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Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. log": "App: 37e7697e Submodule: 9e8325c
  2. --------- beginning of main
  3. 01-18 09:26:17.599 28638 28686 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
  4. 01-18 09:26:17.599 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
  5. --------- beginning of system
  6. 01-18 09:26:17.666 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@29f0340 time:642945082
  7. 01-18 09:26:17.767 28638 28690 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
  8. 01-18 09:26:17.773 28638 28652 D BluetoothLeScanner: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=7 mClientIf=0
  9. 01-18 09:26:19.712 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=642947120, downTime=642947120, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 } to DecorView@e3217ea[AuthenticationActivity]
  10. 01-18 09:26:19.717 28638 28638 I AudioManagerEx: AudioManagerEx created
  11. 01-18 09:26:19.755 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48, repeatCount=0, eventTime=642947167, downTime=642947120, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 } to DecorView@e3217ea[AuthenticationActivity]
  12. 01-18 09:26:20.205 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: onDestroy
  13. 01-18 09:26:20.205 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: stop monitoring
  14. 01-18 09:26:20.208 28638 28690 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
  15. 01-18 09:27:45.086 28638 28638 I AuthenticationActivity=: AuthenticationActivity onCreate
  16. 01-18 09:27:45.162 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  17. 01-18 09:27:45.183 28638 28638 I AuthenticationActivity=: BIND to AdvertisingMonitorService
  18. 01-18 09:27:45.217 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@a04be43 time:643032633
  19. 01-18 09:27:45.369 28638 28690 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
  20. 01-18 09:27:45.371 28638 28651 D BluetoothLeScanner: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=7 mClientIf=0
  21. 01-18 09:27:45.874 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  22. 01-18 09:27:45.955 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  23. 01-18 09:27:46.022 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643033438
  24. 01-18 09:27:46.141 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request intent: time:643033557
  25. 01-18 09:27:46.299 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8132e36 time:643033714
  26. 01-18 09:27:49.187 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  27. 01-18 09:27:49.187 28638 28638 I AuthenticationActivity=: BIND to AdvertisingMonitorService
  28. 01-18 09:27:49.208 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@a04be43 time:643036623
  29. 01-18 09:27:49.389 28638 28638 I a : already started
  30. 01-18 09:27:49.641 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643037057
  31. 01-18 09:27:49.730 28638 28638 I ViewConfigCompat: Could not find method getScaledScrollFactor() on ViewConfiguration
  32. 01-18 09:27:49.816 28638 28638 W b : setExecutor
  33. 01-18 09:27:49.871 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  34. 01-18 09:27:49.978 28638 29062 D SoLoader: About to load:
  35. 01-18 09:27:49.979 28638 29062 D SoLoader: not found on /data/data/com.onemeter/lib-main
  36. 01-18 09:27:49.980 28638 29062 D SoLoader: found on /data/app/com.onemeter-1/lib/arm
  37. 01-18 09:27:49.981 28638 29062 D SoLoader: Not resolving dependencies for
  38. 01-18 09:27:49.987 28638 29062 D SoLoader: Loaded:
  39. 01-18 09:27:50.127 28638 28638 I a : already started
  40. 01-18 09:27:50.177 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643037593
  41. 01-18 09:27:50.349 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  42. 01-18 09:27:50.415 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  43. 01-18 09:27:51.418 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  44. 01-18 09:27:51.421 28638 28645 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=11KB, data=31KB
  45. 01-18 09:27:51.422 28638 28645 I art : After code cache collection, code=6KB, data=27KB
  46. 01-18 09:27:51.422 28638 28645 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
  47. 01-18 09:27:51.484 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  48. 01-18 09:27:51.499 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643038915
  49. 01-18 09:27:51.847 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x84c79e00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x89a36c10
  50. 01-18 09:27:51.854 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@be372ef time:643039270
  51. 01-18 09:27:52.691 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  52. 01-18 09:27:52.722 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  53. 01-18 09:27:53.326 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76, auto: false
  54. 01-18 09:27:53.326 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp()
  55. 01-18 09:27:53.326 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=467f116b-d106-420c-9fb3-1ebb69e6d95e
  56. 01-18 09:27:53.328 28638 28652 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6
  57. 01-18 09:27:54.123 28638 28651 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=6 device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  58. 01-18 09:27:54.123 28638 28651 I b : STATE_DISCONNECTED & CLOSED
  59. 01-18 09:27:54.124 28638 28651 D BluetoothGatt: close()
  60. 01-18 09:27:54.124 28638 28651 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=6
  61. 01-18 09:27:54.128 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  62. 01-18 09:27:54.128 28638 29058 I MR=====================: deviceDisconnected E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  63. 01-18 09:27:54.295 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  64. 01-18 09:27:54.342 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  65. 01-18 09:27:54.412 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  66. 01-18 09:27:54.502 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643041918
  67. 01-18 09:27:54.524 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76, auto: false
  68. 01-18 09:27:54.524 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp()
  69. 01-18 09:27:54.524 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=152c2c64-410e-48f8-b90e-073962d44975
  70. 01-18 09:27:54.527 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6
  71. 01-18 09:27:54.615 28638 28638 I a : already started
  72. 01-18 09:27:55.016 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=6 device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  73. 01-18 09:27:55.019 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  74. 01-18 09:27:55.022 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  75. 01-18 09:27:55.022 28638 29058 I MR=====================: deviceConnected E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  76. 01-18 09:27:55.482 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  77. 01-18 09:27:55.511 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  78. 01-18 09:27:55.760 28638 28652 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76 Status=0
  79. 01-18 09:27:55.761 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  80. 01-18 09:27:55.761 28638 29058 I EpsiServiceDiscovered==: servicesDiscovered
  81. 01-18 09:27:55.762 28638 29058 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: ac040003-7214-e7b9-3c20-16caac2007b0 enable: true
  82. 01-18 09:27:55.769 28638 29058 I BleCommunicationImpl===: onDeviceServicesDiscovered bleTransmitter.invokeDelay(200)
  83. 01-18 09:27:55.971 28638 29055 W a : onFinish d
  84. 01-18 09:27:57.017 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  85. 01-18 09:27:57.081 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  86. 01-18 09:27:58.604 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  87. 01-18 09:27:58.653 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  88. 01-18 09:28:00.676 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  89. 01-18 09:28:00.724 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  90. 01-18 09:28:01.563 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  91. 01-18 09:28:01.593 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  92. 01-18 09:28:02.447 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  93. 01-18 09:28:02.479 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  94. 01-18 09:28:03.235 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  95. 01-18 09:28:03.281 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  96. 01-18 09:28:04.803 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  97. 01-18 09:28:04.851 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  98. 01-18 09:28:04.877 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643052293
  99. 01-18 09:28:04.921 28638 28645 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=34KB, data=62KB
  100. 01-18 09:28:04.922 28638 28645 I art : After code cache collection, code=33KB, data=62KB
  101. 01-18 09:28:04.922 28638 28645 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
  102. 01-18 09:28:04.995 28638 28638 W ResourceType: Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x00000000
  103. 01-18 09:28:05.088 28638 28638 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/app/!/lib/armeabi-v7a for namespace 0xb048c150
  104. 01-18 09:28:05.095 28638 28638 I WebViewFactory: Loading version 71.0.3578.99 (code 357809902)
  105. 01-18 09:28:05.171 28638 28638 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 15 ms (timestamps 2572-2587)
  106. 01-18 09:28:05.197 28638 28638 W ResourceType: Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x00000000
  107. 01-18 09:28:05.198 28638 28638 W ResourceType: Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x00000000
  108. 01-18 09:28:05.205 28638 28638 I chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  109. 01-18 09:28:05.205 28638 28638 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number \"71.0.3578.99\", actual native library version number \"71.0.3578.99\"
  110. 01-18 09:28:05.250 28638 28638 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
  111. 01-18 09:28:05.255 28638 28638 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f120515, entry index(1301) is beyond type entryCount(693)
  112. 01-18 09:28:05.255 28638 28638 W ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f120515 (t=17 e=1301) (error -75)
  113. 01-18 09:28:05.515 28638 29141 E libEGL : validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
  114. 01-18 09:28:05.627 28638 28638 I Choreographer: Skipped 38 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  115. 01-18 09:28:05.642 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-lg-alac
  116. 01-18 09:28:05.644 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-lg-flac
  117. 01-18 09:28:05.648 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/adpcm
  118. 01-18 09:28:05.652 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/g726
  119. 01-18 09:28:05.656 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/lg-wma-voice
  120. 01-18 09:28:05.661 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-lg-ms-wma
  121. 01-18 09:28:05.666 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mjpg
  122. 01-18 09:28:05.672 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/theora
  123. 01-18 09:28:05.680 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mp4a-adts-1seg
  124. 01-18 09:28:05.688 28638 29141 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mp4a-latm-1seg
  125. 01-18 09:28:05.752 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
  126. 01-18 09:28:05.752 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc
  127. 01-18 09:28:05.771 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
  128. 01-18 09:28:05.771 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc
  129. 01-18 09:28:05.791 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp4v-esdp
  130. 01-18 09:28:05.804 28638 29158 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/com.onemeter/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
  131. 01-18 09:28:05.813 28638 29141 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/mp4v-esdp
  132. 01-18 09:28:05.831 28638 29141 W Utils : could not parse long range '35-34'
  133. 01-18 09:28:05.853 28638 29141 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
  134. 01-18 09:28:06.199 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@19d4c3c time:643053615
  135. 01-18 09:28:20.628 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  136. 01-18 09:28:20.792 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  137. 01-18 09:28:20.993 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  138. 01-18 09:28:21.276 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  139. 01-18 09:28:22.331 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  140. 01-18 09:28:22.613 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  141. 01-18 09:28:22.951 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  142. 01-18 09:28:23.115 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  143. 01-18 09:28:24.386 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  144. 01-18 09:28:24.435 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  145. 01-18 09:28:25.456 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  146. 01-18 09:28:25.587 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  147. 01-18 09:28:25.738 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  148. 01-18 09:28:26.339 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  149. 01-18 09:28:26.841 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  150. 01-18 09:28:26.924 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  151. 01-18 09:28:27.038 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  152. 01-18 09:28:27.116 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x801f9380 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x837d7e10
  153. 01-18 09:28:27.125 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643074540
  154. 01-18 09:28:27.913 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  155. 01-18 09:28:27.994 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  156. 01-18 09:28:29.199 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  157. 01-18 09:28:29.247 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  158. 01-18 09:28:29.257 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643076673
  159. 01-18 09:28:29.530 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  160. 01-18 09:28:29.629 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@a8ab9ce time:643077045
  161. 01-18 09:28:32.255 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  162. 01-18 09:28:32.322 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  163. 01-18 09:28:32.454 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  164. 01-18 09:28:32.526 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x83a3cd00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7ea15dd0
  165. 01-18 09:28:32.534 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643079949
  166. 01-18 09:28:34.195 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  167. 01-18 09:28:34.243 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  168. 01-18 09:28:35.315 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  169. 01-18 09:28:35.378 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  170. 01-18 09:28:35.392 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643082807
  171. 01-18 09:28:35.489 28638 28638 W ResourceType: Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x00000000
  172. 01-18 09:28:35.697 28638 28650 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 122457(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 78(4MB) LOS objects, 27% free, 25MB/34MB, paused 2.089ms total 104.133ms
  173. 01-18 09:28:36.241 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@ce90616 time:643083657
  174. 01-18 09:28:37.852 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  175. 01-18 09:28:37.935 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  176. 01-18 09:28:39.574 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  177. 01-18 09:28:39.623 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  178. 01-18 09:28:47.115 28638 29125 W chromium: [] Received HEADERS for invalid stream 7
  179. 01-18 09:29:03.250 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  180. 01-18 09:29:03.299 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  181. 01-18 09:29:07.075 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  182. 01-18 09:29:07.157 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  183. 01-18 09:29:12.407 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  184. 01-18 09:29:12.873 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  185. 01-18 09:29:13.794 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  186. 01-18 09:29:13.926 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  187. 01-18 09:29:14.813 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  188. 01-18 09:29:14.861 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  189. 01-18 09:29:15.235 28638 28650 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5515(257KB) AllocSpace objects, 124(32MB) LOS objects, 41% free, 11MB/19MB, paused 1.962ms total 109.615ms
  190. 01-18 09:29:15.955 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  191. 01-18 09:29:16.019 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  192. 01-18 09:29:16.551 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  193. 01-18 09:29:16.582 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  194. 01-18 09:29:18.523 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  195. 01-18 09:29:18.604 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  196. 01-18 09:29:18.722 28638 28638 W System.err: unknown protocol: intent
  197. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat<init>(
  198. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat<init>(
  199. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat<init>(
  200. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat com.thefinestartist.finestwebview.b.d.a(Unknown Source)
  201. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat com.thefinestartist.finestwebview.FinestWebViewActivity$b.onPageFinished(Unknown Source)
  202. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat xy.c(SourceFile:228)
  203. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat axy.handleMessage(SourceFile:72)
  204. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  205. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat android.os.Looper.loop(
  206. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat
  207. 01-18 09:29:18.727 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  208. 01-18 09:29:18.728 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat$
  209. 01-18 09:29:18.728 28638 28638 W System.err: \tat
  210. 01-18 09:29:18.783 28638 29125 W chromium: [] Received HEADERS for invalid stream 29
  211. 01-18 09:29:19.958 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  212. 01-18 09:29:20.008 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  213. 01-18 09:29:21.099 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  214. 01-18 09:29:21.147 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  215. 01-18 09:29:21.830 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  216. 01-18 09:29:21.862 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  217. 01-18 09:29:21.965 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  218. 01-18 09:29:22.018 28638 28645 I art : Do full code cache collection, code=77KB, data=120KB
  219. 01-18 09:29:22.019 28638 28645 I art : Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache
  220. 01-18 09:29:22.019 28638 28645 I art : After code cache collection, code=73KB, data=79KB
  221. 01-18 09:29:22.051 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x801fa880 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x801bdd00
  222. 01-18 09:29:22.063 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643129478
  223. 01-18 09:29:24.204 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  224. 01-18 09:29:24.251 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  225. 01-18 09:29:25.590 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  226. 01-18 09:29:25.621 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  227. 01-18 09:29:26.694 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  228. 01-18 09:29:26.741 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  229. 01-18 09:29:27.326 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  230. 01-18 09:29:27.360 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  231. 01-18 09:29:27.371 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643134787
  232. 01-18 09:29:27.491 28638 28638 W ResourceType: Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x00000000
  233. 01-18 09:29:28.205 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8bd65f4 time:643135621
  234. 01-18 09:29:28.749 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  235. 01-18 09:29:28.779 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  236. 01-18 09:29:28.900 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  237. 01-18 09:29:29.005 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x84c5fe00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x845e4670
  238. 01-18 09:29:29.022 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643136438
  239. 01-18 09:29:29.667 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  240. 01-18 09:29:29.715 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  241. 01-18 09:29:30.719 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  242. 01-18 09:29:30.751 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  243. 01-18 09:29:30.763 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643138179
  244. 01-18 09:29:30.870 28638 28638 W ResourceType: Invalid package identifier when getting bag for resource number 0x00000000
  245. 01-18 09:29:31.581 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@bd791f8 time:643138997
  246. 01-18 09:29:42.867 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  247. 01-18 09:29:43.467 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  248. 01-18 09:29:44.472 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  249. 01-18 09:29:44.753 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  250. 01-18 09:29:45.256 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  251. 01-18 09:29:45.339 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  252. 01-18 09:29:46.444 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  253. 01-18 09:29:46.741 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  254. 01-18 09:29:47.312 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  255. 01-18 09:29:47.409 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  256. 01-18 09:29:47.962 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  257. 01-18 09:29:48.295 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  258. 01-18 09:29:48.632 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  259. 01-18 09:29:49.798 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  260. 01-18 09:29:50.371 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  261. 01-18 09:29:50.418 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  262. 01-18 09:29:51.291 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  263. 01-18 09:29:51.375 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  264. 01-18 09:29:51.921 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  265. 01-18 09:29:52.188 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  266. 01-18 09:29:53.259 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  267. 01-18 09:29:53.458 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  268. 01-18 09:29:53.777 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  269. 01-18 09:29:54.913 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  270. 01-18 09:29:57.229 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=6 device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  271. 01-18 09:29:57.230 28638 28999 I b : STATE_DISCONNECTED & CLOSED
  272. 01-18 09:29:57.230 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: close()
  273. 01-18 09:29:57.230 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=6
  274. 01-18 09:29:57.244 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  275. 01-18 09:29:57.244 28638 29058 I MR=====================: deviceDisconnected E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  276. 01-18 09:29:57.495 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76, auto: false
  277. 01-18 09:29:57.495 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp()
  278. 01-18 09:29:57.496 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=e246bd94-390b-486e-a058-c756bb9ea59f
  279. 01-18 09:29:58.624 28638 28999 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@6693118
  280. 01-18 09:29:58.624 28638 28999 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Sending callbacks to 1 clients
  281. 01-18 09:29:58.624 28638 28999 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceDown: Finished sending callbacks to registered clients
  282. 01-18 09:30:00.055 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  283. 01-18 09:30:00.158 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  284. 01-18 09:30:00.361 28638 28638 I a : Statistics successfully send.
  285. 01-18 09:30:00.911 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  286. 01-18 09:30:00.961 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  287. 01-18 09:30:03.001 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  288. 01-18 09:30:03.032 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  289. 01-18 09:30:04.337 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  290. 01-18 09:30:04.670 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  291. 01-18 09:30:05.406 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  292. 01-18 09:30:05.505 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  293. 01-18 09:30:06.981 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  294. 01-18 09:30:07.008 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  295. 01-18 09:30:07.111 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  296. 01-18 09:30:07.182 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xa0a99400 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x80ff8d30
  297. 01-18 09:30:07.213 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643174628
  298. 01-18 09:30:08.114 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  299. 01-18 09:30:08.162 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  300. 01-18 09:31:02.270 28638 28652 D BluetoothAdapter: onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@e3f49dd
  301. 01-18 09:31:07.373 28638 28638 I a : already started
  302. 01-18 09:31:11.290 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  303. 01-18 09:31:11.327 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643238743
  304. 01-18 09:31:11.491 28638 28638 I a : already started
  305. 01-18 09:31:12.296 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  306. 01-18 09:31:12.328 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  307. 01-18 09:31:12.341 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.onemeter time:643239757
  308. 01-18 09:31:12.654 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x84c79e00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x801d0830
  309. 01-18 09:31:12.662 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@f766f77 time:643240078
  310. 01-18 09:31:13.398 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  311. 01-18 09:31:13.447 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  312. 01-18 09:31:15.414 28638 28690 D BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
  313. 01-18 09:31:15.420 28638 28651 D BluetoothLeScanner: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6 mClientIf=0
  314. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt:
  315. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: android.os.DeadObjectException
  316. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  317. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  318. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGatt$Stub$Proxy.clientConnect(
  319. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt.connect(
  320. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat com.onemeter.e.b.a.b.b(Unknown Source)
  321. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat com.onemeter.e.b.a.b.lambda$eZB11XzutAPo6069Ulcp6cKyVk8(Unknown Source)
  322. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat com.onemeter.e.b.a.-$$Lambda$b$
  323. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  324. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  325. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat android.os.Looper.loop(
  326. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat
  327. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  328. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat$
  329. 01-18 09:31:16.168 28638 28638 E BluetoothGatt: \tat
  330. 01-18 09:31:16.169 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76, auto: false
  331. 01-18 09:31:16.169 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp()
  332. 01-18 09:31:16.169 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=95aaa14d-66e4-479b-bd5f-c11d6d3c36f5
  333. 01-18 09:31:16.171 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=7
  334. 01-18 09:31:16.876 28638 28651 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=7 device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  335. 01-18 09:31:16.879 28638 28651 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  336. 01-18 09:31:16.879 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  337. 01-18 09:31:16.880 28638 29058 I MR=====================: deviceConnected E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  338. 01-18 09:31:17.611 28638 29258 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76 Status=0
  339. 01-18 09:31:17.612 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  340. 01-18 09:31:17.612 28638 29058 I EpsiServiceDiscovered==: servicesDiscovered
  341. 01-18 09:31:17.613 28638 29058 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: ac040003-7214-e7b9-3c20-16caac2007b0 enable: true
  342. 01-18 09:31:17.617 28638 29058 I BleCommunicationImpl===: onDeviceServicesDiscovered bleTransmitter.invokeDelay(200)
  343. 01-18 09:31:17.820 28638 29055 W a : onFinish d
  344. 01-18 09:31:29.397 28638 28651 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x67 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  345. 01-18 09:31:29.413 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  346. 01-18 09:31:29.690 28638 28999 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x65 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  347. 01-18 09:31:29.893 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  348. 01-18 09:31:30.275 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: cancelOpen() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  349. 01-18 09:31:30.277 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=7 device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  350. 01-18 09:31:30.278 28638 28999 I b : STATE_DISCONNECTED & CLOSED
  351. 01-18 09:31:30.278 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: cancelOpen() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  352. 01-18 09:31:30.278 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: close()
  353. 01-18 09:31:30.278 28638 28999 D BluetoothGatt: unregisterApp() - mClientIf=7
  354. 01-18 09:31:30.281 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  355. 01-18 09:31:30.282 28638 29058 I MR=====================: deviceDisconnected E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  356. 01-18 09:31:32.683 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  357. 01-18 09:31:32.746 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  358. 01-18 09:31:32.851 28638 28638 I AdvertisingMonitorService: start monitoring delayed
  359. 01-18 09:31:33.068 28638 28638 I a : already started
  360. 01-18 09:31:33.158 28638 28686 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x80f9a580 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x8378cf70
  361. 01-18 09:31:33.507 28638 28638 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@8c73f8d time:643260923
  362. 01-18 09:31:34.086 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  363. 01-18 09:31:34.116 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  364. 01-18 09:31:34.117 28638 28638 I AudioManagerEx: AudioManagerEx created
  365. 01-18 09:31:35.339 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  366. 01-18 09:31:35.403 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  367. 01-18 09:31:37.827 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: connect() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76, auto: false
  368. 01-18 09:31:37.827 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp()
  369. 01-18 09:31:37.827 28638 28638 D BluetoothGatt: registerApp() - UUID=9c6bf35b-aea7-4174-81ab-ebebf2c33302
  370. 01-18 09:31:37.830 28638 28652 D BluetoothGatt: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=7
  371. 01-18 09:31:37.836 28638 28638 E a : RssiObserver: onError: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String com.onemeter.advertisingmonitor.database.a.a.b()' on a null object reference
  372. 01-18 09:31:39.014 28638 28651 D BluetoothGatt: onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=7 device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  373. 01-18 09:31:39.017 28638 28651 D BluetoothGatt: discoverServices() - device: E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  374. 01-18 09:31:39.017 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  375. 01-18 09:31:39.017 28638 29058 I MR=====================: deviceConnected E1:82:C5:16:8B:76
  376. 01-18 09:31:39.779 28638 29258 D BluetoothGatt: onSearchComplete() = Device=E1:82:C5:16:8B:76 Status=0
  377. 01-18 09:31:39.780 28638 29058 I ConnectionStateDevice==: New state exec
  378. 01-18 09:31:39.780 28638 29058 I EpsiServiceDiscovered==: servicesDiscovered
  379. 01-18 09:31:39.780 28638 29058 D BluetoothGatt: setCharacteristicNotification() - uuid: ac040003-7214-e7b9-3c20-16caac2007b0 enable: true
  380. 01-18 09:31:39.785 28638 29058 I BleCommunicationImpl===: onDeviceServicesDiscovered bleTransmitter.invokeDelay(200)
  381. 01-18 09:31:39.908 28638 28638 W b : setExecutor
  382. 01-18 09:31:39.979 28638 28638 W a : onFinish b
  383. 01-18 09:31:39.987 28638 29055 W a : onFinish d
  384. 01-18 09:31:40.045 28638 28638 W a : onFinish c
  385. 01-18 09:31:40.415 28638 28652 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x65 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  386. 01-18 09:31:40.621 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  387. 01-18 09:31:40.622 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  388. 01-18 09:31:40.951 28638 28999 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x18 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xF6 0x84
  389. 01-18 09:31:40.963 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  390. 01-18 09:31:40.964 28638 29056 W a : onFinish a
  391. 01-18 09:31:41.028 28638 28638 W a : onFinish a
  392. 01-18 09:31:41.028 28638 28638 W a : onFinish
  393. 01-18 09:31:41.147 28638 28638 W a : onFinish b
  394. 01-18 09:31:42.856 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
  395. 01-18 09:31:42.922 28638 28638 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
  396. 01-18 09:31:43.051 28638 28638 W b : setExecutor
  397. 01-18 09:31:43.125 28638 28638 W a : onFinish b
  398. 01-18 09:31:43.486 28638 29258 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x50 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x22 0x44
  399. 01-18 09:31:44.177 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  400. 01-18 09:31:44.179 28638 29056 W a : onFinish a
  401. 01-18 09:31:44.609 28638 28638 W a : onFinish m
  402. 01-18 09:31:44.948 28638 28652 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0x54 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x8A 0x76
  403. 01-18 09:31:45.046 28638 28651 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0x5B 0x3B 0xA7 0x2F 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x07 0x02 0xE1 0x82 0xC5 0x60 0x7C
  404. 01-18 09:31:45.143 28638 28652 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0x16 0x8B 0x76 0xE1 0xC5 0x42 0x26 0xC6 0x07 0xDE 0x8E 0x94 0x1F 0xFE 0xF0
  405. 01-18 09:31:45.241 28638 29258 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0x0C 0xE2 0xE9 0x8F 0x32 0x4F 0xE6 0x76 0x11 0xB4 0xCF 0x92 0x0D 0x5D 0xDD
  406. 01-18 09:31:45.340 28638 28999 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0xE3 0x13 0x9A 0x35 0x81 0x43 0x1A 0x0B 0xB4 0x9D 0x00 0xB8 0x90 0xEF 0x90
  407. 01-18 09:31:45.435 28638 28652 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0x73 0x70 0x6F 0x32 0x3B 0xBC 0x25 0x82 0x73 0xE1 0x04 0xD8 0x65 0xF2 0x6C
  408. 01-18 09:31:45.534 28638 28651 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0x8C 0x02 0x25 0xA6 0xD2 0x84 0x12 0xD6 0x9F 0xAD 0x02 0x13 0x93 0xC6 0xED
  409. 01-18 09:31:45.631 28638 28999 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x51 0xE9 0xD0 0xF1 0x8E 0x41 0x5C 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x4B 0xAA
  410. 01-18 09:31:48.369 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  411. 01-18 09:31:48.370 28638 29056 W a : onFinish c
  412. 01-18 09:31:48.703 28638 28652 I SuccessfullyWroteHandle: 0x52 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xE0 0xB2
  413. 01-18 09:32:03.288 28638 29056 E ERROR==================: checkStatus: EpsiErrorStatusDataEvent{
  414. 01-18 09:32:03.288 28638 29056 E ERROR==================: command=82,
  415. 01-18 09:32:03.288 28638 29056 E ERROR==================: errorCode=6,
  416. 01-18 09:32:03.288 28638 29056 E ERROR==================: errorStatus=BLE_COMMUNICATION_FAILED,
  417. 01-18 09:32:03.288 28638 29056 E ERROR==================: errorMessage='Command frame: 0x52 0x06 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFE 0x3E'}
  418. 01-18 09:32:03.289 28638 29056 W a : onFinish b
  419. 01-18 09:32:09.093 28638 29056 W a : onFinish e
  420. 01-18 09:32:09.493 28638 28638 W a : onFinish i
  421. 01-18 09:32:09.689 28638 28638 E BaseRegistrationCommand: registrationError: BLE_COMMUNICATION_FAILED
  422. 01-18 09:32:09.691 28638 28638 W a : onFinish
  423. "
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