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Jun 29th, 2017
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  1. Program StartedPilot 2 ATC (P2A) - version  06/30/2017 04:04:50
  2. Application frmP2AMain starting 06/30/2017 04:05:20
  3.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  4.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  5. FltPlan ActiveSTAR: RW24-RIKU2D-RIKUL -
  6. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
  7.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  8. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
  9.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  10.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  11. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
  12.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  13. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
  14. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 128.25.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found04:29:31
  15. SIM Version Num: 10; SIM Version: P3D; ProcessCheck for FSX or P3D: False False04:29
  16. Pilot2ATC_200.exe   Information 0   SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.
  17. No controller assigned 04:29:32
  18. Sim Connected: 06/30/2017 04:29:32
  19. ATCAssignsSIDs: False
  20. ATCAssignsSTARs: False
  21. ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
  22. ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
  23. AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: False
  24.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  25. No controller assigned 04:29:33
  26. GetAdvisory 04:29:33
  27. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.87.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery04:29:33
  28. ControllerFreqChanged: 124.52.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ATIS CtlrType: ATIS04:29:35
  29. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
  30.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  31. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
  32. No controller assigned 04:29:54
  33. ControllerFreqChanged: 121.87.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery04:29:54
  34. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 124.525.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found04:29:59
  35. Com2StandbyFreqChanged: 127.9.  CtlrShrtName: KGAF Ctr CtlrType: Center04:29:59
  36. Pilot2ATC_200.exe   Information 0   SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.
  37. No controller assigned 04:29:59
  38. Sim Connected: 06/30/2017 04:30:00
  39. ATCAssignsSIDs: False
  40. ATCAssignsSTARs: False
  41. ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
  42. ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
  43. AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: False
  44.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  45. SIM Version Num: 10; SIM Version: P3D; ProcessCheck for FSX or P3D: False False04:30
  46. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.87.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery04:30:00
  47. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
  48.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  49. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
  50. Begin FPLFile 06/30/2017 04:30:04
  51. AssignedRunway: RW28 -
  52. AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  53. FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
  54. ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
  55. ATC UserNamesAdded
  56.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  57. NewActiveWpt: INKUR
  59. Filed SID: - - - -
  60. Filed STAR: - - - -
  61. Filed APPR:
  62. Filed APPR Trans:
  63. End FPLFile 06/30/2017 04:30:05
  64. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: airbus One Victor Bravo ready to copy IFR Clearance 06/30/2017 04:30:31
  65. Recognized Speech: airbus One Victor Bravo Ready to Copy IFR Clearance 04:30:36
  66. HandleIFRClearanceRequest 04:30:36
  67. SpokenAssignedAltitude 04:30:36
  68. SpokenAssignedAltitude 04:30:36
  69. State Changed to: FlightPlanDelivered 04:30
  70. ControllerChanging: False : 06/30/2017 04:30:36
  71. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:30:36
  72. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo is cleared to Echo India November November as filed.  Expect departure runway Two Eight.   Maintain , Five Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Three Six Zero 06/30/2017 04:30:37
  73. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo is cleared to Echo India November November as filed.  Expect departure runway Two Eight.   Maintain , Five Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Three Six Zero04:30:37
  74. Sug Resp:  ~airbus One Victor Bravo is cleared to Echo India November November as filed.   Maintain , Five Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Three Six Zero04:30:37
  75. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:30:55
  76. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~airbus One Victor Bravo is cleared to Echo India November November as filed.   Maintain , Five Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Three Six Zero
  77.  06/30/2017 04:30:55
  78. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~airbus One Victor Bravo is cleared to Echo India November November as filed.   Maintain , Five Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Three Six Zero
  79.  06/30/2017 04:30:55
  80. Recognized Speech: airbus One Victor Bravo is cleared to Echo India November November as filed Maintain Five Thousand Feet Expect higher clearances Three minutes after departure Squawk Five Three Six Zero 04:31:11
  81. HandleIFRClearanceReadback 04:31:11
  82. HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 04:31:11
  83. HandleSquawkCodeReadback 04:31:11
  84. IFRReadbackSuccess 04:31:11
  85. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:31:11
  86. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:31:11
  87. SpokenRandomSalutation 04:31:11
  88. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:31:11
  89. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Readback Correct.  QNH is One Zero Zero Five Contact Ground on One Two One Point Eight when ready to taxi.  have a good one  06/30/2017 04:31:11
  90. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Readback Correct.  QNH is One Zero Zero Five Contact Ground on One Two One Point Eight when ready to taxi.  have a good one 04:31:12
  91. Sug Resp:  ~ QNH is One Zero Zero Five Ground on One Two One Point Eight04:31:12
  92. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:31:23
  93. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ QNH is One Zero Zero Five Ground on One Two One Point Eight airbus One Victor Bravo
  94.  06/30/2017 04:31:23
  95. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ QNH is One Zero Zero Five Ground on One Two One Point Eight airbus One Victor Bravo
  96.  06/30/2017 04:31:23
  97. Recognized Speech: QNH is One Zero Zero Five Ground on One Two 1 Point Eight airbus One Victor Bravo 04:31:30
  98. HandleAltimeterReadback 04:31:30
  99. HandleFrequencyReadback 04:31:30
  100. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:31:30
  101. AssignedController: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Gnd CtlrType: Ground04:31:32
  102. ControllerFreqChanged: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Gnd CtlrType: Ground04:31:32
  103. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Ground airbus One Victor Bravo ready for departure Two Eight 06/30/2017 04:32:52
  104. Recognized Speech: Ground airbus One Victor Bravo Ready for Departure Two Eight 04:32:57
  105. HandleTakeoffRequest 04:32:57
  106. ControllerChanging: False : 06/30/2017 04:32:57
  107. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:32:57
  108. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Contact Tower on One One Eight Point Six 06/30/2017 04:32:58
  109. ControllerChanging: True : 06/30/2017 04:32:58
  110. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Contact Tower on One One Eight Point Six04:32:58
  111. Sug Resp:  ~Tower on One One Eight Point Six04:32:58
  112. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:33:03
  113. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Tower on One One Eight Point Six airbus One Victor Bravo
  114.  06/30/2017 04:33:03
  115. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Tower on One One Eight Point Six airbus One Victor Bravo
  116.  06/30/2017 04:33:03
  117. Recognized Speech: Tower on One One 8 Point Six airbus One Victor Bravo 04:33:07
  118. HandleFrequencyReadback 04:33:07
  119. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:33:07
  120. AssignedController: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower04:33:08
  121. ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower04:33:08
  122. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Gnd CtlrType: Ground04:33:09
  123. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower airbus One Victor Bravo ready for departure Two Eight 06/30/2017 04:33:15
  124. Recognized Speech: Tower airbus One Victor Bravo Ready for Departure Two Eight 04:33:19
  125. HandleTakeoffRequest 04:33:19
  126. State Changed to: ClearedForTakeoff 04:33
  127. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:33:19
  128. State Changed to: TakeoffIFR 04:33
  129. ControllerChanging: False : 06/30/2017 04:33:19
  130. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:33:19
  131. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Whinds are Three Two Zero at One Seven knots  QNH is One Zero Zero Five Cleared for takeoff, Runway Two Eight Squawk Five Three Six Zero Maintain runway heading until above , One Thousand , Two Hundred feet  then turn  to intercept course  06/30/2017 04:33:21
  132. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Whinds are Three Two Zero at One Seven knots  QNH is One Zero Zero Five Cleared for takeoff, Runway Two Eight Squawk Five Three Six Zero Maintain runway heading until above , One Thousand , Two Hundred feet  then turn  to intercept course 04:33:21
  133. Sug Resp:  ~Cleared for takeoff, Runway Two Eight Squawking Five Three Six Zero  Maintain runway heading until above , One Thousand , Two Hundred feet 04:33:21
  134. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:33:38
  135. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared for takeoff, Runway Two Eight Squawking Five Three Six Zero  Maintain runway heading until above , One Thousand , Two Hundred feet  airbus One Victor Bravo
  136.  06/30/2017 04:33:38
  137. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Cleared for takeoff, Runway Two Eight Squawking Five Three Six Zero  Maintain runway heading until above , One Thousand , Two Hundred feet  airbus One Victor Bravo
  138.  06/30/2017 04:33:38
  139. Recognized Speech: Cleared for Takeoff Runway Two Eight Squawking Five Three Six Zero Maintain Runway Heading until above One Thousand Two Hundred Feet airbus One Victor Bravo 04:33:50
  140. HandleTakeoffClearanceReadback 04:33:50
  141. HandleSquawkCodeReadback 04:33:50
  142. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:33:50
  143. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:35:28 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius
  144. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:35:28 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius
  145. rOnTowerRadiusReached 04:35:28
  146. SpokenRandomSalutation 04:35:28
  147. State Changed to: EnRouteIFR 04:35
  148. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Contact Center on One Two Eight Point Five Two,  enjoy your afternoon  06/30/2017 04:35:28
  149. ControllerChanging: True : 06/30/2017 04:35:28
  150. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Contact Center on One Two Eight Point Five Two,  enjoy your afternoon 04:35:28
  151. Sug Resp:  ~Center on One Two Eight Point Five Two04:35:28
  152. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:35:35
  153. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Center on One Two Eight Point Five Two airbus One Victor Bravo
  154.  06/30/2017 04:35:35
  155. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Center on One Two Eight Point Five Two airbus One Victor Bravo
  156.  06/30/2017 04:35:35
  157. Recognized Speech: Center on One Two 8 POINT Five Two airbus One Victor Bravo 04:35:40
  158. HandleFrequencyReadback 04:35:40
  159. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:35:40
  160. AssignedController: 128.52.  CtlrShrtName: ATC Center Ctr CtlrType: Center04:35:41
  161. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower04:35:42
  162. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Center airbus One Victor Bravo climbing to Flight Level Zero Five Zero 06/30/2017 04:35:44
  163. ControllerFreqChanged: 128.52.  CtlrShrtName: ATC Center Ctr CtlrType: Center04:35:44
  164. Recognized Speech: Center airbus One Victor Bravo Climbing to Flight Level Zero Five Zero 04:35:49
  165. HandleInitialContact 04:35:49
  166. SpokenRandomGreeting 04:35:49
  167. HandleInitialCenterContact 04:35:49
  168. CheckSquawkCode 04:35:49
  169. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:35:49
  170. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:35:49
  171. ControllerChanging: False : 06/30/2017 04:35:49
  172. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:35:49
  173. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  good afternoon .  Squawk Five Three Six Zero 06/30/2017 04:35:51
  174. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  good afternoon .  Squawk Five Three Six Zero04:35:51
  175. Sug Resp:  ~Squawk Five Three Six Zero04:35:51
  176. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:35:57
  177. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Squawk Five Three Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  178.  06/30/2017 04:35:57
  179. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Squawk Five Three Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  180.  06/30/2017 04:35:57
  181. Recognized Speech: Squawk Five Three Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:36:01
  182. HandleSquawkCodeReadback 04:36:01
  183. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:36:01
  184. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:36:02 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
  185. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:36:02 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
  186. rOnReachedNextClimbAltitude: 5000; CurAlt: 4224; FPM: 1594; 04:36:02
  187. NextAssignedAltitude is 12000 - 04:36:02
  188. AssignedAltitude is 5000 - 04:36:02
  189. CheckAlt - NextAssignedAltitude is 12000 - 04:36:02
  190. CheckAlt - AssignedAltitude is 5000 - 04:36:02
  191. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:36:02
  192. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  Climb and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero 06/30/2017 04:36:02
  193. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  Climb and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero04:36:02
  194. Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero04:36:02
  195. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:36:07
  196. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  197.  06/30/2017 04:36:07
  198. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  199.  06/30/2017 04:36:07
  200. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:36:09 Trigger:OffAltitudeSpeed
  201. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:36:09 Trigger:OffAltitudeSpeed
  202. Recognized Speech: Climb and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:36:11
  203. HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 04:36:11
  204. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:36:12
  205. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Slow to 250 knots or less.  06/30/2017 04:36:12
  206. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Slow to 250 knots or less. 04:36:12
  207. Sug Resp:  ~Wilco 04:36:12
  208. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:36:17
  209. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Wilco  airbus One Victor Bravo
  210.  06/30/2017 04:36:17
  211. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Wilco  airbus One Victor Bravo
  212.  06/30/2017 04:36:17
  213. Recognized Speech: Wilco airbus One Victor Bravo 04:36:20
  214. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:36:20
  215. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:36:30 Trigger:OffAltitudeSpeed
  216. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:36:30 Trigger:OffAltitudeSpeed
  217. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Expedite speed reduction to 250 knots.  06/30/2017 04:36:30
  218. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Expedite speed reduction to 250 knots. 04:36:30
  219. Sug Resp:  ~Wilco 04:36:30
  220. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:36:36
  221. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Wilco  airbus One Victor Bravo
  222.  06/30/2017 04:36:36
  223. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Wilco  airbus One Victor Bravo
  224.  06/30/2017 04:36:36
  225. Recognized Speech: Wilco airbus One Victor Bravo 04:36:39
  226. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:36:39
  227. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:37:10 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
  228. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:37:10 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
  229. rOnReachedNextClimbAltitude: 12000; CurAlt: 9683; FPM: 4677; 04:37:10
  230. NextAssignedAltitude is 19000 - 04:37:10
  231. AssignedAltitude is 12000 - 04:37:10
  232. CheckAlt - NextAssignedAltitude is 20000 - 04:37:10
  233. CheckAlt - AssignedAltitude is 12000 - 04:37:10
  234. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:37:10
  235. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero 06/30/2017 04:37:10
  236. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero04:37:10
  237. Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero04:37:10
  238. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:37:15
  239. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  240.  06/30/2017 04:37:15
  241. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  242.  06/30/2017 04:37:15
  243. Recognized Speech: Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:37:21
  244. HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 04:37:21
  245. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:37:21
  246. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:40:13 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
  247. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:40:13 Trigger:ReachedNextClimbAltitude
  248. rOnReachedNextClimbAltitude: 20000; CurAlt: 18121; FPM: 3818; 04:40:13
  249. NextAssignedAltitude is 24000 - 04:40:13
  250. AssignedAltitude is 20000 - 04:40:13
  251. CheckAlt - NextAssignedAltitude is 24000 - 04:40:13
  252. CheckAlt - AssignedAltitude is 20000 - 04:40:13
  253. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:40:13
  254. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Four Zero 06/30/2017 04:40:14
  255. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Four Zero04:40:14
  256. Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Four Zero04:40:14
  257. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:40:19
  258. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Four Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  259.  06/30/2017 04:40:19
  260. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Four Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  261.  06/30/2017 04:40:19
  262. Recognized Speech: Climb and Maintain Flight Level Two Four Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:40:24
  263. HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 04:40:24
  264. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:40:24
  265. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:40:52 Trigger:ReachedArrivalSetup
  266. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:40:52 Trigger:ReachedArrivalSetup
  267. rOnReachedArrivalSetup 04:40:52
  268. AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  269. AssignedRunway: RW24 -
  270.  ATC FlightPlan Changed
  271. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Expect vectors to the  ILS  approach to runway Two Four at SHANNON 06/30/2017 04:40:53
  272. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Expect vectors to the  ILS  approach to runway Two Four at SHANNON04:40:54
  273. Sug Resp:  ~Expect vectors to the  ILS  approach to runway Two Four04:40:54
  274. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:41:00
  275. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Expect vectors to the  ILS  approach to runway Two Four airbus One Victor Bravo
  276.  06/30/2017 04:41:00
  277. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Expect vectors to the  ILS  approach to runway Two Four airbus One Victor Bravo
  278.  06/30/2017 04:41:00
  279. Speech Rejected
  280. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:41:06
  281. NewActiveWpt: TOD PT
  282. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:42:26 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
  283. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:42:26 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
  284. rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: TOD PT; 04:42:26
  285. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:42:34 Trigger:ReachedCenterRadius
  286. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:42:34 Trigger:ReachedCenterRadius
  287. rOnCenterRadiusReached 04:42:34
  288. SpokenRandomSalutation 04:42:34
  289. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Contact ATC CENTER on One Two Seven Point Zero Two have a nice day  06/30/2017 04:42:34
  290. ControllerChanging: True : 06/30/2017 04:42:35
  291. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Contact ATC CENTER on One Two Seven Point Zero Two have a nice day 04:42:35
  292. Sug Resp:  ~Center on One Two Seven Point Zero Two04:42:35
  293. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:42:41
  294. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Center on One Two Seven Point Zero Two airbus One Victor Bravo
  295.  06/30/2017 04:42:41
  296. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Center on One Two Seven Point Zero Two airbus One Victor Bravo
  297.  06/30/2017 04:42:41
  298. Recognized Speech: Center on One Two 7 POINT Zero Two airbus One Victor Bravo 04:42:46
  299. HandleFrequencyReadback 04:42:46
  300. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:42:46
  301. AssignedController: 127.02.  CtlrShrtName: ATC Center Ctr CtlrType: Center04:42:48
  302. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 128.52.  CtlrShrtName: ATC Center Ctr CtlrType: Center04:42:49
  303. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Center airbus One Victor Bravo climbing to Flight Level Two Four Zero 06/30/2017 04:42:51
  304. ControllerFreqChanged: 127.02.  CtlrShrtName: ATC Center Ctr CtlrType: Center04:42:51
  305. Recognized Speech: Center airbus One Victor Bravo Climbing to Flight Level Two Four Zero 04:42:56
  306. HandleInitialContact 04:42:56
  307. SpokenRandomGreeting 04:42:56
  308. HandleInitialCenterContact 04:42:56
  309. CheckSquawkCode 04:42:56
  310. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:42:56
  311. ControllerChanging: False : 06/30/2017 04:42:56
  312. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:42:56
  313. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  good afternoon .  Squawk Five Three Six Zero 06/30/2017 04:42:57
  314. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  good afternoon .  Squawk Five Three Six Zero04:42:57
  315. Sug Resp:  ~Squawk Five Three Six Zero04:42:57
  316. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:43:03
  317. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Squawk Five Three Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  318.  06/30/2017 04:43:03
  319. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Squawk Five Three Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  320.  06/30/2017 04:43:03
  321. Recognized Speech: Squawk Five Three Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:43:07
  322. HandleSquawkCodeReadback 04:43:07
  323. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:43:07
  324. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:43:09 Trigger:ReachedTOD
  325. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:43:09 Trigger:ReachedTOD
  326. rOnReachedTOD 04:43:09
  327. State Changed to: TODDescent 04:43
  328. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:43:10
  329. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:43:10
  330. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:43:10
  331. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Eight Zero 06/30/2017 04:43:10
  332. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Eight Zero04:43:10
  333. Sug Resp:  ~  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Eight Zero04:43:10
  334. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:43:15
  335. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Eight Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  336.  06/30/2017 04:43:15
  337. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Eight Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  338.  06/30/2017 04:43:15
  339. Recognized Speech: Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Eight Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:43:20
  340. HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 04:43:20
  341. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:43:20
  342. NewActiveWpt: KORAK
  343. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:43:41 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
  344. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:43:41 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
  345. rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: KORAK; 04:43:41
  346. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:44:43 Trigger:ReachedApproachRadius
  347. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:44:43 Trigger:ReachedApproachRadius
  348. rOnApproachRadiusReached 04:44:43
  349. SpokenRandomSalutation 04:44:43
  350. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Contact APP APPROACH on One Two Zero Point Two,  enjoy your afternoon  06/30/2017 04:44:43
  351. ControllerChanging: True : 06/30/2017 04:44:43
  352. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Contact APP APPROACH on One Two Zero Point Two,  enjoy your afternoon 04:44:43
  353. Sug Resp:  ~Approach on One Two Zero Point Two04:44:43
  354. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:44:50
  355. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Approach on One Two Zero Point Two airbus One Victor Bravo
  356.  06/30/2017 04:44:50
  357. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Approach on One Two Zero Point Two airbus One Victor Bravo
  358.  06/30/2017 04:44:50
  359. Recognized Speech: Approach on One Two 0 Point Two airbus One Victor Bravo 04:44:55
  360. HandleFrequencyReadback 04:44:55
  361. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor BravoApproach Frequency is One Two Zero Point Two 06/30/2017 04:44:55
  362. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor BravoApproach Frequency is One Two Zero Point Two04:44:55
  363. Sug Resp:  04:44:55
  364. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:44:55
  365. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:45:00
  366. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Approach on One Two Zero Point Two airbus One Victor Bravo
  367.  06/30/2017 04:45:00
  368. NewActiveWpt: RIKUL
  369. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:45:03 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
  370. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:45:03 Trigger:ReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint
  371. rOnReachedNextFltPlanWaypoint: RIKUL; 04:45:03
  372. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:46:36 Trigger:ReachedTODNextAltitude
  373. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:46:36 Trigger:ReachedTODNextAltitude
  374. rOnReachedTODNextAltitude 04:46:36
  375. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:46:37
  376. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero 06/30/2017 04:46:37
  377. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero04:46:37
  378. Sug Resp:  ~ Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero04:46:37
  379. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:46:42
  380. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  381.  06/30/2017 04:46:42
  382. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  383.  06/30/2017 04:46:42
  384. Recognized Speech: Descend and Maintain Flight Level One Two Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:46:47
  385. HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 04:46:47
  386. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:46:47
  387. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 120.2.  CtlrShrtName: EINN App CtlrType: Approach04:47:54
  388. AssignedController: 120.2.  CtlrShrtName: EINN App CtlrType: Approach04:47:56
  389. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Approach airbus One Victor Bravo descending to Flight Level One Two Zero 06/30/2017 04:47:58
  390. ControllerFreqChanged: 120.2.  CtlrShrtName: EINN App CtlrType: Approach04:47:59
  391. Recognized Speech: Approach airbus One Victor Bravo Descending to Flight Level One Two Zero 04:48:04
  392. HandleInitialContact 04:48:04
  393. SpokenRandomGreeting 04:48:04
  394. HandleInitialApproachContact 04:48:04
  395. CheckSquawkCode 04:48:04
  396.  ATC FlightPlan Changed
  397. FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  398. State Changed to: IFRVectoredArrival 04:48
  399. SetUpILSApproach 04:48:04
  400. FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  401. AssignedRunway: RW24 -
  402. PrepareApproachForVectorsToIF:ILS - RW24 - I24 04:48:04
  403. Geo.GetMaxElevationALongPath is: 505.2494 at line 360
  404. AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  405. StartVectors to ILS - RW24 - I24
  406. FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  407. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:48:05 Trigger:ReachedFirstVectoredApproachWaypoint
  408. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:48:05 Trigger:ReachedFirstVectoredApproachWaypoint
  409. rOnReachedFirstVectoredApproachWaypoint - RIKUL 04:48:05
  410. SetNextAPPRWpt: Current Pos - 04:48:05
  411. NewActiveWpt: Current Pos
  412. CheckHeading 04:48:05
  413. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:48:06 Trigger:OffApproachHeading
  414. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:48:06 Trigger:OffApproachHeading
  415. rOnOffApproachHeading 04:48:06
  416. AssignedRunway: RW24 -
  417. NewNextWpt: TurnToFinal - 04:48:07
  418. CheckHeading 04:48:07
  419. Geo.GetMaxElevationALongPath is: 879.2651 at line 360
  420. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:48:07
  421. ControllerChanging: False : 06/30/2017 04:48:07
  422. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:48:07
  423. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Turn Right Heading Zero Four Five  06/30/2017 04:48:08
  424. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Turn Right Heading Zero Four Five 04:48:08
  425. Sug Resp:  ~Heading Zero Four Five 04:48:08
  426. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:48:12
  427. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Heading Zero Four Five  airbus One Victor Bravo
  428.  06/30/2017 04:48:12
  429. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Heading Zero Four Five  airbus One Victor Bravo
  430.  06/30/2017 04:48:12
  431. Recognized Speech: Heading Zero Four Five airbus One Victor Bravo 04:48:16
  432. HandleAssignedHeadingReadback 220 04:48:16
  433. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:48:16
  434. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo  good afternoon .  Squawk Five Three Six Zero Turn Left Heading Two Two Zero  vectors to the  ILS  approach for Runway Two Four at SHANNON  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One One Zero 06/30/2017 04:48:17
  435. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo  good afternoon .  Squawk Five Three Six Zero Turn Left Heading Two Two Zero  vectors to the  ILS  approach for Runway Two Four at SHANNON  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One One Zero04:48:17
  436. Sug Resp:  ~Squawk Five Three Six Zero Heading Two Two Zero  vectors to the  ILS  approach for Runway Two Four  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One One Zero04:48:17
  437. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:48:31
  438. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Squawk Five Three Six Zero Heading Two Two Zero  vectors to the  ILS  approach for Runway Two Four  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One One Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  439.  06/30/2017 04:48:31
  440. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Squawk Five Three Six Zero Heading Two Two Zero  vectors to the  ILS  approach for Runway Two Four  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One One Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  441.  06/30/2017 04:48:31
  442. Speech Rejected
  443. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:48:41
  444. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Heading is Two Two Zero 06/30/2017 04:48:43
  445. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Heading is Two Two Zero04:48:43
  446. Sug Resp:  04:48:43
  447. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:48:46 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  448. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:48:46 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  449. rOnOffApproachAltitude 04:48:46
  450. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:48:47
  451. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Squawk Five Three Six Zero Heading Two Two Zero  vectors to the  ILS  approach for Runway Two Four  Descend and Maintain Flight Level One One Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  452.  06/30/2017 04:48:47
  453. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:48:57 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  454. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:48:57 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  455. rOnOffApproachCourse 04:48:57
  456. FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  457. FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW24 - I24 -
  458.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  459. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:01 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  460. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:01 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  461. rOnOffApproachAltitude 04:49:01
  462. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:12 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  463. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:12 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  464. rOnOffApproachCourse 04:49:12
  465. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:17 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  466. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:17 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  467. rOnOffApproachAltitude 04:49:17
  468. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:33 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  469. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:33 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  470. rOnOffApproachCourse 04:49:33
  471. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
  472.  GPS FlightPlan Changed
  473. ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
  474. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:44 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  475. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:44 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  476. rOnOffApproachAltitude 04:49:44
  477. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:48 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  478. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:48 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  479. rOnOffApproachCourse 04:49:48
  480. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Turn Left Heading Two One Five 06/30/2017 04:49:48
  481. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Turn Left Heading Two One Five04:49:48
  482. Sug Resp:  ~Heading Two One Five 04:49:48
  483. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:49:52
  484. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Heading Two One Five  airbus One Victor Bravo
  485.  06/30/2017 04:49:52
  486. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Heading Two One Five  airbus One Victor Bravo
  487.  06/30/2017 04:49:52
  488. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:56 Trigger:OffAltitudeSpeed
  489. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:56 Trigger:OffAltitudeSpeed
  490. Recognized Speech: Heading Two One Five airbus One Victor Bravo 04:49:56
  491. HandleAssignedHeadingReadback 215 04:49:56
  492. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:49:56
  493. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Expedite speed reduction to 250 knots.  06/30/2017 04:49:57
  494. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Expedite speed reduction to 250 knots. 04:49:57
  495. Sug Resp:  ~Wilco 04:49:57
  496. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:49:59 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  497. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:49:59 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  498. rOnOffApproachAltitude 04:49:59
  499. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:50:03
  500. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Wilco  airbus One Victor Bravo
  501.  06/30/2017 04:50:03
  502. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Wilco  airbus One Victor Bravo
  503.  06/30/2017 04:50:03
  504. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:50:03 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  505. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:50:03 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  506. rOnOffApproachCourse 04:50:03
  507. Recognized Speech: Wilco airbus One Victor Bravo 04:50:06
  508. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:50:06
  509. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo Turn Left Heading Two One Zero 06/30/2017 04:50:06
  510. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo Turn Left Heading Two One Zero04:50:06
  511. Sug Resp:  ~Heading Two One Zero 04:50:06
  512. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:50:11
  513. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Heading Two One Zero  airbus One Victor Bravo
  514.  06/30/2017 04:50:11
  515. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Heading Two One Zero  airbus One Victor Bravo
  516.  06/30/2017 04:50:11
  517. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:50:14 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  518. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:50:14 Trigger:OffApproachAltitude
  519. rOnOffApproachAltitude 04:50:14
  520. Recognized Speech: Heading Two One Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:50:14
  521. HandleAssignedHeadingReadback 210 04:50:14
  522. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:50:14
  523. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:50:19 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  524. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:50:19 Trigger:OffApproachCourse
  525. rOnOffApproachCourse 04:50:19
  526. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:50:19 Trigger:ReachedNextVectoredApproachWaypoint
  527. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:50:19 Trigger:ReachedNextVectoredApproachWaypoint
  528. rOnReachedNextVectoredApproachWaypoint: TurnToFinal 04:50:19
  529. SetNextAPPRWpt: ExtFinal - 04:50:19
  530. NewActiveWpt: ExtFinal
  531. State Changed to: ClearedForApproach 04:50
  532. CheckAssignedAltitude 04:50:19
  533. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor BravoCleared for ILS to runway Two Four fly heading Two Two Five until established on final   Descend and Maintain Flight Level Zero Six Zero 06/30/2017 04:50:19
  534. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor BravoCleared for ILS to runway Two Four fly heading Two Two Five until established on final   Descend and Maintain Flight Level Zero Six Zero04:50:19
  535. Sug Resp:  ~Cleared ILS approach to runway Two Four Fly heading Two Two Five  Descend and Maintain Flight Level Zero Six Zero04:50:19
  536. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:50:29
  537. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared ILS approach to runway Two Four Fly heading Two Two Five  Descend and Maintain Flight Level Zero Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  538.  06/30/2017 04:50:29
  539. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Cleared ILS approach to runway Two Four Fly heading Two Two Five  Descend and Maintain Flight Level Zero Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo
  540.  06/30/2017 04:50:29
  541. Recognized Speech: Cleared ILS Approach to Runway Two Four Fly Heading Two Two Five Descend and Maintain Flight Level Zero Six Zero airbus One Victor Bravo 04:50:38
  542. HandleAssignedHeadingReadback 225 04:50:38
  543. HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 04:50:38
  544. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:50:38
  545. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:51:27 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
  546. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:51:27 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint
  547. rOnNextApproachWaypointReached  04:51:27
  548. SetNextAPPRWpt: DERAG - 04:51:27
  549. NewActiveWpt: DERAG
  550. RespondToFlightTrigger 04:51:28 Trigger:ReachedApproachInitialFix
  551. RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 04:51:28 Trigger:ReachedApproachInitialFix
  552. rOnReachedApproachInitialFix 04:51:28
  553. AssignedRunway: RW24 -
  554. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:51:28
  555. SpeakAltimeterSetting 04:51:29
  556. SpokenRandomSalutation 04:51:29
  557. InterruptAudio in SayPhrase airbus One Victor Bravo QNH is One Zero One One at SHANNON Contact Tower on One One Eight Point Seven,  enjoy  06/30/2017 04:51:29
  558. ControllerChanging: True : 06/30/2017 04:51:29
  559. ATC Speak:  airbus One Victor Bravo QNH is One Zero One One at SHANNON Contact Tower on One One Eight Point Seven,  enjoy 04:51:29
  560. Sug Resp:  ~ QNH is One Zero One One Tower on One One Eight Point Seven04:51:29
  561. OnSynthSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:51:37
  562. UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ QNH is One Zero One One Tower on One One Eight Point Seven airbus One Victor Bravo
  563.  06/30/2017 04:51:37
  564. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ QNH is One Zero One One Tower on One One Eight Point Seven airbus One Victor Bravo
  565.  06/30/2017 04:51:37
  566. Recognized Speech: QNH is One Zero One One Tower on One One 8 Point Seven airbus One Victor Bravo 04:51:44
  567. HandleAltimeterReadback 04:51:44
  568. HandleFrequencyReadback 04:51:44
  569. UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 06/30/2017 04:51:44
  570. AssignedController: 118.7.  CtlrShrtName: EINN Twr CtlrType: Tower04:51:45
  571. Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 120.2.  CtlrShrtName: EINN App CtlrType: Approach04:51:46
  572. InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower airbus One Victor Bravo inbound for  ILS  approach Runway Two Four 06/30/2017 04:51:48
  573. ControllerFreqChanged: 118.7.  CtlrShrtName: EINN Twr CtlrType: Tower04:51:48
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