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Jul 16th, 2019
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  1. #14InstaPvP Punishments (Developed by Distqelth)
  3. #----------------OPTIONS AND NODE LIST--------------------
  5. Options:
  6. {Banned::%uuid of player%} = false
  7. {Muted::%uuid of player%} = false
  9. #bh.use
  10. #mh.use
  11. #cb.use
  12. #cm.use
  13. #tb.use
  14. #b.use
  15. #m.use
  16. #tm.use
  17. #um.use
  18. #ub.use
  20. #-------------------HISTORY AND CLEAR----------------------
  22. command /bans [<offline player>]:
  23. permission: bh.use
  24. permission message: No Permission
  25. trigger:
  26. if arg 1 is not set:
  27. send "&aUsage: /bans (player)"
  28. stop
  29. if size of {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*} is 0:
  30. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas no ban history"
  31. stop
  32. send "&7Bans:"
  33. loop {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*}:
  34. send "%loop-value%"
  36. command /mutes [<offline player>]:
  37. permission: mh.use
  38. permission message: No Permission
  39. trigger:
  40. if arg 1 is not set:
  41. send "&aUsage: /mutes (player)"
  42. stop
  43. if size of {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*} is 0:
  44. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas no mute history"
  45. stop
  46. send "&7Mutes:"
  47. loop {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*}:
  48. send "%loop-value%"
  51. command /clearbans [<offline player>]:
  52. permission: cb.use
  53. permission message: No Permission
  54. trigger:
  55. if arg 1 is not set:
  56. send "&aUsage: /clearbans (player)"
  57. stop
  58. if size of {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*} is 0:
  59. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas no ban history"
  60. stop
  61. delete {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  62. send "&aBan history for &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been cleared"
  64. command /clearmutes [<offline player>]:
  65. permission: cm.use
  66. permission message: No Permission
  67. trigger:
  68. if arg 1 is not set:
  69. send "&aUsage: /clearmutes (player)"
  70. stop
  71. if size of {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*} is 0:
  72. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas no mute history"
  73. stop
  74. delete {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  75. send "&aMute history for &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been cleared"
  78. #---------------------BANS----------------------
  81. command /tempban [<offline player>] [<string>] [<timespan>]:
  82. permission: tb.use
  83. permission message: No Permission
  84. trigger:
  85. if arg 1 or arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  86. send "&aUsage: /tempban (player) (reason) (time - eg. 30 days, 2 weeks)"
  87. stop
  88. if {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  89. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already banned"
  90. stop
  91. set {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  92. kick arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&l%arg 3%%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  93. ban arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&l%arg 3%%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  94. add arg 2 to {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  95. broadcast "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&ltemp-banned &aby &a&l%executor% &afor &a&l%arg 3%"
  96. wait arg 3
  97. unban arg 1
  99. command /stempban [<offline player>] [<string>] [<timespan>]:
  100. permission: tb.use
  101. permission message: No Permission
  102. trigger:
  103. if arg 1 or arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  104. send "&aUsage: /stempban (player) (reason) (time - eg. 30 days, 2 weeks)"
  105. stop
  106. if {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  107. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already banned"
  108. stop
  109. set {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  110. kick arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&l%arg 3%%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  111. ban arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&l%arg 3%%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  112. add arg 2 to {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  113. loop all players:
  114. if loop-player has permission "s.see":
  115. send "&7<Silent> &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&ltemp-banned &aby &a&l%executor% &afor &a&l%arg 3%" to loop-player
  116. wait arg 3
  117. unban arg 1
  119. command /ban [<offline player>] [<string>]:
  120. permission: b.use
  121. permission message: No Permission
  122. trigger:
  123. if arg 1 or arg 2 is not set:
  124. send "&aUsage: /ban (player) (reason)"
  125. stop
  126. if {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  127. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already banned"
  128. stop
  129. set {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  130. kick arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&lPermanent%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  131. ban arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&lPermanent%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  132. add arg 2 to {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  133. broadcast "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lperm-banned &aby &a&l%executor%"
  136. command /sban [<offline player>] [<string>]:
  137. permission: b.use
  138. permission message: No Permission
  139. trigger:
  140. if arg 1 or arg 2 is not set:
  141. send "&aUsage: /sban (player) (reason)"
  142. stop
  143. if {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  144. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already banned"
  145. stop
  146. set {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  147. kick arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&lPermanent%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  148. ban arg 1 because "&cYou have been banned%nl%&aStaff Member: &a&l%executor%%nl%&aTime: &a&lPermanent%nl%&aReason: &a&l%arg 2%%nl%%nl%&eIf your ban is permanent, appeal at:"
  149. add arg 2 to {bans::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  150. loop all players:
  151. if loop-player has permission "s.see":
  152. send "&7<Silent> &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lperm-banned &aby &a&l%executor%" to loop-player
  155. #------------------------MUTES--------------------------
  157. command /tempmute [<offline player>] [<string>] [<timespan>]:
  158. permission: tm.use
  159. permission message: No Permission
  160. trigger:
  161. if arg 1 or arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  162. send "&aUsage: /tempmute (player) (reason) (time - eg. 30 days, 2 weeks)"
  163. stop
  164. if {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  165. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already muted"
  166. stop
  167. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  168. add arg 2 to {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  169. broadcast "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&ltemp-muted &aby &a&l%executor% &afor &a&l%arg 3%"
  170. wait arg 3
  171. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to false
  173. command /stempmute [<offline player>] [<string>] [<timespan>]:
  174. permission: tm.use
  175. permission message: No Permission
  176. trigger:
  177. if arg 1 or arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  178. send "&aUsage: /stempmute (player) (reason) (time - eg. 30 days, 2 weeks)"
  179. stop
  180. if {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  181. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already muted"
  182. stop
  183. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  184. add arg 2 to {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  185. loop all players:
  186. if loop-player has permission "s.see":
  187. send "&7<Silent> &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&ltemp-muted &aby &a&l%executor% &afor &a&l%arg 3%" to loop-player
  188. wait arg 3
  189. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to false
  191. command /mute [<offline player>] [<string>]:
  192. permission: m.use
  193. permission message: No Permission
  194. trigger:
  195. if arg 1 or arg 2 is not set:
  196. send "&aUsage: /mute (player) (reason)"
  197. stop
  198. if {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  199. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already muted"
  200. stop
  201. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  202. add arg 2 to {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  203. broadcast "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lperm-muted &aby &a&l%executor%"
  206. command /smute [<offline player>] [<string>]:
  207. permission: m.use
  208. permission message: No Permission
  209. trigger:
  210. if arg 1 or arg 2 is not set:
  211. send "&aUsage: /smute (player) (reason)"
  212. stop
  213. if {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} is true:
  214. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais already muted"
  215. stop
  216. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  217. add arg 2 to {mutes::%uuid of arg 1%::*}
  218. loop all players:
  219. if loop-player has permission "s.see":
  220. send "&7<Silent> &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lperm-muted &aby &a&l%executor%" to loop-player
  223. on chat:
  224. if {Muted::%uuid of player%} is true:
  225. send "&aYou cannot talk as &a&lyou are muted"
  226. cancel event
  228. #----------------REVOKES----------------------
  230. command /unmute [<offline player>]:
  231. permission: um.use
  232. permission message: No Permission
  233. trigger:
  234. if arg 1 is not set:
  235. send "&aUsage: /unmute (player)"
  236. stop
  237. if {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} is false:
  238. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais not muted"
  239. stop
  240. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to false
  241. broadcast "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lun-muted &aby &a&l%executor%"
  244. command /sunmute [<offline player>]:
  245. permission: um.use
  246. permission message: No Permission
  247. trigger:
  248. if arg 1 is not set:
  249. send "&aUsage: /sunmute (player)"
  250. stop
  251. if {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} is false:
  252. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais not muted"
  253. stop
  254. set {Muted::%uuid of arg 1%} to false
  255. loop all players:
  256. if loop-player has permission "s.see":
  257. send "&7<Silent> &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lun-muted &aby &a&l%executor%" to loop-player
  260. command /unban [<offline player>]:
  261. permission: ub.use
  262. permission message: No Permission
  263. trigger:
  264. if arg 1 is not set:
  265. send "&aUsage: /unban (player)"
  266. stop
  267. if {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} is false:
  268. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais not banned"
  269. stop
  270. set {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} to false
  271. unban arg 1
  272. broadcast "&a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lun-banned &aby &a&l%executor%"
  275. command /sunban [<offline player>]:
  276. permission: ub.use
  277. permission message: No Permission
  278. trigger:
  279. if arg 1 is not set:
  280. send "&aUsage: /sunban (player)"
  281. stop
  282. if {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} is false:
  283. send "&a&l%arg 1% &ais not banned"
  284. stop
  285. set {Banned::%uuid of arg 1%} to false
  286. unban arg 1
  287. loop all players:
  288. if loop-player has permission "s.see":
  289. send "&7<Silent> &a&l%arg 1% &ahas been &a&lun-banned &aby &a&l%executor%" to loop-player
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