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Various snippets from the leaders in linux OCR to PDF

a guest
Feb 17th, 2012
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  1. ========================== hocr2pdf ===============================
  3. heH ypertexTt ransfePr rotoco lH Tl`P! is ana pplicationle-v epl rotocolf or distributedc,o llaborative,
  4. lypermediain fomiatiosny stem.H TTPh asb eenin useb y theW orld-WideW ebg lobailn fonnatioin itiative
  5. since1 990.T hel irstv ersiono f HTTP,r eferredto asH TTP/0.9w, asa simplep rotocoflo r rawd atat ransfer
  6. acrostsh eI ntemeHt. TTP1/. 0,a sd elinebdy RFC1 945[§ ], improvetdh ep rotocobl y allowinmg essagteos b e
  7. in the fonnato f MIME-like messagecso, ntaininmg etainlbmiatioanb outt hed atat ransferreadn dm odilierso n the
  8. request/responsseem anticHs.o weverH, TTP/1 . 0 doesn ots uflicientltya kei ntoc onsiderationtheeii ectso f
  9. hierarchicparol xiesc,a chingth, en eedfo rp ersistecnot nnectionosr v, irtuahl ostsI.n additionth, ep roliferatioonf
  10. incompletely-implemapepnltiecda tiocnasll intgh emselv"eHsT TP/1.h0a" sn ecessitaatep dro
  12. =========================== hocr2pdf -s (sloppy) ==================
  14. TheH ypertexTt ransfePr rotoco lH Tl`P! is ana pplicationle-v epl rotocolf or distributedc,o llaborative,
  15. lypermediain fomiatiosny stem.H TTPh asb eenin useb y theW orld-WideW ebg lobailn fonnatioin itiative
  16. since1 990.T hel irstv ersiono f HTTP,r eferredto asH TTP/0.9w, asa simplep rotocoflo r rawd atat ransfer
  17. acrostsh eI ntemeHt. TTP1/. 0,a sd elinebdy RFC1 945[§ ], improvetdh ep rotocobl y allowinmg essagteos b e
  18. in the fonnato f MIME-like messagecso, ntaininmg etainlbmiatioanb outt hed atat ransferreadn dm odilierso n the
  19. request/responsseem anticHs.o weverH, TTP/1 . 0 doesn ots uflicientltya kei ntoc onsiderationtheeii ectso f
  20. hierarchicparol xiesc,a chingth, en eedfo rp ersistecnot nnectionosr v, irtuahl ostsI.n additionth, ep roliferatioonf
  21. incompletely-implemapepnltiecda tiocnasll intgh emselv"eHsT TP/1.h0a" sn ecessitaatep dro tocovle rsiocnh ange
  22. in orderf or two communicatainpgp licationtos d etemrineea cho thertsr uec apabilities.
  25. ======================== gscan2pdf ===============================
  26. ## Check the PDF file and copy the text into word/pages/openoffice!
  27. ## It's quite funny, if not accurate!
  29. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative,
  30. hypermedia infomation systems. HTTP has been in use by the World-Wide Web global infonnation initiative
  31. since 1990. The iirst version of HTTP, referred to as HTTP/0.9, was a simple protocol for raw data transfer
  32. across the Intemet. HTTP/ 1 .0, as denned by RFC 1945 [Q], improved the protocol by allowingmessages to be
  33. in the fomiat of MIME-like messages, containingmetainfonnation about the data transferred and moditiers on the
  34. request/response semantics. However, HTTP/ 1.0 does not suiiicientlytake into consideration the eifects of
  35. hierarchical proxies, caching, the need for persistent connections, or virtual hosts. In addition, the proliferationof
  36. incompletely-implementedapplications callingthemselves "HTl"P/1.0" has necessitated a protocol version change
  37. in order for two communicatingapplications to detemiine each other's true capabilities
  39. ========================== OCR Feeder ============================
  40. Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.01 with Leptonica 9/22/2009 H`|'|'P/ 1.1: Introduction part ofHvpertexl Transfer Protocol -- H TTP/1. I RFC Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.01 with Leptonica 1 Introduction
  41. Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.01 with Leptonica 1.1 Purpose The Hypertext Transfer Protocol Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.01 with Leptonica Practical information systems require more Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.01 with Leptonica 1.2 Requirements _ The key words "MUST", Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.01 with Leptonica An implementation is not compliant if it fails
  44. ====================== hocr2pdf text only ========================
  45. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTl`P! is an application- level protocol for distributed, collaborative,
  46. lypermedia infomiation system. HTTP has been in use by the World-Wide Web global infonnation initiative
  47. since 1990. The lirst version of HTTP, referred to as HTTP/0.9, was a simple protocol for raw data transfer
  48. across the Intemet. HTTP/ 1 .0, as delined by RFC 1945 [§], improved the protocol by allowing messages to be
  49. in the fonnat of MIME-like messages, containing metainlbmiation about the data transferred and modiliers on the
  50. request/response semantics. However, HTTP/ 1 .0 does not sufliciently take into considerationthe eiiects of
  51. hierarchical proxies, caching, the need for persistent connections, or virtual hosts. In addition, the proliferation of
  52. incompletely-implemented applications calling themselves "HTTP/1.0" has necessitated a protocol version change
  53. in order for two communicating applications to detemrine each others true capabilities
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