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a guest
Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. {
  2. "_id" : ObjectId("5d070619b797e00007299484"),
  3. "phone" : "9134655088",
  4. "campaign" : "5cff1d45771eeb00016695de",
  5. "state" : "PERFORMED",
  6. "lastCallRequestTimestamp" : NumberLong(1560741426490),
  7. "callAnsweredTimestamp" : NumberLong(0),
  8. "calls" : [],
  9. "outgoingCalls" : [
  10. {
  11. "uuid" : "c47f86c6-d752-4515-8b14-89d537e22294",
  12. "request" : {
  13. "targetTopic" : "sip-system-originate-request-beeline-vis-release-2-3",
  14. "responseTopic" : "calling-system-orig-result-outgoing-apps-v2",
  15. "callUrl" : "sofia/gateway/beeline/9134655088 ext XML outgoing-release-2-3-sa2",
  16. "createdUtcMs" : NumberLong(1560741426490),
  17. "callUuid" : "c47f86c6-d752-4515-8b14-89d537e22294",
  18. "callTaskUuid" : "5d070619b797e00007299484",
  19. "client" : "5cd256232066320001305b6e",
  20. "campaign" : "5cff1d45771eeb00016695de",
  21. "originateParameters" : {
  22. "sip_cid_type" : "none",
  23. "sip_invite_from_params" : "user=phone",
  24. "sip_invite_to_params" : "user=phone",
  25. "sip_invite_params" : "user=phone"
  26. },
  27. "originateTimeoutSec" : 30
  28. }
  29. }
  30. ],
  31. "parameters" : {},
  32. "nextAttemptTimestamp" : NumberLong(0),
  33. "results" : {},
  34. "ringingMillis" : NumberLong(0),
  35. "talkMillis" : NumberLong(0),
  36. "reportParameters" : {},
  37. "created" : NumberLong(0),
  38. "reported" : false,
  39. "testing" : true,
  40. "performedTimestamp" : NumberLong(1560741439),
  41. "sumConsume" : 0.0,
  42. "processingEvents" : [
  43. {
  44. "timestampSecUtc" : NumberLong(1560741426),
  45. "dateTimeFormatted" : "17.06.19 03:17",
  46. "author" : "calling-system",
  47. "event" : "call initiated: OutgoingCall(uuid=c47f86c6-d752-4515-8b14-89d537e22294, request=RequestOutgoingCall(targetTopic=sip-system-originate-request-beeline-vis-release-2-3, responseTopic=calling-system-orig-result-outgoing-apps-v2, callUrl=sofia/gateway/beeline/9134655088 ext XML outgoing-release-2-3-sa2, createdUtcMs=1560741426490, callUuid=c47f86c6-d752-4515-8b14-89d537e22294, callTaskUuid=5d070619b797e00007299484, client=5cd256232066320001305b6e, campaign=5cff1d45771eeb00016695de, originateParameters={sip_cid_type=none, sip_invite_from_params=user=phone, sip_invite_to_params=user=phone, sip_invite_params=user=phone}, originateTimeoutSec=30), originateResult=null, systemError=null, cdr=null); message to kafka to call task is about to be sent"
  48. }
  49. ],
  50. "uniqueTag" : "5cff1d45771eeb00016695de_9134655088_6e7b642a-fb50-4f86-b830-1afd1d1e2f14",
  51. "fullCost" : NumberLong(0),
  52. "fullBilling" : false,
  53. "_class" : "tech.ivoice.common.model.calls.CallTask",
  54. "scenarioResult" : {
  55. "time" : ISODate("2019-06-17T03:17:19.293Z"),
  56. "items" : [
  57. {
  58. "time" : ISODate("2019-06-17T03:17:13.064Z"),
  59. "name" : "params",
  60. "value" : "yesnoonequestion",
  61. "details" : {
  62. "mainQuestionText" : "Здравствуйте, я робот медицинского центра Камелот. Для вас подготовлено персональное предложение: скидка 50% на термаж. Если вам интересно данное предложение ответьте даъ... и наш администратор с вами свяжется!",
  63. "onYesSMSText" : "",
  64. "onNoText" : "Спасибо за уделённое время, до свидания!",
  65. "mainGenerationState" : true,
  66. "mainQuestionAudio" : "/audios/487e5560-8bf8-11e9-8a60-6b9f04b1d17d.wav",
  67. "campaignId" : "5cff1d45771eeb00016695de",
  68. "callTaskId" : "5d070619b797e00007299484",
  69. "onNoId" : "4a02ab70-8bf8-11e9-8a60-6b9f04b1d17d",
  70. "solutionName" : "yesnoonequestion",
  71. "onYesAudio" : "/audios/493b3cc0-8bf8-11e9-8a60-6b9f04b1d17d.wav",
  72. "onYesGenerationState" : true,
  73. "callUuid" : "c47f86c6-d752-4515-8b14-89d537e22294",
  74. "mainQuestionId" : "487e5560-8bf8-11e9-8a60-6b9f04b1d17d",
  75. "onNoGenerationState" : true,
  76. "phone" : "9134655088",
  77. "onYesText" : "Спасибо за ответ. В ближайшее время администратор свяжется с Вами и запишет Вас на прием.",
  78. "scenarioId" : "5cff1bdd771eeb00016695dd",
  79. "onYesId" : "493b3cc0-8bf8-11e9-8a60-6b9f04b1d17d",
  80. "onNoAudio" : "/audios/4a02ab70-8bf8-11e9-8a60-6b9f04b1d17d.wav"
  81. }
  82. },
  83. {
  84. "time" : ISODate("2019-06-17T03:17:19.293Z"),
  85. "name" : "hangup",
  86. "value" : "user",
  87. "details" : {}
  88. }
  89. ],
  90. "log" : [],
  91. "callId" : "c47f86c6-d752-4515-8b14-89d537e22294",
  92. "taskId" : "5d070619b797e00007299484",
  93. "resourceSpentEvents" : [
  94. {
  95. "vendor" : "YANDEX_TTS",
  96. "amount" : {
  97. "SYNTHESIS_CHAR_COUNT" : NumberLong(0)
  98. }
  99. }
  100. ]
  101. }
  102. }
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