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May 30th, 2017
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  1. (function (c, b) {
  2. if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
  3. module.exports = c.document ? b(c, true) : function (d) {
  4. if (!d.document) {
  5. throw new Error('jQuery requires a window with a document')
  6. }
  7. return b(d)
  8. }
  9. } else {
  10. b(c)
  11. }
  12. }(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function (a6, aw) {
  13. var aQ = [
  14. ];
  15. var Q = aQ.slice;
  16. var aA = aQ.concat;
  17. var y = aQ.push;
  18. var bV = aQ.indexOf;
  19. var ad = {
  20. };
  21. var z = ad.toString;
  22. var L = ad.hasOwnProperty;
  23. var E = {
  24. };
  25. var aj = '1.11.1',
  26. bJ = function (e, i) {
  27. return new bJ.fn.init(e, i)
  28. },
  29. F = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
  30. bT = /^-ms-/,
  31. aX = /-([\da-z])/gi,
  32. P = function (e, i) {
  33. return i.toUpperCase()
  34. };
  35. bJ.fn = bJ.prototype = {
  36. jquery: aj,
  37. constructor: bJ,
  38. selector: '',
  39. length: 0,
  40. toArray: function () {
  41. return
  42. },
  43. get: function (e) {
  44. return e != null ? (e < 0 ? this[e + this.length] : this[e]) :
  45. },
  46. pushStack: function (e) {
  47. var i = bJ.merge(this.constructor(), e);
  48. i.prevObject = this;
  49. i.context = this.context;
  50. return i
  51. },
  52. each: function (i, e) {
  53. return bJ.each(this, i, e)
  54. },
  55. map: function (e) {
  56. return this.pushStack(, function (b8, b7) {
  57. return, b7, b8)
  58. }))
  59. },
  60. slice: function () {
  61. return this.pushStack(Q.apply(this, arguments))
  62. },
  63. first: function () {
  64. return this.eq(0)
  65. },
  66. last: function () {
  67. return this.eq( - 1)
  68. },
  69. eq: function (b8) {
  70. var e = this.length,
  71. b7 = + b8 + (b8 < 0 ? e : 0);
  72. return this.pushStack(b7 >= 0 && b7 < e ? [
  73. this[b7]
  74. ] : [
  75. ])
  76. },
  77. end: function () {
  78. return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null)
  79. },
  80. push: y,
  81. sort: aQ.sort,
  82. splice: aQ.splice
  83. };
  84. bJ.extend = bJ.fn.extend = function () {
  85. var e,
  86. cc,
  87. b7,
  88. b8,
  89. cf,
  90. cd,
  91. cb = arguments[0] || {
  92. },
  93. ca = 1,
  94. b9 = arguments.length,
  95. ce = false;
  96. if (typeof cb === 'boolean') {
  97. ce = cb;
  98. cb = arguments[ca] || {
  99. };
  100. ca++
  101. }
  102. if (typeof cb !== 'object' && !bJ.isFunction(cb)) {
  103. cb = {
  104. }
  105. }
  106. if (ca === b9) {
  107. cb = this;
  108. ca--
  109. }
  110. for (; ca < b9; ca++) {
  111. if ((cf = arguments[ca]) != null) {
  112. for (b8 in cf) {
  113. e = cb[b8];
  114. b7 = cf[b8];
  115. if (cb === b7) {
  116. continue
  117. }
  118. if (ce && b7 && (bJ.isPlainObject(b7) || (cc = bJ.isArray(b7)))) {
  119. if (cc) {
  120. cc = false;
  121. cd = e && bJ.isArray(e) ? e : [
  122. ]
  123. } else {
  124. cd = e && bJ.isPlainObject(e) ? e : {
  125. }
  126. }
  127. cb[b8] = bJ.extend(ce, cd, b7)
  128. } else {
  129. if (b7 !== undefined) {
  130. cb[b8] = b7
  131. }
  132. }
  133. }
  134. }
  135. }
  136. return cb
  137. };
  138. bJ.extend({
  139. expando: 'jQuery' + (aj + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ''),
  140. isReady: true,
  141. error: function (e) {
  142. throw new Error(e)
  143. },
  144. noop: function () {
  145. },
  146. isFunction: function (e) {
  147. return bJ.type(e) === 'function'
  148. },
  149. isArray: Array.isArray || function (e) {
  150. return bJ.type(e) === 'array'
  151. },
  152. isWindow: function (e) {
  153. return e != null && e == e.window
  154. },
  155. isNumeric: function (e) {
  156. return !bJ.isArray(e) && e - parseFloat(e) >= 0
  157. },
  158. isEmptyObject: function (i) {
  159. var e;
  160. for (e in i) {
  161. return false
  162. }
  163. return true
  164. },
  165. isPlainObject: function (b8) {
  166. var i;
  167. if (!b8 || bJ.type(b8) !== 'object' || b8.nodeType || bJ.isWindow(b8)) {
  168. return false
  169. }
  170. try {
  171. if (b8.constructor && !, 'constructor') && !, 'isPrototypeOf')) {
  172. return false
  173. }
  174. } catch (b7) {
  175. return false
  176. }
  177. if (E.ownLast) {
  178. for (i in b8) {
  179. return, i)
  180. }
  181. }
  182. for (i in b8) {
  183. }
  184. return i === undefined ||, i)
  185. },
  186. type: function (e) {
  187. if (e == null) {
  188. return e + ''
  189. }
  190. return typeof e === 'object' || typeof e === 'function' ? ad[] || 'object' : typeof e
  191. },
  192. globalEval: function (e) {
  193. if (e && bJ.trim(e)) {
  194. (a6.execScript || function (i) {
  195. a6['eval'].call(a6, i)
  196. }) (e)
  197. }
  198. },
  199. camelCase: function (e) {
  200. return e.replace(bT, 'ms-').replace(aX, P)
  201. },
  202. nodeName: function (i, e) {
  203. return i.nodeName && i.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase()
  204. },
  205. each: function (cb, cc, b7) {
  206. var ca,
  207. b8 = 0,
  208. b9 = cb.length,
  209. e = ae(cb);
  210. if (b7) {
  211. if (e) {
  212. for (; b8 < b9; b8++) {
  213. ca = cc.apply(cb[b8], b7);
  214. if (ca === false) {
  215. break
  216. }
  217. }
  218. } else {
  219. for (b8 in cb) {
  220. ca = cc.apply(cb[b8], b7);
  221. if (ca === false) {
  222. break
  223. }
  224. }
  225. }
  226. } else {
  227. if (e) {
  228. for (; b8 < b9; b8++) {
  229. ca =[b8], b8, cb[b8]);
  230. if (ca === false) {
  231. break
  232. }
  233. }
  234. } else {
  235. for (b8 in cb) {
  236. ca =[b8], b8, cb[b8]);
  237. if (ca === false) {
  238. break
  239. }
  240. }
  241. }
  242. }
  243. return cb
  244. },
  245. trim: function (e) {
  246. return e == null ? '' : (e + '').replace(F, '')
  247. },
  248. makeArray: function (e, b7) {
  249. var i = b7 || [
  250. ];
  251. if (e != null) {
  252. if (ae(Object(e))) {
  253. bJ.merge(i, typeof e === 'string' ? [
  254. e
  255. ] : e)
  256. } else {
  257., e)
  258. }
  259. }
  260. return i
  261. },
  262. inArray: function (b9, b7, b8) {
  263. var e;
  264. if (b7) {
  265. if (bV) {
  266. return, b9, b8)
  267. }
  268. e = b7.length;
  269. b8 = b8 ? b8 < 0 ? Math.max(0, e + b8) : b8 : 0;
  270. for (; b8 < e; b8++) {
  271. if (b8 in b7 && b7[b8] === b9) {
  272. return b8
  273. }
  274. }
  275. }
  276. return - 1
  277. },
  278. merge: function (ca, b8) {
  279. var e = + b8.length,
  280. b7 = 0,
  281. b9 = ca.length;
  282. while (b7 < e) {
  283. ca[b9++] = b8[b7++]
  284. }
  285. if (e !== e) {
  286. while (b8[b7] !== undefined) {
  287. ca[b9++] = b8[b7++]
  288. }
  289. }
  290. ca.length = b9;
  291. return ca
  292. },
  293. grep: function (e, cd, ca) {
  294. var cc,
  295. b9 = [
  296. ],
  297. b7 = 0,
  298. b8 = e.length,
  299. cb = !ca;
  300. for (; b7 < b8; b7++) {
  301. cc = !cd(e[b7], b7);
  302. if (cc !== cb) {
  303. b9.push(e[b7])
  304. }
  305. }
  306. return b9
  307. },
  308. map: function (b8, cd, e) {
  309. var cc,
  310. ca = 0,
  311. cb = b8.length,
  312. b7 = ae(b8),
  313. b9 = [
  314. ];
  315. if (b7) {
  316. for (; ca < cb; ca++) {
  317. cc = cd(b8[ca], ca, e);
  318. if (cc != null) {
  319. b9.push(cc)
  320. }
  321. }
  322. } else {
  323. for (ca in b8) {
  324. cc = cd(b8[ca], ca, e);
  325. if (cc != null) {
  326. b9.push(cc)
  327. }
  328. }
  329. }
  330. return aA.apply([], b9)
  331. },
  332. guid: 1,
  333. proxy: function (b9, b8) {
  334. var e,
  335. b7,
  336. i;
  337. if (typeof b8 === 'string') {
  338. i = b9[b8];
  339. b8 = b9;
  340. b9 = i
  341. }
  342. if (!bJ.isFunction(b9)) {
  343. return undefined
  344. }
  345. e =, 2);
  346. b7 = function () {
  347. return b9.apply(b8 || this, e.concat(
  348. };
  349. b7.guid = b9.guid = b9.guid || bJ.guid++;
  350. return b7
  351. },
  352. now: function () {
  353. return + (new Date())
  354. },
  355. support: E
  356. });
  357. bJ.each('Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error'.split(' '), function (b7, e) {
  358. ad['[object ' + e + ']'] = e.toLowerCase()
  359. });
  360. function ae(b7) {
  361. var i = b7.length,
  362. e = bJ.type(b7);
  363. if (e === 'function' || bJ.isWindow(b7)) {
  364. return false
  365. }
  366. if (b7.nodeType === 1 && i) {
  367. return true
  368. }
  369. return e === 'array' || i === 0 || typeof i === 'number' && i > 0 && (i - 1) in b7
  370. }
  371. var o = (function (df) {
  372. var cy,
  373. di,
  374. co,
  375. cH,
  376. cK,
  377. ci,
  378. cW,
  379. dh,
  380. dm,
  381. cI,
  382. cX,
  383. cZ,
  384. cC,
  385. cp,
  386. c8,
  387. c3,
  388. dg,
  389. cf,
  390. cF,
  391. da = 'sizzle' + - (new Date()),
  392. cJ = df.document,
  393. dj = 0,
  394. c4 = 0,
  395. ca = cA(),
  396. c9 = cA(),
  397. cG = cA(),
  398. cE = function (i, e) {
  399. if (i === e) {
  400. cX = true
  401. }
  402. return 0
  403. },
  404. de = typeof undefined,
  405. cQ = 1 << 31,
  406. cO = ({
  407. }).hasOwnProperty,
  408. dc = [
  409. ],
  410. dd = dc.pop,
  411. cM = dc.push,
  412. b8 = dc.push,
  413. cn = dc.slice,
  414. ce = dc.indexOf || function (dp) {
  415. var dn = 0,
  416. e = this.length;
  417. for (; dn < e; dn++) {
  418. if (this[dn] === dp) {
  419. return dn
  420. }
  421. }
  422. return - 1
  423. },
  424. b9 = 'checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped',
  425. cq = '[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]',
  426. b7 = '(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+',
  427. cL = b7.replace('w', 'w#'),
  428. c6 = '\\[' + cq + '*(' + b7 + ')(?:' + cq + '*([*^$|!~]?=)' + cq + '*(?:\'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\'])*)\'|"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*)"|(' + cL + '))|)' + cq + '*\\]',
  429. cl = ':(' + b7 + ')(?:\\(((\'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\'])*)\'|"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*)")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|' + c6 + ')*)|.*)\\)|)',
  430. cs = new RegExp('^' + cq + '+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)' + cq + '+$', 'g'),
  431. cv = new RegExp('^' + cq + '*,' + cq + '*'),
  432. cB = new RegExp('^' + cq + '*([>+~]|' + cq + ')' + cq + '*'),
  433. cu = new RegExp('=' + cq + '*([^\\]\'"]*?)' + cq + '*\\]', 'g'),
  434. cS = new RegExp(cl),
  435. cU = new RegExp('^' + cL + '$'),
  436. c2 = {
  437. ID: new RegExp('^#(' + b7 + ')'),
  438. CLASS: new RegExp('^\\.(' + b7 + ')'),
  439. TAG: new RegExp('^(' + b7.replace('w', 'w*') + ')'),
  440. ATTR: new RegExp('^' + c6),
  441. PSEUDO: new RegExp('^' + cl),
  442. CHILD: new RegExp('^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(' + cq + '*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)' + cq + '*(?:([+-]|)' + cq + '*(\\d+)|))' + cq + '*\\)|)', 'i'),
  443. bool: new RegExp('^(?:' + b9 + ')$', 'i'),
  444. needsContext: new RegExp('^' + cq + '*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(' + cq + '*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)' + cq + '*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)', 'i')
  445. },
  446. cd = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
  447. cm = /^h\d$/i,
  448. cP = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
  449. cR = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
  450. c1 = /[+~]/,
  451. cN = /'|\\/g,
  452. ct = new RegExp('\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}' + cq + '?|(' + cq + ')|.)', 'ig'),
  453. c5 = function (e, dp, i) {
  454. var dn = '0x' + dp - 65536;
  455. return dn !== dn || i ? dp : dn < 0 ? String.fromCharCode(dn + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(dn >> 10 | 55296, dn & 1023 | 56320)
  456. };
  457. try {
  458. b8.apply((dc =, cJ.childNodes);
  459. dc[cJ.childNodes.length].nodeType
  460. } catch (cD) {
  461. b8 = {
  462. apply: dc.length ? function (i, e) {
  463. cM.apply(i,
  464. }
  465. : function (dq, dp) {
  466. var e = dq.length,
  467. dn = 0;
  468. while ((dq[e++] = dp[dn++])) {
  469. }
  470. dq.length = e - 1
  471. }
  472. }
  473. }
  474. function cw(dv, dn, dz, dB) {
  475. var dA,
  476. ds,
  477. dt,
  478. dx,
  479. dy,
  480. dr,
  481. dq,
  482. e,
  483. dp,
  484. dw;
  485. if ((dn ? dn.ownerDocument || dn : cJ) !== cC) {
  486. cZ(dn)
  487. }
  488. dn = dn || cC;
  489. dz = dz || [
  490. ];
  491. if (!dv || typeof dv !== 'string') {
  492. return dz
  493. }
  494. if ((dx = dn.nodeType) !== 1 && dx !== 9) {
  495. return []
  496. }
  497. if (c8 && !dB) {
  498. if ((dA = cR.exec(dv))) {
  499. if ((dt = dA[1])) {
  500. if (dx === 9) {
  501. ds = dn.getElementById(dt);
  502. if (ds && ds.parentNode) {
  503. if ( === dt) {
  504. dz.push(ds);
  505. return dz
  506. }
  507. } else {
  508. return dz
  509. }
  510. } else {
  511. if (dn.ownerDocument && (ds = dn.ownerDocument.getElementById(dt)) && cF(dn, ds) && === dt) {
  512. dz.push(ds);
  513. return dz
  514. }
  515. }
  516. } else {
  517. if (dA[2]) {
  518. b8.apply(dz, dn.getElementsByTagName(dv));
  519. return dz
  520. } else {
  521. if ((dt = dA[3]) && di.getElementsByClassName && dn.getElementsByClassName) {
  522. b8.apply(dz, dn.getElementsByClassName(dt));
  523. return dz
  524. }
  525. }
  526. }
  527. }
  528. if (di.qsa && (!c3 || !c3.test(dv))) {
  529. e = dq = da;
  530. dp = dn;
  531. dw = dx === 9 && dv;
  532. if (dx === 1 && dn.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'object') {
  533. dr = ci(dv);
  534. if ((dq = dn.getAttribute('id'))) {
  535. e = dq.replace(cN, '\\$&')
  536. } else {
  537. dn.setAttribute('id', e)
  538. }
  539. e = '[id=\'' + e + '\'] ';
  540. dy = dr.length;
  541. while (dy--) {
  542. dr[dy] = e + cj(dr[dy])
  543. }
  544. dp = c1.test(dv) && cT(dn.parentNode) || dn;
  545. dw = dr.join(',')
  546. }
  547. if (dw) {
  548. try {
  549. b8.apply(dz, dp.querySelectorAll(dw));
  550. return dz
  551. } catch (du) {
  552. } finally {
  553. if (!dq) {
  554. dn.removeAttribute('id')
  555. }
  556. }
  557. }
  558. }
  559. }
  560. return dh(dv.replace(cs, '$1'), dn, dz, dB)
  561. }
  562. function cA() {
  563. var i = [
  564. ];
  565. function e(dn, dp) {
  566. if (i.push(dn + ' ') > co.cacheLength) {
  567. delete e[i.shift()]
  568. }
  569. return (e[dn + ' '] = dp)
  570. }
  571. return e
  572. }
  573. function ck(e) {
  574. e[da] = true;
  575. return e
  576. }
  577. function cg(i) {
  578. var dp = cC.createElement('div');
  579. try {
  580. return !!i(dp)
  581. } catch (dn) {
  582. return false
  583. } finally {
  584. if (dp.parentNode) {
  585. dp.parentNode.removeChild(dp)
  586. }
  587. dp = null
  588. }
  589. }
  590. function dk(dn, dq) {
  591. var e = dn.split('|'),
  592. dp = dn.length;
  593. while (dp--) {
  594. co.attrHandle[e[dp]] = dq
  595. }
  596. }
  597. function cb(i, e) {
  598. var dp = e && i,
  599. dn = dp && i.nodeType === 1 && e.nodeType === 1 && (~e.sourceIndex || cQ) - (~i.sourceIndex || cQ);
  600. if (dn) {
  601. return dn
  602. }
  603. if (dp) {
  604. while ((dp = dp.nextSibling)) {
  605. if (dp === e) {
  606. return - 1
  607. }
  608. }
  609. }
  610. return i ? 1 : - 1
  611. }
  612. function cx(e) {
  613. return function (dn) {
  614. var i = dn.nodeName.toLowerCase();
  615. return i === 'input' && dn.type === e
  616. }
  617. }
  618. function cc(e) {
  619. return function (dn) {
  620. var i = dn.nodeName.toLowerCase();
  621. return (i === 'input' || i === 'button') && dn.type === e
  622. }
  623. }
  624. function c7(e) {
  625. return ck(function (i) {
  626. i = + i;
  627. return ck(function (dn, ds) {
  628. var dq,
  629. dp = e([], dn.length, i),
  630. dr = dp.length;
  631. while (dr--) {
  632. if (dn[(dq = dp[dr])]) {
  633. dn[dq] = !(ds[dq] = dn[dq])
  634. }
  635. }
  636. })
  637. })
  638. }
  639. function cT(e) {
  640. return e && typeof e.getElementsByTagName !== de && e
  641. }
  642. di = = {
  643. };
  644. cK = cw.isXML = function (e) {
  645. var i = e && (e.ownerDocument || e).documentElement;
  646. return i ? i.nodeName !== 'HTML' : false
  647. };
  648. cZ = cw.setDocument = function (dn) {
  649. var e,
  650. dp = dn ? dn.ownerDocument || dn : cJ,
  651. i = dp.defaultView;
  652. if (dp === cC || dp.nodeType !== 9 || !dp.documentElement) {
  653. return cC
  654. }
  655. cC = dp;
  656. cp = dp.documentElement;
  657. c8 = !cK(dp);
  658. if (i && i !== {
  659. if (i.addEventListener) {
  660. i.addEventListener('unload', function () {
  661. cZ()
  662. }, false)
  663. } else {
  664. if (i.attachEvent) {
  665. i.attachEvent('onunload', function () {
  666. cZ()
  667. })
  668. }
  669. }
  670. }
  671. di.attributes = cg(function (dq) {
  672. dq.className = 'i';
  673. return !dq.getAttribute('className')
  674. });
  675. di.getElementsByTagName = cg(function (dq) {
  676. dq.appendChild(dp.createComment(''));
  677. return !dq.getElementsByTagName('*').length
  678. });
  679. di.getElementsByClassName = cP.test(dp.getElementsByClassName) && cg(function (dq) {
  680. dq.innerHTML = '<div class=\'a\'></div><div class=\'a i\'></div>';
  681. dq.firstChild.className = 'i';
  682. return dq.getElementsByClassName('i').length === 2
  683. });
  684. di.getById = cg(function (dq) {
  685. cp.appendChild(dq).id = da;
  686. return !dp.getElementsByName || !dp.getElementsByName(da).length
  687. });
  688. if (di.getById) {
  689. co.find.ID = function (ds, dr) {
  690. if (typeof dr.getElementById !== de && c8) {
  691. var dq = dr.getElementById(ds);
  692. return dq && dq.parentNode ? [
  693. dq
  694. ] : [
  695. ]
  696. }
  697. };
  698. co.filter.ID = function (dr) {
  699. var dq = dr.replace(ct, c5);
  700. return function (ds) {
  701. return ds.getAttribute('id') === dq
  702. }
  703. }
  704. } else {
  705. delete co.find.ID;
  706. co.filter.ID = function (dr) {
  707. var dq = dr.replace(ct, c5);
  708. return function (dt) {
  709. var ds = typeof dt.getAttributeNode !== de && dt.getAttributeNode('id');
  710. return ds && ds.value === dq
  711. }
  712. }
  713. }
  714. co.find.TAG = di.getElementsByTagName ? function (dq, dr) {
  715. if (typeof dr.getElementsByTagName !== de) {
  716. return dr.getElementsByTagName(dq)
  717. }
  718. }
  719. : function (dq, du) {
  720. var dv,
  721. dt = [
  722. ],
  723. ds = 0,
  724. dr = du.getElementsByTagName(dq);
  725. if (dq === '*') {
  726. while ((dv = dr[ds++])) {
  727. if (dv.nodeType === 1) {
  728. dt.push(dv)
  729. }
  730. }
  731. return dt
  732. }
  733. return dr
  734. };
  735. co.find.CLASS = di.getElementsByClassName && function (dr, dq) {
  736. if (typeof dq.getElementsByClassName !== de && c8) {
  737. return dq.getElementsByClassName(dr)
  738. }
  739. };
  740. dg = [
  741. ];
  742. c3 = [
  743. ];
  744. if ((di.qsa = cP.test(dp.querySelectorAll))) {
  745. cg(function (dq) {
  746. dq.innerHTML = '<select msallowclip=\'\'><option selected=\'\'></option></select>';
  747. if (dq.querySelectorAll('[msallowclip^=\'\']').length) {
  748. c3.push('[*^$]=' + cq + '*(?:\'\'|"")')
  749. }
  750. if (!dq.querySelectorAll('[selected]').length) {
  751. c3.push('\\[' + cq + '*(?:value|' + b9 + ')')
  752. }
  753. if (!dq.querySelectorAll(':checked').length) {
  754. c3.push(':checked')
  755. }
  756. });
  757. cg(function (dr) {
  758. var dq = dp.createElement('input');
  759. dq.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
  760. dr.appendChild(dq).setAttribute('name', 'D');
  761. if (dr.querySelectorAll('[name=d]').length) {
  762. c3.push('name' + cq + '*[*^$|!~]?=')
  763. }
  764. if (!dr.querySelectorAll(':enabled').length) {
  765. c3.push(':enabled', ':disabled')
  766. }
  767. dr.querySelectorAll('*,:x');
  768. c3.push(',.*:')
  769. })
  770. }
  771. if ((di.matchesSelector = cP.test((cf = cp.matches || cp.webkitMatchesSelector || cp.mozMatchesSelector || cp.oMatchesSelector || cp.msMatchesSelector)))) {
  772. cg(function (dq) {
  773. di.disconnectedMatch =, 'div');
  774., '[s!=\'\']:x');
  775. dg.push('!=', cl)
  776. })
  777. }
  778. c3 = c3.length && new RegExp(c3.join('|'));
  779. dg = dg.length && new RegExp(dg.join('|'));
  780. e = cP.test(cp.compareDocumentPosition);
  781. cF = e || cP.test(cp.contains) ? function (dr, dq) {
  782. var dt = dr.nodeType === 9 ? dr.documentElement : dr,
  783. ds = dq && dq.parentNode;
  784. return dr === ds || !!(ds && ds.nodeType === 1 && (dt.contains ? dt.contains(ds) : dr.compareDocumentPosition && dr.compareDocumentPosition(ds) & 16))
  785. }
  786. : function (dr, dq) {
  787. if (dq) {
  788. while ((dq = dq.parentNode)) {
  789. if (dq === dr) {
  790. return true
  791. }
  792. }
  793. }
  794. return false
  795. };
  796. cE = e ? function (dr, dq) {
  797. if (dr === dq) {
  798. cX = true;
  799. return 0
  800. }
  801. var ds = !dr.compareDocumentPosition - !dq.compareDocumentPosition;
  802. if (ds) {
  803. return ds
  804. }
  805. ds = (dr.ownerDocument || dr) === (dq.ownerDocument || dq) ? dr.compareDocumentPosition(dq) : 1;
  806. if (ds & 1 || (!di.sortDetached && dq.compareDocumentPosition(dr) === ds)) {
  807. if (dr === dp || dr.ownerDocument === cJ && cF(cJ, dr)) {
  808. return - 1
  809. }
  810. if (dq === dp || dq.ownerDocument === cJ && cF(cJ, dq)) {
  811. return 1
  812. }
  813. return cI ? (, dr) -, dq)) : 0
  814. }
  815. return ds & 4 ? - 1 : 1
  816. }
  817. : function (dr, dq) {
  818. if (dr === dq) {
  819. cX = true;
  820. return 0
  821. }
  822. var dx,
  823. du = 0,
  824. dw = dr.parentNode,
  825. dt = dq.parentNode,
  826. ds = [
  827. dr
  828. ],
  829. dv = [
  830. dq
  831. ];
  832. if (!dw || !dt) {
  833. return dr === dp ? - 1 : dq === dp ? 1 : dw ? - 1 : dt ? 1 : cI ? (, dr) -, dq)) : 0
  834. } else {
  835. if (dw === dt) {
  836. return cb(dr, dq)
  837. }
  838. }
  839. dx = dr;
  840. while ((dx = dx.parentNode)) {
  841. ds.unshift(dx)
  842. }
  843. dx = dq;
  844. while ((dx = dx.parentNode)) {
  845. dv.unshift(dx)
  846. }
  847. while (ds[du] === dv[du]) {
  848. du++
  849. }
  850. return du ? cb(ds[du], dv[du]) : ds[du] === cJ ? - 1 : dv[du] === cJ ? 1 : 0
  851. };
  852. return dp
  853. };
  854. cw.matches = function (i, e) {
  855. return cw(i, null, null, e)
  856. };
  857. cw.matchesSelector = function (dn, dq) {
  858. if ((dn.ownerDocument || dn) !== cC) {
  859. cZ(dn)
  860. }
  861. dq = dq.replace(cu, '=\'$1\']');
  862. if (di.matchesSelector && c8 && (!dg || !dg.test(dq)) && (!c3 || !c3.test(dq))) {
  863. try {
  864. var i =, dq);
  865. if (i || di.disconnectedMatch || dn.document && dn.document.nodeType !== 11) {
  866. return i
  867. }
  868. } catch (dp) {
  869. }
  870. }
  871. return cw(dq, cC, null, [
  872. dn
  873. ]).length > 0
  874. };
  875. cw.contains = function (e, i) {
  876. if ((e.ownerDocument || e) !== cC) {
  877. cZ(e)
  878. }
  879. return cF(e, i)
  880. };
  881. cw.attr = function (dn, e) {
  882. if ((dn.ownerDocument || dn) !== cC) {
  883. cZ(dn)
  884. }
  885. var i = co.attrHandle[e.toLowerCase()],
  886. dp = i &&, e.toLowerCase()) ? i(dn, e, !c8) : undefined;
  887. return dp !== undefined ? dp : di.attributes || !c8 ? dn.getAttribute(e) : (dp = dn.getAttributeNode(e)) && dp.specified ? dp.value : null
  888. };
  889. cw.error = function (e) {
  890. throw new Error('Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ' + e)
  891. };
  892. cw.uniqueSort = function (dp) {
  893. var dq,
  894. dr = [
  895. ],
  896. e = 0,
  897. dn = 0;
  898. cX = !di.detectDuplicates;
  899. cI = !di.sortStable && dp.slice(0);
  900. dp.sort(cE);
  901. if (cX) {
  902. while ((dq = dp[dn++])) {
  903. if (dq === dp[dn]) {
  904. e = dr.push(dn)
  905. }
  906. }
  907. while (e--) {
  908. dp.splice(dr[e], 1)
  909. }
  910. }
  911. cI = null;
  912. return dp
  913. };
  914. cH = cw.getText = function (dr) {
  915. var dq,
  916. dn = '',
  917. dp = 0,
  918. e = dr.nodeType;
  919. if (!e) {
  920. while ((dq = dr[dp++])) {
  921. dn += cH(dq)
  922. }
  923. } else {
  924. if (e === 1 || e === 9 || e === 11) {
  925. if (typeof dr.textContent === 'string') {
  926. return dr.textContent
  927. } else {
  928. for (dr = dr.firstChild; dr; dr = dr.nextSibling) {
  929. dn += cH(dr)
  930. }
  931. }
  932. } else {
  933. if (e === 3 || e === 4) {
  934. return dr.nodeValue
  935. }
  936. }
  937. }
  938. return dn
  939. };
  940. co = cw.selectors = {
  941. cacheLength: 50,
  942. createPseudo: ck,
  943. match: c2,
  944. attrHandle: {
  945. },
  946. find: {
  947. },
  948. relative: {
  949. '>': {
  950. dir: 'parentNode',
  951. first: true
  952. },
  953. ' ': {
  954. dir: 'parentNode'
  955. },
  956. '+': {
  957. dir: 'previousSibling',
  958. first: true
  959. },
  960. '~': {
  961. dir: 'previousSibling'
  962. }
  963. },
  964. preFilter: {
  965. ATTR: function (e) {
  966. e[1] = e[1].replace(ct, c5);
  967. e[3] = (e[3] || e[4] || e[5] || '').replace(ct, c5);
  968. if (e[2] === '~=') {
  969. e[3] = ' ' + e[3] + ' '
  970. }
  971. return e.slice(0, 4)
  972. },
  973. CHILD: function (e) {
  974. e[1] = e[1].toLowerCase();
  975. if (e[1].slice(0, 3) === 'nth') {
  976. if (!e[3]) {
  977. cw.error(e[0])
  978. }
  979. e[4] = + (e[4] ? e[5] + (e[6] || 1) : 2 * (e[3] === 'even' || e[3] === 'odd'));
  980. e[5] = + ((e[7] + e[8]) || e[3] === 'odd')
  981. } else {
  982. if (e[3]) {
  983. cw.error(e[0])
  984. }
  985. }
  986. return e
  987. },
  988. PSEUDO: function (i) {
  989. var e,
  990. dn = !i[6] && i[2];
  991. if (c2.CHILD.test(i[0])) {
  992. return null
  993. }
  994. if (i[3]) {
  995. i[2] = i[4] || i[5] || ''
  996. } else {
  997. if (dn && cS.test(dn) && (e = ci(dn, true)) && (e = dn.indexOf(')', dn.length - e) - dn.length)) {
  998. i[0] = i[0].slice(0, e);
  999. i[2] = dn.slice(0, e)
  1000. }
  1001. }
  1002. return i.slice(0, 3)
  1003. }
  1004. },
  1005. filter: {
  1006. TAG: function (i) {
  1007. var e = i.replace(ct, c5).toLowerCase();
  1008. return i === '*' ? function () {
  1009. return true
  1010. }
  1011. : function (dn) {
  1012. return dn.nodeName && dn.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e
  1013. }
  1014. },
  1015. CLASS: function (e) {
  1016. var i = ca[e + ' '];
  1017. return i || (i = new RegExp('(^|' + cq + ')' + e + '(' + cq + '|$)')) && ca(e, function (dn) {
  1018. return i.test(typeof dn.className === 'string' && dn.className || typeof dn.getAttribute !== de && dn.getAttribute('class') || '')
  1019. })
  1020. },
  1021. ATTR: function (dn, i, e) {
  1022. return function (dq) {
  1023. var dp = cw.attr(dq, dn);
  1024. if (dp == null) {
  1025. return i === '!='
  1026. }
  1027. if (!i) {
  1028. return true
  1029. }
  1030. dp += '';
  1031. return i === '=' ? dp === e : i === '!=' ? dp !== e : i === '^=' ? e && dp.indexOf(e) === 0 : i === '*=' ? e && dp.indexOf(e) > - 1 : i === '$=' ? e && dp.slice( - e.length) === e : i === '~=' ? (' ' + dp + ' ').indexOf(e) > - 1 : i === '|=' ? dp === e || dp.slice(0, e.length + 1) === e + '-' : false
  1032. }
  1033. },
  1034. CHILD: function (i, dq, dp, dr, dn) {
  1035. var dt = i.slice(0, 3) !== 'nth',
  1036. e = i.slice( - 4) !== 'last',
  1037. ds = dq === 'of-type';
  1038. return dr === 1 && dn === 0 ? function (du) {
  1039. return !!du.parentNode
  1040. }
  1041. : function (dA, dy, dD) {
  1042. var du,
  1043. dG,
  1044. dB,
  1045. dF,
  1046. dC,
  1047. dx,
  1048. dz = dt !== e ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling',
  1049. dE = dA.parentNode,
  1050. dw = ds && dA.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
  1051. dv = !dD && !ds;
  1052. if (dE) {
  1053. if (dt) {
  1054. while (dz) {
  1055. dB = dA;
  1056. while ((dB = dB[dz])) {
  1057. if (ds ? dB.nodeName.toLowerCase() === dw : dB.nodeType === 1) {
  1058. return false
  1059. }
  1060. }
  1061. dx = dz = i === 'only' && !dx && 'nextSibling'
  1062. }
  1063. return true
  1064. }
  1065. dx = [
  1066. e ? dE.firstChild : dE.lastChild
  1067. ];
  1068. if (e && dv) {
  1069. dG = dE[da] || (dE[da] = {
  1070. });
  1071. du = dG[i] || [
  1072. ];
  1073. dC = du[0] === dj && du[1];
  1074. dF = du[0] === dj && du[2];
  1075. dB = dC && dE.childNodes[dC];
  1076. while ((dB = ++dC && dB && dB[dz] || (dF = dC = 0) || dx.pop())) {
  1077. if (dB.nodeType === 1 && ++dF && dB === dA) {
  1078. dG[i] = [
  1079. dj,
  1080. dC,
  1081. dF
  1082. ];
  1083. break
  1084. }
  1085. }
  1086. } else {
  1087. if (dv && (du = (dA[da] || (dA[da] = {
  1088. })) [i]) && du[0] === dj) {
  1089. dF = du[1]
  1090. } else {
  1091. while ((dB = ++dC && dB && dB[dz] || (dF = dC = 0) || dx.pop())) {
  1092. if ((ds ? dB.nodeName.toLowerCase() === dw : dB.nodeType === 1) && ++dF) {
  1093. if (dv) {
  1094. (dB[da] || (dB[da] = {
  1095. })) [i] = [
  1096. dj,
  1097. dF
  1098. ]
  1099. }
  1100. if (dB === dA) {
  1101. break
  1102. }
  1103. }
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1106. }
  1107. dF -= dn;
  1108. return dF === dr || (dF % dr === 0 && dF / dr >= 0)
  1109. }
  1110. }
  1111. },
  1112. PSEUDO: function (dp, dn) {
  1113. var e,
  1114. i = co.pseudos[dp] || co.setFilters[dp.toLowerCase()] || cw.error('unsupported pseudo: ' + dp);
  1115. if (i[da]) {
  1116. return i(dn)
  1117. }
  1118. if (i.length > 1) {
  1119. e = [
  1120. dp,
  1121. dp,
  1122. '',
  1123. dn
  1124. ];
  1125. return co.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(dp.toLowerCase()) ? ck(function (ds, du) {
  1126. var dr,
  1127. dq = i(ds, dn),
  1128. dt = dq.length;
  1129. while (dt--) {
  1130. dr =, dq[dt]);
  1131. ds[dr] = !(du[dr] = dq[dt])
  1132. }
  1133. }) : function (dq) {
  1134. return i(dq, 0, e)
  1135. }
  1136. }
  1137. return i
  1138. }
  1139. },
  1140. pseudos: {
  1141. not: ck(function (e) {
  1142. var i = [
  1143. ],
  1144. dn = [
  1145. ],
  1146. dp = cW(e.replace(cs, '$1'));
  1147. return dp[da] ? ck(function (dr, dw, du, ds) {
  1148. var dv,
  1149. dq = dp(dr, null, ds, [
  1150. ]),
  1151. dt = dr.length;
  1152. while (dt--) {
  1153. if ((dv = dq[dt])) {
  1154. dr[dt] = !(dw[dt] = dv)
  1155. }
  1156. }
  1157. }) : function (ds, dr, dq) {
  1158. i[0] = ds;
  1159. dp(i, null, dq, dn);
  1160. return !dn.pop()
  1161. }
  1162. }),
  1163. has: ck(function (e) {
  1164. return function (i) {
  1165. return cw(e, i).length > 0
  1166. }
  1167. }),
  1168. contains: ck(function (e) {
  1169. return function (i) {
  1170. return (i.textContent || i.innerText || cH(i)).indexOf(e) > - 1
  1171. }
  1172. }),
  1173. lang: ck(function (e) {
  1174. if (!cU.test(e || '')) {
  1175. cw.error('unsupported lang: ' + e)
  1176. }
  1177. e = e.replace(ct, c5).toLowerCase();
  1178. return function (dn) {
  1179. var i;
  1180. do {
  1181. if ((i = c8 ? dn.lang : dn.getAttribute('xml:lang') || dn.getAttribute('lang'))) {
  1182. i = i.toLowerCase();
  1183. return i === e || i.indexOf(e + '-') === 0
  1184. }
  1185. } while ((dn = dn.parentNode) && dn.nodeType === 1);
  1186. return false
  1187. }
  1188. }),
  1189. target: function (e) {
  1190. var i = df.location && df.location.hash;
  1191. return i && i.slice(1) ===
  1192. },
  1193. root: function (e) {
  1194. return e === cp
  1195. },
  1196. focus: function (e) {
  1197. return e === cC.activeElement && (!cC.hasFocus || cC.hasFocus()) && !!(e.type || e.href || ~e.tabIndex)
  1198. },
  1199. enabled: function (e) {
  1200. return e.disabled === false
  1201. },
  1202. disabled: function (e) {
  1203. return e.disabled === true
  1204. },
  1205. checked: function (e) {
  1206. var i = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
  1207. return (i === 'input' && !!e.checked) || (i === 'option' && !!e.selected)
  1208. },
  1209. selected: function (e) {
  1210. if (e.parentNode) {
  1211. e.parentNode.selectedIndex
  1212. }
  1213. return e.selected === true
  1214. },
  1215. empty: function (e) {
  1216. for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) {
  1217. if (e.nodeType < 6) {
  1218. return false
  1219. }
  1220. }
  1221. return true
  1222. },
  1223. parent: function (e) {
  1224. return !co.pseudos.empty(e)
  1225. },
  1226. header: function (e) {
  1227. return cm.test(e.nodeName)
  1228. },
  1229. input: function (e) {
  1230. return cd.test(e.nodeName)
  1231. },
  1232. button: function (i) {
  1233. var e = i.nodeName.toLowerCase();
  1234. return e === 'input' && i.type === 'button' || e === 'button'
  1235. },
  1236. text: function (i) {
  1237. var e;
  1238. return i.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && i.type === 'text' && ((e = i.getAttribute('type')) == null || e.toLowerCase() === 'text')
  1239. },
  1240. first: c7(function () {
  1241. return [0]
  1242. }),
  1243. last: c7(function (e, i) {
  1244. return [i - 1]
  1245. }),
  1246. eq: c7(function (e, dn, i) {
  1247. return [i < 0 ? i + dn : i]
  1248. }),
  1249. even: c7(function (e, dp) {
  1250. var dn = 0;
  1251. for (; dn < dp; dn += 2) {
  1252. e.push(dn)
  1253. }
  1254. return e
  1255. }),
  1256. odd: c7(function (e, dp) {
  1257. var dn = 1;
  1258. for (; dn < dp; dn += 2) {
  1259. e.push(dn)
  1260. }
  1261. return e
  1262. }),
  1263. lt: c7(function (e, dq, dp) {
  1264. var dn = dp < 0 ? dp + dq : dp;
  1265. for (; --dn >= 0; ) {
  1266. e.push(dn)
  1267. }
  1268. return e
  1269. }),
  1270. gt: c7(function (e, dq, dp) {
  1271. var dn = dp < 0 ? dp + dq : dp;
  1272. for (; ++dn < dq; ) {
  1273. e.push(dn)
  1274. }
  1275. return e
  1276. })
  1277. }
  1278. };
  1279. co.pseudos.nth = co.pseudos.eq;
  1280. for (cy in {
  1281. radio: true,
  1282. checkbox: true,
  1283. file: true,
  1284. password: true,
  1285. image: true
  1286. }) {
  1287. co.pseudos[cy] = cx(cy)
  1288. }
  1289. for (cy in {
  1290. submit: true,
  1291. reset: true
  1292. }) {
  1293. co.pseudos[cy] = cc(cy)
  1294. }
  1295. function cV() {
  1296. }
  1297. cV.prototype = co.filters = co.pseudos;
  1298. co.setFilters = new cV();
  1299. ci = cw.tokenize = function (dq, dv) {
  1300. var i,
  1301. dr,
  1302. dt,
  1303. du,
  1304. ds,
  1305. dn,
  1306. e,
  1307. dp = c9[dq + ' '];
  1308. if (dp) {
  1309. return dv ? 0 : dp.slice(0)
  1310. }
  1311. ds = dq;
  1312. dn = [
  1313. ];
  1314. e = co.preFilter;
  1315. while (ds) {
  1316. if (!i || (dr = cv.exec(ds))) {
  1317. if (dr) {
  1318. ds = ds.slice(dr[0].length) || ds
  1319. }
  1320. dn.push((dt = [
  1321. ]))
  1322. }
  1323. i = false;
  1324. if ((dr = cB.exec(ds))) {
  1325. i = dr.shift();
  1326. dt.push({
  1327. value: i,
  1328. type: dr[0].replace(cs, ' ')
  1329. });
  1330. ds = ds.slice(i.length)
  1331. }
  1332. for (du in co.filter) {
  1333. if ((dr = c2[du].exec(ds)) && (!e[du] || (dr = e[du](dr)))) {
  1334. i = dr.shift();
  1335. dt.push({
  1336. value: i,
  1337. type: du,
  1338. matches: dr
  1339. });
  1340. ds = ds.slice(i.length)
  1341. }
  1342. }
  1343. if (!i) {
  1344. break
  1345. }
  1346. }
  1347. return dv ? ds.length : ds ? cw.error(dq) : c9(dq, dn).slice(0)
  1348. };
  1349. function cj(dq) {
  1350. var dp = 0,
  1351. dn = dq.length,
  1352. e = '';
  1353. for (; dp < dn; dp++) {
  1354. e += dq[dp].value
  1355. }
  1356. return e
  1357. }
  1358. function cr(dq, dn, dp) {
  1359. var e = dn.dir,
  1360. dr = dp && e === 'parentNode',
  1361. i = c4++;
  1362. return dn.first ? function (du, dt, ds) {
  1363. while ((du = du[e])) {
  1364. if (du.nodeType === 1 || dr) {
  1365. return dq(du, dt, ds)
  1366. }
  1367. }
  1368. }
  1369. : function (dw, du, dt) {
  1370. var dx,
  1371. dv,
  1372. ds = [
  1373. dj,
  1374. i
  1375. ];
  1376. if (dt) {
  1377. while ((dw = dw[e])) {
  1378. if (dw.nodeType === 1 || dr) {
  1379. if (dq(dw, du, dt)) {
  1380. return true
  1381. }
  1382. }
  1383. }
  1384. } else {
  1385. while ((dw = dw[e])) {
  1386. if (dw.nodeType === 1 || dr) {
  1387. dv = dw[da] || (dw[da] = {
  1388. });
  1389. if ((dx = dv[e]) && dx[0] === dj && dx[1] === i) {
  1390. return (ds[2] = dx[2])
  1391. } else {
  1392. dv[e] = ds;
  1393. if ((ds[2] = dq(dw, du, dt))) {
  1394. return true
  1395. }
  1396. }
  1397. }
  1398. }
  1399. }
  1400. }
  1401. }
  1402. function dl(e) {
  1403. return e.length > 1 ? function (dr, dq, dn) {
  1404. var dp = e.length;
  1405. while (dp--) {
  1406. if (!e[dp](dr, dq, dn)) {
  1407. return false
  1408. }
  1409. }
  1410. return true
  1411. }
  1412. : e[0]
  1413. }
  1414. function cz(dn, dr, dq) {
  1415. var dp = 0,
  1416. e = dr.length;
  1417. for (; dp < e; dp++) {
  1418. cw(dn, dr[dp], dq)
  1419. }
  1420. return dq
  1421. }
  1422. function c0(e, dn, dp, dq, dt) {
  1423. var dr,
  1424. dw = [
  1425. ],
  1426. ds = 0,
  1427. du = e.length,
  1428. dv = dn != null;
  1429. for (; ds < du; ds++) {
  1430. if ((dr = e[ds])) {
  1431. if (!dp || dp(dr, dq, dt)) {
  1432. dw.push(dr);
  1433. if (dv) {
  1434. dn.push(ds)
  1435. }
  1436. }
  1437. }
  1438. }
  1439. return dw
  1440. }
  1441. function ch(dn, i, dq, dp, dr, e) {
  1442. if (dp && !dp[da]) {
  1443. dp = ch(dp)
  1444. }
  1445. if (dr && !dr[da]) {
  1446. dr = ch(dr, e)
  1447. }
  1448. return ck(function (dC, dz, du, dB) {
  1449. var dE,
  1450. dA,
  1451. dw,
  1452. dv = [
  1453. ],
  1454. dD = [
  1455. ],
  1456. dt = dz.length,
  1457. ds = dC || cz(i || '*', du.nodeType ? [
  1458. du
  1459. ] : du, [
  1460. ]),
  1461. dx = dn && (dC || !i) ? c0(ds, dv, dn, du, dB) : ds,
  1462. dy = dq ? dr || (dC ? dn : dt || dp) ? [
  1463. ] : dz : dx;
  1464. if (dq) {
  1465. dq(dx, dy, du, dB)
  1466. }
  1467. if (dp) {
  1468. dE = c0(dy, dD);
  1469. dp(dE, [
  1470. ], du, dB);
  1471. dA = dE.length;
  1472. while (dA--) {
  1473. if ((dw = dE[dA])) {
  1474. dy[dD[dA]] = !(dx[dD[dA]] = dw)
  1475. }
  1476. }
  1477. }
  1478. if (dC) {
  1479. if (dr || dn) {
  1480. if (dr) {
  1481. dE = [
  1482. ];
  1483. dA = dy.length;
  1484. while (dA--) {
  1485. if ((dw = dy[dA])) {
  1486. dE.push((dx[dA] = dw))
  1487. }
  1488. }
  1489. dr(null, (dy = [
  1490. ]), dE, dB)
  1491. }
  1492. dA = dy.length;
  1493. while (dA--) {
  1494. if ((dw = dy[dA]) && (dE = dr ?, dw) : dv[dA]) > - 1) {
  1495. dC[dE] = !(dz[dE] = dw)
  1496. }
  1497. }
  1498. }
  1499. } else {
  1500. dy = c0(dy === dz ? dy.splice(dt, dy.length) : dy);
  1501. if (dr) {
  1502. dr(null, dz, dy, dB)
  1503. } else {
  1504. b8.apply(dz, dy)
  1505. }
  1506. }
  1507. })
  1508. }
  1509. function db(dt) {
  1510. var dn,
  1511. dr,
  1512. dp,
  1513. ds = dt.length,
  1514. dw = co.relative[dt[0].type],
  1515. dx = dw || co.relative[' '],
  1516. dq = dw ? 1 : 0,
  1517. du = cr(function (i) {
  1518. return i === dn
  1519. }, dx, true),
  1520. dv = cr(function (i) {
  1521. return, i) > - 1
  1522. }, dx, true),
  1523. e = [
  1524. function (dz, dy, i) {
  1525. return (!dw && (i || dy !== dm)) || ((dn = dy).nodeType ? du(dz, dy, i) : dv(dz, dy, i))
  1526. }
  1527. ];
  1528. for (; dq < ds; dq++) {
  1529. if ((dr = co.relative[dt[dq].type])) {
  1530. e = [
  1531. cr(dl(e), dr)
  1532. ]
  1533. } else {
  1534. dr = co.filter[dt[dq].type].apply(null, dt[dq].matches);
  1535. if (dr[da]) {
  1536. dp = ++dq;
  1537. for (; dp < ds; dp++) {
  1538. if (co.relative[dt[dp].type]) {
  1539. break
  1540. }
  1541. }
  1542. return ch(dq > 1 && dl(e), dq > 1 && cj(dt.slice(0, dq - 1).concat({
  1543. value: dt[dq - 2].type === ' ' ? '*' : ''
  1544. })).replace(cs, '$1'), dr, dq < dp && db(dt.slice(dq, dp)), dp < ds && db((dt = dt.slice(dp))), dp < ds && cj(dt))
  1545. }
  1546. e.push(dr)
  1547. }
  1548. }
  1549. return dl(e)
  1550. }
  1551. function cY(dp, dn) {
  1552. var e = dn.length > 0,
  1553. dq = dp.length > 0,
  1554. i = function (dA, du, dz, dy, dD) {
  1555. var dv,
  1556. dw,
  1557. dB,
  1558. dF = 0,
  1559. dx = '0',
  1560. dr = dA && [
  1561. ],
  1562. dG = [
  1563. ],
  1564. dE = dm,
  1565. dt = dA || dq && co.find.TAG('*', dD),
  1566. ds = (dj += dE == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1),
  1567. dC = dt.length;
  1568. if (dD) {
  1569. dm = du !== cC && du
  1570. }
  1571. for (; dx !== dC && (dv = dt[dx]) != null;
  1572. dx++) {
  1573. if (dq && dv) {
  1574. dw = 0;
  1575. while ((dB = dp[dw++])) {
  1576. if (dB(dv, du, dz)) {
  1577. dy.push(dv);
  1578. break
  1579. }
  1580. }
  1581. if (dD) {
  1582. dj = ds
  1583. }
  1584. }
  1585. if (e) {
  1586. if ((dv = !dB && dv)) {
  1587. dF--
  1588. }
  1589. if (dA) {
  1590. dr.push(dv)
  1591. }
  1592. }
  1593. }
  1594. dF += dx;
  1595. if (e && dx !== dF) {
  1596. dw = 0;
  1597. while ((dB = dn[dw++])) {
  1598. dB(dr, dG, du, dz)
  1599. }
  1600. if (dA) {
  1601. if (dF > 0) {
  1602. while (dx--) {
  1603. if (!(dr[dx] || dG[dx])) {
  1604. dG[dx] =
  1605. }
  1606. }
  1607. }
  1608. dG = c0(dG)
  1609. }
  1610. b8.apply(dy, dG);
  1611. if (dD && !dA && dG.length > 0 && (dF + dn.length) > 1) {
  1612. cw.uniqueSort(dy)
  1613. }
  1614. }
  1615. if (dD) {
  1616. dj = ds;
  1617. dm = dE
  1618. }
  1619. return dr
  1620. };
  1621. return e ? ck(i) : i
  1622. }
  1623. cW = cw.compile = function (e, dp) {
  1624. var dq,
  1625. dn = [
  1626. ],
  1627. ds = [
  1628. ],
  1629. dr = cG[e + ' '];
  1630. if (!dr) {
  1631. if (!dp) {
  1632. dp = ci(e)
  1633. }
  1634. dq = dp.length;
  1635. while (dq--) {
  1636. dr = db(dp[dq]);
  1637. if (dr[da]) {
  1638. dn.push(dr)
  1639. } else {
  1640. ds.push(dr)
  1641. }
  1642. }
  1643. dr = cG(e, cY(ds, dn));
  1644. dr.selector = e
  1645. }
  1646. return dr
  1647. };
  1648. dh = = function (dp, e, dq, dt) {
  1649. var dr,
  1650. dw,
  1651. dn,
  1652. dx,
  1653. du,
  1654. dv = typeof dp === 'function' && dp,
  1655. ds = !dt && ci((dp = dv.selector || dp));
  1656. dq = dq || [
  1657. ];
  1658. if (ds.length === 1) {
  1659. dw = ds[0] = ds[0].slice(0);
  1660. if (dw.length > 2 && (dn = dw[0]).type === 'ID' && di.getById && e.nodeType === 9 && c8 && co.relative[dw[1].type]) {
  1661. e = (co.find.ID(dn.matches[0].replace(ct, c5), e) || [
  1662. ]) [0];
  1663. if (!e) {
  1664. return dq
  1665. } else {
  1666. if (dv) {
  1667. e = e.parentNode
  1668. }
  1669. }
  1670. dp = dp.slice(dw.shift().value.length)
  1671. }
  1672. dr = c2.needsContext.test(dp) ? 0 : dw.length;
  1673. while (dr--) {
  1674. dn = dw[dr];
  1675. if (co.relative[(dx = dn.type)]) {
  1676. break
  1677. }
  1678. if ((du = co.find[dx])) {
  1679. if ((dt = du(dn.matches[0].replace(ct, c5), c1.test(dw[0].type) && cT(e.parentNode) || e))) {
  1680. dw.splice(dr, 1);
  1681. dp = dt.length && cj(dw);
  1682. if (!dp) {
  1683. b8.apply(dq, dt);
  1684. return dq
  1685. }
  1686. break
  1687. }
  1688. }
  1689. }
  1690. }(dv || cW(dp, ds)) (dt, e, !c8, dq, c1.test(dp) && cT(e.parentNode) || e);
  1691. return dq
  1692. };
  1693. di.sortStable = da.split('').sort(cE).join('') === da;
  1694. di.detectDuplicates = !!cX;
  1695. cZ();
  1696. di.sortDetached = cg(function (e) {
  1697. return e.compareDocumentPosition(cC.createElement('div')) & 1
  1698. });
  1699. if (!cg(function (e) {
  1700. e.innerHTML = '<a href=\'#\'></a>';
  1701. return e.firstChild.getAttribute('href') === '#'
  1702. })) {
  1703. dk('type|href|height|width', function (i, e, dn) {
  1704. if (!dn) {
  1705. return i.getAttribute(e, e.toLowerCase() === 'type' ? 1 : 2)
  1706. }
  1707. })
  1708. }
  1709. if (!di.attributes || !cg(function (e) {
  1710. e.innerHTML = '<input/>';
  1711. e.firstChild.setAttribute('value', '');
  1712. return e.firstChild.getAttribute('value') === ''
  1713. })) {
  1714. dk('value', function (i, e, dn) {
  1715. if (!dn && i.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
  1716. return i.defaultValue
  1717. }
  1718. })
  1719. }
  1720. if (!cg(function (e) {
  1721. return e.getAttribute('disabled') == null
  1722. })) {
  1723. dk(b9, function (i, e, dp) {
  1724. var dn;
  1725. if (!dp) {
  1726. return i[e] === true ? e.toLowerCase() : (dn = i.getAttributeNode(e)) && dn.specified ? dn.value : null
  1727. }
  1728. })
  1729. }
  1730. return cw
  1731. }) (a6);
  1732. bJ.find = o;
  1733. bJ.expr = o.selectors;
  1734. bJ.expr[':'] = bJ.expr.pseudos;
  1735. bJ.unique = o.uniqueSort;
  1736. bJ.text = o.getText;
  1737. bJ.isXMLDoc = o.isXML;
  1738. bJ.contains = o.contains;
  1739. var B = bJ.expr.match.needsContext;
  1740. var b = (/^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/);
  1741. var aM = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;
  1742. function aS(b7, e, i) {
  1743. if (bJ.isFunction(e)) {
  1744. return bJ.grep(b7, function (b9, b8) {
  1745. return !!, b8, b9) !== i
  1746. })
  1747. }
  1748. if (e.nodeType) {
  1749. return bJ.grep(b7, function (b8) {
  1750. return (b8 === e) !== i
  1751. })
  1752. }
  1753. if (typeof e === 'string') {
  1754. if (aM.test(e)) {
  1755. return bJ.filter(e, b7, i)
  1756. }
  1757. e = bJ.filter(e, b7)
  1758. }
  1759. return bJ.grep(b7, function (b8) {
  1760. return (bJ.inArray(b8, e) >= 0) !== i
  1761. })
  1762. }
  1763. bJ.filter = function (b8, e, b7) {
  1764. var i = e[0];
  1765. if (b7) {
  1766. b8 = ':not(' + b8 + ')'
  1767. }
  1768. return e.length === 1 && i.nodeType === 1 ? bJ.find.matchesSelector(i, b8) ? [
  1769. i
  1770. ] : [
  1771. ] : bJ.find.matches(b8, bJ.grep(e, function (b9) {
  1772. return b9.nodeType === 1
  1773. }))
  1774. };
  1775. bJ.fn.extend({
  1776. find: function (b7) {
  1777. var ca,
  1778. b9 = [
  1779. ],
  1780. b8 = this,
  1781. e = b8.length;
  1782. if (typeof b7 !== 'string') {
  1783. return this.pushStack(bJ(b7).filter(function () {
  1784. for (ca = 0;
  1785. ca < e; ca++) {
  1786. if (bJ.contains(b8[ca], this)) {
  1787. return true
  1788. }
  1789. }
  1790. }))
  1791. }
  1792. for (ca = 0; ca < e; ca++) {
  1793. bJ.find(b7, b8[ca], b9)
  1794. }
  1795. b9 = this.pushStack(e > 1 ? bJ.unique(b9) : b9);
  1796. b9.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + ' ' + b7 : b7;
  1797. return b9
  1798. },
  1799. filter: function (e) {
  1800. return this.pushStack(aS(this, e || [
  1801. ], false))
  1802. },
  1803. not: function (e) {
  1804. return this.pushStack(aS(this, e || [
  1805. ], true))
  1806. },
  1807. is: function (e) {
  1808. return !!aS(this, typeof e === 'string' && B.test(e) ? bJ(e) : e || [
  1809. ], false).length
  1810. }
  1811. });
  1812. var A,
  1813. p = a6.document,
  1814. bu = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,
  1815. bW = bJ.fn.init = function (e, b7) {
  1816. var i,
  1817. b8;
  1818. if (!e) {
  1819. return this
  1820. }
  1821. if (typeof e === 'string') {
  1822. if (e.charAt(0) === '<' && e.charAt(e.length - 1) === '>' && e.length >= 3) {
  1823. i = [
  1824. null,
  1825. e,
  1826. null
  1827. ]
  1828. } else {
  1829. i = bu.exec(e)
  1830. }
  1831. if (i && (i[1] || !b7)) {
  1832. if (i[1]) {
  1833. b7 = b7 instanceof bJ ? b7[0] : b7;
  1834. bJ.merge(this, bJ.parseHTML(i[1], b7 && b7.nodeType ? b7.ownerDocument || b7 : p, true));
  1835. if (b.test(i[1]) && bJ.isPlainObject(b7)) {
  1836. for (i in b7) {
  1837. if (bJ.isFunction(this[i])) {
  1838. this[i](b7[i])
  1839. } else {
  1840. this.attr(i, b7[i])
  1841. }
  1842. }
  1843. }
  1844. return this
  1845. } else {
  1846. b8 = p.getElementById(i[2]);
  1847. if (b8 && b8.parentNode) {
  1848. if ( !== i[2]) {
  1849. return A.find(e)
  1850. }
  1851. this.length = 1;
  1852. this[0] = b8
  1853. }
  1854. this.context = p;
  1855. this.selector = e;
  1856. return this
  1857. }
  1858. } else {
  1859. if (!b7 || b7.jquery) {
  1860. return (b7 || A).find(e)
  1861. } else {
  1862. return this.constructor(b7).find(e)
  1863. }
  1864. }
  1865. } else {
  1866. if (e.nodeType) {
  1867. this.context = this[0] = e;
  1868. this.length = 1;
  1869. return this
  1870. } else {
  1871. if (bJ.isFunction(e)) {
  1872. return typeof A.ready !== 'undefined' ? A.ready(e) : e(bJ)
  1873. }
  1874. }
  1875. }
  1876. if (e.selector !== undefined) {
  1877. this.selector = e.selector;
  1878. this.context = e.context
  1879. }
  1880. return bJ.makeArray(e, this)
  1881. };
  1882. bW.prototype = bJ.fn;
  1883. A = bJ(p);
  1884. var bw = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
  1885. bA = {
  1886. children: true,
  1887. contents: true,
  1888. next: true,
  1889. prev: true
  1890. };
  1891. bJ.extend({
  1892. dir: function (b7, i, b9) {
  1893. var e = [
  1894. ],
  1895. b8 = b7[i];
  1896. while (b8 && b8.nodeType !== 9 && (b9 === undefined || b8.nodeType !== 1 || !bJ(b8).is(b9))) {
  1897. if (b8.nodeType === 1) {
  1898. e.push(b8)
  1899. }
  1900. b8 = b8[i]
  1901. }
  1902. return e
  1903. },
  1904. sibling: function (b7, i) {
  1905. var e = [
  1906. ];
  1907. for (; b7; b7 = b7.nextSibling) {
  1908. if (b7.nodeType === 1 && b7 !== i) {
  1909. e.push(b7)
  1910. }
  1911. }
  1912. return e
  1913. }
  1914. });
  1915. bJ.fn.extend({
  1916. has: function (b9) {
  1917. var b8,
  1918. b7 = bJ(b9, this),
  1919. e = b7.length;
  1920. return this.filter(function () {
  1921. for (b8 = 0; b8 < e; b8++) {
  1922. if (bJ.contains(this, b7[b8])) {
  1923. return true
  1924. }
  1925. }
  1926. })
  1927. },
  1928. closest: function (ca, b9) {
  1929. var cb,
  1930. b8 = 0,
  1931. b7 = this.length,
  1932. e = [
  1933. ],
  1934. cc = B.test(ca) || typeof ca !== 'string' ? bJ(ca, b9 || this.context) : 0;
  1935. for (; b8 < b7; b8++) {
  1936. for (cb = this[b8]; cb && cb !== b9; cb = cb.parentNode) {
  1937. if (cb.nodeType < 11 && (cc ? cc.index(cb) > - 1 : cb.nodeType === 1 && bJ.find.matchesSelector(cb, ca))) {
  1938. e.push(cb);
  1939. break
  1940. }
  1941. }
  1942. }
  1943. return this.pushStack(e.length > 1 ? bJ.unique(e) : e)
  1944. },
  1945. index: function (e) {
  1946. if (!e) {
  1947. return (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) ? this.first().prevAll().length : - 1
  1948. }
  1949. if (typeof e === 'string') {
  1950. return bJ.inArray(this[0], bJ(e))
  1951. }
  1952. return bJ.inArray(e.jquery ? e[0] : e, this)
  1953. },
  1954. add: function (e, i) {
  1955. return this.pushStack(bJ.unique(bJ.merge(this.get(), bJ(e, i))))
  1956. },
  1957. addBack: function (e) {
  1958. return this.add(e == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(e))
  1959. }
  1960. });
  1961. function aZ(i, e) {
  1962. do {
  1963. i = i[e]
  1964. } while (i && i.nodeType !== 1);
  1965. return i
  1966. }
  1967. bJ.each({
  1968. parent: function (i) {
  1969. var e = i.parentNode;
  1970. return e && e.nodeType !== 11 ? e : null
  1971. },
  1972. parents: function (e) {
  1973. return bJ.dir(e, 'parentNode')
  1974. },
  1975. parentsUntil: function (b7, e, b8) {
  1976. return bJ.dir(b7, 'parentNode', b8)
  1977. },
  1978. next: function (e) {
  1979. return aZ(e, 'nextSibling')
  1980. },
  1981. prev: function (e) {
  1982. return aZ(e, 'previousSibling')
  1983. },
  1984. nextAll: function (e) {
  1985. return bJ.dir(e, 'nextSibling')
  1986. },
  1987. prevAll: function (e) {
  1988. return bJ.dir(e, 'previousSibling')
  1989. },
  1990. nextUntil: function (b7, e, b8) {
  1991. return bJ.dir(b7, 'nextSibling', b8)
  1992. },
  1993. prevUntil: function (b7, e, b8) {
  1994. return bJ.dir(b7, 'previousSibling', b8)
  1995. },
  1996. siblings: function (e) {
  1997. return bJ.sibling((e.parentNode || {
  1998. }).firstChild, e)
  1999. },
  2000. children: function (e) {
  2001. return bJ.sibling(e.firstChild)
  2002. },
  2003. contents: function (e) {
  2004. return bJ.nodeName(e, 'iframe') ? e.contentDocument || e.contentWindow.document : bJ.merge([], e.childNodes)
  2005. }
  2006. }, function (e, i) {
  2007. bJ.fn[e] = function (b9, b7) {
  2008. var b8 =, i, b9);
  2009. if (e.slice( - 5) !== 'Until') {
  2010. b7 = b9
  2011. }
  2012. if (b7 && typeof b7 === 'string') {
  2013. b8 = bJ.filter(b7, b8)
  2014. }
  2015. if (this.length > 1) {
  2016. if (!bA[e]) {
  2017. b8 = bJ.unique(b8)
  2018. }
  2019. if (bw.test(e)) {
  2020. b8 = b8.reverse()
  2021. }
  2022. }
  2023. return this.pushStack(b8)
  2024. }
  2025. });
  2026. var aG = (/\S+/g);
  2027. var b3 = {
  2028. };
  2029. function ag(i) {
  2030. var e = b3[i] = {
  2031. };
  2032. bJ.each(i.match(aG) || [
  2033. ], function (b8, b7) {
  2034. e[b7] = true
  2035. });
  2036. return e
  2037. }
  2038. bJ.Callbacks = function (cf) {
  2039. cf = typeof cf === 'string' ? (b3[cf] || ag(cf)) : bJ.extend({
  2040. }, cf);
  2041. var b9,
  2042. b8,
  2043. e,
  2044. ca,
  2045. cb,
  2046. b7,
  2047. cc = [
  2048. ],
  2049. cd = !cf.once && [
  2050. ],
  2051. i = function (cg) {
  2052. b8 = cf.memory && cg;
  2053. e = true;
  2054. cb = b7 || 0;
  2055. b7 = 0;
  2056. ca = cc.length;
  2057. b9 = true;
  2058. for (; cc && cb < ca; cb++) {
  2059. if (cc[cb].apply(cg[0], cg[1]) === false && cf.stopOnFalse) {
  2060. b8 = false;
  2061. break
  2062. }
  2063. }
  2064. b9 = false;
  2065. if (cc) {
  2066. if (cd) {
  2067. if (cd.length) {
  2068. i(cd.shift())
  2069. }
  2070. } else {
  2071. if (b8) {
  2072. cc = [
  2073. ]
  2074. } else {
  2075. ce.disable()
  2076. }
  2077. }
  2078. }
  2079. },
  2080. ce = {
  2081. add: function () {
  2082. if (cc) {
  2083. var ch = cc.length;
  2084. (function cg(ci) {
  2085. bJ.each(ci, function (ck, cj) {
  2086. var cl = bJ.type(cj);
  2087. if (cl === 'function') {
  2088. if (!cf.unique || !ce.has(cj)) {
  2089. cc.push(cj)
  2090. }
  2091. } else {
  2092. if (cj && cj.length && cl !== 'string') {
  2093. cg(cj)
  2094. }
  2095. }
  2096. })
  2097. }) (arguments);
  2098. if (b9) {
  2099. ca = cc.length
  2100. } else {
  2101. if (b8) {
  2102. b7 = ch;
  2103. i(b8)
  2104. }
  2105. }
  2106. }
  2107. return this
  2108. },
  2109. remove: function () {
  2110. if (cc) {
  2111. bJ.each(arguments, function (ci, cg) {
  2112. var ch;
  2113. while ((ch = bJ.inArray(cg, cc, ch)) > - 1) {
  2114. cc.splice(ch, 1);
  2115. if (b9) {
  2116. if (ch <= ca) {
  2117. ca--
  2118. }
  2119. if (ch <= cb) {
  2120. cb--
  2121. }
  2122. }
  2123. }
  2124. })
  2125. }
  2126. return this
  2127. },
  2128. has: function (cg) {
  2129. return cg ? bJ.inArray(cg, cc) > - 1 : !!(cc && cc.length)
  2130. },
  2131. empty: function () {
  2132. cc = [
  2133. ];
  2134. ca = 0;
  2135. return this
  2136. },
  2137. disable: function () {
  2138. cc = cd = b8 = undefined;
  2139. return this
  2140. },
  2141. disabled: function () {
  2142. return !cc
  2143. },
  2144. lock: function () {
  2145. cd = undefined;
  2146. if (!b8) {
  2147. ce.disable()
  2148. }
  2149. return this
  2150. },
  2151. locked: function () {
  2152. return !cd
  2153. },
  2154. fireWith: function (ch, cg) {
  2155. if (cc && (!e || cd)) {
  2156. cg = cg || [
  2157. ];
  2158. cg = [
  2159. ch,
  2160. cg.slice ? cg.slice() : cg
  2161. ];
  2162. if (b9) {
  2163. cd.push(cg)
  2164. } else {
  2165. i(cg)
  2166. }
  2167. }
  2168. return this
  2169. },
  2170. fire: function () {
  2171. ce.fireWith(this, arguments);
  2172. return this
  2173. },
  2174. fired: function () {
  2175. return !!e
  2176. }
  2177. };
  2178. return ce
  2179. };
  2180. bJ.extend({
  2181. Deferred: function (b7) {
  2182. var i = [
  2183. ['resolve',
  2184. 'done',
  2185. bJ.Callbacks('once memory'),
  2186. 'resolved'],
  2187. [
  2188. 'reject',
  2189. 'fail',
  2190. bJ.Callbacks('once memory'),
  2191. 'rejected'
  2192. ],
  2193. [
  2194. 'notify',
  2195. 'progress',
  2196. bJ.Callbacks('memory')
  2197. ]
  2198. ],
  2199. b8 = 'pending',
  2200. b9 = {
  2201. state: function () {
  2202. return b8
  2203. },
  2204. always: function () {
  2205. e.done(arguments).fail(arguments);
  2206. return this
  2207. },
  2208. then: function () {
  2209. var ca = arguments;
  2210. return bJ.Deferred(function (cb) {
  2211. bJ.each(i, function (cd, cc) {
  2212. var ce = bJ.isFunction(ca[cd]) && ca[cd];
  2213. e[cc[1]](function () {
  2214. var cf = ce && ce.apply(this, arguments);
  2215. if (cf && bJ.isFunction(cf.promise)) {
  2216. cf.promise().done(cb.resolve).fail(cb.reject).progress(cb.notify)
  2217. } else {
  2218. cb[cc[0] + 'With'](this === b9 ? cb.promise() : this, ce ? [
  2219. cf
  2220. ] : arguments)
  2221. }
  2222. })
  2223. });
  2224. ca = null
  2225. }).promise()
  2226. },
  2227. promise: function (ca) {
  2228. return ca != null ? bJ.extend(ca, b9) : b9
  2229. }
  2230. },
  2231. e = {
  2232. };
  2233. b9.pipe = b9.then;
  2234. bJ.each(i, function (cb, ca) {
  2235. var cd = ca[2],
  2236. cc = ca[3];
  2237. b9[ca[1]] = cd.add;
  2238. if (cc) {
  2239. cd.add(function () {
  2240. b8 = cc
  2241. }, i[cb ^ 1][2].disable, i[2][2].lock)
  2242. }
  2243. e[ca[0]] = function () {
  2244. e[ca[0] + 'With'](this === e ? b9 : this, arguments);
  2245. return this
  2246. };
  2247. e[ca[0] + 'With'] = cd.fireWith
  2248. });
  2249. b9.promise(e);
  2250. if (b7) {
  2251., e)
  2252. }
  2253. return e
  2254. },
  2255. when: function (ca) {
  2256. var b8 = 0,
  2257. cc =,
  2258. e = cc.length,
  2259. b7 = e !== 1 || (ca && bJ.isFunction(ca.promise)) ? e : 0,
  2260. cf = b7 === 1 ? ca : bJ.Deferred(),
  2261. b9 = function (ch, ci, cg) {
  2262. return function (i) {
  2263. ci[ch] = this;
  2264. cg[ch] = arguments.length > 1 ? : i;
  2265. if (cg === ce) {
  2266. cf.notifyWith(ci, cg)
  2267. } else {
  2268. if (!(--b7)) {
  2269. cf.resolveWith(ci, cg)
  2270. }
  2271. }
  2272. }
  2273. },
  2274. ce,
  2275. cb,
  2276. cd;
  2277. if (e > 1) {
  2278. ce = new Array(e);
  2279. cb = new Array(e);
  2280. cd = new Array(e);
  2281. for (; b8 < e; b8++) {
  2282. if (cc[b8] && bJ.isFunction(cc[b8].promise)) {
  2283. cc[b8].promise().done(b9(b8, cd, cc)).fail(cf.reject).progress(b9(b8, cb, ce))
  2284. } else {
  2285. --b7
  2286. }
  2287. }
  2288. }
  2289. if (!b7) {
  2290. cf.resolveWith(cd, cc)
  2291. }
  2292. return cf.promise()
  2293. }
  2294. });
  2295. var al;
  2296. bJ.fn.ready = function (e) {
  2297. bJ.ready.promise().done(e);
  2298. return this
  2299. };
  2300. bJ.extend({
  2301. isReady: false,
  2302. readyWait: 1,
  2303. holdReady: function (e) {
  2304. if (e) {
  2305. bJ.readyWait++
  2306. } else {
  2307. bJ.ready(true)
  2308. }
  2309. },
  2310. ready: function (e) {
  2311. if (e === true ? --bJ.readyWait : bJ.isReady) {
  2312. return
  2313. }
  2314. if (!p.body) {
  2315. return setTimeout(bJ.ready)
  2316. }
  2317. bJ.isReady = true;
  2318. if (e !== true && --bJ.readyWait > 0) {
  2319. return
  2320. }
  2321. al.resolveWith(p, [
  2322. bJ
  2323. ]);
  2324. if (bJ.fn.triggerHandler) {
  2325. bJ(p).triggerHandler('ready');
  2326. bJ(p).off('ready')
  2327. }
  2328. }
  2329. });
  2330. function bn() {
  2331. if (p.addEventListener) {
  2332. p.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', b0, false);
  2333. a6.removeEventListener('load', b0, false)
  2334. } else {
  2335. p.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', b0);
  2336. a6.detachEvent('onload', b0)
  2337. }
  2338. }
  2339. function b0() {
  2340. if (p.addEventListener || event.type === 'load' || p.readyState === 'complete') {
  2341. bn();
  2342. bJ.ready()
  2343. }
  2344. }
  2345. bJ.ready.promise = function (b9) {
  2346. if (!al) {
  2347. al = bJ.Deferred();
  2348. if (p.readyState === 'complete') {
  2349. setTimeout(bJ.ready)
  2350. } else {
  2351. if (p.addEventListener) {
  2352. p.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', b0, false);
  2353. a6.addEventListener('load', b0, false)
  2354. } else {
  2355. p.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', b0);
  2356. a6.attachEvent('onload', b0);
  2357. var b8 = false;
  2358. try {
  2359. b8 = a6.frameElement == null && p.documentElement
  2360. } catch (b7) {
  2361. }
  2362. if (b8 && b8.doScroll) {
  2363. (function i() {
  2364. if (!bJ.isReady) {
  2365. try {
  2366. b8.doScroll('left')
  2367. } catch (ca) {
  2368. return setTimeout(i, 50)
  2369. }
  2370. bn();
  2371. bJ.ready()
  2372. }
  2373. }) ()
  2374. }
  2375. }
  2376. }
  2377. }
  2378. return al.promise(b9)
  2379. };
  2380. var aD = typeof undefined;
  2381. var bi;
  2382. for (bi in bJ(E)) {
  2383. break
  2384. }
  2385. E.ownLast = bi !== '0';
  2386. E.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = false;
  2387. bJ(function () {
  2388. var b7,
  2389. b8,
  2390. e,
  2391. i;
  2392. e = p.getElementsByTagName('body') [0];
  2393. if (!e || ! {
  2394. return
  2395. }
  2396. b8 = p.createElement('div');
  2397. i = p.createElement('div');
  2398. = 'position:absolute;border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px';
  2399. e.appendChild(i).appendChild(b8);
  2400. if (typeof !== aD) {
  2401. = 'display:inline;margin:0;border:0;padding:1px;width:1px;zoom:1';
  2402. E.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = b7 = b8.offsetWidth === 3;
  2403. if (b7) {
  2404. = 1
  2405. }
  2406. }
  2407. e.removeChild(i)
  2408. });
  2409. (function () {
  2410. var b7 = p.createElement('div');
  2411. if (E.deleteExpando == null) {
  2412. E.deleteExpando = true;
  2413. try {
  2414. delete b7.test
  2415. } catch (i) {
  2416. E.deleteExpando = false
  2417. }
  2418. }
  2419. b7 = null
  2420. }) ();
  2421. bJ.acceptData = function (b7) {
  2422. var i = bJ.noData[(b7.nodeName + ' ').toLowerCase()],
  2423. e = + b7.nodeType || 1;
  2424. return e !== 1 && e !== 9 ? false : !i || i !== true && b7.getAttribute('classid') === i
  2425. };
  2426. var bz = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,
  2427. aR = /([A-Z])/g;
  2428. function bB(b8, b7, b9) {
  2429. if (b9 === undefined && b8.nodeType === 1) {
  2430. var i = 'data-' + b7.replace(aR, '-$1').toLowerCase();
  2431. b9 = b8.getAttribute(i);
  2432. if (typeof b9 === 'string') {
  2433. try {
  2434. b9 = b9 === 'true' ? true : b9 === 'false' ? false : b9 === 'null' ? null : + b9 + '' === b9 ? + b9 : bz.test(b9) ? bJ.parseJSON(b9) : b9
  2435. } catch (ca) {
  2436. }
  2437., b7, b9)
  2438. } else {
  2439. b9 = undefined
  2440. }
  2441. }
  2442. return b9
  2443. }
  2444. function R(i) {
  2445. var e;
  2446. for (e in i) {
  2447. if (e === 'data' && bJ.isEmptyObject(i[e])) {
  2448. continue
  2449. }
  2450. if (e !== 'toJSON') {
  2451. return false
  2452. }
  2453. }
  2454. return true
  2455. }
  2456. function bd(b8, i, ca, b9) {
  2457. if (!bJ.acceptData(b8)) {
  2458. return
  2459. }
  2460. var cc,
  2461. cb,
  2462. cd = bJ.expando,
  2463. ce = b8.nodeType,
  2464. e = ce ? bJ.cache : b8,
  2465. b7 = ce ? b8[cd] : b8[cd] && cd;
  2466. if ((!b7 || !e[b7] || (!b9 && !e[b7].data)) && ca === undefined && typeof i === 'string') {
  2467. return
  2468. }
  2469. if (!b7) {
  2470. if (ce) {
  2471. b7 = b8[cd] = aQ.pop() || bJ.guid++
  2472. } else {
  2473. b7 = cd
  2474. }
  2475. }
  2476. if (!e[b7]) {
  2477. e[b7] = ce ? {
  2478. }
  2479. : {
  2480. toJSON: bJ.noop
  2481. }
  2482. }
  2483. if (typeof i === 'object' || typeof i === 'function') {
  2484. if (b9) {
  2485. e[b7] = bJ.extend(e[b7], i)
  2486. } else {
  2487. e[b7].data = bJ.extend(e[b7].data, i)
  2488. }
  2489. }
  2490. cb = e[b7];
  2491. if (!b9) {
  2492. if (! {
  2493. = {
  2494. }
  2495. }
  2496. cb =
  2497. }
  2498. if (ca !== undefined) {
  2499. cb[bJ.camelCase(i)] = ca
  2500. }
  2501. if (typeof i === 'string') {
  2502. cc = cb[i];
  2503. if (cc == null) {
  2504. cc = cb[bJ.camelCase(i)]
  2505. }
  2506. } else {
  2507. cc = cb
  2508. }
  2509. return cc
  2510. }
  2511. function ac(ca, b8, e) {
  2512. if (!bJ.acceptData(ca)) {
  2513. return
  2514. }
  2515. var cc,
  2516. b9,
  2517. cb = ca.nodeType,
  2518. b7 = cb ? bJ.cache : ca,
  2519. cd = cb ? ca[bJ.expando] : bJ.expando;
  2520. if (!b7[cd]) {
  2521. return
  2522. }
  2523. if (b8) {
  2524. cc = e ? b7[cd] : b7[cd].data;
  2525. if (cc) {
  2526. if (!bJ.isArray(b8)) {
  2527. if (b8 in cc) {
  2528. b8 = [
  2529. b8
  2530. ]
  2531. } else {
  2532. b8 = bJ.camelCase(b8);
  2533. if (b8 in cc) {
  2534. b8 = [
  2535. b8
  2536. ]
  2537. } else {
  2538. b8 = b8.split(' ')
  2539. }
  2540. }
  2541. } else {
  2542. b8 = b8.concat(, bJ.camelCase))
  2543. }
  2544. b9 = b8.length;
  2545. while (b9--) {
  2546. delete cc[b8[b9]]
  2547. }
  2548. if (e ? !R(cc) : !bJ.isEmptyObject(cc)) {
  2549. return
  2550. }
  2551. }
  2552. }
  2553. if (!e) {
  2554. delete b7[cd].data;
  2555. if (!R(b7[cd])) {
  2556. return
  2557. }
  2558. }
  2559. if (cb) {
  2560. bJ.cleanData([ca], true)
  2561. } else {
  2562. if (E.deleteExpando || b7 != b7.window) {
  2563. delete b7[cd]
  2564. } else {
  2565. b7[cd] = null
  2566. }
  2567. }
  2568. }
  2569. bJ.extend({
  2570. cache: {
  2571. },
  2572. noData: {
  2573. 'applet ': true,
  2574. 'embed ': true,
  2575. 'object ': 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'
  2576. },
  2577. hasData: function (e) {
  2578. e = e.nodeType ? bJ.cache[e[bJ.expando]] : e[bJ.expando];
  2579. return !!e && !R(e)
  2580. },
  2581. data: function (i, e, b7) {
  2582. return bd(i, e, b7)
  2583. },
  2584. removeData: function (i, e) {
  2585. return ac(i, e)
  2586. },
  2587. _data: function (i, e, b7) {
  2588. return bd(i, e, b7, true)
  2589. },
  2590. _removeData: function (i, e) {
  2591. return ac(i, e, true)
  2592. }
  2593. });
  2594. bJ.fn.extend({
  2595. data: function (b9, cc) {
  2596. var b8,
  2597. b7,
  2598. cb,
  2599. ca = this[0],
  2600. e = ca && ca.attributes;
  2601. if (b9 === undefined) {
  2602. if (this.length) {
  2603. cb =;
  2604. if (ca.nodeType === 1 && !bJ._data(ca, 'parsedAttrs')) {
  2605. b8 = e.length;
  2606. while (b8--) {
  2607. if (e[b8]) {
  2608. b7 = e[b8].name;
  2609. if (b7.indexOf('data-') === 0) {
  2610. b7 = bJ.camelCase(b7.slice(5));
  2611. bB(ca, b7, cb[b7])
  2612. }
  2613. }
  2614. }
  2615. bJ._data(ca, 'parsedAttrs', true)
  2616. }
  2617. }
  2618. return cb
  2619. }
  2620. if (typeof b9 === 'object') {
  2621. return this.each(function () {
  2622., b9)
  2623. })
  2624. }
  2625. return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each(function () {
  2626., b9, cc)
  2627. }) : ca ? bB(ca, b9,, b9)) : undefined
  2628. },
  2629. removeData: function (e) {
  2630. return this.each(function () {
  2631. bJ.removeData(this, e)
  2632. })
  2633. }
  2634. });
  2635. bJ.extend({
  2636. queue: function (b7, i, b8) {
  2637. var e;
  2638. if (b7) {
  2639. i = (i || 'fx') + 'queue';
  2640. e = bJ._data(b7, i);
  2641. if (b8) {
  2642. if (!e || bJ.isArray(b8)) {
  2643. e = bJ._data(b7, i, bJ.makeArray(b8))
  2644. } else {
  2645. e.push(b8)
  2646. }
  2647. }
  2648. return e || [
  2649. ]
  2650. }
  2651. },
  2652. dequeue: function (ca, b9) {
  2653. b9 = b9 || 'fx';
  2654. var i = bJ.queue(ca, b9),
  2655. cb = i.length,
  2656. b8 = i.shift(),
  2657. e = bJ._queueHooks(ca, b9),
  2658. b7 = function () {
  2659. bJ.dequeue(ca, b9)
  2660. };
  2661. if (b8 === 'inprogress') {
  2662. b8 = i.shift();
  2663. cb--
  2664. }
  2665. if (b8) {
  2666. if (b9 === 'fx') {
  2667. i.unshift('inprogress')
  2668. }
  2669. delete e.stop;
  2670., b7, e)
  2671. }
  2672. if (!cb && e) {
  2674. }
  2675. },
  2676. _queueHooks: function (b7, i) {
  2677. var e = i + 'queueHooks';
  2678. return bJ._data(b7, e) || bJ._data(b7, e, {
  2679. empty: bJ.Callbacks('once memory').add(function () {
  2680. bJ._removeData(b7, i + 'queue');
  2681. bJ._removeData(b7, e)
  2682. })
  2683. })
  2684. }
  2685. });
  2686. bJ.fn.extend({
  2687. queue: function (e, i) {
  2688. var b7 = 2;
  2689. if (typeof e !== 'string') {
  2690. i = e;
  2691. e = 'fx';
  2692. b7--
  2693. }
  2694. if (arguments.length < b7) {
  2695. return bJ.queue(this[0], e)
  2696. }
  2697. return i === undefined ? this : this.each(function () {
  2698. var b8 = bJ.queue(this, e, i);
  2699. bJ._queueHooks(this, e);
  2700. if (e === 'fx' && b8[0] !== 'inprogress') {
  2701. bJ.dequeue(this, e)
  2702. }
  2703. })
  2704. },
  2705. dequeue: function (e) {
  2706. return this.each(function () {
  2707. bJ.dequeue(this, e)
  2708. })
  2709. },
  2710. clearQueue: function (e) {
  2711. return this.queue(e || 'fx', [
  2712. ])
  2713. },
  2714. promise: function (b8, cc) {
  2715. var b7,
  2716. b9 = 1,
  2717. cd = bJ.Deferred(),
  2718. cb = this,
  2719. e = this.length,
  2720. ca = function () {
  2721. if (!(--b9)) {
  2722. cd.resolveWith(cb, [
  2723. cb
  2724. ])
  2725. }
  2726. };
  2727. if (typeof b8 !== 'string') {
  2728. cc = b8;
  2729. b8 = undefined
  2730. }
  2731. b8 = b8 || 'fx';
  2732. while (e--) {
  2733. b7 = bJ._data(cb[e], b8 + 'queueHooks');
  2734. if (b7 && b7.empty) {
  2735. b9++;
  2736. b7.empty.add(ca)
  2737. }
  2738. }
  2739. ca();
  2740. return cd.promise(cc)
  2741. }
  2742. });
  2743. var aF = (/[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/).source;
  2744. var bU = [
  2745. 'Top',
  2746. 'Right',
  2747. 'Bottom',
  2748. 'Left'
  2749. ];
  2750. var T = function (i, e) {
  2751. i = e || i;
  2752. return bJ.css(i, 'display') === 'none' || !bJ.contains(i.ownerDocument, i)
  2753. };
  2754. var aC = bJ.access = function (e, cb, cd, cc, b9, cf, ce) {
  2755. var b8 = 0,
  2756. b7 = e.length,
  2757. ca = cd == null;
  2758. if (bJ.type(cd) === 'object') {
  2759. b9 = true;
  2760. for (b8 in cd) {
  2761. bJ.access(e, cb, b8, cd[b8], true, cf, ce)
  2762. }
  2763. } else {
  2764. if (cc !== undefined) {
  2765. b9 = true;
  2766. if (!bJ.isFunction(cc)) {
  2767. ce = true
  2768. }
  2769. if (ca) {
  2770. if (ce) {
  2771., cc);
  2772. cb = null
  2773. } else {
  2774. ca = cb;
  2775. cb = function (cg, i, ch) {
  2776. return, ch)
  2777. }
  2778. }
  2779. }
  2780. if (cb) {
  2781. for (; b8 < b7; b8++) {
  2782. cb(e[b8], cd, ce ? cc :[b8], b8, cb(e[b8], cd)))
  2783. }
  2784. }
  2785. }
  2786. }
  2787. return b9 ? e : ca ? : b7 ? cb(e[0], cd) : cf
  2788. };
  2789. var aN = (/^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i);
  2790. (function () {
  2791. var i = p.createElement('input'),
  2792. b9 = p.createElement('div'),
  2793. b7 = p.createDocumentFragment();
  2794. b9.innerHTML = ' <link/><table></table><a href=\'/a\'>a</a><input type=\'checkbox\'/>';
  2795. E.leadingWhitespace = b9.firstChild.nodeType === 3;
  2796. E.tbody = !b9.getElementsByTagName('tbody').length;
  2797. E.htmlSerialize = !!b9.getElementsByTagName('link').length;
  2798. E.html5Clone = p.createElement('nav').cloneNode(true).outerHTML !== '<:nav></:nav>';
  2799. i.type = 'checkbox';
  2800. i.checked = true;
  2801. b7.appendChild(i);
  2802. E.appendChecked = i.checked;
  2803. b9.innerHTML = '<textarea>x</textarea>';
  2804. E.noCloneChecked = !!b9.cloneNode(true).lastChild.defaultValue;
  2805. b7.appendChild(b9);
  2806. b9.innerHTML = '<input type=\'radio\' checked=\'checked\' name=\'t\'/>';
  2807. E.checkClone = b9.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked;
  2808. E.noCloneEvent = true;
  2809. if (b9.attachEvent) {
  2810. b9.attachEvent('onclick', function () {
  2811. E.noCloneEvent = false
  2812. });
  2813. b9.cloneNode(true).click()
  2814. }
  2815. if (E.deleteExpando == null) {
  2816. E.deleteExpando = true;
  2817. try {
  2818. delete b9.test
  2819. } catch (b8) {
  2820. E.deleteExpando = false
  2821. }
  2822. }
  2823. }) ();
  2824. (function () {
  2825. var b7,
  2826. e,
  2827. b8 = p.createElement('div');
  2828. for (b7 in {
  2829. submit: true,
  2830. change: true,
  2831. focusin: true
  2832. }) {
  2833. e = 'on' + b7;
  2834. if (!(E[b7 + 'Bubbles'] = e in a6)) {
  2835. b8.setAttribute(e, 't');
  2836. E[b7 + 'Bubbles'] = b8.attributes[e].expando === false
  2837. }
  2838. }
  2839. b8 = null
  2840. }) ();
  2841. var bH = /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i,
  2842. a7 = /^key/,
  2843. bN = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu)|click/,
  2844. bD = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
  2845. by = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/;
  2846. function V() {
  2847. return true
  2848. }
  2849. function aa() {
  2850. return false
  2851. }
  2852. function an() {
  2853. try {
  2854. return p.activeElement
  2855. } catch (e) {
  2856. }
  2857. }
  2858. bJ.event = {
  2859. global: {
  2860. },
  2861. add: function (b9, ce, cj, cb, ca) {
  2862. var cc,
  2863. ck,
  2864. cl,
  2865. b7,
  2866. cg,
  2867. cd,
  2868. ci,
  2869. b8,
  2870. ch,
  2871. e,
  2872. i,
  2873. cf = bJ._data(b9);
  2874. if (!cf) {
  2875. return
  2876. }
  2877. if (cj.handler) {
  2878. b7 = cj;
  2879. cj = b7.handler;
  2880. ca = b7.selector
  2881. }
  2882. if (!cj.guid) {
  2883. cj.guid = bJ.guid++
  2884. }
  2885. if (!(ck = {
  2886. ck = = {
  2887. }
  2888. }
  2889. if (!(cd = cf.handle)) {
  2890. cd = cf.handle = function (cm) {
  2891. return typeof bJ !== aD && (!cm || bJ.event.triggered !== cm.type) ? bJ.event.dispatch.apply(cd.elem, arguments) : undefined
  2892. };
  2893. cd.elem = b9
  2894. }
  2895. ce = (ce || '').match(aG) || [
  2896. ''
  2897. ];
  2898. cl = ce.length;
  2899. while (cl--) {
  2900. cc = by.exec(ce[cl]) || [
  2901. ];
  2902. ch = i = cc[1];
  2903. e = (cc[2] || '').split('.').sort();
  2904. if (!ch) {
  2905. continue
  2906. }
  2907. cg = bJ.event.special[ch] || {
  2908. };
  2909. ch = (ca ? cg.delegateType : cg.bindType) || ch;
  2910. cg = bJ.event.special[ch] || {
  2911. };
  2912. ci = bJ.extend({
  2913. type: ch,
  2914. origType: i,
  2915. data: cb,
  2916. handler: cj,
  2917. guid: cj.guid,
  2918. selector: ca,
  2919. needsContext: ca && bJ.expr.match.needsContext.test(ca),
  2920. namespace: e.join('.')
  2921. }, b7);
  2922. if (!(b8 = ck[ch])) {
  2923. b8 = ck[ch] = [
  2924. ];
  2925. b8.delegateCount = 0;
  2926. if (!cg.setup ||, cb, e, cd) === false) {
  2927. if (b9.addEventListener) {
  2928. b9.addEventListener(ch, cd, false)
  2929. } else {
  2930. if (b9.attachEvent) {
  2931. b9.attachEvent('on' + ch, cd)
  2932. }
  2933. }
  2934. }
  2935. }
  2936. if (cg.add) {
  2937., ci);
  2938. if (!ci.handler.guid) {
  2939. ci.handler.guid = cj.guid
  2940. }
  2941. }
  2942. if (ca) {
  2943. b8.splice(b8.delegateCount++, 0, ci)
  2944. } else {
  2945. b8.push(ci)
  2946. }
  2947.[ch] = true
  2948. }
  2949. b9 = null
  2950. },
  2951. remove: function (b8, ce, cl, b9, cd) {
  2952. var cb,
  2953. ci,
  2954. cc,
  2955. ca,
  2956. ck,
  2957. cj,
  2958. cg,
  2959. b7,
  2960. ch,
  2961. e,
  2962. i,
  2963. cf = bJ.hasData(b8) && bJ._data(b8);
  2964. if (!cf || !(cj = {
  2965. return
  2966. }
  2967. ce = (ce || '').match(aG) || [
  2968. ''
  2969. ];
  2970. ck = ce.length;
  2971. while (ck--) {
  2972. cc = by.exec(ce[ck]) || [
  2973. ];
  2974. ch = i = cc[1];
  2975. e = (cc[2] || '').split('.').sort();
  2976. if (!ch) {
  2977. for (ch in cj) {
  2978. bJ.event.remove(b8, ch + ce[ck], cl, b9, true)
  2979. }
  2980. continue
  2981. }
  2982. cg = bJ.event.special[ch] || {
  2983. };
  2984. ch = (b9 ? cg.delegateType : cg.bindType) || ch;
  2985. b7 = cj[ch] || [
  2986. ];
  2987. cc = cc[2] && new RegExp('(^|\\.)' + e.join('\\.(?:.*\\.|)') + '(\\.|$)');
  2988. ca = cb = b7.length;
  2989. while (cb--) {
  2990. ci = b7[cb];
  2991. if ((cd || i === ci.origType) && (!cl || cl.guid === ci.guid) && (!cc || cc.test(ci.namespace)) && (!b9 || b9 === ci.selector || b9 === '**' && ci.selector)) {
  2992. b7.splice(cb, 1);
  2993. if (ci.selector) {
  2994. b7.delegateCount--
  2995. }
  2996. if (cg.remove) {
  2997., ci)
  2998. }
  2999. }
  3000. }
  3001. if (ca && !b7.length) {
  3002. if (!cg.teardown ||, e, cf.handle) === false) {
  3003. bJ.removeEvent(b8, ch, cf.handle)
  3004. }
  3005. delete cj[ch]
  3006. }
  3007. }
  3008. if (bJ.isEmptyObject(cj)) {
  3009. delete cf.handle;
  3010. bJ._removeData(b8, 'events')
  3011. }
  3012. },
  3013. trigger: function (b7, ce, ca, cl) {
  3014. var cf,
  3015. b9,
  3016. cj,
  3017. ck,
  3018. ch,
  3019. cd,
  3020. cc,
  3021. cb = [
  3022. ca || p
  3023. ],
  3024. ci =, 'type') ? b7.type : b7,
  3025. b8 =, 'namespace') ? b7.namespace.split('.') : [
  3026. ];
  3027. cj = cd = ca = ca || p;
  3028. if (ca.nodeType === 3 || ca.nodeType === 8) {
  3029. return
  3030. }
  3031. if (bD.test(ci + bJ.event.triggered)) {
  3032. return
  3033. }
  3034. if (ci.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
  3035. b8 = ci.split('.');
  3036. ci = b8.shift();
  3037. b8.sort()
  3038. }
  3039. b9 = ci.indexOf(':') < 0 && 'on' + ci;
  3040. b7 = b7[bJ.expando] ? b7 : new bJ.Event(ci, typeof b7 === 'object' && b7);
  3041. b7.isTrigger = cl ? 2 : 3;
  3042. b7.namespace = b8.join('.');
  3043. b7.namespace_re = b7.namespace ? new RegExp('(^|\\.)' + b8.join('\\.(?:.*\\.|)') + '(\\.|$)') : null;
  3044. b7.result = undefined;
  3045. if (! {
  3046. = ca
  3047. }
  3048. ce = ce == null ? [
  3049. b7
  3050. ] : bJ.makeArray(ce, [
  3051. b7
  3052. ]);
  3053. ch = bJ.event.special[ci] || {
  3054. };
  3055. if (!cl && ch.trigger && ch.trigger.apply(ca, ce) === false) {
  3056. return
  3057. }
  3058. if (!cl && !ch.noBubble && !bJ.isWindow(ca)) {
  3059. ck = ch.delegateType || ci;
  3060. if (!bD.test(ck + ci)) {
  3061. cj = cj.parentNode
  3062. }
  3063. for (; cj; cj = cj.parentNode) {
  3064. cb.push(cj);
  3065. cd = cj
  3066. }
  3067. if (cd === (ca.ownerDocument || p)) {
  3068. cb.push(cd.defaultView || cd.parentWindow || a6)
  3069. }
  3070. }
  3071. cc = 0;
  3072. while ((cj = cb[cc++]) && !b7.isPropagationStopped()) {
  3073. b7.type = cc > 1 ? ck : ch.bindType || ci;
  3074. cf = (bJ._data(cj, 'events') || {
  3075. }) [b7.type] && bJ._data(cj, 'handle');
  3076. if (cf) {
  3077. cf.apply(cj, ce)
  3078. }
  3079. cf = b9 && cj[b9];
  3080. if (cf && cf.apply && bJ.acceptData(cj)) {
  3081. b7.result = cf.apply(cj, ce);
  3082. if (b7.result === false) {
  3083. b7.preventDefault()
  3084. }
  3085. }
  3086. }
  3087. b7.type = ci;
  3088. if (!cl && !b7.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  3089. if ((!ch._default || ch._default.apply(cb.pop(), ce) === false) && bJ.acceptData(ca)) {
  3090. if (b9 && ca[ci] && !bJ.isWindow(ca)) {
  3091. cd = ca[b9];
  3092. if (cd) {
  3093. ca[b9] = null
  3094. }
  3095. bJ.event.triggered = ci;
  3096. try {
  3097. ca[ci]()
  3098. } catch (cg) {
  3099. }
  3100. bJ.event.triggered = undefined;
  3101. if (cd) {
  3102. ca[b9] = cd
  3103. }
  3104. }
  3105. }
  3106. }
  3107. return b7.result
  3108. },
  3109. dispatch: function (e) {
  3110. e = bJ.event.fix(e);
  3111. var ca,
  3112. cb,
  3113. cf,
  3114. b7,
  3115. b9,
  3116. ce = [
  3117. ],
  3118. cd =,
  3119. b8 = (bJ._data(this, 'events') || {
  3120. }) [e.type] || [
  3121. ],
  3122. cc = bJ.event.special[e.type] || {
  3123. };
  3124. cd[0] = e;
  3125. e.delegateTarget = this;
  3126. if (cc.preDispatch &&, e) === false) {
  3127. return
  3128. }
  3129. ce =, e, b8);
  3130. ca = 0;
  3131. while ((b7 = ce[ca++]) && !e.isPropagationStopped()) {
  3132. e.currentTarget = b7.elem;
  3133. b9 = 0;
  3134. while ((cf = b7.handlers[b9++]) && !e.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
  3135. if (!e.namespace_re || e.namespace_re.test(cf.namespace)) {
  3136. e.handleObj = cf;
  3137. =;
  3138. cb = ((bJ.event.special[cf.origType] || {
  3139. }).handle || cf.handler).apply(b7.elem, cd);
  3140. if (cb !== undefined) {
  3141. if ((e.result = cb) === false) {
  3142. e.preventDefault();
  3143. e.stopPropagation()
  3144. }
  3145. }
  3146. }
  3147. }
  3148. }
  3149. if (cc.postDispatch) {
  3150., e)
  3151. }
  3152. return e.result
  3153. },
  3154. handlers: function (e, b8) {
  3155. var b7,
  3156. cd,
  3157. cb,
  3158. ca,
  3159. cc = [
  3160. ],
  3161. b9 = b8.delegateCount,
  3162. ce =;
  3163. if (b9 && ce.nodeType && (!e.button || e.type !== 'click')) {
  3164. for (;
  3165. ce != this; ce = ce.parentNode || this) {
  3166. if (ce.nodeType === 1 && (ce.disabled !== true || e.type !== 'click')) {
  3167. cb = [
  3168. ];
  3169. for (ca = 0; ca < b9; ca++) {
  3170. cd = b8[ca];
  3171. b7 = cd.selector + ' ';
  3172. if (cb[b7] === undefined) {
  3173. cb[b7] = cd.needsContext ? bJ(b7, this).index(ce) >= 0 : bJ.find(b7, this, null, [
  3174. ce
  3175. ]).length
  3176. }
  3177. if (cb[b7]) {
  3178. cb.push(cd)
  3179. }
  3180. }
  3181. if (cb.length) {
  3182. cc.push({
  3183. elem: ce,
  3184. handlers: cb
  3185. })
  3186. }
  3187. }
  3188. }
  3189. }
  3190. if (b9 < b8.length) {
  3191. cc.push({
  3192. elem: this,
  3193. handlers: b8.slice(b9)
  3194. })
  3195. }
  3196. return cc
  3197. },
  3198. fix: function (b9) {
  3199. if (b9[bJ.expando]) {
  3200. return b9
  3201. }
  3202. var b7,
  3203. cc,
  3204. cb,
  3205. b8 = b9.type,
  3206. e = b9,
  3207. ca = this.fixHooks[b8];
  3208. if (!ca) {
  3209. this.fixHooks[b8] = ca = bN.test(b8) ? this.mouseHooks : a7.test(b8) ? this.keyHooks : {
  3210. }
  3211. }
  3212. cb = ca.props ? this.props.concat(ca.props) : this.props;
  3213. b9 = new bJ.Event(e);
  3214. b7 = cb.length;
  3215. while (b7--) {
  3216. cc = cb[b7];
  3217. b9[cc] = e[cc]
  3218. }
  3219. if (! {
  3220. = e.srcElement || p
  3221. }
  3222. if ( === 3) {
  3223. =
  3224. }
  3225. b9.metaKey = !!b9.metaKey;
  3226. return ca.filter ? ca.filter(b9, e) : b9
  3227. },
  3228. props: 'altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which'.split(' '),
  3229. fixHooks: {
  3230. },
  3231. keyHooks: {
  3232. props: 'char charCode key keyCode'.split(' '),
  3233. filter: function (i, e) {
  3234. if (i.which == null) {
  3235. i.which = e.charCode != null ? e.charCode : e.keyCode
  3236. }
  3237. return i
  3238. }
  3239. },
  3240. mouseHooks: {
  3241. props: 'button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement'.split(' '),
  3242. filter: function (b8, b7) {
  3243. var e,
  3244. b9,
  3245. ca,
  3246. i = b7.button,
  3247. cb = b7.fromElement;
  3248. if (b8.pageX == null && b7.clientX != null) {
  3249. b9 = || p;
  3250. ca = b9.documentElement;
  3251. e = b9.body;
  3252. b8.pageX = b7.clientX + (ca && ca.scrollLeft || e && e.scrollLeft || 0) - (ca && ca.clientLeft || e && e.clientLeft || 0);
  3253. b8.pageY = b7.clientY + (ca && ca.scrollTop || e && e.scrollTop || 0) - (ca && ca.clientTop || e && e.clientTop || 0)
  3254. }
  3255. if (!b8.relatedTarget && cb) {
  3256. b8.relatedTarget = cb === ? b7.toElement : cb
  3257. }
  3258. if (!b8.which && i !== undefined) {
  3259. b8.which = (i & 1 ? 1 : (i & 2 ? 3 : (i & 4 ? 2 : 0)))
  3260. }
  3261. return b8
  3262. }
  3263. },
  3264. special: {
  3265. load: {
  3266. noBubble: true
  3267. },
  3268. focus: {
  3269. trigger: function () {
  3270. if (this !== an() && this.focus) {
  3271. try {
  3272. this.focus();
  3273. return false
  3274. } catch (i) {
  3275. }
  3276. }
  3277. },
  3278. delegateType: 'focusin'
  3279. },
  3280. blur: {
  3281. trigger: function () {
  3282. if (this === an() && this.blur) {
  3283. this.blur();
  3284. return false
  3285. }
  3286. },
  3287. delegateType: 'focusout'
  3288. },
  3289. click: {
  3290. trigger: function () {
  3291. if (bJ.nodeName(this, 'input') && this.type === 'checkbox' && {
  3293. return false
  3294. }
  3295. },
  3296. _default: function (e) {
  3297. return bJ.nodeName(, 'a')
  3298. }
  3299. },
  3300. beforeunload: {
  3301. postDispatch: function (e) {
  3302. if (e.result !== undefined && e.originalEvent) {
  3303. e.originalEvent.returnValue = e.result
  3304. }
  3305. }
  3306. }
  3307. },
  3308. simulate: function (b7, b9, b8, i) {
  3309. var ca = bJ.extend(new bJ.Event(), b8, {
  3310. type: b7,
  3311. isSimulated: true,
  3312. originalEvent: {
  3313. }
  3314. });
  3315. if (i) {
  3316. bJ.event.trigger(ca, null, b9)
  3317. } else {
  3318., ca)
  3319. }
  3320. if (ca.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  3321. b8.preventDefault()
  3322. }
  3323. }
  3324. };
  3325. bJ.removeEvent = p.removeEventListener ? function (i, e, b7) {
  3326. if (i.removeEventListener) {
  3327. i.removeEventListener(e, b7, false)
  3328. }
  3329. }
  3330. : function (b7, i, b8) {
  3331. var e = 'on' + i;
  3332. if (b7.detachEvent) {
  3333. if (typeof b7[e] === aD) {
  3334. b7[e] = null
  3335. }
  3336. b7.detachEvent(e, b8)
  3337. }
  3338. };
  3339. bJ.Event = function (i, e) {
  3340. if (!(this instanceof bJ.Event)) {
  3341. return new bJ.Event(i, e)
  3342. }
  3343. if (i && i.type) {
  3344. this.originalEvent = i;
  3345. this.type = i.type;
  3346. this.isDefaultPrevented = i.defaultPrevented || i.defaultPrevented === undefined && i.returnValue === false ? V : aa
  3347. } else {
  3348. this.type = i
  3349. }
  3350. if (e) {
  3351. bJ.extend(this, e)
  3352. }
  3353. this.timeStamp = i && i.timeStamp ||;
  3354. this[bJ.expando] = true
  3355. };
  3356. bJ.Event.prototype = {
  3357. isDefaultPrevented: aa,
  3358. isPropagationStopped: aa,
  3359. isImmediatePropagationStopped: aa,
  3360. preventDefault: function () {
  3361. var i = this.originalEvent;
  3362. this.isDefaultPrevented = V;
  3363. if (!i) {
  3364. return
  3365. }
  3366. if (i.preventDefault) {
  3367. i.preventDefault()
  3368. } else {
  3369. i.returnValue = false
  3370. }
  3371. },
  3372. stopPropagation: function () {
  3373. var i = this.originalEvent;
  3374. this.isPropagationStopped = V;
  3375. if (!i) {
  3376. return
  3377. }
  3378. if (i.stopPropagation) {
  3379. i.stopPropagation()
  3380. }
  3381. i.cancelBubble = true
  3382. },
  3383. stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
  3384. var i = this.originalEvent;
  3385. this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = V;
  3386. if (i && i.stopImmediatePropagation) {
  3387. i.stopImmediatePropagation()
  3388. }
  3389. this.stopPropagation()
  3390. }
  3391. };
  3392. bJ.each({
  3393. mouseenter: 'mouseover',
  3394. mouseleave: 'mouseout',
  3395. pointerenter: 'pointerover',
  3396. pointerleave: 'pointerout'
  3397. }, function (i, e) {
  3398. bJ.event.special[i] = {
  3399. delegateType: e,
  3400. bindType: e,
  3401. handle: function (b9) {
  3402. var b7,
  3403. cb = this,
  3404. ca = b9.relatedTarget,
  3405. b8 = b9.handleObj;
  3406. if (!ca || (ca !== cb && !bJ.contains(cb, ca))) {
  3407. b9.type = b8.origType;
  3408. b7 = b8.handler.apply(this, arguments);
  3409. b9.type = e
  3410. }
  3411. return b7
  3412. }
  3413. }
  3414. });
  3415. if (!E.submitBubbles) {
  3416. bJ.event.special.submit = {
  3417. setup: function () {
  3418. if (bJ.nodeName(this, 'form')) {
  3419. return false
  3420. }
  3421. bJ.event.add(this, 'click._submit keypress._submit', function (b8) {
  3422. var b7 =,
  3423. i = bJ.nodeName(b7, 'input') || bJ.nodeName(b7, 'button') ? b7.form : undefined;
  3424. if (i && !bJ._data(i, 'submitBubbles')) {
  3425. bJ.event.add(i, 'submit._submit', function (e) {
  3426. e._submit_bubble = true
  3427. });
  3428. bJ._data(i, 'submitBubbles', true)
  3429. }
  3430. })
  3431. },
  3432. postDispatch: function (e) {
  3433. if (e._submit_bubble) {
  3434. delete e._submit_bubble;
  3435. if (this.parentNode && !e.isTrigger) {
  3436. bJ.event.simulate('submit', this.parentNode, e, true)
  3437. }
  3438. }
  3439. },
  3440. teardown: function () {
  3441. if (bJ.nodeName(this, 'form')) {
  3442. return false
  3443. }
  3444. bJ.event.remove(this, '._submit')
  3445. }
  3446. }
  3447. }
  3448. if (!E.changeBubbles) {
  3449. bJ.event.special.change = {
  3450. setup: function () {
  3451. if (bH.test(this.nodeName)) {
  3452. if (this.type === 'checkbox' || this.type === 'radio') {
  3453. bJ.event.add(this, 'propertychange._change', function (e) {
  3454. if (e.originalEvent.propertyName === 'checked') {
  3455. this._just_changed = true
  3456. }
  3457. });
  3458. bJ.event.add(this, 'click._change', function (e) {
  3459. if (this._just_changed && !e.isTrigger) {
  3460. this._just_changed = false
  3461. }
  3462. bJ.event.simulate('change', this, e, true)
  3463. })
  3464. }
  3465. return false
  3466. }
  3467. bJ.event.add(this, 'beforeactivate._change', function (b7) {
  3468. var i =;
  3469. if (bH.test(i.nodeName) && !bJ._data(i, 'changeBubbles')) {
  3470. bJ.event.add(i, 'change._change', function (e) {
  3471. if (this.parentNode && !e.isSimulated && !e.isTrigger) {
  3472. bJ.event.simulate('change', this.parentNode, e, true)
  3473. }
  3474. });
  3475. bJ._data(i, 'changeBubbles', true)
  3476. }
  3477. })
  3478. },
  3479. handle: function (i) {
  3480. var e =;
  3481. if (this !== e || i.isSimulated || i.isTrigger || (e.type !== 'radio' && e.type !== 'checkbox')) {
  3482. return i.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)
  3483. }
  3484. },
  3485. teardown: function () {
  3486. bJ.event.remove(this, '._change');
  3487. return !bH.test(this.nodeName)
  3488. }
  3489. }
  3490. }
  3491. if (!E.focusinBubbles) {
  3492. bJ.each({
  3493. focus: 'focusin',
  3494. blur: 'focusout'
  3495. }, function (b7, e) {
  3496. var i = function (b8) {
  3497. bJ.event.simulate(e,, bJ.event.fix(b8), true)
  3498. };
  3499. bJ.event.special[e] = {
  3500. setup: function () {
  3501. var b9 = this.ownerDocument || this,
  3502. b8 = bJ._data(b9, e);
  3503. if (!b8) {
  3504. b9.addEventListener(b7, i, true)
  3505. }
  3506. bJ._data(b9, e, (b8 || 0) + 1)
  3507. },
  3508. teardown: function () {
  3509. var b9 = this.ownerDocument || this,
  3510. b8 = bJ._data(b9, e) - 1;
  3511. if (!b8) {
  3512. b9.removeEventListener(b7, i, true);
  3513. bJ._removeData(b9, e)
  3514. } else {
  3515. bJ._data(b9, e, b8)
  3516. }
  3517. }
  3518. }
  3519. })
  3520. }
  3521. bJ.fn.extend({
  3522. on: function (b7, e, ca, b9, i) {
  3523. var b8,
  3524. cb;
  3525. if (typeof b7 === 'object') {
  3526. if (typeof e !== 'string') {
  3527. ca = ca || e;
  3528. e = undefined
  3529. }
  3530. for (b8 in b7) {
  3531. this.on(b8, e, ca, b7[b8], i)
  3532. }
  3533. return this
  3534. }
  3535. if (ca == null && b9 == null) {
  3536. b9 = e;
  3537. ca = e = undefined
  3538. } else {
  3539. if (b9 == null) {
  3540. if (typeof e === 'string') {
  3541. b9 = ca;
  3542. ca = undefined
  3543. } else {
  3544. b9 = ca;
  3545. ca = e;
  3546. e = undefined
  3547. }
  3548. }
  3549. }
  3550. if (b9 === false) {
  3551. b9 = aa
  3552. } else {
  3553. if (!b9) {
  3554. return this
  3555. }
  3556. }
  3557. if (i === 1) {
  3558. cb = b9;
  3559. b9 = function (cc) {
  3560. bJ().off(cc);
  3561. return cb.apply(this, arguments)
  3562. };
  3563. b9.guid = cb.guid || (cb.guid = bJ.guid++)
  3564. }
  3565. return this.each(function () {
  3566. bJ.event.add(this, b7, b9, ca, e)
  3567. })
  3568. },
  3569. one: function (i, e, b8, b7) {
  3570. return this.on(i, e, b8, b7, 1)
  3571. },
  3572. off: function (b7, e, b9) {
  3573. var i,
  3574. b8;
  3575. if (b7 && b7.preventDefault && b7.handleObj) {
  3576. i = b7.handleObj;
  3577. bJ(b7.delegateTarget).off(i.namespace ? i.origType + '.' + i.namespace : i.origType, i.selector, i.handler);
  3578. return this
  3579. }
  3580. if (typeof b7 === 'object') {
  3581. for (b8 in b7) {
  3582., e, b7[b8])
  3583. }
  3584. return this
  3585. }
  3586. if (e === false || typeof e === 'function') {
  3587. b9 = e;
  3588. e = undefined
  3589. }
  3590. if (b9 === false) {
  3591. b9 = aa
  3592. }
  3593. return this.each(function () {
  3594. bJ.event.remove(this, b7, b9, e)
  3595. })
  3596. },
  3597. trigger: function (e, i) {
  3598. return this.each(function () {
  3599. bJ.event.trigger(e, i, this)
  3600. })
  3601. },
  3602. triggerHandler: function (e, b7) {
  3603. var i = this[0];
  3604. if (i) {
  3605. return bJ.event.trigger(e, b7, i, true)
  3606. }
  3607. }
  3608. });
  3609. function C(e) {
  3610. var b7 = f.split('|'),
  3611. i = e.createDocumentFragment();
  3612. if (i.createElement) {
  3613. while (b7.length) {
  3614. i.createElement(b7.pop())
  3615. }
  3616. }
  3617. return i
  3618. }
  3619. var f = 'abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video',
  3620. aE = / jQuery\d+="(?:null|\d+)"/g,
  3621. N = new RegExp('<(?:' + f + ')[\\s/>]', 'i'),
  3622. b6 = /^\s+/,
  3623. aI = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
  3624. q = /<([\w:]+)/,
  3625. b1 = /<tbody/i,
  3626. M = /<|&#?\w+;/,
  3627. ao = /<(?:script|style|link)/i,
  3628. bX = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
  3629. bC = /^$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i,
  3630. at = /^true\/(.*)/,
  3631. aP = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g,
  3632. X = {
  3633. option: [
  3634. 1,
  3635. '<select multiple=\'multiple\'>',
  3636. '</select>'
  3637. ],
  3638. legend: [
  3639. 1,
  3640. '<fieldset>',
  3641. '</fieldset>'
  3642. ],
  3643. area: [
  3644. 1,
  3645. '<map>',
  3646. '</map>'
  3647. ],
  3648. param: [
  3649. 1,
  3650. '<object>',
  3651. '</object>'
  3652. ],
  3653. thead: [
  3654. 1,
  3655. '<table>',
  3656. '</table>'
  3657. ],
  3658. tr: [
  3659. 2,
  3660. '<table><tbody>',
  3661. '</tbody></table>'
  3662. ],
  3663. col: [
  3664. 2,
  3665. '<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>',
  3666. '</colgroup></table>'
  3667. ],
  3668. td: [
  3669. 3,
  3670. '<table><tbody><tr>',
  3671. '</tr></tbody></table>'
  3672. ],
  3673. _default: E.htmlSerialize ? [
  3674. 0,
  3675. '',
  3676. ''
  3677. ] : [
  3678. 1,
  3679. 'X<div>',
  3680. '</div>'
  3681. ]
  3682. },
  3683. aU = C(p),
  3684. l = aU.appendChild(p.createElement('div'));
  3685. X.optgroup = X.option;
  3686. X.tbody = X.tfoot = X.colgroup = X.caption = X.thead;
  3687. =;
  3688. function n(b9, e) {
  3689. var b7,
  3690. ca,
  3691. b8 = 0,
  3692. cb = typeof b9.getElementsByTagName !== aD ? b9.getElementsByTagName(e || '*') : typeof b9.querySelectorAll !== aD ? b9.querySelectorAll(e || '*') : undefined;
  3693. if (!cb) {
  3694. for (cb = [
  3695. ], b7 = b9.childNodes || b9; (ca = b7[b8]) != null; b8++) {
  3696. if (!e || bJ.nodeName(ca, e)) {
  3697. cb.push(ca)
  3698. } else {
  3699. bJ.merge(cb, n(ca, e))
  3700. }
  3701. }
  3702. }
  3703. return e === undefined || e && bJ.nodeName(b9, e) ? bJ.merge([b9], cb) : cb
  3704. }
  3705. function bZ(e) {
  3706. if (aN.test(e.type)) {
  3707. e.defaultChecked = e.checked
  3708. }
  3709. }
  3710. function a4(i, e) {
  3711. return bJ.nodeName(i, 'table') && bJ.nodeName(e.nodeType !== 11 ? e : e.firstChild, 'tr') ? i.getElementsByTagName('tbody') [0] || i.appendChild(i.ownerDocument.createElement('tbody')) : i
  3712. }
  3713. function v(e) {
  3714. e.type = (bJ.find.attr(e, 'type') !== null) + '/' + e.type;
  3715. return e
  3716. }
  3717. function bg(i) {
  3718. var e = at.exec(i.type);
  3719. if (e) {
  3720. i.type = e[1]
  3721. } else {
  3722. i.removeAttribute('type')
  3723. }
  3724. return i
  3725. }
  3726. function bv(e, b8) {
  3727. var b9,
  3728. b7 = 0;
  3729. for (; (b9 = e[b7]) != null; b7++) {
  3730. bJ._data(b9, 'globalEval', !b8 || bJ._data(b8[b7], 'globalEval'))
  3731. }
  3732. }
  3733. function au(cd, b7) {
  3734. if (b7.nodeType !== 1 || !bJ.hasData(cd)) {
  3735. return
  3736. }
  3737. var ca,
  3738. b9,
  3739. e,
  3740. cc = bJ._data(cd),
  3741. cb = bJ._data(b7, cc),
  3742. b8 =;
  3743. if (b8) {
  3744. delete cb.handle;
  3745. = {
  3746. };
  3747. for (ca in b8) {
  3748. for (b9 = 0, e = b8[ca].length; b9 < e; b9++) {
  3749. bJ.event.add(b7, ca, b8[ca][b9])
  3750. }
  3751. }
  3752. }
  3753. if ( {
  3754. = bJ.extend({
  3755. },
  3756. }
  3757. }
  3758. function U(b9, i) {
  3759. var ca,
  3760. b8,
  3761. b7;
  3762. if (i.nodeType !== 1) {
  3763. return
  3764. }
  3765. ca = i.nodeName.toLowerCase();
  3766. if (!E.noCloneEvent && i[bJ.expando]) {
  3767. b7 = bJ._data(i);
  3768. for (b8 in {
  3769. bJ.removeEvent(i, b8, b7.handle)
  3770. }
  3771. i.removeAttribute(bJ.expando)
  3772. }
  3773. if (ca === 'script' && i.text !== b9.text) {
  3774. v(i).text = b9.text;
  3775. bg(i)
  3776. } else {
  3777. if (ca === 'object') {
  3778. if (i.parentNode) {
  3779. i.outerHTML = b9.outerHTML
  3780. }
  3781. if (E.html5Clone && (b9.innerHTML && !bJ.trim(i.innerHTML))) {
  3782. i.innerHTML = b9.innerHTML
  3783. }
  3784. } else {
  3785. if (ca === 'input' && aN.test(b9.type)) {
  3786. i.defaultChecked = i.checked = b9.checked;
  3787. if (i.value !== b9.value) {
  3788. i.value = b9.value
  3789. }
  3790. } else {
  3791. if (ca === 'option') {
  3792. i.defaultSelected = i.selected = b9.defaultSelected
  3793. } else {
  3794. if (ca === 'input' || ca === 'textarea') {
  3795. i.defaultValue = b9.defaultValue
  3796. }
  3797. }
  3798. }
  3799. }
  3800. }
  3801. }
  3802. bJ.extend({
  3803. clone: function (b7, b9, e) {
  3804. var cb,
  3805. b8,
  3806. ce,
  3807. ca,
  3808. cc,
  3809. cd = bJ.contains(b7.ownerDocument, b7);
  3810. if (E.html5Clone || bJ.isXMLDoc(b7) || !N.test('<' + b7.nodeName + '>')) {
  3811. ce = b7.cloneNode(true)
  3812. } else {
  3813. l.innerHTML = b7.outerHTML;
  3814. l.removeChild(ce = l.firstChild)
  3815. }
  3816. if ((!E.noCloneEvent || !E.noCloneChecked) && (b7.nodeType === 1 || b7.nodeType === 11) && !bJ.isXMLDoc(b7)) {
  3817. cb = n(ce);
  3818. cc = n(b7);
  3819. for (ca = 0; (b8 = cc[ca]) != null; ++ca) {
  3820. if (cb[ca]) {
  3821. U(b8, cb[ca])
  3822. }
  3823. }
  3824. }
  3825. if (b9) {
  3826. if (e) {
  3827. cc = cc || n(b7);
  3828. cb = cb || n(ce);
  3829. for (ca = 0; (b8 = cc[ca]) != null; ca++) {
  3830. au(b8, cb[ca])
  3831. }
  3832. } else {
  3833. au(b7, ce)
  3834. }
  3835. }
  3836. cb = n(ce, 'script');
  3837. if (cb.length > 0) {
  3838. bv(cb, !cd && n(b7, 'script'))
  3839. }
  3840. cb = cc = b8 = null;
  3841. return ce
  3842. },
  3843. buildFragment: function (b7, b9, ce, cj) {
  3844. var cf,
  3845. cb,
  3846. cd,
  3847. ci,
  3848. ck,
  3849. ch,
  3850. b8,
  3851. cc = b7.length,
  3852. ca = C(b9),
  3853. e = [
  3854. ],
  3855. cg = 0;
  3856. for (; cg < cc; cg++) {
  3857. cb = b7[cg];
  3858. if (cb || cb === 0) {
  3859. if (bJ.type(cb) === 'object') {
  3860. bJ.merge(e, cb.nodeType ? [
  3861. cb
  3862. ] : cb)
  3863. } else {
  3864. if (!M.test(cb)) {
  3865. e.push(b9.createTextNode(cb))
  3866. } else {
  3867. ci = ci || ca.appendChild(b9.createElement('div'));
  3868. ck = (q.exec(cb) || [
  3869. '',
  3870. ''
  3871. ]) [1].toLowerCase();
  3872. b8 = X[ck] || X._default;
  3873. ci.innerHTML = b8[1] + cb.replace(aI, '<$1></$2>') + b8[2];
  3874. cf = b8[0];
  3875. while (cf--) {
  3876. ci = ci.lastChild
  3877. }
  3878. if (!E.leadingWhitespace && b6.test(cb)) {
  3879. e.push(b9.createTextNode(b6.exec(cb) [0]))
  3880. }
  3881. if (!E.tbody) {
  3882. cb = ck === 'table' && !b1.test(cb) ? ci.firstChild : b8[1] === '<table>' && !b1.test(cb) ? ci : 0;
  3883. cf = cb && cb.childNodes.length;
  3884. while (cf--) {
  3885. if (bJ.nodeName((ch = cb.childNodes[cf]), 'tbody') && !ch.childNodes.length) {
  3886. cb.removeChild(ch)
  3887. }
  3888. }
  3889. }
  3890. bJ.merge(e, ci.childNodes);
  3891. ci.textContent = '';
  3892. while (ci.firstChild) {
  3893. ci.removeChild(ci.firstChild)
  3894. }
  3895. ci = ca.lastChild
  3896. }
  3897. }
  3898. }
  3899. }
  3900. if (ci) {
  3901. ca.removeChild(ci)
  3902. }
  3903. if (!E.appendChecked) {
  3904. bJ.grep(n(e, 'input'), bZ)
  3905. }
  3906. cg = 0;
  3907. while ((cb = e[cg++])) {
  3908. if (cj && bJ.inArray(cb, cj) !== - 1) {
  3909. continue
  3910. }
  3911. cd = bJ.contains(cb.ownerDocument, cb);
  3912. ci = n(ca.appendChild(cb), 'script');
  3913. if (cd) {
  3914. bv(ci)
  3915. }
  3916. if (ce) {
  3917. cf = 0;
  3918. while ((cb = ci[cf++])) {
  3919. if (bC.test(cb.type || '')) {
  3920. ce.push(cb)
  3921. }
  3922. }
  3923. }
  3924. }
  3925. ci = null;
  3926. return ca
  3927. },
  3928. cleanData: function (b7, cf) {
  3929. var b9,
  3930. ce,
  3931. b8,
  3932. ca,
  3933. cb = 0,
  3934. cg = bJ.expando,
  3935. e = bJ.cache,
  3936. cc = E.deleteExpando,
  3937. cd = bJ.event.special;
  3938. for (; (b9 = b7[cb]) != null; cb++) {
  3939. if (cf || bJ.acceptData(b9)) {
  3940. b8 = b9[cg];
  3941. ca = b8 && e[b8];
  3942. if (ca) {
  3943. if ( {
  3944. for (ce in {
  3945. if (cd[ce]) {
  3946. bJ.event.remove(b9, ce)
  3947. } else {
  3948. bJ.removeEvent(b9, ce, ca.handle)
  3949. }
  3950. }
  3951. }
  3952. if (e[b8]) {
  3953. delete e[b8];
  3954. if (cc) {
  3955. delete b9[cg]
  3956. } else {
  3957. if (typeof b9.removeAttribute !== aD) {
  3958. b9.removeAttribute(cg)
  3959. } else {
  3960. b9[cg] = null
  3961. }
  3962. }
  3963. aQ.push(b8)
  3964. }
  3965. }
  3966. }
  3967. }
  3968. }
  3969. });
  3970. bJ.fn.extend({
  3971. text: function (e) {
  3972. return aC(this, function (i) {
  3973. return i === undefined ? bJ.text(this) : this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || p).createTextNode(i))
  3974. }, null, e, arguments.length)
  3975. },
  3976. append: function () {
  3977. return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) {
  3978. if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) {
  3979. var i = a4(this, e);
  3980. i.appendChild(e)
  3981. }
  3982. })
  3983. },
  3984. prepend: function () {
  3985. return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) {
  3986. if (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11 || this.nodeType === 9) {
  3987. var i = a4(this, e);
  3988. i.insertBefore(e, i.firstChild)
  3989. }
  3990. })
  3991. },
  3992. before: function () {
  3993. return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) {
  3994. if (this.parentNode) {
  3995. this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this)
  3996. }
  3997. })
  3998. },
  3999. after: function () {
  4000. return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) {
  4001. if (this.parentNode) {
  4002. this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this.nextSibling)
  4003. }
  4004. })
  4005. },
  4006. remove: function (e, ca) {
  4007. var b9,
  4008. b7 = e ? bJ.filter(e, this) : this,
  4009. b8 = 0;
  4010. for (; (b9 = b7[b8]) != null; b8++) {
  4011. if (!ca && b9.nodeType === 1) {
  4012. bJ.cleanData(n(b9))
  4013. }
  4014. if (b9.parentNode) {
  4015. if (ca && bJ.contains(b9.ownerDocument, b9)) {
  4016. bv(n(b9, 'script'))
  4017. }
  4018. b9.parentNode.removeChild(b9)
  4019. }
  4020. }
  4021. return this
  4022. },
  4023. empty: function () {
  4024. var b7,
  4025. e = 0;
  4026. for (; (b7 = this[e]) != null; e++) {
  4027. if (b7.nodeType === 1) {
  4028. bJ.cleanData(n(b7, false))
  4029. }
  4030. while (b7.firstChild) {
  4031. b7.removeChild(b7.firstChild)
  4032. }
  4033. if (b7.options && bJ.nodeName(b7, 'select')) {
  4034. b7.options.length = 0
  4035. }
  4036. }
  4037. return this
  4038. },
  4039. clone: function (i, e) {
  4040. i = i == null ? false : i;
  4041. e = e == null ? i : e;
  4042. return () {
  4043. return bJ.clone(this, i, e)
  4044. })
  4045. },
  4046. html: function (e) {
  4047. return aC(this, function (ca) {
  4048. var b9 = this[0] || {
  4049. },
  4050. b8 = 0,
  4051. b7 = this.length;
  4052. if (ca === undefined) {
  4053. return b9.nodeType === 1 ? b9.innerHTML.replace(aE, '') : undefined
  4054. }
  4055. if (typeof ca === 'string' && !ao.test(ca) && (E.htmlSerialize || !N.test(ca)) && (E.leadingWhitespace || !b6.test(ca)) && !X[(q.exec(ca) || [
  4056. '',
  4057. ''
  4058. ]) [1].toLowerCase()]) {
  4059. ca = ca.replace(aI, '<$1></$2>');
  4060. try {
  4061. for (; b8 < b7; b8++) {
  4062. b9 = this[b8] || {
  4063. };
  4064. if (b9.nodeType === 1) {
  4065. bJ.cleanData(n(b9, false));
  4066. b9.innerHTML = ca
  4067. }
  4068. }
  4069. b9 = 0
  4070. } catch (cb) {
  4071. }
  4072. }
  4073. if (b9) {
  4074. this.empty().append(ca)
  4075. }
  4076. }, null, e, arguments.length)
  4077. },
  4078. replaceWith: function () {
  4079. var e = arguments[0];
  4080. this.domManip(arguments, function (i) {
  4081. e = this.parentNode;
  4082. bJ.cleanData(n(this));
  4083. if (e) {
  4084. e.replaceChild(i, this)
  4085. }
  4086. });
  4087. return e && (e.length || e.nodeType) ? this : this.remove()
  4088. },
  4089. detach: function (e) {
  4090. return this.remove(e, true)
  4091. },
  4092. domManip: function (ce, cj) {
  4093. ce = aA.apply([], ce);
  4094. var cc,
  4095. b8,
  4096. e,
  4097. ca,
  4098. ch,
  4099. cd,
  4100. cb = 0,
  4101. b9 = this.length,
  4102. cg = this,
  4103. ci = b9 - 1,
  4104. cf = ce[0],
  4105. b7 = bJ.isFunction(cf);
  4106. if (b7 || (b9 > 1 && typeof cf === 'string' && !E.checkClone && bX.test(cf))) {
  4107. return this.each(function (ck) {
  4108. var i = cg.eq(ck);
  4109. if (b7) {
  4110. ce[0] =, ck, i.html())
  4111. }
  4112. i.domManip(ce, cj)
  4113. })
  4114. }
  4115. if (b9) {
  4116. cd = bJ.buildFragment(ce, this[0].ownerDocument, false, this);
  4117. cc = cd.firstChild;
  4118. if (cd.childNodes.length === 1) {
  4119. cd = cc
  4120. }
  4121. if (cc) {
  4122. ca =, 'script'), v);
  4123. e = ca.length;
  4124. for (; cb < b9; cb++) {
  4125. b8 = cd;
  4126. if (cb !== ci) {
  4127. b8 = bJ.clone(b8, true, true);
  4128. if (e) {
  4129. bJ.merge(ca, n(b8, 'script'))
  4130. }
  4131. }
  4132.[cb], b8, cb)
  4133. }
  4134. if (e) {
  4135. ch = ca[ca.length - 1].ownerDocument;
  4136., bg);
  4137. for (cb = 0; cb < e; cb++) {
  4138. b8 = ca[cb];
  4139. if (bC.test(b8.type || '') && !bJ._data(b8, 'globalEval') && bJ.contains(ch, b8)) {
  4140. if (b8.src) {
  4141. if (bJ._evalUrl) {
  4142. bJ._evalUrl(b8.src)
  4143. }
  4144. } else {
  4145. bJ.globalEval((b8.text || b8.textContent || b8.innerHTML || '').replace(aP, ''))
  4146. }
  4147. }
  4148. }
  4149. }
  4150. cd = cc = null
  4151. }
  4152. }
  4153. return this
  4154. }
  4155. });
  4156. bJ.each({
  4157. appendTo: 'append',
  4158. prependTo: 'prepend',
  4159. insertBefore: 'before',
  4160. insertAfter: 'after',
  4161. replaceAll: 'replaceWith'
  4162. }, function (e, i) {
  4163. bJ.fn[e] = function (b7) {
  4164. var b8,
  4165. ca = 0,
  4166. b9 = [
  4167. ],
  4168. cc = bJ(b7),
  4169. cb = cc.length - 1;
  4170. for (; ca <= cb; ca++) {
  4171. b8 = ca === cb ? this : this.clone(true);
  4172. bJ(cc[ca]) [i](b8);
  4173. y.apply(b9, b8.get())
  4174. }
  4175. return this.pushStack(b9)
  4176. }
  4177. });
  4178. var aJ,
  4179. bm = {
  4180. };
  4181. function a5(e, b9) {
  4182. var i,
  4183. b7 = bJ(b9.createElement(e)).appendTo(b9.body),
  4184. b8 = a6.getDefaultComputedStyle && (i = a6.getDefaultComputedStyle(b7[0])) ? i.display : bJ.css(b7[0], 'display');
  4185. b7.detach();
  4186. return b8
  4187. }
  4188. function a1(b7) {
  4189. var i = p,
  4190. e = bm[b7];
  4191. if (!e) {
  4192. e = a5(b7, i);
  4193. if (e === 'none' || !e) {
  4194. aJ = (aJ || bJ('<iframe frameborder=\'0\' width=\'0\' height=\'0\'/>')).appendTo(i.documentElement);
  4195. i = (aJ[0].contentWindow || aJ[0].contentDocument).document;
  4196. i.write();
  4197. i.close();
  4198. e = a5(b7, i);
  4199. aJ.detach()
  4200. }
  4201. bm[b7] = e
  4202. }
  4203. return e
  4204. }(function () {
  4205. var e;
  4206. E.shrinkWrapBlocks = function () {
  4207. if (e != null) {
  4208. return e
  4209. }
  4210. e = false;
  4211. var b8,
  4212. i,
  4213. b7;
  4214. i = p.getElementsByTagName('body') [0];
  4215. if (!i || ! {
  4216. return
  4217. }
  4218. b8 = p.createElement('div');
  4219. b7 = p.createElement('div');
  4220. = 'position:absolute;border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px';
  4221. i.appendChild(b7).appendChild(b8);
  4222. if (typeof !== aD) {
  4223. = '-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:1px;width:1px;zoom:1';
  4224. b8.appendChild(p.createElement('div')).style.width = '5px';
  4225. e = b8.offsetWidth !== 3
  4226. }
  4227. i.removeChild(b7);
  4228. return e
  4229. }
  4230. }) ();
  4231. var a0 = (/^margin/);
  4232. var Z = new RegExp('^(' + aF + ')(?!px)[a-z%]+$', 'i');
  4233. var br,
  4234. H,
  4235. bp = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/;
  4236. if (a6.getComputedStyle) {
  4237. br = function (e) {
  4238. return e.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null)
  4239. };
  4240. H = function (cc, i, cb) {
  4241. var b9,
  4242. b8,
  4243. ca,
  4244. e,
  4245. b7 =;
  4246. cb = cb || br(cc);
  4247. e = cb ? cb.getPropertyValue(i) || cb[i] : undefined;
  4248. if (cb) {
  4249. if (e === '' && !bJ.contains(cc.ownerDocument, cc)) {
  4250. e =, i)
  4251. }
  4252. if (Z.test(e) && a0.test(i)) {
  4253. b9 = b7.width;
  4254. b8 = b7.minWidth;
  4255. ca = b7.maxWidth;
  4256. b7.minWidth = b7.maxWidth = b7.width = e;
  4257. e = cb.width;
  4258. b7.width = b9;
  4259. b7.minWidth = b8;
  4260. b7.maxWidth = ca
  4261. }
  4262. }
  4263. return e === undefined ? e : e + ''
  4264. }
  4265. } else {
  4266. if (p.documentElement.currentStyle) {
  4267. br = function (e) {
  4268. return e.currentStyle
  4269. };
  4270. H = function (cb, b8, ca) {
  4271. var cc,
  4272. i,
  4273. e,
  4274. b7,
  4275. b9 =;
  4276. ca = ca || br(cb);
  4277. b7 = ca ? ca[b8] : undefined;
  4278. if (b7 == null && b9 && b9[b8]) {
  4279. b7 = b9[b8]
  4280. }
  4281. if (Z.test(b7) && !bp.test(b8)) {
  4282. cc = b9.left;
  4283. i = cb.runtimeStyle;
  4284. e = i && i.left;
  4285. if (e) {
  4286. i.left = cb.currentStyle.left
  4287. }
  4288. b9.left = b8 === 'fontSize' ? '1em' : b7;
  4289. b7 = b9.pixelLeft + 'px';
  4290. b9.left = cc;
  4291. if (e) {
  4292. i.left = e
  4293. }
  4294. }
  4295. return b7 === undefined ? b7 : b7 + '' || 'auto'
  4296. }
  4297. }
  4298. }
  4299. function a8(e, i) {
  4300. return {
  4301. get: function () {
  4302. var b7 = e();
  4303. if (b7 == null) {
  4304. return
  4305. }
  4306. if (b7) {
  4307. delete this.get;
  4308. return
  4309. }
  4310. return (this.get = i).apply(this, arguments)
  4311. }
  4312. }
  4313. }(function () {
  4314. var cc,
  4315. ca,
  4316. b8,
  4317. cb,
  4318. b7,
  4319. b9,
  4320. i;
  4321. cc = p.createElement('div');
  4322. cc.innerHTML = ' <link/><table></table><a href=\'/a\'>a</a><input type=\'checkbox\'/>';
  4323. b8 = cc.getElementsByTagName('a') [0];
  4324. ca = b8 &&;
  4325. if (!ca) {
  4326. return
  4327. }
  4328. ca.cssText = 'float:left;opacity:.5';
  4329. E.opacity = ca.opacity === '0.5';
  4330. E.cssFloat = !!ca.cssFloat;
  4331. = 'content-box';
  4332. cc.cloneNode(true).style.backgroundClip = '';
  4333. E.clearCloneStyle = === 'content-box';
  4334. E.boxSizing = ca.boxSizing === '' || ca.MozBoxSizing === '' || ca.WebkitBoxSizing === '';
  4335. bJ.extend(E, {
  4336. reliableHiddenOffsets: function () {
  4337. if (b9 == null) {
  4338. e()
  4339. }
  4340. return b9
  4341. },
  4342. boxSizingReliable: function () {
  4343. if (b7 == null) {
  4344. e()
  4345. }
  4346. return b7
  4347. },
  4348. pixelPosition: function () {
  4349. if (cb == null) {
  4350. e()
  4351. }
  4352. return cb
  4353. },
  4354. reliableMarginRight: function () {
  4355. if (i == null) {
  4356. e()
  4357. }
  4358. return i
  4359. }
  4360. });
  4361. function e() {
  4362. var cg,
  4363. cd,
  4364. ce,
  4365. cf;
  4366. cd = p.getElementsByTagName('body') [0];
  4367. if (!cd || ! {
  4368. return
  4369. }
  4370. cg = p.createElement('div');
  4371. ce = p.createElement('div');
  4372. = 'position:absolute;border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px';
  4373. cd.appendChild(ce).appendChild(cg);
  4374. = '-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;display:block;margin-top:1%;top:1%;border:1px;padding:1px;width:4px;position:absolute';
  4375. cb = b7 = false;
  4376. i = true;
  4377. if (a6.getComputedStyle) {
  4378. cb = (a6.getComputedStyle(cg, null) || {
  4379. }).top !== '1%';
  4380. b7 = (a6.getComputedStyle(cg, null) || {
  4381. width: '4px'
  4382. }).width === '4px';
  4383. cf = cg.appendChild(p.createElement('div'));
  4384. = = '-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:0';
  4385. = = '0';
  4386. = '1px';
  4387. i = !parseFloat((a6.getComputedStyle(cf, null) || {
  4388. }).marginRight)
  4389. }
  4390. cg.innerHTML = '<table><tr><td></td><td>t</td></tr></table>';
  4391. cf = cg.getElementsByTagName('td');
  4392. cf[0].style.cssText = 'margin:0;border:0;padding:0;display:none';
  4393. b9 = cf[0].offsetHeight === 0;
  4394. if (b9) {
  4395. cf[0].style.display = '';
  4396. cf[1].style.display = 'none';
  4397. b9 = cf[0].offsetHeight === 0
  4398. }
  4399. cd.removeChild(ce)
  4400. }
  4401. }) ();
  4402. bJ.swap = function (ca, b9, cb, b8) {
  4403. var b7,
  4404. i,
  4405. e = {
  4406. };
  4407. for (i in b9) {
  4408. e[i] =[i];
  4409.[i] = b9[i]
  4410. }
  4411. b7 = cb.apply(ca, b8 || [
  4412. ]);
  4413. for (i in b9) {
  4414.[i] = e[i]
  4415. }
  4416. return b7
  4417. };
  4418. var bk = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i,
  4419. aV = /opacity\s*=\s*([^)]*)/,
  4420. I = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/,
  4421. bc = new RegExp('^(' + aF + ')(.*)$', 'i'),
  4422. W = new RegExp('^([+-])=(' + aF + ')', 'i'),
  4423. bf = {
  4424. position: 'absolute',
  4425. visibility: 'hidden',
  4426. display: 'block'
  4427. },
  4428. bE = {
  4429. letterSpacing: '0',
  4430. fontWeight: '400'
  4431. },
  4432. ax = [
  4433. 'Webkit',
  4434. 'O',
  4435. 'Moz',
  4436. 'ms'
  4437. ];
  4438. function d(b9, b7) {
  4439. if (b7 in b9) {
  4440. return b7
  4441. }
  4442. var ca = b7.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b7.slice(1),
  4443. e = b7,
  4444. b8 = ax.length;
  4445. while (b8--) {
  4446. b7 = ax[b8] + ca;
  4447. if (b7 in b9) {
  4448. return b7
  4449. }
  4450. }
  4451. return e
  4452. }
  4453. function t(cb, e) {
  4454. var cc,
  4455. b9,
  4456. ca,
  4457. i = [
  4458. ],
  4459. b7 = 0,
  4460. b8 = cb.length;
  4461. for (; b7 < b8; b7++) {
  4462. b9 = cb[b7];
  4463. if (! {
  4464. continue
  4465. }
  4466. i[b7] = bJ._data(b9, 'olddisplay');
  4467. cc =;
  4468. if (e) {
  4469. if (!i[b7] && cc === 'none') {
  4470. = ''
  4471. }
  4472. if ( === '' && T(b9)) {
  4473. i[b7] = bJ._data(b9, 'olddisplay', a1(b9.nodeName))
  4474. }
  4475. } else {
  4476. ca = T(b9);
  4477. if (cc && cc !== 'none' || !ca) {
  4478. bJ._data(b9, 'olddisplay', ca ? cc : bJ.css(b9, 'display'))
  4479. }
  4480. }
  4481. }
  4482. for (b7 = 0; b7 < b8; b7++) {
  4483. b9 = cb[b7];
  4484. if (! {
  4485. continue
  4486. }
  4487. if (!e || === 'none' || === '') {
  4488. = e ? i[b7] || '' : 'none'
  4489. }
  4490. }
  4491. return cb
  4492. }
  4493. function aO(e, b7, b8) {
  4494. var i = bc.exec(b7);
  4495. return i ? Math.max(0, i[1] - (b8 || 0)) + (i[2] || 'px') : b7
  4496. }
  4497. function ay(ca, b7, e, cc, b9) {
  4498. var b8 = e === (cc ? 'border' : 'content') ? 4 : b7 === 'width' ? 1 : 0,
  4499. cb = 0;
  4500. for (; b8 < 4; b8 += 2) {
  4501. if (e === 'margin') {
  4502. cb += bJ.css(ca, e + bU[b8], true, b9)
  4503. }
  4504. if (cc) {
  4505. if (e === 'content') {
  4506. cb -= bJ.css(ca, 'padding' + bU[b8], true, b9)
  4507. }
  4508. if (e !== 'margin') {
  4509. cb -= bJ.css(ca, 'border' + bU[b8] + 'Width', true, b9)
  4510. }
  4511. } else {
  4512. cb += bJ.css(ca, 'padding' + bU[b8], true, b9);
  4513. if (e !== 'padding') {
  4514. cb += bJ.css(ca, 'border' + bU[b8] + 'Width', true, b9)
  4515. }
  4516. }
  4517. }
  4518. return cb
  4519. }
  4520. function w(b9, i, e) {
  4521. var b8 = true,
  4522. ca = i === 'width' ? b9.offsetWidth : b9.offsetHeight,
  4523. b7 = br(b9),
  4524. cb = E.boxSizing && bJ.css(b9, 'boxSizing', false, b7) === 'border-box';
  4525. if (ca <= 0 || ca == null) {
  4526. ca = H(b9, i, b7);
  4527. if (ca < 0 || ca == null) {
  4528. ca =[i]
  4529. }
  4530. if (Z.test(ca)) {
  4531. return ca
  4532. }
  4533. b8 = cb && (E.boxSizingReliable() || ca ===[i]);
  4534. ca = parseFloat(ca) || 0
  4535. }
  4536. return (ca + ay(b9, i, e || (cb ? 'border' : 'content'), b8, b7)) + 'px'
  4537. }
  4538. bJ.extend({
  4539. cssHooks: {
  4540. opacity: {
  4541. get: function (b7, i) {
  4542. if (i) {
  4543. var e = H(b7, 'opacity');
  4544. return e === '' ? '1' : e
  4545. }
  4546. }
  4547. }
  4548. },
  4549. cssNumber: {
  4550. columnCount: true,
  4551. fillOpacity: true,
  4552. flexGrow: true,
  4553. flexShrink: true,
  4554. fontWeight: true,
  4555. lineHeight: true,
  4556. opacity: true,
  4557. order: true,
  4558. orphans: true,
  4559. widows: true,
  4560. zIndex: true,
  4561. zoom: true
  4562. },
  4563. cssProps: {
  4564. 'float': E.cssFloat ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat'
  4565. },
  4566. style: function (b8, b7, ce, b9) {
  4567. if (!b8 || b8.nodeType === 3 || b8.nodeType === 8 || ! {
  4568. return
  4569. }
  4570. var cc,
  4571. cd,
  4572. cf,
  4573. ca = bJ.camelCase(b7),
  4574. i =;
  4575. b7 = bJ.cssProps[ca] || (bJ.cssProps[ca] = d(i, ca));
  4576. cf = bJ.cssHooks[b7] || bJ.cssHooks[ca];
  4577. if (ce !== undefined) {
  4578. cd = typeof ce;
  4579. if (cd === 'string' && (cc = W.exec(ce))) {
  4580. ce = (cc[1] + 1) * cc[2] + parseFloat(bJ.css(b8, b7));
  4581. cd = 'number'
  4582. }
  4583. if (ce == null || ce !== ce) {
  4584. return
  4585. }
  4586. if (cd === 'number' && !bJ.cssNumber[ca]) {
  4587. ce += 'px'
  4588. }
  4589. if (!E.clearCloneStyle && ce === '' && b7.indexOf('background') === 0) {
  4590. i[b7] = 'inherit'
  4591. }
  4592. if (!cf || !('set' in cf) || (ce = cf.set(b8, ce, b9)) !== undefined) {
  4593. try {
  4594. i[b7] = ce
  4595. } catch (cb) {
  4596. }
  4597. }
  4598. } else {
  4599. if (cf && 'get' in cf && (cc = cf.get(b8, false, b9)) !== undefined) {
  4600. return cc
  4601. }
  4602. return i[b7]
  4603. }
  4604. },
  4605. css: function (cb, b9, i, ca) {
  4606. var b8,
  4607. cc,
  4608. e,
  4609. b7 = bJ.camelCase(b9);
  4610. b9 = bJ.cssProps[b7] || (bJ.cssProps[b7] = d(, b7));
  4611. e = bJ.cssHooks[b9] || bJ.cssHooks[b7];
  4612. if (e && 'get' in e) {
  4613. cc = e.get(cb, true, i)
  4614. }
  4615. if (cc === undefined) {
  4616. cc = H(cb, b9, ca)
  4617. }
  4618. if (cc === 'normal' && b9 in bE) {
  4619. cc = bE[b9]
  4620. }
  4621. if (i === '' || i) {
  4622. b8 = parseFloat(cc);
  4623. return i === true || bJ.isNumeric(b8) ? b8 || 0 : cc
  4624. }
  4625. return cc
  4626. }
  4627. });
  4628. bJ.each(['height',
  4629. 'width'], function (b7, e) {
  4630. bJ.cssHooks[e] = {
  4631. get: function (b9, b8, i) {
  4632. if (b8) {
  4633. return I.test(bJ.css(b9, 'display')) && b9.offsetWidth === 0 ? bJ.swap(b9, bf, function () {
  4634. return w(b9, e, i)
  4635. }) : w(b9, e, i)
  4636. }
  4637. },
  4638. set: function (b9, ca, i) {
  4639. var b8 = i && br(b9);
  4640. return aO(b9, ca, i ? ay(b9, e, i, E.boxSizing && bJ.css(b9, 'boxSizing', false, b8) === 'border-box', b8) : 0)
  4641. }
  4642. }
  4643. });
  4644. if (!E.opacity) {
  4645. bJ.cssHooks.opacity = {
  4646. get: function (i, e) {
  4647. return aV.test((e && i.currentStyle ? i.currentStyle.filter : || '') ? (0.01 * parseFloat(RegExp.$1)) + '' : e ? '1' : ''
  4648. },
  4649. set: function (b9, ca) {
  4650. var b8 =,
  4651. i = b9.currentStyle,
  4652. e = bJ.isNumeric(ca) ? 'alpha(opacity=' + ca * 100 + ')' : '',
  4653. b7 = i && i.filter || b8.filter || '';
  4654. b8.zoom = 1;
  4655. if ((ca >= 1 || ca === '') && bJ.trim(b7.replace(bk, '')) === '' && b8.removeAttribute) {
  4656. b8.removeAttribute('filter');
  4657. if (ca === '' || i && !i.filter) {
  4658. return
  4659. }
  4660. }
  4661. b8.filter = bk.test(b7) ? b7.replace(bk, e) : b7 + ' ' + e
  4662. }
  4663. }
  4664. }
  4665. bJ.cssHooks.marginRight = a8(E.reliableMarginRight, function (i, e) {
  4666. if (e) {
  4667. return bJ.swap(i, {
  4668. display: 'inline-block'
  4669. }, H, [
  4670. i,
  4671. 'marginRight'
  4672. ])
  4673. }
  4674. });
  4675. bJ.each({
  4676. margin: '',
  4677. padding: '',
  4678. border: 'Width'
  4679. }, function (e, i) {
  4680. bJ.cssHooks[e + i] = {
  4681. expand: function (b9) {
  4682. var b8 = 0,
  4683. b7 = {
  4684. },
  4685. ca = typeof b9 === 'string' ? b9.split(' ') : [
  4686. b9
  4687. ];
  4688. for (; b8 < 4; b8++) {
  4689. b7[e + bU[b8] + i] = ca[b8] || ca[b8 - 2] || ca[0]
  4690. }
  4691. return b7
  4692. }
  4693. };
  4694. if (!a0.test(e)) {
  4695. bJ.cssHooks[e + i].set = aO
  4696. }
  4697. });
  4698. bJ.fn.extend({
  4699. css: function (e, i) {
  4700. return aC(this, function (cb, b8, cc) {
  4701. var ca,
  4702. b7,
  4703. cd = {
  4704. },
  4705. b9 = 0;
  4706. if (bJ.isArray(b8)) {
  4707. ca = br(cb);
  4708. b7 = b8.length;
  4709. for (; b9 < b7; b9++) {
  4710. cd[b8[b9]] = bJ.css(cb, b8[b9], false, ca)
  4711. }
  4712. return cd
  4713. }
  4714. return cc !== undefined ?, b8, cc) : bJ.css(cb, b8)
  4715. }, e, i, arguments.length > 1)
  4716. },
  4717. show: function () {
  4718. return t(this, true)
  4719. },
  4720. hide: function () {
  4721. return t(this)
  4722. },
  4723. toggle: function (e) {
  4724. if (typeof e === 'boolean') {
  4725. return e ? : this.hide()
  4726. }
  4727. return this.each(function () {
  4728. if (T(this)) {
  4729. bJ(this).show()
  4730. } else {
  4731. bJ(this).hide()
  4732. }
  4733. })
  4734. }
  4735. });
  4736. function K(b7, i, b9, e, b8) {
  4737. return new K.prototype.init(b7, i, b9, e, b8)
  4738. }
  4739. bJ.Tween = K;
  4740. K.prototype = {
  4741. constructor: K,
  4742. init: function (b8, i, ca, e, b9, b7) {
  4743. this.elem = b8;
  4744. this.prop = ca;
  4745. this.easing = b9 || 'swing';
  4746. this.options = i;
  4747. this.start = = this.cur();
  4748. this.end = e;
  4749. this.unit = b7 || (bJ.cssNumber[ca] ? '' : 'px')
  4750. },
  4751. cur: function () {
  4752. var e = K.propHooks[this.prop];
  4753. return e && e.get ? e.get(this) : K.propHooks._default.get(this)
  4754. },
  4755. run: function (b7) {
  4756. var i,
  4757. e = K.propHooks[this.prop];
  4758. if (this.options.duration) {
  4759. this.pos = i = bJ.easing[this.easing](b7, this.options.duration * b7, 0, 1, this.options.duration)
  4760. } else {
  4761. this.pos = i = b7
  4762. }
  4763. = (this.end - this.start) * i + this.start;
  4764. if (this.options.step) {
  4765.,, this)
  4766. }
  4767. if (e && e.set) {
  4768. e.set(this)
  4769. } else {
  4770. K.propHooks._default.set(this)
  4771. }
  4772. return this
  4773. }
  4774. };
  4775. K.prototype.init.prototype = K.prototype;
  4776. K.propHooks = {
  4777. _default: {
  4778. get: function (i) {
  4779. var e;
  4780. if (i.elem[i.prop] != null && (! ||[i.prop] == null)) {
  4781. return i.elem[i.prop]
  4782. }
  4783. e = bJ.css(i.elem, i.prop, '');
  4784. return !e || e === 'auto' ? 0 : e
  4785. },
  4786. set: function (e) {
  4787. if (bJ.fx.step[e.prop]) {
  4788. bJ.fx.step[e.prop](e)
  4789. } else {
  4790. if ( && ([bJ.cssProps[e.prop]] != null || bJ.cssHooks[e.prop])) {
  4791., e.prop, + e.unit)
  4792. } else {
  4793. e.elem[e.prop] =
  4794. }
  4795. }
  4796. }
  4797. }
  4798. };
  4799. K.propHooks.scrollTop = K.propHooks.scrollLeft = {
  4800. set: function (e) {
  4801. if (e.elem.nodeType && e.elem.parentNode) {
  4802. e.elem[e.prop] =
  4803. }
  4804. }
  4805. };
  4806. bJ.easing = {
  4807. linear: function (e) {
  4808. return e
  4809. },
  4810. swing: function (e) {
  4811. return 0.5 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI) / 2
  4812. }
  4813. };
  4814. bJ.fx = K.prototype.init;
  4815. bJ.fx.step = {
  4816. };
  4817. var O,
  4818. af,
  4819. bS = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
  4820. bK = new RegExp('^(?:([+-])=|)(' + aF + ')([a-z%]*)$', 'i'),
  4821. bQ = /queueHooks$/,
  4822. aH = [
  4823. j
  4824. ],
  4825. a3 = {
  4826. '*': [
  4827. function (e, cb) {
  4828. var cd = this.createTween(e, cb),
  4829. b9 = cd.cur(),
  4830. b8 = bK.exec(cb),
  4831. cc = b8 && b8[3] || (bJ.cssNumber[e] ? '' : 'px'),
  4832. i = (bJ.cssNumber[e] || cc !== 'px' && + b9) && bK.exec(bJ.css(cd.elem, e)),
  4833. b7 = 1,
  4834. ca = 20;
  4835. if (i && i[3] !== cc) {
  4836. cc = cc || i[3];
  4837. b8 = b8 || [
  4838. ];
  4839. i = + b9 || 1;
  4840. do {
  4841. b7 = b7 || '.5';
  4842. i = i / b7;
  4843., e, i + cc)
  4844. } while (b7 !== (b7 = cd.cur() / b9) && b7 !== 1 && --ca)
  4845. }
  4846. if (b8) {
  4847. i = cd.start = + i || + b9 || 0;
  4848. cd.unit = cc;
  4849. cd.end = b8[1] ? i + (b8[1] + 1) * b8[2] : + b8[2]
  4850. }
  4851. return cd
  4852. }
  4853. ]
  4854. };
  4855. function bo() {
  4856. setTimeout(function () {
  4857. O = undefined
  4858. });
  4859. return (O =
  4860. }
  4861. function bI(b8, ca) {
  4862. var b9,
  4863. e = {
  4864. height: b8
  4865. },
  4866. b7 = 0;
  4867. ca = ca ? 1 : 0;
  4868. for (; b7 < 4; b7 += 2 - ca) {
  4869. b9 = bU[b7];
  4870. e['margin' + b9] = e['padding' + b9] = b8
  4871. }
  4872. if (ca) {
  4873. e.opacity = e.width = b8
  4874. }
  4875. return e
  4876. }
  4877. function be(b9, cb, b8) {
  4878. var i,
  4879. ca = (a3[cb] || [
  4880. ]).concat(a3['*']),
  4881. e = 0,
  4882. b7 = ca.length;
  4883. for (; e < b7; e++) {
  4884. if ((i = ca[e].call(b8, cb, b9))) {
  4885. return i
  4886. }
  4887. }
  4888. }
  4889. function j(b8, cd, e) {
  4890. var b7,
  4891. cg,
  4892. ca,
  4893. cj,
  4894. ck,
  4895. ch,
  4896. cc,
  4897. cf,
  4898. b9 = this,
  4899. ce = {
  4900. },
  4901. i =,
  4902. cb = b8.nodeType && T(b8),
  4903. ci = bJ._data(b8, 'fxshow');
  4904. if (!e.queue) {
  4905. ck = bJ._queueHooks(b8, 'fx');
  4906. if (ck.unqueued == null) {
  4907. ck.unqueued = 0;
  4908. ch =;
  4909. = function () {
  4910. if (!ck.unqueued) {
  4911. ch()
  4912. }
  4913. }
  4914. }
  4915. ck.unqueued++;
  4916. b9.always(function () {
  4917. b9.always(function () {
  4918. ck.unqueued--;
  4919. if (!bJ.queue(b8, 'fx').length) {
  4921. }
  4922. })
  4923. })
  4924. }
  4925. if (b8.nodeType === 1 && ('height' in cd || 'width' in cd)) {
  4926. e.overflow = [
  4927. i.overflow,
  4928. i.overflowX,
  4929. i.overflowY
  4930. ];
  4931. cc = bJ.css(b8, 'display');
  4932. cf = cc === 'none' ? bJ._data(b8, 'olddisplay') || a1(b8.nodeName) : cc;
  4933. if (cf === 'inline' && bJ.css(b8, 'float') === 'none') {
  4934. if (!E.inlineBlockNeedsLayout || a1(b8.nodeName) === 'inline') {
  4935. i.display = 'inline-block'
  4936. } else {
  4937. i.zoom = 1
  4938. }
  4939. }
  4940. }
  4941. if (e.overflow) {
  4942. i.overflow = 'hidden';
  4943. if (!E.shrinkWrapBlocks()) {
  4944. b9.always(function () {
  4945. i.overflow = e.overflow[0];
  4946. i.overflowX = e.overflow[1];
  4947. i.overflowY = e.overflow[2]
  4948. })
  4949. }
  4950. }
  4951. for (b7 in cd) {
  4952. cg = cd[b7];
  4953. if (bS.exec(cg)) {
  4954. delete cd[b7];
  4955. ca = ca || cg === 'toggle';
  4956. if (cg === (cb ? 'hide' : 'show')) {
  4957. if (cg === 'show' && ci && ci[b7] !== undefined) {
  4958. cb = true
  4959. } else {
  4960. continue
  4961. }
  4962. }
  4963. ce[b7] = ci && ci[b7] ||, b7)
  4964. } else {
  4965. cc = undefined
  4966. }
  4967. }
  4968. if (!bJ.isEmptyObject(ce)) {
  4969. if (ci) {
  4970. if ('hidden' in ci) {
  4971. cb = ci.hidden
  4972. }
  4973. } else {
  4974. ci = bJ._data(b8, 'fxshow', {
  4975. })
  4976. }
  4977. if (ca) {
  4978. ci.hidden = !cb
  4979. }
  4980. if (cb) {
  4981. bJ(b8).show()
  4982. } else {
  4983. b9.done(function () {
  4984. bJ(b8).hide()
  4985. })
  4986. }
  4987. b9.done(function () {
  4988. var cl;
  4989. bJ._removeData(b8, 'fxshow');
  4990. for (cl in ce) {
  4991., cl, ce[cl])
  4992. }
  4993. });
  4994. for (b7 in ce) {
  4995. cj = be(cb ? ci[b7] : 0, b7, b9);
  4996. if (!(b7 in ci)) {
  4997. ci[b7] = cj.start;
  4998. if (cb) {
  4999. cj.end = cj.start;
  5000. cj.start = b7 === 'width' || b7 === 'height' ? 1 : 0
  5001. }
  5002. }
  5003. }
  5004. } else {
  5005. if ((cc === 'none' ? a1(b8.nodeName) : cc) === 'inline') {
  5006. i.display = cc
  5007. }
  5008. }
  5009. }
  5010. function ap(b8, ca) {
  5011. var b7,
  5012. i,
  5013. cb,
  5014. b9,
  5015. e;
  5016. for (b7 in b8) {
  5017. i = bJ.camelCase(b7);
  5018. cb = ca[i];
  5019. b9 = b8[b7];
  5020. if (bJ.isArray(b9)) {
  5021. cb = b9[1];
  5022. b9 = b8[b7] = b9[0]
  5023. }
  5024. if (b7 !== i) {
  5025. b8[i] = b9;
  5026. delete b8[b7]
  5027. }
  5028. e = bJ.cssHooks[i];
  5029. if (e && 'expand' in e) {
  5030. b9 = e.expand(b9);
  5031. delete b8[i];
  5032. for (b7 in b9) {
  5033. if (!(b7 in b8)) {
  5034. b8[b7] = b9[b7];
  5035. ca[b7] = cb
  5036. }
  5037. }
  5038. } else {
  5039. ca[i] = cb
  5040. }
  5041. }
  5042. }
  5043. function g(b7, cb, ce) {
  5044. var cf,
  5045. e,
  5046. ca = 0,
  5047. i = aH.length,
  5048. cd = bJ.Deferred().always(function () {
  5049. delete b9.elem
  5050. }),
  5051. b9 = function () {
  5052. if (e) {
  5053. return false
  5054. }
  5055. var cl = O || bo(),
  5056. ci = Math.max(0, b8.startTime + b8.duration - cl),
  5057. cg = ci / b8.duration || 0,
  5058. ck = 1 - cg,
  5059. ch = 0,
  5060. cj = b8.tweens.length;
  5061. for (; ch < cj; ch++) {
  5062. b8.tweens[ch].run(ck)
  5063. }
  5064. cd.notifyWith(b7, [
  5065. b8,
  5066. ck,
  5067. ci
  5068. ]);
  5069. if (ck < 1 && cj) {
  5070. return ci
  5071. } else {
  5072. cd.resolveWith(b7, [
  5073. b8
  5074. ]);
  5075. return false
  5076. }
  5077. },
  5078. b8 = cd.promise({
  5079. elem: b7,
  5080. props: bJ.extend({
  5081. }, cb),
  5082. opts: bJ.extend(true, {
  5083. specialEasing: {
  5084. }
  5085. }, ce),
  5086. originalProperties: cb,
  5087. originalOptions: ce,
  5088. startTime: O || bo(),
  5089. duration: ce.duration,
  5090. tweens: [
  5091. ],
  5092. createTween: function (ci, cg) {
  5093. var ch = bJ.Tween(b7, b8.opts, ci, cg, b8.opts.specialEasing[ci] || b8.opts.easing);
  5094. b8.tweens.push(ch);
  5095. return ch
  5096. },
  5097. stop: function (ch) {
  5098. var cg = 0,
  5099. ci = ch ? b8.tweens.length : 0;
  5100. if (e) {
  5101. return this
  5102. }
  5103. e = true;
  5104. for (; cg < ci; cg++) {
  5105. b8.tweens[cg].run(1)
  5106. }
  5107. if (ch) {
  5108. cd.resolveWith(b7, [
  5109. b8,
  5110. ch
  5111. ])
  5112. } else {
  5113. cd.rejectWith(b7, [
  5114. b8,
  5115. ch
  5116. ])
  5117. }
  5118. return this
  5119. }
  5120. }),
  5121. cc = b8.props;
  5122. ap(cc, b8.opts.specialEasing);
  5123. for (; ca < i; ca++) {
  5124. cf = aH[ca].call(b8, b7, cc, b8.opts);
  5125. if (cf) {
  5126. return cf
  5127. }
  5128. }
  5129., be, b8);
  5130. if (bJ.isFunction(b8.opts.start)) {
  5131., b8)
  5132. }
  5133. bJ.fx.timer(bJ.extend(b9, {
  5134. elem: b7,
  5135. anim: b8,
  5136. queue: b8.opts.queue
  5137. }));
  5138. return b8.progress(b8.opts.progress).done(b8.opts.done, b8.opts.complete).fail(
  5139. }
  5140. bJ.Animation = bJ.extend(g, {
  5141. tweener: function (i, b9) {
  5142. if (bJ.isFunction(i)) {
  5143. b9 = i;
  5144. i = [
  5145. '*'
  5146. ]
  5147. } else {
  5148. i = i.split(' ')
  5149. }
  5150. var b8,
  5151. e = 0,
  5152. b7 = i.length;
  5153. for (; e < b7; e++) {
  5154. b8 = i[e];
  5155. a3[b8] = a3[b8] || [
  5156. ];
  5157. a3[b8].unshift(b9)
  5158. }
  5159. },
  5160. prefilter: function (i, e) {
  5161. if (e) {
  5162. aH.unshift(i)
  5163. } else {
  5164. aH.push(i)
  5165. }
  5166. }
  5167. });
  5168. bJ.speed = function (b7, b8, i) {
  5169. var e = b7 && typeof b7 === 'object' ? bJ.extend({
  5170. }, b7) : {
  5171. complete: i || !i && b8 || bJ.isFunction(b7) && b7,
  5172. duration: b7,
  5173. easing: i && b8 || b8 && !bJ.isFunction(b8) && b8
  5174. };
  5175. e.duration = ? 0 : typeof e.duration === 'number' ? e.duration : e.duration in bJ.fx.speeds ? bJ.fx.speeds[e.duration] : bJ.fx.speeds._default;
  5176. if (e.queue == null || e.queue === true) {
  5177. e.queue = 'fx'
  5178. }
  5179. e.old = e.complete;
  5180. e.complete = function () {
  5181. if (bJ.isFunction(e.old)) {
  5183. }
  5184. if (e.queue) {
  5185. bJ.dequeue(this, e.queue)
  5186. }
  5187. };
  5188. return e
  5189. };
  5190. bJ.fn.extend({
  5191. fadeTo: function (e, b8, b7, i) {
  5192. return this.filter(T).css('opacity', 0).show().end().animate({
  5193. opacity: b8
  5194. }, e, b7, i)
  5195. },
  5196. animate: function (cb, b8, ca, b9) {
  5197. var b7 = bJ.isEmptyObject(cb),
  5198. e = bJ.speed(b8, ca, b9),
  5199. i = function () {
  5200. var cc = g(this, bJ.extend({
  5201. }, cb), e);
  5202. if (b7 || bJ._data(this, 'finish')) {
  5203. cc.stop(true)
  5204. }
  5205. };
  5206. i.finish = i;
  5207. return b7 || e.queue === false ? this.each(i) : this.queue(e.queue, i)
  5208. },
  5209. stop: function (b7, i, e) {
  5210. var b8 = function (b9) {
  5211. var ca = b9.stop;
  5212. delete b9.stop;
  5213. ca(e)
  5214. };
  5215. if (typeof b7 !== 'string') {
  5216. e = i;
  5217. i = b7;
  5218. b7 = undefined
  5219. }
  5220. if (i && b7 !== false) {
  5221. this.queue(b7 || 'fx', [
  5222. ])
  5223. }
  5224. return this.each(function () {
  5225. var cc = true,
  5226. b9 = b7 != null && b7 + 'queueHooks',
  5227. cb = bJ.timers,
  5228. ca = bJ._data(this);
  5229. if (b9) {
  5230. if (ca[b9] && ca[b9].stop) {
  5231. b8(ca[b9])
  5232. }
  5233. } else {
  5234. for (b9 in ca) {
  5235. if (ca[b9] && ca[b9].stop && bQ.test(b9)) {
  5236. b8(ca[b9])
  5237. }
  5238. }
  5239. }
  5240. for (b9 = cb.length; b9--; ) {
  5241. if (cb[b9].elem === this && (b7 == null || cb[b9].queue === b7)) {
  5242. cb[b9].anim.stop(e);
  5243. cc = false;
  5244. cb.splice(b9, 1)
  5245. }
  5246. }
  5247. if (cc || !e) {
  5248. bJ.dequeue(this, b7)
  5249. }
  5250. })
  5251. },
  5252. finish: function (e) {
  5253. if (e !== false) {
  5254. e = e || 'fx'
  5255. }
  5256. return this.each(function () {
  5257. var b8,
  5258. cb = bJ._data(this),
  5259. b7 = cb[e + 'queue'],
  5260. i = cb[e + 'queueHooks'],
  5261. ca = bJ.timers,
  5262. b9 = b7 ? b7.length : 0;
  5263. cb.finish = true;
  5264. bJ.queue(this, e, [
  5265. ]);
  5266. if (i && i.stop) {
  5267., true)
  5268. }
  5269. for (b8 = ca.length; b8--; ) {
  5270. if (ca[b8].elem === this && ca[b8].queue === e) {
  5271. ca[b8].anim.stop(true);
  5272. ca.splice(b8, 1)
  5273. }
  5274. }
  5275. for (b8 = 0; b8 < b9; b8++) {
  5276. if (b7[b8] && b7[b8].finish) {
  5277. b7[b8]
  5278. }
  5279. }
  5280. delete cb.finish
  5281. })
  5282. }
  5283. });
  5284. bJ.each(['toggle',
  5285. 'show',
  5286. 'hide'], function (b7, e) {
  5287. var b8 = bJ.fn[e];
  5288. bJ.fn[e] = function (i, ca, b9) {
  5289. return i == null || typeof i === 'boolean' ? b8.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(bI(e, true), i, ca, b9)
  5290. }
  5291. });
  5292. bJ.each({
  5293. slideDown: bI('show'),
  5294. slideUp: bI('hide'),
  5295. slideToggle: bI('toggle'),
  5296. fadeIn: {
  5297. opacity: 'show'
  5298. },
  5299. fadeOut: {
  5300. opacity: 'hide'
  5301. },
  5302. fadeToggle: {
  5303. opacity: 'toggle'
  5304. }
  5305. }, function (e, i) {
  5306. bJ.fn[e] = function (b7, b9, b8) {
  5307. return this.animate(i, b7, b9, b8)
  5308. }
  5309. });
  5310. bJ.timers = [
  5311. ];
  5312. bJ.fx.tick = function () {
  5313. var b8,
  5314. b7 = bJ.timers,
  5315. e = 0;
  5316. O =;
  5317. for (; e < b7.length; e++) {
  5318. b8 = b7[e];
  5319. if (!b8() && b7[e] === b8) {
  5320. b7.splice(e--, 1)
  5321. }
  5322. }
  5323. if (!b7.length) {
  5324. bJ.fx.stop()
  5325. }
  5326. O = undefined
  5327. };
  5328. bJ.fx.timer = function (e) {
  5329. bJ.timers.push(e);
  5330. if (e()) {
  5331. bJ.fx.start()
  5332. } else {
  5333. bJ.timers.pop()
  5334. }
  5335. };
  5336. bJ.fx.interval = 13;
  5337. bJ.fx.start = function () {
  5338. if (!af) {
  5339. af = setInterval(bJ.fx.tick, bJ.fx.interval)
  5340. }
  5341. };
  5342. bJ.fx.stop = function () {
  5343. clearInterval(af);
  5344. af = null
  5345. };
  5346. bJ.fx.speeds = {
  5347. slow: 600,
  5348. fast: 200,
  5349. _default: 400
  5350. };
  5351. bJ.fn.delay = function (i, e) {
  5352. i = bJ.fx ? bJ.fx.speeds[i] || i : i;
  5353. e = e || 'fx';
  5354. return this.queue(e, function (b8, b7) {
  5355. var b9 = setTimeout(b8, i);
  5356. b7.stop = function () {
  5357. clearTimeout(b9)
  5358. }
  5359. })
  5360. };
  5361. (function () {
  5362. var b7,
  5363. b9,
  5364. e,
  5365. i,
  5366. b8;
  5367. b9 = p.createElement('div');
  5368. b9.setAttribute('className', 't');
  5369. b9.innerHTML = ' <link/><table></table><a href=\'/a\'>a</a><input type=\'checkbox\'/>';
  5370. i = b9.getElementsByTagName('a') [0];
  5371. e = p.createElement('select');
  5372. b8 = e.appendChild(p.createElement('option'));
  5373. b7 = b9.getElementsByTagName('input') [0];
  5374. = 'top:1px';
  5375. E.getSetAttribute = b9.className !== 't';
  5376. = /top/.test(i.getAttribute('style'));
  5377. E.hrefNormalized = i.getAttribute('href') === '/a';
  5378. E.checkOn = !!b7.value;
  5379. E.optSelected = b8.selected;
  5380. E.enctype = !!p.createElement('form').enctype;
  5381. e.disabled = true;
  5382. E.optDisabled = !b8.disabled;
  5383. b7 = p.createElement('input');
  5384. b7.setAttribute('value', '');
  5385. E.input = b7.getAttribute('value') === '';
  5386. b7.value = 't';
  5387. b7.setAttribute('type', 'radio');
  5388. E.radioValue = b7.value === 't'
  5389. }) ();
  5390. var am = /\r/g;
  5391. bJ.fn.extend({
  5392. val: function (b8) {
  5393. var e,
  5394. i,
  5395. b9,
  5396. b7 = this[0];
  5397. if (!arguments.length) {
  5398. if (b7) {
  5399. e = bJ.valHooks[b7.type] || bJ.valHooks[b7.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
  5400. if (e && 'get' in e && (i = e.get(b7, 'value')) !== undefined) {
  5401. return i
  5402. }
  5403. i = b7.value;
  5404. return typeof i === 'string' ? i.replace(am, '') : i == null ? '' : i
  5405. }
  5406. return
  5407. }
  5408. b9 = bJ.isFunction(b8);
  5409. return this.each(function (ca) {
  5410. var cb;
  5411. if (this.nodeType !== 1) {
  5412. return
  5413. }
  5414. if (b9) {
  5415. cb =, ca, bJ(this).val())
  5416. } else {
  5417. cb = b8
  5418. }
  5419. if (cb == null) {
  5420. cb = ''
  5421. } else {
  5422. if (typeof cb === 'number') {
  5423. cb += ''
  5424. } else {
  5425. if (bJ.isArray(cb)) {
  5426. cb =, function (cc) {
  5427. return cc == null ? '' : cc + ''
  5428. })
  5429. }
  5430. }
  5431. }
  5432. e = bJ.valHooks[this.type] || bJ.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
  5433. if (!e || !('set' in e) || e.set(this, cb, 'value') === undefined) {
  5434. this.value = cb
  5435. }
  5436. })
  5437. }
  5438. });
  5439. bJ.extend({
  5440. valHooks: {
  5441. option: {
  5442. get: function (e) {
  5443. var i = bJ.find.attr(e, 'value');
  5444. return i != null ? i : bJ.trim(bJ.text(e))
  5445. }
  5446. },
  5447. select: {
  5448. get: function (e) {
  5449. var cc,
  5450. b8,
  5451. ce = e.options,
  5452. ca = e.selectedIndex,
  5453. b9 = e.type === 'select-one' || ca < 0,
  5454. cd = b9 ? null : [
  5455. ],
  5456. cb = b9 ? ca + 1 : ce.length,
  5457. b7 = ca < 0 ? cb : b9 ? ca : 0;
  5458. for (; b7 < cb; b7++) {
  5459. b8 = ce[b7];
  5460. if ((b8.selected || b7 === ca) && (E.optDisabled ? !b8.disabled : b8.getAttribute('disabled') === null) && (!b8.parentNode.disabled || !bJ.nodeName(b8.parentNode, 'optgroup'))) {
  5461. cc = bJ(b8).val();
  5462. if (b9) {
  5463. return cc
  5464. }
  5465. cd.push(cc)
  5466. }
  5467. }
  5468. return cd
  5469. },
  5470. set: function (cb, cc) {
  5471. var cd,
  5472. ca,
  5473. b8 = cb.options,
  5474. e = bJ.makeArray(cc),
  5475. b9 = b8.length;
  5476. while (b9--) {
  5477. ca = b8[b9];
  5478. if (bJ.inArray(bJ.valHooks.option.get(ca), e) >= 0) {
  5479. try {
  5480. ca.selected = cd = true
  5481. } catch (b7) {
  5482. ca.scrollHeight
  5483. }
  5484. } else {
  5485. ca.selected = false
  5486. }
  5487. }
  5488. if (!cd) {
  5489. cb.selectedIndex = - 1
  5490. }
  5491. return b8
  5492. }
  5493. }
  5494. }
  5495. });
  5496. bJ.each(['radio',
  5497. 'checkbox'], function () {
  5498. bJ.valHooks[this] = {
  5499. set: function (e, i) {
  5500. if (bJ.isArray(i)) {
  5501. return (e.checked = bJ.inArray(bJ(e).val(), i) >= 0)
  5502. }
  5503. }
  5504. };
  5505. if (!E.checkOn) {
  5506. bJ.valHooks[this].get = function (e) {
  5507. return e.getAttribute('value') === null ? 'on' : e.value
  5508. }
  5509. }
  5510. });
  5511. var bb,
  5512. b4,
  5513. bP = bJ.expr.attrHandle,
  5514. ar = /^(?:checked|selected)$/i,
  5515. bO = E.getSetAttribute,
  5516. bG = E.input;
  5517. bJ.fn.extend({
  5518. attr: function (e, i) {
  5519. return aC(this, bJ.attr, e, i, arguments.length > 1)
  5520. },
  5521. removeAttr: function (e) {
  5522. return this.each(function () {
  5523. bJ.removeAttr(this, e)
  5524. })
  5525. }
  5526. });
  5527. bJ.extend({
  5528. attr: function (b9, b8, ca) {
  5529. var e,
  5530. b7,
  5531. i = b9.nodeType;
  5532. if (!b9 || i === 3 || i === 8 || i === 2) {
  5533. return
  5534. }
  5535. if (typeof b9.getAttribute === aD) {
  5536. return bJ.prop(b9, b8, ca)
  5537. }
  5538. if (i !== 1 || !bJ.isXMLDoc(b9)) {
  5539. b8 = b8.toLowerCase();
  5540. e = bJ.attrHooks[b8] || (bJ.expr.match.bool.test(b8) ? b4 : bb)
  5541. }
  5542. if (ca !== undefined) {
  5543. if (ca === null) {
  5544. bJ.removeAttr(b9, b8)
  5545. } else {
  5546. if (e && 'set' in e && (b7 = e.set(b9, ca, b8)) !== undefined) {
  5547. return b7
  5548. } else {
  5549. b9.setAttribute(b8, ca + '');
  5550. return ca
  5551. }
  5552. }
  5553. } else {
  5554. if (e && 'get' in e && (b7 = e.get(b9, b8)) !== null) {
  5555. return b7
  5556. } else {
  5557. b7 = bJ.find.attr(b9, b8);
  5558. return b7 == null ? undefined : b7
  5559. }
  5560. }
  5561. },
  5562. removeAttr: function (b8, ca) {
  5563. var e,
  5564. b9,
  5565. b7 = 0,
  5566. cb = ca && ca.match(aG);
  5567. if (cb && b8.nodeType === 1) {
  5568. while ((e = cb[b7++])) {
  5569. b9 = bJ.propFix[e] || e;
  5570. if (bJ.expr.match.bool.test(e)) {
  5571. if (bG && bO || !ar.test(e)) {
  5572. b8[b9] = false
  5573. } else {
  5574. b8[bJ.camelCase('default-' + e)] = b8[b9] = false
  5575. }
  5576. } else {
  5577. bJ.attr(b8, e, '')
  5578. }
  5579. b8.removeAttribute(bO ? e : b9)
  5580. }
  5581. }
  5582. },
  5583. attrHooks: {
  5584. type: {
  5585. set: function (e, i) {
  5586. if (!E.radioValue && i === 'radio' && bJ.nodeName(e, 'input')) {
  5587. var b7 = e.value;
  5588. e.setAttribute('type', i);
  5589. if (b7) {
  5590. e.value = b7
  5591. }
  5592. return i
  5593. }
  5594. }
  5595. }
  5596. }
  5597. });
  5598. b4 = {
  5599. set: function (i, b7, e) {
  5600. if (b7 === false) {
  5601. bJ.removeAttr(i, e)
  5602. } else {
  5603. if (bG && bO || !ar.test(e)) {
  5604. i.setAttribute(!bO && bJ.propFix[e] || e, e)
  5605. } else {
  5606. i[bJ.camelCase('default-' + e)] = i[e] = true
  5607. }
  5608. }
  5609. return e
  5610. }
  5611. };
  5612. bJ.each(bJ.expr.match.bool.source.match(/\w+/g), function (b8, b7) {
  5613. var e = bP[b7] || bJ.find.attr;
  5614. bP[b7] = bG && bO || !ar.test(b7) ? function (ca, b9, cc) {
  5615. var i,
  5616. cb;
  5617. if (!cc) {
  5618. cb = bP[b9];
  5619. bP[b9] = i;
  5620. i = e(ca, b9, cc) != null ? b9.toLowerCase() : null;
  5621. bP[b9] = cb
  5622. }
  5623. return i
  5624. }
  5625. : function (b9, i, ca) {
  5626. if (!ca) {
  5627. return b9[bJ.camelCase('default-' + i)] ? i.toLowerCase() : null
  5628. }
  5629. }
  5630. });
  5631. if (!bG || !bO) {
  5632. bJ.attrHooks.value = {
  5633. set: function (i, b7, e) {
  5634. if (bJ.nodeName(i, 'input')) {
  5635. i.defaultValue = b7
  5636. } else {
  5637. return bb && bb.set(i, b7, e)
  5638. }
  5639. }
  5640. }
  5641. }
  5642. if (!bO) {
  5643. bb = {
  5644. set: function (b7, b8, i) {
  5645. var e = b7.getAttributeNode(i);
  5646. if (!e) {
  5647. b7.setAttributeNode((e = b7.ownerDocument.createAttribute(i)))
  5648. }
  5649. e.value = b8 += '';
  5650. if (i === 'value' || b8 === b7.getAttribute(i)) {
  5651. return b8
  5652. }
  5653. }
  5654. };
  5655. = = bP.coords = function (b7, i, b8) {
  5656. var e;
  5657. if (!b8) {
  5658. return (e = b7.getAttributeNode(i)) && e.value !== '' ? e.value : null
  5659. }
  5660. };
  5661. bJ.valHooks.button = {
  5662. get: function (b7, i) {
  5663. var e = b7.getAttributeNode(i);
  5664. if (e && e.specified) {
  5665. return e.value
  5666. }
  5667. },
  5668. set: bb.set
  5669. };
  5670. bJ.attrHooks.contenteditable = {
  5671. set: function (i, b7, e) {
  5672. bb.set(i, b7 === '' ? false : b7, e)
  5673. }
  5674. };
  5675. bJ.each(['width',
  5676. 'height'], function (b7, e) {
  5677. bJ.attrHooks[e] = {
  5678. set: function (i, b8) {
  5679. if (b8 === '') {
  5680. i.setAttribute(e, 'auto');
  5681. return b8
  5682. }
  5683. }
  5684. }
  5685. })
  5686. }
  5687. if (! {
  5688. = {
  5689. get: function (e) {
  5690. return || undefined
  5691. },
  5692. set: function (e, i) {
  5693. return ( = i + '')
  5694. }
  5695. }
  5696. }
  5697. var aK = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button|object)$/i,
  5698. G = /^(?:a|area)$/i;
  5699. bJ.fn.extend({
  5700. prop: function (e, i) {
  5701. return aC(this, bJ.prop, e, i, arguments.length > 1)
  5702. },
  5703. removeProp: function (e) {
  5704. e = bJ.propFix[e] || e;
  5705. return this.each(function () {
  5706. try {
  5707. this[e] = undefined;
  5708. delete this[e]
  5709. } catch (i) {
  5710. }
  5711. })
  5712. }
  5713. });
  5714. bJ.extend({
  5715. propFix: {
  5716. 'for': 'htmlFor',
  5717. 'class': 'className'
  5718. },
  5719. prop: function (ca, b8, cb) {
  5720. var b7,
  5721. e,
  5722. b9,
  5723. i = ca.nodeType;
  5724. if (!ca || i === 3 || i === 8 || i === 2) {
  5725. return
  5726. }
  5727. b9 = i !== 1 || !bJ.isXMLDoc(ca);
  5728. if (b9) {
  5729. b8 = bJ.propFix[b8] || b8;
  5730. e = bJ.propHooks[b8]
  5731. }
  5732. if (cb !== undefined) {
  5733. return e && 'set' in e && (b7 = e.set(ca, cb, b8)) !== undefined ? b7 : (ca[b8] = cb)
  5734. } else {
  5735. return e && 'get' in e && (b7 = e.get(ca, b8)) !== null ? b7 : ca[b8]
  5736. }
  5737. },
  5738. propHooks: {
  5739. tabIndex: {
  5740. get: function (i) {
  5741. var e = bJ.find.attr(i, 'tabindex');
  5742. return e ? parseInt(e, 10) : aK.test(i.nodeName) || G.test(i.nodeName) && i.href ? 0 : - 1
  5743. }
  5744. }
  5745. }
  5746. });
  5747. if (!E.hrefNormalized) {
  5748. bJ.each(['href',
  5749. 'src'], function (b7, e) {
  5750. bJ.propHooks[e] = {
  5751. get: function (i) {
  5752. return i.getAttribute(e, 4)
  5753. }
  5754. }
  5755. })
  5756. }
  5757. if (!E.optSelected) {
  5758. bJ.propHooks.selected = {
  5759. get: function (i) {
  5760. var e = i.parentNode;
  5761. if (e) {
  5762. e.selectedIndex;
  5763. if (e.parentNode) {
  5764. e.parentNode.selectedIndex
  5765. }
  5766. }
  5767. return null
  5768. }
  5769. }
  5770. }
  5771. bJ.each(['tabIndex',
  5772. 'readOnly',
  5773. 'maxLength',
  5774. 'cellSpacing',
  5775. 'cellPadding',
  5776. 'rowSpan',
  5777. 'colSpan',
  5778. 'useMap',
  5779. 'frameBorder',
  5780. 'contentEditable'], function () {
  5781. bJ.propFix[this.toLowerCase()] = this
  5782. });
  5783. if (!E.enctype) {
  5784. bJ.propFix.enctype = 'encoding'
  5785. }
  5786. var bM = /[\t\r\n\f]/g;
  5787. bJ.fn.extend({
  5788. addClass: function (ce) {
  5789. var b8,
  5790. b7,
  5791. cf,
  5792. cc,
  5793. b9,
  5794. e,
  5795. ca = 0,
  5796. cb = this.length,
  5797. cd = typeof ce === 'string' && ce;
  5798. if (bJ.isFunction(ce)) {
  5799. return this.each(function (i) {
  5800. bJ(this).addClass(, i, this.className))
  5801. })
  5802. }
  5803. if (cd) {
  5804. b8 = (ce || '').match(aG) || [
  5805. ];
  5806. for (; ca < cb; ca++) {
  5807. b7 = this[ca];
  5808. cf = b7.nodeType === 1 && (b7.className ? (' ' + b7.className + ' ').replace(bM, ' ') : ' ');
  5809. if (cf) {
  5810. b9 = 0;
  5811. while ((cc = b8[b9++])) {
  5812. if (cf.indexOf(' ' + cc + ' ') < 0) {
  5813. cf += cc + ' '
  5814. }
  5815. }
  5816. e = bJ.trim(cf);
  5817. if (b7.className !== e) {
  5818. b7.className = e
  5819. }
  5820. }
  5821. }
  5822. }
  5823. return this
  5824. },
  5825. removeClass: function (ce) {
  5826. var b8,
  5827. b7,
  5828. cf,
  5829. cc,
  5830. b9,
  5831. e,
  5832. ca = 0,
  5833. cb = this.length,
  5834. cd = arguments.length === 0 || typeof ce === 'string' && ce;
  5835. if (bJ.isFunction(ce)) {
  5836. return this.each(function (i) {
  5837. bJ(this).removeClass(, i, this.className))
  5838. })
  5839. }
  5840. if (cd) {
  5841. b8 = (ce || '').match(aG) || [
  5842. ];
  5843. for (; ca < cb; ca++) {
  5844. b7 = this[ca];
  5845. cf = b7.nodeType === 1 && (b7.className ? (' ' + b7.className + ' ').replace(bM, ' ') : '');
  5846. if (cf) {
  5847. b9 = 0;
  5848. while ((cc = b8[b9++])) {
  5849. while (cf.indexOf(' ' + cc + ' ') >= 0) {
  5850. cf = cf.replace(' ' + cc + ' ', ' ')
  5851. }
  5852. }
  5853. e = ce ? bJ.trim(cf) : '';
  5854. if (b7.className !== e) {
  5855. b7.className = e
  5856. }
  5857. }
  5858. }
  5859. }
  5860. return this
  5861. },
  5862. toggleClass: function (b7, e) {
  5863. var i = typeof b7;
  5864. if (typeof e === 'boolean' && i === 'string') {
  5865. return e ? this.addClass(b7) : this.removeClass(b7)
  5866. }
  5867. if (bJ.isFunction(b7)) {
  5868. return this.each(function (b8) {
  5869. bJ(this).toggleClass(, b8, this.className, e), e)
  5870. })
  5871. }
  5872. return this.each(function () {
  5873. if (i === 'string') {
  5874. var ca,
  5875. b9 = 0,
  5876. b8 = bJ(this),
  5877. cb = b7.match(aG) || [
  5878. ];
  5879. while ((ca = cb[b9++])) {
  5880. if (b8.hasClass(ca)) {
  5881. b8.removeClass(ca)
  5882. } else {
  5883. b8.addClass(ca)
  5884. }
  5885. }
  5886. } else {
  5887. if (i === aD || i === 'boolean') {
  5888. if (this.className) {
  5889. bJ._data(this, '__className__', this.className)
  5890. }
  5891. this.className = this.className || b7 === false ? '' : bJ._data(this, '__className__') || ''
  5892. }
  5893. }
  5894. })
  5895. },
  5896. hasClass: function (e) {
  5897. var b9 = ' ' + e + ' ',
  5898. b8 = 0,
  5899. b7 = this.length;
  5900. for (; b8 < b7; b8++) {
  5901. if (this[b8].nodeType === 1 && (' ' + this[b8].className + ' ').replace(bM, ' ').indexOf(b9) >= 0) {
  5902. return true
  5903. }
  5904. }
  5905. return false
  5906. }
  5907. });
  5908. bJ.each(('blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu').split(' '), function (b7, e) {
  5909. bJ.fn[e] = function (b8, i) {
  5910. return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(e, null, b8, i) : this.trigger(e)
  5911. }
  5912. });
  5913. bJ.fn.extend({
  5914. hover: function (e, i) {
  5915. return this.mouseenter(e).mouseleave(i || e)
  5916. },
  5917. bind: function (e, b7, i) {
  5918. return this.on(e, null, b7, i)
  5919. },
  5920. unbind: function (e, i) {
  5921. return, null, i)
  5922. },
  5923. delegate: function (e, i, b8, b7) {
  5924. return this.on(i, e, b8, b7)
  5925. },
  5926. undelegate: function (e, i, b7) {
  5927. return arguments.length === 1 ?, '**') :, e || '**', b7)
  5928. }
  5929. });
  5930. var bq =;
  5931. var bR = (/\?/);
  5932. var a2 = /(,)|(\[|{)|(}|])|"(?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\["\\\/bfnrt]|\\u[\da-fA-F]{4})*"\s*:?|true|false|null|-?(?!0\d)\d+(?:\.\d+|)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/g;
  5933. bJ.parseJSON = function (e) {
  5934. if (a6.JSON && a6.JSON.parse) {
  5935. return a6.JSON.parse(e + '')
  5936. }
  5937. var b8,
  5938. b7 = null,
  5939. i = bJ.trim(e + '');
  5940. return i && !bJ.trim(i.replace(a2, function (cb, b9, ca, cc) {
  5941. if (b8 && b9) {
  5942. b7 = 0
  5943. }
  5944. if (b7 === 0) {
  5945. return cb
  5946. }
  5947. b8 = ca || b9;
  5948. b7 += !cc - !ca;
  5949. return ''
  5950. })) ? (Function('return ' + i)) () : bJ.error('Invalid JSON: ' + e)
  5951. };
  5952. bJ.parseXML = function (b8) {
  5953. var i,
  5954. b7;
  5955. if (!b8 || typeof b8 !== 'string') {
  5956. return null
  5957. }
  5958. try {
  5959. if (a6.DOMParser) {
  5960. b7 = new DOMParser();
  5961. i = b7.parseFromString(b8, 'text/xml')
  5962. } else {
  5963. i = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
  5964. i.async = 'false';
  5965. i.loadXML(b8)
  5966. }
  5967. } catch (b9) {
  5968. i = undefined
  5969. }
  5970. if (!i || !i.documentElement || i.getElementsByTagName('parsererror').length) {
  5971. bJ.error('Invalid XML: ' + b8)
  5972. }
  5973. return i
  5974. };
  5975. var b5,
  5976. ab,
  5977. aq = /#.*$/,
  5978. S = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
  5979. ai = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/gm,
  5980. D = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
  5981. s = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
  5982. aL = /^\/\//,
  5983. aW = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*@|)([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/,
  5984. x = {
  5985. },
  5986. ba = {
  5987. },
  5988. aY = '*/'.concat('*');
  5989. try {
  5990. ab = location.href
  5991. } catch (bj) {
  5992. ab = p.createElement('a');
  5993. ab.href = '';
  5994. ab = ab.href
  5995. }
  5996. b5 = aW.exec(ab.toLowerCase()) || [
  5997. ];
  5998. function bL(e) {
  5999. return function (ca, cb) {
  6000. if (typeof ca !== 'string') {
  6001. cb = ca;
  6002. ca = '*'
  6003. }
  6004. var b7,
  6005. b8 = 0,
  6006. b9 = ca.toLowerCase().match(aG) || [
  6007. ];
  6008. if (bJ.isFunction(cb)) {
  6009. while ((b7 = b9[b8++])) {
  6010. if (b7.charAt(0) === '+') {
  6011. b7 = b7.slice(1) || '*';
  6012. (e[b7] = e[b7] || [
  6013. ]).unshift(cb)
  6014. } else {
  6015. (e[b7] = e[b7] || [
  6016. ]).push(cb)
  6017. }
  6018. }
  6019. }
  6020. }
  6021. }
  6022. function r(e, b7, cb, b8) {
  6023. var i = {
  6024. },
  6025. b9 = (e === ba);
  6026. function ca(cc) {
  6027. var cd;
  6028. i[cc] = true;
  6029. bJ.each(e[cc] || [
  6030. ], function (cf, ce) {
  6031. var cg = ce(b7, cb, b8);
  6032. if (typeof cg === 'string' && !b9 && !i[cg]) {
  6033. b7.dataTypes.unshift(cg);
  6034. ca(cg);
  6035. return false
  6036. } else {
  6037. if (b9) {
  6038. return !(cd = cg)
  6039. }
  6040. }
  6041. });
  6042. return cd
  6043. }
  6044. return ca(b7.dataTypes[0]) || !i['*'] && ca('*')
  6045. }
  6046. function u(b7, b8) {
  6047. var e,
  6048. i,
  6049. b9 = bJ.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {
  6050. };
  6051. for (i in b8) {
  6052. if (b8[i] !== undefined) {
  6053. (b9[i] ? b7 : (e || (e = {
  6054. }))) [i] = b8[i]
  6055. }
  6056. }
  6057. if (e) {
  6058. bJ.extend(true, b7, e)
  6059. }
  6060. return b7
  6061. }
  6062. function h(cd, cc, b9) {
  6063. var e,
  6064. b8,
  6065. b7,
  6066. ca,
  6067. i = cd.contents,
  6068. cb = cd.dataTypes;
  6069. while (cb[0] === '*') {
  6070. cb.shift();
  6071. if (b8 === undefined) {
  6072. b8 = cd.mimeType || cc.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')
  6073. }
  6074. }
  6075. if (b8) {
  6076. for (ca in i) {
  6077. if (i[ca] && i[ca].test(b8)) {
  6078. cb.unshift(ca);
  6079. break
  6080. }
  6081. }
  6082. }
  6083. if (cb[0] in b9) {
  6084. b7 = cb[0]
  6085. } else {
  6086. for (ca in b9) {
  6087. if (!cb[0] || cd.converters[ca + ' ' + cb[0]]) {
  6088. b7 = ca;
  6089. break
  6090. }
  6091. if (!e) {
  6092. e = ca
  6093. }
  6094. }
  6095. b7 = b7 || e
  6096. }
  6097. if (b7) {
  6098. if (b7 !== cb[0]) {
  6099. cb.unshift(b7)
  6100. }
  6101. return b9[b7]
  6102. }
  6103. }
  6104. function ah(ch, b9, ce, b7) {
  6105. var i,
  6106. cc,
  6107. cf,
  6108. ca,
  6109. b8,
  6110. cg = {
  6111. },
  6112. cd = ch.dataTypes.slice();
  6113. if (cd[1]) {
  6114. for (cf in ch.converters) {
  6115. cg[cf.toLowerCase()] = ch.converters[cf]
  6116. }
  6117. }
  6118. cc = cd.shift();
  6119. while (cc) {
  6120. if (ch.responseFields[cc]) {
  6121. ce[ch.responseFields[cc]] = b9
  6122. }
  6123. if (!b8 && b7 && ch.dataFilter) {
  6124. b9 = ch.dataFilter(b9, ch.dataType)
  6125. }
  6126. b8 = cc;
  6127. cc = cd.shift();
  6128. if (cc) {
  6129. if (cc === '*') {
  6130. cc = b8
  6131. } else {
  6132. if (b8 !== '*' && b8 !== cc) {
  6133. cf = cg[b8 + ' ' + cc] || cg['* ' + cc];
  6134. if (!cf) {
  6135. for (i in cg) {
  6136. ca = i.split(' ');
  6137. if (ca[1] === cc) {
  6138. cf = cg[b8 + ' ' + ca[0]] || cg['* ' + ca[0]];
  6139. if (cf) {
  6140. if (cf === true) {
  6141. cf = cg[i]
  6142. } else {
  6143. if (cg[i] !== true) {
  6144. cc = ca[0];
  6145. cd.unshift(ca[1])
  6146. }
  6147. }
  6148. break
  6149. }
  6150. }
  6151. }
  6152. }
  6153. if (cf !== true) {
  6154. if (cf && ch['throws']) {
  6155. b9 = cf(b9)
  6156. } else {
  6157. try {
  6158. b9 = cf(b9)
  6159. } catch (cb) {
  6160. return {
  6161. state: 'parsererror',
  6162. error: cf ? cb : 'No conversion from ' + b8 + ' to ' + cc
  6163. }
  6164. }
  6165. }
  6166. }
  6167. }
  6168. }
  6169. }
  6170. }
  6171. return {
  6172. state: 'success',
  6173. data: b9
  6174. }
  6175. }
  6176. bJ.extend({
  6177. active: 0,
  6178. lastModified: {
  6179. },
  6180. etag: {
  6181. },
  6182. ajaxSettings: {
  6183. url: ab,
  6184. type: 'GET',
  6185. isLocal: D.test(b5[1]),
  6186. global: true,
  6187. processData: true,
  6188. async: true,
  6189. contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
  6190. accepts: {
  6191. '*': aY,
  6192. text: 'text/plain',
  6193. html: 'text/html',
  6194. xml: 'application/xml, text/xml',
  6195. json: 'application/json, text/javascript'
  6196. },
  6197. contents: {
  6198. xml: /xml/,
  6199. html: /html/,
  6200. json: /json/
  6201. },
  6202. responseFields: {
  6203. xml: 'responseXML',
  6204. text: 'responseText',
  6205. json: 'responseJSON'
  6206. },
  6207. converters: {
  6208. '* text': String,
  6209. 'text html': true,
  6210. 'text json': bJ.parseJSON,
  6211. 'text xml': bJ.parseXML
  6212. },
  6213. flatOptions: {
  6214. url: true,
  6215. context: true
  6216. }
  6217. },
  6218. ajaxSetup: function (i, e) {
  6219. return e ? u(u(i, bJ.ajaxSettings), e) : u(bJ.ajaxSettings, i)
  6220. },
  6221. ajaxPrefilter: bL(x),
  6222. ajaxTransport: bL(ba),
  6223. ajax: function (cb, b8) {
  6224. if (typeof cb === 'object') {
  6225. b8 = cb;
  6226. cb = undefined
  6227. }
  6228. b8 = b8 || {
  6229. };
  6230. var ck,
  6231. cm,
  6232. cc,
  6233. cr,
  6234. cg,
  6235. b7,
  6236. cn,
  6237. b9,
  6238. cf = bJ.ajaxSetup({
  6239. }, b8),
  6240. ct = cf.context || cf,
  6241. ci = cf.context && (ct.nodeType || ct.jquery) ? bJ(ct) : bJ.event,
  6242. cs = bJ.Deferred(),
  6243. cp = bJ.Callbacks('once memory'),
  6244. cd = cf.statusCode || {
  6245. },
  6246. cj = {
  6247. },
  6248. cq = {
  6249. },
  6250. ca = 0,
  6251. ce = 'canceled',
  6252. cl = {
  6253. readyState: 0,
  6254. getResponseHeader: function (i) {
  6255. var e;
  6256. if (ca === 2) {
  6257. if (!b9) {
  6258. b9 = {
  6259. };
  6260. while ((e = ai.exec(cr))) {
  6261. b9[e[1].toLowerCase()] = e[2]
  6262. }
  6263. }
  6264. e = b9[i.toLowerCase()]
  6265. }
  6266. return e == null ? null : e
  6267. },
  6268. getAllResponseHeaders: function () {
  6269. return ca === 2 ? cr : null
  6270. },
  6271. setRequestHeader: function (i, cu) {
  6272. var e = i.toLowerCase();
  6273. if (!ca) {
  6274. i = cq[e] = cq[e] || i;
  6275. cj[i] = cu
  6276. }
  6277. return this
  6278. },
  6279. overrideMimeType: function (e) {
  6280. if (!ca) {
  6281. cf.mimeType = e
  6282. }
  6283. return this
  6284. },
  6285. statusCode: function (i) {
  6286. var e;
  6287. if (i) {
  6288. if (ca < 2) {
  6289. for (e in i) {
  6290. cd[e] = [
  6291. cd[e],
  6292. i[e]
  6293. ]
  6294. }
  6295. } else {
  6296. cl.always(i[cl.status])
  6297. }
  6298. }
  6299. return this
  6300. },
  6301. abort: function (i) {
  6302. var e = i || ce;
  6303. if (cn) {
  6304. cn.abort(e)
  6305. }
  6306. ch(0, e);
  6307. return this
  6308. }
  6309. };
  6310. cs.promise(cl).complete = cp.add;
  6311. cl.success = cl.done;
  6312. cl.error =;
  6313. cf.url = ((cb || cf.url || ab) + '').replace(aq, '').replace(aL, b5[1] + '//');
  6314. cf.type = b8.method || b8.type || cf.method || cf.type;
  6315. cf.dataTypes = bJ.trim(cf.dataType || '*').toLowerCase().match(aG) || [
  6316. ''
  6317. ];
  6318. if (cf.crossDomain == null) {
  6319. ck = aW.exec(cf.url.toLowerCase());
  6320. cf.crossDomain = !!(ck && (ck[1] !== b5[1] || ck[2] !== b5[2] || (ck[3] || (ck[1] === 'http:' ? '80' : '443')) !== (b5[3] || (b5[1] === 'http:' ? '80' : '443'))))
  6321. }
  6322. if ( && cf.processData && typeof !== 'string') {
  6323. = bJ.param(, cf.traditional)
  6324. }
  6325. r(x, cf, b8, cl);
  6326. if (ca === 2) {
  6327. return cl
  6328. }
  6329. b7 =;
  6330. if (b7 && === 0) {
  6331. bJ.event.trigger('ajaxStart')
  6332. }
  6333. cf.type = cf.type.toUpperCase();
  6334. cf.hasContent = !s.test(cf.type);
  6335. cc = cf.url;
  6336. if (!cf.hasContent) {
  6337. if ( {
  6338. cc = (cf.url += (bR.test(cc) ? '&' : '?') +;
  6339. delete
  6340. }
  6341. if (cf.cache === false) {
  6342. cf.url = S.test(cc) ? cc.replace(S, '$1_=' + bq++) : cc + (bR.test(cc) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + bq++
  6343. }
  6344. }
  6345. if (cf.ifModified) {
  6346. if (bJ.lastModified[cc]) {
  6347. cl.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', bJ.lastModified[cc])
  6348. }
  6349. if (bJ.etag[cc]) {
  6350. cl.setRequestHeader('If-None-Match', bJ.etag[cc])
  6351. }
  6352. }
  6353. if ( && cf.hasContent && cf.contentType !== false || b8.contentType) {
  6354. cl.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', cf.contentType)
  6355. }
  6356. cl.setRequestHeader('Accept', cf.dataTypes[0] && cf.accepts[cf.dataTypes[0]] ? cf.accepts[cf.dataTypes[0]] + (cf.dataTypes[0] !== '*' ? ', ' + aY + '; q=0.01' : '') : cf.accepts['*']);
  6357. for (cm in cf.headers) {
  6358. cl.setRequestHeader(cm, cf.headers[cm])
  6359. }
  6360. if (cf.beforeSend && (, cl, cf) === false || ca === 2)) {
  6361. return cl.abort()
  6362. }
  6363. ce = 'abort';
  6364. for (cm in {
  6365. success: 1,
  6366. error: 1,
  6367. complete: 1
  6368. }) {
  6369. cl[cm](cf[cm])
  6370. }
  6371. cn = r(ba, cf, b8, cl);
  6372. if (!cn) {
  6373. ch( - 1, 'No Transport')
  6374. } else {
  6375. cl.readyState = 1;
  6376. if (b7) {
  6377. ci.trigger('ajaxSend', [
  6378. cl,
  6379. cf
  6380. ])
  6381. }
  6382. if (cf.async && cf.timeout > 0) {
  6383. cg = setTimeout(function () {
  6384. cl.abort('timeout')
  6385. }, cf.timeout)
  6386. }
  6387. try {
  6388. ca = 1;
  6389. cn.send(cj, ch)
  6390. } catch (co) {
  6391. if (ca < 2) {
  6392. ch( - 1, co)
  6393. } else {
  6394. throw co
  6395. }
  6396. }
  6397. }
  6398. function ch(cx, i, cy, cv) {
  6399. var e,
  6400. cB,
  6401. cz,
  6402. cw,
  6403. cA,
  6404. cu = i;
  6405. if (ca === 2) {
  6406. return
  6407. }
  6408. ca = 2;
  6409. if (cg) {
  6410. clearTimeout(cg)
  6411. }
  6412. cn = undefined;
  6413. cr = cv || '';
  6414. cl.readyState = cx > 0 ? 4 : 0;
  6415. e = cx >= 200 && cx < 300 || cx === 304;
  6416. if (cy) {
  6417. cw = h(cf, cl, cy)
  6418. }
  6419. cw = ah(cf, cw, cl, e);
  6420. if (e) {
  6421. if (cf.ifModified) {
  6422. cA = cl.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified');
  6423. if (cA) {
  6424. bJ.lastModified[cc] = cA
  6425. }
  6426. cA = cl.getResponseHeader('etag');
  6427. if (cA) {
  6428. bJ.etag[cc] = cA
  6429. }
  6430. }
  6431. if (cx === 204 || cf.type === 'HEAD') {
  6432. cu = 'nocontent'
  6433. } else {
  6434. if (cx === 304) {
  6435. cu = 'notmodified'
  6436. } else {
  6437. cu = cw.state;
  6438. cB =;
  6439. cz = cw.error;
  6440. e = !cz
  6441. }
  6442. }
  6443. } else {
  6444. cz = cu;
  6445. if (cx || !cu) {
  6446. cu = 'error';
  6447. if (cx < 0) {
  6448. cx = 0
  6449. }
  6450. }
  6451. }
  6452. cl.status = cx;
  6453. cl.statusText = (i || cu) + '';
  6454. if (e) {
  6455. cs.resolveWith(ct, [
  6456. cB,
  6457. cu,
  6458. cl
  6459. ])
  6460. } else {
  6461. cs.rejectWith(ct, [
  6462. cl,
  6463. cu,
  6464. cz
  6465. ])
  6466. }
  6467. cl.statusCode(cd);
  6468. cd = undefined;
  6469. if (b7) {
  6470. ci.trigger(e ? 'ajaxSuccess' : 'ajaxError', [
  6471. cl,
  6472. cf,
  6473. e ? cB : cz
  6474. ])
  6475. }
  6476. cp.fireWith(ct, [
  6477. cl,
  6478. cu
  6479. ]);
  6480. if (b7) {
  6481. ci.trigger('ajaxComplete', [
  6482. cl,
  6483. cf
  6484. ]);
  6485. if (!( {
  6486. bJ.event.trigger('ajaxStop')
  6487. }
  6488. }
  6489. }
  6490. return cl
  6491. },
  6492. getJSON: function (e, i, b7) {
  6493. return bJ.get(e, i, b7, 'json')
  6494. },
  6495. getScript: function (e, i) {
  6496. return bJ.get(e, undefined, i, 'script')
  6497. }
  6498. });
  6499. bJ.each(['get',
  6500. 'post'], function (e, b7) {
  6501. bJ[b7] = function (i, b9, ca, b8) {
  6502. if (bJ.isFunction(b9)) {
  6503. b8 = b8 || ca;
  6504. ca = b9;
  6505. b9 = undefined
  6506. }
  6507. return bJ.ajax({
  6508. url: i,
  6509. type: b7,
  6510. dataType: b8,
  6511. data: b9,
  6512. success: ca
  6513. })
  6514. }
  6515. });
  6516. bJ.each(['ajaxStart',
  6517. 'ajaxStop',
  6518. 'ajaxComplete',
  6519. 'ajaxError',
  6520. 'ajaxSuccess',
  6521. 'ajaxSend'], function (e, b7) {
  6522. bJ.fn[b7] = function (i) {
  6523. return this.on(b7, i)
  6524. }
  6525. });
  6526. bJ._evalUrl = function (e) {
  6527. return bJ.ajax({
  6528. url: e,
  6529. type: 'GET',
  6530. dataType: 'script',
  6531. async: false,
  6532. global: false,
  6533. 'throws': true
  6534. })
  6535. };
  6536. bJ.fn.extend({
  6537. wrapAll: function (e) {
  6538. if (bJ.isFunction(e)) {
  6539. return this.each(function (b7) {
  6540. bJ(this).wrapAll(, b7))
  6541. })
  6542. }
  6543. if (this[0]) {
  6544. var i = bJ(e, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(true);
  6545. if (this[0].parentNode) {
  6546. i.insertBefore(this[0])
  6547. }
  6548. () {
  6549. var b7 = this;
  6550. while (b7.firstChild && b7.firstChild.nodeType === 1) {
  6551. b7 = b7.firstChild
  6552. }
  6553. return b7
  6554. }).append(this)
  6555. }
  6556. return this
  6557. },
  6558. wrapInner: function (e) {
  6559. if (bJ.isFunction(e)) {
  6560. return this.each(function (b7) {
  6561. bJ(this).wrapInner(, b7))
  6562. })
  6563. }
  6564. return this.each(function () {
  6565. var i = bJ(this),
  6566. b7 = i.contents();
  6567. if (b7.length) {
  6568. b7.wrapAll(e)
  6569. } else {
  6570. i.append(e)
  6571. }
  6572. })
  6573. },
  6574. wrap: function (e) {
  6575. var i = bJ.isFunction(e);
  6576. return this.each(function (b7) {
  6577. bJ(this).wrapAll(i ?, b7) : e)
  6578. })
  6579. },
  6580. unwrap: function () {
  6581. return this.parent().each(function () {
  6582. if (!bJ.nodeName(this, 'body')) {
  6583. bJ(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes)
  6584. }
  6585. }).end()
  6586. }
  6587. });
  6588. bJ.expr.filters.hidden = function (e) {
  6589. return e.offsetWidth <= 0 && e.offsetHeight <= 0 || (!E.reliableHiddenOffsets() && (( && || bJ.css(e, 'display')) === 'none')
  6590. };
  6591. bJ.expr.filters.visible = function (e) {
  6592. return !bJ.expr.filters.hidden(e)
  6593. };
  6594. var bx = /%20/g,
  6595. aT = /\[\]$/,
  6596. Y = /\r?\n/g,
  6597. c = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i,
  6598. av = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;
  6599. function k(b7, b9, i, b8) {
  6600. var e;
  6601. if (bJ.isArray(b9)) {
  6602. bJ.each(b9, function (cb, ca) {
  6603. if (i || aT.test(b7)) {
  6604. b8(b7, ca)
  6605. } else {
  6606. k(b7 + '[' + (typeof ca === 'object' ? cb : '') + ']', ca, i, b8)
  6607. }
  6608. })
  6609. } else {
  6610. if (!i && bJ.type(b9) === 'object') {
  6611. for (e in b9) {
  6612. k(b7 + '[' + e + ']', b9[e], i, b8)
  6613. }
  6614. } else {
  6615. b8(b7, b9)
  6616. }
  6617. }
  6618. }
  6619. bJ.param = function (e, b7) {
  6620. var b8,
  6621. i = [
  6622. ],
  6623. b9 = function (ca, cb) {
  6624. cb = bJ.isFunction(cb) ? cb() : (cb == null ? '' : cb);
  6625. i[i.length] = encodeURIComponent(ca) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(cb)
  6626. };
  6627. if (b7 === undefined) {
  6628. b7 = bJ.ajaxSettings && bJ.ajaxSettings.traditional
  6629. }
  6630. if (bJ.isArray(e) || (e.jquery && !bJ.isPlainObject(e))) {
  6631. bJ.each(e, function () {
  6632. b9(, this.value)
  6633. })
  6634. } else {
  6635. for (b8 in e) {
  6636. k(b8, e[b8], b7, b9)
  6637. }
  6638. }
  6639. return i.join('&').replace(bx, '+')
  6640. };
  6641. bJ.fn.extend({
  6642. serialize: function () {
  6643. return bJ.param(this.serializeArray())
  6644. },
  6645. serializeArray: function () {
  6646. return () {
  6647. var e = bJ.prop(this, 'elements');
  6648. return e ? bJ.makeArray(e) : this
  6649. }).filter(function () {
  6650. var e = this.type;
  6651. return && !bJ(this).is(':disabled') && av.test(this.nodeName) && !c.test(e) && (this.checked || !aN.test(e))
  6652. }).map(function (e, b7) {
  6653. var b8 = bJ(this).val();
  6654. return b8 == null ? null : bJ.isArray(b8) ?, function (i) {
  6655. return {
  6656. name:,
  6657. value: i.replace(Y, '\r\n')
  6658. }
  6659. }) : {
  6660. name:,
  6661. value: b8.replace(Y, '\r\n')
  6662. }
  6663. }).get()
  6664. }
  6665. });
  6666. bJ.ajaxSettings.xhr = a6.ActiveXObject !== undefined ? function () {
  6667. return !this.isLocal && /^(get|post|head|put|delete|options)$/i.test(this.type) && bF() || bh()
  6668. }
  6669. : bF;
  6670. var aB = 0,
  6671. ak = {
  6672. },
  6673. az = bJ.ajaxSettings.xhr();
  6674. if (a6.ActiveXObject) {
  6675. bJ(a6).on('unload', function () {
  6676. for (var e in ak) {
  6677. ak[e](undefined, true)
  6678. }
  6679. })
  6680. }
  6681. E.cors = !!az && ('withCredentials' in az);
  6682. az = E.ajax = !!az;
  6683. if (az) {
  6684. bJ.ajaxTransport(function (e) {
  6685. if (!e.crossDomain || E.cors) {
  6686. var i;
  6687. return {
  6688. send: function (ca, b7) {
  6689. var b8,
  6690. b9 = e.xhr(),
  6691. cb = ++aB;
  6692., e.url, e.async, e.username, e.password);
  6693. if (e.xhrFields) {
  6694. for (b8 in e.xhrFields) {
  6695. b9[b8] = e.xhrFields[b8]
  6696. }
  6697. }
  6698. if (e.mimeType && b9.overrideMimeType) {
  6699. b9.overrideMimeType(e.mimeType)
  6700. }
  6701. if (!e.crossDomain && !ca['X-Requested-With']) {
  6702. ca['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
  6703. }
  6704. for (b8 in ca) {
  6705. if (ca[b8] !== undefined) {
  6706. b9.setRequestHeader(b8, ca[b8] + '')
  6707. }
  6708. }
  6709. b9.send((e.hasContent && || null);
  6710. i = function (ce, cd) {
  6711. var cc,
  6712. ch,
  6713. cf;
  6714. if (i && (cd || b9.readyState === 4)) {
  6715. delete ak[cb];
  6716. i = undefined;
  6717. b9.onreadystatechange = bJ.noop;
  6718. if (cd) {
  6719. if (b9.readyState !== 4) {
  6720. b9.abort()
  6721. }
  6722. } else {
  6723. cf = {
  6724. };
  6725. cc = b9.status;
  6726. if (typeof b9.responseText === 'string') {
  6727. cf.text = b9.responseText
  6728. }
  6729. try {
  6730. ch = b9.statusText
  6731. } catch (cg) {
  6732. ch = ''
  6733. }
  6734. if (!cc && e.isLocal && !e.crossDomain) {
  6735. cc = cf.text ? 200 : 404
  6736. } else {
  6737. if (cc === 1223) {
  6738. cc = 204
  6739. }
  6740. }
  6741. }
  6742. }
  6743. if (cf) {
  6744. b7(cc, ch, cf, b9.getAllResponseHeaders())
  6745. }
  6746. };
  6747. if (!e.async) {
  6748. i()
  6749. } else {
  6750. if (b9.readyState === 4) {
  6751. setTimeout(i)
  6752. } else {
  6753. b9.onreadystatechange = ak[cb] = i
  6754. }
  6755. }
  6756. },
  6757. abort: function () {
  6758. if (i) {
  6759. i(undefined, true)
  6760. }
  6761. }
  6762. }
  6763. }
  6764. })
  6765. }
  6766. function bF() {
  6767. try {
  6768. return new a6.XMLHttpRequest()
  6769. } catch (i) {
  6770. }
  6771. }
  6772. function bh() {
  6773. try {
  6774. return new a6.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
  6775. } catch (i) {
  6776. }
  6777. }
  6778. bJ.ajaxSetup({
  6779. accepts: {
  6780. script: 'text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript'
  6781. },
  6782. contents: {
  6783. script: /(?:java|ecma)script/
  6784. },
  6785. converters: {
  6786. 'text script': function (e) {
  6787. bJ.globalEval(e);
  6788. return e
  6789. }
  6790. }
  6791. });
  6792. bJ.ajaxPrefilter('script', function (e) {
  6793. if (e.cache === undefined) {
  6794. e.cache = false
  6795. }
  6796. if (e.crossDomain) {
  6797. e.type = 'GET';
  6798. = false
  6799. }
  6800. });
  6801. bJ.ajaxTransport('script', function (b7) {
  6802. if (b7.crossDomain) {
  6803. var e,
  6804. i = p.head || bJ('head') [0] || p.documentElement;
  6805. return {
  6806. send: function (b8, b9) {
  6807. e = p.createElement('script');
  6808. e.async = true;
  6809. if (b7.scriptCharset) {
  6810. e.charset = b7.scriptCharset
  6811. }
  6812. e.src = b7.url;
  6813. e.onload = e.onreadystatechange = function (cb, ca) {
  6814. if (ca || !e.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(e.readyState)) {
  6815. e.onload = e.onreadystatechange = null;
  6816. if (e.parentNode) {
  6817. e.parentNode.removeChild(e)
  6818. }
  6819. e = null;
  6820. if (!ca) {
  6821. b9(200, 'success')
  6822. }
  6823. }
  6824. };
  6825. i.insertBefore(e, i.firstChild)
  6826. },
  6827. abort: function () {
  6828. if (e) {
  6829. e.onload(undefined, true)
  6830. }
  6831. }
  6832. }
  6833. }
  6834. });
  6835. var bt = [
  6836. ],
  6837. a9 = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/;
  6838. bJ.ajaxSetup({
  6839. jsonp: 'callback',
  6840. jsonpCallback: function () {
  6841. var e = bt.pop() || (bJ.expando + '_' + (bq++));
  6842. this[e] = true;
  6843. return e
  6844. }
  6845. });
  6846. bJ.ajaxPrefilter('json jsonp', function (b8, e, b9) {
  6847. var cb,
  6848. i,
  6849. b7,
  6850. ca = b8.jsonp !== false && (a9.test(b8.url) ? 'url' : typeof === 'string' && !(b8.contentType || '').indexOf('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') && a9.test( && 'data');
  6851. if (ca || b8.dataTypes[0] === 'jsonp') {
  6852. cb = b8.jsonpCallback = bJ.isFunction(b8.jsonpCallback) ? b8.jsonpCallback() : b8.jsonpCallback;
  6853. if (ca) {
  6854. b8[ca] = b8[ca].replace(a9, '$1' + cb)
  6855. } else {
  6856. if (b8.jsonp !== false) {
  6857. b8.url += (bR.test(b8.url) ? '&' : '?') + b8.jsonp + '=' + cb
  6858. }
  6859. }
  6860. b8.converters['script json'] = function () {
  6861. if (!b7) {
  6862. bJ.error(cb + ' was not called')
  6863. }
  6864. return b7[0]
  6865. };
  6866. b8.dataTypes[0] = 'json';
  6867. i = a6[cb];
  6868. a6[cb] = function () {
  6869. b7 = arguments
  6870. };
  6871. b9.always(function () {
  6872. a6[cb] = i;
  6873. if (b8[cb]) {
  6874. b8.jsonpCallback = e.jsonpCallback;
  6875. bt.push(cb)
  6876. }
  6877. if (b7 && bJ.isFunction(i)) {
  6878. i(b7[0])
  6879. }
  6880. b7 = i = undefined
  6881. });
  6882. return 'script'
  6883. }
  6884. });
  6885. bJ.parseHTML = function (b9, b7, b8) {
  6886. if (!b9 || typeof b9 !== 'string') {
  6887. return null
  6888. }
  6889. if (typeof b7 === 'boolean') {
  6890. b8 = b7;
  6891. b7 = false
  6892. }
  6893. b7 = b7 || p;
  6894. var i = b.exec(b9),
  6895. e = !b8 && [
  6896. ];
  6897. if (i) {
  6898. return [b7.createElement(i[1])]
  6899. }
  6900. i = bJ.buildFragment([b9], b7, e);
  6901. if (e && e.length) {
  6902. bJ(e).remove()
  6903. }
  6904. return bJ.merge([], i.childNodes)
  6905. };
  6906. var b2 = bJ.fn.load;
  6907. bJ.fn.load = function (b8, cb, cc) {
  6908. if (typeof b8 !== 'string' && b2) {
  6909. return b2.apply(this, arguments)
  6910. }
  6911. var e,
  6912. b7,
  6913. b9,
  6914. i = this,
  6915. ca = b8.indexOf(' ');
  6916. if (ca >= 0) {
  6917. e = bJ.trim(b8.slice(ca, b8.length));
  6918. b8 = b8.slice(0, ca)
  6919. }
  6920. if (bJ.isFunction(cb)) {
  6921. cc = cb;
  6922. cb = undefined
  6923. } else {
  6924. if (cb && typeof cb === 'object') {
  6925. b9 = 'POST'
  6926. }
  6927. }
  6928. if (i.length > 0) {
  6929. bJ.ajax({
  6930. url: b8,
  6931. type: b9,
  6932. dataType: 'html',
  6933. data: cb
  6934. }).done(function (cd) {
  6935. b7 = arguments;
  6936. i.html(e ? bJ('<div>').append(bJ.parseHTML(cd)).find(e) : cd)
  6937. }).complete(cc && function (ce, cd) {
  6938. i.each(cc, b7 || [
  6939. ce.responseText,
  6940. cd,
  6941. ce
  6942. ])
  6943. })
  6944. }
  6945. return this
  6946. };
  6947. bJ.expr.filters.animated = function (e) {
  6948. return bJ.grep(bJ.timers, function (i) {
  6949. return e === i.elem
  6950. }).length
  6951. };
  6952. var bY = a6.document.documentElement;
  6953. function bs(e) {
  6954. return bJ.isWindow(e) ? e : e.nodeType === 9 ? e.defaultView || e.parentWindow : false
  6955. }
  6956. bJ.offset = {
  6957. setOffset: function (b8, ci, cc) {
  6958. var ce,
  6959. cb,
  6960. e,
  6961. b9,
  6962. b7,
  6963. cg,
  6964. ch,
  6965. cd = bJ.css(b8, 'position'),
  6966. ca = bJ(b8),
  6967. cf = {
  6968. };
  6969. if (cd === 'static') {
  6970. = 'relative'
  6971. }
  6972. b7 = ca.offset();
  6973. e = bJ.css(b8, 'top');
  6974. cg = bJ.css(b8, 'left');
  6975. ch = (cd === 'absolute' || cd === 'fixed') && bJ.inArray('auto', [
  6976. e,
  6977. cg
  6978. ]) > - 1;
  6979. if (ch) {
  6980. ce = ca.position();
  6981. b9 =;
  6982. cb = ce.left
  6983. } else {
  6984. b9 = parseFloat(e) || 0;
  6985. cb = parseFloat(cg) || 0
  6986. }
  6987. if (bJ.isFunction(ci)) {
  6988. ci =, cc, b7)
  6989. }
  6990. if ( != null) {
  6991. = ( - + b9
  6992. }
  6993. if (ci.left != null) {
  6994. cf.left = (ci.left - b7.left) + cb
  6995. }
  6996. if ('using' in ci) {
  6997., cf)
  6998. } else {
  6999. ca.css(cf)
  7000. }
  7001. }
  7002. };
  7003. bJ.fn.extend({
  7004. offset: function (i) {
  7005. if (arguments.length) {
  7006. return i === undefined ? this : this.each(function (cb) {
  7007. bJ.offset.setOffset(this, i, cb)
  7008. })
  7009. }
  7010. var e,
  7011. ca,
  7012. b8 = {
  7013. top: 0,
  7014. left: 0
  7015. },
  7016. b7 = this[0],
  7017. b9 = b7 && b7.ownerDocument;
  7018. if (!b9) {
  7019. return
  7020. }
  7021. e = b9.documentElement;
  7022. if (!bJ.contains(e, b7)) {
  7023. return b8
  7024. }
  7025. if (typeof b7.getBoundingClientRect !== aD) {
  7026. b8 = b7.getBoundingClientRect()
  7027. }
  7028. ca = bs(b9);
  7029. return {
  7030. top: + (ca.pageYOffset || e.scrollTop) - (e.clientTop || 0),
  7031. left: b8.left + (ca.pageXOffset || e.scrollLeft) - (e.clientLeft || 0)
  7032. }
  7033. },
  7034. position: function () {
  7035. if (!this[0]) {
  7036. return
  7037. }
  7038. var b7,
  7039. b8,
  7040. e = {
  7041. top: 0,
  7042. left: 0
  7043. },
  7044. i = this[0];
  7045. if (bJ.css(i, 'position') === 'fixed') {
  7046. b8 = i.getBoundingClientRect()
  7047. } else {
  7048. b7 = this.offsetParent();
  7049. b8 = this.offset();
  7050. if (!bJ.nodeName(b7[0], 'html')) {
  7051. e = b7.offset()
  7052. }
  7053. += bJ.css(b7[0], 'borderTopWidth', true);
  7054. e.left += bJ.css(b7[0], 'borderLeftWidth', true)
  7055. }
  7056. return {
  7057. top: - - bJ.css(i, 'marginTop', true),
  7058. left: b8.left - e.left - bJ.css(i, 'marginLeft', true)
  7059. }
  7060. },
  7061. offsetParent: function () {
  7062. return () {
  7063. var e = this.offsetParent || bY;
  7064. while (e && (!bJ.nodeName(e, 'html') && bJ.css(e, 'position') === 'static')) {
  7065. e = e.offsetParent
  7066. }
  7067. return e || bY
  7068. })
  7069. }
  7070. });
  7071. bJ.each({
  7072. scrollLeft: 'pageXOffset',
  7073. scrollTop: 'pageYOffset'
  7074. }, function (b7, i) {
  7075. var e = /Y/.test(i);
  7076. bJ.fn[b7] = function (b8) {
  7077. return aC(this, function (b9, cc, cb) {
  7078. var ca = bs(b9);
  7079. if (cb === undefined) {
  7080. return ca ? (i in ca) ? ca[i] : ca.document.documentElement[cc] : b9[cc]
  7081. }
  7082. if (ca) {
  7083. ca.scrollTo(!e ? cb : bJ(ca).scrollLeft(), e ? cb : bJ(ca).scrollTop())
  7084. } else {
  7085. b9[cc] = cb
  7086. }
  7087. }, b7, b8, arguments.length, null)
  7088. }
  7089. });
  7090. bJ.each(['top',
  7091. 'left'], function (e, b7) {
  7092. bJ.cssHooks[b7] = a8(E.pixelPosition, function (b8, i) {
  7093. if (i) {
  7094. i = H(b8, b7);
  7095. return Z.test(i) ? bJ(b8).position() [b7] + 'px' : i
  7096. }
  7097. })
  7098. });
  7099. bJ.each({
  7100. Height: 'height',
  7101. Width: 'width'
  7102. }, function (e, i) {
  7103. bJ.each({
  7104. padding: 'inner' + e,
  7105. content: i,
  7106. '': 'outer' + e
  7107. }, function (b7, b8) {
  7108. bJ.fn[b8] = function (cc, cb) {
  7109. var ca = arguments.length && (b7 || typeof cc !== 'boolean'),
  7110. b9 = b7 || (cc === true || cb === true ? 'margin' : 'border');
  7111. return aC(this, function (ce, cd, cf) {
  7112. var cg;
  7113. if (bJ.isWindow(ce)) {
  7114. return ce.document.documentElement['client' + e]
  7115. }
  7116. if (ce.nodeType === 9) {
  7117. cg = ce.documentElement;
  7118. return Math.max(ce.body['scroll' + e], cg['scroll' + e], ce.body['offset' + e], cg['offset' + e], cg['client' + e])
  7119. }
  7120. return cf === undefined ? bJ.css(ce, cd, b9) :, cd, cf, b9)
  7121. }, i, ca ? cc : undefined, ca, null)
  7122. }
  7123. })
  7124. });
  7125. bJ.fn.size = function () {
  7126. return this.length
  7127. };
  7128. bJ.fn.andSelf = bJ.fn.addBack;
  7129. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  7130. define('jquery', [
  7131. ], function () {
  7132. return bJ
  7133. })
  7134. }
  7135. var bl = a6.jQuery,
  7136. J = a6.$;
  7137. bJ.noConflict = function (e) {
  7138. if (a6.$ === bJ) {
  7139. a6.$ = J
  7140. }
  7141. if (e && a6.jQuery === bJ) {
  7142. a6.jQuery = bl
  7143. }
  7144. return bJ
  7145. };
  7146. if (typeof aw === aD) {
  7147. a6.jQuery = a6.$ = bJ
  7148. }
  7149. return bJ
  7150. }));
  7151. (function ($) {
  7152. var escape = /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g,
  7153. meta = {
  7154. '': '\\b',
  7155. '\t': '\\t',
  7156. '\n': '\\n',
  7157. '\f': '\\f',
  7158. '\r': '\\r',
  7159. '"': '\\"',
  7160. '\\': '\\\\'
  7161. },
  7162. hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  7163. $.toJSON = typeof JSON === 'object' && JSON.stringify ? JSON.stringify : function (o) {
  7164. if (o === null) {
  7165. return 'null'
  7166. }
  7167. var pairs,
  7168. k,
  7169. name,
  7170. val,
  7171. type = $.type(o);
  7172. if (type === 'undefined') {
  7173. return undefined
  7174. }
  7175. if (type === 'number' || type === 'boolean') {
  7176. return String(o)
  7177. }
  7178. if (type === 'string') {
  7179. return $.quoteString(o)
  7180. }
  7181. if (typeof o.toJSON === 'function') {
  7182. return $.toJSON(o.toJSON())
  7183. }
  7184. if (type === 'date') {
  7185. var month = o.getUTCMonth() + 1,
  7186. day = o.getUTCDate(),
  7187. year = o.getUTCFullYear(),
  7188. hours = o.getUTCHours(),
  7189. minutes = o.getUTCMinutes(),
  7190. seconds = o.getUTCSeconds(),
  7191. milli = o.getUTCMilliseconds();
  7192. if (month < 10) {
  7193. month = '0' + month
  7194. }
  7195. if (day < 10) {
  7196. day = '0' + day
  7197. }
  7198. if (hours < 10) {
  7199. hours = '0' + hours
  7200. }
  7201. if (minutes < 10) {
  7202. minutes = '0' + minutes
  7203. }
  7204. if (seconds < 10) {
  7205. seconds = '0' + seconds
  7206. }
  7207. if (milli < 100) {
  7208. milli = '0' + milli
  7209. }
  7210. if (milli < 10) {
  7211. milli = '0' + milli
  7212. }
  7213. return '"' + year + '-' + month + '-' + day + 'T' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + '.' + milli + 'Z"'
  7214. }
  7215. pairs = [
  7216. ];
  7217. if ($.isArray(o)) {
  7218. for (k = 0; k < o.length; k++) {
  7219. pairs.push($.toJSON(o[k]) || 'null')
  7220. }
  7221. return '[' + pairs.join(',') + ']'
  7222. }
  7223. if (typeof o === 'object') {
  7224. for (k in o) {
  7225. if (, k)) {
  7226. type = typeof k;
  7227. if (type === 'number') {
  7228. name = '"' + k + '"'
  7229. } else {
  7230. if (type === 'string') {
  7231. name = $.quoteString(k)
  7232. } else {
  7233. continue
  7234. }
  7235. }
  7236. type = typeof o[k];
  7237. if (type !== 'function' && type !== 'undefined') {
  7238. val = $.toJSON(o[k]);
  7239. pairs.push(name + ':' + val)
  7240. }
  7241. }
  7242. }
  7243. return '{' + pairs.join(',') + '}'
  7244. }
  7245. };
  7246. $.evalJSON = typeof JSON === 'object' && JSON.parse ? JSON.parse : function (str) {
  7247. return eval('(' + str + ')')
  7248. };
  7249. $.secureEvalJSON = typeof JSON === 'object' && JSON.parse ? JSON.parse : function (str) {
  7250. var filtered = str.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, '');
  7251. if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(filtered)) {
  7252. return eval('(' + str + ')')
  7253. }
  7254. throw new SyntaxError('Error parsing JSON, source is not valid.')
  7255. };
  7256. $.quoteString = function (str) {
  7257. if (str.match(escape)) {
  7258. return '"' + str.replace(escape, function (a) {
  7259. var c = meta[a];
  7260. if (typeof c === 'string') {
  7261. return c
  7262. }
  7263. c = a.charCodeAt();
  7264. return '\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16)
  7265. }) + '"'
  7266. }
  7267. return '"' + str + '"'
  7268. }
  7269. }(jQuery));
  7270. (function (b) {
  7271. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  7272. define(['jquery'], b)
  7273. } else {
  7274. if (typeof exports === 'object') {
  7275. b(require('jquery'))
  7276. } else {
  7277. b(jQuery)
  7278. }
  7279. }
  7280. }(function (g) {
  7281. var b = /\+/g;
  7282. function e(j) {
  7283. return c.raw ? j : encodeURIComponent(j)
  7284. }
  7285. function h(j) {
  7286. return c.raw ? j : decodeURIComponent(j)
  7287. }
  7288. function i(j) {
  7289. return e(c.json ? JSON.stringify(j) : String(j))
  7290. }
  7291. function d(j) {
  7292. if (j.indexOf('"') === 0) {
  7293. j = j.slice(1, - 1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\')
  7294. }
  7295. try {
  7296. j = decodeURIComponent(j.replace(b, ' '));
  7297. return c.json ? JSON.parse(j) : j
  7298. } catch (k) {
  7299. }
  7300. }
  7301. function f(k, j) {
  7302. var l = c.raw ? k : d(k);
  7303. return g.isFunction(j) ? j(l) : l
  7304. }
  7305. var c = g.cookie = function (r, q, w) {
  7306. if (arguments.length > 1 && !g.isFunction(q)) {
  7307. w = g.extend({
  7308. }, c.defaults, w);
  7309. if (typeof w.expires === 'number') {
  7310. var s = w.expires,
  7311. v = w.expires = new Date();
  7312. v.setTime( + v + s * 86400000)
  7313. }
  7314. return (document.cookie = [
  7315. e(r),
  7316. '=',
  7317. i(q),
  7318. w.expires ? '; expires=' + w.expires.toUTCString() : '',
  7319. w.path ? '; path=' + w.path : '',
  7320. w.domain ? '; domain=' + w.domain : '',
  7321. ? '; secure' : ''
  7322. ].join(''))
  7323. }
  7324. var x = r ? undefined : {
  7325. };
  7326. var u = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : [
  7327. ];
  7328. for (var p = 0, n = u.length; p < n; p++) {
  7329. var o = u[p].split('=');
  7330. var j = h(o.shift());
  7331. var k = o.join('=');
  7332. if (r && r === j) {
  7333. x = f(k, q);
  7334. break
  7335. }
  7336. if (!r && (k = f(k)) !== undefined) {
  7337. x[j] = k
  7338. }
  7339. }
  7340. return x
  7341. };
  7342. c.defaults = {
  7343. };
  7344. g.removeCookie = function (k, j) {
  7345. if (g.cookie(k) === undefined) {
  7346. return false
  7347. }
  7348. g.cookie(k, '', g.extend({
  7349. }, j, {
  7350. expires: - 1
  7351. }));
  7352. return !g.cookie(k)
  7353. }
  7354. }));
  7355. (function (P, n, ad) {
  7356. var R = {
  7357. html: false,
  7358. photo: false,
  7359. iframe: false,
  7360. inline: false,
  7361. transition: 'elastic',
  7362. speed: 300,
  7363. fadeOut: 300,
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  7365. initialWidth: '600',
  7366. innerWidth: false,
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  7372. scalePhotos: true,
  7373. scrolling: true,
  7374. opacity: 0.9,
  7375. preloading: true,
  7376. className: false,
  7377. overlayClose: true,
  7378. escKey: true,
  7379. arrowKey: true,
  7380. top: false,
  7381. bottom: false,
  7382. left: false,
  7383. right: false,
  7384. fixed: false,
  7385. data: undefined,
  7386. closeButton: true,
  7387. fastIframe: true,
  7388. open: false,
  7389. reposition: true,
  7390. loop: true,
  7391. slideshow: false,
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  7393. slideshowSpeed: 2500,
  7394. slideshowStart: 'start slideshow',
  7395. slideshowStop: 'stop slideshow',
  7396. photoRegex: /\.(gif|png|jp(e|g|eg)|bmp|ico|webp|jxr|svg)((#|\?).*)?$/i,
  7397. retinaImage: false,
  7398. retinaUrl: false,
  7399. retinaSuffix: '@2x.$1',
  7400. current: 'image {current} of {total}',
  7401. previous: 'previous',
  7402. next: 'next',
  7403. close: 'close',
  7404. xhrError: 'This content failed to load.',
  7405. imgError: 'This image failed to load.',
  7406. returnFocus: true,
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  7408. onOpen: false,
  7409. onLoad: false,
  7410. onComplete: false,
  7411. onCleanup: false,
  7412. onClosed: false,
  7413. rel: function () {
  7414. return this.rel
  7415. },
  7416. href: function () {
  7417. return P(this).attr('href')
  7418. },
  7419. title: function () {
  7420. return this.title
  7421. }
  7422. },
  7423. z = 'colorbox',
  7424. Z = 'cbox',
  7425. u = Z + 'Element',
  7426. ac = Z + '_open',
  7427. f = Z + '_load',
  7428. aa = Z + '_complete',
  7429. y = Z + '_cleanup',
  7430. aj = Z + '_closed',
  7431. j = Z + '_purge',
  7432. X,
  7433. an,
  7434. ao,
  7435. e,
  7436. N,
  7437. s,
  7438. c,
  7439. W,
  7440. d,
  7441. ah,
  7442. U,
  7443. l,
  7444. i,
  7445. r,
  7446. x,
  7447. ae,
  7448. w,
  7449. Y,
  7450. B,
  7451. E,
  7452. L = P('<a/>'),
  7453. al,
  7454. ap,
  7455. p,
  7456. h,
  7457. b,
  7458. O,
  7459. q,
  7460. G,
  7461. af,
  7462. T,
  7463. C,
  7464. S,
  7465. ak = 'div',
  7466. J = 0,
  7467. ag = {
  7468. },
  7469. ai;
  7470. function M(aq, au, at) {
  7471. var ar = n.createElement(aq);
  7472. if (au) {
  7473. = Z + au
  7474. }
  7475. if (at) {
  7476. = at
  7477. }
  7478. return P(ar)
  7479. }
  7480. function v() {
  7481. return ad.innerHeight ? ad.innerHeight : P(ad).height()
  7482. }
  7483. function D(ar, aq) {
  7484. if (aq !== Object(aq)) {
  7485. aq = {
  7486. }
  7487. }
  7488. this.cache = {
  7489. };
  7490. this.el = ar;
  7491. this.value = function (at) {
  7492. var au;
  7493. if (this.cache[at] === undefined) {
  7494. au = P(this.el).attr('data-cbox-' + at);
  7495. if (au !== undefined) {
  7496. this.cache[at] = au
  7497. } else {
  7498. if (aq[at] !== undefined) {
  7499. this.cache[at] = aq[at]
  7500. } else {
  7501. if (R[at] !== undefined) {
  7502. this.cache[at] = R[at]
  7503. }
  7504. }
  7505. }
  7506. }
  7507. return this.cache[at]
  7508. };
  7509. this.get = function (at) {
  7510. var au = this.value(at);
  7511. return P.isFunction(au) ?, this) : au
  7512. }
  7513. }
  7514. function I(ar) {
  7515. var aq = d.length,
  7516. at = (O + ar) % aq;
  7517. return (at < 0) ? aq + at : at
  7518. }
  7519. function V(aq, ar) {
  7520. return Math.round((/%/.test(aq) ? ((ar === 'x' ? ah.width() : v()) / 100) : 1) * parseInt(aq, 10))
  7521. }
  7522. function F(ar, aq) {
  7523. return ar.get('photo') || ar.get('photoRegex').test(aq)
  7524. }
  7525. function H(ar, aq) {
  7526. return ar.get('retinaUrl') && ad.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? aq.replace(ar.get('photoRegex'), ar.get('retinaSuffix')) : aq
  7527. }
  7528. function am(aq) {
  7529. if ('contains' in an[0] && !an[0].contains( && !== X[0]) {
  7530. aq.stopPropagation();
  7531. an.focus()
  7532. }
  7533. }
  7534. function o(aq) {
  7535. if (o.str !== aq) {
  7536. an.add(X).removeClass(o.str).addClass(aq);
  7537. o.str = aq
  7538. }
  7539. }
  7540. function Q(aq) {
  7541. O = 0;
  7542. if (aq && aq !== false && aq !== 'nofollow') {
  7543. d = P('.' + u).filter(function () {
  7544. var ar =, z);
  7545. var at = new D(this, ar);
  7546. return (at.get('rel') === aq)
  7547. });
  7548. O = d.index(al.el);
  7549. if (O === - 1) {
  7550. d = d.add(al.el);
  7551. O = d.length - 1
  7552. }
  7553. } else {
  7554. d = P(al.el)
  7555. }
  7556. }
  7557. function K(aq) {
  7558. P(n).trigger(aq);
  7559. L.triggerHandler(aq)
  7560. }
  7561. var A = (function () {
  7562. var ar,
  7563. av = Z + 'Slideshow_',
  7564. az = 'click.' + Z,
  7565. ax;
  7566. function at() {
  7567. clearTimeout(ax)
  7568. }
  7569. function ay() {
  7570. if (al.get('loop') || d[O + 1]) {
  7571. at();
  7572. ax = setTimeout(, al.get('slideshowSpeed'))
  7573. }
  7574. }
  7575. function aq() {
  7576. ae.html(al.get('slideshowStop')).unbind(az).one(az, aw);
  7577. L.bind(aa, ay).bind(f, at);
  7578. an.removeClass(av + 'off').addClass(av + 'on')
  7579. }
  7580. function aw() {
  7581. at();
  7582. L.unbind(aa, ay).unbind(f, at);
  7583. ae.html(al.get('slideshowStart')).unbind(az).one(az, function () {
  7585. aq()
  7586. });
  7587. an.removeClass(av + 'on').addClass(av + 'off')
  7588. }
  7589. function au() {
  7590. ar = false;
  7591. ae.hide();
  7592. at();
  7593. L.unbind(aa, ay).unbind(f, at);
  7594. an.removeClass(av + 'off ' + av + 'on')
  7595. }
  7596. return function () {
  7597. if (ar) {
  7598. if (!al.get('slideshow')) {
  7599. L.unbind(y, au);
  7600. au()
  7601. }
  7602. } else {
  7603. if (al.get('slideshow') && d[1]) {
  7604. ar = true;
  7605., au);
  7606. if (al.get('slideshowAuto')) {
  7607. aq()
  7608. } else {
  7609. aw()
  7610. }
  7612. }
  7613. }
  7614. }
  7615. }());
  7616. function g(at) {
  7617. var ar;
  7618. if (!T) {
  7619. ar = P(at).data(z);
  7620. al = new D(at, ar);
  7621. Q(al.get('rel'));
  7622. if (!G) {
  7623. G = af = true;
  7624. o(al.get('className'));
  7625. an.css({
  7626. visibility: 'hidden',
  7627. display: 'block',
  7628. opacity: ''
  7629. });
  7630. U = M(ak, 'LoadedContent', 'width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden');
  7631. e.css({
  7632. width: '',
  7633. height: ''
  7634. }).append(U);
  7635. ap = N.height() + W.height() + e.outerHeight(true) - e.height();
  7636. p = s.width() + c.width() + e.outerWidth(true) - e.width();
  7637. h = U.outerHeight(true);
  7638. b = U.outerWidth(true);
  7639. var ax = V(al.get('initialWidth'), 'x');
  7640. var au = V(al.get('initialHeight'), 'y');
  7641. var aw = al.get('maxWidth');
  7642. var av = al.get('maxHeight');
  7643. al.w = (aw !== false ? Math.min(ax, V(aw, 'x')) : ax) - b - p;
  7644. al.h = (av !== false ? Math.min(au, V(av, 'y')) : au) - h - ap;
  7645. U.css({
  7646. width: '',
  7647. height: al.h
  7648. });
  7649. S.position();
  7650. K(ac);
  7651. al.get('onOpen');
  7652. E.add(r).hide();
  7653. an.focus();
  7654. if (al.get('trapFocus')) {
  7655. if (n.addEventListener) {
  7656. n.addEventListener('focus', am, true);
  7657., function () {
  7658. n.removeEventListener('focus', am, true)
  7659. })
  7660. }
  7661. }
  7662. if (al.get('returnFocus')) {
  7663., function () {
  7664. P(al.el).focus()
  7665. })
  7666. }
  7667. }
  7668. var aq = parseFloat(al.get('opacity'));
  7669. X.css({
  7670. opacity: aq === aq ? aq : '',
  7671. cursor: al.get('overlayClose') ? 'pointer' : '',
  7672. visibility: 'visible'
  7673. }).show();
  7674. if (al.get('closeButton')) {
  7675. B.html(al.get('close')).appendTo(e)
  7676. } else {
  7677. B.appendTo('<div/>')
  7678. }
  7679. ab()
  7680. }
  7681. }
  7682. function t() {
  7683. if (!an) {
  7684. ai = false;
  7685. ah = P(ad);
  7686. an = M(ak).attr({
  7687. id: z,
  7688. 'class': === false ? Z + 'IE' : '',
  7689. role: 'dialog',
  7690. tabindex: '-1'
  7691. }).hide();
  7692. X = M(ak, 'Overlay').hide();
  7693. i = P([M(ak, 'LoadingOverlay') [0],
  7694. M(ak, 'LoadingGraphic') [0]]);
  7695. ao = M(ak, 'Wrapper');
  7696. e = M(ak, 'Content').append(r = M(ak, 'Title'), x = M(ak, 'Current'), Y = P('<button type="button"/>').attr({
  7697. id: Z + 'Previous'
  7698. }), w = P('<button type="button"/>').attr({
  7699. id: Z + 'Next'
  7700. }), ae = M('button', 'Slideshow'), i);
  7701. B = P('<button type="button"/>').attr({
  7702. id: Z + 'Close'
  7703. });
  7704. ao.append(M(ak).append(M(ak, 'TopLeft'), N = M(ak, 'TopCenter'), M(ak, 'TopRight')), M(ak, false, 'clear:left').append(s = M(ak, 'MiddleLeft'), e, c = M(ak, 'MiddleRight')), M(ak, false, 'clear:left').append(M(ak, 'BottomLeft'), W = M(ak, 'BottomCenter'), M(ak, 'BottomRight'))).find('div div').css({
  7705. 'float': 'left'
  7706. });
  7707. l = M(ak, false, 'position:absolute; width:9999px; visibility:hidden; display:none; max-width:none;');
  7708. E = w.add(Y).add(x).add(ae)
  7709. }
  7710. if (n.body && !an.parent().length) {
  7711. P(n.body).append(X, an.append(ao, l))
  7712. }
  7713. }
  7714. function k() {
  7715. function aq(ar) {
  7716. if (!(ar.which > 1 || ar.shiftKey || ar.altKey || ar.metaKey || ar.ctrlKey)) {
  7717. ar.preventDefault();
  7718. g(this)
  7719. }
  7720. }
  7721. if (an) {
  7722. if (!ai) {
  7723. ai = true;
  7724. () {
  7726. });
  7727. () {
  7728. S.prev()
  7729. });
  7730. () {
  7731. S.close()
  7732. });
  7733. () {
  7734. if (al.get('overlayClose')) {
  7735. S.close()
  7736. }
  7737. });
  7738. P(n).bind('keydown.' + Z, function (at) {
  7739. var ar = at.keyCode;
  7740. if (G && al.get('escKey') && ar === 27) {
  7741. at.preventDefault();
  7742. S.close()
  7743. }
  7744. if (G && al.get('arrowKey') && d[1] && !at.altKey) {
  7745. if (ar === 37) {
  7746. at.preventDefault();
  7748. } else {
  7749. if (ar === 39) {
  7750. at.preventDefault();
  7752. }
  7753. }
  7754. }
  7755. });
  7756. if (P.isFunction(P.fn.on)) {
  7757. P(n).on('click.' + Z, '.' + u, aq)
  7758. } else {
  7759. P('.' + u).live('click.' + Z, aq)
  7760. }
  7761. }
  7762. return true
  7763. }
  7764. return false
  7765. }
  7766. if (P[z]) {
  7767. return
  7768. }
  7769. P(t);
  7770. S = P.fn[z] = P[z] = function (aq, au) {
  7771. var ar;
  7772. var at = this;
  7773. aq = aq || {
  7774. };
  7775. if (P.isFunction(at)) {
  7776. at = P('<a/>');
  7777. = true
  7778. } else {
  7779. if (!at[0]) {
  7780. return at
  7781. }
  7782. }
  7783. if (!at[0]) {
  7784. return at
  7785. }
  7786. t();
  7787. if (k()) {
  7788. if (au) {
  7789. aq.onComplete = au
  7790. }
  7791. at.each(function () {
  7792. var av =, z) || {
  7793. };
  7794., z, P.extend(av, aq))
  7795. }).addClass(u);
  7796. ar = new D(at[0], aq);
  7797. if (ar.get('open')) {
  7798. g(at[0])
  7799. }
  7800. }
  7801. return at
  7802. };
  7803. S.position = function (at, av) {
  7804. var ay,
  7805. aA = 0,
  7806. ar = 0,
  7807. aw = an.offset(),
  7808. aq,
  7809. au;
  7810. ah.unbind('resize.' + Z);
  7811. an.css({
  7812. top: - 90000,
  7813. left: - 90000
  7814. });
  7815. aq = ah.scrollTop();
  7816. au = ah.scrollLeft();
  7817. if (al.get('fixed')) {
  7818. -= aq;
  7819. aw.left -= au;
  7820. an.css({
  7821. position: 'fixed'
  7822. })
  7823. } else {
  7824. aA = aq;
  7825. ar = au;
  7826. an.css({
  7827. position: 'absolute'
  7828. })
  7829. }
  7830. if (al.get('right') !== false) {
  7831. ar += Math.max(ah.width() - al.w - b - p - V(al.get('right'), 'x'), 0)
  7832. } else {
  7833. if (al.get('left') !== false) {
  7834. ar += V(al.get('left'), 'x')
  7835. } else {
  7836. ar += Math.round(Math.max(ah.width() - al.w - b - p, 0) / 2)
  7837. }
  7838. }
  7839. if (al.get('bottom') !== false) {
  7840. aA += Math.max(v() - al.h - h - ap - V(al.get('bottom'), 'y'), 0)
  7841. } else {
  7842. if (al.get('top') !== false) {
  7843. aA += V(al.get('top'), 'y')
  7844. } else {
  7845. aA += Math.round(Math.max(v() - al.h - h - ap, 0) / 2)
  7846. }
  7847. }
  7848. an.css({
  7849. top:,
  7850. left: aw.left,
  7851. visibility: 'visible'
  7852. });
  7853. ao[0].style.width = ao[0].style.height = '9999px';
  7854. function az() {
  7855. N[0].style.width = W[0].style.width = e[0].style.width = (parseInt(an[0].style.width, 10) - p) + 'px';
  7856. e[0].style.height = s[0].style.height = c[0].style.height = (parseInt(an[0].style.height, 10) - ap) + 'px'
  7857. }
  7858. ay = {
  7859. width: al.w + b + p,
  7860. height: al.h + h + ap,
  7861. top: aA,
  7862. left: ar
  7863. };
  7864. if (at) {
  7865. var ax = 0;
  7866. P.each(ay, function (aB) {
  7867. if (ay[aB] !== ag[aB]) {
  7868. ax = at;
  7869. return
  7870. }
  7871. });
  7872. at = ax
  7873. }
  7874. ag = ay;
  7875. if (!at) {
  7876. an.css(ay)
  7877. }
  7878. an.dequeue().animate(ay, {
  7879. duration: at || 0,
  7880. complete: function () {
  7881. az();
  7882. af = false;
  7883. ao[0].style.width = (al.w + b + p) + 'px';
  7884. ao[0].style.height = (al.h + h + ap) + 'px';
  7885. if (al.get('reposition')) {
  7886. setTimeout(function () {
  7887. ah.bind('resize.' + Z, S.position)
  7888. }, 1)
  7889. }
  7890. if (P.isFunction(av)) {
  7891. av()
  7892. }
  7893. },
  7894. step: az
  7895. })
  7896. };
  7897. S.resize = function (ar) {
  7898. var aq;
  7899. if (G) {
  7900. ar = ar || {
  7901. };
  7902. if (ar.width) {
  7903. al.w = V(ar.width, 'x') - b - p
  7904. }
  7905. if (ar.innerWidth) {
  7906. al.w = V(ar.innerWidth, 'x')
  7907. }
  7908. U.css({
  7909. width: al.w
  7910. });
  7911. if (ar.height) {
  7912. al.h = V(ar.height, 'y') - h - ap
  7913. }
  7914. if (ar.innerHeight) {
  7915. al.h = V(ar.innerHeight, 'y')
  7916. }
  7917. if (!ar.innerHeight && !ar.height) {
  7918. aq = U.scrollTop();
  7919. U.css({
  7920. height: 'auto'
  7921. });
  7922. al.h = U.height()
  7923. }
  7924. U.css({
  7925. height: al.h
  7926. });
  7927. if (aq) {
  7928. U.scrollTop(aq)
  7929. }
  7930. S.position(al.get('transition') === 'none' ? 0 : al.get('speed'))
  7931. }
  7932. };
  7933. S.prep = function (ar) {
  7934. if (!G) {
  7935. return
  7936. }
  7937. var av,
  7938. at = al.get('transition') === 'none' ? 0 : al.get('speed');
  7939. U.remove();
  7940. U = M(ak, 'LoadedContent').append(ar);
  7941. function aq() {
  7942. al.w = al.w || U.width();
  7943. al.w = && < al.w ? : al.w;
  7944. return al.w
  7945. }
  7946. function au() {
  7947. al.h = al.h || U.height();
  7948. al.h = && < al.h ? : al.h;
  7949. return al.h
  7950. }
  7951. U.hide().appendTo({
  7952. width: aq(),
  7953. overflow: al.get('scrolling') ? 'auto' : 'hidden'
  7954. }).css({
  7955. height: au()
  7956. }).prependTo(e);
  7957. l.hide();
  7958. P(q).css({
  7959. 'float': 'none'
  7960. });
  7961. o(al.get('className'));
  7962. av = function () {
  7963. var ay = d.length,
  7964. ax,
  7965. aw;
  7966. if (!G) {
  7967. return
  7968. }
  7969. function az() {
  7970. if ( === false) {
  7971. an[0].style.removeAttribute('filter')
  7972. }
  7973. }
  7974. aw = function () {
  7975. clearTimeout(C);
  7976. i.hide();
  7977. K(aa);
  7978. al.get('onComplete')
  7979. };
  7980. r.html(al.get('title')).show();
  7982. if (ay > 1) {
  7983. if (typeof al.get('current') === 'string') {
  7984. x.html(al.get('current').replace('{current}', O + 1).replace('{total}', ay)).show()
  7985. }
  7986. w[(al.get('loop') || O < ay - 1) ? 'show' : 'hide']().html(al.get('next'));
  7987. Y[(al.get('loop') || O) ? 'show' : 'hide']().html(al.get('previous'));
  7988. A();
  7989. if (al.get('preloading')) {
  7990. P.each([I( - 1),
  7991. I(1)], function () {
  7992. var aA,
  7993. aB = d[this],
  7994. aC = new D(aB,, z)),
  7995. aD = aC.get('href');
  7996. if (aD && F(aC, aD)) {
  7997. aD = H(aC, aD);
  7998. aA = n.createElement('img');
  7999. aA.src = aD
  8000. }
  8001. })
  8002. }
  8003. } else {
  8004. E.hide()
  8005. }
  8006. if (al.get('iframe')) {
  8007. ax = n.createElement('iframe');
  8008. if ('frameBorder' in ax) {
  8009. ax.frameBorder = 0
  8010. }
  8011. if ('allowTransparency' in ax) {
  8012. ax.allowTransparency = 'true'
  8013. }
  8014. if (!al.get('scrolling')) {
  8015. ax.scrolling = 'no'
  8016. }
  8017. P(ax).attr({
  8018. src: al.get('href'),
  8019. name: (new Date()).getTime(),
  8020. 'class': Z + 'Iframe',
  8021. allowFullScreen: true
  8022. }).one('load', aw).appendTo(U);
  8023., function () {
  8024. ax.src = '//about:blank'
  8025. });
  8026. if (al.get('fastIframe')) {
  8027. P(ax).trigger('load')
  8028. }
  8029. } else {
  8030. aw()
  8031. }
  8032. if (al.get('transition') === 'fade') {
  8033. an.fadeTo(at, 1, az)
  8034. } else {
  8035. az()
  8036. }
  8037. };
  8038. if (al.get('transition') === 'fade') {
  8039. an.fadeTo(at, 0, function () {
  8040. S.position(0, av)
  8041. })
  8042. } else {
  8043. S.position(at, av)
  8044. }
  8045. };
  8046. function ab() {
  8047. var au,
  8048. av,
  8049. at = S.prep,
  8050. ar,
  8051. aw = ++J;
  8052. af = true;
  8053. q = false;
  8054. K(j);
  8055. K(f);
  8056. al.get('onLoad');
  8057. al.h = al.get('height') ? V(al.get('height'), 'y') - h - ap : al.get('innerHeight') && V(al.get('innerHeight'), 'y');
  8058. al.w = al.get('width') ? V(al.get('width'), 'x') - b - p : al.get('innerWidth') && V(al.get('innerWidth'), 'x');
  8059. = al.w;
  8060. = al.h;
  8061. if (al.get('maxWidth')) {
  8062. = V(al.get('maxWidth'), 'x') - b - p;
  8063. = al.w && al.w < ? al.w :
  8064. }
  8065. if (al.get('maxHeight')) {
  8066. = V(al.get('maxHeight'), 'y') - h - ap;
  8067. = al.h && al.h < ? al.h :
  8068. }
  8069. au = al.get('href');
  8070. C = setTimeout(function () {
  8072. }, 100);
  8073. if (al.get('inline')) {
  8074. var aq = P(au);
  8075. ar = P('<div>').hide().insertBefore(aq);
  8076., function () {
  8077. ar.replaceWith(aq)
  8078. });
  8079. at(aq)
  8080. } else {
  8081. if (al.get('iframe')) {
  8082. at(' ')
  8083. } else {
  8084. if (al.get('html')) {
  8085. at(al.get('html'))
  8086. } else {
  8087. if (F(al, au)) {
  8088. au = H(al, au);
  8089. q = new Image();
  8090. P(q).addClass(Z + 'Photo').bind('error', function () {
  8091. at(M(ak, 'Error').html(al.get('imgError')))
  8092. }).one('load', function () {
  8093. if (aw !== J) {
  8094. return
  8095. }
  8096. setTimeout(function () {
  8097. var ax;
  8098. P.each(['alt',
  8099. 'longdesc',
  8100. 'aria-describedby'], function (az, aA) {
  8101. var ay = P(al.el).attr(aA) || P(al.el).attr('data-' + aA);
  8102. if (ay) {
  8103. q.setAttribute(aA, ay)
  8104. }
  8105. });
  8106. if (al.get('retinaImage') && ad.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
  8107. q.height = q.height / ad.devicePixelRatio;
  8108. q.width = q.width / ad.devicePixelRatio
  8109. }
  8110. if (al.get('scalePhotos')) {
  8111. av = function () {
  8112. q.height -= q.height * ax;
  8113. q.width -= q.width * ax
  8114. };
  8115. if ( && q.width > {
  8116. ax = (q.width - / q.width;
  8117. av()
  8118. }
  8119. if ( && q.height > {
  8120. ax = (q.height - / q.height;
  8121. av()
  8122. }
  8123. }
  8124. if (al.h) {
  8125. = Math.max( - q.height, 0) / 2 + 'px'
  8126. }
  8127. if (d[1] && (al.get('loop') || d[O + 1])) {
  8128. = 'pointer';
  8129. q.onclick = function () {
  8131. }
  8132. }
  8133. = q.width + 'px';
  8134. = q.height + 'px';
  8135. at(q)
  8136. }, 1)
  8137. });
  8138. q.src = au
  8139. } else {
  8140. if (au) {
  8141. l.load(au, al.get('data'), function (ay, ax) {
  8142. if (aw === J) {
  8143. at(ax === 'error' ? M(ak, 'Error').html(al.get('xhrError')) : P(this).contents())
  8144. }
  8145. })
  8146. }
  8147. }
  8148. }
  8149. }
  8150. }
  8151. }
  8152. = function () {
  8153. if (!af && d[1] && (al.get('loop') || d[O + 1])) {
  8154. O = I(1);
  8155. g(d[O])
  8156. }
  8157. };
  8158. S.prev = function () {
  8159. if (!af && d[1] && (al.get('loop') || O)) {
  8160. O = I( - 1);
  8161. g(d[O])
  8162. }
  8163. };
  8164. S.close = function () {
  8165. if (G && !T) {
  8166. T = true;
  8167. G = false;
  8168. K(y);
  8169. al.get('onCleanup');
  8170. ah.unbind('.' + Z);
  8171. X.fadeTo(al.get('fadeOut') || 0, 0);
  8172. an.stop().fadeTo(al.get('fadeOut') || 0, 0, function () {
  8173. an.hide();
  8174. X.hide();
  8175. K(j);
  8176. U.remove();
  8177. setTimeout(function () {
  8178. T = false;
  8179. K(aj);
  8180. al.get('onClosed')
  8181. }, 1)
  8182. })
  8183. }
  8184. };
  8185. S.remove = function () {
  8186. if (!an) {
  8187. return
  8188. }
  8189. an.stop();
  8190. P[z].close();
  8191. an.stop(false, true).remove();
  8192. X.remove();
  8193. T = false;
  8194. an = null;
  8195. P('.' + u).removeData(z).removeClass(u);
  8196. P(n).unbind('click.' + Z).unbind('keydown.' + Z)
  8197. };
  8198. S.element = function () {
  8199. return P(al.el)
  8200. };
  8201. S.settings = R
  8202. }(jQuery, document, window));
  8203. (function (b) {
  8204. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  8205. define(['jquery'], b)
  8206. } else {
  8207. if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof require === 'function') {
  8208. b(require('jquery'))
  8209. } else {
  8210. b(jQuery)
  8211. }
  8212. }
  8213. }(function (e) {
  8214. var b = (function () {
  8215. return {
  8216. escapeRegExChars: function (f) {
  8217. return f.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&')
  8218. },
  8219. createNode: function (f) {
  8220. var g = document.createElement('div');
  8221. g.className = f;
  8222. = 'absolute';
  8223. = 'none';
  8224. return g
  8225. }
  8226. }
  8227. }()),
  8228. d = {
  8229. ESC: 27,
  8230. TAB: 9,
  8231. RETURN: 13,
  8232. LEFT: 37,
  8233. UP: 38,
  8234. RIGHT: 39,
  8235. DOWN: 40
  8236. };
  8237. function c(g, f) {
  8238. var i = function () {
  8239. },
  8240. h = this,
  8241. j = {
  8242. ajaxSettings: {
  8243. },
  8244. autoSelectFirst: false,
  8245. appendTo: document.body,
  8246. serviceUrl: null,
  8247. lookup: null,
  8248. onSelect: null,
  8249. width: 'auto',
  8250. minChars: 1,
  8251. deferRequestBy: 250,
  8252. params: {
  8253. },
  8254. formatResult: c.formatResult,
  8255. delimiter: null,
  8256. zIndex: 9999,
  8257. type: 'GET',
  8258. noCache: false,
  8259. onSearchStart: i,
  8260. onSearchComplete: i,
  8261. onSearchError: i,
  8262. containerClass: 'autocomplete-suggestions',
  8263. tabDisabled: false,
  8264. dataType: 'text',
  8265. currentRequest: null,
  8266. triggerSelectOnValidInput: true,
  8267. preventBadQueries: false,
  8268. lookupFilter: function (l, k, n) {
  8269. return l.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(n) !== - 1
  8270. },
  8271. paramName: 'query',
  8272. transformResult: function (k) {
  8273. return typeof k === 'string' ? e.parseJSON(k) : k
  8274. },
  8275. showNoSuggestionNotice: false,
  8276. noSuggestionNotice: 'No results',
  8277. orientation: 'bottom',
  8278. forceFixPosition: false
  8279. };
  8280. h.element = g;
  8281. h.el = e(g);
  8282. h.suggestions = [
  8283. ];
  8284. h.badQueries = [
  8285. ];
  8286. h.selectedIndex = - 1;
  8287. h.currentValue = h.element.value;
  8288. h.intervalId = 0;
  8289. h.cachedResponse = {
  8290. };
  8291. h.onChangeInterval = null;
  8292. h.onChange = null;
  8293. h.isLocal = false;
  8294. h.suggestionsContainer = null;
  8295. h.noSuggestionsContainer = null;
  8296. h.options = e.extend({
  8297. }, j, f);
  8298. h.classes = {
  8299. selected: 'autocomplete-selected',
  8300. suggestion: 'autocomplete-suggestion'
  8301. };
  8302. h.hint = null;
  8303. h.hintValue = '';
  8304. h.selection = null;
  8305. h.initialize();
  8306. h.setOptions(f)
  8307. }
  8308. c.utils = b;
  8309. e.Autocomplete = c;
  8310. c.formatResult = function (f, g) {
  8311. var h = '(' + b.escapeRegExChars(g) + ')';
  8312. return f.value.replace(new RegExp(h, 'gi'), '<strong>$1</strong>')
  8313. };
  8314. c.prototype = {
  8315. killerFn: null,
  8316. initialize: function () {
  8317. var i = this,
  8318. j = '.' + i.classes.suggestion,
  8319. h = i.classes.selected,
  8320. g = i.options,
  8321. f;
  8322. i.element.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
  8323. i.killerFn = function (k) {
  8324. if (e('.' + i.options.containerClass).length === 0) {
  8325. i.killSuggestions();
  8326. i.disableKillerFn()
  8327. }
  8328. };
  8329. i.noSuggestionsContainer = e('<div class="autocomplete-no-suggestion"></div>').html(this.options.noSuggestionNotice).get(0);
  8330. i.suggestionsContainer = c.utils.createNode(g.containerClass);
  8331. f = e(i.suggestionsContainer);
  8332. f.appendTo(g.appendTo);
  8333. if (g.width !== 'auto') {
  8334. f.width(g.width)
  8335. }
  8336. f.on('mouseover.autocomplete', j, function () {
  8337. i.activate(e(this).data('index'))
  8338. });
  8339. f.on('mouseout.autocomplete', function () {
  8340. i.selectedIndex = - 1;
  8341. f.children('.' + h).removeClass(h)
  8342. });
  8343. f.on('click.autocomplete', j, function () {
  8345. });
  8346. i.fixPositionCapture = function () {
  8347. if (i.visible) {
  8348. i.fixPosition()
  8349. }
  8350. };
  8351. e(window).on('resize.autocomplete', i.fixPositionCapture);
  8352. i.el.on('keydown.autocomplete', function (k) {
  8353. i.onKeyPress(k)
  8354. });
  8355. i.el.on('keyup.autocomplete', function (k) {
  8356. i.onKeyUp(k)
  8357. });
  8358. i.el.on('blur.autocomplete', function () {
  8359. i.onBlur()
  8360. });
  8361. i.el.on('focus.autocomplete', function () {
  8362. i.onFocus()
  8363. });
  8364. i.el.on('change.autocomplete', function (k) {
  8365. i.onKeyUp(k)
  8366. })
  8367. },
  8368. onFocus: function () {
  8369. var f = this;
  8370. f.fixPosition();
  8371. if (f.options.minChars <= f.el.val().length) {
  8372. f.onValueChange()
  8373. }
  8374. },
  8375. onBlur: function () {
  8376. this.enableKillerFn()
  8377. },
  8378. setOptions: function (h) {
  8379. var g = this,
  8380. f = g.options;
  8381. e.extend(f, h);
  8382. g.isLocal = e.isArray(f.lookup);
  8383. if (g.isLocal) {
  8384. f.lookup = g.verifySuggestionsFormat(f.lookup)
  8385. }
  8386. f.orientation = g.validateOrientation(f.orientation, 'bottom');
  8387. e(g.suggestionsContainer).css({
  8388. 'max-height': f.maxHeight + 'px',
  8389. width: f.width + 'px',
  8390. 'z-index': f.zIndex
  8391. })
  8392. },
  8393. clearCache: function () {
  8394. this.cachedResponse = {
  8395. };
  8396. this.badQueries = [
  8397. ]
  8398. },
  8399. clear: function () {
  8400. this.clearCache();
  8401. this.currentValue = '';
  8402. this.suggestions = [
  8403. ]
  8404. },
  8405. disable: function () {
  8406. var f = this;
  8407. f.disabled = true;
  8408. clearInterval(f.onChangeInterval);
  8409. if (f.currentRequest) {
  8410. f.currentRequest.abort()
  8411. }
  8412. },
  8413. enable: function () {
  8414. this.disabled = false
  8415. },
  8416. fixPosition: function () {
  8417. var l = this,
  8418. q = e(l.suggestionsContainer),
  8419. o = q.parent().get(0);
  8420. if (o !== document.body && !l.options.forceFixPosition) {
  8421. return
  8422. }
  8423. var g = l.options.orientation,
  8424. t = q.outerHeight(),
  8425. p = l.el.outerHeight(),
  8426. j = l.el.offset(),
  8427. r = {
  8428. top:,
  8429. left: j.left
  8430. };
  8431. if (g == 'auto') {
  8432. var i = e(window).height(),
  8433. h = e(window).scrollTop(),
  8434. n = - h + - t,
  8435. s = h + i - ( + p + t);
  8436. g = (Math.max(n, s) === n) ? 'top' : 'bottom'
  8437. }
  8438. if (g === 'top') {
  8439. += - t
  8440. } else {
  8441. += p
  8442. }
  8443. if (o !== document.body) {
  8444. var k = q.css('opacity'),
  8445. f;
  8446. if (!l.visible) {
  8447. q.css('opacity', 0).show()
  8448. }
  8449. f = q.offsetParent().offset();
  8450. -=;
  8451. r.left -= f.left;
  8452. if (!l.visible) {
  8453. q.css('opacity', k).hide()
  8454. }
  8455. }
  8456. if (l.options.width === 'auto') {
  8457. r.width = (l.el.outerWidth() - 2) + 'px'
  8458. }
  8459. q.css(r)
  8460. },
  8461. enableKillerFn: function () {
  8462. var f = this;
  8463. e(document).on('click.autocomplete', f.killerFn)
  8464. },
  8465. disableKillerFn: function () {
  8466. var f = this;
  8467. e(document).off('click.autocomplete', f.killerFn)
  8468. },
  8469. killSuggestions: function () {
  8470. var f = this;
  8471. f.stopKillSuggestions();
  8472. f.intervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
  8473. f.hide();
  8474. f.stopKillSuggestions()
  8475. }, 50)
  8476. },
  8477. stopKillSuggestions: function () {
  8478. window.clearInterval(this.intervalId)
  8479. },
  8480. isCursorAtEnd: function () {
  8481. var h = this,
  8482. g = h.el.val().length,
  8483. i = h.element.selectionStart,
  8484. f;
  8485. if (typeof i === 'number') {
  8486. return i === g
  8487. }
  8488. if (document.selection) {
  8489. f = document.selection.createRange();
  8490. f.moveStart('character', - g);
  8491. return g === f.text.length
  8492. }
  8493. return true
  8494. },
  8495. onKeyPress: function (g) {
  8496. var f = this;
  8497. if (!f.disabled && !f.visible && g.which === d.DOWN && f.currentValue) {
  8498. f.suggest();
  8499. return
  8500. }
  8501. if (f.disabled || !f.visible) {
  8502. return
  8503. }
  8504. switch (g.which) {
  8505. case d.ESC:
  8506. f.el.val(f.currentValue);
  8507. f.hide();
  8508. break;
  8509. case d.RIGHT:
  8510. if (f.hint && f.options.onHint && f.isCursorAtEnd()) {
  8511. f.selectHint();
  8512. break
  8513. }
  8514. return;
  8515. case d.TAB:
  8516. if (f.hint && f.options.onHint) {
  8517. f.selectHint();
  8518. return
  8519. }
  8520. case d.RETURN:
  8521. if (f.selectedIndex === - 1) {
  8522. f.hide();
  8523. return
  8524. }
  8526. if (g.which === d.TAB && f.options.tabDisabled === false) {
  8527. return
  8528. }
  8529. break;
  8530. case d.UP:
  8531. f.moveUp();
  8532. break;
  8533. case d.DOWN:
  8534. f.moveDown();
  8535. break;
  8536. default:
  8537. return
  8538. }
  8539. g.stopImmediatePropagation();
  8540. g.preventDefault()
  8541. },
  8542. onKeyUp: function (g) {
  8543. var f = this;
  8544. if (f.disabled) {
  8545. return
  8546. }
  8547. switch (g.which) {
  8548. case d.UP:
  8549. case d.DOWN:
  8550. return
  8551. }
  8552. clearInterval(f.onChangeInterval);
  8553. if (f.currentValue !== f.el.val()) {
  8554. f.findBestHint();
  8555. if (f.options.deferRequestBy > 0) {
  8556. f.onChangeInterval = setInterval(function () {
  8557. f.onValueChange()
  8558. }, f.options.deferRequestBy)
  8559. } else {
  8560. f.onValueChange()
  8561. }
  8562. }
  8563. },
  8564. onValueChange: function () {
  8565. var h = this,
  8566. g = h.options,
  8567. j = h.el.val(),
  8568. i = h.getQuery(j),
  8569. f;
  8570. if (h.selection && h.currentValue !== i) {
  8571. h.selection = null;
  8572. (g.onInvalidateSelection || e.noop).call(h.element)
  8573. }
  8574. clearInterval(h.onChangeInterval);
  8575. h.currentValue = j;
  8576. h.selectedIndex = - 1;
  8577. if (g.triggerSelectOnValidInput) {
  8578. f = h.findSuggestionIndex(i);
  8579. if (f !== - 1) {
  8581. return
  8582. }
  8583. }
  8584. if (i.length < g.minChars) {
  8585. h.hide()
  8586. } else {
  8587. h.getSuggestions(i)
  8588. }
  8589. },
  8590. findSuggestionIndex: function (i) {
  8591. var h = this,
  8592. g = - 1,
  8593. f = i.toLowerCase();
  8594. e.each(h.suggestions, function (k, j) {
  8595. if (j.value.toLowerCase() === f) {
  8596. g = k;
  8597. return false
  8598. }
  8599. });
  8600. return g
  8601. },
  8602. getQuery: function (g) {
  8603. var f = this.options.delimiter,
  8604. h;
  8605. if (!f) {
  8606. return g
  8607. }
  8608. h = g.split(f);
  8609. return e.trim(h[h.length - 1])
  8610. },
  8611. getSuggestionsLocal: function (l) {
  8612. var j = this,
  8613. h = j.options,
  8614. g = l.toLowerCase(),
  8615. i = h.lookupFilter,
  8616. f = parseInt(h.lookupLimit, 10),
  8617. k;
  8618. k = {
  8619. suggestions: e.grep(h.lookup, function (n) {
  8620. return i(n, l, g)
  8621. })
  8622. };
  8623. if (f && k.suggestions.length > f) {
  8624. k.suggestions = k.suggestions.slice(0, f)
  8625. }
  8626. return k
  8627. },
  8628. getSuggestions: function (j) {
  8629. var f,
  8630. h = this,
  8631. g = h.options,
  8632. k = g.serviceUrl,
  8633. n,
  8634. l,
  8635. i;
  8636. g.params[g.paramName] = j;
  8637. n = g.ignoreParams ? null : g.params;
  8638. if (, g.params) === false) {
  8639. return
  8640. }
  8641. if (h.isLocal) {
  8642. f = h.getSuggestionsLocal(j)
  8643. } else {
  8644. if (e.isFunction(k)) {
  8645. k =, j)
  8646. }
  8647. l = k + '?' + e.param(n || {
  8648. });
  8649. f = h.cachedResponse[l]
  8650. }
  8651. if (f && e.isArray(f.suggestions)) {
  8652. h.suggestions = f.suggestions;
  8653. h.suggest();
  8654., j, f.suggestions)
  8655. } else {
  8656. if (!h.isBadQuery(j)) {
  8657. if (h.currentRequest) {
  8658. h.currentRequest.abort()
  8659. }
  8660. i = {
  8661. url: k,
  8662. data: n,
  8663. type: g.type,
  8664. dataType: g.dataType
  8665. };
  8666. e.extend(i, g.ajaxSettings);
  8667. h.currentRequest = e.ajax(i).done(function (p) {
  8668. var o;
  8669. h.currentRequest = null;
  8670. o = g.transformResult(p);
  8671. h.processResponse(o, j, l);
  8672., j, o.suggestions)
  8673. }).fail(function (o, q, p) {
  8674., j, o, q, p)
  8675. })
  8676. } else {
  8677., j, [
  8678. ])
  8679. }
  8680. }
  8681. },
  8682. isBadQuery: function (g) {
  8683. if (!this.options.preventBadQueries) {
  8684. return false
  8685. }
  8686. var h = this.badQueries,
  8687. f = h.length;
  8688. while (f--) {
  8689. if (g.indexOf(h[f]) === 0) {
  8690. return true
  8691. }
  8692. }
  8693. return false
  8694. },
  8695. hide: function () {
  8696. var f = this;
  8697. f.visible = false;
  8698. f.selectedIndex = - 1;
  8699. clearInterval(f.onChangeInterval);
  8700. e(f.suggestionsContainer).hide();
  8701. f.signalHint(null)
  8702. },
  8703. suggest: function () {
  8704. if (this.suggestions.length === 0) {
  8705. if (this.options.showNoSuggestionNotice) {
  8706. this.noSuggestions()
  8707. } else {
  8708. this.hide()
  8709. }
  8710. return
  8711. }
  8712. var n = this,
  8713. t = n.options,
  8714. r = t.groupBy,
  8715. p = t.formatResult,
  8716. q = n.getQuery(n.currentValue),
  8717. o = n.classes.suggestion,
  8718. h = n.classes.selected,
  8719. f = e(n.suggestionsContainer),
  8720. k = e(n.noSuggestionsContainer),
  8721. s = t.beforeRender,
  8722. j = '',
  8723. g,
  8724. i = function (v, w) {
  8725. var u =[r];
  8726. if (g === u) {
  8727. return ''
  8728. }
  8729. g = u;
  8730. return '<div class="autocomplete-group"><strong>' + g + '</strong></div>'
  8731. },
  8732. l;
  8733. if (t.triggerSelectOnValidInput) {
  8734. l = n.findSuggestionIndex(q);
  8735. if (l !== - 1) {
  8737. return
  8738. }
  8739. }
  8740. e.each(n.suggestions, function (v, u) {
  8741. if (r) {
  8742. j += i(u, q, v)
  8743. }
  8744. j += '<div class="' + o + '" data-index="' + v + '">' + p(u, q) + '</div>'
  8745. });
  8746. this.adjustContainerWidth();
  8747. k.detach();
  8748. f.html(j);
  8749. if (t.autoSelectFirst) {
  8750. n.selectedIndex = 0;
  8751. f.children().first().addClass(h)
  8752. }
  8753. if (e.isFunction(s)) {
  8754., f)
  8755. }
  8756. n.fixPosition();
  8758. n.visible = true;
  8759. n.findBestHint()
  8760. },
  8761. noSuggestions: function () {
  8762. var h = this,
  8763. f = e(h.suggestionsContainer),
  8764. g = e(h.noSuggestionsContainer);
  8765. this.adjustContainerWidth();
  8766. g.detach();
  8767. f.empty();
  8768. f.append(g);
  8769. h.fixPosition();
  8771. h.visible = true
  8772. },
  8773. adjustContainerWidth: function () {
  8774. var i = this,
  8775. g = i.options,
  8776. h,
  8777. f = e(i.suggestionsContainer);
  8778. if (g.width === 'auto') {
  8779. h = i.el.outerWidth() - 2;
  8780. f.width(h > 0 ? h : 300)
  8781. }
  8782. },
  8783. findBestHint: function () {
  8784. var g = this,
  8785. h = g.el.val().toLowerCase(),
  8786. f = null;
  8787. if (!h) {
  8788. return
  8789. }
  8790. e.each(g.suggestions, function (k, j) {
  8791. var l = j.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(h) === 0;
  8792. if (l) {
  8793. f = j
  8794. }
  8795. return !l
  8796. });
  8797. g.signalHint(f)
  8798. },
  8799. signalHint: function (g) {
  8800. var f = '',
  8801. h = this;
  8802. if (g) {
  8803. f = h.currentValue + g.value.substr(h.currentValue.length)
  8804. }
  8805. if (h.hintValue !== f) {
  8806. h.hintValue = f;
  8807. h.hint = g;
  8808. (this.options.onHint || e.noop) (f)
  8809. }
  8810. },
  8811. verifySuggestionsFormat: function (f) {
  8812. if (f.length && typeof f[0] === 'string') {
  8813. return, function (g) {
  8814. return {
  8815. value: g,
  8816. data: null
  8817. }
  8818. })
  8819. }
  8820. return f
  8821. },
  8822. validateOrientation: function (f, g) {
  8823. f = e.trim(f || '').toLowerCase();
  8824. if (e.inArray(f, [
  8825. 'auto',
  8826. 'bottom',
  8827. 'top'
  8828. ]) === - 1) {
  8829. f = g
  8830. }
  8831. return f
  8832. },
  8833. processResponse: function (f, g, j) {
  8834. var i = this,
  8835. h = i.options;
  8836. f.suggestions = i.verifySuggestionsFormat(f.suggestions);
  8837. if (!h.noCache) {
  8838. i.cachedResponse[j] = f;
  8839. if (h.preventBadQueries && f.suggestions.length === 0) {
  8840. i.badQueries.push(g)
  8841. }
  8842. }
  8843. if (g !== i.getQuery(i.currentValue)) {
  8844. return
  8845. }
  8846. i.suggestions = f.suggestions;
  8847. i.suggest()
  8848. },
  8849. activate: function (g) {
  8850. var j = this,
  8851. k,
  8852. i = j.classes.selected,
  8853. f = e(j.suggestionsContainer),
  8854. h = f.find('.' + j.classes.suggestion);
  8855. f.find('.' + i).removeClass(i);
  8856. j.selectedIndex = g;
  8857. if (j.selectedIndex !== - 1 && h.length > j.selectedIndex) {
  8858. k = h.get(j.selectedIndex);
  8859. e(k).addClass(i);
  8860. return k
  8861. }
  8862. return null
  8863. },
  8864. selectHint: function () {
  8865. var g = this,
  8866. f = e.inArray(g.hint, g.suggestions);
  8868. },
  8869. select: function (f) {
  8870. var g = this;
  8871. g.hide();
  8872. g.onSelect(f)
  8873. },
  8874. moveUp: function () {
  8875. var f = this;
  8876. if (f.selectedIndex === - 1) {
  8877. return
  8878. }
  8879. if (f.selectedIndex === 0) {
  8880. e(f.suggestionsContainer).children().first().removeClass(f.classes.selected);
  8881. f.selectedIndex = - 1;
  8882. f.el.val(f.currentValue);
  8883. f.findBestHint();
  8884. return
  8885. }
  8886. f.adjustScroll(f.selectedIndex - 1)
  8887. },
  8888. moveDown: function () {
  8889. var f = this;
  8890. if (f.selectedIndex === (f.suggestions.length - 1)) {
  8891. return
  8892. }
  8893. f.adjustScroll(f.selectedIndex + 1)
  8894. },
  8895. adjustScroll: function (f) {
  8896. var h = this,
  8897. l = h.activate(f);
  8898. if (!l) {
  8899. return
  8900. }
  8901. var g,
  8902. j,
  8903. k,
  8904. i = e(l).outerHeight();
  8905. g = l.offsetTop;
  8906. j = e(h.suggestionsContainer).scrollTop();
  8907. k = j + h.options.maxHeight - i;
  8908. if (g < j) {
  8909. e(h.suggestionsContainer).scrollTop(g)
  8910. } else {
  8911. if (g > k) {
  8912. e(h.suggestionsContainer).scrollTop(g - h.options.maxHeight + i)
  8913. }
  8914. }
  8915. h.el.val(h.getValue(h.suggestions[f].value));
  8916. h.signalHint(null)
  8917. },
  8918. onSelect: function (g) {
  8919. var i = this,
  8920. h = i.options.onSelect,
  8921. f = i.suggestions[g];
  8922. i.currentValue = i.getValue(f.value);
  8923. if (i.currentValue !== i.el.val()) {
  8924. i.el.val(i.currentValue)
  8925. }
  8926. i.signalHint(null);
  8927. i.suggestions = [
  8928. ];
  8929. i.selection = f;
  8930. if (e.isFunction(h)) {
  8931., f)
  8932. }
  8933. },
  8934. getValue: function (i) {
  8935. var h = this,
  8936. f = h.options.delimiter,
  8937. g,
  8938. j;
  8939. if (!f) {
  8940. return i
  8941. }
  8942. g = h.currentValue;
  8943. j = g.split(f);
  8944. if (j.length === 1) {
  8945. return i
  8946. }
  8947. return g.substr(0, g.length - j[j.length - 1].length) + i
  8948. },
  8949. dispose: function () {
  8950. var f = this;
  8952. f.disableKillerFn();
  8953. e(window).off('resize.autocomplete', f.fixPositionCapture);
  8954. e(f.suggestionsContainer).remove()
  8955. }
  8956. };
  8957. e.fn.autocomplete = e.fn.devbridgeAutocomplete = function (g, f) {
  8958. var h = 'autocomplete';
  8959. if (arguments.length === 0) {
  8960. return this.first().data(h)
  8961. }
  8962. return this.each(function () {
  8963. var j = e(this),
  8964. i =;
  8965. if (typeof g === 'string') {
  8966. if (i && typeof i[g] === 'function') {
  8967. i[g](f)
  8968. }
  8969. } else {
  8970. if (i && i.dispose) {
  8971. i.dispose()
  8972. }
  8973. i = new c(this, g);
  8974., i)
  8975. }
  8976. })
  8977. }
  8978. })); + function (e) {
  8979. var f = function (h, g) {
  8980. this.$element = e(h);
  8981. this.options = e.extend({
  8982. }, f.DEFAULTS, g);
  8983. this.$trigger = e(this.options.trigger).filter('[href="#' + + '"], [data-target="#' + + '"]');
  8984. this.transitioning = null;
  8985. if (this.options.parent) {
  8986. this.$parent = this.getParent()
  8987. } else {
  8988. this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.$element, this.$trigger)
  8989. }
  8990. if (this.options.toggle) {
  8991. this.toggle()
  8992. }
  8993. };
  8994. f.VERSION = '3.3.1';
  8995. f.TRANSITION_DURATION = 350;
  8996. f.DEFAULTS = {
  8997. toggle: true,
  8998. trigger: '[data-toggle="collapse"]'
  8999. };
  9000. f.prototype.dimension = function () {
  9001. var g = this.$element.hasClass('width');
  9002. return g ? 'width' : 'height'
  9003. };
  9004. = function () {
  9005. if (this.transitioning || this.$element.hasClass('in')) {
  9006. return
  9007. }
  9008. var i;
  9009. var k = this.$parent && this.$parent.children('.panel').children('.in, .collapsing');
  9010. if (k && k.length) {
  9011. i ='bs.collapse');
  9012. if (i && i.transitioning) {
  9013. return
  9014. }
  9015. }
  9016. var h = e.Event('');
  9017. this.$element.trigger(h);
  9018. if (h.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  9019. return
  9020. }
  9021. if (k && k.length) {
  9022., 'hide');
  9023. i ||'bs.collapse', null)
  9024. }
  9025. var l = this.dimension();
  9026. this.$element.removeClass('collapse').addClass('collapsing') [l](0).attr('aria-expanded', true);
  9027. this.$trigger.removeClass('collapsed').attr('aria-expanded', true);
  9028. this.transitioning = 1;
  9029. var g = function () {
  9030. this.$element.removeClass('collapsing').addClass('collapse in') [l]('');
  9031. this.transitioning = 0;
  9032. this.$element.trigger('')
  9033. };
  9034. if (! {
  9035. return
  9036. }
  9037. var j = e.camelCase(['scroll',
  9038. l].join('-'));
  9039. this.$'bsTransitionEnd', e.proxy(g, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(f.TRANSITION_DURATION) [l](this.$element[0][j])
  9040. };
  9041. f.prototype.hide = function () {
  9042. if (this.transitioning || !this.$element.hasClass('in')) {
  9043. return
  9044. }
  9045. var h = e.Event('');
  9046. this.$element.trigger(h);
  9047. if (h.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  9048. return
  9049. }
  9050. var i = this.dimension();
  9051. this.$element[i](this.$element[i]()) [0].offsetHeight;
  9052. this.$element.addClass('collapsing').removeClass('collapse in').attr('aria-expanded', false);
  9053. this.$trigger.addClass('collapsed').attr('aria-expanded', false);
  9054. this.transitioning = 1;
  9055. var g = function () {
  9056. this.transitioning = 0;
  9057. this.$element.removeClass('collapsing').addClass('collapse').trigger('')
  9058. };
  9059. if (! {
  9060. return
  9061. }
  9062. this.$element[i](0).one('bsTransitionEnd', e.proxy(g, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(f.TRANSITION_DURATION)
  9063. };
  9064. f.prototype.toggle = function () {
  9065. this[this.$element.hasClass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show']()
  9066. };
  9067. f.prototype.getParent = function () {
  9068. return e(this.options.parent).find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]').each(e.proxy(function (j, h) {
  9069. var g = e(h);
  9070. this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(d(g), g)
  9071. }, this)).end()
  9072. };
  9073. f.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function (h, g) {
  9074. var i = h.hasClass('in');
  9075. h.attr('aria-expanded', i);
  9076. g.toggleClass('collapsed', !i).attr('aria-expanded', i)
  9077. };
  9078. function d(g) {
  9079. var h;
  9080. var i = g.attr('data-target') || (h = g.attr('href')) && h.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '');
  9081. return e(i)
  9082. }
  9083. function c(g) {
  9084. return this.each(function () {
  9085. var j = e(this);
  9086. var i ='bs.collapse');
  9087. var h = e.extend({
  9088. }, f.DEFAULTS,, typeof g == 'object' && g);
  9089. if (!i && h.toggle && g == 'show') {
  9090. h.toggle = false
  9091. }
  9092. if (!i) {
  9093.'bs.collapse', (i = new f(this, h)))
  9094. }
  9095. if (typeof g == 'string') {
  9096. i[g]()
  9097. }
  9098. })
  9099. }
  9100. var b = e.fn.collapse;
  9101. e.fn.collapse = c;
  9102. e.fn.collapse.Constructor = f;
  9103. e.fn.collapse.noConflict = function () {
  9104. e.fn.collapse = b;
  9105. return this
  9106. };
  9107. e(document).on('', '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function (k) {
  9108. var j = e(this);
  9109. if (!j.attr('data-target')) {
  9110. k.preventDefault()
  9111. }
  9112. var g = d(j);
  9113. var i ='bs.collapse');
  9114. var h = i ? 'toggle' : e.extend({
  9115. },, {
  9116. trigger: this
  9117. });
  9118., h)
  9119. })
  9120. }(jQuery); + function (f) {
  9121. var e = '[data-dismiss="alert"]';
  9122. var c = function (g) {
  9123. f(g).on('click', e, this.close)
  9124. };
  9125. c.VERSION = '3.3.7';
  9126. c.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150;
  9127. c.prototype.close = function (k) {
  9128. var j = f(this);
  9129. var h = j.attr('data-target');
  9130. if (!h) {
  9131. h = j.attr('href');
  9132. h = h && h.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '')
  9133. }
  9134. var i = f(h === '#' ? [
  9135. ] : h);
  9136. if (k) {
  9137. k.preventDefault()
  9138. }
  9139. if (!i.length) {
  9140. i = j.closest('.alert')
  9141. }
  9142. i.trigger(k = f.Event(''));
  9143. if (k.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  9144. return
  9145. }
  9146. i.removeClass('in');
  9147. function g() {
  9148. i.detach().trigger('').remove()
  9149. }
  9150. && i.hasClass('fade') ?'bsTransitionEnd', g).emulateTransitionEnd(c.TRANSITION_DURATION) : g()
  9151. };
  9152. function d(g) {
  9153. return this.each(function () {
  9154. var i = f(this);
  9155. var h ='bs.alert');
  9156. if (!h) {
  9157.'bs.alert', (h = new c(this)))
  9158. }
  9159. if (typeof g == 'string') {
  9160. h[g].call(i)
  9161. }
  9162. })
  9163. }
  9164. var b = f.fn.alert;
  9165. f.fn.alert = d;
  9166. f.fn.alert.Constructor = c;
  9167. f.fn.alert.noConflict = function () {
  9168. f.fn.alert = b;
  9169. return this
  9170. };
  9171. f(document).on('', e, c.prototype.close)
  9172. }(jQuery); function displayAlert(c, d, b) {
  9173. $(c).html('<div class="alert alert-' + d + '"><a href="#0" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</a>' + b + '</div>')
  9174. }
  9175. + function (i) {
  9176. var f = '.dropdown-backdrop';
  9177. var c = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]';
  9178. var b = function (j) {
  9179. i(j).on('', this.toggle)
  9180. };
  9181. b.VERSION = '3.3.7';
  9182. function g(l) {
  9183. var j = l.attr('data-target');
  9184. if (!j) {
  9185. j = l.attr('href');
  9186. j = j && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(j) && j.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '')
  9187. }
  9188. var k = j && i(j);
  9189. return k && k.length ? k : l.parent()
  9190. }
  9191. function e(j) {
  9192. if (j && j.which === 3) {
  9193. return
  9194. }
  9195. i(f).remove();
  9196. i(c).each(function () {
  9197. var n = i(this);
  9198. var l = g(n);
  9199. var k = {
  9200. relatedTarget: this
  9201. };
  9202. if (!l.hasClass('open')) {
  9203. return
  9204. }
  9205. if (j && j.type == 'click' && /input|textarea/i.test( && i.contains(l[0], {
  9206. return
  9207. }
  9208. l.trigger(j = i.Event('', k));
  9209. if (j.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  9210. return
  9211. }
  9212. n.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
  9213. l.removeClass('open').trigger(i.Event('', k))
  9214. })
  9215. }
  9216. b.prototype.toggle = function (o) {
  9217. var n = i(this);
  9218. if ('.disabled, :disabled')) {
  9219. return
  9220. }
  9221. var l = g(n);
  9222. var k = l.hasClass('open');
  9223. e();
  9224. if (!k) {
  9225. if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && !l.closest('.navbar-nav').length) {
  9226. i(document.createElement('div')).addClass('dropdown-backdrop').insertAfter(i(this)).on('click', e)
  9227. }
  9228. var j = {
  9229. relatedTarget: this
  9230. };
  9231. l.trigger(o = i.Event('', j));
  9232. if (o.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  9233. return
  9234. }
  9235. n.trigger('focus').attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
  9236. l.toggleClass('open').trigger(i.Event('', j))
  9237. }
  9238. return false
  9239. };
  9240. b.prototype.keydown = function (o) {
  9241. if (!/(38|40|27|32)/.test(o.which) || /input|textarea/i.test( {
  9242. return
  9243. }
  9244. var n = i(this);
  9245. o.preventDefault();
  9246. o.stopPropagation();
  9247. if ('.disabled, :disabled')) {
  9248. return
  9249. }
  9250. var l = g(n);
  9251. var k = l.hasClass('open');
  9252. if (!k && o.which != 27 || k && o.which == 27) {
  9253. if (o.which == 27) {
  9254. l.find(c).trigger('focus')
  9255. }
  9256. return n.trigger('click')
  9257. }
  9258. var p = ' li:not(.disabled):visible a';
  9259. var q = l.find('.dropdown-menu' + p);
  9260. if (!q.length) {
  9261. return
  9262. }
  9263. var j = q.index(;
  9264. if (o.which == 38 && j > 0) {
  9265. j--
  9266. }
  9267. if (o.which == 40 && j < q.length - 1) {
  9268. j++
  9269. }
  9270. if (!~j) {
  9271. j = 0
  9272. }
  9273. q.eq(j).trigger('focus')
  9274. };
  9275. function h(j) {
  9276. return this.each(function () {
  9277. var l = i(this);
  9278. var k ='bs.dropdown');
  9279. if (!k) {
  9280.'bs.dropdown', (k = new b(this)))
  9281. }
  9282. if (typeof j == 'string') {
  9283. k[j].call(l)
  9284. }
  9285. })
  9286. }
  9287. var d = i.fn.dropdown;
  9288. i.fn.dropdown = h;
  9289. i.fn.dropdown.Constructor = b;
  9290. i.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function () {
  9291. i.fn.dropdown = d;
  9292. return this
  9293. };
  9294. i(document).on('', e).on('', '.dropdown form', function (j) {
  9295. j.stopPropagation()
  9296. }).on('', c, b.prototype.toggle).on('', c, b.prototype.keydown).on('', '.dropdown-menu', b.prototype.keydown)
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  9302. }
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  9307. if (c !== null && c[1] <= 6) {
  9308. return true
  9309. }
  9310. }
  9311. try {
  9312. onerror = this.onError
  9313. } catch (b) {
  9314. }
  9315. }; _vsnr.prototype.debug = false; _vsnr.prototype.prefixes = {
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  9321. 'en',
  9322. 'de',
  9323. 'es'
  9324. ]; _vsnr.prototype.months = {
  9325. fr: [
  9326. 'Janvier',
  9327. 'Février',
  9328. 'Mars',
  9329. 'Avril',
  9330. 'Mai',
  9331. 'Juin',
  9332. 'Juillet',
  9333. 'Août',
  9334. 'Septembre',
  9335. 'Octobre',
  9336. 'Novembre',
  9337. 'Décembre'
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  9339. en: [
  9340. 'January',
  9341. 'February',
  9342. 'March',
  9343. 'April',
  9344. 'May',
  9345. 'June',
  9346. 'July',
  9347. 'August',
  9348. 'September',
  9349. 'October',
  9350. 'November',
  9351. 'December'
  9352. ],
  9353. de: [
  9354. 'Januar',
  9355. 'Februar',
  9356. 'März',
  9357. 'April',
  9358. 'Mai',
  9359. 'Juni',
  9360. 'Juli',
  9361. 'August',
  9362. 'September',
  9363. 'Oktober',
  9364. 'November',
  9365. 'Dezember'
  9366. ],
  9367. es: [
  9368. 'Enero',
  9369. 'Febrero',
  9370. 'Marzo',
  9371. 'Abril',
  9372. 'Mayo',
  9373. 'Junio',
  9374. 'Julio',
  9375. 'Agosto',
  9376. 'Septiembre',
  9377. 'Octubre',
  9378. 'Noviembre',
  9379. 'Diciembre'
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  9438. error: function () {
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  9443. }
  9444. return true
  9445. }; _vsnr.prototype.login = function (b, c) {
  9446. c = c || false;
  9447. $.ajax({
  9448. url: $(b).attr('action'),
  9449. method: 'post',
  9450. data: $(b).serialize(),
  9451. success: function (d) {
  9452. if (d === true) {
  9453. $.colorbox.close();
  9454. $('#login-message').html('');
  9455. _vsnr.loadFromCookie();
  9456. if (_vsnr.autoRefresh) {
  9457. if (c) {
  9458. location.href = c
  9459. } else {
  9460. location.reload()
  9461. }
  9462. return true
  9463. }
  9464. if (_vsnr.callback) {
  9465. _vsnr.callback(false)
  9466. }
  9467. } else {
  9468. displayAlert('#login-message', 'danger', d.message ? d.message : 'Une erreur est survenue lors du login (1). Veuillez réessayer ou contacter le support.');
  9469. window._uxa.push(['trackPageview',
  9470. window.location.pathname + window.location.hash.replace('#', '?__') + '?cs-login-form-error'])
  9471. }
  9472. },
  9473. error: function () {
  9474. displayAlert('#login-message', 'danger', 'Une erreur est survenue lors du login (2). Veuillez réessayer ou contacter le support.');
  9475. window._uxa.push(['trackPageview',
  9476. window.location.pathname + window.location.hash.replace('#', '?__') + '?cs-login-form-error'])
  9477. }
  9478. });
  9479. return false
  9480. }; _vsnr.prototype.ajaxSubmit = function (e, c, b) {
  9481. var d = '.message';
  9482. c = c || false;
  9483. b = b || false;
  9484. msgbox = $(e).find(d);
  9485. if (msgbox) {
  9486. d = '#' + msgbox.attr('id')
  9487. }
  9488. $.ajax({
  9489. url: $(e).attr('action'),
  9490. method: 'post',
  9491. data: $(e).serialize(),
  9492. success: function (f) {
  9493. if (f.error || f.message) {
  9494. displayAlert(d, f.error ? 'danger' : 'success', f.error ? f.error : f.message)
  9495. }
  9496. if (c) {
  9497. c(e, f)
  9498. }
  9499. },
  9500. error: function () {
  9501. displayAlert(d, 'danger', 'Une erreur est survenue. Veuillez réessayer ou contacter le support.');
  9502. if (b) {
  9503. b(e)
  9504. }
  9505. }
  9506. });
  9507. return false
  9508. }; _vsnr.prototype.onError = function (h, c, o, f) {
  9509. var j,
  9510. d = [
  9511. ],
  9512. k = new Image(),
  9513. b = '',
  9514. n = document.currentScript || false,
  9515. g = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
  9516. f = f || '_';
  9517. try {
  9518. if (c.indexOf(document.location.protocol + '//' + !== 0) {
  9519. return false
  9520. }
  9521. o = o.toString();
  9522. d = {
  9523. load: {
  9524. v: o,
  9525. s: 'Error loading script'
  9526. },
  9527. gat: {
  9528. v: h,
  9529. s: '_gat'
  9530. },
  9531. ga: {
  9532. v: h,
  9533. s: 'GA_google'
  9534. },
  9535. gs: {
  9536. v: h,
  9537. s: 'GS_google'
  9538. }
  9539. };
  9540. for (j in d) {
  9541. if (d[j].v.indexOf(d[j].s) !== - 1) {
  9542. return false
  9543. }
  9544. }
  9545. if (n) {
  9546. if (!n.src) {
  9547. h += ', script=' + n.innerText
  9548. } else {
  9549. h += ', script=' + n.src + '@' + o + ':' + f
  9550. }
  9551. } else {
  9552. for (j in g) {
  9553. if (g[j].src && g[j].src.indexOf( === - 1 && g[j].src.indexOf('google') === - 1) {
  9554. h += ', src=' + g[j].src
  9555. }
  9556. }
  9557. }
  9558. b = '/_?f=' + encodeURIComponent(c) + '&l=' + encodeURIComponent(o) + '&c=' + encodeURIComponent(f) + '&u=' + encodeURIComponent(navigator.userAgent) + '&e=' + encodeURIComponent(h);
  9559. if (b.length > 1024) {
  9560. k.src = b.substring(0, 1024)
  9561. } else {
  9562. k.src = b
  9563. }
  9564. } catch (l) {
  9565. if (_vsnr.debug && (typeof console) !== 'undefined') {
  9566. console.log(l)
  9567. }
  9568. }
  9569. onerror = function () {
  9570. return false
  9571. };
  9572. return false
  9573. }; var _vsnrEndless = function (d, e) {
  9574. this.form = $('#' + d);
  9575. this.list = $('#' + this.form.attr('data-list'));
  9576. = this.form.children('input[name="page"]').first();
  9578. if (e) {
  9579. this.callback = e
  9580. }
  9581. var c = this;
  9582. $(window).scroll(function () {
  9583. c.scroll()
  9584. });
  9585. this.counts = this.list.find('.filters-count').length ? $.parseJSON(this.list.find('.filters-count').html()) : [
  9586. ];
  9587. if (this.callback) {
  9588. this.callback(this.list)
  9589. }
  9590. var b = this.form.find('input:checked');
  9591. if (b.length) {
  9592. this.scroll('reset', b)
  9593. }
  9594. }; _vsnrEndless.prototype.callback = false; _vsnrEndless.prototype.form = false; _vsnrEndless.prototype.list = false; = false; _vsnrEndless.prototype.end = false; _vsnrEndless.prototype.running = false; _vsnrEndless.prototype.started = false; _vsnrEndless.prototype.toggle = false; _vsnrEndless.prototype.filters = [
  9595. ]; _vsnrEndless.prototype.counts = [
  9596. ]; _vsnrEndless.prototype.csTracking = ''; _vsnrEndless.prototype.scroll = function (e, i) {
  9597. switch (e) {
  9598. case 'cs':
  9599. this.csTracking = this.form.find('input[name="order"]').val() || '_nosort';
  9600. return false;
  9601. case 'reset':
  9602. this.end = false;
  9603. this.started = false;
  9605. this.list.html('<div class="firstpage-loader"><img src="../resources/ajax-loader/1425651665.gif"/></div>');
  9606. if (i) {
  9607. i.each(function () {
  9608. var f = $(this).parent();
  9609. if (f && f.prop('tagName') === 'LABEL') {
  9610. if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
  9611. f.addClass('checked')
  9612. } else {
  9613. f.removeClass('checked')
  9614. }
  9615. }
  9616. })
  9617. }
  9618. break;
  9619. case 'start':
  9620. this.started = true;
  9621. break;
  9622. default:
  9623. e = 'scroll'
  9624. }
  9625. if (this.running === true || e === 'scroll' && ($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() + 500 < $(document).height() || !this.started) || this.end === true) {
  9626. return false
  9627. }
  9628. this.running = true;
  9629. var g = this;
  9630. g.form.children('.nextpage-loader').show();
  9631. if (g.csTracking) {
  9632. var c = [
  9633. ],
  9634. j = this.form.find('input[name="order"]').val(),
  9635. d = [
  9636. ],
  9637. b = [
  9638. ];
  9639. $('.left-filters input:checked').each(function () {
  9640. var f = $(this).attr('name').replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '');
  9641. if (!b[f]) {
  9642. b[f] = [
  9643. ]
  9644. }
  9645. b[f].push($(this).parent().text().toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, ''))
  9646. });
  9647. for (var h in b) {
  9648. d.push(h + '=' + b[h].join('+'))
  9649. }
  9650. if (d.length) {
  9651. c.push('cs-filterby-' + d.join('&'))
  9652. }
  9653. if (j !== g.csTracking) {
  9654. c.push('cs-orderby-' + j);
  9655. g.csTracking = '_trackall'
  9656. }
  9657. if ( > 1) {
  9658. c.push('cs-see-more')
  9659. }
  9660. if (c.length) {
  9661. window._uxa.push(['trackPageview',
  9662. window.location.pathname + window.location.hash.replace('#', '?__') + '?' + c.join('?')])
  9663. }
  9664. }
  9665. $.ajax({
  9666. url: g.form.attr('action'),
  9667. method: 'get',
  9668. data: g.form.serialize(),
  9669. success: function (f) {
  9670. if ( < 2) {
  9671. g.list.html('')
  9672. }
  9673. + 1);
  9674. g.list.children('.nextpage').remove();
  9675. g.list.append(f);
  9676. if (g.list.children('.nextpage').length <= 0) {
  9677. g.end = true
  9678. }
  9679. if ( < 3) {
  9680. g.counts = g.list.find('.filters-count').length ? $.parseJSON(g.list.find('.filters-count').html()) : [
  9681. ];
  9682. g.filter()
  9683. }
  9684. if (g.callback) {
  9685. g.callback(g.list)
  9686. }
  9687. g.running = false;
  9688. g.form.children('.nextpage-loader').hide()
  9689. },
  9690. error: function () {
  9691. if ( < 2) {
  9692. g.list.html('error...')
  9693. }
  9694. g.running = false;
  9695. g.end = true;
  9696. g.list.children('.nextpage').remove();
  9697. g.form.children('.nextpage-loader').hide()
  9698. }
  9699. });
  9700. return false
  9701. };
  9702. _vsnrEndless.prototype.sort = function (b) {
  9703. if (this.toggle) {
  9704. var c = b.href.replace(/.*#/, '');
  9705. this.form.children('input[name="order"]').first().val(c);
  9706. $(b).parent().children('a').hide();
  9707. $(b).show().blur();
  9708. this.scroll('reset');
  9709. $(b).prependTo($(b).parent())
  9710. } else {
  9711. $(b).parent().children('a').show()
  9712. }
  9713. this.toggle = !this.toggle;
  9714. return false
  9715. };
  9716. _vsnrEndless.prototype.filter = function (e) {
  9717. var g = 0,
  9718. c = 10,
  9719. b,
  9720. d;
  9721. if (!e) {
  9722. for (e in this.filters) {
  9723. $(e).removeClass('less');
  9724. this.filter(e)
  9725. }
  9726. }
  9727. e = $(e);
  9728. if ('a')) {
  9729. e = e.parent().parent()
  9730. }
  9731. this.filters['#' + e.attr('id')] = true;
  9732. d = e.hasClass('less') ? 'less' : 'more';
  9733. var f = this;
  9734. e.children('li:not(:last-child)').each(function () {
  9735. var i = $(this).attr('data-filter'),
  9736. h = f.counts[i] || false;
  9737. if (h && (g++ < c || d === 'less')) {
  9738. $(this).show()
  9739. } else {
  9740. $(this).hide()
  9741. }
  9742. });
  9743. b = e.children('li:last-child').first();
  9744. if (d === 'more') {
  9745. b.children('.less').hide();
  9746. b.children('.more').show();
  9747. e.addClass('less')
  9748. } else {
  9749. b.children('.less').show();
  9750. b.children('.more').hide();
  9751. e.removeClass('less')
  9752. }
  9753. if (g > c) {
  9755. } else {
  9756. b.hide()
  9757. }
  9758. return false
  9759. };
  9760. (function (b, d, c) {
  9761. if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  9762. define(['jquery'], function (e) {
  9763. c(e, b, d);
  9764. return
  9765. })
  9766. } else {
  9767. c(b.jQuery, b, d)
  9768. }
  9769. }(this, document, function (d, c, b, e) {
  9770. (function (D, M, k, s) {
  9771. var L = 'virtualMouseBindings',
  9772. g = 'virtualTouchID',
  9773. f = 'vmouseover vmousedown vmousemove vmouseup vclick vmouseout vmousecancel'.split(' '),
  9774. C = 'clientX clientY pageX pageY screenX screenY'.split(' '),
  9775. I = D.event.mouseHooks ? D.event.mouseHooks.props : [
  9776. ],
  9777. E = D.event.props.concat(I),
  9778. G = {
  9779. },
  9780. N = 0,
  9781. y = 0,
  9782. x = 0,
  9783. v = false,
  9784. Q = [
  9785. ],
  9786. n = false,
  9787. X = false,
  9788. A = 'addEventListener' in k,
  9789. z = D(k),
  9790. K = 1,
  9791. T = 0,
  9792. h,
  9793. R;
  9794. D.vmouse = {
  9795. moveDistanceThreshold: 10,
  9796. clickDistanceThreshold: 10,
  9797. resetTimerDuration: 1500
  9798. };
  9799. function w(i) {
  9800. while (i && typeof i.originalEvent !== 'undefined') {
  9801. i = i.originalEvent
  9802. }
  9803. return i
  9804. }
  9805. function o(Z, aa) {
  9806. var ai = Z.type,
  9807. aj,
  9808. ah,
  9809. ab,
  9810. Y,
  9811. af,
  9812. ae,
  9813. ad,
  9814. ac,
  9815. ag;
  9816. Z = D.Event(Z);
  9817. Z.type = aa;
  9818. aj = Z.originalEvent;
  9819. ah = D.event.props;
  9820. if (^(mouse|click)/) > - 1) {
  9821. ah = E
  9822. }
  9823. if (aj) {
  9824. for (ad = ah.length, Y; ad; ) {
  9825. Y = ah[--ad];
  9826. Z[Y] = aj[Y]
  9827. }
  9828. }
  9829. if (|up)|click/) > - 1 && !Z.which) {
  9830. Z.which = 1
  9831. }
  9832. if (^touch/) !== - 1) {
  9833. ab = w(aj);
  9834. ai = ab.touches;
  9835. af = ab.changedTouches;
  9836. ae = (ai && ai.length) ? ai[0] : ((af && af.length) ? af[0] : s);
  9837. if (ae) {
  9838. for (ac = 0, ag = C.length; ac < ag; ac++) {
  9839. Y = C[ac];
  9840. Z[Y] = ae[Y]
  9841. }
  9842. }
  9843. }
  9844. return Z
  9845. }
  9846. function V(aa) {
  9847. var Y = {
  9848. },
  9849. i,
  9850. Z;
  9851. while (aa) {
  9852. i =, L);
  9853. for (Z in i) {
  9854. if (i[Z]) {
  9855. Y[Z] = Y.hasVirtualBinding = true
  9856. }
  9857. }
  9858. aa = aa.parentNode
  9859. }
  9860. return Y
  9861. }
  9862. function H(Z, Y) {
  9863. var i;
  9864. while (Z) {
  9865. i =, L);
  9866. if (i && (!Y || i[Y])) {
  9867. return Z
  9868. }
  9869. Z = Z.parentNode
  9870. }
  9871. return null
  9872. }
  9873. function P() {
  9874. X = false
  9875. }
  9876. function q() {
  9877. X = true
  9878. }
  9879. function W() {
  9880. T = 0;
  9881. Q.length = 0;
  9882. n = false;
  9883. q()
  9884. }
  9885. function u() {
  9886. P()
  9887. }
  9888. function B() {
  9889. F();
  9890. N = setTimeout(function () {
  9891. N = 0;
  9892. W()
  9893. }, D.vmouse.resetTimerDuration)
  9894. }
  9895. function F() {
  9896. if (N) {
  9897. clearTimeout(N);
  9898. N = 0
  9899. }
  9900. }
  9901. function t(Z, aa, i) {
  9902. var Y;
  9903. if ((i && i[Z]) || (!i && H(, Z))) {
  9904. Y = o(aa, Z);
  9905. D(
  9906. }
  9907. return Y
  9908. }
  9909. function p(Y) {
  9910. var Z =, g),
  9911. i;
  9912. if (!n && (!T || T !== Z)) {
  9913. i = t('v' + Y.type, Y);
  9914. if (i) {
  9915. if (i.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  9916. Y.preventDefault()
  9917. }
  9918. if (i.isPropagationStopped()) {
  9919. Y.stopPropagation()
  9920. }
  9921. if (i.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
  9922. Y.stopImmediatePropagation()
  9923. }
  9924. }
  9925. }
  9926. }
  9927. function U(Z) {
  9928. var ab = w(Z).touches,
  9929. aa,
  9930. i,
  9931. Y;
  9932. if (ab && ab.length === 1) {
  9933. aa =;
  9934. i = V(aa);
  9935. if (i.hasVirtualBinding) {
  9936. T = K++;
  9937., g, T);
  9938. F();
  9939. u();
  9940. v = false;
  9941. Y = w(Z).touches[0];
  9942. y = Y.pageX;
  9943. x = Y.pageY;
  9944. t('vmouseover', Z, i);
  9945. t('vmousedown', Z, i)
  9946. }
  9947. }
  9948. }
  9949. function O(i) {
  9950. if (X) {
  9951. return
  9952. }
  9953. if (!v) {
  9954. t('vmousecancel', i, V(
  9955. }
  9956. v = true;
  9957. B()
  9958. }
  9959. function j(ab) {
  9960. if (X) {
  9961. return
  9962. }
  9963. var Z = w(ab).touches[0],
  9964. Y = v,
  9965. aa = D.vmouse.moveDistanceThreshold,
  9966. i = V(;
  9967. v = v || (Math.abs(Z.pageX - y) > aa || Math.abs(Z.pageY - x) > aa);
  9968. if (v && !Y) {
  9969. t('vmousecancel', ab, i)
  9970. }
  9971. t('vmousemove', ab, i);
  9972. B()
  9973. }
  9974. function l(aa) {
  9975. if (X) {
  9976. return
  9977. }
  9978. q();
  9979. var i = V(,
  9980. Y,
  9981. Z;
  9982. t('vmouseup', aa, i);
  9983. if (!v) {
  9984. Y = t('vclick', aa, i);
  9985. if (Y && Y.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  9986. Z = w(aa).changedTouches[0];
  9987. Q.push({
  9988. touchID: T,
  9989. x: Z.clientX,
  9990. y: Z.clientY
  9991. });
  9992. n = true
  9993. }
  9994. }
  9995. t('vmouseout', aa, i);
  9996. v = false;
  9997. B()
  9998. }
  9999. function J(Y) {
  10000. var Z =, L),
  10001. i;
  10002. if (Z) {
  10003. for (i in Z) {
  10004. if (Z[i]) {
  10005. return true
  10006. }
  10007. }
  10008. }
  10009. return false
  10010. }
  10011. function S() {
  10012. }
  10013. function r(i) {
  10014. var Y = i.substr(1);
  10015. return {
  10016. setup: function () {
  10017. if (!J(this)) {
  10018., L, {
  10019. })
  10020. }
  10021. var Z =, L);
  10022. Z[i] = true;
  10023. G[i] = (G[i] || 0) + 1;
  10024. if (G[i] === 1) {
  10025. z.bind(Y, p)
  10026. }
  10027. D(this).bind(Y, S);
  10028. if (A) {
  10029. G.touchstart = (G.touchstart || 0) + 1;
  10030. if (G.touchstart === 1) {
  10031. z.bind('touchstart', U).bind('touchend', l).bind('touchmove', j).bind('scroll', O)
  10032. }
  10033. }
  10034. },
  10035. teardown: function () {
  10036. --G[i];
  10037. if (!G[i]) {
  10038. z.unbind(Y, p)
  10039. }
  10040. if (A) {
  10041. --G.touchstart;
  10042. if (!G.touchstart) {
  10043. z.unbind('touchstart', U).unbind('touchmove', j).unbind('touchend', l).unbind('scroll', O)
  10044. }
  10045. }
  10046. var Z = D(this),
  10047. aa =, L);
  10048. if (aa) {
  10049. aa[i] = false
  10050. }
  10051. Z.unbind(Y, S);
  10052. if (!J(this)) {
  10053. Z.removeData(L)
  10054. }
  10055. }
  10056. }
  10057. }
  10058. for (R = 0; R < f.length; R++) {
  10059. D.event.special[f[R]] = r(f[R])
  10060. }
  10061. if (A) {
  10062. k.addEventListener('click', function (ac) {
  10063. var Z = Q.length,
  10064. ad =,
  10065. af,
  10066. ae,
  10067. ag,
  10068. ab,
  10069. Y,
  10070. aa;
  10071. if (Z) {
  10072. af = ac.clientX;
  10073. ae = ac.clientY;
  10074. h = D.vmouse.clickDistanceThreshold;
  10075. ag = ad;
  10076. while (ag) {
  10077. for (ab = 0; ab < Z; ab++) {
  10078. Y = Q[ab];
  10079. aa = 0;
  10080. if ((ag === ad && Math.abs(Y.x - af) < h && Math.abs(Y.y - ae) < h) ||, g) === Y.touchID) {
  10081. ac.preventDefault();
  10082. ac.stopPropagation();
  10083. return
  10084. }
  10085. }
  10086. ag = ag.parentNode
  10087. }
  10088. }
  10089. }, true)
  10090. }
  10091. }) (d, c, b);
  10092. (function (f) {
  10093. = {
  10094. }
  10095. }(d));
  10096. (function (g, h) {
  10097. var f = {
  10098. touch: 'ontouchend' in b
  10099. };
  10100. = || {
  10101. };
  10102. g.extend(, f);
  10103. g.extend(, f)
  10104. }(d));
  10105. (function (i, o, f) {
  10106. var g = i(b),
  10107. j =,
  10108. k = 'touchmove scroll',
  10109. p = j ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown',
  10110. n = j ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup',
  10111. h = j ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove';
  10112. i.each(('touchstart touchmove touchend tap taphold swipe swipeleft swiperight scrollstart scrollstop').split(' '), function (r, q) {
  10113. i.fn[q] = function (s) {
  10114. return s ? this.bind(q, s) : this.trigger(q)
  10115. };
  10116. if (i.attrFn) {
  10117. i.attrFn[q] = true
  10118. }
  10119. });
  10120. function l(u, r, t, q) {
  10121. var s = t.type;
  10122. t.type = r;
  10123. if (q) {
  10124. i.event.trigger(t, f, u)
  10125. } else {
  10126., t)
  10127. }
  10128. t.type = s
  10129. }
  10130. i.event.special.scrollstart = {
  10131. enabled: true,
  10132. setup: function () {
  10133. var q = this,
  10134. t = i(q),
  10135. s,
  10136. u;
  10137. function r(v, w) {
  10138. s = w;
  10139. l(q, s ? 'scrollstart' : 'scrollstop', v)
  10140. }
  10141. t.bind(k, function (v) {
  10142. if (!i.event.special.scrollstart.enabled) {
  10143. return
  10144. }
  10145. if (!s) {
  10146. r(v, true)
  10147. }
  10148. clearTimeout(u);
  10149. u = setTimeout(function () {
  10150. r(v, false)
  10151. }, 50)
  10152. })
  10153. },
  10154. teardown: function () {
  10155. i(this).unbind(k)
  10156. }
  10157. };
  10158. i.event.special.tap = {
  10159. tapholdThreshold: 750,
  10160. emitTapOnTaphold: true,
  10161. setup: function () {
  10162. var q = this,
  10163. s = i(q),
  10164. r = false;
  10165. s.bind('vmousedown', function (v) {
  10166. r = false;
  10167. if (v.which && v.which !== 1) {
  10168. return false
  10169. }
  10170. var u =,
  10171. y;
  10172. function t() {
  10173. clearTimeout(y)
  10174. }
  10175. function x() {
  10176. t();
  10177. s.unbind('vclick', w).unbind('vmouseup', t);
  10178. g.unbind('vmousecancel', x)
  10179. }
  10180. function w(z) {
  10181. x();
  10182. if (!r && u === {
  10183. l(q, 'tap', z)
  10184. } else {
  10185. if (r) {
  10186. z.preventDefault()
  10187. }
  10188. }
  10189. }
  10190. s.bind('vmouseup', t).bind('vclick', w);
  10191. g.bind('vmousecancel', x);
  10192. y = setTimeout(function () {
  10193. if (!i.event.special.tap.emitTapOnTaphold) {
  10194. r = true
  10195. }
  10196. l(q, 'taphold', i.Event('taphold', {
  10197. target: u
  10198. }))
  10199. }, i.event.special.tap.tapholdThreshold)
  10200. })
  10201. },
  10202. teardown: function () {
  10203. i(this).unbind('vmousedown').unbind('vclick').unbind('vmouseup');
  10204. g.unbind('vmousecancel')
  10205. }
  10206. };
  10207. i.event.special.swipe = {
  10208. scrollSupressionThreshold: 30,
  10209. durationThreshold: 1000,
  10210. horizontalDistanceThreshold: 30,
  10211. verticalDistanceThreshold: 30,
  10212. getLocation: function (t) {
  10213. var s = o.pageXOffset,
  10214. r = o.pageYOffset,
  10215. q = t.clientX,
  10216. u = t.clientY;
  10217. if (t.pageY === 0 && Math.floor(u) > Math.floor(t.pageY) || t.pageX === 0 && Math.floor(q) > Math.floor(t.pageX)) {
  10218. q = q - s;
  10219. u = u - r
  10220. } else {
  10221. if (u < (t.pageY - r) || q < (t.pageX - s)) {
  10222. q = t.pageX - s;
  10223. u = t.pageY - r
  10224. }
  10225. }
  10226. return {
  10227. x: q,
  10228. y: u
  10229. }
  10230. },
  10231. start: function (r) {
  10232. var s = r.originalEvent.touches ? r.originalEvent.touches[0] : r,
  10233. q = i.event.special.swipe.getLocation(s);
  10234. return {
  10235. time: (new Date()).getTime(),
  10236. coords: [
  10237. q.x,
  10238. q.y
  10239. ],
  10240. origin: i(
  10241. }
  10242. },
  10243. stop: function (r) {
  10244. var s = r.originalEvent.touches ? r.originalEvent.touches[0] : r,
  10245. q = i.event.special.swipe.getLocation(s);
  10246. return {
  10247. time: (new Date()).getTime(),
  10248. coords: [
  10249. q.x,
  10250. q.y
  10251. ]
  10252. }
  10253. },
  10254. handleSwipe: function (u, r, q, s) {
  10255. if (r.time - u.time < i.event.special.swipe.durationThreshold && Math.abs(u.coords[0] - r.coords[0]) > i.event.special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold && Math.abs(u.coords[1] - r.coords[1]) < i.event.special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold) {
  10256. var t = u.coords[0] > r.coords[0] ? 'swipeleft' : 'swiperight';
  10257. l(q, 'swipe', i.Event('swipe', {
  10258. target: s,
  10259. swipestart: u,
  10260. swipestop: r
  10261. }), true);
  10262. l(q, t, i.Event(t, {
  10263. target: s,
  10264. swipestart: u,
  10265. swipestop: r
  10266. }), true);
  10267. return true
  10268. }
  10269. return false
  10270. },
  10271. eventInProgress: false,
  10272. setup: function () {
  10273. var s,
  10274. q = this,
  10275. t = i(q),
  10276. r = {
  10277. };
  10278. s =, 'mobile-events');
  10279. if (!s) {
  10280. s = {
  10281. length: 0
  10282. };
  10283., 'mobile-events', s)
  10284. }
  10285. s.length++;
  10286. s.swipe = r;
  10287. r.start = function (w) {
  10288. if (i.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress) {
  10289. return
  10290. }
  10291. i.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = true;
  10292. var u,
  10293. y = i.event.special.swipe.start(w),
  10294. v =,
  10295. x = false;
  10296. r.move = function (z) {
  10297. if (!y || z.isDefaultPrevented()) {
  10298. return
  10299. }
  10300. u = i.event.special.swipe.stop(z);
  10301. if (!x) {
  10302. x = i.event.special.swipe.handleSwipe(y, u, q, v);
  10303. if (x) {
  10304. i.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = false
  10305. }
  10306. }
  10307. if (Math.abs(y.coords[0] - u.coords[0]) > i.event.special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold) {
  10308. z.preventDefault()
  10309. }
  10310. };
  10311. r.stop = function () {
  10312. x = true;
  10313. i.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = false;
  10314., r.move);
  10315. r.move = null
  10316. };
  10317. g.on(h, r.move).one(n, r.stop)
  10318. };
  10319. t.on(p, r.start)
  10320. },
  10321. teardown: function () {
  10322. var r,
  10323. q;
  10324. r =, 'mobile-events');
  10325. if (r) {
  10326. q = r.swipe;
  10327. delete r.swipe;
  10328. r.length--;
  10329. if (r.length === 0) {
  10330. i.removeData(this, 'mobile-events')
  10331. }
  10332. }
  10333. if (q) {
  10334. if (q.start) {
  10335. i(this).off(p, q.start)
  10336. }
  10337. if (q.move) {
  10338., q.move)
  10339. }
  10340. if (q.stop) {
  10341., q.stop)
  10342. }
  10343. }
  10344. }
  10345. };
  10346. i.each({
  10347. scrollstop: 'scrollstart',
  10348. taphold: 'tap',
  10349. swipeleft: 'swipe.left',
  10350. swiperight: 'swipe.right'
  10351. }, function (r, q) {
  10352. i.event.special[r] = {
  10353. setup: function () {
  10354. i(this).bind(q, i.noop)
  10355. },
  10356. teardown: function () {
  10357. i(this).unbind(q)
  10358. }
  10359. }
  10360. })
  10361. }) (d, this)
  10362. }));
  10363. var vsnrSliders = {
  10364. id: 1,
  10365. delay: 4000,
  10366. sliders: {
  10367. },
  10368. init: function () {
  10369. var g = $(this).attr('data-slider') || '',
  10370. c = $(this).find('.slider-part').first(),
  10371. f = c.find('.inner-slider').first(),
  10372. d = vsnrSliders.getInnerWidth(f);
  10373. if (!d || !c.width()) {
  10374. return
  10375. }
  10376. function e(n, i) {
  10377. return function (o) {
  10378. o.stopPropagation();
  10379. vsnrSliders.slide(n, i);
  10380. return false
  10381. }
  10382. }
  10383. var b = 'vsnr-sliders-' + (;
  10384. c.attr('id', b);
  10385. vsnrSliders.sliders[b] = {
  10386. id: b,
  10387. fade: g.indexOf('fade') !== - 1,
  10388. auto: g.indexOf('auto') !== - 1,
  10389. destroy: g.indexOf('destroy') !== - 1,
  10390. timer: false,
  10391. position: 1,
  10392. count: Math.ceil(d / c.width()),
  10393. dots: false,
  10394. jwstopper: g.indexOf('auto') !== - 1,
  10395. slider: c,
  10396. inner: f
  10397. };
  10398. var j = vsnrSliders.sliders[b];
  10399. if (j.count <= 1) {
  10400. return
  10401. }
  10402. if (j.fade) {
  10403. j.slider.css('position', 'relative');
  10404. j.inner.css('position', 'absolute')
  10405. }
  10406. if (g.indexOf('dots') !== - 1) {
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  10409. if (g.indexOf('bottomdots') !== - 1) {
  10410. l.addClass('bottom-dots')
  10411. } else {
  10412. l.addClass('top-dots')
  10413. }
  10414. for (var h = 1; h <= j.count; h++) {
  10415. l.append($('<a>').attr('href', '#').addClass(h === 1 ? 'active' : '').on('click', e(b, h)).append($('<span>')))
  10416. }
  10417. $(this).append(l)
  10418. }
  10419. var k = 'arrows';
  10420. if (g.indexOf('outside') !== - 1) {
  10421. k += ' arrow-outside'
  10422. }
  10423. if (g.indexOf('white') !== - 1) {
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  10425. }
  10426. $(this).append($('<a>').addClass(k + ' arrow-previous').attr('href', '#').on('click', e(b, 'previous')).append($('<span>')));
  10427. $(this).append($('<a>').addClass(k + ' arrow-next').attr('href', '#').on('click', e(b, 'next')).append($('<span>')));
  10428. if (!j.fade) {
  10429. $(this).find('a.arrow-previous').hide()
  10430. }
  10431. if (j.count <= 1) {
  10432. $(this).find('a.arrow-next').hide()
  10433. }
  10434. c.on('swipe', function (i) {
  10435. vsnrSliders.slide($(this).attr('id'), i.swipestart.coords[0] - i.swipestop.coords[0] > 0 ? 'next' : 'previous')
  10436. }).on('selectstart', function () {
  10437. return false
  10438. });
  10439. if ( {
  10440. c.on('mouseenter', function () {
  10441. clearTimeout(j.timer)
  10442. });
  10443. c.on('mouseleave', function () {
  10444. clearTimeout(j.timer);
  10445. if ( {
  10446. j.timer = setTimeout(function () {
  10447. vsnrSliders.slide(b, 'next', true)
  10448. }, vsnrSliders.delay)
  10449. }
  10450. });
  10451. j.timer = setTimeout(function () {
  10452. vsnrSliders.slide(b, 'next', true)
  10453. }, vsnrSliders.delay)
  10454. }
  10455. },
  10456. slide: function (g, b, f) {
  10457. var d = vsnrSliders.sliders[g],
  10458. c = 800;
  10459. f = f || false;
  10460. if (!f && {
  10461. clearTimeout(d.timer);
  10462. = false
  10463. }
  10464. if (d.jwstopper) {
  10465. _jwPlayer.pause()
  10466. }
  10467. if (d.destroy) {
  10468. d.destroy = false;
  10469. $(d.inner).children('div').first().remove();
  10470. c = 0;
  10471. if (b === 'next') {
  10472. d.position = d.count
  10473. }
  10474. }
  10475. d.count = Math.ceil(vsnrSliders.getInnerWidth(d.inner) / d.slider.width());
  10476. d.position = Math.min(d.position, d.count);
  10477. if (b === 'next') {
  10478. if (d.position >= d.count) {
  10479. d.position = 1
  10480. } else {
  10481. d.position++
  10482. }
  10483. } else {
  10484. if (b === 'previous') {
  10485. if (d.position <= 1) {
  10486. d.position = d.count
  10487. } else {
  10488. d.position--
  10489. }
  10490. } else {
  10491. d.position = Math.max(1, Math.min(d.count, b))
  10492. }
  10493. }
  10494. var e = Math.ceil(Math.max(0, Math.min(d.slider.width() * (d.position - 1), d.inner.width() - d.slider.width())));
  10495. if (d.fade) {
  10496. d.slider.fadeOut(c, function () {
  10497. d.inner.css('left', ( - 1 * e) + 'px');
  10498. d.slider.fadeIn(1000, function () {
  10499. vsnrSliders.after(d)
  10500. })
  10501. })
  10502. } else {
  10503. d.slider.animate({
  10504. scrollLeft: e
  10505. }, 800, 'swing', function () {
  10506. vsnrSliders.after(d)
  10507. })
  10508. }
  10509. },
  10510. after: function (c) {
  10511. var b = c.slider.parent();
  10512. if (c.position > 1 || c.fade) {
  10513. b.find('a.arrow-previous').show()
  10514. } else {
  10515. b.find('a.arrow-previous').hide()
  10516. }
  10517. if (c.position < c.count || c.fade) {
  10518. b.find('a.arrow-next').show()
  10519. } else {
  10520. b.find('a.arrow-next').hide()
  10521. }
  10522. if (c.dots) {
  10523. b.find('span.dots a').removeClass('active');
  10524. b.find('span.dots a:nth-child(' + c.position + ')').addClass('active')
  10525. }
  10526. if ( {
  10527. c.timer = setTimeout(function () {
  10528. vsnrSliders.slide(, 'next', true)
  10529. }, vsnrSliders.delay)
  10530. }
  10531. },
  10532. getInnerWidth: function (b) {
  10533. var c = 0;
  10534. $(b).children().each(function () {
  10535. c += $(this).width()
  10536. });
  10537. return c
  10538. },
  10539. disableAuto: function () {
  10540. for (var b in vsnrSliders.sliders) {
  10541. vsnrSliders.sliders[b].auto = false;
  10542. vsnrSliders.sliders[b].jwstopper = false
  10543. }
  10544. }
  10545. };
  10546. $(document).ready(function () {
  10547. $('.slider').each(vsnrSliders.init)
  10548. });
  10549. _vsnr.prototype.location = {
  10550. country: 'FR',
  10551. currency: 'EUR',
  10552. realCurrency: 'EUR',
  10553. rate: false,
  10554. ab: 'normal',
  10555. rates: [
  10556. ],
  10557. offset: 0,
  10558. bundles: [
  10559. ],
  10560. drop: '',
  10561. callback: function () {
  10562. var d = 0,
  10563. g = this.getDate();
  10564. if (_vsnr.isTvod() && !$.cookie('vsrnH') && $('#happy-hours-box').length) {
  10565. for (d = 0;
  10566. d < this.bundles.length; d++) {
  10567. bundle = this.bundles[d];
  10568. if (bundle.start <= && bundle.end >= && bundle.days.indexOf( > - 1 && (g.hour >= bundle.hour_start) && (g.hour <= bundle.hour_end)) {
  10569. var c = $('#happy-hours-box .from-to').first(),
  10570. f = c.html(),
  10571. b = bundle.hour_end + 1;
  10572. if (b === 24) {
  10573. b = 0
  10574. }
  10575. if (f.indexOf('START24') > - 1) {
  10576. f = f.replace(/START24/, bundle.hour_start).replace(/END24/, b)
  10577. } else {
  10578. f = f.replace(/START12/, this.toAMPM(bundle.hour_start)).replace(/END12/, this.toAMPM(b))
  10579. }
  10580. if (f.indexOf('SUFFIX') > - 1) {
  10581. f = f.replace(/SUFFIX/, (g.dayOfMonth === 1 ? 'st' : (g.dayOfMonth === 2 ? 'nd' : (g.dayOfMonth === 3 ? 'rd' : 'th'))))
  10582. }
  10583. c.html(f.replace(/STARTDAY/, bundle.day_start).replace(/STARTMONTH/, _vsnr.months[_vsnr.language][bundle.month_start - 1]).replace(/ENDDAY/, bundle.day_end).replace(/ENDMONTH/, _vsnr.months[_vsnr.language][bundle.month_end - 1]).replace(/LINE_RETURN/, '<br/>'));
  10584. $('#happy-hours-box').show();
  10585. break
  10586. }
  10587. }
  10588. }
  10589. if (this.currency !== 'EUR' && (typeof this.rates[this.currency]) !== 'undefined') {
  10590. this.rate = this.rates[this.currency]
  10591. }
  10592. this.drop = '<span>';
  10593. if ((typeof this.rates[this.currency]) !== 'undefined') {
  10594. this.drop += '<a href="#" onclick="_vsnr.location.setCurrency(\'' + this.currency + '\'); return false">' + this.rates[this.currency].symbol + '</a>'
  10595. }
  10596. for (var e in this.rates) {
  10597. if (e !== this.currency) {
  10598. this.drop += '<a href="#" onclick="_vsnr.location.setCurrency(\'' + e + '\'); return false">' + this.rates[e].symbol + '</a>'
  10599. }
  10600. }
  10601. this.drop += '</span>';
  10602. $('span.currency-drop').each(function () {
  10603. if ($(this).attr('class').indexOf('currency-dropped') !== - 1) {
  10604. return
  10605. }
  10606. $(this).addClass('currency-dropped').on('click', function () {
  10607. if ($(this).children().length === 0) {
  10608. $(this).append($(_vsnr.location.drop).mouseleave(function () {
  10609. $(this).hide()
  10610. }))
  10611. } else {
  10612. $(this).children().show()
  10613. }
  10614. }).each(function () {
  10615. _vsnr.location.fixPrice($(this))
  10616. })
  10617. });
  10618. $('.footer_ddl_torrent').hide()
  10619. },
  10620. toAMPM: function (b) {
  10621. if (b === 0) {
  10622. return '12AM'
  10623. }
  10624. if (b < 12) {
  10625. return b + 'AM'
  10626. }
  10627. if (b === 12) {
  10628. return '12PM'
  10629. }
  10630. return (b - 12) + 'PM'
  10631. },
  10632. disableHappy: function () {
  10633. $.cookie('vsrnH', 1, {
  10634. expires: 0.083,
  10635. path: '/'
  10636. });
  10637. return false
  10638. },
  10639. init: function (c) {
  10640. var d,
  10641. g;
  10642. if ($.cookie(_vsnr.prefixes.cookie + 'L')) {
  10643. try {
  10644. var b = $.parseJSON($.cookie(_vsnr.prefixes.cookie + 'L'));
  10645. = || 'FR';
  10646. this.realCurrency = b.currency || 'EUR';
  10647. this.currency = $.cookie(_vsnr.prefixes.cookie + 'M') || b.currency || '';
  10648. this.rates = b.rates || [
  10649. ];
  10650. this.offset = b.offset || 0;
  10651. this.bundles = b.bundles || [
  10652. ];
  10653. this.ab = b.ab || 'normal';
  10654. d = new Date();
  10655. if ( > d.getTime() - 7200000 && b.time > c) {
  10656. this.callback();
  10657. return true
  10658. }
  10659. } catch (f) {
  10660. }
  10661. }
  10662. this.ab = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'rollover' : 'normal';
  10663. g = new Date();
  10664. $.ajax({
  10665. url: _vsnr.getPrefix('locateAjax'),
  10666. method: 'get',
  10667. success: function (i) {
  10668. var h = new Date();
  10669. if ( && i.time > 1200000000000 && i.time < 2000000000000) {
  10670. var e = {
  10671. country:,
  10672. currency: i.currency,
  10673. rates: i.rates,
  10674. offset: i.time - h.getTime() + 0.2 * Math.min(5000, h.getTime() - g.getTime()) + i.offset + (h.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000),
  10675. time: i.time,
  10676. now: h.getTime(),
  10677. bundles: i.bundles,
  10678. ab: _vsnr.location.ab
  10679. };
  10680. =;
  10681. if (!_vsnr.location.currency) {
  10682. _vsnr.location.currency = e.currency
  10683. }
  10684. _vsnr.location.rates = e.rates;
  10685. _vsnr.location.offset = e.offset;
  10686. _vsnr.location.bundles = e.bundles;
  10687. $.cookie(_vsnr.prefixes.cookie + 'L', $.toJSON(e), {
  10688. expires: 0.125,
  10689. path: '../default.htm'
  10690. })
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  10695. error: function () {
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  10697. }
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  10699. return true
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  10701. getDate: function () {
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  10705. date: b.getFullYear() * 10000 + (b.getMonth() + 1) * 100 + b.getDate(),
  10706. hour: b.getHours(),
  10707. day: b.getDay() === 0 ? 7 : b.getDay(),
  10708. month: b.getMonth(),
  10709. dayOfMonth: b.getDate()
  10710. }
  10711. },
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  10713. $.cookie(_vsnr.prefixes.cookie + 'M', b, {
  10714. expires: 365,
  10715. path: '../default.htm'
  10716. });
  10717. top.location.reload()
  10718. },
  10719. getConvertedPrice: function (c) {
  10720. if (this.rate) {
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  10722. c = '' + (c * this.rate.rate);
  10723. var b = c.indexOf('.');
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  10725. c = c.substring(0, b + 3)
  10726. }
  10727. }
  10728. return c
  10729. },
  10730. fixPrice: function (b) {
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  10732. return
  10733. }
  10734. price = $(b).html().match(/[0-9,]+\.[0-9]+/);
  10735. if (price && price[0]) {
  10736. gotPrice = price[0].replace(/,/, '')
  10737. } else {
  10738. price = $(b).html().match(/[0-9 ]+,[0-9]+/);
  10739. if (price === null) {
  10740. price = [
  10741. '0'
  10742. ]
  10743. }
  10744. gotPrice = price[0].replace(/ /, '')
  10745. }
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  10751. $(b).html($(b).html().replace(/€/g, this.rate.symbol).replace(price[0], newPrice))
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  10764. currentAmount: 0,
  10765. couponAmount: 0,
  10766. callback: false,
  10767. init: function () {
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  10774. this.megapack = cart.megapack || false;
  10775. this.typeScene = cart.typeScene || false;
  10776. this.svodavailable = cart.svodavailable || false
  10777. }
  10778. }
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  10782. this.view();
  10783. return true
  10784. },
  10785. reset: function () {
  10786. this.add(false, false, false);
  10787. return true
  10788. },
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  10792. d = 'pack';
  10793. b = true
  10794. }
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  10796. this.value = e;
  10797. this.mode = g;
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  10799. this.typeScene = f || false;
  10800. this.svodavailable = c || false;
  10801. $.cookie(_vsnr.prefixes.cookie + 'C', $.toJSON({
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  10804. value: e,
  10805. mode: g,
  10806. typeScene: f,
  10807. svodavailable: c
  10808. }), {
  10809. expires: 365,
  10810. path: '../default.htm'
  10811. });
  10812. return true
  10813. },
  10814. switchMode: function (b) {
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  10816. if (this.mode === 'subscription') {
  10817. this.mode = 'streaming'
  10818. }
  10819. } else {
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  10832. typeScene: this.typeScene,
  10833. svodavailable: this.svodavailable
  10834. }), {
  10835. expires: 365,
  10836. path: '../default.htm'
  10837. });
  10838. return true
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  10840. view: function () {
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  10845. return false
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  10847. $.ajax({
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  10850. data: {
  10851. value: this.value,
  10852. mode: this.mode
  10853. },
  10854. success: function (b) {
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  10856. _vsnr.cart.currentAmount = b.currentAmount;
  10857. _vsnr.cart.promotionType = b.promotionType;
  10858. _vsnr.cart.withSubscription = b.withSubscription;
  10859. content = b.error ? b.error : b.content;
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  10861. if (_vsnr.cart.callback) {
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  10863. }
  10864. },
  10865. error: function () {
  10866. $('#cart').html('An error occurred')
  10867. }
  10868. });
  10869. return true
  10870. }
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  10904. b.find('div.rollover').each(function () {
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  10907. if (!_vsnr.isTouch()) {
  10908. $(this).mouseleave(function () {
  10909. var c;
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  10916. }
  10917. $(this).find('.inner .btn-view').click(function (g) {
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  10919. var h = $(this).attr('data-movie'),
  10920. c = parseInt($(this).attr('data-svod')) || 0,
  10921. d = $(this).attr('data-type') || 'streaming',
  10922. f = parseInt($(this).attr('data-scene')) || 0;
  10923. return buyMovie(h, d, f, c, true)
  10924. });
  10925. $(this).find('.inner .btn-preview').click(function (c) {
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  10927. return false
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  10933. }
  10934. })
  10935. }
  10936. })
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  10938. _vsnr.prototype.hideForCountry = function (f, i) {
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  10940. c = e[1],
  10941. h,
  10942. b = e[2].split('-'),
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  10944. d = false;
  10945. if (c === 'allowed') {
  10946. for (h in b) {
  10947. if ( === b[h]) {
  10948. g = true;
  10949. break
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  10951. }
  10952. } else {
  10953. for (h in b) {
  10954. if ( === b[h]) {
  10955. d = true;
  10956. break
  10957. }
  10958. }
  10959. }
  10960. if (c === 'allowed' && !g || c !== 'allowed' && d) {
  10961. i($(f))
  10962. }
  10963. };
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  10983. _vsnr.checkLive(true)
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  10990. if (document.referrer) {
  10991. if (^https?:..(www\.)?(dorcelvision\.eu|dorcel\.)/) !== - 1) {
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  10995. if (document./*
  10996. Exception: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
  10997. @Scratchpad/2:1
  10998. */
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  11000. undefined
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  11003. undefined
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  11006. undefined
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  11054. _vsnr.prototype.switchMode = function (b) {
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  11065. _vsnr.prototype.keepDisclaimer = function (c, b) {
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  11074. path: '../default.htm'
  11075. })
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  11077. $.cookie('agree_disclaimer', c, {
  11078. expires: 0.0007,
  11079. path: '../default.htm'
  11080. });
  11081. _vsnr.keepTimer = setTimeout(_vsnr.keepDisclaimer, 30000)
  11082. }
  11083. };
  11084. _vsnr.prototype.checkLive = function (b) {
  11085. b = b || false;
  11086. if (!_vsnr.isLogged()) {
  11087. return
  11088. }
  11089. if (b) {
  11090. setTimeout(_vsnr.checkLive, 10000);
  11091. return
  11092. }
  11093. $.ajax({
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  11098. },
  11099. error: function () {
  11100. setTimeout(_vsnr.checkLive, 120000)
  11101. }
  11102. })
  11103. };
  11104. _vsnr.prototype.isTouch = function () {
  11105. if (!navigator || !navigator.userAgent |||iPod|iPad)/i) === - 1) {
  11106. return false
  11107. }
  11108. return true
  11109. };
  11110. = function (b) {
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  11112. };
  11113. _vsnr.prototype.canDownload = function () {
  11114. if (!navigator || !navigator.userAgent |||iPod|iPad)/i) === - 1) {
  11115. return true
  11116. }
  11117. return false
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  11119. _vsnr.prototype.canAutorun = function () {
  11120. if (!navigator || !navigator.userAgent |||iPod|iPad|Android)/i) === - 1) {
  11121. return true
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  11123. return false
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  11127. return true
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  11134. md: 0,
  11135. lg: 0
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  11138. c,
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  11141. c = f[d].match(/([a-z]+)-([0-9]+)/);
  11142. if (c && c[1]) {
  11143. e[c[1]] = parseInt(c[2])
  11144. }
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  11146. if (b.length) {
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  11156. $(this).hide().removeClass('hide-download')
  11157. })
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  11159. var _vsnr = new _vsnr(_language);
  11160. function subscribeEmail(c, d) {
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  11164. b = '#' + msgbox.attr('id')
  11165. }
  11166. if ((typeof teaserBlockMovie) !== 'undefined' && d != teaserBlockMovie) {
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  11170. $('.benderkiller').val('');
  11171. $.ajax({
  11172. url: $(c).attr('action'),
  11173. method: 'post',
  11174. data: $(c).serialize(),
  11175. success: function (e) {
  11176. if (e.message) {
  11177. displayAlert(b, 'success', e.message);
  11178. if (d) {
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  11183. } else {
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  11185. displayAlert(b, 'danger', e.error)
  11186. } else {
  11187. displayAlert(b, 'danger', 'An error occurred')
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  11189. }
  11190. },
  11191. error: function () {
  11192. displayAlert(b, 'danger', 'An error occurred')
  11193. }
  11194. });
  11195. return false
  11196. }
  11197. function buyMovie(f, c, e, b, d) {
  11198. c = c || 'streaming';
  11199. e = parseInt(e) > 0 || e === true;
  11200. b = parseInt(b) > 0 || b === true;
  11201. d = d || false;
  11202. if (d) {
  11203. return true
  11204. }
  11205. _vsnr.cart.add('movie', f, c, e, b);
  11206. document.location.href = _vsnr.getPrefix('payment');
  11207. return false
  11208. }
  11209. var diapo = 0;
  11210. var diapolock = 0;
  11211. var diapomax = 0;
  11212. function diapostart(c, b) {
  11213. if (!c || !b || $('#navbar-top .navbar-toggle').is(':visible')) {
  11214. return true
  11215. }
  11216. c = parseInt(c);
  11217. b = parseInt(b);
  11218. if (c === diapolock) {
  11219. diapo = c;
  11220. diapomax = b
  11221. } else {
  11222. if (diapo !== c) {
  11223. if (diapo) {
  11224. diapostop(diapo)
  11225. }
  11226. diapo = c;
  11227. diapomax = b;
  11228. diapolock = c;
  11229. setTimeout(function () {
  11230. diapochange(c, 1)
  11231. }, 200)
  11232. }
  11233. }
  11234. return false
  11235. }
  11236. function diapostop(c, b) {
  11237. c = parseInt(c);
  11238. if (!b && diapo === c) {
  11239. diapo = 0;
  11240. diapomax = 0;
  11241. setTimeout(function () {
  11242. diapostop(c, 1)
  11243. }, 700)
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  11247. $('#diapo' + c + ' li.diapo0').show()
  11248. }
  11249. }
  11250. return false
  11251. }
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  11254. b = parseInt(b);
  11255. diapolock = 0;
  11256. if (c !== diapo) {
  11257. diapostop(c)
  11258. } else {
  11259. $('#diapo' + c + ' li').hide();
  11260. $('#diapo' + c + 'li.diapo' + b).show();
  11261. if (b >= diapomax) {
  11262. b = 1
  11263. } else {
  11264. b++
  11265. }
  11266. diapolock = c;
  11267. setTimeout(function () {
  11268. diapochange(c, b)
  11269. }, 700)
  11270. }
  11271. return false
  11272. }
  11273. function openPack(c, g) {
  11274. var h = $.parseJSON(_vsnr.colorbox),
  11275. f = 10 + 16 + 16,
  11276. b = 0,
  11277. e = '-8px',
  11278. d = $('body > div.container').first().width() + 16;
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  11282. h.height = (g.count[2] * 406 + g.count[3] * 335) + 25 + 'px';
  11283. h.onComplete = function () {
  11284. _vsnr.location.callback();
  11285. $('#all-packs span.default-price').each(function () {
  11286. _vsnr.location.fixPrice($(this))
  11287. })
  11288. }
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  11291. h.scrolling = false;
  11292. if ('sm')) {
  11293. f += 196;
  11294. b = f + 456;
  11295. if (g.movies > 5) {
  11296. b += Math.ceil((g.movies - 5) / 4) * (217 + 16)
  11297. }
  11298. } else {
  11299. f += 214;
  11300. b = f + 436;
  11301. if (g.movies > 9) {
  11302. b += Math.ceil((g.movies - 9) / 6) * (207 + 16)
  11303. }
  11304. }
  11305. if (b > $(window).height() * 0.945) {
  11306. d += 17;
  11307. e = '-16px'
  11308. }
  11309. h.height = Math.ceil(b) + 'px';
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  11311. h.onComplete = function () {
  11312. $('#pack-popup-background div').css('height', $('#pack-popup-buttons').height() + 'px');
  11313. $('#pack-popup #packMoviesList').height(($('#cboxLoadedContent').height() - f) + 'px').css('margin-right', e);
  11314. _vsnr.rollover($('#pack-popup #packMoviesList'))
  11315. }
  11316. }
  11317. $(c).colorbox(h);
  11318. return false
  11319. }
  11320. var megapackId = 0;
  11321. function hideMegapackBox() {
  11322. $('#megapack-box').hide(500);
  11323. $.cookie('vsrnMP' + megapackId, 1, {
  11324. expires: 1,
  11325. path: '../default.htm'
  11326. });
  11327. return false
  11328. }
  11329. function showMegapackBox(b) {
  11330. megapackId = b;
  11331. if (!$.cookie('vsrnMP' + megapackId) && !'xs')) {
  11332. $('#megapack-box').show()
  11333. }
  11334. }
  11335. function openEmailPreview(b) {
  11336. var c = $.parseJSON(_vsnr.colorbox);
  11337. c.href = b;
  11338. c.className = 'no-background';
  11339. c.width = '700px';
  11340. c.maxWidth = '95%';
  11341. c.height = '300px';
  11342. c.maxHeight = '95%';
  11343. c.onComplete = function () {
  11344. if (_vsnr.isLogged()) {
  11345. $('#subscribe-emailpreview').val('disabled', 'disabled');
  11346. if (_vsnr.user.emailSubscription) {
  11347. $('#emailpreview-subscription').hide()
  11348. }
  11349. }
  11350. };
  11351. $.colorbox(c);
  11352. return false
  11353. }
  11354. function launchTrailer(b) {
  11355. setTimeout(function () {
  11356. launchTrailer(b)
  11357. }, 1000);
  11358. return false
  11359. }
  11360. function launchPlayer(e, c, d, b) {
  11361. setTimeout(function () {
  11362. launchPlayer(e, c, d, b)
  11363. }, 1000);
  11364. return false
  11365. }
  11366. var match = (document.location.hash + '&').match(/affiliate=(.+?)&/),
  11367. affiliate = match && match[1] ? $.parseJSON(decodeURIComponent(match[1])) : false;
  11368. if (!affiliate && _vsnr.affiliate && !$.cookie('aff')) {
  11369. affiliate = {
  11370. aff: _vsnr.affiliate,
  11371. ref: ''
  11372. }
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  11374. if (affiliate && affiliate.aff) {
  11375. var a = document.createElement('script'),
  11376. m = document.getElementsByTagName('script') [0];
  11377. a.async = 1;
  11378. a.src = '../../' + (_vsnr.service === 'xillimite' ? 'XILL' : (_vsnr.orientation === 'strait' ? 'DVIS' : 'GAVC')) + '&aff=' + decodeURIComponent(affiliate.aff.replace(/\+/g, ' ')) + '&d=' + ((new Date()).getTime()) + '&u=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href.replace(/#.+$/, '').substr(0, 4000)) + '&r=' + encodeURIComponent(affiliate.ref.substr(0, 1000));
  11379. m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
  11380. }
  11381. $(window).ready(function () {
  11382. var b = '../../' + (_vsnr.service === 'xillimite' ? 'x' : 'd');
  11383. new Image().src = b;
  11384. if ( {
  11385. new Image().src = b + 'm'
  11386. }
  11387. });
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