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a guest
Oct 23rd, 2019
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  1. <style>
  2. /* Child Theme - Custom CSS File for Buyers to Modify */
  3. .wp-customizer .wp-picker-input-wrap .button, .wp-picker-input-wrap .button {
  4. width: auto;
  5. display: inline-block;
  6. background: #ea723d !important;
  7. color: #fff !important;
  8. border: 0 !important;
  9. }
  10. .wp-picker-container .wp-color-result.button{
  11. background:none;
  12. }
  13. .wp-color-result-text {
  14. background: #ea723d !important;
  15. border-radius: 0 !important;
  16. border-left: 0 !important;
  17. color: #fff !important;
  18. font-size: 1.5rem !important;
  19. padding: 1.29rem 2rem !important;
  20. text-align: center !important;
  21. outline: 0 !important;
  22. line-height: 1.2 !important;
  23. margin-bottom: 0 !important;
  24. }
  25. .wp-picker-input-wrap label{
  26. margin-bottom: 0 !important;
  27. }
  28. .wp-picker-container .wp-color-result.button{
  29. height: auto !important;
  30. box-shadow: none !important;
  31. }
  32. .wp-picker-container button{
  33. cursor:pointer !important;
  34. }
  35. .wp-picker-container {
  36. position:relative;
  37. }
  38. .wp-picker-holder{
  39. position:absolute;
  40. z-index:9;
  41. }
  42. </style>
  43. <script>
  44. /* Child Theme - Custom JS File for Users to add their own JS code */
  45. jQuery(document).ready(function($){
  46. if( $('.my-color-field').length){
  47. $('.my-color-field').wpColorPicker();
  48. }
  50. </script>
  51. <?php
  53. wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
  54. wp_enqueue_script(
  55. 'iris',
  56. admin_url( 'js/iris.min.js' ),
  57. array( 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'jquery-touch-punch' ),
  58. false,
  59. 1
  60. );
  61. wp_enqueue_script(
  62. 'wp-color-picker',
  63. admin_url( 'js/color-picker.min.js' ),
  64. array( 'iris' ),
  65. false,
  66. 1
  67. );
  68. $colorpicker_l10n = array(
  69. 'clear' => __( 'Clear' ),
  70. 'defaultString' => __( 'Default' ),
  71. 'pick' => __( 'Select Color' ),
  72. 'current' => __( 'Current Color' ),
  73. );
  74. wp_localize_script( 'wp-color-picker', 'wpColorPickerL10n', $colorpicker_l10n );
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