566. ],
  151567. [
  151568. "lockhart construction co inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151569. ],
  151570. [
  151571. "meinsteinm helliard rlis c lk j cms brantley jr john h ellen rlis c ba chapter a cms"
  151572. ],
  151573. [
  151574. "duval federal savings assn charles collier and son inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151575. ],
  151576. [
  151577. "kleiber john rlis c lk m cms"
  151578. ],
  151579. [
  151580. "christman richard h rlis c lk sandra a asset cms"
  151581. ],
  151582. [
  151583. "duval federal savings assn lockhart construction co inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151584. ],
  151585. [
  151586. "charles collier and son inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151587. ],
  151588. [
  151589. "christman richard h and sandra o cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151590. ],
  151591. [
  151592. "duval federal savings assn lockhart construction co cms a i real inc estate not classified for dol"
  151593. ],
  151594. [
  151595. "first land groupnicholson a cms a as ch asset secured"
  151596. ],
  151597. [
  151598. "johnson mark f and kelly paul johnson jb ii cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151599. ],
  151600. [
  151601. "duval federal savings assn yudin robert and judith cms a i real l estate not classified for dol"
  151602. ],
  151603. [
  151604. "tripp bobby l barbara rlis c lk l cms"
  151605. ],
  151606. [
  151607. "wyman carlton l cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151608. ],
  151609. [
  151610. "empire of america fsb brandywine derby station shopping center cms a n sale of assets"
  151611. ],
  151612. [
  151613. "deltona blvd deltona volusia county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  151614. ],
  151615. [
  151616. "brandywine rlis c nd asset sale real village cms property glass barbara ann t rlis c lc bankruptcy chap adversary"
  151617. ],
  151618. [
  151619. "empire of america fsb brandywine general rlis c nz nonlitigation other matters cms"
  151620. ],
  151621. [
  151622. "brandywine general matters cms a n sale of assets"
  151623. ],
  151624. [
  151625. "brandywine sea woods cms a n sale of assets"
  151626. ],
  151627. [
  151628. "brandywine sale to bp rlis c ng bulk sale real oil cms property empire of america fsb brandywine cascades cms a n sale of assets"
  151629. ],
  151630. [
  151631. "combs william s et rlis c lk al cms brandywine marbrisa title cms a n sale of assets"
  151632. ],
  151633. [
  151634. "brandywine village cms a n sale of assets"
  151635. ],
  151636. [
  151637. "empire of america fsb bowron gregg cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151638. ],
  151639. [
  151640. "lancaster associates lawrence stephen rlis c ln suit on promissory note"
  151641. ],
  151642. [
  151643. "brandywine merrit rlis c nd asset sale real towers cms property brandywine rlis c ng bulk sale real marbrisa cms property"
  151644. ],
  151645. [
  151646. "derby shopping center rlis c ld bankruptcy chap brandywine litigation cms adversary empire of america fsb mckibbin rlis c lk banks cms"
  151647. ],
  151648. [
  151649. "debary commons shopctr sale to roberts group rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  151650. ],
  151651. [
  151652. "defelice kinser rlis c lk jv cms defelice kinser j v cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151653. ],
  151654. [
  151655. "enterprise federal savings loan silver star meekler cms a i real assoc locklin estate not classified for dol enterprise federal savings loan assoc barclays americanmtg corp brandywine cms a d real estatedefensive"
  151656. ],
  151657. [
  151658. "silverstar grouprtc v usa rlis c lz litigation other derry nary cms"
  151659. ],
  151660. [
  151661. "silver star rtc usa derry rlis c lz litigation other narypre samda cms silver star group v rtc usa derry nary cms a d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  151662. ],
  151663. [
  151664. "enterprise federal savings loan assoc receivership termination enterprise federal rlis t nh corporationsubsidiary matter"
  151665. ],
  151666. [
  151667. "silver star meckler locklin rlis t lk cms"
  151668. ],
  151669. [
  151670. "silver star meckler rlis c lk locklin cms evergreen fs la sears mortgage corp vs rtc as conservator rlis c lk"
  151671. ],
  151672. [
  151673. "financial security s la gables academy rlis c ba chapter bankruptcy cms financial security s la gables academy rlis c lk litigation cms"
  151674. ],
  151675. [
  151676. "investment rlis c lk corp cms first american bank and trust shamut worcester bank v cms c d suit agst fdic rcvr fabt seeking equitabledec relief"
  151677. ],
  151678. [
  151679. "golden glades medical center ltd v fabt et al cms c d action against fdic receiverseeking damages"
  151680. ],
  151681. [
  151682. "first american bank and trust general corporate cms c n other ongoing non representation holland litigation matter or knight project"
  151683. ],
  151684. [
  151685. "satter di salvo v fabt cms c d action against fdic receiverseeking damages"
  151686. ],
  151687. [
  151688. "general file advice in cms c n other ongoing non connection with litigation matter or amiworkout project loans general file advice in connection with mi contract cms c n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151689. ],
  151690. [
  151691. "first american bank and trust eastern shores medical center inc keystone medical center inc et al cms c i collectionunsecured note major asset"
  151692. ],
  151693. [
  151694. "intl medical centers cms c i real estate asset matter"
  151695. ],
  151696. [
  151697. "geco et al fdic cms c i real vs estate asset matter general file holland knight cms c n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151698. ],
  151699. [
  151700. "first american bank and trust gramatikos george c v cms c d contract krupp residential mortgage action corp"
  151701. ],
  151702. [
  151703. "national services industries inc zep manufacturing company v fabt cms c d class action"
  151704. ],
  151705. [
  151706. "chapman robert v fabt cms c au ch asset unsecured"
  151707. ],
  151708. [
  151709. "first american bank and trust golden glades regional medical center us v cms c i suit for equitabledec relief not classfor dol"
  151710. ],
  151711. [
  151712. "green mabel dow cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  151713. ],
  151714. [
  151715. "dahdah charles ruth cms c s ch secured"
  151716. ],
  151717. [
  151718. "first american bank and trust golden glades medical cms c n center workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  151719. ],
  151720. [
  151721. "first citizens davis james and cms a as ch asset betty secured"
  151722. ],
  151723. [
  151724. "first federal savings loan assn shady palm retirement home rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  151725. ],
  151726. [
  151727. "first federal savings bank first southern financial corp rlis c lf civil fraud vs cassidy everett cms first federal savings bank first southern financial corporation vs cassidy everett j and director of ots cms a i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  151728. ],
  151729. [
  151730. "first fs la turner douglas w and cms a i real arleeta estate not classified for dol sheehan mary jane cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151731. ],
  151732. [
  151733. "sheehan mary rlis c lk jane cms first guaranty bank for savings cypress cove on lake eustis inc shoreline dev co inc cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  151734. ],
  151735. [
  151736. "first guaranty federal sla cypress cove on lake eustis rlis c lk inc shoreline dev co cms first venice s la barbero martin and delores minna pedersen vs gulf tide of venice et al cms a i real estate major asset"
  151737. ],
  151738. [
  151739. "rigby steven s and diane reynolds cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151740. ],
  151741. [
  151742. "frank d andrea rlis c lm securities action md cms"
  151743. ],
  151744. [
  151745. "first venice s la"
  151746. ],
  151747. [
  151748. "gulf tide of venice samda rlis cms c lm securities action"
  151749. ],
  151750. [
  151751. "gucker bernard m cms a i collectionsecured asset matter"
  151752. ],
  151753. [
  151754. "florida center bank ray l holmes dba goldcrafters custom jewelry cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  151755. ],
  151756. [
  151757. "ray l holmes cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  151758. ],
  151759. [
  151760. "old dominion homes donna swartz giles fields cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  151761. ],
  151762. [
  151763. "florida center bank sapp cms c i collectionunsecured stephen note"
  151764. ],
  151765. [
  151766. "holmes ray l loan cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  151767. ],
  151768. [
  151769. "holmes ray l loan cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  151770. ],
  151771. [
  151772. "florida center bank brown cameron cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  151773. ],
  151774. [
  151775. "alles kenneth e american bank cms c d real estatedefensive"
  151776. ],
  151777. [
  151778. "punta gorda br punta gorda charlette county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151779. ],
  151780. [
  151781. "florida federal savings bank bradley john cms a i collectionsecured j note not classified for dol"
  151782. ],
  151783. [
  151784. "desormiers regent and hughette cms c i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  151785. ],
  151786. [
  151787. "adriane rlis c lk lightsey cms"
  151788. ],
  151789. [
  151790. "florida federal savings bank buglewood shopping center samda litigation rlis c lk"
  151791. ],
  151792. [
  151793. "smith harryet rlis c lk l cms melbourne brevard county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151794. ],
  151795. [
  151796. "bradley john j cms c ns ch no asset secured"
  151797. ],
  151798. [
  151799. "florida federal savings bank north port brnorthport sarasota county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  151800. ],
  151801. [
  151802. "merrit island br merrit island brevard county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151803. ],
  151804. [
  151805. "dade city br dade city pasco county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151806. ],
  151807. [
  151808. "florida federal savings bank recordation of transactional documents cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151809. ],
  151810. [
  151811. "sanders richard j barbara rlis e a cms error rlis e ng bulk sale real property"
  151812. ],
  151813. [
  151814. "palm bay br palm bay county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151815. ],
  151816. [
  151817. "florida federal savings bank masters alan cms a i real c estate not classified for dol"
  151818. ],
  151819. [
  151820. "smithharryet l rlis e lk"
  151821. ],
  151822. [
  151823. "alvin susan lawrence rlis c lk"
  151824. ],
  151825. [
  151826. "florida federal savings bank lynn william and sue ann moss cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151827. ],
  151828. [
  151829. "retirement plansqualified plans cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151830. ],
  151831. [
  151832. "wolfe bonnie j rlis c nq loan e cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  151833. ],
  151834. [
  151835. "franklin fsa"
  151836. ],
  151837. [
  151838. "boca glades rlis c lk"
  151839. ],
  151840. [
  151841. "franklin sa villa capri cms a i real dunlawton estate not classified for dol"
  151842. ],
  151843. [
  151844. "freedom s la kana development rlis c nq loan inc cms workoutrestructstlmnt freedom s la blakeslee ronald d et al cms a i real estate asset matter"
  151845. ],
  151846. [
  151847. "neppell robert c and rlis c lk geraldine cms"
  151848. ],
  151849. [
  151850. "quality window designs cms a as ch asset secured"
  151851. ],
  151852. [
  151853. "waterford common inc et rlis c lz litigation other al cms freedom s la"
  151854. ],
  151855. [
  151856. "wulfeck freedom v rlis c lk wulfeck cms"
  151857. ],
  151858. [
  151859. "general engine equipment rlis c lk company cms banks charles m cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151860. ],
  151861. [
  151862. "freedom s la backstage enterprises inc robert m segal dr robert faber robert demes cms a i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  151863. ],
  151864. [
  151865. "herndon billy f et rlis c lz litigation other al cms"
  151866. ],
  151867. [
  151868. "freedom johnson park sd npr pasco county rlis t nm nonjudreal prop"
  151869. ],
  151870. [
  151871. "freedom s la"
  151872. ],
  151873. [
  151874. "waterford common inc et al cms a i collectionsecured asset matter"
  151875. ],
  151876. [
  151877. "franklin development group inc samda rlis c lk"
  151878. ],
  151879. [
  151880. "freedom s la frey l cms a i real b estate asset matter"
  151881. ],
  151882. [
  151883. "seminole electric supply company cms a s ch secured"
  151884. ],
  151885. [
  151886. "benedetti alfred rlis c lk leonard cms mcgovern james r joan m cms a i real estate asset matter"
  151887. ],
  151888. [
  151889. "freedom s la turner james cms a i collectionsecured a asset matter"
  151890. ],
  151891. [
  151892. "biller eroy cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  151893. ],
  151894. [
  151895. "matter travel planner rlis c lk inc cms newton r park iii carlos jennifer prado cms i i real estate asset matter"
  151896. ],
  151897. [
  151898. "freedom s la pen lumber cms a n other ongoing non site litigation matter or project"
  151899. ],
  151900. [
  151901. "wulfeck freedom sl v wulfeck samda meta cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  151902. ],
  151903. [
  151904. "rolling hills v rtc real rlis c lg contract actionother estate recovery acr cms than ln state of floridadepartment rlis t lk of natural resources cms"
  151905. ],
  151906. [
  151907. "gator transportation inc rlis t lk cms house of doors rlis c bc chapter inc cms"
  151908. ],
  151909. [
  151910. "community shopping centers inc ward robert l honadel freed l tinsley kenneth r cms a i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  151911. ],
  151912. [
  151913. "neppell robert c and rlis c nz nonlitigation other geraldine cms gator transportation inc et rlis c lk al cms"
  151914. ],
  151915. [
  151916. "freedom s la seminole electric supply company cms a i real estate asset matter"
  151917. ],
  151918. [
  151919. "lk"
  151920. ],
  151921. [
  151922. "house of doors inc samda meta cms a s ch secured"
  151923. ],
  151924. [
  151925. "rolling hills sale of rlis c nd asset sale real parcels cms property freedom s la spinelli joseph j and diane cms a i collectionunsecured d note asset matter"
  151926. ],
  151927. [
  151928. "general engine equipment rlis t lk company cms seminole electric supply rlis c lk co cms"
  151929. ],
  151930. [
  151931. "biller eroy rlis c lz litigation other cms hans rajits cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151932. ],
  151933. [
  151934. "freedom s la"
  151935. ],
  151936. [
  151937. "generalfha qualification and condominium filings cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  151938. ],
  151939. [
  151940. "master travel planner inc and neil rothenberg samda meta cms a i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  151941. ],
  151942. [
  151943. "hans rajits rlis t lz litigation other cms"
  151944. ],
  151945. [
  151946. "general federal savings bank tiffany square rlis c lk cms ponce de leon br coral gables dade county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151947. ],
  151948. [
  151949. "gibralter savings bank fsb harris cms a as ch asset michael secured tarpon sp post office hillsborough county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  151950. ],
  151951. [
  151952. "gibralter savings bank fsb turner zed m rlis c li landlordtenant jr cms"
  151953. ],
  151954. [
  151955. "gilman richard a paula m cms a s ch secured"
  151956. ],
  151957. [
  151958. "turner zed m jr cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  151959. ],
  151960. [
  151961. "new port richey brnprpasco county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  151962. ],
  151963. [
  151964. "gibralter savings bank fsb the heathers commercial rlis c nm wayspringhill hernando nonjudreal prop"
  151965. ],
  151966. [
  151967. "holiday brholidaypasco county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  151968. ],
  151969. [
  151970. "total concepts cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  151971. ],
  151972. [
  151973. "lifshutz rlis c ln suit on promissory cms note"
  151974. ],
  151975. [
  151976. "gold coast savings bank fedder v miller et rlis t lf civil fraud al cms"
  151977. ],
  151978. [
  151979. "griffith galeries rlis t li landlordtenant"
  151980. ],
  151981. [
  151982. "total construction cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  151983. ],
  151984. [
  151985. "holland knight rlis c nz nonlitigation other administrative cms camino del rio cms c d real estatedefensive"
  151986. ],
  151987. [
  151988. "gold coast savings bank atlantic executive rlis t lk suite cms"
  151989. ],
  151990. [
  151991. "fedder v miller et al see comments rlis c lf civil fraud"
  151992. ],
  151993. [
  151994. "stolzenberg v sterling rlis c lz litigation other investment group et al cms stolzenberg v sterling investment group et al cms a d suit against association"
  151995. ],
  151996. [
  151997. "shoppes at carriage hills cms i i real estate not classified for dol"
  151998. ],
  151999. [
  152000. "gold coast savings bank lifshutz rlis t lz litigation other cms"
  152001. ],
  152002. [
  152003. "holland knight general billing cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  152004. ],
  152005. [
  152006. "goldome fsb heron harbour condo rlis c lg contract actionother owners assn inc vs inv cms than ln"
  152007. ],
  152008. [
  152009. "grand prairie fs la moore s l cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152010. ],
  152011. [
  152012. "great american fsa altamonte bay apartments rlis e nz nonlitigation other"
  152013. ],
  152014. [
  152015. "chesapeake associates limited partnershipbankrpcy rlis cms c bc chapter"
  152016. ],
  152017. [
  152018. "chesapeake associates limited partnership rlis c bc chapter"
  152019. ],
  152020. [
  152021. "glenbrook assoc mm construction loan rlis t lk"
  152022. ],
  152023. [
  152024. "woodland meadows apartments sale rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  152025. ],
  152026. [
  152027. "v prudential bachevms rlis c lk realty assoc etal cms great life savings association holiday floors inc rlis c lg contract actionother loxahatchee plaza cms than ln"
  152028. ],
  152029. [
  152030. "great life savings association saunders ernest j and julia t cms a ns ch no asset holiday floors secured inc"
  152031. ],
  152032. [
  152033. "holiday floors inc loxahatchee plaza cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  152034. ],
  152035. [
  152036. "holiday floors inc cms a i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  152037. ],
  152038. [
  152039. "great life savings association highland ramon e and grace e samda x cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152040. ],
  152041. [
  152042. "highland ramon e and grace rlis c lz litigation other e samda ky cms"
  152043. ],
  152044. [
  152045. "westbrook at inverrary ltd et al rtc as receiver for great southern fed sl assoc vs cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152046. ],
  152047. [
  152048. "westbrook at inverrary rlis c lk ltd cms great southern federal savings assoc american general home equity v pennco inc rlis c lk"
  152049. ],
  152050. [
  152051. "seascape towers ocean view rlis c lk towers condominiums i cms"
  152052. ],
  152053. [
  152054. "guardian fsa revocation of poa le rlis e nh corporationsubsidiary mills matter hansen fsa ashley associates rlis c lk ltd cms"
  152055. ],
  152056. [
  152057. "haven fs la rose dennis cms a ns ch no asset secured"
  152058. ],
  152059. [
  152060. "rogg lewis cms a as ch asset secured"
  152061. ],
  152062. [
  152063. "burt james and mary cms c i act contr not prom note not class for dol"
  152064. ],
  152065. [
  152066. "haven fs la harrell harry cms a au ch asset levan unsecured"
  152067. ],
  152068. [
  152069. "denhardt gerald a and diana rlis c nd asset sale real l cms property"
  152070. ],
  152071. [
  152072. "nix kendall marsha cms a ns ch no asset secured"
  152073. ],
  152074. [
  152075. "johnson ralph j verna s rlis c lz litigation other cms weathersby curtis and janice cms a ns ch no asset secured"
  152076. ],
  152077. [
  152078. "haven fs la denhardt gerald a and diana cms a i real l estate not classified for dol"
  152079. ],
  152080. [
  152081. "clifton e w cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152082. ],
  152083. [
  152084. "russell ronnie r deborah a cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152085. ],
  152086. [
  152087. "haven fs la wadley robert sharon cms a as ch asset secured"
  152088. ],
  152089. [
  152090. "taylor dennis frank ii cms a as ch asset secured"
  152091. ],
  152092. [
  152093. "hayes joseph and sarah d cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152094. ],
  152095. [
  152096. "auburndale branch rlis c ng bulk sale real auburndale polk county property lakeland brlakeland polk county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  152097. ],
  152098. [
  152099. "allison john jr and sara jean cms a as ch asset secured"
  152100. ],
  152101. [
  152102. "dixon davide and deborah cms a as ch asset secured"
  152103. ],
  152104. [
  152105. "haven fs la clifton e w cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152106. ],
  152107. [
  152108. "taylor alan and elizabeth l cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152109. ],
  152110. [
  152111. "johnson ralph j and verna s cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152112. ],
  152113. [
  152114. "holland knight general cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  152115. ],
  152116. [
  152117. "russell ronnie rlis c lk deborah cms hereford state bank travelers ins co martin gerald l martin helen j cms c d suit against fdic corporateseeking equitabledec"
  152118. ],
  152119. [
  152120. "hernandez guillermo c rlis c lk"
  152121. ],
  152122. [
  152123. "sheehan john j cms a i real estate asset matter"
  152124. ],
  152125. [
  152126. "hollywood federal sanguinetti cms a i real estate asset matter"
  152127. ],
  152128. [
  152129. "belcastro deno cms a i real estate asset matter"
  152130. ],
  152131. [
  152132. "johnson walter c cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152133. ],
  152134. [
  152135. "andrews david h cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152136. ],
  152137. [
  152138. "hollywood federal dale cms a i real wallace estate not classified for dol"
  152139. ],
  152140. [
  152141. "stoveall sally estate of cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152142. ],
  152143. [
  152144. "hollywood fsb recording conveyance documents hollywood federal rlis cms c nz nonlitigation other"
  152145. ],
  152146. [
  152147. "andrews david rlis c lk h cms"
  152148. ],
  152149. [
  152150. "vaughn terry l rlis c lk"
  152151. ],
  152152. [
  152153. "johnson walter rlis c be chapter c cms"
  152154. ],
  152155. [
  152156. "belcastro rlis c lk deno cms"
  152157. ],
  152158. [
  152159. "hosein rlis c lk cms hollywood fsb mullen helen n steven f laurane j rlis c lk"
  152160. ],
  152161. [
  152162. "sheehan john rlis c lk j cms"
  152163. ],
  152164. [
  152165. "dale rlis c lk wallace cms"
  152166. ],
  152167. [
  152168. "treby lawrence s rlis c lk"
  152169. ],
  152170. [
  152171. "home federal lesser jason k jasmine cms a i real trail estate not classified for dol"
  152172. ],
  152173. [
  152174. "lesser jason kjasmine trail rlis c lk vfo samda cms"
  152175. ],
  152176. [
  152177. "anchor savings cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152178. ],
  152179. [
  152180. "antell matthew cms a d real estatedefensive"
  152181. ],
  152182. [
  152183. "home federal sabal lakes development cms a i real inc estate not classified for dol"
  152184. ],
  152185. [
  152186. "shorewoods inv corp rlis t nq loan anchor svngs vfo samda cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  152187. ],
  152188. [
  152189. "sabal lakes development rlis c lk inc cms homefed bank fa"
  152190. ],
  152191. [
  152192. "hdb builders rlis c lk inc cms home cap large land due rlis c ng bulk sale real diligencefl property"
  152193. ],
  152194. [
  152195. "homefed bank fa f street lease rlis a lg contract actionother disputedistrict of columbia than ln"
  152196. ],
  152197. [
  152198. "districtcolumbia lmis c appl plslit"
  152199. ],
  152200. [
  152201. "f street lease d lmis c litg ctract rlis"
  152202. ],
  152203. [
  152204. "horizon savings bank fsb general matters holland knight cms c n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  152205. ],
  152206. [
  152207. "horizon savings bank fsb beck cms a i real steven estate not classified for dol"
  152208. ],
  152209. [
  152210. "williams paul and judith cms c n non"
  152211. ],
  152212. [
  152213. "jochmann richard and carolyn cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152214. ],
  152215. [
  152216. "otis rlis c lk livingston cms otis livingston cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152217. ],
  152218. [
  152219. "horizon savings bank fsb weisbrod ja cms i i real mrs estate not classified for dol"
  152220. ],
  152221. [
  152222. "lewis jean m cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152223. ],
  152224. [
  152225. "international savings loan assn recordation of transactional documents cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  152226. ],
  152227. [
  152228. "jacksonville fsa regency house ltd rlis c lk"
  152229. ],
  152230. [
  152231. "liberty federal savings and loan heritage bay homeowners cms a n other ongoing non assoc association litigation matter or project"
  152232. ],
  152233. [
  152234. "heritage bay cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project lincoln s la"
  152235. ],
  152236. [
  152237. "heritage bay homeowners rlis c nj environmental association cms first interstate of cms c d contract nevada action"
  152238. ],
  152239. [
  152240. "sheridan rlis c nz nonlitigation other plaza cms"
  152241. ],
  152242. [
  152243. "malibu savings bank"
  152244. ],
  152245. [
  152246. "merabank fsb jtb enterprises cms a s ch secured amresco jtb limited partnership rlis cms c lk"
  152247. ],
  152248. [
  152249. "jtb limited partnership cms a n non"
  152250. ],
  152251. [
  152252. "miami savings bank"
  152253. ],
  152254. [
  152255. "morley nicholas hdealer in rlis c lk fine arts cms quintana cms c as ch asset secured"
  152256. ],
  152257. [
  152258. "morley realty corpmsb v city rlis c lk natl cms morley realty corporation rlis e lk samda cms"
  152259. ],
  152260. [
  152261. "miami savings bank morley nicholas h dealer in fine arts inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152262. ],
  152263. [
  152264. "morley realty corporation mbs vs cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152265. ],
  152266. [
  152267. "morley realty corporation rlis e lk msb vs cms"
  152268. ],
  152269. [
  152270. "miami savings bank morley realty corp msb cms a i real vs estate not classified for dol"
  152271. ],
  152272. [
  152273. "south dade agro rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary corporate cms matter"
  152274. ],
  152275. [
  152276. "morley realty corpmsb v city rlis t lk natl cms new metropolitan"
  152277. ],
  152278. [
  152279. "morley realty rlis e lk corporation cms record conveyance rlis c nv title curative matter documents cms"
  152280. ],
  152281. [
  152282. "orlando consolidated office sasser edward charles adv cms c d real the first fa florida center estatedefensive"
  152283. ],
  152284. [
  152285. "simplified information management online network incguarantors feldman and finn cms c i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  152286. ],
  152287. [
  152288. "hamburger stations of florida staples james cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152289. ],
  152290. [
  152291. "orlando consolidated office alles kenneth e cms c i collectionsecured asset matter"
  152292. ],
  152293. [
  152294. "sasser edward charles and gisele cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152295. ],
  152296. [
  152297. "lightning foto services inc timothy brumlik cms c i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152298. ],
  152299. [
  152300. "panhandle bank and trust us asset corporation vs fdic cms c d action against fdic laverne receiverseeking damages montgomery"
  152301. ],
  152302. [
  152303. "park bank mitchell william g cms c i personal mae property"
  152304. ],
  152305. [
  152306. "freeman braxton l trudy p cms c i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  152307. ],
  152308. [
  152309. "park bank macpherson harper kynes geller watson buford pa etc cms c d interpleader"
  152310. ],
  152311. [
  152312. "carlwood safety inc cms c i personal property"
  152313. ],
  152314. [
  152315. "sar manco inc cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152316. ],
  152317. [
  152318. "park bank norris charles cms c s chapter trudy secured"
  152319. ],
  152320. [
  152321. "ovation industries first florida v norris cms c d real estatedefensive"
  152322. ],
  152323. [
  152324. "key stop inc albert j geiger vs fdic et al cms c d suit agst fdic corp seeking equitabledec relief"
  152325. ],
  152326. [
  152327. "park bank shawn bayshore ins inc v shawn et al cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152328. ],
  152329. [
  152330. "kerr mcgee chemical corporation vs park bank cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152331. ],
  152332. [
  152333. "seaside motellongboat key zoing cms c i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152334. ],
  152335. [
  152336. "park bank jcc company norwest cms c i collectionunsecured goldome v jcc company et note al"
  152337. ],
  152338. [
  152339. "park bank v williams robert mary cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152340. ],
  152341. [
  152342. "general file holland knight cms c n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  152343. ],
  152344. [
  152345. "park bank silvernail mirror and glass inc cms c s chapter secured"
  152346. ],
  152347. [
  152348. "style craft homes inc vs park bank et al cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152349. ],
  152350. [
  152351. "bealmear v university development inc cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152352. ],
  152353. [
  152354. "park bank premack cms c s chapter investmentsinc secured"
  152355. ],
  152356. [
  152357. "goldome savings bank rivers edge cms c i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  152358. ],
  152359. [
  152360. "whispering pines properties inc cms c s chapter secured"
  152361. ],
  152362. [
  152363. "park bank balmer catherine j aka catherine l balmer cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152364. ],
  152365. [
  152366. "lord jim wesley r mckinney cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152367. ],
  152368. [
  152369. "freemanbraxton trudy cms c s chapter secured"
  152370. ],
  152371. [
  152372. "meares james dorothy cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152373. ],
  152374. [
  152375. "davis water waste industries inc vs university developmentfantasia cms c i personal property"
  152376. ],
  152377. [
  152378. "park bank molton allen williams ltd vs dreckshale cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152379. ],
  152380. [
  152381. "smith frank folsom et al famiglio smith rogers cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152382. ],
  152383. [
  152384. "iiscom cms c i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  152385. ],
  152386. [
  152387. "spaniak murray heuer braden partnership cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152388. ],
  152389. [
  152390. "chase bank of fl v mcleod leever et al cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152391. ],
  152392. [
  152393. "park bank don corbett electric inc v azure tides inc cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152394. ],
  152395. [
  152396. "mcnatt william e kathleen p cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152397. ],
  152398. [
  152399. "mccarthy charles joseph holland cms c s chapter secured"
  152400. ],
  152401. [
  152402. "park bank sar manco cms c s chapter inc secured"
  152403. ],
  152404. [
  152405. "teague harry carl cms c as chapter asset secured"
  152406. ],
  152407. [
  152408. "clark vs sellars sellars jack b martha cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152409. ],
  152410. [
  152411. "park bank mitton electric cms c as chapter asset secured"
  152412. ],
  152413. [
  152414. "smith david rosalie stylecraft homes inc cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152415. ],
  152416. [
  152417. "mcnatt kathleen william cms c i personal property"
  152418. ],
  152419. [
  152420. "park bank hartney neil cms c i real nancy estate asset matter"
  152421. ],
  152422. [
  152423. "stonner kent rudolph c garber jr v kent e stonner etal cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152424. ],
  152425. [
  152426. "peoples national bank of rockland county kilpatrick david nelson glenda fortner cms c as ch asset secured"
  152427. ],
  152428. [
  152429. "pima s la la peninsula cms a d real condo estatedefensive pima s la barclays capri point capri point rethati george o whit ney douglas s cms i d contract action"
  152430. ],
  152431. [
  152432. "barclays capri point rethati george o whitney douglas s capri point cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152433. ],
  152434. [
  152435. "salco developers inc v seabird properties inc cms c d real estatedefensive"
  152436. ],
  152437. [
  152438. "pima s la general matters holl cms a n researchopinion"
  152439. ],
  152440. [
  152441. "maxihomes of america cms c n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  152442. ],
  152443. [
  152444. "shoppes of main st rlis c nq loan settlement agreement cms workoutrestructstlmnt"
  152445. ],
  152446. [
  152447. "pima s la barclays la costa sale of cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  152448. ],
  152449. [
  152450. "centennial square phase i jv r rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  152451. ],
  152452. [
  152453. "skowron joe wheeler mary rlis c lz litigation other e cms"
  152454. ],
  152455. [
  152456. "la peninsula rlis c lz litigation other condo cms pima s la shoppes of main street settlement agreement cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  152457. ],
  152458. [
  152459. "pioneer federal savings bank mt dora br bank mount rlis c nm dora lake county nonjudreal prop"
  152460. ],
  152461. [
  152462. "rooseveltpioneer fed clearwaterpinellas county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  152463. ],
  152464. [
  152465. "pioneer federal savings bank east orlando br orlando orange county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  152466. ],
  152467. [
  152468. "schwiebert richard rlis c lk m cms cunningham rlis c lg contract actionother glen cms than ln"
  152469. ],
  152470. [
  152471. "west orlando orlando orange county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  152472. ],
  152473. [
  152474. "pioneer savings bank fsb cunningham cms a d suit agst fdic rcvr seeking equitabledec relief"
  152475. ],
  152476. [
  152477. "calogero dileo dba olympic pizza cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  152478. ],
  152479. [
  152480. "clement jeffrey and beverly p cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152481. ],
  152482. [
  152483. "professional savings bank kimmel harold p libuse r cms a i real business lock stock estate not classified for dol barrell"
  152484. ],
  152485. [
  152486. "litigation advice rlis c lz litigation other general cms"
  152487. ],
  152488. [
  152489. "lipp jules ii cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152490. ],
  152491. [
  152492. "south florida apts i ltd pre rlis t lk samda cms americana assocerrorsee rlis e lf civil fraud"
  152493. ],
  152494. [
  152495. "professional savings bank carnival robert cms a i collectionunsecured a note not classified for dol"
  152496. ],
  152497. [
  152498. "hahamovitch rlis c lk harry cms"
  152499. ],
  152500. [
  152501. "professional office centre rlis c lg contract actionother inc than ln"
  152502. ],
  152503. [
  152504. "bond matters rlis c nt securities matter"
  152505. ],
  152506. [
  152507. "professional savings bank sunrise gardens center cms a i real inc estate not classified for dol"
  152508. ],
  152509. [
  152510. "new body automotive cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  152511. ],
  152512. [
  152513. "professional office centre rlis c lz litigation other inc cms lipp jules cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152514. ],
  152515. [
  152516. "jet stream ltd m a grondin rlis c lk samda cms jet stream ltd rlis t lk samda cms"
  152517. ],
  152518. [
  152519. "professional savings bank fine ronald l cms a i probate proceeding deceased not classified for dol"
  152520. ],
  152521. [
  152522. "eisinger errol and cheryl ii cms a as ch asset secured"
  152523. ],
  152524. [
  152525. "first fl equities inc rlis c lz litigation other equityline propinc cms advice re daniel gill rlis c nz nonlitigation other insurance policy cms"
  152526. ],
  152527. [
  152528. "americana associates ltd rlis c lk cms swimmer rlis c lk saul cms"
  152529. ],
  152530. [
  152531. "professional savings bank lipp jules professional rlis t lk office cms"
  152532. ],
  152533. [
  152534. "commodore plaza rlis c nv title curative matter ii cms"
  152535. ],
  152536. [
  152537. "tamiami corporate centre rlis c lk inc cms"
  152538. ],
  152539. [
  152540. "commodore plaza square rlis c lk inc cms"
  152541. ],
  152542. [
  152543. "carey diversified inc cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152544. ],
  152545. [
  152546. "professional savings bank americana associates ltd rlis c lk cms"
  152547. ],
  152548. [
  152549. "first florida equities rlis c lz litigation other ltd cms"
  152550. ],
  152551. [
  152552. "tamiami corporate centre inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152553. ],
  152554. [
  152555. "blue ridge development rlis c lk ltd cms ffe realty inc et al cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152556. ],
  152557. [
  152558. "professional savings bank mitchell james cms a i collectionunsecured r note not classified for dol"
  152559. ],
  152560. [
  152561. "jet stream ltd et al dade rlis c lk countysamda cms"
  152562. ],
  152563. [
  152564. "lake worth willow corporation cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152565. ],
  152566. [
  152567. "commodore plaza square inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152568. ],
  152569. [
  152570. "professional savings bank lake worth willow cms c d contract corporation action"
  152571. ],
  152572. [
  152573. "gong edmond j et al cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152574. ],
  152575. [
  152576. "first florida equities ltd cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152577. ],
  152578. [
  152579. "south florida apts rlis c lk participations cms a b health care services rlis c lk inc cms"
  152580. ],
  152581. [
  152582. "professional savings bank rollnick neil sii rlis c lz litigation other samda cms"
  152583. ],
  152584. [
  152585. "americana associates ltd cms a i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  152586. ],
  152587. [
  152588. "dorsey claude cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152589. ],
  152590. [
  152591. "south fla apartments i ltd rlis c nm title samda nonjudreal prop"
  152592. ],
  152593. [
  152594. "professional savings bank professional office centre cms a i real inc estate not classified for dol"
  152595. ],
  152596. [
  152597. "jet stream ltd rlis c lk samda cms"
  152598. ],
  152599. [
  152600. "ross katalin and cms c i real tim estate not classified for dol firestone marc susie and marc firestone construction co cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152601. ],
  152602. [
  152603. "dorsey huston king and rlis c lz litigation other mitchell cms king rlis c ln suit on promissory shepard cms note"
  152604. ],
  152605. [
  152606. "professional savings bank ffe realty inc et rlis c ln suit on promissory al cms note"
  152607. ],
  152608. [
  152609. "firestone marc sue ellen rlis c ln suit on promissory note"
  152610. ],
  152611. [
  152612. "advice of leased rlis c nz nonlitigation other equipment cms rva corporation cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152613. ],
  152614. [
  152615. "south florida apts i ltd rlis c lk samda cms a b health care services inc cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152616. ],
  152617. [
  152618. "professional savings bank firestone marc susie rlis c ln suit on promissory marc firestone const co cms note"
  152619. ],
  152620. [
  152621. "alvarez rafael and clara cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152622. ],
  152623. [
  152624. "riggs ronald kathy cms a as ch asset secured"
  152625. ],
  152626. [
  152627. "rollnick neil sii rlis t lz litigation other samda cms"
  152628. ],
  152629. [
  152630. "professional savings bank caltex ltd and cms a n other ongoing non kovens litigation matter or project"
  152631. ],
  152632. [
  152633. "gronden ma individually cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152634. ],
  152635. [
  152636. "braden inc oakland lakworth cms a n sale of assets"
  152637. ],
  152638. [
  152639. "professional savings bank lake forest park inc cms a n other ongoing non litigation matter or project"
  152640. ],
  152641. [
  152642. "mitchell james rlis c ln suit on promissory r cms note"
  152643. ],
  152644. [
  152645. "south florida apts participations cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152646. ],
  152647. [
  152648. "professional savings bank stern alvin betty cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152649. ],
  152650. [
  152651. "south florida apts rlis t participations presamda cms overseas group inc cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  152652. ],
  152653. [
  152654. "huston tom rlis c ln suit on promissory jr cms note lipp jules professional rlis c lk office centre inc cms"
  152655. ],
  152656. [
  152657. "real estate rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary advice cms matter professional savings bank kovens roz rlis c ln suit on promissory cal cms note"
  152658. ],
  152659. [
  152660. "jet stream ltd cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152661. ],
  152662. [
  152663. "rollneck neil s i cms a i collectionsecured asset matter"
  152664. ],
  152665. [
  152666. "professional savings bank martinez hiram martinez mercedes and martinez hiram jr cms a d suit against association"
  152667. ],
  152668. [
  152669. "gronden ma individually cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152670. ],
  152671. [
  152672. "jet stream ltd cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152673. ],
  152674. [
  152675. "professional savings bank riggs ronad cms a as ch asset kathy secured"
  152676. ],
  152677. [
  152678. "investment trust assoc corp and carlos and laura del valle cms a i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  152679. ],
  152680. [
  152681. "dorsey rlis c lk claude cms jet stream ltd rlis t lk presamda cms"
  152682. ],
  152683. [
  152684. "canet enterprises s a cms a i real estate not classified for dol"
  152685. ],
  152686. [
  152687. "professional savings bank girona cms a i collectionunsecured analia note not classified for dol"
  152688. ],
  152689. [
  152690. "enterprises rlis c lk sa cms"
  152691. ],
  152692. [
  152693. "financial planning insurance corporation cms a i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152694. ],
  152695. [
  152696. "carnival robert rlis c lk a cms"
  152697. ],
  152698. [
  152699. "professional savings bank kimmel harold p libuse r rlis c ln suit on promissory bus lock stock cms note"
  152700. ],
  152701. [
  152702. "royal palm federal savings loan auto service center rlis c nd asset sale real assoc jacksonvilleclosing samda property"
  152703. ],
  152704. [
  152705. "rtc resolution trust corporation commercial auctions general rlis c nz nonlitigation other"
  152706. ],
  152707. [
  152708. "executive powers of attorney rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary recording account cms matter review of sale docs finance docs rlis c ne bulk sale loansservicing"
  152709. ],
  152710. [
  152711. "rtc resolution trust corporation purity farms examine title reports rlis c ns rtc matters"
  152712. ],
  152713. [
  152714. "savers fs la quails bluff associates limited et al cms i i collectionsecured major asset"
  152715. ],
  152716. [
  152717. "security federal s l assoc bragg henry a and roxanne m cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152718. ],
  152719. [
  152720. "security federal s l assoc myhre lewis o iii and linda cms c i real m estate not classified for dol"
  152721. ],
  152722. [
  152723. "security homestead fed sav assoc vinh to cms i i real loi estate not classified for dol asset conversion inc cms i i real estate asset matter"
  152724. ],
  152725. [
  152726. "diedrich darby l rlis c lk kathryn cms"
  152727. ],
  152728. [
  152729. "security s la harder hall properties sale cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  152730. ],
  152731. [
  152732. "florida dept of revenue cms a n researchopinion"
  152733. ],
  152734. [
  152735. "harder hall hotel cms a n workoutnegotiationdocum entation"
  152736. ],
  152737. [
  152738. "southern federal bank for savings barrow jr joseph susan cms c n non"
  152739. ],
  152740. [
  152741. "wilson ronald and vinnie asset cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152742. ],
  152743. [
  152744. "whitehead terry f and rhonda f whitehead cms c i real estate not classified for dol"
  152745. ],
  152746. [
  152747. "southwest savings association sandshore investors cms a i other professional inc liability"
  152748. ],
  152749. [
  152750. "sandshore investors inc rlis c nz nonlitigation other southwest cms"
  152751. ],
  152752. [
  152753. "sovereign savings bank receivership termination rlis c nh corporationsubsidiary sovereign savings bank matter state bank of commerce levine holly a cms c i personal property asset matter"
  152754. ],
  152755. [
  152756. "sun s la hes prince manor apts rlis c nc asset sale personal closing property sunbelt reagin james richard o ingman v fdicc james e reagin cms c d suit agst fdic corp seeking equitabledec relief"
  152757. ],
  152758. [
  152759. "sunbelt prfm inc sunbelt savings v cms c i real prfm inc et estate asset matter al"
  152760. ],
  152761. [
  152762. "myers pineridgeinc sunbelt savings fsb v myers pine ridge inc et al cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152763. ],
  152764. [
  152765. "sunbelt savings ward vada j miani phillip n cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  152766. ],
  152767. [
  152768. "sunbelt savings palm beach tax collectorbch tax cases cms a i tax suit not classified for dol"
  152769. ],
  152770. [
  152771. "semadeni david vs brazilian court innkeepers inc sunbelt cms a d suit against association"
  152772. ],
  152773. [
  152774. "clayton charley cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  152775. ],
  152776. [
  152777. "sunbelt savings aguirre ha sandra cms a d mixed august kr jr albert collateraldefensive a"
  152778. ],
  152779. [
  152780. "hedges robert d irene cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  152781. ],
  152782. [
  152783. "aquirre henry s sunbelt vs brazilia court inn cms a i action based on tort not classified dol"
  152784. ],
  152785. [
  152786. "colfer richard rlis c lk j cms larson virginia rlis c lk a cms"
  152787. ],
  152788. [
  152789. "sunbelt savings poveda cms a i mixed antonio collateral not classfor dol"
  152790. ],
  152791. [
  152792. "broberg peter s as ancillary pr of chatterjee cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  152793. ],
  152794. [
  152795. "cozumel apartments cms a n real estate matters other than foreclosures"
  152796. ],
  152797. [
  152798. "sunbelt savings pinebrook lake club ltd cms a d mixed collateraldefensive"
  152799. ],
  152800. [
  152801. "colfer richard j cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  152802. ],
  152803. [
  152804. "notman john s aarons david r cms a i mixed collateral not classfor dol"
  152805. ],
  152806. [
  152807. "miles elaine p rlis c lk cms summit savings vs downey rlis c lk daniel cms"
  152808. ],
  152809. [
  152810. "vito cardace unit c rlis c nd asset sale real brazilian court hotel property"
  152811. ],
  152812. [
  152813. "palm beach tax collectorbch rlis c nm tax case cms nonjudreal prop"
  152814. ],
  152815. [
  152816. "sunbelt savings poveda rlis c lk antonio cms"
  152817. ],
  152818. [
  152819. "clayton rlis c lk charley cms"
  152820. ],
  152821. [
  152822. "cozumel rlis c nd asset sale real apartments cms property"
  152823. ],
  152824. [
  152825. "hedges robert d rlis c lk irene cms ward vada j miani phillip n rlis c lk"
  152826. ],
  152827. [
  152828. "pinebrook lake club rlis c lk ltd cms sunbelt savings kanzler rlis c lk ernest cms"
  152829. ],
  152830. [
  152831. "notman john s aarons david r rlis c lz litigation other"
  152832. ],
  152833. [
  152834. "rosa angelo miriam see rlis c lk comments cms conboy james unit c brazilian court hotel rlis c nd asset sale real property"
  152835. ],
  152836. [
  152837. "aguirre ha sandra august rlis c lk kr jr albert a cms coe rlis c lg contract actionother broberg cms than ln"
  152838. ],
  152839. [
  152840. "d k henney unit b brazilian rlis c nd asset sale real court hotel property error rlis e lk"
  152841. ],
  152842. [
  152843. "huzella t r rlis c lk cms aguirre henry s sunbelt vs rlis c lf civil fraud brazilian court inn cms"
  152844. ],
  152845. [
  152846. "chatterjee estate of chitta rlis c lk ranjan alo cms hrf associates investment group rlis c lk"
  152847. ],
  152848. [
  152849. "figueroa sergio rlis c lk v cms sunrisebeach federal glass tower florist fdic v unit sunrise towers cms c i action contract not prom note asset matter"
  152850. ],
  152851. [
  152852. "kuchinsky gerald fdic v unit sunrise towers ore asset cms c i action contract not prom note asset matter"
  152853. ],
  152854. [
  152855. "royal american holidays fdic v units sunrise towers cms c i action contract not prom note asset matter"
  152856. ],
  152857. [
  152858. "sunrisebeach federal sunrise towers kuchinsky cms c i action contract not gerald unit ev asset prom note asset matter"
  152859. ],
  152860. [
  152861. "glass tower florist fdic v unit sunrise towers cms c i action contract not prom note asset matter"
  152862. ],
  152863. [
  152864. "pendry vs topps construction inc cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152865. ],
  152866. [
  152867. "the county bank fd furniture design inc constantopolous john stylli cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152868. ],
  152869. [
  152870. "blair james cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152871. ],
  152872. [
  152873. "strong builders inc hamilton t a pa cms c i personal property"
  152874. ],
  152875. [
  152876. "the county bank stapleton steven w teresa cms c d action against fdic a corporateseeking damages"
  152877. ],
  152878. [
  152879. "guffey elton r marcelle c daniel n june cms c i personal property"
  152880. ],
  152881. [
  152882. "preuss werner waugh charles morton goldbert trustee cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152883. ],
  152884. [
  152885. "the county bank hermes n morton goldberg trustee interlaken assoc ltd cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152886. ],
  152887. [
  152888. "ellenton land cattle co inc cms c i personal property"
  152889. ],
  152890. [
  152891. "hager james cms c i collectionunsecured note asset matter"
  152892. ],
  152893. [
  152894. "the county bank bender dexter and cms c i real heidi estate asset matter"
  152895. ],
  152896. [
  152897. "ameristar properties inc medwid gary cms c i collectionsecured asset matter"
  152898. ],
  152899. [
  152900. "vanzant marcus j cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152901. ],
  152902. [
  152903. "the county bank c r corporation of tampa richard glenn salley john and wilda cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152904. ],
  152905. [
  152906. "kasten bettina cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152907. ],
  152908. [
  152909. "floyd edward cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152910. ],
  152911. [
  152912. "the county bank general file holland cms c n other ongoing non knight litigation matter or project"
  152913. ],
  152914. [
  152915. "martin juanita fay rich ernest t cms c i collectionunsecured note not classified for dol"
  152916. ],
  152917. [
  152918. "north elizabeth anne vs ckt investments cms c i personal property"
  152919. ],
  152920. [
  152921. "the county bank crosslands savings fsla hajimihalis n k gardner k cms c d action against fdic corporateseeking damages"
  152922. ],
  152923. [
  152924. "clark john r cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152925. ],
  152926. [
  152927. "regency court assoc taylor wayne sandra may thomas cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152928. ],
  152929. [
  152930. "the county bank shepard carl cms c i real dora estate asset matter"
  152931. ],
  152932. [
  152933. "cielinski john r cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152934. ],
  152935. [
  152936. "hutcherson arthur r ca cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152937. ],
  152938. [
  152939. "the county bank waterwayschastain waterways ltd cms c i real estate"
  152940. ],
  152941. [
  152942. "light donald and linda cms c d real estatedefensive"
  152943. ],
  152944. [
  152945. "bond ninian v cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152946. ],
  152947. [
  152948. "williams robert l marilyn j cms c i collectionnote contingency fee"
  152949. ],
  152950. [
  152951. "allen jr george patricia tubelino tony phyllis a cms c i personal property"
  152952. ],
  152953. [
  152954. "the county bank corns kenneth cms c i collectionunsecured note"
  152955. ],
  152956. [
  152957. "beacon utility corp colony land title corp cms c i real estate asset matter"
  152958. ],
  152959. [
  152960. "angelos anthony g cms c i collectionsecured note not classified for dol"
  152961. ],
  152962. [
  152963. "the first federal association westover warehouse w rlis e nm melbourne error nonjudreal prop"
  152964. ],
  152965. [
  152966. "colonial professional center uepalm bay brevard rlis e nm nonjudreal prop"
  152967. ],
  152968. [
  152969. "butler plaza brcassilberry seminole county rlis c ng bulk sale real property"
  152970. ],
  152971. [
  152972. "john rodis commerce center ud melbourne brevard rlis e nm nonjudreal prop"
  152973. ],
  152974. [
  152975. "the first federal association national industrial park orlando orange county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  152976. ],
  152977. [
  152978. "john rodis commerce center ud melbourne brevard rlis e nm nonjudreal prop"
  152979. ],
  152980. [
  152981. "kirby conlan land palm bay brevard county rlis e nm nonjudreal prop"
  152982. ],
  152983. [
  152984. "colonial professional center uwpalm bay brevard rlis e nm nonjudreal prop"
  152985. ],
  152986. [
  152987. "the first federal association fashion square orlando rlis c nm orange county nonjudreal prop"
  152988. ],
  152989. [
  152990. "bay professional centerub palm bay brevard cnty rlis e nm nonjudreal prop"
  152991. ],
  152992. [
  152993. "colonial professional cenetr uepalm bay brevard rlis e nm nonjudreal prop"
  152994. ],
  152995. [
  152996. "the trust bank roberto garciaesquerro as cms c i real trustee estate asset matter"
  152997. ],
  152998. [
  152999. "the trust bank covent michael j md pa cms c i real and estate asset matter catherine"
  153000. ],
  153001. [
  153002. "diaz ramon gloria sebna v cms c d real estatedefensive"
  153003. ],
  153004. [
  153005. "falcon george and aleida cms c i personal prop not class for dol"
  153006. ],
  153007. [
  153008. "the trust bank ballesteros eugenio and maria cms c i real estate major asset"
  153009. ],
  153010. [
  153011. "transohio fsb kingsoxford rlis c nq loan settlement workoutrestructstlmnt"
  153012. ],
  153013. [
  153014. "rios adelaisys m rlis t lk"
  153015. ],
  153016. [
  153017. "trustbank fsb leyva santiago rlis t lk"
  153018. ],
  153019. [
  153020. "united fsa of iowa borgard stuart h connie d rlis c lj forecls pers propreplev"
  153021. ],
  153022. [
  153023. "united savings bank stuart h and connie d rlis c lk borgaro cms burgard stuart h and connie d cms a i collectionsecured asset matter"
  153024. ],
  153025. [
  153026. "united savings of america county line saloon rlis c nm melbourne brevard county nonjudreal prop united savings of america aal car indian harbor bch brevard county rlis c nm nonjudreal prop"
  153027. ],
  153028. [
  153029. "vernon fslamontfort sa administration services cms c s ch inc secured"
  153030. ],
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  153032. "overseas investment recovery corp v vernon cms c i action contract not prom note major asset"
  153033. ],
  153034. [
  153035. "vernon fslamontfort sa sand lake associates cms c s ch ltd secured"
  153036. ],
  153037. [
  153038. "overseas properties inc cms c s ch secured"
  153039. ],
  153040. [
  153041. "sl associates ltd cms c s ch secured"
  153042. ],
  153043. [
  153044. "vision banc savings association sandshore investors inc cms a i other professional liability"
  153045. ],
  153046. [
  153047. "sandshore investors inc rlis c nz nonlitigation other vision banc cms western savings loan mangrum garry lee marcia cms a as ch asset denise secured"
  153048. ],
  153049. [
  153050. "unum life insurance cms c i suit for indemnification not classified for dol"
  153051. ],
  153052. [
  153053. "park bank university development inc circuit court hillsborough ctyriverlachen cms c"
  153054. ],
  153055. [
  153056. "no retention code found matter bedl blake v bedl et al cms c"
  153057. ],
  153058. [
  153059. "no retention code found matter"
  153060. ]
  153061. ]
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  153116. [
  153117. "rtc matters",
  153118. "rtc matters",
  153119. "265924150",
  153120. "265924150",
  153121. "rtc matters,rtc matters,265924150,265924150"
  153122. ],
  153123. [
  153124. "sportclips",
  153125. "brochure on company",
  153126. "406256046",
  153127. "406256046",
  153128. "sportclips,brochure on company,406256046,406256046"
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  153130. [
  153131. "fdic--lee county",
  153132. "nan",
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  153134. "bj6447",
  153135. "fdic--lee county,nan,tcf0018007,bj6447"
  153136. ],
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  153139. "nan",
  153140. "tcf0018090",
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  153142. "rtc procedure manuel,nan,tcf0018090,bp1778"
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  153144. [
  153145. "rtc procedure manuel",
  153146. "nan",
  153147. "tcf0018091",
  153148. "bp1779",
  153149. "rtc procedure manuel,nan,tcf0018091,bp1779"
  153150. ],
  153151. [
  153152. "bingham richard",
  153153. "fdic- mort frclsr",
  153154. "tcf0018600",
  153155. "aj5201",
  153156. "bingham richard,fdic- mort frclsr,tcf0018600,aj5201"
  153157. ],
  153158. [
  153159. "brandon state bank",
  153160. "remote facility 1974-fdic",
  153161. "tcf0018844",
  153162. "aj5449",
  153163. "brandon state bank,remote facility 1974-fdic,tcf0018844,aj5449"
  153164. ],
  153165. [
  153166. "fdic disallowances",
  153167. "nan",
  153168. "tcf0019032",
  153169. "bp8075",
  153170. "fdic disallowances,nan,tcf0019032,bp8075"
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  153173. "rtc franklin savings",
  153174. "commonwealth",
  153175. "tcf0019033",
  153176. "bp8105",
  153177. "rtc franklin savings,commonwealth,tcf0019033,bp8105"
  153178. ],
  153179. [
  153180. "rtc seminars",
  153181. "nan",
  153182. "tcf0019034",
  153183. "bp8111",
  153184. "rtc seminars,nan,tcf0019034,bp8111"
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  153188. "nan",
  153189. "tcf0019035",
  153190. "bp8112",
  153191. "rtc misc. files,nan,tcf0019035,bp8112"
  153192. ],
  153193. [
  153194. "rtc centrust comm. bank",
  153195. "nan",
  153196. "tcf0019036",
  153197. "bp8113",
  153198. "rtc centrust comm. bank,nan,tcf0019036,bp8113"
  153199. ],
  153200. [
  153201. "rtc freedom fed. yorkstown",
  153202. "nan",
  153203. "tcf0019037",
  153204. "bp8114",
  153205. "rtc freedom fed. yorkstown,nan,tcf0019037,bp8114"
  153206. ],
  153207. [
  153208. "rtc altus fed. buena vista",
  153209. "nan",
  153210. "tcf0019038",
  153211. "bp8115",
  153212. "rtc altus fed. buena vista,nan,tcf0019038,bp8115"
  153213. ],
  153214. [
  153215. "rtc gen. & misc.",
  153216. "nan",
  153217. "tcf0019039",
  153218. "bp8116",
  153219. "rtc gen. & misc.,nan,tcf0019039,bp8116"
  153220. ],
  153221. [
  153222. "rtc conflict waivers",
  153223. "nan",
  153224. "tcf0019040",
  153225. "bp8117",
  153226. "rtc conflict waivers,nan,tcf0019040,bp8117"
  153227. ],
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  153230. "ijf pencil file",
  153231. "d1715",
  153232. "d1715",
  153233. "fdic,ijf pencil file,d1715,d1715"
  153234. ],
  153235. [
  153236. "jon k. stage",
  153237. "misc. pencil files",
  153238. "28001189",
  153239. "d363",
  153240. "jon k. stage,misc. pencil files,28001189,d363"
  153241. ],
  153242. [
  153243. "fdic",
  153244. "rtc - correspondence",
  153245. "d545",
  153246. "d545",
  153247. "fdic,rtc - correspondence,d545,d545"
  153248. ],
  153249. [
  153250. "toberman adv rtc",
  153251. "nan",
  153252. "fws0042381",
  153253. "231",
  153254. "toberman adv rtc,nan,fws0042381,231"
  153255. ],
  153256. [
  153257. "nan",
  153258. "nan",
  153259. "233254208",
  153260. "899",
  153261. "nan,nan,233254208,899"
  153262. ],
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  153264. "nan",
  153265. "nan",
  153266. "233258197",
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  153272. "nan",
  153273. "233255522",
  153274. "2277",
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  153277. [
  153278. "nan",
  153279. "nan",
  153280. "489400692",
  153281. "2568",
  153282. "nan,nan,489400692,2568"
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  153284. [
  153285. "nan",
  153286. "nan",
  153287. "489400617",
  153288. "2577",
  153289. "nan,nan,489400617,2577"
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  153293. "nan",
  153294. "233259280",
  153295. "2768",
  153296. "nan,nan,233259280,2768"
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  153300. "nan",
  153301. "489400694",
  153302. "3105",
  153303. "nan,nan,489400694,3105"
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  153328. "nan",
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  153330. "3314",
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  153334. "nan",
  153335. "nan",
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  153350. "8292",
  153351. "8292",
  153352. "rtc,general file,8292,8292"
  153353. ],
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  153356. "general file",
  153357. "8345",
  153358. "8345",
  153359. "rtc/first nat'l bank,general file,8345,8345"
  153360. ],
  153361. [
  153362. "judd, kenni",
  153363. "pencil file",
  153364. "8436",
  153365. "8436",
  153366. "judd, kenni,pencil file,8436,8436"
  153367. ],
  153368. [
  153369. "rtc/commmonwealth",
  153370. "fr. conservator to recei",
  153371. "8785",
  153372. "8785",
  153373. "rtc/commmonwealth,fr. conservator to recei,8785,8785"
  153374. ],
  153375. [
  153376. "miscellaneous files",
  153377. "-",
  153378. "8833",
  153379. "8833",
  153380. "miscellaneous files,-,8833,8833"
  153381. ],
  153382. [
  153383. "kelly hopkins rtc",
  153384. "general info. files",
  153385. "8824",
  153386. "8824",
  153387. "kelly hopkins rtc,general info. files,8824,8824"
  153388. ],
  153389. [
  153390. "rtc purchase/assumption",
  153391. "-",
  153392. "8821",
  153393. "8821",
  153394. "rtc purchase/assumption,-,8821,8821"
  153395. ],
  153396. [
  153397. "rtc/bell federal",
  153398. "-",
  153399. "8810",
  153400. "8810",
  153401. "rtc/bell federal,-,8810,8810"
  153402. ],
  153403. [
  153404. "rtc/hollywood federal",
  153405. "general",
  153406. "8874",
  153407. "8874",
  153408. "rtc/hollywood federal,general,8874,8874"
  153409. ],
  153410. [
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  153412. "general file",
  153413. "8874",
  153414. "8874",
  153415. "rtc/bell federal,general file,8874,8874"
  153416. ],
  153417. [
  153418. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  153419. "general",
  153420. "8874",
  153421. "8874",
  153422. "rtc/commonwealth federal,general,8874,8874"
  153423. ],
  153424. [
  153425. "rtc (pencil file)",
  153426. "-",
  153427. "9488",
  153428. "9488",
  153429. "rtc (pencil file),-,9488,9488"
  153430. ],
  153431. [
  153432. "rtc/ bell federal",
  153433. "status reports",
  153434. "9488",
  153435. "9488",
  153436. "rtc/ bell federal,status reports,9488,9488"
  153437. ],
  153438. [
  153439. "rtc",
  153440. "misc file",
  153441. "9570",
  153442. "9570",
  153443. "rtc,misc file,9570,9570"
  153444. ],
  153445. [
  153446. "rtc annual reports",
  153447. "rtc annual reports",
  153448. "9570",
  153449. "9570",
  153450. "rtc annual reports,rtc annual reports,9570,9570"
  153451. ],
  153452. [
  153453. "rtc/commonwealth",
  153454. "chapnik",
  153455. "9702",
  153456. "9702",
  153457. "rtc/commonwealth,chapnik,9702,9702"
  153458. ],
  153459. [
  153460. "rtc/commonwealth",
  153461. "chapnik",
  153462. "9703",
  153463. "9703",
  153464. "rtc/commonwealth,chapnik,9703,9703"
  153465. ],
  153466. [
  153467. "shorewood financial",
  153468. "dispute w/rtc",
  153469. "9954",
  153470. "9954",
  153471. "shorewood financial,dispute w/rtc,9954,9954"
  153472. ],
  153473. [
  153474. "rtc/commonwealth",
  153475. "harmony lakes",
  153476. "10303",
  153477. "10303",
  153478. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10303,10303"
  153479. ],
  153480. [
  153481. "rtc/commonwealth",
  153482. "harmony lakes",
  153483. "10304",
  153484. "10304",
  153485. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10304,10304"
  153486. ],
  153487. [
  153488. "rtc/commonwealth",
  153489. "harmony lakes",
  153490. "10305",
  153491. "10305",
  153492. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10305,10305"
  153493. ],
  153494. [
  153495. "rtc/commonwealth",
  153496. "harmony lakes",
  153497. "10306",
  153498. "10306",
  153499. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10306,10306"
  153500. ],
  153501. [
  153502. "fdic v. chase manhatten",
  153503. "fdic v. chase manhatten",
  153504. "68174781",
  153505. "4043",
  153506. "fdic v. chase manhatten,fdic v. chase manhatten,68174781,4043"
  153507. ],
  153508. [
  153509. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus",
  153510. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus",
  153511. "68174885",
  153512. "5007",
  153513. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus,jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus,68174885,5007"
  153514. ],
  153515. [
  153516. "fdic",
  153517. "rtc",
  153518. "89231736",
  153519. "1273",
  153520. "fdic,rtc,89231736,1273"
  153521. ],
  153522. [
  153523. "david metzger",
  153524. "general",
  153525. "489254772",
  153526. "789-20161",
  153527. "david metzger,general,489254772,789-20161"
  153528. ],
  153529. [
  153530. "david metzger",
  153531. "general",
  153532. "489254772",
  153533. "789-20161",
  153534. "david metzger,general,489254772,789-20161"
  153535. ],
  153536. [
  153537. "david metzger",
  153538. "general",
  153539. "489254772",
  153540. "789-20161",
  153541. "david metzger,general,489254772,789-20161"
  153542. ],
  153543. [
  153544. "s. powell",
  153545. "general",
  153546. "489254761",
  153547. "789-20181",
  153548. "s. powell,general,489254761,789-20181"
  153549. ],
  153550. [
  153551. "k st. files",
  153552. "general",
  153553. "489692297",
  153554. "798-4312",
  153555. "k st. files,general,489692297,798-4312"
  153556. ],
  153557. [
  153558. "old wilkes artis files",
  153559. "loading dock files",
  153560. "489614386",
  153561. "789-26682",
  153562. "old wilkes artis files,loading dock files,489614386,789-26682"
  153563. ],
  153564. [
  153565. "old wilkes artis files",
  153566. "loading dock files",
  153567. "489614391",
  153568. "789-26683",
  153569. "old wilkes artis files,loading dock files,489614391,789-26683"
  153570. ],
  153571. [
  153572. "intellectual properties",
  153573. "general",
  153574. "489263247",
  153575. "1000510589",
  153576. "intellectual properties,general,489263247,1000510589"
  153577. ],
  153578. [
  153579. "bob's sanitary service, inc.",
  153580. "hartvig v. bob's sanitary service (howard-cooper bkrtcy)",
  153581. "130790005",
  153582. "nan",
  153583. "bob's sanitary service, inc.,hartvig v. bob's sanitary service (howard-cooper bkrtcy),130790005,nan"
  153584. ],
  153585. [
  153586. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  153587. "fslic takeover",
  153588. "op01178426",
  153589. "394958769",
  153590. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic takeover,op01178426,394958769"
  153591. ],
  153592. [
  153593. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  153594. "fslic-final submittal",
  153595. "op01178438",
  153596. "394958781",
  153597. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic-final submittal,op01178438,394958781"
  153598. ],
  153599. [
  153600. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  153601. "fslic-application",
  153602. "op01178438",
  153603. "394958781",
  153604. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic-application,op01178438,394958781"
  153605. ],
  153606. [
  153607. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  153608. "fslic-reserves",
  153609. "op01178438",
  153610. "394958781",
  153611. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic-reserves,op01178438,394958781"
  153612. ],
  153613. [
  153614. "chicago title insurance co.",
  153615. "fdic v. anthony marina, et al",
  153616. "753996415",
  153617. "nan",
  153618. "chicago title insurance co.,fdic v. anthony marina, et al,753996415,nan"
  153619. ],
  153620. [
  153621. "chicago title insurance co.",
  153622. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  153623. "753996251",
  153624. "nan",
  153625. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  153626. ],
  153627. [
  153628. "chicago title insurance co.",
  153629. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  153630. "753996251",
  153631. "nan",
  153632. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  153633. ],
  153634. [
  153635. "chicago title insurance co.",
  153636. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  153637. "753996251",
  153638. "nan",
  153639. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  153640. ],
  153641. [
  153642. "chicago title insurance co.",
  153643. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  153644. "753996251",
  153645. "nan",
  153646. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  153647. ],
  153648. [
  153649. "chicago title insurance co.",
  153650. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  153651. "753996251",
  153652. "nan",
  153653. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  153654. ],
  153655. [
  153656. "linvatec, inc.",
  153657. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  153658. "tcf0006406",
  153659. "ao0387",
  153660. "linvatec, inc.,negotiations w/ birtcher corp.,tcf0006406,ao0387"
  153661. ],
  153662. [
  153663. "linvatec, inc.",
  153664. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  153665. "tcf0006406",
  153666. "ao0387",
  153667. "linvatec, inc.,negotiations w/ birtcher corp.,tcf0006406,ao0387"
  153668. ],
  153669. [
  153670. "linvatec, inc.",
  153671. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  153672. "tcf0006406",
  153673. "ao0387",
  153674. "linvatec, inc.,negotiations w/ birtcher corp.,tcf0006406,ao0387"
  153675. ],
  153676. [
  153677. "western union",
  153678. "lawsuit against orlandi valuta",
  153679. "489521073",
  153680. "412437",
  153681. "western union,lawsuit against orlandi valuta,489521073,412437"
  153682. ],
  153683. [
  153684. "rayonier ibew shortchange arb",
  153685. "transcript of proceedings",
  153686. "225368101",
  153687. "225368101",
  153688. "rayonier ibew shortchange arb,transcript of proceedings,225368101,225368101"
  153689. ],
  153690. [
  153691. "rayoiner ibew shortchange",
  153692. "1980 neg minutes",
  153693. "225368101",
  153694. "225368101",
  153695. "rayoiner ibew shortchange,1980 neg minutes,225368101,225368101"
  153696. ],
  153697. [
  153698. "county bank, the",
  153699. "fdic call reports x-28002-69",
  153700. "tcf0005238",
  153701. "ag3895",
  153702. "county bank, the,fdic call reports x-28002-69,tcf0005238,ag3895"
  153703. ],
  153704. [
  153705. "county bank, the",
  153706. "fdic examination",
  153707. "tcf0005239",
  153708. "ag3896",
  153709. "county bank, the,fdic examination,tcf0005239,ag3896"
  153710. ],
  153711. [
  153712. "county bank, the",
  153713. "fdic call reports x-28002-69",
  153714. "tcf0005239",
  153715. "ag3896",
  153716. "county bank, the,fdic call reports x-28002-69,tcf0005239,ag3896"
  153717. ],
  153718. [
  153719. "beaver/skertchly",
  153720. "general",
  153721. "502418775",
  153722. "nan",
  153723. "beaver/skertchly,general,502418775,nan"
  153724. ],
  153725. [
  153726. "american express company",
  153727. "masvidal v. doj & american express company",
  153728. "727770748",
  153729. "nan",
  153730. "american express company,masvidal v. doj & american express company,727770748,nan"
  153731. ],
  153732. [
  153733. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  153734. "artcraft neon sign co, inc.",
  153735. "tcf0004025",
  153736. "ac1103",
  153737. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla,artcraft neon sign co, inc.,tcf0004025,ac1103"
  153738. ],
  153739. [
  153740. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  153741. "artcraft sign co, inc.",
  153742. "tcf0004026",
  153743. "ac1105",
  153744. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla,artcraft sign co, inc.,tcf0004026,ac1105"
  153745. ],
  153746. [
  153747. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  153748. "fdic insured accounts",
  153749. "tcf0004125",
  153750. "ac2676",
  153751. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla,fdic insured accounts,tcf0004125,ac2676"
  153752. ],
  153753. [
  153754. "personal",
  153755. "shapiro, mark l.",
  153756. "542994654",
  153757. "424677",
  153758. "personal,shapiro, mark l.,542994654,424677"
  153759. ],
  153760. [
  153761. "personal",
  153762. "detwiler, harry r.",
  153763. "625580652",
  153764. "191860",
  153765. "personal,detwiler, harry r.,625580652,191860"
  153766. ],
  153767. [
  153768. "personal",
  153769. "gonzalez, alex m.",
  153770. "500477538",
  153771. "nan",
  153772. "personal,gonzalez, alex m.,500477538,nan"
  153773. ],
  153774. [
  153775. "personal",
  153776. "hart, damon p.",
  153777. "14059410",
  153778. "nan",
  153779. "personal,hart, damon p.,14059410,nan"
  153780. ],
  153781. [
  153782. "personal",
  153783. "pritchard, john f.",
  153784. "632022678",
  153785. "nan",
  153786. "personal,pritchard, john f.,632022678,nan"
  153787. ],
  153788. [
  153789. "personal",
  153790. "wright, steven",
  153791. "679024054",
  153792. "nan",
  153793. "personal,wright, steven,679024054,nan"
  153794. ],
  153795. [
  153796. "personal",
  153797. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  153798. "769663743",
  153799. "nan",
  153800. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  153801. ],
  153802. [
  153803. "personal",
  153804. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  153805. "769663743",
  153806. "nan",
  153807. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  153808. ],
  153809. [
  153810. "personal",
  153811. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  153812. "769663743",
  153813. "nan",
  153814. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  153815. ],
  153816. [
  153817. "personal",
  153818. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  153819. "769663743",
  153820. "nan",
  153821. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  153822. ],
  153823. [
  153824. "personal",
  153825. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  153826. "769666056",
  153827. "nan",
  153828. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769666056,nan"
  153829. ],
  153830. [
  153831. "personal",
  153832. "rojas, edward j.",
  153833. "632026698",
  153834. "nan",
  153835. "personal,rojas, edward j.,632026698,nan"
  153836. ],
  153837. [
  153838. "personal",
  153839. "friedman, peter m.",
  153840. "active file",
  153841. "nan",
  153842. "personal,friedman, peter m.,active file,nan"
  153843. ],
  153844. [
  153845. "rtc memos",
  153846. "nan",
  153847. "dsj005051",
  153848. "30-096",
  153849. "rtc memos,nan,dsj005051,30-096"
  153850. ],
  153851. [
  153852. "suntrust bank, tampa bay",
  153853. "federal deposit insurance",
  153854. "tcf0006496",
  153855. "ao7476",
  153856. "suntrust bank, tampa bay,federal deposit insurance,tcf0006496,ao7476"
  153857. ],
  153858. [
  153859. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.",
  153860. "defense of negligence claims",
  153861. "625579905",
  153862. "63575",
  153863. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.,defense of negligence claims,625579905,63575"
  153864. ],
  153865. [
  153866. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.",
  153867. "defense of negligence claims",
  153868. "625588061",
  153869. "23400",
  153870. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.,defense of negligence claims,625588061,23400"
  153871. ],
  153872. [
  153873. "penner, joseph",
  153874. "general matters",
  153875. "tcf0006805",
  153876. "ap9076",
  153877. "penner, joseph,general matters,tcf0006805,ap9076"
  153878. ],
  153879. [
  153880. "penner, joseph",
  153881. "f.d.i.c./ $500,000 junior lien",
  153882. "tcf0007332",
  153883. "aq1244",
  153884. "penner, joseph,f.d.i.c./ $500,000 junior lien,tcf0007332,aq1244"
  153885. ],
  153886. [
  153887. "hsbc bank usa national association",
  153888. "rtl trust loan",
  153889. "166833891",
  153890. "166833891",
  153891. "hsbc bank usa national association,rtl trust loan,166833891,166833891"
  153892. ],
  153893. [
  153894. "wachovia bank, national association",
  153895. "the graham companies",
  153896. "672027528",
  153897. "13416936",
  153898. "wachovia bank, national association,the graham companies,672027528,13416936"
  153899. ],
  153900. [
  153901. "northern trust, na n/k/a the northern tr",
  153902. "claims by jorge v. guzman",
  153903. "652602968",
  153904. "13373568",
  153905. "northern trust, na n/k/a the northern tr,claims by jorge v. guzman,652602968,13373568"
  153906. ],
  153907. [
  153908. "governors bank",
  153909. "fdic report of exam",
  153910. "tcf0010299",
  153911. "bg0985",
  153912. "governors bank,fdic report of exam,tcf0010299,bg0985"
  153913. ],
  153914. [
  153915. "margolis, david r.",
  153916. "claim against resolution trust",
  153917. "76651711",
  153918. "5015",
  153919. "margolis, david r.,claim against resolution trust,76651711,5015"
  153920. ],
  153921. [
  153922. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford",
  153923. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford",
  153924. "348025344",
  153925. "348025344",
  153926. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford,beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford,348025344,348025344"
  153927. ],
  153928. [
  153929. "beal bank",
  153930. "appeal - vs. irwin and marcia sherwin",
  153931. "348866813",
  153932. "348866813",
  153933. "beal bank,appeal - vs. irwin and marcia sherwin,348866813,348866813"
  153934. ],
  153935. [
  153936. "beal bank",
  153937. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  153938. "68175221",
  153939. "3086",
  153940. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  153941. ],
  153942. [
  153943. "beal bank",
  153944. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  153945. "68175221",
  153946. "3086",
  153947. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  153948. ],
  153949. [
  153950. "beal bank",
  153951. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  153952. "68175221",
  153953. "3086",
  153954. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  153955. ],
  153956. [
  153957. "beal bank",
  153958. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  153959. "68175221",
  153960. "3086",
  153961. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  153962. ],
  153963. [
  153964. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000",
  153965. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000",
  153966. "dsn008442",
  153967. "1117",
  153968. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000,rtc mortgage gary $900,000,dsn008442,1117"
  153969. ],
  153970. [
  153971. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary",
  153972. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary",
  153973. "dsn008442",
  153974. "1117",
  153975. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary,rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary,dsn008442,1117"
  153976. ],
  153977. [
  153978. "snyder, walter & patricia",
  153979. "adv. rtc",
  153980. "76651761",
  153981. "99594",
  153982. "snyder, walter & patricia,adv. rtc,76651761,99594"
  153983. ],
  153984. [
  153985. "machado, gus",
  153986. "general",
  153987. "727771867",
  153988. "nan",
  153989. "machado, gus,general,727771867,nan"
  153990. ],
  153991. [
  153992. "acowf investments, inc.",
  153993. "proposed purchase from fdic",
  153994. "tcf0003894",
  153995. "ab7995",
  153996. "acowf investments, inc.,proposed purchase from fdic,tcf0003894,ab7995"
  153997. ],
  153998. [
  153999. "rickert properties",
  154000. "palm grove village mobile home",
  154001. "737260738",
  154002. "22920",
  154003. "rickert properties,palm grove village mobile home,737260738,22920"
  154004. ],
  154005. [
  154006. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  154007. "bank acquisition & holding",
  154008. "tcf0004753",
  154009. "ae0743",
  154010. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004753,ae0743"
  154011. ],
  154012. [
  154013. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  154014. "bank acquisition & holding",
  154015. "tcf0004754",
  154016. "ae0744",
  154017. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004754,ae0744"
  154018. ],
  154019. [
  154020. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  154021. "bank acquisition & holding",
  154022. "tcf0004755",
  154023. "ae0745",
  154024. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004755,ae0745"
  154025. ],
  154026. [
  154027. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  154028. "bank acquisition & holding",
  154029. "tcf0004755",
  154030. "ae0745",
  154031. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004755,ae0745"
  154032. ],
  154033. [
  154034. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  154035. "bank acquisition & holding",
  154036. "tcf0004755",
  154037. "ae0745",
  154038. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004755,ae0745"
  154039. ],
  154040. [
  154041. "ameribank",
  154042. "motion-relief from bankruptcy",
  154043. "tcf0003905",
  154044. "ab8006",
  154045. "ameribank,motion-relief from bankruptcy,tcf0003905,ab8006"
  154046. ],
  154047. [
  154048. "ameribank",
  154049. "memorandum of understanding",
  154050. "tcf0007088",
  154051. "aq0575",
  154052. "ameribank,memorandum of understanding,tcf0007088,aq0575"
  154053. ],
  154054. [
  154055. "sunbelt savings, fsb",
  154056. "pine brook lake club, ltd.",
  154057. "tcf0008831",
  154058. "ay2060",
  154059. "sunbelt savings, fsb,pine brook lake club, ltd.,tcf0008831,ay2060"
  154060. ],
  154061. [
  154062. "sunbelt savings, fsb",
  154063. "henry aguirre suit",
  154064. "tcf0010798",
  154065. "bj8465",
  154066. "sunbelt savings, fsb,henry aguirre suit,tcf0010798,bj8465"
  154067. ],
  154068. [
  154069. "campbell soup company",
  154070. "v. alco products, inc.",
  154071. "725753735",
  154072. "nan",
  154073. "campbell soup company,v. alco products, inc.,725753735,nan"
  154074. ],
  154075. [
  154076. "blank rome llp",
  154077. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  154078. "625584128",
  154079. "22958",
  154080. "blank rome llp,fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,,625584128,22958"
  154081. ],
  154082. [
  154083. "blank rome llp",
  154084. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  154085. "753990304",
  154086. "nan",
  154087. "blank rome llp,fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,,753990304,nan"
  154088. ],
  154089. [
  154090. "blank rome llp",
  154091. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  154092. "753990304",
  154093. "nan",
  154094. "blank rome llp,fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,,753990304,nan"
  154095. ],
  154096. [
  154097. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  154098. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  154099. "753996387",
  154100. "nan",
  154101. "lyon metal products, inc.,v. sharon l. & james h.,753996387,nan"
  154102. ],
  154103. [
  154104. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  154105. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  154106. "753996387",
  154107. "nan",
  154108. "lyon metal products, inc.,v. sharon l. & james h.,753996387,nan"
  154109. ],
  154110. [
  154111. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  154112. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  154113. "753996387",
  154114. "nan",
  154115. "lyon metal products, inc.,v. sharon l. & james h.,753996387,nan"
  154116. ],
  154117. [
  154118. "baltimore federal financial",
  154119. "vs. cambridge creek dev. corp.",
  154120. "tcf0008586",
  154121. "aw8075",
  154122. "baltimore federal financial,vs. cambridge creek dev. corp.,tcf0008586,aw8075"
  154123. ],
  154124. [
  154125. "federal deposit insurance company",
  154126. "v. coast federal bank co.",
  154127. "411011494",
  154128. "box 94-139",
  154129. "federal deposit insurance company,v. coast federal bank co.,411011494,box 94-139"
  154130. ],
  154131. [
  154132. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154133. "general matters",
  154134. "564515034",
  154135. "2000-376",
  154136. "federal deposit insurance corp,general matters,564515034,2000-376"
  154137. ],
  154138. [
  154139. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154140. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154141. "753996268",
  154142. "nan",
  154143. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154144. ],
  154145. [
  154146. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154147. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154148. "753996268",
  154149. "nan",
  154150. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154151. ],
  154152. [
  154153. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154154. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154155. "753996268",
  154156. "nan",
  154157. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154158. ],
  154159. [
  154160. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154161. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154162. "753996268",
  154163. "nan",
  154164. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154165. ],
  154166. [
  154167. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154168. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154169. "753996268",
  154170. "nan",
  154171. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154172. ],
  154173. [
  154174. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154175. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154176. "753996268",
  154177. "nan",
  154178. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154179. ],
  154180. [
  154181. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154182. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154183. "753996268",
  154184. "nan",
  154185. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154186. ],
  154187. [
  154188. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  154189. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  154190. "753996268",
  154191. "nan",
  154192. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  154193. ],
  154194. [
  154195. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154196. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  154197. "tcf0005235",
  154198. "ag3892",
  154199. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,john e fowler vs sar manco inc,tcf0005235,ag3892"
  154200. ],
  154201. [
  154202. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154203. "general matters",
  154204. "tcf0005245",
  154205. "ag3912",
  154206. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,general matters,tcf0005245,ag3912"
  154207. ],
  154208. [
  154209. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154210. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154211. "tcf0005502",
  154212. "ah5158",
  154213. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005502,ah5158"
  154214. ],
  154215. [
  154216. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154217. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154218. "tcf0005502",
  154219. "ah5158",
  154220. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005502,ah5158"
  154221. ],
  154222. [
  154223. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154224. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154225. "tcf0005503",
  154226. "ah5159",
  154227. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  154228. ],
  154229. [
  154230. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154231. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154232. "tcf0005503",
  154233. "ah5159",
  154234. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  154235. ],
  154236. [
  154237. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154238. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154239. "tcf0005503",
  154240. "ah5159",
  154241. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  154242. ],
  154243. [
  154244. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154245. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154246. "tcf0005503",
  154247. "ah5159",
  154248. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  154249. ],
  154250. [
  154251. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154252. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154253. "tcf0005503",
  154254. "ah5159",
  154255. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  154256. ],
  154257. [
  154258. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154259. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154260. "tcf0005503",
  154261. "ah5159",
  154262. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  154263. ],
  154264. [
  154265. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154266. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154267. "tcf0005503",
  154268. "ah5159",
  154269. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  154270. ],
  154271. [
  154272. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154273. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154274. "tcf0005504",
  154275. "ah5160",
  154276. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  154277. ],
  154278. [
  154279. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154280. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154281. "tcf0005504",
  154282. "ah5160",
  154283. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  154284. ],
  154285. [
  154286. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154287. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154288. "tcf0005504",
  154289. "ah5160",
  154290. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  154291. ],
  154292. [
  154293. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154294. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154295. "tcf0005504",
  154296. "ah5160",
  154297. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  154298. ],
  154299. [
  154300. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154301. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  154302. "tcf0005673",
  154303. "aj4474",
  154304. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,john e fowler vs sar manco inc,tcf0005673,aj4474"
  154305. ],
  154306. [
  154307. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154308. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  154309. "tcf0005679",
  154310. "aj4482",
  154311. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,john e fowler vs sar manco inc,tcf0005679,aj4482"
  154312. ],
  154313. [
  154314. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154315. "vs. university development",
  154316. "tcf0005760",
  154317. "aj9330",
  154318. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. university development,tcf0005760,aj9330"
  154319. ],
  154320. [
  154321. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154322. "sale of parcel \"c\" - black",
  154323. "tcf0006020",
  154324. "ak9759",
  154325. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,sale of parcel \"c\" - black,tcf0006020,ak9759"
  154326. ],
  154327. [
  154328. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154329. "vs national waterbeds of tampa",
  154330. "tcf0007068",
  154331. "aq0555",
  154332. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs national waterbeds of tampa,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  154333. ],
  154334. [
  154335. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154336. "vs. harry c. teague - plaza",
  154337. "tcf0007068",
  154338. "aq0555",
  154339. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. harry c. teague - plaza,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  154340. ],
  154341. [
  154342. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154343. "vs. silvernail mirror & glass,",
  154344. "tcf0007068",
  154345. "aq0555",
  154346. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. silvernail mirror & glass,,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  154347. ],
  154348. [
  154349. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154350. "vs. quality bag, inc.",
  154351. "tcf0007068",
  154352. "aq0555",
  154353. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. quality bag, inc.,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  154354. ],
  154355. [
  154356. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154357. "vs. quality bag, inc.",
  154358. "tcf0007068",
  154359. "aq0555",
  154360. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. quality bag, inc.,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  154361. ],
  154362. [
  154363. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154364. "vs. william e. mcnatt &",
  154365. "tcf0007069",
  154366. "aq0556",
  154367. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. william e. mcnatt &,tcf0007069,aq0556"
  154368. ],
  154369. [
  154370. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154371. "vs. university development,",
  154372. "tcf0007069",
  154373. "aq0556",
  154374. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. university development,,tcf0007069,aq0556"
  154375. ],
  154376. [
  154377. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154378. "vs. university development,",
  154379. "tcf0007069",
  154380. "aq0556",
  154381. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. university development,,tcf0007069,aq0556"
  154382. ],
  154383. [
  154384. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154385. "title ins. re sale of borrow",
  154386. "tcf0007072",
  154387. "aq0559",
  154388. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,title ins. re sale of borrow,tcf0007072,aq0559"
  154389. ],
  154390. [
  154391. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154392. "vs. william e. mcnatt &",
  154393. "tcf0007072",
  154394. "aq0559",
  154395. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. william e. mcnatt &,tcf0007072,aq0559"
  154396. ],
  154397. [
  154398. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154399. "park bank vs premack research",
  154400. "tcf0007102",
  154401. "aq0589",
  154402. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,park bank vs premack research,tcf0007102,aq0589"
  154403. ],
  154404. [
  154405. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154406. "proposed representation",
  154407. "tcf0007102",
  154408. "aq0589",
  154409. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,proposed representation,tcf0007102,aq0589"
  154410. ],
  154411. [
  154412. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154413. "vs. harold jordan kelley, sr.",
  154414. "tcf0007120",
  154415. "aq0607",
  154416. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. harold jordan kelley, sr.,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  154417. ],
  154418. [
  154419. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154420. "adv. home federal bank of fla.",
  154421. "tcf0007120",
  154422. "aq0607",
  154423. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. home federal bank of fla.,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  154424. ],
  154425. [
  154426. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154427. "james clarke vs jack b sellers",
  154428. "tcf0007120",
  154429. "aq0607",
  154430. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,james clarke vs jack b sellers,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  154431. ],
  154432. [
  154433. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154434. "joseph moore vs jack b sellers",
  154435. "tcf0007120",
  154436. "aq0607",
  154437. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,joseph moore vs jack b sellers,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  154438. ],
  154439. [
  154440. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154441. "vs. justice oaks ii, ltd.",
  154442. "tcf0007120",
  154443. "aq0607",
  154444. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. justice oaks ii, ltd.,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  154445. ],
  154446. [
  154447. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154448. "vs. jerry e. coone",
  154449. "tcf0007155",
  154450. "aq0642",
  154451. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. jerry e. coone,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  154452. ],
  154453. [
  154454. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154455. "adv. home federal",
  154456. "tcf0007155",
  154457. "aq0642",
  154458. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. home federal,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  154459. ],
  154460. [
  154461. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154462. "adv. goldome savings bank",
  154463. "tcf0007155",
  154464. "aq0642",
  154465. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. goldome savings bank,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  154466. ],
  154467. [
  154468. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154469. "adv. style craft homes, inc.",
  154470. "tcf0007155",
  154471. "aq0642",
  154472. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. style craft homes, inc.,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  154473. ],
  154474. [
  154475. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154476. "title ins. - univ. dev.",
  154477. "tcf0007156",
  154478. "aq0643",
  154479. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,title ins. - univ. dev.,tcf0007156,aq0643"
  154480. ],
  154481. [
  154482. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154483. "vs. seaside motel/longboat key",
  154484. "tcf0007156",
  154485. "aq0643",
  154486. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. seaside motel/longboat key,tcf0007156,aq0643"
  154487. ],
  154488. [
  154489. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154490. "fdic adv. davis water & fdic",
  154491. "tcf0007251",
  154492. "aq1163",
  154493. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic adv. davis water & fdic,tcf0007251,aq1163"
  154494. ],
  154495. [
  154496. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154497. "vs. atrium, ltd. (park bank)",
  154498. "tcf0007251",
  154499. "aq1163",
  154500. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. atrium, ltd. (park bank),tcf0007251,aq1163"
  154501. ],
  154502. [
  154503. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154504. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  154505. "tcf0007278",
  154506. "aq1190",
  154507. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic & park real property adv.,tcf0007278,aq1190"
  154508. ],
  154509. [
  154510. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154511. "fdic adv. davis water & fdic",
  154512. "tcf0007278",
  154513. "aq1190",
  154514. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic adv. davis water & fdic,tcf0007278,aq1190"
  154515. ],
  154516. [
  154517. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154518. "vs. john robert & ethel",
  154519. "tcf0007280",
  154520. "aq1192",
  154521. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. john robert & ethel,tcf0007280,aq1192"
  154522. ],
  154523. [
  154524. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154525. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154526. "tcf0007283",
  154527. "aq1195",
  154528. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0007283,aq1195"
  154529. ],
  154530. [
  154531. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154532. "vs. catherine j. balmer",
  154533. "tcf0007283",
  154534. "aq1195",
  154535. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. catherine j. balmer,tcf0007283,aq1195"
  154536. ],
  154537. [
  154538. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154539. "vs. atrium, ltd.",
  154540. "tcf0007283",
  154541. "aq1195",
  154542. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. atrium, ltd.,tcf0007283,aq1195"
  154543. ],
  154544. [
  154545. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154546. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  154547. "tcf0007284",
  154548. "aq1196",
  154549. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0007284,aq1196"
  154550. ],
  154551. [
  154552. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154553. "vs. catherine j. balmer",
  154554. "tcf0007284",
  154555. "aq1196",
  154556. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. catherine j. balmer,tcf0007284,aq1196"
  154557. ],
  154558. [
  154559. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154560. "vs. atrium, ltd.",
  154561. "tcf0007284",
  154562. "aq1196",
  154563. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. atrium, ltd.,tcf0007284,aq1196"
  154564. ],
  154565. [
  154566. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154567. "rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.",
  154568. "tcf0007563",
  154569. "as4781",
  154570. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.,tcf0007563,as4781"
  154571. ],
  154572. [
  154573. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154574. "rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.",
  154575. "tcf0007563",
  154576. "as4781",
  154577. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.,tcf0007563,as4781"
  154578. ],
  154579. [
  154580. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154581. "james & joyce condrack",
  154582. "tcf0007637",
  154583. "au1227",
  154584. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,james & joyce condrack,tcf0007637,au1227"
  154585. ],
  154586. [
  154587. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154588. "vs. hartney, neil & nancy",
  154589. "tcf0007657",
  154590. "au1248",
  154591. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. hartney, neil & nancy,tcf0007657,au1248"
  154592. ],
  154593. [
  154594. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154595. "kerr-mcgee chemical corp. vs.",
  154596. "tcf0007657",
  154597. "au1248",
  154598. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,kerr-mcgee chemical corp. vs.,tcf0007657,au1248"
  154599. ],
  154600. [
  154601. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154602. "vs. james c. & joyce condrack",
  154603. "tcf0007662",
  154604. "au1253",
  154605. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. james c. & joyce condrack,tcf0007662,au1253"
  154606. ],
  154607. [
  154608. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154609. "vs. j. c. c. company, et al",
  154610. "tcf0007662",
  154611. "au1253",
  154612. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. j. c. c. company, et al,tcf0007662,au1253"
  154613. ],
  154614. [
  154615. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154616. "adv. style craft homes, inc.",
  154617. "tcf0007662",
  154618. "au1253",
  154619. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. style craft homes, inc.,tcf0007662,au1253"
  154620. ],
  154621. [
  154622. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154623. "vs. bonds- gaylor, inc.",
  154624. "tcf0007669",
  154625. "au1260",
  154626. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. bonds- gaylor, inc.,tcf0007669,au1260"
  154627. ],
  154628. [
  154629. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154630. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  154631. "tcf0007669",
  154632. "au1260",
  154633. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic & park real property adv.,tcf0007669,au1260"
  154634. ],
  154635. [
  154636. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154637. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  154638. "tcf0007669",
  154639. "au1260",
  154640. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic & park real property adv.,tcf0007669,au1260"
  154641. ],
  154642. [
  154643. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154644. "vs. ronald a. roeske",
  154645. "tcf0007670",
  154646. "au1261",
  154647. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. ronald a. roeske,tcf0007670,au1261"
  154648. ],
  154649. [
  154650. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154651. "vs haute cuisine, inc. d/b/a",
  154652. "tcf0007975",
  154653. "au5747",
  154654. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs haute cuisine, inc. d/b/a,tcf0007975,au5747"
  154655. ],
  154656. [
  154657. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154658. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  154659. "tcf0007979",
  154660. "au5751",
  154661. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &,tcf0007979,au5751"
  154662. ],
  154663. [
  154664. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154665. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  154666. "tcf0007979",
  154667. "au5751",
  154668. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &,tcf0007979,au5751"
  154669. ],
  154670. [
  154671. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154672. "title ins. re sale to",
  154673. "tcf0007979",
  154674. "au5751",
  154675. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,title ins. re sale to,tcf0007979,au5751"
  154676. ],
  154677. [
  154678. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154679. "sale of prop. in hills. to",
  154680. "tcf0007979",
  154681. "au5751",
  154682. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,sale of prop. in hills. to,tcf0007979,au5751"
  154683. ],
  154684. [
  154685. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154686. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  154687. "tcf0007980",
  154688. "au5752",
  154689. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &,tcf0007980,au5752"
  154690. ],
  154691. [
  154692. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154693. "defense of fdic against robert",
  154694. "tcf0008378",
  154695. "av9532",
  154696. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,defense of fdic against robert,tcf0008378,av9532"
  154697. ],
  154698. [
  154699. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154700. "defense of fdic against robert",
  154701. "tcf0008378",
  154702. "av9532",
  154703. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,defense of fdic against robert,tcf0008378,av9532"
  154704. ],
  154705. [
  154706. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154707. "vs whispering pines properties",
  154708. "tcf0008383",
  154709. "av9539",
  154710. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs whispering pines properties,tcf0008383,av9539"
  154711. ],
  154712. [
  154713. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154714. "vs j. & d. meares a/k/a bell",
  154715. "tcf0008433",
  154716. "aw2913",
  154717. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs j. & d. meares a/k/a bell,tcf0008433,aw2913"
  154718. ],
  154719. [
  154720. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154721. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  154722. "tcf0008452",
  154723. "aw2939",
  154724. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008452,aw2939"
  154725. ],
  154726. [
  154727. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154728. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  154729. "tcf0008456",
  154730. "aw2943",
  154731. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008456,aw2943"
  154732. ],
  154733. [
  154734. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154735. "vs whispering pines properties",
  154736. "tcf0008488",
  154737. "aw4311",
  154738. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs whispering pines properties,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  154739. ],
  154740. [
  154741. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154742. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  154743. "tcf0008640",
  154744. "ax0154",
  154745. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008640,ax0154"
  154746. ],
  154747. [
  154748. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154749. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  154750. "tcf0008642",
  154751. "ax0156",
  154752. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008642,ax0156"
  154753. ],
  154754. [
  154755. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154756. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  154757. "tcf0008643",
  154758. "ax0157",
  154759. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008643,ax0157"
  154760. ],
  154761. [
  154762. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154763. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  154764. "tcf0008646",
  154765. "ax0160",
  154766. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008646,ax0160"
  154767. ],
  154768. [
  154769. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154770. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  154771. "tcf0009472",
  154772. "bd9631",
  154773. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0009472,bd9631"
  154774. ],
  154775. [
  154776. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154777. "vs. albert hoffman",
  154778. "tcf0009615",
  154779. "bf0586",
  154780. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. albert hoffman,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  154781. ],
  154782. [
  154783. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154784. "defense of fdic against robert",
  154785. "tcf0009906",
  154786. "bf2533",
  154787. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,defense of fdic against robert,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  154788. ],
  154789. [
  154790. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154791. "vs. christopher smith",
  154792. "tcf0010038",
  154793. "bg0336",
  154794. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. christopher smith,tcf0010038,bg0336"
  154795. ],
  154796. [
  154797. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154798. "vs. joe holloway, jr., et al",
  154799. "tcf0010125",
  154800. "bg0589",
  154801. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. joe holloway, jr., et al,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  154802. ],
  154803. [
  154804. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154805. "florida national bank vs.",
  154806. "tcf0010125",
  154807. "bg0589",
  154808. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,florida national bank vs.,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  154809. ],
  154810. [
  154811. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154812. "vs. joe holloway, jr., et al",
  154813. "tcf0010160",
  154814. "bg0750",
  154815. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. joe holloway, jr., et al,tcf0010160,bg0750"
  154816. ],
  154817. [
  154818. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  154819. "dennis g. nivens vs skyway inn",
  154820. "tcf0011037",
  154821. "bl2209",
  154822. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,dennis g. nivens vs skyway inn,tcf0011037,bl2209"
  154823. ],
  154824. [
  154825. "paxson enterprises, inc.",
  154826. "confidential",
  154827. "tcf0014156",
  154828. "ce6799",
  154829. "paxson enterprises, inc.,confidential,tcf0014156,ce6799"
  154830. ],
  154831. [
  154832. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154833. "in re albert & jean kaddis",
  154834. "tcf0007285",
  154835. "aq1197",
  154836. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,in re albert & jean kaddis,tcf0007285,aq1197"
  154837. ],
  154838. [
  154839. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154840. "re: bcf associates, ltd.",
  154841. "tcf0007912",
  154842. "au5206",
  154843. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,re: bcf associates, ltd.,tcf0007912,au5206"
  154844. ],
  154845. [
  154846. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154847. "vs. allan & ronald kolsky",
  154848. "tcf0007925",
  154849. "au5220",
  154850. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,vs. allan & ronald kolsky,tcf0007925,au5220"
  154851. ],
  154852. [
  154853. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154854. "general advice",
  154855. "tcf0008647",
  154856. "ax0161",
  154857. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,general advice,tcf0008647,ax0161"
  154858. ],
  154859. [
  154860. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154861. "advice re shore line group,",
  154862. "tcf0009392",
  154863. "bd6345",
  154864. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,advice re shore line group,,tcf0009392,bd6345"
  154865. ],
  154866. [
  154867. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154868. "perdev group of america, inc.",
  154869. "tcf0009392",
  154870. "bd6345",
  154871. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,perdev group of america, inc.,tcf0009392,bd6345"
  154872. ],
  154873. [
  154874. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154875. "kissimmee-osceola plaza, ltd &",
  154876. "tcf0010244",
  154877. "bg0920",
  154878. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,kissimmee-osceola plaza, ltd &,tcf0010244,bg0920"
  154879. ],
  154880. [
  154881. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154882. "title ins. - commonwealth vs.",
  154883. "tcf0010244",
  154884. "bg0920",
  154885. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,title ins. - commonwealth vs.,tcf0010244,bg0920"
  154886. ],
  154887. [
  154888. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  154889. "chapnick, robert j. & brian",
  154890. "51533273",
  154891. "323",
  154892. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,chapnick, robert j. & brian,51533273,323"
  154893. ],
  154894. [
  154895. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154896. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154897. "652544478",
  154898. "118902",
  154899. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652544478,118902"
  154900. ],
  154901. [
  154902. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154903. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154904. "652544478",
  154905. "118902",
  154906. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652544478,118902"
  154907. ],
  154908. [
  154909. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154910. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  154911. "652544478",
  154912. "118902",
  154913. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  154914. ],
  154915. [
  154916. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154917. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  154918. "652544478",
  154919. "118902",
  154920. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  154921. ],
  154922. [
  154923. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154924. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  154925. "652544478",
  154926. "118902",
  154927. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  154928. ],
  154929. [
  154930. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154931. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  154932. "652544478",
  154933. "118902",
  154934. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  154935. ],
  154936. [
  154937. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154938. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  154939. "652544478",
  154940. "118902",
  154941. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  154942. ],
  154943. [
  154944. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154945. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154946. "652551676",
  154947. "118905",
  154948. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652551676,118905"
  154949. ],
  154950. [
  154951. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154952. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154953. "652551676",
  154954. "118905",
  154955. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652551676,118905"
  154956. ],
  154957. [
  154958. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154959. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154960. "89252593",
  154961. "118906",
  154962. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  154963. ],
  154964. [
  154965. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154966. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154967. "89252593",
  154968. "118906",
  154969. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  154970. ],
  154971. [
  154972. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154973. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154974. "89252593",
  154975. "118906",
  154976. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  154977. ],
  154978. [
  154979. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154980. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154981. "89252593",
  154982. "118906",
  154983. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  154984. ],
  154985. [
  154986. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154987. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154988. "89252593",
  154989. "118906",
  154990. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  154991. ],
  154992. [
  154993. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  154994. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  154995. "89252593",
  154996. "118906",
  154997. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  154998. ],
  154999. [
  155000. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155001. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  155002. "89252593",
  155003. "118906",
  155004. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  155005. ],
  155006. [
  155007. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155008. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  155009. "89252593",
  155010. "118906",
  155011. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  155012. ],
  155013. [
  155014. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155015. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  155016. "89252593",
  155017. "118906",
  155018. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  155019. ],
  155020. [
  155021. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155022. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  155023. "89252593",
  155024. "118906",
  155025. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  155026. ],
  155027. [
  155028. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155029. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  155030. "89252593",
  155031. "118906",
  155032. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  155033. ],
  155034. [
  155035. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155036. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  155037. "89252593",
  155038. "118906",
  155039. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  155040. ],
  155041. [
  155042. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155043. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  155044. "89252593",
  155045. "118906",
  155046. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  155047. ],
  155048. [
  155049. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155050. "general matters",
  155051. "489520933",
  155052. "114633",
  155053. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,general matters,489520933,114633"
  155054. ],
  155055. [
  155056. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  155057. "general matters",
  155058. "489520933",
  155059. "114633",
  155060. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,general matters,489520933,114633"
  155061. ],
  155062. [
  155063. "f.d.i.c.-commerce bank of tampa",
  155064. "orlando garcia vs.",
  155065. "tcf0006926",
  155066. "ap9396",
  155067. "f.d.i.c.-commerce bank of tampa,orlando garcia vs.,tcf0006926,ap9396"
  155068. ],
  155069. [
  155070. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155071. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155072. "tcf0007437",
  155073. "aq7333",
  155074. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007437,aq7333"
  155075. ],
  155076. [
  155077. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155078. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155079. "tcf0007437",
  155080. "aq7333",
  155081. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007437,aq7333"
  155082. ],
  155083. [
  155084. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155085. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155086. "tcf0007437",
  155087. "aq7333",
  155088. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007437,aq7333"
  155089. ],
  155090. [
  155091. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155092. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155093. "tcf0007438",
  155094. "aq7334",
  155095. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  155096. ],
  155097. [
  155098. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155099. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155100. "tcf0007438",
  155101. "aq7334",
  155102. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  155103. ],
  155104. [
  155105. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155106. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155107. "tcf0007438",
  155108. "aq7334",
  155109. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  155110. ],
  155111. [
  155112. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155113. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155114. "tcf0007438",
  155115. "aq7334",
  155116. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  155117. ],
  155118. [
  155119. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155120. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155121. "tcf0007438",
  155122. "aq7334",
  155123. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  155124. ],
  155125. [
  155126. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155127. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155128. "tcf0007439",
  155129. "aq7335",
  155130. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007439,aq7335"
  155131. ],
  155132. [
  155133. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155134. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  155135. "tcf0007439",
  155136. "aq7335",
  155137. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007439,aq7335"
  155138. ],
  155139. [
  155140. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155141. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  155142. "tcf0007439",
  155143. "aq7335",
  155144. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007439,aq7335"
  155145. ],
  155146. [
  155147. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155148. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  155149. "tcf0007440",
  155150. "aq7336",
  155151. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007440,aq7336"
  155152. ],
  155153. [
  155154. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155155. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  155156. "tcf0007440",
  155157. "aq7336",
  155158. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007440,aq7336"
  155159. ],
  155160. [
  155161. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155162. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155163. "tcf0007440",
  155164. "aq7336",
  155165. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007440,aq7336"
  155166. ],
  155167. [
  155168. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155169. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155170. "tcf0007441",
  155171. "aq7337",
  155172. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  155173. ],
  155174. [
  155175. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155176. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155177. "tcf0007441",
  155178. "aq7337",
  155179. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  155180. ],
  155181. [
  155182. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155183. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155184. "tcf0007441",
  155185. "aq7337",
  155186. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  155187. ],
  155188. [
  155189. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155190. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155191. "tcf0007441",
  155192. "aq7337",
  155193. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  155194. ],
  155195. [
  155196. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155197. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155198. "tcf0007441",
  155199. "aq7337",
  155200. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  155201. ],
  155202. [
  155203. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155204. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155205. "tcf0007442",
  155206. "aq7338",
  155207. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007442,aq7338"
  155208. ],
  155209. [
  155210. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155211. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155212. "tcf0007442",
  155213. "aq7338",
  155214. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007442,aq7338"
  155215. ],
  155216. [
  155217. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155218. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155219. "tcf0007442",
  155220. "aq7338",
  155221. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007442,aq7338"
  155222. ],
  155223. [
  155224. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155225. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155226. "tcf0007445",
  155227. "aq7341",
  155228. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155229. ],
  155230. [
  155231. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155232. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155233. "tcf0007445",
  155234. "aq7341",
  155235. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155236. ],
  155237. [
  155238. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155239. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155240. "tcf0007445",
  155241. "aq7341",
  155242. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155243. ],
  155244. [
  155245. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155246. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155247. "tcf0007445",
  155248. "aq7341",
  155249. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155250. ],
  155251. [
  155252. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155253. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155254. "tcf0007445",
  155255. "aq7341",
  155256. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155257. ],
  155258. [
  155259. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155260. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155261. "tcf0007445",
  155262. "aq7341",
  155263. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155264. ],
  155265. [
  155266. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155267. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155268. "tcf0007445",
  155269. "aq7341",
  155270. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155271. ],
  155272. [
  155273. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155274. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155275. "tcf0007445",
  155276. "aq7341",
  155277. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  155278. ],
  155279. [
  155280. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155281. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155282. "tcf0007446",
  155283. "aq7342",
  155284. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  155285. ],
  155286. [
  155287. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155288. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155289. "tcf0007446",
  155290. "aq7342",
  155291. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  155292. ],
  155293. [
  155294. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155295. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155296. "tcf0007446",
  155297. "aq7342",
  155298. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  155299. ],
  155300. [
  155301. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155302. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155303. "tcf0007446",
  155304. "aq7342",
  155305. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  155306. ],
  155307. [
  155308. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155309. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155310. "tcf0007446",
  155311. "aq7342",
  155312. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  155313. ],
  155314. [
  155315. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155316. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  155317. "tcf0007447",
  155318. "aq7343",
  155319. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007447,aq7343"
  155320. ],
  155321. [
  155322. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155323. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  155324. "tcf0007447",
  155325. "aq7343",
  155326. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007447,aq7343"
  155327. ],
  155328. [
  155329. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155330. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  155331. "tcf0007447",
  155332. "aq7343",
  155333. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007447,aq7343"
  155334. ],
  155335. [
  155336. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  155337. "orlando i - consolidation",
  155338. "tcf0009458",
  155339. "bd9616",
  155340. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0009458,bd9616"
  155341. ],
  155342. [
  155343. "fisher, h. ashley",
  155344. "fdic application for insurance",
  155345. "tcf0014733",
  155346. "ch5395",
  155347. "fisher, h. ashley,fdic application for insurance,tcf0014733,ch5395"
  155348. ],
  155349. [
  155350. "fisher, h. ashley",
  155351. "fdic application for insurance",
  155352. "tcf0014733",
  155353. "ch5395",
  155354. "fisher, h. ashley,fdic application for insurance,tcf0014733,ch5395"
  155355. ],
  155356. [
  155357. "republic bank",
  155358. "fdic bank examination",
  155359. "tcf0007675",
  155360. "au3137",
  155361. "republic bank,fdic bank examination,tcf0007675,au3137"
  155362. ],
  155363. [
  155364. "pima savings & loan assn.",
  155365. "capri point litigation",
  155366. "653199929",
  155367. "85363",
  155368. "pima savings & loan assn.,capri point litigation,653199929,85363"
  155369. ],
  155370. [
  155371. "drw town & country ltd.",
  155372. "town & country apts., ltd.",
  155373. "737259407",
  155374. "22963",
  155375. "drw town & country ltd.,town & country apts., ltd.,737259407,22963"
  155376. ],
  155377. [
  155378. "holland & knight llp",
  155379. "document production for the irs re rtc files",
  155380. "724104918",
  155381. "sep-20",
  155382. "holland & knight llp,document production for the irs re rtc files,724104918,sep-20"
  155383. ],
  155384. [
  155385. "first housing development corporation of",
  155386. "vogue, ltd. v.",
  155387. "192371406",
  155388. "192371406",
  155389. "first housing development corporation of,vogue, ltd. v.,192371406,192371406"
  155390. ],
  155391. [
  155392. "first housing development corporation of",
  155393. "general corporate matters/",
  155394. "616037823",
  155395. "nan",
  155396. "first housing development corporation of,general corporate matters/,616037823,nan"
  155397. ],
  155398. [
  155399. "rtc-rec commonwealth",
  155400. "international apparel assoc.,",
  155401. "502418819",
  155402. "nan",
  155403. "rtc-rec commonwealth,international apparel assoc.,,502418819,nan"
  155404. ],
  155405. [
  155406. "ocean bank",
  155407. "preowned cars",
  155408. "active file",
  155409. "nan",
  155410. "ocean bank,preowned cars,active file,nan"
  155411. ],
  155412. [
  155413. "ocean bank",
  155414. "assistance with grand jury subpoenas",
  155415. "710614030",
  155416. "47344",
  155417. "ocean bank,assistance with grand jury subpoenas,710614030,47344"
  155418. ],
  155419. [
  155420. "ocean bank",
  155421. "assistance with grand jury subpoenas",
  155422. "726608710",
  155423. "nan",
  155424. "ocean bank,assistance with grand jury subpoenas,726608710,nan"
  155425. ],
  155426. [
  155427. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155428. "vs. seminole electric supply",
  155429. "225349191",
  155430. "225349191",
  155431. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole electric supply,225349191,225349191"
  155432. ],
  155433. [
  155434. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155435. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  155436. "tcf0007302",
  155437. "aq1214",
  155438. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0007302,aq1214"
  155439. ],
  155440. [
  155441. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155442. "vs. thomas n. schwab, jr.,",
  155443. "tcf0007565",
  155444. "as4783",
  155445. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. thomas n. schwab, jr.,,tcf0007565,as4783"
  155446. ],
  155447. [
  155448. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155449. "vs. john q. waters",
  155450. "tcf0007565",
  155451. "as4783",
  155452. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. john q. waters,tcf0007565,as4783"
  155453. ],
  155454. [
  155455. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155456. "vs. ronald d. blakeslee, et al",
  155457. "tcf0007565",
  155458. "as4783",
  155459. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. ronald d. blakeslee, et al,tcf0007565,as4783"
  155460. ],
  155461. [
  155462. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155463. "vs. l. b. frey",
  155464. "tcf0007565",
  155465. "as4783",
  155466. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. l. b. frey,tcf0007565,as4783"
  155467. ],
  155468. [
  155469. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155470. "vs. gary r. arnold",
  155471. "tcf0007565",
  155472. "as4783",
  155473. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. gary r. arnold,tcf0007565,as4783"
  155474. ],
  155475. [
  155476. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155477. "vs. john l. pitcher, et al.",
  155478. "tcf0007572",
  155479. "as4791",
  155480. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. john l. pitcher, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  155481. ],
  155482. [
  155483. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155484. "vs. james r. mcgovern, et al.",
  155485. "tcf0007745",
  155486. "au3215",
  155487. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. james r. mcgovern, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  155488. ],
  155489. [
  155490. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155491. "vs. general engine & equipment",
  155492. "tcf0007852",
  155493. "au4270",
  155494. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. general engine & equipment,tcf0007852,au4270"
  155495. ],
  155496. [
  155497. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155498. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  155499. "tcf0007855",
  155500. "au4273",
  155501. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0007855,au4273"
  155502. ],
  155503. [
  155504. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155505. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  155506. "tcf0007855",
  155507. "au4273",
  155508. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0007855,au4273"
  155509. ],
  155510. [
  155511. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155512. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  155513. "tcf0008331",
  155514. "av9089",
  155515. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0008331,av9089"
  155516. ],
  155517. [
  155518. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155519. "sale of parcels at rolling",
  155520. "tcf0008346",
  155521. "av9118",
  155522. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,sale of parcels at rolling,tcf0008346,av9118"
  155523. ],
  155524. [
  155525. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155526. "in re house of doors, inc.",
  155527. "tcf0008363",
  155528. "av9511",
  155529. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,in re house of doors, inc.,tcf0008363,av9511"
  155530. ],
  155531. [
  155532. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155533. "vs. s. w. fein & virginia",
  155534. "tcf0008378",
  155535. "av9532",
  155536. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. s. w. fein & virginia,tcf0008378,av9532"
  155537. ],
  155538. [
  155539. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155540. "vs. pen lumber site",
  155541. "tcf0008488",
  155542. "aw4311",
  155543. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. pen lumber site,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  155544. ],
  155545. [
  155546. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155547. "vs. charles m. banks, jr.",
  155548. "tcf0008488",
  155549. "aw4311",
  155550. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. charles m. banks, jr.,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  155551. ],
  155552. [
  155553. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155554. "vs. gator transportation, inc.",
  155555. "tcf0008651",
  155556. "ax0723",
  155557. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. gator transportation, inc.,tcf0008651,ax0723"
  155558. ],
  155559. [
  155560. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155561. "vs. gator transportation, inc.",
  155562. "tcf0008699",
  155563. "ax1569",
  155564. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. gator transportation, inc.,tcf0008699,ax1569"
  155565. ],
  155566. [
  155567. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155568. "general",
  155569. "tcf0008699",
  155570. "ax1569",
  155571. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,general,tcf0008699,ax1569"
  155572. ],
  155573. [
  155574. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155575. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  155576. "tcf0008840",
  155577. "ay2069",
  155578. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0008840,ay2069"
  155579. ],
  155580. [
  155581. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155582. "loan to k-jon crawfish of",
  155583. "tcf0008859",
  155584. "ay4204",
  155585. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,loan to k-jon crawfish of,tcf0008859,ay4204"
  155586. ],
  155587. [
  155588. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155589. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  155590. "tcf0008996",
  155591. "bc0140",
  155592. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0008996,bc0140"
  155593. ],
  155594. [
  155595. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155596. "vs. a. l. wulfeck",
  155597. "tcf0009058",
  155598. "bc0216",
  155599. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. a. l. wulfeck,tcf0009058,bc0216"
  155600. ],
  155601. [
  155602. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  155603. "franklin development group,",
  155604. "tcf0010125",
  155605. "bg0589",
  155606. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,franklin development group,,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  155607. ],
  155608. [
  155609. "rtc-conser centrust",
  155610. "vs. cricket club & ricardo l.",
  155611. "489520171",
  155612. "49726",
  155613. "rtc-conser centrust,vs. cricket club & ricardo l.,489520171,49726"
  155614. ],
  155615. [
  155616. "turner development corp.",
  155617. "san jacinto savings assn et al",
  155618. "tcf0007907",
  155619. "au5201",
  155620. "turner development corp.,san jacinto savings assn et al,tcf0007907,au5201"
  155621. ],
  155622. [
  155623. "turner development corp.",
  155624. "san jacinto savings assn et al",
  155625. "tcf0008553",
  155626. "aw6812",
  155627. "turner development corp.,san jacinto savings assn et al,tcf0008553,aw6812"
  155628. ],
  155629. [
  155630. "centrust mortgage corporation",
  155631. "merrill lynch mtg. capital,",
  155632. "tcf0008239",
  155633. "av7148",
  155634. "centrust mortgage corporation,merrill lynch mtg. capital,,tcf0008239,av7148"
  155635. ],
  155636. [
  155637. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155638. "capri point litigation",
  155639. "89252571",
  155640. "85360",
  155641. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155642. ],
  155643. [
  155644. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155645. "capri point litigation",
  155646. "89252571",
  155647. "85360",
  155648. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155649. ],
  155650. [
  155651. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155652. "capri point litigation",
  155653. "89252571",
  155654. "85360",
  155655. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155656. ],
  155657. [
  155658. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155659. "capri point litigation",
  155660. "89252571",
  155661. "85360",
  155662. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155663. ],
  155664. [
  155665. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155666. "capri point litigation",
  155667. "89252571",
  155668. "85360",
  155669. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155670. ],
  155671. [
  155672. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155673. "capri point litigation",
  155674. "89252571",
  155675. "85360",
  155676. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155677. ],
  155678. [
  155679. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155680. "capri point litigation",
  155681. "89252571",
  155682. "85360",
  155683. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155684. ],
  155685. [
  155686. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155687. "capri point litigation",
  155688. "89252571",
  155689. "85360",
  155690. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  155691. ],
  155692. [
  155693. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  155694. "capri point litigation",
  155695. "89252559",
  155696. "85364",
  155697. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252559,85364"
  155698. ],
  155699. [
  155700. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155701. "vs. alan & elizabeth louise",
  155702. "tcf0007249",
  155703. "aq1161",
  155704. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. alan & elizabeth louise,tcf0007249,aq1161"
  155705. ],
  155706. [
  155707. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155708. "eviction of james & mary burt,",
  155709. "tcf0007351",
  155710. "aq2280",
  155711. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,eviction of james & mary burt,,tcf0007351,aq2280"
  155712. ],
  155713. [
  155714. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155715. "vs. ronnie & deborah russell",
  155716. "tcf0007564",
  155717. "as4782",
  155718. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. ronnie & deborah russell,tcf0007564,as4782"
  155719. ],
  155720. [
  155721. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155722. "vs. joseph e. & sarah d. hayes",
  155723. "tcf0007735",
  155724. "au3203",
  155725. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. joseph e. & sarah d. hayes,tcf0007735,au3203"
  155726. ],
  155727. [
  155728. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155729. "vs. ralph j. & verna s.",
  155730. "tcf0008332",
  155731. "av9090",
  155732. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. ralph j. & verna s.,tcf0008332,av9090"
  155733. ],
  155734. [
  155735. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155736. "vs. e. w. clifton",
  155737. "tcf0008362",
  155738. "av9510",
  155739. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. e. w. clifton,tcf0008362,av9510"
  155740. ],
  155741. [
  155742. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155743. "vs. gerald & diana denhardt",
  155744. "tcf0008445",
  155745. "aw2930",
  155746. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. gerald & diana denhardt,tcf0008445,aw2930"
  155747. ],
  155748. [
  155749. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155750. "vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice",
  155751. "tcf0008488",
  155752. "aw4311",
  155753. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  155754. ],
  155755. [
  155756. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155757. "vs. ball home service, inc.",
  155758. "tcf0008488",
  155759. "aw4311",
  155760. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. ball home service, inc.,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  155761. ],
  155762. [
  155763. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155764. "vs. curtis & janice weathersby",
  155765. "tcf0008488",
  155766. "aw4311",
  155767. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. curtis & janice weathersby,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  155768. ],
  155769. [
  155770. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155771. "vs. dennis rose",
  155772. "tcf0008488",
  155773. "aw4311",
  155774. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. dennis rose,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  155775. ],
  155776. [
  155777. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155778. "vs. kendall & marsha nix",
  155779. "tcf0008488",
  155780. "aw4311",
  155781. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. kendall & marsha nix,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  155782. ],
  155783. [
  155784. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155785. "robert & shirley terrell",
  155786. "tcf0008892",
  155787. "ay6001",
  155788. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,robert & shirley terrell,tcf0008892,ay6001"
  155789. ],
  155790. [
  155791. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155792. "dennis frank taylor &",
  155793. "tcf0008892",
  155794. "ay6001",
  155795. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,dennis frank taylor &,tcf0008892,ay6001"
  155796. ],
  155797. [
  155798. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155799. "john allison, jr. &",
  155800. "tcf0008893",
  155801. "ay6002",
  155802. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,john allison, jr. &,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  155803. ],
  155804. [
  155805. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155806. "david & deborah dixon,",
  155807. "tcf0008893",
  155808. "ay6002",
  155809. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,david & deborah dixon,,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  155810. ],
  155811. [
  155812. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155813. "title insurance: vs. gerald",
  155814. "tcf0010273",
  155815. "bg0953",
  155816. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,title insurance: vs. gerald,tcf0010273,bg0953"
  155817. ],
  155818. [
  155819. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  155820. "vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice",
  155821. "tcf0010940",
  155822. "bl1506",
  155823. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice,tcf0010940,bl1506"
  155824. ],
  155825. [
  155826. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155827. "vs. sun bank, n.a. &",
  155828. "tcf0007419",
  155829. "aq7311",
  155830. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. sun bank, n.a. &,tcf0007419,aq7311"
  155831. ],
  155832. [
  155833. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155834. "vs. sun bank, n.a. &",
  155835. "tcf0007419",
  155836. "aq7311",
  155837. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. sun bank, n.a. &,tcf0007419,aq7311"
  155838. ],
  155839. [
  155840. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155841. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  155842. "tcf0007487",
  155843. "ar7031",
  155844. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0007487,ar7031"
  155845. ],
  155846. [
  155847. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155848. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  155849. "tcf0007487",
  155850. "ar7031",
  155851. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0007487,ar7031"
  155852. ],
  155853. [
  155854. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155855. "vs. thomas e. strickland",
  155856. "tcf0007572",
  155857. "as4791",
  155858. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. thomas e. strickland,tcf0007572,as4791"
  155859. ],
  155860. [
  155861. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155862. "vs. bruce d. & shelby l. reams",
  155863. "tcf0007576",
  155864. "as4797",
  155865. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. bruce d. & shelby l. reams,tcf0007576,as4797"
  155866. ],
  155867. [
  155868. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155869. "vs. john mincey",
  155870. "tcf0007576",
  155871. "as4797",
  155872. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. john mincey,tcf0007576,as4797"
  155873. ],
  155874. [
  155875. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155876. "vs. john mincey",
  155877. "tcf0007576",
  155878. "as4797",
  155879. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. john mincey,tcf0007576,as4797"
  155880. ],
  155881. [
  155882. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155883. "vs. robert m. & william j.",
  155884. "tcf0007576",
  155885. "as4797",
  155886. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. robert m. & william j.,tcf0007576,as4797"
  155887. ],
  155888. [
  155889. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155890. "vs. gary a. & ruzica waura",
  155891. "tcf0007576",
  155892. "as4797",
  155893. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. gary a. & ruzica waura,tcf0007576,as4797"
  155894. ],
  155895. [
  155896. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155897. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155898. "tcf0007580",
  155899. "as4805",
  155900. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  155901. ],
  155902. [
  155903. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155904. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155905. "tcf0007580",
  155906. "as4805",
  155907. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  155908. ],
  155909. [
  155910. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155911. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155912. "tcf0007580",
  155913. "as4805",
  155914. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  155915. ],
  155916. [
  155917. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155918. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155919. "tcf0007580",
  155920. "as4805",
  155921. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  155922. ],
  155923. [
  155924. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155925. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155926. "tcf0007580",
  155927. "as4805",
  155928. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  155929. ],
  155930. [
  155931. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155932. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155933. "tcf0007580",
  155934. "as4805",
  155935. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  155936. ],
  155937. [
  155938. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155939. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155940. "tcf0007581",
  155941. "au0719",
  155942. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007581,au0719"
  155943. ],
  155944. [
  155945. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155946. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155947. "tcf0007581",
  155948. "au0719",
  155949. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007581,au0719"
  155950. ],
  155951. [
  155952. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155953. "robert r. black, et al.",
  155954. "tcf0007581",
  155955. "au0719",
  155956. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007581,au0719"
  155957. ],
  155958. [
  155959. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155960. "general",
  155961. "tcf0007691",
  155962. "au3154",
  155963. "rtc-conser american pioneer,general,tcf0007691,au3154"
  155964. ],
  155965. [
  155966. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155967. "vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.",
  155968. "tcf0007745",
  155969. "au3215",
  155970. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  155971. ],
  155972. [
  155973. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155974. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  155975. "tcf0008331",
  155976. "av9089",
  155977. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0008331,av9089"
  155978. ],
  155979. [
  155980. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155981. "the atrium apartments, ltd. -",
  155982. "tcf0008346",
  155983. "av9118",
  155984. "rtc-conser american pioneer,the atrium apartments, ltd. -,tcf0008346,av9118"
  155985. ],
  155986. [
  155987. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155988. "steven & kimberly livingston",
  155989. "tcf0008361",
  155990. "av9509",
  155991. "rtc-conser american pioneer,steven & kimberly livingston,tcf0008361,av9509"
  155992. ],
  155993. [
  155994. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  155995. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  155996. "tcf0008364",
  155997. "av9512",
  155998. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0008364,av9512"
  155999. ],
  156000. [
  156001. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156002. "vs. book paradise, inc. d/b/a",
  156003. "tcf0008391",
  156004. "aw2424",
  156005. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. book paradise, inc. d/b/a,tcf0008391,aw2424"
  156006. ],
  156007. [
  156008. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156009. "your attic of clearwater ltd.",
  156010. "tcf0008438",
  156011. "aw2919",
  156012. "rtc-conser american pioneer,your attic of clearwater ltd.,tcf0008438,aw2919"
  156013. ],
  156014. [
  156015. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156016. "robert r. black, et al.",
  156017. "tcf0008569",
  156018. "aw8055",
  156019. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0008569,aw8055"
  156020. ],
  156021. [
  156022. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156023. "vs. carrollwood automotive -",
  156024. "tcf0008570",
  156025. "aw8056",
  156026. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. carrollwood automotive -,tcf0008570,aw8056"
  156027. ],
  156028. [
  156029. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156030. "vs. trico alarm screens of",
  156031. "tcf0008575",
  156032. "aw8061",
  156033. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. trico alarm screens of,tcf0008575,aw8061"
  156034. ],
  156035. [
  156036. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156037. "vs. living water church of",
  156038. "tcf0008609",
  156039. "aw8100",
  156040. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. living water church of,tcf0008609,aw8100"
  156041. ],
  156042. [
  156043. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156044. "vs. david cole - foreclosure",
  156045. "tcf0008893",
  156046. "ay6002",
  156047. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. david cole - foreclosure,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156048. ],
  156049. [
  156050. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156051. "title ins. vs. gary a. &",
  156052. "tcf0008893",
  156053. "ay6002",
  156054. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title ins. vs. gary a. &,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156055. ],
  156056. [
  156057. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156058. "title insurance: david cole",
  156059. "tcf0008893",
  156060. "ay6002",
  156061. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: david cole,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156062. ],
  156063. [
  156064. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156065. "vs. james r. mcgovern et al",
  156066. "tcf0008893",
  156067. "ay6002",
  156068. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. james r. mcgovern et al,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156069. ],
  156070. [
  156071. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156072. "vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.",
  156073. "tcf0008893",
  156074. "ay6002",
  156075. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156076. ],
  156077. [
  156078. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156079. "title insurance: vs. john",
  156080. "tcf0008893",
  156081. "ay6002",
  156082. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: vs. john,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156083. ],
  156084. [
  156085. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156086. "title insurance: vs. john",
  156087. "tcf0008893",
  156088. "ay6002",
  156089. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: vs. john,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156090. ],
  156091. [
  156092. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156093. "title insurance: vs. thomas e.",
  156094. "tcf0008893",
  156095. "ay6002",
  156096. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: vs. thomas e.,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156097. ],
  156098. [
  156099. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156100. "title ins: vs robert & william",
  156101. "tcf0008893",
  156102. "ay6002",
  156103. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title ins: vs robert & william,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156104. ],
  156105. [
  156106. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156107. "title insurance: steven l. &",
  156108. "tcf0008893",
  156109. "ay6002",
  156110. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: steven l. &,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  156111. ],
  156112. [
  156113. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156114. "vs. carrollwood automotive -",
  156115. "tcf0008985",
  156116. "bc0128",
  156117. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. carrollwood automotive -,tcf0008985,bc0128"
  156118. ],
  156119. [
  156120. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156121. "confidential",
  156122. "tcf0009906",
  156123. "bf2533",
  156124. "rtc-conser american pioneer,confidential,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  156125. ],
  156126. [
  156127. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156128. "j-f associates",
  156129. "tcf0010042",
  156130. "bg0344",
  156131. "rtc-conser american pioneer,j-f associates,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  156132. ],
  156133. [
  156134. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  156135. "vs. david cole - foreclosure",
  156136. "tcf0010315",
  156137. "bj1238",
  156138. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. david cole - foreclosure,tcf0010315,bj1238"
  156139. ],
  156140. [
  156141. "cigna securities, inc.",
  156142. "adv. payton f. & edith adams",
  156143. "tcf0009088",
  156144. "bc0250",
  156145. "cigna securities, inc.,adv. payton f. & edith adams,tcf0009088,bc0250"
  156146. ],
  156147. [
  156148. "cigna securities, inc.",
  156149. "curtis w. & dolores jensen",
  156150. "tcf0009102",
  156151. "bc0264",
  156152. "cigna securities, inc.,curtis w. & dolores jensen,tcf0009102,bc0264"
  156153. ],
  156154. [
  156155. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156156. "auction - hillsborough/town &",
  156157. "tcf0006894",
  156158. "ap9361",
  156159. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - hillsborough/town &,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156160. ],
  156161. [
  156162. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156163. "auction - pappas plaza branch/",
  156164. "tcf0006894",
  156165. "ap9361",
  156166. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pappas plaza branch/,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156167. ],
  156168. [
  156169. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156170. "auction - holiday branch",
  156171. "tcf0006894",
  156172. "ap9361",
  156173. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - holiday branch,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156174. ],
  156175. [
  156176. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156177. "auction - pasco/dade city",
  156178. "tcf0006894",
  156179. "ap9361",
  156180. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pasco/dade city,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156181. ],
  156182. [
  156183. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156184. "auction - pasco/new port",
  156185. "tcf0006894",
  156186. "ap9361",
  156187. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pasco/new port,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156188. ],
  156189. [
  156190. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156191. "auction - hernando/the",
  156192. "tcf0006894",
  156193. "ap9361",
  156194. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - hernando/the,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156195. ],
  156196. [
  156197. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156198. "auction - sarasota county -",
  156199. "tcf0006894",
  156200. "ap9361",
  156201. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - sarasota county -,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156202. ],
  156203. [
  156204. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156205. "auction - manatee branch/",
  156206. "tcf0006894",
  156207. "ap9361",
  156208. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - manatee branch/,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156209. ],
  156210. [
  156211. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156212. "auction - pine ridge business",
  156213. "tcf0006894",
  156214. "ap9361",
  156215. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pine ridge business,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156216. ],
  156217. [
  156218. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156219. "auction- northwest parking lot",
  156220. "tcf0006894",
  156221. "ap9361",
  156222. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction- northwest parking lot,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156223. ],
  156224. [
  156225. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156226. "auction - pinellas/roosevelt",
  156227. "tcf0006894",
  156228. "ap9361",
  156229. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pinellas/roosevelt,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  156230. ],
  156231. [
  156232. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156233. "auction - mary dale estates/",
  156234. "tcf0006895",
  156235. "ap9362",
  156236. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - mary dale estates/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  156237. ],
  156238. [
  156239. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156240. "auction - hillsborough/tarpon",
  156241. "tcf0006895",
  156242. "ap9362",
  156243. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - hillsborough/tarpon,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  156244. ],
  156245. [
  156246. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156247. "auction - pinellas/pinellas",
  156248. "tcf0006895",
  156249. "ap9362",
  156250. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pinellas/pinellas,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  156251. ],
  156252. [
  156253. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156254. "auction - punta gorda branch/",
  156255. "tcf0006895",
  156256. "ap9362",
  156257. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - punta gorda branch/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  156258. ],
  156259. [
  156260. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156261. "auction - jetport commerce",
  156262. "tcf0006895",
  156263. "ap9362",
  156264. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - jetport commerce,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  156265. ],
  156266. [
  156267. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156268. "auction - jf assoc/parcel 2/",
  156269. "tcf0006895",
  156270. "ap9362",
  156271. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - jf assoc/parcel 2/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  156272. ],
  156273. [
  156274. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156275. "auction - jf assoc/parcel 4/",
  156276. "tcf0006895",
  156277. "ap9362",
  156278. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - jf assoc/parcel 4/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  156279. ],
  156280. [
  156281. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156282. "tampa office -billable general",
  156283. "tcf0007947",
  156284. "au5245",
  156285. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),tampa office -billable general,tcf0007947,au5245"
  156286. ],
  156287. [
  156288. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156289. "as conservator of yorkwood",
  156290. "tcf0008364",
  156291. "av9512",
  156292. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),as conservator of yorkwood,tcf0008364,av9512"
  156293. ],
  156294. [
  156295. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156296. "auction/ sloan u-lock it",
  156297. "tcf0008694",
  156298. "ax1564",
  156299. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ sloan u-lock it,tcf0008694,ax1564"
  156300. ],
  156301. [
  156302. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156303. "auction/fort pierce outparcel/",
  156304. "tcf0008798",
  156305. "ay2026",
  156306. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/fort pierce outparcel/,tcf0008798,ay2026"
  156307. ],
  156308. [
  156309. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156310. "auction/bradenton river shop",
  156311. "tcf0009073",
  156312. "bc0233",
  156313. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/bradenton river shop,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156314. ],
  156315. [
  156316. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156317. "auction/parsons land/",
  156318. "tcf0009073",
  156319. "bc0233",
  156320. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/parsons land/,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156321. ],
  156322. [
  156323. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156324. "auction/port st lucie car wash",
  156325. "tcf0009073",
  156326. "bc0233",
  156327. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/port st lucie car wash,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156328. ],
  156329. [
  156330. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156331. "auction/riverside estates",
  156332. "tcf0009073",
  156333. "bc0233",
  156334. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/riverside estates,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156335. ],
  156336. [
  156337. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156338. "auction/st. pete 3rd street",
  156339. "tcf0009073",
  156340. "bc0233",
  156341. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/st. pete 3rd street,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156342. ],
  156343. [
  156344. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156345. "auction/ sloan u-lock it",
  156346. "tcf0009073",
  156347. "bc0233",
  156348. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ sloan u-lock it,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156349. ],
  156350. [
  156351. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156352. "auction/south beach branch/",
  156353. "tcf0009073",
  156354. "bc0233",
  156355. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/south beach branch/,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156356. ],
  156357. [
  156358. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156359. "auction/12600 66th street",
  156360. "tcf0009073",
  156361. "bc0233",
  156362. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/12600 66th street,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156363. ],
  156364. [
  156365. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156366. "auction/quail meadows phase 1/",
  156367. "tcf0009073",
  156368. "bc0233",
  156369. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/quail meadows phase 1/,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156370. ],
  156371. [
  156372. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156373. "auction- port charlotte (amer.",
  156374. "tcf0009073",
  156375. "bc0233",
  156376. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction- port charlotte (amer.,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  156377. ],
  156378. [
  156379. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156380. "auction/auto repair facility/",
  156381. "tcf0009204",
  156382. "bd2843",
  156383. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/auto repair facility/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156384. ],
  156385. [
  156386. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156387. "auction - zephyrhills branch",
  156388. "tcf0009204",
  156389. "bd2843",
  156390. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - zephyrhills branch,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156391. ],
  156392. [
  156393. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156394. "auction - sebastian branch",
  156395. "tcf0009204",
  156396. "bd2843",
  156397. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - sebastian branch,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156398. ],
  156399. [
  156400. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156401. "auction/embassy blvd./pasco/",
  156402. "tcf0009204",
  156403. "bd2843",
  156404. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/embassy blvd./pasco/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156405. ],
  156406. [
  156407. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156408. "auction/ miracle mile branch",
  156409. "tcf0009204",
  156410. "bd2843",
  156411. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ miracle mile branch,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156412. ],
  156413. [
  156414. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156415. "auction / forest park condo",
  156416. "tcf0009204",
  156417. "bd2843",
  156418. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction / forest park condo,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156419. ],
  156420. [
  156421. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156422. "auction/brandon land/",
  156423. "tcf0009204",
  156424. "bd2843",
  156425. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/brandon land/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156426. ],
  156427. [
  156428. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156429. "as conservator of yorkwood",
  156430. "tcf0009204",
  156431. "bd2843",
  156432. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),as conservator of yorkwood,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156433. ],
  156434. [
  156435. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156436. "auction/beacon woods/pasco/",
  156437. "tcf0009204",
  156438. "bd2843",
  156439. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/beacon woods/pasco/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  156440. ],
  156441. [
  156442. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156443. "auction/ riverwalk condo",
  156444. "tcf0009288",
  156445. "bd3982",
  156446. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ riverwalk condo,tcf0009288,bd3982"
  156447. ],
  156448. [
  156449. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156450. "auction/107 rome avenue/",
  156451. "tcf0009288",
  156452. "bd3982",
  156453. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/107 rome avenue/,tcf0009288,bd3982"
  156454. ],
  156455. [
  156456. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156457. "auction/tarpon springs/",
  156458. "tcf0010034",
  156459. "bg0332",
  156460. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/tarpon springs/,tcf0010034,bg0332"
  156461. ],
  156462. [
  156463. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156464. "auction/elfers bank branch/",
  156465. "tcf0010078",
  156466. "bg0530",
  156467. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/elfers bank branch/,tcf0010078,bg0530"
  156468. ],
  156469. [
  156470. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156471. "auction/lumber yard/",
  156472. "tcf0010267",
  156473. "bg0946",
  156474. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/lumber yard/,tcf0010267,bg0946"
  156475. ],
  156476. [
  156477. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156478. "auction/cape coral branch/",
  156479. "tcf0010267",
  156480. "bg0946",
  156481. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/cape coral branch/,tcf0010267,bg0946"
  156482. ],
  156483. [
  156484. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156485. "auction/holiday bank branch/",
  156486. "tcf0012731",
  156487. "bq2746",
  156488. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/holiday bank branch/,tcf0012731,bq2746"
  156489. ],
  156490. [
  156491. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156492. "supervision of commercial",
  156493. "tcf0013304",
  156494. "by0775",
  156495. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),supervision of commercial,tcf0013304,by0775"
  156496. ],
  156497. [
  156498. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters",
  156499. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters",
  156500. "348024684",
  156501. "348024684",
  156502. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters,rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters,348024684,348024684"
  156503. ],
  156504. [
  156505. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  156506. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  156507. "348866822",
  156508. "348866822",
  156509. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),348866822,348866822"
  156510. ],
  156511. [
  156512. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  156513. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  156514. "348866853",
  156515. "348866853",
  156516. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),348866853,348866853"
  156517. ],
  156518. [
  156519. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156520. "vs. sandshore investors, inc.",
  156521. "489519820",
  156522. "118754",
  156523. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),vs. sandshore investors, inc.,489519820,118754"
  156524. ],
  156525. [
  156526. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156527. "tampa office -billable general",
  156528. "672031227",
  156529. "191172",
  156530. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),tampa office -billable general,672031227,191172"
  156531. ],
  156532. [
  156533. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  156534. "issuance title ins auction no.",
  156535. "154195940",
  156536. "27215",
  156537. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),issuance title ins auction no.,154195940,27215"
  156538. ],
  156539. [
  156540. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156541. "sale of harder hall hotel",
  156542. "tcf0006920",
  156543. "ap9390",
  156544. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall hotel,tcf0006920,ap9390"
  156545. ],
  156546. [
  156547. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156548. "sale of harder hall hotel",
  156549. "tcf0006920",
  156550. "ap9390",
  156551. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall hotel,tcf0006920,ap9390"
  156552. ],
  156553. [
  156554. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156555. "invest. of prop. develop. at",
  156556. "tcf0007709",
  156557. "au3176",
  156558. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,invest. of prop. develop. at,tcf0007709,au3176"
  156559. ],
  156560. [
  156561. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156562. "division of land sales - claim",
  156563. "tcf0008364",
  156564. "av9512",
  156565. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,division of land sales - claim,tcf0008364,av9512"
  156566. ],
  156567. [
  156568. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156569. "sale of harder hall properties",
  156570. "tcf0008365",
  156571. "av9513",
  156572. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0008365,av9513"
  156573. ],
  156574. [
  156575. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156576. "sale of harder hall properties",
  156577. "tcf0008365",
  156578. "av9513",
  156579. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0008365,av9513"
  156580. ],
  156581. [
  156582. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156583. "sale of harder hall properties",
  156584. "tcf0008366",
  156585. "av9514",
  156586. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0008366,av9514"
  156587. ],
  156588. [
  156589. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156590. "title insurance - sale of",
  156591. "tcf0008366",
  156592. "av9514",
  156593. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,title insurance - sale of,tcf0008366,av9514"
  156594. ],
  156595. [
  156596. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156597. "title insurance - sale of",
  156598. "tcf0008366",
  156599. "av9514",
  156600. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,title insurance - sale of,tcf0008366,av9514"
  156601. ],
  156602. [
  156603. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156604. "sale of harder hall properties",
  156605. "tcf0012782",
  156606. "bq3157",
  156607. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0012782,bq3157"
  156608. ],
  156609. [
  156610. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  156611. "florida dor",
  156612. "542290044",
  156613. "62131",
  156614. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,florida dor,542290044,62131"
  156615. ],
  156616. [
  156617. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156618. "american general home equity",
  156619. "tcf0008378",
  156620. "av9532",
  156621. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,american general home equity,tcf0008378,av9532"
  156622. ],
  156623. [
  156624. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156625. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156626. "tcf0008448",
  156627. "aw2935",
  156628. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008448,aw2935"
  156629. ],
  156630. [
  156631. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156632. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156633. "tcf0008449",
  156634. "aw2936",
  156635. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008449,aw2936"
  156636. ],
  156637. [
  156638. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156639. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156640. "tcf0008450",
  156641. "aw2937",
  156642. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008450,aw2937"
  156643. ],
  156644. [
  156645. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156646. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156647. "tcf0008652",
  156648. "ax0729",
  156649. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008652,ax0729"
  156650. ],
  156651. [
  156652. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156653. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156654. "tcf0008800",
  156655. "ay2028",
  156656. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008800,ay2028"
  156657. ],
  156658. [
  156659. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156660. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156661. "tcf0008801",
  156662. "ay2029",
  156663. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008801,ay2029"
  156664. ],
  156665. [
  156666. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156667. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156668. "tcf0008802",
  156669. "ay2030",
  156670. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008802,ay2030"
  156671. ],
  156672. [
  156673. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156674. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156675. "tcf0008803",
  156676. "ay2031",
  156677. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008803,ay2031"
  156678. ],
  156679. [
  156680. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156681. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156682. "tcf0008804",
  156683. "ay2032",
  156684. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008804,ay2032"
  156685. ],
  156686. [
  156687. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156688. "southtrust of alabama vs.",
  156689. "tcf0009238",
  156690. "bd3752",
  156691. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,southtrust of alabama vs.,tcf0009238,bd3752"
  156692. ],
  156693. [
  156694. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156695. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156696. "tcf0009403",
  156697. "bd6360",
  156698. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009403,bd6360"
  156699. ],
  156700. [
  156701. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156702. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156703. "tcf0009411",
  156704. "bd6368",
  156705. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009411,bd6368"
  156706. ],
  156707. [
  156708. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156709. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156710. "tcf0009435",
  156711. "bd8823",
  156712. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009435,bd8823"
  156713. ],
  156714. [
  156715. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156716. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156717. "tcf0009436",
  156718. "bd8824",
  156719. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009436,bd8824"
  156720. ],
  156721. [
  156722. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156723. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156724. "tcf0009437",
  156725. "bd8825",
  156726. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009437,bd8825"
  156727. ],
  156728. [
  156729. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156730. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156731. "tcf0009438",
  156732. "bd8827",
  156733. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009438,bd8827"
  156734. ],
  156735. [
  156736. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156737. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156738. "tcf0009439",
  156739. "bd8828",
  156740. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009439,bd8828"
  156741. ],
  156742. [
  156743. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156744. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156745. "tcf0009443",
  156746. "bd8832",
  156747. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009443,bd8832"
  156748. ],
  156749. [
  156750. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  156751. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  156752. "tcf0010942",
  156753. "bl1508",
  156754. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0010942,bl1508"
  156755. ],
  156756. [
  156757. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156758. "vs. rafael alvarez, et al.",
  156759. "tcf0007572",
  156760. "as4791",
  156761. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. rafael alvarez, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  156762. ],
  156763. [
  156764. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156765. "general real estate advice",
  156766. "tcf0007984",
  156767. "au5759",
  156768. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general real estate advice,tcf0007984,au5759"
  156769. ],
  156770. [
  156771. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156772. "vs. dundee ridge partners",
  156773. "tcf0007984",
  156774. "au5759",
  156775. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. dundee ridge partners,tcf0007984,au5759"
  156776. ],
  156777. [
  156778. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156779. "vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.",
  156780. "tcf0008476",
  156781. "aw4288",
  156782. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.,tcf0008476,aw4288"
  156783. ],
  156784. [
  156785. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156786. "vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.",
  156787. "tcf0008477",
  156788. "aw4289",
  156789. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.,tcf0008477,aw4289"
  156790. ],
  156791. [
  156792. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156793. "general litigation advice",
  156794. "tcf0008896",
  156795. "ay6005",
  156796. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  156797. ],
  156798. [
  156799. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156800. "daniel gill insurance policy",
  156801. "tcf0008896",
  156802. "ay6005",
  156803. "rtc-conser professional fed.,daniel gill insurance policy,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  156804. ],
  156805. [
  156806. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156807. "bond matters",
  156808. "tcf0008896",
  156809. "ay6005",
  156810. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  156811. ],
  156812. [
  156813. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156814. "semiannual assessment",
  156815. "tcf0008896",
  156816. "ay6005",
  156817. "rtc-conser professional fed.,semiannual assessment,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  156818. ],
  156819. [
  156820. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156821. "vs. braden river partners,",
  156822. "tcf0008896",
  156823. "ay6005",
  156824. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. braden river partners,,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  156825. ],
  156826. [
  156827. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156828. "general corporate advice",
  156829. "skt0013657",
  156830. "253994",
  156831. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general corporate advice,skt0013657,253994"
  156832. ],
  156833. [
  156834. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156835. "bond matters",
  156836. "skt0013657",
  156837. "253994",
  156838. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,skt0013657,253994"
  156839. ],
  156840. [
  156841. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156842. "general litigation advice",
  156843. "652552868",
  156844. "191171",
  156845. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156846. ],
  156847. [
  156848. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156849. "general litigation advice",
  156850. "652552868",
  156851. "191171",
  156852. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156853. ],
  156854. [
  156855. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156856. "general litigation advice",
  156857. "652552868",
  156858. "191171",
  156859. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156860. ],
  156861. [
  156862. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156863. "general litigation advice",
  156864. "652552868",
  156865. "191171",
  156866. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156867. ],
  156868. [
  156869. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156870. "general litigation advice",
  156871. "652552868",
  156872. "191171",
  156873. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156874. ],
  156875. [
  156876. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156877. "general litigation advice",
  156878. "652552868",
  156879. "191171",
  156880. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156881. ],
  156882. [
  156883. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156884. "general litigation advice",
  156885. "652552868",
  156886. "191171",
  156887. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156888. ],
  156889. [
  156890. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156891. "general litigation advice",
  156892. "652552868",
  156893. "191171",
  156894. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  156895. ],
  156896. [
  156897. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156898. "commodore plaza",
  156899. "652553269",
  156900. "50100",
  156901. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553269,50100"
  156902. ],
  156903. [
  156904. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156905. "commodore plaza",
  156906. "652553066",
  156907. "50101",
  156908. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  156909. ],
  156910. [
  156911. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156912. "commodore plaza",
  156913. "652553066",
  156914. "50101",
  156915. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  156916. ],
  156917. [
  156918. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156919. "commodore plaza",
  156920. "652553066",
  156921. "50101",
  156922. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  156923. ],
  156924. [
  156925. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156926. "commodore plaza",
  156927. "652553066",
  156928. "50101",
  156929. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  156930. ],
  156931. [
  156932. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156933. "commodore plaza",
  156934. "652553066",
  156935. "50101",
  156936. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  156937. ],
  156938. [
  156939. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156940. "commodore plaza",
  156941. "652553066",
  156942. "50101",
  156943. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  156944. ],
  156945. [
  156946. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156947. "bond matters",
  156948. "672030837",
  156949. "31136",
  156950. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,672030837,31136"
  156951. ],
  156952. [
  156953. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  156954. "bond matters",
  156955. "672030837",
  156956. "31136",
  156957. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,672030837,31136"
  156958. ],
  156959. [
  156960. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  156961. "vs. jason k. lesser",
  156962. "226543157",
  156963. "226543157",
  156964. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. jason k. lesser,226543157,226543157"
  156965. ],
  156966. [
  156967. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  156968. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  156969. "tcf0007995",
  156970. "au5784",
  156971. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  156972. ],
  156973. [
  156974. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  156975. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  156976. "tcf0007995",
  156977. "au5784",
  156978. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  156979. ],
  156980. [
  156981. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  156982. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  156983. "tcf0007995",
  156984. "au5784",
  156985. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  156986. ],
  156987. [
  156988. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  156989. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  156990. "tcf0007995",
  156991. "au5784",
  156992. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  156993. ],
  156994. [
  156995. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  156996. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  156997. "tcf0007996",
  156998. "au5785",
  156999. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007996,au5785"
  157000. ],
  157001. [
  157002. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157003. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157004. "tcf0007997",
  157005. "au5786",
  157006. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007997,au5786"
  157007. ],
  157008. [
  157009. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157010. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157011. "tcf0007997",
  157012. "au5786",
  157013. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007997,au5786"
  157014. ],
  157015. [
  157016. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157017. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157018. "tcf0007997",
  157019. "au5786",
  157020. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007997,au5786"
  157021. ],
  157022. [
  157023. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157024. "sabal lakes development, inc.",
  157025. "tcf0008585",
  157026. "aw8074",
  157027. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,sabal lakes development, inc.,tcf0008585,aw8074"
  157028. ],
  157029. [
  157030. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157031. "vs. gordon, james a.",
  157032. "tcf0008623",
  157033. "ax0136",
  157034. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. gordon, james a.,tcf0008623,ax0136"
  157035. ],
  157036. [
  157037. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157038. "vs. matthew antell",
  157039. "tcf0008623",
  157040. "ax0136",
  157041. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. matthew antell,tcf0008623,ax0136"
  157042. ],
  157043. [
  157044. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157045. "title work - whitney lake lots",
  157046. "tcf0008906",
  157047. "ay6019",
  157048. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,title work - whitney lake lots,tcf0008906,ay6019"
  157049. ],
  157050. [
  157051. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157052. "vs. jason k. lesser",
  157053. "tcf0009922",
  157054. "bf4221",
  157055. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. jason k. lesser,tcf0009922,bf4221"
  157056. ],
  157057. [
  157058. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157059. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157060. "tcf0010029",
  157061. "bg0312",
  157062. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010029,bg0312"
  157063. ],
  157064. [
  157065. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157066. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157067. "tcf0010029",
  157068. "bg0312",
  157069. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010029,bg0312"
  157070. ],
  157071. [
  157072. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157073. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157074. "tcf0010030",
  157075. "bg0313",
  157076. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010030,bg0313"
  157077. ],
  157078. [
  157079. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157080. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157081. "tcf0010031",
  157082. "bg0314",
  157083. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010031,bg0314"
  157084. ],
  157085. [
  157086. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157087. "vs. shore woods investment",
  157088. "tcf0010078",
  157089. "bg0530",
  157090. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0010078,bg0530"
  157091. ],
  157092. [
  157093. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157094. "sabal lakes development, inc.",
  157095. "tcf0011017",
  157096. "bl1589",
  157097. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,sabal lakes development, inc.,tcf0011017,bl1589"
  157098. ],
  157099. [
  157100. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157101. "vs. shore woods investment",
  157102. "tcf0011442",
  157103. "bp0734",
  157104. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011442,bp0734"
  157105. ],
  157106. [
  157107. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157108. "vs. shore woods investment",
  157109. "tcf0011443",
  157110. "bp0735",
  157111. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011443,bp0735"
  157112. ],
  157113. [
  157114. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157115. "vs. shore woods investment",
  157116. "tcf0011444",
  157117. "bp0736",
  157118. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011444,bp0736"
  157119. ],
  157120. [
  157121. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157122. "vs. shore woods investment",
  157123. "tcf0011447",
  157124. "bp0739",
  157125. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011447,bp0739"
  157126. ],
  157127. [
  157128. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  157129. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  157130. "tcf0012568",
  157131. "bq1941",
  157132. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0012568,bq1941"
  157133. ],
  157134. [
  157135. "rtc-conser security homestead",
  157136. "darby l. & kathryn diedrich",
  157137. "625587419",
  157138. "23372",
  157139. "rtc-conser security homestead,darby l. & kathryn diedrich,625587419,23372"
  157140. ],
  157141. [
  157142. "rtc-conser security homestead",
  157143. "loi vinh to",
  157144. "755512358",
  157145. "23370",
  157146. "rtc-conser security homestead,loi vinh to,755512358,23370"
  157147. ],
  157148. [
  157149. "rtc empire - shadow file",
  157150. "rtc empire - shadow file",
  157151. "260538783",
  157152. "260538783",
  157153. "rtc empire - shadow file,rtc empire - shadow file,260538783,260538783"
  157154. ],
  157155. [
  157156. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed sav",
  157157. "general",
  157158. "51533273",
  157159. "323",
  157160. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed sav,general,51533273,323"
  157161. ],
  157162. [
  157163. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157164. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157165. "tcf0008651",
  157166. "ax0723",
  157167. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008651,ax0723"
  157168. ],
  157169. [
  157170. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157171. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157172. "tcf0008796",
  157173. "ay2024",
  157174. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008796,ay2024"
  157175. ],
  157176. [
  157177. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157178. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157179. "tcf0008821",
  157180. "ay2050",
  157181. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  157182. ],
  157183. [
  157184. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157185. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157186. "tcf0008821",
  157187. "ay2050",
  157188. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  157189. ],
  157190. [
  157191. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157192. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157193. "tcf0008821",
  157194. "ay2050",
  157195. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  157196. ],
  157197. [
  157198. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157199. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157200. "tcf0008821",
  157201. "ay2050",
  157202. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  157203. ],
  157204. [
  157205. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157206. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157207. "tcf0008821",
  157208. "ay2050",
  157209. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  157210. ],
  157211. [
  157212. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157213. "general matters",
  157214. "tcf0008907",
  157215. "ay6020",
  157216. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,general matters,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  157217. ],
  157218. [
  157219. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157220. "bayclaysamerican vs.",
  157221. "tcf0009615",
  157222. "bf0586",
  157223. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,bayclaysamerican vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  157224. ],
  157225. [
  157226. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157227. "bayclaysamerican vs.",
  157228. "tcf0009615",
  157229. "bf0586",
  157230. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,bayclaysamerican vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  157231. ],
  157232. [
  157233. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157234. "kenneth chernes vs.",
  157235. "tcf0009615",
  157236. "bf0586",
  157237. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,kenneth chernes vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  157238. ],
  157239. [
  157240. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157241. "meritbanc mortgage corp. vs.",
  157242. "tcf0009615",
  157243. "bf0586",
  157244. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,meritbanc mortgage corp. vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  157245. ],
  157246. [
  157247. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  157248. "silverstar group, inc.",
  157249. "tcf0010016",
  157250. "bg0295",
  157251. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0010016,bg0295"
  157252. ],
  157253. [
  157254. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157255. "vs. hernon donald peters",
  157256. "tcf0007564",
  157257. "as4782",
  157258. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. hernon donald peters,tcf0007564,as4782"
  157259. ],
  157260. [
  157261. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157262. "vs. richard blank & john l.",
  157263. "tcf0007571",
  157264. "as4790",
  157265. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. richard blank & john l.,tcf0007571,as4790"
  157266. ],
  157267. [
  157268. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157269. "vs. william ira burns, et al.",
  157270. "tcf0007571",
  157271. "as4790",
  157272. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. william ira burns, et al.,tcf0007571,as4790"
  157273. ],
  157274. [
  157275. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157276. "vs. robert c. javorowsky,",
  157277. "tcf0007571",
  157278. "as4790",
  157279. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. robert c. javorowsky,,tcf0007571,as4790"
  157280. ],
  157281. [
  157282. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157283. "vs. jo f. waters, et al.",
  157284. "tcf0007571",
  157285. "as4790",
  157286. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jo f. waters, et al.,tcf0007571,as4790"
  157287. ],
  157288. [
  157289. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157290. "vs. esmond b. marvray, et al.",
  157291. "tcf0007572",
  157292. "as4791",
  157293. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. esmond b. marvray, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  157294. ],
  157295. [
  157296. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157297. "vs. arnold g. olson, et al.",
  157298. "tcf0007572",
  157299. "as4791",
  157300. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. arnold g. olson, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  157301. ],
  157302. [
  157303. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157304. "vs. victor m. ribeiro, et al.",
  157305. "tcf0007572",
  157306. "as4791",
  157307. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. victor m. ribeiro, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  157308. ],
  157309. [
  157310. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157311. "in re: david e. smiley, iii",
  157312. "tcf0007572",
  157313. "as4791",
  157314. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,in re: david e. smiley, iii,tcf0007572,as4791"
  157315. ],
  157316. [
  157317. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157318. "vs. marvin s. scott, sr. et al",
  157319. "tcf0007572",
  157320. "as4791",
  157321. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. marvin s. scott, sr. et al,tcf0007572,as4791"
  157322. ],
  157323. [
  157324. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157325. "vs. betty k. wooldridge, et al",
  157326. "tcf0007572",
  157327. "as4791",
  157328. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. betty k. wooldridge, et al,tcf0007572,as4791"
  157329. ],
  157330. [
  157331. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157332. "vs. ian n. wheeler, et al.",
  157333. "tcf0007572",
  157334. "as4791",
  157335. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. ian n. wheeler, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  157336. ],
  157337. [
  157338. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157339. "vs. floyd m. mckenzie et al.",
  157340. "tcf0007575",
  157341. "as4796",
  157342. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. floyd m. mckenzie et al.,tcf0007575,as4796"
  157343. ],
  157344. [
  157345. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157346. "vs. ann bonar ross, et al.",
  157347. "tcf0007732",
  157348. "au3200",
  157349. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. ann bonar ross, et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  157350. ],
  157351. [
  157352. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157353. "vs. robert garcia, jr., et al.",
  157354. "tcf0007732",
  157355. "au3200",
  157356. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. robert garcia, jr., et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  157357. ],
  157358. [
  157359. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157360. "vs. michael w. james, et al.",
  157361. "tcf0007732",
  157362. "au3200",
  157363. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. michael w. james, et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  157364. ],
  157365. [
  157366. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157367. "vs. james alexander, et al.",
  157368. "tcf0007732",
  157369. "au3200",
  157370. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james alexander, et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  157371. ],
  157372. [
  157373. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157374. "vs. kenneth p. badalament etal",
  157375. "tcf0007732",
  157376. "au3200",
  157377. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. kenneth p. badalament etal,tcf0007732,au3200"
  157378. ],
  157379. [
  157380. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157381. "vs. walter a. blazer, jr. etal",
  157382. "tcf0007732",
  157383. "au3200",
  157384. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. walter a. blazer, jr. etal,tcf0007732,au3200"
  157385. ],
  157386. [
  157387. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157388. "vs. michael p. hill et al.",
  157389. "tcf0007735",
  157390. "au3203",
  157391. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. michael p. hill et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157392. ],
  157393. [
  157394. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157395. "vs. hugh david higgins, et al.",
  157396. "tcf0007735",
  157397. "au3203",
  157398. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. hugh david higgins, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157399. ],
  157400. [
  157401. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157402. "vs. james p. hawkins, jr.",
  157403. "tcf0007735",
  157404. "au3203",
  157405. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james p. hawkins, jr.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157406. ],
  157407. [
  157408. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157409. "vs. william j. gunn, et al.",
  157410. "tcf0007735",
  157411. "au3203",
  157412. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. william j. gunn, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157413. ],
  157414. [
  157415. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157416. "vs. james allen harris, jr.,",
  157417. "tcf0007735",
  157418. "au3203",
  157419. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james allen harris, jr.,,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157420. ],
  157421. [
  157422. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157423. "vs. robert w. garrison, et al.",
  157424. "tcf0007735",
  157425. "au3203",
  157426. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. robert w. garrison, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157427. ],
  157428. [
  157429. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157430. "vs. john j. flood, et al.",
  157431. "tcf0007735",
  157432. "au3203",
  157433. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. john j. flood, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157434. ],
  157435. [
  157436. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157437. "vs. stephen j. dube, et al.",
  157438. "tcf0007735",
  157439. "au3203",
  157440. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. stephen j. dube, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157441. ],
  157442. [
  157443. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157444. "vs. eduardo cardona, et al.",
  157445. "tcf0007735",
  157446. "au3203",
  157447. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. eduardo cardona, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  157448. ],
  157449. [
  157450. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157451. "vs. daniel kimak, et al.",
  157452. "tcf0007745",
  157453. "au3215",
  157454. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. daniel kimak, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  157455. ],
  157456. [
  157457. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157458. "vs. jessie joe large, jr.,",
  157459. "tcf0007745",
  157460. "au3215",
  157461. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jessie joe large, jr.,,tcf0007745,au3215"
  157462. ],
  157463. [
  157464. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157465. "vs. florence joyce mcgee,",
  157466. "tcf0007745",
  157467. "au3215",
  157468. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. florence joyce mcgee,,tcf0007745,au3215"
  157469. ],
  157470. [
  157471. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157472. "vs. james l. mckenna, et al.",
  157473. "tcf0007745",
  157474. "au3215",
  157475. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james l. mckenna, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  157476. ],
  157477. [
  157478. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157479. "vs. hand, waymon & patricia",
  157480. "tcf0008228",
  157481. "av7137",
  157482. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. hand, waymon & patricia,tcf0008228,av7137"
  157483. ],
  157484. [
  157485. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157486. "vs. james v. murphy, et al.",
  157487. "tcf0008360",
  157488. "av9507",
  157489. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james v. murphy, et al.,tcf0008360,av9507"
  157490. ],
  157491. [
  157492. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157493. "vs. william p. sandlin, et al.",
  157494. "tcf0008360",
  157495. "av9507",
  157496. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. william p. sandlin, et al.,tcf0008360,av9507"
  157497. ],
  157498. [
  157499. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157500. "vs. jim murphy",
  157501. "tcf0008360",
  157502. "av9507",
  157503. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jim murphy,tcf0008360,av9507"
  157504. ],
  157505. [
  157506. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157507. "vs. dan ingraham",
  157508. "tcf0008360",
  157509. "av9507",
  157510. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. dan ingraham,tcf0008360,av9507"
  157511. ],
  157512. [
  157513. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157514. "vs. paul j. bocko, et al.",
  157515. "tcf0008360",
  157516. "av9507",
  157517. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. paul j. bocko, et al.,tcf0008360,av9507"
  157518. ],
  157519. [
  157520. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157521. "vs. waymon c. hand et al.",
  157522. "tcf0008361",
  157523. "av9509",
  157524. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. waymon c. hand et al.,tcf0008361,av9509"
  157525. ],
  157526. [
  157527. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157528. "vs. ryan s. hodges",
  157529. "tcf0008361",
  157530. "av9509",
  157531. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. ryan s. hodges,tcf0008361,av9509"
  157532. ],
  157533. [
  157534. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157535. "vs. r. c. douglas, et al.",
  157536. "tcf0008361",
  157537. "av9509",
  157538. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. r. c. douglas, et al.,tcf0008361,av9509"
  157539. ],
  157540. [
  157541. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157542. "vs. jerry r. cravey, chmc no.",
  157543. "tcf0008363",
  157544. "av9511",
  157545. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jerry r. cravey, chmc no.,tcf0008363,av9511"
  157546. ],
  157547. [
  157548. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157549. "title ins: vs. jo f. waters,",
  157550. "tcf0008907",
  157551. "ay6020",
  157552. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title ins: vs. jo f. waters,,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  157553. ],
  157554. [
  157555. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157556. "title ins: vs michael w. james",
  157557. "tcf0008907",
  157558. "ay6020",
  157559. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title ins: vs michael w. james,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  157560. ],
  157561. [
  157562. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157563. "title insurance: vs. paul j.",
  157564. "tcf0008907",
  157565. "ay6020",
  157566. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title insurance: vs. paul j.,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  157567. ],
  157568. [
  157569. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157570. "title insurance: vs. waymon c.",
  157571. "tcf0008907",
  157572. "ay6020",
  157573. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title insurance: vs. waymon c.,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  157574. ],
  157575. [
  157576. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  157577. "vs. dan ingraham",
  157578. "625587419",
  157579. "23372",
  157580. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. dan ingraham,625587419,23372"
  157581. ],
  157582. [
  157583. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  157584. "vs. henry a. bragg, iii, et al",
  157585. "tcf0007575",
  157586. "as4796",
  157587. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,vs. henry a. bragg, iii, et al,tcf0007575,as4796"
  157588. ],
  157589. [
  157590. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  157591. "vs. lewis o. myhre, iii, et al",
  157592. "tcf0007575",
  157593. "as4796",
  157594. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,vs. lewis o. myhre, iii, et al,tcf0007575,as4796"
  157595. ],
  157596. [
  157597. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  157598. "title insurance: vs. lewis",
  157599. "tcf0008908",
  157600. "ay6021",
  157601. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,title insurance: vs. lewis,tcf0008908,ay6021"
  157602. ],
  157603. [
  157604. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  157605. "title ins. vs. henry a. bragg,",
  157606. "tcf0008908",
  157607. "ay6021",
  157608. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,title ins. vs. henry a. bragg,,tcf0008908,ay6021"
  157609. ],
  157610. [
  157611. "rtc-rec liberty federal s&l",
  157612. "vs. heritage bay homeowners",
  157613. "159819747",
  157614. "90037",
  157615. "rtc-rec liberty federal s&l,vs. heritage bay homeowners,159819747,90037"
  157616. ],
  157617. [
  157618. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees",
  157619. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees",
  157620. "348024684",
  157621. "348024684",
  157622. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees,rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees,348024684,348024684"
  157623. ],
  157624. [
  157625. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings",
  157626. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings",
  157627. "348024684",
  157628. "348024684",
  157629. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings,rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings,348024684,348024684"
  157630. ],
  157631. [
  157632. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157633. "general",
  157634. "51533273",
  157635. "323",
  157636. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,51533273,323"
  157637. ],
  157638. [
  157639. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157640. "general",
  157641. "489520766",
  157642. "85646",
  157643. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157644. ],
  157645. [
  157646. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157647. "general",
  157648. "489520766",
  157649. "85646",
  157650. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157651. ],
  157652. [
  157653. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157654. "general",
  157655. "489520766",
  157656. "85646",
  157657. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157658. ],
  157659. [
  157660. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157661. "general",
  157662. "489520766",
  157663. "85646",
  157664. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157665. ],
  157666. [
  157667. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157668. "general",
  157669. "489520766",
  157670. "85646",
  157671. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157672. ],
  157673. [
  157674. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157675. "general",
  157676. "489520766",
  157677. "85646",
  157678. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157679. ],
  157680. [
  157681. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157682. "general",
  157683. "489520766",
  157684. "85646",
  157685. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157686. ],
  157687. [
  157688. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157689. "general",
  157690. "489520766",
  157691. "85646",
  157692. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157693. ],
  157694. [
  157695. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157696. "general",
  157697. "489520766",
  157698. "85646",
  157699. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157700. ],
  157701. [
  157702. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157703. "general",
  157704. "489520766",
  157705. "85646",
  157706. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157707. ],
  157708. [
  157709. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157710. "general",
  157711. "489520766",
  157712. "85646",
  157713. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157714. ],
  157715. [
  157716. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157717. "general",
  157718. "489520766",
  157719. "85646",
  157720. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157721. ],
  157722. [
  157723. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157724. "general",
  157725. "489520766",
  157726. "85646",
  157727. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157728. ],
  157729. [
  157730. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157731. "general",
  157732. "489520766",
  157733. "85646",
  157734. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157735. ],
  157736. [
  157737. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157738. "general",
  157739. "489520766",
  157740. "85646",
  157741. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157742. ],
  157743. [
  157744. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157745. "general",
  157746. "489520766",
  157747. "85646",
  157748. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157749. ],
  157750. [
  157751. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157752. "general",
  157753. "489520766",
  157754. "85646",
  157755. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157756. ],
  157757. [
  157758. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157759. "general",
  157760. "489520766",
  157761. "85646",
  157762. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157763. ],
  157764. [
  157765. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157766. "general",
  157767. "489520766",
  157768. "85646",
  157769. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157770. ],
  157771. [
  157772. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157773. "general",
  157774. "489520766",
  157775. "85646",
  157776. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157777. ],
  157778. [
  157779. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157780. "general",
  157781. "489520766",
  157782. "85646",
  157783. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157784. ],
  157785. [
  157786. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157787. "general",
  157788. "489520766",
  157789. "85646",
  157790. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157791. ],
  157792. [
  157793. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157794. "general",
  157795. "489520766",
  157796. "85646",
  157797. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157798. ],
  157799. [
  157800. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157801. "general",
  157802. "489520766",
  157803. "85646",
  157804. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157805. ],
  157806. [
  157807. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157808. "general",
  157809. "489520766",
  157810. "85646",
  157811. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157812. ],
  157813. [
  157814. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  157815. "general",
  157816. "489520766",
  157817. "85646",
  157818. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  157819. ],
  157820. [
  157821. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.",
  157822. "1991 general matters",
  157823. "737262971",
  157824. "27181",
  157825. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.,1991 general matters,737262971,27181"
  157826. ],
  157827. [
  157828. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.",
  157829. "1991 general matters",
  157830. "625579743",
  157831. "27955",
  157832. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.,1991 general matters,625579743,27955"
  157833. ],
  157834. [
  157835. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk",
  157836. "defelice kinser j.v. et al.",
  157837. "625583138",
  157838. "83802",
  157839. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk,defelice kinser j.v. et al.,625583138,83802"
  157840. ],
  157841. [
  157842. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk",
  157843. "defelice kinser j.v. et al.",
  157844. "625583112",
  157845. "83803",
  157846. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk,defelice kinser j.v. et al.,625583112,83803"
  157847. ],
  157848. [
  157849. "sanford, mark c.",
  157850. "fla. department of insurance",
  157851. "755565793",
  157852. "nan",
  157853. "sanford, mark c.,fla. department of insurance,755565793,nan"
  157854. ],
  157855. [
  157856. "f.d.i.c.-southeast bank, n.a.",
  157857. "katherine s. medley vs.",
  157858. "737259468",
  157859. "56237",
  157860. "f.d.i.c.-southeast bank, n.a.,katherine s. medley vs.,737259468,56237"
  157861. ],
  157862. [
  157863. "first south development & investment, in",
  157864. "sale of m/y sounds of the pacific",
  157865. "727764829",
  157866. "nan",
  157867. "first south development & investment, in,sale of m/y sounds of the pacific,727764829,nan"
  157868. ],
  157869. [
  157870. "rtc corporate",
  157871. "termination of sovereign",
  157872. "tcf0008378",
  157873. "av9532",
  157874. "rtc corporate,termination of sovereign,tcf0008378,av9532"
  157875. ],
  157876. [
  157877. "rtc corporate",
  157878. "termination of first venice",
  157879. "tcf0008401",
  157880. "aw2441",
  157881. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  157882. ],
  157883. [
  157884. "rtc corporate",
  157885. "termination of enterprise",
  157886. "tcf0008401",
  157887. "aw2441",
  157888. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  157889. ],
  157890. [
  157891. "rtc corporate",
  157892. "termination of community",
  157893. "tcf0008401",
  157894. "aw2441",
  157895. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  157896. ],
  157897. [
  157898. "rtc corporate",
  157899. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  157900. "tcf0008401",
  157901. "aw2441",
  157902. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  157903. ],
  157904. [
  157905. "rtc corporate",
  157906. "termination of brickelbanc",
  157907. "tcf0008401",
  157908. "aw2441",
  157909. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  157910. ],
  157911. [
  157912. "rtc corporate",
  157913. "termination of coral savings",
  157914. "tcf0008401",
  157915. "aw2441",
  157916. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  157917. ],
  157918. [
  157919. "rtc corporate",
  157920. "termination of coral savings",
  157921. "tcf0008402",
  157922. "aw2442",
  157923. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008402,aw2442"
  157924. ],
  157925. [
  157926. "rtc corporate",
  157927. "termination of enterprise",
  157928. "tcf0008402",
  157929. "aw2442",
  157930. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008402,aw2442"
  157931. ],
  157932. [
  157933. "rtc corporate",
  157934. "termination of community",
  157935. "tcf0008403",
  157936. "aw2443",
  157937. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008403,aw2443"
  157938. ],
  157939. [
  157940. "rtc corporate",
  157941. "termination of community",
  157942. "tcf0008404",
  157943. "aw2444",
  157944. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008404,aw2444"
  157945. ],
  157946. [
  157947. "rtc corporate",
  157948. "termination of community",
  157949. "tcf0008405",
  157950. "aw2445",
  157951. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008405,aw2445"
  157952. ],
  157953. [
  157954. "rtc corporate",
  157955. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  157956. "tcf0008406",
  157957. "aw2446",
  157958. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0008406,aw2446"
  157959. ],
  157960. [
  157961. "rtc corporate",
  157962. "termination of first venice",
  157963. "tcf0008407",
  157964. "aw2447",
  157965. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008407,aw2447"
  157966. ],
  157967. [
  157968. "rtc corporate",
  157969. "termination of enterprise",
  157970. "tcf0008407",
  157971. "aw2447",
  157972. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008407,aw2447"
  157973. ],
  157974. [
  157975. "rtc corporate",
  157976. "termination of community",
  157977. "tcf0008408",
  157978. "aw2448",
  157979. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008408,aw2448"
  157980. ],
  157981. [
  157982. "rtc corporate",
  157983. "termination of brickelbanc",
  157984. "tcf0008408",
  157985. "aw2448",
  157986. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008408,aw2448"
  157987. ],
  157988. [
  157989. "rtc corporate",
  157990. "termination of coral savings",
  157991. "tcf0008408",
  157992. "aw2448",
  157993. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008408,aw2448"
  157994. ],
  157995. [
  157996. "rtc corporate",
  157997. "termination of first venice",
  157998. "tcf0008409",
  157999. "aw2449",
  158000. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  158001. ],
  158002. [
  158003. "rtc corporate",
  158004. "termination of enterprise",
  158005. "tcf0008409",
  158006. "aw2449",
  158007. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  158008. ],
  158009. [
  158010. "rtc corporate",
  158011. "termination of community",
  158012. "tcf0008409",
  158013. "aw2449",
  158014. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  158015. ],
  158016. [
  158017. "rtc corporate",
  158018. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  158019. "tcf0008409",
  158020. "aw2449",
  158021. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  158022. ],
  158023. [
  158024. "rtc corporate",
  158025. "termination of brickelbanc",
  158026. "tcf0008409",
  158027. "aw2449",
  158028. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  158029. ],
  158030. [
  158031. "rtc corporate",
  158032. "termination of coral savings",
  158033. "tcf0008409",
  158034. "aw2449",
  158035. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  158036. ],
  158037. [
  158038. "rtc corporate",
  158039. "termination of brickelbanc",
  158040. "tcf0008410",
  158041. "aw2450",
  158042. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008410,aw2450"
  158043. ],
  158044. [
  158045. "rtc corporate",
  158046. "termination of brickelbanc",
  158047. "tcf0008411",
  158048. "aw2451",
  158049. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008411,aw2451"
  158050. ],
  158051. [
  158052. "rtc corporate",
  158053. "termination of first venice",
  158054. "tcf0008412",
  158055. "aw2452",
  158056. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008412,aw2452"
  158057. ],
  158058. [
  158059. "rtc corporate",
  158060. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  158061. "tcf0009906",
  158062. "bf2533",
  158063. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  158064. ],
  158065. [
  158066. "merrill lynch & co.",
  158067. "merrill lynch - split dollar life insurance program",
  158068. "632020404",
  158069. "nan",
  158070. "merrill lynch & co.,merrill lynch - split dollar life insurance program,632020404,nan"
  158071. ],
  158072. [
  158073. "atlantic alliance fidelity",
  158074. "re: application for",
  158075. "159819299",
  158076. "57980",
  158077. "atlantic alliance fidelity,re: application for,159819299,57980"
  158078. ],
  158079. [
  158080. "wachovia bank, national association",
  158081. "rtc vs. valerie a. alvarez",
  158082. "tcf0222527",
  158083. "bh2478",
  158084. "wachovia bank, national association,rtc vs. valerie a. alvarez,tcf0222527,bh2478"
  158085. ],
  158086. [
  158087. "keybank western asset mgmt",
  158088. "fdic vs. watkins, susan",
  158089. "tcf0010095",
  158090. "bg0551",
  158091. "keybank western asset mgmt,fdic vs. watkins, susan,tcf0010095,bg0551"
  158092. ],
  158093. [
  158094. "hakeem, m.k.",
  158095. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  158096. "220788792",
  158097. "220788792",
  158098. "hakeem, m.k.,proposed purchase of property from fdic located,220788792,220788792"
  158099. ],
  158100. [
  158101. "hakeem, m.k.",
  158102. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  158103. "tcf0012824",
  158104. "bq3412",
  158105. "hakeem, m.k.,proposed purchase of property from fdic located,tcf0012824,bq3412"
  158106. ],
  158107. [
  158108. "hakeem, m.k.",
  158109. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  158110. "tcf0013930",
  158111. "cc8494",
  158112. "hakeem, m.k.,proposed purchase of property from fdic located,tcf0013930,cc8494"
  158113. ],
  158114. [
  158115. "united parcel service of america, inc.",
  158116. "sah of coral springs, inc.",
  158117. "89252532",
  158118. "13106303",
  158119. "united parcel service of america, inc.,sah of coral springs, inc.,89252532,13106303"
  158120. ],
  158121. [
  158122. "krizmanich holdings, l.c.",
  158123. "u.s. 19 property condemnation",
  158124. "169721575",
  158125. "169721575",
  158126. "krizmanich holdings, l.c.,u.s. 19 property condemnation,169721575,169721575"
  158127. ],
  158128. [
  158129. "mediation - spicola, guy w.",
  158130. "mediation: wilmington trust company, as trustee",
  158131. "tcf0015295",
  158132. "cn0096",
  158133. "mediation - spicola, guy w.,mediation: wilmington trust company, as trustee,tcf0015295,cn0096"
  158134. ],
  158135. [
  158136. "monument realty llc",
  158137. "fdic (ballston point)",
  158138. "489693318",
  158139. "789-21195",
  158140. "monument realty llc,fdic (ballston point),489693318,789-21195"
  158141. ],
  158142. [
  158143. "monument realty llc",
  158144. "fdic (ballston point)",
  158145. "489250815",
  158146. "789-23754",
  158147. "monument realty llc,fdic (ballston point),489250815,789-23754"
  158148. ],
  158149. [
  158150. "prudential real estate investors",
  158151. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  158152. "673054031",
  158153. "nan",
  158154. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054031,nan"
  158155. ],
  158156. [
  158157. "prudential real estate investors",
  158158. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  158159. "673054066",
  158160. "nan",
  158161. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  158162. ],
  158163. [
  158164. "prudential real estate investors",
  158165. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  158166. "673054066",
  158167. "nan",
  158168. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  158169. ],
  158170. [
  158171. "prudential real estate investors",
  158172. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  158173. "673054066",
  158174. "nan",
  158175. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  158176. ],
  158177. [
  158178. "prudential real estate investors",
  158179. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  158180. "673054066",
  158181. "nan",
  158182. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  158183. ],
  158184. [
  158185. "prudential real estate investors",
  158186. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  158187. "777814473",
  158188. "nan",
  158189. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,777814473,nan"
  158190. ],
  158191. [
  158192. "kodiak properties, llc",
  158193. "three garden village-sale of property",
  158194. "518168443",
  158195. "nan",
  158196. "kodiak properties, llc,three garden village-sale of property,518168443,nan"
  158197. ],
  158198. [
  158199. "pnc business credit",
  158200. "daseke inc.",
  158201. "active file",
  158202. "nan",
  158203. "pnc business credit,daseke inc.,active file,nan"
  158204. ],
  158205. [
  158206. "helm bank usa",
  158207. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  158208. "active file",
  158209. "nan",
  158210. "helm bank usa,bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters,active file,nan"
  158211. ],
  158212. [
  158213. "helm bank usa",
  158214. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  158215. "active file",
  158216. "nan",
  158217. "helm bank usa,bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters,active file,nan"
  158218. ],
  158219. [
  158220. "helm bank usa",
  158221. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  158222. "active file",
  158223. "nan",
  158224. "helm bank usa,bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters,active file,nan"
  158225. ],
  158226. [
  158227. "tmt foundry, l.l.c.",
  158228. "general leasing (foundry bldg)",
  158229. "489694704",
  158230. "789-21391",
  158231. "tmt foundry, l.l.c.,general leasing (foundry bldg),489694704,789-21391"
  158232. ],
  158233. [
  158234. "select management resources, inc.",
  158235. "general matters",
  158236. "952406523",
  158237. "nan",
  158238. "select management resources, inc.,general matters,952406523,nan"
  158239. ],
  158240. [
  158241. "weinberg, benjamin",
  158242. "demand for testing accommodation to the national",
  158243. "489707844",
  158244. "1000683872",
  158245. "weinberg, benjamin,demand for testing accommodation to the national,489707844,1000683872"
  158246. ],
  158247. [
  158248. "harper, allen c.",
  158249. "sb partners, llc loan workout",
  158250. "768309126",
  158251. "nan",
  158252. "harper, allen c.,sb partners, llc loan workout,768309126,nan"
  158253. ],
  158254. [
  158255. "truly yours apparel",
  158256. "corporate - general",
  158257. "719637473",
  158258. "64283",
  158259. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  158260. ],
  158261. [
  158262. "truly yours apparel",
  158263. "corporate - general",
  158264. "719637473",
  158265. "64283",
  158266. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  158267. ],
  158268. [
  158269. "truly yours apparel",
  158270. "corporate - general",
  158271. "719634577",
  158272. "79363",
  158273. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634577,79363"
  158274. ],
  158275. [
  158276. "truly yours apparel",
  158277. "corporate - general",
  158278. "719634577",
  158279. "79363",
  158280. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634577,79363"
  158281. ],
  158282. [
  158283. "truly yours apparel",
  158284. "corporate - general",
  158285. "719634577",
  158286. "79363",
  158287. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634577,79363"
  158288. ],
  158289. [
  158290. "truly yours apparel",
  158291. "corporate - general",
  158292. "719597267",
  158293. "79364",
  158294. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719597267,79364"
  158295. ],
  158296. [
  158297. "truly yours apparel",
  158298. "corporate - general",
  158299. "719597267",
  158300. "79364",
  158301. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719597267,79364"
  158302. ],
  158303. [
  158304. "truly yours apparel",
  158305. "corporate - general",
  158306. "719597267",
  158307. "79364",
  158308. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719597267,79364"
  158309. ],
  158310. [
  158311. "truly yours apparel",
  158312. "corporate - general",
  158313. "719637473",
  158314. "64283",
  158315. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  158316. ],
  158317. [
  158318. "truly yours apparel",
  158319. "corporate - general",
  158320. "719637473",
  158321. "64283",
  158322. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  158323. ],
  158324. [
  158325. "truly yours apparel",
  158326. "corporate - general",
  158327. "719634172",
  158328. "64649",
  158329. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634172,64649"
  158330. ],
  158331. [
  158332. "truly yours apparel",
  158333. "corporate - general",
  158334. "719634172",
  158335. "64649",
  158336. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634172,64649"
  158337. ],
  158338. [
  158339. "truly yours apparel",
  158340. "corporate - general",
  158341. "719634172",
  158342. "64649",
  158343. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634172,64649"
  158344. ],
  158345. [
  158346. "truly yours apparel",
  158347. "corporate - general",
  158348. "719637500",
  158349. "64607",
  158350. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637500,64607"
  158351. ],
  158352. [
  158353. "truly yours apparel",
  158354. "corporate - general",
  158355. "719637500",
  158356. "64607",
  158357. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637500,64607"
  158358. ],
  158359. [
  158360. "truly yours apparel",
  158361. "corporate - general",
  158362. "719637500",
  158363. "64607",
  158364. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637500,64607"
  158365. ],
  158366. [
  158367. "silicon genesis corporation",
  158368. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  158369. "719596528",
  158370. "753672",
  158371. "silicon genesis corporation,soitec, s.a. patent infringement,719596528,753672"
  158372. ],
  158373. [
  158374. "silicon genesis corporation",
  158375. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  158376. "719596528",
  158377. "753672",
  158378. "silicon genesis corporation,soitec, s.a. patent infringement,719596528,753672"
  158379. ],
  158380. [
  158381. "silicon genesis corporation",
  158382. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  158383. "719599368",
  158384. "753665",
  158385. "silicon genesis corporation,soitec, s.a. patent infringement,719599368,753665"
  158386. ],
  158387. [
  158388. "invesco realty advisors, inc.",
  158389. "general leasing",
  158390. "731240685",
  158391. "nan",
  158392. "invesco realty advisors, inc.,general leasing,731240685,nan"
  158393. ],
  158394. [
  158395. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  158396. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  158397. "652544439",
  158398. "118903",
  158399. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  158400. ],
  158401. [
  158402. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  158403. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  158404. "652544439",
  158405. "118903",
  158406. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  158407. ],
  158408. [
  158409. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  158410. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  158411. "652544439",
  158412. "118903",
  158413. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  158414. ],
  158415. [
  158416. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  158417. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  158418. "652544439",
  158419. "118903",
  158420. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  158421. ],
  158422. [
  158423. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  158424. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  158425. "652544439",
  158426. "118903",
  158427. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  158428. ],
  158429. [
  158430. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  158431. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  158432. "652544439",
  158433. "118903",
  158434. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  158435. ],
  158436. [
  158437. "ha, dr. joseph m.",
  158438. "ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #2",
  158439. "259276156",
  158440. "nan",
  158441. "ha, dr. joseph m.,ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #2,259276156,nan"
  158442. ],
  158443. [
  158444. "ha, dr. joseph m.",
  158445. "ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #1",
  158446. "259276156",
  158447. "nan",
  158448. "ha, dr. joseph m.,ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #1,259276156,nan"
  158449. ],
  158450. [
  158451. "csra, inc.",
  158452. "irs protests",
  158453. "972315873",
  158454. "nan",
  158455. "csra, inc.,irs protests,972315873,nan"
  158456. ],
  158457. [
  158458. "csra, inc.",
  158459. "irs protests",
  158460. "972315873",
  158461. "nan",
  158462. "csra, inc.,irs protests,972315873,nan"
  158463. ],
  158464. [
  158465. "csra, inc.",
  158466. "irs protests",
  158467. "972315873",
  158468. "nan",
  158469. "csra, inc.,irs protests,972315873,nan"
  158470. ],
  158471. [
  158472. "lafarge north america inc.",
  158473. "barge incident",
  158474. "428644433",
  158475. "nan",
  158476. "lafarge north america inc.,barge incident,428644433,nan"
  158477. ],
  158478. [
  158479. "corporate realty investment company (redwell #1)",
  158480. "prudential investment matter1-correspondence2- notes and memos3-no-complete4- termination agreement5- note nassau amended and restated6- note-joint venture loan to cric- $1.75million7-note-from new cric to old cric8- 2002 amendment9- contact list10- closing agenda11- partcipation agreement- r. nessen12- r. nessen consulting agreement13- cric settlement sheet14- open issues - to do list15- assignment and assumption agreement16- joint venture agreement17- letter to executives shareholders18- membership agreement19-new cric llc agreement20- non-complete - nassau 21- note-purchae agreement21- note-purchase agreement22- omnibus agreement23- side agreement23 subscription agreement - old cric shares in new cric24 perfection certificate25- subordination and intercreditor agreement26- security agreement- new cric nassau27- security aqgreement - old cric (debtor) nassau (lender)",
  158481. "719595876",
  158482. "12162863",
  158483. "corporate realty investment company (redwell #1),prudential investment matter1-correspondence2- notes and memos3-no-complete4- termination agreement5- note nassau amended and restated6- note-joint venture loan to cric- $1.75million7-note-from new cric to old cric8- 2002 amendment9- contact list10- closing agenda11- partcipation agreement- r. nessen12- r. nessen consulting agreement13- cric settlement sheet14- open issues - to do list15- assignment and assumption agreement16- joint venture agreement17- letter to executives shareholders18- membership agreement19-new cric llc agreement20- non-complete - nassau 21- note-purchae agreement21- note-purchase agreement22- omnibus agreement23- side agreement23 subscription agreement - old cric shares in new cric24 perfection certificate25- subordination and intercreditor agreement26- security agreement- new cric nassau27- security aqgreement - old cric (debtor) nassau (lender),719595876,12162863"
  158484. ],
  158485. [
  158486. "union credit bank",
  158487. "union credit bank/regulatory matters",
  158488. "652552617",
  158489. "13176393",
  158490. "union credit bank,union credit bank/regulatory matters,652552617,13176393"
  158491. ],
  158492. [
  158493. "lehman housing capital, inc.",
  158494. "kimberly park apartments",
  158495. "719662340",
  158496. "186799",
  158497. "lehman housing capital, inc.,kimberly park apartments,719662340,186799"
  158498. ],
  158499. [
  158500. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158501. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158502. "489566945",
  158503. "13373938",
  158504. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566945,13373938"
  158505. ],
  158506. [
  158507. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158508. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158509. "489566976",
  158510. "13373939",
  158511. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566976,13373939"
  158512. ],
  158513. [
  158514. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158515. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158516. "489566977",
  158517. "13373940",
  158518. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566977,13373940"
  158519. ],
  158520. [
  158521. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158522. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158523. "489566963",
  158524. "13373941",
  158525. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566963,13373941"
  158526. ],
  158527. [
  158528. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158529. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158530. "489566946",
  158531. "13373942",
  158532. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566946,13373942"
  158533. ],
  158534. [
  158535. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158536. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158537. "489566975",
  158538. "13373943",
  158539. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566975,13373943"
  158540. ],
  158541. [
  158542. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158543. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158544. "489566959",
  158545. "13373944",
  158546. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566959,13373944"
  158547. ],
  158548. [
  158549. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158550. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158551. "489566982",
  158552. "13373945",
  158553. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566982,13373945"
  158554. ],
  158555. [
  158556. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158557. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158558. "489566914",
  158559. "13373946",
  158560. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566914,13373946"
  158561. ],
  158562. [
  158563. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158564. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158565. "489566964",
  158566. "13373947",
  158567. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566964,13373947"
  158568. ],
  158569. [
  158570. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158571. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158572. "489566957",
  158573. "13373948",
  158574. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566957,13373948"
  158575. ],
  158576. [
  158577. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158578. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158579. "489566961",
  158580. "13373949",
  158581. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566961,13373949"
  158582. ],
  158583. [
  158584. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158585. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158586. "489566759",
  158587. "13373950",
  158588. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566759,13373950"
  158589. ],
  158590. [
  158591. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158592. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158593. "489566955",
  158594. "13373951",
  158595. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566955,13373951"
  158596. ],
  158597. [
  158598. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158599. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158600. "489566917",
  158601. "13373952",
  158602. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566917,13373952"
  158603. ],
  158604. [
  158605. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158606. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158607. "13373953",
  158608. "46326",
  158609. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,13373953,46326"
  158610. ],
  158611. [
  158612. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158613. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158614. "489517719",
  158615. "13373954",
  158616. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489517719,13373954"
  158617. ],
  158618. [
  158619. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158620. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158621. "489566899",
  158622. "13373955",
  158623. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566899,13373955"
  158624. ],
  158625. [
  158626. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158627. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158628. "489566962",
  158629. "13373956",
  158630. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566962,13373956"
  158631. ],
  158632. [
  158633. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158634. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158635. "489566947",
  158636. "13373957",
  158637. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566947,13373957"
  158638. ],
  158639. [
  158640. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158641. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158642. "489566918",
  158643. "13373958",
  158644. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566918,13373958"
  158645. ],
  158646. [
  158647. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158648. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158649. "489517566",
  158650. "13373959",
  158651. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489517566,13373959"
  158652. ],
  158653. [
  158654. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158655. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158656. "489566949",
  158657. "13373960",
  158658. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566949,13373960"
  158659. ],
  158660. [
  158661. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158662. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158663. "489566950",
  158664. "13373961",
  158665. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566950,13373961"
  158666. ],
  158667. [
  158668. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158669. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158670. "753996628",
  158671. "nan",
  158672. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,753996628,nan"
  158673. ],
  158674. [
  158675. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158676. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158677. "727770796",
  158678. "nan",
  158679. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  158680. ],
  158681. [
  158682. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158683. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158684. "727770796",
  158685. "nan",
  158686. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  158687. ],
  158688. [
  158689. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158690. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158691. "727770796",
  158692. "nan",
  158693. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  158694. ],
  158695. [
  158696. "mastec north america, inc.",
  158697. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  158698. "727770796",
  158699. "nan",
  158700. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  158701. ],
  158702. [
  158703. "healthcare tv channel",
  158704. "condominium formation",
  158705. "513364494",
  158706. "nan",
  158707. "healthcare tv channel,condominium formation,513364494,nan"
  158708. ],
  158709. [
  158710. "healthcare tv channel",
  158711. "condominium formation",
  158712. "767976761",
  158713. "nan",
  158714. "healthcare tv channel,condominium formation,767976761,nan"
  158715. ],
  158716. [
  158717. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158718. "federal deposit insurance corporation issues",
  158719. "640815385",
  158720. "640815385",
  158721. "fidelity national financial, inc.,federal deposit insurance corporation issues,640815385,640815385"
  158722. ],
  158723. [
  158724. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158725. "bank of bonifay (claim #372964)",
  158726. "678723499",
  158727. "nan",
  158728. "fidelity national financial, inc.,bank of bonifay (claim #372964),678723499,nan"
  158729. ],
  158730. [
  158731. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158732. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158733. "755589592",
  158734. "nan",
  158735. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  158736. ],
  158737. [
  158738. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158739. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158740. "755589592",
  158741. "nan",
  158742. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  158743. ],
  158744. [
  158745. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158746. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158747. "755589592",
  158748. "nan",
  158749. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  158750. ],
  158751. [
  158752. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158753. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158754. "755589592",
  158755. "nan",
  158756. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  158757. ],
  158758. [
  158759. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158760. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158761. "755589593",
  158762. "nan",
  158763. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  158764. ],
  158765. [
  158766. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158767. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158768. "755589593",
  158769. "nan",
  158770. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  158771. ],
  158772. [
  158773. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158774. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158775. "755589593",
  158776. "nan",
  158777. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  158778. ],
  158779. [
  158780. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158781. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158782. "755589593",
  158783. "nan",
  158784. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  158785. ],
  158786. [
  158787. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158788. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158789. "755589593",
  158790. "nan",
  158791. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  158792. ],
  158793. [
  158794. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158795. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158796. "755589594",
  158797. "nan",
  158798. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  158799. ],
  158800. [
  158801. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158802. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158803. "755589594",
  158804. "nan",
  158805. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  158806. ],
  158807. [
  158808. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158809. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158810. "755589594",
  158811. "nan",
  158812. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  158813. ],
  158814. [
  158815. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158816. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158817. "755589594",
  158818. "nan",
  158819. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  158820. ],
  158821. [
  158822. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158823. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158824. "755589595",
  158825. "nan",
  158826. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589595,nan"
  158827. ],
  158828. [
  158829. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158830. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158831. "755589595",
  158832. "nan",
  158833. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589595,nan"
  158834. ],
  158835. [
  158836. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158837. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158838. "755589595",
  158839. "nan",
  158840. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589595,nan"
  158841. ],
  158842. [
  158843. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158844. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158845. "755589596",
  158846. "nan",
  158847. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  158848. ],
  158849. [
  158850. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158851. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158852. "755589596",
  158853. "nan",
  158854. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  158855. ],
  158856. [
  158857. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158858. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158859. "755589596",
  158860. "nan",
  158861. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  158862. ],
  158863. [
  158864. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158865. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158866. "755589596",
  158867. "nan",
  158868. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  158869. ],
  158870. [
  158871. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158872. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158873. "755589597",
  158874. "nan",
  158875. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  158876. ],
  158877. [
  158878. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158879. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158880. "755589597",
  158881. "nan",
  158882. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  158883. ],
  158884. [
  158885. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158886. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158887. "755589597",
  158888. "nan",
  158889. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  158890. ],
  158891. [
  158892. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158893. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158894. "755589597",
  158895. "nan",
  158896. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  158897. ],
  158898. [
  158899. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158900. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158901. "755589597",
  158902. "nan",
  158903. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  158904. ],
  158905. [
  158906. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158907. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158908. "755589597",
  158909. "nan",
  158910. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  158911. ],
  158912. [
  158913. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158914. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158915. "755589598",
  158916. "nan",
  158917. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589598,nan"
  158918. ],
  158919. [
  158920. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158921. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158922. "755589599",
  158923. "nan",
  158924. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589599,nan"
  158925. ],
  158926. [
  158927. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158928. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158929. "755589599",
  158930. "nan",
  158931. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589599,nan"
  158932. ],
  158933. [
  158934. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158935. "federal deposit insurance corporation issues",
  158936. "753993362",
  158937. "nan",
  158938. "fidelity national financial, inc.,federal deposit insurance corporation issues,753993362,nan"
  158939. ],
  158940. [
  158941. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158942. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158943. "768309031",
  158944. "nan",
  158945. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),768309031,nan"
  158946. ],
  158947. [
  158948. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  158949. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  158950. "825681252",
  158951. "825681252",
  158952. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),825681252,825681252"
  158953. ],
  158954. [
  158955. "choctaw nation of oklahoma",
  158956. "choctaw v. greene membership claim",
  158957. "459074202",
  158958. "nan",
  158959. "choctaw nation of oklahoma,choctaw v. greene membership claim,459074202,nan"
  158960. ],
  158961. [
  158962. "dry creek rancheria band of pomo indians",
  158963. "adv. sonoma falls developers, llc, et al.",
  158964. "409114309",
  158965. "2005-770",
  158966. "dry creek rancheria band of pomo indians,adv. sonoma falls developers, llc, et al.,409114309,2005-770"
  158967. ],
  158968. [
  158969. "san manuel indian bingo & casino",
  158970. "casino operations",
  158971. "459069110",
  158972. "nan",
  158973. "san manuel indian bingo & casino,casino operations,459069110,nan"
  158974. ],
  158975. [
  158976. "general binding corporation",
  158977. "general",
  158978. "542810656",
  158979. "919337",
  158980. "general binding corporation,general,542810656,919337"
  158981. ],
  158982. [
  158983. "strata bank",
  158984. "general corporate relating to both serc & strata",
  158985. "719598254",
  158986. "706289",
  158987. "strata bank,general corporate relating to both serc & strata,719598254,706289"
  158988. ],
  158989. [
  158990. "tun, aung",
  158991. "heartcare institute of tampa, p.a. vs.",
  158992. "166965000",
  158993. "166965000",
  158994. "tun, aung,heartcare institute of tampa, p.a. vs.,166965000,166965000"
  158995. ],
  158996. [
  158997. "zager, raymond",
  158998. "vs. smartcharge, inc.",
  158999. "513357079",
  159000. "nan",
  159001. "zager, raymond,vs. smartcharge, inc.,513357079,nan"
  159002. ],
  159003. [
  159004. "zager v. smartchange",
  159005. "nan",
  159006. "171947313",
  159007. "171947313",
  159008. "zager v. smartchange,nan,171947313,171947313"
  159009. ],
  159010. [
  159011. "national equity fund, inc.",
  159012. "homestead capital",
  159013. "719663813",
  159014. "c0788616",
  159015. "national equity fund, inc.,homestead capital,719663813,c0788616"
  159016. ],
  159017. [
  159018. "national equity fund, inc.",
  159019. "homestead capital",
  159020. "700570527",
  159021. "nan",
  159022. "national equity fund, inc.,homestead capital,700570527,nan"
  159023. ],
  159024. [
  159025. "cafritz, conrad",
  159026. "estate planning",
  159027. "310763928",
  159028. "nan",
  159029. "cafritz, conrad,estate planning,310763928,nan"
  159030. ],
  159031. [
  159032. "cafritz, conrad",
  159033. "estate planning",
  159034. "632019925",
  159035. "nan",
  159036. "cafritz, conrad,estate planning,632019925,nan"
  159037. ],
  159038. [
  159039. "rapid payroll, inc.",
  159040. "adv. paymaster of alabama, inc.",
  159041. "140604328",
  159042. "nan",
  159043. "rapid payroll, inc.,adv. paymaster of alabama, inc.,140604328,nan"
  159044. ],
  159045. [
  159046. "novacaixagalicia",
  159047. "loan to 1390 brickell bay tower llc",
  159048. "489564432",
  159049. "13373714",
  159050. "novacaixagalicia,loan to 1390 brickell bay tower llc,489564432,13373714"
  159051. ],
  159052. [
  159053. "wachovia securities",
  159054. "city walk at akard",
  159055. "719580907",
  159056. "13085868",
  159057. "wachovia securities,city walk at akard,719580907,13085868"
  159058. ],
  159059. [
  159060. "bishop paiute tribe",
  159061. "general transactional",
  159062. "409115153",
  159063. "nan",
  159064. "bishop paiute tribe,general transactional,409115153,nan"
  159065. ],
  159066. [
  159067. "levine, robert",
  159068. "personal legal/business issues",
  159069. "719605464",
  159070. "373817",
  159071. "levine, robert,personal legal/business issues,719605464,373817"
  159072. ],
  159073. [
  159074. "loss prevention",
  159075. "conflict of interest resolution",
  159076. "737259460",
  159077. "tl0006638",
  159078. "loss prevention,conflict of interest resolution,737259460,tl0006638"
  159079. ],
  159080. [
  159081. "loss prevention",
  159082. "alas - attorney's liability",
  159083. "737259460",
  159084. "tl0006638",
  159085. "loss prevention,alas - attorney's liability,737259460,tl0006638"
  159086. ],
  159087. [
  159088. "loss prevention",
  159089. "alas - attorney's liability",
  159090. "542290092",
  159091. "nan",
  159092. "loss prevention,alas - attorney's liability,542290092,nan"
  159093. ],
  159094. [
  159095. "loss prevention",
  159096. "alas - centrust savings bank",
  159097. "625580553",
  159098. "nan",
  159099. "loss prevention,alas - centrust savings bank,625580553,nan"
  159100. ],
  159101. [
  159102. "loss prevention",
  159103. "alas - centrust savings bank",
  159104. "625583048",
  159105. "nan",
  159106. "loss prevention,alas - centrust savings bank,625583048,nan"
  159107. ],
  159108. [
  159109. "administrative",
  159110. "rtc - clean up",
  159111. "tcf0012419",
  159112. "bq1217",
  159113. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159114. ],
  159115. [
  159116. "administrative",
  159117. "rtc - clean up",
  159118. "tcf0012419",
  159119. "bq1217",
  159120. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159121. ],
  159122. [
  159123. "administrative",
  159124. "rtc - clean up",
  159125. "tcf0012419",
  159126. "bq1217",
  159127. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159128. ],
  159129. [
  159130. "administrative",
  159131. "rtc - clean up",
  159132. "tcf0012419",
  159133. "bq1217",
  159134. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159135. ],
  159136. [
  159137. "administrative",
  159138. "rtc - clean up",
  159139. "tcf0012419",
  159140. "bq1217",
  159141. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159142. ],
  159143. [
  159144. "administrative",
  159145. "rtc - clean up",
  159146. "tcf0012419",
  159147. "bq1217",
  159148. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159149. ],
  159150. [
  159151. "administrative",
  159152. "rtc - clean up",
  159153. "tcf0012419",
  159154. "bq1217",
  159155. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159156. ],
  159157. [
  159158. "administrative",
  159159. "rtc - clean up",
  159160. "tcf0012419",
  159161. "bq1217",
  159162. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159163. ],
  159164. [
  159165. "administrative",
  159166. "rtc - clean up",
  159167. "tcf0012419",
  159168. "bq1217",
  159169. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159170. ],
  159171. [
  159172. "administrative",
  159173. "rtc - clean up",
  159174. "tcf0012419",
  159175. "bq1217",
  159176. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159177. ],
  159178. [
  159179. "administrative",
  159180. "rtc - clean up",
  159181. "tcf0012419",
  159182. "bq1217",
  159183. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159184. ],
  159185. [
  159186. "administrative",
  159187. "rtc - clean up",
  159188. "tcf0012419",
  159189. "bq1217",
  159190. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159191. ],
  159192. [
  159193. "administrative",
  159194. "rtc - clean up",
  159195. "tcf0012419",
  159196. "bq1217",
  159197. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159198. ],
  159199. [
  159200. "administrative",
  159201. "rtc - clean up",
  159202. "tcf0012419",
  159203. "bq1217",
  159204. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159205. ],
  159206. [
  159207. "administrative",
  159208. "rtc - clean up",
  159209. "tcf0012419",
  159210. "bq1217",
  159211. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159212. ],
  159213. [
  159214. "administrative",
  159215. "rtc - clean up",
  159216. "tcf0012419",
  159217. "bq1217",
  159218. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  159219. ],
  159220. [
  159221. "administrative",
  159222. "rtc - clean up",
  159223. "tcf0012455",
  159224. "bq1256",
  159225. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012455,bq1256"
  159226. ],
  159227. [
  159228. "administrative",
  159229. "rtc - clean up",
  159230. "tcf0012455",
  159231. "bq1256",
  159232. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012455,bq1256"
  159233. ],
  159234. [
  159235. "administrative",
  159236. "rtc - clean up",
  159237. "tcf0012456",
  159238. "bq1257",
  159239. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159240. ],
  159241. [
  159242. "administrative",
  159243. "rtc - clean up",
  159244. "tcf0012456",
  159245. "bq1257",
  159246. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159247. ],
  159248. [
  159249. "administrative",
  159250. "rtc - clean up",
  159251. "tcf0012456",
  159252. "bq1257",
  159253. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159254. ],
  159255. [
  159256. "administrative",
  159257. "rtc - clean up",
  159258. "tcf0012456",
  159259. "bq1257",
  159260. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159261. ],
  159262. [
  159263. "administrative",
  159264. "rtc - clean up",
  159265. "tcf0012456",
  159266. "bq1257",
  159267. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159268. ],
  159269. [
  159270. "administrative",
  159271. "rtc - clean up",
  159272. "tcf0012456",
  159273. "bq1257",
  159274. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159275. ],
  159276. [
  159277. "administrative",
  159278. "rtc - clean up",
  159279. "tcf0012456",
  159280. "bq1257",
  159281. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159282. ],
  159283. [
  159284. "administrative",
  159285. "rtc - clean up",
  159286. "tcf0012456",
  159287. "bq1257",
  159288. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159289. ],
  159290. [
  159291. "administrative",
  159292. "rtc - clean up",
  159293. "tcf0012456",
  159294. "bq1257",
  159295. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159296. ],
  159297. [
  159298. "administrative",
  159299. "rtc - clean up",
  159300. "tcf0012456",
  159301. "bq1257",
  159302. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159303. ],
  159304. [
  159305. "administrative",
  159306. "rtc - clean up",
  159307. "tcf0012456",
  159308. "bq1257",
  159309. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159310. ],
  159311. [
  159312. "administrative",
  159313. "rtc - clean up",
  159314. "tcf0012456",
  159315. "bq1257",
  159316. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  159317. ],
  159318. [
  159319. "administrative",
  159320. "rtc - clean up",
  159321. "tcf0012457",
  159322. "bq1258",
  159323. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159324. ],
  159325. [
  159326. "administrative",
  159327. "rtc - clean up",
  159328. "tcf0012457",
  159329. "bq1258",
  159330. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159331. ],
  159332. [
  159333. "administrative",
  159334. "rtc - clean up",
  159335. "tcf0012457",
  159336. "bq1258",
  159337. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159338. ],
  159339. [
  159340. "administrative",
  159341. "rtc - clean up",
  159342. "tcf0012457",
  159343. "bq1258",
  159344. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159345. ],
  159346. [
  159347. "administrative",
  159348. "rtc - clean up",
  159349. "tcf0012457",
  159350. "bq1258",
  159351. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159352. ],
  159353. [
  159354. "administrative",
  159355. "rtc - clean up",
  159356. "tcf0012457",
  159357. "bq1258",
  159358. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159359. ],
  159360. [
  159361. "administrative",
  159362. "rtc - clean up",
  159363. "tcf0012457",
  159364. "bq1258",
  159365. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159366. ],
  159367. [
  159368. "administrative",
  159369. "rtc - clean up",
  159370. "tcf0012457",
  159371. "bq1258",
  159372. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159373. ],
  159374. [
  159375. "administrative",
  159376. "rtc - clean up",
  159377. "tcf0012457",
  159378. "bq1258",
  159379. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159380. ],
  159381. [
  159382. "administrative",
  159383. "rtc - clean up",
  159384. "tcf0012457",
  159385. "bq1258",
  159386. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159387. ],
  159388. [
  159389. "administrative",
  159390. "rtc - clean up",
  159391. "tcf0012457",
  159392. "bq1258",
  159393. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159394. ],
  159395. [
  159396. "administrative",
  159397. "rtc - clean up",
  159398. "tcf0012457",
  159399. "bq1258",
  159400. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159401. ],
  159402. [
  159403. "administrative",
  159404. "rtc - clean up",
  159405. "tcf0012457",
  159406. "bq1258",
  159407. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159408. ],
  159409. [
  159410. "administrative",
  159411. "rtc - clean up",
  159412. "tcf0012457",
  159413. "bq1258",
  159414. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159415. ],
  159416. [
  159417. "administrative",
  159418. "rtc - clean up",
  159419. "tcf0012457",
  159420. "bq1258",
  159421. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  159422. ],
  159423. [
  159424. "administrative",
  159425. "rtc - clean up",
  159426. "tcf0012458",
  159427. "bq1259",
  159428. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  159429. ],
  159430. [
  159431. "administrative",
  159432. "rtc - clean up",
  159433. "tcf0012458",
  159434. "bq1259",
  159435. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  159436. ],
  159437. [
  159438. "administrative",
  159439. "rtc - clean up",
  159440. "tcf0012458",
  159441. "bq1259",
  159442. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  159443. ],
  159444. [
  159445. "administrative",
  159446. "rtc - clean up",
  159447. "tcf0012458",
  159448. "bq1259",
  159449. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  159450. ],
  159451. [
  159452. "administrative",
  159453. "rtc - clean up",
  159454. "tcf0012459",
  159455. "bq1260",
  159456. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159457. ],
  159458. [
  159459. "administrative",
  159460. "rtc - clean up",
  159461. "tcf0012459",
  159462. "bq1260",
  159463. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159464. ],
  159465. [
  159466. "administrative",
  159467. "rtc - clean up",
  159468. "tcf0012459",
  159469. "bq1260",
  159470. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159471. ],
  159472. [
  159473. "administrative",
  159474. "rtc - clean up",
  159475. "tcf0012459",
  159476. "bq1260",
  159477. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159478. ],
  159479. [
  159480. "administrative",
  159481. "rtc - clean up",
  159482. "tcf0012459",
  159483. "bq1260",
  159484. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159485. ],
  159486. [
  159487. "administrative",
  159488. "rtc - clean up",
  159489. "tcf0012459",
  159490. "bq1260",
  159491. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159492. ],
  159493. [
  159494. "administrative",
  159495. "rtc - clean up",
  159496. "tcf0012459",
  159497. "bq1260",
  159498. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159499. ],
  159500. [
  159501. "administrative",
  159502. "rtc - clean up",
  159503. "tcf0012459",
  159504. "bq1260",
  159505. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159506. ],
  159507. [
  159508. "administrative",
  159509. "rtc - clean up",
  159510. "tcf0012459",
  159511. "bq1260",
  159512. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159513. ],
  159514. [
  159515. "administrative",
  159516. "rtc - clean up",
  159517. "tcf0012459",
  159518. "bq1260",
  159519. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159520. ],
  159521. [
  159522. "administrative",
  159523. "rtc - clean up",
  159524. "tcf0012459",
  159525. "bq1260",
  159526. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159527. ],
  159528. [
  159529. "administrative",
  159530. "rtc - clean up",
  159531. "tcf0012459",
  159532. "bq1260",
  159533. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159534. ],
  159535. [
  159536. "administrative",
  159537. "rtc - clean up",
  159538. "tcf0012459",
  159539. "bq1260",
  159540. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159541. ],
  159542. [
  159543. "administrative",
  159544. "rtc - clean up",
  159545. "tcf0012459",
  159546. "bq1260",
  159547. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159548. ],
  159549. [
  159550. "administrative",
  159551. "rtc - clean up",
  159552. "tcf0012459",
  159553. "bq1260",
  159554. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159555. ],
  159556. [
  159557. "administrative",
  159558. "rtc - clean up",
  159559. "tcf0012459",
  159560. "bq1260",
  159561. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159562. ],
  159563. [
  159564. "administrative",
  159565. "rtc - clean up",
  159566. "tcf0012459",
  159567. "bq1260",
  159568. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159569. ],
  159570. [
  159571. "administrative",
  159572. "rtc - clean up",
  159573. "tcf0012459",
  159574. "bq1260",
  159575. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159576. ],
  159577. [
  159578. "administrative",
  159579. "rtc - clean up",
  159580. "tcf0012459",
  159581. "bq1260",
  159582. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159583. ],
  159584. [
  159585. "administrative",
  159586. "rtc - clean up",
  159587. "tcf0012459",
  159588. "bq1260",
  159589. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159590. ],
  159591. [
  159592. "administrative",
  159593. "rtc - clean up",
  159594. "tcf0012459",
  159595. "bq1260",
  159596. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159597. ],
  159598. [
  159599. "administrative",
  159600. "rtc - clean up",
  159601. "tcf0012459",
  159602. "bq1260",
  159603. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159604. ],
  159605. [
  159606. "administrative",
  159607. "rtc - clean up",
  159608. "tcf0012459",
  159609. "bq1260",
  159610. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159611. ],
  159612. [
  159613. "administrative",
  159614. "rtc - clean up",
  159615. "tcf0012459",
  159616. "bq1260",
  159617. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159618. ],
  159619. [
  159620. "administrative",
  159621. "rtc - clean up",
  159622. "tcf0012459",
  159623. "bq1260",
  159624. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159625. ],
  159626. [
  159627. "administrative",
  159628. "rtc - clean up",
  159629. "tcf0012459",
  159630. "bq1260",
  159631. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159632. ],
  159633. [
  159634. "administrative",
  159635. "rtc - clean up",
  159636. "tcf0012459",
  159637. "bq1260",
  159638. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159639. ],
  159640. [
  159641. "administrative",
  159642. "rtc - clean up",
  159643. "tcf0012459",
  159644. "bq1260",
  159645. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159646. ],
  159647. [
  159648. "administrative",
  159649. "rtc - clean up",
  159650. "tcf0012459",
  159651. "bq1260",
  159652. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159653. ],
  159654. [
  159655. "administrative",
  159656. "rtc - clean up",
  159657. "tcf0012459",
  159658. "bq1260",
  159659. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159660. ],
  159661. [
  159662. "administrative",
  159663. "rtc - clean up",
  159664. "tcf0012459",
  159665. "bq1260",
  159666. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159667. ],
  159668. [
  159669. "administrative",
  159670. "rtc - clean up",
  159671. "tcf0012459",
  159672. "bq1260",
  159673. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159674. ],
  159675. [
  159676. "administrative",
  159677. "rtc - clean up",
  159678. "tcf0012459",
  159679. "bq1260",
  159680. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159681. ],
  159682. [
  159683. "administrative",
  159684. "rtc - clean up",
  159685. "tcf0012459",
  159686. "bq1260",
  159687. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159688. ],
  159689. [
  159690. "administrative",
  159691. "rtc - clean up",
  159692. "tcf0012459",
  159693. "bq1260",
  159694. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159695. ],
  159696. [
  159697. "administrative",
  159698. "rtc - clean up",
  159699. "tcf0012459",
  159700. "bq1260",
  159701. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159702. ],
  159703. [
  159704. "administrative",
  159705. "rtc - clean up",
  159706. "tcf0012459",
  159707. "bq1260",
  159708. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159709. ],
  159710. [
  159711. "administrative",
  159712. "rtc - clean up",
  159713. "tcf0012459",
  159714. "bq1260",
  159715. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159716. ],
  159717. [
  159718. "administrative",
  159719. "rtc - clean up",
  159720. "tcf0012459",
  159721. "bq1260",
  159722. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159723. ],
  159724. [
  159725. "administrative",
  159726. "rtc - clean up",
  159727. "tcf0012459",
  159728. "bq1260",
  159729. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159730. ],
  159731. [
  159732. "administrative",
  159733. "rtc - clean up",
  159734. "tcf0012459",
  159735. "bq1260",
  159736. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159737. ],
  159738. [
  159739. "administrative",
  159740. "rtc - clean up",
  159741. "tcf0012459",
  159742. "bq1260",
  159743. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159744. ],
  159745. [
  159746. "administrative",
  159747. "rtc - clean up",
  159748. "tcf0012459",
  159749. "bq1260",
  159750. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  159751. ],
  159752. [
  159753. "administrative",
  159754. "rtc - clean up",
  159755. "tcf0012460",
  159756. "bq1261",
  159757. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159758. ],
  159759. [
  159760. "administrative",
  159761. "rtc - clean up",
  159762. "tcf0012460",
  159763. "bq1261",
  159764. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159765. ],
  159766. [
  159767. "administrative",
  159768. "rtc - clean up",
  159769. "tcf0012460",
  159770. "bq1261",
  159771. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159772. ],
  159773. [
  159774. "administrative",
  159775. "rtc - clean up",
  159776. "tcf0012460",
  159777. "bq1261",
  159778. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159779. ],
  159780. [
  159781. "administrative",
  159782. "rtc - clean up",
  159783. "tcf0012460",
  159784. "bq1261",
  159785. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159786. ],
  159787. [
  159788. "administrative",
  159789. "rtc - clean up",
  159790. "tcf0012460",
  159791. "bq1261",
  159792. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159793. ],
  159794. [
  159795. "administrative",
  159796. "rtc - clean up",
  159797. "tcf0012460",
  159798. "bq1261",
  159799. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159800. ],
  159801. [
  159802. "administrative",
  159803. "rtc - clean up",
  159804. "tcf0012460",
  159805. "bq1261",
  159806. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159807. ],
  159808. [
  159809. "administrative",
  159810. "rtc - clean up",
  159811. "tcf0012460",
  159812. "bq1261",
  159813. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159814. ],
  159815. [
  159816. "administrative",
  159817. "rtc - clean up",
  159818. "tcf0012460",
  159819. "bq1261",
  159820. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159821. ],
  159822. [
  159823. "administrative",
  159824. "rtc - clean up",
  159825. "tcf0012460",
  159826. "bq1261",
  159827. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159828. ],
  159829. [
  159830. "administrative",
  159831. "rtc - clean up",
  159832. "tcf0012460",
  159833. "bq1261",
  159834. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159835. ],
  159836. [
  159837. "administrative",
  159838. "rtc - clean up",
  159839. "tcf0012460",
  159840. "bq1261",
  159841. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159842. ],
  159843. [
  159844. "administrative",
  159845. "rtc - clean up",
  159846. "tcf0012460",
  159847. "bq1261",
  159848. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159849. ],
  159850. [
  159851. "administrative",
  159852. "rtc - clean up",
  159853. "tcf0012460",
  159854. "bq1261",
  159855. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159856. ],
  159857. [
  159858. "administrative",
  159859. "rtc - clean up",
  159860. "tcf0012460",
  159861. "bq1261",
  159862. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159863. ],
  159864. [
  159865. "administrative",
  159866. "rtc - clean up",
  159867. "tcf0012460",
  159868. "bq1261",
  159869. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159870. ],
  159871. [
  159872. "administrative",
  159873. "rtc - clean up",
  159874. "tcf0012460",
  159875. "bq1261",
  159876. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159877. ],
  159878. [
  159879. "administrative",
  159880. "rtc - clean up",
  159881. "tcf0012460",
  159882. "bq1261",
  159883. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159884. ],
  159885. [
  159886. "administrative",
  159887. "rtc - clean up",
  159888. "tcf0012460",
  159889. "bq1261",
  159890. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159891. ],
  159892. [
  159893. "administrative",
  159894. "rtc - clean up",
  159895. "tcf0012460",
  159896. "bq1261",
  159897. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  159898. ],
  159899. [
  159900. "administrative",
  159901. "rtc - clean up",
  159902. "130790019",
  159903. "nan",
  159904. "administrative,rtc - clean up,130790019,nan"
  159905. ],
  159906. [
  159907. "administrative",
  159908. "rtc - clean up",
  159909. "130790020",
  159910. "nan",
  159911. "administrative,rtc - clean up,130790020,nan"
  159912. ],
  159913. [
  159914. "administrative",
  159915. "rtc - clean up",
  159916. "130790020",
  159917. "nan",
  159918. "administrative,rtc - clean up,130790020,nan"
  159919. ],
  159920. [
  159921. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159922. "ultramark, inc.",
  159923. "625087162",
  159924. "664830",
  159925. "rtc industries, inc.,ultramark, inc.,625087162,664830"
  159926. ],
  159927. [
  159928. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159929. "rtc industries, inc./sproulls, mary",
  159930. "625092623",
  159931. "806555",
  159932. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc industries, inc./sproulls, mary,625092623,806555"
  159933. ],
  159934. [
  159935. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159936. "adv. lillian hines",
  159937. "628332868",
  159938. "822948",
  159939. "rtc industries, inc.,adv. lillian hines,628332868,822948"
  159940. ],
  159941. [
  159942. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159943. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  159944. "608475580",
  159945. "nan",
  159946. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,608475580,nan"
  159947. ],
  159948. [
  159949. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159950. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  159951. "608475580",
  159952. "nan",
  159953. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,608475580,nan"
  159954. ],
  159955. [
  159956. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159957. "ema, inc.",
  159958. "608475580",
  159959. "nan",
  159960. "rtc industries, inc.,ema, inc.,608475580,nan"
  159961. ],
  159962. [
  159963. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159964. "adv. eugene holtier",
  159965. "608475580",
  159966. "nan",
  159967. "rtc industries, inc.,adv. eugene holtier,608475580,nan"
  159968. ],
  159969. [
  159970. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159971. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  159972. "608475582",
  159973. "nan",
  159974. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,608475582,nan"
  159975. ],
  159976. [
  159977. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159978. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  159979. "608475583",
  159980. "nan",
  159981. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,608475583,nan"
  159982. ],
  159983. [
  159984. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159985. "adv. eugene holtier",
  159986. "608475583",
  159987. "nan",
  159988. "rtc industries, inc.,adv. eugene holtier,608475583,nan"
  159989. ],
  159990. [
  159991. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159992. "cormark, inc.",
  159993. "active file",
  159994. "nan",
  159995. "rtc industries, inc.,cormark, inc.,active file,nan"
  159996. ],
  159997. [
  159998. "rtc industries, inc.",
  159999. "raney, justin",
  160000. "active file",
  160001. "nan",
  160002. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  160003. ],
  160004. [
  160005. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160006. "raney, justin",
  160007. "active file",
  160008. "nan",
  160009. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  160010. ],
  160011. [
  160012. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160013. "raney, justin",
  160014. "active file",
  160015. "nan",
  160016. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  160017. ],
  160018. [
  160019. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160020. "raney, justin",
  160021. "active file",
  160022. "nan",
  160023. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  160024. ],
  160025. [
  160026. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160027. "artitalia group",
  160028. "active file",
  160029. "nan",
  160030. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  160031. ],
  160032. [
  160033. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160034. "artitalia group",
  160035. "active file",
  160036. "nan",
  160037. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  160038. ],
  160039. [
  160040. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160041. "artitalia group",
  160042. "active file",
  160043. "nan",
  160044. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  160045. ],
  160046. [
  160047. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160048. "artitalia group",
  160049. "active file",
  160050. "nan",
  160051. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  160052. ],
  160053. [
  160054. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160055. "artitalia group",
  160056. "active file",
  160057. "nan",
  160058. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  160059. ],
  160060. [
  160061. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160062. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  160063. "active file",
  160064. "nan",
  160065. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  160066. ],
  160067. [
  160068. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160069. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  160070. "active file",
  160071. "nan",
  160072. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  160073. ],
  160074. [
  160075. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160076. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  160077. "active file",
  160078. "nan",
  160079. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  160080. ],
  160081. [
  160082. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160083. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  160084. "active file",
  160085. "nan",
  160086. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  160087. ],
  160088. [
  160089. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160090. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  160091. "active file",
  160092. "nan",
  160093. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  160094. ],
  160095. [
  160096. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160097. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  160098. "active file",
  160099. "nan",
  160100. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  160101. ],
  160102. [
  160103. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160104. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  160105. "active file",
  160106. "nan",
  160107. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  160108. ],
  160109. [
  160110. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160111. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  160112. "active file",
  160113. "nan",
  160114. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160115. ],
  160116. [
  160117. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160118. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  160119. "active file",
  160120. "nan",
  160121. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160122. ],
  160123. [
  160124. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160125. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  160126. "active file",
  160127. "nan",
  160128. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160129. ],
  160130. [
  160131. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160132. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  160133. "active file",
  160134. "nan",
  160135. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160136. ],
  160137. [
  160138. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160139. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  160140. "active file",
  160141. "nan",
  160142. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160143. ],
  160144. [
  160145. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160146. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  160147. "active file",
  160148. "nan",
  160149. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160150. ],
  160151. [
  160152. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160153. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  160154. "active file",
  160155. "nan",
  160156. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160157. ],
  160158. [
  160159. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160160. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  160161. "active file",
  160162. "nan",
  160163. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  160164. ],
  160165. [
  160166. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160167. "2014 collective bargaining",
  160168. "active file",
  160169. "nan",
  160170. "rtc industries, inc.,2014 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  160171. ],
  160172. [
  160173. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160174. "2014 collective bargaining",
  160175. "active file",
  160176. "nan",
  160177. "rtc industries, inc.,2014 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  160178. ],
  160179. [
  160180. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160181. "2014 collective bargaining",
  160182. "active file",
  160183. "nan",
  160184. "rtc industries, inc.,2014 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  160185. ],
  160186. [
  160187. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160188. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  160189. "active file",
  160190. "nan",
  160191. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  160192. ],
  160193. [
  160194. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160195. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  160196. "active file",
  160197. "nan",
  160198. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  160199. ],
  160200. [
  160201. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160202. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  160203. "active file",
  160204. "nan",
  160205. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  160206. ],
  160207. [
  160208. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160209. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  160210. "active file",
  160211. "nan",
  160212. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  160213. ],
  160214. [
  160215. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160216. "china fire bureau matter",
  160217. "active file",
  160218. "nan",
  160219. "rtc industries, inc.,china fire bureau matter,active file,nan"
  160220. ],
  160221. [
  160222. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160223. "mzm s.a. de c.v. - claim",
  160224. "633154271",
  160225. "nan",
  160226. "rtc industries, inc.,mzm s.a. de c.v. - claim,633154271,nan"
  160227. ],
  160228. [
  160229. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160230. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160231. "633154271",
  160232. "nan",
  160233. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633154271,nan"
  160234. ],
  160235. [
  160236. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160237. "olay project arbitration",
  160238. "633154271",
  160239. "nan",
  160240. "rtc industries, inc.,olay project arbitration,633154271,nan"
  160241. ],
  160242. [
  160243. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160244. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  160245. "633154271",
  160246. "nan",
  160247. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633154271,nan"
  160248. ],
  160249. [
  160250. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160251. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160252. "633151190",
  160253. "nan",
  160254. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151190,nan"
  160255. ],
  160256. [
  160257. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160258. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160259. "633151190",
  160260. "nan",
  160261. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151190,nan"
  160262. ],
  160263. [
  160264. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160265. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160266. "633151190",
  160267. "nan",
  160268. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151190,nan"
  160269. ],
  160270. [
  160271. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160272. "2005 collective bargaining",
  160273. "633151200",
  160274. "nan",
  160275. "rtc industries, inc.,2005 collective bargaining,633151200,nan"
  160276. ],
  160277. [
  160278. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160279. "china matters",
  160280. "633151200",
  160281. "nan",
  160282. "rtc industries, inc.,china matters,633151200,nan"
  160283. ],
  160284. [
  160285. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160286. "gladys evans",
  160287. "633151200",
  160288. "nan",
  160289. "rtc industries, inc.,gladys evans,633151200,nan"
  160290. ],
  160291. [
  160292. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160293. "kenneth coleman",
  160294. "633151200",
  160295. "nan",
  160296. "rtc industries, inc.,kenneth coleman,633151200,nan"
  160297. ],
  160298. [
  160299. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160300. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160301. "633151200",
  160302. "nan",
  160303. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151200,nan"
  160304. ],
  160305. [
  160306. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160307. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  160308. "633151200",
  160309. "nan",
  160310. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151200,nan"
  160311. ],
  160312. [
  160313. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160314. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  160315. "633151200",
  160316. "nan",
  160317. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151200,nan"
  160318. ],
  160319. [
  160320. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160321. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  160322. "633151208",
  160323. "nan",
  160324. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633151208,nan"
  160325. ],
  160326. [
  160327. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160328. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  160329. "633151208",
  160330. "nan",
  160331. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633151208,nan"
  160332. ],
  160333. [
  160334. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160335. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  160336. "633151208",
  160337. "nan",
  160338. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633151208,nan"
  160339. ],
  160340. [
  160341. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160342. "michael watson",
  160343. "633151208",
  160344. "nan",
  160345. "rtc industries, inc.,michael watson,633151208,nan"
  160346. ],
  160347. [
  160348. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160349. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160350. "633151213",
  160351. "nan",
  160352. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151213,nan"
  160353. ],
  160354. [
  160355. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160356. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160357. "633151213",
  160358. "nan",
  160359. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151213,nan"
  160360. ],
  160361. [
  160362. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160363. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160364. "633151213",
  160365. "nan",
  160366. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151213,nan"
  160367. ],
  160368. [
  160369. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160370. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160371. "633151227",
  160372. "nan",
  160373. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151227,nan"
  160374. ],
  160375. [
  160376. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160377. "john stalle discrimination claim",
  160378. "633151228",
  160379. "nan",
  160380. "rtc industries, inc.,john stalle discrimination claim,633151228,nan"
  160381. ],
  160382. [
  160383. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160384. "general labor and employment counseling",
  160385. "633151228",
  160386. "nan",
  160387. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151228,nan"
  160388. ],
  160389. [
  160390. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160391. "ultramark, inc.",
  160392. "633151236",
  160393. "nan",
  160394. "rtc industries, inc.,ultramark, inc.,633151236,nan"
  160395. ],
  160396. [
  160397. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160398. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  160399. "633151243",
  160400. "nan",
  160401. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151243,nan"
  160402. ],
  160403. [
  160404. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160405. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  160406. "633151249",
  160407. "nan",
  160408. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151249,nan"
  160409. ],
  160410. [
  160411. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160412. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  160413. "633151249",
  160414. "nan",
  160415. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151249,nan"
  160416. ],
  160417. [
  160418. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160419. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  160420. "633151249",
  160421. "nan",
  160422. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151249,nan"
  160423. ],
  160424. [
  160425. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160426. "rolling meadows, illinois",
  160427. "active file",
  160428. "nan",
  160429. "rtc industries, inc.,rolling meadows, illinois,active file,nan"
  160430. ],
  160431. [
  160432. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160433. "barb gierek",
  160434. "active file",
  160435. "nan",
  160436. "rtc industries, inc.,barb gierek,active file,nan"
  160437. ],
  160438. [
  160439. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160440. "kyle mcdonough",
  160441. "active file",
  160442. "nan",
  160443. "rtc industries, inc.,kyle mcdonough,active file,nan"
  160444. ],
  160445. [
  160446. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160447. "lawrence o'neill - employment agreement as coo",
  160448. "active file",
  160449. "nan",
  160450. "rtc industries, inc.,lawrence o'neill - employment agreement as coo,active file,nan"
  160451. ],
  160452. [
  160453. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160454. "michael poole",
  160455. "active file",
  160456. "nan",
  160457. "rtc industries, inc.,michael poole,active file,nan"
  160458. ],
  160459. [
  160460. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160461. "mark jerram",
  160462. "active file",
  160463. "nan",
  160464. "rtc industries, inc.,mark jerram,active file,nan"
  160465. ],
  160466. [
  160467. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160468. "2016 collective bargaining",
  160469. "active file",
  160470. "nan",
  160471. "rtc industries, inc.,2016 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  160472. ],
  160473. [
  160474. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160475. "2016 collective bargaining",
  160476. "active file",
  160477. "nan",
  160478. "rtc industries, inc.,2016 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  160479. ],
  160480. [
  160481. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160482. "2016 collective bargaining",
  160483. "active file",
  160484. "nan",
  160485. "rtc industries, inc.,2016 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  160486. ],
  160487. [
  160488. "rtc industries, inc.",
  160489. "china fire bureau matter",
  160490. "active file",
  160491. "nan",
  160492. "rtc industries, inc.,china fire bureau matter,active file,nan"
  160493. ],
  160494. [
  160495. "starabilias, llc",
  160496. "adv. jonathan pratte",
  160497. "489813584",
  160498. "nan",
  160499. "starabilias, llc,adv. jonathan pratte,489813584,nan"
  160500. ],
  160501. [
  160502. "cartcraft company, the",
  160503. "formation and general corporate matters",
  160504. "719586785",
  160505. "13637363",
  160506. "cartcraft company, the,formation and general corporate matters,719586785,13637363"
  160507. ],
  160508. [
  160509. "cartcraft company, the",
  160510. "formation and general corporate matters",
  160511. "719580890",
  160512. "13637364",
  160513. "cartcraft company, the,formation and general corporate matters,719580890,13637364"
  160514. ],
  160515. [
  160516. "ge capital commercial finance, inc.",
  160517. "project deco due diligence",
  160518. "727768002",
  160519. "nan",
  160520. "ge capital commercial finance, inc.,project deco due diligence,727768002,nan"
  160521. ],
  160522. [
  160523. "general allocation file",
  160524. "bradley-burns local sales tax litigation",
  160525. "699685564",
  160526. "nan",
  160527. "general allocation file,bradley-burns local sales tax litigation,699685564,nan"
  160528. ],
  160529. [
  160530. "general allocation file",
  160531. "bradley-burns local sales tax litigation",
  160532. "699685565",
  160533. "nan",
  160534. "general allocation file,bradley-burns local sales tax litigation,699685565,nan"
  160535. ],
  160536. [
  160537. "washington mutual bank, n.a.",
  160538. "washington mutual adv. schwartz - release of lien case",
  160539. "521879769",
  160540. "sep-21",
  160541. "washington mutual bank, n.a.,washington mutual adv. schwartz - release of lien case,521879769,sep-21"
  160542. ],
  160543. [
  160544. "netbank, inc.",
  160545. "case administration",
  160546. "657796667",
  160547. "nan",
  160548. "netbank, inc.,case administration,657796667,nan"
  160549. ],
  160550. [
  160551. "netbank, inc.",
  160552. "case administration",
  160553. "657796668",
  160554. "nan",
  160555. "netbank, inc.,case administration,657796668,nan"
  160556. ],
  160557. [
  160558. "netbank, inc.",
  160559. "case administration",
  160560. "657796676",
  160561. "nan",
  160562. "netbank, inc.,case administration,657796676,nan"
  160563. ],
  160564. [
  160565. "netbank, inc.",
  160566. "business operations",
  160567. "755565945",
  160568. "nan",
  160569. "netbank, inc.,business operations,755565945,nan"
  160570. ],
  160571. [
  160572. "edison international",
  160573. "general counseling and prosecution",
  160574. "459068898",
  160575. "nan",
  160576. "edison international,general counseling and prosecution,459068898,nan"
  160577. ],
  160578. [
  160579. "southern california edison",
  160580. "tm/sm:us edison smartconnect in classes 9 and 38",
  160581. "active file",
  160582. "nan",
  160583. "southern california edison,tm/sm:us edison smartconnect in classes 9 and 38,active file,nan"
  160584. ],
  160585. [
  160586. "viacom outdoor",
  160587. "prtc advertising contract advice",
  160588. "428643933",
  160589. "nan",
  160590. "viacom outdoor,prtc advertising contract advice,428643933,nan"
  160591. ],
  160592. [
  160593. "jpmorgan chase bank, n.a.",
  160594. "fdic and other loan document assignment projects;",
  160595. "786423175",
  160596. "786423175",
  160597. "jpmorgan chase bank, n.a.,fdic and other loan document assignment projects;,786423175,786423175"
  160598. ],
  160599. [
  160600. "kaplan, sandra",
  160601. "co-trustee and beneficiary of max bergman estate",
  160602. "631769950",
  160603. "631769950",
  160604. "kaplan, sandra,co-trustee and beneficiary of max bergman estate,631769950,631769950"
  160605. ],
  160606. [
  160607. "pro-bono",
  160608. "fdic comment letter- the florida bar foundation",
  160609. "632025502",
  160610. "nan",
  160611. "pro-bono,fdic comment letter- the florida bar foundation,632025502,nan"
  160612. ],
  160613. [
  160614. "community service",
  160615. "jonathan buckland / andrew holness",
  160616. "443055596",
  160617. "443055596",
  160618. "community service,jonathan buckland / andrew holness,443055596,443055596"
  160619. ],
  160620. [
  160621. "royall, hardin, j., jr.",
  160622. "vs. fdic et al.",
  160623. "225349878",
  160624. "225349878",
  160625. "royall, hardin, j., jr.,vs. fdic et al.,225349878,225349878"
  160626. ],
  160627. [
  160628. "royall, hardin, j., jr.",
  160629. "vs. fdic et al.",
  160630. "788653110",
  160631. "nan",
  160632. "royall, hardin, j., jr.,vs. fdic et al.,788653110,nan"
  160633. ],
  160634. [
  160635. "legal department",
  160636. "pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  160637. "625588277",
  160638. "311084",
  160639. "legal department,pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,625588277,311084"
  160640. ],
  160641. [
  160642. "legal department",
  160643. "gc - chesterfield smith documents",
  160644. "513364262",
  160645. "513364262",
  160646. "legal department,gc - chesterfield smith documents,513364262,513364262"
  160647. ],
  160648. [
  160649. "legal department",
  160650. "pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  160651. "652544381",
  160652. "13176400",
  160653. "legal department,pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,652544381,13176400"
  160654. ],
  160655. [
  160656. "legal department",
  160657. "pr - conflict of interest resolution",
  160658. "635765139",
  160659. "nan",
  160660. "legal department,pr - conflict of interest resolution,635765139,nan"
  160661. ],
  160662. [
  160663. "legal department",
  160664. "pr - conflict resolution related to holland & knight",
  160665. "635674400",
  160666. "nan",
  160667. "legal department,pr - conflict resolution related to holland & knight,635674400,nan"
  160668. ],
  160669. [
  160670. "legal department",
  160671. "gc - general counsel",
  160672. "755565991",
  160673. "nan",
  160674. "legal department,gc - general counsel,755565991,nan"
  160675. ],
  160676. [
  160677. "legal department",
  160678. "pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims",
  160679. "727771739",
  160680. "nan",
  160681. "legal department,pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims,727771739,nan"
  160682. ],
  160683. [
  160684. "legal department",
  160685. "pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims",
  160686. "active file",
  160687. "nan",
  160688. "legal department,pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims,active file,nan"
  160689. ],
  160690. [
  160691. "legal department",
  160692. "gc - general counsel",
  160693. "844945338",
  160694. "nan",
  160695. "legal department,gc - general counsel,844945338,nan"
  160696. ],
  160697. [
  160698. "legal department",
  160699. "pr - loss prevention - general matters",
  160700. "768010718",
  160701. "nan",
  160702. "legal department,pr - loss prevention - general matters,768010718,nan"
  160703. ],
  160704. [
  160705. "nexus medical group, llc",
  160706. "lawsuit by cancel et al.",
  160707. "795105598",
  160708. "nan",
  160709. "nexus medical group, llc,lawsuit by cancel et al.,795105598,nan"
  160710. ],
  160711. [
  160712. "professional/personal",
  160713. "firm duties",
  160714. "719593620",
  160715. "95660",
  160716. "professional/personal,firm duties,719593620,95660"
  160717. ],
  160718. [
  160719. "professional/personal",
  160720. "firm activity",
  160721. "719581988",
  160722. "173665",
  160723. "professional/personal,firm activity,719581988,173665"
  160724. ],
  160725. [
  160726. "professional/personal",
  160727. "general promotional work",
  160728. "719589632",
  160729. "13085818",
  160730. "professional/personal,general promotional work,719589632,13085818"
  160731. ],
  160732. [
  160733. "professional/personal",
  160734. "professional liability",
  160735. "625583036",
  160736. "nan",
  160737. "professional/personal,professional liability,625583036,nan"
  160738. ],
  160739. [
  160740. "gorrin, alvaro",
  160741. "u.s. representation",
  160742. "652544292",
  160743. "43794",
  160744. "gorrin, alvaro,u.s. representation,652544292,43794"
  160745. ],
  160746. [
  160747. "duty free world",
  160748. "general corporate matters and entity maintenance",
  160749. "727768920",
  160750. "nan",
  160751. "duty free world,general corporate matters and entity maintenance,727768920,nan"
  160752. ],
  160753. [
  160754. "duty free world",
  160755. "general corporate matters and entity maintenance",
  160756. "727768920",
  160757. "nan",
  160758. "duty free world,general corporate matters and entity maintenance,727768920,nan"
  160759. ],
  160760. [
  160761. "auxiliary construction services, inc.",
  160762. "vs. federal deposit insurance corporation, et al.",
  160763. "225349878",
  160764. "225349878",
  160765. "auxiliary construction services, inc.,vs. federal deposit insurance corporation, et al.,225349878,225349878"
  160766. ],
  160767. [
  160768. "benfield blanch holdings, inc.",
  160769. "ulico casualty company litigation",
  160770. "489256275",
  160771. "1000295689",
  160772. "benfield blanch holdings, inc.,ulico casualty company litigation,489256275,1000295689"
  160773. ],
  160774. [
  160775. "mastec, inc., shanfelter, austin & weins",
  160776. "sec investigation",
  160777. "727770318",
  160778. "nan",
  160779. "mastec, inc., shanfelter, austin & weins,sec investigation,727770318,nan"
  160780. ],
  160781. [
  160782. "cgi technologies and solutions inc.",
  160783. "general corporate",
  160784. "rf037106701",
  160785. "nan",
  160786. "cgi technologies and solutions inc.,general corporate,rf037106701,nan"
  160787. ],
  160788. [
  160789. "intercontinental hotels group",
  160790. "crowne plaza - santiago, chile (disposition)",
  160791. "625427540",
  160792. "13150280",
  160793. "intercontinental hotels group,crowne plaza - santiago, chile (disposition),625427540,13150280"
  160794. ],
  160795. [
  160796. "plymouth rock transportation corporation",
  160797. "union proceedings",
  160798. "737332148",
  160799. "13078042",
  160800. "plymouth rock transportation corporation,union proceedings,737332148,13078042"
  160801. ],
  160802. [
  160803. "waller lansden dortch & davis, pllc",
  160804. "banctrust financial group",
  160805. "625584689",
  160806. "316180",
  160807. "waller lansden dortch & davis, pllc,banctrust financial group,625584689,316180"
  160808. ],
  160809. [
  160810. "beach bank",
  160811. "regulatory matters",
  160812. "460600789",
  160813. "13150099",
  160814. "beach bank,regulatory matters,460600789,13150099"
  160815. ],
  160816. [
  160817. "beach bank",
  160818. "regulatory matters",
  160819. "460600949",
  160820. "13150100",
  160821. "beach bank,regulatory matters,460600949,13150100"
  160822. ],
  160823. [
  160824. "beach bank",
  160825. "beach bank/sun america bank",
  160826. "460600809",
  160827. "13150102",
  160828. "beach bank,beach bank/sun america bank,460600809,13150102"
  160829. ],
  160830. [
  160831. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160832. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160833. "active file",
  160834. "nan",
  160835. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160836. ],
  160837. [
  160838. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160839. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160840. "active file",
  160841. "nan",
  160842. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160843. ],
  160844. [
  160845. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160846. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160847. "active file",
  160848. "nan",
  160849. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160850. ],
  160851. [
  160852. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160853. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160854. "active file",
  160855. "nan",
  160856. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160857. ],
  160858. [
  160859. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160860. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160861. "active file",
  160862. "nan",
  160863. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160864. ],
  160865. [
  160866. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160867. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160868. "active file",
  160869. "nan",
  160870. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160871. ],
  160872. [
  160873. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160874. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160875. "active file",
  160876. "nan",
  160877. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160878. ],
  160879. [
  160880. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160881. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160882. "active file",
  160883. "nan",
  160884. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160885. ],
  160886. [
  160887. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160888. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160889. "active file",
  160890. "nan",
  160891. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160892. ],
  160893. [
  160894. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160895. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160896. "active file",
  160897. "nan",
  160898. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160899. ],
  160900. [
  160901. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  160902. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  160903. "active file",
  160904. "nan",
  160905. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  160906. ],
  160907. [
  160908. "gulf coast bank",
  160909. "organization and chartering of de novo bank in",
  160910. "553931229",
  160911. "553931229",
  160912. "gulf coast bank,organization and chartering of de novo bank in,553931229,553931229"
  160913. ],
  160914. [
  160915. "first national bank of durango",
  160916. "bank acquisition",
  160917. "625091806",
  160918. "808009",
  160919. "first national bank of durango,bank acquisition,625091806,808009"
  160920. ],
  160921. [
  160922. "orlando village development limited part",
  160923. "village of imagine - condominium development",
  160924. "657800410",
  160925. "nan",
  160926. "orlando village development limited part,village of imagine - condominium development,657800410,nan"
  160927. ],
  160928. [
  160929. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160930. "general intellectual property counseling",
  160931. "459070839",
  160932. "nan",
  160933. "stanley swain's, incorporated,general intellectual property counseling,459070839,nan"
  160934. ],
  160935. [
  160936. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160937. "tmus: artcard (green)",
  160938. "459070839",
  160939. "nan",
  160940. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (green),459070839,nan"
  160941. ],
  160942. [
  160943. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160944. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  160945. "392048087",
  160946. "nan",
  160947. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (42),392048087,nan"
  160948. ],
  160949. [
  160950. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160951. "tmus: artcard (gcc)",
  160952. "392048288",
  160953. "nan",
  160954. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (gcc),392048288,nan"
  160955. ],
  160956. [
  160957. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160958. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  160959. "392048288",
  160960. "nan",
  160961. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (42),392048288,nan"
  160962. ],
  160963. [
  160964. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160965. "tmus: artcard (wu) (square)",
  160966. "392048288",
  160967. "nan",
  160968. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (wu) (square),392048288,nan"
  160969. ],
  160970. [
  160971. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160972. "infr: allegany arts (artcard)",
  160973. "459070840",
  160974. "nan",
  160975. "stanley swain's, incorporated,infr: allegany arts (artcard),459070840,nan"
  160976. ],
  160977. [
  160978. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160979. "infr: austin museum of art (artcard)",
  160980. "459070840",
  160981. "nan",
  160982. "stanley swain's, incorporated,infr: austin museum of art (artcard),459070840,nan"
  160983. ],
  160984. [
  160985. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160986. "infr: artistree (dewittville ny) (artcard)",
  160987. "459070840",
  160988. "nan",
  160989. "stanley swain's, incorporated,infr: artistree (dewittville ny) (artcard),459070840,nan"
  160990. ],
  160991. [
  160992. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  160993. "tmus: artcard (green)",
  160994. "391995369",
  160995. "nan",
  160996. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (green),391995369,nan"
  160997. ],
  160998. [
  160999. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  161000. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  161001. "392048328",
  161002. "nan",
  161003. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (42),392048328,nan"
  161004. ],
  161005. [
  161006. "resort clubs international, inc.",
  161007. "golfing club legal services",
  161008. "489668911",
  161009. "1001517079",
  161010. "resort clubs international, inc.,golfing club legal services,489668911,1001517079"
  161011. ],
  161012. [
  161013. "curtco/sb, llc",
  161014. "transfer of trademark matters from showmedia",
  161015. "719640603",
  161016. "116984",
  161017. "curtco/sb, llc,transfer of trademark matters from showmedia,719640603,116984"
  161018. ],
  161019. [
  161020. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency)",
  161021. "$40,000,000 loan to lionstone group",
  161022. "727770711",
  161023. "nan",
  161024. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency),$40,000,000 loan to lionstone group,727770711,nan"
  161025. ],
  161026. [
  161027. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency)",
  161028. "general real estate matters",
  161029. "727770711",
  161030. "nan",
  161031. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency),general real estate matters,727770711,nan"
  161032. ],
  161033. [
  161034. "fremont investment & loan",
  161035. "istar participation pool (various loans)",
  161036. "459074061",
  161037. "nan",
  161038. "fremont investment & loan,istar participation pool (various loans),459074061,nan"
  161039. ],
  161040. [
  161041. "fremont investment & loan",
  161042. "istar ocean city participation agreement (950115011)",
  161043. "459070426",
  161044. "nan",
  161045. "fremont investment & loan,istar ocean city participation agreement (950115011),459070426,nan"
  161046. ],
  161047. [
  161048. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan",
  161049. "confidential investigation",
  161050. "614948414",
  161051. "nan",
  161052. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan,confidential investigation,614948414,nan"
  161053. ],
  161054. [
  161055. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan",
  161056. "confidential investigation",
  161057. "633151340",
  161058. "nan",
  161059. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan,confidential investigation,633151340,nan"
  161060. ],
  161061. [
  161062. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  161063. "richmond",
  161064. "792945100",
  161065. "nan",
  161066. "cherokee investment partners llc,richmond,792945100,nan"
  161067. ],
  161068. [
  161069. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  161070. "richmond",
  161071. "792945100",
  161072. "nan",
  161073. "cherokee investment partners llc,richmond,792945100,nan"
  161074. ],
  161075. [
  161076. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  161077. "richmond",
  161078. "792945100",
  161079. "nan",
  161080. "cherokee investment partners llc,richmond,792945100,nan"
  161081. ],
  161082. [
  161083. "hormel, jamie r.",
  161084. "california probate estate",
  161085. "459070460",
  161086. "nan",
  161087. "hormel, jamie r.,california probate estate,459070460,nan"
  161088. ],
  161089. [
  161090. "capital one, national association",
  161091. "martco limited partnership",
  161092. "719608799",
  161093. "12622370",
  161094. "capital one, national association,martco limited partnership,719608799,12622370"
  161095. ],
  161096. [
  161097. "capital one, national association",
  161098. "martco limited partnership",
  161099. "719583221",
  161100. "13079524",
  161101. "capital one, national association,martco limited partnership,719583221,13079524"
  161102. ],
  161103. [
  161104. "capital one, national association",
  161105. "martco limited partnership",
  161106. "729268552",
  161107. "nan",
  161108. "capital one, national association,martco limited partnership,729268552,nan"
  161109. ],
  161110. [
  161111. "southeast financial holding corporation",
  161112. "family office bankshares/de novo bank",
  161113. "460603185",
  161114. "13176433",
  161115. "southeast financial holding corporation,family office bankshares/de novo bank,460603185,13176433"
  161116. ],
  161117. [
  161118. "everbank",
  161119. "everbank v. arizona federal, llc",
  161120. "999313506",
  161121. "999313506",
  161122. "everbank,everbank v. arizona federal, llc,999313506,999313506"
  161123. ],
  161124. [
  161125. "hudson housing capital, llc",
  161126. "seven maples",
  161127. "489669198",
  161128. "nan",
  161129. "hudson housing capital, llc,seven maples,489669198,nan"
  161130. ],
  161131. [
  161132. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona",
  161133. "real estate partnerships",
  161134. "632023243",
  161135. "nan",
  161136. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona,real estate partnerships,632023243,nan"
  161137. ],
  161138. [
  161139. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona",
  161140. "real estate partnerships",
  161141. "632023243",
  161142. "nan",
  161143. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona,real estate partnerships,632023243,nan"
  161144. ],
  161145. [
  161146. "nan",
  161147. "nan",
  161148. "75814372",
  161149. "5960",
  161150. "nan,nan,75814372,5960"
  161151. ],
  161152. [
  161153. "nan",
  161154. "nan",
  161155. "544955413",
  161156. "6026",
  161157. "nan,nan,544955413,6026"
  161158. ],
  161159. [
  161160. "nan",
  161161. "nan",
  161162. "544955440",
  161163. "6029",
  161164. "nan,nan,544955440,6029"
  161165. ],
  161166. [
  161167. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  161168. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  161169. "155763246",
  161170. "104908",
  161171. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***, ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***,155763246,104908"
  161172. ],
  161173. [
  161174. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  161175. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  161176. "155763223",
  161177. "104912",
  161178. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***, ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***,155763223,104912"
  161179. ],
  161180. [
  161181. "nan",
  161182. "nan",
  161183. "545403205",
  161184. "127243",
  161185. "nan,nan,545403205,127243"
  161186. ],
  161187. [
  161188. "nan",
  161189. "nan",
  161190. "545403184",
  161191. "127244",
  161192. "nan,nan,545403184,127244"
  161193. ],
  161194. [
  161195. "nan",
  161196. "nan",
  161197. "545403188",
  161198. "127245",
  161199. "nan,nan,545403188,127245"
  161200. ],
  161201. [
  161202. "nan",
  161203. "nan",
  161204. "545403211",
  161205. "127246",
  161206. "nan,nan,545403211,127246"
  161207. ],
  161208. [
  161209. "nan",
  161210. "nan",
  161211. "545403172",
  161212. "127247",
  161213. "nan,nan,545403172,127247"
  161214. ],
  161215. [
  161216. "nan",
  161217. "nan",
  161218. "545403174",
  161219. "127248",
  161220. "nan,nan,545403174,127248"
  161221. ],
  161222. [
  161223. "nan",
  161224. "nan",
  161225. "123393129",
  161226. "220191",
  161227. "nan,nan,123393129,220191"
  161228. ],
  161229. [
  161230. "nan",
  161231. "nan",
  161232. "626388837",
  161233. "273298",
  161234. "nan,nan,626388837,273298"
  161235. ],
  161236. [
  161237. "nan",
  161238. "nan",
  161239. "626388821",
  161240. "273301",
  161241. "nan,nan,626388821,273301"
  161242. ],
  161243. [
  161244. "nan",
  161245. "nan",
  161246. "155770142",
  161247. "273356",
  161248. "nan,nan,155770142,273356"
  161249. ],
  161250. [
  161251. "destroyed 3/5/08",
  161252. "destroyed 3/5/08",
  161253. "273640",
  161254. "273640",
  161255. "destroyed 3/5/08,destroyed 3/5/08,273640,273640"
  161256. ],
  161257. [
  161258. "nan",
  161259. "nan",
  161260. "626388832",
  161261. "274629",
  161262. "nan,nan,626388832,274629"
  161263. ],
  161264. [
  161265. "nan",
  161266. "nan",
  161267. "652673150",
  161268. "274656",
  161269. "nan,nan,652673150,274656"
  161270. ],
  161271. [
  161272. "nan",
  161273. "nan",
  161274. "652672936",
  161275. "274707",
  161276. "nan,nan,652672936,274707"
  161277. ],
  161278. [
  161279. "nan",
  161280. "nan",
  161281. "460494812",
  161282. "274781",
  161283. "nan,nan,460494812,274781"
  161284. ],
  161285. [
  161286. "nan",
  161287. "nan",
  161288. "155757888",
  161289. "274782",
  161290. "nan,nan,155757888,274782"
  161291. ],
  161292. [
  161293. "nan",
  161294. "nan",
  161295. "460494782",
  161296. "274785",
  161297. "nan,nan,460494782,274785"
  161298. ],
  161299. [
  161300. "nan",
  161301. "nan",
  161302. "460494773",
  161303. "274787",
  161304. "nan,nan,460494773,274787"
  161305. ],
  161306. [
  161307. "nan",
  161308. "nan",
  161309. "460494035",
  161310. "274788",
  161311. "nan,nan,460494035,274788"
  161312. ],
  161313. [
  161314. "nan",
  161315. "nan",
  161316. "728413498",
  161317. "274793",
  161318. "nan,nan,728413498,274793"
  161319. ],
  161320. [
  161321. "nan",
  161322. "nan",
  161323. "460494818",
  161324. "274795",
  161325. "nan,nan,460494818,274795"
  161326. ],
  161327. [
  161328. "nan",
  161329. "nan",
  161330. "545403097",
  161331. "274796",
  161332. "nan,nan,545403097,274796"
  161333. ],
  161334. [
  161335. "nan",
  161336. "nan",
  161337. "123393096",
  161338. "274873",
  161339. "nan,nan,123393096,274873"
  161340. ],
  161341. [
  161342. "nan",
  161343. "nan",
  161344. "543336565",
  161345. "368498",
  161346. "nan,nan,543336565,368498"
  161347. ],
  161348. [
  161349. "nan",
  161350. "nan",
  161351. "155761480",
  161352. "368510",
  161353. "nan,nan,155761480,368510"
  161354. ],
  161355. [
  161356. "nan",
  161357. "nan",
  161358. "543335208",
  161359. "368967",
  161360. "nan,nan,543335208,368967"
  161361. ],
  161362. [
  161363. "nan",
  161364. "nan",
  161365. "155765388",
  161366. "369290",
  161367. "nan,nan,155765388,369290"
  161368. ],
  161369. [
  161370. "nan",
  161371. "nan",
  161372. "543335107",
  161373. "606113",
  161374. "nan,nan,543335107,606113"
  161375. ],
  161376. [
  161377. "nan",
  161378. "nan",
  161379. "543335239",
  161380. "606154",
  161381. "nan,nan,543335239,606154"
  161382. ],
  161383. [
  161384. "nan",
  161385. "nan",
  161386. "543331601",
  161387. "606182",
  161388. "nan,nan,543331601,606182"
  161389. ],
  161390. [
  161391. "nan",
  161392. "nan",
  161393. "606310",
  161394. "606310",
  161395. "nan,nan,606310,606310"
  161396. ],
  161397. [
  161398. "nan",
  161399. "nan",
  161400. "544998843",
  161401. "606358",
  161402. "nan,nan,544998843,606358"
  161403. ],
  161404. [
  161405. "nan",
  161406. "nan",
  161407. "606504",
  161408. "606504",
  161409. "nan,nan,606504,606504"
  161410. ],
  161411. [
  161412. "nan",
  161413. "nan",
  161414. "606719",
  161415. "606719",
  161416. "nan,nan,606719,606719"
  161417. ],
  161418. [
  161419. "nan",
  161420. "nan",
  161421. "545005619",
  161422. "606727",
  161423. "nan,nan,545005619,606727"
  161424. ],
  161425. [
  161426. "nan",
  161427. "nan",
  161428. "545005591",
  161429. "606745",
  161430. "nan,nan,545005591,606745"
  161431. ],
  161432. [
  161433. "nan",
  161434. "nan",
  161435. "155757973",
  161436. "606984",
  161437. "nan,nan,155757973,606984"
  161438. ],
  161439. [
  161440. "nan",
  161441. "nan",
  161442. "460494761",
  161443. "607042",
  161444. "nan,nan,460494761,607042"
  161445. ],
  161446. [
  161447. "nan",
  161448. "nan",
  161449. "460493797",
  161450. "607120",
  161451. "nan,nan,460493797,607120"
  161452. ],
  161453. [
  161454. "nan",
  161455. "nan",
  161456. "123394138",
  161457. "607121",
  161458. "nan,nan,123394138,607121"
  161459. ],
  161460. [
  161461. "nan",
  161462. "nan",
  161463. "460494019",
  161464. "607172",
  161465. "nan,nan,460494019,607172"
  161466. ],
  161467. [
  161468. "nan",
  161469. "nan",
  161470. "545006299",
  161471. "607288",
  161472. "nan,nan,545006299,607288"
  161473. ],
  161474. [
  161475. "nan",
  161476. "nan",
  161477. "545006434",
  161478. "607290",
  161479. "nan,nan,545006434,607290"
  161480. ],
  161481. [
  161482. "nan",
  161483. "nan",
  161484. "607685",
  161485. "607685",
  161486. "nan,nan,607685,607685"
  161487. ],
  161488. [
  161489. "nan",
  161490. "nan",
  161491. "155661636",
  161492. "932143",
  161493. "nan,nan,155661636,932143"
  161494. ],
  161495. [
  161496. "nan",
  161497. "nan",
  161498. "652669801",
  161499. "932446",
  161500. "nan,nan,652669801,932446"
  161501. ],
  161502. [
  161503. "nan",
  161504. "nan",
  161505. "545006442",
  161506. "1106412",
  161507. "nan,nan,545006442,1106412"
  161508. ],
  161509. [
  161510. "nan",
  161511. "nan",
  161512. "1106477",
  161513. "1106477",
  161514. "nan,nan,1106477,1106477"
  161515. ],
  161516. [
  161517. "nan",
  161518. "nan",
  161519. "652672833",
  161520. "1106760",
  161521. "nan,nan,652672833,1106760"
  161522. ],
  161523. [
  161524. "nan",
  161525. "nan",
  161526. "1148460",
  161527. "1148460",
  161528. "nan,nan,1148460,1148460"
  161529. ],
  161530. [
  161531. "nan",
  161532. "nan",
  161533. "543337100",
  161534. "1174804",
  161535. "nan,nan,543337100,1174804"
  161536. ],
  161537. [
  161538. "nan",
  161539. "nan",
  161540. "544966633",
  161541. "1179551",
  161542. "nan,nan,544966633,1179551"
  161543. ],
  161544. [
  161545. "rtc-town street ltd.",
  161546. "none",
  161547. "89248090",
  161548. "654524",
  161549. "rtc-town street ltd.,none,89248090,654524"
  161550. ],
  161551. [
  161552. "fdic",
  161553. "vs. saldise",
  161554. "672025839",
  161555. "190904",
  161556. "fdic,vs. saldise,672025839,190904"
  161557. ],
  161558. [
  161559. "fdic",
  161560. "none",
  161561. "489535143",
  161562. "190952",
  161563. "fdic,none,489535143,190952"
  161564. ],
  161565. [
  161566. "overseas corporation",
  161567. "none",
  161568. "672022084",
  161569. "190953",
  161570. "overseas corporation,none,672022084,190953"
  161571. ],
  161572. [
  161573. "fslic",
  161574. "v. sonesta",
  161575. "672026274",
  161576. "190954",
  161577. "fslic,v. sonesta,672026274,190954"
  161578. ],
  161579. [
  161580. "rtc",
  161581. "none",
  161582. "672026328",
  161583. "316147",
  161584. "rtc,none,672026328,316147"
  161585. ],
  161586. [
  161587. "catalina homes",
  161588. "none",
  161589. "490619386",
  161590. "316505",
  161591. "catalina homes,none,490619386,316505"
  161592. ],
  161593. [
  161594. "rtc",
  161595. "none",
  161596. "460598098",
  161597. "155592",
  161598. "rtc,none,460598098,155592"
  161599. ],
  161600. [
  161601. "fdic",
  161602. "none",
  161603. "672026197",
  161604. "85771",
  161605. "fdic,none,672026197,85771"
  161606. ],
  161607. [
  161608. "general fdic",
  161609. "none",
  161610. "672030666",
  161611. "85821",
  161612. "general fdic,none,672030666,85821"
  161613. ],
  161614. [
  161615. "rtc/eisinger",
  161616. "none",
  161617. "672030666",
  161618. "85821",
  161619. "rtc/eisinger,none,672030666,85821"
  161620. ],
  161621. [
  161622. "walter & patricia snyder",
  161623. "none",
  161624. "460603983",
  161625. "210483",
  161626. "walter & patricia snyder,none,460603983,210483"
  161627. ],
  161628. [
  161629. "rtc v. holland & knight",
  161630. "none",
  161631. "489565001",
  161632. "155691",
  161633. "rtc v. holland & knight,none,489565001,155691"
  161634. ],
  161635. [
  161636. "rtc v. holland & knight",
  161637. "none",
  161638. "489565001",
  161639. "155691",
  161640. "rtc v. holland & knight,none,489565001,155691"
  161641. ],
  161642. [
  161643. "americana",
  161644. "rtc",
  161645. "50070",
  161646. "8383",
  161647. "americana,rtc,50070,8383"
  161648. ],
  161649. [
  161650. "first american bank & trust",
  161651. "none",
  161652. "489535567",
  161653. "174261",
  161654. "first american bank & trust,none,489535567,174261"
  161655. ],
  161656. [
  161657. "farm stores/rtc",
  161658. "none",
  161659. "174337",
  161660. "10555",
  161661. "farm stores/rtc,none,174337,10555"
  161662. ],
  161663. [
  161664. "rtc (england)",
  161665. "none",
  161666. "89251105",
  161667. "174374",
  161668. "rtc (england),none,89251105,174374"
  161669. ],
  161670. [
  161671. "fdic/fabt",
  161672. "none",
  161673. "489520935",
  161674. "114556",
  161675. "fdic/fabt,none,489520935,114556"
  161676. ],
  161677. [
  161678. "fdic",
  161679. "fabt general",
  161680. "489520935",
  161681. "114556",
  161682. "fdic,fabt general,489520935,114556"
  161683. ],
  161684. [
  161685. "fdic first american bank & trust",
  161686. "adv. lakeside regent",
  161687. "489520935",
  161688. "114556",
  161689. "fdic first american bank & trust,adv. lakeside regent,489520935,114556"
  161690. ],
  161691. [
  161692. "fdic first american bank & trust",
  161693. "adv. lakeside regent",
  161694. "489520935",
  161695. "114556",
  161696. "fdic first american bank & trust,adv. lakeside regent,489520935,114556"
  161697. ],
  161698. [
  161699. "fine jacobson, et al.",
  161700. "none",
  161701. "89249771",
  161702. "174445",
  161703. "fine jacobson, et al.,none,89249771,174445"
  161704. ],
  161705. [
  161706. "rtc",
  161707. "none",
  161708. "652553210",
  161709. "50026",
  161710. "rtc,none,652553210,50026"
  161711. ],
  161712. [
  161713. "fdic",
  161714. "rtc",
  161715. "460597586",
  161716. "50040",
  161717. "fdic,rtc,460597586,50040"
  161718. ],
  161719. [
  161720. "fdic",
  161721. "none",
  161722. "460597586",
  161723. "50040",
  161724. "fdic,none,460597586,50040"
  161725. ],
  161726. [
  161727. "fdic",
  161728. "rtc",
  161729. "460597586",
  161730. "50040",
  161731. "fdic,rtc,460597586,50040"
  161732. ],
  161733. [
  161734. "rtc",
  161735. "none",
  161736. "489337892",
  161737. "50042",
  161738. "rtc,none,489337892,50042"
  161739. ],
  161740. [
  161741. "rtc",
  161742. "fdic",
  161743. "489337892",
  161744. "50042",
  161745. "rtc,fdic,489337892,50042"
  161746. ],
  161747. [
  161748. "rtc",
  161749. "fdic",
  161750. "489337892",
  161751. "50042",
  161752. "rtc,fdic,489337892,50042"
  161753. ],
  161754. [
  161755. "fdic - commonwealth federal savings & loan appeal",
  161756. "none",
  161757. "652551445",
  161758. "186773",
  161759. "fdic - commonwealth federal savings & loan appeal,none,652551445,186773"
  161760. ],
  161761. [
  161762. "rtc vs. associated properties group",
  161763. "none",
  161764. "652551445",
  161765. "186773",
  161766. "rtc vs. associated properties group,none,652551445,186773"
  161767. ],
  161768. [
  161769. "rtc vs. associated properties group",
  161770. "none",
  161771. "652551445",
  161772. "186773",
  161773. "rtc vs. associated properties group,none,652551445,186773"
  161774. ],
  161775. [
  161776. "rtc vs. boca heights",
  161777. "none",
  161778. "652551445",
  161779. "186773",
  161780. "rtc vs. boca heights,none,652551445,186773"
  161781. ],
  161782. [
  161783. "rtc",
  161784. "professional fee claims",
  161785. "489520026",
  161786. "50146",
  161787. "rtc,professional fee claims,489520026,50146"
  161788. ],
  161789. [
  161790. "rtc vs. claude dorsey",
  161791. "none",
  161792. "489520026",
  161793. "50146",
  161794. "rtc vs. claude dorsey,none,489520026,50146"
  161795. ],
  161796. [
  161797. "rtc vs. tom huston, jr.",
  161798. "none",
  161799. "489520026",
  161800. "50146",
  161801. "rtc vs. tom huston, jr.,none,489520026,50146"
  161802. ],
  161803. [
  161804. "rtc vs. dorsy huston, mitchell & king",
  161805. "none",
  161806. "489520026",
  161807. "50146",
  161808. "rtc vs. dorsy huston, mitchell & king,none,489520026,50146"
  161809. ],
  161810. [
  161811. "rtc vs. first florida equities, ltd.",
  161812. "none",
  161813. "489520026",
  161814. "50146",
  161815. "rtc vs. first florida equities, ltd.,none,489520026,50146"
  161816. ],
  161817. [
  161818. "rtc vs. shepard king",
  161819. "none",
  161820. "489520026",
  161821. "50146",
  161822. "rtc vs. shepard king,none,489520026,50146"
  161823. ],
  161824. [
  161825. "rtc",
  161826. "ffe claims",
  161827. "489520026",
  161828. "50146",
  161829. "rtc,ffe claims,489520026,50146"
  161830. ],
  161831. [
  161832. "rtc vs. dorsey",
  161833. "none",
  161834. "489520026",
  161835. "50146",
  161836. "rtc vs. dorsey,none,489520026,50146"
  161837. ],
  161838. [
  161839. "rtc vs. houston, tom, jr.",
  161840. "none",
  161841. "489520026",
  161842. "50146",
  161843. "rtc vs. houston, tom, jr.,none,489520026,50146"
  161844. ],
  161845. [
  161846. "lah",
  161847. "none",
  161848. "45320",
  161849. "7471",
  161850. "lah,none,45320,7471"
  161851. ],
  161852. [
  161853. "rtc/barnett bank/allen mooris",
  161854. "none",
  161855. "489488145",
  161856. "114816",
  161857. "rtc/barnett bank/allen mooris,none,489488145,114816"
  161858. ],
  161859. [
  161860. "rtc/continental",
  161861. "none",
  161862. "489343969",
  161863. "118753",
  161864. "rtc/continental,none,489343969,118753"
  161865. ],
  161866. [
  161867. "rtc. vs. f.f.e",
  161868. "none",
  161869. "489520026",
  161870. "50146",
  161871. "rtc. vs. f.f.e,none,489520026,50146"
  161872. ],
  161873. [
  161874. "rtc",
  161875. "none",
  161876. "489520026",
  161877. "50146",
  161878. "rtc,none,489520026,50146"
  161879. ],
  161880. [
  161881. "rtc vs. canet",
  161882. "none",
  161883. "489520026",
  161884. "50146",
  161885. "rtc vs. canet,none,489520026,50146"
  161886. ],
  161887. [
  161888. "rtc vs. james r. mitchell",
  161889. "none",
  161890. "489520026",
  161891. "50146",
  161892. "rtc vs. james r. mitchell,none,489520026,50146"
  161893. ],
  161894. [
  161895. "fdic",
  161896. "fabt vs. associated mortgage investors",
  161897. "652544448",
  161898. "50151",
  161899. "fdic,fabt vs. associated mortgage investors,652544448,50151"
  161900. ],
  161901. [
  161902. "fdic vs. eastern shores medical center",
  161903. "none",
  161904. "489520003",
  161905. "50152",
  161906. "fdic vs. eastern shores medical center,none,489520003,50152"
  161907. ],
  161908. [
  161909. "centrust/rtc",
  161910. "none",
  161911. "672030730",
  161912. "45354",
  161913. "centrust/rtc,none,672030730,45354"
  161914. ],
  161915. [
  161916. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  161917. "none",
  161918. "460600146",
  161919. "118854",
  161920. "federal deposit insurance corp.,none,460600146,118854"
  161921. ],
  161922. [
  161923. "rtc/centrust",
  161924. "none",
  161925. "16446",
  161926. "16446",
  161927. "rtc/centrust,none,16446,16446"
  161928. ],
  161929. [
  161930. "rtc-william michael adkinson",
  161931. "none",
  161932. "652552579",
  161933. "49361",
  161934. "rtc-william michael adkinson,none,652552579,49361"
  161935. ],
  161936. [
  161937. "union credit bank",
  161938. "none",
  161939. "652552447",
  161940. "10848744",
  161941. "union credit bank,none,652552447,10848744"
  161942. ],
  161943. [
  161944. "union credit bank",
  161945. "none",
  161946. "489489643",
  161947. "10848745",
  161948. "union credit bank,none,489489643,10848745"
  161949. ],
  161950. [
  161951. "gab expense file",
  161952. "none",
  161953. "652552488",
  161954. "49430",
  161955. "gab expense file,none,652552488,49430"
  161956. ],
  161957. [
  161958. "nan",
  161959. "nan",
  161960. "490617297",
  161961. "365453",
  161962. "nan,nan,490617297,365453"
  161963. ],
  161964. [
  161965. "nan",
  161966. "nan",
  161967. "89175967",
  161968. "44571",
  161969. "nan,nan,89175967,44571"
  161970. ],
  161971. [
  161972. "nan",
  161973. "nan",
  161974. "489339848",
  161975. "12241749",
  161976. "nan,nan,489339848,12241749"
  161977. ],
  161978. [
  161979. "nan",
  161980. "nan",
  161981. "365486",
  161982. "5557",
  161983. "nan,nan,365486,5557"
  161984. ],
  161985. [
  161986. "nan",
  161987. "nan",
  161988. "460600587",
  161989. "11557972",
  161990. "nan,nan,460600587,11557972"
  161991. ],
  161992. [
  161993. "nan",
  161994. "nan",
  161995. "11557973",
  161996. "5883",
  161997. "nan,nan,11557973,5883"
  161998. ],
  161999. [
  162000. "nan",
  162001. "nan",
  162002. "489345268",
  162003. "11557974",
  162004. "nan,nan,489345268,11557974"
  162005. ],
  162006. [
  162007. "nan",
  162008. "nan",
  162009. "460600556",
  162010. "11557981",
  162011. "nan,nan,460600556,11557981"
  162012. ],
  162013. [
  162014. "amerifirst/rtc",
  162015. "none",
  162016. "652553386",
  162017. "49533",
  162018. "amerifirst/rtc,none,652553386,49533"
  162019. ],
  162020. [
  162021. "rtc/ensign phlb",
  162022. "none",
  162023. "672025813",
  162024. "190828",
  162025. "rtc/ensign phlb,none,672025813,190828"
  162026. ],
  162027. [
  162028. "nan",
  162029. "nan",
  162030. "625427708",
  162031. "365571",
  162032. "nan,nan,625427708,365571"
  162033. ],
  162034. [
  162035. "nan",
  162036. "nan",
  162037. "460604957",
  162038. "13004066",
  162039. "nan,nan,460604957,13004066"
  162040. ],
  162041. [
  162042. "rtc/tiffany square",
  162043. "none",
  162044. "49573",
  162045. "7905",
  162046. "rtc/tiffany square,none,49573,7905"
  162047. ],
  162048. [
  162049. "rtc vs. s.l. moore",
  162050. "none",
  162051. "49573",
  162052. "7905",
  162053. "rtc vs. s.l. moore,none,49573,7905"
  162054. ],
  162055. [
  162056. "rtc marabank savvings vs. heller",
  162057. "none",
  162058. "49573",
  162059. "7905",
  162060. "rtc marabank savvings vs. heller,none,49573,7905"
  162061. ],
  162062. [
  162063. "rtc/harmon envicon",
  162064. "none",
  162065. "49573",
  162066. "7905",
  162067. "rtc/harmon envicon,none,49573,7905"
  162068. ],
  162069. [
  162070. "rtc conser bell federal savings vs. nob hill",
  162071. "none",
  162072. "489493118",
  162073. "49574",
  162074. "rtc conser bell federal savings vs. nob hill,none,489493118,49574"
  162075. ],
  162076. [
  162077. "fdic vs. saldise",
  162078. "none",
  162079. "672025944",
  162080. "190901",
  162081. "fdic vs. saldise,none,672025944,190901"
  162082. ],
  162083. [
  162084. "fdic vs. saldise",
  162085. "none",
  162086. "672025839",
  162087. "190904",
  162088. "fdic vs. saldise,none,672025839,190904"
  162089. ],
  162090. [
  162091. "nan",
  162092. "nan",
  162093. "35865",
  162094. "3614",
  162095. "nan,nan,35865,3614"
  162096. ],
  162097. [
  162098. "robert chapman",
  162099. "none",
  162100. "652603569",
  162101. "365653",
  162102. "robert chapman,none,652603569,365653"
  162103. ],
  162104. [
  162105. "nan",
  162106. "nan",
  162107. "490622944",
  162108. "11060375",
  162109. "nan,nan,490622944,11060375"
  162110. ],
  162111. [
  162112. "nan",
  162113. "none",
  162114. "489535319",
  162115. "12807398",
  162116. "nan,none,489535319,12807398"
  162117. ],
  162118. [
  162119. "nan",
  162120. "none",
  162121. "489521224",
  162122. "12807295",
  162123. "nan,none,489521224,12807295"
  162124. ],
  162125. [
  162126. "nan",
  162127. "none",
  162128. "89251194",
  162129. "12876596",
  162130. "nan,none,89251194,12876596"
  162131. ],
  162132. [
  162133. "nan",
  162134. "nan",
  162135. "89251400",
  162136. "384321",
  162137. "nan,nan,89251400,384321"
  162138. ],
  162139. [
  162140. "nan",
  162141. "nan",
  162142. "652547573",
  162143. "35866",
  162144. "nan,nan,652547573,35866"
  162145. ],
  162146. [
  162147. "nan",
  162148. "nan",
  162149. "489566920",
  162150. "384322",
  162151. "nan,nan,489566920,384322"
  162152. ],
  162153. [
  162154. "nan",
  162155. "nan",
  162156. "652547633",
  162157. "365567",
  162158. "nan,nan,652547633,365567"
  162159. ],
  162160. [
  162161. "nan",
  162162. "nan",
  162163. "652547572",
  162164. "35867",
  162165. "nan,nan,652547572,35867"
  162166. ],
  162167. [
  162168. "birtcher financial services",
  162169. "none",
  162170. "11638213",
  162171. "6153",
  162172. "birtcher financial services,none,11638213,6153"
  162173. ],
  162174. [
  162175. "nan",
  162176. "nan",
  162177. "652544352",
  162178. "44796",
  162179. "nan,nan,652544352,44796"
  162180. ],
  162181. [
  162182. "rtc",
  162183. "ensign federal bank adv. state of florida dot",
  162184. "652606221",
  162185. "85557",
  162186. "rtc,ensign federal bank adv. state of florida dot,652606221,85557"
  162187. ],
  162188. [
  162189. "birtcher",
  162190. "none",
  162191. "14434",
  162192. "6238",
  162193. "birtcher,none,14434,6238"
  162194. ],
  162195. [
  162196. "financial federal saving and loan association",
  162197. "none",
  162198. "365684",
  162199. "6241",
  162200. "financial federal saving and loan association,none,365684,6241"
  162201. ],
  162202. [
  162203. "first consolidated bank texas",
  162204. "none",
  162205. "365684",
  162206. "6241",
  162207. "first consolidated bank texas,none,365684,6241"
  162208. ],
  162209. [
  162210. "fdic/commonwealth",
  162211. "none",
  162212. "365684",
  162213. "6241",
  162214. "fdic/commonwealth,none,365684,6241"
  162215. ],
  162216. [
  162217. "fdic",
  162218. "none",
  162219. "365684",
  162220. "6241",
  162221. "fdic,none,365684,6241"
  162222. ],
  162223. [
  162224. "fdic",
  162225. "none",
  162226. "365684",
  162227. "6241",
  162228. "fdic,none,365684,6241"
  162229. ],
  162230. [
  162231. "fdic",
  162232. "none",
  162233. "365684",
  162234. "6241",
  162235. "fdic,none,365684,6241"
  162236. ],
  162237. [
  162238. "fdic vs. taylor",
  162239. "none",
  162240. "89249269",
  162241. "85569",
  162242. "fdic vs. taylor,none,89249269,85569"
  162243. ],
  162244. [
  162245. "rtc",
  162246. "evergreen federal sears meeting 28028-1",
  162247. "89249269",
  162248. "85569",
  162249. "rtc,evergreen federal sears meeting 28028-1,89249269,85569"
  162250. ],
  162251. [
  162252. "rtc",
  162253. "professional saving bank",
  162254. "89252363",
  162255. "85578",
  162256. "rtc,professional saving bank,89252363,85578"
  162257. ],
  162258. [
  162259. "rtc",
  162260. "professional savings",
  162261. "89252417",
  162262. "85587",
  162263. "rtc,professional savings,89252417,85587"
  162264. ],
  162265. [
  162266. "rtc",
  162267. "none",
  162268. "489488669",
  162269. "12130045",
  162270. "rtc,none,489488669,12130045"
  162271. ],
  162272. [
  162273. "fdic",
  162274. "none",
  162275. "460605052",
  162276. "12130048",
  162277. "fdic,none,460605052,12130048"
  162278. ],
  162279. [
  162280. "fdic",
  162281. "none",
  162282. "489534432",
  162283. "12269065",
  162284. "fdic,none,489534432,12269065"
  162285. ],
  162286. [
  162287. "rtc",
  162288. "none",
  162289. "489339939",
  162290. "12130071",
  162291. "rtc,none,489339939,12130071"
  162292. ],
  162293. [
  162294. "nan",
  162295. "nan",
  162296. "489534400",
  162297. "12807130",
  162298. "nan,nan,489534400,12807130"
  162299. ],
  162300. [
  162301. "nan",
  162302. "nan",
  162303. "35865",
  162304. "3614",
  162305. "nan,nan,35865,3614"
  162306. ],
  162307. [
  162308. "rtc adv. dot",
  162309. "none",
  162310. "12326093",
  162311. "6520",
  162312. "rtc adv. dot,none,12326093,6520"
  162313. ],
  162314. [
  162315. "jce rtc",
  162316. "none",
  162317. "489534410",
  162318. "12372814",
  162319. "jce rtc,none,489534410,12372814"
  162320. ],
  162321. [
  162322. "jce rtc",
  162323. "none",
  162324. "490615740",
  162325. "12372815",
  162326. "jce rtc,none,490615740,12372815"
  162327. ],
  162328. [
  162329. "jce rtc",
  162330. "none",
  162331. "490617457",
  162332. "12372819",
  162333. "jce rtc,none,490617457,12372819"
  162334. ],
  162335. [
  162336. "jce rtc",
  162337. "none",
  162338. "489519570",
  162339. "12372820",
  162340. "jce rtc,none,489519570,12372820"
  162341. ],
  162342. [
  162343. "jce rtc",
  162344. "none",
  162345. "489519557",
  162346. "12372821",
  162347. "jce rtc,none,489519557,12372821"
  162348. ],
  162349. [
  162350. "jce rtc",
  162351. "none",
  162352. "652600201",
  162353. "12372822",
  162354. "jce rtc,none,652600201,12372822"
  162355. ],
  162356. [
  162357. "rtc",
  162358. "none",
  162359. "672025681",
  162360. "85673",
  162361. "rtc,none,672025681,85673"
  162362. ],
  162363. [
  162364. "rtc",
  162365. "none",
  162366. "672025677",
  162367. "85674",
  162368. "rtc,none,672025677,85674"
  162369. ],
  162370. [
  162371. "home/vernon 11/18/88",
  162372. "none",
  162373. "460603197",
  162374. "12377406",
  162375. "home/vernon 11/18/88,none,460603197,12377406"
  162376. ],
  162377. [
  162378. "home/vernon 11/18/88",
  162379. "none",
  162380. "460600827",
  162381. "12377408",
  162382. "home/vernon 11/18/88,none,460600827,12377408"
  162383. ],
  162384. [
  162385. "fslic v. robert c. jacoby",
  162386. "none",
  162387. "489342880",
  162388. "12397977",
  162389. "fslic v. robert c. jacoby,none,489342880,12397977"
  162390. ],
  162391. [
  162392. "bagdan",
  162393. "in re: perlman",
  162394. "625426739",
  162395. "10888020",
  162396. "bagdan,in re: perlman,625426739,10888020"
  162397. ],
  162398. [
  162399. "blank rome",
  162400. "none",
  162401. "43474",
  162402. "6895",
  162403. "blank rome,none,43474,6895"
  162404. ],
  162405. [
  162406. "union credit bank",
  162407. "none",
  162408. "489337974",
  162409. "10888178",
  162410. "union credit bank,none,489337974,10888178"
  162411. ],
  162412. [
  162413. "files",
  162414. "files",
  162415. "652552491",
  162416. "11360563",
  162417. "files,files,652552491,11360563"
  162418. ],
  162419. [
  162420. "none",
  162421. "none",
  162422. "30831",
  162423. "30831",
  162424. "none,none,30831,30831"
  162425. ],
  162426. [
  162427. "none listed",
  162428. "none listed",
  162429. "489489560",
  162430. "11516951",
  162431. "none listed,none listed,489489560,11516951"
  162432. ],
  162433. [
  162434. "rtc investments, inc.",
  162435. "none",
  162436. "652545151",
  162437. "11516984",
  162438. "rtc investments, inc.,none,652545151,11516984"
  162439. ],
  162440. [
  162441. "miscellaneous",
  162442. "miscellaneous",
  162443. "490614957",
  162444. "11638461",
  162445. "miscellaneous,miscellaneous,490614957,11638461"
  162446. ],
  162447. [
  162448. "nortel",
  162449. "smartcom",
  162450. "489521140",
  162451. "12006685",
  162452. "nortel,smartcom,489521140,12006685"
  162453. ],
  162454. [
  162455. "miscellaneous correspondence",
  162456. "nan",
  162457. "489492280",
  162458. "12066514",
  162459. "miscellaneous correspondence,nan,489492280,12066514"
  162460. ],
  162461. [
  162462. "fdic v. dickeman",
  162463. "none",
  162464. "12129798",
  162465. "33897",
  162466. "fdic v. dickeman,none,12129798,33897"
  162467. ],
  162468. [
  162469. "mastec, inc.",
  162470. "artcom technologies",
  162471. "460603968",
  162472. "12241871",
  162473. "mastec, inc.,artcom technologies,460603968,12241871"
  162474. ],
  162475. [
  162476. "smartcom",
  162477. "cellular phones",
  162478. "489520047",
  162479. "12372884",
  162480. "smartcom,cellular phones,489520047,12372884"
  162481. ],
  162482. [
  162483. "samsung",
  162484. "smartcom",
  162485. "489520047",
  162486. "12372884",
  162487. "samsung,smartcom,489520047,12372884"
  162488. ],
  162489. [
  162490. "ge capital",
  162491. "miscellaneous",
  162492. "727769984",
  162493. "12397949",
  162494. "ge capital,miscellaneous,727769984,12397949"
  162495. ],
  162496. [
  162497. "chicago title insurance company",
  162498. "opinion regarding fdic insurance",
  162499. "490618324",
  162500. "12398073",
  162501. "chicago title insurance company,opinion regarding fdic insurance,490618324,12398073"
  162502. ],
  162503. [
  162504. "rccl, ltd.",
  162505. "fdic insurance research",
  162506. "460603415",
  162507. "12951466",
  162508. "rccl, ltd.,fdic insurance research,460603415,12951466"
  162509. ],
  162510. [
  162511. "rccl",
  162512. "direct deposit (fdic insurance research) trust structure",
  162513. "460603415",
  162514. "12951466",
  162515. "rccl,direct deposit (fdic insurance research) trust structure,460603415,12951466"
  162516. ],
  162517. [
  162518. "chesterfield smith",
  162519. "special project",
  162520. "12982257",
  162521. "41625",
  162522. "chesterfield smith,special project,12982257,41625"
  162523. ],
  162524. [
  162525. "csonger, desider",
  162526. "appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corporation.",
  162527. "nan",
  162528. "nan",
  162529. "csonger, desider,appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corporation.,nan,nan"
  162530. ],
  162531. [
  162532. "regency park apartments",
  162533. "fdic settlement (vol. 1)",
  162534. "719632447",
  162535. "752396",
  162536. "regency park apartments,fdic settlement (vol. 1),719632447,752396"
  162537. ],
  162538. [
  162539. "regency park apartments limited partnership",
  162540. "fdic settlement (vol. ii) - docs.",
  162541. "719627792",
  162542. "751047",
  162543. "regency park apartments limited partnership,fdic settlement (vol. ii) - docs.,719627792,751047"
  162544. ],
  162545. [
  162546. "comfed",
  162547. "comfed rtc representation.",
  162548. "719643309",
  162549. "743642",
  162550. "comfed,comfed rtc representation.,719643309,743642"
  162551. ],
  162552. [
  162553. "patriot bancorporation",
  162554. "commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).",
  162555. "4.9555e+11",
  162556. "nan",
  162557. "patriot bancorporation,commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).,4.9555e+11,nan"
  162558. ],
  162559. [
  162560. "deutch, samayla d. nonbillable",
  162561. "fdic/rtc contractor",
  162562. "nan",
  162563. "nan",
  162564. "deutch, samayla d. nonbillable,fdic/rtc contractor,nan,nan"
  162565. ],
  162566. [
  162567. "watertown savings bank",
  162568. "fdic purchase -first american bank loans",
  162569. "nan",
  162570. "nan",
  162571. "watertown savings bank,fdic purchase -first american bank loans,nan,nan"
  162572. ],
  162573. [
  162574. "fernberg, richard",
  162575. "litigation -",
  162576. "719628628",
  162577. "750696",
  162578. "fernberg, richard,litigation -,719628628,750696"
  162579. ],
  162580. [
  162581. "fernberg, richard",
  162582. "litigation -",
  162583. "719628902",
  162584. "752674",
  162585. "fernberg, richard,litigation -,719628902,752674"
  162586. ],
  162587. [
  162588. "security mortgage corporation",
  162589. "mortgage loan to: william n. dortch & patricia a. foley - 190 beacon st., boston, ma",
  162590. "546291986",
  162591. "738001",
  162592. "security mortgage corporation,mortgage loan to: william n. dortch & patricia a. foley - 190 beacon st., boston, ma,546291986,738001"
  162593. ],
  162594. [
  162595. "duffy bros. construction co., inc.",
  162596. "fdic",
  162597. "719623560",
  162598. "740017",
  162599. "duffy bros. construction co., inc.,fdic,719623560,740017"
  162600. ],
  162601. [
  162602. "stoller, robert",
  162603. "personal - pleadings in fdic case & appeal - pet's trial notebook",
  162604. "719624489",
  162605. "741552",
  162606. "stoller, robert,personal - pleadings in fdic case & appeal - pet's trial notebook,719624489,741552"
  162607. ],
  162608. [
  162609. "stoller, robert",
  162610. "personal -",
  162611. "719624143",
  162612. "741545",
  162613. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624143,741545"
  162614. ],
  162615. [
  162616. "stoller, robert",
  162617. "personal -",
  162618. "719624158",
  162619. "741556",
  162620. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  162621. ],
  162622. [
  162623. "stoller, robert",
  162624. "personal -",
  162625. "719624158",
  162626. "741556",
  162627. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  162628. ],
  162629. [
  162630. "stoller, robert",
  162631. "personal -",
  162632. "719625567",
  162633. "741512",
  162634. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  162635. ],
  162636. [
  162637. "stoller, robert",
  162638. "personal -",
  162639. "719625567",
  162640. "741512",
  162641. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  162642. ],
  162643. [
  162644. "stoller, robert",
  162645. "personal -",
  162646. "719624142",
  162647. "741553",
  162648. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  162649. ],
  162650. [
  162651. "stoller, robert",
  162652. "personal -",
  162653. "719624142",
  162654. "741553",
  162655. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  162656. ],
  162657. [
  162658. "stoller, robert",
  162659. "personal -",
  162660. "719624151",
  162661. "741546",
  162662. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624151,741546"
  162663. ],
  162664. [
  162665. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162666. "perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -",
  162667. "546291814",
  162668. "738518",
  162669. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -,546291814,738518"
  162670. ],
  162671. [
  162672. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162673. "viola - rmy working file",
  162674. "546291814",
  162675. "738518",
  162676. "federal deposit insurance corporation,viola - rmy working file,546291814,738518"
  162677. ],
  162678. [
  162679. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162680. "malden trust",
  162681. "546291814",
  162682. "738518",
  162683. "federal deposit insurance corporation,malden trust,546291814,738518"
  162684. ],
  162685. [
  162686. "federal deposit insurance corporations",
  162687. "weiner",
  162688. "546291814",
  162689. "738518",
  162690. "federal deposit insurance corporations,weiner,546291814,738518"
  162691. ],
  162692. [
  162693. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162694. "hoffman",
  162695. "546291814",
  162696. "738518",
  162697. "federal deposit insurance corporation,hoffman,546291814,738518"
  162698. ],
  162699. [
  162700. "asea brown boveri a/k/a/ combustion engineering - ceil",
  162701. "fdic vs. combustion engineering et al: original pleadings, law re: guarantee, memoranda, billing, misc., notes, pleadings, law, misc. igm docs.",
  162702. "719629333",
  162703. "750948",
  162704. "asea brown boveri a/k/a/ combustion engineering - ceil,fdic vs. combustion engineering et al: original pleadings, law re: guarantee, memoranda, billing, misc., notes, pleadings, law, misc. igm docs.,719629333,750948"
  162705. ],
  162706. [
  162707. "asea brown boveri",
  162708. "fdic v. combustion engineering et al.: corres. thru 11/30/92, corres. from 12/1/92, client papers #1, client papers #2",
  162709. "719629333",
  162710. "750948",
  162711. "asea brown boveri,fdic v. combustion engineering et al.: corres. thru 11/30/92, corres. from 12/1/92, client papers #1, client papers #2,719629333,750948"
  162712. ],
  162713. [
  162714. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162715. "betmilsen",
  162716. "546295200",
  162717. "738296",
  162718. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,betmilsen,546295200,738296"
  162719. ],
  162720. [
  162721. "tower development assoc.",
  162722. "ltd. partnership agreement (fdic foreclosure): corres; fdic financial statement; law; misc; notes & memos",
  162723. "719605993",
  162724. "188608",
  162725. "tower development assoc.,ltd. partnership agreement (fdic foreclosure): corres; fdic financial statement; law; misc; notes & memos,719605993,188608"
  162726. ],
  162727. [
  162728. "villausa",
  162729. "corporate & general: fdic/bob; commitment letter; corporate docs; mlc; note; mortgage; assignment of leases; remediation agreement; property description; title insurance; survey and report; environmental indemnity; insurance; leases; enforceability opinion; zoning opinion; cert. re financial affairs; broker letter; 6(d); assignment of beneficial interest to villausa; deed; mortgage & security agreement",
  162730. "719632529",
  162731. "748973",
  162732. "villausa,corporate & general: fdic/bob; commitment letter; corporate docs; mlc; note; mortgage; assignment of leases; remediation agreement; property description; title insurance; survey and report; environmental indemnity; insurance; leases; enforceability opinion; zoning opinion; cert. re financial affairs; broker letter; 6(d); assignment of beneficial interest to villausa; deed; mortgage & security agreement,719632529,748973"
  162733. ],
  162734. [
  162735. "asea brown boveri",
  162736. "fdic vs. combustion engineering: corres; memos; pleadings; notes; fdic; legal notes",
  162737. "719632391",
  162738. "749740",
  162739. "asea brown boveri,fdic vs. combustion engineering: corres; memos; pleadings; notes; fdic; legal notes,719632391,749740"
  162740. ],
  162741. [
  162742. "edgar, daniel g.",
  162743. "dartmouth bancorp - the insurance exchange, inc. -",
  162744. "719624969",
  162745. "743967",
  162746. "edgar, daniel g.,dartmouth bancorp - the insurance exchange, inc. -,719624969,743967"
  162747. ],
  162748. [
  162749. "fdic as receiver for bne",
  162750. "mcclutchy, et al. v. fdic: gpk work file",
  162751. "719623344",
  162752. "738655",
  162753. "fdic as receiver for bne,mcclutchy, et al. v. fdic: gpk work file,719623344,738655"
  162754. ],
  162755. [
  162756. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  162757. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: billing, misc., client docs; james deposition transcript; james deposition exhibits; extra copies - misc. docs produced by james",
  162758. "546291596",
  162759. "751787",
  162760. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.,nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: billing, misc., client docs; james deposition transcript; james deposition exhibits; extra copies - misc. docs produced by james,546291596,751787"
  162761. ],
  162762. [
  162763. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  162764. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: corres; pleadings (u.s.d.c.); pleadings (probate court); orig. discovery pleadings; notes; memoranda; legal research; drafts",
  162765. "546291596",
  162766. "751787",
  162767. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.,nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: corres; pleadings (u.s.d.c.); pleadings (probate court); orig. discovery pleadings; notes; memoranda; legal research; drafts,546291596,751787"
  162768. ],
  162769. [
  162770. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  162771. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: pleadings usdc, c.a. no. 92-10675h",
  162772. "546291596",
  162773. "751787",
  162774. "federal deposit insurance corp.,nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: pleadings usdc, c.a. no. 92-10675h,546291596,751787"
  162775. ],
  162776. [
  162777. "fdic - federal deposit insurance",
  162778. "plaid corporation: orig. deed",
  162779. "737329282",
  162780. "739100",
  162781. "fdic - federal deposit insurance,plaid corporation: orig. deed,737329282,739100"
  162782. ],
  162783. [
  162784. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162785. "chestnut hill country club: copy of recorded deed",
  162786. "737329282",
  162787. "739100",
  162788. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,chestnut hill country club: copy of recorded deed,737329282,739100"
  162789. ],
  162790. [
  162791. "tocci corporation",
  162792. "subcontractor claims - fdic & hotel & xarras",
  162793. "546295009",
  162794. "737972",
  162795. "tocci corporation,subcontractor claims - fdic & hotel & xarras,546295009,737972"
  162796. ],
  162797. [
  162798. "fdic - liquidating agent of eliot savings bank",
  162799. "general",
  162800. "719631497",
  162801. "748254",
  162802. "fdic - liquidating agent of eliot savings bank,general,719631497,748254"
  162803. ],
  162804. [
  162805. "eliot savings bank",
  162806. "copies of walsh related materials sent to fdic ny counsel",
  162807. "546291593",
  162808. "753262",
  162809. "eliot savings bank,copies of walsh related materials sent to fdic ny counsel,546291593,753262"
  162810. ],
  162811. [
  162812. "eliot savings bank",
  162813. "fdic investigation as receiver - igm & nsh working files",
  162814. "719626172",
  162815. "753607",
  162816. "eliot savings bank,fdic investigation as receiver - igm & nsh working files,719626172,753607"
  162817. ],
  162818. [
  162819. "eliot savings bank",
  162820. "fdic copies requested by ny counsel",
  162821. "546291558",
  162822. "753236",
  162823. "eliot savings bank,fdic copies requested by ny counsel,546291558,753236"
  162824. ],
  162825. [
  162826. "eliot savings bank",
  162827. "kettle point development - copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel re: $7,050,000.00 loan to kettle point development",
  162828. "546285349",
  162829. "753266",
  162830. "eliot savings bank,kettle point development - copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel re: $7,050,000.00 loan to kettle point development,546285349,753266"
  162831. ],
  162832. [
  162833. "eliot savings bank",
  162834. "fdic copies of documents requested by ny counsel",
  162835. "546291562",
  162836. "753232",
  162837. "eliot savings bank,fdic copies of documents requested by ny counsel,546291562,753232"
  162838. ],
  162839. [
  162840. "eliot savings bank",
  162841. "fdic copies requested by new york counsel",
  162842. "546285310",
  162843. "753249",
  162844. "eliot savings bank,fdic copies requested by new york counsel,546285310,753249"
  162845. ],
  162846. [
  162847. "eliot savings bank",
  162848. "desmond - strawberry hill, south dartmouth, & chestnut st.: copies of docs sent to n.y. counsel of fdic",
  162849. "719626152",
  162850. "753600",
  162851. "eliot savings bank,desmond - strawberry hill, south dartmouth, & chestnut st.: copies of docs sent to n.y. counsel of fdic,719626152,753600"
  162852. ],
  162853. [
  162854. "eliot savings bank",
  162855. "heritage hills apartments - copies of docs sent of fdic n.y. counsel",
  162856. "719626152",
  162857. "753600",
  162858. "eliot savings bank,heritage hills apartments - copies of docs sent of fdic n.y. counsel,719626152,753600"
  162859. ],
  162860. [
  162861. "eliot savings bank",
  162862. "copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel",
  162863. "719626148",
  162864. "753613",
  162865. "eliot savings bank,copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel,719626148,753613"
  162866. ],
  162867. [
  162868. "eliot savings bank",
  162869. "copies of original docs requested by fdic ny counsel re loan to paul n. varadian and irwin j. nebelkopf, trustees, south harbor realty trust, lynnway and hanson street, lynn, ma",
  162870. "719626156",
  162871. "753593",
  162872. "eliot savings bank,copies of original docs requested by fdic ny counsel re loan to paul n. varadian and irwin j. nebelkopf, trustees, south harbor realty trust, lynnway and hanson street, lynn, ma,719626156,753593"
  162873. ],
  162874. [
  162875. "edgar, daniel c.",
  162876. "pike and powers securities litigation: dan edgar fdic suit: claims under dartmouth bancorp severance agmt // daniel g. edgar re: pike, powers et al pike 13d's 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: milo pike, et al defendant's motion to stay discovery/memorandum - extras 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: wells/dartmouth bancorp release and discharge of claims and other materials gpk // edgar/satter creditors pleadings, misc 3380-7 70665 // daniel g. edgar re: pike, et al v. edgar, et al pleadings vol. i [usdc] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: pike et al v. edgar, et al pleadings [state ct.] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: slatter, et al v. dartmouth bancorp, et al kwc workfile 1 3380-5 70665",
  162877. "546291797",
  162878. "738546",
  162879. "edgar, daniel c.,pike and powers securities litigation: dan edgar fdic suit: claims under dartmouth bancorp severance agmt // daniel g. edgar re: pike, powers et al pike 13d's 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: milo pike, et al defendant's motion to stay discovery/memorandum - extras 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: wells/dartmouth bancorp release and discharge of claims and other materials gpk // edgar/satter creditors pleadings, misc 3380-7 70665 // daniel g. edgar re: pike, et al v. edgar, et al pleadings vol. i [usdc] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: pike et al v. edgar, et al pleadings [state ct.] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: slatter, et al v. dartmouth bancorp, et al kwc workfile 1 3380-5 70665,546291797,738546"
  162880. ],
  162881. [
  162882. "chevron u.s.a. inc.",
  162883. "southdale apartments: closing binder; warranty deed w/ vendor's lien; billing; title insurance agmt; sp&n fee letter; management agmt; corres; projections old; old title; proposal letter; rtc docs; closing agenda; drafts",
  162884. "719624214",
  162885. "744204",
  162886. "chevron u.s.a. inc.,southdale apartments: closing binder; warranty deed w/ vendor's lien; billing; title insurance agmt; sp&n fee letter; management agmt; corres; projections old; old title; proposal letter; rtc docs; closing agenda; drafts,719624214,744204"
  162887. ],
  162888. [
  162889. "csonger, desider",
  162890. "appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corp.",
  162891. "719623273",
  162892. "740761",
  162893. "csonger, desider,appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corp.,719623273,740761"
  162894. ],
  162895. [
  162896. "eliot savings bank",
  162897. "fdic investigation as receiver",
  162898. "546291606",
  162899. "749877",
  162900. "eliot savings bank,fdic investigation as receiver,546291606,749877"
  162901. ],
  162902. [
  162903. "eliot savings bank",
  162904. "fdic",
  162905. "nan",
  162906. "nan",
  162907. "eliot savings bank,fdic,nan,nan"
  162908. ],
  162909. [
  162910. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company / liquidating agent of eliot savings bank",
  162911. "general",
  162912. "nan",
  162913. "nan",
  162914. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company / liquidating agent of eliot savings bank,general,nan,nan"
  162915. ],
  162916. [
  162917. "gouchberg, gerald",
  162918. "estate planning & harbor companies index: estate planning:pension plan, qsst (gouchberg, david), financial trust, correspondence & legal memos, estate planning (gerard & lita gouchber), docs need to be signed, estate planning jeffrey gouchberg, qsst jeffrey gouchberg, financials & appraisals, jeffery gouchberg family trust 1992, pinnacle trust, winthrop house; one salem street trust; estate planning - jeff; lita irr. trust; susan rudolph qsst; david gouchberg qsst; jeffery gouchberg qsst; transpo realty trust; sudajeff trust|harbor cmpanies: harbor companies, gpk inc., possible sale of nursing homes, fdic, general corp, tax returns ki's 1986-87, misc docs (winthrop house realty trust), harbor properties evaluation (gerald gouchberg)",
  162919. "719605564",
  162920. "740217",
  162921. "gouchberg, gerald,estate planning & harbor companies index: estate planning:pension plan, qsst (gouchberg, david), financial trust, correspondence & legal memos, estate planning (gerard & lita gouchber), docs need to be signed, estate planning jeffrey gouchberg, qsst jeffrey gouchberg, financials & appraisals, jeffery gouchberg family trust 1992, pinnacle trust, winthrop house; one salem street trust; estate planning - jeff; lita irr. trust; susan rudolph qsst; david gouchberg qsst; jeffery gouchberg qsst; transpo realty trust; sudajeff trust|harbor cmpanies: harbor companies, gpk inc., possible sale of nursing homes, fdic, general corp, tax returns ki's 1986-87, misc docs (winthrop house realty trust), harbor properties evaluation (gerald gouchberg),719605564,740217"
  162922. ],
  162923. [
  162924. "new seabury",
  162925. "loan agmts; metropolis/home federal loans; rtc docs; limited partnerships",
  162926. "719657144",
  162927. "742711",
  162928. "new seabury,loan agmts; metropolis/home federal loans; rtc docs; limited partnerships,719657144,742711"
  162929. ],
  162930. [
  162931. "ocwen",
  162932. "rtc acquisition",
  162933. "719630062",
  162934. "745694",
  162935. "ocwen,rtc acquisition,719630062,745694"
  162936. ],
  162937. [
  162938. "stover, robert",
  162939. "escrow agreement; employment agreement;news article; proxy material; fed reserve agreement; corporate by-laws; meyer's demand bank statistics; fdic approval; 1988 prospectus; annual reports; stock option plans; retirement plan (serp).",
  162940. "719585153",
  162941. "750182",
  162942. "stover, robert,escrow agreement; employment agreement;news article; proxy material; fed reserve agreement; corporate by-laws; meyer's demand bank statistics; fdic approval; 1988 prospectus; annual reports; stock option plans; retirement plan (serp).,719585153,750182"
  162943. ],
  162944. [
  162945. "schochet associates",
  162946. "fdic indebtedness",
  162947. "719625799",
  162948. "744949",
  162949. "schochet associates,fdic indebtedness,719625799,744949"
  162950. ],
  162951. [
  162952. "edgar, daniel g.",
  162953. "the insurance exchange, inc./ fdic, dartmouth bank, spector - corresp., memoranda, gpk notes, misc., pleadings, edgar's insurance on lender, liability cases - dan edgar's suits, october 1991",
  162954. "719624969",
  162955. "743967",
  162956. "edgar, daniel g.,the insurance exchange, inc./ fdic, dartmouth bank, spector - corresp., memoranda, gpk notes, misc., pleadings, edgar's insurance on lender, liability cases - dan edgar's suits, october 1991,719624969,743967"
  162957. ],
  162958. [
  162959. "federal deposit insurance co.",
  162960. "currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #'s 6-10",
  162961. "719625485",
  162962. "745506",
  162963. "federal deposit insurance co.,currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #'s 6-10,719625485,745506"
  162964. ],
  162965. [
  162966. "federal deposit insurance co.",
  162967. "currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #1-5",
  162968. "719625364",
  162969. "745490",
  162970. "federal deposit insurance co.,currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #1-5,719625364,745490"
  162971. ],
  162972. [
  162973. "widett, slater & goldman, p.c. - (ws&g)",
  162974. "pre-sp&n files: dale r. johnson - misc. chrono files for storage/ john & catherine alberts - estate plan/ dale r, johnson - storage files/ columbia savings - saddlebrook post bankruptcy/ matrix international - lease, fdic",
  162975. "719638659",
  162976. "744057",
  162977. "widett, slater & goldman, p.c. - (ws&g),pre-sp&n files: dale r. johnson - misc. chrono files for storage/ john & catherine alberts - estate plan/ dale r, johnson - storage files/ columbia savings - saddlebrook post bankruptcy/ matrix international - lease, fdic,719638659,744057"
  162978. ],
  162979. [
  162980. "plantation towers",
  162981. "bankruptcy -",
  162982. "546295234",
  162983. "738317",
  162984. "plantation towers,bankruptcy -,546295234,738317"
  162985. ],
  162986. [
  162987. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162988. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  162989. "719628711",
  162990. "752391",
  162991. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719628711,752391"
  162992. ],
  162993. [
  162994. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  162995. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  162996. "719630847",
  162997. "745410",
  162998. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719630847,745410"
  162999. ],
  163000. [
  163001. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163002. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  163003. "719632350",
  163004. "752262",
  163005. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719632350,752262"
  163006. ],
  163007. [
  163008. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163009. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  163010. "719632350",
  163011. "752262",
  163012. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719632350,752262"
  163013. ],
  163014. [
  163015. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163016. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  163017. "719632350",
  163018. "752262",
  163019. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719632350,752262"
  163020. ],
  163021. [
  163022. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163023. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  163024. "719628141",
  163025. "747655",
  163026. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719628141,747655"
  163027. ],
  163028. [
  163029. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163030. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  163031. "719627618",
  163032. "743666",
  163033. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719627618,743666"
  163034. ],
  163035. [
  163036. "financial insurance services",
  163037. "general -",
  163038. "719665186",
  163039. "752017",
  163040. "financial insurance services,general -,719665186,752017"
  163041. ],
  163042. [
  163043. "financial insurance services",
  163044. "general -",
  163045. "719665186",
  163046. "752017",
  163047. "financial insurance services,general -,719665186,752017"
  163048. ],
  163049. [
  163050. "walsh, michael",
  163051. "fdic",
  163052. "719623877",
  163053. "739014",
  163054. "walsh, michael,fdic,719623877,739014"
  163055. ],
  163056. [
  163057. "brant point corporation",
  163058. "nantucket commons",
  163059. "546295015",
  163060. "737977",
  163061. "brant point corporation,nantucket commons,546295015,737977"
  163062. ],
  163063. [
  163064. "buckley & scott",
  163065. "general",
  163066. "546291856",
  163067. "737968",
  163068. "buckley & scott,general,546291856,737968"
  163069. ],
  163070. [
  163071. "ruzzo, robert m.",
  163072. "form files - index: fax sheet / copy request / courier slips / new client forms / sub-file liosting / stewart title / draft bill & final bill requests / partner expense check request / clients' fund account withdrawal and and deposit forms / closing notes / environmental expo / purtchaes and sale agreement / condo purchase and sale agreement / purchase and sale agreements - both \"pro-buyer \"and \"pro-seller\" / urea formaldehyde foam insulation certificate / moprtgages / discharge of mortgage / quitclaim deeds / ucc financing statements / certification of non-foreign status / pre-requisite info. to obtain a cert. of tax good standing / abatement of real estate tax application / reporting cert. for residential real estate trans / liberty mutual / real estate law journal article / gil o'connel title rundown / fdic matters / mortgage plot plan order form / new client forms / overtime forms / ucc forms",
  163073. "546295092",
  163074. "738102",
  163075. "ruzzo, robert m.,form files - index: fax sheet / copy request / courier slips / new client forms / sub-file liosting / stewart title / draft bill & final bill requests / partner expense check request / clients' fund account withdrawal and and deposit forms / closing notes / environmental expo / purtchaes and sale agreement / condo purchase and sale agreement / purchase and sale agreements - both \"pro-buyer \"and \"pro-seller\" / urea formaldehyde foam insulation certificate / moprtgages / discharge of mortgage / quitclaim deeds / ucc financing statements / certification of non-foreign status / pre-requisite info. to obtain a cert. of tax good standing / abatement of real estate tax application / reporting cert. for residential real estate trans / liberty mutual / real estate law journal article / gil o'connel title rundown / fdic matters / mortgage plot plan order form / new client forms / overtime forms / ucc forms,546295092,738102"
  163076. ],
  163077. [
  163078. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163079. "rindo, michael - central central savings bank",
  163080. "719589255",
  163081. "738104",
  163082. "federal deposit insurance corporation,rindo, michael - central central savings bank,719589255,738104"
  163083. ],
  163084. [
  163085. "triton realty l.p.",
  163086. "general",
  163087. "546291953",
  163088. "738133",
  163089. "triton realty l.p.,general,546291953,738133"
  163090. ],
  163091. [
  163092. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  163093. "rindo litigation -",
  163094. "623765055",
  163095. "738034",
  163096. "federal deposit insurance corp.,rindo litigation -,623765055,738034"
  163097. ],
  163098. [
  163099. "alas incorporated",
  163100. "fdic - eliot savings - #6448",
  163101. "nan",
  163102. "nan",
  163103. "alas incorporated,fdic - eliot savings - #6448,nan,nan"
  163104. ],
  163105. [
  163106. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  163107. "rindo litigation -",
  163108. "719581322",
  163109. "738113",
  163110. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.,rindo litigation -,719581322,738113"
  163111. ],
  163112. [
  163113. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.",
  163114. "currie -",
  163115. "546291808",
  163116. "738108",
  163117. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.,currie -,546291808,738108"
  163118. ],
  163119. [
  163120. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.",
  163121. "currie -",
  163122. "546291808",
  163123. "738108",
  163124. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.,currie -,546291808,738108"
  163125. ],
  163126. [
  163127. "devon, mark willard realty trust",
  163128. "fdic / recall",
  163129. "nan",
  163130. "nan",
  163131. "devon, mark willard realty trust,fdic / recall,nan,nan"
  163132. ],
  163133. [
  163134. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163135. "bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 1",
  163136. "719631571",
  163137. "745658",
  163138. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 1,719631571,745658"
  163139. ],
  163140. [
  163141. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163142. "ksk neponset valley trust",
  163143. "1398",
  163144. "nan",
  163145. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,ksk neponset valley trust,1398,nan"
  163146. ],
  163147. [
  163148. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163149. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 1",
  163150. "719628351",
  163151. "747493",
  163152. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust - title abstracts volume 1,719628351,747493"
  163153. ],
  163154. [
  163155. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163156. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 2",
  163157. "719628351",
  163158. "747493",
  163159. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust - title abstracts volume 2,719628351,747493"
  163160. ],
  163161. [
  163162. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163163. "currie volume 2",
  163164. "719627738",
  163165. "742933",
  163166. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie volume 2,719627738,742933"
  163167. ],
  163168. [
  163169. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163170. "currie",
  163171. "719627575",
  163172. "741508",
  163173. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,719627575,741508"
  163174. ],
  163175. [
  163176. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163177. "currie",
  163178. "719631911",
  163179. "750536",
  163180. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,719631911,750536"
  163181. ],
  163182. [
  163183. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163184. "sacco & civitarese - olympic bank & trust co. title search",
  163185. "719624573",
  163186. "744138",
  163187. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,sacco & civitarese - olympic bank & trust co. title search,719624573,744138"
  163188. ],
  163189. [
  163190. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163191. "sacco & civaterese",
  163192. "719624573",
  163193. "744138",
  163194. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,sacco & civaterese,719624573,744138"
  163195. ],
  163196. [
  163197. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163198. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163199. "854",
  163200. "nan",
  163201. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,854,nan"
  163202. ],
  163203. [
  163204. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163205. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163206. "nan",
  163207. "nan",
  163208. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  163209. ],
  163210. [
  163211. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163212. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163213. "850",
  163214. "nan",
  163215. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,850,nan"
  163216. ],
  163217. [
  163218. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163219. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163220. "nan",
  163221. "nan",
  163222. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  163223. ],
  163224. [
  163225. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163226. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163227. "nan",
  163228. "nan",
  163229. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  163230. ],
  163231. [
  163232. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163233. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163234. "nan",
  163235. "nan",
  163236. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  163237. ],
  163238. [
  163239. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163240. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163241. "859",
  163242. "nan",
  163243. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,859,nan"
  163244. ],
  163245. [
  163246. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163247. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163248. "719624049",
  163249. "741081",
  163250. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,719624049,741081"
  163251. ],
  163252. [
  163253. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163254. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163255. "nan",
  163256. "nan",
  163257. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  163258. ],
  163259. [
  163260. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163261. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163262. "nan",
  163263. "nan",
  163264. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  163265. ],
  163266. [
  163267. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163268. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163269. "852",
  163270. "nan",
  163271. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,852,nan"
  163272. ],
  163273. [
  163274. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163275. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163276. "856",
  163277. "nan",
  163278. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,856,nan"
  163279. ],
  163280. [
  163281. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163282. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163283. "858",
  163284. "nan",
  163285. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,858,nan"
  163286. ],
  163287. [
  163288. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163289. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163290. "nan",
  163291. "nan",
  163292. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  163293. ],
  163294. [
  163295. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163296. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163297. "857",
  163298. "nan",
  163299. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,857,nan"
  163300. ],
  163301. [
  163302. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163303. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 2",
  163304. "857",
  163305. "nan",
  163306. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 2,857,nan"
  163307. ],
  163308. [
  163309. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163310. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 3",
  163311. "861",
  163312. "nan",
  163313. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 3,861,nan"
  163314. ],
  163315. [
  163316. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163317. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163318. "719631911",
  163319. "750536",
  163320. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,719631911,750536"
  163321. ],
  163322. [
  163323. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163324. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163325. "861",
  163326. "nan",
  163327. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,861,nan"
  163328. ],
  163329. [
  163330. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163331. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  163332. "719624710",
  163333. "741712",
  163334. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,719624710,741712"
  163335. ],
  163336. [
  163337. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163338. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 4",
  163339. "861",
  163340. "nan",
  163341. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 4,861,nan"
  163342. ],
  163343. [
  163344. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163345. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 5",
  163346. "719631911",
  163347. "750536",
  163348. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 5,719631911,750536"
  163349. ],
  163350. [
  163351. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163352. "currie, raymond - heritage bank",
  163353. "719627575",
  163354. "741508",
  163355. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - heritage bank,719627575,741508"
  163356. ],
  163357. [
  163358. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163359. "currie, raymond - heritage bank",
  163360. "nan",
  163361. "nan",
  163362. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - heritage bank,nan,nan"
  163363. ],
  163364. [
  163365. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163366. "354 waverly street trust",
  163367. "719626316",
  163368. "750352",
  163369. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,354 waverly street trust,719626316,750352"
  163370. ],
  163371. [
  163372. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163373. "354 waverly street trust",
  163374. "861",
  163375. "nan",
  163376. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,354 waverly street trust,861,nan"
  163377. ],
  163378. [
  163379. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163380. "hackel properties",
  163381. "854",
  163382. "nan",
  163383. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,hackel properties,854,nan"
  163384. ],
  163385. [
  163386. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163387. "viola, frank & anthony and viola family trust/ capitol bank",
  163388. "719631571",
  163389. "745658",
  163390. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,viola, frank & anthony and viola family trust/ capitol bank,719631571,745658"
  163391. ],
  163392. [
  163393. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163394. "currie, raymone - new heritage volume 1",
  163395. "719627738",
  163396. "742933",
  163397. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie, raymone - new heritage volume 1,719627738,742933"
  163398. ],
  163399. [
  163400. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163401. "bandar, raymond b. induvidually et al.",
  163402. "546294932",
  163403. "737775",
  163404. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,bandar, raymond b. induvidually et al.,546294932,737775"
  163405. ],
  163406. [
  163407. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163408. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  163409. "546295118",
  163410. "738064",
  163411. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,claim against raymond l. bandar et al.,546295118,738064"
  163412. ],
  163413. [
  163414. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163415. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  163416. "623765038",
  163417. "737784",
  163418. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,claim against raymond l. bandar et al.,623765038,737784"
  163419. ],
  163420. [
  163421. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163422. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  163423. "623765038",
  163424. "737784",
  163425. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,claim against raymond l. bandar et al.,623765038,737784"
  163426. ],
  163427. [
  163428. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163429. "currie enterprises - account document analysis",
  163430. "546291685",
  163431. "737927",
  163432. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie enterprises - account document analysis,546291685,737927"
  163433. ],
  163434. [
  163435. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163436. "currie -",
  163437. "546291685",
  163438. "737927",
  163439. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie -,546291685,737927"
  163440. ],
  163441. [
  163442. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163443. "currie -",
  163444. "546291685",
  163445. "737927",
  163446. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie -,546291685,737927"
  163447. ],
  163448. [
  163449. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163450. "currie -",
  163451. "546295155",
  163452. "738446",
  163453. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie -,546295155,738446"
  163454. ],
  163455. [
  163456. "nab asset venture 2",
  163457. "cambridge investors",
  163458. "546295067",
  163459. "738436",
  163460. "nab asset venture 2,cambridge investors,546295067,738436"
  163461. ],
  163462. [
  163463. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163464. "bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 2",
  163465. "1078",
  163466. "nan",
  163467. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 2,1078,nan"
  163468. ],
  163469. [
  163470. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163471. "currie, raymond",
  163472. "719605918",
  163473. "741176",
  163474. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond,719605918,741176"
  163475. ],
  163476. [
  163477. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163478. "currie",
  163479. "546291706",
  163480. "737990",
  163481. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,546291706,737990"
  163482. ],
  163483. [
  163484. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163485. "currie",
  163486. "546295242",
  163487. "738773",
  163488. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,546295242,738773"
  163489. ],
  163490. [
  163491. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163492. "currie",
  163493. "623765135",
  163494. "738774",
  163495. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,623765135,738774"
  163496. ],
  163497. [
  163498. "sherburne, powers & needham - notopoulos",
  163499. "notopoulos, philip j - nonbillalbe -",
  163500. "nan",
  163501. "nan",
  163502. "sherburne, powers & needham - notopoulos,notopoulos, philip j - nonbillalbe -,nan,nan"
  163503. ],
  163504. [
  163505. "ocwen financial corp",
  163506. "rtc acquisition - illinois associates vol 1 -",
  163507. "719582388",
  163508. "742301",
  163509. "ocwen financial corp,rtc acquisition - illinois associates vol 1 -,719582388,742301"
  163510. ],
  163511. [
  163512. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163513. "perry/yellin litigation -",
  163514. "719589976",
  163515. "741868",
  163516. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry/yellin litigation -,719589976,741868"
  163517. ],
  163518. [
  163519. "monaghan, john j. - misc bankruptcies",
  163520. "misc bankruptcies -",
  163521. "nan",
  163522. "nan",
  163523. "monaghan, john j. - misc bankruptcies,misc bankruptcies -,nan,nan"
  163524. ],
  163525. [
  163526. "brookline savings bank",
  163527. "misc materials -",
  163528. "nan",
  163529. "nan",
  163530. "brookline savings bank,misc materials -,nan,nan"
  163531. ],
  163532. [
  163533. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163534. "perry and yellin/capital bank",
  163535. "719626764",
  163536. "741896",
  163537. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry and yellin/capital bank,719626764,741896"
  163538. ],
  163539. [
  163540. "fdic",
  163541. "billing-",
  163542. "719631571",
  163543. "745658",
  163544. "fdic,billing-,719631571,745658"
  163545. ],
  163546. [
  163547. "fdic",
  163548. "perry yellin - billing",
  163549. "719624573",
  163550. "744138",
  163551. "fdic,perry yellin - billing,719624573,744138"
  163552. ],
  163553. [
  163554. "capital resource lenders",
  163555. "star video - volume iii -",
  163556. "546291723",
  163557. "737843",
  163558. "capital resource lenders,star video - volume iii -,546291723,737843"
  163559. ],
  163560. [
  163561. "federal deposit insur. corp.",
  163562. "montalbano & montalbano, ltd",
  163563. "546294709",
  163564. "753022",
  163565. "federal deposit insur. corp.,montalbano & montalbano, ltd,546294709,753022"
  163566. ],
  163567. [
  163568. "resolution trust corporation",
  163569. "1995 np 1 greensboro rd, hanover, nh",
  163570. "546288318",
  163571. "753034",
  163572. "resolution trust corporation,1995 np 1 greensboro rd, hanover, nh,546288318,753034"
  163573. ],
  163574. [
  163575. "resolution trust corporation",
  163576. "greensboro rd.",
  163577. "546288318",
  163578. "753034",
  163579. "resolution trust corporation,greensboro rd.,546288318,753034"
  163580. ],
  163581. [
  163582. "midland loan services",
  163583. "hilltop realty trust index: demand letter",
  163584. "546288318",
  163585. "753034",
  163586. "midland loan services,hilltop realty trust index: demand letter,546288318,753034"
  163587. ],
  163588. [
  163589. "resolution trust corporation",
  163590. "newmedico assoc. index:c. brennick",
  163591. "719626147",
  163592. "753065",
  163593. "resolution trust corporation,newmedico assoc. index:c. brennick,719626147,753065"
  163594. ],
  163595. [
  163596. "resolution trust corporation",
  163597. "ohannessan, marty",
  163598. "719626147",
  163599. "753065",
  163600. "resolution trust corporation,ohannessan, marty,719626147,753065"
  163601. ],
  163602. [
  163603. "resolution trust corporation",
  163604. "gedymin, edward",
  163605. "719626147",
  163606. "753065",
  163607. "resolution trust corporation,gedymin, edward,719626147,753065"
  163608. ],
  163609. [
  163610. "resoultion trust corporation",
  163611. "rivera, jose & lucy",
  163612. "719626147",
  163613. "753065",
  163614. "resoultion trust corporation,rivera, jose & lucy,719626147,753065"
  163615. ],
  163616. [
  163617. "resolution trust corporation",
  163618. "murphy, eugene",
  163619. "546288293",
  163620. "753033",
  163621. "resolution trust corporation,murphy, eugene,546288293,753033"
  163622. ],
  163623. [
  163624. "resolution trust corporation",
  163625. "ramon c. batista, et al",
  163626. "546288293",
  163627. "753033",
  163628. "resolution trust corporation,ramon c. batista, et al,546288293,753033"
  163629. ],
  163630. [
  163631. "resolution trust corporation",
  163632. "rachel hutchins",
  163633. "719626147",
  163634. "753065",
  163635. "resolution trust corporation,rachel hutchins,719626147,753065"
  163636. ],
  163637. [
  163638. "resolution trust corporation",
  163639. "weiss, benjamin",
  163640. "719626147",
  163641. "753065",
  163642. "resolution trust corporation,weiss, benjamin,719626147,753065"
  163643. ],
  163644. [
  163645. "resolution trust corporation",
  163646. "bogosian, elizabeth- forclosure index:ri-prop",
  163647. "719626147",
  163648. "753065",
  163649. "resolution trust corporation,bogosian, elizabeth- forclosure index:ri-prop,719626147,753065"
  163650. ],
  163651. [
  163652. "resolution trust corporation",
  163653. "cote- kerncer/ 103 kenway avenue",
  163654. "719626147",
  163655. "753065",
  163656. "resolution trust corporation,cote- kerncer/ 103 kenway avenue,719626147,753065"
  163657. ],
  163658. [
  163659. "resolution trust corporation",
  163660. "britt / 82 thompson street, franklin, ma",
  163661. "719626147",
  163662. "753065",
  163663. "resolution trust corporation,britt / 82 thompson street, franklin, ma,719626147,753065"
  163664. ],
  163665. [
  163666. "pannell , kerr , forester",
  163667. "madison associates",
  163668. "719581690",
  163669. "742511",
  163670. "pannell , kerr , forester,madison associates,719581690,742511"
  163671. ],
  163672. [
  163673. "resolution trust coperation",
  163674. "raman c. batista, et al",
  163675. "546288182",
  163676. "753282",
  163677. "resolution trust coperation,raman c. batista, et al,546288182,753282"
  163678. ],
  163679. [
  163680. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163681. "cortell's #",
  163682. "546285373",
  163683. "753091",
  163684. "federal deposit insurance corporation,cortell's #,546285373,753091"
  163685. ],
  163686. [
  163687. "federal deposit insurance coperation",
  163688. "david coken and william smith",
  163689. "546288298",
  163690. "753035",
  163691. "federal deposit insurance coperation,david coken and william smith,546288298,753035"
  163692. ],
  163693. [
  163694. "federal deposit insurance coperation",
  163695. "david coken and william smith",
  163696. "719628930",
  163697. "753097",
  163698. "federal deposit insurance coperation,david coken and william smith,719628930,753097"
  163699. ],
  163700. [
  163701. "resolution trust coperation",
  163702. "ramshorn stockhaus",
  163703. "719628930",
  163704. "753097",
  163705. "resolution trust coperation,ramshorn stockhaus,719628930,753097"
  163706. ],
  163707. [
  163708. "bank one new hampshire/ federal deposit insurance company",
  163709. "h.a. scott and sons, william leiser",
  163710. "546288260",
  163711. "753038",
  163712. "bank one new hampshire/ federal deposit insurance company,h.a. scott and sons, william leiser,546288260,753038"
  163713. ],
  163714. [
  163715. "resolution trust coperation",
  163716. "ramshorn stockhaus",
  163717. "546288260",
  163718. "753038",
  163719. "resolution trust coperation,ramshorn stockhaus,546288260,753038"
  163720. ],
  163721. [
  163722. "bank one new hampshire / federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163723. "h.a. scott & sons; william leiser",
  163724. "719628900",
  163725. "753090",
  163726. "bank one new hampshire / federal deposit insurance corporation,h.a. scott & sons; william leiser,719628900,753090"
  163727. ],
  163728. [
  163729. "federal deposit insurance coporation",
  163730. "harborside associates (shadow files volumes 1 and 2)",
  163731. "719626165",
  163732. "753085",
  163733. "federal deposit insurance coporation,harborside associates (shadow files volumes 1 and 2),719626165,753085"
  163734. ],
  163735. [
  163736. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  163737. "cortey's iii (insurance policy)",
  163738. "719657012",
  163739. "753059",
  163740. "federal deposit insurance corp.,cortey's iii (insurance policy),719657012,753059"
  163741. ],
  163742. [
  163743. "resolution trust co.",
  163744. "leo martin, jt. & duffy, rich",
  163745. "719627224",
  163746. "740970",
  163747. "resolution trust co.,leo martin, jt. & duffy, rich,719627224,740970"
  163748. ],
  163749. [
  163750. "resolution trust company",
  163751. "nefsa v. hoffman",
  163752. "719627224",
  163753. "740970",
  163754. "resolution trust company,nefsa v. hoffman,719627224,740970"
  163755. ],
  163756. [
  163757. "resolution trust corporation",
  163758. "cave maintain associates",
  163759. "719623814",
  163760. "740056",
  163761. "resolution trust corporation,cave maintain associates,719623814,740056"
  163762. ],
  163763. [
  163764. "john j.finnigan",
  163765. "diversified financial southeast inc.",
  163766. "719624556",
  163767. "742513",
  163768. "john j.finnigan,diversified financial southeast inc.,719624556,742513"
  163769. ],
  163770. [
  163771. "resolution trust corporation",
  163772. "fast forms, inc.",
  163773. "719623589",
  163774. "740058",
  163775. "resolution trust corporation,fast forms, inc.,719623589,740058"
  163776. ],
  163777. [
  163778. "rtc 1-13 & 14 - 29",
  163779. "bills",
  163780. "chin wright & branson",
  163781. "nan",
  163782. "rtc 1-13 & 14 - 29,bills,chin wright & branson,nan"
  163783. ],
  163784. [
  163785. "fdic bills",
  163786. "1/20/08",
  163787. "719623839",
  163788. "740061",
  163789. "fdic bills,1/20/08,719623839,740061"
  163790. ],
  163791. [
  163792. "rtc bills",
  163793. "157-175",
  163794. "719623839",
  163795. "740061",
  163796. "rtc bills,157-175,719623839,740061"
  163797. ],
  163798. [
  163799. "rtc bills",
  163800. "30-55",
  163801. "719623801",
  163802. "740059",
  163803. "rtc bills,30-55,719623801,740059"
  163804. ],
  163805. [
  163806. "resolution trust company",
  163807. "michael henry",
  163808. "719623309",
  163809. "740063",
  163810. "resolution trust company,michael henry,719623309,740063"
  163811. ],
  163812. [
  163813. "resolution trust company",
  163814. "7 church st. dover, boston",
  163815. "719623309",
  163816. "740063",
  163817. "resolution trust company,7 church st. dover, boston,719623309,740063"
  163818. ],
  163819. [
  163820. "resolution trust company",
  163821. "mecedo & perena v. comfield savings",
  163822. "719623309",
  163823. "740063",
  163824. "resolution trust company,mecedo & perena v. comfield savings,719623309,740063"
  163825. ],
  163826. [
  163827. "resolution trust corporation",
  163828. "frank monaco (bankruptcy)",
  163829. "719623899",
  163830. "740051",
  163831. "resolution trust corporation,frank monaco (bankruptcy),719623899,740051"
  163832. ],
  163833. [
  163834. "rtc bills",
  163835. "56a-100",
  163836. "719623811",
  163837. "740060",
  163838. "rtc bills,56a-100,719623811,740060"
  163839. ],
  163840. [
  163841. "federal deposit insuarnce corp.",
  163842. "joseph schrader",
  163843. "546288140",
  163844. "753286",
  163845. "federal deposit insuarnce corp.,joseph schrader,546288140,753286"
  163846. ],
  163847. [
  163848. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  163849. "edward tigges & hanneloie tigges",
  163850. "546288140",
  163851. "753286",
  163852. "federal deposit insurance corp.,edward tigges & hanneloie tigges,546288140,753286"
  163853. ],
  163854. [
  163855. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  163856. "ricky & lillian green",
  163857. "546288140",
  163858. "753286",
  163859. "federal deposit insurance corp.,ricky & lillian green,546288140,753286"
  163860. ],
  163861. [
  163862. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  163863. "brichwood",
  163864. "546288140",
  163865. "753286",
  163866. "federal deposit insurance corp.,brichwood,546288140,753286"
  163867. ],
  163868. [
  163869. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  163870. "asset management & recovery",
  163871. "546288140",
  163872. "753286",
  163873. "federal deposit insurance corp.,asset management & recovery,546288140,753286"
  163874. ],
  163875. [
  163876. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163877. "currie - various tax returns ; docs from govent ; client docs ; various corsp",
  163878. "546291750",
  163879. "738390",
  163880. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie - various tax returns ; docs from govent ; client docs ; various corsp,546291750,738390"
  163881. ],
  163882. [
  163883. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163884. "currie enterprises - check registars 1984-1988 , 1989 ; bank statements shawmut - regular1984 + 1985 ; shawmut - 0194654 ; open sep. 1987 - close july 1988",
  163885. "719623235",
  163886. "481328",
  163887. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie enterprises - check registars 1984-1988 , 1989 ; bank statements shawmut - regular1984 + 1985 ; shawmut - 0194654 ; open sep. 1987 - close july 1988,719623235,481328"
  163888. ],
  163889. [
  163890. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163891. "currie - 1989 misc ; client general ledger 12/31/1987 ; c & m real estate trust general ledger 12/31/1987 ;",
  163892. "546295052",
  163893. "738395",
  163894. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie - 1989 misc ; client general ledger 12/31/1987 ; c & m real estate trust general ledger 12/31/1987 ;,546295052,738395"
  163895. ],
  163896. [
  163897. "federal deposit insurance company",
  163898. "stoughton index: vol 1, vol 2, complete sets 1-1v (in volume 1)",
  163899. "nan",
  163900. "nan",
  163901. "federal deposit insurance company,stoughton index: vol 1, vol 2, complete sets 1-1v (in volume 1),nan,nan"
  163902. ],
  163903. [
  163904. "fdic 241 a street",
  163905. "entire file",
  163906. "nan",
  163907. "nan",
  163908. "fdic 241 a street,entire file,nan,nan"
  163909. ],
  163910. [
  163911. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163912. "currie - various tax returns and corsp. - 1988 , 1989 , 1990 , 1991 , 1992",
  163913. "719623170",
  163914. "481319",
  163915. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie - various tax returns and corsp. - 1988 , 1989 , 1990 , 1991 , 1992,719623170,481319"
  163916. ],
  163917. [
  163918. "fdic 241 a street",
  163919. "fdic",
  163920. "719626924",
  163921. "740837",
  163922. "fdic 241 a street,fdic,719626924,740837"
  163923. ],
  163924. [
  163925. "fdic 241 a street",
  163926. "fdic",
  163927. "719627093",
  163928. "740933",
  163929. "fdic 241 a street,fdic,719627093,740933"
  163930. ],
  163931. [
  163932. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  163933. "stoughton originals vol i & ii ; complete sets i-iv",
  163934. "nan",
  163935. "nan",
  163936. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,stoughton originals vol i & ii ; complete sets i-iv,nan,nan"
  163937. ],
  163938. [
  163939. "fdic",
  163940. "currie - pleadings binder",
  163941. "719631196",
  163942. "743350",
  163943. "fdic,currie - pleadings binder,719631196,743350"
  163944. ],
  163945. [
  163946. "fdic",
  163947. "currie -",
  163948. "43833449|imb # 097030",
  163949. "nan",
  163950. "fdic,currie -,43833449|imb # 097030,nan"
  163951. ],
  163952. [
  163953. "ziner, saul",
  163954. "kittery refinancing -",
  163955. "719630479",
  163956. "745688",
  163957. "ziner, saul,kittery refinancing -,719630479,745688"
  163958. ],
  163959. [
  163960. "patriot bancorporation",
  163961. "commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).",
  163962. "4.9555e+11",
  163963. "nan",
  163964. "patriot bancorporation,commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).,4.9555e+11,nan"
  163965. ],
  163966. [
  163967. "stoller, robert",
  163968. "personal -",
  163969. "719625567",
  163970. "741512",
  163971. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  163972. ],
  163973. [
  163974. "stoller, robert",
  163975. "personal -",
  163976. "719624151",
  163977. "741546",
  163978. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624151,741546"
  163979. ],
  163980. [
  163981. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  163982. "perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -",
  163983. "546291814",
  163984. "738518",
  163985. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -,546291814,738518"
  163986. ],
  163987. [
  163988. "institution for savings in newburyport and its vicinity",
  163989. "general: aution 7/15/86, auditor's response (1990), billing, cambridge bancorp proxy materials, cambridge trust, correspondence, fasb 1991, fdic letter (1993), first & ocean bancorp bylaws, first & ocean bancorp documents, memoranda, merchants national bank, niscellaneous, mutual fire company, nra land acquisition (newburyport redevelopment association), notes & memos, opinion letter (1988), opinion letter (1991)",
  163990. "719596531",
  163991. "740901",
  163992. "institution for savings in newburyport and its vicinity,general: aution 7/15/86, auditor's response (1990), billing, cambridge bancorp proxy materials, cambridge trust, correspondence, fasb 1991, fdic letter (1993), first & ocean bancorp bylaws, first & ocean bancorp documents, memoranda, merchants national bank, niscellaneous, mutual fire company, nra land acquisition (newburyport redevelopment association), notes & memos, opinion letter (1988), opinion letter (1991),719596531,740901"
  163993. ],
  163994. [
  163995. "accounting",
  163996. "fdic misc documents ; fdic bills 1994 , 1995 , 1996 ; boston bay capital bills 12/91 - 12/93 , sarvis, rbt files ; brant point files ; madden & assoc. write-offs ; senopoulos, billie ann files ; a/r control report",
  163997. "43833437 / 097012",
  163998. "nan",
  163999. "accounting,fdic misc documents ; fdic bills 1994 , 1995 , 1996 ; boston bay capital bills 12/91 - 12/93 , sarvis, rbt files ; brant point files ; madden & assoc. write-offs ; senopoulos, billie ann files ; a/r control report,43833437 / 097012,nan"
  164000. ],
  164001. [
  164002. "fdic",
  164003. "perry - yellin",
  164004. "719626321",
  164005. "750276",
  164006. "fdic,perry - yellin,719626321,750276"
  164007. ],
  164008. [
  164009. "the fortress corporation",
  164010. "dimensional technology",
  164011. "809",
  164012. "nan",
  164013. "the fortress corporation,dimensional technology,809,nan"
  164014. ],
  164015. [
  164016. "fdic",
  164017. "currie - depositions",
  164018. "719627738",
  164019. "742933",
  164020. "fdic,currie - depositions,719627738,742933"
  164021. ],
  164022. [
  164023. "fdic",
  164024. "currie raymond - new heritage bank volume 6allan jeffery rose depos & exhibits ; min-u-script ; notes ; summaries",
  164025. "857",
  164026. "nan",
  164027. "fdic,currie raymond - new heritage bank volume 6allan jeffery rose depos & exhibits ; min-u-script ; notes ; summaries,857,nan"
  164028. ],
  164029. [
  164030. "fdic",
  164031. "currie - jablonski depositon exhibits ( digital ) ; working file currie ent. act 0982679",
  164032. "857",
  164033. "nan",
  164034. "fdic,currie - jablonski depositon exhibits ( digital ) ; working file currie ent. act 0982679,857,nan"
  164035. ],
  164036. [
  164037. "fdic",
  164038. "rindo - rindo appraisal ; documents produced town of tynsboro ; closing binder",
  164039. "856",
  164040. "nan",
  164041. "fdic,rindo - rindo appraisal ; documents produced town of tynsboro ; closing binder,856,nan"
  164042. ],
  164043. [
  164044. "fdic",
  164045. "resolution trust corporation",
  164046. "719631911",
  164047. "750536",
  164048. "fdic,resolution trust corporation,719631911,750536"
  164049. ],
  164050. [
  164051. "fdic",
  164052. "currie - foley hoag & elliot files",
  164053. "719624049",
  164054. "741081",
  164055. "fdic,currie - foley hoag & elliot files,719624049,741081"
  164056. ],
  164057. [
  164058. "fdic",
  164059. "currie - drafts, ; extras ; asoian & tully documents ; budget",
  164060. "719624049",
  164061. "741081",
  164062. "fdic,currie - drafts, ; extras ; asoian & tully documents ; budget,719624049,741081"
  164063. ],
  164064. [
  164065. "fdic",
  164066. "raymond currie",
  164067. "852",
  164068. "nan",
  164069. "fdic,raymond currie,852,nan"
  164070. ],
  164071. [
  164072. "fdic",
  164073. "currie - depo exhibits ; summaries ; notes ; min-u-scripts ; volumes 1 , 3 ,4 ,5",
  164074. "850",
  164075. "nan",
  164076. "fdic,currie - depo exhibits ; summaries ; notes ; min-u-scripts ; volumes 1 , 3 ,4 ,5,850,nan"
  164077. ],
  164078. [
  164079. "fdic",
  164080. "perry - yellin - billing files",
  164081. "1398",
  164082. "nan",
  164083. "fdic,perry - yellin - billing files,1398,nan"
  164084. ],
  164085. [
  164086. "fdic (hartford)",
  164087. "corporate votes re closure of bank \"x\"",
  164088. "1078",
  164089. "nan",
  164090. "fdic (hartford),corporate votes re closure of bank \"x\",1078,nan"
  164091. ],
  164092. [
  164093. "federal deposit insurance corporation (fdic)",
  164094. "hoffman - foundry condominium trust / eliot savings bank",
  164095. "1078",
  164096. "nan",
  164097. "federal deposit insurance corporation (fdic),hoffman - foundry condominium trust / eliot savings bank,1078,nan"
  164098. ],
  164099. [
  164100. "federal deposit insurance corporation ( fdic )",
  164101. "sidney weiner & carol assocs., inc. / capitol bank",
  164102. "719587273",
  164103. "75322",
  164104. "federal deposit insurance corporation ( fdic ),sidney weiner & carol assocs., inc. / capitol bank,719587273,75322"
  164105. ],
  164106. [
  164107. "fdic (hartford)",
  164108. "merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 2",
  164109. "1078",
  164110. "nan",
  164111. "fdic (hartford),merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 2,1078,nan"
  164112. ],
  164113. [
  164114. "fdic (hartford)",
  164115. "merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 1",
  164116. "1078",
  164117. "nan",
  164118. "fdic (hartford),merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 1,1078,nan"
  164119. ],
  164120. [
  164121. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  164122. "chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution",
  164123. "719624573",
  164124. "744138",
  164125. "federal deposit insurance corporation,chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution,719624573,744138"
  164126. ],
  164127. [
  164128. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  164129. "chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution",
  164130. "719624573",
  164131. "744138",
  164132. "federal deposit insurance corporation,chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution,719624573,744138"
  164133. ],
  164134. [
  164135. "fdic - federal deposit insurance",
  164136. "plaid corporation: dissolution",
  164137. "719624573",
  164138. "744138",
  164139. "fdic - federal deposit insurance,plaid corporation: dissolution,719624573,744138"
  164140. ],
  164141. [
  164142. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  164143. "snay circle c onstruction corp., dissolution",
  164144. "719624573",
  164145. "744138",
  164146. "federal deposit insurance corp.,snay circle c onstruction corp., dissolution,719624573,744138"
  164147. ],
  164148. [
  164149. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  164150. "seville corp., dissolution",
  164151. "719624573",
  164152. "744138",
  164153. "federal deposit insurance corp.,seville corp., dissolution,719624573,744138"
  164154. ],
  164155. [
  164156. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  164157. "windsor lane corp., dissolution",
  164158. "nan",
  164159. "nan",
  164160. "federal deposit insurance corp.,windsor lane corp., dissolution,nan,nan"
  164161. ],
  164162. [
  164163. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  164164. "global realty trust / capitol bank & trust foreclosure",
  164165. "719628351",
  164166. "747493",
  164167. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust / capitol bank & trust foreclosure,719628351,747493"
  164168. ],
  164169. [
  164170. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  164171. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 3",
  164172. "719628351",
  164173. "747493",
  164174. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust - title abstracts volume 3,719628351,747493"
  164175. ],
  164176. [
  164177. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  164178. "liberty hills - new heritage bank",
  164179. "719628351",
  164180. "747493",
  164181. "federal deposit insurance corp.,liberty hills - new heritage bank,719628351,747493"
  164182. ],
  164183. [
  164184. "chris burden",
  164185. "new seabury ( i of iii ) - sup. court pleadings ; corsp ; misc agreement ; mortgages ; rtc assignment ; bids ; ucc assignment ; list of 20 largest creditors ; partnership docs ; misc ome fed",
  164186. "719623491",
  164187. "741826",
  164188. "chris burden,new seabury ( i of iii ) - sup. court pleadings ; corsp ; misc agreement ; mortgages ; rtc assignment ; bids ; ucc assignment ; list of 20 largest creditors ; partnership docs ; misc ome fed,719623491,741826"
  164189. ],
  164190. [
  164191. "estate of thomas moranian",
  164192. "re: estate",
  164193. "719630609",
  164194. "744985",
  164195. "estate of thomas moranian,re: estate,719630609,744985"
  164196. ],
  164197. [
  164198. "capital resource partner",
  164199. "re: star video",
  164200. "719625207",
  164201. "744351",
  164202. "capital resource partner,re: star video,719625207,744351"
  164203. ],
  164204. [
  164205. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  164206. "re: 354 waverly st. trust litigation",
  164207. "719626977",
  164208. "740156",
  164209. "federal deposit insurance corporation,re: 354 waverly st. trust litigation,719626977,740156"
  164210. ],
  164211. [
  164212. "fdic",
  164213. "re: perry yellin",
  164214. "719627705",
  164215. "744422",
  164216. "fdic,re: perry yellin,719627705,744422"
  164217. ],
  164218. [
  164219. "fdic",
  164220. "re: perry yellin",
  164221. "1963",
  164222. "nan",
  164223. "fdic,re: perry yellin,1963,nan"
  164224. ],
  164225. [
  164226. "fdic",
  164227. "re: perry yellin",
  164228. "1967",
  164229. "nan",
  164230. "fdic,re: perry yellin,1967,nan"
  164231. ],
  164232. [
  164233. "sp&n / smealie",
  164234. "misc. files which have either been archived or have no case fire",
  164235. "719630965",
  164236. "745608",
  164237. "sp&n / smealie,misc. files which have either been archived or have no case fire,719630965,745608"
  164238. ],
  164239. [
  164240. "smealie, james d.",
  164241. "re: misc. files",
  164242. "719630965",
  164243. "745608",
  164244. "smealie, james d.,re: misc. files,719630965,745608"
  164245. ],
  164246. [
  164247. "stoller, robert",
  164248. "re: cincotta",
  164249. "719626086",
  164250. "750796",
  164251. "stoller, robert,re: cincotta,719626086,750796"
  164252. ],
  164253. [
  164254. "stoller, robert",
  164255. "re: personal",
  164256. "719630889",
  164257. "745587",
  164258. "stoller, robert,re: personal,719630889,745587"
  164259. ],
  164260. [
  164261. "misc. bankruptcies",
  164262. "re: ace heating and cooling,,adams, john, calore express company , debtor, a. cavallaro & sons, c.d. realty partners,,c.s.p. 234, inc., delvicario anthony j., d,m, reid/oklahoma furnityre, fdic/ carlson, giorgio bankruptcy, louiso., inc., manganaro bldg l.p., nab asset ventures / john w. wood , jr., debtor, new bedford coat , inc., new england mackintosh o., inc., oxford / photon, saltiel, david,james shawnesee, troxell/p.j. keating, unr industries, wellseley mortgage/ barry king,",
  164263. "g90",
  164264. "nan",
  164265. "misc. bankruptcies,re: ace heating and cooling,,adams, john, calore express company , debtor, a. cavallaro & sons, c.d. realty partners,,c.s.p. 234, inc., delvicario anthony j., d,m, reid/oklahoma furnityre, fdic/ carlson, giorgio bankruptcy, louiso., inc., manganaro bldg l.p., nab asset ventures / john w. wood , jr., debtor, new bedford coat , inc., new england mackintosh o., inc., oxford / photon, saltiel, david,james shawnesee, troxell/p.j. keating, unr industries, wellseley mortgage/ barry king,,g90,nan"
  164266. ],
  164267. [
  164268. "dianne r. phillips",
  164269. "re: client development",
  164270. "719654572",
  164271. "200281",
  164272. "dianne r. phillips,re: client development,719654572,200281"
  164273. ],
  164274. [
  164275. "derosa, steven and christie",
  164276. "re: tax litigation",
  164277. "719661946",
  164278. "200311",
  164279. "derosa, steven and christie,re: tax litigation,719661946,200311"
  164280. ],
  164281. [
  164282. "napico",
  164283. "re: hillcrest",
  164284. "719656179",
  164285. "200337",
  164286. "napico,re: hillcrest,719656179,200337"
  164287. ],
  164288. [
  164289. "fdic/rtc responses from attorneys",
  164290. "re: responses , memos and other docs",
  164291. "719656189",
  164292. "200393",
  164293. "fdic/rtc responses from attorneys,re: responses , memos and other docs,719656189,200393"
  164294. ],
  164295. [
  164296. "fdic - gien'l",
  164297. "re: lsi forms, samples, copies, statistical data report, fdic billing file 1994 corres billing, fdic bills submitted 1994, fdic/354 waverly, fdic/perry/yellin et al, sacco, reservoir heights, fdic rinelo, michael, amie realty trust,",
  164298. "719599052",
  164299. "231276",
  164300. "fdic - gien'l,re: lsi forms, samples, copies, statistical data report, fdic billing file 1994 corres billing, fdic bills submitted 1994, fdic/354 waverly, fdic/perry/yellin et al, sacco, reservoir heights, fdic rinelo, michael, amie realty trust,,719599052,231276"
  164301. ],
  164302. [
  164303. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  164304. "re: olympia & yorke equity mortgage notes",
  164305. "719599888",
  164306. "231273",
  164307. "federal deposit insurance corp.,re: olympia & yorke equity mortgage notes,719599888,231273"
  164308. ],
  164309. [
  164310. "fdic billing",
  164311. "re: (no case name listed )",
  164312. "719634887",
  164313. "231087",
  164314. "fdic billing,re: (no case name listed ),719634887,231087"
  164315. ],
  164316. [
  164317. "fdic",
  164318. "re: perry - yellin",
  164319. "719598154",
  164320. "231365",
  164321. "fdic,re: perry - yellin,719598154,231365"
  164322. ],
  164323. [
  164324. "brookline savings bank",
  164325. "re: miscellaneous materials",
  164326. "719654643",
  164327. "204539",
  164328. "brookline savings bank,re: miscellaneous materials,719654643,204539"
  164329. ],
  164330. [
  164331. "devon/mark willard realty trust",
  164332. "re: fdic/recoll",
  164333. "719664576",
  164334. "204698",
  164335. "devon/mark willard realty trust,re: fdic/recoll,719664576,204698"
  164336. ],
  164337. [
  164338. "sphk atty's",
  164339. "re: list of files for atty's co's",
  164340. "719654624",
  164341. "207937",
  164342. "sphk atty's,re: list of files for atty's co's,719654624,207937"
  164343. ],
  164344. [
  164345. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  164346. "re: la bonte , et al",
  164347. "719659457",
  164348. "208118",
  164349. "federal deposit insurance corporation,re: la bonte , et al,719659457,208118"
  164350. ],
  164351. [
  164352. "sp & n notopoulos-nonbillable",
  164353. "fdic conflict waiver application",
  164354. "719596004",
  164355. "207976",
  164356. "sp & n notopoulos-nonbillable,fdic conflict waiver application,719596004,207976"
  164357. ],
  164358. [
  164359. "fdic billing file 1993",
  164360. "correspondence only; fdic billing submitted: jan 1993 -dec 1993",
  164361. "719596004",
  164362. "207976",
  164363. "fdic billing file 1993,correspondence only; fdic billing submitted: jan 1993 -dec 1993,719596004,207976"
  164364. ],
  164365. [
  164366. "fdic billing 1992",
  164367. "re: fdic billing 3/94; corresp. only; fdic billing submitted: july 1992 - december 1992",
  164368. "719664238",
  164369. "207975",
  164370. "fdic billing 1992,re: fdic billing 3/94; corresp. only; fdic billing submitted: july 1992 - december 1992,719664238,207975"
  164371. ],
  164372. [
  164373. "fdic - conflict waiver",
  164374. "re: 1997 fdic renewal; fdic 1994 lsa renewal",
  164375. "719664238",
  164376. "207975",
  164377. "fdic - conflict waiver,re: 1997 fdic renewal; fdic 1994 lsa renewal,719664238,207975"
  164378. ],
  164379. [
  164380. "robert stoller",
  164381. "fdic board brief & reply brief",
  164382. "719600354",
  164383. "208002",
  164384. "robert stoller,fdic board brief & reply brief,719600354,208002"
  164385. ],
  164386. [
  164387. "robb, george",
  164388. "re: general - fdic v. carlson et al",
  164389. "719585313",
  164390. "208200",
  164391. "robb, george,re: general - fdic v. carlson et al,719585313,208200"
  164392. ],
  164393. [
  164394. "robb, george",
  164395. "re: general",
  164396. "719585313",
  164397. "208200",
  164398. "robb, george,re: general,719585313,208200"
  164399. ],
  164400. [
  164401. "robb, george",
  164402. "re: general",
  164403. "719585313",
  164404. "208200",
  164405. "robb, george,re: general,719585313,208200"
  164406. ],
  164407. [
  164408. "university bank , n.a.",
  164409. "re: general",
  164410. "719598124",
  164411. "223928",
  164412. "university bank , n.a.,re: general,719598124,223928"
  164413. ],
  164414. [
  164415. "columbia construction",
  164416. "re: fdic",
  164417. "719592686",
  164418. "224176",
  164419. "columbia construction,re: fdic,719592686,224176"
  164420. ],
  164421. [
  164422. "sawyer associates, inc.",
  164423. "re: refinance of 60 market street index: mortgage to sawyer, equity one loan documents, legal fees, fdic payoff letter, market street-lynn, second mortgage subordinations, third mortgage subordinations, first mortgage subordinations",
  164424. "719611732",
  164425. "225805",
  164426. "sawyer associates, inc.,re: refinance of 60 market street index: mortgage to sawyer, equity one loan documents, legal fees, fdic payoff letter, market street-lynn, second mortgage subordinations, third mortgage subordinations, first mortgage subordinations,719611732,225805"
  164427. ],
  164428. [
  164429. "boston kenmore reality corp.",
  164430. "re: purchase of temple place index: e.i.s. - fdic / washington street, fdic forms, $250,000 loan, shamsi-temple place, vote for state lease, fdic purchase and sale",
  164431. "719643299",
  164432. "225815",
  164433. "boston kenmore reality corp.,re: purchase of temple place index: e.i.s. - fdic / washington street, fdic forms, $250,000 loan, shamsi-temple place, vote for state lease, fdic purchase and sale,719643299,225815"
  164434. ],
  164435. [
  164436. "boston kenmore reality corp.",
  164437. "re: loan from nations credit - 59 temple place and 501-507 washington street, boston index: temple place title, copies of recorded documents, documents included within binder, boston group, environmental reliance ltr., rents, estoppel certificate, insurance binder, boston group dev. inc., corp. vote and incumbancy, bkr corp. director's consent, temple west borrow (empty), temple west assoc. reg. (empty), bkr corp. bylaws (empty), bkr corp good standing (empty), fdic draft docs., zoning opinion, kerwyn & selwin, ucc search, draft laon docs., commitment letter, beckwith elevator, management company exspense report, management agreement, insured closing letter, commitment (empty), draft zoning opinion, purchaser eligibility certification, power of attorney, ret role, organizational docs., assignment of tenant leases, purchase and sale agreement",
  164438. "719643299",
  164439. "225815",
  164440. "boston kenmore reality corp.,re: loan from nations credit - 59 temple place and 501-507 washington street, boston index: temple place title, copies of recorded documents, documents included within binder, boston group, environmental reliance ltr., rents, estoppel certificate, insurance binder, boston group dev. inc., corp. vote and incumbancy, bkr corp. director's consent, temple west borrow (empty), temple west assoc. reg. (empty), bkr corp. bylaws (empty), bkr corp good standing (empty), fdic draft docs., zoning opinion, kerwyn & selwin, ucc search, draft laon docs., commitment letter, beckwith elevator, management company exspense report, management agreement, insured closing letter, commitment (empty), draft zoning opinion, purchaser eligibility certification, power of attorney, ret role, organizational docs., assignment of tenant leases, purchase and sale agreement,719643299,225815"
  164441. ],
  164442. [
  164443. "bay state federal savings bank",
  164444. "re: chestnut/hyslop",
  164445. "719634901",
  164446. "226244",
  164447. "bay state federal savings bank,re: chestnut/hyslop,719634901,226244"
  164448. ],
  164449. [
  164450. "woonsocket neighborhood development",
  164451. "re:constituitiona hill index: home funds city of woonsocket, side letter re: $126,000 home loan, city home $275,000 mortgage note, carryover allocation, promissory note, assignment of contracts, agreement re: affordable housing program subsidy, mortgage 12-29-94, home investment partnership agreement 12-23-94, purchase & sale agreement, supplementl agenda, assignment /assumption of home loan, nef mortgage loan rider, assignment & assumption re: assets, prior recorded leinholder's consent, discharge of $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, rihmfc home deed restrictions, new $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, authorization votes wndc, authorization votes chni, nef/rihmfc payment agreement, payment 7 perfection performance bonds phase i, rihmfc deed restrictrions, assignment of rihmfc home investment partnership agreement, 1rst amendment of mortgage re: rihmfc home loan, ucc-11 searches wndc, municipal libn certificates, media, distribution list, title exceptions, rihtnb loan documents, legal descriptions (new), flood plan certification, landscape artchitect's contract, rihmfc loan docs, notes, closing binders",
  164452. "719663820",
  164453. "226191",
  164454. "woonsocket neighborhood development,re:constituitiona hill index: home funds city of woonsocket, side letter re: $126,000 home loan, city home $275,000 mortgage note, carryover allocation, promissory note, assignment of contracts, agreement re: affordable housing program subsidy, mortgage 12-29-94, home investment partnership agreement 12-23-94, purchase & sale agreement, supplementl agenda, assignment /assumption of home loan, nef mortgage loan rider, assignment & assumption re: assets, prior recorded leinholder's consent, discharge of $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, rihmfc home deed restrictions, new $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, authorization votes wndc, authorization votes chni, nef/rihmfc payment agreement, payment 7 perfection performance bonds phase i, rihmfc deed restrictrions, assignment of rihmfc home investment partnership agreement, 1rst amendment of mortgage re: rihmfc home loan, ucc-11 searches wndc, municipal libn certificates, media, distribution list, title exceptions, rihtnb loan documents, legal descriptions (new), flood plan certification, landscape artchitect's contract, rihmfc loan docs, notes, closing binders,719663820,226191"
  164455. ],
  164456. [
  164457. "boston financial technology group, inc.",
  164458. "loan to everett a. knight (partcipation with harbor national bank)",
  164459. "719623420",
  164460. "739783",
  164461. "boston financial technology group, inc.,loan to everett a. knight (partcipation with harbor national bank),719623420,739783"
  164462. ],
  164463. [
  164464. "csongor, desider",
  164465. "appeal from a $390,000 judgment entered for the plantiff, federal deposit insurance corporation",
  164466. "719596771",
  164467. "745034",
  164468. "csongor, desider,appeal from a $390,000 judgment entered for the plantiff, federal deposit insurance corporation,719596771,745034"
  164469. ],
  164470. [
  164471. "brownell, robertc/o community concepts corporation",
  164472. "representation of client in sale of pope road lots to ccc",
  164473. "1945",
  164474. "nan",
  164475. "brownell, robertc/o community concepts corporation,representation of client in sale of pope road lots to ccc,1945,nan"
  164476. ],
  164477. [
  164478. ",,4-2-01\"",
  164479. "arm",
  164480. "nan",
  164481. "nan",
  164482. ",,4-2-01\",arm,nan,nan"
  164483. ],
  164484. [
  164485. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.",
  164486. "def cl-fslic-maher e",
  164487. "719627772",
  164488. "750334",
  164489. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.,def cl-fslic-maher e,719627772,750334"
  164490. ],
  164491. [
  164492. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.",
  164493. "re: def cl-fslic-maher e",
  164494. "719626968",
  164495. "740160",
  164496. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.,re: def cl-fslic-maher e,719626968,740160"
  164497. ],
  164498. [
  164499. "stoller, robert",
  164500. "u.s. tax court petition for tax year 1993",
  164501. "719658702",
  164502. "79497",
  164503. "stoller, robert,u.s. tax court petition for tax year 1993,719658702,79497"
  164504. ],
  164505. [
  164506. "stoller, robert",
  164507. "personal",
  164508. "719658804",
  164509. "79495",
  164510. "stoller, robert,personal,719658804,79495"
  164511. ],
  164512. [
  164513. "rtc",
  164514. "perry foreclosure",
  164515. "719656644",
  164516. "79735",
  164517. "rtc,perry foreclosure,719656644,79735"
  164518. ],
  164519. [
  164520. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  164521. "354 waverly steet trust",
  164522. "719658456",
  164523. "79770",
  164524. "federal deposit insurance corp.,354 waverly steet trust,719658456,79770"
  164525. ],
  164526. [
  164527. "piantedosi baking co.",
  164528. "129 commercial street, malden",
  164529. "236526892",
  164530. "80593",
  164531. "piantedosi baking co.,129 commercial street, malden,236526892,80593"
  164532. ],
  164533. [
  164534. "mass. black lawyers association (\"mbla\")",
  164535. "general",
  164536. "719586332",
  164537. "172539",
  164538. "mass. black lawyers association (\"mbla\"),general,719586332,172539"
  164539. ],
  164540. [
  164541. "the richmond group, inc.",
  164542. "general matters",
  164543. "719597171",
  164544. "168913",
  164545. "the richmond group, inc.,general matters,719597171,168913"
  164546. ],
  164547. [
  164548. "holly tree resort",
  164549. "purchase from fdic",
  164550. "719589408",
  164551. "214065",
  164552. "holly tree resort,purchase from fdic,719589408,214065"
  164553. ],
  164554. [
  164555. "fdic",
  164556. "john e. dowd, jr.",
  164557. "719635110",
  164558. "168845",
  164559. "fdic,john e. dowd, jr.,719635110,168845"
  164560. ],
  164561. [
  164562. "fdic",
  164563. "john e. dowd, jr. file ii",
  164564. "719635110",
  164565. "168845",
  164566. "fdic,john e. dowd, jr. file ii,719635110,168845"
  164567. ],
  164568. [
  164569. "fdic",
  164570. "john e. dowd, jr.-file iii",
  164571. "719635110",
  164572. "168845",
  164573. "fdic,john e. dowd, jr.-file iii,719635110,168845"
  164574. ],
  164575. [
  164576. "fdic/recall",
  164577. "241 a street",
  164578. "719635141",
  164579. "168844",
  164580. "fdic/recall,241 a street,719635141,168844"
  164581. ],
  164582. [
  164583. "fdic",
  164584. "gladstone, sumner",
  164585. "719655370",
  164586. "173760",
  164587. "fdic,gladstone, sumner,719655370,173760"
  164588. ],
  164589. [
  164590. "fdic",
  164591. "sumner gladstone",
  164592. "719655370",
  164593. "173760",
  164594. "fdic,sumner gladstone,719655370,173760"
  164595. ],
  164596. [
  164597. "fdic",
  164598. "sumner gladstone",
  164599. "719664520",
  164600. "173759",
  164601. "fdic,sumner gladstone,719664520,173759"
  164602. ],
  164603. [
  164604. "fdic",
  164605. "sumner gladstone",
  164606. "nan",
  164607. "nan",
  164608. "fdic,sumner gladstone,nan,nan"
  164609. ],
  164610. [
  164611. "various",
  164612. "nan",
  164613. "719663898",
  164614. "173642",
  164615. "various,nan,719663898,173642"
  164616. ],
  164617. [
  164618. "creamer, donald e.",
  164619. "macdonald investments rtc bid package tockwooton",
  164620. "719598924",
  164621. "373688",
  164622. "creamer, donald e.,macdonald investments rtc bid package tockwooton,719598924,373688"
  164623. ],
  164624. [
  164625. "rtc v. ultramark, et al. & edmonds",
  164626. "complaint",
  164627. "628424347",
  164628. "424664",
  164629. "rtc v. ultramark, et al. & edmonds,complaint,628424347,424664"
  164630. ],
  164631. [
  164632. "general binding corporation",
  164633. "availability seach on: smartcut 800, smartfeed 800, titan 165, jet bond film",
  164634. "424653",
  164635. "nan",
  164636. "general binding corporation,availability seach on: smartcut 800, smartfeed 800, titan 165, jet bond film,424653,nan"
  164637. ],
  164638. [
  164639. "rtc industries, inc.",
  164640. "patent opinion",
  164641. "625092623",
  164642. "806555",
  164643. "rtc industries, inc.,patent opinion,625092623,806555"
  164644. ],
  164645. [
  164646. "various cases",
  164647. "client: morgan tire & auto; u.s. smokeless tobacco company; rtc industiries inc.; northwestern hospital; certegy' jeffery leving",
  164648. "628339875",
  164649. "806255",
  164650. "various cases,client: morgan tire & auto; u.s. smokeless tobacco company; rtc industiries inc.; northwestern hospital; certegy' jeffery leving,628339875,806255"
  164651. ],
  164652. [
  164653. "fdic",
  164654. "currie",
  164655. "719634711",
  164656. "168618",
  164657. "fdic,currie,719634711,168618"
  164658. ],
  164659. [
  164660. "artco",
  164661. "nan",
  164662. "546383740",
  164663. "3993",
  164664. "artco,nan,546383740,3993"
  164665. ],
  164666. [
  164667. "farrari, arthur",
  164668. "purchase of alsip land/fdic-ro",
  164669. "546299575",
  164670. "6401",
  164671. "farrari, arthur,purchase of alsip land/fdic-ro,546299575,6401"
  164672. ],
  164673. [
  164674. "rose, estate of earl jr.",
  164675. "fdic vs./ research",
  164676. "546304179",
  164677. "5757",
  164678. "rose, estate of earl jr.,fdic vs./ research,546304179,5757"
  164679. ],
  164680. [
  164681. "rose, estate of earl jr.",
  164682. "fdic vs./ miscellaneous",
  164683. "546304179",
  164684. "5757",
  164685. "rose, estate of earl jr.,fdic vs./ miscellaneous,546304179,5757"
  164686. ],
  164687. [
  164688. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  164689. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  164690. "546310934",
  164691. "6460",
  164692. "sanwa business credit corporation,fdic v. main, hurdman,546310934,6460"
  164693. ],
  164694. [
  164695. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  164696. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  164697. "546306050",
  164698. "6463",
  164699. "sanwa business credit corporation,fdic v. main, hurdman,546306050,6463"
  164700. ],
  164701. [
  164702. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  164703. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  164704. "546306050",
  164705. "6463",
  164706. "sanwa business credit corporation,fdic v. main, hurdman,546306050,6463"
  164707. ],
  164708. [
  164709. "artco",
  164710. "nan",
  164711. "546383740",
  164712. "3993",
  164713. "artco,nan,546383740,3993"
  164714. ],
  164715. [
  164716. "ordman, morgan j.",
  164717. "mjo materials fdic cases",
  164718. "546295892",
  164719. "5651",
  164720. "ordman, morgan j.,mjo materials fdic cases,546295892,5651"
  164721. ],
  164722. [
  164723. "riverside properties",
  164724. "fdicpc",
  164725. "546308336",
  164726. "7823",
  164727. "riverside properties,fdicpc,546308336,7823"
  164728. ],
  164729. [
  164730. "riverside properties",
  164731. "fdicpc:misc wrap mortgage file",
  164732. "546308218",
  164733. "7836",
  164734. "riverside properties,fdicpc:misc wrap mortgage file,546308218,7836"
  164735. ],
  164736. [
  164737. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  164738. "means developers, inc.",
  164739. "546301434",
  164740. "8086",
  164741. "federal deposit insurance corporation,means developers, inc.,546301434,8086"
  164742. ],
  164743. [
  164744. "domeier, john",
  164745. "general, rtc investigation - c",
  164746. "546302243",
  164747. "10714",
  164748. "domeier, john,general, rtc investigation - c,546302243,10714"
  164749. ],
  164750. [
  164751. "symtec, inc.",
  164752. "stmtec, inc.",
  164753. "546307952",
  164754. "14211",
  164755. "symtec, inc.,stmtec, inc.,546307952,14211"
  164756. ],
  164757. [
  164758. "rtc/ foreclosure",
  164759. "general",
  164760. "546310041",
  164761. "14794",
  164762. "rtc/ foreclosure,general,546310041,14794"
  164763. ],
  164764. [
  164765. "epstein real estate",
  164766. "600 west fulton - various leases",
  164767. "546385573",
  164768. "17321",
  164769. "epstein real estate,600 west fulton - various leases,546385573,17321"
  164770. ],
  164771. [
  164772. "nan",
  164773. "corporate",
  164774. "546295707",
  164775. "25058",
  164776. "nan,corporate,546295707,25058"
  164777. ],
  164778. [
  164779. "nan",
  164780. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  164781. "550245013",
  164782. "26195",
  164783. "nan,federal deposit insurance corporation,550245013,26195"
  164784. ],
  164785. [
  164786. "nan",
  164787. "pay day loans - office of banks and real estate/fdic",
  164788. "546295966",
  164789. "26812",
  164790. "nan,pay day loans - office of banks and real estate/fdic,546295966,26812"
  164791. ],
  164792. [
  164793. "nan",
  164794. "general corporation",
  164795. "546308447",
  164796. "28948",
  164797. "nan,general corporation,546308447,28948"
  164798. ],
  164799. [
  164800. "nan",
  164801. "general corporation",
  164802. "546308447",
  164803. "28948",
  164804. "nan,general corporation,546308447,28948"
  164805. ],
  164806. [
  164807. "dupage valley state bank",
  164808. "entrepreneurial venture",
  164809. "565-3",
  164810. "nan",
  164811. "dupage valley state bank,entrepreneurial venture,565-3,nan"
  164812. ],
  164813. [
  164814. "nan",
  164815. "rtc industries, inc.",
  164816. "3019-3",
  164817. "nan",
  164818. "nan,rtc industries, inc.,3019-3,nan"
  164819. ],
  164820. [
  164821. "chevron workfile",
  164822. "rtc/globix memorandum",
  164823. "719585741",
  164824. "10301898",
  164825. "chevron workfile,rtc/globix memorandum,719585741,10301898"
  164826. ],
  164827. [
  164828. "2001 state st. transactions (irs fdic estimates) (west-zimmon)",
  164829. "nan",
  164830. "719664143",
  164831. "10302013",
  164832. "2001 state st. transactions (irs fdic estimates) (west-zimmon),nan,719664143,10302013"
  164833. ],
  164834. [
  164835. "liberty mutual insurance company",
  164836. "re: black+decker 1. general notes,memos, + messages 6-1-04- - 6-30-04 2. general notes,memos +messege 7-1-04 -7-31-04",
  164837. "719641695",
  164838. "11871237",
  164839. "liberty mutual insurance company,re: black+decker 1. general notes,memos, + messages 6-1-04- - 6-30-04 2. general notes,memos +messege 7-1-04 -7-31-04,719641695,11871237"
  164840. ],
  164841. [
  164842. "stoller, robert",
  164843. "personal- pleadings in fdic case & appeal- per's trial notebook",
  164844. "719624489",
  164845. "741552",
  164846. "stoller, robert,personal- pleadings in fdic case & appeal- per's trial notebook,719624489,741552"
  164847. ],
  164848. [
  164849. "stoller, robert",
  164850. "personal -",
  164851. "719624143",
  164852. "741545",
  164853. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624143,741545"
  164854. ],
  164855. [
  164856. "stoller, robert",
  164857. "personal -",
  164858. "719624158",
  164859. "741556",
  164860. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  164861. ],
  164862. [
  164863. "stoller, robert",
  164864. "personal -",
  164865. "719624158",
  164866. "741556",
  164867. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  164868. ],
  164869. [
  164870. "stoller, robert",
  164871. "personal -",
  164872. "719625567",
  164873. "741512",
  164874. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  164875. ],
  164876. [
  164877. "stoller, robert",
  164878. "personel -",
  164879. "719625567",
  164880. "741512",
  164881. "stoller, robert,personel -,719625567,741512"
  164882. ],
  164883. [
  164884. "stoller, robert",
  164885. "personal -",
  164886. "719624142",
  164887. "741553",
  164888. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  164889. ],
  164890. [
  164891. "stoller, robert",
  164892. "personal -",
  164893. "719624142",
  164894. "741553",
  164895. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  164896. ],
  164897. [
  164898. "stoller, robert",
  164899. "personal -",
  164900. "719624151",
  164901. "741546",
  164902. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624151,741546"
  164903. ],
  164904. [
  164905. "technology container corp.",
  164906. "msc. mattertcc /worldpak / interplast corp.tcc",
  164907. "719595093",
  164908. "12428226",
  164909. "technology container corp.,msc. mattertcc /worldpak / interplast corp.tcc,719595093,12428226"
  164910. ],
  164911. [
  164912. "cgi management",
  164913. "re: curtco leasecorresplawnotesdocsmemo",
  164914. "719592108",
  164915. "12623914",
  164916. "cgi management,re: curtco leasecorresplawnotesdocsmemo,719592108,12623914"
  164917. ],
  164918. [
  164919. "boston financial",
  164920. "spencer courtclosing binder",
  164921. "719633334",
  164922. "12623338",
  164923. "boston financial,spencer courtclosing binder,719633334,12623338"
  164924. ],
  164925. [
  164926. "boston financial",
  164927. "webster courtclosing binder",
  164928. "719663586",
  164929. "12623382",
  164930. "boston financial,webster courtclosing binder,719663586,12623382"
  164931. ],
  164932. [
  164933. "boston capital",
  164934. "coffman courtclosing binder",
  164935. "719608125",
  164936. "12622528",
  164937. "boston capital,coffman courtclosing binder,719608125,12622528"
  164938. ],
  164939. [
  164940. "boston financial",
  164941. "chatham courtclosing binder ( 2 vols)",
  164942. "719610322",
  164943. "12621743",
  164944. "boston financial,chatham courtclosing binder ( 2 vols),719610322,12621743"
  164945. ],
  164946. [
  164947. "estate of geraldine curtis",
  164948. "irs penaltiestax formsnotes & memosfinal irs appeals decisionirs agreed reportcprrespondenceprotest letter & settlement formsestate tax returnmarital trust 1969",
  164949. "719581130",
  164950. "13015871",
  164951. "estate of geraldine curtis,irs penaltiestax formsnotes & memosfinal irs appeals decisionirs agreed reportcprrespondenceprotest letter & settlement formsestate tax returnmarital trust 1969,719581130,13015871"
  164952. ],
  164953. [
  164954. "capital one national asso.",
  164955. "martco limited partership-qalicb data; h&k comments; ssd comments; conflict billing; drafts, items closing docs, financing documents",
  164956. "719592287",
  164957. "13080068",
  164958. "capital one national asso.,martco limited partership-qalicb data; h&k comments; ssd comments; conflict billing; drafts, items closing docs, financing documents,719592287,13080068"
  164959. ],
  164960. [
  164961. "administration",
  164962. "whitman ransom",
  164963. "box 96-064",
  164964. "box 96-064",
  164965. "administration,whitman ransom,box 96-064,box 96-064"
  164966. ],
  164967. [
  164968. "hanley, thomas f.",
  164969. "tfh files",
  164970. "box 95-175",
  164971. "box 95-175",
  164972. "hanley, thomas f.,tfh files,box 95-175,box 95-175"
  164973. ],
  164974. [
  164975. "hanley, thomas f.",
  164976. "tfh files",
  164977. "box 95-171",
  164978. "box 95-171",
  164979. "hanley, thomas f.,tfh files,box 95-171,box 95-171"
  164980. ],
  164981. [
  164982. "miscellaneous",
  164983. "nan",
  164984. "box 94-520",
  164985. "box 94-520",
  164986. "miscellaneous,nan,box 94-520,box 94-520"
  164987. ],
  164988. [
  164989. "miscellaneous",
  164990. "nan",
  164991. "box 94-362",
  164992. "box 94-362",
  164993. "miscellaneous,nan,box 94-362,box 94-362"
  164994. ],
  164995. [
  164996. "rothschild, shelly",
  164997. "nan",
  164998. "box 97-314",
  164999. "box 97-314",
  165000. "rothschild, shelly,nan,box 97-314,box 97-314"
  165001. ],
  165002. [
  165003. "shipow, mark s.",
  165004. "billing files and personal files",
  165005. "box 96-318",
  165006. "box 96-318",
  165007. "shipow, mark s.,billing files and personal files,box 96-318,box 96-318"
  165008. ],
  165009. [
  165010. "shipow, mark s.",
  165011. "billing files",
  165012. "box 97-464",
  165013. "box 97-464",
  165014. "shipow, mark s.,billing files,box 97-464,box 97-464"
  165015. ],
  165016. [
  165017. "shipow, mark s.",
  165018. "billing files",
  165019. "618695127",
  165020. "box 97-511",
  165021. "shipow, mark s.,billing files,618695127,box 97-511"
  165022. ],
  165023. [
  165024. "welch, harriett m.",
  165025. "working file",
  165026. "box 99-170",
  165027. "box 99-170",
  165028. "welch, harriett m.,working file,box 99-170,box 99-170"
  165029. ],
  165030. [
  165031. "chartham management, inc.",
  165032. "b. brown, r. armas, d. motter bnkrtcy",
  165033. "box 96-032",
  165034. "box 96-032",
  165035. "chartham management, inc.,b. brown, r. armas, d. motter bnkrtcy,box 96-032,box 96-032"
  165036. ],
  165037. [
  165038. "city of folsom",
  165039. "rtc litigation",
  165040. "active file",
  165041. "nan",
  165042. "city of folsom,rtc litigation,active file,nan"
  165043. ],
  165044. [
  165045. "city of folsom",
  165046. "rtc litigation",
  165047. "box 98-176, 90-027",
  165048. "box 98-176, 90-027",
  165049. "city of folsom,rtc litigation,box 98-176, 90-027,box 98-176, 90-027"
  165050. ],
  165051. [
  165052. "city of folsom",
  165053. "folsom municipal services complex",
  165054. "box 94-377",
  165055. "box 94-377",
  165056. "city of folsom,folsom municipal services complex,box 94-377,box 94-377"
  165057. ],
  165058. [
  165059. "city of delano",
  165060. "temporary file",
  165061. "box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177",
  165062. "box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177",
  165063. "city of delano,temporary file,box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177,box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177"
  165064. ],
  165065. [
  165066. "eastbrook, inc.",
  165067. "artcuro co. arti-decor",
  165068. "active file",
  165069. "nan",
  165070. "eastbrook, inc.,artcuro co. arti-decor,active file,nan"
  165071. ],
  165072. [
  165073. "eastbrook, inc.",
  165074. "artcuro co. arti-decor",
  165075. "box 95-194",
  165076. "box 95-194",
  165077. "eastbrook, inc.,artcuro co. arti-decor,box 95-194,box 95-194"
  165078. ],
  165079. [
  165080. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165081. "general corporate",
  165082. "box 88-433, 88-434",
  165083. "box 88-433, 88-434",
  165084. "federal deposit insurance company,general corporate,box 88-433, 88-434,box 88-433, 88-434"
  165085. ],
  165086. [
  165087. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165088. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165089. "box 93-150",
  165090. "box 93-150",
  165091. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-150,box 93-150"
  165092. ],
  165093. [
  165094. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165095. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165096. "box 93-156",
  165097. "box 93-156",
  165098. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-156,box 93-156"
  165099. ],
  165100. [
  165101. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165102. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165103. "box 93-157",
  165104. "box 93-157",
  165105. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-157,box 93-157"
  165106. ],
  165107. [
  165108. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165109. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165110. "box 93-158",
  165111. "box 93-158",
  165112. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-158,box 93-158"
  165113. ],
  165114. [
  165115. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165116. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165117. "box 93-159",
  165118. "box 93-159",
  165119. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-159,box 93-159"
  165120. ],
  165121. [
  165122. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165123. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165124. "box 93-161",
  165125. "box 93-161",
  165126. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-161,box 93-161"
  165127. ],
  165128. [
  165129. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165130. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165131. "box 96-317",
  165132. "box 96-317",
  165133. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 96-317,box 96-317"
  165134. ],
  165135. [
  165136. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165137. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165138. "box 94-242",
  165139. "box 94-242",
  165140. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 94-242,box 94-242"
  165141. ],
  165142. [
  165143. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165144. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165145. "box 94-267",
  165146. "box 94-267",
  165147. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 94-267,box 94-267"
  165148. ],
  165149. [
  165150. "federal deposit insurance company",
  165151. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  165152. "box 96-318",
  165153. "box 96-318",
  165154. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 96-318,box 96-318"
  165155. ],
  165156. [
  165157. "harris berne christensen llp",
  165158. "in re camera platforms int'l, inc. (invol. bkrtcy)",
  165159. "459072605",
  165160. "nan",
  165161. "harris berne christensen llp,in re camera platforms int'l, inc. (invol. bkrtcy),459072605,nan"
  165162. ],
  165163. [
  165164. "macdonald, goggin & field",
  165165. "acquisition of thrift/loan fdic appl.",
  165166. "box 90-194, 96-089",
  165167. "box 90-194, 96-089",
  165168. "macdonald, goggin & field,acquisition of thrift/loan fdic appl.,box 90-194, 96-089,box 90-194, 96-089"
  165169. ],
  165170. [
  165171. "resolution trust corporation",
  165172. "property initiative number 2",
  165173. "box 95-001 box 9 5-002 box 9 5-003 box 9 5-003 box 95-004",
  165174. "nan",
  165175. "resolution trust corporation,property initiative number 2,box 95-001 box 9 5-002 box 9 5-003 box 9 5-003 box 95-004,nan"
  165176. ],
  165177. [
  165178. "resolution trust corporation",
  165179. "tamarack apartments",
  165180. "box 94-237",
  165181. "box 94-237",
  165182. "resolution trust corporation,tamarack apartments,box 94-237,box 94-237"
  165183. ],
  165184. [
  165185. "resolution trust corporation",
  165186. "lewis partner pre-litigation",
  165187. "box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014",
  165188. "box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014",
  165189. "resolution trust corporation,lewis partner pre-litigation,box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014,box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014"
  165190. ],
  165191. [
  165192. "westoff, martin",
  165193. "bond financing",
  165194. "box 98-039",
  165195. "box 98-039",
  165196. "westoff, martin,bond financing,box 98-039,box 98-039"
  165197. ],
  165198. [
  165199. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship",
  165200. "rtc contracts westlake village",
  165201. "box 96-275",
  165202. "box 96-275",
  165203. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship,rtc contracts westlake village,box 96-275,box 96-275"
  165204. ],
  165205. [
  165206. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship",
  165207. "rtc contracts westlake village",
  165208. "box 96-269",
  165209. "box 96-269",
  165210. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship,rtc contracts westlake village,box 96-269,box 96-269"
  165211. ],
  165212. [
  165213. "whitman breed abbott & morgan",
  165214. "city of folsom",
  165215. "box 2000-1161",
  165216. "box 2000-1161",
  165217. "whitman breed abbott & morgan,city of folsom,box 2000-1161,box 2000-1161"
  165218. ],
  165219. [
  165220. "nan",
  165221. "nan",
  165222. "132984408",
  165223. "132984408",
  165224. "nan,nan,132984408,132984408"
  165225. ],
  165226. [
  165227. "nan",
  165228. "nan",
  165229. "dsj179593",
  165230. "100-00974",
  165231. "nan,nan,dsj179593,100-00974"
  165232. ],
  165233. [
  165234. "nan",
  165235. "nan",
  165236. "dsj179597",
  165237. "100-00978",
  165238. "nan,nan,dsj179597,100-00978"
  165239. ],
  165240. [
  165241. "nan",
  165242. "nan",
  165243. "dsj179895",
  165244. "100-00268",
  165245. "nan,nan,dsj179895,100-00268"
  165246. ],
  165247. [
  165248. "nan",
  165249. "nan",
  165250. "dsj179895",
  165251. "100-00268",
  165252. "nan,nan,dsj179895,100-00268"
  165253. ],
  165254. [
  165255. "nan",
  165256. "nan",
  165257. "dsj179895",
  165258. "100-00268",
  165259. "nan,nan,dsj179895,100-00268"
  165260. ],
  165261. [
  165262. "nan",
  165263. "nan",
  165264. "dsj180195",
  165265. "100-00541",
  165266. "nan,nan,dsj180195,100-00541"
  165267. ],
  165268. [
  165269. "nan",
  165270. "nan",
  165271. "dsj180268",
  165272. "100-00615",
  165273. "nan,nan,dsj180268,100-00615"
  165274. ],
  165275. [
  165276. "nan",
  165277. "nan",
  165278. "dsj180619",
  165279. "100-01034",
  165280. "nan,nan,dsj180619,100-01034"
  165281. ],
  165282. [
  165283. "nan",
  165284. "nan",
  165285. "dsj180810",
  165286. "100-01225",
  165287. "nan,nan,dsj180810,100-01225"
  165288. ],
  165289. [
  165290. "nan",
  165291. "nan",
  165292. "dsj180844",
  165293. "100-01259",
  165294. "nan,nan,dsj180844,100-01259"
  165295. ],
  165296. [
  165297. "nan",
  165298. "nan",
  165299. "dsj180909",
  165300. "100-01324",
  165301. "nan,nan,dsj180909,100-01324"
  165302. ],
  165303. [
  165304. "nan",
  165305. "nan",
  165306. "dsj180910",
  165307. "100-01325",
  165308. "nan,nan,dsj180910,100-01325"
  165309. ],
  165310. [
  165311. "nan",
  165312. "nan",
  165313. "dsj180913",
  165314. "100-01328",
  165315. "nan,nan,dsj180913,100-01328"
  165316. ],
  165317. [
  165318. "nan",
  165319. "nan",
  165320. "dsj180917",
  165321. "100-01332",
  165322. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  165323. ],
  165324. [
  165325. "nan",
  165326. "nan",
  165327. "dsj180917",
  165328. "100-01332",
  165329. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  165330. ],
  165331. [
  165332. "nan",
  165333. "nan",
  165334. "dsj180917",
  165335. "100-01332",
  165336. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  165337. ],
  165338. [
  165339. "nan",
  165340. "nan",
  165341. "dsj180917",
  165342. "100-01332",
  165343. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  165344. ],
  165345. [
  165346. "nan",
  165347. "nan",
  165348. "dsj181036",
  165349. "543",
  165350. "nan,nan,dsj181036,543"
  165351. ],
  165352. [
  165353. "nan",
  165354. "nan",
  165355. "dsj613426",
  165356. "314156",
  165357. "nan,nan,dsj613426,314156"
  165358. ],
  165359. [
  165360. "nan",
  165361. "nan",
  165362. "dsj616659",
  165363. "314136",
  165364. "nan,nan,dsj616659,314136"
  165365. ],
  165366. [
  165367. "nan",
  165368. "nan",
  165369. "dsj616662",
  165370. "314139",
  165371. "nan,nan,dsj616662,314139"
  165372. ],
  165373. [
  165374. "nan",
  165375. "nan",
  165376. "543329470",
  165377. "100564",
  165378. "nan,nan,543329470,100564"
  165379. ],
  165380. [
  165381. "rtc",
  165382. "none",
  165383. "489520177",
  165384. "34170",
  165385. "rtc,none,489520177,34170"
  165386. ],
  165387. [
  165388. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  165389. "hub city terminals lease (fullerton towers)",
  165390. "active file",
  165391. "nan",
  165392. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,hub city terminals lease (fullerton towers),active file,nan"
  165393. ],
  165394. [
  165395. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  165396. "real estate matters",
  165397. "active file",
  165398. "nan",
  165399. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,active file,nan"
  165400. ],
  165401. [
  165402. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  165403. "hypercom lease (arizona business park)",
  165404. "active file",
  165405. "nan",
  165406. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,hypercom lease (arizona business park),active file,nan"
  165407. ],
  165408. [
  165409. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  165410. "real estate matters",
  165411. "459070432",
  165412. "nan",
  165413. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,459070432,nan"
  165414. ],
  165415. [
  165416. "havenick, barbara",
  165417. "estate planning",
  165418. "727764998",
  165419. "nan",
  165420. "havenick, barbara,estate planning,727764998,nan"
  165421. ],
  165422. [
  165423. "centennial founders llc",
  165424. "feir/rtc",
  165425. "active file",
  165426. "nan",
  165427. "centennial founders llc,feir/rtc,active file,nan"
  165428. ],
  165429. [
  165430. "krome gold ranches ii, lllp",
  165431. "litigation-case #09-04275 ca 20 (def. miami-dade county)",
  165432. "734552766",
  165433. "48285",
  165434. "krome gold ranches ii, lllp,litigation-case #09-04275 ca 20 (def. miami-dade county),734552766,48285"
  165435. ],
  165436. [
  165437. "carlisle historic tax credit fund",
  165438. "westfield commons historic rehabilitation",
  165439. "719586629",
  165440. "c0657578",
  165441. "carlisle historic tax credit fund,westfield commons historic rehabilitation,719586629,c0657578"
  165442. ],
  165443. [
  165444. "central florida store services, inc.",
  165445. "business damage",
  165446. "754377014",
  165447. "nan",
  165448. "central florida store services, inc.,business damage,754377014,nan"
  165449. ],
  165450. [
  165451. "walker development corporation",
  165452. "office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation",
  165453. "560697033",
  165454. "nan",
  165455. "walker development corporation,office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation,560697033,nan"
  165456. ],
  165457. [
  165458. "walker development corporation",
  165459. "office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation",
  165460. "731240749",
  165461. "nan",
  165462. "walker development corporation,office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation,731240749,nan"
  165463. ],
  165464. [
  165465. "win properties, inc.",
  165466. "fdic",
  165467. "731233783",
  165468. "nan",
  165469. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  165470. ],
  165471. [
  165472. "win properties, inc.",
  165473. "fdic",
  165474. "731233783",
  165475. "nan",
  165476. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  165477. ],
  165478. [
  165479. "win properties, inc.",
  165480. "fdic",
  165481. "731233783",
  165482. "nan",
  165483. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  165484. ],
  165485. [
  165486. "win properties, inc.",
  165487. "fdic",
  165488. "731233783",
  165489. "nan",
  165490. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  165491. ],
  165492. [
  165493. "win properties, inc.",
  165494. "fdic",
  165495. "731233783",
  165496. "nan",
  165497. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  165498. ],
  165499. [
  165500. "win properties, inc.",
  165501. "fdic",
  165502. "active file",
  165503. "nan",
  165504. "win properties, inc.,fdic,active file,nan"
  165505. ],
  165506. [
  165507. "win properties, inc.",
  165508. "fdic",
  165509. "active file",
  165510. "nan",
  165511. "win properties, inc.,fdic,active file,nan"
  165512. ],
  165513. [
  165514. "mrp realty",
  165515. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  165516. "613428326",
  165517. "nan",
  165518. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),613428326,nan"
  165519. ],
  165520. [
  165521. "mrp realty",
  165522. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  165523. "518161153",
  165524. "nan",
  165525. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),518161153,nan"
  165526. ],
  165527. [
  165528. "mrp realty",
  165529. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  165530. "518160162",
  165531. "nan",
  165532. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),518160162,nan"
  165533. ],
  165534. [
  165535. "mrp realty",
  165536. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  165537. "712274814",
  165538. "nan",
  165539. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),712274814,nan"
  165540. ],
  165541. [
  165542. "mrp realty",
  165543. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  165544. "755476041",
  165545. "nan",
  165546. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),755476041,nan"
  165547. ],
  165548. [
  165549. "gryboski, howe & gravley, llc",
  165550. "potential lease dispute with freedom bank",
  165551. "673054066",
  165552. "nan",
  165553. "gryboski, howe & gravley, llc,potential lease dispute with freedom bank,673054066,nan"
  165554. ],
  165555. [
  165556. "heritage community bank",
  165557. "wextrust litigation matter",
  165558. "608476295",
  165559. "nan",
  165560. "heritage community bank,wextrust litigation matter,608476295,nan"
  165561. ],
  165562. [
  165563. "tejon mountain village llc",
  165564. "tmv - hcp/mshcp",
  165565. "755476341",
  165566. "nan",
  165567. "tejon mountain village llc,tmv - hcp/mshcp,755476341,nan"
  165568. ],
  165569. [
  165570. "banco ganadero",
  165571. "none",
  165572. "489343666",
  165573. "118909",
  165574. "banco ganadero,none,489343666,118909"
  165575. ],
  165576. [
  165577. "rao, gopal c., steele, frank c. & amin,",
  165578. "resolution of individual guarantees",
  165579. "622579579",
  165580. "nan",
  165581. "rao, gopal c., steele, frank c. & amin,,resolution of individual guarantees,622579579,nan"
  165582. ],
  165583. [
  165584. "residential contractors association",
  165585. "general employment advice",
  165586. "459070519",
  165587. "8",
  165588. "residential contractors association,general employment advice,459070519,8"
  165589. ],
  165590. [
  165591. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  165592. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  165593. "633152222",
  165594. "nan",
  165595. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  165596. ],
  165597. [
  165598. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  165599. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  165600. "633152222",
  165601. "nan",
  165602. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  165603. ],
  165604. [
  165605. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  165606. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  165607. "633152222",
  165608. "nan",
  165609. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  165610. ],
  165611. [
  165612. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  165613. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  165614. "633152222",
  165615. "nan",
  165616. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  165617. ],
  165618. [
  165619. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  165620. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  165621. "633152222",
  165622. "nan",
  165623. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  165624. ],
  165625. [
  165626. "d.r. horton, inc. - tampa division",
  165627. "fdic (purchase fr) oakhurst subdivision",
  165628. "613269222",
  165629. "613269222",
  165630. "d.r. horton, inc. - tampa division,fdic (purchase fr) oakhurst subdivision,613269222,613269222"
  165631. ],
  165632. [
  165633. "international banking corporation, the",
  165634. "defense of litigation in new york",
  165635. "727768061",
  165636. "nan",
  165637. "international banking corporation, the,defense of litigation in new york,727768061,nan"
  165638. ],
  165639. [
  165640. "princess development llc",
  165641. "purchase of 700 biscayne",
  165642. "727771577",
  165643. "nan",
  165644. "princess development llc,purchase of 700 biscayne,727771577,nan"
  165645. ],
  165646. [
  165647. "daniel, jr., harold/expert witness",
  165648. "king & spalding - expert witness services",
  165649. "622579572",
  165650. "nan",
  165651. "daniel, jr., harold/expert witness,king & spalding - expert witness services,622579572,nan"
  165652. ],
  165653. [
  165654. "bankunited",
  165655. "loan to highland beach azure, llc",
  165656. "727762312",
  165657. "nan",
  165658. "bankunited,loan to highland beach azure, llc,727762312,nan"
  165659. ],
  165660. [
  165661. "adaya, salim",
  165662. "adaya family trust/amina adaya, et al. v. salim adaya",
  165663. "active file",
  165664. "nan",
  165665. "adaya, salim,adaya family trust/amina adaya, et al. v. salim adaya,active file,nan"
  165666. ],
  165667. [
  165668. "select portfolio servicing, inc.",
  165669. "sps/magaldi, victoria",
  165670. "rf017278741",
  165671. "rf017278741",
  165672. "select portfolio servicing, inc.,sps/magaldi, victoria,rf017278741,rf017278741"
  165673. ],
  165674. [
  165675. "cabanillas-conner, denise k. et al.",
  165676. "fdic as receiver of freedom bank, bradenton, fl",
  165677. "769663668",
  165678. "nan",
  165679. "cabanillas-conner, denise k. et al.,fdic as receiver of freedom bank, bradenton, fl,769663668,nan"
  165680. ],
  165681. [
  165682. "whealen, richard a.",
  165683. "reston refinance - rtc - john marshall bank loan",
  165684. "active file",
  165685. "nan",
  165686. "whealen, richard a.,reston refinance - rtc - john marshall bank loan,active file,nan"
  165687. ],
  165688. [
  165689. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165690. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165691. "683272810",
  165692. "683272810",
  165693. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272810,683272810"
  165694. ],
  165695. [
  165696. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165697. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165698. "683272806",
  165699. "683272806",
  165700. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272806,683272806"
  165701. ],
  165702. [
  165703. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165704. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165705. "683272805",
  165706. "683272805",
  165707. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272805,683272805"
  165708. ],
  165709. [
  165710. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165711. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165712. "683272812",
  165713. "683272812",
  165714. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272812,683272812"
  165715. ],
  165716. [
  165717. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165718. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165719. "683272808",
  165720. "683272808",
  165721. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272808,683272808"
  165722. ],
  165723. [
  165724. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165725. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165726. "683272811",
  165727. "683272811",
  165728. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272811,683272811"
  165729. ],
  165730. [
  165731. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165732. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165733. "683272804",
  165734. "683272804",
  165735. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272804,683272804"
  165736. ],
  165737. [
  165738. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165739. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165740. "683272809",
  165741. "683272809",
  165742. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272809,683272809"
  165743. ],
  165744. [
  165745. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  165746. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  165747. "683272807",
  165748. "683272807",
  165749. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272807,683272807"
  165750. ],
  165751. [
  165752. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  165753. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  165754. "731234741",
  165755. "nan",
  165756. "fsp grand boulevard llc,lease to fdic of kansas city building,731234741,nan"
  165757. ],
  165758. [
  165759. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  165760. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  165761. "731234741",
  165762. "nan",
  165763. "fsp grand boulevard llc,lease to fdic of kansas city building,731234741,nan"
  165764. ],
  165765. [
  165766. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  165767. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  165768. "731234741",
  165769. "nan",
  165770. "fsp grand boulevard llc,lease to fdic of kansas city building,731234741,nan"
  165771. ],
  165772. [
  165773. "iberiabank",
  165774. "loan workout-foreclosure - neptune beach surgery center, llc",
  165775. "755565903",
  165776. "nan",
  165777. "iberiabank,loan workout-foreclosure - neptune beach surgery center, llc,755565903,nan"
  165778. ],
  165779. [
  165780. "first bank of jacksonville",
  165781. "general corporate matters",
  165782. "767976906",
  165783. "9",
  165784. "first bank of jacksonville,general corporate matters,767976906,9"
  165785. ],
  165786. [
  165787. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165788. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165789. "active file",
  165790. "nan",
  165791. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165792. ],
  165793. [
  165794. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165795. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165796. "active file",
  165797. "nan",
  165798. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165799. ],
  165800. [
  165801. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165802. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165803. "active file",
  165804. "nan",
  165805. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165806. ],
  165807. [
  165808. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165809. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165810. "active file",
  165811. "nan",
  165812. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165813. ],
  165814. [
  165815. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165816. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165817. "active file",
  165818. "nan",
  165819. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165820. ],
  165821. [
  165822. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165823. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165824. "active file",
  165825. "nan",
  165826. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165827. ],
  165828. [
  165829. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165830. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165831. "active file",
  165832. "nan",
  165833. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165834. ],
  165835. [
  165836. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165837. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165838. "active file",
  165839. "nan",
  165840. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165841. ],
  165842. [
  165843. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165844. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165845. "active file",
  165846. "nan",
  165847. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165848. ],
  165849. [
  165850. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165851. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165852. "active file",
  165853. "nan",
  165854. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165855. ],
  165856. [
  165857. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165858. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165859. "791439473",
  165860. "nan",
  165861. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165862. ],
  165863. [
  165864. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165865. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165866. "791439473",
  165867. "nan",
  165868. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165869. ],
  165870. [
  165871. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165872. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165873. "791439473",
  165874. "nan",
  165875. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165876. ],
  165877. [
  165878. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165879. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165880. "active file",
  165881. "nan",
  165882. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165883. ],
  165884. [
  165885. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165886. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165887. "active file",
  165888. "nan",
  165889. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165890. ],
  165891. [
  165892. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165893. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165894. "active file",
  165895. "nan",
  165896. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  165897. ],
  165898. [
  165899. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165900. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165901. "791439473",
  165902. "nan",
  165903. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165904. ],
  165905. [
  165906. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165907. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165908. "791439473",
  165909. "nan",
  165910. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165911. ],
  165912. [
  165913. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165914. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165915. "791439473",
  165916. "nan",
  165917. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165918. ],
  165919. [
  165920. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165921. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165922. "791439473",
  165923. "nan",
  165924. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165925. ],
  165926. [
  165927. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165928. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165929. "791439473",
  165930. "nan",
  165931. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165932. ],
  165933. [
  165934. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165935. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165936. "791439473",
  165937. "nan",
  165938. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165939. ],
  165940. [
  165941. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165942. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165943. "791439473",
  165944. "nan",
  165945. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165946. ],
  165947. [
  165948. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165949. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165950. "791439473",
  165951. "nan",
  165952. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165953. ],
  165954. [
  165955. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  165956. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  165957. "791439473",
  165958. "nan",
  165959. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  165960. ],
  165961. [
  165962. "smart holding group s.a.",
  165963. "hosted solutions master services agreement and it policies",
  165964. "632021750",
  165965. "nan",
  165966. "smart holding group s.a.,hosted solutions master services agreement and it policies,632021750,nan"
  165967. ],
  165968. [
  165969. "smart holding group s.a.",
  165970. "general corporate/intellectual property",
  165971. "731238089",
  165972. "nan",
  165973. "smart holding group s.a.,general corporate/intellectual property,731238089,nan"
  165974. ],
  165975. [
  165976. "first southern national bank",
  165977. "piedmont village foreclosure",
  165978. "755589600",
  165979. "nan",
  165980. "first southern national bank,piedmont village foreclosure,755589600,nan"
  165981. ],
  165982. [
  165983. "norwich partners of florida llc",
  165984. "permanent financing re: 368 congress street, boston, ma",
  165985. "rf034066424",
  165986. "nan",
  165987. "norwich partners of florida llc,permanent financing re: 368 congress street, boston, ma,rf034066424,nan"
  165988. ],
  165989. [
  165990. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  165991. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  165992. "788692819",
  165993. "nan",
  165994. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692819,nan"
  165995. ],
  165996. [
  165997. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  165998. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  165999. "788692820",
  166000. "nan",
  166001. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166002. ],
  166003. [
  166004. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166005. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166006. "788692820",
  166007. "nan",
  166008. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166009. ],
  166010. [
  166011. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166012. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166013. "788692820",
  166014. "nan",
  166015. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166016. ],
  166017. [
  166018. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166019. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166020. "788692820",
  166021. "nan",
  166022. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166023. ],
  166024. [
  166025. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166026. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166027. "727768042",
  166028. "nan",
  166029. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768042,nan"
  166030. ],
  166031. [
  166032. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166033. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166034. "788692820",
  166035. "nan",
  166036. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166037. ],
  166038. [
  166039. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166040. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166041. "788692820",
  166042. "nan",
  166043. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166044. ],
  166045. [
  166046. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166047. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166048. "788692820",
  166049. "nan",
  166050. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166051. ],
  166052. [
  166053. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166054. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166055. "788692820",
  166056. "nan",
  166057. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166058. ],
  166059. [
  166060. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166061. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166062. "788692820",
  166063. "nan",
  166064. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166065. ],
  166066. [
  166067. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166068. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166069. "788692820",
  166070. "nan",
  166071. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166072. ],
  166073. [
  166074. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166075. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166076. "788692820",
  166077. "nan",
  166078. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166079. ],
  166080. [
  166081. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166082. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166083. "788692820",
  166084. "nan",
  166085. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166086. ],
  166087. [
  166088. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166089. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166090. "788692820",
  166091. "nan",
  166092. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166093. ],
  166094. [
  166095. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166096. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166097. "788692820",
  166098. "nan",
  166099. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166100. ],
  166101. [
  166102. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166103. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166104. "727768043",
  166105. "nan",
  166106. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768043,nan"
  166107. ],
  166108. [
  166109. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166110. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166111. "788692820",
  166112. "nan",
  166113. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  166114. ],
  166115. [
  166116. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166117. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166118. "788692821",
  166119. "nan",
  166120. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692821,nan"
  166121. ],
  166122. [
  166123. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166124. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166125. "727768044",
  166126. "nan",
  166127. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768044,nan"
  166128. ],
  166129. [
  166130. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166131. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166132. "727768045",
  166133. "nan",
  166134. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  166135. ],
  166136. [
  166137. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166138. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166139. "788692822",
  166140. "nan",
  166141. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692822,nan"
  166142. ],
  166143. [
  166144. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166145. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166146. "727768045",
  166147. "nan",
  166148. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  166149. ],
  166150. [
  166151. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166152. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166153. "788692823",
  166154. "nan",
  166155. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692823,nan"
  166156. ],
  166157. [
  166158. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166159. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166160. "727768045",
  166161. "nan",
  166162. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  166163. ],
  166164. [
  166165. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166166. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166167. "727768045",
  166168. "nan",
  166169. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  166170. ],
  166171. [
  166172. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166173. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166174. "727768045",
  166175. "nan",
  166176. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  166177. ],
  166178. [
  166179. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166180. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166181. "727768045",
  166182. "nan",
  166183. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  166184. ],
  166185. [
  166186. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166187. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166188. "788692824",
  166189. "nan",
  166190. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692824,nan"
  166191. ],
  166192. [
  166193. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166194. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166195. "788692825",
  166196. "nan",
  166197. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692825,nan"
  166198. ],
  166199. [
  166200. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166201. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166202. "788692826",
  166203. "nan",
  166204. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692826,nan"
  166205. ],
  166206. [
  166207. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166208. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166209. "727768046",
  166210. "nan",
  166211. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768046,nan"
  166212. ],
  166213. [
  166214. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166215. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166216. "788692827",
  166217. "nan",
  166218. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692827,nan"
  166219. ],
  166220. [
  166221. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166222. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166223. "727768047",
  166224. "nan",
  166225. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768047,nan"
  166226. ],
  166227. [
  166228. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166229. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166230. "788692828",
  166231. "nan",
  166232. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692828,nan"
  166233. ],
  166234. [
  166235. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166236. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166237. "727768048",
  166238. "nan",
  166239. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  166240. ],
  166241. [
  166242. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166243. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166244. "727768048",
  166245. "nan",
  166246. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  166247. ],
  166248. [
  166249. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166250. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166251. "727768048",
  166252. "nan",
  166253. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  166254. ],
  166255. [
  166256. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166257. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166258. "727768048",
  166259. "nan",
  166260. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  166261. ],
  166262. [
  166263. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166264. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166265. "727768048",
  166266. "nan",
  166267. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  166268. ],
  166269. [
  166270. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166271. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166272. "727768048",
  166273. "nan",
  166274. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  166275. ],
  166276. [
  166277. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166278. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166279. "727768048",
  166280. "nan",
  166281. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  166282. ],
  166283. [
  166284. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166285. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166286. "727768049",
  166287. "nan",
  166288. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768049,nan"
  166289. ],
  166290. [
  166291. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166292. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166293. "active file",
  166294. "nan",
  166295. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,active file,nan"
  166296. ],
  166297. [
  166298. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166299. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166300. "788652345",
  166301. "nan",
  166302. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788652345,nan"
  166303. ],
  166304. [
  166305. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166306. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166307. "788652345",
  166308. "nan",
  166309. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788652345,nan"
  166310. ],
  166311. [
  166312. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166313. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166314. "rf034152196",
  166315. "nan",
  166316. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166317. ],
  166318. [
  166319. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166320. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166321. "rf034152196",
  166322. "nan",
  166323. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166324. ],
  166325. [
  166326. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166327. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166328. "rf034152196",
  166329. "nan",
  166330. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166331. ],
  166332. [
  166333. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166334. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166335. "rf034152196",
  166336. "nan",
  166337. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166338. ],
  166339. [
  166340. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166341. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166342. "rf034152196",
  166343. "nan",
  166344. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166345. ],
  166346. [
  166347. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166348. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166349. "rf034152196",
  166350. "nan",
  166351. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166352. ],
  166353. [
  166354. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166355. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166356. "rf034152196",
  166357. "nan",
  166358. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166359. ],
  166360. [
  166361. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166362. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166363. "rf034152196",
  166364. "nan",
  166365. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166366. ],
  166367. [
  166368. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  166369. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  166370. "rf034152196",
  166371. "nan",
  166372. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  166373. ],
  166374. [
  166375. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166376. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166377. "726467445",
  166378. "nan",
  166379. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  166380. ],
  166381. [
  166382. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166383. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166384. "726467445",
  166385. "nan",
  166386. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  166387. ],
  166388. [
  166389. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166390. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166391. "726467445",
  166392. "nan",
  166393. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  166394. ],
  166395. [
  166396. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166397. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166398. "726467445",
  166399. "nan",
  166400. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  166401. ],
  166402. [
  166403. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166404. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166405. "726467447",
  166406. "nan",
  166407. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166408. ],
  166409. [
  166410. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166411. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166412. "726467447",
  166413. "nan",
  166414. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166415. ],
  166416. [
  166417. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166418. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166419. "726467447",
  166420. "nan",
  166421. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166422. ],
  166423. [
  166424. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166425. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166426. "726467447",
  166427. "nan",
  166428. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166429. ],
  166430. [
  166431. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166432. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166433. "726467445",
  166434. "nan",
  166435. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  166436. ],
  166437. [
  166438. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166439. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166440. "726467447",
  166441. "nan",
  166442. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166443. ],
  166444. [
  166445. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166446. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166447. "726467447",
  166448. "nan",
  166449. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166450. ],
  166451. [
  166452. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166453. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166454. "726467447",
  166455. "nan",
  166456. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166457. ],
  166458. [
  166459. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166460. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166461. "726467447",
  166462. "nan",
  166463. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166464. ],
  166465. [
  166466. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166467. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166468. "726467447",
  166469. "nan",
  166470. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166471. ],
  166472. [
  166473. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166474. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166475. "726467447",
  166476. "nan",
  166477. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166478. ],
  166479. [
  166480. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166481. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166482. "726467447",
  166483. "nan",
  166484. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  166485. ],
  166486. [
  166487. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  166488. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  166489. "791439684",
  166490. "nan",
  166491. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,791439684,nan"
  166492. ],
  166493. [
  166494. "hayes, lee",
  166495. "off shore trust",
  166496. "632022934",
  166497. "nan",
  166498. "hayes, lee,off shore trust,632022934,nan"
  166499. ],
  166500. [
  166501. "hayes, lee",
  166502. "off shore trust",
  166503. "632025058",
  166504. "nan",
  166505. "hayes, lee,off shore trust,632025058,nan"
  166506. ],
  166507. [
  166508. "hayes, lee",
  166509. "off shore trust",
  166510. "632025672",
  166511. "nan",
  166512. "hayes, lee,off shore trust,632025672,nan"
  166513. ],
  166514. [
  166515. "marano, thomas",
  166516. "estate planning",
  166517. "active file",
  166518. "nan",
  166519. "marano, thomas,estate planning,active file,nan"
  166520. ],
  166521. [
  166522. "sic lakeside drive, llc (the swig compan",
  166523. "kaiser center development",
  166524. "active file",
  166525. "nan",
  166526. "sic lakeside drive, llc (the swig compan,kaiser center development,active file,nan"
  166527. ],
  166528. [
  166529. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166530. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166531. "664453832",
  166532. "nan",
  166533. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  166534. ],
  166535. [
  166536. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166537. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166538. "664453832",
  166539. "nan",
  166540. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  166541. ],
  166542. [
  166543. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166544. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166545. "664453835",
  166546. "nan",
  166547. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166548. ],
  166549. [
  166550. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166551. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166552. "791431821",
  166553. "nan",
  166554. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166555. ],
  166556. [
  166557. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166558. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166559. "791431821",
  166560. "nan",
  166561. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166562. ],
  166563. [
  166564. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166565. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166566. "791431821",
  166567. "nan",
  166568. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166569. ],
  166570. [
  166571. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166572. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166573. "791431821",
  166574. "nan",
  166575. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166576. ],
  166577. [
  166578. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166579. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166580. "791431821",
  166581. "nan",
  166582. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166583. ],
  166584. [
  166585. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166586. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166587. "791431822",
  166588. "nan",
  166589. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  166590. ],
  166591. [
  166592. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166593. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166594. "664453835",
  166595. "nan",
  166596. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166597. ],
  166598. [
  166599. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166600. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166601. "791431821",
  166602. "nan",
  166603. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166604. ],
  166605. [
  166606. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166607. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166608. "791431821",
  166609. "nan",
  166610. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166611. ],
  166612. [
  166613. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166614. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166615. "664453832",
  166616. "nan",
  166617. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  166618. ],
  166619. [
  166620. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166621. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166622. "791431821",
  166623. "nan",
  166624. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  166625. ],
  166626. [
  166627. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166628. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166629. "664453831",
  166630. "nan",
  166631. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166632. ],
  166633. [
  166634. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166635. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166636. "791431822",
  166637. "nan",
  166638. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  166639. ],
  166640. [
  166641. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166642. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166643. "664453835",
  166644. "nan",
  166645. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166646. ],
  166647. [
  166648. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166649. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166650. "664453832",
  166651. "nan",
  166652. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  166653. ],
  166654. [
  166655. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166656. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166657. "664453831",
  166658. "nan",
  166659. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166660. ],
  166661. [
  166662. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166663. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166664. "664453835",
  166665. "nan",
  166666. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166667. ],
  166668. [
  166669. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166670. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166671. "664453835",
  166672. "nan",
  166673. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166674. ],
  166675. [
  166676. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166677. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166678. "664453832",
  166679. "nan",
  166680. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  166681. ],
  166682. [
  166683. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166684. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166685. "791431823",
  166686. "nan",
  166687. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431823,nan"
  166688. ],
  166689. [
  166690. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166691. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166692. "664453831",
  166693. "nan",
  166694. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166695. ],
  166696. [
  166697. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166698. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166699. "664453831",
  166700. "nan",
  166701. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166702. ],
  166703. [
  166704. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166705. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166706. "664453833",
  166707. "nan",
  166708. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166709. ],
  166710. [
  166711. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166712. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166713. "664453833",
  166714. "nan",
  166715. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166716. ],
  166717. [
  166718. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166719. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166720. "664453835",
  166721. "nan",
  166722. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166723. ],
  166724. [
  166725. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166726. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166727. "664453835",
  166728. "nan",
  166729. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166730. ],
  166731. [
  166732. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166733. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166734. "664453833",
  166735. "nan",
  166736. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166737. ],
  166738. [
  166739. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166740. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166741. "664453835",
  166742. "nan",
  166743. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166744. ],
  166745. [
  166746. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166747. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166748. "664453831",
  166749. "nan",
  166750. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166751. ],
  166752. [
  166753. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166754. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166755. "664453833",
  166756. "nan",
  166757. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166758. ],
  166759. [
  166760. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166761. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166762. "664453833",
  166763. "nan",
  166764. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166765. ],
  166766. [
  166767. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166768. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166769. "664453831",
  166770. "nan",
  166771. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166772. ],
  166773. [
  166774. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166775. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166776. "664453831",
  166777. "nan",
  166778. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166779. ],
  166780. [
  166781. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166782. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166783. "664453831",
  166784. "nan",
  166785. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166786. ],
  166787. [
  166788. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166789. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166790. "664453831",
  166791. "nan",
  166792. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166793. ],
  166794. [
  166795. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166796. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166797. "664453833",
  166798. "nan",
  166799. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166800. ],
  166801. [
  166802. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166803. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166804. "664453838",
  166805. "nan",
  166806. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  166807. ],
  166808. [
  166809. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166810. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166811. "664453839",
  166812. "nan",
  166813. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  166814. ],
  166815. [
  166816. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166817. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166818. "664453839",
  166819. "nan",
  166820. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  166821. ],
  166822. [
  166823. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166824. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166825. "664453833",
  166826. "nan",
  166827. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166828. ],
  166829. [
  166830. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166831. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166832. "664453833",
  166833. "nan",
  166834. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  166835. ],
  166836. [
  166837. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166838. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166839. "664453832",
  166840. "nan",
  166841. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  166842. ],
  166843. [
  166844. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166845. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166846. "992097852",
  166847. "nan",
  166848. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  166849. ],
  166850. [
  166851. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166852. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166853. "664453831",
  166854. "nan",
  166855. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  166856. ],
  166857. [
  166858. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166859. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166860. "664453832",
  166861. "nan",
  166862. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  166863. ],
  166864. [
  166865. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166866. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166867. "791431825",
  166868. "nan",
  166869. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431825,nan"
  166870. ],
  166871. [
  166872. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166873. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166874. "791431824",
  166875. "nan",
  166876. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431824,nan"
  166877. ],
  166878. [
  166879. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166880. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166881. "791431820",
  166882. "nan",
  166883. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431820,nan"
  166884. ],
  166885. [
  166886. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166887. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166888. "791431822",
  166889. "nan",
  166890. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  166891. ],
  166892. [
  166893. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166894. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166895. "791431822",
  166896. "nan",
  166897. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  166898. ],
  166899. [
  166900. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166901. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166902. "791431822",
  166903. "nan",
  166904. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  166905. ],
  166906. [
  166907. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166908. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166909. "791431822",
  166910. "nan",
  166911. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  166912. ],
  166913. [
  166914. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166915. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166916. "791431823",
  166917. "nan",
  166918. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431823,nan"
  166919. ],
  166920. [
  166921. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166922. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166923. "791431823",
  166924. "nan",
  166925. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431823,nan"
  166926. ],
  166927. [
  166928. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166929. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166930. "664453834",
  166931. "nan",
  166932. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  166933. ],
  166934. [
  166935. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166936. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166937. "664453834",
  166938. "nan",
  166939. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  166940. ],
  166941. [
  166942. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166943. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166944. "664453834",
  166945. "nan",
  166946. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  166947. ],
  166948. [
  166949. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166950. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166951. "664453834",
  166952. "nan",
  166953. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  166954. ],
  166955. [
  166956. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166957. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166958. "664453834",
  166959. "nan",
  166960. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  166961. ],
  166962. [
  166963. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166964. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166965. "664453834",
  166966. "nan",
  166967. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  166968. ],
  166969. [
  166970. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166971. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166972. "664453835",
  166973. "nan",
  166974. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166975. ],
  166976. [
  166977. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166978. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166979. "664453835",
  166980. "nan",
  166981. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166982. ],
  166983. [
  166984. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166985. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166986. "664453835",
  166987. "nan",
  166988. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166989. ],
  166990. [
  166991. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166992. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  166993. "664453835",
  166994. "nan",
  166995. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  166996. ],
  166997. [
  166998. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  166999. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167000. "664453835",
  167001. "nan",
  167002. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  167003. ],
  167004. [
  167005. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167006. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167007. "664453836",
  167008. "nan",
  167009. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167010. ],
  167011. [
  167012. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167013. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167014. "664453836",
  167015. "nan",
  167016. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167017. ],
  167018. [
  167019. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167020. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167021. "664453836",
  167022. "nan",
  167023. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167024. ],
  167025. [
  167026. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167027. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167028. "664453836",
  167029. "nan",
  167030. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167031. ],
  167032. [
  167033. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167034. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167035. "664453836",
  167036. "nan",
  167037. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167038. ],
  167039. [
  167040. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167041. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167042. "664453836",
  167043. "nan",
  167044. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167045. ],
  167046. [
  167047. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167048. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167049. "664453836",
  167050. "nan",
  167051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167052. ],
  167053. [
  167054. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167055. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167056. "664453836",
  167057. "nan",
  167058. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167059. ],
  167060. [
  167061. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167062. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167063. "664453836",
  167064. "nan",
  167065. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167066. ],
  167067. [
  167068. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167069. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167070. "664453836",
  167071. "nan",
  167072. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167073. ],
  167074. [
  167075. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167076. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167077. "664453836",
  167078. "nan",
  167079. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167080. ],
  167081. [
  167082. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167083. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167084. "664453836",
  167085. "nan",
  167086. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167087. ],
  167088. [
  167089. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167090. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167091. "664453836",
  167092. "nan",
  167093. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167094. ],
  167095. [
  167096. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167097. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167098. "664453836",
  167099. "nan",
  167100. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167101. ],
  167102. [
  167103. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167104. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167105. "664453836",
  167106. "nan",
  167107. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  167108. ],
  167109. [
  167110. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167111. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167112. "664453837",
  167113. "nan",
  167114. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167115. ],
  167116. [
  167117. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167118. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167119. "664453837",
  167120. "nan",
  167121. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167122. ],
  167123. [
  167124. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167125. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167126. "664453837",
  167127. "nan",
  167128. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167129. ],
  167130. [
  167131. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167132. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167133. "664453837",
  167134. "nan",
  167135. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167136. ],
  167137. [
  167138. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167139. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167140. "664453837",
  167141. "nan",
  167142. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167143. ],
  167144. [
  167145. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167146. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167147. "664453837",
  167148. "nan",
  167149. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167150. ],
  167151. [
  167152. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167153. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167154. "664453837",
  167155. "nan",
  167156. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167157. ],
  167158. [
  167159. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167160. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167161. "664453837",
  167162. "nan",
  167163. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167164. ],
  167165. [
  167166. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167167. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167168. "664453837",
  167169. "nan",
  167170. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167171. ],
  167172. [
  167173. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167174. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167175. "664453837",
  167176. "nan",
  167177. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167178. ],
  167179. [
  167180. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167181. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167182. "664453837",
  167183. "nan",
  167184. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167185. ],
  167186. [
  167187. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167188. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167189. "664453837",
  167190. "nan",
  167191. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167192. ],
  167193. [
  167194. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167195. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167196. "664453837",
  167197. "nan",
  167198. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167199. ],
  167200. [
  167201. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167202. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167203. "664453837",
  167204. "nan",
  167205. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167206. ],
  167207. [
  167208. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167209. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167210. "664453837",
  167211. "nan",
  167212. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167213. ],
  167214. [
  167215. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167216. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167217. "664453837",
  167218. "nan",
  167219. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167220. ],
  167221. [
  167222. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167223. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167224. "664453837",
  167225. "nan",
  167226. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167227. ],
  167228. [
  167229. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167230. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167231. "664453837",
  167232. "nan",
  167233. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167234. ],
  167235. [
  167236. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167237. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167238. "664453837",
  167239. "nan",
  167240. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167241. ],
  167242. [
  167243. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167244. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167245. "664453837",
  167246. "nan",
  167247. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167248. ],
  167249. [
  167250. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167251. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167252. "664453837",
  167253. "nan",
  167254. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167255. ],
  167256. [
  167257. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167258. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167259. "664453837",
  167260. "nan",
  167261. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167262. ],
  167263. [
  167264. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167265. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167266. "664453837",
  167267. "nan",
  167268. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167269. ],
  167270. [
  167271. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167272. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167273. "664453837",
  167274. "nan",
  167275. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167276. ],
  167277. [
  167278. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167279. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167280. "664453837",
  167281. "nan",
  167282. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167283. ],
  167284. [
  167285. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167286. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167287. "664453837",
  167288. "nan",
  167289. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167290. ],
  167291. [
  167292. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167293. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167294. "664453837",
  167295. "nan",
  167296. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167297. ],
  167298. [
  167299. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167300. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167301. "664453837",
  167302. "nan",
  167303. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167304. ],
  167305. [
  167306. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167307. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167308. "664453837",
  167309. "nan",
  167310. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167311. ],
  167312. [
  167313. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167314. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167315. "664453837",
  167316. "nan",
  167317. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167318. ],
  167319. [
  167320. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167321. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167322. "664453837",
  167323. "nan",
  167324. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167325. ],
  167326. [
  167327. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167328. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167329. "664453837",
  167330. "nan",
  167331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167332. ],
  167333. [
  167334. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167335. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167336. "664453837",
  167337. "nan",
  167338. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167339. ],
  167340. [
  167341. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167342. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167343. "664453837",
  167344. "nan",
  167345. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167346. ],
  167347. [
  167348. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167349. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167350. "664453837",
  167351. "nan",
  167352. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167353. ],
  167354. [
  167355. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167356. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167357. "664453837",
  167358. "nan",
  167359. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167360. ],
  167361. [
  167362. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167363. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167364. "664453837",
  167365. "nan",
  167366. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167367. ],
  167368. [
  167369. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167370. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167371. "664453837",
  167372. "nan",
  167373. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167374. ],
  167375. [
  167376. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167377. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167378. "664453837",
  167379. "nan",
  167380. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167381. ],
  167382. [
  167383. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167384. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167385. "664453837",
  167386. "nan",
  167387. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167388. ],
  167389. [
  167390. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167391. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167392. "664453837",
  167393. "nan",
  167394. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167395. ],
  167396. [
  167397. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167398. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167399. "664453837",
  167400. "nan",
  167401. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167402. ],
  167403. [
  167404. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167405. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167406. "664453837",
  167407. "nan",
  167408. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167409. ],
  167410. [
  167411. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167412. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167413. "664453837",
  167414. "nan",
  167415. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167416. ],
  167417. [
  167418. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167419. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167420. "664453837",
  167421. "nan",
  167422. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167423. ],
  167424. [
  167425. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167426. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167427. "664453837",
  167428. "nan",
  167429. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167430. ],
  167431. [
  167432. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167433. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167434. "664453837",
  167435. "nan",
  167436. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167437. ],
  167438. [
  167439. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167440. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167441. "664453837",
  167442. "nan",
  167443. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167444. ],
  167445. [
  167446. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167447. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167448. "664453837",
  167449. "nan",
  167450. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167451. ],
  167452. [
  167453. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167454. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167455. "664453837",
  167456. "nan",
  167457. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167458. ],
  167459. [
  167460. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167461. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167462. "664453837",
  167463. "nan",
  167464. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167465. ],
  167466. [
  167467. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167468. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167469. "664453837",
  167470. "nan",
  167471. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167472. ],
  167473. [
  167474. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167475. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167476. "664453837",
  167477. "nan",
  167478. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167479. ],
  167480. [
  167481. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167482. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167483. "664453837",
  167484. "nan",
  167485. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167486. ],
  167487. [
  167488. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167489. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167490. "664453837",
  167491. "nan",
  167492. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  167493. ],
  167494. [
  167495. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167496. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167497. "664453838",
  167498. "nan",
  167499. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  167500. ],
  167501. [
  167502. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167503. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167504. "664453838",
  167505. "nan",
  167506. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  167507. ],
  167508. [
  167509. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167510. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167511. "664453838",
  167512. "nan",
  167513. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  167514. ],
  167515. [
  167516. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167517. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167518. "664453838",
  167519. "nan",
  167520. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  167521. ],
  167522. [
  167523. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167524. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167525. "664453838",
  167526. "nan",
  167527. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  167528. ],
  167529. [
  167530. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167531. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167532. "active file",
  167533. "nan",
  167534. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  167535. ],
  167536. [
  167537. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167538. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167539. "active file",
  167540. "nan",
  167541. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  167542. ],
  167543. [
  167544. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167545. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167546. "664453839",
  167547. "nan",
  167548. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167549. ],
  167550. [
  167551. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167552. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167553. "664453839",
  167554. "nan",
  167555. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167556. ],
  167557. [
  167558. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167559. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167560. "664453839",
  167561. "nan",
  167562. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167563. ],
  167564. [
  167565. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167566. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167567. "664453839",
  167568. "nan",
  167569. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167570. ],
  167571. [
  167572. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167573. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167574. "664453839",
  167575. "nan",
  167576. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167577. ],
  167578. [
  167579. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167580. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167581. "664453839",
  167582. "nan",
  167583. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167584. ],
  167585. [
  167586. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167587. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167588. "664453839",
  167589. "nan",
  167590. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167591. ],
  167592. [
  167593. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167594. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167595. "664453839",
  167596. "nan",
  167597. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167598. ],
  167599. [
  167600. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167601. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167602. "664453839",
  167603. "nan",
  167604. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167605. ],
  167606. [
  167607. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167608. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167609. "664453839",
  167610. "nan",
  167611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167612. ],
  167613. [
  167614. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167615. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167616. "664453839",
  167617. "nan",
  167618. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167619. ],
  167620. [
  167621. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167622. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167623. "664453839",
  167624. "nan",
  167625. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167626. ],
  167627. [
  167628. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167629. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167630. "664453839",
  167631. "nan",
  167632. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167633. ],
  167634. [
  167635. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167636. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167637. "664453839",
  167638. "nan",
  167639. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167640. ],
  167641. [
  167642. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167643. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167644. "664453839",
  167645. "nan",
  167646. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167647. ],
  167648. [
  167649. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167650. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167651. "664453839",
  167652. "nan",
  167653. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167654. ],
  167655. [
  167656. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167657. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167658. "664453839",
  167659. "nan",
  167660. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167661. ],
  167662. [
  167663. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167664. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167665. "664453839",
  167666. "nan",
  167667. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  167668. ],
  167669. [
  167670. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167671. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167672. "664453840",
  167673. "nan",
  167674. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  167675. ],
  167676. [
  167677. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167678. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167679. "664453840",
  167680. "nan",
  167681. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  167682. ],
  167683. [
  167684. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167685. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167686. "664453840",
  167687. "nan",
  167688. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  167689. ],
  167690. [
  167691. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167692. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167693. "664453840",
  167694. "nan",
  167695. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  167696. ],
  167697. [
  167698. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167699. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167700. "664453841",
  167701. "nan",
  167702. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167703. ],
  167704. [
  167705. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167706. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167707. "664453841",
  167708. "nan",
  167709. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167710. ],
  167711. [
  167712. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167713. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167714. "664453841",
  167715. "nan",
  167716. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167717. ],
  167718. [
  167719. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167720. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167721. "664453841",
  167722. "nan",
  167723. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167724. ],
  167725. [
  167726. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167727. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167728. "664453841",
  167729. "nan",
  167730. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167731. ],
  167732. [
  167733. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167734. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167735. "664453841",
  167736. "nan",
  167737. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167738. ],
  167739. [
  167740. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167741. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167742. "664453841",
  167743. "nan",
  167744. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167745. ],
  167746. [
  167747. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167748. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167749. "664453841",
  167750. "nan",
  167751. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167752. ],
  167753. [
  167754. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167755. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167756. "664453841",
  167757. "nan",
  167758. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167759. ],
  167760. [
  167761. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167762. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167763. "664453841",
  167764. "nan",
  167765. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167766. ],
  167767. [
  167768. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167769. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167770. "664453841",
  167771. "nan",
  167772. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167773. ],
  167774. [
  167775. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167776. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167777. "664453841",
  167778. "nan",
  167779. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167780. ],
  167781. [
  167782. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167783. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167784. "664453841",
  167785. "nan",
  167786. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167787. ],
  167788. [
  167789. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167790. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167791. "664453841",
  167792. "nan",
  167793. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167794. ],
  167795. [
  167796. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167797. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167798. "664453841",
  167799. "nan",
  167800. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167801. ],
  167802. [
  167803. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167804. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167805. "664453841",
  167806. "nan",
  167807. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167808. ],
  167809. [
  167810. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167811. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167812. "664453841",
  167813. "nan",
  167814. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  167815. ],
  167816. [
  167817. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167818. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167819. "791431919",
  167820. "nan",
  167821. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431919,nan"
  167822. ],
  167823. [
  167824. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167825. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167826. "791431919",
  167827. "nan",
  167828. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431919,nan"
  167829. ],
  167830. [
  167831. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167832. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167833. "664453832",
  167834. "nan",
  167835. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  167836. ],
  167837. [
  167838. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167839. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167840. "992097852",
  167841. "nan",
  167842. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  167843. ],
  167844. [
  167845. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167846. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167847. "992097852",
  167848. "nan",
  167849. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  167850. ],
  167851. [
  167852. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167853. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167854. "992097852",
  167855. "nan",
  167856. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  167857. ],
  167858. [
  167859. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167860. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167861. "992097852",
  167862. "nan",
  167863. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  167864. ],
  167865. [
  167866. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167867. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167868. "992097852",
  167869. "nan",
  167870. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  167871. ],
  167872. [
  167873. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167874. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167875. "992097852",
  167876. "nan",
  167877. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  167878. ],
  167879. [
  167880. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167881. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167882. "active file",
  167883. "nan",
  167884. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  167885. ],
  167886. [
  167887. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167888. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167889. "active file",
  167890. "nan",
  167891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  167892. ],
  167893. [
  167894. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  167895. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  167896. "active file",
  167897. "nan",
  167898. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  167899. ],
  167900. [
  167901. "florida capital bank, n.a.",
  167902. "advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations",
  167903. "769663668",
  167904. "nan",
  167905. "florida capital bank, n.a.,advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations,769663668,nan"
  167906. ],
  167907. [
  167908. "florida capital bank, n.a.",
  167909. "advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations",
  167910. "769663668",
  167911. "nan",
  167912. "florida capital bank, n.a.,advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations,769663668,nan"
  167913. ],
  167914. [
  167915. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  167916. "general employment matters",
  167917. "997146971",
  167918. "nan",
  167919. "kinkisharyo international, llc,general employment matters,997146971,nan"
  167920. ],
  167921. [
  167922. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  167923. "ottawa light rail transit project",
  167924. "997156529",
  167925. "nan",
  167926. "kinkisharyo international, llc,ottawa light rail transit project,997156529,nan"
  167927. ],
  167928. [
  167929. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  167930. "rail transit consultants, inc. (rtc)",
  167931. "997156357",
  167932. "nan",
  167933. "kinkisharyo international, llc,rail transit consultants, inc. (rtc),997156357,nan"
  167934. ],
  167935. [
  167936. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  167937. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  167938. "active file",
  167939. "nan",
  167940. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,active file,nan"
  167941. ],
  167942. [
  167943. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  167944. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  167945. "active file",
  167946. "nan",
  167947. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,active file,nan"
  167948. ],
  167949. [
  167950. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  167951. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  167952. "rf017280427",
  167953. "nan",
  167954. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  167955. ],
  167956. [
  167957. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  167958. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  167959. "rf017280427",
  167960. "nan",
  167961. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  167962. ],
  167963. [
  167964. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  167965. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  167966. "rf017280427",
  167967. "nan",
  167968. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  167969. ],
  167970. [
  167971. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  167972. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  167973. "rf017280427",
  167974. "nan",
  167975. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  167976. ],
  167977. [
  167978. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  167979. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  167980. "rf017280427",
  167981. "nan",
  167982. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  167983. ],
  167984. [
  167985. "donelson, rai l., et al.",
  167986. "fdic v. former officers and directors of old southern bank",
  167987. "791439684",
  167988. "nan",
  167989. "donelson, rai l., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of old southern bank,791439684,nan"
  167990. ],
  167991. [
  167992. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  167993. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  167994. "673158122",
  167995. "nan",
  167996. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  167997. ],
  167998. [
  167999. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  168000. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  168001. "673158122",
  168002. "nan",
  168003. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  168004. ],
  168005. [
  168006. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  168007. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  168008. "673158122",
  168009. "nan",
  168010. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  168011. ],
  168012. [
  168013. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  168014. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  168015. "673158122",
  168016. "nan",
  168017. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  168018. ],
  168019. [
  168020. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  168021. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  168022. "673158122",
  168023. "nan",
  168024. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  168025. ],
  168026. [
  168027. "residential credit solutions, inc.",
  168028. "nachowitz v. residential credit solutions",
  168029. "791431833",
  168030. "nan",
  168031. "residential credit solutions, inc.,nachowitz v. residential credit solutions,791431833,nan"
  168032. ],
  168033. [
  168034. "lough, richard",
  168035. "vinetta e. lough living trust",
  168036. "active file",
  168037. "nan",
  168038. "lough, richard,vinetta e. lough living trust,active file,nan"
  168039. ],
  168040. [
  168041. "gainer, george b.",
  168042. "bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook",
  168043. "786023179",
  168044. "nan",
  168045. "gainer, george b.,bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook,786023179,nan"
  168046. ],
  168047. [
  168048. "gainer, george b.",
  168049. "bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook",
  168050. "786023175",
  168051. "nan",
  168052. "gainer, george b.,bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook,786023175,nan"
  168053. ],
  168054. [
  168055. "patel, mukesh",
  168056. "criminal investigation of mukesh patel",
  168057. "726608704",
  168058. "nan",
  168059. "patel, mukesh,criminal investigation of mukesh patel,726608704,nan"
  168060. ],
  168061. [
  168062. "patel, mukesh",
  168063. "criminal investigation of mukesh patel",
  168064. "632026767",
  168065. "nan",
  168066. "patel, mukesh,criminal investigation of mukesh patel,632026767,nan"
  168067. ],
  168068. [
  168069. "frey, eugene",
  168070. "advice re potential fdic claims",
  168071. "769663668",
  168072. "nan",
  168073. "frey, eugene,advice re potential fdic claims,769663668,nan"
  168074. ],
  168075. [
  168076. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  168077. "fdic claim",
  168078. "784628082",
  168079. "sep-86",
  168080. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren,fdic claim,784628082,sep-86"
  168081. ],
  168082. [
  168083. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  168084. "fdic claim",
  168085. "784628107",
  168086. "sep-11",
  168087. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren,fdic claim,784628107,sep-11"
  168088. ],
  168089. [
  168090. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  168091. "fdic claim",
  168092. "784628108",
  168093. "sep-12",
  168094. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren,fdic claim,784628108,sep-12"
  168095. ],
  168096. [
  168097. "enterprise bank of florida",
  168098. "executive officer determination by fdic",
  168099. "769663660",
  168100. "nan",
  168101. "enterprise bank of florida,executive officer determination by fdic,769663660,nan"
  168102. ],
  168103. [
  168104. "first american title insurance company",
  168105. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  168106. "844945484",
  168107. "nan",
  168108. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  168109. ],
  168110. [
  168111. "first american title insurance company",
  168112. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  168113. "844945484",
  168114. "nan",
  168115. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  168116. ],
  168117. [
  168118. "first american title insurance company",
  168119. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  168120. "844945484",
  168121. "nan",
  168122. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  168123. ],
  168124. [
  168125. "first american title insurance company",
  168126. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  168127. "844945484",
  168128. "nan",
  168129. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  168130. ],
  168131. [
  168132. "first american title insurance company",
  168133. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  168134. "844945484",
  168135. "nan",
  168136. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  168137. ],
  168138. [
  168139. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  168140. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  168141. "active file",
  168142. "nan",
  168143. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  168144. ],
  168145. [
  168146. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  168147. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  168148. "active file",
  168149. "nan",
  168150. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  168151. ],
  168152. [
  168153. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  168154. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  168155. "active file",
  168156. "nan",
  168157. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  168158. ],
  168159. [
  168160. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  168161. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  168162. "active file",
  168163. "nan",
  168164. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  168165. ],
  168166. [
  168167. "faust, marcus",
  168168. "fdic claims against former d&os of peninsula bank",
  168169. "active file",
  168170. "nan",
  168171. "faust, marcus,fdic claims against former d&os of peninsula bank,active file,nan"
  168172. ],
  168173. [
  168174. "casual male store llc",
  168175. "1005 bower parkway, columbiana, sc",
  168176. "188570192",
  168177. "nan",
  168178. "casual male store llc,1005 bower parkway, columbiana, sc,188570192,nan"
  168179. ],
  168180. [
  168181. "murphy, bobby r.",
  168182. "claims by fdic as receiver of first national bank of florida",
  168183. "active file",
  168184. "nan",
  168185. "murphy, bobby r.,claims by fdic as receiver of first national bank of florida,active file,nan"
  168186. ],
  168187. [
  168188. "brannin, william",
  168189. "brannin - premier bank",
  168190. "633151915",
  168191. "nan",
  168192. "brannin, william,brannin - premier bank,633151915,nan"
  168193. ],
  168194. [
  168195. "b&a title services corporation",
  168196. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168197. "788659561",
  168198. "nan",
  168199. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168200. ],
  168201. [
  168202. "b&a title services corporation",
  168203. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168204. "788659561",
  168205. "nan",
  168206. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168207. ],
  168208. [
  168209. "b&a title services corporation",
  168210. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168211. "788659565",
  168212. "nan",
  168213. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659565,nan"
  168214. ],
  168215. [
  168216. "b&a title services corporation",
  168217. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168218. "788659561",
  168219. "nan",
  168220. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168221. ],
  168222. [
  168223. "b&a title services corporation",
  168224. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168225. "788659561",
  168226. "nan",
  168227. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168228. ],
  168229. [
  168230. "b&a title services corporation",
  168231. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168232. "788659561",
  168233. "nan",
  168234. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168235. ],
  168236. [
  168237. "b&a title services corporation",
  168238. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168239. "788659561",
  168240. "nan",
  168241. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168242. ],
  168243. [
  168244. "b&a title services corporation",
  168245. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168246. "788659561",
  168247. "nan",
  168248. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168249. ],
  168250. [
  168251. "b&a title services corporation",
  168252. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168253. "788659561",
  168254. "nan",
  168255. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168256. ],
  168257. [
  168258. "b&a title services corporation",
  168259. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168260. "788659561",
  168261. "nan",
  168262. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168263. ],
  168264. [
  168265. "b&a title services corporation",
  168266. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168267. "788659561",
  168268. "nan",
  168269. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168270. ],
  168271. [
  168272. "b&a title services corporation",
  168273. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168274. "788659561",
  168275. "nan",
  168276. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168277. ],
  168278. [
  168279. "b&a title services corporation",
  168280. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168281. "788659561",
  168282. "nan",
  168283. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168284. ],
  168285. [
  168286. "b&a title services corporation",
  168287. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168288. "788659561",
  168289. "nan",
  168290. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168291. ],
  168292. [
  168293. "b&a title services corporation",
  168294. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168295. "788659561",
  168296. "nan",
  168297. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168298. ],
  168299. [
  168300. "b&a title services corporation",
  168301. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168302. "788659561",
  168303. "nan",
  168304. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168305. ],
  168306. [
  168307. "b&a title services corporation",
  168308. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168309. "788659561",
  168310. "nan",
  168311. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168312. ],
  168313. [
  168314. "b&a title services corporation",
  168315. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168316. "788659561",
  168317. "nan",
  168318. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168319. ],
  168320. [
  168321. "b&a title services corporation",
  168322. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168323. "788659561",
  168324. "nan",
  168325. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168326. ],
  168327. [
  168328. "b&a title services corporation",
  168329. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168330. "788659561",
  168331. "nan",
  168332. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168333. ],
  168334. [
  168335. "b&a title services corporation",
  168336. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168337. "788659561",
  168338. "nan",
  168339. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168340. ],
  168341. [
  168342. "b&a title services corporation",
  168343. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168344. "788659561",
  168345. "nan",
  168346. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168347. ],
  168348. [
  168349. "b&a title services corporation",
  168350. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168351. "788659561",
  168352. "nan",
  168353. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168354. ],
  168355. [
  168356. "b&a title services corporation",
  168357. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168358. "788659561",
  168359. "nan",
  168360. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168361. ],
  168362. [
  168363. "b&a title services corporation",
  168364. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168365. "788659561",
  168366. "nan",
  168367. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168368. ],
  168369. [
  168370. "b&a title services corporation",
  168371. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168372. "788659561",
  168373. "nan",
  168374. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168375. ],
  168376. [
  168377. "b&a title services corporation",
  168378. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168379. "788659561",
  168380. "nan",
  168381. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168382. ],
  168383. [
  168384. "b&a title services corporation",
  168385. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168386. "788659561",
  168387. "nan",
  168388. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168389. ],
  168390. [
  168391. "b&a title services corporation",
  168392. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168393. "788659561",
  168394. "nan",
  168395. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168396. ],
  168397. [
  168398. "b&a title services corporation",
  168399. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168400. "788659561",
  168401. "nan",
  168402. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168403. ],
  168404. [
  168405. "b&a title services corporation",
  168406. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168407. "788659565",
  168408. "nan",
  168409. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659565,nan"
  168410. ],
  168411. [
  168412. "b&a title services corporation",
  168413. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168414. "788659561",
  168415. "nan",
  168416. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168417. ],
  168418. [
  168419. "b&a title services corporation",
  168420. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168421. "788659561",
  168422. "nan",
  168423. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168424. ],
  168425. [
  168426. "b&a title services corporation",
  168427. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168428. "788659561",
  168429. "nan",
  168430. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168431. ],
  168432. [
  168433. "b&a title services corporation",
  168434. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168435. "788659561",
  168436. "nan",
  168437. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168438. ],
  168439. [
  168440. "b&a title services corporation",
  168441. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168442. "788659561",
  168443. "nan",
  168444. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168445. ],
  168446. [
  168447. "b&a title services corporation",
  168448. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168449. "788659561",
  168450. "nan",
  168451. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168452. ],
  168453. [
  168454. "b&a title services corporation",
  168455. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168456. "788659561",
  168457. "nan",
  168458. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168459. ],
  168460. [
  168461. "b&a title services corporation",
  168462. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168463. "788659561",
  168464. "nan",
  168465. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168466. ],
  168467. [
  168468. "b&a title services corporation",
  168469. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168470. "788659561",
  168471. "nan",
  168472. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168473. ],
  168474. [
  168475. "b&a title services corporation",
  168476. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168477. "788659561",
  168478. "nan",
  168479. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168480. ],
  168481. [
  168482. "b&a title services corporation",
  168483. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168484. "788659561",
  168485. "nan",
  168486. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168487. ],
  168488. [
  168489. "b&a title services corporation",
  168490. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168491. "788659561",
  168492. "nan",
  168493. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168494. ],
  168495. [
  168496. "b&a title services corporation",
  168497. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168498. "788659561",
  168499. "nan",
  168500. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168501. ],
  168502. [
  168503. "b&a title services corporation",
  168504. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168505. "788659561",
  168506. "nan",
  168507. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168508. ],
  168509. [
  168510. "b&a title services corporation",
  168511. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168512. "788659561",
  168513. "nan",
  168514. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168515. ],
  168516. [
  168517. "b&a title services corporation",
  168518. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168519. "788659561",
  168520. "nan",
  168521. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168522. ],
  168523. [
  168524. "b&a title services corporation",
  168525. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  168526. "788659561",
  168527. "nan",
  168528. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  168529. ],
  168530. [
  168531. "fexco",
  168532. "fexco jv",
  168533. "rf037106705",
  168534. "nan",
  168535. "fexco,fexco jv,rf037106705,nan"
  168536. ],
  168537. [
  168538. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168539. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168540. "active file",
  168541. "nan",
  168542. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168543. ],
  168544. [
  168545. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168546. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168547. "active file",
  168548. "nan",
  168549. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168550. ],
  168551. [
  168552. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168553. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168554. "active file",
  168555. "nan",
  168556. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168557. ],
  168558. [
  168559. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168560. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168561. "active file",
  168562. "nan",
  168563. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168564. ],
  168565. [
  168566. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168567. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168568. "active file",
  168569. "nan",
  168570. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168571. ],
  168572. [
  168573. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168574. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168575. "active file",
  168576. "nan",
  168577. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168578. ],
  168579. [
  168580. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168581. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168582. "active file",
  168583. "nan",
  168584. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168585. ],
  168586. [
  168587. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168588. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168589. "active file",
  168590. "nan",
  168591. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168592. ],
  168593. [
  168594. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168595. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168596. "active file",
  168597. "nan",
  168598. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168599. ],
  168600. [
  168601. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168602. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168603. "active file",
  168604. "nan",
  168605. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168606. ],
  168607. [
  168608. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168609. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168610. "active file",
  168611. "nan",
  168612. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168613. ],
  168614. [
  168615. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168616. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168617. "active file",
  168618. "nan",
  168619. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168620. ],
  168621. [
  168622. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168623. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168624. "active file",
  168625. "nan",
  168626. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168627. ],
  168628. [
  168629. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168630. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168631. "active file",
  168632. "nan",
  168633. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168634. ],
  168635. [
  168636. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168637. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168638. "active file",
  168639. "nan",
  168640. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168641. ],
  168642. [
  168643. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168644. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168645. "active file",
  168646. "nan",
  168647. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168648. ],
  168649. [
  168650. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168651. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168652. "active file",
  168653. "nan",
  168654. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168655. ],
  168656. [
  168657. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168658. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168659. "active file",
  168660. "nan",
  168661. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168662. ],
  168663. [
  168664. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168665. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168666. "active file",
  168667. "nan",
  168668. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168669. ],
  168670. [
  168671. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168672. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168673. "active file",
  168674. "nan",
  168675. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168676. ],
  168677. [
  168678. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168679. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168680. "active file",
  168681. "nan",
  168682. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168683. ],
  168684. [
  168685. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168686. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168687. "active file",
  168688. "nan",
  168689. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168690. ],
  168691. [
  168692. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  168693. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  168694. "active file",
  168695. "nan",
  168696. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  168697. ],
  168698. [
  168699. "fibra uno administraci�n, sa de cv",
  168700. "general corporate matters and due diligence",
  168701. "52",
  168702. "52",
  168703. "fibra uno administraci�n, sa de cv,general corporate matters and due diligence,52,52"
  168704. ],
  168705. [
  168706. "rosa, eric c.",
  168707. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168708. "active file",
  168709. "nan",
  168710. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168711. ],
  168712. [
  168713. "rosa, eric c.",
  168714. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168715. "active file",
  168716. "nan",
  168717. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168718. ],
  168719. [
  168720. "rosa, eric c.",
  168721. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168722. "active file",
  168723. "nan",
  168724. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168725. ],
  168726. [
  168727. "rosa, eric c.",
  168728. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168729. "active file",
  168730. "nan",
  168731. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168732. ],
  168733. [
  168734. "rosa, eric c.",
  168735. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168736. "active file",
  168737. "nan",
  168738. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168739. ],
  168740. [
  168741. "rosa, eric c.",
  168742. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168743. "active file",
  168744. "nan",
  168745. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168746. ],
  168747. [
  168748. "rosa, eric c.",
  168749. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168750. "active file",
  168751. "nan",
  168752. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168753. ],
  168754. [
  168755. "rosa, eric c.",
  168756. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168757. "active file",
  168758. "nan",
  168759. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168760. ],
  168761. [
  168762. "rosa, eric c.",
  168763. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168764. "active file",
  168765. "nan",
  168766. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168767. ],
  168768. [
  168769. "rosa, eric c.",
  168770. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168771. "active file",
  168772. "nan",
  168773. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168774. ],
  168775. [
  168776. "rosa, eric c.",
  168777. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168778. "active file",
  168779. "nan",
  168780. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168781. ],
  168782. [
  168783. "rosa, eric c.",
  168784. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168785. "active file",
  168786. "nan",
  168787. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168788. ],
  168789. [
  168790. "rosa, eric c.",
  168791. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168792. "active file",
  168793. "nan",
  168794. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168795. ],
  168796. [
  168797. "rosa, eric c.",
  168798. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168799. "active file",
  168800. "nan",
  168801. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168802. ],
  168803. [
  168804. "rosa, eric c.",
  168805. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168806. "392044984",
  168807. "nan",
  168808. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,392044984,nan"
  168809. ],
  168810. [
  168811. "rosa, eric c.",
  168812. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168813. "active file",
  168814. "nan",
  168815. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168816. ],
  168817. [
  168818. "rosa, eric c.",
  168819. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168820. "active file",
  168821. "nan",
  168822. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168823. ],
  168824. [
  168825. "rosa, eric c.",
  168826. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168827. "active file",
  168828. "nan",
  168829. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168830. ],
  168831. [
  168832. "rosa, eric c.",
  168833. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  168834. "active file",
  168835. "nan",
  168836. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  168837. ],
  168838. [
  168839. "kbi diversified, ltd.",
  168840. "nan",
  168841. "383996267",
  168842. "nan",
  168843. "kbi diversified, ltd.,nan,383996267,nan"
  168844. ],
  168845. [
  168846. "simas, rick and ogata, linda",
  168847. "fdic investigation",
  168848. "active file",
  168849. "nan",
  168850. "simas, rick and ogata, linda,fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  168851. ],
  168852. [
  168853. "simas, rick and ogata, linda",
  168854. "fdic investigation",
  168855. "active file",
  168856. "nan",
  168857. "simas, rick and ogata, linda,fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  168858. ],
  168859. [
  168860. "homeowners financial group usa, llc a/k/",
  168861. "fdic v. hfg",
  168862. "active file",
  168863. "nan",
  168864. "homeowners financial group usa, llc a/k/,fdic v. hfg,active file,nan"
  168865. ],
  168866. [
  168867. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  168868. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  168869. "active file",
  168870. "nan",
  168871. "cwcapital asset management llc,park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19),active file,nan"
  168872. ],
  168873. [
  168874. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  168875. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  168876. "active file",
  168877. "nan",
  168878. "cwcapital asset management llc,park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19),active file,nan"
  168879. ],
  168880. [
  168881. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  168882. "village shoppes of sugarloaf (loan 220-22)",
  168883. "active file",
  168884. "nan",
  168885. "cwcapital asset management llc,village shoppes of sugarloaf (loan 220-22),active file,nan"
  168886. ],
  168887. [
  168888. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  168889. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  168890. "active file",
  168891. "nan",
  168892. "cwcapital asset management llc,park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19),active file,nan"
  168893. ],
  168894. [
  168895. "invesco advisers, inc.",
  168896. "legacy office park, plano, tx",
  168897. "active file",
  168898. "nan",
  168899. "invesco advisers, inc.,legacy office park, plano, tx,active file,nan"
  168900. ],
  168901. [
  168902. "invesco advisers, inc.",
  168903. "legacy office park, plano, tx",
  168904. "active file",
  168905. "nan",
  168906. "invesco advisers, inc.,legacy office park, plano, tx,active file,nan"
  168907. ],
  168908. [
  168909. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.",
  168910. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  168911. "active file",
  168912. "nan",
  168913. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.,hudgens v. o'dom,active file,nan"
  168914. ],
  168915. [
  168916. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.",
  168917. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  168918. "active file",
  168919. "nan",
  168920. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.,hudgens v. o'dom,active file,nan"
  168921. ],
  168922. [
  168923. "kbi diversified, ltd.",
  168924. "nan",
  168925. "383996269",
  168926. "nan",
  168927. "kbi diversified, ltd.,nan,383996269,nan"
  168928. ],
  168929. [
  168930. "rogers, iii; david",
  168931. "fdic investigation and dispute",
  168932. "active file",
  168933. "nan",
  168934. "rogers, iii; david,fdic investigation and dispute,active file,nan"
  168935. ],
  168936. [
  168937. "first nbc bank",
  168938. "promuto - breach of contract",
  168939. "active file",
  168940. "nan",
  168941. "first nbc bank,promuto - breach of contract,active file,nan"
  168942. ],
  168943. [
  168944. "fnbc bank post-receiver and ryan, ashton",
  168945. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  168946. "active file",
  168947. "nan",
  168948. "fnbc bank post-receiver and ryan, ashton,hudgens v. o'dom,active file,nan"
  168949. ],
  168950. [
  168951. "price waterhouse adv. transflorida",
  168952. "none",
  168953. "672026155",
  168954. "85563",
  168955. "price waterhouse adv. transflorida,none,672026155,85563"
  168956. ],
  168957. [
  168958. "fdic v barrasso",
  168959. "op ind valley title ins dispute",
  168960. "tcf0005562",
  168961. "ai9376",
  168962. "fdic v barrasso,op ind valley title ins dispute,tcf0005562,ai9376"
  168963. ],
  168964. [
  168965. "bank of america",
  168966. "versus united states- 400 series",
  168967. "789-15558",
  168968. "789-15558",
  168969. "bank of america,versus united states- 400 series,789-15558,789-15558"
  168970. ],
  168971. [
  168972. "bank of america",
  168973. "morrison & foerster",
  168974. "789-15645 (a79)",
  168975. "789-15645 (a79)",
  168976. "bank of america,morrison & foerster,789-15645 (a79),789-15645 (a79)"
  168977. ],
  168978. [
  168979. "sminch enterprises inc",
  168980. "84 fdic loan",
  168981. "tcf0003148",
  168982. "aa7940",
  168983. "sminch enterprises inc,84 fdic loan,tcf0003148,aa7940"
  168984. ],
  168985. [
  168986. "rtc conser",
  168987. "yegen associates m/y/ gambit",
  168988. "85649",
  168989. "8956",
  168990. "rtc conser,yegen associates m/y/ gambit,85649,8956"
  168991. ],
  168992. [
  168993. "alltrade tools, inc.",
  168994. "aramark uniform services",
  168995. "411013226",
  168996. "2008-090",
  168997. "alltrade tools, inc.,aramark uniform services,411013226,2008-090"
  168998. ],
  168999. [
  169000. "florida international bank",
  169001. "none",
  169002. "489535501",
  169003. "470620",
  169004. "florida international bank,none,489535501,470620"
  169005. ],
  169006. [
  169007. "banco ganadero",
  169008. "banco union",
  169009. "652599775",
  169010. "384701",
  169011. "banco ganadero,banco union,652599775,384701"
  169012. ],
  169013. [
  169014. "banco del pichincha/egas",
  169015. "borjas v. gulf bank",
  169016. "460600001",
  169017. "412560",
  169018. "banco del pichincha/egas,borjas v. gulf bank,460600001,412560"
  169019. ],
  169020. [
  169021. "margolis",
  169022. "resolution trust corp",
  169023. "157",
  169024. "157",
  169025. "margolis,resolution trust corp,157,157"
  169026. ],
  169027. [
  169028. "pallbearer welcome lodge26",
  169029. "rtc action",
  169030. "tcf0223163",
  169031. "bq1091",
  169032. "pallbearer welcome lodge26,rtc action,tcf0223163,bq1091"
  169033. ],
  169034. [
  169035. "bartco",
  169036. "general",
  169037. "798-4345",
  169038. "798-4345",
  169039. "bartco,general,798-4345,798-4345"
  169040. ],
  169041. [
  169042. "fdic v. kimberly levine",
  169043. "fdic v. kimberly levine",
  169044. "51535460",
  169045. "4029",
  169046. "fdic v. kimberly levine,fdic v. kimberly levine,51535460,4029"
  169047. ],
  169048. [
  169049. "jax i.o., inc",
  169050. "purchase form fdic",
  169051. "225350078",
  169052. "225350078",
  169053. "jax i.o., inc,purchase form fdic,225350078,225350078"
  169054. ],
  169055. [
  169056. "datalicious, llc",
  169057. "jeff smith, mediaminds, et al.",
  169058. "active file",
  169059. "nan",
  169060. "datalicious, llc,jeff smith, mediaminds, et al.,active file,nan"
  169061. ],
  169062. [
  169063. "mgm companies",
  169064. "sale of mgm companies",
  169065. "608475922",
  169066. "nan",
  169067. "mgm companies,sale of mgm companies,608475922,nan"
  169068. ],
  169069. [
  169070. "ncnb/fortco, inc. & david fort",
  169071. "nan",
  169072. "dsj004748",
  169073. "16-028",
  169074. "ncnb/fortco, inc. & david fort,nan,dsj004748,16-028"
  169075. ],
  169076. [
  169077. "keybank",
  169078. "general",
  169079. "652604126",
  169080. "31584",
  169081. "keybank,general,652604126,31584"
  169082. ],
  169083. [
  169084. "keybank",
  169085. "nan",
  169086. "32175",
  169087. "32175",
  169088. "keybank,nan,32175,32175"
  169089. ],
  169090. [
  169091. "keybank",
  169092. "nan",
  169093. "32177",
  169094. "32177",
  169095. "keybank,nan,32177,32177"
  169096. ],
  169097. [
  169098. "key bank v. international finance bank",
  169099. "none",
  169100. "652551967",
  169101. "12513834",
  169102. "key bank v. international finance bank,none,652551967,12513834"
  169103. ],
  169104. [
  169105. "key bank v.",
  169106. "ifb",
  169107. "489345394",
  169108. "12704087",
  169109. "key bank v.,ifb,489345394,12704087"
  169110. ],
  169111. [
  169112. "key bank",
  169113. "vs. international finance bank",
  169114. "12704259",
  169115. "37817",
  169116. "key bank,vs. international finance bank,12704259,37817"
  169117. ],
  169118. [
  169119. "key bank",
  169120. "vs. international finance bank",
  169121. "12704262",
  169122. "37820",
  169123. "key bank,vs. international finance bank,12704262,37820"
  169124. ],
  169125. [
  169126. "key bank vs.",
  169127. "rafael lopez seizure of 2001 sportcraft",
  169128. "490614967",
  169129. "12704360",
  169130. "key bank vs.,rafael lopez seizure of 2001 sportcraft,490614967,12704360"
  169131. ],
  169132. [
  169133. "ruggieri, david",
  169134. "fdic (potomac advisors)",
  169135. "d232",
  169136. "d232",
  169137. "ruggieri, david,fdic (potomac advisors),d232,d232"
  169138. ],
  169139. [
  169140. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja",
  169141. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja",
  169142. "489488797",
  169143. "316127",
  169144. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja,swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja,489488797,316127"
  169145. ],
  169146. [
  169147. "swezy p/f rtc of vizcaya villas",
  169148. "none",
  169149. "489519581",
  169150. "335801",
  169151. "swezy p/f rtc of vizcaya villas,none,489519581,335801"
  169152. ],
  169153. [
  169154. "lewis swezy v. villas naranja",
  169155. "none",
  169156. "490615883",
  169157. "384566",
  169158. "lewis swezy v. villas naranja,none,490615883,384566"
  169159. ],
  169160. [
  169161. "smartchannels llc",
  169162. "bridge financing",
  169163. "194227980",
  169164. "nan",
  169165. "smartchannels llc,bridge financing,194227980,nan"
  169166. ],
  169167. [
  169168. "gannon",
  169169. "none",
  169170. "460603349",
  169171. "118809",
  169172. "gannon,none,460603349,118809"
  169173. ],
  169174. [
  169175. "first american bank & trust",
  169176. "none",
  169177. "489337882",
  169178. "50257",
  169179. "first american bank & trust,none,489337882,50257"
  169180. ],
  169181. [
  169182. "fdic - whispering pines",
  169183. "ticor ins. co. - tax deed",
  169184. "tcf0008383",
  169185. "av9539",
  169186. "fdic - whispering pines,ticor ins. co. - tax deed,tcf0008383,av9539"
  169187. ],
  169188. [
  169189. "fdic",
  169190. "shadow",
  169191. "tcf0010258",
  169192. "bg0934",
  169193. "fdic,shadow,tcf0010258,bg0934"
  169194. ],
  169195. [
  169196. "rtc",
  169197. "shadow",
  169198. "tcf0010042",
  169199. "bg0344",
  169200. "rtc,shadow,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  169201. ],
  169202. [
  169203. "blank rome",
  169204. "none",
  169205. "18261",
  169206. "18261",
  169207. "blank rome,none,18261,18261"
  169208. ],
  169209. [
  169210. "blank, rome/robert jacoby",
  169211. "none",
  169212. "13007",
  169213. "13007",
  169214. "blank, rome/robert jacoby,none,13007,13007"
  169215. ],
  169216. [
  169217. "blank, rome/robert jacoby",
  169218. "none",
  169219. "13019",
  169220. "13019",
  169221. "blank, rome/robert jacoby,none,13019,13019"
  169222. ],
  169223. [
  169224. "blank rome",
  169225. "none",
  169226. "672030334",
  169227. "12513966",
  169228. "blank rome,none,672030334,12513966"
  169229. ],
  169230. [
  169231. "blank rome",
  169232. "none",
  169233. "6819",
  169234. "6819",
  169235. "blank rome,none,6819,6819"
  169236. ],
  169237. [
  169238. "blank rome",
  169239. "none",
  169240. "6820",
  169241. "6820",
  169242. "blank rome,none,6820,6820"
  169243. ],
  169244. [
  169245. "blank rome",
  169246. "none",
  169247. "43480",
  169248. "6901",
  169249. "blank rome,none,43480,6901"
  169250. ],
  169251. [
  169252. "blank rome",
  169253. "none",
  169254. "43481",
  169255. "6902",
  169256. "blank rome,none,43481,6902"
  169257. ],
  169258. [
  169259. "rtc-shadow file",
  169260. "op great life fed sav assoc",
  169261. "tcf0007949",
  169262. "au5247",
  169263. "rtc-shadow file,op great life fed sav assoc,tcf0007949,au5247"
  169264. ],
  169265. [
  169266. "fdic-park bank of fld",
  169267. "the village bank",
  169268. "tcf0007155",
  169269. "aq0642",
  169270. "fdic-park bank of fld,the village bank,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  169271. ],
  169272. [
  169273. "machado",
  169274. "rtc",
  169275. "489519678",
  169276. "585252",
  169277. "machado,rtc,489519678,585252"
  169278. ],
  169279. [
  169280. "federal deposit insurance",
  169281. "86 vs diane elaine la pier re-7",
  169282. "tcf0003915",
  169283. "ab8017",
  169284. "federal deposit insurance,86 vs diane elaine la pier re-7,tcf0003915,ab8017"
  169285. ],
  169286. [
  169287. "fdic/fowler v sar-manco",
  169288. "op docket sheets",
  169289. "tcf0006152",
  169290. "am4375",
  169291. "fdic/fowler v sar-manco,op docket sheets,tcf0006152,am4375"
  169292. ],
  169293. [
  169294. "fdic",
  169295. "92 ronald a. roeske - doc.",
  169296. "tcf0007670",
  169297. "au1261",
  169298. "fdic,92 ronald a. roeske - doc.,tcf0007670,au1261"
  169299. ],
  169300. [
  169301. "fdic",
  169302. "general",
  169303. "tcf0010160",
  169304. "bg0750",
  169305. "fdic,general,tcf0010160,bg0750"
  169306. ],
  169307. [
  169308. "fdic park bank",
  169309. "heaton, howard",
  169310. "7602",
  169311. "7602",
  169312. "fdic park bank,heaton, howard,7602,7602"
  169313. ],
  169314. [
  169315. "fdic park bank",
  169316. "carriage hse. condo",
  169317. "7958",
  169318. "7958",
  169319. "fdic park bank,carriage hse. condo,7958,7958"
  169320. ],
  169321. [
  169322. "fdic park bank",
  169323. "-",
  169324. "7958",
  169325. "7958",
  169326. "fdic park bank,-,7958,7958"
  169327. ],
  169328. [
  169329. "fdic",
  169330. "-",
  169331. "8032",
  169332. "8032",
  169333. "fdic,-,8032,8032"
  169334. ],
  169335. [
  169336. "fdic park bank of fla.",
  169337. "southwinds condo",
  169338. "8592",
  169339. "8592",
  169340. "fdic park bank of fla.,southwinds condo,8592,8592"
  169341. ],
  169342. [
  169343. "fdic-fla center bank",
  169344. "edward charles sasser",
  169345. "tcf0007527",
  169346. "as0758",
  169347. "fdic-fla center bank,edward charles sasser,tcf0007527,as0758"
  169348. ],
  169349. [
  169350. "fdic vs streck",
  169351. "nan",
  169352. "tcf0008699",
  169353. "ax1569",
  169354. "fdic vs streck,nan,tcf0008699,ax1569"
  169355. ],
  169356. [
  169357. "fdic fla center bank",
  169358. "liquidation oveida indus",
  169359. "tcf0008796",
  169360. "ay2024",
  169361. "fdic fla center bank,liquidation oveida indus,tcf0008796,ay2024"
  169362. ],
  169363. [
  169364. "rtc",
  169365. "shadow",
  169366. "tcf0010042",
  169367. "bg0344",
  169368. "rtc,shadow,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  169369. ],
  169370. [
  169371. "bechtel",
  169372. "mitchell",
  169373. "653197988",
  169374. "394453",
  169375. "bechtel,mitchell,653197988,394453"
  169376. ],
  169377. [
  169378. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  169379. "garcia",
  169380. "85598",
  169381. "8905",
  169382. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers,garcia,85598,8905"
  169383. ],
  169384. [
  169385. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  169386. "garcia",
  169387. "85599",
  169388. "8906",
  169389. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers,garcia,85599,8906"
  169390. ],
  169391. [
  169392. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  169393. "garcia",
  169394. "85600",
  169395. "8907",
  169396. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers,garcia,85600,8907"
  169397. ],
  169398. [
  169399. "fdic roberto garcia esquerro",
  169400. "none",
  169401. "672025346",
  169402. "114676",
  169403. "fdic roberto garcia esquerro,none,672025346,114676"
  169404. ],
  169405. [
  169406. "fdic",
  169407. "alberto lorenzo",
  169408. "460603416",
  169409. "114603",
  169410. "fdic,alberto lorenzo,460603416,114603"
  169411. ],
  169412. [
  169413. "fdic",
  169414. "fortner kilpatrick ch 7",
  169415. "tcf0007192",
  169416. "aq0680",
  169417. "fdic,fortner kilpatrick ch 7,tcf0007192,aq0680"
  169418. ],
  169419. [
  169420. "fdic",
  169421. "c r corp appeal",
  169422. "tcf0006414",
  169423. "ao0396",
  169424. "fdic,c r corp appeal,tcf0006414,ao0396"
  169425. ],
  169426. [
  169427. "fdic-county bk",
  169428. "valencia village prop-lee cnty",
  169429. "tcf0006926",
  169430. "ap9396",
  169431. "fdic-county bk,valencia village prop-lee cnty,tcf0006926,ap9396"
  169432. ],
  169433. [
  169434. "fdic cty bank",
  169435. "john j brownlee",
  169436. "tcf0007149",
  169437. "aq0636",
  169438. "fdic cty bank,john j brownlee,tcf0007149,aq0636"
  169439. ],
  169440. [
  169441. "fdic/topps",
  169442. "oral argument prep",
  169443. "tcf0007360",
  169444. "aq2293",
  169445. "fdic/topps,oral argument prep,tcf0007360,aq2293"
  169446. ],
  169447. [
  169448. "fdic county bank vs.",
  169449. "james blair",
  169450. "tcf0007527",
  169451. "as0758",
  169452. "fdic county bank vs.,james blair,tcf0007527,as0758"
  169453. ],
  169454. [
  169455. "fdic",
  169456. "91 pipline specialists",
  169457. "tcf0007673",
  169458. "au3135",
  169459. "fdic,91 pipline specialists,tcf0007673,au3135"
  169460. ],
  169461. [
  169462. "fdic",
  169463. "plds,corres",
  169464. "tcf0010041",
  169465. "bg0343",
  169466. "fdic,plds,corres,tcf0010041,bg0343"
  169467. ],
  169468. [
  169469. "rtc",
  169470. "edison bridge",
  169471. "tcf0010042",
  169472. "bg0344",
  169473. "rtc,edison bridge,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  169474. ],
  169475. [
  169476. "fdic",
  169477. "allen & tubellino",
  169478. "tcf0010125",
  169479. "bg0589",
  169480. "fdic,allen & tubellino,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  169481. ],
  169482. [
  169483. "fdic franklin natl bank",
  169484. "92 peter shaddick",
  169485. "tcf0007695",
  169486. "au3158",
  169487. "fdic franklin natl bank,92 peter shaddick,tcf0007695,au3158"
  169488. ],
  169489. [
  169490. "fdic/the trust bank",
  169491. "general file",
  169492. "tcf0008883",
  169493. "ay4235",
  169494. "fdic/the trust bank,general file,tcf0008883,ay4235"
  169495. ],
  169496. [
  169497. "fdic",
  169498. "garcia-esquerro",
  169499. "tcf0009750",
  169500. "bf1699",
  169501. "fdic,garcia-esquerro,tcf0009750,bf1699"
  169502. ],
  169503. [
  169504. "fdic",
  169505. "shadow/correspondence",
  169506. "tcf0009750",
  169507. "bf1699",
  169508. "fdic,shadow/correspondence,tcf0009750,bf1699"
  169509. ],
  169510. [
  169511. "fdic",
  169512. "alberto lorenzo",
  169513. "460603416",
  169514. "114603",
  169515. "fdic,alberto lorenzo,460603416,114603"
  169516. ],
  169517. [
  169518. "fdic",
  169519. "pam bay",
  169520. "460605286",
  169521. "114675",
  169522. "fdic,pam bay,460605286,114675"
  169523. ],
  169524. [
  169525. "fdic",
  169526. "jose perez",
  169527. "672025346",
  169528. "114676",
  169529. "fdic,jose perez,672025346,114676"
  169530. ],
  169531. [
  169532. "fdic",
  169533. "oscar rodriguez",
  169534. "672025346",
  169535. "114676",
  169536. "fdic,oscar rodriguez,672025346,114676"
  169537. ],
  169538. [
  169539. "fdic",
  169540. "michael covert",
  169541. "672025346",
  169542. "114676",
  169543. "fdic,michael covert,672025346,114676"
  169544. ],
  169545. [
  169546. "fdic",
  169547. "v.e. ballestros",
  169548. "672025346",
  169549. "114676",
  169550. "fdic,v.e. ballestros,672025346,114676"
  169551. ],
  169552. [
  169553. "fdic",
  169554. "american food service",
  169555. "672025346",
  169556. "114676",
  169557. "fdic,american food service,672025346,114676"
  169558. ],
  169559. [
  169560. "fdic",
  169561. "herbert levine",
  169562. "672025346",
  169563. "114676",
  169564. "fdic,herbert levine,672025346,114676"
  169565. ],
  169566. [
  169567. "fdic",
  169568. "albert lorenzo",
  169569. "672025346",
  169570. "114676",
  169571. "fdic,albert lorenzo,672025346,114676"
  169572. ],
  169573. [
  169574. "fdic",
  169575. "acosta & gonzalez",
  169576. "672025346",
  169577. "114676",
  169578. "fdic,acosta & gonzalez,672025346,114676"
  169579. ],
  169580. [
  169581. "fdic",
  169582. "none",
  169583. "489488160",
  169584. "114812",
  169585. "fdic,none,489488160,114812"
  169586. ],
  169587. [
  169588. "fdic",
  169589. "pam bay",
  169590. "652552833",
  169591. "114814",
  169592. "fdic,pam bay,652552833,114814"
  169593. ],
  169594. [
  169595. "fdic v. michael covert, m.d., p.a.",
  169596. "none",
  169597. "652545108",
  169598. "12130106",
  169599. "fdic v. michael covert, m.d., p.a.,none,652545108,12130106"
  169600. ],
  169601. [
  169602. "fdic v. eugenio & marie ballestteros",
  169603. "none",
  169604. "652545108",
  169605. "12130106",
  169606. "fdic v. eugenio & marie ballestteros,none,652545108,12130106"
  169607. ],
  169608. [
  169609. "fdic v. falcon",
  169610. "none",
  169611. "460596694",
  169612. "12397956",
  169613. "fdic v. falcon,none,460596694,12397956"
  169614. ],
  169615. [
  169616. "fdic commonwealth",
  169617. "falso & lowenthal",
  169618. "7607",
  169619. "7607",
  169620. "fdic commonwealth,falso & lowenthal,7607,7607"
  169621. ],
  169622. [
  169623. "fdic commonwealth",
  169624. "falso & lowenthal",
  169625. "7607",
  169626. "7607",
  169627. "fdic commonwealth,falso & lowenthal,7607,7607"
  169628. ],
  169629. [
  169630. "fdic commonwealth",
  169631. "vernon",
  169632. "7604",
  169633. "7604",
  169634. "fdic commonwealth,vernon,7604,7604"
  169635. ],
  169636. [
  169637. "fdic commonwealth",
  169638. "shrhldrs of palm springs",
  169639. "7604",
  169640. "7604",
  169641. "fdic commonwealth,shrhldrs of palm springs,7604,7604"
  169642. ],
  169643. [
  169644. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  169645. "shadowood",
  169646. "7606",
  169647. "7606",
  169648. "fdic-commonwealth fed,shadowood,7606,7606"
  169649. ],
  169650. [
  169651. "fdic commonwealth",
  169652. "goldman suchs agreement",
  169653. "7606",
  169654. "7606",
  169655. "fdic commonwealth,goldman suchs agreement,7606,7606"
  169656. ],
  169657. [
  169658. "fdic commonwealth",
  169659. "shadowwood hit or miss",
  169660. "7606",
  169661. "7606",
  169662. "fdic commonwealth,shadowwood hit or miss,7606,7606"
  169663. ],
  169664. [
  169665. "fdic commonwealth",
  169666. "keith & schners/release",
  169667. "7606",
  169668. "7606",
  169669. "fdic commonwealth,keith & schners/release,7606,7606"
  169670. ],
  169671. [
  169672. "fdic commonwealth",
  169673. "shadowwood 1st nat'l",
  169674. "7606",
  169675. "7606",
  169676. "fdic commonwealth,shadowwood 1st nat'l,7606,7606"
  169677. ],
  169678. [
  169679. "fdic commonwealth",
  169680. "comptroller/chapnick",
  169681. "7606",
  169682. "7606",
  169683. "fdic commonwealth,comptroller/chapnick,7606,7606"
  169684. ],
  169685. [
  169686. "fdic commonwealth",
  169687. "rider",
  169688. "7617",
  169689. "7617",
  169690. "fdic commonwealth,rider,7617,7617"
  169691. ],
  169692. [
  169693. "fdic commonwealth",
  169694. "casines & tobin",
  169695. "7617",
  169696. "7617",
  169697. "fdic commonwealth,casines & tobin,7617,7617"
  169698. ],
  169699. [
  169700. "fdic commonwealth",
  169701. "lucaya ii",
  169702. "7617",
  169703. "7617",
  169704. "fdic commonwealth,lucaya ii,7617,7617"
  169705. ],
  169706. [
  169707. "fdic commonwealth",
  169708. "lucaya iii",
  169709. "7617",
  169710. "7617",
  169711. "fdic commonwealth,lucaya iii,7617,7617"
  169712. ],
  169713. [
  169714. "fdic commonwealth",
  169715. "deuster and leola",
  169716. "7616",
  169717. "7616",
  169718. "fdic commonwealth,deuster and leola,7616,7616"
  169719. ],
  169720. [
  169721. "fdic commonwealth",
  169722. "turle run assoc., ltd.",
  169723. "7616",
  169724. "7616",
  169725. "fdic commonwealth,turle run assoc., ltd.,7616,7616"
  169726. ],
  169727. [
  169728. "fdic commonwealth",
  169729. "gonzales/molina/blanca",
  169730. "7616",
  169731. "7616",
  169732. "fdic commonwealth,gonzales/molina/blanca,7616,7616"
  169733. ],
  169734. [
  169735. "fdic commonwealth",
  169736. "wellington point",
  169737. "7616",
  169738. "7616",
  169739. "fdic commonwealth,wellington point,7616,7616"
  169740. ],
  169741. [
  169742. "fdic commonwealth",
  169743. "fletcher, kenneth/betty",
  169744. "7616",
  169745. "7616",
  169746. "fdic commonwealth,fletcher, kenneth/betty,7616,7616"
  169747. ],
  169748. [
  169749. "fdic commonwealth",
  169750. "mc neill, frances",
  169751. "7616",
  169752. "7616",
  169753. "fdic commonwealth,mc neill, frances,7616,7616"
  169754. ],
  169755. [
  169756. "fdic commonwealth",
  169757. "i.r. auto parts, inc.",
  169758. "7618",
  169759. "7618",
  169760. "fdic commonwealth,i.r. auto parts, inc.,7618,7618"
  169761. ],
  169762. [
  169763. "fdic commonwealth",
  169764. "traveller's financial",
  169765. "7618",
  169766. "7618",
  169767. "fdic commonwealth,traveller's financial,7618,7618"
  169768. ],
  169769. [
  169770. "fdic commonwealth",
  169771. "berkshire life insurance",
  169772. "7618",
  169773. "7618",
  169774. "fdic commonwealth,berkshire life insurance,7618,7618"
  169775. ],
  169776. [
  169777. "fdic commonwealth",
  169778. "gutzmore,d./cunningham p",
  169779. "7618",
  169780. "7618",
  169781. "fdic commonwealth,gutzmore,d./cunningham p,7618,7618"
  169782. ],
  169783. [
  169784. "fdic commonwealth",
  169785. "spring fever/loan",
  169786. "7618",
  169787. "7618",
  169788. "fdic commonwealth,spring fever/loan,7618,7618"
  169789. ],
  169790. [
  169791. "fdic commonwealth",
  169792. "adlock assoc., inc.",
  169793. "7618",
  169794. "7618",
  169795. "fdic commonwealth,adlock assoc., inc.,7618,7618"
  169796. ],
  169797. [
  169798. "fdic commonwealth",
  169799. "kendale woods condo",
  169800. "7618",
  169801. "7618",
  169802. "fdic commonwealth,kendale woods condo,7618,7618"
  169803. ],
  169804. [
  169805. "fdic commonwealth",
  169806. "adv re: ocala property",
  169807. "7618",
  169808. "7618",
  169809. "fdic commonwealth,adv re: ocala property,7618,7618"
  169810. ],
  169811. [
  169812. "fdic commonwealth",
  169813. "sundook galleries",
  169814. "7619",
  169815. "7619",
  169816. "fdic commonwealth,sundook galleries,7619,7619"
  169817. ],
  169818. [
  169819. "fdic commonwealth",
  169820. "cynthia's wallpapers",
  169821. "7619",
  169822. "7619",
  169823. "fdic commonwealth,cynthia's wallpapers,7619,7619"
  169824. ],
  169825. [
  169826. "fdic commonwealth",
  169827. "lacasse",
  169828. "7619",
  169829. "7619",
  169830. "fdic commonwealth,lacasse,7619,7619"
  169831. ],
  169832. [
  169833. "fdic commonwealth",
  169834. "avery development",
  169835. "7619",
  169836. "7619",
  169837. "fdic commonwealth,avery development,7619,7619"
  169838. ],
  169839. [
  169840. "fdic commonwealth",
  169841. "perdev",
  169842. "7619",
  169843. "7619",
  169844. "fdic commonwealth,perdev,7619,7619"
  169845. ],
  169846. [
  169847. "fdic commonwealth",
  169848. "rubin vs. bart",
  169849. "7627",
  169850. "7627",
  169851. "fdic commonwealth,rubin vs. bart,7627,7627"
  169852. ],
  169853. [
  169854. "fdic commonwealth",
  169855. "re bcf associates, ltd.",
  169856. "7627",
  169857. "7627",
  169858. "fdic commonwealth,re bcf associates, ltd.,7627,7627"
  169859. ],
  169860. [
  169861. "fdic commonwealth",
  169862. "re bcf associates",
  169863. "7627",
  169864. "7627",
  169865. "fdic commonwealth,re bcf associates,7627,7627"
  169866. ],
  169867. [
  169868. "fdic commonwealth",
  169869. "shadowwood",
  169870. "7626",
  169871. "7626",
  169872. "fdic commonwealth,shadowwood,7626,7626"
  169873. ],
  169874. [
  169875. "fdic commonwealth",
  169876. "zavell",
  169877. "7626",
  169878. "7626",
  169879. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7626,7626"
  169880. ],
  169881. [
  169882. "fdic commonwealth",
  169883. "agrmnt w/crown liquors",
  169884. "7753",
  169885. "7753",
  169886. "fdic commonwealth,agrmnt w/crown liquors,7753,7753"
  169887. ],
  169888. [
  169889. "fdic commonwealth",
  169890. "loehman's plaza",
  169891. "7775",
  169892. "7775",
  169893. "fdic commonwealth,loehman's plaza,7775,7775"
  169894. ],
  169895. [
  169896. "fdic commonwealth",
  169897. "guagliatta",
  169898. "7776",
  169899. "7776",
  169900. "fdic commonwealth,guagliatta,7776,7776"
  169901. ],
  169902. [
  169903. "fdic commonwealth",
  169904. "kolsky",
  169905. "7783",
  169906. "7783",
  169907. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7783,7783"
  169908. ],
  169909. [
  169910. "fdic commonwealth",
  169911. "gen",
  169912. "7792",
  169913. "7792",
  169914. "fdic commonwealth,gen,7792,7792"
  169915. ],
  169916. [
  169917. "fdic commonwealth",
  169918. "general",
  169919. "7791",
  169920. "7791",
  169921. "fdic commonwealth,general,7791,7791"
  169922. ],
  169923. [
  169924. "fdic commonwealth",
  169925. "elite builders",
  169926. "7795",
  169927. "7795",
  169928. "fdic commonwealth,elite builders,7795,7795"
  169929. ],
  169930. [
  169931. "fdic commonwealth",
  169932. "zavell",
  169933. "7803",
  169934. "7803",
  169935. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7803,7803"
  169936. ],
  169937. [
  169938. "fdic commonwealth",
  169939. "zavell",
  169940. "7808",
  169941. "7808",
  169942. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7808,7808"
  169943. ],
  169944. [
  169945. "fdic commonwealth",
  169946. "chapnick",
  169947. "7846",
  169948. "7846",
  169949. "fdic commonwealth,chapnick,7846,7846"
  169950. ],
  169951. [
  169952. "fdic commonwealth",
  169953. "w.p. properties",
  169954. "7880",
  169955. "7880",
  169956. "fdic commonwealth,w.p. properties,7880,7880"
  169957. ],
  169958. [
  169959. "fdic commonwealth",
  169960. "w.p. properties",
  169961. "7884",
  169962. "7884",
  169963. "fdic commonwealth,w.p. properties,7884,7884"
  169964. ],
  169965. [
  169966. "fdic/commonwealth",
  169967. "sale of arizona prop",
  169968. "7899",
  169969. "7899",
  169970. "fdic/commonwealth,sale of arizona prop,7899,7899"
  169971. ],
  169972. [
  169973. "fdic/commonwealth",
  169974. "thomas, p & m",
  169975. "7899",
  169976. "7899",
  169977. "fdic/commonwealth,thomas, p & m,7899,7899"
  169978. ],
  169979. [
  169980. "fdic/commonwealth",
  169981. "mcv dev corp",
  169982. "7899",
  169983. "7899",
  169984. "fdic/commonwealth,mcv dev corp,7899,7899"
  169985. ],
  169986. [
  169987. "fdic commonwealth",
  169988. "aubisque invest",
  169989. "7900",
  169990. "7900",
  169991. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque invest,7900,7900"
  169992. ],
  169993. [
  169994. "fdic commonwealth",
  169995. "sl/oasis at springtree",
  169996. "7900",
  169997. "7900",
  169998. "fdic commonwealth,sl/oasis at springtree,7900,7900"
  169999. ],
  170000. [
  170001. "fdic commonwealth",
  170002. "aubisque investments",
  170003. "7901",
  170004. "7901",
  170005. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque investments,7901,7901"
  170006. ],
  170007. [
  170008. "fdic commonwealth",
  170009. "sl/ariz prop",
  170010. "7901",
  170011. "7901",
  170012. "fdic commonwealth,sl/ariz prop,7901,7901"
  170013. ],
  170014. [
  170015. "fdic commonwealth",
  170016. "sale/tamarack gardens",
  170017. "7901",
  170018. "7901",
  170019. "fdic commonwealth,sale/tamarack gardens,7901,7901"
  170020. ],
  170021. [
  170022. "fdic commonwealth",
  170023. "martial arts trng ctr",
  170024. "7902",
  170025. "7902",
  170026. "fdic commonwealth,martial arts trng ctr,7902,7902"
  170027. ],
  170028. [
  170029. "fdic commonwealth",
  170030. "insurgentes investmnts",
  170031. "7902",
  170032. "7902",
  170033. "fdic commonwealth,insurgentes investmnts,7902,7902"
  170034. ],
  170035. [
  170036. "fdic commonwealth",
  170037. "wometco theater",
  170038. "7902",
  170039. "7902",
  170040. "fdic commonwealth,wometco theater,7902,7902"
  170041. ],
  170042. [
  170043. "fdic commonwealth",
  170044. "oasis at springtree",
  170045. "7902",
  170046. "7902",
  170047. "fdic commonwealth,oasis at springtree,7902,7902"
  170048. ],
  170049. [
  170050. "fdic commonwealth",
  170051. "yitmar corp",
  170052. "7903",
  170053. "7903",
  170054. "fdic commonwealth,yitmar corp,7903,7903"
  170055. ],
  170056. [
  170057. "fdic commonwealth",
  170058. "syntek invest. props",
  170059. "7903",
  170060. "7903",
  170061. "fdic commonwealth,syntek invest. props,7903,7903"
  170062. ],
  170063. [
  170064. "fdic commonwealth",
  170065. "republic national bank",
  170066. "7903",
  170067. "7903",
  170068. "fdic commonwealth,republic national bank,7903,7903"
  170069. ],
  170070. [
  170071. "fdic commonwealth",
  170072. "sl/ariz prop to batco",
  170073. "7904",
  170074. "7904",
  170075. "fdic commonwealth,sl/ariz prop to batco,7904,7904"
  170076. ],
  170077. [
  170078. "fdic commonwealth",
  170079. "saturday co n.v.",
  170080. "7904",
  170081. "7904",
  170082. "fdic commonwealth,saturday co n.v.,7904,7904"
  170083. ],
  170084. [
  170085. "fdic commonwealth",
  170086. "prep pro forma listing",
  170087. "7904",
  170088. "7904",
  170089. "fdic commonwealth,prep pro forma listing,7904,7904"
  170090. ],
  170091. [
  170092. "fdic commonwealth",
  170093. "gateway plaza",
  170094. "7904",
  170095. "7904",
  170096. "fdic commonwealth,gateway plaza,7904,7904"
  170097. ],
  170098. [
  170099. "fdic commonwealth",
  170100. "melbourne self storage",
  170101. "7904",
  170102. "7904",
  170103. "fdic commonwealth,melbourne self storage,7904,7904"
  170104. ],
  170105. [
  170106. "fdic commonwealth",
  170107. "pt.charlotte self-stor.",
  170108. "7904",
  170109. "7904",
  170110. "fdic commonwealth,pt.charlotte self-stor.,7904,7904"
  170111. ],
  170112. [
  170113. "fdic commonwealth fed.",
  170114. "lucaya ii",
  170115. "7941",
  170116. "7941",
  170117. "fdic commonwealth fed.,lucaya ii,7941,7941"
  170118. ],
  170119. [
  170120. "fdic commonwealth fed.",
  170121. "lucaya ii title",
  170122. "7941",
  170123. "7941",
  170124. "fdic commonwealth fed.,lucaya ii title,7941,7941"
  170125. ],
  170126. [
  170127. "fdic commonwealth",
  170128. "zavell",
  170129. "7941",
  170130. "7941",
  170131. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7941,7941"
  170132. ],
  170133. [
  170134. "fdic commonwealth",
  170135. "insurrgentes invest., ny",
  170136. "7944",
  170137. "7944",
  170138. "fdic commonwealth,insurrgentes invest., ny,7944,7944"
  170139. ],
  170140. [
  170141. "fdic commonwealth",
  170142. "yetmar corp., s.a.",
  170143. "7944",
  170144. "7944",
  170145. "fdic commonwealth,yetmar corp., s.a.,7944,7944"
  170146. ],
  170147. [
  170148. "fdic commonwealth",
  170149. "syler",
  170150. "7948",
  170151. "7948",
  170152. "fdic commonwealth,syler,7948,7948"
  170153. ],
  170154. [
  170155. "fdic commonwealth",
  170156. "ext. loan craft dev.",
  170157. "7958",
  170158. "7958",
  170159. "fdic commonwealth,ext. loan craft dev.,7958,7958"
  170160. ],
  170161. [
  170162. "fdic commonwealth",
  170163. "lease/paint&clean",
  170164. "7959",
  170165. "7959",
  170166. "fdic commonwealth,lease/paint&clean,7959,7959"
  170167. ],
  170168. [
  170169. "fdic commonwealth",
  170170. "lease/martial arts ctr.",
  170171. "7959",
  170172. "7959",
  170173. "fdic commonwealth,lease/martial arts ctr.,7959,7959"
  170174. ],
  170175. [
  170176. "fdic commonwealth",
  170177. "sale/meany",
  170178. "7959",
  170179. "7959",
  170180. "fdic commonwealth,sale/meany,7959,7959"
  170181. ],
  170182. [
  170183. "fdic commonwealth",
  170184. "cl./arnold,tc&cj",
  170185. "7969",
  170186. "7969",
  170187. "fdic commonwealth,cl./arnold,tc&cj,7969,7969"
  170188. ],
  170189. [
  170190. "fdic commonwealth",
  170191. "kolsky",
  170192. "7969",
  170193. "7969",
  170194. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7969,7969"
  170195. ],
  170196. [
  170197. "fdic commonwealth",
  170198. "redevco",
  170199. "7969",
  170200. "7969",
  170201. "fdic commonwealth,redevco,7969,7969"
  170202. ],
  170203. [
  170204. "fdic commonwealth",
  170205. "atlantic cty. condo. res",
  170206. "7969",
  170207. "7969",
  170208. "fdic commonwealth,atlantic cty. condo. res,7969,7969"
  170209. ],
  170210. [
  170211. "fdic commonwealth",
  170212. "comcap,inc./eminent dmn.",
  170213. "7974",
  170214. "7974",
  170215. "fdic commonwealth,comcap,inc./eminent dmn.,7974,7974"
  170216. ],
  170217. [
  170218. "fdic commonwealth",
  170219. "206 biscayne,ltd.",
  170220. "7974",
  170221. "7974",
  170222. "fdic commonwealth,206 biscayne,ltd.,7974,7974"
  170223. ],
  170224. [
  170225. "fdic commonwealth",
  170226. "loehman's plaza",
  170227. "7976",
  170228. "7976",
  170229. "fdic commonwealth,loehman's plaza,7976,7976"
  170230. ],
  170231. [
  170232. "fdic commonwealth",
  170233. "loehman's plaza",
  170234. "7977",
  170235. "7977",
  170236. "fdic commonwealth,loehman's plaza,7977,7977"
  170237. ],
  170238. [
  170239. "fdic commonwealth",
  170240. " dev.*",
  170241. "7978",
  170242. "7978",
  170243. "fdic commonwealth, dev.*,7978,7978"
  170244. ],
  170245. [
  170246. "fdic commonwealth",
  170247. " dev.",
  170248. "7980",
  170249. "7980",
  170250. "fdic commonwealth, dev.,7980,7980"
  170251. ],
  170252. [
  170253. "fdic commonwealth",
  170254. "gleason, p. title file",
  170255. "7980",
  170256. "7980",
  170257. "fdic commonwealth,gleason, p. title file,7980,7980"
  170258. ],
  170259. [
  170260. "fdic commonwealth",
  170261. "bcf assoc. title file",
  170262. "7980",
  170263. "7980",
  170264. "fdic commonwealth,bcf assoc. title file,7980,7980"
  170265. ],
  170266. [
  170267. "fdic commonwealth",
  170268. "redevco assoc.",
  170269. "7445",
  170270. "7445",
  170271. "fdic commonwealth,redevco assoc.,7445,7445"
  170272. ],
  170273. [
  170274. "fdic commonwealth",
  170275. "trail plaza",
  170276. "7445",
  170277. "7445",
  170278. "fdic commonwealth,trail plaza,7445,7445"
  170279. ],
  170280. [
  170281. "fdic commonwealth",
  170282. "subsidiaries",
  170283. "7981",
  170284. "7981",
  170285. "fdic commonwealth,subsidiaries,7981,7981"
  170286. ],
  170287. [
  170288. "fdic commonwealth",
  170289. "zavell",
  170290. "7617",
  170291. "7617",
  170292. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7617,7617"
  170293. ],
  170294. [
  170295. "fdic commonwealth",
  170296. "aubisque ii title",
  170297. "7999",
  170298. "7999",
  170299. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque ii title,7999,7999"
  170300. ],
  170301. [
  170302. "fdic commonwealth",
  170303. "allstate prop.-title",
  170304. "7999",
  170305. "7999",
  170306. "fdic commonwealth,allstate prop.-title,7999,7999"
  170307. ],
  170308. [
  170309. "fdic commonwealth",
  170310. "aubisque title",
  170311. "7999",
  170312. "7999",
  170313. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque title,7999,7999"
  170314. ],
  170315. [
  170316. "fdic commonwealth",
  170317. "redevco",
  170318. "7800",
  170319. "7800",
  170320. "fdic commonwealth,redevco,7800,7800"
  170321. ],
  170322. [
  170323. "fdic commonwealth",
  170324. "southeast",
  170325. "8022",
  170326. "8022",
  170327. "fdic commonwealth,southeast,8022,8022"
  170328. ],
  170329. [
  170330. "fdic commonwealth",
  170331. "southeast",
  170332. "8023",
  170333. "8023",
  170334. "fdic commonwealth,southeast,8023,8023"
  170335. ],
  170336. [
  170337. "fdic commonwealth",
  170338. "adv\\election of remedies",
  170339. "8028",
  170340. "8028",
  170341. "fdic commonwealth,adv\\election of remedies,8028,8028"
  170342. ],
  170343. [
  170344. "fdic commonwealth",
  170345. "analysis: consultant\\*",
  170346. "8028",
  170347. "8028",
  170348. "fdic commonwealth,analysis: consultant\\*,8028,8028"
  170349. ],
  170350. [
  170351. "fdic commonwealth",
  170352. "buday, j. & f.",
  170353. "8028",
  170354. "8028",
  170355. "fdic commonwealth,buday, j. & f.,8028,8028"
  170356. ],
  170357. [
  170358. "fdic commonwealth",
  170359. "adv\\community reinvest.",
  170360. "8028",
  170361. "8028",
  170362. "fdic commonwealth,adv\\community reinvest.,8028,8028"
  170363. ],
  170364. [
  170365. "fdic commonwealth",
  170366. "portnov,s.*",
  170367. "8028",
  170368. "8028",
  170369. "fdic commonwealth,portnov,s.*,8028,8028"
  170370. ],
  170371. [
  170372. "fdic commonwealth",
  170373. "transfer prop. to trust",
  170374. "8028",
  170375. "8028",
  170376. "fdic commonwealth,transfer prop. to trust,8028,8028"
  170377. ],
  170378. [
  170379. "fdic commonwealth",
  170380. "phillips,friedman,sipi,*",
  170381. "8028",
  170382. "8028",
  170383. "fdic commonwealth,phillips,friedman,sipi,*,8028,8028"
  170384. ],
  170385. [
  170386. "fdic commonwealth",
  170387. "hospitality mgmt.",
  170388. "8029",
  170389. "8029",
  170390. "fdic commonwealth,hospitality mgmt.,8029,8029"
  170391. ],
  170392. [
  170393. "fdic commonwealth",
  170394. "impact graphics",
  170395. "8029",
  170396. "8029",
  170397. "fdic commonwealth,impact graphics,8029,8029"
  170398. ],
  170399. [
  170400. "fdic commonwealth",
  170401. "kolsky subfile",
  170402. "8029",
  170403. "8029",
  170404. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky subfile,8029,8029"
  170405. ],
  170406. [
  170407. "fdic commonwealth",
  170408. "hampton town homes",
  170409. "8030",
  170410. "8030",
  170411. "fdic commonwealth,hampton town homes,8030,8030"
  170412. ],
  170413. [
  170414. "fdic commonwealth",
  170415. "kahn,k. & e.",
  170416. "8031",
  170417. "8031",
  170418. "fdic commonwealth,kahn,k. & e.,8031,8031"
  170419. ],
  170420. [
  170421. "fdic commonwealth",
  170422. "adv\\lauderhill code enf.",
  170423. "8031",
  170424. "8031",
  170425. "fdic commonwealth,adv\\lauderhill code enf.,8031,8031"
  170426. ],
  170427. [
  170428. "fdic commonwealth",
  170429. "adv. re: shareholders",
  170430. "8051",
  170431. "8051",
  170432. "fdic commonwealth,adv. re: shareholders,8051,8051"
  170433. ],
  170434. [
  170435. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170436. "adv/corp. status subsid.",
  170437. "8114",
  170438. "8114",
  170439. "fdic/commonwealth,adv/corp. status subsid.,8114,8114"
  170440. ],
  170441. [
  170442. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170443. "adv/car repo's",
  170444. "8114",
  170445. "8114",
  170446. "fdic/commonwealth,adv/car repo's,8114,8114"
  170447. ],
  170448. [
  170449. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170450. "research",
  170451. "8114",
  170452. "8114",
  170453. "fdic/commonwealth,research,8114,8114"
  170454. ],
  170455. [
  170456. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170457. "gateway title",
  170458. "8118",
  170459. "8118",
  170460. "fdic/commonwealth,gateway title,8118,8118"
  170461. ],
  170462. [
  170463. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170464. "cespedes, b.&e.",
  170465. "8114",
  170466. "8114",
  170467. "fdic/commonwealth,cespedes, b.&e.,8114,8114"
  170468. ],
  170469. [
  170470. "fdic commonwealth",
  170471. "cespedes,b.&e.",
  170472. "7958",
  170473. "7958",
  170474. "fdic commonwealth,cespedes,b.&e.,7958,7958"
  170475. ],
  170476. [
  170477. "fdic commonwealth",
  170478. "sanpacal corp.*",
  170479. "8193",
  170480. "8193",
  170481. "fdic commonwealth,sanpacal corp.*,8193,8193"
  170482. ],
  170483. [
  170484. "fdic commonwealth",
  170485. "da-rae pet supply*",
  170486. "8193",
  170487. "8193",
  170488. "fdic commonwealth,da-rae pet supply*,8193,8193"
  170489. ],
  170490. [
  170491. "fdic commonwealth",
  170492. "harold pledger*",
  170493. "8193",
  170494. "8193",
  170495. "fdic commonwealth,harold pledger*,8193,8193"
  170496. ],
  170497. [
  170498. "fdic commonwealth",
  170499. "richard zamudio*",
  170500. "8193",
  170501. "8193",
  170502. "fdic commonwealth,richard zamudio*,8193,8193"
  170503. ],
  170504. [
  170505. "fdic commonwealth",
  170506. "gary adams",
  170507. "8193",
  170508. "8193",
  170509. "fdic commonwealth,gary adams,8193,8193"
  170510. ],
  170511. [
  170512. "fdic commonwealth",
  170513. "sat. co deed",
  170514. "7903",
  170515. "7903",
  170516. "fdic commonwealth,sat. co deed,7903,7903"
  170517. ],
  170518. [
  170519. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170520. "labor/employment issues",
  170521. "8267",
  170522. "8267",
  170523. "fdic/commonwealth,labor/employment issues,8267,8267"
  170524. ],
  170525. [
  170526. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170527. "granite street note",
  170528. "8267",
  170529. "8267",
  170530. "fdic/commonwealth,granite street note,8267,8267"
  170531. ],
  170532. [
  170533. "fdic/commonwealth fed.",
  170534. "lucaya ii to fernandez",
  170535. "8280",
  170536. "8280",
  170537. "fdic/commonwealth fed.,lucaya ii to fernandez,8280,8280"
  170538. ],
  170539. [
  170540. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170541. "tanglewood lakes s.",
  170542. "8120",
  170543. "8120",
  170544. "fdic/commonwealth,tanglewood lakes s.,8120,8120"
  170545. ],
  170546. [
  170547. "fdic/commonwealth fed.",
  170548. "commcare, inc.*",
  170549. "8338",
  170550. "8338",
  170551. "fdic/commonwealth fed.,commcare, inc.*,8338,8338"
  170552. ],
  170553. [
  170554. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  170555. "assign. to colonial bnk",
  170556. "8380",
  170557. "8380",
  170558. "fdic-commonwealth fed,assign. to colonial bnk,8380,8380"
  170559. ],
  170560. [
  170561. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  170562. "sale of lucaya ii",
  170563. "8380",
  170564. "8380",
  170565. "fdic-commonwealth fed,sale of lucaya ii,8380,8380"
  170566. ],
  170567. [
  170568. "fdic/commonwealth fed",
  170569. "sonya gale",
  170570. "8426",
  170571. "8426",
  170572. "fdic/commonwealth fed,sonya gale,8426,8426"
  170573. ],
  170574. [
  170575. "fdic commonwealth",
  170576. "biscayne title search",
  170577. "8433",
  170578. "8433",
  170579. "fdic commonwealth,biscayne title search,8433,8433"
  170580. ],
  170581. [
  170582. "fdic commonwealth",
  170583. "enco properties- title",
  170584. "8433",
  170585. "8433",
  170586. "fdic commonwealth,enco properties- title,8433,8433"
  170587. ],
  170588. [
  170589. "fdic commonwealth",
  170590. "general file",
  170591. "8561",
  170592. "8561",
  170593. "fdic commonwealth,general file,8561,8561"
  170594. ],
  170595. [
  170596. "fdic commonwealth",
  170597. "doc. stamps",
  170598. "8592",
  170599. "8592",
  170600. "fdic commonwealth,doc. stamps,8592,8592"
  170601. ],
  170602. [
  170603. "fdic commonwealth",
  170604. "doc stamps",
  170605. "8592",
  170606. "8592",
  170607. "fdic commonwealth,doc stamps,8592,8592"
  170608. ],
  170609. [
  170610. "fdic commonwealth",
  170611. "pembroke pines prof.cent",
  170612. "8592",
  170613. "8592",
  170614. "fdic commonwealth,pembroke pines prof.cent,8592,8592"
  170615. ],
  170616. [
  170617. "fdic commonwealth",
  170618. "general",
  170619. "8592",
  170620. "8592",
  170621. "fdic commonwealth,general,8592,8592"
  170622. ],
  170623. [
  170624. "fdic commonwealth",
  170625. "sale tract b, palmetto",
  170626. "8592",
  170627. "8592",
  170628. "fdic commonwealth,sale tract b, palmetto,8592,8592"
  170629. ],
  170630. [
  170631. "fdic commonwealth",
  170632. "south winds/kennes title",
  170633. "8592",
  170634. "8592",
  170635. "fdic commonwealth,south winds/kennes title,8592,8592"
  170636. ],
  170637. [
  170638. "fdic commonwealth",
  170639. "review of comrcl leases",
  170640. "8592",
  170641. "8592",
  170642. "fdic commonwealth,review of comrcl leases,8592,8592"
  170643. ],
  170644. [
  170645. "fdic commonwealth",
  170646. "forum plaza assoc. title",
  170647. "8592",
  170648. "8592",
  170649. "fdic commonwealth,forum plaza assoc. title,8592,8592"
  170650. ],
  170651. [
  170652. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170653. "falso/loventhal title",
  170654. "8627",
  170655. "8627",
  170656. "fdic/commonwealth,falso/loventhal title,8627,8627"
  170657. ],
  170658. [
  170659. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170660. "slae of lot ii/newport b",
  170661. "8627",
  170662. "8627",
  170663. "fdic/commonwealth,slae of lot ii/newport b,8627,8627"
  170664. ],
  170665. [
  170666. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170667. "sale of copper lake-arie",
  170668. "8635",
  170669. "8635",
  170670. "fdic/commonwealth,sale of copper lake-arie,8635,8635"
  170671. ],
  170672. [
  170673. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  170674. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  170675. "7445",
  170676. "7445",
  170677. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7445,7445"
  170678. ],
  170679. [
  170680. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  170681. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  170682. "7446",
  170683. "7446",
  170684. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7446,7446"
  170685. ],
  170686. [
  170687. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  170688. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  170689. "7447",
  170690. "7447",
  170691. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7447,7447"
  170692. ],
  170693. [
  170694. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  170695. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  170696. "7448",
  170697. "7448",
  170698. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7448,7448"
  170699. ],
  170700. [
  170701. "fdic commonwealth",
  170702. "kolsky plaza south",
  170703. "7764",
  170704. "7764",
  170705. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky plaza south,7764,7764"
  170706. ],
  170707. [
  170708. "fdic commonwealth",
  170709. "kolsky trail plaza",
  170710. "7765",
  170711. "7765",
  170712. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky trail plaza,7765,7765"
  170713. ],
  170714. [
  170715. "fdic commonwealth",
  170716. "kolsky plaza south",
  170717. "7774",
  170718. "7774",
  170719. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky plaza south,7774,7774"
  170720. ],
  170721. [
  170722. "fdic commonwealth",
  170723. "kolsky",
  170724. "7800",
  170725. "7800",
  170726. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7800,7800"
  170727. ],
  170728. [
  170729. "fdic commonwealth",
  170730. "kolsky",
  170731. "7785",
  170732. "7785",
  170733. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7785,7785"
  170734. ],
  170735. [
  170736. "fdic commonwealth",
  170737. "title",
  170738. "8592",
  170739. "8592",
  170740. "fdic commonwealth,title,8592,8592"
  170741. ],
  170742. [
  170743. "rtc/commonwealth",
  170744. "boca land/copper lake/",
  170745. "8750",
  170746. "8750",
  170747. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8750,8750"
  170748. ],
  170749. [
  170750. "rtc/commonwealth",
  170751. "boca land/copper lake",
  170752. "8751",
  170753. "8751",
  170754. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake,8751,8751"
  170755. ],
  170756. [
  170757. "rtc/commonwealth",
  170758. "boca land/copper lake/",
  170759. "8752",
  170760. "8752",
  170761. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8752,8752"
  170762. ],
  170763. [
  170764. "rtc/commonwealth",
  170765. "boca land/copper lake/",
  170766. "8753",
  170767. "8753",
  170768. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8753,8753"
  170769. ],
  170770. [
  170771. "rtc/commonwealth",
  170772. "environmental advise",
  170773. "8755",
  170774. "8755",
  170775. "rtc/commonwealth,environmental advise,8755,8755"
  170776. ],
  170777. [
  170778. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  170779. "shoreline group",
  170780. "8756",
  170781. "8756",
  170782. "rtc/commonwealth federal,shoreline group,8756,8756"
  170783. ],
  170784. [
  170785. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  170786. "shoreline group",
  170787. "8757",
  170788. "8757",
  170789. "rtc/commonwealth federal,shoreline group,8757,8757"
  170790. ],
  170791. [
  170792. "rtc commonwealth federal",
  170793. "shoreline (appeal)",
  170794. "8777",
  170795. "8777",
  170796. "rtc commonwealth federal,shoreline (appeal),8777,8777"
  170797. ],
  170798. [
  170799. "rtc commonwealth federal",
  170800. "shoreline",
  170801. "8779",
  170802. "8779",
  170803. "rtc commonwealth federal,shoreline,8779,8779"
  170804. ],
  170805. [
  170806. "fdic-commonwealth",
  170807. "kolsky",
  170808. "8869",
  170809. "8869",
  170810. "fdic-commonwealth,kolsky,8869,8869"
  170811. ],
  170812. [
  170813. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170814. "harmony lake- title",
  170815. "8901",
  170816. "8901",
  170817. "fdic/commonwealth,harmony lake- title,8901,8901"
  170818. ],
  170819. [
  170820. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170821. "recording documents",
  170822. "8900",
  170823. "8900",
  170824. "fdic/commonwealth,recording documents,8900,8900"
  170825. ],
  170826. [
  170827. "fdic/commonwealth",
  170828. "james a. robinson,truste",
  170829. "8910",
  170830. "8910",
  170831. "fdic/commonwealth,james a. robinson,truste,8910,8910"
  170832. ],
  170833. [
  170834. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  170835. "fri. co. nv-extension",
  170836. "8380",
  170837. "8380",
  170838. "fdic-commonwealth fed,fri. co. nv-extension,8380,8380"
  170839. ],
  170840. [
  170841. "fdic commonwealth",
  170842. "sale/newport bay club",
  170843. "9089",
  170844. "9089",
  170845. "fdic commonwealth,sale/newport bay club,9089,9089"
  170846. ],
  170847. [
  170848. "fdic commonwealth",
  170849. "sale/newport bay club es",
  170850. "9064",
  170851. "9064",
  170852. "fdic commonwealth,sale/newport bay club es,9064,9064"
  170853. ],
  170854. [
  170855. "commonwealth rtc",
  170856. "synteck",
  170857. "9192",
  170858. "9192",
  170859. "commonwealth rtc,synteck,9192,9192"
  170860. ],
  170861. [
  170862. "fdic",
  170863. "food experience, inc.",
  170864. "9219",
  170865. "9219",
  170866. "fdic,food experience, inc.,9219,9219"
  170867. ],
  170868. [
  170869. "commonwealth(rtc)",
  170870. "synteck",
  170871. "9192",
  170872. "9192",
  170873. "commonwealth(rtc),synteck,9192,9192"
  170874. ],
  170875. [
  170876. "fdic",
  170877. "food experience, inc",
  170878. "9219",
  170879. "9219",
  170880. "fdic,food experience, inc,9219,9219"
  170881. ],
  170882. [
  170883. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170884. "brothers of brooklyn",
  170885. "9227",
  170886. "9227",
  170887. "commonwealth (rtc),brothers of brooklyn,9227,9227"
  170888. ],
  170889. [
  170890. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170891. "syntech",
  170892. "9239",
  170893. "9239",
  170894. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9239,9239"
  170895. ],
  170896. [
  170897. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170898. "syntech",
  170899. "9242",
  170900. "9242",
  170901. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9242,9242"
  170902. ],
  170903. [
  170904. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170905. "syntech",
  170906. "9243",
  170907. "9243",
  170908. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9243,9243"
  170909. ],
  170910. [
  170911. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170912. "syntech",
  170913. "9244",
  170914. "9244",
  170915. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9244,9244"
  170916. ],
  170917. [
  170918. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170919. "syntech",
  170920. "9245",
  170921. "9245",
  170922. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9245,9245"
  170923. ],
  170924. [
  170925. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170926. "syntech",
  170927. "9246",
  170928. "9246",
  170929. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9246,9246"
  170930. ],
  170931. [
  170932. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170933. "syntech",
  170934. "9247",
  170935. "9247",
  170936. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9247,9247"
  170937. ],
  170938. [
  170939. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170940. "syntech",
  170941. "9248",
  170942. "9248",
  170943. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9248,9248"
  170944. ],
  170945. [
  170946. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170947. "syntech",
  170948. "9249",
  170949. "9249",
  170950. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9249,9249"
  170951. ],
  170952. [
  170953. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170954. "syntech",
  170955. "9250",
  170956. "9250",
  170957. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9250,9250"
  170958. ],
  170959. [
  170960. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170961. "syntech",
  170962. "9251",
  170963. "9251",
  170964. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9251,9251"
  170965. ],
  170966. [
  170967. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170968. "syntech",
  170969. "9252",
  170970. "9252",
  170971. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9252,9252"
  170972. ],
  170973. [
  170974. "fdic",
  170975. "beacon",
  170976. "9273",
  170977. "9273",
  170978. "fdic,beacon,9273,9273"
  170979. ],
  170980. [
  170981. "commonwelath (rtc)",
  170982. "harmony lakes",
  170983. "9206",
  170984. "9206",
  170985. "commonwelath (rtc),harmony lakes,9206,9206"
  170986. ],
  170987. [
  170988. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170989. "harmony lakes",
  170990. "9207",
  170991. "9207",
  170992. "commonwealth (rtc),harmony lakes,9207,9207"
  170993. ],
  170994. [
  170995. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  170996. "harmony lakes-surveys",
  170997. "9610",
  170998. "9610",
  170999. "commonwealth (rtc),harmony lakes-surveys,9610,9610"
  171000. ],
  171001. [
  171002. "fdic",
  171003. "commonwealth properties",
  171004. "7605",
  171005. "7605",
  171006. "fdic,commonwealth properties,7605,7605"
  171007. ],
  171008. [
  171009. "fdic",
  171010. "commonwealth properties",
  171011. "7605",
  171012. "7605",
  171013. "fdic,commonwealth properties,7605,7605"
  171014. ],
  171015. [
  171016. "fdic commonwealth",
  171017. "adv. associated property",
  171018. "8592",
  171019. "8592",
  171020. "fdic commonwealth,adv. associated property,8592,8592"
  171021. ],
  171022. [
  171023. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  171024. "associated properties",
  171025. "8771",
  171026. "8771",
  171027. "rtc/commonwealth federal,associated properties,8771,8771"
  171028. ],
  171029. [
  171030. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  171031. "associated properties",
  171032. "8772",
  171033. "8772",
  171034. "rtc/commonwealth federal,associated properties,8772,8772"
  171035. ],
  171036. [
  171037. "rtc/commonwealth",
  171038. "boca land/copper lake/",
  171039. "8749",
  171040. "8749",
  171041. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8749,8749"
  171042. ],
  171043. [
  171044. "fdic commonwealth",
  171045. "copper lake dev corp",
  171046. "7607",
  171047. "7607",
  171048. "fdic commonwealth,copper lake dev corp,7607,7607"
  171049. ],
  171050. [
  171051. "fdic/commonwealth",
  171052. "copper lake sale- title",
  171053. "8635",
  171054. "8635",
  171055. "fdic/commonwealth,copper lake sale- title,8635,8635"
  171056. ],
  171057. [
  171058. "rtc-commonwealth",
  171059. "adv. copper lake-foreclo",
  171060. "9119",
  171061. "9119",
  171062. "rtc-commonwealth,adv. copper lake-foreclo,9119,9119"
  171063. ],
  171064. [
  171065. "fdic commonwealth",
  171066. "pembroke charter corp.*",
  171067. "7978",
  171068. "7978",
  171069. "fdic commonwealth,pembroke charter corp.*,7978,7978"
  171070. ],
  171071. [
  171072. "fdic/commonwealth",
  171073. "pembroke develop. corp.",
  171074. "8906",
  171075. "8906",
  171076. "fdic/commonwealth,pembroke develop. corp.,8906,8906"
  171077. ],
  171078. [
  171079. "fdic",
  171080. "knox mini storage",
  171081. "9812",
  171082. "9812",
  171083. "fdic,knox mini storage,9812,9812"
  171084. ],
  171085. [
  171086. "fdic commonwealth",
  171087. "turtle run",
  171088. "8020",
  171089. "8020",
  171090. "fdic commonwealth,turtle run,8020,8020"
  171091. ],
  171092. [
  171093. "fdic commonwealth",
  171094. "turtle run",
  171095. "8021",
  171096. "8021",
  171097. "fdic commonwealth,turtle run,8021,8021"
  171098. ],
  171099. [
  171100. "fdic commonwealth",
  171101. "turtle run (title)",
  171102. "8174",
  171103. "8174",
  171104. "fdic commonwealth,turtle run (title),8174,8174"
  171105. ],
  171106. [
  171107. "fdic",
  171108. "kilburn-young/sale lot 9",
  171109. "9064",
  171110. "9064",
  171111. "fdic,kilburn-young/sale lot 9,9064,9064"
  171112. ],
  171113. [
  171114. "fdic commonwealth",
  171115. "kilburn-young/sale lot 9",
  171116. "9064",
  171117. "9064",
  171118. "fdic commonwealth,kilburn-young/sale lot 9,9064,9064"
  171119. ],
  171120. [
  171121. "fdic -commonwealth",
  171122. "champions square ltd.",
  171123. "9865",
  171124. "9865",
  171125. "fdic -commonwealth,champions square ltd.,9865,9865"
  171126. ],
  171127. [
  171128. "fdic-commonwealth",
  171129. "champions square i",
  171130. "9865",
  171131. "9865",
  171132. "fdic-commonwealth,champions square i,9865,9865"
  171133. ],
  171134. [
  171135. "fdic,commonwealth,feds&l",
  171136. "seymour& harriet frank",
  171137. "10216",
  171138. "10216",
  171139. "fdic,commonwealth,feds&l,seymour& harriet frank,10216,10216"
  171140. ],
  171141. [
  171142. "rtc/commonwealth",
  171143. "boca heights",
  171144. "10216",
  171145. "10216",
  171146. "rtc/commonwealth,boca heights,10216,10216"
  171147. ],
  171148. [
  171149. "rtc/boca glades",
  171150. "defensive",
  171151. "10216",
  171152. "10216",
  171153. "rtc/boca glades,defensive,10216,10216"
  171154. ],
  171155. [
  171156. "rtc/boca glades",
  171157. "foreclosure",
  171158. "10216",
  171159. "10216",
  171160. "rtc/boca glades,foreclosure,10216,10216"
  171161. ],
  171162. [
  171163. "rtc- commonwealth",
  171164. "boca heights, inc. etc.",
  171165. "9118",
  171166. "9118",
  171167. "rtc- commonwealth,boca heights, inc. etc.,9118,9118"
  171168. ],
  171169. [
  171170. "rtc/commonwealth",
  171171. "realtech",
  171172. "8788",
  171173. "8788",
  171174. "rtc/commonwealth,realtech,8788,8788"
  171175. ],
  171176. [
  171177. "fdic/commonwealth",
  171178. "realtech inc. of broward",
  171179. "8906",
  171180. "8906",
  171181. "fdic/commonwealth,realtech inc. of broward,8906,8906"
  171182. ],
  171183. [
  171184. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171185. "forum plaza-title file",
  171186. "10343",
  171187. "10343",
  171188. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,forum plaza-title file,10343,10343"
  171189. ],
  171190. [
  171191. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171192. "forum plaza-title file",
  171193. "10343",
  171194. "10343",
  171195. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,forum plaza-title file,10343,10343"
  171196. ],
  171197. [
  171198. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171199. "jalar properties-title",
  171200. "10343",
  171201. "10343",
  171202. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,jalar properties-title,10343,10343"
  171203. ],
  171204. [
  171205. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171206. "l&m studio-title file",
  171207. "10343",
  171208. "10343",
  171209. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,l&m studio-title file,10343,10343"
  171210. ],
  171211. [
  171212. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171213. "pinewood-title file",
  171214. "10343",
  171215. "10343",
  171216. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,pinewood-title file,10343,10343"
  171217. ],
  171218. [
  171219. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171220. "kissimmee/osceola-title",
  171221. "10345",
  171222. "10345",
  171223. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,kissimmee/osceola-title,10345,10345"
  171224. ],
  171225. [
  171226. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171227. "pointe holding-title",
  171228. "10346",
  171229. "10346",
  171230. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,pointe holding-title,10346,10346"
  171231. ],
  171232. [
  171233. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171234. "seminole assoc/title fil",
  171235. "10346",
  171236. "10346",
  171237. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,seminole assoc/title fil,10346,10346"
  171238. ],
  171239. [
  171240. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171241. "southmark/santa ana-titl",
  171242. "10346",
  171243. "10346",
  171244. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,southmark/santa ana-titl,10346,10346"
  171245. ],
  171246. [
  171247. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  171248. "southmark/hawaii title",
  171249. "10346",
  171250. "10346",
  171251. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,southmark/hawaii title,10346,10346"
  171252. ],
  171253. [
  171254. "fdic/commonwealh s&l",
  171255. "ests of tanglewood",
  171256. "10346",
  171257. "10346",
  171258. "fdic/commonwealh s&l,ests of tanglewood,10346,10346"
  171259. ],
  171260. [
  171261. "fdic commonwealth",
  171262. "copper lake",
  171263. "d715",
  171264. "d715",
  171265. "fdic commonwealth,copper lake,d715,d715"
  171266. ],
  171267. [
  171268. "rtc",
  171269. "commonwealth vs. suburban",
  171270. "489534487",
  171271. "49865",
  171272. "rtc,commonwealth vs. suburban,489534487,49865"
  171273. ],
  171274. [
  171275. "rtc",
  171276. "none",
  171277. "652551451",
  171278. "118994",
  171279. "rtc,none,652551451,118994"
  171280. ],
  171281. [
  171282. "rtc (commonwealth) vs. pembroke charter",
  171283. "none",
  171284. "89251260",
  171285. "85648",
  171286. "rtc (commonwealth) vs. pembroke charter,none,89251260,85648"
  171287. ],
  171288. [
  171289. "fdic ladner & co",
  171290. "nan",
  171291. "dsj005064",
  171292. "30-109",
  171293. "fdic ladner & co,nan,dsj005064,30-109"
  171294. ],
  171295. [
  171296. "fdic",
  171297. "mtg servicing corp",
  171298. "tcf0007285",
  171299. "aq1197",
  171300. "fdic,mtg servicing corp,tcf0007285,aq1197"
  171301. ],
  171302. [
  171303. "fdic-des plaines bank",
  171304. "anthony g. angelos",
  171305. "8323",
  171306. "8323",
  171307. "fdic-des plaines bank,anthony g. angelos,8323,8323"
  171308. ],
  171309. [
  171310. "fdic (sparta sanders )",
  171311. "jerone palumbo, & levy",
  171312. "8314",
  171313. "8314",
  171314. "fdic (sparta sanders ),jerone palumbo, & levy,8314,8314"
  171315. ],
  171316. [
  171317. "fdic commonwealth",
  171318. "boca heights",
  171319. "8433",
  171320. "8433",
  171321. "fdic commonwealth,boca heights,8433,8433"
  171322. ],
  171323. [
  171324. "fdic/w. palm bch",
  171325. "outstanding taxes",
  171326. "tcf0008574",
  171327. "aw8060",
  171328. "fdic/w. palm bch,outstanding taxes,tcf0008574,aw8060"
  171329. ],
  171330. [
  171331. "fdic",
  171332. "shadow",
  171333. "tcf0010806",
  171334. "bj8473",
  171335. "fdic,shadow,tcf0010806,bj8473"
  171336. ],
  171337. [
  171338. "fdic first american bnk",
  171339. "robert d. kramer",
  171340. "10210",
  171341. "10210",
  171342. "fdic first american bnk,robert d. kramer,10210,10210"
  171343. ],
  171344. [
  171345. "first american bank & trust",
  171346. "none",
  171347. "489535568",
  171348. "174259",
  171349. "first american bank & trust,none,489535568,174259"
  171350. ],
  171351. [
  171352. "fdic/fabt",
  171353. "none",
  171354. "489564251",
  171355. "114632",
  171356. "fdic/fabt,none,489564251,114632"
  171357. ],
  171358. [
  171359. "fdic/fabt",
  171360. "none",
  171361. "489564251",
  171362. "114632",
  171363. "fdic/fabt,none,489564251,114632"
  171364. ],
  171365. [
  171366. "fdic vs. ecclestone-gateway",
  171367. "none",
  171368. "489520003",
  171369. "50152",
  171370. "fdic vs. ecclestone-gateway,none,489520003,50152"
  171371. ],
  171372. [
  171373. "fdic/lakeside",
  171374. "none",
  171375. "672025726",
  171376. "118901",
  171377. "fdic/lakeside,none,672025726,118901"
  171378. ],
  171379. [
  171380. "fdic",
  171381. "lakeside regent eminent domain action",
  171382. "672025726",
  171383. "118901",
  171384. "fdic,lakeside regent eminent domain action,672025726,118901"
  171385. ],
  171386. [
  171387. "fdic",
  171388. "none",
  171389. "672025656",
  171390. "118947",
  171391. "fdic,none,672025656,118947"
  171392. ],
  171393. [
  171394. "fdic",
  171395. "sadkin",
  171396. "672025656",
  171397. "118947",
  171398. "fdic,sadkin,672025656,118947"
  171399. ],
  171400. [
  171401. "first american bank & trust",
  171402. "none",
  171403. "489337882",
  171404. "50257",
  171405. "first american bank & trust,none,489337882,50257"
  171406. ],
  171407. [
  171408. "fdic v. greaves",
  171409. "none",
  171410. "652606186",
  171411. "43508",
  171412. "fdic v. greaves,none,652606186,43508"
  171413. ],
  171414. [
  171415. "fdic",
  171416. "overseas bankrutcy",
  171417. "9120",
  171418. "9120",
  171419. "fdic,overseas bankrutcy,9120,9120"
  171420. ],
  171421. [
  171422. "fdic",
  171423. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171424. "9121",
  171425. "9121",
  171426. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9121,9121"
  171427. ],
  171428. [
  171429. "fdic",
  171430. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171431. "9122",
  171432. "9122",
  171433. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9122,9122"
  171434. ],
  171435. [
  171436. "fdic",
  171437. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171438. "9123",
  171439. "9123",
  171440. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9123,9123"
  171441. ],
  171442. [
  171443. "fdic",
  171444. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171445. "9124",
  171446. "9124",
  171447. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9124,9124"
  171448. ],
  171449. [
  171450. "fdic",
  171451. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171452. "9125",
  171453. "9125",
  171454. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9125,9125"
  171455. ],
  171456. [
  171457. "fdic",
  171458. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171459. "9126",
  171460. "9126",
  171461. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9126,9126"
  171462. ],
  171463. [
  171464. "fdic",
  171465. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171466. "9127",
  171467. "9127",
  171468. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9127,9127"
  171469. ],
  171470. [
  171471. "fdic",
  171472. "overseas bankruptcy",
  171473. "9128",
  171474. "9128",
  171475. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9128,9128"
  171476. ],
  171477. [
  171478. "fdic/sonesta",
  171479. "none",
  171480. "652599788",
  171481. "50171",
  171482. "fdic/sonesta,none,652599788,50171"
  171483. ],
  171484. [
  171485. "fdic vs. overseas electronics",
  171486. "none",
  171487. "89251260",
  171488. "85648",
  171489. "fdic vs. overseas electronics,none,89251260,85648"
  171490. ],
  171491. [
  171492. "fdic sunrise s&l",
  171493. "glass tower florist",
  171494. "8193",
  171495. "8193",
  171496. "fdic sunrise s&l,glass tower florist,8193,8193"
  171497. ],
  171498. [
  171499. "fdic sunrise s&l",
  171500. "royal am. holidays",
  171501. "8193",
  171502. "8193",
  171503. "fdic sunrise s&l,royal am. holidays,8193,8193"
  171504. ],
  171505. [
  171506. "fdic/sunrise savings",
  171507. "cathy's cafe",
  171508. "10210",
  171509. "10210",
  171510. "fdic/sunrise savings,cathy's cafe,10210,10210"
  171511. ],
  171512. [
  171513. "fdic/sunrise savings",
  171514. "royal american holidays",
  171515. "10216",
  171516. "10216",
  171517. "fdic/sunrise savings,royal american holidays,10216,10216"
  171518. ],
  171519. [
  171520. "rtc-receiver hansen sav.",
  171521. "record./conveyance/docum",
  171522. "8910",
  171523. "8910",
  171524. "rtc-receiver hansen sav.,record./conveyance/docum,8910,8910"
  171525. ],
  171526. [
  171527. "asset management resolution co.",
  171528. "rtc vs. m.t.heller",
  171529. "489342748",
  171530. "85640",
  171531. "asset management resolution co.,rtc vs. m.t.heller,489342748,85640"
  171532. ],
  171533. [
  171534. "pepper hamilton & scheetz",
  171535. "87 fslic vs jacoby",
  171536. "tcf0005030",
  171537. "af9632",
  171538. "pepper hamilton & scheetz,87 fslic vs jacoby,tcf0005030,af9632"
  171539. ],
  171540. [
  171541. "bajamar shipping ltd.",
  171542. "none",
  171543. "672026010",
  171544. "114659",
  171545. "bajamar shipping ltd.,none,672026010,114659"
  171546. ],
  171547. [
  171548. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc",
  171549. "silverado",
  171550. "8801",
  171551. "8801",
  171552. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc,silverado,8801,8801"
  171553. ],
  171554. [
  171555. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc",
  171556. "silverado",
  171557. "8801",
  171558. "8801",
  171559. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc,silverado,8801,8801"
  171560. ],
  171561. [
  171562. "fdic/ hy kom/duncan",
  171563. "appeal/correwspondence",
  171564. "tcf0009279",
  171565. "bd3973",
  171566. "fdic/ hy kom/duncan,appeal/correwspondence,tcf0009279,bd3973"
  171567. ],
  171568. [
  171569. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  171570. "harmony lakes",
  171571. "9205",
  171572. "9205",
  171573. "commonwealth (rtc),harmony lakes,9205,9205"
  171574. ],
  171575. [
  171576. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  171577. "la corniche/title",
  171578. "8807",
  171579. "8807",
  171580. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.,la corniche/title,8807,8807"
  171581. ],
  171582. [
  171583. "rtc",
  171584. "pima",
  171585. "489487965",
  171586. "49952",
  171587. "rtc,pima,489487965,49952"
  171588. ],
  171589. [
  171590. "pima",
  171591. "capri point",
  171592. "85420",
  171593. "8727",
  171594. "pima,capri point,85420,8727"
  171595. ],
  171596. [
  171597. "bridgestone americas tire operations, ll",
  171598. "kertchaval, irene v. bato et al. (asbestos)",
  171599. "active file",
  171600. "nan",
  171601. "bridgestone americas tire operations, ll,kertchaval, irene v. bato et al. (asbestos),active file,nan"
  171602. ],
  171603. [
  171604. "town & country builders",
  171605. "barlett rtc redemption case",
  171606. "633147454",
  171607. "nan",
  171608. "town & country builders,barlett rtc redemption case,633147454,nan"
  171609. ],
  171610. [
  171611. "land banque industries",
  171612. "purchase from fslic",
  171613. "tcf0007189",
  171614. "aq0677",
  171615. "land banque industries,purchase from fslic,tcf0007189,aq0677"
  171616. ],
  171617. [
  171618. "chicago association of realtors",
  171619. "mls issues - general",
  171620. "628424326",
  171621. "843766",
  171622. "chicago association of realtors,mls issues - general,628424326,843766"
  171623. ],
  171624. [
  171625. "chicago association of realtors",
  171626. "mls issues - general",
  171627. "628424760",
  171628. "843767",
  171629. "chicago association of realtors,mls issues - general,628424760,843767"
  171630. ],
  171631. [
  171632. "chicago association of realtors",
  171633. "mls issues - general",
  171634. "628424882",
  171635. "843802",
  171636. "chicago association of realtors,mls issues - general,628424882,843802"
  171637. ],
  171638. [
  171639. "rtc vs. firestone",
  171640. "none",
  171641. "672030379",
  171642. "155488",
  171643. "rtc vs. firestone,none,672030379,155488"
  171644. ],
  171645. [
  171646. "southern exchange bank",
  171647. "fdic & state of florida",
  171648. "tcf0012362",
  171649. "bq1140",
  171650. "southern exchange bank,fdic & state of florida,tcf0012362,bq1140"
  171651. ],
  171652. [
  171653. "greenwich company",
  171654. "none",
  171655. "489519860",
  171656. "50140",
  171657. "greenwich company,none,489519860,50140"
  171658. ],
  171659. [
  171660. "diplomat",
  171661. "general",
  171662. "789-22610 recall 789-22610",
  171663. "789-22610 recall 789-22610",
  171664. "diplomat,general,789-22610 recall 789-22610,789-22610 recall 789-22610"
  171665. ],
  171666. [
  171667. "first nationwide bank",
  171668. "kirkman-oxford assoc. l.p.",
  171669. "489622323",
  171670. "789-2411",
  171671. "first nationwide bank,kirkman-oxford assoc. l.p.,489622323,789-2411"
  171672. ],
  171673. [
  171674. "home federal",
  171675. "rtc",
  171676. "489256901",
  171677. "789-11325",
  171678. "home federal,rtc,489256901,789-11325"
  171679. ],
  171680. [
  171681. "home federal s & l association",
  171682. "port america foreclosure",
  171683. "489253315",
  171684. "789-11372",
  171685. "home federal s & l association,port america foreclosure,489253315,789-11372"
  171686. ],
  171687. [
  171688. "john hancock",
  171689. "rtc agreement",
  171690. "789-11527",
  171691. "789-11527",
  171692. "john hancock,rtc agreement,789-11527,789-11527"
  171693. ],
  171694. [
  171695. "john hancock",
  171696. "rtc agreement",
  171697. "789-11527",
  171698. "789-11527",
  171699. "john hancock,rtc agreement,789-11527,789-11527"
  171700. ],
  171701. [
  171702. "john hancock life insurance company",
  171703. "general",
  171704. "489250976",
  171705. "789-23658",
  171706. "john hancock life insurance company,general,489250976,789-23658"
  171707. ],
  171708. [
  171709. "arter&hadden pleads -fdic",
  171710. "pleading index volumes i -iii",
  171711. "tcf0007443",
  171712. "aq7339",
  171713. "arter&hadden pleads -fdic,pleading index volumes i -iii,tcf0007443,aq7339"
  171714. ],
  171715. [
  171716. "fdic",
  171717. "overseas",
  171718. "489520931",
  171719. "114604",
  171720. "fdic,overseas,489520931,114604"
  171721. ],
  171722. [
  171723. "fdic",
  171724. "overseas",
  171725. "489520931",
  171726. "114604",
  171727. "fdic,overseas,489520931,114604"
  171728. ],
  171729. [
  171730. "fdic",
  171731. "overseas",
  171732. "489520865",
  171733. "114605",
  171734. "fdic,overseas,489520865,114605"
  171735. ],
  171736. [
  171737. "fdic",
  171738. "overseas",
  171739. "489520867",
  171740. "114606",
  171741. "fdic,overseas,489520867,114606"
  171742. ],
  171743. [
  171744. "fdic",
  171745. "overseas",
  171746. "489520862",
  171747. "114607",
  171748. "fdic,overseas,489520862,114607"
  171749. ],
  171750. [
  171751. "rtc vs. city national bank",
  171752. "none",
  171753. "49346",
  171754. "7684",
  171755. "rtc vs. city national bank,none,49346,7684"
  171756. ],
  171757. [
  171758. "rtc vs. city national bank/morley fine art",
  171759. "none",
  171760. "49351",
  171761. "7689",
  171762. "rtc vs. city national bank/morley fine art,none,49351,7689"
  171763. ],
  171764. [
  171765. "carter s. kaufmann",
  171766. "fdic",
  171767. "789-11874",
  171768. "789-11874",
  171769. "carter s. kaufmann,fdic,789-11874,789-11874"
  171770. ],
  171771. [
  171772. "lincoln property company",
  171773. "calabasas - smartcard check and converting solutions llc .",
  171774. "active file",
  171775. "nan",
  171776. "lincoln property company,calabasas - smartcard check and converting solutions llc .,active file,nan"
  171777. ],
  171778. [
  171779. "rtc/olympic",
  171780. "jtr",
  171781. "489258868",
  171782. "789-12405",
  171783. "rtc/olympic,jtr,489258868,789-12405"
  171784. ],
  171785. [
  171786. "citibank",
  171787. "airport",
  171788. "460597372",
  171789. "14412",
  171790. "citibank,airport,460597372,14412"
  171791. ],
  171792. [
  171793. "phillips",
  171794. "windward key-fdic",
  171795. "489255784",
  171796. "789-12269",
  171797. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  171798. ],
  171799. [
  171800. "phillips",
  171801. "windward key-fdic",
  171802. "489255784",
  171803. "789-12269",
  171804. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  171805. ],
  171806. [
  171807. "phillips",
  171808. "windward key-fdic",
  171809. "489255784",
  171810. "789-12269",
  171811. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  171812. ],
  171813. [
  171814. "phillips",
  171815. "windward key-fdic",
  171816. "489255784",
  171817. "789-12269",
  171818. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  171819. ],
  171820. [
  171821. "phillips",
  171822. "windward key",
  171823. "489255809",
  171824. "789-12285",
  171825. "phillips,windward key,489255809,789-12285"
  171826. ],
  171827. [
  171828. "metropolitan federal",
  171829. "d&o",
  171830. "489613520",
  171831. "789-12690",
  171832. "metropolitan federal,d&o,489613520,789-12690"
  171833. ],
  171834. [
  171835. "metropolitan federal",
  171836. "d&o",
  171837. "nan",
  171838. "nan",
  171839. "metropolitan federal,d&o,nan,nan"
  171840. ],
  171841. [
  171842. "rtc",
  171843. "olympic",
  171844. "nan",
  171845. "nan",
  171846. "rtc,olympic,nan,nan"
  171847. ],
  171848. [
  171849. "rtc",
  171850. "homefed",
  171851. "489613534",
  171852. "789-12682",
  171853. "rtc,homefed,489613534,789-12682"
  171854. ],
  171855. [
  171856. "rtc",
  171857. "udc",
  171858. "489613534",
  171859. "789-12682",
  171860. "rtc,udc,489613534,789-12682"
  171861. ],
  171862. [
  171863. "rtc",
  171864. "u.s. court of appeals",
  171865. "489613534",
  171866. "789-12682",
  171867. "rtc,u.s. court of appeals,489613534,789-12682"
  171868. ],
  171869. [
  171870. "rtc",
  171871. "oakton ii",
  171872. "789-12684",
  171873. "789-12684",
  171874. "rtc,oakton ii,789-12684,789-12684"
  171875. ],
  171876. [
  171877. "rtc",
  171878. "homefed-oakton corp.",
  171879. "789-12684",
  171880. "789-12684",
  171881. "rtc,homefed-oakton corp.,789-12684,789-12684"
  171882. ],
  171883. [
  171884. "rtc",
  171885. "u.s. court of appeals",
  171886. "789-12684",
  171887. "789-12684",
  171888. "rtc,u.s. court of appeals,789-12684,789-12684"
  171889. ],
  171890. [
  171891. "rtc",
  171892. "peoples security bank",
  171893. "489613522",
  171894. "789-12693",
  171895. "rtc,peoples security bank,489613522,789-12693"
  171896. ],
  171897. [
  171898. "rtc",
  171899. "peoples security bank",
  171900. "489613522",
  171901. "789-12693",
  171902. "rtc,peoples security bank,489613522,789-12693"
  171903. ],
  171904. [
  171905. "rtc",
  171906. "peoples security bank",
  171907. "489613522",
  171908. "789-12693",
  171909. "rtc,peoples security bank,489613522,789-12693"
  171910. ],
  171911. [
  171912. "rtc",
  171913. "forest plaza",
  171914. "489613522",
  171915. "789-12693",
  171916. "rtc,forest plaza,489613522,789-12693"
  171917. ],
  171918. [
  171919. "rtc",
  171920. "olympic",
  171921. "489613522",
  171922. "789-12693",
  171923. "rtc,olympic,489613522,789-12693"
  171924. ],
  171925. [
  171926. "rtc",
  171927. "olympic",
  171928. "489613505",
  171929. "789-12695",
  171930. "rtc,olympic,489613505,789-12695"
  171931. ],
  171932. [
  171933. "rtc",
  171934. "olympic",
  171935. "489613505",
  171936. "789-12695",
  171937. "rtc,olympic,489613505,789-12695"
  171938. ],
  171939. [
  171940. "rtc",
  171941. "olympic",
  171942. "489613522",
  171943. "789-12693",
  171944. "rtc,olympic,489613522,789-12693"
  171945. ],
  171946. [
  171947. "rtc",
  171948. "olympic",
  171949. "489613522",
  171950. "789-12693",
  171951. "rtc,olympic,489613522,789-12693"
  171952. ],
  171953. [
  171954. "rtc",
  171955. "trust bank",
  171956. "489613546",
  171957. "789-12689",
  171958. "rtc,trust bank,489613546,789-12689"
  171959. ],
  171960. [
  171961. "rtc",
  171962. "trust bank",
  171963. "489613546",
  171964. "789-12689",
  171965. "rtc,trust bank,489613546,789-12689"
  171966. ],
  171967. [
  171968. "rtc",
  171969. "papermill building",
  171970. "nan",
  171971. "nan",
  171972. "rtc,papermill building,nan,nan"
  171973. ],
  171974. [
  171975. "rtc",
  171976. "papermill leasing",
  171977. "489613546",
  171978. "789-12689",
  171979. "rtc,papermill leasing,489613546,789-12689"
  171980. ],
  171981. [
  171982. "rtc",
  171983. "homefed bank",
  171984. "489613546",
  171985. "789-12689",
  171986. "rtc,homefed bank,489613546,789-12689"
  171987. ],
  171988. [
  171989. "rtc",
  171990. "homefed bank",
  171991. "489613546",
  171992. "789-12689",
  171993. "rtc,homefed bank,489613546,789-12689"
  171994. ],
  171995. [
  171996. "rtc",
  171997. "homefed bank / port america",
  171998. "489613546",
  171999. "789-12689",
  172000. "rtc,homefed bank / port america,489613546,789-12689"
  172001. ],
  172002. [
  172003. "rtc",
  172004. "udc",
  172005. "489613545",
  172006. "789-12692",
  172007. "rtc,udc,489613545,789-12692"
  172008. ],
  172009. [
  172010. "rtc",
  172011. "homefed",
  172012. "489613545",
  172013. "789-12692",
  172014. "rtc,homefed,489613545,789-12692"
  172015. ],
  172016. [
  172017. "rtc",
  172018. "sale of ashland",
  172019. "489613545",
  172020. "789-12692",
  172021. "rtc,sale of ashland,489613545,789-12692"
  172022. ],
  172023. [
  172024. "rtc",
  172025. "homefed",
  172026. "489613545",
  172027. "789-12692",
  172028. "rtc,homefed,489613545,789-12692"
  172029. ],
  172030. [
  172031. "rtc",
  172032. "port america",
  172033. "489613545",
  172034. "789-12692",
  172035. "rtc,port america,489613545,789-12692"
  172036. ],
  172037. [
  172038. "rtc",
  172039. "homefed",
  172040. "489613545",
  172041. "789-12692",
  172042. "rtc,homefed,489613545,789-12692"
  172043. ],
  172044. [
  172045. "rtc",
  172046. "sale of port america",
  172047. "489613545",
  172048. "789-12692",
  172049. "rtc,sale of port america,489613545,789-12692"
  172050. ],
  172051. [
  172052. "rtc",
  172053. "homefed",
  172054. "489626039",
  172055. "789-12830",
  172056. "rtc,homefed,489626039,789-12830"
  172057. ],
  172058. [
  172059. "rtc",
  172060. "sale of port america",
  172061. "489626039",
  172062. "789-12830",
  172063. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172064. ],
  172065. [
  172066. "rtc",
  172067. "sale of port america",
  172068. "489626039",
  172069. "789-12830",
  172070. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172071. ],
  172072. [
  172073. "rtc",
  172074. "sale of port america",
  172075. "489626039",
  172076. "789-12830",
  172077. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172078. ],
  172079. [
  172080. "rtc",
  172081. "sale of port america",
  172082. "489626039",
  172083. "789-12830",
  172084. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172085. ],
  172086. [
  172087. "rtc",
  172088. "sale of port america",
  172089. "489626039",
  172090. "789-12830",
  172091. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172092. ],
  172093. [
  172094. "rtc",
  172095. "sale of port america",
  172096. "489626039",
  172097. "789-12830",
  172098. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172099. ],
  172100. [
  172101. "rtc",
  172102. "sale of port america",
  172103. "489626039",
  172104. "789-12830",
  172105. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172106. ],
  172107. [
  172108. "rtc",
  172109. "sale of port america",
  172110. "489626039",
  172111. "789-12830",
  172112. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  172113. ],
  172114. [
  172115. "resolution trust corp.",
  172116. "southeastern federal savings bank",
  172117. "789-12691",
  172118. "789-12691",
  172119. "resolution trust corp.,southeastern federal savings bank,789-12691,789-12691"
  172120. ],
  172121. [
  172122. "schar",
  172123. "schar litigation v. fdic",
  172124. "789-12033",
  172125. "789-12033",
  172126. "schar,schar litigation v. fdic,789-12033,789-12033"
  172127. ],
  172128. [
  172129. "schar",
  172130. "schar litigation v. fdic",
  172131. "789-12033",
  172132. "789-12033",
  172133. "schar,schar litigation v. fdic,789-12033,789-12033"
  172134. ],
  172135. [
  172136. "rtc",
  172137. "second national",
  172138. "789-12696",
  172139. "789-12696",
  172140. "rtc,second national,789-12696,789-12696"
  172141. ],
  172142. [
  172143. "rtc",
  172144. "slasbury sheraton",
  172145. "789-12696",
  172146. "789-12696",
  172147. "rtc,slasbury sheraton,789-12696,789-12696"
  172148. ],
  172149. [
  172150. "rtc",
  172151. "forms",
  172152. "789-12696",
  172153. "789-12696",
  172154. "rtc,forms,789-12696,789-12696"
  172155. ],
  172156. [
  172157. "rtc",
  172158. "second national gore",
  172159. "nan",
  172160. "nan",
  172161. "rtc,second national gore,nan,nan"
  172162. ],
  172163. [
  172164. "rtc",
  172165. "second national gore",
  172166. "489613512",
  172167. "789-12697",
  172168. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  172169. ],
  172170. [
  172171. "rtc",
  172172. "second national gore",
  172173. "489613512",
  172174. "789-12697",
  172175. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  172176. ],
  172177. [
  172178. "rtc",
  172179. "second national gore",
  172180. "489613512",
  172181. "789-12697",
  172182. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  172183. ],
  172184. [
  172185. "rtc",
  172186. "second national gore",
  172187. "489613512",
  172188. "789-12697",
  172189. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  172190. ],
  172191. [
  172192. "rtc",
  172193. "second national gore involuntary",
  172194. "489613517",
  172195. "789-12696",
  172196. "rtc,second national gore involuntary,489613517,789-12696"
  172197. ],
  172198. [
  172199. "rtc",
  172200. "defense",
  172201. "489613517",
  172202. "789-12696",
  172203. "rtc,defense,489613517,789-12696"
  172204. ],
  172205. [
  172206. "rtc",
  172207. "second national marwood",
  172208. "489613512",
  172209. "789-12697",
  172210. "rtc,second national marwood,489613512,789-12697"
  172211. ],
  172212. [
  172213. "rtc",
  172214. "second national bank",
  172215. "489252633",
  172216. "789-11944",
  172217. "rtc,second national bank,489252633,789-11944"
  172218. ],
  172219. [
  172220. "rtc",
  172221. "gore bankruptcy",
  172222. "489255778",
  172223. "789-12270",
  172224. "rtc,gore bankruptcy,489255778,789-12270"
  172225. ],
  172226. [
  172227. "rtc",
  172228. "marwood partnership",
  172229. "489255779",
  172230. "789-12268",
  172231. "rtc,marwood partnership,489255779,789-12268"
  172232. ],
  172233. [
  172234. "rtc",
  172235. "marwood",
  172236. "489258902",
  172237. "789-12347",
  172238. "rtc,marwood,489258902,789-12347"
  172239. ],
  172240. [
  172241. "rtc",
  172242. "marwood",
  172243. "789-12355",
  172244. "789-12355",
  172245. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  172246. ],
  172247. [
  172248. "rtc",
  172249. "marwood",
  172250. "789-12355",
  172251. "789-12355",
  172252. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  172253. ],
  172254. [
  172255. "rtc",
  172256. "marwood",
  172257. "789-12355",
  172258. "789-12355",
  172259. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  172260. ],
  172261. [
  172262. "rtc",
  172263. "aaronson",
  172264. "789-12355",
  172265. "789-12355",
  172266. "rtc,aaronson,789-12355,789-12355"
  172267. ],
  172268. [
  172269. "rtc",
  172270. "marwood",
  172271. "789-12355",
  172272. "789-12355",
  172273. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  172274. ],
  172275. [
  172276. "rtc",
  172277. "marwood",
  172278. "789-12355",
  172279. "789-12355",
  172280. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  172281. ],
  172282. [
  172283. "burtch barone",
  172284. "private placement",
  172285. "7701",
  172286. "7701",
  172287. "burtch barone,private placement,7701,7701"
  172288. ],
  172289. [
  172290. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172291. "directors & officers",
  172292. "489255801",
  172293. "789-12296",
  172294. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172295. ],
  172296. [
  172297. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172298. "directors & officers",
  172299. "489255801",
  172300. "789-12296",
  172301. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172302. ],
  172303. [
  172304. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172305. "directors & officers",
  172306. "489255801",
  172307. "789-12296",
  172308. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172309. ],
  172310. [
  172311. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172312. "directors & officers",
  172313. "489255801",
  172314. "789-12296",
  172315. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172316. ],
  172317. [
  172318. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172319. "directors & officers",
  172320. "489255801",
  172321. "789-12296",
  172322. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172323. ],
  172324. [
  172325. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172326. "directors & officers",
  172327. "489255801",
  172328. "789-12296",
  172329. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172330. ],
  172331. [
  172332. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172333. "directors & officers",
  172334. "489255801",
  172335. "789-12296",
  172336. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172337. ],
  172338. [
  172339. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172340. "directors & officers",
  172341. "489255801",
  172342. "789-12296",
  172343. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172344. ],
  172345. [
  172346. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172347. "directors & officers",
  172348. "489255801",
  172349. "789-12296",
  172350. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172351. ],
  172352. [
  172353. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172354. "directors & officers",
  172355. "489255801",
  172356. "789-12296",
  172357. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  172358. ],
  172359. [
  172360. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172361. "directors & officers",
  172362. "489255818",
  172363. "789-12297",
  172364. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  172365. ],
  172366. [
  172367. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172368. "trustbank/accountant liab.",
  172369. "489255818",
  172370. "789-12297",
  172371. "trustbank savings - rtc,trustbank/accountant liab.,489255818,789-12297"
  172372. ],
  172373. [
  172374. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172375. "directors & officers",
  172376. "489255818",
  172377. "789-12297",
  172378. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  172379. ],
  172380. [
  172381. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172382. "directors & officers",
  172383. "489255818",
  172384. "789-12297",
  172385. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  172386. ],
  172387. [
  172388. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172389. "directors & officers",
  172390. "489255818",
  172391. "789-12297",
  172392. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  172393. ],
  172394. [
  172395. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172396. "directors & officers",
  172397. "489255818",
  172398. "789-12297",
  172399. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  172400. ],
  172401. [
  172402. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172403. "directors & officers",
  172404. "489255818",
  172405. "789-12297",
  172406. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  172407. ],
  172408. [
  172409. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  172410. "trustbank/accountant liab.",
  172411. "489255818",
  172412. "789-12297",
  172413. "trustbank savings - rtc,trustbank/accountant liab.,489255818,789-12297"
  172414. ],
  172415. [
  172416. "dunkirk",
  172417. "wilkes fdic",
  172418. "489259028",
  172419. "789-12380",
  172420. "dunkirk,wilkes fdic,489259028,789-12380"
  172421. ],
  172422. [
  172423. "vance international, inc.",
  172424. "client contracts/oakton corp center 2",
  172425. "489259001",
  172426. "789-12369",
  172427. "vance international, inc.,client contracts/oakton corp center 2,489259001,789-12369"
  172428. ],
  172429. [
  172430. "fdic",
  172431. "nan",
  172432. "dsj005095",
  172433. "31-001b",
  172434. "fdic,nan,dsj005095,31-001b"
  172435. ],
  172436. [
  172437. "federal deposit insurance",
  172438. "braemoor assoc.",
  172439. "546315303",
  172440. "5729",
  172441. "federal deposit insurance,braemoor assoc.,546315303,5729"
  172442. ],
  172443. [
  172444. "federal deposit insurance",
  172445. "braemoor assoc.",
  172446. "546311338",
  172447. "5728",
  172448. "federal deposit insurance,braemoor assoc.,546311338,5728"
  172449. ],
  172450. [
  172451. "tds telecom",
  172452. "general",
  172453. "489723233",
  172454. "789-19536",
  172455. "tds telecom,general,489723233,789-19536"
  172456. ],
  172457. [
  172458. "eastern air lines",
  172459. "general",
  172460. "89249011",
  172461. "12325927",
  172462. "eastern air lines,general,89249011,12325927"
  172463. ],
  172464. [
  172465. "at&t alaska",
  172466. "general",
  172467. "489808357",
  172468. "789-18161",
  172469. "at&t alaska,general,489808357,789-18161"
  172470. ],
  172471. [
  172472. "varig brazilian airlines",
  172473. "contractual issues",
  172474. "460599726",
  172475. "12876941",
  172476. "varig brazilian airlines,contractual issues,460599726,12876941"
  172477. ],
  172478. [
  172479. "great western bank",
  172480. "none",
  172481. "460600710",
  172482. "384516",
  172483. "great western bank,none,460600710,384516"
  172484. ],
  172485. [
  172486. "mastercard",
  172487. "artcom",
  172488. "89197578",
  172489. "12269028",
  172490. "mastercard,artcom,89197578,12269028"
  172491. ],
  172492. [
  172493. "birtcher financial services/fairfield village breakstone et al v. honorable mary ann mckenzie",
  172494. "none",
  172495. "490618899",
  172496. "12377387",
  172497. "birtcher financial services/fairfield village breakstone et al v. honorable mary ann mckenzie,none,490618899,12377387"
  172498. ],
  172499. [
  172500. "rtc",
  172501. "international apparel",
  172502. "7928",
  172503. "7928",
  172504. "rtc,international apparel,7928,7928"
  172505. ],
  172506. [
  172507. "rtc",
  172508. "international apparel",
  172509. "7929",
  172510. "7929",
  172511. "rtc,international apparel,7929,7929"
  172512. ],
  172513. [
  172514. "rtc",
  172515. "international apparel",
  172516. "7930",
  172517. "7930",
  172518. "rtc,international apparel,7930,7930"
  172519. ],
  172520. [
  172521. "rtc/commonwealth",
  172522. "intl. apparel assoc.",
  172523. "8253",
  172524. "8253",
  172525. "rtc/commonwealth,intl. apparel assoc.,8253,8253"
  172526. ],
  172527. [
  172528. "burtchers",
  172529. "nan",
  172530. "282645237",
  172531. "282645237",
  172532. "burtchers,nan,282645237,282645237"
  172533. ],
  172534. [
  172535. "ernst & young/southeast",
  172536. "none",
  172537. "672024342",
  172538. "394786",
  172539. "ernst & young/southeast,none,672024342,394786"
  172540. ],
  172541. [
  172542. "rtc - conser western s & l",
  172543. "92 kathleen shore replevin",
  172544. "tcf0008230",
  172545. "av7139",
  172546. "rtc - conser western s & l,92 kathleen shore replevin,tcf0008230,av7139"
  172547. ],
  172548. [
  172549. "amerifirst farmstores",
  172550. "none",
  172551. "89175947",
  172552. "155779",
  172553. "amerifirst farmstores,none,89175947,155779"
  172554. ],
  172555. [
  172556. "amerifirst bank vs. mcf aviation",
  172557. "none",
  172558. "460603460",
  172559. "174381",
  172560. "amerifirst bank vs. mcf aviation,none,460603460,174381"
  172561. ],
  172562. [
  172563. "amerifirst bank vs. gus machado",
  172564. "none",
  172565. "489520868",
  172566. "49571",
  172567. "amerifirst bank vs. gus machado,none,489520868,49571"
  172568. ],
  172569. [
  172570. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  172571. "none",
  172572. "652553289",
  172573. "49584",
  172574. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,652553289,49584"
  172575. ],
  172576. [
  172577. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  172578. "none",
  172579. "652553280",
  172580. "49585",
  172581. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,652553280,49585"
  172582. ],
  172583. [
  172584. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  172585. "none",
  172586. "490620928",
  172587. "49586",
  172588. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,490620928,49586"
  172589. ],
  172590. [
  172591. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  172592. "none",
  172593. "489338571",
  172594. "49587",
  172595. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,489338571,49587"
  172596. ],
  172597. [
  172598. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  172599. "none",
  172600. "652553279",
  172601. "49588",
  172602. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,652553279,49588"
  172603. ],
  172604. [
  172605. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  172606. "none",
  172607. "489338559",
  172608. "49589",
  172609. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,489338559,49589"
  172610. ],
  172611. [
  172612. "rtc/freedom savings",
  172613. "fha qualifications",
  172614. "7952",
  172615. "7952",
  172616. "rtc/freedom savings,fha qualifications,7952,7952"
  172617. ],
  172618. [
  172619. "rtc/freedom s&l",
  172620. "fha qual. & condo filing",
  172621. "8218",
  172622. "8218",
  172623. "rtc/freedom s&l,fha qual. & condo filing,8218,8218"
  172624. ],
  172625. [
  172626. "rtc/freedom federal",
  172627. "rolling hills purchase",
  172628. "8235",
  172629. "8235",
  172630. "rtc/freedom federal,rolling hills purchase,8235,8235"
  172631. ],
  172632. [
  172633. "rtc-frdm svngs&loan",
  172634. "dri analysis",
  172635. "8239",
  172636. "8239",
  172637. "rtc-frdm svngs&loan,dri analysis,8239,8239"
  172638. ],
  172639. [
  172640. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan",
  172641. "rolling hills zoaning",
  172642. "8240",
  172643. "8240",
  172644. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan,rolling hills zoaning,8240,8240"
  172645. ],
  172646. [
  172647. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan",
  172648. "parcels sale /rllng hlls",
  172649. "8239",
  172650. "8239",
  172651. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan,parcels sale /rllng hlls,8239,8239"
  172652. ],
  172653. [
  172654. "rtc/freedom s&l",
  172655. "rolling hills",
  172656. "8355",
  172657. "8355",
  172658. "rtc/freedom s&l,rolling hills,8355,8355"
  172659. ],
  172660. [
  172661. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.",
  172662. "sale/rolling hills hotel",
  172663. "8802",
  172664. "8802",
  172665. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.,sale/rolling hills hotel,8802,8802"
  172666. ],
  172667. [
  172668. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.",
  172669. "sale/rolling hills hotel",
  172670. "8803",
  172671. "8803",
  172672. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.,sale/rolling hills hotel,8803,8803"
  172673. ],
  172674. [
  172675. "rtc-freedom s&l",
  172676. "rolling hills/title hote",
  172677. "8805",
  172678. "8805",
  172679. "rtc-freedom s&l,rolling hills/title hote,8805,8805"
  172680. ],
  172681. [
  172682. "rtc-freedom s & l",
  172683. "rolling hills/35 acre",
  172684. "8810",
  172685. "8810",
  172686. "rtc-freedom s & l,rolling hills/35 acre,8810,8810"
  172687. ],
  172688. [
  172689. "rtc-freedom savings",
  172690. "zoning/rolling hills hot",
  172691. "9013",
  172692. "9013",
  172693. "rtc-freedom savings,zoning/rolling hills hot,9013,9013"
  172694. ],
  172695. [
  172696. "rtc-freedom savings",
  172697. "zoning/35 acre parcel",
  172698. "9013",
  172699. "9013",
  172700. "rtc-freedom savings,zoning/35 acre parcel,9013,9013"
  172701. ],
  172702. [
  172703. "rtc-freedom s & l",
  172704. "sale of 35 acre parcel",
  172705. "8810",
  172706. "8810",
  172707. "rtc-freedom s & l,sale of 35 acre parcel,8810,8810"
  172708. ],
  172709. [
  172710. "rtc-freedom",
  172711. "rolling hills",
  172712. "9708",
  172713. "9708",
  172714. "rtc-freedom,rolling hills,9708,9708"
  172715. ],
  172716. [
  172717. "rtc",
  172718. "none",
  172719. "652601686",
  172720. "365608",
  172721. "rtc,none,652601686,365608"
  172722. ],
  172723. [
  172724. "rtc/freedom vs sheraton",
  172725. "nan",
  172726. "dsj004773",
  172727. "16-052a",
  172728. "rtc/freedom vs sheraton,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  172729. ],
  172730. [
  172731. "alvarez, jerry",
  172732. "none",
  172733. "491469630",
  172734. "220665",
  172735. "alvarez, jerry,none,491469630,220665"
  172736. ],
  172737. [
  172738. "rtc-receiver-sun state s&l",
  172739. "the fla group",
  172740. "tcf0007582",
  172741. "au0721",
  172742. "rtc-receiver-sun state s&l,the fla group,tcf0007582,au0721"
  172743. ],
  172744. [
  172745. "fdic",
  172746. "golden glades regional",
  172747. "9060",
  172748. "9060",
  172749. "fdic,golden glades regional,9060,9060"
  172750. ],
  172751. [
  172752. "fdic",
  172753. "golden glades regional",
  172754. "9061",
  172755. "9061",
  172756. "fdic,golden glades regional,9061,9061"
  172757. ],
  172758. [
  172759. "fdic",
  172760. "golden glades regional",
  172761. "9062",
  172762. "9062",
  172763. "fdic,golden glades regional,9062,9062"
  172764. ],
  172765. [
  172766. "fdic",
  172767. "charles/ruth dahdah",
  172768. "672026030",
  172769. "114642",
  172770. "fdic,charles/ruth dahdah,672026030,114642"
  172771. ],
  172772. [
  172773. "fdic",
  172774. "first american bank",
  172775. "652599788",
  172776. "50171",
  172777. "fdic,first american bank,652599788,50171"
  172778. ],
  172779. [
  172780. "first american bank & trust",
  172781. "none",
  172782. "489337882",
  172783. "50257",
  172784. "first american bank & trust,none,489337882,50257"
  172785. ],
  172786. [
  172787. "rtc",
  172788. "10-k option",
  172789. "tcf0011367",
  172790. "bl7548",
  172791. "rtc,10-k option,tcf0011367,bl7548"
  172792. ],
  172793. [
  172794. "rtc/centrust capital corp",
  172795. "10-k opinion",
  172796. "tcf0008501",
  172797. "aw5828",
  172798. "rtc/centrust capital corp,10-k opinion,tcf0008501,aw5828"
  172799. ],
  172800. [
  172801. "rtc/centrust",
  172802. "sale to viasat technology corp",
  172803. "tcf0008823",
  172804. "ay2052",
  172805. "rtc/centrust,sale to viasat technology corp,tcf0008823,ay2052"
  172806. ],
  172807. [
  172808. "rtc/centrust",
  172809. "$150mm revlv ln of cred shdw fl",
  172810. "tcf0009144",
  172811. "bc0310",
  172812. "rtc/centrust,$150mm revlv ln of cred shdw fl,tcf0009144,bc0310"
  172813. ],
  172814. [
  172815. "rtc/centrust bank",
  172816. "poley",
  172817. "tcf0009393",
  172818. "bd6346",
  172819. "rtc/centrust bank,poley,tcf0009393,bd6346"
  172820. ],
  172821. [
  172822. "rtc",
  172823. "centrust",
  172824. "tcf0009906",
  172825. "bf2533",
  172826. "rtc,centrust,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  172827. ],
  172828. [
  172829. "rtc/conser/centrust",
  172830. "diversified se ind.",
  172831. "7690",
  172832. "7690",
  172833. "rtc/conser/centrust,diversified se ind.,7690,7690"
  172834. ],
  172835. [
  172836. "rtc/conser/centrust",
  172837. "ln to wright,frank",
  172838. "7690",
  172839. "7690",
  172840. "rtc/conser/centrust,ln to wright,frank,7690,7690"
  172841. ],
  172842. [
  172843. "rtc centrust",
  172844. "cricket club",
  172845. "7705",
  172846. "7705",
  172847. "rtc centrust,cricket club,7705,7705"
  172848. ],
  172849. [
  172850. "rtc/centrust",
  172851. "cricket club",
  172852. "7705",
  172853. "7705",
  172854. "rtc/centrust,cricket club,7705,7705"
  172855. ],
  172856. [
  172857. "rtc/centrust",
  172858. "lease w/subway",
  172859. "7709",
  172860. "7709",
  172861. "rtc/centrust,lease w/subway,7709,7709"
  172862. ],
  172863. [
  172864. "rtc/centrust",
  172865. "lease to great western",
  172866. "7709",
  172867. "7709",
  172868. "rtc/centrust,lease to great western,7709,7709"
  172869. ],
  172870. [
  172871. "rtc/centrust",
  172872. "lease w/soybean sam's",
  172873. "7709",
  172874. "7709",
  172875. "rtc/centrust,lease w/soybean sam's,7709,7709"
  172876. ],
  172877. [
  172878. "rtc/centrust",
  172879. "lease/bank of america",
  172880. "7709",
  172881. "7709",
  172882. "rtc/centrust,lease/bank of america,7709,7709"
  172883. ],
  172884. [
  172885. "rtc/centrust",
  172886. "lease/ home run sports",
  172887. "7709",
  172888. "7709",
  172889. "rtc/centrust,lease/ home run sports,7709,7709"
  172890. ],
  172891. [
  172892. "rtc/centrust",
  172893. "lease/ rtc",
  172894. "7709",
  172895. "7709",
  172896. "rtc/centrust,lease/ rtc,7709,7709"
  172897. ],
  172898. [
  172899. "rtc/centrust",
  172900. "jamaica bay mobile hm/pk",
  172901. "7709",
  172902. "7709",
  172903. "rtc/centrust,jamaica bay mobile hm/pk,7709,7709"
  172904. ],
  172905. [
  172906. "rtc/centrust",
  172907. "swindle, michael (loan)",
  172908. "7709",
  172909. "7709",
  172910. "rtc/centrust,swindle, michael (loan),7709,7709"
  172911. ],
  172912. [
  172913. "rtc/centrust",
  172914. "lease/first stop in",
  172915. "7709",
  172916. "7709",
  172917. "rtc/centrust,lease/first stop in,7709,7709"
  172918. ],
  172919. [
  172920. "rtc/centrust",
  172921. "shps/sawgrass-domino's",
  172922. "7920",
  172923. "7920",
  172924. "rtc/centrust,shps/sawgrass-domino's,7920,7920"
  172925. ],
  172926. [
  172927. "rtc/centrust",
  172928. "lease/schatzman&schupak",
  172929. "7975",
  172930. "7975",
  172931. "rtc/centrust,lease/schatzman&schupak,7975,7975"
  172932. ],
  172933. [
  172934. "rtc/centrust",
  172935. "miami dry goods*",
  172936. "7978",
  172937. "7978",
  172938. "rtc/centrust,miami dry goods*,7978,7978"
  172939. ],
  172940. [
  172941. "rtc/centrust",
  172942. "lease/kornreich,g.*",
  172943. "7978",
  172944. "7978",
  172945. "rtc/centrust,lease/kornreich,g.*,7978,7978"
  172946. ],
  172947. [
  172948. "rtc/centrust",
  172949. "sale/orlando property*",
  172950. "7979",
  172951. "7979",
  172952. "rtc/centrust,sale/orlando property*,7979,7979"
  172953. ],
  172954. [
  172955. "rtc/centrust",
  172956. "lease/matzner ziskind",
  172957. "7979",
  172958. "7979",
  172959. "rtc/centrust,lease/matzner ziskind,7979,7979"
  172960. ],
  172961. [
  172962. "rtc/centrust",
  172963. "lease/payton&rachlin",
  172964. "8000",
  172965. "8000",
  172966. "rtc/centrust,lease/payton&rachlin,8000,8000"
  172967. ],
  172968. [
  172969. "rtc/centrust",
  172970. "82 mil. loan centrust",
  172971. "8006",
  172972. "8006",
  172973. "rtc/centrust,82 mil. loan centrust,8006,8006"
  172974. ],
  172975. [
  172976. "rtc/centrust",
  172977. "centrust 150 mil.*",
  172978. "8006",
  172979. "8006",
  172980. "rtc/centrust,centrust 150 mil.*,8006,8006"
  172981. ],
  172982. [
  172983. "rtc/centrust",
  172984. "master ser. agreement*",
  172985. "8006",
  172986. "8006",
  172987. "rtc/centrust,master ser. agreement*,8006,8006"
  172988. ],
  172989. [
  172990. "rtc\\centrust",
  172991. "adv\\indemnity",
  172992. "8028",
  172993. "8028",
  172994. "rtc\\centrust,adv\\indemnity,8028,8028"
  172995. ],
  172996. [
  172997. "rtc/centrust",
  172998. "cen.tower & huntington",
  172999. "0",
  173000. "0",
  173001. "rtc/centrust,cen.tower & huntington,0,0"
  173002. ],
  173003. [
  173004. "rtc/centrust",
  173005. "shapiro",
  173006. "8200",
  173007. "8200",
  173008. "rtc/centrust,shapiro,8200,8200"
  173009. ],
  173010. [
  173011. "rtc/centrust",
  173012. "huntington-lease/humana",
  173013. "8210",
  173014. "8210",
  173015. "rtc/centrust,huntington-lease/humana,8210,8210"
  173016. ],
  173017. [
  173018. "rtc/centrust",
  173019. "lease/anderson,benjamin*",
  173020. "8210",
  173021. "8210",
  173022. "rtc/centrust,lease/anderson,benjamin*,8210,8210"
  173023. ],
  173024. [
  173025. "rtc/centrust",
  173026. "huntington-caft. lease*",
  173027. "8210",
  173028. "8210",
  173029. "rtc/centrust,huntington-caft. lease*,8210,8210"
  173030. ],
  173031. [
  173032. "rtc/centrust",
  173033. "huntington-lease/eds",
  173034. "8210",
  173035. "8210",
  173036. "rtc/centrust,huntington-lease/eds,8210,8210"
  173037. ],
  173038. [
  173039. "rtc/centrust",
  173040. "lease/peterson consult.",
  173041. "8210",
  173042. "8210",
  173043. "rtc/centrust,lease/peterson consult.,8210,8210"
  173044. ],
  173045. [
  173046. "rtc/centrust",
  173047. "huntington square*",
  173048. "8210",
  173049. "8210",
  173050. "rtc/centrust,huntington square*,8210,8210"
  173051. ],
  173052. [
  173053. "rtc/centrust",
  173054. "health glow",
  173055. "8210",
  173056. "8210",
  173057. "rtc/centrust,health glow,8210,8210"
  173058. ],
  173059. [
  173060. "rtc/centrust",
  173061. "lease/zack,hanzman,ponce",
  173062. "8217",
  173063. "8217",
  173064. "rtc/centrust,lease/zack,hanzman,ponce,8217,8217"
  173065. ],
  173066. [
  173067. "rtc/centrust",
  173068. "sale/woodbridge plaza",
  173069. "8217",
  173070. "8217",
  173071. "rtc/centrust,sale/woodbridge plaza,8217,8217"
  173072. ],
  173073. [
  173074. "rtc/centrust",
  173075. "woodbridge plaza-general",
  173076. "8220",
  173077. "8220",
  173078. "rtc/centrust,woodbridge plaza-general,8220,8220"
  173079. ],
  173080. [
  173081. "rtc/centrust",
  173082. "shoppes sawgrass-general",
  173083. "8220",
  173084. "8220",
  173085. "rtc/centrust,shoppes sawgrass-general,8220,8220"
  173086. ],
  173087. [
  173088. "rtc/centrust",
  173089. "shoppes sawgrass-title",
  173090. "8220",
  173091. "8220",
  173092. "rtc/centrust,shoppes sawgrass-title,8220,8220"
  173093. ],
  173094. [
  173095. "rtc/centrust",
  173096. "leas/tishman entintl'",
  173097. "8220",
  173098. "8220",
  173099. "rtc/centrust,leas/tishman entintl',8220,8220"
  173100. ],
  173101. [
  173102. "rtc/centrust",
  173103. "woodbridge-title",
  173104. "8235",
  173105. "8235",
  173106. "rtc/centrust,woodbridge-title,8235,8235"
  173107. ],
  173108. [
  173109. "rtc/centrust",
  173110. "sale of shpps of swgrss",
  173111. "8235",
  173112. "8235",
  173113. "rtc/centrust,sale of shpps of swgrss,8235,8235"
  173114. ],
  173115. [
  173116. "rtc/centrust",
  173117. "sale/huntington",
  173118. "8142",
  173119. "8142",
  173120. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8142,8142"
  173121. ],
  173122. [
  173123. "rtc/centrust",
  173124. "sale of huntington",
  173125. "8143",
  173126. "8143",
  173127. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8143,8143"
  173128. ],
  173129. [
  173130. "rtc/centrust",
  173131. "sale of huntington",
  173132. "8207",
  173133. "8207",
  173134. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8207,8207"
  173135. ],
  173136. [
  173137. "rtc/centrust",
  173138. "sale of huntington",
  173139. "8208",
  173140. "8208",
  173141. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8208,8208"
  173142. ],
  173143. [
  173144. "rtc/centrust",
  173145. "sale of huntington",
  173146. "8209",
  173147. "8209",
  173148. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8209,8209"
  173149. ],
  173150. [
  173151. "rtc/centrust",
  173152. "sale/huntington",
  173153. "8221",
  173154. "8221",
  173155. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8221,8221"
  173156. ],
  173157. [
  173158. "rtc/centrust",
  173159. "sale/huntington",
  173160. "8222",
  173161. "8222",
  173162. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8222,8222"
  173163. ],
  173164. [
  173165. "rtc/centrust",
  173166. "sale/huntington",
  173167. "8223",
  173168. "8223",
  173169. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8223,8223"
  173170. ],
  173171. [
  173172. "rtc/centrust",
  173173. "sale of huntington",
  173174. "8206",
  173175. "8206",
  173176. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8206,8206"
  173177. ],
  173178. [
  173179. "rtc/centrust",
  173180. "shapiro",
  173181. "8201",
  173182. "8201",
  173183. "rtc/centrust,shapiro,8201,8201"
  173184. ],
  173185. [
  173186. "rtc/centrust",
  173187. "payton & rachlin, p.a.",
  173188. "8326",
  173189. "8326",
  173190. "rtc/centrust,payton & rachlin, p.a.,8326,8326"
  173191. ],
  173192. [
  173193. "rtc/centrust",
  173194. "lease with popham",
  173195. "8426",
  173196. "8426",
  173197. "rtc/centrust,lease with popham,8426,8426"
  173198. ],
  173199. [
  173200. "rtc/concer. centrust",
  173201. "broward v. allan polley",
  173202. "8426",
  173203. "8426",
  173204. "rtc/concer. centrust,broward v. allan polley,8426,8426"
  173205. ],
  173206. [
  173207. "rtc/centrust",
  173208. "centrust trust",
  173209. "8426",
  173210. "8426",
  173211. "rtc/centrust,centrust trust,8426,8426"
  173212. ],
  173213. [
  173214. "rtc/centrust",
  173215. "lease/popham, haik,*",
  173216. "8231",
  173217. "8231",
  173218. "rtc/centrust,lease/popham, haik,*,8231,8231"
  173219. ],
  173220. [
  173221. "rtc/centrust",
  173222. "sale of centrust tower",
  173223. "8617",
  173224. "8617",
  173225. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8617,8617"
  173226. ],
  173227. [
  173228. "rtc/centrust",
  173229. "sale of centrust tower",
  173230. "8618",
  173231. "8618",
  173232. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8618,8618"
  173233. ],
  173234. [
  173235. "rtc/centrust",
  173236. "sale of centrust tower",
  173237. "8619",
  173238. "8619",
  173239. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8619,8619"
  173240. ],
  173241. [
  173242. "rtc/centrust",
  173243. "sale of centrust tower",
  173244. "8620",
  173245. "8620",
  173246. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8620,8620"
  173247. ],
  173248. [
  173249. "rtc/centrust",
  173250. "sale of centrust tower",
  173251. "8621",
  173252. "8621",
  173253. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8621,8621"
  173254. ],
  173255. [
  173256. "rtc/centrust",
  173257. "sale of centrust tower",
  173258. "8622",
  173259. "8622",
  173260. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8622,8622"
  173261. ],
  173262. [
  173263. "rtc/centrust",
  173264. "sale of centrust tower",
  173265. "8623",
  173266. "8623",
  173267. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8623,8623"
  173268. ],
  173269. [
  173270. "rtc/centrust",
  173271. "sale of centrust tower",
  173272. "8624",
  173273. "8624",
  173274. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8624,8624"
  173275. ],
  173276. [
  173277. "rtc/centrust",
  173278. "sale of centrust tower",
  173279. "8625",
  173280. "8625",
  173281. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8625,8625"
  173282. ],
  173283. [
  173284. "rtc/centrust",
  173285. "sale of centrust tower",
  173286. "8626",
  173287. "8626",
  173288. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8626,8626"
  173289. ],
  173290. [
  173291. "rtc/ centrust",
  173292. "claim of lien/all-interi",
  173293. "8616",
  173294. "8616",
  173295. "rtc/ centrust,claim of lien/all-interi,8616,8616"
  173296. ],
  173297. [
  173298. "rtc/centrust",
  173299. "sale of centrust tower",
  173300. "8616",
  173301. "8616",
  173302. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8616,8616"
  173303. ],
  173304. [
  173305. "rtc/centrust",
  173306. "lcp acquistion",
  173307. "8426",
  173308. "8426",
  173309. "rtc/centrust,lcp acquistion,8426,8426"
  173310. ],
  173311. [
  173312. "rtc-centrust",
  173313. "general matters",
  173314. "8805",
  173315. "8805",
  173316. "rtc-centrust,general matters,8805,8805"
  173317. ],
  173318. [
  173319. "rtc-centrust savings",
  173320. "vesta vestra, inc.",
  173321. "8804",
  173322. "8804",
  173323. "rtc-centrust savings,vesta vestra, inc.,8804,8804"
  173324. ],
  173325. [
  173326. "rtc-centrust savings",
  173327. "vesta vestra, ccr",
  173328. "8805",
  173329. "8805",
  173330. "rtc-centrust savings,vesta vestra, ccr,8805,8805"
  173331. ],
  173332. [
  173333. "rtc",
  173334. "lpc",
  173335. "9203",
  173336. "9203",
  173337. "rtc,lpc,9203,9203"
  173338. ],
  173339. [
  173340. "rtc",
  173341. "lpc",
  173342. "9204",
  173343. "9204",
  173344. "rtc,lpc,9204,9204"
  173345. ],
  173346. [
  173347. "rtc/centrust",
  173348. "sale of centrust tower",
  173349. "9452",
  173350. "9452",
  173351. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,9452,9452"
  173352. ],
  173353. [
  173354. "rtc/centrust",
  173355. "sale of centrust towers",
  173356. "9453",
  173357. "9453",
  173358. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust towers,9453,9453"
  173359. ],
  173360. [
  173361. "rtc/centrust",
  173362. "sale of centrust tower",
  173363. "9454",
  173364. "9454",
  173365. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,9454,9454"
  173366. ],
  173367. [
  173368. "rtc/centrust",
  173369. "sale of centrust tower",
  173370. "9455",
  173371. "9455",
  173372. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,9455,9455"
  173373. ],
  173374. [
  173375. "rtc centrust",
  173376. "diversified",
  173377. "9269",
  173378. "9269",
  173379. "rtc centrust,diversified,9269,9269"
  173380. ],
  173381. [
  173382. "rtc",
  173383. "general leasing advice",
  173384. "9757",
  173385. "9757",
  173386. "rtc,general leasing advice,9757,9757"
  173387. ],
  173388. [
  173389. "rtc",
  173390. "review of lease-intl pl",
  173391. "9757",
  173392. "9757",
  173393. "rtc,review of lease-intl pl,9757,9757"
  173394. ],
  173395. [
  173396. "rtc",
  173397. "huntington",
  173398. "28161587",
  173399. "d2523",
  173400. "rtc,huntington,28161587,d2523"
  173401. ],
  173402. [
  173403. "rtc",
  173404. "huntington",
  173405. "28161595",
  173406. "d2524",
  173407. "rtc,huntington,28161595,d2524"
  173408. ],
  173409. [
  173410. "rtc",
  173411. "huntington",
  173412. "28161575",
  173413. "d2525",
  173414. "rtc,huntington,28161575,d2525"
  173415. ],
  173416. [
  173417. "rtc centrust",
  173418. "none",
  173419. "460598096",
  173420. "210343",
  173421. "rtc centrust,none,460598096,210343"
  173422. ],
  173423. [
  173424. "rtc",
  173425. "none",
  173426. "652553352",
  173427. "49531",
  173428. "rtc,none,652553352,49531"
  173429. ],
  173430. [
  173431. "rtc - conser centrust v. abdur",
  173432. "none",
  173433. "672025732",
  173434. "295225",
  173435. "rtc - conser centrust v. abdur,none,672025732,295225"
  173436. ],
  173437. [
  173438. "goldome",
  173439. "rtc/smith",
  173440. "7749",
  173441. "7749",
  173442. "goldome,rtc/smith,7749,7749"
  173443. ],
  173444. [
  173445. "rtc-centrust mtg",
  173446. "branch ofc leases",
  173447. "9708",
  173448. "9708",
  173449. "rtc-centrust mtg,branch ofc leases,9708,9708"
  173450. ],
  173451. [
  173452. "rtc vs collier #2 (2",
  173453. "nan",
  173454. "dsj004762",
  173455. "16-042",
  173456. "rtc vs collier #2 (2,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  173457. ],
  173458. [
  173459. "rtc df services inc",
  173460. "nan",
  173461. "dsj005331",
  173462. "32-048",
  173463. "rtc df services inc,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  173464. ],
  173465. [
  173466. "rtc oak grove apartments",
  173467. "nan",
  173468. "dsj005332",
  173469. "32-049",
  173470. "rtc oak grove apartments,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  173471. ],
  173472. [
  173473. "rtc beach bluff apartments",
  173474. "nan",
  173475. "dsj005332",
  173476. "32-049",
  173477. "rtc beach bluff apartments,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  173478. ],
  173479. [
  173480. "rtc-oak grove apartments",
  173481. "nan",
  173482. "dsj005364",
  173483. "32-079",
  173484. "rtc-oak grove apartments,nan,dsj005364,32-079"
  173485. ],
  173486. [
  173487. "rtc/duval federal vs bobby",
  173488. "nan",
  173489. "dsj004759",
  173490. "16-039",
  173491. "rtc/duval federal vs bobby,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  173492. ],
  173493. [
  173494. "rtc/duval federal vs robert",
  173495. "nan",
  173496. "dsj004759",
  173497. "16-039",
  173498. "rtc/duval federal vs robert,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  173499. ],
  173500. [
  173501. "rtc homes lumber co",
  173502. "nan",
  173503. "dsj005331",
  173504. "32-048",
  173505. "rtc homes lumber co,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  173506. ],
  173507. [
  173508. "rtc-duval fed-sav assn of",
  173509. "nan",
  173510. "dsj005315",
  173511. "32-032",
  173512. "rtc-duval fed-sav assn of,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  173513. ],
  173514. [
  173515. "rtc-duval fed-citibank",
  173516. "nan",
  173517. "dsj005315",
  173518. "32-032",
  173519. "rtc-duval fed-citibank,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  173520. ],
  173521. [
  173522. "rtc-duval fed-northwester",
  173523. "nan",
  173524. "dsj005315",
  173525. "32-032",
  173526. "rtc-duval fed-northwester,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  173527. ],
  173528. [
  173529. "rtc-duval federal",
  173530. "nan",
  173531. "dsj005315",
  173532. "32-032",
  173533. "rtc-duval federal,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  173534. ],
  173535. [
  173536. "rtc-duval fed-american bank",
  173537. "nan",
  173538. "dsj005315",
  173539. "32-032",
  173540. "rtc-duval fed-american bank,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  173541. ],
  173542. [
  173543. "rtc-duval fed sec first fed",
  173544. "nan",
  173545. "dsj005315",
  173546. "32-032",
  173547. "rtc-duval fed sec first fed,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  173548. ],
  173549. [
  173550. "rtc vs john kleiber",
  173551. "nan",
  173552. "dsj004762",
  173553. "16-042",
  173554. "rtc vs john kleiber,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  173555. ],
  173556. [
  173557. "john frank johnson rtc/duval",
  173558. "nan",
  173559. "dsj005720",
  173560. "40-004",
  173561. "john frank johnson rtc/duval,nan,dsj005720,40-004"
  173562. ],
  173563. [
  173564. "rtc/atlantic east (2)",
  173565. "nan",
  173566. "dsj005720",
  173567. "40-004",
  173568. "rtc/atlantic east (2),nan,dsj005720,40-004"
  173569. ],
  173570. [
  173571. "rtc vs john brantley",
  173572. "nan",
  173573. "dsj004762",
  173574. "16-042",
  173575. "rtc vs john brantley,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  173576. ],
  173577. [
  173578. "rtc-duval fed-empire",
  173579. "nan",
  173580. "dsj005315",
  173581. "32-032",
  173582. "rtc-duval fed-empire,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  173583. ],
  173584. [
  173585. "rtc vs first land group",
  173586. "nan",
  173587. "dsj004762",
  173588. "16-042",
  173589. "rtc vs first land group,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  173590. ],
  173591. [
  173592. "rtc/montgomery-hall",
  173593. "nan",
  173594. "dsj004474",
  173595. "13-039",
  173596. "rtc/montgomery-hall,nan,dsj004474,13-039"
  173597. ],
  173598. [
  173599. "rtc duval federal/art's",
  173600. "nan",
  173601. "dsj004478",
  173602. "13-045",
  173603. "rtc duval federal/art's,nan,dsj004478,13-045"
  173604. ],
  173605. [
  173606. "rtc/duval federal vs.",
  173607. "nan",
  173608. "dsj004759",
  173609. "16-039",
  173610. "rtc/duval federal vs.,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  173611. ],
  173612. [
  173613. "rtc/duval federal vs",
  173614. "nan",
  173615. "dsj004759",
  173616. "16-039",
  173617. "rtc/duval federal vs,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  173618. ],
  173619. [
  173620. "rtc rec duval fed ortega blvd",
  173621. "nan",
  173622. "dsj005331",
  173623. "32-048",
  173624. "rtc rec duval fed ortega blvd,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  173625. ],
  173626. [
  173627. "rtc dfs fernandina beach loan",
  173628. "nan",
  173629. "dsj005331",
  173630. "32-048",
  173631. "rtc dfs fernandina beach loan,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  173632. ],
  173633. [
  173634. "rtc mono & loyd development",
  173635. "nan",
  173636. "dsj005331",
  173637. "32-048",
  173638. "rtc mono & loyd development,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  173639. ],
  173640. [
  173641. "rtc v lawrence nichols",
  173642. "nan",
  173643. "dsj005331",
  173644. "32-048",
  173645. "rtc v lawrence nichols,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  173646. ],
  173647. [
  173648. "rtc/duv. fed/ v. mark",
  173649. "nan",
  173650. "dsj004771",
  173651. "16-051",
  173652. "rtc/duv. fed/ v. mark,nan,dsj004771,16-051"
  173653. ],
  173654. [
  173655. "rtc/duv. fed. vs willis davis",
  173656. "nan",
  173657. "dsj004761",
  173658. "16-041",
  173659. "rtc/duv. fed. vs willis davis,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  173660. ],
  173661. [
  173662. "rtc lockwood jack r & grace p",
  173663. "nan",
  173664. "dsj005332",
  173665. "32-049",
  173666. "rtc lockwood jack r & grace p,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  173667. ],
  173668. [
  173669. "rtc ww builders",
  173670. "nan",
  173671. "dsj005332",
  173672. "32-049",
  173673. "rtc ww builders,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  173674. ],
  173675. [
  173676. "rtc bowden point investors",
  173677. "nan",
  173678. "dsj005332",
  173679. "32-049",
  173680. "rtc bowden point investors,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  173681. ],
  173682. [
  173683. "rtc/oak grove",
  173684. "nan",
  173685. "dsj004486",
  173686. "13-049",
  173687. "rtc/oak grove,nan,dsj004486,13-049"
  173688. ],
  173689. [
  173690. "rtc eudora grove apartments",
  173691. "nan",
  173692. "dsj005332",
  173693. "32-049",
  173694. "rtc eudora grove apartments,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  173695. ],
  173696. [
  173697. "rtc evdora grove apt",
  173698. "nan",
  173699. "dsj495723",
  173700. "183306",
  173701. "rtc evdora grove apt,nan,dsj495723,183306"
  173702. ],
  173703. [
  173704. "rtc/duval fed v willie hines",
  173705. "nan",
  173706. "dsj004797",
  173707. "16-076",
  173708. "rtc/duval fed v willie hines,nan,dsj004797,16-076"
  173709. ],
  173710. [
  173711. "rtc/df vs alvin t green",
  173712. "nan",
  173713. "dsj004776",
  173714. "16-055",
  173715. "rtc/df vs alvin t green,nan,dsj004776,16-055"
  173716. ],
  173717. [
  173718. "rtc/df vs alan williams",
  173719. "nan",
  173720. "dsj004773",
  173721. "16-052a",
  173722. "rtc/df vs alan williams,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  173723. ],
  173724. [
  173725. "rtc/dc vs amy meinstein",
  173726. "nan",
  173727. "dsj004776",
  173728. "16-055",
  173729. "rtc/dc vs amy meinstein,nan,dsj004776,16-055"
  173730. ],
  173731. [
  173732. "rtc/duval fed vs robert lusk",
  173733. "nan",
  173734. "dsj004773",
  173735. "16-052a",
  173736. "rtc/duval fed vs robert lusk,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  173737. ],
  173738. [
  173739. "rtc sale of loan from duval",
  173740. "nan",
  173741. "dsj495724",
  173742. "183307",
  173743. "rtc sale of loan from duval,nan,dsj495724,183307"
  173744. ],
  173745. [
  173746. "rtc/df vs james carbaugh",
  173747. "nan",
  173748. "dsj004773",
  173749. "16-052a",
  173750. "rtc/df vs james carbaugh,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  173751. ],
  173752. [
  173753. "rtc/duval federal vs",
  173754. "nan",
  173755. "dsj004788",
  173756. "16-067",
  173757. "rtc/duval federal vs,nan,dsj004788,16-067"
  173758. ],
  173759. [
  173760. "rtc/duv. fed. vs richard",
  173761. "nan",
  173762. "dsj004761",
  173763. "16-041",
  173764. "rtc/duv. fed. vs richard,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  173765. ],
  173766. [
  173767. "rtc-ambassador",
  173768. "c&e associates",
  173769. "489486498",
  173770. "85615",
  173771. "rtc-ambassador,c&e associates,489486498,85615"
  173772. ],
  173773. [
  173774. "rtc/royal palm sav bank",
  173775. "firing of joseph burgoon",
  173776. "8426",
  173777. "8426",
  173778. "rtc/royal palm sav bank,firing of joseph burgoon,8426,8426"
  173779. ],
  173780. [
  173781. "rtc/royal palm sale to auto",
  173782. "nan",
  173783. "dsj005317",
  173784. "32-034",
  173785. "rtc/royal palm sale to auto,nan,dsj005317,32-034"
  173786. ],
  173787. [
  173788. "rtc",
  173789. "plds",
  173790. "tcf0010426",
  173791. "bj2333",
  173792. "rtc,plds,tcf0010426,bj2333"
  173793. ],
  173794. [
  173795. "rtc\\pioneer fed",
  173796. "evc\\dileo & rucci",
  173797. "8028",
  173798. "8028",
  173799. "rtc\\pioneer fed,evc\\dileo & rucci,8028,8028"
  173800. ],
  173801. [
  173802. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  173803. "none",
  173804. "489342233",
  173805. "466789",
  173806. "taco bell adv. elastic bond,none,489342233,466789"
  173807. ],
  173808. [
  173809. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  173810. "none",
  173811. "489342453",
  173812. "466791",
  173813. "taco bell adv. elastic bond,none,489342453,466791"
  173814. ],
  173815. [
  173816. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  173817. "none",
  173818. "489342243",
  173819. "466792",
  173820. "taco bell adv. elastic bond,none,489342243,466792"
  173821. ],
  173822. [
  173823. "taco bell",
  173824. "none",
  173825. "89251206",
  173826. "467104",
  173827. "taco bell,none,89251206,467104"
  173828. ],
  173829. [
  173830. "rtc conser city fed",
  173831. "small video",
  173832. "7707",
  173833. "7707",
  173834. "rtc conser city fed,small video,7707,7707"
  173835. ],
  173836. [
  173837. "rtc conser city fed",
  173838. "sparacino, dominick",
  173839. "7707",
  173840. "7707",
  173841. "rtc conser city fed,sparacino, dominick,7707,7707"
  173842. ],
  173843. [
  173844. "rtc-conser/city fed.",
  173845. "mafdali, d. d.p.m.,p.a.",
  173846. "7995",
  173847. "7995",
  173848. "rtc-conser/city fed.,mafdali, d. d.p.m.,p.a.,7995,7995"
  173849. ],
  173850. [
  173851. "rtc",
  173852. "broadview",
  173853. "tcf0008814",
  173854. "ay2043",
  173855. "rtc,broadview,tcf0008814,ay2043"
  173856. ],
  173857. [
  173858. "rtc conser",
  173859. "broadview/hoffman",
  173860. "7719",
  173861. "7719",
  173862. "rtc conser,broadview/hoffman,7719,7719"
  173863. ],
  173864. [
  173865. "rtc",
  173866. "broadview & great south",
  173867. "7927",
  173868. "7927",
  173869. "rtc,broadview & great south,7927,7927"
  173870. ],
  173871. [
  173872. "rtc/broadview",
  173873. "bloukos",
  173874. "8196",
  173875. "8196",
  173876. "rtc/broadview,bloukos,8196,8196"
  173877. ],
  173878. [
  173879. "rtc-broadview fsb",
  173880. "sale of naples property",
  173881. "8296",
  173882. "8296",
  173883. "rtc-broadview fsb,sale of naples property,8296,8296"
  173884. ],
  173885. [
  173886. "rtc-broadview",
  173887. "modification st. andrew",
  173888. "8319",
  173889. "8319",
  173890. "rtc-broadview,modification st. andrew,8319,8319"
  173891. ],
  173892. [
  173893. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  173894. "st. andrews country club",
  173895. "8379",
  173896. "8379",
  173897. "rtc-conser. broadview,st. andrews country club,8379,8379"
  173898. ],
  173899. [
  173900. "rtc-broadview fsb",
  173901. "st. andrews ctry club",
  173902. "8295",
  173903. "8295",
  173904. "rtc-broadview fsb,st. andrews ctry club,8295,8295"
  173905. ],
  173906. [
  173907. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  173908. "st. andrews cntry club",
  173909. "8378",
  173910. "8378",
  173911. "rtc-conser. broadview,st. andrews cntry club,8378,8378"
  173912. ],
  173913. [
  173914. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  173915. "sale-lks of newport",
  173916. "8376",
  173917. "8376",
  173918. "rtc-conser. broadview,sale-lks of newport,8376,8376"
  173919. ],
  173920. [
  173921. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  173922. "lks of newport",
  173923. "8376",
  173924. "8376",
  173925. "rtc-conser. broadview,lks of newport,8376,8376"
  173926. ],
  173927. [
  173928. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  173929. "lks of newport/taiyo dev",
  173930. "8376",
  173931. "8376",
  173932. "rtc-conser. broadview,lks of newport/taiyo dev,8376,8376"
  173933. ],
  173934. [
  173935. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  173936. "lks of nwprt/single hms",
  173937. "8376",
  173938. "8376",
  173939. "rtc-conser. broadview,lks of nwprt/single hms,8376,8376"
  173940. ],
  173941. [
  173942. "rtc-broadview federal",
  173943. "general",
  173944. "8800",
  173945. "8800",
  173946. "rtc-broadview federal,general,8800,8800"
  173947. ],
  173948. [
  173949. "rtc-conser broadview",
  173950. "mod. of loan/st. andrews",
  173951. "8800",
  173952. "8800",
  173953. "rtc-conser broadview,mod. of loan/st. andrews,8800,8800"
  173954. ],
  173955. [
  173956. "rtc-broadview federal",
  173957. "sale/portion/lake/newpor",
  173958. "8808",
  173959. "8808",
  173960. "rtc-broadview federal,sale/portion/lake/newpor,8808,8808"
  173961. ],
  173962. [
  173963. "rtc-broadview federal",
  173964. "sale/portion/lake/newpor",
  173965. "8809",
  173966. "8809",
  173967. "rtc-broadview federal,sale/portion/lake/newpor,8809,8809"
  173968. ],
  173969. [
  173970. "rtc- broadview",
  173971. "adv. rebecca walker",
  173972. "9118",
  173973. "9118",
  173974. "rtc- broadview,adv. rebecca walker,9118,9118"
  173975. ],
  173976. [
  173977. "rtc- broadview",
  173978. "adv. rebecca walker",
  173979. "9118",
  173980. "9118",
  173981. "rtc- broadview,adv. rebecca walker,9118,9118"
  173982. ],
  173983. [
  173984. "rtc- broadview",
  173985. "adv. rebecca walker",
  173986. "9118",
  173987. "9118",
  173988. "rtc- broadview,adv. rebecca walker,9118,9118"
  173989. ],
  173990. [
  173991. "rtc/broadview",
  173992. "brinkley",
  173993. "8197",
  173994. "8197",
  173995. "rtc/broadview,brinkley,8197,8197"
  173996. ],
  173997. [
  173998. "rtc/broadview",
  173999. "brinkley",
  174000. "8198",
  174001. "8198",
  174002. "rtc/broadview,brinkley,8198,8198"
  174003. ],
  174004. [
  174005. "rtc/broadview",
  174006. "brinkley",
  174007. "8199",
  174008. "8199",
  174009. "rtc/broadview,brinkley,8199,8199"
  174010. ],
  174011. [
  174012. "rtc",
  174013. "tow",
  174014. "9223",
  174015. "9223",
  174016. "rtc,tow,9223,9223"
  174017. ],
  174018. [
  174019. "rtc/broadview bank",
  174020. "lakes of newport",
  174021. "9273",
  174022. "9273",
  174023. "rtc/broadview bank,lakes of newport,9273,9273"
  174024. ],
  174025. [
  174026. "rtc",
  174027. "1991 billing file broadview savings bank",
  174028. "d3378",
  174029. "d3378",
  174030. "rtc,1991 billing file broadview savings bank,d3378,d3378"
  174031. ],
  174032. [
  174033. "rtc",
  174034. "la peninsula condo ass",
  174035. "tcf0010166",
  174036. "bg0767",
  174037. "rtc,la peninsula condo ass,tcf0010166,bg0767"
  174038. ],
  174039. [
  174040. "rtc",
  174041. "tpa triangle",
  174042. "tcf0010543",
  174043. "bj6528",
  174044. "rtc,tpa triangle,tcf0010543,bj6528"
  174045. ],
  174046. [
  174047. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  174048. "la corniche/contract",
  174049. "8806",
  174050. "8806",
  174051. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.,la corniche/contract,8806,8806"
  174052. ],
  174053. [
  174054. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  174055. "la corniche-heron clif",
  174056. "8807",
  174057. "8807",
  174058. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.,la corniche-heron clif,8807,8807"
  174059. ],
  174060. [
  174061. "rtc",
  174062. "pima-capri point",
  174063. "652603748",
  174064. "85770",
  174065. "rtc,pima-capri point,652603748,85770"
  174066. ],
  174067. [
  174068. "rtc",
  174069. "ti",
  174070. "tcf0013412",
  174071. "by2233",
  174072. "rtc,ti,tcf0013412,by2233"
  174073. ],
  174074. [
  174075. "rtc franklin sav.",
  174076. "boca glades",
  174077. "7693",
  174078. "7693",
  174079. "rtc franklin sav.,boca glades,7693,7693"
  174080. ],
  174081. [
  174082. "rtc/robert black",
  174083. "box of misc. items",
  174084. "tcf0007598",
  174085. "au0739",
  174086. "rtc/robert black,box of misc. items,tcf0007598,au0739"
  174087. ],
  174088. [
  174089. "rtc",
  174090. " mort.foreclos",
  174091. "7513",
  174092. "7513",
  174093. "rtc, mort.foreclos,7513,7513"
  174094. ],
  174095. [
  174096. "rtc",
  174097. " nat.bnk",
  174098. "7513",
  174099. "7513",
  174100. "rtc, nat.bnk,7513,7513"
  174101. ],
  174102. [
  174103. "rtc conser/am. pioneer",
  174104. "pellerin,d.",
  174105. "7513",
  174106. "7513",
  174107. "rtc conser/am. pioneer,pellerin,d.,7513,7513"
  174108. ],
  174109. [
  174110. "rtc/american pioneer",
  174111. "smith",
  174112. "8220",
  174113. "8220",
  174114. "rtc/american pioneer,smith,8220,8220"
  174115. ],
  174116. [
  174117. "rtc/american pioneer",
  174118. "smith",
  174119. "8220",
  174120. "8220",
  174121. "rtc/american pioneer,smith,8220,8220"
  174122. ],
  174123. [
  174124. "rtc\\american pioneer",
  174125. "dubose jewelry",
  174126. "8027",
  174127. "8027",
  174128. "rtc\\american pioneer,dubose jewelry,8027,8027"
  174129. ],
  174130. [
  174131. "rtc\\american pioneer",
  174132. "dubose,r.& m.",
  174133. "8018",
  174134. "8018",
  174135. "rtc\\american pioneer,dubose,r.& m.,8018,8018"
  174136. ],
  174137. [
  174138. "rtc/ american pioneer",
  174139. "ingui",
  174140. "8354",
  174141. "8354",
  174142. "rtc/ american pioneer,ingui,8354,8354"
  174143. ],
  174144. [
  174145. "rtc",
  174146. "6700 w. commercial blvd.",
  174147. "9064",
  174148. "9064",
  174149. "rtc,6700 w. commercial blvd.,9064,9064"
  174150. ],
  174151. [
  174152. "rtc",
  174153. "collins branch nov. 3",
  174154. "9064",
  174155. "9064",
  174156. "rtc,collins branch nov. 3,9064,9064"
  174157. ],
  174158. [
  174159. "rtc",
  174160. "supervisor/residential",
  174161. "9024",
  174162. "9024",
  174163. "rtc,supervisor/residential,9024,9024"
  174164. ],
  174165. [
  174166. "rtc",
  174167. "supervisor/residential",
  174168. "9025",
  174169. "9025",
  174170. "rtc,supervisor/residential,9025,9025"
  174171. ],
  174172. [
  174173. "rtc",
  174174. "okeechobee branch title",
  174175. "9098",
  174176. "9098",
  174177. "rtc,okeechobee branch title,9098,9098"
  174178. ],
  174179. [
  174180. "rtc",
  174181. "belle glade branch-title",
  174182. "9487",
  174183. "9487",
  174184. "rtc,belle glade branch-title,9487,9487"
  174185. ],
  174186. [
  174187. "rtc",
  174188. "wilson concepts - title",
  174189. "9517",
  174190. "9517",
  174191. "rtc,wilson concepts - title,9517,9517"
  174192. ],
  174193. [
  174194. "rtc",
  174195. "gun club lot - title",
  174196. "9517",
  174197. "9517",
  174198. "rtc,gun club lot - title,9517,9517"
  174199. ],
  174200. [
  174201. "rtc",
  174202. "willington lot - title",
  174203. "9517",
  174204. "9517",
  174205. "rtc,willington lot - title,9517,9517"
  174206. ],
  174207. [
  174208. "rtc-superv of resd'l auc",
  174209. "superv of residential au",
  174210. "9360",
  174211. "9360",
  174212. "rtc-superv of resd'l auc,superv of residential au,9360,9360"
  174213. ],
  174214. [
  174215. "rtc-superv of com; auc",
  174216. "12/8/92",
  174217. "9346",
  174218. "9346",
  174219. "rtc-superv of com; auc,12/8/92,9346,9346"
  174220. ],
  174221. [
  174222. "rtc-superv of com; auc",
  174223. "12/8/92",
  174224. "9345",
  174225. "9345",
  174226. "rtc-superv of com; auc,12/8/92,9345,9345"
  174227. ],
  174228. [
  174229. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174230. "12/8/92",
  174231. "9348",
  174232. "9348",
  174233. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9348,9348"
  174234. ],
  174235. [
  174236. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174237. "12/8/92",
  174238. "9347",
  174239. "9347",
  174240. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9347,9347"
  174241. ],
  174242. [
  174243. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174244. "12/8/92",
  174245. "9352",
  174246. "9352",
  174247. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9352,9352"
  174248. ],
  174249. [
  174250. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174251. "12/8/92",
  174252. "9351",
  174253. "9351",
  174254. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9351,9351"
  174255. ],
  174256. [
  174257. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174258. "12/8/92",
  174259. "9350",
  174260. "9350",
  174261. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9350,9350"
  174262. ],
  174263. [
  174264. "rtc-suprv of coml auc",
  174265. "12/8/92",
  174266. "9355",
  174267. "9355",
  174268. "rtc-suprv of coml auc,12/8/92,9355,9355"
  174269. ],
  174270. [
  174271. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174272. "12/8/92",
  174273. "9354",
  174274. "9354",
  174275. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9354,9354"
  174276. ],
  174277. [
  174278. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174279. "12/8/92",
  174280. "9353",
  174281. "9353",
  174282. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9353,9353"
  174283. ],
  174284. [
  174285. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174286. "12/8/92",
  174287. "9358",
  174288. "9358",
  174289. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9358,9358"
  174290. ],
  174291. [
  174292. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174293. "12/8/92",
  174294. "9357",
  174295. "9357",
  174296. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9357,9357"
  174297. ],
  174298. [
  174299. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174300. "12/8/92",
  174301. "9356",
  174302. "9356",
  174303. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9356,9356"
  174304. ],
  174305. [
  174306. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174307. "12/8/92",
  174308. "9361",
  174309. "9361",
  174310. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9361,9361"
  174311. ],
  174312. [
  174313. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174314. "12/8/92",
  174315. "9360",
  174316. "9360",
  174317. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9360,9360"
  174318. ],
  174319. [
  174320. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174321. "12/8/92",
  174322. "9364",
  174323. "9364",
  174324. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9364,9364"
  174325. ],
  174326. [
  174327. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174328. "12/8/92",
  174329. "9363",
  174330. "9363",
  174331. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9363,9363"
  174332. ],
  174333. [
  174334. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174335. "12/8/92",
  174336. "9362",
  174337. "9362",
  174338. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9362,9362"
  174339. ],
  174340. [
  174341. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174342. "12/8/92",
  174343. "9365",
  174344. "9365",
  174345. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9365,9365"
  174346. ],
  174347. [
  174348. "rtc-superv of com'l auc",
  174349. "-",
  174350. "9367",
  174351. "9367",
  174352. "rtc-superv of com'l auc,-,9367,9367"
  174353. ],
  174354. [
  174355. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174356. "-",
  174357. "9368",
  174358. "9368",
  174359. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9368,9368"
  174360. ],
  174361. [
  174362. "rtc-superv of cml auc",
  174363. "-",
  174364. "9369",
  174365. "9369",
  174366. "rtc-superv of cml auc,-,9369,9369"
  174367. ],
  174368. [
  174369. "rtc-suprev of coml auc",
  174370. "-",
  174371. "9370",
  174372. "9370",
  174373. "rtc-suprev of coml auc,-,9370,9370"
  174374. ],
  174375. [
  174376. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174377. "-",
  174378. "9371",
  174379. "9371",
  174380. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9371,9371"
  174381. ],
  174382. [
  174383. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174384. "-",
  174385. "9372",
  174386. "9372",
  174387. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9372,9372"
  174388. ],
  174389. [
  174390. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174391. "-",
  174392. "9373",
  174393. "9373",
  174394. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9373,9373"
  174395. ],
  174396. [
  174397. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174398. "-",
  174399. "9374",
  174400. "9374",
  174401. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9374,9374"
  174402. ],
  174403. [
  174404. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174405. "-",
  174406. "9375",
  174407. "9375",
  174408. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9375,9375"
  174409. ],
  174410. [
  174411. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174412. "8-dec-92",
  174413. "9344",
  174414. "9344",
  174415. "rtc-superv of coml auc,8-dec-92,9344,9344"
  174416. ],
  174417. [
  174418. "rtc",
  174419. "everglades land subdivis",
  174420. "9098",
  174421. "9098",
  174422. "rtc,everglades land subdivis,9098,9098"
  174423. ],
  174424. [
  174425. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174426. "12/8/92",
  174427. "9349",
  174428. "9349",
  174429. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9349,9349"
  174430. ],
  174431. [
  174432. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174433. "12/8/92",
  174434. "9359",
  174435. "9359",
  174436. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9359,9359"
  174437. ],
  174438. [
  174439. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174440. "-",
  174441. "9376",
  174442. "9376",
  174443. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9376,9376"
  174444. ],
  174445. [
  174446. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174447. "-",
  174448. "9377",
  174449. "9377",
  174450. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9377,9377"
  174451. ],
  174452. [
  174453. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174454. "-",
  174455. "9378",
  174456. "9378",
  174457. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9378,9378"
  174458. ],
  174459. [
  174460. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174461. "-",
  174462. "9380",
  174463. "9380",
  174464. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9380,9380"
  174465. ],
  174466. [
  174467. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  174468. "-",
  174469. "9379",
  174470. "9379",
  174471. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9379,9379"
  174472. ],
  174473. [
  174474. "rtc",
  174475. "palm gate plaza - title",
  174476. "9517",
  174477. "9517",
  174478. "rtc,palm gate plaza - title,9517,9517"
  174479. ],
  174480. [
  174481. "rtc",
  174482. "loggers run shopping cen",
  174483. "9055",
  174484. "9055",
  174485. "rtc,loggers run shopping cen,9055,9055"
  174486. ],
  174487. [
  174488. "rtc",
  174489. "507-509 dixie -title",
  174490. "9865",
  174491. "9865",
  174492. "rtc,507-509 dixie -title,9865,9865"
  174493. ],
  174494. [
  174495. "rtc-supervision of cmml",
  174496. "-",
  174497. "9366",
  174498. "9366",
  174499. "rtc-supervision of cmml,-,9366,9366"
  174500. ],
  174501. [
  174502. "rtc",
  174503. "auction",
  174504. "47032798",
  174505. "d1254",
  174506. "rtc,auction,47032798,d1254"
  174507. ],
  174508. [
  174509. "rtc",
  174510. "rtc institution jbr-files",
  174511. "28001062",
  174512. "d211",
  174513. "rtc,rtc institution jbr-files,28001062,d211"
  174514. ],
  174515. [
  174516. "rtc",
  174517. "jbr's files",
  174518. "d211",
  174519. "d211",
  174520. "rtc,jbr's files,d211,d211"
  174521. ],
  174522. [
  174523. "rtc",
  174524. "none",
  174525. "489565499",
  174526. "190996",
  174527. "rtc,none,489565499,190996"
  174528. ],
  174529. [
  174530. "rtc",
  174531. "none",
  174532. "489565499",
  174533. "190996",
  174534. "rtc,none,489565499,190996"
  174535. ],
  174536. [
  174537. "rtc",
  174538. "none",
  174539. "489565499",
  174540. "190996",
  174541. "rtc,none,489565499,190996"
  174542. ],
  174543. [
  174544. "rtc",
  174545. "none",
  174546. "210373",
  174547. "11369",
  174548. "rtc,none,210373,11369"
  174549. ],
  174550. [
  174551. "rtc",
  174552. "vacant land",
  174553. "210373",
  174554. "11369",
  174555. "rtc,vacant land,210373,11369"
  174556. ],
  174557. [
  174558. "rtc",
  174559. "south miami branch",
  174560. "210373",
  174561. "11369",
  174562. "rtc,south miami branch,210373,11369"
  174563. ],
  174564. [
  174565. "rtc",
  174566. "miami springs branch",
  174567. "210373",
  174568. "11369",
  174569. "rtc,miami springs branch,210373,11369"
  174570. ],
  174571. [
  174572. "rtc",
  174573. "little river land",
  174574. "210373",
  174575. "11369",
  174576. "rtc,little river land,210373,11369"
  174577. ],
  174578. [
  174579. "rtc",
  174580. "littler river branch",
  174581. "210373",
  174582. "11369",
  174583. "rtc,littler river branch,210373,11369"
  174584. ],
  174585. [
  174586. "rtc",
  174587. "greystone hotel",
  174588. "210373",
  174589. "11369",
  174590. "rtc,greystone hotel,210373,11369"
  174591. ],
  174592. [
  174593. "rtc",
  174594. "egan building",
  174595. "210373",
  174596. "11369",
  174597. "rtc,egan building,210373,11369"
  174598. ],
  174599. [
  174600. "rtc",
  174601. "design warehouse",
  174602. "210373",
  174603. "11369",
  174604. "rtc,design warehouse,210373,11369"
  174605. ],
  174606. [
  174607. "rtc",
  174608. "miami beach branch",
  174609. "210373",
  174610. "11369",
  174611. "rtc,miami beach branch,210373,11369"
  174612. ],
  174613. [
  174614. "rtc",
  174615. "none",
  174616. "210374",
  174617. "11370",
  174618. "rtc,none,210374,11370"
  174619. ],
  174620. [
  174621. "rtc",
  174622. "none",
  174623. "210374",
  174624. "11370",
  174625. "rtc,none,210374,11370"
  174626. ],
  174627. [
  174628. "rtc",
  174629. "whitehart hotel",
  174630. "210374",
  174631. "11370",
  174632. "rtc,whitehart hotel,210374,11370"
  174633. ],
  174634. [
  174635. "rtc",
  174636. "ponce de leon",
  174637. "210374",
  174638. "11370",
  174639. "rtc,ponce de leon,210374,11370"
  174640. ],
  174641. [
  174642. "rtc",
  174643. "15th vacant land",
  174644. "210374",
  174645. "11370",
  174646. "rtc,15th vacant land,210374,11370"
  174647. ],
  174648. [
  174649. "rtc",
  174650. "ileana plaza",
  174651. "210374",
  174652. "11370",
  174653. "rtc,ileana plaza,210374,11370"
  174654. ],
  174655. [
  174656. "rtc",
  174657. "bird road branch",
  174658. "210374",
  174659. "11370",
  174660. "rtc,bird road branch,210374,11370"
  174661. ],
  174662. [
  174663. "rtc",
  174664. "142nd street and country walk",
  174665. "210374",
  174666. "11370",
  174667. "rtc,142nd street and country walk,210374,11370"
  174668. ],
  174669. [
  174670. "resolution trust corp.",
  174671. "none",
  174672. "460599711",
  174673. "394489",
  174674. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  174675. ],
  174676. [
  174677. "resolution trust corp.",
  174678. "none",
  174679. "460599711",
  174680. "394489",
  174681. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  174682. ],
  174683. [
  174684. "resolution trust corp.",
  174685. "none",
  174686. "460599711",
  174687. "394489",
  174688. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  174689. ],
  174690. [
  174691. "resolution trust corp.",
  174692. "none",
  174693. "460599711",
  174694. "394489",
  174695. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  174696. ],
  174697. [
  174698. "resolution trust corp.",
  174699. "none",
  174700. "460599711",
  174701. "394489",
  174702. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  174703. ],
  174704. [
  174705. "resolution trust corp.",
  174706. "none",
  174707. "460599711",
  174708. "394489",
  174709. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  174710. ],
  174711. [
  174712. "resolution trust corp.",
  174713. "none",
  174714. "460599711",
  174715. "394489",
  174716. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  174717. ],
  174718. [
  174719. "resolution trust corp.",
  174720. "none",
  174721. "460599667",
  174722. "394490",
  174723. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174724. ],
  174725. [
  174726. "resolution trust corp.",
  174727. "none",
  174728. "460599667",
  174729. "394490",
  174730. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174731. ],
  174732. [
  174733. "resolution trust corp.",
  174734. "none",
  174735. "460599667",
  174736. "394490",
  174737. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174738. ],
  174739. [
  174740. "resolution trust corp.",
  174741. "none",
  174742. "460599667",
  174743. "394490",
  174744. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174745. ],
  174746. [
  174747. "resolution trust corp.",
  174748. "none",
  174749. "460599667",
  174750. "394490",
  174751. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174752. ],
  174753. [
  174754. "resolution trust corp.",
  174755. "none",
  174756. "460599667",
  174757. "394490",
  174758. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174759. ],
  174760. [
  174761. "resolution trust corp.",
  174762. "none",
  174763. "460599667",
  174764. "394490",
  174765. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174766. ],
  174767. [
  174768. "resolution trust corp.",
  174769. "none",
  174770. "460599667",
  174771. "394490",
  174772. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  174773. ],
  174774. [
  174775. "rtc",
  174776. "continental",
  174777. "489519927",
  174778. "118747",
  174779. "rtc,continental,489519927,118747"
  174780. ],
  174781. [
  174782. "rtc/continental",
  174783. "none",
  174784. "489519919",
  174785. "118755",
  174786. "rtc/continental,none,489519919,118755"
  174787. ],
  174788. [
  174789. "rtc commercial actions 12-8",
  174790. "nan",
  174791. "dsj005063",
  174792. "30-108",
  174793. "rtc commercial actions 12-8,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  174794. ],
  174795. [
  174796. "rtc individual title fees",
  174797. "nan",
  174798. "dsj005063",
  174799. "30-108",
  174800. "rtc individual title fees,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  174801. ],
  174802. [
  174803. "rtc/florida federal savings",
  174804. "clay co/green cove spr",
  174805. "dsj627968",
  174806. "336551",
  174807. "rtc/florida federal savings,clay co/green cove spr,dsj627968,336551"
  174808. ],
  174809. [
  174810. "rtc/florida federal duval",
  174811. "nan",
  174812. "dsj627968",
  174813. "336551",
  174814. "rtc/florida federal duval,nan,dsj627968,336551"
  174815. ],
  174816. [
  174817. "rtc/florida federal duval",
  174818. "nan",
  174819. "dsj627968",
  174820. "336551",
  174821. "rtc/florida federal duval,nan,dsj627968,336551"
  174822. ],
  174823. [
  174824. "rtc/action miscellaneous",
  174825. "nan",
  174826. "dsj627970",
  174827. "336553",
  174828. "rtc/action miscellaneous,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  174829. ],
  174830. [
  174831. "rtc/miscellaneous",
  174832. "nan",
  174833. "dsj627970",
  174834. "336553",
  174835. "rtc/miscellaneous,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  174836. ],
  174837. [
  174838. "rtc/florida federal savings",
  174839. "alachua co/gainesville",
  174840. "dsj627970",
  174841. "336553",
  174842. "rtc/florida federal savings,alachua co/gainesville,dsj627970,336553"
  174843. ],
  174844. [
  174845. "rtc/action miscellaneous files",
  174846. "nan",
  174847. "dsj627970",
  174848. "336553",
  174849. "rtc/action miscellaneous files,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  174850. ],
  174851. [
  174852. "rtc/duval federal st",
  174853. "nan",
  174854. "dsj627970",
  174855. "336553",
  174856. "rtc/duval federal st,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  174857. ],
  174858. [
  174859. "rtc auction sale to allen",
  174860. "nan",
  174861. "dsj005063",
  174862. "30-108",
  174863. "rtc auction sale to allen,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  174864. ],
  174865. [
  174866. "rtc auction sale to coast bank",
  174867. "nan",
  174868. "dsj005063",
  174869. "30-108",
  174870. "rtc auction sale to coast bank,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  174871. ],
  174872. [
  174873. "rtc-receiver",
  174874. "gibraltar vs. turner jr.",
  174875. "tcf0007564",
  174876. "as4782",
  174877. "rtc-receiver,gibraltar vs. turner jr.,tcf0007564,as4782"
  174878. ],
  174879. [
  174880. "rtc conser gibraltar sav.",
  174881. "michael & kaye harris",
  174882. "tcf0007564",
  174883. "as4782",
  174884. "rtc conser gibraltar sav.,michael & kaye harris,tcf0007564,as4782"
  174885. ],
  174886. [
  174887. "rtc - gibraltar sav.",
  174888. "92 richard & paula gilman",
  174889. "tcf0008391",
  174890. "aw2424",
  174891. "rtc - gibraltar sav.,92 richard & paula gilman,tcf0008391,aw2424"
  174892. ],
  174893. [
  174894. "rtc/gibraltar-bateman",
  174895. "nan",
  174896. "tcf0008840",
  174897. "ay2069",
  174898. "rtc/gibraltar-bateman,nan,tcf0008840,ay2069"
  174899. ],
  174900. [
  174901. "rtc/gibraltrar savings",
  174902. "troy & freda bateman",
  174903. "tcf0008894",
  174904. "ay6003",
  174905. "rtc/gibraltrar savings,troy & freda bateman,tcf0008894,ay6003"
  174906. ],
  174907. [
  174908. "rtc/gibral tar bateman",
  174909. "nan",
  174910. "tcf0008996",
  174911. "bc0140",
  174912. "rtc/gibral tar bateman,nan,tcf0008996,bc0140"
  174913. ],
  174914. [
  174915. "rtc",
  174916. "richard & paula gilman",
  174917. "tcf0010267",
  174918. "bg0946",
  174919. "rtc,richard & paula gilman,tcf0010267,bg0946"
  174920. ],
  174921. [
  174922. "rtc",
  174923. "broadview & great south",
  174924. "7927",
  174925. "7927",
  174926. "rtc,broadview & great south,7927,7927"
  174927. ],
  174928. [
  174929. "rtc",
  174930. "seascape towers inc",
  174931. "tcf0009416",
  174932. "bd8800",
  174933. "rtc,seascape towers inc,tcf0009416,bd8800"
  174934. ],
  174935. [
  174936. "rtc/lincoln fed",
  174937. "91 clutie v. brown",
  174938. "tcf0007710",
  174939. "au3177",
  174940. "rtc/lincoln fed,91 clutie v. brown,tcf0007710,au3177"
  174941. ],
  174942. [
  174943. "rtc-rec",
  174944. "linc fed/ln to chinen",
  174945. "7681",
  174946. "7681",
  174947. "rtc-rec,linc fed/ln to chinen,7681,7681"
  174948. ],
  174949. [
  174950. "rtc rec lincoln fed s&l",
  174951. "gonzalez, a",
  174952. "7708",
  174953. "7708",
  174954. "rtc rec lincoln fed s&l,gonzalez, a,7708,7708"
  174955. ],
  174956. [
  174957. "rtc/linciln fed s&l",
  174958. "1st interstate bank",
  174959. "7753",
  174960. "7753",
  174961. "rtc/linciln fed s&l,1st interstate bank,7753,7753"
  174962. ],
  174963. [
  174964. "rtc/centrust lincoln",
  174965. "krohn dev.corp.*",
  174966. "7988",
  174967. "7988",
  174968. "rtc/centrust lincoln,krohn dev.corp.*,7988,7988"
  174969. ],
  174970. [
  174971. "rtc-rec. lincoln federal",
  174972. "recording pass/documents",
  174973. "8910",
  174974. "8910",
  174975. "rtc-rec. lincoln federal,recording pass/documents,8910,8910"
  174976. ],
  174977. [
  174978. "rtc/conser ambassador s&l",
  174979. "zahn atlantic development corp",
  174980. "tcf0008896",
  174981. "ay6005",
  174982. "rtc/conser ambassador s&l,zahn atlantic development corp,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  174983. ],
  174984. [
  174985. "rtc/centrust",
  174986. "ambassador s&l *",
  174987. "7998",
  174988. "7998",
  174989. "rtc/centrust,ambassador s&l *,7998,7998"
  174990. ],
  174991. [
  174992. "rtc/ambassador",
  174993. "whitfield & fowler",
  174994. "8169",
  174995. "8169",
  174996. "rtc/ambassador,whitfield & fowler,8169,8169"
  174997. ],
  174998. [
  174999. "rtc/ambassador",
  175000. "corporate matters",
  175001. "8232",
  175002. "8232",
  175003. "rtc/ambassador,corporate matters,8232,8232"
  175004. ],
  175005. [
  175006. "rtc/ambassador",
  175007. "foster",
  175008. "8235",
  175009. "8235",
  175010. "rtc/ambassador,foster,8235,8235"
  175011. ],
  175012. [
  175013. "rtc-ambassador s&l",
  175014. "recordation/trans. docu.",
  175015. "8805",
  175016. "8805",
  175017. "rtc-ambassador s&l,recordation/trans. docu.,8805,8805"
  175018. ],
  175019. [
  175020. "rtc-ambassador s&l",
  175021. "c&e associates, ltd.",
  175022. "8805",
  175023. "8805",
  175024. "rtc-ambassador s&l,c&e associates, ltd.,8805,8805"
  175025. ],
  175026. [
  175027. "rtc-conserv. ambass.",
  175028. "c & e associates ltd.",
  175029. "9056",
  175030. "9056",
  175031. "rtc-conserv. ambass.,c & e associates ltd.,9056,9056"
  175032. ],
  175033. [
  175034. "ambassodor (rtc)",
  175035. "riverpark",
  175036. "9613",
  175037. "9613",
  175038. "ambassodor (rtc),riverpark,9613,9613"
  175039. ],
  175040. [
  175041. "rtc/ambassador",
  175042. "c&e associates",
  175043. "8937",
  175044. "8937",
  175045. "rtc/ambassador,c&e associates,8937,8937"
  175046. ],
  175047. [
  175048. "rtc-conserv ambassador",
  175049. "zahn community dev. corp",
  175050. "8826",
  175051. "8826",
  175052. "rtc-conserv ambassador,zahn community dev. corp,8826,8826"
  175053. ],
  175054. [
  175055. "rtc\\professional fed.",
  175056. "fowler",
  175057. "8026",
  175058. "8026",
  175059. "rtc\\professional fed.,fowler,8026,8026"
  175060. ],
  175061. [
  175062. "rtc-cons. prof. federal",
  175063. "record./pass/documentati",
  175064. "8918",
  175065. "8918",
  175066. "rtc-cons. prof. federal,record./pass/documentati,8918,8918"
  175067. ],
  175068. [
  175069. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175070. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  175071. "8923",
  175072. "8923",
  175073. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p),8923,8923"
  175074. ],
  175075. [
  175076. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175077. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(p)",
  175078. "8924",
  175079. "8924",
  175080. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(p),8924,8924"
  175081. ],
  175082. [
  175083. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175084. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  175085. "8925",
  175086. "8925",
  175087. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p),8925,8925"
  175088. ],
  175089. [
  175090. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175091. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  175092. "8926",
  175093. "8926",
  175094. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p),8926,8926"
  175095. ],
  175096. [
  175097. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175098. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  175099. "8923",
  175100. "8923",
  175101. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8923,8923"
  175102. ],
  175103. [
  175104. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175105. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  175106. "8924",
  175107. "8924",
  175108. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8924,8924"
  175109. ],
  175110. [
  175111. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175112. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  175113. "8925",
  175114. "8925",
  175115. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8925,8925"
  175116. ],
  175117. [
  175118. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  175119. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  175120. "8926",
  175121. "8926",
  175122. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8926,8926"
  175123. ],
  175124. [
  175125. "rtc/conser professional",
  175126. "caltex",
  175127. "8937",
  175128. "8937",
  175129. "rtc/conser professional,caltex,8937,8937"
  175130. ],
  175131. [
  175132. "rtc/gingerwood",
  175133. "rtc/gingerwood",
  175134. "8938",
  175135. "8938",
  175136. "rtc/gingerwood,rtc/gingerwood,8938,8938"
  175137. ],
  175138. [
  175139. "rtc/lake forest park",
  175140. "rtc/lake forest park",
  175141. "8938",
  175142. "8938",
  175143. "rtc/lake forest park,rtc/lake forest park,8938,8938"
  175144. ],
  175145. [
  175146. "rtc/so fla apartments i",
  175147. "rtc/so fla aparments i",
  175148. "8938",
  175149. "8938",
  175150. "rtc/so fla apartments i,rtc/so fla aparments i,8938,8938"
  175151. ],
  175152. [
  175153. "rtc/general",
  175154. "rtc/general",
  175155. "8938",
  175156. "8938",
  175157. "rtc/general,rtc/general,8938,8938"
  175158. ],
  175159. [
  175160. "rtc/lake forest park",
  175161. "rtc/lake forest park",
  175162. "8939",
  175163. "8939",
  175164. "rtc/lake forest park,rtc/lake forest park,8939,8939"
  175165. ],
  175166. [
  175167. "psb/rtc title",
  175168. "10 sec 221d 4",
  175169. "8939",
  175170. "8939",
  175171. "psb/rtc title,10 sec 221d 4,8939,8939"
  175172. ],
  175173. [
  175174. "rtc",
  175175. "lake forest park",
  175176. "8957",
  175177. "8957",
  175178. "rtc,lake forest park,8957,8957"
  175179. ],
  175180. [
  175181. "rtc/floronto",
  175182. "rtc/floronto",
  175183. "8938",
  175184. "8938",
  175185. "rtc/floronto,rtc/floronto,8938,8938"
  175186. ],
  175187. [
  175188. "rtc vs. firestone",
  175189. "none",
  175190. "672030379",
  175191. "155488",
  175192. "rtc vs. firestone,none,672030379,155488"
  175193. ],
  175194. [
  175195. "rtc vs. hahamouitch",
  175196. "none",
  175197. "460601432",
  175198. "155492",
  175199. "rtc vs. hahamouitch,none,460601432,155492"
  175200. ],
  175201. [
  175202. "rtc",
  175203. "none",
  175204. "460601432",
  175205. "155492",
  175206. "rtc,none,460601432,155492"
  175207. ],
  175208. [
  175209. "rtc",
  175210. "none",
  175211. "460601432",
  175212. "155492",
  175213. "rtc,none,460601432,155492"
  175214. ],
  175215. [
  175216. "rtc/professional",
  175217. "none",
  175218. "489520759",
  175219. "155514",
  175220. "rtc/professional,none,489520759,155514"
  175221. ],
  175222. [
  175223. "rtc/swimmer",
  175224. "none",
  175225. "89249711",
  175226. "155522",
  175227. "rtc/swimmer,none,89249711,155522"
  175228. ],
  175229. [
  175230. "rtc/professional savings",
  175231. "v. jules lipp",
  175232. "489337530",
  175233. "85707",
  175234. "rtc/professional savings,v. jules lipp,489337530,85707"
  175235. ],
  175236. [
  175237. "rtc/professional savings",
  175238. "v. jules lipp",
  175239. "672025567",
  175240. "85708",
  175241. "rtc/professional savings,v. jules lipp,672025567,85708"
  175242. ],
  175243. [
  175244. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  175245. "none",
  175246. "652605512",
  175247. "155618",
  175248. "rtc - conser professional fed,none,652605512,155618"
  175249. ],
  175250. [
  175251. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  175252. "none",
  175253. "652604240",
  175254. "155620",
  175255. "rtc - conser professional fed,none,652604240,155620"
  175256. ],
  175257. [
  175258. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  175259. "none",
  175260. "652604240",
  175261. "155620",
  175262. "rtc - conser professional fed,none,652604240,155620"
  175263. ],
  175264. [
  175265. "rtc/professional-bond matters oakwood",
  175266. "none",
  175267. "652551368",
  175268. "155653",
  175269. "rtc/professional-bond matters oakwood,none,652551368,155653"
  175270. ],
  175271. [
  175272. "rtc/professional-bond matters",
  175273. "none",
  175274. "652551368",
  175275. "155653",
  175276. "rtc/professional-bond matters,none,652551368,155653"
  175277. ],
  175278. [
  175279. "rtc/professional savings bank",
  175280. "v. jet stream et al.",
  175281. "672030666",
  175282. "85821",
  175283. "rtc/professional savings bank,v. jet stream et al.,672030666,85821"
  175284. ],
  175285. [
  175286. "rtc/lakeforest park",
  175287. "none",
  175288. "489488034",
  175289. "155678",
  175290. "rtc/lakeforest park,none,489488034,155678"
  175291. ],
  175292. [
  175293. "rtc",
  175294. "gong",
  175295. "489535029",
  175296. "85847",
  175297. "rtc,gong,489535029,85847"
  175298. ],
  175299. [
  175300. "claude dorsey",
  175301. "rtc",
  175302. "50070",
  175303. "8383",
  175304. "claude dorsey,rtc,50070,8383"
  175305. ],
  175306. [
  175307. "rtc/professional bond matters star creek",
  175308. "none",
  175309. "489535563",
  175310. "174253",
  175311. "rtc/professional bond matters star creek,none,489535563,174253"
  175312. ],
  175313. [
  175314. "rtc professional federal",
  175315. "none",
  175316. "489520871",
  175317. "114615",
  175318. "rtc professional federal,none,489520871,114615"
  175319. ],
  175320. [
  175321. "rtc professional federal",
  175322. "none",
  175323. "489520871",
  175324. "114615",
  175325. "rtc professional federal,none,489520871,114615"
  175326. ],
  175327. [
  175328. "rtc/professional v. commodore plaza",
  175329. "none",
  175330. "45228",
  175331. "7380",
  175332. "rtc/professional v. commodore plaza,none,45228,7380"
  175333. ],
  175334. [
  175335. "rtc/professionalsavings v. commodore plaza",
  175336. "none",
  175337. "45229",
  175338. "7381",
  175339. "rtc/professionalsavings v. commodore plaza,none,45229,7381"
  175340. ],
  175341. [
  175342. "rtc/professional savings",
  175343. "none",
  175344. "672026026",
  175345. "114639",
  175346. "rtc/professional savings,none,672026026,114639"
  175347. ],
  175348. [
  175349. "professional rtc/office center",
  175350. "none",
  175351. "460596493",
  175352. "49981",
  175353. "professional rtc/office center,none,460596493,49981"
  175354. ],
  175355. [
  175356. "rtc-conser",
  175357. "none",
  175358. "652551631",
  175359. "49991",
  175360. "rtc-conser,none,652551631,49991"
  175361. ],
  175362. [
  175363. "rtc",
  175364. "professional savings",
  175365. "652553043",
  175366. "50114",
  175367. "rtc,professional savings,652553043,50114"
  175368. ],
  175369. [
  175370. "rtc",
  175371. "professional savings",
  175372. "652553287",
  175373. "50115",
  175374. "rtc,professional savings,652553287,50115"
  175375. ],
  175376. [
  175377. "rtc",
  175378. "professional savings",
  175379. "672030893",
  175380. "50116",
  175381. "rtc,professional savings,672030893,50116"
  175382. ],
  175383. [
  175384. "rtc vs. canet",
  175385. "none",
  175386. "653199997",
  175387. "50145",
  175388. "rtc vs. canet,none,653199997,50145"
  175389. ],
  175390. [
  175391. "rtc/professional savings",
  175392. "none",
  175393. "489488159",
  175394. "114838",
  175395. "rtc/professional savings,none,489488159,114838"
  175396. ],
  175397. [
  175398. "rtc v. sunrise",
  175399. "none",
  175400. "489519816",
  175401. "118762",
  175402. "rtc v. sunrise,none,489519816,118762"
  175403. ],
  175404. [
  175405. "rtc v. carnival",
  175406. "none",
  175407. "489519816",
  175408. "118762",
  175409. "rtc v. carnival,none,489519816,118762"
  175410. ],
  175411. [
  175412. "rtc/professional bond matters twin lakes",
  175413. "none",
  175414. "489342799",
  175415. "118879",
  175416. "rtc/professional bond matters twin lakes,none,489342799,118879"
  175417. ],
  175418. [
  175419. "rtc",
  175420. "none",
  175421. "490613356",
  175422. "49435",
  175423. "rtc,none,490613356,49435"
  175424. ],
  175425. [
  175426. "rtc",
  175427. "none",
  175428. "652553352",
  175429. "49531",
  175430. "rtc,none,652553352,49531"
  175431. ],
  175432. [
  175433. "rtc. vs. neil rollnick",
  175434. "none",
  175435. "85401",
  175436. "8708",
  175437. "rtc. vs. neil rollnick,none,85401,8708"
  175438. ],
  175439. [
  175440. "rtc/professional savings vs. ginora",
  175441. "none",
  175442. "365607",
  175443. "6077",
  175444. "rtc/professional savings vs. ginora,none,365607,6077"
  175445. ],
  175446. [
  175447. "rtc",
  175448. "professional savings",
  175449. "89252416",
  175450. "85586",
  175451. "rtc,professional savings,89252416,85586"
  175452. ],
  175453. [
  175454. "rtc",
  175455. "professional savings",
  175456. "672025554",
  175457. "85666",
  175458. "rtc,professional savings,672025554,85666"
  175459. ],
  175460. [
  175461. "rtc",
  175462. "professional savings",
  175463. "489337548",
  175464. "85667",
  175465. "rtc,professional savings,489337548,85667"
  175466. ],
  175467. [
  175468. "rtc",
  175469. "professional",
  175470. "490615116",
  175471. "85671",
  175472. "rtc,professional,490615116,85671"
  175473. ],
  175474. [
  175475. "rtc/real estate recovery v. 2932",
  175476. "none",
  175477. "460599686",
  175478. "119048",
  175479. "rtc/real estate recovery v. 2932,none,460599686,119048"
  175480. ],
  175481. [
  175482. "volvo sportcraft",
  175483. "nan",
  175484. "dsj004569",
  175485. "13-129",
  175486. "volvo sportcraft,nan,dsj004569,13-129"
  175487. ],
  175488. [
  175489. "gannett/jacksonville wtlv",
  175490. "thomas v. wtlv",
  175491. "489622395",
  175492. "1000604897",
  175493. "gannett/jacksonville wtlv,thomas v. wtlv,489622395,1000604897"
  175494. ],
  175495. [
  175496. "rtc",
  175497. "calus a trace/correspondence",
  175498. "tcf0009695",
  175499. "bf1410",
  175500. "rtc,calus a trace/correspondence,tcf0009695,bf1410"
  175501. ],
  175502. [
  175503. "rtc conser grand prairie",
  175504. "charles j. davis",
  175505. "tcf0007564",
  175506. "as4782",
  175507. "rtc conser grand prairie,charles j. davis,tcf0007564,as4782"
  175508. ],
  175509. [
  175510. "rtc-grand prairie federal vs. s. l. moore",
  175511. "none",
  175512. "460596493",
  175513. "49981",
  175514. "rtc-grand prairie federal vs. s. l. moore,none,460596493,49981"
  175515. ],
  175516. [
  175517. "home federal rtc v hdb",
  175518. "1 of 3",
  175519. "tcf0006815",
  175520. "ap9093",
  175521. "home federal rtc v hdb,1 of 3,tcf0006815,ap9093"
  175522. ],
  175523. [
  175524. "home federal rtc",
  175525. "vs hdb/ 3 of 3",
  175526. "tcf0006816",
  175527. "ap9094",
  175528. "home federal rtc,vs hdb/ 3 of 3,tcf0006816,ap9094"
  175529. ],
  175530. [
  175531. "home federal rtc v hdb",
  175532. "2 of 3",
  175533. "tcf0006846",
  175534. "ap9212",
  175535. "home federal rtc v hdb,2 of 3,tcf0006846,ap9212"
  175536. ],
  175537. [
  175538. "international trade associates, inc. (it",
  175539. "general matters",
  175540. "657804115",
  175541. "nan",
  175542. "international trade associates, inc. (it,general matters,657804115,nan"
  175543. ],
  175544. [
  175545. "fdic-mcnulty banking co",
  175546. "michael p d'addabbo",
  175547. "tcf0006926",
  175548. "ap9396",
  175549. "fdic-mcnulty banking co,michael p d'addabbo,tcf0006926,ap9396"
  175550. ],
  175551. [
  175552. "bruce campbell & co.",
  175553. "none",
  175554. "460597151",
  175555. "85689",
  175556. "bruce campbell & co.,none,460597151,85689"
  175557. ],
  175558. [
  175559. "rtc-recv'r/empire fedrl",
  175560. "sale of assets",
  175561. "8559",
  175562. "8559",
  175563. "rtc-recv'r/empire fedrl,sale of assets,8559,8559"
  175564. ],
  175565. [
  175566. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  175567. "brandywine enterprises",
  175568. "8803",
  175569. "8803",
  175570. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8803,8803"
  175571. ],
  175572. [
  175573. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  175574. "brandywine enterprises",
  175575. "8803",
  175576. "8803",
  175577. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8803,8803"
  175578. ],
  175579. [
  175580. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  175581. "brandywine enterprises",
  175582. "8802",
  175583. "8802",
  175584. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8802,8802"
  175585. ],
  175586. [
  175587. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  175588. "brandywine enterprises",
  175589. "8800",
  175590. "8800",
  175591. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8800,8800"
  175592. ],
  175593. [
  175594. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  175595. "brandywine enterprises",
  175596. "8800",
  175597. "8800",
  175598. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8800,8800"
  175599. ],
  175600. [
  175601. "rtc-recv'r. empire fed",
  175602. "sale of debary commons",
  175603. "8560",
  175604. "8560",
  175605. "rtc-recv'r. empire fed,sale of debary commons,8560,8560"
  175606. ],
  175607. [
  175608. "rtc-rec. empire fed sav.",
  175609. "brandywine enterprises",
  175610. "8582",
  175611. "8582",
  175612. "rtc-rec. empire fed sav.,brandywine enterprises,8582,8582"
  175613. ],
  175614. [
  175615. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  175616. "brandywine enterprises",
  175617. "8801",
  175618. "8801",
  175619. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8801,8801"
  175620. ],
  175621. [
  175622. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  175623. "brandywine enterprises",
  175624. "8802",
  175625. "8802",
  175626. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8802,8802"
  175627. ],
  175628. [
  175629. "rtc/cons/goldcoast fed s",
  175630. "sale stck/plantation tle",
  175631. "7982",
  175632. "7982",
  175633. "rtc/cons/goldcoast fed s,sale stck/plantation tle,7982,7982"
  175634. ],
  175635. [
  175636. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  175637. "tandem title",
  175638. "7998",
  175639. "7998",
  175640. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd,tandem title,7998,7998"
  175641. ],
  175642. [
  175643. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  175644. "tandem title",
  175645. "7998",
  175646. "7998",
  175647. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd,tandem title,7998,7998"
  175648. ],
  175649. [
  175650. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  175651. "tandem title",
  175652. "7999",
  175653. "7999",
  175654. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd,tandem title,7999,7999"
  175655. ],
  175656. [
  175657. "rtc/gold coast",
  175658. "fedder",
  175659. "8059",
  175660. "8059",
  175661. "rtc/gold coast,fedder,8059,8059"
  175662. ],
  175663. [
  175664. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175665. "fedder",
  175666. "8060",
  175667. "8060",
  175668. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8060,8060"
  175669. ],
  175670. [
  175671. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175672. "fedder",
  175673. "8061",
  175674. "8061",
  175675. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8061,8061"
  175676. ],
  175677. [
  175678. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175679. "fedder",
  175680. "8062",
  175681. "8062",
  175682. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8062,8062"
  175683. ],
  175684. [
  175685. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175686. "fedder",
  175687. "8063",
  175688. "8063",
  175689. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8063,8063"
  175690. ],
  175691. [
  175692. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175693. "fedder",
  175694. "8064",
  175695. "8064",
  175696. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8064,8064"
  175697. ],
  175698. [
  175699. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175700. "fedder",
  175701. "8065",
  175702. "8065",
  175703. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8065,8065"
  175704. ],
  175705. [
  175706. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175707. "fedder",
  175708. "8066",
  175709. "8066",
  175710. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8066,8066"
  175711. ],
  175712. [
  175713. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175714. "fedder",
  175715. "8067",
  175716. "8067",
  175717. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8067,8067"
  175718. ],
  175719. [
  175720. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175721. "fedder",
  175722. "8068",
  175723. "8068",
  175724. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8068,8068"
  175725. ],
  175726. [
  175727. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175728. "fedder",
  175729. "8069",
  175730. "8069",
  175731. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8069,8069"
  175732. ],
  175733. [
  175734. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175735. "fedder",
  175736. "8070",
  175737. "8070",
  175738. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8070,8070"
  175739. ],
  175740. [
  175741. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175742. "fedder",
  175743. "8071",
  175744. "8071",
  175745. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8071,8071"
  175746. ],
  175747. [
  175748. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175749. "fedder",
  175750. "8072",
  175751. "8072",
  175752. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8072,8072"
  175753. ],
  175754. [
  175755. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175756. "fedder",
  175757. "8073",
  175758. "8073",
  175759. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8073,8073"
  175760. ],
  175761. [
  175762. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175763. "fedder",
  175764. "8074",
  175765. "8074",
  175766. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8074,8074"
  175767. ],
  175768. [
  175769. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175770. "fedder",
  175771. "8075",
  175772. "8075",
  175773. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8075,8075"
  175774. ],
  175775. [
  175776. "rtc/goldcoast",
  175777. "fedder",
  175778. "8076",
  175779. "8076",
  175780. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8076,8076"
  175781. ],
  175782. [
  175783. "rtc-conser.goldcoast",
  175784. "griffith galleries",
  175785. "8326",
  175786. "8326",
  175787. "rtc-conser.goldcoast,griffith galleries,8326,8326"
  175788. ],
  175789. [
  175790. "rtc-conser. goldcoast",
  175791. "aries",
  175792. "8326",
  175793. "8326",
  175794. "rtc-conser. goldcoast,aries,8326,8326"
  175795. ],
  175796. [
  175797. "rtc/goldcoast federal",
  175798. "lifshutz",
  175799. "9413",
  175800. "9413",
  175801. "rtc/goldcoast federal,lifshutz,9413,9413"
  175802. ],
  175803. [
  175804. "rtc",
  175805. "stolzenberg",
  175806. "9217",
  175807. "9217",
  175808. "rtc,stolzenberg,9217,9217"
  175809. ],
  175810. [
  175811. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed",
  175812. "total constr concepts/ti",
  175813. "10343",
  175814. "10343",
  175815. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed,total constr concepts/ti,10343,10343"
  175816. ],
  175817. [
  175818. "rtc/centrust 1st. state",
  175819. "commons of twin lakes",
  175820. "7988",
  175821. "7988",
  175822. "rtc/centrust 1st. state,commons of twin lakes,7988,7988"
  175823. ],
  175824. [
  175825. "rtc\\rec enterprise",
  175826. "tole",
  175827. "8012",
  175828. "8012",
  175829. "rtc\\rec enterprise,tole,8012,8012"
  175830. ],
  175831. [
  175832. "rtc\\fl. federal savings",
  175833. "kelly",
  175834. "8015",
  175835. "8015",
  175836. "rtc\\fl. federal savings,kelly,8015,8015"
  175837. ],
  175838. [
  175839. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  175840. "john j. bradley-bnkrptcy",
  175841. "8336",
  175842. "8336",
  175843. "rtc-conservator fla fed,john j. bradley-bnkrptcy,8336,8336"
  175844. ],
  175845. [
  175846. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  175847. "j. bradley-replevin",
  175848. "8336",
  175849. "8336",
  175850. "rtc-conservator fla fed,j. bradley-replevin,8336,8336"
  175851. ],
  175852. [
  175853. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  175854. "regent and huguette des.",
  175855. "8337",
  175856. "8337",
  175857. "rtc-conservator fla fed,regent and huguette des.,8337,8337"
  175858. ],
  175859. [
  175860. "rtc-fla. federal",
  175861. "lawrence",
  175862. "9100",
  175863. "9100",
  175864. "rtc-fla. federal,lawrence,9100,9100"
  175865. ],
  175866. [
  175867. "rtc vs patrick carter",
  175868. "nan",
  175869. "dsj004762",
  175870. "16-042",
  175871. "rtc vs patrick carter,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  175872. ],
  175873. [
  175874. "rtc/florida federal vs",
  175875. "nan",
  175876. "dsj004759",
  175877. "16-039",
  175878. "rtc/florida federal vs,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  175879. ],
  175880. [
  175881. "rtc v william moss",
  175882. "nan",
  175883. "dsj004762",
  175884. "16-042",
  175885. "rtc v william moss,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  175886. ],
  175887. [
  175888. "rtc/florida",
  175889. "nan",
  175890. "dsj004759",
  175891. "16-039",
  175892. "rtc/florida,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  175893. ],
  175894. [
  175895. "rtc/florida federal vs wolfe",
  175896. "nan",
  175897. "dsj004773",
  175898. "16-052a",
  175899. "rtc/florida federal vs wolfe,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  175900. ],
  175901. [
  175902. "rtc/ff vs nancy bell",
  175903. "nan",
  175904. "dsj004773",
  175905. "16-052a",
  175906. "rtc/ff vs nancy bell,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  175907. ],
  175908. [
  175909. "rtc/ff vs keith king",
  175910. "nan",
  175911. "dsj004761",
  175912. "16-041",
  175913. "rtc/ff vs keith king,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  175914. ],
  175915. [
  175916. "rtc/florida federal v. olson",
  175917. "nan",
  175918. "dsj004772",
  175919. "16-052",
  175920. "rtc/florida federal v. olson,nan,dsj004772,16-052"
  175921. ],
  175922. [
  175923. "rtc/fla fed v. harriet smith",
  175924. "nan",
  175925. "dsj004771",
  175926. "16-051",
  175927. "rtc/fla fed v. harriet smith,nan,dsj004771,16-051"
  175928. ],
  175929. [
  175930. "rtc/great life",
  175931. "highland",
  175932. "9086",
  175933. "9086",
  175934. "rtc/great life,highland,9086,9086"
  175935. ],
  175936. [
  175937. "fdic/resource bank na",
  175938. "james crisp",
  175939. "tcf0008907",
  175940. "ay6020",
  175941. "fdic/resource bank na,james crisp,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  175942. ],
  175943. [
  175944. "seidman",
  175945. "none",
  175946. "490616766",
  175947. "220591",
  175948. "seidman,none,490616766,220591"
  175949. ],
  175950. [
  175951. "seidman",
  175952. "none",
  175953. "490616766",
  175954. "220591",
  175955. "seidman,none,490616766,220591"
  175956. ],
  175957. [
  175958. "seidman",
  175959. "none",
  175960. "460603629",
  175961. "220594",
  175962. "seidman,none,460603629,220594"
  175963. ],
  175964. [
  175965. "seidman",
  175966. "none",
  175967. "490618782",
  175968. "220595",
  175969. "seidman,none,490618782,220595"
  175970. ],
  175971. [
  175972. "seidman",
  175973. "none",
  175974. "490618815",
  175975. "220602",
  175976. "seidman,none,490618815,220602"
  175977. ],
  175978. [
  175979. "seidman",
  175980. "none",
  175981. "490618797",
  175982. "220605",
  175983. "seidman,none,490618797,220605"
  175984. ],
  175985. [
  175986. "seidman",
  175987. "none",
  175988. "490618786",
  175989. "220606",
  175990. "seidman,none,490618786,220606"
  175991. ],
  175992. [
  175993. "rtc-rec. balt. fed. fin.",
  175994. "gen. title matters",
  175995. "8395",
  175996. "8395",
  175997. "rtc-rec. balt. fed. fin.,gen. title matters,8395,8395"
  175998. ],
  175999. [
  176000. "rtc/baltimore vs david hopple",
  176001. "nan",
  176002. "dsj004773",
  176003. "16-052a",
  176004. "rtc/baltimore vs david hopple,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  176005. ],
  176006. [
  176007. "rtc/baltimore vs billy lott",
  176008. "nan",
  176009. "dsj004773",
  176010. "16-052a",
  176011. "rtc/baltimore vs billy lott,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  176012. ],
  176013. [
  176014. "rtc - rec gen fed sav bk",
  176015. "92 general",
  176016. "tcf0008364",
  176017. "av9512",
  176018. "rtc - rec gen fed sav bk,92 general,tcf0008364,av9512"
  176019. ],
  176020. [
  176021. "rtc - rec liberty fed s&l",
  176022. "92 liberty prop on conveyances",
  176023. "tcf0008364",
  176024. "av9512",
  176025. "rtc - rec liberty fed s&l,92 liberty prop on conveyances,tcf0008364,av9512"
  176026. ],
  176027. [
  176028. "rtc",
  176029. "heritage bay",
  176030. "tcf0010268",
  176031. "bg0947",
  176032. "rtc,heritage bay,tcf0010268,bg0947"
  176033. ],
  176034. [
  176035. "rtc\\hollywood federal",
  176036. "stoveall",
  176037. "8015",
  176038. "8015",
  176039. "rtc\\hollywood federal,stoveall,8015,8015"
  176040. ],
  176041. [
  176042. "rtc/hollywood fed.",
  176043. "sale/sun&lake condos",
  176044. "8280",
  176045. "8280",
  176046. "rtc/hollywood fed.,sale/sun&lake condos,8280,8280"
  176047. ],
  176048. [
  176049. "rtc/ hollywood fed.",
  176050. "caffalette",
  176051. "8276",
  176052. "8276",
  176053. "rtc/ hollywood fed.,caffalette,8276,8276"
  176054. ],
  176055. [
  176056. "rtc\\hollywood federal",
  176057. "eavenson",
  176058. "8012",
  176059. "8012",
  176060. "rtc\\hollywood federal,eavenson,8012,8012"
  176061. ],
  176062. [
  176063. "rtc/hollywood",
  176064. "belcatro",
  176065. "8568",
  176066. "8568",
  176067. "rtc/hollywood,belcatro,8568,8568"
  176068. ],
  176069. [
  176070. "rtc/hollywood",
  176071. "perenia",
  176072. "8569",
  176073. "8569",
  176074. "rtc/hollywood,perenia,8569,8569"
  176075. ],
  176076. [
  176077. "rtc/hollywood",
  176078. "andrews",
  176079. "8569",
  176080. "8569",
  176081. "rtc/hollywood,andrews,8569,8569"
  176082. ],
  176083. [
  176084. "rtc/hollywood",
  176085. "hosein",
  176086. "8580",
  176087. "8580",
  176088. "rtc/hollywood,hosein,8580,8580"
  176089. ],
  176090. [
  176091. "rtc/hollywood",
  176092. "johnson",
  176093. "8569",
  176094. "8569",
  176095. "rtc/hollywood,johnson,8569,8569"
  176096. ],
  176097. [
  176098. "rtc/hollywood",
  176099. "sheeham",
  176100. "8568",
  176101. "8568",
  176102. "rtc/hollywood,sheeham,8568,8568"
  176103. ],
  176104. [
  176105. "rtc-hollywood federal",
  176106. "record./conveyance/docum",
  176107. "8910",
  176108. "8910",
  176109. "rtc-hollywood federal,record./conveyance/docum,8910,8910"
  176110. ],
  176111. [
  176112. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank",
  176113. "none",
  176114. "490615614",
  176115. "335700",
  176116. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank,none,490615614,335700"
  176117. ],
  176118. [
  176119. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank substitution of collateral",
  176120. "none",
  176121. "490615614",
  176122. "335700",
  176123. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank substitution of collateral,none,490615614,335700"
  176124. ],
  176125. [
  176126. "rtc",
  176127. "hollywood federal",
  176128. "491469662",
  176129. "50067",
  176130. "rtc,hollywood federal,491469662,50067"
  176131. ],
  176132. [
  176133. "rtc",
  176134. "hernandez",
  176135. "8907",
  176136. "8907",
  176137. "rtc,hernandez,8907,8907"
  176138. ],
  176139. [
  176140. "rtc-hill financial sav.",
  176141. "alexander tyshynsky",
  176142. "8907",
  176143. "8907",
  176144. "rtc-hill financial sav.,alexander tyshynsky,8907,8907"
  176145. ],
  176146. [
  176147. "rtc",
  176148. "bell federal,plds",
  176149. "tcf0010040",
  176150. "bg0342",
  176151. "rtc,bell federal,plds,tcf0010040,bg0342"
  176152. ],
  176153. [
  176154. "rtc/bell",
  176155. "dahlia",
  176156. "8133",
  176157. "8133",
  176158. "rtc/bell,dahlia,8133,8133"
  176159. ],
  176160. [
  176161. "rtc/bell",
  176162. "pledger- monitor file",
  176163. "8438",
  176164. "8438",
  176165. "rtc/bell,pledger- monitor file,8438,8438"
  176166. ],
  176167. [
  176168. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk",
  176169. "michael zurr",
  176170. "8520",
  176171. "8520",
  176172. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk,michael zurr,8520,8520"
  176173. ],
  176174. [
  176175. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk",
  176176. "dpb realty assoc.",
  176177. "8523",
  176178. "8523",
  176179. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk,dpb realty assoc.,8523,8523"
  176180. ],
  176181. [
  176182. "rtc con bell fed sav bk",
  176183. "dbp realty assoc.",
  176184. "8523",
  176185. "8523",
  176186. "rtc con bell fed sav bk,dbp realty assoc.,8523,8523"
  176187. ],
  176188. [
  176189. "rtc/bell",
  176190. "subs of bell savings bk",
  176191. "8582",
  176192. "8582",
  176193. "rtc/bell,subs of bell savings bk,8582,8582"
  176194. ],
  176195. [
  176196. "rtc bell",
  176197. "williams ltd",
  176198. "8585",
  176199. "8585",
  176200. "rtc bell,williams ltd,8585,8585"
  176201. ],
  176202. [
  176203. "rtc bell",
  176204. "pardue,heid, church",
  176205. "8585",
  176206. "8585",
  176207. "rtc bell,pardue,heid, church,8585,8585"
  176208. ],
  176209. [
  176210. "rtc/bell federal",
  176211. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176212. "8726",
  176213. "8726",
  176214. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8726,8726"
  176215. ],
  176216. [
  176217. "rtc/bell federal",
  176218. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176219. "8727",
  176220. "8727",
  176221. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8727,8727"
  176222. ],
  176223. [
  176224. "rtc/bell federal",
  176225. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176226. "8728",
  176227. "8728",
  176228. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8728,8728"
  176229. ],
  176230. [
  176231. "rtc/bell federal",
  176232. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176233. "8729",
  176234. "8729",
  176235. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8729,8729"
  176236. ],
  176237. [
  176238. "rtc/bell federal",
  176239. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176240. "8730",
  176241. "8730",
  176242. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8730,8730"
  176243. ],
  176244. [
  176245. "rtc/bell federal",
  176246. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176247. "8731",
  176248. "8731",
  176249. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8731,8731"
  176250. ],
  176251. [
  176252. "rtc/bell federal savings",
  176253. "plantation country estat",
  176254. "8758",
  176255. "8758",
  176256. "rtc/bell federal savings,plantation country estat,8758,8758"
  176257. ],
  176258. [
  176259. "rtc/bell federal savings",
  176260. "alert holdings(bkc file)",
  176261. "8770",
  176262. "8770",
  176263. "rtc/bell federal savings,alert holdings(bkc file),8770,8770"
  176264. ],
  176265. [
  176266. "rtc-bell federal s&l",
  176267. "nob hill holding, inc.",
  176268. "8798",
  176269. "8798",
  176270. "rtc-bell federal s&l,nob hill holding, inc.,8798,8798"
  176271. ],
  176272. [
  176273. "rtc-bell federal",
  176274. "general",
  176275. "8806",
  176276. "8806",
  176277. "rtc-bell federal,general,8806,8806"
  176278. ],
  176279. [
  176280. "rtc bell",
  176281. "williamsburg ltd.",
  176282. "8585",
  176283. "8585",
  176284. "rtc bell,williamsburg ltd.,8585,8585"
  176285. ],
  176286. [
  176287. "rtc-bell federal",
  176288. "mccoy",
  176289. "8870",
  176290. "8870",
  176291. "rtc-bell federal,mccoy,8870,8870"
  176292. ],
  176293. [
  176294. "rtc-bell federal",
  176295. "general",
  176296. "8806",
  176297. "8806",
  176298. "rtc-bell federal,general,8806,8806"
  176299. ],
  176300. [
  176301. "rtc/bell federal",
  176302. "mahsti",
  176303. "8610",
  176304. "8610",
  176305. "rtc/bell federal,mahsti,8610,8610"
  176306. ],
  176307. [
  176308. "rtc-conser bell federal",
  176309. "mod. loan/ocean juno",
  176310. "8798",
  176311. "8798",
  176312. "rtc-conser bell federal,mod. loan/ocean juno,8798,8798"
  176313. ],
  176314. [
  176315. "rtc-conser bell federal",
  176316. "mod loan/jemac devel.",
  176317. "8800",
  176318. "8800",
  176319. "rtc-conser bell federal,mod loan/jemac devel.,8800,8800"
  176320. ],
  176321. [
  176322. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176323. "ocean village villas",
  176324. "8807",
  176325. "8807",
  176326. "rtc-bell federal savings,ocean village villas,8807,8807"
  176327. ],
  176328. [
  176329. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176330. "sonoma lakes estates",
  176331. "8909",
  176332. "8909",
  176333. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lakes estates,8909,8909"
  176334. ],
  176335. [
  176336. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176337. "sonoma lake estates",
  176338. "8909",
  176339. "8909",
  176340. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8909,8909"
  176341. ],
  176342. [
  176343. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176344. "sale/sonoma lake estates",
  176345. "8909",
  176346. "8909",
  176347. "rtc-bell federal savings,sale/sonoma lake estates,8909,8909"
  176348. ],
  176349. [
  176350. "rtc-cons. bell federal",
  176351. "am. heritage develop./mg",
  176352. "8904",
  176353. "8904",
  176354. "rtc-cons. bell federal,am. heritage develop./mg,8904,8904"
  176355. ],
  176356. [
  176357. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176358. "leonard z. eppel",
  176359. "8914",
  176360. "8914",
  176361. "rtc-bell federal savings,leonard z. eppel,8914,8914"
  176362. ],
  176363. [
  176364. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176365. "sonoma lake estates",
  176366. "8911",
  176367. "8911",
  176368. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8911,8911"
  176369. ],
  176370. [
  176371. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176372. "sonoma lake estates",
  176373. "8912",
  176374. "8912",
  176375. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8912,8912"
  176376. ],
  176377. [
  176378. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176379. "sonoma lake estates",
  176380. "8913",
  176381. "8913",
  176382. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8913,8913"
  176383. ],
  176384. [
  176385. "rtc/bell",
  176386. "boca greens",
  176387. "9055",
  176388. "9055",
  176389. "rtc/bell,boca greens,9055,9055"
  176390. ],
  176391. [
  176392. "rtc/bell sav",
  176393. "sonoma ests assoc",
  176394. "9273",
  176395. "9273",
  176396. "rtc/bell sav,sonoma ests assoc,9273,9273"
  176397. ],
  176398. [
  176399. "rtc/bell federal",
  176400. "industrial air park",
  176401. "8783",
  176402. "8783",
  176403. "rtc/bell federal,industrial air park,8783,8783"
  176404. ],
  176405. [
  176406. "rtc/bell federal",
  176407. "industrial air park",
  176408. "8784",
  176409. "8784",
  176410. "rtc/bell federal,industrial air park,8784,8784"
  176411. ],
  176412. [
  176413. "rtc/bell federal",
  176414. "mahsti",
  176415. "8609",
  176416. "8609",
  176417. "rtc/bell federal,mahsti,8609,8609"
  176418. ],
  176419. [
  176420. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  176421. "assign. of mahsti, inc.",
  176422. "8802",
  176423. "8802",
  176424. "rtc-bell federal savings,assign. of mahsti, inc.,8802,8802"
  176425. ],
  176426. [
  176427. "rtc - bell",
  176428. "america heritage",
  176429. "8584",
  176430. "8584",
  176431. "rtc - bell,america heritage,8584,8584"
  176432. ],
  176433. [
  176434. "rtc-bell",
  176435. "american heritage",
  176436. "9707",
  176437. "9707",
  176438. "rtc-bell,american heritage,9707,9707"
  176439. ],
  176440. [
  176441. "rtc-bell federal",
  176442. "stirling palm bldg/title",
  176443. "10342",
  176444. "10342",
  176445. "rtc-bell federal,stirling palm bldg/title,10342,10342"
  176446. ],
  176447. [
  176448. "rtc-bell federal",
  176449. "sonoma lake-title file",
  176450. "10342",
  176451. "10342",
  176452. "rtc-bell federal,sonoma lake-title file,10342,10342"
  176453. ],
  176454. [
  176455. "rtc-bell federal",
  176456. "sailboat bend-title file",
  176457. "10342",
  176458. "10342",
  176459. "rtc-bell federal,sailboat bend-title file,10342,10342"
  176460. ],
  176461. [
  176462. "rtc",
  176463. "nob hill shoppes",
  176464. "10345",
  176465. "10345",
  176466. "rtc,nob hill shoppes,10345,10345"
  176467. ],
  176468. [
  176469. "rtc/bell federal",
  176470. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176471. "76085390",
  176472. "d2142",
  176473. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,76085390,d2142"
  176474. ],
  176475. [
  176476. "rtc/bell federal",
  176477. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  176478. "76085245",
  176479. "d2143",
  176480. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,76085245,d2143"
  176481. ],
  176482. [
  176483. "rtc",
  176484. "sonic boats",
  176485. "50070",
  176486. "8383",
  176487. "rtc,sonic boats,50070,8383"
  176488. ],
  176489. [
  176490. "rtc sailboat",
  176491. "none",
  176492. "50070",
  176493. "8383",
  176494. "rtc sailboat,none,50070,8383"
  176495. ],
  176496. [
  176497. "rtc vs. sonic",
  176498. "none",
  176499. "652552998",
  176500. "49357",
  176501. "rtc vs. sonic,none,652552998,49357"
  176502. ],
  176503. [
  176504. "rtc vs. sonic",
  176505. "none",
  176506. "490612980",
  176507. "49358",
  176508. "rtc vs. sonic,none,490612980,49358"
  176509. ],
  176510. [
  176511. "rtc van kooten bell savings",
  176512. "nan",
  176513. "dsj005736",
  176514. "40-020",
  176515. "rtc van kooten bell savings,nan,dsj005736,40-020"
  176516. ],
  176517. [
  176518. "rtc-amerifirst bank",
  176519. "mod. of loan to fpa corp",
  176520. "8800",
  176521. "8800",
  176522. "rtc-amerifirst bank,mod. of loan to fpa corp,8800,8800"
  176523. ],
  176524. [
  176525. "rtc-amerifirst bank",
  176526. "general matters",
  176527. "8805",
  176528. "8805",
  176529. "rtc-amerifirst bank,general matters,8805,8805"
  176530. ],
  176531. [
  176532. "rtc/sollusa holdings",
  176533. "rtc/sollusa holdings",
  176534. "8938",
  176535. "8938",
  176536. "rtc/sollusa holdings,rtc/sollusa holdings,8938,8938"
  176537. ],
  176538. [
  176539. "rtc/rec amerifirst bnk",
  176540. "ln to sollusa holdings",
  176541. "8938",
  176542. "8938",
  176543. "rtc/rec amerifirst bnk,ln to sollusa holdings,8938,8938"
  176544. ],
  176545. [
  176546. "k & n engineering, inc.",
  176547. "tmsch: smartchip",
  176548. "active file",
  176549. "nan",
  176550. "k & n engineering, inc.,tmsch: smartchip,active file,nan"
  176551. ],
  176552. [
  176553. "rtc - colonial fed s & l",
  176554. "91 jeffrey venturo",
  176555. "tcf0007719",
  176556. "au3186",
  176557. "rtc - colonial fed s & l,91 jeffrey venturo,tcf0007719,au3186"
  176558. ],
  176559. [
  176560. "fdic",
  176561. "wwitz prop/corres",
  176562. "tcf0009906",
  176563. "bf2533",
  176564. "fdic,wwitz prop/corres,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  176565. ],
  176566. [
  176567. "rtc",
  176568. "weitz properties",
  176569. "tcf0010094",
  176570. "bg0550",
  176571. "rtc,weitz properties,tcf0010094,bg0550"
  176572. ],
  176573. [
  176574. "rtc conser united federal",
  176575. "nan",
  176576. "dsj005338",
  176577. "32-054",
  176578. "rtc conser united federal,nan,dsj005338,32-054"
  176579. ],
  176580. [
  176581. "rtc-real estate recovery",
  176582. "westland plaza",
  176583. "8807",
  176584. "8807",
  176585. "rtc-real estate recovery,westland plaza,8807,8807"
  176586. ],
  176587. [
  176588. "rtc (shadow file)",
  176589. "real estate recovery inc",
  176590. "9436",
  176591. "9436",
  176592. "rtc (shadow file),real estate recovery inc,9436,9436"
  176593. ],
  176594. [
  176595. "rtc",
  176596. "none",
  176597. "652553352",
  176598. "49531",
  176599. "rtc,none,652553352,49531"
  176600. ],
  176601. [
  176602. "rtc",
  176603. "general bank vs. tiffany square",
  176604. "460599545",
  176605. "85582",
  176606. "rtc,general bank vs. tiffany square,460599545,85582"
  176607. ],
  176608. [
  176609. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen",
  176610. "none",
  176611. "85651",
  176612. "8958",
  176613. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen,none,85651,8958"
  176614. ],
  176615. [
  176616. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen",
  176617. "none",
  176618. "85651",
  176619. "8958",
  176620. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen,none,85651,8958"
  176621. ],
  176622. [
  176623. "rtc vs jtb",
  176624. "nan",
  176625. "dsj006122",
  176626. "55-004",
  176627. "rtc vs jtb,nan,dsj006122,55-004"
  176628. ],
  176629. [
  176630. "rtc vs jtb",
  176631. "nan",
  176632. "dsj006123",
  176633. "55-005",
  176634. "rtc vs jtb,nan,dsj006123,55-005"
  176635. ],
  176636. [
  176637. "rtc vs jtb",
  176638. "nan",
  176639. "dsj006124",
  176640. "55-006",
  176641. "rtc vs jtb,nan,dsj006124,55-006"
  176642. ],
  176643. [
  176644. "rtc/merabank vs griffith",
  176645. "nan",
  176646. "dsj004761",
  176647. "16-041",
  176648. "rtc/merabank vs griffith,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  176649. ],
  176650. [
  176651. "rtc/jtb",
  176652. "nan",
  176653. "dsj453859",
  176654. "106685",
  176655. "rtc/jtb,nan,dsj453859,106685"
  176656. ],
  176657. [
  176658. "rtc/jtb",
  176659. "nan",
  176660. "dsj453855",
  176661. "106681",
  176662. "rtc/jtb,nan,dsj453855,106681"
  176663. ],
  176664. [
  176665. "rtc/cons new metropolita",
  176666. "record./conveyance/docum",
  176667. "8910",
  176668. "8910",
  176669. "rtc/cons new metropolita,record./conveyance/docum,8910,8910"
  176670. ],
  176671. [
  176672. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy",
  176673. "index to plead loan doc",
  176674. "tcf0008816",
  176675. "ay2045",
  176676. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy,index to plead loan doc,tcf0008816,ay2045"
  176677. ],
  176678. [
  176679. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy",
  176680. "corr file",
  176681. "tcf0008816",
  176682. "ay2045",
  176683. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy,corr file,tcf0008816,ay2045"
  176684. ],
  176685. [
  176686. "rtc/cardace",
  176687. "corr file plead",
  176688. "tcf0008817",
  176689. "ay2046",
  176690. "rtc/cardace,corr file plead,tcf0008817,ay2046"
  176691. ],
  176692. [
  176693. "rtc/conser sunbelt fed sav",
  176694. "me henny corr file",
  176695. "tcf0008817",
  176696. "ay2046",
  176697. "rtc/conser sunbelt fed sav,me henny corr file,tcf0008817,ay2046"
  176698. ],
  176699. [
  176700. "rtc/henny closing doc",
  176701. "mtg note orgnl note plead",
  176702. "tcf0008817",
  176703. "ay2046",
  176704. "rtc/henny closing doc,mtg note orgnl note plead,tcf0008817,ay2046"
  176705. ],
  176706. [
  176707. "rtc-conser sunbelt fed sav",
  176708. "cozumel apartments",
  176709. "tcf0009637",
  176710. "bf0618",
  176711. "rtc-conser sunbelt fed sav,cozumel apartments,tcf0009637,bf0618"
  176712. ],
  176713. [
  176714. "rtc",
  176715. "hrf ass/atty notes",
  176716. "tcf0009906",
  176717. "bf2533",
  176718. "rtc,hrf ass/atty notes,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  176719. ],
  176720. [
  176721. "sandestin purchase from fdic",
  176722. "nan",
  176723. "dsj627967",
  176724. "336550",
  176725. "sandestin purchase from fdic,nan,dsj627967,336550"
  176726. ],
  176727. [
  176728. "sime darby acquisition of",
  176729. "nan",
  176730. "dsj627969",
  176731. "336552",
  176732. "sime darby acquisition of,nan,dsj627969,336552"
  176733. ],
  176734. [
  176735. "rtc - conser great amer bk",
  176736. "92 carrollwood oaks-foreclosure",
  176737. "tcf0008399",
  176738. "aw2439",
  176739. "rtc - conser great amer bk,92 carrollwood oaks-foreclosure,tcf0008399,aw2439"
  176740. ],
  176741. [
  176742. "rtc/great american bank",
  176743. "jacksonville motel limited",
  176744. "tcf0008913",
  176745. "ay6026",
  176746. "rtc/great american bank,jacksonville motel limited,tcf0008913,ay6026"
  176747. ],
  176748. [
  176749. "rtc-great american bank",
  176750. "woodland meadows title",
  176751. "8810",
  176752. "8810",
  176753. "rtc-great american bank,woodland meadows title,8810,8810"
  176754. ],
  176755. [
  176756. "rtc-great american asset",
  176757. "sale of woodland meadows",
  176758. "8810",
  176759. "8810",
  176760. "rtc-great american asset,sale of woodland meadows,8810,8810"
  176761. ],
  176762. [
  176763. "sandestin resorts inc/rtc v",
  176764. "nan",
  176765. "dsj005088",
  176766. "30-134",
  176767. "sandestin resorts inc/rtc v,nan,dsj005088,30-134"
  176768. ],
  176769. [
  176770. "sandestin/rtc (1)",
  176771. "nan",
  176772. "dsj004506",
  176773. "13-067",
  176774. "sandestin/rtc (1),nan,dsj004506,13-067"
  176775. ],
  176776. [
  176777. "rtc conser",
  176778. "none",
  176779. "672026094",
  176780. "114560",
  176781. "rtc conser,none,672026094,114560"
  176782. ],
  176783. [
  176784. "rtc conser atlantic financial",
  176785. "none",
  176786. "489534874",
  176787. "186923",
  176788. "rtc conser atlantic financial,none,489534874,186923"
  176789. ],
  176790. [
  176791. "rtc conser atlantic financial",
  176792. "none",
  176793. "489534874",
  176794. "186923",
  176795. "rtc conser atlantic financial,none,489534874,186923"
  176796. ],
  176797. [
  176798. "rtc - summary of assests",
  176799. "intake status/trial balances",
  176800. "tcf0008409",
  176801. "aw2449",
  176802. "rtc - summary of assests,intake status/trial balances,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  176803. ],
  176804. [
  176805. "rtc",
  176806. "shady palm",
  176807. "tcf0010088",
  176808. "bg0544",
  176809. "rtc,shady palm,tcf0010088,bg0544"
  176810. ],
  176811. [
  176812. "glenn fetter",
  176813. "none",
  176814. "652606291",
  176815. "429846",
  176816. "glenn fetter,none,652606291,429846"
  176817. ],
  176818. [
  176819. "rtc vs. gus machado",
  176820. "none",
  176821. "489520946",
  176822. "85565",
  176823. "rtc vs. gus machado,none,489520946,85565"
  176824. ],
  176825. [
  176826. "rtc vs regency house",
  176827. "nan",
  176828. "dsj004777",
  176829. "16-056",
  176830. "rtc vs regency house,nan,dsj004777,16-056"
  176831. ],
  176832. [
  176833. "first gulf bank",
  176834. "representation before fdic, billing info",
  176835. "226543068",
  176836. "226543068",
  176837. "first gulf bank,representation before fdic, billing info,226543068,226543068"
  176838. ],
  176839. [
  176840. "first gulf bank",
  176841. "representation before fdic",
  176842. "tcf0013058",
  176843. "bw7021",
  176844. "first gulf bank,representation before fdic,tcf0013058,bw7021"
  176845. ],
  176846. [
  176847. "rtc-great american",
  176848. "newport",
  176849. "tcf0012568",
  176850. "bq1941",
  176851. "rtc-great american,newport,tcf0012568,bq1941"
  176852. ],
  176853. [
  176854. "governors bank",
  176855. "fdic exam",
  176856. "tcf0010296",
  176857. "bg0982",
  176858. "governors bank,fdic exam,tcf0010296,bg0982"
  176859. ],
  176860. [
  176861. "governors bank",
  176862. "fdic exam",
  176863. "tcf0010296",
  176864. "bg0982",
  176865. "governors bank,fdic exam,tcf0010296,bg0982"
  176866. ],
  176867. [
  176868. "copies kept when file",
  176869. "forwarded to new cnsl/rtc/cl",
  176870. "dsj533168",
  176871. "224751",
  176872. "copies kept when file,forwarded to new cnsl/rtc/cl,dsj533168,224751"
  176873. ],
  176874. [
  176875. "rtc/enpire savings of",
  176876. "nan",
  176877. "dsj533171",
  176878. "224754",
  176879. "rtc/enpire savings of,nan,dsj533171,224754"
  176880. ],
  176881. [
  176882. "williams, eugene",
  176883. "rtc",
  176884. "tcf0010750",
  176885. "bj8398",
  176886. "williams, eugene,rtc,tcf0010750,bj8398"
  176887. ],
  176888. [
  176889. "williams, eugene",
  176890. "rtc matter",
  176891. "tcf0222861",
  176892. "bp6789",
  176893. "williams, eugene,rtc matter,tcf0222861,bp6789"
  176894. ],
  176895. [
  176896. "anchor savings",
  176897. "coral reef - rtc",
  176898. "tcf0224281",
  176899. "cr6891",
  176900. "anchor savings,coral reef - rtc,tcf0224281,cr6891"
  176901. ],
  176902. [
  176903. "se bank/fdic/first union",
  176904. "nan",
  176905. "dsj005214",
  176906. "31-114",
  176907. "se bank/fdic/first union,nan,dsj005214,31-114"
  176908. ],
  176909. [
  176910. "heartchild, inc.",
  176911. "none",
  176912. "490619018",
  176913. "608056",
  176914. "heartchild, inc.,none,490619018,608056"
  176915. ],
  176916. [
  176917. "rtc",
  176918. "quest air south vs. atm invest",
  176919. "tcf0010524",
  176920. "bj6469",
  176921. "rtc,quest air south vs. atm invest,tcf0010524,bj6469"
  176922. ],
  176923. [
  176924. "resolution trust corp",
  176925. "largo fla associates vs. rtc",
  176926. "tcf0222558",
  176927. "bh4084",
  176928. "resolution trust corp,largo fla associates vs. rtc,tcf0222558,bh4084"
  176929. ],
  176930. [
  176931. "resolution trust corp.",
  176932. "paul t. hinson v rtc",
  176933. "tcf0222563",
  176934. "bh4089",
  176935. "resolution trust corp.,paul t. hinson v rtc,tcf0222563,bh4089"
  176936. ],
  176937. [
  176938. "resolution trust corp.",
  176939. "paul t. hinson v rtc",
  176940. "tcf0222563",
  176941. "bh4089",
  176942. "resolution trust corp.,paul t. hinson v rtc,tcf0222563,bh4089"
  176943. ],
  176944. [
  176945. "western union",
  176946. "none",
  176947. "489521154",
  176948. "412419",
  176949. "western union,none,489521154,412419"
  176950. ],
  176951. [
  176952. "cribb, rembert",
  176953. "sale of m/y mary lauren",
  176954. "489492280",
  176955. "12066514",
  176956. "cribb, rembert,sale of m/y mary lauren,489492280,12066514"
  176957. ],
  176958. [
  176959. "43338-001 *3* hmg vs fslic",
  176960. "nan",
  176961. "dsj004754",
  176962. "16-034",
  176963. "43338-001 *3* hmg vs fslic,nan,dsj004754,16-034"
  176964. ],
  176965. [
  176966. "marriott international, inc.",
  176967. "avendra v. rc/pb",
  176968. "784628257",
  176969. "sep-61",
  176970. "marriott international, inc.,avendra v. rc/pb,784628257,sep-61"
  176971. ],
  176972. [
  176973. "broward county credit union",
  176974. "rtc",
  176975. "798-4407",
  176976. "798-4407",
  176977. "broward county credit union,rtc,798-4407,798-4407"
  176978. ],
  176979. [
  176980. "broward county credit union",
  176981. "rtc",
  176982. "798-4407",
  176983. "798-4407",
  176984. "broward county credit union,rtc,798-4407,798-4407"
  176985. ],
  176986. [
  176987. "broward county credit union",
  176988. "rtc",
  176989. "798-4407",
  176990. "798-4407",
  176991. "broward county credit union,rtc,798-4407,798-4407"
  176992. ],
  176993. [
  176994. "tak, sharad & mahinder",
  176995. "fdic",
  176996. "798-4415",
  176997. "798-4415",
  176998. "tak, sharad & mahinder,fdic,798-4415,798-4415"
  176999. ],
  177000. [
  177001. "tak, sharad & mahinder",
  177002. "fdic",
  177003. "798-4415",
  177004. "798-4415",
  177005. "tak, sharad & mahinder,fdic,798-4415,798-4415"
  177006. ],
  177007. [
  177008. "fdic not of suspension on",
  177009. "nan",
  177010. "dsj674215",
  177011. "311667",
  177012. "fdic not of suspension on,nan,dsj674215,311667"
  177013. ],
  177014. [
  177015. "nordisk legal services",
  177016. "breach of contract",
  177017. "632026367",
  177018. "nan",
  177019. "nordisk legal services,breach of contract,632026367,nan"
  177020. ],
  177021. [
  177022. "susan voss",
  177023. "general",
  177024. "489626445",
  177025. "789-13088",
  177026. "susan voss,general,489626445,789-13088"
  177027. ],
  177028. [
  177029. "republic bancshares, inc.",
  177030. "fdic community reinvestment act opinion",
  177031. "789-10935",
  177032. "789-10935",
  177033. "republic bancshares, inc.,fdic community reinvestment act opinion,789-10935,789-10935"
  177034. ],
  177035. [
  177036. "republic bancshares, inc.",
  177037. "nationsbank branch acquisitions",
  177038. "489720764",
  177039. "789-10929",
  177040. "republic bancshares, inc.,nationsbank branch acquisitions,489720764,789-10929"
  177041. ],
  177042. [
  177043. "bnp paribas",
  177044. "andina coffee co.",
  177045. "94352195",
  177046. "nan",
  177047. "bnp paribas,andina coffee co.,94352195,nan"
  177048. ],
  177049. [
  177050. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177051. "advice concerning aircraft assignment",
  177052. "45075129",
  177053. "nan",
  177054. "federal deposit insurance corporation,advice concerning aircraft assignment,45075129,nan"
  177055. ],
  177056. [
  177057. "global aerospace underwriting",
  177058. "bae systems: corporate airlines j32 accident at",
  177059. "400782724",
  177060. "nan",
  177061. "global aerospace underwriting,bae systems: corporate airlines j32 accident at,400782724,nan"
  177062. ],
  177063. [
  177064. "bae systems, inc.",
  177065. "bae systems, inc. / ridgedell asbestos claim",
  177066. "active file",
  177067. "nan",
  177068. "bae systems, inc.,bae systems, inc. / ridgedell asbestos claim,active file,nan"
  177069. ],
  177070. [
  177071. "bashaw, steven p.c.",
  177072. "misc. general matters",
  177073. "546387201",
  177074. "11586",
  177075. "bashaw, steven p.c.,misc. general matters,546387201,11586"
  177076. ],
  177077. [
  177078. "builders bank",
  177079. "internet banking agreement",
  177080. "613868562",
  177081. "nan",
  177082. "builders bank,internet banking agreement,613868562,nan"
  177083. ],
  177084. [
  177085. "builders bank",
  177086. "general",
  177087. "613868564",
  177088. "nan",
  177089. "builders bank,general,613868564,nan"
  177090. ],
  177091. [
  177092. "bond e j mrs",
  177093. "71 contract with dortch",
  177094. "tcf0002883",
  177095. "aa2524",
  177096. "bond e j mrs,71 contract with dortch,tcf0002883,aa2524"
  177097. ],
  177098. [
  177099. "sandstone resources, inc.",
  177100. "loan restructuring",
  177101. "546302779",
  177102. "13124",
  177103. "sandstone resources, inc.,loan restructuring,546302779,13124"
  177104. ],
  177105. [
  177106. "hemisphere key consulting, llc",
  177107. "none",
  177108. "489565449",
  177109. "608045",
  177110. "hemisphere key consulting, llc,none,489565449,608045"
  177111. ],
  177112. [
  177113. "first trust of new york",
  177114. "southeast banking",
  177115. "491604435",
  177116. "11176495",
  177117. "first trust of new york,southeast banking,491604435,11176495"
  177118. ],
  177119. [
  177120. "first trust of new york",
  177121. "southeast banking",
  177122. "491604448",
  177123. "11176500",
  177124. "first trust of new york,southeast banking,491604448,11176500"
  177125. ],
  177126. [
  177127. "first trust of new york",
  177128. "southeast banking",
  177129. "491604434",
  177130. "11176504",
  177131. "first trust of new york,southeast banking,491604434,11176504"
  177132. ],
  177133. [
  177134. "first trust of new york",
  177135. "re: southeast banking",
  177136. "460601495",
  177137. "11176506",
  177138. "first trust of new york,re: southeast banking,460601495,11176506"
  177139. ],
  177140. [
  177141. "swezy/oasis adv. rtc",
  177142. "none",
  177143. "652599544",
  177144. "335797",
  177145. "swezy/oasis adv. rtc,none,652599544,335797"
  177146. ],
  177147. [
  177148. "klafter, david s.",
  177149. " fdic",
  177150. "272425108",
  177151. "nan",
  177152. "klafter, david s., fdic,272425108,nan"
  177153. ],
  177154. [
  177155. "adler, morris",
  177156. "fdic",
  177157. "nan",
  177158. "nan",
  177159. "adler, morris,fdic,nan,nan"
  177160. ],
  177161. [
  177162. "adler, morris",
  177163. "general",
  177164. "798-4504",
  177165. "798-4504",
  177166. "adler, morris,general,798-4504,798-4504"
  177167. ],
  177168. [
  177169. "state street bank",
  177170. "fdic claim",
  177171. "nan",
  177172. "nan",
  177173. "state street bank,fdic claim,nan,nan"
  177174. ],
  177175. [
  177176. "state street bank",
  177177. "fdic",
  177178. "nan",
  177179. "nan",
  177180. "state street bank,fdic,nan,nan"
  177181. ],
  177182. [
  177183. "state street bank",
  177184. "fdic",
  177185. "489698461",
  177186. "798-4504",
  177187. "state street bank,fdic,489698461,798-4504"
  177188. ],
  177189. [
  177190. "state street bank",
  177191. "fdic claim",
  177192. "798-4504",
  177193. "798-4504",
  177194. "state street bank,fdic claim,798-4504,798-4504"
  177195. ],
  177196. [
  177197. "state street bank",
  177198. "fdic claim",
  177199. "798-4504",
  177200. "798-4504",
  177201. "state street bank,fdic claim,798-4504,798-4504"
  177202. ],
  177203. [
  177204. "state street bank",
  177205. "fdic claim",
  177206. "489692689",
  177207. "798-4505",
  177208. "state street bank,fdic claim,489692689,798-4505"
  177209. ],
  177210. [
  177211. "state street bank",
  177212. "fdic claim",
  177213. "489692689",
  177214. "798-4505",
  177215. "state street bank,fdic claim,489692689,798-4505"
  177216. ],
  177217. [
  177218. "vsl corp.",
  177219. "burtco",
  177220. "nan",
  177221. "nan",
  177222. "vsl corp.,burtco,nan,nan"
  177223. ],
  177224. [
  177225. "keldermans, francis l.",
  177226. "miscellaneous general matters",
  177227. "546305584",
  177228. "14793",
  177229. "keldermans, francis l.,miscellaneous general matters,546305584,14793"
  177230. ],
  177231. [
  177232. "leadership foundation, inc.,",
  177233. "general corporate",
  177234. "546296632",
  177235. "10278",
  177236. "leadership foundation, inc.,,general corporate,546296632,10278"
  177237. ],
  177238. [
  177239. "marquette bank",
  177240. "dinovella atm lease review",
  177241. "633155297",
  177242. "nan",
  177243. "marquette bank,dinovella atm lease review,633155297,nan"
  177244. ],
  177245. [
  177246. "whitman & ransom",
  177247. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177248. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177249. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177250. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  177251. ],
  177252. [
  177253. "whitman & ransom",
  177254. "fdic & rtc audits",
  177255. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177256. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177257. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  177258. ],
  177259. [
  177260. "whitman & ransom",
  177261. "fdic & rtc audits",
  177262. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177263. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177264. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  177265. ],
  177266. [
  177267. "whitman & ransom",
  177268. "fdic & rtc audits",
  177269. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177270. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177271. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  177272. ],
  177273. [
  177274. "whitman & ransom",
  177275. "fdic & rtc audits",
  177276. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177277. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177278. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  177279. ],
  177280. [
  177281. "whitman & ransom",
  177282. "fdic & rtc audits",
  177283. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177284. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177285. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  177286. ],
  177287. [
  177288. "whitman & ransom",
  177289. "fdic & rtc audits",
  177290. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177291. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  177292. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  177293. ],
  177294. [
  177295. "whitman & ransom",
  177296. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177297. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177298. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177299. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  177300. ],
  177301. [
  177302. "whitman & ransom",
  177303. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177304. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177305. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177306. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  177307. ],
  177308. [
  177309. "whitman & ransom",
  177310. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177311. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177312. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  177313. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  177314. ],
  177315. [
  177316. "whitman & ransom",
  177317. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177318. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177319. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177320. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  177321. ],
  177322. [
  177323. "whitman & ransom",
  177324. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177325. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177326. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177327. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  177328. ],
  177329. [
  177330. "whitman & ransom",
  177331. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177332. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177333. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177334. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  177335. ],
  177336. [
  177337. "whitman & ransom",
  177338. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177339. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177340. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177341. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  177342. ],
  177343. [
  177344. "whitman & ransom",
  177345. "fdic & rtc audit",
  177346. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177347. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  177348. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  177349. ],
  177350. [
  177351. "rose, estate of earl",
  177352. "fdic matter",
  177353. "546295892",
  177354. "5651",
  177355. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  177356. ],
  177357. [
  177358. "rose, estate of earl",
  177359. "fdic matter",
  177360. "546295892",
  177361. "5651",
  177362. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  177363. ],
  177364. [
  177365. "rose, estate of earl",
  177366. "fdic matter",
  177367. "546295892",
  177368. "5651",
  177369. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  177370. ],
  177371. [
  177372. "rose, estate of earl",
  177373. "fdic matter",
  177374. "546302204",
  177375. "6822",
  177376. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546302204,6822"
  177377. ],
  177378. [
  177379. "rose, estate of earl",
  177380. "fdic matter",
  177381. "546306371",
  177382. "6076",
  177383. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546306371,6076"
  177384. ],
  177385. [
  177386. "rose, estate of earl",
  177387. "fdic matter",
  177388. "546315299",
  177389. "5763",
  177390. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546315299,5763"
  177391. ],
  177392. [
  177393. "rose, estate of earl",
  177394. "fdic matter",
  177395. "546295892",
  177396. "5651",
  177397. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  177398. ],
  177399. [
  177400. "rose, estate of earl",
  177401. "fdic matter",
  177402. "546295892",
  177403. "5651",
  177404. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  177405. ],
  177406. [
  177407. "rose, estate of earl",
  177408. "fdic matter",
  177409. "546295892",
  177410. "5651",
  177411. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  177412. ],
  177413. [
  177414. "duvall, homer-mediation",
  177415. "nan",
  177416. "188350598",
  177417. "188350598",
  177418. "duvall, homer-mediation,nan,188350598,188350598"
  177419. ],
  177420. [
  177421. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.",
  177422. "fdic/rtc-documents produced box1",
  177423. "tcf0015076",
  177424. "cl5948",
  177425. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.,fdic/rtc-documents produced box1,tcf0015076,cl5948"
  177426. ],
  177427. [
  177428. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.",
  177429. "fdic/rtc-documents produced box2",
  177430. "tcf0015077",
  177431. "cl5949",
  177432. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.,fdic/rtc-documents produced box2,tcf0015077,cl5949"
  177433. ],
  177434. [
  177435. "sachnoff & weaver",
  177436. "rtc/fdic-lists of docs prods",
  177437. "tcf0015862",
  177438. "cr4683",
  177439. "sachnoff & weaver,rtc/fdic-lists of docs prods,tcf0015862,cr4683"
  177440. ],
  177441. [
  177442. "new urban communities",
  177443. "lake worth",
  177444. "462434168",
  177445. "tz7584",
  177446. "new urban communities,lake worth,462434168,tz7584"
  177447. ],
  177448. [
  177449. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic",
  177450. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic",
  177451. "136407678",
  177452. "136407678",
  177453. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic,lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic,136407678,136407678"
  177454. ],
  177455. [
  177456. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic)",
  177457. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic)",
  177458. "136407679",
  177459. "136407679",
  177460. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic),lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic),136407679,136407679"
  177461. ],
  177462. [
  177463. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic",
  177464. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic",
  177465. "136407679",
  177466. "136407679",
  177467. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic,lake nona - first gibraltar fdic,136407679,136407679"
  177468. ],
  177469. [
  177470. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction",
  177471. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction",
  177472. "401765910",
  177473. "401765910",
  177474. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction,kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction,401765910,401765910"
  177475. ],
  177476. [
  177477. "pizzuti - general",
  177478. "pizzuti - general",
  177479. "348864953",
  177480. "348864953",
  177481. "pizzuti - general,pizzuti - general,348864953,348864953"
  177482. ],
  177483. [
  177484. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark",
  177485. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark",
  177486. "dsn374811",
  177487. "158882",
  177488. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark,reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark,dsn374811,158882"
  177489. ],
  177490. [
  177491. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark",
  177492. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark",
  177493. "dsn374811",
  177494. "158882",
  177495. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark,reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark,dsn374811,158882"
  177496. ],
  177497. [
  177498. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn",
  177499. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn",
  177500. "dsn013796",
  177501. "13710",
  177502. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn,dsn013796,13710"
  177503. ],
  177504. [
  177505. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  177506. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  177507. "170939113",
  177508. "170939113",
  177509. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,170939113,170939113"
  177510. ],
  177511. [
  177512. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2",
  177513. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2",
  177514. "170939110",
  177515. "170939110",
  177516. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2,170939110,170939110"
  177517. ],
  177518. [
  177519. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  177520. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  177521. "170939110",
  177522. "170939110",
  177523. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,170939110,170939110"
  177524. ],
  177525. [
  177526. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre",
  177527. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre",
  177528. "170939109",
  177529. "170939109",
  177530. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre,170939109,170939109"
  177531. ],
  177532. [
  177533. "home depot, inc., the",
  177534. "x-113969.54 monroe, nc - 2150 secrest shortcut",
  177535. "613269685",
  177536. "613269685",
  177537. "home depot, inc., the,x-113969.54 monroe, nc - 2150 secrest shortcut,613269685,613269685"
  177538. ],
  177539. [
  177540. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004",
  177541. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004",
  177542. "401765882",
  177543. "401765882",
  177544. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004,hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004,401765882,401765882"
  177545. ],
  177546. [
  177547. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle",
  177548. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle",
  177549. "dsn319978",
  177550. "76409",
  177551. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle,stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle,dsn319978,76409"
  177552. ],
  177553. [
  177554. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  177555. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  177556. "170682680",
  177557. "170682680",
  177558. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,170682680,170682680"
  177559. ],
  177560. [
  177561. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  177562. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  177563. "170682684",
  177564. "170682684",
  177565. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,170682684,170682684"
  177566. ],
  177567. [
  177568. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  177569. "william d. langford claims",
  177570. "843048962",
  177571. "nan",
  177572. "drs tactical systems, inc.,william d. langford claims,843048962,nan"
  177573. ],
  177574. [
  177575. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  177576. "william d. langford claims",
  177577. "843048962",
  177578. "nan",
  177579. "drs tactical systems, inc.,william d. langford claims,843048962,nan"
  177580. ],
  177581. [
  177582. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  177583. "william d. langford claims",
  177584. "826756446",
  177585. "nan",
  177586. "drs tactical systems, inc.,william d. langford claims,826756446,nan"
  177587. ],
  177588. [
  177589. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20",
  177590. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20",
  177591. "260537640",
  177592. "260537640",
  177593. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20,suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20,260537640,260537640"
  177594. ],
  177595. [
  177596. "irvin, donald",
  177597. "heartchild",
  177598. "406256241",
  177599. "406256241",
  177600. "irvin, donald,heartchild,406256241,406256241"
  177601. ],
  177602. [
  177603. "irvin, donald (healthcare, inc.)",
  177604. "\"heartchild and design\" #75/868,754",
  177605. "89278063",
  177606. "tz4970",
  177607. "irvin, donald (healthcare, inc.),\"heartchild and design\" #75/868,754,89278063,tz4970"
  177608. ],
  177609. [
  177610. "boyd wilbur h et al",
  177611. "85 fslic regulations",
  177612. "tcf0003294",
  177613. "aa9288",
  177614. "boyd wilbur h et al,85 fslic regulations,tcf0003294,aa9288"
  177615. ],
  177616. [
  177617. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization",
  177618. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization",
  177619. "170682550",
  177620. "170682550",
  177621. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization,ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization,170682550,170682550"
  177622. ],
  177623. [
  177624. "tech. at work/maxxus",
  177625. "comparison of smartcard",
  177626. "171947295",
  177627. "171947295",
  177628. "tech. at work/maxxus,comparison of smartcard,171947295,171947295"
  177629. ],
  177630. [
  177631. "harrington, winthrop w., d.m.d.",
  177632. "tej tanden",
  177633. "719590136",
  177634. "116508",
  177635. "harrington, winthrop w., d.m.d.,tej tanden,719590136,116508"
  177636. ],
  177637. [
  177638. "healthcare consulting corporation",
  177639. "tax credit",
  177640. "719587005",
  177641. "235682",
  177642. "healthcare consulting corporation,tax credit,719587005,235682"
  177643. ],
  177644. [
  177645. "compscript",
  177646. "silverman",
  177647. "652604898",
  177648. "12513730",
  177649. "compscript,silverman,652604898,12513730"
  177650. ],
  177651. [
  177652. "department of housing and community deve",
  177653. "fenway community development corporation",
  177654. "719662083",
  177655. "80529",
  177656. "department of housing and community deve,fenway community development corporation,719662083,80529"
  177657. ],
  177658. [
  177659. "sovereign bank",
  177660. "general",
  177661. "719638803",
  177662. "10003435",
  177663. "sovereign bank,general,719638803,10003435"
  177664. ],
  177665. [
  177666. "mastec",
  177667. "artcom",
  177668. "89249701",
  177669. "11176535",
  177670. "mastec,artcom,89249701,11176535"
  177671. ],
  177672. [
  177673. "mastec",
  177674. "artcom",
  177675. "89249658",
  177676. "11176536",
  177677. "mastec,artcom,89249658,11176536"
  177678. ],
  177679. [
  177680. "mastec",
  177681. "artcom",
  177682. "89249648",
  177683. "11176537",
  177684. "mastec,artcom,89249648,11176537"
  177685. ],
  177686. [
  177687. "mastec",
  177688. "artcom",
  177689. "460601490",
  177690. "11176538",
  177691. "mastec,artcom,460601490,11176538"
  177692. ],
  177693. [
  177694. "mastec",
  177695. "artcom",
  177696. "460601488",
  177697. "11176539",
  177698. "mastec,artcom,460601488,11176539"
  177699. ],
  177700. [
  177701. "mastec",
  177702. "artcom",
  177703. "89249737",
  177704. "11176540",
  177705. "mastec,artcom,89249737,11176540"
  177706. ],
  177707. [
  177708. "mastec",
  177709. "artcom",
  177710. "489565099",
  177711. "11176541",
  177712. "mastec,artcom,489565099,11176541"
  177713. ],
  177714. [
  177715. "mastec",
  177716. "artcom",
  177717. "89249712",
  177718. "11176542",
  177719. "mastec,artcom,89249712,11176542"
  177720. ],
  177721. [
  177722. "mastec",
  177723. "artcom",
  177724. "460601458",
  177725. "11176543",
  177726. "mastec,artcom,460601458,11176543"
  177727. ],
  177728. [
  177729. "mastec",
  177730. "artcom",
  177731. "490619216",
  177732. "11176544",
  177733. "mastec,artcom,490619216,11176544"
  177734. ],
  177735. [
  177736. "mastec",
  177737. "artcom",
  177738. "490619206",
  177739. "11176545",
  177740. "mastec,artcom,490619206,11176545"
  177741. ],
  177742. [
  177743. "mastec",
  177744. "none",
  177745. "489521215",
  177746. "11176608",
  177747. "mastec,none,489521215,11176608"
  177748. ],
  177749. [
  177750. "boston bay capital, inc.",
  177751. "bbc general",
  177752. "719658619",
  177753. "52244",
  177754. "boston bay capital, inc.,bbc general,719658619,52244"
  177755. ],
  177756. [
  177757. "lend lease real estate investments, inc.",
  177758. "general",
  177759. "719581526",
  177760. "173928",
  177761. "lend lease real estate investments, inc.,general,719581526,173928"
  177762. ],
  177763. [
  177764. "capital resource partners",
  177765. "star video-advice re",
  177766. "719590836",
  177767. "c0516268",
  177768. "capital resource partners,star video-advice re,719590836,c0516268"
  177769. ],
  177770. [
  177771. "chevron corporation",
  177772. "rampart apartments",
  177773. "719664205",
  177774. "34453",
  177775. "chevron corporation,rampart apartments,719664205,34453"
  177776. ],
  177777. [
  177778. "chevron corporation",
  177779. "20 exchange place, new york, new york",
  177780. "805128403",
  177781. "nan",
  177782. "chevron corporation,20 exchange place, new york, new york,805128403,nan"
  177783. ],
  177784. [
  177785. "chevron corporation",
  177786. "20 exchange place, new york, new york",
  177787. "805128403",
  177788. "nan",
  177789. "chevron corporation,20 exchange place, new york, new york,805128403,nan"
  177790. ],
  177791. [
  177792. "fidelity national financial",
  177793. "chicago title/fdic opinion",
  177794. "672030330",
  177795. "12513980",
  177796. "fidelity national financial,chicago title/fdic opinion,672030330,12513980"
  177797. ],
  177798. [
  177799. "claremont corporation",
  177800. "*closed--general",
  177801. "719658154",
  177802. "95951",
  177803. "claremont corporation,*closed--general,719658154,95951"
  177804. ],
  177805. [
  177806. "deluca, william",
  177807. "lease w/ option to purchase 45 haverhill street",
  177808. "719599788",
  177809. "895274",
  177810. "deluca, william,lease w/ option to purchase 45 haverhill street,719599788,895274"
  177811. ],
  177812. [
  177813. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177814. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177815. "719643332",
  177816. "157049",
  177817. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719643332,157049"
  177818. ],
  177819. [
  177820. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177821. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177822. "719659086",
  177823. "157048",
  177824. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659086,157048"
  177825. ],
  177826. [
  177827. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177828. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177829. "719659092",
  177830. "157047",
  177831. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659092,157047"
  177832. ],
  177833. [
  177834. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177835. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177836. "719595994",
  177837. "157046",
  177838. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719595994,157046"
  177839. ],
  177840. [
  177841. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177842. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177843. "719659104",
  177844. "157045",
  177845. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659104,157045"
  177846. ],
  177847. [
  177848. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177849. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177850. "719659093",
  177851. "157044",
  177852. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659093,157044"
  177853. ],
  177854. [
  177855. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177856. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177857. "719659110",
  177858. "157043",
  177859. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659110,157043"
  177860. ],
  177861. [
  177862. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  177863. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  177864. "719659085",
  177865. "157042",
  177866. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659085,157042"
  177867. ],
  177868. [
  177869. "the 1099 realty trust",
  177870. "weymouth real estate",
  177871. "719590369",
  177872. "157329",
  177873. "the 1099 realty trust,weymouth real estate,719590369,157329"
  177874. ],
  177875. [
  177876. "john hancock life insurance company",
  177877. "plaza north senior residences",
  177878. "719661629",
  177879. "79467",
  177880. "john hancock life insurance company,plaza north senior residences,719661629,79467"
  177881. ],
  177882. [
  177883. "john hancock life insurance company",
  177884. "plaza north senior residences",
  177885. "719661629",
  177886. "79467",
  177887. "john hancock life insurance company,plaza north senior residences,719661629,79467"
  177888. ],
  177889. [
  177890. "capmark affordable equity holdings, inc.",
  177891. "project amity",
  177892. "719607956",
  177893. "13078113",
  177894. "capmark affordable equity holdings, inc.,project amity,719607956,13078113"
  177895. ],
  177896. [
  177897. "robb, george",
  177898. "ca partners",
  177899. "719585989",
  177900. "14059072",
  177901. "robb, george,ca partners,719585989,14059072"
  177902. ],
  177903. [
  177904. "tatelbaum, matthew",
  177905. "tax advice",
  177906. "719642035",
  177907. "79453",
  177908. "tatelbaum, matthew,tax advice,719642035,79453"
  177909. ],
  177910. [
  177911. "schein, alan",
  177912. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177913. "489266776",
  177914. "789-16566",
  177915. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177916. ],
  177917. [
  177918. "schein, alan",
  177919. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177920. "489266776",
  177921. "789-16566",
  177922. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177923. ],
  177924. [
  177925. "schein, alan",
  177926. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177927. "489266776",
  177928. "789-16566",
  177929. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177930. ],
  177931. [
  177932. "schein, alan",
  177933. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177934. "489266776",
  177935. "789-16566",
  177936. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177937. ],
  177938. [
  177939. "schein, alan",
  177940. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177941. "489266776",
  177942. "789-16566",
  177943. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177944. ],
  177945. [
  177946. "schein, alan",
  177947. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177948. "489266776",
  177949. "789-16566",
  177950. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177951. ],
  177952. [
  177953. "schein, alan",
  177954. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177955. "489266776",
  177956. "789-16566",
  177957. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177958. ],
  177959. [
  177960. "schein, alan",
  177961. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177962. "489266776",
  177963. "789-16566",
  177964. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177965. ],
  177966. [
  177967. "schein, alan",
  177968. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177969. "489266776",
  177970. "789-16566",
  177971. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177972. ],
  177973. [
  177974. "schein, alan",
  177975. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177976. "489266776",
  177977. "789-16566",
  177978. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177979. ],
  177980. [
  177981. "schein, alan",
  177982. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  177983. "489266776",
  177984. "789-16566",
  177985. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  177986. ],
  177987. [
  177988. "william p. deluca enterprises, inc.",
  177989. "general",
  177990. "719633759",
  177991. "116979",
  177992. "william p. deluca enterprises, inc.,general,719633759,116979"
  177993. ],
  177994. [
  177995. "widett slater & goldman",
  177996. "fdic materials",
  177997. "719661404",
  177998. "373845",
  177999. "widett slater & goldman,fdic materials,719661404,373845"
  178000. ],
  178001. [
  178002. "fdic v stokes & co et al",
  178003. "nan",
  178004. "dsj006327",
  178005. "85-021",
  178006. "fdic v stokes & co et al,nan,dsj006327,85-021"
  178007. ],
  178008. [
  178009. "rtc",
  178010. "duval federal 33993",
  178011. "tcf0012460",
  178012. "bq1261",
  178013. "rtc,duval federal 33993,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  178014. ],
  178015. [
  178016. "rtc",
  178017. "centrust savings bank 33857",
  178018. "tcf0012460",
  178019. "bq1261",
  178020. "rtc,centrust savings bank 33857,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  178021. ],
  178022. [
  178023. "rtc",
  178024. "centrust savings bank 33990",
  178025. "tcf0012460",
  178026. "bq1261",
  178027. "rtc,centrust savings bank 33990,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  178028. ],
  178029. [
  178030. "rtc",
  178031. "freedom savings & loan 33610",
  178032. "tcf0012460",
  178033. "bq1261",
  178034. "rtc,freedom savings & loan 33610,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  178035. ],
  178036. [
  178037. "rtc",
  178038. "92 adjustments/refunds",
  178039. "tcf0012461",
  178040. "bq1262",
  178041. "rtc,92 adjustments/refunds,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178042. ],
  178043. [
  178044. "rtc",
  178045. "90 acct recievable",
  178046. "tcf0012461",
  178047. "bq1262",
  178048. "rtc,90 acct recievable,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178049. ],
  178050. [
  178051. "rtc",
  178052. "92 adjustments/refunds",
  178053. "tcf0012461",
  178054. "bq1262",
  178055. "rtc,92 adjustments/refunds,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178056. ],
  178057. [
  178058. "rtc",
  178059. "89 acct recieve",
  178060. "tcf0012461",
  178061. "bq1262",
  178062. "rtc,89 acct recieve,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178063. ],
  178064. [
  178065. "rtc",
  178066. "responses on form",
  178067. "tcf0012461",
  178068. "bq1262",
  178069. "rtc,responses on form,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178070. ],
  178071. [
  178072. "rtc",
  178073. "inventory analysis",
  178074. "tcf0012461",
  178075. "bq1262",
  178076. "rtc,inventory analysis,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178077. ],
  178078. [
  178079. "rtc",
  178080. "appellate cases",
  178081. "tcf0012461",
  178082. "bq1262",
  178083. "rtc,appellate cases,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178084. ],
  178085. [
  178086. "rtc",
  178087. "significant matters in litigatio",
  178088. "tcf0012461",
  178089. "bq1262",
  178090. "rtc,significant matters in litigatio,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178091. ],
  178092. [
  178093. "rtc",
  178094. "92 fax misc",
  178095. "tcf0012461",
  178096. "bq1262",
  178097. "rtc,92 fax misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178098. ],
  178099. [
  178100. "rtc",
  178101. "92 misc",
  178102. "tcf0012461",
  178103. "bq1262",
  178104. "rtc,92 misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178105. ],
  178106. [
  178107. "rtc",
  178108. "92 misc memos",
  178109. "tcf0012461",
  178110. "bq1262",
  178111. "rtc,92 misc memos,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178112. ],
  178113. [
  178114. "rtc",
  178115. "90 misc",
  178116. "tcf0012461",
  178117. "bq1262",
  178118. "rtc,90 misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178119. ],
  178120. [
  178121. "rtc",
  178122. "91 misc",
  178123. "tcf0012461",
  178124. "bq1262",
  178125. "rtc,91 misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178126. ],
  178127. [
  178128. "rtc",
  178129. "90 corres",
  178130. "tcf0012461",
  178131. "bq1262",
  178132. "rtc,90 corres,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178133. ],
  178134. [
  178135. "rtc",
  178136. "91 corres",
  178137. "tcf0012461",
  178138. "bq1262",
  178139. "rtc,91 corres,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178140. ],
  178141. [
  178142. "rtc",
  178143. "91 changes procedures etc",
  178144. "tcf0012461",
  178145. "bq1262",
  178146. "rtc,91 changes procedures etc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178147. ],
  178148. [
  178149. "rtc",
  178150. "erb form rlis conversion",
  178151. "tcf0012461",
  178152. "bq1262",
  178153. "rtc,erb form rlis conversion,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178154. ],
  178155. [
  178156. "rtc",
  178157. "92 corres re change in procedure",
  178158. "tcf0012461",
  178159. "bq1262",
  178160. "rtc,92 corres re change in procedure,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178161. ],
  178162. [
  178163. "rtc",
  178164. "92 corres",
  178165. "tcf0012461",
  178166. "bq1262",
  178167. "rtc,92 corres,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178168. ],
  178169. [
  178170. "rtc",
  178171. "92 misc minority reports",
  178172. "tcf0012461",
  178173. "bq1262",
  178174. "rtc,92 misc minority reports,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178175. ],
  178176. [
  178177. "rtc",
  178178. "91 minority billing",
  178179. "tcf0012461",
  178180. "bq1262",
  178181. "rtc,91 minority billing,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  178182. ],
  178183. [
  178184. "rtc",
  178185. "security savings & loan 34644",
  178186. "tcf0012462",
  178187. "bq1263",
  178188. "rtc,security savings & loan 34644,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178189. ],
  178190. [
  178191. "rtc",
  178192. "gibraltar savings 34732",
  178193. "tcf0012462",
  178194. "bq1263",
  178195. "rtc,gibraltar savings 34732,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178196. ],
  178197. [
  178198. "rtc",
  178199. "american pioneer 34737",
  178200. "tcf0012462",
  178201. "bq1263",
  178202. "rtc,american pioneer 34737,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178203. ],
  178204. [
  178205. "rtc",
  178206. "first fed. diamondville 34751",
  178207. "tcf0012462",
  178208. "bq1263",
  178209. "rtc,first fed. diamondville 34751,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178210. ],
  178211. [
  178212. "rtc",
  178213. "american pioneer 34758",
  178214. "tcf0012462",
  178215. "bq1263",
  178216. "rtc,american pioneer 34758,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178217. ],
  178218. [
  178219. "rtc",
  178220. "great southern 34836",
  178221. "tcf0012462",
  178222. "bq1263",
  178223. "rtc,great southern 34836,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178224. ],
  178225. [
  178226. "rtc",
  178227. "ambassador savings 34927",
  178228. "tcf0012462",
  178229. "bq1263",
  178230. "rtc,ambassador savings 34927,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178231. ],
  178232. [
  178233. "rtc",
  178234. "professional federal 34960",
  178235. "tcf0012462",
  178236. "bq1263",
  178237. "rtc,professional federal 34960,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178238. ],
  178239. [
  178240. "rtc",
  178241. "security homestead 35161",
  178242. "tcf0012462",
  178243. "bq1263",
  178244. "rtc,security homestead 35161,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178245. ],
  178246. [
  178247. "rtc",
  178248. "empire federal 35195",
  178249. "tcf0012462",
  178250. "bq1263",
  178251. "rtc,empire federal 35195,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178252. ],
  178253. [
  178254. "rtc",
  178255. "goldcoast fed. savings 35254",
  178256. "tcf0012462",
  178257. "bq1263",
  178258. "rtc,goldcoast fed. savings 35254,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178259. ],
  178260. [
  178261. "rtc",
  178262. "enterprise federal 35317",
  178263. "tcf0012462",
  178264. "bq1263",
  178265. "rtc,enterprise federal 35317,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178266. ],
  178267. [
  178268. "rtc",
  178269. "florida fed. savings 35363",
  178270. "tcf0012462",
  178271. "bq1263",
  178272. "rtc,florida fed. savings 35363,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178273. ],
  178274. [
  178275. "rtc",
  178276. "home federal 35092",
  178277. "tcf0012462",
  178278. "bq1263",
  178279. "rtc,home federal 35092,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178280. ],
  178281. [
  178282. "rtc",
  178283. "great life fs 35410",
  178284. "tcf0012462",
  178285. "bq1263",
  178286. "rtc,great life fs 35410,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178287. ],
  178288. [
  178289. "rtc",
  178290. "southern federa; 35609",
  178291. "tcf0012462",
  178292. "bq1263",
  178293. "rtc,southern federa; 35609,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178294. ],
  178295. [
  178296. "rtc",
  178297. "1st const. new haven 35675",
  178298. "tcf0012462",
  178299. "bq1263",
  178300. "rtc,1st const. new haven 35675,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178301. ],
  178302. [
  178303. "rtc",
  178304. "liberty federal 35785",
  178305. "tcf0012462",
  178306. "bq1263",
  178307. "rtc,liberty federal 35785,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178308. ],
  178309. [
  178310. "rtc",
  178311. "hollywood federal 36008",
  178312. "tcf0012462",
  178313. "bq1263",
  178314. "rtc,hollywood federal 36008,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178315. ],
  178316. [
  178317. "rtc",
  178318. "hill financial 36045",
  178319. "tcf0012462",
  178320. "bq1263",
  178321. "rtc,hill financial 36045,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178322. ],
  178323. [
  178324. "rtc",
  178325. "bell federal savings bank 36101",
  178326. "tcf0012462",
  178327. "bq1263",
  178328. "rtc,bell federal savings bank 36101,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178329. ],
  178330. [
  178331. "rtc",
  178332. "amerifirst bank 36164",
  178333. "tcf0012462",
  178334. "bq1263",
  178335. "rtc,amerifirst bank 36164,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178336. ],
  178337. [
  178338. "rtc",
  178339. "united federal 36348",
  178340. "tcf0012462",
  178341. "bq1263",
  178342. "rtc,united federal 36348,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178343. ],
  178344. [
  178345. "rtc",
  178346. "real estate recovery 36425",
  178347. "tcf0012462",
  178348. "bq1263",
  178349. "rtc,real estate recovery 36425,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178350. ],
  178351. [
  178352. "rtc",
  178353. "ensign fsb 36666",
  178354. "tcf0012462",
  178355. "bq1263",
  178356. "rtc,ensign fsb 36666,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178357. ],
  178358. [
  178359. "rtc",
  178360. "merabank 36691",
  178361. "tcf0012462",
  178362. "bq1263",
  178363. "rtc,merabank 36691,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178364. ],
  178365. [
  178366. "rtc",
  178367. "ensign bank hamilton holding con",
  178368. "tcf0012462",
  178369. "bq1263",
  178370. "rtc,ensign bank hamilton holding con,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178371. ],
  178372. [
  178373. "rtc",
  178374. "new metropolitan savings 36749",
  178375. "tcf0012462",
  178376. "bq1263",
  178377. "rtc,new metropolitan savings 36749,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178378. ],
  178379. [
  178380. "rtc",
  178381. "sunbelt federal savings 36787",
  178382. "tcf0012462",
  178383. "bq1263",
  178384. "rtc,sunbelt federal savings 36787,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178385. ],
  178386. [
  178387. "rtc",
  178388. "great american bank 37165",
  178389. "tcf0012462",
  178390. "bq1263",
  178391. "rtc,great american bank 37165,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178392. ],
  178393. [
  178394. "rtc",
  178395. "goldome 37169",
  178396. "tcf0012462",
  178397. "bq1263",
  178398. "rtc,goldome 37169,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178399. ],
  178400. [
  178401. "rtc",
  178402. "american 37567",
  178403. "tcf0012462",
  178404. "bq1263",
  178405. "rtc,american 37567,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178406. ],
  178407. [
  178408. "rtc",
  178409. "continental 34639",
  178410. "tcf0012462",
  178411. "bq1263",
  178412. "rtc,continental 34639,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  178413. ],
  178414. [
  178415. "rtc-clean up",
  178416. "91 fdic refunds",
  178417. "tcf0012479",
  178418. "bq1281",
  178419. "rtc-clean up,91 fdic refunds,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178420. ],
  178421. [
  178422. "rtc-clean up",
  178423. "90-91 collections, unpaid inv co",
  178424. "tcf0012479",
  178425. "bq1281",
  178426. "rtc-clean up,90-91 collections, unpaid inv co,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178427. ],
  178428. [
  178429. "rtc-clean up",
  178430. "sunbelt",
  178431. "tcf0012479",
  178432. "bq1281",
  178433. "rtc-clean up,sunbelt,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178434. ],
  178435. [
  178436. "rtc-clean up",
  178437. "resolution",
  178438. "tcf0012479",
  178439. "bq1281",
  178440. "rtc-clean up,resolution,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178441. ],
  178442. [
  178443. "rtc-clean up",
  178444. "centrust bank",
  178445. "tcf0012479",
  178446. "bq1281",
  178447. "rtc-clean up,centrust bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178448. ],
  178449. [
  178450. "rtc-clean up",
  178451. "florida center bank",
  178452. "tcf0012479",
  178453. "bq1281",
  178454. "rtc-clean up,florida center bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178455. ],
  178456. [
  178457. "rtc-clean up",
  178458. "park bank",
  178459. "tcf0012479",
  178460. "bq1281",
  178461. "rtc-clean up,park bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178462. ],
  178463. [
  178464. "rtc-clean up",
  178465. "lincoln federal",
  178466. "tcf0012479",
  178467. "bq1281",
  178468. "rtc-clean up,lincoln federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178469. ],
  178470. [
  178471. "rtc-clean up",
  178472. "state bank of commerce",
  178473. "tcf0012479",
  178474. "bq1281",
  178475. "rtc-clean up,state bank of commerce,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178476. ],
  178477. [
  178478. "rtc-clean up",
  178479. "1st guaranty",
  178480. "tcf0012479",
  178481. "bq1281",
  178482. "rtc-clean up,1st guaranty,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178483. ],
  178484. [
  178485. "rtc-clean up",
  178486. "the trust bank",
  178487. "tcf0012479",
  178488. "bq1281",
  178489. "rtc-clean up,the trust bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178490. ],
  178491. [
  178492. "rtc-clean up",
  178493. "first fed. diamondville",
  178494. "tcf0012479",
  178495. "bq1281",
  178496. "rtc-clean up,first fed. diamondville,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178497. ],
  178498. [
  178499. "rtc-clean up",
  178500. "first venice",
  178501. "tcf0012479",
  178502. "bq1281",
  178503. "rtc-clean up,first venice,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178504. ],
  178505. [
  178506. "rtc-clean up",
  178507. "royal palm",
  178508. "tcf0012479",
  178509. "bq1281",
  178510. "rtc-clean up,royal palm,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178511. ],
  178512. [
  178513. "rtc-clean up",
  178514. "gibralter saving",
  178515. "tcf0012479",
  178516. "bq1281",
  178517. "rtc-clean up,gibralter saving,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178518. ],
  178519. [
  178520. "rtc-clean up",
  178521. "commerce bank of tampa",
  178522. "tcf0012479",
  178523. "bq1281",
  178524. "rtc-clean up,commerce bank of tampa,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178525. ],
  178526. [
  178527. "rtc-clean up",
  178528. "baltimore federal",
  178529. "tcf0012479",
  178530. "bq1281",
  178531. "rtc-clean up,baltimore federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178532. ],
  178533. [
  178534. "rtc-clean up",
  178535. "spokie federal",
  178536. "tcf0012479",
  178537. "bq1281",
  178538. "rtc-clean up,spokie federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178539. ],
  178540. [
  178541. "rtc-clean up",
  178542. "freedom s&l",
  178543. "tcf0012479",
  178544. "bq1281",
  178545. "rtc-clean up,freedom s&l,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178546. ],
  178547. [
  178548. "rtc-clean up",
  178549. "county bank",
  178550. "tcf0012479",
  178551. "bq1281",
  178552. "rtc-clean up,county bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178553. ],
  178554. [
  178555. "rtc-clean up",
  178556. "credit bank",
  178557. "tcf0012479",
  178558. "bq1281",
  178559. "rtc-clean up,credit bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178560. ],
  178561. [
  178562. "rtc-clean up",
  178563. "des plaines bank",
  178564. "tcf0012479",
  178565. "bq1281",
  178566. "rtc-clean up,des plaines bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178567. ],
  178568. [
  178569. "rtc-clean up",
  178570. "enterprise bank",
  178571. "tcf0012479",
  178572. "bq1281",
  178573. "rtc-clean up,enterprise bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178574. ],
  178575. [
  178576. "rtc-clean up",
  178577. "fidelity federal",
  178578. "tcf0012479",
  178579. "bq1281",
  178580. "rtc-clean up,fidelity federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178581. ],
  178582. [
  178583. "rtc-clean up",
  178584. "first amer. bank & trust",
  178585. "tcf0012479",
  178586. "bq1281",
  178587. "rtc-clean up,first amer. bank & trust,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178588. ],
  178589. [
  178590. "rtc-clean up",
  178591. "first american bank & trust co.",
  178592. "tcf0012479",
  178593. "bq1281",
  178594. "rtc-clean up,first american bank & trust co.,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178595. ],
  178596. [
  178597. "rtc-clean up",
  178598. "first amer bank & trust, n.a.",
  178599. "tcf0012479",
  178600. "bq1281",
  178601. "rtc-clean up,first amer bank & trust, n.a.,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178602. ],
  178603. [
  178604. "rtc-clean up",
  178605. "centrust",
  178606. "tcf0012479",
  178607. "bq1281",
  178608. "rtc-clean up,centrust,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178609. ],
  178610. [
  178611. "rtc-clean up",
  178612. "western federal",
  178613. "tcf0012479",
  178614. "bq1281",
  178615. "rtc-clean up,western federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  178616. ],
  178617. [
  178618. "michael hatcher",
  178619. "innolog",
  178620. "489671856",
  178621. "789-22101",
  178622. "michael hatcher,innolog,489671856,789-22101"
  178623. ],
  178624. [
  178625. "sunbank miami, n.a.",
  178626. "none",
  178627. "89249777",
  178628. "174451",
  178629. "sunbank miami, n.a.,none,89249777,174451"
  178630. ],
  178631. [
  178632. "smartcom pcs",
  178633. "advice re: protection of intellectual property rights",
  178634. "460597077",
  178635. "12129834",
  178636. "smartcom pcs,advice re: protection of intellectual property rights,460597077,12129834"
  178637. ],
  178638. [
  178639. "notter, john",
  178640. "none",
  178641. "174449",
  178642. "10667",
  178643. "notter, john,none,174449,10667"
  178644. ],
  178645. [
  178646. "brickyard bank",
  178647. "fdic and illinios obre",
  178648. "189921484",
  178649. "189921484",
  178650. "brickyard bank,fdic and illinios obre,189921484,189921484"
  178651. ],
  178652. [
  178653. "christopher nolin",
  178654. "re: miscellaneous index: donald gammon materials, fdic - williams, marketing / recruiting file, new adjuster and nurse candidates, suggestions file - brief bank, cen miscellaneous / potential clients / closed files, cen working file / bird warranties, cen personal - alex, cen alan materials, national health lawyers assoc., certificates from mec and national health assoc., cen bar associations, mso marketing, henry vandermark / florida investments",
  178655. "719595361",
  178656. "231044",
  178657. "christopher nolin,re: miscellaneous index: donald gammon materials, fdic - williams, marketing / recruiting file, new adjuster and nurse candidates, suggestions file - brief bank, cen miscellaneous / potential clients / closed files, cen working file / bird warranties, cen personal - alex, cen alan materials, national health lawyers assoc., certificates from mec and national health assoc., cen bar associations, mso marketing, henry vandermark / florida investments,719595361,231044"
  178658. ],
  178659. [
  178660. "christopher nolin",
  178661. "re: miscellaneous index: appeals, atty. fees, amendment pleadings, bank participations, bankruptcy, contingent fees, contempt, expert testimony (daubert), discovery - sanctions, evidence, fdic litigation, good faith, in limine, aids, antitrust, cen - reading committee, lender liability, presentation graphics, workingmen's coop. bank, boston bar assoc. health care section, barry queen, cen health care drafts",
  178662. "719634057",
  178663. "231043",
  178664. "christopher nolin,re: miscellaneous index: appeals, atty. fees, amendment pleadings, bank participations, bankruptcy, contingent fees, contempt, expert testimony (daubert), discovery - sanctions, evidence, fdic litigation, good faith, in limine, aids, antitrust, cen - reading committee, lender liability, presentation graphics, workingmen's coop. bank, boston bar assoc. health care section, barry queen, cen health care drafts,719634057,231043"
  178665. ],
  178666. [
  178667. "client representation (not otherwise cre",
  178668. "pm - foxborough state hospital",
  178669. "700570729",
  178670. "nan",
  178671. "client representation (not otherwise cre,pm - foxborough state hospital,700570729,nan"
  178672. ],
  178673. [
  178674. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178675. "brooke,thomas w. temporary matter",
  178676. "489270628",
  178677. "1000406342",
  178678. "temporary unassigned matters,brooke,thomas w. temporary matter,489270628,1000406342"
  178679. ],
  178680. [
  178681. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178682. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  178683. "489717262",
  178684. "nan",
  178685. "temporary unassigned matters,edwards,amy l. temporary matter,489717262,nan"
  178686. ],
  178687. [
  178688. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178689. "park,jonathan h. temporary matter",
  178690. "459072631",
  178691. "nan",
  178692. "temporary unassigned matters,park,jonathan h. temporary matter,459072631,nan"
  178693. ],
  178694. [
  178695. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178696. "stern,jeffrey b. temporary matter",
  178697. "458760160",
  178698. "789-13228",
  178699. "temporary unassigned matters,stern,jeffrey b. temporary matter,458760160,789-13228"
  178700. ],
  178701. [
  178702. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178703. "middlebrook,theresa a.w. temporary matter",
  178704. "391979565",
  178705. "nan",
  178706. "temporary unassigned matters,middlebrook,theresa a.w. temporary matter,391979565,nan"
  178707. ],
  178708. [
  178709. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178710. "gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter",
  178711. "159820586",
  178712. "c0000001533",
  178713. "temporary unassigned matters,gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter,159820586,c0000001533"
  178714. ],
  178715. [
  178716. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178717. "gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter",
  178718. "542293318",
  178719. "c0000001553",
  178720. "temporary unassigned matters,gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter,542293318,c0000001553"
  178721. ],
  178722. [
  178723. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178724. "hogan,john m. temporary matter",
  178725. "652545050",
  178726. "50281",
  178727. "temporary unassigned matters,hogan,john m. temporary matter,652545050,50281"
  178728. ],
  178729. [
  178730. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178731. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  178732. "731238220",
  178733. "nan",
  178734. "temporary unassigned matters,edwards,amy l. temporary matter,731238220,nan"
  178735. ],
  178736. [
  178737. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178738. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  178739. "731241095",
  178740. "nan",
  178741. "temporary unassigned matters,edwards,amy l. temporary matter,731241095,nan"
  178742. ],
  178743. [
  178744. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178745. "maines, j. allen temporary unassigned matters",
  178746. "777914248",
  178747. "nan",
  178748. "temporary unassigned matters,maines, j. allen temporary unassigned matters,777914248,nan"
  178749. ],
  178750. [
  178751. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178752. "chadwick, james c. temporary matter",
  178753. "active file",
  178754. "nan",
  178755. "temporary unassigned matters,chadwick, james c. temporary matter,active file,nan"
  178756. ],
  178757. [
  178758. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178759. "wiener,keith m. temporary matter",
  178760. "768304091",
  178761. "nan",
  178762. "temporary unassigned matters,wiener,keith m. temporary matter,768304091,nan"
  178763. ],
  178764. [
  178765. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178766. "caballero, gabriel, jr. temporary unassigned matters",
  178767. "active file",
  178768. "nan",
  178769. "temporary unassigned matters,caballero, gabriel, jr. temporary unassigned matters,active file,nan"
  178770. ],
  178771. [
  178772. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178773. "kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters",
  178774. "785146502",
  178775. "nan",
  178776. "temporary unassigned matters,kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters,785146502,nan"
  178777. ],
  178778. [
  178779. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178780. "kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters",
  178781. "785146502",
  178782. "nan",
  178783. "temporary unassigned matters,kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters,785146502,nan"
  178784. ],
  178785. [
  178786. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178787. "segrest, eugene f. temporary unassigned matters",
  178788. "active file",
  178789. "nan",
  178790. "temporary unassigned matters,segrest, eugene f. temporary unassigned matters,active file,nan"
  178791. ],
  178792. [
  178793. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178794. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  178795. "392044933",
  178796. "nan",
  178797. "temporary unassigned matters,athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters,392044933,nan"
  178798. ],
  178799. [
  178800. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178801. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  178802. "392044932",
  178803. "nan",
  178804. "temporary unassigned matters,athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters,392044932,nan"
  178805. ],
  178806. [
  178807. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178808. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  178809. "392044930",
  178810. "nan",
  178811. "temporary unassigned matters,athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters,392044930,nan"
  178812. ],
  178813. [
  178814. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178815. "mutryn,william j. temporary matter",
  178816. "986515823",
  178817. "nan",
  178818. "temporary unassigned matters,mutryn,william j. temporary matter,986515823,nan"
  178819. ],
  178820. [
  178821. "temporary unassigned matters",
  178822. "mutryn,william j. temporary matter",
  178823. "986515823",
  178824. "nan",
  178825. "temporary unassigned matters,mutryn,william j. temporary matter,986515823,nan"
  178826. ],
  178827. [
  178828. "marketing & practice development activit",
  178829. "marketing & practice development activities",
  178830. "462434262",
  178831. "tz9310",
  178832. "marketing & practice development activit,marketing & practice development activities,462434262,tz9310"
  178833. ],
  178834. [
  178835. "marketing & practice development activit",
  178836. "marketing & practice development activities",
  178837. "518164177",
  178838. "`",
  178839. "marketing & practice development activit,marketing & practice development activities,518164177,`"
  178840. ],
  178841. [
  178842. "marketing & practice development activit",
  178843. "marketing & practice development activities",
  178844. "731238166",
  178845. "nan",
  178846. "marketing & practice development activit,marketing & practice development activities,731238166,nan"
  178847. ],
  178848. [
  178849. "none",
  178850. "none",
  178851. "460597073",
  178852. "12129829",
  178853. "none,none,460597073,12129829"
  178854. ],
  178855. [
  178856. "firm",
  178857. "general",
  178858. "489724321",
  178859. "1000684264",
  178860. "firm,general,489724321,1000684264"
  178861. ],
  178862. [
  178863. "firm activities & projects",
  178864. "departed atty non-client records sent offsite",
  178865. "460596602",
  178866. "13176505",
  178867. "firm activities & projects,departed atty non-client records sent offsite,460596602,13176505"
  178868. ],
  178869. [
  178870. "firm activities & projects",
  178871. "firm activities & projects",
  178872. "642259758",
  178873. "nan",
  178874. "firm activities & projects,firm activities & projects,642259758,nan"
  178875. ],
  178876. [
  178877. "firm activities & projects",
  178878. "firm activities & projects",
  178879. "731237474",
  178880. "nan",
  178881. "firm activities & projects,firm activities & projects,731237474,nan"
  178882. ],
  178883. [
  178884. "firm activities & projects",
  178885. "firm activities & projects",
  178886. "625579722",
  178887. "nan",
  178888. "firm activities & projects,firm activities & projects,625579722,nan"
  178889. ],
  178890. [
  178891. "showmedia llc",
  178892. "sale to curtco",
  178893. "489343804",
  178894. "12326136",
  178895. "showmedia llc,sale to curtco,489343804,12326136"
  178896. ],
  178897. [
  178898. "fore 031 kierber rtc duval",
  178899. "nan",
  178900. "dsj005503",
  178901. "34-103",
  178902. "fore 031 kierber rtc duval,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  178903. ],
  178904. [
  178905. "fore 013 tripp rtc",
  178906. "nan",
  178907. "dsj005503",
  178908. "34-103",
  178909. "fore 013 tripp rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  178910. ],
  178911. [
  178912. "fore 014 tripp rtc",
  178913. "nan",
  178914. "dsj005503",
  178915. "34-103",
  178916. "fore 014 tripp rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  178917. ],
  178918. [
  178919. "fore 033 ulric rtc/duval",
  178920. "nan",
  178921. "dsj005503",
  178922. "34-103",
  178923. "fore 033 ulric rtc/duval,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  178924. ],
  178925. [
  178926. "fore 028 yudin rtc",
  178927. "nan",
  178928. "dsj005503",
  178929. "34-103",
  178930. "fore 028 yudin rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  178931. ],
  178932. [
  178933. "fore 034 christman rtc",
  178934. "nan",
  178935. "dsj005503",
  178936. "34-103",
  178937. "fore 034 christman rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  178938. ],
  178939. [
  178940. "fore 029 davis rtc",
  178941. "nan",
  178942. "dsj005503",
  178943. "34-103",
  178944. "fore 029 davis rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  178945. ],
  178946. [
  178947. "brantley john h rtc/duval",
  178948. "nan",
  178949. "dsj005511",
  178950. "34-108",
  178951. "brantley john h rtc/duval,nan,dsj005511,34-108"
  178952. ],
  178953. [
  178954. "1st land group rtc/duval vs",
  178955. "nan",
  178956. "dsj005514",
  178957. "34-111",
  178958. "1st land group rtc/duval vs,nan,dsj005514,34-111"
  178959. ],
  178960. [
  178961. "lusk robert rtc-duval",
  178962. "nan",
  178963. "dsj005518",
  178964. "34-115",
  178965. "lusk robert rtc-duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  178966. ],
  178967. [
  178968. "hopple david rtc-baltimore",
  178969. "nan",
  178970. "dsj005518",
  178971. "34-115",
  178972. "hopple david rtc-baltimore,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  178973. ],
  178974. [
  178975. "davidson william rtc/duval",
  178976. "nan",
  178977. "dsj005518",
  178978. "34-115",
  178979. "davidson william rtc/duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  178980. ],
  178981. [
  178982. "johnson mark rtc-duval",
  178983. "nan",
  178984. "dsj005518",
  178985. "34-115",
  178986. "johnson mark rtc-duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  178987. ],
  178988. [
  178989. "carbaugh james rtc duval",
  178990. "nan",
  178991. "dsj005518",
  178992. "34-115",
  178993. "carbaugh james rtc duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  178994. ],
  178995. [
  178996. "johnson mark rtc-duval",
  178997. "nan",
  178998. "dsj005518",
  178999. "34-115",
  179000. "johnson mark rtc-duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  179001. ],
  179002. [
  179003. "v sheraton assoc rtc fore.060",
  179004. "nan",
  179005. "dsj005519",
  179006. "34-116",
  179007. "v sheraton assoc rtc fore.060,nan,dsj005519,34-116"
  179008. ],
  179009. [
  179010. "jette, opal",
  179011. "rtc",
  179012. "tcf0222450",
  179013. "bd8170",
  179014. "jette, opal,rtc,tcf0222450,bd8170"
  179015. ],
  179016. [
  179017. "rtc vs. towne realty, fore.216",
  179018. "nan",
  179019. "dsj005525",
  179020. "34-122",
  179021. "rtc vs. towne realty, fore.216,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  179022. ],
  179023. [
  179024. "rtc vs. whitehurst, fore.111",
  179025. "nan",
  179026. "dsj005525",
  179027. "34-122",
  179028. "rtc vs. whitehurst, fore.111,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  179029. ],
  179030. [
  179031. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110",
  179032. "nan",
  179033. "dsj005525",
  179034. "34-122",
  179035. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  179036. ],
  179037. [
  179038. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110",
  179039. "nan",
  179040. "dsj005525",
  179041. "34-122",
  179042. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  179043. ],
  179044. [
  179045. "rtc vs. montgomery hull,",
  179046. "nan",
  179047. "dsj005525",
  179048. "34-122",
  179049. "rtc vs. montgomery hull,,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  179050. ],
  179051. [
  179052. "rtc vs. browning, fore.108",
  179053. "nan",
  179054. "dsj005525",
  179055. "34-122",
  179056. "rtc vs. browning, fore.108,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  179057. ],
  179058. [
  179059. "first florida bank",
  179060. "home savingsofamer.v robertclark",
  179061. "tcf0222463",
  179062. "bd8300",
  179063. "first florida bank,home savingsofamer.v robertclark,tcf0222463,bd8300"
  179064. ],
  179065. [
  179066. "porter,joe",
  179067. "fdic",
  179068. "tcf0222478",
  179069. "bd8315",
  179070. "porter,joe,fdic,tcf0222478,bd8315"
  179071. ],
  179072. [
  179073. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  179074. "loss prevention",
  179075. "12066357",
  179076. "33308",
  179077. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,loss prevention,12066357,33308"
  179078. ],
  179079. [
  179080. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  179081. "loss prevention",
  179082. "12066362",
  179083. "33313",
  179084. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,loss prevention,12066362,33313"
  179085. ],
  179086. [
  179087. "rtc pmw hammock fore.199",
  179088. "nan",
  179089. "dsj005551",
  179090. "34-148",
  179091. "rtc pmw hammock fore.199,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  179092. ],
  179093. [
  179094. "rtc merabank jtb limited",
  179095. "nan",
  179096. "dsj005551",
  179097. "34-148",
  179098. "rtc merabank jtb limited,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  179099. ],
  179100. [
  179101. "rtc hammock core fore.197",
  179102. "nan",
  179103. "dsj005551",
  179104. "34-148",
  179105. "rtc hammock core fore.197,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  179106. ],
  179107. [
  179108. "rtc collier fore.181",
  179109. "nan",
  179110. "dsj005551",
  179111. "34-148",
  179112. "rtc collier fore.181,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  179113. ],
  179114. [
  179115. "pro bono prof personal",
  179116. "pub int suits fdic v c dempster",
  179117. "tcf0007073",
  179118. "aq0560",
  179119. "pro bono prof personal,pub int suits fdic v c dempster,tcf0007073,aq0560"
  179120. ],
  179121. [
  179122. "fdic",
  179123. "92 haven sav & loan assoc.",
  179124. "tcf0008439",
  179125. "aw2921",
  179126. "fdic,92 haven sav & loan assoc.,tcf0008439,aw2921"
  179127. ],
  179128. [
  179129. "fdic",
  179130. "92 first amer. bk. & trust co.",
  179131. "tcf0008439",
  179132. "aw2921",
  179133. "fdic,92 first amer. bk. & trust co.,tcf0008439,aw2921"
  179134. ],
  179135. [
  179136. "pro bono",
  179137. "rtc/transfer of files",
  179138. "tcf0009906",
  179139. "bf2533",
  179140. "pro bono,rtc/transfer of files,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  179141. ],
  179142. [
  179143. "pro bono",
  179144. "rtc-cravath swaine &moor",
  179145. "8332",
  179146. "8332",
  179147. "pro bono,rtc-cravath swaine &moor,8332,8332"
  179148. ],
  179149. [
  179150. "rtc/centrust stat rpt 90",
  179151. "rtc/centrust stat rpt90",
  179152. "9590",
  179153. "9590",
  179154. "rtc/centrust stat rpt 90,rtc/centrust stat rpt90,9590,9590"
  179155. ],
  179156. [
  179157. "mickens",
  179158. "rtc association",
  179159. "51533283",
  179160. "184",
  179161. "mickens,rtc association,51533283,184"
  179162. ],
  179163. [
  179164. "rtc",
  179165. "trust bank for galiano and brooks",
  179166. "89249711",
  179167. "155522",
  179168. "rtc,trust bank for galiano and brooks,89249711,155522"
  179169. ],
  179170. [
  179171. "h&k firm",
  179172. "misc",
  179173. "489250371",
  179174. "789-13944",
  179175. "h&k firm,misc,489250371,789-13944"
  179176. ],
  179177. [
  179178. "h&k firm",
  179179. "fdic",
  179180. "489817105",
  179181. "765f1475",
  179182. "h&k firm,fdic,489817105,765f1475"
  179183. ],
  179184. [
  179185. "yegen/peterson",
  179186. "peterson v. fdic, ca 97-0732",
  179187. "prsi 13822 prsi box 13822",
  179188. "prsi 13822 prsi box 13822",
  179189. "yegen/peterson,peterson v. fdic, ca 97-0732,prsi 13822 prsi box 13822,prsi 13822 prsi box 13822"
  179190. ],
  179191. [
  179192. "h&k firm",
  179193. "fdic/audit",
  179194. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  179195. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  179196. "h&k firm,fdic/audit,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342"
  179197. ],
  179198. [
  179199. "h&k firm",
  179200. "fdic/audit",
  179201. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  179202. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  179203. "h&k firm,fdic/audit,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342"
  179204. ],
  179205. [
  179206. "h&k firm",
  179207. "fdic/audit",
  179208. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  179209. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  179210. "h&k firm,fdic/audit,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342"
  179211. ],
  179212. [
  179213. "results",
  179214. "n-a",
  179215. "489214334",
  179216. "789-19735",
  179217. "results,n-a,489214334,789-19735"
  179218. ],
  179219. [
  179220. "proof of claim fdic",
  179221. "n-a",
  179222. "489214305",
  179223. "789-19757",
  179224. "proof of claim fdic,n-a,489214305,789-19757"
  179225. ],
  179226. [
  179227. "gorin",
  179228. "international bank",
  179229. "490616942",
  179230. "39263",
  179231. "gorin,international bank,490616942,39263"
  179232. ],
  179233. [
  179234. "gorin",
  179235. "international bank",
  179236. "490616931",
  179237. "39264",
  179238. "gorin,international bank,490616931,39264"
  179239. ],
  179240. [
  179241. "gorin",
  179242. "international bank",
  179243. "12807064",
  179244. "39265",
  179245. "gorin,international bank,12807064,39265"
  179246. ],
  179247. [
  179248. "gorin",
  179249. "international bank",
  179250. "12807065",
  179251. "39266",
  179252. "gorin,international bank,12807065,39266"
  179253. ],
  179254. [
  179255. "benefiel blanch holdings, inc.",
  179256. "ulico casualty company litigation",
  179257. "489256669",
  179258. "1000295670",
  179259. "benefiel blanch holdings, inc.,ulico casualty company litigation,489256669,1000295670"
  179260. ],
  179261. [
  179262. "beach bank",
  179263. "regulatory matters",
  179264. "89197581",
  179265. "12931346",
  179266. "beach bank,regulatory matters,89197581,12931346"
  179267. ],
  179268. [
  179269. "resolution trust corp (rtc",
  179270. "centrust tower investigati",
  179271. "d1638",
  179272. "d1638",
  179273. "resolution trust corp (rtc,centrust tower investigati,d1638,d1638"
  179274. ],
  179275. [
  179276. "jax i.o.",
  179277. "purchase from rtc-this matter never closed",
  179278. "225350078",
  179279. "225350078",
  179280. "jax i.o.,purchase from rtc-this matter never closed,225350078,225350078"
  179281. ],
  179282. [
  179283. "centrust",
  179284. "rtc conservatorship",
  179285. "tcf0011162",
  179286. "bl4674",
  179287. "centrust,rtc conservatorship,tcf0011162,bl4674"
  179288. ],
  179289. [
  179290. "directors & officers of all american national bank",
  179291. "none",
  179292. "652604980",
  179293. "12514065",
  179294. "directors & officers of all american national bank,none,652604980,12514065"
  179295. ],
  179296. [
  179297. "fdic/city of tamarac",
  179298. "none",
  179299. "489519937",
  179300. "302231",
  179301. "fdic/city of tamarac,none,489519937,302231"
  179302. ],
  179303. [
  179304. "southeast bank",
  179305. "none",
  179306. "489492416",
  179307. "302239",
  179308. "southeast bank,none,489492416,302239"
  179309. ],
  179310. [
  179311. "dickenson-fdic",
  179312. "nan",
  179313. "dsj005096",
  179314. "31-002a",
  179315. "dickenson-fdic,nan,dsj005096,31-002a"
  179316. ],
  179317. [
  179318. "wiggins,j&m",
  179319. "3872",
  179320. "258160877",
  179321. "258160877",
  179322. "wiggins,j&m,3872,258160877,258160877"
  179323. ],
  179324. [
  179325. "fdic/rtc superpowers",
  179326. "nan",
  179327. "dsj005255",
  179328. "31-152",
  179329. "fdic/rtc superpowers,nan,dsj005255,31-152"
  179330. ],
  179331. [
  179332. "cjg rtc freedom villagewood",
  179333. "nan",
  179334. "dsj005735",
  179335. "40-019",
  179336. "cjg rtc freedom villagewood,nan,dsj005735,40-019"
  179337. ],
  179338. [
  179339. "sherwin williams miscellaneous",
  179340. "sherwin williams miscellaneous",
  179341. "dsn008508",
  179342. "1190",
  179343. "sherwin williams miscellaneous,sherwin williams miscellaneous,dsn008508,1190"
  179344. ],
  179345. [
  179346. "c.w. abbott admin",
  179347. "c.w. abbott admin",
  179348. "dsn286861",
  179349. "31949",
  179350. "c.w. abbott admin,c.w. abbott admin,dsn286861,31949"
  179351. ],
  179352. [
  179353. "rtc - misc closed files",
  179354. "rtc - misc closed files",
  179355. "260538783",
  179356. "260538783",
  179357. "rtc - misc closed files,rtc - misc closed files,260538783,260538783"
  179358. ],
  179359. [
  179360. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser",
  179361. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser",
  179362. "348866822",
  179363. "348866822",
  179364. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser,fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser,348866822,348866822"
  179365. ],
  179366. [
  179367. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties",
  179368. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties",
  179369. "348866856",
  179370. "348866856",
  179371. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties,rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties,348866856,348866856"
  179372. ],
  179373. [
  179374. "nan",
  179375. "nan",
  179376. "489400523",
  179377. "q29351",
  179378. "nan,nan,489400523,q29351"
  179379. ]
  179380. ]
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  179434. "values": [
  179435. [
  179436. "rtc matters",
  179437. "rtc matters",
  179438. "265924150",
  179439. "265924150",
  179440. "rtc matters,rtc matters,265924150,265924150"
  179441. ],
  179442. [
  179443. "sportclips",
  179444. "brochure on company",
  179445. "406256046",
  179446. "406256046",
  179447. "sportclips,brochure on company,406256046,406256046"
  179448. ],
  179449. [
  179450. "fdic--lee county",
  179451. "nan",
  179452. "tcf0018007",
  179453. "bj6447",
  179454. "fdic--lee county,nan,tcf0018007,bj6447"
  179455. ],
  179456. [
  179457. "rtc procedure manuel",
  179458. "nan",
  179459. "tcf0018090",
  179460. "bp1778",
  179461. "rtc procedure manuel,nan,tcf0018090,bp1778"
  179462. ],
  179463. [
  179464. "rtc procedure manuel",
  179465. "nan",
  179466. "tcf0018091",
  179467. "bp1779",
  179468. "rtc procedure manuel,nan,tcf0018091,bp1779"
  179469. ],
  179470. [
  179471. "bingham richard",
  179472. "fdic- mort frclsr",
  179473. "tcf0018600",
  179474. "aj5201",
  179475. "bingham richard,fdic- mort frclsr,tcf0018600,aj5201"
  179476. ],
  179477. [
  179478. "brandon state bank",
  179479. "remote facility 1974-fdic",
  179480. "tcf0018844",
  179481. "aj5449",
  179482. "brandon state bank,remote facility 1974-fdic,tcf0018844,aj5449"
  179483. ],
  179484. [
  179485. "fdic disallowances",
  179486. "nan",
  179487. "tcf0019032",
  179488. "bp8075",
  179489. "fdic disallowances,nan,tcf0019032,bp8075"
  179490. ],
  179491. [
  179492. "rtc franklin savings",
  179493. "commonwealth",
  179494. "tcf0019033",
  179495. "bp8105",
  179496. "rtc franklin savings,commonwealth,tcf0019033,bp8105"
  179497. ],
  179498. [
  179499. "rtc seminars",
  179500. "nan",
  179501. "tcf0019034",
  179502. "bp8111",
  179503. "rtc seminars,nan,tcf0019034,bp8111"
  179504. ],
  179505. [
  179506. "rtc misc. files",
  179507. "nan",
  179508. "tcf0019035",
  179509. "bp8112",
  179510. "rtc misc. files,nan,tcf0019035,bp8112"
  179511. ],
  179512. [
  179513. "rtc centrust comm. bank",
  179514. "nan",
  179515. "tcf0019036",
  179516. "bp8113",
  179517. "rtc centrust comm. bank,nan,tcf0019036,bp8113"
  179518. ],
  179519. [
  179520. "rtc freedom fed. yorkstown",
  179521. "nan",
  179522. "tcf0019037",
  179523. "bp8114",
  179524. "rtc freedom fed. yorkstown,nan,tcf0019037,bp8114"
  179525. ],
  179526. [
  179527. "rtc altus fed. buena vista",
  179528. "nan",
  179529. "tcf0019038",
  179530. "bp8115",
  179531. "rtc altus fed. buena vista,nan,tcf0019038,bp8115"
  179532. ],
  179533. [
  179534. "rtc gen. & misc.",
  179535. "nan",
  179536. "tcf0019039",
  179537. "bp8116",
  179538. "rtc gen. & misc.,nan,tcf0019039,bp8116"
  179539. ],
  179540. [
  179541. "rtc conflict waivers",
  179542. "nan",
  179543. "tcf0019040",
  179544. "bp8117",
  179545. "rtc conflict waivers,nan,tcf0019040,bp8117"
  179546. ],
  179547. [
  179548. "fdic",
  179549. "ijf pencil file",
  179550. "d1715",
  179551. "d1715",
  179552. "fdic,ijf pencil file,d1715,d1715"
  179553. ],
  179554. [
  179555. "jon k. stage",
  179556. "misc. pencil files",
  179557. "28001189",
  179558. "d363",
  179559. "jon k. stage,misc. pencil files,28001189,d363"
  179560. ],
  179561. [
  179562. "fdic",
  179563. "rtc - correspondence",
  179564. "d545",
  179565. "d545",
  179566. "fdic,rtc - correspondence,d545,d545"
  179567. ],
  179568. [
  179569. "toberman adv rtc",
  179570. "nan",
  179571. "fws0042381",
  179572. "231",
  179573. "toberman adv rtc,nan,fws0042381,231"
  179574. ],
  179575. [
  179576. "nan",
  179577. "nan",
  179578. "233254208",
  179579. "899",
  179580. "nan,nan,233254208,899"
  179581. ],
  179582. [
  179583. "nan",
  179584. "nan",
  179585. "233258197",
  179586. "1068",
  179587. "nan,nan,233258197,1068"
  179588. ],
  179589. [
  179590. "nan",
  179591. "nan",
  179592. "233255522",
  179593. "2277",
  179594. "nan,nan,233255522,2277"
  179595. ],
  179596. [
  179597. "nan",
  179598. "nan",
  179599. "489400692",
  179600. "2568",
  179601. "nan,nan,489400692,2568"
  179602. ],
  179603. [
  179604. "nan",
  179605. "nan",
  179606. "489400617",
  179607. "2577",
  179608. "nan,nan,489400617,2577"
  179609. ],
  179610. [
  179611. "nan",
  179612. "nan",
  179613. "233259280",
  179614. "2768",
  179615. "nan,nan,233259280,2768"
  179616. ],
  179617. [
  179618. "nan",
  179619. "nan",
  179620. "489400694",
  179621. "3105",
  179622. "nan,nan,489400694,3105"
  179623. ],
  179624. [
  179625. "nan",
  179626. "nan",
  179627. "489326808",
  179628. "3132",
  179629. "nan,nan,489326808,3132"
  179630. ],
  179631. [
  179632. "nan",
  179633. "nan",
  179634. "489326861",
  179635. "3176",
  179636. "nan,nan,489326861,3176"
  179637. ],
  179638. [
  179639. "nan",
  179640. "nan",
  179641. "489408062",
  179642. "3207",
  179643. "nan,nan,489408062,3207"
  179644. ],
  179645. [
  179646. "nan",
  179647. "nan",
  179648. "233261026",
  179649. "3314",
  179650. "nan,nan,233261026,3314"
  179651. ],
  179652. [
  179653. "nan",
  179654. "nan",
  179655. "233261026",
  179656. "3314",
  179657. "nan,nan,233261026,3314"
  179658. ],
  179659. [
  179660. "nan",
  179661. "nan",
  179662. "233259279",
  179663. "3391",
  179664. "nan,nan,233259279,3391"
  179665. ],
  179666. [
  179667. "rtc",
  179668. "general file",
  179669. "8292",
  179670. "8292",
  179671. "rtc,general file,8292,8292"
  179672. ],
  179673. [
  179674. "rtc/first nat'l bank",
  179675. "general file",
  179676. "8345",
  179677. "8345",
  179678. "rtc/first nat'l bank,general file,8345,8345"
  179679. ],
  179680. [
  179681. "judd, kenni",
  179682. "pencil file",
  179683. "8436",
  179684. "8436",
  179685. "judd, kenni,pencil file,8436,8436"
  179686. ],
  179687. [
  179688. "rtc/commmonwealth",
  179689. "fr. conservator to recei",
  179690. "8785",
  179691. "8785",
  179692. "rtc/commmonwealth,fr. conservator to recei,8785,8785"
  179693. ],
  179694. [
  179695. "miscellaneous files",
  179696. "-",
  179697. "8833",
  179698. "8833",
  179699. "miscellaneous files,-,8833,8833"
  179700. ],
  179701. [
  179702. "kelly hopkins rtc",
  179703. "general info. files",
  179704. "8824",
  179705. "8824",
  179706. "kelly hopkins rtc,general info. files,8824,8824"
  179707. ],
  179708. [
  179709. "rtc purchase/assumption",
  179710. "-",
  179711. "8821",
  179712. "8821",
  179713. "rtc purchase/assumption,-,8821,8821"
  179714. ],
  179715. [
  179716. "rtc/bell federal",
  179717. "-",
  179718. "8810",
  179719. "8810",
  179720. "rtc/bell federal,-,8810,8810"
  179721. ],
  179722. [
  179723. "rtc/hollywood federal",
  179724. "general",
  179725. "8874",
  179726. "8874",
  179727. "rtc/hollywood federal,general,8874,8874"
  179728. ],
  179729. [
  179730. "rtc/bell federal",
  179731. "general file",
  179732. "8874",
  179733. "8874",
  179734. "rtc/bell federal,general file,8874,8874"
  179735. ],
  179736. [
  179737. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  179738. "general",
  179739. "8874",
  179740. "8874",
  179741. "rtc/commonwealth federal,general,8874,8874"
  179742. ],
  179743. [
  179744. "rtc (pencil file)",
  179745. "-",
  179746. "9488",
  179747. "9488",
  179748. "rtc (pencil file),-,9488,9488"
  179749. ],
  179750. [
  179751. "rtc/ bell federal",
  179752. "status reports",
  179753. "9488",
  179754. "9488",
  179755. "rtc/ bell federal,status reports,9488,9488"
  179756. ],
  179757. [
  179758. "rtc",
  179759. "misc file",
  179760. "9570",
  179761. "9570",
  179762. "rtc,misc file,9570,9570"
  179763. ],
  179764. [
  179765. "rtc annual reports",
  179766. "rtc annual reports",
  179767. "9570",
  179768. "9570",
  179769. "rtc annual reports,rtc annual reports,9570,9570"
  179770. ],
  179771. [
  179772. "rtc/commonwealth",
  179773. "chapnik",
  179774. "9702",
  179775. "9702",
  179776. "rtc/commonwealth,chapnik,9702,9702"
  179777. ],
  179778. [
  179779. "rtc/commonwealth",
  179780. "chapnik",
  179781. "9703",
  179782. "9703",
  179783. "rtc/commonwealth,chapnik,9703,9703"
  179784. ],
  179785. [
  179786. "shorewood financial",
  179787. "dispute w/rtc",
  179788. "9954",
  179789. "9954",
  179790. "shorewood financial,dispute w/rtc,9954,9954"
  179791. ],
  179792. [
  179793. "rtc/commonwealth",
  179794. "harmony lakes",
  179795. "10303",
  179796. "10303",
  179797. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10303,10303"
  179798. ],
  179799. [
  179800. "rtc/commonwealth",
  179801. "harmony lakes",
  179802. "10304",
  179803. "10304",
  179804. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10304,10304"
  179805. ],
  179806. [
  179807. "rtc/commonwealth",
  179808. "harmony lakes",
  179809. "10305",
  179810. "10305",
  179811. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10305,10305"
  179812. ],
  179813. [
  179814. "rtc/commonwealth",
  179815. "harmony lakes",
  179816. "10306",
  179817. "10306",
  179818. "rtc/commonwealth,harmony lakes,10306,10306"
  179819. ],
  179820. [
  179821. "fdic v. chase manhatten",
  179822. "fdic v. chase manhatten",
  179823. "68174781",
  179824. "4043",
  179825. "fdic v. chase manhatten,fdic v. chase manhatten,68174781,4043"
  179826. ],
  179827. [
  179828. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus",
  179829. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus",
  179830. "68174885",
  179831. "5007",
  179832. "jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus,jfc partners/rtc mortgage trus,68174885,5007"
  179833. ],
  179834. [
  179835. "fdic",
  179836. "rtc",
  179837. "89231736",
  179838. "1273",
  179839. "fdic,rtc,89231736,1273"
  179840. ],
  179841. [
  179842. "david metzger",
  179843. "general",
  179844. "489254772",
  179845. "789-20161",
  179846. "david metzger,general,489254772,789-20161"
  179847. ],
  179848. [
  179849. "david metzger",
  179850. "general",
  179851. "489254772",
  179852. "789-20161",
  179853. "david metzger,general,489254772,789-20161"
  179854. ],
  179855. [
  179856. "david metzger",
  179857. "general",
  179858. "489254772",
  179859. "789-20161",
  179860. "david metzger,general,489254772,789-20161"
  179861. ],
  179862. [
  179863. "s. powell",
  179864. "general",
  179865. "489254761",
  179866. "789-20181",
  179867. "s. powell,general,489254761,789-20181"
  179868. ],
  179869. [
  179870. "k st. files",
  179871. "general",
  179872. "489692297",
  179873. "798-4312",
  179874. "k st. files,general,489692297,798-4312"
  179875. ],
  179876. [
  179877. "old wilkes artis files",
  179878. "loading dock files",
  179879. "489614386",
  179880. "789-26682",
  179881. "old wilkes artis files,loading dock files,489614386,789-26682"
  179882. ],
  179883. [
  179884. "old wilkes artis files",
  179885. "loading dock files",
  179886. "489614391",
  179887. "789-26683",
  179888. "old wilkes artis files,loading dock files,489614391,789-26683"
  179889. ],
  179890. [
  179891. "intellectual properties",
  179892. "general",
  179893. "489263247",
  179894. "1000510589",
  179895. "intellectual properties,general,489263247,1000510589"
  179896. ],
  179897. [
  179898. "bob's sanitary service, inc.",
  179899. "hartvig v. bob's sanitary service (howard-cooper bkrtcy)",
  179900. "130790005",
  179901. "nan",
  179902. "bob's sanitary service, inc.,hartvig v. bob's sanitary service (howard-cooper bkrtcy),130790005,nan"
  179903. ],
  179904. [
  179905. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  179906. "fslic takeover",
  179907. "op01178426",
  179908. "394958769",
  179909. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic takeover,op01178426,394958769"
  179910. ],
  179911. [
  179912. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  179913. "fslic-final submittal",
  179914. "op01178438",
  179915. "394958781",
  179916. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic-final submittal,op01178438,394958781"
  179917. ],
  179918. [
  179919. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  179920. "fslic-application",
  179921. "op01178438",
  179922. "394958781",
  179923. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic-application,op01178438,394958781"
  179924. ],
  179925. [
  179926. "lincoln savings and loan association",
  179927. "fslic-reserves",
  179928. "op01178438",
  179929. "394958781",
  179930. "lincoln savings and loan association,fslic-reserves,op01178438,394958781"
  179931. ],
  179932. [
  179933. "chicago title insurance co.",
  179934. "fdic v. anthony marina, et al",
  179935. "753996415",
  179936. "nan",
  179937. "chicago title insurance co.,fdic v. anthony marina, et al,753996415,nan"
  179938. ],
  179939. [
  179940. "chicago title insurance co.",
  179941. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  179942. "753996251",
  179943. "nan",
  179944. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  179945. ],
  179946. [
  179947. "chicago title insurance co.",
  179948. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  179949. "753996251",
  179950. "nan",
  179951. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  179952. ],
  179953. [
  179954. "chicago title insurance co.",
  179955. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  179956. "753996251",
  179957. "nan",
  179958. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  179959. ],
  179960. [
  179961. "chicago title insurance co.",
  179962. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  179963. "753996251",
  179964. "nan",
  179965. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  179966. ],
  179967. [
  179968. "chicago title insurance co.",
  179969. "defensive claim filed by fdic:",
  179970. "753996251",
  179971. "nan",
  179972. "chicago title insurance co.,defensive claim filed by fdic:,753996251,nan"
  179973. ],
  179974. [
  179975. "linvatec, inc.",
  179976. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  179977. "tcf0006406",
  179978. "ao0387",
  179979. "linvatec, inc.,negotiations w/ birtcher corp.,tcf0006406,ao0387"
  179980. ],
  179981. [
  179982. "linvatec, inc.",
  179983. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  179984. "tcf0006406",
  179985. "ao0387",
  179986. "linvatec, inc.,negotiations w/ birtcher corp.,tcf0006406,ao0387"
  179987. ],
  179988. [
  179989. "linvatec, inc.",
  179990. "negotiations w/ birtcher corp.",
  179991. "tcf0006406",
  179992. "ao0387",
  179993. "linvatec, inc.,negotiations w/ birtcher corp.,tcf0006406,ao0387"
  179994. ],
  179995. [
  179996. "western union",
  179997. "lawsuit against orlandi valuta",
  179998. "489521073",
  179999. "412437",
  180000. "western union,lawsuit against orlandi valuta,489521073,412437"
  180001. ],
  180002. [
  180003. "rayonier ibew shortchange arb",
  180004. "transcript of proceedings",
  180005. "225368101",
  180006. "225368101",
  180007. "rayonier ibew shortchange arb,transcript of proceedings,225368101,225368101"
  180008. ],
  180009. [
  180010. "rayoiner ibew shortchange",
  180011. "1980 neg minutes",
  180012. "225368101",
  180013. "225368101",
  180014. "rayoiner ibew shortchange,1980 neg minutes,225368101,225368101"
  180015. ],
  180016. [
  180017. "county bank, the",
  180018. "fdic call reports x-28002-69",
  180019. "tcf0005238",
  180020. "ag3895",
  180021. "county bank, the,fdic call reports x-28002-69,tcf0005238,ag3895"
  180022. ],
  180023. [
  180024. "county bank, the",
  180025. "fdic examination",
  180026. "tcf0005239",
  180027. "ag3896",
  180028. "county bank, the,fdic examination,tcf0005239,ag3896"
  180029. ],
  180030. [
  180031. "county bank, the",
  180032. "fdic call reports x-28002-69",
  180033. "tcf0005239",
  180034. "ag3896",
  180035. "county bank, the,fdic call reports x-28002-69,tcf0005239,ag3896"
  180036. ],
  180037. [
  180038. "beaver/skertchly",
  180039. "general",
  180040. "502418775",
  180041. "nan",
  180042. "beaver/skertchly,general,502418775,nan"
  180043. ],
  180044. [
  180045. "american express company",
  180046. "masvidal v. doj & american express company",
  180047. "727770748",
  180048. "nan",
  180049. "american express company,masvidal v. doj & american express company,727770748,nan"
  180050. ],
  180051. [
  180052. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  180053. "artcraft neon sign co, inc.",
  180054. "tcf0004025",
  180055. "ac1103",
  180056. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla,artcraft neon sign co, inc.,tcf0004025,ac1103"
  180057. ],
  180058. [
  180059. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  180060. "artcraft sign co, inc.",
  180061. "tcf0004026",
  180062. "ac1105",
  180063. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla,artcraft sign co, inc.,tcf0004026,ac1105"
  180064. ],
  180065. [
  180066. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla",
  180067. "fdic insured accounts",
  180068. "tcf0004125",
  180069. "ac2676",
  180070. "exchg. bank & trust co. of fla,fdic insured accounts,tcf0004125,ac2676"
  180071. ],
  180072. [
  180073. "personal",
  180074. "shapiro, mark l.",
  180075. "542994654",
  180076. "424677",
  180077. "personal,shapiro, mark l.,542994654,424677"
  180078. ],
  180079. [
  180080. "personal",
  180081. "detwiler, harry r.",
  180082. "625580652",
  180083. "191860",
  180084. "personal,detwiler, harry r.,625580652,191860"
  180085. ],
  180086. [
  180087. "personal",
  180088. "gonzalez, alex m.",
  180089. "500477538",
  180090. "nan",
  180091. "personal,gonzalez, alex m.,500477538,nan"
  180092. ],
  180093. [
  180094. "personal",
  180095. "hart, damon p.",
  180096. "14059410",
  180097. "nan",
  180098. "personal,hart, damon p.,14059410,nan"
  180099. ],
  180100. [
  180101. "personal",
  180102. "pritchard, john f.",
  180103. "632022678",
  180104. "nan",
  180105. "personal,pritchard, john f.,632022678,nan"
  180106. ],
  180107. [
  180108. "personal",
  180109. "wright, steven",
  180110. "679024054",
  180111. "nan",
  180112. "personal,wright, steven,679024054,nan"
  180113. ],
  180114. [
  180115. "personal",
  180116. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  180117. "769663743",
  180118. "nan",
  180119. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  180120. ],
  180121. [
  180122. "personal",
  180123. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  180124. "769663743",
  180125. "nan",
  180126. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  180127. ],
  180128. [
  180129. "personal",
  180130. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  180131. "769663743",
  180132. "nan",
  180133. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  180134. ],
  180135. [
  180136. "personal",
  180137. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  180138. "769663743",
  180139. "nan",
  180140. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769663743,nan"
  180141. ],
  180142. [
  180143. "personal",
  180144. "gilbert, leonard h.",
  180145. "769666056",
  180146. "nan",
  180147. "personal,gilbert, leonard h.,769666056,nan"
  180148. ],
  180149. [
  180150. "personal",
  180151. "rojas, edward j.",
  180152. "632026698",
  180153. "nan",
  180154. "personal,rojas, edward j.,632026698,nan"
  180155. ],
  180156. [
  180157. "personal",
  180158. "friedman, peter m.",
  180159. "active file",
  180160. "nan",
  180161. "personal,friedman, peter m.,active file,nan"
  180162. ],
  180163. [
  180164. "rtc memos",
  180165. "nan",
  180166. "dsj005051",
  180167. "30-096",
  180168. "rtc memos,nan,dsj005051,30-096"
  180169. ],
  180170. [
  180171. "suntrust bank, tampa bay",
  180172. "federal deposit insurance",
  180173. "tcf0006496",
  180174. "ao7476",
  180175. "suntrust bank, tampa bay,federal deposit insurance,tcf0006496,ao7476"
  180176. ],
  180177. [
  180178. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.",
  180179. "defense of negligence claims",
  180180. "625579905",
  180181. "63575",
  180182. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.,defense of negligence claims,625579905,63575"
  180183. ],
  180184. [
  180185. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.",
  180186. "defense of negligence claims",
  180187. "625588061",
  180188. "23400",
  180189. "barnett banks trust co., n.a.,defense of negligence claims,625588061,23400"
  180190. ],
  180191. [
  180192. "penner, joseph",
  180193. "general matters",
  180194. "tcf0006805",
  180195. "ap9076",
  180196. "penner, joseph,general matters,tcf0006805,ap9076"
  180197. ],
  180198. [
  180199. "penner, joseph",
  180200. "f.d.i.c./ $500,000 junior lien",
  180201. "tcf0007332",
  180202. "aq1244",
  180203. "penner, joseph,f.d.i.c./ $500,000 junior lien,tcf0007332,aq1244"
  180204. ],
  180205. [
  180206. "hsbc bank usa national association",
  180207. "rtl trust loan",
  180208. "166833891",
  180209. "166833891",
  180210. "hsbc bank usa national association,rtl trust loan,166833891,166833891"
  180211. ],
  180212. [
  180213. "wachovia bank, national association",
  180214. "the graham companies",
  180215. "672027528",
  180216. "13416936",
  180217. "wachovia bank, national association,the graham companies,672027528,13416936"
  180218. ],
  180219. [
  180220. "northern trust, na n/k/a the northern tr",
  180221. "claims by jorge v. guzman",
  180222. "652602968",
  180223. "13373568",
  180224. "northern trust, na n/k/a the northern tr,claims by jorge v. guzman,652602968,13373568"
  180225. ],
  180226. [
  180227. "governors bank",
  180228. "fdic report of exam",
  180229. "tcf0010299",
  180230. "bg0985",
  180231. "governors bank,fdic report of exam,tcf0010299,bg0985"
  180232. ],
  180233. [
  180234. "margolis, david r.",
  180235. "claim against resolution trust",
  180236. "76651711",
  180237. "5015",
  180238. "margolis, david r.,claim against resolution trust,76651711,5015"
  180239. ],
  180240. [
  180241. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford",
  180242. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford",
  180243. "348025344",
  180244. "348025344",
  180245. "beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford,beal bank - loan workout - richard c. langford,348025344,348025344"
  180246. ],
  180247. [
  180248. "beal bank",
  180249. "appeal - vs. irwin and marcia sherwin",
  180250. "348866813",
  180251. "348866813",
  180252. "beal bank,appeal - vs. irwin and marcia sherwin,348866813,348866813"
  180253. ],
  180254. [
  180255. "beal bank",
  180256. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  180257. "68175221",
  180258. "3086",
  180259. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  180260. ],
  180261. [
  180262. "beal bank",
  180263. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  180264. "68175221",
  180265. "3086",
  180266. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  180267. ],
  180268. [
  180269. "beal bank",
  180270. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  180271. "68175221",
  180272. "3086",
  180273. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  180274. ],
  180275. [
  180276. "beal bank",
  180277. "vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.",
  180278. "68175221",
  180279. "3086",
  180280. "beal bank,vs. hirshberg & shelfer, jr.,68175221,3086"
  180281. ],
  180282. [
  180283. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000",
  180284. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000",
  180285. "dsn008442",
  180286. "1117",
  180287. "rtc mortgage gary $900,000,rtc mortgage gary $900,000,dsn008442,1117"
  180288. ],
  180289. [
  180290. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary",
  180291. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary",
  180292. "dsn008442",
  180293. "1117",
  180294. "rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary,rtc mortgage $500,000.00 gary,dsn008442,1117"
  180295. ],
  180296. [
  180297. "snyder, walter & patricia",
  180298. "adv. rtc",
  180299. "76651761",
  180300. "99594",
  180301. "snyder, walter & patricia,adv. rtc,76651761,99594"
  180302. ],
  180303. [
  180304. "machado, gus",
  180305. "general",
  180306. "727771867",
  180307. "nan",
  180308. "machado, gus,general,727771867,nan"
  180309. ],
  180310. [
  180311. "acowf investments, inc.",
  180312. "proposed purchase from fdic",
  180313. "tcf0003894",
  180314. "ab7995",
  180315. "acowf investments, inc.,proposed purchase from fdic,tcf0003894,ab7995"
  180316. ],
  180317. [
  180318. "rickert properties",
  180319. "palm grove village mobile home",
  180320. "737260738",
  180321. "22920",
  180322. "rickert properties,palm grove village mobile home,737260738,22920"
  180323. ],
  180324. [
  180325. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  180326. "bank acquisition & holding",
  180327. "tcf0004753",
  180328. "ae0743",
  180329. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004753,ae0743"
  180330. ],
  180331. [
  180332. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  180333. "bank acquisition & holding",
  180334. "tcf0004754",
  180335. "ae0744",
  180336. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004754,ae0744"
  180337. ],
  180338. [
  180339. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  180340. "bank acquisition & holding",
  180341. "tcf0004755",
  180342. "ae0745",
  180343. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004755,ae0745"
  180344. ],
  180345. [
  180346. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  180347. "bank acquisition & holding",
  180348. "tcf0004755",
  180349. "ae0745",
  180350. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004755,ae0745"
  180351. ],
  180352. [
  180353. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.",
  180354. "bank acquisition & holding",
  180355. "tcf0004755",
  180356. "ae0745",
  180357. "fla. commerce bankshares corp.,bank acquisition & holding,tcf0004755,ae0745"
  180358. ],
  180359. [
  180360. "ameribank",
  180361. "motion-relief from bankruptcy",
  180362. "tcf0003905",
  180363. "ab8006",
  180364. "ameribank,motion-relief from bankruptcy,tcf0003905,ab8006"
  180365. ],
  180366. [
  180367. "ameribank",
  180368. "memorandum of understanding",
  180369. "tcf0007088",
  180370. "aq0575",
  180371. "ameribank,memorandum of understanding,tcf0007088,aq0575"
  180372. ],
  180373. [
  180374. "sunbelt savings, fsb",
  180375. "pine brook lake club, ltd.",
  180376. "tcf0008831",
  180377. "ay2060",
  180378. "sunbelt savings, fsb,pine brook lake club, ltd.,tcf0008831,ay2060"
  180379. ],
  180380. [
  180381. "sunbelt savings, fsb",
  180382. "henry aguirre suit",
  180383. "tcf0010798",
  180384. "bj8465",
  180385. "sunbelt savings, fsb,henry aguirre suit,tcf0010798,bj8465"
  180386. ],
  180387. [
  180388. "campbell soup company",
  180389. "v. alco products, inc.",
  180390. "725753735",
  180391. "nan",
  180392. "campbell soup company,v. alco products, inc.,725753735,nan"
  180393. ],
  180394. [
  180395. "blank rome llp",
  180396. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  180397. "625584128",
  180398. "22958",
  180399. "blank rome llp,fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,,625584128,22958"
  180400. ],
  180401. [
  180402. "blank rome llp",
  180403. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  180404. "753990304",
  180405. "nan",
  180406. "blank rome llp,fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,,753990304,nan"
  180407. ],
  180408. [
  180409. "blank rome llp",
  180410. "fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,",
  180411. "753990304",
  180412. "nan",
  180413. "blank rome llp,fslic vs. robert c. jacoby,,753990304,nan"
  180414. ],
  180415. [
  180416. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  180417. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  180418. "753996387",
  180419. "nan",
  180420. "lyon metal products, inc.,v. sharon l. & james h.,753996387,nan"
  180421. ],
  180422. [
  180423. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  180424. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  180425. "753996387",
  180426. "nan",
  180427. "lyon metal products, inc.,v. sharon l. & james h.,753996387,nan"
  180428. ],
  180429. [
  180430. "lyon metal products, inc.",
  180431. "v. sharon l. & james h.",
  180432. "753996387",
  180433. "nan",
  180434. "lyon metal products, inc.,v. sharon l. & james h.,753996387,nan"
  180435. ],
  180436. [
  180437. "baltimore federal financial",
  180438. "vs. cambridge creek dev. corp.",
  180439. "tcf0008586",
  180440. "aw8075",
  180441. "baltimore federal financial,vs. cambridge creek dev. corp.,tcf0008586,aw8075"
  180442. ],
  180443. [
  180444. "federal deposit insurance company",
  180445. "v. coast federal bank co.",
  180446. "411011494",
  180447. "box 94-139",
  180448. "federal deposit insurance company,v. coast federal bank co.,411011494,box 94-139"
  180449. ],
  180450. [
  180451. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180452. "general matters",
  180453. "564515034",
  180454. "2000-376",
  180455. "federal deposit insurance corp,general matters,564515034,2000-376"
  180456. ],
  180457. [
  180458. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180459. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180460. "753996268",
  180461. "nan",
  180462. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180463. ],
  180464. [
  180465. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180466. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180467. "753996268",
  180468. "nan",
  180469. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180470. ],
  180471. [
  180472. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180473. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180474. "753996268",
  180475. "nan",
  180476. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180477. ],
  180478. [
  180479. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180480. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180481. "753996268",
  180482. "nan",
  180483. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180484. ],
  180485. [
  180486. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180487. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180488. "753996268",
  180489. "nan",
  180490. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180491. ],
  180492. [
  180493. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180494. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180495. "753996268",
  180496. "nan",
  180497. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180498. ],
  180499. [
  180500. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180501. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180502. "753996268",
  180503. "nan",
  180504. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180505. ],
  180506. [
  180507. "federal deposit insurance corp",
  180508. "advise re sale of m/y lord jim",
  180509. "753996268",
  180510. "nan",
  180511. "federal deposit insurance corp,advise re sale of m/y lord jim,753996268,nan"
  180512. ],
  180513. [
  180514. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180515. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  180516. "tcf0005235",
  180517. "ag3892",
  180518. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,john e fowler vs sar manco inc,tcf0005235,ag3892"
  180519. ],
  180520. [
  180521. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180522. "general matters",
  180523. "tcf0005245",
  180524. "ag3912",
  180525. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,general matters,tcf0005245,ag3912"
  180526. ],
  180527. [
  180528. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180529. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180530. "tcf0005502",
  180531. "ah5158",
  180532. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005502,ah5158"
  180533. ],
  180534. [
  180535. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180536. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180537. "tcf0005502",
  180538. "ah5158",
  180539. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005502,ah5158"
  180540. ],
  180541. [
  180542. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180543. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180544. "tcf0005503",
  180545. "ah5159",
  180546. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  180547. ],
  180548. [
  180549. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180550. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180551. "tcf0005503",
  180552. "ah5159",
  180553. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  180554. ],
  180555. [
  180556. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180557. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180558. "tcf0005503",
  180559. "ah5159",
  180560. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  180561. ],
  180562. [
  180563. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180564. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180565. "tcf0005503",
  180566. "ah5159",
  180567. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  180568. ],
  180569. [
  180570. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180571. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180572. "tcf0005503",
  180573. "ah5159",
  180574. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  180575. ],
  180576. [
  180577. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180578. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180579. "tcf0005503",
  180580. "ah5159",
  180581. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  180582. ],
  180583. [
  180584. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180585. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180586. "tcf0005503",
  180587. "ah5159",
  180588. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005503,ah5159"
  180589. ],
  180590. [
  180591. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180592. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180593. "tcf0005504",
  180594. "ah5160",
  180595. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  180596. ],
  180597. [
  180598. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180599. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180600. "tcf0005504",
  180601. "ah5160",
  180602. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  180603. ],
  180604. [
  180605. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180606. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180607. "tcf0005504",
  180608. "ah5160",
  180609. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  180610. ],
  180611. [
  180612. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180613. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180614. "tcf0005504",
  180615. "ah5160",
  180616. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0005504,ah5160"
  180617. ],
  180618. [
  180619. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180620. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  180621. "tcf0005673",
  180622. "aj4474",
  180623. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,john e fowler vs sar manco inc,tcf0005673,aj4474"
  180624. ],
  180625. [
  180626. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180627. "john e fowler vs sar manco inc",
  180628. "tcf0005679",
  180629. "aj4482",
  180630. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,john e fowler vs sar manco inc,tcf0005679,aj4482"
  180631. ],
  180632. [
  180633. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180634. "vs. university development",
  180635. "tcf0005760",
  180636. "aj9330",
  180637. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. university development,tcf0005760,aj9330"
  180638. ],
  180639. [
  180640. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180641. "sale of parcel \"c\" - black",
  180642. "tcf0006020",
  180643. "ak9759",
  180644. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,sale of parcel \"c\" - black,tcf0006020,ak9759"
  180645. ],
  180646. [
  180647. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180648. "vs national waterbeds of tampa",
  180649. "tcf0007068",
  180650. "aq0555",
  180651. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs national waterbeds of tampa,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  180652. ],
  180653. [
  180654. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180655. "vs. harry c. teague - plaza",
  180656. "tcf0007068",
  180657. "aq0555",
  180658. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. harry c. teague - plaza,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  180659. ],
  180660. [
  180661. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180662. "vs. silvernail mirror & glass,",
  180663. "tcf0007068",
  180664. "aq0555",
  180665. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. silvernail mirror & glass,,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  180666. ],
  180667. [
  180668. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180669. "vs. quality bag, inc.",
  180670. "tcf0007068",
  180671. "aq0555",
  180672. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. quality bag, inc.,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  180673. ],
  180674. [
  180675. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180676. "vs. quality bag, inc.",
  180677. "tcf0007068",
  180678. "aq0555",
  180679. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. quality bag, inc.,tcf0007068,aq0555"
  180680. ],
  180681. [
  180682. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180683. "vs. william e. mcnatt &",
  180684. "tcf0007069",
  180685. "aq0556",
  180686. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. william e. mcnatt &,tcf0007069,aq0556"
  180687. ],
  180688. [
  180689. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180690. "vs. university development,",
  180691. "tcf0007069",
  180692. "aq0556",
  180693. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. university development,,tcf0007069,aq0556"
  180694. ],
  180695. [
  180696. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180697. "vs. university development,",
  180698. "tcf0007069",
  180699. "aq0556",
  180700. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. university development,,tcf0007069,aq0556"
  180701. ],
  180702. [
  180703. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180704. "title ins. re sale of borrow",
  180705. "tcf0007072",
  180706. "aq0559",
  180707. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,title ins. re sale of borrow,tcf0007072,aq0559"
  180708. ],
  180709. [
  180710. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180711. "vs. william e. mcnatt &",
  180712. "tcf0007072",
  180713. "aq0559",
  180714. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. william e. mcnatt &,tcf0007072,aq0559"
  180715. ],
  180716. [
  180717. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180718. "park bank vs premack research",
  180719. "tcf0007102",
  180720. "aq0589",
  180721. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,park bank vs premack research,tcf0007102,aq0589"
  180722. ],
  180723. [
  180724. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180725. "proposed representation",
  180726. "tcf0007102",
  180727. "aq0589",
  180728. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,proposed representation,tcf0007102,aq0589"
  180729. ],
  180730. [
  180731. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180732. "vs. harold jordan kelley, sr.",
  180733. "tcf0007120",
  180734. "aq0607",
  180735. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. harold jordan kelley, sr.,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  180736. ],
  180737. [
  180738. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180739. "adv. home federal bank of fla.",
  180740. "tcf0007120",
  180741. "aq0607",
  180742. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. home federal bank of fla.,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  180743. ],
  180744. [
  180745. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180746. "james clarke vs jack b sellers",
  180747. "tcf0007120",
  180748. "aq0607",
  180749. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,james clarke vs jack b sellers,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  180750. ],
  180751. [
  180752. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180753. "joseph moore vs jack b sellers",
  180754. "tcf0007120",
  180755. "aq0607",
  180756. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,joseph moore vs jack b sellers,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  180757. ],
  180758. [
  180759. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180760. "vs. justice oaks ii, ltd.",
  180761. "tcf0007120",
  180762. "aq0607",
  180763. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. justice oaks ii, ltd.,tcf0007120,aq0607"
  180764. ],
  180765. [
  180766. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180767. "vs. jerry e. coone",
  180768. "tcf0007155",
  180769. "aq0642",
  180770. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. jerry e. coone,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  180771. ],
  180772. [
  180773. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180774. "adv. home federal",
  180775. "tcf0007155",
  180776. "aq0642",
  180777. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. home federal,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  180778. ],
  180779. [
  180780. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180781. "adv. goldome savings bank",
  180782. "tcf0007155",
  180783. "aq0642",
  180784. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. goldome savings bank,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  180785. ],
  180786. [
  180787. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180788. "adv. style craft homes, inc.",
  180789. "tcf0007155",
  180790. "aq0642",
  180791. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. style craft homes, inc.,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  180792. ],
  180793. [
  180794. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180795. "title ins. - univ. dev.",
  180796. "tcf0007156",
  180797. "aq0643",
  180798. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,title ins. - univ. dev.,tcf0007156,aq0643"
  180799. ],
  180800. [
  180801. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180802. "vs. seaside motel/longboat key",
  180803. "tcf0007156",
  180804. "aq0643",
  180805. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. seaside motel/longboat key,tcf0007156,aq0643"
  180806. ],
  180807. [
  180808. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180809. "fdic adv. davis water & fdic",
  180810. "tcf0007251",
  180811. "aq1163",
  180812. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic adv. davis water & fdic,tcf0007251,aq1163"
  180813. ],
  180814. [
  180815. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180816. "vs. atrium, ltd. (park bank)",
  180817. "tcf0007251",
  180818. "aq1163",
  180819. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. atrium, ltd. (park bank),tcf0007251,aq1163"
  180820. ],
  180821. [
  180822. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180823. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  180824. "tcf0007278",
  180825. "aq1190",
  180826. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic & park real property adv.,tcf0007278,aq1190"
  180827. ],
  180828. [
  180829. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180830. "fdic adv. davis water & fdic",
  180831. "tcf0007278",
  180832. "aq1190",
  180833. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic adv. davis water & fdic,tcf0007278,aq1190"
  180834. ],
  180835. [
  180836. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180837. "vs. john robert & ethel",
  180838. "tcf0007280",
  180839. "aq1192",
  180840. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. john robert & ethel,tcf0007280,aq1192"
  180841. ],
  180842. [
  180843. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180844. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180845. "tcf0007283",
  180846. "aq1195",
  180847. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0007283,aq1195"
  180848. ],
  180849. [
  180850. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180851. "vs. catherine j. balmer",
  180852. "tcf0007283",
  180853. "aq1195",
  180854. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. catherine j. balmer,tcf0007283,aq1195"
  180855. ],
  180856. [
  180857. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180858. "vs. atrium, ltd.",
  180859. "tcf0007283",
  180860. "aq1195",
  180861. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. atrium, ltd.,tcf0007283,aq1195"
  180862. ],
  180863. [
  180864. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180865. "adv. h. shipley bealmear et al",
  180866. "tcf0007284",
  180867. "aq1196",
  180868. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. h. shipley bealmear et al,tcf0007284,aq1196"
  180869. ],
  180870. [
  180871. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180872. "vs. catherine j. balmer",
  180873. "tcf0007284",
  180874. "aq1196",
  180875. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. catherine j. balmer,tcf0007284,aq1196"
  180876. ],
  180877. [
  180878. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180879. "vs. atrium, ltd.",
  180880. "tcf0007284",
  180881. "aq1196",
  180882. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. atrium, ltd.,tcf0007284,aq1196"
  180883. ],
  180884. [
  180885. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180886. "rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.",
  180887. "tcf0007563",
  180888. "as4781",
  180889. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.,tcf0007563,as4781"
  180890. ],
  180891. [
  180892. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180893. "rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.",
  180894. "tcf0007563",
  180895. "as4781",
  180896. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,rudolph c. garber, jr. vs.,tcf0007563,as4781"
  180897. ],
  180898. [
  180899. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180900. "james & joyce condrack",
  180901. "tcf0007637",
  180902. "au1227",
  180903. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,james & joyce condrack,tcf0007637,au1227"
  180904. ],
  180905. [
  180906. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180907. "vs. hartney, neil & nancy",
  180908. "tcf0007657",
  180909. "au1248",
  180910. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. hartney, neil & nancy,tcf0007657,au1248"
  180911. ],
  180912. [
  180913. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180914. "kerr-mcgee chemical corp. vs.",
  180915. "tcf0007657",
  180916. "au1248",
  180917. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,kerr-mcgee chemical corp. vs.,tcf0007657,au1248"
  180918. ],
  180919. [
  180920. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180921. "vs. james c. & joyce condrack",
  180922. "tcf0007662",
  180923. "au1253",
  180924. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. james c. & joyce condrack,tcf0007662,au1253"
  180925. ],
  180926. [
  180927. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180928. "vs. j. c. c. company, et al",
  180929. "tcf0007662",
  180930. "au1253",
  180931. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. j. c. c. company, et al,tcf0007662,au1253"
  180932. ],
  180933. [
  180934. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180935. "adv. style craft homes, inc.",
  180936. "tcf0007662",
  180937. "au1253",
  180938. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,adv. style craft homes, inc.,tcf0007662,au1253"
  180939. ],
  180940. [
  180941. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180942. "vs. bonds- gaylor, inc.",
  180943. "tcf0007669",
  180944. "au1260",
  180945. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. bonds- gaylor, inc.,tcf0007669,au1260"
  180946. ],
  180947. [
  180948. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180949. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  180950. "tcf0007669",
  180951. "au1260",
  180952. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic & park real property adv.,tcf0007669,au1260"
  180953. ],
  180954. [
  180955. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180956. "fdic & park real property adv.",
  180957. "tcf0007669",
  180958. "au1260",
  180959. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,fdic & park real property adv.,tcf0007669,au1260"
  180960. ],
  180961. [
  180962. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180963. "vs. ronald a. roeske",
  180964. "tcf0007670",
  180965. "au1261",
  180966. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. ronald a. roeske,tcf0007670,au1261"
  180967. ],
  180968. [
  180969. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180970. "vs haute cuisine, inc. d/b/a",
  180971. "tcf0007975",
  180972. "au5747",
  180973. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs haute cuisine, inc. d/b/a,tcf0007975,au5747"
  180974. ],
  180975. [
  180976. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180977. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  180978. "tcf0007979",
  180979. "au5751",
  180980. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &,tcf0007979,au5751"
  180981. ],
  180982. [
  180983. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180984. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  180985. "tcf0007979",
  180986. "au5751",
  180987. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &,tcf0007979,au5751"
  180988. ],
  180989. [
  180990. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180991. "title ins. re sale to",
  180992. "tcf0007979",
  180993. "au5751",
  180994. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,title ins. re sale to,tcf0007979,au5751"
  180995. ],
  180996. [
  180997. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  180998. "sale of prop. in hills. to",
  180999. "tcf0007979",
  181000. "au5751",
  181001. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,sale of prop. in hills. to,tcf0007979,au5751"
  181002. ],
  181003. [
  181004. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181005. "vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &",
  181006. "tcf0007980",
  181007. "au5752",
  181008. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs bertucci, sanders, taylor &,tcf0007980,au5752"
  181009. ],
  181010. [
  181011. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181012. "defense of fdic against robert",
  181013. "tcf0008378",
  181014. "av9532",
  181015. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,defense of fdic against robert,tcf0008378,av9532"
  181016. ],
  181017. [
  181018. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181019. "defense of fdic against robert",
  181020. "tcf0008378",
  181021. "av9532",
  181022. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,defense of fdic against robert,tcf0008378,av9532"
  181023. ],
  181024. [
  181025. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181026. "vs whispering pines properties",
  181027. "tcf0008383",
  181028. "av9539",
  181029. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs whispering pines properties,tcf0008383,av9539"
  181030. ],
  181031. [
  181032. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181033. "vs j. & d. meares a/k/a bell",
  181034. "tcf0008433",
  181035. "aw2913",
  181036. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs j. & d. meares a/k/a bell,tcf0008433,aw2913"
  181037. ],
  181038. [
  181039. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181040. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  181041. "tcf0008452",
  181042. "aw2939",
  181043. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008452,aw2939"
  181044. ],
  181045. [
  181046. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181047. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  181048. "tcf0008456",
  181049. "aw2943",
  181050. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008456,aw2943"
  181051. ],
  181052. [
  181053. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181054. "vs whispering pines properties",
  181055. "tcf0008488",
  181056. "aw4311",
  181057. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs whispering pines properties,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  181058. ],
  181059. [
  181060. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181061. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  181062. "tcf0008640",
  181063. "ax0154",
  181064. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008640,ax0154"
  181065. ],
  181066. [
  181067. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181068. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  181069. "tcf0008642",
  181070. "ax0156",
  181071. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008642,ax0156"
  181072. ],
  181073. [
  181074. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181075. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  181076. "tcf0008643",
  181077. "ax0157",
  181078. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008643,ax0157"
  181079. ],
  181080. [
  181081. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181082. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  181083. "tcf0008646",
  181084. "ax0160",
  181085. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0008646,ax0160"
  181086. ],
  181087. [
  181088. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181089. "vs. wiggins pass club, inc.",
  181090. "tcf0009472",
  181091. "bd9631",
  181092. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. wiggins pass club, inc.,tcf0009472,bd9631"
  181093. ],
  181094. [
  181095. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181096. "vs. albert hoffman",
  181097. "tcf0009615",
  181098. "bf0586",
  181099. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. albert hoffman,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  181100. ],
  181101. [
  181102. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181103. "defense of fdic against robert",
  181104. "tcf0009906",
  181105. "bf2533",
  181106. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,defense of fdic against robert,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  181107. ],
  181108. [
  181109. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181110. "vs. christopher smith",
  181111. "tcf0010038",
  181112. "bg0336",
  181113. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. christopher smith,tcf0010038,bg0336"
  181114. ],
  181115. [
  181116. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181117. "vs. joe holloway, jr., et al",
  181118. "tcf0010125",
  181119. "bg0589",
  181120. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. joe holloway, jr., et al,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  181121. ],
  181122. [
  181123. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181124. "florida national bank vs.",
  181125. "tcf0010125",
  181126. "bg0589",
  181127. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,florida national bank vs.,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  181128. ],
  181129. [
  181130. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181131. "vs. joe holloway, jr., et al",
  181132. "tcf0010160",
  181133. "bg0750",
  181134. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,vs. joe holloway, jr., et al,tcf0010160,bg0750"
  181135. ],
  181136. [
  181137. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida",
  181138. "dennis g. nivens vs skyway inn",
  181139. "tcf0011037",
  181140. "bl2209",
  181141. "f.d.i.c.-park bank of florida,dennis g. nivens vs skyway inn,tcf0011037,bl2209"
  181142. ],
  181143. [
  181144. "paxson enterprises, inc.",
  181145. "confidential",
  181146. "tcf0014156",
  181147. "ce6799",
  181148. "paxson enterprises, inc.,confidential,tcf0014156,ce6799"
  181149. ],
  181150. [
  181151. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181152. "in re albert & jean kaddis",
  181153. "tcf0007285",
  181154. "aq1197",
  181155. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,in re albert & jean kaddis,tcf0007285,aq1197"
  181156. ],
  181157. [
  181158. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181159. "re: bcf associates, ltd.",
  181160. "tcf0007912",
  181161. "au5206",
  181162. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,re: bcf associates, ltd.,tcf0007912,au5206"
  181163. ],
  181164. [
  181165. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181166. "vs. allan & ronald kolsky",
  181167. "tcf0007925",
  181168. "au5220",
  181169. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,vs. allan & ronald kolsky,tcf0007925,au5220"
  181170. ],
  181171. [
  181172. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181173. "general advice",
  181174. "tcf0008647",
  181175. "ax0161",
  181176. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,general advice,tcf0008647,ax0161"
  181177. ],
  181178. [
  181179. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181180. "advice re shore line group,",
  181181. "tcf0009392",
  181182. "bd6345",
  181183. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,advice re shore line group,,tcf0009392,bd6345"
  181184. ],
  181185. [
  181186. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181187. "perdev group of america, inc.",
  181188. "tcf0009392",
  181189. "bd6345",
  181190. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,perdev group of america, inc.,tcf0009392,bd6345"
  181191. ],
  181192. [
  181193. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181194. "kissimmee-osceola plaza, ltd &",
  181195. "tcf0010244",
  181196. "bg0920",
  181197. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,kissimmee-osceola plaza, ltd &,tcf0010244,bg0920"
  181198. ],
  181199. [
  181200. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181201. "title ins. - commonwealth vs.",
  181202. "tcf0010244",
  181203. "bg0920",
  181204. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,title ins. - commonwealth vs.,tcf0010244,bg0920"
  181205. ],
  181206. [
  181207. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l",
  181208. "chapnick, robert j. & brian",
  181209. "51533273",
  181210. "323",
  181211. "f.d.i.c.-commonwealth fed. s&l,chapnick, robert j. & brian,51533273,323"
  181212. ],
  181213. [
  181214. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181215. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181216. "652544478",
  181217. "118902",
  181218. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652544478,118902"
  181219. ],
  181220. [
  181221. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181222. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181223. "652544478",
  181224. "118902",
  181225. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652544478,118902"
  181226. ],
  181227. [
  181228. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181229. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  181230. "652544478",
  181231. "118902",
  181232. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  181233. ],
  181234. [
  181235. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181236. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  181237. "652544478",
  181238. "118902",
  181239. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  181240. ],
  181241. [
  181242. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181243. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  181244. "652544478",
  181245. "118902",
  181246. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  181247. ],
  181248. [
  181249. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181250. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  181251. "652544478",
  181252. "118902",
  181253. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  181254. ],
  181255. [
  181256. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181257. "city of west palm beach vs.",
  181258. "652544478",
  181259. "118902",
  181260. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,city of west palm beach vs.,652544478,118902"
  181261. ],
  181262. [
  181263. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181264. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181265. "652551676",
  181266. "118905",
  181267. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652551676,118905"
  181268. ],
  181269. [
  181270. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181271. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181272. "652551676",
  181273. "118905",
  181274. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,652551676,118905"
  181275. ],
  181276. [
  181277. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181278. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181279. "89252593",
  181280. "118906",
  181281. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181282. ],
  181283. [
  181284. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181285. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181286. "89252593",
  181287. "118906",
  181288. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181289. ],
  181290. [
  181291. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181292. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181293. "89252593",
  181294. "118906",
  181295. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181296. ],
  181297. [
  181298. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181299. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181300. "89252593",
  181301. "118906",
  181302. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181303. ],
  181304. [
  181305. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181306. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181307. "89252593",
  181308. "118906",
  181309. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181310. ],
  181311. [
  181312. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181313. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181314. "89252593",
  181315. "118906",
  181316. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181317. ],
  181318. [
  181319. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181320. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181321. "89252593",
  181322. "118906",
  181323. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181324. ],
  181325. [
  181326. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181327. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181328. "89252593",
  181329. "118906",
  181330. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181331. ],
  181332. [
  181333. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181334. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181335. "89252593",
  181336. "118906",
  181337. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181338. ],
  181339. [
  181340. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181341. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181342. "89252593",
  181343. "118906",
  181344. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181345. ],
  181346. [
  181347. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181348. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181349. "89252593",
  181350. "118906",
  181351. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181352. ],
  181353. [
  181354. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181355. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181356. "89252593",
  181357. "118906",
  181358. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181359. ],
  181360. [
  181361. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181362. "adv. lakeside regent, et al.",
  181363. "89252593",
  181364. "118906",
  181365. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,adv. lakeside regent, et al.,89252593,118906"
  181366. ],
  181367. [
  181368. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181369. "general matters",
  181370. "489520933",
  181371. "114633",
  181372. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,general matters,489520933,114633"
  181373. ],
  181374. [
  181375. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust",
  181376. "general matters",
  181377. "489520933",
  181378. "114633",
  181379. "f.d.i.c.-first amer bk & trust,general matters,489520933,114633"
  181380. ],
  181381. [
  181382. "f.d.i.c.-commerce bank of tampa",
  181383. "orlando garcia vs.",
  181384. "tcf0006926",
  181385. "ap9396",
  181386. "f.d.i.c.-commerce bank of tampa,orlando garcia vs.,tcf0006926,ap9396"
  181387. ],
  181388. [
  181389. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181390. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181391. "tcf0007437",
  181392. "aq7333",
  181393. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007437,aq7333"
  181394. ],
  181395. [
  181396. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181397. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181398. "tcf0007437",
  181399. "aq7333",
  181400. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007437,aq7333"
  181401. ],
  181402. [
  181403. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181404. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181405. "tcf0007437",
  181406. "aq7333",
  181407. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007437,aq7333"
  181408. ],
  181409. [
  181410. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181411. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181412. "tcf0007438",
  181413. "aq7334",
  181414. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  181415. ],
  181416. [
  181417. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181418. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181419. "tcf0007438",
  181420. "aq7334",
  181421. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  181422. ],
  181423. [
  181424. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181425. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181426. "tcf0007438",
  181427. "aq7334",
  181428. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  181429. ],
  181430. [
  181431. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181432. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181433. "tcf0007438",
  181434. "aq7334",
  181435. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  181436. ],
  181437. [
  181438. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181439. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181440. "tcf0007438",
  181441. "aq7334",
  181442. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007438,aq7334"
  181443. ],
  181444. [
  181445. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181446. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181447. "tcf0007439",
  181448. "aq7335",
  181449. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007439,aq7335"
  181450. ],
  181451. [
  181452. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181453. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  181454. "tcf0007439",
  181455. "aq7335",
  181456. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007439,aq7335"
  181457. ],
  181458. [
  181459. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181460. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  181461. "tcf0007439",
  181462. "aq7335",
  181463. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007439,aq7335"
  181464. ],
  181465. [
  181466. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181467. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  181468. "tcf0007440",
  181469. "aq7336",
  181470. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007440,aq7336"
  181471. ],
  181472. [
  181473. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181474. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  181475. "tcf0007440",
  181476. "aq7336",
  181477. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007440,aq7336"
  181478. ],
  181479. [
  181480. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181481. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181482. "tcf0007440",
  181483. "aq7336",
  181484. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007440,aq7336"
  181485. ],
  181486. [
  181487. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181488. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181489. "tcf0007441",
  181490. "aq7337",
  181491. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  181492. ],
  181493. [
  181494. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181495. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181496. "tcf0007441",
  181497. "aq7337",
  181498. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  181499. ],
  181500. [
  181501. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181502. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181503. "tcf0007441",
  181504. "aq7337",
  181505. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  181506. ],
  181507. [
  181508. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181509. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181510. "tcf0007441",
  181511. "aq7337",
  181512. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  181513. ],
  181514. [
  181515. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181516. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181517. "tcf0007441",
  181518. "aq7337",
  181519. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007441,aq7337"
  181520. ],
  181521. [
  181522. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181523. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181524. "tcf0007442",
  181525. "aq7338",
  181526. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007442,aq7338"
  181527. ],
  181528. [
  181529. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181530. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181531. "tcf0007442",
  181532. "aq7338",
  181533. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007442,aq7338"
  181534. ],
  181535. [
  181536. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181537. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181538. "tcf0007442",
  181539. "aq7338",
  181540. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007442,aq7338"
  181541. ],
  181542. [
  181543. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181544. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181545. "tcf0007445",
  181546. "aq7341",
  181547. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181548. ],
  181549. [
  181550. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181551. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181552. "tcf0007445",
  181553. "aq7341",
  181554. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181555. ],
  181556. [
  181557. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181558. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181559. "tcf0007445",
  181560. "aq7341",
  181561. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181562. ],
  181563. [
  181564. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181565. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181566. "tcf0007445",
  181567. "aq7341",
  181568. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181569. ],
  181570. [
  181571. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181572. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181573. "tcf0007445",
  181574. "aq7341",
  181575. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181576. ],
  181577. [
  181578. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181579. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181580. "tcf0007445",
  181581. "aq7341",
  181582. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181583. ],
  181584. [
  181585. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181586. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181587. "tcf0007445",
  181588. "aq7341",
  181589. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181590. ],
  181591. [
  181592. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181593. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181594. "tcf0007445",
  181595. "aq7341",
  181596. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007445,aq7341"
  181597. ],
  181598. [
  181599. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181600. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181601. "tcf0007446",
  181602. "aq7342",
  181603. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  181604. ],
  181605. [
  181606. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181607. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181608. "tcf0007446",
  181609. "aq7342",
  181610. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  181611. ],
  181612. [
  181613. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181614. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181615. "tcf0007446",
  181616. "aq7342",
  181617. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  181618. ],
  181619. [
  181620. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181621. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181622. "tcf0007446",
  181623. "aq7342",
  181624. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  181625. ],
  181626. [
  181627. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181628. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181629. "tcf0007446",
  181630. "aq7342",
  181631. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0007446,aq7342"
  181632. ],
  181633. [
  181634. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181635. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  181636. "tcf0007447",
  181637. "aq7343",
  181638. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007447,aq7343"
  181639. ],
  181640. [
  181641. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181642. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  181643. "tcf0007447",
  181644. "aq7343",
  181645. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007447,aq7343"
  181646. ],
  181647. [
  181648. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181649. "orlando ii - miami transferred",
  181650. "tcf0007447",
  181651. "aq7343",
  181652. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando ii - miami transferred,tcf0007447,aq7343"
  181653. ],
  181654. [
  181655. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta",
  181656. "orlando i - consolidation",
  181657. "tcf0009458",
  181658. "bd9616",
  181659. "f.d.i.c.-sonesta,orlando i - consolidation,tcf0009458,bd9616"
  181660. ],
  181661. [
  181662. "fisher, h. ashley",
  181663. "fdic application for insurance",
  181664. "tcf0014733",
  181665. "ch5395",
  181666. "fisher, h. ashley,fdic application for insurance,tcf0014733,ch5395"
  181667. ],
  181668. [
  181669. "fisher, h. ashley",
  181670. "fdic application for insurance",
  181671. "tcf0014733",
  181672. "ch5395",
  181673. "fisher, h. ashley,fdic application for insurance,tcf0014733,ch5395"
  181674. ],
  181675. [
  181676. "republic bank",
  181677. "fdic bank examination",
  181678. "tcf0007675",
  181679. "au3137",
  181680. "republic bank,fdic bank examination,tcf0007675,au3137"
  181681. ],
  181682. [
  181683. "pima savings & loan assn.",
  181684. "capri point litigation",
  181685. "653199929",
  181686. "85363",
  181687. "pima savings & loan assn.,capri point litigation,653199929,85363"
  181688. ],
  181689. [
  181690. "drw town & country ltd.",
  181691. "town & country apts., ltd.",
  181692. "737259407",
  181693. "22963",
  181694. "drw town & country ltd.,town & country apts., ltd.,737259407,22963"
  181695. ],
  181696. [
  181697. "holland & knight llp",
  181698. "document production for the irs re rtc files",
  181699. "724104918",
  181700. "sep-20",
  181701. "holland & knight llp,document production for the irs re rtc files,724104918,sep-20"
  181702. ],
  181703. [
  181704. "first housing development corporation of",
  181705. "vogue, ltd. v.",
  181706. "192371406",
  181707. "192371406",
  181708. "first housing development corporation of,vogue, ltd. v.,192371406,192371406"
  181709. ],
  181710. [
  181711. "first housing development corporation of",
  181712. "general corporate matters/",
  181713. "616037823",
  181714. "nan",
  181715. "first housing development corporation of,general corporate matters/,616037823,nan"
  181716. ],
  181717. [
  181718. "rtc-rec commonwealth",
  181719. "international apparel assoc.,",
  181720. "502418819",
  181721. "nan",
  181722. "rtc-rec commonwealth,international apparel assoc.,,502418819,nan"
  181723. ],
  181724. [
  181725. "ocean bank",
  181726. "preowned cars",
  181727. "active file",
  181728. "nan",
  181729. "ocean bank,preowned cars,active file,nan"
  181730. ],
  181731. [
  181732. "ocean bank",
  181733. "assistance with grand jury subpoenas",
  181734. "710614030",
  181735. "47344",
  181736. "ocean bank,assistance with grand jury subpoenas,710614030,47344"
  181737. ],
  181738. [
  181739. "ocean bank",
  181740. "assistance with grand jury subpoenas",
  181741. "726608710",
  181742. "nan",
  181743. "ocean bank,assistance with grand jury subpoenas,726608710,nan"
  181744. ],
  181745. [
  181746. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181747. "vs. seminole electric supply",
  181748. "225349191",
  181749. "225349191",
  181750. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole electric supply,225349191,225349191"
  181751. ],
  181752. [
  181753. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181754. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  181755. "tcf0007302",
  181756. "aq1214",
  181757. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0007302,aq1214"
  181758. ],
  181759. [
  181760. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181761. "vs. thomas n. schwab, jr.,",
  181762. "tcf0007565",
  181763. "as4783",
  181764. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. thomas n. schwab, jr.,,tcf0007565,as4783"
  181765. ],
  181766. [
  181767. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181768. "vs. john q. waters",
  181769. "tcf0007565",
  181770. "as4783",
  181771. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. john q. waters,tcf0007565,as4783"
  181772. ],
  181773. [
  181774. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181775. "vs. ronald d. blakeslee, et al",
  181776. "tcf0007565",
  181777. "as4783",
  181778. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. ronald d. blakeslee, et al,tcf0007565,as4783"
  181779. ],
  181780. [
  181781. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181782. "vs. l. b. frey",
  181783. "tcf0007565",
  181784. "as4783",
  181785. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. l. b. frey,tcf0007565,as4783"
  181786. ],
  181787. [
  181788. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181789. "vs. gary r. arnold",
  181790. "tcf0007565",
  181791. "as4783",
  181792. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. gary r. arnold,tcf0007565,as4783"
  181793. ],
  181794. [
  181795. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181796. "vs. john l. pitcher, et al.",
  181797. "tcf0007572",
  181798. "as4791",
  181799. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. john l. pitcher, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  181800. ],
  181801. [
  181802. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181803. "vs. james r. mcgovern, et al.",
  181804. "tcf0007745",
  181805. "au3215",
  181806. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. james r. mcgovern, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  181807. ],
  181808. [
  181809. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181810. "vs. general engine & equipment",
  181811. "tcf0007852",
  181812. "au4270",
  181813. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. general engine & equipment,tcf0007852,au4270"
  181814. ],
  181815. [
  181816. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181817. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  181818. "tcf0007855",
  181819. "au4273",
  181820. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0007855,au4273"
  181821. ],
  181822. [
  181823. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181824. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  181825. "tcf0007855",
  181826. "au4273",
  181827. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0007855,au4273"
  181828. ],
  181829. [
  181830. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181831. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  181832. "tcf0008331",
  181833. "av9089",
  181834. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0008331,av9089"
  181835. ],
  181836. [
  181837. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181838. "sale of parcels at rolling",
  181839. "tcf0008346",
  181840. "av9118",
  181841. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,sale of parcels at rolling,tcf0008346,av9118"
  181842. ],
  181843. [
  181844. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181845. "in re house of doors, inc.",
  181846. "tcf0008363",
  181847. "av9511",
  181848. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,in re house of doors, inc.,tcf0008363,av9511"
  181849. ],
  181850. [
  181851. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181852. "vs. s. w. fein & virginia",
  181853. "tcf0008378",
  181854. "av9532",
  181855. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. s. w. fein & virginia,tcf0008378,av9532"
  181856. ],
  181857. [
  181858. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181859. "vs. pen lumber site",
  181860. "tcf0008488",
  181861. "aw4311",
  181862. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. pen lumber site,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  181863. ],
  181864. [
  181865. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181866. "vs. charles m. banks, jr.",
  181867. "tcf0008488",
  181868. "aw4311",
  181869. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. charles m. banks, jr.,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  181870. ],
  181871. [
  181872. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181873. "vs. gator transportation, inc.",
  181874. "tcf0008651",
  181875. "ax0723",
  181876. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. gator transportation, inc.,tcf0008651,ax0723"
  181877. ],
  181878. [
  181879. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181880. "vs. gator transportation, inc.",
  181881. "tcf0008699",
  181882. "ax1569",
  181883. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. gator transportation, inc.,tcf0008699,ax1569"
  181884. ],
  181885. [
  181886. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181887. "general",
  181888. "tcf0008699",
  181889. "ax1569",
  181890. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,general,tcf0008699,ax1569"
  181891. ],
  181892. [
  181893. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181894. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  181895. "tcf0008840",
  181896. "ay2069",
  181897. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0008840,ay2069"
  181898. ],
  181899. [
  181900. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181901. "loan to k-jon crawfish of",
  181902. "tcf0008859",
  181903. "ay4204",
  181904. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,loan to k-jon crawfish of,tcf0008859,ay4204"
  181905. ],
  181906. [
  181907. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181908. "vs. seminole elec. supply co.",
  181909. "tcf0008996",
  181910. "bc0140",
  181911. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. seminole elec. supply co.,tcf0008996,bc0140"
  181912. ],
  181913. [
  181914. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181915. "vs. a. l. wulfeck",
  181916. "tcf0009058",
  181917. "bc0216",
  181918. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,vs. a. l. wulfeck,tcf0009058,bc0216"
  181919. ],
  181920. [
  181921. "rtc-rec freedom s&l",
  181922. "franklin development group,",
  181923. "tcf0010125",
  181924. "bg0589",
  181925. "rtc-rec freedom s&l,franklin development group,,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  181926. ],
  181927. [
  181928. "rtc-conser centrust",
  181929. "vs. cricket club & ricardo l.",
  181930. "489520171",
  181931. "49726",
  181932. "rtc-conser centrust,vs. cricket club & ricardo l.,489520171,49726"
  181933. ],
  181934. [
  181935. "turner development corp.",
  181936. "san jacinto savings assn et al",
  181937. "tcf0007907",
  181938. "au5201",
  181939. "turner development corp.,san jacinto savings assn et al,tcf0007907,au5201"
  181940. ],
  181941. [
  181942. "turner development corp.",
  181943. "san jacinto savings assn et al",
  181944. "tcf0008553",
  181945. "aw6812",
  181946. "turner development corp.,san jacinto savings assn et al,tcf0008553,aw6812"
  181947. ],
  181948. [
  181949. "centrust mortgage corporation",
  181950. "merrill lynch mtg. capital,",
  181951. "tcf0008239",
  181952. "av7148",
  181953. "centrust mortgage corporation,merrill lynch mtg. capital,,tcf0008239,av7148"
  181954. ],
  181955. [
  181956. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  181957. "capri point litigation",
  181958. "89252571",
  181959. "85360",
  181960. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  181961. ],
  181962. [
  181963. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  181964. "capri point litigation",
  181965. "89252571",
  181966. "85360",
  181967. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  181968. ],
  181969. [
  181970. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  181971. "capri point litigation",
  181972. "89252571",
  181973. "85360",
  181974. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  181975. ],
  181976. [
  181977. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  181978. "capri point litigation",
  181979. "89252571",
  181980. "85360",
  181981. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  181982. ],
  181983. [
  181984. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  181985. "capri point litigation",
  181986. "89252571",
  181987. "85360",
  181988. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  181989. ],
  181990. [
  181991. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  181992. "capri point litigation",
  181993. "89252571",
  181994. "85360",
  181995. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  181996. ],
  181997. [
  181998. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  181999. "capri point litigation",
  182000. "89252571",
  182001. "85360",
  182002. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  182003. ],
  182004. [
  182005. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  182006. "capri point litigation",
  182007. "89252571",
  182008. "85360",
  182009. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252571,85360"
  182010. ],
  182011. [
  182012. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.",
  182013. "capri point litigation",
  182014. "89252559",
  182015. "85364",
  182016. "rtc-conser pima s&l assn.,capri point litigation,89252559,85364"
  182017. ],
  182018. [
  182019. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182020. "vs. alan & elizabeth louise",
  182021. "tcf0007249",
  182022. "aq1161",
  182023. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. alan & elizabeth louise,tcf0007249,aq1161"
  182024. ],
  182025. [
  182026. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182027. "eviction of james & mary burt,",
  182028. "tcf0007351",
  182029. "aq2280",
  182030. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,eviction of james & mary burt,,tcf0007351,aq2280"
  182031. ],
  182032. [
  182033. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182034. "vs. ronnie & deborah russell",
  182035. "tcf0007564",
  182036. "as4782",
  182037. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. ronnie & deborah russell,tcf0007564,as4782"
  182038. ],
  182039. [
  182040. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182041. "vs. joseph e. & sarah d. hayes",
  182042. "tcf0007735",
  182043. "au3203",
  182044. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. joseph e. & sarah d. hayes,tcf0007735,au3203"
  182045. ],
  182046. [
  182047. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182048. "vs. ralph j. & verna s.",
  182049. "tcf0008332",
  182050. "av9090",
  182051. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. ralph j. & verna s.,tcf0008332,av9090"
  182052. ],
  182053. [
  182054. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182055. "vs. e. w. clifton",
  182056. "tcf0008362",
  182057. "av9510",
  182058. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. e. w. clifton,tcf0008362,av9510"
  182059. ],
  182060. [
  182061. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182062. "vs. gerald & diana denhardt",
  182063. "tcf0008445",
  182064. "aw2930",
  182065. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. gerald & diana denhardt,tcf0008445,aw2930"
  182066. ],
  182067. [
  182068. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182069. "vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice",
  182070. "tcf0008488",
  182071. "aw4311",
  182072. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  182073. ],
  182074. [
  182075. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182076. "vs. ball home service, inc.",
  182077. "tcf0008488",
  182078. "aw4311",
  182079. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. ball home service, inc.,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  182080. ],
  182081. [
  182082. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182083. "vs. curtis & janice weathersby",
  182084. "tcf0008488",
  182085. "aw4311",
  182086. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. curtis & janice weathersby,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  182087. ],
  182088. [
  182089. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182090. "vs. dennis rose",
  182091. "tcf0008488",
  182092. "aw4311",
  182093. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. dennis rose,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  182094. ],
  182095. [
  182096. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182097. "vs. kendall & marsha nix",
  182098. "tcf0008488",
  182099. "aw4311",
  182100. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. kendall & marsha nix,tcf0008488,aw4311"
  182101. ],
  182102. [
  182103. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182104. "robert & shirley terrell",
  182105. "tcf0008892",
  182106. "ay6001",
  182107. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,robert & shirley terrell,tcf0008892,ay6001"
  182108. ],
  182109. [
  182110. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182111. "dennis frank taylor &",
  182112. "tcf0008892",
  182113. "ay6001",
  182114. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,dennis frank taylor &,tcf0008892,ay6001"
  182115. ],
  182116. [
  182117. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182118. "john allison, jr. &",
  182119. "tcf0008893",
  182120. "ay6002",
  182121. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,john allison, jr. &,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182122. ],
  182123. [
  182124. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182125. "david & deborah dixon,",
  182126. "tcf0008893",
  182127. "ay6002",
  182128. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,david & deborah dixon,,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182129. ],
  182130. [
  182131. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182132. "title insurance: vs. gerald",
  182133. "tcf0010273",
  182134. "bg0953",
  182135. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,title insurance: vs. gerald,tcf0010273,bg0953"
  182136. ],
  182137. [
  182138. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa",
  182139. "vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice",
  182140. "tcf0010940",
  182141. "bl1506",
  182142. "rtc-rec haven s&l fa,vs. samuel a. & jennifer tice,tcf0010940,bl1506"
  182143. ],
  182144. [
  182145. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182146. "vs. sun bank, n.a. &",
  182147. "tcf0007419",
  182148. "aq7311",
  182149. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. sun bank, n.a. &,tcf0007419,aq7311"
  182150. ],
  182151. [
  182152. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182153. "vs. sun bank, n.a. &",
  182154. "tcf0007419",
  182155. "aq7311",
  182156. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. sun bank, n.a. &,tcf0007419,aq7311"
  182157. ],
  182158. [
  182159. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182160. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  182161. "tcf0007487",
  182162. "ar7031",
  182163. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0007487,ar7031"
  182164. ],
  182165. [
  182166. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182167. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  182168. "tcf0007487",
  182169. "ar7031",
  182170. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0007487,ar7031"
  182171. ],
  182172. [
  182173. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182174. "vs. thomas e. strickland",
  182175. "tcf0007572",
  182176. "as4791",
  182177. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. thomas e. strickland,tcf0007572,as4791"
  182178. ],
  182179. [
  182180. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182181. "vs. bruce d. & shelby l. reams",
  182182. "tcf0007576",
  182183. "as4797",
  182184. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. bruce d. & shelby l. reams,tcf0007576,as4797"
  182185. ],
  182186. [
  182187. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182188. "vs. john mincey",
  182189. "tcf0007576",
  182190. "as4797",
  182191. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. john mincey,tcf0007576,as4797"
  182192. ],
  182193. [
  182194. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182195. "vs. john mincey",
  182196. "tcf0007576",
  182197. "as4797",
  182198. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. john mincey,tcf0007576,as4797"
  182199. ],
  182200. [
  182201. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182202. "vs. robert m. & william j.",
  182203. "tcf0007576",
  182204. "as4797",
  182205. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. robert m. & william j.,tcf0007576,as4797"
  182206. ],
  182207. [
  182208. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182209. "vs. gary a. & ruzica waura",
  182210. "tcf0007576",
  182211. "as4797",
  182212. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. gary a. & ruzica waura,tcf0007576,as4797"
  182213. ],
  182214. [
  182215. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182216. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182217. "tcf0007580",
  182218. "as4805",
  182219. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  182220. ],
  182221. [
  182222. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182223. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182224. "tcf0007580",
  182225. "as4805",
  182226. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  182227. ],
  182228. [
  182229. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182230. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182231. "tcf0007580",
  182232. "as4805",
  182233. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  182234. ],
  182235. [
  182236. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182237. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182238. "tcf0007580",
  182239. "as4805",
  182240. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  182241. ],
  182242. [
  182243. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182244. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182245. "tcf0007580",
  182246. "as4805",
  182247. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  182248. ],
  182249. [
  182250. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182251. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182252. "tcf0007580",
  182253. "as4805",
  182254. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007580,as4805"
  182255. ],
  182256. [
  182257. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182258. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182259. "tcf0007581",
  182260. "au0719",
  182261. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007581,au0719"
  182262. ],
  182263. [
  182264. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182265. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182266. "tcf0007581",
  182267. "au0719",
  182268. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007581,au0719"
  182269. ],
  182270. [
  182271. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182272. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182273. "tcf0007581",
  182274. "au0719",
  182275. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0007581,au0719"
  182276. ],
  182277. [
  182278. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182279. "general",
  182280. "tcf0007691",
  182281. "au3154",
  182282. "rtc-conser american pioneer,general,tcf0007691,au3154"
  182283. ],
  182284. [
  182285. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182286. "vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.",
  182287. "tcf0007745",
  182288. "au3215",
  182289. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  182290. ],
  182291. [
  182292. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182293. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  182294. "tcf0008331",
  182295. "av9089",
  182296. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0008331,av9089"
  182297. ],
  182298. [
  182299. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182300. "the atrium apartments, ltd. -",
  182301. "tcf0008346",
  182302. "av9118",
  182303. "rtc-conser american pioneer,the atrium apartments, ltd. -,tcf0008346,av9118"
  182304. ],
  182305. [
  182306. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182307. "steven & kimberly livingston",
  182308. "tcf0008361",
  182309. "av9509",
  182310. "rtc-conser american pioneer,steven & kimberly livingston,tcf0008361,av9509"
  182311. ],
  182312. [
  182313. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182314. "vs. jamie jurado et al.",
  182315. "tcf0008364",
  182316. "av9512",
  182317. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. jamie jurado et al.,tcf0008364,av9512"
  182318. ],
  182319. [
  182320. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182321. "vs. book paradise, inc. d/b/a",
  182322. "tcf0008391",
  182323. "aw2424",
  182324. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. book paradise, inc. d/b/a,tcf0008391,aw2424"
  182325. ],
  182326. [
  182327. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182328. "your attic of clearwater ltd.",
  182329. "tcf0008438",
  182330. "aw2919",
  182331. "rtc-conser american pioneer,your attic of clearwater ltd.,tcf0008438,aw2919"
  182332. ],
  182333. [
  182334. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182335. "robert r. black, et al.",
  182336. "tcf0008569",
  182337. "aw8055",
  182338. "rtc-conser american pioneer,robert r. black, et al.,tcf0008569,aw8055"
  182339. ],
  182340. [
  182341. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182342. "vs. carrollwood automotive -",
  182343. "tcf0008570",
  182344. "aw8056",
  182345. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. carrollwood automotive -,tcf0008570,aw8056"
  182346. ],
  182347. [
  182348. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182349. "vs. trico alarm screens of",
  182350. "tcf0008575",
  182351. "aw8061",
  182352. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. trico alarm screens of,tcf0008575,aw8061"
  182353. ],
  182354. [
  182355. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182356. "vs. living water church of",
  182357. "tcf0008609",
  182358. "aw8100",
  182359. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. living water church of,tcf0008609,aw8100"
  182360. ],
  182361. [
  182362. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182363. "vs. david cole - foreclosure",
  182364. "tcf0008893",
  182365. "ay6002",
  182366. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. david cole - foreclosure,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182367. ],
  182368. [
  182369. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182370. "title ins. vs. gary a. &",
  182371. "tcf0008893",
  182372. "ay6002",
  182373. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title ins. vs. gary a. &,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182374. ],
  182375. [
  182376. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182377. "title insurance: david cole",
  182378. "tcf0008893",
  182379. "ay6002",
  182380. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: david cole,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182381. ],
  182382. [
  182383. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182384. "vs. james r. mcgovern et al",
  182385. "tcf0008893",
  182386. "ay6002",
  182387. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. james r. mcgovern et al,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182388. ],
  182389. [
  182390. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182391. "vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.",
  182392. "tcf0008893",
  182393. "ay6002",
  182394. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. thomas d. bequette, et al.,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182395. ],
  182396. [
  182397. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182398. "title insurance: vs. john",
  182399. "tcf0008893",
  182400. "ay6002",
  182401. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: vs. john,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182402. ],
  182403. [
  182404. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182405. "title insurance: vs. john",
  182406. "tcf0008893",
  182407. "ay6002",
  182408. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: vs. john,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182409. ],
  182410. [
  182411. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182412. "title insurance: vs. thomas e.",
  182413. "tcf0008893",
  182414. "ay6002",
  182415. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: vs. thomas e.,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182416. ],
  182417. [
  182418. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182419. "title ins: vs robert & william",
  182420. "tcf0008893",
  182421. "ay6002",
  182422. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title ins: vs robert & william,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182423. ],
  182424. [
  182425. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182426. "title insurance: steven l. &",
  182427. "tcf0008893",
  182428. "ay6002",
  182429. "rtc-conser american pioneer,title insurance: steven l. &,tcf0008893,ay6002"
  182430. ],
  182431. [
  182432. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182433. "vs. carrollwood automotive -",
  182434. "tcf0008985",
  182435. "bc0128",
  182436. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. carrollwood automotive -,tcf0008985,bc0128"
  182437. ],
  182438. [
  182439. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182440. "confidential",
  182441. "tcf0009906",
  182442. "bf2533",
  182443. "rtc-conser american pioneer,confidential,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  182444. ],
  182445. [
  182446. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182447. "j-f associates",
  182448. "tcf0010042",
  182449. "bg0344",
  182450. "rtc-conser american pioneer,j-f associates,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  182451. ],
  182452. [
  182453. "rtc-conser american pioneer",
  182454. "vs. david cole - foreclosure",
  182455. "tcf0010315",
  182456. "bj1238",
  182457. "rtc-conser american pioneer,vs. david cole - foreclosure,tcf0010315,bj1238"
  182458. ],
  182459. [
  182460. "cigna securities, inc.",
  182461. "adv. payton f. & edith adams",
  182462. "tcf0009088",
  182463. "bc0250",
  182464. "cigna securities, inc.,adv. payton f. & edith adams,tcf0009088,bc0250"
  182465. ],
  182466. [
  182467. "cigna securities, inc.",
  182468. "curtis w. & dolores jensen",
  182469. "tcf0009102",
  182470. "bc0264",
  182471. "cigna securities, inc.,curtis w. & dolores jensen,tcf0009102,bc0264"
  182472. ],
  182473. [
  182474. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182475. "auction - hillsborough/town &",
  182476. "tcf0006894",
  182477. "ap9361",
  182478. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - hillsborough/town &,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182479. ],
  182480. [
  182481. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182482. "auction - pappas plaza branch/",
  182483. "tcf0006894",
  182484. "ap9361",
  182485. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pappas plaza branch/,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182486. ],
  182487. [
  182488. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182489. "auction - holiday branch",
  182490. "tcf0006894",
  182491. "ap9361",
  182492. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - holiday branch,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182493. ],
  182494. [
  182495. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182496. "auction - pasco/dade city",
  182497. "tcf0006894",
  182498. "ap9361",
  182499. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pasco/dade city,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182500. ],
  182501. [
  182502. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182503. "auction - pasco/new port",
  182504. "tcf0006894",
  182505. "ap9361",
  182506. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pasco/new port,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182507. ],
  182508. [
  182509. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182510. "auction - hernando/the",
  182511. "tcf0006894",
  182512. "ap9361",
  182513. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - hernando/the,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182514. ],
  182515. [
  182516. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182517. "auction - sarasota county -",
  182518. "tcf0006894",
  182519. "ap9361",
  182520. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - sarasota county -,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182521. ],
  182522. [
  182523. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182524. "auction - manatee branch/",
  182525. "tcf0006894",
  182526. "ap9361",
  182527. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - manatee branch/,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182528. ],
  182529. [
  182530. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182531. "auction - pine ridge business",
  182532. "tcf0006894",
  182533. "ap9361",
  182534. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pine ridge business,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182535. ],
  182536. [
  182537. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182538. "auction- northwest parking lot",
  182539. "tcf0006894",
  182540. "ap9361",
  182541. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction- northwest parking lot,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182542. ],
  182543. [
  182544. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182545. "auction - pinellas/roosevelt",
  182546. "tcf0006894",
  182547. "ap9361",
  182548. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pinellas/roosevelt,tcf0006894,ap9361"
  182549. ],
  182550. [
  182551. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182552. "auction - mary dale estates/",
  182553. "tcf0006895",
  182554. "ap9362",
  182555. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - mary dale estates/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  182556. ],
  182557. [
  182558. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182559. "auction - hillsborough/tarpon",
  182560. "tcf0006895",
  182561. "ap9362",
  182562. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - hillsborough/tarpon,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  182563. ],
  182564. [
  182565. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182566. "auction - pinellas/pinellas",
  182567. "tcf0006895",
  182568. "ap9362",
  182569. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - pinellas/pinellas,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  182570. ],
  182571. [
  182572. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182573. "auction - punta gorda branch/",
  182574. "tcf0006895",
  182575. "ap9362",
  182576. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - punta gorda branch/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  182577. ],
  182578. [
  182579. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182580. "auction - jetport commerce",
  182581. "tcf0006895",
  182582. "ap9362",
  182583. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - jetport commerce,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  182584. ],
  182585. [
  182586. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182587. "auction - jf assoc/parcel 2/",
  182588. "tcf0006895",
  182589. "ap9362",
  182590. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - jf assoc/parcel 2/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  182591. ],
  182592. [
  182593. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182594. "auction - jf assoc/parcel 4/",
  182595. "tcf0006895",
  182596. "ap9362",
  182597. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - jf assoc/parcel 4/,tcf0006895,ap9362"
  182598. ],
  182599. [
  182600. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182601. "tampa office -billable general",
  182602. "tcf0007947",
  182603. "au5245",
  182604. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),tampa office -billable general,tcf0007947,au5245"
  182605. ],
  182606. [
  182607. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182608. "as conservator of yorkwood",
  182609. "tcf0008364",
  182610. "av9512",
  182611. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),as conservator of yorkwood,tcf0008364,av9512"
  182612. ],
  182613. [
  182614. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182615. "auction/ sloan u-lock it",
  182616. "tcf0008694",
  182617. "ax1564",
  182618. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ sloan u-lock it,tcf0008694,ax1564"
  182619. ],
  182620. [
  182621. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182622. "auction/fort pierce outparcel/",
  182623. "tcf0008798",
  182624. "ay2026",
  182625. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/fort pierce outparcel/,tcf0008798,ay2026"
  182626. ],
  182627. [
  182628. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182629. "auction/bradenton river shop",
  182630. "tcf0009073",
  182631. "bc0233",
  182632. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/bradenton river shop,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182633. ],
  182634. [
  182635. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182636. "auction/parsons land/",
  182637. "tcf0009073",
  182638. "bc0233",
  182639. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/parsons land/,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182640. ],
  182641. [
  182642. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182643. "auction/port st lucie car wash",
  182644. "tcf0009073",
  182645. "bc0233",
  182646. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/port st lucie car wash,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182647. ],
  182648. [
  182649. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182650. "auction/riverside estates",
  182651. "tcf0009073",
  182652. "bc0233",
  182653. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/riverside estates,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182654. ],
  182655. [
  182656. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182657. "auction/st. pete 3rd street",
  182658. "tcf0009073",
  182659. "bc0233",
  182660. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/st. pete 3rd street,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182661. ],
  182662. [
  182663. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182664. "auction/ sloan u-lock it",
  182665. "tcf0009073",
  182666. "bc0233",
  182667. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ sloan u-lock it,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182668. ],
  182669. [
  182670. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182671. "auction/south beach branch/",
  182672. "tcf0009073",
  182673. "bc0233",
  182674. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/south beach branch/,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182675. ],
  182676. [
  182677. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182678. "auction/12600 66th street",
  182679. "tcf0009073",
  182680. "bc0233",
  182681. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/12600 66th street,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182682. ],
  182683. [
  182684. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182685. "auction/quail meadows phase 1/",
  182686. "tcf0009073",
  182687. "bc0233",
  182688. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/quail meadows phase 1/,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182689. ],
  182690. [
  182691. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182692. "auction- port charlotte (amer.",
  182693. "tcf0009073",
  182694. "bc0233",
  182695. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction- port charlotte (amer.,tcf0009073,bc0233"
  182696. ],
  182697. [
  182698. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182699. "auction/auto repair facility/",
  182700. "tcf0009204",
  182701. "bd2843",
  182702. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/auto repair facility/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182703. ],
  182704. [
  182705. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182706. "auction - zephyrhills branch",
  182707. "tcf0009204",
  182708. "bd2843",
  182709. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - zephyrhills branch,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182710. ],
  182711. [
  182712. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182713. "auction - sebastian branch",
  182714. "tcf0009204",
  182715. "bd2843",
  182716. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction - sebastian branch,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182717. ],
  182718. [
  182719. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182720. "auction/embassy blvd./pasco/",
  182721. "tcf0009204",
  182722. "bd2843",
  182723. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/embassy blvd./pasco/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182724. ],
  182725. [
  182726. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182727. "auction/ miracle mile branch",
  182728. "tcf0009204",
  182729. "bd2843",
  182730. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ miracle mile branch,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182731. ],
  182732. [
  182733. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182734. "auction / forest park condo",
  182735. "tcf0009204",
  182736. "bd2843",
  182737. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction / forest park condo,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182738. ],
  182739. [
  182740. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182741. "auction/brandon land/",
  182742. "tcf0009204",
  182743. "bd2843",
  182744. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/brandon land/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182745. ],
  182746. [
  182747. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182748. "as conservator of yorkwood",
  182749. "tcf0009204",
  182750. "bd2843",
  182751. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),as conservator of yorkwood,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182752. ],
  182753. [
  182754. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182755. "auction/beacon woods/pasco/",
  182756. "tcf0009204",
  182757. "bd2843",
  182758. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/beacon woods/pasco/,tcf0009204,bd2843"
  182759. ],
  182760. [
  182761. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182762. "auction/ riverwalk condo",
  182763. "tcf0009288",
  182764. "bd3982",
  182765. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/ riverwalk condo,tcf0009288,bd3982"
  182766. ],
  182767. [
  182768. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182769. "auction/107 rome avenue/",
  182770. "tcf0009288",
  182771. "bd3982",
  182772. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/107 rome avenue/,tcf0009288,bd3982"
  182773. ],
  182774. [
  182775. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182776. "auction/tarpon springs/",
  182777. "tcf0010034",
  182778. "bg0332",
  182779. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/tarpon springs/,tcf0010034,bg0332"
  182780. ],
  182781. [
  182782. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182783. "auction/elfers bank branch/",
  182784. "tcf0010078",
  182785. "bg0530",
  182786. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/elfers bank branch/,tcf0010078,bg0530"
  182787. ],
  182788. [
  182789. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182790. "auction/lumber yard/",
  182791. "tcf0010267",
  182792. "bg0946",
  182793. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/lumber yard/,tcf0010267,bg0946"
  182794. ],
  182795. [
  182796. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182797. "auction/cape coral branch/",
  182798. "tcf0010267",
  182799. "bg0946",
  182800. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/cape coral branch/,tcf0010267,bg0946"
  182801. ],
  182802. [
  182803. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182804. "auction/holiday bank branch/",
  182805. "tcf0012731",
  182806. "bq2746",
  182807. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),auction/holiday bank branch/,tcf0012731,bq2746"
  182808. ],
  182809. [
  182810. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182811. "supervision of commercial",
  182812. "tcf0013304",
  182813. "by0775",
  182814. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),supervision of commercial,tcf0013304,by0775"
  182815. ],
  182816. [
  182817. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters",
  182818. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters",
  182819. "348024684",
  182820. "348024684",
  182821. "rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters,rtc (resolution trust corp) - tampa office - billable general matters,348024684,348024684"
  182822. ],
  182823. [
  182824. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  182825. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  182826. "348866822",
  182827. "348866822",
  182828. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),348866822,348866822"
  182829. ],
  182830. [
  182831. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  182832. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard)",
  182833. "348866853",
  182834. "348866853",
  182835. "rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),rtc-(resolution trust corp.) - issuance title ins. auction no. 93-asset no. 744781826 (brevard),348866853,348866853"
  182836. ],
  182837. [
  182838. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182839. "vs. sandshore investors, inc.",
  182840. "489519820",
  182841. "118754",
  182842. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),vs. sandshore investors, inc.,489519820,118754"
  182843. ],
  182844. [
  182845. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182846. "tampa office -billable general",
  182847. "672031227",
  182848. "191172",
  182849. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),tampa office -billable general,672031227,191172"
  182850. ],
  182851. [
  182852. "rtc-(resolution trust corp)",
  182853. "issuance title ins auction no.",
  182854. "154195940",
  182855. "27215",
  182856. "rtc-(resolution trust corp),issuance title ins auction no.,154195940,27215"
  182857. ],
  182858. [
  182859. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182860. "sale of harder hall hotel",
  182861. "tcf0006920",
  182862. "ap9390",
  182863. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall hotel,tcf0006920,ap9390"
  182864. ],
  182865. [
  182866. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182867. "sale of harder hall hotel",
  182868. "tcf0006920",
  182869. "ap9390",
  182870. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall hotel,tcf0006920,ap9390"
  182871. ],
  182872. [
  182873. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182874. "invest. of prop. develop. at",
  182875. "tcf0007709",
  182876. "au3176",
  182877. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,invest. of prop. develop. at,tcf0007709,au3176"
  182878. ],
  182879. [
  182880. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182881. "division of land sales - claim",
  182882. "tcf0008364",
  182883. "av9512",
  182884. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,division of land sales - claim,tcf0008364,av9512"
  182885. ],
  182886. [
  182887. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182888. "sale of harder hall properties",
  182889. "tcf0008365",
  182890. "av9513",
  182891. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0008365,av9513"
  182892. ],
  182893. [
  182894. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182895. "sale of harder hall properties",
  182896. "tcf0008365",
  182897. "av9513",
  182898. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0008365,av9513"
  182899. ],
  182900. [
  182901. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182902. "sale of harder hall properties",
  182903. "tcf0008366",
  182904. "av9514",
  182905. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0008366,av9514"
  182906. ],
  182907. [
  182908. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182909. "title insurance - sale of",
  182910. "tcf0008366",
  182911. "av9514",
  182912. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,title insurance - sale of,tcf0008366,av9514"
  182913. ],
  182914. [
  182915. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182916. "title insurance - sale of",
  182917. "tcf0008366",
  182918. "av9514",
  182919. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,title insurance - sale of,tcf0008366,av9514"
  182920. ],
  182921. [
  182922. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182923. "sale of harder hall properties",
  182924. "tcf0012782",
  182925. "bq3157",
  182926. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,sale of harder hall properties,tcf0012782,bq3157"
  182927. ],
  182928. [
  182929. "rtc-conser security s&l assn",
  182930. "florida dor",
  182931. "542290044",
  182932. "62131",
  182933. "rtc-conser security s&l assn,florida dor,542290044,62131"
  182934. ],
  182935. [
  182936. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182937. "american general home equity",
  182938. "tcf0008378",
  182939. "av9532",
  182940. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,american general home equity,tcf0008378,av9532"
  182941. ],
  182942. [
  182943. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182944. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182945. "tcf0008448",
  182946. "aw2935",
  182947. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008448,aw2935"
  182948. ],
  182949. [
  182950. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182951. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182952. "tcf0008449",
  182953. "aw2936",
  182954. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008449,aw2936"
  182955. ],
  182956. [
  182957. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182958. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182959. "tcf0008450",
  182960. "aw2937",
  182961. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008450,aw2937"
  182962. ],
  182963. [
  182964. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182965. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182966. "tcf0008652",
  182967. "ax0729",
  182968. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008652,ax0729"
  182969. ],
  182970. [
  182971. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182972. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182973. "tcf0008800",
  182974. "ay2028",
  182975. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008800,ay2028"
  182976. ],
  182977. [
  182978. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182979. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182980. "tcf0008801",
  182981. "ay2029",
  182982. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008801,ay2029"
  182983. ],
  182984. [
  182985. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182986. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182987. "tcf0008802",
  182988. "ay2030",
  182989. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008802,ay2030"
  182990. ],
  182991. [
  182992. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  182993. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  182994. "tcf0008803",
  182995. "ay2031",
  182996. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008803,ay2031"
  182997. ],
  182998. [
  182999. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183000. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183001. "tcf0008804",
  183002. "ay2032",
  183003. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0008804,ay2032"
  183004. ],
  183005. [
  183006. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183007. "southtrust of alabama vs.",
  183008. "tcf0009238",
  183009. "bd3752",
  183010. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,southtrust of alabama vs.,tcf0009238,bd3752"
  183011. ],
  183012. [
  183013. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183014. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183015. "tcf0009403",
  183016. "bd6360",
  183017. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009403,bd6360"
  183018. ],
  183019. [
  183020. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183021. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183022. "tcf0009411",
  183023. "bd6368",
  183024. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009411,bd6368"
  183025. ],
  183026. [
  183027. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183028. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183029. "tcf0009435",
  183030. "bd8823",
  183031. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009435,bd8823"
  183032. ],
  183033. [
  183034. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183035. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183036. "tcf0009436",
  183037. "bd8824",
  183038. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009436,bd8824"
  183039. ],
  183040. [
  183041. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183042. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183043. "tcf0009437",
  183044. "bd8825",
  183045. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009437,bd8825"
  183046. ],
  183047. [
  183048. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183049. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183050. "tcf0009438",
  183051. "bd8827",
  183052. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009438,bd8827"
  183053. ],
  183054. [
  183055. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183056. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183057. "tcf0009439",
  183058. "bd8828",
  183059. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009439,bd8828"
  183060. ],
  183061. [
  183062. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183063. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183064. "tcf0009443",
  183065. "bd8832",
  183066. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0009443,bd8832"
  183067. ],
  183068. [
  183069. "rtc-rec great southern fed.",
  183070. "vs. ocean view towers ii,",
  183071. "tcf0010942",
  183072. "bl1508",
  183073. "rtc-rec great southern fed.,vs. ocean view towers ii,,tcf0010942,bl1508"
  183074. ],
  183075. [
  183076. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183077. "vs. rafael alvarez, et al.",
  183078. "tcf0007572",
  183079. "as4791",
  183080. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. rafael alvarez, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183081. ],
  183082. [
  183083. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183084. "general real estate advice",
  183085. "tcf0007984",
  183086. "au5759",
  183087. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general real estate advice,tcf0007984,au5759"
  183088. ],
  183089. [
  183090. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183091. "vs. dundee ridge partners",
  183092. "tcf0007984",
  183093. "au5759",
  183094. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. dundee ridge partners,tcf0007984,au5759"
  183095. ],
  183096. [
  183097. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183098. "vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.",
  183099. "tcf0008476",
  183100. "aw4288",
  183101. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.,tcf0008476,aw4288"
  183102. ],
  183103. [
  183104. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183105. "vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.",
  183106. "tcf0008477",
  183107. "aw4289",
  183108. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. jet stream, ltd., et al.,tcf0008477,aw4289"
  183109. ],
  183110. [
  183111. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183112. "general litigation advice",
  183113. "tcf0008896",
  183114. "ay6005",
  183115. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  183116. ],
  183117. [
  183118. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183119. "daniel gill insurance policy",
  183120. "tcf0008896",
  183121. "ay6005",
  183122. "rtc-conser professional fed.,daniel gill insurance policy,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  183123. ],
  183124. [
  183125. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183126. "bond matters",
  183127. "tcf0008896",
  183128. "ay6005",
  183129. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  183130. ],
  183131. [
  183132. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183133. "semiannual assessment",
  183134. "tcf0008896",
  183135. "ay6005",
  183136. "rtc-conser professional fed.,semiannual assessment,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  183137. ],
  183138. [
  183139. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183140. "vs. braden river partners,",
  183141. "tcf0008896",
  183142. "ay6005",
  183143. "rtc-conser professional fed.,vs. braden river partners,,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  183144. ],
  183145. [
  183146. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183147. "general corporate advice",
  183148. "skt0013657",
  183149. "253994",
  183150. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general corporate advice,skt0013657,253994"
  183151. ],
  183152. [
  183153. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183154. "bond matters",
  183155. "skt0013657",
  183156. "253994",
  183157. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,skt0013657,253994"
  183158. ],
  183159. [
  183160. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183161. "general litigation advice",
  183162. "652552868",
  183163. "191171",
  183164. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183165. ],
  183166. [
  183167. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183168. "general litigation advice",
  183169. "652552868",
  183170. "191171",
  183171. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183172. ],
  183173. [
  183174. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183175. "general litigation advice",
  183176. "652552868",
  183177. "191171",
  183178. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183179. ],
  183180. [
  183181. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183182. "general litigation advice",
  183183. "652552868",
  183184. "191171",
  183185. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183186. ],
  183187. [
  183188. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183189. "general litigation advice",
  183190. "652552868",
  183191. "191171",
  183192. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183193. ],
  183194. [
  183195. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183196. "general litigation advice",
  183197. "652552868",
  183198. "191171",
  183199. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183200. ],
  183201. [
  183202. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183203. "general litigation advice",
  183204. "652552868",
  183205. "191171",
  183206. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183207. ],
  183208. [
  183209. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183210. "general litigation advice",
  183211. "652552868",
  183212. "191171",
  183213. "rtc-conser professional fed.,general litigation advice,652552868,191171"
  183214. ],
  183215. [
  183216. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183217. "commodore plaza",
  183218. "652553269",
  183219. "50100",
  183220. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553269,50100"
  183221. ],
  183222. [
  183223. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183224. "commodore plaza",
  183225. "652553066",
  183226. "50101",
  183227. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  183228. ],
  183229. [
  183230. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183231. "commodore plaza",
  183232. "652553066",
  183233. "50101",
  183234. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  183235. ],
  183236. [
  183237. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183238. "commodore plaza",
  183239. "652553066",
  183240. "50101",
  183241. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  183242. ],
  183243. [
  183244. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183245. "commodore plaza",
  183246. "652553066",
  183247. "50101",
  183248. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  183249. ],
  183250. [
  183251. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183252. "commodore plaza",
  183253. "652553066",
  183254. "50101",
  183255. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  183256. ],
  183257. [
  183258. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183259. "commodore plaza",
  183260. "652553066",
  183261. "50101",
  183262. "rtc-conser professional fed.,commodore plaza,652553066,50101"
  183263. ],
  183264. [
  183265. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183266. "bond matters",
  183267. "672030837",
  183268. "31136",
  183269. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,672030837,31136"
  183270. ],
  183271. [
  183272. "rtc-conser professional fed.",
  183273. "bond matters",
  183274. "672030837",
  183275. "31136",
  183276. "rtc-conser professional fed.,bond matters,672030837,31136"
  183277. ],
  183278. [
  183279. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183280. "vs. jason k. lesser",
  183281. "226543157",
  183282. "226543157",
  183283. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. jason k. lesser,226543157,226543157"
  183284. ],
  183285. [
  183286. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183287. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183288. "tcf0007995",
  183289. "au5784",
  183290. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  183291. ],
  183292. [
  183293. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183294. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183295. "tcf0007995",
  183296. "au5784",
  183297. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  183298. ],
  183299. [
  183300. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183301. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183302. "tcf0007995",
  183303. "au5784",
  183304. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  183305. ],
  183306. [
  183307. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183308. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183309. "tcf0007995",
  183310. "au5784",
  183311. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007995,au5784"
  183312. ],
  183313. [
  183314. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183315. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183316. "tcf0007996",
  183317. "au5785",
  183318. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007996,au5785"
  183319. ],
  183320. [
  183321. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183322. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183323. "tcf0007997",
  183324. "au5786",
  183325. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007997,au5786"
  183326. ],
  183327. [
  183328. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183329. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183330. "tcf0007997",
  183331. "au5786",
  183332. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007997,au5786"
  183333. ],
  183334. [
  183335. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183336. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183337. "tcf0007997",
  183338. "au5786",
  183339. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0007997,au5786"
  183340. ],
  183341. [
  183342. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183343. "sabal lakes development, inc.",
  183344. "tcf0008585",
  183345. "aw8074",
  183346. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,sabal lakes development, inc.,tcf0008585,aw8074"
  183347. ],
  183348. [
  183349. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183350. "vs. gordon, james a.",
  183351. "tcf0008623",
  183352. "ax0136",
  183353. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. gordon, james a.,tcf0008623,ax0136"
  183354. ],
  183355. [
  183356. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183357. "vs. matthew antell",
  183358. "tcf0008623",
  183359. "ax0136",
  183360. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. matthew antell,tcf0008623,ax0136"
  183361. ],
  183362. [
  183363. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183364. "title work - whitney lake lots",
  183365. "tcf0008906",
  183366. "ay6019",
  183367. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,title work - whitney lake lots,tcf0008906,ay6019"
  183368. ],
  183369. [
  183370. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183371. "vs. jason k. lesser",
  183372. "tcf0009922",
  183373. "bf4221",
  183374. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. jason k. lesser,tcf0009922,bf4221"
  183375. ],
  183376. [
  183377. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183378. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183379. "tcf0010029",
  183380. "bg0312",
  183381. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010029,bg0312"
  183382. ],
  183383. [
  183384. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183385. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183386. "tcf0010029",
  183387. "bg0312",
  183388. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010029,bg0312"
  183389. ],
  183390. [
  183391. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183392. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183393. "tcf0010030",
  183394. "bg0313",
  183395. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010030,bg0313"
  183396. ],
  183397. [
  183398. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183399. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183400. "tcf0010031",
  183401. "bg0314",
  183402. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0010031,bg0314"
  183403. ],
  183404. [
  183405. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183406. "vs. shore woods investment",
  183407. "tcf0010078",
  183408. "bg0530",
  183409. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0010078,bg0530"
  183410. ],
  183411. [
  183412. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183413. "sabal lakes development, inc.",
  183414. "tcf0011017",
  183415. "bl1589",
  183416. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,sabal lakes development, inc.,tcf0011017,bl1589"
  183417. ],
  183418. [
  183419. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183420. "vs. shore woods investment",
  183421. "tcf0011442",
  183422. "bp0734",
  183423. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011442,bp0734"
  183424. ],
  183425. [
  183426. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183427. "vs. shore woods investment",
  183428. "tcf0011443",
  183429. "bp0735",
  183430. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011443,bp0735"
  183431. ],
  183432. [
  183433. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183434. "vs. shore woods investment",
  183435. "tcf0011444",
  183436. "bp0736",
  183437. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011444,bp0736"
  183438. ],
  183439. [
  183440. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183441. "vs. shore woods investment",
  183442. "tcf0011447",
  183443. "bp0739",
  183444. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. shore woods investment,tcf0011447,bp0739"
  183445. ],
  183446. [
  183447. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk",
  183448. "vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.",
  183449. "tcf0012568",
  183450. "bq1941",
  183451. "rtc-rec home fed savings bk,vs. hbd builders, inc., et al.,tcf0012568,bq1941"
  183452. ],
  183453. [
  183454. "rtc-conser security homestead",
  183455. "darby l. & kathryn diedrich",
  183456. "625587419",
  183457. "23372",
  183458. "rtc-conser security homestead,darby l. & kathryn diedrich,625587419,23372"
  183459. ],
  183460. [
  183461. "rtc-conser security homestead",
  183462. "loi vinh to",
  183463. "755512358",
  183464. "23370",
  183465. "rtc-conser security homestead,loi vinh to,755512358,23370"
  183466. ],
  183467. [
  183468. "rtc empire - shadow file",
  183469. "rtc empire - shadow file",
  183470. "260538783",
  183471. "260538783",
  183472. "rtc empire - shadow file,rtc empire - shadow file,260538783,260538783"
  183473. ],
  183474. [
  183475. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed sav",
  183476. "general",
  183477. "51533273",
  183478. "323",
  183479. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed sav,general,51533273,323"
  183480. ],
  183481. [
  183482. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183483. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183484. "tcf0008651",
  183485. "ax0723",
  183486. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008651,ax0723"
  183487. ],
  183488. [
  183489. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183490. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183491. "tcf0008796",
  183492. "ay2024",
  183493. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008796,ay2024"
  183494. ],
  183495. [
  183496. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183497. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183498. "tcf0008821",
  183499. "ay2050",
  183500. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  183501. ],
  183502. [
  183503. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183504. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183505. "tcf0008821",
  183506. "ay2050",
  183507. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  183508. ],
  183509. [
  183510. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183511. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183512. "tcf0008821",
  183513. "ay2050",
  183514. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  183515. ],
  183516. [
  183517. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183518. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183519. "tcf0008821",
  183520. "ay2050",
  183521. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  183522. ],
  183523. [
  183524. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183525. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183526. "tcf0008821",
  183527. "ay2050",
  183528. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0008821,ay2050"
  183529. ],
  183530. [
  183531. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183532. "general matters",
  183533. "tcf0008907",
  183534. "ay6020",
  183535. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,general matters,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  183536. ],
  183537. [
  183538. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183539. "bayclaysamerican vs.",
  183540. "tcf0009615",
  183541. "bf0586",
  183542. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,bayclaysamerican vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  183543. ],
  183544. [
  183545. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183546. "bayclaysamerican vs.",
  183547. "tcf0009615",
  183548. "bf0586",
  183549. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,bayclaysamerican vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  183550. ],
  183551. [
  183552. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183553. "kenneth chernes vs.",
  183554. "tcf0009615",
  183555. "bf0586",
  183556. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,kenneth chernes vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  183557. ],
  183558. [
  183559. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183560. "meritbanc mortgage corp. vs.",
  183561. "tcf0009615",
  183562. "bf0586",
  183563. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,meritbanc mortgage corp. vs.,tcf0009615,bf0586"
  183564. ],
  183565. [
  183566. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings",
  183567. "silverstar group, inc.",
  183568. "tcf0010016",
  183569. "bg0295",
  183570. "rtc-rec enterprise fed. savings,silverstar group, inc.,tcf0010016,bg0295"
  183571. ],
  183572. [
  183573. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183574. "vs. hernon donald peters",
  183575. "tcf0007564",
  183576. "as4782",
  183577. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. hernon donald peters,tcf0007564,as4782"
  183578. ],
  183579. [
  183580. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183581. "vs. richard blank & john l.",
  183582. "tcf0007571",
  183583. "as4790",
  183584. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. richard blank & john l.,tcf0007571,as4790"
  183585. ],
  183586. [
  183587. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183588. "vs. william ira burns, et al.",
  183589. "tcf0007571",
  183590. "as4790",
  183591. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. william ira burns, et al.,tcf0007571,as4790"
  183592. ],
  183593. [
  183594. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183595. "vs. robert c. javorowsky,",
  183596. "tcf0007571",
  183597. "as4790",
  183598. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. robert c. javorowsky,,tcf0007571,as4790"
  183599. ],
  183600. [
  183601. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183602. "vs. jo f. waters, et al.",
  183603. "tcf0007571",
  183604. "as4790",
  183605. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jo f. waters, et al.,tcf0007571,as4790"
  183606. ],
  183607. [
  183608. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183609. "vs. esmond b. marvray, et al.",
  183610. "tcf0007572",
  183611. "as4791",
  183612. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. esmond b. marvray, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183613. ],
  183614. [
  183615. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183616. "vs. arnold g. olson, et al.",
  183617. "tcf0007572",
  183618. "as4791",
  183619. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. arnold g. olson, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183620. ],
  183621. [
  183622. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183623. "vs. victor m. ribeiro, et al.",
  183624. "tcf0007572",
  183625. "as4791",
  183626. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. victor m. ribeiro, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183627. ],
  183628. [
  183629. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183630. "in re: david e. smiley, iii",
  183631. "tcf0007572",
  183632. "as4791",
  183633. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,in re: david e. smiley, iii,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183634. ],
  183635. [
  183636. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183637. "vs. marvin s. scott, sr. et al",
  183638. "tcf0007572",
  183639. "as4791",
  183640. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. marvin s. scott, sr. et al,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183641. ],
  183642. [
  183643. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183644. "vs. betty k. wooldridge, et al",
  183645. "tcf0007572",
  183646. "as4791",
  183647. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. betty k. wooldridge, et al,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183648. ],
  183649. [
  183650. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183651. "vs. ian n. wheeler, et al.",
  183652. "tcf0007572",
  183653. "as4791",
  183654. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. ian n. wheeler, et al.,tcf0007572,as4791"
  183655. ],
  183656. [
  183657. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183658. "vs. floyd m. mckenzie et al.",
  183659. "tcf0007575",
  183660. "as4796",
  183661. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. floyd m. mckenzie et al.,tcf0007575,as4796"
  183662. ],
  183663. [
  183664. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183665. "vs. ann bonar ross, et al.",
  183666. "tcf0007732",
  183667. "au3200",
  183668. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. ann bonar ross, et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  183669. ],
  183670. [
  183671. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183672. "vs. robert garcia, jr., et al.",
  183673. "tcf0007732",
  183674. "au3200",
  183675. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. robert garcia, jr., et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  183676. ],
  183677. [
  183678. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183679. "vs. michael w. james, et al.",
  183680. "tcf0007732",
  183681. "au3200",
  183682. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. michael w. james, et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  183683. ],
  183684. [
  183685. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183686. "vs. james alexander, et al.",
  183687. "tcf0007732",
  183688. "au3200",
  183689. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james alexander, et al.,tcf0007732,au3200"
  183690. ],
  183691. [
  183692. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183693. "vs. kenneth p. badalament etal",
  183694. "tcf0007732",
  183695. "au3200",
  183696. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. kenneth p. badalament etal,tcf0007732,au3200"
  183697. ],
  183698. [
  183699. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183700. "vs. walter a. blazer, jr. etal",
  183701. "tcf0007732",
  183702. "au3200",
  183703. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. walter a. blazer, jr. etal,tcf0007732,au3200"
  183704. ],
  183705. [
  183706. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183707. "vs. michael p. hill et al.",
  183708. "tcf0007735",
  183709. "au3203",
  183710. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. michael p. hill et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183711. ],
  183712. [
  183713. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183714. "vs. hugh david higgins, et al.",
  183715. "tcf0007735",
  183716. "au3203",
  183717. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. hugh david higgins, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183718. ],
  183719. [
  183720. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183721. "vs. james p. hawkins, jr.",
  183722. "tcf0007735",
  183723. "au3203",
  183724. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james p. hawkins, jr.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183725. ],
  183726. [
  183727. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183728. "vs. william j. gunn, et al.",
  183729. "tcf0007735",
  183730. "au3203",
  183731. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. william j. gunn, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183732. ],
  183733. [
  183734. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183735. "vs. james allen harris, jr.,",
  183736. "tcf0007735",
  183737. "au3203",
  183738. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james allen harris, jr.,,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183739. ],
  183740. [
  183741. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183742. "vs. robert w. garrison, et al.",
  183743. "tcf0007735",
  183744. "au3203",
  183745. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. robert w. garrison, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183746. ],
  183747. [
  183748. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183749. "vs. john j. flood, et al.",
  183750. "tcf0007735",
  183751. "au3203",
  183752. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. john j. flood, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183753. ],
  183754. [
  183755. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183756. "vs. stephen j. dube, et al.",
  183757. "tcf0007735",
  183758. "au3203",
  183759. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. stephen j. dube, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183760. ],
  183761. [
  183762. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183763. "vs. eduardo cardona, et al.",
  183764. "tcf0007735",
  183765. "au3203",
  183766. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. eduardo cardona, et al.,tcf0007735,au3203"
  183767. ],
  183768. [
  183769. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183770. "vs. daniel kimak, et al.",
  183771. "tcf0007745",
  183772. "au3215",
  183773. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. daniel kimak, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  183774. ],
  183775. [
  183776. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183777. "vs. jessie joe large, jr.,",
  183778. "tcf0007745",
  183779. "au3215",
  183780. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jessie joe large, jr.,,tcf0007745,au3215"
  183781. ],
  183782. [
  183783. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183784. "vs. florence joyce mcgee,",
  183785. "tcf0007745",
  183786. "au3215",
  183787. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. florence joyce mcgee,,tcf0007745,au3215"
  183788. ],
  183789. [
  183790. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183791. "vs. james l. mckenna, et al.",
  183792. "tcf0007745",
  183793. "au3215",
  183794. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james l. mckenna, et al.,tcf0007745,au3215"
  183795. ],
  183796. [
  183797. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183798. "vs. hand, waymon & patricia",
  183799. "tcf0008228",
  183800. "av7137",
  183801. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. hand, waymon & patricia,tcf0008228,av7137"
  183802. ],
  183803. [
  183804. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183805. "vs. james v. murphy, et al.",
  183806. "tcf0008360",
  183807. "av9507",
  183808. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. james v. murphy, et al.,tcf0008360,av9507"
  183809. ],
  183810. [
  183811. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183812. "vs. william p. sandlin, et al.",
  183813. "tcf0008360",
  183814. "av9507",
  183815. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. william p. sandlin, et al.,tcf0008360,av9507"
  183816. ],
  183817. [
  183818. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183819. "vs. jim murphy",
  183820. "tcf0008360",
  183821. "av9507",
  183822. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jim murphy,tcf0008360,av9507"
  183823. ],
  183824. [
  183825. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183826. "vs. dan ingraham",
  183827. "tcf0008360",
  183828. "av9507",
  183829. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. dan ingraham,tcf0008360,av9507"
  183830. ],
  183831. [
  183832. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183833. "vs. paul j. bocko, et al.",
  183834. "tcf0008360",
  183835. "av9507",
  183836. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. paul j. bocko, et al.,tcf0008360,av9507"
  183837. ],
  183838. [
  183839. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183840. "vs. waymon c. hand et al.",
  183841. "tcf0008361",
  183842. "av9509",
  183843. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. waymon c. hand et al.,tcf0008361,av9509"
  183844. ],
  183845. [
  183846. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183847. "vs. ryan s. hodges",
  183848. "tcf0008361",
  183849. "av9509",
  183850. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. ryan s. hodges,tcf0008361,av9509"
  183851. ],
  183852. [
  183853. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183854. "vs. r. c. douglas, et al.",
  183855. "tcf0008361",
  183856. "av9509",
  183857. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. r. c. douglas, et al.,tcf0008361,av9509"
  183858. ],
  183859. [
  183860. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183861. "vs. jerry r. cravey, chmc no.",
  183862. "tcf0008363",
  183863. "av9511",
  183864. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. jerry r. cravey, chmc no.,tcf0008363,av9511"
  183865. ],
  183866. [
  183867. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183868. "title ins: vs. jo f. waters,",
  183869. "tcf0008907",
  183870. "ay6020",
  183871. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title ins: vs. jo f. waters,,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  183872. ],
  183873. [
  183874. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183875. "title ins: vs michael w. james",
  183876. "tcf0008907",
  183877. "ay6020",
  183878. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title ins: vs michael w. james,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  183879. ],
  183880. [
  183881. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183882. "title insurance: vs. paul j.",
  183883. "tcf0008907",
  183884. "ay6020",
  183885. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title insurance: vs. paul j.,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  183886. ],
  183887. [
  183888. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183889. "title insurance: vs. waymon c.",
  183890. "tcf0008907",
  183891. "ay6020",
  183892. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,title insurance: vs. waymon c.,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  183893. ],
  183894. [
  183895. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.",
  183896. "vs. dan ingraham",
  183897. "625587419",
  183898. "23372",
  183899. "rtc-rec freedom s&l- foreclos.,vs. dan ingraham,625587419,23372"
  183900. ],
  183901. [
  183902. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  183903. "vs. henry a. bragg, iii, et al",
  183904. "tcf0007575",
  183905. "as4796",
  183906. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,vs. henry a. bragg, iii, et al,tcf0007575,as4796"
  183907. ],
  183908. [
  183909. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  183910. "vs. lewis o. myhre, iii, et al",
  183911. "tcf0007575",
  183912. "as4796",
  183913. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,vs. lewis o. myhre, iii, et al,tcf0007575,as4796"
  183914. ],
  183915. [
  183916. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  183917. "title insurance: vs. lewis",
  183918. "tcf0008908",
  183919. "ay6021",
  183920. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,title insurance: vs. lewis,tcf0008908,ay6021"
  183921. ],
  183922. [
  183923. "rtc-rec security federal s&l",
  183924. "title ins. vs. henry a. bragg,",
  183925. "tcf0008908",
  183926. "ay6021",
  183927. "rtc-rec security federal s&l,title ins. vs. henry a. bragg,,tcf0008908,ay6021"
  183928. ],
  183929. [
  183930. "rtc-rec liberty federal s&l",
  183931. "vs. heritage bay homeowners",
  183932. "159819747",
  183933. "90037",
  183934. "rtc-rec liberty federal s&l,vs. heritage bay homeowners,159819747,90037"
  183935. ],
  183936. [
  183937. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees",
  183938. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees",
  183939. "348024684",
  183940. "348024684",
  183941. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees,rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees,348024684,348024684"
  183942. ],
  183943. [
  183944. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings",
  183945. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings",
  183946. "348024684",
  183947. "348024684",
  183948. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings,rtc-conser bell fed savings bk - tall trees - closings,348024684,348024684"
  183949. ],
  183950. [
  183951. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  183952. "general",
  183953. "51533273",
  183954. "323",
  183955. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,51533273,323"
  183956. ],
  183957. [
  183958. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  183959. "general",
  183960. "489520766",
  183961. "85646",
  183962. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  183963. ],
  183964. [
  183965. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  183966. "general",
  183967. "489520766",
  183968. "85646",
  183969. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  183970. ],
  183971. [
  183972. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  183973. "general",
  183974. "489520766",
  183975. "85646",
  183976. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  183977. ],
  183978. [
  183979. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  183980. "general",
  183981. "489520766",
  183982. "85646",
  183983. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  183984. ],
  183985. [
  183986. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  183987. "general",
  183988. "489520766",
  183989. "85646",
  183990. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  183991. ],
  183992. [
  183993. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  183994. "general",
  183995. "489520766",
  183996. "85646",
  183997. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  183998. ],
  183999. [
  184000. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184001. "general",
  184002. "489520766",
  184003. "85646",
  184004. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184005. ],
  184006. [
  184007. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184008. "general",
  184009. "489520766",
  184010. "85646",
  184011. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184012. ],
  184013. [
  184014. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184015. "general",
  184016. "489520766",
  184017. "85646",
  184018. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184019. ],
  184020. [
  184021. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184022. "general",
  184023. "489520766",
  184024. "85646",
  184025. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184026. ],
  184027. [
  184028. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184029. "general",
  184030. "489520766",
  184031. "85646",
  184032. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184033. ],
  184034. [
  184035. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184036. "general",
  184037. "489520766",
  184038. "85646",
  184039. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184040. ],
  184041. [
  184042. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184043. "general",
  184044. "489520766",
  184045. "85646",
  184046. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184047. ],
  184048. [
  184049. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184050. "general",
  184051. "489520766",
  184052. "85646",
  184053. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184054. ],
  184055. [
  184056. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184057. "general",
  184058. "489520766",
  184059. "85646",
  184060. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184061. ],
  184062. [
  184063. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184064. "general",
  184065. "489520766",
  184066. "85646",
  184067. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184068. ],
  184069. [
  184070. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184071. "general",
  184072. "489520766",
  184073. "85646",
  184074. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184075. ],
  184076. [
  184077. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184078. "general",
  184079. "489520766",
  184080. "85646",
  184081. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184082. ],
  184083. [
  184084. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184085. "general",
  184086. "489520766",
  184087. "85646",
  184088. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184089. ],
  184090. [
  184091. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184092. "general",
  184093. "489520766",
  184094. "85646",
  184095. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184096. ],
  184097. [
  184098. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184099. "general",
  184100. "489520766",
  184101. "85646",
  184102. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184103. ],
  184104. [
  184105. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184106. "general",
  184107. "489520766",
  184108. "85646",
  184109. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184110. ],
  184111. [
  184112. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184113. "general",
  184114. "489520766",
  184115. "85646",
  184116. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184117. ],
  184118. [
  184119. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184120. "general",
  184121. "489520766",
  184122. "85646",
  184123. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184124. ],
  184125. [
  184126. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184127. "general",
  184128. "489520766",
  184129. "85646",
  184130. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184131. ],
  184132. [
  184133. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.",
  184134. "general",
  184135. "489520766",
  184136. "85646",
  184137. "rtc-conser bell fed savings bk.,general,489520766,85646"
  184138. ],
  184139. [
  184140. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.",
  184141. "1991 general matters",
  184142. "737262971",
  184143. "27181",
  184144. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.,1991 general matters,737262971,27181"
  184145. ],
  184146. [
  184147. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.",
  184148. "1991 general matters",
  184149. "625579743",
  184150. "27955",
  184151. "s.t.a.r.t., inc.,1991 general matters,625579743,27955"
  184152. ],
  184153. [
  184154. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk",
  184155. "defelice kinser j.v. et al.",
  184156. "625583138",
  184157. "83802",
  184158. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk,defelice kinser j.v. et al.,625583138,83802"
  184159. ],
  184160. [
  184161. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk",
  184162. "defelice kinser j.v. et al.",
  184163. "625583112",
  184164. "83803",
  184165. "rtc-conser ensign fed sav bk,defelice kinser j.v. et al.,625583112,83803"
  184166. ],
  184167. [
  184168. "sanford, mark c.",
  184169. "fla. department of insurance",
  184170. "755565793",
  184171. "nan",
  184172. "sanford, mark c.,fla. department of insurance,755565793,nan"
  184173. ],
  184174. [
  184175. "f.d.i.c.-southeast bank, n.a.",
  184176. "katherine s. medley vs.",
  184177. "737259468",
  184178. "56237",
  184179. "f.d.i.c.-southeast bank, n.a.,katherine s. medley vs.,737259468,56237"
  184180. ],
  184181. [
  184182. "first south development & investment, in",
  184183. "sale of m/y sounds of the pacific",
  184184. "727764829",
  184185. "nan",
  184186. "first south development & investment, in,sale of m/y sounds of the pacific,727764829,nan"
  184187. ],
  184188. [
  184189. "rtc corporate",
  184190. "termination of sovereign",
  184191. "tcf0008378",
  184192. "av9532",
  184193. "rtc corporate,termination of sovereign,tcf0008378,av9532"
  184194. ],
  184195. [
  184196. "rtc corporate",
  184197. "termination of first venice",
  184198. "tcf0008401",
  184199. "aw2441",
  184200. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  184201. ],
  184202. [
  184203. "rtc corporate",
  184204. "termination of enterprise",
  184205. "tcf0008401",
  184206. "aw2441",
  184207. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  184208. ],
  184209. [
  184210. "rtc corporate",
  184211. "termination of community",
  184212. "tcf0008401",
  184213. "aw2441",
  184214. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  184215. ],
  184216. [
  184217. "rtc corporate",
  184218. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  184219. "tcf0008401",
  184220. "aw2441",
  184221. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  184222. ],
  184223. [
  184224. "rtc corporate",
  184225. "termination of brickelbanc",
  184226. "tcf0008401",
  184227. "aw2441",
  184228. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  184229. ],
  184230. [
  184231. "rtc corporate",
  184232. "termination of coral savings",
  184233. "tcf0008401",
  184234. "aw2441",
  184235. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008401,aw2441"
  184236. ],
  184237. [
  184238. "rtc corporate",
  184239. "termination of coral savings",
  184240. "tcf0008402",
  184241. "aw2442",
  184242. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008402,aw2442"
  184243. ],
  184244. [
  184245. "rtc corporate",
  184246. "termination of enterprise",
  184247. "tcf0008402",
  184248. "aw2442",
  184249. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008402,aw2442"
  184250. ],
  184251. [
  184252. "rtc corporate",
  184253. "termination of community",
  184254. "tcf0008403",
  184255. "aw2443",
  184256. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008403,aw2443"
  184257. ],
  184258. [
  184259. "rtc corporate",
  184260. "termination of community",
  184261. "tcf0008404",
  184262. "aw2444",
  184263. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008404,aw2444"
  184264. ],
  184265. [
  184266. "rtc corporate",
  184267. "termination of community",
  184268. "tcf0008405",
  184269. "aw2445",
  184270. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008405,aw2445"
  184271. ],
  184272. [
  184273. "rtc corporate",
  184274. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  184275. "tcf0008406",
  184276. "aw2446",
  184277. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0008406,aw2446"
  184278. ],
  184279. [
  184280. "rtc corporate",
  184281. "termination of first venice",
  184282. "tcf0008407",
  184283. "aw2447",
  184284. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008407,aw2447"
  184285. ],
  184286. [
  184287. "rtc corporate",
  184288. "termination of enterprise",
  184289. "tcf0008407",
  184290. "aw2447",
  184291. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008407,aw2447"
  184292. ],
  184293. [
  184294. "rtc corporate",
  184295. "termination of community",
  184296. "tcf0008408",
  184297. "aw2448",
  184298. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008408,aw2448"
  184299. ],
  184300. [
  184301. "rtc corporate",
  184302. "termination of brickelbanc",
  184303. "tcf0008408",
  184304. "aw2448",
  184305. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008408,aw2448"
  184306. ],
  184307. [
  184308. "rtc corporate",
  184309. "termination of coral savings",
  184310. "tcf0008408",
  184311. "aw2448",
  184312. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008408,aw2448"
  184313. ],
  184314. [
  184315. "rtc corporate",
  184316. "termination of first venice",
  184317. "tcf0008409",
  184318. "aw2449",
  184319. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  184320. ],
  184321. [
  184322. "rtc corporate",
  184323. "termination of enterprise",
  184324. "tcf0008409",
  184325. "aw2449",
  184326. "rtc corporate,termination of enterprise,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  184327. ],
  184328. [
  184329. "rtc corporate",
  184330. "termination of community",
  184331. "tcf0008409",
  184332. "aw2449",
  184333. "rtc corporate,termination of community,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  184334. ],
  184335. [
  184336. "rtc corporate",
  184337. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  184338. "tcf0008409",
  184339. "aw2449",
  184340. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  184341. ],
  184342. [
  184343. "rtc corporate",
  184344. "termination of brickelbanc",
  184345. "tcf0008409",
  184346. "aw2449",
  184347. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  184348. ],
  184349. [
  184350. "rtc corporate",
  184351. "termination of coral savings",
  184352. "tcf0008409",
  184353. "aw2449",
  184354. "rtc corporate,termination of coral savings,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  184355. ],
  184356. [
  184357. "rtc corporate",
  184358. "termination of brickelbanc",
  184359. "tcf0008410",
  184360. "aw2450",
  184361. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008410,aw2450"
  184362. ],
  184363. [
  184364. "rtc corporate",
  184365. "termination of brickelbanc",
  184366. "tcf0008411",
  184367. "aw2451",
  184368. "rtc corporate,termination of brickelbanc,tcf0008411,aw2451"
  184369. ],
  184370. [
  184371. "rtc corporate",
  184372. "termination of first venice",
  184373. "tcf0008412",
  184374. "aw2452",
  184375. "rtc corporate,termination of first venice,tcf0008412,aw2452"
  184376. ],
  184377. [
  184378. "rtc corporate",
  184379. "termination of 6 receiverships",
  184380. "tcf0009906",
  184381. "bf2533",
  184382. "rtc corporate,termination of 6 receiverships,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  184383. ],
  184384. [
  184385. "merrill lynch & co.",
  184386. "merrill lynch - split dollar life insurance program",
  184387. "632020404",
  184388. "nan",
  184389. "merrill lynch & co.,merrill lynch - split dollar life insurance program,632020404,nan"
  184390. ],
  184391. [
  184392. "atlantic alliance fidelity",
  184393. "re: application for",
  184394. "159819299",
  184395. "57980",
  184396. "atlantic alliance fidelity,re: application for,159819299,57980"
  184397. ],
  184398. [
  184399. "wachovia bank, national association",
  184400. "rtc vs. valerie a. alvarez",
  184401. "tcf0222527",
  184402. "bh2478",
  184403. "wachovia bank, national association,rtc vs. valerie a. alvarez,tcf0222527,bh2478"
  184404. ],
  184405. [
  184406. "keybank western asset mgmt",
  184407. "fdic vs. watkins, susan",
  184408. "tcf0010095",
  184409. "bg0551",
  184410. "keybank western asset mgmt,fdic vs. watkins, susan,tcf0010095,bg0551"
  184411. ],
  184412. [
  184413. "hakeem, m.k.",
  184414. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  184415. "220788792",
  184416. "220788792",
  184417. "hakeem, m.k.,proposed purchase of property from fdic located,220788792,220788792"
  184418. ],
  184419. [
  184420. "hakeem, m.k.",
  184421. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  184422. "tcf0012824",
  184423. "bq3412",
  184424. "hakeem, m.k.,proposed purchase of property from fdic located,tcf0012824,bq3412"
  184425. ],
  184426. [
  184427. "hakeem, m.k.",
  184428. "proposed purchase of property from fdic located",
  184429. "tcf0013930",
  184430. "cc8494",
  184431. "hakeem, m.k.,proposed purchase of property from fdic located,tcf0013930,cc8494"
  184432. ],
  184433. [
  184434. "united parcel service of america, inc.",
  184435. "sah of coral springs, inc.",
  184436. "89252532",
  184437. "13106303",
  184438. "united parcel service of america, inc.,sah of coral springs, inc.,89252532,13106303"
  184439. ],
  184440. [
  184441. "krizmanich holdings, l.c.",
  184442. "u.s. 19 property condemnation",
  184443. "169721575",
  184444. "169721575",
  184445. "krizmanich holdings, l.c.,u.s. 19 property condemnation,169721575,169721575"
  184446. ],
  184447. [
  184448. "mediation - spicola, guy w.",
  184449. "mediation: wilmington trust company, as trustee",
  184450. "tcf0015295",
  184451. "cn0096",
  184452. "mediation - spicola, guy w.,mediation: wilmington trust company, as trustee,tcf0015295,cn0096"
  184453. ],
  184454. [
  184455. "monument realty llc",
  184456. "fdic (ballston point)",
  184457. "489693318",
  184458. "789-21195",
  184459. "monument realty llc,fdic (ballston point),489693318,789-21195"
  184460. ],
  184461. [
  184462. "monument realty llc",
  184463. "fdic (ballston point)",
  184464. "489250815",
  184465. "789-23754",
  184466. "monument realty llc,fdic (ballston point),489250815,789-23754"
  184467. ],
  184468. [
  184469. "prudential real estate investors",
  184470. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  184471. "673054031",
  184472. "nan",
  184473. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054031,nan"
  184474. ],
  184475. [
  184476. "prudential real estate investors",
  184477. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  184478. "673054066",
  184479. "nan",
  184480. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  184481. ],
  184482. [
  184483. "prudential real estate investors",
  184484. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  184485. "673054066",
  184486. "nan",
  184487. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  184488. ],
  184489. [
  184490. "prudential real estate investors",
  184491. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  184492. "673054066",
  184493. "nan",
  184494. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  184495. ],
  184496. [
  184497. "prudential real estate investors",
  184498. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  184499. "673054066",
  184500. "nan",
  184501. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,673054066,nan"
  184502. ],
  184503. [
  184504. "prudential real estate investors",
  184505. "action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),",
  184506. "777814473",
  184507. "nan",
  184508. "prudential real estate investors,action on lease with platinum bank (fdic),,777814473,nan"
  184509. ],
  184510. [
  184511. "kodiak properties, llc",
  184512. "three garden village-sale of property",
  184513. "518168443",
  184514. "nan",
  184515. "kodiak properties, llc,three garden village-sale of property,518168443,nan"
  184516. ],
  184517. [
  184518. "pnc business credit",
  184519. "daseke inc.",
  184520. "active file",
  184521. "nan",
  184522. "pnc business credit,daseke inc.,active file,nan"
  184523. ],
  184524. [
  184525. "helm bank usa",
  184526. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  184527. "active file",
  184528. "nan",
  184529. "helm bank usa,bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters,active file,nan"
  184530. ],
  184531. [
  184532. "helm bank usa",
  184533. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  184534. "active file",
  184535. "nan",
  184536. "helm bank usa,bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters,active file,nan"
  184537. ],
  184538. [
  184539. "helm bank usa",
  184540. "bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters",
  184541. "active file",
  184542. "nan",
  184543. "helm bank usa,bsa/aml/ofac & other regulatory matters,active file,nan"
  184544. ],
  184545. [
  184546. "tmt foundry, l.l.c.",
  184547. "general leasing (foundry bldg)",
  184548. "489694704",
  184549. "789-21391",
  184550. "tmt foundry, l.l.c.,general leasing (foundry bldg),489694704,789-21391"
  184551. ],
  184552. [
  184553. "select management resources, inc.",
  184554. "general matters",
  184555. "952406523",
  184556. "nan",
  184557. "select management resources, inc.,general matters,952406523,nan"
  184558. ],
  184559. [
  184560. "weinberg, benjamin",
  184561. "demand for testing accommodation to the national",
  184562. "489707844",
  184563. "1000683872",
  184564. "weinberg, benjamin,demand for testing accommodation to the national,489707844,1000683872"
  184565. ],
  184566. [
  184567. "harper, allen c.",
  184568. "sb partners, llc loan workout",
  184569. "768309126",
  184570. "nan",
  184571. "harper, allen c.,sb partners, llc loan workout,768309126,nan"
  184572. ],
  184573. [
  184574. "truly yours apparel",
  184575. "corporate - general",
  184576. "719637473",
  184577. "64283",
  184578. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  184579. ],
  184580. [
  184581. "truly yours apparel",
  184582. "corporate - general",
  184583. "719637473",
  184584. "64283",
  184585. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  184586. ],
  184587. [
  184588. "truly yours apparel",
  184589. "corporate - general",
  184590. "719634577",
  184591. "79363",
  184592. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634577,79363"
  184593. ],
  184594. [
  184595. "truly yours apparel",
  184596. "corporate - general",
  184597. "719634577",
  184598. "79363",
  184599. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634577,79363"
  184600. ],
  184601. [
  184602. "truly yours apparel",
  184603. "corporate - general",
  184604. "719634577",
  184605. "79363",
  184606. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634577,79363"
  184607. ],
  184608. [
  184609. "truly yours apparel",
  184610. "corporate - general",
  184611. "719597267",
  184612. "79364",
  184613. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719597267,79364"
  184614. ],
  184615. [
  184616. "truly yours apparel",
  184617. "corporate - general",
  184618. "719597267",
  184619. "79364",
  184620. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719597267,79364"
  184621. ],
  184622. [
  184623. "truly yours apparel",
  184624. "corporate - general",
  184625. "719597267",
  184626. "79364",
  184627. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719597267,79364"
  184628. ],
  184629. [
  184630. "truly yours apparel",
  184631. "corporate - general",
  184632. "719637473",
  184633. "64283",
  184634. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  184635. ],
  184636. [
  184637. "truly yours apparel",
  184638. "corporate - general",
  184639. "719637473",
  184640. "64283",
  184641. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637473,64283"
  184642. ],
  184643. [
  184644. "truly yours apparel",
  184645. "corporate - general",
  184646. "719634172",
  184647. "64649",
  184648. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634172,64649"
  184649. ],
  184650. [
  184651. "truly yours apparel",
  184652. "corporate - general",
  184653. "719634172",
  184654. "64649",
  184655. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634172,64649"
  184656. ],
  184657. [
  184658. "truly yours apparel",
  184659. "corporate - general",
  184660. "719634172",
  184661. "64649",
  184662. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719634172,64649"
  184663. ],
  184664. [
  184665. "truly yours apparel",
  184666. "corporate - general",
  184667. "719637500",
  184668. "64607",
  184669. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637500,64607"
  184670. ],
  184671. [
  184672. "truly yours apparel",
  184673. "corporate - general",
  184674. "719637500",
  184675. "64607",
  184676. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637500,64607"
  184677. ],
  184678. [
  184679. "truly yours apparel",
  184680. "corporate - general",
  184681. "719637500",
  184682. "64607",
  184683. "truly yours apparel,corporate - general,719637500,64607"
  184684. ],
  184685. [
  184686. "silicon genesis corporation",
  184687. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  184688. "719596528",
  184689. "753672",
  184690. "silicon genesis corporation,soitec, s.a. patent infringement,719596528,753672"
  184691. ],
  184692. [
  184693. "silicon genesis corporation",
  184694. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  184695. "719596528",
  184696. "753672",
  184697. "silicon genesis corporation,soitec, s.a. patent infringement,719596528,753672"
  184698. ],
  184699. [
  184700. "silicon genesis corporation",
  184701. "soitec, s.a. patent infringement",
  184702. "719599368",
  184703. "753665",
  184704. "silicon genesis corporation,soitec, s.a. patent infringement,719599368,753665"
  184705. ],
  184706. [
  184707. "invesco realty advisors, inc.",
  184708. "general leasing",
  184709. "731240685",
  184710. "nan",
  184711. "invesco realty advisors, inc.,general leasing,731240685,nan"
  184712. ],
  184713. [
  184714. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  184715. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  184716. "652544439",
  184717. "118903",
  184718. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  184719. ],
  184720. [
  184721. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  184722. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  184723. "652544439",
  184724. "118903",
  184725. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  184726. ],
  184727. [
  184728. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  184729. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  184730. "652544439",
  184731. "118903",
  184732. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  184733. ],
  184734. [
  184735. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  184736. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  184737. "652544439",
  184738. "118903",
  184739. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  184740. ],
  184741. [
  184742. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  184743. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  184744. "652544439",
  184745. "118903",
  184746. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  184747. ],
  184748. [
  184749. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.",
  184750. "lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.",
  184751. "652544439",
  184752. "118903",
  184753. "regency savings bank, f.s.b.,lakeside - maingate, ltd. (orange cty.,652544439,118903"
  184754. ],
  184755. [
  184756. "ha, dr. joseph m.",
  184757. "ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #2",
  184758. "259276156",
  184759. "nan",
  184760. "ha, dr. joseph m.,ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #2,259276156,nan"
  184761. ],
  184762. [
  184763. "ha, dr. joseph m.",
  184764. "ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #1",
  184765. "259276156",
  184766. "nan",
  184767. "ha, dr. joseph m.,ha v. rtc (encroachment issue) pouch #1,259276156,nan"
  184768. ],
  184769. [
  184770. "csra, inc.",
  184771. "irs protests",
  184772. "972315873",
  184773. "nan",
  184774. "csra, inc.,irs protests,972315873,nan"
  184775. ],
  184776. [
  184777. "csra, inc.",
  184778. "irs protests",
  184779. "972315873",
  184780. "nan",
  184781. "csra, inc.,irs protests,972315873,nan"
  184782. ],
  184783. [
  184784. "csra, inc.",
  184785. "irs protests",
  184786. "972315873",
  184787. "nan",
  184788. "csra, inc.,irs protests,972315873,nan"
  184789. ],
  184790. [
  184791. "lafarge north america inc.",
  184792. "barge incident",
  184793. "428644433",
  184794. "nan",
  184795. "lafarge north america inc.,barge incident,428644433,nan"
  184796. ],
  184797. [
  184798. "corporate realty investment company (redwell #1)",
  184799. "prudential investment matter1-correspondence2- notes and memos3-no-complete4- termination agreement5- note nassau amended and restated6- note-joint venture loan to cric- $1.75million7-note-from new cric to old cric8- 2002 amendment9- contact list10- closing agenda11- partcipation agreement- r. nessen12- r. nessen consulting agreement13- cric settlement sheet14- open issues - to do list15- assignment and assumption agreement16- joint venture agreement17- letter to executives shareholders18- membership agreement19-new cric llc agreement20- non-complete - nassau 21- note-purchae agreement21- note-purchase agreement22- omnibus agreement23- side agreement23 subscription agreement - old cric shares in new cric24 perfection certificate25- subordination and intercreditor agreement26- security agreement- new cric nassau27- security aqgreement - old cric (debtor) nassau (lender)",
  184800. "719595876",
  184801. "12162863",
  184802. "corporate realty investment company (redwell #1),prudential investment matter1-correspondence2- notes and memos3-no-complete4- termination agreement5- note nassau amended and restated6- note-joint venture loan to cric- $1.75million7-note-from new cric to old cric8- 2002 amendment9- contact list10- closing agenda11- partcipation agreement- r. nessen12- r. nessen consulting agreement13- cric settlement sheet14- open issues - to do list15- assignment and assumption agreement16- joint venture agreement17- letter to executives shareholders18- membership agreement19-new cric llc agreement20- non-complete - nassau 21- note-purchae agreement21- note-purchase agreement22- omnibus agreement23- side agreement23 subscription agreement - old cric shares in new cric24 perfection certificate25- subordination and intercreditor agreement26- security agreement- new cric nassau27- security aqgreement - old cric (debtor) nassau (lender),719595876,12162863"
  184803. ],
  184804. [
  184805. "union credit bank",
  184806. "union credit bank/regulatory matters",
  184807. "652552617",
  184808. "13176393",
  184809. "union credit bank,union credit bank/regulatory matters,652552617,13176393"
  184810. ],
  184811. [
  184812. "lehman housing capital, inc.",
  184813. "kimberly park apartments",
  184814. "719662340",
  184815. "186799",
  184816. "lehman housing capital, inc.,kimberly park apartments,719662340,186799"
  184817. ],
  184818. [
  184819. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184820. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184821. "489566945",
  184822. "13373938",
  184823. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566945,13373938"
  184824. ],
  184825. [
  184826. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184827. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184828. "489566976",
  184829. "13373939",
  184830. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566976,13373939"
  184831. ],
  184832. [
  184833. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184834. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184835. "489566977",
  184836. "13373940",
  184837. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566977,13373940"
  184838. ],
  184839. [
  184840. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184841. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184842. "489566963",
  184843. "13373941",
  184844. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566963,13373941"
  184845. ],
  184846. [
  184847. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184848. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184849. "489566946",
  184850. "13373942",
  184851. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566946,13373942"
  184852. ],
  184853. [
  184854. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184855. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184856. "489566975",
  184857. "13373943",
  184858. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566975,13373943"
  184859. ],
  184860. [
  184861. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184862. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184863. "489566959",
  184864. "13373944",
  184865. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566959,13373944"
  184866. ],
  184867. [
  184868. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184869. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184870. "489566982",
  184871. "13373945",
  184872. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566982,13373945"
  184873. ],
  184874. [
  184875. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184876. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184877. "489566914",
  184878. "13373946",
  184879. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566914,13373946"
  184880. ],
  184881. [
  184882. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184883. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184884. "489566964",
  184885. "13373947",
  184886. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566964,13373947"
  184887. ],
  184888. [
  184889. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184890. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184891. "489566957",
  184892. "13373948",
  184893. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566957,13373948"
  184894. ],
  184895. [
  184896. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184897. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184898. "489566961",
  184899. "13373949",
  184900. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566961,13373949"
  184901. ],
  184902. [
  184903. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184904. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184905. "489566759",
  184906. "13373950",
  184907. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566759,13373950"
  184908. ],
  184909. [
  184910. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184911. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184912. "489566955",
  184913. "13373951",
  184914. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566955,13373951"
  184915. ],
  184916. [
  184917. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184918. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184919. "489566917",
  184920. "13373952",
  184921. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566917,13373952"
  184922. ],
  184923. [
  184924. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184925. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184926. "13373953",
  184927. "46326",
  184928. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,13373953,46326"
  184929. ],
  184930. [
  184931. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184932. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184933. "489517719",
  184934. "13373954",
  184935. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489517719,13373954"
  184936. ],
  184937. [
  184938. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184939. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184940. "489566899",
  184941. "13373955",
  184942. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566899,13373955"
  184943. ],
  184944. [
  184945. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184946. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184947. "489566962",
  184948. "13373956",
  184949. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566962,13373956"
  184950. ],
  184951. [
  184952. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184953. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184954. "489566947",
  184955. "13373957",
  184956. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566947,13373957"
  184957. ],
  184958. [
  184959. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184960. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184961. "489566918",
  184962. "13373958",
  184963. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566918,13373958"
  184964. ],
  184965. [
  184966. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184967. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184968. "489517566",
  184969. "13373959",
  184970. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489517566,13373959"
  184971. ],
  184972. [
  184973. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184974. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184975. "489566949",
  184976. "13373960",
  184977. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566949,13373960"
  184978. ],
  184979. [
  184980. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184981. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184982. "489566950",
  184983. "13373961",
  184984. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,489566950,13373961"
  184985. ],
  184986. [
  184987. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184988. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184989. "753996628",
  184990. "nan",
  184991. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,753996628,nan"
  184992. ],
  184993. [
  184994. "mastec north america, inc.",
  184995. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  184996. "727770796",
  184997. "nan",
  184998. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  184999. ],
  185000. [
  185001. "mastec north america, inc.",
  185002. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  185003. "727770796",
  185004. "nan",
  185005. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  185006. ],
  185007. [
  185008. "mastec north america, inc.",
  185009. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  185010. "727770796",
  185011. "nan",
  185012. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  185013. ],
  185014. [
  185015. "mastec north america, inc.",
  185016. "artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec",
  185017. "727770796",
  185018. "nan",
  185019. "mastec north america, inc.,artcom technologies corp. f/k/a mastec,727770796,nan"
  185020. ],
  185021. [
  185022. "healthcare tv channel",
  185023. "condominium formation",
  185024. "513364494",
  185025. "nan",
  185026. "healthcare tv channel,condominium formation,513364494,nan"
  185027. ],
  185028. [
  185029. "healthcare tv channel",
  185030. "condominium formation",
  185031. "767976761",
  185032. "nan",
  185033. "healthcare tv channel,condominium formation,767976761,nan"
  185034. ],
  185035. [
  185036. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185037. "federal deposit insurance corporation issues",
  185038. "640815385",
  185039. "640815385",
  185040. "fidelity national financial, inc.,federal deposit insurance corporation issues,640815385,640815385"
  185041. ],
  185042. [
  185043. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185044. "bank of bonifay (claim #372964)",
  185045. "678723499",
  185046. "nan",
  185047. "fidelity national financial, inc.,bank of bonifay (claim #372964),678723499,nan"
  185048. ],
  185049. [
  185050. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185051. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185052. "755589592",
  185053. "nan",
  185054. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  185055. ],
  185056. [
  185057. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185058. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185059. "755589592",
  185060. "nan",
  185061. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  185062. ],
  185063. [
  185064. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185065. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185066. "755589592",
  185067. "nan",
  185068. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  185069. ],
  185070. [
  185071. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185072. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185073. "755589592",
  185074. "nan",
  185075. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589592,nan"
  185076. ],
  185077. [
  185078. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185079. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185080. "755589593",
  185081. "nan",
  185082. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  185083. ],
  185084. [
  185085. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185086. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185087. "755589593",
  185088. "nan",
  185089. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  185090. ],
  185091. [
  185092. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185093. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185094. "755589593",
  185095. "nan",
  185096. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  185097. ],
  185098. [
  185099. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185100. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185101. "755589593",
  185102. "nan",
  185103. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  185104. ],
  185105. [
  185106. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185107. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185108. "755589593",
  185109. "nan",
  185110. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589593,nan"
  185111. ],
  185112. [
  185113. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185114. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185115. "755589594",
  185116. "nan",
  185117. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  185118. ],
  185119. [
  185120. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185121. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185122. "755589594",
  185123. "nan",
  185124. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  185125. ],
  185126. [
  185127. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185128. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185129. "755589594",
  185130. "nan",
  185131. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  185132. ],
  185133. [
  185134. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185135. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185136. "755589594",
  185137. "nan",
  185138. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589594,nan"
  185139. ],
  185140. [
  185141. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185142. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185143. "755589595",
  185144. "nan",
  185145. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589595,nan"
  185146. ],
  185147. [
  185148. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185149. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185150. "755589595",
  185151. "nan",
  185152. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589595,nan"
  185153. ],
  185154. [
  185155. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185156. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185157. "755589595",
  185158. "nan",
  185159. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589595,nan"
  185160. ],
  185161. [
  185162. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185163. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185164. "755589596",
  185165. "nan",
  185166. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  185167. ],
  185168. [
  185169. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185170. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185171. "755589596",
  185172. "nan",
  185173. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  185174. ],
  185175. [
  185176. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185177. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185178. "755589596",
  185179. "nan",
  185180. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  185181. ],
  185182. [
  185183. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185184. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185185. "755589596",
  185186. "nan",
  185187. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589596,nan"
  185188. ],
  185189. [
  185190. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185191. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185192. "755589597",
  185193. "nan",
  185194. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  185195. ],
  185196. [
  185197. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185198. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185199. "755589597",
  185200. "nan",
  185201. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  185202. ],
  185203. [
  185204. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185205. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185206. "755589597",
  185207. "nan",
  185208. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  185209. ],
  185210. [
  185211. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185212. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185213. "755589597",
  185214. "nan",
  185215. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  185216. ],
  185217. [
  185218. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185219. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185220. "755589597",
  185221. "nan",
  185222. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  185223. ],
  185224. [
  185225. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185226. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185227. "755589597",
  185228. "nan",
  185229. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589597,nan"
  185230. ],
  185231. [
  185232. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185233. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185234. "755589598",
  185235. "nan",
  185236. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589598,nan"
  185237. ],
  185238. [
  185239. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185240. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185241. "755589599",
  185242. "nan",
  185243. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589599,nan"
  185244. ],
  185245. [
  185246. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185247. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185248. "755589599",
  185249. "nan",
  185250. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),755589599,nan"
  185251. ],
  185252. [
  185253. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185254. "federal deposit insurance corporation issues",
  185255. "753993362",
  185256. "nan",
  185257. "fidelity national financial, inc.,federal deposit insurance corporation issues,753993362,nan"
  185258. ],
  185259. [
  185260. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185261. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185262. "768309031",
  185263. "nan",
  185264. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),768309031,nan"
  185265. ],
  185266. [
  185267. "fidelity national financial, inc.",
  185268. "fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417)",
  185269. "825681252",
  185270. "825681252",
  185271. "fidelity national financial, inc.,fdic v. chicago title insurance company (claim #388417),825681252,825681252"
  185272. ],
  185273. [
  185274. "choctaw nation of oklahoma",
  185275. "choctaw v. greene membership claim",
  185276. "459074202",
  185277. "nan",
  185278. "choctaw nation of oklahoma,choctaw v. greene membership claim,459074202,nan"
  185279. ],
  185280. [
  185281. "dry creek rancheria band of pomo indians",
  185282. "adv. sonoma falls developers, llc, et al.",
  185283. "409114309",
  185284. "2005-770",
  185285. "dry creek rancheria band of pomo indians,adv. sonoma falls developers, llc, et al.,409114309,2005-770"
  185286. ],
  185287. [
  185288. "san manuel indian bingo & casino",
  185289. "casino operations",
  185290. "459069110",
  185291. "nan",
  185292. "san manuel indian bingo & casino,casino operations,459069110,nan"
  185293. ],
  185294. [
  185295. "general binding corporation",
  185296. "general",
  185297. "542810656",
  185298. "919337",
  185299. "general binding corporation,general,542810656,919337"
  185300. ],
  185301. [
  185302. "strata bank",
  185303. "general corporate relating to both serc & strata",
  185304. "719598254",
  185305. "706289",
  185306. "strata bank,general corporate relating to both serc & strata,719598254,706289"
  185307. ],
  185308. [
  185309. "tun, aung",
  185310. "heartcare institute of tampa, p.a. vs.",
  185311. "166965000",
  185312. "166965000",
  185313. "tun, aung,heartcare institute of tampa, p.a. vs.,166965000,166965000"
  185314. ],
  185315. [
  185316. "zager, raymond",
  185317. "vs. smartcharge, inc.",
  185318. "513357079",
  185319. "nan",
  185320. "zager, raymond,vs. smartcharge, inc.,513357079,nan"
  185321. ],
  185322. [
  185323. "zager v. smartchange",
  185324. "nan",
  185325. "171947313",
  185326. "171947313",
  185327. "zager v. smartchange,nan,171947313,171947313"
  185328. ],
  185329. [
  185330. "national equity fund, inc.",
  185331. "homestead capital",
  185332. "719663813",
  185333. "c0788616",
  185334. "national equity fund, inc.,homestead capital,719663813,c0788616"
  185335. ],
  185336. [
  185337. "national equity fund, inc.",
  185338. "homestead capital",
  185339. "700570527",
  185340. "nan",
  185341. "national equity fund, inc.,homestead capital,700570527,nan"
  185342. ],
  185343. [
  185344. "cafritz, conrad",
  185345. "estate planning",
  185346. "310763928",
  185347. "nan",
  185348. "cafritz, conrad,estate planning,310763928,nan"
  185349. ],
  185350. [
  185351. "cafritz, conrad",
  185352. "estate planning",
  185353. "632019925",
  185354. "nan",
  185355. "cafritz, conrad,estate planning,632019925,nan"
  185356. ],
  185357. [
  185358. "rapid payroll, inc.",
  185359. "adv. paymaster of alabama, inc.",
  185360. "140604328",
  185361. "nan",
  185362. "rapid payroll, inc.,adv. paymaster of alabama, inc.,140604328,nan"
  185363. ],
  185364. [
  185365. "novacaixagalicia",
  185366. "loan to 1390 brickell bay tower llc",
  185367. "489564432",
  185368. "13373714",
  185369. "novacaixagalicia,loan to 1390 brickell bay tower llc,489564432,13373714"
  185370. ],
  185371. [
  185372. "wachovia securities",
  185373. "city walk at akard",
  185374. "719580907",
  185375. "13085868",
  185376. "wachovia securities,city walk at akard,719580907,13085868"
  185377. ],
  185378. [
  185379. "bishop paiute tribe",
  185380. "general transactional",
  185381. "409115153",
  185382. "nan",
  185383. "bishop paiute tribe,general transactional,409115153,nan"
  185384. ],
  185385. [
  185386. "levine, robert",
  185387. "personal legal/business issues",
  185388. "719605464",
  185389. "373817",
  185390. "levine, robert,personal legal/business issues,719605464,373817"
  185391. ],
  185392. [
  185393. "loss prevention",
  185394. "conflict of interest resolution",
  185395. "737259460",
  185396. "tl0006638",
  185397. "loss prevention,conflict of interest resolution,737259460,tl0006638"
  185398. ],
  185399. [
  185400. "loss prevention",
  185401. "alas - attorney's liability",
  185402. "737259460",
  185403. "tl0006638",
  185404. "loss prevention,alas - attorney's liability,737259460,tl0006638"
  185405. ],
  185406. [
  185407. "loss prevention",
  185408. "alas - attorney's liability",
  185409. "542290092",
  185410. "nan",
  185411. "loss prevention,alas - attorney's liability,542290092,nan"
  185412. ],
  185413. [
  185414. "loss prevention",
  185415. "alas - centrust savings bank",
  185416. "625580553",
  185417. "nan",
  185418. "loss prevention,alas - centrust savings bank,625580553,nan"
  185419. ],
  185420. [
  185421. "loss prevention",
  185422. "alas - centrust savings bank",
  185423. "625583048",
  185424. "nan",
  185425. "loss prevention,alas - centrust savings bank,625583048,nan"
  185426. ],
  185427. [
  185428. "administrative",
  185429. "rtc - clean up",
  185430. "tcf0012419",
  185431. "bq1217",
  185432. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185433. ],
  185434. [
  185435. "administrative",
  185436. "rtc - clean up",
  185437. "tcf0012419",
  185438. "bq1217",
  185439. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185440. ],
  185441. [
  185442. "administrative",
  185443. "rtc - clean up",
  185444. "tcf0012419",
  185445. "bq1217",
  185446. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185447. ],
  185448. [
  185449. "administrative",
  185450. "rtc - clean up",
  185451. "tcf0012419",
  185452. "bq1217",
  185453. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185454. ],
  185455. [
  185456. "administrative",
  185457. "rtc - clean up",
  185458. "tcf0012419",
  185459. "bq1217",
  185460. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185461. ],
  185462. [
  185463. "administrative",
  185464. "rtc - clean up",
  185465. "tcf0012419",
  185466. "bq1217",
  185467. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185468. ],
  185469. [
  185470. "administrative",
  185471. "rtc - clean up",
  185472. "tcf0012419",
  185473. "bq1217",
  185474. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185475. ],
  185476. [
  185477. "administrative",
  185478. "rtc - clean up",
  185479. "tcf0012419",
  185480. "bq1217",
  185481. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185482. ],
  185483. [
  185484. "administrative",
  185485. "rtc - clean up",
  185486. "tcf0012419",
  185487. "bq1217",
  185488. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185489. ],
  185490. [
  185491. "administrative",
  185492. "rtc - clean up",
  185493. "tcf0012419",
  185494. "bq1217",
  185495. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185496. ],
  185497. [
  185498. "administrative",
  185499. "rtc - clean up",
  185500. "tcf0012419",
  185501. "bq1217",
  185502. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185503. ],
  185504. [
  185505. "administrative",
  185506. "rtc - clean up",
  185507. "tcf0012419",
  185508. "bq1217",
  185509. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185510. ],
  185511. [
  185512. "administrative",
  185513. "rtc - clean up",
  185514. "tcf0012419",
  185515. "bq1217",
  185516. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185517. ],
  185518. [
  185519. "administrative",
  185520. "rtc - clean up",
  185521. "tcf0012419",
  185522. "bq1217",
  185523. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185524. ],
  185525. [
  185526. "administrative",
  185527. "rtc - clean up",
  185528. "tcf0012419",
  185529. "bq1217",
  185530. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185531. ],
  185532. [
  185533. "administrative",
  185534. "rtc - clean up",
  185535. "tcf0012419",
  185536. "bq1217",
  185537. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012419,bq1217"
  185538. ],
  185539. [
  185540. "administrative",
  185541. "rtc - clean up",
  185542. "tcf0012455",
  185543. "bq1256",
  185544. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012455,bq1256"
  185545. ],
  185546. [
  185547. "administrative",
  185548. "rtc - clean up",
  185549. "tcf0012455",
  185550. "bq1256",
  185551. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012455,bq1256"
  185552. ],
  185553. [
  185554. "administrative",
  185555. "rtc - clean up",
  185556. "tcf0012456",
  185557. "bq1257",
  185558. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185559. ],
  185560. [
  185561. "administrative",
  185562. "rtc - clean up",
  185563. "tcf0012456",
  185564. "bq1257",
  185565. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185566. ],
  185567. [
  185568. "administrative",
  185569. "rtc - clean up",
  185570. "tcf0012456",
  185571. "bq1257",
  185572. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185573. ],
  185574. [
  185575. "administrative",
  185576. "rtc - clean up",
  185577. "tcf0012456",
  185578. "bq1257",
  185579. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185580. ],
  185581. [
  185582. "administrative",
  185583. "rtc - clean up",
  185584. "tcf0012456",
  185585. "bq1257",
  185586. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185587. ],
  185588. [
  185589. "administrative",
  185590. "rtc - clean up",
  185591. "tcf0012456",
  185592. "bq1257",
  185593. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185594. ],
  185595. [
  185596. "administrative",
  185597. "rtc - clean up",
  185598. "tcf0012456",
  185599. "bq1257",
  185600. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185601. ],
  185602. [
  185603. "administrative",
  185604. "rtc - clean up",
  185605. "tcf0012456",
  185606. "bq1257",
  185607. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185608. ],
  185609. [
  185610. "administrative",
  185611. "rtc - clean up",
  185612. "tcf0012456",
  185613. "bq1257",
  185614. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185615. ],
  185616. [
  185617. "administrative",
  185618. "rtc - clean up",
  185619. "tcf0012456",
  185620. "bq1257",
  185621. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185622. ],
  185623. [
  185624. "administrative",
  185625. "rtc - clean up",
  185626. "tcf0012456",
  185627. "bq1257",
  185628. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185629. ],
  185630. [
  185631. "administrative",
  185632. "rtc - clean up",
  185633. "tcf0012456",
  185634. "bq1257",
  185635. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012456,bq1257"
  185636. ],
  185637. [
  185638. "administrative",
  185639. "rtc - clean up",
  185640. "tcf0012457",
  185641. "bq1258",
  185642. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185643. ],
  185644. [
  185645. "administrative",
  185646. "rtc - clean up",
  185647. "tcf0012457",
  185648. "bq1258",
  185649. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185650. ],
  185651. [
  185652. "administrative",
  185653. "rtc - clean up",
  185654. "tcf0012457",
  185655. "bq1258",
  185656. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185657. ],
  185658. [
  185659. "administrative",
  185660. "rtc - clean up",
  185661. "tcf0012457",
  185662. "bq1258",
  185663. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185664. ],
  185665. [
  185666. "administrative",
  185667. "rtc - clean up",
  185668. "tcf0012457",
  185669. "bq1258",
  185670. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185671. ],
  185672. [
  185673. "administrative",
  185674. "rtc - clean up",
  185675. "tcf0012457",
  185676. "bq1258",
  185677. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185678. ],
  185679. [
  185680. "administrative",
  185681. "rtc - clean up",
  185682. "tcf0012457",
  185683. "bq1258",
  185684. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185685. ],
  185686. [
  185687. "administrative",
  185688. "rtc - clean up",
  185689. "tcf0012457",
  185690. "bq1258",
  185691. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185692. ],
  185693. [
  185694. "administrative",
  185695. "rtc - clean up",
  185696. "tcf0012457",
  185697. "bq1258",
  185698. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185699. ],
  185700. [
  185701. "administrative",
  185702. "rtc - clean up",
  185703. "tcf0012457",
  185704. "bq1258",
  185705. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185706. ],
  185707. [
  185708. "administrative",
  185709. "rtc - clean up",
  185710. "tcf0012457",
  185711. "bq1258",
  185712. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185713. ],
  185714. [
  185715. "administrative",
  185716. "rtc - clean up",
  185717. "tcf0012457",
  185718. "bq1258",
  185719. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185720. ],
  185721. [
  185722. "administrative",
  185723. "rtc - clean up",
  185724. "tcf0012457",
  185725. "bq1258",
  185726. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185727. ],
  185728. [
  185729. "administrative",
  185730. "rtc - clean up",
  185731. "tcf0012457",
  185732. "bq1258",
  185733. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185734. ],
  185735. [
  185736. "administrative",
  185737. "rtc - clean up",
  185738. "tcf0012457",
  185739. "bq1258",
  185740. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012457,bq1258"
  185741. ],
  185742. [
  185743. "administrative",
  185744. "rtc - clean up",
  185745. "tcf0012458",
  185746. "bq1259",
  185747. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  185748. ],
  185749. [
  185750. "administrative",
  185751. "rtc - clean up",
  185752. "tcf0012458",
  185753. "bq1259",
  185754. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  185755. ],
  185756. [
  185757. "administrative",
  185758. "rtc - clean up",
  185759. "tcf0012458",
  185760. "bq1259",
  185761. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  185762. ],
  185763. [
  185764. "administrative",
  185765. "rtc - clean up",
  185766. "tcf0012458",
  185767. "bq1259",
  185768. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012458,bq1259"
  185769. ],
  185770. [
  185771. "administrative",
  185772. "rtc - clean up",
  185773. "tcf0012459",
  185774. "bq1260",
  185775. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185776. ],
  185777. [
  185778. "administrative",
  185779. "rtc - clean up",
  185780. "tcf0012459",
  185781. "bq1260",
  185782. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185783. ],
  185784. [
  185785. "administrative",
  185786. "rtc - clean up",
  185787. "tcf0012459",
  185788. "bq1260",
  185789. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185790. ],
  185791. [
  185792. "administrative",
  185793. "rtc - clean up",
  185794. "tcf0012459",
  185795. "bq1260",
  185796. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185797. ],
  185798. [
  185799. "administrative",
  185800. "rtc - clean up",
  185801. "tcf0012459",
  185802. "bq1260",
  185803. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185804. ],
  185805. [
  185806. "administrative",
  185807. "rtc - clean up",
  185808. "tcf0012459",
  185809. "bq1260",
  185810. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185811. ],
  185812. [
  185813. "administrative",
  185814. "rtc - clean up",
  185815. "tcf0012459",
  185816. "bq1260",
  185817. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185818. ],
  185819. [
  185820. "administrative",
  185821. "rtc - clean up",
  185822. "tcf0012459",
  185823. "bq1260",
  185824. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185825. ],
  185826. [
  185827. "administrative",
  185828. "rtc - clean up",
  185829. "tcf0012459",
  185830. "bq1260",
  185831. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185832. ],
  185833. [
  185834. "administrative",
  185835. "rtc - clean up",
  185836. "tcf0012459",
  185837. "bq1260",
  185838. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185839. ],
  185840. [
  185841. "administrative",
  185842. "rtc - clean up",
  185843. "tcf0012459",
  185844. "bq1260",
  185845. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185846. ],
  185847. [
  185848. "administrative",
  185849. "rtc - clean up",
  185850. "tcf0012459",
  185851. "bq1260",
  185852. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185853. ],
  185854. [
  185855. "administrative",
  185856. "rtc - clean up",
  185857. "tcf0012459",
  185858. "bq1260",
  185859. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185860. ],
  185861. [
  185862. "administrative",
  185863. "rtc - clean up",
  185864. "tcf0012459",
  185865. "bq1260",
  185866. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185867. ],
  185868. [
  185869. "administrative",
  185870. "rtc - clean up",
  185871. "tcf0012459",
  185872. "bq1260",
  185873. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185874. ],
  185875. [
  185876. "administrative",
  185877. "rtc - clean up",
  185878. "tcf0012459",
  185879. "bq1260",
  185880. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185881. ],
  185882. [
  185883. "administrative",
  185884. "rtc - clean up",
  185885. "tcf0012459",
  185886. "bq1260",
  185887. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185888. ],
  185889. [
  185890. "administrative",
  185891. "rtc - clean up",
  185892. "tcf0012459",
  185893. "bq1260",
  185894. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185895. ],
  185896. [
  185897. "administrative",
  185898. "rtc - clean up",
  185899. "tcf0012459",
  185900. "bq1260",
  185901. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185902. ],
  185903. [
  185904. "administrative",
  185905. "rtc - clean up",
  185906. "tcf0012459",
  185907. "bq1260",
  185908. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185909. ],
  185910. [
  185911. "administrative",
  185912. "rtc - clean up",
  185913. "tcf0012459",
  185914. "bq1260",
  185915. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185916. ],
  185917. [
  185918. "administrative",
  185919. "rtc - clean up",
  185920. "tcf0012459",
  185921. "bq1260",
  185922. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185923. ],
  185924. [
  185925. "administrative",
  185926. "rtc - clean up",
  185927. "tcf0012459",
  185928. "bq1260",
  185929. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185930. ],
  185931. [
  185932. "administrative",
  185933. "rtc - clean up",
  185934. "tcf0012459",
  185935. "bq1260",
  185936. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185937. ],
  185938. [
  185939. "administrative",
  185940. "rtc - clean up",
  185941. "tcf0012459",
  185942. "bq1260",
  185943. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185944. ],
  185945. [
  185946. "administrative",
  185947. "rtc - clean up",
  185948. "tcf0012459",
  185949. "bq1260",
  185950. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185951. ],
  185952. [
  185953. "administrative",
  185954. "rtc - clean up",
  185955. "tcf0012459",
  185956. "bq1260",
  185957. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185958. ],
  185959. [
  185960. "administrative",
  185961. "rtc - clean up",
  185962. "tcf0012459",
  185963. "bq1260",
  185964. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185965. ],
  185966. [
  185967. "administrative",
  185968. "rtc - clean up",
  185969. "tcf0012459",
  185970. "bq1260",
  185971. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185972. ],
  185973. [
  185974. "administrative",
  185975. "rtc - clean up",
  185976. "tcf0012459",
  185977. "bq1260",
  185978. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185979. ],
  185980. [
  185981. "administrative",
  185982. "rtc - clean up",
  185983. "tcf0012459",
  185984. "bq1260",
  185985. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185986. ],
  185987. [
  185988. "administrative",
  185989. "rtc - clean up",
  185990. "tcf0012459",
  185991. "bq1260",
  185992. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  185993. ],
  185994. [
  185995. "administrative",
  185996. "rtc - clean up",
  185997. "tcf0012459",
  185998. "bq1260",
  185999. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186000. ],
  186001. [
  186002. "administrative",
  186003. "rtc - clean up",
  186004. "tcf0012459",
  186005. "bq1260",
  186006. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186007. ],
  186008. [
  186009. "administrative",
  186010. "rtc - clean up",
  186011. "tcf0012459",
  186012. "bq1260",
  186013. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186014. ],
  186015. [
  186016. "administrative",
  186017. "rtc - clean up",
  186018. "tcf0012459",
  186019. "bq1260",
  186020. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186021. ],
  186022. [
  186023. "administrative",
  186024. "rtc - clean up",
  186025. "tcf0012459",
  186026. "bq1260",
  186027. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186028. ],
  186029. [
  186030. "administrative",
  186031. "rtc - clean up",
  186032. "tcf0012459",
  186033. "bq1260",
  186034. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186035. ],
  186036. [
  186037. "administrative",
  186038. "rtc - clean up",
  186039. "tcf0012459",
  186040. "bq1260",
  186041. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186042. ],
  186043. [
  186044. "administrative",
  186045. "rtc - clean up",
  186046. "tcf0012459",
  186047. "bq1260",
  186048. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186049. ],
  186050. [
  186051. "administrative",
  186052. "rtc - clean up",
  186053. "tcf0012459",
  186054. "bq1260",
  186055. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186056. ],
  186057. [
  186058. "administrative",
  186059. "rtc - clean up",
  186060. "tcf0012459",
  186061. "bq1260",
  186062. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186063. ],
  186064. [
  186065. "administrative",
  186066. "rtc - clean up",
  186067. "tcf0012459",
  186068. "bq1260",
  186069. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012459,bq1260"
  186070. ],
  186071. [
  186072. "administrative",
  186073. "rtc - clean up",
  186074. "tcf0012460",
  186075. "bq1261",
  186076. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186077. ],
  186078. [
  186079. "administrative",
  186080. "rtc - clean up",
  186081. "tcf0012460",
  186082. "bq1261",
  186083. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186084. ],
  186085. [
  186086. "administrative",
  186087. "rtc - clean up",
  186088. "tcf0012460",
  186089. "bq1261",
  186090. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186091. ],
  186092. [
  186093. "administrative",
  186094. "rtc - clean up",
  186095. "tcf0012460",
  186096. "bq1261",
  186097. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186098. ],
  186099. [
  186100. "administrative",
  186101. "rtc - clean up",
  186102. "tcf0012460",
  186103. "bq1261",
  186104. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186105. ],
  186106. [
  186107. "administrative",
  186108. "rtc - clean up",
  186109. "tcf0012460",
  186110. "bq1261",
  186111. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186112. ],
  186113. [
  186114. "administrative",
  186115. "rtc - clean up",
  186116. "tcf0012460",
  186117. "bq1261",
  186118. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186119. ],
  186120. [
  186121. "administrative",
  186122. "rtc - clean up",
  186123. "tcf0012460",
  186124. "bq1261",
  186125. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186126. ],
  186127. [
  186128. "administrative",
  186129. "rtc - clean up",
  186130. "tcf0012460",
  186131. "bq1261",
  186132. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186133. ],
  186134. [
  186135. "administrative",
  186136. "rtc - clean up",
  186137. "tcf0012460",
  186138. "bq1261",
  186139. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186140. ],
  186141. [
  186142. "administrative",
  186143. "rtc - clean up",
  186144. "tcf0012460",
  186145. "bq1261",
  186146. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186147. ],
  186148. [
  186149. "administrative",
  186150. "rtc - clean up",
  186151. "tcf0012460",
  186152. "bq1261",
  186153. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186154. ],
  186155. [
  186156. "administrative",
  186157. "rtc - clean up",
  186158. "tcf0012460",
  186159. "bq1261",
  186160. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186161. ],
  186162. [
  186163. "administrative",
  186164. "rtc - clean up",
  186165. "tcf0012460",
  186166. "bq1261",
  186167. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186168. ],
  186169. [
  186170. "administrative",
  186171. "rtc - clean up",
  186172. "tcf0012460",
  186173. "bq1261",
  186174. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186175. ],
  186176. [
  186177. "administrative",
  186178. "rtc - clean up",
  186179. "tcf0012460",
  186180. "bq1261",
  186181. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186182. ],
  186183. [
  186184. "administrative",
  186185. "rtc - clean up",
  186186. "tcf0012460",
  186187. "bq1261",
  186188. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186189. ],
  186190. [
  186191. "administrative",
  186192. "rtc - clean up",
  186193. "tcf0012460",
  186194. "bq1261",
  186195. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186196. ],
  186197. [
  186198. "administrative",
  186199. "rtc - clean up",
  186200. "tcf0012460",
  186201. "bq1261",
  186202. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186203. ],
  186204. [
  186205. "administrative",
  186206. "rtc - clean up",
  186207. "tcf0012460",
  186208. "bq1261",
  186209. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186210. ],
  186211. [
  186212. "administrative",
  186213. "rtc - clean up",
  186214. "tcf0012460",
  186215. "bq1261",
  186216. "administrative,rtc - clean up,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  186217. ],
  186218. [
  186219. "administrative",
  186220. "rtc - clean up",
  186221. "130790019",
  186222. "nan",
  186223. "administrative,rtc - clean up,130790019,nan"
  186224. ],
  186225. [
  186226. "administrative",
  186227. "rtc - clean up",
  186228. "130790020",
  186229. "nan",
  186230. "administrative,rtc - clean up,130790020,nan"
  186231. ],
  186232. [
  186233. "administrative",
  186234. "rtc - clean up",
  186235. "130790020",
  186236. "nan",
  186237. "administrative,rtc - clean up,130790020,nan"
  186238. ],
  186239. [
  186240. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186241. "ultramark, inc.",
  186242. "625087162",
  186243. "664830",
  186244. "rtc industries, inc.,ultramark, inc.,625087162,664830"
  186245. ],
  186246. [
  186247. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186248. "rtc industries, inc./sproulls, mary",
  186249. "625092623",
  186250. "806555",
  186251. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc industries, inc./sproulls, mary,625092623,806555"
  186252. ],
  186253. [
  186254. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186255. "adv. lillian hines",
  186256. "628332868",
  186257. "822948",
  186258. "rtc industries, inc.,adv. lillian hines,628332868,822948"
  186259. ],
  186260. [
  186261. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186262. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186263. "608475580",
  186264. "nan",
  186265. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,608475580,nan"
  186266. ],
  186267. [
  186268. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186269. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  186270. "608475580",
  186271. "nan",
  186272. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,608475580,nan"
  186273. ],
  186274. [
  186275. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186276. "ema, inc.",
  186277. "608475580",
  186278. "nan",
  186279. "rtc industries, inc.,ema, inc.,608475580,nan"
  186280. ],
  186281. [
  186282. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186283. "adv. eugene holtier",
  186284. "608475580",
  186285. "nan",
  186286. "rtc industries, inc.,adv. eugene holtier,608475580,nan"
  186287. ],
  186288. [
  186289. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186290. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186291. "608475582",
  186292. "nan",
  186293. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,608475582,nan"
  186294. ],
  186295. [
  186296. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186297. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186298. "608475583",
  186299. "nan",
  186300. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,608475583,nan"
  186301. ],
  186302. [
  186303. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186304. "adv. eugene holtier",
  186305. "608475583",
  186306. "nan",
  186307. "rtc industries, inc.,adv. eugene holtier,608475583,nan"
  186308. ],
  186309. [
  186310. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186311. "cormark, inc.",
  186312. "active file",
  186313. "nan",
  186314. "rtc industries, inc.,cormark, inc.,active file,nan"
  186315. ],
  186316. [
  186317. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186318. "raney, justin",
  186319. "active file",
  186320. "nan",
  186321. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  186322. ],
  186323. [
  186324. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186325. "raney, justin",
  186326. "active file",
  186327. "nan",
  186328. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  186329. ],
  186330. [
  186331. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186332. "raney, justin",
  186333. "active file",
  186334. "nan",
  186335. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  186336. ],
  186337. [
  186338. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186339. "raney, justin",
  186340. "active file",
  186341. "nan",
  186342. "rtc industries, inc.,raney, justin,active file,nan"
  186343. ],
  186344. [
  186345. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186346. "artitalia group",
  186347. "active file",
  186348. "nan",
  186349. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  186350. ],
  186351. [
  186352. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186353. "artitalia group",
  186354. "active file",
  186355. "nan",
  186356. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  186357. ],
  186358. [
  186359. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186360. "artitalia group",
  186361. "active file",
  186362. "nan",
  186363. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  186364. ],
  186365. [
  186366. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186367. "artitalia group",
  186368. "active file",
  186369. "nan",
  186370. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  186371. ],
  186372. [
  186373. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186374. "artitalia group",
  186375. "active file",
  186376. "nan",
  186377. "rtc industries, inc.,artitalia group,active file,nan"
  186378. ],
  186379. [
  186380. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186381. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  186382. "active file",
  186383. "nan",
  186384. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  186385. ],
  186386. [
  186387. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186388. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  186389. "active file",
  186390. "nan",
  186391. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  186392. ],
  186393. [
  186394. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186395. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  186396. "active file",
  186397. "nan",
  186398. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  186399. ],
  186400. [
  186401. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186402. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  186403. "active file",
  186404. "nan",
  186405. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  186406. ],
  186407. [
  186408. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186409. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  186410. "active file",
  186411. "nan",
  186412. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  186413. ],
  186414. [
  186415. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186416. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  186417. "active file",
  186418. "nan",
  186419. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  186420. ],
  186421. [
  186422. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186423. "discharge arbitration (herrera and salto)",
  186424. "active file",
  186425. "nan",
  186426. "rtc industries, inc.,discharge arbitration (herrera and salto),active file,nan"
  186427. ],
  186428. [
  186429. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186430. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  186431. "active file",
  186432. "nan",
  186433. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186434. ],
  186435. [
  186436. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186437. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  186438. "active file",
  186439. "nan",
  186440. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186441. ],
  186442. [
  186443. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186444. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  186445. "active file",
  186446. "nan",
  186447. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186448. ],
  186449. [
  186450. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186451. "salto, floriberto discharge arbitration",
  186452. "active file",
  186453. "nan",
  186454. "rtc industries, inc.,salto, floriberto discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186455. ],
  186456. [
  186457. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186458. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  186459. "active file",
  186460. "nan",
  186461. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186462. ],
  186463. [
  186464. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186465. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  186466. "active file",
  186467. "nan",
  186468. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186469. ],
  186470. [
  186471. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186472. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  186473. "active file",
  186474. "nan",
  186475. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186476. ],
  186477. [
  186478. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186479. "herrera, teresita discharge arbitration",
  186480. "active file",
  186481. "nan",
  186482. "rtc industries, inc.,herrera, teresita discharge arbitration,active file,nan"
  186483. ],
  186484. [
  186485. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186486. "2014 collective bargaining",
  186487. "active file",
  186488. "nan",
  186489. "rtc industries, inc.,2014 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  186490. ],
  186491. [
  186492. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186493. "2014 collective bargaining",
  186494. "active file",
  186495. "nan",
  186496. "rtc industries, inc.,2014 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  186497. ],
  186498. [
  186499. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186500. "2014 collective bargaining",
  186501. "active file",
  186502. "nan",
  186503. "rtc industries, inc.,2014 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  186504. ],
  186505. [
  186506. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186507. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  186508. "active file",
  186509. "nan",
  186510. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  186511. ],
  186512. [
  186513. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186514. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  186515. "active file",
  186516. "nan",
  186517. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  186518. ],
  186519. [
  186520. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186521. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  186522. "active file",
  186523. "nan",
  186524. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  186525. ],
  186526. [
  186527. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186528. "ffr merchandising, inc.",
  186529. "active file",
  186530. "nan",
  186531. "rtc industries, inc.,ffr merchandising, inc.,active file,nan"
  186532. ],
  186533. [
  186534. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186535. "china fire bureau matter",
  186536. "active file",
  186537. "nan",
  186538. "rtc industries, inc.,china fire bureau matter,active file,nan"
  186539. ],
  186540. [
  186541. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186542. "mzm s.a. de c.v. - claim",
  186543. "633154271",
  186544. "nan",
  186545. "rtc industries, inc.,mzm s.a. de c.v. - claim,633154271,nan"
  186546. ],
  186547. [
  186548. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186549. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186550. "633154271",
  186551. "nan",
  186552. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633154271,nan"
  186553. ],
  186554. [
  186555. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186556. "olay project arbitration",
  186557. "633154271",
  186558. "nan",
  186559. "rtc industries, inc.,olay project arbitration,633154271,nan"
  186560. ],
  186561. [
  186562. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186563. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  186564. "633154271",
  186565. "nan",
  186566. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633154271,nan"
  186567. ],
  186568. [
  186569. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186570. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186571. "633151190",
  186572. "nan",
  186573. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151190,nan"
  186574. ],
  186575. [
  186576. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186577. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186578. "633151190",
  186579. "nan",
  186580. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151190,nan"
  186581. ],
  186582. [
  186583. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186584. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186585. "633151190",
  186586. "nan",
  186587. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151190,nan"
  186588. ],
  186589. [
  186590. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186591. "2005 collective bargaining",
  186592. "633151200",
  186593. "nan",
  186594. "rtc industries, inc.,2005 collective bargaining,633151200,nan"
  186595. ],
  186596. [
  186597. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186598. "china matters",
  186599. "633151200",
  186600. "nan",
  186601. "rtc industries, inc.,china matters,633151200,nan"
  186602. ],
  186603. [
  186604. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186605. "gladys evans",
  186606. "633151200",
  186607. "nan",
  186608. "rtc industries, inc.,gladys evans,633151200,nan"
  186609. ],
  186610. [
  186611. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186612. "kenneth coleman",
  186613. "633151200",
  186614. "nan",
  186615. "rtc industries, inc.,kenneth coleman,633151200,nan"
  186616. ],
  186617. [
  186618. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186619. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186620. "633151200",
  186621. "nan",
  186622. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151200,nan"
  186623. ],
  186624. [
  186625. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186626. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186627. "633151200",
  186628. "nan",
  186629. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151200,nan"
  186630. ],
  186631. [
  186632. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186633. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186634. "633151200",
  186635. "nan",
  186636. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151200,nan"
  186637. ],
  186638. [
  186639. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186640. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  186641. "633151208",
  186642. "nan",
  186643. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633151208,nan"
  186644. ],
  186645. [
  186646. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186647. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  186648. "633151208",
  186649. "nan",
  186650. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633151208,nan"
  186651. ],
  186652. [
  186653. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186654. "rtc v. glenn walker",
  186655. "633151208",
  186656. "nan",
  186657. "rtc industries, inc.,rtc v. glenn walker,633151208,nan"
  186658. ],
  186659. [
  186660. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186661. "michael watson",
  186662. "633151208",
  186663. "nan",
  186664. "rtc industries, inc.,michael watson,633151208,nan"
  186665. ],
  186666. [
  186667. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186668. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186669. "633151213",
  186670. "nan",
  186671. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151213,nan"
  186672. ],
  186673. [
  186674. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186675. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186676. "633151213",
  186677. "nan",
  186678. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151213,nan"
  186679. ],
  186680. [
  186681. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186682. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186683. "633151213",
  186684. "nan",
  186685. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151213,nan"
  186686. ],
  186687. [
  186688. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186689. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186690. "633151227",
  186691. "nan",
  186692. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151227,nan"
  186693. ],
  186694. [
  186695. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186696. "john stalle discrimination claim",
  186697. "633151228",
  186698. "nan",
  186699. "rtc industries, inc.,john stalle discrimination claim,633151228,nan"
  186700. ],
  186701. [
  186702. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186703. "general labor and employment counseling",
  186704. "633151228",
  186705. "nan",
  186706. "rtc industries, inc.,general labor and employment counseling,633151228,nan"
  186707. ],
  186708. [
  186709. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186710. "ultramark, inc.",
  186711. "633151236",
  186712. "nan",
  186713. "rtc industries, inc.,ultramark, inc.,633151236,nan"
  186714. ],
  186715. [
  186716. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186717. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186718. "633151243",
  186719. "nan",
  186720. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151243,nan"
  186721. ],
  186722. [
  186723. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186724. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186725. "633151249",
  186726. "nan",
  186727. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151249,nan"
  186728. ],
  186729. [
  186730. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186731. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186732. "633151249",
  186733. "nan",
  186734. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151249,nan"
  186735. ],
  186736. [
  186737. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186738. "dci marketing and m. haddon",
  186739. "633151249",
  186740. "nan",
  186741. "rtc industries, inc.,dci marketing and m. haddon,633151249,nan"
  186742. ],
  186743. [
  186744. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186745. "rolling meadows, illinois",
  186746. "active file",
  186747. "nan",
  186748. "rtc industries, inc.,rolling meadows, illinois,active file,nan"
  186749. ],
  186750. [
  186751. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186752. "barb gierek",
  186753. "active file",
  186754. "nan",
  186755. "rtc industries, inc.,barb gierek,active file,nan"
  186756. ],
  186757. [
  186758. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186759. "kyle mcdonough",
  186760. "active file",
  186761. "nan",
  186762. "rtc industries, inc.,kyle mcdonough,active file,nan"
  186763. ],
  186764. [
  186765. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186766. "lawrence o'neill - employment agreement as coo",
  186767. "active file",
  186768. "nan",
  186769. "rtc industries, inc.,lawrence o'neill - employment agreement as coo,active file,nan"
  186770. ],
  186771. [
  186772. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186773. "michael poole",
  186774. "active file",
  186775. "nan",
  186776. "rtc industries, inc.,michael poole,active file,nan"
  186777. ],
  186778. [
  186779. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186780. "mark jerram",
  186781. "active file",
  186782. "nan",
  186783. "rtc industries, inc.,mark jerram,active file,nan"
  186784. ],
  186785. [
  186786. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186787. "2016 collective bargaining",
  186788. "active file",
  186789. "nan",
  186790. "rtc industries, inc.,2016 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  186791. ],
  186792. [
  186793. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186794. "2016 collective bargaining",
  186795. "active file",
  186796. "nan",
  186797. "rtc industries, inc.,2016 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  186798. ],
  186799. [
  186800. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186801. "2016 collective bargaining",
  186802. "active file",
  186803. "nan",
  186804. "rtc industries, inc.,2016 collective bargaining,active file,nan"
  186805. ],
  186806. [
  186807. "rtc industries, inc.",
  186808. "china fire bureau matter",
  186809. "active file",
  186810. "nan",
  186811. "rtc industries, inc.,china fire bureau matter,active file,nan"
  186812. ],
  186813. [
  186814. "starabilias, llc",
  186815. "adv. jonathan pratte",
  186816. "489813584",
  186817. "nan",
  186818. "starabilias, llc,adv. jonathan pratte,489813584,nan"
  186819. ],
  186820. [
  186821. "cartcraft company, the",
  186822. "formation and general corporate matters",
  186823. "719586785",
  186824. "13637363",
  186825. "cartcraft company, the,formation and general corporate matters,719586785,13637363"
  186826. ],
  186827. [
  186828. "cartcraft company, the",
  186829. "formation and general corporate matters",
  186830. "719580890",
  186831. "13637364",
  186832. "cartcraft company, the,formation and general corporate matters,719580890,13637364"
  186833. ],
  186834. [
  186835. "ge capital commercial finance, inc.",
  186836. "project deco due diligence",
  186837. "727768002",
  186838. "nan",
  186839. "ge capital commercial finance, inc.,project deco due diligence,727768002,nan"
  186840. ],
  186841. [
  186842. "general allocation file",
  186843. "bradley-burns local sales tax litigation",
  186844. "699685564",
  186845. "nan",
  186846. "general allocation file,bradley-burns local sales tax litigation,699685564,nan"
  186847. ],
  186848. [
  186849. "general allocation file",
  186850. "bradley-burns local sales tax litigation",
  186851. "699685565",
  186852. "nan",
  186853. "general allocation file,bradley-burns local sales tax litigation,699685565,nan"
  186854. ],
  186855. [
  186856. "washington mutual bank, n.a.",
  186857. "washington mutual adv. schwartz - release of lien case",
  186858. "521879769",
  186859. "sep-21",
  186860. "washington mutual bank, n.a.,washington mutual adv. schwartz - release of lien case,521879769,sep-21"
  186861. ],
  186862. [
  186863. "netbank, inc.",
  186864. "case administration",
  186865. "657796667",
  186866. "nan",
  186867. "netbank, inc.,case administration,657796667,nan"
  186868. ],
  186869. [
  186870. "netbank, inc.",
  186871. "case administration",
  186872. "657796668",
  186873. "nan",
  186874. "netbank, inc.,case administration,657796668,nan"
  186875. ],
  186876. [
  186877. "netbank, inc.",
  186878. "case administration",
  186879. "657796676",
  186880. "nan",
  186881. "netbank, inc.,case administration,657796676,nan"
  186882. ],
  186883. [
  186884. "netbank, inc.",
  186885. "business operations",
  186886. "755565945",
  186887. "nan",
  186888. "netbank, inc.,business operations,755565945,nan"
  186889. ],
  186890. [
  186891. "edison international",
  186892. "general counseling and prosecution",
  186893. "459068898",
  186894. "nan",
  186895. "edison international,general counseling and prosecution,459068898,nan"
  186896. ],
  186897. [
  186898. "southern california edison",
  186899. "tm/sm:us edison smartconnect in classes 9 and 38",
  186900. "active file",
  186901. "nan",
  186902. "southern california edison,tm/sm:us edison smartconnect in classes 9 and 38,active file,nan"
  186903. ],
  186904. [
  186905. "viacom outdoor",
  186906. "prtc advertising contract advice",
  186907. "428643933",
  186908. "nan",
  186909. "viacom outdoor,prtc advertising contract advice,428643933,nan"
  186910. ],
  186911. [
  186912. "jpmorgan chase bank, n.a.",
  186913. "fdic and other loan document assignment projects;",
  186914. "786423175",
  186915. "786423175",
  186916. "jpmorgan chase bank, n.a.,fdic and other loan document assignment projects;,786423175,786423175"
  186917. ],
  186918. [
  186919. "kaplan, sandra",
  186920. "co-trustee and beneficiary of max bergman estate",
  186921. "631769950",
  186922. "631769950",
  186923. "kaplan, sandra,co-trustee and beneficiary of max bergman estate,631769950,631769950"
  186924. ],
  186925. [
  186926. "pro-bono",
  186927. "fdic comment letter- the florida bar foundation",
  186928. "632025502",
  186929. "nan",
  186930. "pro-bono,fdic comment letter- the florida bar foundation,632025502,nan"
  186931. ],
  186932. [
  186933. "community service",
  186934. "jonathan buckland / andrew holness",
  186935. "443055596",
  186936. "443055596",
  186937. "community service,jonathan buckland / andrew holness,443055596,443055596"
  186938. ],
  186939. [
  186940. "royall, hardin, j., jr.",
  186941. "vs. fdic et al.",
  186942. "225349878",
  186943. "225349878",
  186944. "royall, hardin, j., jr.,vs. fdic et al.,225349878,225349878"
  186945. ],
  186946. [
  186947. "royall, hardin, j., jr.",
  186948. "vs. fdic et al.",
  186949. "788653110",
  186950. "nan",
  186951. "royall, hardin, j., jr.,vs. fdic et al.,788653110,nan"
  186952. ],
  186953. [
  186954. "legal department",
  186955. "pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  186956. "625588277",
  186957. "311084",
  186958. "legal department,pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,625588277,311084"
  186959. ],
  186960. [
  186961. "legal department",
  186962. "gc - chesterfield smith documents",
  186963. "513364262",
  186964. "513364262",
  186965. "legal department,gc - chesterfield smith documents,513364262,513364262"
  186966. ],
  186967. [
  186968. "legal department",
  186969. "pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  186970. "652544381",
  186971. "13176400",
  186972. "legal department,pr - prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,652544381,13176400"
  186973. ],
  186974. [
  186975. "legal department",
  186976. "pr - conflict of interest resolution",
  186977. "635765139",
  186978. "nan",
  186979. "legal department,pr - conflict of interest resolution,635765139,nan"
  186980. ],
  186981. [
  186982. "legal department",
  186983. "pr - conflict resolution related to holland & knight",
  186984. "635674400",
  186985. "nan",
  186986. "legal department,pr - conflict resolution related to holland & knight,635674400,nan"
  186987. ],
  186988. [
  186989. "legal department",
  186990. "gc - general counsel",
  186991. "755565991",
  186992. "nan",
  186993. "legal department,gc - general counsel,755565991,nan"
  186994. ],
  186995. [
  186996. "legal department",
  186997. "pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims",
  186998. "727771739",
  186999. "nan",
  187000. "legal department,pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims,727771739,nan"
  187001. ],
  187002. [
  187003. "legal department",
  187004. "pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims",
  187005. "active file",
  187006. "nan",
  187007. "legal department,pr - claims management - h&k with respect to claims,active file,nan"
  187008. ],
  187009. [
  187010. "legal department",
  187011. "gc - general counsel",
  187012. "844945338",
  187013. "nan",
  187014. "legal department,gc - general counsel,844945338,nan"
  187015. ],
  187016. [
  187017. "legal department",
  187018. "pr - loss prevention - general matters",
  187019. "768010718",
  187020. "nan",
  187021. "legal department,pr - loss prevention - general matters,768010718,nan"
  187022. ],
  187023. [
  187024. "nexus medical group, llc",
  187025. "lawsuit by cancel et al.",
  187026. "795105598",
  187027. "nan",
  187028. "nexus medical group, llc,lawsuit by cancel et al.,795105598,nan"
  187029. ],
  187030. [
  187031. "professional/personal",
  187032. "firm duties",
  187033. "719593620",
  187034. "95660",
  187035. "professional/personal,firm duties,719593620,95660"
  187036. ],
  187037. [
  187038. "professional/personal",
  187039. "firm activity",
  187040. "719581988",
  187041. "173665",
  187042. "professional/personal,firm activity,719581988,173665"
  187043. ],
  187044. [
  187045. "professional/personal",
  187046. "general promotional work",
  187047. "719589632",
  187048. "13085818",
  187049. "professional/personal,general promotional work,719589632,13085818"
  187050. ],
  187051. [
  187052. "professional/personal",
  187053. "professional liability",
  187054. "625583036",
  187055. "nan",
  187056. "professional/personal,professional liability,625583036,nan"
  187057. ],
  187058. [
  187059. "gorrin, alvaro",
  187060. "u.s. representation",
  187061. "652544292",
  187062. "43794",
  187063. "gorrin, alvaro,u.s. representation,652544292,43794"
  187064. ],
  187065. [
  187066. "duty free world",
  187067. "general corporate matters and entity maintenance",
  187068. "727768920",
  187069. "nan",
  187070. "duty free world,general corporate matters and entity maintenance,727768920,nan"
  187071. ],
  187072. [
  187073. "duty free world",
  187074. "general corporate matters and entity maintenance",
  187075. "727768920",
  187076. "nan",
  187077. "duty free world,general corporate matters and entity maintenance,727768920,nan"
  187078. ],
  187079. [
  187080. "auxiliary construction services, inc.",
  187081. "vs. federal deposit insurance corporation, et al.",
  187082. "225349878",
  187083. "225349878",
  187084. "auxiliary construction services, inc.,vs. federal deposit insurance corporation, et al.,225349878,225349878"
  187085. ],
  187086. [
  187087. "benfield blanch holdings, inc.",
  187088. "ulico casualty company litigation",
  187089. "489256275",
  187090. "1000295689",
  187091. "benfield blanch holdings, inc.,ulico casualty company litigation,489256275,1000295689"
  187092. ],
  187093. [
  187094. "mastec, inc., shanfelter, austin & weins",
  187095. "sec investigation",
  187096. "727770318",
  187097. "nan",
  187098. "mastec, inc., shanfelter, austin & weins,sec investigation,727770318,nan"
  187099. ],
  187100. [
  187101. "cgi technologies and solutions inc.",
  187102. "general corporate",
  187103. "rf037106701",
  187104. "nan",
  187105. "cgi technologies and solutions inc.,general corporate,rf037106701,nan"
  187106. ],
  187107. [
  187108. "intercontinental hotels group",
  187109. "crowne plaza - santiago, chile (disposition)",
  187110. "625427540",
  187111. "13150280",
  187112. "intercontinental hotels group,crowne plaza - santiago, chile (disposition),625427540,13150280"
  187113. ],
  187114. [
  187115. "plymouth rock transportation corporation",
  187116. "union proceedings",
  187117. "737332148",
  187118. "13078042",
  187119. "plymouth rock transportation corporation,union proceedings,737332148,13078042"
  187120. ],
  187121. [
  187122. "waller lansden dortch & davis, pllc",
  187123. "banctrust financial group",
  187124. "625584689",
  187125. "316180",
  187126. "waller lansden dortch & davis, pllc,banctrust financial group,625584689,316180"
  187127. ],
  187128. [
  187129. "beach bank",
  187130. "regulatory matters",
  187131. "460600789",
  187132. "13150099",
  187133. "beach bank,regulatory matters,460600789,13150099"
  187134. ],
  187135. [
  187136. "beach bank",
  187137. "regulatory matters",
  187138. "460600949",
  187139. "13150100",
  187140. "beach bank,regulatory matters,460600949,13150100"
  187141. ],
  187142. [
  187143. "beach bank",
  187144. "beach bank/sun america bank",
  187145. "460600809",
  187146. "13150102",
  187147. "beach bank,beach bank/sun america bank,460600809,13150102"
  187148. ],
  187149. [
  187150. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187151. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187152. "active file",
  187153. "nan",
  187154. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187155. ],
  187156. [
  187157. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187158. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187159. "active file",
  187160. "nan",
  187161. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187162. ],
  187163. [
  187164. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187165. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187166. "active file",
  187167. "nan",
  187168. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187169. ],
  187170. [
  187171. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187172. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187173. "active file",
  187174. "nan",
  187175. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187176. ],
  187177. [
  187178. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187179. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187180. "active file",
  187181. "nan",
  187182. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187183. ],
  187184. [
  187185. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187186. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187187. "active file",
  187188. "nan",
  187189. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187190. ],
  187191. [
  187192. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187193. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187194. "active file",
  187195. "nan",
  187196. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187197. ],
  187198. [
  187199. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187200. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187201. "active file",
  187202. "nan",
  187203. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187204. ],
  187205. [
  187206. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187207. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187208. "active file",
  187209. "nan",
  187210. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187211. ],
  187212. [
  187213. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187214. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187215. "active file",
  187216. "nan",
  187217. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187218. ],
  187219. [
  187220. "teachers' retirement system of the state",
  187221. "lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation",
  187222. "active file",
  187223. "nan",
  187224. "teachers' retirement system of the state,lpc/wateridge/lease for federal deposit insurance corporation,active file,nan"
  187225. ],
  187226. [
  187227. "gulf coast bank",
  187228. "organization and chartering of de novo bank in",
  187229. "553931229",
  187230. "553931229",
  187231. "gulf coast bank,organization and chartering of de novo bank in,553931229,553931229"
  187232. ],
  187233. [
  187234. "first national bank of durango",
  187235. "bank acquisition",
  187236. "625091806",
  187237. "808009",
  187238. "first national bank of durango,bank acquisition,625091806,808009"
  187239. ],
  187240. [
  187241. "orlando village development limited part",
  187242. "village of imagine - condominium development",
  187243. "657800410",
  187244. "nan",
  187245. "orlando village development limited part,village of imagine - condominium development,657800410,nan"
  187246. ],
  187247. [
  187248. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187249. "general intellectual property counseling",
  187250. "459070839",
  187251. "nan",
  187252. "stanley swain's, incorporated,general intellectual property counseling,459070839,nan"
  187253. ],
  187254. [
  187255. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187256. "tmus: artcard (green)",
  187257. "459070839",
  187258. "nan",
  187259. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (green),459070839,nan"
  187260. ],
  187261. [
  187262. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187263. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  187264. "392048087",
  187265. "nan",
  187266. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (42),392048087,nan"
  187267. ],
  187268. [
  187269. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187270. "tmus: artcard (gcc)",
  187271. "392048288",
  187272. "nan",
  187273. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (gcc),392048288,nan"
  187274. ],
  187275. [
  187276. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187277. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  187278. "392048288",
  187279. "nan",
  187280. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (42),392048288,nan"
  187281. ],
  187282. [
  187283. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187284. "tmus: artcard (wu) (square)",
  187285. "392048288",
  187286. "nan",
  187287. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (wu) (square),392048288,nan"
  187288. ],
  187289. [
  187290. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187291. "infr: allegany arts (artcard)",
  187292. "459070840",
  187293. "nan",
  187294. "stanley swain's, incorporated,infr: allegany arts (artcard),459070840,nan"
  187295. ],
  187296. [
  187297. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187298. "infr: austin museum of art (artcard)",
  187299. "459070840",
  187300. "nan",
  187301. "stanley swain's, incorporated,infr: austin museum of art (artcard),459070840,nan"
  187302. ],
  187303. [
  187304. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187305. "infr: artistree (dewittville ny) (artcard)",
  187306. "459070840",
  187307. "nan",
  187308. "stanley swain's, incorporated,infr: artistree (dewittville ny) (artcard),459070840,nan"
  187309. ],
  187310. [
  187311. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187312. "tmus: artcard (green)",
  187313. "391995369",
  187314. "nan",
  187315. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (green),391995369,nan"
  187316. ],
  187317. [
  187318. "stanley swain's, incorporated",
  187319. "tmus: artcard (42)",
  187320. "392048328",
  187321. "nan",
  187322. "stanley swain's, incorporated,tmus: artcard (42),392048328,nan"
  187323. ],
  187324. [
  187325. "resort clubs international, inc.",
  187326. "golfing club legal services",
  187327. "489668911",
  187328. "1001517079",
  187329. "resort clubs international, inc.,golfing club legal services,489668911,1001517079"
  187330. ],
  187331. [
  187332. "curtco/sb, llc",
  187333. "transfer of trademark matters from showmedia",
  187334. "719640603",
  187335. "116984",
  187336. "curtco/sb, llc,transfer of trademark matters from showmedia,719640603,116984"
  187337. ],
  187338. [
  187339. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency)",
  187340. "$40,000,000 loan to lionstone group",
  187341. "727770711",
  187342. "nan",
  187343. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency),$40,000,000 loan to lionstone group,727770711,nan"
  187344. ],
  187345. [
  187346. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency)",
  187347. "general real estate matters",
  187348. "727770711",
  187349. "nan",
  187350. "first bank of puerto rico (miami agency),general real estate matters,727770711,nan"
  187351. ],
  187352. [
  187353. "fremont investment & loan",
  187354. "istar participation pool (various loans)",
  187355. "459074061",
  187356. "nan",
  187357. "fremont investment & loan,istar participation pool (various loans),459074061,nan"
  187358. ],
  187359. [
  187360. "fremont investment & loan",
  187361. "istar ocean city participation agreement (950115011)",
  187362. "459070426",
  187363. "nan",
  187364. "fremont investment & loan,istar ocean city participation agreement (950115011),459070426,nan"
  187365. ],
  187366. [
  187367. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan",
  187368. "confidential investigation",
  187369. "614948414",
  187370. "nan",
  187371. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan,confidential investigation,614948414,nan"
  187372. ],
  187373. [
  187374. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan",
  187375. "confidential investigation",
  187376. "633151340",
  187377. "nan",
  187378. "north community bank f/k/a metropolitan,confidential investigation,633151340,nan"
  187379. ],
  187380. [
  187381. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  187382. "richmond",
  187383. "792945100",
  187384. "nan",
  187385. "cherokee investment partners llc,richmond,792945100,nan"
  187386. ],
  187387. [
  187388. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  187389. "richmond",
  187390. "792945100",
  187391. "nan",
  187392. "cherokee investment partners llc,richmond,792945100,nan"
  187393. ],
  187394. [
  187395. "cherokee investment partners llc",
  187396. "richmond",
  187397. "792945100",
  187398. "nan",
  187399. "cherokee investment partners llc,richmond,792945100,nan"
  187400. ],
  187401. [
  187402. "hormel, jamie r.",
  187403. "california probate estate",
  187404. "459070460",
  187405. "nan",
  187406. "hormel, jamie r.,california probate estate,459070460,nan"
  187407. ],
  187408. [
  187409. "capital one, national association",
  187410. "martco limited partnership",
  187411. "719608799",
  187412. "12622370",
  187413. "capital one, national association,martco limited partnership,719608799,12622370"
  187414. ],
  187415. [
  187416. "capital one, national association",
  187417. "martco limited partnership",
  187418. "719583221",
  187419. "13079524",
  187420. "capital one, national association,martco limited partnership,719583221,13079524"
  187421. ],
  187422. [
  187423. "capital one, national association",
  187424. "martco limited partnership",
  187425. "729268552",
  187426. "nan",
  187427. "capital one, national association,martco limited partnership,729268552,nan"
  187428. ],
  187429. [
  187430. "southeast financial holding corporation",
  187431. "family office bankshares/de novo bank",
  187432. "460603185",
  187433. "13176433",
  187434. "southeast financial holding corporation,family office bankshares/de novo bank,460603185,13176433"
  187435. ],
  187436. [
  187437. "everbank",
  187438. "everbank v. arizona federal, llc",
  187439. "999313506",
  187440. "999313506",
  187441. "everbank,everbank v. arizona federal, llc,999313506,999313506"
  187442. ],
  187443. [
  187444. "hudson housing capital, llc",
  187445. "seven maples",
  187446. "489669198",
  187447. "nan",
  187448. "hudson housing capital, llc,seven maples,489669198,nan"
  187449. ],
  187450. [
  187451. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona",
  187452. "real estate partnerships",
  187453. "632023243",
  187454. "nan",
  187455. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona,real estate partnerships,632023243,nan"
  187456. ],
  187457. [
  187458. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona",
  187459. "real estate partnerships",
  187460. "632023243",
  187461. "nan",
  187462. "resnicoff, vivian and the estate of dona,real estate partnerships,632023243,nan"
  187463. ],
  187464. [
  187465. "nan",
  187466. "nan",
  187467. "75814372",
  187468. "5960",
  187469. "nan,nan,75814372,5960"
  187470. ],
  187471. [
  187472. "nan",
  187473. "nan",
  187474. "544955413",
  187475. "6026",
  187476. "nan,nan,544955413,6026"
  187477. ],
  187478. [
  187479. "nan",
  187480. "nan",
  187481. "544955440",
  187482. "6029",
  187483. "nan,nan,544955440,6029"
  187484. ],
  187485. [
  187486. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  187487. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  187488. "155763246",
  187489. "104908",
  187490. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***, ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***,155763246,104908"
  187491. ],
  187492. [
  187493. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  187494. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***",
  187495. "155763223",
  187496. "104912",
  187497. " ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***, ***document destruction hold as of 4/27/10***,155763223,104912"
  187498. ],
  187499. [
  187500. "nan",
  187501. "nan",
  187502. "545403205",
  187503. "127243",
  187504. "nan,nan,545403205,127243"
  187505. ],
  187506. [
  187507. "nan",
  187508. "nan",
  187509. "545403184",
  187510. "127244",
  187511. "nan,nan,545403184,127244"
  187512. ],
  187513. [
  187514. "nan",
  187515. "nan",
  187516. "545403188",
  187517. "127245",
  187518. "nan,nan,545403188,127245"
  187519. ],
  187520. [
  187521. "nan",
  187522. "nan",
  187523. "545403211",
  187524. "127246",
  187525. "nan,nan,545403211,127246"
  187526. ],
  187527. [
  187528. "nan",
  187529. "nan",
  187530. "545403172",
  187531. "127247",
  187532. "nan,nan,545403172,127247"
  187533. ],
  187534. [
  187535. "nan",
  187536. "nan",
  187537. "545403174",
  187538. "127248",
  187539. "nan,nan,545403174,127248"
  187540. ],
  187541. [
  187542. "nan",
  187543. "nan",
  187544. "123393129",
  187545. "220191",
  187546. "nan,nan,123393129,220191"
  187547. ],
  187548. [
  187549. "nan",
  187550. "nan",
  187551. "626388837",
  187552. "273298",
  187553. "nan,nan,626388837,273298"
  187554. ],
  187555. [
  187556. "nan",
  187557. "nan",
  187558. "626388821",
  187559. "273301",
  187560. "nan,nan,626388821,273301"
  187561. ],
  187562. [
  187563. "nan",
  187564. "nan",
  187565. "155770142",
  187566. "273356",
  187567. "nan,nan,155770142,273356"
  187568. ],
  187569. [
  187570. "destroyed 3/5/08",
  187571. "destroyed 3/5/08",
  187572. "273640",
  187573. "273640",
  187574. "destroyed 3/5/08,destroyed 3/5/08,273640,273640"
  187575. ],
  187576. [
  187577. "nan",
  187578. "nan",
  187579. "626388832",
  187580. "274629",
  187581. "nan,nan,626388832,274629"
  187582. ],
  187583. [
  187584. "nan",
  187585. "nan",
  187586. "652673150",
  187587. "274656",
  187588. "nan,nan,652673150,274656"
  187589. ],
  187590. [
  187591. "nan",
  187592. "nan",
  187593. "652672936",
  187594. "274707",
  187595. "nan,nan,652672936,274707"
  187596. ],
  187597. [
  187598. "nan",
  187599. "nan",
  187600. "460494812",
  187601. "274781",
  187602. "nan,nan,460494812,274781"
  187603. ],
  187604. [
  187605. "nan",
  187606. "nan",
  187607. "155757888",
  187608. "274782",
  187609. "nan,nan,155757888,274782"
  187610. ],
  187611. [
  187612. "nan",
  187613. "nan",
  187614. "460494782",
  187615. "274785",
  187616. "nan,nan,460494782,274785"
  187617. ],
  187618. [
  187619. "nan",
  187620. "nan",
  187621. "460494773",
  187622. "274787",
  187623. "nan,nan,460494773,274787"
  187624. ],
  187625. [
  187626. "nan",
  187627. "nan",
  187628. "460494035",
  187629. "274788",
  187630. "nan,nan,460494035,274788"
  187631. ],
  187632. [
  187633. "nan",
  187634. "nan",
  187635. "728413498",
  187636. "274793",
  187637. "nan,nan,728413498,274793"
  187638. ],
  187639. [
  187640. "nan",
  187641. "nan",
  187642. "460494818",
  187643. "274795",
  187644. "nan,nan,460494818,274795"
  187645. ],
  187646. [
  187647. "nan",
  187648. "nan",
  187649. "545403097",
  187650. "274796",
  187651. "nan,nan,545403097,274796"
  187652. ],
  187653. [
  187654. "nan",
  187655. "nan",
  187656. "123393096",
  187657. "274873",
  187658. "nan,nan,123393096,274873"
  187659. ],
  187660. [
  187661. "nan",
  187662. "nan",
  187663. "543336565",
  187664. "368498",
  187665. "nan,nan,543336565,368498"
  187666. ],
  187667. [
  187668. "nan",
  187669. "nan",
  187670. "155761480",
  187671. "368510",
  187672. "nan,nan,155761480,368510"
  187673. ],
  187674. [
  187675. "nan",
  187676. "nan",
  187677. "543335208",
  187678. "368967",
  187679. "nan,nan,543335208,368967"
  187680. ],
  187681. [
  187682. "nan",
  187683. "nan",
  187684. "155765388",
  187685. "369290",
  187686. "nan,nan,155765388,369290"
  187687. ],
  187688. [
  187689. "nan",
  187690. "nan",
  187691. "543335107",
  187692. "606113",
  187693. "nan,nan,543335107,606113"
  187694. ],
  187695. [
  187696. "nan",
  187697. "nan",
  187698. "543335239",
  187699. "606154",
  187700. "nan,nan,543335239,606154"
  187701. ],
  187702. [
  187703. "nan",
  187704. "nan",
  187705. "543331601",
  187706. "606182",
  187707. "nan,nan,543331601,606182"
  187708. ],
  187709. [
  187710. "nan",
  187711. "nan",
  187712. "606310",
  187713. "606310",
  187714. "nan,nan,606310,606310"
  187715. ],
  187716. [
  187717. "nan",
  187718. "nan",
  187719. "544998843",
  187720. "606358",
  187721. "nan,nan,544998843,606358"
  187722. ],
  187723. [
  187724. "nan",
  187725. "nan",
  187726. "606504",
  187727. "606504",
  187728. "nan,nan,606504,606504"
  187729. ],
  187730. [
  187731. "nan",
  187732. "nan",
  187733. "606719",
  187734. "606719",
  187735. "nan,nan,606719,606719"
  187736. ],
  187737. [
  187738. "nan",
  187739. "nan",
  187740. "545005619",
  187741. "606727",
  187742. "nan,nan,545005619,606727"
  187743. ],
  187744. [
  187745. "nan",
  187746. "nan",
  187747. "545005591",
  187748. "606745",
  187749. "nan,nan,545005591,606745"
  187750. ],
  187751. [
  187752. "nan",
  187753. "nan",
  187754. "155757973",
  187755. "606984",
  187756. "nan,nan,155757973,606984"
  187757. ],
  187758. [
  187759. "nan",
  187760. "nan",
  187761. "460494761",
  187762. "607042",
  187763. "nan,nan,460494761,607042"
  187764. ],
  187765. [
  187766. "nan",
  187767. "nan",
  187768. "460493797",
  187769. "607120",
  187770. "nan,nan,460493797,607120"
  187771. ],
  187772. [
  187773. "nan",
  187774. "nan",
  187775. "123394138",
  187776. "607121",
  187777. "nan,nan,123394138,607121"
  187778. ],
  187779. [
  187780. "nan",
  187781. "nan",
  187782. "460494019",
  187783. "607172",
  187784. "nan,nan,460494019,607172"
  187785. ],
  187786. [
  187787. "nan",
  187788. "nan",
  187789. "545006299",
  187790. "607288",
  187791. "nan,nan,545006299,607288"
  187792. ],
  187793. [
  187794. "nan",
  187795. "nan",
  187796. "545006434",
  187797. "607290",
  187798. "nan,nan,545006434,607290"
  187799. ],
  187800. [
  187801. "nan",
  187802. "nan",
  187803. "607685",
  187804. "607685",
  187805. "nan,nan,607685,607685"
  187806. ],
  187807. [
  187808. "nan",
  187809. "nan",
  187810. "155661636",
  187811. "932143",
  187812. "nan,nan,155661636,932143"
  187813. ],
  187814. [
  187815. "nan",
  187816. "nan",
  187817. "652669801",
  187818. "932446",
  187819. "nan,nan,652669801,932446"
  187820. ],
  187821. [
  187822. "nan",
  187823. "nan",
  187824. "545006442",
  187825. "1106412",
  187826. "nan,nan,545006442,1106412"
  187827. ],
  187828. [
  187829. "nan",
  187830. "nan",
  187831. "1106477",
  187832. "1106477",
  187833. "nan,nan,1106477,1106477"
  187834. ],
  187835. [
  187836. "nan",
  187837. "nan",
  187838. "652672833",
  187839. "1106760",
  187840. "nan,nan,652672833,1106760"
  187841. ],
  187842. [
  187843. "nan",
  187844. "nan",
  187845. "1148460",
  187846. "1148460",
  187847. "nan,nan,1148460,1148460"
  187848. ],
  187849. [
  187850. "nan",
  187851. "nan",
  187852. "543337100",
  187853. "1174804",
  187854. "nan,nan,543337100,1174804"
  187855. ],
  187856. [
  187857. "nan",
  187858. "nan",
  187859. "544966633",
  187860. "1179551",
  187861. "nan,nan,544966633,1179551"
  187862. ],
  187863. [
  187864. "rtc-town street ltd.",
  187865. "none",
  187866. "89248090",
  187867. "654524",
  187868. "rtc-town street ltd.,none,89248090,654524"
  187869. ],
  187870. [
  187871. "fdic",
  187872. "vs. saldise",
  187873. "672025839",
  187874. "190904",
  187875. "fdic,vs. saldise,672025839,190904"
  187876. ],
  187877. [
  187878. "fdic",
  187879. "none",
  187880. "489535143",
  187881. "190952",
  187882. "fdic,none,489535143,190952"
  187883. ],
  187884. [
  187885. "overseas corporation",
  187886. "none",
  187887. "672022084",
  187888. "190953",
  187889. "overseas corporation,none,672022084,190953"
  187890. ],
  187891. [
  187892. "fslic",
  187893. "v. sonesta",
  187894. "672026274",
  187895. "190954",
  187896. "fslic,v. sonesta,672026274,190954"
  187897. ],
  187898. [
  187899. "rtc",
  187900. "none",
  187901. "672026328",
  187902. "316147",
  187903. "rtc,none,672026328,316147"
  187904. ],
  187905. [
  187906. "catalina homes",
  187907. "none",
  187908. "490619386",
  187909. "316505",
  187910. "catalina homes,none,490619386,316505"
  187911. ],
  187912. [
  187913. "rtc",
  187914. "none",
  187915. "460598098",
  187916. "155592",
  187917. "rtc,none,460598098,155592"
  187918. ],
  187919. [
  187920. "fdic",
  187921. "none",
  187922. "672026197",
  187923. "85771",
  187924. "fdic,none,672026197,85771"
  187925. ],
  187926. [
  187927. "general fdic",
  187928. "none",
  187929. "672030666",
  187930. "85821",
  187931. "general fdic,none,672030666,85821"
  187932. ],
  187933. [
  187934. "rtc/eisinger",
  187935. "none",
  187936. "672030666",
  187937. "85821",
  187938. "rtc/eisinger,none,672030666,85821"
  187939. ],
  187940. [
  187941. "walter & patricia snyder",
  187942. "none",
  187943. "460603983",
  187944. "210483",
  187945. "walter & patricia snyder,none,460603983,210483"
  187946. ],
  187947. [
  187948. "rtc v. holland & knight",
  187949. "none",
  187950. "489565001",
  187951. "155691",
  187952. "rtc v. holland & knight,none,489565001,155691"
  187953. ],
  187954. [
  187955. "rtc v. holland & knight",
  187956. "none",
  187957. "489565001",
  187958. "155691",
  187959. "rtc v. holland & knight,none,489565001,155691"
  187960. ],
  187961. [
  187962. "americana",
  187963. "rtc",
  187964. "50070",
  187965. "8383",
  187966. "americana,rtc,50070,8383"
  187967. ],
  187968. [
  187969. "first american bank & trust",
  187970. "none",
  187971. "489535567",
  187972. "174261",
  187973. "first american bank & trust,none,489535567,174261"
  187974. ],
  187975. [
  187976. "farm stores/rtc",
  187977. "none",
  187978. "174337",
  187979. "10555",
  187980. "farm stores/rtc,none,174337,10555"
  187981. ],
  187982. [
  187983. "rtc (england)",
  187984. "none",
  187985. "89251105",
  187986. "174374",
  187987. "rtc (england),none,89251105,174374"
  187988. ],
  187989. [
  187990. "fdic/fabt",
  187991. "none",
  187992. "489520935",
  187993. "114556",
  187994. "fdic/fabt,none,489520935,114556"
  187995. ],
  187996. [
  187997. "fdic",
  187998. "fabt general",
  187999. "489520935",
  188000. "114556",
  188001. "fdic,fabt general,489520935,114556"
  188002. ],
  188003. [
  188004. "fdic first american bank & trust",
  188005. "adv. lakeside regent",
  188006. "489520935",
  188007. "114556",
  188008. "fdic first american bank & trust,adv. lakeside regent,489520935,114556"
  188009. ],
  188010. [
  188011. "fdic first american bank & trust",
  188012. "adv. lakeside regent",
  188013. "489520935",
  188014. "114556",
  188015. "fdic first american bank & trust,adv. lakeside regent,489520935,114556"
  188016. ],
  188017. [
  188018. "fine jacobson, et al.",
  188019. "none",
  188020. "89249771",
  188021. "174445",
  188022. "fine jacobson, et al.,none,89249771,174445"
  188023. ],
  188024. [
  188025. "rtc",
  188026. "none",
  188027. "652553210",
  188028. "50026",
  188029. "rtc,none,652553210,50026"
  188030. ],
  188031. [
  188032. "fdic",
  188033. "rtc",
  188034. "460597586",
  188035. "50040",
  188036. "fdic,rtc,460597586,50040"
  188037. ],
  188038. [
  188039. "fdic",
  188040. "none",
  188041. "460597586",
  188042. "50040",
  188043. "fdic,none,460597586,50040"
  188044. ],
  188045. [
  188046. "fdic",
  188047. "rtc",
  188048. "460597586",
  188049. "50040",
  188050. "fdic,rtc,460597586,50040"
  188051. ],
  188052. [
  188053. "rtc",
  188054. "none",
  188055. "489337892",
  188056. "50042",
  188057. "rtc,none,489337892,50042"
  188058. ],
  188059. [
  188060. "rtc",
  188061. "fdic",
  188062. "489337892",
  188063. "50042",
  188064. "rtc,fdic,489337892,50042"
  188065. ],
  188066. [
  188067. "rtc",
  188068. "fdic",
  188069. "489337892",
  188070. "50042",
  188071. "rtc,fdic,489337892,50042"
  188072. ],
  188073. [
  188074. "fdic - commonwealth federal savings & loan appeal",
  188075. "none",
  188076. "652551445",
  188077. "186773",
  188078. "fdic - commonwealth federal savings & loan appeal,none,652551445,186773"
  188079. ],
  188080. [
  188081. "rtc vs. associated properties group",
  188082. "none",
  188083. "652551445",
  188084. "186773",
  188085. "rtc vs. associated properties group,none,652551445,186773"
  188086. ],
  188087. [
  188088. "rtc vs. associated properties group",
  188089. "none",
  188090. "652551445",
  188091. "186773",
  188092. "rtc vs. associated properties group,none,652551445,186773"
  188093. ],
  188094. [
  188095. "rtc vs. boca heights",
  188096. "none",
  188097. "652551445",
  188098. "186773",
  188099. "rtc vs. boca heights,none,652551445,186773"
  188100. ],
  188101. [
  188102. "rtc",
  188103. "professional fee claims",
  188104. "489520026",
  188105. "50146",
  188106. "rtc,professional fee claims,489520026,50146"
  188107. ],
  188108. [
  188109. "rtc vs. claude dorsey",
  188110. "none",
  188111. "489520026",
  188112. "50146",
  188113. "rtc vs. claude dorsey,none,489520026,50146"
  188114. ],
  188115. [
  188116. "rtc vs. tom huston, jr.",
  188117. "none",
  188118. "489520026",
  188119. "50146",
  188120. "rtc vs. tom huston, jr.,none,489520026,50146"
  188121. ],
  188122. [
  188123. "rtc vs. dorsy huston, mitchell & king",
  188124. "none",
  188125. "489520026",
  188126. "50146",
  188127. "rtc vs. dorsy huston, mitchell & king,none,489520026,50146"
  188128. ],
  188129. [
  188130. "rtc vs. first florida equities, ltd.",
  188131. "none",
  188132. "489520026",
  188133. "50146",
  188134. "rtc vs. first florida equities, ltd.,none,489520026,50146"
  188135. ],
  188136. [
  188137. "rtc vs. shepard king",
  188138. "none",
  188139. "489520026",
  188140. "50146",
  188141. "rtc vs. shepard king,none,489520026,50146"
  188142. ],
  188143. [
  188144. "rtc",
  188145. "ffe claims",
  188146. "489520026",
  188147. "50146",
  188148. "rtc,ffe claims,489520026,50146"
  188149. ],
  188150. [
  188151. "rtc vs. dorsey",
  188152. "none",
  188153. "489520026",
  188154. "50146",
  188155. "rtc vs. dorsey,none,489520026,50146"
  188156. ],
  188157. [
  188158. "rtc vs. houston, tom, jr.",
  188159. "none",
  188160. "489520026",
  188161. "50146",
  188162. "rtc vs. houston, tom, jr.,none,489520026,50146"
  188163. ],
  188164. [
  188165. "lah",
  188166. "none",
  188167. "45320",
  188168. "7471",
  188169. "lah,none,45320,7471"
  188170. ],
  188171. [
  188172. "rtc/barnett bank/allen mooris",
  188173. "none",
  188174. "489488145",
  188175. "114816",
  188176. "rtc/barnett bank/allen mooris,none,489488145,114816"
  188177. ],
  188178. [
  188179. "rtc/continental",
  188180. "none",
  188181. "489343969",
  188182. "118753",
  188183. "rtc/continental,none,489343969,118753"
  188184. ],
  188185. [
  188186. "rtc. vs. f.f.e",
  188187. "none",
  188188. "489520026",
  188189. "50146",
  188190. "rtc. vs. f.f.e,none,489520026,50146"
  188191. ],
  188192. [
  188193. "rtc",
  188194. "none",
  188195. "489520026",
  188196. "50146",
  188197. "rtc,none,489520026,50146"
  188198. ],
  188199. [
  188200. "rtc vs. canet",
  188201. "none",
  188202. "489520026",
  188203. "50146",
  188204. "rtc vs. canet,none,489520026,50146"
  188205. ],
  188206. [
  188207. "rtc vs. james r. mitchell",
  188208. "none",
  188209. "489520026",
  188210. "50146",
  188211. "rtc vs. james r. mitchell,none,489520026,50146"
  188212. ],
  188213. [
  188214. "fdic",
  188215. "fabt vs. associated mortgage investors",
  188216. "652544448",
  188217. "50151",
  188218. "fdic,fabt vs. associated mortgage investors,652544448,50151"
  188219. ],
  188220. [
  188221. "fdic vs. eastern shores medical center",
  188222. "none",
  188223. "489520003",
  188224. "50152",
  188225. "fdic vs. eastern shores medical center,none,489520003,50152"
  188226. ],
  188227. [
  188228. "centrust/rtc",
  188229. "none",
  188230. "672030730",
  188231. "45354",
  188232. "centrust/rtc,none,672030730,45354"
  188233. ],
  188234. [
  188235. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  188236. "none",
  188237. "460600146",
  188238. "118854",
  188239. "federal deposit insurance corp.,none,460600146,118854"
  188240. ],
  188241. [
  188242. "rtc/centrust",
  188243. "none",
  188244. "16446",
  188245. "16446",
  188246. "rtc/centrust,none,16446,16446"
  188247. ],
  188248. [
  188249. "rtc-william michael adkinson",
  188250. "none",
  188251. "652552579",
  188252. "49361",
  188253. "rtc-william michael adkinson,none,652552579,49361"
  188254. ],
  188255. [
  188256. "union credit bank",
  188257. "none",
  188258. "652552447",
  188259. "10848744",
  188260. "union credit bank,none,652552447,10848744"
  188261. ],
  188262. [
  188263. "union credit bank",
  188264. "none",
  188265. "489489643",
  188266. "10848745",
  188267. "union credit bank,none,489489643,10848745"
  188268. ],
  188269. [
  188270. "gab expense file",
  188271. "none",
  188272. "652552488",
  188273. "49430",
  188274. "gab expense file,none,652552488,49430"
  188275. ],
  188276. [
  188277. "nan",
  188278. "nan",
  188279. "490617297",
  188280. "365453",
  188281. "nan,nan,490617297,365453"
  188282. ],
  188283. [
  188284. "nan",
  188285. "nan",
  188286. "89175967",
  188287. "44571",
  188288. "nan,nan,89175967,44571"
  188289. ],
  188290. [
  188291. "nan",
  188292. "nan",
  188293. "489339848",
  188294. "12241749",
  188295. "nan,nan,489339848,12241749"
  188296. ],
  188297. [
  188298. "nan",
  188299. "nan",
  188300. "365486",
  188301. "5557",
  188302. "nan,nan,365486,5557"
  188303. ],
  188304. [
  188305. "nan",
  188306. "nan",
  188307. "460600587",
  188308. "11557972",
  188309. "nan,nan,460600587,11557972"
  188310. ],
  188311. [
  188312. "nan",
  188313. "nan",
  188314. "11557973",
  188315. "5883",
  188316. "nan,nan,11557973,5883"
  188317. ],
  188318. [
  188319. "nan",
  188320. "nan",
  188321. "489345268",
  188322. "11557974",
  188323. "nan,nan,489345268,11557974"
  188324. ],
  188325. [
  188326. "nan",
  188327. "nan",
  188328. "460600556",
  188329. "11557981",
  188330. "nan,nan,460600556,11557981"
  188331. ],
  188332. [
  188333. "amerifirst/rtc",
  188334. "none",
  188335. "652553386",
  188336. "49533",
  188337. "amerifirst/rtc,none,652553386,49533"
  188338. ],
  188339. [
  188340. "rtc/ensign phlb",
  188341. "none",
  188342. "672025813",
  188343. "190828",
  188344. "rtc/ensign phlb,none,672025813,190828"
  188345. ],
  188346. [
  188347. "nan",
  188348. "nan",
  188349. "625427708",
  188350. "365571",
  188351. "nan,nan,625427708,365571"
  188352. ],
  188353. [
  188354. "nan",
  188355. "nan",
  188356. "460604957",
  188357. "13004066",
  188358. "nan,nan,460604957,13004066"
  188359. ],
  188360. [
  188361. "rtc/tiffany square",
  188362. "none",
  188363. "49573",
  188364. "7905",
  188365. "rtc/tiffany square,none,49573,7905"
  188366. ],
  188367. [
  188368. "rtc vs. s.l. moore",
  188369. "none",
  188370. "49573",
  188371. "7905",
  188372. "rtc vs. s.l. moore,none,49573,7905"
  188373. ],
  188374. [
  188375. "rtc marabank savvings vs. heller",
  188376. "none",
  188377. "49573",
  188378. "7905",
  188379. "rtc marabank savvings vs. heller,none,49573,7905"
  188380. ],
  188381. [
  188382. "rtc/harmon envicon",
  188383. "none",
  188384. "49573",
  188385. "7905",
  188386. "rtc/harmon envicon,none,49573,7905"
  188387. ],
  188388. [
  188389. "rtc conser bell federal savings vs. nob hill",
  188390. "none",
  188391. "489493118",
  188392. "49574",
  188393. "rtc conser bell federal savings vs. nob hill,none,489493118,49574"
  188394. ],
  188395. [
  188396. "fdic vs. saldise",
  188397. "none",
  188398. "672025944",
  188399. "190901",
  188400. "fdic vs. saldise,none,672025944,190901"
  188401. ],
  188402. [
  188403. "fdic vs. saldise",
  188404. "none",
  188405. "672025839",
  188406. "190904",
  188407. "fdic vs. saldise,none,672025839,190904"
  188408. ],
  188409. [
  188410. "nan",
  188411. "nan",
  188412. "35865",
  188413. "3614",
  188414. "nan,nan,35865,3614"
  188415. ],
  188416. [
  188417. "robert chapman",
  188418. "none",
  188419. "652603569",
  188420. "365653",
  188421. "robert chapman,none,652603569,365653"
  188422. ],
  188423. [
  188424. "nan",
  188425. "nan",
  188426. "490622944",
  188427. "11060375",
  188428. "nan,nan,490622944,11060375"
  188429. ],
  188430. [
  188431. "nan",
  188432. "none",
  188433. "489535319",
  188434. "12807398",
  188435. "nan,none,489535319,12807398"
  188436. ],
  188437. [
  188438. "nan",
  188439. "none",
  188440. "489521224",
  188441. "12807295",
  188442. "nan,none,489521224,12807295"
  188443. ],
  188444. [
  188445. "nan",
  188446. "none",
  188447. "89251194",
  188448. "12876596",
  188449. "nan,none,89251194,12876596"
  188450. ],
  188451. [
  188452. "nan",
  188453. "nan",
  188454. "89251400",
  188455. "384321",
  188456. "nan,nan,89251400,384321"
  188457. ],
  188458. [
  188459. "nan",
  188460. "nan",
  188461. "652547573",
  188462. "35866",
  188463. "nan,nan,652547573,35866"
  188464. ],
  188465. [
  188466. "nan",
  188467. "nan",
  188468. "489566920",
  188469. "384322",
  188470. "nan,nan,489566920,384322"
  188471. ],
  188472. [
  188473. "nan",
  188474. "nan",
  188475. "652547633",
  188476. "365567",
  188477. "nan,nan,652547633,365567"
  188478. ],
  188479. [
  188480. "nan",
  188481. "nan",
  188482. "652547572",
  188483. "35867",
  188484. "nan,nan,652547572,35867"
  188485. ],
  188486. [
  188487. "birtcher financial services",
  188488. "none",
  188489. "11638213",
  188490. "6153",
  188491. "birtcher financial services,none,11638213,6153"
  188492. ],
  188493. [
  188494. "nan",
  188495. "nan",
  188496. "652544352",
  188497. "44796",
  188498. "nan,nan,652544352,44796"
  188499. ],
  188500. [
  188501. "rtc",
  188502. "ensign federal bank adv. state of florida dot",
  188503. "652606221",
  188504. "85557",
  188505. "rtc,ensign federal bank adv. state of florida dot,652606221,85557"
  188506. ],
  188507. [
  188508. "birtcher",
  188509. "none",
  188510. "14434",
  188511. "6238",
  188512. "birtcher,none,14434,6238"
  188513. ],
  188514. [
  188515. "financial federal saving and loan association",
  188516. "none",
  188517. "365684",
  188518. "6241",
  188519. "financial federal saving and loan association,none,365684,6241"
  188520. ],
  188521. [
  188522. "first consolidated bank texas",
  188523. "none",
  188524. "365684",
  188525. "6241",
  188526. "first consolidated bank texas,none,365684,6241"
  188527. ],
  188528. [
  188529. "fdic/commonwealth",
  188530. "none",
  188531. "365684",
  188532. "6241",
  188533. "fdic/commonwealth,none,365684,6241"
  188534. ],
  188535. [
  188536. "fdic",
  188537. "none",
  188538. "365684",
  188539. "6241",
  188540. "fdic,none,365684,6241"
  188541. ],
  188542. [
  188543. "fdic",
  188544. "none",
  188545. "365684",
  188546. "6241",
  188547. "fdic,none,365684,6241"
  188548. ],
  188549. [
  188550. "fdic",
  188551. "none",
  188552. "365684",
  188553. "6241",
  188554. "fdic,none,365684,6241"
  188555. ],
  188556. [
  188557. "fdic vs. taylor",
  188558. "none",
  188559. "89249269",
  188560. "85569",
  188561. "fdic vs. taylor,none,89249269,85569"
  188562. ],
  188563. [
  188564. "rtc",
  188565. "evergreen federal sears meeting 28028-1",
  188566. "89249269",
  188567. "85569",
  188568. "rtc,evergreen federal sears meeting 28028-1,89249269,85569"
  188569. ],
  188570. [
  188571. "rtc",
  188572. "professional saving bank",
  188573. "89252363",
  188574. "85578",
  188575. "rtc,professional saving bank,89252363,85578"
  188576. ],
  188577. [
  188578. "rtc",
  188579. "professional savings",
  188580. "89252417",
  188581. "85587",
  188582. "rtc,professional savings,89252417,85587"
  188583. ],
  188584. [
  188585. "rtc",
  188586. "none",
  188587. "489488669",
  188588. "12130045",
  188589. "rtc,none,489488669,12130045"
  188590. ],
  188591. [
  188592. "fdic",
  188593. "none",
  188594. "460605052",
  188595. "12130048",
  188596. "fdic,none,460605052,12130048"
  188597. ],
  188598. [
  188599. "fdic",
  188600. "none",
  188601. "489534432",
  188602. "12269065",
  188603. "fdic,none,489534432,12269065"
  188604. ],
  188605. [
  188606. "rtc",
  188607. "none",
  188608. "489339939",
  188609. "12130071",
  188610. "rtc,none,489339939,12130071"
  188611. ],
  188612. [
  188613. "nan",
  188614. "nan",
  188615. "489534400",
  188616. "12807130",
  188617. "nan,nan,489534400,12807130"
  188618. ],
  188619. [
  188620. "nan",
  188621. "nan",
  188622. "35865",
  188623. "3614",
  188624. "nan,nan,35865,3614"
  188625. ],
  188626. [
  188627. "rtc adv. dot",
  188628. "none",
  188629. "12326093",
  188630. "6520",
  188631. "rtc adv. dot,none,12326093,6520"
  188632. ],
  188633. [
  188634. "jce rtc",
  188635. "none",
  188636. "489534410",
  188637. "12372814",
  188638. "jce rtc,none,489534410,12372814"
  188639. ],
  188640. [
  188641. "jce rtc",
  188642. "none",
  188643. "490615740",
  188644. "12372815",
  188645. "jce rtc,none,490615740,12372815"
  188646. ],
  188647. [
  188648. "jce rtc",
  188649. "none",
  188650. "490617457",
  188651. "12372819",
  188652. "jce rtc,none,490617457,12372819"
  188653. ],
  188654. [
  188655. "jce rtc",
  188656. "none",
  188657. "489519570",
  188658. "12372820",
  188659. "jce rtc,none,489519570,12372820"
  188660. ],
  188661. [
  188662. "jce rtc",
  188663. "none",
  188664. "489519557",
  188665. "12372821",
  188666. "jce rtc,none,489519557,12372821"
  188667. ],
  188668. [
  188669. "jce rtc",
  188670. "none",
  188671. "652600201",
  188672. "12372822",
  188673. "jce rtc,none,652600201,12372822"
  188674. ],
  188675. [
  188676. "rtc",
  188677. "none",
  188678. "672025681",
  188679. "85673",
  188680. "rtc,none,672025681,85673"
  188681. ],
  188682. [
  188683. "rtc",
  188684. "none",
  188685. "672025677",
  188686. "85674",
  188687. "rtc,none,672025677,85674"
  188688. ],
  188689. [
  188690. "home/vernon 11/18/88",
  188691. "none",
  188692. "460603197",
  188693. "12377406",
  188694. "home/vernon 11/18/88,none,460603197,12377406"
  188695. ],
  188696. [
  188697. "home/vernon 11/18/88",
  188698. "none",
  188699. "460600827",
  188700. "12377408",
  188701. "home/vernon 11/18/88,none,460600827,12377408"
  188702. ],
  188703. [
  188704. "fslic v. robert c. jacoby",
  188705. "none",
  188706. "489342880",
  188707. "12397977",
  188708. "fslic v. robert c. jacoby,none,489342880,12397977"
  188709. ],
  188710. [
  188711. "bagdan",
  188712. "in re: perlman",
  188713. "625426739",
  188714. "10888020",
  188715. "bagdan,in re: perlman,625426739,10888020"
  188716. ],
  188717. [
  188718. "blank rome",
  188719. "none",
  188720. "43474",
  188721. "6895",
  188722. "blank rome,none,43474,6895"
  188723. ],
  188724. [
  188725. "union credit bank",
  188726. "none",
  188727. "489337974",
  188728. "10888178",
  188729. "union credit bank,none,489337974,10888178"
  188730. ],
  188731. [
  188732. "files",
  188733. "files",
  188734. "652552491",
  188735. "11360563",
  188736. "files,files,652552491,11360563"
  188737. ],
  188738. [
  188739. "none",
  188740. "none",
  188741. "30831",
  188742. "30831",
  188743. "none,none,30831,30831"
  188744. ],
  188745. [
  188746. "none listed",
  188747. "none listed",
  188748. "489489560",
  188749. "11516951",
  188750. "none listed,none listed,489489560,11516951"
  188751. ],
  188752. [
  188753. "rtc investments, inc.",
  188754. "none",
  188755. "652545151",
  188756. "11516984",
  188757. "rtc investments, inc.,none,652545151,11516984"
  188758. ],
  188759. [
  188760. "miscellaneous",
  188761. "miscellaneous",
  188762. "490614957",
  188763. "11638461",
  188764. "miscellaneous,miscellaneous,490614957,11638461"
  188765. ],
  188766. [
  188767. "nortel",
  188768. "smartcom",
  188769. "489521140",
  188770. "12006685",
  188771. "nortel,smartcom,489521140,12006685"
  188772. ],
  188773. [
  188774. "miscellaneous correspondence",
  188775. "nan",
  188776. "489492280",
  188777. "12066514",
  188778. "miscellaneous correspondence,nan,489492280,12066514"
  188779. ],
  188780. [
  188781. "fdic v. dickeman",
  188782. "none",
  188783. "12129798",
  188784. "33897",
  188785. "fdic v. dickeman,none,12129798,33897"
  188786. ],
  188787. [
  188788. "mastec, inc.",
  188789. "artcom technologies",
  188790. "460603968",
  188791. "12241871",
  188792. "mastec, inc.,artcom technologies,460603968,12241871"
  188793. ],
  188794. [
  188795. "smartcom",
  188796. "cellular phones",
  188797. "489520047",
  188798. "12372884",
  188799. "smartcom,cellular phones,489520047,12372884"
  188800. ],
  188801. [
  188802. "samsung",
  188803. "smartcom",
  188804. "489520047",
  188805. "12372884",
  188806. "samsung,smartcom,489520047,12372884"
  188807. ],
  188808. [
  188809. "ge capital",
  188810. "miscellaneous",
  188811. "727769984",
  188812. "12397949",
  188813. "ge capital,miscellaneous,727769984,12397949"
  188814. ],
  188815. [
  188816. "chicago title insurance company",
  188817. "opinion regarding fdic insurance",
  188818. "490618324",
  188819. "12398073",
  188820. "chicago title insurance company,opinion regarding fdic insurance,490618324,12398073"
  188821. ],
  188822. [
  188823. "rccl, ltd.",
  188824. "fdic insurance research",
  188825. "460603415",
  188826. "12951466",
  188827. "rccl, ltd.,fdic insurance research,460603415,12951466"
  188828. ],
  188829. [
  188830. "rccl",
  188831. "direct deposit (fdic insurance research) trust structure",
  188832. "460603415",
  188833. "12951466",
  188834. "rccl,direct deposit (fdic insurance research) trust structure,460603415,12951466"
  188835. ],
  188836. [
  188837. "chesterfield smith",
  188838. "special project",
  188839. "12982257",
  188840. "41625",
  188841. "chesterfield smith,special project,12982257,41625"
  188842. ],
  188843. [
  188844. "csonger, desider",
  188845. "appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corporation.",
  188846. "nan",
  188847. "nan",
  188848. "csonger, desider,appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corporation.,nan,nan"
  188849. ],
  188850. [
  188851. "regency park apartments",
  188852. "fdic settlement (vol. 1)",
  188853. "719632447",
  188854. "752396",
  188855. "regency park apartments,fdic settlement (vol. 1),719632447,752396"
  188856. ],
  188857. [
  188858. "regency park apartments limited partnership",
  188859. "fdic settlement (vol. ii) - docs.",
  188860. "719627792",
  188861. "751047",
  188862. "regency park apartments limited partnership,fdic settlement (vol. ii) - docs.,719627792,751047"
  188863. ],
  188864. [
  188865. "comfed",
  188866. "comfed rtc representation.",
  188867. "719643309",
  188868. "743642",
  188869. "comfed,comfed rtc representation.,719643309,743642"
  188870. ],
  188871. [
  188872. "patriot bancorporation",
  188873. "commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).",
  188874. "4.9555e+11",
  188875. "nan",
  188876. "patriot bancorporation,commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).,4.9555e+11,nan"
  188877. ],
  188878. [
  188879. "deutch, samayla d. nonbillable",
  188880. "fdic/rtc contractor",
  188881. "nan",
  188882. "nan",
  188883. "deutch, samayla d. nonbillable,fdic/rtc contractor,nan,nan"
  188884. ],
  188885. [
  188886. "watertown savings bank",
  188887. "fdic purchase -first american bank loans",
  188888. "nan",
  188889. "nan",
  188890. "watertown savings bank,fdic purchase -first american bank loans,nan,nan"
  188891. ],
  188892. [
  188893. "fernberg, richard",
  188894. "litigation -",
  188895. "719628628",
  188896. "750696",
  188897. "fernberg, richard,litigation -,719628628,750696"
  188898. ],
  188899. [
  188900. "fernberg, richard",
  188901. "litigation -",
  188902. "719628902",
  188903. "752674",
  188904. "fernberg, richard,litigation -,719628902,752674"
  188905. ],
  188906. [
  188907. "security mortgage corporation",
  188908. "mortgage loan to: william n. dortch & patricia a. foley - 190 beacon st., boston, ma",
  188909. "546291986",
  188910. "738001",
  188911. "security mortgage corporation,mortgage loan to: william n. dortch & patricia a. foley - 190 beacon st., boston, ma,546291986,738001"
  188912. ],
  188913. [
  188914. "duffy bros. construction co., inc.",
  188915. "fdic",
  188916. "719623560",
  188917. "740017",
  188918. "duffy bros. construction co., inc.,fdic,719623560,740017"
  188919. ],
  188920. [
  188921. "stoller, robert",
  188922. "personal - pleadings in fdic case & appeal - pet's trial notebook",
  188923. "719624489",
  188924. "741552",
  188925. "stoller, robert,personal - pleadings in fdic case & appeal - pet's trial notebook,719624489,741552"
  188926. ],
  188927. [
  188928. "stoller, robert",
  188929. "personal -",
  188930. "719624143",
  188931. "741545",
  188932. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624143,741545"
  188933. ],
  188934. [
  188935. "stoller, robert",
  188936. "personal -",
  188937. "719624158",
  188938. "741556",
  188939. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  188940. ],
  188941. [
  188942. "stoller, robert",
  188943. "personal -",
  188944. "719624158",
  188945. "741556",
  188946. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  188947. ],
  188948. [
  188949. "stoller, robert",
  188950. "personal -",
  188951. "719625567",
  188952. "741512",
  188953. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  188954. ],
  188955. [
  188956. "stoller, robert",
  188957. "personal -",
  188958. "719625567",
  188959. "741512",
  188960. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  188961. ],
  188962. [
  188963. "stoller, robert",
  188964. "personal -",
  188965. "719624142",
  188966. "741553",
  188967. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  188968. ],
  188969. [
  188970. "stoller, robert",
  188971. "personal -",
  188972. "719624142",
  188973. "741553",
  188974. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  188975. ],
  188976. [
  188977. "stoller, robert",
  188978. "personal -",
  188979. "719624151",
  188980. "741546",
  188981. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624151,741546"
  188982. ],
  188983. [
  188984. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  188985. "perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -",
  188986. "546291814",
  188987. "738518",
  188988. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -,546291814,738518"
  188989. ],
  188990. [
  188991. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  188992. "viola - rmy working file",
  188993. "546291814",
  188994. "738518",
  188995. "federal deposit insurance corporation,viola - rmy working file,546291814,738518"
  188996. ],
  188997. [
  188998. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  188999. "malden trust",
  189000. "546291814",
  189001. "738518",
  189002. "federal deposit insurance corporation,malden trust,546291814,738518"
  189003. ],
  189004. [
  189005. "federal deposit insurance corporations",
  189006. "weiner",
  189007. "546291814",
  189008. "738518",
  189009. "federal deposit insurance corporations,weiner,546291814,738518"
  189010. ],
  189011. [
  189012. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189013. "hoffman",
  189014. "546291814",
  189015. "738518",
  189016. "federal deposit insurance corporation,hoffman,546291814,738518"
  189017. ],
  189018. [
  189019. "asea brown boveri a/k/a/ combustion engineering - ceil",
  189020. "fdic vs. combustion engineering et al: original pleadings, law re: guarantee, memoranda, billing, misc., notes, pleadings, law, misc. igm docs.",
  189021. "719629333",
  189022. "750948",
  189023. "asea brown boveri a/k/a/ combustion engineering - ceil,fdic vs. combustion engineering et al: original pleadings, law re: guarantee, memoranda, billing, misc., notes, pleadings, law, misc. igm docs.,719629333,750948"
  189024. ],
  189025. [
  189026. "asea brown boveri",
  189027. "fdic v. combustion engineering et al.: corres. thru 11/30/92, corres. from 12/1/92, client papers #1, client papers #2",
  189028. "719629333",
  189029. "750948",
  189030. "asea brown boveri,fdic v. combustion engineering et al.: corres. thru 11/30/92, corres. from 12/1/92, client papers #1, client papers #2,719629333,750948"
  189031. ],
  189032. [
  189033. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189034. "betmilsen",
  189035. "546295200",
  189036. "738296",
  189037. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,betmilsen,546295200,738296"
  189038. ],
  189039. [
  189040. "tower development assoc.",
  189041. "ltd. partnership agreement (fdic foreclosure): corres; fdic financial statement; law; misc; notes & memos",
  189042. "719605993",
  189043. "188608",
  189044. "tower development assoc.,ltd. partnership agreement (fdic foreclosure): corres; fdic financial statement; law; misc; notes & memos,719605993,188608"
  189045. ],
  189046. [
  189047. "villausa",
  189048. "corporate & general: fdic/bob; commitment letter; corporate docs; mlc; note; mortgage; assignment of leases; remediation agreement; property description; title insurance; survey and report; environmental indemnity; insurance; leases; enforceability opinion; zoning opinion; cert. re financial affairs; broker letter; 6(d); assignment of beneficial interest to villausa; deed; mortgage & security agreement",
  189049. "719632529",
  189050. "748973",
  189051. "villausa,corporate & general: fdic/bob; commitment letter; corporate docs; mlc; note; mortgage; assignment of leases; remediation agreement; property description; title insurance; survey and report; environmental indemnity; insurance; leases; enforceability opinion; zoning opinion; cert. re financial affairs; broker letter; 6(d); assignment of beneficial interest to villausa; deed; mortgage & security agreement,719632529,748973"
  189052. ],
  189053. [
  189054. "asea brown boveri",
  189055. "fdic vs. combustion engineering: corres; memos; pleadings; notes; fdic; legal notes",
  189056. "719632391",
  189057. "749740",
  189058. "asea brown boveri,fdic vs. combustion engineering: corres; memos; pleadings; notes; fdic; legal notes,719632391,749740"
  189059. ],
  189060. [
  189061. "edgar, daniel g.",
  189062. "dartmouth bancorp - the insurance exchange, inc. -",
  189063. "719624969",
  189064. "743967",
  189065. "edgar, daniel g.,dartmouth bancorp - the insurance exchange, inc. -,719624969,743967"
  189066. ],
  189067. [
  189068. "fdic as receiver for bne",
  189069. "mcclutchy, et al. v. fdic: gpk work file",
  189070. "719623344",
  189071. "738655",
  189072. "fdic as receiver for bne,mcclutchy, et al. v. fdic: gpk work file,719623344,738655"
  189073. ],
  189074. [
  189075. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  189076. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: billing, misc., client docs; james deposition transcript; james deposition exhibits; extra copies - misc. docs produced by james",
  189077. "546291596",
  189078. "751787",
  189079. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.,nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: billing, misc., client docs; james deposition transcript; james deposition exhibits; extra copies - misc. docs produced by james,546291596,751787"
  189080. ],
  189081. [
  189082. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  189083. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: corres; pleadings (u.s.d.c.); pleadings (probate court); orig. discovery pleadings; notes; memoranda; legal research; drafts",
  189084. "546291596",
  189085. "751787",
  189086. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.,nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: corres; pleadings (u.s.d.c.); pleadings (probate court); orig. discovery pleadings; notes; memoranda; legal research; drafts,546291596,751787"
  189087. ],
  189088. [
  189089. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  189090. "nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: pleadings usdc, c.a. no. 92-10675h",
  189091. "546291596",
  189092. "751787",
  189093. "federal deposit insurance corp.,nancy james - defense of claim vs. bne: pleadings usdc, c.a. no. 92-10675h,546291596,751787"
  189094. ],
  189095. [
  189096. "fdic - federal deposit insurance",
  189097. "plaid corporation: orig. deed",
  189098. "737329282",
  189099. "739100",
  189100. "fdic - federal deposit insurance,plaid corporation: orig. deed,737329282,739100"
  189101. ],
  189102. [
  189103. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189104. "chestnut hill country club: copy of recorded deed",
  189105. "737329282",
  189106. "739100",
  189107. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,chestnut hill country club: copy of recorded deed,737329282,739100"
  189108. ],
  189109. [
  189110. "tocci corporation",
  189111. "subcontractor claims - fdic & hotel & xarras",
  189112. "546295009",
  189113. "737972",
  189114. "tocci corporation,subcontractor claims - fdic & hotel & xarras,546295009,737972"
  189115. ],
  189116. [
  189117. "fdic - liquidating agent of eliot savings bank",
  189118. "general",
  189119. "719631497",
  189120. "748254",
  189121. "fdic - liquidating agent of eliot savings bank,general,719631497,748254"
  189122. ],
  189123. [
  189124. "eliot savings bank",
  189125. "copies of walsh related materials sent to fdic ny counsel",
  189126. "546291593",
  189127. "753262",
  189128. "eliot savings bank,copies of walsh related materials sent to fdic ny counsel,546291593,753262"
  189129. ],
  189130. [
  189131. "eliot savings bank",
  189132. "fdic investigation as receiver - igm & nsh working files",
  189133. "719626172",
  189134. "753607",
  189135. "eliot savings bank,fdic investigation as receiver - igm & nsh working files,719626172,753607"
  189136. ],
  189137. [
  189138. "eliot savings bank",
  189139. "fdic copies requested by ny counsel",
  189140. "546291558",
  189141. "753236",
  189142. "eliot savings bank,fdic copies requested by ny counsel,546291558,753236"
  189143. ],
  189144. [
  189145. "eliot savings bank",
  189146. "kettle point development - copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel re: $7,050,000.00 loan to kettle point development",
  189147. "546285349",
  189148. "753266",
  189149. "eliot savings bank,kettle point development - copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel re: $7,050,000.00 loan to kettle point development,546285349,753266"
  189150. ],
  189151. [
  189152. "eliot savings bank",
  189153. "fdic copies of documents requested by ny counsel",
  189154. "546291562",
  189155. "753232",
  189156. "eliot savings bank,fdic copies of documents requested by ny counsel,546291562,753232"
  189157. ],
  189158. [
  189159. "eliot savings bank",
  189160. "fdic copies requested by new york counsel",
  189161. "546285310",
  189162. "753249",
  189163. "eliot savings bank,fdic copies requested by new york counsel,546285310,753249"
  189164. ],
  189165. [
  189166. "eliot savings bank",
  189167. "desmond - strawberry hill, south dartmouth, & chestnut st.: copies of docs sent to n.y. counsel of fdic",
  189168. "719626152",
  189169. "753600",
  189170. "eliot savings bank,desmond - strawberry hill, south dartmouth, & chestnut st.: copies of docs sent to n.y. counsel of fdic,719626152,753600"
  189171. ],
  189172. [
  189173. "eliot savings bank",
  189174. "heritage hills apartments - copies of docs sent of fdic n.y. counsel",
  189175. "719626152",
  189176. "753600",
  189177. "eliot savings bank,heritage hills apartments - copies of docs sent of fdic n.y. counsel,719626152,753600"
  189178. ],
  189179. [
  189180. "eliot savings bank",
  189181. "copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel",
  189182. "719626148",
  189183. "753613",
  189184. "eliot savings bank,copies of docs sent to fdic ny counsel,719626148,753613"
  189185. ],
  189186. [
  189187. "eliot savings bank",
  189188. "copies of original docs requested by fdic ny counsel re loan to paul n. varadian and irwin j. nebelkopf, trustees, south harbor realty trust, lynnway and hanson street, lynn, ma",
  189189. "719626156",
  189190. "753593",
  189191. "eliot savings bank,copies of original docs requested by fdic ny counsel re loan to paul n. varadian and irwin j. nebelkopf, trustees, south harbor realty trust, lynnway and hanson street, lynn, ma,719626156,753593"
  189192. ],
  189193. [
  189194. "edgar, daniel c.",
  189195. "pike and powers securities litigation: dan edgar fdic suit: claims under dartmouth bancorp severance agmt // daniel g. edgar re: pike, powers et al pike 13d's 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: milo pike, et al defendant's motion to stay discovery/memorandum - extras 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: wells/dartmouth bancorp release and discharge of claims and other materials gpk // edgar/satter creditors pleadings, misc 3380-7 70665 // daniel g. edgar re: pike, et al v. edgar, et al pleadings vol. i [usdc] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: pike et al v. edgar, et al pleadings [state ct.] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: slatter, et al v. dartmouth bancorp, et al kwc workfile 1 3380-5 70665",
  189196. "546291797",
  189197. "738546",
  189198. "edgar, daniel c.,pike and powers securities litigation: dan edgar fdic suit: claims under dartmouth bancorp severance agmt // daniel g. edgar re: pike, powers et al pike 13d's 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: milo pike, et al defendant's motion to stay discovery/memorandum - extras 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: wells/dartmouth bancorp release and discharge of claims and other materials gpk // edgar/satter creditors pleadings, misc 3380-7 70665 // daniel g. edgar re: pike, et al v. edgar, et al pleadings vol. i [usdc] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: pike et al v. edgar, et al pleadings [state ct.] 3380-7 70785 // daniel g. edgar re: slatter, et al v. dartmouth bancorp, et al kwc workfile 1 3380-5 70665,546291797,738546"
  189199. ],
  189200. [
  189201. "chevron u.s.a. inc.",
  189202. "southdale apartments: closing binder; warranty deed w/ vendor's lien; billing; title insurance agmt; sp&n fee letter; management agmt; corres; projections old; old title; proposal letter; rtc docs; closing agenda; drafts",
  189203. "719624214",
  189204. "744204",
  189205. "chevron u.s.a. inc.,southdale apartments: closing binder; warranty deed w/ vendor's lien; billing; title insurance agmt; sp&n fee letter; management agmt; corres; projections old; old title; proposal letter; rtc docs; closing agenda; drafts,719624214,744204"
  189206. ],
  189207. [
  189208. "csonger, desider",
  189209. "appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corp.",
  189210. "719623273",
  189211. "740761",
  189212. "csonger, desider,appeal from a $390,000 judgement entered for the plaintiff, federal deposit insurance corp.,719623273,740761"
  189213. ],
  189214. [
  189215. "eliot savings bank",
  189216. "fdic investigation as receiver",
  189217. "546291606",
  189218. "749877",
  189219. "eliot savings bank,fdic investigation as receiver,546291606,749877"
  189220. ],
  189221. [
  189222. "eliot savings bank",
  189223. "fdic",
  189224. "nan",
  189225. "nan",
  189226. "eliot savings bank,fdic,nan,nan"
  189227. ],
  189228. [
  189229. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company / liquidating agent of eliot savings bank",
  189230. "general",
  189231. "nan",
  189232. "nan",
  189233. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company / liquidating agent of eliot savings bank,general,nan,nan"
  189234. ],
  189235. [
  189236. "gouchberg, gerald",
  189237. "estate planning & harbor companies index: estate planning:pension plan, qsst (gouchberg, david), financial trust, correspondence & legal memos, estate planning (gerard & lita gouchber), docs need to be signed, estate planning jeffrey gouchberg, qsst jeffrey gouchberg, financials & appraisals, jeffery gouchberg family trust 1992, pinnacle trust, winthrop house; one salem street trust; estate planning - jeff; lita irr. trust; susan rudolph qsst; david gouchberg qsst; jeffery gouchberg qsst; transpo realty trust; sudajeff trust|harbor cmpanies: harbor companies, gpk inc., possible sale of nursing homes, fdic, general corp, tax returns ki's 1986-87, misc docs (winthrop house realty trust), harbor properties evaluation (gerald gouchberg)",
  189238. "719605564",
  189239. "740217",
  189240. "gouchberg, gerald,estate planning & harbor companies index: estate planning:pension plan, qsst (gouchberg, david), financial trust, correspondence & legal memos, estate planning (gerard & lita gouchber), docs need to be signed, estate planning jeffrey gouchberg, qsst jeffrey gouchberg, financials & appraisals, jeffery gouchberg family trust 1992, pinnacle trust, winthrop house; one salem street trust; estate planning - jeff; lita irr. trust; susan rudolph qsst; david gouchberg qsst; jeffery gouchberg qsst; transpo realty trust; sudajeff trust|harbor cmpanies: harbor companies, gpk inc., possible sale of nursing homes, fdic, general corp, tax returns ki's 1986-87, misc docs (winthrop house realty trust), harbor properties evaluation (gerald gouchberg),719605564,740217"
  189241. ],
  189242. [
  189243. "new seabury",
  189244. "loan agmts; metropolis/home federal loans; rtc docs; limited partnerships",
  189245. "719657144",
  189246. "742711",
  189247. "new seabury,loan agmts; metropolis/home federal loans; rtc docs; limited partnerships,719657144,742711"
  189248. ],
  189249. [
  189250. "ocwen",
  189251. "rtc acquisition",
  189252. "719630062",
  189253. "745694",
  189254. "ocwen,rtc acquisition,719630062,745694"
  189255. ],
  189256. [
  189257. "stover, robert",
  189258. "escrow agreement; employment agreement;news article; proxy material; fed reserve agreement; corporate by-laws; meyer's demand bank statistics; fdic approval; 1988 prospectus; annual reports; stock option plans; retirement plan (serp).",
  189259. "719585153",
  189260. "750182",
  189261. "stover, robert,escrow agreement; employment agreement;news article; proxy material; fed reserve agreement; corporate by-laws; meyer's demand bank statistics; fdic approval; 1988 prospectus; annual reports; stock option plans; retirement plan (serp).,719585153,750182"
  189262. ],
  189263. [
  189264. "schochet associates",
  189265. "fdic indebtedness",
  189266. "719625799",
  189267. "744949",
  189268. "schochet associates,fdic indebtedness,719625799,744949"
  189269. ],
  189270. [
  189271. "edgar, daniel g.",
  189272. "the insurance exchange, inc./ fdic, dartmouth bank, spector - corresp., memoranda, gpk notes, misc., pleadings, edgar's insurance on lender, liability cases - dan edgar's suits, october 1991",
  189273. "719624969",
  189274. "743967",
  189275. "edgar, daniel g.,the insurance exchange, inc./ fdic, dartmouth bank, spector - corresp., memoranda, gpk notes, misc., pleadings, edgar's insurance on lender, liability cases - dan edgar's suits, october 1991,719624969,743967"
  189276. ],
  189277. [
  189278. "federal deposit insurance co.",
  189279. "currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #'s 6-10",
  189280. "719625485",
  189281. "745506",
  189282. "federal deposit insurance co.,currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #'s 6-10,719625485,745506"
  189283. ],
  189284. [
  189285. "federal deposit insurance co.",
  189286. "currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #1-5",
  189287. "719625364",
  189288. "745490",
  189289. "federal deposit insurance co.,currie, raymond/ new heritage bank document binders #1-5,719625364,745490"
  189290. ],
  189291. [
  189292. "widett, slater & goldman, p.c. - (ws&g)",
  189293. "pre-sp&n files: dale r. johnson - misc. chrono files for storage/ john & catherine alberts - estate plan/ dale r, johnson - storage files/ columbia savings - saddlebrook post bankruptcy/ matrix international - lease, fdic",
  189294. "719638659",
  189295. "744057",
  189296. "widett, slater & goldman, p.c. - (ws&g),pre-sp&n files: dale r. johnson - misc. chrono files for storage/ john & catherine alberts - estate plan/ dale r, johnson - storage files/ columbia savings - saddlebrook post bankruptcy/ matrix international - lease, fdic,719638659,744057"
  189297. ],
  189298. [
  189299. "plantation towers",
  189300. "bankruptcy -",
  189301. "546295234",
  189302. "738317",
  189303. "plantation towers,bankruptcy -,546295234,738317"
  189304. ],
  189305. [
  189306. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189307. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  189308. "719628711",
  189309. "752391",
  189310. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719628711,752391"
  189311. ],
  189312. [
  189313. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189314. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  189315. "719630847",
  189316. "745410",
  189317. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719630847,745410"
  189318. ],
  189319. [
  189320. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189321. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  189322. "719632350",
  189323. "752262",
  189324. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719632350,752262"
  189325. ],
  189326. [
  189327. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189328. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  189329. "719632350",
  189330. "752262",
  189331. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719632350,752262"
  189332. ],
  189333. [
  189334. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189335. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  189336. "719632350",
  189337. "752262",
  189338. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719632350,752262"
  189339. ],
  189340. [
  189341. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189342. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  189343. "719628141",
  189344. "747655",
  189345. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719628141,747655"
  189346. ],
  189347. [
  189348. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189349. "amie realty trust / new heritage bank -",
  189350. "719627618",
  189351. "743666",
  189352. "federal deposit insurance corporation,amie realty trust / new heritage bank -,719627618,743666"
  189353. ],
  189354. [
  189355. "financial insurance services",
  189356. "general -",
  189357. "719665186",
  189358. "752017",
  189359. "financial insurance services,general -,719665186,752017"
  189360. ],
  189361. [
  189362. "financial insurance services",
  189363. "general -",
  189364. "719665186",
  189365. "752017",
  189366. "financial insurance services,general -,719665186,752017"
  189367. ],
  189368. [
  189369. "walsh, michael",
  189370. "fdic",
  189371. "719623877",
  189372. "739014",
  189373. "walsh, michael,fdic,719623877,739014"
  189374. ],
  189375. [
  189376. "brant point corporation",
  189377. "nantucket commons",
  189378. "546295015",
  189379. "737977",
  189380. "brant point corporation,nantucket commons,546295015,737977"
  189381. ],
  189382. [
  189383. "buckley & scott",
  189384. "general",
  189385. "546291856",
  189386. "737968",
  189387. "buckley & scott,general,546291856,737968"
  189388. ],
  189389. [
  189390. "ruzzo, robert m.",
  189391. "form files - index: fax sheet / copy request / courier slips / new client forms / sub-file liosting / stewart title / draft bill & final bill requests / partner expense check request / clients' fund account withdrawal and and deposit forms / closing notes / environmental expo / purtchaes and sale agreement / condo purchase and sale agreement / purchase and sale agreements - both \"pro-buyer \"and \"pro-seller\" / urea formaldehyde foam insulation certificate / moprtgages / discharge of mortgage / quitclaim deeds / ucc financing statements / certification of non-foreign status / pre-requisite info. to obtain a cert. of tax good standing / abatement of real estate tax application / reporting cert. for residential real estate trans / liberty mutual / real estate law journal article / gil o'connel title rundown / fdic matters / mortgage plot plan order form / new client forms / overtime forms / ucc forms",
  189392. "546295092",
  189393. "738102",
  189394. "ruzzo, robert m.,form files - index: fax sheet / copy request / courier slips / new client forms / sub-file liosting / stewart title / draft bill & final bill requests / partner expense check request / clients' fund account withdrawal and and deposit forms / closing notes / environmental expo / purtchaes and sale agreement / condo purchase and sale agreement / purchase and sale agreements - both \"pro-buyer \"and \"pro-seller\" / urea formaldehyde foam insulation certificate / moprtgages / discharge of mortgage / quitclaim deeds / ucc financing statements / certification of non-foreign status / pre-requisite info. to obtain a cert. of tax good standing / abatement of real estate tax application / reporting cert. for residential real estate trans / liberty mutual / real estate law journal article / gil o'connel title rundown / fdic matters / mortgage plot plan order form / new client forms / overtime forms / ucc forms,546295092,738102"
  189395. ],
  189396. [
  189397. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189398. "rindo, michael - central central savings bank",
  189399. "719589255",
  189400. "738104",
  189401. "federal deposit insurance corporation,rindo, michael - central central savings bank,719589255,738104"
  189402. ],
  189403. [
  189404. "triton realty l.p.",
  189405. "general",
  189406. "546291953",
  189407. "738133",
  189408. "triton realty l.p.,general,546291953,738133"
  189409. ],
  189410. [
  189411. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  189412. "rindo litigation -",
  189413. "623765055",
  189414. "738034",
  189415. "federal deposit insurance corp.,rindo litigation -,623765055,738034"
  189416. ],
  189417. [
  189418. "alas incorporated",
  189419. "fdic - eliot savings - #6448",
  189420. "nan",
  189421. "nan",
  189422. "alas incorporated,fdic - eliot savings - #6448,nan,nan"
  189423. ],
  189424. [
  189425. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.",
  189426. "rindo litigation -",
  189427. "719581322",
  189428. "738113",
  189429. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corp.,rindo litigation -,719581322,738113"
  189430. ],
  189431. [
  189432. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.",
  189433. "currie -",
  189434. "546291808",
  189435. "738108",
  189436. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.,currie -,546291808,738108"
  189437. ],
  189438. [
  189439. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.",
  189440. "currie -",
  189441. "546291808",
  189442. "738108",
  189443. "fdic - federal deposit insurance co.,currie -,546291808,738108"
  189444. ],
  189445. [
  189446. "devon, mark willard realty trust",
  189447. "fdic / recall",
  189448. "nan",
  189449. "nan",
  189450. "devon, mark willard realty trust,fdic / recall,nan,nan"
  189451. ],
  189452. [
  189453. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189454. "bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 1",
  189455. "719631571",
  189456. "745658",
  189457. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 1,719631571,745658"
  189458. ],
  189459. [
  189460. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189461. "ksk neponset valley trust",
  189462. "1398",
  189463. "nan",
  189464. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,ksk neponset valley trust,1398,nan"
  189465. ],
  189466. [
  189467. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189468. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 1",
  189469. "719628351",
  189470. "747493",
  189471. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust - title abstracts volume 1,719628351,747493"
  189472. ],
  189473. [
  189474. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189475. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 2",
  189476. "719628351",
  189477. "747493",
  189478. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust - title abstracts volume 2,719628351,747493"
  189479. ],
  189480. [
  189481. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189482. "currie volume 2",
  189483. "719627738",
  189484. "742933",
  189485. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie volume 2,719627738,742933"
  189486. ],
  189487. [
  189488. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189489. "currie",
  189490. "719627575",
  189491. "741508",
  189492. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,719627575,741508"
  189493. ],
  189494. [
  189495. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189496. "currie",
  189497. "719631911",
  189498. "750536",
  189499. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,719631911,750536"
  189500. ],
  189501. [
  189502. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189503. "sacco & civitarese - olympic bank & trust co. title search",
  189504. "719624573",
  189505. "744138",
  189506. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,sacco & civitarese - olympic bank & trust co. title search,719624573,744138"
  189507. ],
  189508. [
  189509. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189510. "sacco & civaterese",
  189511. "719624573",
  189512. "744138",
  189513. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,sacco & civaterese,719624573,744138"
  189514. ],
  189515. [
  189516. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189517. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189518. "854",
  189519. "nan",
  189520. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,854,nan"
  189521. ],
  189522. [
  189523. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189524. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189525. "nan",
  189526. "nan",
  189527. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  189528. ],
  189529. [
  189530. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189531. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189532. "850",
  189533. "nan",
  189534. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,850,nan"
  189535. ],
  189536. [
  189537. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189538. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189539. "nan",
  189540. "nan",
  189541. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  189542. ],
  189543. [
  189544. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189545. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189546. "nan",
  189547. "nan",
  189548. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  189549. ],
  189550. [
  189551. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189552. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189553. "nan",
  189554. "nan",
  189555. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  189556. ],
  189557. [
  189558. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189559. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189560. "859",
  189561. "nan",
  189562. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,859,nan"
  189563. ],
  189564. [
  189565. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189566. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189567. "719624049",
  189568. "741081",
  189569. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,719624049,741081"
  189570. ],
  189571. [
  189572. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189573. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189574. "nan",
  189575. "nan",
  189576. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  189577. ],
  189578. [
  189579. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189580. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189581. "nan",
  189582. "nan",
  189583. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  189584. ],
  189585. [
  189586. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189587. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189588. "852",
  189589. "nan",
  189590. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,852,nan"
  189591. ],
  189592. [
  189593. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189594. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189595. "856",
  189596. "nan",
  189597. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,856,nan"
  189598. ],
  189599. [
  189600. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189601. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189602. "858",
  189603. "nan",
  189604. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,858,nan"
  189605. ],
  189606. [
  189607. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189608. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189609. "nan",
  189610. "nan",
  189611. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,nan,nan"
  189612. ],
  189613. [
  189614. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189615. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189616. "857",
  189617. "nan",
  189618. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,857,nan"
  189619. ],
  189620. [
  189621. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189622. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 2",
  189623. "857",
  189624. "nan",
  189625. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 2,857,nan"
  189626. ],
  189627. [
  189628. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189629. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 3",
  189630. "861",
  189631. "nan",
  189632. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 3,861,nan"
  189633. ],
  189634. [
  189635. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189636. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189637. "719631911",
  189638. "750536",
  189639. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,719631911,750536"
  189640. ],
  189641. [
  189642. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189643. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189644. "861",
  189645. "nan",
  189646. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,861,nan"
  189647. ],
  189648. [
  189649. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189650. "currie, raymond - new heritage",
  189651. "719624710",
  189652. "741712",
  189653. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage,719624710,741712"
  189654. ],
  189655. [
  189656. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189657. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 4",
  189658. "861",
  189659. "nan",
  189660. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 4,861,nan"
  189661. ],
  189662. [
  189663. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189664. "currie, raymond - new heritage volume 5",
  189665. "719631911",
  189666. "750536",
  189667. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - new heritage volume 5,719631911,750536"
  189668. ],
  189669. [
  189670. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189671. "currie, raymond - heritage bank",
  189672. "719627575",
  189673. "741508",
  189674. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - heritage bank,719627575,741508"
  189675. ],
  189676. [
  189677. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189678. "currie, raymond - heritage bank",
  189679. "nan",
  189680. "nan",
  189681. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond - heritage bank,nan,nan"
  189682. ],
  189683. [
  189684. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189685. "354 waverly street trust",
  189686. "719626316",
  189687. "750352",
  189688. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,354 waverly street trust,719626316,750352"
  189689. ],
  189690. [
  189691. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189692. "354 waverly street trust",
  189693. "861",
  189694. "nan",
  189695. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,354 waverly street trust,861,nan"
  189696. ],
  189697. [
  189698. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189699. "hackel properties",
  189700. "854",
  189701. "nan",
  189702. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,hackel properties,854,nan"
  189703. ],
  189704. [
  189705. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189706. "viola, frank & anthony and viola family trust/ capitol bank",
  189707. "719631571",
  189708. "745658",
  189709. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,viola, frank & anthony and viola family trust/ capitol bank,719631571,745658"
  189710. ],
  189711. [
  189712. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189713. "currie, raymone - new heritage volume 1",
  189714. "719627738",
  189715. "742933",
  189716. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie, raymone - new heritage volume 1,719627738,742933"
  189717. ],
  189718. [
  189719. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189720. "bandar, raymond b. induvidually et al.",
  189721. "546294932",
  189722. "737775",
  189723. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,bandar, raymond b. induvidually et al.,546294932,737775"
  189724. ],
  189725. [
  189726. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189727. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  189728. "546295118",
  189729. "738064",
  189730. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,claim against raymond l. bandar et al.,546295118,738064"
  189731. ],
  189732. [
  189733. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189734. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  189735. "623765038",
  189736. "737784",
  189737. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,claim against raymond l. bandar et al.,623765038,737784"
  189738. ],
  189739. [
  189740. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189741. "claim against raymond l. bandar et al.",
  189742. "623765038",
  189743. "737784",
  189744. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,claim against raymond l. bandar et al.,623765038,737784"
  189745. ],
  189746. [
  189747. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189748. "currie enterprises - account document analysis",
  189749. "546291685",
  189750. "737927",
  189751. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie enterprises - account document analysis,546291685,737927"
  189752. ],
  189753. [
  189754. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189755. "currie -",
  189756. "546291685",
  189757. "737927",
  189758. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie -,546291685,737927"
  189759. ],
  189760. [
  189761. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189762. "currie -",
  189763. "546291685",
  189764. "737927",
  189765. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie -,546291685,737927"
  189766. ],
  189767. [
  189768. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189769. "currie -",
  189770. "546295155",
  189771. "738446",
  189772. "fdic - federal deposit insurance corporation,currie -,546295155,738446"
  189773. ],
  189774. [
  189775. "nab asset venture 2",
  189776. "cambridge investors",
  189777. "546295067",
  189778. "738436",
  189779. "nab asset venture 2,cambridge investors,546295067,738436"
  189780. ],
  189781. [
  189782. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189783. "bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 2",
  189784. "1078",
  189785. "nan",
  189786. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,bulfinch management corporation - dissolution volume 2,1078,nan"
  189787. ],
  189788. [
  189789. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189790. "currie, raymond",
  189791. "719605918",
  189792. "741176",
  189793. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie, raymond,719605918,741176"
  189794. ],
  189795. [
  189796. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189797. "currie",
  189798. "546291706",
  189799. "737990",
  189800. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,546291706,737990"
  189801. ],
  189802. [
  189803. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189804. "currie",
  189805. "546295242",
  189806. "738773",
  189807. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,546295242,738773"
  189808. ],
  189809. [
  189810. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  189811. "currie",
  189812. "623765135",
  189813. "738774",
  189814. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie,623765135,738774"
  189815. ],
  189816. [
  189817. "sherburne, powers & needham - notopoulos",
  189818. "notopoulos, philip j - nonbillalbe -",
  189819. "nan",
  189820. "nan",
  189821. "sherburne, powers & needham - notopoulos,notopoulos, philip j - nonbillalbe -,nan,nan"
  189822. ],
  189823. [
  189824. "ocwen financial corp",
  189825. "rtc acquisition - illinois associates vol 1 -",
  189826. "719582388",
  189827. "742301",
  189828. "ocwen financial corp,rtc acquisition - illinois associates vol 1 -,719582388,742301"
  189829. ],
  189830. [
  189831. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189832. "perry/yellin litigation -",
  189833. "719589976",
  189834. "741868",
  189835. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry/yellin litigation -,719589976,741868"
  189836. ],
  189837. [
  189838. "monaghan, john j. - misc bankruptcies",
  189839. "misc bankruptcies -",
  189840. "nan",
  189841. "nan",
  189842. "monaghan, john j. - misc bankruptcies,misc bankruptcies -,nan,nan"
  189843. ],
  189844. [
  189845. "brookline savings bank",
  189846. "misc materials -",
  189847. "nan",
  189848. "nan",
  189849. "brookline savings bank,misc materials -,nan,nan"
  189850. ],
  189851. [
  189852. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  189853. "perry and yellin/capital bank",
  189854. "719626764",
  189855. "741896",
  189856. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry and yellin/capital bank,719626764,741896"
  189857. ],
  189858. [
  189859. "fdic",
  189860. "billing-",
  189861. "719631571",
  189862. "745658",
  189863. "fdic,billing-,719631571,745658"
  189864. ],
  189865. [
  189866. "fdic",
  189867. "perry yellin - billing",
  189868. "719624573",
  189869. "744138",
  189870. "fdic,perry yellin - billing,719624573,744138"
  189871. ],
  189872. [
  189873. "capital resource lenders",
  189874. "star video - volume iii -",
  189875. "546291723",
  189876. "737843",
  189877. "capital resource lenders,star video - volume iii -,546291723,737843"
  189878. ],
  189879. [
  189880. "federal deposit insur. corp.",
  189881. "montalbano & montalbano, ltd",
  189882. "546294709",
  189883. "753022",
  189884. "federal deposit insur. corp.,montalbano & montalbano, ltd,546294709,753022"
  189885. ],
  189886. [
  189887. "resolution trust corporation",
  189888. "1995 np 1 greensboro rd, hanover, nh",
  189889. "546288318",
  189890. "753034",
  189891. "resolution trust corporation,1995 np 1 greensboro rd, hanover, nh,546288318,753034"
  189892. ],
  189893. [
  189894. "resolution trust corporation",
  189895. "greensboro rd.",
  189896. "546288318",
  189897. "753034",
  189898. "resolution trust corporation,greensboro rd.,546288318,753034"
  189899. ],
  189900. [
  189901. "midland loan services",
  189902. "hilltop realty trust index: demand letter",
  189903. "546288318",
  189904. "753034",
  189905. "midland loan services,hilltop realty trust index: demand letter,546288318,753034"
  189906. ],
  189907. [
  189908. "resolution trust corporation",
  189909. "newmedico assoc. index:c. brennick",
  189910. "719626147",
  189911. "753065",
  189912. "resolution trust corporation,newmedico assoc. index:c. brennick,719626147,753065"
  189913. ],
  189914. [
  189915. "resolution trust corporation",
  189916. "ohannessan, marty",
  189917. "719626147",
  189918. "753065",
  189919. "resolution trust corporation,ohannessan, marty,719626147,753065"
  189920. ],
  189921. [
  189922. "resolution trust corporation",
  189923. "gedymin, edward",
  189924. "719626147",
  189925. "753065",
  189926. "resolution trust corporation,gedymin, edward,719626147,753065"
  189927. ],
  189928. [
  189929. "resoultion trust corporation",
  189930. "rivera, jose & lucy",
  189931. "719626147",
  189932. "753065",
  189933. "resoultion trust corporation,rivera, jose & lucy,719626147,753065"
  189934. ],
  189935. [
  189936. "resolution trust corporation",
  189937. "murphy, eugene",
  189938. "546288293",
  189939. "753033",
  189940. "resolution trust corporation,murphy, eugene,546288293,753033"
  189941. ],
  189942. [
  189943. "resolution trust corporation",
  189944. "ramon c. batista, et al",
  189945. "546288293",
  189946. "753033",
  189947. "resolution trust corporation,ramon c. batista, et al,546288293,753033"
  189948. ],
  189949. [
  189950. "resolution trust corporation",
  189951. "rachel hutchins",
  189952. "719626147",
  189953. "753065",
  189954. "resolution trust corporation,rachel hutchins,719626147,753065"
  189955. ],
  189956. [
  189957. "resolution trust corporation",
  189958. "weiss, benjamin",
  189959. "719626147",
  189960. "753065",
  189961. "resolution trust corporation,weiss, benjamin,719626147,753065"
  189962. ],
  189963. [
  189964. "resolution trust corporation",
  189965. "bogosian, elizabeth- forclosure index:ri-prop",
  189966. "719626147",
  189967. "753065",
  189968. "resolution trust corporation,bogosian, elizabeth- forclosure index:ri-prop,719626147,753065"
  189969. ],
  189970. [
  189971. "resolution trust corporation",
  189972. "cote- kerncer/ 103 kenway avenue",
  189973. "719626147",
  189974. "753065",
  189975. "resolution trust corporation,cote- kerncer/ 103 kenway avenue,719626147,753065"
  189976. ],
  189977. [
  189978. "resolution trust corporation",
  189979. "britt / 82 thompson street, franklin, ma",
  189980. "719626147",
  189981. "753065",
  189982. "resolution trust corporation,britt / 82 thompson street, franklin, ma,719626147,753065"
  189983. ],
  189984. [
  189985. "pannell , kerr , forester",
  189986. "madison associates",
  189987. "719581690",
  189988. "742511",
  189989. "pannell , kerr , forester,madison associates,719581690,742511"
  189990. ],
  189991. [
  189992. "resolution trust coperation",
  189993. "raman c. batista, et al",
  189994. "546288182",
  189995. "753282",
  189996. "resolution trust coperation,raman c. batista, et al,546288182,753282"
  189997. ],
  189998. [
  189999. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190000. "cortell's #",
  190001. "546285373",
  190002. "753091",
  190003. "federal deposit insurance corporation,cortell's #,546285373,753091"
  190004. ],
  190005. [
  190006. "federal deposit insurance coperation",
  190007. "david coken and william smith",
  190008. "546288298",
  190009. "753035",
  190010. "federal deposit insurance coperation,david coken and william smith,546288298,753035"
  190011. ],
  190012. [
  190013. "federal deposit insurance coperation",
  190014. "david coken and william smith",
  190015. "719628930",
  190016. "753097",
  190017. "federal deposit insurance coperation,david coken and william smith,719628930,753097"
  190018. ],
  190019. [
  190020. "resolution trust coperation",
  190021. "ramshorn stockhaus",
  190022. "719628930",
  190023. "753097",
  190024. "resolution trust coperation,ramshorn stockhaus,719628930,753097"
  190025. ],
  190026. [
  190027. "bank one new hampshire/ federal deposit insurance company",
  190028. "h.a. scott and sons, william leiser",
  190029. "546288260",
  190030. "753038",
  190031. "bank one new hampshire/ federal deposit insurance company,h.a. scott and sons, william leiser,546288260,753038"
  190032. ],
  190033. [
  190034. "resolution trust coperation",
  190035. "ramshorn stockhaus",
  190036. "546288260",
  190037. "753038",
  190038. "resolution trust coperation,ramshorn stockhaus,546288260,753038"
  190039. ],
  190040. [
  190041. "bank one new hampshire / federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190042. "h.a. scott & sons; william leiser",
  190043. "719628900",
  190044. "753090",
  190045. "bank one new hampshire / federal deposit insurance corporation,h.a. scott & sons; william leiser,719628900,753090"
  190046. ],
  190047. [
  190048. "federal deposit insurance coporation",
  190049. "harborside associates (shadow files volumes 1 and 2)",
  190050. "719626165",
  190051. "753085",
  190052. "federal deposit insurance coporation,harborside associates (shadow files volumes 1 and 2),719626165,753085"
  190053. ],
  190054. [
  190055. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190056. "cortey's iii (insurance policy)",
  190057. "719657012",
  190058. "753059",
  190059. "federal deposit insurance corp.,cortey's iii (insurance policy),719657012,753059"
  190060. ],
  190061. [
  190062. "resolution trust co.",
  190063. "leo martin, jt. & duffy, rich",
  190064. "719627224",
  190065. "740970",
  190066. "resolution trust co.,leo martin, jt. & duffy, rich,719627224,740970"
  190067. ],
  190068. [
  190069. "resolution trust company",
  190070. "nefsa v. hoffman",
  190071. "719627224",
  190072. "740970",
  190073. "resolution trust company,nefsa v. hoffman,719627224,740970"
  190074. ],
  190075. [
  190076. "resolution trust corporation",
  190077. "cave maintain associates",
  190078. "719623814",
  190079. "740056",
  190080. "resolution trust corporation,cave maintain associates,719623814,740056"
  190081. ],
  190082. [
  190083. "john j.finnigan",
  190084. "diversified financial southeast inc.",
  190085. "719624556",
  190086. "742513",
  190087. "john j.finnigan,diversified financial southeast inc.,719624556,742513"
  190088. ],
  190089. [
  190090. "resolution trust corporation",
  190091. "fast forms, inc.",
  190092. "719623589",
  190093. "740058",
  190094. "resolution trust corporation,fast forms, inc.,719623589,740058"
  190095. ],
  190096. [
  190097. "rtc 1-13 & 14 - 29",
  190098. "bills",
  190099. "chin wright & branson",
  190100. "nan",
  190101. "rtc 1-13 & 14 - 29,bills,chin wright & branson,nan"
  190102. ],
  190103. [
  190104. "fdic bills",
  190105. "1/20/08",
  190106. "719623839",
  190107. "740061",
  190108. "fdic bills,1/20/08,719623839,740061"
  190109. ],
  190110. [
  190111. "rtc bills",
  190112. "157-175",
  190113. "719623839",
  190114. "740061",
  190115. "rtc bills,157-175,719623839,740061"
  190116. ],
  190117. [
  190118. "rtc bills",
  190119. "30-55",
  190120. "719623801",
  190121. "740059",
  190122. "rtc bills,30-55,719623801,740059"
  190123. ],
  190124. [
  190125. "resolution trust company",
  190126. "michael henry",
  190127. "719623309",
  190128. "740063",
  190129. "resolution trust company,michael henry,719623309,740063"
  190130. ],
  190131. [
  190132. "resolution trust company",
  190133. "7 church st. dover, boston",
  190134. "719623309",
  190135. "740063",
  190136. "resolution trust company,7 church st. dover, boston,719623309,740063"
  190137. ],
  190138. [
  190139. "resolution trust company",
  190140. "mecedo & perena v. comfield savings",
  190141. "719623309",
  190142. "740063",
  190143. "resolution trust company,mecedo & perena v. comfield savings,719623309,740063"
  190144. ],
  190145. [
  190146. "resolution trust corporation",
  190147. "frank monaco (bankruptcy)",
  190148. "719623899",
  190149. "740051",
  190150. "resolution trust corporation,frank monaco (bankruptcy),719623899,740051"
  190151. ],
  190152. [
  190153. "rtc bills",
  190154. "56a-100",
  190155. "719623811",
  190156. "740060",
  190157. "rtc bills,56a-100,719623811,740060"
  190158. ],
  190159. [
  190160. "federal deposit insuarnce corp.",
  190161. "joseph schrader",
  190162. "546288140",
  190163. "753286",
  190164. "federal deposit insuarnce corp.,joseph schrader,546288140,753286"
  190165. ],
  190166. [
  190167. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190168. "edward tigges & hanneloie tigges",
  190169. "546288140",
  190170. "753286",
  190171. "federal deposit insurance corp.,edward tigges & hanneloie tigges,546288140,753286"
  190172. ],
  190173. [
  190174. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190175. "ricky & lillian green",
  190176. "546288140",
  190177. "753286",
  190178. "federal deposit insurance corp.,ricky & lillian green,546288140,753286"
  190179. ],
  190180. [
  190181. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190182. "brichwood",
  190183. "546288140",
  190184. "753286",
  190185. "federal deposit insurance corp.,brichwood,546288140,753286"
  190186. ],
  190187. [
  190188. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190189. "asset management & recovery",
  190190. "546288140",
  190191. "753286",
  190192. "federal deposit insurance corp.,asset management & recovery,546288140,753286"
  190193. ],
  190194. [
  190195. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  190196. "currie - various tax returns ; docs from govent ; client docs ; various corsp",
  190197. "546291750",
  190198. "738390",
  190199. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie - various tax returns ; docs from govent ; client docs ; various corsp,546291750,738390"
  190200. ],
  190201. [
  190202. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  190203. "currie enterprises - check registars 1984-1988 , 1989 ; bank statements shawmut - regular1984 + 1985 ; shawmut - 0194654 ; open sep. 1987 - close july 1988",
  190204. "719623235",
  190205. "481328",
  190206. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie enterprises - check registars 1984-1988 , 1989 ; bank statements shawmut - regular1984 + 1985 ; shawmut - 0194654 ; open sep. 1987 - close july 1988,719623235,481328"
  190207. ],
  190208. [
  190209. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  190210. "currie - 1989 misc ; client general ledger 12/31/1987 ; c & m real estate trust general ledger 12/31/1987 ;",
  190211. "546295052",
  190212. "738395",
  190213. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie - 1989 misc ; client general ledger 12/31/1987 ; c & m real estate trust general ledger 12/31/1987 ;,546295052,738395"
  190214. ],
  190215. [
  190216. "federal deposit insurance company",
  190217. "stoughton index: vol 1, vol 2, complete sets 1-1v (in volume 1)",
  190218. "nan",
  190219. "nan",
  190220. "federal deposit insurance company,stoughton index: vol 1, vol 2, complete sets 1-1v (in volume 1),nan,nan"
  190221. ],
  190222. [
  190223. "fdic 241 a street",
  190224. "entire file",
  190225. "nan",
  190226. "nan",
  190227. "fdic 241 a street,entire file,nan,nan"
  190228. ],
  190229. [
  190230. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  190231. "currie - various tax returns and corsp. - 1988 , 1989 , 1990 , 1991 , 1992",
  190232. "719623170",
  190233. "481319",
  190234. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,currie - various tax returns and corsp. - 1988 , 1989 , 1990 , 1991 , 1992,719623170,481319"
  190235. ],
  190236. [
  190237. "fdic 241 a street",
  190238. "fdic",
  190239. "719626924",
  190240. "740837",
  190241. "fdic 241 a street,fdic,719626924,740837"
  190242. ],
  190243. [
  190244. "fdic 241 a street",
  190245. "fdic",
  190246. "719627093",
  190247. "740933",
  190248. "fdic 241 a street,fdic,719627093,740933"
  190249. ],
  190250. [
  190251. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  190252. "stoughton originals vol i & ii ; complete sets i-iv",
  190253. "nan",
  190254. "nan",
  190255. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,stoughton originals vol i & ii ; complete sets i-iv,nan,nan"
  190256. ],
  190257. [
  190258. "fdic",
  190259. "currie - pleadings binder",
  190260. "719631196",
  190261. "743350",
  190262. "fdic,currie - pleadings binder,719631196,743350"
  190263. ],
  190264. [
  190265. "fdic",
  190266. "currie -",
  190267. "43833449|imb # 097030",
  190268. "nan",
  190269. "fdic,currie -,43833449|imb # 097030,nan"
  190270. ],
  190271. [
  190272. "ziner, saul",
  190273. "kittery refinancing -",
  190274. "719630479",
  190275. "745688",
  190276. "ziner, saul,kittery refinancing -,719630479,745688"
  190277. ],
  190278. [
  190279. "patriot bancorporation",
  190280. "commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).",
  190281. "4.9555e+11",
  190282. "nan",
  190283. "patriot bancorporation,commonwealth-conifer joint proxy and prospectus (and s-14) - (retire #35396, leahy box #4955).|merger of brookline trust company with commonwealth/norfolk - (withdrawn) - (wallet 2 of 2) - brookline trust company - contents: - registry information, - registry info-patriot, - rmy (re: certificate of merger), - votes of banks, - state and fdic approvals, - patriot bank/brookline trust-acts of merger, - patriot bank/brookline trust - certificate of merger), - merger application/correspondence, - correspondence, - patriot bank/brookline trust- agreement & plan of merger, - sp&n bill: 10/1/82 - 12/31/82, - state application, - application to merger and fdic instructions, - tear sheets and certificates of publications, - fdic application, - patriot ownership of (nc subsidiary stock.) - (retire #35395, leahy box #4955).|merger of harbor national bank with commonwealth bank & trust company - (withdrawn) - contents: - notes and memos, - correspondence, - withdrawal votes, - agreement to merge, - state application to merger, - brookline votes, - norfolk votes, - timetable, - fdic application to merger. - (retire #35438, leahy box #4964).|y-2 application to fed reserve - 1982 in re: commonwealth national. - (retire #35407, leahy box #4958).|acquisition of commonwealth national corporation -contents: agreement & plan of merger, acquistion agreement correspondence, - letters to lessors of cnc. 8k-6-18-82., - letter to cnc stockholders, - notes & menos, - 10-q period ending 3-31-82, - articles of merger (cnc/pat.), - certificate to terminate registration, - class of security 12g-4 (commonwealth) re: cnc's term loan agreement with fnbb resolutions \"to do\", -amendment to exchange agreements, - amendment to acquisition agreement, - cnc debenture indenture, - second supplement indenture. (com/stak/pat). - (retire #35397, leahy box #4955).,4.9555e+11,nan"
  190284. ],
  190285. [
  190286. "stoller, robert",
  190287. "personal -",
  190288. "719625567",
  190289. "741512",
  190290. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  190291. ],
  190292. [
  190293. "stoller, robert",
  190294. "personal -",
  190295. "719624151",
  190296. "741546",
  190297. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624151,741546"
  190298. ],
  190299. [
  190300. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190301. "perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -",
  190302. "546291814",
  190303. "738518",
  190304. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s. capitol bank -,546291814,738518"
  190305. ],
  190306. [
  190307. "institution for savings in newburyport and its vicinity",
  190308. "general: aution 7/15/86, auditor's response (1990), billing, cambridge bancorp proxy materials, cambridge trust, correspondence, fasb 1991, fdic letter (1993), first & ocean bancorp bylaws, first & ocean bancorp documents, memoranda, merchants national bank, niscellaneous, mutual fire company, nra land acquisition (newburyport redevelopment association), notes & memos, opinion letter (1988), opinion letter (1991)",
  190309. "719596531",
  190310. "740901",
  190311. "institution for savings in newburyport and its vicinity,general: aution 7/15/86, auditor's response (1990), billing, cambridge bancorp proxy materials, cambridge trust, correspondence, fasb 1991, fdic letter (1993), first & ocean bancorp bylaws, first & ocean bancorp documents, memoranda, merchants national bank, niscellaneous, mutual fire company, nra land acquisition (newburyport redevelopment association), notes & memos, opinion letter (1988), opinion letter (1991),719596531,740901"
  190312. ],
  190313. [
  190314. "accounting",
  190315. "fdic misc documents ; fdic bills 1994 , 1995 , 1996 ; boston bay capital bills 12/91 - 12/93 , sarvis, rbt files ; brant point files ; madden & assoc. write-offs ; senopoulos, billie ann files ; a/r control report",
  190316. "43833437 / 097012",
  190317. "nan",
  190318. "accounting,fdic misc documents ; fdic bills 1994 , 1995 , 1996 ; boston bay capital bills 12/91 - 12/93 , sarvis, rbt files ; brant point files ; madden & assoc. write-offs ; senopoulos, billie ann files ; a/r control report,43833437 / 097012,nan"
  190319. ],
  190320. [
  190321. "fdic",
  190322. "perry - yellin",
  190323. "719626321",
  190324. "750276",
  190325. "fdic,perry - yellin,719626321,750276"
  190326. ],
  190327. [
  190328. "the fortress corporation",
  190329. "dimensional technology",
  190330. "809",
  190331. "nan",
  190332. "the fortress corporation,dimensional technology,809,nan"
  190333. ],
  190334. [
  190335. "fdic",
  190336. "currie - depositions",
  190337. "719627738",
  190338. "742933",
  190339. "fdic,currie - depositions,719627738,742933"
  190340. ],
  190341. [
  190342. "fdic",
  190343. "currie raymond - new heritage bank volume 6allan jeffery rose depos & exhibits ; min-u-script ; notes ; summaries",
  190344. "857",
  190345. "nan",
  190346. "fdic,currie raymond - new heritage bank volume 6allan jeffery rose depos & exhibits ; min-u-script ; notes ; summaries,857,nan"
  190347. ],
  190348. [
  190349. "fdic",
  190350. "currie - jablonski depositon exhibits ( digital ) ; working file currie ent. act 0982679",
  190351. "857",
  190352. "nan",
  190353. "fdic,currie - jablonski depositon exhibits ( digital ) ; working file currie ent. act 0982679,857,nan"
  190354. ],
  190355. [
  190356. "fdic",
  190357. "rindo - rindo appraisal ; documents produced town of tynsboro ; closing binder",
  190358. "856",
  190359. "nan",
  190360. "fdic,rindo - rindo appraisal ; documents produced town of tynsboro ; closing binder,856,nan"
  190361. ],
  190362. [
  190363. "fdic",
  190364. "resolution trust corporation",
  190365. "719631911",
  190366. "750536",
  190367. "fdic,resolution trust corporation,719631911,750536"
  190368. ],
  190369. [
  190370. "fdic",
  190371. "currie - foley hoag & elliot files",
  190372. "719624049",
  190373. "741081",
  190374. "fdic,currie - foley hoag & elliot files,719624049,741081"
  190375. ],
  190376. [
  190377. "fdic",
  190378. "currie - drafts, ; extras ; asoian & tully documents ; budget",
  190379. "719624049",
  190380. "741081",
  190381. "fdic,currie - drafts, ; extras ; asoian & tully documents ; budget,719624049,741081"
  190382. ],
  190383. [
  190384. "fdic",
  190385. "raymond currie",
  190386. "852",
  190387. "nan",
  190388. "fdic,raymond currie,852,nan"
  190389. ],
  190390. [
  190391. "fdic",
  190392. "currie - depo exhibits ; summaries ; notes ; min-u-scripts ; volumes 1 , 3 ,4 ,5",
  190393. "850",
  190394. "nan",
  190395. "fdic,currie - depo exhibits ; summaries ; notes ; min-u-scripts ; volumes 1 , 3 ,4 ,5,850,nan"
  190396. ],
  190397. [
  190398. "fdic",
  190399. "perry - yellin - billing files",
  190400. "1398",
  190401. "nan",
  190402. "fdic,perry - yellin - billing files,1398,nan"
  190403. ],
  190404. [
  190405. "fdic (hartford)",
  190406. "corporate votes re closure of bank \"x\"",
  190407. "1078",
  190408. "nan",
  190409. "fdic (hartford),corporate votes re closure of bank \"x\",1078,nan"
  190410. ],
  190411. [
  190412. "federal deposit insurance corporation (fdic)",
  190413. "hoffman - foundry condominium trust / eliot savings bank",
  190414. "1078",
  190415. "nan",
  190416. "federal deposit insurance corporation (fdic),hoffman - foundry condominium trust / eliot savings bank,1078,nan"
  190417. ],
  190418. [
  190419. "federal deposit insurance corporation ( fdic )",
  190420. "sidney weiner & carol assocs., inc. / capitol bank",
  190421. "719587273",
  190422. "75322",
  190423. "federal deposit insurance corporation ( fdic ),sidney weiner & carol assocs., inc. / capitol bank,719587273,75322"
  190424. ],
  190425. [
  190426. "fdic (hartford)",
  190427. "merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 2",
  190428. "1078",
  190429. "nan",
  190430. "fdic (hartford),merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 2,1078,nan"
  190431. ],
  190432. [
  190433. "fdic (hartford)",
  190434. "merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 1",
  190435. "1078",
  190436. "nan",
  190437. "fdic (hartford),merchants national bank dissolution of subsidiaries volume 1,1078,nan"
  190438. ],
  190439. [
  190440. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190441. "chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution",
  190442. "719624573",
  190443. "744138",
  190444. "federal deposit insurance corporation,chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution,719624573,744138"
  190445. ],
  190446. [
  190447. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190448. "chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution",
  190449. "719624573",
  190450. "744138",
  190451. "federal deposit insurance corporation,chestnut hill country club corp. dissolution,719624573,744138"
  190452. ],
  190453. [
  190454. "fdic - federal deposit insurance",
  190455. "plaid corporation: dissolution",
  190456. "719624573",
  190457. "744138",
  190458. "fdic - federal deposit insurance,plaid corporation: dissolution,719624573,744138"
  190459. ],
  190460. [
  190461. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190462. "snay circle c onstruction corp., dissolution",
  190463. "719624573",
  190464. "744138",
  190465. "federal deposit insurance corp.,snay circle c onstruction corp., dissolution,719624573,744138"
  190466. ],
  190467. [
  190468. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190469. "seville corp., dissolution",
  190470. "719624573",
  190471. "744138",
  190472. "federal deposit insurance corp.,seville corp., dissolution,719624573,744138"
  190473. ],
  190474. [
  190475. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190476. "windsor lane corp., dissolution",
  190477. "nan",
  190478. "nan",
  190479. "federal deposit insurance corp.,windsor lane corp., dissolution,nan,nan"
  190480. ],
  190481. [
  190482. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  190483. "global realty trust / capitol bank & trust foreclosure",
  190484. "719628351",
  190485. "747493",
  190486. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust / capitol bank & trust foreclosure,719628351,747493"
  190487. ],
  190488. [
  190489. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company",
  190490. "global realty trust - title abstracts volume 3",
  190491. "719628351",
  190492. "747493",
  190493. "fdic - federal deposit insurance company,global realty trust - title abstracts volume 3,719628351,747493"
  190494. ],
  190495. [
  190496. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190497. "liberty hills - new heritage bank",
  190498. "719628351",
  190499. "747493",
  190500. "federal deposit insurance corp.,liberty hills - new heritage bank,719628351,747493"
  190501. ],
  190502. [
  190503. "chris burden",
  190504. "new seabury ( i of iii ) - sup. court pleadings ; corsp ; misc agreement ; mortgages ; rtc assignment ; bids ; ucc assignment ; list of 20 largest creditors ; partnership docs ; misc ome fed",
  190505. "719623491",
  190506. "741826",
  190507. "chris burden,new seabury ( i of iii ) - sup. court pleadings ; corsp ; misc agreement ; mortgages ; rtc assignment ; bids ; ucc assignment ; list of 20 largest creditors ; partnership docs ; misc ome fed,719623491,741826"
  190508. ],
  190509. [
  190510. "estate of thomas moranian",
  190511. "re: estate",
  190512. "719630609",
  190513. "744985",
  190514. "estate of thomas moranian,re: estate,719630609,744985"
  190515. ],
  190516. [
  190517. "capital resource partner",
  190518. "re: star video",
  190519. "719625207",
  190520. "744351",
  190521. "capital resource partner,re: star video,719625207,744351"
  190522. ],
  190523. [
  190524. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190525. "re: 354 waverly st. trust litigation",
  190526. "719626977",
  190527. "740156",
  190528. "federal deposit insurance corporation,re: 354 waverly st. trust litigation,719626977,740156"
  190529. ],
  190530. [
  190531. "fdic",
  190532. "re: perry yellin",
  190533. "719627705",
  190534. "744422",
  190535. "fdic,re: perry yellin,719627705,744422"
  190536. ],
  190537. [
  190538. "fdic",
  190539. "re: perry yellin",
  190540. "1963",
  190541. "nan",
  190542. "fdic,re: perry yellin,1963,nan"
  190543. ],
  190544. [
  190545. "fdic",
  190546. "re: perry yellin",
  190547. "1967",
  190548. "nan",
  190549. "fdic,re: perry yellin,1967,nan"
  190550. ],
  190551. [
  190552. "sp&n / smealie",
  190553. "misc. files which have either been archived or have no case fire",
  190554. "719630965",
  190555. "745608",
  190556. "sp&n / smealie,misc. files which have either been archived or have no case fire,719630965,745608"
  190557. ],
  190558. [
  190559. "smealie, james d.",
  190560. "re: misc. files",
  190561. "719630965",
  190562. "745608",
  190563. "smealie, james d.,re: misc. files,719630965,745608"
  190564. ],
  190565. [
  190566. "stoller, robert",
  190567. "re: cincotta",
  190568. "719626086",
  190569. "750796",
  190570. "stoller, robert,re: cincotta,719626086,750796"
  190571. ],
  190572. [
  190573. "stoller, robert",
  190574. "re: personal",
  190575. "719630889",
  190576. "745587",
  190577. "stoller, robert,re: personal,719630889,745587"
  190578. ],
  190579. [
  190580. "misc. bankruptcies",
  190581. "re: ace heating and cooling,,adams, john, calore express company , debtor, a. cavallaro & sons, c.d. realty partners,,c.s.p. 234, inc., delvicario anthony j., d,m, reid/oklahoma furnityre, fdic/ carlson, giorgio bankruptcy, louiso., inc., manganaro bldg l.p., nab asset ventures / john w. wood , jr., debtor, new bedford coat , inc., new england mackintosh o., inc., oxford / photon, saltiel, david,james shawnesee, troxell/p.j. keating, unr industries, wellseley mortgage/ barry king,",
  190582. "g90",
  190583. "nan",
  190584. "misc. bankruptcies,re: ace heating and cooling,,adams, john, calore express company , debtor, a. cavallaro & sons, c.d. realty partners,,c.s.p. 234, inc., delvicario anthony j., d,m, reid/oklahoma furnityre, fdic/ carlson, giorgio bankruptcy, louiso., inc., manganaro bldg l.p., nab asset ventures / john w. wood , jr., debtor, new bedford coat , inc., new england mackintosh o., inc., oxford / photon, saltiel, david,james shawnesee, troxell/p.j. keating, unr industries, wellseley mortgage/ barry king,,g90,nan"
  190585. ],
  190586. [
  190587. "dianne r. phillips",
  190588. "re: client development",
  190589. "719654572",
  190590. "200281",
  190591. "dianne r. phillips,re: client development,719654572,200281"
  190592. ],
  190593. [
  190594. "derosa, steven and christie",
  190595. "re: tax litigation",
  190596. "719661946",
  190597. "200311",
  190598. "derosa, steven and christie,re: tax litigation,719661946,200311"
  190599. ],
  190600. [
  190601. "napico",
  190602. "re: hillcrest",
  190603. "719656179",
  190604. "200337",
  190605. "napico,re: hillcrest,719656179,200337"
  190606. ],
  190607. [
  190608. "fdic/rtc responses from attorneys",
  190609. "re: responses , memos and other docs",
  190610. "719656189",
  190611. "200393",
  190612. "fdic/rtc responses from attorneys,re: responses , memos and other docs,719656189,200393"
  190613. ],
  190614. [
  190615. "fdic - gien'l",
  190616. "re: lsi forms, samples, copies, statistical data report, fdic billing file 1994 corres billing, fdic bills submitted 1994, fdic/354 waverly, fdic/perry/yellin et al, sacco, reservoir heights, fdic rinelo, michael, amie realty trust,",
  190617. "719599052",
  190618. "231276",
  190619. "fdic - gien'l,re: lsi forms, samples, copies, statistical data report, fdic billing file 1994 corres billing, fdic bills submitted 1994, fdic/354 waverly, fdic/perry/yellin et al, sacco, reservoir heights, fdic rinelo, michael, amie realty trust,,719599052,231276"
  190620. ],
  190621. [
  190622. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190623. "re: olympia & yorke equity mortgage notes",
  190624. "719599888",
  190625. "231273",
  190626. "federal deposit insurance corp.,re: olympia & yorke equity mortgage notes,719599888,231273"
  190627. ],
  190628. [
  190629. "fdic billing",
  190630. "re: (no case name listed )",
  190631. "719634887",
  190632. "231087",
  190633. "fdic billing,re: (no case name listed ),719634887,231087"
  190634. ],
  190635. [
  190636. "fdic",
  190637. "re: perry - yellin",
  190638. "719598154",
  190639. "231365",
  190640. "fdic,re: perry - yellin,719598154,231365"
  190641. ],
  190642. [
  190643. "brookline savings bank",
  190644. "re: miscellaneous materials",
  190645. "719654643",
  190646. "204539",
  190647. "brookline savings bank,re: miscellaneous materials,719654643,204539"
  190648. ],
  190649. [
  190650. "devon/mark willard realty trust",
  190651. "re: fdic/recoll",
  190652. "719664576",
  190653. "204698",
  190654. "devon/mark willard realty trust,re: fdic/recoll,719664576,204698"
  190655. ],
  190656. [
  190657. "sphk atty's",
  190658. "re: list of files for atty's co's",
  190659. "719654624",
  190660. "207937",
  190661. "sphk atty's,re: list of files for atty's co's,719654624,207937"
  190662. ],
  190663. [
  190664. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190665. "re: la bonte , et al",
  190666. "719659457",
  190667. "208118",
  190668. "federal deposit insurance corporation,re: la bonte , et al,719659457,208118"
  190669. ],
  190670. [
  190671. "sp & n notopoulos-nonbillable",
  190672. "fdic conflict waiver application",
  190673. "719596004",
  190674. "207976",
  190675. "sp & n notopoulos-nonbillable,fdic conflict waiver application,719596004,207976"
  190676. ],
  190677. [
  190678. "fdic billing file 1993",
  190679. "correspondence only; fdic billing submitted: jan 1993 -dec 1993",
  190680. "719596004",
  190681. "207976",
  190682. "fdic billing file 1993,correspondence only; fdic billing submitted: jan 1993 -dec 1993,719596004,207976"
  190683. ],
  190684. [
  190685. "fdic billing 1992",
  190686. "re: fdic billing 3/94; corresp. only; fdic billing submitted: july 1992 - december 1992",
  190687. "719664238",
  190688. "207975",
  190689. "fdic billing 1992,re: fdic billing 3/94; corresp. only; fdic billing submitted: july 1992 - december 1992,719664238,207975"
  190690. ],
  190691. [
  190692. "fdic - conflict waiver",
  190693. "re: 1997 fdic renewal; fdic 1994 lsa renewal",
  190694. "719664238",
  190695. "207975",
  190696. "fdic - conflict waiver,re: 1997 fdic renewal; fdic 1994 lsa renewal,719664238,207975"
  190697. ],
  190698. [
  190699. "robert stoller",
  190700. "fdic board brief & reply brief",
  190701. "719600354",
  190702. "208002",
  190703. "robert stoller,fdic board brief & reply brief,719600354,208002"
  190704. ],
  190705. [
  190706. "robb, george",
  190707. "re: general - fdic v. carlson et al",
  190708. "719585313",
  190709. "208200",
  190710. "robb, george,re: general - fdic v. carlson et al,719585313,208200"
  190711. ],
  190712. [
  190713. "robb, george",
  190714. "re: general",
  190715. "719585313",
  190716. "208200",
  190717. "robb, george,re: general,719585313,208200"
  190718. ],
  190719. [
  190720. "robb, george",
  190721. "re: general",
  190722. "719585313",
  190723. "208200",
  190724. "robb, george,re: general,719585313,208200"
  190725. ],
  190726. [
  190727. "university bank , n.a.",
  190728. "re: general",
  190729. "719598124",
  190730. "223928",
  190731. "university bank , n.a.,re: general,719598124,223928"
  190732. ],
  190733. [
  190734. "columbia construction",
  190735. "re: fdic",
  190736. "719592686",
  190737. "224176",
  190738. "columbia construction,re: fdic,719592686,224176"
  190739. ],
  190740. [
  190741. "sawyer associates, inc.",
  190742. "re: refinance of 60 market street index: mortgage to sawyer, equity one loan documents, legal fees, fdic payoff letter, market street-lynn, second mortgage subordinations, third mortgage subordinations, first mortgage subordinations",
  190743. "719611732",
  190744. "225805",
  190745. "sawyer associates, inc.,re: refinance of 60 market street index: mortgage to sawyer, equity one loan documents, legal fees, fdic payoff letter, market street-lynn, second mortgage subordinations, third mortgage subordinations, first mortgage subordinations,719611732,225805"
  190746. ],
  190747. [
  190748. "boston kenmore reality corp.",
  190749. "re: purchase of temple place index: e.i.s. - fdic / washington street, fdic forms, $250,000 loan, shamsi-temple place, vote for state lease, fdic purchase and sale",
  190750. "719643299",
  190751. "225815",
  190752. "boston kenmore reality corp.,re: purchase of temple place index: e.i.s. - fdic / washington street, fdic forms, $250,000 loan, shamsi-temple place, vote for state lease, fdic purchase and sale,719643299,225815"
  190753. ],
  190754. [
  190755. "boston kenmore reality corp.",
  190756. "re: loan from nations credit - 59 temple place and 501-507 washington street, boston index: temple place title, copies of recorded documents, documents included within binder, boston group, environmental reliance ltr., rents, estoppel certificate, insurance binder, boston group dev. inc., corp. vote and incumbancy, bkr corp. director's consent, temple west borrow (empty), temple west assoc. reg. (empty), bkr corp. bylaws (empty), bkr corp good standing (empty), fdic draft docs., zoning opinion, kerwyn & selwin, ucc search, draft laon docs., commitment letter, beckwith elevator, management company exspense report, management agreement, insured closing letter, commitment (empty), draft zoning opinion, purchaser eligibility certification, power of attorney, ret role, organizational docs., assignment of tenant leases, purchase and sale agreement",
  190757. "719643299",
  190758. "225815",
  190759. "boston kenmore reality corp.,re: loan from nations credit - 59 temple place and 501-507 washington street, boston index: temple place title, copies of recorded documents, documents included within binder, boston group, environmental reliance ltr., rents, estoppel certificate, insurance binder, boston group dev. inc., corp. vote and incumbancy, bkr corp. director's consent, temple west borrow (empty), temple west assoc. reg. (empty), bkr corp. bylaws (empty), bkr corp good standing (empty), fdic draft docs., zoning opinion, kerwyn & selwin, ucc search, draft laon docs., commitment letter, beckwith elevator, management company exspense report, management agreement, insured closing letter, commitment (empty), draft zoning opinion, purchaser eligibility certification, power of attorney, ret role, organizational docs., assignment of tenant leases, purchase and sale agreement,719643299,225815"
  190760. ],
  190761. [
  190762. "bay state federal savings bank",
  190763. "re: chestnut/hyslop",
  190764. "719634901",
  190765. "226244",
  190766. "bay state federal savings bank,re: chestnut/hyslop,719634901,226244"
  190767. ],
  190768. [
  190769. "woonsocket neighborhood development",
  190770. "re:constituitiona hill index: home funds city of woonsocket, side letter re: $126,000 home loan, city home $275,000 mortgage note, carryover allocation, promissory note, assignment of contracts, agreement re: affordable housing program subsidy, mortgage 12-29-94, home investment partnership agreement 12-23-94, purchase & sale agreement, supplementl agenda, assignment /assumption of home loan, nef mortgage loan rider, assignment & assumption re: assets, prior recorded leinholder's consent, discharge of $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, rihmfc home deed restrictions, new $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, authorization votes wndc, authorization votes chni, nef/rihmfc payment agreement, payment 7 perfection performance bonds phase i, rihmfc deed restrictrions, assignment of rihmfc home investment partnership agreement, 1rst amendment of mortgage re: rihmfc home loan, ucc-11 searches wndc, municipal libn certificates, media, distribution list, title exceptions, rihtnb loan documents, legal descriptions (new), flood plan certification, landscape artchitect's contract, rihmfc loan docs, notes, closing binders",
  190771. "719663820",
  190772. "226191",
  190773. "woonsocket neighborhood development,re:constituitiona hill index: home funds city of woonsocket, side letter re: $126,000 home loan, city home $275,000 mortgage note, carryover allocation, promissory note, assignment of contracts, agreement re: affordable housing program subsidy, mortgage 12-29-94, home investment partnership agreement 12-23-94, purchase & sale agreement, supplementl agenda, assignment /assumption of home loan, nef mortgage loan rider, assignment & assumption re: assets, prior recorded leinholder's consent, discharge of $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, rihmfc home deed restrictions, new $500,000 rihmfc home mortgage, authorization votes wndc, authorization votes chni, nef/rihmfc payment agreement, payment 7 perfection performance bonds phase i, rihmfc deed restrictrions, assignment of rihmfc home investment partnership agreement, 1rst amendment of mortgage re: rihmfc home loan, ucc-11 searches wndc, municipal libn certificates, media, distribution list, title exceptions, rihtnb loan documents, legal descriptions (new), flood plan certification, landscape artchitect's contract, rihmfc loan docs, notes, closing binders,719663820,226191"
  190774. ],
  190775. [
  190776. "boston financial technology group, inc.",
  190777. "loan to everett a. knight (partcipation with harbor national bank)",
  190778. "719623420",
  190779. "739783",
  190780. "boston financial technology group, inc.,loan to everett a. knight (partcipation with harbor national bank),719623420,739783"
  190781. ],
  190782. [
  190783. "csongor, desider",
  190784. "appeal from a $390,000 judgment entered for the plantiff, federal deposit insurance corporation",
  190785. "719596771",
  190786. "745034",
  190787. "csongor, desider,appeal from a $390,000 judgment entered for the plantiff, federal deposit insurance corporation,719596771,745034"
  190788. ],
  190789. [
  190790. "brownell, robertc/o community concepts corporation",
  190791. "representation of client in sale of pope road lots to ccc",
  190792. "1945",
  190793. "nan",
  190794. "brownell, robertc/o community concepts corporation,representation of client in sale of pope road lots to ccc,1945,nan"
  190795. ],
  190796. [
  190797. ",,4-2-01\"",
  190798. "arm",
  190799. "nan",
  190800. "nan",
  190801. ",,4-2-01\",arm,nan,nan"
  190802. ],
  190803. [
  190804. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.",
  190805. "def cl-fslic-maher e",
  190806. "719627772",
  190807. "750334",
  190808. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.,def cl-fslic-maher e,719627772,750334"
  190809. ],
  190810. [
  190811. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.",
  190812. "re: def cl-fslic-maher e",
  190813. "719626968",
  190814. "740160",
  190815. "gildroy, c.l. & avery j.,re: def cl-fslic-maher e,719626968,740160"
  190816. ],
  190817. [
  190818. "stoller, robert",
  190819. "u.s. tax court petition for tax year 1993",
  190820. "719658702",
  190821. "79497",
  190822. "stoller, robert,u.s. tax court petition for tax year 1993,719658702,79497"
  190823. ],
  190824. [
  190825. "stoller, robert",
  190826. "personal",
  190827. "719658804",
  190828. "79495",
  190829. "stoller, robert,personal,719658804,79495"
  190830. ],
  190831. [
  190832. "rtc",
  190833. "perry foreclosure",
  190834. "719656644",
  190835. "79735",
  190836. "rtc,perry foreclosure,719656644,79735"
  190837. ],
  190838. [
  190839. "federal deposit insurance corp.",
  190840. "354 waverly steet trust",
  190841. "719658456",
  190842. "79770",
  190843. "federal deposit insurance corp.,354 waverly steet trust,719658456,79770"
  190844. ],
  190845. [
  190846. "piantedosi baking co.",
  190847. "129 commercial street, malden",
  190848. "236526892",
  190849. "80593",
  190850. "piantedosi baking co.,129 commercial street, malden,236526892,80593"
  190851. ],
  190852. [
  190853. "mass. black lawyers association (\"mbla\")",
  190854. "general",
  190855. "719586332",
  190856. "172539",
  190857. "mass. black lawyers association (\"mbla\"),general,719586332,172539"
  190858. ],
  190859. [
  190860. "the richmond group, inc.",
  190861. "general matters",
  190862. "719597171",
  190863. "168913",
  190864. "the richmond group, inc.,general matters,719597171,168913"
  190865. ],
  190866. [
  190867. "holly tree resort",
  190868. "purchase from fdic",
  190869. "719589408",
  190870. "214065",
  190871. "holly tree resort,purchase from fdic,719589408,214065"
  190872. ],
  190873. [
  190874. "fdic",
  190875. "john e. dowd, jr.",
  190876. "719635110",
  190877. "168845",
  190878. "fdic,john e. dowd, jr.,719635110,168845"
  190879. ],
  190880. [
  190881. "fdic",
  190882. "john e. dowd, jr. file ii",
  190883. "719635110",
  190884. "168845",
  190885. "fdic,john e. dowd, jr. file ii,719635110,168845"
  190886. ],
  190887. [
  190888. "fdic",
  190889. "john e. dowd, jr.-file iii",
  190890. "719635110",
  190891. "168845",
  190892. "fdic,john e. dowd, jr.-file iii,719635110,168845"
  190893. ],
  190894. [
  190895. "fdic/recall",
  190896. "241 a street",
  190897. "719635141",
  190898. "168844",
  190899. "fdic/recall,241 a street,719635141,168844"
  190900. ],
  190901. [
  190902. "fdic",
  190903. "gladstone, sumner",
  190904. "719655370",
  190905. "173760",
  190906. "fdic,gladstone, sumner,719655370,173760"
  190907. ],
  190908. [
  190909. "fdic",
  190910. "sumner gladstone",
  190911. "719655370",
  190912. "173760",
  190913. "fdic,sumner gladstone,719655370,173760"
  190914. ],
  190915. [
  190916. "fdic",
  190917. "sumner gladstone",
  190918. "719664520",
  190919. "173759",
  190920. "fdic,sumner gladstone,719664520,173759"
  190921. ],
  190922. [
  190923. "fdic",
  190924. "sumner gladstone",
  190925. "nan",
  190926. "nan",
  190927. "fdic,sumner gladstone,nan,nan"
  190928. ],
  190929. [
  190930. "various",
  190931. "nan",
  190932. "719663898",
  190933. "173642",
  190934. "various,nan,719663898,173642"
  190935. ],
  190936. [
  190937. "creamer, donald e.",
  190938. "macdonald investments rtc bid package tockwooton",
  190939. "719598924",
  190940. "373688",
  190941. "creamer, donald e.,macdonald investments rtc bid package tockwooton,719598924,373688"
  190942. ],
  190943. [
  190944. "rtc v. ultramark, et al. & edmonds",
  190945. "complaint",
  190946. "628424347",
  190947. "424664",
  190948. "rtc v. ultramark, et al. & edmonds,complaint,628424347,424664"
  190949. ],
  190950. [
  190951. "general binding corporation",
  190952. "availability seach on: smartcut 800, smartfeed 800, titan 165, jet bond film",
  190953. "424653",
  190954. "nan",
  190955. "general binding corporation,availability seach on: smartcut 800, smartfeed 800, titan 165, jet bond film,424653,nan"
  190956. ],
  190957. [
  190958. "rtc industries, inc.",
  190959. "patent opinion",
  190960. "625092623",
  190961. "806555",
  190962. "rtc industries, inc.,patent opinion,625092623,806555"
  190963. ],
  190964. [
  190965. "various cases",
  190966. "client: morgan tire & auto; u.s. smokeless tobacco company; rtc industiries inc.; northwestern hospital; certegy' jeffery leving",
  190967. "628339875",
  190968. "806255",
  190969. "various cases,client: morgan tire & auto; u.s. smokeless tobacco company; rtc industiries inc.; northwestern hospital; certegy' jeffery leving,628339875,806255"
  190970. ],
  190971. [
  190972. "fdic",
  190973. "currie",
  190974. "719634711",
  190975. "168618",
  190976. "fdic,currie,719634711,168618"
  190977. ],
  190978. [
  190979. "artco",
  190980. "nan",
  190981. "546383740",
  190982. "3993",
  190983. "artco,nan,546383740,3993"
  190984. ],
  190985. [
  190986. "farrari, arthur",
  190987. "purchase of alsip land/fdic-ro",
  190988. "546299575",
  190989. "6401",
  190990. "farrari, arthur,purchase of alsip land/fdic-ro,546299575,6401"
  190991. ],
  190992. [
  190993. "rose, estate of earl jr.",
  190994. "fdic vs./ research",
  190995. "546304179",
  190996. "5757",
  190997. "rose, estate of earl jr.,fdic vs./ research,546304179,5757"
  190998. ],
  190999. [
  191000. "rose, estate of earl jr.",
  191001. "fdic vs./ miscellaneous",
  191002. "546304179",
  191003. "5757",
  191004. "rose, estate of earl jr.,fdic vs./ miscellaneous,546304179,5757"
  191005. ],
  191006. [
  191007. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  191008. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  191009. "546310934",
  191010. "6460",
  191011. "sanwa business credit corporation,fdic v. main, hurdman,546310934,6460"
  191012. ],
  191013. [
  191014. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  191015. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  191016. "546306050",
  191017. "6463",
  191018. "sanwa business credit corporation,fdic v. main, hurdman,546306050,6463"
  191019. ],
  191020. [
  191021. "sanwa business credit corporation",
  191022. "fdic v. main, hurdman",
  191023. "546306050",
  191024. "6463",
  191025. "sanwa business credit corporation,fdic v. main, hurdman,546306050,6463"
  191026. ],
  191027. [
  191028. "artco",
  191029. "nan",
  191030. "546383740",
  191031. "3993",
  191032. "artco,nan,546383740,3993"
  191033. ],
  191034. [
  191035. "ordman, morgan j.",
  191036. "mjo materials fdic cases",
  191037. "546295892",
  191038. "5651",
  191039. "ordman, morgan j.,mjo materials fdic cases,546295892,5651"
  191040. ],
  191041. [
  191042. "riverside properties",
  191043. "fdicpc",
  191044. "546308336",
  191045. "7823",
  191046. "riverside properties,fdicpc,546308336,7823"
  191047. ],
  191048. [
  191049. "riverside properties",
  191050. "fdicpc:misc wrap mortgage file",
  191051. "546308218",
  191052. "7836",
  191053. "riverside properties,fdicpc:misc wrap mortgage file,546308218,7836"
  191054. ],
  191055. [
  191056. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  191057. "means developers, inc.",
  191058. "546301434",
  191059. "8086",
  191060. "federal deposit insurance corporation,means developers, inc.,546301434,8086"
  191061. ],
  191062. [
  191063. "domeier, john",
  191064. "general, rtc investigation - c",
  191065. "546302243",
  191066. "10714",
  191067. "domeier, john,general, rtc investigation - c,546302243,10714"
  191068. ],
  191069. [
  191070. "symtec, inc.",
  191071. "stmtec, inc.",
  191072. "546307952",
  191073. "14211",
  191074. "symtec, inc.,stmtec, inc.,546307952,14211"
  191075. ],
  191076. [
  191077. "rtc/ foreclosure",
  191078. "general",
  191079. "546310041",
  191080. "14794",
  191081. "rtc/ foreclosure,general,546310041,14794"
  191082. ],
  191083. [
  191084. "epstein real estate",
  191085. "600 west fulton - various leases",
  191086. "546385573",
  191087. "17321",
  191088. "epstein real estate,600 west fulton - various leases,546385573,17321"
  191089. ],
  191090. [
  191091. "nan",
  191092. "corporate",
  191093. "546295707",
  191094. "25058",
  191095. "nan,corporate,546295707,25058"
  191096. ],
  191097. [
  191098. "nan",
  191099. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  191100. "550245013",
  191101. "26195",
  191102. "nan,federal deposit insurance corporation,550245013,26195"
  191103. ],
  191104. [
  191105. "nan",
  191106. "pay day loans - office of banks and real estate/fdic",
  191107. "546295966",
  191108. "26812",
  191109. "nan,pay day loans - office of banks and real estate/fdic,546295966,26812"
  191110. ],
  191111. [
  191112. "nan",
  191113. "general corporation",
  191114. "546308447",
  191115. "28948",
  191116. "nan,general corporation,546308447,28948"
  191117. ],
  191118. [
  191119. "nan",
  191120. "general corporation",
  191121. "546308447",
  191122. "28948",
  191123. "nan,general corporation,546308447,28948"
  191124. ],
  191125. [
  191126. "dupage valley state bank",
  191127. "entrepreneurial venture",
  191128. "565-3",
  191129. "nan",
  191130. "dupage valley state bank,entrepreneurial venture,565-3,nan"
  191131. ],
  191132. [
  191133. "nan",
  191134. "rtc industries, inc.",
  191135. "3019-3",
  191136. "nan",
  191137. "nan,rtc industries, inc.,3019-3,nan"
  191138. ],
  191139. [
  191140. "chevron workfile",
  191141. "rtc/globix memorandum",
  191142. "719585741",
  191143. "10301898",
  191144. "chevron workfile,rtc/globix memorandum,719585741,10301898"
  191145. ],
  191146. [
  191147. "2001 state st. transactions (irs fdic estimates) (west-zimmon)",
  191148. "nan",
  191149. "719664143",
  191150. "10302013",
  191151. "2001 state st. transactions (irs fdic estimates) (west-zimmon),nan,719664143,10302013"
  191152. ],
  191153. [
  191154. "liberty mutual insurance company",
  191155. "re: black+decker 1. general notes,memos, + messages 6-1-04- - 6-30-04 2. general notes,memos +messege 7-1-04 -7-31-04",
  191156. "719641695",
  191157. "11871237",
  191158. "liberty mutual insurance company,re: black+decker 1. general notes,memos, + messages 6-1-04- - 6-30-04 2. general notes,memos +messege 7-1-04 -7-31-04,719641695,11871237"
  191159. ],
  191160. [
  191161. "stoller, robert",
  191162. "personal- pleadings in fdic case & appeal- per's trial notebook",
  191163. "719624489",
  191164. "741552",
  191165. "stoller, robert,personal- pleadings in fdic case & appeal- per's trial notebook,719624489,741552"
  191166. ],
  191167. [
  191168. "stoller, robert",
  191169. "personal -",
  191170. "719624143",
  191171. "741545",
  191172. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624143,741545"
  191173. ],
  191174. [
  191175. "stoller, robert",
  191176. "personal -",
  191177. "719624158",
  191178. "741556",
  191179. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  191180. ],
  191181. [
  191182. "stoller, robert",
  191183. "personal -",
  191184. "719624158",
  191185. "741556",
  191186. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624158,741556"
  191187. ],
  191188. [
  191189. "stoller, robert",
  191190. "personal -",
  191191. "719625567",
  191192. "741512",
  191193. "stoller, robert,personal -,719625567,741512"
  191194. ],
  191195. [
  191196. "stoller, robert",
  191197. "personel -",
  191198. "719625567",
  191199. "741512",
  191200. "stoller, robert,personel -,719625567,741512"
  191201. ],
  191202. [
  191203. "stoller, robert",
  191204. "personal -",
  191205. "719624142",
  191206. "741553",
  191207. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  191208. ],
  191209. [
  191210. "stoller, robert",
  191211. "personal -",
  191212. "719624142",
  191213. "741553",
  191214. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624142,741553"
  191215. ],
  191216. [
  191217. "stoller, robert",
  191218. "personal -",
  191219. "719624151",
  191220. "741546",
  191221. "stoller, robert,personal -,719624151,741546"
  191222. ],
  191223. [
  191224. "technology container corp.",
  191225. "msc. mattertcc /worldpak / interplast corp.tcc",
  191226. "719595093",
  191227. "12428226",
  191228. "technology container corp.,msc. mattertcc /worldpak / interplast corp.tcc,719595093,12428226"
  191229. ],
  191230. [
  191231. "cgi management",
  191232. "re: curtco leasecorresplawnotesdocsmemo",
  191233. "719592108",
  191234. "12623914",
  191235. "cgi management,re: curtco leasecorresplawnotesdocsmemo,719592108,12623914"
  191236. ],
  191237. [
  191238. "boston financial",
  191239. "spencer courtclosing binder",
  191240. "719633334",
  191241. "12623338",
  191242. "boston financial,spencer courtclosing binder,719633334,12623338"
  191243. ],
  191244. [
  191245. "boston financial",
  191246. "webster courtclosing binder",
  191247. "719663586",
  191248. "12623382",
  191249. "boston financial,webster courtclosing binder,719663586,12623382"
  191250. ],
  191251. [
  191252. "boston capital",
  191253. "coffman courtclosing binder",
  191254. "719608125",
  191255. "12622528",
  191256. "boston capital,coffman courtclosing binder,719608125,12622528"
  191257. ],
  191258. [
  191259. "boston financial",
  191260. "chatham courtclosing binder ( 2 vols)",
  191261. "719610322",
  191262. "12621743",
  191263. "boston financial,chatham courtclosing binder ( 2 vols),719610322,12621743"
  191264. ],
  191265. [
  191266. "estate of geraldine curtis",
  191267. "irs penaltiestax formsnotes & memosfinal irs appeals decisionirs agreed reportcprrespondenceprotest letter & settlement formsestate tax returnmarital trust 1969",
  191268. "719581130",
  191269. "13015871",
  191270. "estate of geraldine curtis,irs penaltiestax formsnotes & memosfinal irs appeals decisionirs agreed reportcprrespondenceprotest letter & settlement formsestate tax returnmarital trust 1969,719581130,13015871"
  191271. ],
  191272. [
  191273. "capital one national asso.",
  191274. "martco limited partership-qalicb data; h&k comments; ssd comments; conflict billing; drafts, items closing docs, financing documents",
  191275. "719592287",
  191276. "13080068",
  191277. "capital one national asso.,martco limited partership-qalicb data; h&k comments; ssd comments; conflict billing; drafts, items closing docs, financing documents,719592287,13080068"
  191278. ],
  191279. [
  191280. "administration",
  191281. "whitman ransom",
  191282. "box 96-064",
  191283. "box 96-064",
  191284. "administration,whitman ransom,box 96-064,box 96-064"
  191285. ],
  191286. [
  191287. "hanley, thomas f.",
  191288. "tfh files",
  191289. "box 95-175",
  191290. "box 95-175",
  191291. "hanley, thomas f.,tfh files,box 95-175,box 95-175"
  191292. ],
  191293. [
  191294. "hanley, thomas f.",
  191295. "tfh files",
  191296. "box 95-171",
  191297. "box 95-171",
  191298. "hanley, thomas f.,tfh files,box 95-171,box 95-171"
  191299. ],
  191300. [
  191301. "miscellaneous",
  191302. "nan",
  191303. "box 94-520",
  191304. "box 94-520",
  191305. "miscellaneous,nan,box 94-520,box 94-520"
  191306. ],
  191307. [
  191308. "miscellaneous",
  191309. "nan",
  191310. "box 94-362",
  191311. "box 94-362",
  191312. "miscellaneous,nan,box 94-362,box 94-362"
  191313. ],
  191314. [
  191315. "rothschild, shelly",
  191316. "nan",
  191317. "box 97-314",
  191318. "box 97-314",
  191319. "rothschild, shelly,nan,box 97-314,box 97-314"
  191320. ],
  191321. [
  191322. "shipow, mark s.",
  191323. "billing files and personal files",
  191324. "box 96-318",
  191325. "box 96-318",
  191326. "shipow, mark s.,billing files and personal files,box 96-318,box 96-318"
  191327. ],
  191328. [
  191329. "shipow, mark s.",
  191330. "billing files",
  191331. "box 97-464",
  191332. "box 97-464",
  191333. "shipow, mark s.,billing files,box 97-464,box 97-464"
  191334. ],
  191335. [
  191336. "shipow, mark s.",
  191337. "billing files",
  191338. "618695127",
  191339. "box 97-511",
  191340. "shipow, mark s.,billing files,618695127,box 97-511"
  191341. ],
  191342. [
  191343. "welch, harriett m.",
  191344. "working file",
  191345. "box 99-170",
  191346. "box 99-170",
  191347. "welch, harriett m.,working file,box 99-170,box 99-170"
  191348. ],
  191349. [
  191350. "chartham management, inc.",
  191351. "b. brown, r. armas, d. motter bnkrtcy",
  191352. "box 96-032",
  191353. "box 96-032",
  191354. "chartham management, inc.,b. brown, r. armas, d. motter bnkrtcy,box 96-032,box 96-032"
  191355. ],
  191356. [
  191357. "city of folsom",
  191358. "rtc litigation",
  191359. "active file",
  191360. "nan",
  191361. "city of folsom,rtc litigation,active file,nan"
  191362. ],
  191363. [
  191364. "city of folsom",
  191365. "rtc litigation",
  191366. "box 98-176, 90-027",
  191367. "box 98-176, 90-027",
  191368. "city of folsom,rtc litigation,box 98-176, 90-027,box 98-176, 90-027"
  191369. ],
  191370. [
  191371. "city of folsom",
  191372. "folsom municipal services complex",
  191373. "box 94-377",
  191374. "box 94-377",
  191375. "city of folsom,folsom municipal services complex,box 94-377,box 94-377"
  191376. ],
  191377. [
  191378. "city of delano",
  191379. "temporary file",
  191380. "box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177",
  191381. "box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177",
  191382. "city of delano,temporary file,box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177,box 99-171, 89-172, 89-177"
  191383. ],
  191384. [
  191385. "eastbrook, inc.",
  191386. "artcuro co. arti-decor",
  191387. "active file",
  191388. "nan",
  191389. "eastbrook, inc.,artcuro co. arti-decor,active file,nan"
  191390. ],
  191391. [
  191392. "eastbrook, inc.",
  191393. "artcuro co. arti-decor",
  191394. "box 95-194",
  191395. "box 95-194",
  191396. "eastbrook, inc.,artcuro co. arti-decor,box 95-194,box 95-194"
  191397. ],
  191398. [
  191399. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191400. "general corporate",
  191401. "box 88-433, 88-434",
  191402. "box 88-433, 88-434",
  191403. "federal deposit insurance company,general corporate,box 88-433, 88-434,box 88-433, 88-434"
  191404. ],
  191405. [
  191406. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191407. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191408. "box 93-150",
  191409. "box 93-150",
  191410. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-150,box 93-150"
  191411. ],
  191412. [
  191413. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191414. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191415. "box 93-156",
  191416. "box 93-156",
  191417. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-156,box 93-156"
  191418. ],
  191419. [
  191420. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191421. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191422. "box 93-157",
  191423. "box 93-157",
  191424. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-157,box 93-157"
  191425. ],
  191426. [
  191427. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191428. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191429. "box 93-158",
  191430. "box 93-158",
  191431. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-158,box 93-158"
  191432. ],
  191433. [
  191434. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191435. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191436. "box 93-159",
  191437. "box 93-159",
  191438. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-159,box 93-159"
  191439. ],
  191440. [
  191441. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191442. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191443. "box 93-161",
  191444. "box 93-161",
  191445. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 93-161,box 93-161"
  191446. ],
  191447. [
  191448. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191449. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191450. "box 96-317",
  191451. "box 96-317",
  191452. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 96-317,box 96-317"
  191453. ],
  191454. [
  191455. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191456. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191457. "box 94-242",
  191458. "box 94-242",
  191459. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 94-242,box 94-242"
  191460. ],
  191461. [
  191462. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191463. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191464. "box 94-267",
  191465. "box 94-267",
  191466. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 94-267,box 94-267"
  191467. ],
  191468. [
  191469. "federal deposit insurance company",
  191470. "nulph/nordberg v wcb",
  191471. "box 96-318",
  191472. "box 96-318",
  191473. "federal deposit insurance company,nulph/nordberg v wcb,box 96-318,box 96-318"
  191474. ],
  191475. [
  191476. "harris berne christensen llp",
  191477. "in re camera platforms int'l, inc. (invol. bkrtcy)",
  191478. "459072605",
  191479. "nan",
  191480. "harris berne christensen llp,in re camera platforms int'l, inc. (invol. bkrtcy),459072605,nan"
  191481. ],
  191482. [
  191483. "macdonald, goggin & field",
  191484. "acquisition of thrift/loan fdic appl.",
  191485. "box 90-194, 96-089",
  191486. "box 90-194, 96-089",
  191487. "macdonald, goggin & field,acquisition of thrift/loan fdic appl.,box 90-194, 96-089,box 90-194, 96-089"
  191488. ],
  191489. [
  191490. "resolution trust corporation",
  191491. "property initiative number 2",
  191492. "box 95-001 box 9 5-002 box 9 5-003 box 9 5-003 box 95-004",
  191493. "nan",
  191494. "resolution trust corporation,property initiative number 2,box 95-001 box 9 5-002 box 9 5-003 box 9 5-003 box 95-004,nan"
  191495. ],
  191496. [
  191497. "resolution trust corporation",
  191498. "tamarack apartments",
  191499. "box 94-237",
  191500. "box 94-237",
  191501. "resolution trust corporation,tamarack apartments,box 94-237,box 94-237"
  191502. ],
  191503. [
  191504. "resolution trust corporation",
  191505. "lewis partner pre-litigation",
  191506. "box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014",
  191507. "box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014",
  191508. "resolution trust corporation,lewis partner pre-litigation,box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014,box 95-011 box 9 5-012 box 9 5-013 box 95-014"
  191509. ],
  191510. [
  191511. "westoff, martin",
  191512. "bond financing",
  191513. "box 98-039",
  191514. "box 98-039",
  191515. "westoff, martin,bond financing,box 98-039,box 98-039"
  191516. ],
  191517. [
  191518. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship",
  191519. "rtc contracts westlake village",
  191520. "box 96-275",
  191521. "box 96-275",
  191522. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship,rtc contracts westlake village,box 96-275,box 96-275"
  191523. ],
  191524. [
  191525. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship",
  191526. "rtc contracts westlake village",
  191527. "box 96-269",
  191528. "box 96-269",
  191529. "zelman development co. ca ltd prtnrship,rtc contracts westlake village,box 96-269,box 96-269"
  191530. ],
  191531. [
  191532. "whitman breed abbott & morgan",
  191533. "city of folsom",
  191534. "box 2000-1161",
  191535. "box 2000-1161",
  191536. "whitman breed abbott & morgan,city of folsom,box 2000-1161,box 2000-1161"
  191537. ],
  191538. [
  191539. "nan",
  191540. "nan",
  191541. "132984408",
  191542. "132984408",
  191543. "nan,nan,132984408,132984408"
  191544. ],
  191545. [
  191546. "nan",
  191547. "nan",
  191548. "dsj179593",
  191549. "100-00974",
  191550. "nan,nan,dsj179593,100-00974"
  191551. ],
  191552. [
  191553. "nan",
  191554. "nan",
  191555. "dsj179597",
  191556. "100-00978",
  191557. "nan,nan,dsj179597,100-00978"
  191558. ],
  191559. [
  191560. "nan",
  191561. "nan",
  191562. "dsj179895",
  191563. "100-00268",
  191564. "nan,nan,dsj179895,100-00268"
  191565. ],
  191566. [
  191567. "nan",
  191568. "nan",
  191569. "dsj179895",
  191570. "100-00268",
  191571. "nan,nan,dsj179895,100-00268"
  191572. ],
  191573. [
  191574. "nan",
  191575. "nan",
  191576. "dsj179895",
  191577. "100-00268",
  191578. "nan,nan,dsj179895,100-00268"
  191579. ],
  191580. [
  191581. "nan",
  191582. "nan",
  191583. "dsj180195",
  191584. "100-00541",
  191585. "nan,nan,dsj180195,100-00541"
  191586. ],
  191587. [
  191588. "nan",
  191589. "nan",
  191590. "dsj180268",
  191591. "100-00615",
  191592. "nan,nan,dsj180268,100-00615"
  191593. ],
  191594. [
  191595. "nan",
  191596. "nan",
  191597. "dsj180619",
  191598. "100-01034",
  191599. "nan,nan,dsj180619,100-01034"
  191600. ],
  191601. [
  191602. "nan",
  191603. "nan",
  191604. "dsj180810",
  191605. "100-01225",
  191606. "nan,nan,dsj180810,100-01225"
  191607. ],
  191608. [
  191609. "nan",
  191610. "nan",
  191611. "dsj180844",
  191612. "100-01259",
  191613. "nan,nan,dsj180844,100-01259"
  191614. ],
  191615. [
  191616. "nan",
  191617. "nan",
  191618. "dsj180909",
  191619. "100-01324",
  191620. "nan,nan,dsj180909,100-01324"
  191621. ],
  191622. [
  191623. "nan",
  191624. "nan",
  191625. "dsj180910",
  191626. "100-01325",
  191627. "nan,nan,dsj180910,100-01325"
  191628. ],
  191629. [
  191630. "nan",
  191631. "nan",
  191632. "dsj180913",
  191633. "100-01328",
  191634. "nan,nan,dsj180913,100-01328"
  191635. ],
  191636. [
  191637. "nan",
  191638. "nan",
  191639. "dsj180917",
  191640. "100-01332",
  191641. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  191642. ],
  191643. [
  191644. "nan",
  191645. "nan",
  191646. "dsj180917",
  191647. "100-01332",
  191648. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  191649. ],
  191650. [
  191651. "nan",
  191652. "nan",
  191653. "dsj180917",
  191654. "100-01332",
  191655. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  191656. ],
  191657. [
  191658. "nan",
  191659. "nan",
  191660. "dsj180917",
  191661. "100-01332",
  191662. "nan,nan,dsj180917,100-01332"
  191663. ],
  191664. [
  191665. "nan",
  191666. "nan",
  191667. "dsj181036",
  191668. "543",
  191669. "nan,nan,dsj181036,543"
  191670. ],
  191671. [
  191672. "nan",
  191673. "nan",
  191674. "dsj613426",
  191675. "314156",
  191676. "nan,nan,dsj613426,314156"
  191677. ],
  191678. [
  191679. "nan",
  191680. "nan",
  191681. "dsj616659",
  191682. "314136",
  191683. "nan,nan,dsj616659,314136"
  191684. ],
  191685. [
  191686. "nan",
  191687. "nan",
  191688. "dsj616662",
  191689. "314139",
  191690. "nan,nan,dsj616662,314139"
  191691. ],
  191692. [
  191693. "nan",
  191694. "nan",
  191695. "543329470",
  191696. "100564",
  191697. "nan,nan,543329470,100564"
  191698. ],
  191699. [
  191700. "rtc",
  191701. "none",
  191702. "489520177",
  191703. "34170",
  191704. "rtc,none,489520177,34170"
  191705. ],
  191706. [
  191707. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  191708. "hub city terminals lease (fullerton towers)",
  191709. "active file",
  191710. "nan",
  191711. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,hub city terminals lease (fullerton towers),active file,nan"
  191712. ],
  191713. [
  191714. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  191715. "real estate matters",
  191716. "active file",
  191717. "nan",
  191718. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,active file,nan"
  191719. ],
  191720. [
  191721. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  191722. "hypercom lease (arizona business park)",
  191723. "active file",
  191724. "nan",
  191725. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,hypercom lease (arizona business park),active file,nan"
  191726. ],
  191727. [
  191728. "birtcher anderson realty, llc",
  191729. "real estate matters",
  191730. "459070432",
  191731. "nan",
  191732. "birtcher anderson realty, llc,real estate matters,459070432,nan"
  191733. ],
  191734. [
  191735. "havenick, barbara",
  191736. "estate planning",
  191737. "727764998",
  191738. "nan",
  191739. "havenick, barbara,estate planning,727764998,nan"
  191740. ],
  191741. [
  191742. "centennial founders llc",
  191743. "feir/rtc",
  191744. "active file",
  191745. "nan",
  191746. "centennial founders llc,feir/rtc,active file,nan"
  191747. ],
  191748. [
  191749. "krome gold ranches ii, lllp",
  191750. "litigation-case #09-04275 ca 20 (def. miami-dade county)",
  191751. "734552766",
  191752. "48285",
  191753. "krome gold ranches ii, lllp,litigation-case #09-04275 ca 20 (def. miami-dade county),734552766,48285"
  191754. ],
  191755. [
  191756. "carlisle historic tax credit fund",
  191757. "westfield commons historic rehabilitation",
  191758. "719586629",
  191759. "c0657578",
  191760. "carlisle historic tax credit fund,westfield commons historic rehabilitation,719586629,c0657578"
  191761. ],
  191762. [
  191763. "central florida store services, inc.",
  191764. "business damage",
  191765. "754377014",
  191766. "nan",
  191767. "central florida store services, inc.,business damage,754377014,nan"
  191768. ],
  191769. [
  191770. "walker development corporation",
  191771. "office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation",
  191772. "560697033",
  191773. "nan",
  191774. "walker development corporation,office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation,560697033,nan"
  191775. ],
  191776. [
  191777. "walker development corporation",
  191778. "office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation",
  191779. "731240749",
  191780. "nan",
  191781. "walker development corporation,office lease with federal deposit insurance corporation,731240749,nan"
  191782. ],
  191783. [
  191784. "win properties, inc.",
  191785. "fdic",
  191786. "731233783",
  191787. "nan",
  191788. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  191789. ],
  191790. [
  191791. "win properties, inc.",
  191792. "fdic",
  191793. "731233783",
  191794. "nan",
  191795. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  191796. ],
  191797. [
  191798. "win properties, inc.",
  191799. "fdic",
  191800. "731233783",
  191801. "nan",
  191802. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  191803. ],
  191804. [
  191805. "win properties, inc.",
  191806. "fdic",
  191807. "731233783",
  191808. "nan",
  191809. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  191810. ],
  191811. [
  191812. "win properties, inc.",
  191813. "fdic",
  191814. "731233783",
  191815. "nan",
  191816. "win properties, inc.,fdic,731233783,nan"
  191817. ],
  191818. [
  191819. "win properties, inc.",
  191820. "fdic",
  191821. "active file",
  191822. "nan",
  191823. "win properties, inc.,fdic,active file,nan"
  191824. ],
  191825. [
  191826. "win properties, inc.",
  191827. "fdic",
  191828. "active file",
  191829. "nan",
  191830. "win properties, inc.,fdic,active file,nan"
  191831. ],
  191832. [
  191833. "mrp realty",
  191834. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  191835. "613428326",
  191836. "nan",
  191837. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),613428326,nan"
  191838. ],
  191839. [
  191840. "mrp realty",
  191841. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  191842. "518161153",
  191843. "nan",
  191844. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),518161153,nan"
  191845. ],
  191846. [
  191847. "mrp realty",
  191848. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  191849. "518160162",
  191850. "nan",
  191851. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),518160162,nan"
  191852. ],
  191853. [
  191854. "mrp realty",
  191855. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  191856. "712274814",
  191857. "nan",
  191858. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),712274814,nan"
  191859. ],
  191860. [
  191861. "mrp realty",
  191862. "fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va)",
  191863. "755476041",
  191864. "nan",
  191865. "mrp realty,fdic lease (1310 n. courthouse road, arlington, va),755476041,nan"
  191866. ],
  191867. [
  191868. "gryboski, howe & gravley, llc",
  191869. "potential lease dispute with freedom bank",
  191870. "673054066",
  191871. "nan",
  191872. "gryboski, howe & gravley, llc,potential lease dispute with freedom bank,673054066,nan"
  191873. ],
  191874. [
  191875. "heritage community bank",
  191876. "wextrust litigation matter",
  191877. "608476295",
  191878. "nan",
  191879. "heritage community bank,wextrust litigation matter,608476295,nan"
  191880. ],
  191881. [
  191882. "tejon mountain village llc",
  191883. "tmv - hcp/mshcp",
  191884. "755476341",
  191885. "nan",
  191886. "tejon mountain village llc,tmv - hcp/mshcp,755476341,nan"
  191887. ],
  191888. [
  191889. "banco ganadero",
  191890. "none",
  191891. "489343666",
  191892. "118909",
  191893. "banco ganadero,none,489343666,118909"
  191894. ],
  191895. [
  191896. "rao, gopal c., steele, frank c. & amin,",
  191897. "resolution of individual guarantees",
  191898. "622579579",
  191899. "nan",
  191900. "rao, gopal c., steele, frank c. & amin,,resolution of individual guarantees,622579579,nan"
  191901. ],
  191902. [
  191903. "residential contractors association",
  191904. "general employment advice",
  191905. "459070519",
  191906. "8",
  191907. "residential contractors association,general employment advice,459070519,8"
  191908. ],
  191909. [
  191910. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  191911. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  191912. "633152222",
  191913. "nan",
  191914. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  191915. ],
  191916. [
  191917. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  191918. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  191919. "633152222",
  191920. "nan",
  191921. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  191922. ],
  191923. [
  191924. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  191925. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  191926. "633152222",
  191927. "nan",
  191928. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  191929. ],
  191930. [
  191931. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  191932. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  191933. "633152222",
  191934. "nan",
  191935. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  191936. ],
  191937. [
  191938. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.",
  191939. "granite polo club/artcetera lease",
  191940. "633152222",
  191941. "nan",
  191942. "blackrock realty advisors, inc.,granite polo club/artcetera lease,633152222,nan"
  191943. ],
  191944. [
  191945. "d.r. horton, inc. - tampa division",
  191946. "fdic (purchase fr) oakhurst subdivision",
  191947. "613269222",
  191948. "613269222",
  191949. "d.r. horton, inc. - tampa division,fdic (purchase fr) oakhurst subdivision,613269222,613269222"
  191950. ],
  191951. [
  191952. "international banking corporation, the",
  191953. "defense of litigation in new york",
  191954. "727768061",
  191955. "nan",
  191956. "international banking corporation, the,defense of litigation in new york,727768061,nan"
  191957. ],
  191958. [
  191959. "princess development llc",
  191960. "purchase of 700 biscayne",
  191961. "727771577",
  191962. "nan",
  191963. "princess development llc,purchase of 700 biscayne,727771577,nan"
  191964. ],
  191965. [
  191966. "daniel, jr., harold/expert witness",
  191967. "king & spalding - expert witness services",
  191968. "622579572",
  191969. "nan",
  191970. "daniel, jr., harold/expert witness,king & spalding - expert witness services,622579572,nan"
  191971. ],
  191972. [
  191973. "bankunited",
  191974. "loan to highland beach azure, llc",
  191975. "727762312",
  191976. "nan",
  191977. "bankunited,loan to highland beach azure, llc,727762312,nan"
  191978. ],
  191979. [
  191980. "adaya, salim",
  191981. "adaya family trust/amina adaya, et al. v. salim adaya",
  191982. "active file",
  191983. "nan",
  191984. "adaya, salim,adaya family trust/amina adaya, et al. v. salim adaya,active file,nan"
  191985. ],
  191986. [
  191987. "select portfolio servicing, inc.",
  191988. "sps/magaldi, victoria",
  191989. "rf017278741",
  191990. "rf017278741",
  191991. "select portfolio servicing, inc.,sps/magaldi, victoria,rf017278741,rf017278741"
  191992. ],
  191993. [
  191994. "cabanillas-conner, denise k. et al.",
  191995. "fdic as receiver of freedom bank, bradenton, fl",
  191996. "769663668",
  191997. "nan",
  191998. "cabanillas-conner, denise k. et al.,fdic as receiver of freedom bank, bradenton, fl,769663668,nan"
  191999. ],
  192000. [
  192001. "whealen, richard a.",
  192002. "reston refinance - rtc - john marshall bank loan",
  192003. "active file",
  192004. "nan",
  192005. "whealen, richard a.,reston refinance - rtc - john marshall bank loan,active file,nan"
  192006. ],
  192007. [
  192008. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192009. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192010. "683272810",
  192011. "683272810",
  192012. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272810,683272810"
  192013. ],
  192014. [
  192015. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192016. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192017. "683272806",
  192018. "683272806",
  192019. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272806,683272806"
  192020. ],
  192021. [
  192022. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192023. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192024. "683272805",
  192025. "683272805",
  192026. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272805,683272805"
  192027. ],
  192028. [
  192029. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192030. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192031. "683272812",
  192032. "683272812",
  192033. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272812,683272812"
  192034. ],
  192035. [
  192036. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192037. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192038. "683272808",
  192039. "683272808",
  192040. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272808,683272808"
  192041. ],
  192042. [
  192043. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192044. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192045. "683272811",
  192046. "683272811",
  192047. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272811,683272811"
  192048. ],
  192049. [
  192050. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192051. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192052. "683272804",
  192053. "683272804",
  192054. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272804,683272804"
  192055. ],
  192056. [
  192057. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192058. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192059. "683272809",
  192060. "683272809",
  192061. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272809,683272809"
  192062. ],
  192063. [
  192064. "berryhill, michael w., et al.",
  192065. "fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank",
  192066. "683272807",
  192067. "683272807",
  192068. "berryhill, michael w., et al.,fdic vs former officers and directors of ocala national bank,683272807,683272807"
  192069. ],
  192070. [
  192071. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  192072. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  192073. "731234741",
  192074. "nan",
  192075. "fsp grand boulevard llc,lease to fdic of kansas city building,731234741,nan"
  192076. ],
  192077. [
  192078. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  192079. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  192080. "731234741",
  192081. "nan",
  192082. "fsp grand boulevard llc,lease to fdic of kansas city building,731234741,nan"
  192083. ],
  192084. [
  192085. "fsp grand boulevard llc",
  192086. "lease to fdic of kansas city building",
  192087. "731234741",
  192088. "nan",
  192089. "fsp grand boulevard llc,lease to fdic of kansas city building,731234741,nan"
  192090. ],
  192091. [
  192092. "iberiabank",
  192093. "loan workout-foreclosure - neptune beach surgery center, llc",
  192094. "755565903",
  192095. "nan",
  192096. "iberiabank,loan workout-foreclosure - neptune beach surgery center, llc,755565903,nan"
  192097. ],
  192098. [
  192099. "first bank of jacksonville",
  192100. "general corporate matters",
  192101. "767976906",
  192102. "9",
  192103. "first bank of jacksonville,general corporate matters,767976906,9"
  192104. ],
  192105. [
  192106. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192107. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192108. "active file",
  192109. "nan",
  192110. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192111. ],
  192112. [
  192113. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192114. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192115. "active file",
  192116. "nan",
  192117. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192118. ],
  192119. [
  192120. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192121. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192122. "active file",
  192123. "nan",
  192124. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192125. ],
  192126. [
  192127. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192128. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192129. "active file",
  192130. "nan",
  192131. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192132. ],
  192133. [
  192134. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192135. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192136. "active file",
  192137. "nan",
  192138. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192139. ],
  192140. [
  192141. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192142. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192143. "active file",
  192144. "nan",
  192145. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192146. ],
  192147. [
  192148. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192149. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192150. "active file",
  192151. "nan",
  192152. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192153. ],
  192154. [
  192155. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192156. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192157. "active file",
  192158. "nan",
  192159. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192160. ],
  192161. [
  192162. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192163. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192164. "active file",
  192165. "nan",
  192166. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192167. ],
  192168. [
  192169. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192170. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192171. "active file",
  192172. "nan",
  192173. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192174. ],
  192175. [
  192176. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192177. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192178. "791439473",
  192179. "nan",
  192180. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192181. ],
  192182. [
  192183. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192184. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192185. "791439473",
  192186. "nan",
  192187. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192188. ],
  192189. [
  192190. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192191. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192192. "791439473",
  192193. "nan",
  192194. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192195. ],
  192196. [
  192197. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192198. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192199. "active file",
  192200. "nan",
  192201. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192202. ],
  192203. [
  192204. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192205. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192206. "active file",
  192207. "nan",
  192208. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192209. ],
  192210. [
  192211. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192212. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192213. "active file",
  192214. "nan",
  192215. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,active file,nan"
  192216. ],
  192217. [
  192218. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192219. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192220. "791439473",
  192221. "nan",
  192222. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192223. ],
  192224. [
  192225. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192226. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192227. "791439473",
  192228. "nan",
  192229. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192230. ],
  192231. [
  192232. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192233. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192234. "791439473",
  192235. "nan",
  192236. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192237. ],
  192238. [
  192239. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192240. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192241. "791439473",
  192242. "nan",
  192243. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192244. ],
  192245. [
  192246. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192247. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192248. "791439473",
  192249. "nan",
  192250. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192251. ],
  192252. [
  192253. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192254. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192255. "791439473",
  192256. "nan",
  192257. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192258. ],
  192259. [
  192260. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192261. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192262. "791439473",
  192263. "nan",
  192264. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192265. ],
  192266. [
  192267. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192268. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192269. "791439473",
  192270. "nan",
  192271. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192272. ],
  192273. [
  192274. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m",
  192275. "fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb",
  192276. "791439473",
  192277. "nan",
  192278. "kreitman, stanley and nickerson, james m,fdic v. former officers and directors of century bank, fsb,791439473,nan"
  192279. ],
  192280. [
  192281. "smart holding group s.a.",
  192282. "hosted solutions master services agreement and it policies",
  192283. "632021750",
  192284. "nan",
  192285. "smart holding group s.a.,hosted solutions master services agreement and it policies,632021750,nan"
  192286. ],
  192287. [
  192288. "smart holding group s.a.",
  192289. "general corporate/intellectual property",
  192290. "731238089",
  192291. "nan",
  192292. "smart holding group s.a.,general corporate/intellectual property,731238089,nan"
  192293. ],
  192294. [
  192295. "first southern national bank",
  192296. "piedmont village foreclosure",
  192297. "755589600",
  192298. "nan",
  192299. "first southern national bank,piedmont village foreclosure,755589600,nan"
  192300. ],
  192301. [
  192302. "norwich partners of florida llc",
  192303. "permanent financing re: 368 congress street, boston, ma",
  192304. "rf034066424",
  192305. "nan",
  192306. "norwich partners of florida llc,permanent financing re: 368 congress street, boston, ma,rf034066424,nan"
  192307. ],
  192308. [
  192309. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192310. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192311. "788692819",
  192312. "nan",
  192313. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692819,nan"
  192314. ],
  192315. [
  192316. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192317. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192318. "788692820",
  192319. "nan",
  192320. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192321. ],
  192322. [
  192323. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192324. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192325. "788692820",
  192326. "nan",
  192327. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192328. ],
  192329. [
  192330. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192331. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192332. "788692820",
  192333. "nan",
  192334. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192335. ],
  192336. [
  192337. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192338. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192339. "788692820",
  192340. "nan",
  192341. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192342. ],
  192343. [
  192344. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192345. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192346. "727768042",
  192347. "nan",
  192348. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768042,nan"
  192349. ],
  192350. [
  192351. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192352. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192353. "788692820",
  192354. "nan",
  192355. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192356. ],
  192357. [
  192358. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192359. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192360. "788692820",
  192361. "nan",
  192362. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192363. ],
  192364. [
  192365. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192366. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192367. "788692820",
  192368. "nan",
  192369. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192370. ],
  192371. [
  192372. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192373. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192374. "788692820",
  192375. "nan",
  192376. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192377. ],
  192378. [
  192379. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192380. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192381. "788692820",
  192382. "nan",
  192383. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192384. ],
  192385. [
  192386. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192387. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192388. "788692820",
  192389. "nan",
  192390. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192391. ],
  192392. [
  192393. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192394. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192395. "788692820",
  192396. "nan",
  192397. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192398. ],
  192399. [
  192400. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192401. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192402. "788692820",
  192403. "nan",
  192404. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192405. ],
  192406. [
  192407. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192408. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192409. "788692820",
  192410. "nan",
  192411. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192412. ],
  192413. [
  192414. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192415. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192416. "788692820",
  192417. "nan",
  192418. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192419. ],
  192420. [
  192421. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192422. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192423. "727768043",
  192424. "nan",
  192425. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768043,nan"
  192426. ],
  192427. [
  192428. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192429. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192430. "788692820",
  192431. "nan",
  192432. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692820,nan"
  192433. ],
  192434. [
  192435. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192436. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192437. "788692821",
  192438. "nan",
  192439. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692821,nan"
  192440. ],
  192441. [
  192442. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192443. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192444. "727768044",
  192445. "nan",
  192446. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768044,nan"
  192447. ],
  192448. [
  192449. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192450. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192451. "727768045",
  192452. "nan",
  192453. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  192454. ],
  192455. [
  192456. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192457. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192458. "788692822",
  192459. "nan",
  192460. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692822,nan"
  192461. ],
  192462. [
  192463. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192464. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192465. "727768045",
  192466. "nan",
  192467. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  192468. ],
  192469. [
  192470. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192471. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192472. "788692823",
  192473. "nan",
  192474. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692823,nan"
  192475. ],
  192476. [
  192477. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192478. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192479. "727768045",
  192480. "nan",
  192481. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  192482. ],
  192483. [
  192484. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192485. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192486. "727768045",
  192487. "nan",
  192488. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  192489. ],
  192490. [
  192491. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192492. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192493. "727768045",
  192494. "nan",
  192495. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  192496. ],
  192497. [
  192498. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192499. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192500. "727768045",
  192501. "nan",
  192502. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768045,nan"
  192503. ],
  192504. [
  192505. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192506. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192507. "788692824",
  192508. "nan",
  192509. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692824,nan"
  192510. ],
  192511. [
  192512. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192513. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192514. "788692825",
  192515. "nan",
  192516. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692825,nan"
  192517. ],
  192518. [
  192519. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192520. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192521. "788692826",
  192522. "nan",
  192523. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692826,nan"
  192524. ],
  192525. [
  192526. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192527. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192528. "727768046",
  192529. "nan",
  192530. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768046,nan"
  192531. ],
  192532. [
  192533. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192534. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192535. "788692827",
  192536. "nan",
  192537. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692827,nan"
  192538. ],
  192539. [
  192540. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192541. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192542. "727768047",
  192543. "nan",
  192544. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768047,nan"
  192545. ],
  192546. [
  192547. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192548. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192549. "788692828",
  192550. "nan",
  192551. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788692828,nan"
  192552. ],
  192553. [
  192554. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192555. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192556. "727768048",
  192557. "nan",
  192558. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  192559. ],
  192560. [
  192561. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192562. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192563. "727768048",
  192564. "nan",
  192565. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  192566. ],
  192567. [
  192568. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192569. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192570. "727768048",
  192571. "nan",
  192572. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  192573. ],
  192574. [
  192575. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192576. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192577. "727768048",
  192578. "nan",
  192579. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  192580. ],
  192581. [
  192582. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192583. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192584. "727768048",
  192585. "nan",
  192586. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  192587. ],
  192588. [
  192589. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192590. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192591. "727768048",
  192592. "nan",
  192593. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  192594. ],
  192595. [
  192596. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192597. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192598. "727768048",
  192599. "nan",
  192600. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768048,nan"
  192601. ],
  192602. [
  192603. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192604. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192605. "727768049",
  192606. "nan",
  192607. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,727768049,nan"
  192608. ],
  192609. [
  192610. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192611. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192612. "active file",
  192613. "nan",
  192614. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,active file,nan"
  192615. ],
  192616. [
  192617. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192618. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192619. "788652345",
  192620. "nan",
  192621. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788652345,nan"
  192622. ],
  192623. [
  192624. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192625. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192626. "788652345",
  192627. "nan",
  192628. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,788652345,nan"
  192629. ],
  192630. [
  192631. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192632. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192633. "rf034152196",
  192634. "nan",
  192635. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192636. ],
  192637. [
  192638. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192639. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192640. "rf034152196",
  192641. "nan",
  192642. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192643. ],
  192644. [
  192645. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192646. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192647. "rf034152196",
  192648. "nan",
  192649. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192650. ],
  192651. [
  192652. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192653. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192654. "rf034152196",
  192655. "nan",
  192656. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192657. ],
  192658. [
  192659. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192660. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192661. "rf034152196",
  192662. "nan",
  192663. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192664. ],
  192665. [
  192666. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192667. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192668. "rf034152196",
  192669. "nan",
  192670. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192671. ],
  192672. [
  192673. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192674. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192675. "rf034152196",
  192676. "nan",
  192677. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192678. ],
  192679. [
  192680. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192681. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192682. "rf034152196",
  192683. "nan",
  192684. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192685. ],
  192686. [
  192687. "wolf, john g., et al.",
  192688. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank",
  192689. "rf034152196",
  192690. "nan",
  192691. "wolf, john g., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of partners bank,rf034152196,nan"
  192692. ],
  192693. [
  192694. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192695. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192696. "726467445",
  192697. "nan",
  192698. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  192699. ],
  192700. [
  192701. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192702. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192703. "726467445",
  192704. "nan",
  192705. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  192706. ],
  192707. [
  192708. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192709. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192710. "726467445",
  192711. "nan",
  192712. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  192713. ],
  192714. [
  192715. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192716. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192717. "726467445",
  192718. "nan",
  192719. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  192720. ],
  192721. [
  192722. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192723. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192724. "726467447",
  192725. "nan",
  192726. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192727. ],
  192728. [
  192729. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192730. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192731. "726467447",
  192732. "nan",
  192733. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192734. ],
  192735. [
  192736. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192737. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192738. "726467447",
  192739. "nan",
  192740. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192741. ],
  192742. [
  192743. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192744. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192745. "726467447",
  192746. "nan",
  192747. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192748. ],
  192749. [
  192750. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192751. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192752. "726467445",
  192753. "nan",
  192754. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467445,nan"
  192755. ],
  192756. [
  192757. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192758. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192759. "726467447",
  192760. "nan",
  192761. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192762. ],
  192763. [
  192764. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192765. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192766. "726467447",
  192767. "nan",
  192768. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192769. ],
  192770. [
  192771. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192772. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192773. "726467447",
  192774. "nan",
  192775. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192776. ],
  192777. [
  192778. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192779. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192780. "726467447",
  192781. "nan",
  192782. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192783. ],
  192784. [
  192785. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192786. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192787. "726467447",
  192788. "nan",
  192789. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192790. ],
  192791. [
  192792. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192793. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192794. "726467447",
  192795. "nan",
  192796. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192797. ],
  192798. [
  192799. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192800. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192801. "726467447",
  192802. "nan",
  192803. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,726467447,nan"
  192804. ],
  192805. [
  192806. "tabor, elmer w., et al.",
  192807. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of",
  192808. "791439684",
  192809. "nan",
  192810. "tabor, elmer w., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of riverside bank of,791439684,nan"
  192811. ],
  192812. [
  192813. "hayes, lee",
  192814. "off shore trust",
  192815. "632022934",
  192816. "nan",
  192817. "hayes, lee,off shore trust,632022934,nan"
  192818. ],
  192819. [
  192820. "hayes, lee",
  192821. "off shore trust",
  192822. "632025058",
  192823. "nan",
  192824. "hayes, lee,off shore trust,632025058,nan"
  192825. ],
  192826. [
  192827. "hayes, lee",
  192828. "off shore trust",
  192829. "632025672",
  192830. "nan",
  192831. "hayes, lee,off shore trust,632025672,nan"
  192832. ],
  192833. [
  192834. "marano, thomas",
  192835. "estate planning",
  192836. "active file",
  192837. "nan",
  192838. "marano, thomas,estate planning,active file,nan"
  192839. ],
  192840. [
  192841. "sic lakeside drive, llc (the swig compan",
  192842. "kaiser center development",
  192843. "active file",
  192844. "nan",
  192845. "sic lakeside drive, llc (the swig compan,kaiser center development,active file,nan"
  192846. ],
  192847. [
  192848. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192849. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192850. "664453832",
  192851. "nan",
  192852. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  192853. ],
  192854. [
  192855. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192856. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192857. "664453832",
  192858. "nan",
  192859. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  192860. ],
  192861. [
  192862. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192863. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192864. "664453835",
  192865. "nan",
  192866. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  192867. ],
  192868. [
  192869. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192870. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192871. "791431821",
  192872. "nan",
  192873. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192874. ],
  192875. [
  192876. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192877. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192878. "791431821",
  192879. "nan",
  192880. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192881. ],
  192882. [
  192883. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192884. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192885. "791431821",
  192886. "nan",
  192887. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192888. ],
  192889. [
  192890. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192891. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192892. "791431821",
  192893. "nan",
  192894. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192895. ],
  192896. [
  192897. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192898. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192899. "791431821",
  192900. "nan",
  192901. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192902. ],
  192903. [
  192904. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192905. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192906. "791431822",
  192907. "nan",
  192908. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  192909. ],
  192910. [
  192911. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192912. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192913. "664453835",
  192914. "nan",
  192915. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  192916. ],
  192917. [
  192918. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192919. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192920. "791431821",
  192921. "nan",
  192922. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192923. ],
  192924. [
  192925. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192926. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192927. "791431821",
  192928. "nan",
  192929. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192930. ],
  192931. [
  192932. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192933. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192934. "664453832",
  192935. "nan",
  192936. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  192937. ],
  192938. [
  192939. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192940. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192941. "791431821",
  192942. "nan",
  192943. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431821,nan"
  192944. ],
  192945. [
  192946. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192947. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192948. "664453831",
  192949. "nan",
  192950. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  192951. ],
  192952. [
  192953. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192954. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192955. "791431822",
  192956. "nan",
  192957. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  192958. ],
  192959. [
  192960. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192961. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192962. "664453835",
  192963. "nan",
  192964. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  192965. ],
  192966. [
  192967. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192968. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192969. "664453832",
  192970. "nan",
  192971. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  192972. ],
  192973. [
  192974. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192975. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192976. "664453831",
  192977. "nan",
  192978. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  192979. ],
  192980. [
  192981. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192982. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192983. "664453835",
  192984. "nan",
  192985. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  192986. ],
  192987. [
  192988. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192989. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192990. "664453835",
  192991. "nan",
  192992. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  192993. ],
  192994. [
  192995. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  192996. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  192997. "664453832",
  192998. "nan",
  192999. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  193000. ],
  193001. [
  193002. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193003. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193004. "791431823",
  193005. "nan",
  193006. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431823,nan"
  193007. ],
  193008. [
  193009. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193010. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193011. "664453831",
  193012. "nan",
  193013. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193014. ],
  193015. [
  193016. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193017. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193018. "664453831",
  193019. "nan",
  193020. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193021. ],
  193022. [
  193023. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193024. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193025. "664453833",
  193026. "nan",
  193027. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193028. ],
  193029. [
  193030. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193031. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193032. "664453833",
  193033. "nan",
  193034. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193035. ],
  193036. [
  193037. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193038. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193039. "664453835",
  193040. "nan",
  193041. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193042. ],
  193043. [
  193044. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193045. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193046. "664453835",
  193047. "nan",
  193048. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193049. ],
  193050. [
  193051. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193052. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193053. "664453833",
  193054. "nan",
  193055. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193056. ],
  193057. [
  193058. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193059. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193060. "664453835",
  193061. "nan",
  193062. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193063. ],
  193064. [
  193065. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193066. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193067. "664453831",
  193068. "nan",
  193069. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193070. ],
  193071. [
  193072. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193073. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193074. "664453833",
  193075. "nan",
  193076. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193077. ],
  193078. [
  193079. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193080. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193081. "664453833",
  193082. "nan",
  193083. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193084. ],
  193085. [
  193086. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193087. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193088. "664453831",
  193089. "nan",
  193090. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193091. ],
  193092. [
  193093. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193094. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193095. "664453831",
  193096. "nan",
  193097. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193098. ],
  193099. [
  193100. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193101. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193102. "664453831",
  193103. "nan",
  193104. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193105. ],
  193106. [
  193107. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193108. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193109. "664453831",
  193110. "nan",
  193111. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193112. ],
  193113. [
  193114. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193115. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193116. "664453833",
  193117. "nan",
  193118. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193119. ],
  193120. [
  193121. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193122. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193123. "664453838",
  193124. "nan",
  193125. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  193126. ],
  193127. [
  193128. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193129. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193130. "664453839",
  193131. "nan",
  193132. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193133. ],
  193134. [
  193135. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193136. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193137. "664453839",
  193138. "nan",
  193139. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193140. ],
  193141. [
  193142. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193143. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193144. "664453833",
  193145. "nan",
  193146. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193147. ],
  193148. [
  193149. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193150. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193151. "664453833",
  193152. "nan",
  193153. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453833,nan"
  193154. ],
  193155. [
  193156. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193157. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193158. "664453832",
  193159. "nan",
  193160. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  193161. ],
  193162. [
  193163. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193164. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193165. "992097852",
  193166. "nan",
  193167. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  193168. ],
  193169. [
  193170. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193171. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193172. "664453831",
  193173. "nan",
  193174. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453831,nan"
  193175. ],
  193176. [
  193177. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193178. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193179. "664453832",
  193180. "nan",
  193181. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  193182. ],
  193183. [
  193184. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193185. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193186. "791431825",
  193187. "nan",
  193188. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431825,nan"
  193189. ],
  193190. [
  193191. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193192. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193193. "791431824",
  193194. "nan",
  193195. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431824,nan"
  193196. ],
  193197. [
  193198. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193199. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193200. "791431820",
  193201. "nan",
  193202. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431820,nan"
  193203. ],
  193204. [
  193205. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193206. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193207. "791431822",
  193208. "nan",
  193209. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  193210. ],
  193211. [
  193212. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193213. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193214. "791431822",
  193215. "nan",
  193216. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  193217. ],
  193218. [
  193219. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193220. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193221. "791431822",
  193222. "nan",
  193223. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  193224. ],
  193225. [
  193226. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193227. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193228. "791431822",
  193229. "nan",
  193230. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431822,nan"
  193231. ],
  193232. [
  193233. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193234. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193235. "791431823",
  193236. "nan",
  193237. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431823,nan"
  193238. ],
  193239. [
  193240. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193241. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193242. "791431823",
  193243. "nan",
  193244. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431823,nan"
  193245. ],
  193246. [
  193247. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193248. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193249. "664453834",
  193250. "nan",
  193251. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  193252. ],
  193253. [
  193254. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193255. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193256. "664453834",
  193257. "nan",
  193258. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  193259. ],
  193260. [
  193261. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193262. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193263. "664453834",
  193264. "nan",
  193265. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  193266. ],
  193267. [
  193268. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193269. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193270. "664453834",
  193271. "nan",
  193272. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  193273. ],
  193274. [
  193275. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193276. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193277. "664453834",
  193278. "nan",
  193279. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  193280. ],
  193281. [
  193282. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193283. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193284. "664453834",
  193285. "nan",
  193286. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453834,nan"
  193287. ],
  193288. [
  193289. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193290. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193291. "664453835",
  193292. "nan",
  193293. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193294. ],
  193295. [
  193296. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193297. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193298. "664453835",
  193299. "nan",
  193300. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193301. ],
  193302. [
  193303. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193304. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193305. "664453835",
  193306. "nan",
  193307. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193308. ],
  193309. [
  193310. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193311. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193312. "664453835",
  193313. "nan",
  193314. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193315. ],
  193316. [
  193317. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193318. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193319. "664453835",
  193320. "nan",
  193321. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453835,nan"
  193322. ],
  193323. [
  193324. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193325. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193326. "664453836",
  193327. "nan",
  193328. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193329. ],
  193330. [
  193331. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193332. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193333. "664453836",
  193334. "nan",
  193335. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193336. ],
  193337. [
  193338. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193339. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193340. "664453836",
  193341. "nan",
  193342. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193343. ],
  193344. [
  193345. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193346. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193347. "664453836",
  193348. "nan",
  193349. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193350. ],
  193351. [
  193352. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193353. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193354. "664453836",
  193355. "nan",
  193356. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193357. ],
  193358. [
  193359. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193360. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193361. "664453836",
  193362. "nan",
  193363. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193364. ],
  193365. [
  193366. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193367. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193368. "664453836",
  193369. "nan",
  193370. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193371. ],
  193372. [
  193373. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193374. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193375. "664453836",
  193376. "nan",
  193377. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193378. ],
  193379. [
  193380. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193381. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193382. "664453836",
  193383. "nan",
  193384. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193385. ],
  193386. [
  193387. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193388. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193389. "664453836",
  193390. "nan",
  193391. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193392. ],
  193393. [
  193394. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193395. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193396. "664453836",
  193397. "nan",
  193398. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193399. ],
  193400. [
  193401. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193402. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193403. "664453836",
  193404. "nan",
  193405. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193406. ],
  193407. [
  193408. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193409. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193410. "664453836",
  193411. "nan",
  193412. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193413. ],
  193414. [
  193415. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193416. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193417. "664453836",
  193418. "nan",
  193419. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193420. ],
  193421. [
  193422. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193423. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193424. "664453836",
  193425. "nan",
  193426. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453836,nan"
  193427. ],
  193428. [
  193429. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193430. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193431. "664453837",
  193432. "nan",
  193433. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193434. ],
  193435. [
  193436. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193437. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193438. "664453837",
  193439. "nan",
  193440. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193441. ],
  193442. [
  193443. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193444. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193445. "664453837",
  193446. "nan",
  193447. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193448. ],
  193449. [
  193450. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193451. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193452. "664453837",
  193453. "nan",
  193454. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193455. ],
  193456. [
  193457. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193458. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193459. "664453837",
  193460. "nan",
  193461. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193462. ],
  193463. [
  193464. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193465. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193466. "664453837",
  193467. "nan",
  193468. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193469. ],
  193470. [
  193471. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193472. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193473. "664453837",
  193474. "nan",
  193475. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193476. ],
  193477. [
  193478. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193479. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193480. "664453837",
  193481. "nan",
  193482. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193483. ],
  193484. [
  193485. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193486. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193487. "664453837",
  193488. "nan",
  193489. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193490. ],
  193491. [
  193492. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193493. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193494. "664453837",
  193495. "nan",
  193496. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193497. ],
  193498. [
  193499. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193500. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193501. "664453837",
  193502. "nan",
  193503. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193504. ],
  193505. [
  193506. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193507. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193508. "664453837",
  193509. "nan",
  193510. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193511. ],
  193512. [
  193513. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193514. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193515. "664453837",
  193516. "nan",
  193517. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193518. ],
  193519. [
  193520. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193521. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193522. "664453837",
  193523. "nan",
  193524. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193525. ],
  193526. [
  193527. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193528. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193529. "664453837",
  193530. "nan",
  193531. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193532. ],
  193533. [
  193534. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193535. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193536. "664453837",
  193537. "nan",
  193538. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193539. ],
  193540. [
  193541. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193542. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193543. "664453837",
  193544. "nan",
  193545. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193546. ],
  193547. [
  193548. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193549. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193550. "664453837",
  193551. "nan",
  193552. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193553. ],
  193554. [
  193555. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193556. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193557. "664453837",
  193558. "nan",
  193559. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193560. ],
  193561. [
  193562. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193563. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193564. "664453837",
  193565. "nan",
  193566. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193567. ],
  193568. [
  193569. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193570. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193571. "664453837",
  193572. "nan",
  193573. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193574. ],
  193575. [
  193576. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193577. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193578. "664453837",
  193579. "nan",
  193580. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193581. ],
  193582. [
  193583. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193584. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193585. "664453837",
  193586. "nan",
  193587. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193588. ],
  193589. [
  193590. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193591. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193592. "664453837",
  193593. "nan",
  193594. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193595. ],
  193596. [
  193597. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193598. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193599. "664453837",
  193600. "nan",
  193601. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193602. ],
  193603. [
  193604. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193605. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193606. "664453837",
  193607. "nan",
  193608. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193609. ],
  193610. [
  193611. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193612. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193613. "664453837",
  193614. "nan",
  193615. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193616. ],
  193617. [
  193618. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193619. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193620. "664453837",
  193621. "nan",
  193622. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193623. ],
  193624. [
  193625. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193626. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193627. "664453837",
  193628. "nan",
  193629. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193630. ],
  193631. [
  193632. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193633. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193634. "664453837",
  193635. "nan",
  193636. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193637. ],
  193638. [
  193639. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193640. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193641. "664453837",
  193642. "nan",
  193643. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193644. ],
  193645. [
  193646. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193647. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193648. "664453837",
  193649. "nan",
  193650. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193651. ],
  193652. [
  193653. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193654. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193655. "664453837",
  193656. "nan",
  193657. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193658. ],
  193659. [
  193660. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193661. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193662. "664453837",
  193663. "nan",
  193664. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193665. ],
  193666. [
  193667. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193668. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193669. "664453837",
  193670. "nan",
  193671. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193672. ],
  193673. [
  193674. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193675. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193676. "664453837",
  193677. "nan",
  193678. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193679. ],
  193680. [
  193681. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193682. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193683. "664453837",
  193684. "nan",
  193685. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193686. ],
  193687. [
  193688. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193689. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193690. "664453837",
  193691. "nan",
  193692. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193693. ],
  193694. [
  193695. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193696. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193697. "664453837",
  193698. "nan",
  193699. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193700. ],
  193701. [
  193702. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193703. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193704. "664453837",
  193705. "nan",
  193706. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193707. ],
  193708. [
  193709. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193710. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193711. "664453837",
  193712. "nan",
  193713. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193714. ],
  193715. [
  193716. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193717. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193718. "664453837",
  193719. "nan",
  193720. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193721. ],
  193722. [
  193723. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193724. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193725. "664453837",
  193726. "nan",
  193727. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193728. ],
  193729. [
  193730. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193731. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193732. "664453837",
  193733. "nan",
  193734. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193735. ],
  193736. [
  193737. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193738. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193739. "664453837",
  193740. "nan",
  193741. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193742. ],
  193743. [
  193744. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193745. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193746. "664453837",
  193747. "nan",
  193748. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193749. ],
  193750. [
  193751. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193752. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193753. "664453837",
  193754. "nan",
  193755. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193756. ],
  193757. [
  193758. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193759. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193760. "664453837",
  193761. "nan",
  193762. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193763. ],
  193764. [
  193765. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193766. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193767. "664453837",
  193768. "nan",
  193769. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193770. ],
  193771. [
  193772. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193773. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193774. "664453837",
  193775. "nan",
  193776. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193777. ],
  193778. [
  193779. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193780. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193781. "664453837",
  193782. "nan",
  193783. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193784. ],
  193785. [
  193786. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193787. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193788. "664453837",
  193789. "nan",
  193790. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193791. ],
  193792. [
  193793. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193794. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193795. "664453837",
  193796. "nan",
  193797. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193798. ],
  193799. [
  193800. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193801. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193802. "664453837",
  193803. "nan",
  193804. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193805. ],
  193806. [
  193807. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193808. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193809. "664453837",
  193810. "nan",
  193811. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453837,nan"
  193812. ],
  193813. [
  193814. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193815. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193816. "664453838",
  193817. "nan",
  193818. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  193819. ],
  193820. [
  193821. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193822. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193823. "664453838",
  193824. "nan",
  193825. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  193826. ],
  193827. [
  193828. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193829. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193830. "664453838",
  193831. "nan",
  193832. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  193833. ],
  193834. [
  193835. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193836. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193837. "664453838",
  193838. "nan",
  193839. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  193840. ],
  193841. [
  193842. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193843. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193844. "664453838",
  193845. "nan",
  193846. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453838,nan"
  193847. ],
  193848. [
  193849. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193850. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193851. "active file",
  193852. "nan",
  193853. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  193854. ],
  193855. [
  193856. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193857. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193858. "active file",
  193859. "nan",
  193860. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  193861. ],
  193862. [
  193863. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193864. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193865. "664453839",
  193866. "nan",
  193867. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193868. ],
  193869. [
  193870. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193871. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193872. "664453839",
  193873. "nan",
  193874. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193875. ],
  193876. [
  193877. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193878. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193879. "664453839",
  193880. "nan",
  193881. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193882. ],
  193883. [
  193884. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193885. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193886. "664453839",
  193887. "nan",
  193888. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193889. ],
  193890. [
  193891. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193892. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193893. "664453839",
  193894. "nan",
  193895. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193896. ],
  193897. [
  193898. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193899. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193900. "664453839",
  193901. "nan",
  193902. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193903. ],
  193904. [
  193905. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193906. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193907. "664453839",
  193908. "nan",
  193909. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193910. ],
  193911. [
  193912. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193913. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193914. "664453839",
  193915. "nan",
  193916. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193917. ],
  193918. [
  193919. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193920. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193921. "664453839",
  193922. "nan",
  193923. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193924. ],
  193925. [
  193926. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193927. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193928. "664453839",
  193929. "nan",
  193930. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193931. ],
  193932. [
  193933. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193934. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193935. "664453839",
  193936. "nan",
  193937. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193938. ],
  193939. [
  193940. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193941. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193942. "664453839",
  193943. "nan",
  193944. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193945. ],
  193946. [
  193947. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193948. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193949. "664453839",
  193950. "nan",
  193951. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193952. ],
  193953. [
  193954. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193955. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193956. "664453839",
  193957. "nan",
  193958. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193959. ],
  193960. [
  193961. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193962. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193963. "664453839",
  193964. "nan",
  193965. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193966. ],
  193967. [
  193968. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193969. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193970. "664453839",
  193971. "nan",
  193972. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193973. ],
  193974. [
  193975. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193976. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193977. "664453839",
  193978. "nan",
  193979. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193980. ],
  193981. [
  193982. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193983. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193984. "664453839",
  193985. "nan",
  193986. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453839,nan"
  193987. ],
  193988. [
  193989. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193990. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193991. "664453840",
  193992. "nan",
  193993. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  193994. ],
  193995. [
  193996. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  193997. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  193998. "664453840",
  193999. "nan",
  194000. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  194001. ],
  194002. [
  194003. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194004. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194005. "664453840",
  194006. "nan",
  194007. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  194008. ],
  194009. [
  194010. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194011. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194012. "664453840",
  194013. "nan",
  194014. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453840,nan"
  194015. ],
  194016. [
  194017. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194018. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194019. "664453841",
  194020. "nan",
  194021. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194022. ],
  194023. [
  194024. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194025. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194026. "664453841",
  194027. "nan",
  194028. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194029. ],
  194030. [
  194031. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194032. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194033. "664453841",
  194034. "nan",
  194035. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194036. ],
  194037. [
  194038. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194039. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194040. "664453841",
  194041. "nan",
  194042. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194043. ],
  194044. [
  194045. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194046. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194047. "664453841",
  194048. "nan",
  194049. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194050. ],
  194051. [
  194052. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194053. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194054. "664453841",
  194055. "nan",
  194056. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194057. ],
  194058. [
  194059. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194060. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194061. "664453841",
  194062. "nan",
  194063. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194064. ],
  194065. [
  194066. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194067. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194068. "664453841",
  194069. "nan",
  194070. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194071. ],
  194072. [
  194073. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194074. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194075. "664453841",
  194076. "nan",
  194077. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194078. ],
  194079. [
  194080. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194081. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194082. "664453841",
  194083. "nan",
  194084. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194085. ],
  194086. [
  194087. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194088. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194089. "664453841",
  194090. "nan",
  194091. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194092. ],
  194093. [
  194094. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194095. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194096. "664453841",
  194097. "nan",
  194098. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194099. ],
  194100. [
  194101. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194102. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194103. "664453841",
  194104. "nan",
  194105. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194106. ],
  194107. [
  194108. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194109. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194110. "664453841",
  194111. "nan",
  194112. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194113. ],
  194114. [
  194115. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194116. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194117. "664453841",
  194118. "nan",
  194119. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194120. ],
  194121. [
  194122. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194123. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194124. "664453841",
  194125. "nan",
  194126. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194127. ],
  194128. [
  194129. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194130. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194131. "664453841",
  194132. "nan",
  194133. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453841,nan"
  194134. ],
  194135. [
  194136. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194137. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194138. "791431919",
  194139. "nan",
  194140. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431919,nan"
  194141. ],
  194142. [
  194143. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194144. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194145. "791431919",
  194146. "nan",
  194147. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,791431919,nan"
  194148. ],
  194149. [
  194150. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194151. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194152. "664453832",
  194153. "nan",
  194154. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,664453832,nan"
  194155. ],
  194156. [
  194157. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194158. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194159. "992097852",
  194160. "nan",
  194161. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  194162. ],
  194163. [
  194164. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194165. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194166. "992097852",
  194167. "nan",
  194168. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  194169. ],
  194170. [
  194171. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194172. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194173. "992097852",
  194174. "nan",
  194175. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  194176. ],
  194177. [
  194178. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194179. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194180. "992097852",
  194181. "nan",
  194182. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  194183. ],
  194184. [
  194185. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194186. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194187. "992097852",
  194188. "nan",
  194189. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  194190. ],
  194191. [
  194192. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194193. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194194. "992097852",
  194195. "nan",
  194196. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,992097852,nan"
  194197. ],
  194198. [
  194199. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194200. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194201. "active file",
  194202. "nan",
  194203. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  194204. ],
  194205. [
  194206. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194207. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194208. "active file",
  194209. "nan",
  194210. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  194211. ],
  194212. [
  194213. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.",
  194214. "fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first",
  194215. "active file",
  194216. "nan",
  194217. "brudnicki, greg m., et al.,fdic vs. former officers and directors of peoples first,active file,nan"
  194218. ],
  194219. [
  194220. "florida capital bank, n.a.",
  194221. "advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations",
  194222. "769663668",
  194223. "nan",
  194224. "florida capital bank, n.a.,advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations,769663668,nan"
  194225. ],
  194226. [
  194227. "florida capital bank, n.a.",
  194228. "advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations",
  194229. "769663668",
  194230. "nan",
  194231. "florida capital bank, n.a.,advice re compliance with fdic and occ regulations,769663668,nan"
  194232. ],
  194233. [
  194234. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  194235. "general employment matters",
  194236. "997146971",
  194237. "nan",
  194238. "kinkisharyo international, llc,general employment matters,997146971,nan"
  194239. ],
  194240. [
  194241. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  194242. "ottawa light rail transit project",
  194243. "997156529",
  194244. "nan",
  194245. "kinkisharyo international, llc,ottawa light rail transit project,997156529,nan"
  194246. ],
  194247. [
  194248. "kinkisharyo international, llc",
  194249. "rail transit consultants, inc. (rtc)",
  194250. "997156357",
  194251. "nan",
  194252. "kinkisharyo international, llc,rail transit consultants, inc. (rtc),997156357,nan"
  194253. ],
  194254. [
  194255. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  194256. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  194257. "active file",
  194258. "nan",
  194259. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,active file,nan"
  194260. ],
  194261. [
  194262. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  194263. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  194264. "active file",
  194265. "nan",
  194266. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,active file,nan"
  194267. ],
  194268. [
  194269. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  194270. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  194271. "rf017280427",
  194272. "nan",
  194273. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  194274. ],
  194275. [
  194276. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  194277. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  194278. "rf017280427",
  194279. "nan",
  194280. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  194281. ],
  194282. [
  194283. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  194284. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  194285. "rf017280427",
  194286. "nan",
  194287. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  194288. ],
  194289. [
  194290. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  194291. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  194292. "rf017280427",
  194293. "nan",
  194294. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  194295. ],
  194296. [
  194297. "lawson, william e., et al.",
  194298. "fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank",
  194299. "rf017280427",
  194300. "nan",
  194301. "lawson, william e., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of americanfirst bank,rf017280427,nan"
  194302. ],
  194303. [
  194304. "donelson, rai l., et al.",
  194305. "fdic v. former officers and directors of old southern bank",
  194306. "791439684",
  194307. "nan",
  194308. "donelson, rai l., et al.,fdic v. former officers and directors of old southern bank,791439684,nan"
  194309. ],
  194310. [
  194311. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  194312. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  194313. "673158122",
  194314. "nan",
  194315. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  194316. ],
  194317. [
  194318. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  194319. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  194320. "673158122",
  194321. "nan",
  194322. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  194323. ],
  194324. [
  194325. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  194326. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  194327. "673158122",
  194328. "nan",
  194329. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  194330. ],
  194331. [
  194332. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  194333. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  194334. "673158122",
  194335. "nan",
  194336. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  194337. ],
  194338. [
  194339. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma",
  194340. "fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank",
  194341. "673158122",
  194342. "nan",
  194343. "sullivan, brian and testwuide sr., thoma,fdic v. former officers and directors of first priority bank,673158122,nan"
  194344. ],
  194345. [
  194346. "residential credit solutions, inc.",
  194347. "nachowitz v. residential credit solutions",
  194348. "791431833",
  194349. "nan",
  194350. "residential credit solutions, inc.,nachowitz v. residential credit solutions,791431833,nan"
  194351. ],
  194352. [
  194353. "lough, richard",
  194354. "vinetta e. lough living trust",
  194355. "active file",
  194356. "nan",
  194357. "lough, richard,vinetta e. lough living trust,active file,nan"
  194358. ],
  194359. [
  194360. "gainer, george b.",
  194361. "bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook",
  194362. "786023179",
  194363. "nan",
  194364. "gainer, george b.,bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook,786023179,nan"
  194365. ],
  194366. [
  194367. "gainer, george b.",
  194368. "bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook",
  194369. "786023175",
  194370. "nan",
  194371. "gainer, george b.,bankruptcy proceedings of hoyt & gloria cook,786023175,nan"
  194372. ],
  194373. [
  194374. "patel, mukesh",
  194375. "criminal investigation of mukesh patel",
  194376. "726608704",
  194377. "nan",
  194378. "patel, mukesh,criminal investigation of mukesh patel,726608704,nan"
  194379. ],
  194380. [
  194381. "patel, mukesh",
  194382. "criminal investigation of mukesh patel",
  194383. "632026767",
  194384. "nan",
  194385. "patel, mukesh,criminal investigation of mukesh patel,632026767,nan"
  194386. ],
  194387. [
  194388. "frey, eugene",
  194389. "advice re potential fdic claims",
  194390. "769663668",
  194391. "nan",
  194392. "frey, eugene,advice re potential fdic claims,769663668,nan"
  194393. ],
  194394. [
  194395. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  194396. "fdic claim",
  194397. "784628082",
  194398. "sep-86",
  194399. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren,fdic claim,784628082,sep-86"
  194400. ],
  194401. [
  194402. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  194403. "fdic claim",
  194404. "784628107",
  194405. "sep-11",
  194406. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren,fdic claim,784628107,sep-11"
  194407. ],
  194408. [
  194409. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren",
  194410. "fdic claim",
  194411. "784628108",
  194412. "sep-12",
  194413. "brown, edgar, jim russakis, vincent bren,fdic claim,784628108,sep-12"
  194414. ],
  194415. [
  194416. "enterprise bank of florida",
  194417. "executive officer determination by fdic",
  194418. "769663660",
  194419. "nan",
  194420. "enterprise bank of florida,executive officer determination by fdic,769663660,nan"
  194421. ],
  194422. [
  194423. "first american title insurance company",
  194424. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  194425. "844945484",
  194426. "nan",
  194427. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  194428. ],
  194429. [
  194430. "first american title insurance company",
  194431. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  194432. "844945484",
  194433. "nan",
  194434. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  194435. ],
  194436. [
  194437. "first american title insurance company",
  194438. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  194439. "844945484",
  194440. "nan",
  194441. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  194442. ],
  194443. [
  194444. "first american title insurance company",
  194445. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  194446. "844945484",
  194447. "nan",
  194448. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  194449. ],
  194450. [
  194451. "first american title insurance company",
  194452. "fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc",
  194453. "844945484",
  194454. "nan",
  194455. "first american title insurance company,fdic as receiver for washington mutual bank v. fatc,844945484,nan"
  194456. ],
  194457. [
  194458. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  194459. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  194460. "active file",
  194461. "nan",
  194462. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  194463. ],
  194464. [
  194465. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  194466. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  194467. "active file",
  194468. "nan",
  194469. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  194470. ],
  194471. [
  194472. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  194473. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  194474. "active file",
  194475. "nan",
  194476. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  194477. ],
  194478. [
  194479. "rafiki solar partners, llc",
  194480. "assistance with fdic investigation",
  194481. "active file",
  194482. "nan",
  194483. "rafiki solar partners, llc,assistance with fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  194484. ],
  194485. [
  194486. "faust, marcus",
  194487. "fdic claims against former d&os of peninsula bank",
  194488. "active file",
  194489. "nan",
  194490. "faust, marcus,fdic claims against former d&os of peninsula bank,active file,nan"
  194491. ],
  194492. [
  194493. "casual male store llc",
  194494. "1005 bower parkway, columbiana, sc",
  194495. "188570192",
  194496. "nan",
  194497. "casual male store llc,1005 bower parkway, columbiana, sc,188570192,nan"
  194498. ],
  194499. [
  194500. "murphy, bobby r.",
  194501. "claims by fdic as receiver of first national bank of florida",
  194502. "active file",
  194503. "nan",
  194504. "murphy, bobby r.,claims by fdic as receiver of first national bank of florida,active file,nan"
  194505. ],
  194506. [
  194507. "brannin, william",
  194508. "brannin - premier bank",
  194509. "633151915",
  194510. "nan",
  194511. "brannin, william,brannin - premier bank,633151915,nan"
  194512. ],
  194513. [
  194514. "b&a title services corporation",
  194515. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194516. "788659561",
  194517. "nan",
  194518. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194519. ],
  194520. [
  194521. "b&a title services corporation",
  194522. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194523. "788659561",
  194524. "nan",
  194525. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194526. ],
  194527. [
  194528. "b&a title services corporation",
  194529. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194530. "788659565",
  194531. "nan",
  194532. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659565,nan"
  194533. ],
  194534. [
  194535. "b&a title services corporation",
  194536. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194537. "788659561",
  194538. "nan",
  194539. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194540. ],
  194541. [
  194542. "b&a title services corporation",
  194543. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194544. "788659561",
  194545. "nan",
  194546. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194547. ],
  194548. [
  194549. "b&a title services corporation",
  194550. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194551. "788659561",
  194552. "nan",
  194553. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194554. ],
  194555. [
  194556. "b&a title services corporation",
  194557. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194558. "788659561",
  194559. "nan",
  194560. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194561. ],
  194562. [
  194563. "b&a title services corporation",
  194564. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194565. "788659561",
  194566. "nan",
  194567. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194568. ],
  194569. [
  194570. "b&a title services corporation",
  194571. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194572. "788659561",
  194573. "nan",
  194574. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194575. ],
  194576. [
  194577. "b&a title services corporation",
  194578. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194579. "788659561",
  194580. "nan",
  194581. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194582. ],
  194583. [
  194584. "b&a title services corporation",
  194585. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194586. "788659561",
  194587. "nan",
  194588. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194589. ],
  194590. [
  194591. "b&a title services corporation",
  194592. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194593. "788659561",
  194594. "nan",
  194595. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194596. ],
  194597. [
  194598. "b&a title services corporation",
  194599. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194600. "788659561",
  194601. "nan",
  194602. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194603. ],
  194604. [
  194605. "b&a title services corporation",
  194606. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194607. "788659561",
  194608. "nan",
  194609. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194610. ],
  194611. [
  194612. "b&a title services corporation",
  194613. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194614. "788659561",
  194615. "nan",
  194616. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194617. ],
  194618. [
  194619. "b&a title services corporation",
  194620. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194621. "788659561",
  194622. "nan",
  194623. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194624. ],
  194625. [
  194626. "b&a title services corporation",
  194627. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194628. "788659561",
  194629. "nan",
  194630. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194631. ],
  194632. [
  194633. "b&a title services corporation",
  194634. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194635. "788659561",
  194636. "nan",
  194637. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194638. ],
  194639. [
  194640. "b&a title services corporation",
  194641. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194642. "788659561",
  194643. "nan",
  194644. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194645. ],
  194646. [
  194647. "b&a title services corporation",
  194648. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194649. "788659561",
  194650. "nan",
  194651. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194652. ],
  194653. [
  194654. "b&a title services corporation",
  194655. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194656. "788659561",
  194657. "nan",
  194658. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194659. ],
  194660. [
  194661. "b&a title services corporation",
  194662. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194663. "788659561",
  194664. "nan",
  194665. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194666. ],
  194667. [
  194668. "b&a title services corporation",
  194669. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194670. "788659561",
  194671. "nan",
  194672. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194673. ],
  194674. [
  194675. "b&a title services corporation",
  194676. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194677. "788659561",
  194678. "nan",
  194679. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194680. ],
  194681. [
  194682. "b&a title services corporation",
  194683. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194684. "788659561",
  194685. "nan",
  194686. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194687. ],
  194688. [
  194689. "b&a title services corporation",
  194690. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194691. "788659561",
  194692. "nan",
  194693. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194694. ],
  194695. [
  194696. "b&a title services corporation",
  194697. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194698. "788659561",
  194699. "nan",
  194700. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194701. ],
  194702. [
  194703. "b&a title services corporation",
  194704. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194705. "788659561",
  194706. "nan",
  194707. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194708. ],
  194709. [
  194710. "b&a title services corporation",
  194711. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194712. "788659561",
  194713. "nan",
  194714. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194715. ],
  194716. [
  194717. "b&a title services corporation",
  194718. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194719. "788659561",
  194720. "nan",
  194721. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194722. ],
  194723. [
  194724. "b&a title services corporation",
  194725. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194726. "788659565",
  194727. "nan",
  194728. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659565,nan"
  194729. ],
  194730. [
  194731. "b&a title services corporation",
  194732. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194733. "788659561",
  194734. "nan",
  194735. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194736. ],
  194737. [
  194738. "b&a title services corporation",
  194739. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194740. "788659561",
  194741. "nan",
  194742. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194743. ],
  194744. [
  194745. "b&a title services corporation",
  194746. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194747. "788659561",
  194748. "nan",
  194749. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194750. ],
  194751. [
  194752. "b&a title services corporation",
  194753. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194754. "788659561",
  194755. "nan",
  194756. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194757. ],
  194758. [
  194759. "b&a title services corporation",
  194760. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194761. "788659561",
  194762. "nan",
  194763. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194764. ],
  194765. [
  194766. "b&a title services corporation",
  194767. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194768. "788659561",
  194769. "nan",
  194770. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194771. ],
  194772. [
  194773. "b&a title services corporation",
  194774. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194775. "788659561",
  194776. "nan",
  194777. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194778. ],
  194779. [
  194780. "b&a title services corporation",
  194781. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194782. "788659561",
  194783. "nan",
  194784. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194785. ],
  194786. [
  194787. "b&a title services corporation",
  194788. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194789. "788659561",
  194790. "nan",
  194791. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194792. ],
  194793. [
  194794. "b&a title services corporation",
  194795. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194796. "788659561",
  194797. "nan",
  194798. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194799. ],
  194800. [
  194801. "b&a title services corporation",
  194802. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194803. "788659561",
  194804. "nan",
  194805. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194806. ],
  194807. [
  194808. "b&a title services corporation",
  194809. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194810. "788659561",
  194811. "nan",
  194812. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194813. ],
  194814. [
  194815. "b&a title services corporation",
  194816. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194817. "788659561",
  194818. "nan",
  194819. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194820. ],
  194821. [
  194822. "b&a title services corporation",
  194823. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194824. "788659561",
  194825. "nan",
  194826. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194827. ],
  194828. [
  194829. "b&a title services corporation",
  194830. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194831. "788659561",
  194832. "nan",
  194833. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194834. ],
  194835. [
  194836. "b&a title services corporation",
  194837. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194838. "788659561",
  194839. "nan",
  194840. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194841. ],
  194842. [
  194843. "b&a title services corporation",
  194844. "federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services",
  194845. "788659561",
  194846. "nan",
  194847. "b&a title services corporation,federal deposit insurance corporation v. b&a title services,788659561,nan"
  194848. ],
  194849. [
  194850. "fexco",
  194851. "fexco jv",
  194852. "rf037106705",
  194853. "nan",
  194854. "fexco,fexco jv,rf037106705,nan"
  194855. ],
  194856. [
  194857. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194858. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194859. "active file",
  194860. "nan",
  194861. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194862. ],
  194863. [
  194864. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194865. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194866. "active file",
  194867. "nan",
  194868. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194869. ],
  194870. [
  194871. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194872. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194873. "active file",
  194874. "nan",
  194875. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194876. ],
  194877. [
  194878. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194879. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194880. "active file",
  194881. "nan",
  194882. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194883. ],
  194884. [
  194885. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194886. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194887. "active file",
  194888. "nan",
  194889. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194890. ],
  194891. [
  194892. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194893. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194894. "active file",
  194895. "nan",
  194896. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194897. ],
  194898. [
  194899. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194900. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194901. "active file",
  194902. "nan",
  194903. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194904. ],
  194905. [
  194906. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194907. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194908. "active file",
  194909. "nan",
  194910. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194911. ],
  194912. [
  194913. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194914. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194915. "active file",
  194916. "nan",
  194917. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194918. ],
  194919. [
  194920. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194921. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194922. "active file",
  194923. "nan",
  194924. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194925. ],
  194926. [
  194927. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194928. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194929. "active file",
  194930. "nan",
  194931. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194932. ],
  194933. [
  194934. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194935. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194936. "active file",
  194937. "nan",
  194938. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194939. ],
  194940. [
  194941. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194942. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194943. "active file",
  194944. "nan",
  194945. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194946. ],
  194947. [
  194948. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194949. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194950. "active file",
  194951. "nan",
  194952. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194953. ],
  194954. [
  194955. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194956. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194957. "active file",
  194958. "nan",
  194959. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194960. ],
  194961. [
  194962. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194963. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194964. "active file",
  194965. "nan",
  194966. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194967. ],
  194968. [
  194969. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194970. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194971. "active file",
  194972. "nan",
  194973. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194974. ],
  194975. [
  194976. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194977. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194978. "active file",
  194979. "nan",
  194980. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194981. ],
  194982. [
  194983. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194984. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194985. "active file",
  194986. "nan",
  194987. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194988. ],
  194989. [
  194990. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194991. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194992. "active file",
  194993. "nan",
  194994. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  194995. ],
  194996. [
  194997. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  194998. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  194999. "active file",
  195000. "nan",
  195001. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  195002. ],
  195003. [
  195004. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  195005. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  195006. "active file",
  195007. "nan",
  195008. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  195009. ],
  195010. [
  195011. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano",
  195012. "fdic v. fentriss, et al.",
  195013. "active file",
  195014. "nan",
  195015. "fentriss, laurence c. and timothy a. ano,fdic v. fentriss, et al.,active file,nan"
  195016. ],
  195017. [
  195018. "fibra uno administraci�n, sa de cv",
  195019. "general corporate matters and due diligence",
  195020. "52",
  195021. "52",
  195022. "fibra uno administraci�n, sa de cv,general corporate matters and due diligence,52,52"
  195023. ],
  195024. [
  195025. "rosa, eric c.",
  195026. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195027. "active file",
  195028. "nan",
  195029. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195030. ],
  195031. [
  195032. "rosa, eric c.",
  195033. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195034. "active file",
  195035. "nan",
  195036. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195037. ],
  195038. [
  195039. "rosa, eric c.",
  195040. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195041. "active file",
  195042. "nan",
  195043. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195044. ],
  195045. [
  195046. "rosa, eric c.",
  195047. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195048. "active file",
  195049. "nan",
  195050. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195051. ],
  195052. [
  195053. "rosa, eric c.",
  195054. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195055. "active file",
  195056. "nan",
  195057. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195058. ],
  195059. [
  195060. "rosa, eric c.",
  195061. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195062. "active file",
  195063. "nan",
  195064. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195065. ],
  195066. [
  195067. "rosa, eric c.",
  195068. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195069. "active file",
  195070. "nan",
  195071. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195072. ],
  195073. [
  195074. "rosa, eric c.",
  195075. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195076. "active file",
  195077. "nan",
  195078. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195079. ],
  195080. [
  195081. "rosa, eric c.",
  195082. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195083. "active file",
  195084. "nan",
  195085. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195086. ],
  195087. [
  195088. "rosa, eric c.",
  195089. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195090. "active file",
  195091. "nan",
  195092. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195093. ],
  195094. [
  195095. "rosa, eric c.",
  195096. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195097. "active file",
  195098. "nan",
  195099. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195100. ],
  195101. [
  195102. "rosa, eric c.",
  195103. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195104. "active file",
  195105. "nan",
  195106. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195107. ],
  195108. [
  195109. "rosa, eric c.",
  195110. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195111. "active file",
  195112. "nan",
  195113. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195114. ],
  195115. [
  195116. "rosa, eric c.",
  195117. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195118. "active file",
  195119. "nan",
  195120. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195121. ],
  195122. [
  195123. "rosa, eric c.",
  195124. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195125. "392044984",
  195126. "nan",
  195127. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,392044984,nan"
  195128. ],
  195129. [
  195130. "rosa, eric c.",
  195131. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195132. "active file",
  195133. "nan",
  195134. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195135. ],
  195136. [
  195137. "rosa, eric c.",
  195138. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195139. "active file",
  195140. "nan",
  195141. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195142. ],
  195143. [
  195144. "rosa, eric c.",
  195145. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195146. "active file",
  195147. "nan",
  195148. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195149. ],
  195150. [
  195151. "rosa, eric c.",
  195152. "fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.",
  195153. "active file",
  195154. "nan",
  195155. "rosa, eric c.,fdic as receiver of first bank of beverly v. faigin, et al.,active file,nan"
  195156. ],
  195157. [
  195158. "kbi diversified, ltd.",
  195159. "nan",
  195160. "383996267",
  195161. "nan",
  195162. "kbi diversified, ltd.,nan,383996267,nan"
  195163. ],
  195164. [
  195165. "simas, rick and ogata, linda",
  195166. "fdic investigation",
  195167. "active file",
  195168. "nan",
  195169. "simas, rick and ogata, linda,fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  195170. ],
  195171. [
  195172. "simas, rick and ogata, linda",
  195173. "fdic investigation",
  195174. "active file",
  195175. "nan",
  195176. "simas, rick and ogata, linda,fdic investigation,active file,nan"
  195177. ],
  195178. [
  195179. "homeowners financial group usa, llc a/k/",
  195180. "fdic v. hfg",
  195181. "active file",
  195182. "nan",
  195183. "homeowners financial group usa, llc a/k/,fdic v. hfg,active file,nan"
  195184. ],
  195185. [
  195186. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  195187. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  195188. "active file",
  195189. "nan",
  195190. "cwcapital asset management llc,park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19),active file,nan"
  195191. ],
  195192. [
  195193. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  195194. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  195195. "active file",
  195196. "nan",
  195197. "cwcapital asset management llc,park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19),active file,nan"
  195198. ],
  195199. [
  195200. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  195201. "village shoppes of sugarloaf (loan 220-22)",
  195202. "active file",
  195203. "nan",
  195204. "cwcapital asset management llc,village shoppes of sugarloaf (loan 220-22),active file,nan"
  195205. ],
  195206. [
  195207. "cwcapital asset management llc",
  195208. "park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19)",
  195209. "active file",
  195210. "nan",
  195211. "cwcapital asset management llc,park tower (birtcher/charlesbank office port.) (loan 172-19),active file,nan"
  195212. ],
  195213. [
  195214. "invesco advisers, inc.",
  195215. "legacy office park, plano, tx",
  195216. "active file",
  195217. "nan",
  195218. "invesco advisers, inc.,legacy office park, plano, tx,active file,nan"
  195219. ],
  195220. [
  195221. "invesco advisers, inc.",
  195222. "legacy office park, plano, tx",
  195223. "active file",
  195224. "nan",
  195225. "invesco advisers, inc.,legacy office park, plano, tx,active file,nan"
  195226. ],
  195227. [
  195228. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.",
  195229. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  195230. "active file",
  195231. "nan",
  195232. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.,hudgens v. o'dom,active file,nan"
  195233. ],
  195234. [
  195235. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.",
  195236. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  195237. "active file",
  195238. "nan",
  195239. "first nbc bank and ryan, ashton j.,hudgens v. o'dom,active file,nan"
  195240. ],
  195241. [
  195242. "kbi diversified, ltd.",
  195243. "nan",
  195244. "383996269",
  195245. "nan",
  195246. "kbi diversified, ltd.,nan,383996269,nan"
  195247. ],
  195248. [
  195249. "rogers, iii; david",
  195250. "fdic investigation and dispute",
  195251. "active file",
  195252. "nan",
  195253. "rogers, iii; david,fdic investigation and dispute,active file,nan"
  195254. ],
  195255. [
  195256. "first nbc bank",
  195257. "promuto - breach of contract",
  195258. "active file",
  195259. "nan",
  195260. "first nbc bank,promuto - breach of contract,active file,nan"
  195261. ],
  195262. [
  195263. "fnbc bank post-receiver and ryan, ashton",
  195264. "hudgens v. o'dom",
  195265. "active file",
  195266. "nan",
  195267. "fnbc bank post-receiver and ryan, ashton,hudgens v. o'dom,active file,nan"
  195268. ],
  195269. [
  195270. "price waterhouse adv. transflorida",
  195271. "none",
  195272. "672026155",
  195273. "85563",
  195274. "price waterhouse adv. transflorida,none,672026155,85563"
  195275. ],
  195276. [
  195277. "fdic v barrasso",
  195278. "op ind valley title ins dispute",
  195279. "tcf0005562",
  195280. "ai9376",
  195281. "fdic v barrasso,op ind valley title ins dispute,tcf0005562,ai9376"
  195282. ],
  195283. [
  195284. "bank of america",
  195285. "versus united states- 400 series",
  195286. "789-15558",
  195287. "789-15558",
  195288. "bank of america,versus united states- 400 series,789-15558,789-15558"
  195289. ],
  195290. [
  195291. "bank of america",
  195292. "morrison & foerster",
  195293. "789-15645 (a79)",
  195294. "789-15645 (a79)",
  195295. "bank of america,morrison & foerster,789-15645 (a79),789-15645 (a79)"
  195296. ],
  195297. [
  195298. "sminch enterprises inc",
  195299. "84 fdic loan",
  195300. "tcf0003148",
  195301. "aa7940",
  195302. "sminch enterprises inc,84 fdic loan,tcf0003148,aa7940"
  195303. ],
  195304. [
  195305. "rtc conser",
  195306. "yegen associates m/y/ gambit",
  195307. "85649",
  195308. "8956",
  195309. "rtc conser,yegen associates m/y/ gambit,85649,8956"
  195310. ],
  195311. [
  195312. "alltrade tools, inc.",
  195313. "aramark uniform services",
  195314. "411013226",
  195315. "2008-090",
  195316. "alltrade tools, inc.,aramark uniform services,411013226,2008-090"
  195317. ],
  195318. [
  195319. "florida international bank",
  195320. "none",
  195321. "489535501",
  195322. "470620",
  195323. "florida international bank,none,489535501,470620"
  195324. ],
  195325. [
  195326. "banco ganadero",
  195327. "banco union",
  195328. "652599775",
  195329. "384701",
  195330. "banco ganadero,banco union,652599775,384701"
  195331. ],
  195332. [
  195333. "banco del pichincha/egas",
  195334. "borjas v. gulf bank",
  195335. "460600001",
  195336. "412560",
  195337. "banco del pichincha/egas,borjas v. gulf bank,460600001,412560"
  195338. ],
  195339. [
  195340. "margolis",
  195341. "resolution trust corp",
  195342. "157",
  195343. "157",
  195344. "margolis,resolution trust corp,157,157"
  195345. ],
  195346. [
  195347. "pallbearer welcome lodge26",
  195348. "rtc action",
  195349. "tcf0223163",
  195350. "bq1091",
  195351. "pallbearer welcome lodge26,rtc action,tcf0223163,bq1091"
  195352. ],
  195353. [
  195354. "bartco",
  195355. "general",
  195356. "798-4345",
  195357. "798-4345",
  195358. "bartco,general,798-4345,798-4345"
  195359. ],
  195360. [
  195361. "fdic v. kimberly levine",
  195362. "fdic v. kimberly levine",
  195363. "51535460",
  195364. "4029",
  195365. "fdic v. kimberly levine,fdic v. kimberly levine,51535460,4029"
  195366. ],
  195367. [
  195368. "jax i.o., inc",
  195369. "purchase form fdic",
  195370. "225350078",
  195371. "225350078",
  195372. "jax i.o., inc,purchase form fdic,225350078,225350078"
  195373. ],
  195374. [
  195375. "datalicious, llc",
  195376. "jeff smith, mediaminds, et al.",
  195377. "active file",
  195378. "nan",
  195379. "datalicious, llc,jeff smith, mediaminds, et al.,active file,nan"
  195380. ],
  195381. [
  195382. "mgm companies",
  195383. "sale of mgm companies",
  195384. "608475922",
  195385. "nan",
  195386. "mgm companies,sale of mgm companies,608475922,nan"
  195387. ],
  195388. [
  195389. "ncnb/fortco, inc. & david fort",
  195390. "nan",
  195391. "dsj004748",
  195392. "16-028",
  195393. "ncnb/fortco, inc. & david fort,nan,dsj004748,16-028"
  195394. ],
  195395. [
  195396. "keybank",
  195397. "general",
  195398. "652604126",
  195399. "31584",
  195400. "keybank,general,652604126,31584"
  195401. ],
  195402. [
  195403. "keybank",
  195404. "nan",
  195405. "32175",
  195406. "32175",
  195407. "keybank,nan,32175,32175"
  195408. ],
  195409. [
  195410. "keybank",
  195411. "nan",
  195412. "32177",
  195413. "32177",
  195414. "keybank,nan,32177,32177"
  195415. ],
  195416. [
  195417. "key bank v. international finance bank",
  195418. "none",
  195419. "652551967",
  195420. "12513834",
  195421. "key bank v. international finance bank,none,652551967,12513834"
  195422. ],
  195423. [
  195424. "key bank v.",
  195425. "ifb",
  195426. "489345394",
  195427. "12704087",
  195428. "key bank v.,ifb,489345394,12704087"
  195429. ],
  195430. [
  195431. "key bank",
  195432. "vs. international finance bank",
  195433. "12704259",
  195434. "37817",
  195435. "key bank,vs. international finance bank,12704259,37817"
  195436. ],
  195437. [
  195438. "key bank",
  195439. "vs. international finance bank",
  195440. "12704262",
  195441. "37820",
  195442. "key bank,vs. international finance bank,12704262,37820"
  195443. ],
  195444. [
  195445. "key bank vs.",
  195446. "rafael lopez seizure of 2001 sportcraft",
  195447. "490614967",
  195448. "12704360",
  195449. "key bank vs.,rafael lopez seizure of 2001 sportcraft,490614967,12704360"
  195450. ],
  195451. [
  195452. "ruggieri, david",
  195453. "fdic (potomac advisors)",
  195454. "d232",
  195455. "d232",
  195456. "ruggieri, david,fdic (potomac advisors),d232,d232"
  195457. ],
  195458. [
  195459. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja",
  195460. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja",
  195461. "489488797",
  195462. "316127",
  195463. "swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja,swezy, lewis v. villas of naranja,489488797,316127"
  195464. ],
  195465. [
  195466. "swezy p/f rtc of vizcaya villas",
  195467. "none",
  195468. "489519581",
  195469. "335801",
  195470. "swezy p/f rtc of vizcaya villas,none,489519581,335801"
  195471. ],
  195472. [
  195473. "lewis swezy v. villas naranja",
  195474. "none",
  195475. "490615883",
  195476. "384566",
  195477. "lewis swezy v. villas naranja,none,490615883,384566"
  195478. ],
  195479. [
  195480. "smartchannels llc",
  195481. "bridge financing",
  195482. "194227980",
  195483. "nan",
  195484. "smartchannels llc,bridge financing,194227980,nan"
  195485. ],
  195486. [
  195487. "gannon",
  195488. "none",
  195489. "460603349",
  195490. "118809",
  195491. "gannon,none,460603349,118809"
  195492. ],
  195493. [
  195494. "first american bank & trust",
  195495. "none",
  195496. "489337882",
  195497. "50257",
  195498. "first american bank & trust,none,489337882,50257"
  195499. ],
  195500. [
  195501. "fdic - whispering pines",
  195502. "ticor ins. co. - tax deed",
  195503. "tcf0008383",
  195504. "av9539",
  195505. "fdic - whispering pines,ticor ins. co. - tax deed,tcf0008383,av9539"
  195506. ],
  195507. [
  195508. "fdic",
  195509. "shadow",
  195510. "tcf0010258",
  195511. "bg0934",
  195512. "fdic,shadow,tcf0010258,bg0934"
  195513. ],
  195514. [
  195515. "rtc",
  195516. "shadow",
  195517. "tcf0010042",
  195518. "bg0344",
  195519. "rtc,shadow,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  195520. ],
  195521. [
  195522. "blank rome",
  195523. "none",
  195524. "18261",
  195525. "18261",
  195526. "blank rome,none,18261,18261"
  195527. ],
  195528. [
  195529. "blank, rome/robert jacoby",
  195530. "none",
  195531. "13007",
  195532. "13007",
  195533. "blank, rome/robert jacoby,none,13007,13007"
  195534. ],
  195535. [
  195536. "blank, rome/robert jacoby",
  195537. "none",
  195538. "13019",
  195539. "13019",
  195540. "blank, rome/robert jacoby,none,13019,13019"
  195541. ],
  195542. [
  195543. "blank rome",
  195544. "none",
  195545. "672030334",
  195546. "12513966",
  195547. "blank rome,none,672030334,12513966"
  195548. ],
  195549. [
  195550. "blank rome",
  195551. "none",
  195552. "6819",
  195553. "6819",
  195554. "blank rome,none,6819,6819"
  195555. ],
  195556. [
  195557. "blank rome",
  195558. "none",
  195559. "6820",
  195560. "6820",
  195561. "blank rome,none,6820,6820"
  195562. ],
  195563. [
  195564. "blank rome",
  195565. "none",
  195566. "43480",
  195567. "6901",
  195568. "blank rome,none,43480,6901"
  195569. ],
  195570. [
  195571. "blank rome",
  195572. "none",
  195573. "43481",
  195574. "6902",
  195575. "blank rome,none,43481,6902"
  195576. ],
  195577. [
  195578. "rtc-shadow file",
  195579. "op great life fed sav assoc",
  195580. "tcf0007949",
  195581. "au5247",
  195582. "rtc-shadow file,op great life fed sav assoc,tcf0007949,au5247"
  195583. ],
  195584. [
  195585. "fdic-park bank of fld",
  195586. "the village bank",
  195587. "tcf0007155",
  195588. "aq0642",
  195589. "fdic-park bank of fld,the village bank,tcf0007155,aq0642"
  195590. ],
  195591. [
  195592. "machado",
  195593. "rtc",
  195594. "489519678",
  195595. "585252",
  195596. "machado,rtc,489519678,585252"
  195597. ],
  195598. [
  195599. "federal deposit insurance",
  195600. "86 vs diane elaine la pier re-7",
  195601. "tcf0003915",
  195602. "ab8017",
  195603. "federal deposit insurance,86 vs diane elaine la pier re-7,tcf0003915,ab8017"
  195604. ],
  195605. [
  195606. "fdic/fowler v sar-manco",
  195607. "op docket sheets",
  195608. "tcf0006152",
  195609. "am4375",
  195610. "fdic/fowler v sar-manco,op docket sheets,tcf0006152,am4375"
  195611. ],
  195612. [
  195613. "fdic",
  195614. "92 ronald a. roeske - doc.",
  195615. "tcf0007670",
  195616. "au1261",
  195617. "fdic,92 ronald a. roeske - doc.,tcf0007670,au1261"
  195618. ],
  195619. [
  195620. "fdic",
  195621. "general",
  195622. "tcf0010160",
  195623. "bg0750",
  195624. "fdic,general,tcf0010160,bg0750"
  195625. ],
  195626. [
  195627. "fdic park bank",
  195628. "heaton, howard",
  195629. "7602",
  195630. "7602",
  195631. "fdic park bank,heaton, howard,7602,7602"
  195632. ],
  195633. [
  195634. "fdic park bank",
  195635. "carriage hse. condo",
  195636. "7958",
  195637. "7958",
  195638. "fdic park bank,carriage hse. condo,7958,7958"
  195639. ],
  195640. [
  195641. "fdic park bank",
  195642. "-",
  195643. "7958",
  195644. "7958",
  195645. "fdic park bank,-,7958,7958"
  195646. ],
  195647. [
  195648. "fdic",
  195649. "-",
  195650. "8032",
  195651. "8032",
  195652. "fdic,-,8032,8032"
  195653. ],
  195654. [
  195655. "fdic park bank of fla.",
  195656. "southwinds condo",
  195657. "8592",
  195658. "8592",
  195659. "fdic park bank of fla.,southwinds condo,8592,8592"
  195660. ],
  195661. [
  195662. "fdic-fla center bank",
  195663. "edward charles sasser",
  195664. "tcf0007527",
  195665. "as0758",
  195666. "fdic-fla center bank,edward charles sasser,tcf0007527,as0758"
  195667. ],
  195668. [
  195669. "fdic vs streck",
  195670. "nan",
  195671. "tcf0008699",
  195672. "ax1569",
  195673. "fdic vs streck,nan,tcf0008699,ax1569"
  195674. ],
  195675. [
  195676. "fdic fla center bank",
  195677. "liquidation oveida indus",
  195678. "tcf0008796",
  195679. "ay2024",
  195680. "fdic fla center bank,liquidation oveida indus,tcf0008796,ay2024"
  195681. ],
  195682. [
  195683. "rtc",
  195684. "shadow",
  195685. "tcf0010042",
  195686. "bg0344",
  195687. "rtc,shadow,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  195688. ],
  195689. [
  195690. "bechtel",
  195691. "mitchell",
  195692. "653197988",
  195693. "394453",
  195694. "bechtel,mitchell,653197988,394453"
  195695. ],
  195696. [
  195697. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  195698. "garcia",
  195699. "85598",
  195700. "8905",
  195701. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers,garcia,85598,8905"
  195702. ],
  195703. [
  195704. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  195705. "garcia",
  195706. "85599",
  195707. "8906",
  195708. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers,garcia,85599,8906"
  195709. ],
  195710. [
  195711. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers",
  195712. "garcia",
  195713. "85600",
  195714. "8907",
  195715. "commonwealth (rtc) vs. united developers,garcia,85600,8907"
  195716. ],
  195717. [
  195718. "fdic roberto garcia esquerro",
  195719. "none",
  195720. "672025346",
  195721. "114676",
  195722. "fdic roberto garcia esquerro,none,672025346,114676"
  195723. ],
  195724. [
  195725. "fdic",
  195726. "alberto lorenzo",
  195727. "460603416",
  195728. "114603",
  195729. "fdic,alberto lorenzo,460603416,114603"
  195730. ],
  195731. [
  195732. "fdic",
  195733. "fortner kilpatrick ch 7",
  195734. "tcf0007192",
  195735. "aq0680",
  195736. "fdic,fortner kilpatrick ch 7,tcf0007192,aq0680"
  195737. ],
  195738. [
  195739. "fdic",
  195740. "c r corp appeal",
  195741. "tcf0006414",
  195742. "ao0396",
  195743. "fdic,c r corp appeal,tcf0006414,ao0396"
  195744. ],
  195745. [
  195746. "fdic-county bk",
  195747. "valencia village prop-lee cnty",
  195748. "tcf0006926",
  195749. "ap9396",
  195750. "fdic-county bk,valencia village prop-lee cnty,tcf0006926,ap9396"
  195751. ],
  195752. [
  195753. "fdic cty bank",
  195754. "john j brownlee",
  195755. "tcf0007149",
  195756. "aq0636",
  195757. "fdic cty bank,john j brownlee,tcf0007149,aq0636"
  195758. ],
  195759. [
  195760. "fdic/topps",
  195761. "oral argument prep",
  195762. "tcf0007360",
  195763. "aq2293",
  195764. "fdic/topps,oral argument prep,tcf0007360,aq2293"
  195765. ],
  195766. [
  195767. "fdic county bank vs.",
  195768. "james blair",
  195769. "tcf0007527",
  195770. "as0758",
  195771. "fdic county bank vs.,james blair,tcf0007527,as0758"
  195772. ],
  195773. [
  195774. "fdic",
  195775. "91 pipline specialists",
  195776. "tcf0007673",
  195777. "au3135",
  195778. "fdic,91 pipline specialists,tcf0007673,au3135"
  195779. ],
  195780. [
  195781. "fdic",
  195782. "plds,corres",
  195783. "tcf0010041",
  195784. "bg0343",
  195785. "fdic,plds,corres,tcf0010041,bg0343"
  195786. ],
  195787. [
  195788. "rtc",
  195789. "edison bridge",
  195790. "tcf0010042",
  195791. "bg0344",
  195792. "rtc,edison bridge,tcf0010042,bg0344"
  195793. ],
  195794. [
  195795. "fdic",
  195796. "allen & tubellino",
  195797. "tcf0010125",
  195798. "bg0589",
  195799. "fdic,allen & tubellino,tcf0010125,bg0589"
  195800. ],
  195801. [
  195802. "fdic franklin natl bank",
  195803. "92 peter shaddick",
  195804. "tcf0007695",
  195805. "au3158",
  195806. "fdic franklin natl bank,92 peter shaddick,tcf0007695,au3158"
  195807. ],
  195808. [
  195809. "fdic/the trust bank",
  195810. "general file",
  195811. "tcf0008883",
  195812. "ay4235",
  195813. "fdic/the trust bank,general file,tcf0008883,ay4235"
  195814. ],
  195815. [
  195816. "fdic",
  195817. "garcia-esquerro",
  195818. "tcf0009750",
  195819. "bf1699",
  195820. "fdic,garcia-esquerro,tcf0009750,bf1699"
  195821. ],
  195822. [
  195823. "fdic",
  195824. "shadow/correspondence",
  195825. "tcf0009750",
  195826. "bf1699",
  195827. "fdic,shadow/correspondence,tcf0009750,bf1699"
  195828. ],
  195829. [
  195830. "fdic",
  195831. "alberto lorenzo",
  195832. "460603416",
  195833. "114603",
  195834. "fdic,alberto lorenzo,460603416,114603"
  195835. ],
  195836. [
  195837. "fdic",
  195838. "pam bay",
  195839. "460605286",
  195840. "114675",
  195841. "fdic,pam bay,460605286,114675"
  195842. ],
  195843. [
  195844. "fdic",
  195845. "jose perez",
  195846. "672025346",
  195847. "114676",
  195848. "fdic,jose perez,672025346,114676"
  195849. ],
  195850. [
  195851. "fdic",
  195852. "oscar rodriguez",
  195853. "672025346",
  195854. "114676",
  195855. "fdic,oscar rodriguez,672025346,114676"
  195856. ],
  195857. [
  195858. "fdic",
  195859. "michael covert",
  195860. "672025346",
  195861. "114676",
  195862. "fdic,michael covert,672025346,114676"
  195863. ],
  195864. [
  195865. "fdic",
  195866. "v.e. ballestros",
  195867. "672025346",
  195868. "114676",
  195869. "fdic,v.e. ballestros,672025346,114676"
  195870. ],
  195871. [
  195872. "fdic",
  195873. "american food service",
  195874. "672025346",
  195875. "114676",
  195876. "fdic,american food service,672025346,114676"
  195877. ],
  195878. [
  195879. "fdic",
  195880. "herbert levine",
  195881. "672025346",
  195882. "114676",
  195883. "fdic,herbert levine,672025346,114676"
  195884. ],
  195885. [
  195886. "fdic",
  195887. "albert lorenzo",
  195888. "672025346",
  195889. "114676",
  195890. "fdic,albert lorenzo,672025346,114676"
  195891. ],
  195892. [
  195893. "fdic",
  195894. "acosta & gonzalez",
  195895. "672025346",
  195896. "114676",
  195897. "fdic,acosta & gonzalez,672025346,114676"
  195898. ],
  195899. [
  195900. "fdic",
  195901. "none",
  195902. "489488160",
  195903. "114812",
  195904. "fdic,none,489488160,114812"
  195905. ],
  195906. [
  195907. "fdic",
  195908. "pam bay",
  195909. "652552833",
  195910. "114814",
  195911. "fdic,pam bay,652552833,114814"
  195912. ],
  195913. [
  195914. "fdic v. michael covert, m.d., p.a.",
  195915. "none",
  195916. "652545108",
  195917. "12130106",
  195918. "fdic v. michael covert, m.d., p.a.,none,652545108,12130106"
  195919. ],
  195920. [
  195921. "fdic v. eugenio & marie ballestteros",
  195922. "none",
  195923. "652545108",
  195924. "12130106",
  195925. "fdic v. eugenio & marie ballestteros,none,652545108,12130106"
  195926. ],
  195927. [
  195928. "fdic v. falcon",
  195929. "none",
  195930. "460596694",
  195931. "12397956",
  195932. "fdic v. falcon,none,460596694,12397956"
  195933. ],
  195934. [
  195935. "fdic commonwealth",
  195936. "falso & lowenthal",
  195937. "7607",
  195938. "7607",
  195939. "fdic commonwealth,falso & lowenthal,7607,7607"
  195940. ],
  195941. [
  195942. "fdic commonwealth",
  195943. "falso & lowenthal",
  195944. "7607",
  195945. "7607",
  195946. "fdic commonwealth,falso & lowenthal,7607,7607"
  195947. ],
  195948. [
  195949. "fdic commonwealth",
  195950. "vernon",
  195951. "7604",
  195952. "7604",
  195953. "fdic commonwealth,vernon,7604,7604"
  195954. ],
  195955. [
  195956. "fdic commonwealth",
  195957. "shrhldrs of palm springs",
  195958. "7604",
  195959. "7604",
  195960. "fdic commonwealth,shrhldrs of palm springs,7604,7604"
  195961. ],
  195962. [
  195963. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  195964. "shadowood",
  195965. "7606",
  195966. "7606",
  195967. "fdic-commonwealth fed,shadowood,7606,7606"
  195968. ],
  195969. [
  195970. "fdic commonwealth",
  195971. "goldman suchs agreement",
  195972. "7606",
  195973. "7606",
  195974. "fdic commonwealth,goldman suchs agreement,7606,7606"
  195975. ],
  195976. [
  195977. "fdic commonwealth",
  195978. "shadowwood hit or miss",
  195979. "7606",
  195980. "7606",
  195981. "fdic commonwealth,shadowwood hit or miss,7606,7606"
  195982. ],
  195983. [
  195984. "fdic commonwealth",
  195985. "keith & schners/release",
  195986. "7606",
  195987. "7606",
  195988. "fdic commonwealth,keith & schners/release,7606,7606"
  195989. ],
  195990. [
  195991. "fdic commonwealth",
  195992. "shadowwood 1st nat'l",
  195993. "7606",
  195994. "7606",
  195995. "fdic commonwealth,shadowwood 1st nat'l,7606,7606"
  195996. ],
  195997. [
  195998. "fdic commonwealth",
  195999. "comptroller/chapnick",
  196000. "7606",
  196001. "7606",
  196002. "fdic commonwealth,comptroller/chapnick,7606,7606"
  196003. ],
  196004. [
  196005. "fdic commonwealth",
  196006. "rider",
  196007. "7617",
  196008. "7617",
  196009. "fdic commonwealth,rider,7617,7617"
  196010. ],
  196011. [
  196012. "fdic commonwealth",
  196013. "casines & tobin",
  196014. "7617",
  196015. "7617",
  196016. "fdic commonwealth,casines & tobin,7617,7617"
  196017. ],
  196018. [
  196019. "fdic commonwealth",
  196020. "lucaya ii",
  196021. "7617",
  196022. "7617",
  196023. "fdic commonwealth,lucaya ii,7617,7617"
  196024. ],
  196025. [
  196026. "fdic commonwealth",
  196027. "lucaya iii",
  196028. "7617",
  196029. "7617",
  196030. "fdic commonwealth,lucaya iii,7617,7617"
  196031. ],
  196032. [
  196033. "fdic commonwealth",
  196034. "deuster and leola",
  196035. "7616",
  196036. "7616",
  196037. "fdic commonwealth,deuster and leola,7616,7616"
  196038. ],
  196039. [
  196040. "fdic commonwealth",
  196041. "turle run assoc., ltd.",
  196042. "7616",
  196043. "7616",
  196044. "fdic commonwealth,turle run assoc., ltd.,7616,7616"
  196045. ],
  196046. [
  196047. "fdic commonwealth",
  196048. "gonzales/molina/blanca",
  196049. "7616",
  196050. "7616",
  196051. "fdic commonwealth,gonzales/molina/blanca,7616,7616"
  196052. ],
  196053. [
  196054. "fdic commonwealth",
  196055. "wellington point",
  196056. "7616",
  196057. "7616",
  196058. "fdic commonwealth,wellington point,7616,7616"
  196059. ],
  196060. [
  196061. "fdic commonwealth",
  196062. "fletcher, kenneth/betty",
  196063. "7616",
  196064. "7616",
  196065. "fdic commonwealth,fletcher, kenneth/betty,7616,7616"
  196066. ],
  196067. [
  196068. "fdic commonwealth",
  196069. "mc neill, frances",
  196070. "7616",
  196071. "7616",
  196072. "fdic commonwealth,mc neill, frances,7616,7616"
  196073. ],
  196074. [
  196075. "fdic commonwealth",
  196076. "i.r. auto parts, inc.",
  196077. "7618",
  196078. "7618",
  196079. "fdic commonwealth,i.r. auto parts, inc.,7618,7618"
  196080. ],
  196081. [
  196082. "fdic commonwealth",
  196083. "traveller's financial",
  196084. "7618",
  196085. "7618",
  196086. "fdic commonwealth,traveller's financial,7618,7618"
  196087. ],
  196088. [
  196089. "fdic commonwealth",
  196090. "berkshire life insurance",
  196091. "7618",
  196092. "7618",
  196093. "fdic commonwealth,berkshire life insurance,7618,7618"
  196094. ],
  196095. [
  196096. "fdic commonwealth",
  196097. "gutzmore,d./cunningham p",
  196098. "7618",
  196099. "7618",
  196100. "fdic commonwealth,gutzmore,d./cunningham p,7618,7618"
  196101. ],
  196102. [
  196103. "fdic commonwealth",
  196104. "spring fever/loan",
  196105. "7618",
  196106. "7618",
  196107. "fdic commonwealth,spring fever/loan,7618,7618"
  196108. ],
  196109. [
  196110. "fdic commonwealth",
  196111. "adlock assoc., inc.",
  196112. "7618",
  196113. "7618",
  196114. "fdic commonwealth,adlock assoc., inc.,7618,7618"
  196115. ],
  196116. [
  196117. "fdic commonwealth",
  196118. "kendale woods condo",
  196119. "7618",
  196120. "7618",
  196121. "fdic commonwealth,kendale woods condo,7618,7618"
  196122. ],
  196123. [
  196124. "fdic commonwealth",
  196125. "adv re: ocala property",
  196126. "7618",
  196127. "7618",
  196128. "fdic commonwealth,adv re: ocala property,7618,7618"
  196129. ],
  196130. [
  196131. "fdic commonwealth",
  196132. "sundook galleries",
  196133. "7619",
  196134. "7619",
  196135. "fdic commonwealth,sundook galleries,7619,7619"
  196136. ],
  196137. [
  196138. "fdic commonwealth",
  196139. "cynthia's wallpapers",
  196140. "7619",
  196141. "7619",
  196142. "fdic commonwealth,cynthia's wallpapers,7619,7619"
  196143. ],
  196144. [
  196145. "fdic commonwealth",
  196146. "lacasse",
  196147. "7619",
  196148. "7619",
  196149. "fdic commonwealth,lacasse,7619,7619"
  196150. ],
  196151. [
  196152. "fdic commonwealth",
  196153. "avery development",
  196154. "7619",
  196155. "7619",
  196156. "fdic commonwealth,avery development,7619,7619"
  196157. ],
  196158. [
  196159. "fdic commonwealth",
  196160. "perdev",
  196161. "7619",
  196162. "7619",
  196163. "fdic commonwealth,perdev,7619,7619"
  196164. ],
  196165. [
  196166. "fdic commonwealth",
  196167. "rubin vs. bart",
  196168. "7627",
  196169. "7627",
  196170. "fdic commonwealth,rubin vs. bart,7627,7627"
  196171. ],
  196172. [
  196173. "fdic commonwealth",
  196174. "re bcf associates, ltd.",
  196175. "7627",
  196176. "7627",
  196177. "fdic commonwealth,re bcf associates, ltd.,7627,7627"
  196178. ],
  196179. [
  196180. "fdic commonwealth",
  196181. "re bcf associates",
  196182. "7627",
  196183. "7627",
  196184. "fdic commonwealth,re bcf associates,7627,7627"
  196185. ],
  196186. [
  196187. "fdic commonwealth",
  196188. "shadowwood",
  196189. "7626",
  196190. "7626",
  196191. "fdic commonwealth,shadowwood,7626,7626"
  196192. ],
  196193. [
  196194. "fdic commonwealth",
  196195. "zavell",
  196196. "7626",
  196197. "7626",
  196198. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7626,7626"
  196199. ],
  196200. [
  196201. "fdic commonwealth",
  196202. "agrmnt w/crown liquors",
  196203. "7753",
  196204. "7753",
  196205. "fdic commonwealth,agrmnt w/crown liquors,7753,7753"
  196206. ],
  196207. [
  196208. "fdic commonwealth",
  196209. "loehman's plaza",
  196210. "7775",
  196211. "7775",
  196212. "fdic commonwealth,loehman's plaza,7775,7775"
  196213. ],
  196214. [
  196215. "fdic commonwealth",
  196216. "guagliatta",
  196217. "7776",
  196218. "7776",
  196219. "fdic commonwealth,guagliatta,7776,7776"
  196220. ],
  196221. [
  196222. "fdic commonwealth",
  196223. "kolsky",
  196224. "7783",
  196225. "7783",
  196226. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7783,7783"
  196227. ],
  196228. [
  196229. "fdic commonwealth",
  196230. "gen",
  196231. "7792",
  196232. "7792",
  196233. "fdic commonwealth,gen,7792,7792"
  196234. ],
  196235. [
  196236. "fdic commonwealth",
  196237. "general",
  196238. "7791",
  196239. "7791",
  196240. "fdic commonwealth,general,7791,7791"
  196241. ],
  196242. [
  196243. "fdic commonwealth",
  196244. "elite builders",
  196245. "7795",
  196246. "7795",
  196247. "fdic commonwealth,elite builders,7795,7795"
  196248. ],
  196249. [
  196250. "fdic commonwealth",
  196251. "zavell",
  196252. "7803",
  196253. "7803",
  196254. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7803,7803"
  196255. ],
  196256. [
  196257. "fdic commonwealth",
  196258. "zavell",
  196259. "7808",
  196260. "7808",
  196261. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7808,7808"
  196262. ],
  196263. [
  196264. "fdic commonwealth",
  196265. "chapnick",
  196266. "7846",
  196267. "7846",
  196268. "fdic commonwealth,chapnick,7846,7846"
  196269. ],
  196270. [
  196271. "fdic commonwealth",
  196272. "w.p. properties",
  196273. "7880",
  196274. "7880",
  196275. "fdic commonwealth,w.p. properties,7880,7880"
  196276. ],
  196277. [
  196278. "fdic commonwealth",
  196279. "w.p. properties",
  196280. "7884",
  196281. "7884",
  196282. "fdic commonwealth,w.p. properties,7884,7884"
  196283. ],
  196284. [
  196285. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196286. "sale of arizona prop",
  196287. "7899",
  196288. "7899",
  196289. "fdic/commonwealth,sale of arizona prop,7899,7899"
  196290. ],
  196291. [
  196292. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196293. "thomas, p & m",
  196294. "7899",
  196295. "7899",
  196296. "fdic/commonwealth,thomas, p & m,7899,7899"
  196297. ],
  196298. [
  196299. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196300. "mcv dev corp",
  196301. "7899",
  196302. "7899",
  196303. "fdic/commonwealth,mcv dev corp,7899,7899"
  196304. ],
  196305. [
  196306. "fdic commonwealth",
  196307. "aubisque invest",
  196308. "7900",
  196309. "7900",
  196310. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque invest,7900,7900"
  196311. ],
  196312. [
  196313. "fdic commonwealth",
  196314. "sl/oasis at springtree",
  196315. "7900",
  196316. "7900",
  196317. "fdic commonwealth,sl/oasis at springtree,7900,7900"
  196318. ],
  196319. [
  196320. "fdic commonwealth",
  196321. "aubisque investments",
  196322. "7901",
  196323. "7901",
  196324. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque investments,7901,7901"
  196325. ],
  196326. [
  196327. "fdic commonwealth",
  196328. "sl/ariz prop",
  196329. "7901",
  196330. "7901",
  196331. "fdic commonwealth,sl/ariz prop,7901,7901"
  196332. ],
  196333. [
  196334. "fdic commonwealth",
  196335. "sale/tamarack gardens",
  196336. "7901",
  196337. "7901",
  196338. "fdic commonwealth,sale/tamarack gardens,7901,7901"
  196339. ],
  196340. [
  196341. "fdic commonwealth",
  196342. "martial arts trng ctr",
  196343. "7902",
  196344. "7902",
  196345. "fdic commonwealth,martial arts trng ctr,7902,7902"
  196346. ],
  196347. [
  196348. "fdic commonwealth",
  196349. "insurgentes investmnts",
  196350. "7902",
  196351. "7902",
  196352. "fdic commonwealth,insurgentes investmnts,7902,7902"
  196353. ],
  196354. [
  196355. "fdic commonwealth",
  196356. "wometco theater",
  196357. "7902",
  196358. "7902",
  196359. "fdic commonwealth,wometco theater,7902,7902"
  196360. ],
  196361. [
  196362. "fdic commonwealth",
  196363. "oasis at springtree",
  196364. "7902",
  196365. "7902",
  196366. "fdic commonwealth,oasis at springtree,7902,7902"
  196367. ],
  196368. [
  196369. "fdic commonwealth",
  196370. "yitmar corp",
  196371. "7903",
  196372. "7903",
  196373. "fdic commonwealth,yitmar corp,7903,7903"
  196374. ],
  196375. [
  196376. "fdic commonwealth",
  196377. "syntek invest. props",
  196378. "7903",
  196379. "7903",
  196380. "fdic commonwealth,syntek invest. props,7903,7903"
  196381. ],
  196382. [
  196383. "fdic commonwealth",
  196384. "republic national bank",
  196385. "7903",
  196386. "7903",
  196387. "fdic commonwealth,republic national bank,7903,7903"
  196388. ],
  196389. [
  196390. "fdic commonwealth",
  196391. "sl/ariz prop to batco",
  196392. "7904",
  196393. "7904",
  196394. "fdic commonwealth,sl/ariz prop to batco,7904,7904"
  196395. ],
  196396. [
  196397. "fdic commonwealth",
  196398. "saturday co n.v.",
  196399. "7904",
  196400. "7904",
  196401. "fdic commonwealth,saturday co n.v.,7904,7904"
  196402. ],
  196403. [
  196404. "fdic commonwealth",
  196405. "prep pro forma listing",
  196406. "7904",
  196407. "7904",
  196408. "fdic commonwealth,prep pro forma listing,7904,7904"
  196409. ],
  196410. [
  196411. "fdic commonwealth",
  196412. "gateway plaza",
  196413. "7904",
  196414. "7904",
  196415. "fdic commonwealth,gateway plaza,7904,7904"
  196416. ],
  196417. [
  196418. "fdic commonwealth",
  196419. "melbourne self storage",
  196420. "7904",
  196421. "7904",
  196422. "fdic commonwealth,melbourne self storage,7904,7904"
  196423. ],
  196424. [
  196425. "fdic commonwealth",
  196426. "pt.charlotte self-stor.",
  196427. "7904",
  196428. "7904",
  196429. "fdic commonwealth,pt.charlotte self-stor.,7904,7904"
  196430. ],
  196431. [
  196432. "fdic commonwealth fed.",
  196433. "lucaya ii",
  196434. "7941",
  196435. "7941",
  196436. "fdic commonwealth fed.,lucaya ii,7941,7941"
  196437. ],
  196438. [
  196439. "fdic commonwealth fed.",
  196440. "lucaya ii title",
  196441. "7941",
  196442. "7941",
  196443. "fdic commonwealth fed.,lucaya ii title,7941,7941"
  196444. ],
  196445. [
  196446. "fdic commonwealth",
  196447. "zavell",
  196448. "7941",
  196449. "7941",
  196450. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7941,7941"
  196451. ],
  196452. [
  196453. "fdic commonwealth",
  196454. "insurrgentes invest., ny",
  196455. "7944",
  196456. "7944",
  196457. "fdic commonwealth,insurrgentes invest., ny,7944,7944"
  196458. ],
  196459. [
  196460. "fdic commonwealth",
  196461. "yetmar corp., s.a.",
  196462. "7944",
  196463. "7944",
  196464. "fdic commonwealth,yetmar corp., s.a.,7944,7944"
  196465. ],
  196466. [
  196467. "fdic commonwealth",
  196468. "syler",
  196469. "7948",
  196470. "7948",
  196471. "fdic commonwealth,syler,7948,7948"
  196472. ],
  196473. [
  196474. "fdic commonwealth",
  196475. "ext. loan craft dev.",
  196476. "7958",
  196477. "7958",
  196478. "fdic commonwealth,ext. loan craft dev.,7958,7958"
  196479. ],
  196480. [
  196481. "fdic commonwealth",
  196482. "lease/paint&clean",
  196483. "7959",
  196484. "7959",
  196485. "fdic commonwealth,lease/paint&clean,7959,7959"
  196486. ],
  196487. [
  196488. "fdic commonwealth",
  196489. "lease/martial arts ctr.",
  196490. "7959",
  196491. "7959",
  196492. "fdic commonwealth,lease/martial arts ctr.,7959,7959"
  196493. ],
  196494. [
  196495. "fdic commonwealth",
  196496. "sale/meany",
  196497. "7959",
  196498. "7959",
  196499. "fdic commonwealth,sale/meany,7959,7959"
  196500. ],
  196501. [
  196502. "fdic commonwealth",
  196503. "cl./arnold,tc&cj",
  196504. "7969",
  196505. "7969",
  196506. "fdic commonwealth,cl./arnold,tc&cj,7969,7969"
  196507. ],
  196508. [
  196509. "fdic commonwealth",
  196510. "kolsky",
  196511. "7969",
  196512. "7969",
  196513. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7969,7969"
  196514. ],
  196515. [
  196516. "fdic commonwealth",
  196517. "redevco",
  196518. "7969",
  196519. "7969",
  196520. "fdic commonwealth,redevco,7969,7969"
  196521. ],
  196522. [
  196523. "fdic commonwealth",
  196524. "atlantic cty. condo. res",
  196525. "7969",
  196526. "7969",
  196527. "fdic commonwealth,atlantic cty. condo. res,7969,7969"
  196528. ],
  196529. [
  196530. "fdic commonwealth",
  196531. "comcap,inc./eminent dmn.",
  196532. "7974",
  196533. "7974",
  196534. "fdic commonwealth,comcap,inc./eminent dmn.,7974,7974"
  196535. ],
  196536. [
  196537. "fdic commonwealth",
  196538. "206 biscayne,ltd.",
  196539. "7974",
  196540. "7974",
  196541. "fdic commonwealth,206 biscayne,ltd.,7974,7974"
  196542. ],
  196543. [
  196544. "fdic commonwealth",
  196545. "loehman's plaza",
  196546. "7976",
  196547. "7976",
  196548. "fdic commonwealth,loehman's plaza,7976,7976"
  196549. ],
  196550. [
  196551. "fdic commonwealth",
  196552. "loehman's plaza",
  196553. "7977",
  196554. "7977",
  196555. "fdic commonwealth,loehman's plaza,7977,7977"
  196556. ],
  196557. [
  196558. "fdic commonwealth",
  196559. " dev.*",
  196560. "7978",
  196561. "7978",
  196562. "fdic commonwealth, dev.*,7978,7978"
  196563. ],
  196564. [
  196565. "fdic commonwealth",
  196566. " dev.",
  196567. "7980",
  196568. "7980",
  196569. "fdic commonwealth, dev.,7980,7980"
  196570. ],
  196571. [
  196572. "fdic commonwealth",
  196573. "gleason, p. title file",
  196574. "7980",
  196575. "7980",
  196576. "fdic commonwealth,gleason, p. title file,7980,7980"
  196577. ],
  196578. [
  196579. "fdic commonwealth",
  196580. "bcf assoc. title file",
  196581. "7980",
  196582. "7980",
  196583. "fdic commonwealth,bcf assoc. title file,7980,7980"
  196584. ],
  196585. [
  196586. "fdic commonwealth",
  196587. "redevco assoc.",
  196588. "7445",
  196589. "7445",
  196590. "fdic commonwealth,redevco assoc.,7445,7445"
  196591. ],
  196592. [
  196593. "fdic commonwealth",
  196594. "trail plaza",
  196595. "7445",
  196596. "7445",
  196597. "fdic commonwealth,trail plaza,7445,7445"
  196598. ],
  196599. [
  196600. "fdic commonwealth",
  196601. "subsidiaries",
  196602. "7981",
  196603. "7981",
  196604. "fdic commonwealth,subsidiaries,7981,7981"
  196605. ],
  196606. [
  196607. "fdic commonwealth",
  196608. "zavell",
  196609. "7617",
  196610. "7617",
  196611. "fdic commonwealth,zavell,7617,7617"
  196612. ],
  196613. [
  196614. "fdic commonwealth",
  196615. "aubisque ii title",
  196616. "7999",
  196617. "7999",
  196618. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque ii title,7999,7999"
  196619. ],
  196620. [
  196621. "fdic commonwealth",
  196622. "allstate prop.-title",
  196623. "7999",
  196624. "7999",
  196625. "fdic commonwealth,allstate prop.-title,7999,7999"
  196626. ],
  196627. [
  196628. "fdic commonwealth",
  196629. "aubisque title",
  196630. "7999",
  196631. "7999",
  196632. "fdic commonwealth,aubisque title,7999,7999"
  196633. ],
  196634. [
  196635. "fdic commonwealth",
  196636. "redevco",
  196637. "7800",
  196638. "7800",
  196639. "fdic commonwealth,redevco,7800,7800"
  196640. ],
  196641. [
  196642. "fdic commonwealth",
  196643. "southeast",
  196644. "8022",
  196645. "8022",
  196646. "fdic commonwealth,southeast,8022,8022"
  196647. ],
  196648. [
  196649. "fdic commonwealth",
  196650. "southeast",
  196651. "8023",
  196652. "8023",
  196653. "fdic commonwealth,southeast,8023,8023"
  196654. ],
  196655. [
  196656. "fdic commonwealth",
  196657. "adv\\election of remedies",
  196658. "8028",
  196659. "8028",
  196660. "fdic commonwealth,adv\\election of remedies,8028,8028"
  196661. ],
  196662. [
  196663. "fdic commonwealth",
  196664. "analysis: consultant\\*",
  196665. "8028",
  196666. "8028",
  196667. "fdic commonwealth,analysis: consultant\\*,8028,8028"
  196668. ],
  196669. [
  196670. "fdic commonwealth",
  196671. "buday, j. & f.",
  196672. "8028",
  196673. "8028",
  196674. "fdic commonwealth,buday, j. & f.,8028,8028"
  196675. ],
  196676. [
  196677. "fdic commonwealth",
  196678. "adv\\community reinvest.",
  196679. "8028",
  196680. "8028",
  196681. "fdic commonwealth,adv\\community reinvest.,8028,8028"
  196682. ],
  196683. [
  196684. "fdic commonwealth",
  196685. "portnov,s.*",
  196686. "8028",
  196687. "8028",
  196688. "fdic commonwealth,portnov,s.*,8028,8028"
  196689. ],
  196690. [
  196691. "fdic commonwealth",
  196692. "transfer prop. to trust",
  196693. "8028",
  196694. "8028",
  196695. "fdic commonwealth,transfer prop. to trust,8028,8028"
  196696. ],
  196697. [
  196698. "fdic commonwealth",
  196699. "phillips,friedman,sipi,*",
  196700. "8028",
  196701. "8028",
  196702. "fdic commonwealth,phillips,friedman,sipi,*,8028,8028"
  196703. ],
  196704. [
  196705. "fdic commonwealth",
  196706. "hospitality mgmt.",
  196707. "8029",
  196708. "8029",
  196709. "fdic commonwealth,hospitality mgmt.,8029,8029"
  196710. ],
  196711. [
  196712. "fdic commonwealth",
  196713. "impact graphics",
  196714. "8029",
  196715. "8029",
  196716. "fdic commonwealth,impact graphics,8029,8029"
  196717. ],
  196718. [
  196719. "fdic commonwealth",
  196720. "kolsky subfile",
  196721. "8029",
  196722. "8029",
  196723. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky subfile,8029,8029"
  196724. ],
  196725. [
  196726. "fdic commonwealth",
  196727. "hampton town homes",
  196728. "8030",
  196729. "8030",
  196730. "fdic commonwealth,hampton town homes,8030,8030"
  196731. ],
  196732. [
  196733. "fdic commonwealth",
  196734. "kahn,k. & e.",
  196735. "8031",
  196736. "8031",
  196737. "fdic commonwealth,kahn,k. & e.,8031,8031"
  196738. ],
  196739. [
  196740. "fdic commonwealth",
  196741. "adv\\lauderhill code enf.",
  196742. "8031",
  196743. "8031",
  196744. "fdic commonwealth,adv\\lauderhill code enf.,8031,8031"
  196745. ],
  196746. [
  196747. "fdic commonwealth",
  196748. "adv. re: shareholders",
  196749. "8051",
  196750. "8051",
  196751. "fdic commonwealth,adv. re: shareholders,8051,8051"
  196752. ],
  196753. [
  196754. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196755. "adv/corp. status subsid.",
  196756. "8114",
  196757. "8114",
  196758. "fdic/commonwealth,adv/corp. status subsid.,8114,8114"
  196759. ],
  196760. [
  196761. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196762. "adv/car repo's",
  196763. "8114",
  196764. "8114",
  196765. "fdic/commonwealth,adv/car repo's,8114,8114"
  196766. ],
  196767. [
  196768. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196769. "research",
  196770. "8114",
  196771. "8114",
  196772. "fdic/commonwealth,research,8114,8114"
  196773. ],
  196774. [
  196775. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196776. "gateway title",
  196777. "8118",
  196778. "8118",
  196779. "fdic/commonwealth,gateway title,8118,8118"
  196780. ],
  196781. [
  196782. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196783. "cespedes, b.&e.",
  196784. "8114",
  196785. "8114",
  196786. "fdic/commonwealth,cespedes, b.&e.,8114,8114"
  196787. ],
  196788. [
  196789. "fdic commonwealth",
  196790. "cespedes,b.&e.",
  196791. "7958",
  196792. "7958",
  196793. "fdic commonwealth,cespedes,b.&e.,7958,7958"
  196794. ],
  196795. [
  196796. "fdic commonwealth",
  196797. "sanpacal corp.*",
  196798. "8193",
  196799. "8193",
  196800. "fdic commonwealth,sanpacal corp.*,8193,8193"
  196801. ],
  196802. [
  196803. "fdic commonwealth",
  196804. "da-rae pet supply*",
  196805. "8193",
  196806. "8193",
  196807. "fdic commonwealth,da-rae pet supply*,8193,8193"
  196808. ],
  196809. [
  196810. "fdic commonwealth",
  196811. "harold pledger*",
  196812. "8193",
  196813. "8193",
  196814. "fdic commonwealth,harold pledger*,8193,8193"
  196815. ],
  196816. [
  196817. "fdic commonwealth",
  196818. "richard zamudio*",
  196819. "8193",
  196820. "8193",
  196821. "fdic commonwealth,richard zamudio*,8193,8193"
  196822. ],
  196823. [
  196824. "fdic commonwealth",
  196825. "gary adams",
  196826. "8193",
  196827. "8193",
  196828. "fdic commonwealth,gary adams,8193,8193"
  196829. ],
  196830. [
  196831. "fdic commonwealth",
  196832. "sat. co deed",
  196833. "7903",
  196834. "7903",
  196835. "fdic commonwealth,sat. co deed,7903,7903"
  196836. ],
  196837. [
  196838. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196839. "labor/employment issues",
  196840. "8267",
  196841. "8267",
  196842. "fdic/commonwealth,labor/employment issues,8267,8267"
  196843. ],
  196844. [
  196845. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196846. "granite street note",
  196847. "8267",
  196848. "8267",
  196849. "fdic/commonwealth,granite street note,8267,8267"
  196850. ],
  196851. [
  196852. "fdic/commonwealth fed.",
  196853. "lucaya ii to fernandez",
  196854. "8280",
  196855. "8280",
  196856. "fdic/commonwealth fed.,lucaya ii to fernandez,8280,8280"
  196857. ],
  196858. [
  196859. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196860. "tanglewood lakes s.",
  196861. "8120",
  196862. "8120",
  196863. "fdic/commonwealth,tanglewood lakes s.,8120,8120"
  196864. ],
  196865. [
  196866. "fdic/commonwealth fed.",
  196867. "commcare, inc.*",
  196868. "8338",
  196869. "8338",
  196870. "fdic/commonwealth fed.,commcare, inc.*,8338,8338"
  196871. ],
  196872. [
  196873. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  196874. "assign. to colonial bnk",
  196875. "8380",
  196876. "8380",
  196877. "fdic-commonwealth fed,assign. to colonial bnk,8380,8380"
  196878. ],
  196879. [
  196880. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  196881. "sale of lucaya ii",
  196882. "8380",
  196883. "8380",
  196884. "fdic-commonwealth fed,sale of lucaya ii,8380,8380"
  196885. ],
  196886. [
  196887. "fdic/commonwealth fed",
  196888. "sonya gale",
  196889. "8426",
  196890. "8426",
  196891. "fdic/commonwealth fed,sonya gale,8426,8426"
  196892. ],
  196893. [
  196894. "fdic commonwealth",
  196895. "biscayne title search",
  196896. "8433",
  196897. "8433",
  196898. "fdic commonwealth,biscayne title search,8433,8433"
  196899. ],
  196900. [
  196901. "fdic commonwealth",
  196902. "enco properties- title",
  196903. "8433",
  196904. "8433",
  196905. "fdic commonwealth,enco properties- title,8433,8433"
  196906. ],
  196907. [
  196908. "fdic commonwealth",
  196909. "general file",
  196910. "8561",
  196911. "8561",
  196912. "fdic commonwealth,general file,8561,8561"
  196913. ],
  196914. [
  196915. "fdic commonwealth",
  196916. "doc. stamps",
  196917. "8592",
  196918. "8592",
  196919. "fdic commonwealth,doc. stamps,8592,8592"
  196920. ],
  196921. [
  196922. "fdic commonwealth",
  196923. "doc stamps",
  196924. "8592",
  196925. "8592",
  196926. "fdic commonwealth,doc stamps,8592,8592"
  196927. ],
  196928. [
  196929. "fdic commonwealth",
  196930. "pembroke pines prof.cent",
  196931. "8592",
  196932. "8592",
  196933. "fdic commonwealth,pembroke pines prof.cent,8592,8592"
  196934. ],
  196935. [
  196936. "fdic commonwealth",
  196937. "general",
  196938. "8592",
  196939. "8592",
  196940. "fdic commonwealth,general,8592,8592"
  196941. ],
  196942. [
  196943. "fdic commonwealth",
  196944. "sale tract b, palmetto",
  196945. "8592",
  196946. "8592",
  196947. "fdic commonwealth,sale tract b, palmetto,8592,8592"
  196948. ],
  196949. [
  196950. "fdic commonwealth",
  196951. "south winds/kennes title",
  196952. "8592",
  196953. "8592",
  196954. "fdic commonwealth,south winds/kennes title,8592,8592"
  196955. ],
  196956. [
  196957. "fdic commonwealth",
  196958. "review of comrcl leases",
  196959. "8592",
  196960. "8592",
  196961. "fdic commonwealth,review of comrcl leases,8592,8592"
  196962. ],
  196963. [
  196964. "fdic commonwealth",
  196965. "forum plaza assoc. title",
  196966. "8592",
  196967. "8592",
  196968. "fdic commonwealth,forum plaza assoc. title,8592,8592"
  196969. ],
  196970. [
  196971. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196972. "falso/loventhal title",
  196973. "8627",
  196974. "8627",
  196975. "fdic/commonwealth,falso/loventhal title,8627,8627"
  196976. ],
  196977. [
  196978. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196979. "slae of lot ii/newport b",
  196980. "8627",
  196981. "8627",
  196982. "fdic/commonwealth,slae of lot ii/newport b,8627,8627"
  196983. ],
  196984. [
  196985. "fdic/commonwealth",
  196986. "sale of copper lake-arie",
  196987. "8635",
  196988. "8635",
  196989. "fdic/commonwealth,sale of copper lake-arie,8635,8635"
  196990. ],
  196991. [
  196992. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  196993. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  196994. "7445",
  196995. "7445",
  196996. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7445,7445"
  196997. ],
  196998. [
  196999. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  197000. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  197001. "7446",
  197002. "7446",
  197003. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7446,7446"
  197004. ],
  197005. [
  197006. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  197007. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  197008. "7447",
  197009. "7447",
  197010. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7447,7447"
  197011. ],
  197012. [
  197013. "fdic-commonwealth s & l",
  197014. "kolsky, allan & ronald",
  197015. "7448",
  197016. "7448",
  197017. "fdic-commonwealth s & l,kolsky, allan & ronald,7448,7448"
  197018. ],
  197019. [
  197020. "fdic commonwealth",
  197021. "kolsky plaza south",
  197022. "7764",
  197023. "7764",
  197024. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky plaza south,7764,7764"
  197025. ],
  197026. [
  197027. "fdic commonwealth",
  197028. "kolsky trail plaza",
  197029. "7765",
  197030. "7765",
  197031. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky trail plaza,7765,7765"
  197032. ],
  197033. [
  197034. "fdic commonwealth",
  197035. "kolsky plaza south",
  197036. "7774",
  197037. "7774",
  197038. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky plaza south,7774,7774"
  197039. ],
  197040. [
  197041. "fdic commonwealth",
  197042. "kolsky",
  197043. "7800",
  197044. "7800",
  197045. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7800,7800"
  197046. ],
  197047. [
  197048. "fdic commonwealth",
  197049. "kolsky",
  197050. "7785",
  197051. "7785",
  197052. "fdic commonwealth,kolsky,7785,7785"
  197053. ],
  197054. [
  197055. "fdic commonwealth",
  197056. "title",
  197057. "8592",
  197058. "8592",
  197059. "fdic commonwealth,title,8592,8592"
  197060. ],
  197061. [
  197062. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197063. "boca land/copper lake/",
  197064. "8750",
  197065. "8750",
  197066. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8750,8750"
  197067. ],
  197068. [
  197069. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197070. "boca land/copper lake",
  197071. "8751",
  197072. "8751",
  197073. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake,8751,8751"
  197074. ],
  197075. [
  197076. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197077. "boca land/copper lake/",
  197078. "8752",
  197079. "8752",
  197080. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8752,8752"
  197081. ],
  197082. [
  197083. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197084. "boca land/copper lake/",
  197085. "8753",
  197086. "8753",
  197087. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8753,8753"
  197088. ],
  197089. [
  197090. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197091. "environmental advise",
  197092. "8755",
  197093. "8755",
  197094. "rtc/commonwealth,environmental advise,8755,8755"
  197095. ],
  197096. [
  197097. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  197098. "shoreline group",
  197099. "8756",
  197100. "8756",
  197101. "rtc/commonwealth federal,shoreline group,8756,8756"
  197102. ],
  197103. [
  197104. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  197105. "shoreline group",
  197106. "8757",
  197107. "8757",
  197108. "rtc/commonwealth federal,shoreline group,8757,8757"
  197109. ],
  197110. [
  197111. "rtc commonwealth federal",
  197112. "shoreline (appeal)",
  197113. "8777",
  197114. "8777",
  197115. "rtc commonwealth federal,shoreline (appeal),8777,8777"
  197116. ],
  197117. [
  197118. "rtc commonwealth federal",
  197119. "shoreline",
  197120. "8779",
  197121. "8779",
  197122. "rtc commonwealth federal,shoreline,8779,8779"
  197123. ],
  197124. [
  197125. "fdic-commonwealth",
  197126. "kolsky",
  197127. "8869",
  197128. "8869",
  197129. "fdic-commonwealth,kolsky,8869,8869"
  197130. ],
  197131. [
  197132. "fdic/commonwealth",
  197133. "harmony lake- title",
  197134. "8901",
  197135. "8901",
  197136. "fdic/commonwealth,harmony lake- title,8901,8901"
  197137. ],
  197138. [
  197139. "fdic/commonwealth",
  197140. "recording documents",
  197141. "8900",
  197142. "8900",
  197143. "fdic/commonwealth,recording documents,8900,8900"
  197144. ],
  197145. [
  197146. "fdic/commonwealth",
  197147. "james a. robinson,truste",
  197148. "8910",
  197149. "8910",
  197150. "fdic/commonwealth,james a. robinson,truste,8910,8910"
  197151. ],
  197152. [
  197153. "fdic-commonwealth fed",
  197154. "fri. co. nv-extension",
  197155. "8380",
  197156. "8380",
  197157. "fdic-commonwealth fed,fri. co. nv-extension,8380,8380"
  197158. ],
  197159. [
  197160. "fdic commonwealth",
  197161. "sale/newport bay club",
  197162. "9089",
  197163. "9089",
  197164. "fdic commonwealth,sale/newport bay club,9089,9089"
  197165. ],
  197166. [
  197167. "fdic commonwealth",
  197168. "sale/newport bay club es",
  197169. "9064",
  197170. "9064",
  197171. "fdic commonwealth,sale/newport bay club es,9064,9064"
  197172. ],
  197173. [
  197174. "commonwealth rtc",
  197175. "synteck",
  197176. "9192",
  197177. "9192",
  197178. "commonwealth rtc,synteck,9192,9192"
  197179. ],
  197180. [
  197181. "fdic",
  197182. "food experience, inc.",
  197183. "9219",
  197184. "9219",
  197185. "fdic,food experience, inc.,9219,9219"
  197186. ],
  197187. [
  197188. "commonwealth(rtc)",
  197189. "synteck",
  197190. "9192",
  197191. "9192",
  197192. "commonwealth(rtc),synteck,9192,9192"
  197193. ],
  197194. [
  197195. "fdic",
  197196. "food experience, inc",
  197197. "9219",
  197198. "9219",
  197199. "fdic,food experience, inc,9219,9219"
  197200. ],
  197201. [
  197202. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197203. "brothers of brooklyn",
  197204. "9227",
  197205. "9227",
  197206. "commonwealth (rtc),brothers of brooklyn,9227,9227"
  197207. ],
  197208. [
  197209. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197210. "syntech",
  197211. "9239",
  197212. "9239",
  197213. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9239,9239"
  197214. ],
  197215. [
  197216. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197217. "syntech",
  197218. "9242",
  197219. "9242",
  197220. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9242,9242"
  197221. ],
  197222. [
  197223. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197224. "syntech",
  197225. "9243",
  197226. "9243",
  197227. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9243,9243"
  197228. ],
  197229. [
  197230. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197231. "syntech",
  197232. "9244",
  197233. "9244",
  197234. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9244,9244"
  197235. ],
  197236. [
  197237. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197238. "syntech",
  197239. "9245",
  197240. "9245",
  197241. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9245,9245"
  197242. ],
  197243. [
  197244. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197245. "syntech",
  197246. "9246",
  197247. "9246",
  197248. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9246,9246"
  197249. ],
  197250. [
  197251. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197252. "syntech",
  197253. "9247",
  197254. "9247",
  197255. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9247,9247"
  197256. ],
  197257. [
  197258. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197259. "syntech",
  197260. "9248",
  197261. "9248",
  197262. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9248,9248"
  197263. ],
  197264. [
  197265. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197266. "syntech",
  197267. "9249",
  197268. "9249",
  197269. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9249,9249"
  197270. ],
  197271. [
  197272. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197273. "syntech",
  197274. "9250",
  197275. "9250",
  197276. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9250,9250"
  197277. ],
  197278. [
  197279. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197280. "syntech",
  197281. "9251",
  197282. "9251",
  197283. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9251,9251"
  197284. ],
  197285. [
  197286. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197287. "syntech",
  197288. "9252",
  197289. "9252",
  197290. "commonwealth (rtc),syntech,9252,9252"
  197291. ],
  197292. [
  197293. "fdic",
  197294. "beacon",
  197295. "9273",
  197296. "9273",
  197297. "fdic,beacon,9273,9273"
  197298. ],
  197299. [
  197300. "commonwelath (rtc)",
  197301. "harmony lakes",
  197302. "9206",
  197303. "9206",
  197304. "commonwelath (rtc),harmony lakes,9206,9206"
  197305. ],
  197306. [
  197307. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197308. "harmony lakes",
  197309. "9207",
  197310. "9207",
  197311. "commonwealth (rtc),harmony lakes,9207,9207"
  197312. ],
  197313. [
  197314. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197315. "harmony lakes-surveys",
  197316. "9610",
  197317. "9610",
  197318. "commonwealth (rtc),harmony lakes-surveys,9610,9610"
  197319. ],
  197320. [
  197321. "fdic",
  197322. "commonwealth properties",
  197323. "7605",
  197324. "7605",
  197325. "fdic,commonwealth properties,7605,7605"
  197326. ],
  197327. [
  197328. "fdic",
  197329. "commonwealth properties",
  197330. "7605",
  197331. "7605",
  197332. "fdic,commonwealth properties,7605,7605"
  197333. ],
  197334. [
  197335. "fdic commonwealth",
  197336. "adv. associated property",
  197337. "8592",
  197338. "8592",
  197339. "fdic commonwealth,adv. associated property,8592,8592"
  197340. ],
  197341. [
  197342. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  197343. "associated properties",
  197344. "8771",
  197345. "8771",
  197346. "rtc/commonwealth federal,associated properties,8771,8771"
  197347. ],
  197348. [
  197349. "rtc/commonwealth federal",
  197350. "associated properties",
  197351. "8772",
  197352. "8772",
  197353. "rtc/commonwealth federal,associated properties,8772,8772"
  197354. ],
  197355. [
  197356. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197357. "boca land/copper lake/",
  197358. "8749",
  197359. "8749",
  197360. "rtc/commonwealth,boca land/copper lake/,8749,8749"
  197361. ],
  197362. [
  197363. "fdic commonwealth",
  197364. "copper lake dev corp",
  197365. "7607",
  197366. "7607",
  197367. "fdic commonwealth,copper lake dev corp,7607,7607"
  197368. ],
  197369. [
  197370. "fdic/commonwealth",
  197371. "copper lake sale- title",
  197372. "8635",
  197373. "8635",
  197374. "fdic/commonwealth,copper lake sale- title,8635,8635"
  197375. ],
  197376. [
  197377. "rtc-commonwealth",
  197378. "adv. copper lake-foreclo",
  197379. "9119",
  197380. "9119",
  197381. "rtc-commonwealth,adv. copper lake-foreclo,9119,9119"
  197382. ],
  197383. [
  197384. "fdic commonwealth",
  197385. "pembroke charter corp.*",
  197386. "7978",
  197387. "7978",
  197388. "fdic commonwealth,pembroke charter corp.*,7978,7978"
  197389. ],
  197390. [
  197391. "fdic/commonwealth",
  197392. "pembroke develop. corp.",
  197393. "8906",
  197394. "8906",
  197395. "fdic/commonwealth,pembroke develop. corp.,8906,8906"
  197396. ],
  197397. [
  197398. "fdic",
  197399. "knox mini storage",
  197400. "9812",
  197401. "9812",
  197402. "fdic,knox mini storage,9812,9812"
  197403. ],
  197404. [
  197405. "fdic commonwealth",
  197406. "turtle run",
  197407. "8020",
  197408. "8020",
  197409. "fdic commonwealth,turtle run,8020,8020"
  197410. ],
  197411. [
  197412. "fdic commonwealth",
  197413. "turtle run",
  197414. "8021",
  197415. "8021",
  197416. "fdic commonwealth,turtle run,8021,8021"
  197417. ],
  197418. [
  197419. "fdic commonwealth",
  197420. "turtle run (title)",
  197421. "8174",
  197422. "8174",
  197423. "fdic commonwealth,turtle run (title),8174,8174"
  197424. ],
  197425. [
  197426. "fdic",
  197427. "kilburn-young/sale lot 9",
  197428. "9064",
  197429. "9064",
  197430. "fdic,kilburn-young/sale lot 9,9064,9064"
  197431. ],
  197432. [
  197433. "fdic commonwealth",
  197434. "kilburn-young/sale lot 9",
  197435. "9064",
  197436. "9064",
  197437. "fdic commonwealth,kilburn-young/sale lot 9,9064,9064"
  197438. ],
  197439. [
  197440. "fdic -commonwealth",
  197441. "champions square ltd.",
  197442. "9865",
  197443. "9865",
  197444. "fdic -commonwealth,champions square ltd.,9865,9865"
  197445. ],
  197446. [
  197447. "fdic-commonwealth",
  197448. "champions square i",
  197449. "9865",
  197450. "9865",
  197451. "fdic-commonwealth,champions square i,9865,9865"
  197452. ],
  197453. [
  197454. "fdic,commonwealth,feds&l",
  197455. "seymour& harriet frank",
  197456. "10216",
  197457. "10216",
  197458. "fdic,commonwealth,feds&l,seymour& harriet frank,10216,10216"
  197459. ],
  197460. [
  197461. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197462. "boca heights",
  197463. "10216",
  197464. "10216",
  197465. "rtc/commonwealth,boca heights,10216,10216"
  197466. ],
  197467. [
  197468. "rtc/boca glades",
  197469. "defensive",
  197470. "10216",
  197471. "10216",
  197472. "rtc/boca glades,defensive,10216,10216"
  197473. ],
  197474. [
  197475. "rtc/boca glades",
  197476. "foreclosure",
  197477. "10216",
  197478. "10216",
  197479. "rtc/boca glades,foreclosure,10216,10216"
  197480. ],
  197481. [
  197482. "rtc- commonwealth",
  197483. "boca heights, inc. etc.",
  197484. "9118",
  197485. "9118",
  197486. "rtc- commonwealth,boca heights, inc. etc.,9118,9118"
  197487. ],
  197488. [
  197489. "rtc/commonwealth",
  197490. "realtech",
  197491. "8788",
  197492. "8788",
  197493. "rtc/commonwealth,realtech,8788,8788"
  197494. ],
  197495. [
  197496. "fdic/commonwealth",
  197497. "realtech inc. of broward",
  197498. "8906",
  197499. "8906",
  197500. "fdic/commonwealth,realtech inc. of broward,8906,8906"
  197501. ],
  197502. [
  197503. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197504. "forum plaza-title file",
  197505. "10343",
  197506. "10343",
  197507. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,forum plaza-title file,10343,10343"
  197508. ],
  197509. [
  197510. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197511. "forum plaza-title file",
  197512. "10343",
  197513. "10343",
  197514. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,forum plaza-title file,10343,10343"
  197515. ],
  197516. [
  197517. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197518. "jalar properties-title",
  197519. "10343",
  197520. "10343",
  197521. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,jalar properties-title,10343,10343"
  197522. ],
  197523. [
  197524. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197525. "l&m studio-title file",
  197526. "10343",
  197527. "10343",
  197528. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,l&m studio-title file,10343,10343"
  197529. ],
  197530. [
  197531. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197532. "pinewood-title file",
  197533. "10343",
  197534. "10343",
  197535. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,pinewood-title file,10343,10343"
  197536. ],
  197537. [
  197538. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197539. "kissimmee/osceola-title",
  197540. "10345",
  197541. "10345",
  197542. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,kissimmee/osceola-title,10345,10345"
  197543. ],
  197544. [
  197545. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197546. "pointe holding-title",
  197547. "10346",
  197548. "10346",
  197549. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,pointe holding-title,10346,10346"
  197550. ],
  197551. [
  197552. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197553. "seminole assoc/title fil",
  197554. "10346",
  197555. "10346",
  197556. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,seminole assoc/title fil,10346,10346"
  197557. ],
  197558. [
  197559. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197560. "southmark/santa ana-titl",
  197561. "10346",
  197562. "10346",
  197563. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,southmark/santa ana-titl,10346,10346"
  197564. ],
  197565. [
  197566. "fdic/commonwealth s&l",
  197567. "southmark/hawaii title",
  197568. "10346",
  197569. "10346",
  197570. "fdic/commonwealth s&l,southmark/hawaii title,10346,10346"
  197571. ],
  197572. [
  197573. "fdic/commonwealh s&l",
  197574. "ests of tanglewood",
  197575. "10346",
  197576. "10346",
  197577. "fdic/commonwealh s&l,ests of tanglewood,10346,10346"
  197578. ],
  197579. [
  197580. "fdic commonwealth",
  197581. "copper lake",
  197582. "d715",
  197583. "d715",
  197584. "fdic commonwealth,copper lake,d715,d715"
  197585. ],
  197586. [
  197587. "rtc",
  197588. "commonwealth vs. suburban",
  197589. "489534487",
  197590. "49865",
  197591. "rtc,commonwealth vs. suburban,489534487,49865"
  197592. ],
  197593. [
  197594. "rtc",
  197595. "none",
  197596. "652551451",
  197597. "118994",
  197598. "rtc,none,652551451,118994"
  197599. ],
  197600. [
  197601. "rtc (commonwealth) vs. pembroke charter",
  197602. "none",
  197603. "89251260",
  197604. "85648",
  197605. "rtc (commonwealth) vs. pembroke charter,none,89251260,85648"
  197606. ],
  197607. [
  197608. "fdic ladner & co",
  197609. "nan",
  197610. "dsj005064",
  197611. "30-109",
  197612. "fdic ladner & co,nan,dsj005064,30-109"
  197613. ],
  197614. [
  197615. "fdic",
  197616. "mtg servicing corp",
  197617. "tcf0007285",
  197618. "aq1197",
  197619. "fdic,mtg servicing corp,tcf0007285,aq1197"
  197620. ],
  197621. [
  197622. "fdic-des plaines bank",
  197623. "anthony g. angelos",
  197624. "8323",
  197625. "8323",
  197626. "fdic-des plaines bank,anthony g. angelos,8323,8323"
  197627. ],
  197628. [
  197629. "fdic (sparta sanders )",
  197630. "jerone palumbo, & levy",
  197631. "8314",
  197632. "8314",
  197633. "fdic (sparta sanders ),jerone palumbo, & levy,8314,8314"
  197634. ],
  197635. [
  197636. "fdic commonwealth",
  197637. "boca heights",
  197638. "8433",
  197639. "8433",
  197640. "fdic commonwealth,boca heights,8433,8433"
  197641. ],
  197642. [
  197643. "fdic/w. palm bch",
  197644. "outstanding taxes",
  197645. "tcf0008574",
  197646. "aw8060",
  197647. "fdic/w. palm bch,outstanding taxes,tcf0008574,aw8060"
  197648. ],
  197649. [
  197650. "fdic",
  197651. "shadow",
  197652. "tcf0010806",
  197653. "bj8473",
  197654. "fdic,shadow,tcf0010806,bj8473"
  197655. ],
  197656. [
  197657. "fdic first american bnk",
  197658. "robert d. kramer",
  197659. "10210",
  197660. "10210",
  197661. "fdic first american bnk,robert d. kramer,10210,10210"
  197662. ],
  197663. [
  197664. "first american bank & trust",
  197665. "none",
  197666. "489535568",
  197667. "174259",
  197668. "first american bank & trust,none,489535568,174259"
  197669. ],
  197670. [
  197671. "fdic/fabt",
  197672. "none",
  197673. "489564251",
  197674. "114632",
  197675. "fdic/fabt,none,489564251,114632"
  197676. ],
  197677. [
  197678. "fdic/fabt",
  197679. "none",
  197680. "489564251",
  197681. "114632",
  197682. "fdic/fabt,none,489564251,114632"
  197683. ],
  197684. [
  197685. "fdic vs. ecclestone-gateway",
  197686. "none",
  197687. "489520003",
  197688. "50152",
  197689. "fdic vs. ecclestone-gateway,none,489520003,50152"
  197690. ],
  197691. [
  197692. "fdic/lakeside",
  197693. "none",
  197694. "672025726",
  197695. "118901",
  197696. "fdic/lakeside,none,672025726,118901"
  197697. ],
  197698. [
  197699. "fdic",
  197700. "lakeside regent eminent domain action",
  197701. "672025726",
  197702. "118901",
  197703. "fdic,lakeside regent eminent domain action,672025726,118901"
  197704. ],
  197705. [
  197706. "fdic",
  197707. "none",
  197708. "672025656",
  197709. "118947",
  197710. "fdic,none,672025656,118947"
  197711. ],
  197712. [
  197713. "fdic",
  197714. "sadkin",
  197715. "672025656",
  197716. "118947",
  197717. "fdic,sadkin,672025656,118947"
  197718. ],
  197719. [
  197720. "first american bank & trust",
  197721. "none",
  197722. "489337882",
  197723. "50257",
  197724. "first american bank & trust,none,489337882,50257"
  197725. ],
  197726. [
  197727. "fdic v. greaves",
  197728. "none",
  197729. "652606186",
  197730. "43508",
  197731. "fdic v. greaves,none,652606186,43508"
  197732. ],
  197733. [
  197734. "fdic",
  197735. "overseas bankrutcy",
  197736. "9120",
  197737. "9120",
  197738. "fdic,overseas bankrutcy,9120,9120"
  197739. ],
  197740. [
  197741. "fdic",
  197742. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197743. "9121",
  197744. "9121",
  197745. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9121,9121"
  197746. ],
  197747. [
  197748. "fdic",
  197749. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197750. "9122",
  197751. "9122",
  197752. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9122,9122"
  197753. ],
  197754. [
  197755. "fdic",
  197756. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197757. "9123",
  197758. "9123",
  197759. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9123,9123"
  197760. ],
  197761. [
  197762. "fdic",
  197763. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197764. "9124",
  197765. "9124",
  197766. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9124,9124"
  197767. ],
  197768. [
  197769. "fdic",
  197770. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197771. "9125",
  197772. "9125",
  197773. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9125,9125"
  197774. ],
  197775. [
  197776. "fdic",
  197777. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197778. "9126",
  197779. "9126",
  197780. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9126,9126"
  197781. ],
  197782. [
  197783. "fdic",
  197784. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197785. "9127",
  197786. "9127",
  197787. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9127,9127"
  197788. ],
  197789. [
  197790. "fdic",
  197791. "overseas bankruptcy",
  197792. "9128",
  197793. "9128",
  197794. "fdic,overseas bankruptcy,9128,9128"
  197795. ],
  197796. [
  197797. "fdic/sonesta",
  197798. "none",
  197799. "652599788",
  197800. "50171",
  197801. "fdic/sonesta,none,652599788,50171"
  197802. ],
  197803. [
  197804. "fdic vs. overseas electronics",
  197805. "none",
  197806. "89251260",
  197807. "85648",
  197808. "fdic vs. overseas electronics,none,89251260,85648"
  197809. ],
  197810. [
  197811. "fdic sunrise s&l",
  197812. "glass tower florist",
  197813. "8193",
  197814. "8193",
  197815. "fdic sunrise s&l,glass tower florist,8193,8193"
  197816. ],
  197817. [
  197818. "fdic sunrise s&l",
  197819. "royal am. holidays",
  197820. "8193",
  197821. "8193",
  197822. "fdic sunrise s&l,royal am. holidays,8193,8193"
  197823. ],
  197824. [
  197825. "fdic/sunrise savings",
  197826. "cathy's cafe",
  197827. "10210",
  197828. "10210",
  197829. "fdic/sunrise savings,cathy's cafe,10210,10210"
  197830. ],
  197831. [
  197832. "fdic/sunrise savings",
  197833. "royal american holidays",
  197834. "10216",
  197835. "10216",
  197836. "fdic/sunrise savings,royal american holidays,10216,10216"
  197837. ],
  197838. [
  197839. "rtc-receiver hansen sav.",
  197840. "record./conveyance/docum",
  197841. "8910",
  197842. "8910",
  197843. "rtc-receiver hansen sav.,record./conveyance/docum,8910,8910"
  197844. ],
  197845. [
  197846. "asset management resolution co.",
  197847. "rtc vs. m.t.heller",
  197848. "489342748",
  197849. "85640",
  197850. "asset management resolution co.,rtc vs. m.t.heller,489342748,85640"
  197851. ],
  197852. [
  197853. "pepper hamilton & scheetz",
  197854. "87 fslic vs jacoby",
  197855. "tcf0005030",
  197856. "af9632",
  197857. "pepper hamilton & scheetz,87 fslic vs jacoby,tcf0005030,af9632"
  197858. ],
  197859. [
  197860. "bajamar shipping ltd.",
  197861. "none",
  197862. "672026010",
  197863. "114659",
  197864. "bajamar shipping ltd.,none,672026010,114659"
  197865. ],
  197866. [
  197867. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc",
  197868. "silverado",
  197869. "8801",
  197870. "8801",
  197871. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc,silverado,8801,8801"
  197872. ],
  197873. [
  197874. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc",
  197875. "silverado",
  197876. "8801",
  197877. "8801",
  197878. "rtc-federal s&l insuranc,silverado,8801,8801"
  197879. ],
  197880. [
  197881. "fdic/ hy kom/duncan",
  197882. "appeal/correwspondence",
  197883. "tcf0009279",
  197884. "bd3973",
  197885. "fdic/ hy kom/duncan,appeal/correwspondence,tcf0009279,bd3973"
  197886. ],
  197887. [
  197888. "commonwealth (rtc)",
  197889. "harmony lakes",
  197890. "9205",
  197891. "9205",
  197892. "commonwealth (rtc),harmony lakes,9205,9205"
  197893. ],
  197894. [
  197895. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  197896. "la corniche/title",
  197897. "8807",
  197898. "8807",
  197899. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.,la corniche/title,8807,8807"
  197900. ],
  197901. [
  197902. "rtc",
  197903. "pima",
  197904. "489487965",
  197905. "49952",
  197906. "rtc,pima,489487965,49952"
  197907. ],
  197908. [
  197909. "pima",
  197910. "capri point",
  197911. "85420",
  197912. "8727",
  197913. "pima,capri point,85420,8727"
  197914. ],
  197915. [
  197916. "bridgestone americas tire operations, ll",
  197917. "kertchaval, irene v. bato et al. (asbestos)",
  197918. "active file",
  197919. "nan",
  197920. "bridgestone americas tire operations, ll,kertchaval, irene v. bato et al. (asbestos),active file,nan"
  197921. ],
  197922. [
  197923. "town & country builders",
  197924. "barlett rtc redemption case",
  197925. "633147454",
  197926. "nan",
  197927. "town & country builders,barlett rtc redemption case,633147454,nan"
  197928. ],
  197929. [
  197930. "land banque industries",
  197931. "purchase from fslic",
  197932. "tcf0007189",
  197933. "aq0677",
  197934. "land banque industries,purchase from fslic,tcf0007189,aq0677"
  197935. ],
  197936. [
  197937. "chicago association of realtors",
  197938. "mls issues - general",
  197939. "628424326",
  197940. "843766",
  197941. "chicago association of realtors,mls issues - general,628424326,843766"
  197942. ],
  197943. [
  197944. "chicago association of realtors",
  197945. "mls issues - general",
  197946. "628424760",
  197947. "843767",
  197948. "chicago association of realtors,mls issues - general,628424760,843767"
  197949. ],
  197950. [
  197951. "chicago association of realtors",
  197952. "mls issues - general",
  197953. "628424882",
  197954. "843802",
  197955. "chicago association of realtors,mls issues - general,628424882,843802"
  197956. ],
  197957. [
  197958. "rtc vs. firestone",
  197959. "none",
  197960. "672030379",
  197961. "155488",
  197962. "rtc vs. firestone,none,672030379,155488"
  197963. ],
  197964. [
  197965. "southern exchange bank",
  197966. "fdic & state of florida",
  197967. "tcf0012362",
  197968. "bq1140",
  197969. "southern exchange bank,fdic & state of florida,tcf0012362,bq1140"
  197970. ],
  197971. [
  197972. "greenwich company",
  197973. "none",
  197974. "489519860",
  197975. "50140",
  197976. "greenwich company,none,489519860,50140"
  197977. ],
  197978. [
  197979. "diplomat",
  197980. "general",
  197981. "789-22610 recall 789-22610",
  197982. "789-22610 recall 789-22610",
  197983. "diplomat,general,789-22610 recall 789-22610,789-22610 recall 789-22610"
  197984. ],
  197985. [
  197986. "first nationwide bank",
  197987. "kirkman-oxford assoc. l.p.",
  197988. "489622323",
  197989. "789-2411",
  197990. "first nationwide bank,kirkman-oxford assoc. l.p.,489622323,789-2411"
  197991. ],
  197992. [
  197993. "home federal",
  197994. "rtc",
  197995. "489256901",
  197996. "789-11325",
  197997. "home federal,rtc,489256901,789-11325"
  197998. ],
  197999. [
  198000. "home federal s & l association",
  198001. "port america foreclosure",
  198002. "489253315",
  198003. "789-11372",
  198004. "home federal s & l association,port america foreclosure,489253315,789-11372"
  198005. ],
  198006. [
  198007. "john hancock",
  198008. "rtc agreement",
  198009. "789-11527",
  198010. "789-11527",
  198011. "john hancock,rtc agreement,789-11527,789-11527"
  198012. ],
  198013. [
  198014. "john hancock",
  198015. "rtc agreement",
  198016. "789-11527",
  198017. "789-11527",
  198018. "john hancock,rtc agreement,789-11527,789-11527"
  198019. ],
  198020. [
  198021. "john hancock life insurance company",
  198022. "general",
  198023. "489250976",
  198024. "789-23658",
  198025. "john hancock life insurance company,general,489250976,789-23658"
  198026. ],
  198027. [
  198028. "arter&hadden pleads -fdic",
  198029. "pleading index volumes i -iii",
  198030. "tcf0007443",
  198031. "aq7339",
  198032. "arter&hadden pleads -fdic,pleading index volumes i -iii,tcf0007443,aq7339"
  198033. ],
  198034. [
  198035. "fdic",
  198036. "overseas",
  198037. "489520931",
  198038. "114604",
  198039. "fdic,overseas,489520931,114604"
  198040. ],
  198041. [
  198042. "fdic",
  198043. "overseas",
  198044. "489520931",
  198045. "114604",
  198046. "fdic,overseas,489520931,114604"
  198047. ],
  198048. [
  198049. "fdic",
  198050. "overseas",
  198051. "489520865",
  198052. "114605",
  198053. "fdic,overseas,489520865,114605"
  198054. ],
  198055. [
  198056. "fdic",
  198057. "overseas",
  198058. "489520867",
  198059. "114606",
  198060. "fdic,overseas,489520867,114606"
  198061. ],
  198062. [
  198063. "fdic",
  198064. "overseas",
  198065. "489520862",
  198066. "114607",
  198067. "fdic,overseas,489520862,114607"
  198068. ],
  198069. [
  198070. "rtc vs. city national bank",
  198071. "none",
  198072. "49346",
  198073. "7684",
  198074. "rtc vs. city national bank,none,49346,7684"
  198075. ],
  198076. [
  198077. "rtc vs. city national bank/morley fine art",
  198078. "none",
  198079. "49351",
  198080. "7689",
  198081. "rtc vs. city national bank/morley fine art,none,49351,7689"
  198082. ],
  198083. [
  198084. "carter s. kaufmann",
  198085. "fdic",
  198086. "789-11874",
  198087. "789-11874",
  198088. "carter s. kaufmann,fdic,789-11874,789-11874"
  198089. ],
  198090. [
  198091. "lincoln property company",
  198092. "calabasas - smartcard check and converting solutions llc .",
  198093. "active file",
  198094. "nan",
  198095. "lincoln property company,calabasas - smartcard check and converting solutions llc .,active file,nan"
  198096. ],
  198097. [
  198098. "rtc/olympic",
  198099. "jtr",
  198100. "489258868",
  198101. "789-12405",
  198102. "rtc/olympic,jtr,489258868,789-12405"
  198103. ],
  198104. [
  198105. "citibank",
  198106. "airport",
  198107. "460597372",
  198108. "14412",
  198109. "citibank,airport,460597372,14412"
  198110. ],
  198111. [
  198112. "phillips",
  198113. "windward key-fdic",
  198114. "489255784",
  198115. "789-12269",
  198116. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  198117. ],
  198118. [
  198119. "phillips",
  198120. "windward key-fdic",
  198121. "489255784",
  198122. "789-12269",
  198123. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  198124. ],
  198125. [
  198126. "phillips",
  198127. "windward key-fdic",
  198128. "489255784",
  198129. "789-12269",
  198130. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  198131. ],
  198132. [
  198133. "phillips",
  198134. "windward key-fdic",
  198135. "489255784",
  198136. "789-12269",
  198137. "phillips,windward key-fdic,489255784,789-12269"
  198138. ],
  198139. [
  198140. "phillips",
  198141. "windward key",
  198142. "489255809",
  198143. "789-12285",
  198144. "phillips,windward key,489255809,789-12285"
  198145. ],
  198146. [
  198147. "metropolitan federal",
  198148. "d&o",
  198149. "489613520",
  198150. "789-12690",
  198151. "metropolitan federal,d&o,489613520,789-12690"
  198152. ],
  198153. [
  198154. "metropolitan federal",
  198155. "d&o",
  198156. "nan",
  198157. "nan",
  198158. "metropolitan federal,d&o,nan,nan"
  198159. ],
  198160. [
  198161. "rtc",
  198162. "olympic",
  198163. "nan",
  198164. "nan",
  198165. "rtc,olympic,nan,nan"
  198166. ],
  198167. [
  198168. "rtc",
  198169. "homefed",
  198170. "489613534",
  198171. "789-12682",
  198172. "rtc,homefed,489613534,789-12682"
  198173. ],
  198174. [
  198175. "rtc",
  198176. "udc",
  198177. "489613534",
  198178. "789-12682",
  198179. "rtc,udc,489613534,789-12682"
  198180. ],
  198181. [
  198182. "rtc",
  198183. "u.s. court of appeals",
  198184. "489613534",
  198185. "789-12682",
  198186. "rtc,u.s. court of appeals,489613534,789-12682"
  198187. ],
  198188. [
  198189. "rtc",
  198190. "oakton ii",
  198191. "789-12684",
  198192. "789-12684",
  198193. "rtc,oakton ii,789-12684,789-12684"
  198194. ],
  198195. [
  198196. "rtc",
  198197. "homefed-oakton corp.",
  198198. "789-12684",
  198199. "789-12684",
  198200. "rtc,homefed-oakton corp.,789-12684,789-12684"
  198201. ],
  198202. [
  198203. "rtc",
  198204. "u.s. court of appeals",
  198205. "789-12684",
  198206. "789-12684",
  198207. "rtc,u.s. court of appeals,789-12684,789-12684"
  198208. ],
  198209. [
  198210. "rtc",
  198211. "peoples security bank",
  198212. "489613522",
  198213. "789-12693",
  198214. "rtc,peoples security bank,489613522,789-12693"
  198215. ],
  198216. [
  198217. "rtc",
  198218. "peoples security bank",
  198219. "489613522",
  198220. "789-12693",
  198221. "rtc,peoples security bank,489613522,789-12693"
  198222. ],
  198223. [
  198224. "rtc",
  198225. "peoples security bank",
  198226. "489613522",
  198227. "789-12693",
  198228. "rtc,peoples security bank,489613522,789-12693"
  198229. ],
  198230. [
  198231. "rtc",
  198232. "forest plaza",
  198233. "489613522",
  198234. "789-12693",
  198235. "rtc,forest plaza,489613522,789-12693"
  198236. ],
  198237. [
  198238. "rtc",
  198239. "olympic",
  198240. "489613522",
  198241. "789-12693",
  198242. "rtc,olympic,489613522,789-12693"
  198243. ],
  198244. [
  198245. "rtc",
  198246. "olympic",
  198247. "489613505",
  198248. "789-12695",
  198249. "rtc,olympic,489613505,789-12695"
  198250. ],
  198251. [
  198252. "rtc",
  198253. "olympic",
  198254. "489613505",
  198255. "789-12695",
  198256. "rtc,olympic,489613505,789-12695"
  198257. ],
  198258. [
  198259. "rtc",
  198260. "olympic",
  198261. "489613522",
  198262. "789-12693",
  198263. "rtc,olympic,489613522,789-12693"
  198264. ],
  198265. [
  198266. "rtc",
  198267. "olympic",
  198268. "489613522",
  198269. "789-12693",
  198270. "rtc,olympic,489613522,789-12693"
  198271. ],
  198272. [
  198273. "rtc",
  198274. "trust bank",
  198275. "489613546",
  198276. "789-12689",
  198277. "rtc,trust bank,489613546,789-12689"
  198278. ],
  198279. [
  198280. "rtc",
  198281. "trust bank",
  198282. "489613546",
  198283. "789-12689",
  198284. "rtc,trust bank,489613546,789-12689"
  198285. ],
  198286. [
  198287. "rtc",
  198288. "papermill building",
  198289. "nan",
  198290. "nan",
  198291. "rtc,papermill building,nan,nan"
  198292. ],
  198293. [
  198294. "rtc",
  198295. "papermill leasing",
  198296. "489613546",
  198297. "789-12689",
  198298. "rtc,papermill leasing,489613546,789-12689"
  198299. ],
  198300. [
  198301. "rtc",
  198302. "homefed bank",
  198303. "489613546",
  198304. "789-12689",
  198305. "rtc,homefed bank,489613546,789-12689"
  198306. ],
  198307. [
  198308. "rtc",
  198309. "homefed bank",
  198310. "489613546",
  198311. "789-12689",
  198312. "rtc,homefed bank,489613546,789-12689"
  198313. ],
  198314. [
  198315. "rtc",
  198316. "homefed bank / port america",
  198317. "489613546",
  198318. "789-12689",
  198319. "rtc,homefed bank / port america,489613546,789-12689"
  198320. ],
  198321. [
  198322. "rtc",
  198323. "udc",
  198324. "489613545",
  198325. "789-12692",
  198326. "rtc,udc,489613545,789-12692"
  198327. ],
  198328. [
  198329. "rtc",
  198330. "homefed",
  198331. "489613545",
  198332. "789-12692",
  198333. "rtc,homefed,489613545,789-12692"
  198334. ],
  198335. [
  198336. "rtc",
  198337. "sale of ashland",
  198338. "489613545",
  198339. "789-12692",
  198340. "rtc,sale of ashland,489613545,789-12692"
  198341. ],
  198342. [
  198343. "rtc",
  198344. "homefed",
  198345. "489613545",
  198346. "789-12692",
  198347. "rtc,homefed,489613545,789-12692"
  198348. ],
  198349. [
  198350. "rtc",
  198351. "port america",
  198352. "489613545",
  198353. "789-12692",
  198354. "rtc,port america,489613545,789-12692"
  198355. ],
  198356. [
  198357. "rtc",
  198358. "homefed",
  198359. "489613545",
  198360. "789-12692",
  198361. "rtc,homefed,489613545,789-12692"
  198362. ],
  198363. [
  198364. "rtc",
  198365. "sale of port america",
  198366. "489613545",
  198367. "789-12692",
  198368. "rtc,sale of port america,489613545,789-12692"
  198369. ],
  198370. [
  198371. "rtc",
  198372. "homefed",
  198373. "489626039",
  198374. "789-12830",
  198375. "rtc,homefed,489626039,789-12830"
  198376. ],
  198377. [
  198378. "rtc",
  198379. "sale of port america",
  198380. "489626039",
  198381. "789-12830",
  198382. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198383. ],
  198384. [
  198385. "rtc",
  198386. "sale of port america",
  198387. "489626039",
  198388. "789-12830",
  198389. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198390. ],
  198391. [
  198392. "rtc",
  198393. "sale of port america",
  198394. "489626039",
  198395. "789-12830",
  198396. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198397. ],
  198398. [
  198399. "rtc",
  198400. "sale of port america",
  198401. "489626039",
  198402. "789-12830",
  198403. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198404. ],
  198405. [
  198406. "rtc",
  198407. "sale of port america",
  198408. "489626039",
  198409. "789-12830",
  198410. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198411. ],
  198412. [
  198413. "rtc",
  198414. "sale of port america",
  198415. "489626039",
  198416. "789-12830",
  198417. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198418. ],
  198419. [
  198420. "rtc",
  198421. "sale of port america",
  198422. "489626039",
  198423. "789-12830",
  198424. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198425. ],
  198426. [
  198427. "rtc",
  198428. "sale of port america",
  198429. "489626039",
  198430. "789-12830",
  198431. "rtc,sale of port america,489626039,789-12830"
  198432. ],
  198433. [
  198434. "resolution trust corp.",
  198435. "southeastern federal savings bank",
  198436. "789-12691",
  198437. "789-12691",
  198438. "resolution trust corp.,southeastern federal savings bank,789-12691,789-12691"
  198439. ],
  198440. [
  198441. "schar",
  198442. "schar litigation v. fdic",
  198443. "789-12033",
  198444. "789-12033",
  198445. "schar,schar litigation v. fdic,789-12033,789-12033"
  198446. ],
  198447. [
  198448. "schar",
  198449. "schar litigation v. fdic",
  198450. "789-12033",
  198451. "789-12033",
  198452. "schar,schar litigation v. fdic,789-12033,789-12033"
  198453. ],
  198454. [
  198455. "rtc",
  198456. "second national",
  198457. "789-12696",
  198458. "789-12696",
  198459. "rtc,second national,789-12696,789-12696"
  198460. ],
  198461. [
  198462. "rtc",
  198463. "slasbury sheraton",
  198464. "789-12696",
  198465. "789-12696",
  198466. "rtc,slasbury sheraton,789-12696,789-12696"
  198467. ],
  198468. [
  198469. "rtc",
  198470. "forms",
  198471. "789-12696",
  198472. "789-12696",
  198473. "rtc,forms,789-12696,789-12696"
  198474. ],
  198475. [
  198476. "rtc",
  198477. "second national gore",
  198478. "nan",
  198479. "nan",
  198480. "rtc,second national gore,nan,nan"
  198481. ],
  198482. [
  198483. "rtc",
  198484. "second national gore",
  198485. "489613512",
  198486. "789-12697",
  198487. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  198488. ],
  198489. [
  198490. "rtc",
  198491. "second national gore",
  198492. "489613512",
  198493. "789-12697",
  198494. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  198495. ],
  198496. [
  198497. "rtc",
  198498. "second national gore",
  198499. "489613512",
  198500. "789-12697",
  198501. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  198502. ],
  198503. [
  198504. "rtc",
  198505. "second national gore",
  198506. "489613512",
  198507. "789-12697",
  198508. "rtc,second national gore,489613512,789-12697"
  198509. ],
  198510. [
  198511. "rtc",
  198512. "second national gore involuntary",
  198513. "489613517",
  198514. "789-12696",
  198515. "rtc,second national gore involuntary,489613517,789-12696"
  198516. ],
  198517. [
  198518. "rtc",
  198519. "defense",
  198520. "489613517",
  198521. "789-12696",
  198522. "rtc,defense,489613517,789-12696"
  198523. ],
  198524. [
  198525. "rtc",
  198526. "second national marwood",
  198527. "489613512",
  198528. "789-12697",
  198529. "rtc,second national marwood,489613512,789-12697"
  198530. ],
  198531. [
  198532. "rtc",
  198533. "second national bank",
  198534. "489252633",
  198535. "789-11944",
  198536. "rtc,second national bank,489252633,789-11944"
  198537. ],
  198538. [
  198539. "rtc",
  198540. "gore bankruptcy",
  198541. "489255778",
  198542. "789-12270",
  198543. "rtc,gore bankruptcy,489255778,789-12270"
  198544. ],
  198545. [
  198546. "rtc",
  198547. "marwood partnership",
  198548. "489255779",
  198549. "789-12268",
  198550. "rtc,marwood partnership,489255779,789-12268"
  198551. ],
  198552. [
  198553. "rtc",
  198554. "marwood",
  198555. "489258902",
  198556. "789-12347",
  198557. "rtc,marwood,489258902,789-12347"
  198558. ],
  198559. [
  198560. "rtc",
  198561. "marwood",
  198562. "789-12355",
  198563. "789-12355",
  198564. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  198565. ],
  198566. [
  198567. "rtc",
  198568. "marwood",
  198569. "789-12355",
  198570. "789-12355",
  198571. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  198572. ],
  198573. [
  198574. "rtc",
  198575. "marwood",
  198576. "789-12355",
  198577. "789-12355",
  198578. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  198579. ],
  198580. [
  198581. "rtc",
  198582. "aaronson",
  198583. "789-12355",
  198584. "789-12355",
  198585. "rtc,aaronson,789-12355,789-12355"
  198586. ],
  198587. [
  198588. "rtc",
  198589. "marwood",
  198590. "789-12355",
  198591. "789-12355",
  198592. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  198593. ],
  198594. [
  198595. "rtc",
  198596. "marwood",
  198597. "789-12355",
  198598. "789-12355",
  198599. "rtc,marwood,789-12355,789-12355"
  198600. ],
  198601. [
  198602. "burtch barone",
  198603. "private placement",
  198604. "7701",
  198605. "7701",
  198606. "burtch barone,private placement,7701,7701"
  198607. ],
  198608. [
  198609. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198610. "directors & officers",
  198611. "489255801",
  198612. "789-12296",
  198613. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198614. ],
  198615. [
  198616. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198617. "directors & officers",
  198618. "489255801",
  198619. "789-12296",
  198620. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198621. ],
  198622. [
  198623. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198624. "directors & officers",
  198625. "489255801",
  198626. "789-12296",
  198627. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198628. ],
  198629. [
  198630. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198631. "directors & officers",
  198632. "489255801",
  198633. "789-12296",
  198634. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198635. ],
  198636. [
  198637. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198638. "directors & officers",
  198639. "489255801",
  198640. "789-12296",
  198641. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198642. ],
  198643. [
  198644. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198645. "directors & officers",
  198646. "489255801",
  198647. "789-12296",
  198648. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198649. ],
  198650. [
  198651. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198652. "directors & officers",
  198653. "489255801",
  198654. "789-12296",
  198655. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198656. ],
  198657. [
  198658. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198659. "directors & officers",
  198660. "489255801",
  198661. "789-12296",
  198662. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198663. ],
  198664. [
  198665. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198666. "directors & officers",
  198667. "489255801",
  198668. "789-12296",
  198669. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198670. ],
  198671. [
  198672. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198673. "directors & officers",
  198674. "489255801",
  198675. "789-12296",
  198676. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255801,789-12296"
  198677. ],
  198678. [
  198679. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198680. "directors & officers",
  198681. "489255818",
  198682. "789-12297",
  198683. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  198684. ],
  198685. [
  198686. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198687. "trustbank/accountant liab.",
  198688. "489255818",
  198689. "789-12297",
  198690. "trustbank savings - rtc,trustbank/accountant liab.,489255818,789-12297"
  198691. ],
  198692. [
  198693. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198694. "directors & officers",
  198695. "489255818",
  198696. "789-12297",
  198697. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  198698. ],
  198699. [
  198700. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198701. "directors & officers",
  198702. "489255818",
  198703. "789-12297",
  198704. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  198705. ],
  198706. [
  198707. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198708. "directors & officers",
  198709. "489255818",
  198710. "789-12297",
  198711. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  198712. ],
  198713. [
  198714. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198715. "directors & officers",
  198716. "489255818",
  198717. "789-12297",
  198718. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  198719. ],
  198720. [
  198721. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198722. "directors & officers",
  198723. "489255818",
  198724. "789-12297",
  198725. "trustbank savings - rtc,directors & officers,489255818,789-12297"
  198726. ],
  198727. [
  198728. "trustbank savings - rtc",
  198729. "trustbank/accountant liab.",
  198730. "489255818",
  198731. "789-12297",
  198732. "trustbank savings - rtc,trustbank/accountant liab.,489255818,789-12297"
  198733. ],
  198734. [
  198735. "dunkirk",
  198736. "wilkes fdic",
  198737. "489259028",
  198738. "789-12380",
  198739. "dunkirk,wilkes fdic,489259028,789-12380"
  198740. ],
  198741. [
  198742. "vance international, inc.",
  198743. "client contracts/oakton corp center 2",
  198744. "489259001",
  198745. "789-12369",
  198746. "vance international, inc.,client contracts/oakton corp center 2,489259001,789-12369"
  198747. ],
  198748. [
  198749. "fdic",
  198750. "nan",
  198751. "dsj005095",
  198752. "31-001b",
  198753. "fdic,nan,dsj005095,31-001b"
  198754. ],
  198755. [
  198756. "federal deposit insurance",
  198757. "braemoor assoc.",
  198758. "546315303",
  198759. "5729",
  198760. "federal deposit insurance,braemoor assoc.,546315303,5729"
  198761. ],
  198762. [
  198763. "federal deposit insurance",
  198764. "braemoor assoc.",
  198765. "546311338",
  198766. "5728",
  198767. "federal deposit insurance,braemoor assoc.,546311338,5728"
  198768. ],
  198769. [
  198770. "tds telecom",
  198771. "general",
  198772. "489723233",
  198773. "789-19536",
  198774. "tds telecom,general,489723233,789-19536"
  198775. ],
  198776. [
  198777. "eastern air lines",
  198778. "general",
  198779. "89249011",
  198780. "12325927",
  198781. "eastern air lines,general,89249011,12325927"
  198782. ],
  198783. [
  198784. "at&t alaska",
  198785. "general",
  198786. "489808357",
  198787. "789-18161",
  198788. "at&t alaska,general,489808357,789-18161"
  198789. ],
  198790. [
  198791. "varig brazilian airlines",
  198792. "contractual issues",
  198793. "460599726",
  198794. "12876941",
  198795. "varig brazilian airlines,contractual issues,460599726,12876941"
  198796. ],
  198797. [
  198798. "great western bank",
  198799. "none",
  198800. "460600710",
  198801. "384516",
  198802. "great western bank,none,460600710,384516"
  198803. ],
  198804. [
  198805. "mastercard",
  198806. "artcom",
  198807. "89197578",
  198808. "12269028",
  198809. "mastercard,artcom,89197578,12269028"
  198810. ],
  198811. [
  198812. "birtcher financial services/fairfield village breakstone et al v. honorable mary ann mckenzie",
  198813. "none",
  198814. "490618899",
  198815. "12377387",
  198816. "birtcher financial services/fairfield village breakstone et al v. honorable mary ann mckenzie,none,490618899,12377387"
  198817. ],
  198818. [
  198819. "rtc",
  198820. "international apparel",
  198821. "7928",
  198822. "7928",
  198823. "rtc,international apparel,7928,7928"
  198824. ],
  198825. [
  198826. "rtc",
  198827. "international apparel",
  198828. "7929",
  198829. "7929",
  198830. "rtc,international apparel,7929,7929"
  198831. ],
  198832. [
  198833. "rtc",
  198834. "international apparel",
  198835. "7930",
  198836. "7930",
  198837. "rtc,international apparel,7930,7930"
  198838. ],
  198839. [
  198840. "rtc/commonwealth",
  198841. "intl. apparel assoc.",
  198842. "8253",
  198843. "8253",
  198844. "rtc/commonwealth,intl. apparel assoc.,8253,8253"
  198845. ],
  198846. [
  198847. "burtchers",
  198848. "nan",
  198849. "282645237",
  198850. "282645237",
  198851. "burtchers,nan,282645237,282645237"
  198852. ],
  198853. [
  198854. "ernst & young/southeast",
  198855. "none",
  198856. "672024342",
  198857. "394786",
  198858. "ernst & young/southeast,none,672024342,394786"
  198859. ],
  198860. [
  198861. "rtc - conser western s & l",
  198862. "92 kathleen shore replevin",
  198863. "tcf0008230",
  198864. "av7139",
  198865. "rtc - conser western s & l,92 kathleen shore replevin,tcf0008230,av7139"
  198866. ],
  198867. [
  198868. "amerifirst farmstores",
  198869. "none",
  198870. "89175947",
  198871. "155779",
  198872. "amerifirst farmstores,none,89175947,155779"
  198873. ],
  198874. [
  198875. "amerifirst bank vs. mcf aviation",
  198876. "none",
  198877. "460603460",
  198878. "174381",
  198879. "amerifirst bank vs. mcf aviation,none,460603460,174381"
  198880. ],
  198881. [
  198882. "amerifirst bank vs. gus machado",
  198883. "none",
  198884. "489520868",
  198885. "49571",
  198886. "amerifirst bank vs. gus machado,none,489520868,49571"
  198887. ],
  198888. [
  198889. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  198890. "none",
  198891. "652553289",
  198892. "49584",
  198893. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,652553289,49584"
  198894. ],
  198895. [
  198896. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  198897. "none",
  198898. "652553280",
  198899. "49585",
  198900. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,652553280,49585"
  198901. ],
  198902. [
  198903. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  198904. "none",
  198905. "490620928",
  198906. "49586",
  198907. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,490620928,49586"
  198908. ],
  198909. [
  198910. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  198911. "none",
  198912. "489338571",
  198913. "49587",
  198914. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,489338571,49587"
  198915. ],
  198916. [
  198917. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  198918. "none",
  198919. "652553279",
  198920. "49588",
  198921. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,652553279,49588"
  198922. ],
  198923. [
  198924. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield",
  198925. "none",
  198926. "489338559",
  198927. "49589",
  198928. "amerifirst/rtc vs. fairfield,none,489338559,49589"
  198929. ],
  198930. [
  198931. "rtc/freedom savings",
  198932. "fha qualifications",
  198933. "7952",
  198934. "7952",
  198935. "rtc/freedom savings,fha qualifications,7952,7952"
  198936. ],
  198937. [
  198938. "rtc/freedom s&l",
  198939. "fha qual. & condo filing",
  198940. "8218",
  198941. "8218",
  198942. "rtc/freedom s&l,fha qual. & condo filing,8218,8218"
  198943. ],
  198944. [
  198945. "rtc/freedom federal",
  198946. "rolling hills purchase",
  198947. "8235",
  198948. "8235",
  198949. "rtc/freedom federal,rolling hills purchase,8235,8235"
  198950. ],
  198951. [
  198952. "rtc-frdm svngs&loan",
  198953. "dri analysis",
  198954. "8239",
  198955. "8239",
  198956. "rtc-frdm svngs&loan,dri analysis,8239,8239"
  198957. ],
  198958. [
  198959. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan",
  198960. "rolling hills zoaning",
  198961. "8240",
  198962. "8240",
  198963. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan,rolling hills zoaning,8240,8240"
  198964. ],
  198965. [
  198966. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan",
  198967. "parcels sale /rllng hlls",
  198968. "8239",
  198969. "8239",
  198970. "rtc-fredm svngs & loan,parcels sale /rllng hlls,8239,8239"
  198971. ],
  198972. [
  198973. "rtc/freedom s&l",
  198974. "rolling hills",
  198975. "8355",
  198976. "8355",
  198977. "rtc/freedom s&l,rolling hills,8355,8355"
  198978. ],
  198979. [
  198980. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.",
  198981. "sale/rolling hills hotel",
  198982. "8802",
  198983. "8802",
  198984. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.,sale/rolling hills hotel,8802,8802"
  198985. ],
  198986. [
  198987. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.",
  198988. "sale/rolling hills hotel",
  198989. "8803",
  198990. "8803",
  198991. "rtc-freedom s&l assoc.,sale/rolling hills hotel,8803,8803"
  198992. ],
  198993. [
  198994. "rtc-freedom s&l",
  198995. "rolling hills/title hote",
  198996. "8805",
  198997. "8805",
  198998. "rtc-freedom s&l,rolling hills/title hote,8805,8805"
  198999. ],
  199000. [
  199001. "rtc-freedom s & l",
  199002. "rolling hills/35 acre",
  199003. "8810",
  199004. "8810",
  199005. "rtc-freedom s & l,rolling hills/35 acre,8810,8810"
  199006. ],
  199007. [
  199008. "rtc-freedom savings",
  199009. "zoning/rolling hills hot",
  199010. "9013",
  199011. "9013",
  199012. "rtc-freedom savings,zoning/rolling hills hot,9013,9013"
  199013. ],
  199014. [
  199015. "rtc-freedom savings",
  199016. "zoning/35 acre parcel",
  199017. "9013",
  199018. "9013",
  199019. "rtc-freedom savings,zoning/35 acre parcel,9013,9013"
  199020. ],
  199021. [
  199022. "rtc-freedom s & l",
  199023. "sale of 35 acre parcel",
  199024. "8810",
  199025. "8810",
  199026. "rtc-freedom s & l,sale of 35 acre parcel,8810,8810"
  199027. ],
  199028. [
  199029. "rtc-freedom",
  199030. "rolling hills",
  199031. "9708",
  199032. "9708",
  199033. "rtc-freedom,rolling hills,9708,9708"
  199034. ],
  199035. [
  199036. "rtc",
  199037. "none",
  199038. "652601686",
  199039. "365608",
  199040. "rtc,none,652601686,365608"
  199041. ],
  199042. [
  199043. "rtc/freedom vs sheraton",
  199044. "nan",
  199045. "dsj004773",
  199046. "16-052a",
  199047. "rtc/freedom vs sheraton,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  199048. ],
  199049. [
  199050. "alvarez, jerry",
  199051. "none",
  199052. "491469630",
  199053. "220665",
  199054. "alvarez, jerry,none,491469630,220665"
  199055. ],
  199056. [
  199057. "rtc-receiver-sun state s&l",
  199058. "the fla group",
  199059. "tcf0007582",
  199060. "au0721",
  199061. "rtc-receiver-sun state s&l,the fla group,tcf0007582,au0721"
  199062. ],
  199063. [
  199064. "fdic",
  199065. "golden glades regional",
  199066. "9060",
  199067. "9060",
  199068. "fdic,golden glades regional,9060,9060"
  199069. ],
  199070. [
  199071. "fdic",
  199072. "golden glades regional",
  199073. "9061",
  199074. "9061",
  199075. "fdic,golden glades regional,9061,9061"
  199076. ],
  199077. [
  199078. "fdic",
  199079. "golden glades regional",
  199080. "9062",
  199081. "9062",
  199082. "fdic,golden glades regional,9062,9062"
  199083. ],
  199084. [
  199085. "fdic",
  199086. "charles/ruth dahdah",
  199087. "672026030",
  199088. "114642",
  199089. "fdic,charles/ruth dahdah,672026030,114642"
  199090. ],
  199091. [
  199092. "fdic",
  199093. "first american bank",
  199094. "652599788",
  199095. "50171",
  199096. "fdic,first american bank,652599788,50171"
  199097. ],
  199098. [
  199099. "first american bank & trust",
  199100. "none",
  199101. "489337882",
  199102. "50257",
  199103. "first american bank & trust,none,489337882,50257"
  199104. ],
  199105. [
  199106. "rtc",
  199107. "10-k option",
  199108. "tcf0011367",
  199109. "bl7548",
  199110. "rtc,10-k option,tcf0011367,bl7548"
  199111. ],
  199112. [
  199113. "rtc/centrust capital corp",
  199114. "10-k opinion",
  199115. "tcf0008501",
  199116. "aw5828",
  199117. "rtc/centrust capital corp,10-k opinion,tcf0008501,aw5828"
  199118. ],
  199119. [
  199120. "rtc/centrust",
  199121. "sale to viasat technology corp",
  199122. "tcf0008823",
  199123. "ay2052",
  199124. "rtc/centrust,sale to viasat technology corp,tcf0008823,ay2052"
  199125. ],
  199126. [
  199127. "rtc/centrust",
  199128. "$150mm revlv ln of cred shdw fl",
  199129. "tcf0009144",
  199130. "bc0310",
  199131. "rtc/centrust,$150mm revlv ln of cred shdw fl,tcf0009144,bc0310"
  199132. ],
  199133. [
  199134. "rtc/centrust bank",
  199135. "poley",
  199136. "tcf0009393",
  199137. "bd6346",
  199138. "rtc/centrust bank,poley,tcf0009393,bd6346"
  199139. ],
  199140. [
  199141. "rtc",
  199142. "centrust",
  199143. "tcf0009906",
  199144. "bf2533",
  199145. "rtc,centrust,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  199146. ],
  199147. [
  199148. "rtc/conser/centrust",
  199149. "diversified se ind.",
  199150. "7690",
  199151. "7690",
  199152. "rtc/conser/centrust,diversified se ind.,7690,7690"
  199153. ],
  199154. [
  199155. "rtc/conser/centrust",
  199156. "ln to wright,frank",
  199157. "7690",
  199158. "7690",
  199159. "rtc/conser/centrust,ln to wright,frank,7690,7690"
  199160. ],
  199161. [
  199162. "rtc centrust",
  199163. "cricket club",
  199164. "7705",
  199165. "7705",
  199166. "rtc centrust,cricket club,7705,7705"
  199167. ],
  199168. [
  199169. "rtc/centrust",
  199170. "cricket club",
  199171. "7705",
  199172. "7705",
  199173. "rtc/centrust,cricket club,7705,7705"
  199174. ],
  199175. [
  199176. "rtc/centrust",
  199177. "lease w/subway",
  199178. "7709",
  199179. "7709",
  199180. "rtc/centrust,lease w/subway,7709,7709"
  199181. ],
  199182. [
  199183. "rtc/centrust",
  199184. "lease to great western",
  199185. "7709",
  199186. "7709",
  199187. "rtc/centrust,lease to great western,7709,7709"
  199188. ],
  199189. [
  199190. "rtc/centrust",
  199191. "lease w/soybean sam's",
  199192. "7709",
  199193. "7709",
  199194. "rtc/centrust,lease w/soybean sam's,7709,7709"
  199195. ],
  199196. [
  199197. "rtc/centrust",
  199198. "lease/bank of america",
  199199. "7709",
  199200. "7709",
  199201. "rtc/centrust,lease/bank of america,7709,7709"
  199202. ],
  199203. [
  199204. "rtc/centrust",
  199205. "lease/ home run sports",
  199206. "7709",
  199207. "7709",
  199208. "rtc/centrust,lease/ home run sports,7709,7709"
  199209. ],
  199210. [
  199211. "rtc/centrust",
  199212. "lease/ rtc",
  199213. "7709",
  199214. "7709",
  199215. "rtc/centrust,lease/ rtc,7709,7709"
  199216. ],
  199217. [
  199218. "rtc/centrust",
  199219. "jamaica bay mobile hm/pk",
  199220. "7709",
  199221. "7709",
  199222. "rtc/centrust,jamaica bay mobile hm/pk,7709,7709"
  199223. ],
  199224. [
  199225. "rtc/centrust",
  199226. "swindle, michael (loan)",
  199227. "7709",
  199228. "7709",
  199229. "rtc/centrust,swindle, michael (loan),7709,7709"
  199230. ],
  199231. [
  199232. "rtc/centrust",
  199233. "lease/first stop in",
  199234. "7709",
  199235. "7709",
  199236. "rtc/centrust,lease/first stop in,7709,7709"
  199237. ],
  199238. [
  199239. "rtc/centrust",
  199240. "shps/sawgrass-domino's",
  199241. "7920",
  199242. "7920",
  199243. "rtc/centrust,shps/sawgrass-domino's,7920,7920"
  199244. ],
  199245. [
  199246. "rtc/centrust",
  199247. "lease/schatzman&schupak",
  199248. "7975",
  199249. "7975",
  199250. "rtc/centrust,lease/schatzman&schupak,7975,7975"
  199251. ],
  199252. [
  199253. "rtc/centrust",
  199254. "miami dry goods*",
  199255. "7978",
  199256. "7978",
  199257. "rtc/centrust,miami dry goods*,7978,7978"
  199258. ],
  199259. [
  199260. "rtc/centrust",
  199261. "lease/kornreich,g.*",
  199262. "7978",
  199263. "7978",
  199264. "rtc/centrust,lease/kornreich,g.*,7978,7978"
  199265. ],
  199266. [
  199267. "rtc/centrust",
  199268. "sale/orlando property*",
  199269. "7979",
  199270. "7979",
  199271. "rtc/centrust,sale/orlando property*,7979,7979"
  199272. ],
  199273. [
  199274. "rtc/centrust",
  199275. "lease/matzner ziskind",
  199276. "7979",
  199277. "7979",
  199278. "rtc/centrust,lease/matzner ziskind,7979,7979"
  199279. ],
  199280. [
  199281. "rtc/centrust",
  199282. "lease/payton&rachlin",
  199283. "8000",
  199284. "8000",
  199285. "rtc/centrust,lease/payton&rachlin,8000,8000"
  199286. ],
  199287. [
  199288. "rtc/centrust",
  199289. "82 mil. loan centrust",
  199290. "8006",
  199291. "8006",
  199292. "rtc/centrust,82 mil. loan centrust,8006,8006"
  199293. ],
  199294. [
  199295. "rtc/centrust",
  199296. "centrust 150 mil.*",
  199297. "8006",
  199298. "8006",
  199299. "rtc/centrust,centrust 150 mil.*,8006,8006"
  199300. ],
  199301. [
  199302. "rtc/centrust",
  199303. "master ser. agreement*",
  199304. "8006",
  199305. "8006",
  199306. "rtc/centrust,master ser. agreement*,8006,8006"
  199307. ],
  199308. [
  199309. "rtc\\centrust",
  199310. "adv\\indemnity",
  199311. "8028",
  199312. "8028",
  199313. "rtc\\centrust,adv\\indemnity,8028,8028"
  199314. ],
  199315. [
  199316. "rtc/centrust",
  199317. "cen.tower & huntington",
  199318. "0",
  199319. "0",
  199320. "rtc/centrust,cen.tower & huntington,0,0"
  199321. ],
  199322. [
  199323. "rtc/centrust",
  199324. "shapiro",
  199325. "8200",
  199326. "8200",
  199327. "rtc/centrust,shapiro,8200,8200"
  199328. ],
  199329. [
  199330. "rtc/centrust",
  199331. "huntington-lease/humana",
  199332. "8210",
  199333. "8210",
  199334. "rtc/centrust,huntington-lease/humana,8210,8210"
  199335. ],
  199336. [
  199337. "rtc/centrust",
  199338. "lease/anderson,benjamin*",
  199339. "8210",
  199340. "8210",
  199341. "rtc/centrust,lease/anderson,benjamin*,8210,8210"
  199342. ],
  199343. [
  199344. "rtc/centrust",
  199345. "huntington-caft. lease*",
  199346. "8210",
  199347. "8210",
  199348. "rtc/centrust,huntington-caft. lease*,8210,8210"
  199349. ],
  199350. [
  199351. "rtc/centrust",
  199352. "huntington-lease/eds",
  199353. "8210",
  199354. "8210",
  199355. "rtc/centrust,huntington-lease/eds,8210,8210"
  199356. ],
  199357. [
  199358. "rtc/centrust",
  199359. "lease/peterson consult.",
  199360. "8210",
  199361. "8210",
  199362. "rtc/centrust,lease/peterson consult.,8210,8210"
  199363. ],
  199364. [
  199365. "rtc/centrust",
  199366. "huntington square*",
  199367. "8210",
  199368. "8210",
  199369. "rtc/centrust,huntington square*,8210,8210"
  199370. ],
  199371. [
  199372. "rtc/centrust",
  199373. "health glow",
  199374. "8210",
  199375. "8210",
  199376. "rtc/centrust,health glow,8210,8210"
  199377. ],
  199378. [
  199379. "rtc/centrust",
  199380. "lease/zack,hanzman,ponce",
  199381. "8217",
  199382. "8217",
  199383. "rtc/centrust,lease/zack,hanzman,ponce,8217,8217"
  199384. ],
  199385. [
  199386. "rtc/centrust",
  199387. "sale/woodbridge plaza",
  199388. "8217",
  199389. "8217",
  199390. "rtc/centrust,sale/woodbridge plaza,8217,8217"
  199391. ],
  199392. [
  199393. "rtc/centrust",
  199394. "woodbridge plaza-general",
  199395. "8220",
  199396. "8220",
  199397. "rtc/centrust,woodbridge plaza-general,8220,8220"
  199398. ],
  199399. [
  199400. "rtc/centrust",
  199401. "shoppes sawgrass-general",
  199402. "8220",
  199403. "8220",
  199404. "rtc/centrust,shoppes sawgrass-general,8220,8220"
  199405. ],
  199406. [
  199407. "rtc/centrust",
  199408. "shoppes sawgrass-title",
  199409. "8220",
  199410. "8220",
  199411. "rtc/centrust,shoppes sawgrass-title,8220,8220"
  199412. ],
  199413. [
  199414. "rtc/centrust",
  199415. "leas/tishman entintl'",
  199416. "8220",
  199417. "8220",
  199418. "rtc/centrust,leas/tishman entintl',8220,8220"
  199419. ],
  199420. [
  199421. "rtc/centrust",
  199422. "woodbridge-title",
  199423. "8235",
  199424. "8235",
  199425. "rtc/centrust,woodbridge-title,8235,8235"
  199426. ],
  199427. [
  199428. "rtc/centrust",
  199429. "sale of shpps of swgrss",
  199430. "8235",
  199431. "8235",
  199432. "rtc/centrust,sale of shpps of swgrss,8235,8235"
  199433. ],
  199434. [
  199435. "rtc/centrust",
  199436. "sale/huntington",
  199437. "8142",
  199438. "8142",
  199439. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8142,8142"
  199440. ],
  199441. [
  199442. "rtc/centrust",
  199443. "sale of huntington",
  199444. "8143",
  199445. "8143",
  199446. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8143,8143"
  199447. ],
  199448. [
  199449. "rtc/centrust",
  199450. "sale of huntington",
  199451. "8207",
  199452. "8207",
  199453. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8207,8207"
  199454. ],
  199455. [
  199456. "rtc/centrust",
  199457. "sale of huntington",
  199458. "8208",
  199459. "8208",
  199460. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8208,8208"
  199461. ],
  199462. [
  199463. "rtc/centrust",
  199464. "sale of huntington",
  199465. "8209",
  199466. "8209",
  199467. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8209,8209"
  199468. ],
  199469. [
  199470. "rtc/centrust",
  199471. "sale/huntington",
  199472. "8221",
  199473. "8221",
  199474. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8221,8221"
  199475. ],
  199476. [
  199477. "rtc/centrust",
  199478. "sale/huntington",
  199479. "8222",
  199480. "8222",
  199481. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8222,8222"
  199482. ],
  199483. [
  199484. "rtc/centrust",
  199485. "sale/huntington",
  199486. "8223",
  199487. "8223",
  199488. "rtc/centrust,sale/huntington,8223,8223"
  199489. ],
  199490. [
  199491. "rtc/centrust",
  199492. "sale of huntington",
  199493. "8206",
  199494. "8206",
  199495. "rtc/centrust,sale of huntington,8206,8206"
  199496. ],
  199497. [
  199498. "rtc/centrust",
  199499. "shapiro",
  199500. "8201",
  199501. "8201",
  199502. "rtc/centrust,shapiro,8201,8201"
  199503. ],
  199504. [
  199505. "rtc/centrust",
  199506. "payton & rachlin, p.a.",
  199507. "8326",
  199508. "8326",
  199509. "rtc/centrust,payton & rachlin, p.a.,8326,8326"
  199510. ],
  199511. [
  199512. "rtc/centrust",
  199513. "lease with popham",
  199514. "8426",
  199515. "8426",
  199516. "rtc/centrust,lease with popham,8426,8426"
  199517. ],
  199518. [
  199519. "rtc/concer. centrust",
  199520. "broward v. allan polley",
  199521. "8426",
  199522. "8426",
  199523. "rtc/concer. centrust,broward v. allan polley,8426,8426"
  199524. ],
  199525. [
  199526. "rtc/centrust",
  199527. "centrust trust",
  199528. "8426",
  199529. "8426",
  199530. "rtc/centrust,centrust trust,8426,8426"
  199531. ],
  199532. [
  199533. "rtc/centrust",
  199534. "lease/popham, haik,*",
  199535. "8231",
  199536. "8231",
  199537. "rtc/centrust,lease/popham, haik,*,8231,8231"
  199538. ],
  199539. [
  199540. "rtc/centrust",
  199541. "sale of centrust tower",
  199542. "8617",
  199543. "8617",
  199544. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8617,8617"
  199545. ],
  199546. [
  199547. "rtc/centrust",
  199548. "sale of centrust tower",
  199549. "8618",
  199550. "8618",
  199551. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8618,8618"
  199552. ],
  199553. [
  199554. "rtc/centrust",
  199555. "sale of centrust tower",
  199556. "8619",
  199557. "8619",
  199558. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8619,8619"
  199559. ],
  199560. [
  199561. "rtc/centrust",
  199562. "sale of centrust tower",
  199563. "8620",
  199564. "8620",
  199565. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8620,8620"
  199566. ],
  199567. [
  199568. "rtc/centrust",
  199569. "sale of centrust tower",
  199570. "8621",
  199571. "8621",
  199572. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8621,8621"
  199573. ],
  199574. [
  199575. "rtc/centrust",
  199576. "sale of centrust tower",
  199577. "8622",
  199578. "8622",
  199579. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8622,8622"
  199580. ],
  199581. [
  199582. "rtc/centrust",
  199583. "sale of centrust tower",
  199584. "8623",
  199585. "8623",
  199586. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8623,8623"
  199587. ],
  199588. [
  199589. "rtc/centrust",
  199590. "sale of centrust tower",
  199591. "8624",
  199592. "8624",
  199593. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8624,8624"
  199594. ],
  199595. [
  199596. "rtc/centrust",
  199597. "sale of centrust tower",
  199598. "8625",
  199599. "8625",
  199600. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8625,8625"
  199601. ],
  199602. [
  199603. "rtc/centrust",
  199604. "sale of centrust tower",
  199605. "8626",
  199606. "8626",
  199607. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8626,8626"
  199608. ],
  199609. [
  199610. "rtc/ centrust",
  199611. "claim of lien/all-interi",
  199612. "8616",
  199613. "8616",
  199614. "rtc/ centrust,claim of lien/all-interi,8616,8616"
  199615. ],
  199616. [
  199617. "rtc/centrust",
  199618. "sale of centrust tower",
  199619. "8616",
  199620. "8616",
  199621. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,8616,8616"
  199622. ],
  199623. [
  199624. "rtc/centrust",
  199625. "lcp acquistion",
  199626. "8426",
  199627. "8426",
  199628. "rtc/centrust,lcp acquistion,8426,8426"
  199629. ],
  199630. [
  199631. "rtc-centrust",
  199632. "general matters",
  199633. "8805",
  199634. "8805",
  199635. "rtc-centrust,general matters,8805,8805"
  199636. ],
  199637. [
  199638. "rtc-centrust savings",
  199639. "vesta vestra, inc.",
  199640. "8804",
  199641. "8804",
  199642. "rtc-centrust savings,vesta vestra, inc.,8804,8804"
  199643. ],
  199644. [
  199645. "rtc-centrust savings",
  199646. "vesta vestra, ccr",
  199647. "8805",
  199648. "8805",
  199649. "rtc-centrust savings,vesta vestra, ccr,8805,8805"
  199650. ],
  199651. [
  199652. "rtc",
  199653. "lpc",
  199654. "9203",
  199655. "9203",
  199656. "rtc,lpc,9203,9203"
  199657. ],
  199658. [
  199659. "rtc",
  199660. "lpc",
  199661. "9204",
  199662. "9204",
  199663. "rtc,lpc,9204,9204"
  199664. ],
  199665. [
  199666. "rtc/centrust",
  199667. "sale of centrust tower",
  199668. "9452",
  199669. "9452",
  199670. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,9452,9452"
  199671. ],
  199672. [
  199673. "rtc/centrust",
  199674. "sale of centrust towers",
  199675. "9453",
  199676. "9453",
  199677. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust towers,9453,9453"
  199678. ],
  199679. [
  199680. "rtc/centrust",
  199681. "sale of centrust tower",
  199682. "9454",
  199683. "9454",
  199684. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,9454,9454"
  199685. ],
  199686. [
  199687. "rtc/centrust",
  199688. "sale of centrust tower",
  199689. "9455",
  199690. "9455",
  199691. "rtc/centrust,sale of centrust tower,9455,9455"
  199692. ],
  199693. [
  199694. "rtc centrust",
  199695. "diversified",
  199696. "9269",
  199697. "9269",
  199698. "rtc centrust,diversified,9269,9269"
  199699. ],
  199700. [
  199701. "rtc",
  199702. "general leasing advice",
  199703. "9757",
  199704. "9757",
  199705. "rtc,general leasing advice,9757,9757"
  199706. ],
  199707. [
  199708. "rtc",
  199709. "review of lease-intl pl",
  199710. "9757",
  199711. "9757",
  199712. "rtc,review of lease-intl pl,9757,9757"
  199713. ],
  199714. [
  199715. "rtc",
  199716. "huntington",
  199717. "28161587",
  199718. "d2523",
  199719. "rtc,huntington,28161587,d2523"
  199720. ],
  199721. [
  199722. "rtc",
  199723. "huntington",
  199724. "28161595",
  199725. "d2524",
  199726. "rtc,huntington,28161595,d2524"
  199727. ],
  199728. [
  199729. "rtc",
  199730. "huntington",
  199731. "28161575",
  199732. "d2525",
  199733. "rtc,huntington,28161575,d2525"
  199734. ],
  199735. [
  199736. "rtc centrust",
  199737. "none",
  199738. "460598096",
  199739. "210343",
  199740. "rtc centrust,none,460598096,210343"
  199741. ],
  199742. [
  199743. "rtc",
  199744. "none",
  199745. "652553352",
  199746. "49531",
  199747. "rtc,none,652553352,49531"
  199748. ],
  199749. [
  199750. "rtc - conser centrust v. abdur",
  199751. "none",
  199752. "672025732",
  199753. "295225",
  199754. "rtc - conser centrust v. abdur,none,672025732,295225"
  199755. ],
  199756. [
  199757. "goldome",
  199758. "rtc/smith",
  199759. "7749",
  199760. "7749",
  199761. "goldome,rtc/smith,7749,7749"
  199762. ],
  199763. [
  199764. "rtc-centrust mtg",
  199765. "branch ofc leases",
  199766. "9708",
  199767. "9708",
  199768. "rtc-centrust mtg,branch ofc leases,9708,9708"
  199769. ],
  199770. [
  199771. "rtc vs collier #2 (2",
  199772. "nan",
  199773. "dsj004762",
  199774. "16-042",
  199775. "rtc vs collier #2 (2,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  199776. ],
  199777. [
  199778. "rtc df services inc",
  199779. "nan",
  199780. "dsj005331",
  199781. "32-048",
  199782. "rtc df services inc,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  199783. ],
  199784. [
  199785. "rtc oak grove apartments",
  199786. "nan",
  199787. "dsj005332",
  199788. "32-049",
  199789. "rtc oak grove apartments,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  199790. ],
  199791. [
  199792. "rtc beach bluff apartments",
  199793. "nan",
  199794. "dsj005332",
  199795. "32-049",
  199796. "rtc beach bluff apartments,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  199797. ],
  199798. [
  199799. "rtc-oak grove apartments",
  199800. "nan",
  199801. "dsj005364",
  199802. "32-079",
  199803. "rtc-oak grove apartments,nan,dsj005364,32-079"
  199804. ],
  199805. [
  199806. "rtc/duval federal vs bobby",
  199807. "nan",
  199808. "dsj004759",
  199809. "16-039",
  199810. "rtc/duval federal vs bobby,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  199811. ],
  199812. [
  199813. "rtc/duval federal vs robert",
  199814. "nan",
  199815. "dsj004759",
  199816. "16-039",
  199817. "rtc/duval federal vs robert,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  199818. ],
  199819. [
  199820. "rtc homes lumber co",
  199821. "nan",
  199822. "dsj005331",
  199823. "32-048",
  199824. "rtc homes lumber co,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  199825. ],
  199826. [
  199827. "rtc-duval fed-sav assn of",
  199828. "nan",
  199829. "dsj005315",
  199830. "32-032",
  199831. "rtc-duval fed-sav assn of,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  199832. ],
  199833. [
  199834. "rtc-duval fed-citibank",
  199835. "nan",
  199836. "dsj005315",
  199837. "32-032",
  199838. "rtc-duval fed-citibank,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  199839. ],
  199840. [
  199841. "rtc-duval fed-northwester",
  199842. "nan",
  199843. "dsj005315",
  199844. "32-032",
  199845. "rtc-duval fed-northwester,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  199846. ],
  199847. [
  199848. "rtc-duval federal",
  199849. "nan",
  199850. "dsj005315",
  199851. "32-032",
  199852. "rtc-duval federal,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  199853. ],
  199854. [
  199855. "rtc-duval fed-american bank",
  199856. "nan",
  199857. "dsj005315",
  199858. "32-032",
  199859. "rtc-duval fed-american bank,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  199860. ],
  199861. [
  199862. "rtc-duval fed sec first fed",
  199863. "nan",
  199864. "dsj005315",
  199865. "32-032",
  199866. "rtc-duval fed sec first fed,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  199867. ],
  199868. [
  199869. "rtc vs john kleiber",
  199870. "nan",
  199871. "dsj004762",
  199872. "16-042",
  199873. "rtc vs john kleiber,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  199874. ],
  199875. [
  199876. "john frank johnson rtc/duval",
  199877. "nan",
  199878. "dsj005720",
  199879. "40-004",
  199880. "john frank johnson rtc/duval,nan,dsj005720,40-004"
  199881. ],
  199882. [
  199883. "rtc/atlantic east (2)",
  199884. "nan",
  199885. "dsj005720",
  199886. "40-004",
  199887. "rtc/atlantic east (2),nan,dsj005720,40-004"
  199888. ],
  199889. [
  199890. "rtc vs john brantley",
  199891. "nan",
  199892. "dsj004762",
  199893. "16-042",
  199894. "rtc vs john brantley,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  199895. ],
  199896. [
  199897. "rtc-duval fed-empire",
  199898. "nan",
  199899. "dsj005315",
  199900. "32-032",
  199901. "rtc-duval fed-empire,nan,dsj005315,32-032"
  199902. ],
  199903. [
  199904. "rtc vs first land group",
  199905. "nan",
  199906. "dsj004762",
  199907. "16-042",
  199908. "rtc vs first land group,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  199909. ],
  199910. [
  199911. "rtc/montgomery-hall",
  199912. "nan",
  199913. "dsj004474",
  199914. "13-039",
  199915. "rtc/montgomery-hall,nan,dsj004474,13-039"
  199916. ],
  199917. [
  199918. "rtc duval federal/art's",
  199919. "nan",
  199920. "dsj004478",
  199921. "13-045",
  199922. "rtc duval federal/art's,nan,dsj004478,13-045"
  199923. ],
  199924. [
  199925. "rtc/duval federal vs.",
  199926. "nan",
  199927. "dsj004759",
  199928. "16-039",
  199929. "rtc/duval federal vs.,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  199930. ],
  199931. [
  199932. "rtc/duval federal vs",
  199933. "nan",
  199934. "dsj004759",
  199935. "16-039",
  199936. "rtc/duval federal vs,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  199937. ],
  199938. [
  199939. "rtc rec duval fed ortega blvd",
  199940. "nan",
  199941. "dsj005331",
  199942. "32-048",
  199943. "rtc rec duval fed ortega blvd,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  199944. ],
  199945. [
  199946. "rtc dfs fernandina beach loan",
  199947. "nan",
  199948. "dsj005331",
  199949. "32-048",
  199950. "rtc dfs fernandina beach loan,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  199951. ],
  199952. [
  199953. "rtc mono & loyd development",
  199954. "nan",
  199955. "dsj005331",
  199956. "32-048",
  199957. "rtc mono & loyd development,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  199958. ],
  199959. [
  199960. "rtc v lawrence nichols",
  199961. "nan",
  199962. "dsj005331",
  199963. "32-048",
  199964. "rtc v lawrence nichols,nan,dsj005331,32-048"
  199965. ],
  199966. [
  199967. "rtc/duv. fed/ v. mark",
  199968. "nan",
  199969. "dsj004771",
  199970. "16-051",
  199971. "rtc/duv. fed/ v. mark,nan,dsj004771,16-051"
  199972. ],
  199973. [
  199974. "rtc/duv. fed. vs willis davis",
  199975. "nan",
  199976. "dsj004761",
  199977. "16-041",
  199978. "rtc/duv. fed. vs willis davis,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  199979. ],
  199980. [
  199981. "rtc lockwood jack r & grace p",
  199982. "nan",
  199983. "dsj005332",
  199984. "32-049",
  199985. "rtc lockwood jack r & grace p,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  199986. ],
  199987. [
  199988. "rtc ww builders",
  199989. "nan",
  199990. "dsj005332",
  199991. "32-049",
  199992. "rtc ww builders,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  199993. ],
  199994. [
  199995. "rtc bowden point investors",
  199996. "nan",
  199997. "dsj005332",
  199998. "32-049",
  199999. "rtc bowden point investors,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  200000. ],
  200001. [
  200002. "rtc/oak grove",
  200003. "nan",
  200004. "dsj004486",
  200005. "13-049",
  200006. "rtc/oak grove,nan,dsj004486,13-049"
  200007. ],
  200008. [
  200009. "rtc eudora grove apartments",
  200010. "nan",
  200011. "dsj005332",
  200012. "32-049",
  200013. "rtc eudora grove apartments,nan,dsj005332,32-049"
  200014. ],
  200015. [
  200016. "rtc evdora grove apt",
  200017. "nan",
  200018. "dsj495723",
  200019. "183306",
  200020. "rtc evdora grove apt,nan,dsj495723,183306"
  200021. ],
  200022. [
  200023. "rtc/duval fed v willie hines",
  200024. "nan",
  200025. "dsj004797",
  200026. "16-076",
  200027. "rtc/duval fed v willie hines,nan,dsj004797,16-076"
  200028. ],
  200029. [
  200030. "rtc/df vs alvin t green",
  200031. "nan",
  200032. "dsj004776",
  200033. "16-055",
  200034. "rtc/df vs alvin t green,nan,dsj004776,16-055"
  200035. ],
  200036. [
  200037. "rtc/df vs alan williams",
  200038. "nan",
  200039. "dsj004773",
  200040. "16-052a",
  200041. "rtc/df vs alan williams,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  200042. ],
  200043. [
  200044. "rtc/dc vs amy meinstein",
  200045. "nan",
  200046. "dsj004776",
  200047. "16-055",
  200048. "rtc/dc vs amy meinstein,nan,dsj004776,16-055"
  200049. ],
  200050. [
  200051. "rtc/duval fed vs robert lusk",
  200052. "nan",
  200053. "dsj004773",
  200054. "16-052a",
  200055. "rtc/duval fed vs robert lusk,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  200056. ],
  200057. [
  200058. "rtc sale of loan from duval",
  200059. "nan",
  200060. "dsj495724",
  200061. "183307",
  200062. "rtc sale of loan from duval,nan,dsj495724,183307"
  200063. ],
  200064. [
  200065. "rtc/df vs james carbaugh",
  200066. "nan",
  200067. "dsj004773",
  200068. "16-052a",
  200069. "rtc/df vs james carbaugh,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  200070. ],
  200071. [
  200072. "rtc/duval federal vs",
  200073. "nan",
  200074. "dsj004788",
  200075. "16-067",
  200076. "rtc/duval federal vs,nan,dsj004788,16-067"
  200077. ],
  200078. [
  200079. "rtc/duv. fed. vs richard",
  200080. "nan",
  200081. "dsj004761",
  200082. "16-041",
  200083. "rtc/duv. fed. vs richard,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  200084. ],
  200085. [
  200086. "rtc-ambassador",
  200087. "c&e associates",
  200088. "489486498",
  200089. "85615",
  200090. "rtc-ambassador,c&e associates,489486498,85615"
  200091. ],
  200092. [
  200093. "rtc/royal palm sav bank",
  200094. "firing of joseph burgoon",
  200095. "8426",
  200096. "8426",
  200097. "rtc/royal palm sav bank,firing of joseph burgoon,8426,8426"
  200098. ],
  200099. [
  200100. "rtc/royal palm sale to auto",
  200101. "nan",
  200102. "dsj005317",
  200103. "32-034",
  200104. "rtc/royal palm sale to auto,nan,dsj005317,32-034"
  200105. ],
  200106. [
  200107. "rtc",
  200108. "plds",
  200109. "tcf0010426",
  200110. "bj2333",
  200111. "rtc,plds,tcf0010426,bj2333"
  200112. ],
  200113. [
  200114. "rtc\\pioneer fed",
  200115. "evc\\dileo & rucci",
  200116. "8028",
  200117. "8028",
  200118. "rtc\\pioneer fed,evc\\dileo & rucci,8028,8028"
  200119. ],
  200120. [
  200121. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  200122. "none",
  200123. "489342233",
  200124. "466789",
  200125. "taco bell adv. elastic bond,none,489342233,466789"
  200126. ],
  200127. [
  200128. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  200129. "none",
  200130. "489342453",
  200131. "466791",
  200132. "taco bell adv. elastic bond,none,489342453,466791"
  200133. ],
  200134. [
  200135. "taco bell adv. elastic bond",
  200136. "none",
  200137. "489342243",
  200138. "466792",
  200139. "taco bell adv. elastic bond,none,489342243,466792"
  200140. ],
  200141. [
  200142. "taco bell",
  200143. "none",
  200144. "89251206",
  200145. "467104",
  200146. "taco bell,none,89251206,467104"
  200147. ],
  200148. [
  200149. "rtc conser city fed",
  200150. "small video",
  200151. "7707",
  200152. "7707",
  200153. "rtc conser city fed,small video,7707,7707"
  200154. ],
  200155. [
  200156. "rtc conser city fed",
  200157. "sparacino, dominick",
  200158. "7707",
  200159. "7707",
  200160. "rtc conser city fed,sparacino, dominick,7707,7707"
  200161. ],
  200162. [
  200163. "rtc-conser/city fed.",
  200164. "mafdali, d. d.p.m.,p.a.",
  200165. "7995",
  200166. "7995",
  200167. "rtc-conser/city fed.,mafdali, d. d.p.m.,p.a.,7995,7995"
  200168. ],
  200169. [
  200170. "rtc",
  200171. "broadview",
  200172. "tcf0008814",
  200173. "ay2043",
  200174. "rtc,broadview,tcf0008814,ay2043"
  200175. ],
  200176. [
  200177. "rtc conser",
  200178. "broadview/hoffman",
  200179. "7719",
  200180. "7719",
  200181. "rtc conser,broadview/hoffman,7719,7719"
  200182. ],
  200183. [
  200184. "rtc",
  200185. "broadview & great south",
  200186. "7927",
  200187. "7927",
  200188. "rtc,broadview & great south,7927,7927"
  200189. ],
  200190. [
  200191. "rtc/broadview",
  200192. "bloukos",
  200193. "8196",
  200194. "8196",
  200195. "rtc/broadview,bloukos,8196,8196"
  200196. ],
  200197. [
  200198. "rtc-broadview fsb",
  200199. "sale of naples property",
  200200. "8296",
  200201. "8296",
  200202. "rtc-broadview fsb,sale of naples property,8296,8296"
  200203. ],
  200204. [
  200205. "rtc-broadview",
  200206. "modification st. andrew",
  200207. "8319",
  200208. "8319",
  200209. "rtc-broadview,modification st. andrew,8319,8319"
  200210. ],
  200211. [
  200212. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  200213. "st. andrews country club",
  200214. "8379",
  200215. "8379",
  200216. "rtc-conser. broadview,st. andrews country club,8379,8379"
  200217. ],
  200218. [
  200219. "rtc-broadview fsb",
  200220. "st. andrews ctry club",
  200221. "8295",
  200222. "8295",
  200223. "rtc-broadview fsb,st. andrews ctry club,8295,8295"
  200224. ],
  200225. [
  200226. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  200227. "st. andrews cntry club",
  200228. "8378",
  200229. "8378",
  200230. "rtc-conser. broadview,st. andrews cntry club,8378,8378"
  200231. ],
  200232. [
  200233. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  200234. "sale-lks of newport",
  200235. "8376",
  200236. "8376",
  200237. "rtc-conser. broadview,sale-lks of newport,8376,8376"
  200238. ],
  200239. [
  200240. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  200241. "lks of newport",
  200242. "8376",
  200243. "8376",
  200244. "rtc-conser. broadview,lks of newport,8376,8376"
  200245. ],
  200246. [
  200247. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  200248. "lks of newport/taiyo dev",
  200249. "8376",
  200250. "8376",
  200251. "rtc-conser. broadview,lks of newport/taiyo dev,8376,8376"
  200252. ],
  200253. [
  200254. "rtc-conser. broadview",
  200255. "lks of nwprt/single hms",
  200256. "8376",
  200257. "8376",
  200258. "rtc-conser. broadview,lks of nwprt/single hms,8376,8376"
  200259. ],
  200260. [
  200261. "rtc-broadview federal",
  200262. "general",
  200263. "8800",
  200264. "8800",
  200265. "rtc-broadview federal,general,8800,8800"
  200266. ],
  200267. [
  200268. "rtc-conser broadview",
  200269. "mod. of loan/st. andrews",
  200270. "8800",
  200271. "8800",
  200272. "rtc-conser broadview,mod. of loan/st. andrews,8800,8800"
  200273. ],
  200274. [
  200275. "rtc-broadview federal",
  200276. "sale/portion/lake/newpor",
  200277. "8808",
  200278. "8808",
  200279. "rtc-broadview federal,sale/portion/lake/newpor,8808,8808"
  200280. ],
  200281. [
  200282. "rtc-broadview federal",
  200283. "sale/portion/lake/newpor",
  200284. "8809",
  200285. "8809",
  200286. "rtc-broadview federal,sale/portion/lake/newpor,8809,8809"
  200287. ],
  200288. [
  200289. "rtc- broadview",
  200290. "adv. rebecca walker",
  200291. "9118",
  200292. "9118",
  200293. "rtc- broadview,adv. rebecca walker,9118,9118"
  200294. ],
  200295. [
  200296. "rtc- broadview",
  200297. "adv. rebecca walker",
  200298. "9118",
  200299. "9118",
  200300. "rtc- broadview,adv. rebecca walker,9118,9118"
  200301. ],
  200302. [
  200303. "rtc- broadview",
  200304. "adv. rebecca walker",
  200305. "9118",
  200306. "9118",
  200307. "rtc- broadview,adv. rebecca walker,9118,9118"
  200308. ],
  200309. [
  200310. "rtc/broadview",
  200311. "brinkley",
  200312. "8197",
  200313. "8197",
  200314. "rtc/broadview,brinkley,8197,8197"
  200315. ],
  200316. [
  200317. "rtc/broadview",
  200318. "brinkley",
  200319. "8198",
  200320. "8198",
  200321. "rtc/broadview,brinkley,8198,8198"
  200322. ],
  200323. [
  200324. "rtc/broadview",
  200325. "brinkley",
  200326. "8199",
  200327. "8199",
  200328. "rtc/broadview,brinkley,8199,8199"
  200329. ],
  200330. [
  200331. "rtc",
  200332. "tow",
  200333. "9223",
  200334. "9223",
  200335. "rtc,tow,9223,9223"
  200336. ],
  200337. [
  200338. "rtc/broadview bank",
  200339. "lakes of newport",
  200340. "9273",
  200341. "9273",
  200342. "rtc/broadview bank,lakes of newport,9273,9273"
  200343. ],
  200344. [
  200345. "rtc",
  200346. "1991 billing file broadview savings bank",
  200347. "d3378",
  200348. "d3378",
  200349. "rtc,1991 billing file broadview savings bank,d3378,d3378"
  200350. ],
  200351. [
  200352. "rtc",
  200353. "la peninsula condo ass",
  200354. "tcf0010166",
  200355. "bg0767",
  200356. "rtc,la peninsula condo ass,tcf0010166,bg0767"
  200357. ],
  200358. [
  200359. "rtc",
  200360. "tpa triangle",
  200361. "tcf0010543",
  200362. "bj6528",
  200363. "rtc,tpa triangle,tcf0010543,bj6528"
  200364. ],
  200365. [
  200366. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  200367. "la corniche/contract",
  200368. "8806",
  200369. "8806",
  200370. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.,la corniche/contract,8806,8806"
  200371. ],
  200372. [
  200373. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.",
  200374. "la corniche-heron clif",
  200375. "8807",
  200376. "8807",
  200377. "rtc-pima s&l assoc.,la corniche-heron clif,8807,8807"
  200378. ],
  200379. [
  200380. "rtc",
  200381. "pima-capri point",
  200382. "652603748",
  200383. "85770",
  200384. "rtc,pima-capri point,652603748,85770"
  200385. ],
  200386. [
  200387. "rtc",
  200388. "ti",
  200389. "tcf0013412",
  200390. "by2233",
  200391. "rtc,ti,tcf0013412,by2233"
  200392. ],
  200393. [
  200394. "rtc franklin sav.",
  200395. "boca glades",
  200396. "7693",
  200397. "7693",
  200398. "rtc franklin sav.,boca glades,7693,7693"
  200399. ],
  200400. [
  200401. "rtc/robert black",
  200402. "box of misc. items",
  200403. "tcf0007598",
  200404. "au0739",
  200405. "rtc/robert black,box of misc. items,tcf0007598,au0739"
  200406. ],
  200407. [
  200408. "rtc",
  200409. " mort.foreclos",
  200410. "7513",
  200411. "7513",
  200412. "rtc, mort.foreclos,7513,7513"
  200413. ],
  200414. [
  200415. "rtc",
  200416. " nat.bnk",
  200417. "7513",
  200418. "7513",
  200419. "rtc, nat.bnk,7513,7513"
  200420. ],
  200421. [
  200422. "rtc conser/am. pioneer",
  200423. "pellerin,d.",
  200424. "7513",
  200425. "7513",
  200426. "rtc conser/am. pioneer,pellerin,d.,7513,7513"
  200427. ],
  200428. [
  200429. "rtc/american pioneer",
  200430. "smith",
  200431. "8220",
  200432. "8220",
  200433. "rtc/american pioneer,smith,8220,8220"
  200434. ],
  200435. [
  200436. "rtc/american pioneer",
  200437. "smith",
  200438. "8220",
  200439. "8220",
  200440. "rtc/american pioneer,smith,8220,8220"
  200441. ],
  200442. [
  200443. "rtc\\american pioneer",
  200444. "dubose jewelry",
  200445. "8027",
  200446. "8027",
  200447. "rtc\\american pioneer,dubose jewelry,8027,8027"
  200448. ],
  200449. [
  200450. "rtc\\american pioneer",
  200451. "dubose,r.& m.",
  200452. "8018",
  200453. "8018",
  200454. "rtc\\american pioneer,dubose,r.& m.,8018,8018"
  200455. ],
  200456. [
  200457. "rtc/ american pioneer",
  200458. "ingui",
  200459. "8354",
  200460. "8354",
  200461. "rtc/ american pioneer,ingui,8354,8354"
  200462. ],
  200463. [
  200464. "rtc",
  200465. "6700 w. commercial blvd.",
  200466. "9064",
  200467. "9064",
  200468. "rtc,6700 w. commercial blvd.,9064,9064"
  200469. ],
  200470. [
  200471. "rtc",
  200472. "collins branch nov. 3",
  200473. "9064",
  200474. "9064",
  200475. "rtc,collins branch nov. 3,9064,9064"
  200476. ],
  200477. [
  200478. "rtc",
  200479. "supervisor/residential",
  200480. "9024",
  200481. "9024",
  200482. "rtc,supervisor/residential,9024,9024"
  200483. ],
  200484. [
  200485. "rtc",
  200486. "supervisor/residential",
  200487. "9025",
  200488. "9025",
  200489. "rtc,supervisor/residential,9025,9025"
  200490. ],
  200491. [
  200492. "rtc",
  200493. "okeechobee branch title",
  200494. "9098",
  200495. "9098",
  200496. "rtc,okeechobee branch title,9098,9098"
  200497. ],
  200498. [
  200499. "rtc",
  200500. "belle glade branch-title",
  200501. "9487",
  200502. "9487",
  200503. "rtc,belle glade branch-title,9487,9487"
  200504. ],
  200505. [
  200506. "rtc",
  200507. "wilson concepts - title",
  200508. "9517",
  200509. "9517",
  200510. "rtc,wilson concepts - title,9517,9517"
  200511. ],
  200512. [
  200513. "rtc",
  200514. "gun club lot - title",
  200515. "9517",
  200516. "9517",
  200517. "rtc,gun club lot - title,9517,9517"
  200518. ],
  200519. [
  200520. "rtc",
  200521. "willington lot - title",
  200522. "9517",
  200523. "9517",
  200524. "rtc,willington lot - title,9517,9517"
  200525. ],
  200526. [
  200527. "rtc-superv of resd'l auc",
  200528. "superv of residential au",
  200529. "9360",
  200530. "9360",
  200531. "rtc-superv of resd'l auc,superv of residential au,9360,9360"
  200532. ],
  200533. [
  200534. "rtc-superv of com; auc",
  200535. "12/8/92",
  200536. "9346",
  200537. "9346",
  200538. "rtc-superv of com; auc,12/8/92,9346,9346"
  200539. ],
  200540. [
  200541. "rtc-superv of com; auc",
  200542. "12/8/92",
  200543. "9345",
  200544. "9345",
  200545. "rtc-superv of com; auc,12/8/92,9345,9345"
  200546. ],
  200547. [
  200548. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200549. "12/8/92",
  200550. "9348",
  200551. "9348",
  200552. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9348,9348"
  200553. ],
  200554. [
  200555. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200556. "12/8/92",
  200557. "9347",
  200558. "9347",
  200559. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9347,9347"
  200560. ],
  200561. [
  200562. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200563. "12/8/92",
  200564. "9352",
  200565. "9352",
  200566. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9352,9352"
  200567. ],
  200568. [
  200569. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200570. "12/8/92",
  200571. "9351",
  200572. "9351",
  200573. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9351,9351"
  200574. ],
  200575. [
  200576. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200577. "12/8/92",
  200578. "9350",
  200579. "9350",
  200580. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9350,9350"
  200581. ],
  200582. [
  200583. "rtc-suprv of coml auc",
  200584. "12/8/92",
  200585. "9355",
  200586. "9355",
  200587. "rtc-suprv of coml auc,12/8/92,9355,9355"
  200588. ],
  200589. [
  200590. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200591. "12/8/92",
  200592. "9354",
  200593. "9354",
  200594. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9354,9354"
  200595. ],
  200596. [
  200597. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200598. "12/8/92",
  200599. "9353",
  200600. "9353",
  200601. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9353,9353"
  200602. ],
  200603. [
  200604. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200605. "12/8/92",
  200606. "9358",
  200607. "9358",
  200608. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9358,9358"
  200609. ],
  200610. [
  200611. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200612. "12/8/92",
  200613. "9357",
  200614. "9357",
  200615. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9357,9357"
  200616. ],
  200617. [
  200618. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200619. "12/8/92",
  200620. "9356",
  200621. "9356",
  200622. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9356,9356"
  200623. ],
  200624. [
  200625. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200626. "12/8/92",
  200627. "9361",
  200628. "9361",
  200629. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9361,9361"
  200630. ],
  200631. [
  200632. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200633. "12/8/92",
  200634. "9360",
  200635. "9360",
  200636. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9360,9360"
  200637. ],
  200638. [
  200639. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200640. "12/8/92",
  200641. "9364",
  200642. "9364",
  200643. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9364,9364"
  200644. ],
  200645. [
  200646. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200647. "12/8/92",
  200648. "9363",
  200649. "9363",
  200650. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9363,9363"
  200651. ],
  200652. [
  200653. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200654. "12/8/92",
  200655. "9362",
  200656. "9362",
  200657. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9362,9362"
  200658. ],
  200659. [
  200660. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200661. "12/8/92",
  200662. "9365",
  200663. "9365",
  200664. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9365,9365"
  200665. ],
  200666. [
  200667. "rtc-superv of com'l auc",
  200668. "-",
  200669. "9367",
  200670. "9367",
  200671. "rtc-superv of com'l auc,-,9367,9367"
  200672. ],
  200673. [
  200674. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200675. "-",
  200676. "9368",
  200677. "9368",
  200678. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9368,9368"
  200679. ],
  200680. [
  200681. "rtc-superv of cml auc",
  200682. "-",
  200683. "9369",
  200684. "9369",
  200685. "rtc-superv of cml auc,-,9369,9369"
  200686. ],
  200687. [
  200688. "rtc-suprev of coml auc",
  200689. "-",
  200690. "9370",
  200691. "9370",
  200692. "rtc-suprev of coml auc,-,9370,9370"
  200693. ],
  200694. [
  200695. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200696. "-",
  200697. "9371",
  200698. "9371",
  200699. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9371,9371"
  200700. ],
  200701. [
  200702. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200703. "-",
  200704. "9372",
  200705. "9372",
  200706. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9372,9372"
  200707. ],
  200708. [
  200709. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200710. "-",
  200711. "9373",
  200712. "9373",
  200713. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9373,9373"
  200714. ],
  200715. [
  200716. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200717. "-",
  200718. "9374",
  200719. "9374",
  200720. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9374,9374"
  200721. ],
  200722. [
  200723. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200724. "-",
  200725. "9375",
  200726. "9375",
  200727. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9375,9375"
  200728. ],
  200729. [
  200730. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200731. "8-dec-92",
  200732. "9344",
  200733. "9344",
  200734. "rtc-superv of coml auc,8-dec-92,9344,9344"
  200735. ],
  200736. [
  200737. "rtc",
  200738. "everglades land subdivis",
  200739. "9098",
  200740. "9098",
  200741. "rtc,everglades land subdivis,9098,9098"
  200742. ],
  200743. [
  200744. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200745. "12/8/92",
  200746. "9349",
  200747. "9349",
  200748. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9349,9349"
  200749. ],
  200750. [
  200751. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200752. "12/8/92",
  200753. "9359",
  200754. "9359",
  200755. "rtc-superv of coml auc,12/8/92,9359,9359"
  200756. ],
  200757. [
  200758. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200759. "-",
  200760. "9376",
  200761. "9376",
  200762. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9376,9376"
  200763. ],
  200764. [
  200765. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200766. "-",
  200767. "9377",
  200768. "9377",
  200769. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9377,9377"
  200770. ],
  200771. [
  200772. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200773. "-",
  200774. "9378",
  200775. "9378",
  200776. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9378,9378"
  200777. ],
  200778. [
  200779. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200780. "-",
  200781. "9380",
  200782. "9380",
  200783. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9380,9380"
  200784. ],
  200785. [
  200786. "rtc-superv of coml auc",
  200787. "-",
  200788. "9379",
  200789. "9379",
  200790. "rtc-superv of coml auc,-,9379,9379"
  200791. ],
  200792. [
  200793. "rtc",
  200794. "palm gate plaza - title",
  200795. "9517",
  200796. "9517",
  200797. "rtc,palm gate plaza - title,9517,9517"
  200798. ],
  200799. [
  200800. "rtc",
  200801. "loggers run shopping cen",
  200802. "9055",
  200803. "9055",
  200804. "rtc,loggers run shopping cen,9055,9055"
  200805. ],
  200806. [
  200807. "rtc",
  200808. "507-509 dixie -title",
  200809. "9865",
  200810. "9865",
  200811. "rtc,507-509 dixie -title,9865,9865"
  200812. ],
  200813. [
  200814. "rtc-supervision of cmml",
  200815. "-",
  200816. "9366",
  200817. "9366",
  200818. "rtc-supervision of cmml,-,9366,9366"
  200819. ],
  200820. [
  200821. "rtc",
  200822. "auction",
  200823. "47032798",
  200824. "d1254",
  200825. "rtc,auction,47032798,d1254"
  200826. ],
  200827. [
  200828. "rtc",
  200829. "rtc institution jbr-files",
  200830. "28001062",
  200831. "d211",
  200832. "rtc,rtc institution jbr-files,28001062,d211"
  200833. ],
  200834. [
  200835. "rtc",
  200836. "jbr's files",
  200837. "d211",
  200838. "d211",
  200839. "rtc,jbr's files,d211,d211"
  200840. ],
  200841. [
  200842. "rtc",
  200843. "none",
  200844. "489565499",
  200845. "190996",
  200846. "rtc,none,489565499,190996"
  200847. ],
  200848. [
  200849. "rtc",
  200850. "none",
  200851. "489565499",
  200852. "190996",
  200853. "rtc,none,489565499,190996"
  200854. ],
  200855. [
  200856. "rtc",
  200857. "none",
  200858. "489565499",
  200859. "190996",
  200860. "rtc,none,489565499,190996"
  200861. ],
  200862. [
  200863. "rtc",
  200864. "none",
  200865. "210373",
  200866. "11369",
  200867. "rtc,none,210373,11369"
  200868. ],
  200869. [
  200870. "rtc",
  200871. "vacant land",
  200872. "210373",
  200873. "11369",
  200874. "rtc,vacant land,210373,11369"
  200875. ],
  200876. [
  200877. "rtc",
  200878. "south miami branch",
  200879. "210373",
  200880. "11369",
  200881. "rtc,south miami branch,210373,11369"
  200882. ],
  200883. [
  200884. "rtc",
  200885. "miami springs branch",
  200886. "210373",
  200887. "11369",
  200888. "rtc,miami springs branch,210373,11369"
  200889. ],
  200890. [
  200891. "rtc",
  200892. "little river land",
  200893. "210373",
  200894. "11369",
  200895. "rtc,little river land,210373,11369"
  200896. ],
  200897. [
  200898. "rtc",
  200899. "littler river branch",
  200900. "210373",
  200901. "11369",
  200902. "rtc,littler river branch,210373,11369"
  200903. ],
  200904. [
  200905. "rtc",
  200906. "greystone hotel",
  200907. "210373",
  200908. "11369",
  200909. "rtc,greystone hotel,210373,11369"
  200910. ],
  200911. [
  200912. "rtc",
  200913. "egan building",
  200914. "210373",
  200915. "11369",
  200916. "rtc,egan building,210373,11369"
  200917. ],
  200918. [
  200919. "rtc",
  200920. "design warehouse",
  200921. "210373",
  200922. "11369",
  200923. "rtc,design warehouse,210373,11369"
  200924. ],
  200925. [
  200926. "rtc",
  200927. "miami beach branch",
  200928. "210373",
  200929. "11369",
  200930. "rtc,miami beach branch,210373,11369"
  200931. ],
  200932. [
  200933. "rtc",
  200934. "none",
  200935. "210374",
  200936. "11370",
  200937. "rtc,none,210374,11370"
  200938. ],
  200939. [
  200940. "rtc",
  200941. "none",
  200942. "210374",
  200943. "11370",
  200944. "rtc,none,210374,11370"
  200945. ],
  200946. [
  200947. "rtc",
  200948. "whitehart hotel",
  200949. "210374",
  200950. "11370",
  200951. "rtc,whitehart hotel,210374,11370"
  200952. ],
  200953. [
  200954. "rtc",
  200955. "ponce de leon",
  200956. "210374",
  200957. "11370",
  200958. "rtc,ponce de leon,210374,11370"
  200959. ],
  200960. [
  200961. "rtc",
  200962. "15th vacant land",
  200963. "210374",
  200964. "11370",
  200965. "rtc,15th vacant land,210374,11370"
  200966. ],
  200967. [
  200968. "rtc",
  200969. "ileana plaza",
  200970. "210374",
  200971. "11370",
  200972. "rtc,ileana plaza,210374,11370"
  200973. ],
  200974. [
  200975. "rtc",
  200976. "bird road branch",
  200977. "210374",
  200978. "11370",
  200979. "rtc,bird road branch,210374,11370"
  200980. ],
  200981. [
  200982. "rtc",
  200983. "142nd street and country walk",
  200984. "210374",
  200985. "11370",
  200986. "rtc,142nd street and country walk,210374,11370"
  200987. ],
  200988. [
  200989. "resolution trust corp.",
  200990. "none",
  200991. "460599711",
  200992. "394489",
  200993. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  200994. ],
  200995. [
  200996. "resolution trust corp.",
  200997. "none",
  200998. "460599711",
  200999. "394489",
  201000. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  201001. ],
  201002. [
  201003. "resolution trust corp.",
  201004. "none",
  201005. "460599711",
  201006. "394489",
  201007. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  201008. ],
  201009. [
  201010. "resolution trust corp.",
  201011. "none",
  201012. "460599711",
  201013. "394489",
  201014. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  201015. ],
  201016. [
  201017. "resolution trust corp.",
  201018. "none",
  201019. "460599711",
  201020. "394489",
  201021. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  201022. ],
  201023. [
  201024. "resolution trust corp.",
  201025. "none",
  201026. "460599711",
  201027. "394489",
  201028. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  201029. ],
  201030. [
  201031. "resolution trust corp.",
  201032. "none",
  201033. "460599711",
  201034. "394489",
  201035. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599711,394489"
  201036. ],
  201037. [
  201038. "resolution trust corp.",
  201039. "none",
  201040. "460599667",
  201041. "394490",
  201042. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201043. ],
  201044. [
  201045. "resolution trust corp.",
  201046. "none",
  201047. "460599667",
  201048. "394490",
  201049. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201050. ],
  201051. [
  201052. "resolution trust corp.",
  201053. "none",
  201054. "460599667",
  201055. "394490",
  201056. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201057. ],
  201058. [
  201059. "resolution trust corp.",
  201060. "none",
  201061. "460599667",
  201062. "394490",
  201063. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201064. ],
  201065. [
  201066. "resolution trust corp.",
  201067. "none",
  201068. "460599667",
  201069. "394490",
  201070. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201071. ],
  201072. [
  201073. "resolution trust corp.",
  201074. "none",
  201075. "460599667",
  201076. "394490",
  201077. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201078. ],
  201079. [
  201080. "resolution trust corp.",
  201081. "none",
  201082. "460599667",
  201083. "394490",
  201084. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201085. ],
  201086. [
  201087. "resolution trust corp.",
  201088. "none",
  201089. "460599667",
  201090. "394490",
  201091. "resolution trust corp.,none,460599667,394490"
  201092. ],
  201093. [
  201094. "rtc",
  201095. "continental",
  201096. "489519927",
  201097. "118747",
  201098. "rtc,continental,489519927,118747"
  201099. ],
  201100. [
  201101. "rtc/continental",
  201102. "none",
  201103. "489519919",
  201104. "118755",
  201105. "rtc/continental,none,489519919,118755"
  201106. ],
  201107. [
  201108. "rtc commercial actions 12-8",
  201109. "nan",
  201110. "dsj005063",
  201111. "30-108",
  201112. "rtc commercial actions 12-8,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  201113. ],
  201114. [
  201115. "rtc individual title fees",
  201116. "nan",
  201117. "dsj005063",
  201118. "30-108",
  201119. "rtc individual title fees,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  201120. ],
  201121. [
  201122. "rtc/florida federal savings",
  201123. "clay co/green cove spr",
  201124. "dsj627968",
  201125. "336551",
  201126. "rtc/florida federal savings,clay co/green cove spr,dsj627968,336551"
  201127. ],
  201128. [
  201129. "rtc/florida federal duval",
  201130. "nan",
  201131. "dsj627968",
  201132. "336551",
  201133. "rtc/florida federal duval,nan,dsj627968,336551"
  201134. ],
  201135. [
  201136. "rtc/florida federal duval",
  201137. "nan",
  201138. "dsj627968",
  201139. "336551",
  201140. "rtc/florida federal duval,nan,dsj627968,336551"
  201141. ],
  201142. [
  201143. "rtc/action miscellaneous",
  201144. "nan",
  201145. "dsj627970",
  201146. "336553",
  201147. "rtc/action miscellaneous,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  201148. ],
  201149. [
  201150. "rtc/miscellaneous",
  201151. "nan",
  201152. "dsj627970",
  201153. "336553",
  201154. "rtc/miscellaneous,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  201155. ],
  201156. [
  201157. "rtc/florida federal savings",
  201158. "alachua co/gainesville",
  201159. "dsj627970",
  201160. "336553",
  201161. "rtc/florida federal savings,alachua co/gainesville,dsj627970,336553"
  201162. ],
  201163. [
  201164. "rtc/action miscellaneous files",
  201165. "nan",
  201166. "dsj627970",
  201167. "336553",
  201168. "rtc/action miscellaneous files,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  201169. ],
  201170. [
  201171. "rtc/duval federal st",
  201172. "nan",
  201173. "dsj627970",
  201174. "336553",
  201175. "rtc/duval federal st,nan,dsj627970,336553"
  201176. ],
  201177. [
  201178. "rtc auction sale to allen",
  201179. "nan",
  201180. "dsj005063",
  201181. "30-108",
  201182. "rtc auction sale to allen,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  201183. ],
  201184. [
  201185. "rtc auction sale to coast bank",
  201186. "nan",
  201187. "dsj005063",
  201188. "30-108",
  201189. "rtc auction sale to coast bank,nan,dsj005063,30-108"
  201190. ],
  201191. [
  201192. "rtc-receiver",
  201193. "gibraltar vs. turner jr.",
  201194. "tcf0007564",
  201195. "as4782",
  201196. "rtc-receiver,gibraltar vs. turner jr.,tcf0007564,as4782"
  201197. ],
  201198. [
  201199. "rtc conser gibraltar sav.",
  201200. "michael & kaye harris",
  201201. "tcf0007564",
  201202. "as4782",
  201203. "rtc conser gibraltar sav.,michael & kaye harris,tcf0007564,as4782"
  201204. ],
  201205. [
  201206. "rtc - gibraltar sav.",
  201207. "92 richard & paula gilman",
  201208. "tcf0008391",
  201209. "aw2424",
  201210. "rtc - gibraltar sav.,92 richard & paula gilman,tcf0008391,aw2424"
  201211. ],
  201212. [
  201213. "rtc/gibraltar-bateman",
  201214. "nan",
  201215. "tcf0008840",
  201216. "ay2069",
  201217. "rtc/gibraltar-bateman,nan,tcf0008840,ay2069"
  201218. ],
  201219. [
  201220. "rtc/gibraltrar savings",
  201221. "troy & freda bateman",
  201222. "tcf0008894",
  201223. "ay6003",
  201224. "rtc/gibraltrar savings,troy & freda bateman,tcf0008894,ay6003"
  201225. ],
  201226. [
  201227. "rtc/gibral tar bateman",
  201228. "nan",
  201229. "tcf0008996",
  201230. "bc0140",
  201231. "rtc/gibral tar bateman,nan,tcf0008996,bc0140"
  201232. ],
  201233. [
  201234. "rtc",
  201235. "richard & paula gilman",
  201236. "tcf0010267",
  201237. "bg0946",
  201238. "rtc,richard & paula gilman,tcf0010267,bg0946"
  201239. ],
  201240. [
  201241. "rtc",
  201242. "broadview & great south",
  201243. "7927",
  201244. "7927",
  201245. "rtc,broadview & great south,7927,7927"
  201246. ],
  201247. [
  201248. "rtc",
  201249. "seascape towers inc",
  201250. "tcf0009416",
  201251. "bd8800",
  201252. "rtc,seascape towers inc,tcf0009416,bd8800"
  201253. ],
  201254. [
  201255. "rtc/lincoln fed",
  201256. "91 clutie v. brown",
  201257. "tcf0007710",
  201258. "au3177",
  201259. "rtc/lincoln fed,91 clutie v. brown,tcf0007710,au3177"
  201260. ],
  201261. [
  201262. "rtc-rec",
  201263. "linc fed/ln to chinen",
  201264. "7681",
  201265. "7681",
  201266. "rtc-rec,linc fed/ln to chinen,7681,7681"
  201267. ],
  201268. [
  201269. "rtc rec lincoln fed s&l",
  201270. "gonzalez, a",
  201271. "7708",
  201272. "7708",
  201273. "rtc rec lincoln fed s&l,gonzalez, a,7708,7708"
  201274. ],
  201275. [
  201276. "rtc/linciln fed s&l",
  201277. "1st interstate bank",
  201278. "7753",
  201279. "7753",
  201280. "rtc/linciln fed s&l,1st interstate bank,7753,7753"
  201281. ],
  201282. [
  201283. "rtc/centrust lincoln",
  201284. "krohn dev.corp.*",
  201285. "7988",
  201286. "7988",
  201287. "rtc/centrust lincoln,krohn dev.corp.*,7988,7988"
  201288. ],
  201289. [
  201290. "rtc-rec. lincoln federal",
  201291. "recording pass/documents",
  201292. "8910",
  201293. "8910",
  201294. "rtc-rec. lincoln federal,recording pass/documents,8910,8910"
  201295. ],
  201296. [
  201297. "rtc/conser ambassador s&l",
  201298. "zahn atlantic development corp",
  201299. "tcf0008896",
  201300. "ay6005",
  201301. "rtc/conser ambassador s&l,zahn atlantic development corp,tcf0008896,ay6005"
  201302. ],
  201303. [
  201304. "rtc/centrust",
  201305. "ambassador s&l *",
  201306. "7998",
  201307. "7998",
  201308. "rtc/centrust,ambassador s&l *,7998,7998"
  201309. ],
  201310. [
  201311. "rtc/ambassador",
  201312. "whitfield & fowler",
  201313. "8169",
  201314. "8169",
  201315. "rtc/ambassador,whitfield & fowler,8169,8169"
  201316. ],
  201317. [
  201318. "rtc/ambassador",
  201319. "corporate matters",
  201320. "8232",
  201321. "8232",
  201322. "rtc/ambassador,corporate matters,8232,8232"
  201323. ],
  201324. [
  201325. "rtc/ambassador",
  201326. "foster",
  201327. "8235",
  201328. "8235",
  201329. "rtc/ambassador,foster,8235,8235"
  201330. ],
  201331. [
  201332. "rtc-ambassador s&l",
  201333. "recordation/trans. docu.",
  201334. "8805",
  201335. "8805",
  201336. "rtc-ambassador s&l,recordation/trans. docu.,8805,8805"
  201337. ],
  201338. [
  201339. "rtc-ambassador s&l",
  201340. "c&e associates, ltd.",
  201341. "8805",
  201342. "8805",
  201343. "rtc-ambassador s&l,c&e associates, ltd.,8805,8805"
  201344. ],
  201345. [
  201346. "rtc-conserv. ambass.",
  201347. "c & e associates ltd.",
  201348. "9056",
  201349. "9056",
  201350. "rtc-conserv. ambass.,c & e associates ltd.,9056,9056"
  201351. ],
  201352. [
  201353. "ambassodor (rtc)",
  201354. "riverpark",
  201355. "9613",
  201356. "9613",
  201357. "ambassodor (rtc),riverpark,9613,9613"
  201358. ],
  201359. [
  201360. "rtc/ambassador",
  201361. "c&e associates",
  201362. "8937",
  201363. "8937",
  201364. "rtc/ambassador,c&e associates,8937,8937"
  201365. ],
  201366. [
  201367. "rtc-conserv ambassador",
  201368. "zahn community dev. corp",
  201369. "8826",
  201370. "8826",
  201371. "rtc-conserv ambassador,zahn community dev. corp,8826,8826"
  201372. ],
  201373. [
  201374. "rtc\\professional fed.",
  201375. "fowler",
  201376. "8026",
  201377. "8026",
  201378. "rtc\\professional fed.,fowler,8026,8026"
  201379. ],
  201380. [
  201381. "rtc-cons. prof. federal",
  201382. "record./pass/documentati",
  201383. "8918",
  201384. "8918",
  201385. "rtc-cons. prof. federal,record./pass/documentati,8918,8918"
  201386. ],
  201387. [
  201388. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201389. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  201390. "8923",
  201391. "8923",
  201392. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p),8923,8923"
  201393. ],
  201394. [
  201395. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201396. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(p)",
  201397. "8924",
  201398. "8924",
  201399. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(p),8924,8924"
  201400. ],
  201401. [
  201402. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201403. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  201404. "8925",
  201405. "8925",
  201406. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p),8925,8925"
  201407. ],
  201408. [
  201409. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201410. "s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p)",
  201411. "8926",
  201412. "8926",
  201413. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts. i, ltd.(p),8926,8926"
  201414. ],
  201415. [
  201416. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201417. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  201418. "8923",
  201419. "8923",
  201420. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8923,8923"
  201421. ],
  201422. [
  201423. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201424. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  201425. "8924",
  201426. "8924",
  201427. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8924,8924"
  201428. ],
  201429. [
  201430. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201431. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  201432. "8925",
  201433. "8925",
  201434. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8925,8925"
  201435. ],
  201436. [
  201437. "rtc-prof. federal saving",
  201438. "s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np)",
  201439. "8926",
  201440. "8926",
  201441. "rtc-prof. federal saving,s. fla. apts.i, ltd.(np),8926,8926"
  201442. ],
  201443. [
  201444. "rtc/conser professional",
  201445. "caltex",
  201446. "8937",
  201447. "8937",
  201448. "rtc/conser professional,caltex,8937,8937"
  201449. ],
  201450. [
  201451. "rtc/gingerwood",
  201452. "rtc/gingerwood",
  201453. "8938",
  201454. "8938",
  201455. "rtc/gingerwood,rtc/gingerwood,8938,8938"
  201456. ],
  201457. [
  201458. "rtc/lake forest park",
  201459. "rtc/lake forest park",
  201460. "8938",
  201461. "8938",
  201462. "rtc/lake forest park,rtc/lake forest park,8938,8938"
  201463. ],
  201464. [
  201465. "rtc/so fla apartments i",
  201466. "rtc/so fla aparments i",
  201467. "8938",
  201468. "8938",
  201469. "rtc/so fla apartments i,rtc/so fla aparments i,8938,8938"
  201470. ],
  201471. [
  201472. "rtc/general",
  201473. "rtc/general",
  201474. "8938",
  201475. "8938",
  201476. "rtc/general,rtc/general,8938,8938"
  201477. ],
  201478. [
  201479. "rtc/lake forest park",
  201480. "rtc/lake forest park",
  201481. "8939",
  201482. "8939",
  201483. "rtc/lake forest park,rtc/lake forest park,8939,8939"
  201484. ],
  201485. [
  201486. "psb/rtc title",
  201487. "10 sec 221d 4",
  201488. "8939",
  201489. "8939",
  201490. "psb/rtc title,10 sec 221d 4,8939,8939"
  201491. ],
  201492. [
  201493. "rtc",
  201494. "lake forest park",
  201495. "8957",
  201496. "8957",
  201497. "rtc,lake forest park,8957,8957"
  201498. ],
  201499. [
  201500. "rtc/floronto",
  201501. "rtc/floronto",
  201502. "8938",
  201503. "8938",
  201504. "rtc/floronto,rtc/floronto,8938,8938"
  201505. ],
  201506. [
  201507. "rtc vs. firestone",
  201508. "none",
  201509. "672030379",
  201510. "155488",
  201511. "rtc vs. firestone,none,672030379,155488"
  201512. ],
  201513. [
  201514. "rtc vs. hahamouitch",
  201515. "none",
  201516. "460601432",
  201517. "155492",
  201518. "rtc vs. hahamouitch,none,460601432,155492"
  201519. ],
  201520. [
  201521. "rtc",
  201522. "none",
  201523. "460601432",
  201524. "155492",
  201525. "rtc,none,460601432,155492"
  201526. ],
  201527. [
  201528. "rtc",
  201529. "none",
  201530. "460601432",
  201531. "155492",
  201532. "rtc,none,460601432,155492"
  201533. ],
  201534. [
  201535. "rtc/professional",
  201536. "none",
  201537. "489520759",
  201538. "155514",
  201539. "rtc/professional,none,489520759,155514"
  201540. ],
  201541. [
  201542. "rtc/swimmer",
  201543. "none",
  201544. "89249711",
  201545. "155522",
  201546. "rtc/swimmer,none,89249711,155522"
  201547. ],
  201548. [
  201549. "rtc/professional savings",
  201550. "v. jules lipp",
  201551. "489337530",
  201552. "85707",
  201553. "rtc/professional savings,v. jules lipp,489337530,85707"
  201554. ],
  201555. [
  201556. "rtc/professional savings",
  201557. "v. jules lipp",
  201558. "672025567",
  201559. "85708",
  201560. "rtc/professional savings,v. jules lipp,672025567,85708"
  201561. ],
  201562. [
  201563. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  201564. "none",
  201565. "652605512",
  201566. "155618",
  201567. "rtc - conser professional fed,none,652605512,155618"
  201568. ],
  201569. [
  201570. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  201571. "none",
  201572. "652604240",
  201573. "155620",
  201574. "rtc - conser professional fed,none,652604240,155620"
  201575. ],
  201576. [
  201577. "rtc - conser professional fed",
  201578. "none",
  201579. "652604240",
  201580. "155620",
  201581. "rtc - conser professional fed,none,652604240,155620"
  201582. ],
  201583. [
  201584. "rtc/professional-bond matters oakwood",
  201585. "none",
  201586. "652551368",
  201587. "155653",
  201588. "rtc/professional-bond matters oakwood,none,652551368,155653"
  201589. ],
  201590. [
  201591. "rtc/professional-bond matters",
  201592. "none",
  201593. "652551368",
  201594. "155653",
  201595. "rtc/professional-bond matters,none,652551368,155653"
  201596. ],
  201597. [
  201598. "rtc/professional savings bank",
  201599. "v. jet stream et al.",
  201600. "672030666",
  201601. "85821",
  201602. "rtc/professional savings bank,v. jet stream et al.,672030666,85821"
  201603. ],
  201604. [
  201605. "rtc/lakeforest park",
  201606. "none",
  201607. "489488034",
  201608. "155678",
  201609. "rtc/lakeforest park,none,489488034,155678"
  201610. ],
  201611. [
  201612. "rtc",
  201613. "gong",
  201614. "489535029",
  201615. "85847",
  201616. "rtc,gong,489535029,85847"
  201617. ],
  201618. [
  201619. "claude dorsey",
  201620. "rtc",
  201621. "50070",
  201622. "8383",
  201623. "claude dorsey,rtc,50070,8383"
  201624. ],
  201625. [
  201626. "rtc/professional bond matters star creek",
  201627. "none",
  201628. "489535563",
  201629. "174253",
  201630. "rtc/professional bond matters star creek,none,489535563,174253"
  201631. ],
  201632. [
  201633. "rtc professional federal",
  201634. "none",
  201635. "489520871",
  201636. "114615",
  201637. "rtc professional federal,none,489520871,114615"
  201638. ],
  201639. [
  201640. "rtc professional federal",
  201641. "none",
  201642. "489520871",
  201643. "114615",
  201644. "rtc professional federal,none,489520871,114615"
  201645. ],
  201646. [
  201647. "rtc/professional v. commodore plaza",
  201648. "none",
  201649. "45228",
  201650. "7380",
  201651. "rtc/professional v. commodore plaza,none,45228,7380"
  201652. ],
  201653. [
  201654. "rtc/professionalsavings v. commodore plaza",
  201655. "none",
  201656. "45229",
  201657. "7381",
  201658. "rtc/professionalsavings v. commodore plaza,none,45229,7381"
  201659. ],
  201660. [
  201661. "rtc/professional savings",
  201662. "none",
  201663. "672026026",
  201664. "114639",
  201665. "rtc/professional savings,none,672026026,114639"
  201666. ],
  201667. [
  201668. "professional rtc/office center",
  201669. "none",
  201670. "460596493",
  201671. "49981",
  201672. "professional rtc/office center,none,460596493,49981"
  201673. ],
  201674. [
  201675. "rtc-conser",
  201676. "none",
  201677. "652551631",
  201678. "49991",
  201679. "rtc-conser,none,652551631,49991"
  201680. ],
  201681. [
  201682. "rtc",
  201683. "professional savings",
  201684. "652553043",
  201685. "50114",
  201686. "rtc,professional savings,652553043,50114"
  201687. ],
  201688. [
  201689. "rtc",
  201690. "professional savings",
  201691. "652553287",
  201692. "50115",
  201693. "rtc,professional savings,652553287,50115"
  201694. ],
  201695. [
  201696. "rtc",
  201697. "professional savings",
  201698. "672030893",
  201699. "50116",
  201700. "rtc,professional savings,672030893,50116"
  201701. ],
  201702. [
  201703. "rtc vs. canet",
  201704. "none",
  201705. "653199997",
  201706. "50145",
  201707. "rtc vs. canet,none,653199997,50145"
  201708. ],
  201709. [
  201710. "rtc/professional savings",
  201711. "none",
  201712. "489488159",
  201713. "114838",
  201714. "rtc/professional savings,none,489488159,114838"
  201715. ],
  201716. [
  201717. "rtc v. sunrise",
  201718. "none",
  201719. "489519816",
  201720. "118762",
  201721. "rtc v. sunrise,none,489519816,118762"
  201722. ],
  201723. [
  201724. "rtc v. carnival",
  201725. "none",
  201726. "489519816",
  201727. "118762",
  201728. "rtc v. carnival,none,489519816,118762"
  201729. ],
  201730. [
  201731. "rtc/professional bond matters twin lakes",
  201732. "none",
  201733. "489342799",
  201734. "118879",
  201735. "rtc/professional bond matters twin lakes,none,489342799,118879"
  201736. ],
  201737. [
  201738. "rtc",
  201739. "none",
  201740. "490613356",
  201741. "49435",
  201742. "rtc,none,490613356,49435"
  201743. ],
  201744. [
  201745. "rtc",
  201746. "none",
  201747. "652553352",
  201748. "49531",
  201749. "rtc,none,652553352,49531"
  201750. ],
  201751. [
  201752. "rtc. vs. neil rollnick",
  201753. "none",
  201754. "85401",
  201755. "8708",
  201756. "rtc. vs. neil rollnick,none,85401,8708"
  201757. ],
  201758. [
  201759. "rtc/professional savings vs. ginora",
  201760. "none",
  201761. "365607",
  201762. "6077",
  201763. "rtc/professional savings vs. ginora,none,365607,6077"
  201764. ],
  201765. [
  201766. "rtc",
  201767. "professional savings",
  201768. "89252416",
  201769. "85586",
  201770. "rtc,professional savings,89252416,85586"
  201771. ],
  201772. [
  201773. "rtc",
  201774. "professional savings",
  201775. "672025554",
  201776. "85666",
  201777. "rtc,professional savings,672025554,85666"
  201778. ],
  201779. [
  201780. "rtc",
  201781. "professional savings",
  201782. "489337548",
  201783. "85667",
  201784. "rtc,professional savings,489337548,85667"
  201785. ],
  201786. [
  201787. "rtc",
  201788. "professional",
  201789. "490615116",
  201790. "85671",
  201791. "rtc,professional,490615116,85671"
  201792. ],
  201793. [
  201794. "rtc/real estate recovery v. 2932",
  201795. "none",
  201796. "460599686",
  201797. "119048",
  201798. "rtc/real estate recovery v. 2932,none,460599686,119048"
  201799. ],
  201800. [
  201801. "volvo sportcraft",
  201802. "nan",
  201803. "dsj004569",
  201804. "13-129",
  201805. "volvo sportcraft,nan,dsj004569,13-129"
  201806. ],
  201807. [
  201808. "gannett/jacksonville wtlv",
  201809. "thomas v. wtlv",
  201810. "489622395",
  201811. "1000604897",
  201812. "gannett/jacksonville wtlv,thomas v. wtlv,489622395,1000604897"
  201813. ],
  201814. [
  201815. "rtc",
  201816. "calus a trace/correspondence",
  201817. "tcf0009695",
  201818. "bf1410",
  201819. "rtc,calus a trace/correspondence,tcf0009695,bf1410"
  201820. ],
  201821. [
  201822. "rtc conser grand prairie",
  201823. "charles j. davis",
  201824. "tcf0007564",
  201825. "as4782",
  201826. "rtc conser grand prairie,charles j. davis,tcf0007564,as4782"
  201827. ],
  201828. [
  201829. "rtc-grand prairie federal vs. s. l. moore",
  201830. "none",
  201831. "460596493",
  201832. "49981",
  201833. "rtc-grand prairie federal vs. s. l. moore,none,460596493,49981"
  201834. ],
  201835. [
  201836. "home federal rtc v hdb",
  201837. "1 of 3",
  201838. "tcf0006815",
  201839. "ap9093",
  201840. "home federal rtc v hdb,1 of 3,tcf0006815,ap9093"
  201841. ],
  201842. [
  201843. "home federal rtc",
  201844. "vs hdb/ 3 of 3",
  201845. "tcf0006816",
  201846. "ap9094",
  201847. "home federal rtc,vs hdb/ 3 of 3,tcf0006816,ap9094"
  201848. ],
  201849. [
  201850. "home federal rtc v hdb",
  201851. "2 of 3",
  201852. "tcf0006846",
  201853. "ap9212",
  201854. "home federal rtc v hdb,2 of 3,tcf0006846,ap9212"
  201855. ],
  201856. [
  201857. "international trade associates, inc. (it",
  201858. "general matters",
  201859. "657804115",
  201860. "nan",
  201861. "international trade associates, inc. (it,general matters,657804115,nan"
  201862. ],
  201863. [
  201864. "fdic-mcnulty banking co",
  201865. "michael p d'addabbo",
  201866. "tcf0006926",
  201867. "ap9396",
  201868. "fdic-mcnulty banking co,michael p d'addabbo,tcf0006926,ap9396"
  201869. ],
  201870. [
  201871. "bruce campbell & co.",
  201872. "none",
  201873. "460597151",
  201874. "85689",
  201875. "bruce campbell & co.,none,460597151,85689"
  201876. ],
  201877. [
  201878. "rtc-recv'r/empire fedrl",
  201879. "sale of assets",
  201880. "8559",
  201881. "8559",
  201882. "rtc-recv'r/empire fedrl,sale of assets,8559,8559"
  201883. ],
  201884. [
  201885. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  201886. "brandywine enterprises",
  201887. "8803",
  201888. "8803",
  201889. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8803,8803"
  201890. ],
  201891. [
  201892. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  201893. "brandywine enterprises",
  201894. "8803",
  201895. "8803",
  201896. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8803,8803"
  201897. ],
  201898. [
  201899. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  201900. "brandywine enterprises",
  201901. "8802",
  201902. "8802",
  201903. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8802,8802"
  201904. ],
  201905. [
  201906. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  201907. "brandywine enterprises",
  201908. "8800",
  201909. "8800",
  201910. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8800,8800"
  201911. ],
  201912. [
  201913. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  201914. "brandywine enterprises",
  201915. "8800",
  201916. "8800",
  201917. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8800,8800"
  201918. ],
  201919. [
  201920. "rtc-recv'r. empire fed",
  201921. "sale of debary commons",
  201922. "8560",
  201923. "8560",
  201924. "rtc-recv'r. empire fed,sale of debary commons,8560,8560"
  201925. ],
  201926. [
  201927. "rtc-rec. empire fed sav.",
  201928. "brandywine enterprises",
  201929. "8582",
  201930. "8582",
  201931. "rtc-rec. empire fed sav.,brandywine enterprises,8582,8582"
  201932. ],
  201933. [
  201934. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  201935. "brandywine enterprises",
  201936. "8801",
  201937. "8801",
  201938. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8801,8801"
  201939. ],
  201940. [
  201941. "rtc-empire federal sav.",
  201942. "brandywine enterprises",
  201943. "8802",
  201944. "8802",
  201945. "rtc-empire federal sav.,brandywine enterprises,8802,8802"
  201946. ],
  201947. [
  201948. "rtc/cons/goldcoast fed s",
  201949. "sale stck/plantation tle",
  201950. "7982",
  201951. "7982",
  201952. "rtc/cons/goldcoast fed s,sale stck/plantation tle,7982,7982"
  201953. ],
  201954. [
  201955. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  201956. "tandem title",
  201957. "7998",
  201958. "7998",
  201959. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd,tandem title,7998,7998"
  201960. ],
  201961. [
  201962. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  201963. "tandem title",
  201964. "7998",
  201965. "7998",
  201966. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd,tandem title,7998,7998"
  201967. ],
  201968. [
  201969. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd",
  201970. "tandem title",
  201971. "7999",
  201972. "7999",
  201973. "rtc conser/goldcoast fd,tandem title,7999,7999"
  201974. ],
  201975. [
  201976. "rtc/gold coast",
  201977. "fedder",
  201978. "8059",
  201979. "8059",
  201980. "rtc/gold coast,fedder,8059,8059"
  201981. ],
  201982. [
  201983. "rtc/goldcoast",
  201984. "fedder",
  201985. "8060",
  201986. "8060",
  201987. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8060,8060"
  201988. ],
  201989. [
  201990. "rtc/goldcoast",
  201991. "fedder",
  201992. "8061",
  201993. "8061",
  201994. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8061,8061"
  201995. ],
  201996. [
  201997. "rtc/goldcoast",
  201998. "fedder",
  201999. "8062",
  202000. "8062",
  202001. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8062,8062"
  202002. ],
  202003. [
  202004. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202005. "fedder",
  202006. "8063",
  202007. "8063",
  202008. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8063,8063"
  202009. ],
  202010. [
  202011. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202012. "fedder",
  202013. "8064",
  202014. "8064",
  202015. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8064,8064"
  202016. ],
  202017. [
  202018. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202019. "fedder",
  202020. "8065",
  202021. "8065",
  202022. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8065,8065"
  202023. ],
  202024. [
  202025. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202026. "fedder",
  202027. "8066",
  202028. "8066",
  202029. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8066,8066"
  202030. ],
  202031. [
  202032. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202033. "fedder",
  202034. "8067",
  202035. "8067",
  202036. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8067,8067"
  202037. ],
  202038. [
  202039. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202040. "fedder",
  202041. "8068",
  202042. "8068",
  202043. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8068,8068"
  202044. ],
  202045. [
  202046. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202047. "fedder",
  202048. "8069",
  202049. "8069",
  202050. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8069,8069"
  202051. ],
  202052. [
  202053. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202054. "fedder",
  202055. "8070",
  202056. "8070",
  202057. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8070,8070"
  202058. ],
  202059. [
  202060. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202061. "fedder",
  202062. "8071",
  202063. "8071",
  202064. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8071,8071"
  202065. ],
  202066. [
  202067. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202068. "fedder",
  202069. "8072",
  202070. "8072",
  202071. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8072,8072"
  202072. ],
  202073. [
  202074. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202075. "fedder",
  202076. "8073",
  202077. "8073",
  202078. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8073,8073"
  202079. ],
  202080. [
  202081. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202082. "fedder",
  202083. "8074",
  202084. "8074",
  202085. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8074,8074"
  202086. ],
  202087. [
  202088. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202089. "fedder",
  202090. "8075",
  202091. "8075",
  202092. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8075,8075"
  202093. ],
  202094. [
  202095. "rtc/goldcoast",
  202096. "fedder",
  202097. "8076",
  202098. "8076",
  202099. "rtc/goldcoast,fedder,8076,8076"
  202100. ],
  202101. [
  202102. "rtc-conser.goldcoast",
  202103. "griffith galleries",
  202104. "8326",
  202105. "8326",
  202106. "rtc-conser.goldcoast,griffith galleries,8326,8326"
  202107. ],
  202108. [
  202109. "rtc-conser. goldcoast",
  202110. "aries",
  202111. "8326",
  202112. "8326",
  202113. "rtc-conser. goldcoast,aries,8326,8326"
  202114. ],
  202115. [
  202116. "rtc/goldcoast federal",
  202117. "lifshutz",
  202118. "9413",
  202119. "9413",
  202120. "rtc/goldcoast federal,lifshutz,9413,9413"
  202121. ],
  202122. [
  202123. "rtc",
  202124. "stolzenberg",
  202125. "9217",
  202126. "9217",
  202127. "rtc,stolzenberg,9217,9217"
  202128. ],
  202129. [
  202130. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed",
  202131. "total constr concepts/ti",
  202132. "10343",
  202133. "10343",
  202134. "rtc-conser goldcoast fed,total constr concepts/ti,10343,10343"
  202135. ],
  202136. [
  202137. "rtc/centrust 1st. state",
  202138. "commons of twin lakes",
  202139. "7988",
  202140. "7988",
  202141. "rtc/centrust 1st. state,commons of twin lakes,7988,7988"
  202142. ],
  202143. [
  202144. "rtc\\rec enterprise",
  202145. "tole",
  202146. "8012",
  202147. "8012",
  202148. "rtc\\rec enterprise,tole,8012,8012"
  202149. ],
  202150. [
  202151. "rtc\\fl. federal savings",
  202152. "kelly",
  202153. "8015",
  202154. "8015",
  202155. "rtc\\fl. federal savings,kelly,8015,8015"
  202156. ],
  202157. [
  202158. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  202159. "john j. bradley-bnkrptcy",
  202160. "8336",
  202161. "8336",
  202162. "rtc-conservator fla fed,john j. bradley-bnkrptcy,8336,8336"
  202163. ],
  202164. [
  202165. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  202166. "j. bradley-replevin",
  202167. "8336",
  202168. "8336",
  202169. "rtc-conservator fla fed,j. bradley-replevin,8336,8336"
  202170. ],
  202171. [
  202172. "rtc-conservator fla fed",
  202173. "regent and huguette des.",
  202174. "8337",
  202175. "8337",
  202176. "rtc-conservator fla fed,regent and huguette des.,8337,8337"
  202177. ],
  202178. [
  202179. "rtc-fla. federal",
  202180. "lawrence",
  202181. "9100",
  202182. "9100",
  202183. "rtc-fla. federal,lawrence,9100,9100"
  202184. ],
  202185. [
  202186. "rtc vs patrick carter",
  202187. "nan",
  202188. "dsj004762",
  202189. "16-042",
  202190. "rtc vs patrick carter,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  202191. ],
  202192. [
  202193. "rtc/florida federal vs",
  202194. "nan",
  202195. "dsj004759",
  202196. "16-039",
  202197. "rtc/florida federal vs,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  202198. ],
  202199. [
  202200. "rtc v william moss",
  202201. "nan",
  202202. "dsj004762",
  202203. "16-042",
  202204. "rtc v william moss,nan,dsj004762,16-042"
  202205. ],
  202206. [
  202207. "rtc/florida",
  202208. "nan",
  202209. "dsj004759",
  202210. "16-039",
  202211. "rtc/florida,nan,dsj004759,16-039"
  202212. ],
  202213. [
  202214. "rtc/florida federal vs wolfe",
  202215. "nan",
  202216. "dsj004773",
  202217. "16-052a",
  202218. "rtc/florida federal vs wolfe,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  202219. ],
  202220. [
  202221. "rtc/ff vs nancy bell",
  202222. "nan",
  202223. "dsj004773",
  202224. "16-052a",
  202225. "rtc/ff vs nancy bell,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  202226. ],
  202227. [
  202228. "rtc/ff vs keith king",
  202229. "nan",
  202230. "dsj004761",
  202231. "16-041",
  202232. "rtc/ff vs keith king,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  202233. ],
  202234. [
  202235. "rtc/florida federal v. olson",
  202236. "nan",
  202237. "dsj004772",
  202238. "16-052",
  202239. "rtc/florida federal v. olson,nan,dsj004772,16-052"
  202240. ],
  202241. [
  202242. "rtc/fla fed v. harriet smith",
  202243. "nan",
  202244. "dsj004771",
  202245. "16-051",
  202246. "rtc/fla fed v. harriet smith,nan,dsj004771,16-051"
  202247. ],
  202248. [
  202249. "rtc/great life",
  202250. "highland",
  202251. "9086",
  202252. "9086",
  202253. "rtc/great life,highland,9086,9086"
  202254. ],
  202255. [
  202256. "fdic/resource bank na",
  202257. "james crisp",
  202258. "tcf0008907",
  202259. "ay6020",
  202260. "fdic/resource bank na,james crisp,tcf0008907,ay6020"
  202261. ],
  202262. [
  202263. "seidman",
  202264. "none",
  202265. "490616766",
  202266. "220591",
  202267. "seidman,none,490616766,220591"
  202268. ],
  202269. [
  202270. "seidman",
  202271. "none",
  202272. "490616766",
  202273. "220591",
  202274. "seidman,none,490616766,220591"
  202275. ],
  202276. [
  202277. "seidman",
  202278. "none",
  202279. "460603629",
  202280. "220594",
  202281. "seidman,none,460603629,220594"
  202282. ],
  202283. [
  202284. "seidman",
  202285. "none",
  202286. "490618782",
  202287. "220595",
  202288. "seidman,none,490618782,220595"
  202289. ],
  202290. [
  202291. "seidman",
  202292. "none",
  202293. "490618815",
  202294. "220602",
  202295. "seidman,none,490618815,220602"
  202296. ],
  202297. [
  202298. "seidman",
  202299. "none",
  202300. "490618797",
  202301. "220605",
  202302. "seidman,none,490618797,220605"
  202303. ],
  202304. [
  202305. "seidman",
  202306. "none",
  202307. "490618786",
  202308. "220606",
  202309. "seidman,none,490618786,220606"
  202310. ],
  202311. [
  202312. "rtc-rec. balt. fed. fin.",
  202313. "gen. title matters",
  202314. "8395",
  202315. "8395",
  202316. "rtc-rec. balt. fed. fin.,gen. title matters,8395,8395"
  202317. ],
  202318. [
  202319. "rtc/baltimore vs david hopple",
  202320. "nan",
  202321. "dsj004773",
  202322. "16-052a",
  202323. "rtc/baltimore vs david hopple,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  202324. ],
  202325. [
  202326. "rtc/baltimore vs billy lott",
  202327. "nan",
  202328. "dsj004773",
  202329. "16-052a",
  202330. "rtc/baltimore vs billy lott,nan,dsj004773,16-052a"
  202331. ],
  202332. [
  202333. "rtc - rec gen fed sav bk",
  202334. "92 general",
  202335. "tcf0008364",
  202336. "av9512",
  202337. "rtc - rec gen fed sav bk,92 general,tcf0008364,av9512"
  202338. ],
  202339. [
  202340. "rtc - rec liberty fed s&l",
  202341. "92 liberty prop on conveyances",
  202342. "tcf0008364",
  202343. "av9512",
  202344. "rtc - rec liberty fed s&l,92 liberty prop on conveyances,tcf0008364,av9512"
  202345. ],
  202346. [
  202347. "rtc",
  202348. "heritage bay",
  202349. "tcf0010268",
  202350. "bg0947",
  202351. "rtc,heritage bay,tcf0010268,bg0947"
  202352. ],
  202353. [
  202354. "rtc\\hollywood federal",
  202355. "stoveall",
  202356. "8015",
  202357. "8015",
  202358. "rtc\\hollywood federal,stoveall,8015,8015"
  202359. ],
  202360. [
  202361. "rtc/hollywood fed.",
  202362. "sale/sun&lake condos",
  202363. "8280",
  202364. "8280",
  202365. "rtc/hollywood fed.,sale/sun&lake condos,8280,8280"
  202366. ],
  202367. [
  202368. "rtc/ hollywood fed.",
  202369. "caffalette",
  202370. "8276",
  202371. "8276",
  202372. "rtc/ hollywood fed.,caffalette,8276,8276"
  202373. ],
  202374. [
  202375. "rtc\\hollywood federal",
  202376. "eavenson",
  202377. "8012",
  202378. "8012",
  202379. "rtc\\hollywood federal,eavenson,8012,8012"
  202380. ],
  202381. [
  202382. "rtc/hollywood",
  202383. "belcatro",
  202384. "8568",
  202385. "8568",
  202386. "rtc/hollywood,belcatro,8568,8568"
  202387. ],
  202388. [
  202389. "rtc/hollywood",
  202390. "perenia",
  202391. "8569",
  202392. "8569",
  202393. "rtc/hollywood,perenia,8569,8569"
  202394. ],
  202395. [
  202396. "rtc/hollywood",
  202397. "andrews",
  202398. "8569",
  202399. "8569",
  202400. "rtc/hollywood,andrews,8569,8569"
  202401. ],
  202402. [
  202403. "rtc/hollywood",
  202404. "hosein",
  202405. "8580",
  202406. "8580",
  202407. "rtc/hollywood,hosein,8580,8580"
  202408. ],
  202409. [
  202410. "rtc/hollywood",
  202411. "johnson",
  202412. "8569",
  202413. "8569",
  202414. "rtc/hollywood,johnson,8569,8569"
  202415. ],
  202416. [
  202417. "rtc/hollywood",
  202418. "sheeham",
  202419. "8568",
  202420. "8568",
  202421. "rtc/hollywood,sheeham,8568,8568"
  202422. ],
  202423. [
  202424. "rtc-hollywood federal",
  202425. "record./conveyance/docum",
  202426. "8910",
  202427. "8910",
  202428. "rtc-hollywood federal,record./conveyance/docum,8910,8910"
  202429. ],
  202430. [
  202431. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank",
  202432. "none",
  202433. "490615614",
  202434. "335700",
  202435. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank,none,490615614,335700"
  202436. ],
  202437. [
  202438. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank substitution of collateral",
  202439. "none",
  202440. "490615614",
  202441. "335700",
  202442. "rtc/rec hollywood federal bank substitution of collateral,none,490615614,335700"
  202443. ],
  202444. [
  202445. "rtc",
  202446. "hollywood federal",
  202447. "491469662",
  202448. "50067",
  202449. "rtc,hollywood federal,491469662,50067"
  202450. ],
  202451. [
  202452. "rtc",
  202453. "hernandez",
  202454. "8907",
  202455. "8907",
  202456. "rtc,hernandez,8907,8907"
  202457. ],
  202458. [
  202459. "rtc-hill financial sav.",
  202460. "alexander tyshynsky",
  202461. "8907",
  202462. "8907",
  202463. "rtc-hill financial sav.,alexander tyshynsky,8907,8907"
  202464. ],
  202465. [
  202466. "rtc",
  202467. "bell federal,plds",
  202468. "tcf0010040",
  202469. "bg0342",
  202470. "rtc,bell federal,plds,tcf0010040,bg0342"
  202471. ],
  202472. [
  202473. "rtc/bell",
  202474. "dahlia",
  202475. "8133",
  202476. "8133",
  202477. "rtc/bell,dahlia,8133,8133"
  202478. ],
  202479. [
  202480. "rtc/bell",
  202481. "pledger- monitor file",
  202482. "8438",
  202483. "8438",
  202484. "rtc/bell,pledger- monitor file,8438,8438"
  202485. ],
  202486. [
  202487. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk",
  202488. "michael zurr",
  202489. "8520",
  202490. "8520",
  202491. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk,michael zurr,8520,8520"
  202492. ],
  202493. [
  202494. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk",
  202495. "dpb realty assoc.",
  202496. "8523",
  202497. "8523",
  202498. "rtc cons bell fed sv bk,dpb realty assoc.,8523,8523"
  202499. ],
  202500. [
  202501. "rtc con bell fed sav bk",
  202502. "dbp realty assoc.",
  202503. "8523",
  202504. "8523",
  202505. "rtc con bell fed sav bk,dbp realty assoc.,8523,8523"
  202506. ],
  202507. [
  202508. "rtc/bell",
  202509. "subs of bell savings bk",
  202510. "8582",
  202511. "8582",
  202512. "rtc/bell,subs of bell savings bk,8582,8582"
  202513. ],
  202514. [
  202515. "rtc bell",
  202516. "williams ltd",
  202517. "8585",
  202518. "8585",
  202519. "rtc bell,williams ltd,8585,8585"
  202520. ],
  202521. [
  202522. "rtc bell",
  202523. "pardue,heid, church",
  202524. "8585",
  202525. "8585",
  202526. "rtc bell,pardue,heid, church,8585,8585"
  202527. ],
  202528. [
  202529. "rtc/bell federal",
  202530. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202531. "8726",
  202532. "8726",
  202533. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8726,8726"
  202534. ],
  202535. [
  202536. "rtc/bell federal",
  202537. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202538. "8727",
  202539. "8727",
  202540. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8727,8727"
  202541. ],
  202542. [
  202543. "rtc/bell federal",
  202544. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202545. "8728",
  202546. "8728",
  202547. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8728,8728"
  202548. ],
  202549. [
  202550. "rtc/bell federal",
  202551. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202552. "8729",
  202553. "8729",
  202554. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8729,8729"
  202555. ],
  202556. [
  202557. "rtc/bell federal",
  202558. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202559. "8730",
  202560. "8730",
  202561. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8730,8730"
  202562. ],
  202563. [
  202564. "rtc/bell federal",
  202565. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202566. "8731",
  202567. "8731",
  202568. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,8731,8731"
  202569. ],
  202570. [
  202571. "rtc/bell federal savings",
  202572. "plantation country estat",
  202573. "8758",
  202574. "8758",
  202575. "rtc/bell federal savings,plantation country estat,8758,8758"
  202576. ],
  202577. [
  202578. "rtc/bell federal savings",
  202579. "alert holdings(bkc file)",
  202580. "8770",
  202581. "8770",
  202582. "rtc/bell federal savings,alert holdings(bkc file),8770,8770"
  202583. ],
  202584. [
  202585. "rtc-bell federal s&l",
  202586. "nob hill holding, inc.",
  202587. "8798",
  202588. "8798",
  202589. "rtc-bell federal s&l,nob hill holding, inc.,8798,8798"
  202590. ],
  202591. [
  202592. "rtc-bell federal",
  202593. "general",
  202594. "8806",
  202595. "8806",
  202596. "rtc-bell federal,general,8806,8806"
  202597. ],
  202598. [
  202599. "rtc bell",
  202600. "williamsburg ltd.",
  202601. "8585",
  202602. "8585",
  202603. "rtc bell,williamsburg ltd.,8585,8585"
  202604. ],
  202605. [
  202606. "rtc-bell federal",
  202607. "mccoy",
  202608. "8870",
  202609. "8870",
  202610. "rtc-bell federal,mccoy,8870,8870"
  202611. ],
  202612. [
  202613. "rtc-bell federal",
  202614. "general",
  202615. "8806",
  202616. "8806",
  202617. "rtc-bell federal,general,8806,8806"
  202618. ],
  202619. [
  202620. "rtc/bell federal",
  202621. "mahsti",
  202622. "8610",
  202623. "8610",
  202624. "rtc/bell federal,mahsti,8610,8610"
  202625. ],
  202626. [
  202627. "rtc-conser bell federal",
  202628. "mod. loan/ocean juno",
  202629. "8798",
  202630. "8798",
  202631. "rtc-conser bell federal,mod. loan/ocean juno,8798,8798"
  202632. ],
  202633. [
  202634. "rtc-conser bell federal",
  202635. "mod loan/jemac devel.",
  202636. "8800",
  202637. "8800",
  202638. "rtc-conser bell federal,mod loan/jemac devel.,8800,8800"
  202639. ],
  202640. [
  202641. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202642. "ocean village villas",
  202643. "8807",
  202644. "8807",
  202645. "rtc-bell federal savings,ocean village villas,8807,8807"
  202646. ],
  202647. [
  202648. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202649. "sonoma lakes estates",
  202650. "8909",
  202651. "8909",
  202652. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lakes estates,8909,8909"
  202653. ],
  202654. [
  202655. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202656. "sonoma lake estates",
  202657. "8909",
  202658. "8909",
  202659. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8909,8909"
  202660. ],
  202661. [
  202662. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202663. "sale/sonoma lake estates",
  202664. "8909",
  202665. "8909",
  202666. "rtc-bell federal savings,sale/sonoma lake estates,8909,8909"
  202667. ],
  202668. [
  202669. "rtc-cons. bell federal",
  202670. "am. heritage develop./mg",
  202671. "8904",
  202672. "8904",
  202673. "rtc-cons. bell federal,am. heritage develop./mg,8904,8904"
  202674. ],
  202675. [
  202676. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202677. "leonard z. eppel",
  202678. "8914",
  202679. "8914",
  202680. "rtc-bell federal savings,leonard z. eppel,8914,8914"
  202681. ],
  202682. [
  202683. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202684. "sonoma lake estates",
  202685. "8911",
  202686. "8911",
  202687. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8911,8911"
  202688. ],
  202689. [
  202690. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202691. "sonoma lake estates",
  202692. "8912",
  202693. "8912",
  202694. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8912,8912"
  202695. ],
  202696. [
  202697. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202698. "sonoma lake estates",
  202699. "8913",
  202700. "8913",
  202701. "rtc-bell federal savings,sonoma lake estates,8913,8913"
  202702. ],
  202703. [
  202704. "rtc/bell",
  202705. "boca greens",
  202706. "9055",
  202707. "9055",
  202708. "rtc/bell,boca greens,9055,9055"
  202709. ],
  202710. [
  202711. "rtc/bell sav",
  202712. "sonoma ests assoc",
  202713. "9273",
  202714. "9273",
  202715. "rtc/bell sav,sonoma ests assoc,9273,9273"
  202716. ],
  202717. [
  202718. "rtc/bell federal",
  202719. "industrial air park",
  202720. "8783",
  202721. "8783",
  202722. "rtc/bell federal,industrial air park,8783,8783"
  202723. ],
  202724. [
  202725. "rtc/bell federal",
  202726. "industrial air park",
  202727. "8784",
  202728. "8784",
  202729. "rtc/bell federal,industrial air park,8784,8784"
  202730. ],
  202731. [
  202732. "rtc/bell federal",
  202733. "mahsti",
  202734. "8609",
  202735. "8609",
  202736. "rtc/bell federal,mahsti,8609,8609"
  202737. ],
  202738. [
  202739. "rtc-bell federal savings",
  202740. "assign. of mahsti, inc.",
  202741. "8802",
  202742. "8802",
  202743. "rtc-bell federal savings,assign. of mahsti, inc.,8802,8802"
  202744. ],
  202745. [
  202746. "rtc - bell",
  202747. "america heritage",
  202748. "8584",
  202749. "8584",
  202750. "rtc - bell,america heritage,8584,8584"
  202751. ],
  202752. [
  202753. "rtc-bell",
  202754. "american heritage",
  202755. "9707",
  202756. "9707",
  202757. "rtc-bell,american heritage,9707,9707"
  202758. ],
  202759. [
  202760. "rtc-bell federal",
  202761. "stirling palm bldg/title",
  202762. "10342",
  202763. "10342",
  202764. "rtc-bell federal,stirling palm bldg/title,10342,10342"
  202765. ],
  202766. [
  202767. "rtc-bell federal",
  202768. "sonoma lake-title file",
  202769. "10342",
  202770. "10342",
  202771. "rtc-bell federal,sonoma lake-title file,10342,10342"
  202772. ],
  202773. [
  202774. "rtc-bell federal",
  202775. "sailboat bend-title file",
  202776. "10342",
  202777. "10342",
  202778. "rtc-bell federal,sailboat bend-title file,10342,10342"
  202779. ],
  202780. [
  202781. "rtc",
  202782. "nob hill shoppes",
  202783. "10345",
  202784. "10345",
  202785. "rtc,nob hill shoppes,10345,10345"
  202786. ],
  202787. [
  202788. "rtc/bell federal",
  202789. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202790. "76085390",
  202791. "d2142",
  202792. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,76085390,d2142"
  202793. ],
  202794. [
  202795. "rtc/bell federal",
  202796. "mccoy/sanctuary",
  202797. "76085245",
  202798. "d2143",
  202799. "rtc/bell federal,mccoy/sanctuary,76085245,d2143"
  202800. ],
  202801. [
  202802. "rtc",
  202803. "sonic boats",
  202804. "50070",
  202805. "8383",
  202806. "rtc,sonic boats,50070,8383"
  202807. ],
  202808. [
  202809. "rtc sailboat",
  202810. "none",
  202811. "50070",
  202812. "8383",
  202813. "rtc sailboat,none,50070,8383"
  202814. ],
  202815. [
  202816. "rtc vs. sonic",
  202817. "none",
  202818. "652552998",
  202819. "49357",
  202820. "rtc vs. sonic,none,652552998,49357"
  202821. ],
  202822. [
  202823. "rtc vs. sonic",
  202824. "none",
  202825. "490612980",
  202826. "49358",
  202827. "rtc vs. sonic,none,490612980,49358"
  202828. ],
  202829. [
  202830. "rtc van kooten bell savings",
  202831. "nan",
  202832. "dsj005736",
  202833. "40-020",
  202834. "rtc van kooten bell savings,nan,dsj005736,40-020"
  202835. ],
  202836. [
  202837. "rtc-amerifirst bank",
  202838. "mod. of loan to fpa corp",
  202839. "8800",
  202840. "8800",
  202841. "rtc-amerifirst bank,mod. of loan to fpa corp,8800,8800"
  202842. ],
  202843. [
  202844. "rtc-amerifirst bank",
  202845. "general matters",
  202846. "8805",
  202847. "8805",
  202848. "rtc-amerifirst bank,general matters,8805,8805"
  202849. ],
  202850. [
  202851. "rtc/sollusa holdings",
  202852. "rtc/sollusa holdings",
  202853. "8938",
  202854. "8938",
  202855. "rtc/sollusa holdings,rtc/sollusa holdings,8938,8938"
  202856. ],
  202857. [
  202858. "rtc/rec amerifirst bnk",
  202859. "ln to sollusa holdings",
  202860. "8938",
  202861. "8938",
  202862. "rtc/rec amerifirst bnk,ln to sollusa holdings,8938,8938"
  202863. ],
  202864. [
  202865. "k & n engineering, inc.",
  202866. "tmsch: smartchip",
  202867. "active file",
  202868. "nan",
  202869. "k & n engineering, inc.,tmsch: smartchip,active file,nan"
  202870. ],
  202871. [
  202872. "rtc - colonial fed s & l",
  202873. "91 jeffrey venturo",
  202874. "tcf0007719",
  202875. "au3186",
  202876. "rtc - colonial fed s & l,91 jeffrey venturo,tcf0007719,au3186"
  202877. ],
  202878. [
  202879. "fdic",
  202880. "wwitz prop/corres",
  202881. "tcf0009906",
  202882. "bf2533",
  202883. "fdic,wwitz prop/corres,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  202884. ],
  202885. [
  202886. "rtc",
  202887. "weitz properties",
  202888. "tcf0010094",
  202889. "bg0550",
  202890. "rtc,weitz properties,tcf0010094,bg0550"
  202891. ],
  202892. [
  202893. "rtc conser united federal",
  202894. "nan",
  202895. "dsj005338",
  202896. "32-054",
  202897. "rtc conser united federal,nan,dsj005338,32-054"
  202898. ],
  202899. [
  202900. "rtc-real estate recovery",
  202901. "westland plaza",
  202902. "8807",
  202903. "8807",
  202904. "rtc-real estate recovery,westland plaza,8807,8807"
  202905. ],
  202906. [
  202907. "rtc (shadow file)",
  202908. "real estate recovery inc",
  202909. "9436",
  202910. "9436",
  202911. "rtc (shadow file),real estate recovery inc,9436,9436"
  202912. ],
  202913. [
  202914. "rtc",
  202915. "none",
  202916. "652553352",
  202917. "49531",
  202918. "rtc,none,652553352,49531"
  202919. ],
  202920. [
  202921. "rtc",
  202922. "general bank vs. tiffany square",
  202923. "460599545",
  202924. "85582",
  202925. "rtc,general bank vs. tiffany square,460599545,85582"
  202926. ],
  202927. [
  202928. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen",
  202929. "none",
  202930. "85651",
  202931. "8958",
  202932. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen,none,85651,8958"
  202933. ],
  202934. [
  202935. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen",
  202936. "none",
  202937. "85651",
  202938. "8958",
  202939. "rtc vs. in re: gables academy marilyn jean meffen,none,85651,8958"
  202940. ],
  202941. [
  202942. "rtc vs jtb",
  202943. "nan",
  202944. "dsj006122",
  202945. "55-004",
  202946. "rtc vs jtb,nan,dsj006122,55-004"
  202947. ],
  202948. [
  202949. "rtc vs jtb",
  202950. "nan",
  202951. "dsj006123",
  202952. "55-005",
  202953. "rtc vs jtb,nan,dsj006123,55-005"
  202954. ],
  202955. [
  202956. "rtc vs jtb",
  202957. "nan",
  202958. "dsj006124",
  202959. "55-006",
  202960. "rtc vs jtb,nan,dsj006124,55-006"
  202961. ],
  202962. [
  202963. "rtc/merabank vs griffith",
  202964. "nan",
  202965. "dsj004761",
  202966. "16-041",
  202967. "rtc/merabank vs griffith,nan,dsj004761,16-041"
  202968. ],
  202969. [
  202970. "rtc/jtb",
  202971. "nan",
  202972. "dsj453859",
  202973. "106685",
  202974. "rtc/jtb,nan,dsj453859,106685"
  202975. ],
  202976. [
  202977. "rtc/jtb",
  202978. "nan",
  202979. "dsj453855",
  202980. "106681",
  202981. "rtc/jtb,nan,dsj453855,106681"
  202982. ],
  202983. [
  202984. "rtc/cons new metropolita",
  202985. "record./conveyance/docum",
  202986. "8910",
  202987. "8910",
  202988. "rtc/cons new metropolita,record./conveyance/docum,8910,8910"
  202989. ],
  202990. [
  202991. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy",
  202992. "index to plead loan doc",
  202993. "tcf0008816",
  202994. "ay2045",
  202995. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy,index to plead loan doc,tcf0008816,ay2045"
  202996. ],
  202997. [
  202998. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy",
  202999. "corr file",
  203000. "tcf0008816",
  203001. "ay2045",
  203002. "rtc/sunbelt/conboy,corr file,tcf0008816,ay2045"
  203003. ],
  203004. [
  203005. "rtc/cardace",
  203006. "corr file plead",
  203007. "tcf0008817",
  203008. "ay2046",
  203009. "rtc/cardace,corr file plead,tcf0008817,ay2046"
  203010. ],
  203011. [
  203012. "rtc/conser sunbelt fed sav",
  203013. "me henny corr file",
  203014. "tcf0008817",
  203015. "ay2046",
  203016. "rtc/conser sunbelt fed sav,me henny corr file,tcf0008817,ay2046"
  203017. ],
  203018. [
  203019. "rtc/henny closing doc",
  203020. "mtg note orgnl note plead",
  203021. "tcf0008817",
  203022. "ay2046",
  203023. "rtc/henny closing doc,mtg note orgnl note plead,tcf0008817,ay2046"
  203024. ],
  203025. [
  203026. "rtc-conser sunbelt fed sav",
  203027. "cozumel apartments",
  203028. "tcf0009637",
  203029. "bf0618",
  203030. "rtc-conser sunbelt fed sav,cozumel apartments,tcf0009637,bf0618"
  203031. ],
  203032. [
  203033. "rtc",
  203034. "hrf ass/atty notes",
  203035. "tcf0009906",
  203036. "bf2533",
  203037. "rtc,hrf ass/atty notes,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  203038. ],
  203039. [
  203040. "sandestin purchase from fdic",
  203041. "nan",
  203042. "dsj627967",
  203043. "336550",
  203044. "sandestin purchase from fdic,nan,dsj627967,336550"
  203045. ],
  203046. [
  203047. "sime darby acquisition of",
  203048. "nan",
  203049. "dsj627969",
  203050. "336552",
  203051. "sime darby acquisition of,nan,dsj627969,336552"
  203052. ],
  203053. [
  203054. "rtc - conser great amer bk",
  203055. "92 carrollwood oaks-foreclosure",
  203056. "tcf0008399",
  203057. "aw2439",
  203058. "rtc - conser great amer bk,92 carrollwood oaks-foreclosure,tcf0008399,aw2439"
  203059. ],
  203060. [
  203061. "rtc/great american bank",
  203062. "jacksonville motel limited",
  203063. "tcf0008913",
  203064. "ay6026",
  203065. "rtc/great american bank,jacksonville motel limited,tcf0008913,ay6026"
  203066. ],
  203067. [
  203068. "rtc-great american bank",
  203069. "woodland meadows title",
  203070. "8810",
  203071. "8810",
  203072. "rtc-great american bank,woodland meadows title,8810,8810"
  203073. ],
  203074. [
  203075. "rtc-great american asset",
  203076. "sale of woodland meadows",
  203077. "8810",
  203078. "8810",
  203079. "rtc-great american asset,sale of woodland meadows,8810,8810"
  203080. ],
  203081. [
  203082. "sandestin resorts inc/rtc v",
  203083. "nan",
  203084. "dsj005088",
  203085. "30-134",
  203086. "sandestin resorts inc/rtc v,nan,dsj005088,30-134"
  203087. ],
  203088. [
  203089. "sandestin/rtc (1)",
  203090. "nan",
  203091. "dsj004506",
  203092. "13-067",
  203093. "sandestin/rtc (1),nan,dsj004506,13-067"
  203094. ],
  203095. [
  203096. "rtc conser",
  203097. "none",
  203098. "672026094",
  203099. "114560",
  203100. "rtc conser,none,672026094,114560"
  203101. ],
  203102. [
  203103. "rtc conser atlantic financial",
  203104. "none",
  203105. "489534874",
  203106. "186923",
  203107. "rtc conser atlantic financial,none,489534874,186923"
  203108. ],
  203109. [
  203110. "rtc conser atlantic financial",
  203111. "none",
  203112. "489534874",
  203113. "186923",
  203114. "rtc conser atlantic financial,none,489534874,186923"
  203115. ],
  203116. [
  203117. "rtc - summary of assests",
  203118. "intake status/trial balances",
  203119. "tcf0008409",
  203120. "aw2449",
  203121. "rtc - summary of assests,intake status/trial balances,tcf0008409,aw2449"
  203122. ],
  203123. [
  203124. "rtc",
  203125. "shady palm",
  203126. "tcf0010088",
  203127. "bg0544",
  203128. "rtc,shady palm,tcf0010088,bg0544"
  203129. ],
  203130. [
  203131. "glenn fetter",
  203132. "none",
  203133. "652606291",
  203134. "429846",
  203135. "glenn fetter,none,652606291,429846"
  203136. ],
  203137. [
  203138. "rtc vs. gus machado",
  203139. "none",
  203140. "489520946",
  203141. "85565",
  203142. "rtc vs. gus machado,none,489520946,85565"
  203143. ],
  203144. [
  203145. "rtc vs regency house",
  203146. "nan",
  203147. "dsj004777",
  203148. "16-056",
  203149. "rtc vs regency house,nan,dsj004777,16-056"
  203150. ],
  203151. [
  203152. "first gulf bank",
  203153. "representation before fdic, billing info",
  203154. "226543068",
  203155. "226543068",
  203156. "first gulf bank,representation before fdic, billing info,226543068,226543068"
  203157. ],
  203158. [
  203159. "first gulf bank",
  203160. "representation before fdic",
  203161. "tcf0013058",
  203162. "bw7021",
  203163. "first gulf bank,representation before fdic,tcf0013058,bw7021"
  203164. ],
  203165. [
  203166. "rtc-great american",
  203167. "newport",
  203168. "tcf0012568",
  203169. "bq1941",
  203170. "rtc-great american,newport,tcf0012568,bq1941"
  203171. ],
  203172. [
  203173. "governors bank",
  203174. "fdic exam",
  203175. "tcf0010296",
  203176. "bg0982",
  203177. "governors bank,fdic exam,tcf0010296,bg0982"
  203178. ],
  203179. [
  203180. "governors bank",
  203181. "fdic exam",
  203182. "tcf0010296",
  203183. "bg0982",
  203184. "governors bank,fdic exam,tcf0010296,bg0982"
  203185. ],
  203186. [
  203187. "copies kept when file",
  203188. "forwarded to new cnsl/rtc/cl",
  203189. "dsj533168",
  203190. "224751",
  203191. "copies kept when file,forwarded to new cnsl/rtc/cl,dsj533168,224751"
  203192. ],
  203193. [
  203194. "rtc/enpire savings of",
  203195. "nan",
  203196. "dsj533171",
  203197. "224754",
  203198. "rtc/enpire savings of,nan,dsj533171,224754"
  203199. ],
  203200. [
  203201. "williams, eugene",
  203202. "rtc",
  203203. "tcf0010750",
  203204. "bj8398",
  203205. "williams, eugene,rtc,tcf0010750,bj8398"
  203206. ],
  203207. [
  203208. "williams, eugene",
  203209. "rtc matter",
  203210. "tcf0222861",
  203211. "bp6789",
  203212. "williams, eugene,rtc matter,tcf0222861,bp6789"
  203213. ],
  203214. [
  203215. "anchor savings",
  203216. "coral reef - rtc",
  203217. "tcf0224281",
  203218. "cr6891",
  203219. "anchor savings,coral reef - rtc,tcf0224281,cr6891"
  203220. ],
  203221. [
  203222. "se bank/fdic/first union",
  203223. "nan",
  203224. "dsj005214",
  203225. "31-114",
  203226. "se bank/fdic/first union,nan,dsj005214,31-114"
  203227. ],
  203228. [
  203229. "heartchild, inc.",
  203230. "none",
  203231. "490619018",
  203232. "608056",
  203233. "heartchild, inc.,none,490619018,608056"
  203234. ],
  203235. [
  203236. "rtc",
  203237. "quest air south vs. atm invest",
  203238. "tcf0010524",
  203239. "bj6469",
  203240. "rtc,quest air south vs. atm invest,tcf0010524,bj6469"
  203241. ],
  203242. [
  203243. "resolution trust corp",
  203244. "largo fla associates vs. rtc",
  203245. "tcf0222558",
  203246. "bh4084",
  203247. "resolution trust corp,largo fla associates vs. rtc,tcf0222558,bh4084"
  203248. ],
  203249. [
  203250. "resolution trust corp.",
  203251. "paul t. hinson v rtc",
  203252. "tcf0222563",
  203253. "bh4089",
  203254. "resolution trust corp.,paul t. hinson v rtc,tcf0222563,bh4089"
  203255. ],
  203256. [
  203257. "resolution trust corp.",
  203258. "paul t. hinson v rtc",
  203259. "tcf0222563",
  203260. "bh4089",
  203261. "resolution trust corp.,paul t. hinson v rtc,tcf0222563,bh4089"
  203262. ],
  203263. [
  203264. "western union",
  203265. "none",
  203266. "489521154",
  203267. "412419",
  203268. "western union,none,489521154,412419"
  203269. ],
  203270. [
  203271. "cribb, rembert",
  203272. "sale of m/y mary lauren",
  203273. "489492280",
  203274. "12066514",
  203275. "cribb, rembert,sale of m/y mary lauren,489492280,12066514"
  203276. ],
  203277. [
  203278. "43338-001 *3* hmg vs fslic",
  203279. "nan",
  203280. "dsj004754",
  203281. "16-034",
  203282. "43338-001 *3* hmg vs fslic,nan,dsj004754,16-034"
  203283. ],
  203284. [
  203285. "marriott international, inc.",
  203286. "avendra v. rc/pb",
  203287. "784628257",
  203288. "sep-61",
  203289. "marriott international, inc.,avendra v. rc/pb,784628257,sep-61"
  203290. ],
  203291. [
  203292. "broward county credit union",
  203293. "rtc",
  203294. "798-4407",
  203295. "798-4407",
  203296. "broward county credit union,rtc,798-4407,798-4407"
  203297. ],
  203298. [
  203299. "broward county credit union",
  203300. "rtc",
  203301. "798-4407",
  203302. "798-4407",
  203303. "broward county credit union,rtc,798-4407,798-4407"
  203304. ],
  203305. [
  203306. "broward county credit union",
  203307. "rtc",
  203308. "798-4407",
  203309. "798-4407",
  203310. "broward county credit union,rtc,798-4407,798-4407"
  203311. ],
  203312. [
  203313. "tak, sharad & mahinder",
  203314. "fdic",
  203315. "798-4415",
  203316. "798-4415",
  203317. "tak, sharad & mahinder,fdic,798-4415,798-4415"
  203318. ],
  203319. [
  203320. "tak, sharad & mahinder",
  203321. "fdic",
  203322. "798-4415",
  203323. "798-4415",
  203324. "tak, sharad & mahinder,fdic,798-4415,798-4415"
  203325. ],
  203326. [
  203327. "fdic not of suspension on",
  203328. "nan",
  203329. "dsj674215",
  203330. "311667",
  203331. "fdic not of suspension on,nan,dsj674215,311667"
  203332. ],
  203333. [
  203334. "nordisk legal services",
  203335. "breach of contract",
  203336. "632026367",
  203337. "nan",
  203338. "nordisk legal services,breach of contract,632026367,nan"
  203339. ],
  203340. [
  203341. "susan voss",
  203342. "general",
  203343. "489626445",
  203344. "789-13088",
  203345. "susan voss,general,489626445,789-13088"
  203346. ],
  203347. [
  203348. "republic bancshares, inc.",
  203349. "fdic community reinvestment act opinion",
  203350. "789-10935",
  203351. "789-10935",
  203352. "republic bancshares, inc.,fdic community reinvestment act opinion,789-10935,789-10935"
  203353. ],
  203354. [
  203355. "republic bancshares, inc.",
  203356. "nationsbank branch acquisitions",
  203357. "489720764",
  203358. "789-10929",
  203359. "republic bancshares, inc.,nationsbank branch acquisitions,489720764,789-10929"
  203360. ],
  203361. [
  203362. "bnp paribas",
  203363. "andina coffee co.",
  203364. "94352195",
  203365. "nan",
  203366. "bnp paribas,andina coffee co.,94352195,nan"
  203367. ],
  203368. [
  203369. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  203370. "advice concerning aircraft assignment",
  203371. "45075129",
  203372. "nan",
  203373. "federal deposit insurance corporation,advice concerning aircraft assignment,45075129,nan"
  203374. ],
  203375. [
  203376. "global aerospace underwriting",
  203377. "bae systems: corporate airlines j32 accident at",
  203378. "400782724",
  203379. "nan",
  203380. "global aerospace underwriting,bae systems: corporate airlines j32 accident at,400782724,nan"
  203381. ],
  203382. [
  203383. "bae systems, inc.",
  203384. "bae systems, inc. / ridgedell asbestos claim",
  203385. "active file",
  203386. "nan",
  203387. "bae systems, inc.,bae systems, inc. / ridgedell asbestos claim,active file,nan"
  203388. ],
  203389. [
  203390. "bashaw, steven p.c.",
  203391. "misc. general matters",
  203392. "546387201",
  203393. "11586",
  203394. "bashaw, steven p.c.,misc. general matters,546387201,11586"
  203395. ],
  203396. [
  203397. "builders bank",
  203398. "internet banking agreement",
  203399. "613868562",
  203400. "nan",
  203401. "builders bank,internet banking agreement,613868562,nan"
  203402. ],
  203403. [
  203404. "builders bank",
  203405. "general",
  203406. "613868564",
  203407. "nan",
  203408. "builders bank,general,613868564,nan"
  203409. ],
  203410. [
  203411. "bond e j mrs",
  203412. "71 contract with dortch",
  203413. "tcf0002883",
  203414. "aa2524",
  203415. "bond e j mrs,71 contract with dortch,tcf0002883,aa2524"
  203416. ],
  203417. [
  203418. "sandstone resources, inc.",
  203419. "loan restructuring",
  203420. "546302779",
  203421. "13124",
  203422. "sandstone resources, inc.,loan restructuring,546302779,13124"
  203423. ],
  203424. [
  203425. "hemisphere key consulting, llc",
  203426. "none",
  203427. "489565449",
  203428. "608045",
  203429. "hemisphere key consulting, llc,none,489565449,608045"
  203430. ],
  203431. [
  203432. "first trust of new york",
  203433. "southeast banking",
  203434. "491604435",
  203435. "11176495",
  203436. "first trust of new york,southeast banking,491604435,11176495"
  203437. ],
  203438. [
  203439. "first trust of new york",
  203440. "southeast banking",
  203441. "491604448",
  203442. "11176500",
  203443. "first trust of new york,southeast banking,491604448,11176500"
  203444. ],
  203445. [
  203446. "first trust of new york",
  203447. "southeast banking",
  203448. "491604434",
  203449. "11176504",
  203450. "first trust of new york,southeast banking,491604434,11176504"
  203451. ],
  203452. [
  203453. "first trust of new york",
  203454. "re: southeast banking",
  203455. "460601495",
  203456. "11176506",
  203457. "first trust of new york,re: southeast banking,460601495,11176506"
  203458. ],
  203459. [
  203460. "swezy/oasis adv. rtc",
  203461. "none",
  203462. "652599544",
  203463. "335797",
  203464. "swezy/oasis adv. rtc,none,652599544,335797"
  203465. ],
  203466. [
  203467. "klafter, david s.",
  203468. " fdic",
  203469. "272425108",
  203470. "nan",
  203471. "klafter, david s., fdic,272425108,nan"
  203472. ],
  203473. [
  203474. "adler, morris",
  203475. "fdic",
  203476. "nan",
  203477. "nan",
  203478. "adler, morris,fdic,nan,nan"
  203479. ],
  203480. [
  203481. "adler, morris",
  203482. "general",
  203483. "798-4504",
  203484. "798-4504",
  203485. "adler, morris,general,798-4504,798-4504"
  203486. ],
  203487. [
  203488. "state street bank",
  203489. "fdic claim",
  203490. "nan",
  203491. "nan",
  203492. "state street bank,fdic claim,nan,nan"
  203493. ],
  203494. [
  203495. "state street bank",
  203496. "fdic",
  203497. "nan",
  203498. "nan",
  203499. "state street bank,fdic,nan,nan"
  203500. ],
  203501. [
  203502. "state street bank",
  203503. "fdic",
  203504. "489698461",
  203505. "798-4504",
  203506. "state street bank,fdic,489698461,798-4504"
  203507. ],
  203508. [
  203509. "state street bank",
  203510. "fdic claim",
  203511. "798-4504",
  203512. "798-4504",
  203513. "state street bank,fdic claim,798-4504,798-4504"
  203514. ],
  203515. [
  203516. "state street bank",
  203517. "fdic claim",
  203518. "798-4504",
  203519. "798-4504",
  203520. "state street bank,fdic claim,798-4504,798-4504"
  203521. ],
  203522. [
  203523. "state street bank",
  203524. "fdic claim",
  203525. "489692689",
  203526. "798-4505",
  203527. "state street bank,fdic claim,489692689,798-4505"
  203528. ],
  203529. [
  203530. "state street bank",
  203531. "fdic claim",
  203532. "489692689",
  203533. "798-4505",
  203534. "state street bank,fdic claim,489692689,798-4505"
  203535. ],
  203536. [
  203537. "vsl corp.",
  203538. "burtco",
  203539. "nan",
  203540. "nan",
  203541. "vsl corp.,burtco,nan,nan"
  203542. ],
  203543. [
  203544. "keldermans, francis l.",
  203545. "miscellaneous general matters",
  203546. "546305584",
  203547. "14793",
  203548. "keldermans, francis l.,miscellaneous general matters,546305584,14793"
  203549. ],
  203550. [
  203551. "leadership foundation, inc.,",
  203552. "general corporate",
  203553. "546296632",
  203554. "10278",
  203555. "leadership foundation, inc.,,general corporate,546296632,10278"
  203556. ],
  203557. [
  203558. "marquette bank",
  203559. "dinovella atm lease review",
  203560. "633155297",
  203561. "nan",
  203562. "marquette bank,dinovella atm lease review,633155297,nan"
  203563. ],
  203564. [
  203565. "whitman & ransom",
  203566. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203567. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203568. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203569. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  203570. ],
  203571. [
  203572. "whitman & ransom",
  203573. "fdic & rtc audits",
  203574. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203575. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203576. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  203577. ],
  203578. [
  203579. "whitman & ransom",
  203580. "fdic & rtc audits",
  203581. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203582. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203583. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  203584. ],
  203585. [
  203586. "whitman & ransom",
  203587. "fdic & rtc audits",
  203588. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203589. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203590. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  203591. ],
  203592. [
  203593. "whitman & ransom",
  203594. "fdic & rtc audits",
  203595. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203596. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203597. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  203598. ],
  203599. [
  203600. "whitman & ransom",
  203601. "fdic & rtc audits",
  203602. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203603. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203604. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  203605. ],
  203606. [
  203607. "whitman & ransom",
  203608. "fdic & rtc audits",
  203609. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203610. "prsi 13068 prsi box 13068",
  203611. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audits,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068,prsi 13068 prsi box 13068"
  203612. ],
  203613. [
  203614. "whitman & ransom",
  203615. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203616. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203617. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203618. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  203619. ],
  203620. [
  203621. "whitman & ransom",
  203622. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203623. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203624. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203625. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  203626. ],
  203627. [
  203628. "whitman & ransom",
  203629. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203630. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203631. "prsi 13072 prsi box 13072",
  203632. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072,prsi 13072 prsi box 13072"
  203633. ],
  203634. [
  203635. "whitman & ransom",
  203636. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203637. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203638. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203639. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  203640. ],
  203641. [
  203642. "whitman & ransom",
  203643. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203644. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203645. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203646. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  203647. ],
  203648. [
  203649. "whitman & ransom",
  203650. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203651. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203652. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203653. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  203654. ],
  203655. [
  203656. "whitman & ransom",
  203657. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203658. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203659. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203660. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  203661. ],
  203662. [
  203663. "whitman & ransom",
  203664. "fdic & rtc audit",
  203665. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203666. "prsi 13098 prsi box 13098",
  203667. "whitman & ransom,fdic & rtc audit,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098,prsi 13098 prsi box 13098"
  203668. ],
  203669. [
  203670. "rose, estate of earl",
  203671. "fdic matter",
  203672. "546295892",
  203673. "5651",
  203674. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  203675. ],
  203676. [
  203677. "rose, estate of earl",
  203678. "fdic matter",
  203679. "546295892",
  203680. "5651",
  203681. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  203682. ],
  203683. [
  203684. "rose, estate of earl",
  203685. "fdic matter",
  203686. "546295892",
  203687. "5651",
  203688. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  203689. ],
  203690. [
  203691. "rose, estate of earl",
  203692. "fdic matter",
  203693. "546302204",
  203694. "6822",
  203695. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546302204,6822"
  203696. ],
  203697. [
  203698. "rose, estate of earl",
  203699. "fdic matter",
  203700. "546306371",
  203701. "6076",
  203702. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546306371,6076"
  203703. ],
  203704. [
  203705. "rose, estate of earl",
  203706. "fdic matter",
  203707. "546315299",
  203708. "5763",
  203709. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546315299,5763"
  203710. ],
  203711. [
  203712. "rose, estate of earl",
  203713. "fdic matter",
  203714. "546295892",
  203715. "5651",
  203716. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  203717. ],
  203718. [
  203719. "rose, estate of earl",
  203720. "fdic matter",
  203721. "546295892",
  203722. "5651",
  203723. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  203724. ],
  203725. [
  203726. "rose, estate of earl",
  203727. "fdic matter",
  203728. "546295892",
  203729. "5651",
  203730. "rose, estate of earl,fdic matter,546295892,5651"
  203731. ],
  203732. [
  203733. "duvall, homer-mediation",
  203734. "nan",
  203735. "188350598",
  203736. "188350598",
  203737. "duvall, homer-mediation,nan,188350598,188350598"
  203738. ],
  203739. [
  203740. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.",
  203741. "fdic/rtc-documents produced box1",
  203742. "tcf0015076",
  203743. "cl5948",
  203744. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.,fdic/rtc-documents produced box1,tcf0015076,cl5948"
  203745. ],
  203746. [
  203747. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.",
  203748. "fdic/rtc-documents produced box2",
  203749. "tcf0015077",
  203750. "cl5949",
  203751. "sachnoff & weaver, ltd.,fdic/rtc-documents produced box2,tcf0015077,cl5949"
  203752. ],
  203753. [
  203754. "sachnoff & weaver",
  203755. "rtc/fdic-lists of docs prods",
  203756. "tcf0015862",
  203757. "cr4683",
  203758. "sachnoff & weaver,rtc/fdic-lists of docs prods,tcf0015862,cr4683"
  203759. ],
  203760. [
  203761. "new urban communities",
  203762. "lake worth",
  203763. "462434168",
  203764. "tz7584",
  203765. "new urban communities,lake worth,462434168,tz7584"
  203766. ],
  203767. [
  203768. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic",
  203769. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic",
  203770. "136407678",
  203771. "136407678",
  203772. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic,lake nona corp. - loan refi. - fdic,136407678,136407678"
  203773. ],
  203774. [
  203775. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic)",
  203776. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic)",
  203777. "136407679",
  203778. "136407679",
  203779. "lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic),lake nona corp. - loan refi. (fdic),136407679,136407679"
  203780. ],
  203781. [
  203782. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic",
  203783. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic",
  203784. "136407679",
  203785. "136407679",
  203786. "lake nona - first gibraltar fdic,lake nona - first gibraltar fdic,136407679,136407679"
  203787. ],
  203788. [
  203789. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction",
  203790. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction",
  203791. "401765910",
  203792. "401765910",
  203793. "kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction,kensington garden builder - seminole plaza shopping center - fdic transaction,401765910,401765910"
  203794. ],
  203795. [
  203796. "pizzuti - general",
  203797. "pizzuti - general",
  203798. "348864953",
  203799. "348864953",
  203800. "pizzuti - general,pizzuti - general,348864953,348864953"
  203801. ],
  203802. [
  203803. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark",
  203804. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark",
  203805. "dsn374811",
  203806. "158882",
  203807. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark,reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut to better bargains trademark,dsn374811,158882"
  203808. ],
  203809. [
  203810. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark",
  203811. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark",
  203812. "dsn374811",
  203813. "158882",
  203814. "reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark,reedy carpet & tile (factory outlet carpets) - shortcut trademark,dsn374811,158882"
  203815. ],
  203816. [
  203817. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn",
  203818. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn",
  203819. "dsn013796",
  203820. "13710",
  203821. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s - ginn,dsn013796,13710"
  203822. ],
  203823. [
  203824. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  203825. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  203826. "170939113",
  203827. "170939113",
  203828. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,170939113,170939113"
  203829. ],
  203830. [
  203831. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2",
  203832. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2",
  203833. "170939110",
  203834. "170939110",
  203835. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-2,170939110,170939110"
  203836. ],
  203837. [
  203838. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  203839. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s",
  203840. "170939110",
  203841. "170939110",
  203842. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s,170939110,170939110"
  203843. ],
  203844. [
  203845. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre",
  203846. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre",
  203847. "170939109",
  203848. "170939109",
  203849. "n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre,n 2 rtc mortgage trust 1995-s -delta - 580 crown oak centre,170939109,170939109"
  203850. ],
  203851. [
  203852. "home depot, inc., the",
  203853. "x-113969.54 monroe, nc - 2150 secrest shortcut",
  203854. "613269685",
  203855. "613269685",
  203856. "home depot, inc., the,x-113969.54 monroe, nc - 2150 secrest shortcut,613269685,613269685"
  203857. ],
  203858. [
  203859. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004",
  203860. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004",
  203861. "401765882",
  203862. "401765882",
  203863. "hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004,hughes supply, inc. - 166 shortcut road, ridgeland, sc - branch 3004,401765882,401765882"
  203864. ],
  203865. [
  203866. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle",
  203867. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle",
  203868. "dsn319978",
  203869. "76409",
  203870. "stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle,stone island hoa - fdic - pinnacle,dsn319978,76409"
  203871. ],
  203872. [
  203873. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  203874. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  203875. "170682680",
  203876. "170682680",
  203877. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,170682680,170682680"
  203878. ],
  203879. [
  203880. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  203881. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general",
  203882. "170682684",
  203883. "170682684",
  203884. "drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,drs tactical systems, inc. (formerly paravant inc.) - general,170682684,170682684"
  203885. ],
  203886. [
  203887. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  203888. "william d. langford claims",
  203889. "843048962",
  203890. "nan",
  203891. "drs tactical systems, inc.,william d. langford claims,843048962,nan"
  203892. ],
  203893. [
  203894. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  203895. "william d. langford claims",
  203896. "843048962",
  203897. "nan",
  203898. "drs tactical systems, inc.,william d. langford claims,843048962,nan"
  203899. ],
  203900. [
  203901. "drs tactical systems, inc.",
  203902. "william d. langford claims",
  203903. "826756446",
  203904. "nan",
  203905. "drs tactical systems, inc.,william d. langford claims,826756446,nan"
  203906. ],
  203907. [
  203908. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20",
  203909. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20",
  203910. "260537640",
  203911. "260537640",
  203912. "suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20,suntrut bank - central florida, n.a. - rtc-one, inc. legal expense code 20,260537640,260537640"
  203913. ],
  203914. [
  203915. "irvin, donald",
  203916. "heartchild",
  203917. "406256241",
  203918. "406256241",
  203919. "irvin, donald,heartchild,406256241,406256241"
  203920. ],
  203921. [
  203922. "irvin, donald (healthcare, inc.)",
  203923. "\"heartchild and design\" #75/868,754",
  203924. "89278063",
  203925. "tz4970",
  203926. "irvin, donald (healthcare, inc.),\"heartchild and design\" #75/868,754,89278063,tz4970"
  203927. ],
  203928. [
  203929. "boyd wilbur h et al",
  203930. "85 fslic regulations",
  203931. "tcf0003294",
  203932. "aa9288",
  203933. "boyd wilbur h et al,85 fslic regulations,tcf0003294,aa9288"
  203934. ],
  203935. [
  203936. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization",
  203937. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization",
  203938. "170682550",
  203939. "170682550",
  203940. "ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization,ripley entertainment, inc. - corporate reorganization,170682550,170682550"
  203941. ],
  203942. [
  203943. "tech. at work/maxxus",
  203944. "comparison of smartcard",
  203945. "171947295",
  203946. "171947295",
  203947. "tech. at work/maxxus,comparison of smartcard,171947295,171947295"
  203948. ],
  203949. [
  203950. "harrington, winthrop w., d.m.d.",
  203951. "tej tanden",
  203952. "719590136",
  203953. "116508",
  203954. "harrington, winthrop w., d.m.d.,tej tanden,719590136,116508"
  203955. ],
  203956. [
  203957. "healthcare consulting corporation",
  203958. "tax credit",
  203959. "719587005",
  203960. "235682",
  203961. "healthcare consulting corporation,tax credit,719587005,235682"
  203962. ],
  203963. [
  203964. "compscript",
  203965. "silverman",
  203966. "652604898",
  203967. "12513730",
  203968. "compscript,silverman,652604898,12513730"
  203969. ],
  203970. [
  203971. "department of housing and community deve",
  203972. "fenway community development corporation",
  203973. "719662083",
  203974. "80529",
  203975. "department of housing and community deve,fenway community development corporation,719662083,80529"
  203976. ],
  203977. [
  203978. "sovereign bank",
  203979. "general",
  203980. "719638803",
  203981. "10003435",
  203982. "sovereign bank,general,719638803,10003435"
  203983. ],
  203984. [
  203985. "mastec",
  203986. "artcom",
  203987. "89249701",
  203988. "11176535",
  203989. "mastec,artcom,89249701,11176535"
  203990. ],
  203991. [
  203992. "mastec",
  203993. "artcom",
  203994. "89249658",
  203995. "11176536",
  203996. "mastec,artcom,89249658,11176536"
  203997. ],
  203998. [
  203999. "mastec",
  204000. "artcom",
  204001. "89249648",
  204002. "11176537",
  204003. "mastec,artcom,89249648,11176537"
  204004. ],
  204005. [
  204006. "mastec",
  204007. "artcom",
  204008. "460601490",
  204009. "11176538",
  204010. "mastec,artcom,460601490,11176538"
  204011. ],
  204012. [
  204013. "mastec",
  204014. "artcom",
  204015. "460601488",
  204016. "11176539",
  204017. "mastec,artcom,460601488,11176539"
  204018. ],
  204019. [
  204020. "mastec",
  204021. "artcom",
  204022. "89249737",
  204023. "11176540",
  204024. "mastec,artcom,89249737,11176540"
  204025. ],
  204026. [
  204027. "mastec",
  204028. "artcom",
  204029. "489565099",
  204030. "11176541",
  204031. "mastec,artcom,489565099,11176541"
  204032. ],
  204033. [
  204034. "mastec",
  204035. "artcom",
  204036. "89249712",
  204037. "11176542",
  204038. "mastec,artcom,89249712,11176542"
  204039. ],
  204040. [
  204041. "mastec",
  204042. "artcom",
  204043. "460601458",
  204044. "11176543",
  204045. "mastec,artcom,460601458,11176543"
  204046. ],
  204047. [
  204048. "mastec",
  204049. "artcom",
  204050. "490619216",
  204051. "11176544",
  204052. "mastec,artcom,490619216,11176544"
  204053. ],
  204054. [
  204055. "mastec",
  204056. "artcom",
  204057. "490619206",
  204058. "11176545",
  204059. "mastec,artcom,490619206,11176545"
  204060. ],
  204061. [
  204062. "mastec",
  204063. "none",
  204064. "489521215",
  204065. "11176608",
  204066. "mastec,none,489521215,11176608"
  204067. ],
  204068. [
  204069. "boston bay capital, inc.",
  204070. "bbc general",
  204071. "719658619",
  204072. "52244",
  204073. "boston bay capital, inc.,bbc general,719658619,52244"
  204074. ],
  204075. [
  204076. "lend lease real estate investments, inc.",
  204077. "general",
  204078. "719581526",
  204079. "173928",
  204080. "lend lease real estate investments, inc.,general,719581526,173928"
  204081. ],
  204082. [
  204083. "capital resource partners",
  204084. "star video-advice re",
  204085. "719590836",
  204086. "c0516268",
  204087. "capital resource partners,star video-advice re,719590836,c0516268"
  204088. ],
  204089. [
  204090. "chevron corporation",
  204091. "rampart apartments",
  204092. "719664205",
  204093. "34453",
  204094. "chevron corporation,rampart apartments,719664205,34453"
  204095. ],
  204096. [
  204097. "chevron corporation",
  204098. "20 exchange place, new york, new york",
  204099. "805128403",
  204100. "nan",
  204101. "chevron corporation,20 exchange place, new york, new york,805128403,nan"
  204102. ],
  204103. [
  204104. "chevron corporation",
  204105. "20 exchange place, new york, new york",
  204106. "805128403",
  204107. "nan",
  204108. "chevron corporation,20 exchange place, new york, new york,805128403,nan"
  204109. ],
  204110. [
  204111. "fidelity national financial",
  204112. "chicago title/fdic opinion",
  204113. "672030330",
  204114. "12513980",
  204115. "fidelity national financial,chicago title/fdic opinion,672030330,12513980"
  204116. ],
  204117. [
  204118. "claremont corporation",
  204119. "*closed--general",
  204120. "719658154",
  204121. "95951",
  204122. "claremont corporation,*closed--general,719658154,95951"
  204123. ],
  204124. [
  204125. "deluca, william",
  204126. "lease w/ option to purchase 45 haverhill street",
  204127. "719599788",
  204128. "895274",
  204129. "deluca, william,lease w/ option to purchase 45 haverhill street,719599788,895274"
  204130. ],
  204131. [
  204132. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204133. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204134. "719643332",
  204135. "157049",
  204136. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719643332,157049"
  204137. ],
  204138. [
  204139. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204140. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204141. "719659086",
  204142. "157048",
  204143. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659086,157048"
  204144. ],
  204145. [
  204146. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204147. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204148. "719659092",
  204149. "157047",
  204150. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659092,157047"
  204151. ],
  204152. [
  204153. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204154. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204155. "719595994",
  204156. "157046",
  204157. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719595994,157046"
  204158. ],
  204159. [
  204160. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204161. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204162. "719659104",
  204163. "157045",
  204164. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659104,157045"
  204165. ],
  204166. [
  204167. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204168. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204169. "719659093",
  204170. "157044",
  204171. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659093,157044"
  204172. ],
  204173. [
  204174. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204175. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204176. "719659110",
  204177. "157043",
  204178. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659110,157043"
  204179. ],
  204180. [
  204181. "federal deposit insurance corporation",
  204182. "perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank",
  204183. "719659085",
  204184. "157042",
  204185. "federal deposit insurance corporation,perry, m. and yellin, s./capitol bank,719659085,157042"
  204186. ],
  204187. [
  204188. "the 1099 realty trust",
  204189. "weymouth real estate",
  204190. "719590369",
  204191. "157329",
  204192. "the 1099 realty trust,weymouth real estate,719590369,157329"
  204193. ],
  204194. [
  204195. "john hancock life insurance company",
  204196. "plaza north senior residences",
  204197. "719661629",
  204198. "79467",
  204199. "john hancock life insurance company,plaza north senior residences,719661629,79467"
  204200. ],
  204201. [
  204202. "john hancock life insurance company",
  204203. "plaza north senior residences",
  204204. "719661629",
  204205. "79467",
  204206. "john hancock life insurance company,plaza north senior residences,719661629,79467"
  204207. ],
  204208. [
  204209. "capmark affordable equity holdings, inc.",
  204210. "project amity",
  204211. "719607956",
  204212. "13078113",
  204213. "capmark affordable equity holdings, inc.,project amity,719607956,13078113"
  204214. ],
  204215. [
  204216. "robb, george",
  204217. "ca partners",
  204218. "719585989",
  204219. "14059072",
  204220. "robb, george,ca partners,719585989,14059072"
  204221. ],
  204222. [
  204223. "tatelbaum, matthew",
  204224. "tax advice",
  204225. "719642035",
  204226. "79453",
  204227. "tatelbaum, matthew,tax advice,719642035,79453"
  204228. ],
  204229. [
  204230. "schein, alan",
  204231. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204232. "489266776",
  204233. "789-16566",
  204234. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204235. ],
  204236. [
  204237. "schein, alan",
  204238. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204239. "489266776",
  204240. "789-16566",
  204241. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204242. ],
  204243. [
  204244. "schein, alan",
  204245. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204246. "489266776",
  204247. "789-16566",
  204248. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204249. ],
  204250. [
  204251. "schein, alan",
  204252. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204253. "489266776",
  204254. "789-16566",
  204255. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204256. ],
  204257. [
  204258. "schein, alan",
  204259. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204260. "489266776",
  204261. "789-16566",
  204262. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204263. ],
  204264. [
  204265. "schein, alan",
  204266. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204267. "489266776",
  204268. "789-16566",
  204269. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204270. ],
  204271. [
  204272. "schein, alan",
  204273. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204274. "489266776",
  204275. "789-16566",
  204276. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204277. ],
  204278. [
  204279. "schein, alan",
  204280. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204281. "489266776",
  204282. "789-16566",
  204283. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204284. ],
  204285. [
  204286. "schein, alan",
  204287. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204288. "489266776",
  204289. "789-16566",
  204290. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204291. ],
  204292. [
  204293. "schein, alan",
  204294. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204295. "489266776",
  204296. "789-16566",
  204297. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204298. ],
  204299. [
  204300. "schein, alan",
  204301. "superior bank fsb (ots#8566)",
  204302. "489266776",
  204303. "789-16566",
  204304. "schein, alan,superior bank fsb (ots#8566),489266776,789-16566"
  204305. ],
  204306. [
  204307. "william p. deluca enterprises, inc.",
  204308. "general",
  204309. "719633759",
  204310. "116979",
  204311. "william p. deluca enterprises, inc.,general,719633759,116979"
  204312. ],
  204313. [
  204314. "widett slater & goldman",
  204315. "fdic materials",
  204316. "719661404",
  204317. "373845",
  204318. "widett slater & goldman,fdic materials,719661404,373845"
  204319. ],
  204320. [
  204321. "fdic v stokes & co et al",
  204322. "nan",
  204323. "dsj006327",
  204324. "85-021",
  204325. "fdic v stokes & co et al,nan,dsj006327,85-021"
  204326. ],
  204327. [
  204328. "rtc",
  204329. "duval federal 33993",
  204330. "tcf0012460",
  204331. "bq1261",
  204332. "rtc,duval federal 33993,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  204333. ],
  204334. [
  204335. "rtc",
  204336. "centrust savings bank 33857",
  204337. "tcf0012460",
  204338. "bq1261",
  204339. "rtc,centrust savings bank 33857,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  204340. ],
  204341. [
  204342. "rtc",
  204343. "centrust savings bank 33990",
  204344. "tcf0012460",
  204345. "bq1261",
  204346. "rtc,centrust savings bank 33990,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  204347. ],
  204348. [
  204349. "rtc",
  204350. "freedom savings & loan 33610",
  204351. "tcf0012460",
  204352. "bq1261",
  204353. "rtc,freedom savings & loan 33610,tcf0012460,bq1261"
  204354. ],
  204355. [
  204356. "rtc",
  204357. "92 adjustments/refunds",
  204358. "tcf0012461",
  204359. "bq1262",
  204360. "rtc,92 adjustments/refunds,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204361. ],
  204362. [
  204363. "rtc",
  204364. "90 acct recievable",
  204365. "tcf0012461",
  204366. "bq1262",
  204367. "rtc,90 acct recievable,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204368. ],
  204369. [
  204370. "rtc",
  204371. "92 adjustments/refunds",
  204372. "tcf0012461",
  204373. "bq1262",
  204374. "rtc,92 adjustments/refunds,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204375. ],
  204376. [
  204377. "rtc",
  204378. "89 acct recieve",
  204379. "tcf0012461",
  204380. "bq1262",
  204381. "rtc,89 acct recieve,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204382. ],
  204383. [
  204384. "rtc",
  204385. "responses on form",
  204386. "tcf0012461",
  204387. "bq1262",
  204388. "rtc,responses on form,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204389. ],
  204390. [
  204391. "rtc",
  204392. "inventory analysis",
  204393. "tcf0012461",
  204394. "bq1262",
  204395. "rtc,inventory analysis,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204396. ],
  204397. [
  204398. "rtc",
  204399. "appellate cases",
  204400. "tcf0012461",
  204401. "bq1262",
  204402. "rtc,appellate cases,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204403. ],
  204404. [
  204405. "rtc",
  204406. "significant matters in litigatio",
  204407. "tcf0012461",
  204408. "bq1262",
  204409. "rtc,significant matters in litigatio,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204410. ],
  204411. [
  204412. "rtc",
  204413. "92 fax misc",
  204414. "tcf0012461",
  204415. "bq1262",
  204416. "rtc,92 fax misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204417. ],
  204418. [
  204419. "rtc",
  204420. "92 misc",
  204421. "tcf0012461",
  204422. "bq1262",
  204423. "rtc,92 misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204424. ],
  204425. [
  204426. "rtc",
  204427. "92 misc memos",
  204428. "tcf0012461",
  204429. "bq1262",
  204430. "rtc,92 misc memos,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204431. ],
  204432. [
  204433. "rtc",
  204434. "90 misc",
  204435. "tcf0012461",
  204436. "bq1262",
  204437. "rtc,90 misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204438. ],
  204439. [
  204440. "rtc",
  204441. "91 misc",
  204442. "tcf0012461",
  204443. "bq1262",
  204444. "rtc,91 misc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204445. ],
  204446. [
  204447. "rtc",
  204448. "90 corres",
  204449. "tcf0012461",
  204450. "bq1262",
  204451. "rtc,90 corres,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204452. ],
  204453. [
  204454. "rtc",
  204455. "91 corres",
  204456. "tcf0012461",
  204457. "bq1262",
  204458. "rtc,91 corres,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204459. ],
  204460. [
  204461. "rtc",
  204462. "91 changes procedures etc",
  204463. "tcf0012461",
  204464. "bq1262",
  204465. "rtc,91 changes procedures etc,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204466. ],
  204467. [
  204468. "rtc",
  204469. "erb form rlis conversion",
  204470. "tcf0012461",
  204471. "bq1262",
  204472. "rtc,erb form rlis conversion,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204473. ],
  204474. [
  204475. "rtc",
  204476. "92 corres re change in procedure",
  204477. "tcf0012461",
  204478. "bq1262",
  204479. "rtc,92 corres re change in procedure,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204480. ],
  204481. [
  204482. "rtc",
  204483. "92 corres",
  204484. "tcf0012461",
  204485. "bq1262",
  204486. "rtc,92 corres,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204487. ],
  204488. [
  204489. "rtc",
  204490. "92 misc minority reports",
  204491. "tcf0012461",
  204492. "bq1262",
  204493. "rtc,92 misc minority reports,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204494. ],
  204495. [
  204496. "rtc",
  204497. "91 minority billing",
  204498. "tcf0012461",
  204499. "bq1262",
  204500. "rtc,91 minority billing,tcf0012461,bq1262"
  204501. ],
  204502. [
  204503. "rtc",
  204504. "security savings & loan 34644",
  204505. "tcf0012462",
  204506. "bq1263",
  204507. "rtc,security savings & loan 34644,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204508. ],
  204509. [
  204510. "rtc",
  204511. "gibraltar savings 34732",
  204512. "tcf0012462",
  204513. "bq1263",
  204514. "rtc,gibraltar savings 34732,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204515. ],
  204516. [
  204517. "rtc",
  204518. "american pioneer 34737",
  204519. "tcf0012462",
  204520. "bq1263",
  204521. "rtc,american pioneer 34737,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204522. ],
  204523. [
  204524. "rtc",
  204525. "first fed. diamondville 34751",
  204526. "tcf0012462",
  204527. "bq1263",
  204528. "rtc,first fed. diamondville 34751,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204529. ],
  204530. [
  204531. "rtc",
  204532. "american pioneer 34758",
  204533. "tcf0012462",
  204534. "bq1263",
  204535. "rtc,american pioneer 34758,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204536. ],
  204537. [
  204538. "rtc",
  204539. "great southern 34836",
  204540. "tcf0012462",
  204541. "bq1263",
  204542. "rtc,great southern 34836,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204543. ],
  204544. [
  204545. "rtc",
  204546. "ambassador savings 34927",
  204547. "tcf0012462",
  204548. "bq1263",
  204549. "rtc,ambassador savings 34927,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204550. ],
  204551. [
  204552. "rtc",
  204553. "professional federal 34960",
  204554. "tcf0012462",
  204555. "bq1263",
  204556. "rtc,professional federal 34960,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204557. ],
  204558. [
  204559. "rtc",
  204560. "security homestead 35161",
  204561. "tcf0012462",
  204562. "bq1263",
  204563. "rtc,security homestead 35161,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204564. ],
  204565. [
  204566. "rtc",
  204567. "empire federal 35195",
  204568. "tcf0012462",
  204569. "bq1263",
  204570. "rtc,empire federal 35195,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204571. ],
  204572. [
  204573. "rtc",
  204574. "goldcoast fed. savings 35254",
  204575. "tcf0012462",
  204576. "bq1263",
  204577. "rtc,goldcoast fed. savings 35254,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204578. ],
  204579. [
  204580. "rtc",
  204581. "enterprise federal 35317",
  204582. "tcf0012462",
  204583. "bq1263",
  204584. "rtc,enterprise federal 35317,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204585. ],
  204586. [
  204587. "rtc",
  204588. "florida fed. savings 35363",
  204589. "tcf0012462",
  204590. "bq1263",
  204591. "rtc,florida fed. savings 35363,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204592. ],
  204593. [
  204594. "rtc",
  204595. "home federal 35092",
  204596. "tcf0012462",
  204597. "bq1263",
  204598. "rtc,home federal 35092,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204599. ],
  204600. [
  204601. "rtc",
  204602. "great life fs 35410",
  204603. "tcf0012462",
  204604. "bq1263",
  204605. "rtc,great life fs 35410,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204606. ],
  204607. [
  204608. "rtc",
  204609. "southern federa; 35609",
  204610. "tcf0012462",
  204611. "bq1263",
  204612. "rtc,southern federa; 35609,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204613. ],
  204614. [
  204615. "rtc",
  204616. "1st const. new haven 35675",
  204617. "tcf0012462",
  204618. "bq1263",
  204619. "rtc,1st const. new haven 35675,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204620. ],
  204621. [
  204622. "rtc",
  204623. "liberty federal 35785",
  204624. "tcf0012462",
  204625. "bq1263",
  204626. "rtc,liberty federal 35785,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204627. ],
  204628. [
  204629. "rtc",
  204630. "hollywood federal 36008",
  204631. "tcf0012462",
  204632. "bq1263",
  204633. "rtc,hollywood federal 36008,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204634. ],
  204635. [
  204636. "rtc",
  204637. "hill financial 36045",
  204638. "tcf0012462",
  204639. "bq1263",
  204640. "rtc,hill financial 36045,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204641. ],
  204642. [
  204643. "rtc",
  204644. "bell federal savings bank 36101",
  204645. "tcf0012462",
  204646. "bq1263",
  204647. "rtc,bell federal savings bank 36101,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204648. ],
  204649. [
  204650. "rtc",
  204651. "amerifirst bank 36164",
  204652. "tcf0012462",
  204653. "bq1263",
  204654. "rtc,amerifirst bank 36164,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204655. ],
  204656. [
  204657. "rtc",
  204658. "united federal 36348",
  204659. "tcf0012462",
  204660. "bq1263",
  204661. "rtc,united federal 36348,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204662. ],
  204663. [
  204664. "rtc",
  204665. "real estate recovery 36425",
  204666. "tcf0012462",
  204667. "bq1263",
  204668. "rtc,real estate recovery 36425,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204669. ],
  204670. [
  204671. "rtc",
  204672. "ensign fsb 36666",
  204673. "tcf0012462",
  204674. "bq1263",
  204675. "rtc,ensign fsb 36666,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204676. ],
  204677. [
  204678. "rtc",
  204679. "merabank 36691",
  204680. "tcf0012462",
  204681. "bq1263",
  204682. "rtc,merabank 36691,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204683. ],
  204684. [
  204685. "rtc",
  204686. "ensign bank hamilton holding con",
  204687. "tcf0012462",
  204688. "bq1263",
  204689. "rtc,ensign bank hamilton holding con,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204690. ],
  204691. [
  204692. "rtc",
  204693. "new metropolitan savings 36749",
  204694. "tcf0012462",
  204695. "bq1263",
  204696. "rtc,new metropolitan savings 36749,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204697. ],
  204698. [
  204699. "rtc",
  204700. "sunbelt federal savings 36787",
  204701. "tcf0012462",
  204702. "bq1263",
  204703. "rtc,sunbelt federal savings 36787,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204704. ],
  204705. [
  204706. "rtc",
  204707. "great american bank 37165",
  204708. "tcf0012462",
  204709. "bq1263",
  204710. "rtc,great american bank 37165,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204711. ],
  204712. [
  204713. "rtc",
  204714. "goldome 37169",
  204715. "tcf0012462",
  204716. "bq1263",
  204717. "rtc,goldome 37169,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204718. ],
  204719. [
  204720. "rtc",
  204721. "american 37567",
  204722. "tcf0012462",
  204723. "bq1263",
  204724. "rtc,american 37567,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204725. ],
  204726. [
  204727. "rtc",
  204728. "continental 34639",
  204729. "tcf0012462",
  204730. "bq1263",
  204731. "rtc,continental 34639,tcf0012462,bq1263"
  204732. ],
  204733. [
  204734. "rtc-clean up",
  204735. "91 fdic refunds",
  204736. "tcf0012479",
  204737. "bq1281",
  204738. "rtc-clean up,91 fdic refunds,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204739. ],
  204740. [
  204741. "rtc-clean up",
  204742. "90-91 collections, unpaid inv co",
  204743. "tcf0012479",
  204744. "bq1281",
  204745. "rtc-clean up,90-91 collections, unpaid inv co,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204746. ],
  204747. [
  204748. "rtc-clean up",
  204749. "sunbelt",
  204750. "tcf0012479",
  204751. "bq1281",
  204752. "rtc-clean up,sunbelt,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204753. ],
  204754. [
  204755. "rtc-clean up",
  204756. "resolution",
  204757. "tcf0012479",
  204758. "bq1281",
  204759. "rtc-clean up,resolution,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204760. ],
  204761. [
  204762. "rtc-clean up",
  204763. "centrust bank",
  204764. "tcf0012479",
  204765. "bq1281",
  204766. "rtc-clean up,centrust bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204767. ],
  204768. [
  204769. "rtc-clean up",
  204770. "florida center bank",
  204771. "tcf0012479",
  204772. "bq1281",
  204773. "rtc-clean up,florida center bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204774. ],
  204775. [
  204776. "rtc-clean up",
  204777. "park bank",
  204778. "tcf0012479",
  204779. "bq1281",
  204780. "rtc-clean up,park bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204781. ],
  204782. [
  204783. "rtc-clean up",
  204784. "lincoln federal",
  204785. "tcf0012479",
  204786. "bq1281",
  204787. "rtc-clean up,lincoln federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204788. ],
  204789. [
  204790. "rtc-clean up",
  204791. "state bank of commerce",
  204792. "tcf0012479",
  204793. "bq1281",
  204794. "rtc-clean up,state bank of commerce,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204795. ],
  204796. [
  204797. "rtc-clean up",
  204798. "1st guaranty",
  204799. "tcf0012479",
  204800. "bq1281",
  204801. "rtc-clean up,1st guaranty,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204802. ],
  204803. [
  204804. "rtc-clean up",
  204805. "the trust bank",
  204806. "tcf0012479",
  204807. "bq1281",
  204808. "rtc-clean up,the trust bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204809. ],
  204810. [
  204811. "rtc-clean up",
  204812. "first fed. diamondville",
  204813. "tcf0012479",
  204814. "bq1281",
  204815. "rtc-clean up,first fed. diamondville,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204816. ],
  204817. [
  204818. "rtc-clean up",
  204819. "first venice",
  204820. "tcf0012479",
  204821. "bq1281",
  204822. "rtc-clean up,first venice,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204823. ],
  204824. [
  204825. "rtc-clean up",
  204826. "royal palm",
  204827. "tcf0012479",
  204828. "bq1281",
  204829. "rtc-clean up,royal palm,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204830. ],
  204831. [
  204832. "rtc-clean up",
  204833. "gibralter saving",
  204834. "tcf0012479",
  204835. "bq1281",
  204836. "rtc-clean up,gibralter saving,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204837. ],
  204838. [
  204839. "rtc-clean up",
  204840. "commerce bank of tampa",
  204841. "tcf0012479",
  204842. "bq1281",
  204843. "rtc-clean up,commerce bank of tampa,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204844. ],
  204845. [
  204846. "rtc-clean up",
  204847. "baltimore federal",
  204848. "tcf0012479",
  204849. "bq1281",
  204850. "rtc-clean up,baltimore federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204851. ],
  204852. [
  204853. "rtc-clean up",
  204854. "spokie federal",
  204855. "tcf0012479",
  204856. "bq1281",
  204857. "rtc-clean up,spokie federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204858. ],
  204859. [
  204860. "rtc-clean up",
  204861. "freedom s&l",
  204862. "tcf0012479",
  204863. "bq1281",
  204864. "rtc-clean up,freedom s&l,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204865. ],
  204866. [
  204867. "rtc-clean up",
  204868. "county bank",
  204869. "tcf0012479",
  204870. "bq1281",
  204871. "rtc-clean up,county bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204872. ],
  204873. [
  204874. "rtc-clean up",
  204875. "credit bank",
  204876. "tcf0012479",
  204877. "bq1281",
  204878. "rtc-clean up,credit bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204879. ],
  204880. [
  204881. "rtc-clean up",
  204882. "des plaines bank",
  204883. "tcf0012479",
  204884. "bq1281",
  204885. "rtc-clean up,des plaines bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204886. ],
  204887. [
  204888. "rtc-clean up",
  204889. "enterprise bank",
  204890. "tcf0012479",
  204891. "bq1281",
  204892. "rtc-clean up,enterprise bank,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204893. ],
  204894. [
  204895. "rtc-clean up",
  204896. "fidelity federal",
  204897. "tcf0012479",
  204898. "bq1281",
  204899. "rtc-clean up,fidelity federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204900. ],
  204901. [
  204902. "rtc-clean up",
  204903. "first amer. bank & trust",
  204904. "tcf0012479",
  204905. "bq1281",
  204906. "rtc-clean up,first amer. bank & trust,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204907. ],
  204908. [
  204909. "rtc-clean up",
  204910. "first american bank & trust co.",
  204911. "tcf0012479",
  204912. "bq1281",
  204913. "rtc-clean up,first american bank & trust co.,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204914. ],
  204915. [
  204916. "rtc-clean up",
  204917. "first amer bank & trust, n.a.",
  204918. "tcf0012479",
  204919. "bq1281",
  204920. "rtc-clean up,first amer bank & trust, n.a.,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204921. ],
  204922. [
  204923. "rtc-clean up",
  204924. "centrust",
  204925. "tcf0012479",
  204926. "bq1281",
  204927. "rtc-clean up,centrust,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204928. ],
  204929. [
  204930. "rtc-clean up",
  204931. "western federal",
  204932. "tcf0012479",
  204933. "bq1281",
  204934. "rtc-clean up,western federal,tcf0012479,bq1281"
  204935. ],
  204936. [
  204937. "michael hatcher",
  204938. "innolog",
  204939. "489671856",
  204940. "789-22101",
  204941. "michael hatcher,innolog,489671856,789-22101"
  204942. ],
  204943. [
  204944. "sunbank miami, n.a.",
  204945. "none",
  204946. "89249777",
  204947. "174451",
  204948. "sunbank miami, n.a.,none,89249777,174451"
  204949. ],
  204950. [
  204951. "smartcom pcs",
  204952. "advice re: protection of intellectual property rights",
  204953. "460597077",
  204954. "12129834",
  204955. "smartcom pcs,advice re: protection of intellectual property rights,460597077,12129834"
  204956. ],
  204957. [
  204958. "notter, john",
  204959. "none",
  204960. "174449",
  204961. "10667",
  204962. "notter, john,none,174449,10667"
  204963. ],
  204964. [
  204965. "brickyard bank",
  204966. "fdic and illinios obre",
  204967. "189921484",
  204968. "189921484",
  204969. "brickyard bank,fdic and illinios obre,189921484,189921484"
  204970. ],
  204971. [
  204972. "christopher nolin",
  204973. "re: miscellaneous index: donald gammon materials, fdic - williams, marketing / recruiting file, new adjuster and nurse candidates, suggestions file - brief bank, cen miscellaneous / potential clients / closed files, cen working file / bird warranties, cen personal - alex, cen alan materials, national health lawyers assoc., certificates from mec and national health assoc., cen bar associations, mso marketing, henry vandermark / florida investments",
  204974. "719595361",
  204975. "231044",
  204976. "christopher nolin,re: miscellaneous index: donald gammon materials, fdic - williams, marketing / recruiting file, new adjuster and nurse candidates, suggestions file - brief bank, cen miscellaneous / potential clients / closed files, cen working file / bird warranties, cen personal - alex, cen alan materials, national health lawyers assoc., certificates from mec and national health assoc., cen bar associations, mso marketing, henry vandermark / florida investments,719595361,231044"
  204977. ],
  204978. [
  204979. "christopher nolin",
  204980. "re: miscellaneous index: appeals, atty. fees, amendment pleadings, bank participations, bankruptcy, contingent fees, contempt, expert testimony (daubert), discovery - sanctions, evidence, fdic litigation, good faith, in limine, aids, antitrust, cen - reading committee, lender liability, presentation graphics, workingmen's coop. bank, boston bar assoc. health care section, barry queen, cen health care drafts",
  204981. "719634057",
  204982. "231043",
  204983. "christopher nolin,re: miscellaneous index: appeals, atty. fees, amendment pleadings, bank participations, bankruptcy, contingent fees, contempt, expert testimony (daubert), discovery - sanctions, evidence, fdic litigation, good faith, in limine, aids, antitrust, cen - reading committee, lender liability, presentation graphics, workingmen's coop. bank, boston bar assoc. health care section, barry queen, cen health care drafts,719634057,231043"
  204984. ],
  204985. [
  204986. "client representation (not otherwise cre",
  204987. "pm - foxborough state hospital",
  204988. "700570729",
  204989. "nan",
  204990. "client representation (not otherwise cre,pm - foxborough state hospital,700570729,nan"
  204991. ],
  204992. [
  204993. "temporary unassigned matters",
  204994. "brooke,thomas w. temporary matter",
  204995. "489270628",
  204996. "1000406342",
  204997. "temporary unassigned matters,brooke,thomas w. temporary matter,489270628,1000406342"
  204998. ],
  204999. [
  205000. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205001. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  205002. "489717262",
  205003. "nan",
  205004. "temporary unassigned matters,edwards,amy l. temporary matter,489717262,nan"
  205005. ],
  205006. [
  205007. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205008. "park,jonathan h. temporary matter",
  205009. "459072631",
  205010. "nan",
  205011. "temporary unassigned matters,park,jonathan h. temporary matter,459072631,nan"
  205012. ],
  205013. [
  205014. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205015. "stern,jeffrey b. temporary matter",
  205016. "458760160",
  205017. "789-13228",
  205018. "temporary unassigned matters,stern,jeffrey b. temporary matter,458760160,789-13228"
  205019. ],
  205020. [
  205021. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205022. "middlebrook,theresa a.w. temporary matter",
  205023. "391979565",
  205024. "nan",
  205025. "temporary unassigned matters,middlebrook,theresa a.w. temporary matter,391979565,nan"
  205026. ],
  205027. [
  205028. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205029. "gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter",
  205030. "159820586",
  205031. "c0000001533",
  205032. "temporary unassigned matters,gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter,159820586,c0000001533"
  205033. ],
  205034. [
  205035. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205036. "gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter",
  205037. "542293318",
  205038. "c0000001553",
  205039. "temporary unassigned matters,gabel, jr.,george d. temporary matter,542293318,c0000001553"
  205040. ],
  205041. [
  205042. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205043. "hogan,john m. temporary matter",
  205044. "652545050",
  205045. "50281",
  205046. "temporary unassigned matters,hogan,john m. temporary matter,652545050,50281"
  205047. ],
  205048. [
  205049. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205050. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  205051. "731238220",
  205052. "nan",
  205053. "temporary unassigned matters,edwards,amy l. temporary matter,731238220,nan"
  205054. ],
  205055. [
  205056. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205057. "edwards,amy l. temporary matter",
  205058. "731241095",
  205059. "nan",
  205060. "temporary unassigned matters,edwards,amy l. temporary matter,731241095,nan"
  205061. ],
  205062. [
  205063. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205064. "maines, j. allen temporary unassigned matters",
  205065. "777914248",
  205066. "nan",
  205067. "temporary unassigned matters,maines, j. allen temporary unassigned matters,777914248,nan"
  205068. ],
  205069. [
  205070. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205071. "chadwick, james c. temporary matter",
  205072. "active file",
  205073. "nan",
  205074. "temporary unassigned matters,chadwick, james c. temporary matter,active file,nan"
  205075. ],
  205076. [
  205077. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205078. "wiener,keith m. temporary matter",
  205079. "768304091",
  205080. "nan",
  205081. "temporary unassigned matters,wiener,keith m. temporary matter,768304091,nan"
  205082. ],
  205083. [
  205084. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205085. "caballero, gabriel, jr. temporary unassigned matters",
  205086. "active file",
  205087. "nan",
  205088. "temporary unassigned matters,caballero, gabriel, jr. temporary unassigned matters,active file,nan"
  205089. ],
  205090. [
  205091. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205092. "kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters",
  205093. "785146502",
  205094. "nan",
  205095. "temporary unassigned matters,kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters,785146502,nan"
  205096. ],
  205097. [
  205098. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205099. "kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters",
  205100. "785146502",
  205101. "nan",
  205102. "temporary unassigned matters,kern, john p. temporary unassigned matters,785146502,nan"
  205103. ],
  205104. [
  205105. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205106. "segrest, eugene f. temporary unassigned matters",
  205107. "active file",
  205108. "nan",
  205109. "temporary unassigned matters,segrest, eugene f. temporary unassigned matters,active file,nan"
  205110. ],
  205111. [
  205112. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205113. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  205114. "392044933",
  205115. "nan",
  205116. "temporary unassigned matters,athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters,392044933,nan"
  205117. ],
  205118. [
  205119. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205120. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  205121. "392044932",
  205122. "nan",
  205123. "temporary unassigned matters,athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters,392044932,nan"
  205124. ],
  205125. [
  205126. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205127. "athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters",
  205128. "392044930",
  205129. "nan",
  205130. "temporary unassigned matters,athey, joel m. temporary unassigned matters,392044930,nan"
  205131. ],
  205132. [
  205133. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205134. "mutryn,william j. temporary matter",
  205135. "986515823",
  205136. "nan",
  205137. "temporary unassigned matters,mutryn,william j. temporary matter,986515823,nan"
  205138. ],
  205139. [
  205140. "temporary unassigned matters",
  205141. "mutryn,william j. temporary matter",
  205142. "986515823",
  205143. "nan",
  205144. "temporary unassigned matters,mutryn,william j. temporary matter,986515823,nan"
  205145. ],
  205146. [
  205147. "marketing & practice development activit",
  205148. "marketing & practice development activities",
  205149. "462434262",
  205150. "tz9310",
  205151. "marketing & practice development activit,marketing & practice development activities,462434262,tz9310"
  205152. ],
  205153. [
  205154. "marketing & practice development activit",
  205155. "marketing & practice development activities",
  205156. "518164177",
  205157. "`",
  205158. "marketing & practice development activit,marketing & practice development activities,518164177,`"
  205159. ],
  205160. [
  205161. "marketing & practice development activit",
  205162. "marketing & practice development activities",
  205163. "731238166",
  205164. "nan",
  205165. "marketing & practice development activit,marketing & practice development activities,731238166,nan"
  205166. ],
  205167. [
  205168. "none",
  205169. "none",
  205170. "460597073",
  205171. "12129829",
  205172. "none,none,460597073,12129829"
  205173. ],
  205174. [
  205175. "firm",
  205176. "general",
  205177. "489724321",
  205178. "1000684264",
  205179. "firm,general,489724321,1000684264"
  205180. ],
  205181. [
  205182. "firm activities & projects",
  205183. "departed atty non-client records sent offsite",
  205184. "460596602",
  205185. "13176505",
  205186. "firm activities & projects,departed atty non-client records sent offsite,460596602,13176505"
  205187. ],
  205188. [
  205189. "firm activities & projects",
  205190. "firm activities & projects",
  205191. "642259758",
  205192. "nan",
  205193. "firm activities & projects,firm activities & projects,642259758,nan"
  205194. ],
  205195. [
  205196. "firm activities & projects",
  205197. "firm activities & projects",
  205198. "731237474",
  205199. "nan",
  205200. "firm activities & projects,firm activities & projects,731237474,nan"
  205201. ],
  205202. [
  205203. "firm activities & projects",
  205204. "firm activities & projects",
  205205. "625579722",
  205206. "nan",
  205207. "firm activities & projects,firm activities & projects,625579722,nan"
  205208. ],
  205209. [
  205210. "showmedia llc",
  205211. "sale to curtco",
  205212. "489343804",
  205213. "12326136",
  205214. "showmedia llc,sale to curtco,489343804,12326136"
  205215. ],
  205216. [
  205217. "fore 031 kierber rtc duval",
  205218. "nan",
  205219. "dsj005503",
  205220. "34-103",
  205221. "fore 031 kierber rtc duval,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  205222. ],
  205223. [
  205224. "fore 013 tripp rtc",
  205225. "nan",
  205226. "dsj005503",
  205227. "34-103",
  205228. "fore 013 tripp rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  205229. ],
  205230. [
  205231. "fore 014 tripp rtc",
  205232. "nan",
  205233. "dsj005503",
  205234. "34-103",
  205235. "fore 014 tripp rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  205236. ],
  205237. [
  205238. "fore 033 ulric rtc/duval",
  205239. "nan",
  205240. "dsj005503",
  205241. "34-103",
  205242. "fore 033 ulric rtc/duval,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  205243. ],
  205244. [
  205245. "fore 028 yudin rtc",
  205246. "nan",
  205247. "dsj005503",
  205248. "34-103",
  205249. "fore 028 yudin rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  205250. ],
  205251. [
  205252. "fore 034 christman rtc",
  205253. "nan",
  205254. "dsj005503",
  205255. "34-103",
  205256. "fore 034 christman rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  205257. ],
  205258. [
  205259. "fore 029 davis rtc",
  205260. "nan",
  205261. "dsj005503",
  205262. "34-103",
  205263. "fore 029 davis rtc,nan,dsj005503,34-103"
  205264. ],
  205265. [
  205266. "brantley john h rtc/duval",
  205267. "nan",
  205268. "dsj005511",
  205269. "34-108",
  205270. "brantley john h rtc/duval,nan,dsj005511,34-108"
  205271. ],
  205272. [
  205273. "1st land group rtc/duval vs",
  205274. "nan",
  205275. "dsj005514",
  205276. "34-111",
  205277. "1st land group rtc/duval vs,nan,dsj005514,34-111"
  205278. ],
  205279. [
  205280. "lusk robert rtc-duval",
  205281. "nan",
  205282. "dsj005518",
  205283. "34-115",
  205284. "lusk robert rtc-duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  205285. ],
  205286. [
  205287. "hopple david rtc-baltimore",
  205288. "nan",
  205289. "dsj005518",
  205290. "34-115",
  205291. "hopple david rtc-baltimore,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  205292. ],
  205293. [
  205294. "davidson william rtc/duval",
  205295. "nan",
  205296. "dsj005518",
  205297. "34-115",
  205298. "davidson william rtc/duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  205299. ],
  205300. [
  205301. "johnson mark rtc-duval",
  205302. "nan",
  205303. "dsj005518",
  205304. "34-115",
  205305. "johnson mark rtc-duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  205306. ],
  205307. [
  205308. "carbaugh james rtc duval",
  205309. "nan",
  205310. "dsj005518",
  205311. "34-115",
  205312. "carbaugh james rtc duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  205313. ],
  205314. [
  205315. "johnson mark rtc-duval",
  205316. "nan",
  205317. "dsj005518",
  205318. "34-115",
  205319. "johnson mark rtc-duval,nan,dsj005518,34-115"
  205320. ],
  205321. [
  205322. "v sheraton assoc rtc fore.060",
  205323. "nan",
  205324. "dsj005519",
  205325. "34-116",
  205326. "v sheraton assoc rtc fore.060,nan,dsj005519,34-116"
  205327. ],
  205328. [
  205329. "jette, opal",
  205330. "rtc",
  205331. "tcf0222450",
  205332. "bd8170",
  205333. "jette, opal,rtc,tcf0222450,bd8170"
  205334. ],
  205335. [
  205336. "rtc vs. towne realty, fore.216",
  205337. "nan",
  205338. "dsj005525",
  205339. "34-122",
  205340. "rtc vs. towne realty, fore.216,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  205341. ],
  205342. [
  205343. "rtc vs. whitehurst, fore.111",
  205344. "nan",
  205345. "dsj005525",
  205346. "34-122",
  205347. "rtc vs. whitehurst, fore.111,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  205348. ],
  205349. [
  205350. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110",
  205351. "nan",
  205352. "dsj005525",
  205353. "34-122",
  205354. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  205355. ],
  205356. [
  205357. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110",
  205358. "nan",
  205359. "dsj005525",
  205360. "34-122",
  205361. "rtc vs. lockhart, fore.110,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  205362. ],
  205363. [
  205364. "rtc vs. montgomery hull,",
  205365. "nan",
  205366. "dsj005525",
  205367. "34-122",
  205368. "rtc vs. montgomery hull,,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  205369. ],
  205370. [
  205371. "rtc vs. browning, fore.108",
  205372. "nan",
  205373. "dsj005525",
  205374. "34-122",
  205375. "rtc vs. browning, fore.108,nan,dsj005525,34-122"
  205376. ],
  205377. [
  205378. "first florida bank",
  205379. "home savingsofamer.v robertclark",
  205380. "tcf0222463",
  205381. "bd8300",
  205382. "first florida bank,home savingsofamer.v robertclark,tcf0222463,bd8300"
  205383. ],
  205384. [
  205385. "porter,joe",
  205386. "fdic",
  205387. "tcf0222478",
  205388. "bd8315",
  205389. "porter,joe,fdic,tcf0222478,bd8315"
  205390. ],
  205391. [
  205392. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  205393. "loss prevention",
  205394. "12066357",
  205395. "33308",
  205396. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,loss prevention,12066357,33308"
  205397. ],
  205398. [
  205399. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.",
  205400. "loss prevention",
  205401. "12066362",
  205402. "33313",
  205403. "prestige duty-free enterprises, inc.,loss prevention,12066362,33313"
  205404. ],
  205405. [
  205406. "rtc pmw hammock fore.199",
  205407. "nan",
  205408. "dsj005551",
  205409. "34-148",
  205410. "rtc pmw hammock fore.199,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  205411. ],
  205412. [
  205413. "rtc merabank jtb limited",
  205414. "nan",
  205415. "dsj005551",
  205416. "34-148",
  205417. "rtc merabank jtb limited,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  205418. ],
  205419. [
  205420. "rtc hammock core fore.197",
  205421. "nan",
  205422. "dsj005551",
  205423. "34-148",
  205424. "rtc hammock core fore.197,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  205425. ],
  205426. [
  205427. "rtc collier fore.181",
  205428. "nan",
  205429. "dsj005551",
  205430. "34-148",
  205431. "rtc collier fore.181,nan,dsj005551,34-148"
  205432. ],
  205433. [
  205434. "pro bono prof personal",
  205435. "pub int suits fdic v c dempster",
  205436. "tcf0007073",
  205437. "aq0560",
  205438. "pro bono prof personal,pub int suits fdic v c dempster,tcf0007073,aq0560"
  205439. ],
  205440. [
  205441. "fdic",
  205442. "92 haven sav & loan assoc.",
  205443. "tcf0008439",
  205444. "aw2921",
  205445. "fdic,92 haven sav & loan assoc.,tcf0008439,aw2921"
  205446. ],
  205447. [
  205448. "fdic",
  205449. "92 first amer. bk. & trust co.",
  205450. "tcf0008439",
  205451. "aw2921",
  205452. "fdic,92 first amer. bk. & trust co.,tcf0008439,aw2921"
  205453. ],
  205454. [
  205455. "pro bono",
  205456. "rtc/transfer of files",
  205457. "tcf0009906",
  205458. "bf2533",
  205459. "pro bono,rtc/transfer of files,tcf0009906,bf2533"
  205460. ],
  205461. [
  205462. "pro bono",
  205463. "rtc-cravath swaine &moor",
  205464. "8332",
  205465. "8332",
  205466. "pro bono,rtc-cravath swaine &moor,8332,8332"
  205467. ],
  205468. [
  205469. "rtc/centrust stat rpt 90",
  205470. "rtc/centrust stat rpt90",
  205471. "9590",
  205472. "9590",
  205473. "rtc/centrust stat rpt 90,rtc/centrust stat rpt90,9590,9590"
  205474. ],
  205475. [
  205476. "mickens",
  205477. "rtc association",
  205478. "51533283",
  205479. "184",
  205480. "mickens,rtc association,51533283,184"
  205481. ],
  205482. [
  205483. "rtc",
  205484. "trust bank for galiano and brooks",
  205485. "89249711",
  205486. "155522",
  205487. "rtc,trust bank for galiano and brooks,89249711,155522"
  205488. ],
  205489. [
  205490. "h&k firm",
  205491. "misc",
  205492. "489250371",
  205493. "789-13944",
  205494. "h&k firm,misc,489250371,789-13944"
  205495. ],
  205496. [
  205497. "h&k firm",
  205498. "fdic",
  205499. "489817105",
  205500. "765f1475",
  205501. "h&k firm,fdic,489817105,765f1475"
  205502. ],
  205503. [
  205504. "yegen/peterson",
  205505. "peterson v. fdic, ca 97-0732",
  205506. "prsi 13822 prsi box 13822",
  205507. "prsi 13822 prsi box 13822",
  205508. "yegen/peterson,peterson v. fdic, ca 97-0732,prsi 13822 prsi box 13822,prsi 13822 prsi box 13822"
  205509. ],
  205510. [
  205511. "h&k firm",
  205512. "fdic/audit",
  205513. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  205514. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  205515. "h&k firm,fdic/audit,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342"
  205516. ],
  205517. [
  205518. "h&k firm",
  205519. "fdic/audit",
  205520. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  205521. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  205522. "h&k firm,fdic/audit,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342"
  205523. ],
  205524. [
  205525. "h&k firm",
  205526. "fdic/audit",
  205527. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  205528. "prsi 14342 prsi box 14342",
  205529. "h&k firm,fdic/audit,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342,prsi 14342 prsi box 14342"
  205530. ],
  205531. [
  205532. "results",
  205533. "n-a",
  205534. "489214334",
  205535. "789-19735",
  205536. "results,n-a,489214334,789-19735"
  205537. ],
  205538. [
  205539. "proof of claim fdic",
  205540. "n-a",
  205541. "489214305",
  205542. "789-19757",
  205543. "proof of claim fdic,n-a,489214305,789-19757"
  205544. ],
  205545. [
  205546. "gorin",
  205547. "international bank",
  205548. "490616942",
  205549. "39263",
  205550. "gorin,international bank,490616942,39263"
  205551. ],
  205552. [
  205553. "gorin",
  205554. "international bank",
  205555. "490616931",
  205556. "39264",
  205557. "gorin,international bank,490616931,39264"
  205558. ],
  205559. [
  205560. "gorin",
  205561. "international bank",
  205562. "12807064",
  205563. "39265",
  205564. "gorin,international bank,12807064,39265"
  205565. ],
  205566. [
  205567. "gorin",
  205568. "international bank",
  205569. "12807065",
  205570. "39266",
  205571. "gorin,international bank,12807065,39266"
  205572. ],
  205573. [
  205574. "benefiel blanch holdings, inc.",
  205575. "ulico casualty company litigation",
  205576. "489256669",
  205577. "1000295670",
  205578. "benefiel blanch holdings, inc.,ulico casualty company litigation,489256669,1000295670"
  205579. ],
  205580. [
  205581. "beach bank",
  205582. "regulatory matters",
  205583. "89197581",
  205584. "12931346",
  205585. "beach bank,regulatory matters,89197581,12931346"
  205586. ],
  205587. [
  205588. "resolution trust corp (rtc",
  205589. "centrust tower investigati",
  205590. "d1638",
  205591. "d1638",
  205592. "resolution trust corp (rtc,centrust tower investigati,d1638,d1638"
  205593. ],
  205594. [
  205595. "jax i.o.",
  205596. "purchase from rtc-this matter never closed",
  205597. "225350078",
  205598. "225350078",
  205599. "jax i.o.,purchase from rtc-this matter never closed,225350078,225350078"
  205600. ],
  205601. [
  205602. "centrust",
  205603. "rtc conservatorship",
  205604. "tcf0011162",
  205605. "bl4674",
  205606. "centrust,rtc conservatorship,tcf0011162,bl4674"
  205607. ],
  205608. [
  205609. "directors & officers of all american national bank",
  205610. "none",
  205611. "652604980",
  205612. "12514065",
  205613. "directors & officers of all american national bank,none,652604980,12514065"
  205614. ],
  205615. [
  205616. "fdic/city of tamarac",
  205617. "none",
  205618. "489519937",
  205619. "302231",
  205620. "fdic/city of tamarac,none,489519937,302231"
  205621. ],
  205622. [
  205623. "southeast bank",
  205624. "none",
  205625. "489492416",
  205626. "302239",
  205627. "southeast bank,none,489492416,302239"
  205628. ],
  205629. [
  205630. "dickenson-fdic",
  205631. "nan",
  205632. "dsj005096",
  205633. "31-002a",
  205634. "dickenson-fdic,nan,dsj005096,31-002a"
  205635. ],
  205636. [
  205637. "wiggins,j&m",
  205638. "3872",
  205639. "258160877",
  205640. "258160877",
  205641. "wiggins,j&m,3872,258160877,258160877"
  205642. ],
  205643. [
  205644. "fdic/rtc superpowers",
  205645. "nan",
  205646. "dsj005255",
  205647. "31-152",
  205648. "fdic/rtc superpowers,nan,dsj005255,31-152"
  205649. ],
  205650. [
  205651. "cjg rtc freedom villagewood",
  205652. "nan",
  205653. "dsj005735",
  205654. "40-019",
  205655. "cjg rtc freedom villagewood,nan,dsj005735,40-019"
  205656. ],
  205657. [
  205658. "sherwin williams miscellaneous",
  205659. "sherwin williams miscellaneous",
  205660. "dsn008508",
  205661. "1190",
  205662. "sherwin williams miscellaneous,sherwin williams miscellaneous,dsn008508,1190"
  205663. ],
  205664. [
  205665. "c.w. abbott admin",
  205666. "c.w. abbott admin",
  205667. "dsn286861",
  205668. "31949",
  205669. "c.w. abbott admin,c.w. abbott admin,dsn286861,31949"
  205670. ],
  205671. [
  205672. "rtc - misc closed files",
  205673. "rtc - misc closed files",
  205674. "260538783",
  205675. "260538783",
  205676. "rtc - misc closed files,rtc - misc closed files,260538783,260538783"
  205677. ],
  205678. [
  205679. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser",
  205680. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser",
  205681. "348866822",
  205682. "348866822",
  205683. "fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser,fdic - 7386 florida federal savings bank, fsb hernat / geiser,348866822,348866822"
  205684. ],
  205685. [
  205686. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties",
  205687. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties",
  205688. "348866856",
  205689. "348866856",
  205690. "rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties,rtc - resolution trust group - commerical real estate auction - several counties,348866856,348866856"
  205691. ],
  205692. [
  205693. "nan",
  205694. "nan",
  205695. "489400523",
  205696. "q29351",
  205697. "nan,nan,489400523,q29351"
  205698. ]
  205699. ]
  205700. }
  205701. }
  205702. }
  205703. }
  205704. }
  205705. }
  205706. },
  205707. "nbformat": 4,
  205708. "nbformat_minor": 2
  205709. }
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