
Lane Hackers Mission 14, Phase 2

Sep 21st, 2013
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  1. [20.09.2013 15:05:15] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Ahoy
  2. [20.09.2013 15:05:27] Netfire: Hello!
  3. [20.09.2013 15:05:27] Traffic control alert: Ageira)Alan.Pace has requested to dock
  4. [20.09.2013 15:05:36] Traffic control alert: Netfire has requested to dock
  5. [20.09.2013 15:06:25] Warning: incompatible technology detected, reducing power plant output to 90% to compensate
  6. [20.09.2013 15:06:56] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Ahoy netfire
  7. [20.09.2013 15:07:02] Netfire: Hello!
  8. [20.09.2013 15:07:18] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Do you want to join us?
  9. [20.09.2013 15:07:35] Netfire: You don't need care about me, I am making school project about this area and activity.
  10. [20.09.2013 15:07:47] Netfire: Yes, that would be cool.
  11. [20.09.2013 15:08:13] Ageira)Alan.Pace: What ships do they have here?
  12. [20.09.2013 15:08:36] Netfire: My school? None, this is my personal shuttle.
  13. [20.09.2013 15:08:43] Traffic control alert: Ageira)Alan.Pace has requested to dock
  14. [20.09.2013 15:10:02] Ageira)Alan.Pace: I don't have the money for another gunship
  15. [20.09.2013 15:10:26] Ageira)Alan.Pace: but I can sponsor you a very heavy fighter here, Netfire
  16. [20.09.2013 15:10:51] Netfire: Oh, I have no training for gunship, or do you plan to buy one for your self or something?
  17. [20.09.2013 15:11:12] Netfire: Well, If you want.
  18. [20.09.2013 15:11:27] Netfire: I know basic tactics how to fly one.
  19. [20.09.2013 15:11:32] Ageira)Alan.Pace: there are two
  20. [20.09.2013 15:11:44] Ageira)Alan.Pace: very heavy fighters here
  21. [20.09.2013 15:11:52] Traffic control alert: Netfire has requested to dock
  22. [20.09.2013 15:12:14] Netfire: I would prefer Ravens Talon.
  23. [20.09.2013 15:12:22] Netfire: But its your choise.
  24. [20.09.2013 15:12:37] You have received 10.000.000 credits from Ageira)Alan.Pace
  25. [20.09.2013 15:12:45] Netfire: Thank you so much.
  26. [20.09.2013 15:12:49] Ageira)Alan.Pace: buy what you want
  27. [20.09.2013 15:14:39] Warning: incompatible technology detected, reducing power plant output to 90% to compensate
  28. [20.09.2013 15:14:57] Netfire: This ship is so cool!
  29. [20.09.2013 15:15:12] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Let me see
  30. [20.09.2013 15:15:35] kimismasi: nice
  31. [20.09.2013 15:15:40] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Yeah looks cool
  32. [20.09.2013 15:16:04] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Let's try it out
  33. [20.09.2013 15:16:22] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Ready?
  34. [20.09.2013 15:16:25] Netfire: Yes.
  35. [20.09.2013 15:16:25] kimismasi: yes
  36. [20.09.2013 15:24:06] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Out
  37. [20.09.2013 15:24:11] kimismasi: yes
  38. [20.09.2013 15:24:46] kimismasi: came netfire
  39. [20.09.2013 15:25:12] Ageira)Alan.Pace: How was that going?
  40. [20.09.2013 15:25:32] Netfire: I think I did fine.
  41. [20.09.2013 15:25:58] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Yes. The fighters fast disappeared
  42. [20.09.2013 15:26:20] kimismasi: olmost me die :(
  43. [20.09.2013 15:26:23] Ageira)Alan.Pace: another one?
  44. [20.09.2013 15:26:30] Traffic control alert: kimismasi has requested to dock
  45. [20.09.2013 15:26:30] kimismasi: w8 plzz
  46. [20.09.2013 15:26:34] Traffic control alert: Netfire has requested to dock
  47. [20.09.2013 15:26:40] kimismasi: just want to get  nanabots
  48. [20.09.2013 15:27:50] Warning: incompatible technology detected, reducing power plant output to 90% to compensate
  49. [20.09.2013 15:34:14] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Ready?
  50. [20.09.2013 15:34:18] Netfire: Yes.
  51. [20.09.2013 15:34:19] kimismasi: yes
  52. [20.09.2013 15:35:19] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Hawes
  53. [20.09.2013 15:37:43] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Murray
  54. [20.09.2013 15:39:25] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Harrigan
  55. [20.09.2013 15:42:04] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Allright?
  56. [20.09.2013 15:42:49] Netfire: Lets go.
  57. [20.09.2013 15:43:23] Netfire: Oh...
  58. [20.09.2013 15:43:38] Death: kimismasi was killed by an NPC
  59. [20.09.2013 15:43:45] kimismasi: die :(
  60. [20.09.2013 15:44:28] Death: Ageira)Alan.Pace was killed by an NPC
  61. [20.09.2013 15:45:18] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Step back Netfire
  62. [20.09.2013 15:45:24] Ageira)Alan.Pace: We cannot do this
  63. [20.09.2013 15:45:58] Netfire: I got away.
  64. [20.09.2013 15:46:02] kimismasi: k
  65. [20.09.2013 15:47:47] Traffic control alert: Netfire has requested to dock
  66. [20.09.2013 15:48:21] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Haha the destryoers were great
  67. [20.09.2013 15:48:31] Warning: incompatible technology detected, reducing power plant output to 90% to compensate
  68. [20.09.2013 15:52:21] Ageira)Alan.Pace: This is never ending
  69. [20.09.2013 15:52:29] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Let's move out
  70. [20.09.2013 15:52:37] kimismasi: k
  71. [20.09.2013 15:53:04] Netfire: okay.
  72. [20.09.2013 15:54:15] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Kastner
  73. [20.09.2013 15:55:52] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Jahn
  74. [20.09.2013 15:57:03] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Eckoldt
  75. [20.09.2013 15:59:17] Ageira)Alan.Pace: tractor
  76. [20.09.2013 15:59:37] Netfire: Target?
  77. [20.09.2013 15:59:48] Ageira)Alan.Pace: bots
  78. [20.09.2013 15:59:53] Ageira)Alan.Pace: and batteries
  79. [20.09.2013 16:00:03] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Bleckert
  80. [20.09.2013 16:01:37] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Amling
  81. [20.09.2013 16:02:42] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Ballhausen
  82. [20.09.2013 16:05:03] Ageira)Alan.Pace: well done
  83. [20.09.2013 16:06:23] Ageira)Alan.Pace: You're doing pretty fine, Netfire
  84. [20.09.2013 16:06:38] Netfire: Thanks.
  85. [20.09.2013 16:07:27] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Let's take a rest
  86. [20.09.2013 16:07:55] Ageira)Alan.Pace: I have to smoke
  87. [20.09.2013 16:08:00] Traffic control alert: kimismasi has requested to dock
  88. [20.09.2013 16:09:10] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Is Netfire the name of your ship?
  89. [20.09.2013 16:09:27] Netfire: Yes, and its also my nickname
  90. [20.09.2013 16:10:05] Ageira)Alan.Pace: Ahh Ok. Do you want to stay anonymous?
  91. [20.09.2013 16:10:21] Netfire: Yes.
  92. [20.09.2013 16:12:18] Traffic control alert: Ageira)Alan.Pace has requested to dock
  93. [20.09.2013 16:14:14] Traffic control alert: Netfire has requested to dock
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