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Vac gmod12 ONLY Sethhacks

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Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. --[[
  3. -================================-
  6. Sethhacks v4 - A Garry's Mod aimbot
  9. -================================-
  10. -- ]]
  13. /************************************
  14. Name: Localizing
  15. Purpose: Make the cheat run faster
  16. ************************************/
  18. local Sethhacks = {} -- Nothing!
  19. Sethhacks.settings = {} -- Not started yet.
  20. Sethhacks.hooks = {} -- Store hooks in a table
  21. Sethhacks.concommands = {} -- Store concommands in a table
  22. Sethhacks.convars = {} -- Store the ConVars in a table
  23. Sethhacks.timers = {} -- Store Timers in a table
  24. Sethhacks.cones = { normal = {}, hl2 = {}, custom = {}} -- I probably won't even need this, I won't have NoSpread for a long time. Anyways, store cones here.
  25. Sethhacks.meta = {} -- Store metatables here
  26. Sethhacks.files = {"Sethhacks.lua","Log.txt"} -- Files to hide and protect
  27. Sethhacks.version = "4.5" -- Version of the cheat.
  28. Sethhacks.ents = {"ent_pot","npc_vendor","weapon_perp_glock","ent_item","ent_prop_item","sent_spawnpoint","spawned_weapon","spawned_shipment","weed_plant","gift","spawned_money","base_item","weapon_ak47_dayz","weapon_mp5_dayz","weapon_deagle_dayz","sapphire_money_printer","amethyst_money_printer","topaz_money_printer","emerald_money_printer"} -- Ents to show on the ESP
  29. Sethhacks.invalidents = {"player","prop_physics","viewmodel",} -- Ents to not show on the ESP
  30. Sethhacks.weapons = {["weapon_crossbow"] = 3110,}
  31. Sethhacks.spectators = {} -- Store spectators here.
  32. Sethhacks.admins = {} -- store admins here
  34. local colors = {}
  35. red = Color(255,0,0,255);
  36. black = Color(0,0,0,255);
  37. green = Color(0,255,0,255);
  38. white = Color(255,255,255,255);
  39. blue = Color(0,0,255,255);
  40. cyan = Color(0,255,255,255);
  41. pink = Color(255,0,255,255);
  42. blue = Color(0,0,255,255);
  43. grey = Color(100,100,100,255);
  44. gold = Color(255,228,0,255);
  45. lblue = Color(155,205,248);
  46. lgreen = Color(174,255,0);
  47. iceblue = Color(116,187,251,255);
  49. /*******************************************
  50. Start by unlocking metatabes and localizing
  51. *******************************************/
  52. local _G = table.Copy(_G)
  54. local math = _G.math
  55. local string = _G.string
  56. local hook = _G.hook
  57. local table = _G.table
  58. local timer = _G.timer
  59. local surface = _G.surface
  60. local concommand = _G.concommand
  61. local cvars = _G.cvars
  62. local ents = _G.ents
  63. local player = _G.player
  64. local team =
  65. local util = _G.util
  66. local draw = _G.draw
  67. local usermessage = _G.usermessage
  68. local vgui = _G.vgui
  69. local http = _G.http
  70. local cam =
  71. local render = _G.render
  73. local MsgN = _G.MsgN
  74. local Msg = _G.Msg
  75. local Vector = _G.Vector
  76. local Angle = _G.Angle
  77. local pairs = _G.pairs
  78. local ipairs = _G.ipairs
  79. local CreateSound = _G.CreateSound
  80. local setmetatable = _G.setmetatable
  81. local Sound = _G.Sound
  82. local print = _G.print
  83. local pcall = _G.pcall
  84. local type = _G.type
  85. local LocalPlayer = _G.LocalPlayer
  86. local KeyValuesToTable = _G.KeyValuesToTable
  87. local TableToKeyValues = _G.TableToKeyValues
  88. local Color = _G.Color
  89. local CreateClientConVar = _G.CreateClientConVar
  90. local ErrorNoHalt = _G.ErrorNoHalt
  91. local IsValid = _G.IsValid
  92. local CreateMaterial = _G.CreateMaterial
  93. local tonumber = _G.tonumber
  94. local tostring = _G.tostring
  95. local CurTime = _G.CurTime
  96. local FrameTime = _G.FrameTime
  97. local ScrW = _G.ScrW
  98. local ScrH = _G.ScrH
  99. local SetClipboardText = _G.SetClipboardText
  100. local GetHostName = _G.GetHostName
  101. local unpack = _G.unpack
  102. local AddConsoleCommand = _G.AddConsoleCommand
  103. local require = _G.require
  104. local include = _G.include
  112. local IN_JUMP = _G.IN_JUMP
  113. local IN_FORWARD = _G.IN_FORWARD
  114. local IN_BACK = _G.IN_BACK
  117. local IN_SPEED = _G.IN_SPEED
  118. local IN_DUCK = _G.IN_DUCK
  119. local TEAM_SPECTATOR = 1002
  121. -- old [detour]
  122. local old_filecdir = file.CreateDir;
  123. local old_filedel = file.Delete;
  124. local old_fileexist = file.Exists;
  125. local old_fileexistex = file.ExistsEx;
  126. local old_filefind = file.Find;
  127. local old_filefinddir = file.FindDir;
  128. local old_filefindil = file.FindInLua;
  129. local old_fileisdir = file.IsDir;
  130. local old_fileread = file.Read;
  131. local old_filerename = file.Rename;
  132. local old_filesize = file.Size;
  133. local old_filetfind = file.TFind;
  134. local old_filetime = file.Time;
  135. local old_filewrite = file.Write;
  136. local old_dbginfo = debug.getinfo;
  137. local old_dbginfo = debug.getupvalue;
  138. local old_cve = ConVarExists;
  139. local old_gcv = GetConVar;
  140. local old_gcvn = GetConVarNumber;
  141. local old_gcvs = GetConVarString;
  142. local old_rcc = RunConsoleCommand;
  143. local old_hookadd = hook.Add;
  144. local old_hookrem = hook.Remove;
  145. local old_ccadd = concommand.Add;
  146. local old_ccrem = concommand.Remove;
  147. local old_cvaracc = cvars.AddChangeCallback;
  148. local old_cvargcvc = cvars.GetConVarCallbacks;
  149. local old_cvarchange = cvars.OnConVarChanged;
  150. local old_require = require;
  151. local old_eccommand = engineConsoleCommand;
  154. --Fonts--
  155. surface.CreateFont("ESPFont",{font = "ScoreboardText", size = 17, weight = 400, antialias = 0})
  156. surface.CreateFont("ESPFont_Small",{font = "Default", size = 12, weight = 200, antialias = 0})
  157. surface.CreateFont("Logo",{font = "akbar", size = 21, weight = 400, antialias = 0})
  158. surface.CreateFont("Sethhacks_ScoreboardText",{font = "ScoreboardText", size = 15, weight = 700, antialias = 0})
  159. surface.CreateFont("Sethhacks_coolvetica",{font = "coolvetica", size = 16, weight = 500, antialias = 0})
  160. surface.CreateFont("Sethhacks_hvh",{font = "ScoreboardTextt", size = 15, weight = 1000, antialias = 1})
  162. --Materials--
  163. function Sethhacks:CreateMaterial()
  164. local BaseInfo = {
  165. ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite",
  166. ["$model"] = 1,
  167. ["$translucent"] = 1,
  168. ["$alpha"] = 1,
  169. ["$nocull"] = 1,
  170. ["$ignorez"] = 1
  171. }
  172. local mat
  173. if GetConVarString("Sethhacks_ESP_Chams_Material") == "Solid" then
  174. mat = CreateMaterial( "Sethhacks_solid", "VertexLitGeneric", BaseInfo )
  175. elseif GetConVarString("Sethhacks_ESP_Chams_Material") == "Wireframe" then
  176. mat = CreateMaterial( "Sethhacks_wire", "Wireframe", BaseInfo )
  177. end
  178. return mat // return the var to the function
  179. end
  181. /**************************************
  182. Name: Logger
  183. Purpose: Logs functions and shit
  184. **************************************/
  185. concommand.Add("Sethhacks_StartLog",function() -- file.Exists is being bad, this is an alternative
  186. file.Write("Sethhacks/log.txt","Log created: ("") \n")
  187. end)
  189. function Log(msg)
  190. file.Append("Sethhacks/log.txt","[""]: "..msg.."\n")
  191. end
  192. Log("Loading....")
  195. /*******************************************
  196. Name: Print/Chat functions
  197. Purpose: Notify the user of what's going on
  198. ********************************************/
  199. function Sethhacks.Print(msg)
  200. print("[Sethhacks] "..msg)
  201. end
  203. function Sethhacks.Notify(dosound,col,msg)
  204. if col then
  205. col = col
  206. end
  207. chat.AddText(
  208. iceblue, "[Sethhacks] ",
  209. col, msg)
  210. if dosound == sound then
  211. local beep = Sound( "/buttons/button17.wav" )
  212. local beepsound = CreateSound( LocalPlayer(), beep )
  213. beepsound:Play()
  214. end
  215. end
  217. /***********************************************
  218. Name: Hook functions
  219. Purpose: Add hooks and protect from anticheats
  220. ************************************************/
  222. -- Addhook
  223. local function AddHook(Type,Function)
  224. Name = Type.." | "..math.random(1,1000),math.random(1,2000),math.random(1,3000) -- Simple hook names
  225. Sethhacks.Print("[ADDED] Hook: ["..Type.."] | Name: "..Name.."")
  226. return old_hookadd(Type,Name,Function)
  227. end
  229. -- RemoveHook
  230. local function RemoveHook(Type,Function)
  231. Sethhacks.Print("[REMOVED] Hook: ["..Type.."]")
  232. return old_hookadd(Type,Function)
  233. end
  235. /**********************************
  236. Name: File Shit
  237. Purpose: Anything relating to file.
  238. ***********************************/
  239. -- Write file
  240. function AddFile(Name,Data)
  241. Sethhacks.Print("[WROTE] File: "..Name.."")
  242. return old_filewrite(Name,Data)
  243. end
  245. /**************
  246. Random String
  247. **************/
  248. function RandomString( len )
  249. local ret = ""
  250. for i = 1 , len do
  251. ret = ret .. string.char( math.random( 65 , 116 ) )
  252. end
  253. return ret
  254. end
  256. /**********************
  257. Name: Timer shit
  258. Purpose: Anything timer
  259. ***********************/
  260. function AddTimer( sec, rep, func )
  261. local index = RandomString( 10 )
  262. Sethhacks.timers[ index ] = sec
  263. timer.Create( index, sec, rep, func )
  264. end
  266. /******************************************
  267. Name: ConCommand Shit
  268. Purpose: Anything related to concommands
  269. ********************************************/
  271. function AddCMD(Name,Function)
  272. Sethhacks.Print("[ADDED] ConCommand: "..Name.."")
  273. return old_ccadd(Name,Function)
  274. end
  276. function RemoveCMD(Name)
  277. Sethhacks.Print("[REMOVED] ConCommand: "..Name.."")
  278. return old_ccrem(Name)
  279. end
  281. /*******************************************
  282. Name: ConVars
  283. Purpose: Anything with ConVars
  284. ********************************************/
  286. -- AddConVar
  287. function AddConVar(convar,str,save,data)
  288. return CreateClientConVar("Sethhacks_"..convar,str,true,false), Sethhacks.Print("[ADDED] ConVar: Sethhacks_"..convar.." ["..str.."]")
  289. end
  291. /**************************************
  292. Name: Entity Shit
  293. Purpose: Anything to do with entities
  294. ***************************************/
  295. -- entity finder [addent]
  296. function AddEnt(entclass)
  297. if(!table.HasValue(Sethhacks.ents,entclass)) then
  298. table.insert(Sethhacks.ents,entclass)
  299. Sethhacks.Print("[ADDED] Ent: "..entclass.." to ESP")
  300. file.Write("Sethhacks/ents.txt", glon.encode( Sethhacks.ents ))
  301. end
  302. end
  304. -- entity finder [removeent]
  305. function RemoveEnt(entclass)
  306. for k, v in pairs(Sethhacks.ents) do
  307. if(string.Trim(v) == entclass) then
  308. Sethhacks.ents[k] = nil
  309. Sethhacks.Print("[REMOVED] Ent: "..entclass.." from the ESP")
  310. end
  311. end
  312. file.Write("Sethhacks/ents.txt", glon.encode( Sethhacks.ents ))
  313. end
  315. -- entity finder [clear ents]
  316. function ClearEnts()
  317. Sethhacks.ents = {}
  318. file.Write("Sethhacks/ents.txt", glon.encode( Sethhacks.ents ))
  319. end
  321. -- entity finder [IsCustomEnt()]
  322. function IsCustomEnt( entclass )
  323. return table.HasValue( Sethhacks.ents, entclass )
  324. end
  327. /**************************
  328. Name: Derma shit
  329. Purpose: Anything Derma
  330. ***************************/
  331. function AddCheckBox( text, cvar, parent, x, y, tt )
  332. local checkbox = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel", parent )
  333. checkbox:SetPos( x, y )
  334. checkbox:SetText( text )
  335. checkbox:SetConVar( cvar )
  336. checkbox:SetTextColor(white)
  337. checkbox:SetTooltip( tt or "No Tool Tip" )
  338. checkbox:SizeToContents()
  339. end
  341. // AddSlider for the derma
  342. function AddSlider( text, cvar, parent, min, max, decimals, x, y, wide, tt )
  343. local slider = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider" )
  344. slider:SetParent( parent )
  345. slider:SetPos( x, y )
  346. slider:SetWide( wide )
  347. slider:SetText( text )
  348. --slider:SetTextColor(BLACK)
  349. slider:SetMin( min )
  350. slider:SetMax( max )
  351. slider:SetDecimals( decimals )
  352. slider:SetConVar( cvar )
  353. slider:SetTooltip( tt or "No Tool Tip" )
  354. end
  356. Gradient = surface.GetTextureID( "gui/gradient" )
  357. function DrawBox( x, y, wide, tall, dropsize )
  358. draw.RoundedBoxEx( 4, x, y, wide, dropsize, iceblue, true, true, false, false )
  359. draw.RoundedBoxEx( 4, x, y + dropsize, wide, tall - dropsize, Color( 0, 0, 0, 100 ), false, false, true, true )
  360. end
  362. /*************************
  363. Name: CreatePos
  364. Purpose: Create a position
  365. Credits: BaconBot
  366. ***************************/
  367. function CreatePos(v)
  368. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  369. local center = v:LocalToWorld( v:OBBCenter() )
  370. local min, max = v:OBBMins(), v:OBBMaxs()
  371. local dim = max - min local z = max + min
  372. local frt = ( v:GetForward() ) * ( dim.y / 2 )
  373. local rgt = ( v:GetRight() ) * ( dim.x / 2 )
  374. local top = ( v:GetUp() ) * ( dim.z / 2 )
  375. local bak = ( v:GetForward() * -1 ) * ( dim.y / 2 )
  376. local lft = ( v:GetRight() * -1 ) * ( dim.x / 2 )
  377. local btm = ( v:GetUp() * -1 ) * ( dim.z / 2 )
  378. local s = 1
  379. local FRT = center + frt / s + rgt / s + top / s; FRT = FRT:ToScreen()
  380. local BLB = center + bak / s + lft / s + btm / s; BLB = BLB:ToScreen()
  381. local FLT = center + frt / s + lft / s + top / s; FLT = FLT:ToScreen()
  382. local BRT = center + bak / s + rgt / s + top / s; BRT = BRT:ToScreen()
  383. local BLT = center + bak / s + lft / s + top / s; BLT = BLT:ToScreen()
  384. local FRB = center + frt / s + rgt / s + btm / s; FRB = FRB:ToScreen()
  385. local FLB = center + frt / s + lft / s + btm / s; FLB = FLB:ToScreen()
  386. local BRB = center + bak / s + rgt / s + btm / s; BRB = BRB:ToScreen()
  387. local z = 100
  388. if ( v:Health() <= 50 ) then z = 100 end
  389. local x, y = ( ( v:Health() / 100 ) ), 1
  390. if ( v:Health() <= 0 ) then x = 1 end
  391. local FRT3 = center + frt + rgt + top / x; FRT3 = FRT3; FRT3 = FRT3:ToScreen()
  392. local BLB3 = center + bak + lft + btm / x; BLB3 = BLB3; BLB3 = BLB3:ToScreen()
  393. local FLT3 = center + frt + lft + top / x; FLT3 = FLT3; FLT3 = FLT3:ToScreen()
  394. local BRT3 = center + bak + rgt + top / x; BRT3 = BRT3; BRT3 = BRT3:ToScreen()
  395. local BLT3 = center + bak + lft + top / x; BLT3 = BLT3; BLT3 = BLT3:ToScreen()
  396. local FRB3 = center + frt + rgt + btm / x; FRB3 = FRB3; FRB3 = FRB3:ToScreen()
  397. local FLB3 = center + frt + lft + btm / x; FLB3 = FLB3; FLB3 = FLB3:ToScreen()
  398. local BRB3 = center + bak + rgt + btm / x; BRB3 = BRB3; BRB3 = BRB3:ToScreen()
  399. local x, y, z = 1.1, 0.9, 1
  400. local FRT2 = center + frt / y + rgt / z + top / x; FRT2 = FRT2:ToScreen()
  401. local BLB2 = center + bak / y + lft / z + btm / x; BLB2 = BLB2:ToScreen()
  402. local FLT2 = center + frt / y + lft / z + top / x; FLT2 = FLT2:ToScreen()
  403. local BRT2 = center + bak / y + rgt / z + top / x; BRT2 = BRT2:ToScreen()
  404. local BLT2 = center + bak / y + lft / z + top / x; BLT2 = BLT2:ToScreen()
  405. local FRB2 = center + frt / y + rgt / z + btm / x; FRB2 = FRB2:ToScreen()
  406. local FLB2 = center + frt / y + lft / z + btm / x; FLB2 = FLB2:ToScreen()
  407. local BRB2 = center + bak / y + rgt / z + btm / x; BRB2 = BRB2:ToScreen()
  408. local maxX = math.max( FRT.x,BLB.x,FLT.x,BRT.x,BLT.x,FRB.x,FLB.x,BRB.x )
  409. local minX = math.min( FRT.x,BLB.x,FLT.x,BRT.x,BLT.x,FRB.x,FLB.x,BRB.x )
  410. local maxY = math.max( FRT.y,BLB.y,FLT.y,BRT.y,BLT.y,FRB.y,FLB.y,BRB.y )
  411. local minY = math.min( FRT.y,BLB.y,FLT.y,BRT.y,BLT.y,FRB.y,FLB.y,BRB.y )
  412. local minYhp2 = math.min( FRT.y,BLB.y,FLT.y,BRT.y,BLT.y,FRB.y,FLB.y,BRB.y )
  413. local maxXhp = math.max( FRT3.x,BLB3.x,FLT3.x,BRT3.x,BLT3.x,FRB3.x,FLB3.x,BRB3.x )
  414. local minXhp = math.min( FRT3.x,BLB3.x,FLT3.x,BRT3.x,BLT3.x,FRB3.x,FLB3.x,BRB3.x )
  415. local maxYhp = math.max( FRT3.y,BLB3.y,FLT3.y,BRT3.y,BLT3.y,FRB3.y,FLB3.y,BRB3.y )
  416. local minYhp = math.min( FRT3.y,BLB3.y,FLT3.y,BRT3.y,BLT3.y,FRB3.y,FLB3.y,BRB3.y )
  417. local maxX2 = math.max( FRT2.x,BLB2.x,FLT2.x,BRT2.x,BLT2.x,FRB2.x,FLB2.x,BRB2.x )
  418. local minX2 = math.min( FRT2.x,BLB2.x,FLT2.x,BRT2.x,BLT2.x,FRB2.x,FLB2.x,BRB2.x )
  419. local maxY2 = math.max( FRT2.y,BLB2.y,FLT2.y,BRT2.y,BLT2.y,FRB2.y,FLB2.y,BRB2.y )
  420. local minY2 = math.min( FRT2.y,BLB2.y,FLT2.y,BRT2.y,BLT2.y,FRB2.y,FLB2.y,BRB2.y )
  421. return maxX, minX, maxY, minY, maxX2, minX2, maxY2, minY2, minYhp, maxYhp
  422. end
  425. /*************************************
  426. Name: PlayerVisible
  427. Purpose: Check if a player is visible
  428. *************************************/
  429. local function CanSee(ply)
  430. local trace = {start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos(),endpos = {}}
  431. local tr = util.TraceLine(trace)
  432. if tr.Fraction == 1 then
  433. return true
  434. else
  435. return false
  436. end
  437. end
  439. /**********************************
  440. Name: GetColors
  441. Purpose: Make a cool color!
  442. ***********************************/
  443. local function GetColorCrosshair()
  444. if LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity:IsPlayer() then
  445. return 0,255,0,255
  446. end
  447. if LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity:IsNPC() then
  448. return 0,0,255,255
  449. end
  450. return team.GetColor(LocalPlayer():Team())
  451. end
  453. local function GetColorVisible(e)
  454. if CanSee(e) then
  455. return 0,255,0,255
  456. end
  457. if !CanSee(e) then
  458. return 255,0,0,255
  459. end
  460. end
  463. /**************************************
  464. Name: Number shit
  465. Purpose: Format number, round number, etc
  466. **************************************/
  467. function CommaValue(amount)
  468. local formatted = amount
  469. while true do
  470. formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
  471. if (k==0) then
  472. break
  473. end
  474. end
  475. return formatted
  476. end
  478. function RoundNum(val, decimal)
  479. if (decimal) then
  480. return math.floor( (val * 10^decimal) + 0.5) / (10^decimal)
  481. else
  482. return math.floor(val+0.5)
  483. end
  484. end
  486. function FormatNum(amount, decimal, prefix, neg_prefix)
  487. local str_amount, formatted, famount, remain
  488. decimal = decimal or 2
  489. neg_prefix = neg_prefix or "-"
  490. famount = math.abs(RoundNum(amount,decimal))
  491. famount = math.floor(famount)
  492. remain = RoundNum(math.abs(amount) - famount, decimal)
  493. formatted = CommaValue(famount)
  494. if (decimal > 0) then
  495. remain = string.sub(tostring(remain),3)
  496. formatted = formatted .. "." .. remain .. string.rep("0", decimal - string.len(remain))
  497. end
  498. formatted = (prefix or "") .. formatted
  499. if (amount<0) then
  500. if (neg_prefix=="()") then
  501. formatted = "("..formatted ..")"
  502. else
  503. formatted = neg_prefix .. formatted
  504. end
  505. end
  506. return formatted
  507. end
  509. function ConvertTime(sSeconds)
  510. local nSeconds = tonumber(sSeconds)
  511. if nSeconds <= 0 then
  512. return 0;
  513. else
  514. local nHours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(nSeconds/3600));
  515. local nMins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(nSeconds/60 - (nHours*60)));
  516. local nSecs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(nSeconds - nHours*3600 - nMins *60));
  517. if tonumber( nHours ) > 0 then
  518. return nHours..":"..nMins..":"..nSecs
  519. elseif tonumber( nMins ) > 0 and tonumber( nHours ) == 0 then
  520. return nMins..":"..nSecs
  521. elseif tonumber( nSecs ) > 0 and tonumber( nMins ) == 0 then
  522. return nMins..":"..nSecs
  523. end
  524. end
  525. end
  527. /**********************
  528. Name: DrawText
  529. Purpose: Draws text...
  530. **********************/
  531. function Sethhacks.DrawText( text, font, x, y, colour, xalign, yalign )
  532. if (font == nil) then font = "Default" end
  533. if (x == nil) then x = 0 end
  534. if (y == nil) then y = 0 end
  535. local curX = x
  536. local curY = y
  537. local curString = ""
  538. surface.SetFont(font)
  539. local sizeX, lineHeight = surface.GetTextSize("\n")
  540. for i=1, string.len(text) do
  541. local ch = string.sub(text,i,i)
  542. if (ch == "\n") then
  543. if (string.len(curString) > 0) then
  544. draw.SimpleText(curString, font, curX, curY, colour, xalign, yalign)
  545. end
  546. curY = curY + (lineHeight/2)
  547. curX = x
  548. curString = ""
  549. elseif (ch == "\t") then
  550. if (string.len(curString) > 0) then
  551. draw.SimpleText(curString, font, curX, curY, colour, xalign, yalign)
  552. end
  553. local tmpSizeX,tmpSizeY = surface.GetTextSize(curString)
  554. curX = math.ceil( (curX + tmpSizeX) / 50 ) * 50
  555. curString = ""
  556. else
  557. curString = curString .. ch
  558. end
  559. end
  560. if (string.len(curString) > 0) then
  561. draw.SimpleText(curString, font, curX, curY, colour, xalign, yalign)
  562. end
  563. end
  565. local function FillRGBA(x,y,w,h,col)
  566. surface.SetDrawColor( col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a );
  567. surface.DrawRect( x, y, w, h );
  568. end
  570. local function OutlineRGBA(x,y,w,h,col)
  571. surface.SetDrawColor( col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a );
  572. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( x, y, w, h );
  573. end
  575. /*********************
  576. Name: IsVehicle
  577. Purpose: Find vehicles
  578. *********************/
  579. function Sethhacks.IsVehicle( e )
  580. local ply = LocalPlayer()
  581. if ( string.find( e:GetClass(), "prop_vehicle_" ) && ply:GetMoveType() ~= 0 ) then
  582. return true
  583. end
  584. return false
  585. end
  587. /***************************
  588. Name: SetColors
  589. Purpose: Set Colors
  590. ****************************/
  591. function SetColors(e)
  592. local ply, class, model = LocalPlayer(), e:GetClass(), e:GetModel()
  593. local col
  594. if ( e:IsPlayer() ) then
  595. col = Color(0,255,0,255)
  596. elseif ( e:IsNPC() ) then
  597. col = Color( 255, 0, 0, 20 )
  598. elseif IsCustomEnt( e:GetClass() ) then
  599. col = Color( 0, 200, 255, 50 )
  600. else
  601. col = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
  602. end
  603. return col
  604. end
  606. /******************************
  607. Name: Get Admin Type
  608. Purpose: Get Admin Type..
  609. *******************************/
  610. local function GetAdminType(e)
  611. if e:IsAdmin() && !e:IsSuperAdmin() then
  612. return " [A] "
  613. elseif( e:IsSuperAdmin() ) then
  614. return " [SA] "
  615. end
  616. return " "
  617. end
  619. /*******************************************
  620. Name: Anti-Cheat bypasses
  621. Purpose: Bypass shitty LUA anti-cheats
  622. ********************************************/
  624. Sethhacks.Print("[Anti-Cheat] Detected by: Cherry's AC (Working on a bypass method)")
  625. Sethhacks.Print("[Anti-Cheat] Detected by: LIFEPUNCH Anti-Cheat")
  626. Sethhacks.Print("[Anti-Cheat] Will bypass: SourceMod Anti-Cheat") -- SHOULD bypass by default, haven't got any problems yet.
  629. /****************************
  630. Name: Create ConVars
  631. Purpose: Create ConVars..
  632. *****************************/
  633. AddConVar("ESP_Info",0)
  634. AddConVar("ESP_Box",0)
  635. AddConVar("ESP_HPBar",0)
  636. AddConVar("ESP_Skeleton",0)
  637. AddConVar("ESP_Tracer",0)
  638. AddConVar("ESP_Crosshair",0)
  639. AddConVar("ESP_Chams",0)
  640. AddConVar("ESP_Chams_Material","Solid")
  641. AddConVar("ESP_Ents",0)
  642. AddConVar("ESP_Distance",1000)
  643. AddConVar("ESP_Info_Type","info")
  645. AddConVar("MISC_Bunnyhop",0)
  646. AddConVar("MISC_TTT",0)
  647. AddConVar("MISC_ChatSpam",0)
  648. AddConVar("MISC_ChatSpam_Msg","visit")
  649. AddConVar("MISC_AntiAFK",0)
  650. AddConVar("MISC_CSNoclip",0)
  651. AddConVar("MISC_Thirdperson",0)
  652. AddConVar("MISC_RPGod",0)
  653. AddConVar("MISC_Namechanger",0)
  654. AddConVar("MISC_ShowNotifications",0)
  655. AddConVar("MISC_SpeedHack_Speed",3.5)
  656. AddConVar("MISC_ShowSpec",0)
  657. AddConVar("MISC_ShowAdmins",0)
  659. AddConVar("AIM_Friendly",0)
  660. AddConVar("AIM_Steam",0)
  661. AddConVar("AIM_Admins",0)
  662. AddConVar("AIM_Auto",0)
  663. AddConVar("AIM_NoRecoil",0)
  664. AddConVar("AIM_Offset",0)
  665. AddConVar("AIM_AimSpot","Eye")
  666. AddConVar("AIM_Trigger",0)
  667. AddConVar("AIM_Silent",0)
  668. AddConVar("AIM_SH",0)
  669. AddConVar("AIM_Anti",0)
  673. /***********************************
  674. concommands to find entities and shit
  675. **************************************/
  677. AddCMD("_ents",function()
  678. PrintTable(ents.GetAll())
  679. end)
  681. AddCMD("_players",function()
  682. PrintTable(player.GetAll())
  683. end)
  686. /**********************
  687. Set some ConVars to 0
  688. **********************/
  689. old_rcc("Sethhacks_MISC_ChatSpam","0")
  690. old_rcc("Sethhacks_ESP_Tracer","0")
  694. /*******************
  695. Start of cheat
  696. *******************/
  698. --[[
  699. CHAMS
  700. ]]--
  702. -- distance check
  703. function IsCloseEnough(ent)
  704. local dist = ent:GetPos():Distance( LocalPlayer():GetPos() )
  705. if( dist <= GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Distance") and ent:GetPos() != Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) then
  706. return true
  707. end
  708. return false
  709. end
  711. function Chams()
  712. local mat = Sethhacks:CreateMaterial()
  713. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Chams") == 1 then
  714. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  715. local TCol = team.GetColor(v:Team())
  716. if IsValid(v) and v:Health() > 0 and v:Team() != TEAM_SPECTATOR and IsCloseEnough(v) then
  717. //Players
  718. cam.Start3D(EyePos(),EyeAngles())
  719. render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
  720. render.SetColorModulation( ( TCol.r * ( 1 / 255 ) ), ( TCol.g * ( 1 / 255 ) ), ( TCol.b * ( 1 / 255 ) ) )
  721. render.MaterialOverride( mat )
  722. v:DrawModel()
  723. render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
  724. render.SetColorModulation(1,1,1)
  725. render.MaterialOverride( )
  726. v:DrawModel()
  727. cam.End3D()
  728. end
  729. end
  730. end
  731. end
  734. local IsLock = false;
  735. --[[
  736. ESP
  737. ]]--
  738. function ESP()
  739. for k, e in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  740. local TeamColor = team.GetColor(e:Team())
  741. local HPColor = Color(255,255,255,255)
  742. local Dist = e:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos());
  743. local wep = "Unknown"
  744. local SteamID = e:SteamID()
  745. local Name = e:Nick()
  746. local hvhpos = ( e:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, 130 ) ):ToScreen();
  747. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_PERP_RPNames") == 1 then
  748. Name = e:GetRPName()
  749. else
  750. Name = e:Nick()
  751. end
  752. local maxX, minX, maxY, minY, maxX2, minX2, maxY2, minY2, minYhp, maxYhp = CreatePos( e )
  753. -- This is bad
  754. if e:Health() >= 90 then HPColor = Color(0,255,0,255)
  755. elseif e:Health() >= 70 then HPColor = Color(255,255,0,255)
  756. elseif e:Health() >= 50 then HPColor = Color(255,165,0,255)
  757. elseif e:Health() >= 30 then HPColor = Color(255,140,0,255)
  758. elseif e:Health() >= 20 then HPCOlor = Color(255,69,0,255)
  759. elseif e:Health() >= 10 then HPColor = Color(255,0,0,255)
  760. else HPColor = Color(255,0,0,255)
  761. end
  762. draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Sethhacks v4.5","Logo",1285,15,Color(2,0,0,255),4,1,1,red)
  763. if ( e:IsPlayer() && e:Alive() && e != LocalPlayer() && IsCloseEnough(e) ) then
  764. if e:GetActiveWeapon() != nil then
  765. if type(e:GetActiveWeapon()) == "Weapon" then
  766. if e:GetActiveWeapon() and e:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then
  767. wep = e:GetActiveWeapon():GetPrintName()
  769. -- ESP INFO
  770. if (GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Info") == 1 && GetConVarString("Sethhacks_ESP_Info_Type") == "info") then
  771. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( Name..GetAdminType(e), "Sethhacks_coolvetica", maxX2, minY2, TeamColor,4,1,1,Color(0,0,0))
  772. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "H: " .. e:Health(), "ESPFont_Small", maxX2, minY2 + 10, HPColor, 4,1, 1, black )
  773. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "D: " .. math.floor(Dist), "ESPFont_Small", maxX2, minY2 + 20, iceblue, 4, 1, 1, black )
  774. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "W: " .. wep, "ESPFont_Small", maxX2, minY2 + 30, iceblue, 4, 1, 1, black)
  775. if e:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" then
  776. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[Friend]", "ESPFont_Small", maxX2, minY2 - 10, iceblue, 4, 1,1,black)
  777. end
  778. if e:IsAdmin() then
  779. draw.SimpleText("[Admin]","ESPFont_Small",maxX2,minY2 -20,cyan,4,1,1,black)
  780. end
  781. elseif GetConVarString("Sethhacks_ESP_Info_Type") == "hvh" then
  782. draw.SimpleTextOutlined(e:Nick().." ["..e:Health().."]","Default",hvhpos.x,hvhpos.y,TeamColor,4,.5,.5,black,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  783. end
  785. -- ESP BOX --
  786. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Box") == 1 then
  787. surface.SetDrawColor(0,0,255,255)
  788. surface.DrawLine( maxX, maxY, maxX, minY )
  789. surface.DrawLine( maxX, minY, minX, minY )
  790. surface.DrawLine( minX, minY, minX, maxY )
  791. surface.DrawLine( minX, maxY, maxX, maxY )
  792. end
  793. -- ESP SKELETON --
  794. local bones = {
  795. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1" },
  796. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4" },
  797. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" },
  798. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" },
  799. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine" },
  800. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" },
  802. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm" },
  803. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" },
  804. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" },
  806. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm" },
  807. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm" },
  808. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" },
  810. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh" },
  811. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf" },
  812. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot" },
  813. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Toe0" },
  815. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh" },
  816. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf" },
  817. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot" },
  818. { S = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot", E = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Toe0" },
  819. }
  820. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Skeleton") == 1 then
  821. for k, v in pairs( bones ) do
  822. local sPos, ePos = e:GetBonePosition( e:LookupBone( v.S ) ):ToScreen(), e:GetBonePosition( e:LookupBone( v.E ) ):ToScreen()
  823. if e:IsPlayer() and !e:IsNPC() then
  824. surface.SetDrawColor(team.GetColor(e:Team()))
  825. end
  826. surface.DrawLine(sPos.x,sPos.y,ePos.x,ePos.y)
  827. end
  828. end
  829. -- ESP TRACER --
  830. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Tracer") == 1 then
  831. cam.Start3D( EyePos() , EyeAngles())
  832. render.SetMaterial( Material( "trails/laser" ) )
  833. StartPos = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetPos()
  834. EndPos = e:GetBonePosition(e:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1"))
  835. render.DrawBeam(StartPos, EndPos , 3, 0, 0, Color(0,255,0,255))
  836. cam.End3D()
  837. end
  839. -- ESP CROSSHAIR --
  840. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Crosshair") == 1 then
  841. local x, y = ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2
  842. local Speed = 1
  843. surface.SetDrawColor(GetColorCrosshair())
  844. CHPosx = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().HitPos:ToScreen().x,0,ScrW())
  845. CHPosy = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().HitPos:ToScreen().y,0,ScrH())
  846. mathsin = math.sin(CurTime()*Speed)*4
  847. mathcos = math.cos(CurTime()*Speed)*4
  848. mathsin2 = math.sin(CurTime()*Speed+0.1)*4
  849. mathcos2 = math.cos(CurTime()*Speed+0.1)*4
  850. mathsin3 = math.sin(CurTime()*Speed-0.1)*4
  851. mathcos3 = math.cos(CurTime()*Speed-0.1)*4
  852. surface.DrawLine( CHPosx+mathcos*2,CHPosy+mathsin*2,CHPosx+mathcos*5,CHPosy+mathsin*5 );
  853. surface.DrawLine( CHPosx-mathcos*2,CHPosy-mathsin*2,CHPosx-mathcos*5,CHPosy-mathsin*5 );
  854. surface.DrawLine( CHPosx+mathsin*2,CHPosy-mathcos*2,CHPosx+mathsin*5,CHPosy-mathcos*5 );
  855. surface.DrawLine( CHPosx-mathsin*2,CHPosy+mathcos*2,CHPosx-mathsin*5,CHPosy+mathcos*5 );
  856. end
  857. end
  858. end
  859. end
  860. end
  861. end
  862. for _, v in ipairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  863. if( v:IsValid() and IsCustomEnt( v:GetClass() )) then
  864. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_ESP_Ents") == 1 then
  865. local wepn = v:GetClass()
  866. local wname = string.Replace(wepn,"weapon_","")
  867. wname = string.Replace(wname,"_"," ")
  868. wname = string.upper(wname)
  869. local entpos = v:GetPos():ToScreen()
  870. draw.SimpleTextOutlined(""..wname.."", "ESPFont_Small", entpos.x + 50, entpos.y - 15, color_red, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, .6, black )
  871. surface.SetDrawColor(255,0,255,255)
  872. surface.DrawLine(entpos.x,entpos.y,entpos.x,entpos.y-10)
  873. surface.DrawLine(entpos.x,entpos.y,entpos.x+10,entpos.y)
  874. end
  875. end
  876. end
  877. end
  879. /**************************
  881. YES, Bringing them back.
  882. **************************/
  883. function Notifications()
  884. local NotifPos = 5
  885. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_ShowNotifications") == 1 then
  886. draw.RoundedBox( 8, -10, 0, 10000, 30, Color(0,0,0,100))
  888. if ShouldAim == 1 then
  889. draw.SimpleText("| Aimbot: ON", "Logo", 0,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  890. else
  891. draw.SimpleText("| Aimbot: OFF", "Logo", 0, NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  892. end
  894. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Auto") == 1 then
  895. draw.SimpleText("| Autoshoot: ON", "Logo", 100,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  896. else
  897. draw.SimpleText("| Autoshoot: OFF", "Logo", 100, NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  898. end
  900. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Trigger") == 1 then
  901. draw.SimpleText("| TriggerBot: ON", "Logo", 220,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  902. else
  903. draw.SimpleText("| TriggerBot: OFF", "Logo", 220, NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  904. end
  906. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_NoRecoil") == 1 then
  907. draw.SimpleText("| No Recoil: ON", "Logo", 340,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  908. else
  909. draw.SimpleText("| No Recoil: OFF", "Logo", 340,NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  910. end
  912. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Admins") == 1 then
  913. draw.SimpleText("| Target Admins: ON", "Logo", 450,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  914. else
  915. draw.SimpleText("| Target Admins: OFF", "Logo", 450,NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  916. end
  918. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Friendly") == 1 then
  919. draw.SimpleText("| Friendly Fire: ON", "Logo", 590,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  920. else
  921. draw.SimpleText("| Friendly Fire: OFF", "Logo", 590,NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  922. end
  924. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Steam") == 1 then
  925. draw.SimpleText("| Target Steam Friends: ON", "Logo", 720,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  926. else
  927. draw.SimpleText("| Target Steam Friends: OFF", "Logo", 720, NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  928. end
  930. if GetConVarNumber("host_timescale") >= 1.1 then
  931. draw.SimpleText("| SpeedHack: ON", "Logo", 910,NotifPos, Color(0,255,0,255))
  932. else
  933. draw.SimpleText("| SpeedHack: OFF", "Logo", 910, NotifPos, Color(255,0,0,255))
  934. end
  935. end
  936. end
  939. /*****************************************
  940. Name: Aimbot/Aim functions
  941. Purpose: Aim for you, because you suck
  942. Credits: faggot
  943. *******************************************/
  945. local Tb = table.Copy( file )
  946. local Tbs = table.Copy( string )
  947. local Uw = {}
  948. local Mw = {}
  949. local function PlyPos( ply )
  950. local min = ply:OBBMins()
  951. local max = ply:OBBMaxs()
  953. local Spots = {
  954. Vector( min.x, min.y, min.z ),
  955. Vector( min.x, min.y, max.z ),
  956. Vector( min.x, max.y, min.z ),
  957. Vector( min.x, max.y, max.z ),
  958. Vector( max.x, min.y, min.z ),
  959. Vector( max.x, min.y, max.z ),
  960. Vector( max.x, max.y, min.z ),
  961. Vector( max.x, max.y, max.z )
  962. }
  963. local minX = ScrW() * 2
  964. local minY = ScrH() * 2
  965. local maxX = 0
  966. local maxY = 0
  968. for k,v in pairs( Spots ) do
  969. local ToScreen = ply:LocalToWorld( v ):ToScreen()
  970. minX = math.min( minX, ToScreen.x )
  971. minY = math.min( minY, ToScreen.y )
  972. maxX = math.max( maxX, ToScreen.x )
  973. maxY = math.max( maxY, ToScreen.y )
  974. end
  975. return minX, minY, maxX, maxY
  976. end
  977. AddCMD("+Sethhacks_Aim",function()
  978. Aimon = 1
  979. end)
  981. AddCMD("-Sethhacks_Aim",function()
  982. Aimon = 0
  983. IsLock = false
  984. end)
  986. local function AimSpot(targ)
  987. if GetConVarString("Sethhacks_AIM_AimSpot") == "Eye" then
  988. local eye = targ:LookupAttachment("eyes")
  989. if eye then
  990. local pos = targ:GetAttachment(eye)
  991. if pos then return pos.Pos end
  992. end
  993. end
  994. if GetConVarString("Sethhacks_AIM_AimSpot") == "Bone" then
  995. local bone = targ:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")
  996. if bone then
  997. local pos = targ:GetBonePosition(bone)
  998. if pos then return pos end
  999. end
  1000. end
  1001. if GetConVarString("Sethhacks_AIM_AimSpot") == "Center" then
  1002. local center = targ:OBBCenter()
  1003. if center then
  1004. local pos = targ:LocalToWorld(center)
  1005. if pos then return pos end
  1006. end
  1007. end
  1009. return targ:LocalToWorld(targ:OBBCenter())
  1011. end
  1013. local function Exception(ent)
  1014. if (ent == LocalPlayer()) then return false end
  1015. if (ent:Team() == TEAM_SPECTATOR) then return false end
  1016. if (ent:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_OBSERVER) then return false end
  1017. if (!ent:Alive() ) then return false end
  1018. if (ent:InVehicle()) then return false end
  1019. if (GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Friendly") == 0 && ent:Team() == LocalPlayer():Team()) then return false end
  1020. if (GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Steam") == 0 && ent:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" ) then return false end
  1021. return true
  1022. end
  1024. local function Visible(ply)
  1025. local tracedata = {}
  1026. tracedata.start = LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()
  1027. tracedata.endpos = AimSpot(ply) - Vector(0,0,GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Offset"))
  1028. tracedata.mask = MASK_SHOT
  1029. tracedata.filter = {ply , LocalPlayer()}
  1030. Trace = util.TraceLine(tracedata)
  1031. if Trace.Hit then return false else return true end
  1032. end
  1035. local function Aimbot(ucmd)
  1036. if Aimon == 1 then
  1037. local ArchAngel = Angle(0,0,0)
  1038. local target;
  1039. local distance = math.huge;
  1040. for _, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1041. if (ply != LocalPlayer() and ply:Alive() and Visible(ply) and Exception(ply)) then
  1042. local thedist = ply:GetPos():DistToSqr(LocalPlayer():GetPos());
  1043. if (thedist < distance) then
  1044. distance = thedist;
  1045. target = ply;
  1046. end
  1047. end
  1048. end
  1049. if target != nil then
  1051. local Aimspot = AimSpot(target) - Vector(0,0,GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Offset"))
  1052. Aimspot = Aimspot + target:GetVelocity() / 45 - LocalPlayer():GetVelocity() / 45
  1053. Angel = (Aimspot - LocalPlayer():GetShootPos()):GetNormal():Angle()
  1054. Angel.p = math.NormalizeAngle( Angel.p )
  1055. Angel.y = math.NormalizeAngle( Angel.y )
  1056. ArchAngel = Angle( Angel.p, Angel.y, 0 )
  1057. debug.getregistry()["CUserCmd"].SetViewAngles(ucmd, ArchAngel)
  1058. IsLock = 1
  1059. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_Auto") == 1 then
  1060. ucmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(ucmd:GetButtons(),IN_ATTACK))
  1061. end
  1062. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_SH") == 1 then
  1063. ucmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(ucmd:GetButtons(),IN_ATTACK2))
  1064. end
  1065. end
  1066. end
  1067. end
  1070. /******************************
  1071. Name: SILENT AIM
  1072. Purpose: FAKE AIM VIEW
  1073. ******************************/
  1075. -- make me
  1077. /****************************
  1078. Name: Misc
  1079. Purpose: Misc features
  1080. *****************************/
  1082. function NameChanger()
  1083. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_Namechanger") == 1 then
  1084. AddTimer( 1, 1, function()
  1086. end )
  1087. end
  1088. end
  1090. function Misc()
  1091. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_BunnyHop") == 1 then
  1092. if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE) then
  1093. if LocalPlayer():IsOnGround() then
  1094. old_rcc("+Jump")
  1095. timer.Create("Bhop",0.01, 0 ,function() old_rcc("-Jump") end)
  1096. end
  1097. end
  1098. end
  1099. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_AIM_NoRecoil") == 1 then
  1100. if LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary then
  1101. LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Recoil = 0
  1102. end
  1103. end
  1104. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_ChatSpam") == 1 then
  1105. LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say "..GetConVarString("Sethhacks_MISC_ChatSpam_Msg").."["..math.random(1,999).."]")
  1106. end
  1107. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_RPGod") == 1 then
  1108. if LocalPlayer():Health() < 100 then
  1109. LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /buyhealth"); -- spam buyhealth
  1110. end
  1111. end
  1112. end
  1114. function ShowNotifi()
  1115. -- now spectating
  1116. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1117. if (IsValid(v:GetObserverTarget()) and v:GetObserverTarget():IsPlayer() and v:GetObserverTarget() == LocalPlayer()) then
  1118. if(not table.HasValue(Sethhacks.spectators, v)) then
  1119. table.insert(Sethhacks.spectators, v);
  1120. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_ShowSpec") == 1 then
  1121. Sethhacks.Notify(true,red,""..v:Nick().." is now spectating you!")
  1122. surface.PlaySound("buttons/blip1.wav")
  1123. end
  1124. end
  1125. end
  1126. end
  1127. -- no longer spectating
  1128. for k, v in pairs(Sethhacks.spectators) do
  1129. if (not IsValid(v) or not IsValid(v:GetObserverTarget()) or not v:GetObserverTarget():IsPlayer() or (v:GetObserverTarget() ~= LocalPlayer())) then
  1130. table.remove(Sethhacks.spectators, k);
  1131. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_ShowSpec") == 1 then
  1132. Sethhacks.Notify(true,green,""..v:Nick().." is no longer spectating you!")
  1133. end
  1134. end
  1135. end
  1136. -- admin join
  1137. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_ShowAdmins") == 1 then
  1138. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1139. if (v:IsAdmin() and not table.HasValue(Sethhacks.admins, v)) then
  1140. table.insert(Sethhacks.admins, v);
  1141. Sethhacks.Notify(true,white,"Admin " .. v:Nick() .. " has joined!")
  1142. surface.PlaySound("buttons/blip1.wav");
  1143. end
  1144. end
  1145. end
  1146. end
  1149. local commands = { "forward" , "back" , "jump" , "moveleft" , "moveright", "duck" }
  1150. function AntiAfk()
  1151. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_AntiAFK") == 1 then
  1152. local command1 = table.Random( commands )
  1153. local command2 = table.Random( commands )
  1154. AddTimer( 1, 1, function()
  1155. old_rcc( "+"..command1 )
  1156. old_rcc( "+"..command2 )
  1157. end )
  1158. AddTimer( 2, 1, function()
  1159. old_rcc("-"..command1 )
  1160. old_rcc("-"..command2 )
  1161. end )
  1162. end
  1163. end
  1164. AddTimer( 5 , 0 , function() AntiAfk() end )
  1166. // Traitor finder functions
  1167. local Traitors = {};
  1168. local PlayerIsTraitor = false
  1169. timer.Simple( 3, function()
  1170. if ( gmod.GetGamemode().Name ) == "Trouble in Terrorist Town" then
  1171. local TWeapons = { "weapon_ttt_knife", "weapon_ttt_radio", "(Disguise)", "spiderman's_swep", "weapon_ttt_trait_defilibrator", "weapon_ttt_xbow", "weapon_ttt_dhook", "weapon_awp", "weapon_ttt_ak47", "weapon_jihadbomb", "weapon_ttt_c4", "weapon_ttt_decoy", "weapon_ttt_flaregun", "weapon_ttt_phammer", "weapon_ttt_push", "weapon_ttt_sipistol", "weapon_ttt_awp", "weapon_ttt_silencedsniper", "weapon_ttt_turtlenade", "weapon_ttt_death_station", "weapon_ttt_sg552", "weapon_ttt_tripmine", "weapon_zm_m1911", "weapon_zm_tmp", "weapon_zm_rifle_silence", "weapon_ttt_silenced_m4a1", "weapon_ttt_gadaffiboom", "weapon_ttt_siriffle", "weapon_ttt_teleport", "weapon_ttt_silentsnip", "weapon_ttt_siltmp", "weapon_ttt_sisniper", "weapon_ttt_sitmp", "weapon_ttt_switchatron", "weapon_ttt_thook", "weapon_ttt_radiojammer" }
  1172. local UsedWeapons = {}
  1173. local MapWeapons = {}
  1174. function IsATraitor( ply )
  1175. for k, v in pairs( Traitors ) do
  1176. if v == ply then
  1177. return true
  1178. else
  1179. return false
  1180. end
  1181. end
  1182. end
  1184. timer.Create("TTT", 0.8, 0, function()
  1185. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_TTT") == 1 then
  1186. if !IsATraitor( ply ) then
  1187. for k, v in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "player" ) ) do
  1188. if IsValid( v ) then
  1189. if (!v:IsDetective()) then
  1190. if v:Team() ~= TEAM_SPECTATOR then
  1191. for wepk, wepv in pairs( TWeapons ) do
  1192. for entk, entv in pairs( ents.FindByClass( wepv ) ) do
  1193. if IsValid( entv ) then
  1194. cookie.Set( entv, 100 - wepk )
  1195. if !table.HasValue( UsedWeapons, cookie.GetNumber( entv ) ) then
  1196. if !table.HasValue( MapWeapons, cookie.GetNumber( entv ) ) then
  1197. local EntPos = ( entv:GetPos() - Vector(0,0,35) )
  1198. if entv:GetClass() == wepv then
  1199. if v:GetPos():Distance( EntPos ) <= 1 then
  1200. table.insert( Traitors, v )
  1201. Sethhacks.Notify(sound,red,v:Nick() .. " has traitor weapon: " .. wepv )
  1202. if !table.HasValue( UsedWeapons, cookie.GetNumber( entv ) ) then
  1203. table.insert( UsedWeapons, cookie.GetNumber( entv ) )
  1204. else
  1205. if !table.HasValue( MapWeapons, cookie.GetNumber( entv ) ) then
  1206. table.insert( MapWeapons, cookie.GetNumber( entv ) )
  1207. end
  1208. end
  1209. end
  1210. end
  1211. end
  1212. end
  1213. end
  1214. end
  1215. end
  1216. end
  1217. end
  1218. end
  1219. end
  1220. end
  1221. end
  1222. end )
  1224. AddHook("HUDPaint",function()
  1225. if GetConVarNumber("Sethhacks_MISC_TTT") == 1 then
  1226. for k, e in pairs( Traitors ) do
  1227. local maxX, minX, maxY, minY, maxX2, minX2, maxY2, minY2, minYhp, maxYhp = CreatePos( e )
  1228. if IsValid( e ) then
  1229. if e:Team() ~= TEAM_SPECTATOR then
  1230. if ( !e:IsDetective() ) then
  1231. PlayerIsTraitor = true
  1232. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "[TRAITOR]", "ESPFont", maxX2, minY2 -20, red, 4, 1, 1, black )
  1233. end
  1234. end
  1235. end
  1236. end
  1237. end
  1238. end )
  1240. AddHook("TTTPrepareRound",function()
  1241. timer.Simple( 2, function()
  1242. for k, v in pairs( Traitors ) do
  1243. table.remove( Traitors, k )
  1244. Traitors = {}
  1245. end
  1246. for k, v in pairs( UsedWeapons ) do
  1247. table.remove( UsedWeapons, k )
  1248. UsedWeapons = {}
  1249. end
  1250. for k, v in pairs( MapWeapons ) do
  1251. table.remove( MapWeapons, k )
  1252. MapWeapons = {}
  1253. end
  1254. end )
  1255. end )
  1256. end
  1257. end )
  1260. /*************************
  1262. *************************/
  1263. AddCMD("+Sethhacks_Menu", function()
  1264. Menu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  1265. Menu:SetSize(450,360)
  1266. Menu:SetTitle(" :: Sethhacks :: Version "..Sethhacks.version.." ::") -- Ignore the spacing.
  1267. Menu:Center()
  1268. Menu:MakePopup()
  1269. Menu.Paint = function()
  1270. local mW, mH, x, y = Menu:GetWide(), Menu:GetTall(), ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2
  1271. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, mW, mH, Color( 175, 0, 0, 0 ) )
  1272. surface.SetDrawColor(black);
  1273. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, mW , mH )
  1274. surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 25, mW, mH )
  1275. end
  1277. local Sheet = vgui.Create("DPropertySheet",Menu)
  1278. Sheet:SetPos( 0, 25 )
  1279. Sheet:SetSize( 450, 350 )
  1280. Sheet.Paint = function()
  1281. draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, Sheet:GetWide(), Sheet:GetTall(), Color(0,0,0,150) )
  1282. end
  1284. // fuck;
  1285. local Page1 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  1286. Page1:SetParent( Sheet )
  1287. Page1:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  1288. Page1:SetText("")
  1289. Page1.Paint = function()
  1290. draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Sethhacks v"..Sethhacks.version.." - Revived by Catheter and Briska ","Logo",30,3,red,TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE,TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLE,2,black)
  1291. end
  1292. local Page2 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  1293. Page2:SetParent( Sheet )
  1294. Page2:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  1295. Page2:SetText("")
  1296. Page2.Paint = function()
  1297. end
  1298. local Page3 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  1299. Page3:SetParent( Sheet )
  1300. Page3:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  1301. Page3:SetText("")
  1302. Page3.Paint = function()
  1303. end
  1304. local Page4 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  1305. Page4:SetParent( Sheet )
  1306. Page4:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  1307. Page4:SetText("")
  1308. Page4.Paint = function()
  1309. end
  1310. local Page5 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  1311. Page5:SetParent( Sheet )
  1312. Page5:SetPos( 0 , 10 )
  1313. Page5:SetText("")
  1314. Page5.Paint = function()
  1315. end
  1316. -----------------------
  1317. --[[ MAIN TAB SHIT ]]--
  1318. -----------------------
  1319. // LOAD SHIT
  1320. local ReloadHooksButton = vgui.Create("DButton",Page1)
  1321. ReloadHooksButton:SetText("Reload Hooks")
  1322. ReloadHooksButton:SetPos( 80, 30 )
  1323. ReloadHooksButton:SetSize( 200, 25)
  1324. ReloadHooksButton.DoClick = function()
  1325. Sethhacks.hooks:reload()
  1326. Sethhacks.Notify(green,"Reloaded hooks")
  1327. end
  1329. -------------------------
  1330. --[[ AIMBOT TAB SHIT ]]--
  1331. -------------------------
  1332. AddCheckBox("Autoshoot","Sethhacks_AIM_Auto",Page2,10,10,"Autoshoot when locked")
  1333. AddCheckBox("Friendly Fire","Sethhacks_AIM_Friendly",Page2,10,30,"Target your own team")
  1334. AddCheckBox("Target Steam Friends","Sethhacks_AIM_Steam",Page2,10,50,"Target Steam Friends")
  1335. AddCheckBox("Target Admins","Sethhacks_AIM_Admins",Page2,10,70,"Target Admins")
  1336. AddCheckBox("No-Recoil","Sethhacks_AIM_NoRecoil",Page2,10,90,"Remove Recoil")
  1337. AddCheckBox("Triggerbot","Sethhacks_AIM_Trigger",Page2,10,110,"Auto-shoots when looking at a player")
  1338. AddCheckBox("Stronghold mode","Sethhacks_AIM_SH",Page2,10,130,"Aims down sights when locked, to reduce spread.")
  1340. AddSlider("Aimbot Offset","Sethhacks_AIM_Offset",Page2,-25,25,1,10,260,350,"Offsets your aimspot")
  1342. -------------------------------------
  1343. --[[ ESP | WALLHACK | VISUAL TAB ]]--
  1344. -------------------------------------
  1345. AddCheckBox("[ESP] Info","Sethhacks_ESP_Info",Page3,10,10,"Show player's info on the ESP")
  1346. AddCheckBox("[ESP] Chams","Sethhacks_ESP_Chams",Page3,10,30,"Show a player's model through walls")
  1347. AddCheckBox("[ESP] Bounding Box","Sethhacks_ESP_Box",Page3,10,50,"Draw a box around players")
  1348. AddCheckBox("[ESP] Show Skeleton","Sethhacks_ESP_Skeleton",Page3,10,70,"Show player's bones")
  1349. AddCheckBox("[ESP] Entity Finder","Sethhacks_ESP_Ents",Page3,10,90,"Show entities on the ESP")
  1351. AddCheckBox("[VIS] Crosshair","Sethhacks_ESP_Crosshair",Page3,150,10,"Draw a crosshair on your screen")
  1352. AddCheckBox("[VIS] Laser Tracer","Sethhacks_ESP_Tracer",Page3,150,30,"Draw a laser from your feet to player's heads.")
  1354. /*
  1355. local ListESP1 = vgui.Create( "DListView" )
  1356. ListESP1:SetPos( 330, 280 )
  1357. ListESP1:SetParent( Page3 )
  1358. ListESP1:SetSize( 100, 20 )
  1359. ListESP1:SetMultiSelect(false)
  1360. ListESP1:AddColumn( "Wireframe" )
  1361. ListESP1:AddColumn( "Solid" )
  1362. ListESP1:SetConVar( "Sethhacks_ESP_Chams_Material" )
  1363. */
  1365. local ESPLabel1 = vgui.Create("DLabel")
  1366. ESPLabel1:SetParent( Page3 )
  1367. ESPLabel1:SetPos(335,265)
  1368. ESPLabel1:SetText("Chams Material")
  1369. ESPLabel1:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255,255))
  1370. ESPLabel1:SizeToContents()
  1372. /**********************
  1373. Entity Finder Stuff
  1374. **********************/
  1376. ---------------------------
  1377. --[[ MISC TAB SETTINGS ]]--
  1378. ---------------------------
  1379. AddCheckBox("Traitor Finder","Sethhacks_MISC_TTT",Page4,10,10,"Find traitors in TTT")
  1380. AddCheckBox("Bunnyhop","Sethhacks_MISC_BunnyHop",Page4,10,30,"Bunnyhop by holding 'Space'")
  1381. AddCheckBox("Anti-AFK","Sethhacks_MISC_AntiAFK",Page4,10,70,"Makes you move randomly to avoid AFK kickers")
  1382. AddCheckBox("Name Changer","Sethhacks_MISC_Namechanger",Page4,10,90,"Steal player's names")
  1383. AddCheckBox("Show Notifications","Sethhacks_MISC_ShowNotifications",Page4,10,110,"Draws enabled features on top of the screen")
  1384. AddCheckBox("Show Spectators","Sethhacks_MISC_ShowSpec",Page4,10,150,"Tells you in chat when someone is spectating you.")
  1385. AddCheckBox("Show Admins","Sethhacks_MISC_ShowAdmins",Page4,10,170,"Tells you in chat when an admin joins.")
  1389. --------------------------------
  1390. --[[ PERP HACK TAB SETTINGS]]---
  1391. --------------------------------
  1392. // Add sheets
  1393. Sheet:AddSheet("Main",Page1,false,false,false,"Main cheat settings")
  1394. Sheet:AddSheet("Aimbot",Page2, false, false, false, "Aimbot Settings")
  1395. Sheet:AddSheet("ESP | Wallhack | Visual",Page3,false,false,false,"ESP/Wallhack Settings")
  1396. Sheet:AddSheet("Miscellaneous",Page4,false,false,false,"Miscellaneous Settings")
  1398. end) -- End of +Sethhacks_Menu function
  1399. AddCMD("-Sethhacks_Menu",function()
  1400. Menu:SetVisible(false)
  1401. end)
  1403. AddCMD("Sethhacks_Menu_Toggle",function()
  1404. Menu:SetVisible(true)
  1405. end)
  1407. /*****************************
  1408. Entity finder menu
  1409. *****************************/
  1411. function EntsMenu()
  1412. local EntPanel = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1413. EntPanel:SetPos( ScrW()/2 - 250, ScrH()/2 - 200 )
  1414. EntPanel:SetSize( 500, 400 )
  1415. EntPanel:SetTitle( "Custom Entities" )
  1416. EntPanel:SetVisible( true )
  1417. EntPanel:SetDraggable( false )
  1418. EntPanel:ShowCloseButton( true )
  1419. EntPanel:MakePopup()
  1421. local NonEnts = vgui.Create( "DListView", EntPanel )
  1422. NonEnts:SetPos( 20, 45 )
  1423. NonEnts:SetSize( 150, EntPanel:GetTall() - 70 )
  1424. NonEnts:SetMultiSelect(true)
  1425. --NonEnts:SetMultiple( false )
  1427. local AddEnt = vgui.Create( "DButton", EntPanel )
  1428. AddEnt:SetPos( EntPanel:GetWide()/2 - 50, EntPanel:GetTall()/2 - 65 )
  1429. AddEnt:SetSize( 100, 30 )
  1430. AddEnt:SetText( "Add Ent ->" )
  1432. local Added = vgui.Create( "DComboBox", EntPanel )
  1433. Added:SetPos( EntPanel:GetWide() - 170, 45 )
  1434. Added:SetSize( 150, EntPanel:GetTall() - 70 )
  1435. --Added:SetMultiSelect(true)
  1436. --Added:SetMultiple( false )
  1438. local RemoveEnt = vgui.Create( "DButton", EntPanel )
  1439. RemoveEnt:SetPos( EntPanel:GetWide()/2 - 50, EntPanel:GetTall()/2 + 25 )
  1440. RemoveEnt:SetSize( 100, 30 )
  1441. RemoveEnt:SetText( "<- Remove Ent" )
  1443. local function RefreshCombo()
  1444. NonEnts:Clear()
  1445. Added:Clear()
  1446. local listedn = {}
  1447. for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  1448. if( IsValid( v ) and !IsCustomEnt( v:GetClass() ) and !table.HasValue( listedn, v:GetClass() ) and !table.HasValue( Sethhacks.invalidents, v:GetClass() ) and string.Left( v:GetClass(), 8 ) != "class C_" and string.Left( v:GetClass(), 5 ) != "func_" and string.Left( v:GetClass(), 4 ) != "env_") then
  1449. local item = DPanelList:AddItem( v:GetClass() )
  1450. itement = v
  1451. table.insert( listedn, v:GetClass() )
  1452. end
  1453. end
  1455. local listeda= {}
  1456. for k, v in pairs( Sethhacks.ents ) do
  1457. local item = DListView:AddLine( v )
  1458. itement = v
  1459. table.insert( listeda, v )
  1460. end
  1461. end
  1462. RefreshCombo()
  1464. local Clear = vgui.Create( "DButton", EntPanel )
  1465. Clear:SetPos( EntPanel:GetWide()/2 - 45, EntPanel:GetTall() - 85 )
  1466. Clear:SetSize( 90, 30 )
  1467. Clear:SetText( "Clear" )
  1468. Clear.DoClick = function()
  1469. ClearEnts()
  1470. RefreshCombo()
  1471. end
  1473. AddEnt.DoClick = function()
  1474. if( #NonEnts:GetSelected() != 0 ) then
  1475. AddEnt( NonEnts:GetSelectedLine().ent:GetClass() )
  1476. RefreshCombo()
  1477. end
  1478. end
  1480. RemoveEnt.DoClick = function()
  1481. if( #Added:GetSelected() != 0 ) then
  1482. RefreshCombo()
  1483. end
  1484. end
  1485. end
  1487. /**********************
  1488. Name: Hooks
  1489. Purpose: Hook shit
  1490. ***********************/
  1492. function hooks_hudpaint()
  1493. ESP()
  1494. Notifications()
  1495. end
  1497. function hooks_postdraw()
  1498. Chams()
  1499. end
  1501. function hooks_think()
  1502. Misc();
  1503. NameChanger();
  1504. ShowNotifi();
  1505. end
  1507. function hooks_renderscreenspaceeffects()
  1508. end
  1510. function hooks_calcview()
  1511. end
  1513. function hooks_createmove(ucmd)
  1514. Aimbot(ucmd)
  1515. end
  1517. function Sethhacks.hooks:load()
  1518. Log("Loaded hooks")
  1519. AddHook("HUDPaint",hooks_hudpaint)
  1520. AddHook("PostDrawEffects",hooks_postdraw)
  1521. AddHook("Think",hooks_think)
  1522. AddHook("CalcView",hooks_calcview)
  1523. AddHook("RenderScreenspaceEffects",hooks_renderscreenspaceeffects)
  1524. AddHook("CreateMove",hooks_createmove)
  1525. end
  1526. Sethhacks.hooks:load(); -- load them
  1528. function Sethhacks.hooks:unload()
  1529. RemoveHook("HUDPaint",hooks_hudpaint)
  1530. RemoveHook("CalcView",hooks_calcview)
  1531. RemoveHook("PostDrawEffects",hooks_postdraw)
  1532. RemoveHook("Think",hooks_think)
  1533. RemoveHook("RenderScreenspaceEffects",hooks_renderscreenspaceeffects)
  1534. RemoveHook("CreateMove",hooks_createmove)
  1535. end
  1537. function Sethhacks.hooks:reload()
  1538. Log("Reloaded hooks")
  1539. Sethhacks.hooks:unload()
  1540. Sethhacks.hooks:load()
  1541. end
  1543. function unload()
  1544. Log("Unloaded.")
  1545. Sethhacks.hooks:unload()
  1546. old_rcc("-Sethhacks_Menu")
  1547. RemoveCMD("+Sethhacks_Menu")
  1548. RemoveCMD("-Sethhacks_Menu")
  1549. RemoveCMD("+Sethhacks_Aim")
  1550. RemoveCMD("-Sethhacks_Aim")
  1551. RemoveCMD("+Sethhacks_Speed")
  1552. RemoveCMD("-Sethhacks_Speed")
  1553. RemoveCMD("Sethhacks_Menu_Toggle")
  1554. timer.Destroy("TTT")
  1555. end
  1557. /*******
  1558. RUN LAST
  1559. ********/
  1561. Sethhacks.Notify(dosound,white,"loaded version "..Sethhacks.version..".")
  1562. Log("Loaded!")
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