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Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. W/SE Rank Normal Rank Difference RankChange
  2. Go 2.919 7 3.105 3 94.01% -4
  3. Mediterranean Avenue 2.13 34 2.137 36 99.67% 2
  4. Community Chest 1.577 37 1.888 37 83.53% 0
  5. Baltic Avenue 2.143 33 2.16 35 99.21% 2
  6. Income Tax 2.273 26 2.322 28 97.89% 2
  7. Reading Railroad 2.781 12 2.958 6 94.02% -6
  8. Oriental Avenue 2.205 30 2.267 32 97.27% 2
  9. Chance 0.668 40 0.857 40 77.95% 0
  10. Vermont Avenue 2.233 29 2.322 28 96.17% -1
  11. Connecticut Avenue 2.188 31 2.302 30 95.05% -1
  12. Visiting Jail 2.159 32 2.272 31 95.03% -1
  13. St. Charles Place 2.5 22 2.71 14 92.25% -8
  14. Electric Company 2.442 23 2.596 20 94.07% -3
  15. States Avenue 2.274 25 2.372 26 95.87% 1
  16. Virginia Avenue 2.373 24 2.462 24 96.39% 0
  17. Pennsylvania Railroad 2.77 13 2.92 8 94.86% -5
  18. St. James Place 2.711 15 2.799 12 96.86% -3
  19. Community Chest 2.129 35 2.596 20 82.01% -15
  20. Tennessee Avenue 2.842 10 2.935 7 96.83% -3
  21. New York Avenue 2.947 6 3.088 4 95.43% -2
  22. Free Parking/Stock Exchange 5.1 1 2.875 9 177.39% 8
  23. Kentucky Avenue 2.704 17 2.83 10 95.55% -7
  24. Chance 0.815 38 1.048 38 77.77% 0
  25. Indiana Avenue 2.702 18 2.745 13 98.43% -5
  26. Illinois Avenue 3.109 3 3.176 2 97.89% -1
  27. B & O Railroad 3.08 4 3.073 5 100.23% 1
  28. Atlantic Avenue 2.877 9 2.702 15 106.48% 6
  29. Ventnor Avenue 2.916 8 2.683 16 108.68% 8
  30. Water Works 2.955 5 2.816 11 104.94% 6
  31. Marvin Gardens 2.746 14 2.581 22 106.39% 8
  32. Go To Jail 0 41 0 41 0 0
  33. Pacific Avenue 2.8 11 2.679 17 104.52% 6
  34. North Carolina Avenue 2.711 15 2.624 18 103.32% 3
  35. Community Chest 2.024 36 2.366 27 85.55% -9
  36. Pennsylvania Avenue 2.6 19 2.5 23 104% 4
  37. Short Line 2.535 21 2.438 25 103.98% 4
  38. Chance 0.721 39 0.861 39 83.74% 0
  39. Park Place 2.264 27 2.182 34 103.76% 7
  40. Luxury Tax 2.236 28 2.189 33 102.15% 5
  41. Boardwalk 2.556 20 2.617 19 97.67% -1
  42. In Jail 4.284 2 3.948 1 108.51% -1
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