
Terraria Helpfull world edit commands (Advanced)

Dec 23rd, 2017
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  3. //all - Selects the entire world.
  4. //activate - Activates non-working signs, chests or item frames
  5. //biome <biome1> <biome2> - Converts all of the tiles in the selection that correspond to the first biome to the tiles that correspond with the second biome.
  7. //copy - Copies the selection to the clipboard.
  8. //cut - Cuts the selection into the clipboard.
  9. //drain - Drains liquids from the selection.
  10. //inactive <on/off/reverse> - Actuates tiles in the worldedit selection, turning them active/inactive.
  11. //fixghosts - Fixes invisible signs, chests and item frames.
  12. //fixgrass - Fixes suffocated grass in the selection.
  13. //fixhalves - Fixes covered half blocks in the selection.
  14. //fixslopes - Fixes covered slopes in the selection.
  15. //flip <direction> - Flips the contents of the clipboard. <direction> can contain any amount of X's and Y's; each occurrence will flip the direction. E.g., XXYY would leave the clipboard unchanged.
  17. //flood <liquid> - Floods the selection with a liquid.
  18. //mow - Mows grass, thorns, and vines in the selection.
  19. //near <radius> - Selects an area around you.
  20. //outline <tile> <color> <state> [=> boolean expr...] - Sets block outline around blocks in area
  21. //outlinewall <wall> [color] [=> boolean expr...] - Sets wall outline around walls in area.
  22. //paint <color> [=> boolean expr...] - Paints all of the tiles in the selection. You can use "blank" to remove paint.
  23. //paintwall <color> [=> boolean expr...] - Paints all of the walls in the selection. You can use "blank" to remove paint.
  24. //paste [alignment] [=> boolean expr...] - Pastes the clipboard to the first point. The alignment specifies the paste "direction" -- it can be l, r, t, b, or a combination of those letters. For example, //paste rb would paste as if the first point were the right-bottom.
  26. //point1 [x] [y] - Sets the first point of the selection. (or //p1)
  27. //point2 [x] [y] - Sets the second point of the selection. (or //p2)
  28. //redo [steps] [account] - Redoes that many actions for the account, if possible.
  29. //region [name] - Selects a region to perform actions on.
  30. //resize <direction(s)> <amount> - Resizes the selection -- you can specify multiple directions.
  31. //rotate <degrees> - Rotates the clipboard's contents by the specified angle, in degrees. Only multiples of 90 are accepted.
  32. //schematic - Schematic commands: (or //schem)
  33. //schematic delete <name> - Deletes the specified schematic if possible.
  34. //schematic help - Lists all schematic commands.
  35. //schematic list [page] - Lists the available schematics.
  36. //schematic load <name> - Loads the specified schematic to the clipboard if it exists.
  37. //schematic save <name> - Saves the contents of the clipboard to the specified schematic.
  38. //select <selection type> - Sets the way that tiles are selected. Valid arguments include: altcheckers, checkers, ellipse, normal, outline, border, 45, and 225.
  40. //set <tile> [=> boolean expr...] - Sets all of the tiles in the selection to <tile>.
  41. //setwall <wall>[=> boolean expr...] - Sets all of the walls in the selection to <wall>.
  42. //setwire <wire> <state> [=> boolean expr...] - Sets all of the wire states in the section.
  43. //shift <direction(s)> <amount> - Moves the selection -- you can supply multiple directions.
  44. //undo [steps] [account] - Undoes that many actions for the account, if possible.
  45. //scale <scale> - Scale the clipboard
  46. //smooth - Smooths blocks in the worldedit selection.
  47. Some commands accept boolean expressions, allowing you to change the conditions of the command. These variables exist:
  49. tile (t) - Can function as boolean if used by itself: e.g., => tile checks if there is a tile, => tile = dirt checks if the tile is dirt.
  50. tilepaint (tp) - Can function as boolean if used by itself, see above
  51. wall (w) - Can function as boolean if used by itself, see above
  52. wallpaint (wp)- Can function as boolean if used by itself, see above
  53. honey
  54. lava
  55. liquid
  56. water
  57. wire
  58. wire2
  59. wire3
  60. wire4
  61. You could paint all wood tiles with walls green with //paint green => tile = wood & wall, set green-painted tiles without walls to lava with //set lava => tilepaint = green & !wall, set dirt and wood to honey with //set honey => tile = dirt | tile = wood, and so on.
  63. ==============================================================================
  66. Paint blocks using //set
  67. ----------------------------
  69. //paint "deep red" => tile=119
  71. Paints tile ID 119 "deep red"
  74. Replace blocks using //set
  75. ----------------------------
  76. Set mud to mushroom biome:
  77. //set 70 => tile=59
  79. (Look a block on wiki, it will show its IDS)
  80. 70 is mud block's internal Tile ID
  81. 59 is mushroom block's internal Tile ID
  83. ::Change wood into conduct
  85. //set "Martian Conduit Plating" => tile="wood"
  86. //set 350 => tile="321"
  88. Turn crimtane block into air
  89. //set air => tile="347"
  91. Protect Regions:
  92. ----------------------------
  93. /region set 1
  94. /region set 2
  96. /region define Zed
  97. /region delete Zed
  99. Allow Zed to modif his region (He has to be registered)
  100. /region allow Zed Zed
  102. Check a Region:
  103. /region name (Hit a block)
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