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Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. #
  2. # KING AntiCheat Configuration file. (configuration.yml)
  3. # Current version : 0.8.0 | Author : AroveDev | Config version: 2
  4. #
  5. # In this file you can edit any highlighted values.
  6. # Please do not edit "king.<...>" values manually. The syntax for other variables is given.
  7. # If you want to reset the configuration file, delete it and then restart the server.
  8. #
  9. # At this moment any updates of King AntiCheat are not automatic.
  10. #
  12. # > King Settings | Please do not change variables from this section.
  14. # Main script developer.
  15. AroveDev
  17. # Current script version.
  18. king.version: 0.8.0
  20. #
  21. # > System Settings | These are the system settnigs and main values that anticheat will use.
  22. #
  24. # Do you want to block interactions of potencial hacker when a cheat is detected ?
  25. # Syntax : true or false.
  26. system.blocker: true
  28. # What should be the main anticheat color ?
  29. # Syntax : You can use any color (and text format if you want) from bukkit color codes. Examples: "&c", "&a", "e".
  30. system.color: "&c"
  32. # How should anticheat react when a cheater was detected ?
  33. # Syntax : You can use 'NOTHING', "KICK" or "BAN". Option one will only reset player violations.
  34. system.controlType: "kick"
  36. # How many violations the player must have before the anticheat interaction ?
  37. # Higher values increase the threshold.
  38. # Syntax : 1 - 'Infinity'.
  39. system.maxViolations: 30
  41. # Do you want to receive notifications ?
  42. # Syntax : true or false.
  43. system.notify: true
  45. # What should be the difference between notifications ?
  46. # Higher values increase the difference between notifications.
  47. # Syntax : 0 ( seconds ) - 10+ ( seconds ) .
  48. system.notify.delay: 0.5
  50. #
  51. # > KillAura Check Settings | All settings for KillAura detection are here. You can edit check status ( enabled or disabled ) and his values.
  52. #
  54. # KillAura Aiming Check. This detection collect combat data and match pre and post values.
  55. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  56. # Syntax : true or false.
  57. killaura.aiming.status: true
  59. # How many hits should be analyzed by the King ?
  60. # Higher values MAY be more accurate but will take more time.
  61. # Syntax : 1 - 'Infinity'. It is recommended not to execeed 120 or higher.
  62. killaura.aiming.storageHits: 40.0
  64. # Required chance ( % ) for Aiming detection. If the violation threshold is greater than the required value, king will react.
  65. # Syntax : 0 - 100 ( % ). For increase the false positives we recommended set this variable to the value of 75.
  66. killaura.aiming.threshold: 50.0
  68. # KillAura AutoBlock Check. This detection checks if the player is trying to hit the opponent when blocking.
  69. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  70. # Syntax : true or false.
  71. killaura.autoblock.status: true
  73. # KillAura FailRate Check. This detection analyzes the player's accuracy.
  74. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  75. # Syntax : true or false.
  76. killaura.failrate.status: true
  78. # Required chance ( % ) for FailRate detection. If the violation threshold is greater than the required value, king will react.
  79. # Syntax : 0 - 100 ( % ). For increase the false positives we recommended set this variable to the value of 90.
  80. killaura.failrate.threshold: 60.0
  82. # KillAura HitBox Check. This detection checks if the player hits the opponent inside or outside his hitbox.
  83. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  84. # Syntax : true or false.
  85. killaura.hitbox.status: true
  87. # What should be the maximum allowable size of the opponent's hitbox ?
  88. # Higher values increase the allowable threshold.
  89. # Syntax : 0 ( Central point of the hitbox ) - 360 ( Maximum expand ).
  90. killaura.hitbox.expand: 20.0
  92. # KillAura IllegalCombat Check. This detection checks if player fights in a permitted way.
  93. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  94. # Syntax : true or false.
  95. killaura.illegalcombat.status: true
  97. # From how many illegalcombat violations will the King react ?
  98. # Syntax : 1 - 'Infinity'.
  99. killaura.illegalcombat.threshold: 2
  101. # KillAura KeepSprint Check. This detection checks if player fights with changing sprint state.
  102. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  103. # Syntax : true or false.
  104. killaura.keepsprint.status: true
  106. # From how many keepsprint violations will the King react ?
  107. # Syntax : 1 - 'Infinity'.
  108. killaura.keepsprint.threshold: 1
  110. # KillAura MultiHit Check. This detection counting the hitted entities by player and if number of their is too much, king will react.
  111. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  112. # Syntax : true or false.
  113. killaura.multihit.status: true
  115. # KillAura Packets Check. This detection analyzes player's packet when fighting.
  116. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  117. # Syntax : true or false.
  118. killaura.packets.status: true
  120. # KillAura RayTrace Check. This detection checks the block between player attacker and victim and if the block is solid, king will react.
  121. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  122. # Syntax : true or false.
  123. killaura.raytrace.status: true
  125. # KillAura Reach Check. This detection controls the correct distance between player and opponent.
  126. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  127. # Syntax : true or false.
  128. killaura.reach.status: true
  130. # What should be maximum allowable distance between entities ?
  131. # Syntax : 3 - 9 ( Maximum bukkit reach ).
  132. killaura.reach.maxReach: 3.0
  134. # From how many reach violations will the King react ?
  135. # Syntax : 1 - 'Infinity'.
  136. killaura.reach.threshold: 4
  138. # KillAura Swing Check. This detection checks if the player hits other entities with swing animation.
  139. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  140. # Syntax : true or false.
  141. killaura.swing.status: true
  143. #
  144. # > Speed Check Settings | Section with basic movement hack blockers.
  145. #
  147. # Speed Acceleration Check. This detection checks the player's movement speed and matching it to the legit values. If speed is too high, king will react.
  148. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  149. # Syntax : true or false.
  150. speed.acceleration.status: true
  152. # What should be the maximum allowable value of player's speed ?
  153. # Syntax : 0.01 - 'Infinity'.
  154. speed.acceleration.maxTickSpeed: 0.13
  156. # Speed Direction Check. Direction check calculating and controling expected strafe value by checking player's movement. If value is wrong, king will react.
  157. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  158. # Syntax : true or false.
  159. speed.direction.status: true
  161. # What should be the maximum allowable value of player's strafe change speed ?
  162. # Syntax : 0 - 'Infinity'.
  163. speed.direction.strafe: 3.05
  165. # Speed Friction Check. This detection calculating correct player's motion and if motion is too high, king will react.
  166. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  167. # Syntax : true or false.
  168. speed.friction.status: true
  170. # What should be the maximum allowable value of player's coord motion ?
  171. # Syntax : 0.01 - 'Infinity'.
  172. speed.friction.motion: 1.04250
  174. #
  175. # > Fly Check Settings | Section with all configurable values of fly-like movement hacks.
  176. #
  178. # Fly NoFall Check. This detection checks the player ground state when player is in midair. If player is on ground when is not possible, king will react.
  179. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  180. # Syntax : true or false.
  181. fly.nofall.status: true
  183. # From how many nofall violations will the King react ?
  184. # Syntax : 1 - 'Infinity'.
  185. fly.nofall.threshold: 2
  187. # Fly Normal Check. The main detection of this check is gravity. King checks player's gravity and control player falling 'speed'. This detection is the main check of fly also.
  188. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  189. # Syntax : true or false.
  190. fly.normal.status: true
  192. # From how many false gravity moves will the King react ?
  193. # Syntax : It is difference between 0 ( Excepted player's gravity ) and player's gravity.
  194. # Syntax : -0.01 - '-Infinity' ( Why '-' ? Minus is second-side result from calculating the difference between old location and latest).
  195. fly.normal.up.threshold: -0.02
  196. fly.normal.fall.threshold: 0
  198. # What should be the maximum allowable gravity changes for falling down ?
  199. # Syntax : It is difference between 0 ( Expected player's gravity / fall distance of player ) and player's fall distance. For somes blocks, the descent is different so the values may be different too.
  200. # Syntax : 0. - 'Infinity'.
  201. fly.normal.descent.threshold: 0.24
  203. # Fly Step Check. This detection controls player's step methods and moves.
  204. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  205. # Syntax : true or false.
  206. fly.step.status: true
  208. # How many moves the player must make before the step ?
  209. # Syntax : 0 - 'Infinity'.
  210. fly.step.minMoves: 3
  212. # What should be the maximum step height ?
  213. # Syntax : 0.06 - 'Infinity'.
  214. fly.step.maxStep: 0.625
  216. #
  217. # > Interacts Check Settings | Here is a list of all blocked cheats with blocks.
  218. #
  220. # Interacts FastPlace Check. This detection checks the number of player's placed blocks in last packet. Check calculating threshold automatically.
  221. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  222. # Syntax : true or false.
  223. interacts.fastplace.status: true
  225. # Interacts Interact Check. This is the main check from Interacts. Detection analyzes player's packets and expected values from it. If values are wrong, King will react.
  226. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  227. # Syntax : true or false.
  228. interacts.interact.status: true
  230. #
  231. # > BadPackets Check Settings | Section includes other cheats with basic detections.
  232. #
  234. # Interacts InventoryMove Check. This detection blocks the possibility of movement when the player's inventory is opened.
  235. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  236. # Syntax : true or false.
  237. badpackets.inventorymove.status: true
  239. # Interacts MultiActions Check. This detection checks the number of player's packets with state of sprinting and sneaking.
  240. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  241. # Syntax : true or false.
  242. badpackets.multiactions.status: true
  244. # Interacts MorePackets Check. This detection calculating the difference between player living packets.
  245. # Do you want to enable this detection ?
  246. # Syntax : true or false.
  247. badpackets.morepackets.status: true
  249. # End of configuration :(
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